BELITTLE COLONEL'S CHRISTMAS -VACATION! IP L ANNIE -FELLOWS u JOHNSTON THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF MABEL R. GILLIS THE LITTLE COLONEL'S CHRISTMAS VACATION Works of ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON The Little Colonel Series (Trade Mark, Reg. U. S. Pat. Of.) Each one vol., large 12mo, cloth, illustrated The Little Colonel Stories $1.50 (Containing in one volume the three stories, The Little Colonel," " The Giant Scissors," and " Two Little Knights of Kentucky.") The Little Colonel's House Party .... 1.50 The Little Colonel's Holidays 1.50 The Little Colonel's Hero 1.50 The Little Colonel at Boarding-School . . . 1.50 The Little Colonel in Arizona 1.50 The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation . . . 1.50 The Little Colonel: Maid of Honor .... 1.50 The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding . . 1.50 The above 9 v->ls., boxed 13.50 In Preparation A New Little Colonel Book . . 1.50 The Little Colonel Good Times Book . . . 1.50 Illustrated Holiday Editions Each one vol., small quarto, cloth, illustrated, and printed in colour The Little Colonel $1.25 The Giant Scissors ....... 1.25 Two Little Knights of Kentucky .... 1.25 Big Brother 1.25 Cosy Corner Series Each one vol., thin 12mo, cloth, illustrated The Little Colonel . . $.50 The Giant Scissors . . .-,... . . .50 Two Little Knights of Kentucky . . . . .50 Big Brother .50 Ole Mammy's Torment v .50 The Story of Dago .50 Cicely 50 Aunt 'Liza's Hero . .50 The Quilt that Jack Built , .50 Flip's " Islands of Providence " .50 Mildred's Inheritance ........ .50 Other Books Joel: A Boy of Galilee $1.50 In the Desert of Waiting . 50 The Three Weavers . 50 Keeping Tryst .50 The Legend of the Bleeding Heart . . . .50 Asa Holmes ' . ' . 1.00 Songs Ysame (Poems, with Albion Fellows Bacon) . 1.00 L. C PAGE & COMPANY 200 Summer Street Boston, Mass. "'GEE WHIZ!' EXCLAIMED BOB, IN A TEASING TONE. ' SAV THAT AGAIN, WON'T YOU PLEASE?'" (Seepage 163) the Little Colonel's bri$tma$ Uacation By ANNIE FELLOWS JOHNSTON Author of" The Little Colonel Series." " Bl Brother," " Ole Mammy's Torment," " Joel: A Boy of Galilee," "Asa Holmes," etc. Illustrated by ETHELDRED B. BARRY BOSTON * L. C. PAGE & COMPANY * PUBLISHERS i Copyright, igos BY L. C. PAGE & COMPANY (INCORPORATED) Att rights reserved Published October, 1905 Ninth Impression, June, 1908 CONTENTS CHAPTER PACB I. WARWICK HALL i II. "THE OLD GIRLS' WELCOME TO THE NEW" 22 III. AN EXCURSION 46 IV. "KEEP TRYST" 70 V. A MEMORY - BOOK AND A SOUVENIR SPOON . 95 VI. CHRISTMAS CAROLS 121 VII. HOMEWARD BOUND 138 VIII. A PICNIC IN THE SNOW 156 IX. A PROGRESSIVE CHRISTMAS PARTY . .176 X. THE DUNGEON OF DISAPPOINTMENT . . 198 XI. IN THE ATTIC 218 XII. HUMDRUM DAYS 235 XIII. IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF AMANTHIS . . . 254 XIV. " CINDERELLA " 273 XV. A HARD -EARNED PEARL . . . .292 XVI. SWEET SIXTEEN " 315 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS