BIOLOGY UBftARY J. HECTOR, M.D., C.M.G., F.R.S., DIRECTOR. xr . - c> MANUAL OF THE INDIGENOUS GRASSES OF NEW ZEALAND. BY JOHN BUCHANAN, F.L.S., LOND., BOTANIST AND DRAUGHTSMAN TO THE GEOLOGICAL SCRVHY. (Dnntmutb. WELLINGTON : PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF JAMES HUGHES, LAMBTON QUAY. l88o. / ' jf (Colonial museum & eotogtcal Stttbeg Bepartment J. HECTOR, M.D., C.M.G., F.R.S., DIRECTOR. MANUAL OF THE INDIGENOUS GRASSES OF NEW ZEALAND. BY JOHN BUCHANAN, F.L.S., LOND., BOTANIST AND DRAUGHTSMAN TO THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. WELLINGTON : PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OF JAMES HUGHES, LAMBTON QUAY. l88o. /4^ 74 BIOLOGY LIBRARY J- t PREFACE. THIS MANUAL is reproduced from the folio work on the GRASSES OF NEW ZEALAND, the preparation of which was ordered by the New Zealand Government in consequence of a resolution adopted by the House of Representatives on 2Qth June, 1876, on the motion of SIR GEORGE GREY, K.C.B., to the effect that a work on the Native Grasses of the Colony should be prepared, with nature-printed plates and descriptions of each species, and to be accompanied by an essay on the Grasses and Forage-plants likely to prove useful in New Zealand. In the course of the discussion relative to the resolution it was urged that prizes should be offered for essays on the subject, and that the best essay should be incorporated with the work ; but it was obvious that the original observation and experiment required to give value to such an essay could hardly be expected until the illustrated work was in the hands or those who although possessing a practical knowledge of the subject, might yet be unacquainted with the botanical nomenclature of the Grasses. The preparation of the systematic portion of the proposed work was, therefore, committed to this Department in January, 1877, but the actual printing could not be commenced until December of the same year. The whole of the illustrations of the large edition were drawn from nature by Mr. John Buchanan, F.L.S. To insure accuracy of form, the specimens of the various grasses were lightly inked, and faintly impressed on the prepared surface of the lithographic stone, but the details were filled in by hand, together with enlarged drawings showing the anatomical characters of the inflorescence in each species from original microscopic disections made by Mr. Buchanan, whose excel- M167137 IV. PREFACE. lent botanical knowledge, combined with his skill as a draughtsman, peculiarly fitted him for the work. The condition imposed that the plates should be nature-printed rendered it necessary in the first instance to publish the work in folio ; but, as this large size is both inconvenient and costly, only a small edition has been issued, and the present handy volume has been printed for more general distribution. The plates now given, sixty-four in number, and including eighty-seven different species and varieties of Grasses, are reductions by the process of photo-lithography from the original folio plates, and depict the Grasses as of one-half the natural size of the original specimens. The descriptive letter-press accompanying the plates is brought down to a later date in the first part of this small edition, so as to include some changes of nomenclature which have been introduced during the few years that have elapsed since the corresponding pages of the folio volume were printed. The Botanical information has been collected from the best authori- ties, but, in many instances, structural details are now furnished by Mr. Buchanan, which have not been previously published, and many of his remarks on the growth and value of the Grasses, founded on experience acquired during his twenty-seven years' residence in the Colony, possess great value, although, in view of the expected essay on this branch of the subject they have been made as brief as possible. The general system of the classification of the Grasses has been adopted from SIR JOSEPH HOOKER'S standard works on the New Zealand Flora; but the method upon which the general and specific characters have been arranged, is from a more recent work on the British Flora, by the same distinguished botanist. Whilst this work has been in press the Seventh Volume of BENTHAM AND MUELLER'S Flora Australiensis has been received, which contains a few unimportant changes of name so far as they affect those Grasses which are found to occur both in Australia and New Zealand, but it has seldom been possible to adopt these changes in the present work, as the plates with the previously accepted names of these Grasses were already printed off. To the practical farmer, for whose assistance this work is chiefly designed, the alteration of the scientific names is of comparatively little importance, but, to assist botanists in referring to PREFACE. V. the above mentioned standard work, a list of the recent alterations is appended. The specimens of the New Zealand Grasses described in this work are all preserved in the Colonial Herbarium, in Wellington ; and the sources from which they have been received are duly acknowledged in every instance when they have not been collected by Mr. Buchanan himself. As some few grasses have been discovered very recently, and by different collectors, it has been difficult to avoid the duplication of specific names in cases where they have been independently described by different authors, but the cases in which such duplication has been ascertained are recorded in the list of addenda. JAMES HECTOR, Director. Colonial Museum, January, 1880. ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA, Page 1. Ehrharta colensoi, Hook, fil., has been recently collected in the South Island, on Mount Arthur, 6000 feet altitude, by Mr. McKay, of the Geological Survey Staff, and also on the mountains above Arthur's Pass, by J. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., Auckland Museum. Ehrharta Thom- soni, Petrie, n. sp., a recent discovery by Mr. Petrie, on Stewart Island. ,, 11, line 12 from bottom for Holeus read Holcus. ,, 13. Hierochloe alpina, Rcem and Schultes. This species has been incorpor- ated with Hierochloe redolens, R. Brown, as var. Fraseri. As regards New Zealand this change appears injudicious, as they form here two distinct species without intermediate forms. ,, 21. Panicum imbecille, Trinius. This grass is now Oplismenus setarius, Roam and Schultes. ,, 29. Dichelachne stipoides, Hook. fil. This grass is now S'tipa teretifolia, Steud, being separated from Dichelachne and placed in Stipa from the awn articulating on the glume. The present species, with the recent discovery of Stipa petriei, adds a new Genus to the Order Gramineee in New Zealand. ,, 37. Sporobolus elongatus, R. Brown, is now Sporobolus indicus, R. Br. The New Zealand plant has the flowering glume 3-nerved, and more robust than that of Australia. ,, 39. Genus Agrostis. This genus must be subdivided, and all the species having a pencil or tuft of hairs rising from the base of the flowering glume should be transferred to the Genus Deyeuxia, described in p. 173 in connection with the new species D. scabra. 43. Agrostis canina, Linn., var. B., gelida, is now Agrostis muelleri, Benth. Agrostis canina. Linn., var. C., subulata, is now Agrostis subulata, Hook. fil. ,, 49. Agrostis parviflora, R. Brown, is now Agrostis scabra, Willd. ,, 51. For Agrostis cemula, R. Brown, read Deyeuxia forsteri, Kunth. ,, 51. Agrostis cemula, R. Brown, add var. c. spathacea, n. sub-spec., Berggren, Report Royal Society, Lund, 1878. ,, 53. For Agrostis pilosa, A. Rich, read Deyeuxia pilosa. ,, 53. For Agrostis billardieri, R. Brown, read Deyeuxia billardieri, Kunth. 57. For Agrostis seti/olia. Hook, fil., read Deyeuxia setifolia, Hook. fil. 59. For Agrostis avenoides, Hook, fil., read Deyeuxia avenoides. 61. For Agrostis youngii, Hook, fil., read Deyeuxia youngii. 63. For Agrostis quadriseta, R. Brown, read Deyeuxia quadriseta. 70, after No. 10 add Flowering glume with 2 tufts of hairs on each margin. 79, line 15 from bottom delete " generally the largest and." 127. Poa pusilla, Berggren, Report Royal Society, Lund, 1878. This equals Poa anceps, var. minirne, of the present work. 143. Poa sclerophylla, Berggren, Report Royal Society, Lund, 1878. This rils Poa anceps, var. e., Alpina, Hook, fil., Hand. N.Z. Flora, I. 339, Poa albida, of the present work. 151, line 2 from bottom for maratine read maratime. 153. For Poa imbecilla, Forst., read Eragrostis imbeeilla, Benth. 153. For Festuca littoralis, Labill, read Scliedonorus littoralis, Beauv. This species is not so common on the coasts of New Zealand, as a larger form, Schedonorus littoralis, var. triticoides, this variety is the Festuca triticoides, Steud ; both plants are figured on Plate LIV. 159, line 3 from bottom for chest read best. 163. For Triticum scabrum, R. Brown, read Agropyrum scabrum, Beauv. Plate XX.A., for Agrostis canina, var. B., gelida read Agrostis, Muelleri. Plate XX. B., for Agrostis canina, var. C., subulata read Agrostis, subulata. For Plate XXXIII. Danthonia flavescens read Plate XXXII. INDEX TO THE PLATES, Plate. Plate. Agrostis temula . avenoicles XXI. XXIV. A. Festuca scoparia . Glyceria stricta . LV. A. XLI. A. Billardieri XVIII. Gymnostichum gracile . LVI1I. canina . XIX. Hierochloe alpina VII. Mueller! XX. A. , , redolens VI. parviflora XX. C. Isachne australis XII. pilosa . XXII. Koeleria cristata XXXVIII. quadriseta XXVI. A. B. Microlaena avenacea III. setifolia XXIV. B. ,, poly no da IV. subulata XX. B. , , stipoides II. Youngii XXV. Panicum imbecilla XI. Alopecurus geniculatus . Apera arundinacea V. XVII. Paspalum distichum , , scrobitulatum . X. B. X. A. Arundo conspicua XXVII. Poa acicularifolia XLIX. A. ,, fulvida . XXVIII. ,, albida L. C. Bromus arenarius LVI. A. ,, anceps var. a. elata. XLIV. A. Catabrosa antarctica XLI. B. ,, anceps var. b. foliosa XLIV. B. Danthonia Australis XXXI. ,, anceps var. c. brevi- , , Buchanan! XXXV. culmis XLV. C. Cunniiighamii XXIX. ,, anceps var. d. densi- , , flavescens XXXII. flora . XLV. 1>. ,, nuda . XXXVI. A. ,, anceps var. e. debilis XLVI. E. , , ovata xxix. 2. , , anceps var. f . minime XL VI. P. ,. pauciflora XXXVI. B. ,, australis var. laevis XLVII. pilosa XXXIII ,, breviglumis . LIII. A. ,, pilosa var. race - ,, Colensoi XLVIII. B. mosa XXXIII. 2. B. ,, exigua L. B. , , pilosa var. foliosa var. a. XLII. stricta XXXIIT. 2. A. ,, foliosa var. b. XLIII. A. ,, Raoulii XXX. ,, foliosa var. c. XLIII. B. ,, semi-annularis XXXIV. ,, imbecilla LIII. B. ,, semi-annularis ,, intermedia . XLVIII. A. var. alpina . XXXIV. 2. A. Kirkii LI. B. ,, semi-annularis ,, Lindsay! LII. var. gracilis . XXXIV. 2. B. Macayi LI. A. ,, Thomson!! (ad- ,, pygmaea L. A. denda) xxxvi. 2. ,, uniflora XLIX. B. Deschampsia caespitosa . XXXVII. Spinif ex hirsutus ( Male) . VIII. Deyeuxia scabra (ad- ,, (Female) IX. denda) xxvi. 2. Sporobolus elongatus XVIII. Dichelachne crinita XV. Trisetum antarcticum XXXIX. , , sciurea XVI. , , subspicatum . XL. A. ,, stipoides XIV. ,, Youngi XL. B. Echinopogon ovatus XIII. B. Triticum multiflorum LVI. B. Ehrharta Colensoi I. ,, scabrum LVII. A. Festuca duriuscula LV. B. ,, ,, var. tenue LVII. B. Festuca (Schedonorus) lit- Stipa Petriei (addenda) . XVII. 2. toralis var. triticoides LIV. Zoysia pungens . XIII. A. INDEX TO THE GENERA AND SPECIES, [THE SYNONYMS ARE PRINTED IN ITALICS.] PAGK. Achnatherum conspicuum - 65 Arundo - - Agropyrum scabnim Agrostis - 165 39 eonspicua - fulvida ~ semula 51 semi-annularix - antarctica - 41 triodioides - . aucklandica 93 Bromidium quadrisetnm australls 65 Bromus - . avenoides - 59 arenarius . Billardieri - 53 australis . canina 43 Calamagrostix eonspicua eonspicua 65 rudis . contracta 173 Catabrosa . crinita 31 antarctica - . decipiens 173 Cinna decipiens - - elatior 63 ovata - Forsteri 51 Danthonia . gelida 45 antarctica - . leptostacliys - 51 australis Lyallii 51 Buchanani - . Mueller! 45 Cunningham ii ovata 27 eriantha . parviflora - pilosa 49 53 flavescens - gracilis ; procera 65 nuda . quadriseta - 63 ovata - rara 33 pallida . rigida 29 pauciflora - - rudis 173 pilosa . scabra 49 Raoulii . setiflora 57 rigida . sciurea 33 semi-annularis . subulata 47 setacea . vaginata 53 Thomsonii - . Youngii 61 varia . Aira antarctica 97 Deschampsia . australis 93 caespitosa - - Kingii 93 Deyeuxia - Alopecurus australis 9 9 cemula Billiardieri ; geniculatus - 9 Forsteri - paniceus ' - 9 scabra . Anthoxanthunn crinitum 31 setifolia . Apera 35 Dichelachne . amndinacea 35 crinita . crinita 31 Forsteriana - PAGE. 65 65 67 83 155 63 161 161 161 65 173 105 105 173 27 69 71 77 87 71 83 79 83 89 73 97 91 81 75 71 83 83 175 83 93 93 173 51 55 51 173 57 29 31 31 INDEX TO THE GENERA AND SPECIES. Dichelachne, continued montana rigida sciurea sieberiana stipoides vulgaris Disarrhena antarcticiim- Ehrharta Colensoi Eragrostis imbecilla Festiica - duriuscul - foliosa , littoralis scabra scoparia syrtica Glyceria stricta Gymnostichum - gracile Gynerium Zealandicum - Hierocliloe alpina borealis Fraseri odorata redolens Hikaterosachne elatior - flolcus redolens - odoratus Isachne - australis Ixalum inerme - Koeleria cristata Laclmagrostis ceinula Billardieri - Forsteri Melica magellanica Microlsena avenacea Gunnii polynoda stipoides Muhlenbergia mollicoma sciurea PAGE. semulus Orthopogon cemulus Panicum antipodum - atrovirens - imbecille 33 Paspalum distiehum - 29 littorale 33 metabolon - 33 orbiculare - 29 polystachyum 31 pubescens 11 scrobitulatum 1 Poa 1 acicularitolia 153 affinis 155 albida 159 anceps 111 australis 155 breviglumis 165 ccespitosa 157 Colensoi 103 exigua 103 foliosa 103 imbecilla 169 intermedia - 169 Kirkii 65 Lindsayi 11 littoralis 13 Mackayi 13 purpurea 13 pygmasa 13 ramosissima 11 syrtica 21 uniflora 11 Rottboellia uniflora, 13 Schedonorus littoralis - 23 23 Spinifex hirsutus 15 inermis 95 sericeus 95 Sporobolis 51 elongatus - 55 indicus 51 Stipa 11 micrantha - 3 Petriei 5 teretifolia - 3 Torresia redolens 7 Trichodium caninum 3 Triodea splendida 31 Trisetum 33 antarcticum 21 subspicatum 21 Youngi 21 Triticum multiflorum 21 scabrum 23 Youngii 23 Zoysia - 21 pungens PAGE. 17 19 19 17 17 17 17 17 107 135 137 143 117 129 151 129 133 141 111 153 131 147 149 155 145 147 139 109 103 137 25 155 15 15 15 15 37 37 37 171 33 171 29 11 43 93 97 97 99 101 163 163 165 167 25 26 INDEX TO POPULAR NAMES, PAGE. Bent grass, Alpine . . 57 Australian . .173 Billardier's . . 55 Brown. . . 43 Campbell's . .41 Dwarf, Mountain . 47 Mueller's, Alpine . 45 Oat-like . . 59 Pilose . . .53 Slender . . 49 Spiked. . . 63 Toothed . . 51 Young's . .61 Brome grass, Sea side . .161 Chilian grass, Rat tail, or . 38 Dichelachne, Wiry . . 29 Fescue grass, Hard . .159 ,, Poa-like . .157 Sand-hill . . 155 Fox-tail grass, Knee jointed . 9 Glumeless grass, Slender . .169 Hair grass, Crested . .95 Turfy. . . 93 Holy grass, The . . .13 Millet, Ditch . . .17 ,, Equal glumed . . 23 Sea-side . . 19 Oat grass, Alpine . . .84 Buchanan's . . 87 Few-flowered . . 91 Naked . . .89 New Zealand . . 83 Oval racemed . . 73 Purple- a wned . .81 Sheep . . .85 Shining . . 97 Spiked . .99 Thomson's naked . 175 Wiry-leaved - . 77 Young's . - 101 Oat ussac grass, Broad-leaved . 79 ,, Narrow-leaved . 75 Small flowered . 71 PAUK. Panic grass, Slender . .21 Plume grass, Long-haired . 31 ,, Short-haired . 33 Poa, Auckland Islands . .111 Colenso's . . .133 Common field . 119 Dense flowered . .123 Dwarf . .139 Hard short-stemmed . 121 Kirk's . . .147 Large-flowered . .113 Large tussac . 129 Lindsay's brown flowered . 149 Little . . .143 Minute . . .115 Minute, creeping . . 127 McKay's brown . . 145 Needle-leaved . . 135 Nodding-plumed . .117 One-flowered . .137 Short-glumed . .151 Slender . . .125 Small tussac . .131 Weak stemmed . .153 White flowered . . 143 Rice grass, Alpine . . 1 Bush ... 5 ,, Knot-jointed . . 7 ,, Meadow . . 3 Rolling grass, Spiny . .16 Rough bearded grass . . 27 Sacred grass, Sweet-scented . 1 1 Feather grass, New Zealand . 171 Sweet grass, Sea-Coast . . 103 Tussac grass, Plumed . . 65 ,, Erect-plumed . 67 Wheat grass, Blue . 165 ,, Short-awned . 163 ,, Young's . .167 Whorl grass, New Zealand . 105 Wind grass, New Zealand . 35 Zoysia, Pungent . . .25 SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER GRAMINE^E, GRASSES. Roots tufted and tibrous ; large succulent-rooted tussacs, or creep- ing rhizomes. Culms hollow, knotted and closed at the joints, rounded. Leaves alternate, usually distichous, very long or short, sheathing part of leaf split longi- tudinally on one side, with generally a membranous appendage at the summit called a ligule. Florets mostly perfect, imbricated on a common axis within a calyx, the latter composed of two or more empty glumes, the whole forming a spikelet. Flowers (stamens, pistil, and ovary) enclosed within two glumes, the lower (flowering glume) generally keeled with one or more nerves, the upper (palea) two-nerved, rarely one-nerved. Perianth probably represented by two to three small scales, situated beneath the ovary. Stamens usually three, filaments capillary, anthers attached by the back, versatile. Ovary one-celled, with one erect ovule. Styles two, united at the base, stigmas feathery, with sometimes branched stigmatic hairs. Fruit a grain, sometimes adhering to the palea. Seed closely adhering to the pericarp, embryo 011 one side at the base of the albumen, generally pear-shaped. A most important order of phaenogamous plants abundantly spread over the surface of the earth, and exceeding in number of individuals any other order of plants. The grain of several species form important articles of food for man, and the aggregation of species as pasture supply food for numerous herbiverous animals, and in many the fibrous part of their structure also offers an abundance of economic material for the manufacture of various products, such as paper. A. Spikelets on the spines of globose, polygamous, involucrate heads. 5. Spinifex. B. Spikelets sessile, in 1 or 2 series, on one or both sides of a flattened rachis. Empty glumes or 1-3. Empty glumes 2 or 3, short ; flowering solitary, hard . 6'. Paspalum. Empty glume 1, margins connate ; flowering solitary, Palea 0. 9. Zoysia. Empty glumes 2, lanceolate ; flowering 3-16, awned . . 25. Triticum. Empty glume 0, or 2 bristles ; flowering 1-3 awned. . . 26. Gymnostichum. C. Spikelets never sessile and distichous, pedicelled, paiiicled or racemed. I. Empty glumes 3 or more, below the solitary hermaphrodite flowering one. Glumes 5 ; 4 empty, acuminate, 1 flowering, obtuse . .1. Ehrharta. Glumes 5 ; 2 empty, minute, 2 empty, awned, 1 flowering, acuminate. . . . . . . . . .2. Microlaena. Glumes 4. short, obtuse ; 2 empty, 1 male, upper herma- phrodite . 8. Isachne. Glumes 4, mucronate or awned ; 2 empty, 1 male, upper, hermaphrodite . . . . . . . .7. Panicum. II. Empty glumes 2, below the solitary flowering one. a. Panicle dense, cylindric, spike-like, (see Poa anceps and Danthonia in III.) Empty glumes equal, flattened, Palea 0. Panicle soft, spici- form. , 3. Alopecurus. Empty glumes rigid, acuminate, Panicle reduced ;to an ovid, apinulose head . ...-".. .10. Echinopogon. XIV. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE ORDER GRAMINE^E. b Panicle effuse or contracted. Flowering glume on a bearded pedicel, tip 2-fid, awned. . 11. Dichelachne. Flowering glume pedicelled, ending in a long rigid awn. . 12. Apera. Flowering glume sessile, short, acute ; seed loose in pericarp, 13. Sporobolus. Flowering glume sessile, truncate, awned at back or awnless 14. Agrostis. Flowering glume pedicelled, with a short dorsal awn . . 14. 2 . Deyeuxia. Flowering glume rigid, rolled round the flower, awn bent and articulated . . , 12. J . Stipa. III. Empty glumes 2, below the 2 or more flowering ones. Flowering glumes rarely 1 in Poa, Danthonia, and Deschampsia. a. Flowering glumes awned, sometimes awnless in Hierochloe (see Festuca in 6). Flowering glumes 2-5, silky ; awn at the 2-fid tip, slender. . 15. Arundo. Flowering glumes 2-8, 2 cuspidate, with stout dorsal awn, and long hairs on sides and at base . . . .16. Danthonia. Flowering glumes 2-4 silky, at base, 3 awned, middle one longest . 19. Trisetum. Flowering glumes 2 or 3, shining, truncate, or 4-toothed. . 17. Deschampoia. Flowering glumes 3, shining, obtuse, 2 lateral male flowers 3-androus, central flower, male and female, 2 androus 4. Hierochloe. Flowering glumes 3-7, shining, 2-fid, with a short obtuse awn, or 0. Panicle spiciform. . . . . .18. Koeleria. Flowering glumes 4-10, 2-fid, with an intermediate awn. Ovary villous at top. ... . . 24. Bromus. 6. Flowering glumes not awned except in some Festucas, (see Hierochloe and Koeleria in a). Flowering glumes 6-14, short, obtuse, green, Scales connate. 20. (jlyceria. Flowering glumes 2, short, truncate, erose, membranous. . 21. Catabrosa. Flowering glumes 2-10, compressed, keeled, obtuse or acute 22. Poa. Flowering glumes 2-10, convex or keeled at back, often awned at the entire tip. . . . . . .23. Festuca. ARRANGEMENT OF THE GENERA ACCORDING TO THE NATURAL SYSTEM, * Spikelets with 1 fertile terminal flower, with or without a male or imperfect flower below it. 1. ORYZE^E. Flowering glumes hardening, and enclosing the grain ; Empty glumes 4 or 5, unequal, laterally compressed, lower smaller. 1. Ehrharta ; 2. Microlsena. 2. PHALARIDE^. Flowering glume and palea hardening, and enclosing the grain. Empty glumes 2, equal, laterally compressed, keeled, longer than the flowering. 3. Alopecurus ; 4. Hierochloe. 3. PANICEJL Flowering glume and palea hardening, and enclosing the grain. Empty glumes 2-4, outer smaller, often dorsally compressed. 5. Spinifex ; 6. Paspalum ; 7. Panicum ; 8. Isachne. 4. ANDROPOGONE./E. Flowering glume small, thin, transparent, or 0. 9. Zoysia. ** Spikelets with 1 or more perfect flowers, the male or imperfect flowers, if pre- sent, above the perfect ones, the axis or rachis often ending in a point or bristle. 5. AGROSTIDE.E. Spikelets, 1 -flowered. Flowering glume, awnless, or with a simple awn, Grain free. 10. Echinopogon ; 11. Dichelachne ; 12. Apera ; 13. Sporobolus ; 14. Agrostis ; 14.2. Deyeuxia. 6. STIPACEJE Spikelets 1 -flowered. Flowering glume firm, with a simple or 3 cleft awn jointed on to its tip, closely enveloping the grain. 12.2. Stipa. 7. ARUNDINE^E. Spikelets usually 2-or more flowered, rachis with long silky hairs. Glumes all membranous free. 15. Arundo. 8. A YEN ACE^E. -Spikelets 2 or more flowered. Flowering glumes on a slender rachis, usually shorter than the empty ones, membranous, shining, split at the top with an intermediate awn that is often twisted at the base, (rarely awnless). 16, Danthonia ; 17, Deschampsia ; 18, Koeleria ; 19, Trisetum. 9. FESTUCACE.E. Spikelets usually 4 or more flowered. Flowering glumes usually longer than the empty ones, on aflexuous rachis. 20, Glyceria ; 21, Cata- brosa ; 22, Poa ; 23, Festuca ; 24, Bromus. 10. HORDEACE^E. Spikelets 1 or more flowered (spiked) sessile on opposite sides of a simple rachis, solitary or 2 or 3 together, the glumes standing right and left to the axis of the spike. 25. Triticum. 26. Gymnostichum . MAN UAL OF THE NEW ZEALAND GRASSES, Order GRAMINE^E. GENUS I. EHRHARTA, Thunberg. Spikelds panicled, i -flowered. Empty glumes 4, keeled, compressed, acuminate. Flowering glume terminal, obtuse. Pali a linear, obtuse. Scales 2, 2-lobed. Stamens 2 6. Ovary glabrous, sessile. Styles short. Stigmas with short hairs. Grain free within the hardened glume. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : AUSTRALIA, SOUTH AFRICA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology: Named in honour of FREDERICK EHRHART, a Swiss Botanist. 1. EHRHARTA COLENSOI. ALPINE RICE GRASS. (Plate I.) . EHRHARTA COLENSOI, Hpok. fil. Fl. N.Z., 288, t. 6$.\; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 319. A TUFTED, glabrous, alpine grass, growing at 5000 feet altitude. Flowers in January, Perennial. Root fibrous, wiry. Stems 4 10 inches high. Leaves erect, distichous, 2 4 inches long, contracted at the sheath, l__i_j nc h broad, linear-subulate, scaberulous above, smooth below, nerves faint, ligule short, lacerate. Panicle contracted, ij 2 inches long, erect or inclined. Spikelds on slender pedicels, compressed, linear-oblong, \ J-inch long. Empty glumes, lower pair short, oblong, acute, 5 7 -nerved, central nerves stout ; upper pair twice as long as the lower, narrow-lanceolate, almost awned, y-nerved, and with a tuft of silky hairs at the base. Flowering ghtme shorter, linear-oblong, obtuse, 9-nerved. Palea narrow-linear, obtuse, 2-nerved, and with a small bristle at the base. Scales 2-lobed, irregularly serrate on the lobes, and nerved below. Stamens 2. Anthers short, stout. Ovary ovate-oblong. Styles short. Stigmas feathery. Grain ovate-oblong. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. EHRHARTA COLENSOI. This grass lias only been found on the Ruahine and Tararua Mountains, in the Xorth Island ; it grows in flat tufts or tussacs on the open land above the limits of bush. Very little is known of its value as a pasture grass, its limited distribu- tion preventing opportunities for observation or experiment as to its fitness for cultivation at lower levels. From the known fact, however, that many of these alpine grasses are very succulent and fattening, and much relished by sheep during the summer months, this species may prove valuable when the extensive sub-alpine country in the neighbourhood of these mountains is opened up for settlement. ])rsTRiBrriON ix NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : RUAHINE MOUN- TAINS Colenso ; TARARUA MOUNTAINS H. IT. Travers. Reference to Plate I. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Upper pair of empty glumes and floret. 4. Floret. 5, 5'. Nervation of lower pair of empty glumes. (>, 6'. Nervation of upper pair of empty glumes. 7. Nervation of flowering glume. 8. Nervation of Palea. 9. Scales. 10. Ovary. 11. Urain. Plate! Ehrharta Order GRAMINE/E. GENUS II. MICROL^NA, Brown. Spikelets racemed or panicled, i -flowered. Empty glumes 4 : two lower- most opposite, minute ; two following awned, much larger. Flowering glume terminal, acuminate, or awned. Palea short, linear, hyaline. Scales 2. Stamens 2 4. Ovary sessile. Styles short. Stigmas feathery. Grain free within the hardened glumes. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology : Named from two Greek words meaning "small" and a "covering," in allusion to the small outer glumes. ARRANGEMENT or THE SPECIES : I. Two lowest glumes distant from the following ... i. M. stipoides. II. Two lowest glumes close to the following (Diplax) Spikelets panicled. Leaves scaberulous, \ J-inch broad. Stamens 2 2. M. avenacea. Spikelets racemed. Leaves smooth,! 1 ., J-inch broad. Stamens 4 3. M. polynoda. 1. MICROL.ENA STIPOIDES. MEADOW RICE GRASS. (Plate II.) MICROL/ENA GUNNII. Hook. fil. Fl. Tasm., II., 105, t. 155. A. ; EHRHARTA STIPOIDES, Brown. Labill. Fl. Nov. Roll., I., 16, t. 118; F. Muell. Fragm. VII., 90 ; MICROL^ENA STIPOIDES, Brown. Hook. fil. Fl. Tasm., II., 105, Fl. N.Z., I., 289; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 320; A SLENDER grass, on low grounds. flowers November January. Perennial. Root fibrous. Stems 12 24 inches high. Leaves glabrous or sparingly hairy, 2 6 inches long ; ligule very short, obtuse, entire or lacerate ; mouth of sheath with silky hairs. Panicle slender, upright or inclined; branched below. Lower spikelets on long pedicels, upwards 4 MICROUENA STIPOIDES. of one inch in length, awns included. Empty glumes, lowest pair very minute, acute, deciduous ; two following seated at distant intervals on the bearded rachis, scabrid, y-nerved. Flowering glume acuminate or obtuse, with a short awn, 7 -nerved. Palea linear, obtuse, i -nerved. Scales large, triangular, incised at top and nerved at bottom. Stamens 4. Anthers long, very narrow. Styles short, nearly connate at the base. Stigmas feathery. Grain long, narrow, linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. A valuable pasture grass, and affording sufficient bulk to add value to mixed fodder. It is confined, as far as at present known, to the north and middle parts of New Zealand, and, although abundant in certain localities, is apparently not widely distributed. This grass is highly spoken of by Mr. Bacchus, in Australia, in the Second Annual Report of the Secretary for Agriculture in Victoria, where he says : " It is a good fattening grass, affording nutriment for stock during winter, and does not suffer so much from overstocking as the Kangaroo grass. " No doubt this is due to its deep-seated roots, which enable it to withstand the dry heats of summer. Mr. Kirk also reports favourably of this grass in Auckland, " as being closely cropped by horses, cattle, and sheep," and points out that it grows there with equal luxuriance on the light scoria and tertiary clay soils. Its most frequent habitat near Wellington is on the river-flats near the sea-shore, and it is obviously a grass that thrives best in moist places. As an early spring grass it is worthy of cultivation, and deserving of a wider distribution, but, from its having few fertile florets, and consequently producing a small amount of seed, experiments in this direction will require much attention and labour. Failing success by seed, propa- gation by the roots may be recommended in this case and others where the plants do not seed freely, DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : EAST CAPE, HAWKE'S BAY, and CAPE PALLISER Colenso; AUCKLAND Sinclair, Kirk ; CAPE MARIA and KAWAU ISLANDS Buchanan ; SHORES OF COOK STRAIT Kirk. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON Buchanan. Reference to Plate II. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nerva- tion of upper pair of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. (>. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scales. 8. Ovary. 9. Grain. Plate, II. Microlaena etipaides,.#r.. Order GRAMINE/E. 2. MICROL.ENA AVENACEA. BUSH RICE GRASS. (Plate III.) DIPLAX AVENACEA, Raoul, Choix des Plantes, p. u, t. 3. Fl. N.Z., I., 289. MICROL/EXA AVENACEA, Hook. fil. Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 320. A TALL handsome grass, growing at low elevations. Flowers December March. Perennial. Root fibrous, wiry. Stems 2 4 feet high, densely tufted, compressed and leafy at the base, forming tussacs of erect drooping leaves. Leaves 18 24 inches long, J J-inch broad; margins scabrid. Ligule very short, obtuse, entire, or lacerate ; mouth of the sheath with silky hairs. Panicle glabrous, pale-coloured, 10 15 inches long, with many long capillary branches. Spikelets on capillary pedicels |-inch long, awns included. Empty glumes, lower pair very minute, unequal, persistent ; upper pair close to the last, with long awns, 7 -nerved. Florae ring glume acuminate or blunt, with a short awn, y-nerved. Palea narrow, linear, acuminate, i-nerved. Scales large, waved on the upper margin, and nerved at bottom. Stamens 2. Anthers long, narrow. Styles nearly connate at the base. Stigmas penicillate, longer than the styles. Grain long narrow. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. Common in forest lands, and usually found there in small tussacs, which, by their confluence, often form large patches of a close, harsh sward, especially in the more open places. This grass is greedily eaten by cattle during winter, when it then becomes valuable in supplementing the more nutritious leaf food from certain trees, such as Karaka (Corynocarpus laviyata), Mahoe (MellcytUB raittijlorins), and several others which form their chief food during that season in many places. This species can hardly be recommended for cultivation, as in open country it would very probably become harsher and less succulent ; but settlers living in the neighbourhood of forests would be repaid the trouble of collecting seed and sowing it among the trees, and by that means increasing the amount of winter food for their cattle. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH AND SOUTH ISLANDS ; abundant in forests. 6 MICROL/ENA AVENACEA. Reference to Plate III. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Upper empty glumes "and floret. 4. Fertile floret. 5. Nervation of upper empty glumes. C. Nervation of flowering glume. 7. Nervation of palea. 8. Scales. 9. Ovary. 10. Grain. PUteJII. 6 7 Microlaena avenacea,. Hook Order GRAMINE^:. 3. MICROL^KNA POLYNODA. KNOT-JOINTED RICE GBASS. (Plate IV.) DlPLAX POLYNODA, Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z., I., 290. MlCROL^ENA POLYXODA, Hook. fil. Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 320. A LARGE, glabrous, tufted grass, on open land, rambling among scrub, 3 6 feet long, ascending to 1000 feet. Perennial. Flowers December February. Culms slender or stout, rigid, terete, branched, with knots at the joints. I. cores 48 inches long, narrow ; ligiile acute, fringed with long hairs. Racemes simple, few-flowered ; upper spikc/cts sessile,* lower shortly pedicelled, -?,-inch long, awns included. Lowest pair of empty pinnies minute, unequal, persistent ; upper pair shortly awned, 7 -nerved. Fknver ing glume very shortly awned, 7 -nerved. Falca narrow, acute, i -nerved. Scales large, ovate, acuminate, ciliate at top. Stamens 4. Anthers long, narrow. Ovary and grain not seen. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This grass has a very limited distribution, and, having only been collected in a few localities, and found nowhere abundantly, little is known of its value either in pasture or as fodder. Its tough wiry leaves are never likely to form a sward that will afford food for sheep, while its sparse habit does not recommend it as fit for being cut as fodder. The larger cattle, however, seldom refusing the coarsest herbage, and often relishing several of the harshest-cutting Cyperacew, may find hi this grass, especially when in flower, sufficient to induce them to eat it. As an ornamental grass it has much to recommend it, and it might be judiciously intro- duced where ponds or streams require decoration. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND NORTH Kirk ; BASE OF THE RUAHINE MOUNTAINS AND EAST COAST-Colenso. WELLING- TO X Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : CANTERBURY- Armstrong DUNEDIN --Buchanan. Reference to Plate IV. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,5. Nervation of upper pair of empty gluniLv, (5. Nervation of flowering glume. 7. Nervation of palea. 8. Scale. Plate K 7 6 Order GRAMINE^. GENUS III. ALOPECURUS, Linnaeus. CREEPING or erect, glabrous or downy grasses. Spikelets laterally com- pressed, imbricated in spike-like cylindrical panicles, i -flowered. Empty glumes sub-equal, keeled, usually connate at the base ; awn straight dorsal. Palea o. Scales o. Stamens 3. Grain free within the hardened glumes. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS: NORTH AND SOUTH TEMPERATE COUNTRIES. Etymology. From two Greek words signifying " a fox " and " a tail." . 1. ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS. KNEE-JOINTED FOX-TAIL GRASS. (Plate V.) ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS, Linnaeus. English Botany, 1250. ALOPE- CURUS PANICEUS, CEder. ALOPECURUS AUSTRALIS, Nees. In Mitchell's "Australia." F. Muell., Fragrn. VIII., 138. ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS, Linnaeus. Hook, fil., Fl. Tasm. II., 109 ; Fl. N.Z., I., 290 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 320. A GRASS of moist habitats or shallow water-pools, often floating on the water, where it presents when in flower, a conspicuous display of pale flesh-coloured spikes. Found from near sea-level to 3500 feet altitude. Flowers November December. Perennial. Roots fibrous. Culms creeping at the base, ascending, bent at the joints, and often rooting at the nodes, i 2 feet high. Leaves glabrous, flat, soft, slightly scabrous on the edges ; sheaths large, grooved ; ligule long, membranous. Panicle spike-like, cylindric, obtuse, ij 2\ inches long; rachis woolly. Spikelets numerous, i -flowered. Empty glumes connate at the very base, membranous, compressed ; keel with long bristles, 3-nerved. Flowering glume ovate, 7 -nerved; awn variable in length and position. Palea o. Anthers large. Styles nearly connate at the base. Stigmas with short simple hairs. Ovary glabrous. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, NORTH ASIA, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. 10 ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS. Opinions of authors, regarding the value of this grass in pasture, are conflicting. Lowe, in his work on British grasses, says of it, "A common grass, rejected by cattle." Again, Charles Johnson, in a work on British grasses, says, "Most of the grazing animals devour this grass with avidity." And again, Sinclair, in his "Hortus Gramineous Woburnensis, " gives the following opinion regarding its value : "It does not appear to be eaten with much relish by either horses, cattle, or sheep ; its nutrient powers are not considerable, and, from its sub-aquatic habit, it cannot be recommended for cultivation. " This latter opinion is probably a fair estimate of its value as a pasture grass, and, as it has also little bulk to recommend it as a fodder plant, it may be left to its own natural power of increase in New Zealand, as there are superior grasses equally adapted for wet situations, which will better repay the expense attending aided propagation . Glyceria fluitans, R. Brown, can be recommended as a valuable grass for wet land. This exotic species is already not uncommon in several parts of New Zealand, and the following comparative values of it with Alopecurus geniculatus may prove interesting. They are taken from the Woburn experiments of Mr. Sinclair, see "Hortus Grarnineus Woburnensis," pp. 349, 353 : " Alopecurus yeniculatus : The produce per acre was 6806 lb., which, when dry, amounted to 2892 lb., and, on analysis, yielded of nutrient matter 292 lb." " Glyceria fluitans: The produce per acre was 13,612 lb., which, when dry, amounted to 4083 lb., and, on analysis, yielded of nutrient matter 372 lb." Cows eat this grass greedily near Wellington, and give more milk when fed upon it. Glyceria aquatica is also a most valuable grass in wet places, and worthy of introduction to New Zealand, as the following analysis from the Woburn experi- ments prove : " Glyceria aquatica : The produce per acre was 126,596 lb., which, when dry, amounted to 75,957 lb., and, on analysis, yielded of nutrient matter 4945 lb. At the time of flowering the produce contains more nutrient matter than when the seed is ripe, in the proportion of 19 to 17. In the fens of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire immense tracts are covered by this grass, which not only affords rich pasturage in summer, but forms the chief pari^f the winter fodder." The best method of propagating these grasses will probably be by the roots, as the only species yet introduced does not always ripen its seed. It also shows a capacity for growing on dry ground, and may, therefore, prove valuable on the farm in mixed fodder crops. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : EAST COAST Colenso; AUCKLAND Kirk ; KAWAU (probably introduced) Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON (Sub-alpine) H. H. Travcrs ; CANTERBURY Lyall, Armstrong; LAKE OHAU Haast ; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT (Sub- alpine) Hector and Buchanan. Reference to Plate V. : Fig. 1 . Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nerva- tion of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Ovary with long feathery stigmas. PlateV AJopecurus Order GRAMINE^E. GENUS IV. HIEROCHLOE, Gmelin. Spikclets panicled, large, broad, pedicelled, laterally compressed, shining, 3-flowered, two lower staminiferous, upper fertile. Empty glumes sub- equal, keeled, obtuse, or acute. Flowering glumes similar, awnless, or with a terminal or dorsal short awn. Palea i or 2-nerved. Scales 2. Stamens 2 3. Grain terete, free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : COLD CLIMATES OF BOTH HEMISPHERES. Etymology: Named from two Greek words meaning " sacred grass." ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES : I. Outer glumes as long as the flowering. Culms 2 4 feet. Leaves long ... ... i. H. redolens. Culms i 2 feet. Leaves short ... ... 2. H. alpina. II. Outer glumes much longer than the flowering ... 3. H.brunonis. 1. HIEROCHLOE REDOLENS. SWEET-SCENTED SACRED GRASS. (Plate VI.) HOLEUS REDOLENS, Forst. Prod. 92; MELICA MAGELLAN ICA, Desv. in Lam. Diet, IV., 72. HIEROCHLOE ANTARCTICA, R. Brown, Prod. 209 ; Brongn. in Duperr., Voy. t. 23 ; Kunth, Rev. Gram. t. 203. DISARRHENA ANTARCTICUM, Labill. Fl. Nov. Holl., II., 83, t. 232. TORRESIA REDOLENS, A. Cunn. HIEROCHLOE REDOLENS, R. Brown. Hook, fil, Fl. Tasm. II., 108 ; Fl. N.Z., L, 300; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 321. A BEAUTIFUL sweet-scented grass, ascending to 3000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Perennial. Root-fibres few, wiry. Stems 2 4 feet high. Leaves flat, smooth, or slightly scabrid ; ligule broad, membranous. Panicle effuse, 6 i? inches long, nodding, shining brown, branches capillary, slightly hairy, lower 2 3 inches long ; ligule long or short, obtuse, serrate. Spikelets numerous, -inch long and 12 HIEROCHLOE REDOLENS. broad, pale, shining. Empty glumes ovate, acute, 3-nerved ; two lower flowering glumes (staminiferous) obtuse, bearded below, downy above, margins with long cilia, 5-nerved, shortly awned below the top. Palea (staminiferous) bifid, 2-nerved. Upper flowering glume (fertile) obtuse, 5-nerved, very shortly awned. Palea (fertile, obtuse, 2-nerved, seldom i-nerved. Scales oblong-lanceolate, of the lower florets bifid, and of the upper floret acute ; the two scales are sometimes united as one by the margins at bottom, and appearing as a 2-lobed scale. Stamens 2 3. Anthers, long, stout. Ovary glabrous. Styles shorter than the stigmas-, nearly connate at the base. Stigmas long, narrow, feathery. Grain ovate-oblong. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : CAMPBELL ISLAND, FALKLAND ISLANDS, TERRA DEL FUEGIA, TASMANIA, ALPS OF SOUTH WEST AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. This grass is widely distributed over the Islands in wet places. It was, some years ago, found abundantly in Otago and Southland, from the sea-level to 3000 feet altitude. When found at low altitudes it is always larger and coarser than when under sub-alpine influences. It is often found growing luxuriantly among sand-hills near the sea, where its long wiry roots penetrate to a considerable depth in the soil . It is, apparently, a soda-loving plant, being partial to littoral swamps, where, in such places, it often attains four feet in height, the large graceful plume-like panicles forming conspicuous objects, and emitting, in warm weather, a strong perfume. When found in upland pastures it is of much smaller size, and more succulent, forming a valuable component of the pasture, and eaten by cattle and sheep with apparent relish. This grass, with many others, has suffered much in the South Island in the general deterioration of the pasture during the last fifteen years ; and, although its deep-seated roots might have enabled it to resist the effects of repeated burnings, yet, where burning has been combined with over- feeding, it has nearly been destroyed. It is probable that this grass has been somewhat over-rated as regards its nutrient qualities, but it would be an impossible task to lay down a constant value for any grass, as this must continually vary, according to the different conditions in which it is placed as regards soil, moisture, and heat. In sub-alpine situations, both in New Zealand and in Australia, the settlers do not recognize much difference between this species and H, alplna ; and in such situations the value of both in pasture is nearly equal, neither being considered as a first-class grass. Reference to Plate VI. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Florets with the empty glumes removed. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of staminiferous flowering glumes. 6. Nervation of staminiferous Palea. 7. Nerva- tion of fertile flowering glume. 8. Nervation of fertile Palea. 9. Scale of staminiferous floret. 10. Scale of fertile floret. 11. Ovary. 12. Grain. PlateJI. o HierocMoe Order GRAMINE^E. 2. HIEROCHLOE ALPINA. THE HOLY GRASS. (Plate VII.) HIEROCHLOE BOREALIS, Schrceder. HOLCUS ODORATUS, Linnseus. HIEROCHLOE ODORATA, Koch. HIEROCHLOE FRASERI, Hook. fil. Fl. Ant. I., 93. HIEROCHLOE REDOLENS, R. Brown, var. Fraseri, Benth. Fl. Austral. VII., 559. HIEROCHLOE BOREALIS, Roem. and Schultes. Hook, fil., N.Z., I., 300 ; Fl. Tasm., II., 108. HIEROCHLOE ALPINA, Roem. and Schultes. Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora., I., 322. A SLENDER sub-alpine grass, ascending to 3,500 feet Flowers December February. Perennial. Roots fibrous, creeping. Stems i 2 feet high. Leaves 4 8 inches long, smooth, flat ; ligule long or short, obtuse, serrate. Panicle ovate, 2 4 inches long, branches few, capillary. Spikelets i-inch long and broad, shining. Empty glumes large, acute or slightly obtuse, 3-nerved. Flowering glume pubescent, margins long-ciliate, 5-nerved ; awn variable in length and position, usually inserted above the middle in the staminiferous, and in the fertile floret very short and terminal. Palea obtuse, 2-nerved in the staminiferous florets, and 1-nerved in the fertile. Scales narrow-lanceolate, ciliate and bifid at top, and often united as one by the lower margins on one side only. Stamens 3. Anthers long. Ovary glabrous, narrow, acute. Styles short, connate at the base. Stigmas penicillate. Grain oblong- ovate, narrowed at both ends. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : SCOTLAND, NORWAY, SWEDEN, LAPLAND, ICELAND, ITALY, FRANCE, GERMANY, KAMTSCHATKA, ALASKA, AUSTRALIA, TAS- MANIA, NEW ZEALAND. This species, according to Sir J. Hooker, is identical with H. borealis, or the " Holy Grass " of the Northern Hemisphere. It is very sweet scented, the odour being very similar to that of the previous species Much historical interest is attached to this species in some parts of Europe, from a long-prevailing custom of strewing it before churches on certain festivals. In Sweden it is hung over beds, 14 HIEROCHLOE ALPINA. in the belief that it induces sleep ; and in Iceland it it used to scent the clothes and apartments of the inhabitants. According to Cuthbert W. Johnson, its nutritive qualities are greater than in most of the early spring grasses ; but, from the paucity of its foliage, it cannot be recommended in agriculture . From this opinion it may be concluded that this species will be valuable in the sub-alpine pastures of New Zealand as an early and nutritious food, and, from its small growth, be well adapted for sheep. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : RUAHINE MOUNTAINS-Colenso. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON Monro, Travers ; HOPKINS RIVER, 20003500 feet altitude Haast ; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICTS, 3000 feet altitude Hector and Buchanan. Reference to Plate VII. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Florets with empty glumes removed. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of staminiferous flowering glumes. 6. Nervation of Palea (staminiferous). 7. Nerva- tion of fertile flowering glume. 8. Nervation of Palea (fertile). 9. Scales (staminiferous florets). 10. Scale (fertile floret). 11. Ovary. Plate, If. V Hierockloe Order GRAMINE^. GENUS V. SPINIFEX, Linnaeus. INFLORESCENCE dioecious. Male spikelets spiked on rigid peduncles, which are collected into umbels, with sheathing or spathaceous leaves at their base, i or 2-flowered. Empty glumes 3. Flowering glume membranous. Stamens $. Ant/iersverylong. Female spikelcts solitary or few, in the sheathing bases of very long, pungent leaves, which are extremely numerous, and collected into very large globose masses, i or 2-flowered ; 3 empty glumes, as in the male, but larger. Flowering glume coriaceous. Scales 2. Grain free within the glumes and palea. DIS- TRIBUTION OF GENUS : INDIA, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, PACIFIC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology : From the Latin " Spina," in allusion to the termination of the rat fa's. SPINIFEX HIRSUTUS. SPINY ROLLING GRASS, (Plates VII I., IX,) SPINIFEX HIRSUTUS, Labill. Flora, Nov. Holl., II., 81, t. 230 231. SPINIFEX SERICEUS, Raoul. En. Plant. SPINIFEX INERMIS, Banks et Sol., M.S.S. IXALUM INERME, Forst., Prodr., fid. Raoul. SPINIFEX HIRSUTUS, Labill. Hook, fil., Fl. Tasm. II., 106 ; Fl. N.Z., I., 292; Handb. N.Z., Flora, I.,322. A COURSE, rambling, much-branched, rigid, spinous, silky or woolly, perennial grass. Habitats near the sea on sand-hills, or saline soils more inland. Flowers January February. Culms stout, knotted, creeping. Leaves i ij-inches long, coriaceous, lower sheaths shining, both sides of leaf silky, or villous. Male spikes with the rachis i 3 inches long, numerous, peduncled, silky. Spikelets i 2-flowered, shortly pedicelled, J-inch long Empty glumes : First and second 7 -nerved, third 5-nerved. Androus flmvering glume 5-nerved. Palea 2-nerved. Scales 2, large, fleshy, with membranous borders, 2-nerved. Stamens 3. Anthers long, narrow. Female spikelets i 2-flowered at 1 6 SPINIFEX HIRSUTUS, the membranous basis of leaves, which terminate in rigid, slender spines, 3 8 inches long. Empty glumes : First shortly awned, Q-nerved ; second shortly awned, 7 -nerved ; third 5-nerved. Flowering glume 7 nerved. Palea 4-nerved. Scales 2, large, fleshy, with membranous borders, 2-lobed, and 2-nerved. Ovary compressed. Stamens 3 abortive. Styles very short, connate at the base. Stigmas very long, with short simple hairs. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : INDIA, PACIFIC ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. The present grass has no claim whatever as a food-plant for stock, and can only be recommended as a sand-binder in fixing drift sands when encroaching on valuable land. For this purpose it deserves more attention than has hitherto been bestowed upon it. It is a plant of comparatively rapid growth, and with the aid of other indigenous plants, such as Desmosclvenus spiralis, of similar habit, would give effectual aid in checking the inroads of wind-driven sand, conditionally that the plants be carefully conserved from fire. From the ravages of this element alone, since the settlement'of New Zealand, may be ascribed the increased spread of wind-driven sand, and, under such inflictions, the indigenous plants are over- looked in reclothing the sand dunes with vegetation, seed of exotic plants inferior for this purpose being often imported at considerable expense. This grass may be propagated by seed, as also by roots ; the seed may be collected in February March, and April. It is probable, however, that the trouble incurred in collecting native grass seed, when compared with the ease with which exotic seed may be procured by purchase, will account for the neglect of such valuable sand-binders as the grass under notice. DISTRIBUTION ix XFAV ZEALAND ; COMMON ON THE COASTS EVERYWHERE. Reference to Plate VIII. : Fig. 1. Male Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Nervation of first and second empty glumes. 4. Nervation of third empty glume and flowering glume. 5. Nervation of Palea. 6, 6'. Scales ofl^lower Palea. 7, 7'. Scales of upper Palea. 8. Variety of scales with stamens. 9. Diagram showing the arrangement of the glumes in floret, in which the third empty glume holds the position of flowering glume to the upper Palea, and may be considered as a flowering glume. Reference to Plate IX. : Fig. 1. Female Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Nervation of first empty glume. 4. Nervation of second empty glume. 5. Nervation of third empty glume. 6. Nervation of flowering glume, 7. Nervation of Palea. 8, 8'. Scales. 9, 9'. Ovary, with three abortive stamens, and long stigmas. 10. Grain. D pinifex t MALE Order GRAMINE^E. GENUS VI. PASPALUM, Linnaeus. Spikelets in the New Zealand species ovoid, much compressed, arranged in two rows on one side of a flat rachis, i -flowered, short, acute, or obtuse, without a callus at the base. Empty glumes 2 3, unequal ; lower glume usually very small. Floivering glume hardening, and enclosing the palea and grain ; all obtuse or acute, awnless. Scales 2, short, fleshy. Stamens 3. Grain free within the hardened glume. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : EAST INDIES, WEST INDIES, NORTH AMERICA, PERU, WEST AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology. One of the Greek names for "Millet." ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES : Erect. Leaves flat. Spikelets obtuse ... i. Paspahim scrobitulatum. Creeping. Leaves involute. Spikelets acute 2. Paspalum distichum. 1. PASPALUM SCROBITULATUM. DITCH MILLET, (Plate X. A.) PASPALUM SCROBITULATUM, Trin, Sp., Gram. II., t. 143. ; F. Muell., Fragm. VIII., 156. PASPALUM ORBICULARE, Forster, P. POLYSTACHYUM, and P. PUBESCEXS. R. Brown, P. METABOLON, Steud. Syn. Glume I., 19. PASPALUM SCROBITULATUM, Linnaeus. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 291 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 323. A GLABROUS, erect, dark-brownish-green grass, ranging from the sea-level to 500 feet altitude. Flouws December January. Perennial. Culms tufted, i 3 feet high, often forming small tussacs. Leaves broad, flat, or wrinkled, rough at the margin, often hairy at the base ; ligule short, broad, rounded at top. Spikes 2 6, alternate, i 2 inches long; rachis flat, brinly at the base. Spikelets imbricate, in two series, sessile, orbicular, A (} -inch long. Empty glumes 2, membranous, i-nerved. Flowering glume concave, faintly 3-nerved. Palea flat, faintly 2-nerved, 1 8 PASPALUM SCROBITULATUM. Scales 2, short, fleshy, truncate. Stamens 3, large. Styles long. Stigmas penicillate, shorter than the styles. Grain round, thin, plano-convex, free within the hardened glume and palea. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : EAST INDIES, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. The value of this grass in -pasture is probably insignificant, and, therefore, its limited distribution in New Zealand is not much to be regretted. It appears to be chiefly confined to the Auckland District and the Islands to the Eastward. It may be noticed as a reason why this grass should not be cultivated in New Zealand, that this species, or a variety of it, is in very bad repute in the East Indies. Quoting from Lindley's " Vegetable Kingdom," p. 113, "A variety of I^ii^ialii m scrobitulcttum, called ' Hureek ' in India (Graham's 'Bombay Plants,' p. 234), which is, perhaps, the Ghohona grass, a reputed Indian poisonous species, is said to render the milk of cows that graze upon it narcotic and drastic." ("Madras Journal," 1837, p. 107.) It does not follow, however, that the same species of any tropical poisonous plant, grown in the temperate climate of New Zealand, would prove equally noxious , as it is well known that the poisonous principle of many plants, such as the opium poppy, is considerably modified by cultivation under a reduced temperature. In New Zealand this species is not much relished by cows, where other grass can be got, therefore its reputed effects on milk, if any, may not be worth consideration. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : BAY OF ISLANDS Banks and Solander ; ISTHMUS OF AUCKLAND and GREAT BARRIER ISLAND Kirk ; T1TIRANGI Cheese- man ; KAWAU ISLAND Buchanan. Reference to Plate X. A : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet open. 3,3'. Spikelet closed, front and side view. 4. Palea. 5. Nervation of empty glumes. 6. Ovary with penicillate stigmas and stamens. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side views. Specimens of this grass from Victoria have a more slender habit, narrower spikes, and smaller spikelets. Plate X. Order GRAMINE^. 2. PASPALUM DISTICHUM. SEA-SIDE MILLET, (Plate X. B.) PASPALUM LITTORALE, R. Brown, Prod. 188; Trin. Spe. Gram. I., t. 112. PASPALUM DISTICHUM, Burmann. Fl. N.Z., I., 291. Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 323. A CREEPING, glabrous, littoral grass. Flowers December February. Perennial. Culms branched, compressed, ascending; 4 10 inches high, covered with leaf-sheaths to the top. Leaves distichous, strict, involute ; ligule short, broad, rounded at top ; mouth of sheath with a tuft of silky hairs on each side. Spikes in pairs, i inch long; rachis narrow. Spikelets loosely imbricate, glabrous, pedicelled, ovate, acute, i-inch long. Empty glumes 2, membranous, 5 -nerved. Flou'ering glume slightly concave, faintly 3-nerved. Palea flat, faintly 2 -nerved. Scales 2, fleshy, truncate. Styles long. Stigmas feathery, shorter than the style. Stamens 3. Grain ovate, flat, thin, free within the hardened glume. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND, also a common Tropical and Sub-Tropical Grass. This is a grass of considerable value, and is commonly found on littoral swamp land, and wet bottoms among sand-hills on the coast-line of Auckland and Islands on the East Coast localities where superior grasses are seldom found. It is also common in similar situations in Australia, where, according to Mr. Bacchus, ' ' its nutrient properties are considerable, .horses and cattle eating it readily." From the fact that this grass supplies valuable food for stock in localities^where species of value are never abundantly found, is obtained an argu- ment in favour of its introduction to similar places in other parts of New Zealand, where the climate would permit its growth. At the proper season seed could, no doubt, be collected in sufficient quantity to sow down a few square yards of fenced ground adapted for the purpose, as an experiment, and, if this should prove a failure, inoculation by plants is always possible with grasses which have creeping roots, as in^this species. There are also exotic species of this Genus of great value, which might be introduced with much probability of success in the swamps of the \Vaikato, or 20 PASPALUM DISTICHUM. Isthmus of Auckland; one of these (quoting from " Lindley's Vegetable King- dom," p. 113), is " Paspalum exile, a species common on the West Coast of Africa, and from which a fine-grained com is gathered and sold there under the name of Fundi." This species would, in addition to improving the pasture, furnish a large food- supply for native wild fowl and introduced game birds, the millets being often sown in copses in England for that purpose. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND: BAY OF ISLANDS Cunningham ; AUCKLAND Sinclair ; WAIKATO and GREAT BARRIER ISLAND Kirk ; TITIRANGI Cheeseman ; KAWAU Buchanan. Reference to Plate X. B : Fig. 1 . Plant. 2, 2'. Spikelet open and closed. 3. Palea with feathery stigmas and stamens. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7, Ovary with feathery stigmas and stamens. 8. Scale. 9, 9'. Grain, front and side views. Order GRAMINE^. GENUS VII. PANICUM, Linnseus. Spikelets variously arranged, naked, or with bristles at their base ; spiked, racemed or panicled ; i -flowered, or, if 2-flowered, the lower male. Glumes 4, awned or awnless ; lowest small or minute, empty ; second larger, empty ; third empty, or male-flowered, uppermost with a herma- phrodite flower, fainter-nerved, smooth, hardening and enclosing the palea and grain. Palea like the glume, but smaller, 2-nerved. Scales 2, truncate. Stamens 3. Grain free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TROPICAL AND SUB-TROPICAL CLIMATES. Etymology; From the Latin name "Panis " (Bread). L PANICUM IMBEC1LLE. SLENDER PANICK GRASS. (Plate XL) OPLISMENUS SETARIOUS, Rcem and Schult; Kunth. Enum. L, 139. Benth Fl. Austral. VII. ORTHOPOGON ^EMULUS, R. Brown, Prod. 194. HEKATEROSACHNE ELATIOR, Steudel. OPLISMENUS ^EMULUS, Kunth. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 291. PANICUM IMBECILLE, Trinius. Hook. fil. Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 323. A WEAK, slender, decumbent grass, rooting at the nodes, culms erect, 6 1 8 inches long, sparingly branched, ascending to 1000 1500 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Perennial. Leaves i 6 inches long, J i inch broad, lanceolate; sheaths of leaves and knots of culms more or less pilose. Spikelets spiked, in distant clusters of 2 6, nearly sessile, A -inch long, glabrous or pilose, naked, or with a brush of hairs at base. Empty glumes 3, often pilose on the back, membranous; first empty glume shortest, 3-nerved, and with a long flexuose, stout, obtuse awn; second empty glume larger, sharply acute, 5-nerved, and with a very short awn ; third empty glume acute, y-nerved. 22 PANICUM IMBECILLE. Flowering glume obtuse, coriaceous, white, 2-nerved. Scales 2, truncate or bilobate. Ovary glabrous. Styles long. Stigmas shorter, penicillate. Grain linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES; TROPICS OF ASIA, AFRICA, AND AMERICA; AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. A sparse foliaged grass, not adapted for pasture, its usual habitat being under the shelter of bush. It may be termed an unsocial grass, as it is most commonly found growing in isolated patches, and it probably could not exist under a struggle for place with grasses of more robust habit on open land. Cattle eat this grass readily, but their relish for it must be greatly lessened by the large amount of foreign matter, such as dead leaves, with which it is usually associated ; it may, therefore, be classed with other bush grasses, such as Mlcrolcena avenacea, as an auxiliary to supplement neighbouring pastures during dry seasons. This grass is the only representative in New Zealand of the genus Panicnm, a family containing several species of the greatest value, as corn and fodder plants, such as Panicum frumentaceum, cultivated in India as a corn plant, and Pamcum speclabile, indigenous to Brazil, and valuable as a permanent summer grass, the latter being highly recommended as adapted to the temperate climate of New Zealand. Experiments with this grass in Australia prove its capacity to resist the driest seasons, which is pointed out by Dr. Schomburg in his paper on introduced grasses, read before the Chamber of Manufactures, Adelaide, and also as the result of experiments by Dr. Curl, of Rangitikei, in relation to its value in pasture. (Trans. N.Z. Institute, Vol. IX., page 531.) Regarding the capacity of grasses to resist drought, it may be accepted as a rule in the improvement of pastures that the permanence of every grass will be in exact proportion to the stoutness of its roots, and depth to which they extend. Species with deep-seated, stout roots, like Panicum spectabile and Sporobilis elongatus, will be enabled to resist the driest seasons ; whilst species such as Lolium perenne, and Dlchelachne crinila, having fine fibrous roots ramifying near the surface, must inevitably perish under the same circumstances. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : COMMON IN WOODS Banks and Solander ; AUCKLAND ISTHMUS, GREAT BARRIER ISLAND, THAMES Kirk; TITIR ANGI -Cheeseman ; KAWAU ISLAND, WELLINGTON Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON Travers ; CANTERBURY Lyell and Armstrong. Reference to Plate VII. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Nervation of tirst empty glume. 4. Nervation of second empty glume. 5. Nervation of third empty glume. 6. Nervation of flowering glume. 7. Nervation of Palea. 8, 8'. Scales. 9. Ovary with stamens and penicillate stigmas. 10. Grain. Hate XI. Paziicum Order GRAMINF^E. GENUS VIII. ISACHNE, Brown. Spikelets panicled, 2-flowered, lower flower usually male, upper herma- phrodite. Empty glumes 2, nearly equal, often deciduous. Flowering glumes nearly equal, the fertile glume hardening and including the palea and grain. Palea nearly as large as the glumes, also hardening. Scales 2. Stamens 3. Ovary linear. Grain free within the hardened glume and palea. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TROPICAL AND SUB-TROPICAL CLIMATES. Etymology, from two Greek words signifying "equal" and a "glume." 1. ISACHNE AUSTRALIS. EQUAL-GLUMED MILLET. (Plate XII.) PANICUM ATROVIRENS, Trin. ; Kunth, Enum. I., 127 ; F. Muell. Fragm. VIII., 193. PANICUM ANTIPODUM, Spreng. Syst. I., 314. ISACHNE AUSTRALIS, R. Brown. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 291 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 324. A TUFTED grass, usually on swampy land. Flowers December January. Perennial. Root fibrous. Stems 6 1 8 inches high ; slender, decumbent, ami creeping at the base. Leaves scaberulous, 3 5 inches long, \ i-inch broad, flat ; mouth of the sheath with silky hairs. Panicle erect, ovoid, i 2 inches long, lax, branches long, flexuous, sparingly divided. Spikelets few, pedicelled, obtuse, J-inch long. Empty glumes glabrous, n- and 9-nerved. Flowering glumes : lower, sessile, glabrous, 5-nerved, Palea 2-nerved ; upper, stipitate, pubescent, 5-nerved, Palea 2-nerved. Scales truncate. Anthers large. Orary glabrous. Styles very long. Stigmas penicillate, shorter than the styles. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES: INDIA, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Little is known of this grass in New Zealand, except in the District of Auckland, where, according to Kirk, it is abundant in swampy places, and is 24 ISACHNE AUSTRALIS. greedily eaten by all kinds of stock. So valuable a grass is worthy of attention by settlers, and, although it might not thrive in the colder parts of the colony, it could, no doubt, be extended over a larger area of the North Island than that to which it is at present restricted. Many of our most valuable indigenous grasses have a very limited distribution, while their cultivation is much neglected, a preference being given to exotic species, apparently from the greater facility with which their seed can be procured by purchase. The difficulty in procuring seeds of our native grasses will not be overcome until a few enterprising settlers commence their cultivation chiefly for the sale of seed, which would certainly prove remunerative. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND, BAY OF ISLANDS A. Cunningham; AUCKLAND Sinclair ; LAKE TAUPO Colenso ; ISTHMUS OF AUCKLAND, THAMES, NORTH CAPE to WAIKATO, &c. Kirk. Reference to Plate XII.: Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Staminiferous floret. 4. Fertile floret. 5. Palea of fertile floret. 6, 0'. Nervation of empty glumes. 7. Nervation of flowering glumes. 8. Nervation of Palea. 9. Scales. 10. Ovary, c. PlatftXIL 7 8 IsaoKne australis, Br. Order G GENUS IX. ZOYSIA, Willdenow. Spikelets few (i io), p sessile, or shortly pedicelled, alternate, and imbri- cating on a stiff, erect, flattened flexuous rachis. Empty glume i, mucronate or awned. Flowering glume solitary, included. Palea membranous or none. Scales o. Stamens 3. Ovary oblong. Styles short, terminal. Stigmas long, feathery. Grain free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : INDIA, MAURITIUS, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology : Named in honor of Baron Charles de Zoys, a Carniolian ecclesiastic, and collector of plants. 1. ZOYSIA PUNGENS. (Plate XII L A.) ZOYSIA PUNGENS, Willd. ; R. Brown, Prod. 208 ; F. Muell, Fragm. VIII. 1 1 6 j Benth. Fl. Hongk. 418. ROTTBOELLIA UNIFLORA, A. Cunningham. ZOYSIA PUNGENS. Willdenow. Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z., I., 312 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 324. A SMALL, creeping, rigid, usually littoral grass. Culms branched, i 3 inches high, tufted, glabrous. Flowers December January. Perennial. Roots wiry, striking downwards from the prostrate rhizome. Leaves erect or spreading, filiform or subulate, involute, i 4 inches long ; sheaths tumid, grooved ; ligule o. Spike \ |-inch long, often reduced to a solitary spikelet. Spikelets h |-inch long, shortly pedicelled. Empty glume ovoid, convolute, rigid, very coriaceous, glabrous, tip produced to a short awn, 7 -nerved. Flowering glume solitary, sessile, included, membranous, convolute, T -nerved. Palea o. Stamens 3, large. Ovary sessile, glabrous. Grain long, narrow. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES: THE SAME AS THE GENUS. A grass of considerable value on littoral swamps and dry flats near the sea. According to Kirk, "It is found sometimes forming a compact turf on dry land, and affording a large supply of succulent herbage for horses, cattle, and sheep." 26 ZOYSTA PUNGENS. Its value, however, in sach localities, if bulkier grasses would grow there, must be comparatively little, as, from its close-growing habit, it chokes out all other species. This may be observed near Tauranga, where, on the dry littoral flats above high water, the constant cropping of this grass by horses and cattle has formed so close a turf as to be impervious to all other vegetation. It is evidently much relished by stock, and is worthy of introduction in sand-hill districts near the sea, or saline soil inland, of little value for other herbage, as it would clothe the wet flats with a valuable sward. This is another of those grasses, similar to Paspalum d'tntichum, which will be easiest propagated by roots, the close-matted wiry fibres forming coherent masses of turf, which are easily conveyed in fragments to a distance without injury. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND : BAY ON ISLANDS-Sinclair : WAIKATO, MAKETU, AND LAKE DISTRICT Kirk ; TITIR ANGI Cheeseman ; TAURANGA Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON Monro ; CANTERBURY Armstrong. Reference to Plate XIII. A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glume. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Ovary with feathery stigmas. 7, 7'. Grain, front and^side views. BateM A . Zojsia purigens, B. Echiiuopiagoji ovatus, Pcdisot. Order GRAMINE.E. GENUS X.- ECHINOPOGON, Palisot. Spikelets sub-sessile, on short branches closely arranged into an oblong or ovoid, dense spike-like panicle, \ i J-inches long, bristling with rigid spreading awns, i -flowered. Empty glumes 2, equal. Flowering glume as long as the empty, with a pencil of silky hairs at the base ; awn ter- minal. Palea nearly equal in length to the flowering glume, with a short stiff pedicel at the base. Scales 2. Stamens 3. Ovary bearded at the top. Grain free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : AUSTRALIA, TAS- MANIA, NORFOLK ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology; Named from two Greek words meaning " scabrid " and a beard. L ECHINOPOGON OVATUS. ROUGH-BEARDED GRASS. (Plate XIII. B.) AGROSTIS OVATA, Forster. Labill, F,l. Nov. Holl., L, 19, t. 21 ; CINNA OVATA, Kunth, Enum. L, 208; F. Muell. Fragm. VIII., 106 ; ECHINO- POGON SIEBERI, Steud. Syn. Glum. I., 183. HYSTERICINA ALOPECURI- OIDES, Steudel. ECHINOPOGON OVATUS, Palisot. Hook, fil., Fl. Tasm. II. 117 ; Fl. N.Z., L, 297; Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 325. A HARSH scabrid grass, 6 24 inches high, ascending to 3000 feet altitude. Annual. Flowers November January. Leaves scabrid on the edges. Sheath of upper leaf long; ligule short. Spikelets green, nearly horizontal, i -flowered. Empty glumes equal, rigid, acuminate, i -nerved. Flowering glume with a pencil of silky hairs at the base, 2-fid at the top, 3-nerved ; awn terminal, long, rigid, not twisted, involute, flattening out when wet and pressed, as if a continuation of the glume. Pa lea nearly as long as the flowering glume, i -nerved, and with a short stiff pedicel at the base. Scales 2, ovate-lanceolate. Anthers large. Ovary bearded on top. Styles short. Stigmas long, feathery. Grain long, narrow. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : SAME AS THE GENUS. 28 ECHINOPOGON OVATUS. A grass widely distributed throughout the Islands, but never found abundant anywhere. It is eaten by sheep and cattle, but is of little value from its harsh non-succulent foliage and straggling habit. Commonly found on dry banks and other waste places, it can only be recommended as an early grass, but would probably not repay cultivation. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : COMMON IN NORTH AND SOUTH ISLANDS. Keference to Plate XII. B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary with feathery stigmas. 9. Grain. Order GRAMINE^. GENUS XL DICHELACHNE, Endlicher. Spikelets long, narrow, i -flowered, shining. Empty glumes 2, mem- branous, acuminate. Flowering glume as long, on a bearded pedicel, scabrid or silky, 2-fid, or entire at the tip, with a straight, twisted, or flexuose awn from the back or between the lobes, which is not jointed or thickened at the base. Palea shorter, linear, 2-fid. Scales 2 Stamens 3. Grain long, terete, free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : AUSTRALIA, NORFOLK ISLAND, TASMANIA, NEW ZEA- LAND. Etymology: From two Greek words signifying a "cloven hoof" and " chaff," in allusion to the bifid Palea. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES : Perennial. Culms stout, i 3 feet high. Spikelets -J f-inch long i. D. stipoides. Annual. Culms slender. Panicle dense. Spikelets J-inch long 2. JD. crinita. Annual. Culms slender. Panicle lax. Spikelets J-inch long 3. D. sciurea. 1. DICHELACHNE STIPOIDES. WIRY DICHELACHNE. (Plate XIV.) STIPA TERETIFOLIA, Steud. Bentham Flora Australiensis, Vol. VII., 567. AGROSTIS RIGIDA, A. Richard. DICHELACHNE RIGIDA, Steudel. DICHELACHNE STIPOIDES, Hook. fil. Flora. N.Z., I., 294, t. 66. Flora, Tasm., II., 112. Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 325. A DENSELY-TUFTED or tussac grass, its habitat being near the sea, on banks or rocks. Perennial. Flowers December January. Culms 30 DICHELACHNE STIPOIDES. r 3 feet high, wiry, smooth. Leaves longer than the culms, very slender, erect, involute. Panicle strict, erect, 4 6 inches long, branches few, short, erect. Spikelets \ J-inch long. Empty glumes membranous, J |-inch long, narrow, lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved. Flowering glume shorter, bifid, covered with silky spreading hairs, 5-nerved ; awn flexuose, two and a half times the length of the glume, glabrous. Palea narrow, bifid, covered with silky hairs, 2-nerved. Scales large. Anthers very long, narrow. Ovary glabrous. Styles short. Stigmas plumose. Grain long, narrow. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. This grass, which is only found near the sea or saline estuaries, is of little value as food for stock ; and, from its very rigid, non-succulent habit, is not likely to be improved by cultivation. It is only grazed by horses and cattle during its flowering and seeding season ; and the hard wiry nature of its foliage renders it worthless, either in pasture or as fodder. It might, however, be utilized in the manufacture of paper, as it possesses a strong fibrous structure, and is apparently as well adapted for that purpose as the tussac Danthonias of the South Island, the latter, from experiments, having proved to be eminently suited for paper-making. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : EAST COAST Banks and Solander ; BAY OF ISLANDS AND AUCKLAND Sinclair; ISTHMUS OF AUCKLAND, THAMES, WAIKATO, GREAT BARRIER ISLAND Kirk ; TITIRANGI Cheeseman ; KAWAU ISLAND Buchanan. Reference to Plate XIV.: Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary, scale, stamens, and feathery stigmas. RateHV Order GRAMINE^E. 2. DICHELACHNE CRINITA. LONG HAIR PLUME GRASS. (Plate XV.) DICHELACHNE VULGARIS, Trinius. DICHELACHNE FORSTERIANA, Trinius. MUHLENBERGIA MOLLICOMA, Nees. AGROSTIS CRINITA, R. Brown. Prod. 170. APERA CRINITA, Palisot. ANTHOXANTHUM CRINITUM, Linn. fil. Suppl., 90, Labill. Fl. Nov. Holl., II., 115, t. 263. DICHELACHNE CRINITA, Hook, fil. Fl. Tasm. II. , in. Fl. N.Z. I., 293 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 326. A GLABROUS, downy, or scabrid grass, growing in small tufts, ascending to 3000 feet altitude. Flowers November April. Root fibrous. Perennial. Steins i 3 feet high, slender or stout, leafy. Leaves flat or involute ; ligule short, obtuse, entire, or lacerate. Panicle elongate, contracted, spike-like, 3 6 inches long, branches nearly hidden by the long awns. Spikelets J-inch long. Empty glumes long-acuminate, 3-nerved. Plmcering glume 2-fid at top, 5-nerved ; awn capillary, inserted at the back above the middle, flexuose, not twisted, nearly four times as long as the glume. Palea 2-fid, with a short awn, 2-nerved. Scales large, oblong, long-acuminate. Anthers long. Ovary glabrous. Styles short, wide apart. Stigmas long, plumose. Grain long, linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES ; AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. A valuable grass, abundantly distributed throughout the islands, and forming, when in flower, a prominent feature in pasture. Asa pasture grass when grown under favourable circumstances, on rich valley bottoms with perennial moisture, it is very succulent, but when on dry clay hills it is harsh and scanty ; its nutrient qualities may be admitted, forming as it does a large constituent of pastures famous for fattening stock. As a fodder grass it possesses considerable bulk, and would add much value to a mixed crop of hay. In sheltered situations near Wellington, this species has a very extended period of flowering, as a succession of scattered panicles may generally be found during eight months of the year. This is not, however, a singular circumstance, as some native and introduced species, such as 32 DICHELACHNE CRINITA. Poa annua and Danthonia aemi-aimularis, may be found flowering during the whole year. A variety of D. crinita, figured on Plate XV., Fig. Y, was collected in the Domain, Wellington, the spike-like panicle of which is more open and the awns purple. This variety may probably prove to be an introduced Australian form. It is a very graceful grass when in flower, and a very different looking plant from the species, but by the details of its inflorescence cannot be distinguished. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : Everywhere from the North Gape to Stewart Island, from sea-level to 3000 feet altitude. Reference to Plate XV. : Figs. 1, 1'. Plants. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scales. 8. Ovary. 0. Grain. Plate Order ORAMINE/E. 3. DICHELACHNE SCIUREA. SHORT HAIR PLUME GRASS. (Plate XVI.) DICHELACANE SIEBERIANA, and D. vuLGARis, Trinius and Ruprecht ; D. MONTANA, Endl. Prod., Fl. Norf., 20. AGROSTIS SCIUREA, R. Brown. Prod. 171; A. RARA, Nees; MUHLENBERGIA SCIUREA, Trin. Gram. Unifl., 193. STIPA MICRANTHA, Nees. DICHELACHNE SCIUREA, Hook, fil. Fl. Tasm. II., in. FL N.Z., I., 294; Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 326. A SMALL tufted glabrous grass of low altitudes. Flowers December January. Root fibrous. Perennial. Stems i 2 feet high, slender. Leaves flat or involute ; ligule very short, obtuse, entire, or lacerate. Panicle elongate, contracted, 3 6 inches long, branches more open and with fewer spikelets than the former. Spikelets less than ^-inch long. Empty glumes narrow, long-acuminate, 3-nerved. Flowering glume as long, 2-fid at top, 5-nerved ; awn flexuose, twisted, 2 \ times longer than the glume, inserted at the back above the middle. Palea narrow, 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales large, oblong, long-acuminate. Anthers short, stout. Ovary glabrous, oblong. Styles very short, nearly connate at the base. Stigmas short, plumose. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. A very different looking grass from D. crinita in its extreme forms, but con- nected with that species by intermediate varieties, which, though differing in outward form, cannot be separated by the details of the inflorescence. These varieties are, as far as at present known, limited to the North Island. The three specimens figured in Plate XVI. are : Fig, 1, collected by Mr. Kirk, near Auck- land. Fig. 1' from a specimen collected on the Island of Kawau, which in outward form resembles D. crinita, but in microscopical details of inflorescence, agrees entirely with the present species. Fig. 1" is from a specimen collected in the Domain, Wellington, which appears to be only a small form of the species, or an introduced Australian form. All the varieties are valuable pasture grasses, and, from their slender succulent habit, would become valuable as fodder grasses if cultivated. Regarding the doubtful perennial habit of this and other species, it may be remarked, that under the mild climate which obtains in the North Island 34 DICHLELACHNE SCIUREA. of Ne\v Zealand, grasses which under a more rigoroTis climate would die down annually, possess a continuous growth during nearly the whole year, unless when, owing to a dry season, they flower and seed early, and before forming new stoles or branches at the roots, in which case they inevitably die out if not reproduced by seed. This takes place frequently with perennial Bay grass ( Lolium jierrctic}, when it is allowed to flower and seed the first year. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND, BAY OF ISLANDS, and AUCKLAND Cunningham, Colenso, Sinclair ; THAMES DISTRICT- Kirk ; TITIRANGI Cheeseman ; KAWAU ISLAND and WELLINGTON Buchanan. Inference to Plate XYL : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet, 3. Floret. 4. Ner- vation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. G. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary. 9. Grain. Plate XVI. 5 5 D i cKela/cline sciuve a . Hook. M. Order GRAM1NE/E. GENUS XII. APERA, Palisot. Spikelets minute, i -flowered, in large diffuse panicles. Empty glumes 2, nearly equal, longer than the flowering. Flowering glume terete, coria- ceous, acuminate, and ending in a slender, straight, not twisted awn. Palea membranous. Scales 2. Stamens i 3. Grain terete, enclosed in the hardened glume. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : EUROPE, NORTH AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology; From the Greek, signifying "without mutilation," in reference to the constant presence of the floral awn. 1. APERA ARUNDINACEA. NEW ZEALAND WIND GRASS. (Plate XVIL) APERA ARUNDINACEA, Palisot. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 295, t. 67 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 326. A LARGE, densely-tufted, glabrous, ornamental grass, ascending to 1000 feet. Flowers December January. Perennial. Culms slender, rigid, arising from creeping, scaly, rhizomes, 2 5 feet high, branching. Leaves coriaceous, narrow, involute, slightly scabrid ; sheaths long ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle drooping, 8 16 inches long; pedicels alternate, on the long whorled branches. Spikelets fa ro-inch long, pale, shining. Empty glume with a scabrid keel, 3-nerved. Flou>ering glume sessile, on a small glabrous callous, thickened and rough at the top ; awn scabrid, deciduous, J-inch long. Palea oblong-linear, acute, 2-nerved. Scales linear, acute. Stamen i. Ovary shortly pedicelled. Style very short. Stigmas short, feathery. Grain linear, terete, truncate. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : SUB-TROPICAL, EAST AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. This graceful, nodding, plume-like grass is not found abundant anywhere in Xew Zealand. Although scattered over several districts, its wiry knot-jointed culms and hard non-succulent foliage preclude it from ever being recommended as 36 APERA ARUNDINACEA. food for stock ; neither, in an economic point of view, could it, from its sparse distribution, unless cultivated, ever be utilized as a fibre-product in the manu- facture of paper, to which it is otherwise well adapted. It can only, therefore, be classed as ornamental ; and, certainly, the whorled arrangement of the primary branches and branchlets on the long slender culms of this New Zealand Wind Grass presents a very beautiful tussac object for the decoration of lawns, banks of streams, or margins of ponds. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND: CAPE TURN AGAIN Colenso ; W A IRARAPA Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : AKAROA Raoul ; CHRISTCHURCH Armstrong ; DUNEDIN- Buchanan. Reference to Plate XVII. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3, 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary, stamen, and feathery stigmas. Plaxe.XYE Order GRAMINE/K. GENUS XIII. SPOROBOLUS, Brown. Spikclets minute, i -flowered, in spike-like contracted panicles. Empty glumes 2. unequal, awnless. Flowering glume sessile, awnless. Palea large. Scales 2. Stamens i 3. Grain free, terete, with a lax pericarp. DISTRIBUTION OK GENUS: TROPICAL and SUB-TROPICAL CLIMATES, southern parts of AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology : From two Greek words meaning " a seed," and " casting forth," from the grain being easily shaken out. 1. SPOROBOLUS ELONGATUS. RAT-TAIL, OB CHILIAN GRASS. (Plate XVI IL) SPOROBOLIS INDICUS, Benth. Fl. Austral., VII. SPOROBOLUS ELONGATUS, R. Brown. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 295 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 326. A HARD, wiry, tough, glabrous grass, at low altitudes. Flowers Novem- ber January. Perennial. Roots wiry, fibrous, creeping. Stem i 2 feet high. Leaves spreading, flat or involute ; ligide short, sheaths furrowed. Panicle 6 12 inches long, spike-like, much contracted, sometimes lobed below. Spikelets pedicelled. Empty glumes small, unequal, i -nerved. Flowering glume much larger, oblong-acuminate, 3-nerved. Palea oblong-acuminate, i-nerved. Scales narrow, acute. Ovary abrupt at top, sessile. Anthers stout, short. Stigmas nearly sessile, feathery. Grain terete, truncate at top, and pointed at base ; often found adherent to the mouth of the floret. DISTRIBUTION or SPECIES: THE SAME AS THE GENUS, probably introduced to New Zealand. This grass affords good pasture for horses and cattle, but, from its tough fibrous structure, is not adapted for sheep ; and, as it spreads with great rapidity by the roots, it would be injudicious to introduce it on sheep-runs. In the neighbouring Colony of Victoria much ground has been overrun by this grass within the last few years, to the great detriment of the pasture, as it chokes out 38 SPOROBOLUS ELONGATUS. better grasses ; and, however nutritions its tongh foliage may be, it cannot be eaten in sufficient quantity by sheep, and especially by broken -mouthed ewes. In New Zealand this grass was, until within a few years, confined to the District of Auckland, but it has now spread as far south as Napier and Wellington. Although a tropical grass, it appears to have an extensive range of temperature within which it ripens seed ; and it will be interesting to observe, in its further progress southwards, into the colder latitudes of New Zealand, if its ability to ripen seed continues co-extensive with the plant's growth. The moist atmosphere of Auckland has already produced a curious change in this grass, the ripe seed being more firmly attached, so that it is no longer shed freely. Conflicting as this does with the etymology of the generic name Sporolohis, which means that the grain is easily shaken out, it is worthy of notice. In the illustration of the floret, Plate XVIII., the grain is shown adhering to the mouth of the floret, being attached by the viscid pericarp, which has become softened by the moist atmos- phere at the period of shedding, or, more probably, the adhesion of the seed is the result of continued rains at that time ; the spike-like panicles also present a very reddish appearance, due to the exserted dark-orange-coloured seed. This is a hardy grass, and grows freely on dry clay hills where other species would fail and, from its having deep-seated roots, it defies the driest seasons. It can also be recommended as a fibre material in the manufacture of paper. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: AUCKLAND, HAWKE'S BAY, WELLINGTON. Reference to Plate XVIII. i Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet, with grain adhering. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 0. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scales. 8. Ovary. 9. Grain. Sporobolufl eloiicratirs. B-: Order GRAMINE^. GENUS XIV. AGROSTIS, Linnaeus. Spikelets small, in an open or contracted panicle, i -flowered, often pedicelled on long capillary whorled branches. Empty ghimes 2, nearly equal, acuminate or acute, usually longer than the flowering. Flowering glume sessile, or shortly pedicelled, with or without an awn, obtuse, acute, or truncate. Palea membranous, nearly as long as the glume; very small or - none. Scales 2, Stamens 2 3. Grain terete, free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE AND COLD CLI- MATES. Etymology : Named from the Greek word for a " field." ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES : I. Glumes membranous, flowering one much shorter than the empty, truncate and jagged at the tip. Palea membranous, and much shorter than the flowering glume, or absent, without the pedicel of a second glume at its base. Flowering glume wholly glabrous, truncate. Panicle usually contracted Spikelets -S-inch, on hispid pedicels i. A. antarctica. Spikelets f 2 t L -inch ; pedicels scarcely scabrid ; branches of panicle whorled 2. A, caniua. Spikelets r^-inch ; pedicels scarcely scabrid - 3. A. Muellcri. Spikelets ^ i-inch ; pedicels scarcely scabrid 4. A. subulata. Spikelets A rVinch ; pedicels scarcely scabrid; branches of panicle few, opposite or 3-nare. 5. A, parviflora. Flowering glume silky. Panicles very broad. Leaves narrow, usually involute and filiform - 6. A. wniula. Leaves broad, flat 7. A. pilosa. II. Glumes membranous ; flowering one much shorter than the empty ; usually bearded at the base, and jagged at the tip. Palea shorter than the flowering glume, with a silky pedicel of a second 4O AGROSTIS. glume at its base. Branches of panicle whorled, capillary. Spikelets i i-inch long. 8. A. billardieri. III. Glumes hard, coriaceous ; flowering nearly as long as the empty, often pedicelled, silky at the base. Palea hard, as long as the flowering glume, with a rigid bearded pedicel of a second glume at its base. Panicle contracted, branches very short. Leaves filiform ; spikelets ^- i-inch ; awn exserted 9. A. setifolia. Leaves filiform; spikelets -J Hnch ; awn exserted 10. A. avenoides Leaves concave ; spikelets i i-inch; awn very short n. A^youngii. Leaves concave ; spikelets i i-inch ; awn exserted 12. A. quadriseta. Order GRAMINE^. 1 AGROSTTS ANTARCTICA. CAMPBELL ISLAND BENT GRASS. AGROSTIS ANTARCTICA, Hook. fil. Flora Antarct, II., 374. AGROSTIS ANTARCTICA, Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, 1,327. Culms erect, tufted, 6 24 inches rrgh, glabrous and smooth. Leaves involute, shorter than the culms ; sheaths glabrous, smooth ; ligule oblong, truncate. Panicle i 4 inches long, contracted, nodding, pale green. Spikelets crowded on short, erect, hispid pedicels, ^-inch long and upwards. Empty glumes nearly equal, lanceolate, long-acuminate ; keel ciliate, sides scaberulous ; flowering one sessile, half the length of the empty, or shorter, glabrous, membranous, truncate ; awn from the middle of the back, rather recurved, longer than the spikelet. Palea o, or small. -DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES; CAMPBELL ISLAND. There is no specimen of this grass in the Colonial Herbarium, and it cannot therefore be figured. Hooker says of this grass, Fl. Antarct., I., 95: "This is not an uncommon grass at the bases of precipices and on the exposed slopes of the island. It is remarkable for being nearly allied to a species brought by Dr. Jameson from the extreme verge of vegetation on Pichincha, in Columbia, 15,676 feet altitude, for me ; that species is, however, more leafy, and its whole culm is enclosed in the sheathing vaginae." Order GRAMINE^. 2. AGROSTIS CANINA. THE BROWN BENT GRASS- (Plate XIX.) AGROSTIS CANINA, Linnaeus. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 296 \ Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 328. TRICHODIUM CANINUM, Schrceder. A TUFTED glabrous grass, ascending to 3000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Root perennial, creeping. Stem i 24 inches high, slender. Leaves flat or involute, glabrous, short, sheaths smooth ; ligule oblong, obtuse, entire or lacerate. Panicle 24 inches long, upright, open when in flower, contracted when in seed ; branches slender, lower whorled, slightly scabrid. Spikelets ^ l - 2 -inch long; pedicels scabrid. Empty glumes nearly equal, 3-nerved, lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous ; keel ciliate. Flowering glumes oblong, truncate, 3-nerved ; awn dorsal, or o. Palea o. Scale entire, acute. Ovary linear-oblong. Stamens 3, short, broad. Styles very short. Stigmas short, feathery. Grain narrow-oblong, obtuse at both ends. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : EUROPE, AMERICA, FALKLAND ISLANDS, FUEGIA, AUS- TRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. An abundant and wide-spread grass in Europe, and also common in New Zealand ; but it has always been regarded in Britain as of little value, either in pasture or agriculture. It is found abundant in boggy situations, where its graceful upright panicle may be seen early in the season ; and therefore, although not a lirst-class grass, it is still very valuable as an early food for stock. Like many other grasses, this species has a wide range of value according to the existing conditions of its growth, being harsh, dry, and unpalatable on dry clay land, whilst on rich moist soil, even with a low temperature, it is more succulent and agreeable to stock. It is variable, to a considerable extent, in size and close- ness of panicle, apparently passing in some places into the following species, Ayroxtis Muellerl. It may prove interesting to compare the value of this species with Ayrustits stofouifera, the Fiorin of agriculturists as regards bulk and amount of nutrient matter, premising that no analysis can ever be constant as regards a species, unless the varieties of the species, as well as the soil and the moisture, be considered. The varieties of Fiorin, according to Sinclair's experiment?, Hortus Gramineus Wobnrnensis," nvn^r in value between 6125 Ib. and 10,335 11>. 44 AGROSTIS CANINA. bulk per acre ; and the nutrient matter contained, from 287 lb. to 930 Ib. ; therefore, it may reasonably be supposed that the following analysis given of the grass now under notice, Agrostis canina, by the same authority, would stand higher as regards both bulk and nutrient matter, if grown under favourable circumstances in the superior climate of New Zealand. The value as grown in England is as follows : 5546 lb. per acre, and the nutrient matter 148 lb. ; the weight of nutrient matter when the seed is ripe is superior to that when it is in flower, as 10 to 7. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : MOUNTAINOUS PARTS Colenso. SOUTH ISLAND ; NELSON H. H. Travers ; MILFORD SOUND Lyall; ALPS OF CANTERBURY (2000 4000 feet altitude) Sinclair, Haast, Armstrong; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT (3000 feet altitude) Hector and Buchanan ; SOUTHLAND (1000 feet) Buchanan. Reference to Plate XIX. : Fig. 1 . Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Ner- vation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Scale. 7. Ovary. 8. Grain enclosed in flowering glume. PlateJOX. Agrostis. Order GRAMINE^E. 3. AGROSTIS MUELLER!. ALPINE BENT GRASS. (Plate XX. A. ) AGROSTIS CIKLIDA, F. Muell. Trans. Viet. Inst. 1855, p. 43. AGROSTIS CANINA, Linn. VAR. B. GELIDA. Hook. fil. Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., .528. AGROSTIS MUELLERI, Benth. Flora Australiensis, VII., 576. A SMALL, tufted, glabrous grass, ascending to 5000 feet altitude. Flowers December March. Roots fibrous, creeping. Stems 3 5 inches high. Leaves shorter than the culms, involute ; ligule oblong, obtuse, entire or lacerate. Panicle | ij-inch long. Empty glumes nearly equal, oblong-acuminate, scabrid on the margins and keel, 3-nerved, lateral nerves very short. Flowering glume oblong, truncate, finely serrate on top, 5-nerved, awnless. Palea o. Scale entire, oblong, acute. Stamens 3, small. Styles short ; stigmas long, feathery. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : SCOTLAND, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. The present grass which previously formed a variety of Ayrostis canhm, now takes rank as a species, according to Bentham, under the present name. It is a valuable summer sheep grass in mountainous districts, and is probably widely dis- tributed over the upland pastures of New Zealand. It is found abundantly Avithin the winter snow line, and to this circumstance of protection by snow during this season, and a certain amount of rest immediately before and after from grazing, may be attributed the permanency of the species. DISTRIBUTION IN NFAV ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: RUAH1NE MOUNTAINS, 40005000 feet Colenso. SOUTH ISLAND : MOUNT DARWIN Haast. OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT, 30005000 feet Hector and Buchanan. KAIKOURA MOUN- TAIN, 30005000 feetBuchanan. Reference to Plate XX. A. : Fig. 1. Plant. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation ol empty glumes, o. Nervation of flowering glume, t). Scale. 7. Ovary. Plate. XX. A. Agrostis cajuna,,Z^/i. B Var. / - sutnU.a$a. C. Order GRAMINE^E. 4. AGROSTIS SUIHJLATA. DWARF MOUNTAIN BENT GRASS. (Plate XX. B.) ACROSIIS SUBULATA, Hook. fil. Fl. Ant., I., 95, t. 53. AGROSTIS PARVI- KLORA, R. Brown. YAR. B. PERPUSILLA. Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z. I., 296. A<;ROSTIS CAMNA. Linn. VAR. x. Hook, fil., N.Z. Fl. I. ,328. A MINUTE tufted grass, forming patches on the mountains at an altitude of 5000 7000 feet. Flowers January. Roots fibrous, creeping. Stem \ 2 inches high. Leaves much longer than the culms, involute ; ligule long, linear, lacerate at top. Panicle i 1-inch long, nearly as broad, generally hidden amongst the leaves near the ground. Spikelets few, r.i s-inch long, flaccid. Empty glumes nearly equal, ovate-acuminate, scabrid on the margins and keel, 3-nerved, lateral nerves very short. Wowen'ng ghnne broadly ovate, truncate, finely serrate on top, 5-nerved, awnless. Palca o. Scale entire, oblong, acute. Stamens 3, large. Sty/e short : stigmas long, feathery. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : CAMPBEU/S ISLAND. NEW ZEALAND. The present species was thus named by Dr. Hooker, in his " Flora Antarctica, " In. m specimens collected by himself in Campbell's Island, it was afterwards described by him as \'m: K. of Ayroxtis canina, in his New Zealand Flora, and Handbook of the Flora of New Zealand, possessing as it does greater structural difference from At/runti* cmiina than Var. C 1 . ydida of the same species, (which variety has recently been raised to the rank of a species under the name of Agroatis Muelferi, by IVntham, in Vol. VII., Flora Australiensis, ) it has been considered judicious in the present work, to restore Dr. Hooker's original name, Ayrostis snbulata. This species has only been found in three localities in New Zealand, but from its dwarf habit may have often been overlooked. Its close growth and succulent nature indicate it as a good sheep grass, and it might repay the expense of transplanting to lower ground, where it would no doubt increase in size under the influence of a higher temperature. DISTRIBUTION IN NK\\ XKALAND: NORTH ISLAND: RTAHINE MOl NT A I N -Colenso ; TAHA- 48 AGROSTIS SUBULATA. RUA MOUNTAIN, 5000 feet-H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLAND : LAKE TENNYSON, 4400 feet H. H. Travers. Reference to Plate XX. B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 7. Scale. Order GRAMINE^. 5. AGROSTIS PARYIFLORA. SLENDER BENT GRASS. (Plate XX. C.) AGROSTIS SCABRA, Willd. Spec., PI. I., 370. AGROSTIS PARVIFLORA, R. Brown- Hook, fil., Flora Tasmania, II., 113, t. 158?,. Fl. N.Z., I., 296 ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 328. A SLENDER, tufted, glabrous grass, 6 12 inches high, ascending to 3000 feet altitude. Flowers January February. Perennial. Leaves narrow, flat or involute, scabrid on the edges ; ligule oblong, truncate, lacerate. Panicle 3 5 inches long, of few short capillary scabrid branches, opposite or 3-nate. Spikelets A f -inch long, slender, narrow. Empty glumes nearly equal, spreading, glabrous, scabrid on the keel, i-nerved ; inner glume with two short lateral nerves. Flowering glume truncate, 5-nerved ; awn (when present) dorsal, very short. Palea o. Scales linear-oblong, tapering to a sharp point. Ovary oblong. Styles very short. Stigmas short, feathery. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. A valuable grass, common on the upland pastures of the South Island, also found at lower levels in both Islands. It is sometimes confounded with Agrostis <'ahia, with which it is often associated, and from which it may be best distinguished by its more slender constricted panicle and few narrow spikelets. The abundance of both species may be best observed when they are in flower, which is generally late in the season, when most of the other grasses have ceased growing, thus providing abundance of food when most required. Species of Agrostis occupy a prominent place everywhere in the pastures of temperate and cold climates, but their adoption in cultivation has generally been unpopular with agriculturists, from their proving very inconstant in bulk and nutrient value. This defect, to a great extent, is, no doubt, occasioned by the great susceptibility of these grasses to the influence of differences in soil, heat, and moisture. Variation in species from this cause may also be accepted as an important element of difference in value, superior varieties being sometimes produced, of which the well- known Florin, At/rontix alba, may be cited as an example. A comparison of the slight difference in structural form which may exist between two grasses, while yet differing considerably in value as food, may be made between the species now 50 AGROSTIS PARVIFLORA. under notice Agrostisparvi flora, a grass of a delicate succulent habit, and Agrostis canina, one more harsh and much less succulent, and of which the first is probably only a variety. The value of the A grostis family in pasture has been very logically argued by (Juthbert W. Johnson, in his "Farmers' Enclyclopcedia, " where, under the article " Agrostis," he says, " There has been much prejudice existing against the different species of A f/rostis in general, but let the proprietor of a rich ancient pasture divest a part of it of these grasses entirely, and the value of the plants will be demonstrated in the comparative loss of late and early herbage." DISTRI- BUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : SHORES OF COOK STRAIT Colenso. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON H. H. Travers ; CANTERBURY Armstrong; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT Hector and Buchanan; SOUTH- LAND Buchanan. Reference to Plate XX. : Fig. l.C. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Ner- vation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Scale. 7. Ovary, pistil, and stamens. Order GRAMINE/E. 6. AGROSTIS .EMULA. TOOTHED BENT GRASS. (Plate XXL) AGROSTIS FORSTERI, Roemer and Schultes. AGROSTIS LYALLII, Hook, fil. Flora N.Z., I., 297. AGROSTIS LEPTOSTACHYS, Hook. fil. Flora Antarct., L, 94. LACHNAGROSTIS FORSTERI, Trinius. LACHNAGROSTIS ,*MULA, Nees. DEYEUXIA /EMULA, Kunth. AVENA FILIFORMIS, Forster. DEYEUXIA FORSTERI, Kunth. Hook. fil. ; Flora N.Z., L, 298. AGROSTIS ^EMULA, Brown. Hook. fil. ; Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 329. A VERY delicate glabrous grass, ascending to 2000 feet altitude. Flowers November March. Root fibrous. Anuual. Culms tufted, 6 24 inches high. Leaves very narrow, involute, scaberulous on the edges ; ligule narrow, oblong, lacerate at top. Panicle large, very open, branches capillary, scaberulous, whorled, 3 6 inches long. Spikelets $ ^-inch long, on very slender, scaberulous pedicels. Empty glumes nearly equal, smooth ; keel scabrid, i -nerved. Flowering glume shorter, sessile, truncate, with scattered silky hairs, 5-nerved, awn proceeding from the middle of the back. Palea (when present) linear-oblong, bifid at top, 2-nerved, and frequently with the silky pedicel of a second glume at base. Scales entire, narrow-lanceolate. Anthers short, stout. Styles very short. Stigmas short, feathery. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES: AUS- TRALIA, TASMANIA, CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. A widely distributed grass in New Zealand, often forming a prominent part of the pasture on dry, stony, or sandy soils, especially in the North Island. It is valuable as a sheep grass in such places, probably proving perennial when pre- vented by grazing from ripening its seed, the permanence of such grasses often depending on their capability to stole or form offsets or branches at the roots before flowering and seeding. This grass possesses a large adaptation of growth to varied soils, although most abundant on arid clay land, probably from the absence there of larger grasses ; yet, on good soil, when sheltered by shrubs, it attains its greatest height, and is greedily eaten by horses and cattle. On several of the smaller islands of the East Coast of Napier and Auckland, this grass, with its congeners A. lillardieri and A. pllosa, form, when in flower, a prominent feature 52 AGROSTIS -ffiMULA. of the open land, attaining under the shelter of Muhlenbeckia or Coprosma shrubs, a height of 2 3 feet . In such situations it is succulent and nutritious, and closely cropped by stock when present, many of the islands where it abounds being still unstocked with large cattle. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : FOUND EVERYWHERE FROM SEA-LEVEL TO TWO THOUSAND FEET ALTITUDE. Reference to Plate XXI.: Fig. 1. Plant. 2. 2'. Spikelet. 3. Nerva- tion of empty glumes. 4. Nervation of flowering glume. 5. Scales. 6. Grain. Hate IM. Order GRAMINE^. 7. AGROSTIS PILOSA. PILOSE BENT GRASS. (Plate XXII.) AGROSTIS PILOSA, A. Richard. Flora. I., 134, t. 23. Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z., L, 297. Handb. N.Z. Flora, I. 329. A LARGER and more robust grass than the last, Flowers November March. Annual or Perennial. Culms tufted, 12 36 inches high. Leaves flat, scaberulous on the edges, and sometimes pilose at bottom ; ligule broad, short and rounded at top. Panicle large, 6 18 inches long, 3 10 inches broad, branches whorled, scaberulous. Spikelets J-inch long, on slender scaberulous pedicels. Empty glumes nearly equal, margins 'and keel scabrid, i -nerved. Flowering glume sessile, truncate, with 4 prominent teeth, 5-nerved, pilose, awned near the middle of the back. Palea oblong, bifid, 2 -nerved. Scales entire, narrow-lanceolate, acute. Stigmas nearly sessile. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND, CHATHAM ISLANDS. This is an abundant and wide spread grass in both Islands, from sea-level to 3000 feet altitude, it differs much from the previous species A. cemvla, in its larger size and more robust habit, in its more silky or pilose flowering glume, more distinct prolongation of the rachis at back of Palea, terminating in a pencil of silky hairs, and broader pilose leaves. In rich damp ground not subject to summer droughts this grass is perennial, and acquires in such places considerable bulk ; it is closely cropped by cattle and sheep, and may be considered a valuable grass both as late and early feed ; specimens having been collected in the Botanical Garden, Wellington, in flower, during the late severe winter. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: MOUNTAINOUS DISTRICTS OF THE INTERIOR Colenso. WELLINGTON Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : ASTROLABE HARBOUR, D'URVILLE, NELSON. SUB-ALPINE DIS- TRICTS : NELSON H. H. Travers. SOUTHERN ALPS, CANTERBURY Sinclair, Haast ; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT Hector and Buchanan ; DUNE- DIN Buchanan ; CHATHAM ISLANDS H. H. Travers. Reference to Plate XXII. : Fig. 1, Plants. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. N ervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary. Agro s tis pilo s a, A Rich . Order GRAMINE^. 8 AGROSTIS BILLARDTERT. BILLARDIER'S BENT GRASS. (Plate XX ITL) AGROSTIS VAOTNATA, Steudel. LACHNAGROSTIS BILLARDIERI, Trinius. AVENA FILIFORMIS, Labill. Flora. Nov., Holl. I., 24 t. 31. DEYEUXIA BILLARDIERI, Kunth. Hook, fil, Fl. N.Z., II., 298. AGROSTIS BILLAR- DIERI, R. Brown. Hook, fil., Fl.. Tasm., II., 115. Handb. N.Z. Flora I., 329. A ROBUST glabrous or scaberulous grass. Flowers December March, Annual or Perennial. Culms tufted, 6 18 inches high. Leaves 6 -10 inches long, broad or narrow, glabrous or pilose ; ligule short, lacerate on the broad top. Panicle 4 8 inches long, open, branches long, whorled, scaberulous. Spikelcts \ J-inch long, on long slender scaberulous pedicels. Empty glumes nearly equal, scabrid on the mar- gins and keel. 3-nerved, lateral nerves very short. Flowering glume shorter, truncate, with 4 teeth, silky at base, 5-nerved ; awn twice as long as the glume, proceeding from the middle of the back. Palea with a long silky pedicel at back. Scales linear-lanceolate, entire. Styles and Stigmas equal in length. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. This and the two previous species are closely connected, having many inter- mediate forms, but in the specific plants so structurally different, as to be easily distinguished. The present species may be characterised as the smallest of the three in size, but largest in the details of the inflorescence. This species may also be considered as of much value in pasture, it is an early grass on the drier districts of the North Island, and has a very extensive range of growth and adaptation to circumstance of soil, moisture, and heat, growing with equal vigour in littoral swamps, on sand hills, and good pasture land ; it may also be found in waste places among stones or scrub, being annual on dry clay hills, and perennial on good mcist land. In Vol. VII. of Bentham and Mueller's "Flora Australiensis, " recently published, some of the New Zealand Agrost'i* have been removed from that Genus and placed in Deyfwxia, from possessing a silky pedicel at the back of the Palea, 56 AGROSTIS BILLARDTERI. as this character is very inconstant with some of the New Zealand species, being very small in some, and frequently absent in A. wmnla, it has been consi lered inexpedient in the present work, to follow Bentham in this and adding a new Genus to the New Zealand grasses, or otherwise altering the present arrangement found in Hooker's Handb. of the New Zealand Flora, as much confusion might ensue with those who refer to that work as a guide. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND. NORTH ISLAND : BAY OF ISLANDS AND AUCKLAND. EAST COAST Sinclair, Colenso, Banks, and Solander. ISLANDS OF THE EAST COAST AND WELLINGTON Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND: NELSON H. H. Travers ; CANTERBURY Armstrong ; DUNEDIN Buchanan. Reference to Plate XXIII.: Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Grain. Order GRAMINE^. 9. AGROSTIS SETIFOLIA. ALPINE BENT GRASS. (Plate XXIV. B.) DEYEUXIA SETIFOLIA, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 299, t. 65 B. AGROSTIS SETIFOLIA, Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 329. A SMALL alpine grass. Flowers January. Roots perennial. Culms tufted, glabrous, grooved, 6 8 inches high. Leaves very narrow, invo- lute, shorter than the culms, glabrous ; ligule oblong. Panicle i 2-inches long, contracted, branches short. Spikclets few, ^ i-inch long, shining. Empty glumes unequal, 3-nerved, lateral nerves short. Flowering glume sessile, truncate, 4 toothed, \ shorter than the empty glumes, 5-nerved and with long silky hairs at base ; awn nearly twice as long as the glume, proceeding from the middle of the back. Palea nearly as long as the glume, bifid, 2-nerved, and with a long silky pedicel at back. Scales entire, oblong, acute. Styles short. Stigmas longer, feathery. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This grass, as far as at present known, appears to be limited in distribution to a few alpine localites in the North Island, it possesses a close habit of growth and succulent nature, and would prove a valuable addition to any pasture. The alpine pastures of New Zealand are unvisited during winter owing to the presence of snow, but are much frequented by sheep in the South Island during summer, when the lower lands are short of feed, and, no doubt, when the alpine portions of the Tararua and Kuahine Mountains, where this species is only found, are opened up for stock by clearing away the bush from their lower slopes, their grazing capa- bilities will prove equally valuable as that of the South. DISTRIBUTION ix NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: RUAHINE MOUNTAIN AND LAKE WAIKARE-Colenso ; TARARUA MOUNTAIN H. H. Travers. Reference to Plate XXIV. B. : Fig. 1. Plant, 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary. fla.te.XM A.Agrostis B. . setifolia,, ffookfil. Order 10. AGEOSTIS AVENOIDES. OAT-LIKE BENT GRASS. (Plate XXIV. A.) AGROSTIS AVENOIDES, Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 330. A SMALL glabrous grass. Flowers January February. Roots perennial. Culms rigid, 6 12 inches high, slender. Leaves short, numerous, involute, slender ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle much contracted, branches very short, \ ^-inch long. Empty glumes rigid, scabrid on the margins and keel, 3-nerved, lateral nerves (when present) very short. Flowering glume sessile, narrow, truncate with 4 teeth, hard, 5-nerved, scabrid on the nerves, silky at the base ; awn nearly twice as long as the glume, proceeding from the middle of the back, twisted, recurved. Palea nearly as long as the glume, 2 -nerved, with a long silky pedicel at back. Scales entire, variable, obtuse or acute. Stigmas nearly sessile. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. An abundant grass in several districts of the South Island, from near sea-level to 8000 feet altitude ; it is freely eaten by all kinds of stock, and may be considered as a good pasture grass, the foliage is short and close in growth, and assists in many places in forming a sward amongst the Danthonia tussacs. This grass, through injudicious burning by stock-owners, has suffered much during the last twenty years, and is now chiefly found on the banks of creeks and damp places. DISTIM- ni-TioN IN Xi:\\ ZKALAND: SOUTH ISLAND: NELSON, SUB-ALPINE DISTRICTS H. H. Travers ; CANTERBURY Sinclair, Haast, Armstrong; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT, (3000 feet altitude) Hector and Buchanan ; CLUTHA RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES Buchanan. Reference to Plate XXIV. A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet, 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7, 7'. Scales. 8. Ovary. Order GRAMINE^E, 11. AGBOST1S YOUNGJI YOUNG'S BENT GRASS. (Plate XXV.) AGROSTIS YOUNGII, Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 330. A TALL robust grass. Flowers December February. Roots perennial. Culms i 3 feet high, glabrous or slightly scaberulous. Leaves flat, \ J-inch broad. Panicle 4 6 inches long, erect, much contracted, ixuose, branches very short. Spikelets \ J-inch long. Empty glumes rigid, glabrous, scabrid on the margins and keel, nerveless. Flowering nearly as long, truncate with 4 teeth, pedicelled, 5-nerved, scabrid m the nerves ; awn very short, nearly terminal or proceeding at J from the top. Palea nearly as long as the glume, bifid, 2-nerved ; pedicel lort with silky hairs, Scales entire, linear-lanceolate. Ovary plano- mvex. Styles very short. Stigmas long, feathery. DISTRIBUTION OF >ECIES : NEW ZEALAND. A common grass in the South Island, varying much in size according to soil id situation, the foliage in the larger states is coarse but succulent, and would form a valuable constituent of mixed fodder. In the district between the Clutha id Mataura Rivers, Otago, this grass is abundant, and is much eaten by stock. In all places where undrained lands and abundant rains are common, all the species the Agrostis family will possess much value as pasture grasses, but however lardy they may be, they enjoy no immunity from overfeeding by either stock or >bits, and ought to benefit by periods of rest, or the finer kinds will inevitably killed by sun and frosts. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH tSLAND : NELSON-H. H. Travers ; CANTERBURY Haast ; KAIHIKU IILLS, OTAGO Buchanan. Reference to Plate XXV. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. Nervation of empty glume. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. (j. Nerva- of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Ovary, 2 views. Ha.tB.HK Agrostis Youngii, J{oolc.fil. Order GRAMINE^. 12. AGROSTIS QUADRISETA. SPIKED BENT, OR REED GRASS. (Plates XXVL A. and K.) AGROSTIS ELATIOR, Steucl. AVRNA QUADRISETA, Lahill., PI. Nov. Holl. I., 25 t. 32. BROMTDH.-M . of green produce per acre, which lost in drying, 68911t>., and afforded of nutritive matter, only 319H&. ; its cultivation therefore cannot be recom- mended, and it will probably disappear wherever the land is drained. Johnson, in his work on British grasses, says, of the tendency of this grass to form tussacs : "In the economy of nature, these tufts, so unsightly and disfiguring to the cultivated landscape, are valuable by contributing to elevate and solidify low lands liable to be overflowed by rivers, aad where they occur on hill and mountain slopes, by binding the spongy soil and preventing the slips which would leave them bare. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH AND MIDDLE ISLAND ABUNDANT. Reference to Plate XXXVII. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7 . Scale. 8. Grain, natural size. 8 '. Grain enlarged. PlaleJOXVIL Desdiampsia Order GRAMINE^E. GENUS XVIIL KCELERIA, Persoon. Spikelets 2 4-flowered, shortly pedicellate, shining. Panicle spike-like, densely cylindrical or interrupted. Empty glumes unequal, or nearly equal. Flowering glumes bifid at the top, with a short straight, dorsal or nearly intermediate awn, or o. the lowest glume sessile, the upper on a short articulating rachis. Palca 2-nerved, bifid at tip, nearly as long as the glume. Scales 2. Stamens 3. Grain free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE REGIONS ON THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology : named in honour of Professor Koeler, an early writer on grasses. 1. KCELERIA CKISTATA. CRESTED HAIR GRASS. (Plate XXX Fill.) KCELERIA CRISTATA, Persoon. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z. I., 305. KCELERIA CRTSTATA, Persoon. Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 334. A SHINING silvery grey grass, found from sea-level to 4000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Culms i 3 feet high. Leaves short, flat or involute, pilose ; ligule short, rounded at top. Panicle erect, 3 5 inches long, narrow, often interrupted or lobed below, branches very short. Spikelets crowded, erect, imbricated, white or purplish, 2 3 flowered, % t-inch long. Empty glumes unequal, 3-nerved. Flowering glumes glabrous, bifid and shortly awned at top, 5-nerved, rachis pilose. Pa lea nearly as long as the glume, bifid at top, 2-nerved. Scales unequally 2 lobed. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : MIDDLE ISLAND : AGLIONBY PLAINS Munro ; CANTERBURY PLAINS, AND ACHERON VALLEY (4000 feet) Travers ; OTAGO Lindsay ; OTAGO MOUNTAINS, INLAND W. Petrie; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT Hector and Buchanan ; TERRACES 97 RCELERIA CRISTATA. ON THE SOUTHERN ALPS Sinclair and Haast; CLUTHA VALLEY, (abundant) Buchanan ; NELSON, (3000 feet) Travers. This is an abundant grass in the South Island, found chiefly on dry places, it possesses very little nourishment, and therefore cannot be recommended for cultivation ; all kinds of stock are said to refuse it, but probably this opinion is based on the experience of rich British pastures, ^and it may still have some value in places subject to severe drought during exceptionally dry seasons, for however poor the nutrient qualities of certain grasses may be, they enable the stockowncr to preserve his stock, till better pasture is more abundant. DISTRIBUTION i x NEW ZEALAND: SOUTH ISLAND: AGLIONBY PLAIN S-Munro ; CAN- TERBURY PLAINS AND ACHERON VALLEY, (4000 feet) Travers, Armstrong; SOUTHERN ALPS Sinclair and Haast; NELSON MOl.'N- TAINS .H H. Travers; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT Hector and Buchanan; OTAGO AND SOUTHLAND, (abundant) Buchanan. Reference to Plate XXXVTII. : Fig. 1, 1 '. Large and small size of Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. ;">. Nervation of flowering glume. (5. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. Kaelena Order GRAMINE^ GENUS XIX. TRISETUM, Kunth. ^pikelets 2 3-flowered, rarely 4-flowered. Panicles open or contracted Impty glumes 2, unequal. Flowering glumes 2 3, with a terminal im- erfect one, 2-fid at the tip ; awn from between the divisions twisted nd recurved. Palea 2 -nerved, 3 4-toothed at top. Scales 2. Grain :ee, glabrous. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE AND UB-ALPINE REGIONS OF BOTH NORTHERN AND 1OUTHERN HEMISPHERES. Etymology. Name " Trisetum," jatin, from the flowering glume being sometimes 3-awned. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES: jlabrous, shining, i 2 feet high. Panicle lax, spreading - i. T. antarcticum. )owny, 6 12 inches high. Panicle spiciform 2. T. subspicatum. ^ilose, i 3 feet high. Panicle slender, con- tracted - 3. T. YoungiL 1, TRISETUM ANTARCTICUM. SHINING OAT GRASS. (Plate XXXIX.) \IRA ANTARCTICA, Forst. AVENA ANTARCTICA, Roem. and Sch. \VENA FORSTERI, Kunth. DANTHONIA ANTARCTICA, Sprengel. DAN- rnoNiA PALLIDA, A. Cunn. TRISETUM ANTARCTICUM, Trinius. Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z. I., 302 t. 68B. TRISETUM ANTARCTICUM, Trinius. Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 335. A. GLABROUS, shining, perennial grass, found from sea-level to 6000 feet iltitude. Flowers December February. Culms i 2 feet high. Leaves flat or involute, long or short, often setaceous, pilose, becoming scaberulous after casting the hairs ; ligule short, truncate, often with long 98 TRISETUM ANTARCTICUM. silky hairs on each side of the sheath. Panicle erect, slender, open 01 contracted, 2 12 inches long, branches short. Spikelets \ -|-inch ong, shining white, or pale green, 3 4-flowered. Empty glumes unequal, 3-nerved. Flowering glumes deeply 2-fid, 5-nerved, with silk) hairs at base ; awn recurved, as long as or longer than the glume, Palea 4-toothed and lacerate at top, 2-nerved. DISTRIBUTION 01 SPECIES: NEW ZEALAND. This valuable grass is distributed abundantly in both Islands, although i1 may be said to attain its maximum of growth in the South, where it becomes ai important element in the pasture. It varies much in size and amount of contractioi in the panicle from the weak delicate form of the Tararua Mountain, Wellington at 5000 feet altitude, to the large robust form from the Clutha, or Mataura Valleys but they all possess the same beautiful lustre which attracts notice as ai ornamental plant. It is only in the South Island that it attains a size whicl would entitle it to be considered as a fodder plant, and it might be often judiciously mixed with Lolium perrene for this purpose. One strong argument in favour of th< cultivation of indigenous grasses, is their great vitality, which may sometimes bi observed near homesteads in the South, where enclosed paddocks after having been carefully ploughed and sown with some popular exotic grass, such as Loliun perrene, when it will be found that the natural growth of indigenous species, sucl as the present, has filled the ditches, and covered the waste places along the fencei with a better and more permanent crop than that cultivated in the adjoining pad docks, and which it ultimately displaces. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALANP NORTH AND SOUTH ISLAND ABUNDANT. Reference to Plate XXXIX. : Fig. 1,1'. Plant, shewing open and contractec panicles. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nerva tion of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7 . Scale. 8. Ovary, styles and stigmas. PkteXXXK. Trisetura antarcticum. Trinius. ' '. V i/ tt -' Order GRAMINE^E. 2. TRISETUM SUBSPICATUM. SPIKED OAT GRASS. (Plate XL. A.) TRISETUM SUBSPICATUM, Beauv. Hook, fil., Flora Antarct. I., 97. TRISETUM SUBSPICATUM, Palisot. Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, L, 335. A SMALL densely tufted alpine grass, found from 500 5000 feet altitude. Flowers January. Culms 4 18 inches high. Leaves flat, as long as, or shorter than the culms, downy ; ligule short, rounded at top, lacerate. Panicle dense, subcylindric, spiciform, i 4 inches long. Spikelels shortly pedicelled, imbricate, \ J-inch long, 2 3-flowered, pale greenish white, shining. Empty glumes shorter than the spikelet, unequal, very acute or cuspidate, 3-nerved. Flowering glumes 2, cuspidate, 5-nerved, awn dorsal, recurved, as long as or longer than the glume, inserted below the 2-cuspidate tip, pedicel tufted with hairs. Palea bifid, 2-nerved. DISTRIBUTION o|| SPECIES: ARCTIC EUROPE, ASIA, AMERICA, AND ALPS OF THE SAME CONTINENTS ; SOUTH AMERICA, FUEGIA, AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA; AUCKLAND, CAMPBELL AND CHATHAM ISLANDS; NEW ZEALAND. This grass is apparently confined to the South Island, where even it is at paesent but little known. Hooker says of it in his Antarctic Flora, " Few grasses have so wide a range as this, nor am I acquainted with any other Arctic species which is equally an inhabitant of the opposite polar regions. In Europe it is found at a very great elevation on the Alps and Pyrenees, as also in Lapland. In Asia it frequents the Altai Range, the northern parts of Siberia and Kamschatka, from whence it crosses to Kotzebue's Sound, and is apparently more generally distributed through Arctic America (than in the Old World), from the utmost limits of polar vegetation in Melville Island, throughout Greenland and the Arctic Islands, the Arctic sea-coast, Labrador, Canada, and the Rocky Mountains." It seems improbable that a grass of such vitality and adaptation could be otherwise than valuable, and so, no doubt, it will prove to be when stockowners are enabled to distinguish it from other species. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : LAKE GUYON DISTRICT, NELSON, (5000 feet)-H. H. Travers ; 100 TRISETUM SUBSPICATUM. MARLBOROUGH Kirk ; UPPER AWATERE VALLEY, MARLBOROUGH Sinclair; HOPKINS RIVER, CANTERBURY, (2500 feet) Haast ; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT, .(3000 feet) Hector and Buchanan; MOUNT ST. BATHAN'S, OTAGO, (5000 feet) W. Petrie ; WESTERN SLOPES OF MOUNT COOK, (5000 feet) McKay. Reference to Plate XL. A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4 '. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scale. Order GRAMINE^. 3. TRISETUM YOUNGIL YOUNG'S OAT GRASS. (Plate XL. B.) TRISETUM YOUNGII, Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. Flora, I., 335. A TALL perennial alpine grass, found from 3000 5000 feet altitude. Flowers January. Culms erect, i 3 feet high, glabrous, shining. Leaves flat, i ^-inch broad, and sheaths pilose ; ligule short, rounded at top and lacerate. Panicle 3 6 inches long, pale colour, branches very short with few spikelets. Spikelets \ l-inch long, shining, i 2-flowered. Empty glumes unequal, broad, acute or cuspidate, 3-nerved, as long as or shorter than the spikelet. Flowering glumes 2-cuspidate, nearly glabrous ; awn dorsal, stout, recurved, inserted below the 2-cuspidate tip, pedicel with silky hairs, Palea 4-toothed at tip, 2-nerved. DISTRI- BUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. Owing to the limited distribution of thjj^rass, its true value is little known, but the large size and succulent foliage which it attains, recommend it to notice as a species that will repay the trouble of cultivation. According to Mr. H. H. Travers, who has recently visited the Tararua Mountain, it is there abundant, at an eleva- tion of 5000 feet, and forms large patches of close growth, which, if cut, would produce bulky fodder. It thus appears to be a grass worthy of attention, and would no doubt prove a valuable acquisition to both farmer and grazier at lower altitudes. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : TARARUA MOUNTAINS, (5000 feet) H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLAND, MACAULAY VALLEY, (30004000 feet) Haast and Young. i Reference to Plate XL. B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Ner- vation of Palea. 7,7'. Scales. A.Tnsetum subspicatum, Patisot. B. " Ycmngn, Hook.fil Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Glyceria ; Sub-Order, Festucacece. GENUS XX. GLYCERIA, *R. Brown. Spikelets few, several flowered, pedicellate in a narrow or contracted panicle. Empty glumes, unequal, obtuse or acute, awnless. Flowering glumes imbricated, obtuse, awnless. Palea nearly as long as the glume. Scales i 2, connate. Stamens 2 3. Grain glabrous, free. DISTRI- BUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE REGIONS OF THE NORTH- ERN AND SOUTHERN HEMISPHERES. Etymology : From the Greek word " glyceros," sweet. 1. GLYCERIA STRICTA. SWEET GRASS. (Plate, XLI., A.) GLYCERIA STRICTA, Hook. fil. Fl. Tasm., II. , 123, t. i62B. GLYCERIA STRICTA, Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z., I., 304. GLYCERIA STRICTA, Hook. fil. Benth. Fl. Austral., VII., 658. POA SYRTICA, F. Muell. Trans. Viet. Inst., 1855, 45. FESTUCA SYRTICA, F. Muell. Fragm., VIIL, 130. GLYCERIA STRICTA, Hook. fil. Hand. N.Z. Flora, I., 336. AN erect tufted glabrous grass. Flowers December March. Perennial. Culms, 4 24 inches high. Leaves shorter than the culms, 2 6 inches long, very narrow, involute ; sheaths large, striate ; ligule short, broad. Panicle 26 inches long, branches erect, whorled, lower longest, spread- ing when in flower. Spikelets few, 510 flowered. Empty glumes very unequal, lower i-nerved, upper 3-nerved. Flowering glume obtuse, 5-nerved, none of the nerves reaching the top. Scales obliquely ovate, acute. Grain linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. This grass is not uncommon on the margins of littoral swamps, or on sand- hills near the sea, and is eaten with much relish by all kinds of stock, the juicy sweetness so characteristic of the genus, proving so strong an attraction for sheep, 104 GLOCERIA STRICTA. that in many places they prevent it from flowering, so that it is often overlooked by collectors. It is, no doubt, a grass of much value, but is not worth the trouble of cultivation, more especially as a superior introduced species of the same genus, Glyceria fluitans, is spreading abundantly in swampy places, and can easily be propagated by inoculation. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : HICK'S BAY, AUCKLAND; EVANS' BAY, WELLINGTON Buchanan ; TITIEANGI, AUCKLAND Cheeseman ; AUCKLAND ISTHMUS and WAI- HEKI ISLAND Kirk ; EAST COAST Colenso. SOUTH ISLAND : CAN- TERBURY Armstrong ; AKAROA, RAOUL, MILFORD SOUND Enys ; DUNEDTN and CLUTHA Buchanan. Reference to Plate XLL, A: Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side views. Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Catabrosa; Sub- Order, Fcstucacece. GENUS, XXL CATABROSA, Palisot. Spikelets panicled, shining, 2-flowered, lower sessile, upper long pedicel- led. Empty glumes 2 : unequal, shorter than the flowering. Flowering glumes concave, truncate, erose, awned or awnless. Palea 2-nerved. Scales 2 3. Stamens 3. Grain glabrous, free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE CLIMATES OF NORTHERN HEMIS- PHERE : CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Etymology: From the Greek word " Catabrosus," a gnawing, in allusion to the erose tops of the flowering glume, as if bitten or gnawed. 1. CATABROSA ANTARCTICA. ALPINE WHORL, GRASS. (Plate, XLL, B.) CATABROSA ANTARCTICA, Hook. fil. Flora, Antarct, Part L, 102. CATABROSA ANTARCTICA, Hook. fil. Flora, N.Z., I., 308, t. 56. CATABROSA ANTARCTICA, Hook. fil. Handb. Flora, N.Z., I., 336. A SMALL shining alpine grass, ascending to 5000 feet altitude. Flowers January. Perennial. Culms 6 12 inches high, numerously branched below, leafy. Leaves very narrow, involute, as long as or longer than the culms ; ligule long, membranous ; sheaths furrowed. Panicle very slender, 3 4 inches long, branches few, whorled. Spikelets few, small, flat, pale shining, greenish brown. Empty glumes unequal, acute, 3-nerved. Flowering glume, erose on the truncate tips, shortly awned, 5-nerved. Palea nearly as long as the glume. Anthers broad, short. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES: CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEA- LAND. This slender little alpine grass forms large patches of a close unmixed pasture, on the Tararua and Ruahine mountains, at an altitude of f>000 feet. It is also, according to Hooker, found in Campbell Island, on moist rocky ledges, at 1000 O 106 CATABROSA ANTARCTICA. feet altitude. Nothing is known of its value as a pasture grass, being confined in its distribution to little frequented localities. The representative of this genus in Britain, Catabrosa aquatica, is considered valuable, although not a grass of culti- vation. It is aquatic in its habits, and much relished by cattle and water fowl, being sweet and succulent. The present species may also prove worthy of atten- tion, being succulent, and having a close habit of growth. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: RUAHINE MOUNTAINS -Colenso ; TARA- RUA MOUNTAIN H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLAND : MOUNT ARTHUR Mackay. Ref erence to Plate XLI., B: Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8,8'. Grain front and side views. Plate. XLI A. Glyceria, stricta, Hoek/il B. Catairosa, ant arctic a, ffooktil Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order; Festucacece. GENUS XXII. POA, Lirmams. Spikelets few or numerous, compressed, i 10 flowered in a usually open panicle, with the lower branches whorled. Empty glumes equal or unequal, acute or acuminate, awnless. Flowering glumes obtuse, acute or acuminate, awnless, glabrous, scabrid or silky, naked or webbed at the bass, usually 5-nerved, rarely 3 or y-nerved, often surrounded at base more or less, with long silky hairs, distant on a glabrous or villous rachis, which articulates between the flowering glumes. Palea 2-nerved. Scales 2, entire. Stamens 2 or 3. Grain glabrous, free. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : IN ALL THE TEMPERATE AND COLD REGIONS OF BOTH HEMISPHERES. Etymology : From the Greek word to feed, applied to pasture. ARRANGEMENT OF THE SPECIES : Florets with long flocculent silky hairs at base. Flowering glumes acute, with incurved tips. Anthers long. Panicle open ; culms naked below, rigid, branched ; leaves flaccid i. P. rainosissiina. Panicle open ; culms leafy from the base ; leaves coriaceous, flat 2. P. foliosoa. Flowering glumes obtuse, straight. Anthers long. Culms stout ; leaves flat or concave ; ligule trun- cate ; spikelets large 3- - Culms slender ; leaves filiform ; ligule o ; spike- lets small 4- IOS POA. Florets without long flocculent silky hairs at base. Flowering glumes acute or acuminate. Anthers long. Culms slender ; leaves filiform ; spikelets large ; ligule membranous, sheathing - 5. P. intermedia. Culms slender ; leaves short, filiform ; spikelets small ; ligule membranous, sheathing - 6. P. Colensoi. Culms slender ; leaves very short, rigid, acicular ; ligule membranous, sheathing - - 7. P. aciciilarifolia. Culms slender ; leaves shorter than the culm, flat ; ligule truncate 8. P. uniflora. Culms |- inch long ; leaves very short, rigid, obtuse ; ligule acuminate - 9. P. pygmaea. Flowering glumes obtuse. Anthers short. Culms slender, i 2 inches long ; leaves flaccid ; short - 10. P. exigua, Culms short, stout ; leaves rigid, shorter than the culm - ii. P. albida. Culms long, stout ; leaves flat, shorter than the culm - 12. P. Mackayt. Culms slender ; leaves flat, shorter than the culm ; spikelets tipped with purple - 13. P. Kirkii. Culms slender ; leaves very short, flaccid ; flower- ing glume with a white membraneous border 14. P. Lindsayi. Culms slender ; leaves shorter than the culms ; panicle green - - 15. P. breviglumis. Culms very slender ; leaves much shorter than the culm; whole plant flaccid, green - - 16. P. imbecille. Order GRAMINE.^. Genus, Poa; Sub-Order, Festucacece. 1. POA RAMOSISSIMA. POA RAMOSISSIMA, Hook. fil. Fl. Antarct. I., 101. POA RAMOSISSIMA, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z. I., 338. Culms densely tufted, forming naked, rigid, brown, branching, decum- bent stems, 6 10 inches long, from which much divided, flaccid, very leafy, slender branches, 2 6 inches long, ascend. Leaves most numer- ous, very narrow, flaccid, flat \ inch broad, much longer than the culms; ligule oblong, truncate ; sheaths slender. Panicle i 2 inches long, narrow, green ; branches quite glabrous, smooth, very short, \ inch long, interrupted. Spikelets inch long, very shortly pedicelled, glabrous, green, 3 5 flowered. Empty glumes lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, nearly equal, as long as the flowering, which are narrower, glabrous, acuminate with incurved tips, obscurely 5-nerved, pedicel glabrous or a little webbed. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUCKLAND ISLANDS, CAMPBELL ISLAND. No specimen of this grass is in the Colonial Herbarium, and it cannot therefore be figured. It has not hitherto been found in New Zealand, but when it is con- sidered, that the large variety of Poafoliosa, has only recently been collected on the Traps Rocks, a small group of islets South of New Zealand, it is possible that the present grass may yet be discovered on Stewart Island or adjacent rocks. Quoting from Hooker, Handb. Flora N.Z. I., 338, "It is a grass of remarkable habit, from the long, naked, decumbent bases of the culms, which are excessively branched and leafy above." Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa ; Sub- Order, Festucacea. 2. POA FOLIOSA, VAR. .1. AUCKLAND ISLANDS POA. (Plate XLIL) FESTUCA FOLIOSA, Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z. I., 308. FESTUCA FOLIOSA, Hook, fil. Fl. Antarct. I., 99, t. 55. POA FOLIOSA, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z. I- 338. A LARGE, littoral, tussac grass. Perennial. Culms 2 3 feet high, glabrous and finely striated. Leaves longer than the culms, flat, glabrous and striated, coriaceous, | f inch broad ; sheaths f i inch broad ; ligule very short. Panicle 6 10 inches long, glabrous, branches short, erect or inclined. Spikelets numerous, J J inch long, compressed, 4 8 flowered, shortly pedicelled. Empty glumes i and 3 nerved. Flower- ing glume scabridus, 5 nerved, middle pair faint, tufts of long, flocculent, silky hairs at base. Anthers long. Scale oblique, acute. Grain stout, linear-oblong. DISTRIBUTION OF VARIETY: AUCKLAND ISLANDS, CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. This variety of Poafolioso was added to the New Zealand Flora about four years ago, by Captain Johnson, of the Marine Board, who collected specimens of it on the Traps Rocks, south of Stewart Island, when on a visit there in the Colonial p.s. Luna, on public service. Captain Johnson describes these sea girt rocks, as having a rich damp guana soil, and frequented by numerous sea birds, the surface being chiefly covered with large tussacs of this grass, among which the birds nest. Hooker says of it, Fl. Antarct. I., 99, "It has a large growth and very leafy, affording a rich nutritious food for animals, in some cases it forms large mounds, or tussacs, not unlike the Dactylis caespitosa of the Falkland Islands (the tussac grass), but smaller, with, however, a similarly luxuriant habit. " Such a valuable grass would no doubt repay the expense of cultivation in New Zealand, and there could be little difficulty in procuring either seed or plants from the Auckland Islands, as they are occasionally visited ; it might, however, be more difficult to overcome the prejudice which exists in New Zealand against all large tussac grasses, arising no doubt from an ignorance of their true value, but 112 POA FOLIOSA. no experiments are necessary to establish the value of the two tussac grasses mei tioned above, as they are both well known as very fattening food for large stocl DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : TRAPS ROCKS Johnson. Reference to Plate XLII : Fig 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nei vation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation Palea. 7, Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side view. Plate XLI Poa foliosa HooJc.Al Var &. Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa; Sub- Order, Festucacece. 2. POA FOLIOSA, VAR. b. LARGE FLOWERED POA. (Plate XLIIL A.) FESTUCA FOLIOSA, Hook. fil. var. B., Fl. Antarct. I., 99. FESTUCA FOLIOSA, Hook. fil. var B., Fl. N.Z. I., 308. POA FOLIOSA, Hook. fil. var. B., Handb. Fl. N.Z. L, 338. A SMALL tufted, often littoral grass. Perennial. Culms 612 inches high, glabrous and striated, leafy at the base ; sheaths \ J inch broad, striated; ligule very short. Leaves shorter than the culm, broad, glabrous. Panicle 2 5 inches long, branches short, erect or inclined. Spikelets large, \ \ inch long, compressed, 48 flowered. Empty glumes 3 nerved. Flowering glume 5 nerved, middle pair faint, and sometimes wanting, scabridus on the nerves, and with tufts of long flocculent hairs at base. Palea bifid, 2 nerved. Anthers long. Scale oblique. DIS- TRIBUTION OF VARIETY: AUCKLAND ISLANDS, CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. This variety is closely allied to Poa anceps var. B.foliosa, but is generally found with a more slender, drooping habit, larger spikelets, and broader leaves, the in- curved tips of the flowering glumes, and nervation, being very inconstant. Ac- cording to Hooker it is an abundant littoral grass in the Auckland and Campbell Islands, and New Zealand. It has also been found at considerable altitudes, being frequently abundant in sub-alpine vegetation, and is also found growing amongst fragments of scoria on Mount Egmont, at an altitude of 7,500 feet. It is an abundant and valuable grass on the mountains of Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago, and is readily eaten by cattle and sheep. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : MOUNT EGMONT (67,500 feet) Buchanan. SOUTH ISLAND : MOUNTARTHUR,(4 200 feet) Mackay; NELSON MOUNTAINS, (4 500 feet) H. H. Travers; CANTERBURY ALPS, (45000 feet) Sinclair, Haast, Travers, Armstrong ; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT, (35000 feet) Hector and Buchanan. Reference to Plate XLIII A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 0. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. P Order GRAMINE^E. Genus Poa ; Sub- Order, Festucacae. 2. POA FOLIOSA, VAR. c. MINUTE POA. (Plate, XLHL, B.) A VERY minute, tufted, alpine grass. Perennial. Culms i 2 inches high, glabrous. Leaves \ i inch long, very narrow, involute, obtuse, acicular. Panicle \ | inch long. Spikelets 26 shortly pedicelled, compressed, i inch long, 2 4 flowered. Empty glumes, 3-nerved. Flowering glume glabrjus, 3-nerved, and with tufts of flocculent silky hairs at base. Palea bifid, 2 -nerved. Anthers long. Scale oblique. Grain linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This small grass appears to be rare, having only been collected in two localities. A large gap exists between this variety and the previous one, var. B., with no apparent intermediate forms, and but for the 3-nerved flowering glume, it might have been placed as a variety of Poa anceps, with which species it otherwise agrees in every respect. Its very diminute size might cause it to rank as an inferior pasture grass, but when it is considered how close sheep can graze on poor pastures, it may, where abundant on barren slopes, prove a very relishing nibble to hungry flocks. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : MOUNT EGLINTON, (3000 feet) J. Morton; MOUNT ARTHUR, (4200 feet) A. Mackay. Reference to plate XLIII. B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side views. Plate. XL! fV A. Poa folio sa,j%>j?>.// Var ft. B. " " Var . Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa; Sub- Order, Festucacece. 3. POA ANCEPS, VAR. a., ELATA. NODDING PLUMED POA. (Plate, XLIV., A.) POA ANCEPS, Forst; Var. A., elata, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 306; POA ANCEPS, Forst., Var. A., elata, Hook, fil., Handb. FL, N.Z., I., 339. A LARGE tufted, or tussac grass, found at low altitudes. Perennial. Culm erect, stout, leafy, 2 3 feet high, glabrous, striated, compressed at the base. Leaves longer than the culm, distichous, flexuose, flat, smooth and finely striated ; sheaths narrow, sharply keeled on the back; ligiile very short. Panicle inclined or drooping, 6 12 inches long, ovate, effuse ; branches whorled, capillary. Spikelets numerous, i J inch long, flat, 4 6 flowered, green, finely scabridus. Empty glumes, 3-nerved. Flowering glume, 5 -nerved, and with tufts of long flocculent silky hairs at the base. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scale acute or obtuse. Anthers long. DISTRIBUTION OF VAR. A., ELATA : NEW ZEALAND. An abundant grass in the North Island, very variable in size. The large drooping panicle and lax leaves much longer than the culm, form its best distinc- tion from the next variety, B. foliosa, and its broad leaves and large spikelets from Poa Australia, var. Icnvis. Often assuming the large tussacy habit of the latter species in both islands, and affording in some districts, an abundant supply of a course, though nutritious food for horses and cattle ; this is one of the larger grasses of which a considerable part is always refused by stock, through their inability to graze it, but which would be readily eaten, if cut down, and cured as hay, in the flowering season. The present grass may be considered as the type of the genus in New Zealand, being connected by a gradation of varieties with all the other species. The varying form of the scale, as its growth proceeds, is very marked in the genus Poa. Thus, in the early stage of growth, it is very short and obtuse, and continues increasing in length and acuteness, till the grain is fully IlS POA ANCEPS. formed, and it may therefore be found varying on the same panicle. DISTRIBU- TION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH AND SOUTH ISLAND, common. Reference to Plate XLIV., A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glumes. 6. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side view. Order GRAMINIE^E. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order, Festucacea. 3. POA ANCEPS, VAK. b., FOLIOSA. COMMON FIELD POA. (Plate XLIV., B.) POA ANCEPS, Forst. var. b., foliosa, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 306. POA ANCEPS, Forst. var. b., foliosa, Hook, fil., Handb. Fl. N.Z., I., 339. A SMALLER tufted grass than the last, with sometimes prostrate branching stems. Perennial. Found from sea level to 5000 feet altitude. Culms erect, i 2 feet high. Leaves distichous, strict, shorter than the culm, ^ J inch broad. Panicle contracted, 2 8 inches long, erect, branches in distant pairs, short, capillary. Spikelets few, \ inch long, flat, 3 4 flowered, finely scabridus, green. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glume 5-nerved, and tufted at the base, with long flocculent silky hairs. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scale narrow, acute. Anthers long. Grain narrow. DISTRIBUTION OF VAR. b. : NEW ZEALAND. This is perhaps the most abundant and wide- spread grass in New Zealand, and in all the varying circumstances under which it is found, retaining its distinguish- ing characters. It possesses a great power of adaptation to varieties of soil and climate, being often found struggling under the most adverse circumstances of poverty, on dry barren ground. From a recent collection of grasses made by Mr. A. Mackay on Mount Arthur, it appears that the maximum growth of certain grasses, among which the present is prominent, is at altitudes of 3 4000 feet, where a temperate climate and abundant moisture prevails during summer. Under such favourable circumstances, the tufted habit disappears, and a close heavy growth 18 24 inches high is found, which might easily be mistaken for a cultivated crop. The pasture of these upland table lands which are covered by snow during six months of the year, is for variety of species, and bulk of growth, unequalled at lower levels. This grass may be placed as one of the most valuable in New Zealand, for although a few others may prove more nutritious, it resists better the exterminating effects of both drought and fire, thus ensuing a certain 120 POA ANCEPS. amount of permanent pasture. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : FOUND EVERYWHERE BETWEEN SEA LEVEL, AND 5000 FEET ALTITUDE. Reference to Plate XLIV., B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8,8'. Grain, front and side view. A. POSL anceps,./flry Var a, elala, B. " i: B .; Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa; Sub- Order, Festucacecc. 3. POA ANCEPS, VAR. d., DENSIFLORA. DENSE FLOWERED POA (Plate XLV., D.) POA ANCEPS, Forst. var. d, densiflora, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z., L, 339- A SMALL erect, rigid,tufted, sub-alpine grass, found at 3 4000 feet alti- tude. Perennial. Culms 10 20 inches high. Leaves 6 10 inches long, concave, rigid, acicular, glabrous. Panicle 2 4 inches long, ovate, dense. Spikelets inch long, 4 5 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glumes 5-nerved, scabridus, and with long tufts of flocculent silky hair at the base. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique. Anthers long. DISTRIBUTION OF VAR. d, DENSIFLORA : NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH ISLAND. This is apparently only a larger form of the last variety, differing principally in the tufted habit, and larger infloresence. From its harsh rigid foilage, it may also be rated as of similar low value in pasture, being better adapted for large cattle than sheep. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : SUB-ALPINE LOCALITIES IN NELSON AND CANTERBURY, common. Reference to Plate XLV., C : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. Plate C. Poa aftC8ps.jFbrst. V&r.y. Irevicuimis. Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Poa \ Sub -Order, Festucacea. 3. POA ANCEPS, VAR. e. DI SBILIS. SLENDER POA (Plate XLVL E.) POA ANCEPS, VAR DEBiLis, Kirk, M.S. A LONG, slender, tufted grass. Perennial. Culms smooth. Leaves longer than the culm, very narrow sheaths narrow ; iigule very short. Panicle 4 5 i branches few, in distant pairs, capillary. Spikele narrow, 4 5 flowered, terminal near the ends of tl glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glumes 5-nerved, finel with long flocculent hair at the base. Palea bifi- long. Scale oblique, acute. Grain narrow. Du DEBILIS : NEW ZEALAND. This very slender grass was discovered by Mr. T. E springs in the Auckland district, and has probably been peculiar circumstances of heat and moisture which pr< has been previously shewn, that the conditions mos' growth with the New Zealand species of Poa, are unde severe climate, at altitudes of 4 5000 feet, it may ther weakly variety is the result of forcing, it can however where from its large size and succulent habit, it will be from the peculiar circumstances of its forced and rapi( may be doubted. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SPRINGS, AUCKLAND Kirk. Reference to Plate XLVl. E. Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of floweri) Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side views. 12 1 6 inches high, ;, slender, drooping ; aches long, inclined, ts few, J inch long, ie branches. Empty y scabridus and tufted d, 2-nerved. Anthers STRIBUTION OF VAR. 6. lirk, F.L.S., near tiie hot developed there under the evail in. that locality. It b favourable to maximum T a temperate, or probably efore be assumed, that this only possess a local value, i readily eaten by stock, but L growth, its nutrient value NORTH ISLAND: HOT Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. ig glume. 6. Nervation of Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order, Festucacece. 3 POA ANCEPS, VAR. f. MINIMA. MINUTE CREEPING POA. (Plate XL VL F.) A VERY small creeping rooted grass. Perennial. Culms i 2 ii iches high, smooth. Leaves few, shorter than the culms, very narrow, strict , spreading sheaths, striated ; ligule very short. Panicle erect, J f inch long, spikelets 3 5 shortly branched. Spikelets i inch long, flat, 34 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glume 5-nerv p ed, finely scabridus and tufted, with long flocculent silky hair at the bas e. Palea bifid, 2-nerved. Anthers long. Scale oblique, acute. Gr. mini.' Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order, Festucacece. 4. POA AUSTRALTS, VAR. LTEVIS. TUSSAC POA. (Plate XL VII.) POA C/ESPITOSA, Forster, Benth., Flora Austral. VIL, 651. POA AUS- TRALIS, R. Brown, var. lavis, Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z. I., 307. POA AUSTRALIS, R. Brown, var. laevis, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z. L, 339. A LARGE tussac grass, from sea level to 3000 feet altitude. Perennial. Culms densely tufted, i 3 feet high, slender, smooth. Leaves longer or shorter than the culms, filiform, involute, rigid ; sheaths narrow, smooth ; ligule o. Panicle erect, 2 8 inches long, branches few, cap- illary, whorled. Spikelets few, scabridus, i J inch long, 4 6 flowered, Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glume 5-nerved. Palea bluntly bifid, 2-nerved. Scale oblique, acute. Grain stout. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. An extremely variable grass which has received different names by authors. It is not surprising, therefore, under such circumstances, that various estimates have been made of its value as food for stock, according to which variety prevailed in any district, some of the varieties being much more valuable than others. There is no doubt but that the true value of the larger tussac grasses, among which the present occupies a prominent place, has been much under estimated, as they have never been treated fairly on their merits, and conclusions based on the readiness with which stock eat or refuse them, cannot be accepted as a criterion of their value, unless they are cut down when in flower, and treated as fodder. It is well known, that even the most favourite grasses of cultivation such as Lolium pererwe, the common Eay grass, if left uncut till the seed is shed, will be refused by all kinds of stock, and so it is with the present species, which should always be treated as a fodder plant. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : Common in both ISLANDS, except in AUCKLAND NORTH. Reference to Plate XL VII : Fig. I. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side view. S Pla.le.XLVI Poa. austrahs.j&* Var. laevis Order GRAMINE/E. Genus, Poa ; Sub- Order, Festucaccu', 5. POA INTERMEDIA, n. s . SMALL TUSSAC POA, (Plate XL VIII. A.) A SMALL tufted, or tussac grass, from near sea level to 5000 feet altitude. Flowers December March. Perennial. Culmns 430 inches high, smooth, slender, grooved. Leaves as long as or shorter than the culms, erect, involute, filiform ; sheaths grooved, with a large membranous sheathing ligule, in the tussac forms ligule small. Panicle ovate, i 5 inches long, of few capillary branches, each, bearing 2 6 large, elongate, flat spikelets. Spikelets \ inch long, 4 7 flowered. Empty glumes 3- nerved. Flowering glume scabridus and villous at back, 5-nerved. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, acuminate. Anthers long. DISTRIBU- TION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. A valuable nutritious pasture grass, very variable in size according to soil and situation, and which is widely distributed in the South Island, and also, though less abundantly, in the North Island, In its larger tussac form, it has hitherto been confounded with Poa Australia Br. var. laivis, and its numerous smaller forms with Poa Colensoi Hook. til. Always retaining, however, the open panicle and membraneous sheathing ligule of the latter, with the large spikelets of Poa anceps varieties, thus proving its position as an intermediate species connecting this group. This grass possesses a large adaptation to circumstances of climate and soil, proving equally permanent on rich alluvial soil and 011 dry gravel ter- races, although on the latter it is stunted and less nutritious. It is also found to attain a large size, at altitudes of. 4 5000 feet, and it may, therefore, be con- sidered as one of the most valuable permanent pasture grasses in New Zealand. It is also worthy of cultivation as fodder. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : AUCKLAND- Kirk ; WELLINGTON Buchanan ; TAEA- RUA MOUNTAINS, (5000 feet) H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLArr : NEL- SON, (3500 feet) H. H. Travers; MOUNT ARTHUR, (4200 feet) A. Mackay ; DUNEDIN DISTRICT, LAKE DISTRICT, and SOUTHLAND Buchanan. Reference to Plate XLVI1I. A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikekt. 3. Flotfcfc 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order, Festucacece. 6. POA COLENSOI. COLENSO'S POA. (Plate XLVHI., B.) POA COLENSOI, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z., I., 340. A SAMLL tufted grass, from near sea level to 6000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Perennial. Culms i 10 inches high, smooth, slender, grooved. Leaves much shorter than the culms, usually curved and straggling, involute, filiform ; sheaths grooved, with a large mem- branous sheathing ligule. Panicle i 2 inches long, broadly ovate, of few capillary spreading branches, each bearing i or 2 broad flat spike- lets. Spikelets & inch long, 3- -4 flowered. Empty glumes 3 nerved. Flowering glumes ovate, acuminate, 5-nerved, scabridus, and with short hairs at the base. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, narrow, accu- minate. Anthers long. Grain smooth, linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. The New Zealand group of Poas having deep rooting tufts, and among which the present species is included, occupy an important place in the pastures of New Zealand. They all possess in virtue of this root structure, a highly recu- perative power after apparent destruction by drought or fire, which should recommend them as permanent grasses, in preference to many introduced species having surface spreading roots, and which are better adopted for rotation crops. The grass under notice is everywhere closely cropped by all kinds of stock, and even in the absence of any analysis, may be accepted as a grass of first-class quality. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: RUAHINE MOUNTAINS Colenso : TARARUA MOUNTAINS H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLAND: NELSON Sinclair, Munro, Travers, Kirk; RANGITATA RANGE, (25000 feet) Sinclair, Haast, Kirk, Armstrong ; OTAGO LAKE DISTRICT Hector and Buchanan ; DUNED1N DISTRICT and SOUTHLAND Buchanan. Reference to Plate XLV1II., B. Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8' Grain, front and side views. Plate XLV1 A. Poa intermedia, B. " C Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa ; Sub- Order, Fcstitcacecz. 7. POA ACICULARIFOLIA, n.s. NEEDLE LEAVED POA, (Plate XLIX. A.) A SMALL tufted, alpine grass, with wiry creeping roots at 5000 feet alti- tude. Powers January March. Perennial. Culms 3 6 inches high, very slender, capillary. Leaves \ \ inch long, rigid, with acicular tips, sheaths short ; ligule short, sheathing, membranous. Panicle J f inch long, triangular, of 3 4 capillary spreading branches, each bearing i broad, flat, spikelet. Spikelets \ inch long, 2-flowered. Empty glumes ovate-acuminate, obtuse, 3-nerved. Flowering glume ovate-oblong, obtuse, 5-nerved, scabridus, and villous on the back. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, acute. Anthers long. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES: NEW ZEALAND. This peculiar little plant has previously been considered as only a variety of POOL Colensoi, to which it bears a general resemblance, but differing in the short, rigid, acicular leaves, fewer flowered spikelets, and shorter anthers, and present- ing a remarkably alpine character ; it may be considered as a rare plant, although pretty widely distributed, and from its short rigid foliage, must rank very low as a pasture plant, it may therefore be relegated to the herbarium, as an interesting botanical curiosity. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH ISLAND : TARARUA MOUNTAINS, (5000 feet) J. Mitchell, H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLAND : NELSON MOUNTAINS, (5000 feet) H. H. Travers ; MOUNT ARTHUR, (4200 feet), and MOUNT COOK, (6000 feet) A. Mackay ; CAN- TERBURY MOUNTAINS Kirk ; EN YS Armstrong. Reference to Plate XLIX., A. : Fig, 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4\ Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8\ Grain, front and side views. Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Poa ; Sub- Order, Festucacce. 8. POA UNIFLORA, n.s. ONE FLOWERED POA, (Plate XLIX., B.} POA AFFINIS, R. Brown, var. B. agrostoidea? N.Z. Flora., 1,307. A TUFTED, glabrous, sub-alpine grass, ascending to 4,200 feet. Flowers December March. Perennial. Culms 12 20 inches high, glabrous. Leaves brownish green, shorter than the culms, flat, A inch broad ; sheaths striated ; ligule long, acute. Panicle elongate, narrow, of few short branches. Spikelets small, i -flowered. Empty glumes glabrous, very short, obtuse, largest 3-nerved. Flowering glinnc glabrous, elongate, obtuse, 3-nerved. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, acute. Anthers long, stout. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. The present species recently discovered by Mr. A. Mackay, of the Geological Survey, may at once be distinguished from all other New Zealand species of Poa, by its one flowered spikelets ; while its bulk and succulent habit, will recommend it as a valuable addition to the pasture grasses of New Zealand. Numerous specimens of several other genera were also collected at the same time, chiefly on the Mount Arthur range of mountains, at an elevation of 4 5000 feet. In every case these specimens showed a luxuriant growth, proving the existence of a rich and varied pasture, combined with a bulk unusual at such high altitudes ; several species attaining a height of 3 4 feet. The presence of a limestone formation and abundant moisture explains this remarkable growth. Such localities are, no doubt, well adapted for grazing purposes' during summer, and might even be utilised to the extent of dairy farming, as practised on the European alps, where the cows are driven up the valleys in spring, and removed with the produce of the season in the form of cheese and butter, on the approach of winter. Roads, however, must necessarily be formed before anything but stock for fattening pur- poses can be driven in such localities. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES IN NEW ZEA- LAND : MOUNT ARTHUR, (4,200 feet altitude)- A. Mackay. Reference to Plate XLIX., B. Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3-3'. Nervation of empty glumes. 4. Nervation of Flowering glume. 5. Nervation of Palea. 6. Scale. 7, 7'. Grain, front and side views. Plate XLIX 3 7 A. Poa aciculanfolia, n.s. B. uniflora . n.s. Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Poa ; Sub- Order, Festucacece. 9 POA PYGM,EA, n.s. DWARF POA. (Plate Z., A,) A SMALL patch grass, rooting from the prostrate branches, found at 4 6000 feet altitude. Flowers January February. Perennial. Culms \ inch long, terminating branches i inch long, the latter densely clothed with short leaves. Leaves \ inch long, involute, rigid, with acicular tips ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle racemose, of i 3 spikelets. Spikelets large, short, broad, finely scabridus, 23 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glume 5-nerved and shortly villous at base. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, acute. Anthers long. DISTRI- BUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This curious little patch grass, according to Mr. Petrie who first discovered it, is abundant on Mount Pisa, in the Lake district, Otago. at an altitude of 4 6000 feet, it is closely allied in the structure of its inflorescence, to varieties of Poa anceps ; but the absence of flocculent silky hair at the base of the flowering glume, disunites it from this group, and the dense leafy habit of the branches, is entirely different from every known New Zealand Poa. From the short rigid growth of this grass, it can only be of value as food for sheep ; and from the close structure of its branches, which peculiarly adapts it to resist the destructive effects both of frost and tire, it may prove very permanent in mountain pasturage. DISTRIBU- TION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : MOUNT PISA, (46000 feet altitude) W. Petrie. Reference to Plate L,, A : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. Order GRAMINE^. Germs ', Poa; Sub- Order, Festucacea. 10. POA EXIGUA. LITTLE POA. (Plate Z., B.) POA EXIGUA, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z., I., 338. A VERY small tufted, glabrous, alpine grass, found at 5 6000 feet altitude. Culms i ij inches high ; sheaths membranous ; ligule short, Leaves involute, erect, obtuse, acicular, 4- jj- inch long. Panicle race- mose, j J inch long, of 4 8 spikelets. Spikelets \ inch long, pale purple, 2-flowered, shortly pedicelled. Empty glumes i and 3-nerved. Flowering glume roundish, with broad membranous margins, 5-nerved, finely scabridus and shortly villous at base. Palea scarcely bifid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, obtuse. Grain stout. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. The above description is chiefly made from a fragment of the plant originally described and named by Dr. Hooker. Additional specimens of this species have been recently collected by Mr. Petrie on Mount Pisa, Otago, at 4000 feet altitude, which differ chiefly in larger size and more numerous spikelets. A short ligule is also distinctly present in the membranous sheath. Both specimens are figured in Plate L. In its affinity, this grass approaches Poa anceps varieties, in the short villous tufts at the base of the flowering glume, and general facies of the plant. In its larger forms, it has a very close growth of soft succulent leaves, arising from prostrate branches, forming a thick short sward, and will probably prove to be a valuable sheep grass. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : LAKE DISTRICT, OTAGO, (6000 feet) Hector and Buchanan; MOUNT PISA, OTAGO, (4000 feet) Petrie. Reference to Plate L., A. : Fig. 1,1'. Plants. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7 . Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side views. Order GRAMINE^ Genus, Poa : Sub-Order, Fcstucacece. 11. POA ALBIDA, n.s. WHITE FLOWERED POA. (Plate Z., C.) POA ANCEPS, var. E., alpina, Handb. FL, N.Z., L, 339. A SMALL tufted, deeply rooting, greenish-white grass, found at 4 6000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Perennial. Culms 4 6 inches high, smooth, stout. Leaves shorter than the culms, i 2 inches long, involute, rigid, decussate, tips acicular, grooved and scabrid on the ridges ; sheaths deeply grooved and scabrid ; ligule short, truncate. Panicle much contracted, nearly white when dry, i 2 inches long, of several short branches, densely flowered. Sptkelets very small, short, broad, scabridus, 2 3 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glume 5-nerved. Palea bifid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, acuminate. Anthers short. Grain sharply pointed, and bent inward at the top. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This peculiar little alpine grass is described in the Handbook of the Flora of New Zealand as a variety of Poa anceps, with a note added by the author, *' that it may perhaps prove a different species." An examination of its details confirms this opinion, and it has therefore been described as a distinct species. The long flocculent silky hair at the base of the flowering glume and long anthers, so characteristic of Poa anceps varieties, being both absent. The rigid, harsh herbage of this little grass, does not recommend it to favourable notice, as it will probably prove unpalatable to stock. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND: SNOW HOLES ON MOUNT DARWIN, ascending to 6000 feet on MOUNT DOBSON Haast ; NELSON MOUNTAINS (5000 feet) H. H. Travers. Reference to Plate L., C. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8,8'. Grain, front and side views. Plate, L. u 8 8 A . Boa pygmaea, B. ' exigua, 7i. C. M albicia, /&. Order GRAMINE^E. Gemts, Poa ; Sub- Order, Fcstucacece. 12. POA MACKAYI, n.s. BROWN MOUNTAIN POA. (Plate LI., A.) A TUFTED, brownish green, alpine grass, found at 4 5000 feet altitude. Flowers January March. Perennial. Culms 8 14 inches high, smooth and grooved. Leaves shorter than the culms, erect, flat. Sheaths grooved ; ligule long, acute. Pandcle erect, 3 4 inches long, ovate, of few branches in distant pairs, having a few large spikelets at the extremities. Spikelets \ inch long, nearly as broad, 3-4 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glumes scabridus on the nerves only, tipped purple, 5-nerved, and with a small tuft of flocculent silky hair at the base. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, tapering, obtuse. Anthers short. Grain long, linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. A showy grass with brownish green leaves and purple tipped glumes, pre- senting, when in flower, a very striking aspect amongst the alpine flora of the Tararua and Mount Arthur mountains, where it is found in large patches of close growing tufts, resembling a cultivated crop. This grass has been grown succes- fully in pots at Wellington, by Mr. H. H, Travers, and from its bulk and succu- lent habit, it can be recommended as a grass which would likely re-pay the trouble and expense of its cultivation. In a systematic point of view, it connects Poa anceps varieties with Poa Kirkii, Poa Ircvifi/uinis, and Poa imbecilla. Dis- TIBUTION OF SPECIES IN NEW ZEALAND: NORTH ISLAND: TARARUA MOUNTAINS, (5000 feet altitude) H. H. Travers. SOUTH ISLAND : MOUNT ARTHUR RANGE, (4,200 feet altitude) A. Mackay. Reference to Plate LI., A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Is-Yrvatu n <>f Palea. 7. Scale. 8,8'. drain, front and side views. U Order GRAMINE^K. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order, Festucacea. 13. POA KIRKII, n.s. KIRK'S POA. (Plate LL, B.) (?) POA PURPUREA, Kirk, (undescribed) Trans. N.Z. Inst, IX., 500. A TUFTED, brownish-green, alpine grass, found at 3 4000 feet altitude. Flowers January March. Perennial. Culms 12 14 inches high, smooth, grooved. Leaves shorter than the culms, erect, flat ; sheaths grooved ; ligule long, acute. Panicle erect, 3 4 inches long, ovate, branches whorled, capillary, with numerous small spikelets. Spikelets i inch long, 3 4 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glumes very obtuse, scabridus, 5-nerved, tipped with purple, and without hairs at the base. Palea 2-fid, 2-nerved. Scales oblique, acuminate. Grain long, linear. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This species is closely allied to Poa Mackayi and Poa breviglumis, but differs much in the inflorescence from both. It is supposed to be the same grass as one first discovered on the mountains of the Clarence Valley, by Mr. Kirk, but the specimens from which the above description is taken were more recently collected on the Mount Arthur range, by Mr. A. Mackay. The M. S. name originally suggested by Mr. Kirk, "Poa purpurea," but without any description of the plant, although appropriate as to colour, might produce confusion, inasmuch as several other species of Poa are also purple. Mr. Kirk says of his plant, "that it is eaten alike by horses, cattle, and sheep, and appears well adapted for mixed pasturage on cool lands." DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : CLARENCE VALLEY, (34000 feet) Kirk ; MOUNT ARTHUR (4,200 feet) -A. Mackay. Reference to Plate LL, B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8,8'. Grain front and side views. A.Poa,M?Kayi.; B. Kirkii,;w. Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Poa ; Sub-Order; Festucacea. 14. POA LINDSAY!. BEOWN FLOWERED POA. (Plate LIL) POA LINDSAYI, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z. I., 340. A SMALL tufted sub-alpine grass, found from 500 4000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Perennial. Culms 3 12 inches high, erect, slender. Leaves \ 4 inches long, flaccid, very narrow, flat, subulate, sheathing leaves very short ; ligule short, obtuse, or lacerate. Panicle ovate, open, T 7 inches long, branches capillary, 2 or 3 nate, distant, often flexuose, lower J ij inches long. Spikelets few, sub- terminal on the branches, 4 8 flowered, brownish-green. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Powering glume 5-nerved, inner pair faint, scabridous, border membranous, sprinkled with short hairs near the base. Palea bifid, 2- nerved. Scale oblique, acute. Anthers short. Grain linear. DISTRI- BUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. This beautiful little grass is abundant on the sub-alpine pasture grounds of the South Island, where from its close tufted habit, and large capacity of seeding, it proves very permanent. This forms one of many valuable sheep grasses, which from their small size, are little noticed except when in flower, yet but for their presence, the feeding capacity of many districts would be very poor. The perma- nence of some of the smaller Poas, among which the present must be included, is most markedly shewn by their increase on road cuttings, near fences, or wherever the ground is disturbed. This would indicate, that a very small amount of culti- vation would increase them abundantly. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : SOUTH ISLAND : SADDLE HILL, OTAGO Lindsay ; LAKE DISTRICT Hector and Buchanan, Petrie ; ACHERON VALLEY, CANTERBURY, (4000 feet) Travers ; KOWAI VALLEY, (2-3000 feet) Haast. II. -terence to Plate LI I : Fig 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Ner- vation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7, Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side views. Plate Poa Lintis ayi . Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Poa ; Sub- Order, Festucacece. 15. POA BREVIGLUMIS. SHORT GLUMED POA. (Plate LIIL, A.) POA BREVIGLUMIS, Hook, fil., Fl. Antarct, I., 101. POA BREVIGLUMIS, Hook, fil., Handb. FL N.Z., I. 337. A SMALL tufted grass, found from sea level to 1000 feet altitude. Flowers December February. Perennial. Culms 10 16 inches high, erect, decumbent at the base, smooth. Leaves much shorter than the culms, very narrow, flat, soft ; sheaths striated ; ligule oblong, mem- branous. Panicle erect, 3 5 inches long, open, branches capillary, in distant pairs or ternate. Spikelets few, pedicelled near the ends of the branches, glabrous, green, 3 4 flowered. Empty ghimes i and 3- nerved. Flowering glume with 5 scabridous nerves. Palea bifid, 2-nerved. Scale oblique, acute. Anthers short. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. This species is closely allied to Poa Kirkil, but generally found with a much larger open panicle and smaller spikelets. When found on good soil, it might easily be mistaken for a small green spikelet variety of that grass. It is a grass chiefly of maritine habits, but is also common inland on low hills. It passes insensibly into the next species, Poa imbecUla, by an appparent depauperation, produced by poverty of soil ; but, in its larger forms, is a distinct species, and sufficiently bulky to constitute it a valuable grass. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND: COMMON IN BOTH ISLAND IN MARITIME SITUATIONS, AND ON INLAND HILLS. Reference to Plate LIU., A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8. v Grain, front and side views. Order GRAMINE^E. Genus y Poa ; Sub-Order, Festucacea. 16. POA IMBECILLA. WEAK STEMMED POA. (Plate LIIL, B.) ERAGROSTIS IMBECILLA, Bentham, Fl. Austral., VII., 643. POA IMBE- CILLA, Forster, Hook, fil., FL N.Z., I, 306. POA IMBECILLA, Forster, Hook, fil., Handb. Fl. N.Z., L, 337. A VERY weak, slender, tufted grass, common in woods. Flowers November January. Culms weak, decumbent, 612 inches long. Leaves very narrow, much shorter than the culms, flat ; ligule short. Panicle 3 6 inches long, narrow, open, with few distant pairs or whorls of capillary branches. Spikelets few, pedicelled, terminal on the branches, glabrous, green, 3 8 flowered. Empty glumes 3-nerved. Flowering glume 5-nerved. Palea bifid, 2-nerved. Scale oblique. Anthers short. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. A distinct grass from the last species in its smaller flaccid forms, but con- nected by varieties. It is a grass of shaded places, and has little to recommend it as a pasture plant. This grass is one of a small group allied to Poa avceps, of which Poo Mackayi forms the connecting link. It might have been more syste- matic to have arranged this group as varieties of Poa Mackayi, similar to Poa anceps varieties, and distinguished them by the absence of flocculent silky hairs at the base of the flowering glume and short anthers ; but as this has been done in the key to the species, the retaining specific names will conduce more to their easy discrimination. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NOT UNCOMMON IN SHADED PLACES IN BOTH ISLANDS. Reference to Plate LIIL, B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4,4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. Plate, LID t/ 8 8 A . Po a, lor e viglumis , ffookfil. B. - Order Genus, Fes tu ai; Sub- Order, Fcstucacece. GENUS XXIII. FESTUCA, Linmeus. Spikelcts pedicelled, several flowered, racemose, panicled, or spiked. Empty glumes, 2 unequal, rounded at the back, bifid, awnless or awncd between the lobes. Palea 2-nerved, nerves ciliate. Scales 2, notched. Stamens 3. Grain glabrous, free or adherent to the palea. DISTRIBU- TION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE AND MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS OF BOTH HEMISPHERES. Etymology: A Latin name of doubt- ful derivation. 1. FESTUCA LITTORALJS, VAH. TRITICOIDES. SAND HILL FESCUE GRASS. (Plate LIV.) ARUNDO TRIODIOIDES, Trinius, Spec. Gram., t. 51. POA LITTORALIS, Labill, PL Nov. Holl, I., 22, t. 27. SCHENODORUS LITTORALIS, Beauv, Agrost, 99. SCHENODORUS LITTORALIS, Beauv (var. triticoides,) Bentham, Fl. Austral., VII., 655. FESTUCA LITTORALIS, R. Brown, Hook. fil. Handb., Fl. N.Z., I., 341. A TALL densely tufted littoral grass. Flowers December February. Culms i 3 feet high, leafy, smooth and shining. Leaves erect, rigid, involute, terete, pungent, longer or shorter than the culm ; sheaths striated; ligule very short. Panicle narrow, 3 10 inches long, branches short alternate, erect. Spikelets flat, ovate, \ f inch long, 4 8 flowered, straw-coloured. Empty glumes acuminate, 5-nerved. Flower- ing glumes ovate, acuminate, bifid at top, with a very short intermediate awn, y-nerved. Palea bifid, 2-nerved. Scales deep and acutely 2-fid. Grain ovate, smooth, grooved in front. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. Varieties of the present species are abundant on the coasts of New Zealand. where they are of great value in assisting to bind drifting sand. The plant figured here is evidently the var. ir'd'n:o'nl< >, Dcntiium, <>t' \\\-:4rrn An tr.ilia. 156 FESTUCA LITTORALIS. This variety is probably the most common on the shores of New Zealand, although the smaller sized species common in Eastern Australia is also found near Wellington, and probably in many other places in New Zealand. The variety triticoides may always be distinguished by its greater size 5 -nerved empty glumes, and 7 -nerved flowering glume. It must, from its superior size, be the most Aaluable as a sand binder. These grasses can have little value as food plants, unless cut when they are in flower ; and although succulent at this time, are so sprinkled with sand as to be unfit for food. This is to be regretted, as all littoral grasses contain a considerable amount of soda in their sap secretions, which is invaluable to the health of stock. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : ABUN- DANT EVERYWHERE IN BOTH ISLANDS, ON DRIFT SANDS NEAR THE SEA. Reference to Plate LIV. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side view. Festuca Order GRAMINIE/E. Genus, Festuca ; Sub -Order, Festucaceie. 2. FESTUCA SCOPARIA. POA-LIKB FESCUE. (Plate L y., A.) FESTUCA SCOPARIA. Hook, fil., Fl. Antarct, I., 98. FESTUCA SCOPARIA, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 308. FESTUCA SCOPARIA, Hook. fil. Handb., F1.N.Z, I, 341. A DENSELY tufted, fine-leaved, littoral grass. Flowers December February. Perennial. Culms 6 20 inches high, leafy, glabrous. Leaves filiform, rigid, longer or shorter than the culm, sheathing leaves narrow ; ligule very short. Panicle \ 3 inches long, ovoid or narrow, elongate, branches short, erect, alternate, or the lower pair sometimes opposite. Spikelets green, flattened, \ \ inch long. Empty glumes very unequal, i and 3-nerved. Flowering glume acuminate, 5-nerved. Palea nearly as long as the glume, bifid at the top, and 2-nerved. Scale acutely, 2-fid. Grain broad, concave in front. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUCKLAND ISLANDS, CAMPBELL ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND. A small Poa-like grass, growing generally on precipitous rocks ; its abundance, more or less, depending on the presence of such habitats. The large sea-green cushions, of filiform leaves of this species, are very conspicious objects, and readily attract the attention. From the difficulty of reaching this grass, it is very improbable that it can be much grazed by other stock than sheep, for whom the fine foliage is well adapted. Under these circumstances it will chiefly possess a botanical interest. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NOT UNCOMMON ON ROCKY PARTS OF THE COAST OF BOTH ISLANDS. Reference to Plate LV., A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8,8'. Grain, front and side views. Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Fcstuca-; Sub-Order, Fcstucacece. 3 FESTUCA DURIUSCULA, LINNJEUS. HARD FESCUE GRASS. (Plate LV., B.) FESTUCA DURIUSCULA, Linnaeus, Hook, fil., Fl. Tasm., II., 126. FESTUCA DURIUSCULA, Linnaeus, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 309. FESTUCA DURIUSCULA, Linnaeus, Hook, fil., Handb. N.Z. FL, I., 341. A TALL, slender, densely tufted grass. Roots fibrous. Perennial. Flowers December February. Culms, i 2 feet high, glabrous. Leaves slender, involute, filiform, or short and setaceous ; Sheaths with membraneous wings ; ligule very short. Panicle often unilateral, T 7 inches long, open or contracted, branches capillary, often flexuose, lower 2 or 3-nate. Spikelets few, J \ inch long, 4 8 flowered. Empty glumes unequal, acute, 3-nerved. Flowering glume ovate, lanceolate, shortly bifid, with a central short stiff awn, scabrid on the nerves. Palea nearly as long as the flowering glume, bifid at the top, 2-nerved. Scale acutely 2-fid and, in alpine forms, ciliate, ovary linear, crowned with a small glutinous patch without hairs. Grain linear, oblong, concave in front. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : TEMPERATE REGIONS OF BOTH HEMISPHERES. A very valuable grass, occuping a prominent place in all mountain pastures, being productive in every variety of soil, and possessing a great capacity of adaptation to both aridity and moisture. It is subject everywhere to much variation, and several of the varieties are known by other names. This tendency to vary, may also be observed with this species in New Zealand, sub-alpine forms sometimes being more related to Festuca ovina than the present species ; and it is \ 7 ery improbable that these varieties have been introduced. The only structural change observed in these sub-alpine forms, being the presence of cilia on the scales. This species is highly commended by authors as a pasture grass. Mr. Sinclair observes of it, that " it is most prevalent on light rich soils, but it is likewise always found in the chest natural pastures where the soil is more retentive of moisture, and it is never absent from irrigated meadows that have been properly formed. It springs rather early, and the produce is remarkably l6o FESTUCA DURIUSCULA. fine and succulent, and withstands the effects of severe dry weather in rich natural pastures, better than many other grasses. " The proportional value in which this grass, at the time flowering, exceeds that at the time the seed is ripe, is as 7 to 3. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : COMMON IN BOTH ISLANDS, FROM 14000 FEET ALTITUDE. Reference to plate LV., B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scale. 8. Scale of sub-alpine form. 9. Section of ovary, showing glutinous patch on top. A.Festuca B. duriuscula, Linn Order GRAMINE^. Genus, ft row us ; I Sub-Order, Festucacetc. GENUS XXIV. BROMUS, Linnaeus. Spikelets pedicelled, several flowered, erect or drooping, panicled. Empty glumes rounded on the back, rigid, imawned. Flowering glume rounded on the back, y-nerved, bifid at the top, and with a straight or curved awn between the lobes. Palea 2-nerved, ciliate on the nerves. Scales 2-entire. Stamens 3. Ovary narrow, obovate and crowned on the top with a mass of glutinous hairs. Styles united at the base. Gram free, top hairy. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE REGIONS OF BOTH HEMISPHERES. Etymology : From the Greek word for food, as applied to oats and other cereal grasses. l.BROMUS ARENARIUS. SEA SIDE BROME GRASS. (Plate LVL, A.) BROMUS ARENARIUS, Labill, PL Nov. Holl., I., 23, t. 28. BROMUS AUSTRALIS, R. Brown, Prod. 178. BROMUS ARENARIUS, Labill, Bentham Fl. Austral., VII., 66 1. BROMUS ARENARIUS, Labill, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 310. BROMUS ARENARIUS, Labill, Hook, fil., Handb. Fl. N.Z., I., 341. A TUFTED, densely villous grass, of littoral habitats. Flowers December February. Annual. Culms 324 inches high. Leaves flat, villous. Panicle $ 10 inches long, very broad, open, drooping, villous, branches slender, 35 nate. Spikelets green, f i inch long, on slender pedicles, 5 _8 flowered. Empty glumes 3 5 nerved, much shorter than the flowering, pubescent or ciliate. Flowering glume y-nerved, ciliate, ovate, acuminate, bifid at the top, awn as long as the glume. Palea linear, bifid, ciliate on the 2 nerves, with a scale oblique, acute. Ovary narrow, crowned on the top with a mass of glutinous hairs. Grain linear, with a hard hairy scale on the top, which generally breaks oil. \v 1 62 BROMUS ARENARTUS. Styles united at the base. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. A common sea side weed, which from its dry woolly nature is; very unpalatable to all kinds of stock. The general character of the genus has little in keeping with the name Bromus, which indicates food, for none of the species of this family are noted as superior food plants, while some of them are considered as hurtful, if not poisonous. A few of the Brome species are very early grasses, and valuable for keeping stock in condition till superior but later kinds spring up. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NOKTH ISLAND, COMMON NEAR THE SEA. Reference to Plate LVL, A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 0. Nerva- tion of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8'. Grain, front and side view. Order GRAMINIE^. Genus, Triticum; Sub-Order, Hordeaccn'. GENUS XXV. TRITICUM, Linnaeus. Spikelets spiked, solitary, distichous and alternately sessile on a com- pressed rachis, 3 or several flowered. Empty glumes 2, shorter than the flowering, unequal, rigid. Flowering glume rigid, concave, 37 nerved, obtuse, acute or awned. Palea 2-nerved, nerves ciliate. Stamens 3. Ovary crowned at the top with a glutinous mass of hairs. Stvles apparently lateral. Grain grooved in front, adherent to the palea. DISTRIBUTION OF GENUS : TEMPERATE CLIMATES OF BOTH HEMISPHERES. Etymology : The generic name for wheat. 1. TRITICUM MULTIFLORUM. SHORT AWNED WHEAT GRASS. (Plate LVL, B.) TRITICUM MULTIFLORUM, Banks and Sol, Hook, fil., Fl. N.Z., I., 311. TRITICUM MULTIFLORUM, Banks and Sol., Hook, fil., Handb. Fl. N.Z. A ROBUST, tufted, blueish-green grass. Flowers December March. Annual or Perennial. Culms erect, prostrate at the base, i 2 feet high, striate, glabrous. Leaves 36 inches long, narrow, flat, rough on the upper surface, sheathing leaves short, striate, ligule o. Spike 2 8 inches long. Spikelets 6 12 and 6 10 flowered, J i inch long. Empty glumes narrow, unequal, acuminate, 3-nerved. Flowering glume much longer, acuminate, bind at the top, with a very short scabrid awn, 5-nerved. Palea obtuse, 2-nerved. Scale oblique, shortly ciliate. Ovary crowned on the top with a mass of glutinous hairs, which hardens and scales off from the grain. Styles connected below. DIS- TRIBUTION OF SPECIES : NEW ZEALAND. A scattered grass, seldom abundant, being generally found in distant tufts, which readily attract notice, by their peculiar blueish-grecn colour, among the darker coloured vegetation. This is a grass, when in flower, better adapted for 164 TRITICUM MULTIFLORUM. cattle than sheep, as the stout culms and spikes ofl'er only a coarse herbage. As a fodder grass, it would produce less bulk than its large size might suggest, as the leaves are short and soft, and the greater part of its nutrient properties would be found in the culms and spikes ; this is the case, however, more or less with every grass, but the proportion of leaves to culms, in this case, is a minimum. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : NORTH AND SOUTH ISLANDS, COM- MON NEAR THE SEA AND ON INLAND HILLS. Reference to Plate LVI,, B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7, 7', 7". Varieties of scale. 9, 9, v 9". Grain, front, side view, and section. Hate. L k A.Brcmus arenarius,/^// B. Triticum Order GRAMINE^. Genus, Triticiim ; Sub- Order, Hordiaceic. 2. TRITICDM SCABRUM. BLUE WHEAT GRASS. (Plate LVII.) FFSTUCA SCA.BRA, Labill, PI. Nov. Holl., I., 22, t. 26. TRITICUM SCABRUM, R. Brown, Prod. 178, Hook, fil., Fl. Tasm., II., 128. AGROPYRUM SCABRUM, Beauv, Bentham, Fl. Austral., VII., 665. TRITICUM SCABRUM, R. Brown, Hook. fil. Fl. N.Z., L, 311. TRITICUM SCABRUM, R. Brown, Hook. fil. Handb. Fl. N.Z., I., 342. A LARGE tufted, blueish-green grass. Flowers December March. Annual or perennial. Culms erect, prostrate at the base, 3 1 8 inches high, smooth, striated. Leaves 2 8 inches long, flat or involute, smooth or scabrid, sheathing leaves long, striate, ligule o. Spike 2 6 nches long. Spikelets 2 8, with the awn i \ 2\ inches long, 6 10 flowered, erect, alternate, scabrid. Empty glumes unequal, 5-nerved, much smaller than the flowering. Flowering glume tapering into a long awn, 3 5 lines as long as the glume, 5-nerved ; awn flexuous, straight or curved. Palea obtuse, 2-nerved. Scale oblique, or unequally bifid, ciliate. Ovary crowned on the top with a mass of glutinous hairs, which scales off from the grain. Styles connected below. DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES : AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND. An abundant grass in both islands, from sea level to 3000 feet altitude. It varies much in size and character, being smaller and more glabrous near the sea, and varying much in the size of the spikelets in inland districts. The species of Triticum are considered as annuals in New Zealand, but this must be accepted with a reservation, as it is doubtful if a true annual grass exists in the islands, the cool and moist climate of many inland localities, enabling grasses to maintain a continued growth without that amount of heat-forcing which is, at all times, necessary to ripen seed the first year, for there certainly exists an inherent tendency, in many grasses, to flower and seed at an early stage of their growth, and before stoles are thrown out from the roots. In such cases, the plant is I 66 TRITICUM SCABRUM. exhausted and dies, and may be considered as an annual, although the species may be continued on the same ground from shaken seed. This is undoubtedly the theory of certain supposed perennial grasses, such as Lolium perrene proving sometimes annual, and such grasses can only be secured perennial, by cutting or grazing down the flowering stems for one or more years, till each seedling plant has thown out numerous stoles from the root before ripening any seed, by which time a thick close sward has been formed. Some grasses again, such as Dactylus glomeratus, require no such attention, possessing as they do, an inherent tendency to delay the process of flowering and seeding for some years, by which time each seed has formed fa small tussac, and by their confluence a close sward, thus proving a true perennial grass. In the South Island, the species under notice, Triticum scabrum, was considered by the early settlers as a good grass for horses and cattle, and was known by them as the " blue tussac grass," or "blue oat grass, " a pardonable error in the latter name, the spikes being more like oats than wheat. A very marked variety of this species has been figured here under the name Triticum scabrum, var. tenue. This grass is abundant in some of the inland districts of Nelson and Canterbury. It is a weak elongated form, 3 4 feet long, and often trailing on the ground ; other varieties exist of less importance, varying in the size of the spikelet and amount of scabridity. All the varieties, if cut in flower, make excellent fodder grasses. DISTRIBUTION IN NEW ZEALAND : ABUNDANT IN BOTH ISLANDS. Reference to Plate LVII. A. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale. 8, 8\ 8". Grain, front, side, and section views. Reference to Plate LVII. B. : Fig. 1. Plant. 2. Spikelet. 3. Floret. 4, 4'. Nervation of empty glumes. 5. Nervation of flowering glume. 6. Nervation of Palea. 7. Scale . 8. Section of ovary, showing the position of the styles. Plate. LYI1 m 5 A.Tnticuin scabrurn, KBro . B. " var tenue.; ; Order GRAMINE^E. Genus, Triticum ; Sub-Order, Hon1cacc