The RALPH D. REED LIBRARY o DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIF. VEKSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY NOB EY BYE:: E GEOIXX2IST BULLETIN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY WITH A LhT OF I ':. PH.D. Assistant Cwrvtor of Geoton i* **-: '-33 Mnteitmr KATHAR1: OOD EL M. Urrtii t Co., STATX PBEfTE8 AXD SOUTHERN BRAN. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LIBRARY, T-QS ANGELES, CALIF. NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, STATE GEOLOGIST BULLETIN NO. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY WITH A LIST OF MAPS BY FRANCIS BAKER LAXEY, PH. D. Assistant Curator of Geology in the U. 8. yational Museui AXD KATHARINE HILL WOOD RALEIGH E. M. UZZELL & Co., STATE PEIXTEBS AND BIM I | 129575 GEOLOGICAL BOARD GOVERNOR W. W. KITCHIX, ex offlcio Chairman Raleigh. FRAXK R. HEWITT Asheville. HUGH MACRAE Wilmington. R. D. CALDWELL Lumberton. C. S. VAXX Edenton. JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, STATE GEOLOGIST Chapel Hill. Liintr LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CHAPEL HILL, X. C., September 1, 1909. To His Excellency, Hox. W. W. KITCHIX, Governor of Sorth Carolina. Sir. I have the honor to submit for publication as Bulletin 18 of the reports of the Xorth Carolina Geological and Economic Survey, a bibli- ography of Xorth Carolina Geology, Mineralogy, and Geography, with a list of maps which has been prepared by Dr. Francis B. Laney, As- sistant Curator of Geology, United States National Museum, and Miss Katharine Hill Wood, under the supervision of 'the State Geologist. This Bulletin, by giving references to practically all articles published relating to the subjects mentioned above, wiD be of very great assistance to all students and investigators who are working on these or allied subjects. Yours very respectfully, JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, State Geologist. INTRODUCTION The following bibliography relating to Xorth Carolina geology, eralogy. geography and allied subjects, as paleontology, meteorology, petrology, etc., has been made just as complete as possible, although there are undoubtedly certain references left out that should be included. Over 200 periodicals have been examined, and in most cases complete files of these have been available. This list is given at the end of the bibliography, and those where complete files were not available are marked with an asterisk. Some articles relating to the subjects included in this bibliography were published privately, and certain of these have probably been omitted, as no record of them could be found in the libraries examined. The following libraries were visited: Yale University Library. Xew Haven, Connecticut: Library of Congress. United States Geological Survey. U. S. Xational Museum. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Agriculture, and War Department Libraries, Washington, D. C.; Johns Hopkins University and Peabody Institute Libraries. Baltimore, Md.; Virginia State Library. Richmond, Virginia; Xorth Carolina Stale Library. Raleigh. Xorth Carolina : the Xorth Carolina Geological and Eco- nomic Survey, the University of Xorth Carolina and the Kemp P. Battle Libraries, Chapel Hill. X. C. : Library of Stephen B. Weeks, of Trinity and Greensboro, Xorth Carolina. To the librarians of all these libraries and to Air. Stephen B. Weeks, the Geological Survey wishes to extend its sincere thanks for the many courtesies and personal assistance that was extended to those who were looking up the ref erences. In the preparation of this bibliography the authors have been assisted by Miss Alice A. Wood, formerly of Tale University Library, and Pro- fessor L. C. Glenn, of Vanderbilt University, Xasiville, Tennessee, to whom acknowledgments are due. The Bulletin is divided into two parts ; part one containing the bibliog- raphy, and part two containing a list of maps relating to Xorth Carolina. Any one making use of this bibliography who finds any errors in the references, or who knows of articles not included in the bibliography, will confer a favor upon the Xorth Carolina Geological and Economic Survey if they will note these errors and omissions, and send notice of same to the State Geologist. JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, Stale Otologist. PABT I BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY BT FRANCIS BAKER LANEY AXD KATHARINE HILL WOOD 1. ABBE, CLEVELAND JR. Remarks on the euspate capes on the Carolina coast. Bost Soc. Hat Hist, Pnxx, T. 26 (1895): 489-497. Discusses form of coast and origin of capes Hatteras, Lookout and Fear. 2. ABBOT, FREDERICK Y. Improvement of Lumber river, Xorth and South Carolina. {In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1445-1447.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1892, pt 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1199-1201.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1893, pt 2. Appendix M 2. pp. 1468-1471.) (/* Chief of Eng. Kept, 1894, pt 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1071-1074.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1895, pt 2. Appendix L 2, pp, 1395-1398.) Yearly reports of progress. 3. Improvement of Waccamaw river, Xorth and South Caro- lina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1890, pt 2. Appendix H 14, pp. 1229-1233.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1892, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1195-1198.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1893, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1464-1468.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1894, pt. 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1067-1071.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1895, pt. 2. Appendix L 1, pp. 1391-1395.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1896, pt. 2. Appendix L 1, pp. 1151-1155.) Yearly reports of progress. 4. [Kiver and harbor improvements in North Carolina in 1905.] (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1905, pt. 1. Wash., 1905. pp. 231-254.) 5. ABERT, S[YLVANUS] T^HAYER]. Examination of Catawba river from the South Carolina line to Old Fort, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1876, pt. 1 Appendix G 16, pp. 367-376.) (In U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. House Ex. Doc. No. 94, pp. 13-22.) General description of Catawba river. Notes on topog- raphy and geology of the country, with table of levels and distances. Mentions deposits of iron ore in Gaston, Lincoln and Catawba counties. 6. Examination of Neuse river from its mouth to Goldsborough, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1876, pt. 1. Appendix G 15, pp. 363-367.) (In U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. House Ex. Doc. No. 94, pp. 9-13.) 7. Examination of Pamlico river from its mouth to the town of Washington, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1876, pt. 1. Appendix G 14, pp. 361-363.) (In U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. House Ex. Doc. No. 94, pp. 8-9.) 8. Examination of Pasquotank river, from Albemarle sound to Elizabeth City, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1876, pt. 1. Appendix G 12, p. 360.) (In U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. House Ex. Doc. No. 94, pp. 6-7.) 9. Examination of Perquimans river from its mouth to the town of Hertford, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1876, pt. 1. Appendix G 13, p. 361.) (In U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. House Ex. Doc. No. 94, P. 7.) 10. Examination of the harbor at Edenton, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1876, pt. 1. Appendix G 11, pp. 358-360.) (In U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. House Ex. Doc. No. 94, pp. 5-6.) GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 11. Improvement of Dan river. Virginia and North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1881, pt 1. Appendix H 15, pp. 977-978.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1882, pt. 1. Appendix H 15, pp. 1053-1059.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1883, pt 1. Appendix J 14, p. 830.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1884, pt. 2. Appendix K 15, pp. 1000-1001.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1885, pt. 2. Appendix K 15, pp. 993-995.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1886, pt 2. Appendix J 15, pp. 925-927.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1887, pt 1. Appendix K 15, pp. 953-955.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1888, pt 2. Appendix K 14, pp. 838-840.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix L 13, pp. 1023-1024.) Yearly reports of progress. 12. Improvement of French Broad river, Xorth Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1878, pt 1. Appendix G 13, pp. 522-538.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1879, pt 1. Appendix G 17, pp. 648-649.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1880, pt 1. Appendix H 18, pp. 791-793.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1881, pt 1. Appendix H 16, pp. 978-980.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1883, pt 1. Appendix J 16, pp. 832-836.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1884, pt 2. Appendix K 17, pp. 1002-1003.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1885, pt 2. Appendix K 17, pp. 997-999.) Briefly outlines history of river improvement. Yearly reports of progress. 13. Improvement of Pamlico river. Xorth Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1878, pt 1. Appendix G 16, pp. 540-541.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1879, pt 1. Appendix G 18, pp. 649-652.) Reports of progress. 14. Improvement of Perquimans river, Xorth Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1877, pt 1. Appendix G 12, pp. 367-368.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1878, pt 1. Appendix G 14, pp. 538-539.) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1879, pt. 1. Appendix G 15, p. 626.) Reports of progress. 15. Improvement of Eoanoke river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1877, pt. 1. Appendix G 11, pp. 366-367.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept. 1882, pt. 1. Appendix H 17, pp. 1059-1066.) (In U. S. 47th Cong., 1st Sess., 1882. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 137, pp. 10-16.) Account of survey of river from Weldon, X. C., to Clarks- ville, Va., describing river and its tributaries. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1883, pt. 1. Appendix J 15, p. 831.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1885, pt. 2. Appendix K 16, pp. 995-997.) Contains history of river improvement. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1887, pt. 1. Appendix K 16, pp. 955-957.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept 1888, pt. 2. Appendix K 15, pp. 840-843.) Reports of progress. 16. Improvement of Yadkin river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1879, pt. 1. Appendix G 16, pp. 626-648.) U. S. 46th Cong., 1st Sess., 1879. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 35. 23pp. Report of survey. 17. Preliminary examination of Roanoke river from Clarksville, Va., to Eaton Falls, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1887, pt 1. Appendix K 19, pp. 960-961.) 18. Preliminary examination of Eoanoke river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1884, pt. 2. Appendix K 26, pp. 1020-1025.) (In U. S. 48th Cong., 1st Sess., 1884. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 64, pp. 12-17.) 19. Eoanoke river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1875, pt. 2. Appendix W 9, pp. 129-133.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1876, pt. 1. Appendix G 9, pp. 352-355.) Describes general condition of river, and gives table of daily gauge heights at Wilton and Hamilton. 20. Survey of a line to connect the waters of the Neuse and Cape Fear rivers in North Carolina, and of a line to connect the waters of Norfolk harbor in Virginia with the waters of the Cape Fear river, at or near Wilmington, N. C. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1876, pt 1. Appendix G 17, pp. 376-429.) GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 5 U. S. 44th Cong., 1st Sess., 1876. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 35. 57pp. Review: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 12 (1876): 149. Notice: Geol. Record, 1876, p. 127. Description of physical features of country, history of changes in the coast lines and inlets since Raleigh's voy- ages, and detailed account of former surveys, including report made by James Kearney in 1838. Map. 21. Survey of Dan river between Danbury, North Carolina, and Danbury, Virginia. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1879, pt 1. Appendix G 19, pp. 652-672.) Describes character and resources of the region. In- cludes extracts from report of S. W. Evans, and from " Mineral resources of Xorth Carolina," by F. A. Genth. which describe mineral resources of the district. 22. [Account of storm in North Carolina on Sept. 20-24, 1761.] London Mag., v. 30 (1761): 673. Notice: Chief of Eng. Rept., 1873, p. 805. States that the storm opened a new channel between Cedar House and the Bald-head the origin of New inlet. 23. ACHESON*, EDWARD GtOODRiCH]. Corundum f of North Carolina in 1897.] Mineral Industry, v. 6 (1897): 14. Notes on corundum mining industry in 1897. describing the Corundum Hill mine at Cullasagee. Macon county. 24. ADGER. JrOHX] BAILEY?] Analysis of a compact talc from Xorth Carolina. ' Chem. News, v. 25, No. 654 (1872): 270-271. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 4 (1872): 419. Abstract by J[Ohn] W t attS]: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 25, (1872): 681. Description and analysis of soapstone from the Nantahala mountains, Swain county. 25. Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal. DeBow's Review, v. 24 (1858): 536-541. Geographical notes on coast discussing advantages to be gained by a canal connecting Currituck sound with Albe- marle and Pamlico sounds. 26. Albemarle Sound and Atlantic Ocean. Eeport of Committee on Commerce in relation to ciitting a canal between Albemarle sound and the Atlantic Ocean. U. S. 27th Cong., 2d Sess., 1842. Rept. of Com., v. 4, No. 891. 29pp. Contains report of Walter Guynn on practicability of re- opening Roanoke inlet. ALLEN, EUGENE] T t HOMAS]. The isomorphism and thermal properties of the feldspars. See Day and Allen, No. 467. ALLEX, NETTIE M. North Carolina. (Supplementary volume to Tarr & Mc- Murry geographies.) " See Foust and Allen, No. 597. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 27. ALLEN, OfSCAR] DtANA]. Chemical constitution of hatchettolite and samarskite from Mitchell county, North Carolina. Am. Jour." Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 14 (1877): 128-131. Abstract by F. D. B[rownj: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 34 (1878): 206-207. Abstract by E. S. Dana: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 1 (1877): 502-503. Description and analyses of these minerals. 28. ALVORD, BENJAMIN. Recent earthquakes in North Carolina. Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull., v. 1 (1874): 101-102. Description of earthquake phenomena in the Blue Ridge, which commenced Feb. 10, and continued until March 19, 1874. 29. American agricultural and mineral laud company. Letters and reports on western North Carolina. New York, G-. E. Sears, 1868. 22 pp. 22 cm. Contains brief communications from T. L. Clingman and W. C. Kerr, on general and mineral resources ; from A. Guyot on the mountain region ; and from W. H. Letterman on agricultural advantages. 30. The American prospecting and mining company. Eeports upon the property. New York, 1899. 40 pp. 27 cm. Contains description of general features of Macon county, geology, veins, and mining developments and water supply ; reports on property by W. E. Hidden and C. Barringtbn Brown ; " A new mode of occurrence of the ruby," by .T. W. Judd and W. E. Hidden. See under authors. 31. ANDRESEN, THOMAS F. Report on the Caldcleugh gold mining property, situated in Davidson county, North Carolina. Greensboro, N. C., 1894. 20 pp. 12 cm. Describes physical and geological features of this property, veins and ores. 32. ARDREY, W. E. Production of precious metals [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1893. Wash., 1894. pp. 105-106.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1894. Wash., 1895. pp. 94-96.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1895. Wash., 1896. pp. 97-101.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1896. Wash., 1897. pp. 182-183.) Yearly reports of production. 33. ARGALL, PHILIP. [Nickel from North Carolina.] Col. Sci. Soc., Proc., v. 4 (1893): 414-415. Contains notes on nickel silicate from Webster. Quotes J. S. Diller and S. H. Emmtns concerning the nickel deposits. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. ? 34. ARMSTRONG,. S. C. Coal [in Xorth Carolina,. (/ U. S. GeoL Surrey, Min. Res, 1883-1884. Wash-, 1885. P. 59.) Describes deposits of coal in Stokes county which hare never been mined, and gives two analyses by F. A. Genth. ARRIXGTOX, ARTHTR. Sketch of the history and resources of Franklin county. . . See Green, Davis, and Arlington, No. 681. 35. ASBURY. SiAMUZL: E. Analyses of iron ores. (In North Carolina, Commissioner of Agric., Sept, 1902. Raleigh, Edwards & Bronghton, 1903. 23 em. pp. 58-60.) List of 73 anilTses- 36. ASHBURXER. C[HARLESj A ( LBERTj. Coal ( in Xorth Carolina in 1885]. (In U. S. GeoL Survey, Min. Res^ 1885. Wash, 1886. pp. 41-43.) Describes Deep River coal beds in Chatham county, and gives analyses by State chemist. 36a. - Coal t in Xorth Carolina in 1887]. (/ U. S. GeoL Survey, Min. Res., 1887. Waslu, 1888. pp. 279-281.) Describes triassic coal beds on Deep and Dan rivers, and Sires account of explorations conducted by H. B. Robson in the Dan River field. 37. ASHBURY. DAXIEL. Gold mines at Gold Hill. Rowan county, Xorth Carolina. Min. Mag, Ser. I, v. 1 (1853): 69; 411-412. Describes sold and copper mines at Gold Hill at this date, and gives statistics of production. ASHE, WtlLLIAM] W rLLARD]. Forests and forest conditions in the southern Appalachians. See Ayres and Ashe, No. 43. 38. - Xotes on the forest resources of Xorth Carolina. Elis. Mit. ScL Soo, Jour, v. 10 (1893): 5-25. Contains notes on topographic features of the Coastal western Piedmont and western sections. 39. - Report on an examination of certain swamp lands belonging to the State. (/ H. C. GeoL Survey, Biennial report of State Geologist for 1905-1906. 24 cm. pp. 40-50. Describes swamp lands located in Coastal Plain district in Pender, Dnplin. Carteret and Craven counties. - The southern Appalachian forests. See Ayres o*n>ERj DiAiiASj. [Coast survey operations in Xorth Carolina.] (/ u! S. Coast Surrey, Kept. 1845. Wash, 1846. pp. 25-26.) (In U. S. Coast Surrey, Kept 1846. Wash, 1847. pp. 25-27.) (In U. S. Coast Surrey, Kept 1847. Wash, 1848. pp. 34-37.) (/ U. S. Coast Survey, Kept. 1848. Wash, 1849. pp. 9; 12; 41-46.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Kept. 1849. Wash, 1850. pp. 6; 11; 36-42.) (/ U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1850. Wash, 1851. pp. 10; 28-33.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Kept. 1851. Wash, 1852. pp. 20; 55-62.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Kept. 1852. Wash, 1853. pp. 9;' 31-34.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1853. Wash, 1854. pp. 19; 52-54.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1854. Wash, 1855. pp. 20; 49-54.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1855. Wash, 1856. pp. 27-28; 55-58.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1856. Wash, 1857. pp. 21-22; 49-53; 55-56.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1857. Wash, 1858. pp. 9; 59-65; 66-68; 74.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1858. Wash, 1859. pp. 8; 64-67; 69-70; 72; 77-78.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1859. Wash, 1860. pp. 8; 57-63; 68-69.) (I U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1860. Wash, 1861. pp. 5; 52-56.) (In TT. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1861. Wash, 1862. pp. 5; 42-45.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1862. Wash, 1863. pp. 43-47.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1863. Wash, 1864. pp. 6; 41-43.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1864. Wash, 1865. pp. 2; 4; 24-27.) (I* U. S. Coast Survey, Rept 1865. Wash, 1866. pp. 21-23.) i ~ . :-":""- i ""_'--- 47. Geographical notice of the coast surrey operations during the year 1859. Am. Geog. & Statist Soc, Jour, v. 2 (1860): 13-19. Brief mention of progress of work in the Carolina*, pp. 15: 16. 2 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 48. Hydrographic reconnaissance of Wimble shoals, coast of North Carolina. (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1855. Appendix 13, pp. 20*- 21.) 49. List of geographic positions determined by the U. S. Coast Survey [in North Carolina in 1851]. (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1851. pp. 381-406.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1855. pp. 132-137.) 50. List of original topographic sheets c of North Carolina] reg- istered in the archives of the U. S. Coast Survey, geographic- ally arranged. (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1865. Appendix 8, pp. 64-66; 88-91.) 51. Notes on the coast of the United States. Section 4. Coast of North Carolina. (With maps.) U. S. Coast Survey, October, 1861. 64 pp. 25 cm. Describes coast, sounds and rivers of the state. 52. and HILGARD, J t ULiuS] ERASMUS]. On the general distri- bution of terrestrial magnetism in the United States, from observations made in the U. S. Coast Survey and others. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., 10th meet. (1856): 187-212. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 24 (1857): 1-20. In Tables I and IV are given geological data from a num- ber of points in North Carolina. Two maps accompany article in Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc. but these are omitted In the article in Am. Jour. Sci. 53. BACHE, ALEXANDER] DALLAS]. On the progress of the survey of the coast of the United States. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., 2d meet. (1849): 162-178. Gives (pp. 172-173) a sketch of the work done hitherto in the Carolinas. Shifting of current and closing of inlet at Hatteras in 1846 incidentally mentioned. 54. Eeport ... on Hatteras shoals. (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept. 1850. Wash., 1851. Appendix 15, p. 92.) 55. BACHE, HARTMAN. Report of survey of the swash in Pamlico sound near Ocra- coke inlet. MSS. U. S. War Dept., Office of Chief of Eng., Wash., D. C. 56. Eeport on survey of Cape Fear river, 1827. MSS. U. S. War Dept., Office of Chief of Eng., Wash., D. C. 57. Report on the survey of Roanoke inlet and sound in the state of North Carolina. U. S. 20th Cong., 2d Sess., 1829. House Doc. No. 128. 24 pp. Includes report of Hamilton Fulton to the Board of In- ternal Improvement, 1820. GEOLOGY, MIXERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 11 58. BACHMAX, I. A. Analysis of a nickeliferous talc. Am. Chem. Jour., v. 10 (1888): 45. Am. Nat., v. 22 (1888): 349. Abstract by H. B[aker 3 : Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 54 (1888): 661. Description and analysis of talc from Webster, Jackson county. 59. BAILEY, J. W. On the origin of greensand and its formation in the oceans of the present epoch. Bost Soc. Nat Hist, Proc., v. 5 (1856): 364-368. Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. II, v. 22 (1856): 280-284. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1875, pp. 91; 92. Describes specimen of yellowish limestone adhering to ScuteUa lyellii from eocene of North Carolina. 60. BAILEY, S. C. H. The Alexander county meteoric iron. Elis. Mit. ScL Soc., Jour., v. 8 (1891): 17-19. Description of this meteorite, and analysis by F. P. Tenable. 61. BALCH, W [ ILLIAM ] B [ALSTON^. [Mines and mining interests of Xorth Carolina in 1882.] (In his Mines, miners and mining interests of the United States in 1882. Phila., Min. Indust. Pub. House, 1882. 30 x. 25 CHI. pp. 6; 32; 57-58; 61; 120-127; 1102-1105.) Deals with mines and mining operations during 1882. Contains extracts from Overman, Swank. Kerr, Raymond, Hidden and Boyd, describing mineral deposits of the state. General description of the mines and localities, methods of working, production and value. BAXXAX, BEXJAMIX. Coal and iron in Xorth Carolina. See Daddow and Bannan, No. 437. 62. BAXXISTER, COWAX & Co. The resources of Xorth Carolina : its natural wealth, con- dition and advantages as existing in 1869. Wilmington, 1869. 116 pp. 23 cm. Presents general advantages of the state, arising from its geographical position, climate, soils, forests, mineral, agri- cultural and manafacturing resources. Describes the coal and iron deposits, gold, silver and copper mines ; building stones, marls and phosphates, and mineral springs. 63. BARKER, G t EORGE] FREDERICK]. Memoir of Frederick Augustus Genth. Nat. Acad. ScL, Bu^Mem., v. 4 (1902): 201-231. Am. Phil. Soc., Proc., v. 40 (1901): x-xxii. Contains account of Genth's investigations upon the co- rundum deposits of North Carolina, and a list of his scien- tific papers. 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 64. - Radio-activity of thorium mineral?. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 16 (1903): 161-168. Account of investigations upon gummite, sarnarskite and monazite sand from North Carolina in relation to their radio-activity. 65. BARLOW, ALFRED] On the nickel deposits of Webster, western Xorth Carolina. Can. Min. Inst., Jour., v. 9 (1906): 303-316. Map. Review: Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 82 (1906) : 629. Describes nickel deposits of Webster, Jackson county, their geological relations, mode of occurrence, character and composition of the ore, and gives several analyses by Genth, Schneider aiid Dunnington. 66. EARNHARDT, GEORGE. Sketch of the discovery and history of the Reed gold mine in Cabarrus county, Xorth Carolina, being the first gold mine discovered in the United State?. (In Wheeler, John Hill. Historical sketches of North Caro- lina. Phila., 1851. Vol. 2, pp. 63-64.) 67. BARRANDE, J^OACHIM]. Systeme Taconique du docteur Ebenezer Emmons. Soc. Geol. de France, Bull., Ser. II, v. 18 (1861): 235-237. Briefly abstracts portion of Emmons' rept. of 1856 and of his text-book relating to the taconic in North Carolina. 68. BARTLETT, J. E. The Gulf stream; additional data from the investigations of the. . . "Blake." Am. Geog. Soc., Jour., v. 14 (1882): 69-84. A record of observations made from Florida to Currituck, North Carolina, with tables of data from seven lines of soundings off the Carolina coast. 69. BARTRAM, WILLIAM. Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, east and west Florida . . . containing an account of the soil ... of these regions. . . Phila., James & Johnson, 1791. 522 pp. 2Q$ cm. - Ed. 2 reprinted for J. Johnson, 1794. 22 cm. Contains account of journey (pp. 471-477) up the Cape Fear river. Describes the earth strata, and gives notes on the rocks, petrilied shells and wood found on the river banks. Also printed in German, French and Dutch. 70. BASKERVILLE, CHARLES and LOCKHART, L. B. The action of radium emanations on minerals and gems. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 20 (1905): 95-96. Abstract by F. Rinne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1907, Bd. 1. Min., pp. 8-9. Spodumene (hiddenite) from Alexander county, included among minerals studied. GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 13 BASKERVILLE, CHARLES. The action of radium, roentgen rays and ultra-violet light on minerals and gems. See Kunz and Baskerville, No. 1028. 71. The occurrence of vanadium, chromium and titanium in peats. Am. Chem. Soc., Jour., v. 21 (1899): 706-707. Elis. Mit ScL Soc., Jour., v. 16 (1899): 54-56. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 69 (1900): 737-738. Abstract by J. J. S[Udborough 3 : Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 76, pt. 2 (1899) : 666. Analyses of the ash of peats from Hvde swamps. North Carolina. 72. On the existence of a new element associated with thorium. Elis. Mit. Sci Soc., Jour., v. 18, pt 1 (1901): 1-16. Am. Chem. Soc^ Jour., v. 23 (1901): 761-774. Contains results of laboratory experiments upon thorium salts prepared from oxides obtained from analyses of mon- azite sands of North Carolina. 73. The rare metals. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 86 (1908): 907; 960; 1055; 1100; 1241-1242; v. 87 (1909): 10-11; 203; 257-258. Notes on minerals containing; the rare metals, many ot which are found in North Carolina. 74. BATES. ALBERT C. Quartz and its varieties. Mineral Collector, v. 2 (1895): 49-54; 152-153. Describes quarts-bearing districts in Alexander, Lincoln and Burke connties. occurrence and varieties of quartz crystals. Figures crystals of amethyst and capped quartz. 75. BATTLE. B^ERBERTJ B^EAIERTOXJ. Analyses comparing the bituminous coals of Xorth Carolina and Tennessee. Elis. Mit ScL Soc., Jour., v. 3 (1886): 51-53. 76. The climate of Xorth Carolina. Southern States, v. 1 (1893): 133-143. 77. Xorth Carolina marls, limestones and phosphates. (In H. C. Agric. Exp. Station, llth Ann. Kept Raleigh, E. M. TJzzell, 1889. 23 cm. pp. 41-47.) Discusses phosphatic deposits of Fender and New Han- over counties, and gives many analyses of phosphates, marls and limestones. 78. BATTLE. KEMP PLUMMER. The names of the counties of Xorth Carolina and the history involved in them. Winston, Wm. A. Blair, 1888. 38 pp. 19 cm. Historical sketch of the formation of the counties of the state and derivations of their names. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 79. BATTLE, S. WESTRAY. The Asheville plateau in the mountains of western North Carolina. Medical Record, v. 52 (1897): 774-775. Discussion of the climate of Asheville. 80. BAUER, L[OuiS] A L GRICOLA]. Eesults of magnetic observations made by the Coast and Geod. Survey, between July 1, 1904, and June 30, 1905, c in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Coast & Geod. Survey, Rept. 1905. Wash., 1906. Appendix 3, pp. 127; 177.) Gives magnetic observations made at Salisbury, Rowan county, and Wadesboro, Anson county. 81. [Table of magnetic decimations in North Carolina, and de- scriptions of the stations.] (In U. S. Coast & Geod. Survey. Magnetic declination tables for 1902. Wash., 1902. pp. 209-212; 349-355.) 82. BAYLOR, JAMES B. and HAZARD, DANIEL L. General report on the magnetic survey of North Carolina. (In U. S. Coast and Geod. Survey, Rept. 1899. Appendix 9, pp. 887-938.) General account, of this survey. Table of summaries of magnetic declinations in the state and descriptions of the observation stations. 83. BECKER, GEORGE F L ERDINAND]. Gold fields of the southern Appalachians. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 16th Ann. Rept., pt. 3. Wash., 1895. pp. 251-331. Maps.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1895. pp. 110-174.) Abstract: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 1 (1896): 57-60. Abstract by R. M.: Zts. f. prakt. Geol., 1897, pp. 362-363. Abstract by A. Osann: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 28 (1897): 325-326. Detailed descriptions of the gold districts of North Caro- lina with tables of gangue minerals. Includes bibliography of southern gold fields. 84. BECKWITH, JOHN. A memoir on the natural walls or solid dikes in the state of North Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser I, v. 5 (1822): 1-7. Notice: Leonhard's Zts. f. Min., 1825, Bd. 2, p. 525. Discusses diabase dikes on the Yadkin river near Salis- bury. BELDEN, H. L. Soil survey of New Hanover county, North Carolina. See Drake and Belden, No. 510. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 15 85. BELL. A^RIPPA, X I ELSOX ] . The climate and mineral springs of Xorth Carolina. Am. Climat Assoc., Trans., v. 10 (1895): 124-150. Sanitarian, v. 30 (1893): 521-533. Contains physical description of the state, temperature records taken in the mountainous section, notes on climate, and list of mineral springs with analyses of the waters by W. C. Kerr. C. W. Dabney Jr., A. R. Ledoux, E. Adel- marth and E. D. Smith. 86. BELL, JOHN. The warm and hot springs of Buncombe county. (In his Mineral and thermal springs of the United States and Canada. Phila., Parry & McMillan, 1855. 16 cm. pp. 282-285.) Brief description of these waters, with analysis by E. D. Smith. 87. BENEDICT, WILLIAM DELfiESSELiNEi. Tin [in Xorth Carolina]. Mineral Industry, v. 1 (1892): 455. Account of discovery of tin at King's Mountain, describ- ing geological occurrence, veins and ores. 88. BEXXEYILLE, JAMES S. DE. [Analysis of beryl from Black mountain, Buncombe county, Xorth Carolina.] Am. Chem. Soc., Jour., v. 16 (1894): 65-66. Abstract by L.: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 70, pt. 2 (1896) : 186. 89. BERKELEY, W. X. Analysis of paranthite from Clay county, Xorth Carolina. Am. Chem. Jour., v. 14 (1892): 628. Abstract: Am. Nat., v. 27 (1893) : 1091. Abstract by L. V. Pirsson: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Jlin., v. 23 (1894) : 505. Abstract by C. F. B^akeri: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 64, pt. 2 (1893): 287. Description and analysis of mineral from the mines of the Hiwassee Corundum Co. 90. BERRY, EDWARD W[iLBCRj. Coastal-plain amber. Torreya, v. 7 (1907): 4-6. Discusses occurrence of amber in the cretaceous deposits near Blackman's Bluff on the Neuse river and near Parker Landing on the Tar river. 91. Contributions to the mesozoic flora of the Atlantic coastal plain, Xorth Carolina. Torrey Botan. Club, Bull., v. 34 (1907): 185-205. Enumerates and describes species of cretaceous fossil plants found in formations along the Cape Fear river. 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 92. Contributions to the pleistocene flora of North Carolina. Jour, of Geol., v. 15 (1907): 338-349. Contains account of discovery of two pleistocene plant beds on the Neuse river, and of specimens occurring on the Roanoke river. 93. Cretaceous floras in North and South Carolina. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., n. s., No. 7, 1907, pp. 79-82. Brief account of a collection of 20 species of fossil plants from localities on the Neuse and Cape Fear rivers. 94. A mid-cretaceous species of Torreya. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 25 (1908): 382-386. Describes fossil plant locality of mid-cretaceous agt> on Rockfish creek in Cumberland county. 95. BlDDLE, H. J. Nickel r ore from North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1886. Wash., 1887. pp. 170-171.) Describes nickel ore occurring near Webster. 96. BIRKINBINE, JOHN. Iron ores of North Carolina. Frank. Inst, Jour., v. 126 (1888): 196. Notes on magnetite deposits at the Cranberry mines in western North Cai-olina, and on a titaniferous deposit iu the central part. 97. Manganese t ores of North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 21st Ann. Kept, pt. 6 (Met. Prod.). Wash., 1899-1900. p. 139.) 98. BlXBY, WILLIAM] HERBERT]. Improvement of Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1885, pt. 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1076-1082.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1886, pt. 2. Appendix L 5, pp. 986-991.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1887, pt. 2. Appendix M 6, pp. 1030-1036.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1888, pt. 2. Appendix L 6, pp. 875-881.) Yearly reports of progress. 99. Improvement of Black river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1888, pt. 2. Appendix L 9, pp. 889-893.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1890, pt. 2. Appendix M 10, pp. 1145-1148.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 17, pp. 1387-1389.) Yearly reports of progress. 100. Improvement of Cape Fear river at and below Wilmington, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1889, pt. 2. Appendix M 12, pp. 1089-1099.) GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY AXD GEOGRAPHY. 17 (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1890, pt 2. Appendix M 12, pp. 1152-1161.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 19, pp. 1394-1402.) Yearly reports of progress. 101. Improvement of Cape Fear river below Wilmington, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1885, pt. 2. Appendix M 8, pp. 1087-1100.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1886, pt 2. Appendix L 8, pp. 1000-1016.) Yearly reports of progress. 102. Improvement of Cape Fear river. North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1885, pt 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1083-1087.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1886, pt 2. Appendix L 7, pp. 995-1000.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1887, pt 2. Appendix M 10, pp. 1044-1061.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1888, pt 2. Appendix L 10, pp. 893-911.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix M 11, pp. 1083-1088.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1890, pt 2. Appendix M 11, pp. 1148-1152.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 18, pp. 1390-1394.) Yearly reports of progress. 103. Improvement of Contentnea creek. North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1885, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1060-1062.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1886, pt 2. Appendix L 1, pp. 973-976.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, f887, pt 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1013-1016.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1888; pt 2. Appendix L 2, pp. 858-862.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix M 3, pp. 1048-1052.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix L $, pp. 1351-1355.) Yearly reports of progress. 104. Improvement of harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1066-1073.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1890, pt 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1131-1138.) 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 12, pp. 1367-1372.) Yearly reports of progress. 105. Improvement of inland water-way from Beaufort harbor to New river, North Carolina, through Bogue sound. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1887, pt. 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1037-1039.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1888, pt. 2. Appendix L 7, pp. 882-885.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1889, pt. 2. Appendix M 8, pp. 1073-1077.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 13, pp. 1372-1376.) Yearly reports of progress. 106. Improvement of Maekej' creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 4, pp. 1339-1340.) 107. Improvement of Neuse river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1885, pt. 2. Appendix M 3, pp. 1065-1069.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1886, pt. 2. Appendix L 3, pp. 979-983.) Contains history of river improvement. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1887, pt. 2. Appendix M 4, pp. 1020-1026.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1888, pt 2. Appendix L 4, pp. 866-871.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1889, pt. 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1056-1060.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1890, pt. 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1122-1127.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 10, pp. 1358-1363.) Yearly reports of progress. 108. Improvement of New river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1886, pt 2. Appendix L 6, pp. 991-995.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1888, pt. 2, Appendix L 8, pp. 885-889.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1890, pt 2. Appendix M 9, pp. 1141-1145.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 15, pp. 1379-1383.) Yearly reports of progress. 109. Improvement of Northeast (Cape Fear) river, North Caro- lina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1891, pt. 2. Appendix L 16, pp. 1383-1386.) GEOLOGY. 30XERJLLOGY AXD GEOGRAPHY. 19 110. Improvement of Oeraeoke inlet, North Carolina. (/ Chief of Eng, Kept, 1891, pt 2L Appendix L 5, pp. 1341-1345.) 111. Improvement of Pamlico and Tar rivers, Xorth Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1887, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1010-1013.) V* Chief of Bug. Kept, 1888, pt 2. Appendix L 1, pp. 854-858.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1889, pt. 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1044-1048.) (/ Chief of Eng. Kept, 1891, pt 2, Appendix L 7, pp. 1347-1351.) Reports of progress. 112. Improvement of Pasqnotank river, Xorth Carolina. (/ Chief of Eng. Kept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix L 3, pp. 1335-1338.) 113. Improvement of Eoanoke river. Xorth Carolina and Virginia. (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1040-1043.) (/ Chief of Eng. Kept, 1890, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1106-1112.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix L 2, pp. 1330-1335.) Reports of proems. 114. Improvement of the line of inland navigation from Xewbern to Beaufort harbor, Forth Carolina, via Clnbfoot, Harlowe and Xewport rivers. (I* Chief of Eng. Kept, 1885, pt 2L Appendix M 4, pp. 1070-1075.) (/it Chief of Eng. Kept, 1886, pt 2. Appendix L 4, pp. 983-986.) (/ Chief of Eng. Kept, 1887, pt 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1026-1030.) (/ chief of Eng. Kept, 1888, pt 2. Appendix L 5, pp. 871-875.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix M 6, pp. 1060-1066.) (/ Chief of Eng. Kept, 1890, pt 2. Appendix M 6, pp. 1127-1131.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix L 11, pp. 1363-1367.) Yearly reports of progress. 115. Improvement of Trent river, Xorth Carolina. O> GEOGRAPHY. 21 122. Preliminary examination of Cape Fear river, Xorth Caro- lina, from Wilmington to the ocean, with an estimate of the cost of its improvement with a navigable channel twenty feet deep at mean low water. (/ Chief of Ens. Kept, 1889, pt 2. Appendix M 22, pp. 1132-1134.) 123. Preliminary examination of Catawba river, North Carolina. (Im Chief of Ens, Kept, 1888, pt 2. Appendix L 20, pp. 958-968.) (I* U. S. 50th Cong^ 1st Ses&, 1888. Hoose Ex. Doc. Ho. 58, PP-83-S7.) 124. Preliminary examination of Drum inlet, Xorth Carolina. (I* Chief of Eng, Kept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix L 27, pp. 1425-1429.) U. S. 51st Cons, 2d Sess, 1891. House Doc Ho. 164. 5 pp. 125. Preliminary examination of Loekwood*s Folly river. Xorth Carolina. (/* Chief of Enfr Kept, 1887, pt 2. Appendix M 20, pp. 1099-1102.) Export of examination and surrey of this rirer. Maps. 126. Preliminarv examination of Lumber river, Xorth Carolina. (/ Chief of Ens, Kept, 1887, pt 2. Appendix M 21, pp. 1102-1106.) Describes condition of rirer. 127. Preliminary examination of Mackey s creek, Xorth Carolina. by Dr. M. H. Van Dyke. 141. Note on zircons in TTnaka magnetite. Am. Inst Min. Eng., TransL, v. 7 (1878): 76. Notes on magnetic iron ores from the Rhees and Wilder land. Unaka mountains, Tennessee, and North Carolina. 142. Notes and recollections concerning the mineral resources of northern Georgia and western North Carolina. Am. Inst Min. Eng., Trans., v. 25 (1895): 796-811. Contains much historical and statistical data relating to early mining in western North Carolina, with descriptions of the gold fields and mines, silver mines and other min- eral deposits. 143. Xotes upon the geology and minerals of the Cherokee valley, Valley river, North Carolina. 'Min. Mag., Ser, H, v. 2 (1861): 80-84. Describes rock and mineral deposits of the Cherokee valley. 144. Eeport on the property of the Valley River gold company. Min. Mag., Ser. U, v. 1 (1860): 461-466. Describes this property situated in Valley river. Con- tains statistical and historical data, and recommendations as to working the mines. 145. Report upon the gold placers of Lumpkin county. Georgia, and the practicability of working them by the hydraulic method. New York, John F. Trow, 1858. 39 pp. 20 cm. Min. & Stat. Mag., v. 10 (1858): 457-476. Contains general references to hydraulic mining in Burke and McDowell counties. 146. Silver glance from North Carolina. Min Mag., Ser. LT, v. 1 (1860): 480. Describes silver sulphide occurring at the Silver Hill mine, Davidson county. 147. Silver Hill mine of North Carolina. (In his Silver ores and silver mines. . . New Haven, Office of Min. Mag., 1861. 23 cm. pp. 67-68.) 148. Tin in [North Carolina^ (In V. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1883-1884. Wash., 1885. p. 601.) Notes on discovery of tin ore in 1883 in Cleveland county, near King's Mountain. 149. BLAXEY. G. Report of examination of Cape Fear river below Wilming- ton. . . MSS. U. S. War Dept, Office of Chief of Engineers, Waslu, D. C. 5 pp. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 150. BLOME, EICHARD. A description of Carolina. (In his Description of the island of Jamaica, with the other isles and territories in America . . . London, 1672. 14 cm. pp. 125-138. Map.) (In his The present state of his Majestie's isles and terri- tories in America . . . London, 1687. 19 cm. pp. 150- 182. Map.) Contains notes on climate, soil, rivers and general condi- tions of Carolina. 151. BOHM, C. EICHARD. Monazite sand. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 81 (1906): 842. Describes monazite region and deposits in Burke, Mc- Dowell, Rutherford, Cleveland and Polk counties. 152. BOLLES, CHARLES P. Topographic re-survey of the shores of the Cape Fear en- trances and adjacent islands. (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept, 1858. Wash., 1859. Appendix No. 14. p. 151.) BOLTON, H[ENRT] C[ARRINGTON]. Notice of the microscopical examination of a series of ocean, lake, river and desert sands. See Julien and Bolton, No. 942. 153. BOLTWOOD, BERTRAM] BURDEN]. On the radio-activity of uranium minerals. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 25 (1908): 269-298. Reports of experiments conducted upon uraninite from Spruce Pine, Mitctell county. 154. On the ratio of radium to uranium in some minerals. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 18 (1904): 97-103. Abstract by A. S. Eakle: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 42 (1906): 297. Contains results of chemical experiments upon various minerals ; among them are uraninite, gummite, uranophane and samarskite from North Carolina. 155. On the ultimate disintegration products of the radio-active elements. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 20 (1905): 253-267. Uraninite, monazite, gummite and uranophane from North Carolina are used, among other minerals, in experiments described in this article. 156. On the ultimate disintegration products of the radio-active elements. Pt. II, The disintegration products of uranium. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 23 (1907): 77-88. Presents results of chemical experiments on uraninite front Flat Rock and Spruce Pine. GEOLOGY. MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 25 157. The origin of radium. PhiL Mag., Ser. VI, v. 9 (1905): 599-613. Describes experiments in which the following North Caro- lina minerals are used : uraninite, gummite, uranophane, thoro-gummite, samarskite, monazite and allanite. 158. The radio-activity of thorium minerals and salts. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 21 (1906): 415-426. Contains results of experiments upon uraninite from North Carolina. The relative proportion of radium and uranium in radio- active minerals. See Rutherford and Boltwood, No. 1599. 159. BOND, JAY F. Eeport on an examination of the sand banks along the North Carolina coast. (In Pratt, Joseph Hyde. N. C. GeoL & Econ. Survey, Bien- nial report of the State Geologist, 1907-1908. Raleigh, 1908. pp. 42-48.) Description of these sand banks, outlining damage being done by drifting sands, and plan for protection. 160. BOOTH, JAMES CrURTiS]. Analysis of various ores of lead, silver, copper, zinc, iron, etc., from King's mine, Davidson county, North Carolina. Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. I, v. 41 (1841): 348-352. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1843, pp. 210-213. Account of the mineral property of the Washington min- ing company, with analyses of various ores. 161. BORDEN, JOHN K Magnetite from Orange county. Elis. Mit So. Soc., Jour., v. 1 (1884): 87. Analysis of magnetite from near Chapel Hill. 162. Solubility of North Carolina phosphate rock. Elis, Mit Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 1 (1884): 53-54. Analyses of two specimens of phosphate rock. 163. BOUDINOT, ELLAS. Eeport of director of the mint for 1804. (In Am. State Papers, Finance, v. 2, 1805. Wash., 1832. pp. 118-119.) Notes on produce of gold from Cabarrus county. 164. BOUTELLE, C. 0. [New inlets formed across Bodie's island, North Carolina, in 1846.J (In U. S. Coast Survey, Kept, 1847. Wash., 1848. Appendix 13, pp. 76-77.) (In U. S. Coast Survey, Rept., 1849. Wash., 1849. Appendix 16, pp. 106-107.) 3 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 165. BOWRON, WILLIAM M. The practical metallurgy of titaniferous iron ores. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., v. 11 (1882): 159-164. Contains analyses of four magnetites from North Caro- lina. 166. BO YD, C [ HARLES ] E[UFUS]. Conrad Hill, N. C., gold and copper mine. The Virginias, v. 3 (1882): 176. Letter describing developments at this mine. 167. Mineral resources of Ashe and Alleghany counties, North Carolina. (In his Resources of southwest Virginia . . . Ed. 3. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1881. 24 cm. pp. 311-320. Map.) Describes physical features of those counties and outlines rock formations, copper veins, magnetic ore veins. De- scribes Ore Knob, Copper Knob, Elk Knob and Peach Bottom copper mines, and gives notes on development and production. 168. The mineral wealth of southwestern Virginia. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., v. 5 (1876): 81-92; v. 8 (1880): 338-344. Describes mineral resources of Ashe, Alleghany and Watauga counties in North Carolina, where are located the Ore Knob and Elk Knob copper mines. 169. The utilization of the iron and copper sulphides of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., v. 14 (1885): 81-84. Discusses in general way the distribution of these ores at Ore Knob, Ashe county, and suggests possible methods of handling them. 170. BOYLE, CORNELIUS BRECKINRIDGE. A catalogue and bibliography of North American mesozoic invertebrata. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 102. Wash., 1893. 315 pp. 23 cm. Contains list of North Carolina forms from the cre- taceous, giving literature references from Conrad, White, Morton and others. 171. BOYLE, ESMERALDA. The mountain slopes and river banks of North Carolina. Overland Monthly, Ser. II, v. 1 (1883): 536-540. Popular account of a journey frcm Ashevllle, Buncombe county to Caesar's Head, Greenville county, South Caro- lina, with notes on scenery, climate and topography. 172. BRADFORD, J. S. Hydrographic changes at the entrance of Cape Fear river, North Carolina. (In U. S. Coast Survey, Kept., 1865. Wash., 1866. Appendix 5, p. 45.) Describes the few changes that have taken place at the western entrance. GEOLOGY, JIIXERALOGY A^ GBOGRAPHY. 27 173. BRADLEY, FRAXK HfOWBj. Note on the occurrence of metaraorphic silurian rocks in North Carolina. Am. Jonr. ScL, Ser. m, r. 8 (1874): 39a Discusses origin of the metamorphic rocks of the south- western corner of Xorth Carolina. 174. Xote on the recent earthquakes of Bald mountain in Buther- ford county, Xorth Carolina. Am. jour. ScL, Ser. m, r. 8 (1874): 79. 175. On a "Geological chart of the United States art of the Bocky mountains, and of Canada." " Am. Jonr. ScL, Ser. m, r. 12 (1876): 286-291. Refers briefly to the triassic in Xorth Carolina. 176. On the silurian age of the southern Appalachians. Am, Jonr. ScL, Ser. m, T. 9 (1875): 279-288; 370-383. Description of rocks in North Carolina south and west of show that ti 177. On unakyte, an epidotic rock from tie TTnaka range on the borders of Tennessee and Xorth Carolina- Am. Jonr. ScL, Ser. m, T. 7 (1874): 519-520. Describes a member of the granitic series found In the tnaka mountains in Madison count?. 178. BRAZIER, EGBERT. Beport on the drainage of the Big Swamp in Bobeson county. - (In Reports relative to the swamp lands in Worth Carolina. Raleigh, Lawrence & Lemay, 1827. 22 cm. pp. 25-28.) (In Horth Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement Ex- tracts from Reports on public improvements'' in Horth Carolina. Raleigh, T. J. Lemay, 1837. 21K cm. pp. 33-36.) Describes the swamp lands of Robeson and Halifax coun- ties, sufigesU possible methods of drainage and isllsMlis cost. 179. BREZIXA, ARISTIDES. Ankauf der Hidden'schen Meteoriten-und Mineraleinsamm- lung fur die mineralogische Abtheilung. Ann. des K. K. BataUst. Hofmns. Wien, T. 4 (1889): 85-87. Notice of the purchase of the Hidden collection of min- erals and meteorites IntiHir with very brief descriptions of seme of the most important minerals. The collection represented largely Xorth Carolina material. 180. Die Meteoritensammlung des k. k. natiirhistorichen Hof- museums, am I Mai, 1895. Ann. d. K. K. Hatnrnist. Hofmns. Wien, T. 10 (1895): 231-370. Contains brief deseriptfre notes on Bridgewater,Unn c^ecrtoi Tienn^ te FiS4I th?Dnel Hill meteorite. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 181. Meteoritenstudien III. Zur Frage der Bildungsweise eutro- pischer Gemenge. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Denks. Math.-Naturwiss. KJasse, v. 78 (1905): 635-641. A detailed study of eutropic masses, in which is given a description and microphotograph of the Jewell Hill meteorite. 182. r Notice of meteorites from Duel Hill, Madison county, and Lick creek, Davidson county.] (In Bericht iiber neue Oder wenig bekannte Meteoriten. K. K. Akad. d. Wiss. Sitz. Wien, v. 84, pt. 1 (1881): 279-281.) 183. and COHEN, E [ MIL ] . Oktaedrisches Eisen mit feinen Lamellen. Jewell Hill- gruppe: Jewell Hill. (In their Die Struktur und Zusammensetzung der Meteore- isen. Stuttgart, 1886-1906; v. 1, Tafel XXIII; and Erklarung.) 184. BRICKELL, JOHN. The natural history of North Carolina. . . Dublin, James Carson, 1737. 408 pp. 21 cm. Map. Contains notes on climate, swamps, rivers and soils. " An almost verbal transcript of Lawson's History of North Carolina." (cf. No. Amer. Review, v. 23, pp. 288-289.) 185. Brief statement of the North Carolina Gas-coal Company, with report of Charles T. Jackson, and of Oswald Heinrich. . . Phila., M. P. Williams, 1856. 26 pp. 22 cm. Contains reports on the Fooshee's and Streets' plantations on Deep river. See under authors. 186. BRINTON, D^NIELJ GARRISON]. The aboriginal mica-mines of North Carolina. Phila. Numismatic & Antiquarian Soc., Proc., 1879, pp. 18-19. Describes specimens of implements used by the aborigines in working the inica mines, and gives notes on the use of mica by the Indians. 187. BRITTON, NATHANIEL] L[OKD]. Geological notes in western \ 7 irginia, North Carolina, and eastern Tennessee. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Trans., v. 5 (1887): 215-223. Describes Cranberry iron mine at Cranberry, geology, veins, ores and mining methods. Notes on physical and mineralogical features of valley of the French Broad river, Warm Springs and Asheville. 188. BROWN, C. BARRINGTON. Eeport on the Cowee Valley ruby mines in North Carolina. (In The American Prospecting and Mining Company. Re- ports upon the property. New York, 1899. 27 cm. pp. 21-30.) Describes the ruby-bearing tract situated in Cowee Creek valley, Maeon county, discovery and mode of occurrence of the ruby, and mining developments. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 29 189. BROWN, EART. I. Improvement of Beaufort inlet, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 9, pp. 1235-1236.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 9, pp. 1290-1291.) Reports of progress. 190. Improvement of Cape Fear river, North Carolina, at and below Wilmington. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 12, pp. 1246-1252.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 12, pp. 1300-1307.) 191. Improvement of Contentnia creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 4, pp. 1226-1227.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 4, p. 1282.) 192. Improvement of Fishing creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1223-1224.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 2, p. 1279.) 193. Improvement of harbor at Beanfort, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 8, pp. 1233-1235.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 8, pp. 1288-1290.) 194. Improvement of Neuse and Trent rivers, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1228-1231.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1283-1286.) 195. Improvement of Northeast (Cape Fear) and Black rivers, and Cape Fear river above Wilmington, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 11, pp. 1240-1246.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt. 2. Appendix M 11, pp. 1296-1300.) 196. Improvement of Pamlico and Tar rivers, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 3, pp. 1224-1226.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt. 2. Appendix M 3, pp, 1280-1281.) 197. Improvement of Seuppernong river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1907, pt. 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1222-1223.) 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1908, pt. 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1277-1279.) 198. Improvement of Shallotte river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1908, pt. 2. Appendix M 13, pp. 1307-1308.) 199. Improvement of waterway between Newbern and Beaufort, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1232-1233.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt. 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1287-1288.) 200. Inland waterway from Pamlico sound to Beaufort inlet, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 6, pp. 1231-1232.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 6, p. 1286.) 201. New river, including inland waterways between Beaufort harbor and New river, and between New river and Swans- boro, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1907, pt 2. Appendix M 10, pp. 1236-1240.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1908, pt 2. Appendix M 10, pp. 1291-1296.) 202. Preliminary examination of Beaufort harbor, North Caro- lina. U. S. 60th Cong., 2d Sess., 1909. House Ex. Doc. No. 1454. 9 pp. Map. 203. Preliminary examination of New river, North Carolina, from its mouth to Jacksonville. U. S. 60th Cong., 2d Sess., 1909. House Ex. Doc. No. 1085. 10 pp. 204. Preliminary examination of Shallowbag bay, North Carolina, at its mouth. U. S. 60th Cong., 1st Sess., 1908. House Ex. Doc. No. 906. 11 pp. Map. 205. Preliminary examination of South river, North Carolina, from its mouth to Aurora. U. S. 60th Cong., 1st Sess., 1908. House Ex. Doc. No. 954. 8 pp. Map. 206. Preliminary examination of Trent river, North Carolina, from Newbern to Trenton. U. S. 60th Cong., 2d Sess., 1909. House Ex. Doc. No. 1471. llpp. Describes river and country through which it flows. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 31 207. Preliminary examination of waterway connecting Swan Quarter bay with Deep bay, North Carolina. U. S. 60th Cong, 1st Sess, 1908. House Ex. Doc. Ho. 445. 7pp. 208. Preliminary examination of White Oak river, North Caro- lina, from its mouth to Maysville. U. S. 60th Cong, 1st Sess, 1908. House Ex. Doc. Ho. 401. 5pp. 209. Be-examination of Cape Fear river above Wilmington, North Carolina, with a view to modification of the existing project [of improvement]. U. S. 60th Cong, 1st Sess, 1908. House Doc. Ho. 890. llpp. 210. BROWN, JAMES T. Beport on property of the Cabarrus gold miniTig company, Cabarrus county, North Carolina, n. p. 1865. 15 pp. 22 cm. Map. Describes this property. Its reins and ores. Contains brief notes by Ernest Hemer explanatory of map. 211. BROWX, Lucius P. Phosphate deposits of [North Carolina]. (In kit Phosphate deposits of tie Southern States. Eng. T. 15 (1904). 121.) at Castle Hayne, New H&B- in DopUnTSamson, rUJmibsa and Btadcn BROWK, W. G. Composition of certain mesozoic igneous rocks of Virginia. See Campbell and Brown, Ho. 232. 212. BRUCE, J[AM8] D^UGLASJ. Analysis of cassiterite from King county [King's ML], N. C. Chem. Hews, T. 50 (1884): 209. Abstract by D. A. Ltoulsj: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour, T. 48 (1885): 126. 213. BRUSH, G EOBGE] J t ARviS]. [Description and analysis of pyrophyllite from North Caro- lina.] (In Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. U, T. 34 (1862): 218-219.) Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1862, pp. 744-745. of two specimens of pyrophyllite: No. 1. a so- pst . _ ^TS-:; A. Genth. [Lazulite and kyanite from North Carolina.] Bee Smith, J. L, and Brush, Ho. 1676. 214. BUCHNER, OTTO. Die Feuermeteore. . . Giessen, 1859. 192 pp. 21^ cm. Notes on following meteorites from North Carolina ; Black Mountain, p. 134: Charlotte, p. 99; Gnflford. p. 136; Haywood. p.129; Hominy creek, p. 135. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 215. Die Meteoriten in Sammlungen. . . Leipzig, 1863. 202 pp. 24 cm. Brief account of following North Carolina meteorites : Asheville, Black Mountain, Cabarrus county, Caswell county, Guilford county, Haywood county, Hominy Creek, Jewell (Duel) Hill, Randolph county. 216. BUCKINGHAM, J[AMES] S[iLK]. History of the state of North Carolina. (In his The slave states of America. London, Fisher, Son & Co., 1842. vol. 2, chap. 9. pp. 215-224.) Notes on the agriculture, climate and mineral resources, describing the gold region and condition of mining. 217. BUCKLEY, SAMUEL] B t OTSFORD]. Mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 27 (1859): 286-294. Rev: DeBow's Review, v. 26 (1859): 702-706. Gives altitudes of mountains, describes scenery, geology, botany, agriculture and climate of region. BUCKLEY, THOMAS C. Statement of the McCullock copper and gold mining com- pany of Guilford county, North Carolina. See Palmer and Buckley, No. 1382. 218. BURBANK, L[EVI] S[UMNER]. Observations on the surface geology of North Carolina with special reference to some phenomena of the drift of the northern United States. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Proc., v. 16 (1873): 150-155. Describes boulders of residual decay from observations made in Wake, Granville, Franklin, Guilford and Chatham counties. Notice of granite veins observed containing fine crystals of be-yl and tourmaline. 219. BURCHARD, ERNEST F. [Barite in North Carolina in 1907.] (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1907, pt. 2. p. 689.) Cites J. H. Pratt (N. C. Geol. Survey, Econ. Paper, No. 6, 1902, pp. 62-66) regarding origin and structure of barite veins. Describes operations at the Lawton mine in Gas ton county. 220. BUROHARD, H t ORATIO] C. [Production of precious metals in North Carolina.] (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1881. Wash., 1882. pp. 458-468.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1882. Wash., 1883. pp. 619-637.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1883. Wash., 1884. pp. 644-655.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1884. Wash., 1885. pp. 437-442.) Yearly reports of production. GEOLOGY, MIXERALOGY AXD GEOGRAPHY. 33 221. BURKART. Ueber das Vorkommen verschiedener Tellur-Minerale in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Weues Jahr. f. Min., 1873, pp. 476-495. Review of work done on various specimens of tetradymite, including one discovered by F. A. Genth near the Wash- ington mine. Davidson county, and another from Cabarrus county. Phoenix mine. 222. BURXHAM. SfARAH] MfARLAj. Precious stones in nature, art and literature. Boston, Bradlee Whidden, 1886. 400 pp. 23 cm. Contains numerous references to North Carolina stones, including b^ryl, hiddenite, diamond, corundum gems and monaxite. 223. BURR, EDWARD. Improvement of inland water route from Norfolk, Virginia, to Albemarle sound. North Carolina, through Currituck sound. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1892, pt 2. Appendix K 7, pp. 1094-1096.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1894, pt 2. Appendix K 6, pp. 983-985.) Reports of progress. 224. Improvement of North Landing river Virginia and North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1892, pt 2. Appendix K 7, pp. 1343-1344.) 225. BUHTOX, B. S. Notice of a meteorite from Madison county, North Carolina. Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. m, v. 12 (1876): 439. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1876, p. 1317 Analysis: Cohen u. Weinschenk., Meteoreisen-Studien Anna- len des K. K. Naturhist Hofmus. Wien, 1891, p. 161. Descripthn and analysis of meteoric iron found at Duel ( ?) Hill, Madison county. August, 1873. 226. BYRD, WILLIAM. History of the dividing line between Virginia and North Carolina, as run in 1728-1729. (Printed from original manuscript.) Eichmond, privately printed, 1866, v. 1. 30 cm. (In The Westover manuscripts: containing the history of the dividing line betwixt Virginia and North Carolina. . . . Petersburg, Va^ E. & J. C. Ruffin, 1841. 25 cm. pp. 1-102.) (In The writings of Colonel William Byrd of Westover in Virginia Esq. Ed. by J. S. Bassett, N. Y. Doubleday, 1901. pp. 1-277.) Account of survey made by commissioners from both North Carolina and Virginia, to settle dispute as to boundary between the states concerning Weyanoke creek. Contains notes on climate, soil and general conditions of country. 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 227. C. Remarkable meteor at Fayetteville, N. C. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. I, v. 49 (1845): 408. Notice: Ann. d. Phy. u. Chem., Erganz., Bd. II, 1848, p. 367. Account of meteor falling Sept. 1, 1845, 2 a. m. CAIN, WILLIAM. Eoad materials and road construction in North Carolina. See Holmes and Cain, No. 848. 228. CAINE, THOMAS A. Soil survey of the Hickory area, North Carolina. (In U. S. Dept. Agric., Field operations, Bureau of Soils, 4th Rept., 1902. Wash., 1903. pp. 239-258. Plate. Map.) Describes physiography, geology and soils of this area, and gives analyses of ten varieties of soils. 229. and MANGUM, A. W. Soil survey of the Mt. Mitchell area, North Carolina. (In U. S. Dept. Agric., Field operations, Bureau of Soils, 4th Kept., 1902. Wash., 1903. pp. 259-271. Plate. Map.) Notes on physiography, geology anl climate of this area in Mitchell and Yancey counties and parts of Madison, Buncombe and McDowell. Describes and gives analyses of soils of the area. 230. CAMERON, JOHN I). Old map of North Carolina. N. C. Univ. Mag., Ser. IV, v. 10 (1891): 153-157. Describes an old map in the possession of Mr. J. C. Hoyt of Buncombe county. No date of publication appears but it evidently was issued between 1755 and 1765. North Carolina is shown as a colonial possession. The coast had been accurately surveyed and the interior is clearly mapped as far as exploration and settlement had gone, with the rivers, counties and towns. 231. Western North Carolina. Its area, topography and char- acteristics. (In Western North Carolina . . . Charlotte, N. C., 1890. pp. 57-81.) 232. CAMPBELL, H. D. and BROWN, W. G. Composition of certain mesozoic igneous rocks of Virginia. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 2 (1891): 339-347. Deals with a problem common to Virginia and North Caro- lina, the con-position of trap rock, and mentions previous work on North Carolina rocks by E. S. Dana. 233. CAMPBELL, MARIUS E. Drainage modifications and their interpretation. Jour, of Geol., v. 4 (1896): 567-581; 657-678. Discusses Appalachian drainage systems in a general way and cites some of the North Carolina river systems, in- cluding the French Broad, Catawba and Yadkin rivers. Geomorphology of the Southern Appalachians. See Hayes and Campbell, No. 723. GEOLOGY, 1HXZRAUOGT AXD GEOGRAPHY. 35 234. The Cape Far and Yadkin Valley raflwaj (from ML Airy at tbc base of the Blue Ridge to Wilmington, IT. a) em- bracing ^wiffiij>tiii and statistical notes ... a-nj mineral resources. Phila., Allen, Lane & Scott, 1889. 119 pp. 27 CM. Map. Contains notes on mineral resoaraa of roate. 235. CAPUTALBCM. A trip to Mt Mitchell Wake Forest Student, T. 5 (1886): 195-203. scent of Mt. MIteaen, notes oa 236. CABFEXTEB, F. B. The marls and phosphates of North Carolina. K. C. Agric. Exp. Station, BalL 110. Haleiga, 1894, 48 pp. 237. CASFEXTEH, FRAXK O. The Great Smoky mountains and Thunderhead peak. Appalackia, T. 6 (1890): 138-146. Popular account of umrel tmroogh tke Great Vmakj mumrn tains fa Xorth Carviosa. 238. CAEK, BLLAS. North Carolina's resources. Sootaen States, T. 1 (1893): 149-152L Notes oa gemenl resources of the state. 239. Besourees and advantages of North Carolina. Raleigh, Jo- sephs Daniels, 1893. 22pp. Plates. 20cm. 240. Topography, climate and resources of Xorth Carolina. Health, Samtatiam a** CBnatology of tie Souther* States, T. 1 (1895): 50-54, Deacxfbea nlqrvieal ftatare*, dtatate and uO* of the atate. 241. CASEY, THOMAS LfixcoiXj. ImproTement of inland water route from Xorfolk, Ya. to Albemarle sound, Xorth Carolina, through Currituck sound. (/m Chief of Bug, Kept, 1895, pt 2. Appendix J 6, pp. 1286-1289.) (/m Chief of , Sept, 1896, pt 2L Appeadtz J 6, pp. 1077-1079.) U Chief of Eng. Kept, 1897, pt 2. Appeadiz K 7, pp. 1374-1376.) (/ Chief of E** Kept, 1898, pt 2. Appeadbc L 7, pp. 1230-1232.) (/ Chief of Kng. Kept, 1899, pt 2, Appendix L 9, pp. 1481-1482.) Report, of 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 242. Improvement of North Landing river, Virginia and North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1896, pt. 2. Appendix J 7, pp. 1079-1080.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1897, pt. 2. Appendix K 8, pp. 1376-1377.) Reports of progress. 243. Improvement of Pasquotank river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1898, pt. 2. Appendix L 9, pp. 1233-1234.) 244. Improvement of Eoanoke river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1895, pt. 2. Appendix J 8, pp. 1290-1293.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1896, pt. 2. Appendix J 8, pp. 1080-1083.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1897, pt. 2. Appendix K 9, pp. 1377-1378.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1898, pt. 2. Appendix L 8, pp. 1232-1233.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1899, pt. 2. Appendix L 11, pp. 1483-1484.) Yearly reports of progress. 245. Preliminary examination of Cashie river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1897, pt. 2. Appendix K 12, pp. 1381-1383.) U. S. 54th Cong., 2d Sess., 1897. House Ex. Doc. No. 88. 3 pp. 246. Preliminary examination of Potecasi creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1897, pt. 2. Appendix K 13, pp. 1383-1384.) U. S. 54th Cong., 2d Sess., 1897. House Ex. Doc. No. 124. 3pp. 247. [Eiver and harbor improvements in North Carolina.] (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1888, pt. 1. Wash., 1888. pp. 115-128.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1889, pt. 1. Wash., 1889. pp. 133-146.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1890, pt. 1. Wash., 1890. pp. 120-132.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1891, pt. 1. Wash., 1891. pp. 151-171.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1892, pt. 1. Wash., 1892. pp. 152-168.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1893, pt 1. Wash., 1893. pp. 164-184.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1894, pt. 1. Wash., 1894. pp. 151-166.) Yearly reports of progress. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 37 248. Survey of waterways connecting Dismal Swamp canal, Virginia, with sounds of Xorth Carolina. (I* Chief of Eng. Kept., 1896, pt 2. Appendix J 11, pp. 1086-1094.) U. S. 54th Cong., 1st Sess-, 1896. House Ex Doc. No. 317. 9 pp. Maps. 249. CATESBY, MASK. The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama islands . . . descriptions in English and French . . . obeer- yations on the air, soil and waters. . . London, 1731. 2 vols. Plates. Fold. map. 53 cm. Contains supplement: An account of Carolina and the Bahama islands, which describes the climate, sou, and gives notes on the rivers and mountains. 250. CHAXCE, H[EXKYj MJARTYXJ. The auriferous gravels of Xorth Carolina. Am. PhiL Soc, Proc, T. 19 (1881): 477-481. Describes gold found in the gravels of the alate belt, and early workings in this region. 251. The Burns gold mine, Xorth Carolina. Eng. & Min. Jour, T. 61 (1896): 132, Describes this mine, located in Moore county, geological occurrence of tne ores, mining methods and progress. 252. [Deep Biver coal beds of North Carolina.] Eng. & Min. Jonr., v. 38 (1884): 187. 253. The Deep Biver coal-fields of Xorth Carolina. Am. InsL Min. Eng^ Trans, v. 13 (1884): 517-520. Review by I. C. Russell: Science, v. 6 (1885): 548-549. Short geological account of the coal deposit at Deep and analyses of specimens by the State chemist i Mr. Battle. 254. Beport on the Xorth Carolina coal-fields to the Department of Agriculture. Baleigh, P. M. Hak, 1885. 66 pp. 22 cm. Map. Describes coal-bearing formation of the Deep River district in Moore and Chatham counties, and the Dan River dis- trict, and gives analyses of coal made under direction of Charles \V.~ Dabney, Jr. 255. CHAXDLER, CHARLES FREDERICK]. Analyse de= Zircon; av.= Buncombe Bounty, Xor:"- Carolina. Ann. d. Phy. u. Chem., v. 178 (1857): 444-449. Abstract: Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. II, v. 24 (1857): 131. Abstract: Zts. f. d. Gesam. Naturwiss., v. 11 (1858) : 93. Abstract: Uebersicht der Resultate mineral ogischer Forschun- gen in Jahre, 1856-1857. Leipzig, 1859. p. 117. Description and analysis of pale chocolate-colored xfrcon crystals. 256. Charlotte, X. C., granites. Stone, v. 4 (1892): 14. Notes on granites quarried in Charlotte. River. . - - 129575 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 257. CHASE, HARVEY S. Southern magnetites and magnetic separation. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., v. 25 (1895): 551-557. Discusses Iron ores from Cranberry mines in Mitchell county. Describes ores, methods of concentrating, and gives tables of chemical analyses. 258. CHATARD, THOMAS M[AREAN]. Corundum [in North Carolina], (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1883-1884. Wash., 1885. pp. 714-718.) Describes occurrence and mining of corundum at Corun- dum Hill, Macon county. 259. Decomposed dolerite from near Wadesboro, North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 52. Wash,, 1889. pp. 17-18.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 148. Wash., 1897. p. 289.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 168. Wash., 1900. p. 292.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 228. Wash., 1904. p. 354.) Analysis of this rock. 260. The gneiss dunyte contacts at Corundum Hill, North Caro- lina, in relation to the origin of corundum. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull 42. Wash., 1888. pp. 45-63.) Abstract: Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 46 (1887): 46; 81. Abstract by W. S. Bayley: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1890, Bd. I. Ref. pp. 36-37. Description of occurrence of corundum at Corundum Hill, Macon county. Describes contact sections and gives analytical results of examinations of many specimens. 261. Lucasite, a new variety of vermiculite. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. in, v. 32 (1886): 375-377. Notice: Am. Nat, v. 21 (1887) : 72. Abstract by B. S. Enough]: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 52 (1887): 349-350. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1886, pt. 2, p. 2275. Abstract: Soc. Min. de France, Bull., v. 12 (1889): 431-432. Abstract by C. A. Tenne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1890, Bd. 1. Ref. pp. 225-226. Description and analysis of lucasite from Corundum Hill, Macon county. 262. Magnetite from North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 55. Wash., 1889. p. 86.) Analyses of two magnetites from the Cranberry mine, Mitchell county. 263. Eocks from Corundum Hill, North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 42. Wash., 1888. pp. 45-63.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 148. Wash., 1897. p. 91.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 168. Wash., 1900. p. 54.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 228. Wash., 1904. p. 64.) Analyses of altered gneiss, olivine and dunyte from Corun- dum Hill. GEOLOGY, MIKERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 39 264. - Yellowish brown kaolinized, decomposed trap from four miles west of Sanford, North Carolina. (In U. S. GeoL Survey, Bull. 42. WaslL, 1888. p. 138.) Analyses of this material. 265. CHERRY, CUMMINGS and CHERRY, JAMES. Geological report Gap Creek mine, North Carolina, Pitts- burg, A. Matthias, 1871. 12 pp. 22 cm. Describes Gap Creek mine in Ashe county, topography of country, geological formations, soil, reins and ores. CHERRY, JAMES. Geological report. Gap Creek mine, North Carolina. See Cherry, Crownings and Cherry, James, No. 265. 266. CHESTER, ALBERT H[UxnxGTOXj. Bismutite from North Carolina. (In Mineralogical notes, Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. Ill, v. 33 (1887): 290-291.) Abstract by B. H. 6 trough] : Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 52 (1887): 782-783. Abstract by C. A. Tenne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1890, Bd. 1. Ref. pp. 46-47. Description of mineral from Cashier's ralley, Jackson county. Analysis by F. I. Cairns. 267. CHICKERING, J. W. Notes on Boan mountain, North Carolina. PhSL Soc. Wash., BnlL, v. 4 (1881): 60-64. Account of the Iron, Stone, Bald. TTnaka and Great Smoky mountain ranges which form boundary line between North Carolina and Tennessee. 268. - The thermal belts of North Carolina. PhiL Soc. Waslu, BulL, v. 6 (1883): 11-13. Am. Meteor. Jour., v. 1 (1884): 213-218. Notice: Science, v. 1 (1883) : 14T. Describes thermal belts in Ma con county, quoting from letter of Mr. Silas McDowell of Franklin. (See Mc- Dowell, S.) 269. - A trip to Boan mountain. Appalachia, v. 3 (1882): 142-147. Description of an ascent of Roan mountain, with notes on soil, temperature, etc. 270. CHLADXI, ERNST F. F. [Caswell county meteorite.] (In his Feuer-Meteore . . . Wien, 1819. 23 em. pp. 291- 292.) Brief notice of meteoric iron falling In Caswell county, January 30, 1810. 271. CHRISTY, DAVID. Climatology of North Carolina. (In The Southern Highlands. Cincinnati, 1858. 22fc cm. pp. 20-36.) General description of the climate of the state, with statistics of mean mountain temperature for the year. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 272. [Notes on North Carolina formations.] (In his Letters on geology . . . giving an outline of the geology of the west and southwest. Rossville, Ohio, J. M. Christy, 1848. 22 cm. pp. 52-53.) Author gives his ideas of the rock formations in vicinitv of Warm Springs, on the French Broad river along the valley to Asheville and the Blue Ridge. Notes on gen- eral scenery, mountains, etc. 273. Preliminary report on the lands of the Nantahala and Tuckasege land and mineral company. Cincinnati, Wright- son & Co., 1856. 24 pp. 22 cm. Describes geology and mineralogy of the lands belonging to this company in Cherokee, Macon and Jackson counties. 274. Second preliminary report of the Nantahala and Tuckasege land and mineral company for 1858. Cincinnati, Wright- son & Co., 1858. 24 pp. 22 cm. Reports on the mines of this company, located in Chero- kee, Macon and Jackson counties. 275. Chrome iron in North Carolina. Mineral Industry, v. 2 (1893): 152. Notice of occurrence of chrome iron ore in Jackson, Guil- ford, Macon, Madison, Yancey, Clay, Mitchell, Burke and Watauga counties. 276. . CHUNN, IDA F. Descriptive illustrated guide-book to North Carolina moun- tains. Their principal resorts. New York, E. J. Hale & Son, 1881. 87 pp. Illus. 18 cm. Popular description of the mountains of western North Carolina, dealing especially with Asheville, Mount Mitchell, Csesar's Head, Roan mountain and Hot Springs. 277. CIRKEL, FRITZ. [Mica from North Carolina.] (In his Mica, its occurrence, exploitation and uses. Ottawa, Canada, Dept. Int., Mines branch, 1905. 24 cm. pp. 99; 100.) Notes on mica deposits and mines in Mitchell, Yancey, Jackson, Hay wood and Macon counties. 278. CLANTON, W. S. [Production of precious metals in North Carolina.] (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1897. Wash., 1898. pp. 192-193.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1898. Wash., 1899. pp. 129-130.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1899. Wash., 1900. pp. 167-168.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1900. Wash., 1901. pp. 181-182.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1901. Wash., 1902. pp. 192-195.) Yearly reports of production. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. -41 279. CLARK, [The eocene in North Carolina.] (In his Correlation papers, Eocene. U. S. GeoL Survey, Boll. 83. Wash., 1891. pp. 48-50; 81.) Discusses eocene formation which extends between the >euse and Cape Fear rivers to about 100 miles inland. 280. - SHATTTJCK, G[EORGE] B t URBANKj and BALL, W[iLLiAM] The miocene deposits of Maryland. Maryland GeoL Survey, Baltimore, 1904. 543 pp. 28 cm. Contains references, general and scattered, to miocene forms found in North Carolina. 281. CLARK, W [ LLLiAi ] BOLLOCK]. On the tertiary deposits of the Cape Fear river region. GeoL Soc. Amer. BulL, v. 1 (1890): 537-540. Abstract: Am. GeoL, v. 5 (1890) : 119. Abstract: Am. Nat, v. 24 (1890) : 289. Discussion of age of fossils occurring in deposits of tals region. 282. CLARK, WILLIAM S. On metallic meteorites. Inangural dissertation. . . Got- tingen, 1852. 77 pp. 23 cm. Notice: Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. II, v. 15 (1853): 7-22. Contains descriptions and analyses of the following North Carolina meteorites: Hominy Creek, Black Mountain. Asheville, Guilford county, Randolph county. CLARKE, E. S. [Olivine norite near Marshall, North Carolina.] See Herrick, Clarke and Deming, No. 762. 283. CLARKE, F. W. A trip to North Carolina. Appalachia, v. 2 (1879): 14-28. Author describes trip in the mountains of western North Carolina, and the ascent of Bald and " Big Cragary " mountains. Notes on the rocks and scenery. 284. CLARKE, FfRAXCiSj WCIGGLESWORTHJ and SCHNEIDER, E. A. [Analysis of kerrite from Franklin, North Carolina.] (In U. S. GeoL Survey, BulL 78. Wash., 1891. pp. 28-31.) -- (In Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber die Constitution der naturlichen Silicate. Zts. f. Kryst u. Min., v. 18 (1891): 412-415.) 285. - [Analyses of minerals from North Carolina.] (In Experiments upon the constitution of the natural sili- cates. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. HI, v. 40 (1890): 308.) -- (In U. S. GeoL Survey, Bull. 78. WaslL, 1891. pp. 15-19.) 4 42 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Experimentaluntersuchungen iiber die Constitution det naturlichen Silicate. Zts. f. Kryst u. Min., v. 18 (1891): 395-400.) Abstract by F. Rinne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1894, Bd. 1. Min., pp. 27; 31-32. Analyses of plcrolite from Buck Creek, and serpentine from Corundum Hill. 286. CLARKE, F[RANCiS] W[!GGLESWORTH] and STEIGER, GEORGE. Analysis of pyrophyllite from Deep river, N. C. Am. Jour. Sci.,* Ser. IV, v. 8 (1899): 245-257. 287. CLARKE, F t RANciS] W[!GGLESWORTH]. Muscovite from Alexander county, North Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 34 (1887): 131-133. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 55. Wash., 1889. pp. 13-14.) Abstract by B. H. B trough]-. Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 54 (1888): 117. Abstract by E. S. Dana: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 14 (1888) : 392. Abstract by C. A. Tenne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1891, Bd. 1. Ref. pp. 39-40. Analysis of muscovlte from Stony Point. 288. Oligoclase from Bakersville, North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 60. Wash., 1890. pp. 129- 130.) Analysis. 289. and SCHNEIDER, E. A. On the constitution of certain micas, vermiculites and chlorites. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 42 (1891): 242-251. Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 19 (1891): 465-477. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 90. Wash., 1892. pp. 11-14.) Abstract by F. Rinne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1894, Bd. 1. Min., pp. 32-36. Description and analysis of an altered biotlte from the zircon mine, Henderson county. 290. CLARKE, F t RANciS] W^GGLESWORTH]. Some nickel ores from Oregon. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 35 (1888): 483-488. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 60. Wash., 1890. pp. 21-26.) Quotes J. S. Dlller In regard to the Webster, North Caro- lina, genthite. 291. Three coals from Gulf, North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 42. Wash., 1888. p. 146.) Analyses of these coals. 292. CLAXTON, P. P. North Carolina. (In Frye, Alex. Everett. Complete geography. North Caro- lina edition. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1896. 12 pp. 32 cm. Map.) General geographical sketch. GEOLOGY, MI\-EHALOGY AXD GEOGRAPHY. 43 ClBMOXS, WOODSOX. Beports of sundry surveys. . . See Price and Clemens, No. 1515. 293. The climate of North Carolina. Am. Meteor. Jour, T. 10 (1893): 187-188. Extracts from - A general sketch of the climate of North Carolina," issued by the X. C. Agile. Erp. Sta. 294. CLTXGMAX, THOMAS LrAxiER]. Earthquakes of Xorth Carolina. Am. Jour. ScL, Sex. m, Y. 9 (1875): 55-58. Extract from a paper published in the Western Expositor of AsheTffle. describing earthquakes occurring in the moontalns forming boundary between Harwood and Bnn- 295. The great meteor of 1860. Appletoifs Jour., v. 5 (1871): 10-13. (In Selections from the speeches and writings of Hon. T. L. Clingman, of North Carolina. Raleigh, John Nichols, 1878. pp. 53-60.) Description of a meteor which the writer saw to the north- west of Asbemie. 296. Mount Pisgah, North Carolina. Appleton's Jour, v. 10 (1873): 817. (/ Selections from the speeches and writings of Hon. T. L. Clingman, of North Carolina. Raleigh, John Nichols, 1878. pp. 133-135.) Describes briefly the principal mountain ranges and peaks of the Blue Ridge and Smoky mountains. 297. Xorth Carolina her wealth, resources and history. DeBow's Review, T. 25 (1858): 664-679. Popular general account of state and its resources. Descriptions : topographical, climatic and historical. Brief review of mineral deposits and mining interests. 298. [On earthquakes of Xorth Carolina.] (/* Tinman, Charles. Letters from the Allegheny Mount- ains. New York, Putnam, 1849. 20 cm. pp. 173-182.) Account of visit to Haywood county to examine effects of reported earthquake shocks. Discusses pngnonirni, rack formations, and gives mineral structure of the lo- 299. Selections from the speeches and writings of Hon. Thomas L. Clingman of North Carolina. Baleigh, John Nichols, 1878. Ed. 2. 675 pp. 24 cm. Contains much information in the form of speeches, letters and articles published in newspapers and periodicals, on topography, climate, general and mineral resources of 800. Topography of Black mountain. Our living and our Dead, T. 1 (1874): 254-256. Describes topography of country as seen from Mt 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 301. Topography of Black mountain. Smith. Inst., Bd. of Regents, Ann. Kept, 1855, pp. 299-305. Popular sketch of the Black mountains with notes on altitudes and baron- etrical observations. 302. [Topography of western North Carolina.] (In Lanman, Charles. Letters from the Alleghany Mount- ains. New York, Putnam, 1849. 20 cm. pp. 182-186.) Contains notes on topography and climate of the western counties, and on mineral deposits and gold mines. 303. Volcanic action in North Carolina. (In Selections from the speeches and writings of Hon. T. L. Clingman, of North Carolina. Raleigh, John Nichols, 1878. pp. 78-83.) Abstract: Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull., v. 1 (1874): 104. Describes volcanic disturbances occurring In Haywood county, in the mountains of the Blue Ridge and Smoky ranges, and the ridges of the elevated plateau between. 304. Water spouts t of North Carolina]. (In Selections from the speeches and writings of Hon. T. L. Clingman, of North Carolina. Raleigh, John Nichols, 1878. pp. 68-77.) Abstract: Phil. Soc. Wash., Bull., v. 2 (1877): 104. Describes water spouts in Macon and Jackson counties, June 15. 1876. CLOIZEAUX, A. DES. See Des Cloizeaux, A. 305. CLOUD, J t osEPH]. [Crystals of red-oxide of titanium.] Am. Min. Jour., v. 1 (1810): 242. A notice of these crystals from " the back part of North Carolina." (Precise locality not ascertained.) 306. Coal in North Carolina. Mining World, v. 27 (1907): 276. States that output from the Cumnock mines ceased en- tirely in 1906. 307. COBB, COLLIER. The forms of sand dunes as influenced by neighboring forests. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 20 (1904): 14. Abstract by author: Geol. Centralblatt, v. 6 (1905) : 215. 308. Geography of North Carolina. New York, Amer. Book Co., 1898. 8 pp. 32 cm. Illus. Map. (In Redway, J. W. and Hinman, Russell. Natural complete geography. Ed. for Carolinas. New York, Amer. Book Co., 1898. 8 pp. Map.) General geographical sketch. 309. A liriodendron from the Deep river triassic. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 20 (1905): 116-117. Description of a liriodendron leaf found at Cumnock. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 45 310. A new Palaeotrochis locality, with some notes on the nature of Palseotrochis. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 20 (1904): 11-12. Abstract by author: Geol. Centralblatt, v. 6 (1905) : 193. Describes an acid volcanic rock fall of spherulltes re- sembling Paleotrochis. which occurs at the ** Old Vol- cano " near Chapel Hill. 311. North Carolina. Jour, of School Geography, v. 1 (1897): 257-266; 300-308. Description of the state, including topography, drainage, soils, climate, vegetation, animal life, mineral resources, forests, agriculture, mining and manufacturing. 312. Notes on the deflective effects of the earth's rotation as seen in streams. Elis. Mit ScL Soo, Jour., v. 10 (1893): 26-32. A short general discussion of the subject and Its applica- tion to the streams of North Carolina. 313. Notes on the geology of Core Bank, N. C. Elis. Mit ScL Soc., Jour., v. 23 (1907): 26-28. Abstract: Science, n. s., v. 25 (1907) : 298. Discusses conditions at Core Bank revealed by inlets cut by storm of Oct. 17, 1906. 314. Notes on the geology of the Currituck banks. Elis. Mit ScL Soc., Jour., v. 22 (1906): 17-19. Abstract by R. S. Tarr: Am. Geog. Soc., Bull., v. 38 (1906): 234. Describes topography and geology of the Currituck banks. 315. On the geological history of certain topographical features east of the Blue Eidge. Elis. Mit Sci Soc., Jour., v. 10 (1893): 94-97. Study of the topography of the King's Mountain region. 316. Origin of the sand hill topography of the Carolinas. Science, n. s., v. 17 (1903): 226-227. ScL Amer. SuppL, v. 55 (1903): 22666. Discusses sand dunes of North Carolina coast and origin of some of the topographic features. 317. The physical history of the North Carolina coast. Goldthwaite's Geog. Mag., v. 5 (1893): 71-72. Concise account of the more recent physiographic history of the coastal region. 318. Eecent changes in the Carolina coast, with special reference to Hatteras island. Science, n. s^ v. 17 (1903): 227. Sci. Amer. SuppL, v. 55 (1903): 22666. 319. Eecently discovered mineral localities in North Carolina. Elis. Mit ScL Soc., Jour., v. 20 (1904): 38. Notes occurrence of prase in Macon county, bansmannite and brannite in Randolph and Chatham counties, and braunite in Sniry county. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 320 Ehaetic flora of the Moneure shales. Elis. Hit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 22 (1906): 60. Science, n. s., v. 23 (1906): 944. Describes specimens of Liriodendron found In the Deep river trias in 1904, and fragments found since that time. 321. Some beginnings in science. Pop. Sci. Month., v. 49 (1896): 763-771. Popular account of early scientific work at the University of North Carolina, mentioning the Mitchell and Olmsted survey In 1824. 322. Some changes in the North Carolina coast since 1585. North Carolina Booklet, v. 4, No. 9 (1905): 3-13. Describes North Carolina coast, Its inlets and river en- trances, noting changes that have occurred since 1585. Discusses several early maps of the coast. 322a. Some human habitations. Nat. Geog. Mag., v. 19 (1908): 509-515. Description of dwelling houses on N. C. coast from Cape Hatteras to Cape Sable, together with notes on the geog- raphy of the region. 322b. Special geography of North Carolina. A supplement to Monteith's Comprehensive Geography. (In Monteith, James. Comprehensive Geography. New York, A. S. Barnes & Co., 1882. Supplement, pp. 1-6. Map.) 322c. Special geography of North Carolina. (In Barnes, A. S. Complete Geography. New York, American Book Co., 1885. Appendix, pp. A-J. Map.) 323. Where the wind does the work. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 22 (1906): 81-85. Nat. Geog. Mag., v. 17 (1906): 310-317. Descriptions of the sand dunes along the North Carolina coast, their movements and character of material of which they are composed. Abstract by B. L. Miller: Annales de Geographic, v. 16 (1907) : 281. 324. COBB, NEEDHAM BRYAN. Poetical geography of North Carolina. Cambridge, Eiver- side Press, 1887. 63 pp. 20 cm. Rhymes on the counties, rivers, creeks, sounds, bays and mountains of North Carolina, written by author to assist his pupils in learning the geography of the state. 325. COFFEY, GEORGE N. and HEARN, W. EDWARD. Soil survey of Alamance county, North Carolina. (In U. S. Dept. Agric., Field Operations, Bureau of Soils, 3d Rept., 1901. Wash., 1902. pp. 297-310.) Describes physiography, geology, climate and soils of Ala- mance county, with mechanical analyses of the soils. 326. Soil survey of the Gary area of North Carolina. (In U. S. Dept. Agric., Field Operations, Bureau of Soils, 3d Kept., 1901. Wash., 1902. pp. 311-318. Map.) Description and analyses of soils of area. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GBOGEAPHT. 47 COFFEY, GEOBGB X. Soil survey of the CraTen area, Xorth Carolina. Bee Smith, W. and Cofey, Ho. 1691. 327. COHEX, E t MiLj and WEIXSCHEXX, E. Meteoretsen-Studien. Annalen d. K K. Naturhist. Hofmns. Wiea, 1891. pp. 131- 165. A study of the relation of nickel and cobalt to the Iron in ntekellf eroos Meteoric irons. Includes Lick Creek and Duel Hill irons among those studied. 328. COHEX, Efim.}. Meteoreisen-Studien IV. Annalen des K. K. Naturiust. Hofmos. Wien, T. 10, pt 2, 1895, pp. 81-93. 329. Meteoreisen yon Deep Springs Farm, Boddngham county, Xord-Carolina, Yereinigte-Staaten. (/ Meteoreisen-Sttidien XL Annalen d. K. K. Hatnrh. Hofmni, T. 15 (1900): 353-354.) Abstract by E. Dull: Zt& f. Kryst m Min.. T. 36 (1902) : $45. . Contains fri n -H' a results of chemical work on meteoric Iron said to hare fallen in 1MB, 330. Das Meteoreisen Yon Forsyth Co., Georgia, Yereinigte- Simaten. K. preoss. Akad. d. Win. SfbL, 1897, pp. 386-396. iTnte tram Is from Forsyth county. Xorth Carolina, and not from Georgia. It was found in 1895 while the Georgia *to*t was focnd in 1829.) Detafled description and 331. Meteoreisen Yon LinnTille Mountain, Burke county, Xord- Carolina. (In Meteoreisen-Studien, VUL Annalen d. K. K. Hatnrh. T. 13 (1898): 145-147.) Contains collected results of chemical work on this 332. Meteoreisen von Murphy, Cherokee county, Xord-Carolina, Yereinigte-Staaten. (In Meteoreisen-Stndien, XL Annalen d. K. K. Ifatmh. HDfmns, T. 15 (1900): 368-369.) Descriprloo and analysis of this meteorite found in 1899. 333. Die Meteoreisen . . . von Persimmon creek, bei Hot House, Cherokee county, Nord-Carolina, Vereinigte-Staaten, be- kannt seit 1902. Hatnrwiss. Ver. 1 Nenrorpommern u. Sngen in Greif swald. JCtth. 35 Jahr, 1903, pp. 58-60. Abstract by author: GeoL Centralblatt, Y. 5 (1904) : 245-246. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Abstract by G. Linck: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1905, Bd. 1. Min., pp. 216-217. Detailed metallographic description of this meteorite. 334. Meteoritenkunde, Parts 1, 2, 3. Stuttgart, 1894, 1903, 1905. 24 cm. Contains notes and results of chemical work on following North Carolina meteorites : Lick Creek, Davidson county ; Madison county ; Guilford county ; Smith Mountain ; Linnville Mountain ; Persimmon Creek. Oktaedrisches Eisen mit feinen Lamellen. Jewell Hill- gruppe: Jewell Hill. See Brezina and Cohen, No. 183. 335. Ueber ein neues Meteoreisen von Locust Grove, Henry county (?), Nord-Carolina, Vereinigte-Staaten. K. preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., Sitz., 1897, pp. 76-81. Abstract by Leonard] J. Stpencerj: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 72, pt. 2 (1897): 272. Describes meteorite found in July, 1857, in Georgia, not North Carolina. 336. Zusammenfassung der bei der Untersuchung, der kornigen bis dichten Meteoreisen erhatenen Resultate. . preuss. Akad. d. Wiss., Sitz., 1900, pp. 1122-1135. Summary of results of studies of granular and massive meteorites. Short descriptions and analyses of the For- syth county and Linnville Mountain irons are given. 337. COLES, THOMAS and PRICE, JONATHAN. Survey of the coast of North Carolina. (In Amer. State Papers, Com. & Nav., v. 1, U. S. 9th Cong., 1st Sess., 1806. pp. 690-692.) Review: Med. Repos., v. 10 (1807): 292-293. Account of survey begun May 28, 1806, describing the dangerous shoals on the coast. 338. COLLES, G t EORGEj W[ETMORE]. Mica and the mica industry. Frank. Inst., Jour., v. 160 (1905): 191-210; 275-294; 327- 368; v. 161 (1906): 43-58; 81-100. Review by R. Peele: School of Mines Quart, v. 28 (1906) : 129. Contains description of mica deposits In Mitchell, Yancey, and McDowell counties, mines and mining methods, out- put, value and uses. Describes pegmatite dikes and gives list of associated minerals as prepared by W. C. Kerr. 339. COLTON, HENRY E. A farm on the French Broad, and Hickory Nut gap. Appleton's Jour., v. 4 (1870): 737-738. Popular description of mountain scenery along the French Broad river. 340. Mining in North Carolina. Eng. & Min. Jour., v.,11 (1871): 323. Historical notes on the mining districts, descriptions of the mines and present development. GEOLOGY, MIXERAIOGY AXD GEOGRAPHY. 49 341. - Mountain scenery. The scenery of the mountain? of western North Carolina and northwestern South Carolina. Raleigh, W. L. Pomery. Philadelphia, Hayes & Zell, 1859. Ill pp. Plaice. 18 em. Map. Popular description of scenerr in Buncombe. Hajwood. Maeon, Jackson. Cherokee, Franklin and Minima f"""w- 342. - Xotes on the topography and geology of western Xorth Caro- lina the Hiwassee valley. Am. lust. Mm. Eng^ Tran&, v. 16 (1888): 839-851. Discusses drainage and watersheds in counties Cherokee, Clay and part of Graham, and tribes notes on tribes not minerals, bnildin? stones and OR deposits of district, with several ore analyses bjr McCreath, James A. Burns, and J. B. Britton. 343. - Western Xorth Carolina. Amer. Inst, Tran&, 1870, pp. 691-694. -- Appletoifs Jour, T. 5 (1871): 587. Brief notes on topography, climate, arriculrure and min- 344. Compagnie de Wilmington. Prospectus- Campagnie de Wilmington dans la Caroline du Xord, sur la riviere de Cape-Fear aux Etats-Unis de FAmeriqne. t Paris, 1797., 4 pp. 26J cm. Map. Prospectus of a company organized in Europe for the ex- ploitation of lands in southeastern North Carolina. 345. COMSTOCK, W. J. Analyses of some American tantalates. Am. Jour. ScL, Sex. m, T. 19 (1880): 131-132. Abstract by C. W. Wfattsj: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 38 (1880): 531. Abstract: Chem. News, T. 41 (1880) : 244. Abstract: Jahresber. re line at Snakelford island. 382. Corundum. Mineral Collector, r. 4 (1897): 37-40. Historical notes on corundum. Outlines the commence- ment of the work of Charles W. Jenks at Franklin. 383. Corundum [in North Carolina]. Pop. Sci. Month, T. 4 (1874): 452-456. Describes search for corundum in ritu, and the opening and working of the first mine near Franklin, with notes on mode of occurrence of the corundum. 384. Corundum t in North Carolina in 1898 } . Mineral Industry, T. 7 (1899): 15-16. 385. Corundum of Xorth Carolina. Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. HI, v. 3 (1872): 301-302. Description of corundum reins in Macon county. 386. CRAIGHLLL, W [ ILLIAII J K Improvement of Black river, Xorth Carolina. (/ Chief of Eng, Sept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 12, pp. 1402-1404.) 387. - Improvement of Cape Fear rirer above Wilmington, Xorth Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 13, pp. 1404-1406.) -- (/ Chief of Eng. Kept, 1898, pt. 2. Appendix M 13, pp. 1253-1255.) 388. - Improvement of Cape Fear river, Xorth Carolina, at and be- low Wilmington. (J Chief of Eng. Sept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 14, pp. 1406-1417.) 54 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 14, pp. 1255-1263.) 389. Improvement of Contentnea creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1897, pt. 2. Appendix L 4, pp. 1389-1391.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 4, pp. 1242-1243.) 390. Improvement of Fishing creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 2, pp. 1387-1388.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 2, pp. 1239-1240.) 391. Improvement of harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 8, pp. 1396-1397.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1898, pt. 2. Appendix M 8, pp. 1247-1248.) 392. Improvement of inland waterway between Beaufort harbor and New river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 9, pp. 1398-1399.) 393. Improvement of inland waterway between Newbern and Beaufort, North Carolina, via Clubfoot, Harlowe and New- port rivers. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 7, pp. 1246-1247.) 394. Improvement of Neuse river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 6, pp. 1393-1395.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 6, pp. 1245-1246.) 395. Improvement of Northeast (Cape Fear) river, North Caro- lina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 11, pp. 1400-1402.) 396. Improvement of Ocracoke inlet, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 1, pp. 1385-1387.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 1, pp. 1237-1239.) 397. Improvement of Pamlico and Tar rivers, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 3, pp. 1388-1389.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1898, pt. 2. Appendix M 3, pp. 1240-1241.) GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 55 398. Improvement of Trent river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1898, pt 2. Appendix M 5, pp. 1243-1244.) Yearly reports of progress. 399. Survey of Cape Lookout Harbor of Eefuge, with a view of making it capable of sheltering the largest vessels. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1897, pt 2. Appendix L 20, pp. 1430-1433.) 400. CRAIGHILL, WILLIAM P[RiCE]. Cape Fear and Deep rivers, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1872. Appendix Q 24, pp. 742-749.) Report of survey of these rivers, describing them In detail with notes on the mineral deposits of the region. 401. Dismal Swamp canal. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1872. Appendix Q 25, pp. 750-752.) Describes canal which connects Elizabeth river in Vir- ginia with Pasquotank river in North Carolina. 402. Examination and survey of harbors of Washington and Eden- ton, and mouth of Mackey's creek, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1873. Appendix T 30, pp. 854-859.) (In U. S. 42d Cong., 3d Sess. House Ex. Doc. No. 153, pp. 54-59.) 403. Improvement of Cape Fear river, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1871. Appendix Q 8, pp. 609-670.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1872. Appendix Q 15, pp. 70; 698- 699.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1873. Appendix T 20, pp. 789-791.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1874, pt. 2. Appendix U 21, pp. 68-81.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1875, pt 2. Appendix V 14, pp. 98-104.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1876, pt 1. Appendix F 13, pp. 308-321.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1877, pt 1. Appendix F 8, pp. 332-350.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1879, pt 1. Appendix F 14, pp. 556-574.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1880, pt. 1. Appendix G 22, pp. 695-713.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1881, pt 1. Appendix G 24, pp. 918-934.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1882, pt. 1. Appendix G 26, pp. 934-947.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1884, pt. 2. Appendix I 19, pp. 937-948.) Yearly reports of progress. 404. Improvement of Eoanoke river below Weldon, North Caro- (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1872. Appendix Q 22, pp. 696-697; 726-728.) 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1873. Appendix T 19, pp. 787-789.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1874. Appendix U 20, pp. 64-67.) 405. Neuse river below Goldsborough, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1872. Appendix Q 23, pp. 734-740.) (In U. S. 42d Cong., 2d Sess., 1872. Sen. Ex. Doc. No. 23, pp. 34-40.) Report of eurvey of this river, describing it in detail. 406. Old-House channel, Pamlico sound, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1874, pt. 2. Appendix U 23, pp. 84-85.) (In U. S. 43d Cong., 1st Sess., 1874. House Doc. No. 174, pp. 21-22.) Report of examination of Old-House channel, Pamlico sound. 407. [Eiver and harbor improvements in North Carolina in 1895.;, (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1895, pt. 1. pp. 173-193.) (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1896, pt. 1. pp. 156-172.) 408. CRAM, T[HOMAS] J^EFFERSONJ. Keport upon the mine and mills, with estimates for the use of the " North Carolina Gold Amalgamating Co." Phila., Collins, 1874. 36 pp. 22 cm. Map. Describes Gold Hill mine in Rowan county, gives histori- cal notes on working the mine and assays of ores from the different shafts. 409. CRAMER, CHARLES. Etwas ueber die Natur-Wunder in Nor d- America. St. Petersburg, 1840. 24 cm. Describes briefly " Ararat " mountain, near Salem, Stokea county, North Carolina. (Pt. 2; p. 83.) 410. CRAMER, STUART W. [Gold production in North Carolina.] Mineral Industry, v. 1 (1892): 182-184. Contains notes on discovery of gold in 1799, treatment of ores at the Phoenix mine, and operations at the Silver Valley mine in Davidson county. 411. [Production of precious metals in North Carolina.] (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1889. Wash., 1890. pp. 203-204.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1890. Wash., 1891. pp. 192-193.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1891. Wash., 1892. pp. 232-233.) (In U. S. Mint, Prod, of precious metals in U. S. in 1892. Wash., 1893. pp. 181-182.) Yearly reports of production. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 57 412. CRANE, QHARLES] A[LBERT : . North Carolina kaolin mining. Clayworker, v. 37 (1902): 427-428. Abstract: Mining Reporter, v. 45 (.1902) : 511-512. Abstract: Mineral Industry, v. 11 (1903) : 129. Notes on kaolin mining with analysis of the clay. 413. CRANE, WALTER K. Gold and silver t in the Carolinasi. (In his Gold and silver, comprising an economic history of mining in the United States. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1908. 23 cm. pp. 62-64.) Brief historical sketch of gold and silver mining in North Carolina. CRAYON, PORTE. See Strother, D. H^ No. 1750. 414. CREDNER, HERMANN. Die Geognosie und der Mineralreichthum des Alleghany- Sy stems. Petermann's Mittheilungen, v. 17 (1871): 41-50. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1871, pp. 429-431. Describes rocks, mountains and minerals of the Atlantic coast. Brief mention of North Carolina. 415. Geognostische Skizze der Goldfelder von Dahlonega, Georgia, Nordamerika. Zts. d. deutsch. GeoL GeselL, v. 19 (1867): 33-40. Contains notes on the Carolina portion of the belt. 416. Geognostische Skizzen aus Virginia, Nordamerika. Zts. d. deutsch. GeoL GeselL, v. 18 (1866): 77-85. Contains notes on geology and minerals of the northwest- ern part of North Carolina near the Virginia line. Describes the granite formations that extend into North Carolina. Short account of the Dismal Swamp,- and brief notes on Palaeotrochis major and Palaolrochis minor. 417. Die Gliedemng der eozoischen (vorsilurischen) Formations- gruppe Nord-Amerikas. Zts. f. d. Gesam. Naturwiss., v. 32 (1868): 353-405. Review: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1870, pp. 637-638. Includes (pp. 375; 384) brief mention of North Carolina formations. 418. GROOM, HENRY B. Organic remains found in marl pits of Lucas Benners, Esq., Craven county, N. C. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. I, v. 27 (1835): 168-171. List of fossils found at this locality. Was also published as appendix to Croom and Loomls. Catalogue of plants. . . Xewbern, 1833. 16 pp. 419. CROSBY, WILLIAM] 0[TiS]. Ore deposits of the eastern gold belt of North Carolina. Tech. Quart., v. 20 (1907): 280-286. 5 58 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Bi-month. Bull. 20 (1908): 171-178. Am. Inst Min. Eng., Trans., v. 38 (1908): 849-850. Abstract: Mining World, v. 28 (1908) : 366. Treats of the gold belt lying chiefly in Franklin and Nash counties. Describes genetic and structural relations of the gold-bearing formations, the Alston mine in Warren county, and the Sturgess (Portis) mine and North Caro- lina placer mine in Franklin county. 420. CROWNINSHIELD, JACOB. Survey of the shoals of Cape Hatteras, Cape Lookout and the Frying Pan. (In Am. State Papers, Com. & Nav., v. 1, U. S. 9th Cong., 1806. Wash., 1832. p. 639.) Describes the coast and dangerous shoals. 421. CURREY, ElCHARD 0. The copper and iron region of the Floyd-Carroll-Grayson plateau of the Blue Ridge in Virginia. The Virginias, v. 1 (1880): 62-64; 70-71; 74-77; 80-81; 95. Includes Ashe and Alleghany counties in North Carolina in this region ; gives geological and climatic notes on dis- trict, and describes the Ore Knob and Peach Bottom mines in Alleghany county. 422. and PROCTER, CHARLES A. Copper district of Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia its history, geography, geology and mining in- terests. Southern Jour. Med. & Pharm., v. 3 (1855): 38-44. Contains brief historical notes on discovery of copper in the district above named and the crude attempts at min- ing. Describes old work of mining on Valley river, North Carolina. 423. CURREY, RICHARD 0. A geological visit to the Virginia copper region. Knoxville, Term., Beckett, Haws & Co., 1859. 64 pp. 22 cm. Map. Detailed description of this region located in Floyd, Car- roll and OJrayson counties, Virginia, and Ashe and Alle- ghany counties, North Carolina. Describes physiographi- cal and geological features, district, mineral resources, historical discovery and workings of the mines. 424. A sketch of the geology of Tennessee. Min. Mag., Ser. I, v. 8 (1857): 156-163; 237-243; 450-460; v. 9 (1857): 34-44. Contains incidental mention of many geological features of western North Carolina. 425. CUTTS, RICHARD] D. Legislative history of the southern boundary of Virginia. MSS. in possession of the U. S. Coast & Geod. Survey, Wash., D. C., 1869. 31 pp. Describes legislative operations in regard to boundary line between Virginia and North Carolina from Byrd's survey GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 59 426. D., T. An account of hill on the borders of North Carolina supposed to have been a volcano. In a letter from a Continental officer ... to Dr. James Greenway, near Petersburg in Virginia. With remarks by Dr. Greenway. Am. Phil. Soc., Trans., v. 3 (1790): 231-233. Notice: Am. Phil. Soc., Early proc. From MS. copy of its meet- ings, 1744-1838. p. 180. Describes as a " volcano " a hill of conical shape on Dan river, North Carolina. 427. DABNEY, CHARLES WILLIAM], JR. Catalogue of the North Carolina exhibit at the American Exposition, Boston, 1883. Baleigh, 1884. 63 pp. 428. [Marls and phosphates of North Carolina.] (In N. C. Agric. Exp. Sta., Ann. Kept, 1885. Raleigh, P. M. Hale, 1886. 23 cm. pp. 73-89.) Account of work on marls and phosphates for 1885. Analyses of many varieties from localities in the lower counties. 429. North Carolina phosphates. (In N. C. Agric. Exp. Station, Rept 1883. Raleigh, Ashe & Catling, 1884. 23 cm. pp. 57-83.) Abstract: Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 37 (1884): 363. Historical account of distribution and occurrence of phos- phate rock in Sampson. Duplin, Onslow, Fender, New Hanover, Bladen, Columbus and Brunswick counties, with many chemical analyses. Quotes from Emmons and Kerr on coprolites found in the coal and marl heds. 430. North Carolina phosphates. (In N. C. Agric. Exp. Station, Bull. April, 1884. pp. 4-6.) Historical notes and descriptions of the phosphate dis- coveries in Duplin and Sampson counties, with analyses. 431. North Carolina phosphates. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour, v. 1 (1884): 64-68. Describes phosphate deposits in Sampson, Duplin, Onslow, Fender, New Hanover. Bladen, Columbus aiid Brunswick counties, with many chemical analyses of material. 432. Note on' cassiterite from King's Mountain, North Carolina. Elis. Mit Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 1 (1884): 79-81. Abstract: Science, v. 3 (1884): 217. Account of discovery of tin, with two analyses by G. B. Hanna. 433. The phosphate exploration. (In N. C. Agric. Exp. Station, Ann. Kept., 1884. Raleigh, P. M. Hale, 1885. 23 cm. pp. 44-86. Map.) Historical account of discovery of phosphates in North Carolina, and of explorations in Columbus, Onslow, Dup- lin. Lenoir, Sampson, Bladen and Fender counties in 1884, with many analyses of phosphate rock. 434. Phosphates in North Carolina. Science, v. 3 (1884): 31-32. Notes on phosphates found near Wilmington, and in Sampson, Duplin and Jones counties. 60 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 435. Phosphatic marls and other marls. (In N. C. Agric. Exp. Station, Bull. May, 1884. pp. 2-4.) Brief account of the marls, limestones and the phosphatic conglomerates found in New Hanover and Fender counties, with tables of analyses. 436. Progress of the phosphate investigation. (In N. C. Agric. Exp. Station, Bull. March, 1884. pp. 4-7.) Account of investigation in Lenoir, Jones, Onslow and Duplin counties, with many analyses of phosphates. 437. DADDOW, S^MUEL^ HARRIES] and B ANN AN, BENJAMIN. Coal and iron in North Carolina. (In their Coal, iron and oil ... Pottsville, Pa., B. Ban- nan;- Phila., Lippincott; London, Trubner & Co., 1866. 23 cm. pp. 47; 393; 403-406; 536-538.) Describes Deep River coal field in Chatham county. 438. DADOURIAN, H[AEOUTUNE] MCUGURDICH]. The radio-activity of thorium. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 21 (1906): 427-432. Thorium nitrates prepared from North Carolina monazltes were used in experiments described in this paper. 439. BALL, WILLIAM H[EALEY 3 . Diagnosis of new tertiary fossils from the southern United States. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 18 (1895): 21-46. Describes eight species found in Duplin county, at the " Natural Well," and elsewhere. 440. List of. marine mollusca comprising the quaternary fossils and recent forms from American localities, between Cape Hatteras and Cape Roque, including the Bermudas. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 24. Wash., 1885. 336 pp. 23 cm. Contains varieties from North Carolina. The miocene deposits of Maryland. See Clark, Shattuck and Ball, No. 280. 441. Monograph of the genus Gnathodon, Gray. (Rangia, Des- moulins.) (In U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 17 (1894): 89-106.) Enumerates varieties found in the pliocene and miocene beds of North Carolina. 442. and HARRIS, GILBERT] D t ENNisoN]. Neocene t in North Carolina]. (In Correlation papers, Neocene. U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 84. Wash., 1892. pp. 68-74.) Describes two classes of tertiary deposits, the marine and the perezonal, and the miocene exposures on the Chowan, Roanoke, Tar, Ncuse, and Cape Fear rivers. 443. CALL, WILLIAM H [ EALEY ] . On the marine pliocene beds of the Carolinas. (In his Tertiary fauna of Florida . . . Wag. Free Inst. Sci., Trans., v. 3, pt. 2 (1892): 201-217.) North Carolina neocene forms are occasionally referred to from " Slocum's Creek " and " Mallison's." A list of species found is included. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 61 444. On the species of Donax of eastern North America. The Nautilus, v. 5 (1891): 125-127. Brief notes on fossil species of Donax found In North Carolina localities. 445. DANA, EDWARD, S[ALISBURYJ. Chemical mineralogy. (In Smithsonian Inst, Bd. of Regents, Rept., 1882, pp. 538- 541.) Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1886, Bd. 2. Ref. p. 189. Contains summary of progress of chemical mineralogy for 1882. Reviews Genth's researches on corundum of North Carolina, and notices discovery of several minerals in the state. 446. Mineralogical notes : No. 2. On the samarekite of Mitchell count}-, North Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. in, v. 11 (1876): 201-204. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1876, pp. 1257-1258. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1876, pp. 427; 428. ' Description and crystallographic measurements of samars- kite from the mica mines of Mitchell county, and its associated minerals. 447. Mineralogical notes, No. 3. On staurolite, new twins of staurolite and pyrrhotite. Am. Jour. Sci, Ser. HI, v. 11 (1876): 384-385. Mentions staurolite crystals from Valley river, Cherokee county. 448. [North Carolina minerals.] (In his Text-book of mineralogy. Ed. 2. New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1878. 23 cm. pp. 465-466.) Contains list of minerals. 449. On crystals of monazite from Alexander county, North Caro- lina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. HI, v. 24 (1882): 247-250. Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 7 (1883): 362-365. Review: .Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1883, Bd. 2. Ref. pp. 164-165. Abstract: Am. Nat, v. 16 (1882) : 927. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1883, pt. 2, p. 1862. Detailed description of monazite crystals from Milhol land's mill. Careful measurements given and compared with those of crystals from other localities. 450. On the emerald green spodumene from Alexander county, Xorth Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 22 (1881): 179-182. Abstract by C. A. Tenne: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1882, Bd. 2. Ref. pp. 345-346. Abstract by B. H. Enough] : Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., y. 44 (1883): 440. Abstract by P. Groth: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 6 (1882) : 519. Detailed crystallographic description of hiddenite from Alexander county. 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 451. DANA, JAMES D t WIGHT]. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 18 (1854): 417. Figures zircon crystal from McDowell county. 452. Mineralogical notices: No. III. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 12 (1851): 205-222. Mentions rutherfordite occurring at gold mines of Ruther- ford county, and corundophilite occurring with corundum near Asheville, Buncombe county, analyzed by Shepard. 453. [North Carolina minerals.] (In his System of mineralogy. Ed. 3. New York & London, George P. Putnam, 1850. 24 cm. p. 658.) Contains list of minerals found in North Carolina. Later editions also contain this list. 454. BARTON, NELSON] H^ORATK)]. Artesian well prospects t in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 138. Wash., 1896. pp. 190- 207.) General descriptions of wells situated in the Coastal Plain region. 455. Deep borings in [North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Water-supply and Irrig. Paper No. 149. Wash., 1905. p. 94.) List of deep borings in Durham, Johnston, Mecklenburg, Moore, New Hanover, Rowan, Stokes, Union and Wilkes counties. 456. Norfolk folio, Virginia North Carolina. U. S. Geol. Survey, Geol. Atlas of U. S., No. 80. Wash., 1902. Plates. Maps. Lat. 36 30'-37, long. 75 30'-76 30' ; scale 1 ; 125,000, contour interval, 5 ft. 457. DAUBENY, CHARLES. [Thermal springs of North Carolina.] (In his Sketch of the geology of North America. Oxford, Ashmolean Soc., 1839. 2Qy 2 cm. pp. 68; 69.) Short sketch of Hot Springs in Madison county. 458. Davidson copper mining company of North Carolina. Pros- pectus. . . Baltimore, J. F. Wiley, 1866. 10 pp. 22 cm. Describes this property located in Davidson county, its workings, and includes a report on the mines by Eugene Gaussoin. 459. DAVIS, ARTHUR P C OWELL]. Eeport of progress of stream measurements for the year 189G [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 18th Ann. Kept., pt. 4. Wash., 1897. pp. 47-61; 64-65; 116-118. Illus. Map.) Gives estimated monthly discharges of the rivers. 460. River heights [in North Carolina in 1896]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Water-supply & Irrig. Paper No. 11. Wash., 1898. pp. 15-17.) Tables of monthly gauge heights nf Roanoke, Tar, Neuse, Cape Fear and Yadkin i-ivers. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 63 461. DAVIS, HERBERT J. Pyrites [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min, Res., 1885. Wash., 1886. pp. 505-506.) Describes pyrites deposits in Gaston and Mecklenburg counties DAVIS, JOSEPH J. Sketch of the history and resources of Franklin county. See Green, Davis and Arlington, No. 681. 462. DAVIS, W[ILLIAMj M[OBRIS]. The Blue Ridge of North Carolina. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 14 (1904): 543. Discusses physiography of the Blue Ridge. 463. The geological dates of origin of certain topographic forms on the Atlantic slope of the U. S. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 2 (1891): 545-586. Abstract: Am. Geol., v. 8 (1891): 260. Contains a few notes on the cretaceous peneplain of North Carolina. 464. On the relations of the triassic traps and sandstones of the eastern United States. Harvard Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., v. 7 (1883): 249-309. Abstract by H. Rosenbusch: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1884, Bd. 1. Ref. p. 230. Contains general references to North Carolina traprock and sandstone. 465. The stream contest along the Blue Eidge. Phila. Geog. Soc., Bull., v. 3 (1903): 213-244. Describes stream capture in the Blue Ridge as seen from Mt. Mitchell. 466. DAWSON, J. W. [Age of trias of North Carolina.] Can. Nat., v. 3 (1858): 80. Discusses age of triassic and mentions Dromatherium syl- vestre (Emmons). 467. DAY, ARTHUR L[OuiS] and ALLEN, E[UGENE] THOMAS]. The isomorphism and thermal properties of the feldspars. Ft. 1. Thermal study by Arthur L. Day and E. T. Allen. Pt. 2. Optical study by J. P. Iddings. With an introduc- tion by George P. Becker. Wash., Carnegie Inst. of Wash., 1905. 95 pp. Illus. 26 cm. Abstract: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 19 (1905): 93-142. Review: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 20 (1905): 72-75. Gives results of experiments on albite and mlcrocline from Mitchell county, with analyses. 468. DAY, DAVID T t ALBOT]. Minor minerals of the United States. Engineering, v. 11 (1896): 299-306; 504-513. Describes occurrence of mica in Mitchell and Yancey counties, and gives notes on monazite occurrence in Burke and McDowell counties. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 469. Phosphate rock [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1883-1884. pp. 788-793.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1885. pp. 449-450.) Notes on discovery and mining of phosphate rock. Describes deposits in Columbus, Bladen, Sampson, Fender, Duplin, and parts of Lenoir, Jones and Onslow counties. Table of analyses. 470. Soapstone [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1893. p. 625.) 471. Zirconium [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1885. pp. 393-394.) Describes occurrence of zircon in Buncombe county. 472. DAY, WILLIAM C. [Granite and sandstone production in North Carolina.] (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 16th Ann. Rept, pt. 4 (Non-metallic products). Wash., 1895. p. 461.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 17th Ann. Rept., pt. 3 (Non-metallic products). Wash., 1896. p. 765.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 18th Ann. Rept, pt. 5 (Non-metallic products). Wash. 1897. pp. 970-971; 1024.) Contains analysis of Mt. Airy granite by C. M. Cresson, and of brown sandstone by F. A. Gentb, .Tr. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 6 (Non-metallic products). Wash., 1898. pp. 222; 275.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 20th Ann. Rept., pt 6 (Non-metallic products). Wash., 1899. pp. 279; 429.) Contains analysis of sandstone from Moore county by Charles Cresson. 473. Stone [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1889-1890. Wash., 1892. pp. 414-415.) Extract: Stone, v. 7 (1893): 35-36. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1891. Wash., 1893. pp. 459; 460; 463; 470-471; 473.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1893. Wash., 1894. pp. 546; 569-570.) DE BENNEVILLE, JAMES S. See Benneville, James S. de. 474. DE KALB, COURTNEY. Relation of tin to trap dykes. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 45 (1888): 435. Discusses occurrence of cassiterite in western North Caro- lina in the neighborhood of trap dikes. 475. DELAFONTAINE, MARC. Nouvelles observations sur le philippium. Archives des Sci. Phy. et Nat, Ser. Ill, v. 3 (1880): 246-249. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1880, pp. 297-299. Account of further chemical experiments upon the new earth philippium, contained in the samarskite of Mitchell county and its associated mineral euxenite. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 65 476. On the hermannolite of Shepard, and on the samarskite of North Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 13 (1877): 390. Abstract by E. S. Dana: Zts. f. Kryst u. Min., v. 1 (1877): 503. Brief account of the constituents of these minerals as found by recent examination. 477. Remarques sur les metaux nouveaux de la gadolinite et de la samarskite. Acad. des. Sci., Comp. Rend., v. 90 (1880): 221-223. Frank. Inst, Jour., v. 79 (1880): 201-203. Abstract: Chem. News, v. 41 (1880): 72-73. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1880, pp. 296-297. 478. Samarskite des Etats-Unis. Archives des Sci. Phy. et Nat., Ser. II, v. 59 (1877): 176- 184. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1877, pp. 251; 288; 1346. Describes earths contained in samarskite from Mitchell county. 479. Sur le decipium et ses principaux composes. Archives des Sci. Phy. et Nat., Ser. in, v. 3 (1880): 250-260. Account of chemical experiments upon decipium, a rare earth which is stated by author to occur in samarskite from Mitchell county. 480. Sur le decipium, metal nouveau de la samarskite. Acad. des Sci., Comp. Rend., v. 87 (1878): 632-635. Abstract by H. Carrington Bolton: Science News (Salem, Mass.), v. 1 (1879): 73-74. Abstract by Gieorge] F. Btarkerj: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 17 (1879): 61-62. Abstract: Jour. f. prakt. Chem., n. f., y. 10 (1879): 47-48. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1878, pp. 259-260. Mentions new metal found in samarskite of North Caro- lina, and briefly describes the action of its compounds. 481. Sur le mosandrum de M. Lawrence Smith. Acad. des ScL, Comp. Rend., v. 87 (1878): 600-602. Abstract: Jour. f. prakt. Chem., n. f., v. 19 (1879): 47-48. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1878, p. 262. 482. Sur le terbium et ses composes et sur 1'existence probable d'un nouveau metal dans la samarskite de la Caroline du Nord. Archives des Sci. Phy. et Nat, Ser. H, v. 61 (1878): 273- 282. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1878, pp. 255-257. Describes chemical experiments on the earths contained in samarskite of North Carolina, resulting in the discovery of the probable existence of a new metal. 483. Sur un nouveaux metal, le philippium. Acad. des Sci., Comp. Rend., v. 87 (1878): 559-561. Abstract: Chem. News, v. 38 (1878): 202-203. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF XORTH CAROLINA. Abstract by Htenry] Carrington Bolton: Science News (Salem, Mass.), v. 1 (1879): 73. Abstract by George] F. Barker] : Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 17 (1879): 61. Abstract: Jour. f. prakt. diem., n. f., v. 19 (1879): 47-48. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1878, pp. 257-259. Describes discovery of the oxide of a new metal belong- ing to the yttria group, and named philippium. Samar- skite from North Carolina used in experiments. DEMING, J. L. t 01ivine norytes near Marshall, North Carolina.] See Herrick, Clarke and Deming, No. 762. BE POURTALES, LOUIS FRANCOIS. See Pourtales, Louis Frangois de. 484. DES CLOIZEAUX, A. Sur un mineral qui parait offrir une forme dimorphe du rutile. Soc. Min. de France, Bull., v. 9 (1886): 184-186. Notice: Am. Nat., v. 24 (1890) : 173. Gives crystallographic characters of rutile from Polk county. 485. [Description of North Carolina.] (In A new and complete system of universal geography, ... v. 2. Edinburgh, R. Morison & Son, 1796. 21^ cm. pp. 465-479.) Geographical description of the state. 486. [Description of] North Carolina. (In Warden, D. B. A statistical, political and historical ac- count of the United States of North America, v. 2. Edinburgh, 1819. 21 cm. pp. 364-394.) Description of the state, its resources and products. 487. Description of the oil and iron works of the Deep River Coal & Iron Co. Min. Mag., Ser. II, v. 2 (1861): 90-94. 488. Descriptive gazette of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway. Wilmington and Northwestern North Carolina. . . Raleigh, Edwards, Broughton & Co., 1884. 85 pp. 23 cm. Map. General account of this section of country with notes on mineral deposits. 489. DESOR, E. Post-pliocene of the Southern States and its relation to the Laurentian of the North and the deposits of the valley of the i. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 14 (1852): 49-59. Discusses post-pliocene deposit at the mouth of the Neuse river. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 67 490. DETEREUX, WALTER B t ocRCHTER]. Gold and its associated minerals at King's Mountain. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 31 (1881): 39-40. Contains results of observations on the King's Mountain mine, taken below water level. Describes the veins, ores and associated minerals. 491. DEWEY, FREDERICK P [ ERK3N8 1 . A preliminary descriptive catalogue of the systematic collec- tions in economic geology and metallurgy in the IT. S. National Museum. U. S. Nat Mus^ BulL 42. Waslu, 1891. 256 pp. 23 cm. Names many specimens from North Carolina, and In- cludes those In the 10th census Iron ore collection, (p. 128). 492. Diamonds in North Carolina. Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. n, v. 2 (1846): 119. Describes diamond from Rutherford county. 493. DlCKESOX, MOXTROVILLE WlLSOX. Report of the geological survey and condition of the Brown and Edwards' property in the county of Randolph, North Carolina. Phila., J. B. Chandler, 1860. 10 pp. 22 cm. 494. Report of the geological survey and condition of the Phoenix Mining Co. in the county of Guilford, North Carolina. Phila., J. B. Chandler, 1860. 15 pp. 22 cm. 495. Report of the geological survey and condition of the Rhea mine in the county of Mecklenburg, North Carolina. Phila., J. B. Chandler, 1860. 10 pp. 20 cm. Includes report of E. Emmons made in 1853. 496. Report of the geological survey and condition of the Twin mine in the county of Guilford, North Carolina, Phila., J. B. Chandler, 1860. 11 pp. 22 cm. 497. DICKSON, JAMES. An essay on the gold regions of the United States. GeoL Soc. Penn-, Trans., v. 1 (1835): 16-32. Abstract by Robert Jameson: Ed in. Phil. Jour., v. 19 (1835): 185-188. General remarks on gold deposits of North Carolina, in connection with and comparing with other deposits of the C. S. 498. DICKSOX, JOHN. Notices of the mineralogy and geology of parts of South and North Carolina. Am. Jour. ScL, Ser. 1, v. 3 (1821): 1-4. 68 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In Struve, Heinrich von. Beitrage zur Mineralogie und Geologic des nordlichen Amerikas . . . Hamburg, 1822. pp. 75-80.) Notice: Taschenbuch f. die Min., v. 18 (1824): 933-934. Contains a few topographical notes on western North Carolina, describes a specimen of compact oxide of titanium from Lincoln county, and mentions gold from Cabarrus county. 499. DlEFFENBACH, OTTO. Bemerkungen iiber den Mineralreichtum der Vereinten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1855, pp. 527-532. Short discussion of the coals of the United States, giving principally a geographical distribution of the coal-bearing formation. Bare mention of the Deep River coal-field. 500. Bemerkungen iiber den Mineral-Keichthum der Vereinten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1856, pp. 385-394. Briefly describes the principal copper mines of North Carolina, comprising the McCullock, Gold Hill, Vander- burg, Phoenix and Pentress mines. 501. Beobachtungen iiber die Erz-Gange und das Gang-Gebirge von Nord-Carolina und den angrenzenden Staaten. Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1854, pp. 663-669. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1854, p. 810. Describes geology, deep weathering and mode of occurrence of the gold and associated minerals in the North Caro- lina mines. 502. Das Vorkommen von Chrom-Erzen und ihre Verarbeitung in den Vereinten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1855, pp. 533-539. Mentions presence of chrome ores in Virginia and North Carolina. 503. DlLLER, JOSEPH] S[ILAS]. Origin of palseotrochis. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 16 (1899): 59-67. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. IV, v. 7 (1899): 337-342. Review by M. L. Fuller: Am. Chem. Research, Rev., v. 5 (1899): 75. Abstract by Milch: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1901, Bd. 1. Min., p. 411. Discussion of Palwotrochis, described as a fossil sponge by Emmons, and proved to be a spherulite by the author. Analysis by W. F. Hillebrand of specimen from the Sam Christian mine, Montgomery county. 504. DIMMOCK, GEORGE. A trip to Mt. Mitchell in North Carolina. Appalachia, v. 1 (1877): 141-151. Entertaining account of climbing Mt. Mitchell ; notes on scenery, mountains, rocks, flora, with brief account of Prof. Elisha Mitchell. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 69 505. Discovery of Lake Seuppernong (Phelps), North Carolina, with notes by Maj. George P. Collins. Southern Hist Assoc., Pub., v. 6 (1902): 21-27. Description of discovery of Lake Seuppernong, situated within the Dismal Swamp, by Josiah and Joseph Phelps. 506. Dismal Swamp canal. Niles' Register, v. 29 (1825): 247. Brief notice of Dismal Swamp canal which connects Chesa- peake and Albemarle sounds. 507. Dismal Swamp canal. Eeports in relation to Dismal Swamp canal. U. S. 50th Cong., 2d Sess., 1889. Sen, Mis. Doc. No. 89. 70 pp. Map. Various reports and communications on history, condi tion and progress of the Dismal Swamp canal. 508. DOESEY, CLARENCE W. and others. Soil survey of the Statesville area. North Carolina. (In U. S. Dept Agric., Field Operations, Bureau of Soils, 3d Kept, 1901. Wash., 1902. pp. 273-295. Map.) Detailed descriptions of soils in the area, with notes on the geology, physiography and climate. Many analyses of soils. 509. DOUGLASS, E. A. Eeport of progress in improving navigation of Cape Fear and Deep rivers. (In Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Co., Rept 1855- 1856. N. C. Gen. Assem., Sess. 1856-1857. Doc. No. 13, pp. 17-20.) 510. DRAKE, J. A. and BELDEN, H. L. Soil survey of New Hanover county, North Carolina. (In U. S. Dept Agric., Field Operations, Bureau of Soils, 8th Rept, 1906. pp. 245-279. Map.) Detailed description of soils of area with analyses, and notes on topography and climate. 511. DUANE, J. C. [Eiver and harbor improvements in North Carolina.] (In Chief of Eng. Rept., 1886, pt 1. Wash., 1886. pp. 153-169.) 51 la. Un Chief of Eng. Rept, 1887, pt 1. Wash., 1887. pp. 121-134.) 512. DUFFIELD, WILLIAM] W[ARD]. [Operations in North Carolina in 1894.J (In U. S. Coast & Geod, Survey, Rept 1894, pt 1. Wash., 1895. p. 26.) Account of survey of Outer Diamond shoal off Cape 70 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 513. DUNCAN, W. C. North Carolina. DeBow's Review, v. 11 (1851): 30-40; 105-122. Compiled sketch on history, geography and general re- sources. Topographical description of state. Quotes Olmsted In regard to minerals and describes the coal and Iron deposits in detail. 514. DUNNINQTON, F[RANCIS] P[ERRY]. Analysis of a mineral from Webster, Jackson county, North Carolina. Chem. News, v. 25 (1872): 270. Description of specimen which resembles pimelite from Silesia. 515. Analysis of genthite (nickel-gummite) from North Carolina. Chem. News, v. 25 (1872): 270. Abstract by J[0hnj W[attS]i Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 25 (1872): 680-681. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1872, pp. 1120-1121. Description and analysis of genthite from Webster, Jack- son county. 516. Du PRE, WARREN. On a series of eathquakes in North Carolina, commencing on the 10th of February, 1874. Smith. Inst, Bd. of Regents, Ann. Rept., 1874, pp. 254-260. Abstract: Nature, v. 13 (1875) : 94. Account of earthquakes in vicinity of Stone Mountain. 517. BUTTON, GEORGE. Oracock bar, North Carolina. U. S. 21st Cong., 2d Sess., 1831. House Ex. Doc. No. 40. 5 pp. Report on progress of removing obstructions at Oracock bar, outlining methods of opening channel. 518. EAKINS, L. G. Analysis of iron ore from Troy, North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 78. Wash., 1891. p. 126.) 519. Meteoric iron from North Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 39 (1890): 395-396. Abstract by B. H. Enough]: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 58 (1890): 1081. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 78. Wash., 1891. pp. 93-94.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 148. Wash., 1897. p. 244.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 168. Wash., 1900. p. 241.) Abstract by E. Cohen: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1891, Bd. 1. Ref. p. 242. Description and analysis of meteoric iron found in 1880 near Ellenboro, Rutherford county. 520. Note on xanthitane. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 35 (1888): 418-419. Notice: Am. Nat, v. 22 (1888): 735. GEOIXXJY, MINERALOGY AND GBOGBAPHT. 71 (/* U. S. GeoL Survey, BnIL 6a Wash, 1890. p. 135.) Abstract by EL S. Dana: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Mia, v. 17 (1889): 401. Abstract: Soc. Hin. de France, BulL, v. 12 (1889) : 500. Description and analysis of xanthitane from Henderson 521. Xenotime from Forth Carolina. (/ U. S. GeoL Surrey, BnIL 113. Wash, 1893. p. 112.) Describes mineral from Brindletown, Burke county. 522. Zoisite from Forth Carolina. dm U. S. GeoL Survey, BnIL 113. Wash, 1893. p. 11L) Analysis of zoisite from James' mica mine, Yancey coonty. 523. EAMES, RICHARD, JB. Copper in Forth Carolina. Eng. & Min. Jour, v. 83 (1907): 583. Describes geological occurrence of copper reins and ores, witb notes on the Union. Gold Hill and Ashboro mines to Rowan county, the Ore Knob mine ta Ashe county and the Conrad Hill mine in Davidson county. 524. Copper t in Forth Carolina in 1907]. (In Mineral Industry, v. 16 (1908): 292-293. Notes on mining at Gold Hill. 525. Gold and copper mines of the south. Mineral Industry, v. 12 (1903): 463-464. Eng. & Min. Jour, v. 77 (1904): 37. Notes on mining operations at the Barringer and lola mines ta 1903^ 526. A Forth Carolina development Eng. & Mm. Jour, T. 79 (1905): 376. Account of mining, granite and water-power properties in Montgomery. Rowan and Study counties, purchased by the Whitney COL, including the Reimer mine and Rovran granite quarry in Rowan county, and the Barringer mine in Stanly county. 527. The earthquake scare in North Carolina. Pop. ScL Month, T. 13 (1878): 635. Notes on rumblings and so-called earthquakes of Bald EATOX, AMOS. The gold of Mexico in a rock equivalent to that which con- tains the gold of North Carolina. Am. Jour. So, Ser, I, v. 20 (1831): 124. Describes specimen of gold from Mexico, with Its gangue and wall rock which precisely unnnblrn those from North Ci 529. The gold of the Carolinas in talcose slate. Am. Jour. So, Ser. 1, v. 18 (1830): 50-52. Abstract: BnIL des ScL Nat et de GeoL, v. 26 (1831) : 259-260. Description of specimens of gold, gangue and wall rock from the gold mines near Charlotte. 530. EATON, H t ABBY] FjELSONj. Micropegmatite at Chapel HilL Efis. MrL ScL Soc, Jour, v. 24 (1908): 104-105. Microscopical description of micropegmatite near Chapel HDL 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 531. Micro-structure and probable origin of flint-like slate near Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Elis. Mit. Sci. Soc., Jour., v. 24 (1908): 1-8. 532. ECKEL, EDWIN CLARENCE]. Iron-ores [in North Carolina in 1906]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Min. Res., 1906. Wash., 1907. p. 88.) Mentions deposits of magnetic ore at the Cranberry mine in Mitchell county. 533. Portland cement resources t of North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 243. Wash., 1905. pp. 267- 268.) Describes limestone deposits in Cherokee county ; marls on the Neuse river, near Wilmington In New Hanover county, and those limestones suitable for cement manufacture. 534. EDSON, HELEN E. Frost forms on Eoan mountain. Pop. Sci. Month., v. 45 (1894): 30-39. Notes on temperatures and climate on Roan mountain. 535. EDWARDS, EICHARD. [The State of North Carolina.] (In his Statistical gazetteer of the States of Virginia and North Carolina . . . Richmond, for the proprietor, 1856. 22 cm. pp. 469-597.) Contains notes on physiography, soil, climate and mineral resources. 536. EGLESTON, THOMAS. [Copper refining at Ore Knob, North Carolina.] Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., v. 9 (1880): 699-700; 729-730. Contains analyses of refining slags resulting from treat- ment of sulphurous ores at Ore Knob, and analyses of , the copper ore. 537. The Hunt and Douglas copper process. Engineering, v. 22 (1876): 419-420; 437-438. Description of the Hunt and Douglas process for the re- duction of copper in use at the Ore Knob mine, Ashe county. 538. Investigations on the Ore Knob copper process. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Trans., v. 10 (1881): 25-57. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 32 (1881): 254-255; 268-269. Published separately. 33 pp. Describes mining operations at the Ore Knob mine in Ashe county, the Hunt and Douglass process in use and gives analyses of the ores. 539. The Thies process of barrel chlorination. Sch. of Mines Quart., v. 11 (1890): 138-147. Descri-bes this process as operated successfully at the Phoenix mine. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 73 540. EIGHTS, JAMES. The College and Hepler copper mines. Min. Mag., Ser. 1, v. 2 (1854): 198-199. Descriptive notes on these mines located 20 miles south- west of Greensboro. 541. N"orth Carolina, its geology, mining regions, scenery. Min. & Stat Mag., v. 10 (1858): 183-188; 268-273; 369- 373; 423-427. General popular description of the state from observa- tions taken in an imaginary geological Journey from the coast westward. 542. Report in relation to the Fisher Hill and Pucket mines in Guilford county, Xorth Carolina. Fisher Hill, N. C., 1854. 7 pp. 22 cm. Describes geology, veins and ores of this property. 543. A report on the geological, mineralogical and other resources of the Hiatt tract of land, containing 2000 acres and situ- ated in the county of Surry, Xorth Carolina. Greensbor- ough, 1855. 8 pp. 21 cm. Describes topography, geological structure and mineralog- ical character of this property. 544. ELLERY.. J. G. The property of the Catawba mining company in McDowell county, North Carolina. Min. Mag., Ser. I, v. 3 (1854): 15-25. Describes topographical features of district, geological formation, veins, ores and workings of this mine. 545. ELLET, WILLIAM H. Gold mining by the hydraulic process in Xorth Carolina and Georgia. Min. & Stat Mag., v. 10 (1858): 27-30. Concise account of hydraulic mining as In operation in Burke and McDowell counties. 546. ELLIOTT, JOHN B. The age of the southern Appalachians. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. m, v. 25 (1883): 282-298. Abstract by Kayser: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1883, Bd. 2. Ref. pp. 350-351.) Discusses formations of the Blue Ridge and Smoky moun- tains. 547. The Emerald and Hiddenite Mining Company. Prospectus. . New York, E. H. Coffin, 1882. 16 pp. 20 cm. Description of discovery of this mine located near Stonj Point, Alexander county, and its subsequent development 548. EMMEXS, STEPHEN H. The nickel deposits of Xorth Carolina. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 53 (1892): 476-477. Describes nickel deposits at Webster, Jackson county. 6 74 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 549. EMMONS, EBENEZER. Agriculture. Containing descriptions, with many analyses of the soils of the swamp lands. Ealeigh, W. W. Holden, 1860. 95 pp. 23 cm. Appendix: Brief descriptions of the mineral springs and well waters which occur in and about Raleigh. Discusses character and composition of the soils of the swamp lands, their mode of formation, geological age. with geographical position and extent. 550. Agriculture of North Carolina, pt. 2 : containing a statement of the principles of the science upon which the practices of agriculture as an art are founded. Kaleigh, W. W. Holden, 1860. 112 pp. 23 cm. Treats the principles of agriculture in an elementary way, describes varieties of soils, composition of the rocks which furnish the soils, and states results of experiments in the use of different fertilizers. 551. American geology, containing a statement of the principles of the science, with full illustrations of the characteristic American fossils. Albany, N. Y., Sprague & Co., 1855. 2 pis. in 1 vol. Plates. 24$ cm. Pt. 6. Albany, N. Y., Sprague & Co., 1857. 147 pp. Plates. 24$ cm. Describes North Carolina " Taconic " rock structure, aurif- erous veins and ores, and economic mineral deposits. Many references to North Carolina geology throughout the book. Pt. 6 gives account of Chatham series, and figures and describes numerous triassic fossils. 552. Appendix to the special report made to ... G-ov. Bragg relative to the resources of the valley of Deep river and its advantages as a site for a national foundry. MSS., Raleigh, March 27, 1858. 5 pp. 32 cm. Contains descriptions of several varieties of iron ore r.ewly discovered near Buckhorn Falls, and descriptions and chemical analyses of ores from the Deep River valley. 553. The chemical constitution of certain of the Chatham series in the valley of Deep river, North Carolina. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., 12th meet. (1858): 230-232. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1859, p. 511. 554. [Coal in North Carolina.] Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Proc., iv. 16] (1859): 162. .Discusses the debituminization of coal. 555. Fossils of the sandstones and slates of North Carolina. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Proc., llth meet., pt. 2 (1857): 76-80. Discusses fossil-bearing horizons which lie obliquely acros% the state from Granville county to Union county. 556. Geological and agricultural survey. N. C. Gen. Assem., Sess., 1860-1861. Ex. Doc. No. 26. Raleigh, 1861. 6 pp. 21 cm. Report of re-examination of the mountain counties and enumeration of general mineral and agricultural re- GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 75 557. Geological report of the midland counties of North Carolina. New York, Putnam; Raleigh, H. D. Turner, 1856. 351 pp. 21 cm. Illus. Plates. Maps. 24 cm. Review by Chester] D t ewey]: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 24 (1857): 427-429. Abstract of review: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1858, pp. 358-359. Deals with geology of the midland counties and describes In detail the rock formations, metallic veins, ores, mines and mining methods. The Gold Hill, Conrad Hill and McCullock mines are described and a detailed account given of the Deep and Dan River coal beds, the organic remains found there, and the iron and manganese de- posits. 558. Gold veins in the syenetic granite of the Salisbury and Greensborough belt, North Carolina. Min, Mag., Ser. n, v. 2 (1861): 25-36. Extract from the " Midland counties," discussing the Mc- Cullock, Fisher Hill, Lindsay. Gardner, Rudisil, Dunn. Phoenix, Orchard, Earnhardt, Gold Hill, Pioneer, Long and Rhymer mines. Describes the rock formations, veins, ores and their treatment, mining operations and produc- tion. 559. Manual of geology. Designed for the use of colleges and academies. Phila., Sower, Barnes & Co., 1860. 290 pp. 20 cm. Ed. 2. New York, A. S. Barnes & Burr, 1860. 296 pp. 22 cm. Contains many references to North Carolina geology and paleontology. Describes Chatham beds and triassic series in Wake and Orange counties. 560. National foundry. Deep Eiver, N. C. Special report con- cerning the advantages of the valley of the Deep river as a site for the establishment of a national foundry. Raleigh, Holden & Wilson, 1857. 14 pp. 23 cm. Min. Mag., Ser. I, v. 10 (1858): 281-288. Enumerates advantages which the Deep River valley affords as a site for a national foundry, describes coal and iron ores and gives chemical analyses. 561. A national foundry in North Carolina. DeBoVs Review, v. 24 (1858): 403-409. Letter to Governor Bragg setting forth advantages of the Deep River valley as a site for a national foundry, de- scribing the soil and climate, the coal and iron ores and stone quarries. 562. North Carolina iron. Min. Mag., Ser. I, v. 1 (1853): 198-199. Discusses iron deposits at Deep River. 563. [On age of trias in Virginia and North Carolina.] St Louis Acad. Sci., Trans., v. 1 (1860): 101-102. Letter from Prof. Emmons on examination of his collec- tion of fossil plants from North Carolina by Prof. Heer of Zurich, discussing their geological age. 564. On new fossil corals from North Carolina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 22 (1856): 389-390. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1857, pp. 123-124. Description of supposed fossil specimens from Montgomery county, named Palceotrochia major and Palaotrochis minor. 76 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 565. Permian and triassic systems of North Carolina. Edin. Phil. Jour., n. s., v. 5 (1857): 370. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1857, p. 343. Describes remains of thecodont saurians found In what author regards as permian, and fossil plants found in the coal measures. 566. Remarks on the head of Clepsysaurus. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Proc., cv. 59] (1859): 150-151. Notice of specimens of Palceotrochifi and description of a fossil head (Clepsysaurus) found in Chatham county. 567. Eeport of Prof. Emmons on his geological survey of North Carolina. N. C. Gen. Assem., Sess. 1852. Ex. Doc. No. 13. 181 pp. 23 cm. Deals with two principal subjects : soils and agriculture of the lower counties, and the coal-fields of Rockingham, Stokes, Chatham and Moore counties. Describes in de- tail the tertiary marl beds situated largely upon the Neuse, Tar, Roanoke and Cape Fear rivers, and gives many analyses of these marls and account of the fossils found therein. Describes the coal fields of the Deep and Dan rivers in detail. 568. Keport of the North Carolina geological survey. Agricul- ture of the eastern counties, together with descriptions of the fossils of the marl beds. Raleigh, Henry D. Turner, 1858. 314 pp. 23 cm. Deals with character and classification of the soils of the eastern counties, with notes on thp topography of the district, composition and character of the soils and clays. Describes the greensand with its characteristic fossils, and fossils found in the marl beds on the Cape Fear and Neuse rivers. 569. Report of the progress and present state of the geological and agricultural survey of North Carolina. N. C. Gen. Assem., 1855. Ex. Doc. Raleigh, W. W. Holden, 1855. 20 pp. 21 cm. Account of geological investigations in Stanly, Anson, Richmond, Montgomery, Chatham, Moore, Bladen, Johns- ton, Wake, Granville, Person, Caswell, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, Ashe, Yadkin, Wilkes, Davie and Davidson counties, with especial reference to the mining and agricultural re- sources. 570. Report on the natural resources of that part of North Caro- lina west of the Blue Ridge. (In N. C. Gen. Assem., Sess. 1860-1861. Ex. Doc. No. 25. Appendix Z>. Raleigh, 1861. pp. 7-9.) Notes on physiography of western North Carolina, and the mineral and agricultural resources of Haywood, Macon and Cherokee counties. 571. [Report on the Rhea mining property, Mecklenburg county, North Carolina.] Min. Mag., Ser. I, v. 2 (1854): 307-309. Description of veins and ores found on this property. 572. ENDEMANN, HERMANN and LOEW, OSCAR. On the earth contained in the zircons of North Carolina. N. Y. Lye. Nat. Hist., Annals, v. 9 (1869): 211-213. Analyses of zircon from Henderson county. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 77 573. ENGLISH, G[EORGE] L[BTOHWOKEHj. Monazite and the wonderful Carolina sands. Mineral Collector, v. 10 (1904): 169-170. Abstract of a lecture delivered at the Brooklyn Institute. Describes the monazite mines of North Carolina, occur- rence and geological distribution of monazite. 574. EEVIN, W. C. Catawba valley and highlands, Burke county, western North Carolina. Morganton, N. C., 1896. 40 pp. 23 cm. Map. General description of the county, including the mines and mineral deposits. 575. Extended use of some of the rarer minerals. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 46 (1888): 1-2. Notes on Monazite sand occurring In Burke, Polk, Mc- Dowell. Rutherford and Alexander counties, and on zircon from Henderson county. 576. FARIS, EGBERT] L. Results of magnetic observations [in North Carolina] be- tween July 1, 1906, and June 30, 1907, and descriptions of stations. (In U. S. Coast & Geod. Survey, RepL 1907. Wash., 1908. Appendix 5, pp. 170; 200-202.) 577. FARRINOTON, OLIVER CCMMLTSTGS. Analyses of iron meteorites compiled and classified. Field Columbian Museum, Pub. No. 20. Geol. Ser., v. 3, No. 5 (1905): 59-110. Includes following North Carolina meteorites : Lick Creek. Black Mountain, Duel Hill, Asheville. Guilford county, Bridgewater, Smith's Mountain, Deep Springs. 578. FEATHERSTONEHAUGH, THOMAS. A private mint in North Carolina. Southern Hist Assoc., Pub., v. 10 (1906) : 67-77. [Wash.}, n. d. 11 pp. 22 cm. Popular account of a private mint established at Ruther- fordton by Christopher Bechlor in 1831. 579. FlEBEGER, G^STAYE] JOSEPH]. Improvement of Currituck sound, Coanjok bay and North river bar, North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1890, pt. 1. Appendix J 6, pp. 1027-1029.) 580. Improvement of North Landing river. Virginia and North Carolina. (In Chief of Eng Kept, 1890, pt. 1. Appendix J 5, p. 1027.) (In Chief of Eng. Kept, 1891, pt 2. Appendix K 8, pp. 1304-1305.) 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 581. Preliminary examination of Northwest river, North Caro- lina, up to Moyock. (In Chief of Eng. Kept., 1891, pt 2. Appendix K 14, pp. 1321-1324.) Describes river and general character of country along the river. Map. 582. FINLEY, JOHN P. State tornado charts, North Carolina. Am. Meteor. Jour., v. 6 (1889): 322-325. Gives table of tornadoes from 1826-1888. FISHER, HENRY. [Barite in North Carolina.] See Struthers and Fisher, No. 1751. Copper in North Carolina. See Struthers, Newland and Fisher, No. 1752. 583. Mica in North Carolina. Mineral Industry, v. 11 (1902): 467. Describes mica deposits in Mitchell, Yancey, Jackson, Haywood and Macon counties. 584. FLEURY, A. L. Report of an examination of the High Shoals property. Pittsburg, Pa., 1866. 15 pp. 23 cm. Describes geological formation, veins and ores found on this property in Gaston county, with notes on the Asbury, Dickson and Briggs mines. 585. FLIGHT, WALTER. [Meteorites from North Carolina.] (In his Chapter in the history of meteorites. London, Du- lac & Co., 1887. 24 cm. pp. 54; 68; 72; 127; 211.) Description of the Rockingham county, Madison county and Nash county meteorites. Chemical analyses of those from Madison and Nash counties. 586. FONTAINE, WILLIAM : MORRIS]. Notes on fossil plants collected by Dr. Ebenezer Emmons from the older mesozoic rocks of North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, 20th Ann. Kept., pt 2. Wash., 1900. pp. 279-315.) Contains detailed descriptions of fossils found by Dr. Emmons and preserved at Williams College in Massachu- setts. These are described by Dr. Emmons in his " Ameri- can Geology." 587. The older mesozoic flora of [North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Monographs, v. 6, pt. 3. Wash., 1883. pp. 97-128.) Review: Annals Nat. Hist, Ser. V, v. 16 (1885): 517. Review: Pop. Sci. Month., v. 28 (1885): 129. Review by Lester F. Ward: Science, v. 5 (1885): 280-281. GEOLOGY, MIXERAI.OGY AXD GEOGRAPHY. 79 Review by Geyler: Neues Jahr. f. Min-. 1S87, Bd. 2. Ret pp. 513-514. Author gives an account of the mesozoic plants taken from Emmons' " American Geology," and compares Em- mons* descriptions and conclusions regarding these fossils with his own. Gives list of plants found mostly In the Deep River belt In Orange, Anson and Chatham counties. 588. The Potomac formation t near Weldon, North Carolina]. (I* U. S. GeoL Stirvey, BnIL 145. Waslu, 1896. pp. 16; 24-25.) 589. Eeport of work done during 1888-1889. (In U. S. GeoL Survey, 10th Ann. Rept, pL 1. Waslu, 1890. p. 174.) Discusses so-called "Trias." of North Carolina, between Greensboro and Raleigh, and reports on an investigation of localities nynqd by Prof. Emmons as affording some of his fossil 590. FOOTE, A. E. On a probable pseudomorphism of gummite and uranotil after uraninite. Acad. Wat ScL Phila^ Proa, cr. 32] (1880): 292. Describes 20 crystals plainly pseudomorphs after some pre-existing crystal in a collection from Mitchell county. 591. FORBES, EDWARD. New species of cretaceous shells. GeoL Soc, London, Quart. Jour., v. 1 (1845): 61-63. Ottrea fubfpatulala is described and figured from South Washington, on Lewis' creek, Xorth Carolina. 592. Forest reserve in the southern Appalachian mountain region. U. S. 56th Cong., 2d Sess., 1901. Sen. Rept Wo. 2221. 14 pp. Map. Report on bill presenting petition for a forest reserve in the southern Appalachians, which region includes part of the mountain district in Xorth Carolina. General descrip- tion of physiographic features of region. 593. FOSTER, J. W. [Fossil elephant in North Carolina.] Am Assoc. Adv. ScL, Proc, 10th meet, pt 2 (1856): 166. Refers to fossil bones found by Conrad in the upper tertiary deposits on the banks of the Xense river. 594. FOSTER, JAMES T. A brief sketch of the early discoveries of gold mines and mining in North Carolina down to the present time, Greens- boro, 1883. 13 pp. (Not seen.) 595. FOSTER, JtOHXj B[ATES]. Brief history of the surveys and charts made of the Cape Fear river between its mouth and Wilmington; the reports rendered and plans of improvement proposed at various times; the works executed; under whose plans, and the result- ing effects upon the navigation of the river. (In Chief of Eng. Rept, 1873. Appendix T 21, pp. 804- 815.) 80 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. (In U. S. 42d Cong., 3d Sess. House Ex. Doc. No. 108. pp. 4-20.) 596. FOULLON, H. VON. Ueber Verwitterungsproducte des Uranpecherzes und iiber die Tremmng von Uran und Kalk. K. K geol. Reichsanst, Jahr., v. 33 (1883): 1-29. Abstract by Streng: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1885, Bd. 2. Ref. pp. 21-22. Detailed description of alteration of uraninite from Mitchell county, North Carolina, and analysis of the resulting products. 597. FOUST, J. I. and ALLEN, NETTIE M. North Carolina. (Supplementary volume to Tarr & Mc- Murry geographies.) New York, MacMillan, 1906. 76 pp. Map. General geographical description of the state with account of mineral products and mining. 598. Fox, S. MOYLAN. Report on survey of western turnpike. N. C. Gen. Assem., Sess. 1850-1851. Ex. Doc. No. 5. 16 pp. 21 cm. Survey from .French Broad river west to head of Scott's creek and east to Salisbury. 599. FRAZER, PERSIFOR, JR. The mesozoic sandstone of the Atlantic slope. Am. Nat, v. 13 (1879): 284-292. A resume" of the views of Heinrich, Fontaine and Russell on the mesozoic formation of Virginia and North Caro- lina, and a review of papers by these authors on the subject. 600. On a specimen of quartz from Australia, and three specimens of oligoclase from North Carolina exhibiting curious optical properties. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Kept 1888. pp. 655-656. 601. FULLER, MYRON LESLIE]. The occurrence and uses of mica. Stone, v. 19 (1899): 530-532. Popular account of the mica deposits of western North Carolina, mode of occurrence and economic value. 602. and SANFORD, SAMUEL. Record of deep well drilling for 1905-1906 t in North Caro- lina] . (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 298. Wash., 1906. pp. 124- 125; 245-246.) Describes wells at Kinston, Lenoir county, and at Fort Caswell, New Hanover county. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 81 603. FULLER, MYRON Underground waters t of North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Water-supply & Irrig. Paper No. 114. Wash., 1905. pp. 136-139.) Describes development of the Potomac formation as the most important water-bearing formation in Harnett, Moore and Richmond counties. Gives list of deep wells in this region, and of mineral springs In the Piedmont plateau. 604. FULTON, HAMILTON. Eeport on a proposed line of canal from Plymouth to the Pungo river. . . (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement Ex- tracts from "Reports on public improvements in North Carolina." Raleigh, 1837. 21 cm. pp. 14-15.) 605. - Eeport on the drainage of the Brown and White marshes in Bladen and Columbus counties. (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement, Ann. Rept. for 1822. Raleigh, 1822. 23 cm. pp. 16-19.) -- (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement Ex- tracts from " Reports on public improvements " in the State of North Carolina. Raleigh, 1837. 21 cm. pp. 12-14; 16.) 606. - Reports of Mr. Fulton to the Board of Internal Improve- ment of North Carolina. (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement, Ann. Rept, to the Gen. Assem. for 1821. Raleigh, J. Gales, 1821. pp. 1-55.) Reports on practicability of opening communication from Albemarle sound to the Atlantic Ocean, and on conditions of rivers In the state. 607. - - Reports of Mr. Fulton to the Board of Internal Improve- ment of North Carolina, for 1822. (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement, Ann. Rept. to the Gen. Assem. for 1822. Raleigh, J. Gales & Son, 1822. 23 cm. pp. 1-72.) Contains reports of works of improvement carried on dur- ing the year on the Xeuse river, Roanoke canal. Clubfoot and Haflow's Creek canal ; on drainage of the Brown and White marshes in Bladen and Columbus counties : on the Cape Fear, Roanoke, Dan. Broad and Tar rivers, and on various roads in the state. 608. - Reports of sundry surveys made by Hamilton Fulton, State engineer, agreeably to certain instructions from Judge Murphey, and submitted to the General Assembly in 181 9. (In Murphey, A. D. Report of sundry surveys in 1819. Raleigh, T. Henderson, 1819. 22 cm. pp. 42-70.) Reports of examinations of the Roanoke. Tar. Neuse, Cape Fear and Yadkin rivers, and on progress of Fayetteville canal. 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 609. Keports on sundry public works. (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement, Ann. Kept, to the Gen. Assem., Raleigh, J. Gales & Son, 1824. 23 cm. pp. 18-28.) Report of improvements made upon the Cape Fear river. 610. Reports to the Board of Internal Improvement of North Caro- lina. (In North Carolina, Board of Internal Improvement, Ann. Rept. to the Gen. Assem., 1820. Raleigh, J. Gales, 1820. 21 cm. pp. 1-56.) Contains reports on conditions for navigable purposes of the Clubfoot and Harlow's Creek canal ; on the necessity of buoys on the coast and inlets ; on the Fayetteville and Roanoke canals ; on the Cape Fear river and inlets ; on the practicability of opening a communication from Albe- marle sound to the Atlantic; on obstructions at Ocracoke inlet ; on the Tar, Broad, Yadkin and Catawba rivers. 811. FURMAN, JOHN H. The tin deposits of North Carolina. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Trans., v. 8 (1889): 136-145. Describes discovery of tin at King's Mountain, the forma- tions, veins, lodes and mining operations. 612. GABB, WILLIAM M. Notes on American cretaceous fossils with descriptions of some new species. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Proc., tv. 28j (1876): 276-324. Names and describes a few species from the Ripley group of the North Carolina cretaceous. Two specimens are from Snow Hill. 613. GALE, HOYT S. Water resources of Cowee and Pisgah quadrangles, North Carolina. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Water-supply & Irrig. Papers No. 110. Wash., 1905. pp. 174-176.) Describes rivers, drainage systems, mineral springs and rock formations in parts of Macon, Jackson, Swain, Hay- wood, Transylvania, Buncombe and Henderson counties. 614. GALLATIN, ALBERT. Chesapeake and Albemarle. (In U. S. 17th Cong., 1st Sess., 1808. Repts. of Committees, v. 1, No. 8, pp. 18-20; 24-26.) Contains notes on progress of Dismal Swamp canal con- necting Deep creek in Virginia with Joyce's creek, a branch of Albemarle sound in North Carolina, and on progress of improvement of navigation on the Catawba river. 615. Chesapeake and Albemarle canal. (In Report on roads and canals. Am. State Papers, Misc., v. 1, U. S. 10th Cong., 1st Sess., 1808. Wash., 1834. pp. 727-728; 762-765.) Describes progress made in opening canal through the Dismal Swamp from Deep creek in Virginia to Joyce's creek in North Carolina. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 83 616. GANNETT, HENRY. Boundaries of [North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, BulL 13. Wash., 1885. pp. 92-96.) (In U. S. GeoL Survey, BulL 171. Wash., 1900. pp. 98-102.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 226. Wash., 1904. pp. 99-103.) Historical description of boundaries of the state, and account of its charters. 617. Corundum in [North Carolina in 1882]. (In U. S. GeoL Survey, Min. Res., 1882. Wash., 1883. pp. 476-477.) Notes on Cullakenee corundum mine : Corundum Hill locality, Macon county ; and occurrence of corundum in Jackson, Haywood and Madison counties. 618. Dictionary of altitudes in [North Carolina]. (In U. S. GeoL Survey, BulL 5. Wash., 1884. pp. 223-226.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, BulL 160. Wash., 1899. pp. 532- 543.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 274. Wash., 1906. pp. 758- 775.) 619. Dictionary of geographic positions in [North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, BulL 123. Wash., 1895. pp. 78-79.) 620. Physiographic types. U. S. Geol. Survey, Topog. Atlas, Folio 2. Wash., 1900. Includes " A coast swamp," Norfolk sheet, Virginia and North Carolina. 621. Profiles of rivers [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. GeoL Survey, Water-supply & Irrig. Paper No. 44. Wash., 1901. pp 23-26; 51-54.) Notes on drainage basins and profiles of the following rivers : Roanoke r Dan, Cape Fear, Great Pedee. Hiwassee, Little Tennessee, Big Pigeon, Nantahala, Tuckasegee, French Broad, and Nolichucky, with their tributaries. 622. Eesults of primary triangulation in [North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 122. Wash., 1894. pp. 95-97; 100-111.) Describes and gives location of all U. S. Goast and Geod. Survey, and all U. S. Geol. Survey triangulation stations in western North Carolina. 623. GANNETT, SAMUEL] SrTixsoX]. Eesults of primary triangulation and primary traverse [in North Carolina]. (In U. S. Geol. Survey, BulL 276. Wash., 1905. pp. 86- 107.) (In U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 310. Wash., 1907. pp. 63-67.) Lists of seographic positions in Sampson, Cleveland, Gas- ton. Cabarrus. Iredell. Lincoln. Rowan, Mecklenburg, Union, Chowan. Gates. Hertford, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Bertie, Johnston and Wayne counties. 624. Garnet mining in North Carolina. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 84 (1907): 275. Notes on garnet mining in Madison county. 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 625. GATCHELL, EDWIN A. The standard guide to Asheville and western North Caro- lina. Asheville, F. L. Jacobs, 1887. 65 pp. 24 cm. Illus. 626. GATCHELL, HORATIO P. Western North Carolina: its agricultural resources, mineral wealth, climate, salubrity and scenery. Asheville, N. C., E. J. Aston, 1870. 24 pp. 21 cm. New York, A. L. Chatterton Pub. Co., 1885. 32 pp. 16 cm. 627. GEMMEL, WILLIAM. Iron and coal resources of North Carolina. DeBow's Review, v. 27 (1859): 351. Extract from a letter describing Iron and coal deposits in Deep River valley, Chatham county. 628. GENTH, F [ REDERICK ] A[UGUSTusj. [Allanite from North Carolina.-, (In Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Phil. Soc., Proc., v. 24 (1887): 42-43.) Abstract by S. L. Penfleld: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1888, Bd. 1, Min., p. 188. Abstract by B. H. Enough]: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 54 (1888): 564. Abstract by E. S. Dana: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 14 (1888) : 295. Describes allanite from near Statesvllle. Analysis by Harry F. Keller. 629. Analysis of the emerald-green spodumene from North Caro- lina. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 23 (1882): 68. Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 33 (1882): 81. Jahresber. d. Chem., 1882, p. 1558. Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1882, Bd. 2. Ref. p. 346. Abstract by E. S. Dana: Zts. f. Kryst u. Min., v. 6 (1882) : 522 Analysis of hiddenite from Alexander county. 630. Bismuth ite from a new locality. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 23 (1857): 427. Notes discovery of bismuthlte at Charlotte by Dr. Asbury, (?) 631. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 16 (1853): 81-86. Jour. f. prakt. Chem., v. 60 (1853): 272-274. Abstract by W. B.: Zts. f. d. Gesam. Naturwiss., v. 3 (1854): 66-67. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1853, p. 777. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1855, p. 198. Descriptions and analyses of tetradymite from Davidson county, and of gray copper from McMackin's mine, Caliar rus county. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY AND GEOGRAPHY. 85 632. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 19 (1855): 15-23. Jour. f. prakt. Chem., v. 64 (1855): 466-474. Abstract by W. B.: Zts. f. d. Gesam. Naturwiss., v. 5 (1855): 395-398. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Mln., 1856, pp. 36-37; 350-351; 445; 565; 1857, pp. 432-433; 434-435; 439. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1855, pp. 909-910. Abstract: Pharm. Centr., 1855, p. 389. Describes and gives analyses of tetradymite from David- son county, barnhardite and gray copper from Cabarrus county. Describes tungstatos from Cabarrus and David- son counties, and wavellite from the Washington mine, Davidson county. 633. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. LT, v. 28 (1859): 246-255. Abstract: Min. Mag., Ser. II, v. 1 (1859): 147-150; 159-160. Abstract: Phil. Mag., Ser. IV, v. 18 (1859): 318-320. Abstract: Jour. f. prakt. Chem., v. 80 (1860) : 421-426. Abstract: Uebersicht der Resultate mineralogischer Forschun- gen im Jab re 1860. Leipzig, 1862. p. 65. Describes following minerals from North Carolina : barn- hardite; albite from the Steele mine. Montgomery county, (analysis by J. P. POoplein) ; ripidolite : scheelite from Cabarrus and Mecklenburg counties, with analyses ; rhom- bic tungstate of lime from the Flowe mine, Mecklenburg county. Contains notes on the occurrence of gold in Cabarrus and Rowan counties. 634. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. H, v. 33 (1862): 190-206. Abstract: Jour. f. prakt. Chem., v. 88 (1863): 257-265. Abstract: Soc. Chim., Bull., 1863, pp. 324-328. Abstract. Jahresber. d. Chem., 1862, pp. 745; 750; 762; 780. Abstract: Uebersicht der Resultate mineralogischer Forschun- gen im Jahre 1860. Leipzig, 1862. pp. 202; 217. Describes following minerals: proustite (?i adhering to tetrahedrite ( ?> from the McMackin mine. Cabarrus county : leopardite from Montgomery county, with analy- sis ; two varieties of chrysolite from Webster, Jackson county, with analyses ; monazite from Mecklenburg county. 635. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. II, v. 45 (1868): 305-321. Abstract by Em. Kopp: Soc. Chim., Bull., v. 10 (1868): 383- 387. Abstract: Jour. f. prakt. Chem., v. 105 (1868): 252. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1868, p. 1000. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1868, p. 844. Mentions discovery of tetradymite in Davidson county, and two new localities of this mineral, the Phoenix and Boger mines in Cabarrus county, with analysis of variety from the Phoenix mine. 636. Contributions to mineralogy. Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 39 (1890): 47-50. Mentions specimens of blue corundum in grayish brown rha?tizite found at Statesvllle. 86 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 637. Contributions to mineralogy. No. 20. Am. Phil. Soc., Proc., v. 20 (1882): 381-404. Abstract: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 24 (1882): 398-399. Abstract: Am. Nat, v. 16 (1882) : 1032-1033. Abstract by Streng: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1883, Bd. 2. Ref. pp. 316; 324. Abstract by B. H. Enough]: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 46 (1884): 267-268; 274. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1883, pt. 2, pp. 1835-1837; 1873; 1894. - Abstract: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 9 (1884) : 87. Describes occurrence and products of alteration of co- rundum in western North Carolina, and gives many chemical analyses. Describes and gives analysis of gah- nlte from the Deake mica mine, Mitchell county. 638. Corundum, its alterations and associated minerals. Am. Phil. Soc., Proc., v. 13 (1873): 361-406. Jour. f. prakt. Chem., n. f., v. 9 (1874): 49-112. Review: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 6 (1873): 461-462. Review by F. W. R.: Geol. Mag., Dec. 11, v. 1 (1874) : 174-175. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1873, p. 956; 1874, pp. 84-85; 86-88; 536-537. Abstract: Zts. f. d. Gesam. Naturwiss., v. 43 (1874): 257-258. Abstract: Quart. Jour. Science, v. 11 (1874) : 265. Abstract by Hienryj "WYattSi: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 27 (1874): 549-551; 1068-1069. Abstract: K. K. Geol. Reichsanst, Verh., 1873, pp. 318-319. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1873, pp. 1151-1160. Contains detailed description of occurrence of corundum in the western counties of North Carolina. Describes the Culsagee mine in Macon county, and the Cullakanee mine in Clay county, and gives account of the alteration of corundum, its associated minerals and many chemical analyses. 639. Examination of the North Carolina uranium minerals. Am. Chem. Jour., v. 1 (1879): 87-93. Chem. News, v. 40 (1879): 210-212. Review by E. S. Dana: Am. Jour. Sci., Ser. Ill, v. 18 (1879): 153-154. Notice: Frank. Inst., Jour., v. 79 (1880) : 116-120. Abstract: Am. Chem. Soc., Jour., v. 1 (1879): 281-282. Abstract: Eng. & Min. Jour., v. 28 (1879): 128. Abstract by L. T. O'S[heaj: Chem. Soc. (London) Jour., v. 38 (1880): 96-97. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1880, p. 1433. Abstract: Neues Jahr. f. Min., 1880, Bd. 1. Ref. pp. 35-37. Abstract: Zts. f. Kryst. u. Min., v. 4 (1880) : 385-386. Examination and analyses of following minerals from the Plat Rock mine, Mitchell county : uranotil, gummite. phosphuranylite, a new species. 640. Ilmenite from Carter's mine, North Carolina. Am. Phil. Soc., Proc., v. 23 (1886): 42-43; 46. Abstract: Jahresber. d. Chem., 1885, pt. 2, pp. 2270; 2297. GEOLOGY, MDTERALOGY AXD GBOGRAPHY. 87 Abstract: Neues Jahr. L Min., 1887, B