Hi hSbsk sseh ifiggi HB0Q889 tne/ a 7?/ c^u. ^P'twer c/^iA^ 97,4 LIBRARY SCHOOL c/nJl-enHty- A>f (9&6ifor?uJc Hand-book foe Readers BOSTON PUBLIC 'LiBEAfeY;' CONTAINING THE REGULATIONS OP THE LIBRARY, mil AN ACCOUNT OF THE CATALOGUES, INDEXES TO NOTK3 ABOUT BOOKS, INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, A CATA- LOGUE OF BOOKS ABOUT PATENTS, AND OTHER INFORMATION. NEW EDITION. BOSTON : Printed by Order of the Trustees. ROCKWELL AND CHUBOIIILL, CITY PRINTERS. > I883. • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ,•• • • • , • • • . , • • • • •••••• LIBRAS? SCHOOL "-HEH3 HAND-BOOK .FOE HEADERS. REGULATIONS. Note. — The words Library and Reading-Room refer equally to the Branches and to the Central Library, unless a special qualification is given. DAYS, HOURS, ETC. Article 1. The Library shall be open on all seeular days throughout the year, except the six legal holidays : namely, Washington's Birthday, Fast Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day, and except such other days as the Trustees may direct for the closing of the whole or of any part of the Library, — provided, always, that the President may direct the Library to be closed for a part or the, whole of any one day, reporting the fact and his reasons for it in writing to the Trustees at their next meeting. Art. 2. The Central Beading-Boom for Peri- odicals shall on week days be kept open from nine o'clock in the morning until ten in the even- ing, and on Sundays from two to ten. During the months of July and August the time of closing shall be at nine o'clock in the evening. The hours for the use of the Branch' Reading-Rooms shall be such as the Trustees may from time to time determine. 2 REGULATIONS. Art. 3. The Lower Hall of the Central Li- •ferajLvj shall.be, r opeii«fo«r the delivery of books for hl)Bie use .fpp-ni'l^f-paSt eight o'clock in the morn- ♦ iiiffjirUil nine o'clock in»the evening. • •*« t ;r^i»g # tfre*monthV<>£ July and August the time of closing shall be at eiglit o'clock in the evening. The hours for the Branch Libraries shall be such as the Trustees may from time to time determine. Art. 4. Bates Hall shall be kept open from nine o'clock A.M., until six o'clock P.M., from October to March, inclusive, and until seven o'clock during the rest of the year ; and books be- longing to that portion of the Library must in all cases be applied for and returned within those hours in Bates Hall. Bates Hall books will be delivered at the Branches, if the applicant's card and slip, properly filled in, are left at a Branch. The printed catalogues of Bates Hall and the Bulletins are kept at the Branch Libraries and at the Delivery Stations. Boxes pass to and from the Central Library daily. Note. — Readers are requested to report any undue deldy in the delivery of books. PERIODICAL READING-ROOMS. Art. 5. All persons above the age of fourteen years, of respectable character, and of such orderly conduct and condition as not to interfere with the occupations and comfort of others, shall have free access to the Reading-Rooms for Periodi- cals, during all regular hours. REGULATIONS. O Note. — The Central Reading-Koom for Periodicals is provided with seats for one hundred readers. It has the hest collection of American and Foreign Periodicals in the country, and is amply furnished with Dictiona'ries, Gazetteers, Cyclopasdias, and other books of reference, which are free of access to all. The Reading- Rooms of the Branch Libraries are on a less extended scale. When a Periodical is wanted, its name or box-number, together with the name and residence of the borrower, must be written on a slip of paper, — furnished for that purpose at the Desk, — and left with the attendant. [See Article 10.] Every Periodical received from the attendant must be returned by the borrower before leaving the Reading-Room ; and it must not be carried into any other part of the building, without special permission from some officer at the Library. Every Periodical, when re- turned, will be carefully examined by the attendant, who is required to report immediately any injury which it may have suffered. Incomplete volumes of Periodicals cannot be taken from the building, unless permission be given by the Trustees. Bound volumes of Periodicals in Bates Hall do not circulate ex- cept by permission of the Librarian or his representative. The books of reference at the Desk are to be consulted there, and returned promptly to their proper places. No reader will be allowed to accumulate them on the tables. All conversation, all avoidable noise, and unbecoming conduct of every kind, are strictly prohibited. The attendant is required to check every ir- regularity of the kind, and if necessary, to make report thereof. The attendant is not allowed to converse in this room except on Library business. Certain American magazines (bound in covers) can be taken out as four-day books until the next number ap- pears, when they become fourteen-day books. Applicants must write on a white slip the name of the magazine and the month they desire. These magazines are in the Lower Hall and Branches, the Atlantic, Century, and Harpers; with the addition in the Lower Hall of the Popular science monthly and St. Nicholas. HOME USE OF BOOKS. Art. 6. The following persons, when of orderly conduct and condition, shall be entitled to borrow books from the Library for home use, upon sign- ing* a promise to obey its Regulations. 4 REGULATIONS. First. All inhabitants of Boston above the age of fourteen years ; all clergymen and teachers who have permanent professional occupation in the city ; also the members of such higher educa- tional institutions in the city as the Trustees may from time to time permit. All such persons must have signed the application card, and given satis- factory reference to one citizen. Note. — The registration takes place in the Lower Hall, and at the Branch Libraries, and Deliveries ; and a card issued at any Branch Library or Delivery is good for Bates Hall as -well as for the Lower Hall, or for one of the Branch Libraries. Registration in more than one of these places is forbidden. The cards issued at the several Libraries have different stamps, as follows : — Central Library date East Boston • date E South Boston S date Roxbury date B Charlestown date G Brighton B date Dorchester date D South End £ date Jamaica Plain J date Lower Mills L date Roslindale Bos. date Mattapan Matt, date North End N date Neponset Z date West Roxbury TJ". B. date To change a card all books must first be returned at the Library from which they were taken ; and the old card must be properly stamped, showing that the return has been made. Second. Any other inhabitant of Boston who deposits the sum requested by the Librarian for REGULATIONS. O the volume desired, if it be permitted to circulate, or for the set to which it may belong. Such sum shall be repaid whenever the books and the receipt given therefor are returned, after any lines in- curred for injury to the book or its improper de- tention have been deducted. Kote. — Non-residents (when specially permitted, in considera- tion of the advancement of puhlic interests) may take hooks for home use, in accordance with the conditions imposed in each case by the Trustees. When the ordinary privileges are granted, a " Non-resident's card " is given at the Central Library only, and under fixed conditions. Non-resident tax-payers of Boston are denied the privilege, as such, of taking books from the building, by a vote of the City Council in 1S62. Residents may make application for special privilege cards, entitling the holder to draw more books, and to keep them longer than the rules allow ; but such cards are granted only in the in- terests of citizens at large, or of a considerable class of them, and not the advancement merely of private studies. The claims of professional authors, lecturers, teachers, and editors, will be considered on the merits of each case as presented; and accord- ingly an explicit statement should be made, to assist the authori- ties in their decision. Such privileges are sometimes granted to non-residents for fitting reasons; but non-residents must remem- ber that the rights of citizens in the Library must be interfered with by them as little as possible. Four books and four iceeks are the limits of a special privilege, except in extraordinary cases ; and two books and two weeks are all that will be ordinarily granted. Cards given are good for the time specified thereon, which shall not, however, exceed one year, and are always sub- ject to recall. Applications should be handed in person or sent by mail to the Librarian. The privilege, if granted, can only be used for books on special topics, and not for miscellaneous read- ing, or for books newly acquired, the use of which is subject to the general rules of the Library in such cases. If the applicant is not known to some one of the Trustees, or the Librarian, a recommendation from some one who is known should be made on the application. 6 REGULATIONS, Art. 7. Any person visiting the Library for the purpose of literary or scientific investigations may temporarily receive the benefit of the Reading- Rooms, and the use of the books within the Li- brary buildings. Any persons wishing to consult the Patent Specifications in the Patent Room will be permitted to do so, upon making application at the Bates Hall delivery desk at any time between 9 A.M. and G P.M. Note. — See under the head of Catalogues, in this Hand-book. A study room with tables, and ink for writing, is in the rear of the desk in the Bates Hall, and admission can be had on appli- cation. Art. 8. All books belonging to the Library may, at the discretion of the Librarian, be used in the building, and in such part of it as he may desig- nate, — a discretion which he is required by the Trustees to exercise, especially in the case of minors, and in the use of books of great value or rarity. All examination of costly or rare works must be made, if the Librarian requires it, in the presence and with the assistance of an attendant connected with the Library. The Librarians of the Branch Libraries will comply with this rule as far as applicable, under instructions from the Librarian. Art. 9. Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, and other books needed for reference in the Library build- ings ; books not easily to be replaced, in conse- quence of their rarity or value ; books expressly given for reference only; books deemed by the REGULATIONS. . / Trustees to be misuitecl for general circulation ; and unbound periodicals, — shall be used only in the buildings. In order to allow the widest use of the Library, however, consistent with efficiency, a person desiring to borrow any book or periodical, and stating in writing reasons therefor which may seem sufficient to the Trustees, shall be permitted to borrow such book on proper terms, unless it be two-starred on the Catalogues, and labelled " For Hall Use,' 1 or one that could not be replaced if lost. Books of a purely medical character shall be issued only to adult persons and those profession- ally studying or practising the healing-art. METHOD OF DRAWING BOOKS OUT. Art. 10. Every person allowed the privilege of taking books from the Library will be fur- nished with a card setting forth his right, and bearing a record of his residence as given in his application. If this residence be changed imme- diate notice must be, given at the Library, and neg- lect to do so may subject the card-holder to forfeit- ure of his card. The registered holder is in all cases responsible for books drawn by means of his card, by whomsoever presented. Note. — See note under Akticle 6. In either Hall or Branch Library slips for books will be furnished the applicants, as they may require them. The applicant will write in the \ the officer in chai Holders of cards issued at any Branch Library REGULATIONS. ') can always take one book at time from Bi Hall; and also one from the Lower Hall, if fchej have none in use from ;m\ Branch Library. No work of fiction or juvenile book publi ;hed within one year shall be retained by the borrower for more than seven Ways, and no oilier hook more than fourteen days. No renewals are allowed. No book can be taken put again by the same borrower within twenty-four hours from its return by such borrow er. If is no! the purpose of the Library to furnish books for continuous courses of study. The transfer of a book from one card to another is not allowed. Books marked with one star ( ::< ) can be loaned only under such written regulations as the Libra- rian may pre icribe. Books marked with two stars (**) can under no circumstances leave the building; this class in eludes all books, the shelf-numbers of which are prefixed with the Letters 1), E, (>, II, and K and those in the Patent Room. Books marked with three stars (%*) are of two : — 1st. Books which cannot be loaned except by written permission of the President or of two Trustees, or, in their absence, of the Librarian. 2d. Book labelled " Fob II ill Use," which cannol Leave the building, Imi may be consulted in the gallery of Hates Hall, under such regulations be Librarian may prescribe. [See Abticle 9.1 10 REGULATIONS. Note. — Stars are prefixed in the catalogue [in volumes] to the title only which has the imprint, and not to cross references. f£zr Books loaned are at all times subject to recall for Library purposes. Books which have one star attached to them are of eevera kinds: 1. Those not easily replaced. 2. Those belonging to long sets, which, if broken, lose much of their value, and which it is often difficult to complete again. 3. Those which from their nature are hooks of reference, and hence fitted to serve a greater number in the building than when in circulation. 4. Those for reference only in Bates Hall which are duplicates of books in the Lower Hall, where sufficient copies will be kept to meet the demand. Application for one-starred books will be granted upon a slip properly filled, if the character of the book and the reasons of the applicant are approved. All these books can be used in the various halls at the discre- tion of the librarians. FINES. Art. 12. To protect the Library against loss, and to secure to all a just and equitable share in its benefit, any person who detains a volume longer than the regulations permit shall be fined two cents for each day of detention ; and pay two cents for each mailed notice, and no remission of any fine shall be made except by the Librarian. Note. — The day on which a book is taken out is not counted in casting the time, under the rules, during which a book may be detained; but Sundays are always counted, and holidays, and other days on which the Library may be closed, are also counted, except when such day happens to be one on which the count ends, and then the count shall end at the close of the first day thereafter on which the Library may be opened. Example. — A work of fiction published within one year is taken out on Monday, Feb. 1st. If returned on Monday, Feb. 8th, no fine is incurred; if not returned on that day, a mailed REGULATIONS. 11 notice is sent on the 12th, and a fine of two cents is incurred for every day after the eighth, until the book is returned, with cost of mail notice. If, for any reason, the Library he closed on the 8th, the borrower may have the 9th, or the first day subsequent on which the Library may be open, to return the book. If the book is not returned by Monday the 22d, — ten days after the notice was mailed, — a messenger notice is sent on the 23d, and an additional penalty of twenty cents, together with cost of mail notice, is demanded, whether the hook is returned early or late on that day, or any subsequent day. If the Library is closed on the 22d, the borrower has the 23d or the first open day thereafter, to return the book, and the messenger notice is sent and the penalty incurred ou the second open day. In the Lower Hall the fine must be paid at the Clerk's Desk and the card stamped before books will be delivered upon it. In the Bates Hall, the Branch Libraries, and the Branch Deliveries, the fine is to be paid at a designated desk. The Librarians of the Branch Libraries will report to the Librarian in chief cases for the remission of fines. Borroivers who return books without their Library card to be stamped off, do not secure the evidence which may be necessary to them in case of a question about the return, where the records of the Library are against thou. Art. 13. Any book detained two weeks beyond (lie time limited by these regulations shall be sent for, and an additional penalty of twenty cents shall be collected from every delinquent after the detention of a book more than four weeks ; and no book shall be delivered to any person who lias fines or penalties remaining unsettled beyond such time as may be publicly fixed. BOOKS AND CARDS NOT TO BE LENT. Art. 14. No person shall lend either his Library card or any book belonging to the Library to any one not a member of the same household. 12 REGULATIONS. Note. — The Library attendants are forbidden to use their official position to confer upon their friends any advantages in the use of books not accorded to all users of the Library. INJURIES TO BOOKS. Art. 15. All injuries to books beyond a reasona- ble wear, and all losses, shall be made good, to the satisfaction of the Librarian, by the persons liable therefor ; every book detained above three months shall be deemed lost. Note. — The following act was passed by the Legislature of Massachusetts, February 26, 1872 : — An act for the Preservation of Books and other Property belonging to Public Libraries. Be it enacted, etc., asfolloios: — Whoever wilfully and maliciously or wantonly and without cause writes upon, injures, defaces, tears, or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue, belonging to any law, town, city, or other public library, shaU be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprison- ment in the jail not exceeding six months, for every such offence. [Approved Feb. 26, 1872.] The Trustees offer a Reward of Twenty-five Dollars to any person, not in the employ of the Library, for information leading to a conviction under this law. Convictions have already been obtained, and placards with the names of offenders have been posted in the Library for a limited number of days. RETURN OF BOOKS. Art. 16. All books must be returned to the Library at such times as may be required by the Trustees, under penalty of a fine of one dollar for each volume detained ; but reasonable notice of the time when books must be returned shall be given in the newspapers of the city. REGULATIONS. 13 Note. — It is not customary to close the Library for any peri- odical examination, as that work now goes on without any inter- mission of the circulation, BOOKS NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE SHELVES. Art. 17. No books shall be taken from the shelves in any part of the Library by any person not employed in the service of the Library, ex- cept such books as are deposited in the public rooms for reference. CONVERSATION, ETC. Art. 18. All conversation and conduct, incon- sistent with quiet and order, are strictly pro- hibited. Note. — The use of tobacco in the building is forbidden by an order of the Trustees. ABUSES, ETC. Art. 19. Any person who abuses the privileges of the Library by unbecoming" conduct, by viola- tion of any of the regulations, by intentional defacement of a book by writing in it, or in any other way, shall be reported to the Trustees as soon as may be, and be by them thenceforth, or for a time, excluded from the Library, according to the nature and degree of the delinquency or default; but, in case of any gross offence, the Librarian or his representative may act summarily in the matter, and cause the offender to be at once 14 REGULATIONS. excluded from the building, reporting the case to the Trustees, as soon as possible, in writing, for their final decision. Art. 20. Any person removing cards from the drawers of the Card Catalogue will subject him- self to a suspension of all his library privileges for two or more weeks, at the discretion of the Librarian. The taking away of cards from the Card Catalogue mutilates it and unfits it for all purposes of reference, in as great a degree as the tearing out of its leaves does a printed catalogue. CATALOGUES. Copies of the Catalogues are always accessible in the various departments of the Library. BULLETINS. New books as soon as received are entered on the Bulletin-boards of each Library. The Bul- letin-board for Bates Hall shows newly published books added to the Central Library, and before titles appear on the Board the new books are dis- played (with the shelf-number attached) in a glass case at the desk. The lists in the Lower Hall and at the Branches show only the books added to those departments. The Dorchester list is posted also at the Lower Mills, Mattapan, and Neponset deliv- eries, and the Jamaica Plain list at the Roslindale and West Roxbury delivery. The printed Bulletins contain the new and more important books placed in the Library, with other matters deemed of interest to the readers. They are for sale (excepting those out of print) at five cents each. Books with numbers below 2110 are in the Lower Hall ; with 2110 and above, in the Bates Hall. Those with Bri., cim., Dor., e.b., j.p., i.e., Eox., s.b.,s.e., or W.R., prefixed to the number, are respectively in the Brighton, Charlestown, Dorchester, East Boston, Jamaica 16 CATALOGUES. i Plain, North End, Roxbury, South Boston, South End, or West Roxbury Branches, or Delivery Sta- tions. BATES HALL. I. The Index of 1861. (Includes the Bowditch books, which cannot be taken from the building.) Royal octavo, 902 pages. Not for sale. Copies can be examined at the Central Library, and the Branches, and Delivery Stations. II. The Supplement of 1866. (Includes the Parker Library.) Royal octavo, 718 jmges. For sale in sheets at $2.00. ILL The Catalogue of the Prince Library. (Books and manuscripts on early New England history, and a general theological library, formed by the Rev. Thomas Prince, of Boston, in the first half of the last century. It numbers about 2,000 volumes as bound. A history of the collection forms an introduction. The books cannot be taken from the building.) Royal octavo, 160 pages. For sale at $1.00. IV. The Catalogue of the Ticknor Library. (Formed by George Ticknor, the historian of Spanish Literature, and by him bequeathed to the Library. This Library embraces, with the addi- tions made from the income of a fund left by Mr. Ticknor, 5,507 volumes in and relating to the Spanish and Portuguese languages and literatures. This Catalogue contains also the titles of all similar works in the general collection of the Library. 2,619 vols., and 579 pamphlets.) Price $5.00. V. The Catalogue of the Barton Library CATALOGUES. 17 is completed on cards, which can be consulted on application . The Shakespearian portion is printed, and is for sale at $5.00. VI. The Public Card Catalogue in Bates Hall contains, with some exceptions, the titles of all the books now in the Central Library not in- cluded in the Lower Hall Library. These are under one alphabet, with entries by author and by subject or title. A Card Catalogue of the books in the Lower Hall may be consulted in that de- partment under the direction of the Curator of the Lower Hall Card Catalogue. It is to be remembered that there are many books in the departments of history, biography, travel, the arts and sciences, literature and the drama, and works in foreign languages i n the Lower Hall which are not to be found in the Bates Hall collection. If the book needed is not in the Upper Hall, consult the Card Catalogue in the Lower Hall, and it may possibly be found. If the Library lacks any desir- able books, readers are invited to write the titles of such books upon slips to be obtained at the Desk, and they will be ordered and notice mailed to the applicant, unless there are special reasons to the contrary. Readers are not permitted to take the cards in these drawers from beneath the wires. [See Art. 20.] The Librarian of Bates Hall and the Curators of these catalogues will assist readers, and attend to all questions. VII. The' Officers' Card Catalogue, which can be consulted, in cases of need, upon applica- tion, contains the titles of all books added to the 18 CATALOGUES. Bates Hall since the publication of the Supplement (bound volume) in 1866, and includes some titles of books and pamphlets, received between 1866 and 1871, which have not yet been embodied in the Public Card Catalogue. VIII. A manuscrij^t index to the principal cur- rent periodicals in English, French, and German, is in charge of the Librarian of Bates Hall. Note. — A limited number of copies of tbe Index and Supple- ment can be borrowed like other books. As the books on the shelves are classed accord- ing to subjects, the shelf-lists will frequently afford the readiest means of ascertaining the extent of the Library's general collection in any given department, and these can be consulted on appli- cation. LOWER HALL. I. Fiction and Juveniles. — 6th edition, April, 1877, 168 pages. Has notes to assist readers in parallel reading in History, Biography , etc., and includes the Chronological Index to Historical Fic- tion. Price 20 cents. II. Arts, Sciences, and Professions. — 2d edition, September, 1871, 71 pages. Price 10 cents. Same. Supplementary List, May, 1881, 57 images. Price 20 cents. III. History, Biography, and Travels. — 2d edition, July, 1873. Contains notes to assist readers. Price 50 cents. CATALOGUES. 19 IV. Books in Foreign Languages. — 3d edi- tion, May, 1881, 33 pages. Trice 15 cents. V. Poetry, Drama, Collections, and Mis- cellanies. — 1st edition, July, 1870, 128 pages. Price 20 cents. VI. Card Catalogue. — This contains the titles of all the books in the Lower Hall, al]3ha- betically arranged, both by authors 1 names and by the titles of books. An assistant will furnish such information as may not be found in the printed catalogues. Many books, properly belonging to the classes of the preceding lists, may be found in No. V, because they form one of a series or collection. BRANCH LIBRARIES. Catalogues of the Branch Libraries are for sale as follows : Brighton, 25 cents, for the main catalogue (including first Supplement), and 5 cents for each of the two subsequent Supplements ; Charlestown, 50 cents ; Dorchester, 50 cents ; East Boston, 25 cents ; Jamaica Plain, 15 cents ; Roxbury, 20 cents; South Boston, 20 cents; and South End, 50 cents. Bates Hall books can be applied for at the sev- eral Branch Libraries and Deliveries, and, if they are on the shelves, they will be sent to the Branch or Delivery the same or following day. The Bulletins, since the issues of the Branch Library catalogues, constitute Supplements to those several lists. 20 CATALOGUES. PRICES OF CATALOGUES TO NON-RESIDENTS are fixed to cover cost of manufacture and post- age, as follows : — Bates Hall. 1. Prince Catalogue $1.75 2. Ticknor Catalogue -. 5.00 3. Shakspearian Catalogue of Barton Library 5.00 (Other Bates Hall catalogues not to be had.) Lower Hall. 4. History, Biography, and Travel $1.50 5. Arts, Sciences, and Professions 75 6. " " " Supplement 20 7. Fiction and Juveniles 75 S. Poetry, Drama, and Miscellanies 1.00 9. Foreign Books 15 10. Bulletins, each 20 The Bulletins must be applied for as issued, about the thirtieth day of January, April, and Sep- tember each year, as subscriptions cannot be re- ceived. The Branch Library catalogues and other publi- cations will be furnished, as far as practicable, on similar terms, to be made known on application. CENTRAL PERIODICAL READING-ROOM. A list of periodicals currently received (more than 800 in number, of which about one-half are kept in the Reading-Room) is for sale at 5 cents. A List was published in December, 1878, of serial publications now taken in the principal Libraries of Boston and Cambridge. An inter- leaved copy with additions can be seen on appli- cation to the Librarian of Bates Hall. Periodicals, when removed from the Reading- room boxes, are kept assorted, and bound by CATALOGUES. 21 volumes as completed, and assigned to the shelves. In the Card Catalogue often only com- pleted and bound volumes are entered. Incom- plete numbers of periodicals and parts of other publications issued serially are indicated on a special memorandum catalogue in the Ordering Department, which can be examined on application. There are numerous periodicals in charge of the Curator of Periodicals, and others kept in the Bates Hall, which for various reasons are not put in the Reading Room. [See Articles 2 and 5 of the Regulations.] ENGRAVINGS. There is a separate List of the Portraits in the Tosti Engravings. Bulletins 13 and 15 contain a list of that portion of the Tosti collection of engravings which is in bound volumes, embracing nearly 5,100 prints; and Bulletin 21 contains a list of the framed prints, not portraits, in Bates Hall. A Supplemental List, May, 1873, completes the catalogue of the collection. These lists have been bound in a separate volume. The Tosti Engravings, kept in volumes, are shown daily in the Bates Hall, from 9 to 12 M. The Curator has in charge a consolidated cata- logue, with cross-references, made from the printed lists ; and also a complete Card Catalogue for the entire collection is in separate drawers at the north end of the Catalogue-case of the Bates Hall, properly labelled. 22 CATALOGUES. PAMPHLETS. Special efforts are constantly made to increase the collection of pamphlets, and appeals are made to the friends of the Library for gifts of such, pub- lications. They are bound and catalogued as rapidly as jDossible, and are to be sought for in the catalogues in the same way as books. Those not yet bound or catalogued are kept assorted, and the Curator of the Pamphlets can be consulted concerning them. Duplicates not needed are in like manner arranged for exchanges. The following method of exchange has proved to be the best one : In return for pamphlets pub- lished in any particular State or section of the country, this Library will send an equal number issued in Massachusetts or New England. NEWSPAPERS. The titles of many of the newspapers in the Li- brary appear in the Bates Hall catalogue, both under their names and under " Periodicals. 1 ' The Curator has a special Card Catalogue in charge, which brings the record down to date. He has also in charge a list in which the newspapers are ar- ranged by years, so that it can be ascertained at once what papers in the Library cover a given period. A list of the files at the Boston Athenaeum, and at the Massachusetts Historical Society, is also in the Curator's keeping. Current newspapers are not taken ; but some of the principal newspapers CATALOGUES. 23 are added as the volumes are completed. The Curator of the Newspaper room can give all needful information upon application. MAPS. These are also to be searched for in the Bates Hall catalogues under the name of the country or place, and the engraver or compiler. U3P Look in the Card catalogues under the name of the country, division 52 d (that is, Geography, description and travel, sub-division Maps). Under the name of the city mid the division Description, topography , sub-division Maps. MANUSCRIPTS. A partial list of the manuscripts in this Library can be found in the Card catalogue, under the heading Manuscripts. The Bowditch mathemati- cal manuscripts appear in the Index of the Bates Hall. In the Prince Library there are many early New England manuscripts, a list of which may be found in the Prince catalogue. The Spanish manuscripts (mostly transcripts) in the Ticknor collection are described in the Ticknor catalogue. The Barton collection contains many interesting manuscripts and autographs. There are manu- scripts relating to the West Indies in the Hunt collection. The original parole of Burgoyne and Riedesel and their armies, given at Cambridge subsequent to the capitulation at Saratoga, is one of the most interesting manuscripts in the Library's collection. 24 CATALOGUES. DUPLICATES. A room in the basement is set apart for dupli- cates. They are not catalogued, but are arranged by classes, and in charge of a Curator. Many of these the Library would gladly exchange for other books not in its possession. THE CATALOGUE SYSTEM OF THE LIBRARY. There are three things, one of which a person in search of a book must know. A triple and combined alphabetical system will therefore guide the reader more readily than any other, as he always looks in the proper alphabetical place for the entry he seeks. These three things are as follows : — I. The title. If this is not clearly indicative of the subject of the work, search for it under the first word not an article or a preposition, or under the chief word of the title. If it is, the subject should be looked for rather than the title. II. The author's name. Find this in its proper alphabetical place. If the name is a pseudonym there will be a reference from it to the real name. When the initials of the author's name only ap- pear the last initial is put first. Look also under the names of editor's of collections. All editions of the Bible and its parts are entered under the word " Bible. 1 ' Societies, Governments, Depart- ments, etc., are considered as the authors of works published by them ; and such publications will CATALOGUES. 25 generally be found under the names of such bodies. In the headings of the titles, the names of authors are given in their vernacular form. French surnames preceded by Le, La, or L\ are entered under L; by Du or Bes under D ; by de or d\ under the initial letter of the name follow- ing this prefix. In English names the prefix is treated as a component part of the surname ; as in De Quincey, Van Ness. In other languages, surnames are entered under the. letter which begins the name that follows the prefix. Com- pound surnames, if English, are put under the last part of the name, when the first has not been used alone by the author ; if foreign, under the first part. British noblemen and ecclesiastical dig- nitaries are entered under their family names with cross-references from their titular appellations. All other noblemen are usually catalogued under their titles. Initials enclosed within marks of paren- thesis stand for Christian names which are not usu- ally retained by the persons to whom they properly belong; as About, E. (F. V.). In the headings of the titles, the German diphthongs, a, o, ii, are writ- ten a e, o e, u e ; Goethe occurs, for example, in alphabetical order, before Goldsmith, instead of after it. An italicized name within marks of pa- renthesis following the name of an author is the pseudonym of such author; as Agassiz, E. C. (^Actcea). Brackets, within titles, enclose words added, or changed in form. III. The Subject. Find this under the most specific head, and consult other heads referred to 26 CATALOGUES. there ; but observe that these references are not always to more general subjects, inasmuch as it is left to the intelligence of the user to look for mat- ter pertaining to the horse, for example, under such general heads as Natural History, Animals, Quad- rupeds, and Mammals, books on which general topics have, almost as a matter of course, chap- ters or sections on particular animals. Again, books on the same subject will sometimes be found under different heads, where the terms are synonymous, or nearly so, as, for instance, Coins and Numismatics ; but in such cases the cards are put under one of these heads with cross-references from the other. Indeed, a multiplication of cross- references is a fundamental idea of the system. This necessitates, of course, the disadvantage of turning from one part of the catalogue to another ; but there is, on the other hand, a great advantage in the certainty of getting a clew somewhere, — a thing often impossible in an unindexed classified catalogue, except to such as have made its system a study. ASSISTANCE TO READERS will be afforded by officers and attendants of the Library in the examination of the catalogues, to such an extent as other duties may permit ; but it should be remembered that all in the Library have special duties, and no considerable portion of their time should be held at the exclusive disposal of any individual reader, nor can they undertake to do merely literary work, such as making out CATALOGUES. 27 lists of books on particular subjects, searching out questions of publication and authorship, etc. ; but assistance of every kind will be given as far as consistent or practicable. Visitors are not allowed to converse with the attendants except upon Library business. Readers wishing to consult many books in protracted investigations, and to use pen and ink, can be accommodated in the Study Boom of the Bates Hall. Writing-paper is not supplied. HOW TO GET A BOOK. Having found the number attached to the book you want, take a slip furnished at the desk, and copy in the prescribed places the name and resi- dence on your card. Find in the catalogue the numbers attached to the book you want. Put the number before the dot (.) in the column on the slip headed Shelf, and that after the dot (.) in column headed No. ; and, if the book is in more than one volume, des- ignate the one wanted in the column headed Vol. If, for instance, you want the second volume of Bishop Hooper's works, the figures in the slip- columns will be written thus : — Shelf. No. Vol. JJfJ /s J Then hand the slip to the attendant at the desk, 28 CATALOGUES. together with your card, which will be returned to you with the book. At the Bates Hall desk is an indicator in charge of an attendant who, in a few seconds, will inform the applicant if the book desired is out, and thus save useless waiting. When books are in they are brought as speedily as possible; but parties should understand that each applicant is served in turn, and that which may seem to be a great delay is unavoidable by reason of the number of those en- titled to prior service. In the Lower Hall the slips will be found at the Clerk's desk. It is advisable to insert the numbers of several books, to increase the chance of finding one of them in. In this Hall hand in the slip and card at the Receiving counter, and listen for the calling of your name at the Delivery counter, where the book will be given to you with the card. If no book is given with the card it means that all the books designated on the slip are out. Then hand in a new slip, with other numbers, with the card again, at the Receiving counter. If you return a book with your card, but without a slip for another book, the card will be given out at the Delivery counter, not at the place it was put in. The Branch Libraries are in character mainly a counterpart of the Lower Hall Library ; and the foregoing directions are in most respects applica- ble to the use of them. In the Bates Hall, if you do not find a book in, you can have word sent to you when it is returned CATALOGUES. 29 to the shelf, by writing your name, address, the title and number of the book on a slate, which will be furnished at the desk. In such case the book is not, however, retained for you if another previously applies for it. BOOKS RECOMMENDED. Whenever a book not belonging to the Library is wanted by any person using the Library, such person is particularly requested to enter the title of the book on a slip furnished for the purpose, to which the person's name and residence must be added. It must be remembered that the book asked for may fail to come, if the application is not legibly filled in, and correctly, as regards title, author, etc. ; and, furthermore, that the order may be delayed, if obscure penmanship or in- sufficient or erroneous data render the labor of verification fruitless or uncertain. The book, if the purchase is approved by the Trustees, will be procured as soon as possible ; and, when received, will be retained in the Library three days, subject to the order of the person who asked for it, to whom due notice to that effect will be sent by mail. It is not intended, however, to allow applicants to secure the first use of popular books by recommending them before publication ; as such books are purchased irrespective of recommendations. If the book recommended is a foreign book (even though it may have an American title-page) 30 CATALOGUES. it is for the interest of the Library to avoid the payment of duties and to gain an increased dis- count by purchasing through its European agents. Six or eight weeks, and in some cases a longer time, may elapse before the applicant be notified of its arrival. Additional delays take place when the book needs to be bound before it is sent to the Library by its agents, or when recommendations are received just after the despatch of orders, particularly as regards foreign books. When the book recommended is out of print (and books still standing in current catalogues are often so) no positive assurance of its speedy procurement can be given. When applicants desire that a duplicate should be added, they will say so ; but judgment of the necessity must be based upon the Library's records of circulation. Bates Hall books are not generally duplicated; but other copies, or copies of cheaper editions, are sometimes put in the popular departments. If books are recommended by those not holding cards, no claim for special use can be established even if they are bought on such recommendation American orders are despatched almost daily; English, French, and German, weekly or fort- nightly, and those to Italy as occasion requires. A Spanish agency has been established at Madrid, from which books are received at irregular in- tervals. INDEX TO THE NOTES ABOUT BOOKS AND READING AND TO THE SPECIAL BOOK LISTS FOUND IN THE CATALOGUES OF THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY AND OTHER LIBRA- RIES, AND ALSO IN PERIODICALS. The Bulletins of the Boston Public Library con- tain lists of books on special subjects, with descrip- tive notes. There are also notes on Spanish and Portuguese books in the Ticknor Catalogue, and on works in the departments of history, biography, travel, and historical fiction in the Lower Hall catalogues. These Bulletins and other catalogues can be found at the Central library and the Branch libraries. Of the Bulletins, vol. 1 contains No. 1-19 ; vol. 2, No. 20-35 ; vol. 3, No. 36-47 ; vol. 4, No. 48-59 ; vol. 5, No. 60-66. All of these lists give the shelf-numbers of the books mentioned. The Bulletins of the Harvard College Library contain notes on books [shelf-no. *6194.7] ; the Providence Public Library publishes Monthly 32 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. reference lists [*2M4.60], and other libraries have done more or less of the same kind of work. Cards have been prepared for all the subjects included in the notes of these various catalogues, and they have been inserted in the Card Catalogue of the Boston Public Library. The following are here indexed. The abbrevia- tions found under each title designate the forms used in this list : — Bibliographer, The. London. 1882-83. *6180a.l. Boston Public Library. Bulletins. No. 1-66. lS67-Oct., 1883. Designated, B. P. L. Bulletin. — Catalogue of the Lower Hall of the Central Department in the classes of history, biography, and travel. Second edition, 1873 B. P. L. Hist. — Catalogue of the Roxbury Branch Library. Second edition, 1876 B. P. L. Rox. — Catalogue of the Spanish Library, bequeathed by George Ticknor, 1879. *617L12 B. P. L. Ticknor. — Lower Hall Class List of prose fiction. Sixth edition, 1877. B. P. L. Fiction. Critic, The. N. Y. Vol. 1-3. 1881-83. *5340a.50 . . .Critic. Harvard University Bulletin. No. 1-25. March, 1876-April, 1883. *6194.7 Harv. Lenox library. New York. Contributions to a catalogue. 1877- 81. *6194.8 Lenox. Library Company of Philadelphia. Bulletin. *2129.20. Libr. Co., Phila. Library journal. N. Y. 1876-18S3. *C.R. 17.1.8 . . .Iibr. J. Library, The, of Cornell University. 1S73, 1882, 18S3. *6201.18. Cornell. Literary news, The. N. Y. 1880-1883. *6150.25. . . Lit. news.- Literary world, The. Boston. *5341.3 Lit. world. On page 93, March 34, 1883, is an index of the bibliographies which have appeared in this journal. Providence Public Library. Monthly reference lists. Jan., 1881-October, 1883. ***2144.60 Prov. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 33 Quincy, Mass. Catalogue of the Public Library. 1875. *6201.19. Quincy. St. Louis Public School Library. Bulletin. *6194.20. St. Louis Pub. Sch. Libr. Adams, John. Administration; 1797-1S01. Prov., iii : 19, May 18S3. Afghanistan. B. P. L. Bulletin, 48: 34, Jan., 1879. Africa. B. P. L. Hist., 9. Amadis de Gaula. Ticknor, 12. Amateur theatricals. Best plays for amateur performers. Lit. news, i: 194, Aug., 18S0; i: 217, Sept., 18S0. America. B. P. L. Hist., 12. — America before Columbus. B. P. L. Bulletin, 37 : 65, April, 1876. — America discovered by the Chinese. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34 : 368, July, 1S75. — America in the 16th century. B. P. L. Bulletin, 39: 136, 1876. — Bibliography of the pre-Columbian discoveries. By P. B. Watson. Libr. j., vi : 226, Aug., 1881. — Early explorations. B. P. L. Bulletin, 38: 103, July, 1S76; ' 42: 241, July, 1877. — Maps of America, 1540-1600; Discoveries, Early historians and later collections. B. P. L. Bulletin, 41 : 205. See also Columbus; — Jesuit relations; — Mississippi river; — New England; — Pilgrims; — Puritans; — United States (for works on the colonial period, the revolution, and later times). American local history (a list of books, pamphlets, etc., about towns, counties, or regions within and less than states). B. P. L. Bulletin, beginning with 36 : 38, Jan., 1876, and ending with 48: 21, Jan., 1879. A list of American local history found in Serials, Collections, Transactions, etc., is now in course of publication in the Bulletin, beginning April, 1883. American newspapers. B. P. L. Bulletin, 50 : 106, July, 1879. Copies of early newspapers in the Boston Public Library. American revolution. See United States. Anne, Queen. Selected list. Lit. world, July 2, 1881. Antinomian controversy in New England. Harv., No. 11. ARCHiEOLOGT. Prehistoric archaeology. B. P. L. Bulletin,.32 : 298, Jan., 1875. 34 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Architecture. B. P. L. Bulletin, 35 : 429, Oct., 1875. — Works relating to architecture in Cornell univ. library. Cor- nell, i: 24-41, Jan., 1882. Arctic regions. B. P. L. Hist., 15. See also Franklin, Sir J. Art novels. B. P. L. Fiction, G. Aucassin and Nicolette. B. P. L. Bulletin, 53 : 184, Apr., 18S0. Australia, Stories illustrating life in. B. P. L. Fiction, 7. Autographs. B. P. L. Bulletin, 37 : G9, April, 187G. Bacon, Lord. B. P. L. Hist., 20. — The Shakespeare-Bacon question. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34 : 365, July, 1875; 65: 341, April, 1883. Banks. The national banks. Prov., ii : 27, Aug., 18S2. Beaconsfield, Earl. (Disraeli.) Bibliography. Lit. world, April 23, 1881. — Reference list. Prov., i : 13, April, 1881. Becket, Thomas a. Harv., No. 8. Bible. B. P. L. Bulletin, 47 : 434, Oct., 1878. — Arrangement of the cards in the Catalogue of the Boston Pub- lic Library, under the heading Bible. B. P. L. Bulletin, 65: 343, April, 1883. — Revision of the English Bible. Prov., i : 19, May, 1881. Biography, Best works of. Lit. world, Sept. 13, 1879. Blake, William. B. P. L. Bulletin, 57 : 335, April, 1881. Bookbinding. Abbreviations descriptive of binding. Cornell, i (1st issue, 1873) : 5. Books. $100 list for basis of library. Lit. world, March 26, 1881. Books for the young. $100 list of juveniles, for library. Lit. world, June 4, 1881. Booth, Edwin. Prov., iii : 17, May, 1SS3. Boston. B. P. L. Hist., 32. — Founding of Boston. Libr. j., v : 28S, Sept., 18S0. — Siege. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34: 388, July, 1875. See also America ; — Bunker Hill ; — United States. Boston Public Library. Medical department of the Boston Public Library. Bulletin, 21 : 51, April, 1872. Botany. By G. L. Goodale. Harv., No. 8. — On floras of different countries. By G. L. Goodale. Harv., No. 10, et seq. Brazil. B. P. L. Hist., 35. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 35 Browning, Robert. Bibliography. Lit, world, March 11, 1882. Bunker Hill. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33 : 350, April, 1875; 34: 385, July, 1875. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress, etc. Lenox, No. 4. Buonarroti, Michel Angelo. B. P. L. Bulletin, 54 : 218, July, 18S0. — List of the principal hooks relating to the life and works of Michel Angelo. By Charles Eliot Norton. Harv., No. 7, et seq. Burke, E. B. P. L. Hist., 40. — Burke and the French revolution. Prov., ii : 13, April, 1SS2. Burns. B. P. L. Hist., 41. — Libr. j., v : 290, Sept., 1880. Calderon. Ticknor, 53. Canada. Jesuit relations, etc. Lenox, No. 2. Carlyle, Thomas. B. P. L. Bulletin, 57 : 334, April, 1881. — Prov., i : 9, March, 1881. Same. Libr. j., vi : 48, March, 18S1. — Bibliography. Lit. world, March 12, 1881. — Catalogue of Carlyle's books in the Harvard College library, Harv., 24. Catacombs of Rome. B. P. L. Bulletin, 31 : 289, Oct., 1874; 52 : 158, Jan., 1880. — The Roman catacombs. Prov., ii : 5, Feb., 1882. Centennial exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876. B. P. L. Bulletin, 40: 171, Jan., 1877. Centennial reading. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34 : 382, July, 1875 ; 36 : 31, Jan., 1876; 40 : 172, Jan., 1877. Cervantes. Ticknor, 78. Chalmers. B. P. L. Hist., 49. Channing. B. P. L. Hist., 50. — Libr. j.,v: 112, April, 1880. Charlemagne cycle of romances. B. P. L. Fiction, 17. Chatterton. B. P. L. Hist., 51. Chaucer. B. P. L. Hist., 51. — Bibliography. Lit. world, Sept. 8, 1883. Chili. Ticknor, 82. Chinese in America. B. P. L. Bulletin, 51 : 143, Oct., 1879. Chinese in the United States. Prov., ii : 12, April, 1882. Christianity. B. P. L. Hist., 53. Chronology. Harv., No. 22. See also Gregorian calendar. 36 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Cid, The. Ticknor, 84. Civil service. B. P. L. Bulletin, 61 : 120, April, 1882. — Prow, iii: 1, Jan., 1883. Civilization. B. P. L. Hist., 55. — Lit. world, June, 1878. Coins and medals. B. P. L. Bulletin, 47 : 429, Oct., 1878. Coleridge. B. P. L. Hist., 58. Colombia. Ticknor, 91. Columbus, Christopher. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33:34, April, 1875; Ticknor, 92. Comets. Prov., i : 25, July, 1881. Concord, Mass. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33 : 350, April, 1875 ; 34 : 385, July, 1875. See also books on the Revolution, under United States. Cooke, John Esten. Bihliography, with indications of the time covered by his stories. Lit. world, Feb. 10, 1883. Cooper, J. Fenimore. Time illustrated in his novels. B. P. L. Fiction, 22; also in the B. P. L. Branch catalogues under Cooper. Copyright. B. P. L. Bulletin, 60:59, Jan., 1S82, through 61 : 111, April, 18S2. — International. Libr. j., v : 112, April, 1SS0. — Literary property. By T. Solberg. Publishers' weekly, Aug. 27, 1881; April 8, 1882, et seq. Cortes, H. Ticknor, 105. Costume. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33 : 348, April, 1875. Cremation. B. P. L. Bulletin, 30 : 268, July, 1S74. Cromwell. B. P. L. Hist., 64. — Carlyle's books on Cromwell. Given to Harvard college library. Harv., No. 24. Crusades. B. P. L. Hist., 65. — Stories of the times of the crusades, with historical references. B. P. L. Fiction, 24. Dante Alighieri. B. P. L. Hist., 67. In the Bates Hall Card Catalogue the editions of Dante and books and essays upon him are minutely indexed. Darwin, C. B. P. L. Rox., 55. See also Evolution. — Darwin and his scientific influence. Prov., ii : 15, May, 18S2. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 37 Decoration and Ornament. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34:389, July, 1S75; 45: 343, April, 1878. Deep-sea phenomena. Prov., i: 25, July, 1881. Denmark. Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 125. De Quincey. B. P. L. Bulletin, 42 : 233, July, 1877. DORE. Prov., iii: 15, April, 1883. DRAMA. Courses of reading on special subjects. The drama, by J. Brander Matthews. Critic, iii: 215. See also Amateur theatricals. Dumas. The time illustrated by his various stories. B. P. L. Fiction, 31. East River Bridge. Prov., iii: 22, June, 1883. Eastern question. B. P. L. Bulletin, 42 : 214, July, 1877; 46: 379, July, 1878. — The demand for the cession of Dulcigno. Prov., i : 3, Jan., 1881. Education. The American educational catalogue for 1882 and 1883. By G. D. T. Rouse. Publishers' trade list annual, 1882 [Ordering department], and Publishers' weekly, July, 1882. — Parochial schools in the United States. Libr. j., v : 80, March, 1880. — Twenty best English books on teaching. Lit. world, Nov. 4, 18S2. — University education in Germany. Prov., ii : 21, June, 1882. Egypt. B. P. L. Hist., 79. — Apparatus for the study of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. Cor- nell, i : 2, July, 1882. — European interests in Egypt. Prov., ii : 23, July, 1882. — Stories whose scenes are in Egypt. B. P. L. Fiction, 33. See also Nile. Eikon basilike. By Edward Solly. Bibliographer, Feb., 1883. Elective judiciary. Prov., iii: 3, Jan., 1883. Eliot, George. Libr. j., vi: 15, Jan., 1881. Same in Prov., i : 5, Feb., 1881. — Collections towards a bibliography for the £»eriod since her death. Lit. world, Feb. 24, 1883. Emerson, R. W. Bibliography. Athenaeum, Jan. 13, 1883. 7210a.50. — Bibliography. Lit. world, May 22, 18S0. — Concordance. Partial index to familiar passages in his poems. Lit. world, July 15, 1882. — Philosophical position. Prov.,ii: 17, May, 1SS2. 38 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Encyclopaedias. B. P. L. Bulletin, 65 : 342, April, 1883. — Choice of cyclopaedias. By J. Winsor. Lit. world, June 1, 1878. England. Description. B. P. L. Hist., 86. — Ecclesiastical history. B.P. L. Hist., 84. — Historical tales, dramas, etc., and stories of English life and manners. B. P. L. Fiction, 34-43. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 83-84. Quincy, 79. The English people hefore the Norman conquest. Prov. i : 43, Nov., 1881. George in of England. B. P. L. Hist., 105. In the 18th century. Prov., i : 39, Oct., 1881. — - The Plantagenets in England. Prov., i: 1, Jan., 1881. See also Anne, Queen ; Gladstone. — Manners and customs. B. P. L. Hist., 85. English language. B. P. L. Hist., S6. — Is a change in English orthography desirable? Libr. j., v : 81, March, 1880. English literature. B. P. L. Hist., 86. Engraving. B. P. L. Bulletin, 30: 207, July, 1S74. Entomology. Bibliography of fossil insects. By S. H. Scud- der. Harv., No. 15, etseq. — Entomological libraries of the United States. By S. H.Scnd- der. Harv., No. 14. Epidemics. Consult special Card Catalogue in charge of an offi- cer at the Bates Hall Desk. Erasmus. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33 : 339. — The relation of Erasmus to his time. Prov., i: 23, June, 1881. See also Reformation. Europe. Elements of unity in South-eastern Europe. Prov., ii: 9, March, 1882. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 88. Evolution and theism. Libr. j., vi : 31, Feb., 1881. See also Darwin. Fiction. The best French novels and plays. Lit. news, 3 : 209, July, 1S82. — Best hundred novels. By F. B. Perkins. Libr. j., i: 166, Jan., 1877. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 39 Fiction, continued. — Fiction in public libraries. Various essays. Libr. j., iv : 319, Sept., 1879. See the indexes of all the volumes of the Library journal. — Sequences in the -works of popular authors. St. Louis Pub. Sen. Libr., No. 12, Nov., 1380. — Serial stories. Index of stories contained in bound volumes of periodicals. By W. I. Fletcher. Libr. j., vi : 42, March, 1SS1; vi: 166, May, 18S1. — Stories for boys. (11 to 14 years.) Lit. news, 1: 2TS, Nov., 1880. — Stories of the sea. Lit. world, Feb. 12, 1SS1. — Works of fiction for girls. Lit. news, 1: 105, May, 1S80. FINANCE. Literature of American finance. Lit. world, Sept. 11, 1880. — The national banks. Prov. ii : 27, Aug., 18S2. See also Gold; Legal tender notes. FINE arts. B. P. L. Bulletin, 4G : 3S2, July, 1878. See also Painting. Florenci:. B. P. L. Hist,, 93. — Prov., ii: 1, Jan., 1882. Florida. Early history. Ticknor, 141. Forests. See Trees. France. Bistory. B. P. L. Hist., 96-99. 15. P. L. Box., 84. Quincy, 109. Burke ami the French revolution. Prov., ii : in, April, 1SS2. The French in Tunis. Prov., i : 27, July, 1881. Henry iv of France. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34:369, July, 1S75. Louis ix — Louis xvill of France. 15. P. L. Hist., 171. Gambetta and the Third republic. Frov., iii :2, Jan., 1883. The stability of the republic. Prov., i : 1, Jan., 1881. Tales, dramas, eti .. illustrating French history ami manners. B. P. L. Fiction, 47-52. See also French allies; Richelien. French literature. 15. P. L. Hist., 101. — The best French novels and plays. Lit. news, 3: 209, July, — French books for a public library. Lit. world, March 11, 4 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. French literature, continued. — French summer reading. By Professor Bocher. Harvard ad- vocate, June 9, 1876, p. 103. *43S0a.l. Franklin, Benjamin. B. P. L. Bulletin, 63: 217, Oct., 1882, continued in later Bulletins. Franklin, Sir 3. B. P. L. Hist., 100. See also Arctic regions. Free ships. Prov., i : 15, April, 18S1. French allies. 1778-81. Prov., i: 41, Nov., 18S1. Genealogy. B. P. L. Bulletin, 49: 62, April, 1879, through 51 : 141, Oct., 1879. Geography. Bibliography of Ptolemy's geography. By J. Winsor. Harv., No. 24, et seq. — Classified index to the maps in Petermann's Geographische Mittheiluugen, 1835-1SS1. By Richard Bliss, jr. Harv., No. 22, et seq. — Maps. Harv., No. 22. Geology. Geological surveys of North America. Library co., Phila., Jan., 1SS3, p. 18. — List of American authors in geology and palaeontology. By J. D. Whitney. Harv., No. 22, 23. Geometry. Analytic references. By J. M. Peirce. Harv., No. 8, et seq. Georgia. Prov., iii : 10, March, 1SS3. German literature. B. P. L. Hist., 106. German reading for beginners. Harv., No. 7. Germany. History. B. P. L. Hist., 105. The empire and the papacy, 1056-1122. Harv., No. 7. The German empire. Prov., ii : 9, March, 1882. Historical tales, dramas, and poems, illustrating German his- tory or manners. B. P. L. Fiction, 55-57. See also Thirty years' war. German university education. Prov., ii: 21, June, 18S2. Gibraltar. Ticknor, 152. Gladstone. Libr. j., v : 113, April, 1S80. — Prov., iii : 7, Feb., 1883. Goethe. B. P. L. Hist., 110. — Bibliographical list of the English translations and annotated editions of Faust. B3- William Heinemann. Bibliographer, Aug., 1882, et seq. — English translations of Faust. Lit. world, Aug. 13, 1881. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 41 Gold and silver. Harv., No. 7. G-«3ngora. Ticknor, 156. Gonzalez, Fernan. Ticknor, 156. Gonzalo Fernandez de C6rdova. (El Gran Capitan.) Tick- nor, 158. Gran conquista, La, de Ultramar. Ticknor, 160. Greece. Drama. The dramas of Sophocles. Prov. i : 17, May, 1881. — Greek theatre. B. P. L. Bulletin, 57 : 336, April, 18S1. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 115. B. P. L. Rox.,99. Quincy, 120. Tales, dramas, and poems whose scenes are in Greece, with historical references. B. P. L. Fiction, 61. — Literature. B. P. L. Hist., 116. See ala,o Olympia. Gregorian calendar. Prov., ii : 37, Oct., 1S82. See also Chronology. Gypsies. B. P. L. Bulletin, 56 : 281, Jan., 1881. Gypsies in Spain. Ticknor, 167. Halliwelliana. Publications of James Orchard Halliwell, lat- terly known as James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. By J. "Winsor. Harv., No. 12, et s-eq. Hamilton, Alexander. Prov., i: 11, March, 1SS1. Hamilton, Sir W. Libr. j., vi : 188, June, 1881. Handkerchief shoal, Bahamas. Hydrography of. By W. H. Tillinghast. Harv., No. 20. Health, Public. Consult special Card Catalogue in charge of an officer at the Bates Hall Desk. Heraldrv. B. P. L. Bulletin, 48 : 29, Jan., 1S79. Hieroglyphics. Apparatus for the study of the Egyptian hie- roglyphs. Cornell, i : 2, July, 1SS2. History. B. P. L. Hist., 130. — Best short histories of France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece. Lit. world, Aug. 12, 1882. Holland. Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 89. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Prov., iii : 17, May, 1883. Homer and Virgil. Selected list for the study of. Lit. world, May 7, 1S81. Hugo, Victor. Bibliography. Lit. world, June 3, 1882. 42 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Huguenots. B. P. L. Hist., 137. Hulsius, L. Voyages. Lenox, No. 1. Hume. Reference list to lectures on. Libr. j., v : 42, Feb., 1880. Hungary. Historical tales, dramas, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 69. Iceland. Living authors. Cornell, i : 3, Oct., 1882, et seq. Index to some recent reference lists. By H. J. Carr. Libr. j., viii : 27, Febr., 1883. This index has been used in the preparation of the present list. The scope of the two is somewhat different . Indexes, prohibitory and expurgatory. Ticknor, 446. India. B. P. L. Hist., 140. Indians of America. B. P. L. Hist., 141. — B. P. L. Rox., 120. — Indian question. B. P. L. Bulletin, 49 : 68, April, 1879. — Indian tribes in the United States. Prow, iii: 5, Feb., 1883. Inquisition. Ticknor, 184. Inter-oceanic canal, The proposed. Prow, i : 45, Dec, 1S81. See also Suez canal. Interment in towns. Consult special Card Catalogue in charge of an officer at the Bates Hall Desk. Ireland. History. B. P. L. Hist., 142. B. P. L. Rox., 122. Quincy, 142. Ireland and the land question. B. P. L. Bulletin, 61: 116. April, 1882. Stories, etc., of Irish life, with historical references. B. P. L. Fiction, 71. Irving, Washington. B. P. L. Hist., 144. — Prow, iii : 13, April, 1883. Italy. B. P. L. Rox., 125. — Art, B. P. L. Hist., 144. — Description. B. P. L. Hist., 145. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 144. — Literature. B. P. L. Hist., 145. — Unification. 1859-1870. Prov.,i : 33, Sept., 1881. See also Florence; Renaissance. James, G. P. R. Novels chronologically arranged by their sub- jects. B. P. L. Fiction, 76; also in the Boston Public Li- brary Branch Catalogues. Japan. B. P. L. Hist., 148. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 43 Jefferson, T. B. P. L. Hist, 149. — Administrations, 1801-1809. Prov., iii : 21, June, 18S3. Jerusalem. B. P. L. Hist., 150. — B. P. L. Rox., 128. See also Palestine. Jesuits. B. P. L. Hist., 151. Jews. B. P. L. Hist., 151. — B. P. L. Rox., 129. — Jewish stories, dramas, etc., with historical notes. B. P. L. Fiction, 78. Joan of Arc. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34: 363, July, 1875. Johnson, Samuel. B. P. L. Hist., 153. Jones, John Paul. B. P. L. Hist., 153. Journalism, Literature of. Lit. world, May 10, 1879. Junius. B. P. L. Hist., 155. Kant. The centenary of Kant. Prov., i: 29, Aug., 1881. Klopstock. B. P. L. Hist., 158. Lafayette. B. P. L. Hist., 160. Lamb, Charles. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33 : 333, April, 1875. — B. P. L. Hist., 161. Land tenure. Libr. j., vi : 26S, Oct., 1881. ■ — Ireland and the land question. B. P. L. Bulletin, 61 : 116, April, 1S82. Landscape gardening. Parks and landscape gardening. B. P. L. Bulletin, 55 : 268, Oct., 1880. Lee, Arthur. Manuscripts in Harvard university library. Harv., No. 8, et seq. Legal tender notes. Libr. j., v: 81, March, 1880. Legends. English works embodying principal current traditions and legends. Lit. world, Feb. 28, 1880. Lexington, Mass. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33: 350, April, 1S75; 34: 385, July, 1875. See also books on the Revolution, under the United States. Libraries. Library aids. By S. S. Green. Libr. j.,v: 104, April, 1881; vii, 139, July, 18S2. — Library facilities for special students, in Europe, etc. By H. A. II a gen. Harv., No. 6. — Relation of the public library to the public schools. By S. S. Green. Libr. j., v: 235, Sept., 1880. Lincoln, A. B. P. L. Hist., 166. — Prov., i: 21, June, 1SS1. 44 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Literature. B. P. L. Hist., 1G7. For the literature of various countries consult the Card Catalogue under the names of those countries, division Literature. Books on English literature and Latin literature are found under these names. Local government. By G. Laurence Gomme. Bibliographer, 1882, et seq. — Prow, ii: 23, July, 1882. — Tendencies of, in the U. S. Prov., ii: 27, Aug., 18S2. London. B. P. L. Hist., 170. — B. P. L. Rox., 144. Longfellow. Libr. j., v: 290, Sept., 1880. — Lit. world, Feb. 26, 1SS1. — Prov., ii: 5, Feb., 1SS2. Lope de Vega. See Vega Carpio . Luther, Martin. B. P. L. Hist., 173. Professor Goodrich, Librarian of the University of Vermont, has prepared a short list of books relating to Luther and his times. It cau be seen in the Bates Hall. Madison, James. Administrations, 1809-1817. Prov., iii: 28, July, 18S3. Man, Prehistoric. Prehistoric archaeology. B. P. L. Bulletin, 32: 298, Jan., 1875. Manuscripts. B. P. L. Bulletin, 37 : G9, April, 1876. Maps. See Geography. Martineau, Harriet. B. P. L. Bulletin, 41 : 198, April, 1877. Mart queen of Scots. B. P. L. Hist., 180. — B. P. L. Rox., 153. Massachusetts. B. P. L. Hist., 181. Massachusetts bay. Harv., Xo. 9, 10. Massachusetts election sermons. B. P. L. Bulletin, 56: 304, Jan., 1881. Mathematics. Courses of reading on special subjects. Mathe- matics. By Prof. A. S. Hardy. Critic, iii:* 321, 334. — Works relating to mathematics in the Cornell university library. Cornell, i : 2, July, 18S2, et seq. There is a Card Catalogue of the Bowditch collection of mathematical books in the Boston Public Library, to be seen in the Trustees' room. Maya civilization of Yucatan. B. P. L. Bulletin, 53: 187, April, 1880. Medals. Coins and medals. B. P. L. Bulletin, 47 : 420, Oct., 1878. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 45 Mental philosophy. B. P. L. Bulletin. Begins, 39: 143, Oct., 1S76; ends, 52 : 179, Jan., 1880. — Philosophy in America. Prov., 1S83. Mercury, Transits of. Index catalogue of hooks and memoirs. By E. S. Holdeu. Harv., No. 10. Methodism. B. P. L. Hist., 184. See also Wesley. Mexico. B. P. L. Hist,, 185. — Ticknor, 221. — Historical talcs, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 96. Michel Angelo. See Buonarroti. Middle ages. B. P. L. Hist., 186. Milton. B. P. L. Hist., 187. — "Works. . Lenox, No. 6. Miracle plays. See Mysteries. Missions. B. P. L. Hist., 1S8. Mississippi river. Discovery of the Mississippi. Bibliographi- cal account of the travels of Nicolet, Alloiiez, Marquette, Hennepin, and La Salle, in the Mississippi valley. By A. P. C. Griffin. Magazine of American history, March, and April, 1883. *4414.50. Mohammedanism. B. P. L. Hist,, 189. Moliere. B. P. L. Hist,, 189. Monroe, James. Administrations. Prov., Oct., 1883. Montfort, Simon de. B. P. L. Bulletin, 42 : 231, July, 1877. Moors in Spain. Ticknor, 237. More, Sir Thomas. B. P. L. Hist., 191. Mountain railroads. B. P. L. Bulletin, 49 : 70, April, 1879. Music. B. P. L. Bulletin, 36 : 34, Jan., 1876. — B. P.L. Hist., 195. Musical novels. B. P. L. Fiction, 99. Mysteries, etc. (Miracle plays.) B. P. L. Bulletin, 51:131, Oct., 1879. See also Ober-Ammergau. Myths. B. P. L. Hist., 195. Napoleon. B. P. L. Hist., 196. — Quincy, 192. Napoleon hi. B. P. L. Hist., 197. Netherlands. B. P. L. Hist., 199. — Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 89. 46 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. New England. B. P. L. Hist., 199. — B. P. L. Rox., 171. — Quincy, 195. — The Antinomian controversy in New England. Harv., No. 11. — Early social life in New England. Prov., iii : 26, July, 1883. — Social life in New England in the nineteenth century. Prov., iii: 31, Sept., 1883. — Stories of colonial and later times, with dramas and poems, B. P. L. Fiction, 101. See also America ; — Massachusetts ; — United States. New York City and State. B.* P. L. Hist., 201. Newspapers. B. P. L. Bulletin, 35 : 427, Oct., 1875. Nibeltjngenlied. Prov., vi : 7, Feb., 1882. Nihilism. Harv., No. 16, ct scq. — Alexander n and nihilism, Prov., i : 10, March, 1SS1. — Russia and nihilism. B. P. L. Bulletin, 57 : 332, April, 1881. Nile. B. P. L. Hist., 202. See also Egypt, Nineveh. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33: 343, April, 1875. — B. P. L. Hist,, 202. Northmen. B. P. L. Hist., 203. — America before Columbus. B. P. L. Bulletin, 37: 65, April, 1876. Norway. Historical tales, etc. B. Numismatics. Coius and medals. Oct., 1878. Ober-Ammergau Passion play. July, 1880. See also Mysteries. Oltmpia. Discoveries. Prov., i : 39, Oct., 1881. Ornament. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34: 3S9, July, 1875; 45: 348, April, 1878. Ornithology. B. P. L. Bulletin, 29:232, April, 1874; 52:173, Jan., 1880. Painting. B. P. L. Hist., 207. — B. P. L. Rox., 179. See also Fine arts. Palaeontology. List of American authors in geology and pa- laeontology. By J. D. Whitney. Harv., No. 22, and 23. P. L. Fiction, 125. B. P. L. Bulletin, 47: 429, B. P. L. Bulletin, 54: : 244, INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 47 Palestine. B. P. L. Hist., 209. — B. P. L. Rox., 181. See also Jerusalem. Papacy. The empire and the papacy. Harv., No. 7. Paris. B. P. L. Hist., 211. Parks and landscape gardening. B. P. L. Bulletin, 55: 268, Oct., 1880. Parochial schools in the United States. Libr. j., v : 80, March, 1880. Penn, W. B. P. L. Hist., 214. — Bi-centennial reading. By F. D. Stone. Libr. Co. Phila., July, 1SS2. Pennsylvania. Bi-centennial reading. By F. D.Stone. Libr. Co., Phila., July, 1SS2. — List of the issues of the press in Pennsylvania from 1685 to 1769. By Charles R. Hildeburn. Libr. Co., Phila., Jan., 18S2, p. 44; Jan., 1883, p. 75; July, 1883, p. 97. See also Franklin, B. Persia. B. P. L. Hist., 215. Peru. B. P. L. Hist., 216. — i Ticknor, 270. Petermann's Mittheilungen. See Geography. Petrarca, F. Petrarch bibliographies. Cornell, 1 : 1, Jan., 1SS2. Professor W. Fiske has published "A catalogue of Petrarch books." Ithaca, 1S82. 67 pp. 4". Philadelphia. 16S2-1882. [Penn anniversary.] Prov., ii: 39 Nov., 18S2. Philosophv. Philosophy in America. Prov., 1883. See also Mental philosophy. Pietas et gratulatio. Authorship of the several pieces, 1761. By J. Winsor. Harv., No. 11. Pitt, William, earl of Chatham, and Pitt, William, the younger. B. P. L. Hist., 218. Plato. B. P. L. Hist., 219. Plymouth, Mass. B. P. L. Hist., 219. — Pilgrims at Plymouth. Harv., No. 8. See also New England. Poe, Edgar Allan. Bibliography. Lit. world, Dec. 16, 1882. — Bibliography. Athenceurn, July 29, 1876. [*7210a.50. 1876.] Poetry. Cyclopaedias of. Lit. world, June 4, 1881. 48 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Poland. Novels, poems, etc., of Polish history and customs. B. P.L. Fiction, 110. Political economy. Leading works on political economy, in- ternational law and political history. Lit. world, Jan. 15, 1882. Political economy and political science. Selected list for gen- eral reading, and introduction to special study. By W. GK Sumner. Libr. j., v: 17, Jan., 18S0. Published also independently [G189.ll], and in an enlarged form, in The Critic, March 10 and 17, 1883 [5340a.50]. See also Protection ; — Tariff. Political science. See Local government. Polo, Marco. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34 : 374, July, 1S75. Pompeii. B. P. L. Hist., 220. Pope, Alexander. B. P. L. Hist., 221. Portraits. Consult special Card Catalogue of portraits in the Catalogue Room. The Boston Public Library Catalogue of portraits in the Tosti collection includes 676 prints. The Spanish and Portuguese portraits, in part, in the library, are indexed in the Ticknor Catalogue, 279, 459. The portraits of Shakespeare, in this library, are mentioned in the Barton Catalogue, 172. Portugal. Ticknor. (Ilistoiy, 284 ; Bibliography, 287 ; Litera- ture, 288.) — Historical tales, poems, and dramas. B. P. L. Fiction, 135- 137. Pottery and porcelain. B. P. L. Bulletin, 41 : 210, April, 1877. Prehistoric archaeology. B. P*. L. Bulletin, 32 : 298, Jan., 1875. Procter, B. W. (Barry Cornwall.) B. P. L. Bulletin, 42 : 234. Prohibited books. Indexes prohibitory and expurgatory. Tick- nor, 446. Protection. English discussion. Prov., i: 35, Sept., 1881. Prussia. See Germany. Ptolejleus, Claudius. Bibliography of Ptolemy's geography. By J. Winsor. Harv., No. 24, 25, et seq. Puritans. B. P. L. Hist., 223. See also Massachusetts ; — New England. Puritans and separatists. Harv., No. 7. Quarantine. Consult special Card Catalogue in charge of an offi- cer at the Bates Hall Desk. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 49 Raleigh, Sir W. B. P. L. Hist., 225. Reading for school children. Vai'ioua essays. Libr. j., iv: 319, Sept., 1879. Recitations and readings (170), and Recitations for the young (86). Lit. news, 2 : 48, Feb., 1S81. Select list from the same, 2: 80, March, 1881. Reference books. By J. Winsor. Harv., 22, et seq. — Good books of reference. Lit. world, 14 : 12, Jan. 13, 1883. — List of the most important in libraries. By A. R. Spofford. (In United States Bureau of education. Public libraries in the United States. 1876. pp. 633-710.) *2202.10. — Reference books in English. By J. Winsor. Libr. j., i : 247, March, 1877. Reformation. B. P. L. Hist., 226. — B. P. L. Rox., 199. — Stories of the time of the reformation, with historical refer- ences. B. P. L. Fiction, 114. See also Erasmus. Renaissance. B. P. L. Bulletin, begins, 50: 98, July, 1879; ' ends, 60:43, Jan., 1332. Richelieu. B. P. L. Hist., 229. — Prow, i: 35, Sept., 1881. Robinson Crusoe. Bibliography. Bibliographer, Jan., 1883. — Robinson Crusoe and its imitations. B. P. L. Fiction, 117. Roman catholic church. In the United States. Lit. world, April, 1378. — The empire and the papacy. Harv., No. 7. Rome. Antiquities. B. P. L. Hist., 231. — Description. B. P. L. Hist., 233. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 232. B. P. L. Rox., 205. Quincy, 227. Last years of the Roman republic. Prow, ii: 19, June, 1882. Stories, dramas, and poems based on ancient Roman his- tory, with historical references. B. P. L. Fiction, 118-121. For late periods see Italy. See also Catacombs. Ruskin, J. Libr. j., vi : 172, May, 1881. Russia. B. P. L. Hist., 237. — Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 122. 50 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Russia, continued. — Russia, Turkey and the Eastern question. B. P. L. Bulletin, 42 : 244, July, 1877 ; 46 : 379, July, 1S78. See also Nihilism. Sacheverell, H. Bibliography. By F. Madan. Bibliogra- pher, April 1, 18S3, et seq. Salem witchcraft. B. P. L. Hist,, 238. — Stories and historical notes. B. P. L. Fiction, 123. Sanskrit language, etc. Harv., No. 18. Scandinavia. Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 125. Schiller. B. P. L. Hist., 240. Scientific apparatus for accurate measurements. List of, Cambridge, Boston, New York, Baltimore. Harv., No. 11, 12. Scotland. B. P. L. Hist., 242. — B. P. L. Rox., 214. — Historical tales, poems and dramas, with notes on Scottish history. B. P. L. Fiction, 12S. Scott, Sir W. Historic basis of the Waverley novels. Lit. world, Nov. 5, 1881. — Novels and poems arranged chronologically by their subjects, B. P. L. Fiction, 128-130. Also in Roxbury and other Branch catalogues. See also A Key to all the Waverley novels in chronological sequence; by Henry Grey. London, 1S82 . 2571 .19. Sea. Beep-sea phenomena. Prov., i: 25, July, 1S81. Serial stories. See Fiction. Sewerage. Consult special Card Catalogue in charge of an offi- cer at the Bates Hall Desk. Shakespeare. B. P. L. Bulletin, 42 : 235, July, 1877. — B. P. L. Hist., 246. — B. P. L. Rox., 220. — The analysis of motive in Macbeth. Prov., i : 47, Dec, 1881. — Editions. Prov., iii: 23, July, 1883. — Memoranda on Othello by actors. Prov., i : 43, Nov., 1SS1. — Poems. Bibliography of the early editions. By J. Winsor. Harv., No. 9, 10. — The sanity of Hamlet. Prov., i : 13; March, 1881. — Shakespeare and Bacon. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34: 365, July, 1865; 65:341, April, 1883. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 51 Shakspeare, continued. — Works. Lenox, No. 5. See also the Barton Catalogue of the Boston Public Library. Shelley. B. P. L. Hist., 247. Sheridan, R. B. B. P. L. Hist., 247. — The rivals. Prow, i : 15, April, 1881. Silver. Harv., No. 7. Sinai. B. P. L. Hist., 250. Skating. Bibliography. By F. W. Foster. Bibliographer, March, 1883, et seq. Sophocles. Dramas. Prov., i : 17, May, 1881. Spain. B. P. L. Rox., 227. — Quincy, 246. — Ticknor. (Dramas, 343; Fine arts, 345; Bibliography, 358; History, 437; Language, 473.) — Historical tales, poems, and dramas. B. P. L. Fiction, 135- 137. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 254. — Literature. B. P. L. Hist., 255. Spanish armada. Prov. i: 35, Sept., 1881. Spelling. Is a change in English orthography desirable? Libr. j., v: SI, March, 1SS0. Spencer, Herbert. Libr. j., v: 111, April, 18S0. — Prov., ii: 31, Sept., 1SS2. Spenser, E. Early editions of his poems. Harv., No. 12. Stael, Madame de. Prov., i : 23, June, 1881 . Stanley, A. P. Prov., i : 29, Aug., 1831. Suez canal. Prov., ii : 3, Jan., 1S82. See also Interoceanic canal. Supernatural. Some prose works making a successful use of the supernatural. Lit. world, Feb. 2S, 1880. Sweden. B. P. L. Hist., 261. — Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 125. Swedenborg. B. P. L. Hist.,262. Swift. B. P. L. Hist., 202. — B. P. L. Fiction, 141. Switzerland. B. P. L. Hist., 262. — Historical tales, etc., with notes on Swiss history and scenery. B. P. L. Fiction, 141. 52 INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. Talleyrand. B. P. L. Hist.. 264. Tariff legislation in the Uuiied State;. Prov. . ii : 43-49, Dec . , 1 5 52 . Tasso. B. P. L. Hist., . Tell, William. B. P. L. Hist., 2 — Harv., No. 11. Thbrmo-dtnamics. Harv., Xo. 9. Theyexot, M. Voyages. Lenox, Xo. 3. Thirty years' war. B. P. L. Bulletin, 31 : 277, Oct., 1574. Thomas a Beeket. Harv., Xo. B. Ticknor library. Tieknor, i. Time. Standard time. Prov., Oct . " • Transits of Mercury. Index catalogue of books and memoirs. By E. S. Holden. Harv.. Xo. 10. Trees and forests. B. P. L. Bulletin, 46:377, July, 187 18 : 31, Jan., 187 Trollope, A. Serial order of a number of his works. Lit. world. July 31, 1SS1. Troy. Schlietnann's discoveries. B. P. L. Bulletin, 33 : 342, April. 187 Toms. The French in Tunis. Prov., i : 27, July, 1881. Turkey. See Eastern question. Turner. J. M. W. B. P. L. Bulletin. 42 : 239, July, 1577. United States. Constitution. Libr. j., v: 172, June, — Description. B. P. L. II 2 — Ecclesiastical history. B. P. L. Hist., 251. — History. B. P. L. Hist., 275-2S1. B. P. L. Rox., 253-257. Qoincy, 2 — History, American colonies. Libr. j., v : 329, Xov., ] • Centennial reading. B. P. L. Bulletin, 34: 332, July, 1575; 36: 31, Jan., 157 3; 40: 172, Jan., 1877. Colonial history. Harv., Xo. 6, 7. The French allies. Prov., i : 41, Xov., 1351. Revolution, etc. Harv., Xo. 7. The treaty of peace, 1753. Prov., iii : 30, Sept., 1553. also America; — Boston; — M 3; — New England; — Yorktown. Historical fiction, etc., divided as follows: — 1. Colonial his- tory and local manners. — 2. American revolution. — 3. Aner the revolution. — 4. The civil war, 1361-05. — 5. American life and character. — 6. Historical references. — All in B. P. L. Fiction, 149-155. INDEX TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS. 53 United States, continued. — Literature. B. P. L. Hist., 282. — Tendencies of local self-government in theU. S. Prov., Aug., 1SS2. United States coast survey. Chai-ts. B. P. L. Bulletin, IS: 343, July, 1S71 ; 56: 301, Jan., 1881. Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de. Ticknor, 389. Venice. B. P. L. Hist., 286. — Historical tales, etc. B. P. L. Fiction, 155. Ventilation. Consult special Card Catalogue in charge of an officer at the desk in Bates Hall. Venus, Transits of. Prov., 2 : 19, Dec, 1882. Venus of Melos. Prov., ii, 13, April, 1882. Vergil. Homer and Virgil. Selected list for the study of. Lit. world, May 7, 1S81. Virginia. B. P. L. Hist., 2S7. — Early history. B. P. L. Bulletin, 43 : 269, Oct., 1871. Voltaire. B. P. L. Hist., 2S8. Wagner, R. Prov., iii : 9, March, 1SS3. Waldenses. B. P. L. Hist., 288. Wallenstein. Hist., 289. Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orforcl. B. P. L. Hist., 2S9. Washington, G-. B. P. L. Hist., 291. — Prov., i: 5, Feb., 1881; iii: 15, April, 1883. Waterloo and the campaign of 1815. B. P. L. Bulletin, 35 : 424, Oct., 1875. Webster, D. B. P. L. Hist., 292. — Prov., i: 7, Feb., 1881; ii: 35, Oct., 1882. Wellington, Duke of. B. P. L. Hist., 293. Wesley, John. B. P. L. Bulletin, 35 : 42S, Oct., 1875. — B. P. L. Hist., 294. See also Methodism. Wiiitefield, G. B. P. L. Hist., 296. Wiiittier, J. G. Prov., iii : 3, Jan., 1SS3. Winthrop, John, governor of JIasaachusetts. B. P. L. Hist., 300. Wordsworth. B. P. L. Hist., 302. — Poetry. Prov., ii: 33, Sept., 1SS2. Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1781. Prov., i : 37, Oct., 1881. Yucatan, Maya civilization of. B. P. L. Bulletin, 53: 187, April, 1880. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. By the publication of the new edition of Poole's Index to Periodical Literature, the reader is fur- nished with a much n< .aide. This work, which can be found at the desks of the Central Library and Branches, is brought down to January, 1882. It includes only periodicals in the English language, and but few that a f< ssional or otitic. A cooperative index to current num- bers of leading periodicals is published as a sup- plement to the Library Journal, beginning in the [C.R. 17.1.8, L883]. The cont< nts of many periodicals not included in Poole's Index can be found in the indexes enumerated in the followin . which is confined to such periodicals as are in the Boston Public Library. United States C< — The Index of these docum< nts, begun under the superintendence of the late Pr . C. Jewett, and printed to the year 1863 in the two volumes of Catalogues of the Pate- Hall Collection, has since that time been continued in manuscript on canl-, with which have been embodied, in a illy enlarged form, the contents of the printed lists i to. The whole forms a collection of nearly fifty thousand titles, which are accessible to reader-. Under the heading- United Slates, in the following list, other indexes are mentioned. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS. ETC. 55 The collection of congressional documents in the Boston Public Library, based on the collection made by Peter Force and Edward Everett, and generously increased by the friends of the Library, is believed to be unrivalled. Parliamentary Sessional Papers of Great Britain. — The index of these papers, from 1807 to 1865, can.be found in the two printed volumes of the Bates Hall Catalogue. From 1866-1869, reference must be had to the numerical list and index which accompanies the documents of each year. An index of the papers for 1870 to 1878-9 forms volume 83, part 1, of the documents for 18S0. Other indexes are mentioned in this list under Great Britain and Hansard. Indexes of subjects selected from the sessional papers from -1881 are given in the Library Bulletins for July, 1878, January and April, 1880, October, 1881, April, 1882, and October, 1883, and it is in- tended to continue these indexes in the Bulletins whenever new documents are received. Note. — Henry B. Wheatley's " What is an Index ? " London, 1873 [*2i 34], can be read with profit. Acad£mie imperiale des sciences, St. Petersbourg. Ta- bleau general metbodique et a]pbabetique des ma- tierce contenues d: publications depuis sa fondation. Ire partie. Publications en laugues eirangeres. St. Petersbourg, 1872. 8° *3280a.50 Acad£mxe royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux- arts de Belgique. Tables generates et analytiques du recueil des bulletins. Serie 1, t. 1-23. 1832-56. Bruxelles, 1S53. 8° *34C6.60 Serie 2, tome 1-20 (1857-66), in the r 1863 of *3 ' 56 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Academie royale, etc., continued. — Tables des memoires des rnembres, des memoires couronnes et des memoires des savants Strangers. 1853-78. Bruxelles, 1879. 12P *3408.10 Academy of natural sciences, Phila. Index to the cole- opterous iusects described in vol. 1-6 of the journal [manuscript]. 12° *3S17.6 African repository. Alpbabetical index. Vol. 1-10. Washington, 1335. 8° *7572.2 Agriculture. See Jahresbericht; — Maine; — Massachu- setts ; — Royal agricultural 60c. ; — United States. Ale the year round. General index to the first twenty volumes. 1859-68. [London.] n. d.,n.t. p. 8°. *7312.50 American almanac, 1830-61. Boston, 1830-61. 32 v. 12°. 4389.25; **A.118.1; **G.308.1 The volumes for 1839, 49, 59, contain indexes. American antiquarian society. A partial index to the Proceedings, from its foundation in 1812 to 1880, by S. Salisbury, jr. Added a table of contents of all the publications and reprints of the society to April, 1883, with prices of such as are now held by the society, by N. Paine. Worcester, 1883. 8°. . . . *4311.7 American cyclopaedia [Appleton's]. A general and ana- lytical index. By T. J. Conant and Blandina Co- nant. N. Y., 1878. 8° B. H. Desk — See also Annual cyclopedia. American institute of mining engineers. Transactions. General index, vols. 1-5. Easton, Pa. [1877.] S n . *7S66.50.5 American journal of education. General index to nation- al series. [Vol. 17-24, entire series.] With refer- ences to the classified index to volumes 1-16, and the general index to volumes 1-5, including subjects which will be still further treated in the interna- tional series. Hartford, 1876. 8° *5593.1.26 American journal of pharmacy. General index, Dec, 1825, to Nov., 1870. Compiled by Hans M. Wilder. Phila., 1873. 8° *77S8.50 American journal of science and arts. New Haven, 1819- 80. 8v. 8° . . *5164.1 General index. Vol. 1-50, 1819-45. in vol.50. — 2d series. Vol. 1-10, 1846-50. in vol. 10; vol 11-20, 1851-55, in vol. '20; vol. 21-30, 1856-60,' in vol. 30; vol. 31-40, 1861-05, in vol 40; vol. 41-50. 1866-70. in vol. 50. — 3d series. VoL 1-10, 1S71-75, iu vol. 10; vol. H-iO, 1870-80, In vol. 20, INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 57 American jurist, The, and law magazine. General index to vol. 1-20. 1829-39. Boston, 1833, 39. 2 v. 8°. Vol. 10, 20 of *7616.1 American law review. Index. 1st series. [Vol. 1-13.] 1866-79. Boston, 1879. 8° *5664.10 American pharmaceutical association. Proceedings. In- dex to vol. 1-17. 1852-69. Phila., 1862, 71. 2 v. 8°. Vol. for 1862, 1871, of *5763.1 American quarterly register. General index to the first ten volumes, July, 1827-May, 1838. Boston, 1839. 80 *5175.6.15 Anatomy. See Archiv. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. Autoren- und Sach- Register zu den Biinden 1-164. 1832-60. Leipzig, 1861, 74. 2 v. S° *5966.1a — Register zu B. 1-40. Heidelberg, 1843. Sra. 8« . . . *5966.1 Annalen der Physik und der physikalischen Chemie. Sach- und Namen-Register zu den 76 Biinden. Herausg. von L. W. Gilbert. 1799 bis 1S24. Leip- zig, 1826. 8» *3918.3 — Namen- und Sach-Register zu den Biinden 1 bis 150 [etc.]. 1824-73. Bearbeitet von "W. Barentin. Leipzig, 1S45-75. 4 v. 8» , *3918.4 Annalen des deutschen Rcichs fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Statistik. Alphabetisches Gesammt- Register, 1868-82. Leipzig, 1S82. 8°. Vol.forlSS2 of*4812.50 Annales archeologiques. Table analytique et metho- dique, par X. Barbier de Montault. Paris, 1881. 40 [Ordered] Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris, 1S01-51. 4 v. 8°. Table generate raisonnee des matieres. Vol. 1-96, 1789- 1815, *3959.1; 2e serie, vol. 1-73, 1810-10, *3939.2: 3e serie, vol. 1-30, 1SU-50, *3999.2 ; vol. 31-69, 1851-63, No. 3 in *7968.10 ; 4e serie, vol. 1-30, 1864-73, No. 2 in *79G3.10. Also 3e serie, vol. 1-30, 1841-50, Xo. 1 in *796S.10. Annales des mines. Table alphabetique et analytique des matieres contenues dans les lre-4e s6rie. 1816- 51. Paris, 1S31-52. 3 v. in 2. S°. . . . *3347.1 \ *3378.52 A continuation of the " Journal des mines," which see. The copy on *3378.52 contains only the index to the lst-3d series, 1S1G-41. Indexes to the 5th, 6th, and 7th series (1852-81) havo been ordered by the Library. Ob INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Anxat.es dea ponts et chaussees. Memoires et documents. Ire aerie, 1S31-40. Tables generates. Paris, 1S43. No. 1 in*3316.2 — Lois, ordonnances et autresactes concernant l'adminia- tration des pouts etcbaussees. Ire aerie. l v 3l-40. Tables generales. Paris, 1843. 8° . . . . No. 2 in *3316.2 After 184] each volume has an index. Axx.Ai.r- es naturelles. Table. Ire serie. 1824- 3:;. Paris, 1841. 8° *5874.50 An: travaux publics de Belgique. Tables g6- neraies dea trente-troie premiers volumes de la col- li (1S43-7.3). Dressees par Fred. Faber. Bruxell 8° *3293.1.33 Axxai.es d'hygiene publique et de medecine legale. Tables alpbabetiques. Ser. 1, 2. 1829-78. Paris, 1855, 80. 2v. S° Axxales fori - Table alphabetique 1 :i ee •■ matieres, contenues dans la premiere serie, 1842 a Lvie d'une table par noms d'auteura et d'une table nu'tbodique. Paris, 1S48. 8° . . *3850a.50 To be found in the volume for the year I Anntjahre de la nobl< see de France et des maisona sou- v< rainea de I'Europe. Paris, 18 2. Vol. 38of*C.R. 9.7.1 Tables des f 1 volume 38. Annuaibe de l'economie politique et de 1 |ue. Table generale. 1844-G7. P 7. IS". . . . 5649a.4 Annual cy<- : I q'b]. General index. Vol. 1-15. 1861-75. N. Y., 1876. 8° . B.B J E.l Also, in the Lower Hall of the Central Library and at the iches. Annual register. General index. 1758-1819. London, 1S26. S° *C.R.19.3.5 AxTi'.ii Lmerican antiquarian society; — archeologiquea ; — ■ Anzeiger; — Archseo- logia; — Arcba lurnal; — Britisb arcbaeo- logical association; — Bullettino; — Ecole dea cbartes; — Institut de France; — Instituto an logico di Roma; — Materiaux; — Notes and que- -; — Revue; — Society ; — Sussex archaeological society; — Zeitscbrift. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 59 Antologla giornale di scienze, lettere cd art i. Indice generate alfabelico. L821-32. Firenze, 1863. 8° . *5254.2 Anzeiger fdr deul ches Alterthum und deutsche Litte- ratur unter Mitwirkung von Karl Mttllenhoff und Wilhelm Bcherer. Herausg. uon Eliae Steinmeyer. Register. B. 1-8. Berlin, 1882. 8° *2873.18.8 Alien. i;oi.f).;iA ; or, miscellaneous tracts, relating to an- tiquity. Index to vol. 1-30. London, 1809, 44. 2 v. 40 ... *3311.2 Archaeological journal, The, published under the direc- tion of the council of the Royal archaeological Insti- tute. Index to vol. 1-2.-.. London, 1878. v. . . *2238.55 Archaeology. See Antiquities. Archh ei TURK. Si e Encyclopedic ; — Intime. Archiy der ik und Physik mit besonderer RUcksichl auf die Bodiirfnisse der L< brer an bohe- ren I utcrrii b isg. von J. A. < gie. Register. B. 1-20. Berlin, . 2v. 8" Vol. L0, I r76.53 Archiv fiir mikroskopische Anatoraie. Herausg. von Max Bchultze. a- und Sa< r zu 13. 1-8. Bonn, 1872. 8 1 *5751.15 Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie und Phj und fiir klinische Medl 17-80. 8° . . . .'7717.1 60 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Inhalts-Verzeichniss zu B. 1-40, 1S47-66, in B. 41 ; B. 41- 50, 1867-70, in B. 50; B. 51-60. 1S71-74, in B. 60; B. 61-70, 1875-77, in B. 70; B. 71-80, 1878-80, in B. SO. Archives generates de rnedecine. Table alphabetique des matieres contenues dans les treute volumes de la6eserie (1S63 a 1S77). Paris, 1878. 8° . . . . *7724.50 Archives jiarlementaires. See France. Assemblee na- tionals Archtvio storico italiano. Indice generale, la-3a ser. ; Supplements 1842-77. Firenze, 1857-77. 3 v. 8° . *5245.1 Asia. See Societe asiatique. Asiatic researches, or transactions of the society, insti- tuted in Bengal for inquiring into the history and antiquities, the arts, sciences, and literature of Asia. Index. Vol. 1-18. Calcutta, 1S35. 4° . [Ordered] Assurance magazine, and journal of the Institute of actuaries. See Journal of, etc. AsTROXOMisciiE Nachrichten. General-Register der B. 1 his 60. 1823-63. Hamburg, 1851-66. 3 v. 4*. . *5951.3 Also Register, vol. 61-80. 1864-73. [Ordered.] Astronomy. See Astronomische; — France, Bureau of longitude ; — Royal astronomical soc. Atlantic monthly, The. Index to volumes 1-38. (1857- 76.) Boston, 1S77. S r ' . . . B.H. Desk. L.10; *C. — Same. [2d ed.] Boston, 1S77. S 5 B.H.Desk. L.15 — Supplementary index to vol. 1-3S, and 39-46. [By William M. Griswold.] Bangor, 1880. 8° . . . *5324.50 For Index for 1881, see Griswold. Belgium. See Academie royale ; — Messager. Biblical repertory, The, and Princeton review. Index vol. 1825-68. Phila., 1871. 8° *5412.2 Blbliographie catholique. Tables generales des volumes [1-50]. 1841-74. Paris, 1S57-75. 3 v. 8» *2148.55 Biblioteca de autores espafioles, desde la formacion del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias. Indices generales, por D. Isidro Rosell y Torres. Madrid, 1SS0. 8°. **D.161.1.71 Bibliotheca sacra. Index. Vol. 1-13. [1S44-56.] By W. F. Draper. Andover, 1S57. 8° *5310.3 — Index. Vol. 1-30. [1844-73.] By W. F. Draper. Andover, 1S74. 8° ... . *C.R.19.2.7; B.H.Desk. L.14 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 61 Bibliothek der schonen "Wissenschaften und der freyen Kiinste. Register. [B.l-12.] Leipzig, 1767. 16° . **5U4.1 Bibliotlieque britannique. Geneve. Table generale. 1796-1815. 4 v [Ordered] The library does not contain this work. Bibliotheque universelle des sciences, belles-lettres et arts. Litterature. Table generale. Vol. 1-15, 1816-20. Geneve, 1821 [Ordered] Bibliotheque universelle des sciences et arts. Table generale raisonnee des matieres. Science et arts. 1796-1835. Geneve [1853?]. 3 v. 8 1 [Ordered] Bibliotheque universelle et revue suisse. Table des travaux de la revue. 1S6 j— 75. Lausanne, 1876. S° *7253.50 Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. General index. Vol. 1-50. [1817-41.] A Edhlb.,1855. 8°. *5364.2; *C.R.19.2.8 Bologxa. See Istituto. Boston. Index to the city documents. 1S34-74. B., 1875. 8° *6354.2 — Same. 1834-80. {In Boston. City documents for 1879. Vol. 1.) *6353.1 Botanical magazine. General index to the plants con- tained in the first 53 vols, (or old series complete). London, 1823. 8° *3844.1 — Index. Vol. 1-70, 1787-1346 [Ordered] Botant. See Linnean society; — Paxton. Bragur. Allgemeines Repertorium iiber die sechs ersten B'ande. Ausgearbeitet von Karl Teutbold Heinze. Leipzig, 1805. 16' *4219a.2.8 Bridges. See Annales des pouts et cbaussees. British almanac. Companion to the almanac. Complete index, from its commencement, in 1828, to 1S43 in- clusive. London, 1843. 12° 2489.64 British and foreign state papers. General index (chro- nologically and alphabetically arranged). Vol. 1- 63. (1373-1873.) Compiled by Sir Edward Herts- let. London, 1S79. 8°. {In British and foreign state papers, vol. 64.) *7089.55 British archaeological association, London. Journal. General index to vol. 1-30. By W. De Gray Birch. London, 1875. 8<> . . *4217.50; B.H. Desk. L.13 The library has ordered a copy of the Journal. 62 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC British association for the advancement of science. Index to reports and transactions. 1831-1880. London, 1864. 8° *7922.5 British critic. Index, Vol. 1-20. London, 1804. 8° . . *4115.5 Bulletin general de therapeutique medicale ct chirurgi- cale. Table generate et alphabetique. Paris, 1839-75. 7v. 8°. Vol. 1-12, 1832-37, in vol. 11-12, *3295.1 ; vol. 13-24, 1838- 43, in vol. 23-24, *3295.1; vol. 25-36, 1839-4!), in vol 35-36, •3295.1; vol. 36-48, 1839-54, in vol. 49, "8305.1 j vol. 49-60, 1855-61, *3305.2; vol. 61-72, 1862-67, in vol.73, *3293.1 ; vol. 73-85, 1S68-73, in *3298.2. Bullettino di areheologia cristiana. Indici generali per gli anni 1870-1875, della seconda eerie, compilati dall' autore Comm. Giovanni Battista de Rossi. Roma, 1S76. 8° *3210a.60 Calcutta review. Index to the first fifty volumes, in two parts. Calcutta, 1873. 8° [Ordered] The library does not contain this review. Canada. Legislative docs., Journals, reports, etc. Gen- eral index to the journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada, and of the sessional papers of Parliament, 1807-76. By Wm. C. Bowles. Ottawa, 18S0. S" *7G43.11 Chemical society, London. Journal. Index to the first 25 vols., lS48-72,and to the Memoirs and Proceed- ings. 1841-47. Compiled by Henry Watts. Lon- don, 1874. 8° *7966.10 Chemisches Central-Blatt. General-Register, in Folge. i-sii Jahrgang (1870-81). Lieferung 1-3." Ham- burg und Leipzig, 1882, 83. 8° *7935.10 Chemistry. See Annalen; — Deutsche chemische Gesell- schaft; — Jahresbericht; — Journal; — Zeitschrift. Chetham society. General index to tbe remains, histori- cal and literary, published by the society. Vol. 1- 30. [Manchester.] 1863. 4° *2415.19 Children, Diseases of. See Journal. Christian art. See Revue de Part Chretien. Christian examiner. Index. Vol. 1-87. 1824-1869. By Wm. Cushing. Boston, 1S79. 8 P . *3160.10; B.H. Desk. L.8; *C.R. 10.3.17 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS. ETC. b3 Civilta cattolica, La. Indice delle serie la-8a. Roma, Firenze, 1859-74. 6 v. 8° 7461.2-7 Congregational quarterly, The. Boston, 1868, 78. 8° . *7516.2 General index to vol. 1-10, 1859-68, in vol. 10 ; vol. 11-20 (new series, 1-10), 1839-78, in vol. 20. Congressional globe. Index from 23d-33d cong., 84th cong., 1st, 3d eess., 35th-42d cong. 1833-1873. Washington, 1834-73. 4° Patent Room These indexes are bound in the volumes of their respec- tive sessions, with the exception of the 42d cong., ';2d sess. Congressional record. Index to the 43d, 44th cong.; 45th cong., 1st sess.; 46th cong., 1st, 3d sess. 1873- 77, 79-81. Washington, 1873-81. 4° . ... Patent Room These indexes are bound separately, with the exception of the 45th cong., 1st sess., which is bound in the volume of that session. Contemporary review. See Griswold. Crelle, A. L. See Journal fiir die reine Mathematik. Deutsche chemische Gesellschaft, Berlin. General- register liber die ersten zehn Jahrgange (1868-1S77) der Berichte. Bearb. von C. Bischoff. Berlin, 18S0. 8° *7975.2 Contains also Patentregister, separately paged. Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Register zu B. 1-30. Leipzig, 1858-77. 3 v. in 2. 8» *6955.5 The Register to B. 1-10, is bound with vol. 11 of the Zeit- schrift [*6955.2]. Deutsche Rundschau. See Griswold. Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Weimar. Shake- speare-Jahrbuch. General-Register fiir Band 1- 16. Bearbeitet von W. A. Borchardt. [Weimar, 1882.] 8° *4593.1a Deutsches Archiv fiir klinische Medicin. General-Re- gister zum Band 1-30. Leipzig, 1882. 8° . .. . *3723.50.31 Dingler's polytechnisches Journal. Real-Index. B. 1- 198. 1820-70. Stuttgart, 1843-71. 4 v. 8° . Patent Room Dublin medical journal. General index. Vol. 1-28, 1832- 45. Dublin [Ordered] The library does not contain this periodical. 64 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Ecclesiastical history. See Movoni. Eclectic magazine. General index to vol. 1-96. [By- William M. Griswold.] Bangor, 1S81. 8°. B. H.Desk. L.9 For continuation see Griswold. Ecole des chartes, Paris. Bibliothequc. Table, lre-6e eerie. 1839-69. Paris, 1849-70. 3 v. 8° *2272.2 The Table for the years 3839^9 is bound in *2272.1.10. Edinburgh medical and surgical journal. Index to the first 19 vols. Edinb., 1824. 8° *5747.1.20 Edinburgh review, The. General index. Vol. 1-140. 1802-74. Edinb. [etc.]. 1813-70. 5 v. 8° . . *C.R.19.3.2 Education. See American journal. Encxclopedie d'architecture. Tables generates des matieres contenues dans les quatre premieres annees. (2eserie.) (1872-75.) Paris, 1875. 4° . . . . *4090.51.5 Engineering. See Annales ; — Inst, of civil engineers ; — Professional papers. Evangelical magazine, The. An index to the first 24 volumes, from July, 1793, to December, 1816. Lon- don, 1817. 8° *7517.1 Figuier, Guillaume L. Tables decennales de L'annee scientifiqueetindustrielle. 1856-65. Paris, 1866. 12°.*7927.1 — L'annee scientifique et industrielle. Tables, 1857-77. Paris, 1877. 16" . *7927.1 Fine arts. See Gazette. Forests. See Annales forestieres. Fortnightlt review. Contents from the commencement to tbe end of volume 24. London [Ordered] — See Griswold. France. Tables analytiques des annales de l'assemblee nationale, 12 fevrier 1871-8 mars 1876. Versailles, 1879, 80. 2 v. 4° . *6650a.3 — Assemblte nationale. Archives parlementaires de 1787 a 1860. T. 7. Table des cahiers des etats generaux [1789], redigee par M. La Taste. Paris, 1875. L. 8" *6616.50.7 Archives parlementaires. 2e serie. Tables chrono- logique et alphabetique des tomes 1-14. 1S00-1815. Paris, n. d. L. 8° *6615.50 To be found in volume 14 of the 2d series. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 65 France, continued. — Bureau of longitude. Connaissance des temps, cm dee mouvementa celestes, a l'usage des astronomes et des navigateurs. Table alphabetique. 1760-1867. Paris, [1804?]-65. 3 v. 8 U . **E.16S.l; **E.178.1; *5916.1 — Ministry of agriculture and commerce. Description des machines et procedes pour lesquels des brevets d'invention ont ete pris 6ons le regime de la loi du 5 juillet, 1844. Table generate des tomes 1-79. Paris, 1856-73. 3 v. 4° Patent Room The index for 1760-180.'), by L. Cotte, can be found in volume 47 of **E. 163.1; 1806-22, by M. Mathieu, in volume 63 of **E. 178.1 ; 1823-67, by M. Delaunay, in the volume for 1867 of *5916.1. — Ministry of finance. Bulletin de statistique et de legislation comparee. Tables des matieres conte- nues dans les dix premiers volumes (1877-81). Paris, 1882. 8° *S620a.60 — See Annuaire ; — Saint-Allais (Nobiliaire). Gartenlatjbe, Die. Sachregister. Jabrgaug 1-15. (1853- 67.) Leipzig, 1868. 4° *5371.10 Gazette des beaux-arts. Table alphabetique et analy- tique. T. 1-25 (1859-68), par Paul Cheron. Paris, 1866, 70. 2 v. 8° *C.R.16.1.1 Genealogy. See Annuaire de la noblesse; — New En- gland hist, and gen. register; — Saint-Allais. Genie industriel, Le. Table alphabetique. Vol. 1-24. 1S51-62. Paris, 1863. 8^ *4023.10 Gentleman's magazine. General index, 1731-1818. Lon- don, 1818, 21. 5 v. 8° *C.R.19.3.3 Geography. See Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde; — Peter- mann's; — Royal geographical soc; — Societe do geographic Geological society. A classified index to the trans- actions, proceedings and quarterly journal of the Geological society of London, including all the memoirs and notices to the end of 1855. By George W. Ormerod. London, 1858. 8° [Ordered] — 2d edition to the end of 1868. [Also] Supplement to the end of 1875. London, 1870, 76. 2 v. in 1. 8°.*5826.50 66 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Geological survey of India. Contents and index of the first ten volumes of the records. 1S68-77. Cal- cutta, 1878. 8" *38C0a. 50 Geologt. See Jahreshericht ; — Kaiserliche. German literature. See Kayeer. Germany. See Annalen des deutschen Reichs; — An- zeigcr; — Kritische Ueberschau. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde, Berlin. Uebersicbt dcr Aufsatze, Miscellen und Karten, welche in den Monatsberichten ttber dieVerhandlungen der Gesell- schaft (Jahrg. 1-4, NeueFolge: Jahrg. 1-10, 1840- 1853), sovv'ie in der Zeitschrift fiir allgemeiue Erd- kunde (B.l-6und Lge : B. 1-14, 1853-63) en- tbaltensind. Berlin, 1863. 8° *4110.3 Great Britain. Parliament. Catalogue of parlia- mentary reports, and a breviate of their contents. 1696-1834. [London.] 1834. F° *7100.6 Index to the rolls, comprising the petitions, pleas, and proceedings. (1278-1503.) Prepared and edited by John Strachey [etc.]. London, 1832. F°. **F.— ; *7090.1.7 Acts and laics. Chronological table and index of statutes, 4th edition, to the end of the session of 1877, 40 and 41 Victoria. London, 1878. L. 8<> . . *7 091.6 Same. 8th edition, to the end of the session of 1831, 44 and 45 Victoria. London, 1882. L. 8° *7091.6 Chronological table of, and index to, the statutes to the end of the session of 1869. London, 1870. L. 8 n . *7081.2 — An index to the statutes, public and private, passed in the years (1801-1844). [London.] 1845. 2 v. F° . *7100.5 — See also Raithby. See Hansard, and the note introductory to this list. — Commissioners of patents. Alphabetical index of patentees. 1617-1882. London, 1S54-83. 31 v. 8°. Patent Room Chronological and descriptive index of patents, con- taining the abridgments of provisional and com- plete specifications for 1867-75. London, 1868-76. 9 v. L. 8° Patent Room Index to the foreign scientific periodicals in the Patent office library. Vol. 1-3. London, 1867-69. 3 v. in 1 . 8<> Patent Room INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 67 - Great Britain, continue d. Reference index of patents of invention. Pointing out the office in which each enrolled specification of a patent may be consulted. 1617-1852. London, 1855. so Patent Room Also, Appendix, containing abstracts from such of the early patents and signet bills as describe the nature of the invention, and which patents have no enrolled specifications. London, 1855. 8° . Patent Room Subject-matter index of patents of invention. 1617- 1830,82. London, 1854-S2. 32 v. 8° . . . . Patent Room Titles of patents of invention, chronologically ar- ranged. 1617-1868. London, 1854-69. 18v.8». Patent Room — House of Commons. General index to the bills, re- ports, accounts, and other papers, 1801-4-1. [Lon- don.] 1833-44. 2 V. F° *7100.3,4 Journals, General index. Vol. 1-107. 1547-1852. [London.] 1785-1857. 9 v. F> **F.— Vol. 93-107, 1S37-52 have been ordered. — House of Lords. General index to the sessional pa- pers. 1801-37. [London.] 1839. F" . . . No. 2 in *7100.G Journals. General index. 1509-1863. [London.] 1817-65. 7 v. F° **F.— — Public record office. Record commissioners. Alpha- betical index, Chronological index to the statutes of the realm from Magna Charta to the end of the reign of Queen Anne. [London.] 1824-23. 2 v. Fo *7040.1 ; *7040.2 — War office. Corps of royal engineers. Index of the subjects and authors of all papers, from the com- mencement of the [1st] scrit:! to the end of the 20th volume of the new series. Woolwich, 1872. 8°. . *8034.55 Griswoi.b, William MeC. Autoren- und Sachregistcr der Deutschen Rundschau, erster bis neun-und-zwan- zigstcr Baud. Bangor, Me., 1S82. [Q, P. In- dexes. 8.] 8° [Ordered] — General- Autor- und Sachregistcr zu Zeitschriftenmeist historischen Inhalts, und zwar: Die historischc Zeitschrift, Unsere Zeit, Das bistorische Taschen- buch. Bangor, Me., 13S2. [Q.P. Indexes. 9.] 8<\ *5225.51 68 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Griswold, William McC, continued. — An index to articles relating to history, biography, literature, society, and travel, contained in collec- tions of essays (etc.) Bangor, 1883. 8° . . • . . *2163.37 — General index to the Contemporary review, the Fort- nightly review, and the Nineteenth century. Ban- gor, 1882. 80 , . *3183.7 — The Q. P. index annual for 1881, 1882. Bangor, 1882, 83. 8° *3184.4 Guy's hospital reports. General index. London, 1856- 75. 3v. 80. General index, 1st find 2d series, 1836-53, *7753.5; 3d series, vol. l-]0, 1855-64, *7743.1.10; 3d series, vol. 11-20, 1865-75, *7743.1.20. Hansard, T. C. General index to [his] Parliamentary debates, 1803-30, 68-78. Ed. by Sir John Philip- part. London, 1803-78. 12 v. 8° *71G3.50 Yearly index in *7098.2, etc Hardwicke's science-gossip. Classified index. Vol. 1-12. 1865-76. London, 1877. 8 9 *7911.1a Harper's new monthly magazine. Index. Vol. 1-60. 1850-1880. Compiled by C. A. Durfee. N. Y., 1881. 80 *C.R.19.2.4 Earlier editions, one covering vol. 1-40, and another, vol. 1-50, are on shelf numbers *5220.13, and *5220a.51, and at the Bates Hall Desk. Tor continuation, see Griswold. Hazard, Samuel. General index to the colonial rec- ords in 16 volumes, and to the Pennsylvania ar- chives, in 12 volumes. Phila., 1860. 8° .... . *6377.3 Health and hygiene. See Annales d'hygiene ; — Practi- tioner. Hidalgo, Dionisio. Diccionario general de la biblio- grafia espaiiola. T. 6. Indice de autores. T. 7. fndice de materias. Madrid. 1879, 81. 2 v. 8°. Vol. 6, 7of*2161.1G Histology. See Archiv. Historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Index to 1st and 2d series of the Transactions, vol. 1-24 (1818-72). By A. Hume. Liverpool, 1874. 8<>. . *2508.1O INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 69 Historische Zeitschrift. Herausg. von Heinrich von Sybel. Register zu B. 1-20. Von Dr. C. Varren- trapp. Munchen, 1869. 8° *5218.51 — Same. B. 1-36. Bearbcitet von Max Posner. Mun- chen, 1878. 8° *522S.55 See also Griswold. Historisches Taschenbuch. Leipzig, 1S80. 16° ... . *2309.1 General index for 1830-80 in volume for 1880. See also Griswold. History. See Griswold; — Koner ; — Moniteur univer- sel; — Revue historique; — Revue retrospective; — "Walther. Horticultural society. General index to the 1st and 2d series of the transactions. London ..... [Ordered] Huette Verein, Der. Sachregistertechnischer Journale zum Gebrauc-be fiir Ingenieure, Architecten, Che- mikerund Gewerbtreibende. Jahrgangl,2. 1863, 64. Berlin, 1864, 65. 2 v. 16" *8039.1 Ibis, The : a magazine of general ornithology. Index, 1859-76. London, 1879. 8° *7901.6 Index medieus: a monthly classified record of current medical literature of the world. Vol. 1-3. N". Y., 1879-1881. L. 8« *3722.52 A helpful guide to medical periodical literature previous to 1830 will be found in Callisen's " Medicinisehes Schrift- 6teller-Lexicoii," 33 vols., *C.R.7.4.1. The arrangement is under authors' names. Medical periodical literature is mi- nutely indexed in the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-general's office, U.S. army [*C.R.22.2.2]. Index society. The publications of this society, as far as issued, have been received at this library. They do not include as yet any indexes of periodicals. Industrial arts. See London journal of arts and sciences; Repertory of arts. Institut de France, Paris. Table genorale et metho- dique des memoires contenus d;ms les recueils do l'Acadfimie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, et de I'Academie des sciences morales et politiqnes, par Eugene de Roziere et Eugene Chatel. Paris, 1856. 4° *3302.3; *4191.7 70 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Institut de France, continued. — Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Memoires. Paris, 1839, 74. 2 v. 4°. Tables des matieres, vol. 1-10, 1815-33, *3392.2 ; vol. 12-21, 1839-57, *3302.1. Tableau general raisonneetinethodique des ouvrages contenus dans le recuei! des Memoires de l'Aca- demie jusques et eompris l'annee 1788; servant de supplement aux tables de ce recueil. Par. M. D [el'Averdy]. Paris, 1701. 4° *3302.4 — Academie des sciences. Table generate des comptea rendus des seances. T. 1-61. 1835-65. Paris, 1S53, 70. 2 v. 4» *3242.55 — Academie des sciences morales et politiques. Table geuerale alpbabetique et cbronologique, par noma d'auteurs et par ordre des matieres. Paris, 1S60. 8° *3216.1 Contents. — Les 50 volumes des seances ct travaux de l'academie (da 1842 a 1S59) ; Les 5 volumes in 4 n . des me- moires de la classe des sciences morales et politiques (do Tan vi, a Tan xn) ; Les 9 volumes des memoires de l'Acade- mie des sciences morales et politiques (de 1837 a 1S55) ; Les 2 volumes de memoires des savants Ctrangers publics par cette academie (de 1841 a 1S47). Table generate alpbabetique et cbronologique des seances ct travaux de 1' Academie. (1812 a- 1873.) Paris, 1S75. 8° *3235.50 — Academic royale des sciences. Memoires. Table generale des matieres. T.l-10. 1666-1790. Paris, 1731-1809. 10 v. 4° *3271.11 Nouvelle tables des articles. 1666-1770. Paris, 1775- 76. 4 v. 4° *3271.12 Institution of civil engineer.-?, London. Minutes of pro- ceedings. General index. Vol. 1-30. 1S37-70. London, 1865, 71. 2 v. 8° • . *4028.2 — Subject index. Vol. 1-58. 1837-79. London, 1881. 8° *4028.59 Institution of mechanical engineers. General index to proceedings. 1817-1873. Birmingham, n. d. 8°. . *8018.50 The library does not contain this work. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 71 Instituto archeologico di Roma. Repertorio universale. Indice, 1829-43, 1854-73. Roma, 1848-75. 3 v. 8°. *5256.2 The Repertorio for 1820-33 is bound in T. 5 of the Annali [*5256.3. 1833]. There is no general index for 1S4J-53. The index to the Annali for these years forms pt. 2 of T. 25 of the Annali. This volume is ordered. Insurance. See Journal of the Institute of actuaries. International review. General index. Vol 1-9. 1874- 80. Bangor, 1881. 8° B. H. Desk. L. 11 For continuation see Giiswold. INTIME club, Paris. Crocjuisd'architecture. Table gene- rale des vols. 1-10. Ire serie, 1866-75. Paris, 1S78. 8° Trustees' Room Ireland. House of Commons. General index to eleven volumes of the journals. [1630-1760.] Dublin, 1763. F° **F— Istituto delle scienze di Bologna. Indices generales in novos commentarios Academiae scientiarum in- stitutiBononiensis. [T. 1-10.] Bononiae,1855. 4°. *5251.5 Istituto di Bologna. Iudici gecerali della [la-] 3a serie delle memorie dell' Accademia delle scienze deli' Istituto di Bologna pubblicati dal 1850 al 1879. Bo- logna, 1860-80. 3 v. in 1. 4° *7251.10 Italy. See Archivio. JahreCciier der Literatur. Universal Register. B. 1- 125. 1818-1849. Wien, 1849. 3 v. in 2. 8°. *3236.1. 126-1 28 Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte auf dem Ge- sammtgebiete der Agricultur-Chemie. General- register iiber Jahrgang 1-20. (1858-77.) Berlin, 1879. S r) *5998.1a Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der reinen pharma- ceutischen und technischen Chemie, Physik, Mi- neralogie und Geologie. Register zu den Berichten fur 1847-76. Giesscn, 1858, 63, 80. 3 v. 8° . . . *3985.2 Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen der cbemischen Tech- nologie. General-Register iiber Bund 1 bis 20, [1855-74] bearbeitet von Fr. Gottschalk. Leipzig, 18G6, 76. 2v. 8" [Ordered] 72 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Journal asiatique. See Societe asiatique. Journal cie la physiologie de l'liomrae et dos animaux. Liste des auteurs des meinoires originaux et des memoires traduits ou analyses dans les 6 volumes. 1858-65. Paris, 1S67. S^ [Ordered] Journal de l'ecole imperiale polyteebnique. Table des matieres contenues dans les 37 premiers cahiers formant 21 volumes, suivie d'une table generale par nomsd'auteurs. Paris, 1861. 4° *3372 1.22 Journal des economistcs. Table alphabetique generale des matieres. Paris, 1841-S2. 19 v. Ire sArie. T. 1-9, 1841-44, in vol.9 of *7649.50; T. 10-18, 1844-47, in vol. 18; T. 19-27, 1847-n50, in vol. 27; T. 28-37, 1851-53, in vol. 37. — 2e serie. T. 1-20, l. c 54-5S, in vol. 20 of *7648.50; T. 21-4", 1859-63, in vol.40 of *7647.51 ; T. 41-48, 1864-65, in vol. 48 of *7647.51. — 3e serie. T 1-12, 1866-68, in vol. 12 of *7647.51 : T. 13-24, 1869-71, in vol. 24 of *7C46.50; T. 25-36, 1872-74, in vol. CO of *7646.50; T. 37-40, 1875, in vol. 40 of *7646.50; T. 41-44, 1876, in vol. 44 of *7646.50; T. 45-48, 1877. in vol. 48 ol *7646-50. — 4e serie. T. 1-4, 1878, in vol. 4 of *7646.50; T. 5-8, 1879, in vol. 8 of *7646.50; T. 9-12, 1S80, in vol. 12 of *7645.50; T. 13-1G, 1881, in vol. 16 of *7645.50j T. 17-20, 1882, in vol. 20 of *7G45.50. — Table alphabetique generale des matieres de 1811 a 1S80. Paris, 1883. 8° *7645.55 Journal des mathematiques. Tables. Paris, 1S54, 74. Ire serie. Vol. 1-20. 1836-55, in vol. 19-20 of *G362.2. — 2e teiie. Vol. 1-19, 1856-74, in vol. 19 of *SSC2.2. Journal des mines. Table analytique des matieres con- tenues dans les [3SJ volumes. 1795-1S15. Paris, 1813,21. 2v. 8° *3347.1; *3409a.50 For continuation See Annalcs des mines. Journal des savants. Table generale des matieres. 1G65-1750. T. 1-10. Paris, 1753-G4. 10 v. 4° . . *3313.1 — Same. Table methodique et analytique des articles. 1S16-1858. Paris, 1S60. 4° *3393.1 Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Herausg. von A. L. Crelle [etc.]. Band. 1-91. Ber- lin, 1S26-S1. 4° *5093.50 Every tentli volume contains au index. A general index to B. 1-50, can be found in B. 50. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 73 Journal fur Kinderkrankheiten. Namen- und Sach re- gister 1843-58. B. 1-31. Erlangen, 1851,59. S°. . *7766.9 JOURNAL fur Ornithologie. General-Index. 1853-67. Cas- sel, 1870. 8" *5908.51 Journal fur praktische Chemie. Sach- und Namenregister zuB. 1-108. 1831-69. Leipzig, 1844-71. 4 v. in 2. S°.*7963.15 Journal of mental science. General index to the first 24 vols., by G. F. Blandford. London, 1879. 8° . *3S00.20a Journal of the Institute of actuaries and assurance maga- zine. General index to vol. 1-10. (1850-63.) By John Nicholson. London, 1S64. 8° [Ordered] — Index to the first twenty volumes. [1850-78.] London, 1883. 3° *7644.5 Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Denk- schriften. Register zu den Banden 1-40. Wien, 1867, 80. 2 v. 4° Vol. 26, 40 of 3310.50 — - Sitzungsberichte. Register zu den Banden 1-85. Wien, 1854-82. 8 rt *3370a.60 — Pkilosophisch-historische Classe. Denkschriften. Regis- ter zu den Banden 1-14. Wien, 1S66. 4" . . . *3320.1.14 Sitzungsberichte. Register zu den Banden 1-70. Znsammengcstellt von F. Ser. Scharler. Wien, 1874. 8" *3350.16 Sitzungsberichte. Register zu den Banden 1 bis 90. Wien, 1854-79. 9 pts. in 1 v. 8° *3350.15 Kaiserliche-koenigliche geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna. Jahrbuch. General-Register. B. 1-30. 1S50-80. Wien, 1863-81. 3 v. in 2. 8" *5S66.4 Katser, C. G. Biicher-Lexikon. Sachregister. [1750- 1832.] Leipzig, 1838. 4° .. *C.R.7. 2.1 ; Ordering dept. Keel, Bruno, ed. Repertorium der technischen Literatim Neue Folge, 1854-77. Leipzig, 1871-79. 5 v. 8° . *3981.51 Koenicliche bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Inbaltsverzeichniss zu Jahrgang 1860-1870 der Sitzungsberichte. Miinchen, 1872. 8° *3265.50 — Index generalis in monumentorum Boicorum volumina i-xiv. Monachii, mdcccxlvii. 4° *2855.1 Koenigliciie Gescllschaft der Wissenschaften, Gottingen . Allgemeines Register von 1753-1782. Goettingen, 1784. 2v.ini. 16° *3219.1 74 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Koekigliche preussische Aeademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. Register fiir die Monatsberichte. 1836- 73. Berlin, 1880, 75. 2 v. 8» *33S4.4 Koner, W. Repertoriura iiber die vom Jahre 1800 bia zutn Jabre 1850 in akademiscben Abhandlungen, Gesellschaftsschriften und wiesenschaftlichen Jour- nalen auf dem Gebiete der Geschichte und ibrer Hiilfswissenschaften erschienenen Aufsiitse. Ber- lin, 1852, 53. 2 v. 8° *4136.8 The geographical portion of this index has been contin- ued in the " Zeitsckrift fur allgemeine Erdkunde " [6268.2]. Kritlsche Ueberscbau der deutscben Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft. Register. B. 1-5. Miincben, 1857. 80 *5619.1.G Kritische Vierteljahrsechrift fiir Gesetzgebung und RecbtsAvissenscbaft. Register. B. 1-19. [Also] Register zur Kritische Ueberscbau. B. 1-G. Miin- cben, 1868, 78. 2 v. in 1. 8° *5G19.3 Law. (See American jurist; — American law review; — Arcbiv des Criminalrecbts; — Kritische Viertel- jabrscbrift ; — Massachusetts ; — Raithby ; — United States. Leisure hour, The. Index for the first 25 vols. 1852- 76. London, 1877. L. 8° * 7311.60 Linnean society of London. Index to the transactions. Vol. 1-30. London, 1867, 76. 4° *5861.50 Lippincott's magazine. General index to the first series. (Vol. 1-26.) [Compiled by William M. Griswold.] Bangor, 1881. 8° B.H.Desk.L.12 For continuation of this and the following see Griswold. Littei/l's living age. General index to vol. 37-148. [Com- piled by William M. Griswold.] Bangor, 1881. 8° B.H.Desk — Complete index. By E. Roth. Phila., 1833. 8° . . . *3180a.8 This index, now in course of publication, will be received as each volume is issued. Liverpool. Literary and philosophical society. Pro- ceedings. Index to vol. 1-25. 1S44-71. Liver- pool, 1871. 83 *5126.1.26 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC YD London and Edinburgh philosophical magazine and jour- nal of science. General index. Vol. 1-12. 1S32- 33. London, 1839. 8° *3376.1.92 Continuation of " Philosophical magazine." London journal of arts and sciences. An analogical index, 1st and 2d series. London [Ordered] London magazine. Index, 1732-58. London, 1760. 8° . [Ordered] London medical and physical journal. General index. Vol. 1-40. London, 1820. 8° [Ordered] London Times. See Times. Machines. See France; — Opperuiaun; — Practischer Maschinen-Constructeur. MAGA3IN encyclopedique. Table generale des rnatieres des 122 volumes qui composent la collection com- plete. T. 1-4. 1795-1816. Paris, 1819. 8° . . . . *3276.2 Maine. Agriculture of Maine. General index. 1S50-75. By S. L. Boardman. Augusta, 1876. 8° . . . . *6339.22 Manchester statistical society. Index to the transactions. 1S53-75. By Thomas R. Wilkinson. Manchester, 1876. 8° [Ordered] The library does not contain these transactions. Massachusetts. Iudcx to decisions in Massachusetts reports, from 1860-77, on the constitution, general statutes and tire acts and resolves of the general court since 1860. Compiled by Charles H. S. Williams. Boston, 1878. 8 a *5693.12 — Board of agriculture. General index of annual reports 1-25. 1S53-77. Boston, 1878. 8° . Vol. for 1877-78 of*6445.4 Massachusetts historical society. Collections. Boston, 1809-71. 80 . *2351.1; **4453.45 The 10th volume of each scries contains a general index of the series. Materiaun pour l'liistoire primitive et naturelle de l'homme. Table generale des dix premiers vo- lumes (1805-75). Toulouse, n. d. 8 :) *6237.55 Mathematics. See Archiv ; — Journal ; — Journal fur die reine und ar.gewandte Mathematik; — Quarterly journal. 76 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Medicine. See Archiv ; — Archives ; — Bulletin ; — Deutsches Archiv ; — Dublin medical journal ; — Ed- inburgh mod. and surg. journal; — Guy's hos- pital; — Index medicus; — Journal fur Kinder- krankheiten ; — London medical and physical jour- nal ; — Medico-chirurgical review ; — Neale ; — New York medical journal ; — Pathological soc. ; — Prac- titioner ; — Royal med. and chirurg. soc. Medico-chirurgical review. General index to the new series, vol. 1-20 (1824-34). With an appendix com- prising an index to the series of four annual vol- umes (1820-24 ) London, 1834. 8 n [Ordered] Mental science. See Journal. Merchants' magazine and commercial review. Index. Vol. 1-10. 1839-44. N. Y., 1846. 8° [Ordered] Messager des sciences historiques de Belgique. Tables generates. 1823-30, 1833-53. Gand, 1854. 8° . . *3319.1.1 Metallurgy. See Revue univ. des mines, etc; Military art. See Revue militaire francaise. Mines. See American institute of mining engineers; — Annates des mines; — Journal des mines; — North of England institute ; — Revue univ. des mines. Moniteur universel. Paris, 1801-52. F°. Revolution franchise, on analyse complete, etc. 17.87-99. 2 v., N.R.E.l. Table alphabetique, 1787-99. 2 v., N.R.E.2. Tables. Histoire du consulat et de 1' empire, 1799-1814. 2 v., N.R.E.3. Tables chronologique et alphabetique, 1815-51. 7 v., N.R.E.4. Monthly review. General index. 1749-1316. London, 1786-1818. 5 v. 8° *C.R.19.3.6 The index for 1784-89 has been ordered. Moroni, Gaetano. Indice generate alfabetico delle materie del Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica. Venezia, 1878, 79. 6 v. 8° *3551.53 Muehlhausen, German]/. Societe hidustrielle. Bulle- tin speciate. Mulhousc, 1876. 8" *5341.50.46 Vol. 40 contains a Table generale des matiercs contenues dans les quarante-einq premiers volumes. Museum d'histoire naturelle. Annates. Table des au- teurs, suivie d'une table generale et analytique des matieres. Vol. 1-20. Paris, 1827. L. 8° . . . *3S21.1.21 — M^moircs. Table generale raisonneeet alphabetique. [2e ser.] Vol. 1-20. 1815-32. Paris, 1832. 4° . . *5872.1.20 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 77 Nation, The. General index. Vol. 1-30. July, 1865- Sept., 1880. [By William M. Griswold.] Boston, 1880. 8° B. H. Desk.L.31 For continuation see Griswold. Natural history. See Museum. Naturalist's miscellany. General indexes, in Latin and English, to the subjects contained in the twenty -four volumes. By George Shaw and Rich. P. Nodder. London, 1813. 8° . . [Ordered] The library does not contain this work. Neale, Richard. The medical digest. Contributions to medical science during the last 30 years. Loudon, 1877. 8° *5724.58 Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen. Register, 1823-52. ' Weimar, 1836-56. 3 v. 16° *2S59.1-3 New England historical and genealogical register. Gen- eral index to vol. 1-15. 1847-61. Boston, 1856, 61. 2v. 8° Vol.10, 15 of *2335.1 New Englander, The. Index. Vol. 1-19. 1843-61. New Haven, 1S62. 8<> *C.R.19.2.10 New York, State. Colony and province. Documents relative to the colonial history. General index. [Vol. 1-10.] Albany, 1861. L. 4° *2390.2 — Legislative documents. General index to the docu- ments from 1777-1865. Prepared by Ornon Archer, Albany, 1866. 8° *6462.5 An index to Senate bills from 1862-71. Compiled and arranged under the supervision of 0. W. Arm- strong. Albany, 1871. 8' *6462.6 New York daily tribune. Index for 1875-81. N. Y., 1876-82. 7 v. in 1. 16° *5349a.l New York medical journal. General index. 1865 to June, 1876. By James B. Hunter. N. Y., 1877. 8° *7775.10 New Zealand institute. Transactions and proceedings. Lidex. Vol. 1-8. Wellington, 1877. 8° *3360.10 Niles' weekly register. General index. Vol. 1-12. 1811-17. Baltimore, 1818. 8» *3141.1 Nineteenth century. See Griswold. /b INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. North American review. General index. Vol. 1-25, 1815-27. Boston, 1S29. 8° . C.*R.19.3.1 — Index. Vol. 1-125. 1815-77. By William Cashing. Cambridge, 1878. 8°. *C.R.19.2.16; B.H.Desk.L.6; *3153.9 — Supplementary index to vol. 126-131. 1878-80. [By W. Cushing.] B.H.Desk.L.7 — General index to volumes 92-134. 1861-82. ByW.M. Griswold. Bangor, 1SS2. [Q. P. Indexes. 10.] 8°. B.H.Desk. L.7a North of England institute of miniug and mechanical engineers. General index to the transactions . [Ordered] The library does not contain these transactions. Notes and queries. General index to series 1-5. Lon- don, 1S56-SO. 5 v. Sm. 4° *C.R.19.2.9 Numismatic chronicle, The, and Journal of the Numis- matic society. Index. Vol. 1-20; new series, vol. 1-20. 1838-SO. London, 1859-80. 3 v. 8° . *6213.1 Index to vol. 1-20 in. vol. 20; new series, vol. 1-10 in vol. 11 j vol. 11-20 in vol. 20. Numismatics. See Revue. Nuova antologia di scienze, lettere ed arti. Indice ge- nerate dei 30 volumi della prima serie (anni 1866- 1875). Firenze, 1876. 8" *7260a.5 Nuovi annali delle scienze naturali e rendiconto dei lavori dell' Accademia delle scienze dell' istituto e della Societa agraria, di Bologna. Indice. Serie 1-3. 1838-54. Bologna, 1850, 54. 2 v. 8° *387S.l The index to the volumes of series 1 and 2 can be found in the volume for 1850 ; Series 3 in the volume fur 1S54. Obituaries. See Wheatley. Obstetrical society, London. Transactions. Index, vol. 15. (1859-73.) London, 1875. 8° *5775.1.16 Oppkbmann publications. Tables generates des matter es. Paris, 1875. 8° *4026.17 Contents. — Nouvellea annates de la construction, 1855 a 1875; Portefeuille economique des machines, 1856 a 1875; Traite complet des cliemins de fer 6conomiques. Oriental literature, etc. See Deutsche morgenl'andische Gesellschaft ; — Societe asiatique. Ornithology. See Ibis ; — Journal. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 79 Patents. See Dingier; — France; — Great Britain; — Repertory of arts; — Schubarth; — United States. Also the division Patents in this Hand-hook. Pathological society, London. General index to Trans- actions for vol. 1-25, 1817-74. London, 1864, 75. 2 v. S' 1 *7786.2 Paxton's magazine of hotany. Index. 1834-49. Lou- don [Ordered] The library does not contain this magazine. Petermann's Geographischc Mittheilungen. Classified index to the maps. 1855-81. By R. Bliss, jr. (In Harvard university. Library bulletin. No. 22, et seq.) *6194.7 — Inhaltsyerzeichniss. 1865-74. Gotha, 1S77. 4° . *6271. So- Pharmaceutical journal, The. Index to vol. 1-18, old ser.; vol. 1-9, 2d ser. 1841-68. London, 1857, 69. .2v.ini. 8° *5717.3 Also index for 1868-78 [ordered]. Pharmacy. See American journal; — American phar- maceutical assoc; — Annalen. Philipp, D. Alphabetiscb.es Sachregister der wichtig- sten technischen Journale, 1864-69. Berlin, 1864-70. 12 nos. in 1 v. 8° *S03S.8 Philosophical magazine. General index. Vol. 1-11. » 1827-32. Loudon, 1835. 8° [Ordered] Afterwards known as " London and Edinburgh philo- sophical magazine and journal of science." See under this title. Physics. See Annalen ; — Archiv ; — Jahresbericht. Physiology. See Archiv; — Journal. Pierrot, Ch. Causeries du landi. Portraits de femmea et Portraits litteraires par C. A. Sainte-Beuve. Table generate et analytique. Paris. [1881.] 12°.*2670.51 Political economy, etc. See Annuaire; — Journal des economistes. Poole, William F. An alphabetical index to subjects, treated in the reviews and other periodicals, to which no indexes have been published. N. Y., 1848. 8" No. 2ia*Pph.v. 166; *5162.52 — An index to periodical literature. 1ST. Y., ]853. S n . *3180.6; *3182.2 80 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Poole, William F., continued. — An index to periodical literature. By William F. Poole. 3d edition, brought down to 1882 with the assistance as associate editor of William I. Fletcher, and the co-operation of the American library association and the Library association of the United Kingdom. Boston, 1882. L. 8° . . *3180a.7 Copies also at the desks of the Central Library and at the Branches. Popular science monthly. Index, 1872 to 1882. N. Y., 1883. 8° *5912.55 Practischer Maschinen-Constructeur. General -Register. 1868-1880. Leipzig, 18S1. 8° *6960a.50 Practitioner, The : a journal of therapeutics and pub- lic health. Ed. by T. Lauder Brunton. General index to vol. 1-12. Loudon. [1876.] Sm. 8° . . *7796.52 Preussische Jahrbticher. Register. B. 1-50. Berlin, 1872. 2 v. in 1. 8° *5363.60 Princeton review. See Biblical repertory. Professional papers on Indian engineering. Index to the 1st series, vol. 1-7; 2d series, vol. 1-5. By J. G. Medley [etc.]. Roorkee, 1871, 77. 8° . . . . *8038.55 Quarterly journal of pure and applied mathematics. Index, vol. 1-15. [Camb., Eng.] n. d. 8 . . . . **5097.60 Quarterly journal of science. Index to the first twenty volumes. London, 1826. 8° [Ordered] Quarterly review. General index. Vol. 1-140. Lon- don, 1820-76. 7 v. 8» *C.R.19.3.4 Railroads. See Repertorium. Raithby, John. Index to the statutes at large, from Magna Charta to the 49th year of George III. London, 1814. 3 v. 8° *7051.2 Repertorium der Journal-Literatur der Eisenbahn-Tech- nik. Herausg. von Franz Woas. 1. Die Jahre 1880 und 1881. Berlin, 1882. 16° *S039.23 Repertory of arts and manufactures. Analytical index to the 16 volumes of the 1st series. Accompanied by alphabetical lists of the authors and patentees whose memoirs and patents are inserted therein ; and of all patents granted for inventions from 1795-1802. Added a general index to the first 8 volumes of the 2d series. London, 1806. 8° . . *5919.2 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 81 Repertory of arts and manufactures, continued. — General index to the Repertory of patent inventions, and other discoveries and improvements in arts, manufactures, and agriculture. 1815-45. Also, 1846-50 [ordered]. London, 1846. 8° *5919.1 Revue areheologique. Paris, 1844-80. 8°. Table generale alphabetique. Vol. 1-10, 1844-49, in vol. 20 of 2217.51 ; vol. 11-16, 1849-^52, in vol. 32 of 2217.51. — Same. Table decennale. Nouvelle serie 1860- 1869. Dressee par F. Delaunay, suivie de l'index des gravures. Paris, 1874. 8° *2237.60 Revue Britannique. Revue internationale. Table ge- nerate, 1825-80. Par J. Drapier. Paris, 1881. 8°. *5389a.60 Revue canadierme, La. Table analytique. (In La Revue canadienne. T. 17. Montreal, 1881. 8°.) .... *7396.1 Revue de la numismatique beige. Table alphabetique. (1842-56.) Bruxelles, 1858. 8° 6223.2 Revue de Tart Chretien, recueil trimestriel dirige par M. le chanoine J. Corblet. Table methcdiquc. 1857- 18S1. Arras, 1882. 8° • *8094.50 Revue des deux mondes. Table generale. 1831-74. Paris, 1875. 8^ *C.R.19.2.5; B.H.Desk Revue historique. Table generale des cinq premieres annees. (1876-80.) Paris, 1881. 8° *6211.60 Revue militaire francaise. Table des matieres. [T. 1-13.] 1861-70. Paris, n. d. 8° *7954.4 Revue politique et litteraire et Revue ecientifique. Tables des matieres (1864-80). Paris, n. d. 4° *5291.50 In the 1869-71 volume, pp. 824-828 of the " Revue des cours litteraires," now called "Rtvue politique et litteraire," is found a "Table generale des matieres contenues dans la collection des sept premieres annees. (1864-71.)" [*5291.1.] Revue retrospective. Paris, 1833-38. 20 v. 8°. Table des matieres. Ire, 2e serie, 1833-37, in vol. J2, 2e ser. of *5409.50; 3e ser., 1838, in vol. 3, 3e ser. of *5409.50. Revue scientifique. In the 1870 volume, pp. 823-828, of the " Revue des cours scientifiques," now called " Revue scientifique," is found a " Table generale des matieres contenues dans la premiere serie. (1864-71.)" [*5292.1.] See Revue politique. 82 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Revue nniverselle des mines, de la metallurgie, des tra- vaux publics, des sciences el des arts appliques a l'industrie. Table generate des matieres de la Ire serie. T. 1-40. (1857-1876.) Paris, 1878. S° . *5S70a.55 Royal agricultural society of England, London. Jour- nal. General index to 1st series, vol. 1-25, 1840- 63; 2d series, vol. 1-10, 1861-74. London, 18G5, 75. 2 V. 8° *3996.60 Royal astronomical society, London. Monthly notices. General index to the first 29 vols. 1827-69. Lon- don, 1870. 8« *3351.4 — Memoirs. General index to vol. 1-38. 1827-70. Lon- don, 1871. 8" **E.14S.2 Royal geographical society, London. Journal. General index. Vol. 1-40, 1831-70. London, 1S44-S1. 4 v.8° . *6265.1 Royal Irish academy, Dublin. Index to the Transactions from 17S6-1813. [Vol. 1-11.] London, 1813. 4°. . *3290.7 Royal medical and chirurgical society, London. Gen- eral index to the first 33 volumes of the medico- chirurgical transactions. 1802-50. London, 1851. 80 *5745.1.1 — General index to the first 53 vols. 1809-70. London, 1871. 80 *5745.1.2 Royal society, London. Catalogue of scientific papers. Vol. 1-8. 1800-73. London, 1867-79. 8 v. 40. [Arranged by authors' names.] *C.R. 0.2.1 — Philosophical transactions. General index to vol. 1-120. [1665-1830.] London, 1787-1833. 3 v. in 2. 4° . *3260.15 Royal united service institution. Index of the lectures and papers contained in vol. 1-20 of the Journal, and also the names of their authors. London, 1863, 78. 2 v. So [Ordered] The libra: y does not contain this publication. Baint-Allais, Nicolas V. de, and La Chabeaussiere, — de. Xobiliaire universel de France ou recueil general des genealogies historiques des maisons nobles de ce royaume. Table generale des genealogies con- tenues dans les vingt volumes. Paris, 1875. S°. 2636.50.20 Schloezer, A. L. von. Stats-Anzeigen. Register. Heft 1-72. 1782-93. Gottingen, 1785-95. 3 v. in 1. 8° *5179.2; 4328.2 The copy on 4328.2 is bound in three separate volumes. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. OQ> Schotte, F. Repertorium der tecbnischcn,mathematischen und naturwissenscbaftliehen Journal-Literatur. lter,2terjahrgang. Leipzig, I860, 70, 2 v. 8° . Patent Room Schubarth, E. L. Repertorium. Subject-matter index to the published inventions of all nations. 1823-53. Loudon, 1S56. S 3 Xo. 1 in 3981.1 — Repertorium der technischen Literatur. 1823-53. Ber- lin, 1856. 8° Xo. 2 in 3981.1 Both are kept in the Patent Room. Science. See Academic imperiale des sciences ; — Acade- mic royale des sciences ; — Academy of natural sci- ences ; — American journal ; — Annales des sciences naturelles; — Antologia; — Bibliotheque univer- sale ; — British association ; — Figuier ; — Hard- wicke ; — Institut de France ; — Jahresbericht ; — Journal des savants; — London and Edinburgh philosophical magazine; — London journal; — ' Naturalist's miscellany; — Xuova antologia; — Philosophical magazine; — Popular science monthly ; — Quarterly journal ; — Royal society ; and the names of Academies. Science index, The, a monthly guide to the contents of the scientific periodicals. Vol. 1. Xo. 1. Janu- ary, 1879. Manchester, 1879. 4° *3912.51 Scotland. Parliament. General index to the acts. Edinb., 1875. F^ *7080.1.12 Scribner's monthly. Index. Vol. 1-20. Nov., 1870- Oct., 1880. X. Y„ 1876, 81. 2 v. 8<>. *7392.4; *C.R.19.2.12; B.H. Desk. L.5 — General index. [Vol. 1-22. 1870-81.] [Compiled by W. M. Griswold.] Bangor, 1881. 8<> *7392.5 For continuation see Griswold (The Century). Shakespeare. See Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft. Smithsonian institution. Alphabetical index of articles in the Smithsonian Contributions to knowledge, vol. 1-23, 184rS-Sl; Smithsonian Miscellaneous col- lections, vol. 1-23, 1862-82; Smithsonian Annual reports, vol. 1-35, 1846-80; Bulletins of the U. S. National museum, Xos. 1-22 (except 16 and 20), 1S75-S1; Proceedings of the U. S. Xational mu- seum; vol. 1-4, 1878-81; First annual report of the bureau of ethnology of the Smithsonian institu- tion, vol. 1, 1879-S0. Washington, 1882. 8° . . . *792S.69 84 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. SociEtE asiatique, Paris. Journal. Paris, 1822-80. 116 v. 8°. Table des matieres. 2e et 3e eerie, 1828-42, *3237. 1.14; 4e etSe serie, 1843-02, *3337.1.20; 6e serie, 1863-72, *3347.50.20; 7e serie, 1873-82, *3347.-50.20. There is no general index for the first series. Societe de geographic, Paris. Bulletin. Table alpha- betique et raisonnee des matieres contenues dans les deux premieres series 1822—13 (40 vols.), r^digee par Eugene de Froberville. [Also, Table des ma- tieres dans les troisieme et quatrieme series, 1844- 61 (34 vols.), redigee par M. V. A. Barbie du Bocage.] Paris, 1845, 66. 2 v. in 1. 8° . . . . *2279.5 SocietE d'encouragenient pour l'industrie nationale, Paris. Bulletin. Table generale des matieres. Vol. 1-72. Table methodique des planches. 1802- 73 [v. 4, 5, Btiivie de la table generate des planches]. Paris, 1838-74. 5 v. 4° *3380.1 Society of antiquaries, London. An index to vol. 1-30 of Archoeologia; or, miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity. London, 1S09, 44. 2 v. 4 G *3311.2 Society of arts, London. Journal. Index to vol. 1-20. London, 1863, 73. 2* v. in 1. 8'> *7212.5 — An analytical index to vol. 1-50 of the Transactions. London, 1807-36. 3 v. 8 rt [Ordered] The library does not contain these transactions. Spain. See Biblioteca; — Hidalgo. Statistical, society, London. Journal. General index to vol. 1-35. 1S34-72. London, 1854-74. 3 v. in 2. 8° 2288.1 Statistics. See Annuaire. Subgery. See Medicine. Sussex archaeological society. Collections, relating to the history and antiquities of the county. General index to vol. 1-25. By Henry Campkin. Sussex, 1874. 8° *2504.60 The library does not contain this work. Technologists, Le. Tables alphabetique et analytique. T. 1-20. 1839-59. Paris, 1S67. 8° ...... . *8022.50 Technology, etc. See Dingier ; — Figuier ; — Genie ; — Kerl ; — Muehlhausen ; — Oppermann ; — Philipp ; — Revue; — Schotte; — Schubarth; — Society of arts. INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. 85 Tetot, — . Repertoire des traites de paix d'alliance, de commerce, etc. Table generale. Paris, 1866, [67]. 2 v. 8° 5610a.21 Theology. See Biblical repertory ; — Bibliotheca sacra ; — Christian examiner; —Congregational quarterly ; — New Englander. Times, The. Index to the Times newspaper. 1860-82. London, 1864-82. 8° *5357.50 United States. General index to the laws from 1789- 1827. Wash., 1828. 8<> *C.159.8 — Consolidated index of the executive documents of the House of representatives, from the 26-40th congress. Washington, 1870. 8° *C.251.1 — Consolidated index of the reports of the committees of the House of representatives, from the 26-40th con- gress. Washington, 1869. 8° *C.251.2 — Index to the documents of the House of representatives. 18th-21st congress. Washington, 1832. 8° . . . *C.159.10 — Index to the executive documents and reports of com- mittees of the House of representatives. 1831-39. Washington, u. d. 8^ *C.159.11 — Journals of Congress. General index from the 1st to the 10th congress. By Albert Ordway. Washing- ton, 1S80. 8° *C.130.10 See the note introductory to this List and the Congres- sional record. — Coast survey. General index of papers contained in reports 1851-70. [Wash., 1871.] i° . . No. 10a in *4460a.53 — Dept. of agriculture. General index of the agricult- ural reports of the Patent office, 1837-61, and of the Dept. of agr., 1862-76. Wash., 1879. 8« . . . *5990a.40 — Patent office. General index of the " Official ga- zette " and monthly volumes of patents. 1872-81. Washington, 1873-81. 10 v. 8° Patent Room — Subject-matter index of patents for inventions. 1790- 1873. Washington, 1874. 3 v. 8° Patent Room Unsere Zeit. Geueralregister. Leip., 1864-79. 4 v. 8° . 7322.2 B. 1-8, 1857-64 in B., 8; Jahrg. 1-5, Xeue Folge, 1SG5-C9, in Jahrg. 5, Hiilfte 2; Jahrg. 6-10, Neue Folge, 1870-74, in Jahrg. 10, Halfte2; Jahrg. 11-15, Neue Folge, 1875-79, in Jahrg. 15, llaiftc 2. See also Griswold. 86 INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, ETC. Walther, I'h. A. F. ^ystematisches Repertorium iiber die Schriften sammtlicher historicher Gesellschaf- ten Deutschlands. Darmstadt, 1845. S° 2151.12 Westermann, George. Illastrirte deutsche Mouats-Hefte fiir das gesammte geistige Leben der Gegenwart. General-Register zum 1-24 B. Braunschweig, 1869. 8° *53S5.50 A new and complete index to this work, recently published, has been ordered. Westminster review. General index. Vol. 1-33. 1324- 40. London, 1842. 8° *3156.1.37 Wheatley, Henry B. Index of obituary notices for 1880. [Index society publications, 1SS2.] S 9 *2505.60 Obituary notices for the years 1S7S raid 1S70 may be found in the appendixes to the 1st and 2d annual reports of the In- dex SOI Woman, 1 - . rchiv fiir Gynaekologie. Yorkshire. &c. A:i ind< s:to the first eight volumes of reports and papers read at the meetings of the ihitectural societies of Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Northampton, Bedfordshire, Worcestershire, and Leicestershire during the years 1S50-66. Lincoln, n. d. 8' [Ordered] Zeitschrift fiir analytiscbe Chemie. Autoren- und Sach- Register zu den Biinden 1-20. (1802-81.) Bear- Ltet von W. Casselmann [etc.]. Wiesbaden, 1872, SI. 2v. S^ Vol. 10, 20 of *3970a.50 Zeitschrift fiir deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur unter Mitwirkung von Karl MiillenhofF und Wilhelm Scherer. Herausg. von E. Steinmeyer. Register. B. 1-26. Berlin, 1847-82. 4 v. 8°. .-".. inyol. 6,*4S35.51; vo!. 7-12, in vol. 12, *4-.;5.Jl; vol. 13-13, in . , in vol. S of Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie unter Mitwir- kung von E. Baumann [etc.], herausg. von F. BA Sach- und Xameu-Register zu B. 1-1. S assburg, 1881. S° *5976.60 Zoological society, London. Proceedings. Index, 1S4S— London, -82 3 v. S° *5337.20 Contents. — 1. 184 L-70. 3. 187 — Transactions. General index. Vol. 1-10. (1335-79.) London, 1881. 4° *5S20.50 PERIODICALS IN POOLE'S INDEX. 87 LIST OF PERIODICALS INDEXED IN TOOLE'S INDEX TO PERIODICAL LITERATURE, TO BE FOUND IN THE BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY, WITH THEIR SHELF-NUMBERS. All the year round • *7312.1 American almanac *4389.25 American annual register *2326.1 American architect *6990.1 American bibliopolist ' *6150.16 American catholic quarterly *7510a.l American church monthly *7442.1 American church review *5112.1 American historical record *4313.51 American institute of instruction *3593.1 American journal of education *5593.1 American journal of science and arts *5164.1 American Jaw review *5G64.1 American literary magazine *7-106.3 American monthly review *31 80.4 American naturalist *7814.1 American quarterly observer *7501.2 American quarterly register *;Y175.6 American quarterly review *3174.1 American review of history and politics. [Walsh's] . . *3170.3 American whig review *52'15.1 Analectic magazine *5178.3 Anthropological institute, Journal *623").50 Anthropological review *6236.1 Antiquary *6237.17 Appleton's journal *5401.1 Arcbaeologia *3311.1 Argosy ■ *535S.l Art Journal • *5160.1 Atlantic monthly *5314.1 Banker's magazine (London) *5345.1 Banker's magazine (New York) *5346.1 Baptist quarterly "7522.5 Belgravia *7338.1 Bentley's miscellany *5288.1 88 PERIODICALS IN POOLE'S INDEX. Bentley'e quarterly review *5319.1 Biblical review *7424.2 Bibliotheca sacra *5310.2 Blackwood's magazine *3140.1 Boston monthly magazine *5146.2 Boston quarterly review *6016.56 Boston review *7514.1 British quarterly review *3174.50 Broadway *7262.2 Brownson's quarterly review *5217.1 Canadian monthly *5316.50 Carey's American museum *3203.4 Catholic world *7472.1 Chambers's Edinburgh journal *5313.1 Christian disciple *7460c.8 Christian examiner ^3140. 3 Christian monthly spectator. See Christian spectator. Christian observer *3147.1 Christian quarterly *7463.2 Christian quarterly spectator. See Christian spectator. Christian remembrancer *7464.1 Christian review *3468.1 Christian spectator *5162.1 Colburn's new monthly magazine *5317.1 Congregational quarterly *7516.2 Congregational review *7514.1 Contemporary review *7321.3 Continental monthly *7317.1 Cornhill magazine *7313.1 Danville quarterly review *52I3.4 Dark Blue *7317.50 De Bow's commercial review *5161.2 Democratic review *3154.2 Dial *5235.4 Dublin review -31SG.1 Dublin university magazine *31S8.1 Eclectic magazine *5216.1 Eclectic museum *7240a.5 Eclectic review *7215.1 Edinburgh new philosophical journal *7916.1 Edinburgh review *3162.c0 PERIODICALS IN POOLE'S INDEX. 89 Education *7590.55 Englishwoman's domestic magazine *5380a.l Every Saturday *7321.2 Fine arts quarterly review *S072.1 Foreign quarterly review *5118.1 Foreign review *3192.1 Fortnightly review *5362.1 Franklin institute. Journal *4027.50 Eraser's magazine *3187.1 Galaxy *7365.2 General repository *3184.2 Gentleman's magazine *7266.1 Geographical magazine *2260a.50 Godey's lady's book and magazine 1893.1 Good words 831.1 Harper's magazine *5210a.l2 Historical magazine (Dawson's) *4315.1 Hogg's instructor *5365.1 Home and foreign review *5334.4 Hours at home *7376.2 Household words *7316.1 • Howitt's journal *4570a.6 Intellectual observer *o817.1 International magazine *5240a.3 International review *5321.2 Irish quarterly review *5237.1 Journal of sacred literature (Kitto's) *7415.50 Journal of social science *5572.67 Journal of speculative philosophy *7521.1 Knickerbocker magazine *515-1.1 Lakeside monthly *5400a.l Library journal *G171.f> Lippincott's magazine *7345.1 Literary and theological review *7501.4 Littell's living age *3161.2 Littell's museum of foreign literature *5143.1 London magazine *3164.2 London society 1814.1 Macmillan's magazine *7314.1 Magazine of American history *4414.50 Massachusetts quarterly review *3203.2 90 PERIODICALS IN POOLE'S INDEX. Mathematical monthly *5913.1 Merchants' magazine (Hunt's) *3194.1 Methodist magazine *74l5.1 Methodist quarterly review *7416.1 Mind *7605.50 Modern review «. , ^363.5 Month *5228 2 Monthly religious magazine *5397.1 Monthly review *3169.1 Nation *7661.1 National magazine *7222.1 National qu irterly review *7374.1 National review *5238.1 Nature *7811.2 Naval magazine *5952.24 NeAV Dominion monthly *5256.50 New England historical and genealogical register . . . . *2335.1 New England magazine *3182.1 New Englander *7444.1 New quarterly review *5116.1 New York review *3206.8 Niles' weekly register *3141.2 Nineteenth century *7-65.5 North American review *3113.2 North British review *5299.1 Norton's literary letter . *6150a.2 Old and new *7326.1 Olden time (Craig) *2321.67 Once a week 1823.1 Overland monthly *5223.1 Pamphleteer *6575.1 Penn monthly *5254.50 Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography . . . . *5335.1 Penny magazine *3201.1 People's journal *5310a.52 Popular science monthly *5916.50 Popular science monthly, Supplement *5915.51 Popular science review *7S15.1 Portfolio *C.C.l Portfolio (Dennis's) *3200.20 Potter's American monthly *4313.51 PERIODICALS IN POOLE'S INDEX. 91 Practical magazine *80205.1 Presbyterian quarterly review *5412.1 Princeton review *5412.1 Prospective review *X.418.2 Putnam's monthly magazine *5285.1 Quarterly rAaew *3114.1 Radical *7302.2 Radical review *7302.8 Reliquary *6246.3 Republic *5353.1 Retrospective review *31S4.3 St. James's magazine 811.1 St. Paul's magazine • *5214.1 Scribner's monthly *7392.2 Select journal *3149.1 Sharpe's London magazine *3162.1 Southern historical society's papers *5219a.50 Southern quarterly review *5172.2 Southern review *5172.1 Southern review, new series *5392.52 Sparks's Library of American biography *4447.1 Spirit of the pilgrims *5157.3 Statistical society. Journal *2288.1 Student and intellectual observer *7342.2 Tail's Edinburgh magazine *5312.1 Temple bar *7315.1 Theological review *7443.1 Tinsley's magazine *724G.l Unitarian review *7501.50 United States catholic magazine * . . . *7512.50 United States literary gazette *3183.2 United States service magazine *7955.1 Universalist quarterly review *72SS.l University quarterly *736.3.1 Van Xostrand's eclectic engineering magazine *5945.50 Victoria magazine *7363.1 Western *5297.5 Western monthly review *5296.1 Westminster review *3 146.1 Worcester magazine *4358.7 Zoist *376S.l ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. A Selection from the Encyclopaedias in the Library. The following 1 list embraces a selection from the encyclopaedias in the Boston Public Library. Few but those of a general character and a recent date are given. It is to be remembered, however, that many encyclopaedias published earlier contain much useful information, which is not obsolete. The titles of other encyclopaedias may be found in the Card Catalogue, under the words Encyclo- paedias, and under the names of the various sciences, division Dictionaries. Appleton's American eyclopredia. New edition. Bates Hall Desk, Lower Hall Desk and at the Branch Libraries — Same. Old edition Catalogue Room The new edition of this work is illustrated, and is in sixteen volumes, sup- plemented, as w«s the case with the old edition, by an Annual cyclopaedia, which is a chronicle of events from year to year. There are index volumes The old edition contains matter omitted from the new, and can be consulted with advantage. The American cyclopaedia ; condensed. Edited by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana. 1377. Illus. 4 v *A. 164.2 Brande and Cox. Dictionary of science, literature and art. New edition. 1875. 3 v. . 8037.9 Brockhaus' Conversations-Lexikon Catalogue Room The thirteenth edition of this well-known work is in course of publication. An account of the earlier editions, beginning with the year 1796, with much information in regard to the encyclopaedias of all countries, can be found in the book entitled ''F. A. Brockhaus in Leipzig," which is an account of the ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. 93 publications of this firm. [Catalogue Room, 7.3.4.] This edition is illus- trated. The eleventh edition is in the Catalogue Room, and at the Lower Hall Desk, and earlier editions are in the Library. Many encyclopaedias have been based upon, or have imitated, the Conversations-Lexikon. Chambers's encyclopedia. 11 v. New edition. Bates Hall Desk; Lower Hall Desk Of this there re the "original Edinburgh edition and tlie American reprint. Illustrated. This encyclopaedia has enjoyed great popularity. Encyclopaedia Britannica. New edition. Bates Hall Desk, and at several of the Branches The ninth edition, begun in 1875, is still in course of publication. It is of the highest authority, and its articles, by eminent writers, are so extended as to be almost treatises. The earlier editions are in the Library. The Encyclopaedic dictionary (Hunter's) *46O0a.50 In course of publication (vol. 1-4, A-Des). Illustrated. With definitions of words and, in brief form, such matter as is found in encyclopaedias. There are other English dictionaries which combine the features of an encyclopaedia with that of a dictionary, as, for example, "The imperial dic- tionary of the English language, by John Ogilvie" (New ed., 1882, *16u0.o0). The English cyclopedia (Charles Knight's). In four divi- sions : Arts and sciences. — Biography. — Geography. — Natural History. Illus *A. 184. 1-1 Ersch and Gruber's Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissen- echaften und KUnste *A.179.1 ; *B. 151.1 Published in three sections. Begun in 1818, and still in progress of publica- tion, it has reached more than 150 quarto volumes, completing the work from the letter A partly through K, and from O partly through P. A minute, thorough, and learned work. The Globe encyclopaedia. Edited by John M. Ross. Edin- burgh, 1879. Illustrated Bates Hali Desk Ausefid work, condensed into six volumes. Iconogra])hic encyclopaedia of science, literature and art (Heck's). Translated, and edited by S. F. Baird. 1851. Text, 4 v. ; Plates, 2 v *A.164.1 Illustrirtes Konversations-Lexikon (O. Spamer's). 1870-1882. 10 v. With illustrations and maps. In German. Bates Hall Desk, 1. 3 Johnson's New universal encyclopaedia. 4v. . BatesHallDcsk Lower Hall Desk and at several of the Branch Libraries Many of the articles are models of condensed statement. They are signed by the authors, who are writers of acknowledged authority. For American subjects it should be used in connection with Appleton's American cyclo- paedia. 94 ENCYCLOPAEDIAS. Larousse's Grand dictionnaire universe! da xix e siecle. Catalogue Room, 7.3.1 In sixteen volumes, each numbering some 1,400 page?, with four columns to a page. A treasure-house of information, of exceeding value, especially upon French subjects. Lichtenberger, P. Encyclopedic des sciences religieuses. 1877-82. 13 v *3534.55 Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. 3te Aufl. . . Bates Hall Desk , — Same. Elates *A.144.1 In German. Sixteen volumes, supplemented by a yearly volume. The plates are in five volumes. Moroni, G. Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica. 1840-61. 103 v *3541.1 Oekonomische technologische Encyclop'adie. Aus dera fran- zosischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zus'atzen vermebrt von J. G. Krunitz. 1773-1858. 242 v *6719.1 General as well as technical. Pierer's Universal-Lexikon der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 5te Auflage. 1807-72. 19 v Catalogue Room, 7.0.15 Schem, A. J. Deutsch-amerikanisches Conversations-Lexicon. 1869-74. 11 v *A. 116.2 Zedler, J. H. Grosses vollsfandiges Universal-Lexicon aller Wissenscnafften und Kiinste. 1732-1750. 64 v *A. 153.1 Zell's Popular encyclopaedia. Edited by L. Colange. Illus- trated. 1S75, 76. 2 v *A. 182.2 A dictionary as well as a concise encyclopaedia. PATENTS. The Patent Specifications and Drawings, and the decisions of the Commissioner of Patents and of the United States courts of the United States; the Patent Documents of Great Britain (from 16 17 to 1882 inclusive, with the acconrpanying indexes, etc., completed) ; of France (from 1791 to 18G7, 1871 to 1877, with indexes) ; of Germany to date, Canada, and Victoria, are kept in the Patent room, adjacent to the Bates Hall, under the charge of a Curator, and can be examined on application at the desk. [See Article 7.] The American volumes are received monthly, about six months behind date. The Official Gazette is received weekly. The Journal of the Franklin Institute is in the Patent room, and may be consulted for American patents previous to the official records. Whatever matter relating to patents the Con- gressional documents contain, can be most readily found by consulting the 3is. index to these docu- ments in Bates Hall. The British volumes are received once a year, and make now about 50 volumes each year. Since 187G the plates are reproduced in a smaller size than heretofore, and bound with the specifications, 100 of each, with an index, forming a volume. 96 PATENTS. The Commissioners of Patents' Journal forms two volumes a year. An abridgment of the patents, arranged by subjects, brought down to 1866 (many having been brought down to 1876) , makes a series of 120 small volumes on 99 sub- jects. This is continued in an Annual "Descrip- tive index, 1 ' which ends at the close of 1875. Patents for Firearms have a separate series, com- ing down to 1853. ISTo abridgments of current patents have been published since 1875. The Subject-matter index down to 1852 fills two vol- umes, and is continued by an annual volume to 1870. From 1871 to 1882, inclusive, these annual continuations of the index have been published in a more condensed form yearly. There is also a Reference index, 1617-1852, with Appendix volume, 1853-5; a Chronological index, 1617-1868; and an Alphabetical index of Patentees, 1617-1882. During 1866-7-8, the En- glish Patent Office published an index to foreign scientific periodicals. For recent British patents, "The Engineer" [7961.2], a weekly London journal, which is received regularly in the Period- ical reading-room of the Library, should be con- sulted. It contains a " Patent Journal, condensed from the Journal of the Commissioners of patents," and gives abstracts of specifications. These vol- umes cannot be taken from the building. Matter relative to the British system of patents may be found in the sessional papers of Parliament, by consulting the indexes to them mentioned on page 66 of this hand-book. PATENTS. 97 The British Parliament passed, in 1883, a new- Patent law, to go into operation January 1, 1884. A copy of the law can be seen in the Patent room. The Canada Patent-Office record (monthly) , begun in 1873, is in the Patent room. There are indexes of Victoria (Australia) pat- ents for 1854-73, with abstracts of specifications and plates for 1869-73 ; also alphabetical abstracts for 1854-66, Accidents — Buoys; and of patents relating to metals. The French patents have the specifications and plates bound together. The volumes for 1863-71 are now in course of publication, so that the miss- ing numbers will be in time supplied. The vol- umes of the Technologiste (1839-83), kept in the room, cover these missing years. A Subject-matter index of the French patents, just published by the United States Patent Office (1883) is in the Patent room . The library does not receive the regular official issue of the German patents. For these consult the Patentblatt, a w r eekly journal without specifications, and drawings, and the Illustrirtes Patent-Blatt, issued three times a month, with specifications and drawings. For patents or inventions previous to 1877, consult Dingler's Polytechnisches Journal [5927.1] (from 1820 to date) and the Polytech- nisches Centralblatt [7960.5] (from 1835 to 1875). All these are to be found in the Patent room. The " Bulletin du Musee de Tindustrie " (1857- 83), published at Brussels, and kept in the room, may also be consulted for Belgian patents. 98 PATENTS. The following- list of books does not contain all in the Library of interest to persons using the Patent room. Other books may be found by look- ing' in the Card Catalogue under the names of inventions, of inventors, and of parties to suits about patents. IN GENERAL. Agricultural implements. See Allen. Arguments before committees of the Senate and House, 1877, 78. 5 pphs. Wash *5665.10 Allen, Jas. T. Digest of agricultural implements pat- ented in the U. S., from 1879 to July, 1881. New York. 2 v P. It. — Digest of seeding machines and implements patented in the U. S. from 1800 to June, 187S. Also, Supple- ment, 1879 to July, 1882. 2 v. Washington aud New York P. R. Armengaud, J. E. Metallurgie. [Contains French pat- ents, 1S60-80, relating to iron and steel.] Paris, [1882?] 8019.60 — Publication industrielle des machines [etc.]. T. 1-27. Paris, 1818-81. 27 v. ; atlas, 5 v. .. 4023.1; atlas, 4010.15 Barrault, E. Note sur les brevets d'iuvention en France et a- l'etranger. Paris, 1858 5G69.1 Bartlett, W. A., and Gallatin, D. B. Digest of cartridges for small arms patented in the U. S., En- gland, and France. Wash., 1878 P. R. Blanc, E. Traite de la contrefagon et de ea poursuite en justice, couceruant les oeuvres litterairea, les inven- tions brevetees [etc.] ; avec lois et decrets. 4e ed. Paris, 1855 3657.34 Breech-loading small arms. See Stockbridge. Brown, Coombs, & Co. Instructions to inventors, com- piled in accordance with the law [of] Mar. 2, 1861. [N.Y., 1866.] No. 16 in *5662.8 Canada, Dominion of. List of Canadian patents. See Lovell, John. — Patent-office. Tbe Canadian patent-office record. Vol. 1-6. Ottawa, 1873-78 ' P. R. PATENTS. 99 Cartridges. See Bartlett and Gallatin. Chipman, Hosmer, & Co. Patents and bow to obtain them. Washington, 1870 No. IS in *5662.8 Cooke, C, and others. Electric illumination. With abstracts of specifications having reference to elec- tric lighting; prepared by W. L. Wise. London, 1S82 *3961.59 Core, F. Guide commercial des constructeurs-niecani- ciens des fabricants et des chefs d'industrie. Paris, 1S60 4014.29 Cotton bale-ties. See Sinsabaugh and Tipton. Duncan, S. A. The American system of patents. Cam- bridge, 1870 No. 3 in *5563.27 Electric illumination. See Cooke. Evans, O. Memorial to Congress [on patent terms and the difficulties experienced by inventors, 1813?]. No. 10 in **G.324.3 France. Catalogue des brevets d'invention, 1791-1876. Paris, 1826-1876. 31 v P. R. — Catalogue des brevets d'invention pris 1880-18S1. Paris, 18S1-1882. 2v 3970.10 Gastambide, J. A. Traite des contrefa^ons en tous gen- res. Paris, 1837 3667.33 Goueding, J. Notice to woollen manufacturers [in re- * gard to his patent] . Boston, 1863 . . . . No. 5 in *7651.50 Great Britain. Commissioners of patents. Abridg- ments of specifications P. R. Namely : — Accoutrements. See Firearms. Acids, alkalies, oxides and salts. 1622-1S66 ..... 44 Aerated liquids. See Unfermented beverages. Aeronautics, 1S13-1886 40 Agriculture. Div. 1. Field implements (including methods of tilling and irrigating land). 1618-1866. 83 Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 84 — Div. 2. Barn and farm-yard implements (including the cleansing, drying, and storing of grain). 1636- 1866 89 — Same. Part 2. 1S67-1876 91, 119 — See Steam culture. Air, gas, and other motive-power engines. 1635-1866. 58 100 PATENTS. Great Britain, continued. — Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 101 Alkalies. See Acids. Alloys. See Metals. Ammunition. See Firearms. Anchors. 1796-1866 . 75, 76 Animals. See Farriery. Aqueducts. See Bridges. Artificial leather, floor-cloth, oil-cloth, oil-skin, and other waterproof fabrics. 1627-18C3 87 Artificial limbs and teeth. See Medicine. Artists' instruments and materials. 1618-1866 .... 7 Astronomical instruments. See Optical instruments. Bags. See Trunks. Balloons. See Aeronautics. Barn implements. See Agriculture, Div. 2. Barrels. See Casks. Beverages. See Unferraented beverages. Bleaching, dyeing, and printing calico and other fab- rics, and yarns; including the manufacture of roll- ers, engraving, the preparation of drugs and other processes. 1617-1857 42 — Same. Part 2. 1S58-1866 43 *•— Same. Part 2. 1S58-1S66. 2d ed 85 Boats, raising and lowering. See Masts. Bolts. See Locks, etc. ; Nails, etc. Books, portfolios, card-cases, etc. 1768-1866 .... 40 Boots. See Wearing apparel, Div. 3. Bottles, securing and opening. See Cork. Bottling liquids. See Cork. Boxes. See Trunks. Braiding. See Lace. Bread-making. See Cooking. Brewing, wine-making, and distilling alcoholic liquors. 1634-1865 105 Bricks and tiles. 1619-1860 27 — Same. Part 2. 1861-1866 28 Bridges, viaducts, and aqueducts. 1750-1866 .... 8 Brushing and sweeping. 1699-1866 25 Cables. See Chains. Calico printing. See Bleaching. PATENTS. 101 Great Britain, continued. Canals. See Harbours. Candles. See Oils. Candlesticks. See Lamps. Canes. See Umbrellas. Card-eases. See Books. Carriages and other vehicles for common roads. 1625- 1863 : 102 — for railways. 1S07-1S66 34 Casks and barrels. 1797-1866 81 Chains, chain-cables, etc. 1636-1866 94, 100 — Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 100 Chandeliers. See Lamps. Cheese-making. See Milking. Chenille. See Lace. Chicory. See Tea. Chocolate. See Tea. Churning. See Milking. Clocks. See Watches. Clothing. See Wearing apparel,' Div. Q 3 Coating metals with metals. See piatiilg. ! Cocoa. See Tea. Coffee. See Tea. Colors. See Paints. Confectionery. See Cooking. Cooking, bread-making, and the preparation of confec- tionery. 1634-1866 41 — Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 106 Cork, preparing and cutting of; bottling liquids ; se- curing and opening bottles. 1777-1866 16 Dentistry. See Medicine. Distillation of sea water. See Purifying. Distilling alcoholic liquors. See Brewing. Docks. See Harbours. Door-bolts. See Locks. Door-springs. See Hinges. Drain tiles and pipes. See Drains. Drains and sewers; including the manufactm*e of drain tiles and pipes. 1619-1866 79 Dress-fastenings. See Wearing apparel, Div. 4. 102 PATENTS. Great Britain, continued. Dressing and finishing woven fabrics, and manufactur- ing felted fabrics (including folding, winding, meas- uring and packing). 1620-1366 88,96 — Same. Part 2. 1S67-1S76 . 97 Dyeing. See Bleaching. Earth-closets. See Water-closets. Electric lighting. See Electricity, etc., Div.' 4. Electricity and magnetism and their generation and applications. 1766-1857 65 — Same. Part 2. 1858-1866 67 — Same. Part 2. 1358-1866. 2d ed 68 — Same. Div. 1. Generation of electricity and mag- netism. Part 2. 1867-1876 107 — Same. Div. 2. Conducting and insulating. Part 2. 1867-137G 108 — Stymb.* Div. 8. Transmitting and receiving eig- s D.-tls, el a. ; Part 2. 1867-1876 109 — Same. Div. 4. Floctric lighting, igniting, and j.Katii'g. Parte land 2. 1839-1876 98 — >*> Farriery. Metallic pipes and rubes. 1741 PATENTS. 105 Great Britain, continued. — Same. Part 2. 1S67-1876 113 Metals and alloys (excepting iron and steel). 1623-1S59. 29 Meteorological instruments. See Optical instruments. ing, churning, and cheese-making. 1777-1SGG . . 81,82 Mineral waters. See Uniermented beverages. Mining, quarrying, tunnelling, and %\ ell sinking. 1618-18GG 82 Money-drawers. See Safes. Music and musical instruments. 1G94-1SG1 23 — Same. 1694-1886. 2d ed 22 — Same. Part 2. 1887-1876 114 Nails, rivets, bolts, screws, nuts and washers. 1618- 18GG 17 Nautical Instruments. See Optical instruments. Needles and pins. 1755-1866 21 Netted fabrics. See Lace. Nuts. See Nails. Oil-cloth. See Artificial leather. . animal, vegetable, and mineral ; including lubri- cant-, candles, and soap. 1617-18>J3 12 — Same. 161 2d ed 13 Oilskin. See Artificial leather. Optical, mathematical, and other philosophical instru- ments; including nautical, astronomical, and meteoro- logical instruments. 1636-1866 69 Oxides. See Acids. Paints, colors and varnishes. 1G18-18GG . 26 Paper. Cutting, folding and ornamenting paper; in- cluding the general treatment of paper after its manufacture. 1836 1866 93 — Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 115 Paper, pasteboard, and papier mache. 1665-1857 • • 15 — Same. Part 2. 185S-1*66 16 — Same. Part 2. 1858-1868. 2d cd 7* 1' ; ; i •; '■ '■. See Paper, pasteboard, etc. Parasols. See Umbrellas. Pasteboard. Pj pasteboard, etc. Pavements, paving. See Roads. Peat. See Fuel. Pens. See Writing nts. 106 PATENTS. Great Britain, continued. Philosophical instruments. See Optical instruments. Photography. 1839-1859 2 — Same. Part 2. 1860-1855 5 — Same. Part 2. 1860-1866. 2d ed 6 — Same. Part 3. 1867-1S76 117 Pins. See Needles. Pipes. See Drains, etc.; Metallic pipes. Plaiting. See Lace. Plating or coating metals with metals. 1637-1860. . 3,4 — Same. Part 2. 1861-1865 5 — Same. Part 2. 1861-1866. 2d ed 7,116 Portfolios. See Books. Portmanteaus. See Trunks. Pottery. 1626-1861 3, 4 — Same. Part 2. 1862-1863 8 Preservation of food. 1791-1855 39 — Same. Part 2. 1858-1S66 40 Printing. 1617-1857 11 — Same. Part 2. 1853-1861 12 — Letter press aud similar printing (excluding electro- telegraphic and photographic printing). Part 2. 1867-1876 103 Purifying and filtering water, including the distillation of sea water to produce fresh water 1675-1S66 . . 80 — Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 113 Quarrying. See Mining. Railroad. See Railway. Railway cars. See Carriages, etc., for railways. Railway signals, and communicating apparatus. 1840- 1S66 31 Railways. 1770-1863 32 — Same. 1S03-1866. 2d ed 33 Raising, lowering and weighing. 1617-1865 37 — Same. 1617-1866. 2d ed 33 — Same. Part 2. 1863 40 Refrigerators. See Ice-making machines. Rigging. See Masts. Rivets. See Xails. Roads and ways. 1619-1803 14 Saddlery, harness, stable fittings, etc. 1625-1860 . . 5 PATENTS. 107 Great Britain, continued. Safes, strong rooms, tills, and similar depositories. 1S01-1S63 91 Sails. See Masts. Salts. See Acids. Scales. See Raising, etc. Screws. See Nails. Sea water, Distillation of. See Purifying. Sewers. See Drains. Sewing and embroidery. 1755-1866. 2d ed 20 Shipbuilding, repairing, sheathing, launching, etc. 1618-1860 35 — Same. Part 2. 1861-1886 36 Ships. See Anchors; Marine propulsion; Masts; Shipbuilding; Steering. Shoes. See Wearing apparel, Div. 3. Signals. See Railway signals. Skins, hides, and leather. 1627-1S66 7 Soap. See Oils. Spinning; including the preparation of fibrous ma- terials, and the doubling of yarns. 1661-1862. 2v. 47,48 — Same. Part 2. 1864-1866 49 Stable fittings. See Saddlery. Stationery. See Paper, etc. ; Writing instruments. Steam culture. 1618-1853 30 Steam engines. Part 1 (in 2 v.). 1618-1859 54,55 — Same. Part 2 (in 2 v.). 1860-1866 56,57 Steel. See Iron. Steering and manoeuvring vessels. 1763-1S65 .... 75, 77 Sugar. 1663-1S66 21 Surgery. See Medicine. Sweeping. See Brushing. Tea, coffee, chicory, chocolate, cocoa, etc. (com- prising their manufacture). 1704-1836 86 Tiles. See Bricks, etc. ; Drains. Tills. See Safes. Tobacco, Preparation and use of. 1721-1863 8 Toys, games, and exercises. 1872-1863 25 Trunks, portmanteaus, boxes and bags. 1635-1863 . 87 Tubes. See Metallic pipes. Tunnelling. See Mining. 108 PATENTS. Great Britain, continued. Umbrellas, parasols, and walking-sticks. 17S0-1S66 . CS — Same. Part. 2. 1867-1876 93 Unfermented beverages, aerated liquids, mineral waters, etc. 1774-1866 86 Upholstery. See Furniture. Urin Water-clo Varnishes. See Paints. Ventilation. 1632-1866 6 Vessi Anchors; Marine propulsion; Masts; Shipbuilding; Steering. Veterinary arl 5 arriery; Medicine. Viaducts. See Bridges. Walking-sticks. See Umbrellas, Washers. St e Nails. Washing and wringing machines. 1691-1866. Also, Tart 2. 1867-1866 95, 100 Watches, clocks, and other time-keepers. 1661-1S56 . 39 — Same. Part 2. • 23 Water. See Purifying and filterii Water-closets, earth closets, urinals, etc. 1775-1866 . 60 Water-proof fabrics. See Artificial leather. Water dia-rubber. Wearing apparel. Div. 1. Head coverings, I 1866 70 — Div. -J. Body coverings. 1671-1866 71 — Div. r.. Foot coverings. I 72 — Div. -i. Dress Fastenings and jewelry. 1631-1866. T3 Weaving. 1620-1859 45 — Same. Part 2. 1860-1866 46 Weighing. S e Raising. Well Binking. See Mining. Wine-making. S< e Brev Woven fabrics. Set Dressing and finishing. Wringing-machines. s Washing. Writing instruments and materials. 1035-1S66 . ... 14 — Same. Part 2. 1867-1876 120 Yarns. See Spinning. Great Britain. I itenis. Alphabetical index of patentees and applicants, 1617-1882. Lon- don, 1854 83. 29 v P. R. PATENTS. 109 Great Britain*, Com'rs of patents, continued. Appendix to specification of English patents for reaping machines. [1799-1S53.] London, 1853 ... P. R. Chronological and descriptive index of patents con- taining the abridgments of provisional and com- plete specifications for 1S67-75. London, 1S68-76. 9 v P. R. — - Reference index of patents of inventions. Pointing out the office in which each enrolled specification of a patent may be consulted. 1617-1852. London, 1855 P. R. Also, Appendix, containing abstracts from such of the early patents and signet bills as describe the nature of the invention, and which patents have no enrolled specifications. London, 1855 P. R. Specifications of patents of inventions relating to fire- arms, projectiles, etc. From 15th May, 1718, to 10th Sept., 1852. London, 1854. Text, 3 v. Plates, 2 v P. R. Same. From 1st Oct., 1852, to 31st Dec, 1S53. Pre- fixed Indexes of the names of inventors and [of] sub- ject-matter. [1718-1853.] London, 1854. Plates. . P. R. Specifications (old series) from 1617 to 1S58. List of prices. [London, 1859. With their Abstract of replies, etc.] P. R. Subject-matter index of patents, 1617-1880, 1882. London, 1854-83. 32 v P. R. Titles of patents of inventions chronologically ar- ranged [or, Chronological index of patents]. 1617- 1868. London, 1854-69. 18 v P. R. Gregory, G. W. Sewing-machine attachments. A digest of patents granted in the U. S. Together with English patents on like subjects, and rejected cases. Washington, 1S72 P. R. Howsox, H. "What we owe to patents. Phila., 1S74. Xo. 20 in *5662.8 Howsox, H. and C. Brief treatise on United States patents, for inventors and patentees. Phila., 1876 .3669.55 Hunter, A. Alphabetical list of patented models, etc. [in the United States patent-office]. Wash., 1859 . 6375.18 Irox. See Armeugaud. 110 PATENTS. Jamaica, tetters-patent for inventions, 1800-82. In Sinclair, A. C, and Fyfe, L. R. Haudbook of Jamaica for 1SS2, p. 319 • *4365.63 Jannasch, R. Der Musterschutz und die Gewerbe- politik des deutschen Reicbes. Berlin, 1873 . . *5216.50.2 Jobakd, J. B. A. M. . Organon de la propriete intel- lectuelle. Paris, 1851 5969.5 Keel, B. Repertorium der techniscben Literatur, 1854- 76. Leipzig, 1871-77. 5 v P. R. Klostermann, R. Das geistige Eigentbum an Scbriften, Kunstweiken und Erfindungen, naeb preussischen nnd internationalen Recbte dargestellt. Berlin, 1867, 69. 2 v 5663.3 Lovell, J. LovelTs Canadian dominion directory, 1871. Montreal, 1371 *2381.50 and P. R. R T ote. — Contains a list of all patents for Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, from the establishment of the offices until 1870, pp. 2621-2356. The Canadian commissioner of patents officially states (under date of Nov. 12, 1872) that " Patent specifications are not published. Lists of patents are published from time to time in the ' Canadian Gazette,' and periodically in pamphlet form." The latest issue of the pam- phlet here referred to bears date 1308, and contains a " List of Canadian patents, from the beginning of the Patent-office. (June, 1824) till the first of January, 1869." Macfie, R. A. Copyrigbt and patents for invention. Vol. 2. Patents. Edinb., 18S3 3667.23.2 Mann, C. B. Practical system for tbe sale of patent rigbts. 2d ed. Bait., 1875. 2 v 3667.59 Merwin, H. C. Tbe patentability of inventions. Boston, 1SS3. S n 3663.60 Moniteur des brevets d'invention, taut en France qu'a l'etranger. Paris, 1861-64. 2v *S021.1 Muss, O.D., and Co. Tbe U. S. patent law. Instruc- tions bow to obtain letters-patent : information con- cerning tbe rales and practice of tbe patent-office, etc. N. Y., 1871 5669a.2 New Brunswick. List of patents to 1S70. See Lovell, J. Nova Scotia. List of patents to 1S70. See Lovell, J. Paris. Exposition unir. 187S. Congres international de la propriete industrielle. Paris, 1879 *6025.76 Paving compositions. See Sinsabaugh. PATENTS. Ill Pouillet, E. Traite des marques de fabrlque et de la concurrence deloyale en tous genres. Paris, 1875 . 3667.10 — Traite theorique et pratique des brevets d'invention et de la contrefacon. Paris, 1872 3667.54 Piutchaud, A. English patents granted [1800-45]. Lon- don, 1847. 5 v. in I 4034.18 Note. — The registers for the years 1841-45 are independently paged and indexed. Roofing compositions. See Sinsabaugh. Schaeffle, A. E. F. Die nationalokonomische Theorie der ausschliessenden Absazverhaltnisse insbeson- dere des litterarisch-artistischenUrheberrechtes, des Patent- Muster- und Firmenscbuzes nebst Beitr'a- gen zur Grundrentenlehre. Tiibingen, 1867 .... 3667.65 Sciimoll, I. Traite pratique des brevets d'invention, dessins,modeles, marques de fabriques [etc.], com- prenant la legislation etrangere et les traites inter- nationaux. Paris, 1867 . 5662.10 Schotte, F. Repertorium der technischen, mathema- tischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Journai-Litera- tur. Jabrg. 1-3. Leipzig, 1869-71. 3 v *6174.4 Schubakth, E. L. Repertorium der tecbniscben Litera- tur, 1823-53. Berlin, 1856 P. R. — Subject-matter index to the published inventions of all nations, 1823 to 1853 inclusive. London, 1856 ... P. R. Sewing-machine attachments. See Gregory. Semonds, W. E. Manual of patent law. With an appen- dix upon the sale of patents. Hartford, 1871 . . . 3667.8 — On the sale of patents, with forms of assignment, license, contract, power of attorney to sell rights, etc. Hartford, 1876 3607.57 Sinsabaugh, L. W. Digest of U. S. patents for paving and roofing compositions, to Jan. 1, 1875, and En- glish paving compositions to Jan. 1, 1874. [Also, Supplement No. 1, 2: U. S. patents granted during 1875-79, and English patents for 1S74-78.] Wash- ington, 1875-80 P. R. — and Tipton, T. C. Digest of cotton bale-ties of U. S. patents to 1877 and English patents to 1876. Wash- ington, 1877 P. R. 112 PATENTS. Spence, W. Patentable invention and scientific evidence. London, 1851 3666.26 Steel. See Armexgaud. Stock\bridge, V. D. Digest of patents relating to breech- loading and magazine small-arms (except revolvers) granted in the U. S. from 1836 to 1S73, inclusive. Washington, 1874. Photo-lithographs 5981.7 Telegraph. [S.F. B. Morse and the electric telegraph.] X. Y.,v. d. Pph. V 5963.18 United States. Patent-office. Classification of subject- matter of patents issued. July,lS71. Washington, 1S71, 5985.1 Digest of patents for paving and roofing compositions. See Sinsabaugh, L. W. Digest of patents relating to breech-loading and mag- azine small arms. See Stockerldge, V. D. Information to persons having business to transact at the patent office. Dec, 1851. [Washington, 1851.] No. 2 in *5981.12 — Same. July, 1852. [Yfashington, 1852.] . . . No. 4 in *5662.8 A list of patents granted from April 10, 1790, to December 31, 1836, with reports on the condition of the patent-office inl823, 1830, and 1831. Washing- ton, 1872 *C.201.1 List of patents issued Jan. 4, 1870-Dec. 26, 1871. Washington, 1S70-71. 1 v X 59S1.3 Official gazette. Vol. 1-15. Washington, 1872-79. P. R. Report of the commissioner, 1843-1871. Washing- ton, 1843-72. 61 v P.R. Rules and directions for proceedings in the patent- ofiice. [Dec. 1855. Washington, 1855.] . . No. 8 in*5662.S Rules and regulations for proceedings in the patent- office. July, 1870. [Washington, 1870.] P.R. Rules of practice in the United States patent-office. Aug., 1871; Aug., 1877; Aug., 1878; Sept., 18S0. [Washington, 1871-80.] 4 pphs P. R. Specifications and drawings of patents. Certified copies. May 30, 1871-Aug., 1882. Washington, 1872-S2. ISO v P. R. [Specifications and drawings of patents for cutting cloth, rags, etc. May 30, 1854, to April 1, 1879.] Washington, 1854-79 P.R. PATENTS. 113 Uxited States. Patent-office, continued. Subject-matter index of patents for inventions issued by the United States patent-office, 179')-1S74. Corn- piled and published under the direction of M. T>. Leggett. Vol. I-III. Washington, 1874 P. R. Contents.— Vol. 1. jA-G. II. H-P. III. Q-Z : Reissues; Designs ; Extensions ; Disclaimers ; Trade-marks. Trade-mark statutes and rules of practice in trade- mark cases. Washington, 1378 P. R. Victorta. Abstracts of specifications of patents from 1854 to 1886. Ac-Bu. Illus. Melbourne, 1870 . . P. R. — Abstracts of specifications of patents from 1854 to 1866 [relating to] metals. Part 1. Illus. Melbourne, 1872 P. R. — Patents and patentees. Indexes from 1854 to 1873. Chronological and descriptive index [abstracts and plates] from 1869 to 1873. Melbourne, 186S-75. 8 v. in 3 P. R. Webster, T. The subject-matter of letters-patent for inventions, and registration of designs, with the statutes and cases relating to the copyright of de- signs and the provisional protection of inventions, etc. 3d edition. London, 1851 3666.6 Wise, W. LI. Notes for the guidance of inventors. Re- printed from "Engineering." Loudon, 1875. . . P. R. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Great Britaijst. Com' rs of patents. Catalogue of the library of the great seal patent-office. London, 1857, 8. 2 v *2170.20 Catalogue of the library of the pntent-office. Vol. 1. London, 1SS1 P. R. Index to the foreign scientific periodicals in the pat- ent-office library. London, 1867-69. 3v.ini . P. R. Howson, PL, and Son. Catalogue of [their] library. Philadelphia, 1877 *2209.3 Uxited States. Patent office. Catalogue of [its] library. Washington, 1878. Also, Supplementary catalogue.*6200.22 114 PATENTS. LAW. Agnew, W. F. The law and practice relating to letters- patent for inventions; with notices of the patent laws in force in the principal foreign states and in the colonies. With an appendix containing the statutes, rules, etc. London, 1874 36G5.61 Banning, H. A., and Akden, II. Reports of patent cases decided in the circuit courts of the U. S. since Jan., 1874. Vol. 1. N. Y., 1881 *3663.56 Barrue, S. V. Legislation et dictionnaires des'patentes. Aurillae, 1853. 2 v. in 1 . . 5665.1 Beardslee, G. W. Objections to Senate bill 51 entitled, " Further remedies to patentees." [Albany, 1852.] No. 3 in *5662.8 Bl£try ereres. Manuel de l'inventeur contenant la loi francaise du 5 juillet 1844 sur les brevets d'invention, les lois et decrets qui Font suivie et ^interpretation pratique des legislations etrangeres. Paris, 1874 . . 3657.11 — Same. 2e ed. Paris. [1880?) 3667.25 Browne, W. H. Treatise on tho law of trade-marks. Boston, 1873 3655.54 Bump, O. F. The law of patents, trade-marks, and copy- rights: consisting of sections of the revised stattjies of the U. 8. With the rules of the patent-office, and a selection of forms. New York, 1877 .... 3665.64 CATtiPiN, F. W. Law of patents for inventions : with ex- planatory notes on the protection of designs and trade-marks. London, 1869 3667.53 Carpmael, W. Law of patents for inventions explained. 5th edition. London, 1S58 3666.24 — Law of patents for invention. 6th edition. London, 1860 3667.3 Chevalier, M. Des brevets d'invention. Paris. [1878]. 3664.13 Coryton, J. A treatise on the law. of letters-patent, etc. Philadelphia, 1855 3665.13 Curtis, G-. T. Treatise on the law of patents in the U. S. 2d edition. Boston, 1854 3666.1 — Same. 4th edition. Boston, 1873 3665.38 Fessenden, T. G-. Essay on the law of patents. 2d edition. Boston, 1832 3666.13 PATENTS. 115 Fisher, S. S. Reports of [patent] cases determined in the supreme and circuit court of the U. 8. Cincin- nati, 1SGT-74. 6 v *3666>3T Fisher, W. H. Reports of [patent] cases determined in the supreme and circuit courts of the U. S. Vol. 1. [1827-51.] Cincinnati, 1S73. Illustrated 3665.58 Kois. — These reports embrace nil the patent eases of the. U. S. supreme and circuit courts to 1851, not included in Robb's Patent cases and [S. S.] Fisher's patent cases. Fliniatjx, C. La propriete industrielle, et la propridt6 litteraire et artistiijjie en France et a l'etranger. Paris, 1879 5569a.0 Feaser, J. Hand-hook of patent and copyright law, English and foreign. London, 1860 3666.34 Gardissal, D. and C. D. Precis des legislations fran- chise et etrangerea sur les brevets d'invention et lea marques de fabricjue. Paris, 1S5S 3970.11 Godson, R. Practical treatise on the law of patents for inventions and of copyright. 2d edition. Added, a supplement by Peter Burke. London, 1851 .... 3666.15 Goodeve, T. Abstract of reported cases relating to let- ters-patent for inventions. London, 1876 .... 5662.51.1 — First appendix to Abstract of patent cases, containing an abstract of patent cases from July, 1878, to Dec, 1877. London, 1878 5662.51.2 Great Britain. Com'ra of patents. Abstract of re- plies calling for information as to form of application [for] patent rights in the colonies and expenses attendant. [Also, TV. J. Curtis's letters with answers.] London, 1857 P. R. Synopsis of patent laws of various countries .... P. R. Hindmarch, \V. M. Defects of the patent law; with suggestions for the reform of them. London, 1851 . 3666.14 — On the law relative to patent privileges. V.'ith an ap- pendix of forms [etc.]. Harrishurg, 1847 3666.2 Instructions to inventors compiled in accordance with the patent law enacted March 2, 1861. N.Y., 1861. No. 16 in *5662.8 Howson, Henry, sr. Reissued patents. Comments on the decision of the U. S. Supreme court in the caso 116 PATENTS. Howson, Henry, sr., continued. of Miller vs. The Bridgeport brass co. Practical effects of the decision, and its -warning to inventors. Philadelphia. [1882.] 5669a.22 Johnson, J. and J. H. The patentees' manual. 2d edi- tion. London, 1858 3666.11 Kleinschrod, C. Th. von. Die Internationale Patent- gesetzebung nach ihren prinzipien nebst Vorschla- gen fur cin kunftiges gemeines deutsckes Patent- recht. Erlangen, 1855 3666.16 Law, S. D. Digest of American cases, 1789-1S62. New York, 1S62 , 5061.2 Loosey, C. F. Sammlung der Gesetze ftir Erfindungs- Privilegien der sammtlichen Staaten Europa's der Vereinigten Staaten von Xord-Amerika, und Hol- laudisch West Indien. Wien, 1849 3666.8 Morand, M. La legislation des patentee appliquee aux industries textiles, et aux industries, commerces et professions qui s'y rattachent. Analyse y cora- mentaire de la loi du 15 juillet 1880. Lyon, 1880. 3663.32 MCNN, O. D., and co. The U. S. patent law. Instruc- tions. New York, 1871 5666a.2 Norman, J. P. On the law and practice relating to let- ters-patent for inventions. Philadelphia, 1853 . . . 3665.14 Phillips, Willard. The law of patents for inventions; including the remedies and legal proceedings in relation to patent rights. Boston, 1837. 8° 3655.24 Preble, W. P., jr. Patent case index: containing lists of all the cases involving patents for inventions as reported in the state and federal reports; with brief synopsis of law points decided. Boston, 1830 . . .3067.68 Robb, J. B. Collection of patent cases decided in the courts of the U. S. to 1850. Bostou, 1854. 2 v. . . . 3595.7 Bchmoll, I. Traite pratique des brevets d'iuvention, des- sins, modeles, et marques de fabrique, noms com- nierciaux [etc.],comprenant la legislation eirangere et les traites internationaux. Paris, 1SG7 5562.10 Si:«ioxDS, W. E. The law of design patents, containing all reported decisions of the U. S. courts, and the patent-office, in design cases, to A.D. 1874. With digests. New York, 1874 3605.60 PATENTS. 117 Simonds, W. E., continued. — Manual of patent law; with an appendix upon the sale of patents. Hartford, 1874 3G67.8 Smith, Chauncey. Argument before the committee [of the House] on patents, Jan. 22, 1878. Amendment of the patent law. [Boston, 1878.] 2pphs *5661.5 Thompson, W. P. Hand-book of patent law of all coun- tries. 3d ed. London, 1878 P. R. — Same. 5th ed. London, 1SS2 P. R. Tollhausen, A. Synopsis of the patent laws of various countries. London, 1857 3666.29 United States. Acts, laws. Statute laws of the U. S. relating to copyright and patents for inventions from 1790 to 1862, with notes and references. By S. D. Law. N. Y., 1862 No. 2 in 5661.2 Same. Copyright and patent laws of the U. S. 1790- 1868. With notes of judicial decisions and forms and indexes. By S. D. Law. 2d ed. N. Y., 1867. 3666.10 Arguments before the committee on patents of the senate and house. [Nov. 15, 1877-March 1, 1878. Atso, Proposed bill.] Washington, 1878. 45th cong. 2d sess. Misc. docs P. R.;*566G.4 — Cong. docs. Report from the committee on patents, March 5, 1S78. [Washington, 1878.] . . . No. 3 in *5651.5 — Patent office. Decisions of the commissioner in appeal and extension cases, Oct. 1859-1880. [Also, from 1S76, Decisions of the U. S. courts in patent cases.] Washington, 1873-81. 10 v P. R. Die Patentgesetzgebung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Uebersetzt von A. Ott. Leipzig. [1872.] 5981.6 Index of patents relating to electricity granted by the U.S. to July 1, 1881. With appendix to June 30, 1S82. Washington, 18S2 P. R. Weestj^u, T. On the amendment of the law and prac- tice of letters-patent for inventions. 2d edition. London, 1852 3666.12 Wedderbuhn, W. Patent laws of the province of New Brunswick. Saint John, 1864 3666.44 and 5661.3 Whitman, C. S. Patent laws and practice of obtaining letters-patent for inventions in the U. S. and foreign countries, including copyright and trade-mark laws. Washington, 1871 5667.50 11^ PATE> - nk- X. Y.. ' an ■ I • - ■ i i P. R. I - P. B. i - J . . . . ?. R. I • I I i P. R- • 1 : . 12-76. Heranss : " ■ p. P.. - _ - de - / " . . . . -5:10.12 ! — . — London, 46. 2 -14; : of the :i - p. r. Vol. 1-22. Jan., 1872-3 -. 24 1 P. P.. IIT. A list of boo':- 7 be fouiK for _'iie, r T. Solber* _ 27 S81. GENERAL INFORMATION. The Boston Public Library contained, November 1, 1883, 434,158 volumes, exclusive of pamphlets. These are distributed as follows : At the Central Library 313,811 volumes, and at the Branches 120,317 volumes. The Lower Hall of the Central Library contains the larger part of the English fiction, and books for the young, to be found within this building, with a limited collection of books in the depart- ments of history, travel, the arts and sciences, and works in foreign languages, etc. The Bates Hall collection, numbering 274,375 volumes, represents the accumulation of books received by gift or purchase, during the past thirty-one years. EARLY PRINTED BOOKS. The oldest complete specimen of printing in the Library is the " Supplementing " of Nieolaus Auximanus, printed in Venice about 1471, shelf- number, **7620.8. It is described in the Bulletin for April, 1883, p. 344. GENERAL INFORMATION. 121 The following, selected from the titles of the early printed books in the Library, may be men- tioned : — A Latin Bible, known as Eggestein's first Bible, the first volume only, from Genesis to Psalms, printed at Strasburg in 1468; shelf-number **6010.3. (In the Show Case.) A book on the lives and deaths of poets and philosophers, in Latin, and in Gothic type, by Walter Burley. Printed in Nuremberg in 1472. **B. 140.15. A nearly complete set of the original edition of the Speculum Qnadruplex of Vincentius Bello- vacensis, or de Burgundia, in eleven volumes, including two of duplicates. Printed in 1473-76, at Strasbunr and Augsburg. It has the chain and staple by which it was fastened to the desk. **B.150.1-6. The Sermones of Utino, **B.140,12, supposed to have been printed in 1474. The Nuremberg Chronicle, so called, printed in 1493. Two copies. Interesting not only as a specimen of early printing, but for the many hun- dred curious wood-cuts which it contains, which illustrate the early history of the art. **4140.5; **2210.1. A German Bible (Genesis to Psalms), with many colored prints, some of them nearly the same as in the Nuremberg Chronicle. Printed in Nuremberg, 1483. **6010.10. The Epistles of St. Jerome, in Latin. Printed at Lyons in 1518. An autograph of Martin Luther 122 GENERAL INFORMATION. is pasted into this volume. **B. 140.7. (In the Show Case.) A Latin Bible, printed at Lyons in 1519 (?). **5416.20. A set of De Bit's Voyages, in nine volumes, printed at Frankfort, 1590-1634, with its interest- ing- maps and engravings. Another copy is in the Barton Library. A large proportion of the rare and notable books in the Library belong to the following spe- cial colleetions : — THE BOWDITCH LIBRARY. In the year 1858 the sons of the late Nathaniel Bowditch gave to the Boston Public Library their father's books and manuscripts. These are kept together in a part of the Bates Hall since then known as the Bowditch Gallery, and are cata- logued in the Bates Hall Index, published in 1861. Later additions are catalogued in the Bulletin for April, 1878, p. 330, and reprinted as a separate cata- logue [shelf no. *6200,20]. Within the past six years the mathematical part of this collection has been largely increased by books purchased with a fund given for that purpose by members of the Bowditch family. There is a special card cata- logue of these mathematical books in this col- lection in the Trustees' Room, which can be consulted by students. GENERAL INFORMATION. 123 THE PRINCE LIBRARY. The Reverend Thomas Prince bequeathed, in 1758, to the Old South Church of Boston, of which he had been the pastor, his collection of books and manuscripts, a large part of which relate to the civil and religious history of New England. In the year 18G6 this collection was deposited by the Deacons of the Old South Church in the Boston Public Library. The introduction to the Catalogue of the Prince Library, which was published in the year 1870, gives an account of this unique col- lection. Among the rare books which it includes are two copies of the Bay Psalm Book, which was printed at Cambridge in the year 1640, and which was the first book printed in the British posses- sions. Also copies of the first edition of Eliot's Indian Bible, Cambridge, 16G3, and of the second edition, Cambridge, 1G85, and a copy of Eliot's Indian Primer, Boston, 1720. For an account of the many other rare books in this Library reference must be had to the Catalogue. The manuscripts collected by Thomas Prince, and indexed in this Catalogue under the divisions, Mather papers, 1632-1080, Cotton papers, 1632-1680, Cotton and Prince papers, and Hinckley papers, 1676-1699, etc., are the chief possessions of the Boston' Pub- lic Library in the department of manuscripts. PARKER LIBRARY. An interesting account, by Thomas W. Higgin- son, of the collection of books bequeathed by 124 GENERAL INFORMATION. Theodore Parker to the Boston Public Library, may be found in the Annual Report of the Library for the year 1883. This collection is especially rich in editions of the classics, and in works upon language, ecclesiastical history, etc., and includes man}' rare books. THE TICKNOR LIBRARY. In the introduction to the Ticknor Catalogue reference is made to the character and value of this rare collection of Spanish and Portuguese books, which was bequeathed to the Boston Pub- lic Library by George Ticknor, the historian of Spanish literature. Among the many rare books of the Ticknor Library the following may be mentioned : — Amadis de Gaula. Venice, ] 533. F°. [D.190.3.] Barahona de Soto, L. Primera parte de la Angelica. Granada, 1588. Sm. 40. [D.154.19.] Barbosa Macbardo, D. Bibliotbeca Lusitana. Lisboa, 1741-59. 4 v. F°. Very rare, a large part of the impression of the first three volumes having been destroyed in the fire that followed the great earthquake at Lisbon, in 1755. [D.190.9.] Boccaccio, G. Libro que trata de las illustres mugeres. Sevilla, 1528. F». [D.240b.47.] Cancionero general. Editions : Sevilla, 1535. [D. 151.2] ; Anvers, 1557. [D. 158.9] ; Anvers, 1573. [D.155.21.] Castilla, F. de. Theorica de virtudes. 1st edition. Caragoca, 1552. Sm. 40. [D. 230a. 7.] Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote de La Maneha. First part, Madrid, 1605. Sm. 4°. The second of the two editions printed in 1605. It is of great rarity. [Vol. 1 of D.142.16.] /Same. 6th edition, which received the final corrections of the author. Madrid, 160S. 40. It is of extreme rarity. [D. 142. 12.] Same. Second part, first edition. Madrid, 1615. 4°. [Vol. 2 of D.142.16.] GENERAL INFORMATION. 125 Also, the "Second volume of Don Quixote," by Avellaneda (a fictitious name). First edition, Tarragona, 1614. Sm. 8°. One of the rarest of Spanish books. [D.145.8.] Hurtado de Mendoza, D. La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes. [Anon.] Anvers, 1554. La segvnda parte de Lazarillo de Tor- mes : y de sus aduersidades. [Por incierto autor.] Anvers, 1555. [**D. 149.14.] Isidorus, St., Bishop of Seville. Libri etymologiarum. Libri de summo bono. Venetiis, 14S3. F°. [D.231.5.] Juan Latino. Latin verses. Gar'natse, 1573. [D. 150.50.] Leo, Medico, or ITebreo. Dialoghi di amore. Vinegia, 1552. Aldine edition. [D.100.3] Lncena, J. de. Vida beata. Camora, 1483. 4°. [D.160a.83.] Mariana, J. de. Tractatus vir. Colonias Agrippinse, 1609. F°. [D.2T2.9.] Mutilated according to the minute directions given in the Index Expurgatorius. Also, The De rege, by the same author, Toleti, 1599, 4°, which was suppressed in Spain at the solicitation of the French government. [D.220.9.] Montemayor, J. de. Diana enamorada. Valencia, 1542 (?). [D. 140b. 39.] Palencia, A. de. Universal vocabulario. Sevilla, 1490. F°. [D.231.4.] Perez de Kita, G. Historia de las guerras civiles de Granada. Vol. 1, Barcelona, 1757; vol. 2, Madrid, 1731. [D.127.20.] Theatro moral de la vida humana. Amberes, 1733. F°. [D.161.2.] With plates by Octavio van Veen. This copy belonged to Louis Philippe, and has his initials and crown impressed upon the cover. Torre, A. de la. Vision deleytable. [About 1480.] [D.160a.88.] The collection of expurgatory and prohibitory indexes in the Ticknor Collection is very large, and among them are several rare editions. The library has also a copy of the Polyglot Bible of Cardinal Ximenes, in six volumes; printed at Alcala de Ilenares in 1514- 17. [**5440.1.] THE BARTON LIBRARY. An interesting sketch of this collection, as it was when in the hands of the collector, may be 126 GENERAL INFORMATION. found in Wynne's "Private libraries of New York" [2126.3]. The Shakespearian part, which is the finest col- lection of its kind in America, and will take rank among the best in Europe, embraces about 2,500 volumes. The catalogue of this portion, includ- ing, also, nearly 2,000 works upon the same subject in the general library, lias already been issued. From this it will be seen that the Library has the first four folios in fine condition, twenty-two early quartos, and the most desirable editions published since, such as the first illustrated, the first Ameri- can, the first Boston, the Sir Walter Scott, the Halliwell folio, and nearly all the variorum edi- tions. Moreover, there are translations in Ger_ man, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Bohemian, Danish, Friesic, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, Plattdeutsch, Polish, Swedish, and Welsh. The collection of works illustrative of Shakespeare and his writings is wonderfully complete, and is con- stantly added to, everything of value published in this country or abroad being procured it* possible. The catalogue of the remainder of the Barton Library is nearly ready for the printer, and can be consulted on application at the desk in Bates Hall. Among the early specimens of printing are Colonne's Historia Troiana, 148G ; Thwrocz's Chronicles of the Kings of Hungary, 1488; Gesta Romanorum, three editions before 1490; Historia Alexandri, 1486 ; Albumasar flores astrologie, be- fore 1488; Bucolicum carmen, by Calpurnius Siculus, 1491. GENERAL INFORMATION. 127 Among the rare books may be mentioned the following: Spenser's Daphnaida, 1591, Fowre h}*mnes, 1596, Prothalamion, 1596, Complaints, 1591; HolinshecTs Chronicles, editions of 1577, and 1587 ; a magnificent set of De Bry's voyages, 1590-1631, in 16 volumes ; the Vinegar Bible, 1717; first editions of most of the old English dramatists of the 17th century ; Greene's Groats- worth of wit, 1629; England's Parnassus, 1600; Clarke's Polimanteia, 1595, containing nearly the earliest mention of Shakespeare ; -Scot's Witch- craft, 1581; Goulart's Admirable histories, 1607; Roman de la rose, 1529; Les Marguerites de la Marguerite de Navarre, 1547 ; La Fontaine's Contes et nouvelles, 1762, illustrated by Charles Eisen ; Folengo's macaronics, in the editions of 1517, 1521, 1692, 1734, in six volumes, printed on vellum, and 1768; Cancionero general, 1573, and scores of other rarities. THE HUNT COLLECTION. Mr. Benjamin P. Hunt bequeathed to the Boston Public Library his collection of books, manu- scripts, and charts on the West Indies. These number about 700 volumes, and, added to the books of a similar character already in the Library, form a noteworthy collection. THE FRANKLIN LIBRARY. This department of the Boston Public Library is based upon the collection of Benjamin Franklin 128 GENERAL INFORMATION. books, pamphlets, and engravings given to the Library by Dr. Samuel A. Green, and since in- creased by the income of a fund received fro*m him. To these have been added similar books, from the general collection of the Library, and the whole have been placed on shelves set apart for them. Lists of the titles of this collection have been published in the several Bulletins of the Public Library for 1882 and 1883, and they will be continued in a future number of the Bulletin. At their completion they will be published as a sepa- rate catalogue. These lists contain also the titles of such works as this Library lacks and wishes to receive by purchase or gift. THE THAYER COLLECTION. The Public Library received, in the year 1877, by bequest from Miss Eliza Mary Thayer, about 900 volumes, largely upon English history. An especial value is attached to these books from the portraits which they contain, many of which were taken from other sources and inserted in these volumes. This bequest was supplemented, in the year 1883, by a gift of similar works from Mrs. R. Anne Nichols, and Miss Caroline Coddington Thayer, the sisters of Miss Eliza M. Thayer. THE TOSTI ENGRAVINGS. The Tosti engravings were presented to the Li- brary, in 1869, by Thomas G. Appleton, who pur- chased the collection in Rome. A few of the prints in frames are displayed in various apartments of the Library. The greater part of those that came GENERAL INFORMATION. 129 framed have been removed from the frames and arranged alphabetically by the names of their en- gravers in portfolios. About 5,100 prints are in bound volumes, and several hundred more are in portfolios. The catalogues of them have been described on page 21 of this Hand-book. The previous owner of this collection was the Cardinal Antonio Tosti, who died March 23, I860, aired 90. In 1834 he was made treasurer of the pontifical government, a post which he continued to hold for ten years, when he resigned it into the hands of Gregory XIV. He is regarded as the founder of the industrial and artistic school in the hospital San Michele, of which institution he was director at the time of his death. This collection was made by Cardinal Tosti, probably without any systematic plan ; its devel- opment having doubtless been controlled in some degree by his opportunities. As patron of the school of San Michele, in Rome, he stood in inti- mate relations with two of its scholars, who gained eminence in the art of engraving, — Mercurj and Calamatta, — and he doubtless had their assistance in gathering, whence he could, specimens of their art; while they, furthermore, almost always fur- nished him with the earliest impressions of their works. A distinctive feature of the collection is, beyond doubt, its portraits. Edelinck, Drevet, Nanteuil, and Schmidt, are here strongly repre- sented. The earlier Italian masters will not be found to be well represented. The English school is but slightly represented, while the modern French school is more fully set forth. 130 GENERAL INFORMATION* These engravings can be studied to advantage in connection with books in the Public Library, on the fine arts, engraving, painting, and in works upon different artists, etc. The student should consult the Gray engravings, at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, which is a more systematic collec- tion. BRANCH LIBRARIES. There are Branch libraries of the Boston Public Library at Brighton, Charlestown, Dorchester, East Boston, Jamaica Plain, Roxbmy, South Bos- ton, and at the South End. These contain from 10,000 volumes, or thereabouts, to 25,000 volumes each. In some cases these branches have special funds, the income of which is used for the pur- chase of books. There are delivery stations at the Lower Mills (Dorchester), Mattapan, Neponset, the North End (Boston), Roslindale, and WestRoxbury. Books in the Bates Hall of the Central Library can be applied for at the several branches and delivery stations, and, if they are on the shelves, they will be sent to the branch or delivery the same or the following day. GIFTS. Gifts of books and of every description of pam- phlets are very acceptable. When requested by note or letter, or b} r word left with the desk attend- ants, the Librarian will cause packages -to be sent for. Friends at a distance may send by ex- press, at the Library's expense. CHRONOLOGY OF THE LIBEABT. 1S41-1S47. Various preliminary movements made towards a City Library. In 1843 and 1847 books were received by the City from the City of Paris, through M. Vattemare. ISiT. A Joint Committee of the City Council on a Library first appointed. The Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., while Mayor, offered to give $5,000 for a Public Library, on condition that the citizens should add $10,000. Oiler not met. 184S. March 12. Act of the State Legislature, authorizing the City of Boston to establish and maintain a Public Library. Accepted by the City, April 3. Unsuccessful efforts to procure a union with the Athenaeum Library. 1849. The Hon. R. C. Winthrop gave the first books to begin the collection. J. D. W. Williams, Esq., Hon. S. A. Eliot, Dr. J. Mason Warren, Dr. J. B. McMahon, and Ezra Weston, Esq., also presented books for a Library. 1S50. August 5. The Hon. John P. Bigelow, while Mayor, pre- sented $1,000, which was funded. Aitgust 7. The Hon. Edward Everett presented his set of Public Documents and State Papers of the United States, with other works, numbering upwards of 1,000 vols. 18-31. The City possessed 2,000 volumes. 1852. May 13. Edward Capen chosen Librarian. May 24. First Board of Trustees constituted, with the Hon. Edward Everett, President. June 23. James Brown, Esq., gave $500; spent for books. July Q. The preliminary report of the Trustees made, drawn by George Tk-knor, Esq., and the President. September 24. Samuel Appleton, Esq., gave $1,000; spent for books. 132 CHRONOLOGY. October 1. Joshua Bates, Esq., of London, prompted by the perusal of the Report of July 6th, gave $50,000, which was sub- sequently funded. October 12. The first Library ordinance of the City Council passed. 1853. March 5. James Nightengale, Esq., gave $100; spent for books. March 12. A new act of the Legislature, extending the limit of expenditures. April 14. The Hon. Jonathan Phillips gave $10,000; funded. November 4. N. I. Bowditch, Esq., gave the value of $200. December 4. J. I. Bowditch, Esq., gave $300; spent for books. 1834. March 20. Reading-room opened in Mason street. May 2. The Library opened in Mason street. November 27. Ordinance appointing Commissioners to erect a building, and lion. Robert C. Winthrop is made Chairman. 1855. Mrs. Sally I. K. Shepard gave $1,000; spent for books. September 6. Mr. Bates, iu a letter, promised a further donation of books. September 17. Corner-stone of the present Library building laid. 1S36. Thomas G. Appleton, Esq., gave a copy of Audubon's "Birds of America." 1857. Act of March, 1S53, so far changed that there was no enforced limit to the appropriations of the City for the Library; and an additional ordinance created the office of Superintend- ent. Prof. C. C. Jewett was chosen Superintendent. 1853. January 1. The present .Library building dedicated. Ad- dresses by the Hon. R. C. Winthrop, the Hon. Edward Everett, and His Honor Alexander II. Rice, Mayor. Cost, with land, about $365,000. Mr. Bates's gift of books completed, amounting in value to $50,000. The sous of the late Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D., gave their father's library of 2,550 volumes, besides manuscripts. Began to receive the Specifications of the English patents from the British Government. September 17. The Reading-room opened in the present building. December 20. The Lower Hall library opened, with the printed Index to the books. 1859. Under the will of the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, $10,000 re- ceived and funded. CHRONOLOGY. 133 The executors of Miss Mary P. Townsend's will gave $4,000, which was funded. Copley's picture of Charles the First demanding the impeached members, given by several gentlemen. 18G0. The Rev. Theodore Parker's Library, 11,061 volumes received under his will. Geo. Ticknor, Esq., gave a large reference collection of Greek, Latin, and Italian classics; his total donations ttpwards of 3,000 volumes. 1861. A further sum of $20,000 received under the will of the Hon. Jonathan Phillips, and funded. The Upper Hall, containing over 74,000 volumes, opened to the public, and its first printed Index of books published. Tho entire Library contained 97,386 volumes. 1862. Geo. Ticknor, Esq., gave a rare collection of books relat- ing to the life of Moliere. 1803. The City Council modified the ordinance relating to the Public Library. The Trustees of the Franklin Club gave $1,000, which was funded. 1864. September 24. Joshua Bates, Esq., died at New Lodge, near London. The Upper Hall, it is ordered, October 13, shall henceforth be called Hates Hall. October 18. Mr. Ticknor gave a valuable collection of Provencal books. 1865. January 17. The Hon. Edward Everett, President of the Board of Trustees, died ; succeeded by Mr. Ticknor. Mr. J. L. Stoddard gave $100; spent in books. 1866. The ancient Prince Library, bequeathed by the Rev. Thomas Prince, 1758, to the deacons of the Old South Church, containing 1,899 volumes, received on deposit. The " Supplemental Index " of the Bates Hall published. The Ledger system for recording loans displaced by the slip system. Mr. Ticknor resigned the presidency ; succeeded by William "W. Grcenongh, Esq. September. The printing of Finding Lists for the Lower Hall begun. December. A new ordinance reorganizing the Board of Trustees. 1867. October. The first number of the Library Bulletin issued. 1S68. January 9. Mr. Jewett, the Superintendent, died. 134 CHRONOLOGY. February 25. Mr. Justin Winspr chosen Superintendent. November. Mr. WiUiarafEi JillsonYthe Assistant Superintendent, died. Mr. "William A. Wheeler was appointed in liis place. The Trustees in their report call attention to the imperfections as well as the wants of ^tbe Library building. 1S6[). Annual closing of the Library for examination dispensed with. Anew ordinance, reorganizing the >Board of Trustees, changing the beginning of the Libra'iy year to May 1st, and authorizing the establishment of Branch libraries. Bindery opened in the building.'. October. The Tosti Engravings given by Thomas G-. Applcton. 1S70. November 2S. The Reading-room of the East Boston Branch library opened. 1871. January. Delivery pf books began at the East Boston library. The Catalogue was issued March 3d, and the formal dedication took place March 22d. April. The Spanish and Portuguese, library, collected by George Ticknor, and bequeathed by him, was received at the Library, numbering nearly 4,000 volumes. Mr. Ticknor died January -0, 1S71. lie also bequeathed $4,0iJ:j as a fund, the income from which is to be devoted to the increase of this special collection. September. Alterations begun in the Bates Hall, by which the lateral alcoves are- subdivided and lighted, and completed in 1872. October. A printed Card catalogue of the Bates Hall established. 1872. An agreement made with the Trustees of the Fellowes Athenamm, securing their cooperation in the founding of a Branch library at Roxbury, and a building for the use of it begun. May 18. The South Boston Branch /library opened with nearly 4,400 volumes, the Reading-room attached having been oocned April 22, and the Branch was formally dedicated May 16th. June. The City Council appropriated $70,000 for the purchase of the Richardson estate adjacent to the Central library on the east. December. Changes in the Lower Hall library completed. 1^73. May. The Barton Library, purchased in New York, re- ceived. June. Additional precautions taken to render the roof of the Boylston-street building safe against fire. CHRONOLOGY. 135 The Roxbm-y Branch Readlng-rooni opened June 23d; the build- ing dedicated July 9th; the Library opened July 16th, with 5,700 volumes. August. The Lower Hall Catalogue of History, Biography, and Travel published, — the first with notes. 1574. January 6. The Public Libraries of Charlcstown (15,000 volumes) and Brighton (11,000 volumes) became Branches by the annexation of those places to Boston. June. The erection of an addition totbe south-west corner of the Central library building was begun and finished in March, 1875. August. The new building of the Brighton Branch was oc- cupied, and dedicatory exercises were held hi October. The apartments of the Charlestown Branch were enlarged. September. The re-decorating of the Bates Hall was begun, and finished in November. October 23. Mr. William A. Wheeler, the Assistant Superintend- ent, died, and was succeeded by Mr. James L. Whitney. 1575. January IS. Services of dedication of the New Branch at Dorchester were held, and the Library (nearly 4,000 volumes) in the new City building, at Field's Corner, opened to the pub- lic January 25. June. A -Delivery of the Dorchester Branch established at the Lower Mills. August. Lower Hall Delivery-room was refitted; and part of the tables were removed from the Heading-room. 1370. February. A new delivery-counter, adapted to an in- creased circulation, was put in the Bates Hall. March. The gold modal presented to Gen. Washington by Con- gress in commemoration of the evacuation of Boston by the British troops, given to the City, to be preserved in the Library, by Hon. R. C. Winthrop and others. April. A new exterior gallery built at the rear end of the Cen- tral library building. June. A Delivery Station of the Roxbury Branch opened in Curtis Hall, Jamaica Plain. 1877. February. Bequest from Benjamin P. Hunt, of Philadel- phia, of a collection of book-, reludngto the West Indies, etc. May. The Boston Mercantile Library Association gives its col- lection of 18,000 volumes. July. By the will of Miss Charlotte Harris, the Charlestown ■Branch receives a fund cf $1C,C00, the testator's private 136 CHRONOLOGY. library, and a portrait of Richard Devens, the Revolutionary patriot. Bequest of over 800 volumes of valuable books from Miss Eliza Marj r Thayer, of Roxbury. Supplemented in 1S83 by a gift of similar works from her sisters, Mrs. R. Anne Nichols and Miss Caroline C. Thayer. August. The South End Branch opened to the public. September*. The Jamaica Plai 1 Branch opened to the public. October 1. Justin Winsor resigned the office of Superintendent, and Dr. Samuel A. Green, one of the Trustees, was placed in charge of the Library. 1878. April 4. The Trustees Avere made a corporation under the name of the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston. April 12. The corporation organized by the choice of William W. Greenough as President, and Dr. Samuel A. Green as Clerk. Dr. Green was elected Librarian pro tern., and held the office until October 1, 1S78. August 25. Mellen Chamberlain was elected Librarian, and entered upon his office October 1. November 6> Dr. Samuel A. Green gave $1,000 to the Public Library, the income of which is to be applied to the purchase of books upon American history, to which sum he added, October 19, 1880, $500, for the same purpose. December 3. A Delivery Station of the Jamaica Plain Branch opened at Roslindale. 1879. Catalogue of the works of William Shakespeare, in the Barton collection, printed. February. Catalogue of the East Boston Branch Library was published. April. Catalogue of the South Boston Branch Library was published. April. ' The Franklin Club gave to the Library Roberts' Egypt and Nubia, and his Holy Land. Separation of the Lower Hall Card Catalogue from the Bates Hall Card Catalogue, the same being placed hi the Lower Hall in charge of a Curator. Dr. Samuel A. Green gave to the Library a collection of Benjamin Franklin books, pamphlets, and engravings. June. Watchman appointed to patrol the Central Librax'y at night, and record his movements by an electric clock. July. Catalogue of the Ticknor collection of Spanish and Por- tuguese books published. CHRONOLOGY. . 137 18S0. January 6. The West Roxbury Free Library transferred to the Boston Public Library its collection of books, numbering 3,058 volumes, and a Delivery Station was opened at West Roxbury. May. A new Catalogue of the Charlestown Branch Library published. Catalogue of the second part of the Barton Library printed, con- taining works about Shakespeare. August. The City of Boston accepts from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the grant of a parcel of land situated on the corner of Dartmouth street and Boylston street, described in Chapter 22 of the Acts of the year 1S80, to be used for library purposes, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in said chapter and act. 1SS1. April. Measures taken for the better ventilation of the Lower Hall. May. A new Catalogue published of Books in the Departments of Science and the Arts, added to the Lower Hall between the years 1871 and 1881, with reference to the best works in the same classes in the Bates Hall. Also, a new Catalogue of Books on Foreign languages in the Lower Hall. July. The South End Branch Library was moved into the En- glish High School building on Montgomery street. December 1. The Committee on the Public Library were author- ized by the City Government to consult the Trustees concern- ing a new Library building. December 27. A Delivery Station of the Public Library (Dor- chester Branch) was opened at Mattapan. The Richardson estate adjoining the Library sold, and the house on same raised by the purchaser several stories, with an addi- tion covering vacant land. 18S2. On petition of the City Council the Legislature passed a bill authorizing the City of Boston to take for the Public Library the necessary land belonging to private parties adjoining the land granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A collection of books for the blind presented by Samuel Gurney and Dr. William Moon, of England. March. A new Catalogue of the Dorchester Branch Library published. March 9. The Trustees were requested by the City Council to report on the fitness of the High and Latin School building for the purpose of the Public Library. 138 CHRONOLOGY. May 2. The Trustees reported the High and Latin School build- ing unfit for the uses cf the Public Library. October. A Reading-room and Delivery Station was opened in the Hancock school-house, on Parmenter street, at the North End. ■ ' 18S3. January 1. A Delivery Station of the Public Library (Dorchester Branch) was«opened at Neponset. By the will of the late Arthur SchOfield, of New York, formerly of Boston, the Library will ultimately come into the possession of the sum of fifty thousand dollars. February. A new Catalogue of the South End Branch published. April 12. The Common Council, concurring with the Aldermen, appropriated the sum of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars for the purchase of additional land, adjoining that granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, aud the sum of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the erection of a building thereon, fronting on Copley square. April 21. The City of Boston took formal possession of the land given by the Commonwealth, and also of the estates on St. James street. The family of the late Nathaniel Bowditch have paid j-carlj-, since 1877, the sum of five numbed dollars, to be applied to the in- crease of the Bowditch Mathematical Library. I WORKS OF ART. The Boston Public Library has received by gift many paintings, statues, and other works of artis- tic or historical value. These have been acknowl- edged in various Annual Reports and Bulletins of the Library. In addition to the works of art con- tained in the Central Library building on Boylston street, there will be found in the following List descriptions of paintings, in the Roxbury, Charles- town, Brighton, and Jamaica Plain branches, which were deposited in these libraries before they became branches of the Boston Public Library, or have been given especially to them. Portraits. Joslina Bates. — A portrait painted by Eden. W. Eddis, and presented in 1850 by the . daughter of Mr. Bates, Madame Elizabeth van de Wcyer. Trustees' 1 Room. Henry Bartlett, M. !>., one of the original Trustees of the Fellowea Athenaeum. A portrait painted by Edwin T. Billings from a photograph, and presented by Miss Anna S. Everett to the Fellowes Athenaeum, in April, 1SS2. Roxbury Branch. Oliver Cromwell. — This portrait was painted in Florence for Supply C. Towing, and was presented to the Roxbury Branch Library by Mrs. Thwing. On the back is an inscription stating that it was painted by the Chevalier A. S. Falardcau, after Sir Peter Lely. 140 WORKS OF ART. Rickard I>evens. — Commissary General in the Revolution- ary army. This portrait, painted by Henry Sargent in 1798, was bequeathed by hi3 descendant, Miss Charlotte Harris, to the Charlestown Branch Library, in 1S77. Edward Everett. — Portrait, painted by J. Harvey Young in 1S65, and presented in June, 1870, to the City of Boston, to be placed in the Public Library, by the Hon. George T. Bigelow, as the representative of a number of gentlemen whose names have never been disclosed. Trustees' Room. Caleb Fellowes. — Founder of the Fellowes Athenaeum. Portrait, painted in 1839, by George W. Conaroe. Roxbury Branch. Benjamin franklin. — Two portraits. One was painted by Joseph Sifrede Duplessis, during Franklin's residence in Paris as American minister, and was presented to the City of Boston, to be deposited in the Library, by Edward Brooks, in 1858. The other is said to have been painted by Jean Baptiste Greuze, although this has been questioned, and was presented by Gardner Brewer, in 1872. The history of this portrait can be found on pp. 86-88 of the 20th Annual Report of the Trustees, 1872. Trustees' Room. Galileo Galilei. — Portrait, painted in Florence for Mr. S. C. Thwing, and presented by Mrs. Thwing to the Roxbury Branch Library. On the back is a memorandum, stating that it was copied by the Chevalier A. S. Falardeau, after the original by Sustermans. Ulysses Simpson Grant. — An oil portrait, painted by Constant Mayer, and presented by Geo. H. Howe. Brighton Branch. James Holton. — Mr. Holton was a native and resident of Brighton, and the founder of the Holton Library, which, upon the annexation of Brighton to Boston, became a Branch of the Public Library. This portrait, painted by Frederic L. Lay, was presented to the Holton Library by Theodore Matchett. Andrew Jackson. — Full-length portrait in uniform, copied by A. C. Hoit from the original, painted by John Vanderlyn, in 1819, for the City of New York. This copy was presented to the City of Charlestown, in 1S55, by Jacob Foss and other citizens, with the condition that it should always remain within the limits of the city. Charlestown Branch Library. Mrs. ]Ly&iaI>. Parker. — Crayon portrait by Seth Cheney. WORKS OF ART. 141 Received in pursuance of the provisions of her will. Trustees? Boom. Theoilore Parker. — Crayon portrait by Setli Cheney. Bequeathed by Mrs. L. T>. Parker. Trustees' Room. George Putnam, !>.!>. — Dr. Putnam was one of the Trustees of the Public Library from ]86S to 1876. His portrait was painted by Edgar Parker for the Trustees of the Fellowes Athenaeum, as a tribute to the memory of their late President. Roxbury Brandt Library. 3Lemnel SSiaw, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Court. — A photograph, enlarged from a daguerreotype taken by Southworth and Hawes, in 1854. Presented by Miss Maria Wister Chapman, in 1S75. Trustees' Room. Charles Sumner. — Portrait, painted by M. Wight just after the assault by Preston Brooks, in 1856, and presented to the City by several gentlemen, in 1874. Trustees' Room. In the same place is a photograph of a portrait of Charles Sumner at the age of 35, painted by Eastman Johnson in 1816. The original belonged to Henry W. Longfellow. Supply Clap Thwing. — Mr. Thwing was one of the Trustees of the Fellowes Athenaeum, and active in carrying out the provisions of the bequest of Mr. Fellowes. This portrait was painted by Edwin T. Billings a short time before the death of Mr. Thwing. Roxbury Branch Library. George Washington. — A full-length portrait, copied by Frothiugham from the original by Gilbert Stuart, and given to the City of Charlestown, by the lion. G-. Washington Warren and other citizens, in 1858, with the condition that it should be kept always in " the present City Hall or some other appropriate public building within the present territory of Charlestown." Gharlestoien Branch Library. Daniel Webster. — Portrait, painted by John Pope, and presented to the City of Charlestown, in 1853, by the Hon. G. Washington Warren and other citizens, with the proviso that "it should always be kept within the present limits of Charlestown." Charlestoivn Branch Library. Stephen Minot Weld. — This portrait, painted by Ed- ward L. Custer in 1863, was presented to the town of West Rox- bury by fellow-townsmen of Mr. Weld, to mark their apprecia- tion of ins public services in their behalf. Jamaica Plain Branch Library. 142 WORKS OF ART. Busts and Statues. The Antique bust in the Art Room belonged to the late Cardinal Tosli. , and was presented to the Library by his relative, Sign >r Alessandro Ceccarini, in 18691. On the lower part of the pi d are some Greek letters, but, ; has been repaired at the neck and just above the letti rs, il is imp issible to say with cer- tainty that the legend belongs to the bust, or that it gives any trustworthy clew to the person's name. Art Iloom. Arcadian Shepherd Boy. — A life-size figure in marble, by William Wctmore Story, presented to the Library, in 1858, by the Hon. Josiah Quincy and several other gentlemen, whose names can be found on p. 35 of the 6th Annual Report, 1858. Art Room. Joshua Bates. — Dust in marble, copied by Matthew Noble from one by William Behnes, and presented to the Library, in 1836, by Mr. Bates's daughter, Madame Elizabeth van de Weyer. eg' Room. Edmund 'Burke. — Bust in plaster, the gift of John G. Loring, in 1872. Bates Hall. Edward Everett. — Bust in marble, by Thomas Ball, pre- sented to the Library by the subscribers to the Everett statue, in 1S67. The marble pedestal was the gift of the artist. Trustees 1 Room. Christopher C«ore, 175S-1S27, Governor of Massachusetts in 1809. — Small bust in wax, given by Mrs. Gore to Mrs. Aklen Bradford, in 1813-14, in recognition of civilities shown the Gov- ernor during an official visit paid to the then District of Maine, while the Hon. Alden Bradford lived at Wiscasset. Given to the Library, in 1S74, by Mrs. Bradford's son, Thomas Gamaliel Bradford. Bates Hall. Holy Family. — A group in marble, by Julius Troschel. Gift of Gardner Brewer, in 1S65. Art Room. Washington. Irving. — Bust in plaster, by Ball Hughes, presented, in 1869, by Jonathan French. Lower Hall. Elisha Kent Kane. — Bust in piaster, by Peter Reniers, presented by Jonathan French, in 1869. Lower Hall. Meditation. — Statue in marble, the work of Giovanni Albertoni, in 1S10. Bequeathed to the Public Library, in 1873, by Mrs. Eliza Shimmin. Art Room. John I,othrop Motley. — Marble bust by Richard S. Grecnough, presented to ths Library by Thomas B. Curtis, in 18C7. Art Room. WORKS OF ART. 143 Theodore Parker. — Bust by "William Wetmore Story. Bequeathed by Mrs. Lydia D. Parker. Art Room. Richard III. — A statuette, by John Rogers, intended as one of a group of figures, never completed, of which only a few copies were made. It was given to the Library, in 1S73, by Mrs. Cora Livingston Barton. Trustee*' Room. Sir Walter Scott. — A plaster bust presented to the Fel- lowcs Athenaeum in compliance with the wish of the late Mrs. Charles Bunker. Roxbury Branch. Shakespeare. — Plaster copy of the head of Shakespeare, taken from the monument at Stratford on Avon. Presented to the Library by Mrs. Cora Livingston Barton, in 1S73, to accom- pany the Shakespeare Library collected by her late husband, Thomas Pennant Barton, and purchased by the City of Boston. Trusters' Room. Shakesiseare. — Photograph of the mask in possession of Dr. Becker, of Hesse-Darmstadt, from which the Stratford bust is said to have been modelled. Bates Hall. George Tieknor. — Bust, in marble, by Martin Milmore, presented to the City of Boston, in 18GS, by several citizens, for perpetual deposit in the Library. Bales Hall. James Walker, D.T>. — Bust, in plaster, given by Miss Catharine Stetson, in 1875. This bust is a copy of the one in marble by Dexter, which is in the Memorial hall of Harvard college. Charlestown Branch Library. John Greenleaf Whittier. — Bust by Preston Powers, given by a number of contributors, through Charles H. Brainard, Esq., of Washington, in 1882. Art Room. Historical Paintings. Charles I. — In the Art Room is John Singleton Copley's picture of Charles i demanding the five impeached members of the House of Commons, 1641. This painting, which contains many portraits of the prominent men of that time, is 00 inches in height and 121 inches in width, and was presented, in 1859, by the Hon. Josiah Quincy, and eleven other citizens, whose names can be found on page 34 of the 7th Annual Report, 1S59. Old State House, Boston. — In the same room is a paint- ing in oil, by (Robert?) Salmon, giving a view of the Old State House, as one looks up State street, or westward, representing a 144 WORKS OF ART. lire in that building, -which occurred in November, 1S32. Its size inches in height and 3G inches in width. It was given, in lSTC, by John G. Loring. Art Room. Hiamling of the Pilgrims. — In the Charlcstown Branch Library is a painting in oil, by Samuel F. B. Morse, the electrician, representing the handing of the Pilgrims. Of this picture Mr. Morsi wrol • to the Hon. Gh W. Warren, from New York. May 11,1870, as follows: "From the date, Feb., 1811, you will per- ceive that it was painted before I commenced my studies in the art. It was m effort at painting an historical picture, and can have no particular merit, being the effort of a boy of nineteen. It may have an historical interest, in the fact that it was this painting, and a landscape, painted about the same time, that decided my father, by the advice of Stuart and Allston, to permit me to visit Europe with the latter ar dy art as a pro: This painting hung for many years in the old Town Hall in Charle8town, and later in the ' office. It was given to the Library by the City just before its annexation to Boston. Its is 42 inches in height and .39 inches in width. Tremont Street in 17DS. — A view from the corner of West street toward Boy ■:. A wat< r color, which was painted bj a, and belonged to John Howard Payne. At the side of his manuscripts it was bought by Jabez Fisher, from whom it was purchased by the Library, in 1871. Bates Hall. Tremont Street. — A water-color drawing, representing this street as it was early in the century, looking from West - I hapcl. It was the gift of William W. nough and other citizens, in 1575. A letter describing it, written by B. P. Shillaber, March 17, 1S75, is filed among the pap-.: In Bates Hall, outside the railing of the Parker gallery, is a model in plaster, 26 inches high, of the monument erected on the Common, in Worcester, Mass., by the Hon. T. Bigelow Lawrence, to the memory of his grandfather, Timothy Bigelow, Colonel of the Fifteenth Massachusetts regiment in the Continental Army. This model was I to the Library by Mr. Lawrence. Iu the Reading-room is a model, in plaster, of a monument WORKS OF ART. 145 representing the discovery, by Columbus, of America, executed by Niccolo Bernardo Raggi for the marquis Brignole de Sale, by whom it was presented to the Library through XL Alexandre Vattemare. The original is in Genoa. Old Kim Chair. — An arm-chair, made from a branch of the Old Elm on Boston Common, which fell in the gale of Feb. 15, was presented by Mr. William W. Greenough, President of the Trustees, in August, 1878. TruxU s' Room. Panizzi Chair and Table. — The chair and table daily by Sir Antonio Panizzi, librarian of the British Museum, were presented, by XI r. George P. Chase, one of the Trustees, in November, 1879. Barton Library. Parker Desk. — The desk used by Theodore Parker was bequeathed by Mrs. Lydia D. Parker. Art Room. The Parker Tahle. — In the Parker gallery is a table which bears a plate with the following inscription : <; Bequeathed e Public Library, of Boston, by Theodore Parker. This table, once the property of his grandfather's grandfather, John Parker, of Lexington, Mass." .... The dimensions of the ta!>ie inches by 47i inches, and 3(H inches high. The turned legs and carved rails are of oak. The top, of solid mahogany, i- If inches thick. The Washington ^ledal. — This is the gold medal given to Washington by Congress to commemorate the evacuation of Boston by the British forces on March 17, 177'3. It was purchased from the heirs of Washington's elder brother by the Hon. Robert C. Winthrop and forty-nine other citizens, in XIarch, 1S76, and was pr isented to the City of Boston, to be deposited forever in the Public Library. On pages 2-3-29 of the " Celebration of the nnial Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston" [Public iry Catalogue 231.10; *2351.57; G.300.12] can be found a iry and engraving of this medal, with a list of the purchas The Wehster Vase. — This was presented to Daniel Webster, in 1 B35, by the citizens of Boston, as a mark of their ap- preciation of bis political services. It was purchased from his heirs in 1865, and given, by several gentlemen of this city, to the with a request that it be kept in the Public Library. An account of this vase, with the names o'f those who gave it, can he found on pp. 68-70 of the 14th Annual Report of the Trust 18iv3. At t A'' '"ii. 146 GROWTH OF LIBRARY. Departments Added; Remarks. In Mason street. In Boylston street. m \A o o pa & o H m P <) H O H Lai'gest ]S T o. in one day. 535 606 647 7o0 693 1,335 1,052 c3 O -# «-■ O CO 00 CO lO 00 CJ t— CO CO O CM CM CM CO CO UO >0 Issues. 35,389 81,281 82,661 89,423 75,570 143,468 151,020 •uado s^p JO - 0£I CM CO ■* CO 1— ■<* t— ^h OO CO CO C5> lO 05 r-i CM CM CM i-H CM CN o Total Volumes in the Libraries. 9,688 16,221 22,617 28,080 34,896 70,851 78,043 85,032 Years. [Library year be- gins May 1st.] 1852-53 1853-54 1854-55 1855-56 1856-57 1857-58 1858-59 1859-60 CM CO •* O CO I— CO GROWTH OF LIBRARY. 147 K o CO t- © CO CO CO U3 CO CD CD fc- t- t- to t— © © CM l-H* © CM U3 cf t~ CI t- ■n t— Ol co t-- tr- CO iO CO iO * uo "* r-H CO CO © © CO CO OS t~ to © -* CO CO TT< ■* o o co ■* -+ CO CO >ra CO © CM © t- lO CO © CO CO CO OS OS © t- 1-1 i-l CM CO © (M IQ 1-1 I-l r-H 1—1 l-H l-H * CO -* to CO © d lO t~ lO c> to t- CO © © i-l CM CO ■*H iO o o © CO CO CD CO CD © t— t- t- r~ t- 4 O l-H CI CO ** »o to t~ CO © © 1-1 CM CO CD CD CD CD CD © © © © t— t— 1^ t~ t- CO GO CO co CO CO CO GO CO CO CO co CO co co i— l i— 1 i-l l-H I-l I-l l-H l-H r-l rH I-H i-i OS O i-l CM CO tH m © b- CO © © 1—1 CM CO i-l i-l i-l i-l i-i l-H P " 1 i-( l-H l-l CM CI CM CM 148 GROWTH OF LIBRARY. cc . »* ■fl xs A _cj cj H "^H cc fi CQ P c "o «3 CO "3 n A OQ H 5 a £ <5 S C3 oj CD P S OQ n 01 CM H £ T3 co XS 1— 1 « . ■> CJ >> ;2 iO «1 ^ cs a w 50 C- Q .t3 C3 H w «-. ■§ ^ fi 6 OQ CO co CO I— 1 i-T aj q >j >• 1) — - CO CO 1—1 I-H t- p bl) . 'C CO -* t~ CO CO CO ^5 OQ ^*2 OD 00 O 1— 1 I— CO CO CD CO 00 71 CO ^3 O M o CM co o n o „ >>0J) I— t— O co CO -t< -+ CO 1~* &< S OS Oi o O CO r-l c P g l~ 00 CO t— iO -f -* eg w CO CO CO CO CO •CO CO CO 3 CO P 5 m a < E- ■j. O I-< Ol O r-l CO 01 EH tiC CI t— CC CM CO >o o CO «n Cs iC I- o_ ei c3 t~ CO io" 03 GQ ■* •* CO 00 O CD -tf SO C5 1—1 I— 1 r-l 1— 1 O O '-' 1-1 I -1 •- rH «-l — CJ > it) emcIo co to CO CO t~ -f CO CD O O O O O "3 s A M ) jo -ox CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 'S ID 3D C9 i— 2 ® .2 CO -f CO >o CO ,_ 1 CD Ph t^- CO CI CO CM t; £ *h c3 co t— O CM °J. CM IH <*- c P -^ t~ 3 CM 03 CO CO 03 co -f ■<* ^2 a 3 H 6 O t- co cs r H CM *"■ O I | 1 1 00 1 CO 1 CO 1 00 1 CD iO O 1— 00 Ci 1—1 01 Jh P5 I— t— t- fc- t~ CO m CO O 00 CO 00 oc CO CO CO 00 « >>>> h£?S K-l g cc 2 ^ _jl i£5 CD t- 00 d d r-{ 1 — ' 01 01 CM CM CM 0) CO CO CAUTIONS, ETC. %* Prompt notice of change of residence must be given. Holders of cards must surrender them when they cease to be residents. Other non-resi- dents must do so when the reasons for which cards were given no longer exist, and they are expected not to give occasion for the sending of Delinquent notices. %* Special cards are not to be used for general purposes, but exclusively for those specified. *** Borrowers finding any book or periodical mutilated, or unwarrantably defaced, are expected to report it. Writing on books, even for mere corrections of the press, is unconditionally forbidden, and a reward has been offered for information leading to the conviction under the law of persons thus abusing the privileges of the Library. %* No claim can be established because of the failure of any notice to or from the Library. %* Conversation with attendants, except on matters pertaining to the Library, is strictly pro- hibited. Gentlemen will remain uncovered while in the building. Calling upon the attendants in Library hours is not allowed,. 150 CAUTIONS, ETC %* There is no admittance within the rails without permission. *** Headers icill confer* a favor by reporting to the Librarian any undue delay in the getting of books. An apparent delay may occur, in the Lower Hall and at the Branches, if they are not careful to listen for the first calling of their names, and in the Bates Hall to watch at the desk for the re- turn of the runner. The jmblic are reminded that an} T report of delinquency, to be helpful, must be made at the time of its occurrence. The Library holds the borrowers responsible for books after the books hare been laid upon the Delivery counter and the borrowers' names have been called. Any suggestions or complaints, made in writing, may be addressed to the Librarian, but they should be signed and an address ffiven. A book for the reception of such suggestions or complaints is always accessible at the Bates Hall and Lower Hall delivery desks. MELLEN CHAMBERLAIN, Librarian. November, 18S3. XJN T DEX. Page Abuses 13 Art, works of 139 Assistance to readers ... 26 Barton catalogue 16 library 125 Bates hall, catalogues ... 16 when open 2 Bible, arrangement of the cards under 24 Books, early printed . . . .120 home use of 3 how drawn out ... 7, 27 injuries to 12 not to be lent by borrow- ers 11 not to be taken from the shelves 13 not to be taken out again by the same borrow- er within twenty-four hours from its return by such borrower . . 9 of reference 3 orders for the purchase of, when sent 30 recommended for pur- chase 29 restrictions in the use of, 8 return of 12 statistics of use of . . . 146 use in the building ... 6 Books and reading, index to notes on 31 Bowditch library 122 Page Branch libraries 130 Branch library books from Central library .... 9 Branch library catalogues . 19 Bulletins 15 Busts 142 Card catalogues, Bates hall . 17 Lower hall 19 removing cards from . . 14 Cards (borrowers') lost ... 8 not to be lent 11 special privilege .... 5 who are entitled to . . . 3 Catalogue system 24 Catalogues 15 of newspapers 22 prices 16 prices to non-residents . 20 Cautions, etc 149 Change of residence .... 7 Chronology of the library . 131 Conversation 13 Copley's Charles the first . . 143 Delivery stations 130 Duplicates 24 Early printed books .... 120 Encyclopasdias 92 and dictionaries, not taken from the building, 6 English surnames and titles of honor, in catalogues . . 25 Engravings, Tosti . . . 21, 12S Fine arts 139 Fines 10, 12 152 INDEX. Page Franklin library 127 French surnames, how cata- logued 25 General information .... 120 Gifts 130 Great Britain. Indexes to parliamentary sessional pa- pers 55 Growth of library 146 Historical paintings .... 143 Holidays ......... 1 Hunt collection 127 Index to notes about books and reading 31 Indexes to periodicals, etc. . 54 Injuries to books 12 Library, growth of 14G when open 1 who may use 4 Lower-hall catalogues ... IS Magazines taken out .... 3 Manuscripts 23 Maps 23 Medical books 7 Models 144 Newspapers 22 Non-residents 5, 6, 20 Notes about books aud read- ing, indexes to 31 Paintings 143 Pamphlets 22 Parker library 123 Parliamentary sessional pa- pers of Great Britain, in- dexes to 55 Patents 6, 95 Periodicals, indexes to ... 54 reading rooms . . 1, 2, 8, 20 Page Poole's index to periodical literature, list of periodicals in Boston Public library . 87 Portraits 139 Prince catalogue 16 library 123 Pseudonyms 24 Readers, assistance to ... 26 Reading-room, Central ... 20 when open 1 Reading-rooms, use of . 1, 2, 8, 20 Registration 4 Regulations 1 Return of books 12 Seven-day books 9 Societies, governments, de- partments, in the cata- logues 24 Special privilege cards ... 5 Starred books 9 Statues 142 Study- room 6 Thayer collection 128 Ticknor catalogue 16 library 124 Tobacco forbidden 13 Tosti engravings .... 21, 128 Transfers of books not al- lowed 9 United States congressional documents, indexes to . . 54 "Washington meial 145 Webster vase 145 Word sent to readers of the return to the library of a book wanted by them . . 28 Works of art 139 Hand-book for Readers BOSTON PUBLIC LIBEABY. CONTAINING THE REGULATIONS OF THE LIBRARY, WITH AN ACCOUNT OP THE CATALOGUES, INDEXES TO NOTES ABOUT BOOKS, INDEXES TO PERIODICALS, A CATA- LOGUE OP BOOKS ABOUT PATENTS, AND OTHER INFORMATION. NEW EDITION". BOSTON: Printed by Order of the Trustees. ROOKWELL AND CHTTBOHILL, CITY PBINTEBS. I88 3 . 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED ! LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. j apr 1.7 1964 \ OCT 3 11968 j ! MAR 8 1969 ; JUN 15 j / fQJL&> 1113 J 1 LD 21-50m-4,'63 1 General Library 868580 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY