LIBRARY UNIVWW* OF, CALIFORNIA I SAN 01 EGO MEMORIAL ADDRESSES IFE AND CHARACTER LlFE AND C OF HENRY H. STARKWEATHER (A REPRESENTATIVE FROM CONNECTICUT,) DELIVERED IN THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, FEBRUARY 24, 1876. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF CONGRESS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. ADDRESSES ON THE DEATH OF H. H. STARKWEATHER. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1876. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. I. L. Townsend, D. D. DEATH OF HON. HENRY H. STARKWEATHER. Mr. BARNUM. I rise to announce the death in this city this morning of my late colleague from the third congres- sional district of the State of Connecticut, Hon. HENRY H. STARKWEATHER, and to offer the resolutions which I send to the Clerk's desk. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That a committee of seven members be appointed by the Speaker of the House to take order for superintending tfie funeral of Hon. HENRY H. STARKWEATHER, late a member of this body from the State of Connecticut. Resolved, That as a mark of the respect entertained by the House for the memory of Hon. HENRY H. STARKWEATHER, his remains be removed to Norwich, Conn., in charge of the Sergeaut- at-Arms and attended by the said committee, who shall have full power to carry this resolution into effect. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these proceedings to the Senate. Resolved, That as an additional mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the House do now adjourn. The resolutions were unanimously adopted. The SPEAKEE, in pursuance of the first resolution, an- nounced the appointment of the following committee : Mr. BARNUM, Mr. GTARFIELD, Mr. WHEELER, Mr. PHELPS, Mr. HOAR, Mr. LANDERS, of Connecticut, and Mr. ASHE. And thereupon (at three o'clock and ten minutes p. m.) the House, in accordance with the concluding resolution just adopted, adjourned. FEBRUARY 24, 1876. The SPEAKER. The Chair desires now to say to the House that he was notified early this morning by the friends of the late Mr. STARKWEATHER, of Connecticut, that it was their desire at three o'clock to proceed in the House to pay the proper respect to the memory of Mr. STARKWEATHER. That hour is now passed, and twenty minutes more. What is it the pleasure of the House now to do? Mr. PHELPS. I wish the House now to listen to the resolutions of respect to Mr. STARKWEATHER'S memory which I send to the Clerk's desk. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That this House has heard with deep regret the an- nouncement of the death of HENRY H. STARKWEATHER, late a member of this House from the State of Connecticut. PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE. Resolved, That as a testimony of respect to the memory of the de- ceased, the officers and members of the House will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted by the Clerk to the family of the deceased. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn. Resolved, That the foregoing resolutions be forthwith transmitted to the Senate. Address by Mr. Phelps, of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, it has again become the sad duty of the Representatives of the State of Connecticut to announce the decease of one of their colleagues in the councils of the nation. The shafts of death have recently fallen with such rapidity upon the distinguished citizens of the Republic that even the eloquence of eulogy has become common- place in these Halls, and it is difficult without repetition to select language suitable for the expression of our feelings. But a few days since we were required to suspend the prosecution of our ordinary official duties and pay the cus- tomary tribute of respect to the memory of one who, at the time of his decease, was in the enjoyment of the high- est honor which a State of this Union can bestow on its most deserving citizen. Now, sir, it is not a Senator who has fallen but one of our own members, an honored mem- ber of this House, who possessed the respect of us all, and the friendship of many of the oldest and most prominent members of this body. Hon. HENRY H. STARKWEATHER died at his lodgings in this city on the morning of the 28th of January last. His recent invocation in behalf of another to "come quickly" ADDRESS BY MB. PHELPS ON THE was speedily answered to himself, and his spirit has been borne to the presence of Him who gave it. He was born, of highly respectable parents, in the town of Preston, Conn., on the 2