REESE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA v PRACTICE AND THEORY OF THE INJECTOR. BY STRICKLAND I,. KNEASS, C.E., MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, ENGINEERS' CLUB OF PHILADELPHIA. REVISED AND ENLARGED. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. 1898. COPYRIGHT, 898, BY STRICKLAND L. KNEASS. PREFACE. Although much has been written concerning the theory and the action of the Injector, there have been few books published since the appearance of Giffard's own pamphlet in 1860, which have been based directly upon experimental research. It has been the object in the following pages to present solutions of some of the more interesting problems, with illustrations drawn from practical tests ? and to describe in detail the function of the different parts. To the professional engineer and to the student, theoretical discussion of the Injector is a tempting field, because of the beauty of its underlying princi- ple and by reason of the numerous associated problems of fluid motion ; the analysis of this part of the sub- ject, based upon carefully conducted laboratory tests, has been fully treated, and complex formulae have been avoided in the mathematical discussion. 111 CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGK EARLY HISTORY i CHAPTER II. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLE . . . , . . 8 CHAPTER III. DEFINITION OF TERMS DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE INJECTOR 25 CHAPTER IV. THE DELIVERY TUBE 30 CHAPTER V. THE COMBINING TUBE 44 CHAPTER VI. THE STEAM NOZZLE 53 CHAPTER VII. THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR c . 67 CHAPTER VIII. APPLICATION OF THE INJECTOR AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PRACTICE 89 CHAPTER IX. DETERMINATION OF SIZE TESTS 125 CHAPTER X. REQUIREMENTS OF MODERN RAILROAD PRACTICE REPAIRS METHODS OF FEEDING L/OCOMOTIVE BOILER 149 INDEX 159 iv THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. CHAPTER I. EARLY HISTORY. To HENRI JACQUES GIFFARD, an eminent French mathe- matician and engineer, belongs the honor of having invented the simplest apparatus for feeding boilers that has ever been devised, utilizing in a novel and ingenious way the latent power of a discharging jet of steam. From the time of his graduation from LS Ecole Centrale in 1849, Giffard had directed his energies to the study of aeronautics and had spent much time in developing a light steam motor for propelling balloons; it is, therefore, not strange that he should also have attempted to devise a com- pact and convenient substitute for the steam pumps then in use. Already a number of patents had been granted him for the application of the steam engine to aerial navigation and for other correlated inventions when, on May 8, 1858, letters patent were issued for L' Injecteur Automoteur. His early technical education and wonderful ingenuity well fitted him for breaking away from the old beaten paths and start- ing out on a new line of discovery ; and in view of the originality of his work he fully deserved the unqualified praise accorded him by his contemporaries. Upon purely theoretical grounds the method by which he proposed to force a continuous stream of water into the boiler appeared to be entirely feasible and would, if practi- cable, possess many advantages over the intermittent sys- tems. The difficulty seemed to lie in fulfilling the peculiar i 2 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. conditions required for the condensation of the steam and the subsequent reduction of the velocity of the moving mass. GifTard carefully considered the various phases of the ques- tion and made a working drawing embodying his ideas. A model was made by M. Flaud & Cie., of Paris, who found, however, considerable difficulty in forming the tubes in the peculiar shapes required. But in the shape and proportions of the nozzles lay the element of success, and the first in- strument constructed entirely fulfilled the expectation of the designer. There have been few other inventions in which the under- lying principles have been so thoroughly worked out by the original inventor. Giffard seems to have made a very com- plete survey of the possibilities of the Injector prior to placing it before the public, and in his patent specification, describes a number of improvements that have since been made. In 1860 he published a small brochure entitled " A Theoretical and Practical Paper on the Self-acting Injector," in which he says : "Of all the necessary accessories of a Steam Engine, perhaps the most important is the one used for feeding water to the boiler ; upon its proper working depends not only the regular running of the engine, but the safety, the very exis- tence of those who approach the boiler ; . . . . nevertheless, by a kind of fatality, the apparatus employed up to the pre- sent time for feeding is, of all others, that which leaves most to be desired." After reviewing the disadvantages of the various methods in use, he continues, "It is important, therefore, to,create a new method, free from the imperfection and inconvenience pointed out," and modestly adds, " Such is, it appears to me, the result obtained by the apparatus to which I have given the name of Injector, because it produces a veritable continuous injection. Its mode of action, extra- ordinary in appearance, contrary to that which w r e are in the habit of seeing or supposing, is explained by the simplest laws of mechanics and has been foreseen and calculated in advance." He describes his invention in detail and ex- plains very fully the best proportions for its various parts, and also the mechanical theory, substantially as advanced EARL Y HISTOR V. 3 by him in 1850, eight years before the construction of his ex- perimental Injector. And yet, in common with all new inventions and radical improvements, great difficulty was at first experienced in ob- taining a fair trial of its merits, and in many cases the ex- aggerated claims of its friends interfered as much with its early adoption as the openly expressed criticism of its enemies. The great advantages of the new method were appreciated, however, by the Academic des Sciences of France, who awarded Giffard the Grand Mechanical Prize for 1859. This was all the more complimentary as it was entirely unsolicited. Prominent engineers presented before the principal scientific societies analytical demonstrations of the theoiy of the injector and allayed to a great extent the suspicion in the popular mind that the inventor was en- croaching dangerously near the claim for perpetual motion. Combes, Bougere, Reech, Villiers, Zuber and Pochet are among the most prominent scientists who made a special study of the subject, and the demonstration of Pochet is still frequently used in modern text books. It must not be supposed that Giffard was alone in his efforts to utilize the power of a discharging jet. For ex- hausting and pumping purposes we have record that a crude ejecting apparatus had been used as early as 1570 by Vitrio and Philebert de Lorme. But the first device that bears any similarity to the principle of the Injector was patented August 15, 1818, by Mannoury de Dectot, who describes "sundry motors or means for employing the power of fire, of steam, of air, etc., to start the movement of machines." He applied his invention for raising water and for propelling boats by utilizing the expansion and condensation of steam in connection with jets of water. Ravard followed in 1840 with improved forms, but the greatest advance was made by Bourdon, the celebrated in- ventor of the metallic steam gauge, who approached very near the results obtained by Giffard. Two patents were issued to Bourdon, one in 1848 and one in 1857, but it is to the latter that special reference will be made. This con- 4 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. tained numerous combinations of convergent and divergent tubes for transforming the energy of a moving jet, or for dis- charging large or small quantities of liquids or gases. The similarity of the form of the apparatus to that of Giffard was so marked that the question of priority at once arose and was exhaustively discussed by the " Societe des Inge- nieur Civils" It was shown that Giffard was wholly un- aware of the last improvement of Bourdon when he applied for his patent, and as he had publicly presented the theory of his invention nearly seven years in advance of Bourdon, full credit was given him for the conception of the Injector and originality in the application of the principle. The introduction of the injector into England by Sharp, Stewart & Co., of Manchester, is thus described by one thoroughly familiar with its history and to whom its early success in that country was in great measure due : "In the autumn of 1859 when our representative in Paris sent over to me a No. 4 Injector as a curiosity and engineer- ing anomaly, he told me simply what it did, but gave no instructions for fixing or working. At about the same time the Paris representative of Messrs. Robert Stephenson & Co., Newcastle, sent over to them a similar Injector. I set to work at once, and by good luck coupled up the correct pipes to their proper flanges, but was a great deal bothered what to do with the overflow flange. After a few nights' work I got my Injector fixed and got up steam, and to some extent began clumsily experimenting as the pressure rose to 60 pounds, the full working pressure of the boiler. I had the Injector fixed over a tank fed by a ball tap and closed by the boiler. I turned steam on and was staggered by the rush of water into the tank from the overflow pipe, and thought something was wrong. However, I continued to turn the steam spindle, and the escape from the overflow sensibly diminished until I could turn no further. In the mean time the ball tap started running furiously into the tank, showing me that water was going somewhere and I knew it could go nowhere else but into the boiler. I then began to operate with the four thread screw at the side, and found EARLY HISTORY. 5 that it adjusted the water supply, and succeeded in getting the overflow "dry." I then opened the peep-holes opposite the space between the combining and the receiving nozzles, and saw the white stream passing from one to the other on its way to the boiler. I then ceased operations, and had a pipe of tobacco, and let some water out of the blow-off cock ; then I tied a piece of spun yarn round the glass water gauge to prepare for another start, and shortly after, the senior partner came round for a stroll and found me operating. I stopped it, started it, and regulated it so much to his satis- faction that within one week the monopoly of its manufac- ture in England was secured by the firm. Unfortunately for Stephenson & Co., they coupled their sample Injector up in- correctly, and it would not work." For stationary service the Injector did not at first become popular ; possibly on account of the mystery that seemed to surround its working, and the general skepticism as to its practical wearing powers. Some of the contributions and queries published in the engineering papers of the day, are very amusing, and a certain writer in one of the most prominent weeklies proves most conclusively to his own and probably to some of his readers' satisfaction, that the new method of feeding boilers was an absolute impossibility. The injector was, however, adopted in many places and continued to give satisfaction. In the first trip of the "Great Eastern" Injectors were used in place of pumps, but for some reason not explained, they were subsequently removed ; this may have been owing to the temperature of the feed water being too warm for efficient service, as this was the weak point of the first injectors constructed. The first injector applied to a locomotive in England was by Mr. J. Cross, Superintendent of the St. Helens Railway. It was successful from the start, although not large enough for the purpose and therefore a No. 8 was substituted, which proved to be entirely satisfactory. The English railroads opened a wide field for the Injector; upon most of the locomotives, the earliest feeding pumps were worked by hand, but afterwards coupled to a special 6 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. eccentric or to the crosshead. Stretton, in his recent work on the Locomotive, says that it was a common occurrence for engines with a single pair of driving wheels, to stand on well greased rails with tender brakes fast locked and drivers revolving, in order to fill the boiler full of water. But even though the old methods were very crude, engineers in Eng- land were much prejudiced against any change, even for the better. By way of illustration the following incident may be given of a successful attempt to convince an obstinate engineer against his will of k the advantages of the injector : " Permission had been obtained from the Locomotive Super- intendent of one of the principal Railway Companies in Great Britain to try one on a goods engine, and for me to accompany it on its trial trip, with a loaded goods train, about 70 miles out and 70 miles back. On the outward journey I was only permitted by the driver to make short intermittent trials of the Injector, he depending for his water supply upon his pumps. When we got to the end of our outward journey, and while driver and firemen were having their mid-day meal at a local public house, I went to the running shed, filled up the boiler with the injector and took out the balls from the two suction clacks and put them in my pocket. We had not gone many miles on our return journey when water was w r anted in the boiler, but upon the pumps being tried, first on one side, then on the other, and naturally refusing to work without suction check clacks, I was appealed to, to put my Injector on, with the result that we completed our journey without delay or hitch of any kind, depending solely on the one No. 8 Injector. The driver consequently reported ' Pumps out of order and could not have got along without that Injector.' This was a grand testimonial, but I got into a jolly row for my temeiity in removing the clack balls." The Injector was introduced in the United States by Wm. Sellers & Co., who commenced its manufacture in 1860 at their works in Philadelphia. Of locomotive builders, Matthias Baldwin, was the first to use the new instrument, applying, in September 1860, a No. 8 Injector to an engine EARL Y HISTOR Y. 7 designed for the Clarksville and Louisville R. R. The fol- lowing month the Detroit and Milwaukee R. R. put the Injector in use on one of their locomotives, and the Penn- sylvania and the Philadelphia and Reading followed in the latter part of the same year. To Jos. R. Anderson & Co., Richmond, Va., a No. 4 Injector bearing progressive number i, was shipped in Octo- ber 1860. As indicative of the wearing qualities of these early instruments Messrs. Wm. Sellers & Co. state that there was returned to them, in 1887, a No. 4 Injector, pro- gressive No- 7, after a nearly continuous service of 27 years, and having required but few repairs ; it further is interesting to note, that, owing to improvements recently introduced, American Injectors are now extensively used in France, and have been adopted as a standard type by several of the government railroads in the country of its inventor. It need hardly be said that the Injector is the most popular boiler feeder now in use. There have been more than 500,- ooo manufactured in this country for the various kinds of service, and there is scarcely a locomotive in the world that is not equipped with one or two Injectors. Compact, reliable and economical, it still deserves the high encomium bestowed upon it in 1859, by M. Ch. Combes, Inspector General and Director L^ Ecole des Mines, " It is without doubt better than all devices hitherto used for feeding boilers, and the best that can be employed, as it is the simplest and most in- genious." CHAPTER II. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLE. GIFFARD having established beyond doubt the power, of a discharging jet of steam to lift a mass of feed water many times its own weight and force it against the initial pressure, it became necessary to prepare the constructive details of the new boiler feeder. The arrangement decided upon, could not in the light of subsequent events be considered as an entire success, as it contained inherent defects that caused frequent failures and prevented the placing of as much confidence in the new boiler feeder, as the merits of the invention deserved. Many locomotives that at first were equipped with two in- jectors, were afterward altered so as to have a pump upon the left hand side to be used in case the injector should refuse to work, and it was not until 1875 or 1876 that more recent improvement in construction restored the confidence that the original defects had forfeited, and the pump was driven from service upon locomotives in the United States ; even yet upon some of the Knglish Railways, a pump is used on one side of the engine, arranged somewhat in the manner of the pressure or vacuum pump for the air brakes. The curves of the tubes and nozzles as laid down by GiiFard were beyond criticism, and are still used when this type of injector is manufactured ; his thorough knowledge of the laws governing the action of the jet and the accelera- ting velocity of the moving mass, enabled him so to con- struct the curves of approach and recession, that they have been used as a prototype for all subsequent forms of injec- tors ; except for one change advanced by our increased in- formation regarding the action of steam during expansion, and a few minor modifications for economy of manufacture, 8 DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLE. 9 or for adapting the injector to special purposes, no change in the contour of the tubes has been made. But that there has been development, cannot be denied ; it may be considered as following three lines : First. Constructive changes. Second. Carrying out the ideas suggested by Giffard in his pamphlets or patent specifications. Third. The discoveries of new properties of the jet, or the application of new principles. Almost all important inventions follow in this natural sequence during their development, and the injector was no exception to the rule. Genuine mechanical ability is seldom combined with inventive genius, and it almost always follows that the fullest development is obtained in other hands than those of the original inventor. The first improvements were therefore in the line of correcting the defects that became apparent after the injector had been subjected to the test of actual service ; changes required to facilitate repairs, or the adjustment of the positions of the tubes. In the second di- vision lies' the basis of many subsequent improvements that have since proved valuable, and Giffard has never been given sufficient credit for his wonderfully wide grasp of the possibilities or future development of the injector. Of the third there will be less to relate, as the only real advance has been with the discovery of the peculiar property of the movjng jet by which the instrument was made self-regu- lating, and with the novel arrangement of tubes by which the re-starting feature was added. The general appearance of the injector as now constructed is entirely different from the original form, and it would be difficult for any one not specially familiar with the subject to recognize one made in 1858 ; the arrangement of the ad- justing handles, peculiarly shaped body, and queer little peep holes present to the modern eye a very odd appearance, while the heavy flanged pipe connections and steam cock do not contrast at all favorably with the neater form now used on American boilers. Figure i shows a sectional view of the earliest form of in- THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. , communi- cating with the large waste pipe D' only by the opening of the waste valve h : these overflow apertures are of such pro- portion and so distributed that free discharge is obtained for the lifting steam nozzle a'. The resultant vacuum in the feed pipe always tend to raise the water to the injector after a temporary interruption of the water supply and restore the continuity of the jet, while the arrangement of the tubes and steam nozzles permit wide variation of steam pressures without waste at the overflow. In 1890 another form of locomotive injector was invented by Holden and Brooks, of Salford, England, who had already secured several patents for fixed nozzle exhaust steam injectors ; this device combined the use of exhaust and live steam, with the tubes arranged as in the double jet, and so contrived for automatic action, that opening valves in the feed and exhaust pipe would start the injector even against the high pressures carried in locomotive boilers. 24 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. There have been numerous other changes made upon the invention of Giffard, but those that have been described, represent steps in the development of the injector; they have been selected from over five hundred patents granted by the United States, and as many more by foreign coun- tries. Many changes may seem to be merely matters of de- tail, yet it has only been by continued experiment with modification of minor parts, or slight changes in the pro- portions or arrangement of the tubes, that progress has been made. The original invention was conceived upon theoreti- cal principles, the correctness of which has been so signally demonstrated, but since that time the greater part of the work of development has been attained only by close atten- tion combined with critical observation in experimental research. CHAPTER III. DEFINITION OF TERMS DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE INJECTOR THEIR FUNCTIONS. BRIEF descriptions have already been given of the differ- ent types of injectors in connection with the history of the development, but as the technical names of the various parts will necessarily enter into the accounts of experiments that follow, the definition will now be given as concisely as possible. It is unfortunate that there has been so little accord in the direction of injector nomenclature; patent specifications are sometimes obscure and misleading, and the terms used often confusing ; even the names ejector and injector are often appropriated to entirely wrong uses. The two apparatus differ in principle as well as 1 in essential detail : the former can operate with any gas or any liquid in conjunction with any other gas or liquid, while the action of the injector de- pends upon the expansion and condensation of a gaseous fluid acting within clearly defined limits. Technically, An Injector is an apparatus in which a gaseous jet impinges and is condensed by a fluid mass whose final kinetic energy exceeds that of a jet of similar form and density discharging under the initial pressure of the motive jet. In addition to the use of condensible gases, the existence is required of certain well established relations between the areas of the discharging and the receiving nozzles, which will serve for a clear distinction between the two types of apparatus : An Injector is a jet apparatus in which the cross- 25 26 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. section of the discharge nozzle of the actuating jet is greater than that of the receiving or delivery tube. An Ejector, reverses these conditions, and the gaseous or liquid discharge will freely pass through the delivery tube. Drawings or cuts of injectors are usually made with the delivery tube discharging toward the bottom or right hand side of the page, and the terms " upper" and "lower " will be thus used. The index letters refer to the various figures, where the same letter always is used on the same tube. The Delivery Tube (c] is that tube in which the maxi- mum velocity of the combined mixture of water and steam is attained, and subsequently reduced, by means of the expanding curves and increasing cross- section, to the velocity and pressure in the boiler pipe. It is usual to indicate the nominal size of the injector by the mininum diameter of this tube, as the amount of water delivered is chiefly dependent upon this dimension. The Combining Tube, () extends from the upper end of the delivery tube (c), to the lower end of the steam nozzle (a), and receives its name from the combin- ing of the steam with the water that occurs within its walls. The Draft, or Suction Tube, (') facilitates the start- ing of the injector, and lies between the upper over- flow (d') and the lower end of the steam nozzle (a) ; its lower diameter is usually larger than the minimum dia- meter of the steam nozzle. The Steam Nozzle (a), guides and directs the motion of the actuating jet ; its effective area of discharge is often varied by the use of a Steam Spindle (/), in order to vary the amount of steam used, or for the purpose of lifting the feed water. These tubes can be used in either single or double com- bination as in the single or double jet injectors. Overflow, (d~} Primary or Lower, a narrow annular vent space or drilled aperture, placed above the mini- mum diameter of the delivery tube, permitting free DEFINITION OF TERMS. 27 outlet for the water and steam during the operation of starting. Upper, or Supplemental (af), is placed nearest to the steam nozzle, and often made of sufficient area to per- mit free exit for the full discharge of the steam nozzle. Additional overflows are frequently used, see Fig. 6, page 2 Z (d" d'"). The following terms are used as descriptive of different classes of injectors : Single Jet Injector, one in which a single set of com- bining and delivery tubes is used. Double Jet. An injector containing two sets of steam jet apparatus, of which the first or lifting set receives the feed water from the source of supply and delivers it . to the second, or forcing set, from which it receives suf- ficient impulse to enter the boiler. Automatic or Re-Starting. An injector that is able to re-establish automatically the continuity of the jet, after a temporary interruption in the steam or water supply. Self-adjusting. Applied to an injector in which the supply of water is automatically adjusted to suit the steam supply without waste at the overflow. Open overflow injector, has one or more apertures in the combining tube, opening into one or more overflow chambers, that may be closed against the admission of air by the use of light check valves opening outward. Closed overflow injector, can only start by means of an opening or vent placed beyond the delivery tube, which must be closed in order to divert the jet into the boiler. The following terms relate to the performance : Maximum capacity. The greatest volume or weight of feed water passing through the delivery tube at any given steam pressure and condition of feed. It is usually measured in cubic feet or pounds per hour ; the use of the gallon is not to be advised, unless its value is clearly stated. 28 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. Minimum capacity. The least volume or weight of water as above, that can be continuously delivered against boiler pressure without waste from the overflow. It is often expressed as a percentage of the maximum capacity. Range of capacities. The difference between the maximum and minimum capacities expressed in terms of the maximum capacity ; for example, if the max. is 300 cu. ft., and the min. is 200 cu. ft., the difference, 100, is the range, which is 33 per cent. Overflowing temperature. Highest admissible tem- perature of feed water with which the injector can oper- ate without wasting, when running against boiler pressure. Overflowing pressure. Under given conditions, the highest counter pressure against which the injector can run without wasting. Breaking temperature, Breaking pressure. Highest admissible feed temperature, and counter pressure, when the waste valve is closed. Note. With closed overflow injectors, the overflowing and breaking temperatures and pressures are in most cases the same. Efficiency. This may be based upon the ratio which the total heat in the feed water and in the steam, bears to the heat in the delivered water plus the heat equiva- lent to the work of forcing the water into the boiler. This maybe called the * ' Thermodynamic Efficiency." Or, the ratio of the work performed by the steam in forc- ing the water into the boiler, to the total energy given out by the steam during its expansion from the initial boiler pressure to the pressure in the combining tube. This is the " Mechanical Efficiency." Or, it may be ex- pressed in terms of the weight of water delivered per unit weight of steam ; this is a very simple and convenient methed of comparison, and is thoroughly practical. Note . The efficiency is often measured by the volume or weight of water delivered per unit area of cross-section of the steam nozzle or the delivery tube. DEFINITION OF TERMS. 29 The description of the tubes of the injector will be taken up in the following order, Delivery tube, Combining tube, and Steam Nozzle, the theory of their action reviewed, and practical questions considered that have important influence upon their design. CHAPTER IV. THE DEUVERY TUBE. DESCRIPTION I EFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS TYPES EFFECT OF DIFFER- ENT SHAPES AND PROPORTIONS- THE function of this tube is to change the kinetic energy of the jet to potential, with the least possible loss : or, to transfer the energy due to the velocity of the water and con- densed steam, into pressure in the boiler pipe. Of all its dimensions, that of the minimum diameter is the most important, for it is from this base that the dimensions of all the other parts are calculated. The use of this di- ameter to denote the size of the instrument was first sug- gested by Giffard, and this seems to be the most rational method that can be used. The quantity of water delivered by an injector is directly dependent upon the minimum area of this tube, and under the same conditions, varies with the square of the diameter ; theoretically, the capacity should be equal to that quantity of water which would be dis- charged from a similar orifice under a pressure or head equal to the overflowing pressure of the jet, which is always in excess of the pressure carried in the boiler. If there were no losses, this would give an exact method of determining the weight of water delivered, and as it is, the losses referred to, can be closely approximated ; by comparing the calcula- ted discharge with the actual test of the injector, a per- centage of efficiency on this basis can be readily determined. This basis of efficiency has, in the cases of all single jet injectors, a decided value; the smaller the delivery tube, the smaller can be the other orifices of the injector, reducing the weight of steam used, and rendering its operation more 30 THE DELIVERY TUBE. 31 economical. As an example, take a case from actual prac- tice, from which the efficiency will be calculated. A No. 8 Injector, having a delivery tube 8 millimetres in diameter, commences to waste against 160 pounds (corrected) back pressure ; the delivery temperature is 148 deg. Fahr. The height of a column of water at this temperature that corresponds to the pressure of one pound per square inch, is 2.354ft., (see Table II., page 43) and the head of water equal to 160 Ibs is 2.354 X 160 = 376.64 ft. This gives a velocity, if = \^2gh 8.024 V/j = 8.024 V/376. 64 = 155.721 ft. per sec. The area of the delivery tube in square feet is 0.000541068,' and the volume that would be discharged from this tube under this head J 55-7 2 X 0.000541068 x 3600 = 33-3 T 97 cu. ft. per hour, which must be equal to the theorectical quantity of water entering against that pressure. But an actual test showed that 251.5 cubic feet had been taken from the feed tank, and that the weight of dry steam used was 1304.5 pounds ; there- fore the total volume passing through the delivery tube per hour was The density of the jet was and the actual velocity of the jet 155-721 The discharge per hour per square millimetre of cross- section 2728 -- =5427 cubic feet. 50.2656 This gives a very simple means of comparing different forms of injectors, and the following table is based upon 32 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. actual tests of single jet locomotive injectors at a steam pressure of 1 20 pounds to the square inch ; no Double Jet Injectors are included, as the conditions under which the jet passes through the delivery tube of the two types are not exactly comparable : TABLE I. NAME. Size. Garfield No. 7 Mack No. 7 Monitor No. 8 Metropolitan No. 9 Original Giffard No. 8 Sellers' 1876 No. 7 Diameter Delivery Tube in Milli- metres. Cu. Ft. per hour per sq. m. m. 7.26 4.8876 8.13 3.8006 8.28 5.1258 1075 3-8555 8.00 4.4H2 7.00 5.6745 TT'-Sf&i i ' \ 1 \ 1 i 1 1 The principal function of the delivery tube has already been stated, but it remains to show the means by which the required effect is produced. A section of a tube is shown at AB in Fig. 7, where, for the sake of clearness, imagine the entering jet divided into a series of short cylinders, of the THE DELIVERY TUBE. 33 same density as water ; also, that the injector is working against a pressure that compels the tube to be completely filled with water ; now, if the tube were cut off at the section D, the jet would impinge violently against the wall of water in front, and lose its energy in forming eddies and disturb- ances, (see Fig. 8), in proportion as its velocity is greater than that of the water ahead. But as the jet passes into the tube, the cross section becomes wider, and the cylindrical form changes to conical. If the volume contained between any two sections as Dd f , or d' d", etc. , be the same, the dis- tances a, b, r, gradually shorten as lateral motion toward the walls is induced; as these distances shorten an increasing pressure is exerted upon the surrounding walls and upon the particles of water directly in front. In this way the momen- tum of the jet, which is at the maximum at D, as indica- ted by the highest point of the velocity curve, is gradually reduced to that of the feed in the boiler pipe. By refer- ence to the figure the pressure and velocity of the jet at any point can be determined by the height of the corres- ponding curve above the base line. If the density of the jet be uniform, its velocity at any point of a given tube can be obtained by dividing the actual volume passing through, expressed in cubic feet, by the area of the tube in square feet, and the side pressure upon the walls may be calculated by the following formula : 144 Where^, pressure required. P pressure in boiler pipe at end of the delivery tube. v = velocity of water in boiler pipe. z/ x = velocity at point where pressure = p v 7 = weight of one cubic foot of water at the temperature of delivery. It is of course advantageous to shape the tube so that all the energy of the jet can be utilized, but this can only be done by applying the laws governing the motion of fluids ; the effects produced by improperly shaped tubes may be seen by the following tests, where the same conditions ob- 3 34 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. tained throughout, both as to steam pressure and to the volume of water passing through the injector. The first form experimented with is shown in Fig. 8, which corres- ponds to the mouth or entrance of a delivery tube, as if the part to the right of the section D, in Fig. 7 had been taken entirely away; the result of this was that the injector would only force against a pressure of 35 pounds without overflow- ing, although the pressure carried in the boiler was 65 pounds to the square inch, showing the enormous proportion of energy dissipated. The next tube was made cylindrical, as is indicated in Fig. 9. Under the same conditions this tube showed no im- provement, as only 25 pounds was reached; it was then ffi'gJO. reamed in the form of a divergent curve approximating in section a parabola as shown in Fig. 10, and the effect pf the change was at once apparent as the permissible back pres- sure rose to 62 pounds ; although the general shape was improved, yet the tube was obviously too short and the curvature too great for the high velocity at which the jet THE DELIVERY TUBE. 35 was moving, and the tube in Fig. n was substituted. Its length was 7.6 times the diameter, and developed a pressure of 88 pounds. Further change in the proportion raised the pressure against which the jet would work to 93 pounds, without any modification of any of the other parts of the injector, or increase in the pressure of the steam. It has long been known that the divergent tube possessed the peculiar property of increasing the quantity of water that would flow through an orifice in a given time, and this phenomenon has led to careful experimental work by Ber- nouilli, Francis, Brownlee, and others. Francis in his well- known and oft-quoted Lowell Hydraulic Experiments, found that with an orifice having well rounded curves of approach, the weight of water discharged under a constant head of 1.36 feet, could be increased 2.44 times by the addition of a divergent funnel having an angle of 5 i'. Brownlee, with 6 feet head of water increased the discharge 2.42 times by the use of a tube whose included angle was 7 5'. But the heads of water and the velocities of the jets in both these cases were exceedingly small compared with those in use in the injector, and the changing conditions in the internal action of the jet would invalidate any positive pre- diction regarding the effect of a special shape of divergent tube ; yet the theory under which such tubes may be de- signed is interesting, and may be applied in a limited degree to the case under consideration, under the assumption that the jet has the same density as that of water ; this is how- ever only approached in those types of injectors which are most carefully designed and constructed. 36 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. In order to obtain the most efficient form of divergent tube, it has been suggested by Nagle that it be so con- structed that the retardation of the motion of the jet be made uniform, and that by this means the particles of water could be kept in equilibrium and internal eddies avoided. This would require each succeeding section of the delivery tube to be increased in such proportion that the difference between the squares of the velocities of any two equidistant sections would be constant; and the particles of water always in contact with its walls. It should be remembered that the velocity of the entering jet must be always equal to that of a jet of similar density discharging from the tube under a head equal to the difference between the maximum pressure against which the jet is capable of working, and the internal pressure of the jet at the time of entrance ; it follows therefore that the absolute pressure of the jet at this point would influence the amount of water passing through the tube, if the construction of the other parts of the apparatus were such as to permit an additional quantity of water to be drawn from the supply. The reason for the lowering of the pressure at the point of minimum diameter may thus be explained : a jet of water discharging freely into air, will retain its full velocity and the same cross-secton for some distance beyond the mouth of the tube ; but by reason of the gradually expanding curves of an enveloping tube, the jet adheres to the surroun- ing walls and its section is increased ; but the energy tends to remain the same as before, and therefore an effort is ex- erted to draw the preceding particles forward, increasing their velocity, and consequently the weight of water dis- charged. If the tube is open to the atmosphere, a lack of equilibrium results as air is drawn in at the lower end, but if immersed, the effect reacts upon the particles in the rear, and, if the tube is correctly proportioned, a perfect vacuum will be formed at the throat of the tube. The formulas for uniform retardation are similar to those for uniform acceleration, and may thus be expressed : Fbe the velocity of the jet and D the diameter of the THE DELIVERY TUBE. 37 tube at the throat ; let v and d have the same values at the lower end of the tube ; then V EP V : v : : d* : D 2 and v = .-?- a 2 (2) If S is the length to the tube, the negative acceleration, or retardation is or If the lower end of the tube be very large the last term of (3) becomes so small that it may be neglected without sensi- ble error, and may be reduced to The equation of the curve of the half section of a tube that would fulfill these conditions may thus be found ; in Fig. 1 2 let A B be the half section of a delivery tube whose centre line is Y Y\ vertical ordinates denoted by x, and abcissas by y parallel to Y Y\ substituting 2 x for d, and y for S, in (4) and altering its form, By way of example, take a delivery tube 8 millimetres in diameter and the length, S 1 taken as 20. (This means 20 spaces of equal length and each space may be any desired 38 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. distance although it is advantageous to make the total length as great as possible.) The entrance velocity of the jet may be assumed as 156 feet per second, and the final velocity, z/, as o. Substituting in (4) gives the retardation, and (5) re- duces to __ * = 4y nro^y froni which the diameter can be determined for any part of the tube ; for the following values of _y, d has been calcula- ted, and it will be noticed that the tube widens very slowly at first, but as the lower end is approached the curve becomes very steep and finally tangent at B. Forj = o d = 8.000 = 5 = 8.590 = 10 = 9.512 = 15 = 10.912 = 20 00 Looking at these formulas from a practical point of view, it will be seen that they depend upon the value of V, the entrance velocity, which in the case of the injector must vary with every steam pressure and change in the density of the jet, although it is at the maximum capacity, where the density most nearly approaches unity, that the full efficiency is needed. Giffard realized the advantage of using differently shaped tubes for high and low pressure, and advised the use of circular arcs whose radii in the former case were 300 times the diameter of the tube, and in the latter, 200 times. This altered the proportion of the tube and the mean angle of divergence of the tube for each size instrument, but this seems for many reasons to be theoretically correct, and an improvement upon the straight taper adopted by most manu- facturers. The change in the velocity of the jet and the gradually increasing pressure upon the walls of the tube was clearly shown for the theoretical case assumed in Fig. 7 ; as an illus- tration of the actual changes of pressure occuring within THE DELIVERY TUBE. 39 the tube under different conditions, the diagram shown in Fig. 13, is presented through the courtesy of Wm. Sellers & Co., of Philadelphia, who have, ever since their introduc- tion of the injector into the United States, made experi- mental work an important part of their system. These tests were made with a Self- Acting Injector of 1887, at 65, 100, and 120 pounds pressures. The delivery tube was pierced at four points, A, B, C, D, by small drilled holes one-six- teenth irfch in diameter, upon which gauges w r ere placed to indicate the internal pressure of the jet. Under a head of 30 feet, water was allowed to discharge through the tube and the vacuum at the throat of the tube, as indicated by a U mercury gauge, was found to be 27^ inches; as meas- ured by actual test under a head of i8J^ feet, the amount of water passing through was increased a little over 42 per cent, above that discharged by a similar orifice without the divergent tube. The pipes were then changed so that the feed water could be lifted from a tank placed below the injector, and the steam turned on; the pressures observed were plotted on the vertical lines above the corresponding point of the tube and connected by the curved lines and marked with the initial steam pressure. The rise in pres- sure w r hen the injector is running at its maximum capacity is indicated by the full line, the minimum by the dotted lines, and a capacity approximately half-way between, by the alternate dot and dash. It will be noticed that the curves for the maximum capa- city rise easily from the low pressure at the throat of the tube to the final boiler pressure at the end, distributing the wear very evenly. At the mean capacity, the point where the greatest abrasion will occur is evidently at the section marked C, where the pressure line rises suddenly from 10" vacuum to 95 pounds ; at other steam pressures the same peculiarity was noticed, but the lines were not added to the diagram as they would have sacrificed its clearness. At the minimum capacity, the w r ear is chiefly between A and B, as ma} r be seen by reference to the dotted curves. These facts constitute a strong argument in favor of attaining the per- 40 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. THE DELIVERY TUBE. 41 feet condensation of the steam within the combining tube and before the entrance to the delivery tube is reached, and one of the reasons for basing the efficiency of an injector upon the amount of water delivered per unit of area of delivery tube. The disadvantages of the conical tube may be seen from an examination of the light full line, marked 120 pounds; the abrupt rise in pressure against the walls of the tube, even on the maximum capacity and when all conditions are the same as in the other experiments, shows the inferiority of this form of tube. The various causes of loss of energy of the jet can be closely approximated in the most important cases that occur in practice. That due to the final velocity in the delivery tube, and impact of the water against the slowly moving water in the delivery pipe, can be found from the expression, Where p the loss in back pressure in pounds. z/j = the velocity in the boiler pipe. d l = the diameter of the boiler pipe. d =- the diameter of the lower end of the delivery tube. 7 = the weight of a cubic foot of water at the temperature of the delivery. The loss in head due to the friction of the jet upon the walls of the tube, can be calculated from the formula for conical pipes ; or, if curved, by using the nearest angle or angles to correspond. This loss amounts to very little, com- pared with the pressures carried, and this equation is much simpler than that for tubes formed from circular or para- bolic arcs. In Fig. 14 let p = loss in back pressure due to friction. V = velocity of jet at the throat of tube. D = diameter of the throat. d = diameter of lower end of tube. 6 = included angle of tube. ft = co-efficient of friction, depending upon condition of tube. y = weight of one cubic foot of water, as before. ....... < 42 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. To apply these two formulas to an actual case, take a de- livery tube 0.3" at the throat, 3.6" long, and a taper of i in 12 in diameter; the included angle is 4 46". Take Fas 156 feet per second, and /?, as 0.0147 ; d is found to be 0.6" ; substituting, _ i |- whence, P = 3-5 pounds and from formula (7), i - = 9-8 Ibs. 2-354 V36 / 64.4 This loss could be entirely obviated by widening the end of the tube in easy curves to the diameter of the boiler pipe. The co-efficient, , will depend upon the condition of the walls of the tube, whether smoothly reamed and offering but little resistance to the motion of the jet, or whether abraded by constant use or cut in circular grooves by poor workmanship. When it is remembered that the velocity of the jet at the smallest diameter of the tube corresponds to that attained by a jet of the same density issuing under a pressure even higher than that in the boiler, the disadvan- tageous effect produced by the roughened surfaces of the guiding tube can be easily realized. This leads naturally to the subject of the wear of the tube. From what has been said regarding the distribution of inter- nal pressures, the points where the greatest wear will occur under usual conditions, can be easily seen. The presence of grit or dirt in the feed water will cut the mouth of the tube, THE DELIVERY TUBE. 43 and enlarge the minimum diameter, acting, by reason of the high velocity of the jet, like a continuous grinding cylinder ; but it is further down in the tube that the abrading effect is first noticed, near the place marked C in Fig. 13, where an annular groove is often worn around the tube, that seriously impedes the motion of the water ; its location is always at that point where the pressure suddenly rises ; as the cross- section gradually widens, the velocity of the water decreases, and the wear is less noticeable. Regarding the question of repair, it may be said that this tube will generally be the first that requires replacing, but it may often be saved by carefully reaming or smoothing out the roughened places ; if this be done, the minimum diameter may be somewhat in- creased before the injector will cease to work at the higher steam pressures. Its power at low steam will be affected first by the wearing of the tube at this point, but the exercise of a little judicious management will often prolong the life of the injector, and save needless substitution of new parts. The following table of the weight of a cubic foot of water at different temperatures, and the head of water in feet cor- responding to a pressure of one pound per square inch, will materially assist the calculation of the performance of the injector under different conditions. It has been compiled from a "Table of Comparative Volumes," prepared by Mr. A. F. Nagle, and published in Proc. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.; the heads of water are based upon his figures. TABLE II. 1 Temp, ! TiTp-vht f Head in feet Temp. ! w-j-t,!. f Head in feet Water, deg.,^kA = to i Ib. per Water, deff. _ ." JL"! != to i Ib per Fahr. square inch. | Fahr ' | square inch. 39-1 62.4250 2.3067 J 3 61.5320 2.3402 40 62.42398 2.3068 140 61.3432 2-3474 50 62.40735 2.3074 150 61.1413 2.355 2 60 62.36975 2.3088 160 60.9266 2-3635 70 62.31015 2.3IIO 170 60.6988 2.3723 80 62.2283 2.3140 180 60.4608 2.3818 90 62.1253 2.3179 190 60.2128 2-39*5 IOO 62.0033 2.3224 200 59.9569 2.4017 no 61.8626 2.3277 210 59.6935 2.4123 120 61.7053 2.3336 212 59.6400 2.4144 CHAPTER V. THE COMBINING TUBE. IN describing the action of the jet within the delivery tube, certain theories were given which seemed to corre- spond closely to the most important conditions occurring in actual practice ; unfortunately the action of the steam in the combining tube is not so definitely understood, and the most that can be done is to describe the phenomena as observed, and deduce a few general conclusions. It is probable that more experimental work has been re- quired to perfect this tube than any other part of the injec- tor, and each investigator has adopted a special form to suit pre- determined conditions, that seem to him to be most effec- tive. The best shape can be decided by experiment only, and therefore the special conditions under which the tests are made govern the result; it follows, therefore, that there may be as many different forms as there are manufacturers, and to a great extent this is true, each type of injector oper- ating more or less successfully under a certain range of con- ditions. The first requisite condition that the tube must fill, is that the water must be sustained during the impact of the steam, and the second, that the mixture of the water and the steam be made as intimate as possible in order that complete con- densation may take place during the passage of the jet through this tube ; this can only be done by using correct proportions at the upper end, and then giving to the lower or convergent part the same shape that the jet would assume during the process of condensation. It is this tube, in great measure, that governs the mechani- 44 THE COMBINING TUBE. 45 cal efficiency of the injector. Of course each tube has its own function, yet all are inter-dependent ; but the process of condensation, that differentiates the injector from other simi- lar apparatus, occurs within the walls of this tube. In the first place, assuming a constant head of feed water, the cross-section of the upper end, by regulating the quantity of water that may enter, determines the proportion of water to steam in the resultant mixture, and the temperature of the delivery. The vacuum in the tube is dependent upon this temperature, and, therefore, the expansion of the steam and its velocity at the moment of impact is also fixed ; further, the water in the suction pipe is drawn into the tube only by the internal vacuum ; the influence of the entrance area ex- tends also to the velocity of the feed water, as it approaches in a thin sheet, the actuating steam. From the laws of im- pact, it is found that the greater the difference between the velocities, the greater will be the loss of actual energy at the moment of impact ; as the w r hole transfer of the mechanical energy of the steam to the water is by impact, it follows that there is great advantage in giving to the entering water the highest possible velocity ; this can only be obtained by maintaining the pressure in the combining tube as low as possible, and reducing the water entrance to a mininum. The lower this pressure the higher will be the velocity of the entering w r ater, and the greater the proportion of water to steam in the mixture. Secondly, the convergent taper or curve extending from the end of the steam nozzle to the lower overflow, should, in order to obtain the maximum efficiency from the injector, conform closely to the rate of condensation of the steam, and its length be modified for every variation in the pressure of the steam or the temperature of the feed. The same con- dition obtains to a great extent with the water entrance area, whose influence upon the performance of the injector was detailed in the preceding paragraph. It was appreciation of these facts that led Giffard and the early experimenters to lay so much stress upon the necessity for an adjustable com- bining tube. The advantage of this feature can be better 46 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. understood if we suppose an injector to be working into a boiler under normal and efficient conditions, lifting the feed water one foot and running at its maximum capacity ; if the steam pressure now rise, more water will be required to condense the increased flow of steam and preserve the normal condition of the jet; this can only be effected by in- creasing the head of water or widening the distance between the steam nozzle and the combining tube. A reduction of pressure would evidently require a reverse movement, for the vacuum within the tube remaining constant, too large a quantity of water would enter for the steam to force through the delivery tube, and waste would occur at the overflow. If the steam pressure fell much lower, the jet of steam would not have sufficient power to drive the accumulating mass of water through the lower end of the combining tube, and the continuity of the jet would be lost. If the openings in the tube, i.e., the overflows, were large enough, all the water would pass out through the waste pipe instead of going into the boiler, even though the sound of working be the same as that with which the engineer might be famil- iar; on the other hand, if the overflows are small, the injector will "break," or "fly off," and steam and hot water will be forced down into the suction pipe. The following experiments with the " Little Giant Injec- tor ' ' illustrate these conditions as they occur in practice ; a No. 7 injector was started at 90 pounds steam on a lift of one foot, and the combining tube adjusted for the full capacity ; the position of the tube was measured and found to be 15 millimetres from the upper end of its stroke. The steam pressure was then raised to 120 pounds and the temperature of the delivery increased from 136 to 165 ; as this value was entirely too high for efficient performance, the tube was moved 10 mm. further down and the temperature fell at once to 148. Starting once more with 90 pounds steam and delivery at 136, the height of the lift of the feed water was increased to 6 feet, the result being a diminution in the capacity of the injector and a delivery temperature of 150; a downward movement of the combining tube of 10 mm. , brought the THE COMBINING TUBE. 47 capacity up to the standard, and reduced the delivery tem- perature to 136 again; the distance between the tubes under these conditions being the same as was used at 1 20 pounds when lifting the feed water i foot. The following table gives the distance between the com- bining tube and the steam nozzle at different pressures, both for the maximum and the minimum capacities ; the height of lift is i foot ; it will be noticed how much variation in the position of the tube there is between high and low pressures. Distance of Combining tube from upper end of Stroke. Steam Pressure. Max. Capacity. Min. Capacity. 120 24 mm. 3.5 mm. 90 15 " 1.0 " 60 7 " 0.5 " 30 J -5 " o-5 " The wide difference between the position of the combin- ing tube at 30 and at 120 pounds steam show how impossi- ble it is for a single jet injector with fixed nozzles to work thoroughly efficiently over a large range of pressures. The only means by which this is attempted, is by assuming a certain range through which the pressure may fluctuate, and then adjusting the combining tube so that the injector will work into the boiler, without wasting at the overflow and at its maximum capacity, at the lower limit of pressure ; this method sacrifices the best performance of the injector at higher steam pressures, as both the overflowing tem- perature and the capacity will be lower than if the tubes were differently adjusted. In the previous example, if the combining tube is set for a steam pressure of 40 pounds, the adjustment would be correct for the minimum capacity at 120 pounds; therefore, as the pressure was increased, the efficiency of the instrument would diminish, and a less pro- portion of water be delivered per pound of steam. This demonstrates the superiority of the adjustable or self- adjusting form of injector over the fixed-nozzle type for use in all places where the steam pressure is subject to much fluctuation ; the correct ratio between the weight of the water and the weight of the steam can always be maintained 48 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. in the former case, and the capacity increased with the steam pressure; even though a throttling valve may be placed in the feed pipe, the results obtained where there is considerable range of pressure, as in locomotive service, cannot be as satisfactory as with the other method of regu- lation. The form of the combining tube 'as determined by various experimenters differs greatly ; in the tests of the Irwin In- jector by a committee of the Franklin Institute, in 1879, a tube was used whose length was only four times the diame- ter of the delivery tube ; this is a great contrast to that of the exhaust injector, where the ratio is 18 to i ; this cor- responds to the usual practice for high pressure steam, where the increased quantity of heat requires provision for its absorption, and this can be best accomplished by length- ening the tube, and giving better opportunity for intimate mixture between the water and the steam ; with the exhaust injector this is necessary on account of the large volume of steam used, which requires ample time for condensation, for the temperature of the delivery is higher than that of a well designed live steam injector working at 150 pounds. The advantages of the adjustable combining tube for vary- ing the water area are further increased if this adjustment be made automatic and effected by the action of the jet itself; that this has been done, was shown in the description of the self-adjusting injector, accompanying Fig. 3 ; in this case the automatic action was described as effected by the influence of the jet passing the overflow space, and it was shown that the combining tube was moved forward by the partial vacuum produced by incomplete condensation of the steam, or backward by the pressure due to excess of water in the feed chamber. It is interesting to note the action of the steam upon the upper end, which is as follows: the dis- charging jet, striking against the film of water on the inside of the tube, tends to impel it forward, while the rapid con- densation of the steam produces a reactive effect which draws the tube backward toward the steam nozzle, and these two pressures almost exactly balance ; but as this action only THE COMBINING TUBE. 49 occurs in the central conical part, the rest of the piston head receives the positive or negative pressure in the feed pipe, just as the lower end is acted upon by the pressure in the confined overflow chamber ; this has been found to be true by placing a vacuum gauge upon the overflow, and noting its reading as the height of the lift increases ; it is found that the two readings correspond almost exactly, and that the tube floats between two balancing cushions, ready to respond to any change in the governing conditions. In calculating the performance of an injector, it is often desirable to know the vacuum within the combining tube. This may be determined by allowing water under a constant head to flow freely through the tube, special care being taken to see that the feed valve is full open and that the upper overflow is large enough to permit free discharge for all the water that will enter ; the best proof of this is to dis- connect the steam branch and observe if the water rises into the steam nozzle ; if it does, the overflow space is too small to permit a free discharge. If, however, this test is satisfac- tory, weigh the quantity of water flowing through, and then connect the steam pipe and admit steam ; without altering the position of the water valve, regulate the supply of steam until the injector will just run without wasting, and note the new weight of water ; these two values will bear the same relation to each other as the square roots of the heads. Here is an actual test of an exhaust injector, taken under rather unfavorable conditions as the feed water was 76 de- grees: under a constant pressure of 4.25 pounds or 9.817 feet, 1987.5 pounds of water flowed through the injector; with the steam valve opened and working into boiler, the weight increased to 3887.5 pounds, due to the vacuum in the combining tube Therefore, 5 : 3887.5 : : ^79.817 : ^37.48 = total head. Subtracting, 37.48 '9.817 = 27.663 feet vacuum, = 24^" mercury, which is the value required. 50 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. The average vacuum within the tube cannot vary much from that corresponding to the mean temperature of the feed and the delivery, yet the pressure at the point where the water enters is much lower ; it is there that the water is the coldest, and the outside edges of the discharging jet obtains its fullest expansion. This will be shown in the diagram showing the discharge from the steam nozzle (see page 54), and described under that heading. It is interesting to de- termine as closely as possible the average pressure within the tube, for it is only by this means that the final expan- sion of the steam can be found, and its terminal velocity calculated. So far it has only been assumed that there was a partial vacuum in the tube. As it is obvious that steam is always condensed when coming in contact with a body whose tem- perature is lower than that corresponding to its pressure, so it is possible that steam may be condensed in an injector tube even when the entering water is above 212 degrees. This is most nearly approached in the double jet injector, where the water entering the combining tube of the second set of tubes is often as high as 180 or 190 degrees, when the tem- perature of the supply is 150. It is very probable that in this case only a very small percentage of the steam from the second steam nozzle is condensed, but sufficient to permit the combined jet of steam and water to contract sufficiently to pass through the narrowest section of the delivery tube. The velocity with which the water enters the tube is also mucji increased, for the pressure between the two sets of tubes rises at 1 20 pounds steam to 40 or 45 pounds ; so that the work required of the second steam jet is not very great. There is no doubt that if an indefinite amount of time were given for the condensation of the steam, feed water could be taken at any temperature below that of the steam, but it must be remembered that the actual time of contact is only that required to traverse the tube, and that the mix- ing can only be between the two conical exposed surfaces ; therefore, if the difference in temperature be small, the trans- THE COMBINING TUBE. 51 mission of heat will be correspondingly slow, and the volume of the steam will not be reduced enough to enter the delivery tube. The effect would be similar to that of an air jet dis- charging into a mass of water a dispersion and atomizing of the whole mass. It is evident, therefore, that the thinner the sheet of entering water and the lower the final velocity of the jet, the greater will be the efficiency of the injector. For each special purpose the tube has to be designed, and the form best adapted for high temperature is not that which is best suited for low pressures of steam or for high lifts, so that the shape adopted for ordinary practical results is usually the mean for the conditions under which the injector is to operate, regarding which each designer is apt to have his own opinion. Temperatures as high as 162 degrees, and variations of capacity up to 75 per cent, have been obtained in experi- mental work by forms of the Sellers' Fixed Nozzle Injector with varied forms of tube, neither of which the writer be- lieves has ever been exceeded by any other styles of injector with which he is familiar. The advantage of maintaining the feed water pure and free from lime and dirt is more apparent in the case of the com- bining tube than with any other part of the injector ; as the specific gravity of sand and grit is greater than that of the water, all foreign particles are driven with great force against the walls of the tube by the impact of the steam. The tendency is not only to enlarge the diameters at differ- ent points, but also to change the shape by wearing and grinding off all shoulders against which the jet can strike ; soft spots in the brass, caused by unequal mixing of the metal before casting, soon show the effect of abrasion, and this introduces a diagonal motion to the particles that wear depressions upon the opposite side. Tubes that have been used with impure water show this feature very strongly, and the conical shape is frequently changed to that of two cylin- ders, connected by an abrupt shoulder. The force of the impact of the jet of steam is so severe, that a tube with walls T y thick was found to have a pocket }i" deep worn in it at 62 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. the end of the steam nozzle, and the outside was considera- bly bulged by the continuous blows it had received. But with pure water, a well designed tube will last a long time, and in railroad service, where so many injectors are employed, the choice of the water supply should take into consideration not only the chemical analysis, but also the percentage of impurities mechanically mixed with it; in many cases these impurities are almost invisible to the naked eye, and it is only by careful nitration that the trouble can be remedied. On many of the railroads of France, this system of purification is carried out very perfectly, and the effect is apparent not only in a reduction in the cost of repair to the locomotive boilers, but also in the longer life of the injectors. CHAPTER VI. THE STEAM NOZZLE. THE advantage of obtaining the highest velocity of the steam at the instant it strikes the water has already been shown, so that the great importance of obtaining the best shape for the nozzle which guides the discharge of the actu- ating jet, is at once apparent. As it was assumed in the earliest experiments that the discharge of gases followed the same laws that govern in- elastic fluids, the steam nozzles of the first injectors were made with a gradual convergent taper, and it was not until 1869 that the form was improved by the application of a divergent flare, that permitted expansion of the steam within the limits of the tube. The effect of this change upon inelastic fluids, like water, would have been to increase the volume discharged and diminish the terminal velocity ; but with steam, air or other gases, the gradual lowering of the pressure as the jet traverses the tube, gives an increase in volume and expansion in the direction of the flow, which augments the velocity of the particles of the fluid, while the weight discharged remains unchanged. In order to demonstrate more clearly the great difference between the discharge of gases and liquids, some experiments will be described that were made with tubes of different forms, using steam under pressures of 120 and 60 pounds (gauge). Sketches and instantaneous photographs were taken of jets of steam discharging into the air, and the form of the jet and the direction of the motion of the particles were carefully noted. The results are given in Fig. 15, which accurately represents the external form as- 53 54 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. sumed by the jets, although it does not show the change from transparency to whiteness that occurs shortly after the steam leaves the nozzle. Four styles of tubes are given : 1. A convergent nozzle or short cylinder. 2. An aperture in a thin plate. 3. A divergent tube, straight taper. 4. A divergent tube, curved taper. FIG. 15. DISCHARGING TUBES STEAM. Divergent^- Curve The first tube represents the shape that would be used to produce a solid water jet at a high velocity, and is similar to the earliest form of the steam nozzle. The second is a thin diaphragm, or any orifice where the thickness of the walls is small compared with the width of the opening. The third is shaped like a divergent cone, widening in the direction of THE STEAM NOZZLE. 65 the flow. The fourth has the same dimensions, but expands in Curved lines from the throat to the lower end. In all these experiments, the jet, after leaving the end of the nozzle, was almost invisible for a distance of two or three diameters, and of a pale bluish color, marked with light lines of white, apparently produced by the entrained parti- cles of water. Beyond the transparent portion, the jet ex- panded to a much larger diameter, became white on the surface, and was finally condensed by the cooling effect of the air. The difficulty with the first two tubes is that they permit immediate diametral expansion of the steam, instead of confining it and compelling expansion in the direction of motion. A transparent envelope is formed, three or four times the size of the orifice, through which the central jet, discharging at somewhat higher velocity, can be distinctly seen. This swelling of the jet is due to the fact that the internal pressure at the moment of discharge is greater than that of the medium into which it is flowing ; it is most ap- parent in No. 2, because in this tube the internal pressure of the steam at the terminal section is the highest, and in all cases is more marked with high than with low steam. In the divergent nozzle, the terminal pressure is the same as that of the atmosphere ; if it were higher, there would be the same enlargement that occurs in the previous cases, and if lower, a contraction would be caused by the pressure of the air. In these two nozzles, the direction cf discharge of the particles is almost exactly parallel with the axis, and therefore, all the energy of the steam, except the slight loss due to friction against the walls, is utilized for augmenting the velocity. To find the velocity of discharge a knowledge of the in- ternal condition of the jet is essential ; during the move- ment of the steam toward, and through the tube, there must be a reduction in its pressure, and a corresponding increase in volume. If then, the area of the nozzle at different sec- tions is known, it will be necessary to find the pressure at those points in order to determine the volume or density 56 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. from which the velocity may be calculated. This was done when the injector was forcing water into the boiler, and also when the steam was discharging freely into the air, by inserting a small tube along the axis of the nozzle, and observing the indications of a gauge placed on its outer end. Communication was made with the interior of the jet by means of a small hole drilled through the tube, so that by sliding the tube backward or forward, the internal pressure of the jet could be obtained within or beyond the limits of the nozzle, either when the injector was working, or during free discharge. By this means the pressure within the trans- parent portion of the jet was ascertained, and the fall of pressure during condensation. The experiment was also tried of drilling minute holes through the steam nozzle normal to the jet, and reading the gauge directly, but by this method observations were restricted to the limits of the nozzle and could not be obtained when the injector was in action. The results of these investigations are shown in Fig. 16, where A is the steam nozzle, B the combining tube, f the hollow spindle with transverse hole/"', by which' the pressure was communicated to the gauge. The intersections of the vertical lines with the curved lines in the diagram indicate the pressure at the respective points of the nozzles ; the horizontal lines represent pressure above or below the at- mospheric line. Observations were made at 60 and 120 pounds gauge pressure, the full line showing the conditions when the injector is running, and the dotted line when the steam nozzle is discharging into the air. Considering first the case where the injector is working, it will be noticed that as the particles of steam approach the entrance to the nozzle, the., pressure falls in easy curves until the smallest part of the tube is reached, when the descent is more abrupt, but approaching the usual form of expansion as shown by the indicator card of a steam cylinder. Just bej^ond the end of the steam nozzle, at the line a' a 1 ', the prox- imity of the feed water causes a quick fall of pressure that is only partially recovered during its passage through the combining tube. THE STEAM NOZZLE. 57 These pressures of 22" for 120 pounds, and 24" for 60 pounds, are found at the centre of the jet; that due to the actual contact of the feed water with the steam envelope would approach more nearly a perfect vacuum. FIG. 16. Jltmo!. DIAGRAM Pressure in $teawJfozzle a,t Jtyvctor tvorhng'. 1 1 V i 1 i^l Turning now to the freely discharging steam, it w r ill be observed that during passage through the nozzle, the lines for the two conditions almost overlie, and probably would, 58 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. if all slight errors of observation could be excluded ; this seems singular when it is considered that in one case the steam is discharging into a partial vacuum, and in the other, into the air ; beyond the line a' a the curves separate, yet both pass below the atmospheric line, the curve of free dis- charge rising and falling, owing to the unstable equilibrium of the j et. Under 1 20 pounds initial pressure the j et emerging from the tube at 9 pounds pressure, expands to atmospheric, and then by internal condensation, n" vacuum is reached, but is soon overcome and equilibrium established. This peculiar phenomena of alternate rising and falling of the in- ternal pressure is thoroughly- borne out by the external appearance of the jet, as it presents the appearance of having nodes separated by swelling curves. The 60 pound pressure line shows that the steam leaves the nozzle at a pressure of 4" vacuum, and, therefore, contracts instead of showing the. surrounding envelope, characteristic of the other case. From the correspondence of the curves showing the fall of pressure, under both conditions of discharge, it appears that the outflow is unaffected by the pressure in the receiv- ing chamber; when the injector was working at 120 pounds, the pressure beyond the end of the steam nozzle was 22" vacuum, and in the other case, 14.7 pounds, yet the con- ditions within the limits of the nozzle were almost precisely the same. If the experiments were carried still further, and the weight of steam determined that would pass in a unit of time through an orifice in a reservoir in which the initial pressure was maintained constant, while the pressure in the receiving tank was increased from a vacuum up to the* upper limit of pressure, it would be found that the rate of flow would be practically constant until the counter pressure was raised to -f$ of the initial. It is true theoretically, and has been also proved by careful experiment, that this value of T %, corresponds closely to the relation of pressures that will give maximum flow, although the actual in- crease above the weight discharged against atmospheric pressure is small. At 120 pounds gauge pressure, for ex- THE STEAM NOZZLE. 59 ample, a little more steam will be discharged against 66 pounds than there would be into the air, for, taking the absolute pressures to which this ratio applies, (120 -f 15) X 0.6 = 8i.= the absolute, or 81 15 = 66.0 =* the gauge FIG. 17. pressure. As an explanation of this peculiarity of the jet, Rankine has suggested that there is always a limiting sec- tion at which the internal pressure is 0.58 of the initial, and until that value is exceeded at a lower part of the jet, the flow will not be reduced. 60 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. With apertures in thin plates, like No. 2, Fig. 15, or short cylindrical tubes, the limiting section is found directly at the opening ; but with many of the steam nozzles as designed for injector use, it is a little in the rear of the minimum diameter ; this is true even when the tube may be designed to permit immediate free expansion, as shown in Fig. 17 where, although the pressure at the smallest diameter is below 0.58 of the initial, the velocity at that point is nearly constant. The diagram shows a half section of a nozzle divided by vertical dotted lines that pass through minute holes that were drilled for the purpose of obtaining the pressure of the jet by means of an ordinary gauge. Readings were taken at the different steam pressures, and the results plotted under the respective parts of the tube The pressure lines are similar to those in Fig. 16, and indicate the rate of expansion of the steam while traversing the nozzle. The upper curves are for the velocity, and are calculated from the observed pressures ; these curves almost overlie through- out their whole length, and probably would, if the flare of the nozzle were still further expanded. The throat pressures, ratios and velocities are as follows : Initial Pressure, Throat Pressure, Velocity at Throat. Absolute. Absolute. Ratio. Feet per Sec. 135 698 0-5I7 1 612.0 45 22.8 0.508 1603.0 Although there is a difference of 95 pounds between the extreme initial pressures, there is only a difference of 9 feet in the two velocities. It is possible that the orifice by which the pressure was recorded on the gauge in these experiments, was a little below the limiting section probably not more than T^J- inch as the smallest change in its position gives a wide variation in the pressures. The ordinary type of injector steam nozzle gives slightly different results, for the divergent taper is straight and does not allow as great an amount of transverse expansion, so that the ratio of the throat pressure to the initial pressure is not constant. With a tube having a divergent flare of i in 6 in diameter, the following results were obtained : THE STEAM NOZZLE. 61 Absolute Pressure. Initial. Throat. Ratio. Velocity in Throat. 135 82.0 0.606 1407 105 61.5 .585 1448 75 42 .559 U9 1 45 24.5 .546 1504 In this case, the nozzle was formed with easy curves of approach to a short cylindrical portion whose length was o. 3 the diameter arid into which the gauge hole was drilled; from this point the tube widened with a taper of i in 6. This tube corresponded to a form of steam nozzle exten- sively used in injector service, and proves, from the fact that neither the pressure ratios nor the velocities are constant, that the actual rate of expansion is not similar to that of free discharge, nor that of the widely flared nozzle shown in Fig. 17. If the tube is cylindrical the weight of steam flowing per second reduces with -an increase in length ; at 75 pounds the flow through a j" tube was, }&' f long 900 Ibs. per hour. i /x long 892 Ibs. per hour. i^" long 864 Ibs. per hour. To determine the weight of steam passing through an orifice, it is often convenient to use a simple formula instead of resorting to actual measurement. The following equation was found by R. D. Napier to give results very close to actual weighings, with results only about 2 per cent, low at 70 pounds, and i per cent, low at 120 pounds; Rankine has also recommended it for approximate calculations. The formula is PX A w =-^~ and from h = --, and h = p X 2.355 we have . t> - = -- , - = 190.5 pounds back pressure 2-355 X 64.4 151.66 corresponding to this velocity ; but from this must be sub- tracted the pressure in the combining tube below the atmos- 70 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. phere, 2-2" or 1 1 Ibs. , so that the available counter pressure as shown on the gauge will be 179.5 Ibs. The velocity of the original jet is now reduced from 3446 feet, as in the assumed case when passing through the de- livery tube, to 169.97 feet, requiring a further enlargement of the area, in order that the augmented volume of the jet may find entrance at this reduced velocity. Summing up the two changes, one due to the decrease in velocity, and the other due to increase of volume, we have, - X = : the area of the steam nozzle ; 169.97 774 2.72 or, in other words, if the area of the delivery tube be taken as unity, the area of the steam orifice will be 2.72, and the ratio of the diameters will be i to 1.65, which approaches closely the proportions in ordinary practice. It is thus seen that the whole action of the injector de- pends upon the fact that the velocity of a jet of steam dis- charging into the combining tube, is 20 to 25 times that of a jet of water issuing from a boiler under the same pressure, and that the enormous reduction of the volume during con- densation concentrates the momentum of the jet upon an area which is but a small fractional part of the orifice from which it issues, leaving a large margin of available energy which may be applied to useful purposes. As condensation plays such an important part in the operation, it is seen that any condensible gas may be substituted for the motive steam, if the inherent conditions are properly considered, but some modifications of the proportions of the parts as used in the steam injector might be found necessary in order to work satisfactorily under the new conditions. The principle of the action of the injector working at 120 pounds steam into a boiler carrying the same pressure, may appear more easy of explanation than the case of an exhaust injector forcing water into a boiler at 80 pounds steam ; that there is no difference beyond a change in the proportions of the parts, can be seen from the following example, which will be worked out according to the same analysis that was applied to the case of high pressure steam. THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR. 71 Assume the steam at o (gauge), or 14.7 pounds absolute pressure, containing, as it arrives direct from the cylinder, about 10 per cent, of moisture. From page 49 the vacuum in the combining tube will be assumed to be 24" or 3 pounds ab. From equation (12), we find that i pound of steam in its final condition will contain 0.832 pound of steam, and o. 168 pound of water ; its velocity after complete expansion will be found from (13), K=8.o25 \778 (0.90x966.07 -f- 181.60.832x1015.3109.8) = 2205 ft. To work against a pressure of 80 pounds, the delivered water must be forced out of the combining tube, in which the pressure is 12.7 pounds below the atmosphere, so that the total pressure against which the jet must be capable of working is 80 -f 12.7 = 92.7 pounds ; this requires a terminal velocity of 1 35 feet, under the assumption that the steam is all condensed and that its density is unity. The feed water enters under a head of 6 feet, and with a velocity corres- ponding to the sum of the partial vacuum and the head, approximately 48 feet per second. A somewhat greater percentage of loss must be taken than in the other case, as the action of the jet is not as efficient, and it does not seem as if it could be made so ; taking 0.50 as the value of this coefficient, we have for the equation of momentum, from which the weight of feed water may be obtained, (i X 2205 + 48 x W) xo.5o=(JF+i) x 135, whence W-= 8.74 pounds of water per pound of steam, which corresponds to the usual practice. In both the examples given the simplest conditions were assumed and all uncertain elements avoided. The jet as it passed through the delivery tube was supposed to have the same density as water at the same temperature ; in fact, this seldom occurs, as there is almost always a part of the steam uncondensed until the mixture has passed far into the deliv- ery tube, and there is, in addition, a volume of air mixed with the steam that displaces a corresponding volume of water and gives to the jet its white, opaque appearance. 72 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. This quantity of air will depend upon the manner in which the boiler is fed, and the condition of the suction pipes and valves and stuffing-boxes of the injector or pump, as the total amount of air contained in the steam is greater than can be held in solution by the feed water. Experiments made with an injector placed entirely- under water, so as to collect all the air discharged with the delivery, showed that this amount, though very variable, was by no means inap- preciable ; a No. 8 injector at 120 pounds, discharged 5.51 cubic feet of air per hour, and at 60 pounds, 4.38 cubic feet, measured at atmospheric pressure. These results do not represent the maximum quantity, but the mean of several tests. The density, however, depends chiefly upon the percent- age of steam condensed, and is, therefore, intimately con- nected with the water ratio. The following table shows the variation, and the increase in the velocity of the jet as the density decreases : steam pressure, 135 pounds absolute. TABLE IV. tl V U c fi' ^ 1 S S 3 gT c P. 60 "2 a. 2-S P. en {jj g ^>o h &S-S Ifcl O ^fc . P .52 a> u -i 3 3 si rt-JJ & If S ** *"* " 2? ^ W-t O .*_ cd H ** ^5 8 w 5 * c ) 167 10.33 335. 1740 199. 236.4 0.542 0.524 c] 185 8.63 3228. 181.6 215. 302.8 0.360 0.493 d] 209 7.02 3058. 177-3 202. 346.3 0.261 0.432 e] 240 5 .60 2970. 147-2 H3- 294.0 0.250 0.310 f) 268 4.69 2890. 141.6 130. 305.0 0.2 1 1 0.265 The ratio of water to steam that produces the highest back pressure is shown in experiment (c} as the energy of the jet is then at its maximum ; with less water, the density of the jet is too low, even though the velocity is greater, and below that ratio the density rises, but the THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR. 73 velocity is insufficient, on account of the large increase in the weight of the mixture. Simple formulae can be applied to find the density : if the back pressure is known, find the velocity of a jet of water at the temperature of delivery, which designate by v, and the actual velocity by v^. Let A be the density, and H the back pressure expressed in feet. Then If. A = the area of the delivery tube, the theoretical capa- city = v x A, and we obtain the following, by substituting (15) and reducing 62.4 A v^ A _ Weight of actual jet _ Actual capacity _ A v~ Weight of jet unit density Theoret. capac- ^ so that A = ( __ Actualcapadty \* _ (i6) V Theoretical capacity/ The actual velocity in the table was found by dividing the calculated velocity by the square root of the density, and the changes in the velocity of the entering water and the discharging steam are due to the variation of the pressure within the combining tube with the temperature of the delivery. Experiments ( e ) and (/") were made with the overflow closed, permitting a high pressure in the confined overflow chamber, otherwise there would have been a discharge of steam ; but in many cases where two or more apertures in the combining tube are contained in the same chamber and only closed to admission of air by a light check valve, the delivery temperature may rise above the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure. In one pattern of injector, where several overflows are connected, the author has seen the temperature of the water going to the boiler carrying 140 pounds of steam, reach 250 Fahr., with the overflow chamber closed only by a light check valve weighing but a few ounces. 74 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. As the proportion of water to steam is reduced, and the density of the jet diminished, it will be noticed that the value of the coefficient, as given in the last column, also grows less ; when the water ratio was i to 13, as taken in the example at the opening of this chapter, this value was taken at 0.60, but when the weight of water per pound of steam is 7.02, this coefficient falls to 0.432. The actual causes of the loss covered by this term cannot be definitely described ; it is very probable that the whole mass of steam is not entirely condensed at the instant of impact, and there remains a certain amount of elasticity that produces a rebound and an interference with the motion of the particles of steam following. A jet of steam dis- charging into a pail of water will blow the water in all directions, and only a small portion of the steam will be condensed ; the warmer the water, the greater this ten- dency, so that it is not at all surprising that with high tem- peratures of delivery, due either to warm feed water or insufficient feed supply, the coefficient of efficiency should have a lower value than when the conditions of working are more nearly normal. The oblique angle at which the water enters the combining tube is also disadvantageous, while the roughened surfaces of the tubes add their quota to the gen- eral sum of losses, which will be represented by the coeffi- cient K. It is exceedingly difficult, in fact almost impossible, to represent algebraically the conditions that obtain within the combining tube of an injector, and to frame an equation that will apply to all conditions or all types of instruments. The shape of the tubes, the conditions of the surfaces, and the proportions of the orifices, all introduce special consid- erations that would so complicate an equation as to invali- date its utility ; fundamental relations can, however, be shown to exist, and simple equations given to prove the mechanical theory as already outlined ; these will be fol- lowed by formulae based upon the heat theory. Taking the most elementary form of injector, one with a single set of tubes and but one overflow in the combining THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR. 75 tube, assume i pound of steam per second from the steam nozzle as the actuating force. This steam will have a velocity V due to the work performed in expanding from the initial pressure of the boiler to the low pressure in the combining tube. Its momentum will therefore be 7 .............. " The feed water enters with a velocity v 2 due to the differ- ence between its head h and the absolute pressure within the combining tube ; as these pressures must be reckoned above a perfect vacuum, the pressure in the tube becomes (34 ^), and if the water comes to the injector under a head h, the total head forcing it into the combining tube is (34 h^ -f h). Calling the weight of water W, the momentum of the en- tering water is w v, = ^v/ 2 77^v+Tj g g The sum of these two equations represent the momenta of the separate masses before they come in contact, but during impact and the condensation of the steam jet, there is a loss of momentum due to causes already outlined and indicated by the coefficient K. The sum of (17) and (18) is the mo- mentum of the mass as it approaches the delivery tube ; its velocity must depend upon the difference between the abso- lute permissible back pressure expressed in feet and the pressure in the combining tube, or (H h^. Therefore and the momentum of the combined mass is, (y+o _____ j- 2 Q-2 2 37-07 Thermal Units (24) The water flowing into the combining tube possesses a small amount of energy which may be represented by S X % = -W ( 34 + k ~ *'> =iVto + -9-4) =0.75 Thermal Units . (25) where 33 is the head of water in feet equal to the vacuum, h the head under which the feed flows to the injector and has a minus sign if the water is lifted ; h^ the absolute pressure in the combining tube expressed in feet ; v. 2 is the velocity of entrance; /z, i foot. These two equations represent the motive power in the injector expressed in thermal units, one of which is taken as equal to 778 foot pounds of work. This energy is used for THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR. 81 forcing the mixture into the boiler with a velocity v, which requires (i + W) v> __(!+ W) ~T78" *^- ~7~78" '* l) = -^ X ( 145 - 4 ) 2.355 - 5-97 Thermal Units .... (26) H is the absolute permissible counter-pressure in feet of head, and 2.355 is the head of water at a temperature of 150 equal to i pound per square inch from Table II. This value for the useful work performed 5.97 thermal units is very small compared with the energy expended ; adding (24) and (25) and subtracting (26) , ( 2 37- 7 4- -75 ) 5-97 = 231.85 Thermal Units. which must be absorbed by the feed water. The increase in temperature is therefore 231.85 -f- 13 = 17.83 per pound of feed water due to the loss of actual energy of the steam at the time of impact. Expressed algebraically which represents the increase in the temperature of the de- livered water due to the absorption of the remaining energy of the steam jet. When intimate contact is established between the steam and the water, condensation is effected, and the latent and sensible heat of the steam transferred to the feed. At this time, the heat in the expanded steam is * r* + ft + 32 t 2 ............... (28) an equation of the same form as (24), but containing the final temperature of the delivery, as the temperature of the steam mixture cannot fall below that value. (The specific heat of water between 32 and 212 is so nearly constant, that the temperature of the feed is substituted for the ' ' heat of the liquid," as the change simplifies the use of the formula, and the difference in the result is inappreciable.) From (12) and also from the calculations made on page 64, we find the weight of steam remaining in i pound of initially 6 82 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. dry steam after expanding from 135 to 4 pounds absolute, is 0.8243; from the Steam Tables, r, the heat of vaporization = 1007.2; therefore, 1007.2 x 0.8243 830.23 121.09 ( 150 32 ) 3.09 833.32 Thermal Units. remaining in the steam, and given out to the 13 pounds of water during condensation ; this will raise the temperature 833.32 -f- 13 = 64.1, or in different form, (29) so that the sum of 64.1 and 17.83, will be equal to the total rise in the temperature of the feed as the water passes through the injector, or, Adding these two values 17.83 -f 64.1 = 81.93 as the total increase in temperature, the delivery temperature will be 68.0 + 81.93 = 1W9-93 which is the same as found experimentally. Expressing these results algebraically, by adding (24) (25) and (29), subtracting the work required to force the mixture into the boiler (26), and equating to the increase in the tem- perature of the feed water (30), f r + xr )+_?!( + a_;n- Reducing and cancelling and changing the form in order to find the value of W, we have q, ~ t, ~ -~ (32) H- 34 - h 4 ~ /lH " 778 From this equation have disappeared the terms denoting the heat in the steam after expansion, and the important func- THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR. 83 tions remaining, are the total heat in the steam in its initial condition and the temperature of the feed and delivery. Let P denote gauge pressure ; then, discarding unessential terms, *-, r v + ft + 32 - /, - (.003) P ~^-^+~(^3}P~ This equation enables us to determine the weight of water delivered per pound of steam by any injector by simply ob- serving the temperatures of the feed and delivery and the initial pressure of the steam, and substituting the proper values from any Steam Table ; or, knowing the area of the steam nozzle, the discharge may be calculated by (12), which, multiplied by the ratio W, gives the capacity of the injector. As brass is a good conductor of heat, there is always a certain amount of heat transmitted through the walls sepa- rating the steam and feed chambers, which increases the temperature of the delivered water. This heat, being ab- stracted from the steam, renders the discharge through the nozzle more or less wet, and reduces the quantity and velocity at the time of impact ; if excessive, it seriously affects the ability of the injector to receive feed water at a high temper- ature, and also diminishes the range of capacities. This heat appears in the difference (/ 2 O, and this term may be taken as a good test of the practical working qualities of an injector. Probably the most satisfactory formula that could be devised to cover the action of the injector, would contain terms denoting the volumes of the steam, feed water and the combined jet, and based upon the exchange of momenta between the moving masses. If limited to the simple case of complete condensation of the actuating steam, this could easily be solved, and this analysis was in fact, followed in' the discussion at the opening of this chapter, and the sizes of the various orifices calculated ; but where only partial condensation is effected an uncertain element is introduced that can only be approximated by a formula based upon the phenomena supposed to take place within the combining tube and then introducing coefficients to make the results 84 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. conform to actual experiments. The percentage of steam mixed with the water at the time of entrance to the delivery tube, and uncondensed, cannot easily be determined, as the temperature of the jet at that time is lower than when measured in the boiler pipe, and both the temperature and. the pressure should be known for its correct determination. The mechanical efficiency of the injector can be found by comparing the results of some of the equations already given ; in the previous example used to illustrate the form- ulae, the work of forcing 14 pounds of water against a head of 141 pounds, amounted to 5.97 thermal units, whereas the total energy expended, which is the sum of (24) and (25) = 237.82 thermal units, so that the efficiency is But the remainder of the energy is not wasted, but trans- formed to heat and absorbed by the feed water. The maximum capacity of an injector is almost entirely a question of proper proportions and efficient action of the impinging jet, so that its value may be determined by equa- tion (21). The minimum however is determined by the admissible temperature of the delivered water that will pass through the delivery tube without overflow ; it should then be determined by (33) substituting for 4 a value correspond- ing to the type of injector. For a single overflow injector, / 2 would be about 190, but for two openings from the combin- ing tube into the same chamber, probably 215, at 60 or 80 pounds pressure. If, as an example, the case is taken of an injector receiving steam at 60 pounds, feed 70, and a de- livery temperature of 190, we have from (33), *-, n + ft (190 32) 898.8*1- 276.9 - 158 -- ~" If the delivery temperature at the maximum capacity is 125, the value of W would be 19.69, and the ratio of the mini- mum to the maximum would be 0>i 8.48 _J- X ico = - 6 - X ioo = 43 per cent., THE ACTION OF THE INJECTOR. 85 which is fairly good, although if the injector were so con- structed that the highest delivery could reach 212, the minimum would be reduced to 7.23, which would be 36 per cent, of the full capacity. The highest admissible feed temperature is difficult to cal- culate without determining the special coefficients for each case, which can only be done experimentally. The w T armer the feed water, the greater the weight necessary to condense a given weight of steam and, therefore, the heat equation must be used ; on the other hand, the power of the steam for forcing water through the delivery tube is diminished on account of its reduced terminal velocity owing to the change in pressure w 7 ithin the combining tube, so that its mo- mentum, and the rapidity of its absorption by the water jet is lessened and the density of the mixture reduced. Equa- ting the equation of momentum (21) to (33) and solving for A gives, -zO-(* 1 n + ?i + 32-' 2 ) (v KvJi ~ By way of illustration, take experiment ( and feed temperature in Fig. 40. These series of tests were made in the laboratories of two of the large railroad companies at considerable time and expense, FIG. 39- COMPARATIVE TESTS OF THE MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM CAPACITIES OF THREE PATTERNS OF No. 9 INJECTORS AT VARIOUS STEAM PRESSURES. Feed, 74 ; lift, 6 feet. 2800 700 2600 2500 2400 *2200 ooo 1500 3 1800 fc , 1700 ^1600 ^1500 '"1400 1200 1100 > 1000 900 800 * 40 60 80 re -^ -sure 100 120 140 MO 131 .132 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. and are entirely unbiased ; yet, in order to avoid any com- parison of the relative merits of the different patterns, they are here indicated alphabetically, the same letters applying to similar injectors in both diagrams, even though the sizes are different. The maximum capacities are designated by capital letters, and the minima by small letters. The injector marked O is not the same pattern as the C shown in Fig. 39; but as it is the product of the same manufacturer, and has similar characteristics, it was added to the diagram. The capacities in Fig. 39 were obtained by noting the time required to deliver a measured weight of water against a spring check valve. The lines connecting the observations should form symmetrical curves, and all irregularities indi- cate possible errors of adjustment or of observation which are difficult to detect unless the results are plotted; some patterns of injectors require very careful adjustment of both water and steam, and slight variations in the regulation materially affect the result. The two lines, A and C, keep rather close together, while B delivers more water at the lower pressures, and less beyond 120 pounds, at which pres- sure it reaches its maximum. A apparently starts down- ward between 120 and 140 pounds and then ascends, indi- cating imperfect regulation at the reentrant angle. Referring to the minima, the lines a and b almost coincide, while c gives a much better minimum until 160 pounds is reached, when the sudden rise indicates insufficient throttling of the feed valve. If the steam pressure were raised still higher, a point would be found where the converging lines of the maxima and minima would intersect, which would be at the highest steam pressure with which each injector can be operated under these conditions. In the tests given in diagram, Fig. 40, the steam pressure and the height of lift are constant, and the feed temperature raised 5 after each observation until the injector broke. This was done to obtain under each condition the maximum and the minimum capacity of each injector; the latter lines have numerous reentrant angles, due to the fixed notches which the regulating mechanism necessitated. In all cases TESTS. 133 134 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. the two capacities should be identical at the breaking and overflowing temperatures ; this is true with lines A and C t and probably with B also, if prolonged to 94. The termi- nation of each line indicates the highest admissible temper- ature of the feed water for each pattern of injector, A breaking at 110, B at 90, and Cat 125. A rather curious feature of the tests with the C l c l injector is the crossing of the two lines, showing an apparent para- dox, that the minimum capacity at 115 is higher than the maximum. In this pattern the regulation was obtained by reducing the steam supply, and as it is well known that with high pressures and temperatures a smaller steam nozzle can be used to advantage, it follows that here, where the steam area is reduced, the capacity is larger than when the full steam nozzle is used, but which, when fully opened, gives best results at lower temperatures. By contrasting these results, will be seen the difficulty of obtaining a formula which will cover accurately all the con- ditions that enter into the performance of an injector, as the actual construction exercises such a modifying influence upon the results. The equations which were given were based upon the form which seemed to approximate the theoretical results, which would of course be a self-adjusting injector able to preserve the condition of the jet at the instant of approaching the smallest diameter of the delivery tube nearly at a density of unity. In all experimental work upon which theoretical conclusions are to be based, great care should be exercised to secure accurate observations, and these should at once be plotted in the manner shown, so that all doubtful results can be checked, and, if neces- sary, repeated. A more recent test than those already described, and one in which special precaution was taken to insure accuracy, will now be given ; this test * was made by disinterested experts with apparatus that can be duplicated in almost any railroad shop with but little* preparation. Any official de- siring to make a comparative test of the injectors in use on his line, can apply the method outlined with satisfactory * Reprinted by permission from the Railroad Gazette. TESTS. 135 and decisive results at comparatively small expenditure. The injector used in this test was a No. ioJ/2 of the Im- proved Sellers 1887 pattern, and it was chosen in common with several other well-known injectors for the purpose of making a selection for the equipment of a large number of locomotives, and to ascertain if the performance at certain given steam pressures fulfilled the requirements of the specifications. FIG. 42. Apparatus. The injector (see page 104) was supplied with dry steam from a 200 H. P. Babcock and Wilcox boiler, through a 3 in. pipe carefully lagged with asbestos covering. The injector was bolted against the side- wall of the boiler with the starting lever and water supply valve within con- venient reach of the operator. The water supply was main- tained at a constant level in a large barrel directly below the injector, into which the suction pipe was extended to within 136 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. one foot of the bottom ; this pipe was 2^ in. diameter up to the nipple of the injector, where it was reduced to 2 in. The water supply was weighed and delivered into the suc- tion barrel as follows : Ten feet above the level of the suction barrel were two large tanks, forming a reservoir capable of holding about noo gals. From the 3^ in. flanged pipe bolted to the bottom of each was a vertical 3 in. pipe extending into the suction barrel, 6 in. below the 4 ft. level ; this pipe was made amply large, so that under the head available the tanks would be drained and the pipe emptied before the level of the water in the barrel could be lowered by the injector more than 6 in.; owing to the slope of the bottom of the tanks and the large size of the emptying pipe, this was accom- plished without the slightest trouble. A globe valve was placed in this pipe close to the injector, so that the proper level of the water in the suction barrel could be maintained by the operator. (See Fig. 42.) Above and resting on these water tanks was a 500 Ib. plat- form scale carrying a 47 gal. barrel, into the bottom of which was screwed a 2 in. outlet pipe for emptying it quickly into the iron tanks below ; this pipe was kept clear of the sides of the tank and the scale. Another pipe brought the water sup- ply from the city mains above the top of the barrel, and as it was supplied with a quick acting, tight gate valve, the barrel could be quickly weighed empty, filled, re-weighed and emptied into the iron tanks until the quantity of water re- quired for a run of from 15 to 20 minutes was obtained. Additional means for supplying the barrel with water during the preliminary run before each experiment was found to be necessary, because when the reservoir was filled with weighed water, none could be withdrawn until the moment the exper- iment commenced. For this purpose a 2 in. hose was run into the barrel and a valve placed near the discharge end, and the water level maintained constant until all prepara- tions were completed ; this valve was closed and hose with- drawn before the valve for the. reservoir tanks was opened. Gauges were placed so that the pressure in the steam pipe or in the delivery pipe could be obtained alternately on either TESTS. 137 FIG. 43. ARRANGEMENT OF PIPING AND GAUGES FOR TESTING INJECTORS. These sires of ftpes would do for an &' ,."> -9 . mjectar. 138 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. or both gauges, or simultaneously on separate gauges ; this arrangement worked very satisfactorily, and the admission of any error due to the difference between the steam and de- livery pressures, or to a discrepancy between the two gauges, could be prevented. Fig. 43 shows the arrangement of pipes, valves and gauges by which this was accomplished, and is self-explanatory. As the delivery of the injector was too great to be taken into the boiler without affecting the steam pressure carried, it was passed through a special balanced valve (Fig. 44), which maintained a constant pressure equal to that of the boiler. The delivery pipe of the injector was coupled to the under side of a check valve, which was connected to a piston FIG. 44. of the same area, upon the upper side of which full boiler pressure was obtained by a pipe tapped into the steam supply. Measuring Devices. The steam gauges had been sub- jected to careful test and calibration by the makers; at the same pressures the readings of the two gauges agreed exactly. The thermometers were tested in oil every five degrees, both up and down, and the corrections noted, from which a table was made and used to obtain actual temperatures. The delivery thermometer was brass cased, and was screwed into the delivery pipe close to the injector, with the bulb well immersed in the passing water ; the scale was divided to single degrees, and could be read easily to half degrees. It was corrected for the error due to the compression of the bulb, as it was subjected to the pressure of the delivery. TESTS. 139 The scale used for weighing the feed water was tested by United States standard weights and found to be correct. The barrel resting upon the scale platform was weighed before and after each filling, so that the exact net weight of water passing into the receiving tanks each time could be deter- mined. The filling of the water tank reservoir required two ob- servers, one to open and close the inlet valve from the city mains and the valve from the bottom of barrel leading into the reservoir, and the second to shift the tare weight for the empty and the full barrel, and to record the weights upon suitably prepared blanks. As the scale registered to ^ lb., the possible error was very small, for a test by United States standard 100 lb. weights after the experiment was completed, showed no change, Method of Testing. The reservoir tank having been filled with the required weight of water, the valves in the steam pipe were opened wide, and the water drained out ; the water regulating valve on the injector was opened and the cam lever over the waste valve was set so as to allow this valve to open freely. Precaution was taken to insure the water supply being free from dirt and chips and the suction barrel clean. The 2 in. hose from the water main was led into the barrel and the injector started against full back pressure. The hose discharged beneath the surface of the water to prevent air being carried down into the water and interfering with the free flow in the suction pipe. Obser- vations were made as to the regularity of the steam pressure, and the readings of the steam gauges and the thermometers in the suction barrel and delivrey pipe were found to be prac- tically constant ; an observer was stationed at the water valve in the 3 in. pipe leading from the overhead reservoirs, another to read the gauges and thermometers, and a third to take and record all readings and note the general perform- ance of the injector. When everything was ready, the barrel was rapidly filled through the hose and then its valve closed and the hose entirely withdrawn ; as soon as the water level in the barrel was drawn down by the injector to the lower 140 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. white line (b) (see Fig. 43), the recorder noted the exact time on a stop watch, the other observers noted the thermometer and gauge readings, while the valve in the 3 in. feed pipe from the reservoirs was quickly opened and the water level raised to the line (a) four feet below the centre of the injector, where it was maintained during the continuation of the ex- periment by careful regulation of the valve. Readings of the thermometers and the gauges were taken every three minutes until the reservoir was empty, which could be immediately noted by the rapid falling of the level of the water in the barrel ; just before the lower level was reached the end of the 3 inch pipe from the reservoir was exposed, this construction being insisted upon so that the observer could be certain that all the water in the reservoir had flowed into the barrel ; when the lower level from which the start was made was reached the signal was given to the recorder, and the time again noted, the difference in time being that required to lift and force against initial pressure the total weight of water contained in the reservoir ; from this could be calculated the capacity of the injector in pounds, cubic feet or gallons per hour. The method of determining the minimum was the same, except that occasional adjustment of the regulating valve was required during the experiment owing to variations in the pressure of the steam; also, the quantity of water weighed into the reservoir was less than half that used for determin- ing the maximum. Care was taken that the counter pres- sure produced by the back-pressure valve should always be equal to that of the boiler so as to obtain precise results. From these two sets of experiments were determined the figures for the ratio of the minimum capacity to the max- imum; subtracting this from 100 gives the "range" in percentage of maximum. To determine the relation between the weights of the supply water and of the steam required to force it into the boiler, it is evident that the simplest method would be to subtract the known weight of the supply from the weight of the delivered water and then divide the weight of the supply TESTS. 141 by this difference. With small injectors this is often done, as the volume of water to be handled is not large, but with an instrument of the size used, this method becomes imprac- ticable. The method of delivery temperatures was therefore substituted and the same results obtained without the neces- sity for weighing the delivery. The formula used was the following : (See page 83.) _ W= Weight of water delivered per pound of steam. H = Total heat in one pound of steam (absolute) pressure above 32 deg. taken from steam tables. T= Temperature of the delivered \vater. t = Temperature of the water supply. /* Steam pressure (gauge). Maximum water-supply temperatures were obtained by returning some of the water from the delivery pipe to the barrel or reservoir ; care was taken that the hot and cold water should be thoroughly mixed and that the temperature should not be increased too rapidly. Two sets of results are given : limiting temperatures at each steam pressure for auto- matic restarting without subsequent waste of hot water or steam from the overflow ; also maximum operating tempera- ture at which the injector will run without the jet breaking ; the former were obtained with the waste valve free to rise on its seat; the latter, with the waste valve closed by throwing the cam lever backward ; in this case if the jet breaks, steam will flow back into the suction pipe until the waste valve is allowed to open or the steam supply is -shut off. Numerous special tests were also made to determine the action of the injector under conditions frequently occurring in practice, such as variations of the steam pressure, hot water in suction pipe, and the effect of a temporary interrup- tion of the .water supply, such as would occur when the movement of the water in the tank of a locomotive uncovered the end of the suction feed pipe ; also, the amount of water 142 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. wasted during starting and stopping. An account of these tests will be made under the heading of ' ' Results. ' ' It should be noted that all the experiments were made without throttling the steam supply ; this was found to be necessary as an early experiment at 150 Ibs. steam showed that the superheating due to wire drawing materially affected the results ; in all subsequent tests the pressure of the boiler was raised or lowered to meet the requirements of the experi- ment. The directions given in the catalogue of the manufacturers for stopping and starting the injector were followed: To start : Pull out the lever. To stop : Push in the lever. Regu- late for quantity with water valve. In starting on high lifts and in lifting hot water, it is best to pull the lever slowly. Results. To facilitate the comparison, the performance of the injector at different pressures and the results obtained at each set of experiments have been plotted in separate dia- grams, forming curved or broken lines connecting the several observations, so that the results for any intermediate condi- tion can be easily determined ; as the scale of the diagrams is necessarily small, a complete table of results has been given, which contains the actual figures obtained. The results of the tests were remarkably good, for in several cases the claims of the manufacturers were much exceeded. Accom- panying each diagram is a short review of the results. As stated above, however, certain tests were made which could not be tabulated, but are almost equally valuable in considering the general performance of a locomotive boiler feeder. (A) Variation in steam pressure. The injector was started with the lever-starting valve and the water-regulating valve wide open, and the pressure in the boiler and the back pres- sure were simultaneously lowered from 200 Ibs. to 120 Ibs. and then later, with all valves as before, from 120 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. steam, without a drop of water appearing at the overflow; raising the same pressure caused no overflow of steam or water at the waste pipe, and the injector seemed to operate as successfully at one pressure as another, without making TESTS. 143 change in the tubes or in the position of its steam or water valve. (B) From the fact that this injector worked very satis- factorily with hot supply water, it was evident that its lift- ing power with the suction pipe warm, would also be good ; owing to the provision of large overflows in the forcing com- bining tube, it is not necessary that care should be used in admitting steam to the main jet after priming as is the case with other forms of injectors for even though the feed water be above the limiting temperature as it comes from the lift- ing nozzle, the forcing jet will not break, but will cause an overflow of steam and hot water until the hot water is drawn out, which usually occurs in a few seconds ; in this case the amount of waste was small, but with cold water only a few drops appeared at the waste nozzle at 60, 120, 200 Ibs. of steam or intermediate pressures. The mean of a number of tests, stopping and starting the injector with the supply water at ordinary temperatures, gave one-half pint as the amount wasted each time. (C) It has been found by the experimenters that the effect of admission of air to the suction pipe of all injectors which adjust their capacity to suit variations in the steam pressure is to immediately break the jet, and to cause the steam to blow back through the hose into the tank ; but with this instrument any such interference with the normal condition of the jet causes a waste of steam or water at the overflow pipe, which ceases as soon as the disturbing cause is removed. To test this feature, the water in the suction barrel was allowed to fall below the lower end of the suction pipe, so that air would be sucked up into the injector. This caused a discharge of steam and air from the waste pipe, which ceased as soon as the usual level of the water in the barrel was restored. This test was repeated at 200 Ibs. steam pres- sure, when the lifting of the supply water and the forcing it into the boiler occurred the instant the water covered the end of the suction pipe. In regard to the injector itself, it may be said that it re- sponded promptly at all times to the movement of the start- 144 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. ing valve. It is started and stopped by the continuous motion of a single lever, and was regulated by a side motion of the quadrant regulating lever only for the purpose of alter- ing the amount of delivery. Its construction is simple and easily understood ; no outside rods, levers or bell- cranks are used, nor complicated internal valves. When hot water is to be lifted it was found that the strongest suction was obtained when the starting lever was drawn forward about i in. and FIG. 45- 4000 ^ y ^ ^ 3600 3*00 ^ * ^ '0 s E / \ q N p /- -v> 3 (T) -t\ - ^2900 bzeoo *. ^2200 *4 1800 1600 I4OO 1200 /OOO BOO v/ Q ^ j / t-v ^1 I / r-i Ai / k; f 5 ^, i 3 k, ^ / en > K ( * 3 ^ ^ . ^f- f NJ j J, " then 3,510 at 120, 3,760 at 1 50 and 4, ooo at 200 Ibs. steam ; the last capacity is higher than that at any lower steam pressure, and was above that of any other injector of the same size, even though the capacity may be the same at 120 or 150 Ibs. The minimum is shown by the lower heavy line of the diagram, and increases from 765 gals, at 30 Ibs. to 1,732 at 200 Ibs. steam ; this possible reduction of the capacity at 200 Ibs., from 4,005 gals, to 1,732, is such a great variation in the amount of water deliv- FIG. 46. 62 60 v ... M, 1 ?r ^ r- ^t. ^ *^^ \ 02 90 33 E "X ^ ^ " \ ^ v/, v// g y ^ I $s / J r j > SO 60 7O 80 9O fOO /2O J4O /6O 4. ?i? it to ered that it is very evident that the injector can be used to feed the boiler continuously with either a light or heavy train. The ratios between the maximum and the minimum are given by the heavy line in the lower part of Fig. No. 46, and the range in percentages is given in the upper part. These same values are given in lines 8 and 10 of the table. Upon the figures obtained during the test to determine the maximum capacity, are based the values given in Fig. 47, page 146, also line 4 of table, which show the weight of water taken from the supply tank per Ib. of steam used by the 10 146 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. injector. This represents the actual amount of mechanical work done by the steam, and is a point of special value to practical men ; it is a good gauge of the efficiency of the design of the injector and of its economy as a boiler feeder, as it indicates that the minimum amount of steam is used to perform the work of feeding, and no excess is condensed and utilized only for heating the feed water. Under the same conditions of supply temperature and lift, the weight of water FIG. 47. 26 Z 24 23 \ \ \ \ \ \ Zl \ \ \ \l\ \ \ ] V' 19 s ^" l/ / /4 /3 /Z /f M> \ \ \ \ \ v^ \ \ \ s s v s JO * 950 60 70 GO 90 /OO i20 /W /6O 180 ZOO STEAM- PfffSSUfffS delivered per pound of steam must always decrease as the pressure rises. A critical comparison of the results obtained on this experi- ment proves the superior design of this pattern. Referring to the actual figures of Fig. 47 or the table, it is seen that at 120 Ibs. steam, 13.6 Ibs. of water are taken from the tank and forced into the boiler by i Ib. of steam and at 200 Ibs. 10.34 Ibs., the latter result being especially remark- able. TESTS. 147 It is very seldom necessary that a locomotive injector is required to feed when the temperature of the supply exceeds loo degs., but when the occasion demands, the action should be certain and permit a fair range of capacities. Many in jectors will not operate at the higher pressures with the sup- ply at this temperature, consequently their action when start- ing with hot feed pipes causes a very large amount of over- flow before the jet enters the boiler. Several temperature tests were made at 30, 60, 120 Ibs. steam, etc., and the results are given in Fig. No. 48 and lines n and 12 of table. The FIG. 48. ^ X5 *l 30 4O SO 6O TO QO 9O limiting temperature at which the injector is re-started at va- rious steam pressures is given by the lower line, and the max- imum temperature to which the supply may be raised before the injector ceases to operate is shown by upper line. The vertical lines of the diagram indicate steam pressures as before and the horizontal lines degrees Fahrenheit. Starting at 30 Ibs. steam, the limiting temperature is 138 degs., which rises to 143 degs. at 60 Ibs. ; at 120 it is 137 deg., and at 150 Ibs. pressure 133 degs These were obtained with the waste valve closed to prevent the waste which would occur as these limiting temperatures were approached. 148 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. It may be stated that the greatest care was taken to pre- vent the possibility of error in observation or in accuracy of apparatus. The operators were all skilled in experimental work and the observation and calculation of each were care- fully checked. The injector was taken directly from stock and without special preparation, and in performance it ex- ceeded in every detail the requirement of the specification. TABLE OF RESULTS. Test of a Sellers' Improved Injector of 1887 ; Size, 10^ ; Lift, 4 feet; Supply Water Weighed. MAXIMUM CAPACITY. I Mean Steam Pressure 30 60 122 151 200.5 Gallons of Water per Hour . . 1912 2535 3517 37 6 5 4005 50.5 2 3 4 Temperature of Supply Water . 67.0 67.0 54-0 50.0 Temp, of Delivered Water . . . "3-25 125.0 133-4 135-7 i54.o Weight of delivered Water per Pound of Steam Used .... 25.90 19.10 13.60 12.60 IQ .34 MINIMUM CAPACITY. 5 Mean Steam Pressure 30 765 60 1 2O I 4 8 200. 6 Gallons of Water per Hour . . 937 1290 1432 1732 6 Temperature of Supply Water . 67.0 67.0 212 54-5 55.o 50.0 7 Temp, of Delivered Water . . 171 238 250 263 RANGE). Mean Steam Pressure 30 60 121 '49-5 8 Per cent. Capacity of Max. . . 40.0 37.o 36.6 38.0 9 10 Actual Range in Gals, per Hour 1147 1598 2227 2333 Per cent. Range of Max. Capac'y 60.0 63.0 63.3 62.0 200.5 43-2 2273 56.8 LIMITING TEMPERATURE OF WATER SUPPLY. DEG. FAHR. Mean Steam Pressure .... 3 60 1 20 150 II 12 Limiting Re-starting Temp. . . 130 135 122 120 Limiting Operating Temp. . . 139 144 137 133 CHAPTER X. REQUIREMENTS OF MODERN RAILROAD PRACTICE REPAIRS AND RENEWALS METHODS OF FEEDING LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. Owing to the introduction of the compound locomotive or the demand for motive power having increased hauling capa- city, there has been a general tendency during the last few years, to materially increase the pressure of the steam carried on locomotive boilers, and almost all new engines are de- signed to carry from 180 to 205 pounds steam pressure. The designing of an injector for these high pressures is a much more difficult problem than was before presented. The higher the operating pressure, the greater the difficulty in fulfilling the requirements of a good locomotive injector. The criticism against most injectors, and a characteristic of the single jet, fixed nozzle type, is that if it is proportioned to operate at 180 or 200 pounds of steam, it cannot be made to work at the low pressures carried in the round house. There are now in the market several special forms of injector, which show commendable effort to meet the new condi- tions, and which operate over a wide range of pressure. All injectors with fixed nozzles are most efficient at the special pressure for w r hich the tubes are designed, and although they admit by hand adjustment of considerable variation of the steam pressure, yet at no other higher pressure will they ope- rate as efficiently. With injectors having two sets of tubes, this permissible range is much more extended, but the mechanical efficiency is seldom as high as that of some of the special types. But the principal feature which interests the user or pur- chaser of the injector, is the falling off in the capacity as the steam pressure is raised, which often necessitates the pur- 149 150 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. chase of a larger size instrument to obtain the required num- ber of gallons per hour. This entails the consumption of more steam, with a heavier drain on the boiler and conse- quent loss of pressure. Further, the action at these pressures is less certain and the jet much more sensitive. Considering the problem in detail, it will be seen that there are a number of features which it is advantageous that a modern locomotive injector should possess, and which are found to a greater or less extent in certain of the most improved types. One of the chief requirements is simplicity of construction and operation ; special care should not be required to prime, regulate and start ; every unnecessary movement of the engi- neer should be dispensed with; the injector should be ope- rated and adjusted by the movement of a single lever, or at most, by two, one for the steam valve and the other for the feed supply. The action should be positive, so that when once started, it can be depended upon to operate continu- ously without being affected by shock or jar, or change of level of water supply ; it is obvious that every demand upon the attention of the engineer by the lubricator, injector or other device connected with the engine, requires time that should be devoted to the operation of the engine itself, watching the track for passing signals or adjusting the cut-off, and therefore each device should be as nearly self-operative as possible. Fully as important as simplicity of construction, is the general action. A locomotive injector should operate equally well throughout the complete range of boiler pressures without hand adjustment of any kind Not only is this necessary on the road for the reasons outlined above, but on account of the use of the injector by the hostlers or men in charge of the engines in the round house. It should give the maximum delivery at 200 pounds steam and work with a wide-open lazy cock at 20 and 30 as well as at 200 pounds, for it is evident from the discussion of the theory of the injector, that the capacity should vary with the steam pres- sure ; now if it is necessary to regulate the water supply REQUIREMENTS. 151 when the pressure falls, for instance, from 180 to 160 pounds, due to a special drain upon the steaming capacity of the boiler, the attention of the engineer is taken from his other duties and must regulate and adjust his feed, to prevent all the delivered water from the injector passing out through the overflow into the ash pan. It is very desirable also to have a wide range of 'capacities at the usual working pressure. This is difficult to obtain at 1 80 and 200 pounds steam, but in order to obtain the best results in feeding, the range should be at least 50 per cent., and more if possible. The special reasons for this will be given in connection with the methods of feeding locomotive boilers. On page 65 is given the difference between the amount of steam used by two different styles of injectors ; this is due in great measure to the use of a larger steam nozzle than is necessan r . An injector, is practically a pump in which the actuating steam is condensed. Treat the injector as a me- chanical device ; that device which gives the required delivery with the minimum consumption of steam or energy, is the most efficient. Every pound of steam taken out of the steam space means a subtraction of a pound of steam from use on the pistons, and there are times during a heavy pull, when steam in the cylinders is much more valuable than hot water in the boiler. The author has known of cases where there has been shown a very material improvement in the performance of a badly steaming engine by changing to a more economical form of injector. By an efficient injector is meant one in which the delivery is large per unit weight of steam. What this ratio should be, is difficult to say, but recent improvements have raised the delivery of water per pound of steam, from 8.8 pounds to 11.2 at 180 pounds pres- sure. Besides the advantage of having less tendency to pull down the steam pressure, an efficient injector induces a certain amount of economy in the coal consumption, by increasing somewhat the evaporative capacity of the boiler. The greater the difference between the temperature of the waste gases passing into the smoke-box and the feed water, the 152 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. greater the transfer of heat through the boiler tubes to the water. The temperature of the waste gases varies from 800 to 1200 degrees, and if any part of this waste heat can be absorbed by the feed water, it is a clear gain, and this can be obtained by using a lower temperature of the delivery, with smaller steam consumption. There is another feature which commends itself to many practical railroad men, not only on account of the added certainty given to the action of a locomotive injector under all conditions, but for the convenience in obtaining the full range of capacities. When an injector is re-starting, it will continue to force water into the boiler as long as it is sup- plied with water and steam, and will not blow steam back into the suction pipe even if the continuity of the jet should be disturbed by an interruption of the water or steam supply; further, the water supply can be reduced below the actual minimum capacity of the injector without breaking the jet, so that close regulation can be obtained without special care. Operating closed overflow injectors at high pressures on fast express trains is avoided by engineers wherever possible, if there be slightest danger of the injector breaking, for the time occupied in repriming and starting an injector with hot pipes may be two or three minutes, sufficient for the train to have covered as many miles, during which time the atten- tion of the engineer must be more fully occupied with the injector than his other duties. The probability is, therefore, that the engineer will run no such chance, and will operate his injector with the least risk of losing time, even though his method of feeding the boiler may not be the best for obtaining economy of fuel. The temperature of the supply water does not often enter into the consideration, so long as the range of capacities of a locomotive injector is not affected by summer temperatures. Some of the South American and foreign railroads specify the limiting temperature of the water supply, but these cases are exceptional ; the introduction of blow-back valves or the return of the air-brake exhaust to the tank has required the use of hot-water injectors in a few cases, but at the present REPAIRS. 153 time the use is not general, for it is generally accepted that no uncertainty should be allowed in the feed apparatus, and any increase in the temperature of the water supply renders the action of any injector less efficient and consequently reduces the length of life of the tubes. REPAIRS. Given an injector which has been accepted by the officials of a railroad as the most suitable, the next practical question which arises is that of maintenance and repair. If it fulfill the first-named requirement of simplicity of construction, it will not be difficult for the employee having special care of the boiler feeders to comprehend the ordinary cause of com- plaint on the part of the engineer or fireman who operates it. A few practical hints to the inspector may be of value. The first duty on his part will be to examine the connec- tions and joints to discover leaks or stoppage in the strainer, suction and delivery pipe, and the check valves. These proving to be in good condition, the injector should be tested under full working pressure. The methods then to follow depend to a great extent upon the style of injector, and its action during this test. Assuming it to be of the single-jet, fixed-nozzle class, like the Monitor, Ohio, Mack, etc., and that it cannot be made to prime, the fault probably lies with the lifting spindle or priming nozzles. If these nozzles are separate, as in the older form of Monitor, first examine the lifting steam nozzle to see if stopped up, then if tightly screwed to seat, and lastly, joint of body, as air may enter the combining tube at this place and so destroy the suction. The overflow nozzle may be bent, loose or out of line, or the drip pipe so close, or of such small size, that the free discharge of steam is impeded ; or the steam valve to the main steam nozzle may leak to such an extent as to fill the suction pipe and prevent the lifting of the supply water. With other patterns* of injector in which the priming is effected by a central spindle discharging steam through the combining or delivery tube, such as the Sellers' 1876 Injector, 154 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. the Ohio, Monitor 1888, etc., repeat the same method of proce- dure ; examine the lifting jet, unscrewing it if necessary, to remove any obstructing particle of coal or scale. This lift- ing jet should be in exact line with the other tubes, and if bent, discharges the steam against the side of the other nozzle and the desired vacuum is not produced. If the injec- tor is of the double-jet type, the Metropolitan, Hancock, Schutte, for instance, all the applicable tests above described should be used ; also, ascertain if the position of the small spindle which regulates the steam pressure in the lifting noz- zle permits a sufficient amount of steam to enter, and then if the steam valve to the forcer set is closed when the lifter steam valve is wide open ; further, there may be interference with the free discharge of the steam through the body, owing to inaccurate setting of the relief or overflow valves due to wear of operating parts or faulty construction, or to the valves being prevented by some cause from lifting from their seats ; in some cases, where loose valves or soft seats are used, they may have become separated from their attachments and obstructed some of the waste passages. In the Improved Sellers', 1887, and the 1897 Monitor, examine the inlet valve in the passage from the overflow chamber to the suction ; this valve may not seat firmly, due to the bending of the stem or to some obstruction ; this valve should be perfectly tight, or the discharged steam from the lifting nozzles can pass directly into the suction chamber. If the preliminary test showed the lifting apparatus to be operative, and that the fault lay with the delivery of the feed to the boiler, the methods to be applied would depend upon the kind' of injector and its action when steam was admitted to the forcing nozzles. If the injector be of the simpler type a heavy waste at overflow indicates a stoppage of the tubes, or that the delivery tube is worn too large for further use ; the latter condition would be still more evident at the lower pressures. Another possible cause of trouble is the interference with the jet due to displacement, breakage of or obstruction by the line-check valve. In some forms FEEDING LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. 155 of the double-jet type, the non closing of the overflow relief valve between the lifter and the forcer sets prevents the pro- per inter-action of the two jets, and the feed water will not enter the boiler ; or, the tubes of the lifter or forcer may be unequally worn, so that the correct ratios are lost, and either too little or too much water may be supplied to the forcer tubes. The injector should then be removed from the locomotive, the parts carefully unscrewed and examined ; if the diameters are worn too much, new parts should be subtituted ; exactly how much enlargement is permissible, depends upon the kind of service and the pattern of injector, some special styles permitting more latitude in this respect than others. One of the best practical tests of the superiority of an injector is the length of service without removal from the engine, and the cost of maintenance ; the former may vary from one to six or seven years ; the latter depends upon the design, the cost of repair parts, and the condition of the water and steam supplied to it. It is often possible to replace the old tubes if the diameters are not too much enlarged, after the interior surfaces have been carefully smoothed out with fine emery cloth, and all roughness and abrasion removed, for the slightest impediment to the rapid motion of the moving mass of water and steam interferes with the action of the jet. All injectors should be tested before replacing upon the boiler. A simple form of testing plant, such as that shown in Fig. 43, should be part of the equipment of every large railroad shop conducting extensive injector repairs ; it should be connected to a boiler capable of carrying as high pressure as that used on locomotives ; the proving test should be made as complete as possible, and a permanent record preserved for reference. FEEDING LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. In the economical handling of the locomotive, the way in which the boiler is fed plays an important part. To lay down a rigid rule is manifestly impossible, but that generally accepted, and adopted where conditions permit, is to main- 156 THE GIFFARD INJECTOR. tain a constant water level with a continuous feed. There are a number of reasons for this : the strains on the boiler sheets, due to changes in temperature and unequal expansion, are reduced ; the drain upon the steam supply is more constant, owing to the continuous operation of the injector; less water is wasted in stopping and starting the injector, and less time and attention need be given on the part of the operator; on long level runs, this method can almost always be pursued, if the engineer is provided with an injector having a wide range of capacities ; but there are several special rules to be observed ; in approaching a sta- tion at which a short stop is made, especially between long and fast runs, it is advantageous to stop the injector a short time before the station is reached, to permit a slight checking of the fire, and then, when the station is reached, to feed the boilers quickly with one, or even with both injectors if neces- sary, to prevent blowing off at the safety-valve. Also, the feed should be stopped before starting from a station ; the train can then be drawn out with full boiler pressure, and there need be no drain on the steam supply due to use of the injector, until the train is under good headway and the exhaust has pulled the fire into good working condition. With a badly steaming or overloaded engine drawing a heavy train it is very difficult to raise the pressure to the normal, having a low water level to overcome in addition. A curious phenomenon, often observed in connection with the feeding of locomotive boilers, is the variation in the water level after an injector has been started ; when a boiler has not fed for some time and the engine has been working hard with a heavy exhaust, clear fire and waste gases at a high temperature, the entire body of water is filled with bubbles of steam working upward to the surface; this mass of confined air and steam displaces a large volume of water, while the agitation of the surface due to the mo- tion of the engine tends still further to raise the apparent water level. If the boiler feeder is now started, the cooler water condenses the rising steam bubbles and diminishes the volume of water, and lowers the level in the glass. In FEEDING LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. 157 former days, when pumps were used, five to ten minutes were often required before any increase in the height of water would be shown, and although the injector would not pro- duce so marked an effect, yet a deceptive contraction in the volume does occur, which should be carefully watched ; otherwise, when normal conditions of ebullition are estab- lished, it will be found that the water level has risen very suddenly, at the probable risk of water passing over into the cylinder. In order to obtain the most economical results, every device used on and about a locomotive should be of the most efficient pattern. No operator, whether on a railroad or elsewhere, can do his best for his employer unless he is sup- plied with suitable appliances or tools, and given the means whereby he can be most economical of his own effort and the material at his disposal. This is especially true of the injector, which should be arranged to give good results with the fewest movements and with the least inconvenience to the operator. This is an important and practical question : if an engineer has several handles to manipulate when one should answer as well, or if fine and careful adjustment is required to give good results, or if there be risk of breakage of the jet when throttling to the minimum, the engineer will operate his injector as best suits his convenience, with little reference to the finer points of economy. On the other hand, all good men are ambitious and anxious to do their best and make records for themselves which may tend to their advancement ; if an engineer or fireman feels that he can obtain good results and will receive material encouragement in his efforts, he will steadily improve. Every- thing about a locomotive should be the best of its kind, whether air-brake, lubricator or boiler-feeder, and should be carefully tested by the motive-power department, and full evidence obtained that it approaches most nearly the standard of modern excellence. Great advancement has already been made, yet further improvements are expected at the hands of those who are working toward the improvement of the 158 THE G1FFARD INJECTOR. injector, along the lines laid down at the opening of this chapter. In conclusion, a word might be said regarding the careful handling of injectors, which are not delicate instruments, yet require occasional attention in order to give the best satisfaction. A little care in closing the valves and pushing in levers will prolong the life of the parts and reduce the necessity for grinding and repairing. If dirt or scale is caught between a valve and its seat, causing a slight leak, a touch with a seat reamer or a little time taken to grind the surfaces to a bearing, will save much future trouble. All valves should be kept tight, as a leak tends invariably to increase rapidly, and the trouble is magnified if repairs are postponed. The deposit of a hard scale upon the interior surfaces of the tubes and in the overflow vents is a continual source of trouble when the feed water contains lime in solu- tion; a small amount of oil fed into the steam or suction pipes alleviates but does not entirely prevent the formation of the deposit ; it may, however, in most cases be removed by allowing the tubes to remain for eight or ten hours in solution of one part of muriatic acid in ten of water. The repairing of injectors should never be intrusted to a novice, and where large numbers are in use, it is customary on large railroads to combine the air brake and injector repairs in the same department, and place the responsibility in the hands of experienced workmen ; every opportunity should be afforded these men for obtaining a thorough knowledge of the theory of action, and the special pecu- liarity of each pattern of injector in use, and it has been the experience of the author that courteous attention is always given by the well-known manufacturing companies to those who seek for information. INDEX. AIR IN STEAM, 72. AUTOMATIC DOUBLE JET, 23. AUTOMATIC INJECTOR Definition of, 27 ; Earliest Forms of, 22 ; Exhaust, 113; Gresham, no; Manhattan, III; Metropolitan, 109; Penberthy, 110-119; Sellers' 1885, 108 ; Sel- j lers' 1887, 104; Webb, 92. BACK PRESSURE, 119; Effect of Feed- Temperature Table, 72 ; Experi- ments, 34, 122. BANCROFT, J. S. Improvements by, 22 BELFIELD INJECTOR, 66 ; Description, 102. BOURDON Inventions by, 3, BOILER EVAPORATION, 126. BOILER TESTERS, 121. BUFFALO INJECTOR, 120. CAPACITY See Weight of Water per Pound of Steam. COEFFICIENT OF IMPACT, 77, 78. COMBINING TUBE, 45, 69; Definition of, 26; Losses in, 74; Vacuum Within, 49 ; Wear of, 51. DELIVERY TEMPERATURE, 72, 78, 106. DELIVERY TUBE Definition of, 26 ; Pressure in, 33 ; Wear of, 42. DENSITY OF JET Effect of Tempera- ture of Feed, 78 ; in Delivery Tube, 31, 72. DESMOND Improvements by, 22. DIAGRAM Maximum and Minimum Capacities at different Feed Temper- atures, 127; Maximum and Mini- mum Capacities at different Pres- sures, 125, 144; Pressures in De- livery Tube, 40; Pressure within Steam Nozzle, 57, 60; Velocity and Pressure in Delivery Tube, 32. DIVERGENT FLARE Delivery Tube, 34, 39; Steam Nozzle, 54. DIVERGENT STEAM NOZZLE Inven- tion of, 21. DOUBLE JET Automatic Form of, 23 ; Definition of, 27 ; Effect of Height of Lift, 77; Pressure between the two sets of tubes, 78 ; Relative Pro- portions to Single Jet, 78. DOUBLE JET INJECTOR Belfield, 102 ; Description of, 19; for High Feed Temperature, 50; Schutte, 101. EBERMAN INJECTOR, 114. EFFICIENCY Cause of loss of, 86; Compared with Pump, 87 ; Defini- tion of, 28; Mechanical, 84, 86; of various types, 66. EJECTORS, 123; Definition of, 25. ENGLISH INJECTORS, 90. ENGLAND Introduction of Injector into, 4. EXHAUST INJECTOR, 64; Description of, 118 ; Length of Combining Tube, 48; Theory of Action, 70. FEED WATER Purity of, 51 ; Tem- perature of, 50, 101, 106, 114, 119, 147. 159 160 INDEX. FEED TEMPERATURE Effect upon Ca- pacity, 78 ; Effect on Maximum and Minimum Capacity (Diagram), 133; Highest Admissible (Formula for), 85. FEEDING LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, 155. FIRE PUMPS, 123. FRANCE Improvement in, 20. FRENCH INJECTORS, 93. FRIEDMAN Improvements by, 21. GARFIELD INJECTOR, 32, 66, 109. GIFFARD, H. J., Original inventor, I. GIFFARD INJECTOR, 10-32. GRESHAM AND CRAVEN, 92. GRESHAM, JAMES Improvements by, 18. GRESHAM RE-STARTING INJECTOR Description of, 116. HAMER, METCALF AND DAVIES' EX- HAUST INJECTOR, 21. HANCOCK INJECTOR, 109. HANCOCK, JOHN Improvements by, 18. HOLDEN AND BROOKE Improvements by, 23. HORSE POWER Required to Feed Boiler, 65. IMPACT Coefficient of (Table), 72; Losses during, 86. INJECTOR Definition of Term, 25. IRWIN INJECTOR, 48. ITALIAN INJECTORS, 93. JENKS INJECTOR, 120. KNEASS, STRICKLAND L. Improve- ments by, 23. KORTING, ERNEST Improvements by, 1 8. LIFT Effect upon Capacity (Table), 76. LITTLE GIANT INJECTOR (RUE), 66; Description of, 113; Experiments with, 46. LOCOMOTIVE INJECTORS Sizes Re- quired (Table), 121. LOFTUS, JOHN Improvements by, 22. LOSSES BY CONDUCTION OF HEAT, 83. LOSSES IN COMBINING TUBE, 69, 74. MACK INJECTOR, 32, 66, 107. MANHATTAN INJECTOR Description of, 117. MAXIMUM CAPACITY Conditions af- fecting, 119. I MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY, 64. METROPOLITAN INJECTOR, 32, 66, 108, 121. MILLHOLLAND Improvements by, 13. MINIMUM CAPACITY (Formula), 84. MONITOR INJECTOR, 32, 36 ; Descrip- | tion of, 97. MONITOR STANDARD, 90. NATHAN MFG. Co., 94. NON-LIFTING INJECTOR, 89. OHIO INJECTOR, 109. OIL Use of to Prevent Scale, 129. PARK INJECTOR, 120. PENBERTHY, WILLIAM Improvements by, 22. PENBERTHY INJECTOR Description of, Il8; "SPECIAL," IIO. PENNA. R. R. STANDARD, 90, 129. PRESSURES Within Delivery Tube (Diagram of), 32; Within Steam Nozzle, 57. PUMP Compared with Injector, 87. RANGE OF CAPACITY Definition of, 28. RE-STARTING Sellers', in. REPAIRS, 153. ROBINSON AND GRESHAM Improve- ments by, 13. RUE INJECTOR See " LITTLE GIANT." RUE, SAMUEL Improvements by, 13. SCALE Prevention of, 158. ScHAU Improvements by, 21. SCHUTTE (KORTING) INJECTOR De- scription of, 100. SELF-ADJUSTING INJECTOR Action of Combining Tube, 48; Advantages of, 47 ; Definition of, 27 ; Descrip- tion of, 15, 96. SELLERS, WM. Inventor of Self-Ad- justing Principle, 14. SELLERS' 1876 INJECTOR, 32. INDEX. 161 SELLERS' 1885 INJECTOR Description of, ic8 ; High Feed Temperature, 51. SELLERS' RE-STARTING, in. SELLERS' 1887 INJECTOR, 66; De- scription of, 103. SETTING INJECTORS, 120. STEAM DISCHARGE, 58 ; Phenomena of, 54; Rate of, 61, 63; Formulae, 61, 63. STEAM JETS Air mixed with, 71. STEAM NOZZLE Definition of, 26 ; Ratios Throat to Initial Pressures, 58, 60, 61. STEAM PRESSURE Effect on Maxi- mum and Minimum Capacity (Dia gram), 124, 144. STEWART, ROBINSON AND GRESHAM Improvements by, 20. TABLE I. Delivery of various Injec- tors per Unit Area of Delivery Tube, 32. TABLE II. Pressure and Weight of Water, 43. TABLE III. Values of 0, 65. TABLE IV Density of Jet in Delivery Tube, 72. TABLE V. Variation of Weight of Water per Pound of Steam with Dif- ferent Heights of Lift, 76. TABLE VI. Tension of Vapor of| Water, 77. TABLE VII. Variation of Capacity with Feed Temperature, 78. TABLE VIII. Weight of Water per Pound of Steam at Different Steam Pressures, 79. TESTS OF INJECTORS, 129. THEORY OF INJECTOR, 67. VABE Early Form of Automatic In- jector, 22. VARIATION OF DENSITY OF JET WITH FEED TEMPERATURE (Table), 72, 78. VELOCITY OF STEAM DISCHARGE, 55; At various pressures, 61 ; Formulae, 61 ; At Impact, 72. WATER Weight of i Cubic Foot of, at various Temperatures, 43. WATER ENTRANCE TO COMBINING TUBE, 46. WATER IN STEAM, 64. WEAR Combining Tube, 51. WEBB'S INJECTOR, 93. W. F. INJECTOR Description of, 99- WEIGHT OF STEAM DISCHARGE, 61 ; Experiments and Formulae, 63. WEIGHT OF WATER Delivered per Sq. Mm. of Delivery Tube, 66 ; per Pound of Steam (Formula for), 76, 83 ; per Pound of Steam at different Steam Pressures, 79 ; per Pound of Steam, 72, 146; Variation with Feed Temperature, 78. WILLIAMS, G. C. Automatic Injector, 22. 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