I THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CLARE COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, C. F. CLAY, Manager. ?loilHon: FETTER LANE, E.C. Olajjflofo: 50, WELLINGTON STREET. Iriinig: K A. BROCKHAUS. p.riu lioik: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Bomtiafl Birt ffalnitta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltd. [All Rights reserved^ A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF CLARE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE DESCRIBED BY MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES, Litt.D., F.B.A. PROVOST OF KING'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE: DIRECTOR OF THE FIT/AVI I.I.I AM Ml SLUM CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1905 Cambrftgr • PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1/6* PREFATORY NOTE. THERE must of necessity be a good deal of monotony in the introductory notices that I write upon the smaller collections of manuscripts in Cambridge Colleges. In most cases the burden is the same. " This and that College," one has to say, " once possessed a large and interesting library which has now entirely disappeared; and its present possessions in the way of manuscripts are lamentably scanty." Of Clare College this is undoubtedly true. The Library was quite large and remarkable. We haw a partial Catalogue of it, never yet published, and we have also notes made by Leland and Bale upon books which they saw there — many of which are not mentioned in the Catalogue. Much could be said, and something will, I hope, be said of the Old Library : but I must in this place concern myself only with what I find at present on the shelves. Thirty-one volumes is the total, and they may be classified as follows : Biblical. One Latin Bible of the ordinary type, and a Greek Lectionary. Liturgical. An interesting Psalter from the neighbourhood of Peterborough, four Horae (foreign), a Breviary of Norwich dio< a good collection of Devotions ( English), and a late Spanish service book. Patristic and Medieval Theology. Tracts of Augustine (the oldest of the manuscripts), Smaragdus ; three volumes of Gregory (one from Worcester), a late Gelasius Cyzicenus, two collections of sermons, a comment on part of the Old Testament, a common tract of Grosseteste, and a moral Dictionary. Classical. A good but imperfect copy of Justinus and Orosius ; another, later, of (Juintilian and Aulus Gellius : a volume of Greek- grammar, and a late version of some tracts of Xenophon. General Literature. Thomas of Capua, and Geoffrey of Mon- mouth, both probably from St Albans. An astronomical book once the property of Gonville and Cains College: a volume of medicine, a work of Pomponazzo, Legge's Richard III. In French there are fragments of the Roman des Romans, and of a metrical life of Thomas a Becket. The best of the books are the gifts of l)r John Heaver. ( )f so miscellaneous a character is the whole collection th.it any general \ 1 I'KKI ATOKY NOTK. fol. remarks upon it are hardly possible. The student will readily pick out from the few pages of description the points which may prove attractive to him. I [aenel (Catalogi, p. 78] ) has a list of manuscripts seen by him in this library which I here repeat, adding the numbers by which the}- arc now known. 1. Anon, tract, de anima, sacc. xiv. membr. 4. 2. Justini epit. Trogi Pompeii: Orosii hist. Langobar- dorum (!), saec. xm. ..... Hoi le, saec. xv. membr. .... Lectionarium, sacc. xvi. membr. 4 Biblia Latina, sacc xiv. membr. 4 Speculum sen de vera simplicitate, saec. xiv. membr. \111111. comm. in Test, vet., saec. xiv. membr. fol. Gregorii dialogi, saec. xm. membr. 4 Mis-. ilc, sacc. XV. membr. 4 (2 e.xempl.) Tract de philosophia, saec. XVI. membr. 4 . Thomae de Capua summa artis dictaminis, saec. xv. membr. 4 ...... 1 ; ml Quatuor codd. orientates papyracei (not described). Reginonis chronicon frustra a me quaesitum est (vid. Pertz, Monum. Tom. 1. p. 540). Schenkl {Biblioth. Pair. Lat. Brit. nos. 2879-2882) gives some notes drawn from Hacncl on these MSS. which he had not himself seen. At Clare College, Uffenbach {Merkwiirdige Reisen, ill. 27) after speaking of the printed books notes these manuscripts: 1. VoL in fol. membr. B. Turpini Archiep. Historia ad Leoprandum, etc. (He also cites the Geoffrey of Monmouth) ....... 2. Vol. in fol. membr. Quintilianus, Cod. recentior initio mutilus ....... VoL in 4. chart, rccentius. cVi/Hyuncu (!) Lecapeni . 4. Item Cod. in membr. Aug. de bono coniugali 5. Item Cod. in fol. membr. Justinus cujus initium deeral ..... 18 ? 2 29 8 16 25 30 3>4 2 1 14 = no. 27 = no. 26 = no. 24 = no. 19 = no. i< 1 proceed to give the references to manuscripts formerly at this College which are given by Leland and Bale. LELAND. Coll. iv. 19. In bibliotheca Collegii de Clare. Vlington super sex principia. •Alington super Praedicamenta. PREFATORY NOTE. VI l Opuscula fratris Iohannis Somer de conventu Franciscanorum apud Bridgwater. Vixit circa tempora Henrici 4 et 5 1 . Alkindius de juditiis astrorum. Tabulae magistri Simonis Bredon de rebus astronomu is. Tabulae Ludovici de Cairlion, doctoris medicinae, de eisdem rebus, Londini scriptae 1482. Liber Messehalah in revolutione annorum mundi. Tractatus Dorothii de occultis. [Occurs in Kk. 4. 2.] Flores Ualy de electione horarum. Stephanus Messala in floribus de judiciis. Rogeri Bachoni libellus de erroribus medicorum. fu/^'us medicorunu Alkindus de radiis. Omnes homines. In margine hujus fit mentio libri Baconis de caelo et mundo. Libri quinque de mineralibus, autore Alberto Mag. Quadripartitum Richardi Wallingford, abbatis S. Albani, de sinibus mensuratis dem lis] Quia canones nonperfecte tradunt notitiam sinus etc. Ptolemaei Commentum Simonis Bredon super aliquas demonstrationes Ahnagesti] Nunc superest ostendere. Introductorium Alcabitii cum commento Joannis de Saxo. furto sublatum. debar in speculativa astronomia. Tabula Manduith de corda recta et umbra. Tabula latitudinis quinque planetarum, autore Sim one bredon. Tabulae compendiosae pro instrumento, Albion. (Leland. [ntelligit horologium S. Albani.) Tractatus Richardi Walingford de compositione et conclusionibus instrumenti Albion. Theorica planetarum in fronte adscriptus Herfordensi, in fine Lin colniensi, alias Grostest. Sequitur ibidem et alia Theorica, forsan ilia Lincolniensem agnoscit autorem. Chronicon Radulphi de Diceto usque ad annum I). 1231. Chronicon Freculphi. Chronicon Henrici Huntingdunensis. *Chronicon Alredi Abbatis Rievaliensis. Chronicon Galfredi Monemutensis. Philobiblon, autore Angravyle. Rogerus, prior Fristoniae, ad Henricum abbatem Croylandiae, de vita Thomae Cantuar. In Bale's Index Scriptorutn (ed. Poole and Bateson) the follow- ing references to manuscripts at Clare College occur: p. 11*. Aelred ol Rievaulx. De prosapia regis Henrici. 89. Gilbertus Anglicus. 1 >c proportionibus fistularuin. viii PREFATORY NOTE. p, i -,,, Guil. Northfelde. De differentia spiritus et anime et alia quaedam. 163*. Hun. Huntingdon. Chronicon. " Pompeius a tempore Nini Assyriorum." 198. [o. Dumbylton. Summa theologiae. Summa artium. Plurimorum scribentium grati laboris. 199. Io. Estwode de Ashenden. De accidentibusmundi. Intentio mea. Summa iudicialis. Sicut dicit Aristoteles 2 Ethic. 218. Io. Holbroke. Canonesastronomici. Gloriosus atque sublimis. 246. Io. Sarisburiensis. Rithmus de turpi questu et gestu virorum ecclesiasticorum. A tauro torrida 1am- pade (= Apoc. Goliae). De oneribus matrimonii. 284*. Ludov. Caerlion. De eclipsi solari et lunari. Tabulae eclipsi urn. Canones eclipsium. De tabulis umbrarum. 329*. Rad. de Diceto. Imagines historiarum. 363*. Rich. Walyngforth. De compositione et conclusionibus in- strumenti Albion. 363*. Rich. Walyngforth. De sinibus demonstratiuis. De corda et area. 386. Rob. Pulli (Pulleyn). In Apoc. Ioannis. Sopitam plerumque. 395- Roger liacon. Perspectiua alia. Capiem te et alios. De fluxu et refluxu maris Anglici. Descriptis his figuris. De utilitate astronomiae et operatione fidei. De utilitate linguarum. 402*. Rog. Herfordensis. Theorica planetarum. De ortu et occasu signorum. 410*. Simon Bredon. Commentum super aliquas demonstrationes Almagesti. Tabulae cordarum. Calculationes cordarum. 475. Libellusdeorigineuniuersitatis Cantabrigiae perNic. Cantelow. Liber tie taxatione ecclesiarum Cantuariensis dioceseos. 480. Rhithmus. De turpi questu etc. (ut supra p. 246). De oneribus matrimonii (ibid.). iVscribens conditiones Northfolcianorum (twice). The treatises marked with an asterisk are also mentioned by I. eland. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1. Horae. Kk. J- I Vellum, 7^x5, ff. 176, 18 lines to a page. Cent, xv, well written, with bad pictures. "The gift of Thomas Hardman, Esq., of Manchester, to the Library of Clare Hall in 1855." On the binding are two oval stamps (xvi, xvii) of the Crucifixion with the letter S on the R., and of the Annunciation. Collation : a' 1 b' ; , the rest chiefly in quires of eight leaves. Contents : (Calendar in black and red, not full f. i Hours of the Cross i ^ Hours of the Holy Ghost 21 Missa 1). Mario uirginis ........ 28 Sequences of the Gospels *a Hours of the Virgin 'secundum usum Romane ' (curie) Chi comencent les hemes que on doibt dire en lauent . . 101 Obsecro te domina 11: O intemerata 1 [ ; Seven Psalms , ,s Litany I2 6^ Office of the dead , .,, The Kalendar contains some Flemish saints: Jan. Aldegondis. Feb. Amandus and Vedastus. Mar. Gertrudis. July, Transl. Thome ap. in red. Aug. Arnulphus. Sept. Bertinus, Regina, Lambert. Firmin. Oct. Bavo, Donatian. Nov. Hubert, Livinus; 27 Maximus. Dec. Judoc, Nichasius in red. The Visitation and St Anne are in the original hand : the Transfiguration is added. The Litany has Donatian and .Amandus. c. c. c. I 2 CATALOGUE 01 MANUSCRIPTS. [i- The pictures, which are coarsely done, are: i. f. 13. The Crucifixion with the Virgin, John and the Centurion. :. f. 20. Pentecost. Virgin and Apostles seated : white dove above her head, f. 27. The Virgin and Child throned in a room: two .small angels with casket and cithern. 4. f. ,^8. Annunciation. Angel by door (through which a landscape is seen) with scroll Aue— tecum. Dove, and lily-pot. 5. f. 56. Visitation. Two figures only, in landscape. 6. f. 67. Nativity. Virgin and Joseph and two angels kneeling. Ox and ass. The Father appears in cloud. 7. f. 72. Three Shepherds. Angel in air with scroll gloria — deo. 8. f. 70. Presentation. Simeon mitred and coped. 9. f. 81. The Three Kings adore: one kneels. Joseph absent. 10. f. 86. Massacre of the Innocents. En portico. Herod throned on A'. Soldier attacks child held by kneeling woman. 11. f. 94. Flight into Egypt. Joseph leads the ass to R. 12. f. 100. Coronation of the Virgin. She kneels attended by five angels. Christ throned on R. holds out a crown. 13. f. 117. Christ throned in air tin rainbow shows His wounds. Two blue cherubs with trumpets. The Virgin and John Evangelist kneel on the earth, from which peep out heads and hands of the rising dead. Red ground with gold flourishes. 14. f. 13-;. Funeral in church. Black mourners on R. : four coped clerks at lectern on Z. Coffin with blue pall. Altar seen through chancel-arch. 2. Horae. Haenel 1 ? Kk. o- 2 Vellum, 6\ x 4^, ff. 219, 14 lines to a page. Cent. xv. Written in France. Binding: xvith cent, morocco (brown) with gold tooling. On the front cover an oval medallion of the Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John, and the initials G. M. P. T. On the other cover, a similar medallion of the Annunciation, and the initials D. L. B. T. Both covers dotted with gold tears. Collation: i' ; 2'' 3 s (wants 8) 4 s (wants i)-i2 8 13 10 (wants 1 : + 10*) I4 8 -i6 s 17 1 - 1S 4 19 4 20 8 2 1 8 (wants 1 ?) 22 s 23 s 24 s 25 s 26 8 27 4 (+ 4*) 28 s (wants 2) 29 10 . Contents : (Calendar in French, in red, blue and gold f. i Sequences of the Gospels , , Hoars of the Virgin 2Q Hours of the Cross eg Hoars of the Holy Ghost 02 Obsecro te ^ 2] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 3 Seven Psalms and Litany f. 101 The xv Joys in French li$b The Seven Requests in French 130 3 Memoriae ........... 136 Office of the Dead i 4 = O bone Ihesu (in a later hand) :oi Memoriae 205 In another hand. Oraison tres deuote :i0 O dulcissime domine. O intemerata . . . . . . . . . . : 1 2 A Stabat mater 2 14 A Interueniat pro n<>l>is 215/' Short prayers to the Trinity ;ifi Les sept oraisons de S. Gregoire 11- l> Memoriae of St John Evangelist u84 St Antony of Padua. St Bonaventura. St Anne. Among the Saints marked in gold in the Kalendar I note: May 20. S. Autelige. June 7. S. Claude. 26. SS. John and Paul. Aug. 3. la reuelacion S 1 estienne. Sept. 25. S. Loup. 27. SS. Cosmas and Damian. 28. S. Annemon (Annemundus Bp. of Lyons). In the Litany : Martyrs: Facundus, Primitivus, Thyrsus, Antoninus, Marinus, Marcellus... Claudius, Fructuosus, Faustus, Leodegar, Genesius, Germanus...Fortpnatus, Marcellinus, Anne- mundus. Virgins etc.: Martha. ..Maria [acobi, Maria Salome. On f. 209 is a Collect for S. Christina. A with cent Memoria of St Roch is added on the lower margin of that for St Sebastian. The Kalendar, Litany, and use indicate that the hook is from the province of Lyons. There is no 1 1 yinn in matins of the Virgin. The Lessons are i. O beata Maria. ii. Admitte piissima. iii. Sancta Maria succurre. The Capitnlutti in Lands is: Egredietur virga. The pictures are of considerable merit: two artists have been employed on them. The second executed the three last pictures in the book ; these are in a softer style than the earlier ones. 1 — 2 .} CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [2- The Kalendar is illustrated by a medallion on each page. i. January. A three-faced man at a table in a room, drinking. Aquarius nude. Carries two jars. 2. February. Barefoot warming himself at a lire. Pisces in a pond. 3. March. Pruning gold vines. Aries. 4. April. In a gown, walking in a garden, holding flowers. Vaunts, gold. 5. May. Riding among trees, hawk on hand. Gemini nude: one body, two heads, four arms and four legs. 6. Jtinc. Mowing. Cancer in water. 7. July- Reaping. Leo, gold. 8. August. Threshing with flail. Virgo seated, with palm and ears of corn (?). 9. Sept. In gold vat treading grapes. A vine on each side. Libra, gold, on blue ground with gold stars. 10. Oct. Sowing. Scorpius. 11. Nov. Beating oaks; gold pigs below. Sagittarius shooting backward to L. 12. Dec. About to slaughter a pig (gold). Capricorn. A goat. 13. Sequences of the Gospels. John seated under massive dead gold tabernacle-work, writing on a scroll on his knee. Books lie on a cupboard on L. Eagle by him. Windows behind in silver. 14. Lauds of the Virgin. The Visitation. Joseph, old, hooded, with staff, on L. The Virgin in blue over gold. Elizabeth, old, in scarlet. Chequered ground. 15. Prime. The Virgin and Joseph kneel on each side of the Child. Behind is a wattle, the ox and ass, and a red hanging. An angel on each side of this. The stable roof above. in. Tierce. Three shepherds looking up. Dog asleep, and sheep. In air a demi- angel with scroll Annuncio nobis gaudium magnum. 17. Sext. The Adoration. Virgin and Child seated on Z. against a red hanging, under the stable roof. One king kneels bareheaded : the others stand. Star above. lV None, rhe Presentation. The Virgin accompanied by a woman (Salome) in scarlet, and Joseph nimbed. She gives the Child to Symeon who is mitred and nimbed, and stands behind a draped altar. 10. Vespers. The Flight. Joseph, nimbed, leads the ass to K. 20. Compline. Chequered ground. The Virgin kneeling is crowned by the Father ami the Son. The Father on A', has orb, the Son a large Cross. Both are bareheaded. 11. Hours of the Cross. Christ crucified. The Virgin on L. John on A'. ::. Sex -Psalms. David crowned kneeling in landscape. A gold harp lies by him. kexvjoys. Initial. The Virgin and Child, standing. Red ground with gold pattern. " ; • J" hn Baptist in beast's skin and blue mantle holds a lamb on a book. Trees behind. Chequered ground. 3] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 5 25. Two archers shoot at Sebastian hound to a column with ten arrow > in him. A ruler on /,. 26. Katherine with crown, sword and wheel. Chequered ground. 27. Initial. Anthony in black with crutch and hook. A pig leap-, up to him. 28. ,, Nicholas as Bp in chasuble, crozier, mitre, gloves; blessing. 29. ,, Mary Magdalene in pink over blue, with casket. 30. ,, Margaret with small cross, emerging from a dragon's hack. 31. Office of tin- Dead. Priest in pink chasuble at altar. Server in surplice behind him. On L. a coffin with blue pall. Three clerks in copes at a desk, and a low of mourners in black. 32. Memoriae. By another hand, as skilful as the last, but of later type. Michael in plate-armour and crimson mantle standing on a many-coloured devil who is bleeding. 33. Francis in purple habit kneeling in a wide landscape. He receives the stigmata from a red seraph-figure in air. Under a rock on /.. another brother sits asleep. 34. Barbara seated on a pavement, with palm, points to a small purple tower she- holds. Behind is a dark red arras of splendid pattern over which is seen a landscape. All the pictures while not departing widely from conventional types are very distinctly above the average. 3. Horae. Haenel 9 ? Kk. o- v) Vellum, 4 x 3, ff. 148, 16 lines to a page. Cent, xv early, written in the Low Countries for English use. Collation : 1" (wants I, 2) 2 6 3 8 (+ 1) 4* (+ 1) 5 8 (+ 1 ) 6 s f- (4, 1 1 cane.) 8 1 " (4, 10 cane.) c/ io 8 (+ 1) II 8 I2 8 (+ 1) 13" -15" (+ i) 16 8 - 18 8 (wants 8) 19'' (1 cane.). The added leaves which occur in SO many of the quires are those on which arc full-page pictures. Contents : {Calendar ill red and black, not full: wanting Jan. and Feb, . f. 1 The Fifteen Oos, in Latin ........ 11 Hours of the Virgin 'secundum stilum regionis Anglic' . . 21 The Hours of the Cross are inserted. Salue regina ........... Seven Psalms. Psalms of Degrees, and Litany .... 70 Vigilia defunctorum ......... 00 Commendacio animarum . . . . . . . . 119 Psalterium Sancte Crucis ........ 1 36 Sequentiae of the Gospels, for Christmas Day, Annunciation, Epiphany, and Ascension ........ 144 In the (Calendar March 1. David. 19. < rbeertrudis V. Ap. 1. Walrici l'.p. May 1 1 . Fremundi regis. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [3~ May 16. Brandani Ep. 1 7- Transl. S. Anthonini. June 9- Transl. S. Edmundi Archiep. Sept. i. Anthonini M. 5- Bertini Abb. ' 7- Lamberti Ep. Oct. '5- Wulfranni Ep. 19. 1 redejwithe V. Nov. 3- Huberti Ep. 7- Willebrordi Ep. 12. Liewini Ep. M. ! >ec. 14. Nichasii Ep. et sociorum eius in red. The ordinary English feasts also occur. In the Litany : Martyrs: Thomas, 'Eswordi,' Oswald, ' Walepaxde,'... Lambert. Confessors: Vedast, Amandus, Duns tan, Botulph,...Cuthbert. Virgins: Sexburga, Milburga, Ossatha, Peternella,... Elisabeth, Gheertrudis. The use is of Sarum. The pictures, rude and rather rubbed, are as follows : 1. Fifteen Oos. Christ stands blessing: a wall behind, pink flourished ground. :. Hours of the Virgin. Matins. The Agony in the Garden: cup on hill. The head of the Father, blue, in the sky. .}. Lauds. The Betrayal. Judas, short, in red. Peter and Malchus on L. 4. Prime. Christ between soldiers before Pilate. ;. Tierce. The Scourging. Christ nude, bound with His back to the column. 6. Sex/. Christ bearing the Cross. The Virgin and another follow, supporting it. : picture gone. 7. Vespers. The Deposition. The right hand is unnailed, and the \ "irgin supports it, a kneeling man detaches the feet. Compline: picture gone. 8. Srsen Psalms. Christ as Judge on the rainbow, showing His wounds. Two angels (blue) with trumpets. Two scrolls in air (Venite benedicti : Ite maledicti). On earth below, live heads of people rising from graves. 9. Office of tlte Dead. Coffin with pink pall: on this side sit two mourners with books: beyond it are three coped clerks at a lectern. Draped altar on L. 10. Commendation if son Is. Two angels in air hold a soul in a cloth. Below, a Stone coffin lid and an earth grave. Above, God"s head in air. 4. Horae, Haenel 10? Kk. 3. 4 Vellum, 7 x4, ff. 83, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1460?), rather coarse writing, ornament and pictures. Written in Flanders(?) for English use. t " IhUion : I s (+ 1 ) 2 s (+ I ) 3 8 4 s 5 10 6 8 -8 8 c/ 10 s (4- I). 5] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. / Contents : Oracio deuota ad dominum Ihesum Cliristuni . . . . f. i (The Fifteen Oos.) Memoriae of John Baptist, Thomas of Canterbury, George, Chris- topher, Katherine, Mary Magdalene, Margaret, Barbara . . 8 Ibire b. marie uirginis secundum consuetudinem Anglie • • if Salue regina follows Compline: headed Laus b. marie. Seven Psalms. Fifteen Psalms. Office of the Dead. Psalterium de passione domini. The pictures are : f. i. Full page. Christ standing in paved room, with book inscribed Ego sum uia ueritas uita. Small pictures in text, to Memoriae. John Baptist; martyrdom of Thomas at altar, three knights behind ; George and dragon ; Christopher in river; Katherine with wheel ; Magdalene with casket; Margaret emerging from back of green dragon; Barbara by a tower. The arms of Clare College coarsely painted on f. 15. Matins of Virgin. Full page. The Annunciation : angel on L. with scroll, aue — tecum. Initial. Virgin and Child coarsely painted in cent. xvii. 5. Liber Precum. Kk. -v Vellum, 8| x 5f, ft. 148, 19 lines to a page. Cent, xv, well written, with good English ornament. Collation: 1 flyleaf | I 8 (wants 7)-l8 8 19/ | 1 flyleaf. The following inscription in a large set hand is on f. 147 : Ihesus est amor mens. ho that lust for to loke or for to rede on this boke, Be he of cyte toun or thl I 'ray lie for my lady scrope. And thinke je neuir u> done amys But I'enke on hym that gaf jow tins. I 01 ihesu loue baue hym in mynde that this sette on jowre boke be hynde. To what foundation the book belonged I cannot say with certainty. The indications are that it was given by Lad)- Scrope to a monastery probably in Yorkshire where St Honoratus of Lerins was held in veneration, and that it belonged once to a man called Edward (see on ((. 137, 146). CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [5 Contents : Seven Prayers on the Passion, attributed in the rubric to Innocent IV f. i 40 days' indulgence are allotted tu each. Maria christifera Christum pro nobis ora. I are prayers De i ma effusione sanguinis etc. and a poem on the Passion on 35/', Tensis ligno brachiis manus conclauantur etc. On f. 3Q an initial or picture has been cut out. In dei nomine amen. Inc. Scala Iacob ..... 40 Scala quidem per quam non angeli sed dominus angelorum de celo descendebat etc. Deus pater Deus filius Deus spiritus sanctus, unus deus in trinitate. Ends on 59 b. Inc. commemoracio compendiosa in moduin orandi collecta de quibusdam miraculis que D. I. C. operabatur gradiens inter homines super terram ........ 59 b Aue precium mee redempcionis pie Ihesu. Inc. quedam forma gracias agendi deo pro infinitis beneficiis suis etc. 70 Adoro te pater et fili et spiritus sancte trine et une deus. Followed on f. 80/' by the prayer Anima Christi. On f. 81 begins a series of prayers to the Virgin without heading. It is arranged according to the course of the principal events of her life from Nativity to Assumption. Letare virgo christifera quia in te completa est ezechielis prophecia .......... 81 Ending on f. 96 £ with the hymn gloriosa domino farced. 5] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. In dei nomine amen. Inc. tabernaculum uirginis intemerate, etc. . f. 96 £ Sancta maria mater dei, regina celi, domina mundi etc. Interspersed with long rubrics. On 986 begins a long prayer: Deus in adiutorium meum intende. Domine ad adiuuandum me festina quia tu cognouisti omnia aouissima et antiqua etc. It contains names of angels and saints as follows: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael. John Baptist, Abraham. Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, David, Samuel, Daniel. Peter, Paul, Andrew, fames, John, Thomas, Bartholomew. Stephen, Laurence, Thomas, Innocents, Clement, Blasius. ' Reges nostri' sc. Edward, Edmund, Edward, Oswald. Gregory, Augustine, Martin, Nicholas, Benedict, Leonard, Edmund, Hugo. Martha, (Catherine, Margaret, Ursula, Agatha, Lucy, Anne, Mary Magdalene. Incipit tetania 104 Intret oracio circa in conspectu tuo domine. Inclina et cetera. Kyrie eleyson etc. It is most elaborately expanded, and divided into sections Je angelis etc. with rhyming hymns and long prayers in each. The names of Angels and Saints are exactly those which occur in the list just given. St Anne is twice commemorated. Ends on f. 137. A memoria of St Honoratus follows. The Oratio is . . . 1 ,7 Gaude felix rlonorate Gaude regni secularis regum stirpe procreate iura spemens baptizaris presul honorande, patre renitente. Gaude qui tollebas a te ,; aiulc , lllUl qui diuinn carnis curas delicate tandem pascis in lyrino in vite {sic) mirande. gtegem monachorum, Gaude gratis qui vocaris Nos a morsu serpentino Christi semis sociaris et dolore mortis trino seruo te ducente, salua sator morum. Collect, pro conuentu ......... 137 ^ Benedic domine famulos tuos etc. Iohannes papa xxii" 5 composuit istam oracionem et concessil co dies venie omnibus earn dicentibus et quociens dixerint . . 1.;; O intemerata. Gracias ago til i d. I. C. tili dei uiui ...... 140 Stabat mater 141 Hymn to the Virgin . . . . . . . . . 141 ''■ Cunctis excellencior angelorum choris flos humani generis, lilium pudoris rosa paciencie mater saluatoris audi queso domina uocem peccatoris. Deus te pro omnibus collocauit serum. cum primatum teneas, pium est et equnm 10 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [5- ut lu prima facias pietatem mecum tu cs plena gracia, dominus est tecum, [pse te constituit thronum regni sui nee in mulieribus est inuenta cui detur priuilegio tarn excelso frui quia benedictus est fructus uentiis tui. Fructus sine uenere uenit tain uenustus cuius ipsos angelos refocillat gustus partum tuum exprimit rubus incombustus quern in monte Synai uidit homo iustus. Tu ad instar uelleris quod concepit rorem, aride et uirgule que produxit florem, preter rerum seriem et nature morem uirgo deum procreas, opus conditorem. In te pneuma fabricans ollam nostre spei naturam confederat hominis et dei manet quod diuersitas utriusque rei tamen personaliter hec unitur ei. Seruulos tu protegis, hostes tu fatigas. tu serpentem conteris, tu draconem ligas pharaonis obruit equos et quadrigas gemine substancie ex te natus gigas. Sancta uirgo uirginum sancta mater Christi per quam lumen luminum mundo fulsit isti per te fons leticie quern tu produxisti uerum fundit gaudium mihi uere tristi. Me contristat miserum grauis plenitudo que medullas animi suggit ut hyrudo. ago penitenciam sed affectu crudo et me ludi penitet, tamen adhuc ludo. Sed iam ut salubrius penitere sciam et que in te pateat per te uite uiam redde mihi filio sis in matrem piam in domum refugii per quam saluus fiam. Non per sacrificium bouis aut ueruecis sed per efficaciam tue sancte precis de tormentis eruas sempiterne necis de lacu miserie et de luto fecis. Amen. Salutations to the Virgin f. 142 b Aue maria etc. Aue summum illud diuinam et singulare matris presagium etc. Virgo mater et filia summi regis ....... 146 Regina celi splendida ......... 146 Collect of the Three Kings: Deus qui beatos ties magos orientales Jasper Melchior et Baltizar ad tua cunabula misticis adorare muneribus Stella duce sine impedi- niento duxisti et reduxisti, concede propicius per eorum trium regum pias intercessiones et commemoraciones famulo tuo Edwardo 6] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. II in hoc itinere quo iturus est securitatem iocunditatem prosperitatem graciam et pacem at in tempore uero sole luminis ueri uera stella (luce ad loca destinata et desiderata cum salute et incolumitate et pace ualeat peruenire. Per. Et dicatur Pater noster d Aue Maria dibits uia'bits. 6. PSALTERIUM. Kk. 3 - 6 Vellum, io x 7, ff. 144, double columns of 30-31 lines. Cent, xiii early, in two hands. Written in England : rough ornament. The top of f. 1 is torn away. It probably had the donor's name. Binding : original wooden boards, covered with brown leather of cent, xvi : clasps gone. Collation: Kal. 8 (7, 8 cancelled) || I 8 2 8 3 8 (wants 4, 5) 4 8 5 8 6 9 (wants 4, 5) 7 8 -i7 s || 18 6 . Contents : Kalendai in red and black ....... Psalter in Latin and French, in parallel columns Cantica in Latin and French, ending with the Quicunque vult Litany (imperfect) in a hand of cent, xiv early . Prayers in the same hand, viz. : Domine Ihesu Christe qui in hunc mundum luste thesu Christe rex regum .... Domine Ihesu Christe qui uoluisti pro redemptione D. I. C. gloriosissime conditor .... 1 ). I. ( '. qui patre disponente .... Sancta et perpetua uirgo Deus qui es caput omnium ..... Deus misericordie et ueritas (sic) .... Domine deus omnipotens magne .... Memento mei infelicissimi ..... Hymn: Sancta uirgo katerina martyr dei inclita . Ne reuoces me in dimidio dierum meorum . Suffrages to Thomas of Lancaster (beheaded at Pontefract i 132a) scribbled in cent, xiv, xv ... A prayer to Christ ...... (3 7 4 139 I40/' ■ 4,/' '-P 142 /' .42/' '43 t43 ' 43 A '43* '43* '44 '44 '44 144/' In the Kalendar I note Feb. Mar. A P . »Q. Obitus domine (!) Petrus(?) de raundis militis (added: \iv). Edwardi R. et M. in red. decolacio domini thome quondam com(itis) lanchestrie senechalli Anglic an(no) m° ccc° (xxii) primo t(unc) feria secunda (added). Obitus thome de elysyorthe tunc feria quinta (added). S. ricardi (added). \l;iy "> •20. June •7- 2 3- *5- July 8. '3- '5- 1 7- 18. 26. Aug. 16. 27. Sept. 3- 20. 12 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [6 I lunstan »'« ra£ S. . Mvlberti. S. botufi(!) abb. S. Kldride V. S. Kineburge V. in red. Grimbald in red. S. Mildride V. Transl. Svvithine (!) in red. Kenelm in red. S. yKdburge V. S. Anne (added: xv). S. Koch (added: xv late). 01 lit us Agnetis vxoris Johannis Wighhull (?). S. Genofeue V. S. Amandi C. Oct. 17. S. ^Ebeldride V. 20. S. Austroberte V. 21. 11,000 Virgins (added: xv). 24. An erasure. Nov. 3. Obitus mabilia(?) quondam vxoris thome Ellesworthe. tunc fe(ria)... (added : xiv). 13. Obitus Margarete howes (added: xv). 20. Edmund in red. 21. Oblatio S. Marie in templum in red. 27. Obitus domini Willelmi de Raundis militis anno domini m° ccc mo tricesimo iii° tunc feria sexta (added : xiv). S. Thomas of Canterbury's name is not erased. In the Litany : Martyrs: Edmund, Alban, Leodegar. Confessors: Augustine (ii), Cuthbert, Wilfrid, Duns tan. Virgins: Radegund, Scholastica, Anastasia, Etheldrida, Wereburga, Brigida. Ut regi nostra et principibus nostris. Ut loca nostra et habitantes in eis. I cannot get much light on the persons named in the Kalendar. The Commission of the Peace was issued to William de Raundes in 1327 and 1331 for Rutlandshire. Ellesworth can only be Elsworth in Cambridgeshire which belonged to Ramsey Abbey. It seems that Raunds Church belonged to the College of Newark or of the Annunciation at Leicester, where Henry Duke of Lancaster was buried. The presence of S. Kineburga in the Kalendar shows the nrighbourhood of Peterborough unequivocally. 6] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. I 3 The initials to the Psalms are mostly in plain colours filled up with silver. The following Psalms have larger initials with rough ornament. 1. Beatus uir. :. Dixi custodiam. 3. Saluum me fac. 4. Exultate. 5. Cantate (xcvii). 6. Domine exaudi (ci). 7. Dixit dominus. The French version of the Psalms contained in the MS. may be exemplified by a specimen of Ps. i. Beneurez li ber ki nen alat al cunseil desfeluns! e en la ueie despecheurs nestut • e en la chaere de pestilence ne sist. Mais en la lai de n<«tre seignur la uolente de lui ! e en la sue lei porpenserat par nnt e par iur. E iert ensement cu/« le fust ki est planted de iuste les decurs deseuues '. ki durrat sun frut en sun tens. E sa foille ne decurrat : e tutes leschoses q e il unices feral serr/^//t faites prospens. Nent issi li felun nent issi : ineis ensement cuwme pud re que liuenz gietet de la face de la terre. Empuriceo ne resurdrunt li felun en iuise : ne lipeccheur el cunseil des dreituriers. Kar noslre sire cunust la ueie des i/otesl eleeire desfeluns p«rrat. The original hand breaks off on f. 138 b : Et in hac trinitate nichil En ceste trmitet nul chose prius aut posterius ni — primes u derainz nule chose grendre. The next leaf, in the later hand, begins in the Litany with Sancte mathee. The suffrage to Thomas of Lancaster begins : O thoma lanchastrie gemma que ties (?flos) militie que in dei nomine et (?) propter fata anglie...sustin...te. ora pro nobis christi miles, qui nunquam pauperes tenisti (!) uiles. Oremus. Omnipotens sempiteme deus qui militem (?) strenuum (?) tuum et fidelem thomam comitem lanchastrie percrudelem martiri(u)m palma The prayer on 144/' begins thus : Oratio bona gagdeamus (?) \|»> laudes p qui natusest de virgine • illuxil uobis hodie. Christus volens incarnari • nosque si hi copulari • carnem sumpsil de virgine • vim expellens demencie {or demonii). Nostri dolo mors intrauit. Tactu ligni cum patrauit. Parens primus posteris • mulctam ferens Propugnator christus fortis • ligno saluans dampna mortis, ^'.^lli^ morte nos sanauit • et ad mors el ^m conflixere • mortem strauit vita vere. etc. '4 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [7~ 7. PORTIFORIUM NORWICENSE. Kk. 3. 7 Vellum, 6£ x 4^, ft 402, double columns of 36 lines. Cent, xiv and xv. The tops of the leaves in the early part of the volume have suffered from damp. A good pointed hand: initials flourished, in red and blue. Collation (by Mr Bradshaw) : a 1 " b s -y 8 z 4 Temporale. A 6 Kalendar. aa 8 -dd 8 cc 10 ff 10 gg 8 Psalter. [a* 8 b* 8 supplement of Festa pro- vincialia, etc.] Aa 8 Bb 8 Cc 10 Dd 10 Ee 8 -Rr 8 Pro- prium and Commune Sanctorum, [after Hh' ! z is A* 6 supplement of St Anne] Rr8 and Ss, a quire of 6 leaves, are gone. The above list supplies a table of Contents as well as a colla- tion. I add notes of the special points of the book. On the page before the Kalendar are the Benedictiones ante euangelium in a later hand. In the Kalendar I note : S. Antonij added. S. Ermenikle. unius matrone added. S. Cedde Ep. C. ix lect. added in red. S. Wynwalis added in red. S. Wythburge V. added in black. S. brouiare V. non mart, added in black. Deposicio sancti Ep. de beuerlaco added in black. S. Erasmi Ep. M. added in black. S. Colmani Ep. C. added in black. (A confusion with Columba whose feast is 9 June.) S. Anne matris marie, ix lect. added in red. S. Dominici C. added in red. Dedicacio ecclesie Cath. Norwic. added in red. In margin: Obitus mag. Simonis Dallyng a. d. m cccc mo lx mo sexto. Oct. 2. S. Thomae Herford. ix lect. added in red. rj. S. Etheldrede ix 1. added in black. 19. S. Frigiswide ix 1. added in black. Nov. 3. S. Wenefrede ix 1. added in red. The name of St Thomas of Canterbury is erased. The Litanies are of the full Sarum type, for the days of the week, and seem to have no local additions. Jan. 17- Feb. 13- Mar. 2. 3- 4- Apr. 2. May 6. June 3- 7- July 26. Aug. 5- Sept. 24. 8] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. I 5 On quires a* b* are added, by another hand, lessons and offices for St David, St Chad, St Felix (of East Anglia : marked as ' synodale Xorwicense'), Translation of St Edmund (non Sarum : synod, ord.), St John of Beverley, St Dominic, St Thomas of Hereford, St Francis, St Winifred, St Thomas of Canterbury. Then follow : Benedictions for Feasts of the Virgin. Lectiones de S. Maria per estatem. At LI I is possibly a change of hand. On that leaf in the Commemoration of St Priscus is the rubric : Set in ordinal. Welwik et Edmundi semper dicuntur cum versiculo, etc. The book ends imperfectly in the Commune Virginum. 8. Biblia Sacra. Haenel 5. Kk. 3. 8 Vellum, 8^x6^, ff. 3 + 316, double columns of 60 lines. Cent, xiii, written in England, small clear hands. Initials in red and blue. 2 fo. emittam. Collation: 3 flyleaves | 1- 2 s -4 8 5 10 6 12 7 8 8 4 9 s (1 cane.) io 1 - n 1 " 12" 13 12 14 8 15 8 i6 ,J 17- 18 1 - (1 cane?) 19'- 20 14 (6 cane.) 2 1 8 22 12 23 14 (8, 9 cane.) 24 10 (5 cane.) 25" i (one cane.) 26 12 (+ 12*) 27 12 28 12 (i cane.) 2^16 ^o 8 31" (wants 6 blank). Contents : On the flyleaves are various notes: — 1. On (Jreek numerals. 2. References to the Cantica, to show where they occur in the Bible. 3. Modus exponendi sacram scripturam etc. 4. ( )i(lci m| the books ol the Bible. Prologues of [erome. i. Frater Ambrosius . . . . I. i :. I lesiderii mei. Genesis i Paralipomenon ........ i, i> Prayer of Manasses: in margin '|>hmu> prologus esdre.' Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther. Job. Psalter. Proverbs — Eccl"\ Uai.ih Malachi. 1, 1 Maccabees. Gospels, Pauline I pp., An^. Cath. Epp. Apocalypse: Prologue of Gilbert: < hnnes <|ui pie uolunt niuere. [nterpretationes nominum. Assui Zambri. On the flyleaf at end : 1. A Collect- Omnipotens sempiteme ileus qui uiuorum dominaris etc. :. Verses on the four temperaments. 1 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [9- 9. Sermones. Kk. 3. 9 Vellum, 6 x 4h, ff. 138, 26 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, early. Collation : i- four leaves remain misbound, of which f. 2 is really the last, 2 8 -i7 8 18". Sermones de tempore. A collection of sermons, of which the beginning is gone : the first of which there are any remains is for Christmas Day. The first of which the beginning exists is on f. 4 : /;/ circumcisione • secundum Lucam. Postquam consummati sunt dies viii t0 , etc. Adhuc filium uirginis habemus in niani- lms • et licet uilibus pannis inuolutum, etc. The second, f. 2b, begins : Epyphania. Cum natus esset Ihesus in bethleem jude, etc. De gaudiis ad gaudia transeamus. The last is : Dominica xxii (post Pentecosten). Simile est regnum celorum homini regi qui uoluit rationem ponere cum seruis suis. Sciendum est • vii • fore remis^iones peccatorum. Ends f. 138^ : — ualeamus apprehendere. 10. Sermones etc. Kk. 3. 10 Vellum, leaves varying in size from about 4^ x 4 to 5^ x 4^, ff. 186, 16-20 lines to a page, in two hands. Cent, xiii, early. The vellum of the book is of all sorts and sizes, and the hand curiously rough. 2 fo. quelibet albedo. Collation : I 8 2 10 3 1 " 4 8 5 8 6 1 " (5 cane.) 7* 8 1J (6, 8 cane.) 9 8 -i4 8 15 10 16 1 - (+ 12*) || 17 12 18 8 19 8 I 20 8 2 1 8 . Contents : Sermo. 1. Tractatus de laude Virginis (no heading) . . . . f. 1 Puluis ego sum et uermis qui loquor nobis • propterea embesco et uereor coram uobis loqui uerbum dei i>orro solennitas presens de laude uirginis offerl nobis materiam loquendi. Ends f. 83 b : celsior angelis. ut eius intercessione uideamus matrem cum prole patrem cum tilio qui est deus benedictus in secula seculorum. Amen. IO] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. \J 2. Non uos me elegistis sed ego elegi uos et posni uos at eatis fructum afferatis etc. Et a quo dictum est scitis et quibus dictum est scitis . . . . . . . . . f. 8 b Ends: premium pro labore I. C. dominus et magister noster qui est deus bened. in sec. sec. Amen. 3. Nolite considerare quis ego sim qui loquor nobis . . . 16 b — transiens ministrabit nobis I. C. qui est deus bened. in sec. sec. Amen. 4. Primo tempore alleuiata est terra, etc. Vsaias cui nobilis . z+b — qui est uenturus in spiritu sancto iudicare mundum et mortuos et seculum per ignem. 5. Vidi et ecce candelabrum, etc. (Zech. iv. 1) .... 31 Zacharias propheta hanc uisionem uidit. Four lines at the bottom of this page have been erased. 6. Oblatus est quia uoluit. Quociens oblatus est d. I. totiens oblatus est quia uoluit ........ 34 7. Qui sedes super cherubim, etc, frequentes scripserat nobis promissiones de aduentu saluatoris calamus scribe uelociter scribentis 8. Qui habitat in adiutorio, etc. Inclinauit altissimus celos et descendit . 43 b 9. Egredimini fdie syon, etc. (for Palm Sunday). Gloriosa dicta sunt sepe de gloriosa matre dei ...... 48 A 10. Adhuc esce eorum erant in ore, etc. Ad litteram exprobrat propheta iudeus populo dure ceruicis . . . . . ; v 1 1. For Trinity Sunday. Fluuius egrediebatur de loco uoluptatis, etc. (Gen. ii. 10). Verbum domini est quod auditis per os meum ........... 12. Smaller hand. Terra enim sepe uenientem super se bibens, etc. Terra id est mens auditorum ..... 71 13. Jerusalem edificatur ut ciuitas, etc. In s.ncra scriptura Jerusa- lem omonimum est ad tria ....... 72 14. In refectione duo sunt, potus et cibus ..... 75 \- T . Duobus modis diabolus in nobis humilitatem oppugnat 16. Ecce quam bonum, etc. Aggratulatur dilectissimi Dauid p pheta fraternitati ~'> 17. In omni claustro quatuor ilia genera monachorum esse com- probantur, followed by other short extracts .... Tres sunt gradus obedientie (repeated on 84^) Quatuor sunt cruces ........ 84 Tria sunt loca egyptus desertum et terra promissionis . . \- De tribus reddituri sumus deo rationero ..... Tria >unt quibus seruatur unitas ...... Quicunque uoluerit perfecte placere deo .... s ; /;/ anotlur hand. Ad uirginem deus aligerum portitorem mitt it ........... s 7 18. Appropinquauit [hesus ierosolimis -i • pacis superne ad uisionem 19. Quoniam aduentum Christi utrumque istis diebus • C. C. C. 2 [8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [10 *3- 24. 2 r- 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- 3 1 - 3*- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 47- Dom. secunda. Dominus ac redemptor noster fratres karissim multas nos ex causis debitores suos facit {Christmas Eve). Natiuitas saluatoris quam die crastina cele braturi sumus (Christmas Day). Orbis factor deus gr. kar. . (Octave of Christinas). In natiuitate I. C. cuius hodie octauum dieui ...•••••••• Unitatem cursumque fidei dilectissimi commendans apostolus, ait : Nescitis quod hii qui in stadio currunt, etc. . Erunt nouissimi primi, etc. Dilect. fr. quicunque ad edifica- cionem animarum ... ..... (Easter). Hec est dies quam fecit dominus. Dies ille dilec- tissimi .....•••••• Dominica Hi. Fratres uerba summi domini, uerba regis altissimi .....••••• Pentecostes. Dies iste fr. dilect. qui pentecosten dicitur . Sit pax inter uos fr. kar. et uera concordia .... Districtus iudex omnium pariter superborum. On Dives and Lazarus ......•••• In conuersione S. Pauli. In hac die sancta fr. kar. Purification. Homo erat in ierusalem cui nomen Symeon, etc. Sanctam domini natiuitatem fr. mei In parasceue. Rex noster dilectissimi deus noster . /// pascha. Dies dierum omnium solennitas omnium solenni- tatum (Annunciation). ...m redimendi erant homines Unde supra. In presenti solemnitate dilectissimi . /;/ natiuitate S. Marie uirginis. Sepe ac multum, f. k., memi- nisse debemus In Ascensione S. Marie. Exultate ac gaudete, f. k., quia hodie mater dei ......••• ////. Dow. pasc/ie. Omne datum optimum, etc. Ex uerbis b. iacobi apostoli colligere ueraciter Dom. V. post pascha. Rex noster ac saluator I. C. qui antc- quam aliquid ab eo petamus Dom. V. post pascha unde supra. Si quid petieritis, etc. Si omne quod petimus in nomine filii Dom. I. post ascensioncm. Viri fratres notum sit uobis quia spiritus sanctus amor est patris /// quolibet die sernio. Seruite deo, etc. Dominus noster dilectissimi /;/ uigilia natalis domini. Mater dei unigeniti, mater magni domini .......... /;/ natiu. domini. Pastures loquebantur, etc. Venerunt per fidem (St Stephen). Sanctus prothomartyr stephanus cuius hodie solennia .......... De S. Iohanne euang. et ap. In lectione euangelii que modo lecta est. Drusiana and the death of John are mentioned . f. 8cjd 92 93 94* 95* 9 6l> 986 99* 101 102 b 103* 105 106 108 £ no I II 112 II4 117 b 119 iiob 122b 124 b 1263 130 I3 1 * 133 IO] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 1 9 48. In Epiphama domini. In exhortatione quam uobis facturus sim t 135 49. Dom. it. be (/. quadragesime). Quatuor persene (/. -sone) in lectione euangelica • . . 137^ 50. Dom. Hi. xl me . In lectione euangelica quam modo audiuimus fratres mei ueritas 139 51. Voluntas dicitur illud instrumentum anime . . . . 14! — socius est exordium mali. 52. A continuation of the Roman des Roman/, for the beginning of which see below, f. 167 . . . . . . . 14: It begins: En cor i a gauntemenz assez Iadis soleient estre mult granz bl'etews del fruit des arbres • des leuns • et des hlez. Ends: ki essawplaire sont ad laie gent. 53. In libro numerorum legitur. locuta est maria et aaron . . 14: £ 54. Originally a blank leaf: a partial index to the book has been written on it in cent, xvi, xvii . . . . . . 143 55. A gloss on the Cantica which follow the Psalter . . . 144 Confitebor. piedixerat ysaias quod deus percuteret fluuium egipti. Ends on the Canticum Moysi [audite celt] : ecclesie misericordiam suam ostendet . . . . 15:/' 56. Various extracts, beginning: In iuuene quoque tria notantur quibus ad probitatem uenturus prenoscitur .... [53 A further portion of Index is written on 154 b. 57. Viri sanguinum et dolosi. Viri sanguinum tract. On f. 156 a para- graph begins: Sciendum quod ionadab commendatur a ieremia. A good deal of the rest is concerned with the text omttt datum optimum (James i.). Ends on f. 167 : Hoc autem oculis corporis neque nunc potest neque tunc potent. 58. Ici comence le rumant des romanz ...... 107 Mult (Kit buens estre. Ke li nuns est gran/ nons est granz [sic) E brofitables et forment delitanz. Et as oreilles el as cuers des own/. Ends 170/': Nest gaires huwe nait aucune wtferte. En cor ia gaimtemenz assez (see f. [43). There are several complete MSS. of this poem. See P. M in />n//. Soc. Arte. Text. Franc, isso, p, 68. 59. In a larger hand ......... 171 Primum ergo remedium est magna contempnere. The next sections begin : Conuertimini ad me. Pastores prius neniunt ad dominum. 2 — 2 20 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [lO- Graue iugum. Scriba doctus in regno celorum. Sicut ouis ad occisionem. O sapientia. Omnes sitientes uenite ad aquas. De corpore et sanguine domini. Quicunque ad conficiendum. Sacrosancti altaris misterium f. 178^ De hoc uersiculo, quid retribuam domino . . . . 1 79 ^ De tribus commotionibus animi. Factus est sermo domini ad eliam .......... 182 Ueum time et mandata eius obserua . . . . . 184 — Tribus sequentibus dilectio uel amor. Two paragraphs in a smaller hand 185 Si cupis ad ueritatem. Sanctis animabus debemus. Uignum est ut beatus iohannes euangelista . . . . 186 — ex ipsius redemptoris pectore percipere cognoscitur. In a small hand (3 lines) . . . . . . . 186 Omni infirmitati cum ceperit dolere requiescere est reme- dium. Hodiernum quidem sermonem ordinis nostri consuetudo non habet (5 lines) ......... 186 60. De in i nut ion e sanguinis . . . . . . . 186/' Minuendi sanguinis duplex est causa. Ends imperfectly: — iudicare temetipsum ut non incidas in maims. (Kk. 3. 11 is an Oriental Manuscript.) 11. T. Legge. Richardus III. Kk. 3. 12 Paper, 7| x 5f, fT. 68, cir. 40 lines to a page. Cent, xvi (1579), fairly well written. On the flyleaf is this note, signed by J. O. Halliwell : " The original of this play is in MS. in St John's College Library. There is another copy in Caius College, but it has not I believe been printed. Mr Smith in the 3rd number of the Cambridge Portfolio has mentioned it. The parchment in which this MS. is found is part of a Missal." The binding alluded to is now gone: the book is in modern calf. I do not find any MS. of the play at St John's College: that at Caius is no. 125. Others are at Emmanuel College (no. 71), in the University Library Mm. 4. 40. and Harl. 2412, 6926. The play was printed in 1844 for the Shakespeare Society by B. Field. 12] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 2 1 The title-page is : Thomae Legge legum Doctoris Collegii Caiogoneviliensis in Academia Cantabrigiensi magistri ac rectoris Richardu> tertius, tragoedia trivespera, habita in Coll. Divijohannis Evangeliste, comitiis Baccholaureorum Anno 1579. Anthonius Cadus. Descripta ex autoris autographo, A. Cadi manu. Impressum &c. (erased) 1582. Ianuariis Calendis. On f. I are the Dramatis personae. Contents : Actio prima. Argumentum f. : Edwardus quartus rex Anglorum obiit etc. Dramatis personae of Act I ...... Scene I. Elizabetha regina. Cardinalis. Nnntius. Quicunque laetis credulus rebus nimis. It is in 3 Acts, in trimeter Iambics. There is a colophon at the end with Anthony Cady's name and the date acpiry (1583). 12. Medica. Kk. 3. 13 Vellum, 8£ x 52, fif. 8 + 212 (wrongly numbered), in several hands, 34, 36, 32 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, partly in an Italian hand. Given by John Heaver. 2 fo. et perfi At the top of the flyleaf is written (xv) " physik." Collation : a 1 r (wants 1 ) 2 s f 8 a 9 s 10M+ a slip after 6) 1 1 8 I2 s 13" (+3*) 14* 158 i6 ? (three left) || 17* iS<-20 8 2i u '22*jj 23 s 2;- 28 4 || b 4 , quire 22 should follow quire 19, by the catchwords. At each end are four flyleaves of earl)' xiiith cent., 40 lines to a page. They form a complete quire of eight leaves. Those at the end of the volume are the four middle leaves of the quire. The contents are a fragment of a life of St Thomas of Canterbury in French verse. They begin : For sul i tant il mesprisl Ke larceweske pas aelfist Seint thomas. Kar cil ke la curime imi-t Vuerat encantre ihesu crisl Silisl ke las. Kar lofice alui no paitcncit \. licence de ceo naueit V poeste. f. 2 ends: CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [l2 Semblant esteit senz mentir Qve curune li uolt tolir A grant tort E si lui ueneit a plaisir. f. i of those at the end continues: Amer le deust e seruir Deske a la niort. The last of the leaves at end finishes: Seignors dist il si vos pleist Qvant mi sane espandre deit. r. 3 at beginning continues : Pur deu amur Defors la eglise metiz serreit Que el ensanglante ne feuit De un pecheur. f. 4 ends: Le martir en tere issi amer Seruir • e requere • honurer Deuoutement. E de ses biens seum parcener Et od li puissum regiier Finablement. Amen. Explicit liber sancti thome martiris. The fragment is noticed, but not identified, in Hardy's Cata- logue of Materials (Rolls Series) ii. no. 460, p. 372. It is in fact a fragment of the metrical life by Benedict the monk (/. c. p. 355): the last three lines at least are identical. But in this MS., those which precede have been altered to make the name of the scribe appear as that of the author. So says M. Paul Meyer, to whom I submitted the text : the last lines are : Seignurs des ore uoil finer Par uoz cungiez me reposer Ue mun labur. Si rien ai dit ke ait mester Seint thomas endeuez mercier E faire lui honur E nus euus en ceste uie Defende tuz iurz de uilanie E de peche E defende henri de anneie De mal e de mesauenture Ke ne seum dampne. etc. 12] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. Contents : i. Liber dietarum uniuersalium (Isaaci) f. 5 Begins imperfectly : et perfeccio accionis eoruni. The first heading left i>: De cognitione ciborum. The text is no doubt in an Italian band : there are many marginal notes in an English hand (xiii). Ends f. 62 a : — mollibus uero post. Expl. liber dietarum uniuersalium. f. 62 b is blank. 2. Inc. Practica M. Bartholomei ...... 63 l'ractica diuiditur in duo scilicet in scienciam conseruatiuam sanitatis et curatiuam egritudinis. A fine initial in gold, blue, and red. Ends f. 10.5/': Postea purgetur cum apozimate quod recipit. Explicit. 3. Liber aureus. Capitula '°-t De dolore capitis. De ypostasibus urinarum. Text. Si dolor capitis est ucl fit 104/' Initial S in gold and red : behind it a nimbed figure on blue ground, pointing to A'. Minis f. 125^: non fetet. l'init liber aureus. 4. A collection of receipts, without heading . . . . 1 - • Theodoriton cum nucibus muscatis. The last is for Diasene, f. 130^. 5. In an English hand (xiii) (books ii and iii of art. 1) . • 131 Diete particulares Isaaci; without heading. Compleuimus in primo libro uniuersalem significationem. Book in begins on f. 150. Quia compleuimus in hoc lil The quires are wrongly bound. The last in order should be 21. This ends (on Vinum roseum): in sanguinem conuertibiliora (1686). 6. In another English hand : Antidotarius Nicholai ........ 177 Ego nicolaus a quibusdam rogarus in practica medicine. Ends : 1 : '• (on Pillule fetide contra paralesim): I >abis 3 • ii • cum calida. Some other receipts are added in a rather later hand, mi : 1 213,/. 7. A tract de accident! bus (?) 2 >3 A Qui de egrotantium accidentibus. 24 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [i Ends ma: et in hiis minus congruum est qui solo dicuntur potu sed... conu...(last words cut off). 8. Incipit liber Trote de curis mulierum . . . . . f. 221 £ Ut ait ypocras de curis mulierum. Ends 227 b : quasi uirgo esset. Expliciunt Experimenta Atrote. 9. Two leaves in another and later hand, being the beginning of a book, De morbis ....... 228 Prologue. Duplici me cogente causa socii dilectissimi. — breuiter demonstratur. Capitula. 1. De generatione morbi ex humore. Last. De sudore prouocando. Text. Medicina est sciencia apponendi ..... 228 b Ends 229b: remoueatur efectus. 13. T. Gregorii Homiliae super Evangelia. Kk. 3. 14 Vellum, 9^ x6{, ff. 120, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in an upright English hand. An initial (pink, blue and gold) and partial border on f. 1. There is no donor's name. 2 fo. (text) euangelii. Binding : modern vellum wrapper. Collation: 1 8 — 1 5 s . Contents : Prefacio in libro beati Gregorii pape (erased) xl omeliarum ad Secundinum episcopum ........ f. i Capitula ........... ib Text begins on f. 2b: In illo tempore dixit Ihesus discipulis suis : Erunt syria, etc. Dominus ac redemptor noster paratos nos inuenire desiderans. Ends imperfectly in Horn. 38 (f. 120/'): Cogitaciones uestras sollicita inquisicione discutite de.... On the lower margin of f. 36 b is a doggerel couplet (xv, xvi) : A Jake Juggelar that guggyll w* a cake Etyng vp Heche blode bonse I besh(r)e\v your pate. There are also a few other marginal notes of a more pertinent character. 1 4] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY 25 14. Thomas de Capua etc. Haenel 12. Kk. 4. 1 Vellum, iof x 6£, ff. 98, 48 lines to a page. Cent, xiv early, in a fine small hand, with red and blue initials. 2 fo. tiuum intelliguntur. Given by John Heaver, D.D., Fellow. Collation: i 8 -c/ io G u 8 (wants 7, 8 blank) I2 a 13 4 14 2 ; one flyleaf loose. The loose flyleaf contains xvth cent, copies of three xivth cent, deeds relating to St Albans. That on the recto is an incomplete conveyance of land at W'eedon (?) to three people called Ada, Ydonea, and Margaret. Given at St Albans 1 Oct. in the 1st year of Richard II. On the verso (1) Indenture between Thomas (de la Mare), Abbot of St Albans, and William Cosseby, Vicar of Langley, giving the latter § of the tithes of Langley. Dated, St Albans, on Sunday the feast of St Ambrose, 1 Richard II. (2) Licence from Thomas, Abbot of St Albans, to a monk- unnamed to go to Rome for absolution. Witnesses: William Burcote, notary, and John Raiseby. Date, 1 Dec. 1388. Contents : r. Thomas de Capua de Arte Dictaminis f. i Rubrics of part I , C. 1. of text begins : luste radicate filii hominum et nolite iudicare secundum faciem. The work is in ten parts, and ends on f. 616: — die ad eligendum prefixa conuenientes in unum etc. etc. etc. ut supra. Explicit. 2. a. A copy of a letter of John XII. to Henry III. in the i-t year of his pontificate desiring him to set free Alien.ua, daughter of Simon de Montfoit, espoused to ' Lewd ' prince " f Wales (nh (>. The I'apal Notary to the Queen of England, a merely complimentary letter t, : c. Roger (de Weseham) Bishop elect of Coventry and Lich- field (1:4; 56) to the Pope (Innocent IV.) on his election. Pontefracl i.; April i, : 3. Epistola Valerii ad Ruffinum de Don ducenda oxore. With comment ( , : Text. Loqui prohibeor, etc. Comment. Mulier si prima turn teneat contraria est viro suo. Ecc. 15. Sicut dicit gl'>s.i super illud uerbum. 2 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [14 Text cuds: sed ac Orestem scripsisse uidear, uale. Explicit. Comment, ends: Si quid satis, dei nmnus et gratia. Cui sit in eternum honor et gloria. Amen. Expl. expositio epistole Valerii ad Ruffmum de dissuasione nuptiarum. 4. Item quedam expositio moralis super eandem epistolam . f. 78 £ Loqui prokibeor, etc. Hoc contra malos religiosos quibus certis temporibus et locis prohibetur ne loquantur. Ends f. 84 a: Inutilia dum breuia sunt ex aliqua parte placet) t scilicet in eo quod breuia sunt. The text is, as is well known, extracted from the work of Walter Mapes, De A T ugis Curicdium. These two commentaries perhaps deserve to be read and investigated. Neither of them appears to be identical with that contained in Queens' College MS. no. 10. Nor do any of the three seem to be that of Nicholas Trivet. On f. 84 a in a large hand (that of the main scribe of the volume) is : Eduuardus dei gratia Rex Anglie Rex Regum terre. diues auri. uel auro. frater Edmundi. fuit vir fortis dextera et iuuenis crinibus nigris. Non regnauit superbus. nee regnans superbus pugnauit causa essendi imperator. Feruenter laudauit dominum sicut nos. Cui erant duo filii. unus fortior leone. Alter egregie forme. Ipsum oculis vidi et multi coetanei mei. Ego Robertus ilium magnitico. Nullius criminis silsi conscius regnauit in Anglia. Cultor iusticie et principum iustissimus. Spiralis minarum in rebelles. Nee aliquis hominum potest eum vicii arguere. honore dignus. Parker regni dignus erat. Vtinam regno celesti dignissimus merito sue bonitatis. Hie erat plenus iusticia sed plenior dementie. Qui miserorum (ends unfinished). 84 £ is blank. 5. Incipiunt exordia Senece cum conclusionibus ... 85 Ordo rationis expostulat ut amicorum alter alterius precibus condescendat. It is a collection of moral sayings, of which some may be Seneca's, but others are certainly not. The last two are on the 'ars dictaminis.' One is in verse : Qui dictas, finis tibi diccio sit rationis... Aut trissillabica tetrasillaba vel equipollens. etc. The other begins : Cum eloquentia sit illud summum bonum ad quod tres sciencie finaliter tendunt. Ending: cum electis ambulat et manducat. Si possit fieri debet hce doctrina teneri. Explicit. 6. Summa Mathei Alberti de Dictamine (without title) . . 87 £ Cum summe et plures opiniones compilate sint in arte dicta- 14] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 27 minis ..ego Matheus alberti de libris notariorum Bononiensis Ciuitatis...summulam quandam compilare presumo. Ends unfinished 92 a : Taliter super sceleribus propono procedere transgressonun quod malefici. Then follow in another hand : a. Letter from William Abbot of Chester to Roger Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield asking him to ordain R. de B. sub- deacon. In margin, Litera pro litulo . . . . . f. 92 This Bp. must be either R. de Weseham, 1245-56, or De Molend, 1257-95. b. Litera Regis Anglie summo pontilici directa . . . 92 Ostensio quo iure Rex Anglie vendicauit superius dominium in Regno Scotie. To Pope Honiface VIII. Ending imperfect on 92 b : Quod Alexandrum filium suum sicut ligium hominem suum. c. In another hand : Copies of documents concerning the election of J. prior of the monastery of B. to the Abbacy of the same monastery in the first year of Clement V. (1305! in succession to Abbot T. de 93 Signed and attested by II. dictus Sauage clericus Lych. dioc. notary public. 7. In two columns, in another hand : u. Conflictus inter vinum ct aquam ■ . . . . 94 b Dum tenerent medium omnia tumultum. Ed. Wright, I'oems of Waller Mapes, Camden Soc. 1841, pp. 87-92, where this copy i> mentioned. Ends 95 /', as in Wright. b. Conflictu> inter potatorem et ciphum suum minus con- cauum .......... 95 b Ve tibi mi date ueniens sine concauitate. 14 lines ending Non vena plena quia languet egena crumena. Not in Wright. c. Questus primatis de admixtione aque cum uino In cratere meo thetis est coniuncta lyeo Est dea iuncta deo sed dea maioi eo Ne valet hie vel ea nisi cum fuerint pharisea (i.e. separate) Amodo propterea sit deus absque dea. i LEGE LIBRARY. 29 On the first leaf is an old table of contents ( xiv early) in a large hand : In isto uolumine liec continental'. Liber ymbrium quern edidit hermannus. Liber pluuiarum iafor egipciaci. 3. Epistola alkindi de aeribus et plu(uiis). 4. Haly de electionilms. Astralabium iobannis yspalensis. Liber de astrologia mundi (secundum Ibimhaicen added). Albohaly de natiuitatibus. Dorocheus de occultis 1 . Messahalla de interpretacione cogi'\ Epistola messahalle. Messahalla de recepcionibus. Aoumar thyberiadis de natiuitatibus. 13. Astronomia quedam. 14. Liber nouem Iudicum. 15. Liber alfadhol in auguriis stellicis. j 6. Flores albumasar de electionibus. [Added. 1 7. Liber geomancie. 18. Practica auium canum et equorum.] Contents : 1. Incipit in dei nomine liber imbrium [per Hermannum] . f. 1 Cum multa et uaria de imbrium cognicione precepta Indorum tradat auctoritas. I. nds (.2a: plerumque etiam imbres occurrunt set steriles. 2. Inc. liber pluuiarum a Iafor philosopho egypciaeo astrologo editus . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Uniuersa astronomic indicia prout indorum asseuerat antiquitas. On f . 6 a section ends : nisi mars aspexerit iouem uel saturnum. Finit liber Jmbrium. The author is Ilamel Abu Iafar. The tract was printed al Paris in 1540 with Alkindus. Sec Digby MS. 167, f. 7:. There arc two diagrams. There follow sonic anonymous sections OD kindred subjects. {a) Comua arietis est quedam >tella. (6) ludicium particulare de aeris mutacione in coniunctione solis et lune ........ 6f> (() Cum luna fuerit in prima mansione. ((/) Apertio portarum dicitur. I<) Volens prescire mutacionem aeris in singulis annis . 7 I De Caristia. Ending 7 !>. 3. In nomine dei el eius laude Epistola Alkindi de rebus aeribus 1 This text was seen by Leland at Clare {Co!!, iv. p. 19). So CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [i 5 et pluuiis cum sermone aggregato et utili de arabico in latinum translata ........ f. 8 Prologue. Rogatus fiii quod ma(ni)feste(m) consilia philoso- phorum. — diuido banc epistolam in viii° capitula. Cap. i. Philosophi concordauerunt ad hoc. Ends f. 13 : et hoc sufficit in hoc quod interrogasti. Explicit. Inc. liber Hali in electionibus horarum laudabilium Prologus . 13 Rogasti me karissime ut til>i librum de horis eligendis com- ponerem. The second book begins on f. 18/'. Ends f. 24: et aspice ubi sit dominus eiusdem signi. a. In nomine dei inc. liber de sciencia astrolabii a mag. Iohanne Hispalensi de arabico in latinum translatus in quo sunt 40 capitula 24 Primum cap. in mencione astrolabii et nominum super se cadencium. rrimum horum est armilla per quam suspenditur astrolabium. Ends f. 29 : Et ex hoc quod diximus scitur quantum transierit de annis Christi ex annis arabum si deus uoluerit. Expl. Liber Astrolabii. Then follows : b. In nomine dei capitulum quo scitur quid erit in annis et primo de dei dominica ....... 29 Probauerunt et pronunciauerunt cum longitudine temporum. Ends: (De die Sabbati) : net decursus aquarum. Explicit. Inc. prologus de astrologia mundi ..... 29 Non cessauerunt multi sapientes in quadriuio studere in astrologia. — et in quantum potero in hoc exercitabor. (Cap. i.) De toto mundo. Mundus appellatur locus comprehensiuus omnium. A few diagrams have been inserted, and spaces are left for more. End f. 39: cuiuslibet stelle preter m(ercurium). Expl. liber Jbimhaicen. Gracia deo. At this point there is a change in the hand; the second hand seems to continue to f. 122. It begins very well, but de- teriorates. Inc. liber de natiuitatibus Albohali Alghaihat ... 39 Dixit albohali : Iste est liber in quo exposui omnes significationes. Ends f. 47 : secundum hoc ceteras domos disponere memento si deus uoluerit. Perfectus est liber natiuitatum mense Julii Anno ab incarn. domini M" cliij cum laude dei et eius auxilio. Then in red, written in cent, xv : Expl. lib. Albohali de natiuitatibus. quod Marchall. The author of the note must be Roger Marchall, donor of many MSS. to Peterhouse and Gonville Hall. 15] CI. ARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 31 This version of Albohali is not that of Plato TiUirtinus. 8. (a) A paragraph f. 47 ^ Inuestigato itaque gradu ascendentis natiuitatis hyleh. (b) Sciencia hylesgh secundum albumasar. Capitulum in quadratura. (r) De inuencione rei occulle. Cum te interrogauerit aliquis tie re amissa. (d) Tractatus Dorothei in occultis . . . . . 47/' Dixit Uorotheus: cum interrogatus fueris. — erit aliquid sepulture in loco si deus voluerit. A second paragraph : De natura rei occulte sec. ptolomeum Dixit ptolomeus: si aspexerit 48 — qui in hac arte minus docti erant. Expl. Messahalla. Cf. Digby 149, no. 28. 9. Tractatus de cogitatione et intencione sec. Messecalach . 48 In nomine domini pii et misericordis inc. tract, de cogita- tione uel de intentione et refertur ad .Messaalah. Precipit Messa. ut constituas ascensionis per gradum suum. — significationibus signorum. Digby 51, no. 18. 10. In nomine domini inc. Epistola Messealach . . . . 48^ Inc. epistola messehalla in rebus enclipsis lune. Ends f. 50 : et est ex secretis sciencie arborum. Perfectus est liber messehallah translatus a lohanne yspalensi in linna (?luna) ex arabico in latinum sub laude dei et auxilio. Digby 97, no. 1 2. There was a later version by Plato Tiburtinus. ii. Inc. liber messeallach de receptione interpretatus a [obanne yspanensi ex arabico in latinum ..... 50 Inuenit quidam uir ex sapientibus librum ex libris secretorum astrorum. Ends f. 55/': Ideoque iungebatur ad hoc nutu dei. Finitur bb. Messahalla de receptionibus (marginal, in Marchall's band). See Digby 194, no. 11; there and elsewhere the tract is called Interrogationes Messahalle. I here follow ; (,7) Tabula pro annis frigidarie vel fridarie sec alios . (/>) Cum aliquis ad te questioners moturus aduenerit (c) Quid manum clausum gestet (sic) ..... ;'. 12. Inc. liber liatmilatuiii Aomai ...... Dixil omai benalfargbani tiberiadis. Scito quod dirhnidones natiuitatum. Ends f. 63d: et ipsum eril ascendens. So in Digby 104, ""• 8. Printed al \ enice in 1503. I [ere also follows ■ 13. (d) Item alie sentencie de p<;/;e (!) ptholomei el dorothU ceterorum (?) uniuersorum ....... 32 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [15 Which end f. 64/': primus gradus arietis et diuisor (?) iupiter. Expl. lil). omar benfargan tiberiadis laude dei et eius adiutorio quem transtulit mag. Johannes yspalensis atque lunensis de arabica in latinum. Digby 194, no. 9. 13. (a) A tract beginning abruptly f. 64^ Dicens adde super locum propiorem gradui planete. Ending f. 67 6: qualiter misceas significationes planetarum sig- nificationibus signorum. This last is Precepta Messahalle de interrogacionibus. Digby 194, no. 10. (6) In nomine domini inc. libellus interpretationum quem puto esse messalle ........ 6j d Inueni enim eum extractum de libro suo in interrogationibus. Scito quod aspiciens -i» astrologus. Ends f. 68/^: Si sub piscibus prospere ageret in omnibus. (c) A diagram drawn and signed by Marchall. 14. Marchall (?) has written at the top : Speculum Judiciale Roberti de Burgo. The old heading is: Inc. ars Judiciaria secundum • 9 • iudices Alkindi .s. Zael, Albenarat, Messehallam, Dorotheum, Jergem, Aristotelem, Albumasar, et Aomar ........ 69 Celestis circuli forma sperica. The hand changes at f. 122, and again at 143, col. 2, this time to a writing which might almost be Marchall's. Ends f. 144a: pluuias renouant. Expl. lib. Nouem Judicum qui sunt Aristotiles, Albumazar, Alkyndus, Aomar, Abenalhaiath, Doiotheus, Jergis, Messa- halla et Zael. There is also a classification of the 9 Judges: Zaell toletanus ^ Aristotiles grecus r Europisse. Albumazar grecus J Jacobus alkyndus Jndus ^ Messahalla Indus ' Asianisse. Aomar syrus J Dorotheus persicus Jergis tabarus (? lartarus) Abenalhaiath (blank). f. 144 b is blank. Between ff. 118, 119 is a paper with a diagram dated 1515. Perhaps by Humphrey Ue la Pole. 15. In red at the top added by Marchall (?) : Alfadhol in auguriis stellicis. The original heading is : Hoc quod dixit Alfadhol filius sehel in aguriis stellicis . 145 Postquam cogitaui in magnitudine super populum in ordine uicis Imperatoris Aaron Arasseid cuius moram prolonget deus. 15] CLARK COLLEGE LIBRARY. 33 This is written in 33 lines to a page in a hand like the best of the first part of the volume, about f. 39: but it is a better hand and does not degenerate. There is a large and beautiful initial. The prologue ends on f. 145/': n principio prime domorum questionum. Expl. prohemium Alfadhol 61. Sehel in aug. stell. The rest is in tabular form, each section consisting of lines numbered from 1 to 12. Each line begins Quesiuisti. I are 144 sections. Ending f. 169/;: Expl. liber Alf. films Sehel in aug. stell. Finitur liber iste sit laus et gratia tilii rhriste. 16. <7. Inc. (lores Albumasar de electionibus . • . . f. 1 70 In nomine dei incipiunt electiones quas albumasar compilauit. In the same hand: double columns of 51 lines. The sections are mostly tables (from I to 53). 54-07 are con- tinuous prose. 54 is headed Capitulum in naratione saturai etc. Hunc librum intellerunt (!) romani, etc. Ending f. 172/-: et maris animalium. Finitur liber iste sit laus et gracia tibi Christe. Digby 48, no. 21. b. One column, probably in the same hand . • • 173 Predictions of eclipses of the moon in the years 1273-5-6-7. 1281-2-4 6. The rest of the leaf is blank. 17. In a hand of Italian aspect, which on f. 175/' developes into one like that of no. 16 (43 line.-, to a page) with an initial of French work. Inc. liber geumancie . • ■ • • • • • '74 Figura prima dicitur domus uite corporis. The figures are at first given in the margin. On f. [84 the tract seems to end : in comparationem bestinrum. Explicit. But three more paragraphs follow, apparently supplying an omission in the text. Theseend on f. i.s 4 /- with the colophon qui finit hunc librum ualeat ascendere in celum. Amen. 18. In an English hand, double columns of 56 lines. Inc. practica auium ''•" I'.n primis legum cunabilis impericie mee solarium querens scemam virorum honestatisque sigillum mente ne sancto viri deinceps videar contrarius et honeste pretendi pocius conde- scenderem. igitur ut principi nostra excellentissimo. I turrensi opus hoc meum...in .v. particulas diuisi, quarum prima continetur qualiter aquila <-t simachus el theodosion tholo(meo) imperatori egipti scripserunt...Secunda continel (quid) grecus alexander grecus medicus cosme scripsit. Tertia quid gnosius (girosius) hyspanus theodosio imperatori. Quarta quid Alardus anglicus nepoti suo ii I ganti respondent. Quinta n forged letters such as St Paul mentions in 2 Thess. The relics of it begin thus: suos ascribun) nobis et doctrine t : De qua ipsi uiderint oolentes dici regnum dei non possidebunt de regno eiciuntur et diabolum mente captus et manifeste insaniens tur doctrina hum ab inimicis auli apostoli. Quidam enim sub ent thessalonicenses quasi iussa m in secunda epistola quam ad thessa . aduentum doraini nostri ihesu christi. 3— 2 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [l8- 18. Iustini Historiae etc. Haenel 2. Kk. 4. 5 Vellum, 14x9!, ff. 62, double columns of 43 lines. Cent, xii, early: in the hands used at that time at Christ Church, Canter- bun-. Initials in purple, green and red : smaller initials in plain red or green. Binding : bevelled wooden boards covered in white skin. Given by John Heaver, who has written in the cover : Justinus imperfectus. Orosius imperfectus. I have little doubt that the book is from Christ Church, Canter- bury, or Rochester: in any case written at Christ Church. Collation : 4 flyleaves cut out | i s (wants I and 8) ii 8 -v 8 (vi, vii gone) viii 8 (several quires gone) ix 8 (x gone) xi 8 xii 2 (2 cane.) | I flyleaf. Contents : I. Orosius de ormesta mundi. Wants a preliminary leaf with capitula, and first leaf of text. Begins in I. 2 : Statuere eiusque ties partes . . . . . . f. 1 Lib. 1. ends imperfectly in the last chapter but two: cunctantibus sublata. One leaf containing the end of 1. and the beginning of 11. is gone. Lib. II. begins in c. 1 : meridie cartaginiense ... 7 Lib. III. 13 Lib. iv. 21 Lib. v. 29 Ending in c. 22 : romani improperii (/. imperii) corpus abruperint. atque. Lib. vi. is entirely gone. Lib. vu. begins in c. 15 (of Antoninus Pius) ... 38 Bellum deinde contra Parthos. And ends in c. 39 : que inflammari ab hostibus nequiuerunt. Just before this a leaf was evidently wanting in the archetype after the last words of c. 37. The reading is aliquando ad tempus spacio defertur * queat. tercia die barbari. 39. 14, 15. The gap is at the asterisk. II. Justini Epitome Historiarum 46 Begins in Lib. win. mittendi auxilia carthaginiensibus fuerat. 19] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY III. Lib. xix xx. xxi XXII XXIII xxiv XXV Ending imperfectly: Ibi dum naues. xxvi— xxxv. are gone, xxxvi. begins (sub Jin.) nunc matrem suam nunc beronicen xxxvn xxxvi u. xxxix xi.. XI. I XI.II XLIII XI. IV Ending f. 61 b: in formam prouintie redegit. Pompei Trogi epitoma hystoriarum liber quadragesimus quartus explicit, f. C>2 is in another band rather later and rounder. On it is : //. Dedication of Vegetius de Re militari by Rabanus Maurus to Lotharius. Populus iubente deo israeliticus libenter munera optulit. — incommoda precauere poterunt. b. Inc. prologus Venetii (!) in libro do re militari. Antiquis temporibus mos fuit. — credis inuenias. l-'.xpl. prol. 1'lauii Vegetii Renati viri illustris. <-. Epithoma rei militaris libri numero mi 01 incipiunt Primus liber electionem edocel iuniorum, etc. d. Singulorum librorum capitula subnectuntur sub una serie digesta. The first live capitula of Lib. I. are Oil the verso. The re^t is blank. 47 I 54 57 ! 6 1 19. S. AUGUSTIXI QUAEDAM. Kk. 4. Vellum, 9X 7§, ff. 145, 20 lines to a page. Cent. x. in a good Carol ingian minuscule. On the flyleaf is : ( llemens » rregi trie i^o. 2 to. incrementum. 38 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [19- There is also an old title of cent, xii : AVGUSTINUS DE BONO CON1VGII. Lib. I. Aug. de virginitatc. Lib. 1. Aug. de Nuptiis et Concupiscentia. Libri II. The same is repeated below in a neat xvth cent. hand. The writing- of the old title reminds me of some entries in Canterbury books : but I cannot find this MS. in the Canterbury- Catalogues. Collation : i fi ii 8 -xviii 8 xix ? (three leaves left). Contents : 1. The titles are in red (xiii), the other xv. Augustinus de bono coniugali . . . . . . f. 1 Quoniam unusquisque homo humani (in capitals). Ends f. 27 /> : fratres fuerunt. 2. Extract from the Retractations : Postquam scripsi de bono coniugali .... 28 5 lines. Augustinus de sancta Virginitate (in red : xiii) ... 28 Librum de bono coniugali nuper edidimus (in capitals). Ends f. 66 ^ : et superexaltate eum in saecula. Amen. 3. Extract from the Retractations. Scripsi duos libros ad inlustrem uirum .... 67 Letter from Augustine to Valerius. Domino inlustri et merito praestantissimo . . . 67 b Augustinus de nuptiis et concupiscentia liber i us ... 69 Haeretici noui. Liber ii. ......... . 98 ^ Ends f. 144/;: saluator possit esse et ipsorum. Then follows an erasure of some xvith cent, accounts. 20. Dictionarium Morale. Kk. 4. 7 Paper, \\\ x 8|, ft. numbered from 19 to 193. Cent, xv late. Given by Barnabas Oley, Master. On the last flyleaf is a badly scribbled copy of an obligation temp. Henry VIII (?) relating to some one living at Colling in Yorkshire. Collation: x 16 (wants 1-4, 15, 16) y 16 z 16 & 16 (wants 15, 16) aa 16 (wants 1, 2, 16) Bb 1(i (wants 14-16) cc 16 (wants 5) Dd 1(i (wants 1-5) ee 16 ff gone gg™ (+ 1) hh 16 ii" 5 : one flyleaf. The work is the second half of a sort of Speculum Morale. It consists of a number of pictures of trees roughly drawn with large 22] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 39 leaves or circular fruits. There are one or more of these ugly trees on each page. On the root of each is inscribed its main subject, and on the leaves and stems and fruits the rest of the text is written. There is no text apart from these diagrams. The hand is bad. The first page contains four trees, viz. : pars, participacio, parcere, partus. Sometimes a subject (as pax, peccatum, passio Christi) is continued over several pages. The last in the book is Christus which occupies 3 pages. 21. P. POMPONATIUS DE FaTO. Kk. 4. 8 Paper, 12U x 8|, ff. 74, 39 and more lines to a page. Cent, xvi, neatly written in a sloping Italian hand. Collation: a 1 " (wants I blank) b^-g 1 " (wants 10) h 8 (7, S blank, gone). Contents : Petri Pomponatii Mantuani libri quinque de fato de libera arbitrio et de predestinatione «... f. 9 Non defuturos esse scio qui me de fatp etc. Ends f. 74/': cui et in hoe et in aliis me totum subjicio. Finis Libri(s) quinque de fato et libera arbitrio impositus est dei gratia per me Petrum lilium Joannis Nicholai Pomponatii Mantuani Bononiae in capella sancti barbatiani die 25 nouembris in quo celebratur festiuitas diuae Catharinae uirginis et martins, anno 1520 et 8° pontificatus Domini leonis decimi. 22. LlNCOLNIENSIS DE LlNGUA. Kk. 4. 9 Vellum, 9f x6f, ff. 116, double columns of 41 lines. Cent. xv. in an ugly English hand. Initials in red and blue. Collation: \ vi -(j vi 10"' ( wants 6 and 10). Contents : Robertus Lincolniensis de Lingua (withoul title). • • . 1. 1 Lingua congruit in duo nature opera. Ending on f. ion (107) b \ Regina celorum est misericors [est] et mater venie. Then follow the Capitula of tin- -i\ parts 107 After this is a much more diffuse analysis of the whole work, partly in tabular form, partly written as continuous prose, ending mi f. Ilj/' IO8 /' The last three leaves are Hank. 40 CATALOGUE OK MANUSCRIPTS. [23- 23. Xenophontis quaedam Latine. Kk. 4. 10 Taper, 7f x Sh PP- 120, cir. 35 lines to a page. Cent, xvi, neatly written. There is no owner's name. Contents : 1. Xenophon de Cyri minoris expeditione. Liber primus. . p. 1 I »ario et Parysatidi nati sunt filii duo. Liber vi. ends p. 1 14. Then follow a few lines descriptive of Liber VII. 2. Xenophontis Rheloris de Atheniensi republica . . . 115 De Atheniensium vero Rep. quod quidem hanc formam elegerunt. — per totam et integrant actionem progredientur. 3. Sequitur compendium legum Lycurgi Lacedaemonii . . 118 Cum mihi in mentem venit aliquando. Ending on p. 120. 24. Grammatica Graeca. Kk. 4. 11 Paper, 8i x 5f, ff. 146, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xv late, in an ugly hand. Given by John Heaver, D.D., formerly Fellow. Collation: I 8 -/ 8 8 ? (two left) | 9/-19 8 . Contents : 1. ' ETn./j.(pialai Tewpyiov tov AeKaTTT]voO. 'Ek iroWQv ko.1 diacpopuv avyypau/j.&Twi' cocpCov ypacpio. Ypas S(pe\6v ye ko.1 at ri) KaKoSo^ia vevtKpufxtvov. TeXos ttjs ypafj.fj.aTiKjjs rod Kvpiov fiavovtXov. Edited with Thomas Magister, Phrynichus, etc. by Asulanus, Venice 15:4. ami by Vascosan, Paris 1532. 25] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 41 25. LlBRI SALOMONIS ETC. EXPOSITI. I lacilcl 7. Kk. 5. 1 Vellum, 15 x cj\, ((. 248, double columns of 70-71 lines. Cent, xiii, in several hands, one, a fine small black hand, another larger, and of later type. Somewhat stained at the beginning and end. Collation: I 8 (wants 1) 2 1 - 3 1 -' ^ \ 5 v: -(j- iu"<5 -8 blank, gone) 1 1 1 -'— 16 1 - (wants 8-12 blank) | i/ 1 --2 1 1 - 22* 2$- 24 1 -'. Contents : 1. An Exposition upon Proverbs, beginning imperfectly mi w. 2- f. 1 (Conturbat domum suam qui sectatur) auaritiam «i- v«/ro(?) et corpore. Ends f. 35 6 : sequentis illam quod manifestum est cuilibet inspicere nolenti (sic: I. uolenti). Expliciunt prouerbia. 2. On Ecclesiastes (in a smaller hand) ..... 36 Beatus uir cuius est auxilium abs te. Ends f. 62 : Sme bonum siue malum sit quod factum est suple. Explicit ecclesiastes. 3. On Canticles (in the same hand at first: then in a handsomer one) g, Deus in gradibus eius cognoscetur. Ends f. 72 b : in quibus -J(j/'-. et in omni loco assistens <.-is liberans et saluans. Expl. lib. Sapieneie de Minima maiori. 6. On Ecclesiastic us lie^in^ m the hand >>| no. :. then changes . 100 Suiniui regis palatium in -iiii" consummatur. Ends on r. k,(, : Alia ancilla est vsaias quern posl ilium librum iuuante domino proponimus nos lectures. Expl. ecclesiasticus. 166/; is blank. 7. On the Psalter, in a hand like that of no. 1, but larger . \i,- 3—5 42 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [25- Begins imperfectly mi Ps. xxviii, (xxix.) 2: cubitos et semissem latitude) cubitum et semissem. Ends imperfectly on Ps. cxviii. (cxix.) 166 (Expectabam salutare tuum): quamlo ueniet putas durabo. putas uidebo. et ysa. lxiiii. utinam disrumperes. 26. QUINTILIANUS. / xr Aulus Gellius. ( Kk. 5. 2 Vellum, 15 x 10, ff. 92, double columns of 50 lines. Cent, xiii, in a fine clear hand. The upper margins in the early part of the volume have suffered much from fire and damp. On the flyleaf is : Quintilianus imperfectus ex dono Johannis Heaver S. T. D. hujus collegii sive Aulae de Clare socii. Collation : i, ii gone iii 8 -v 8 vi gone vii 8 (wants 1) viii gone ix 8 x 8 xi gone? xii 8 (wants 4, 5) xiii 8 xiv 8 xv 8 xvi 8 xvii 8 (wants 8). Contents : 1. Quintiliani Declamationes ...... . f. 1 Begins imperfectly in no. V. § 10, ed. Burmann, vol. ii. p. 113, contraxi. pro duobus maria conscendi. pro duobus genua tenui. After quire v, in Declamation XII. {Pasli cadaiteris) is a lacuna, from § 2 : Hie est populus. hee uires. hee to breuiu-r utique noluissem. Excogitatur. Declam. XIV. § 2. The tract ends with quire vii, in Declam. XVII. (Venenum effttsum) § 9: quod succurrendi fauore dimittitur. 2. M. Fabii Quintiliani de Institutione Oratoria. Begins imperfectly in 1. 8 : ualuerunt. In primis copiam uerborum. After II. 8 : ne ab eo quod quis optime facit ad aliud cui, is ;i lacuna extending to III. 4: sequentes demonstratiui. After ill. 10 : habere multis et diuersis, is a lacuna extending to VIII. 4. 11 : maius id quod a nobis exaggerandum est. 27] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 43 The text then proceeds to ix. 3. 2 : prius fit hisdem generibus quibus uitia. esse enim tomne huiusmodit nulla contentio est cedendum uero. The words between daggers are voces nihili. What follows them is from x. 1. 107. There has been a large lacuna in the archetype. The text is then unbroken as far as X. 3. 32. Admonitione corrigi non potuerat unitatis (/. mutatis), after which nearly a whole column is left blank. 3. Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae. Preface (sometimes printed as xx. 11). Iocundiora alia (/. At qui jucundiora) repperiri queunt. — quid quoque in libro queri inuenirique possit. The Greek quotation is written with some intelligence, and in the fuller form: six lines instead of the three that appear e.g. in tlie Leyden text of 1644. The chapters of book 1. follow. ' Text. Alutarcus (sic) in libro quern de hercule. Capitula of book 11. Text of book II. The chapters are numbered in the margin in Greek as well as iri Latin capitals. Book 11. ends : cuius rei causam cum aristotilis libros problematorum precerperemus notaui. The quotation that follows in the printed text : cur austro spirante — atrum esse uidetur, is omitted. Capitula of book m. Text Capitula of book iv. Text. Capitula of book v. Text. Capitula of book _vi. Text, at the beginning of which a space of 5 lines is left blank : — homines dicantur fecisse. Capitula of book vn. v. 1 Text: ends imperfectly in ch. xvi. que uarro approbans exsecutus est hec sunt ferine. 27. HlSTORIA Turpini. f HlSTOKIA BklTONUM ETC. Kk. Vellum, 1 3f x 81, ff. 75 4- 2, double columns ol 38 lines. Cent xiv, carl)-, with <;ood ornaments, in ;i clear round hand, of the kind that seems to be formed on an Italian model. 44 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [27- Given by John I leaver. 2 fo. gentem paganorum. The flyleaf, which is cut, and illegible on the recto, is from a book of Halimotae, held in the reign of Henry III. : the writing is of cent, xv early (?). The name of the place where the Halimotae were held appears to be Tittenhanger (Herts.). This name and that of Wymundham occur in the text. Both places belonged to St Albans. It seems a fair inference that the MS. is from the St Albans library. Collation : 1 flyleaf | I 1 - 2 12 (wants 1 1 blank) 3 12 -6 1 - 7 4 | 1 flyleaf. Contents : 1. Inc. Epistola beati turpini archiepiscopi ad leoprandum de- canum .......... f. 1 Turpinus dei gracia archiepiscopus remensis. — et deo placeas. Amen. There is an initial, of excellent work, representing Turpin throned full face, in mitre and blue cope, with cross-staff and book. Expl. epistola. Inc. hystoria Turpini Remensis ecclesie archie- piscopi de famosissimo rege karolo magno quomodo teri'am hyspanicam et galecianam a pot estate sarracenorum liberauerit 1 Capitula (xxxvii) follow. Exi)l. capitula. Inc. de hoc quod apostolus iacobus karolo apparuit . . 1 b Gloriosissimus namque christi apostolus iacobus. Ends on f. 19 b : sua predicatione ad dominum conuertit. For a full account of this romance see H. L. D. Ward's Cata- logue of Prose Romances in the British Museum, I. 546. The romance proper consists of 34 chapters, to which 3 sup- plementary chapters are commonly added. In these there is some variation: the three in the Clare MS. are found in II arley 6358 (and elsewhere). This Harleian MS. corre- sponds rather closely with ours, in date and contents. 2. Note on the succession of the French kings . . . 19 £ Ex genere priami fuit Merotteus. — Ludouicus genuit Philippum qui nunc regnat. 3. A similar note on the Kings of England . . . . 19 £ Anno ab incam. domini d.ccc.lxxvi Rollo cum suis Nor- manniam penetrauit. — Mortuo Johanne successit ei Henricus tilius eius (i.e. Henry III. 1216-1272). 4- Li Doctrinals : a Poem in French, without title ... 20 Seignurs ore escutez ke deu vus beneie Si orrez un romaunz plein de grant curtesie Cest li doctrinals qui enseigne e chastie Li secle kil se guart de orguil e de folic 28] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 45 It is headed by a miniature of excellent style. The ground on L. is red, on R. blue. On /.. stands a speaker in cap, blue cloak, and light red robe. On R. a group of six : a seated man, two men standing, two women and a young girl. The men all wear long outer cloaks with sleeves which are empty. The poem ends on f. 22 a: Cest doctrinal deit hum escriure e retenir Kularum optima ....... 24 Eneas post troianum bellum, etc. ..... The initial to the prologue represents a king with crown and sceptre in red mantle over blue, seated full face. It is of excellent style. On the lower margin of f. 36a is a most excellent large drawing in outline. It represents Con- uuenna, the mother of Belinus and Brennius, greeting the latter when he had come to light his brother. On the extreme /.. is Brennius's horse: shield, sword, and crowned helmet on the ground. Then Brennius in mail and surcoat embraced by his mother (who i-, crowned), while with one arm she bares her breast. Belinus in mail advances from A'. : shield, sword and crowned helmet lie behind him. On A', he U seen again in helmet on horseback, another horseman by him. The lower margin of f. 53, which probably had a picture, has been cut off. On 56^ are the prologues to the Prophecies of Merlin. The 1'rophecies begin on f. *-. Ends on f. 7:// : in latinum transferre curaui- Then follows a note on the duration of the reigns of English kings from Alfred to Henry III., whose length of reign is left blank. Then a couplet (xiv, xv): Vxores trine doinui sunt causa mine Tollantur bine sunt ad mala mox resupine. An erased couplet follows. On the last flyleaf are two rough late scribbles in English: no proper names occur. 28. Gelasius Cyzici nus. Kk. 5. 4 ? Paper, i6£ x 1 i\, ff. 2 + 52, 33 lines t<> a page Cent xvi, very well written, in a large sloping hand. ( AIM ■ M.l I "I M \M I III I . dono I imothci Burrage huiu ii LD, u ( )n ,i tl\ • tuck a i. nut la he text i- this ent ! in bibliotl At tin- beginning .in- two leaves <>t' English rather badly written, bein for tin- observation of Church festivals, written under the i ommonwealth. It seems t<> me that this, and not the main is what Kitchingman wrote. The hand <>f the volumi earlier < \vi ). ntents : enus dc rebus gestis in . p. I 1 1 uiueraali ' "> "nrih sunt. c. 107 ol Liber 11. (Victor Constantinas Augustas The i>n p. 104. 29. 1 .ibi r l\i 1 ualis. I laenel 4 Kk. s. Vellum, l6| x 11J. tT. 44, [9 lines to a page. Cent, xv, xvi, in .1 \ ei hand, written between ruled lines and within a frame- work <>f double lines Initials of red and black, filled in with panelled pen work : of Spanish execution. llation: r 2 U (8 cane) 3 1 4' 5' 1 5 cane.) 6 s . • nrrentibus. I l>e plubia petenda |>r< : nltatem petendam ■ I i Pro in' I tb %b 30] URE COLLI GE LIBRA In die naiiuitatis Domini (Collect) . . De nomine lesu (Collect) ..... Pro defunctis n. Mille uiros strauit ionathas bachidemque fugauit Victus apollonius fugit ac exercitus eius x. 77. uel. Corruit indigne gladio pars, pars ruit igne. Obprobrose ionathas cadit atque dolose xiii. :/,. In modin allatUS lleUir ionathas tuinulatus xiii. 15. 5. Kal. Julii anno domini in. ccc". lx°. Ego feci hunc librum ad liuh. 6. A faint English note (xv, xvi). On the verso are copies of four letters in a charter-hand (xiii). i. Uenerabili patri S. dei gratia Priori Wigorn. et sanctissimo conuentui eiusdem ecclesie fr. II. dictus Prior de Bordesle. Narrates a miracle done on a young monk and subdeacon Adam, who paralysed. The Virgin and Si Wulstan appeared and healed him. Date 1119. ii. W. (William of Bloisor Walter de Cantilupe) Bp of Worcester to E. (Edmund) archbishop of Canterbury asking him not to carry out his intention of visiting the Priory of Worcester which is not liable to such visitations; reminds him that his predecessors S. (Stephen Langton) and R. (Richard Wethersett) had refrained from visiting. iii. Reply from the Archbishop, acquiescing in the request. iv. W. de CantilupO, Archdeacon of Stafford, to the Trior and Convent of Worcester, thanking them for his election: he does not say to what office: but it is the Bishopric of Worcester which he held from 1:35 to 1365. Contents : 1. S. Gregorii Dialogi. Incipit prefatis subsequentis libri dialogorum. Gregorii (\>.\\>r erased) de vita sanctorum. This title is in red. blue and green capitals. /; : didici relatione quod narro. Expl Prefatio. inde sequuntur capitula libri primi dialogorum . piii. Capitula follow on - />, continued on 5a. Text of liber I- begins on 5,; with a line initial in white, led, green, and purple. The titst words are in large capitals, black, green, and ied, and a line in small green rustic capitals follows. The proper order of the leaves is ;, 6, B, ;. 4. 50 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. [30 Marginal notes >>f the subjects of the chapters have been added by various hands. Each book has a good initial, and is preceded by capitula. That to book in. lias a fine dragon: also that to book IV. Ends with quire 13: deo hostia ipsi fuerimus. Amen. Expl. liber dialogorum beati Gregorii (pape erassd) urbis Rome. Omnipotent] • deo • laus • honor • uirtus • et gloria. 2. Incipiunt capitula libri qui dicitur scintillarum, quire 14 f. 1. The capitula are 81 in number. i. De caritate. lxxxi. De electionibus. Expl. capitula. Title in red. Inc. liber qui dicitur Scintillarum. Sunt autem in hoc libro diuersorum patrum sententie de diuersis collecte uoluminibus tarn noui quam ueteris testamenti. i. De caritate. Dominus dicit in euangelio. Maiorem caritatem nemo habet. Ends f. 3/' of quire 22: homo nutritur ac pascitur. Expl. liber qui dicitur Scintillarum de diuersis uoluminibus tain noui quam ueteris testamenti collectus. 3. Prefatio in librum Prognosticorum Iuliani Pomerii Toletane urbis episcopi, quire 22 f. 4. Sanctissimo ac pre ceteris familiarissimo michi in domino Idaho Garchinonensi episcopo. Diem ilium clari redemptorum omnium exceptione conspicuum — aut iudicii uestri debeat publicari sententia oratio. Desertum idumee cecus et morbidus possessor inhabitans — pleniori rerum euidentia contueri. Capitula of lib. I. (22). Inc. liber primus de origine mortis humane. Peccato primi hominis actum esse. Ends f. 3 <5 of quire 27 : ad possidendum regna concedat. Amen. Expl. liber pronosticorum (in large red capitals). 4. Albini solutiones questionum de sancta Trinitate, quire 27 f. 4. First three lines in black, red and purple capitals. Desiderantissimo lilio Fredegiso Albinus salutem. Placuit prudentie uestre — -fulgebunt claritate. [nterrogatio. quomodo deus uere sit unitas. flf. 3, ending: Caro dimisit dum emisit in cruce spiritum christus. 3l] CLARE COLLEGE LIBRARY. 51 31. Lectionarium Graecum. Paper, 8] x6|, ff. 206, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xv, clearly written, with rude ornaments. Presented by J. Rendel Harris, M.A., Fellow. Original binding of skin over wooden boards. Col /at ion : I 8 - 2 6 s (7, 8 gone). Contents : Lectionary for the year beginning : Tij 0.71a Kal /x€yd\rj KvpiaKrj tou HaV^a €tJ T h v teiTovpylav. Evayy. Kara, ludvvrjv. Ei> dpxv t\v 6 X670S k.t.X. Ends imperfectly f. 206 b with the Gospel of the ~Slvpo. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M. \. A I I UK I'MVUolM r 'QfjAN 0>\ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 9^ i tg^ JOLT ~ i6 19% 1975 b SW) 81977 mo Form L9-30m-ll,'58(.8268s4:)444 AU i381 ^ 3 1158 00137 69< AA 001 164 21