UC-NRLF 639 S55 o c THE NEED OF AN Elevated and Permanent CIVIL SERVICE, AN ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, MARCH 15, 1880, BY HON, A. LOUDON SNOWDEN. PHILADELPHIA : WM. F. MURPHY'S SONS, PRINTERS. Sss Philadelphia, 22nd March, 1880. Dear Sir: Believing that the excellent address on " Civil Service Reform," made by you on the occasion of the Centennial Commemmoration of the Incorporation of the American Philosophical Society, needs a wider circulation than that which it will have in the proceedings of the Society, we would respectfully ask for a copy, in order that it may be printed for separate distribution. WM. SELLERS, JOHN L. LeCONTE, S. H. NICHOLS, J. P. LESLEY. Hon. a. Loudon Snowden, Superintendent, Mint of the U. S., at Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 24TH March, 1880. Gentlemen : I am in receipt of your very kind letter of the 22nd inst., and in reply beg to say that whilst the remarks I had the honor to submit upon the occasion to which you refer, were but surface gleanings hastily thrown together, upon a very important subject, I nevertheless comply with your request, in the hope that the " wider circulation " you propose giving them may not be entirely without good results. I am, gentlemen, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, A. LOUDON SNOWDEN. To William Sellers, Esq., Dr. John L. LeConte, Mr. S. H. Nichols, Prof. J. P. Lesley. 264 the need of an Ilevated and' Permanent Civil Service. I am honored, Mr. President, by your call, and doubly so by the cordial manner in which it has been received by the gentlemen of the Society, and heartily wish it were in my power to repay your kind partiality by something worthy of your consideration. It must be a pleasure to all the members of the Society to be present upon this interesting occasion, not alone to discuss the good things provided by the thoughtfulness of the Committee of Arrangements, but to partake of the intellectual feast which has been so bountifully provided. You have been pleased, sir. In presenting my name, to associate with it, the names of three of my predecessors in the management of the Mint of the United States in this City, who were also presidents of this ancient Society, which has embraced in its membership, and upon its rolls of honor, some of the most illustrious names in letters and science which the last century has produced. The three distinguished gentlemen to whom you were good enough to refer, David Rittenhouse, Robert Patterson and Robert M. Patterson, were. In their day, citizens and public officers who conferred lasting benefits upon the public service, and who were, in all the relations of life, examples worthy of imitation. David Rittenhouse, who succeeded Benjamin Franklin, and preceded Thomas Jefferson, as President of this So- ciety, was wisely selected by Washington, on the passage of the Act of 1792, authorizing the establishment of the Mint in this City, on account of his eminent scientific knowledge and great mechanical skill. He superintended the erection of the Mint building on Seventh street, saw to its equipment in machinery, to the perfecting of its or- ganization, and, in 1 793, issued the first coinage of the Republic. Little did he dream in that day of small things, that in less than fifty years, the one cumbersome screw press then in use, and capable of executing all the coinage required, at the rate of about ten or fifteen pieces a min- ute, would give place to the steam toggle-joint press with a capacity of from eighty to one hundred pieces to the minute, and that in much less than one hundred years, over thirty of those grand coining presses, with largely in- creased capacity and power, would be kept thundering night and day to execute the coinage demanded by law and by the wants of the people. Robert Patterson, the fifth President of this Society, was called to the management of the Mint by President Jefferson in 1805. He had been honorably connected with our Revolutionary struggle, and subsequently, was a Pro- fessor in the University of Pennsylvania, conspicuous for his learning and thorough administrative ability. Robert M. Patterson, elected the eiofhth President of this Society, was a son ol Robert Patterson, to whom I have just referred, and succeeded Dr. Samuel Moore in the Mint. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, and subsequently prosecuted his studies in Europe. On his return to Philadelphia, he was elected Professor in our University, was Vice-Provost, and filled successively, the Chairs of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Mathematics. In 1828, he became a Professor in the University of Vir- ginia, from which he was transferred to the Directorship of the Mint in 1835 ; ^^ which position he remained, ren- dering most acceptable service, until 1851, when failing health induced him to retire from public life. It were well, Mr. President, for the honor and profit of our country, if high public station were always as well filled, and sacred public trusts as faithfully administered as in the instances to which, by your courtesy, I have been permitted to refer. This brief allusion to the services rendered by these distinguished public officers brings me very naturally to the consideration of the theme you have been pleased to assign me this evening, to wit : THE NEED OF AN ELEVATED AND PERMANENT CIVIL SERVICE. This is a practical and important question, touching very closely the highest and best interests of our Country, and entitled to the thoughtful attention of every American citizen. Neither the proprieties of this occasion nor your pa- tience would justify an elaborate or exhaustive discussion at my hands. What I shall, therefore, with your leave, submit, will be but a brief reference to the most obvious points that present themselves in a rapid glance at the subject. In the minds of all thoughtful and patriotic men, there can be no doubt as to the great advantage resulting from the elevation of our civil service above the control and influence of mere partisan interference. The battle to be fought before the triumph of this important principle is assured, will be sharp and well contested at every point, although no one should despair of the result, in view of the general and increasing intelligence of ihe people, now being brought to bear upon the question. Of late years, public attention has been much directed to the subject, but, as was to be expected, it has met the most determined opposition from the representatives of all parties. Every weapon that sarcasm, ridicule, and false- hood could forge in the workshop of selfishness, has been hurled against its advocates. And yet it must be con- fessed that the greatest injury inflicted, has come from pre- tended friends, who, under that garb, have attempted to accomplish selfish ends, and thus have brought ridicule upon the cause. Nevertheless, steady advance has been had within the past few years, and some lodgment made in the minds of the people. That there is too much foolish, intemperate, and unjust denunciation of our present service there can be no doubt. If we were to believe one-half that is written and spoken on this subject, we must conclude that but few, if any, honest or honorable men are engaged in public affairs. This tendency to carp and cavil at, and criticise all men engaged in the public service, is said to be a natural out- growth of our free institutions, which makes every citizen a censor. But whether this be true or not, the fact is never- theless patent, that from the very organization of our Gov- ernment, there has been more or less of this sort of thing prevalent. Even Washington, the most illustrious of all our citizens, if not the most illustrious man of all the world, was not exempt; nay, on the contrary, in spite of his inval- uable services to the country, his nobility of soul, and his transcendent patriotism, he was subjected to the most vio- lent, bitter, and unreasonable abuse, and under it retired from public life. It was fashionable then, as it is now, among certain grumblers and inconsiderate persons, to denounce our civil service on all occasions. They do not take the trouble to obtain reliable facts upon which an intelligent judgment may be formed, as touching the general service, but are prone to take isolated instances of wrong doing, and base their opinion of the whole service thereon. That this is a most irrational and unjust process from which to arrive at a sound conclusion, there can be no doubt, and yet it is the usual mode. These grumbling pessimists who find no good in their own country or times, are very often least fitted, either by cultivation of mind or purity of character, to form a sound judgment of their fellow men. Dismissing this class as worthy of no farther attention, it must be admitted, that although our civil service fairly represents the average moral and intellectual status of our people, it can nevertheless be elevated and rendered more efficient by means which are simple in themselves, and not difficult of application. When I say the means of accomplishing this desired end are simple and easy of application, I should say, they 10 are so, provided the people have courage and patriotism enough, to demand of their political leaders, that our civil service must be permanent, — promotions coming through effi- ciency, and the te^iure of office dependent upon good behavior. It will not do to simply incorporate these ideas or principles into the political platforms of the parties, as catch votes, to be forgotten after elections are lost or won ; but let our civil service be organized under the sanction of law, as are the military and naval services, and thus secure a permanent application of this important principle, no matter how often administrations change, or parties succeed to power. That the law should bind all parties in this respect — if the principle is good — must be quite apparent. An attempt on the part of any administration to establish such a wholesome system without the binding force of law to sustain it, can only hope for partial and unsatisfactory results, no matter how earnest and honest may be the effort. It is doubtful, indeed, if any administration is strong enough to enforce the reform against long established pre- cedent, and the selfishness of partisan managers, unless fortified and strengthened by law. The reasons are manifold why the policy, as a mere administrative measure, is likely to be a failure; First, if for no other reason, because it would be looked upon as an ephemeral effort or experiment, likely to disappear with the administration, if not break down before it terminated. Second, because as such, It would be constantly assaulted with a view to its abandonment; whereas, if under the sanction of the law, it would be accepted as a fixed fact and remain practically unassailed ; and Third, because it would have no binding force upon succeeding Presidents, who 11 could and probably would overthrow in a day the work of years. President Hayes will ever be remembered for a noble effort in this direction, and although much good has been accomplished, yet, from the causes I have enumerated, and others, results expected and hoped for have not been fully realized. General Jackson is credited with the declaration that, "to the victors belong the spoils," and whether he or William L. Marcy, is responsible for the utterance, there can be no doubt that Jackson was the first President who broke down the old tenure of office, handed down to us from our English ancestors, and recognized by Washington and his compatriots, as of the highest value in the adminis- tration of public affairs. It is well to remember, however, that whilst General Jackson struck a fatal blow at the civil service, and pros- tituted it to selfish partisan ends, the service itself was largely responsible for the blow that was given. Although existing by English and American precedents, it was not restrained by law within its legitimate sphere. The service at that time was largely composed of those who differed politically with Jackson, and as it was a period of bitter partisan strife, they did all in their power to hamper and embarrass his administration. This was neither wise nor prudent, and exhibits to us the fact that, with the ex- ception of the tenure of office, the service was badly organ- ized and conducted. Instead of performing quiedy and efficiently its legitimate functions, without regard to the change in the political head of the government, it was violently partisan, and used its entrenched position to defeat the measures advanced by the President. 12 There was, therefore, some excuse for Jackson's course. He was a positive, brave, — although sometimes an indiscreet man, and accustomed, from his habits of thought and training, to strike an enemy whenever and wherever he could find him. He struck his Whig adversaries, fortified in the civil service, and paralysed them, as a power against himself. But in doing so he inflicted an evil upon his country which has widened and deepened as the years have followed. Had Gen. Jackson succeeded in applying a remedy for the evil justly complained of, by such legislation as would prevent a civil officer — as the unwritten law prevents officers in the army and navy, — from participating in partisan strife, he would have accomplished the immediate purpose in view, and left to the future, this, as the brightest page in his re- markable career. The primary and paramount object of all service is, to promote that which is best for the people at large, without distinction of party; whereas, under a corrupted system, it is customary to consider all the offices of the country as the common property of the party in power, to be distri- buted to their partisans as rewards for services rendered, or as implements to be used for future party purposes. No one will deny that this is the fact, and yet it is an utter perversion of the true and legitimate objects for which the offices were created. The number of officers or places under the govern- ment is quite insignificant in comparison with the popu- lation of the country, and it is of very little moment to the great bulk of the people, whether John Smith, Jones, or Robinson hold office or place ; hut it is of the highest importance that whosoever does hold the same, be skilled, intelligent, polite, and trustworthy. 13 How are these essential qualities to be obtained ? Is it by rotating a man in or out of office for a political purpose, or in having his continuance in place depend upon his ability to carry a precinct or a ward convention in partisan contests, or, on the contrary, are not the offices more likely to be well and acceptably filled by having those holding them under- stand that so long as they are honest, attentive, and faithful in the discharge of their duties, they will be retained and promoted for meritorious conduct when an opportunity presents? The continuance of a faithful and intelligent officer increases his opportunities for usefulness to the public. One of the evils, and not a small one, attending our present defective system, is, that we are, by our short tenure, con- stantly put to the inconvenience and expense of educating new men. A change in the national administration of the Gov- ernment, especially where one political party is succeeded by another, must of necessity be followed by a change in such leading and important public positions as reflect the purposes and policy of the party in power, but in the name of all that is reasonable and proper why should a change in the administration necessitate a perfect upheaval in all our civil service, from the humblest laborer to the most skilled expert, mechanic or accountant? Because a new President is elected, is no reason why a skilled workman in the Mint, an intelligent, well trained letter carrier, or any other faithful employe of the government should be removed. They have been educated for the service at the public expense, their education and equipment is the common property of the people, and should not be thrown away to gratify partisan selfishness. 14 What man of business, banker, manufacturer or merchant would think of adopting such a short-sighted or pernicious system in his own business ? I know of no such man. And why should we not apply in public affairs the same common sense principles and rules that govern in the ordinary pursuits of life? It seems to be so reasonable and proper a course that I can not conceive of a good argument against its adoption. Because the people, as is their right, see fit to change the administration of national affairs on account of important public questions, such as the tariff, finance, state right incroachments, or centralization, or any other issue that may arise, is no reason why all the faithful and skilled employes of the government, from the lowest up. should be turned out to give place to inexperienced successors, whose education and equipment for the service is attended with discomfort, errors, and loss to the people. Without going deeper into the subject, in all its bearings, or trespassing farther upon your kind indulgence, I think it must be admitted that a civil service based upon so illogical and uncertain a tenure is defective in the extreme, and should be replaced by one resting upon common sense, as mani- fested in the usual business affairs of lile. The opposition to a change from the present to a better system, comes principally from those leaders of both parties who claim that patronage is an important partisan weapon. But I am clearly of the opinion that an honest and fair test of the new system woulc^ satisfy even these persons, that they had over estimated patronage as a factor in partisan con- tests. I think our political leaders would discern, like many an intelligent man of the South has, by the great 15 lesson of the war, that, whereas he formerly leaned upon slave labor, — felt he could not exist without it, — yet, when schooled in adversity to self-trust and self-support, would not now return to the same order of things, or repossess his slaves if freely proffered him. Patronage is not always a power — and is oft-times a weakness — and 1 am convinced with some knowledge and experience, that its influence is much over-rated. Some of the grandest and most memorable contests ever fought upon the political battle fields of our country have been fought and won without patronage, and indeed against the whole patronage of an administration improperly used. The proposed change in our civil service would not only elevate and increase its efficiency, but would eliminate much that is venal, selfish, and dangerous to the politics of the country. This branch of the subject is too wide and far-reaching in its results, for more than a passing allusion to this evening. Knowing the defects in our present service, and the evils flowing therefrom, what is the remedy, and how shall it be applied? The remedy I would suggest is, to remove by law the civil service of the country from under the control of partisan interfere7ice, and p^'event its suboi'dinates froTn an active participation therein. By this course you will elevate the service, increase its efficiency, and largely decrease its expense to the people. Is the remedy an impossible or even a difficult one to apply? To a nation which has laid forests, built splendid cities, peopled a continent, overcome a mighty rebellion, and emancipated four millions of human beings within the stride 16 of a single century — it would seem as if this might be accom- plished. I know full well that it can be done, and that quickly if good men of all parties will only unite and determme that it shall be. If the pernicious influences exerted by our present de- fective system are eliminated from our politics, we will have removed one of the greatest hindrances to our advance, and danger to our future peace, tranquility, and prosperity as a nation. HOME USE 6-month loon ray be "chT"^ ^r.°> ^^2-3405 Ret , . "''''^^^'"9ing books to C,rculat,on i£2£:^s end rechorop. ^.., be rr.ode 4 Hn ■ FORM NO. DD6, 40m, 3/78^^^^^^^™ DtKKtLEY, CA 94720 ®s hT> 2lA-50m-3;6;2 (C7097slO)4"6B General Library . Unive^ity of California Berkeley