U^i > "v. 184^ - Oliver jist of the monumental Brasses .n the City of London Churches A A " i 0=1 o S 'X o — g 7 ^- 8 — g 3—^ n ==^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A LIST OF THE MONUMENTAL BRASSES City of London Churches, ANDREW OLIVER, A.R.LB.A. REPRINTED FROM THE LONDON AND MIDDLESEX NOTEBOOK. 189I. fVt3 Monumental Brasses in the City of London. '^T^HERE are still remaining in the various churches in the Citv I of London some forty-one monumental brasses, and it seems desirable that a list of them should be given here, arranged under the various churches in which they are to be found. It may be noted that all the brasses are on the floor unless stated otherwise. All Hallows, Barking. DATE. 1437 (0 Johii Bacon and wife. Heart with scroll over figure, and foot inscription. North aisle. 1477 (2) John Croke and wife, sons and daughters, and one scroll and one shield. A scroll, shield and marginal inscrip- tion lost. North aisle on altar-tomb. 1498 (3) John Rusche, and foot inscription. South aisle. 15 18 (4) Christopher Rawson, two wives, foot inscription, and four scrolls. South aisle. ^535 (5) Andrew Evyngar (Flemish). Incised inscription round brass ; one side destroyed. Nave. 1546 (6) William Thinne and wife. Marginal and foot inscriptions. and part of wife s effigy restored ; one symbol lost. South aisle. 1560 (7) William Armore. Quadrate plate. On pier in south aisle. 1591 (^) Roger James. Shield and foot inscription. Nave. Inscriptions^ etc. 1489 (9) Thomas Gilbert, and two Evangelist symbols. Nave. 1389 (10) William Tonge. Inscription round a shield. South aisle. 9426?9 I\Iointinciital Brasses in the City of London. DATE, 1454 (11) Thomas Vyrly. A fragment and two wings (?). North aisle. 1620 (12) Margaret, wife of Arthur Bassano ; and Camela, wife of Henry Whitton. South aisle. ]6i2 (13) Marie, wife of John Burnett. South aisle. 1 65 1 (14) George Snayth. North aisle. (15) Representation of the Resurrection and a scroll. Male effigy and three sons, wife and four daughters and a scroll lost. On altar-tomb, south aisle. 1556 (16) A shield, bearing quarterly the arms of Denny, Lovedy, Folliot and Dyverle. East wall of north aisle. (17) A shield, bearing the arms of Bond. Under altar. Great St. Helen's, Bishopsgate. Nos. 5, 6, and 10 are from the destroyed church of St. Martin, Outwych. 1465 (i) A civilian and wife. Inscription and shields lost. 1475 (2) Thomas Wylliams, wife and foot inscription. Children and shields lost. 151° (3) John Leventhorp, and foot inscription. 1535 (4) ^ I'^dy in heraldic mantle. Inscription lost. 1482 (5) Nicholas Wooton [figure temporarily removed]. Foot inscription. 1459 (6) John Breieux. Inscription lost. 1493 (7) Robert Cotesbrooke. Inscription. ^^ZZ (S) Shield and two inscriptions to Thomas Wight. All the?e brasses are in the Lady Chapel. The following are at the west end of the north aisle : 1600 (9) One shield and two inscriptions to Elizabeth Robinson. 1500 (10) Remains of the memorial of Hugh Pemberton, viz., seven sons, one scroll and two shields. On altar tomb. The man and his wife, with two sons and the daughters' figures, three scrolls, two plates, and the marginal in- scription, are lost. The portion of the tomb which contained the. wife and daughters' figures has been cut away. In the north aisle is the matrix of the brass of Thomas Benolte (Clarencieux King of Arms, 1535) ; and his two wives, with marginal inscription and shields. Monumental Brasses in the City of London. 3 Holy Trinity, Minor ies. DATE. 1596 Constancia Lucy and foot inscription. St. ANDRE^v Undershaft. 1539 (i) Nicholas Leveson, wife, eight sons and ten daughters; two scrolls, three shields, and a worn plate at top of slab. On east wall of north aisle. ^593 (2) Simon Burton, wives, sons, daughters, and inscription. Quadrate plate. On north wall. St. Bartholome\v-the-Less. 1439 William Markeby and wife, and foot inscription. Tower. St. Dunstan-in-the-West. 1530 (i) Henry Dacres and wife, and foot inscription. Mural, west end. 1620 (2) Margaret Talbot. Quadrate plate. Mural, near pulpit. St. Katharine, Regent's Park.* '599 William Cuttinge and wife. Quadrate plate. On south wall of nave. St. Martin, Ludgate. 1586 Thomas Beri. Quadrate plate with merchants' mark. This brass was removed from St. Mary Magdalene, Old Fish Street. St. Olave, Hart Street. 15 1 2 (i) Sir Richard Haddon (effigy lost), two wives, two sons, three daughters, five shields of arms and labels, two of which are mutilated ; a plate, one label and marginal inscription lost. Mural, south aisle. 1584 (2) John Orgone and wife, inscription and scrolls and mer- chants' mark. Mural, south aisle. * Although no longer within the city precincts, wc include this brass, as it was formerly within the churcli of St. Katherine by the Tower. 4 Moimuicntal Brasses in (he City of London. Inscriptions. DATE. 1566 (3) Thomas Alorley. Mural, north aisle. 1605 (4) George Schrarder, two shields and two inscriptions. South aisle. N. u (5) Andreas Riccard. Achievement of arms on same plate. South aisle. The two last were removed from AJl Hallows Staining Church. St. Peter, Cornhili^ Inscription relating to the foundation of the church. Ins the vestry, mural, Andrew Oliver, A.R.I.B.A. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40m-7,'56(C790s4)444 THE UBRAKY TnSIVERSrrY OF CALIFORNIA TOS ANGET.RS MB -0l3APer_^^ ^ im A list of the "ii8_£^jnonumental brasses in the -t^^of Xqndon_churches m 181;2 am 1 UCLA-Young Research Library NB1842 .0481 L 009 575 545 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 307 830 8