GENEALOGICAL HISTORY EEDFIELD FAMILY XJlSriTED STA.TES. BY JOHN" HOWARD REDFIELD. REVISION AND EXTENSION OF THE GENEALOGICAL TABLES COMPILED IN 1839, BY WILLIAM C. REDFIELD. " HONOR THY FATHER AND THT MOTHER, THAT THY DATS MAT BE LONG UPON THE LAND, WHICH THE LORD THY QOD GIVETH THEE." ALBANY : MUNSELL & ROWLAND, 78 STATE STREET. NEW YORK: C. B. RICHARDSON, No. 14 BIBLE HOUSE. 1860. PREFACE. In 1819, Manning Redfield of Manchester, N. Y., while on a pilgrimage to the home of his fathers, in Killingworth, Conn., instituted some inquiries into the history of his gi-eat grand- father, Theophilus Redfield, one of the early residents of that town. The facts thus collected, consisting of some incidents of personal history, a list of his children, with dates of their birth and death, and a list of the children of George Redfield, sixth son of Theophilus, were printed by Lewis H. Redfield of Syra- cuse, N. Y., in the same year, and by him circulated among some of the family. This little slip is believed to have been one of the earliest genealogical publications in this country. In 1838 a copy of it fell into the hands of my father, William C. Redfield of New York City. Having always felt an interest in the early family history, and having already collected many facts concerning his own branch, he was led (with this slip as a foundation) to undertake to trace out the connection and lineage of all the various families bearing the name of Red- field. In this labor he was much aided by Richard W. Redfield and Justus S. Redfield, both residents of New York City — and the result of his active and persevering inquiries, was the pub- lication in 1839 of a series of genealogical tables showing at a glance the descent and relationship of the various families of Redfield in the United States, so far as knowledge of them could be obtained. That so much information and so complete, should be collected and analyzed in so short a time, at a day when genealogical researches were neither common nor appre- ciated, is surprising, and illustrates that untiring diligence and IV PREFACE. that thoroughness of treatment which were still more strongly manifested in another and higher field of investigation. When Mr. R. began his work it was supposed that all the Redfields in the United States were the descendants of Theophilus Redfield of Killingworth, but, in the course of his inquiries, he met with several families who traced their origin to a stock in Fairfield, Conn. He found among them vague traditions of a connection between the Killingworth and Fairfield stocks, but all his efibrts to ascertain the nature of this connection failed, and he was forced to content himself with a suggestion that Theophilus Redfield of Killingworth might have been a nephew of James Redfield of Fairfield. Nearl}' a generation has passed away since the publication of the Genealogical Tables of 1839. Since that day further research has not only shown the actual relationship of the two stocks, but has enabled us to trace the family back still another generation, to the grandfather of Theophilus. It has also shown that the brief history of Theophilus, as given in the slip of 1819 and the work of 1839, must be modified in some particulars. In view of these facts, and actuated by a desire to correct some errors and supply some material omissions in the work of 1839, I have felt myself called upon to attempt a thorough revision of the whole family genealogy in the hopes of ofl'ering it in a more complete and detailed form which should also include the later generation. In the prosecution of this work I have had recourse to all available material. Having in my possession the corres- pondence on which was based the original tables, I have reexam- ined it with care and scrutiny . I have transcribed from the town and ecclesiastical records of Killii)gworth, Clinton and Fairfield, all the entries referring to the family name — and have consulted the town and probate records of Cambridge, New London, Say- brook, New Haven, Guilford and Middletown, for requisite information. The moss-covered n)emorials of the ancient grave yards of Clinton, Killingworth, Fairfield and Middletown have not been neglected. Circulars have been sent as far as practi- cable to all the scattered representatives of the family, inviting information, and in many cases, personal inquiries instituted. The genealogical facts thus brought together are far more com- PREFACE. V plete and specific than I at first permitted mj^self to expect. The old tables were defective in the enumeration of the descend- ants of the second and fourth sons of Theophilus. The last named branch was especially incomplete, and it is believed that the present work, in a measure, supplies these deficiencies. Yet I must lament that, notwithstanding all diligence, in the later generations will be found a few gaps which it has been impossi- ble to fill. In some cases all clue has been lost by change of residence; in other instances, those to whom circulars have been addressed have failed to reply. This failure may perhaps be ascribed, in part, to an iudifi'erence to the subject, not unusual, yet I am happy to state, in this connection, that in a great major- ity of instances the circulars have met a ready response, often- times at the cost of much labor and time, and often with the most cheering expression of interest in the success of the under- taking. While entire accuracy has been aimed at, and while I have avoided all statements, whether of fact or date, not based on good authority, lam well aware that errors, especially in regard to date, will occasionally be found. Only those who have been engaged in such inquiries can realize the perplexing discrepan- cies which constantly occur, not only between dates furnished by different members of the same familj^ but between different family records, between family and town records, and some- times between town, ecclesiastical and probate records. In these cases of discrepancy I have decided, according to the best judgment I could form, probably not always rightly. To follow out the descendants of the female lines would be an endless task, and one which would lead into genealogies pro- perly belonging to families of other names, thei'efore no attempt has been made to follow the descendants of daughters beyond one generation. In other words, wherever the mother was a born Redfield, her cliildren have been named, though they have not been designated by reference numbers. To aid those who may desire to trace back their lineage, both on father and mother's side, I have, as far as possible, given the full name of the father and maiden name of the mother of each individual brought into the family by marriage. This VI PKEFACE. feature will be serviceable to other genealogists in their labors, and a complete index of names will, I trust, add to its useful- ness. It is proper here to make acknowledgment to the various individuals who have kindly aided me in this task. I am under special obligations to Miss F. M. Caulkins, the accomplished his- torian of New London, who, to determine questions of identity and locality connected with the early history of the family, reexamined and transcribed all the passages of the original town records which could have a bearing upon the subject. It is mainly by her researches that we have been enabled to carry back the family history two generations beyond the tables of 1838. To the Hon. James Savage of Boston, I am indebted for many useful suggestions, and it is by a happy thought of his, confirmed by Francis Jackson, Esq., the historian of Newtown, Mass., that we have traced our progenitor to his first residence in the Bay Colony. Thanks are due to Henry Hull, Esq., the town clerk of Killingworth, for his kind assistance in the examination of the records of that town, and for important facta furnishedffrom his personal knowledge. Dr. Alvau Talcott of Guilford, Conn., has transcribed and placed at my disposal a large store of genealogical facts gleaned from the records of Guilford and from other sources. To S. A. Nichols, town clerk of Fairfield, and to Dr. R. Blakeman, probate judge in the same town, and a careful antiquarian, I am under obligation for favors conferred. Finally, to my kinsmen, who have joined nie in the circular of inquiry, or who have, in other ways, counte- nanced and aided me with information (oftentimes obtained and set forth with much pains), and who are too numerous to name, I present my sincere thanks. JOHN H. REDFIELD. New York, September, 1860. CONTENTS. Page. Introduction, 1 Explanations, ^ First Generation, ^ Second Generation, *^ Third Generation, 12 Fourth Generation: A. Killingworth Tribe, 15 B. Fairfield do 24 Fifth Generation: A. Killingworth Tribe; a. Branch of Daniel, 26 Richard, 29 Ebenezer, 31 Theophilus 2d, 33 Capt. Peleg, 3^ George, - 39 William, 44 Josiah, 4*1 James, 49 B. Fairfield Tribe; a. Branch of John, 53 b. do James, 54 c. do Ebenezer, 56 Sixth Generation: A. Killingworth Tribe ; a. Branch of Daniel, 51 to. do Richard, 66 to. do c. do d. do e. do f. do S- do h. do i. do Vlll CONTENTS. Page. c. Branch of Ebenezer of Killingworth, 73 «1. do Theophilus 2d, 74 e. do Capt. Peleg, 83 f. do George, 91 S. do William, 104 li. do Josiah, 110 i. do James, 113 B. Fairfield Tribe; a. Branch of John, 126 b. do James, 131 Seventh Generation: A. Killiugworth Tribe; a. Branch of Daniel, 134 Richard, 149 Ebenezer, 156 Theophilus 2d, 158 Capt. Peleg, 1T6 George, 188 William, 205 Josiah, 213 James, 214 B. Fairfield Tribe; a. Branch of John, 218 b. do James, 226 Eighth Generation: A. Killingworth Tribe; a. Branch of Daniel, 229 b. do Eichard, 248 d. do Theophilus 2d, 248 e. do Capt. Peleg, 257 f. do George, 257 B. Fairfield Tribe; a. Branch of John, 259 b. do James, 259 Summary 261 Appendix, 275 Index to Redtield names, 299 do names other than Redfield, , 316 b. do c. do d. do e. do f. do S. do h. do i. do INTRODUCTION Although the Redfield family in the United States, was nndonhtedly intro- duced from England at the time of the Puritan emigration, still the name is very rare in Great Britain at the present day. It is not found in the London Directory, nor in those of Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Edin- burgh or Glasgow. Nor have we in our inquiries met with any positive testimony of its present existence beyond the Atlantic* Yet there is suffi- cient historical evidence to show that names closely allied in etymological affinities were formerly to be found in England. A William Redefeld is mentioned as holding an ecclesiastical position in 1213, in the reign of King John. t Johannes de Grey de Retherfeld iS named in certain deeds of enfeoffment of property in O.'cfordshire in the reign of Edward IIL, 1327-1377,1 and his name is still substantially preserved by a village in Oxfordshire called Roth- erfield Grays. Rotherfield as a family name now occurs in England. Roger of Redelingfeld is mentioned in the public records of Great Britain as holding various messuages in the county of KentJI and the Prioress of Red- lingfeld or Redyngefeld in Sufl'olk, is often named in old land titles,^ and the name Redlingfield is still applied to a village in Suffolk. Passing on to other names perhaps more likely to have relation to the ancient form of our patronymic, we find a manor in the hundred of Hinok- ford, county of Essex, which in 1378, bore the name of Redfanne, though now called Redfants,ir and in Wiltshire, in the time of Edward I, we find a * Among the papers of thp late \Vm. C. Redtield was fonnd the following rnemorandum, probably made about 1843 : " I am informed that a Dr. Thomas Redtield and his son resided at Bcckington, Somersetshire, E ifiland, bnt h:i8 removed to some other place. I tliink a reference was m:ide toThoimisBiirter, ItiWolcott Pnradp, Batli, as one likely to give inform- ation. This is the only instance in which I have heard of the name in England, except once hearing a statement that a Mr. Redfield, lately from Birmint'ham. England, was drowned soon aftpr his arrival at New York, some thirty years ago." The compiler's etforts to follow up the clue indicated above, have not been suecossfnl. f Rotuli Chartarura in turri Londineiisi asservati. Vol. I. Pars I. p. 196. t Rotulorum orlginalium in curia Scaccharii Abbreviatio, 11. pp. 1^9, 300. II Rotuli Hundredorum II., 3S0, 3S1. §Placita de quo warranto, 724. IT Wright's History of the County of Ejsex. I. t;82. 1 2 INTRODUCTION. William de Redefaunde. Rudfyn, Euffyn, and Redfeni are family names occasionally found in tlie public records. In Burke's Encyclopedia of Heraldry, the name Redfield does not occur, but we find the following cognate names : Redferx. Or, six martlets gules three and three. Crest, A birch tree proper. Redfix. Argent on a fesse gules three fleurs de lys of the field. Redfyxe. Argent a fesse gules between three fleurs de lys azure. Redlefeld. Paly of eight argent and gules : on a chief azure a lion passant guardant or. The similarity of the arms above assigned to Redfin and Redfyne, seems to imply a relation between the two, and they are doubtless but different forms of the same name. The name Redlefeld naturally suggests that of Redfield, and hence some of our kindred have too hastily assumed for our own family the arms assigned above to Redlefield. But we think that the evidence which will presently be adduced, will show that the ancestor of the Redlields in the United States was probably not Redlefeld, tut Redfin, and that the change to Redfield (not easily explained) did not take place till after the death of the first settler. The fact that this change occurred on tliis side of the Atlantic may explain the present rarity of the name of Redfield in England, though Redfin seems now to he quite as uncommon there. Redfern is not unfrequent now in England, and has some representatives in this country, but is probably a distinct family, as indicated by the armorial bearings just quoted. Thorough research in England would probably contribute to further disco- veries in relation to the transatlantic history of the family, and it is to be Loped that some one may yet have the opportunity and the disposition to perform this task, which has been out of our power. In the United States, the name Redfield can hardly be called common, yet it has been borne by more than 1600 individuals, and not less than 500 families of the name now exist, distributed in almost every State and Territory of the Union, though chiefly in the Northern and Western States. All these, that liave come to our knowledge, are certainly descended from James Redfield, who resided in Saybrook in 1676, and we can hariUy doubt that he was the son of William Redfin, wlio settled near Boston as early as 1639. In tracing the descent of the family, we assume this William Redfin to be the ancestor, and take him for the first generation. The grounds of this position will appear as we i)roceed. Should our conclusions be deemed un- satislactory by any, the chain of genealogical succession from the second generation will still be unimpaired ; and if the James Redfield from whom we all unquestionably descend, be not identical with James, the son of Wil- liam Redfin, then there is no evidence whatever that the last mentioned James had any descendauts. EXPLANATIONS. The arrangement lierein adopted is substantially that now in general use for works of a similar charat-ter. The system of numbering, which is to serve for a chie through all the affiliations and ramifications of the family tree, is also that more generally employed. To those who are not familiar with it, it may be necessary to say, that all bearing the name of Redfield are numbered in order in the left margin, and where any of them have families, the same numbers are repeated for them as heads of families, in the same order in the center of the page. The numbers in parenthesis after heads of families, refer to preceding heads of families from whence they descend. This system of notation makes it easy to trace any branch of the family, either in a descend- ing or ascending line. For instance, William Redfin is numbered 1, and his son James is numbered 4 in the margin. By looking for 4 in its jiroi^er order in the body of the page, James Redfield's family history is found, where his son Theophilus bears No. 8 in the margin. If 8 is sought for in its proper order in the body of the page, there the history of Theophilus's family will be found, and so on. Or if we wish to trace any family upwards, the process is reversed, thus — Amasa Angell Redfield, numbered in the margin 1346, is the son of Luther Redfield, who is numbered 592 in the body of the page. By running back along the marginal figures to 592, we find Luther enumerated as son of Luther Redfield, sr., who is numbered 221 in body of the page. Referring again to the margin for this number, we find the father of Lutlier Redfield, sr., and continuing the same method soon trace back to No. 1, lu reckoning the successive generations the children of the first settler are called the second generation, and so on. To readily distinguish between in- dividuals of difl'erent generations, a different type is employed for each gene- ration, thus : First Generation, ES^dUam lietlftCllT. Second Generation, JntneS lUbfielb. Third Generation, THEOPHILUS REDFIELD. Fourth Generation, Daniel Redfield. Fifth Generation, Daniel Redfield,, Sixth Generation, EbeneZer Redfield. Seventh Generation, WILLIAM H. REDFIELD. Eighth Generation, Alfred B. Redfield. Ninth Generation, Caroline Redfield. 4 EXPLANATIONS. In the later generations, subdivisions are employed which will also facili- tate reference. Previous to 1752 the English legal year began with 25th March, though the change to January 1st as the beginning of the year, adopted by Catholic nations in 1582, had been gradually gaining ground. To prevent confusion between the two styles, it became usual to write all dates occurring between January 1 and March 25 with double year, thus : Feb. 22, 173^, meaning that the year under the old style would still be 1731, while by the new style it would be 1732. Under the new style another change also took place, by which ten days should be added to all dates previous to 1700, and 11 days to those between 1700 and 1752. In this work the dttes are taken as found in the records, and no attempt has been made to reduce the earlier ones to new style. Those subsequent to 1752 are of course in new style. The following abbreviations are occasionally employed : b. for born. d. for died, bapt. for baptized. dau. for daughter. m. for married. eh. for child or children, unm. for unmarried. REDFIELD GENEALOGY. iFic0t CKcncratiow. 1. 3!12^lllinUI liCtlf fn, or Rudfex, or Redfyn, or Redfyne, as it is variously rendered in the uncertain ortliugrapliy of the early records, was probably one of llie early emigrants from England to the Colony of Massa- chusetts. He was a man of moderate means, perhaps master of some mechanical handicraft, and we may reasonably suppose him to have been one of that large body of England's yeomanry, who, actuated by the combined motives of dread of the increasing encroachments of kingly and ecclesi- astical power, doubt of the issue of the fearful struggle then approaching, and the hope of bettering their worldly condition, left the Old England for the New, during the decade of years which followed 1630. The year of his arrival is unknown, but as early as 1639, and perhaps earlier, he occupied a house and four acres of laud on the south side of Charles River, about six miles from Boston. He was one of the first settlers on that side of the river. The location can be readily identified, and is not far from tiie foot of Nonantum Hill, on which Eliot, the Indian apostle, a few years later, first preached the gospel of Christ to the sachem Waubun and his people. It was near the north-westerly corner of what is now the town of Brighton, sloping from Nonantum to the meadows of Charles River, and atlorded a fine view eastward toward Boston and its vicinity. His dwelling house and land were confirmed to him ou the Records of the Proprietors of Cambridge in lb42, and the same records show that in Sept., 1646, lie sold his place to Edward Jackson.* Henceforth his name disappears from Massachusetts. With Cary Latham* and others of his neighbors, he probably followed the * Records of the Proprietors of C.imbridge. jHCkson's History of Newtown, pp. 9, 23. la the hitter work Redfen is erroneously quoted Redfen. Mr. Juckson relied upon Paige's copy of the Proprietors' records, which is, in this iustaiice, at fault — itie f having b-x-n niietaken for the lont{ f. The name occurs three or four times in the original records, and ii close inspection of each instance will leave no doubt that the name intended is Kedfen. See Appendix A. * Cary Latham sold his property in Cambridge in Aug., 1646, three weeks before William Redflri sold his, but had already embarked in the New Loudon eaterprise, and afterwards became one of the most prominent men of that town. 6 FIRST GENERATION. stream of migration which, under the auspices of the younger Winthrop, was now directed from Massachusetts towards the fair river and harbor of Pequot, or as it was afterwards called, New London, in the jurisdiction of the Connecticut Colony. But though the first settlement in Pequot was made in 1646, we have no positive evidence of William Redfin's presence there till about 1G53. Jonathan Brewster,* one of the earliest settlers at Pequot, had established a trading house with the Mohegan Indians, at a point on the east side of the river, opposite to their principal settlement. At this i)lace (which is still called by his name, Brewster's Neck, and lies upon the north side of Poquetannuck Cove, about seven miles north of tlie present city of New Lon- don, in the present town of Ledyard), Brewster having obtained title from Uncas, the Mohegan chief, laid out for himself a large farm. Here William Redfin built himself a house, probably about 1653, at the solicitation, per- haps, of Brewster himself, for on the 29th May, 1654, Brewster conveyed to him "ten acres of arable land lying at Muuhegan, of the plane of said Brewster's land and on the north side thereof, &c., with the ground whereon the said Redfin hath built a house, with a small garden thei'eto belonging, already fenced in." His family at this time consisted of his wife Rebecca, daughters Lydia, Rebecca and Judith, and sou James. Lydia was married in the following yeat to Thomas Bayley of New London. In April, 1657, William Redfin bought of Richard Houghton a parcel of land, containing four acres, more or less, with a stone house ui^on it. This was situated on the western side of the river, north of the present city of New London, west of the present road between New London and Norwich. To this purchase the town added a grant of six acres in the rear, and he probably removed to this new location, which was contiguous to the residence of his son-in-law. His death took place about April or May, 1662, and was probably not unexpected, for in March of that year he had conveyed his house to Thomas Roach, who had married his daughter Rebecca, and on the 1st of April he had provided for his son by apprenticing him in the trade of tanner. His widow Rebecca survived him, how many years we know not. In June, 1G63, .she applied to the town for a grant of a certain piece of land contain- ing six acres, which was made to her in Sejjtember of that year. This land she sold in December, 1666. The last record of her is in 1667. We have thus far spoken of this family as bearing the name of Redfin, and so it is written (though with varying orthography) botli in the records of Camliridge, and in the records of New London previous to 1662; but while the family resided in the latter town, the name seems gradually to have ♦Jonalhsm Browsior wat? u boh of Eldor William Brewster, wlio landed at Plynioutli from the Mayflower in December lf)20. Joiiathan'rt wife Lucretiucanio over with her father-in- law in the Mayllower, bin her hUKband had remained behind in Holland, and followed them in the next veKsel, the Fortune, wliich arrived Nov. 9, 1C21. See Caulkitu^t New London, pp. 0."i, (JIJ, '.276. SECOND GENERATION. 7 assumed the form of Redfield. Whether this was a corruption arising from a carelessness in pronunciatiou not uncommon at tliat day, or was a voluntary change, it is not now easy to determine. The evidence of the change is however conclusive, and sufficient to satisfy the most cautious and critical antiquarians.* Children. 2. 1. Cq^^'^ tleofin or Redfikld, born as is supposed about 1636. 3. 2. UebcCCa tkbfin or Rkdfield, " " 1G41. 4. 3. jJames Hebfm or Redfield, " " i646. 5. 4. Jfubill) Uebfill or Redfield, " " 1G49. Second (^ntecation. 2. iiribia tlcbfin, or redfield, eldest daughter of SE'lUiani (1), was married at New London, January 10, lC5jj, to Thomas BayleyI of that town. He was a soldier under Lothrop, and was slain by the Indians in the oombat at Bloody Brook, Mass., September 18, 1675. His widow married, in 1676, William Thorne from Dorsetsiiire, Old England. It is not known whether she had any children by the latter. f Children. By first husband. 1. MARY BAYLEY, born February 14, 165 1 ; married before 16S4, Andrew Davis of New London. 2. THOMAS BAYLEY, born March 5, 165f • ^ 3. JOHN BAYLEY, born April — , 1661, J- 4. WILLIAM BAYLEY, born April 17, 1664. J r.. JAMES BAYLEY, bom Sept. 26, 1666. * See Appendix B. jThe entry of this marriage upon the records of New London, reads tlins : ''1655, Thomas Bayloy was niarryed lo Lyddia theduiighler o'i James Redtin, the 10th of January." Thai there is a clei leal error here, and that for James we should read William, is evident from the following congiderationH : Tliomas Bayley had a grant of Land made him in 1057. In the description of its bounds, it is said to lie " over against his/a?Acr's land at Moheagan," This undoubtedly means fatlicr-in-laxo, for frequent instances occur in the same records where the word /afAer is thus used. No other Baxjl-zy had any grant of lands at that time. Moreover when thi>' Bayley grant was afterwards sold, it is described as being uigh the Red- field land. But no James Redtivld or Redtin had any grant of lands recorded m New Lon- don, nor does hi-t name appear as buyer or seller, grantor or grantee of any lands within its bounJs. This correction, which is suggested by Miss Caulkins, disposes of the supposed elder James RedQeld alluded to in her Hislonj of Xcxo London, p. 279, and adds greatly to the prob.ability that James, the son of William Redtin, is identical with the James'Redfteld, aflerwarcls recorded in other places. tMiss Caulkins's History of A'eio London, pp. 290, 29^. Each left descendants. (5 SECOND GRNERATION. 6 JOSEPH BAYLEY, born . 7. LYDIA BAYLEY, baptized August 3, 1G73, marrieel Andrew Lester. 3. UebeCCn Ucbfin, or Redfif.ld, second daugbter of 213!^llUam (1), was married at New London, Dec. 12, 1661, to Thomas Roach, a seauiau from Block Island, wbo had come to New London as early as 1651. In March, 1664-, Roach bought of his father-in-law S9!r lUiailT HCtlftU, the house and lot which the latter had bought of Richard Houghton, witli the land adjoining which had been granted to Redfin by the town. Roach's wife Rebecca died August 16, 1670. We have no record of any children. He was living as late as 1708.* 4. James tlebfin, or Redfiei.d, only son of 212!^tlltant (1), bound him- self to Hugh Roberts of New London, April 1, 1662, for five years, " to learn the art and trade of tanning." The indenture was made with consent of his parents, and signed by himself, his fatlier and Hugh Roberts, and was wit- nessed by Gershom Bulkley and Lucretia Brewster, and there is reason to believe it was executed during his father's last sickness. We may presume that his age at the time of his indenture was about sixteen years. Before his five years of service had expired, to wit, in 1C66, Mr. Roberts broke up his establishment in New London, sold out and afterwards removed to Newark, N. J. The young apprentice thus probably became free, and in October, 1666, the name appears on the New London rate list, estimated at a low figure (£3 Os. 2d.). It is noton the listof 1667 (the only other early one preserved), hence we infer that he had left the place, and the New London records aflbrd no evidence of his further residence there ; but in May, 1669, James Redfield was married at New Haven to Elizabeth How, who was born in 1645, daughter of Jeremy Howf of New Haven, who was a son of Edward How, one of the first settlers of Lynn, Mass. For a year or so he must have continued a resi- dent of New Haven, for in May, 1670, the birth of a daughter is recorded there. In what occupation he was atthis time em])loyed there is no evidence, and henceforth the archives of New Haven are also silent respecting him, but in the year following (1671) the name appears among the inhabitants of Tis- bury, Martha's Vineyard } When we remember that New London was, at that period, one of the principal seaports of New England, and that its young men very naturally took to the sea, that both father and uncle of his wife * Miss Caulkins's History of Neio London, pp. 77, 279. t It was Jereimali Hdw's brotliur Kpluiiim of whom Cotton Mather relates a wonderful Boa deliverance. — Magnalia, Am. eil., 1,343. Di.wvell tlie regiciilc; (so caileil). under the aswuiueU naiii« of James Davids, married for liis second wile Batlu-licba How ol New Haven, who was dou' t.ei-« a daUKliler or niece of Jeremiah How. t Letter of L. M. Pease, KvlLtaitown, Martha's Vineyard. SECOND GENERATION. » were mariners and he himself evidently of a roving disposition, it is quite probable that young Redfield may have gratified the restlessness of youth by an occasional coasting voyage, or may have even sailed as far as Barbadoes, with whiclx island a large trade was then carried on. This, however, is but conjecture ; nor do we meet the name again till 1676. In July of that year a James Redlield was living at Saybrook with wife and children, and also a servant man (perhaps a journeyman or apprentice) and was exercising the vocation of weaver. At this time the troubles with the Indians (known as King Philip's war) rendered Saybrook of some importance as a military post, and the fort and garrison buildings near the mouth of the Connecticut had been rebuilt or repaired. The successes of the colonists against the Narra- gansetts, during the summer of 1G76, were such as to sliow that no large garrison would be needed at Saybrook, and hence Capt. Robert Chapman, under whose command the fort had been placed, wrote to the Council at Hartford to inform them that "the fort-house, together with the fortification, was near finished," and to ask their will and pleasure whether to put it under charge of a small garrison, or to place only a family to live there. Should the latter be thought advisable, he recommends James Redfield as a suitable person.* Whether the Council acted on this recommendation is not known, Site of Saybrook Fort, as seen from Steam Boat Wharf. but it is probable they did. At any rate, Redfield afterwards appears as still residing at Saybrook, for in Dec. 1683, the town granted him an acre of land on Pipe Staves Point, to which another acre was granted in 1686. t This location was very near the fort, and was upon the same point of land and ♦ TrumbuWs Colonial Records of Connecticut, II, 468. See Capt Chapman's letter at full length in Appendix C. t See Appendix D. The origin of this name, " Pipe Staves Point," Is explained by the fol- lowiiit; orders piicsed liy the General Conn of Conneciicut, in 1641 : After ordaining the standard size for pipe staves, and providing for the appointment of an 9, 10 SECOND GENERATION. probably very near thfi now lonely field where the monument to Lady Alice Butler still stands solitary. How long he resided at Saybrook we can not tell. The Saybrook records of births and deaths are silent rt^specting his famil}', and yet it is probable that in addition to " the children " above mentioned, at least one other was born to him in this town, to wit, his son Theophilus in 1682, and we may presume that his wife Elizabeth died before he removed elsewhere. How- ever this may be, it is certain that he removed to Fairfield, Conn., as early as 1693, and probably earlier. There he married a .«econd time. His wife was Deborah, daugliter of .John Stcrges or Stuegis, who was a freeman of Fair- field as early as 1600, and a prominent man in the c-omniuiiity. His residence was neiir Hyde's Pond, which is near the main road through Fairfield, not far from the present rail road station. In 1713, J?nmeS Hcbfielb visited his son THEOPHILUS (who, as we shall see, had established himself at Killingworth) and made over to him the little plot of ground at Saybrook, which we have already mentioned* On the 10th Feb , 17]-^, SnitlCS and his wife Deborah conveyed their pro- perty at Fairfield to their son JAMES, for his encouragement to continue with and help them in their old age. In the following month JfllUCS S son-in-law, .John Seeley, quit-claimed his interest, and in January, 172y, his daughter Sarah nnd her husband Daniel Frost, likewise released their interest in the same property.! We can not assign the date of the death of i;(intCS Hcouclb or of his wife Deborah. The former probably occurred before 1 723. J inspector of staves in eacli town, tho order proceeds '■ .and :tll such parcels so .ipproved and Bcrilpd, slvill pans to the moichnnt at jEj tlie thonu;iii(i, to be delivered at the river''s moulh, at i()/»>/i p/(ire Hie foil n try li;ili iindorlook to pioviilo for Mr. Hopkins, tiy Itie tipainiiinc of June next, 70 000, viz: Welliersiel.l. 30,000; Windsor, 20,000; Hartford, 20,0(10; if Mr. Ho|il oi;e and the same person. This view of tlic sulyi'cl 18 more coiifistent wiili probahiliiie.^ than any other, since with perhaps one exception, i harmonizes every fact whidi lia-< been lirouifht to light. Tlie chain of connec- tive evidcticp from lli7(i downward in lieyoiid qiiesiiop, aid the oidy diflictilty which arines is to explain how the tanner^s apprentice of 1062, should appear as a weaver in 1G76. We think this dilliciiliy disappears on exaiiiiiiaiioii. It is certain that the tanner boy's nnpren- tioeyhlp was not completed, owiiiif to the chaniie of residence of Unzh Rol>erts, to whom ho had been bound, and there is no evidence of his afterwards workinsr at his early avocation. a yo'.inu man, without the capital necessary to carry on what usually became a lucra- tive trade, and lirou^ht up in u community where a larg" portion of the youth soufiht their f'ortHiio upon the seas, should quit the occup.-ilion he had first eniliracid, slioiild enter upon a roviiiir life and finally settle di>wn in the pr.ictioo of n calling which (as tlien carrie73.* 8. 3. THEOPHILUS EEDFlULD, bnni ,'lG82. By ser,)n(l wife. 9. 4. MARCJARSr REDPIELB, baptised at Fairfield, Oct. 7, 1G94. 10. 5. JAMES REDPIELD, baptised at Fa rfield, Oct. 25, 1G96. 5. Inbill) Ucbfin or Rr-DFuaD, third daughter of 2!2?llliant, married at New London, June 17, 1667, Alexander Pygan of Norwich, Old England. The widowed mother seems not to have looked with favor upon Mr. Pjgan's suit, for the records of the County Court of New London, a little previous, show that "Alexander Pygan was complained of by Widow Rebecca Redfin, for enticing away her daughter's atfections, contrary to the laws of this cor- poration." Mr. Pygan liad arrived the year previous and was a tanner by trade. On his first arrival in the plantation he was regarded as rather a law- less young man of " passionate and distempered carriage," but under the restraints and influences by which he was surrounded, he became a discreet and u.seful member of the community. Bis wife Judith died April 30, 1678. ChUd''en, 1. SARAH i»YGAN, b. February 23, 16^^, m. Nicholas Hallam, July 8, 1686, by wliom she had three children: 1. Alexander Hallam, born October 22, 1688 ; 2. Edward Hallam, born April 25, 1693, married Grace Denison ; 3. Sarah Hallam, born March 29, 1695, married Joseph Merrills. 2. JANE PYGAN, born Feb. — , 167^, married, in 1694, Jonas Green, ship master, of New London; had son Samuel and perhaps others. by two young men of about the same age, and living in tlie sea port towns of the same colony, though never bolh found in the same place at one time— a hypolhesis which lakes far too much tor granted. At any rate if the New London Jara^B is a diflerent man Ironi him of Saybrouk, then tlieie is no turiher trace of the former or of his family, for all of the name since known, descend, as has already been mentioned, from the latter. Hence if we are wrong in the ground we have taken, it will invalidate none of " the euccesaion " after 1676. ♦The year of Sarah Redfield's birth is unknown, and it is perhaps doubtful whether she was by the tirst or second wife. The rank above UBcigned her is favored by the fact that James HedtieUl had more (ban one child livmg in 1676, and that Sar.ih is not meniioncd on the record of Fairfii-ld ; yet this latter point is not condu-ive, since there are no baptismal einries on the ecclesiasiical records earlier than 1694. The early town registry of Fairfield id very defective and piobabiy one volume is lost. Except two or three pages found at llie end of the lal Vol. of Deeds, there is nothing of earlier date thau 1720. 12 THIRD GENERATION. After the death of this wife Mr. Pygan lived a few years at Saybrook, where he had a shop of goods and was licensed by the County Court as inn keeper. He married there his second wife, April 15, 1684, Lydia, widow of Samuel Boyes, and daughter of William and Lydia [Danforlh] Beamond of Saybrook, by whom he had a daughter Lydia, who married Rev. Eliphalet Adams of New London.* 7. SARAH REDFIELD, second daughter of SatttCS (4), son of ^[l^tlltSini (1), was married to Daniel Frost, son of Daniel and Mary Frost of Fairfield, and great grandson of William Frost, one of the first .settlers of Fairfield, who died in 1644, and whose will is recorded in Trumbull's Col. Records of Connecticut, I, 465. Daniel Frost died in 1725. On the 8th Dec. of that year, Sarah Frost was appointed administratrix of the estate of her deceased husband. ChUd. 1. Daniel Frost, And perhaps others. Mrs. Frost was probably married a second time, to Abner Fitch of Norwalk, for on the 3d Feb. 172|, Daniel Frost, son of Daniel Frost, deceased, late of Fairfield, made choice of his father-iu'law, Abner Fitch of Norwalk, Conn., as his guardian. 8. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD, oldest son of SamcS (4), son of CCPtlunnt (1), was a joiner by trade, and probably settled in Killingworth, Conn., soon after becoming of age.t The first mention of him on the records of that town is in March, 1704, when he bought a small piece of ground for a homestead in what was then Killingworth, but which has since been set off by * Mis) Caulkina's History of New London, pp. 142, 250, 341, 359. t In the ppne.slogic.lI tiible, prepared by Mannintj Redtteld In 1819, it is stated "Thoo. philUB Redfleld was born in England and came to America as an adventnrcr by the way of the West Indies In 1704." This Btalement was copied into the gcncalotry of 1S39. The d •tails already given of James Rodfield's history, sustained as they are by the documentary evi- dence presented in the Appendi.x, show lliat this account can hardly be true. On what It was based can not now be ascertained, but it was probably on family tradition — a most uncer- tain authority. Theophilus's father may perhaps have made a voyage or two to BarbaiocB, though of this wo-tind no positive evidence, orTheophilus himself after attaining to majority may have made a voyage thither, which would bo sunu-ient ground for such a tradition. yy/itr& TheopbiluB was born is not known, though the probabililes are that it was Saybrook. THIRD GENERATION. 13 the name of Clinton, and is now one of the most pleasant of those beautiful villages which border Long Island Sound. On the 24th Dec, 1706, he mar- ried Priscilla Greenel (or Grinnell), then aged 17, dau. of Daniel and Lydia Greenel who three years before had settled in that part of Saybrook, then called Pochaug, now Westbrook. Daniel Greenel came from Little Compton, R. I. (then called Seaconnet), was a son of Daniel Greenel of that place, and probably a grandson of Matthew Greenel who was in Portsmouth, R. I., in 1638.* For several years after his marriage, THEOPHILUS EEDFIELD continued to reside in the southern part of the town, but about 1717 or 1718 he bought a tract of land of about 120 acres on Chestnut Hill in North Kill- ingworth, within that part of the town to which the name of Killingworth is now restricted. Chestnut Hill is an elevated ridge of land, about a mile and a half west of Killingworth church, extending north and south for nearly two miles between the forks of the Hammonassett river, and commanding a beau- tiful and extensive view both east and west. Thither he removed and resided for the remainder of his life. This property seems for the most part to have been retained among the descendants, and at least four families of the name still reside on Clu^stnut Hill. Though never called to take a very prominent part in public affairs there is evidence that Mr. Redfield commanded the respect and esteem of the com- munity in which he lived. He was frequently appointed on important com- mittees in the management of town affairs, and at a day when military titles, however humble, had some weight, was known as "Sargeant Redfield." He died on the 14th February, 1759, in the 77th year of his age.t His wife Priscilla survived him eh ven years and died Jan. 12th, 1770, aged 81. ♦Though Mr. Greenel'a nncestor was certainly an early immigrant to the colonies, we find no eviilence that he was one of Dr. Robin»on'» Leyden congregation as stated in the old genealogy. There is a tradition in ilie family that it is of Huguenot origin, and took refuge in England after the niapsacre of St. Bartholemew. Seaconnet, whi-re Daniel Greenel's father eettk-d, not Cape Uod, as Ptated in the old work, but the point of land on the east of Narragansett Bay, now called Little Compton. f Theophilus Redfield's grave stone is still standing, in good proecrvation, in the old yard about a mile and a half south of Chestnut Hill. The insciiptlon reads In memory of Mr. Theophilvs Redfield who died Feb. ye 14th 1759 in the 77th year of his age. His wife Princilla is buried in the yard in Clinton, near the Congregational Church, The stone is inscribed In memory of Mrs. Priscilla Redfield, wife of Mr. Tlieophilns Redfield who died Jan. 12ih, 1770, in her 81st year. For Theophilus Redfield's will and inventory of his estate, eee Appendix G. 14 THIRD GENERATION. In 1738. CMldrtn. 11. 1. Daniel Redfleld, born Sept. 22, 1707. 12. 2. Eiizabef 11 Redfield, born May 8, 1709. 13. 3. Richard Redfield, born June 18, 1711. 14. 4. Ebenezer Redfield, born Dec 3, 1713. 15. 5. L,ydia Redfield, born Feb. 9, 1714. 16. 6. TlieopEiilus Redfield, born Sept". 6, 1718. 17. 7. Priscilla Redfield, born July 20 1720. 18. 8. Peleg- Redfield, born April 2, 1723. 19. 9. Cieor^e Redfield, born Nov. 7, 1725. 20. 10. William Redfield, born Dec. 5, 1727. 21. 11. Josiall Redfield, bom Sept 6, 1730. 22. 12. Jane Redfield, bom June 24, 1733. 23. 13. James Redfield, born March 29, 1735. These children all lived to be married, and all had families, and from the stock of THEOPHILUS are descended nine-tenths of those bearing the name. 9. MARGARET REDJ'IELD, third daughter of loittCS (4), son of (S2^{llt3nt (1), is supposed to have married Joh.n Seklf.y* of New- town, Conn. He was probably a resident of Stratford between 1691 and 1710, and as early as 1712 removed to Newtown. He was living in 1719, when he executed a release to his brotlier-in-law, JAMES REDFIELD. As Seeley's wife is not named in that instrument, it is to be inferred that she was then deceased. It is not liuowil whether there were any children. 10. JAMES REDFIELD, second son of JomcS (4), son of ^l^flUaiU (1), resided in Fairfield, Conn. He appears to have been thrice married ; 1st about 172.5, to Sarau ; 2d, about 1727, to Mary ; and 3d, about 1742, to Sarah . He died in 1743, and liis widow adminis- tered on the estate. Inventory, £815 14s 9d. She was living as late as 1779. • WhHther John Seeley's wife wiis Marnnret or another (liiughtor of .Ininci! lUnltield, of whom we have no rword, Wi) have not been alile todtitenninc. Itut us we know there wa.* n daugh- ter Mur^iarcl it is unnece.siiary to tuipiuse another, in the absence of positive te^timoDy. FOURTH GENERATION. . 15 Children. By first ivifc. 24. 1. Sarah Redfield, born , 1726. By second vife. 25. 2. Abigail Redfield, Impt. Nov. 24, 1728, died unm. 26. 3. David Redfleld, l.apt. Jan. 11, 17§^, di^^d May, 1750 * 27. 4 Jane Redfield, bapt. Jan. 16, 173^, died unm. 28. 5. JoBm Redfield, baptised Dec. 23, 1733. 29. 6. James Redfield, baptised .Jan. 2.5, 173|. 30. 7. Ebeiiezer Redfield, bapt. March 4, 173f , died in infancy. By third viife. 31. 8. f:!$enezer Redfield, baptised March 27, 1743. Some of the descendants of JAMES BEDFIELD still reside in Fairfield and its vicinity, but none bearing the name. iFourtf) ^fiTcratCon* A. IvILLINGWORTH TRIBE, Descendants of THEOPHILUS REDFIELD (S) of Killbuj- icorih. 11. Daniel Redfield, eldest son of THEOPHILUS (8), .son of JfamCS (4), resided at Clinton,! Conn. He recognized the Chnrch covenant in 1725, and about 1728 he married Elizabeth . In May, 1746, he was commis.sioned as ensign in the third company of the regiment under com- mand of Col. Elisha Williams of Wethersfield, raised for a contemplated expedition against the French in Canada. During a portion of his life he was a sea-captain. He died Jan. 11, 1758, in his 51st year, a year before hia father. His widow died November 2, 1775, aged 74 years. * March 15. 1750-1. James Smedley was appointed administrator on the estate of David Red- field of Kairfiiild. deceased. t Although Clinton was not set ofTas a sernrntc town till after 1820. yet f r the .U4^/^J^ In 1809. Childrtn. All by first wife. 128. 1. John Redfield, born in Guilford, June 12, 1759. 129. 2. Samuel Redfield, " " Sept. 18, 1762. 130. 3. Juliana Redfield, " " Aug. 18, 1766. 131. 4. Jared Redfield, " " Jan. 1, 1771. 132. 5. Amanda Redfield, " " July 15, 1775. 37. Savnuet Redfield, fourth son of Daniel (11), son of THE- OPHILUS (8), tailor by occupation, resided at Clinton. Was a captain of militia. Married, 1st, about 1765, Elizabeth Hilliard, daughter of Benoni and Martha Hilliard. She died May 13, 1790, aged 47 years. He married, 2d, Eunice [Joyce] Redfield, widow of his nephew, Capt. John Redfield (128). He died January 8, 1812, aged 70 years. His widow, Eunice, sur- vived until 1848. Children, All by first wife, 133. 1. Samuel Redfield, bom in Clinton, , 1766. 134. 2. Elizabeth Redfield, " " , . 135. 3. Phebe Redfield, " " June 7, 1771. 136. 4. David Redfield, " " , ; died young. 137. 5. Isaac Redfield, " " , ; whiKS of Guilford, exasperated by 8ome tory outrnRos, and by the belief that some of the inhabit- ants of the town were secretly inclined to favor the royal cause, started out one evening to search the houses of the suspected. Whether it was because Rood Mrs. Amanda liked too well a good cup of tea, or whether there was other occasion to believe that Dr. Kedfield's dwelling concealed illicit goods, we can not tell, but bis dwelling was included in the number to lie searched. The searching party seeing the Doctor's negro-mnn at the door, ordered him to get out of the way or he would be shot. He asked permission to call his master, who finding what was in the wind, came to the door armed with an empty vial, well corked, which he held up to the crowd, and in a most impressive manner declared that he had the small-pox bottled up in that vial, and that unless they would instantly leave the premises, peaceably and without disturbance, he should certainly open it and let out the disease upon them. No threat could have been more effective. The paity decamped, heUer skelter, and left the Doctor and his terrible vial unmolested. RICHARD REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 29 38. Syivester Redfield, fifth son of Oaniel (11), son of THEO- PHILUS (8), was a farmer and blacksmith, residing at Clinton, Conn. He married, 1st, December 26, 1770, Martha Merrill, born in 1752. Both recognized covenant with church August 25, 1771. She died March 11, 1807, and he married, 2d, Dec. 13. 1807, widow Margaret Ferrell or Farrell. He died September 9, 1823, in his 80th year. Children. By first wife. 138. 1. Lucy Redfield, bom in Clinton, January 21, 1772. 139. 2. Rebecca Redfield, born in Clinton, February 13, 1774. 140. 3. Sylvester Redfield, " " August 18, 1776. 141. 4. Cynthia Redfield, " " Oct. 27, 1781 ; d. Aug. 15, 1802, unmarried. 142. 5. Benjamin Redfield, " " July 16, 1784; d. by his own hand, Sept. 6, 1821, without family. 143. 6. "Wealthy Redfield, bom at Clinton, February 16, 1789. 144. 7. Martha Redfield, " *' October 14, 1794. 145. 8. Catharine Redfield, '■ " October 9, 1796. Child by second wife. 146. 9. Phebe Ann Redfield, bom at Clinton, December 22, 1808, b. Branch op Ricbard Redfield, (13), of Killingworth. 39. Eliphalet Redfield, eldest son of Ricbard (13), son of THEOPHILUS (8), resided at Clinton, and is believed to have been a mariner. Married June 15, 1767, Anna Stannard. Date of death unknown. Children. 147. 1. William Redfield, bom at Clinton, Feb. 3, 1768. 148. 2. Mary Redfield, " " March 10, 1771. 149. 3. John Redfield, " " Aug. 1, 1773. Died at sea, unmarried. 150. 4. Hannah Redfield, * 151. 5. Anne Redfield, bom at Clinton, Nov. 17, 1782. 152. 6. Friend Redfield, * 153. 7. Sarah Ann Redfield, born at Clinton, May 14, 1792. * Hannah and Friend are enumerated in the old genealogy, among the children of Eliphalet, and we have been assured by descendants of Eliphalet, that there were children of that name, but there is no mention of them on the records of Killingworth, where the births of the others are recorded, and we suspect that Hannah is only another form of ^nTWor Anne, and that both Hannah and Friend should have no place in the list. 30 FIFTH GENERATION. KILLIXGWORTH TRIBE. 40. Priscillft Rcdfield, eldest daughter of RicSsard (13), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married October 10, 1759, to Rcfl-s Hardt, of Killiiigworth. She died , and Mr. Hardy married August 16, 1767, Mary Ward. Child) €71 of Rufus and Priscilla Hardy. 1. Richard Hardy, horn Aug. 30, 17*60. 2. Rufus Hardy, born July 7, 1762. 42. m^lbigail Redfieid; second daugliter of Ricbas'd (13), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married to William Pexdlktox, of Stratford, Conn. She died December 25, 1779, aged 36 years, and her husband died March 25, 1796. Children. 1. David Pendleton, born . 2. Isaac Pendleton, born Feb. 20, 1778. Both these have children and grandchildren still living in Stratford. 43. Revbeu RcdfieSd, third son of Richard (13), son of THE- OPHILUS (8), married in Castleton, Vt., about 1788 or 1789, Elizabeth JocELYN or Josselyn, and removed to the town of Highgate, on the northern boundary of Vermont. After living at several places in that vicinity, he removed, about 1832 or 1833, to Eden, Erie county, N. Y.. where he died January 8, 1835, aged 69 years. His wife died February 4, 1829. Childreji. 154. 1. Hervey Redfield, born . Died young. 155. 2. Harriet Redfield, born . 156. 3. Almeria Redfield, born . 157. 4. Alzira Redfield, bom , 1798. 158. 5. William Villeroy Redfield, born . 159. 6. Elizabeth Josselyn Redfield, bom Nov. 21, 1S02. 160. 7. Lucy Redfield, born . Died young. 161. 8. Homer Johnson Redfield, bom . 162. 9. Horace Linzy Redfield, born Dec. 23, 1809. 44. Richard Redfield, fourth son of Ricliard (13), son of THE- OPHILUS (8), was an axe maker. The axes of his manufacture obtained a high reputation, and were known far and wide as the " Redfield axes." He EBEXEZER REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 31 resided siiecessively in Vermont, New York, Canada, Indiana and Illinois.* He married fust, Puebk Loper, of Newark, N. J., and second, Mrs. Lucy Beoux. He died at Rushville, 111., March 26, 1851, aged 83 years. Children, By first marriage, 163. 1. James Wilcox Redfield, born , 1789. 164. 2. Henry Redfield, l»orn March 24, 1794. 165. 3. Reuel Redfield, born , 1795. 166. 4. Richard Redfield, born , 1797. 167. 5. Sidney Redfield, born Sept. 17, 1799. 168. 0. Ovanda Redfield, born , 1803. 169. 7. George Washington Redfield, born . Died young. 170. 8. Charles Redfield, born . Died young. Children. By second marriage. 171. 9. Thomas M. Redfield, born . 172. 10. Lucy Redfield, bom . c. Branch of Etoenezer li-edfield (14), op Killingworth. 49. Hannah Redfield, fourth daughter of Ebenezer (14), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married November 18, 1771, to Daniel Peck, of Cliuton, son of and Abigail [Colton] Peck. Children. 1. William Peck, born April 3, 1772. Died iu infancy. 2. Abigail Peck, born April 14, 1775. 3. William Peck, bom March 28, 1777. •' 4. Parnell Peck, bom April 18, 1779. 5. Azubah Peck, born Nov. 13, 1781.- 6. Julia Peck, born Sept. 9, 1783. Died in infancy. 7. Daniel Peck, bom Dec. 4, 1786. See (382). 8. Julia Peck, July 10, 1790. * This ca8e aruircls a characteristic example of the progressive propensity of " the universal YanViee nation." Kiihard liedtielii was born in Killingworth, I'onneoticut, went early to the town of Mendham, N' J , where he learned the trade of axe-making, of a .Mr. Conger, and mar- ried his first wife. He then removed to Addi.son county, Vermont, and while in that county resided succe.ssively at Bridport, Middlebury, ShorehHm and Vergennes : thence he removed to Madrid, St. Lawrence cuunty, N. V.; thence he crossed the St. Lawrence into Canada: thence to Ogdensburgh, N. Y.; thence to Elbridge. Onondaga county, N. Y. ; thence to Sodus, Wayne county, N. Y.; thence to New Albiny, Indiana; thence to Kushville, Illinois, where death gave him his last removal, March 26, 1851. 32 FIFTH GENERATION. 50. Artemisia Redfield, fifth daughter of Ebenezer (14), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married to Samuel Merrill, of Clinton, Conn. Her husband died Dec. 23, 1833, aged 84, and she died Aug. 15, 1847, aged 93 years. Children. 1. Mary Merrill, bom Jan. 28, 1771. Married John Fiske, many years town clerk of Middletown, Conn. 2. George Merrill, born June 9, 1773. Deceased; widow still living (1859), in Clinton. 3. Phebe Merrill, Nov. 3, 1775. Married Hiram Brockway, of Lyme, Conn. Died at Brockport, N. Y. 4. Benjamin Merrill, born Jan 3, 1779. Died at Greenville, N, C. 5. Artemisia Merrill, bom Oct. 3, 1782. Married Cherry, of S. C. Died at Louisburg, N. C. 6. Clarissa Merrill, bom October 31, 1786, Unmarried; now living (1859) in Clinton. 7. Samuel Merrill, b. Sept. 12, 1789; d. in Greenville, N. C. 8. Ebenezer Kedfield Merrill, b. Sept. 12, 1796. Died Sept. 21, 1797. 9. Ebenezer Redjaeld Merrill, b. Jan. 15, 1798; d. at Clinton, July 15, 1857. Mrs. t^rtemisia Jflerrill had, in 1838, more than 80 descendants. 51. JFrederich Red/ield, second son of Ebenezer (14), son of THEOPHILUS (8), studied medicine and settled at Middletown, Conn. He married, March 8, 1780, Clarissa Brown of Guilford, Conn., born Dec. 2, 1759, daughter of Samuel and Hannah [Landar] Brown. He died at Guade- loupe, W. I., Dec. 13, 1797, aged 42 years.* His widow died Feb. 3, 1816. Children. 173. 1. Ebenezer Redfield, b. Aug. 24, 1781 ; d. of yellow fever in New York city, Sept. 17, 1798. At that time he was a clerk to N.athaniel G. Ingraham. (See family 130). 174. 2. Samuel Brown Redfield, b. Aug. 15, 1784. 175. 3. Henry Redfield, b. May 8, 1786; d. Aug. 13, 1815, at Peters- burgh, Va. No family. 176. 4. Frederick Jared Redfield, b. July 23, 1778. Resided at Petersburgh, Va. No family. *Dr Frederick Redfield woi" interested with Kzra L'Hommetlieu iu some laud operations in central New York, and it is believed that the town of Kedfield, iu Oswego Co., N. Y., waB named from him. (dee 81). THEOPHILUS REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 33 52. Parnel Iledfield^ sixth daughter of Ebenezer (14), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married July 29, 1778, to Timothy Crottenden or Crittenden of Guilford, Conn., born Oct. 11, 1754, son of Nathaniel and Mary [Parmelee] Cruttenden. Mr. Cruttenden removed to Lansingburgh, N. Y., and died Oct. 11, 1802. Children. 1. Clarissa Cruttenden, b. June 13, 1780; m. Joshua Griffing. 2. Joel Cruttenden, b. Oct. 19, 1782; of Georgetown, D. C, and St Louis, Mo. 3. Leverett Cruttenden, b. , ; of Verona, N. Y. 53. Seia Redfieid, third son of Ebenezer (14), son of THEO- PHILUS (8), was a produce merchant, of the firm of Redfieid & Bradley, and resided at Troy, N. Y., whither he removed about 1793. He married Elizabeth Jocelyn of New Haven. He died May 18, 1843, aged 79 years. His widow died August 27, 1846. Children. 177. 1. Philip Spalding Redfieid, born April 6, 1794. 178. 2. Sidney Algernon Redfieid, born August 10, 1797. Grad- uated at Union College, 1816. Died Aug. 25, 1849 ; unmarried. 179. 3. Elizabeth Redfieid, born March 11, 1S08. Still living, (1860) in Troy ; unmarried. ,, d. Branch of Tlieophilus Redfieid (16) of Killingworth. 54. Eliahini Hedfield, eldest son of Tlieopliiltis (16), son of THEOPBEILUS (8), resided at Killingwoith, Conn. He married, Janu- ary 1, 1766, Priscilla Nettleton of that place. He died Jan. 28, 1785, in his 44th year. His widow survived him and administered on his estate. Children. 180. 1. Elizabeth Redfieid, bom in Killingworth, Nov. 2, 1766. 181. 2. Ezra Redfieid, " " i^ug. 29, 1769. 182. 3. Thankful Redfieid, " " Sept. 2, 1770. 5 34 FIFTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 183. 4. Roswell Redfield, Lorn in Killingwortb, March 29, 1773. Diod in infancy. 184. 5. Rachel Redfield, " " Sept. 2, 177G. " Died same day.'"* 185. 6. Roswell Redfield, " " Sept. 13, 1778. 56, I.ei'i Redfield, third son of Tlieopliilus (16), son of THEO- PHILUS (8), in 17G2, at the age of 17, enlisted at Killingworth, in tlie Connecticut regiment under the command of Col. Putnam, whi-.h was destined to cooperate with the British army and fleet in an attack upon the Spanish possessions in the West Indies. His elder brother, Nathan, accompanied him.t The Connecticut forces consisted of 1,000 men, to which were joined 800 men from New York, and 500 from New Jersey, the whole commanded by Gen. Lyman. The expedition sailed from New York in June, 1762. Off the coast of Cuba a storm dispersed the fleet, and the trans- port, which carried Col. Putnam and 500 men, was wrecked upon an unin- habited key. They were afterwards relieved, and reached Havana in time to render essential aid in the conduct of the siege of that city. The regular forces had been engaged in the siege for some weeks, and were worn down with fatigue and sickness. The castle and city of Havana soon after capitulated, and in No- vember, the provincitd forces, or rather a sad remnant of them, returned to New York, the greater portion having perished from exposure and hardship, and consequent sickness. t IjCVPs elder brother, J%^athatl^ died from fever on the homeward voyage, and he him.self suffered from the disease. After i,€vVs return he devoted himself to instruction in sacred music, and married, July 3, 1765, Sybil Wilcox, of Killingworth, born March 26, 1746. On the breaking out of the revolution, he enlisted in the continental ser- vice, and served through several campaigns, as brigade drum major. After the war he resumed his profe-ssion of singing-master, removed into Vermont *So in KilliDgworth town records, yet in the distribution of Eiiakini Uedfield'.s estate, in 1786. b. share is fiivcn to " Hmhel, third daughter " Perhaps the note "" born and died same day," sliould have been apjiended to Roswell instead of llachel, or there may have been another daugh- ter named Kachel. If so, notliing more is known of her. tThe genealopry of 1S38, states that " Levi, with thref of his brothers " served in the campaign against Havana. This ean hardly be true, for Isiiae the fourth brother, was but 13 years of age in 17r>:J. ^\'e have found the names of only Levi and Satlian on the pay-rolls in the State office »t Hartford. See note on page IS. Our authority for many point.* in Levi's history, is found in a quaint and somewhat egotistical old pamphlet, entit'ed, "^1 succinct Account tifsome Memo- rable. Events and Kemarh-ahle C'irciimstana>.s in the Life qf Levi Kedfiehl, late qf Cunnecticut, now residing in liraltkinro, Vermoyit. Wriltex liy Uiinfrlf. Prom the I'lrs.i qf li. Smead, Bratttelmro , 1798." The pamphlet is in possession of Mrs. Julia Ulakesly, of Addi.-on, Steuben Co., N. Y., a daughUT of Levi ReiiaIl (21), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married June 25, 1795, to Martin Blatchley of Guilford, Conn., son of Aaron and Prudence [Graves] Blatchle^', born Sept. 10, 1770. Slie died May, 1812, aged 48 years. Mr. Blatchley married 2d, Hannah Norton, by whom he had three children. Children of Martin and Barbara [Redjield] Blatchley. 1. Orrin Davis Blatchley, bom Sept. 14, 1796. 2. Sarah Blatchley, born , 1800; marriad Farnham, of Springfield, N. Y. 90. Orrin Redfieid^ second son of Josiah (21), son of THEOPHI- LUS (8), resided at Chesnut Hill, Killingworth, in the same house his father had occupied. He married, March 10, 1796, Rachkl Graves of Killingworth , who was born February 24, 1769. He died December 31, 1841, in his 73d year. His wife Rachel died April 21, 1850, aged 81 years. Children. 303. 1. Lydia Redfield, born Sept. 30, 1797. Died Oct. 2, 1797. 304. 2 Sylvanus Graves Redfield, bom Sept. 18, 1798. 305. 3. William Austin Redfield, born May 16, 1800 ; died Sept. 3, 1806. 306. 4. Dency Redfield, born August 1, 1801. 307. 5. Josiah Redfield, bom Sept. 5, 1803. 308. 6. George Redfield, bom May 30, 1805. 309. 7. William Redfield, bom May 31. 1807. 310. 8. Lorenzo Redfield, bom April 25, 1809. 311. 9. Richard Harvey Redfield, bom August 7, 1810. 312. 10. Barbara Redfield, bom June 21, 1812. JAMES REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 49 i. Branch of James Redfield (23) of Pochaug (Westbrook). 91. Sara/l Itediield^ eldest daughter of Capt. James (23), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married to Lloyd Wakeman, who was born in 1760, They resided at Ballston, Saratoga county, N. Y. She died April 2, 1821, aged 60 years. Mr. Wakeman died Aug. 16, 1825. Children . 1. Abigail Wakeman, born ; married Rev. Darius 0. G. Griswold of Saratoga Springs ; had five children ; is deceased. 2. Elizabeth Wakeman, born ; married Rev. Mr. Swift; had three children ; deceased . 3. James Wakeman, born ; graduated at Union College, studied theology ; moved south and engaged in teaching ; m. .Terusha Usher, at Macon, Geo., and became a planter ; no ch. 4. Zalmon Wakeman, b. in 1789 ; farmer; m. 1st, Sarah , who d. Jan. 5, 1817 ; 2d, Senoth Sears ; three ch. by 1st wife, and seven or eight by second wife ; retained the old homestead at Ballston, and died there Dec. 23, 1840. 5. Sarah M. Wakeman, bom in 1795 ; married her cousin Burr Wakeman, of New York city, and died Dec. 4, 1824 ; had two children, both deceased. 6. Nancy Wakeman, bom ; married Rev. Eldad W. Good- man, now of Bolton, N. Y. ; she died in 1835, leaving two ch. 7. Zilpha Wakeman, b. in 1802 ; m. William C. De Forest of Ballston, N. Y. ; both died about 1843 ; had ten ch., of whom four are living. 8. Mary O. Wakeman, b. in 1S05; removed to Georgia, and resided with her sister Mrs. Swift ; d. March 19, 1838, 92. Priscilla Redfield^ second daughter of Capt. James (23), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married, November 25, 1789, to Walter Lyox of Stamford, Delaware county, N. Y., born January 28, 1769, sou of Seth and Mary [Bradley] Lyon, of Conn. He died March 19, 1819. She died October 11, 1836, aged 73 years. Children. 1. Bradley Lyon, born Sept. 14, 1791; resides in Hobart, Dela- ware county, N. Y. ; m. Elizabetli Wakeman, March 16, 1817. 2. Levi Lyon, born March 27, 1793 ; resides in Hobart, Delaware county, N. Y. ; married Eleanor Morehouse, Sept. 5, 1825. 7 50 FIFTH GENERATION. Kir.LINGWORTH TRIBE. 3. Burr Lyon, bom Dec. 2, 1794; resides in Walton, Delaware county, N. Y. ; marriefl Melinda Cluiroliill, Feb. 18, 1834. 4. Elizabeth Lyon, born Feb. 6, 1797; married Stephen Haight, March 16, 1820, and died August 5, 1837. 5. Wakeman Lyon, born June 18, 1799; resides at Lodi, Kane county, ni ; married 1st, Louir^a Adams, Sexit. 11, 1828; 2d, Lucinda Milliken. 6. Clara Lyon, born May 24, 1801 ; married Joseph Churchill, April 29, 1824, and resides in Walton, Delaware county, N. Y 7. Mary Lyon, born May 20, 1803; married Gould Morehouse of Otsego county, N. Y., and died July 14, 1850. 8. Ellen Lyon, born May 23, 1805 ; married Jonathan Webster, and died March 30, 1838. 9. Zalmon Lyon, born April 25, 1807 ; resides in Mecklenburg, Tompkins county, N. Y. ; married Emeline Woodford, March 29, 1836. All of the above children had large families. 93. Sabra Redfield, third daughter of Capt. Jaines (23), son of THEOPHILUS (8), was married 1st, to Hezekiah Post of Killingworth, and 2d, to Abijah Beers of Hobart, Delaware county, N. Y. She died a few years after the latter marriage. We have no information of any children. 94, James Red/ield, eldest sou of Capt. Jaine!>i (23), son of THEO- PHILUS (8), at an early age became a cabin boy on an American privateer, near the close of the revolutionary war. He continued to follow the seas for eleven years thereafter. About 1790 he married liis first wife, Sarah Haines,* daughter of and Anna Haines of Weston, Conn. She died in Weston, in 1794, and he then removed to Stamford, Delaware county, N, Y., where he became a farmer and niiirried, about 1795, his second wife, Abigail Barlow, daughter of Edmund Barlow. She died February 17, 1822. Mr. R. was a member of the Presbyterian Church from an early age, and during a long life of consistent piety, won the esteem and respect of all who knew him. He died at the house of his son James G. Redfleld, in Delhi, August 19, 1858, aged 91 years. *Saruh Ualnes' father was killed by a cannon ball, in the action on Ridgcfield Hill, in 1777. (L^X^ y^r^^ ^y^^^/Q iRDlILl.D S libAXi U. 51 ■^'Htj laies Grinueil Hedfieid, Lorn at Weston, Conn. ■^rond vfife. - Sarah Redfield, bora April 26, 1796. •^! •■■■; r,.' .'■ t ■^, - \'ir^r\<.r.T,^ 1,,m-> V,-,.- •:' vv liliaiu W ard Jiediie 95. Theophilus Hcrf/ieJrf, second son of Capt. James (23), son of THEOPHILUS 18), married about 179a, Rdtu M. Totti.k, and became a resident oi Clinton, Ontida countj-, N. Y. His occaj>ation was that of tanner. About IblU, hfe remove*! to Watertown, Jeflfor^u cotmtj, N. Y. In 1815, bo was a df acou in the church at Watertovrn, its form ot govfrnmeut being then r..iu';'- A!!,,nA] si.-i in 1821, wlien its form was changed to Presbyterian, he s ►.igbt ruling elders.* He died at Wat«rtown in 1857, ;.,, , ,';*■.- lis, widow is stHl living (1860) at WatertoR... ChUdrtr 324. 1. Sophroni;' 325. 2. William I., .30, ]g!tl ; Died <■ 326. 3. Meroe Redfiel 327. 4. Darius Bax'rei' . h-f' J$aac Broytm, N. T., 1858. n at Clinton, N. Y., Feb. 27, ISOO. old, born at Clinton, N. Y., Oct. : unmarried. !iiit..n, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1803. .. i>. at Clinton, N. Y., July 19, 1805. '.■\Ltitral<)fpea(X'nThecphilvtlietiJid(lt JAMES REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 51 Children. By first wife. 313. 1. James Grinnell Redfleld, born at Weston, Conn., Nov. 9, 1792. By second wife. 314. 2. Sarah Redfield, born April 26, 1796. 315. 3. Saba Wakeman Redfield, born Nov. 25, 1797. 316 4. Theophilus Redfield, bom Sept. 9, 1799. 317. 5. Priscilla Redfleld, born .Jan. 15, 1S02. 318. 6. John Redfield, born Feb. 14, 1804. 319. 7. Hugh Rose Redfield, bom June 12, 1806. 320. 8. Elizabeth Redfleld, born August 10, 1808 ; unmarried ; residing at Delhi, N. Y. 321. 9. Jesse Redfleld, born April 19, 1811. 322. 10. Nancy Emily Redfield, born March 17, 1814. 323' 11. William Ward Redfleld, born August 10, 1816 95. Theophilus Redfield, second son of Capt. James (23), son of THEOPHILUS {8j, married about 179l), Roth M. Tuttle, and became a resident of Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y. His occupation was that of tanner. About IblO, he removed to Watertown, Jefierson county, N. Y. In iS15, he was a deacon in the church at Watertown, its form of government being then Congregational, and in 1821, when its form was changed to Presbyterian, he was chosen one of its eight ruling elders.* He died at Watertown in 1857, aged 88 years. His widow is still living (1860) at Watertown. Children. 324. 1. Sophronia Redfield, born at Clinton, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1800. 325. 2. William Emmaus Redfleld, born at Clinton, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1801 ; Died Oct. 20, 1826 ; unmarried. 326. 3. Meroe Redfield, born at Clinton, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1803. 327. 4. Darius Barrett Redfleld, b. at Clinton, N. Y., July 19, 1805. * HongKs History (f Jefferson County. Discourse at the Funeral of Deacon ThecphUus Sedjidd, by Eev. Isaac Brayton, JST. T., 1858. 52 FIFTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 328. 5. Sophia Redfield, bom at Clinton, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1807. 329. 6. George Redfield, " " June 21, 1809. 330. 7. Henry Stone Redfield, born at Watertown N. Y., Oct. 15, 1811. 331. 8. Emily Redfield, born at Watertown, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1813. 332. 9. James Wakeman Redfield, bom at Watertown, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1815. 333. 10. John Calvin Redfield, born at Watertown, N. Y., May 15, 1818. Died April 18, 1819. 96. John Redfield, third son of Capt. James (23), son of THEO- PHILUS (8), married January 8, 1803, at Stamford, Delaware county, N. Y., Abigail Bdlklet, born in Connecticut, August 25, 1785. He afterwards resided at various places in Saratoga county, N. Y., and died at Malta in that county, July 5, 1824, aged 51 years. His widow died at Waterford, Saratoga county, September 16, 1857. Children. 334. 1. ■ (son), born Died in infancy. 335. 2. John Summers Redfield, born at Stamford, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1805. 336. 3. Elizabeth Lucy Redfield, " " April 26, 1808. 337. 4. Robert Bogardus Redfield, " " July 26, 1810. 338. 5. Sarah Matilda Redfield, born at Middleburg, N. Y., July 5, 1812. 339. 6. Darius Oliver Gi'iswold Redfield, bom at Stamford, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1814. 340. 7. James Alpheus Redfield, born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., May 6, 1817. 341. 8. Asahel Nettleton Redfield, born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1819. 342. 9. Edwin Theophilus Redfield, bom at Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y., July 25, 1822. 343. 10. Mary Jane Redfield, born at Malta, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1824. JOHN REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 53 B. FAIRFIELD TRIBE, or Descendants 0/ JAMES REDFIELD (10). a. Bkanch of Julill Redfield (28) of Fairfield. 97. Mary Redfield, eldest daughter of John (28), son of JAMES (10), was married iu Greenfield Parish, Fairfield, Conn., Sept. 17, 1781, to John Dickinson, son of William and Sarah Dickinson. They resided at , Orange county, N. Y. Children. 1. Mary Dickinson. 2. Nancy Dickinson. . 3. William Dickinson. ' 4. Anna Dickinson. 5. Elizabeth Dickinson. 6. Gloriana Dickinson. 7. Esther Dickinson. 8. John Dickinson. Resides at Bloomingburgh, Sullivan Co., N. Y. 98. David Redfield, eldest son of Jobn (28), son of JAMES (10), was early in life a mariner residing at Fairfield. In April, 1784, he married Esther Thorp of Fairfield, who was born Sept. 14, 1758, and about 1790 removed to Montgomery, Orange county, locating in that part of the town afterwards (1823) set oif under the name of Crawford, where he became a farmer. He died June 7, 1839, aged 79 years. His widow died March 12, 1848. Children. 344. 1. David Redfield, bom Jan. 28, 1785. 345. 2. Esther Redfield, " Aug. 17, 1786. 346. 3. Eve Redfield, " April 23, 1788; died March 12, 1790. 347. 4. William Redfield, " Aug. 21, 1790. 348. 5. Sarah Redfield, " Oct. 7, 1792. 349. 6. Henry Redfield, " Aug. 5, 1794. 350. 7. Stephen Redfield, " Jan. 14, 1798. 351. 8. Mary Redfield, " Nov. 20, 1801 ; residing at Blooming- burgh, Sullivan county, N. Y. (1859); unm. 54 FIFTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBFj. 99. John Redficld, second son of Jobn (28), son of JAMES (10), in early life was a seaman and resided at Fairfield, Conn. He married, Jan. 12, 1785, Esther Thorp of Fairfield, who was born Sept. 23, 1762, cousin to Esther Thorp, who was married to his brother Siiil'id (98). He removed to Crawford, Orange county, N. Y., about 1790, where he became a farmer. He died May 5, 1810, aged 47 years. His widow died at Wantage, N. J., Sept. 12, 1847. Children. 352. ]. Lucretia Redfleld, born Oct. 24, 1785. 353. 2. Sarah Redfleld, " April 7, 1787. 354. 3. James Redfleld, " Feb. 19, 1789. 355. 4. John Redfleld, " April 26, 1791. 356. 5. Samuel Redfleld, " Feb. 24, 1793. 357. 6. Abraham Redfleld, " June 24, 1795. 358. 7. David Redfleld, " April 17, 1797. 359. 8. Amelia Redfleld, " April 17, 1801. 360. 9. Nathaniel Caldwell Redfleld, b. Jan. 29, 1808; d. July 7, 1827. b. Branch of James Redlield (29) of Greenfield, Conn. 102. Jftary RedAeld,, eldest daughter of Janiei^ (29), son of JAMES (10), was married to Hull, and removed to Delaware county, N. Y. Nothing more known of this family. 103. Jthigail Redfleld^ second daughter of Jailies (29), son of JAMES (10), was married, about 1782, to Joshua Davis, tailor, of Fair- field, Conn. She died about 1855. Children, 1. Phebe Davis, bom ; m. Eliphalet Hull. Deceased. 2. Sarah Davis, " ; m. George Norton of Brookhaven, L. I. Deceased. 3. Abigail Davis, " ; m. William IIoi)kins of Brook- haven, L. I. Deceased. 4. Eunice B. Davis, b. , 1799 ; m. Morris Sturges of Fair- field, Coiln. ; is still living there (1859). JAMKS REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 55 104. Jmnes Sled/ield, second son of .Iaine!« (29), son of JAMES (10), resided at Fairfield, Conn.; married Huldah Oysterbanks, and died in 1831, aged 68 years. His widow died in 1852, aged 89 years. Children. 361. 1. Anna Redfield, born 1786. 362. 2. Hull Redfield, born 1788. 363. 3. Sarah Kedfleld, born 1790. 364. 4. Simeon Redfield, bom 1793. 365. 5. Bradley Redfield, born 1795. 366. 6. Isaac Burritt Redfield, born 1801. 105. Sarah Med/ield, third daughter of James (29), son of JAMES (10), was married about 1788 to William Bulkley, of Fairfield, Conn., eldest son of William and Anna [Hill] Bulkley. She died June 15, 1842, in her 77th year. Children. 1. "William Bulkley, b. Jan. 10, 1790; now residing (1859) at Southport, Conn. ; ni. Charlotte Clark of Boston, Jan. 27, 1818 ; seven children. 2. Alethea Bulkley, b. Oct. 3, 1794; m. Aprils, 1830, Na- thaniel Wood of Danbury, Conn.; two ch, ; he died Feb. 25, 1839, aged 53. 3. Henrietta Bulkley, b. Aug. 26, 1797; m. Samuel Perry of Fairfield, son of Joseph and Mary [Beers] Perry; 4 children. 4. Eunice Bulkley, b. Dec 2, 1800; m. Dec. 2, 1844, John Ryder of Danbury, Conn. ; he d. in 1849 ; she d. Nov. 6, 1856. 5. Huldah Burritt Bulkley, b. . 6. Elihu Bulkley, b. ; d. at sea, young. 106. Jane Redfield, fourth daughter of Jame!^ (29), son of JAMES (10), was married, 1st, to Hays; 2d, to . Children. By first husband, 1. Nancy Hays. 2. Jennette Hays. 3. Alfred Hays. 4. Joseph Hays. 56 FIFTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. 103. Hnl€lah Red/ietd, fifth daughter of James (29), son of JAMES (10), was married to Isaac Buriutt of Fairfield, Conn. Nothing further known. 109. Eunice Red/ield, sixth daughter of James (29), son of JAMES (10), was married to Borr of Fairfield. No further information. C. Branch of £benezer Redfield (31) of Fairfield. 110. Seirah RedUeld, eldest daughter of Ebenezer (31), son of JAMES (10), was married to Jonathan Bcrr, son of Daniel and Abigail [Bulkley] Burr, of Green's Farms, Fairfield, Conn., who was born Nov. 5, 1769. She died Oct. 3, 1839, aged 70 years. Mr. Burr died March 12, 1859, in his 90th year. Children. 1. Henrietta Burr, b. Dec. 6, 1791; m. Samuel I. Morehouse; d. Aug. 25, 1849. 2. Daniel Burr, b. July 12, 1794; m. March 21, 1819, Charlotte Pierson of Bridgehampton, L. I. ; resides at Westport, Conn. 3. Elizabeth Burr, b. Nov. 28, 1796 ; m. Morris Alvord. 4. Martha Burr, b. Dec. 17, 1799 ; m. Dr. Talcott Banks. 5. Sarah Burr, b. July 27, 1802 ; m. Edward Hyde. 6. Abigail Burr, b. July 18, 1805; m. William H. Burr; d. March 25, 1839. 7. Jonathan Burr, b. Dec. 5, 1807; m. 1st, Jane Gray of Cam- den, N. J. ; 2d, Martha . 8. Ebenezer Ward Burr, b. March 19, 1811 ; m. Mary Staples. 9. Augustus Burr, b. Oct. 6, 1813 ; m. in Texas, Isabella Falleti; d. at sea, July 11, 1855. 111. Elizabeth Iledfield, .second daughter of Ebenezer (31), son of JAMES (10), was married to Hedges of Biidgehampton, L. I. Both are deceased. Child. 1. Elizabeth Hedges. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 57 A. KILLIl^GWORTH TEIBE, or Descendants of THEOPHILUS REDriELD (8). a. Branch of Daniel Redfield (11) of Killingworth. 115. Simeon Redfield,* eldest son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), resided at Clinton; married, Dec. 11, 1777, Mercy Williams; he died Nov. 3, 1811, aged 59 years. No children. 117. Ruth Redfield, second daughter of Oaniel (32), son of Daniel (11), was married to Job Buell of Clinton, Conn. She died at Clinton, Nov. 6, 1839, aged 83 years. Children. 1. JESSE BUELL, b. Nov. 20, 1779 ; living in Clinton (1859). 2. CHARLES BUELL, b. Sept. 28, 1781. 3. FRANCES BUELL, b. May 9, 1784. 4. MARY BUELL, b. July 4, 17S0. 5. ARTEMISIA BUELL, b. Nov. 12, 1788. 6. CHARLES BUELL, b. July 14, 1793. 7. WILLIAM BUELL, b. March 20, 1796. 8. BENJAMIN BUELL, b. April 14, 1798. 9. FREDERICK BUELL, b. Feb. 11, 1800. 118. Elizabeth Redfield, third daughter of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), was married, Feb. 2, 1791, to Martin Evarts of Athens, N. Y., son of Samuel and Leah [Bishop] Evarts of Guilford, Conn., born Dec. 18, 1760. * Simeon RedBeld was a corporal in Capt. Samuel Gale's company, of the regiment under Col. Samuel H. Parsonp, which formed pari of Gen. Spencer's brigade stationed near Box- bury in the beleaguering of Bo.ston in 1775. His broiher Nathaniel (116) wjis a sergeant in the company which marched from Killingworth to Bostcn immediately upon the news of the battle of Lexmgton. (See Appendix L.) 8 58 SIXTH (lEXEll.VTIO.V. KiLLIXGWORTH TRIBE. Ch'lJnn. 1. WILLIAM IIKNRY EVARTS, born Nov. 6, 1791. 2. ELIZABETH EVARTS. born Jun,^ 26, 1793. 3. DANIEL REDFIELD EVARTS, born Nov. 16, 1794. 119. Mai'y Redfield, fourth daugiitt-r of naiiiel (32), son of Daniel (11), was married in 1779, to Daniel Wilcox, farmer, of Clinton, Conn. He died Sept. 3, 1802, aged 54 years. She died Aug. 23, 1S21, in her year. Children. 1. SELAH WILCOX, born Jan. 23, 1780 ; married Jan. 27, 1822, Sarah Maria Williams. He died Aug. 5, 1842, (2 children). 2. DANIEL WILCOX, born Jan. 1, 1795 ; died Sept. 1, 1821. 3. MARY ANN WILCOX, born Dec. 18, 1797; married Dec. 1814, to Charles Stevens of Clinton, who died August 30, 1834, (3 children). 121. Daniel Redfield, third son of Oaniel (32), son of Daniel (11), married . He resided for a few years on Snow Hill, in Johnstown, N. Y., and the family is said to have removed from there to Little Falls, but our efforts to trace them further have failed. Children. 367. 1. MILLICENT REDFIELD. 368. 2. HARRIET REDFIELD. 369. 3. JERUSHA^REDFIELD. 370. 4. DANIEL REDFIELD. 122. Ebenezer Redfield, fourtli son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), was a sea cai>tiiin and resided in Clinton. He married Phebe Dibblk, daughter of David and Phebe [Lane] Dibble. She died September 10, 1832, aged G4 years. He died April 23, 1837. Children. 371. 1. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, born , 1791. 372. 2. LUCY RHDFIELD, born , 1793. 373. 3 WILLIAM HARVEY REDFIELD, bom , 1797. 374. 4 IBEN UEnFIKLD, born June 4, 1801. 375. 5. PHEBE AMKLIA REDFIELD, born , 1807. Died unmarried, Sept. 10, 1832. DANIEL IIEDFIELD'S BRANCH. 59 * * 124. Martin Redfield, eldest sou of lioswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was by occujiatioii, tailor, afterwards ship-carpeiit/^r, and resided at Clinton, and afterwards at Guilford, Conn.* He married, August 26, 1778, Lydia Griffing, daughter of Capt. Daniel and Martha [Case] Griffing. She was born on Long Island in 17G0, and died at Clinton, August 24, 1823. He died at Guilford, April 30, 1833, aged 77 years. Children. 376. 1. ROSWELL REDFIELD, born at Clinton, Feb. 3, 1780. 377. 2. NATHANIEL REDFIELD, born at Clinton, Jan. 18, 1782. 378. 3. DANIEL GRIPPING REDFIELD, born at Clinton, June 20, 1789. 125. James Post Redfield, second son of Rostvell (33), son of Daniel (11), was a farmer residing at Pochar.g (VVestbrOok), in Saybrook, Conn. He married 1st, FeLruary 13, 1783, Culoe Post, born April 17, 1765, daugh- ter of John and Chloe [Chapman] Post.t She died December 5, 1799, and he married 2d, March 13, 1804, Mercy [Denison] Hill, born Sept. 29, 1757, widow of Henry Hill. She died September 15, 1816, and Mr. R. died Septtmber 27, 1829, aged 69 years. Children. Ml by first wife. 379. 1. CHLOE REDFIELD, born at We.stbrook, Jan. 7, 1784. 380. 2. JAMES POST REDFII'iLD, born at Westbrook, Sept. 18, 1786. 381. 3. ALANSON REDFIELD, " " April 16, 1789. 382. 4 HORACK ROSWELL REDFIELD, b. at Westbrook, Sept. 1, 1793. 383. 5. JOHN POST REDFIELD, born at VVe-sibrook, Sept. 10, 1795; unmarried; re.siding in Meriden, Conn. (lt:59). 126. Boswell Redfield, third son of Hostveil (33), son of Daniel (11), resided at Clinton, Conn.; was by occupation a jeweller, though durino- a part of his life he followed the sea. He married, March 2U, 1787, Jdliava Stevens of Killingworth, born Feb. 2, 1763. He died Feb. 15, 1838, in his 76th year. * Martin Redfield was one of the company who marched from Killingworth to Boston, on receiving the news of the battle of Le.\ington. (tee Appendix L.) t Chloe Chapman was daughter of M.ijor Jedediah Chapman of Westbrook, who was son of Capt. Samuel Chapman of Westbrook, who was son of Uobt-rt Chapman of t-aj lirook, who was son of Capt. Robert Chapman, one of the first settlers of Sa,yhTooiL.—Genealoffi/ of C/iapman Fam- ily, page 80. 60 SIXTH GENERATION. KII.LINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 384. 1. NANCY REDFIELD, b. March 2, 1788. 385. 2. JENNETTE REDFIELD, b. July 14, 1790. 386. 3. ELIAS REDFIELD, b. Nov. 7, 1792. 387. 4. JULIA REDFIELD, b. Feb. 24, 1796. 388. 6. HIEL STEVENS REDFIELD, h. Aug. 22, 1798. 389. 6. JARED CRANE REDFIELD, b. Feb. 17, 1803. 127. Augustus Redfield, fourth son of Rosicell (33), son of Daniel (11), resided at Clinton, Conn., and married Anna Grixsell, who was born March 26, 1765. He died Aug. 30, 1832, in his 6Sth year. His widow died at Meriden, Conn., July 4, 1841. Child-en. 390. 1. NANCY REDFIELD, b. July — , 1784 or 1785; d. in 1795. 391. 2. GEORGE REDFIELD, b. Oct. 4, 1786. 392. 3. ELECTA REDFIELD, b. Aug. 9, 1788. 393. 4. MEHETABEL REDFIELD, b. April 11, 1790. 394. 5. PHEBE REDFIELD, b. March 3, 1792. 395. 6. AUGUSTUS REDFIELD, b. June — , 1794; d. Nov. — , 1795. 396. 7. NANCY REDFIELD, b. Aug. — , 1796. 397. 8. SUSAN MARIA REDFIELD, b. Nov. — , 1800. 398. 9. MARY ANN REDFIELD, Nov. 7, 1807. 128. John Redfield, eldest son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was a sea captain, residing at Guilford, Conn. He married, Jan. 13, 1780, Eunice Joyce, daughter of Joshua Joyce of Middletown, Conn. He died of fever at Port au Prince in Hispaniola, Oct. 3, 1795, after only three days' ill- ness, aged 36 years. His widow married Capt. Satntiel Redfield, uncle of Capt. John (see 37). She died about 1848. Children. 399. 1. EUNICE REDFIELD, b. May 6, 1781. 400. 2. JOHN REDFIELD, b. , 1785. 401. 3. JULIA REDFIELD, b. July 19, 1789; d. in 1816; nnm. 402. 4. MARY REDFIELD, b. , 1792; d. in 1824; unin. 403. 5. AMANDA REDFIELD, b. Feb. — , 1795; d. Oct. 3, 1795. 129. Samuel Redfield, second son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), is said to have been a fifer during the revolutionary war. He afterwards DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 61 studied medicine witli his father and Dr. Gale, and became a practicing phy- sician at Guilford. He married, May 18, 1782, Nancy Fairciuld, horn Aug. 3, 1763, daughter of Capt. Aslier* and Thankful [Hubbard] Faircliild. He removed to Fairfield, Herkimer county, N. Y., and afterwards to Perrysburgh, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. He died in 1837, aged 75 years. His widow died January 10, 1845. Children. 404. 1. SAMUEL RUSSELL REDFIELD, b. Dec. 11, 1782. 405. 2. MARY REDFIELD, b. Aug. 4, 1784. 406. 3. HARVEY FAIRCHILD REDFIELD, b. Sept. 23, 1786; d. July 7, 1807. 407. 4. AMANDA RUSSELL REDFIELD, b. May 14, 1789. 408. 5. NANCY REDFIELD, b. July 25, 1791. 409. 6. BELA HUBBARD REDFIELD. b. Oct. 1, 1794. 410. 7. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS REDFIELD, b. June 23, 1797. 411. 8. FRANCES REDFIELD, b. March 17, 1800; d. May 18, 1822; unm. 412. 9. WILLIAM MORGAN REDFIELD, b. Dec. 22, 1802. 413. 10. CHARLES SEABURY REDFIELD, b. April 2, 1806. 130. Juliana Redfield, eldest daughter of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married to Nathaniel Gibbs Ingkaham. merchant, of New York city. She died in New York, Deo. 28, 1797,t aged 31 years. Children. 1. EZRA L'HOMMEDIEU INGRAHAM. 2. NATHANIEL GIBBS INGRAHAM; at time of his death was U. S. Consul at Tampico. 3. MARTHA INGRAHAM ; m. Alexander Phoenix of New York city. 4. SAMUEL DANA INGRAHAM. 5. JOHN REDFIELD INGRAHAM. 6. DAVID GELSTON INGRAHAM. 7. BENJAMIN GALE INGRAHAM. 8. FREDERICK REDFIELD INGRAHAM. All of the above are deceased. * Asher Faircliild was a sea captain, and was lost at sea, with all liis crew, on the homeward voyage. Thankful Hubbard was youngest daughter of Lieut. Daniel Hubbard of Guilford, who mar- ried Diana Ward of Killiugworth. The latter was aunt to Gen. Andrew Ward, and sister of Capt. Andrew Ward. She was daughter of Andrew, who was son of Andrew, who was son of Andrew Ward, one of the first settlers of Wethersfield.— GoorftoiVt'i- Genealogies of Connecticut Families. t Mr. Ingraham married for his second wife, Elizabeth Phcenix of New York city, and had by her three children : 1. Daniel Phcenix Ingraham, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, New York city. 2. Sidney Ingraham. 3. William Ingraham. 62 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 131. Jared Redfleld, third son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was a physician of Guilford, Conn. He married, Jan. 26, 1792, Sarah Chit- tenden, daughter of Deacon Abraham and Diana [Ward] Chittenden,* who was born Oct. 13, 1775. He afterwards removed to Ohio and died at Oxford in that state. His widow still survives (1859), living with her daughter (415) in Guilford. Children. 414. 1. RICHARD REDFIELD, b. Sept. 25, 1793; d. Sept. 21, 1794. 415. 2. SARAH REDFIELD, b. Nov. 11, 1795. 41C. 3. ELIZA REDFIELD, b. July IS, 1798; d. Sept. 13, 1808. 417. 4. AMANDA REDFIELD, b. Nov. 26, 1803; d. Oct. 26, 1804. 418. 5. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, b. Sept. 3, 1809. 132. Amanda Redfleld, second daughter of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married to Col. Ledyard Seymui-r of Hartford, Conn. She died of small pox in New York city, Jan. 24, 1795, in her 20th year. ^ ^ ^ * 133. Samuel Redfleld, eldest son of Capt. Samuel (37), son of Daniel (11), resided at Clinton, Conn. In 1786, he married Martha Lane, born January 12, 1768, daughter of Noah and Grace [Biiddington] Lane, of Clin- ton. He died March 15, 18' O.t His widow married, December 17, 1806, Barnabas Hilliard of Clinton, and is still living (1859), at that place. * Dioiia Ward (Mrs. Chittentlon) wa.s second cousin to .Vnncy Fiiirrliilil, the wife nf Dr. .'•iiuiupl UwHield (129), being the daughter of (Jen. .\ndrew Ward, born 1727. who was son of ("apt. Andrew, liorn 1696, who was .«on of Andrew, born ItiCfl, who was son of Andrew of Ki lins- ■worth. who was son of Andrew Ward, one of the first settlers of VVethcrsfie'.d. Diana Ward's sister, Koxana, was married to Eli Foote nf Guilford, whose daughter. Ito.xana. was m.irried to Lyman Beecher, U. 1)., father of Ilev. Henry Ward BufcheT.— Goodwin's Genealogies of Con- necticut Fumilirs. t Inscription on grave stone of Samuel Kedfield, in old yard at Clinton, C!onn. : In .Memory of Capt. Samuei, Kkdfikld, od. (2d), Who died March loth. 1800, in the oUh year of his ago. Here these active limbs of mine, Lie mouldering in (he dust. Some hearty friend may iliop a tear ()n my dry bones, and say : These once were strong as mine appear, And mine must bo as they. For dust and ashes loudest speak Man's intjnitu concern. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 63 CLildien. 419. 1. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, born . 420. 2. GRACE RKDFIELD, horn , 17S8 ; died March 17, 1796. 421. 3. ISAAC REDFIELD, born Hept. 9, 1792. 422. 4. DAVID REDFIELD, born Dec. 6, 1794. 134. Elizabeth Redfield, eldest danghter of Capt. Samuel (37), son of Daniel (11); was married, March 25, 1788, to George Morgan of CUnton, Conn., soa of Theophihis and Phebe Morgan. Children. 1. ELIAS MORGAN, born July 26, 1789; deceased. 2. JOHN MORGAN, born Dec. 3, 1791; deceased. 3. CHARLES MORGAN, born April 21, 1795 ; steam ship agent in New York city. 4. WEALTHY ANN MORGAN, born Sept. 6, 1798; unmarried; lives with her brother Charles. 135. Phebe Redfield, second daughter of Capt. Samuel (37), son of I^aniel (11), was married April 11, 1792, to David Dibbell, son of David Dibbell, of Clinton, Conn. She died at Clinton, Nov. 20, 1858, aged 87 years. Children. 1. SAMUEL REDFIELD DIBBELL, born Dec. 23, 1792; now Hving in Clinton (1859). 2. ELIZABETH DIBBELL, born August 31,1794; married Levi Hull of Clinton ; both living (1859). 3. CHARLES DIBBELL, born Sept. 24, 1796 ; died April 25, 1814. 4. MARY DIBBELL, born Jan. 3, 1798 ; married 1st, Jared Carter, deceased ; 2d, Charles Stevens, now living in Clinton. 5. DAVID DIBBELL, born April, 1801 ; living in Clinton, Conn. •rf "tP TT TV TV 138, Lucy Redfield, eldest daughter of Sylvester (38), son of Daniel (11), was married to Aaron Baldwin of Clinton, Conn., son of Deacon Bald- win of Branford, Conn. She died October 3, 1804, in her 33d year. 64 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. CLARISSA BALDWIN ; resides in Massacliu setts. 2. AARON BALDWIN; deceased. 3. WILLIAM BALDWIN ; deceased. 4. LUCY BALDWIN ; resides in state of New York. 139. Rebecca Redfield, second danghter of Sylvester (38), son of I>anie9 (11), was married OctoV)er 7, 1801, to Abxer Farnham of Clinton, Conn., son of Abner and Elizabeth [Wilcox] Farnham. He died March 10, 1844. His widow still survives in Clinton, with mind active and unimpaired, although 86 years of age (1860). Children. 1. GEORGE WILCOX FARNHAM, born June 30, 1803 ; merchant tailor in New York city ; married in June, 1828, Caroline Thom- son ; has 8 children, all now living in New York city. 2. MARTHA FARNHAM, born March 21, 1&07 ; married to Jede- diah Chapman of New Haven, Conn.* 3. JOHN REDFIELD FARNHAM, born June 8, 1810 ; has been county commissioner, justice of peace, selectman, &c. ; married Nov. 8, 1837, Artemisia Chittenden ; has 4 children. 4. MARY ELIZABETH FARNHAM, born August 9, 1813 ; married June 4, 1839, to Alfred Hull, cashier of Bank of Clinton, town clerk, town treasurer, &c. ; has 3 children. 5. CHARLES AUGUSTUS FARNHAM, born July 21, 1816 ; died in Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 16, 1843 ; married Margaret Aydelotte ; left 1 child. 140. Sylvester Redfield, eldest son of Sylvester (38), son of Daniel (11), served in the war of 1812: was at the baitle of Sackett's Harbor, after- wards resided in New York city, now living in Clinton (1859) ; married Sarau Paddock of Catskill. Children. 423. 1. NATHAN REDFIELD, born ; died in southern states ; not known to have been married. 424. 2. GEORGE REDFIELD ;t mechanic, at Derby, Conn. 425. 3. ROBERT REDFIELD ;t * See Genealooi/ i (16) was married Oct. 3, 1816, to Joy Shelley, of New Haven, Conn. She died Dec. 11, 1836, aged 39 years. Her husband died March 17, 1852. Children. 1. JUSTIN A. SHELLEY, b. April 15, 1818; d. March 26, 1828. 2. LEWIS E. SHELLEY, b. Oct. 10, 1820; resides in New Haven. 3. CHARLES R. SHELLEY, b. Feb. 1, 1823; d. Dec. 8, 1833. 4. GRACE A. SHELLEY, b. Nov. 14, 1825; d. June 12, 1852. 5. JUSTIN A. SHELLEY, b. Dec. 23, 1828 ; d. July 20, 1856. 6. JOHN D. SHELLEY, b. April 10, 1831. 7. MARGARET R. SHELLEY, b. March 14, 1834; d. June 7, 1849. 8. CHARLES R. SHELLEY, b. Nov. 26, 1836; d. Sept. 18, 1838. 213. Nathan B. Redfleld, fifth son of Jl^athan (63), son of Tlieo- pllilus (16), was, iu early life, a comb maiuifacturer, afterwards newspaper carrier. Has resided in the city of New York since 1832. Married, 1st, Oct. 16, 1831, Henrietta LoziEE, daughter of and Elizabeth Lozier; 2d, Oct. 16, 1850, Rebecca Peck, daughter of Peter and Jemima Peck. Children. By first wife, 564. 1. LORENZO DOW REDFIELD, b. Sept. 4, 1832. 565. 2. HENRIETTA REDFIELD, b. Dec. 18, 1834. 566. 3. JOHN LOZIER REDFIELD, b. March 4, 1837; d. July 22, 1838. 567. 4. JULIA ELIZABETH REDFIELD, b. Nov. 16, 1839. 568. 5. MARGARET REDFLELD, b. Sept. 19, 1842; d. Oct. 2, 1842. PELEG REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 83 569. 6. MARGARET REDFIELD, b. March 15, 1844 : d. July 3, 1844. 570. 7. GEORGE WASHINGTON REDFIELD, b. May 19, 1845. 571. 8. WILLIAMLEWISREDFIELD,b.Aprill, 1848; d. Nov. 26, 1851. By second wife. 572. 9. NATHAN STEPHEN REDFIELD, b. July IG, 1851; d. Aug. 14, 1851. 573. 10. REDFIELD, b. July 5, 1854. e. Branch op Capt. I*eleg Redfield (18) of Killingworth. 216. Edmund Redfleld, son of JBeriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), married Contknt Johnson, at Richmond, Mass., Jan. 6, 1796. Removed from Richmond to Clyde, N. Y. She died without issue before 1838. He died April 17, 1852, at Cambridge, Mich.", his last residence, in his 80th year. 217. Peleg Redfield, second son of Scriali (64), son of Capt. Peleg" (18), studied medicine with Dr. Samuel Ware of Conway,* Mass., and cora- menced practice at Wethersfield, Vt. At this place he married, April 5, 1803, Hannah Parker, born Nov. 27, 1788, eldest child of Isaac Parker, merchant of Wethersfield, Vt. In February, 1806, he removed his family to Coventry, on the northern border of Vermont — then an outpost of civili- zation. " His practice immediately became extensive and arduous. His journeys to the scattered cabins in which his patients resided were performed mainly on horseback, but not unfrequently lie was obliged to thread his way through the forests on foot. He was a man of vigorous mind and great force of character, and was held in high esteem not only for professional skill, but for business qualities." He was appointed town clerk in 1806, and held the office nineteen years, was town treasurer in 1807, 1825 and 1826, selectman in 1807, 1815, 1818 and 1819, and represented the town of Coventry in the General Assembly of Vermont for nine successive years, 1812-1820. '* He is entitled to be remembered not only for his own abilities but as the father of sons who have won eminent distinction in another profes.sion.t" He died at Coventry, Nov. 8, 1848, aged 74 years ; his widow still surviving (1859). ^^^iJifZ2^ * Where his uncle, Ebenezer, was then residing, t Hiitory of Coventry, Orleans County, Vt., by Rev. Pliny H. White. 84 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGV/OKTH TRIBE. Children. 574. 1. ISAAC FLETCHER REDFIELD, b. at Wethersfield, Vt., April 10, 1804. 575. 2. SIDNEY PELEG REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, April 13, 1806. 576. 3. HANNAH DOROTHY REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, Jan. 27, 1808 ; d. Feb. 1, 1838, at Ursuline convent, Three Rivers, Canada. 577. 4. BERIAH ADDISON REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, Nov. 29, 1809. 578. 5. TIMOTHY PARKER REDFIELD, " " Nov. 3, 1811. 579. 6. ELIZABETH NANCY REDFIELD, " " Nov. 26, 1813. 580. 7. SARAH ABIGAIL REDFIELD, " " Jan. 9, 1816. 581. 8. ROXANA SALOME FLETCHER REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, Aug. 16, 1817. 582. 9. BENJAMIN RUSH REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, May 21, 1819 ; d. Aug. 1831. 583. 10. JOHN PARKER REDFIELD, " " Oct. 22, 1822 ; d. April, 1823. 584. 11. BRIDGET FLETCHER REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, July 3, 1823; d. .lune 11, 1845. 585. 12. LYDIA GRIFFIN REDFIELD, b. at Coventry, March 24, 1826; d. June 18, 1850. 219. Margery Redfleld, third daughter of Bcriah (64), .son of Capt. Peles (18), was married, Aug. 20, 1798, to Selah Mun'son of Richmond, Mass., who afterwards removed to Cazenovia, N. Y. She died Aug. 19, 1851, in her 74th year. Children. 1. HORACE MUNSON, b. Dec. 20, 1799 ; m. Electa Kingsbury in 1821; d. 1826. 2. DOROTHY MUNSON, b. , ; d. in infancy. 3. MUNSON, b. , ; d. in infancy. 220. Mary Redfleld, fourth daughter of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married to Willson of Potsdam or Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Slie died before 1838, and is said to have left two or three children, but we have no further information. 221. Luther Redfleld, third .son of lleriuh (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), isafarimr. He married. May 19, 1SU3, Mary Dkyeu of Richmond, Luther Redfield, tiiirci son oi juvin^it v^^/) — -- -r- - (18), isafarm<.T. He luiviriud, May 19, 1SU3, Mary Dra-EU of Richmond, 7^ (Tt^ ^L/(~^<-yU^ PELEG EEDFIELD'S BRANCH. 85 Mass., born March 3, 1781, daughter of Jolui and Kezia [French] Dryer. In January, 180G, he removed to Junius, Seneca county, N. Y., then a wilder- ness, and became one of the most active and substantial citizens of the new settlement. He was captain of the militia of that town, and on the occasion of the landing of the British at Sodus, on a Sunday', in June, 1813, he and his company were suddenly summoned from public worship to repair to the defense of that place. They marched all the afternoon and night, and reached Sodus Point a little after sunrise, in time to see the burning village and the retreating vessels of the enemy. His company remained at Sodus a week, attached to Col. Swift's regiment, but had no further call for action.* In May, 1822, he removed to Clyde, in Wayne county, where he still resides, and although in his 80th year (1860) is still active in body and sound in mind and memory. His wife died May 7, 1853. Children. 586. 1. KEZIA REDFIELD, b. at Richmond, Mass , March 10, 1804. 587. 2. JOHN REDFIELD, " " Oct. 22, 1805 ; d. at Clyde, Sept. 7, 1830 ; unra. 588. 3. BERIAH STEVENS REDFIELD, b. at Junius, N. Y., March 1, 1S07. 589. 4. MARY REDFIELD, b. at Junius, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1809. 590. 5. SOPHIA REDFIELD, " " Feb. 19, 1812. 591. 6. SARAH REDFIELD, " " March 30, 1814 ; d. May 27, 1814. 592. 7. LUTHER REDFIELD, " " July 1, 1815. 593. 8. ALBERT FRANCIS REDFIELD, b. at Victor, N. Y., March 15, 1817. 594. 9. ISRAEL DRYER REDFIELD, b. at Junius, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1818 ; resides at Wiscotta, Iowa; unm. (1859). 595. 10. SARAH DRYER REDFIELD, b. at Junius, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1820. 596. 11. DOROTHY REDFIELD, " Clyde, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1823; d. Jan. 16, 1823. 597. 12. JAMES REDFIELD, b. at Clyde, March 27, 1824. 598. 13. MARTHA REDFIELD, " " Feb. 11, 1826. 222. Sarah Redfield, fifth daughter of Seriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), was married to William Langdon of Rowe, Mass. She died Nov. 24, 1820, aged 38 years. * See Appendix M. 86 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. ALPHONSO SIDNEY LANGDON, b. June 19, 1804. 2. EMELINE SMITH LANGDON, b. Sept. 21, 1806. 3. MIRANDA REDFIELD LANGDON, b. July 31, 1809 ; d. 1821. 223. Cynthia Redfield, sixth daughter of Beriuh (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married to Enos Blakeslke of Rowe, Mass. She died Jan. 10, 1823, in her 38th year. Mr. Blakeslee died March 26, 1827, aged 43 years. Children. 1. CYNTHIA BLAKESLEE, b. at Rowe, Mass., March 29, 1806. 2. NANCY LANGDON BLAKESLEE, b. at Heath, Mass., , . 3. ANGELINA ROXANA BLAKESLEE, " " " 4. CALEB BLAKESLEE, b. at Richmond, Mass., " 5. ROGER BLAKESLEE, b. at Rowe, Mass., Sept. 9, 1821. 224. Dorothy Redfleld, seventh daughter of Beriah (64), son of Capt. !PeIegr (18), was married to Jounson of Ogdensburgh. Said to have had two or three children. 225. Rhoda Redfleld, eighth daughter of Seriah (64), son of Capt. Pelegf (18), was married to Joun Macomber, farmer, of Rose Valley, N. Y., afterwards of Illinois. No information respecting their children. 227. Lydia Redfleld, tenth daughter of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg- (18), was married at New Lebanon, N. Y., October 1, 1808, to Rev. John Griffin of Richmond, Mass., afterwards of Owego, N. Y. He was born at Guilford, Conn., October 18, 1784, and died December 20, 1844. Children. 1. HENRY GRIFFIN, b. Sept. 17, 1809 ; m. 1st, Mary A. Dodge, in 1836; 2d, Nancy Orcutt, in 1849; died at Topeka, Kansas, Sept. 10, ISSf). 2. CLARISSA GRIFFIN, b. Dec. 10, 1810 ; m. Rev. C. W. Giddings, Table Rock, Nebraska. PELEG REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 87 3. LYDIA GRIFFIN, b. Feb. 8, 1813 ; m. John C. Kelly ofWilliams- burgh, N. Y. She died Nov. 30, 1846. 4. JOHN GRIFFIN, b. March 26, 1815 ; m. Sarah A. Beardsley ; d. at Union Springs, N. Y., March 25, 1855. 5. DANIEL SHOEMAKER GRIFFIN, b. Jan. 7, 1817; m. Eliza Shaflfner, Baltimore, Md. 6. BERIAH REDFIELD GRIFFIN, b. March 27, 1819 ; d. Sept. 25, 1837. 7. ARTEMISIA GRIFFIN, b. March 5, 1821; d. March 19, 1821. 8. JAMES SAYRE GRIFFIN, b. Oct. 28, 1822 ; m. Augusta Good- ricli. Resides at Topeka, Kansas. 9. SAMUEL GRIFFIN, b. August 1, 1825 ; m. April 17, 1848, Lu- cina Melvina Taylor, Owego, N. Y. 10. OSMYN GRIFFIN, b Sept. 22, 1828. Resides at Owego, N. Y. 11. PAMELIA GRIFFIN, b. Feb. 8, 1831; m. Rev. Asa Brooks, Wilkesbarre, Pa. 12. MARY GRIFFIN, b. August 3, 1834, Owego, N. Y. 228. Beriah Redfleld, fourth son of neriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), is a farmer. He married, June 9, 1818, Sarah Gaston of Richmond, Mass., daughter of Alexander and Huldah Gaston. He resided some years at Clyde, whence he removed to Cambridge, Mich., where he now resides. Children. 599. 1. HENRY MILTON REDFIELD, b. May 10, 1819. 600. 2. WILLIAM FRANKLIN REDFIELD, b. Dec. 18, 1820. 601. 3. SARAH MARIA REDFIELD, b. Oct. 18, 1822. 602. 4. EMILY CORNELIA REDFIELD, b. June 26, 1834. 229. Bachel Redfield, eldest daughter of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), was married to Caleb Beal of East Palmyra, N. Y., son of John and Lydia [Horton] Beal.* Has a son, William, now residing at East Palmyra, but we have no further information. * John Beal was born in Weymouth, Mass., January 15, 1743, son of Seth and Ahigal [Clarke] Beal. was married in 1771 and died in 1791. Seth Beal was born in Weymouth, Mass., and died at Conway, Maes. 88 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 230. William Redfield, eldest son of Ebencser (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), i'esidi.'d[at Conwa}-, Mass., and married Rebecca Pokter of that place. Both are deceased. Children .* 603, 1. WILLIAM REDFIELD. Resided at Sodus, N. Y., in 1838. 604. 2. CHARLES REDFIELD, Walerloo, N. Y. 231. Orrin Redfield, second son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Pelcg (18), resided for nianj' years at Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. He married 1st, January 4, 1807, Anna McCoemack, who was born March 25, 1786. She died February 7, 1822, and he married 2d, Elizabeth, widow of Cakl, of Perry, Genesee county, N. Y. In 1834, they removed to Pulaski, Jackson county, Mich., where he died March 7, 1851, aged 70 years. His widow died March 10, 1855. Children. 605. 1. JOHN MARVIN REDFIELD, b. May 10, 1808. 606. 2. MEUETABELD. REDFIELD, born 5, 1810. 607. 3. EBENEZER DUDLEY REDFIELD, b. Sept. 27, 1812. 608. 4. ROBERT McCORMACK REDFIELD, b. Oct. 20, 1814. 609. 5. ORRIN REDFIELD, b. Dec. 16, 1816. 610. 6. SARAH ANN REDFIELD, b, June 27, 1819. 611. 7. CHARLES T. REDFIELD, b. Feb. 12, 1822. 232. Joel Dickinson Redfield, third son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was a clothier, and resided at Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. He married, Oct. 20, 1805, Mary Boyden, daughter of Joseph and Pris- cilla Boyden of Conway, Mass. He died October 27, 1825, in his 44th year. His widow is still living (1859) at Vienna, N. Y. Children. 612. 1. CLARISSA REDFIELD, born March 7, IS06. * TliesG are said not to be sons of his wife Rebecca Porter. PELEG REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 89 613. 2. DENNIS REDFIELD, b. April 6, 1808 ; d. June 16, 1812. 614. 3. MARY REDFIELD, b. Nov. 23, 1810. 615. 4. DICKINSON REDFIELD, b. August 15, 1812. 616. 5. CHRISTINA REDFIELD, b. Sept. 11, 1814. 617. 6. JOSEPH B. REDFIELD, b. Jan. 26, 1817. 618. 7. MARTHA REDFIELD, b. June 7, 1819, 619. 8. PRISCILLA REDFIELD, b. August 9, 1821. 233. Silas Redfield, fourth son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was a farmer, and resided at Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. He mar- ried, November 55, 1812, Harriet Bartlett, born March 17, 1792, daughter of Jeduthan and Mercy [Glover] Bartlett. He died at Phelps, July 20, 1835, in his 52d year. His widow is now residing in Conway, Mass. Children. 620. 1. LUCINDA G. REDFIELD, b. Sept. 15, 1813. 621. 2. JOSEPH B. REDFIELD, b. Jan. 20, 1816; died Jan. 26, 1821. 622. 3. ELIZA M. REDFIELD, b. Jan. 7, 1825. 623. 4. JENNETTE H. REDFIELD, b. March 17, 1828. 624. 5. SOPHIA M. REDFIELD, b. Sept. 8, 1830. 625. 6. SILAS B. REDFIELD, b. Sept. 20, 1835; d. March 2, 1841. 626. 7. CORDELIA L. REDFIELD, b. Dec. 26, 1837; living with her mother in Conway (1859). 234. Ebenezer Dudley Redfield, fifth son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg- (18), married Feb. 12, 1812, Mehetabel Philips of Conway, Mass., and shortly afterwards removed to Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. She died Jan. 8, 1851, aged 58 years, and he died Aug. 14, 1852, aged 66 years. Children. 627. 1. WILLIAM HAMILTON REDFIELD, b. at Phelps, Nov. 16, 1812. 628. 2. GEORGE BROOKS REDFIELD, " " Oct. 17, 1814. 629. 3. LYSANDER REDFIELD, " " Jan. 14, 1816. 630. 4. ARISTEEN HE ACOCK REDFIELD, " " May 3, 1819. 631. 5. SOLOMON CHILDS REDFIELD, " " April 16, 1821; d. Nov. 15, 1832. 632. 6. WILLARD WELLS REDFIELD, ^" " April 26, 1823. 633. 7. RICHARD PITTS REDFIELD, " " Junel, 1825; resides at Polo, Ogle county, 111. ; publisher and proprietor of Ogle County Banner. 12 90 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLIN«WORTH TRIBE. 235. Sarah Redfield, second daughter of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. IPeleg (18), was married in the autumn of 1807, to Israel Beal of Junius, Seneca county, N. Y., born in Conway, Mass., Oct. 10, 1786, .son of John* and Lydia [Horton] Beal. Israel Beal died at Junius, Jan. 27, 1845. His widow died April 13, 1852, aged G3 years. Children. 1. ISRAEL CLARK BEAL, b. June 19, 1809 ; m. , June, 1831; d. Sept. 28, 1850. 2. HARRIET BEAL, b. Sept. 9, 1811 ; m. Wm. Hoffman of Phelps, N. Y., Dec, 1829. 3. SILAS BEAL, b. Nov. 20, 1813 ; m. , Nov., 1S41. 4. SARAH BEAL, b. Feb. 18, 1817 ; m. Wm. Coleman of Junius, March 25, 1845. He d. Feb. 19, 1860, leaving three children. 5. NATHAN BEAL, b. June 5, 1820; m. in 1845. 6. LORING BEAL, b. April 6, 1822; m. , Nov., 1852. 7. ELIHU BEAL, b. May 8, 1824 ; m. , Aug., 1847. 8. ELVIRA BEAL, b. Nov. 22, 1826; m. Jotham Post of East Palmyra, Nov., 1846; d. April 19, 1849. 9. HELEN MAR BEAL, b. July 19, 1829; m. Geo. W. Hoffman of Junius, May, 1848; d. April 13, 1849. 10. EDWARD BEAL, b. Dec. 24, 1833; m. March, 1855. 236. Sophronia Redfield, third daughter of Ehenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married to Aaron Hale of . No children. 237. Nathaniel Peleg Redfield, sixth son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resided in Junius, Seneca county, N. Y. ; married Louisa Dickenson. He died in Junius, 1850. His widow is living (1859) in Con- way, Mass. No children. * See note on p. 88. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 91 f. Branch of George Redfleld (19) of Killingworth. 239. Charles Redfield, second son of ^Inibrose (70), son of George (19), resided for many years at Derry, N. H., where he married, about 1814, Elizabeth Adams, daughter of David Adams of that place. About 1840, he removed to Williamsburgh, L. I., and a few years later to Adrian, Mich., where he died July 7, 1846, aged 61 years. Children. 634. 1. MARY ANN REDFIELD, b. May 1, 1815. 635. 2. CHARLES REDFIELD, b. Jan. 15, 1817. 636. 3. SARAH ELIZABETH REDFIELD, b. Jan. 1, 1820. 637. 4. JANE LOUISE REDFIELD, b. Dec. 2, 1825. 638. 5. SUSAN PRENTISS REDFIELD, b. Dec. 21, 1827. 240. Jane Redfleld, eldest daughter of jimhrose (70), son of George (19), was married to Ldther Keyser, and resided at Portland, Maine, and afterwards at Danvers, Mass. She died some years since. Said to have had a daughter, Sarah, and some sons. 241. Caleb Redfield, third son of jtmhrose (70), son of George (19), resides at Derry, N. H. ; is a saddler and harness maker. He married, Sept. 4, 1817, Frances Cdmmings Cochrane, daughter of Daniel and Mary [Moore] Cochrane* of Pembroke, N. H. Children. 639. 1. ANN PRENTISS REDFLELD, b. May 6, 1818. 640. 2. FRANCES DAVIDSON REDFIELD, b. Dec. 23, 1819. 641. 3. AMBROSE ALBERT REDFIELD, b. July 20, 1821. 642. 4. FREDERICK HUNT REDFIELD, b. July 8, 1823. 643. 5. GEORGE REDFIELD, b. Sept. 21, 1826. 644. 6. MARY MOORE REDFIELD, b. Sept. 9, 1828. 645. 7. WILLIAM HENRY DAVIDSON REDFIELD, b. Sept. 6, 1837. * Daniel Cochrane of Pembroke, N. H., was son of Major James Cochrane. Mary Moore ■was daughter of Rev. Solomon Moore of New BostOD, N. H., and grand-daughter of Rev . William Davidson of Derry, N. H. 92 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 242. William Redfleld, fourth son of Ambrose (70), son of Oeor^e (19), was a teacher and resided in Upper Canada. He married Sdsan Pren- tiss. He died in Canada in 1823, at the age of 31 years. His widow was afterwards married to John Cunningham, and ig now living in Bastrop county, Texas. Children. 646. 1. WILLIAM REDFIELD. 647. 2. HENRY P. REDFIELD. 648. 3. ALBERT REDFIELD. These sons are said to be living in Texas, but we are unable to trace their history further. 245. Wyllys Redfleld, seventh son of jimbrose (70), son of George (19), is a merchant, residing at West Claremont, N. H. He married, May 16, 1838, Maktha G. Woods, daughter of Jonas and Martha [Hubbard] Woods. Children. 649. 1. HENRY AMBROSE REDFIELD, b. Jan. 2, 1841. 650. 2. FRANCIS HEMAN REDFIELD, b. Oct. 13, 1844. 651. 3. WYLLYS ASHTON REDFIELD, b. Feb. 8, 1847. 246. Milicent Redfleld, eldest daughter of Jeretny (71), son of CrCOrge (19), was married at Killingworth, Nov. 8, 1797, to Calvin Dud- let. No further information. 249. Roxana Redfleld, third daughter of Jeremy (71), son of Georg^e (19), was married Sept., 1812, to William Graves of Killingworth. Children. 1. EMILY GRAVES, m. Calender of Hartford, Conn. 2. FRANCES GRAVES, m. Munson of Wallingford, Conn. Deceased. GEORGE RBDFIELD's BRANCH, 93 * * * 250. Trial Redfleld, eldest daughter of Sy It anus (72), son of George (19), was married at Killingworth, Nov. 11, 1795, to Theodore Bates of Claremont, N. H., wlio was boru March 15, 1774. She died at Claremont, Oct. 3, 1852, aged 78 years. Children. 1. SOPHRONIA BATES, h. Sept. 23, 1797. 2. MARY BATES, b. Sept. 1, 1799; m. Elihu Hill. 3. LYDIA BATES, b. Jan. 8, 1801; m. John Harris. 4. MELINDA BATES, b. June 20, 1803; m. John Dodge. 5. SARAH BATES, b. Aug. 27, 1805. 6. EMILY BATES, b. July 29, 1807; m. Henry Nichols. 7. SABRINA BATES, b. Feb. 6, 1816; m. Frederick A. Thorning; d. Dec. 30, 1851. 251. Melinda Redfield, second daughter of Sytvanus (72), son of George (19) was married to Roswell Parmelee of KilUngworth. Re- moved to Ohio or Missouri and died between 1820 and 1830. Nothing more known of the family. 252. Zina Redfield, eldest son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19), learned the trade of tailor, but afterwards became a farmer. He resided in early life at Claremont, N. H., afterwards at Lemington, Vt., and finally at Kirtland, Geauga county, Ohio. He married, September 10, 1798, Triphena SIMMS. He died at Kirtland, 0., Jan. 4, 1835, aged 57. His widow died August 22, 1845, in Illinois. Children. 652. 1. SAMUEL REDFIELD, b. , at Claremont; d. in infancy. 653. 2. HANNAH REDFIELD, b. , at Claremont. 654. 3. CAROLINE REDFIELD, b. April 22, 1803, at Claremont. 655. 4. HIRAM REDFIELD, b. Jan. 24, 1807. 656. 5. BARBARA REDFIELD, b. , 1808, at Lemington, Vt. 657. 6. WILLIAM REDFIELD, b. Oct. 14, 1810. 658. 7. FRANKLIN REDFIELD. 659. 8. CLARISSA REDFIELD, b. Oct. 21, 1814. 660. 9. ESTHER REDFIELD, b. Oct. 24, 1818. And perhaps two others who died infants. 94 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWOETH TRIBE. 253. Sabrina Bedfleld, third daughter of Sylvantis (72), son of George (19), was married to Rev. John W. Tappan of Claremont, N. H. Nothing further known of them. 254. Hannah Redfield, fourth daughter of Syivantis (72), son of George (19), was married to John Temple of Claremont, N. H. She died in 1805, aged 22 years. Children. 1. CHARLES TEMPLE. Removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, many years ago. 2. WILLIAM TEMPLE. 255. Warriner Redfield, second son of Syivanus (72), son of George (19), resides at Claremont, N. H. He married, November 27, 1804, Rdth Dexter, born February 4, 1787, daughter of Stephen Dexter. She died October 18, 1840. Children. 661. 1. HEMAN REDFIELD, b. Jan. 9, 1805. 662. 2. STEPHEN DEXTER REDFIELD, b. Oct. 11, 1806. 663. 3. WYLLYS REDFIELD, b. June 16, 1808; machinist at Nashua ; d. Dec. 3, 1835. 664. 4. WILLIAM REDFIELD, b. August 5, 1810. 665. 5. SARAH GOOGINS REDFIELD, b. June 11, 1814. 666. 6. LUCIA ANN REDFIELD. b. April 13, 1816. 667. 7. GEORGE SYLVANUS REDFIELD, b. Jan. 21, 1818; d. Nov. 16, 1838. 668. 8. WARREN FRANKLIN REDFIELD, b. Nov. 17, 1819. 669. 9. SABRINA TAPPAN REDFIELD, b. Oct. 14, 1821. 670. 10. HARRIET ERSKINE REDFIELD, b. Sept. 8, 1823. 671. 11. LOVINA E. REDFIELD, b. July 13, 1825. 672. 12. TIMOTHY GLEASON REDFIELD, b. Oct. 18, 1827; mariner; unmarried. 673. 13. DAVID D. REDFIELD, b. July 8, 1829 ; d. July 12, 1829. 674. 14. ELIZABETH PUTNAM REDFIELD, b. July 4, 1830. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 95 256. Delia Redfield, fifth d.anghter of Stjlvanus (72), son of George (19), was married to Hon. Ebexezer Wright of Lancaster, Pa.: Lawyer. She died April, 1851, in her 64th year. Children. 1. FRANKLIN WRIGHT. 2. ELIZA WRIGHT, deceased. 3. HENRY WRIGHT. 4. AMANDA WRIGHT. ,5. MATILDA WRIGHT, deceased. 6. GEORGE WRIGHT, deceased. 7. CAROLINE WRIGHT. 8. MARY WRIGHT, b. April 4, 1826. 257. Elizabeth Redfield, sixth daughter of Sylvanus (72), son of Georg'e (19), was married to Seth Dustan, and removed to Portage county, Ohio, where she was still living in December, 1856. ('hildren. 1. SYLVANUS DUSTAN. Resides in Iowa. And probably others. 258. Chandler Redfield, third son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19) , graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, and was a man of considera- ble culture. In 1815, he taught an academy at Lebanon, Pa., in which instruc- tion was given in languages, stenography, surveying, botany, &c. He studied medicine in Philadelphia, and practised a short time at Baltimore. In 1820, he settled at Middletown, Dauphin county. Pa. He married An:!IA Ramsat. He d,ied about 1S28 at the age of 34 years. Children. 675. 1. PHILANDER REDFIELD, b. July 4, 1826. 676. 2. CHANDLER REDFIELD, b. Sept. 1828 ; deceased. 260. Caroline M. Redfield, eighth daughter of SyEvanus (72), son of George (19), was married to Rev. Erasmus B. Morgan of Keene, N. H. She died July 24, 1857, aged 49 years. Had five children, whose names are not given. 96 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 261. John Wesley Redfield, fourth son of Sylranus (72), son of Oeorg'e (19), is an itinerant Methodist preacher and physician, has trav- eled mostly in the western states; said lo have lately resided at St. Louis. He married, hefore 1838, Miss Geiffing, of Troy; is said to have married a second time. No children. 262. Achilles Mansfield Eedfield, fifth son of Sylvantis (72) son of Georg'e (19), was a physician, and resided in New York city from 1844 to 1848. Married while living there, . He died at Tampa Bay, Florida, Oct. 24, 1853, aged 42 years, leaving no children. 263. George Whitfield Redfield, sixth son of Syivanus (72), son of George (19), married A. Lillie of Boston, Mass. Resides at . No children. 264. Sarah Ann Redfield, ninth daughter of Syivanus (72), son of iGeorge (19), was married to Judah Moore of Wilmington, Vt. No children. 265. Frances Isabella Redfield, tenth daughter of Syivanus (72), son of George (19), was married to Dr. E. Hatnes of Wilmington, Vt. No children. 266. Syivanus Franklin Redfield, seventh son of Syivanus (72), son of George (19), resides at Claremont, N. H. ; tailor. He married. May 6, 1841, Maky Ann Eggleston, daughter of Col. Charles and Elizabeth Eggles- ton of Plainfield, N. H. Children. 677. 1. MARY ISABELLA REDFIELD, b. May 23, 1843. 678. 2. HARRIET MARIA REDFIELD, b. Sept. 21, 1849. 679. 3. ALICE AINSWORTU REDFIELD, b. Feb. 12, 1851; d. Jan. 14, 1859. GEORGE REDFIELD's BRANCH. 97 680. 4. FRANCES EGGLESTON REDFIELD, b. Aug. 14, 1853 ; d. Jan. 12, 1859. 681. 5. FRANCIS REDFIELD, b. Oct. 22, 1S56; d. Feb. 17, 1859. 682. 0. ELLEN REDFIELD, b. May 12, 1859. * * * * 269. Sherman Redfield, third son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was a gunsmith and blacksmith by trade. He married at Claremont, N. H., in 1805, Elsie Makia Warner, daughter of Abijah and Elsie [Fuller] War- ner of Hartford, Conn. In 1814, he served as musician in the war with Great Britain. From Claremont he removed to Fitz William, N. H., after- wards to Rochester, N. Y., and finally to Canton, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., where he died June 3, 1850, aged 67 years. After his death the family removed to Morris, Grundy county, Illinois. Children. 683. 1. LOLA ALMIRA REDFIELD, b. April 16, 1806. 684. 2. FRANCES MARIA REDFIELD, b. Nov. 3, 1808; d. Oct. 12, ISII. 685. 3. SARAH REDFIELD, b. March 27, 1811. 686. 4. SAMSON HENRY REDFIELD, b. Jan. 9, 1814. 687. 5. ELSIE MARIA REDFIELD, b. April 28, 1816. 688. 6. ORRIN SHERMAN REDFIELD, Oct. 6, 1819. 689. 7. EMILY REDFIELD, b. Dec. 29, 1824. 270. Selden Redfield, fourth son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was a gunsmith by occupation. Married, Feb. 5, 1814, Mehetabel Chap- man. He removed to Cassopolis, Cass county, Mich., but after 1848 returned to Wheatland, Livingston county, N. Y., where he died Sept. 5, 1851, aged 66 years. His widow is still living (1859) with her daughter Frances, in Hartford, Washington county. Wis. Children, 690. 1. CHAUNCEY REDFIELD, b. Dec. 17, 1814; died Jan. 10, 1815. 691. 2. SARAH REDFIELD, b. May 17, 1816. 692. 3. CHAUNCEY REDFIELD, b. Jan. 30, 1818; d. Aug. 10, 1823. 693. 4. ADELINE REDFIELD, b. Oct. 10, 1819; d. May 26, 1831. 694. 5. LOUISA REDFIELD, b. April 3, 1821. 695. 6. DELIA REDFIELD, b. Oct. 10, 1822. 696. 7. MARVIN REDFIELD, b. Feb. 9, 1825. 697. 8. SOPHRONIA REDFIELD, b. May 10, 1827; d. Jan. 27, 1828 13 98 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 698. 9. LUCINDA REDFIELD, b. Jan. 6, 1829. 699. 10. NELSON C. REDFIELD, b. March 29, 1832. 700. 11. JANE REDFIELD, b. M.ireh 28, 1834. 701. 12. FRANCES REDFIELD, j ^-^^A^- ^P"! 1. 1839. 702. 13. FRANKLIN REDFIELD,j^'^'"^'tb. " " ; d. July 1, 1S40. 271. Cleaveland Redfield, fifth son of Seth (73), son of George (19), by occupation miller, resided in early life at Cavendish, Vt. He married, Jan. 15, 1815, Sarah Beckley, born 1794, daughter of Josiah and Mary Beckley of Wethersfield, Vt., and removed to Ann Arbor, Mich., and after- wards to Waupaca, Waupaca county, Wis., where he still resides (1859). His wife died May 28, 1856. Children. 703. 1. LAVINA REDFIELD, b. Oct. 16, 1815. 704. 2. MIRANDA REDFIELD, b. Dec. 20, 1816. 705. 3. NANCY REDFIELD, b. March 9, 1818. 706. 4. SARAH REDFIELD, b. Nov. 5, 1819. 707. 5. ALMIRA REDFIELD. b. Sept. 4, 1821. 708. 6. DRUSILLA REDFIELD, b. March 9, 1823. 709. 7. CAROLINE REDFIELD, b. April 22, 1825. 710. 8. MARIA REDFIELD, b. Feb. 19, 1827. 711. 9. JOSIAH BECKLEY REDFIELD, b. May 14, 1829. 712. 10. CHARLES ELMORE REDFIELD, b. Feb. 7, 1831; editor and printer at Waupaca, Wis. 713. 11. MARY REDFIELD, b. Feb. 23, 1833; d. at Ann Arbor, Feb. 9, 1847. 714. 12. LUKE CLEAVELAND REDFIELD, b. Sept. 2, 1835. 715. 13. ORLANDO NORTON REDFIELD, b. Oct. 31, 1837; d. Dec. 23, 1840. 716. 14. WILLIAM HARRISON REDFIELD, b. Oct. 10, 1839. 273. Anthony Chauncey Redfield, seventh son of Sflh (73) son of CJeol'ge (19), is a farmer, and resides at Austin, town of Groveland, Oak- land county, Mich. He married, Jan. 2, 1832, Mary Ann Cooper, daughter of William and Hannah [Archer] Cooper. No children. Adopted a daughter who is now married. ^-^uTedfr, c^«™a*;iSDa''"-'^' /f(9/e i,-!^^*^'**- ^^ ULe^^y^y^c^-- ^A^ luiu iwvcLuuei J., nodo, w juiy 1, ISO/, wlien he resigned GEORGE REDPIELD's BRANCH. 99 275. SethRedJaeld, eighth son of Seth (73), son of George (19), mar- ried June 23, 1821, Meuxda Davis Pierce of Leroy, N. Y., whither he removed. He now lives with his eldest son, at Chicago, III. Children. 717. 1. NORTON DAVIS REDFIELD, b. at Leroy, Dec. 23, 1822. 718. 2. SUSAN REDFIELD, b. at Leroy, Sept. 30, 1824. 719. 3. LUCINA REDFIELD, " Oct. 18, 1826. 720. 4. CAROLINE REDFIELD, " August 12, 1829; d. Sept. 20, 1841. 721. 5. OLIVE REDFIELD, " Nov 14, 1831. 276. Marvin Redfleld, ninth son of Seth (73), son of George (19); married , and resided at Gates, Monroe county, N. Y., where he died. He had several children ; number and names unknown. All are dead, * -TV -7? -ir "T^? 280. Heman Judd Redfield, eldest son of Peieg- (75), son of George (19), was educated as a lawyer, and studied his profession with the late John C. Spencer at Canandaigua. When the war of 1812 broke out, he entered his country's service as volunteer, was in the battle on Queenston Heights in September, 1812, and in November, 1813, joined Gen. Harrison at Fort George in Upper Canada. In this campaign and while on the enemy's territory, he received a brevet commission. At the close of the war he resumed his pro- fession, and afterwards became agent for the Holland Land Company. In 1823, he was elected to the state senate, where he served his full term. He was afterwards appointed one of the commissioners on the part of the state of New York, to settle the boundary between that state and New Jersey. His other public services were various and important. He was postmaster at Leroy, N. Y., for 20 years; district attorney for Genesee county; master in chancery, &c. He was appointed special counsel under an act of the legisla- ture, to aid the attorney-general in prosecuting the abductors of William Morgan, but declined. He also declined the post of canal commissioner, which was tendered him in 1835. In 1853, he was appointed naval officer of the customs of the port of New York, which post he held for sis months, when President Pierce voluntarily tendered him the collectorship of the port, which he held from November 1, 1853, to July 1, 1857, when he resigned 100 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLIXGWORTH TRIBE. the office seven months before the expiration of its term, and retired to his residence at Batavia, N. Y., where he is now living. He married 1st, Abi- gail N. Gould of Canaiidaigua, Jan. 27, 1817, who died Feb. 11, 1841, and he married 2d, Coxstaxce C. Bolles of Batavia, April 14, 1846. Children. By first wife. 722. 1. ELIZABETH GOULD REDFIELD, b. Nov. 7, 1817. 723. 2. MARY JUDD REDFIELD, b. July 25, 1819. 724. 3. SPENCER REDFIKLD, b. April 1, 1821; d. at Canandaigua, .hme 10, 1837. 725. 4. HEMAN REDFIELD, b. Feb. 25, 1823. 726. 5. MANNING REDFIELD, b. Jan. 21, 1826 ; d. unmarried, at Mad- ison, Wis., Oct. 6, 1848. 727. 6. JANE REDFIELD, b. May 14, 1827. 728. 7. SARAH CORNELIA REDFIELD, b. Dec. 31, 1828; d. Jan. 6, 1829. 729. 8. SARAH CORNELIA BATES REDFIELD, b. Nov. 13, 1829. 730. 9. ANN MARIA REDFIELD, b. May 18, 1831. 731. 10. JAMES HENRY REDFIELD, b. June 30, 1833 ; d. March 14, 1834. 732. 11. ROBERT REDFIELD, b. Dec. 24, 1834. 733. 12. HENRY SEYMOUR REDFIELD, b. March 17, 1836. 734. 13. JAMES REDFIELD, b. Sept. 7, 1837 ; d. Nov. 28, 1837. 735. 14. JAMES METCALF REDFIELD, b. July 17, 1839 ; graduated at Union College, 1860. By second wife. 736. 15. FRANCIS BOLLES REDFIELD, b. March 20, 1847. 737. 16. ABBY LITTELL REDFIELD, b. August 17, 1848. 738. 17. MIA CLARKE REDFIELD, b. July 11, 1851. 739. IS. MARTHA EVANS REDFIELD, b. May 25, 1855. 281. Manning Redfield, second son of Peleg- (75), son of deoi-^e (19), resided at Manchester, Ontario county, N. Y. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812. After the war he taught school, and afterwards cultivated a farm. He married September 25, 1828, Milicent Goodrich Hollister of Berlin, Conn. He died February 26, 1850, aged 59 years, beiug accidentally killed in a mill where he was marketing grain. Children. 740. 1. HENRY COLE SMITH REDFIELD, b. Oct. 19, 1829. ,o,j. n. /iiNUJii^iiNJi WAKUJNKK REDFIELD, b. March 3, 1832. 754. 3. ADELINE WOODWARD REDFIELD, b. April 28, 1834. i GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 101 741. 2. SAMUEL DANIEL JUDD REDFIELD, b. Feb. 25, 1834. 742. 3. ALEXANDER HAMILTON REDFIELD, b. Jan. 13, 1839 ; d. Aug. 9, 1840. 743. 4. CHARLES GOODRICH REDFIELD, b. July 12, 1841. 744. 5. WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING REDFIELD, b. April 7, 1843. 282. Lewis Hamilton Redfield, third son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), became a printer and settled in 1814, at Onondaga Hollow, N. Y., where he edited The Onondaga Register until 1829, when he re- moved to Syracuse, N. Y., and continued there its editorship under the title of Onondaga Register and Syracuse Gazette, until 1822, when the paper changed hands. He still resides at Syracuse. He married February 17, 1820, An\ Maria Treadwell, who was born January 17, 1800, at Clinton, Oneida county, N. Y. Mrs. A. M. Redfield is the author of a most useful Chart of the Animal Kingdom, intended to accompany a text book of zoology, for use of schools and academies. Children, 745. 1. CAROLINE ADRIANCE REDFIELD, b. Jan. 29, 1822. 746. 2. MARY ELIZABETH REDFIELD, b. March 20, 1823. 747. 3. MARGARET TREADWELL REDFIELD, b. Jan. 6, 1825. 748. 4. JANE LOUISA REDFIELD, b. Nov. 20, 1827. 749. 5. GEORGE DAVIS REDFIELD, b. Oct. 29, 1833; lawyer at St. Anthony, Minnesota. 750. 6, LEWIS HAMILTON REDFIELD, b. Feb. IS, 1835 ; in employ of American Fur Company, and is now at Fort Randall, Upper Missouri (1859). 751. 7. CHARLES TREADWELL REDFIELD, b. Oct. 6, 1837; hardware merchant at Syracuse. 283. Harley Redfield, fourth son of Peleg- (75), son of George (19), was an extensive farmer and resided at Manchester, Ontario county, N. Y. He married Charlotte Cobern, November 11, 1823, and died April 19, 1846, in his 51st year. Children. 752. 1. PAULINA JUDD REDFIELD, b. August 5, 1827. 753. 2. ANGELINE GARDNER REDFIELD, b. March 3, 1832. 754. 3. ADELINE WOODWARD REDFIELD, b. April 28, 1834. 102 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 284. George Redfield, fifth son of l»cf eg- (75), son of George (19), removed about 1835 into the state of Michigan, then for the most part a wil- derness, and selecting a wild tract near its southern border, he there settled in what is now Adamsville, Cass county, and became a large farmer, and now has near 1000 acres under cultivation. He has received a large share of pub- lic confidence; was member of the Michigan house of representatives for one year, was three years in the state senate, was elector of president and vice- president in 1844, state treasurer of Michigan in 1845 and 1846, and aided in making its new constitution in 1850. He married 1st, June 9, 1835, Jdlia Augusta Mason, daughter of Samuel and Martha [Lee] Mason of Palmyra, N. Y. She died August 29, 1848. He married 2d, September 14, 1854, Jane E. Hammond, daughter of Hon. Gideon Hammond of Essex county, N. Y. Children. By first wife. 755. 1. ANN MARIA REDFIELD, b. Nov. 16, 1836. 756. 2. JULIA AUGUSTA REDFIELD, b. August 8, 1838. 757. 3. LEWIS H. REDFIELD, b. Sept. 18, 1842. By second wife. 758. 4. GEORGE HAMMOND REDFIELD, b. August 21, 1855. 759. 5. BERTHA REDFIELD, b. Dec. 22, 1857. 285. Mary Redfield, eldest daughter of Pelfs (75), son of Georgre (19), was married, 1st, March 22, 1821, to Leonard Short, farmer; and 2d, in June 1838, to Lyman Clark, farmer, and justice of the peace. She died October 6, 1839, aged 41 years. Child. By first husband, 1. MARY A. SHORT, b. July 1823; m. Cyrus Haskins, June, 1839, and died July 27, 1847, without issue. 286. Hiram Redfield, sixth son of Peleg (75), son of Geor&^e (19), resided at Rochester, N. Y. ; was a broker in real estate, and a colonel in the militia service. He married, Nov. 28, 1848, at Perry, Wyoming county, N. Y., Mrs. Mary A. [Skidmore] Brown, daughter of Harmon and Mary Skid- moro of Auburn, N. Y. He died at Rochester, Aug. 20, 1852, in his 52d ■e^^ d/^ GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 103 year. Had no issvie, but adopted Mary A. Brown, the daughter of his wife bv her first husband, naming her Mary A. Redtield. 287. Ann Redfleld, second daughter of Petcg (75), son of George (19), was married to Marvin Miser, merchant, who now resides at Jersey City, N. J. She died July 15, 1848, aged 45 years. Child. 1. HELEN MINER; m. Lafayette Hulburt, merchant, of Jersey City. 288. Alexander Hamilton Redfield, seventh son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), studied three years at Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.^ but graduated at Union College, Schenectady, in 1829. He studied haw with James R. and Grove Lawrence, and with Hon. Samuel Hammond, and was admitted to practice in the supreme court of the state of New York in July, 1831. In August of the same year he went to the then new territory of Michigan and settled in Cass county, in the south west corner of the ter- ritory. In company with three others he bought, at government prices, 320 acres of wild land, near the centre of the county, and in 1832 laid out and named the village of Cassopolis, which afterwards became the county seat. He assisted in framing and raising the first building erected in the village, and was appointed the first post master of the place. In 1832, as an ofiicer in the Michigan Corps of Volunteers, during the famous Black Hawk war, he went to northern Illinois and for many days encamped on the bank of Lake Michigan, where Chicago now stands, then almost entirely wild and unsettled. In 1847 he was elected as state senator for the 14th district, for two years, and the following year he removed his residence to Detroit. In 1856 he was again elected to the state senate from the 1st district. He has served several years as a regent of the State University. In 1857 he received from the president of the United States a commission as agent of the Indians of the Upper Missouri Agency. In the discharge of the duties of this appointment he has made several expeditions through thEtt vast and distant region which includes the head waters of the Yellow Stone and the Missouri, holding councils with many thousands of the wild red men of the prairies. In one of these journeys he traveled about 7000 miles. He married, Jan. 25, 1842, at Deansville, Oneida county, N. Y., Phebe C. Deax, who was born Sept. 27, 1811, daughter of Hon. Thomas Dean of that place. Childnn. 760. 1. MARY DEAN REDFIELD, b. at Cassopohs, Nov. 2(5, 1842. 761. 2. THOMAS HAMILTON REDFIELD, " Nov. 4, 1843. 104 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 762. 3. FLORENCE PHILENA REDFIELD, b. at Cassopolis, Apr. 30, 1845. 763. 4. JUDD FLANDREAU REDFIELD, " June 6, 1847. 289. William Howe Cuyler Redfield, eightlison of Peleg (75), son of George (19), is a farmer, residing at or near bis paternal bomestead at Clifton Springs, Maiicbester, Ontario county, N. Y. He married, 1st, Nov. 6, 1841, Elizabeth Ann Griffith, daugbter of John and Mary [Hobbs] Griffitb; sbe died Dec. 22, 1851. He married, 2d, May 12, 1853, Harriet Orette Hadley, daugbter of Jonatban and Elizabeth [BraleyJ Hadley. Children. By first wife. 764. 1. GEORGK SPENCER REDFIELD, b. Oct. 13, 1842. 765. 2. WASHINGTON IRVING REDFIELD, b. Aug. 16, 1844. 766. 3. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH REDFIELD, b. Feb. 2, 1848. 767. 4. JOHN CUYLER REDFIELD, b. Dec. 15, 1850. By second wife. 768. 5. ADRIANA HARRIET REDFIELD, b. June 9, 1854. g. Branch of Capt. T^'iSliain Redfiield (20) of Middletown, Ct. 291. William Redfield, eldest son of Capt. IVilliani (76), son of Capt. William (20), married Dec. 10, 1809, Sarah Dejean, daugbter of Pliilip Dejean, a lieutenant in the Frencb service in the West Indies, and Sarah [Fosdick]* Dejean. He removed from Middletown to Wallingford, Conn., in 1809, thence to Wethersfield, Vt., in 1810, wbere be resided two years, tlien removed to Charlestown, N. H. In 1834 he removed to New York city, where he died in March, 1838, aged 54 years. His widow is still living with one of her daughters in Boston. * Sarah Fosdick was thrico marriud, 1st, to Starr ; 2il, to Lieut. Philip Dejean ; and 3cl, to Peloune. WILLIAM REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 105 Children. 769. 1. JUSTUS STARR REDFIELD, b. Jan. 2, 1810. 770. 2. MEHETABEL HAMLIN REDEIELD, b. Nov. 3, 1811. 771. 3. SARAH FOSDICK REDFIELD, b. Jan. 3, 1814. 772. 4. WILLIAM DOBSON REDFIELD, b. July 3, 1816. 773. 5. SU^AN WATERMAN REDFIELD, b. Aug. 15, 1819. 774. 6. KEZIA CONVERSE REDFIELD, b. Sept. 2, 1821. 775. 7. EDWARD PELOUZE REDFIELD, b. Oct. 6, 1823 ; d. in 1831. 776. 8. MARY ANN REDFIELD, b. May 21, 1826. 777. 9. JOHN H. REDFIELD, b. March 19, 1829 ; d. in 1829. 778. 10. ELIZA H. REDFIELD, b, July 2, 1831; d. in 1831. 779. 11. ELLEN MARIA REDFIELD, b. July 2, 1833. * * 292. John Redfield, eldest son of Saninel {11), son of Capt. Tfilliam (20), is a farmer residing at Gloucester city, N. J. He was elected to the New Jersey legislature in 1845; was member of the board of county commis- sioners in 1859, and has held other offices of public trust. As a student of antiquarian lore he has been zealous and successful, and is an honorary mem- ber of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. He married, 1st, January 4, 1816, Margaretta Adan, daughter of Capt. Alexander and Margaretta [Stewart] Adan of Scotland. She died May 7, 1823. He married, 2d, Nov. 1823, Maria B. Skill, daughter of Samuel and Achsah Skill of Gloucester, N. J., and sister to his brother William's wife. Children. By first wife. 780. 1. DAVID MARSHALL REDFIELD, b. Oct. 6, 1816. 781. 2. ANN REDFIELD, b. Sept. 25, 1818. v 782. 3. ELIZABETH MARSHALL REDFIELD, b. Sept. 4, 1820. By second wife. 783. 4. MARGARETTA REDFIELD, b. Nov. 2, 1824. 784. 5. SARAH SKILL REDFIELD, b. Feb. 4, 1826. 785. 6. PRISCILLA HERITAGE REDFIELD, b, April 14, 1830. 786. 7. SAMUEL REDFIELD, b. July 8, 1832. 787. 8. MATILDA OAKFORD REDFIELD, b. — ; d. in infancy. 788. 9. MATILDA OAKFORD REDFIELD, b. July 13, 1837. 789. 10. SUSAN HERITAGE REDFIELD, b, Jan. 2, 1840. 790. 11. WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, b. Feb. 18, 1844. 14 106 SIXTH GENEEATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 293. William Redfield, second son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. WIl- lic&Ill (20), resides in the city of Philadelphia; paper-hanger. He married April 14, 1821, Deborah Skill, daughter of Samuel and Achsah Skill of Gloucester, N. Y., and sister of his brother John's wife. Children. 791. 1. SAMUEL REDFIELD, b. in Philadelphia, Jan. 28, 1822; paper- hanger ; lives with his flither. 792. 2. WILLIAM REDFIELD, b. in Philadelphia, Oct. 1, 1823; d. April, 1845. 793. 3. SARAH SKILL REDFIELD, " " , 1826 ;d. aged 15 months. 794. 4. ANNA MARIA REDFIELD, " " , 1828; d. in 1836. 795. 5. JOHN REDFIELD, " " March 17, 1830 ; living in California (1860). 796. 6. MARY ANN REDFIELD, '« " , 1833 ; d. in 1835. 797. 7. ALFRED REDFLELD, " " , 1835; d. aged 10 months. 798. 8. JAMES STARR REDFIELD, " " Oct. 9, 1836. 799. 9. ANNA MARIA REDFIELD, " " July 25, 1839 ; liv- ing with her father; teaches school at Darby, Pa. 800. 10. HENRY CLAY REDFIELD, b. in Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1841 ; lives with his father. 801. 11. SARAH JANE REDFIELD, " " Nov. 11, 1844. 295. Belin Belair Redfield, third son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. lYillia,!!! (20), is a farmer, and resides at Gloucester, N. J. He married, January, 1829, Rebecca Howe, daughter of William and Ann Howe of Woodbury, N. J. She died in 1858. Children. 802. 1. MARY ANN REDFIELD, b. July 30, 1830. 803. 2. CHARLES MILLER REDFIELD, b. March 31, 1832. 804. 3. WILLIAM HOWE REDFIELD, b. Jan. 1834. 805. 4. ROBERT HOWE REDFIELD, b. Oct. 26, 1835. 806. 5. ANN ELIZABETH REDFIELD, b. April 8, 1828. 807. C. JOHN HOWE REDFIELD, b. August 28, 1840. WILLIAM REDPIELD'S BRANCH. 107 297. William C * Redfleld, eldest son of Pcleg (80), son of Capt. Wil- liaui (20), lived at Maromus or South Farms, the south-eastern parish of Middletowu, Conn., until he was 14 years of age, when he was apprenticed to a Sadler and harness-maker in Upper Middletown, now Cromwell, Conn. After the expiration of his apprenticeship he worked for some years at his trade in Cromwell, gradually combining with it the small business of a coun- try merchant. An experimental enterprize in steam navigation led to his removal to the city of New York in 1824, where he organized a line of steam boats and barges on the Hudson river, which was the foundation of steam freight transportation on that river. His mechanical taste and engineering skill here found ample scope, and many improvements in steam boilers, in paddle wheels, and in the framing of hulls were introduced by him, to gene- ral favor. In this employment he continued until his death. The first intro- duction of rail roads into this country excited in him a lively interest. In a pamphlet published by him in 1828, he was the first to propose " a great railway from the Atlantic to the Mississippi," and he therein warmly advo- cated the construction of a rail road over the very route now occupied by th e N. Y. and Erie R. R., and by the chain of rail roads from Dunkirk to Rock Island on the Mississippi. He was also instrumental in urging the construc- tion of the Harlem, the Hartford and New Haven and the Hudson River rail roads, and in the latter company he was for some years an active and useful director. At an early period (1821) his attention was turned to the peculiar phenomena of the storms of the Atlantic coast, and the leisui'e hours of the last twenty-five years of his life were mainly employed in investigating the laws of storms, and in establishing on a solid basis of evidence, his great dis- covery of the combined rotary and progressive movement of storms. He received the honorary degree of A. M. from Yale College in 1839, and was the first president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at its session in Philadelphia in 1843. He continued to be a regular attend- ant upon the sessions of the association, taking an active part in the discus- sions upon physical science, especially in the departments of meteorology and geology. For a fuller biographical sketch, by Prof. Olmsted, see Ameri- can Journal of Science, Yol. xxiv oi second series, p. 355, and Proceedings of Montreal Meeting of American Association for Advancement of Science. i * Ilis baptismal name was William simply. The C. was assumed on his coming of age to dis- tinguish him from two other William Kedtields, contemporary in the .same town, and stood for CouTeniencc, as he used playfully to say. t See appeudix N, for a list of his published papers. 108 SIXTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. He married, 1st, Oct. 15, 1814, Abigail Wilcox, daughter of Eliphalet and Abigail [Shepard] Wilcox* of Upper Middletown. She died May 12, 1819, and he married, 2d, November 23, 1820, Lucy Wilcox, daughter of Seth and Hannah [ Willcox] Wilcox t of Stockbridge, Mass., and cousin of his first wife. She died September 14, 1821. He married, 3d, December 9, 1828, Jane Wallace, daughter of William Wallace, merchant of New York, originally from Sanquhar, Scotland. Mr. Redfield died at New York city, February 12, 1857, in his 68th year, and was interred near the southern slope of Ocean Hill, in Greenwood Cemetery. Children. By first wife. 808. 1 JOHN HOWARD REDFIELD, b. July 10, 1815. 809. 2. WILLIAM REDFIELD, b. May 25, 1817; d. August 10, 1819. 810. 3. CHARLES BAILEY REDFIELD, b. Nov. 18, 1818. By second wife. 811. 4. SAMUEL REDFIELD, b. August 14, 1821 ; d. August 19, 1821, 299. Samuel Redfield, second son of Peleg- (80), son of Capt. Wil- liaill (20), removed from Middletown, Conn., in 1810, and joined his mother and younger brothers and sisters, who, in 1806, had emigrated to Randolph, Portage county, Ohio, where he also settled and aided in subduing the wilderness and became an extensive farmer. In May, 1812, he volun- teered to serve in Capt. Campbell's company, which, on the 1st July, was ordered to march to the western frontier to aid in its protection against the savages. He assisted in the building of Fort Stephenson at Lower Sandusky, now called Fremont. He was taken prisoner at the river Raisin on the ISth August, 1812, on the occasion of Hull's surrender, and carried thence to Mai- den, whence he was sent to Cleveland on parole, and reached home sick on 4th Sept. About 1850 he removed to Ravenna in the same county, where he still resides. He married, Jan. 5, 1816, Makgaeet Erwin Shewell, b. Aug. 11, 1794, daughter of Rev. Henry and Mel^cy [Ilazen] Shewell, who removed from Hackettstown, N. J., to Deerlield, Ohio, in 1802. Children. 812. 1. WILLIAM CAREY REDFIELD, b. Nov. 22, 1816. * Eliphalet Wilcox, ■\va.s the son of Ozias, son of Deacon John, son of Israel, son of John, son of John Wilcox, who Wiis amonn the first settlors of Hartford. AbiKuil Shepard was the daushter of Jarcd, son of Lieut. Siunuel, son of Kdwnril Shepard of Middletown, who married Abitjail Savage in ](J87. Edward Shepard was probably a grandson or jjreat grandson of Kdward Shep- ard, one of the first settlers of Hartford. t Sclh Wilcox was a yonnser brolher of Eliphalet, whose pedigree is frai'el above. Hannah Willcox was daughter of Elifha and Abigail tRanney] Willcox. ^■ -^- .Ji^^^€^ 108 SIXTH OENF3KATI0N. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. He married, let, Oct. IB. 1814, Abtoail Wilcox, daughter of Eliphilnt aiifl Abigail [SI) and he m-nr Haunah ['V' She di ' Wal ner Middletown. She died Ma; , 1820, LccT Wilcox, daughter.' eoxT of Stockbridge, Mriss., and cousin of his fln^t wift.'. " ' •" I-'-- '!''., December 9, 182i, J.isi; * of New York, originally fy, February 12, : slope of Ocean 8C^. 80f b. May 25, 181 810. •'. ■ >..^..w... ....Mui.i u,iJDFIELD, •• '•' By second vnfe. 811. 4. SAMUEL REDFIELD, b. August 14, 1821 ; d. August 19, l821. 299. 4 Samuel Itr ;i5.^1d, pbcou^ rcr. of Feleg (80), son of C»pt. Wil- jtltttu (2C \^-a. Conn., in ISIO, taid joined his '1 4th remouL He was taken pri - c I'ariaor. lu 'y 'dii- ipany, which, < . , was ontier to aid in its protection against the ' - ") at Lower Sandusky , Raisin on the 18th iniod thence to Mal- 1. ached homesick ou he same county, where he • Erwin Shrwbll, b. Ansr. n] Shewf'H Kh.>Tf>*D< • . : HI2. J., of.; RrJ. ODO > 1 .Selti \ < a . ...D, b. X. >n of Duacoii .' ' r8 of Unrtlbru. .1 . nl hUopara >n of John, Ron of w»* the (laugbtfr 'I mairicd Abigail )'£llliel (11), was a mechanic, and resided in Meriden, Conn. He represented that town in the Connecticut legislature in 1837. He married, December 25, 1817, Lucy Curtis, daughter of Elisha and Abigail Curtis of Meriden. He died December 31, 1851, aged 58 years. His widow is now living (1859) in Meriden. Children. 1063. 1. Cecilia Ann Redfield, b. March 3, 1819. 1064. 2. Horace Redfield, b. April 24, 1821. 1065. 3. Abigail Redfield, b. Feb. 1, 1823. 1066. 4. Edwin Redfield, b. March 17, 1825. 1067. 5. Lucy Amelia Redfield, b. August 20, 1827. 1068. 6. Chloe Elizabeth Redfield, b. July 14, 1830. 1069. 7. Jennette Electa Redfield, b. Nov. 13, 1S32; d. Sept. 20, 1838. 1070. 8. AuRELiA Redfield, b. April 8, 1835 ; d. April 3, 1836. 1071. 9. Eliza Kirtland Redfield, b. June 15, 1836. 1072. 10. James Elisha Redfield, b. June 30, 1838 ; d. Sept. 21, 1838. 1073. 11- James Elisha Redfield, b. Feb. 16, 1841. 1074. 12. Marion Jennette Redfield, b, June 27, 1846. 384. NANCY REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Roswell (126), son of Ros- ivi'll (33), son of D>aiiiel (11), was married January 15, 1809, to Capt. Daniel Peck, son of Daniel and Hannah [Redfield] Peck (see 49). Capt. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 139 Peck had command of a steam boat on the Hudson river, from 1827 to 1829, and was afterwards the Albany agent of one of the oldest and largest steam freight lines on that river. He died at Albany, April 21, 1841, in his 55th year. His widow is now living (1860) with her daughter, Mrs. Rawls, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Children. 1. Amelia M. Peck, b. Dec. 1, 1810 ; m. Matthew Henry Read, merchant of Albany, May 13, 1827. 2. Ann Jennette Peck, b. Oct. 17, 1812 ; d. Aug. 30, 1813. 3. George Alexander Peck, b. June 14, 1814; d. Sept. 25, 1815, 4. Julia Redfield Peck, b. May 27, 1816 ; m. March 1, 1837, Henry Rawls, merchant, then of Albany, now of Brooklyn, N. Y. 5. Charlotte Brower Peck, b. Sept. 21, 1818. 6. Ann Bitckingham Peck, b. Sept. 24, 1820 ; d. Nov. 5, 1820. 7. Elizabetii Frances Peck, b. Feb. 10, 1824; m. June 1, 1842, William Blake Pierce then of Boston, Mass., now of Cincin- nati, 0. 8. Louisa Ann Peck, b. Feb. 28, 1826 ; d. July 1, 1828. 9. Henet Daniel Peck, b. May 5,1829 ; merchant of New York city ; m. Sept. 18, 1854, Mary Elizabeth Hicks of Brooklyn, L. I. 385. JENNETTE REDFIELD, second daughter of Roswell (126), son of Roswell (33), son of Daitiel (11), was married, December 5, 1814, to John Bpreows of Clinton, Conn. Both are still living in Clinton. Children. 1. George Burrows, b. ; m. Emily S. Crane, Nov. 2, 1838. 2. Julia Burrows, b. ; m. William Bacon of Clinton, Dec. 25, 1846. 3. Nancy Borrows, b. ; m. Joseph Kelsey of Clinton, 1847. 4. William G. Borrows, b. ; m. Catharine Ann Barker, July 13, 1847. 5. John W. Borrows, b. ; married Elizabeth Buel, October 29, 1847. [Essex, Conn, June, 1848, 6. Dewitt Burrows, ) . ( b. ; m. Sarah Ann Tucker of Twins, 7, Clinton Borrows, ) ' | b. ; d. Sept. 23, 1846. 8. Hiel Redfield Burrows, b. ; m. Julia Gregware of Canada East, Oct. 2, 1852. 140 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 386. ELIAS REDFIELD, eldest son of Roswell (126), son of Itosweli (33), son of Daniel (11), was a merchant in Essex, Conn. He married, August 28, 1819, Anna Snow Buckingham of Essex, who was born June 8, 1793. He died September 15, 1844, in his 52d year. He was selectman of the town of Say brook for three years. Children. 1075. 1. Mart Jane Redpield, b. March 20, 1822. 1076. 2. JtTLiA Ann Redfield, b. April 18, 1824; d. Feb. 5, 1825. 1077. 3. Edward Walker Redfield, b. Nov. 26, 1825. 1078. 4. Ann Jennette Redfield, b. August 26, 1827. 1079. 5. Jdlia Elizabeth Redfield, March 1, 1830 ; d. Sept. 13, 1831. 387. JULIA REDFIELD, third daughter of Koswell (126), son of Ros- Well (33), son of Daniel (11), was married to Reuben Ferris of Saratoga, N. Y. Children. 1. Ann Jennette Ferris ; deceased. 2. Adelia Ferris ; m. Lyman Bradley of Wyoming. 3. Julia Ferris. 4. George Ferris. 5. Sarah Ferris. 6. Ann Jennette Ferris. 7. Henry Clay Ferris. 388. HIEL STEVENS REDFIELD, second son of Roswell (126), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was a house carpenter. Removed early to Barnwell District, S. C, where he became a planter, and married in 1825, Sarah Calhoun. He died there, October 27, 1828, aged 30 years. Children. 1080. 1. Julia Rebecca Redfield. 1081. 2. Hiel Ann Redfield, b. Oct. 24, 1828. 389. JARED crane redfield, third son of Roswell (126), son of RoS- weli (33), son of Daniel (11), removed to Essex, Conn., in 1819, where I DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 141 he engaged in the boot and shoe and leather finding trade, and where he still resides. He married, August 2, 1830, Henrietta Rossiter, born May 11, 1803, eldest daughter of John and Francis Rossiter of Clinton, Conn. Children. 1082. 1. Henry Alexander Redfield, b. Jan. 25, 1832 ; for the last four years in the lumber business at Chicago, 111. 1083. 2. Jared Edgar Redfield, b. Nov. 28, 1833; was chosen cashier of Saybrook Bank at the age of 18, which position he still holds. 1084. 3. John Rossiter Redfield, b. June 2, 1838 ; cashier of Exchange Bank, Hartford. 391. GEORGE REDFIELD, eldest son of Augustus (127), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), married in 1811, Amelia Chittenden, daughter of John Chittenden of Westbrook, Conn. He removed to Riga, Monroe Co., N. Y., where his widow now resides (1858). He died in 1853, aged 67 years- No children. 392. ELECTA REDFIELD, second daughter of Augustus (127), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married August 31, 1812, to Daniel Chittenden, son of John Chittenden, and removed to Riga, N. Y., where her husband died. She now (1858) resides in Meriden, Conn. No children. 393. MEHETABEL REDFIELD, third daughter of Augustus (127), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, Nov. 8, 1812, to Asa- hel Curtis of Meriden, Conn., son of Benjamin and Mind well [Hough] Curtis. Both are still resident at Meriden (1858). Children. 1. Jennette Curtis, b. March 14, 1814; m. Dec. 25, 1836, Charles Hazleton Clark of Meriden ; deceased ; 1 son. 2. Phebe Ann Curtis, b. June 21, 1815 ; m. Nov. 4, 1834, Rev. Robert A. Hallam, D. D., Rector of St. James's Church, New London. 142 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 3. Benjamin Upson Cdktis, b. July 20, 1817; d. iuMeriden, Sept. 2, 1835. 4. AsAHEL CuuTis, b. Feb. 25, 1821 ; m. Ann Eliza Wilcox of Clinton, Conn ; 4 children. 5. Geoege Redfield Curtis, b. Dec. 25, 1825; m. May 22, 1855, Augusta Munson of Bradford, Steuben county, N. Y. ; 1 cliild. 394. PHEBE REDFIELD, fourtli daughter of Augustus (127), son of Ros- tvell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married at Clinton, Conn., to Benja- min Upson, son of Noali Upson of Plymouth, Conn. They reside at Meriden, Conn. Children. 1. Maria Upson, b. Oct. 14, 1822; d. Aug. 19, 1824. 2. Caroline Electa Upton, b. March 14, 1826; m. July, 1847, Charles Morgan Eliot* of Guilford, now of Peoria, 111. ; 1 ch. 3. Noah Hiram Upson, b. March 10, 1828; m. Feb. 11, 1854, Mary A. Camp of Middletown, Conn. 4. Phebe Elizabeth Upson, b. Dec. 29, 1837. 396. NANCY REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Augustus (127), son of Mlos- iveti (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, in 1817, to .John Homer Fin- ley of New York city, son of John and Martha [McDonald] Finley. She died in 1829, aged 33 years. Children. 1. Martha Ann Finley, b. March 20, 1818 ; m. Feb. 10, 1850, John Mills Hill of Middletown, Conn. ; 1 dau. 2. John Augustus Finley, b. Aug. 19, 1819 ; lost at sea Nov. 1, 1841. 3. George Redfield Finley, b. Oct. 25, 1820; m. May 8, 1842, Rachel Kelsey of Clinton ; 1 dau. 4. Francis Kear Finley, b. Aug. 1, 1822; m Feb. 4, 1854, Esther Hinman of Durham, Conn. ; 1 dau. 5. Henrietta Finley, b. May, 1824; d. in infancy. 6. Cornelia Jennette Finley, b. June 4, 1825; m. Oct. 25, 1847, John Shelley of Durham, Conn.; 2 children. * Son of Charles Kliot of (Juilford, son of William, son of Nathaniel , son of Abial, sou of Rev. Joseph, sou of Kev. John Jiliot the apostle.— jE/i'ot Genealogy. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 143 7. Eliza Makia Finley, h. Feb. 25, 1827 ; d. Nov., 1829. 8. CuAULOTTK Ei.KCTA FiNLEY, b. Juiie 6, 1829 ; a. May, 1830. 397. SUSAN MARIA REDFIELD, sixth daughter of Augustus (127), son of Rosivell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, 1st, in 1823, to Beki Couch of Meriden, Conn., son of John and Ann [Rice] Couch, and 2d, to Benjamin Twiss of Meriden. She died July 8, 1831, in her 31st year. Child. By first husband. 1. Susan Makia Couch, b. Oct. 19, 1824; m. Oct. 17, 1844, Henry S. White of Meriden and has 3 children.* 398. MARY ANN REDFIELD, sventh daughter of Augustus (127), son of ItosivelS, (33), son of Daniel (11), was married at Clinton, Nov. 27, 1828, to Ezra Belden of Meriden, sou of Belden of Rocky Hill, Conn, Mr. Belden is deceased. Children. 1. Mart Elizabeth Belden, b. Sept. 25, 1829; m. June, 1847, Chester Beckley of Berlin, Conn. ; 4 children. 2. Sarah Jane Belden, b. April 25, 1832 ; m. May, 1851, Bur- dett C. Booth of Meriden, Conn. ; 2 children. 3. Frances Electa Belden, b, Jan. 22, 1837 ; m. May 18, 1857, Wallace W. Wilcox of Middletown, Conn. 399. EUNICE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Capt. John (128), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, Aug. 12, 1802, to Russell Frisbie of Guilford, Conn., born July 27, 1781, son of Benjamin and Patience [Chittenden] Frisbie. Children. 1. Julia Frisbie, b. May 10, 1803. 2. Sarah Frisbie, b. May 22, 1804; m. Geo. Bradley of Guilford, July 22, 1824. * See Memorial of Elder John Whyte and of his descendants, p. 265. 144 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 3. Mart Ann Feisbie, b. April 15, 1807 ; d. March 10, 1826. 4. Amanda Frisbie, b. Nov. 30, 1809 ; d. June 25, 1833. 5. John Russell Frisbie, b. Dec. 27, 1812 ; m. Lucy M. Field, April 23, 1834, and d. Jan. 5, 1838. 6. Eunice Redfield Frisbie, | Twins; born f d. Nov. 11, '26. 7. Elizabeth Redfield Frisbie, ) Feb. 24, 1821; ] d. Mar. 1, 1821. 8. Cornelia Frisbie, b. March 18, 1824 ; d. Oct. 30, 1824. 400. JOHN REDFIELD, son of Capt. John (128), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was a hatter and fur dealer in New York city from 1818, and an esteemed elder in the Market Street Reformed Dutch church. He married, 1st, Nov. 29, 1808, Pamela Wells of Greenfield, Mass. ; and 2d, Sarah Schenck, daughter of Peter T. and Sarah [Leflferts] Schenck of New York city. He died suddenly while standing at the desk of his counting room, in Feb., 1843, aged 58 years. His widow, Sarah, now resides (1859) in Brooklyn, N. Y, Children. By first wife. 1085. 1. John G. Redfield, b. 1810, 1086. 2. Richard W. Redfield, b. 1811. 1087. 3. Julia Redfield, b. 1815 ; d. unm., 1838. 1088. 4. Eunice Redfield, b. 1818 ; d. unm., 1839. 1089. 5. Pamela Redfield, b. 1820. By second wife. 1090. 6. Sarah L. Redfield, b. 1835; residing with her mother in Brook- lyn (1859). 404. SAMUEL RUSSELL REDFIELD, eldest son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), is a farmer. He resided for many years at Lodi, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., but removed thence to Gowanda, in the same county, where he still resides. He married, Feb. 14, 1803, Sarah Gould, daughter of Ebenezer Bruce Gould, who was a son of Rev. Ebenezer Gould, for many years a Congregational clergyman in Middlefield parish, Middletown, Conn. Children. 1091. 1. Juliet Emily Redfield, b. Oct. 1, 1803. 1092. 2./ Caroline Nancy Redfield, b. April 5, 1806. DANIEL REDPIELD'S BRANCH. 145 1093. 3. David Harvey Redfield, b. Aug. 31, 1807. 1094. 4. EBENEZEit Gould Redfield, b. June 20, 1810. 1095. 5. Sarah Emeline Redfield, b. Feb. 14, 1812. 1096. 6. Orpha Maria Redfield, b. March 25, 1814. 1097. 7. Lucy Gould Redfield, b. Feb. 12, 1816. 1098. 8. Mary Jane Redfield, b. Aug. 1, 1818; d. Aug. 9, 1820. 1099. 9. Mary Jane Redfield, b. Sept. 12, 1820. 1100. 10. Russell Edwin Redfield, b. March 2, 1824. 1101. 11. Samuel Russell Redfield, b. Nov. 19, 1826, 405. MARY REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of OsiESieS (11), was married, Feb., 1828, to Ebenezer Roberts, farmer, of Dayton, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. No children. 407. AMANDA RUSSELL REDFIELD, second daughter of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, Oct. 7, 1812, to Timothy M'Elwain Shaw of Dayton, Cattaraugus county, N. Y. Children. 1. Julia Ann Shaw, b. Sept. 23, 1813 ; m. Asahel Allen, farmer, Aug., 1847, by whom 3 children. She d. 1853. 2. James Samuel Shaw, b. May 19, 1819; merchant; m. 1st, March 10, 1842, Jane IngersoU, by whom 3ch.; and 2d, Eliza Jane M'MiUen. 3. Amanda Shaw, b. Oct. 17, 1821. 4. Frances Shaw, b. May 13, 1824; m. Jonathan B. Allen, farmer, Oct., 1847; 4 children. 5. Cortland Harper Shaw, b. June 22, 1828 ; farmer ; m. Emma Hooker, March, 1853 ; 1 child. All of the above reside in Dayton, N. Y. 408. NANCY REDFIELD, third daughter of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. JTo^ii (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, Oct. 4, 1812, to Oliver Phelps, born Oct. 26, 1777, son of Oliver and Alice [Barber] Phelps of Hart- ford, Conn. They resided, successively, at Hartford, Middletown and Hebron in Conn., but afterwards removed to Albion, Orleans county, N. Y., where 19 146 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Mr Phelps died, July 7, 1848. Mrs. Phelps is now living (1858) at Barre, N. Y. Children. 1. Mary Ann Phelps, b. at Hartford, July 28, 1813 ; m. Wm. Clark Lyman, Sept. 23, 1839, who died Oct. 23, 1857. 2. Jaxe Francis Phelps, b. at Hartford, Aug. 14,1816; m. Horace M. Babcock, Oct. 31, 1843. 3. William Redfield Phelps, b. at Hartford, Augusts, 1818; m. Harriet M. Cone, Jan. 7, 1840. 4. Edward Jackson Phelps, b. at Middletown, Dec. 25, 1823 ; m. Ellen Eliza Clark, Feb. 20, 1849. 5. Mabia Louisa Phelps, b. at Hebron, Dec. 28, 1827. 409. BELA HUBBARD REDFIELD, third son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), is a farmer, and resided many years at Lodi, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., but removed to Dayton, Green Lake county, Wis., (P. 0. address, Princeton) where he is still living. He married, Jan. 26, 1824, Frances Dewet of Buffiilo, N. Y., born October 25, 1798, daughter of Charles and Achsah Dewey. Children. 1102. 1. Amanda Malvina Redfield, b. Dec. 28, 1824. 1103. 2. Charles Samcel Redfield, b: June 2, 1826. 1104. 3. William Harvey Redfield, b. Feb. 9, 1828. 1105. 4. Franklin Dewey Redfield, b. Feb. 17, 1833. 410. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS REDFIELD, fourth son of Dr. Samuel Red- field (129), son of Dr. John (35), sou of Daniel (11), was a faimer, and resided in Venango county. Pa., near Titusville. He married, March 17, 1818, Abigail Blaisdell, born July 14, 18"2, daughter of Nathaniel and Sarah [Joslin] Blaisdell, or Blasdell. He died January S, 1851, in his 54th year. His widow resides (1858) at Titusville, Pa. Children. 1106. 1. Mary Redfield, b. Feb. 21, 1819. 1107. 2. William Henry Redfield, b. May 2, 1821. 1108. 3. John Redfield, b. August 5, 1823. 1109. 4. Abraham Hale Redfield, b. Feb. 21, 1826. 1110. 5. CcRTis Fairchild Redfield, b. Oct. 5, 1828 ; d. April 5, 1833. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 147 1111. 6. CoRYDON Redfield, b. Jan. 23, 1833. 1112. 7. Nancy Jane Redfield, b. Nov. 7, 1835. 1113. 8. Caroline Elizabeth Redfield, b. Jan. 5, 1839. 1114. 9. Sarah Redfield, b. Nov. 22, 1841. 412. WILLIAM MORGAN REDFIELD, fifth son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), formerly trader in grain, now rail road contractor; resided for some time at Fayetteville, N. Y., but removed thence to Tiffin, Seneca county, Ohio, where he lived until 1859, when he removed to the vicinity of Jamaica, L. L, where he now resides. He mar- ried, January, 1830, Phebe Palmer of Manlius, Onondaga county, N. Y., daughter of Sanford and Weltha Palmer. Childrtn. 1115. 1. Lauren Redfield, b. Dec. 25, 1834; lawyer; 7 Nassau street, N. Y. city. 1116. 2. Charles Fairchild Redfield, b. August 26, 1837. 1117. 3. GeohTge Hurd Redfield, b. Oct. 26, 1839. 1118. 4. Florence Hortense Redfield, b. August 18, 1845. 413. CHARLES SEABURY REDFIELD, sixth son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), is a farmer, resided formerly at Kirtland, Ohio, but now at Madison, Wis. He married, January 31, 1833, Caroline Jane Pease of Dayton, Cattaraugus county, N. Y., daughter of Solomon and Mary [ Willsou] Pease, both of Massachusetts. Children, 1119. 1. David Theodore Redfield, b. March 4, 1834; d. May 2, 1834. 1120. 2. WiLLsoN Mills Redfield, b. August 11, 1835. 1121. 3. Mary Fidelia Redfield, b. Oct. 9, 1843. 415. SARAH REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Dr. Jared (131), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, July 5, 1814, to William Todd of Guilford, Conn., son of Dr. Jonathan Todd of East Guilford (Madi- son), and of Ruth [Bishop] Todd. He died October 8, 1831. Mrs. Todd is still living at Guilford (Dec. 1858). No children. 148 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 418. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Dr. Jared (131), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, 1st, to Selau Tothill of Guilford, and 2d, to Cornelius Schenck. By first husband, 1. Mary Tuthill. Child. * * * * 419. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Samuel (37), son of Daniel (11), was married to Dr. Samuel Carter of Say brook. Conn. They removed to Vernon, N. Y., afterwards to Brook- lyn, N. Y., where he died. His widow is living (1859) with her daughter Grace, in Ridgefield, Conn. Children. 1. Elizabeth Carter ; m. 1st, Charles Dowd of Madison, Conn. ; 2d, Dr. Ward of the same place ; both are dead ; she is living at the south . 2. Weltha Ann Carter; m. Ambrose Whittlesey of Saybrook, Conn. 3. Susan Amelia Carter; m. Edward Brown of Brooklyn, N. Y. 4. Grace Redfield Carter; m. George Pratt of Ridgofiold, Conn. 5. Caroline Matilda Carter; m. George Catlin of Harwinton, Conn. 6. Mary Carter; m. Charles Meigs of Madison, Conn. ; both dead. 7. Harriet Augusta Carter; m. Eli B. Knox of Buffalo ; removed west. 8. AuRELiA Carter ; m. Beebe, Vernon, N. Y. 421. ISAAC REDFIELD, eldest son of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Samtiel (37), son of ]>aniel (11), was a merchant. He married, 1st, Amelia Wright, born November 13, 1792. She died December 27, 1822, and he married, 2d, Elva Carey of South Carolina. He died July 22, 1831, in hia 39th year. RICHARD REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 149 Children. By first wife. 1122. 1. Samuel Augustus Redfield, b. July 13, 1813. 1123. 2. Susan Amelia Redfield, b. Dec. 1, 1814; d. April 10, 1816. 1124. 3. David Alexander Redfield, b. May 11, 1817. 1125. 4. Isaac Henry Redfield, b. April 10, 1819;* d. Dec. 13, 1852. 1126. 5. Charles Redfield, b. Feb. 28, 1821. By second wife. 1127. 0. John Redfield. 422. DAVID REDFIELD, second son of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Samuel (37), son of Daniel (11), resided at Clinton, Conn. He mar- ried, Jan. 30, 1821, Chloe Kirtland of Westbrook, only daughter of Capt. Klisha and CHLOE [REDFIELD] KIRTLAND (see 379). His wife died Sept. 20, 1838, and he died Nov. 12, 1852, aged 58 years. Children. 1128. 1. Cornelia Chloe Redfield, b. Nov. 30, 1821. 1129. 2. Elisha Kirtland Redfield, b. Oct. 21, 1823. 1130. 3. Susan Amelia Redfield, b. Nov. 6, 1825. 1131. 4. Grace Ann Redfield, b. Aug. 12, 1827 ; d. Oct. 1, 1828, 1132. 5. David Alexander Redfield. b. April 14, 1834. b. Branch of Ricbard Redfield (13) of Killingworth, 426. MARY REDFIELD, eldest daughter of William (147), son of EU' phalet (39), son of Ricliard (13), was married, 1st, March 13, 1808, to Silas Barnes of Pairhaven, Conn., who died in 1814. She was married, 2d, Sept. 20, 1825, to William Hill of Fairhaven. Both still living at that place. Children. By first husband. 1. Elizabeth Barnes, b. Oct. 25, 1809 ; m, March 11, 1830, Ogden * Was first officer of steamship Alabama, Lost overboard December 13, 1862. 150 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Morehouse of Perth Amboy, N. J. ; 4 ch. She died Aug. 12 , 1855. 2. Maky Barnes, b. Dec. 2, 1811 ; m. Nov. 4, 1831, Robert Sea- man of Perth Amboy, N. J. ; had 11 ch. 3. Clarissa Barses, b. Nov. 6, 1814 ; m. Sept. 20, 1830, Samuel Johnsou of Fairhaven, Coun. ; 10 ch. By second husband. 4. Harriet M. Hill, b. Jan. 10, 1827 ; m. Feb. 13, 1848, Norton B. Strong of Fairhaven, Conn. ; 3 ch. 5. Rhoda T. Hill, b. June S, 1830; d. about 1834. 6. Silas Barnes Hill, b. Sept. 17, 1832 ; d. Jan. 23, 1850. 427. WILLIAM REDFIELD, eldest son of William (147), son of Elipha- iet (39), son of Ricliard (13), resided at East Haven, Conn. He mar- ried, Oct. 2, 1814, Ann Monroe. Both are deceased. Children. 1133. 1. Harriet Redfield, b. Jan. 15, 1816 ; d. in 1826. 1134. 2. John Redfield, b. Feb. 13, 1817 ; lost on schr. Hyperion in 1836. 1135. 3. Charles Redfield, b. July 25, 1819. 428. GEORGE FRIEND REDFIELD, second son of William (147), son of Elipheilet (39), son of Richard (13), has resided since 1828 at Perth Amboy, N. J. ; oyster merchant. He married, 1st, Sept. 25, 1822, Selina Sanfoud, who died July 10, 1825; 2d) April 27, 1826, Anna Maria Sanford, who died Feb. 24, 1851 ; and 3d, Oct. 5, 1851, widow Murcia Ann [Palmitek] Cone. Children. By first wife. 1136. 1. Lydia HotchkiSS Redfield, b. July 18, 1823 ; d. Nov. 3, 1842. By second wife. 1137. 2. Maria Selina Redfield, b. Sept. 30, 1827; d. July 27, 1849. By third wife. 1138. 3. Lydia Ursula Redfield, b. Sept. 1, 1852. RICHARD REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 151 431. JULIA ANN REDFIELD, second daughter of William (147) son of Eliphttlet (39), son of Ricbard (13), was married, June 7, 1820, to Joshua Dayton, of Fairbaven, Conn., where the family still resides. Children. 1. Weltha Dayton, b. Sept. 28, 1821. 2. Julia Ann Dayton, b. March 27, 1824 ; m. John S. Mallory, March 1, 1846 ; 2 ch. 3. George Dayton, b. Dec. 15, 1826 ; m. Rosina Perkins, June 27, 1852 ; 2 ch. 4. Mary Jane Dayton, b. , 1830; m. 1st, Phineas Rose, Jan. 9, 1849, by whom 1 ch. ; Mr. Rose d. in 1852, and she m. 2d, Feb. 26, 1854, William Strong, by whom 1 ch. 5. Isaac C. Dayton, b. Feb. 3, 1832; m. Mary A. Winslow, Jan. 17, 1856; 1 child. 6. Emily Dayton, b. May 31, 1836. 7. Charles Dayton, b. Dec. 21, 1838. 8. John Dayton, b. August 1, 1841. 433. RACHEL LEILA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of William V. (158), son of Reuben (43), son of Richard (13), was married, February 5, 1846, to Alfred Starr Swift, farmer, of Keating, M'Keon county, Pa. Chitdren. 1. Lucy Almeeia Swift ; deceased. 2. William Leroy Swift. 434. ELISHA BARR REDFIELD, second son of William V. (158), son of Reuben (43), son of Richard (13), is a carpenter and joiner, residing at Preston, Adams county, Wis. He married, 1st, December 22, 1850, Mary A. Webster, since deceased, and 2d, Mary Gilmore. Children. By first wife. 1139. 1. Harriet Redfield ; deceased. By second wife. 1140. 2. Homer John Redfield. 152 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TUIBE. 435. ELIZABETH JOSSELYN REDFIELD, second daughter of William V. (158), son oi Reuben (43), son of Richard (13), was married, Octo- ber 17, 1848, to Moses Shattdck,* farmer, then of Eden, Erie county, N. Y., now of Keating, M'Keon county, Pa. She was his second wife, his first being Lydia M. Josselyn, by whom he had three children. ChUd. 1. Elizabeth Leila Shattuck, b. March 22, 1851. 436. LUCY ALMERIA REDFIELD, third daughter of William V. (158), son of Reuben (43), son of RicSiard (13), was married, January 1, 1856, to Oscar B. Johnson, farmer, Keating, M'Keon county, Pa. Child. 1. Lena Emeeett Johnson, b. July 23, 1858. * * * 443. HORACE AUGUSTUS REDFIELD, second son of James W. (163), son of Richnrd (44), son of Richard (13), is a merchant, resident of Uhricksville, Tuscarawas county, Ohio. Married, Jan. 11, 1838, Cornelia H. Wales, daughter of Edwin and Cornelia Wales. Children. 1141. 1. James Edwin Redfield, b. July 3, 1839 ; d. Feb. 3, 1842. 1142. 2. Omve Cornelia Redfield, b. Juue 21, 1842. 1143. 3. Emma Ladra Redfield, b. April 29, 1845. 1144. 4. Ida Mary Redfield, b. Nov. 27, 1848. 1145. 5. Edward Bowers Redkield, b. Dec. 5, 1852; d. Dec. 20, 1852. 1146. 6. Ellen Clarinda Redfield, b. Sept. 8, 1854; d. Feb. 20, 1857. 1147. 7. RoLLo Rienzi Redfield, b. Jan. 3, 1858. * .MosKS Shattuck wns son of .Moses and Ilannnli [Brigham] Sbattuok. Moses Shattuck, Sr., wa.s .'ion of Joiiathim, Hon of Dr. liun.jamiii, sdii of lU'V. lienjainin, son of William, son of William Shattuck, one of the first settlers of Watertown,—lShatluclc Memorials. RICHARD REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 153 444. ADELINE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliard (13), is an artist and miniature painter. She was married, January, 1835, to Daniel Steele of VVashington, D. C. Child. 1. CoBDELiA StkeIiB, b. , 1835 ; m. Gobear of St. Louis, Mo. 445. EDMUND BARKEY REDFIELD, third son of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), sou of Ricliard (13), resides at North Boston, Erie county, N. Y. Married, May 2, 1842, Augctsta Wolcott. Children. 1148. 1. Charles Redfield, b. May, 1843. 1149. 2. Ella Redfield, b. 1845; d. 1856. 1150. 3. Emma Redfield, b. 1846 ; d. same year. 1151. 4. Jane Redfield, b. 1847. 1152. 5. Ella Odell Redfield, b. 1849. 1153. 6. Horace Redfield, b. 1855. 446. CAROLINE REDFIELD, second daughter of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), son of Richard (13), was married, October 18, 1842, to J. Hartman, now of San Francisco, CaL Had two children ; both deceased. 447. CHARLES ALLEN REDFIELD, fourth son of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliard (13), resides in North Boston, Erie county, N. Y. Married, January 9, 1851, S. Fuller. Child. 1154. 1. William Allen Redfield,, b, 1854. 448. MARY JANE REDFIELD, third daughter of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliard (13), was married June, 1848, to Harvey Torret, now (1858) of Stanton, Franklin county, Kansas. 20 154 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. Harvey Tokrey, b. 1849 ; d. 1855. 2. Flora Torrey, b. 1852. 3. Augusta Torrey, b. 185G. 450. MARTHA REDFIELD, fourth daughter of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), son of Riclia.r(l (13), was married to A. Thayer of Peru, Indiana ; editor. No children. 451. EMMA LOUISA REDFIELD, fifth daughter of James W. (163), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliarcl (13), was married, June 1, 1850, to W. R. Reynolds of San Francisco, Cal. Has had two children ; both deceased. 456. PHEBE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Henry (164), son of Richard (44), son of Rlcliai'd (13), was married in 1833 to James Barnard of CampboUsburg, Washington county, lud. Children. 1. Marion Barnard, b. Feb. 9, 1836. 2. James Henry Barnard, b. March 24, 1838 ; d. July 25, 1849. 3. Sarah Ann Barnard, b. April 18, 1840. 4. William Sidney Barnard, b. Feb. 26, 1842. 5. Richard Henry Barnard, b. Sept. 5, 1844. 6. Ruth Barnard, b. March 22, 1847. 7. Abraham Barnard, b. Aug. 6, 1849. 8. Elizabeth Barnard, b. Nov. 2, 1851. 9. George Washington Barnard, b. July 15, 1854. 10. Silas Barnard, b. Oct. 23, 185G. 11. Albert Barnard, b. April 1, 1858. 458. RICHARD CURTIS REDFIELD, eldest son of Henry (164), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliard (13), is a gin-wright, residing in Hur- ricane, Franklin Parisli, La. He married, December 8, 1847, Celia Hollo- WAY, born about 1829, daughter of George and Celia Holloway. RICHARD REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 155 Children. 1155. 1. Sarah Elizabeth RedPield, b. Dec. 29, 1849. 1156. 2. Louisiana Redfield, b. Jan. 11, 1852. 1157. 3. Indiana RedField, b. April 6, 1854. 1158. 4. Abraham Baker Kinsley Redfield, b. July 19, 1856. 1159. 5. VmouMA Redfield, b. Sept. 26, 1858. 461. HENRY REDFIELD, third son of Henry (164), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliard (13), is a farmer, residing in Tooley, Catahoula Parish, La. Married, February 13, 1851, Mary MurPhy, born April 12, 1828, daugh- ter of John and Mary Murphy. Children. 1160. 1. Henry Wesley Redfield, b. May 19, 1854; d. July 24, 1858. 1161. 2. Elizabeth Redfield, b. Feb. 2, 1856. 1162. 3. James Redfield, b. August 30, 1858. 462. WILLIAM WESLEY REDFIELD, fourth son of Henry (164), son of Richard (44), son of Ricbard (13), is a borer of Artesian wells, resid- ent of Ash Grove, Iroquois county. 111. Married October 1, 1853, LoDiSA Vaughan, born April 21, 1831, daughter of John and Esther Vaughan. (Children. 1163. 1. Mary Ann Redfield, b. August 3, 1854. 1164. 2. William Francis Redfield, b. Jan. 7, 185?. 469. RICHARD REDFIELD, eldest son of Sidney (167), son of Richard (44), son of Richard (13), is a merchant miller ; re.sidence, Fairfax, Monroe county, Ind. He married in 1846, Nancy Wright. Children. 1165. 1. Hannah Redfield. 1166. 2. Ladra Redfield. 1167. 3. Martha Redfield. 1168. 4. Adeline Redfield. 156 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 470. ELIZABETH MAXWELL REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Sidney (167), son of Richard (44), son of Richard (13), was married to -- — Wiseman of Salem, Indiana. Children. 1. Sidney Wiseman. 2. Geokge Wiseman. 471. LUCY ANN REDFIELD, second daughter of Sidney (167), son of Richard (44), son of Ricliard (13), was marrind to Charles PiDGEON of Millport, Ind. She died June 26, 1858, in her 30th year. Children. 1. Sidney Sherrod Pidgeon, b. Jan, 30, 1850. 2. Benjamin Larub Pidgeon, b. August 29, 1852. 3. Martha Caroline Pidgeon, b. June 7, 1855. 4. Sarah Hannah Pidgeon, b. Nov., 1857. 472. THOMAS MILTON REDFIELD, second son of Sidney (167), son of Richard (44), son of Richard (13), is a gunsmith, residing at Springville, Ind. He married Eliza Sensney. Children. 1169. 1. Charles Redfield. 1170. 2. Sarah Redfield. c. Branch of Ebenezer Redfield (14) of Killingwobth. 480. CLARISSA BROWN REDFIELD, second daughter of Samuel B. (174), son of Dr. fredcrich (51), son of Ebenezer (14), was married at Clinton, La., September 12, 1854, to JamEs P. Cross of that place. She died September 15, 1855, in her 37th year. Child. 1. Henry Cross, died in infancy. EBENEZER REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 157 482. WILLIAM BROWN REDFIELD, second son of Samuel B. (174), son of Dr. Frederick. (51), son of Ebenezer (14), lias resided at Hartford. He married, July 13, 1856, Sarah Defokest Smith, at Dixon, 111. She is deceased. Child. 1171. 1. Redfield (son) ; died in infancy. 483. HENRY REDFIELD, eldest son of Philip S. (177), son of Beta (53), son of Ebenezer (14), merchant, resided in New York city till 1859, when he removed to Woodbridge, N. J, He married, January 8, 1845, Sarah Augusta Bat, daughter of Thomas and Harriet Bay of Hudson, N. Y. Children. 1172. 1. Julia Marvin Redfield, b. Feb. 1, 1846. 1173. 2. HENitY Redfield, b. August 15, 1847 ; d. March 29, 1851. 1174. 3. Harriet Augusta Redfield, b. July 27, 1851. 1175. 4. Mary Redfield, b. Sept. 24, 1853. 1176. 5. William Bay Redfield, b. Dec. 16, 1855. 1177. 6. Herman Ogden Redfield, b. August 7, 1857. 1178. 7. Son, b. 1859. 484. GEORGE REDFIELD, second son of Philip S. (177), son of Beta (53), son of Ebenezer (14), was a merchant of Troy, N. Y. He married, May 26, 1846, Mary KellogS, born August 12, 1826, daughter of Asa* and Ann [Stewart] Kellogg of Troy, N. Y. She died December 14, 1848, without children, and he died July 24, 1856, aged 34 years. 485. JAMES REDFIELD, third son of Philip S. (177), son of Beta (53), son of Ebenezer (14), married in 1846, Margaret Green of Brunswick, N. Y. No children. * Asa Kellogg was son of Asa, son of Silas, son of Stephen, son of Lieut. Josepb Kellogg, who settled in Farmington, C!onn., in 165S; gee N. E. Bist. and Gen. Meg., xii, p. 201-li06, and xiv., p. 125. 158 SETENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 487. JULIA FRANCES REDFIELD, daughter of Philip S. (177), son of Bela (53), son of £benezer (14), was married in 1849, to Matthew Notes of Troy, N. Y. Children. 1. Matthew Marvin Notes, b. Nov. 18, 1850. 2. Nora Townsend Notes, b. Nov. 26, 1852. 3. Jdlia Elizabeth Notes, b. July 11, 1855. 4. Sarah Griswold Notes, b. Oct. 5, 1858. d. Branch op Tlieopliilus Redfield (16) of Killixgworth. 488. ELIAKIM redfield, eldest son of Ezra (181), son of Eliahim (54), son of Tlieopllilus (16), removed from Canandaigua, N. Y. to Missouri, soon after the war of 1812. Married . Died in Missouri about 1848. Children. 1179. 1. Charles Redfield. 1180. 2. Henrt S. Redfield. 1181. 3. Daniel Redfield. 1182. 4. Nathaniel Redfield. All the above are supposed to be deceased except Nathaniel, who is said to be living near St. Louis, Mo. 489. THANKFUL REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Ezra (181), sonoi Eliahim (54), son of TlieopliilllS (16), was married to Benjamin Wells of Cohocton, Steuben county, N. Y. She died November 9, 1845. Children. 1. Charles Wells. 2. Benjamin Wells. 3. Jonas Wells. 4. EUra Wells. 5. Henrt Wells. 6. Eliakim Wells. 7. Lavina Wells. 8. Ann Wells ; d. in infiuicy. 9. Ann Wells. THEOPHILUS REDPIELI) JR.'S BRANCH. 159 490. WILLIAM REDFIELD, second son of Ezra (181), son of Eiiahim, (54), son of TlieopllilU!^ (16), was formerly a merchant, now a farmer. He resides in Chapinsville, Ontario county, N. Y., where he has been a magistrate several years. He married, October 26, 1826, Margaret Carr, daughter of John and Mary [Prescott] Carr. She died about 1842. No children. 491. LUCIUS REDFIELD, third son of Ezra (181), son of Eiiahim (54), son of TlieopllilUS (16), resides in Auburn, Geauga county, Ohio. ; car- riage-maker. He married, 1st, December 31, 1820, Sarah Canfield of Ontario county, N. Y., daughter of William and Dorcas [Antisdale] Canfield. She died March 2, 1847, and he married, 2d, February 5, 1850, Lovina Crawford, daughter of Stephen and Rebecca [Carpenter] Crawford. Children. By first wife. 1183. 1. William Redfield, b. Sept. 13, 1823. 1184. 2. Eliza Jane Redfield, b. Sept. 21, 1825. 1185. 3. Henry Redfield, b. May 27, 1827. 1186. 4. Mary Agnes Redfield, b. Sept. 9, 1829. 1187. 5. Julia Maria Redfield, b. Jan. 31, 1833. 1188. 6. Sarah Ann Redfield, b. Jan. 24, 1835. 1189. 7. Helen Imogene Redfield, b. July 31, 1839. Residing with her brother William. By second wife. 1190. 8. Locius Edmund Redfield, b. March 2, 1853. 492. LYDIA REDFIELD, second daughter of Ezra (181), son of Eiiahim (54), son of Tbeopbilus (16), was married to Josiah Armstrong of Prattsburgh Center, Steuben county, Pa. Children. 1. William Armstrong, b. , 1811 ; d. in 1812. 2. George Armstrong, b. . 160 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 3. Margaret Armstrong, b. ; m. George Caruthers, and has 1 child. 4. Rhoda Akmstkoxg, b. ; m. 1857, James Towner. 5. Ltdia Armstrong, b. . 493. ISAAC REDFIELD, fourth sou of Ezra (181), son of Eliatihn (54), son of TlieopllilUS (16), resides in Ruggles, Ashland county, Ohio. Married , . Children. 1191. 1. Matilda Redfield. 1192. 2. Thomas D. Redfield. 1193. 3. William B. Redfield. 494. OLIVE REDFIELD, third daughter of Ezra (181), son of EUahim (54), son of TbeopbilUS (16), was married, Jan. 27, 1831, to Ira Marsh of Warren, Warren countj. Pa. She is now living with her brother, WIL- LIAM, at Chapinsville, N. Y. ChUdrtn. 1. Olive Marsh, b. March 12, 1832; d. in Pa., Feb., 1856. 2. Lydia Marsh, b. April 12, 1840; " " Jan. 18, 1842. 495. EZRA REDFIELD, fifth son of Ezra (181), son of EUahim (54), son of Tlieopbilus (16), resides at Seneca Falls, Seneca county, N. Y. Married, 1st, , who died Oct. 14, 1852. He married, 2d, Oct. 30, 1856, Eliza McMlllen. Children. By first wife. 1194. 1. William Redfield. 1195. 2. Nathan Redfield. 1196. 3. (sou). By second wife. 1197. 4. LvDiA Redfield, b. 1857. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 161 496. ROSWELL REDFIELD, son of Roswell (185), son of Eliakim (54), son of TheopllilUi^ (16), removed from Vermont in 1830, and settled at White Pigeon, St. Joseph county, Mich. ; has since removed to Chicago, 111. He married at White Pigeon, Oct. 16, 1835, Amy Ray, from Yorkshire, England. Children. 1198,. 1. Thomas Rebfield, b. at White Pigeon, Mich., Aug. 29, 1836. 1199. 2. RoswELL Mills Redfield, " " April 27, 1838. 1200. 3. Sarah Ann Redfield, b. at , May 11, 1841. 1201. 4. Frances Midgely Redfield, b. at , June 7, 1843. 1202. 5. Rodney Redfield, b. at , May 24, 1845. 1203. 6. Adelaide Jane Redfield, b. at , Dec. 13, 1850. 497. FRANCES REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Roswell (185), son of EHa- him (54), son of Tlieoplsilus (16), was married, April 5, 1829, to William Newton, now of Carlisle, Ohio . Children. 1. Eliakim Newton, b. Jan. 1831; d. Aug. 28, 1832. 2. Frances Ann Newton, b. July 4, 1834. 3. William Haven Newton, b, April, 1836. 498. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, second daughter of Roswell (185), son of EHahini (54), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married, March 6, 1838, to Miles T. Scofield of . She died Nov. 23, 1856, in her 45th year. We are not informed whether she had any children. 499. EZRA REDFIELD, second son of Roswell (185), son of Eliahhn (54), son of TheopllilUS (16), resides in Charlestown, N. H. ; is in the shoe business, and married, Jan. 2, 1858, Maria F. Hopkins, daughter of Daniel G. and Frances F. Hopkins, of Windsor, Vt. 21 162 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 500. MILLS REDFIELD, third son of Roswell (185), son of Eliahhn (54), son of Theopllilutii (16), resides at North Springfield, Vt., farmer. He married, May 7, 1839, Emily Lockwood, daughter of Amasa and Henrietta Lockwood. Children, 1204. 1. LuciAN Merritt Redfield, b. June 22, 1841. 1205. 2. Francis Mylon Redfield, b. Sept. 6, 1842. 1206. 3. Abby Henrietta Redfield, b. June 20, 1846. 1207. 4. Ryland Marshall Redfield, b. June 2, 1849. 1208. 5. Henry Miles Rkdfield, b. Nov. 8, 1850 ; d. Nov. 23, 1851. 1209. 6. Horace Mann Redfield, b. Dec. 10, 1852. 1210. 7. (daughter), b. July 18, 1858. 501. MARY REDFIELD, third daughter of Roswell (185), sou of Eliahhn (54), son of TlieopllilllS (16), was married, Feb. 21, 1839, to George E. Lewis of Springfield, Vt. Children. 1. Henry Emerson Lewis, b. Jan. 3, 1840. 2. John Tyler Lewis, b. March 12, 1848. 502. LEONARD REDFIELD, fourth son of Roswell (185), son of Elia- hhn (54), son of TlieopllilUS (16), is a farmer, residing at North Springfield, Vt. He married, July 1, 1845, Martha Cook, daughter of Otis and Elizabeth Cook. Children. 1211. 1. Martha Helen Redfosld, b. March 3, 1848. 1212. 2. Leonard Collins Redfield, b. July 28, 1850. 1213. 3. Elizabeth Adelaide Redfield, b. Aug. 20, 1853. 1214. 4. Everett Hamilton Redfield, b. Dec. 17, 1855. 503. HENRY REDFIELD, eldest son of Jared (186), son of Eevi (56), son of Tlieopllillis (16), was a merchant. Married , and died March 11, 1853, in his 63d year. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 163 Children. 1215. 1. Jared a. Redfield, Supt. of Willlamsport and Elmira R. R., Elmira, N. Y. 1216. 2. David Sager Redfield, freight agent of Williamspoit and Elmira R. R., Elmira, N. Y. 1217. 3. NoKMAN Redfield, d. young. 1218. 4. DiANTHA Redfield, " 504. ASAHEL REDFIELD, second son of Jared (186), son of I^evi (56), son of TlieopllilUf^ (16), resided in early life at Bainbridge, N. Y., and removed thence to Menasha, Winebago county, Wis. He married March 17, 1817, at Bainbridge, Amillison Olin. He died suddenly, having retired at night in apparent health, and being found dead in his bed in the morning, December 7, 1858, in his 67th year. His widow is still living with her son Joel C. Redfield, at Menasha, Wis. Children. 1219. 1. Sarah Robbert Redfield, b. Dec. 21, 1817. 1220. 2. Joel Chandler Redfield, b. July 6, 1819. 1221. 3. Jared Smith Redfield, b. March 23, 1821. 1222. 4. Emily Adeline Redfield, b. Nov. 11, 1822. 1223. 5. Elizabeth Ann Redfield, b. Jan. 3, 1824. 1224. 6. Martin Augustus Redfield, b. Sept. 17, 1826. 1225. 7. Charles Allison Redfield, b. Sept. 23, 1829. 1226. 8. Arthur Benjamin Redfield, b, Nov. 3, 1831. 1227. 9. Elihu Chandler RErriELD, b. April 12, 1833. 1228. 10. John Henry Redfield, b. April 15, 1835. 1229. 11. James B. Redfield, b. Oct. 4, 1837 ; d. Sept. 25, 1838. 1230. 12. James B. Redfield, b. March 20, 1839 ; d. April 13, 1840. 1231. 13. Abigail R. Redfield. b. March 18, 1841 ; d. Feb. 18, 1845. 506. CHESTER REDFIELD, fourth son of Jared (186), son of revi (56), son of TtaeopbilUS (16), resided in Bainbridge, N. Y. He married, January 13, 1825, Juliana Stockwell, born March 3, 1806, daughter of Abel and Millicent Stockwell. She died March 26, 1841. He died December 27, 1857, in his 61st year. 164. SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Childi-en. 1232. 1. Elihp Chandler Redfield, b. Feb. 11, 1827; d. June 4, 1830. 1233. 2. Rhoda Hayes Redfield, b. Nov. 30, 1828. 1234. 3. Amelia Elizabeth Redfield, b. April 25, 1831. 1235. 4. Samuel Johx Redfield, b. August 5, 1833. 1236. 5. Frances Jane Redfield, b. Nor. 9, 1835 ; d. May 2, 1857. 1237. 6. Juliana R. Redfield, b. March 3, 1841. 507. ABIGAIL REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Jared (186), sou of L,evi (56), son of TlieopllilBls (16), was married in 1825, to John Allen, farmer, of Harpersville, Broome county, N. Y. She died February 29, 1839, aged 40 years. Children. 1. Robert Allen, b. 1825; said to be living in Bradford co.. Pa. 2. Mary Allen, b. 1827 ; d. in 1850. 3. Eliza Allen, b. 1831 ; resides in Corning, N. Y. ; unmarried. 4. Julia Allen, b. 1834 ; m. Hathaway of "Windsor, N. Y. ; she and her husband were drowned five weeks after their marriage, while crossing the Susquehanna on their way to church. 508. JULIA REDFIELD, second daughter of Jared (186), son of L,evi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married in 1820, to John Garrison Mer- sereau of Baiubridge, N. Y. He afterwards removed to Portville, Cattarau- gus county, N. Y., and represented that county in the legislature for two years. She died April 9, 1855, in her 54th year. Children. 1. Samuel Mersereau, b. 1822; m. Butts of Troy; resided in Olean ; lumber dealer ; his wife died in 1855, and he died in 1857. 2. Almira D. Mersereau, b. 1824 ; m. in 1848, David Jeffrey of Niagara ; she died in 1849. 3. Harriet Mersereau, b. 1826 ; m. March, 1858, Wallace Wes- ton, of firm of Weston & Brothers of Cattaraugus. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'s BRANCH. 165 509. PARNEL REDFIELD, third daughter of Jared (186), son of L-evi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married in 1826, to Hiram H. Fish of Bainbridge, N. Y., carpenter. He died there in 1834. His widow removed to Nelson in Farmington, Tioga county, Penn., where slie was married to Richard Marks of that place. Children. By first husband. 1. Edgar D. Fish, b. 1827; resides iu Nelson, Tioga county, Pa.; married. 2. Eliza Fish, b. 1828; deceased. 3. Jerome H. Fish, b. 1830 ; resides in Nelson, Tioga county. Pa. ; married, 4. Henry R. Fish, b. 1832 ; d. in Bainbridge, N. Y. By second husband. 5. Helen S. Marks, b. 1836, at Farmington, Tioga county, Pa. 6. Julia A. Marks, b. 1840, " « 7. Richard T. Marks, b. 1846, " " 510. LEVI REDFIELD, fifth son of Jared (186), son of JLevi (56), son of TlieopIliltlS (16), is a farmer residing at Osceola, in Farmington, Tioga county. Pa. He married, 1st, March 25, 1834, Frances Johnson, born April 21, 1816, daughter of William and Sarah Johnson, and 2d, March 11, 1852, Mart Stark, born July 28, 1817, daughter of Ephraim and Nancy [Kettel] Starr. Children. By first wife. 1238. 1. Ellen Redfield, b. July 3, 1835. 1239. 2. William Henry Redfield, b. July 16, 1836. 1240. 3. Sybil Philena Redfield, b. Oct. 5, 1841. 1241. 4. Levi Hamilton Redfield, b. June 24, 1844. By second wife. 1242. 5. James Franklin Redfield, b. March 12, 1855. 511. BENJAMIN BUEL REDFIELD, sixth son of Jared (186), son of Z^evi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), resides at New Canandaigua, Oakland county, Mich., and is a farmer. He was chosen justice of the peace in 1856, 166 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. and is now coroner of that county. He married, March 17, 1833, Emily Smith, daughter of Russell and Abigail Smith of Fahius, Onondaga county, N. y. Children. 1243. 1. EsLi Russell Redfield, b. May 2, 1834. 1244. 2. Ellen Redfield, b. Feb. 29, 1836 ; d. April 18, 1855. 1245. 3. Seward Redfield, b. Nov. 26, 1838. 1246. 4. AtJGCSTA Redfield, b. March 22, 1841. 1247. 5. Benjamin Redfield, b. June 28, 1843. 512. JARED REDFIELD, eldest son of Levi (187), son of L,evi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), is a farmer, residing on Chestnut Hill, Killingworth, Conn., near the site of the ancient family homestead. He married, 1st, Nov. 27, 1818, Sarah Crdttenden, b. Jan. 19, 1791j daughter of Abraham and Hannah [Dudley] Cruttenden of Guilford, Conn. She died Oct. 23, 1844, and he married, 2d, May 20, 1845, Sakah Wolcott Bushnell, daughter of Eber and Sarah Bushnell of Deep River, Conn. Children. Jill by first marriage. 1248. 1. Jolia Ann Redfield, b. Oct. 15, 1819. 1249. 2. Mary W. Redfield, b. Sept. 16, 1821. 1250. 3. Pardon Stevens Redfield, b. Oct. 31, 1825. 1251. 4. Weltha Maria Redfield, b. July 9, 1828. 1252. 5. Abraham Crcttenden Redfield, b. Nov. 6, 1830. 1253. 6. Samuel Griswold Redfield, b. July 30, 1832. 513. MARY REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Levi (187), son of Levi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married, Dec. 17, 1817, to Luman Johnson of North Madison, Conn. She is deceased. Children. 1. William Johnson, b. April 15, 1819. 2. Sidney Johnson, b. July 22, 1833; d. 1858. 3. Emily Johnson, b. Sept. 23, 1838. 514. CHARLOTTE REDFIELD, second daughter of Levi (187), son of Levi (56), son of Tlieui»lliliis (16), was married, April 4, 1825, to David Fos- THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 167 TER of Madison, Conn., and removed to Middlebury, Elkbart county, Ind. She died Jan. 8, 1857, in lier 59th year. Childt-en. 1. Mary Jennette Foster, b. March 9, 1826; m. Burridge. 2. Oliver Newton Foster, b. June 5, 1827 ; m. and has 1 son. 3. Clinton Edwards Foster, b. Nov. 3, 1828; Middlebury, Ind.; m. and has 1 dau. 4. Weltha Anx Foster, b. May 15, 1831; m. Pratt, and has had 3 ch., 2 of whom are dead. 5. Sarah Jane Foster, b. April 15, 1840; d. May 5, 1843. 515. HORACE REDFIELD, second son of Levi (187), son of L.eii (56), son of TlieopllilUS (16), resides in Killingworth, Conn.; is a farmer and merchant, keeps a public house and is postmaster of the town. Married, Oct. 15, 1827, Maria Almira Hull, daughter of Roswell and Irene [BronsonJ Hull. Children, 1254. 1. Celia Maria Redfield, b. Dec. 8, 1838. 1255. 2. Clayton Horace Redfield, b. May 15, 1842. 1256. 3. Adeline Elizabeth Redfield, b. Sept. 28, 1848. 516. HARLOW REDFIELD, third son of Levi (187), son of L,evi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), married, 1st, Dec. 23, 1824, Caroline Foster, b. March 13, 1SU4, daughter of Orrin and Rachel [Crampton] Foster of Madison, Conn. She died Dec. 26, 1834. He married, 2d, Oct. 11, 1835, Alpha Lu- randa Foster, born May 12, 1816, sister of his wife. He early removed to Portage county, Ohio, became a Mormon and is now residing at Provo City, Utah. Children. By first wife. 1257. 1. Eliza Jane Redfield, b. Aug. 29, 1825. 1258. 2. Clarissa Mina Ann Redfield, b. June 30, 1828. 1259. 3. Weltha Louisa Redfield, b. , ; d. unm. about 1844. 1260. 4. Mary Caroline Redfield, b. , ; d. num., Sept. 12, 1854. By second wife. 1261. 5. Rachel Sarah Redfield, b. Dec. 6, 1838. 1262. 6. Harlow Maroni Redfield, b. Aug. 7, 1840; d. Aug. 29, 1854, by a fall from a horse. 168 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1263. 7. Chloe Antoinette Redfield, b. Aug. 10, 1844. 1264. 8. Adelaide Sophia Redfield, b. , 1S46; d. .June 16, 1850, 1265. 9. Amelia Redfield, b. , ; d. June 8, 1848. 1266. 10. Eliza Jane Redfield, b. Dec. 1, 1851. 1267. 11. Edward Murray Redfield, b. Dec. 2, 1853. 1268. 12. William Heber Redfield, b. Nov. 3, 1855; d. Oct., 1856. 517. PHILIP HARVEY REDFIELD, fourth son of Levi (187), son of Levi (56), son of Tlieopllilu^ (16), resides on Chestnut Hill, Killingworth, Conn.; farmer. He married, Jan. 28, 1830, Dency Stevens, daughter of Daniel Stevens of Killingworth. C hildren, 1269. 1. Daniel Webster Redfield, b. June 29, 1834. 1270. 2. Horace Edgar Redfield, b. March 13, 1837 ; d. July 24, 1838. 1271. 3. Edson Evelyn Redfield, b. March 29, 1S42; d. Jan. 12, 1844. 1272. 4. Dency Maria Redfield, b. Oct. 19, 1844. 519. CHLOE BARRETT REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Theophilus (189), son of Levi (56), son of Tlieopliilus (16), was married to Ebenezer Redfield (203), which see. 520. RUFUS REDFIELD, second son of Theophilus (189), son of L.evi (56), son of TlieopIliluK (16), resides on Chestnut Hill, Killingworth, Conn.; farmer. Married, Sept. 8, 1822, Anna Parmelee, daughter of Gardner and Experience [Wilcox] Parmelee. Children. 1273. 1. Gardner Chauncey Redfield, b. Nov. 27, 1822. 1274. 2. Orrin Denison Redfield, b. Aug. 3, 1824. 1275. 3. Zeno Martin Redfield, b. May 8, 1826. 1276. 4. Almira Jennette Redfield, b. April 6, 1828. 1277. 5. Sidney BuRDETT Redfield, b. May 3, 1832; sails schooner An- toinette Ann, from New Brunswick, N. Y. ; unm. 1278. 6. OsnAKT Dayton Redfield, b. Oct. 6, 1835. 1279. 7. Sabra Ann Redfield, b. Dec. 28, 1841. 1280. 8. Ellen Cokdklia Redfield, b. May 1, 1844. 1281. 9. Edward Learned Redfield, b. April 11, 1851. The last four children named above reside in Killingworth; unmarried. THBOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 169 621. ASENATH REDFIELD, second daughter of Theophilus (189), son of Ltevi (56), son of TlieoplliSu!>...,, ^o MeriaH (64), sou of •>w.( !»• in LS25. m the study <^ the bench of the supreme court of Vermont, which position he h for 25 years, during the lasi •■ > • "' • -hich he has bef^- '"••i •" ' aiate. He has rec«jiv«d tl^ LL. TV, both 17), son of 'h College iinhi> I'gh treanse on the law of railways, whicSi .r- ,. u > , ■ » .... .. ^.. t«-xt book by the profession, aiid has V«.'i3<=!d to a second edition. He iuits b«>eu repeatedly chosen as lay delegate ^'erinont to the ;. United Slate*- now a resideijf •^a«, Maet ' •ad, C. V. 1323 1324, 1325. .;n of the Protestant Episcopal church r Doany years at Montpelier, Vemionl, rniout. He married, 1st, Septetnber ^i.u-r of Ichabod and AmuTtda Smith oi / 34, 1839. He nwried, 2d, M»y 4, 1842, E., daughter of Luther aud P»mela C\».(\t, Children. ■1 Ulft. •1 vtKiT) b. Sept. 10, 1843 1 -u, b. Oct. 17, ' '>t.}<>. ^^^^ .^^ / r. PELEG HEDPIELD'S BRANCH. 177 1326. 4. Anna Pamela Redfield, b. Sept. 14, 1847. 1327. 5. Luther Clark Redfield, b. Dec. 25, 1850. 1328. 6. Susan Martha Redfield, b. March 18, IS.^S ; d. in infancy. 1329. 7. Fletcher Button Redfield, b. Oct. 1, 1854 ; d. in infancy. 575. SIDNEY PELEG REDFIELD, second son of Dr. Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resided formerly at Hatley, Lower Canada, now at Montpelier, Vt. ; druggist. He married, Sept. 9, 1833, Harriet Dustin Granniss, daughter of William and Nancy Meliiida [Dustin] Granuiss of Stanstead, C. E. Children. 1330. 1. Sarah Jane Redfield, b. April 11, 1835. 1331. 2. William Peleg Redfield, b. June 16, 1837. 1332. 3. Helen Fletcher Redfield, b. Dec. 24, 1839. 577. BERIAH ADDISON REDFIELD, third son of Dr. Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), is a farmer and resides on the old homestead at Coventry, Vt. He married, Sept. 4, 1849, Caroline Plastridge, daughter of John P. and Mary [Blodget] Plastridge. Children. 1333, 1. Catharine Clark Redfield, b. Nov. 12, 1850. 1334. 2. Arthur Sidney Redfield, b. Oct. 24, 1852. 578. TIMOTHY PARKER REDFIELD, fourth son of Dr. Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), studied at Dartmouth College, and received his degree of A. M., from Middlebury College, Vt., in 1840. He began the practice of law at Irasburg, Vt., but now resides at Montpelier, Vt. He married, Feb. 6, 1840, Helen W. Granniss, daughter of William and I-lancy Melinda [Dustin] Granniss of Stanstead, C. E. Children. 1335. 1 Frederick Holleck Redfield, b. Dec. 23, 1842. 1336. 2. Alice Melinda Redfield, b. Nov. 25, 1848. - 1337. 3. Sidney Granniss Redfield, ] Twins; b. May 17, 1854; both d. 1338. 4. Charles Dustin Redfield, ) in infancy. 23 178 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 579. ELIZABETH NANCY REDFIELD, second daughter of Dr. Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married Sept. 4, 1834, to Moody S. Proctor, then of Proctorsville, Windsor county, Vt., now of Boston, Mass. ; wool mercliant; son of Thomas and Abigail Proctor.* She died May 25, 1844, in her 31st year. Mr. Proctor married, 2d, April 16, 1849, Maria Towne of Keene, N. H. Children. 1. Anna Dalucia Proctok, b. Aug. 3, 1836. 2. Salome Redfield Proctor, b. Oct. 4, 1837. 3. Thomas Redfield Proctor, b. May 25, 1844. 580. SARAH ABIGAIL REDFIELD, third daughter of Dr. Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married to Dr. Samuel Stillman Kendall, physician of Coventry, Vt., who was born Jan. 14, 1799, son of Dea. Nathaniel and Mrs. Hannah Kendall of Derby, Vt. Mrs. Han- nah Kendall is still living (1858) aged 88 years. Dr. Kendall died Feb. 4, 1856. His widow and children are living at the old homestead of Dr. Peleg Redfield at Coventry. Children. 1. Fletcher Redfield Kendall, b. July 13, 1844. 2. Hannah Parker Kendall, b. May 31, 1646. 3. Peleq Redfield Kendall, b. Nov. 24, 1848. 581. ROXANA SALOME FLETCHER REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Dr. Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64) son of Capt. Peleg (18), was mar- ried to James McDonough Richardson, merchant, then of Wealliersfield, Vt., now of Waitsfield, Washington county, Vt. Children. 1. Salome Elizabeth Richardson, b, Jan. 12, 1845. 2. James Redfield Richardson, b. Oct. 9, 1850. 3. Hannah Adah Richardson, b. Oct. 23, 1853. * Mrs. Alii«ail rnictor died July 27, 1851, aged 77 years. Mr. Thomas Proctor Is still living C1858) ut Proctorsville, a^ed 82 years. PELEG REDFIELD's BRANCH. 179 586. KEZIA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Luther (221), son of Ueriah (64), son of Capt. Pelepr (18), was married Jan. 1, 1820, to Joseph Wat- son of Junius, N. Y. 'i bey now reside at Clyde, N. Y. No children. 588. BERIAH STEVENS REDFIELD, second son of Luther (221), son of JBeriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resided at Clyde, N. Y., and was for many years cashier of the Millers' Bank at that place, but removed to Homer, Micb., in 1844. He married, Jan. 26, 1834, Cornelia Nancy Park- inson. He died at Homer, Micb., May 23, 1857, aged 50 years. Children. 1339. 1. John Redfield, b. at Clyde, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1824. 1340. 2. Caroline Redfield, b. at Clyde, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1838. 1341. 3. Chandler Starr Redfield, b. at Clyde, N. Y., April 2, 1842. 1342. 4. Charles Redfield, b. at Homer, Mich., Sept. 17, 1844. 1343. 5. Vernon Park Redfield, b. at Homer, Mich., Oct. 26, 1847. 1344. 6. Beriah Baltimore Redfield, b. at Homer, Mich., Feb. 11,1849. 1345. 7. Cornelia Redfield, b. at Homer, Mich., Feb. 27, 1854. 589. MARY REDFIELD, second daughter of Luther (221), son of Beriah (64) son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married at Clyde, N. Y., June 1, 1828, to Arza Lewis, merchant, residing at Homer, Mich. Children. 1. Elizabeth Lewis, b. Nov. 15, 1829 ; d. Sept. 13, 1830. 2. Edward Lewis, b. Jan. 27, 1831. 3. Mart E. Lewis, b March Id, 1833. 4. Clarissa Lewis, b. Sept. 15, 1834; d. Nov. 30, 1834. 5. Cornelia Lewis, b. May 12, 1838. 6. Sarah Redfield Lewis, b. June 30, 1842. 7. George Lewis, b. May 11, 1844. 590. SOPHIA REDFIELD, third daughter of Luther (221), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married at Clyde, N. Y., September 7, 1828, to Isaac Lewis, merchant, then of Clyde, now residing at Monroe, Mich' 180 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. James Henry Lewis, born at Clyde, Nov. 17, 1829 ; d. May 11, 1848. 2. John Redfield Lewis, " June 17, 1832 ; d. Sept. 27, 1833. 3. Hakriet Lewis, " May 8, 1834. 4. Mart Eliza Lewis, born at Monroe, Sept. 26, 1837. .5. Augusta Lewis, " Sept. 3, 1839. 6. Emily Lewis, " Jan. 26, 1842. 7. Martha Lewis, *' March 29, 1844. 8. Francis Nabby Lewis, " March 24, 1846. 592. LUTHER REDFIELD, third son of Luther (221), son of Seriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), removed from Clyde to New York city, where he is now a commission merchant. He married at Clyde, August 1, 1836, Eliza Ann Anqell, daughter of Amasa and Mary [WardJ Angell. Children. 1346. 1. Amasa Angell Redfield, b. at Clyde, May 19, 1837 ; graduated at N. Y. University, June, 1860. 1347. 2. Jay Ward Redfield, b. at Clyde, Oct. 11, 1839. 1348. 3. Mary Eliza Redfield, " Oct. 10, 1849. 593. ALBERT FRANCIS REDFIELD, fourth son of Luther (221), son of Ufr4«/l (64), .son of Capt. Peleg: (18), resides at Clyde, N. Y. ; mer- chant. He married, March 9, 1853, SrsAN A. Griswold, daughter of Aaron and Hannah Gri.swold. Child. 1349. 1. Mary Griswold Redfield, b. at Clyde, April 27, 1854. 595. SARAH DRYER REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Luther (221), son of Beriall (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married September 19, 1844, to George H. Fkekch, merchant, residing at Homer, Mich. PELEG REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 181 Children. 1. LnTHEB Redfield Frekch, b. Nov. 24, 1845 ; d. Sept. 5, 1850. 2. George Jay French, b. Jan. 31, 1847. 3. Julia Emma French, b. May 14, 1852. 4. William Cook Frexch, b. Nov. 18, 1858. 597. JAMES REDFIELD, sixth son of Luther (221), son of Bcriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), graduated at Yale College in 1845 ; was for some time clerk in the office of secretary of state, Albany, N. Y. In 1855 he removed to Wiscotta, Iowa, where he is now a farmer. Married, May 7, 1856, AcHSAH Mooke, daughter of Thomas Moore of Beaver, Pa. Children. 1350. 1. Thomas Moore Redfield, b. March 28, 1857. 1351. 2. Martha Redfield, b. July 5, 1858. 598. MARTHA REDFIELD, seventh daughter of Luther (221), son of Beriafl (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married March 27, 1850, to William Hdrd, farmer, residing at Fayetteville, N. Y. Child. 1. Mart Redfield Hurd, b. at Fayetteville, August 20, 1853. 599. HENRY MILTON REDFIELD, eldest son of Beriah (228), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg^ (18), resides at Cambridge, Mich.; farmer. He married, June 28, 1846, Mart Catherine Schemerhorn, daughter of John and Sarah Schemerhorn. Child. 1352. 1. Sabah Estella Redfield, b. June 28, 1856. 600. WILLIAM FRANKLIN REDFIELD, second son of Beriah (228), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resides at Cambridge, Michigan farmer. He married, November 26, 1846, Martha Bennett, daughter of Asahel and Elizabeth Bennett. 182 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1353. 1. Ellen Cornelia Redfield, b. Sept. 6, 1849. 1354. 2. Sarah Alzora Redfield, b. Oct. 7, 1851. 1355. 3. Maria Josephine Redfield, b. April 5, 1854. 601. SARAH MARIA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Beriah (228), son of XSeriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married October 26, 1853, to Richard J. Crego of Cambridge, Mich. ; farmer. She died May 1, 1854. No children. 605. JOHN MARVIN REDFIELD, eldest son of Orrin (231), son of Ebetl' ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), married, December 25, 1829, Julia Ann Morrison, who was born in 1807. He died about 1831, in his 24th year, and his widow is said to be deceased. Child, 1356. 1. Amy Redfield. 606. MEHETABEL D. REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Orrin (231), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married December 31, 1831, to John Huntley, now residing at Rockford, 111. Child. 1. Jane Ann Huntley, b. April 18, 1832 ; m. Nov. 13, 1849, Daniel Carney of Rockford, III. Has had three children, of whom two are living. 607. EBENEZER DUDLEY REDFIELD, second son of Orrin (231), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resides at Rockford, 111. ; teamster. He married Celia Ann Payne of Aurora, 111., daughter of Petty Payne of Swanton. PELEG REDPIELD'S BRANCH. l83 Children. 1357. 1. Makia Redfield, b. Feb. 11, 1846. 1358. 2. George B. Redfield, b. Nov. 8, 1848; d. April 5, 1849. 1359. 3. Helen Alvira Redfield, b. Sept. 19, 1849. 1360. 4. Charles IIknry Redfield, b. Sept. 6, 1851. 1361. 5. Willis Redfield, b. Sept. 7, 1853. 608. ROBERT McCORMACK REDFIELD, tbird son of Orrin (231), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. PelCg (18), resides in Eaton county, Mich. ; farmer. He married, Nov. 1, 1839, Caroline Carl, of Washtenaw county, Mich. Children. 1362. 1. Joseph Orrin Redfield, b. Aug. 12, 1840 ; d. Sept. 3, 1846. 1363. 2. William Marvin Redfield, b. May 14, 1842. 1364. 3. Elt Dexter Redfield, b. Feb. 6, 1845. 1365. 4. Robert George Redfield, b. 6, 1848. 1366. 5. Nathan P. Redfield, b. Jan. 2, 1850. 609. ORRIN REDFIELD, fourth son of Orrin (231), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resided at Pulaski, Mich. He married, 1st, Mart Ann Sutton of Jackson county, Mich., who was born Nov. 11, 1810, She died at Pulaski, and he removed to Racine, Wis., where he married, 2d, March 1, 1842, Dbborah Dean. He died March, 1847, aged 30 years. Children. By first wife. 1367. 1. Louisa Redfield, b. Sept. 4, 1834. 1368. 2. Lucinda Redfield, b. Sept. 9, 1836. 1389. 3. Helen Mar Redfield, b. 9, 1839. By second wife. 1370. 4. Redfield, b. June 8, 1843; d. in 1844. 1371. 5. Warren Redfield, b. June 19, 1845. 1372. 6. Sarah Redfield, b. Nov. 25, 1847. 610. SARAH ANN REDFIELD, second daughter of Orrin (231), son of Ebe- nezer (66), son of Capt. Pele^ (18), was married, Feb. 13, 1837, to Ezra P. Moore of Mount Morris, Genesee county, N. Y. They removed to Eaton county, Mich., where he died Sept., 1848. She was married, 2d, to 184 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Rakdall Wood, farmer, formerly of the state of New York, but now resident of Eaton county, Mich. 611. CHARLES T. REDFIELD, fifth son of Orrin (231), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), resides at Chatfield, Minnesota; blacksmith. He married, Oct. 7, 1849, Helen Lomison of Rockford, 111. Children, 1373. 1. LoEiN Redfield, b. Sept., 1850; d. Oct., 1851. 1374. 2. Meiietabel Redfield, b. Oct. 9, 1851. 1375. 3. Dexter Redfield, b. Aug. 6, 18J3. 1376. 4. Chakles William Redfield, b. , 1856. 612. CLARISSA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Joel D. (232), son of Eben- ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married, Feb. 12, 1824, to But- ler Rich, farmer, who was born 1804; residesjiear Hudson, Hillsdale county, Mich. Child'-en. 1. Susan Rich, b. March, 1826; m. Luman Hart, 1847. 2. Dennis Rich, b. 1828 ; d. on his way to California. 3. Warren Rich, b. 1830; now in California. 4. Mart Rich, b. 1832; m. Joseph Dillen. 5. George Rich, b. 1835. 614. MARY REDFIELD, second daughter of Joel D. (232), son of Eben- ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married, Oct. 19, 1831, to Peter Van Dine, farmer, of Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. Children. 1. Sarepta Van Dine, b. Oct. 4, 1831; m. Sept., 1854, Wm. P. Gates, blacksmith. 2. Thomas Van Dine, b. May 12, 1834; farmer; m. .Inly 4, 1855, Harriet D. Wilber, daughter of (620). 3. Clarissa Jane Van Dine, b. Aug. 17. 1836; m. Sept., 1854, Alanson B. Rubert, miller. 4. Mary Van Dine, b. Nov. 3, 1843. 5. Ellen Elizabeth Van Dine, b. Oct. 8, 1850. PELEG REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 185 615. DICKINSON REDFIELD, second son of Joel D. (232), son of Ebene- zer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resides at Sidney Center, Delaware county, N. Y. He married, Aug. 11, 1835, Tryphosa Geay, daughter of Elliott and Tryphosa Gray of Ashfield, Franklin county, Mass. CkHdrtn. \2>11. 1. George N. Redfield, b. Nov. 9, 1836. 1378. 2. Eliza E. Redfield, b. June 7, 1840. 1379. 3. William E. Redfield, b. March 20, 1844, 1380. 4. Mart P. Redfield, b. Oct. 28, 1848. 1381. 5. Adelia T. Redfield, b. Dec. 18, 1852. 616. CHRISTINA REDFIELD, third daughter of Joel D. (232), son of Ehen- ezer (66), son of Capt^Pelegr (18), was married in 1834, to Jesse Kim- ball, fanner, of Palmyra, N. Y., who afterwards removed to Pittsford, Hills- dale county, Mich. She died February 15, 1846, in her 32d year. Children. 1. Helen Kimball, b. Nov. 2, 1834; m. John Leonard, farmer. 2. Peiscilla Kimball, b. Dec, 5, 1836. 617. JOSEPH B. REDFIELD, third son of Joel D. (232), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resides in Farmington, Tioga county, Pa. He married September 10, 1838, Martha Lee. Children. 1382. 1. Mart V. Redfield, b. June 17, 1840. 1383. 2. Albert Redfield, b. Oct. 6, 1843, 1384. 3. Helen M. Redfield, b. May 3, 1848. 618. MARTHA REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Joel D. (232), son of Eben- ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was married February 1, 1848, to Peter A. Devendorf of Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. Children. 1. Mary Elizabeth Devendorf, b. Oct. 11, 1851. 2. Christina Devendorf, b. Aug. 9, 1855, 24 lS6 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 619. PRISCILLA REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Joel D. (232), son of Eben- ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), -was married December 31, 1841, to John Robertson, malster, of Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y. Children. 1. Ellen Martha Robertson, b. May 19, 1843. 2. Andrew M. Robertson, b. August 26, 1845. 3. Mary C. Robertson, b. May 22, 1849. 620. LUCINDA G. REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Silas (233), son of Ebew ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg" (18), was married March 3, 1830, to Henry WiLBER, mechanic, of Phelps, N. Y., who was born June 17, 1809. Children. 1. William B. Wilbeb, b. Dec. 14, 1831; m. August 6, 1856, Ruth Smith, and has 1 daughter. 2. Harriet D. Wilbeb, b. Jan. 15, 1834; m. July 16, 1856, Thomas Van Dine, farmer, of Phelps, N. Y., son of (614), has 2 children. 3. Edwin G. Wilber, b. March 27, 1837. 4. Henry C. Wilber, b. April 27, 1840. 5. John F. Wilbeb, b. April 7, 1842. 6. Silas W. Wilber, b. June 21, 1844. 7. Hiram L. Wilber, b. May 7, 1846, 8. Lemon A. Wilber, b. May 7, 1849. 623. JENNETTE H. REDFIELD, third daughter of Silas (233), son of Eben- ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), was married January 1, 1852, to Daniel F. Elmer, machinist, of Williamsburg, Mass., who was born Sep- tember 5, 1820. Child. 1. Francis E. Elmer, b. June 7, 1854. 624. SOPHIA M. REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Silas (233), son of Eben- ezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg' (18), Avas married June 6, 185 5, to Wil- LARD L. Nelson, farmer, of Deerfield, Mass., who was born June 15, 1830. Child. Harriet L. Nelson, b. May 24, 1856. PELEG REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 187 627. WILLIAM HAMILTON REDFIELD, eldest son of Ebenezer D. (234), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg" (18), went from Phelps, N. Y., to Conway, Mass., and lived several years there with his uncle Wil- liam, then returned to Phelps, whence he removed in 1835 to Michigan, and settled on a farm in the town of Iosco, Livingston county, in that state. He married Caroline Barnes, from Cayuga county, N. Y. Child. 1385. 1. Jay Redfield. 628. GEORGE BROOKS REDFIELD, second son of Ebenezer D. (234), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg" (18), has resided at Rochester, N. Y., since May, 1843, and is proprietor of Ayer's hotel of that city. He married at Albion, Orleans county, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1838, Susan Eliza Strong, daughter of Sidney Strong of Addison, N. Y., and of Eliza [Jackson] Strong of Dutchess county, N. Y. Her father died Nov. 24, 1855, aged 62 years; her mother still living. Child. 1386. 1. Susan Eliza Redfield, b. May 14, 1848. 629. LYSANDER REDFIELD, third son of Ebenezer D. (234), son of Ebenezer (66), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was, in his younger days, a printer, and worked at New York city and at Charleston, S. C, but is now a merchant at Phelps, Ontario county, N. Y., where he is also justice of the peace. He married, 1st, in the city of New York, Sept. 4, 1838, Mart Cooper, born Nov. 15, 1816, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliza Cooper of Rhinebeck, N. Y. She died at Phelps, N. Y., March 20, 1843. He married, 2d, at Phelps, Nov. 5, 1851, Mart Hunter, born at Forfar, in Scotland, Sept. 9, 1826, daughter of Alexander and Mary Hunter. Child. By first wife. 1387. 1. Mary Elizabeth Redfield, b. in Phelps, July 27, 1839. 188 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 630. ARISTEEN HEACOCK REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Ebenezer D. (234), son of Ebenezer (66), sou of Capt. Peleg (18), was married to Edward Laughlin, miller, of Phelps, N. Y. ChUd. 1. WiLLAKD Redfield Laughlin, b. April 16, 1821; d. Not. 15, 1832. 632. WILLARD WELLS REDFIELD, fifth son of Ebenezer D. (234), son of Ebenezer (66), sou of Capt. Peleg (18), removed to Norwalk, Ohio, where he is publisher and proprietor of the Norwalk Experiment, a demo- cratic newspaper. He married Phebe Pakkek, daughter of Rial Parker of Bronson, Huron county, Ohio. No children. f. Branch of George Redfield (19) of Killingwobth. 634. MARY ANN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Charles (239), son of Ambrose (70), son of George (19), was married, Sept. 28, 1835, to Wii-LiAM E. Kimball. She died Oct. 21, 1837, aged 22 years. Mr. Kimball married for his second wife, her sister, SARAH E. REDFIELD (636). ChUd. 1. Charles W. Kimball, b. Sept. 21, 1837. 635. CHARLES REDFIELD, eldest son of Charles (239), son of Jimhrose (70), son of George (19), resided for a few years at Williamsburg, L. I., now in Adrian, Mich. He married, Aug. 10, 1845, Sabah A. H. Gatlobd, daughter of Chester Gaylord of Hadley, Mass. ChUdrtn. 1368. 1. Mart Ann Redfield, b. at Adrian, May 13, 1846. 1389. 2. Abbt Louise Redfield, " Oct. 20, 1849. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. l89 636. SARAH ELIZABETH REDFIELD, second daughter of Charles (239), son of Ambrose (70), son of George (19), was married, Nov. 22, 1841, to William E. Kimball, whose first wife was MARY ANN REDFIELD (634). Resides at Adrian, Mich. No children. 637. JANE LOUISE REDFIELD, third daughter of Charles (239), son of ^Imbrose (70), son of Georg'e (19), was married, March 1850, to Nel- son M. Howard of Toledo, Ohio. Children. 1. Charles Robert Howard, b. Dec. 16, 1852. 2. Ida Louise Howard, b. July 16, 1855. 638. SUSAN PRENTISS REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Charles (239), son of »lnibrose (70), son of George (19), was married, April 17, 1847, to W. Huntington Smith of Adrian, Mich. Children. 1. Stella Louise Smith, b. Feb. 20, 1849^. 2. W. Huntington Smith, b. Dec. 6, 1852. 639. ANN PRENTISS REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Caleb (241), son of «^»M6ro«e (70), son of George (19), was married, June 16, 1841, to George Robbins Buttrick of Boston, Mass. Children. 1. LucT Ann Buttrick, b. April 28, 1843. 2. Mary Rbdfield Buttrick, b. Dec. 23, 1845 ; d. June 30, 1846. 640. FRANCES DAVIDSON REDFIELD, second daughter of Caleb (241), son of jimbrose (70), son of George (19), was married Dec. 20, 1840, to John Whitney Mayo, tin ware and stove manufacturer of Boston, Mass. He died Jan. 18, 1854, aged 37 years. 190 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. Mart Francis Mayo, b. Feb. 12, 1843. 2. Charlotte Mayo, b. April 6, 1845. 3. JouN Mayo, b. Oct. 9, 1848. 4. Eliza Brewster Mayo, b. Jau 5, 1851. 644. MARY MOORE REDFIELD, third daughter of Caleb (241), son of Jlnihrosc (70), son of CJeorg'e (19), was married to Joun Daniels and removed to California. No further information. 653. HANNAH REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Zina (252), son of Syiva- nus (72), son of George (19), was married to Chauncey Turner of Kirtland, 0., who removed to Provo City, Utah. Children. 1. Mary Ann Turner; married. 2. John Wesley Turner, m. Sarah Louisa Fosset, whose brother m. Ann Wilcox, dau. of 659. 3. Julia Turner, married. 4. Charles Turner, deceased. 5. Harriet Turner, deceased. 6. William Turner. 654. CAROLINE REDFIELD, second daughter of Zina (252), son of Syt- Vanus (72), son of George (19), was married at Avon, N. Y., April 17, 1823, to Squire Eggleston, who was born in Avon, N. Y., March 7, 1802. He removed to Kirtland, Ohio, thence toManti, Fremont county, Iowa, where he is farmer and preacher. Children. 1. John Nelson Eggleston, b. April 8, 1826; d. at Boon, Warrick county, Ind., May 14, 1833. 2. Amanda Maria Eggleston, b. Oct. 17, 1830 ; m. Wm. Clinton Mathews of Manti; hotel keeper ; 3 ch., 1 deceased. 3. Zina Uriah Eggleston, b. April 14, 1838. 655. HIRAM REDFIELD, second son of Zina (252), son of Stftvanus (72), son of George (19), resides at East Avon, N. Y.; farmer. He married, June 10, 1830, Charlotte Chappell, daughter of Enos and Olive Chappell. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 191 Children. 1390. 1. Enos Henry Redfield, b. Feb. 8, 1832 ; d. Aug. 27, 1844. 1391. 2. Mary Elizabeth Redfield, b. Sept. 11, 1833. 1392. 3. Franklin Augustds Redfield, b. Nov. 25, 1834. 1393. 4. Helen Augusta Redfield, b. Oct. 4, 1836. 1394. S. Charles Nelson Redfield, b. Dec. 12, 1841. 656. BARBARA REDFIELD, third daughter of Zina (252), son of Sytva- nits (72), son of Geoi-^e (19), was married, Nov. 12, 1826, at Avon, N. Y., to Dexter Stillman, farmer, who was born at Colebrook, Conn., in 1804. From Avon they removed to Iowa. Mr. Stillman died Nov. 11, 1852. In Mills county, Iowa. His widow and children are now residing at Manti, Fremont county, Iowa. Children. 1. Clark Stillman, b. at Avon, Aug, 7, 1827; m. Feb., 1851, Amelia N. Sperry ; has 4 ch. 2. Franklin Stillman, b. May 26, 1833 ; d. Sept. 9, 1850, in Mills county, Iowa. 3. Mary Stillman, b. at Kirtland, Ohio, March 6, 1837; m. Sept., 1857, Loring D. Sperry. 4. Elizabeth Stillman, b. at Exeter, 111., Jan. 16, 1840. 5. Dexter Stillman, b. at Florence, Nebraska, March 6, 1846; d, July 26, 1846. 657. WILLIAM REDFIELD, third son of Zina (252), son of Sylvanus (72), son of Georg'e (19), resides at Manti, Fremont county, Iowa ; farmer. He married, Dec. 11, 1833, Mary Ann Scott, b. March 6, 1814, daughter of George and Rebecca [Robinson] Scott. Children. 1395. 1. Rebecca Ann Redfield, b. Aug. 8, 1835. 1396. 2. George Zina Redfield, b, Dec. 8, 1838. 1397. 3. William Redfield, b. Sept. 14, 1845. 1398. 4. Maby Eliza Redfield, b. Dec, 18, 1848 ; d. Nov. 14, 1849. 1399. 5. Joseph Hiram Redfield, b. Sept. 1, 1850. 1400. 6. Tryphena Redfield, b. Jan. 6, 1853. 1401. 7. John Franklin Redfield, b. Jan. 30, 1855. 658. FRANKLIN REDFIELD, fourth son of Zina (252), son of Sylianus (72), son of Georg-e (19), resided in Geauga county, Ohio, and removed 192 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. thence to Booneville, Ind. He married Ann Force, and died Sept. 6, 1843, about 31 years of age. His widow married Baylus Griffith, and resides at Sprinklesburg, Warrick county, Iiid. ChUd. 1402. 1. Chandlek Redfield. 659. CLARISSA REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Zina (252), son of Sylva- nus (72) son of George (19), was married to Henky Wilcox. He died in crossing the plains to Utah, and she died in Utah, Sept. 24, 1843, aged 29 years. Children. 1. (son) ; deceased. 2. Ann Wilcox, m. Fossett of Provo City, Utah, whose sister m. John W. Turner, son of (653). 660. ESTHER REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Zina (252) son of Sylvanus (72), son of Georgre (19), was married, April 5, 1838, to Willard Grif- fith, farmer, son of Duty and Anna Barbara Griffith. They lived in Keokuk, Iowa, in 1856, but have since removed to Belfast, Lee county, Iowa. Children. 1. William Henry Harrison Griffith, b. Feb. 7, 1839. 2. Mary Tryphena Griffith, b. Aug. 27, 1846. 3. RoxANA Griffith, b, Sept. 25, 1849. 661. HEMAN REDFIELD, eldest son of Warriner (255), son of SylvanuS (72), son of Georg'e (19), resided successively at Grafton, N. H., and at Northbridge; now at Charlton, Mass.; shoemaker. He married MabyB. Speare, who died January, 1856. Children. 1403. 1. Ellen A. Redfield, b. in Grafton, August 4, 1831. 1404. 2. BENjAMitf F. Redfield, " Dec, 7, 1832 ; resides at North- bridge ; shoemaker. 1405. 3. Paul Speare Redfield, b. at Northbridge, April 12, 1838; resides at Northbridge ; shoemaker. GEORGE BEDPIELD'S BRANCH, 193 662. STEPHEN DEXTER REDFIELD, second son ofWarriner (255), son of Sytl'anus (72), son of Georg'e (19), removed from Claremont, N. H., to Cazenovia, N. Y., and thence in 1856, to Vinton, Benton county, Iowa, where he still resides. Is a boot and shoe dealer. He married, April 3, 1834, RosANNA Clark, daughter of Othniel and Marion [Walker] Clark. Children. 1406. 1. Wilbur Fiske Repfield, b. August 24, 1835 ; d. April 24, 1840. 1407. 2. Sarah Maria Redfield, b. March 26, 1841. 1408. 3. Rosa Camelia Redfield, b. Oct. 4, 1846. 664. WILLIAM REDFIELD, fourth son ofWarriner (255), son of Syiva- ntis (72), son of Georg'e (19), resides at Claremont, N. H. ; shoemaker. He married, October 3, 1836, Lucinda Severance, born February 6, 1817, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth [Dodge] Severance. Children. 1409. 1. Mart Redfield, b. Feb. 19, 1839. 1410. 2. William Harrison Redfield, b. April 6, 1841. 1411. 3. Emilt Redfield, b. Feb. 26, 1843; d. June 25, 1847. 1412. 4. Wyllys Redfield, b. April 4, 1845. 1413. 5. George Wilbur Redfield, b. Nov. 16, 1846; d. June 25, 1847. 1414. 6. Henry Lewis Redfield, b. Feb. 17, 1849. 665. SARAH GOOGINS REDFIELD, eldest daughter ofWarriner (255), son of Sylvanus (72), son of Georg'e (19), was married to Russell Hath- away, of Malone, Franklin county, N. Y. 666. LUCIA ANN REDFIELD, second daughter of Warriner (255), son of SylvantiS (72), son of George (19), was married to William Samson. He died July 11, 1841. Children. 1. Eliza Samson, b. Dec, 1837; residing in Lawrence, Mass., (1858). 2. William Samson, b. July, 1841. 25 194 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 668. WARREN FRANKLIN REDFIELD, sixth sou of Warriner (255), son of Sylvanus (72), sou of George (19), resides at Nortbbridge, Mass. ; shoemaker. Married, in 1841, Euzabetu C. Gould, horn July 31, 1824> daughter of Comfort aud Charlotte [Carpenter] Gould. Children. 1415. 1. Ellen M. Redfield, h. Oct. 27, 1844. 1416. 2. Georgiana E. Redfield, b. Feb. 8, 1848. 669. SABRINA TAPPAN redfield, third daughter of "Warriner (255), son of Siflvanus (72), son of George (19), was married to Alexander Snow, residing at Moosup, Conn. Children. 1. Vanilla Snow. 2. Nelly Jane Ardilla Snow. 3. Charles R. Snow. 670. HARRIET ERSKINE REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Warriner (255), son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19), was married to Stephen T. Snow, residing at Lawrence, Mass. Child. 1. Eda a. Snow, b. Jan. 9, 1857. 671. LOVINA E. redfield, fifth daughter of Warriner (255), son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19), was married to Levi R. White, farmer, of Northbridge, Mass., who was boru March 30, 1S23. 674. ELIZABETH PUTNAM REDFIELD, sixth daughter of Warriner (255) son of Sylvanus (72), sou of George (19), is said to be married, and to have two or three children, and to be residing in one of the western states, but we have no further information. GEOKGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 195 675. PHILANDER REDFIELD, eldest son of Dr. Chandler (258), son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19), resides in the city of Philadelphia, druggist. Married, June, 1857, Mary Ann [Beatton]Donellt, widow. She has a child by her first husband, but none by second (1860). * * * * 683. LOLA ALMIRA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Sherman (269), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, Dec. 16, 1824, to Zimri Hawks, mechanic, of Peru, N. Y., who was born Dec. 9, 1801. She died March 18, 1858, aged 52 years. Child. 1. Elsie Maria Hawks, b. Sept. 21, 1825 ; m. June 12, 1844, Lu- ther D. Clark of Peru, and has 4 ch. 685. SARAH REDFIELD, third daughter of Sherman (269), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, Jan. 6, 1830, to Nathaniel Allen, farmer, of Canton, N. Y., boi-n Dec. 19, 1803, son of Richard and Patience [Clarke] Allen. Children. 1. Almira Allen, b. Jan. 3, 1831. 2. Henry Nathaniel Allen, b. March 5, 1833 ; m. Nov. 11, 1857, Maiia Hart. 3. Sarah Elsie Allen, b, April 2, 1837 ; m. Jan. 6, 1853, James Beard, farmer, and has one child. 686. SAMSON HENRY REDFIELD, eldest son of Sherman (269), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), resides at Morris, Grundy county, 111,; farmer. He married, Feb. 17, 1848, Mary Maria Hutchinson, bom March 8, 1822, daughter of William and Mary [Clarke] Hutchinson. 196 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1417. 1. Mart Ekcelia Redfield, b. July 11, 1852. 1418. 2. Malvina Jennette Redfield, b. Nov. 30, 1853. 1419. 3. Emily Elizabeth Redfield, b. June 14, 1857. 687. ELSIE MARIA REDFIELD, fourtli daugbler of Sherman (269), son of Seth (73), son of Cieoi'g'e (19), was married, Oct. 20, 1834, to Sylvester Sandford, farmer, of Huntsville, Schuyler county. 111., son of Ira and Melissa [Spalding] Sandford. Children, 1. Henrietta Sandford, b. June 17, 1836 ; m. Jan. 1, 1856, James Willougbby Seeley of Rushville, 111. ; 3 cb. 2. Helen Melissa Sandford, b. July 4, 1838. 3. Harriet Maria Sandford, b. April 20, 1840. 4. George Sylvester Sandford, b. Dec. 21, 1842. 5. Emily Angelia Sandford, b. July 11, 1847; d. Oct. 12, 1850. 6. Celia Angelia Sandford, b. Sept. 30, 1852. 7. Florence Mabel Sandford, b. March 4, 1858. 688. ORRIN SHERMAN REDFIELD, second son of Sherman (269), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), resides in Kasota, Lesueur county, Mine- sota; farmer. He married, Oct. 8, 1841, Caroline Summers, daughter of John D. and Jane [Robertson] Sommers. Children. 1420. 1. Elsie Maria Redfield, b. 1843. 1421. 2. Okkin S. Redfield, b. 1845. 1422. 3. Sarah Emma Redfield, b. 1849. 1423. 4. Warren Henry Redfield, b. 1851. 1424. 5. Almond Duane Redfield, b. 1853. 1425. 6. Albert Deloss Redfield, b. 1855. 1426. 7, Frances Jane Redfield, b. 1858. EMILY REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Sherman (269), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, April 13, 1845, to Amasa Smith Warner, farmer, of Builiugton, Vt., who was born April 28, 1817, son of Abijah and Sarah [Smith] Warner. GBOEGE REDPIELD'S BRANCH. 197 Children. 1 Daniel Adams Warner, b. Feb. 21, 1847. 2. Amasa Sylvester Warner, b. March 30, 1849 ; d. Dec. 30, 1849. 3. Clarence Horace Warner, b. Jan. 28, 1855. 4. Emma Jane Warner, b. July 22, 1857 ; d, Jan. 2, 1858. 5. Harriet Amelia Warner, b. Dec. 8, 1858. 691. SARAH REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Selden (270), son of Set/l (73), son of George (19), was married, Feb. 17, 1833, to Rensselaer William Wilcox of Mumford, Monroe county, N. Y., sou of William* and Elizabeth [Wyatt] Wilcox, now living in Eagle, Wyoming county, N. Y. Children. 1. George Wyatt Wilcox, b. May 16, 1835 ; m. May 1, 1856, Mary Spaulding Phelps of Mumford, N. Y. ; 2 oh. 2. William Wilcox, b. March 27, 1837. 3. Philo Fletcher Wilcox, b. Dec. 2, 1838. 4. Myron Henry Wilcox, b. Oct. 18, 1840. 5. Elvira Jane Wilcox, b. Feb. 14, 1842. 6. Charles Rensselaer Wilcox, b. Oct. 24, 1845. 7. Mary Theresa Wilcox, b. Nov. 26, 1848 ; d. Dec. 26, 1848. 8. Homer Wilcox, b. March 24, 1850 ; d. Jan. 17, 1857. 9. Walter Homer Wilcox, b. March 21, 1856. 695. DELIA REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of Oeorg'e (19), was married, Oct. 4, 1844, to Henry G. Hatch of Mumford, Monroe county, N. Y. She died Dec. 8, 1856, aged 34 years. Children. 1. Gaylord Hatch, b. Nov. 5, 1845. 2. Charles Hatch, b. Dec. 1, 1847. 3. Harriet Melinda Hatch, b. Feb. 20, 1852, 696. MARVIN REDFIELD, third son of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), is said to be married and residing in Wisconsin, but nothing more is known of him, * William Wilcox is the son of a William Wilcox who settled in Vermont before the revolution. 198 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGVVORTH TRIBE. 698. LUCINDA REDFIELD, sixth daughter of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, Aug. 27, 1848, to Benjamin Smith of Cassopolis, Cass county, Mich. 699. NELSON C. REDFIELD, fourth son of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), resides in Fowlersville, Livingston county, N. Y. ; carpenter. He married, Sept. 23, 1857, Elizabeth Escritt, born in York- shire, England, in 1838, daughter of William and Jane [Levrett] Escritt. Child. 1427. 1. William Selden Redfield, b. April 20, 1858. 700. JANE REDFIELD, seventh daughter of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, October, 1849, to Hdgh Delaney, resid- ing in Cassopolis, Mich. 701. FRANCES REDFIELD, eighth daughter of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, April, 1855, to Rufds Moffatt of Hartford, Washington county, Wis. Has two children. 703. LAVINA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married September 10, 1834, to Simeon Daniels Fay, then of Grafton, Mass., now residing at Oxford, Mar- quette county, Wis. He was captain of a company of volunteers in the Mexican war. Children. 1. Francis Daniel Fay, b. in Grafton, Mass., August 26, 1835. 2. Sarah Ellen Fay, " " July 24, 1837. 3. Jesse Allen Fay, " " Aug. 27, 1838. 4. Nancy Maria Fay, " " July 9, 1840. 5. John Calvin Fay, " " Sept. 1, 1842. 6. William Andrew Fay, " " Dec. 13, 1845. 7. Charles Foster Fay, " " Dec. 14, 1849. 8. Mary Jane Fay, " " May 15, 1853; died March, 1858. 9. George Simeon Fay, " " March 27, 1855. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 199 704. MIRANDA REDFIELD, second daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married March 31, 1840, at North- bridge, Mass., to Caleb Lhthek Sweet, shoemaker, of Uxbridge, Mass. Children. 1. Otis Lcther Sweet, b. Oct. 15, 1841. 2. Cleaveland Nathaniel Sweet, b. March 12, 1844. 3. Stephen Viall Sweet, b. Nov. 8, 1846. 4. Elmor Norton Sweet, b. June 1, 1849. 5. Rebecca Martha Sweet, | ^ . j Sept. 12, 1852. 6. Sarah Maria Sweet, ) ' t ,» )> 7. Perry Williams Sweet, b. Oct. 28, 1855. 8. HovEY Eugene Sweet, b. July 24, 1858. 705. NANCY REDFIELD, third daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seill (73), son of George (19), was married to Otis F. Sargent, resident of Dodge's Corners, Waukesha county, Wis. Has four children, names not communicated. 706. SARAH REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), was married March 29, 1842, to John Cyrus Sweet, shoe dealer of Upton, Mass. Children. 1. Infant; not named; died. 2. Orlando Cleaveland Sweet, b. March 11, 1844; d. March 18, 1845. 3. Amy Sarah Sweet, b. Dec. 25, 1845. 4. Mary Abby Sweet, b. Dec. 10, 1853. 707. ALMIRA REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), son of Oeor^e (19), was married September 2, 1840, to Addison Hardy of Waupacca, Wis. Children. 1. Sarah Adelaide Hardy, b. Jan. 21, 1841, 2. George Addison Hardy, b. June 11, 1842 ; d. July 5, 1855. 3. Hiram Eugene Hardy, b. April 25, 1844. 200 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 4. Salome Hakdt, b. April 4, 1846. 5. Chakles Andrew^Hakdt, b. May 10, 1848. 6. Mary Jane Hardy, b. April 7, 1850. 7. Albert Romango Hardy, b. July 9, 1852. 8. George Addisox Hardy, b. Sept. 2, 1855, 9. Ellen Maria Hardy, b. July 27, 1858. 708. DRUSILLA REDFIELD, sixth daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), sou of Georg'e (19), was married November 19, 1840, to Henry B. Gleason, farmer, residing at Du Plaiu, Clinton county, Mich. Children. 1. Wallace Orlando Gleason, b. Oct. 30, 1841. 2. Theodore Henry Gleason, b. August 16, 1844. 3. Persis Almira Gleason, b. Oct. 23, 1846. 4. George Franklin Gleason, b. Dec. 6, 1855. 709. CAROLINE REDFIELD, seventh daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Sef/t (73), son of George (19), was married June 2, 1847, to JohnR. Hole, farmer, of St. Johns, Clinton county, Mich. Children. 1. Emma Melissa Hole, b. March 1, 1848. 2. Romango Rolodyne Hole, b. March 13, 1850. 3. Francis Orlando Hole, b. Dec. 19, 1856. 710. MARIA REDFIELD, eighth daughter of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), son of Oeorg'e (19), was married February 14, 1S41, to Josiah P. WiLLARD of Lamartine, Fond du Lac county, Wis. Had two children, and was divorced from her husband. 711. JOSIAH BECKLEY REDFIELD, eldest son of Cleaveland (271), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), resides at Waupacca, Wis.; editor, is major of militia; now abseut (May, 1858) on an expedition to Pike's Peak. He married, June 22, 1853, Sdsan Helen Cook of Sandusky, Ohio. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 201 Children. 1428. 1. Francis CleavelandRedfield, b. July 17, 1854; d. Apr. 30, 1855. 1429. 2. Wyllys Cleaveland Redfield, b. Feb. 19, 185G. 1430. 3. Jane Louise Hicdfield, b. June 7, 1858. 714. LUKE CLEAVELAND REDFIELD, third son of Cleaveland (271), son of Scth (73), son of Georg^e (19), resides at Waupacca, Wis.; is editor and proprietor of Waupacca Excelsior and Local News. He married at Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 17, 1856, Phebe A. Benedict. Child. 1431. 1. Clara Luella Redfield, b. Sept. 19, 1857. 716. WILLL^M HARRISON REDFIELD, fifth son of Cleaveland (271), son of Set/l (73), son of Georg'e (19), resides at Waupacca, Wis.; carpenter and joiner. He married, Feb. 10, 1859, Sarah Winegar of Belvidere, HI, 717. NORTON DAVIS REDFIELD, eldest son of Seth (275), son of Setlt, (73), son of Georg-e (19), resides in Chicago, 111. He married, Dec. 26, 1843, Lucy Jane Richmond. Children. 1432. 1. Melvin Redfield, b. Dec. 18, 1845. 1433. 2. Alice A. Redfield, b. Dec. 11, 1846; d. June 24, 1850. 1434. 3. Alicia A. Redfield, b. July 29, 1849. 718. SUSAN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Seth (275), son of Seth (73), son of George (19), was married, Oct. 19, 1843, to Ephraim Stiles Rich- MOND of Leroy, Genesee county, N. Y. ; farmer, by trade stone cutter. He was born Dec. 2, 1820, son of Preserved and Zeucinda [Stiles] Richmond. Children. 1. CassiusM. Richmond, b. Sept. 26, 1844; d. Sept. 1, 1845, 2. Merwin W. Richmond, b. Aug. 16, 1846. 3. Wesley H. Richmond, b. Aug. 24, 1848. 4. Emory W. Richmond, b. Nov. 22, 1852. 5. Viola G. Richmond, b. Feb. 8, 1855. 26 202 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 719. LUCINA REDFIELD, second daughter of Seth (275), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), was married, Sept. 2, 1849, to Calvin Wheelek Bis- BEY of Warsaw, N. Y. ; carriage maker; who was born Feb. 15, 1824, son of Benjamin and Nancy [Ladd] Bisbey. Children. 1. Grace Henrietta Bisbey, b. June 22, 1851. 2. Flora Caroline Bisbey, b. Dec. 11, 1853 j d. June 9, 1854. 3. Caroline Eliza Bisbey, b. May 9, 1855. 721. OLIVE REDFIELD, fourth daughter of Seth (275), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), was married, Jan. 18, 1849, to Patrick Dunn, farmer, of Pine Run, Vienna, Genesee county, Mich., who was born Nov. 14, 1821, son of William and Ann [Home] Dunn. Children. 1. William Dunn, b. Jan. 13, 1850; d. March 12, 1851, 2. Melinda Ldcinda Ddnn, b. June 29, 1854. 3. Viola Dunn, b. April 3, 1857. ***** 722. ELIZABETH GOULD REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Hon. Heman J. (280), son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), was married, Feb. 13, 1845, to Robert W. Lowber, merchant, of the city of New York, third child of John and Margaret Lowber, No children. 723. MARY JUDD REDFIELD, second daughter of Hon. Heman J. (280), son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), was married, Feb. 25, 1847, to Henry J. Gi,owacki of Batavia, N. Y. No children. 725. HEMAN REDFIELD, second son of Hon. Heman J. (280), son of Piles' (75), son of George (19), resides at llaisiuville, Monroe, Mich.; farmer. He married, July 1, 1855, Ellen Payson Pickering of Philadelphia. Children. 1435. 1. Abby N. Redfield, b. March 5, 1857. 1436. 2. Belle Redfield, b. May 16, 1859. GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 203 727. JANE REDFIELD, third daughter of Hon. Heman J, (280), son of Peleg- (75), son of George (19), was married Oct. 5, 1859, to Law- rence TuRNDHE, merchant, of New York city. 728.^ SARAH CORNELIA BATES REDFIELD, fifth daughter of Hon. Heman J. (280), sou of Peleg- (75), son of Geor;sre (19), was married, July 16, 1855, to Lieut. Ralph Chandler of the U. S. navy. Has two children. 730. ANN MARIA REDFIELD, sixth daughter of Hon. Heman J. (280), son of Peleg- (75), son of Georg'e (19), was married, Feb. 15, 1856, to George Evans, formerly of Batavia, now of New York city. 740. HENRY COLE SMITH REDFIELD, eldest son of Manning (281), son of Peleg: (75), son of George (19), resides at Rochester, N. Y. ; attorney and counsellor at law. He married, .Ian. 6, 1857, Sarah H. Thayer, daugh- ter of Nelson and Mary H. [Tryon] Thayer, both of whom were born in Middletowu, Conn., but now reside in Leroy, Genesee county, N. Y. 745. CAROLINE ADRIANCE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of LewiS Bt. (282), son of Peleg- (75), son of George (19), was married September 9, 1847, to Cornelius Tyler Longstreet, who was. bom at Onondaga, April 19, 1814; a grandson of Comfort Tyler, who was the earliest white settler of Onondaga. Mr. Longstreet resides at Syracuse, N. Y., but is at the head of a heavy cloth- ing establishment in New York city. Children. 1. Cally Redfield Longstreet, b. in N. Y. city, June 7, 184S; d. Jan. 23, 1854. 2. Cornelia Tyler Longstreet, " " Dec. 14, 1849. 3. Alice Meeta Longstreet, " " June 14, 1851; d. at Syracuse, May 17, 1855. 4. Tyler Redfield Longstreet, b. at Syracuse, Nov. 6, 1857; d. at Clifton, Dec. 22, 1858. 5. Cornelius Tyler Longstreet. b. at Syracuse, May 8, 1860; d. July 3, 1860. 204 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 746. MARY ELIZABETH REDFIELD, second daughter of Lewis H. (282), son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), was married, August 6, 1844, to James Lawrexce Bagg, attorney at law, of Syracuse, N. Y., who was born at Lanesboro, Mass., September 27, 1815. Children. 1. Mary Eunice Bagg, b. at Syracuse, Oct. 15, 1846 ; d. Sept. 17, 1858. 2. IxA Bagg, " " June 16, 1850, 747. MARGARET TREADWELL REDFIELD, third daughter of Lewis H. (282), son of Peleg (75), son of Georg:e (19), was married, at Syracuse , N. Y., September 23, 1846, to William Henry Harrison Smith. 752. PAULINA JUDD REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Harley (283), son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), was married, September 5. 1849, to Robert Reid Sanger, farmer, of Manchester, Ontario county, N. Y. Children. 1. Harley Redfield Sanger, b. May 17, 1851; d. Aug. 31, 1851. 2. Allen Parrish Sanger, b. Nov. 18, 1853. 3. Charles Throop Sanger, b. April 15, 1857 ; d. Sept. 15, 1857. 753. ANGELINE GARDNER REDFIELD, second daughter of Harley (283), son of Peleg (75), son of George (19), was married, November 3, 1852, to Charles A. Throop, saddler and harness maker. Palmyra, Wayne county, N. Y. Child. 1. Adeline Redfield Throop, b. August 21, 1853. 754. ADELINE WOODWARD REDFIELD, third daughter of Harley (283), son of Pelcg- (75), son of George (19), was married October 23, 1856, to Dr. John Graham Hislop, physician, of New York city. ChUd. 1. Habley Redfield Hislop, b. Dec. 16, 1857 ; d. March 12, 1858. WILLIAM REDFIELD's BRANCH. 205 g. Branch of Capt. IVilliiim Redfield (20) op Middletown, Ct. 769. JUSTUS STARR REDFIELD, eldest son of William (291), son of Capt. Jfilliam (76), son of Capt. 'William (20), removed when young from Charleston, N. H. to Boston, Mass., where he resided until 1827, when he removed to New York city, where he engaged in the business of stereo- typing ; for many years past he has been a book publisher. He married, 1st, at New York city, in 1835, Elizabeth C. Hall, daughter of Ira and Abby [Cook] Hall. She died in 1842, and he married, 2d, in 1850, Elizabeth [Eaton] Jones, widow of Thomas L. Jones and daughter of Jason and Sena [Temple] Eaton. Children. By first wife. 1437. 1. Justus S. Redfielp, b. Aug. 3, 1842. By second wife. 1438i 2. Augustus Sidney Doane RedfieLD, b. Jan. 23, 1850. 770. MEHETABEL HAMLIN REDFIELD, daughter of William (291), son of Capt. JfHlHam (76), son of Capt. "William (20), was married in 1832 to Henkt A. Sanbokn, now residing in Greensboro, Alabama. Children. 1. Achsah Makia French Sanborn, b. Dec. 19, 1833 ; d. May, 1860. 2. William Henry Sanborn, b. Jan. 26, 1836. 3. Theodore Augustus Sanborn, b. Dec. 10, 1837 ; d. Jan. 26, 1838. 4. Elizabeth Redfield Sanborn, b. Nov. 6, 1839; m. Richard Andrews, July, 1860. 5. Justus Redfield Sanborn, b. Jan. 23, 1841; d. March 31, 1842, 6. Franklin Dejean Sanborn, b. Sept. 21, 1844 ; d. May 12, 1845. 7. Eugenia Martinier Sanborn, b. Jan. 9, 1847. 8. Joseph Gould Sanborn, b. Feb. 27, 1849; d. June 28, 1849. 771. SARAH FOSDICK REDFIELD, second daughter of William (291), son of Capt. Willifl'm, (76), son of Capt. "^Villiain (20), was married, September 9, 1833, to Osgood Eaton of Boston, employed in Boston custom house. 206 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. Edwakd Osgood Eaton, b. June 16, 1835. 2. William Redfield Eaton, b, Feb. 3, 1838; d. April 24, 1857; shot at Callao, S. A. 3. Mary Elizabeth Eaton, b. March. 1, 1843. 4. Emily Frances Eaton, b. July 19, 1845. 5. Eliza Bdckminsteh Eaton, b. Sept. 18, 1855. 772. WILLIAM DOBSON REDFIELD, second son of William (291), son of Capt. Ifilliam (76), son of Capt. IVilliani (20), resided in New- York city; was an artist and wood engraver of promising talent. He married in 1837 Mary Cassidy of Brooklyn. He died in 1838, without children, aged 22 years. 773. SUSAN WATERMAN REDFIELD, third daughter of William (291), son of Capt. ff^illiani (76), son of Capt. TFilliani (20), was married to Capt. Moses Adams, ship master, of West Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard. She died December 12, 1842, aged 23 years. Child. 1. Edward R. Adams, b. March 6, 1842. 774. ItEZiA CONVERSE REDFIELD, fourth daughter of William (291), son of Capt. If^illiatn (76), son of Capt. William (20), was married, Oct. 6, 1841, to AuGosTns D. Porter, merchant tailor of New York city, and residing at Brooklyn, N. Y. He was born Feb. 22, 1814, son of Philander and Orra [Bronson*] Porter of Watertown, Conn. Children. 1. Charles Actgdstds Porter, b. Aug. 1, 1843; d. July 20, 1853. 2. William Redfield Porter, b. Nov. 15, 1845. 3. Ella Maria Porter, b. July 27, 1851. 4. Charles Augustus Porter, b. March 10, 1853. * Orra Bronson was married to Philander Porter June 3, 1786, and died .Tan. 11, 1S30. S. 137, 476. WILLIAM REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 207 776. MARY ANN REDFIELD, fifth daughter of William (291), son of Capt. JfHlliam (76), son of Capt. ffilliam (20), was married, Aug. 19, 1846, to Fredeeick G. Pope, mason, of Boston, Mass. Children. 1. EuzABETH C. Pope, b. March 10, 1847. 2. Martha Ayer Pope, b. March 12, 1855. 779. ELLEN MARIA REDFIELD, seventh daughter of William (291), son of Capt. Wiliiam (76), son of Capt. Tf illiam (20), was married, Oct. 3, 1854, to William W. Chipman, mason, of Boston, Mass. Children. 1. Ella Elizabeth Chipman, b, Sept. 13, 1855. 2. William Redfield Chipman, b. Jan. 11, 1860, 780. DAVID MARSHALL REDFIELD, eldest son of John (292), son of Samuel {11), son of Capt. IVilliam (20), resides in Woodbury, N. J. ; farmer. He married, Feb., 1840, Ann Greer, daughter of John and Sarah Greer, of Gloucester, N. J. Children. 1439. 1. Margaretta Redfield, b. Nov. 29, 1840. 1440. 2. Henrietta Kay Redfield, b. March 17, 1842. 1441. 3. Andrew M. Redfield, b. April 2, 1844. 1442. 4. Sarah Redfield, b. Nov, 12, 1847. 1443. 5. John Redfield, b. March 17, 1849. 1444. 6. George Greer Redfield, b. Dec. 11, 1853. 783. MARGARETTA REDFIELD, third daughter of John (292), son of Samuel (11), sou of Capt. f¥illiaill (20), was married Aug. 14, 1845, to Benjamin Heritage, son of Samuel and Rachel [Perkins] Heritage of Glou- cester, N. J. ; farmer. 208 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. RosALViNE Heritage, b. July 31, 1846, 2. Samuel Heritage, b. March 20, 1848. 3. Alice Heritage, b. ; d. in iufaucy. 4. Sdsannah Heritage, " " 5. John Heritage, " " 6. Benjamin Heritage, b. June 21, 1855. 7. John Heritage, b. Nov. 29, 18^7. 784. SARAH SKILL REDFIELD, fourth daughter of John (292), son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. lVillia,in (20), was married, Feb. 11, 1853, to Washington Sparks, merchant at Gloucester, N. J. ; son of Robert and Amy Sparks of Camden, N. J. Children, 1. Benjamin Sparks, b. Jan., 1854. 2. Aubergovinna Sparks, b. Nov. 18, 1858. 786. SAMUEL REDFIELD, second son of John (292), son of Samuel {11), son of Capt. If^illiani (20), resides in Gloucester, N. J.; farmer. He married, July, 1854, Harriet Kates. Children. 1445. 1. John Redfield, b. Feb., 1856. 1446. 2. Bowman Redfield, b. March, 1859. 798. JAMES STARR REDFIELD, fourth son of William (293), son of Samuel (71), son of Capt. ITilliain (20), resides in Camden, N. J.; book keeper. He married, Sept. 13, 1857, Ellen Shriver, daughter of Law- rence and Emily Shriver of Bridgetown, N. J. Child. 1447. 1. Anna Redfield, b. , 1859. 802. MARY ANN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Belin B. (295), son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. William (20), was married, Jan. 15, 1852, to Edward Huston, son of Joshua and Hope Huston of Gloucester, N. J. WILLIAM EEDFIELD'S BRANCH. 209 ChUdren. 1. Rebecca Huston, b. April 8, 1854. 2. Joseph Huston, b. Aug. 17, 1857. 803. CHARLES MILLER REDFIELD, eldest son of Belin B. (295), son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. William (20), resides at Westville, Glou- cester county, N. J. He married, Dec, 1857, Rhoda A. Powell, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Powell of Timber Creek, N. J. 804. WILLIAM HOWE REDFIELD, second son of Belin B. (295), son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. IVilliani (20), resides at Mt. Ephraim, Camden county, N. J. He married, March, 1858, Mary Bendlek, daughter of John and Juliana Bendler of Mt. Ephraim, N. J. 806. ANN ELIZABETH REDFIELD, second daughter of Belin B. (295), son of Samuel (77), son of Capt. fVilliani (20), was married, in 1853, to Jehu Jennings, resident of Mt. Ephraim, N. J., son of Mark and Mary Jen- nings of Woodbury, N. J. Children, 1. Belin Jennings, b. Oct. 31, 1854. 2. John Jennings, b. May 3, 1856. 808. JOHN HOWARD REDFIELD, eldest son of William C. (297), son of Peleg (80), son of Capt. 'William (20), removed with his father, about 1827, from Cromwell, Conn., to New York city, where he still resides (1860). He is New York agent of the Swiftsure line of propellers and barges on the Hudson river, corresponding secretary of the New York Lyceum of Natural History, and the compiler of this revision of the Redfield Genealogy _ He married, Aug. 16, 1843, Maky Jane Whitney, eldest daughter and third child of Asa* and Clarinda [Williams] Whitney of Philadelphia. * Asa 'Whitney is at the head of an extensive manufactory of car wheels in the city of Phila- delphia. He was born in Townsend, Mass., eldest son of Asa, son of Levi, son of Daniel, son of Jonathan, son of John and Elinor Whitney, who came from England in 1G36 and settled in Watertown, Mass. (See Genealogy of M'hilmy ITamili/). Clarinda Williams was daughter of Ralph Williams, son of Samuel Williams of Groton, Conn. 27 210 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1448. 1. William Wallace Redfield, b. July 7, 1844. 1449. 2. Clara Redfield, b. July 30, 1846. 1450. 3. Robert Stuart Redfield, b. May 2, 1849. 1451. 4. Eliza Whitney Redfield, b. Dec. 13, 1851. 810. CHARLES BAILEY REDFIELD, third son of William C. (297), son of Petes' (80), son of Capt. lYilliani (20), removed with his father from Cromwell, Conn., to New York city in 1827, where he was educated as a mer- chant. In 1849 he removed to the city of Albany, N. Y., where he is now principal agent of the Swiftsure line of propellers and freight barges on the Hudson river; member of common council irom fifth ward, 1859-1860. He married, July 8, 1847, Mary Ann Wallace, daughter of Benjamin L.* and Julia [Hoofi] Wallace. Children. 1452. 1. Julia Wallace Redfield, b. at New York city, June 16, 1848. 1453. 2. Abby Wilcox Redfield, " Albany, May 9, 1850. 1454. 3. Mary Wallace Redfield, " " Oct. 24, 1852. 1455. 4. Caroline Hooff Redfield, " " March 30, 1856. 1456. 5. William Cox Redfield, " '* June 18, 1858. 812. WILLIAM CARY REDFIELD, eldest son of Samuel (299), son of Peleg (80), son of Capt. 'Vfilliain (20), is a mill wright. He resided some years in Parke county, Ind., then removed to Texas, where he now resides, in Chilton, Upshur county. He married, 1st, Jan. 1, 1843, Maria B. Mor- LAND, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth Morland of Indiana. She died Sept. 22, 1852. He married, 2d, Oct. 5, 1857, Susan Brockett, daughter of Josiah and Rebecca Matilda Brockett of Randolph, Ohio. Children. By first wife. 1457. 1. Festus Samuel Redfield, b. Nov. 24, 1843. 1458. 2. Stephen Morland Redfield, b. April 16, 1846. 1459. 3. William Henry Redfield, b. Oct. 14, 1851; d. Sept. 21, 1852. * Benjamin L. 'Wallace was son of AVilliam Wallace, merchant of New York city, who came to this country from ^auiiuhar, Scutlaud, about ISOU. Julia Uooff was daughter of Lawrence lloull of Alexandria, Va. WILLIAM REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 211 813. HARRIET ABIGAIL REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Samuel (299), son of Pelegr (80), son of Capt. William (20), was married, April 19, 1837, to Chauncev Tupper, farmer, of Randolph, Portage county, Ohio, born June 6, 1809, son of Thomas and Philena Tupper, who removed from Sharon, Conn., to Randolph, Ohio, in 1836. Children. 1. Horace Byrox Tuppek, b. March 8, 1838 ; d. Feb. 3, 1840. 2. Howard Chauncey Tdpper, b. Dec. 8, 1840. 3. Celestia Margaret Tcpper, b. April 18, 1846 ; d. May 6, 1846. 4. Charles Martin Topper, b. May 24, 1850. 814. HENRY KNAPP REDFIELD, second son of Samuel (299), son of Petes (80), son of Capt. 'William (20), resides in Randolph, Portage county, Ohio; farmer, dairyman and stock grower. He married, March 25, 1851, Mary Dosnell, b. Sept. 17, 1826, daughter of John and Maria [M'Ken- zie] Donnell. Children. 1460. 1. Francis Dwight Redfield, b. Oct. 15, 1853. 1461. 2. Ida Jane Redfield, b. Nov. 22, 1857. 815. ELIZABETH KETURAH REDFIELD, second daughter of Samuel (299), son of Peleg (80), son of Capt. 'William (20), was married, Jan. 8, 1845, to Chauncey Stanford of Randolph, Ohio; farmer and carpenter, son of Oliver and Olive Stanford. Children. 1. Rosella Erwin Stanford, b. July 23, 1846. 2. "Wallace Cary Stanford, b. April 11, 1849. 816. SAMUEL CORNELIUS REDFIELD, third son of Samuel (299), son of Peleg (80), son of Capt. 'William (20), resided in Shalorsville, Port- age county, Ohio. In 1858 he went to California, and is now residing at Smith's Ranch, Sonora county, in that state. He married, Sept. 3, 1856, Elizabeth Charlotte Gilmoke, daughter of Daniel and Harriet Gilmore. Child. 1462. 1. Cora Mabgabet Redfield, b. July 22, 1857. 212 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 818. NATHAN REDFIELD, second son of Peleg (300), son of Peleg- (80), son of Capt. fFilliam (20), resides in Nebraska City. He married, Dec. 21, 1852, Maktha Donnell, daughter of John and Maria [M'Kenzie] Donnell and twin sister of wife of HENRY K. REDFIELD (814). No children. 819. SYLVESTER REDFIELD, third son of Peleg (300), son of Peleg- (80), son of Capt. "Vf illiam (20), graduated at Eclectic Medical Institute, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and now resides at Nebraska City, N. T. ; physician and farmer. Married, June 19, 1853, Harriet Fryatt, born Feb. 4, 1835, daughter of William and Delilah Fryatt. Children. 1463. 1. RowENA Armed Redfield, b. Dec. 5, 1855; d. Nov. 26, 1856. 1464. 2. SiLENA D. Mat Redfield, b. Oct. 18, 1857. 1465. 3. Robert Morris Redfield, b. April 19, 1859. 821. LOVINA SILENA REDFIELD, second daughter of Peleg (300), son of Peleg (80), son of Capt. ff illiani (20), was married, Aug, 14, 1853, to Thomas C. Smith, born May 24, 1829, son of William and Nancy Smith. They reside about 30 miles west of Nebraska City. Children. 1. Sylvester Peleg Smith, b. Sept. 24, 1854. 2. Thomas Jefferson Smith, b. Aug. 12, 1856. 3. William Curtis Smith, b. Sept. 16, 1858. 823. RACHEL HARRIS REDFIELD, eldest daughter of James S. (302), son of Peleg (80), sou of Capt. Tl'illiani (20), was married. May 2, 1854, to Milton Crist, farmer, of Ruggles, Ashland county, Ohio, son of Gilbert and Sarah Ann [Michaels] Crist. Child. 1. Gilbert James Crist, b. Feb. 5, 1855. 825. JAMES PERKINS REDFIELD, second son of James S. (302), son of Peleg (80), son of Capt. William (20), resides in Harrisville, Medina JOSIAH REDFIBLD'S BRANCH. 213 county, Ohio. He married, April 28, 1857, Susan Crist, daughter of Gil- bert and Sarah Ann [Michaels] Crist, sister of the husband of (823). Child, 1466. 1. (Not named), b. and d. Feb. 28, 1858. ll. Branch op Josiall Redfleld (21) of Killingwoeth. 831. ADELINE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Sylvanus G. (304), son of Orrin (90), son of Josiali (21), was married, Dec. 18, 1854, to Wil- liam H. Andrews of Twinsburg, Ohio. ChUd. 1. James Henrt Andrews, b. Sept. 17, 1856. 838. ORLANDO ERASMUS REDFIELD, eldest son of George (308), son of Orrin (90), son of Josiab (21), resides in Killingworth, Conn. ; me- chanic. He married, April 9, 1852, Eliza Gilbert French, daughter of William Willshire and Millena [Martin] French, who were married Dec. 24, 1823. Children. 1467. 1. Charles Greenwood Redfield, b. Aug. 23, 1855. 1468. 2. Ellabel Redfield, b. June 7, 1858. 214 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. i. Bbanch of James Redfield (23) op Westbkook. 849. ALFRED REDFIELD, eldest son of James G. (313), son of James (94), son of James (23), resides at Delhi, N. Y. ; teacher. He married, May 31, 1852, SARAH GILBERT REDFIELD (860). Children. 1469. 1. Theophilus Redfield, b. Oct. 21, 1854; d. April 20, 1855. 1470. 2. James Gilbert Redfield, ) ^ . ( b. May 7, 1856. y Twins, ■{ 1471. 3. David Waterman Redfield, ) ( 850. SOPHRONIA REDFIELD, eldest daughter of James G. (313), son of Jfames (94), son of James (23), was married, 1st, April 7, 1846, to Daniel D. T. Bathrick, son of John and Susan [Champion] Bathrick. He died December 21, 1S50, and she was married, 2d, April 21, 1853, to Joseph C. Costek, farmer, son of Richard and Rachel [Cook] Coster. Now resides at Squaw Grove, Dekalb county, 111. Cldldren. By first marriage. 1. Infant son ; d. March 4, 1847. ; 2. Infant daughter ; d. May 29, 1848. 3. Daniel Delos Bathrick, b. Dec. 23, 1849. By second marriage. 4. Harriet Maria Coster, b. March 29, 1854. 5. Joseph Arthdr Coster, b. August 7» 1856. 851. SARAH HAINES REDFIELD, second daughter of James G, (313), son of Janies (94), son of James (23), was married October 12, 1843, at Delhi, N. Y., to James Yeomans, farmer, son of James and Jane [Stout] Yeo- mans. They resided at Kortright, N. Y.', until 1853, when they removed to Siiuaw Grove, Dekalb county. 111. JAMES EEDFIELD'S BRANCH. 215 Children. 1. Albert Redfield Yeomans, b. at Kortright, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1845; d. at Squaw Grove, Jau. 31, 1855. 2. Charlks Howard Yeomans, b. at Kortright, Dec. 2, 1846. 3. Merge Louisa Yeomans, " " Feb. 24, 1848. 4. James Edwin Yeomans, b. at Delhi, N. Y., April 20, 1850. 5. Frederick Wright Yeomans, b. at Squaw Grove, April 21, 1854, 852. MARY ELIZABETH REDFIELD, third daughter of James G. (313), son of James (94), son of James (23), was married September 17, 1854, to Abraham Thomas, farmer, of Ripon, Fond du Lac county. Wis., son of John B. and Frances Thomas. Child. 1. Flosence Thomas, b. Oct. 20, 1857. 854. SUSAN REDFIELD, fourth daughter of James G. (313), son of James (94), son of James (23), was married, September 24, 1849, to Moses F. Page, farmer, of Freeland, Dekalb county. 111. ; son of Dr. M, F. and Lydia P. Page. No children. 855. ZILPAH REDFIELD, fifth daughter of James G. (313), son ol James (94), son of James (23), graduated at Brooklyn Female Institute. She was married July 11, 1856, to William B. Dowie, merchant, of Andes, Dela- ware county, N. Y., son of Henry and Lucy Dowie. Child. 1. William Dowie, b. July 9, 1857; d. Feb. 17, 1858. 860. SARAH GILBERT REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Rev. Theophilus (316), sou of James (94), son of James (23), was married to ALFRED REDFIELD (849), which see. 216 SEVENTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 861. GEORGE ELLIOTT REDFIELD, eldest son of Rev. Theophilus (316), son of ./rtWies (94), son of James (23), resides at Beaver Dam, Dodge county, Wis. ; hardware merchant. He married, September 17, 1855, Harriet Arloa Clark, daughter of Dr. Asahel and Caroline C. Clark. Child. 1472. 1. Ada Caroline Rebfield, b. April 19, 1858. 866. GEORGE STURGES REDFIELD, eldest son of John (318), son of JameS (94), son of James (23), resides at Equinuuk, Pa.; physician. He mar- ried, December 22, 1859, Elizabeth Doyle. 868. CYNTHIA REDFIELD, second daughter of John (318), son of James (94), son of James (23), was married, August 26, 1855, to Henry Sher- RILL Tallmadge. She died April 24, 1856, in her 22d year. 870. JAMES HARVEY REDFIELD, eldest son of Hugh R. (319), son of James (94), son of James (23), resides in Franklin, Delaware county, N. Y. He married, August 31, 1847, Maria Daw. ChUdrtn. 1473. 1. Thomas Hugh Redfield, b. August 5, 1848. 1474. 2. Charles Edward Redfield, b. Dec. 28, 1849. 1475. 3. Emily Redfield, b. June 6, 1852 ; d. Oct. 6, 1854. 1476. 4. Anna Maria Redfield, b. April 18, 1854. 1477. 5. Frances Edith Redfield, b. March 12, 1856. 871. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD, second son of Hugh R. (319), son of James (94), son of James (23), resides in Frankliu, Delaware county, N. Y. He married, December 29, 1853, Sarah Maria Welton. JAMES REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 217 878, AMY STURGES REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Jesse (321), son of James (94), son of James (23), was married, April 9, 1856, to Edward H. Van Leuvan. Child. 1. Chablbs Henkt Van Le0van, b, Feb. 1, 1857. 910. ROBERT BOGARDUS REDFIELD, eldest son of John S. (335), son of John (96), son of Ja-ines (23), resides at Sandlake, Rensselaer county, N. Y. He married, December 15, 1852, Lydia Almina Rice. Children. 1478. 1. Robert Bogardus Redfield, b. Sept. 14, 1854. 1479. 2. Rebecca Elizabeth Redfield, b. May 22, 1857. 911. AMASA NETTLETON REDFIELD, second son of John S. (335), son of John (96), son of James (23), resides at Sandlake, Rensselaer county, N. Y. He married, July 18, 1857, Helen Olivia Bassett. Child. 1480. 1. Hold AH Abigail Redfield, b. May 18, 1858. 917. LYDIA ANN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Robert B. (337), son of John (96), son of James (23), was married, April 17, 1857, to Benja- min Beinkeehoff. She died December 18, 1857, aged 21 years. 927. WILLIAM DOUGLASS REDFIELD, second son of Darius O. G. (339), sou of John (96), son of James (23), resides at Albany, N. Y.; press- man. He married Sept. 3, 1859, Catherine Cakley of Albany. Child. 1481. 1. James Henry Redfield, b. at Albany, June 14, 1860. 28 218 SEVENTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. B. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. or Descendants of JAMES REDFIELD (10). a. Branch of Jolin Redfield (28) of Fairfield. 944. JOHN S. REDFIELD, second son of David (344), son of David (98), sou of John (28), resides at Middletown, Orange county, N. Y. ; farmer. He married, Jan. 11, 1838, Hannah M. France, who was born Feb. 28, 1814. Children. 1482. 1. Sarah France Redfield, born Oct. 8, 1839. 1483. 2. Hannah Jane Redfield, b. Jan. 27, 1846 ; d. March 21, 1858. 1484. 3. Dewitt C. J. Redfield, b. Feb. 13, 1850. 945. JULIA ANN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of David (344), son of David (98), son of Jolin (28), was married, April 11, 1840, to Isaac Decker, farmer, of Middletown, N. Y., who was born May 1, 1813. Children. 1. Alfred Decker, b. June 14, 1841. 2. John R. Decker, b. Sept. 14, 1842. 3. Harriet E. Decker, b. Oct. 3, 1845. 4. Peiscilla J. Decker, b. March 31, 1847. 5. Sarah Ann Decker, b. March 31, 1849. 6. Christina Decker, b. Sept. 22, 1851. 7. David Decker, b. Feb. 24, 1853. 8. William H. Decker, b. Sept. 4, 1857. 9. GEOBaE W. Decker, b. July 12, 1859. JOHN REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 219 946. SARAH JANE REDFIELD, second daughter of David (344), son of David (98), son of John (28), was married, April 12, 1854, to Benja- min WicKHAM, farmer, of New Hampton, Orange county, N. Y. 947. IRA REDFIELD, third son of David (344), son of David (98), son of Jolin (28), resides at New Hampton, N. Y. ; farmer. He married, Feb. 24, 1852, Sarah C. France. Child. 1485. 1. Charles F, Redfield, b. August 11, 1856. 949. CHARLOTTE REDFIELD, third daughter of David (344), son of David (98), son of Jolin (28), was married, November 24, 1852, to Oliver S. Reeve, merchant, of BuUville, Orange county, N. Y. She died February 24, 1857, aged 37 years. 950. DAVID G. REDFIELD, fifth son of David (344), son of David (98), son of John (28), resides at New Hampton, Orange county, N. Y. ; farmer. He married, December 28, 1855, Helen Fullerton, who was born February 8, 1833. Children. 1486. 1. MakY Alice Redfield, b. Oct. 8, 1856. 1487. 2. Emma Jane Redfield, b. May 10, 1859. 951. CHARLES Gr. REDFIELD, sixth son of David (344), son of David (98), son of John (28), resides near Goshen, N. Y. ; farmer. He married, December 6, 1857, Mary WasoN. 953. CATHARINE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of William (347), son of David (98), son of John (28), was married, May 8, 1845, to George Washington Cornell of New York city. He died Oct. 17, 1849, and she is now living with her parents (1858), 220 SEVENTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. Children. 1. Harriet Redfield Cornell, b. Nov. 12, 1845. 2. Helen Catherine Cornell, b. March 4, 1846. 3. Mary Elizabeth Cornell, b. May 18, 1849. 954. ISAAC TUTTLE REDFIELD, eldest son of William (347), son of David (98), son of Jobn (28), resides at Nyack, N. Y. ; farmer. He married, Feb. 6, 1842, Lucy Williams. Children. 1488. 1. Isaac Redfielp, b, March 17, 1843. 1489. 2. Elizabeth Redfield. 1490. 3. Harriet Redfield. 1491. 4. William Henry Redfield ; d. in infancy. 1492. 5. George Redfield, *' •' 1493. 6. Catharine Redfield, " " 1494. 7. William Henry Redfield, " " 1495. 8. Charity Redfield. 1496. 9. Serena Redfield. 955. HARRISON REDFIELD, second son of William (347), son of David (98), son of Jobn (28), resides in New York city; was formerly a member of the Metropolitan police force; now a stone cutter. He married Eliza Clements. Children. 1497. 1. William Henry Redfield. 1498. 2. Richard Jeffries Redfield. 956. HARRIET REDFIELD, second daughter of William (347), son of David (98), son of Jobn (28), was married to William B. Freeman of New York city ; druggist. C hildren. 1. EsTELLE Freeman, b. Dec. 23, 1852. 2. Harriet Elizabeth Freeman, b. Dec. 1, 1855, JOHN REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 221 959. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Henry (349), son of David (98), son of Jfolin (28), was married to John M'Kinney of South- port, Chemung county, N. Y. Children. 1. Henry M'Kinnet. 2. Matthew M'Kinney. 3. LuciNDA M'Kinney. 4. Teuman L. M'Kinney. 960. JOHN CRAWFORD REDFIELD, eldest son of Henry (349), son of David (98), son of John (28), resides in Elmira, N. Y. ; hotel keeper. He married, 1, Sept. 9, 1843, Maey Ann Zeeter, daughter of Andrew Zee- ter. She died Aug. 28, 1847, aged 26 years. He married, 2d, July 8, 1851, Demery Ann Zeeter, daughter of Nelson and Annis Zeeter. Child. By first toife. 1499. 1. Charles Wheeler Redfield, b. Nov. 5, 1844. 961. JAMES FITZGERALD REDFIELD, second son of Henry (349), son of David (98) son of Jobn (28), resides at Southport, Chemung county, N. Y. He married Sarah Piersons. Children. 1500. 1. John Redfield. 1501. 2, Mary Ann Redfield. 1502. 3, Ellen J. Redfield. 1503. 4. Jackson Redfield. 962. URSULA REDFIELD, second daughter of Henry (349), son of David (98)» son of John (28), was married to James Minor Carley. No children. 965. RACHEL ANN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Stephen (350), son of David (98), son of Jobn (28), was married, Jan. 1, 1850, to George W. BREWER! residing in Rutland, Tioga coimty, Pa. No children. 222 SEVENTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. 966. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, second daughter of Stephen (350), son of David (98), son of John (28), was married, Jan. 7, 1846, to Chaeles Campbell; residing in Veteran, Chemung county, N. Y. Children. 1. Maky D. Campbell, b, March 13, 1847. 2. Stephen R. Campbell, b. June 14, 1850. 3. Phebe Ann Campbell, b. Oct. 3, 1856. 967. HENRY KNIGHT REDFIELD, eldest son of Stephen (350) son of If avid (98), son of Jolin (28), resides at Southport, Chemung county, N. Y. He married, Jan. 8, 1856, Margaret Maria Crakdall. Child. 1504. 1. LuMAN W. REDFIELD, b. May 6, 1857. 974. DAVID REDFIELD, second son of James (354), son of Jotlil (99), son of Jobn (28), resides at Goshen, Orange county, N. Y. ; merchant. He married, 1st, July 25, 1848, Ann Eliza Wilson, daughter of John and Ann S. Wilson. She died July 31, 1849. He married, 2d, June 22, 1858, Eliza A. Beadner, daughter of Thomas W. and Susan Bradner. Children. By fint vsife. 1505. 1. John Wilson Redfield, b. July 25, 1849. By second wife, 1506. 2. Edgae p. Redfield, b. July 4, 1859. 975. SARAH JANE REDFIELD, eldest daughter of James (354), son of John (99), son of John (28), was married, June 26, 1841, to Baltis J. SwARTs, farmer, of Deckertowu, Sussex county, N. Y., sou of Jacob and Mary S warts. JOHN REDFIELB'S BRANCH. 223 Children. 1. Mahlon Swarts, b. April 9, 1842. 2. John W. Swarts, b. Dec. 22, 1844. 3. David R. Swarts, b. April 18, 1846. 4. Charles A, Swarts, b. Jan. 9, 1850. 5. Mary E. Swarts, b. April 9, 1852. 6. Martha J. Swarts, b. Oct. 3, 1854. 7. Susan E. Swarts, b. April 5, 1857. 976. GILBERT REDFIELD, third son of James (354), son of John (99), sonof Jolin (28), resides at Lafayette, Stark county, 111.; farmer. He married, February 22, 1842, Nancy S. Beach, daughter of Chllion and Cor- nelia Beach. She died May 15, 1847. Child. 1507. 1. Chilion Rkdfield, b. Dec. 30, 1843. 977. HARRIET REDFIELD, second daughter of James (354), son of John (99), son of Jolllt (28), was married to Albert S. Shorter, farmer, son of Abraham and Sarah Shorter. Resides in , Penn. Children. 1. Almira Shorter. 2. Elizabeth Shorter. 3. Emma Shorter. 978. JOHN S. REDFIELD, fourth son of James (354), son of John (99), son of Jotan (28), graduaied at a Medical College in Philadelphia, and is now a practising physician. He formerly resided at Lafayette, Stark county, 111., but now at Deerfield, Missouri. He married, August 13, 1857, Maria H. Barkley. Child. 1508. 1. Josephine Redfield, b. Sept. 18, 1858. 979. MICAH REDFIELD, fifth son of James (354), son of John (99), son of JFohn (28), resides at Danville, Montour county, Pa. ; operative in a rolling mill. He married, January 5, 1854, Lavina Boon, daughter of Elisha B. and Sarah Boon. 224 SEVENTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. Childrtn. 1509. 1. Margaket a. Redfield, b, Nov. 12, 1854, 1510. 2. Elisha B. Redfield, b. Feb. 14, 1858. 980. JACOB REDFIELD, sixth son of James (354), son of John (99), son of John (28), resides at Baltimore, Md. ; operative in a rolling mill. He married, January 4, 1850, Angeline Love, daughter of Stephen and Mahala Love. Children. 1511. 1. David Nelson Redfield, b. Jan. 27, 1851. 1512. 2. Almira Jane Redfield, b. Feb. 2, 1853; d. July 28, 1854. 1513. 3. Mary E. Redfield, b. March 17, 1855. 1514. 4, Charles A. Redfield, b. Oct. 24, 1858. 981. ELIZABETH REDFIELD, third daughter of James (354), son of JTohn (99), son of Jolin (28), was married February 18, 1852, to Sylvester M. Armstrong, son of Robert L. and Elizabeth Armstrong. He is a farmer now residing at Twin Springs, Lynn county, Missouri, Children. 1. Alonzo L. Armstrong, b. Nov. 27, 1852 ; d. April 16, 1854. 2. Sophia E. Armstrong, b. Oct, 4, 1854. 3. Francis F. Armstrong, b. June 4, 1856. 4. William A. Armstrong, b. Sept. 15, 1858. 982. MARTHA REDFIELD, fourth daughter of James (354), son of John (99), son of John (28), was married, December 26, 1853, to Samuel M. Jones (or Jounes ?) son of Sheridan and Ann Jones, Resides at Lafayette, Stark county. 111. ; farmer. Children. 1. Emma F. Jones, b. Oct. 8, 1854, 2. Adela E. Jones, b. July 14, 1857. JOHN REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 225 985. PETER W. REDFIELD, eldest son of Samuel (356), son of JTohn (99), son of Jobn (28), resides at Bloomingburg, Sullivan county. He married, October 20, 1853, Rebecca Crawford, daughter of John and Nancy Crawford. Children. 1515. 1. Sarah Anna Redfield, b. June 21, 1855. 1516. 2. Agnes Mary Redfield, b. August 29, 1857. 986. SUSAN REDFIELD, second daughter of Samuel (356), son of John (99), son of .follll (28), was married, November 9, 1850, to James R. W, Elder of Crawford, Orange county, N. Y., son of William and Janet [Sin- clair] Elder. Children. 1. Samuel Redfield Elder, b. Oct. 16, 1851. 2. Sarah Catharine Elder, b. April 15, 1856. 3. George Renwick Elder, b. May 10, 1858. 4. Charles Henry Elder, b. August 26, 1859. 987. ESTHER REDFIELD, third daughter of Samuel (356), son of John (99), son of Jolm (28), was married, November 27, 1850, to John W. Crawford, son of John and Nancy Crawford, and brother of wife of (985). They reside at Circleville, N. Y. Children. 1. William Harvey Crawford, b. April 25, 1852. ' 2. John Augustus Crawford, b. Oct. 25, 1853. 3. Emma Caroline Crawford, b. August 4, 1856. 4. Saeah Elizabeth Crawford, b. Sept. 14, 1858. 988. DAVID REDFIELD, second son of Samuel (356), son of John (99) son of Jolm (28), resides at Scotchtown, Orange county, N. Y. He mar- ried, November 27, 1855, Elizabeth W. Ball, daughter of Horace and Hannah Ball. 29 226 SEVENTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. 1001. PHILIP MELANCTHON WHELPLEY REDFIELD, third son of David (358), son of John (99), son of Jolin (28), graduated at New York University in 1846; was, in 1849, professor of mathematics in that institu- tion, and is now principal of the New York High School, New York city. He married, July 10, 1850, Augusta Kiersted, daughter of Maj. Gen. Henry T. Kiersted and Gilletta [Lazelle] Kiersted of New Y'ork city. Children. 1517. 1. Henrietta Lenox Redfield, b. Sept. 9, 1851. 1518. 2. Sarah Moore Redfield, b. Nov. 4, 1853. 1519. 3. Philip Melancthon Redfield, b. Jan. 20, 1856. 1520. 4. Amelia Redfield, b. May 14, 1858. 1002. DAVID REDFIELD, fourth son of David (358), son of John (99), son of Jolin (28), married, Feb. 3, 1850, Jane Elizabeth White, and resided near Fort Scott, Kansas. He died at Papinsville, Mo., April 6, 1853, in his 26th year, leaving no children. b. Branch of James Redfield (29) of Greenfield, Conn. 1004. BURR REDFIELD, eldest son of Hull (362), son of James (104), son of James (29), resides at NewRochelle, N. Y. He married, Sept. 7, 1836, Maria Renoud, born Feb. 10, 1817, daughter of James and Jane Renoud. Children. 1521. 1. Lydia Ann Redfield, b. June 2, 1838. 1522. 2. Sarah Maria Redfield, b. April 4, 1S40; d. Feb. 22, 1848. 1523. 3. Huldah Jane Redfield, b. April 13, 1843; d. Feb. 27, 1848. 1524. 4. Charles Henry Redfield, b. March 22, 1848. 1525. 5. Julia Maria Redfield, b. March 19, 1850. 1007. JAMES REDFIELD, eldest sou of Bradley (365^, sou of James (104), son of James (29), said to reside in New York city. He married Mart Jane Habbis. JAMES REDFIBLD's BRANCH. 227 Children. 1526. 1. James Harris Rebfield. 1527. 2. Julia E. U. RedfielD. 1008. PLATT MEAD REDFIELD, second son of Bradley (365), son of JTatnes (104), son of Janies (29), resided in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1857. He married, in 1850, Sarah W. M'Kenzie of Michigan. Children. 1528. 1. Havnell Redfield. 1529. 2. Henry Redfield. 1530. 3. Martha Redfield. 1010. EDWIN REDFIELD, fourth son of Bradley (365), son of Jantes (104), son of JaiueiS (29), resides in Greenwich, Conn. He married, in 1852, Lavina a, Merrixt. Child. 1531. 1. Edwin M. Redfield. 1011. SARAH REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Bradley (365), son of JameS (104), son of James (29), was married to Joseph Reynolds of Greenwich, Conn. No children. 1012. MARY REDFIELD, second daughter of Bradley (365), son of James (104), son of Jailiei!i (29), was married, in 1854, to Samuel Robbins of Greenwich, Conn. She now resides in New Rochelle, N. Y. Child. 1. Arthur Robbiss. 1014. BRADLEY REDFIELD, sixth son of Bradley (365), son of James (104), son of James (29), resides in Greenwich, Conn. He married, in 1856, Francis G. Phillips of Brooklyn, N. Y. 228 SEVENTH GENERATION. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. Children. 1532. 1. Ada Redfield. 1533. 2. Eugene B. Redfield, 1015. JANE ANN REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Isaac B. (366), son of James (104), son of James (29), was married, in 1850, to J. W. Louns- BUBY of Port Chester, N. Y. Childrtn. 1. George Lounsbubt, b. 1852. 2. Daniel R. Lounsbuey, b. 1854. 3. Hebbert Lounsbuby, b. 1857. 1017. AMANDA WILLIAMS REDFIELD, second daughter of Isaac B. (366), son of James (104), son of James (29), was married, in 1853, to John Abbndboth of New York city ; stove merchant. Children, 1. Arthtdr Howard Abendeoth, b. 1854. 2. Laura Gertrude Abendboth, b. 1856. 8. Edwabd Wilus Abendboth, b. 1857. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 229 A. KILLINGWOETH TEIBE. or Descendants of tHEOPHILUS REDFIELD (8). a. Bkanch of Daniel Redfleld (11) of Eillinqworth. * 1019. Mary Elizabeth Redfield, eldest daughter of WILLIAM H. (373), son of Ebenezer (122), son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, in 1847, to Charles A. Wkiqht, mariner, of Clinton, Conn., son of Capt. Benjamin Wright. No children. 1020. Alfred BRiNTNAtL Redfield, son of WILLIAM H. (373), son of Ebene- zer (122), son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), resides in Hartford, Conn. He married, in 1854, Elizabeth 0. Barber, who died Aug. 3, 1857, Child. 1534. 1. Caroline Redfield, b. ; d. Jan. 9, 1856. 1022. Mary Elizabeth Redfield, oldest daughter of EBEN (374), son of Ebenezer (122), son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried to Rev. Wm. H. Moore, Congregational clergyman, Newtown, Conn. Children. 1. George Moore, b. July 1, 1847. 2. Sarah Emily Moore, b. Nov. 11, 1848. 230 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1023. James Henkt Redfield, eldest son of EBEN (374), son of Ebenezer (122), son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; of the firm of Bancroft & Redfield of New York city, manufacturers of plated ware. He married, Jan. 5, 1853, Catharine Amelia Herskell, daughter of Hiram and Catharine [Bunce] Herskell of New York city. Children. 1535. 1. Kate Genevieve Redfield, b. August 11, 1855. 1536. 2. George Henry Redfield, b. July 6, 1860. 1024. Caroline Amelia Redfield, second daughter of EBEN (374), -son of Ebenezer (122), son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, February 11, 1856, to David B. Lockwood, lawyer, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Child. 1. .Slice Redfield Lockwood, b. Nov. 1, 1856. 1025. Charles Wesley Redfield, second son of EBEN (374), son of Ebenezer (122), son of Daniel (32), son of Daniel (11), now assistant engineer on steamer Metropolis ; married May, 1859, Ann R. Stdrgis, daughter of Daniel B. Sturgis and Priscilla [Farnham] Sturgis, the latter being a daughter of (151). 1028. Daniel Stone Redfield, second son of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of JRoSM?cll (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in Guilford, Conn.; formerly cabinet-maker, now farmer. He married, December 23, 1829, Sarah G. Partridge, b. August 17, 1812, daughter of Hezekiah L. and Lucinda [Bradley] Partridge of Guilford, Conn. C hildren. 1537. 1. Sarah Stone Redfield, b. Dec. 23, 1835; m. Jan. 12, 1857, Morris Averill of Branford, Conn. ; has one son Edmund Heath Averill, b. Oct. 7, 1857. 1538. 2. Mary Watrous Redfield, b. April 29, 1838. DANIEL KEDFIELD'S BRANCH. 231 1029. Frances Clarissa Redfield, eldest daughter of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of Rostvell (33), sou of Daniel (11), was married, May 25, 1828, to Horace Bartlett, farmer, of East Haven, Conn, C hildren. 1. Frederick Griffing Bartlett, b. Dec. 27, 1833 ; d. Jan. 23, 1836. 2. Charles Roswell Bartlett, b. Jan. 1, 1836. 3. John Wesley Bartlett, b. Jan. 30, 1838. 4. Horace Elmer Bartlett, b. Jan. 24, 1841. 5. Irene Sophia Bartlett, b. April 21, 1843. 6. Susanna Frances Bartlett, b. Nov. 20, 1844. 7. Harriet Ellen Bartlett, b. April 28, 1846. 8. Louisa Emeretta Bartlett, b. Jan. 22, 1849. 9. Griffing Redfield Bartlett, b. April 23, 1853. 1030. Martin Gripping Redfield, third sou of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of Rostvell (33), son of Daniel (11), was formerly seaman, now stevedore, residing at Brooklyn, N. Y. He married in 1854 . Children. 1539. 1. Harriet Elizabeth Redfield, b. June 1, 1855. 1540. 2. William Henry Redfield, b. Feb., 1856. 1541. 3. Redfield, b. Aug. 11, 1858. 1031. John Watrous Redfield, fourth son of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), worked at carriage- making several years, then followed the sea for three years, then removed to Illinois, and thence in 1851 to Oregon Territory, where he still resides. He married, 1st, February, 1841, Amanda Brooks ; 2d, . Children. By first wife. 1542. 1. Benjamin Roswell Redfield, b. Nov. 1841. 1543. 2. Daughter ; d. at same time as her mother. 1032. Spsan Jennette Redfield, second daughter of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, 232 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. July 3, 1836, to Charles W. Richards, carriage-maker, then of New Haven, Conn., son of William and Laura [Stephens] Richards. They afterwards resided at St. Catharine, C. W., now at Shirley, Mass, Children. 1. John Watrous Richards, b. Feb. 1, 1838, 2. Harriet Ellen Richards, b. April 13, 1840. 3. Charles Edgar Richards, h. July 24, 1842. 4. Lydia Rosella Richards, b. Feb. 26, 1847. 5. Florence Adell Richards, b. July 18, 1850. 6. Mary Jane Richards, b. Sept. 9, 1857. 1033. Benjamin Roswell Redfield, fifth son of ROSWELL (376), son of Mar- tin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in Brad- ley, Jackson county. 111.; farmer. He married, March 28, 1849, Elizabeth Jane Cheatham, daughter of Robertson and Mary [Creth] Cheatham. He served among the Illinois volunteers in the Mexican campaign. Is now justice of the peace. Children. 1544. 1. William Griffing Redfield, b. Feb. 2, 1850. 1545. 2. John Franklin Redfield, b. Aug. 2, 1851. 1646. 3. Robertson Cheatham Redfield, b. Jan. 28, 1854. 1547. 4. Mary Harriet Redfield, b. May 20, 1856. 1548. 5. Henry Stone Redfield, b. July 25, 1858. 1034. Ltdia Griffing Redfield, third daughter of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, Aug., 1845, to George Beach, iron founder, of Meriden, Conn., born 1822, son of John and Elizabeth Beach of North Haven, Conn. He died May 6, 1856. Children. 1. ; d, in infancy. 2. Harriet Estelle Beach, b. May, 1848. 3. George Arthur Beach, b. May, 1850. 4. Francis Major Beach, b. March, 1853. 6. Ida May Beach, b. Dec, 1856. 1035. Harriet Elizaretu Redfield, fourth daughter of ROSWELL (376), son of Martin (124), son of Rosivcll (33), son of Daniel (11), was DANIEL REDPIELD'S BRANCH. 233 married, Nov. 14, 1854, to Norjian Cole Hall, grocer, then of Middlefield, Middletown, Conn., who was horn Dec. 31, 1832, son of Hurley and Martha C. Hall. They now reside at Meriden, Conn. Child. 1. Wilbur Eugene Hall, b. April 9, 1857. 1037. Ltdia Redfield, eldest daughter of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married to James Flood and removed to Binbrook, C. W., where sh.e died. Children. 1. Ellen Flood ; m. Daniel Murphy of C. W, 2. Susan Flood,- m. Coatsworth, 3. John Flood; m. M'Kenzie. 4. Mmira Flood. 5. Jennette Flood; m. Dr. Starr. 6. James Flood. 7. ILouisa Flood. 8. Julia Flood. 1038. Susan Redfield, second daughter of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married to James Jennings, clothing merchant. New York city. She is now residing in Jersey City, N. J. Children. 1. Edward Redfield Jennings. 2. Ernest Franklin Jennings. 3. Eve Jennings ; d. young. 4. Wilton Trowbridge Jennings. 5. Effie Jennings ; d. young. 1040. Almira Redfield, third daughter of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married to Alex- ander McCartt. He is deceased and his widow now resides in Jersey City with her sister, Mrs. Jennings. 30 234 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Children. 1. George McCarly ,• d. yonrar. 2. Margaret McCarty ; m. William Knowles. 3. John McCarty ; d. young. 4. William Henry McCarty ; d. young. 5. .Alexander McCarty. 6. .^Imira McCarty. 1041. Elizabeth Redfield, fourth daugliter of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Roswcil (33), son of Oaniel (11), was mar- ried, 1st, to Thomas Sullivan Speight of Buffalo, N. Y. ; and 2d, to David CoLCLOUGH of Liverjiool, Ohio. Children. By first husband. 1. Julia Speight; d. early. 2. John Speight. 3. Frederick Speight. By second husband. 4. Julia Ellen Colclough, 5. David Colclough. 6. Mary Colclough; d. young. 7. Nathaniel Redfield Colclough. 8. Jesse Colclough. 1042. John Hull Redfield, third son of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Rosivelt (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in O.swego, N. Y. ; commands a vessel on lake Ontario. He married CATHARl^E Hilton. Children. 1549. 1. Martha Redfield. Died early. 1550. 2. John Redfield. 1551. 3. Charles Redfield. 1552. 4. Catherine Redfield. Died early. 1553. 5. George Rtdfield. 1043. Julia Redfield, fifth daughter of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Jlosiveil (33), son of l>a|liel (11), was married to Isaac Stagg of Jersey Ciiy, N. J. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 237 Children. 1. .Alexander McCarty Stagg. 2. John Redfield Stagg. 3. Isaac Stagg. 4. Isabel Stascs^. 1045. Martha Redfield, sixth daughter of NATHANIEL (377), son of Martin (124), son of Rostvell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, Septem- ber 30, 1843, to Cornelius Fisher, sou of Cornelius and Christina [Fritz] Fisher. He is an engineer on one of the Jersey City ferry boats, and resides in Jersey City, N. J. Children. 1. Cornelius Fisher. 2. Edward Wilmington Fisher, 3. Martha Fisher. 4. Mary Louisa Fisher. 5. George Redfield Fisher. 1048. Harriet Redfield, eldest daughter of DANIEL G. (378), son of Martin (124), son of Rostvell (33), sou of Daniel (11), was married to Jared Dewolf of Wallingford, Conn., son of Benjamin and Prudence DeWolf , He was formerly a ship carpenter, now engaged in manufactory of Britannia ware. No children. 1049. George Redfield, eldest son of DANIEL G. (378), son of Martin (124), son of RoSWell (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in Meriden, Conn., was formerly house carpenter and joiuT'r, afterwards engaged in manufactory of shot, now in a cutlery establishment. He married, September 13, 1846, Chloe Elizabeth Redfield (1068). Children. 1554. 1. Ella Sophia Redfield, b. Dec. 9, 1847. 1555. 2. Clinton Horace Redfield, b. Oct. 15, 1855. 1050. Charles Redfield, second son of DANIEL G. (378), son of Martin (124), son of Rostvell (33), son of Daniel (11), resides at Cutchogue, 236 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. L. I. ; is a preacher of the Methodist Eastern Conference of New York. He married, March 2, 1851, Sarah Elizabeth Cooley, daughter of Cyrus and Deniah Cooley. Children. 1556. 1. Mbert Charles Redjuld, b, Dec. 31, 1851. 1557. 2. Mary Elizabeth Redfield, b. Jan. 20, 1854. 1051. Joseph Redfield, third son of DANIEL G. (378), son of Martin (124), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), married, March 13, 1845, Habbiet M. Parsons, daughter of MuUord* and Tempe [Miller] Parsons, who were married March 18, 1810. He went to Kansas, and died there Octo- ber 16, 1855, aged 32 years. His widow now resides at the Springs, East Hampton, Suffolk county, L. I. Children. 1558. 1. Orace Redfield, b. Dec. 28, 1851. 1559. 2. Justin Redfield, b. August 16, 1853 ; d. in Kansas, Oct. 19, 1855. 1052. Daniel Redfield, fourth son of DANIEL G. (378), son of Martin (124), son of Itosweil (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in Elyria, 0. ; tailor. He married, January, 1850, Emily Sophia Dow, daughter of Simon and Almlra Dow. Child. 1560. 1. Mce Cornelia Redfield, b. March 11, 1852. 1065. Jennette Redfield, second daughter of DANIEL G. (378), son of Mar- tin (124), son of Mtosweii (33), son of Daniel (11), was married at Wallingford, Conn., March 2, 1856, to Abraham Dee of Clinton, Conn.; shoemaker, son of Daniel Griffing Dee and Sarah Dee. They removed to Wheeling, Va., where they now reside. ChUd. 1. Harriet Pamclia Dee, b. Dec. 4, 1856. * Mulford Parsons was son of John anil Chloe [Mulford] Parsons. Tempc Miller was (laugh- er of Benjamin and Xcuiperance [Edwwds] Millei'. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 237 1056. Mart Redfield, daughter of JAMES P. (380), son of James P. (125), sou of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, March 7, 1829, to Calvin Hayden of Westbrook, Conn. ; son of Calvin and Elizabeth [Grif- fing] Hayden of Essex, Conn. Children. 1. Mary Farrington Hayden. 2. Sarah Jane Hayden. 3. James Post Redfield Hayden. 4. Emma Jane Elizabeth Hayden. 5. Grace jinn Hayden. 6. Caroline Isabella Hayden. 7. Chloe Kirtland Hayden. 8. Calvin Buchanan Hayden. 9. Elisha Kirtland Hayden. 10. Ella Gertrude Hayden. 11. Edward Pay son Hayden. 12. Charles Wallace Hayden. 1057. Elisha K. Redfield, eldest son of JAMES P. (380), son of James P. (125), son oi Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), removed to Newark, N. J., thence in 1857, to Fairbank, Iowa. ; tinner. He married Sarah Anff Goble of Newark, N. J., who died September, 1856. Children. 1561. 1. Charles Redfield. 1562. 2. Wallace Redfield. 1563. 3. Laura Ann Redfield. 1059. Catharine Augusta Redfield, eldest daughter of ALANSON (381), son of James P. (125), son of Rosicell (33), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried to Jonathan F. Smith, of Madison, Conn. ; farmer. 1. Charles Hubbard Smith. 2. Daniel Eugene Smith. 3. Francis Fouler Smith ; deceased. 4. Catharine Elizabeth Smith, 238 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1060. Alanson Redfield, son of ALANSON (381), son of James P. (125), son of Roswetl (33), son of Daniel (11), resides iu Madison, Conn. ; fish dealer. He married, June 23, 1858, Abby H. Coe, daughter of Benjamin and Caroline Coe of Madison, Conn. 1061. Mary Elizabeth Redfield, second daughter of ALANSON (381), son of James P. (125), son of Rostveti (33), son of Oailiel (11), was mar- ried, May 15, 1849, to William B. Willard of Madison, Conn. ; ship car- penter. Child. 1. Charlotte Elizabeth WUlard, b. Feb. 28, 1851. 1062. Charlotte Artemisia Redfield, third daughter of ALANSON (381), son of James P. (125), son of Rosweli (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, Sept. 13, 1857, to William C. Miner of Madison, Conn.; ship builder. 1063. Cecilia Ann Redfield, eldest daughter of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of Rosweli (33), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, Aug. 20, 1839, to John Butler, Jr. of Meriden, Conn. ; farmer; son of John and Susan [Hart] Butler. She died Jan. 10, 1849, in her 30th year. Children. 1. Cornelia Ann Butler, b. Sept. 15, 1840. 2. Alice Jennette Butler, b. Oct. 22, 1842. 3. Aurelia Curtis Butler, b. May 6, 1844. 4. Susan Hart Butler, b. April 14, 1846. 1064. Horace Redfield, eldest son of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of Rosweli (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in Meriden, Conn.; mechanic. Married, Oct. 10, 1847, Clarissa Emma Parmelee, daugh- ter of David and Clarissa B. [Eliot*] Parmelee of Guilford, Conn. No ch. * Clarissa B. Kliot was diiuKhter of Huubcn, son of Wyllys, son of Abial, son of Rev. .JoFepb, fon of llov. John Kliot, the Indian apostle. (Soc Getwxlogy qfthe Eliot tUmili/, p. 102.) DANIEL EEDFIELD'S BRANCH. 239 1065. Abigail Redfield, second daughter of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of RostCCll (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, Jan. 13, 1841, to Remick Kkowles Clakk, farmer, of Berlin, Conn., born Oct. 31, 1816, son of Warren and Asenath [Miller] Clark. Childrtn. 1. Watson Warren Clark, h. Aug. 2, 1841. 2. Edwin Clinton Clark, b. Dec. 15, 1843. 3. Emeline Jerusha Clark, b. July 15, 1846. 4. John Deforest Clark, b. Dec. 28, 1848. 5. Josephine Elizabeth Clark, b. May 14, 1851. 6. Horace Redfield Clark, b. April 20, 1853. 7. Francis Augustus Clark, b. Sept. 15, 1855. 1066. Edwin Redfield, second son of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of Rosweli (33), son of Daniel (11), resided in Meriden, Conn. ; mechanic. He married, Dec. 24, 1848, Harriet Eliza Dickinson, daughter of Moses and Julia Ann Dickinson of New Haven. He died in Meri- den Oct. 28, 1853, aged 28 years. His widow was mamed to Richmond, and now resides at PainesviUe, Ohio. Children. 1564. 1. Marion EUa Redfield, b. Oct., 1849 ; resides with her mother. 1565. 2. Harriet Eliza Redfield, b. Aug., 1851; d. March, 1852. 1067. Lucy Amelia Redfield, third daughter of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of Rosweil (33), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, Aug. 6, 1848, to Samuel Post Stannard of Meriden, Conn., son of Josiah and Lydia [Hubbard] Stannard, who were married March 13, 1800. Child. 1. Elmore Whitefitld Stannard, b. at Meriden, June 13, 1853. 1068. Chloe Elizabeth Redfield, fourth daughter of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of Rosweli (33), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried to Geokqe Redfield (see 1049). 240 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1071. Eliza Kirtland Redfield, seventh daughter of HORACE R. (382), son of James P. (125), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, April, 1853, to Rurus Edward Chapman of West Meriden, Conn., son of Elijah and Martha [Wood worth] Chapman. Child. 1. Charles Edward Chapman, b. at W. Meriden, Jan. 10, 1857. 1075. Mary Jane Redfield, eldest daughter of ELIAS (386), son of Roswell (126), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, April 25, 1849, to GuEDON Robins, Jr., of Hartford, Conn. Child. 1. Charles Hosmer Robins, b. Aug. 6, 1850 ; d. April, 1851. 2. Mary McCrea Robins, b. Jan. 15, 1854. 3. Gurdm Robins, b. Oct. 29, 1857. 1077. Edward Walker Redfield, son of ELIAS (386), son of Roswell (126) , son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), resides in Essex, Conn. ; merchant. He represented the town of Essex in the general assembly of Connecticut in 1858. He married, April 28, 1853, Louise Bates Atrault, daughter of Daniel and Hepsibah [Kentfield] Ayrault of Wethersfield, Conn. Childrtn. 1566. 1. Mary Ayrault Redfield, b. Jan. 27, 1854. 1567. 2. Hosmer Parmelee Redfield, b. Feb. 9, 1858. 1078. Ann Jennette Redfield, third daughter of ELIAS (386), son of Ros- well (126), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married, Oct. 21, 1846, to Capt. Hosher BncKiNogAM Parmelee of Essex, Conn. Children. 1. Edward Redfield Parmelee, b. Dec. 26, 1848. 2. Anna Jane Parmelee, h. March 6, 1850. 3. Parmelee, b. June 12, 1852; d. Sept., 1852. DANIEL REDFIELD'S BRANCH. 241 1080. Julia Rebecca Redfield, eldest daughter of HIEL S. (388), son of Ros- well (126), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married to John Bowees, and lias two cliildren. 1081. HiEL Ann Redfield, second daughter of HIEL S. (388), son of Roswell (126), son of Roswell (33), son of Daniel (11), was married to John Knight of Barnwell District, S. C. Has five children. 1085. John G. Redfield, eldest son of JOHN (400), son of Capt. John (128), son of Dr. John (35), sou of Daniel (11), was bred a hatter, but after- wards became a seaman and was sailing master of U. S. ship John Adams, at the time of the siege of Vera Cruz by (len. Scott in 1847. He went ashore to see the fight, took the fever and died within ten days, aged 37 years. He married, about 1838, Susan Maria Stevenson, daughter of Capt John and Dolly [Baker] Stevenson. His widow died in Brooklyn, May 24, 1859. ChUd. 1568. 1. Susan Maria Redfield, b. 1839; d. 1843. 1086. Richard W. Redfield, second son of JOHN (400), son of Capt. John (128), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), graduated at Colum- bia college, N. Y., in 1831. He was, for some years, cashier of Commercial bank in New York city. He married Frances Ann Lowerre, daughter of Lowerre, president of Williamsburgh City Bank. He died in Dec, 1847, aged 36 years. Children. 1569. 1. Edwin W. Redfield, b. 1835; d. same year. 1570. 2. Frances P. Redfield, b. 1837. 1571. 3. Richard Redfield, b. 1839. 1572. 4. Henry Redfield, h. 1841. 31 242 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1089. Pamela Redfield, third daughter of JOHN (400), son of Capt. John (128), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married to Abka- HAM R. Ddkyee of New York city. 1091. Juliet Emily Redfield, eldest daughter of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was mar- ried, Dec. 18, 1824, to William Floyd of Westernville, Oneida county, N. Y. Children. 1. William Floyd. 2. Julia Floyd. 3. Mary Floyd. 4. Elizabeth Floyd. 1092. Caroline Nancy Redfield, second daughter of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, Nov. 16, 1826, to Joseph B. Congdon of Waterville, Oneida county, N. Y. . ^ Children. 1. George Davis Congdon, b. Sept. 6, 1841. 2. Juliette Redfield Congdon, b. Sept. 1842. 3. Harvey Redfield Congdon, b. Sept. 25, 1849. 1093. David Haevey Redfield, eldest son of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), married, Oct, 27, 1837, Frances Arthington of Kirtlaud, Ohio ; removed to Quincy, HI., afterwards to Nauvoo, thence to Salt Lake city, thence to California. Children. 1573. 1. Samuel H. Redfield, b. at Quincy, 111., March 15, 1839. 1574. 2. Frances E. Redfield, b. at Nauvoo, 111., April 4, 1842 ; d. at Cen- tral Springs, Coast Range, Cal., Oct. 10, 1859. 1575. 3. Sarah Gould Redfield, b. at Nauvoo, 111., Oct. 10, 1844; d. Aug. 27, 1845. 1576. 4. Elizabeth M. Redfield, b. in Iowa, Nov. 15, 1847. 1577. 5. Frances Priscilla Redfield, b. at Salt Lake, Jan. 18, 1850. 1578. 6. David Russell Redfidd, b. in California, April 27, 1852. 1579. 7. Beulah Ann Redfield, b. at Nicolaus, Cal., 1855. DANIEL REDPIELD'S BRANCH. 243 1094. Ebenezer Gould Redfield, second son of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), married, July 5, 1836, Henrietta Sickles of Auburn, Cayuga county, N. Y. Children, 1580. 1. William L. Byron Redfield, b. at Gowanda, N. Y., 1837. 1581. 2. Albert Redfield, b. at Gowanda, N. Y., 1838. 1582. 3. Adelaide Ophelia Redfield, b. at Albion, N. Y., 1847. 1095. Sarah Emeline Redfield, third daughter of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, 1st, June 21, 1837, to Isaac L. Van Praag of Amsterdam, Holland; 2d, February 14, 1856, to Edward Sanford of New York city. 1096. Orpha Maria Redfield, fourth daughter of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, February 18, 1838, to Addison Everett of New York city. Child. 1. Mary Davis Everett, b. in N. Y. city. May 20, 1843. 1097. Lucy Gould Redfield, fifth daughter of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), sonof Daniel (11), was married, July 25, 1836, to Alfred Day Rathbone, and removed to Grand Rapids, Mich. She died July 19, 1844, aged 28 years. Children. 1. Emma Sanford Rathbone^ b. at Gowanda, N. Y., 1837. 2. Sarah Gould Rathbone, b. at Grand Rapids, Mich., 1838. 3. Alfred Day Gould Rathbont, " " 1840. 1099. Mary Jane Redfield, seventh daughter of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was mar- red, July 16, 1842, to Samuel N. Stuart of Water Valley, Erie Co., N. Y. 244 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TKIBE. Children. 1. Samuel Wolcott Stuart, b. in Gowanda, N. Y., 1845. 2. Russell Redfield Stuart, h. in Water Valley, N. Y., 1847. 3. Isabel Jane Stuart, " " 1852. 4. Sarah Virginia Stuart, " " 1863. 1100. Russell Edwin Redfield, third son of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of I^aniel (11), resides at Gowanda, N. Y. He married, January 1, 1846, Sibyl Sophia Allen of that place. Children. 1583. 1. Lucy Mien Redfield. 1584. 2. Mary Jane Redfield. 1585. 3. Edwin Franklin Redfield. 1101. Samuel Russell Redfield, fourth son of SAMUEL R. (404), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), married Sarah E. Boyce of Rock Island, Wis. He is deceased. Child. 1586. 1. Sarah Jane Redfield, b. in Wisconsin, 1852. 1102. Amanda Malvina Redfield, eldest daughter of BEL A H. (409), son of Dr. Sam.uel (129), son of Dr John (35), sou of Daniel (11), was married December 23, 1842, to Orson E. Card. She died September 21, 1843, in her 19 th year. Child. 1, Henry Truman Card, b. May 22, 1843. 1103. Charles Samuel Redfield, eldest son of BELA H. (409), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John 135), son of Daniel (11), married, September 18, 1853, Mart M. Duffie. He died March 16, 1855, in the 29th year of his age. Child. 1587. 1. Frances Cordelia Redfield, b. Aug. 31, 1854. DANIEL REDPIELD'S BRANCH. 245 1104. William Haevet REDFiELn, second son of BELA H. (409), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), married in 1855, Mart Pillsbubt. Child. 1588. 1. Lauren Oscar Redfield, b. Nov. 12, 1855. 1106. Mart Redfield, eldest daughter of FREDERICK A. (410), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married September 21, 1843, to John Bailet Colton of Middleton, Dane county, Wis. ; farmer. He has been sheriff of the county, and is now justice of the peace. No children. 1107. William Henrt Redfield, eldest son of FREDERICK A. (410), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was formerly preacher of the Seventh day Baptist church, now farmer and justice of the peace at Walworth, Walworth county, Wis. He married, March 12, 1845, LoviNA Williams. Child. 1589. 1. Sarah Louisa Redfield. 1108. John Redfield, second son of FREDERICK A. (410), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), resides at Dacotah, Waushara county, Wis. ; shoemaker by trade, now farmer. He married, Nov. 5, 1842, Charlotte Folwell, b. April 1, 1822. Children. 1590. 1. Warren Augustus Redfield, b. Dec. 4, 1843. 1591. 2. Mary Jane Redfield, b. July 15, 1845. 1592. 3. Elizabeth Melissa Redfield, b. Dec. 19, 1847. 1593. 4. Walter Lorain Redfield, b. Oct. 27, 1857. 1109. Abraham Hale Redfield, third son of FREDERICK A. (410), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), resides at Alleghany, Venango county, Pa. (P. 0. address, Titusville, Crawford county, Pa.). He married, Oct. 25, 1848, Caroline Eva Fink. 246 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TEIBE. Children. 1594. 1. Frederick Jlugustus Redjield. 1595. 2. Martha Rosalie Eedfield. 1596. 3. Ida Abigail Redfield. 1597. 4. Thomas Wilber Redfield. 1111. CoRYDON Redfield, fiftli son of FREDERICK A. (410), son of Dr. Sam- uel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), resides at Alle- ghany, Venango county, Pa. (P. 0. address, Titusville, Crawford county, Pa.); laborer. He married, Sept. 15, 1853, Anna Clakinda Dkown. Children. 1598. 1. Francis White Redfield. 1599. 2. Frances Caroline Redfield. 1112. Nancy Jane Redfield, second daughter of FREDERICK A. (410), son of Dr. Samuel (129), son of Dr. John (35), son of Daniel (11), was married, July 23, '1853, to Patrick White of Titusville, Crawford county. Pa. ; sawyer. ChUd. 1. Mary Catharine White. TT -tP "TV ^ 1122. Samuel Augustus Redfield, eldest son of ISAAC (421), son of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Samuel (37), son of Daniel (11), resides at Sag Harbor, L. I. ; clothing merchant. He married, March 23, 1837, Hetty W. Jennings, daughter of Hezekiah and Rachel Jennings. Children. 1600. 1. Edwin Augustus Redfield, b, Dec. 9, 1837; d. Sept. 4, 1838. 1601. 2. Henry Jennings Redfield, b. June 17, 1840, 1602. 3. Charles Adrtancc Redfield, b. Dec. 15, 1842. 1603. 4. Edwin Hilliard Redfield, b. April 16, 1845, 1124. David AlexaSdEk Redfield, second son of ISAAC (421), son of Samuel (133), son of Capt, Satnuei (37), son of Daniel (11), resided at New DANIEL RBDFIELD'S BRANCH. 247 London, Conn., and removed thence to Indianapolis, Ind. His family are still residing in New London. He married, Sept. 17, 1838, Emma Jane Potteb, b. Dec. 24, 1816, daughter of Thomas and Prudence Potter. Children. 1604. 1. Julia Redfield, h. June 27, 1839 ; d. Sept. 6, 1856. 1605. 2. Alexander Redfield, b. Aug. 1, 1841. 1606. 3. Susan Amelia Redfield, b. June 11, 1843. 1607. 4. Louisa Congdon Redfield, b. April 16, 1845, 1608. 5. Emma Potter Redfield, b. Aug. 15, 1847. 1609. 6. Jane Redfield, b. Oct. 21, 1849. 1610. 7. Prudence Redfield, b. Jan. 21, 1853 ; d. March 12, 1856, 1126. Charles Redfield, fourth son of ISAAC (421), son of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Satnuel (37), son of Daniel (11), resided" at Sag Harbor, L. I. ; merchant. He married Eliza Dennis of New London. He is supposed to have died at New Orleans, in 1851, while on the way to California. Child. 1611. 1. ; d. in infancy. 1128. Cornelia Chloe Redfield, eldest daughter of DAVID (422), son of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Satntiel (37), son of Daniel (11), was married, Sept. 25, 1844, to George E. Eliot, merchant, of Clinton, Conn., son of Ely Augustus* and Susan M. [Pratt] Eliot of Clinton. Children. 1. Mary Cornelia Eliot, b. March 23, 1850. 2. Grace Redfield Eliot, b. Feb. 7, 1852. 3. Ely Augustus Eliot, b. March 18, 1854. 1129. Elisha Kirtland Redfield, eldest son of DAVID (422), son of Samuel (133), son of Capt. Samuel (37), sou of Daniel (11), resides in Clin- ton, Conn. He married, Oct. 29, 1849, Sarah M. Bacon, b. Jan. 10, 1826, daughter of Levi Bacon. Child. 1612. 1. Susan Redfield, b. May, 1856. * Ely Augustus Kliot was son of George, son of George, son of Eev. Jared, son of Rev. Joseph of Guilford, son of Kev. John Eliot, the apostle to the In^ivms.— Genealogy of the Eliot FamUy. 248 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1130. Susan Amelia Eedfield, second daughter of DAVID (422), son of Sam- uel (133), son of Capt. Samuel (37), son of Daniel (11), was married, July 8, 1858, to Benajah Leffingwell, lawyer, of New York city. b. Branch of Ricliard Redfield (13) of Killingwoeth. 1135. Charles Redfield, second son of WILLIAM (427), son of Williani (147), son of Eliphalet (39), son of Ricliard (13), married, June 1, 1846, Lacra Amoret Basset. Children. 1613. 1. William Timothy Redfield, b. March 8, 1850. 1614. 2. Charles Ferdinand Redfield, b. Oct. 6, 1854. d. Branch of Tlieopliilus Redfield (16) of Killingworth. 1183. William Redfield, eldest son of LUCIUS (491), son of Ezra (181), son of EliaUini (54), son of Tlieopllilus (16), resides in West Union, Fayette county, Iowa; hardware merchant. He married, Sept. 18, 1848, Ladra Adams, who was born Sept. 9, 1831, daughter of James and Elizabeth Adams, formerly of New Hampshire, now of Bainbridge, Berrien county, Mich. Children. 1615. 1. Edson Redfield, b. in Iowa, Dec. 6, 1849. 1616. 2. He7iry Redfield, " March 25, 1852 ; d. Feb. 27, 1854. 1617. 3. Warren Redfield, " Dec. 8, 1854. 1618. 4. Perry Redfield, b. Nov. 22, 1856. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 249 1184. Eliza Jane Redfield, eldest daughter of LUCIUS (491), son of Ezra (181), son of Eliakim (54), son of Tlieopbilus (16), was married, Feb. 18, 1844, to Samuel Hart, son of Samuel and Lucinda [Purdy] Hart, Resides in Appleton, Outagamie county. Wis.; mechanic. Mrs. Lucinda Hart died in 1846. Children. 1. Francdia Beatrice Hart, h. Feb. 17, 1845. 2. Sarah Amelia Hart, b. March 2, 1847. 3. Lucius Hart, b. August 25, 1849. 4. Viola Hart, b. Nov. 25, 1851 ; d. March 25, 1852. 5. Ellen Hart, b. Jan, 31, 1853 ; d. Sept. 1, 1856. 6. John ma Hart, b. Jan. 13, 1855 ; d. August 24, 1855. 1185. Henry Redfield, second son of LUCIUS (491), son of Ezra (181), son of Eliakim (54), son of Tlieopllilus (16), resides in Newbury, Geauga county, Ohio. He married in 1851, Louisa Burnett. No children. 1186. Mart Agnes Redfield, second daughter of LUCIUS (491), son of Ezra (181), son of Eliakint (54), son of Tbeophilus (16), was married, February 28, 1847, to Jerome Hinckley, No children. 1187. Julia Maria Redfield, third daughter of LUCIUS (491), son of Ezra (181), son of Eliakim (54), son of Tbeopllilui^ (16), was married in 1851, to Thomas F. Stafford of Auburn, Geauga county, Ohio. Child. 1. Ida Stafford, b. April, 1854. 1188. Sarah Ann Redfield, fourth daughter of LUCIUS (491), son of Ezra (181), son oi Eliakim (54), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married, in January, 1854, to George B. Converse of Mantua, Portage county, Ohio. 32 250 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. # « 1219. Sarah Roberts Redfield, eldest daughter of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of L,eri (56), son of Tlieopbilus (16), was married September 1, 1840, to David Thornton Phetteplace, who was born Febru- ary 13, 1810 ; carpenter and mill wright, now residing at Dayton, Waupacca county. Wis. Children. 1. Luther Phetteplace, b. Nov. 27, 1841. 2. Harriet Eliza Phetteplace, b. Oct. 10, 1843. 3. Loraine Phetteplace, b. Sept. 5, 1846 ; d. Feb. 7, 1854. 4. Martin Olin Phetteplace, b. May 1, 1849. 1220. Joel Chandler Redfield, eldest son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of LiCVi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), resides at Menasha, Winnebago county, Wis. He married, 1st, February 29, 1846, Mary OsTKANDER, who died in 1852; 2d, Sarah Jane Kelsey. Children. 1619. 1. Redfield (son). 1620. 2. Redfield (son). 1221. Jared Smith Redfield, second son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of LtCVi (56), son of TlieopllilUS (16), resides in Waupacca, Wis.; farmer. He married, December 28, 1849, Lucretia Maria Smith of Oxford, N. Y., daughter of Chauncey and Amy [Baldwin] Smith. Children. 1621. 1. Ellen Francis Redfield, b. Dec. 13, 1853. 1622. 2. Frederick Clark Redfield, b. Sept. 4, 1856, 1222. Emily Adeline Redfield, second daughter of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of X,f ri (56), .^on of Tlieopllilus (11), was married 1st, to HENRY REDFIELD (540) which see. She was divorced from him, and was married, 2d, in 1853, to Cook, iron founder, Elmira, N. Y. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 251 1224. Martin AransTtis Redpield, third son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of L,ei'i (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), resides in Milwaukie ; merchant. Married, March 17, 1858, Anna Antonia Minnie Hoffman, bom at Berlin, Prussia, April 27, 1835, daughter of Edward and Louise Minna [Martini] Holfman. Child. 1623. 1. Bianca Martini Redfield, b. Dec. 20, 1858. 1225. Charles Allison Redfield, fourth son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of IjCI'I (56), son of Theopllilus (16), resided for a time at Hornellsville, N. Y.; now at St. Louis, Mo.; locomotive engineer. He mar- ried in 1851. 1226. Arthur Benjamin Redfield, fifth son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of Ijevi (56), son of TlieopllilUS (16), resides at Hull, Port- age county, Wis.; farmer. He married, March 28, 1855, Phebe S. Otis, daughter of Andrew and Experience Otis. Children. 1624. 1. Arthur Franklin Redfield, b. April 1, 1856. 1625. 2. Martin Augustus Redfield, b. July 21, 1857. 1626. 3. Emily Adeline Redfield, b. Feb. 13, 1859. 1227. Elihu Chandler Reefield, sixth son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of JLcui (56), son of TbeopllilUS (16), resides in Turner, Dupage county, 111. ; locomotive engineer. He married, August 4, 1856, Julia Esther Harvey, daughter of Denison and Tryphena [Chapel] Harvey. Child. 1627. 1. Charlotte Emma Redfield, b. June 28, 1857. 1228. John Henry Redfield, seventh son of ASAHEL (504), son of Jared (186), son of ieri (56), son of Ttaeopllilus (16), resides at Stevens' Point, Portage county. Wis. ; farmer. He married, November 2, 1856, Mary Jane Sargent, daughter of Lewis and Maria [Reed] Sargent. 252 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. Child. 1628. 1. Fhra Joanna Redfield, h. Feb. 13, 1860. 1233. Rhoda Hates Redfield, eldest daughter of CHESTER (506), son of Jared (186), son of L,evi (56), sou of Tlaeopllilus (16), was married, January 2, 1849, to David Porter Spencer, farmer, son of Ithamar A. and Margaret Spencer. Resides at Sidney Plains, Delaware county, N. Y. Child. 1. Clark Emery Spencer, b. Sept. 30, 1849. 1234. Amelia Elizabeth Redfield, second daughter of CHESTER (506), son of Jared (186), son of L,evi (56), son of TlieopllilUS (16), was married December 2, 1857, to John A. McIlwain, teacher, residing near Trenton, N.J. 1235. Samuel John Redfield, second son of CHESTER (506), son of Jared (186), son of IjCVi (56), son of TlieopbilUS (16), is a physician and surgeon, now (1858) practising at some of the mines near Lake Superior. He married, September 25, 1856, Mart S. Hatfield, daughter of 0. S. Hatfield of Delhi, N. Y. Child. 1629. 1. Chester Redfield, b. June 8, 1858. 1237. Juliana R. Redfield, fourth daughter of CHESTER (506), son of Jared (186), son of LiCVi (56), son of TlieopllilUH (16), was married, Sept. 19, 1858, to Samuel Eggleston, painter and baker, residing at Norwich, N. Y. 1246. Augusta Redfield, second daughter of BENJAMIN B. (511), son of Jared (186), son of jLci'i (56), son of TlieopllilUS (16), was married, Aug. 5, 1858, to Philip P. Jersey. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD JR.'S BRANCH. 253 1248. Julia Ann Redfteld, eldest daughter of JARED (512), son of Levi (187), son of L,€vi (56), son of TheopliiIu§ (16), was married, Nov. 29, 1838, to John Stone of North Madison, Conn. Children. 1. Henry Edgar Stone, b. Nov. 28, 1840. 2. Mary Adeline Stone, b. June 6, 1843. 1249. Mart W. Redfield, second daughter of JARED (512), son of Levi (187), son of L,evi (56), son of Tbeopllilus (16), was married, Dec. 28, 1845, to Julius Worthington Kelsey of North Madison, Conn. She was his second wife, his first being MARY BUEL REDFIELD (522). Child. 1. Sarah Lavon Kelsey, b. Nov. 10, 1848. 1250. Pardon Stevens Redfield, eldest son of JARED (512), son of Levi (187), son of Xet'i (56), son of Theopliilus (16), resides at Chestnut Hill, Killingworth ; farmer. He married, Jan. 4, 1849, Bethany Jane Stone, daughter of Heman Stone of North Madison, Conn. Children. 1620. 1. Charles Eugene Redfield, b. Oct. 24, 1849. 1631. 2. Jane Adeline Redfield, b. Aug. 6, 1851. 1632. 3. Sarah Wolcott Redfield, b. Nov. 3, 1853. 1633. 4. Chauncey Wilbur Redfield, b. Aug. 12, 1855. 1634. 5. Hendrick Osborne Redfield, b. Aug. 22, 1857. 1251. Weltha Makia Redfield, third daughter of JARED (512), son of Levi (187), son of L,evi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married, Nov. 25, 1853, to Hendrick Belknap of Wapping, Conn. 254 EIGHTH GENERATION. KILLINGWORTH TRIBE. 1252. Abraham Ceuttenden Redfield, second son of JARED (512), son of Levi (187), son of L,eri (56), son of TlieopbilutS (16), resides in Galesburg, 111. He married, Dec. 28, 1859, Mart M. Onderdonk, daughter of Henry Onderdonk of Galesburg, 111., who removed thither from Long Island about two years ago. 1253. Samuel Gbiswold Redfield, third son of JARED (512), son of Levi (187), son of l,€Vi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), married, March 31, 1860, Helen Augusta Hovet, daughter of Aaron E. Hovey formerly of Essex, Conn. 1257. Eliza Jane Redfield, eldest daughter of HARLOW (516), son of Levi (187), son of XjCVi (56), son of Tlieopllilus (16), was married to Hiram Hoops of Utah. See has four children. 1258. Clarissa Mina Ann Redfield, second daughter of HARLOW (516), son of Levi (187), son of IjCVI (56), son of Tlieopllillis (16), was married to John H. Donham of Pittsfield, Pike county. 111. 1273. Gardner Chadncey Redfield, eldest son of RUFUS (520), son of Theo- philus (189), son of IjCIH (56), sou of TlieopllilUS (16), resided at Fairhaven, Conn. ; painter and oyster dealer. He married Ellen Jennette Hull of Clinton. He died about 1851. Children. 1635. 1. William Wallace Reevi (56), son of TlieopllilU!«) 16), was married November 2, 1852, to Ansel J. Sawyer, farmer, residing atPortville, Cattar- augus county, N. Y. , son of Amos and Lucinda Sawyer. Child. 1. Charles Wilson Sawyer, b. August 13, 1854. 1304. Clementine S. Redfield, second daughter of WILSON (535), son of Joel (192), son of L.eri (56), son of Tlieoplllllis (16), was married to George E. Morehouse, lumberman, of Philipsville, Allegany county, N. Y. PELEG AND GEORGE REDFIELD'S BRANCHES. 257 c. Branch of Capt. Peleg Redfiel«l (18) of KiLLmawoRTH. 1330. Sarah Jane Redfielp, eldest daughter of SIDNEY P. (575), son of Dr, Peleg (217), son of Beriah (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), was mar^ ried, August 31, 1856, to George Kinney Perrin, lawyer, now of Indiana^ polls, Indiana. 1339, John Redfield, eldest son of BERIAH S. (588), son of Luther (221), eon of Berinh (64), son of Capt. Peleg (18), resides at Homer, Mich, He married, February 1, 1858, Ehzabeth Amanda Hill. Child. 1644 1. Olive Jennettc Redfield, b. Nov. 19, 1858. f. Branch op George Redfield (19) op Kilungworth. 1392. Franklin Augustcs Redfielp, second son of HIRAM (655), son of Zina (252), son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19), resides at Elm- wood, Peoria county, III. He married, February 4, 1858, Mary Emily Aldrich. 33 258 EIGHTH GENERATION. 1395. Rebecca Ann Redfield, eldest daughter of WILLIAM (657), son of Zina (252), son of SylvanitS (72), son of George (19), was married, Sep- tember 6, 1S55, to Sylvestek Whiting. Child. 1 . Lucius Almond Whiting. 1403. Ellen A. Redfield, daughter of HEMAN (661), son of Warriner (255), son of Sylvanus (72), son of George (19), was married in 1857, to John Thompson of Worthingtou, Ohio. FAIRFIELD TRIBE. 259 B. FAIRFIELD TRIBE, or Descendants of JAMES REDPIELD (10). a. Branch of Jolin Redfield (28) of FairfielI). 1481. Sarah France Redfield, eldest daughter of JOHN S, (944), son of David (344), son o{ If avid (98), soti of Jolin (28), was married, October 8, 1857, to HoRTON Vail. b. Branch of James Redfield (29) op Greenfield. 1520. Ltdia Ann Redfield, eldest daughter of BURR (1004), son of Hull (362) , son of James (104), son of James (29), was married, July 1, 1855, to Charles Bdel GooDSELL of Brooklyn, N. Y. She died April 6, 1858, in her 20th year. SUMMAEY. The family whose history we have now traced, from its first appearance on the western continent in 1639, through all its ramifications of descent, down to the present time, may be considered as a fair type in many respects, of those founded by the thousands of plain and substantial yeomen who formed so large a part of New England's early immigration. While many of those early founders were connected with English families of note or rank, the majority of the settlers came from the middle classes of England, and to trace their lineage beyond the period of emigration is often impossible. We have seen that this is true of the family in question; its origin seems to have been humble, even obscure, yet it is evident that our progenitors, however lowly their rank, brought with them those virtues and qualities which ren- dered them not unworthy of a place among a people, who were to subdue a wilderness, maintain their liberties, and found a new commonwealth. The earlier generations of the family inherited neither wealth nor sta- tion, hence those of their descendants who have acquired either, have, under Providence, been m;iinly indebted to their own industry, energy and perse- verance, and the large number of " self-made men " enumerated in these pages, amply illustrates the truth of this position. In looking back to the earlier generations of the family, which are those in which any peculiar bent or predilection would be most obvious, we see rather more than usual of that restless, roving spirit, which is said to be our national characteristic. James, the only male of the second generation, was, as we have seen, not long a resident in any one place, and of his grand- children and great grand-children, a large proportion followed the sea, the more readily attracted to that life by their proximity to the sea-ports of Con- necticut. Others of those generations and of later ones, became early settlers of the new states, and we think that an examination of the records herein detailed, will show that outs has been on the whole, emphatically a " pioneer " family, foremost in the work of reclaiming the wilderness, and peculiarly exposed to the privations and sufferings which always attend such a work, and which in the earlier history of our land were frequent and 262 SUMMARY. severe. Many of these pioneers lived to become patriarchs, and saw sons grow up around them, who in turn, have souglit still newer soil, and have pushed forward to the prairies of Illinois, and to the oak openings of Wis- consin, whence still another generation is now going forth to people the richer lands of Iowa, Kansas and California. And it is gratifying to be able to state, that in the course of the investigation which has catalogued more than 1600 persons bearing the family surname, but a single instance has been found of conviction for crime, and that only two or three cases are known, where individuals have become a burthen to the public, one at least of these cases being occasioned by absolute physical and mental inability. In the efforts and struggles attending the early conflicts of our country, first with the French in Canada, and afterwards with England, the mother country, the family largely particijiated, and it has furnished men for the later wars with England and with Mexico. We close this record with a summary and classification of its results, so far as our materials suffice, believing that the generalizations thus obtained, will be of interest not to our kindred only, but to genealogists and statisticians. The whole number of those bearing the family name, and herein enume- rated, is 1644. The descendants in the female line, not born to the family surname, are probably still more numerous ; but as it has not comported with our plan to trace these through their several generations to the present time (a task indeed almost impracticable), we have contented ourselves with re- cording onl^J the first generation of descendants of daughters born Redfield, and in many cases we have been forced to leave even this record imperfect. But we have enumerated in this way 1179 descendants not bearing the family name, making the total number of individuals herein recorded 2823. The following table shows the number of born Redfields in each sex and generation, and how many of each generation are supposed to be still living. Generation. Males. Females. Total. Suppos'd Living. I 1 1 2 14 44 152 347 253 56 '"3 3 7 38 101 305 262 55 1 4 5 21 82 253 652 515 111 1644 88 455 412 92 11 Ill IV V VI or 34.8 percent. •' 69 8 " VII VIII " 80. " IX " 82 9 " 870 774 1047 SUMMARY. 263 The number of descendants not bearing the family name (following but one degree in each generation), is as follows : Generation. Males. Females. Not Designated. Total. Ill IV 5 1 11 60 196 239 71 583 4 7 61 144 251 65 532 1 24 25 14 9 1 V 18 VI 122 VII 364 VIII IX 515 150 64 1179 The facts we have collected in regard to the descendants in the female line are too imperfect to enable us to judge what proportion of these are now living. If we combine the results of the above two tables, we have the following, showing the total number of each generation enumerated in these pages : Generation 1 1 II 4 f III 14 " IV 22 " V 100 VI 375 " VII 1016 " VIII 1030 " IX 261 2823 The 7th, 8th, and 9th generations are yet in course of development, which fact will sufficiently explain the diminished ratio of increase in the 7th and Sth generations, and the decrease in number in the 9th. The average geomet- rical ratio of increase in the first six generations of those born to the surname, is 3y'o. Should the family continue that average of increase, we should have, eventually, of those bearing the name, 835 in the 7th generation, 2,755 in the Sth, and 9,090 in the ninth, while the 10th, as yet unborn, would reach about 30,000 ! This ratio, however, can not be expected to be maintained, but even with a ratio of 3, the tenth generation of born Redfields would be above 20,000. It will be noticed in the above tables that in the last generation, the number of those not bearing the name exceeds those who bear it. This is owing merely to the fact the descendants of any given generation in the female line are born in advance of those of the male line, by reason of the earlier age at which daughters usually marry. 264 SUMMARY. Tlie proportion of male to female births in Redfield names lias been as 113 to 100. In those not of the surname the proportion has been as 110 to 100. In both united as 111 to 100.* Of the 1644 individuals of the Redfield name, we find only ten twin born, that is, five pairs. Of these, four pairs were all males, the remaining pair divided. Hence of 1639 births, only five were double — a proportion of only 1 in 328, which is much lower than usually obtains. If we had full and complete returns as to the date of birth, this number might, perhaps, be somewhat increased. Three twin births are recorded among children of Redfield daughters, but liero the data are too imperfect to generalize from. In each of these two cases the births were females. The largest number of children in one family has been 18. The largest number by one wife has been 14, of which there have been five instances. Of the 366 individuals who composed the first six generations of the family name, about 58 are believed to have died under the age of 20, or 15.8 per cent. 308 are supposed to have reached maturity, or 84.2 per cent. Of these 308, 282 were married, or 91.6 per cent. The percentage of unmarried out of those reaching maturity was, therefore, 8.4. The percentage of married out of all born was 77. Of born Redfields we have, up to the present time, 726 marriages recorded, making that number of families whose records, more or less complete, are found in this work. Taking them by generations, and enumerating the males and females, we have the following table : Generation. Males married. Females married. Total. I 1 1 2 12 32 116 153 53 "*3 2 5 30 78 172 66 1 II 4 Ill 4 IV 17 V 62 VI 194 VII 325 vm 119 370 356 726 This gives the number of Redfield families, herein enumerated, 370, while we have nearly an ec^ual number (356) who liave lost the name by marriage. A portion of the seventh generation, and a still larger portion of the eighth, have not yet reached maturity, hence their appointed number of marriages have yet to be fulfilled, while of the ninth generation only the earlier born are just approaching what is, in this country, the usual marriageable age. * Thu roKistry of the stutoof Connecticut nhowed the total number of birth.>i during the year 1857. t<) be iu the proportion of 111.92 males to 100 females. In 18oG the proportion was 100.49 to 100. SUMMARY. 265 We have one instance herein of the marriage of a female of the ninth generation, with the first known birth of the tenth generation, which, how- ever, does not carry the family surname. The married daughters of the 7th and 8th generations at present exceed in number the married sons — for a reason before mentioned, to wit : the earlier age at which daughters marry. While the past generations of the family seem to have attained to a fair average of longevity, there are no cases of very remarkable age to note, the longest life recorded being about 94 years. The age of William Redfield the founder of the family is not known, but it is probable that he died not far from his fiftieth year. James Redfield the only male of the second generation, is supposed to have died at about the age of 75 ; certainly he was under 77. His sisters died at an earlier age. Of the third generation only one (Theophilus) is known to have exceeded 70 years. He died at the age of 77. Of the fourth generation one died between 70 and 80 f73), and one be- tween 80 and 90 (86), Of the fifth generation twelve died between 70 and 80, six between 80 and 90, and four over 90. Of these four, two reached the age of 93, and one that of 94 years. Of the sixth generation, about one-third is still with us. Of those who have departed, 16 were between 70 and 80, and 7 between 80 and 90. One at least of those remaining has reached the age of 90. Some of the earlier born of the seventh generation (in female lines) have reached the age of eighty, but all later generations have been born within the present century. In this connection, it may be interesting to note the range or extent in time, which each generation occupies. This is measured by counting from the date of the earliest birth to that of the latest death. Of course in following down the history of several generations of descendants from a single pair, this range must widen as we descend, as is apparent in the following table ; Generation. Date of earliest birth. Date of latest birth. Date of latest death. Range. I say 1612 1636? 1657 1707 1729 1750 1779 1803 1833 say 1612 1649? 1696 1743 1773 1824 1857 1662 1723 1759 1813 1858 some living. a (< CI 50 years, 87 " II Ill, 102 '* IV, 106 " V, 129 " VI VII (< Vlll, (( IX (C 34 266 SUMMARY. Here we see that the range of time between the earliest and latest births in each generation gradually increases from in the first, to 78 years in the seventh, and it is tliis divergence so to speak, in the date of births, that is the chief element in extending the range of each generation. The following dia- gram presents the same facts directly to the eye : 1600 1700 1800 I860 1900 If we follow out the law which here seems indicated, the ninth generation which began to appear on the stage of life in 1833, will not have entirely passed off until about 210 years have elapsed, or about the year 2043. The occupations in which the different members of the family were engaged have been greatly diversified. In regard to many of those of the earlier generations we have no information on this point, and of those of later gene- rations, we have not always been able to specify the employment. From what imperfect information we have, we note the occupations of 283 indivi- duals, as follows : Occupation. Mechanical, Agricultural, jN'autical, Mercantile, Physicians, Lawyers, Clergymen, Bank Cashiers, Editors, Teachers, Hotel Keepers, Artist Police, Railroad Engineers, .... Railroad Superintentent, Railroad Freight agent,. Generations. I. II. III. IV. V, VI. VII. VIII. Total 19 33 6 10 7 3 3 24 45 2 34 4 .') 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 60 97 26 52 14 8 5 4 4 4 2 1 1 3 1 1 283 SUMMARY. 267 As we might naturally expect from the general character of our population of New England origin, we find here the agricultural occupations predominat- ing, forming more than one-third of the whole. Mechanical employments are next in frequency, though a growing preference for the more hazardous attractions of mercantile life is evident. As already mentioned, a nautical predilection was early manifested ; but migration to the interior states, and the greater diversity of employment open at the present day, with other obvious causes, have drawn the later generations away from the sea. Only about one-tenth are found in the learned professions, and of these one half are physicians. The history of the migration from state to state, of the population of our country, from its first settlement down to the present time, is not without inte- rest, and when once the vast extent of our territories shall be fully occupied by an active and industrious population, the historian will find pleasure and instruction in tracing the successive steps by which this occupation has been accomplished. The first emigrants from England planted themselves for the most part within the limits of the Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies, not extending far into the interior. Early explorations southward and westward made known the fine harbors of Narragansett bay, and of the Pequot country, and the rich meadows of the Connecticut, and these were occupied within the life time of the first generation, though not without severe and sanguinary contests with the aboriginal inhabitants. For a long time the settlements moved slowly along the coast of Connecticut, and northward along the valley of its river. Hemmed in by tribes of savages whose friendship was a dubious trust, and whom the emissaries of France soon converted into enemies, the further spread of the colonists was long retarded, yet by the middle of the eighteenth century, the population had spread into the interior of Massachu- setts and Connecticut, and had even formed settlements within the western limits of New Hampshire, the Hampshire grants (Vermont), New York and New Jersey. After the revolutionary war the migration towards the interior was quickened, especially into New York state and into the northern portions of Vermont. The nineteenth century had hardly opened before Pennsylvania and Ohio began to be regarded as lands of promise for emigrants from New England and New York; and from that time onward, the westward march of colonization has been so steady and rapid, that those now in mid life have watched its progress from the banks of the Ohio to the shores of the Pacific. Nothing can better illustrate this course of emigration, than the history of the descendants of any one of the New England famihes, and therefore we here present two tables, the first showing the number of individuals of each generation of this family, in connection with the state or territory in which they were born; the second exhibiting the same in connection with the state or territory which was their latest dwelling-place. 268 SUMMARY. Table I. Illustrative of Migration — showing Birth place of each Generation. Generations. Birth place. I. 1 II. ?1 2 1 III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII IX. Total. 2 23 140 18 18 49 5 2 122 57 48 316 26 13 26 12 10 1 8 4 4 3 5 98 6 24 195 14 24 32 34 8 32 3 "**8 3 4 2 12 5 1 2 3 "'33 "29 3 6 1 2 1 12 "16 5 *"i 2 32 Connecticut, New Hampshire, .... 5 21 82 502 81 Vermont, 90 New York, 589 New Jersey • • . 48 43 Oliio .... 59 48 19 .... 45 11 4 Louisiana, 12 6 4 2 28 .... .... 10 ... 1 Nebraska, .... .... 2 Utah 4 .... 2 1 Total, 4 5 21 82 253 652 515 111 1644 SUMMARY. 269 Table II. Illustrative of Migration — showing latest Residence of each Generation. Residence. Massachusetts, . . Connecticut, . . . . New Hampshire, Vermont Maine, New York, ..... New Jersey, . . . . , Pennsylvania, . . , Ohio, , Michigan, , Indiana, , Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, , Louisiana, Texas, Canada, Maryland, ....... Virginia, , South Carolina, . , Alabama, , Wisconsin, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, Utah, California, , Oregon, Generations. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII IX. Total Total, 20 21 265 20 29 24 43 15 17 14 4 7 4 1 2 ""i 1 22 7 4 1 4 3 7 164 16 21 26 37 10 33 6 82 253 652 515 111 33 33 386 48 56 1 559 47 61 59 93 28 67 23 5 16 7 6 6 2 3 1 64 25 5 12 7 10 13 2 1644 270 SUMMARY. From an examination and comparison of the foregoing tables, we note the following facts in regard to the migration and spread of the family : We see William Redfield emigrating from England, and after a brief abode in Massachusetts, establishing himself and family in Connecticut. In that colony at least part of his children were born, and also all of his descendants in the third, fourth and fifth generations, which brings us down as late as 1773. But of the 82 individuals of the fifth generation, all born in Connec- ticut, 23 removed from the state, and at the time of their death were distribu- ted in six different states, much the largest number being found in New York. Heuce, of the sixth generation, little more than half were born in Connecti- cut, the remainder in the states of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and New Jersey. Yet this generation, before it passes off, is spread into at least twenty states and territories, only about one -third remaining in Connecticut, another third residing in New York, and the remaining third distributed through the states, some even having reached Wisconsin ana Nebraska. Of the seventh generation less than one-fifth have been born in Connecticut; New York state has given birth to nearly one-half, the remain- der divided among thirteen states. This generation has already spread into nearly every state and territory, even as far as Utah and California. The eighth and ninth generations have yet to culminate, but long before the lat- ter shall have matured, it will be represented in every habitable portion of our soil. We may also note that of the births, there were, in the free states and ter- ritories, 1611, in the slave states, 33; and the latest residences were, in the free states and territories, 1581, in the slave states, 63 — the proportion in the latter states being about 1 out of 25. SUMMARY. 271 We close this summary with some tables, exhibiting the comparative spread of the two principal tribes of the family. Those who have had occasion to consult the preceding pages must have noticed that the descendants of Theo- philus Redfield, or the Killingworth stock, have greatly outnumbered those of James Redfield of Fairfield. We here recapitulate the figures. Descendants of THEOPHILUS REDFIELD 1st of Killingworth. Generations. Bearing the name. Not bearing the name. Total. IV V 13 65 230 576 463 111 "is 90 324 463 150 13 83 VI 320 VII 900 VIII 926 JX 261 1458 1045 2503 Descendants of JAMES REDFIELD 2d of Fairfield. Generations. Bearing the name. Not bearing the name. Total. IV 8 17 23 76 52 "32 40 52 8 V 17 VI 55 VII 116 VIII IX 104 176 124 300 In the next table we present a comparative view of the spread of the differ- ent branches, originating from the sons of Theophilus and James. For conven- ience sake we designate the branches by the same index letters which have been used in the body of the work. 272 SUMMARY. 0 «0 O r-< 00 t^ ■-< C>5 O eoo o 01 * JO ipuBaa •pr. *sni ^ -mdoaiix JO nouBia . 'jazaudqa ^ JO ipUUJif . *pji;i|9|H »fi JO qouBJa w JO qouvaix <35 t»0 00 '1!i s ^ SJ i: CO = 1" u «D (M O C5 • I Cq ! -^ ?3^ : §J J •suoi^Twenaf) JSMJSXi^ SUMMARY. 273 The above table may be considered as exhibiting a nearly correct estimate of the comparative number of the descendants of each branch followed down through the male line. But since the descendants in the female line are only traced one degree from their progenitress, the proportions of the total actual descendants of each branch may differ widely from the figures of the table. For instance, in the branch of Ebenezer Redfield, there were in the sixth gene- ration seven males and twenty females born to the surname. Of the seven males, only two continued the lineage, while of the twenty females a large proportion were married and had families, and were their descendants fol- lowed downwards to the latest generation, the number would perhaps rival those of some of the other branches whose increase has been mostly in the male line. Hoping that the facts which we have been enabled to collect and to present in these pages, may, notwithstanding the errors and imperfections, by which they may be accompanied, prove acceptable and interesting to our numerous kindred, we now close this task. The undertaking has called for patient labor, but it has been the " labor of love." Before the present century shall close, the number who will have borne our name will reach upwards of six thou- sand ; hence it can hardly be expected that any one shall hereafter undertake to chronicle the whole of the rapidly increasing roll of the descendants of the William Redfield of 1640, But may we not hope that each separate branch will, in after generations, have its own historian, who will gather up the scattered threads which we must now leave, and so place them in the hands of those who come after. 35 APPENDIX. A. Page 5. Extracts from the Records of the Proprietors of Cambridge, 1642. William Redfen, one dwelling house and four acres land, west by Randolph Bush, south and east by the common. Page 113 of original. " 185 of Paige's copy. 8th of 7 mo., 1646. Edward Jackson bought of William Redfyn, one dwell- ing house with the privilege thereunto belonging, and four acres of land more or less ; Richard Brown and Ephraim Child north, Randolph Bush west, the common east and south. Page 120 of original. " 193 of Paige's copy. B. Page 7. In evidence of the change of name from Redfin to Redfield, and to show the first appearance of the latter form, and also to preserve the earliest faint glimpses of our ancestors' domestic life, we here collate the scattered items con- tained in the New London Records. 1654, May 29. Deed of sale from "Jonathan Brewster of Pequot" to " William Redfyne of the said Pequot of tenn acres of irrable land lying at Munhegon of the plaine of said Brewster's land and on the north side thereof" &c., " with the ground whereon the said Redfyne hath built a house with a small garden thereto belonging allready fenced in." Old Book of Deeds and Grants from 1652-1669. 1655. Jan. 10. Thomas Bayley was marryed to Lyddia the daughter of James* [William ?] Redfin^ the lOili of Jany. Record of Births, Deaths and Marriages. 1657, April 26. Richard Haughtont sells to ^^ William Redfyn" "a parcel of land with a stone house upon it containing four acres more or less, in Pequot on the west side of the highway, bounded " &c. Book of Deeds and Grants, 1652-1669. 1657-8, Jan. 25. " William Redfin hath given him sixe ackers of land to hig house if it be there to be laid out on the back of his house to the swamp." Ibid. * In relation to an error which here exists in the original record, see note on p. 7. t The house lot of "Thomas Bayley" or " Baylie " vras next adjoining the lot of Richard Haughton, which lot Uaughtou here sells to Kedfin. 276 APPENDIX. 1657-8. " William Redfin's " name occurs as witness to deeds of Jonathan Brewster to Benjamin Brewster. Ibid. 1659, Aug. 3. Thomas Bayhe sells to Wm. Blomfield of Hartford, *' house and land lying by it, six acres more or less with trees, fences, orchards," &c., " this land lying by the land of Goodman Redjicld." The same deed proceeds, " as also I sell and make over to him two ackers of land lying upon the west end of Goodman liedjin's lot and running to the brooke." Witness my hand. The mark of "b Thos. Baylie." Witnessed by William Thomson and Wil- liam Redfin. Ibid, 1661, Dec. 12. Thomas Roach was married to Rebecca Redfin ye 12th of December. Record of Births, Deaths and Marriages. 166 M , March 15. " William Redfin of New London " sells to Thomas Roach, " house and house lot containing twelve acres more or less, sixe* whareof I bought of Richard Houghton and the other which was given me by the town, having a highway on the east, west a swomp," &c. Ibid. Thomas Roach, when he afterwards sold this place, described it as " the house and house lot that I bought of my father-in-law William Redfin." 1662, April 1. An instrument of indenture executed, of the following import : " I James Redfin of New-London in the jurisdiction of Connecticut, do with the consent of my father and mother bynde myself unto Hugh Roberts of the same place, tanner, to doe him faithful! service for the space and terme of five yeeres from the day of the date hereof, provided he allow mee and yeerely pay unto me five pounds in good and marchandable pay and give mee good and comfortable board, lodging and washing and teach me the art and trade of tan- ning leather," &c. Signed by James Redfin, William Redfin and Hugh Roberts. Witnessed by Gershom Bulkley and Lucretia Brewster. 1 bid. 1663, June 9. At a town meeting held on this date, " Widdo Redfin" pre- sented a request for a certain piece of land ; and at a subsequent meeting. Sept. 16, 1663, it is recorded that " Widdo Redfin hath given her sixe ackers if it be there, not hiudriug the cartway next to Terrall's house lot." Old Book of Town Affairs, &c. Omitting reference to one or two other deeds of land in Bailej^'s neighbor- hood, where the name Redfyn occurs, and also an obligation on the part of Bailey to pay a small annuity to Rebeckah Redfin, we quote further : 1665. March 2. A deed of Robert Loveland to John Stodder, of land which from its bounds was clearly in the neighborhood of the Redfins and Bayleys, is witnessed by " The mark of X Rebecca liedfield.'' " Old Book qf Deeds and Grants." Tliis deed is recorded by a difierent clerk from the one that usually wrote the name Rcdlin. 1666. Oct. 6. On the New London Rate List of this date, the name of .Tames Redfield appears, estimated at X3 Os. 2d. He is not on the list of 1667, and these two are the only rate lists of the town before 1700, that are extant. * It iippears from thisdood that the four acres bouRht of lUohiird HnUKhton hnd Krown into pix. Tlii.-i was not uncommon in those days wlion measurements of land were vague and always ample, sometimes doubling the nominal extent. APPENDIX. 277 1666. Dec. 29. Rcbeckah Redfin sells the six acres given her by the towa next to Terrall's lot, signing her mark Rcbeckah X Redfin. Old Book of Town Affairs. 1667. Widdow Rebecca Redfin complained before the Court, tliat Alexander Pygau had " enticed away her daughter Judith's affections contrary to the laws of this corporation." Records of Court. 1667. June 17. *' Alexander Pygan of Norwich, Old England, was married unto Judith, the daughter of lViUia7n Rcdfin of New London, yt- 17th of June." Record of Births, Deaths and Marriages, The Goodman Redficld and Goodman Rcdjin mentioned above, in Thomas Bayley's deed," must i-efer to one and the same person. If not, who was Good' man Red field J No deed or grant, or even casual allusion before this period, points to any such resident unless we suppose tliis identity. He is moreover, located precisely upon the land registered to William Rcdfin, in the immediate vicinity of the latter's son-in-law, Thomas Bailey. For these gleanings from the New London Records, and for many uselul sug- gestions, we are indebted to the kindness and the research of Miss F. M. Caul- kins, the historian of New London. Among the antiquarians of New England she holds a high place. Noted for cautious sagacity in investigation, and for extensive acquaintance with the details of the early life-scenes of New England, her opinions must command the higliest respect. Her local familiarity with the lands and bounds and names of settlers, and the entries in tlie old records, fully " persuade her that there could not have been a Rcdfin and a Redfield living in the same neighborliood at the same time, owning apparently the same land ; and also subsequently, a widow Rebecca Redfin and a widow Rebecca Redficld, coevals in the same neighborhood, both making their marks for a sig- nature." In corroboration we may also plead the probability that the James Redfield who is rated in 1666, at a low amount (as one just beginning the world would be likely to be), is identical with the James Redfin who was apprenticed in 1662, especially in connection with the fiict that Hugh Roberts, to whom the latter was bound, broke up his establishment in 1666, thus, in all probability, throwing his apprentice upon the world. Since the above was prepared for the press, J. Hammond Trumbull, the accomplished antiquarian of Connecticut, has placed in our hands the following extracts, from a manuscript diary of Lieut. Thomas Minor, lately brought to light : " Nov. 15, 1654. Goodman Redfild was making our backe for our dumbly." " Nov. 22. " Our backe of our chimbly was ended: goodman Redfild had 22s. and 6d. for doing the stone wall." Lieut. Minor had recently removed from (what is now) New London, some nine or ten miles eastward, towards Pawcatuck, and the work done by "Red- field," was upon his new house. These trivial entries in the good Lieutenant's journal, are to us of interest, as showing that our ancestor bore the name of Redfield among his neighbors, at the very time the town clerk was accustomed to record him as Redfin, and also as showing the nature of his occupation, on which point we had previously no evidence. 278 APPENDIX. C. Pages 8 and 9. Since this \^'ork lias Leen in press, the kindness of L. M. Pease, Esq. of Edgar- town, Martlia's Vineyard, lias put us in possession of a copy of a land grant to James Redfield, found among the records of that island. The document shows that James Redfield was not only an inhabitant of Tisbnry in 1671, as mentioned in the text, but that he was also a house-holder from 1671 to at least as late aS 1673, which facts strengthen the probability of his identity with the James Red- field of New Haven, in 1670, and of Saybrook in 1676. We here subjoin a copy of the instrument : " The Lands and Accomodations " of James Redfield " which lyeth in the township of Takymmy or Tisbury on the Vineyard as follows : One half house lot which containeth twenty-five acres, lying on the east side of the brook where his dwelling-house is this present year, one thousand six hundred and seventy and three bounded with the brook on the westj and Joseph Dogget's half lot on the north, and Isaac Robinson's lot on the south, being twenty five rods in breadth, and running in length eight score rods easterly from the brook, being twenty-five acres more or less ; and half the sixth part of the neck by John Eddy's, of which half the fifth lot is .James Redfield's, lying on the south side of Joseph Dogget's half lot, lying across the neck at the north, is divided to every man's share contained in the nock, as before spoken in the order of divi^ sion of the three hecks, baring date February the first, 1671. And the two and thirtyth part of all undivided Lands, whether purchased or that may be purthessed. This is the Lands and Accomodations of James Redfield, but to be remembered the purthes not yet paid. Letter from Capt. Robert Chapman to the Council at Hartford. Satbkook Jully the 28th (1676) Honnered Sir These few lines ar to signifi that the fort house together with the fortification is neare finisht that the honnered counsill would be pleasd to signifi there mind as to the keeping of the same whether by the maintaining of a garison or elc by placeing only a familly to line there if a garison to niaintaine watch and ward which is most honnerable and safe then whethere there can bo less then six men and if they only do attend there seruice euery third day and night I judg fiue shillings a weake is competent alio wane for that seruice if it be thought meet to place a family to Hue in the house only liere is on in our towne that I have spoken withall if your honners haue no other in your ey the man is a weauer by trade his propositions ar that he may haue the full liberty of the house as to set up his loonies in and that what garisan soulders ar appointed they be such as ar reliable persons that he may confide in there faithfu lines and not such empost upon hime that ether can not or will not do what they ought to do the man acording to what experienc we haue had of hinio is the fittest for this ocation of any we haue in vew his name is James Redfeild and hath a ser- uaent man with wife and children and that those garison soulders if it may be quarter in the fort house both for redines in the day and security in the night for I haue found a great deall of trouble and ditficuUty to gather them up to there buisnes being scattered about in seuerall houses my desire that your hon- ner together with the lionnered counsell would be pleasd to signifi your mind as to the premises and if it may be to send downe captaine Bull for the settle- ment hereof that I may be diacharded not further to giue youe trouble in these APPENDIX. 279 troubled times iny prayer and harts desire that the wise Counseller would so couusell and derect youe in all your weighty and emportant actions as may be most for his glory and the furtheranc of his peoples good and glueing [ ] with you I am your honners humbly to serue ROBT CHAPMAN Senier State Papers, Hartford. Col. Boundaries, Vol. II. Doc. 39, D. Page 9, From the \st Vol. of Land Grants and Deeds, at Saybrook. "The lands of James Readfield given him by the town platt, near to pipe- stand point, December llth, 1683. Being one acre of Upland Containing Eight and twenty rods in length, East- ward and Westward in breadth 6 rods, and Northward and Southward in Length Eight and twenty rods. December 2 1st, 1686. Also one Acre more given by the town being the same l/ength and Breadth ajoyning westward to his former acre." E. Page 10. From the Land Records of Saybrook. To all People to whom these Presents shall come : I James Keadfield of fairfield in the County of fairfield. In the Colonie of Connecticutt in New England, Weaver, Do Send Greeting. Know Yee. ; That I the said James Readfield for & in Consideration of my naturall Love, good Will, and affection which I have & Do bear towards my Duty full Son Theophi- lus Readfield of Killingworth in the County of New London & Colony afore- said, Joyner, Have given and granted, & by these presents Do freely. Clearly & absolutely. Give & Grant unto my said Loving and Dutiful Son Theophilus Readfield, his heirs, Executors, Administrators or assigns, a certain parcell of Land Lyeing & being in the Town Platt in Say Brook, in the County of New London & Colonie aforesd computed to be Two acres, near adjoyning to a Cer- tain place Called & Known by the name of Pipe Staves point, which was. given to me the said James Readfield by the Town of Say Brook, as will appear upon Record in the sd Towns Book ; To have & to hold the said Two acres of Land with all the Privileges, appurtenances, profits & advantages to the same Belong- ing or in any wise appertaining according to the Record, To him the said Theo- philus Readfield his heirs Executors, administrators & assigns, from hence forth as his & their Proper Estate ; absolutely without any manner of condition, In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seal (freely & without any Compultion) the first day of May in the twelfth year of the Reign of our Sove- reign Lady Anne, Queen of Great Britain &c, Anno Domini 1713. Signed, Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of us William Keilcye JAMES READFIELD p , Benjamin Bdell the Subscriber '■^' J Mr Readfield from his father ) Received ye 30* Day of Decembr 1713. ^ The Subscriber unto the above Written appeared Personally before me in Killingworth, May 1st Anno, 1713, and acknowledged that the signing, sealing was his free & Voluntary Act. Before me. Samuel Buell, Justice. 280 APPENDIX. F. Page 10. From the Land Records of Fairfield, Know all men by these presents, that we, James Redfield of Fairfield, in the colony of Connecticut, and Deborah Eedfield, husband and wife, for divers good causes and considerations us thereunto moving, and principally for the encouragement of our well beloved son James Redfield of said Fairfield, to con- tinue with and help us in our old age, and in consideration of his free and voluntary becoming bound to provide for his said mother Deborah, to the full value of the housing and lands hereinafter mentioned and granted to him, have given, granted, made over and confirmed, and by these presents do give, gi'ant, make over and confirm, unto our said son James Redfield, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the several parcels of land and meadows here following, all lying and being iu said Fairfield, namely : A small home lot lying near Hides Pond ; northwest by land of Joseph Jennings, on all sides else by the common, with all the buildings, fruit trees, and fences thereon being. Also one acre and half of land in the mill plain, be it more or less ; bounded east by an high [way] west by the Mill river, north and south by land of Peter Sturges. Also one acre of meadow near the new bridge ; bounded northwest by upland, northeast by meadow of Thomas Williams, southeast by meadow of Jonathan Sturgiss, southwest by John Sturgiss' mead and lastly, one acre of meadow in the thirds ; bounded southeast by meadow of said Jonathan Sturgiss, southwest by John Morehouse meadow, northwest by meadow of Samuel Bradley, northeast in part, by meadow belonging to the heirs of John Bradley, deceased, and partly by the meadow of Abigail Burr, witli the privileges and appurtenances to the said several parcels of laud belonging ; excepting and reserving only, to us, and the longest liver of us, the use and improvement of all the said granted parcels of land and meadow and premises, during our natural lives. To have and to hold unto our said son James Redfield, and to his heirs and assigns, forever, the said granted and described parcels of land and meadow, with all the buildings, fruit trees and fences thereon being, and all other privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, for his and their only use and behoof, except before ex- cepted, forever, without any lett, claim or molestation, except before excepted, from us, or either of us or any otlier of our heirs, or any other person or per- sons whatsoever, by, from or under us or either of us, or by our consent, privity or pi-ocurement. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hand and seals, this 10th day of February, 1718-9. JAMES REDFIELD, [l, s.] her DEBORAH X REDFIELD, [l. s.] mark. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us, Peter Burr, Sarah Stdrgis. James Redfield and Deborah Redfield, subscribers to the above instrument acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed, the day and year above written, before me. Peter Burr, Assistant. Recorded 15th day of December, 1720. Know all men by these presents, that I, John Sely of Newtown, in the colony of Connecticut, for divers good causes and considerations, me thereunto mov- ing, have, and by these presents do release and forever quit-claim unto my APPENDIX. 281 loving brother James Rodfield, jr., named in the within deed, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all my right, title, &c., that I now have, or that I or my heirs might otherwise by any way or means hereafter have in, of or unto the land and meadow, given and made over to the said James in said deed, with all the privileges, &c., to have and to hold to the said James Redfield, &c. 4th March, 1718-9. Acknowledged same date. JOHN SEALY, [l. s.] Witnesses, Peter Burr. Thaddeds Burr. Know all men by these presents, that we, Daniel Frost of Fairfield, in the colony of Connecticut, and Sarah Frost, husband and wife, for the consideration of thirty shillings, by us already received of our brother James Redfield, jr., named in the within deed, and for divers other good causes and considerations thereunto moving, have, and by these presents do remise, release, and forever quit-claim to our brother James Redfield, jr., in his possession and quiet siezin, being, and to bis heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever, that we or either of us now have, or the heirs of either of us might or could by any way or means hereafter have, in, of, or unto the house, land and meadow, given and made over to our said brother James Red- field, jr., and to his heirs and assigns forever, for his and their only behoof of, forevermore, without any let, claim or molestation from us, or either of us, our heirs, executors, and administrators or assigns forever ; as witness our hands and seals this 10th day of January, A.D. 1720-1, DANIEL FROST, [l. s.] SARAH >^'" FROST, [l. s.] mark. Acknowledged Jan, 20, 1720-1. Witnessed by Thomas Couch, John Davis. G. Page 13. From the Probate Records at Guilford, Conn. Will of Theophilus Redfield. Approved March 6, 1759. In the name of God Amen. This twenty-second of September, A. D. 1738 I Theophilus Redfield of Killingworth in the county of New London in the Colony of Connecticut in New England, being in a comfortable state of health, and of sound mind and memory, thanks be given unto God therefor. Calling to mind the mortally of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die ; Do make and ordain this my Last will & Testament that is to say Principally & first of all I give & Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors nothing Doubting but at the General Recurrection I shall Receive the Same again by the mighty power of God ; and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it liath pleased to bless me in this life, I Give Demise and Dispose of the Same in the folowing manner & form, my Just Debts and funeral Charges being first paid — Imprimis I Give and bequeath unto Priscilla my Dearly beloved wife the use and Improvement of one third part of my Real Estate, During the Term of her natural Life ; and I give unto her one third part of my personal Estate to be at her Dispose forever. Item I give and bequeath to my nine Sons all my Lands and Real Estate to 36 282 APPENDIX. be so Divided among them that my Eldest Son shall have a Double portion thereof, and the Rest of my Sons Each of them a single Share to be to them their heirs and assigns forever. Reserving only to my wife the Improvement of one Third part During Life as abovesd , my Said Sons being Daniel, Richard, Ebenezer, Theophilus, Peleg, George, William, Josiah and James. Item What I have already given or may hereafter give to any of my s^l sons by Deed of Gift is to be accounted as part of their shares or portions of my s^ Lands or Real Estate ; as also what I have Layd out or shall Lay out to help any of them in building or purchasing to be accounted as part of their Portions ; so that the Lands and Real Estate which I shall leave at my Decease to be so Divided among them as to Include those Gifts in the abovesJ portions ; and if any of my Sons shall Decease before me, their Issue if any be shall their share ; and if any of them Die without Issue the surviveing sons shall all s^ Real Es- tate Divided among them in proportion as abovesJ . Item I Give and bequeath to my four Daughters all the Remainder of my personal Estate to be so Divided among them as to make all their Shares or portions of my Estate to be Equal Including what I have given or may give to any of them in the time of my Life, my Daughters being Elizabeth, Lydia, Priscilla and Jane. Lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my Loveing wife Priscilla and my Loveing Son Daniel Redfield, to be my Executors of this my last Will and Tes- tament, and do hereby Revoke and Disanul all former Wills and Testaments and Executors by me at any time before named or made, hereby Declaring this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day of the date above written. THEOPHILUS REDFIELD. [l. s.] In presence of Samuel Hill, Nathaniel Rcggles, Samuel Hill, Jr. f We can not better realize the interior domestic life of the plain and substan- tial farmer and mechanic of the early part of the last century than by a glance at the Inventory of Theophilus Redfield, which is accordingly here presented.] At a Court of Probate held in Guilford, April ye 9th 1759: Present Timothy Stone, Esq. Judge. Nathaniel Hill, Clerk. Priscilla Redfield, Executrix of the last Will & Testament of Mr. Theophilus Redfield, Late of Killingworth Dec^ 1 Ditto 6 pewter Plates wt 4 2-16 4 old Dittos 2 small Dittos 2 pewter Quart Basous 1 old Large Ditto Ditto old Ditto 6 pound & a half old pewtr 1 old largo porringer 1 Ditto Is. another Ditto 8d 2 old Dittos 1 old Quart Pot 1 Tea Pot 1 gill Pot 1 beeker Cup 1 Salt Seller 10 pewter spoons 1 tin Cullender 1 Till Cup 1 Tin Sauce pan 1 old tin tunnel 1 tin Skimmer 1 large braes Spoon 1 brass Candlestick 2 large Drinking Glasses 4 small Dittos 2 foot Dittos 9 glass Bottles 1 point Ditto ... 1 Earthen Punch Bowl 6 small Dittos 6 earthen Plates 1 Earthen Mugg 2 Vinegar Juggs & caee 1 Small Red Earthen Bason 3 yellow Earthen Plates , 1 Earihen Mugg 4 silver tea spoons* s. d. C 3 7 3 3 6 10 10 14 2 6 2 6 1 4 5 9 5 2 1 1 2 4 1 10 4 G 4 3 9 6 3 2 4 6 3 6 * These four silver tea spoons, constituting the " family plate," were, no doubt, divided among the four daughters. One at least of these spoons is still in existence, haviug descended through four Priscilla Redfields, and being now in possession of a fifth, Miss Priscilla Redfleld of Delhi, 284 APPENDIX. £ s. d 6 new CaBe Knives & forks 3 old Case Knives and forks 1 Gnn & bullet Molds old bell muzzle Ditto 1 powder Horn St }4 powder 1 Cartridge Box 1 pound of Bullets & 9 flints Rasor 9d. hone 'Zs. 6d 1 large file 3 small Dittos Hand Saw set Iron punch for Sails 3 Sail needles & 2 palms a piece of Glew old Sword & Belt 1 oldjo3'nter 2» Short Ditto 3«... a Cornish & beed mold a pannel plain a Large RoUnd & Half Round.. a fore plain old Smoothing plain a half Round Smoothn plain .... a back o-g plain an asticle plain a Skew Rabiting plain Philester plain a large Quarter Round a Hallow Round plain A Sash plain a Great mouth Philester Small Quarter Round a Rabit plain a Small Philester a Skew Round a small Ronnd a sash Iron a small Round Iron & a Grave Iron a Grave Plow plain a Crooked plain 10 £ «. d. a Large nail Hammer 1 Joyner's narrow Chissel 4 a Broad Ditto 1 2 table mortising Dittos 26 Small furmer 4 Small round 2 a Sash mortising Chissel 6 2 small Gouges 4 Round plain 2 o-ge plain 1 3 1 Chaulk Role and Lmo 6 2 Dittos 5 a Wimblet 1 6 a bit 6 Small Hallow Round 8 a Round asticle a Hallow asticle o-ge asticle a Large beed o-ge a small Rabbitin plain a Broad ax Joyner's Hetchel Carpenter's adds Great Auger, Inch and Quarter Auger, Inch Ditto half Inch Ditto 2 small Gimblets, Ditto Carpenter's B. Chissel, 1 narrow Ditto a Large pair Compasses, a Draw Shave, a Cow Bell, Joyner's wooden Square, 4 Large Joynter Iron, 8 Iron frow, 2 6 Set of Rope Irons and wooden Layers, 5 N. Y. (859). She received it from Mrs. Prisrilla LKedfield] SturROs (317) of Stamford, Dela- wnre county, N. Y., who had it from Mrs. Prisvilla LKedfieki] Lyon (92) of the same place The latter iirobably received it from Mrs. Pri.icilla LHcdliiilii] Uradley (17) of tJuilford, the third dauKhtiT of Tlicophilus and I'riscilla. It mny interest the matrons of the present day to know the fiishion of spoon used by their great griindniothcrs, and we therefore subjoin a front and back view of the one above mentioned, showine; fac-simile of the marking and the exact .size. The weight is 4 pennyweights. APPENDIX. 285 £ ». d. old Handsaw, 1 abuck Ditto, 3 6 old Compass Ditto, 2 4 Iron turning tools, 3 best Sythe & Tackling 3 old Ditto 2 a Crossing Iron & Storck, 3 Small Hammer, 3 Smoothing plain, 1 3 a Large Cow Bell, 7 a pair of Plow Irons, wt 21 >i,... 11 Yoke & Irons, 4 3 Log Chain, -wt 13 "i^, 8 Draught Ditto, wt 7X , 5 6 a tap auger, 1 6 Iron Chape, 1 3 1 frying pan, 5 old narrow axe, 2 old Ditto 1 1 oval table, 15 a Chest with Draws, 10 plain Ditto 7 a Long plan Ditto, 3 a Red Box with a Lock, 5 old Chest & old Box, 1 a Table tJs. Ditto 4s 10 3 best black Chairs, 10 6 1 Ditto 3«. 2 Dittos 5« 8 1 old Great Chair, 8 2 small plain Ditto, 1 1 Sugar Box, 8 GreatDitto, 9 old Cart Rope, 1 6 old Com Fan, 1 a Large meal Chest, 6 8 b read Trough, 2 old Chest with Joyner's tools in it, 1 3 old Hogshead, 6 1 Tierce, 8 3 Bushels & a peck Barley, 9 9 half a bushel Salt, 2 3 Cyder BaiTels, 6 1 Churn Barrel, 6 2HalIowTubs, 1 3 1 Meal Bagg, 3 Ditto 1 8 old Ditto 8 old Half Bushel, 1 old 2 Quart 2 5 old beehives, 10 half a bushel Seed Com, 1 £ ». d- 1 peck of flax-seed 1 12 Bushels of meslin,* 2 6 2 Bushels & a half wheat, 12 6 old pannel, 4 old Saddle, 5 pillion, 7 money scales & weights, 5 a pair of Cards, 3 6 a Choping Knife, 8 2 small Baskets, 1 aGreatWheel, 2 6 foot Wheel, 10 old hand Ditto, 2 a sugar pail, 2 water pail, 1 6 1 hand Ditto 1». Ditto 6d 16 Small Chum, 1 6 Gallon Bottle, 1 Ditto e a mashing tub, 4 Ditto 3 Ditto 3 ButterTub, 3 Ditto 1 a fat Ditto, 1 6 aGreatBowl, 2 Ditto 1 Ditto 6 2 fleet t Dittos, 10 3 small Dittos, 9 4 milkTrays, 4 1 wooden platter, 6 8 Trenchers, 1 2 1 pound of Red oaker, 1 3 best hogshead, 3 4 Ditto 2 powdering tub, 2 Ditto 2 Cedar Sope Tub, 7 pair Sheep Sheers 2 old Great Bible 7 1 Sermon Book, 7 Ditto 9d. Ditto 6d., 1 3 Ditto 4>i. Ditto 3d., 7 3 Dittos, 6 1 Earthen Pitcher, 8 1 Dye Tub, 1 6 1 Course Sieve 1 3 Ditto 9 old bagg, 4 half a bushel Indian Corn, 1 3 Some Casks in Josiah's Cellar, * A mixture of grains, usually wheat and rye. t Fled, to skim milk. Local in England.— Webster, 286 APPENDIX. £ a. d. one hogshead, 4 Ditto 3 Ditto 2 8 old Ditto 2 6 old Ditto 1 3 old Ditto 7 Small Sope Tub 2 6 1 powdering Tub, 1 3 Ditto 1 Cart & wheels & Irons, 1 5 Iron Trowel, 1 8 1 marking Iron, 13 ye 6th part of a Cyder Mill & Irons, 8 ye one half of ye winter Corn on ye ground in Josiah's Lot, 1 10 ye one-half of ye winter Corn in ye Orchard, 10 1 pair of Oxen, 10 1 Cow with Calf, 2 18 1 Ditto not with Calf, 2 15 1 two year old, 1 8 2 poor two year olds, 1 5 £ s. d. 13 Sheep, 4 10 1 mare, ^ The Dwelling House, 28 The old Bam, 6 15 acres, 1 Quarter & 20 Rods of Land, being ye Homestead In- cluding ye Orchard, 85 15 1 acre & a half of laud at ye East End of Theophs homestead, .. 2 91 acres & a half of land on ye west side of ye highway, being part of ye homestead and other land adjoyning, 149 1 Large Swine, 17 1 barrow Shote, 10 Ditto 7 7 yards & a quarter of plain cloth, 1 13 10 30 acres of land in ye additional grant, 45 13 acres of Land on ye Lower End of Chesnut Hill Ledge, 10 5 431 18 8 We the subscribers being first Sworn according to Law Have niade and Com- pleated this Inventory the 31st Day of March, 1759. JONATHAN WILCOCKS, ) LEMUEL HULL, >apprisers. NATHAN GRISWOLD. ) Pkiscilla Redfield, Executrix sworn in Court. Test. Nathanl. Hill, Clerk. H. Page 15. The fac-simile of Daniel Redfield's autograph given in the text is taken from a certificate of election of a captain of militia in 1741, found among the state papers at Hartford. Militia, Vol. HI, folio 113. Tlie document, with its antiquated phraseology may have some interest for his descendants, and it is therefore here subjoined : " To the Honourable, the Governour and General Court now sitting at New Haven, October ye 21st 1741. These come to inform you that I lately Received an Order from liis Honour yo Governour to lead the second Company of Soldiers in Killingworth (it being yo Seventh Company in y« Seventh Regiment) to ye Choice of a ("aptain and such other Officers as should bo needfull ; and according to said Order upon ye 21x1 day of this instant October I led ye said Company to yi" Choice of a Captain, and Lieut. John Steevens was chosen Captain by a Great Majority by forty-six votes and y other votes were but five and it seems to be to good satis- faction of said Company and I pray that he may be Commissionated Accord- ingly. ,,,.,,, ( DAVID RUELL, Major. Cert.fyd by us, ] ^^NIEL KEDFIKLD, Clerk. APPENDIX. 287 I. Page 20. Return of Capt. JRerJJield 's company for the opening of the Campaign 0/1759. (From Samuel B. Kedfield, of Hartford, Conn.) PELEG REDFIELD, Captain. GEORGE NETTLETON, 1st Lieut. ABRAHAM TYLER, ad Lieut. EDWARD SHIPMAN, Ensign. Theophilus Redfield, Serg't. Ezra Crane, Serg't. William Bailey, Serg't. William Mitchel, Sei-g't. Josiah Waterous, Clerk, Thomas Dibbel, Corp'l. John Marvin, Corp'l. Thomas Francis, Corp'l. Reuben Clark, Corp'l. Miles Wright, Drummer. Ezekial Hull, Drummer. Phineas Bailey Joseph Bate Daniel Bale John Bailey Permit Boasey Robert Bradford Moses Baldwin Amos Bushnal Job Bulkly Cornelius Chatfield Amos Carter Joshua Cone Thomas Conklin Lechary Clark Thomas Clark Daniel Clark Joseph Clark William Cramer Daniel Comstock Elijah Dee Jeremiah Dowd James Dome Israel Done David Franklin Nathaniel Sikes Farnon Samuel Griffin Mark Graves George Hull William Hull Samuel Hull Asa Jones Eliezer Isbel Elihu Johnson Ebenezer Horten Phineas Person Peter Kelsey Russel Lane Levi Leet William Lewis Edward Merrel Mitchel Merret William Pratt Caleb Pratt Thomas Pratt Ithamar Pelton Samuel Parmeleo Nathan Pelton Azariah Pratt James Redfield Nathan Redfield Jonah Rutty Samuel Stephens Eliakim Stephens Abraham Stephens Jonathan Shipman Nathan Stephens Thomas Stephens Nehemiah Stephens James Stephens Elijah Stephens Jonathan Smith Josiah Scovel Edmund Snow Andrew TuUy Christopher Tully 288 APPENDIX. Ezra Tyler Gershom Tully Charles Tryal Isaac Thomas Joshua Wright Peleg Willard John Wilcocks Nathaniel Wilcocks Nathaniel Wright Stephen Waterous Samuel Webb Isaac Williams. Killingworth, April 28, 1759. " Then mustered the Second Connecticut Regiment, Captain Peleg Redfield's Company: the Captain, two Lieutenants, one Ensign, five Sergeants, two drum- mers, and eighty-one effective men, rank and file. " N. WHITING, Colonel, *' and Muster Master to 2d Connecticut Regiment." The muster-roll of Capt. Redfield's company for the campaign of 1760, has not been preserved, but in the State office at Hartford, Conn., is found a bill for supplies to the company by Fitch & Pomeroy, which enables us to give the following list of the soldiers composing it : Capt. Peleg Redfield* Lieut. John Crane " Abraham Towner Ensign Eliphalet Wells Sergeant Abner Fuller '* Roger Rose " Theophilus Redfield* Corporal Joshua Wright '• Josiah Baldwin " Ezra Tyler " Isaac Bigelow Jabez Bales Roswell Baell Amos Carter* Robert Carter Solomon Chatfield Daniel Clark* John Clark Thomas Conklin* Ezra Crane* Josiah Crittenden Nathaniel Crittenden Israel Dewey Edward Dodge Ebenezer Field Jonatlian Franklin Daniel Franklin Ezekiel Fox Timothy Hand Ilezekiah Hill Amos Hull Peter Hull Samuel Hull* Nathan Hull Eleazer Isbell* Philip Judd Abel Kelsey Absalom Kelsey Oliver Kelsey] Matthew Kelsey Russell Lane* Josiah MacLean James Morrell Josiah Munn William Nettleton Jeremiah Nettleton Lester Newell Archibald Norton Nathaniel Parmelee Dan Parmelee Cornelius Parmelee Phiueas Pelson Nathan Redfield* David Rider Jonah Rutty* Aaron Rutty Elijah Stepliens* James Stephens* Abraham Stephens Elisha Stephens APPENDIX. 289 Eliakiin Stephens* Christopher TuUy* Eliphalet Stephens Reuben Turner John Smith Joy Ward Nathaniel Taylor Peleg Willard<^ Joseph Taylor Nathaniel Wilcox* Gershora TuUy* David Wilcox Andrew Tully* Miles Wright* Those marked thus ♦ also served in the campaign of 1759. J. Page 20. Settlement op Capt. Redfield's Accounts for Campaign op 1760. From State Papers at Hartford. Colony of Connecticut to Capt. Peleg Redfield of the 2d Regt ^ Company under him for Services the Campn 1760. Dr. £ s. d. 1760. To Cash paid back pay to 8 sergts 4 mo. at 40s per mo 64 To paid Cash pay to 5 Corporals 4 mo. at 38s per mo 38 To paid Cash pay to 51 privates, 4 mo. at 36s per mo 367 4 To paid bounty to 11 new soldiers at i;4 44 To paid additional bounty to 64 old troops who inlisted be- fore the 1st of June a 40s 128 To paid for 75 Lapells at 35s each 131 5 To Corpl 1 mo. pay £^ & Lieut. ^£12 & 1 Ens. £b 25 To 5 Serjeants £11 & 6 Corporals k Drummers <£12 12s. .. . 23 12 To 64 Privates at 40s per mo 128 949 1 To Commissions on £949 : Is : 0t< at 1 % per cent 14 4 8 To enlisting fees 75 men 5s , 18 15 982 8 "To Comms ordr in favr Lt John Crane 132 7 3 M 1,114 7 UK Cb. £ s. d. 1760. Apr. 1 1, By the Committee's ord"" on the Treasurer 401 May 19, By the Committee's ordr on the Treasurer 250 " 21, By the Committee's ordr on the Treasr 250 June 3, By the Committee's ordr on the Treasr 140 '* 20, By the Committee's ordr on the Treasr 70 By sundries supplied by Messrs. Fitch & Pomeroy By interest on ^£108: 12 (Rec'd by Capt. Redfield more than he disbursed) from 20 June to 31 Dec. 5p. c 3 711)^ 1,114 7 nn 37 290 APPENDIX. Pay Roll of Capt. Peleg Redfield"s Company, for Services in Campaign OF 1760. Capt. Peleg Redfield's Company, To Fitch & Pomeroy, Dr. viz' = Cap'- Peleg Redfield, ^31 9s. 7d. L"- John Crane, , .• 12 7 Colony of Connecticut to Lieut. John Crane, appointed paymaster. To Amount of Pay Roll £1422: I9:4}i Deduct first mo. paid by Capt. Redfield. 176 : 12 1,246 7 4H To 1 /^ per cent allowed by paymaster 18 13 lOX 1,265 1 2% 1761 Jan. 20. By Comms ordered on the Adminn of Capt. Red- field's Estate 132 7 3 By sundries supplied by Messrs. Fitch & Pomeroy. 361 13 5 By Comms order on ye Treasurer 771 6H 1,265 1 2K N. B. Since settling ye above it appears yt Col. Whiting paid Capt.Redfield 19 14 6 & to Peter Hull one of ye Compy 1 10 makes in ye whole 21 4 6 & ye same is endorsed accordingly on ye order on ye Treasurer Errors Excepted 20 Jan 1761 JOHN CRANE. Hartford 20 Jany 1761 John Crane first Lt to ye above Compy personally appeared and made solemn oath yt ye foregoing Ac in the various articles therein entered and charged is true & just. Coram John Ledyard. K. Page 26. Letter to Governor Trumlull. May it Please Your Honi^- In compliance with your desire manifested to us (the Com'«<^ of Correspond- ence for this Town) by the Reva M'- Huntington, we would inform your Hon^ of The Quantities of Military Stores &c. in the Town.— The Town Stock consi-sts of 200"" Weight of Powder and 500"" Do. of sizeable Balls, with a due Proportion of Flints — The Powder in Private Hands, about 100"" with about 400"^^ Lead, or Balls. We have also 100, only of sufficient Fire Arms, without Bayonets, exclusive of those now in the Armey, to 457 Men, including House- Holders.— There is likewise 100"" wt of Brimstone we have engaged for the Gov- ernment (if necessary) & no more than 2 or 3 lbs. of Salt Petre, which we have the promise of. APPENDIX. 291 Wishing your Honor divine Counsel & support, Proportionatw to the Exe- geucies ot the Times, & the Importance of your Station, we beg leave to sub- scribe ourselves your Houor's most Obea' & most Hum' Serv's Signed by order of S'' Committee, DANIEL REDFIELD, Clerk of Com"- Killing worth, June 30"< 1775. To the Houi"'= Gov' Trumbull. L. Pages 57, 59. Marched from Killingicorth for the Relief of Boston, SfC, in the Lexington Alarm, April It 15. Men's Names and Quality. Samuel Gale, Captain, . . . . Job Wright, Ensign, Joseph Hilliard, Sergeant,. Nathaniel Redfield, Ditto,. Levi Kelly, Private, Joseph Willson, Reu Hurd Jesse Cone, , Titus Teal, Timothy Teal, Nathan Wright, , John Buell, , Samuel Lewis, James Wright, Samuel Willcox, Dan Chapman, i Giles Wilcox, John Chatfield, . . . . i Martin Redfield, Job Buell, Jonathan Murry, <.. Elnathan Hurd, Robert Wilkison, Reuben Buell, > . . . George Nettleton, David Sebevan, £ s. d. 1 4 12 9 7 9 7 11 11 2 s. d, 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 s. d. 13 1 18 1 18 I 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 l7 17 11 14 I 23 25 2 292 APPENDIX. This may certify that the above is a true list of the men & the time they was in the service. Hartford, 22^ Dec. 1775. DANIEL GRISWOLD, > g , . „ DANIEL REDFIELD, J *^^®^* "*®°- Received of the Counter of Pay Table, order on Treasurer for the sum of Tvrenty-Three pounds live shillings and two pence C money in full of the above ace- per SAMUEL GALE, State Papers, at Hariford, Rev. War, "Vol. II. Muster Rolls, 1775. Lexington Alarm, 77. M. Page 85. Muster Roll of the Company commandBd by Capt. Luther Redfield in the War o/1812. Captain.— LVTEER REDFIELD. Sergeants, Abraham Stocker, Daniel Dryer, Samuel Crager, James Bartles. Joseph H. Brown, Benjamin Avery Seth Barnes Wm. Blanchard Samuel Baker Harlow Burt Michael Beadle Harry W. Bartle Nathaniel Betts Pardon Brownell Henry Boj'ce Eden Boyce John Boyce John Bradley Loami Beadle Lemuel Cobb Cyrenus Campbell David Crager Philip Crager Valentine Crager Hatfield Cooper Sumner Chapman Esquire Davenport Horace Done Charles Forbes Corporals. Benj. AUen, PrivateSi Chester Dryef. Elisha Fitch Gilbert Gordon John Gordon Craig Gordon John Gillespie Thomas Howe Thomas Hill, jr Ezra Hall Thomas Haines James High Almond HiU Joseph Harvey James Hammond David Jones Charles Keys Joseph Keys Nicholas King, jr Ebenezer H. Moore John Maynard Samuel Mills Eli Nelson Alanson Pierce Jesse Pierce Elisha Reynolds APPENDIX. 293 Silas Reynolds Lemuel Sonthwick Lemuel Roberts ' James Stephenson Timothy Y. Rich Warren Smith Jabez Reynolds Michael Tinney Anthony Rouse John D. Thorrington Benjamin Reynolds Joshua Vandervost Wm. B. Reynolds James Watson James Ray George Watson Isaac Stocker David Wheeler David Smith Philander Woodworth Nathan Smith Hubbard West Samuel S. Southwick Timothy Wood K Page 107. List of the Pjtblished Papers of the late Wm. C. Redfield. 1. Sketch of the Geographical Route of a great Railway, by which it is pro- posed to connect tlie Canals and navigable waters of tlie States of NeW York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and the Michigan, North West, and Missouri Territories, opening thereby a free communication at all seasons of the year between the Atlantic States and the great valley of the Mississippi. Pamphlet, published by G. & C. & H. Carvill, New York, 1829. A second edition of the above, with an appendix of much additional matter, was published by the same house in 1830. 2. Remarks on the prevailing storms of the Atlantic Coast of the North Ame- rican States. American Journal of Science, vol. xx, p. 17. April 1831, 3. List of Steamboat Explosions which have occurred in the United States, with some remarks on the same. Amer. Journ. Sci., xx, 336. July, 1831. 4. On the supposed collapse of Steam-boilers, and the means of preventing explosions. Amer. Journ. Sci., xxi, 190. Oct. 1831. 5. Note on the Hurricane of August, 1831. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Sept. 28, 1831. Copied in Am. Jour. Sci. xxi, 191, Oct. 1831. 6. Facts and Suggestions relatmg to the New York and Albany Railroad. Pamphlet, New York, 1832. 7. Notice of American Steamboats. Amer. Journ. Sci., xxiii, 311, Jan. 1833. 8. Observations on the Hurricanes and Storms of the West Indies and the Coast of the United States. Blunt's American Coast Pilot, 12th edition, p. 626, July, 1833, and in subsequent editions ; also in Amer. Jour. Sci., xxv, 1 14, Oct. 1833 ; translated in Bibl. Univ. de Geneve, i, 412, 1834. An Abstract of the above under the title of "Monitions and Instructions for vessels navigating on the western side of the Atlantic " is found in Purdy's Me- moir upon the Atlantic Ocean, 10th edition, 1853, p. 303. 9. Summary Statements of some of the leading Facts in Meteorology. Amer. Journ. Sci., xxv, 122, Oct. 1833. Originally prepared for the American edition of " Million of Facts," published in New York, 1833. It constitutes the new matter under the head of ** Atmospheric and Aerial Phenomena " in that work. Some copies have been circulated in pamphlet form under the title of "Facts in Meteorology." 294 APPENDIX. 10. Report of the Board of Examiners appointed by the Connecticut River Steam Boat Company' to enquire into tlie Causes of the Explosion of the Steam Boat New England. Published by the Steam Boat Company. Dec. 1833. 11. Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal kept in the city of New York during the years 1833 and 1834. Report of the Regents of the Univ. of State of N. Y. for 1835, p. 183 ; Amer. Journ. Sci., xxviii, 154, April 1835. 12. On the Evidence of certain Phenomena in Tides and Meteorology (In reply to Notes of an Observer [Mr. Espy]). Journ. Franklin Institute, Phil., XV, 372, June, 1835; Amer. Journ. Sci., xxviii, 310, July, 1835. 13. On the Gales and Hurricanes of the Western Atlantic. London Nautical Magazine, v, 199, April. 1836; U. S. Naval Magazine, i, 301, July, 1836; Amer. Journ. Sci., xxxi, 115, Oct. 1836. 14. On the Whirlwind character of certain Storms (In reply to Mr. Espy's No. 3, in a series of Meteorological Essays in Journ. of Franklin Institute). Journ. Franklin Institute, xix, 112, Feb. 1837. 15. Remarks on the supposed connection of the Gulf Stream with opposite currents. U. S. Naval Magazine, ii, 243, May, 1837 ; Journ. Franklin Institute, xix, 384, May, 1837; Blunt's Amer. Coast Pilot, 13th edition, p. 666, June, 1837, and in subsequent editions ; American Journ. Sci., xxxii, 349, July, 1837. 16. Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal kept in the City of New York, dur- ing the years 1835 and 1836; reported to the Albany Institute. Report of Re- gents of Univ. of State of N. Y. for 1837, p. 214, March, 1837, 17. Cursory Remarks and Suggestions on various topics in Meteorology, by an Amateur Observer. Blunt's Amer. Coast Pilot, 13th ed., p. 689, and subse- quent editions, June, 1837. The same under the title of " Meteorological Sketches, by an Observer." Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxiii, 50, 261, Oct, 1837 and Jan. 1838 ; U. S. Naval Maga- zine, ii, 392, 1837. 18. Some account of two visits to the Mountains in Essex Co., N. York, in the years 1836 and 1837 ; with a sketch of the northern sources of the Hudson. Amer. Journ. Sci., xxxiii, Jan. 1838 ; Family Magazine, N. Y., v, 345. 19. Notice of Fossil Fishes in Virginia. Amer. Jour. ScL, xxxiv, 201, April, 1838, 20. Synopsis of Meteorological Journal kept in the City of New York for the year 1837, including the average results of the last five years. Report of Regents, 1838 or 1839; Amer. Journ. Sci., xxxiv, 373, July, 1838. 21. Letter to Lieut. James Hoskin, R. N., Commander of the Steamship Great Western, on th^ speed of Steamboats. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, Aug. 8, 1838 ; London Nautical Magazine, 1838, p. 673 ; Jameson's Journal, Feb., April, 1838. 22. On the courses of Hurricanes, with notices of the Typhoons of the China Sea, and other Storms. Amer. Journ. Sci., xxxv, 201, Jan. 1839; London Nautical Magazine, 1839, p. 1, Jan. 1839, 23. Genealogy of the Redfield Family in the United States. Printed for pri- vate circulation, March, 1839. 24. Some account of violent columnar Whirlwinds which appear to liave resulted from the action of large circular Fires, with remarks on the same, (Read before the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Jan. 22, 1839.) Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxvi, 50, April, 1839; Bibliothoque Univ. de Geneve, 1840, xxviii, 432, 25. Additional Facts relating to the Raleigh's Typhoon of August 5th and 7th, 1835, in the China Sea. Amer. Journ. Sci., xxxvi, 59, April, 1839; London Nautical Magazine, 1839, p. 461, APPENDIX. 295 26. Letter to the Secretary of Treasury of U. S. on Steamboat Explosions and their preventions, dated Dec, 26, 183S. Congressional Document, 25th Con- gress, 3d Session, House of Reps., Doc. No. 21, 1839; London Nautical Maga- zine, 1839, p. 617, 681 and 813. 27. Remarks on Mr. Espy's Theory of Centripetal Storms, especially his positions relative to the storm of Sept. 3d, 1821, with some notice of his exami- nations of other storms. Journ. Franklin Institute, xxiii, 323, 363, May and June, 1839. 28. Further notice of Mr. Espy's examination of Storms. Journ. Franklin Inst., xxiv, 1, July, 1839. 29. i^ccount of the Circular Storm of Dec. 1839, Journ. of Commerce, Jan. 6, 1840 ; London Nautical Magazine, 1840, 424. 30. On the Causes of Steamboat Accidents and the practical means of pre- venting tlieir occurrence. (Communicated by request through Capt. J. W. Pringle, R. E., to the Commissioners on that subject appointed by the English Government. Received too late for the Report of the Commissioners), but published here in " Appendix to a Memorial of Proprietors and Managers of American Steam-vessels on the impolicy and injustice of certain enactments contained in the law relating to steamboats." Jan. 1840. 31. Abstracts of Meteorological Observations made at St. John's, Newfound- land, and at Canton in China, with some notice of the Half-yearly Inequalities of Atmospheric Distribution which appear in these observations. Am. Jour. Sci., xxxviii, 265, April 1840. 32. Synopsis of a Meteorological Journal kept in the City of New York for the years 1838 and 1839, including also the mean results of the last seven years. Report of the Regents of the University of State of N. Y., 1840; Am. Journ. Sci., xxxviii, 323, April, 1840. 33. Short Notices of American Fossil Fishes. (Read before the Yale Natural History Society.) Am. Jour. Sci., xli, 24, July, 1841. 34. Five Letters to Commodore Perry on the means of National Defence. N. Y. Journal of Commerce, July, 1841. 35. Remarks relating to the Tornado which visited New Brunswick in the State of New Jersey on the 19th June, 1835, with a plan and schedule of the prostrations observed on a section of its track. London, Ed. and Dub. Phil. Mag. and Jour. Sci., xviii, 20, Jan. 1841 ; Am. Jour. Sci., xli, 69, July, 1841 ; Jour. Frankl. Inst., xxviii (or 3d series ii), 40, July, 1841. 36. Observations on the Storm of Dec. 15th, 1839, with a Map showing the direction of the wind at noon of that day, a? observed at various places. (Read before the Am. Phil. Soc, Jan. 15, 1841.) Lond., Ed. and Dubl. Phil. Mag., xvii, 17, July, 1841: Am. Jour. Sci., xlii, 112, Jan. 1842; Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, viii, new series, 77, 1843. 37. Extract of a letter to Sir. J. F. W. Herschel. Report of 10th meeting of British Assoc, for Adv. of Science, 1841, p. 40, 1841. 38. Reply to Dr. Hare's objections to the Whirlwind Theory of Storms. Am. Jour. Sci., xlii, 299, April, 1842 ; Lond., Ed. and Dubl. Phil. Mag., xx, 353, May, 1»42. 39. Reply to Dr. Hare's Further Objections relating to Whirlwind Storms, with some evidence of the whirling action of the Providence Tornado of August, 1838. Am. Jour. Sci., xliii, 250, Oct. 1842; latter portion of the .Ti'ticle also in Amer. Repertory of Arts and Sci., iii, 81, March, 1841; also in Jonr. Frank. Inst., new series, iv, 252, Oct. 1842; lirst portion of article also in Lond., Ed, and Dubl. Phil. Mag., xxi, Sujipl. 481, Dec. 1842; latter portion of article also in same, xxii, 38, Jan. 1 843. 296 APPENDIX. 40. Notice of newly discovered Fishbeds and a Fossil Foot-mark in the Red Sandstone Formation of New Jersey. Am. Jour. Sci., xliv, 134, Jan. 1843. 41. Notice of Dr. Hare's Strictures on Prof. Dove's Essay on the Law of Storms. Am. Jour. Sci., xliv, 384, April, 1843 ; Jour. Franklin Inst, for 1844, p. 384. 42. Remarks on Tides and the Prevailing Currents of the Ocean and Atmo- sphere. (Read before Amer. Phil. Soc. at its centennial meeting. May 27th, 1843.) Amer. Jour. Sci., xlv, 393, Oct. 1843 ; London Nautical Magazine, 1843, 655. 43. On the drift Ice and Currents of the North Atlantic, with a Chart showing the observed positions of the Ice at various times. Am. Jour. Sci., xlviii, 373, April, 1845 ; London Nautical Magazine, 1845, pp. 298, 353 ; Bluut's Memoir on the Dangers and Ice of the North Atlantic. 44. Letters to the U. S. Board of Navy Commissioners, being replies to their circular asking information relative to Steam Navigation applicable to govern- ment purposes. Jour. Frankl. Inst., new series, x, 361, and xii, 1, June, July and Aug., 1846. 45. On three several Hurricanes of the American Seas, and their relation to the Northers so called of the Gulf of Mexico and the Bay of Honduras, with Charts illustrating the same. Am. Jour. Sci., new series, i, 1, 153, 333, ii, 162, 311, Jan., March, May, Sept. and Nov., 1846. 46. Effects of the Earth's Rotation upon Falling Bodies, and upon the Atmo- sphere. Am. Jour. Sci., new series, iii, 283, March, 1847. 47. Remarks on a Letter from R. N. Shufeldt of U. S. Ship Marion to E. and G. W. Blunt, relative to a Hurricane encountered by Ship Marion, Sept., 1848. London Nautical Magazine, 1849, p. 39. 48. On some Fossil Remains from Broome Co,, N. Y. Proceedings of Am. Assoc, for Adv. of Science, 2d Meeting, 1849 (at Cambridge), p. 255. 49. The Law of Storms and its penalties for neglects. N. Y. Jour, of Com- merce, June 19, 1850; London Nautical Magazine, 1850, p. 470; Bermuda Royal Gazette, July 16, 1850 ; N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. 50. On the apparent necessity of revising the received systems of Dynamical Meteorology. Proc. Am. Assoc, for Adv. of Sci., 4th Meeting (New Haven), p. 366, 1850. 51. On the Post-Permian Date of the Red Sandstone Rocks of New Jersey and tlie Connecticut Valley, as shown by their Fossil Remains. Proc. Am, Assoc, for Adv. of Science, 5th Meeting (Cincinnati), p. 45, May, 1851. 62. On the Fossil Rain-marks found in the Red Sandstone Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley, and their authentic character. Proc. Am. Assoc, for Adv. of Science, 5th Meeting (Cincinnati), p. 72, May, 1851. 53. On the value of the Barometer in navigating the American Lakes. Proc. Am. Assoc, for Adv. of Science, 7th Meeting, (Cleveland,) p. 54, 1853 ; Wells's Annual of Scientific Discovery for 1854, p. 200. 54. A storm-track of Seven Thousand Miles, Annals of Science, Cleveland, vol. ii, p. 47, 1854. 55. Cape Verde and Hatteras Hurricane and other Storms, with a Hurricane Chart. Proc. Amer. Assoc, for Adv. Sci., 8th Meeting (Washington), p. 208, 1854. This paper and the preceding are abstracts of the following. 56. On the lirst Hurricane of September, 1853, in the Atlantic, witli a Chart, and Notices of other Storms (Cape Verde and Hatteras Hurricane). Am. Jour. Sci., new .series, xviii, 1, 176, July and Sept. 18.'34 ; London Nautical Mag., 1854, p. 466, 526, 597, Sept., Oct., Nov., 1864. APPENDIX. 297 57. On the Storm of October 7th, 1854, near the coast of Japan, and the Con- formity of its progression with other Cyclones. Proo. Am. Assoc, for Adv. of Sci., 9th Meeting (Providence), Aug. 1855, p. 183. 68. On the relations of the Fossil Fishes of the Sandstone of Connecticut and other Atlantic States to the Liassic and Oolitic Periods. Read before tlie Ame- rican Assoc, for Advancement of Science, Albany, Aug. 26, 1856. Am. Jour. Sci., new series, xxii, 357, Nov. 1856; Proc. Am. Assoc, for Adv. of Sci., 10th Meeting, Albany, 1857, p. 180, 59. On the Spirality of Motion in Whirlwinds. Am. Jour. Sci., new series, xxiii, 23, Jan. 1857. 60. Notes attached to a Communication "On the Avoidance of the violent portions of Cyclones, with notices of a Typhoon at the Bonin Islands " (by John Kodgers, Commander U. S. N., and Anton Schonborn, Assist. Ast.). Am. Jour, Sci., new series, xxiii, 205, March, 1857. 61. On Pacific Cyclones. Am. Jour. Sci., xxiv, 21, July, 1857. An abstract of the following. 62. Observations in relation to the Cyclones of the Western Pacific, embraced in a Communication to Commodore Perry. Perry's Japan Expedition, ii, 335, July, 1857. 38 ERRATA. Page 31, line 30, for 382 read 384. do 39, line 16, for Putnam's read Spencer's. do 39, last line of foot note, for 60 read 61. do 53, line 7, for John read David. do 67, last line of foot note, for 372 read 374. do 73, first line, for 173 read 172. do 78, line 5 frora bottom, for 198 read 197. do 83, lines 17 and 19, for Wethersfield read Weathersfield. do 84, line 2, for Wethersfield read Weathersfield. do 87, line 3 from bottom, for ^bigal read Abigail. do 133, running title, for Daniel read James. do 138, between families 382 and 384, insert . do 141, line 3, for Francis read Frances. do 142, line 15, for Upton read Upson. do 143, foot note, for Whyte read White. do 146, line 6, for Francis read Frances. do 163, line 17, for Robbert read Roberts. do 166, line 21, for Mary W. read Mary H. do 169, line 9, for Clinton read North Madison, do 190, line 2, for Francis read Frances. do 216, line 2, for Elliott read Elliot. do 227, last line, for Francis read Frances. do 240, line 12, for Child read Children. do 253, line 9, for Mary W. read Mary H. do 259, line 4, for 1481 read 1482. do 259, line 9, for 1520 read 1521. INDEX. PART I. Containing the Christian names of descendants named Redfield, also the Christian names of those who have become Redfields by marriage, the maiden names of such following in brackets. Names of children who are supposed to have died under the age of ten years are omitted, such being more naturally sought for under the parent's name. Getl. Page. 5 . Aaron, 25 8. Abby Henrietta, 162 Abby H. [Coe], 238 7. Abby Littell, 100 8. Abby Louise, 188 8. AbbyN., 202 8. Abby Wilcox, 210 4. Abigail, 15 5. Abigail, 16, 30 5. Abigail, 20 5. Abigail, 25, 54 7. Abigail, 76, 164 7. Abigail, 116 8. Abigail, 138, 239 Abigail [Barlow] 50 Abigail | Blaisdell], 146 Abigail [Bulkley], 52 7. Abigail Mehetabel, 78, 173 Abigail N. [Gould ], 100 Abigail [Stone], 21 Abigail [Wilcox], 108 6. Abraham, 54, 130 8. Abraham Baker Kinsley, .... 155 8. Abraham Cruttenden, . . 106, 254 8. Abraham Hale, 146, 245 7. Abraham Shorter, 126 6. Achilles Mansfield, 41, 96 7. Achsah Anna, 78 Achsah [Evans], 78 Achsah [Moore], 181 8. Ada 228 8. Ada Caroline, 216 Gen. Page. Ada [Stevens], 77 8. Adelaide Jane, 161 9. Adelaide Ophelia^ 243 8. AdeliaT., 185 6. Adeline, 41 7. Adeline, 70, 153 7. Adeline, 97 7. Adeline, 110, 213 8. Adeline, 155 8. Adeline, 173 8. Adeline Elizabeth, 167 6. Adeline Maria, 40 7. Adeline Woodward, 101, 204 7. Adriana Harriet, 104 7. Agnes Amelia, 112 8. Agnes Mary, 225 7. Alanson, 59, 137 8. Alanson, 13S, 238 7. Albert, 92 8. Albert, 185 9. Albert, 243 9. Albert Charles, 230 8. Albert Delcss, 196 7. Albert Francis, 85, 180 9. Alexander, 247 6. Alexander Hamilton, 44, 103 7. Alfred, 113, 214, 215 7. Alfred, 126 7. Alfred Bartlett, 120 8. Alfred Brintnall, 135, 229 9. Alice Cornelia, 236 9. Alice Jenuette, 255 300 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. Gen. Page. 8. Alice Melinda, 177 8. Alicia A., 201 6. Almeria, 30, C8 7. Almira, 98, 1P9 8. Almira, 136, 233 8. Almira Jane, 224 8. Almira Jeiiiiette,v 168, 255 8. Almira Matilda, 135 Almira [Modlu-r], 122 8. Almond Duane, 196 Alpha Luranda [Foster], .... 167 7. Alvah, 77, 170 7. Alvin, 109 6. Alzira, 30, 68 6. Amanda, 28, 62 Amanda [Brooks], 231 Amanda [Buell], 35 8. Amanda Malvina, 146, 244 Amanda [Rus.seU], 27 7. Amanda Rnssell, 61, 145 7. Amanda V., 70 7. Amanda Williams, 133, 228 8. Amasa Angell, 180 7. Amasa Nettleton, 121, 217 5. Ambrose, 21, 39 6. Ambrose Albert, 39 7. Ambrose Albert, 91 6. Amelia, 54, 13l 7. Amelia, 117 7. Amelia, 133 8. Amelia, 226 Amelia [Chittenden], 14l 8. Amelia Elizabeth, 164, 252 Amelia [Wright], 148 Amilla Ann [Foster], 12l Amillison [Olin], 163 Amorette [Hawley], 81 8. Amy, 182 Amy [Ray], 161 7. Amy Sturges, li6, 217 8. Andrew M., 207 7. Angeline Gardner, 101, 204 Angeline [Love], 224 7. Angenette Augusta, 112 6. Ann, 44, 103 7. Ann 105 8. Ann Amelia, 135 Ann Eliza [Wilson], 222 7. Ann Elizabeth, 106, 209 Ann [Force] 192 Ann [Greor] 207 Ann t Heritage], 44 8. AnnJennette 140, 240 7. Ann Maria, 100, 203 7. Ann Maria 102 Ann M. [Marsh], 133 Ann I Monroe], 150 7. Ann Prentiss, 91, 189 Ann R. [Sturgisj, 230 Gen. Page. Ann [Schoonmaker], 117 Ann [ Whitehouse] 173 6. Anna, 55, 131 8. Anna, 208 Anna A. M. [HolTman], 251 Anna [Blakesley ], 170 Anna C. [Drown] 246 Anna [Grinnell] 60 Anna [McCormack], 88 8. Anna Maria, 216 7. Anna Maria, 106 Anna Maria [Sanford], 150 8. Anna Pamela, 177 Anna [Parmelee], 168 Anna [Ramsay], 95 Anna S. [Buckingham], 140 Anna [Stannard], 29 6. Anne, 29, 67 7. Anson Pratt, 115 6. Anthony Chauncey, 41, 98 7. Aristeen Heacock, 89, 188 5. Artemisia, l7, 32 7. Artemisia Melissa, 81. 175 8. Arthur Benjamin, 163, 251 9. Arthur Frankhn, 251 8. Arthur Sidney, 177 7. Asahel, 76, 163 6. Asahel Nettleton, 52, 124 7. Asenath, 77, 169 8. Augu.sta, 166, 252 8. Augusta Cleveland, 175 Augusta [Kiersted], 226 7. Augusta Lorain, 71 Augusta [Wolcott], 153 6. Augustus, 27, 60 8. Augustus Sidney Doane 205 5. Barbara, 23, 48 6. Barbara, 48, 112 7. Barbara, 93, 191 Barsheba [ ], 172 5. Bela, 17, 33 7. Bela Hubbard, 61, 146 6. Beliu Bel.air, 45, 106 8. Belle, 202 6. Benjamin, 29 7. Bi'njamin, 71 8. Benjamin, 166 7. Benjamin Buel, 76, 165 8. Benjamin F., 192 8. B.-njamin Roswell, 136, 232 9. ]?(>iijamin Roswell, 231 7. Benjamin Rush, 84 5. Beriah, 20, 37 6. Beriah, 37, 87 7. Beriah Addison, 84, 177 8. Beriah Baltimore 170 7. B.'riah Stevens, 85, 179 7. Bertha, 102 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 301 Gen. Paj-'c. Bethany Jane [Stone], 253 9v BeulahAnn, 242 9. Bianca Martini, 251 8. Bowman, 208 6. Bradley, 55, 132 7. Bradley, 133, 227 7. Bridget Fletclier 84 5. Burr, 25 7. Burr, 132, 226 fi. Caleb, 39, 91 7. Calvin Wheeler, 127 7. Carlos Clifibrd, 112 7. Caroline, 70, 153 7. Caroline, 93, 190 7. Caroline, 98, 200 7. Caroline, 99 7. Caroline, 117 8. Caroline, 179 7. Caroline Adriance, 101, 203 8. Caroline Amelia, 135, 230 Caroline [Barnes], 187 Caroline [Carl], 183 8. Caroline Elizabeth, 147 Caroline Eva [Fink], 245 Caroline [Foster], 167 8. Caroline Hooff, 210 Caroline Jane [Pease], 147 6. Caroline Mary, 41, 95 8. Caroline Nancy, 144, 242 Caroline [Flastridge], 177 Caroline [Sommers], 196 7. Caspar Lavater, 121 6. Catharine, 29, 65 7. Catharine, 127, 219 9. Catharine, 234 Catharine Ann [Chapman],.. 137 Catharine A. [Herskell] 230 8. Catharine Augusta, 138, 237 Catharine B. [Clark], 176 Catharine [Carley], 217 8. Catharine Clark, 177 Catharine [Hilton], 234 Catharine [Sweeney], 124 8. Cecilia Ann, *. 138, 238 Celia Ann [Payne], 182 Celia [Holloway], 154 8. Celia Maria, 167 6. Chandler, 40, 95 8. Chandler, 192 8. Cliandler Starr, 179 8 Charity, 220 6. Charles, 39, 91 7. Charles, 74 7. Charles, 88 7. Charles, 91, 188 8. Charles (Rev.), 136, 235 8. Charles, 149, 247 8. Charles, 150, 248 Gen. Pago. 8. Charles, 153 8. Charles, 156 8. Charles, 158 8. Charles, 179 9. Cliarles, 234 9. Charles, 237 8. Charles A., 224 9. Charles Adrianre, 246 7. Charles Allen, 70, 153 8. Charles Allison, 163, 251 7. Charles Bailey, 108, 210 7. Charles Bogardus, 125 R. Charles Edward, 216 7. Charles Elmore, 98 9 . Charles Eugene, 253 8. Charles F., 219 8. Charles Fairchild, 147 9. Charles Ferdinand, 248 7. Charles Franklin, 123 7. Charles G., 126, 219 7. Charles Goodrich, 101 8. Charles Greenwood, 213 8. Charles Henry, 174 8. Charles Henry, 183 8. Charles Henry, 226 7. Charles Miller, 106, 209 8. Charles Nelson, 191 7. Charles Parmelee, « . 80, 175 7. Charles R., 127 8. Charles Samuel, 146, 244 7. Charles Seabury, 61, 147 7. Charles T., 88, 184 7. Charles T., 130 7. Charles Tread well, 101 8. Charles Wesley, 135, 230 8. Charles Wheeler, 221 8. Charles William, 184 7. Charlotte, 76, 166 7. Charlotte, 126, 219 8. Charlotte Artemisia, 138, 238 Charlotte [Chappell], 190 Charlotte [Cobern], 101 7. Charlotte Elizabeth, 104 9. Charlotte Emma, 251 Charlotte [FolweHj, 245 Charlotte [Knight], 128 9. Chauncey, 254 9. Chauncey Wilbur, •••• 253 7. Chester, 76, 103 9. Chester, 252 8. Chilion, 223 7. Chloe, 59, 137 I 7. Chloe, 81 8. Chloe Antoinette, 168 Chloe [Barrett], 77 7. Chloe Barrett 77, 80, 168 8. Chloe Elizabeth,... 138, 235, 239 Chloe [Kirtland], 149 Chloe [Post], 59 302 INDEX TO REDPIELD NAMES. Cron. Page. 7. Christina, 89, 185 8. Clara, 170 8. Clara, 210 8. Clara Luella, 201 7. Clarina, 78 8. Clarina, 171 7. Clarissa, 78 7. Clarissa, 88, 184 7. Clarissa, 93, 192 Clarissa [Brown], 32 7. Clarissa Brown, 73. 156 8. Clarissa Elizabeth, 174 Clarissa E. [Parmelee], 238 Clarissa Jane [Forbes], 70 8. Clarissa Mina Ann 1G7, 254 Clarissa [Parmelee], 80 8. Clayton Horace, ... 167 6. Cleaveland, 41, 98 8. Clementine S., 172, 256 9. Clinton Horace, 235 Constance C. [Bolles], 100 5. Constant, 18, 35 7. Constant, 78, 173 Content [Johnson], 83 8. Cora Margaret, 211 Cordelia [ ], 256 7, Cordelia L, 89 8. Cornelia, 179 8. Cornelia Chloe 149, 247 Cornelia H. [Wales], 152 Cornelia N. [Parkinson], 179 7. Cornelius V. 128 8. Corydon, 147, 246 6. Cynthia, 29 6. Cynthia 37, 86 7. Cynthia, 116, 216 4. Daniel, 14, 15, 282, 286 5. Daniel, 16, 26, 291, 292 6. Daniel, 26, 58 7. Daniel, 58 8. Daniel, 137, 236 8. Daniel, 158 7. Daniel Griffing, ... , . . .i 59, 136 7. Daniel Marsh, 133 8. Daniel Stone, 158 8. Daniel Webster, 168 6. Darius Barrett, 51, 118 6. Darius Oliver Griswold,.. 52, 123 4. David, 15 5. David, 24, 53 6. David, 53, 126 6. David, 54, 131 7, David, 63, 137, 149 7. David, 128 7. David, 129, 222 7. David, 130, 225 7. David, 130 7. David 131, 220 Gen. Page. 8. David Alexander, 149, 246 8. David Alexander, 149 7. David G., 126, 219 8. David Harvey, 145, 242 7. David Marshall, 105, 207 8. David Nelson, 224 9. David Russell, 242 8. David Sager 163 8. David Waterman, 214 Deborah [Dean], 183 Deborah [Skill], 106 Deborah [Sturges], 10, 280 Delana [Barr], 68 6. Delia, 40, 95 7. Delia, 97, 197 Demery Ann [Zeeter], 221 6. Dency, 48, 110 Dency [Chittenden], Ill 8. Dency Maria, 168 Dency [Stevens], 168 8. Dewitt C. J., 218 8. Dexter, 184 7. Dickinson, 89, 185 6. Dorothy, 37, 86 Dorothy [Stevens], 37 7. Drusilla, 98, 200 7. Ducelia, 117 7. Eben, 58, 135 4. Ebenezer, 14, 17, 282 4. Ebenezer, 15, 25 5. Ebenezer, 20, 38 6. Ebenezer, 26, 58 6. Ebenezer, 35, 80 6. Ebenezer Dudley, 38, 89 7. Ebenezer Dudley, 88, 182 8. Ebenezer Gould, 145, 243 8. Edgar P., 222 6. Edmund, 37, 83 7. Edmund Barkey, 70, 153 9. Edson, 248 7. Edward Augustus, 124 7. Edward Henry, 80 8. Edward Learned, 168 8. Edward Murray, 168 8. Edward Walker, 140, 240 7. Edwin, 125 7. Edwin, 133, 227 8. Edwin, 138, 239 7. Edwin Forbes, 70 9. Edwin Franklin, 244 9. Edwin Milliard 246 8. Edwin M., 227 6. Edwin Theophilus, 52, 124 7. Electa 6'\ 141 8. Electa Elizabeth, 170, 256 5. Kliakim, 18, 33 7. Eliakini 74, 158 5. Elias, 18, 39 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 303 Qen. Page. 7. Elias,..,... GO, 140 8. Eliliu Chandler, 163, 251 5. Eliphalet, 16, 29 8. ElishaB., 224 7. Elisha Barr 69, 151 7. Elisha Cartace, 116 8. Elisha K , 137, 237 8. Elisha Kirtland, 149, 247 7. Eliza, 78 Eliza Ann [Angell], 180 Eliza A. [Bradner], 222 Eliza Ann [Lane], Ill Eliza [Clements], 220 Eliza [Dennis], 247 8. Eliza E., 185 Eliza G. [French], 213 8. Eliza Jane, 159, 249 8. Eliza Jane, 167, 254 8 . Eliza Jane, 168 8. Eliza Kirtland, 138, 240 7. Eliza M., 89 Eliza [McMillen] 160 Eliza [Merri wether], 71 Eliza [Sensney], 156 Eliza [Smith], 116 8. Eliza Whitney, 210 4. Elizabeth,...- 14, 16, 282 Elizabeth [ ] 15 5. Elizabeth, 16 5. Elizabeth, 22, 46 5. Elizabeth, 25, 56 6. Elizabeth, -26, 57 6. Elizabeth, 28, 63 6. Elizabeth, 33 6. Elizabeth, 33, 74 6. Elizabeth, 40, 95 6. Elizabeth, 51 7. Elizabeth, 58, 134 7. Elizabeth, 62, 148 7. Elizabeth, 63, 148 7. Elizabeth, 71 7. Elizabeth, 75, 161 7. Elizabeth 116 7. Elizabeth, 127, 221 7. Elizabeth, 128, 222 7. Elizabeth, 129, 224 8. Ehzabeth, 136. 234 8. Elizabeth, 155 Elizabetli [ ], 175 8. Elizabeth 220 Elizabeth A. [Hill], 257 Elizabeth [Adams], 91 8. Elizabeth Adelaide, 162 8. Elizabeth Ann, 163 Elizabeth Ann [Griffith], 104 Elizabeth [Belknap], 75 Elizabeth [Bixby], 77 7. Elizabeth Breese, ^. . 119 Elizabeth C. [Denison], 112 Elizabeth C. [Gilmore], Elizabeth C. [Gould], Elizabeth C. [Hall], Elizabeth [Carl], Elizabeth [Coe], Elizabeth [Corv], Elizabeth Delight, 78, Elizabeth [Doyle], Elizabeth [Eaton], Elizabeth [Elderkin], Elizabeth [Escritt] Elizabeth Gould, 100, Elizabeth [Hilliard], Elizabeth [How] Elizabeth G. [Cheatham],. . . . Elizabeth Jane, Elizabeth [Jocelyn], Elizabeth [ Josselyn], Elizabeth Jasselyn, 30, Elizabeth Josselyn, 69, Elizabeth Keturah, 109, Elizabeth [Lewis], Elizabeth Lucy, 52, Elizabeth M., Elizabeth Marshall, Elizabeth Maxwell, 72, Elizabeth Melissa, Elizabeth Nancy, 84, Elizabeth 0. [Barber], Elizabeth [Osborne], Elizabeth [Pratt], Elizabeth Putnam, 94, Elizabeth [Ruger],. Elizabeth [Shorter] Elizabeth [Suowden], Elizabeth [Starr], Elizabeth W. [Ball] Ella, Ella Odell, Ella Sophia, EUabel, Ellen, Ellen, Ellen, Ellen A., 192, Ellen Cordelia, Ellen Cornelia, Ellen Frances, Ellen J., Ellen Jane, Ellen Jennette [Hull], Ellen M., Ellen Maria, Ellen Maria, 112, Ellen P. [Pickering], Ellen [Shriver], Ellis Burdett, Elma [Carhartt], Elsie Maria, 97, Page. 211 194 205 88 174 40 172 216 205 135 198 202 28 8 232 170 33 30 69 152 211 124 122 242 105 156 245 178 229 127 45 194 124 129 119 21 225 153 153 235 213 97 165 166 258 188 182 250 221 124 254 194 105 207 202 208 255 132 196 304 INDEX TO REDPIELD NAMES. Gen. Page. 8. Elsie Maria, 196 Elsie Maria [Warner] 97 Elsie [Weller], 130 Elva [Carey] 148 8. Ely Dexter, 1S3 6. Emily, 52, 120 7. Emily, 78 7. Emily, 97, 196 7. Emily Adelim^ 77, 169 8. Emily Adeline, 163, 250 9. Emily Adeline, 251 7. Emily Cornelia, 87 8. Emily Elizabeth, 196 Emily [Lockwood], 161 Emily I Nettleton], 112 Emily B. [Dow], 236 Emily [Smith], 166 8. Emma, 170 7. Emma Denison, 112 8. Emma Jane, 219 Emma Jane [Potter], 247 8. Emma Laura < 152 7. Emma Louisa, 70, 154 9. Emma Potter, 247 8. Enos Henry 191 Ervilla [Sawyer], 118 8. Esli Russell, 166 6. Esther 53, 126 7. Esther, 93, 192 7. Esther, 130, 225 Esther [Clark], 110 7. Esther Manoah, 113 Esther [Thorp], 53 Esther [Thorp], 54 8. Eugene B., 228 5. Eunice, 25, 56 7. Eunice, 60, 143 8. Eunice, 144 Eunice [Joyce], 28, 60 EvalineS. [Kelly], 171 8. Everett Hamilton, 162 6. Ezra 33, 74 7. Ezra, 75, 160 7. Ezra, 75, 161 8. Festus Samuel, 210 8. Flavel, 170 9. Flora Joanna, 252 8. Florence Hortense, 147 7. Florence Matilda, 70 7. Florence Philena, 104 7. Frances, 61 7. Frances 75, 161 7. Frances, 98, 198 8. Frances, 173 8. Frances Angelica, 172, 256 Frances Ann [Lowerre], 241 Frances [Arthington] 242 Frances C. [Coclirane], 91 Gen. Pasre. 9. Frances Caroline, ,.. 246 8, Frances Clarissa, 136, 231 9. Frances Cordelia, 244 7. Frances Davidson, 91, 189 Frances [Dewey], 146 9. Frances E., 242 8. Frances Edith 216 Frances G. [Phillips], 227 Frances [Garrison], 128 6. Frances Isabella, 41, 96 8. Frances Jane, 164 8. Frances Jane, 196 Frances [Johnson], 165 8. Frances Midgely, 161 9. Frances P., 241 9. Frances Priscilla, 242 7. Francis, 82 7. Francis, 119 7. Francis Bolles, 100 8. Francis Dwight, 211 7. Francis Heman, 92 8. Francis Mylou, 162 7. Francis Sherman, , . 80 9. Francis White, 246 7. Franklin, 93, 191 8. Franklin Augustus, .... 191, 257 8. Franklin Dewey, 146 8. Franklin Lorenzo, 175 5. Frederick (Dr.), 17, 32, 46 7. Frederick 116 8. Frederick 136 7. Frederick Augustus, .... 61, 146 9. Frederick Augustus 246 9. Frederick Clark, 250 7. Frederick H 73 8. Frederick Holleck, 177 7. Frederick Hunt, 91 6. Frederick Jared, 32 8. Frederick William, 135 6. Friend, 29 8. Gardner Chauncey, 168, 254 4. George, 14, 21, 282 6. George (Hon.), 44, 102 6. George, 48, 111 6. George, 52, 119 7. George, 60, 141 7. George 64 7. George, 73, 157 7. George, 91 8. George, 136, 235, 239 9. George 234 7. George Brooks, 89, 187 7. George Davis, 101 7. George Edwin, 123 7. George Elliot, 115, 216 7. George Friend, 66, 150 8. George Greer, 207 7. G(?orge Hammond, , • 102 9. George Jlenry, 230 INDEX TO EEDFIELD NAMES. 305 Gen. Pago. 8. George Hard, 147 8. George Monroe, 174 8. George N., 185 '7. George Snowdeii, 119 7. George Spencer, 104 7. George Sturges, 116, 216 7. George Sylvanu.s, 94 7. George Washington, , . 72 7. George Washington, 83 6. George Whitfield, 41, 96 8. George Ziua, 191 8. Georgiana E., 194 7. Gilber, 129, 223 5. Grace, 22, 45 9. Grace, 236 7. Gratia, 77, 169 8. Gratiat, 170 7. Gustavus Kimberly, SO, 174 6. Hamlet, 40 5. Hannah, 17, 31, 138 6. Hannah 29 6. Hannah, 40, 94 7. Hannah, 77, 171 7. Hannah, 93, 190 8. Hannah, 155 8. Hannali, 172 7. Hannah Clark, 77, 169 Hannah [Coltou], 17 7. Hannah Dorothy, 84 Hannah [FrankUn], 40 8. Hannah Jane, 218 Hannah M. [France], 218 Hannah [Moore], 72 Hannah [Parker], 83 6. Harley, 43, 101 7. Harlow, 76, 167 8. Harlow Maroni, 167 6. Harriet, 30, 68 7. Harriet, 58 7. Harriet, 127, 220 7. Harriet, 129, 223 8. Harriet, 136, 235 8. Harriet, 151 8. Harriet, 220 7. Harriet Abigail, 109, 211 Harriet A. [Clark], 216 8. Harriet Amelia, 170, 256 8. Harriet Augusta, 157 Harriet [Bartlett], 89 Harriet!). [Granniss], 177 Harriet E. [Dickinson], 239 Harriet E. [Moody], 118 8. Harriet Elizabeth, 136, 232 9. Harriet Elizabeth, 231 7. Harriet Erskiue, 94, 194 Harriet [Fryatt], 212 Harriet [Kates], 208 Harriet M. [Parsons], 236 39 Gen. Pajro 7. Harriot Maria, 96 Harriet [Mead], 132 7. Harriet Newell, 113 Harriet 0. [Hadley], 104 Harriet [Stone], 135 7. Harrison, 127, 220 6. Harvey, 35 7. Harvey B., 77, 170 7. Harvey Fairchild, 61 8. Havnell, 227 8. Helen, 170, 255 Helen A. [Hovey], 254 8. Helen Alvira, 183 8. Helen Augusta, 191 8. Helen Fletcher, 177 Helen [Fullerton], 219 8. Helen Imogene, 159 Helen [Lomison], 184 8. Helen M., 185 8. Helen Mar, 183 Helen 0. [Bassett], 217 Helen W. [Granniss], 177 6. Heman, 39 7. Heman 94, 192 7. Heman, 100. 202 6. Heman Judd (Hon.), 43^ 99 9. Hendrick Osborne, 253 7. Henrietta, , 82, 176 8. Henrietta Kay, 207 8. Henrietta Lenox, 226 Henrietta [Lozier], 82 Henrietta [Rossi ter], 141 Henrietta [Sickles], 243 6. Henry, , 31, 71 6. Henry, 32 6. Henry, 53, 127 7. Henry, 71, 155 7. Henry, 73, 157 7. Henry, , 76, 162 7. Henry, 78, 173, 250 8. Henry, 159, 249 8. Henry, 227 9. Henry, 241 8. Henry Alexander, 141 7. Henry Ambrose, 92 7. Henry Clay, 106 7. Henry Cole Smith 100, 203 9. Henry Jennings, 246 7. Henry Knapp, 109, 211 7. Henry Knight, 128, 222 8. Henry Lewis, 193 7. Henry Lyman, 80, 174 7. Henry Martyn, 120 7. Henry Milton, 87, 181 7. Henry P., 92 8. Henr> S., 158 7. Henry Seymour, 100 6. Henry Stone (Fvev.), 52, 119 9. Henry Stone, 232 306 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. Gen. 7. Henry Willard, Herbert Dayton Herman Ogden, Hetty W. [Jennings], HielAnn, 140, Hie! h^tevens, GO, Hiram, 44, 7. Hiram, 1)3, 7. Hiram S., 8. Homer John, 6. Homer Johnson, 30, 7. Horace, 76, 8. Horace, 138, 8. Horace 7. Horace Angustus 70, 6. Horace Linzy (Dr.), 30, 8. Horace Mann, 7. Horace Roswell, 59, 7. Horace Victor, Horatio Gates, Hosmer Parmelee, Hugh Rose, 51, Huldah, 25, Huldah, 8. Huldah Abigail, Hnldah [Oysterbanks], 6. Hull, 55, Ida, Ida Abigail, Ida .Tane Ida Louisa, Ida Mary, Indiana, Ira, 126, Isaac, C3, Isaac, 75, Isaac, Isaac Burritt, 55, Isaac Fletcher (Hon.), ... 84, Isaac Henry, Isaac Tuttle, . . 127, Isabella [Ainsworth], Israel Dwyer, Paj?e. 82 112 157 246 241 140 102 190 128 151 70 167 238 153 152 70 162 138 70 82 240 116 56 132 217 55 132 173 246 211 255 152 155 219 148 160 220 133 176 149 220 40 85 Jackson, 221 Jacob 129, 224 James, 7, 8. 276, 278, 280 James, 11, 14, 280, 281 James, 14, 23, 282, 287 James, 15, 24 James, 22 James, 23, 50 James, 25, 55 James, 35, 81 Jam.'s, 54, 129 James, 71 James, 74, 157 James, 85, 181 Gen. Tape. 7. .James, 113 7. .Tames, 129 7. James, 133, 220 8. James, 155 8. James, 173 0. James Alpheus, 52, 124 7. James Alpheus, 124 7. James Alpheus, 125 8. .James Elisha, 138 7. James Fitzgerald, 127, 221 8. James Franklin 165 8. James Gilbert 214 6. James Grinnell 51, 113 8. James Harris, . 227 7. James Harvey, 116, 216 7. James Henry, 72 7. James Henry, 124 5. James Henry, 135, 230 8. James Henry, 227 7. James L., 128 7. James Metcalf, 100 7. .James Perkins, 110, 212 6. James Post, 27, 59 7. James Post, 59, 137 7. James Sherman, 82 6. James Starr, 46, 109 7. .James Starr, 106, 208 6. James Wakeman (Dr.),.. 52, 121 6. James Wilcox, 31. 70 4. Jane, 14,23,272 4. Jane, 15 5. Jane, 21, 42 5. Jane, 25, 55 6. Jane, 39, 91 6. Jane, 40 7. .Jane, 98, 198 7. Jane, 100, 203 8. .Jane^ 153 9. Jane, 247 9. .Jane Adeline, 253 7. Jane Ann, 117 7. .Jane Ann, 133, 22S Jane E. [Hammond], 102 .J.ineE. [White], 226 .Jane [Hobby],.." 132 7. Jane Hudson, 73 7. Jane Louisa, 101 7. Jane Louise, 91, 189 8. Jane Louise, 201 Jane [Thomson], 173 J.ane [Wallace], 108 5. Jared, 17 6. .Jared (Dr.), 28, 62 6. Jared, 35, 75 7. .Tared, 76, 166 8. Jared, 137 8. Jared A., 163 7. Jared Crane, 60, 140 8. Jared Edgar, 141 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 307 Gen. Papre. 8. Jarcd Smith, 163, 250 8. Jay, 187 8. Jay Ward, 180 7. Jennette, 60, 139 8. Jeiniette, 137, 236 Jennette [Ruel], 136 7. Jennette H.,. SO, 186 5 . Jeremy, 21, 40 7. Jerusha, 58 6. Jesse, 51, 116 6. Joel 35, 78 8. Joel Chandler, 163, 250 G. Joel Dickinson 38, 88 4. John, 15, 24 5. John (Dr.), 16, 27 5. John, 23, 52 5. John, 24, 54 6. John (Capt.), 28, 60 6. John, „ 29 6. John, 44, 105 6. Joliu, 51, 115 6. John, 54, 129 7. John, 60, 144 7. John, 72 7. John, 85 7. John, 106 7. John, 130 8. John, 137 8. John, 146, 245 8. John, 149 8. John, 150 8. John 179, 257 8. John, 207 8. John, 208 8. John, 221 9. John, 234 7. John Bayard, 119 7. John Crawford, 127, 221 7. John Cuyler, 104 8. John Darius, 174 8. John Franklin, 191 9. John Franklin 232 8. JohnG., 144, 241 8. John Henry, 163, 251 7. John Howard, 108, 209 7. John Howe, 106 8. John Hull, 136, 234 7. John Marvin, 88, 182 7. .TohnPost, 59 8. John Rossiter, 141 7. John S., 126, 218 7. Johns., 129, 223 6. John Summers, 52, 121 7. John Theophilus, 120 8. John Watrous, 136, 231 6. John Wesley (Rev.), 41, 96 7. John William, 131 8. John Wilson, 222 8. Joseph, 136, 236 Gen. PaKG. 6. Joseph B., 89, 1S5 7. Joseph Barlow, 113 7. Joseph Edmund, 116 7. Joseph Harri.s, HO 8. Joseph Hiram, 191 8. Joseph Orrin, 183 8. Jo.sephine, 223 4. Josiah, 14, 22, 282 6. Josiah, 48, 111 7. Josiah Beckley, 98, 200 7. Josiah Clark, HO 7. Judd Flandreau, 104 2. Judith, 7, 11, 277 6. Julia, 35, 76 7. Julia, CO, 140 7. Julia, , 60 7. Julia, 76, 164 7. Julia, 132 8. Julia 1.36, 234 8. Julia, 144 8. Julia, 170 9. Julia, 247 7. Julia Ann, 66, 151 7. Julia Ann, 126, 218 8. Julia Ann, 166, 253 Julia Ann [Cole], 71 Julia Ann [Morrison], 182 7. Julia Augusta, 102 Julia Augusta [Mason], 102 Julia B. I Marvin], 73 7. Julia C, 116 Julia E. [Harvey], 251 8. Julia E. U., 227 7. Juha Elizabeth, 82 7. Julia Frances, 74, 158 8. Julia Maria, 159, 249 8. Julia Maria, 226 8. Julia Marvin, 157 8. Julia Rebecca, 140, 241 8. Julia Wallace, 210 6. Juliana, 28, 61 5. Juliana R., 164, 252 Juliana [Stevens], 59 Juliana [Stockwell], 163 8. Juliet Emily, 144, 242 6. Justin, 36, 81 7. Justin, 81 7. Justin Elderkin, 82 8. Justus S., 205 7. Justus Starr, 105, 205 9. Kate Genevieve, 230 7. Kezia, 85, 179 7. Kezia Converse, 105, 206 8. Lafayette, 172, 256 8. Laura, 155 Laura A. [Bassett], 248 Laura [Adams], 248 308 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. Gen. Pago. 9. Lanra Ann, 237 Laura Ann [Bennett] 25r) 8. Lanren, 147 f). Lauren Oscar 245 7, Lavina, ' 98, 198 Lavina A. [Merritt], 227 Lavina [Boon],. 223 7. Leander, 129 7. Leonard George, 119 7. Leroy 110 5. Levi, 18, 34, 39 6. Levi, 35, 76 7. Levi, 76, 165 8. Levi Hamilton, 165 7. Levi William, 128 7. Lewis n., 102 6. Lewis Hamilton, 43, 101 7. Lewis Hamilton, 101 7. Lewis William, 116 6. Linus, 39 Lois [Baldwin], 39 7. Lola Ahnira, 97, 19.5 6. Lorenzo, 48, 112 7. Lorenzo Dow, 82, 175 7. Louisa, 97 8. Louisa, 183 Louisa [Burnett], 249 9. Louisa Congdon, 247 Louisa [Dickenson], 90 Louisa [Vaughan], 155 Louise B. [Ayrault], 240 8. Louisiana, 155 Lovina [Crawford], 159 7. Lovina E., 94, 194 Lovina [Lockwood], 74 7. Lovina Silena, . 109, 212 Lovina [ Williams], 245 7. Lucas Edwin, 1 24 7. Lucia Ann, 94, 193 8. Lucian Merritt, 1 02 7. Lucina, 99, 202 7. Lucinda, 98, 198 7. Lucinda, 127 8. Lucinda, 183 7. Lucinda G., 89, 18G Lucinda [Severance], 193 7. Lucius, ! 74, 159 8. Lucius Edmund, 159 6. Lucretia, 54, 128 Lucretia [ |, 24 Lucretia M. [Smith], 250 Lucretia [Shorter], 126 6. Lucy, 29, 63 6. Lucy, 31, 73 6. Lucy, 37 7. Lucy 58, 134 9. Lucy Allen, 244 7. LucyAlmeria, 69, 152 8. Lucy Amelia 138, 239 Gen. Page. 7. Lucy Ann 72, 156 Lucy [Brown], 31 Lucy [Curtis], 138 7. Lucv Gertrude 121 8. Lucy Gould,.. 145, 243 Lucy Jan(> [Richmond] 201 Lucy [Mnrrayl, 26 Lucy [Wilco.x], 108 Lucy [Williams], 220 7. Luke Cleaveland, 98, 201 8. Luman W., 222 7. Luraney Priscilla, 78, 172 6. Luther, 37, 84, 292 7. Luther 85, 180 8. Luther Clark, 177 2. Lydia, 7, 275 4. Lydia,...- 14, 17, 282 5. Lydia, 20, 38 6. Lydia, 35, 79 6. Lydia 37, 86 7. Lydia, 74, 159 8. Lydia, 136, 233 8. Lydia, 160 Lydia A. [Rice], 217 7. Lydia Ann, 123, 217 8. Lydia Ann, 226, 257 Lydia [Gorham] 132 7. Lydia Griffin, 84 Lydia [GiitRng], 59 8. Lydia Grilling, 136, 232 8. Lydia Hotchkiss, 150 8. Lydia Ursula, 150 6. Lyman, 35, 80 7. Lyman, 78 8. Lyman Constant, 173 7. Lysander, 89, 187 8. Malvina Jennette, 196 6. Manning, 43, 100 7. Manning, 100 3. Margaret, 11, 14 5. Margaret, 16, 27 6. Margaret, 26 G.Margaret, 36, 82 8. Margaret A., 224 Margaret [ Carr ], 159 Margaret [Crane], 26 Margaret E. [Shewell], 108 7. Margaret Elizaheth, 123 7. Margaret Elizaheth, 125 Margaret [ Ferrell ], 29 Margaret [Green ], 157 Marcaret M. [Crandall], 222 7. Margaret Treadwell,.... 101, 204 7. Margaretta 105, 207 8. Margaretta, 207 Margaretta [Adan J, 105 6. Margery, 37, 84 7. Maria, 98, 200 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 309 Gen. Pase. 8. Maria 183 Mariit [ ], 173 Maria A. [Hull] 167 Maria B. [Morl'and], 210 Maria B. [Skill], 105 Maria C. [Hiinting], 119 Maria [Daw], 216 Maria F. [Hopkins], 161 Maria H. [Barkley], 223 Maria [Hudson], 73 8. Maria Josephine 182 Maria [Remoud], 226 8. Maria Selina, 150 8. Marietta Elizabeth SO, 174 Marion [Chappell], 71 9. Marion Ella, 239 8. Marion Jennette, 138 5. Martha, 19, 36 6. Martha, 29, 65 6. Martha, 35, 78 7. Martha, 70, 154 7. Martha, 85, 181 7. Martha, 89, 185 7. Martha, 129, 224 8. Martha, 136, 235 8. Martha, 155 8. Martha, 171 8. Martha, 181 8. Martha, 227 7. Martha Ann, 72 7. Jlartha Ann, 116 Martha [Bennett], 181 IMartha [Burr], 25 Martha [Cook,] 162 Martha [Donnell], 212 7. Martha Evans 100 Martha G. [Woods], 92 Martha [Gray] 18 8. Martha Helen, 162 Martha [Lane], 62 Martha [Lee], 185 Martha [ Merrill], 29 n. Martha Rosahe, 246 7. Martha Tracv, 123 6. Martin, 27, 59, 291 8. Martin Augustus, 163, 251 9. Martin Augustus, 251 8. Martin Griffing, 136, 231 6. Marvin, 41, 99 7. Marvin, 97, 197 5. Marv, 18, 36 5. Mary, 22, 47 5. Marv, 24, 53 5. MarV, 25, 54 6. MarV, 26, 58 6. Marv, 29, 66 6. Mary, 35, 77 6. Mary, 35, 79 6. Mary, 37, 84 Gen. I'agc. 6. :Marv, 44, 102 6. Mary, 53 7. Mary, 60 7. Mary, 61, 145 7. I\Iary, 66, 149 7. Marv, , 75, 162 7. MarV, 76, 166 7. Mary, 85, 179 7. Mary, 89, 184 7. Marv, • 98 7. MarV, 132 7. Marv, 133, 227 8. MarV, 137, 237 8. MarV, 146, 245 8. MarV, 157 8. Mary, 171 8. Marv, 173 8. Mary, 193 Mary[ ], 14 7. Mary A., 103 Mary A. [Skidmore], 102 Mary A. [Webster] , 151 7. Mary Abigail, 116 8. MarV Agnes, 159, 249 8. Mary Alice, 219 6. Mary Ann, 60, 143 7. Marv Ann, 91, 188 7. Mary Ann, 105, 207 7. Mary Ann, , . . . 106, 208 8. Mary Ann, > . . . 155 8. Mary Ann, 188 8. Mary Ann, 221 Mary Ann [Bratton], 195 Mary Ann [Cooper], 98 Mary Ann [Eggleston] 96 MarV Ann [Scott], 191 . MarV Ann [Sutton], 183 Mary Ann | Wallace], 210 Mary Ann [Zeeter], 221 7. Mary Augusta, 73 9. JIary Avrault, 240 Mary B' [Speare], 192 Mary [Bendler], 209 Marv [Boyden], 88 7. MarV Buel 77, 169, 253 MarV [Buell], ,.. 18 Mary C. [Schemerhorn], 181 8. Marv Caroline, 167 MarV [Cassidy] 206 Mary [Chatfield], 16 Mary [Cooper], 187 7. Mary Dean, 103 Marv [Donnell], 211 MarV [Dryer], 84 7. MarVE., 116 8. MarVE., 224 MarV E. [ Aldrich], 257 Mary E. [Graves], 174 1 Mary E. [Shapley], 120 310 INDEX TO llEDFIELD NAMES. Gen. Page. Mary [Elderkin], 81 8. Mtirv Eliza, 180 7. Mary Elizabeth, 101, 204 7. Mary Elizabeth, 113, 215 7. Mary Elizabeth, 124 5. Mary Elizabeth, 135, 229 8. Mary Elizabeth, 135, 229 8. Mary Elizabeth, .... 138, 238 8. Mary Elizabeth, 175 8. Mary Elizabeth = 187 8, Mary Elizalietli, 191 0. Mary Elizabeth, 236 7. Mary Ella, 117 7. Mary Emma, - - 72 7. Mary Emma, 119 8. Mary Emma, 196 Mary [Farriugton], 137 8. Mary Fidelia, 147 7. Mary Frances, 112 7. Mary Frances,. 124 Mary [Gale], 27 Mar/ [Gilmore], 151 8. Mary Griswold, ISO 8. Mary H., 166, 1G9, 253 9. Mary Harriet, 232 Mary [Hunter], l87 7. Mary Isabella, 96 6. Mary Jane, 52, 125 7. Mary Jane, 70, l53 7. Mary Jane, 110 8. Mary Jane, 140, 240 8. Mary Jane, 145, 243 9. Mary Jane, 244 9. Mary Jane, 245 Mary Jane [Harris], 226 Mary Jane [Sargent] 251 Mary Jane [Whitney], 209 Mary [Jennings], 25 Mary [Judd], 43 7. Mary Judd, 100, 202 Mary [Kellogg], 157 6. Mary Latham, 46, 109 7. Mary Louisa, 109 6. Mary Lucv, 26 Mary M. [Duffie] 244 Mary M. j^Onderdonk], 254 Mary Maria [Hutcliiuson], . . . 195 Mary [Mason], 110 7. Mary Matilda, 123 7. Mary Moore, 9], 190 Mary [Murjihy], 155 Mary [Ostrander], 250 8. Mary P., 185 Mary [Perkins], 110 Mary [Pillsbnry], 245 Mary S. [Hatfield] 252 Mary [Scranton],. 175 Mary [Smith], 170 8. Mary Smith,. 176 Gen. Page. Mary [Starr], 1G5 8. Mary v., 185 MaryW. [Smith], 176 8. Mary Wallace, 210 7. Mary Waterman, 115 9. Mary Watrous, 230 Mary [Wilson], 219 7. Mary Wright, S2 8. Matilda, 160 7. Matilda Oakford, 105 Matilda [Thompson], 127 7. Mehetab.d, GO, 141 7. Mehetabel, 105 8. Mehetabel, 184 Mehetabel [Chapman] 97 7. Mehetabel D 88, 182 Mehetabel [Dickinson], 38 6. Mehetabel H:amlin, 44, 205 Mehetabel [Phillips] 89 Mehetabel [Post], 27 6. Melinda (or Milauda),.... 40, 93 MelindaD. [Pierce] 99 8. Melvin, 201 Mercy [Hill], 59 Mercy [Hopkins], 77 Mercy [Williams], 57 Meriam [Chappell], 71 6. Meroe 51, 118 7. Merrill Clinton, 70 8. Merritt, 172 7. Merritt Wesley,^ 124 7. Mia Clarke, 100 7. Micah ,. 129, 223 6. Millicent, 40, 92 7, Millicent, 58 Millicent G. [Hollister], 100 7. Mills, 75, 162 7. Miranda, 98, 199 Mir.anda [Waterman], 115 Murcia Ann [Palmiter], 150 7. Nancy 60, 138 7. Nancy, 60 7. Nancy 60, 142 7. Nancy, 61, 145 7. Nancy, 98, 199 6. Nancy Emily 51, 116 Nancy [Fairchild], 61 8, Nancy Jane, 147, 246 NaneV S. [ Peach ], 223 Nancy [Wright] 155 5. Nathan, IS, 34, 287, 288 5. Nathan, 19, 36 7. Nathan, 64 7. Nathan 109, 212 8. Nathan, 160 6. Nathan B., 37, 82 8. Nathan P., 183 6. Nathaniel, 2G, 57, 291 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 311 Gen. PaRC. 7. Nathaniel, 59, 136 8. Nathaniel, 158 6. Nathaniel Caldwell, 54 6. Nathaniel Peleg, 38, 90 7. Nelson C, 98, 198 7. Norton Davis, 99, 201 7. Olive, 75, 160 7. Olive, 99, 202 8. OlivH Cornelia, 152 Olive [De Camp], 70 9. Olive Jeunette, 257 7. Oliver Theophilns, 121 7. Orlando Erasmus, Ill, 213 S. Orpha Maria, 145, 243 5. Orrin, 23, 48 6. Orrin, 38, 88 7. Orrin, 8S, 183 8. Orrin Denison, 168, 254 8. Orrin S, , 196 7. Orrin Sherman, 97, 196 7. Orrin Svlvanns, 110 8. Osbart Dayton, 168 7. Oscar Fitz Allen, SO 9. Oswin Denison, 255 6. Ovanda, 31, 72 7. Ovanda Cleopatra, = 72 8. Pamela, 144, 242 Pamela [Wells], 144 7. Pamelia E., 118 6. Pardon, 35, 78 7. Pardon... 78 8. Pardon' Stevens, 166, 253 5. Parnel, 17, 33 7. Parnel 76, 105 8. Paul Speare, 192 7. Paulina Judd, 101, 204 4. Peleg (Capt.),....14, 19, 282, 290 5. Peleg, 21, 42 5. Peleg, 22, 45 6. Peleg (Dr.), 37, 83 6. Peleg, 46, 109 9. Perrv, 248 7. PeterW., 130, 225 6. Phebe, 28, 63 7. Phebe, GO, 142 7. Phebe, 71, 154 Phebe A. [Benedict], 201 7. Phebe Amelia, 58 6. Phebe Ann, 29, 66 Phebe [Beach], 130 Phebe C. [Dean], 103 Phebe [Dibble], 58 Phebe | Loper], 31 Phebe [Palmer], 147 Phebe [Parker], ISS Phebe S. [Otis], 251 Phila [Barrett], 77 Gen. Page. 7. Philander, 95, 195 5. Philip, 18, 39 6. Philip 35 7. Philip, 77, 172 8. Philip 172 7. Philip Harvey, 7G, 168 8. Philip Melancthon, 226 7. Philip Melancthon W.,.. 131, 226 6. Philip Spalding, 33, 73 7. Piatt Mead, 133, 227 8. Powers, , 172 7. Powers Wilcox, 77, 171 4. Priscilla, 14, 19, 282, 284 5. Priscilla, 16, 30 5. Priscilla, 23, 49, 284 6. Priscilla, 51, 115, 284 7. Priscilla, 89, 186 7. Priscilla, 113, 283 Priscilla {Grinnell],. . . . 13, 2S1-6 7. Priscilla Heritage, 105 Priscilla [Nettlelon], 33 6. Rachel, , 38, 87 7. Rachel Ann, 128, 221 Rachel [Graves], 48 7. Rachel Harris, 110, 212 7. Rachel Leila, 69, 151 Rachel [Pierson], 40 8. Rachel Sarah, 167 2. Rebecca, 7, 8, 276 5. Rebecca, 22, 47 6. Rebecca, 29, 64 Rebecca [ ] 6, 277 8. Rebecca Ann, 19lj 258 Rebecca [Crawford], 225 8. Rebecca Elizabeth, 217 Rebecca [Howe], 106 Rebecca [Peck], 82 Rebecca [Porter], 88 Rebecca [Rouse], 121 5. Rebiua, 22, 47 S.Reuben, 17, 30 6. Reuel 31, 71 6. Rhoda, 37, 86 Rhoda A. [Powell], 209 8. Rhoda Hayes, 164, 252 Rhoda [Tooker], 66 4. Richard, 14, 16, 282 5. Richard, 17, 30 6. Richard, 31, 71 7. Richard, 72, 155 9. Richard, 241 7. Richard Curtis, 71, 154 6. Richard Harvey, 48, ll2 8. Richard Jeftries, 220 7. Richard Malcolm, 69 7. Richard Pitts, 89 7. Richard Randolph, 110 8. Richard W, 144, 241 312 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. Gen. _ Page. 7. Robert, '. , 64 7. Robert, 100 6. Robert Bogardus, r,2, 122 7. Robert Bogardu.s, 121, 217 8. Robert Bogardus, 217 8. Robert George, 183 7. Robert Henry, 119 7. Robert Howe, 106 7. Robert McCormick, 88, 183 8. Robert Morris, 212 8. Robert Stuart, 210 9. Robertson Cheatham, 232 8. Rodney 161 8. Rollo Rienzi, 152 8. Rosa Camelia, 193 Rosanna [Clark], 193 7. Rosanna Jeunetta, SO, 175 5. Roswell, IG, 26 6. Roswell, 27, 59 6. Roswell, 34, 75 7, Roswell, 59, 135 7. Roswell, 75, 161 8. Roswell Mills, 161 5. Rosaua, 20, 39 6. Roxana, 40, 92 7. Roxana S.F., 84, 178 7. Rufus, 77, 168 9. Rufus Gershom 255 6. Russell, 35, 77 8. Russell, 172 7. Russell B.., 110 8. Russell Edwin, 145, 244 5. Ruth, 22, 47 6. Rutli, 26 6. Ruth, 26, 57 G. Ruth, 35, 81 Rutli [Benton], 36 Ruth [Dexler], 94 Ruth M. [Tuttle], 5l Ruth [Merrill], 70 8. Ryland Marshall, 162 6. Saba Wakeman, 51, 114 5. Sabra 23, 50 8. Sabra Ann, 168 6. Sabrina, 40, 94 7. Sabrina Tappau, 94, 194 7. Samson Henry 97, 195 5. Samuel, 16, 28 S.Samuel, 22, 44 6. Samuel (Dr.), 28, 60 6. SanuR'l 28, 62 6. Sanuiel, 45 G. Samuel, 46, 108 6. Samuel, 54, 130 7. Samuel, 105, 208 7. Siunuel 106 6. Samuel AsUtbrd, 41 Gen. Page. 8. Samuel Augustus, 149, 240 6. Samuel Brown, 32, 73 7. Samuel Cornelius, 109, 211 7. Samuel Daniel Judd 101 8. Samuel Griswold 166, 254 9. Samuel H., 242 8. SamuelJohn, 164, 252 7. Samuel Russell, 61, 144 8. Samuel Russel, 145, 244 3. Sarah, 11, 12 4. Sarah, 15, 24 5. Sarah, 20, 37 5. Sarah, 23, 49 5. Sarah, 24 5. Sarah, 25, 55 5. Sarah, 25, 56 6. Sarah, .37, 85 6. Sarah, 38, 90 6. Sarah, 51, 113 G. Sarah, 53, 127 6. Sarah, 54, 128 6. Sarah, 55, 132 7. Sarah, 62, 147 7. Sarah, 97, 195 7. Sarah, 97, 197 7. Sarah, 98, 199 7. Sarah, 133, 227 8. Sarah, 147 8. Sarah, 156 8. Sarah 183 8. Sarah 207 Sarah [ ], 14 Sarah [ ], 14 Sarah A. [ Bay ], 157 Sarah A. [Boughton], 123 Sarah A. H. [Gaylord], 188 7. Sarah Abigail, 84, 178 8. Sarah Alzora, 182 6. Sarah Ann, 29, 67 6. Sarah Ann, 41, 96 7. Sarah Ann, 88, 183 8. Sarah Ann,.. 159, 249 8. Sarah Ann, 161 Sarah Ann [Goble], 237 8. Sarah Anna 225 8. Sarah Augusta, 172 Sarah [Becklev], 98 Sarah C. [France], 219 Sarah [Calhoun], 140 Sarah [Canlield] 159 Sarah [Chittenden], 62 Sarah [Cole], 116 7. Sarah Cornelia Bates,... 100, 203 Sarah [Cruttenden], 166 Sarah D. [Smith], 157 Sarah [Dayton], 137 Sarah [Dejean], 104 7. Sarah Dryer 85, 180 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 313 Oen. PfiKC. Sarah [Diifllov] ]9 Sarah K. IBdvl-cJ, 244 Sarah E. [Coolfv|, 236 Sarah E. [Toolej-], 254 7. Sarah Elizaheth, 91, 189 7. Sarah Elizabeth, 122 8. Sarah Elizabeth, 155 9. Sarah Ellen, 255 8. Sarah Emeline, 145, 243 8. Sarah Emma,. . 196 8. Sarah Estella, 181 Sarah [Evarts], Ill 7. Sarah Fosdick, 105, 205 8. Sarah France, 218, 259 Sarah G. [Partridge], 230 Sarah [daston], 87 7. Sarah Gilbert, .... 115, 214, 215 7. Sarah Gooc,'lns, 94, 193 Sarah f Gould], 144 Sarah [Grinnell], . 23 Sarah H. [Bowen], 121 Sarah H. [Thayer], 203 Sarah [Haines], 50 7. Sarah Haines, 113, 214 Sarah [Hotchkiss], 115 7. Sarah Jane, 106 7. Sarah Jane, 126, 219 7. Sarah Jane, 129, 222 8. Sarah Jane, 177, 257 9. Sarah Jane, 244 Sarah Jane [Kellogg], 250 8. Sarah L., 144 9. Sarah Louisa, 245 7, Sarah M., 130 Sarah M. [Bacon], 247 Sarah M. [ Welton], 216 Sarah [Maharg], 131 7. Sarah Maria, 87, 182 8. Sarah Maria, 193 6. Sarah Matilda, 52, 123 8. Sarah Moore, 226 Sarah [Paddock], 64 Sarah [Parmelee], 22 Sarah [Pierson], 41 Sarah [PiersonsJ, 221 8. Sarah Roberts, 163, 250 Sarahs. [Gray], 135 Sarah [Schenck], 144 7. Sarah Skill, 105, 208 Sarah [Smith], 24 9. Sarah Stone, 230 Sarah W. [Bu^hnell], 166 Sarah W. [McKenzie], 227 Sarah W. [Squiers],. 116 Sarah [Winegar], 201 9. Sarah Woloott, 253 6. Selden, 41, 97 Selina [Sauford], 150 8. Serena, 220 40 Gen. Page* 5. Seth, 21, 41 5. Seth, 25 6. Seth, 41, 99 8. Seward, 166 6. Sherman, 41, 97 6. Siba, 35, 79 7. Sibyl, ; 77, 171 8. Sibyl Philena, 165 Sibyl S. [Allen], 244 Sibyl [Smith], 75 Sibyl [Wilcox], 34 6. Sidney, 31, 72 7. Sidney, 71 7. Sidney, 7S, 173 8. Sidney, 173 6. Sidney Algernon, 33 8. Sidney -Burdett, 168 7. Sidney Peleg, 84, 177 6. Silas, 38, 89 8. Silena D. May, 212 Silena [Shewell], 109 6. Simeon, 26, 39, 57 6. Simeon, 55, 132 7. Simeon 133 7. Solomon Childs, 89 6. Sophia, 52, 119 7. Sophia, 85, 179 7. Sophia M., 89, 186 6. Sophronia, 38, 90 6. Sophronia, 51, 117 7. Sophronia, 113, 214 Sophronia [Kelsey], 80 7. Spencer, 100 6. Stephen, 53, 128 7. Stephen Dexter, 94, 193 7. Stephen Hugh, 116 8. Stephen Morland, 210 Submit [Hull], 136 7. Susan, 99, 201 7. Susan, , 113, 215 7. Susan, 130, 225 8. Susan, 136, 233 9. Susan, 247 Susan A. [Griswold], 180 8. Susan Amelia, 49 8. Susan Amelia, 149, 248 9. Susan Amelia, 247 Susan [Barlow], 113 Susan [Brockett], 210 Susan [Crist], 213 Susan E. [Strong], 187 8. Susan Eliza, 187 Susan H. [Cook], 200 7. Susan Heritage, 105 8. Susan Jennette, 136, 231 Susan [Linderman], 129 Susan M. [Stevenson] 241 7. Susan Maria, . . 60, 143 7. Susan PrentLss 91, 189 314 INDEX TO EEDFIELD NAMES. Gen. Pase. Susan [Prentiss], 92 7. Susan Waterman, 105, 206 Susannah [Rockwell], 44 5. Sylvanus, 21, 40 C. Sylvanus Franklin, 41, 96 6. Sylvanus Graves 48, 110 5. Sylvester, 16, 29 6. Sylvester, 29, 64 7. Sylvester (Dr.), 109, 212 6. Thankful 33, 7. Thankful 74, G. Theodore, 3. Theophilus, 11, 12, 279, 281, 4. Theophilus, 14, 18, 282, 287, 5. Theophilus, 23, 6. Theopliilus, 35, 6. Theopliilus (Rev.), 51, 7. Theophilus, 116, 7. Theophilus Henry, 8. Thomas, 8. Thomas D , 7. Thomas Hamilton, 8. Thomas Hugh, 8. Thomas Lee, 6. Thomas M., 31, 7. Thomas Milton, 72, 8. Thomas Moore, 9. Thomas Wilber, 7. Timothy Gleasou, 7. Timothy Parker, 84, 6. Trial, 40, Trial [Ward], 8. Tryphena, Tryphena [Simms], Tryphosa [Gray], 6. Truman, 75 158 35 282 288 51 77 115 216 119 161 160 103 216 176 72 156 181 246 94 177 93 21 191 93 185 41 7. Ursula, 127, 221 8. Vernon Park, 179 8. Virginia, 155 Wallace, 237 Walter Lorain, 245 Warren 248 Warren, 183 Warren Augustus, 245 Warren Franklin, 94, 194 Warren Henry, 196 Warriner, 40, 94 Washington Irving, 104 Wealthy, 29, 65 Wealthy [Stevens], 76 Weltlia Louisa, 167 W<'ltha Maria, 166, 253 Willanl Wells, S9, 1><8 William, 5, 275, 277 William (Capt.), .... 14, 21, 282 Gen. P.tRP. 5. William (Capt.), 22, 44 6. William, 29, 66 6. William, 38, 88 6. William, 39, 92 6. William, 41 6. William, 44, 104 6. WiUiam, 44, 106 6. William, 48, 111 6. William, 53, 127 7. William, 66, 150 7. William, 74, 159 7. William 88 7. William, 92 7. William, 93, 191 7. William, 94, 193 7. William, 106 7. William, 126 8. William, 159, 248 8. William, 160 8. WiUiam, 191 8. William Allen 153 7. William Alpheus, HI 8. William B., 160 8. William Bay, 157 7. William Brown, 73, 157 6. William C, 46, 107, 293 7. William C, 105 7. William Gary, 108, 210 8. William Cox, 210 7. William Dobson, 105, 206 7. William Douglas, 124, 217 8. William E., .' 185 7. William Elisha, Ill 7. William E. Channing 101 6. William Emmaus, 51 8. William Francis, 155 7. William Fowler Vail, 130 7. William Franklin, 87, 181 9. William Grilling, 232 7. William H., 127 7. William Hamilton, 89, 187 7. William Harrison, 98, 201 8. William Harrison, 193 7. William Harvey, 58, 134 8. William Harvey, 146, 245 7. William Henrv, 1 i William Henry, 112 8. WiUiam Henry, 146, 245 8. William Henry, 165 8. William Henry, 220 9. WiUiam Henry, 231 7. William Henry D., 91 7. William Howe, 107, 209 6. William Howe Cuyler,. . . 44, 104 7. William Jay, 120 9. William L. Byron, 243 8. William Marvin, 1^3 7. William Morgan, 61, 147 7. William I'eleg, 109 INDEX TO REDFIELD NAMES. 315 Gun. Page. 8. William Peleg, 177 7. William Scott 117 8. William Sclden, 198 9. William Timothy, 248 6. William Villeroy, 30, G8 8. William Wallace, 210 9. William Wallaco, 254 6. William Ward, 51, 117 7. William Wesley, 71, 155 8. Willis, 183 8. Willson Mills, 147 en. Page. 7. Wilson, 78, 172 G. Wyllys 39, 92 7. Wyllys, 94 8. Wyliys, 193 8. Wyllys, 201 7. Wyllys Asliton, 92 8. Zeno Martin, 1G8, 255 7. Zilpah, 113, 215 2ilpali [ ], 78 6. Ziua , 40, 93 PART II. Containing names other than Redfield. In this part may be sought all descend- ants not bearing the family name ; also Redfield daughters, who have, by marriage, acquired other names ; also all names incidentally mentioned in the text. Names of children who are supposed to have died under ten years of age, are omitted. ABENDROTn, Amanda [Redfield], 228. Arthur Howard, 228. Edward Willis, 228. John, 228. Laura Gertrude, 228. Abernethy, Samuel, 19. Adams, David, 91. Edward R., 206. Elizabeth, 91. Elizabeth, 248. James, 248. Laura, 248. Louisa, 00. Moses, 206. Susan W. [Redfield], 206. Adan, Alexander, 305. Margaretta, 105. Margaretta [Stewart], 105. AiNswoRTn, E. (Dr.), 40. Isabella, 40. Aldrich, Mary E., 257. Allex, a. [Rodfield], 164. Aluiim, 195. Asahcl, 145. Benjamin, 292. Eliza, 164. Henry N., 195. Allen, John, 164. Jonathan B., 145. Mary, 164. Kathaniel, 195. ratiencc|Clark,] 195. Rioh.ard, 195. Robert, 1 fi4. Sarah Elsie, 195. Sarah [R.'dfinld], ]!)'.. Sibyl Sophia, 244. • Alvord, Morris. 56. Andrews, Adeline [Red- field], 213. .Tames Henry, 213. Richard, 205. William H., 213. Andkoss, Calvin C, 127. Ellen Jane, 127. John, 127. Sarah [Redfield], 127. William A., 127. Angell, Amasa, 180. Eliza Ann, 180. Mary [Ward], 180. Antisdale, Dorcas, 159. Archer, Hannah, 98. Armstrong, Elizabeth, 224. Elizabeth [Redfield], 224. Francis F., 224. George, 159. Jo-siah, 159. Lydia, 160. Lydia [Redfield], 159. M'argaret, 160. Rhoda, 160. Robert L., 224, Sophia E., 224. Sylvester M., 224. William A., 224. Arthinoton, Frances, 242., Jane, 69. Atwater, Jesse, 73. AvERiLL, Edmund H., 230. Morris, 230. Avert, Benjamin, 292. Aydelotte, Margaret, 64. Ayraclt, Daniel, 240. Ilepsibah [Kentfield], 240. Louise Bates, 240. Babcock, Horace M., 146. Bacon, Levi, 247. Sarah M., 247. William, 139. Bagg, Ina, 204. James L., 204. Mary E. [Redfield], 204. Mary Eunice, 204. Baker, Catharine A., 139. Dollv, 241. Samuel, 292. Baldwin, Aaron, 63. Aaron, 64. Amy, 250. Caleb (Capt.), 39. Clarissa, 64. Eleazer, 42. Erastus, 42. Josiah, 27. Josiah (Captain), 42, 288. Lois, 39. Lucy [Redfield], 63. Margaret [Redfield], 27. Moses, 287. Philander, 42. William, 64. Wooster, 42. Bale, Daniel, 287. Bales, Jabez, 288. Ball, Elizabeth W., 225. Hannah, 225. Horace, 225. Banks, Talcott, 56. Barber, Alice, 145. Elizabeth 0., 229. Babklky, ]\Iaria H., 223. Baklow, Abigail, 50, Alfred R., 117. INDEX TO NAMES. 317 Baklow, Amlrew M., 117. Anson, 117. Benjamin R., 114. Daiiiel, 116. Daniel, 117. Edmund, 50. Erastiis, 117. George A., 117. Henry, 117. James Barr, 117. John Scott, 117. Joseph, 113. Nancy E. [Redfield], 116. Samuel, 117. Sarah Louisa, 117, Stephen, 117. Susan, 113. William A., 117. Barnakd, Abraham, 154. Albert, 154. Elizabeth, 154. George W., 154. James, 154. James Henry, 154. Marion, 154. Phebe [Redfield], 154. Richard H., 154. Ruth, 154. Sarah Ann, 154. Silas, 154. WiUiam S., 154. Baknes, Caroline, 187, Clarissa, 150. Elizabeth, 149. Mary, 150. Mary [Redfield], 149 Phebe, 109. Sarah, 23. Seth, 292. Silas, 149. Bakr, Delana, 68. Hannah, 68. John Conrad, 68. Barrett, Chloe, 77. Phila, 77. Bartle, Henry W., 292. Baktles, James, 292. Bartlett, Benjamin, 36. Charles R., 231. Frances C, 231. Griffing R., 231. Harriet, 89. Harriet E., 231. Horace, 231. Horace E., 231. Irene S., 231. Jeduthan, 89. John W., 231. Louisa E., 231. Bartlett, Mercy, 89. Susannah F., 231. Bassett, Hannah, 66. Helen 0., 217. Laura A., 248. Bate, Joseph, 287. Bates, Emily, 93. Lydia, 93. Mary, 93. Melinda, 93. Sabrina, 93. Sarah, 93. Sophronia, 93. Theodore, 93. Trial [Redfield], 93. Bathrick, Daniel D., 214. Daniel D. T., 214. John, 214. Sophronia [Redfield], 214. Susan [Champion], 214. Bat, Han-iet, 157. Sarah Augusta, 157. Thomas, 157. Bayley, James, 7. John, 7. John, 287. Joseph, 8. Lydia, 8. Lydia [Redfield], 7. Mary, 7. Phineas, 287. Thomas, 72, 275-7. Wilham, 7. William, 287. Beacu, Chilion, 223. Cornelia, 223. Elizabeth, 232. Francis M., 232. George, 232. George Arthur, 232. Harriet E., 232. Ida May, 232. John, 232. Lydia G. [Redfield] 232. Nancy S., 223. Phebe, 130. Beadle, Loami, 292. Michael, 292. Beal, Abigail, 87. Caleb, 87. Edward, 90. Elihu, 90. Elvira, 90. Harriet, 90. Helen Mar, 90. Israel, 90. Israel Clark, 90. Beal, John, 87, 90. Loring, 90. Lydia, 87, 90. Nathan, 90. Rachel [Redfield], 87. Sarah, 90. Sarah [Redfield], 90. Silas, 90. Seth, 87. William, 87. Beard, James, 195. Beardsley, Sarah A., 87 Beckley, Chester, 143. Ho-sea (Rev.), 38. Josiah, 98. Mary, 98. Sarah, 98. Beebe, , 148. Beeciier, Henry W. (Rev.), 62. Lyman, (Rev)., 62. Beers, Abijah, 50. Mary, 55. Sabra, 50. Belair, J. P. Belin, 46. Elizabeth [Redfield], 46. Belden, Ezra, 143. Frances Electa, 143. Mary A. [Redfield], 143 Mary Elizabeth, 143. Sarah Jane, 143. Belin, Clarissa, 47. Eliza, 47. John Charles, 47. William (Dr.), 47. Belknap, Elizabetli, 75. Hendrick, 253. Weltha M. [Redfield], 253, Bendler, John, 209. Juliana, 209. Mary, 209. Benedict, Phebe A., 201. Bennett, Asahel, 181, Elizabeth, 181. Gershom, 255. Laura Ann, 255. Martha, 181. Sarah [Sanderson], 255. Benton, Noah, 36. Roxana, 81. Ruth, 36. Betts, Nathaniel, 292. BiGELow, Catharine, 120. Isaac, 288. BiSBEY, Benjamin, 202. Caroline E., 202. Calvin W., 202. 318 INDEX TO NAMES BiSBET, Grace H., 202. Lucina[Redfield],202. Nancy [LaddJ, 202. Bisuop, Leah, 57. Noah, 147. BiXBY, Elizabeth, 77. BiiAisDELL, Abigail, 146. Nathaniel, 146. Sarah [Joslin], 146. Blakeslee, Angelina R., 86. Caleb, 86. Cvnthia 86. Cynthia [Redfield], '86. Eno.s, 86. Nancy L., 86. Roger, 86. Blakesley, Anna, 76, 170. Bradley (Dr.), 76, 170. David, 76. Jnlia, 76 Julia [Redfield], 34, 76, 170. Russell, 76. Sibyl, 76. Blanchakd, William, 292. Blatchley, Aaron, 48. Barbara [Redfield], 48. Martin, 48. Orrin Davis, 48. Prudence, 48. Sarah, 48. ,39. Blodget, Mary, 177. Bloomfield, Wm., 276. BoASEY, Permit, 287. Bolles, Constance C, 100. Boon, Elisha B., 223. Lavina, 223. Sarah, 223. BooTu.Burdett C, 143. BoTSFORD, Silena, 109. BoooHTON, Samuel, 123. Sarah A. [Safl'ron], 123. Sarah Amanda, 123. BowEN, Charles, 121. Hester S. [Houghton], 121. Sarah Houghton, 121. Bowers, John, 241. Julia R. [Redfield], 241. Boyce, Eden, 292. Henry, 2i)2. John, 292. Sarah E., 244. BoYDEN, Joseph, 88. Mary, 88. BoYDEN, Priscilla, 88. Bradford, Robert, 287. Bradley, Abigail, 19. Abraham, 19. Bani, 19. Beriah, 19. George, 143. James, 19. Jane, 19. John, 280. John, 292. Joseph, 19. Lucinda, 230. Lyman, 140. Mary, 49. Mercy, 19. Nancy, 19. Phinehas, 19. Priscilla, 19. Priscilla [Redfield], 19. Samuel, 19. Samuel, 280. Bradner, Eliza A., 222. Sarah E., 244. Susan, 222. Thomas W., 222. Braxton, Mary Ann, 195. Breed, Rebecca, 119. Breese, Susan B., 119. Brewer, George W., 221. Racbel A. [Redfield], 221. Brewster, Benjamin, 276. Jonathan, 6. 275, 276. Lucretia, 6, 'S, 276. William, 6. Brick, Rachel, 69. Brigham, Hannah, 152. Brinkerhoff, Beni., 217. Lydia A. [Redfield], 217. Brintxall, Mary, 81, 135. Bristol, Amy, 36. Anson, 36. Bezaleel, 36. Eunice, 36. Isaac, 36. Lois, 36. Mary [Redfield], 36. Nancy, 36. Oliver, 36. Philip R., 36. Richard, 36. Uri, 36. Brockett, Josiah, 210. Rebecca M., 210. Su.san, 210. Brockway, Hiram, 32. Phebe, 32. Bronson, Daniel, 206. Esther, 206. Irene, 167. Isaac, 206. John, 206. Orra, 206. Thomas, 206. Brooks, Amanda, 231. Asa (Rev.), 87. Henry, 134. Brown, Clarissa, 32. Edward, 148. Hannah, 32. Joseph H., 292. Lawrence L., 67. Lucy, 31. Mary A., 103. Mary A. [Skidmore], 102. Richard, 275. Samuel, 32. Brownell, Pardon, 292. Browning, Eleanor, 131. Buck, Chester, 172. Elizabeth, D. [Red- field], 172. Luraney, 172. Porter, 172. Buckingham, Anna S., 140. Bdddington, Grace, 62. BuEL or BuELL, Amanda, 35. Artemisia, 57. Benjamin, 18, 279. . Benjamin, 57. Charles, 57. David, 286. Elizabeth, 16. Elizabeth, 139. Frances, 57. Frederick, 57. Hannah, 18. Jennette, 136. Jesse, 57, Job, 57, 291. John, 291. Julia, 65. Mary, 18. Mary, 57. Phebe, 138. Reuben, 291. Roswell, 288. Ruth, 57. Samuel, 18. Samuel, 279. William, 57. BuLKLEY, Abigail, 52. Abigail, 56. Alethea, 55. Anna, 55. OTHER THAN REDFIELD. 319 BuLKLEY, Elihn, 55. Knnicrt, 55. Gershom (Rov.), 8, 27G. Henrietta, 55. Hulclah B., 55. Job, 287. Sarah, 55. William, 55. Bdnce, Catharine, 2.30. Burnett, Louisa, 249. Burns, Joshua, lOt). Burr, Abisfail, 5G. Abigail, 280. Augustus, 56. Daniel, 5(5. Ebenezer W., 50. Elizabeth, 56. Eunice, 56. Henrietta, 56. John, 67. Jonathan, 56. Martha [Silliman,] 25. Martha, 56. Nathaniel, 25. Peter, 25. Peter, 2S0, 281. Sarah, 56. Thaddeus, 281. William H., 56. BURRIDGE, , 167. BuRRiTT, Huldah, 56, Isaac. 56. Burrows, Clinton, 139. Dewitt, 139. George, 139. Kiel R., 139. Jennette [Redfield], 139. John, 139. John W., 139. Julia, 139. Nancy, 139. William G., 139. BoRT, Harlow, 292. Bush, Randolph, 275. BusHNELL, Amos, 287. Eber, 166. Sarah, 166. Sarah W., 166. Butler, Alice J., 238. . Aurelia C, 238. Cecilia A. [Redfield], 238. Cornelia Ann, 238. John, 238. Susan [Hart], 238. Susan Hart, 238. BuTTRicK, Ann P. [Red- field], 189. BuTTRiCK, George R., 189. Lucy Ann, 189. Butts, , 164. Calender, , 92. Calhoun, Sarah, 140. Camp, Mary A., 142. Campbell, Charles, 222. Cyrenius, 292. Elizabeth [Redfield], 222. Mary D., 222. Phel)e Ann, 222. Robert, 132. Stephen R., 222. Canfield, Dorcas [Antis- dale], 159. Sarah, 159. William, 159. Cari>, Amanda M. [Red- field], 244. Henry T., 244. Orson E., 244. Carey, Elva, 148. Carhartt, Elma, 132. Carl, Caroline, 183. Elizabeth, 88. Carley, Catharine, 217. James M., 221. Ursula[Redfield],221. Carney, Daniel, 182. Carpenter, , 118. Charlotte, 194. Rebecca, 159. Carr, John, 159. Margaret, 159. Mary [Prescott], 159. Carter, Amos, 287, 288. Aurelia, 148. Caroline M., 148. Elizabeth, 148. Elizabeth [Redfield], 148. Grace R., 148. Harriet A., 148. Jared, 63. Mary, 148. Robert, 288. Samuel (Dr.), 148. Susan A., 148. Weltha Ann, 148. Caruthers, George, 160. Casaday, , 129. Case, Martha, 59. Cassidy, Mary, 206. Catlin, George, 148. Caulkins, Frances M., 277. Chalker, Elizabeth, 112. Chamberlain, Burr, 169. Champion, Susan, 214. Cuanpler, Ralph (Lieut.), 203. Sarah C. I!. [Red- field], 203. Cuapel, Tryphena, 251. Chapman, Aaron, 137. Catharine Ann, 137. Catharine A. [Kel- sey], 137. Charles E., 240. Chloe, 59. Dan, 291. Elijah, 240. Elijah K. [Redfield], 240. Jedediah, 64. Jedediaii (Deac), 137. Jedediah (Major), 59. Martha [Woodworth], 240. Mehetabel, 97. Robert (Capt.), 9, 59, 137, 278. Robert, 59, 137. Rufus E., 240. Samuel(Capt.),59,137. Sumner, 292. CuAPPELL, Charlotte, 190. Enos, 190. Marion or Meriam, 71. Olive, 190. Chase, Mary L., 114. Chatfield, Cornelius, 287, John, 291. Mary, 16. Solomon, 288. Cheatham, Elizabeth J., 232. Mary [Creth], 232. Robertson, 232. Cherry, Artemisia, 32. Chester, Ellen E., 111. Child, Epbraim, 275. Chipman, Ella E., 207. Ellen M. [Redfield], 207. William R., 207. William W,, 207. Chittenden, Amelia, 141. Abraham (Deac.), 62. Artemisia, 64. Daniel, 141. Dency, 111. Diana, 62. Electa [Redfield], 141. John, 141. Joseph, 111. Patience, 143. Sarah, 62. CnuRfHTLL, Josei^h, 50. 320 INDEX TO NAMES Chueciiill, Meliiida, 50. Clakk, a. [Redfioldl, 239. Asabel (Dr.), 216. Asenath [Miller], 239. Caroline C, 21G. Catharine B., 176. Charles H., 141. Charlotte, 55. Daniel, 287, 288. Edwin C, 239. Elizabeth [Harris], 110. Ellen Eliza, 146. Emeline J., 239. Esther, 110. Francis A., 239. Harriet Arloa, 216. Horace R., 239. John, 288. John Deforest, 239. Joseph, 287, 288. Josephine E., 239. Lechary, 287. Luther, 176. Luther D., 195. Lyman, 102. Marion [Walker], 193. Mary [Redlield], 102. Othniel, 193. Pamela, 176. Remick K., 239. Reuben, 287. Rosanna, 193. Thomas, 287. Warren, 239. Watson Warren, 239. Zelotes, 110. Claeke, Abigail, 87. Mary, 195. Patience, 195. Clements, Eliza, 220. COATSWORTII, , 233. Cobb, Lemuel, 292. CoBERN, Charlotte, 101. Cochrane, Daniel, 91. Frances C, 91. James (Major), 91. Mary, 91. CoE, Abby H., 238. Benjamin, 238. Caroline, 238. Darius, 174. Elizabeth, 174. Thankful, 174. CoLCLOU(-;u, David, 2.34. Elizabeth [Redlield], 234. Jesse, 234. Julia Ellen, 234. Nathaniel K., 234. Cole, Joseph, 116. Julia Ann, 71. Sarah, 116. Coleman, Benj. F., 171. Robert L., 171. William, 90. Collins, Abigail, 19. John, 36. CoLTON, Abigail, 31. Daniel, 17. Hannah, 17. John Bailey, 245. Mary [Redlield], 245. CoMSTOCK, Almira [Red- lield], 255. Anna Maria, 255. Cbauncey M., 255. Daniel, 287. Franklin A., 255. Isabel J., 255. MarsenaW., 255. Osbert S., 255. Cone, Harriet N., 146. Jesse, 291. Joshua, 287. Murcia A. [Palmiter], 150. CoKGDON, Caroline [Red- field], 242. George Davis, 242. Harvey R., 242. Joseph B., 242. Juliet R., 242, CoNKLiN, Alvah R., 171. Columbia E., 171. Emily M., 171. Lawrence, 171. Luraney A., 171. Norman H., 171. Powers R., 171. Sibyl [Redlield], 171. Thomas, 287, 288. Converse, George B., 249. Sarah A. [Redfield], 249. Cook, Abby, 205. Elizabeth, 162, Martha, 162, Martin B., 81. Mary,]. [Redlield] 250 Mercy [Hopkins], 77. Otis, 162. Rachel, 214. Susan Helen, 200. CoOLEY, Cyrus, 236. Deniah, 236. Sarah Elizabeth, 236. Cooper, Eliza, 187. Hannah [Archer], 98. HatUeld, 292. Cooper, Mary, 187. Mary Ann, 98. Nathaniel, 187. William, 98. Cornell, Catharine [Red- field], 219. George W., 219. Harriet R., 220. Helen C, 220. Mary E., 220. Cory, Elizabeth, 40. Coster, Harriet M., 214. Joseph A., 214. Joseph C, 214. Rachel [Cook], 214. Richard, 214. Soi)hronia [Redfield], 214. Cotton, Shubael B., 45. CoDCH, Ann [Rice], 143. Beri, 143. John, 143. Susan Maria, 143, Susan M, [Redfield], 143. Thomas, 281. Ceager, David, 292. Philip, 292. Samuel, 292. Valentine, 292. Cramer, William, 287. Crampton, Rachel, 1G7. Ckandall, M. M., 222. Crane, Emily S., 139. Ezra, 287, 288. Jane [Redfield], 23. .Tane, 23. Jared, 23. Jerusha, 23. John, 288, 290. Margaret, 26. Mary [Lay], 23. Mehetabel [Post], 23, Ruth, 23. Samuel (Capt.), 23. Samuel, 23. Crawford, Emma C, 225. Esther [Redfield], 225 .John, 225. John Augustus, 225. John W., 225. Loviua, 159. Nancy, 225. Rebecca, 225. Rebecca [Carpenter], 159. Sarah Elizabeth, 225. Stephen, 159. William H., 225. Crego, Richard J., 182. OTHER THAN RRDFIELD. 321 Crego, Sarah M. [Redfield] 182. Ceeth, Mary, 232. CrusT, Gilbert, 212, 213. Gilb.;rt .James, 212. Milton, 212. Rachel H. [Redfield], 212. Sarah A. [Michaels], 212, 213. Susan, 213. Crittenden, see Ckutten- DEN. Cross, Clarissa [Redfield], 1.56. James P., 15G. Crouch, 110. Cruttenden, or Ckittex- DEN. Abraham, 166. Clarissa, 33. Hannah [Dudley], 166 Joel, 33. Josiah, 288. Leverett, 33. Mary, 33. Nathaniel, 33, 288. Parnel [Redfield], 33. Sarah, 166. Timothy, 33. CuMMiNG, Abigail A., 114, James, 114. Margaret Jane, 114. Sabra [Redlield], 114. William, 114. Cunnixgha:.!, John, 92. Susan [Prentiss], 92. Curtis, Abigail, 138. Asahel,"l41. Asahel, 142. Benjamin, 141. Benjamin U., 142. Elisha, 138. George R., 142. Jeunette, 141. Lucy, 138. Mehetabel [Redfield], 141. [141. Mindwell [Hough], Phebe Ann, 141. Daniels, John, 190. Mary M. [Redfield], 190. DAvros, James, 8. Davidson, Esquire, 292. William (Rev.), 91. Davis, Abigail, 54. Davis, Andrew, 7. Eunice B., 54. John, 281. .Josliua, 54. Linus, 48. Mai-y, 48. Phebe, 54. Rebina [Redfield], 47, Samuel, 47. Sarah, 48. Sarah, 54. Daw, Maria, 216. Dayton, Charles, 151. Emily, 151. George, 151. Isaac C, 151. John, 151. Joshua, 151. Julia Ann, 151. Julia Ann [Redfield!, 151. Mary Jane, 151. Sarah, 137. Weltha, 151. Dean, Deborah, 183. Phebe C, 103. Thomas (Hon.), 103. De Cajip, Olive, 70. Decker, Alfred, 218. Christina, 218. David, 218. George W., 218. Harriet E., 218. Isaac, 218. John R,, 218. Julia A. [Redfield], 218. Priscilla J., 218. Sarah Ann, 218. William H., 218. Dee, Abraham, 236. Daniel Grifiith, 23G, Elijah, 287. Harriet P., 236. Jennette [Redfield], 236. Sarah, 236. Deforest, William C, 49. Dkjean, Philip (Lieut.), 104. Sarah, 104. Sarah [Fosdick], 104. Delan^t, Hugh, 198. Jane [Redfield], 198. Denison, Charles, 112. Elizabeth C, 112. Elizabeth [Chalker], 112. Denison, Mercy, 59. Dennis, Eliza, '247. Devendork, Christina, 185 Mary E., 185. Martha [Redfield], 185 Peter A., 185. Dewey, Achsali, 146. Charles, 146. Frances, 146. Israel, 288. De Wolf, Benjamin, 235. Harriet [Redfield], 235 Jared, 235. Prudence, 235. Dexter, Ruth, 94. Stephen, 94. Dibbell, Charles, 63. David, 63. Elizabeth, 63. Mary, 63. Phebe [Redfield], 63. Samuel, 63. Thomas, 287. Dibble, David, 58. Phebe, 58. Dickenson, Louisa, 90. Dickinson, Abigail, 45. Ann, 45. Anna, 53. Charles B., 45. David,* 53. Elizabeth, 53. Esther, 53. George, 45. Gloriana, 53. Harriet, 45. Harriet Eliza, 239. Jacob, 45. John, 45. John, 53. Julia Ann, 239. Mary, 53. Moses, 239. Mehitabel, 38. Nancy, 53. Patrick M., 45 Ruth, 36. Samuel, 45. Sarah, 53. William, 53. DiLLEN, Joseph, 184. DixwELL, John, S. DoANE, Horace, 292. Israel, 287. Dodge, Edward, 288. Elizabeth, 193. John, 93. Mary A., 86. * Erroneously given John in test. 41 322 INDEX TO NAMES DoGGETT, Joseph, 278. Dome, Jimies, 'IHl. DoNXELL, John, 21], 212. Maria [McKeiizie], 211, 212. Martha, 212. Mary, 211. Donnelly, Mary A. [Brat- ton], 195. Dow, Almira, 236. Emily S., 236. Simon, 236. DowD, Charles, 148. Jeremiah, 287. DoWE, Henry, 215. Lncy, 215. William B., 215. Zilpali[Recmeld],215. DoTLE, Elizabeth, 216. Drtek, Chester, 292. Daniel, 2S2. John, 85. Kezia, 85. Mary, 84. Drown, Anna C, 246, Dudley, Benajah, 74. Calvin, 92. Curtis E., 112. Ebenezer, 19. Elizabeth, 19. Elizabeth [Redfield], 74. Elizabeth, 74. Freedom, 74. Hannah, 166. Linus, 74. Miliceut [Redfield], 92 Oliver H., 112. Orson L., 112. Rachel E., 112. Sarah, 19. Sherman, 111. William, 112. DuFFiE, Mary M., 244. Dunham, Clarissa [Red- lield], 254. John H., 254 Dunn, Ann [Home], 202. Melinda L., 202. Olive [Redfield], 202. Patrick, 202. Viola, 202. DURYEE, Abraham R., 242. Pamela [Redfield], 242. Ddstan, Elizabeth [Red- field], 95. Seth, 95. Sylvanus, 95. DosTiN, Nancy M., 177. Eaton, Edward 0., 206. Eliza B., 206. Elizabeth, 205. Emily Frances, 206. Jasoii, 205. Marv Elizabeth, 206. Osgood, 205. Sarah, 118. Sarah F. [Redfield], 205. Sena [Temple], 205. William (Gen.), 118. William Redfield, 206. Eddy, John, 278. Edwards. Temperance, 236. Eggleston, Amanda M., 190. Caroline [Redfield], 190. Charles (Col.), 96. Elizabeth, 96. Juliana [Redfield], 252. Mary Ann, 96. Samuel, 252. Squire, 190. ZinaU., 190. Elder, Charles Henry, 225. George Renwick, 22^. James R. W., 225. Jennette [Sinclair], 225. Samuel R., 225. Sarah Catharine, 225. Susan [Redfield], 225. William, 225. Elderkin, Elisha, 81, 135. Elizabeth, 81, 135. Mary, 81, 135. Mary [Brintuall], 81, 135. Eliot, Abial, 142, 238. Charles, 142. Charles Morgan, 142. Clarissa B., 238. Cornelia C. [Redfield] 247. Ely Augustus, 247. George, 247. George E., 247. Grace Redfield, 247, Hannah, 27. Jared (Rev.), 27,247. John (Rev.), 142,238, 247. Joseph (Rev.), 142, 238, 247. Eliot, Mary Cornelia, 247. Nathaniel, 142. Reuben, 238. Susan M. [Pratt], 247. William, 142. Wyllys, 238. Elliott, -Julia Ann, 71. Ruth, 71. William, 71. Elmendorf, Mary J., 114. Elmer, Daniel F., 186. Francis E., 186. Jennette H. [Red- field], 186. Enos, Roger (Capt.), 18. Escritt, Elizabeth, 198. Jane [Leverett], 198. William, 198. Evans, Ach.^ah, 78. Ann M. [Redfield], 203. Ansel, 169. Delia M., 170. Elizabeth A., 170. George, 203. George Weston, 170. Gratia Adelia, 169. Gratia [Redfield], 1G9. Rhoby Howland, 170. Robert D., 170. Sarah C , 169. William W., 170. EvARTS, Cynthia M., 111. Daniel R., 58. David, 110. Eliza C, 111. Elizabeth, 58. Elizabeth [Redfield], 57. Jehiel, 111. Leah, 57. Lydia A., 111. Martin, 57. Nathan, 111. Nathan H., 111. Rachel S., 111. Samuel, 57. Sarah, 111. Tamar [Kelsey], 111. William Henry, 58. Everett, Addison, 243. Mary Davis, 243. Orpha M. [Redfield], 243. Faikchild, Asher (Capt.), 61. Nancy, 61, 62. Thankful, 61. Pallet, Isabella, 56. OTHER THAN REDFIELD. 323 Farnham, , 48. Abner, 64. Anne [Redfield], 67. Charles Augustus, 64. Charles Nelson, 67. Elizabeth, 64. Elizabeth, 134. Elizabeth [Redfield], 134. George W., 67. George Wilcox, 64. Hannah C.[ Redfield], 169. Henry Alexander, 67. James (Capt.), 67. James Madison, 67. Jehiel, 67. John (Capt ), 134. John Redfield, 64. Laertes D., 169. Martha, 64. Mary, 67. Mary Elizabeth, 64. Nathaniel S., 287. PriscillaAnn,67, 230. Rebecca [Redfield], 64. Richard A., 67. Susan, 134. Farkell, Margaret, 29. Farrington, Mary, 137. Fay, Charles P., 198. Francis D., 198. George S., 198. Jesse A., 198. John C, 198. Lavina [Redfield], 198. Nancy Maria, 198. Sarah Ellen, 198. Simeon D., 198. Winiam A., 198. Ferrill, Margaret, 29. Ferris, Adelia, 140. Ann Jennette, 140. George, 140. Henry Clay, 140. Julia, 140. Julia [Redfield], 140. Reuben, 140. Sarah, 140. Field, Ebenezer, 288. Lucy M., 144. Fink, Caroline Eva, 24.5. FiNLEY, Charlotte E., 143. Cornelia J., 142. Eliza Maria, 143. Francis K., 142. George R., 142. John, 142. FiNLEY, John A., 142. John H., 142. Martha Ann, 142. Martha [McDonald], 142. Nancy [Redfield], 142 Fish, Edgar D., 165. Eliza, 165. Henry R., 165. Hiram H., 165. Jerome H., 165. Parnel [Redfield], 165. Fisher, Christina [Fritz], 235. Cornelius, 235. Edward W., 235. George R., 235. Martha, 235. Martha [Redfield], 235. Mary Louisa, 235. FiSKE, John, 32. Mary, 32. Fitch, , 290. Abner, 12. Elisha, 292. Flint, Elizabeth M., 117. Flood, Almira, 233. Ellen, 233. James, 233. Jennette, 233. John, 233. Julia, 233. Louisa, 233. Lydia [Redfield], 233. Susan, 233. Floyd, Elizabeth, 242. Julia, 242. Juliet E , [Redfield], 242. Mary, 242. William, 242. Folwell, Charlotte, 245. Fooley, Artemisia [Red- field], 175. Josiah George, 175. FooTE. Eli, 62. Roxana, 62. Forbes, Beniamin, 79. Burr, 174. Charles, 292. Christina, 174. Clarissa Jane, 70. Dorr, 174. Edwin, 70. Erwin, 174. .Joseph, 79. Levi, 79. Levinus, 79. Forbes, Luke, 173. Lyman, 174. Mary, 79. Mary [Redfield], 79. Mary W., 70. Moses, 173. Olive, 174. Sarah, 79. Sarah [Ostrander], 173. Force, Ann, 192. Ford, Abraham, 123. Burton W., 123. Charles Burr, 123. Emma 0., 123. Eunice, 123. Franklin P., 123. Harriet E., 123. James Edwin, 123. John S., 123. Lorenzo D., 123. Sarah A. 123. Sarah M. [Redfleldl, 123. FosDiCK, Sarah, 104. FossET, , 192. Sarah Louisa, 190. Foster, Alpha L., 167. Amilla Ann, 121. Caroline, 167. Charlotte [Redfield], 166. Clinton E., 167. David, 166. John, 121. Mary, 121. Mary Jennette, 167. Oliver N., 167. Orrin, 167. Rachel [Crampton], 167. Weltha Ann, 167. Fox, Ezekiel, 288. France, Hannah M., 218. Sarah C, 219. Francis, Thomas, 287. Franklin, Daniel, 288. David, 287. Hannah, 40. .Jonathan, 288. Feazier, Hannah, 68. Freeman, Estelle, 220. Harriet E., 220. Harriet [Redfield], 220 William B., 220. French, Eliza G., 213. Gamaliel, 24. George H., 180. George Jay, 181. Julia E., 181. 324 INDEX TO NAMES Fhexch, Kezia, 85. Millena [Martin], 213. Sarah [RedfieldJ, 24. Sarah D. [Redtield], 180. William Cook, 181. William W., 21.3. Fkisbie, Amanda, 144. Benjamin, 143. Eunice [Redtield], 143 John Russell, 144. Julia, 143. Miuy Ann, 144. Patience [Chitten- den], 143. Russell, 143. Sarah, 143. Fritz, Christina, 235. Frost, Daniel, 10, 12, 281. Marv, 12. Sarah [Redfield], 12, 281. W^illiam, 12. Frtatt, Delilah, 212. Harriet, 212. William, 212. Fuller, Abner, 288. S., 153. FuLLEEToN, Helen, 219. Gale, Benj. (Dn), 27, 61. Hannah, 27. Mary, 27. Mary Ann, 131. Samuel (Capt.), 39, 57, 291, 292. Garrison, Augustus, 128. Frances, 128. Phebe, 128. Gaston, Alexander, 87. Huldah, 87. Sarah, 87. Gates, William P., 184. Gaylord, Chester, 188. Sarah A. H., 188. GiDmNGS, C. W. (Rev.), 86 Gillespie, John, 292. GiLMORE, Daniel, 211. Elizabeth C, 211. Harriet, 211. Mary, 151. GiVEKS, Jesse, 65. Gleason, Drusilla [Red- lield], 200. George F., 200. Henry B , 200. Persis A., 200. Theodoiv H., 200. Wallace ()., 200. Glover, Mercy, 89. GLOTVAfKi, Henry J., 202. Mary J. [Redfleld], 202. Gobear, , 153. Goble, Sarah Ann, 237. Goodman, E. W. (Rev.), 49. Goodrich, Anna, 43. Augusta, 87. Zebulon, 43. GooPSELL, Charles B., 259. Lydia [Redfield], 259. Gordon, Craig, 292. Gilbert, 292. John, 292. GoRiiAM, Lydia, 132. GoRSE, Elizabeth L. [Red- field], 122. Hiram H., 122. .John W., 122. Gould, Abigail N., 100. Charlotte [Carpenter], 194. Comfort, 194. Ebenezer (Rev.), 144. Ebenezer B., 144. Elizabeth C, 194. Sarah, 144. Granger (Capt.), 42. Granniss, Harriet D,, 177. Helen W., 177. Nancy M. [Dustin], 177. William, 177. Graves, Elizabeth, 19. Elizabeth, 174. Emily, 92. Frances, 92. Hubbard, 174. Mark, 287. Mary Elizabeth, 174. Rachel, 48. Roxaua [Redfield], 92. William, 92. Gray, Agnes, 113. Elliott, 185. Jane, 5(i. Jeremiah, 135. Martha, 18. Mary [Stott], 135. '. Phifip, 18. Sarah Sturges, 135. Try])hosa, 185. Green, Jonas, 11. Margaret, 157. Samuel, 11. Greenel, see Grinnell. Greer, Ann, 207. John, 207. Sarah, 207. Gregware, Julia, 42. Gkiffin, Beriah R., 87. Clarissa, 86. Daniel S., 87. Henry, 86. James S., 87. John (Rev.), SG. John, 87. Lydia, 87. Lydia [Redfield], 86. Mary, 87. 0.smyn, 87. Pamelia, 87. Samuel, 87. Samuel, 287. Griffing, , 96. Daniel (Capt.), 59. Elizabeth, 237. Joshua, 33. Lydia, 59. Martha, 59. Grinnell, Anna, 60. Daniel, 13. Lydia, 13. Matthew, 13. Paybody, 23. Priscilla, 13. Sarah, 23. Griffith, Anna B., 192. Bay his, 192. Duty, 192. Elizalieth Ann, 104. Esther [Redfield], 192 John, 104. Mary [Hobbs], 104. Mary T., 192. Roxaua, 192. Willard, 192 Wm. Henry H., 192. Aaron, 180. Griswold, Abby, 66. Benjamin, 65. Clarissa H., GG. Charles, 134. Daniel, 292. Darius 0., 49. David, 75. David Martin, 75. Edward, 66. Eliza A., 66. Hannah, 180. Levi, 66. Levi K., 66. Lucy [Redfield], 134. Maria, 134. Martin, 134. Mary, 65. Nathan, 286. Phebe A. [Redfield], 66. OTHER THAN REDPIELD. 326 Geiswold, Sarah, 19. Susan A , 180. Thankful [Redfield], 75. GoiTEAu, Abram B., 120. Ella M., 120. Emily [Redfield], 120. Emma Julia, 120. Francis (Dr.), 120. Francis R., 120. Harriets., 120. Miriams., 120. Hadlet, Elizabeth [Bra- lev], 104. Harriet 0., 104. Jonathan, 104. Haight, Stephen, 50. Haines, , 50. Anna, 50. Sarah, 50. Thomas, 292. Hale, Aaron, 90. Sophronia [Redfield], 90. Hall, Abby [Cook], 205. Elizabeth C, 205. Ezra, 292. Harriet E. [Redfield], 232. Hurley, 233. Ira, 205. J. Randall, 172. Luraney P. [Redfield], 172. Martha C, 233. Mary [Wheeler], 172. Norman Cole, 233. Thomas?., 172. Wilbur E., 233. Hallam, Alexander, 11. Edward, 11. Nicholas, 11. Robert A. (Rev.), 141. Sarah, 11. Hamilton, Ann, 67. Hammond, Gideon (Hon.), 102. James, 292. Jane E., 102. Samuel (Hon.), 103. Hand, Timothy, 288. Harding, Catharine, 170. Hardy, Addison, 199. Albert R., 200. Almira [Redfield], 199 Charles Andrew, 2(t0. Ellen Maria, 200. George Addison, 199. George Addison, 200. Hardy, Hiram E., 199. Mary Jane, 200. Priscilla [Redfield], 30 Richard, 30. Rufus, 30. Salome, 200. Sarah A., 199. Harris, Elizabeth, 110. John, 93. Mary Jane, 22G. Patience, 74. Harrison, Abigail, 80. Hart, E. J. [Redfield], 249 Ellen, 249. Francelia B., 249. .John Hill, 249. Lucinda P., 249. Lucius, 249. Luman, 184. Maria, 195. Samuel, 249. Sarah Amelia, 249. Susan, 238. Viola, 249. Hartman, Caroline iRed- field], 153. J., 153. Harvey, Denison, 251. Josepli, 292. .Julia Esther, 251. Tryphena [Chapel], 251. Hatch, Charles, 197. Delia [Redfield], 197. Gaylord, 197. Harriet M., 197. Henry G., 197. Hatfield, (Col.), 42. Mary S., 252. 0. S., 252. Hathaway, , 164. Russel, 193. S. G. [Redfield], 193 Hawks, Elsie Maria, 195. LolaA. [Redfield], 195 Zimri, 195. Hawley, Amorette, 81. Hayden, Calvin, 237. Calvin B., 237. Caroline I., 237. Charles W., 237. Chloe K., 287. Edward P., 237. Eli.shaK., 237. Ehz. [Griffing], 237. Ella G., 237. Emma J. E., 237. Grace Ann, 237. James P. R., 237. Mary F., 237. Haypen, Mary [Redfield], 237. Sarah Jane, 237. Hayes, Anna Redfield], 131. Joseph, 132. Mary, 132 Samuel, 132. Sarah Ann, 132. Haynes, E (Dr.), 9(i. [9G. France.s J. [Redfield], Hays, ■ , 55. Alfred, 55. •Jane, 55. Jennette, 55. •Joseph, 55. Nancy, 55. Hazen, Mercy, 108, 109. Hedges, , 56. Elizabeth, 56. Heighton, Ann, 109. Thomas, 109. Heritage, Ann, 44. Benjamin, 207. Benjamin, 208. John, 208. Margaretta [Redfield], 207. Rachel [Perkins], 207. Rosalvine, 207. Samuel, 207, Samuel, 208. Herskell, Catharine A., 230. Cath. [Bunce], 230. Hiram, 230. Hewlett, , 73. Lucy [Redfield] 73. Hicks, Mary E., 139. High, Thomas, 292. Hill, Almond, 292. Elihu, 93. Elizabeth, 17. Elizabeth A., 257. Emily Sophia, 81. George, 81. Harriet M., 150. Henry, 59. Hezekiah, 288. John Mills, 142. Lydia .Jane, 81. Mary [Redfield], 149. Mercy, 59. Nathan D., 81. Nathaniel, 282. Roxana, 81. Ruth [Redfield], 81. Samuel, 282. Silas B., 150. Thomas, 81. 326 INDEX TO NAMES Hill, Thomas, 292. William, 149. HiLLiARD, Benoni, 28. p:iizabeth, 28. Joseph, 291. Martha, 28. Hilton, Catharine, 234. Hinckley, Jerome, 249. Mary A. [Redfield], 249. HiNMAN, Esther, 142. HisLOP, Adeline [Redfield] 204. John G. (Dr.), 204. HoBBS, Mary, 104. Hobby, Jane, 132. HoDGKiN, see Hotchkiss. Hoffman, Anna A. M., 2.')1. Edward, 251. George W., 90. Lonisa M. [Martini], 251. William, 90. Hole, Caroline [Redfield], 200. EmmaM., 200. Francis 0., 200. John R., 200. Romango R. , 200. HoLLiSTER, Milicent G., 100. Hollow AY, Celia, 154. George, 154. Holmes, Orril Ann, 65. HooFF, Julia, 210. Lawrence, 210. Hooker, Emma, 145. Hoops, E. [Redfield], 254, Hiram, 254. Hopkins, Daniel G., 161. Francis F., IGl. Maria K., 161. Mary or Mercy, 161. William, 161. HoRNBKCK, Catharine, 117. Horne, Ann, 202. HoRTON, Kbenezer, 287. Lydia, 87, 90. Hotchkiss, Abigail, 18. Abigail, 115. Elizabeth, 17. John C, 115. Joseph, 17. Lydia [Redfield], 17. Sarah, 115. Thomas, 18. Hough, Mindwell, 141. Hoogoton, Hester S., 121. Richard, 6, 275. HovEY, Aaron E., 254. Helen A., 254. How, or Howe, Ann, 106. Bathsheba, 8. Edward, 8. Elizabeth, 8. Ephraim, 8. Jeremy, 8. Rebecca, 106. Thomas, 292. William, 106. Howard, Charles R,, 189. Ida Louise, 189. Jane L. [Redfield], 189 Nelson M,, 189. Hubbard, D. (Lieut.), 61, Lydia, 239. aiartha, 92. Thankful, 61. Hudson, David, 73. Maria, 73. Mary, 73. HuLBDRT, Lafayette, 103. Hull, , 54. Alfred, 64, Amos, 16, 288. Caleb, 73. Eliphalet, 54. Elizabeth [Kelsey], 136. [16. Elizabeth [Redfield], Ellen Jennelte, 254. Ezekiel. 287, George, 287. Irene [Bronson], 167. .Toel, 16. Joseph, 18, Josiah, 16. Lemuel, 286, Levi, 63. Lydia, 16, Maria A., 167. Mary, 25. Mary, 54. Mary, 73. Nathan, 288. Peter, 288, 290, Roswell, 167. Samuel, 16. Samuel, 136. Samuel, 287, 288. Sibyl, 16. Submit, 136. William, 287. Hu.NTKu, Alexander, 187. Mary, 187. Hunting, Ezekiel S., 119. Maria C , 119. Rebecca [Breed], 119, Huntington E^(Rev.), 290. Huntley, Jane Ann, 182. John, 182. Mehetabel [Redfield], 182. HuRD, Andrew J., 65, BeckwithD., 65. Caleb Leet, 65. Caroline C, 65. Clementine P., 65. Daniel, 65. Ebenezer, G5. Eliza, 65. Elnathan, 291. Georg* L., 65. Harriet A., 65. James H., 65. John, 65. Laura E., 65. Leet, 65. Martha (Redfield], 65. Martha [Redfield], 181 Martha R., 181. Mary, 65. Mary G., 65. Rebecca, 65. Reu, 291. Samuel G., 65. Wealthy [Redfield], 65. Wealthy A., 65. William, 65. Huston, Edward, 208. Hope, 208. Joseph, 209. Joshua, 208. Mary A. [Redfield], 208. Rebecca, 208. Hutchinson, M. [Clarke], 195. Mary M., 195. William, 195. HydE) Edward, 56. Ingersoll, Jane, 145, Ingraham, Benj. G., 61. Daniel P., 61. David G., 61. Ezra L'H., 61, Frederick R., 61. John R., 61. Juliana [Redfield], 61. Martha, 61. Nathaniel G., 32, 61. Samuel 1)., 61. Sidney, 61. William, 61. IsBELL, Eliezer, 287, 288. Noah, 20. Sarah, 20. OTHER THAN REDFIELD. 327 IsnAM, A. [Redfield], 68. Elias, G8. Laura, 68. Lucy, 68. William v., 68. Jackson, Edward, 275. Eliza, 187. Jaquays, a. [Redfield], 68 Homer, 68. John, 68. Nathan H., 68. Jarcie, Elizabeth, 21. Jeffrey, David, 164. Jennings, Ann E. [Red- field], 209. Belin, 209. Edward R., 233. Ernest F., 233. Esther, 25. Hetty W., 246. Hezekiah, 246. James,. 132. James, 233. Jehu, 209. John, 209. Joseph, 280. Mark, 209. Mary, 209. Mary [Hull], 25, Rachel, 246. Seth (Dr.), 25. Susan Redfield, [233]. Wilton T., 233. Jerome, Elizabeth M., 109 Lorenzo D. 109. [109. Mary L. [Redfield], Phebe [Barnes], 109. Susan H., 109. Sylvester, 109. William, 109. William R., 109. Jersey, A. [Redfield], 252 Philip P., 252. JocELYN, or JossELYN, Eli- zabeth, 30. Elizabeth, 33. LydiaM., 152. Johnson, , 86. Content, 83. Dorothy [Redfield],86 Elihu, 287. Emily, 166. Frances, 165. Lena E., 152. [152. Lucy A. [Redfield], Luman, 166. Mary [Redfield], 166. Oscar B., 152. Samuel, 150. Johnson, Sarah, 81. Sarah, 165. Sidney, 166. William, 18. William, 165. William, 166. Jones, AdelaE., 224. Ann, 224. Asa, 287. David, 292. Elizabeth [Eaton], 205 EmmaF., 224. Martha [Redfield], 224 Samuel N., 224. Sheridan, 224. Thomas L., 205. Joyce, Eunice, 28, 60. Joshua, 60. JuDD, Ann [Goodrich], 43. Daniel, 43. Heman, 43. Mary, 43. Matthew, 43. Philip, 288. Thomas, 43. William, 43. Kates, Harriet, 208. Kellogg, A. [Stewart], 157 Asa, 157. Joseph (Lieut.), 157. Mary, 157. Silas, 157. Stephen, 157. Kelly, Evaline S., 171. John C, 87. Levi, 291. Kelsey, Abby, 66. Abel, 288. Absalom, 288. Catharine Ann, 137. Elizabeth, 136. Jei'ome, 169. Joseph, 139 Julius W., 169, 253. Mary B. [Redfield], 169. Mary H. [Redfield], 253. Matthew, 288. Oliver, 288. Peter, 287. Rachel, 142. Sarah Jane, 250. Sarah L., 253. Sophrouia, 80. Tamar, 111. William, 279. Kendall, Fletcher R., 178. Hannah, 178. Kendall, Hannah P., 178. Nathaniel, 178. PelegR., 178. Samuel S. (Dr.), 178. Sarali A. [Redfield], 178. Kennedy, Amelia, 128. Eliza, 128. John, 128. Lucretia [Redfield], 128. Robert, 128. Stephen, 128. Kentfield, Hepsibah, 240. Kettell, Nancy, 165. Keyes, Augustus v., 122. Charles, 292. Edgar B., 122. Elizabeth A., 122. Elizabeth L. [Red- field], 122. .Joseph, 292. Louisa M., 122. Mary Jane, 122. William H. H., 122. Keyser, J [Redfield], 91. Luther, 91. Sarah, 91. Kiersted, Augusta, 226. Gilletta[Lazelle],226. Henry T. (Gen.), 226. Kimball, Chas. W., 188. Christina [Redfield], 185. Helen, 185. Jesse, 185. Mary Ann [Redfield], 188. Priscilla, 185. Sarah E. [Redfield], 189. William E., 188, 189. King, Nicholas, 292. KiRKHAM, Bedad, 81. Daniel, 81. Ruth [Redfield], 81. Sarah, 81. Sarah A., 81. KiRTLAND, Chloe, 137. 149. Chloe [Redfield], 137, 149. Elisha (Capt.), 137, 149. Knapp, J., 77. Mary [Redfield], 77. Knight, Charlotte, 128. Hiel A. [Redfield], 241 John, 241. Rachel, 128. Thomas, 128. 328 Knowlks, Sarah M., 81. William, 234. Kxox, Eli B., 148. Ladd, Nancy, 202. Lambert, Aliraham R., 131 Amelia [Redfield], 131 Jesse, 131 John D., 131. Samuel A., 131. Sarah E., 131, Landar, Hannah, 32. Lane, Elisha, 111. Eliza Ann, 111. Experience, 39. Grace, 62. John, 39. Jolin R., 30. Martha, 02. Mary, 111. Noah, 62. Fhebe, 58. Roxana, 39. Rnssell, 287, 288. _ Langdon, Alphonso, 85. Emeline S., 85. Miranda R., 85. Sarah [Redliekl], 85, William, 85. Latham, Gary, 6, 46. Joseph, 46. Mary, 46. Laughlin, Aristeen [Red- Held], 188. Edward, 188. Willard, 188. Lawbe.vce, Grove, 103. James R., 103. Lay, Mary, 23. Lazelle, Gilletta, 236. Learned, Edward H., 175. Rosanna [Redfield], 175. William, 175. Ledyard, John, 290. Lee, Martha, 185. Leete, Benjamin, 17. Horace, 81. Levi, 17, 287. Lydia [Redtield], 17. Lefferts, Sarah, 144. Leffincwell, Benajah, 248. Susan A. [Redfield], 248. Leming, Jane, 19. Leonard, John, 185. Lester, Andrew, 8. Levkett, Jane, 198. Lewis, Arza, 179. INDEX TO NAMES Lewis, An^nsta, 180. Cornelia, 179. Edward, 179. Elizabetii. 124. Emily, 180. ErancisN., 180. George, 179. George E., 162. Harriet, 180. Henry E., 162. Isaac, 179. James Henry, 180. John T., 162. Martha, 180. Marv E., 179. Mary Eliza, 180. Mary [Redlield], 162. Mary [Redfield], 179. Ruth, 124. Samuel, 291. Sarah R., 179. Sophia [Redfield], 179 William, 124. William, 287. L'HoMMEDiEn, Ezra, 32. LiLLiE, A., 96. Linderman, Susan, 129. LocKWooD, (Capt.),42 AUce R., 230. Amasa, 162. Caroline [Redfield], 230. David B., 230. Ehza, 132. Emily, 162. Henrietta, 162. Lovina, 74. LoMisoN, Helen, 184. Longstreet, Caroline [Redfield], 203. Cornelia T , 203. LoPER, Phebe, 31, Loru, Elizabeth, 69. Esther, 75. Mary, 75. William, 75. LoRiNG, (Capt.), 20. LoTHROP, (Capt.), 7. LouNSBORY, Daniel R., 228 George, 228. Herbert, 228. J. W., 228. Jane Ann [Redfield], 228. Love, Angeline, 224. Maliala, 224. Stephen, 224. LovELAND, Robert, 276. LowBER, Elizabeth [Red- field], 202. LowBER, .John, 202. Margaret, 202. Robert W., 202. LowERRE, Frances A., 241. LoziER, Elizabeth, 82. ■ Henrietta, 82. Lyman (Gen.), IS, 20, 34. William C, 146. Lyon, Bradley, 49. Burr, 50". Clara, 50. Elizabeth, 50. Ellen, 50. Levi, 49. Mary, 49. Mary, 50. Pri.scilla [Redfield], 49, 284. Seth, 49. Walveman, 50. Walter, 49. Zalmon, 50. McCarty, Alexander, 233. Alexander, 234. Almira [Redfield], 233 Almira, 234. Margaret, 234. Macomber, John, 86. Rhoda [Redfield], 86. McCormack, Anna, 88. McDonald, Martha, 142. McIlwaine, Amelia E. [Redfield], 252. John A., 252. Mackenzie, , 233. Maria, 211, 212. Sarah W., 227. McKinney, E^lizabeth [Redfield], 221. Henry, 221. John, 221. Lucinda, 221. Matthew, 221. Truman L., 221. McLean, Josiah, 288. McMiLLEN, Ehza, 160. Eliza Jane, 145. Maharg, Jane [Spratt], 131. Sarah, 131. William, 131. Mallory, John S., 151. Mansfield, Benj. W. 118. Charles F., 118. George, 118. Gerritt S., 118. John L., 117. Leonard D., 117. Leroy D., 117. OTHER THAN REDFIELD. 329 Mansfield, Mary E., 118. Minerva M., 118. Sojihronia Aim, US. Soj)hronia [Kedlield], 118. Ward N., 118. William W., 118. Marks, Helen S., 165. Julia A., Ififj. Parnel [Redfiold], 165 Richard, 165. Richard T., 165. Maush, Ann M , 133. Daniel, 133. Ira, 160. Olive, 160. Olive [Redfield], 160. Maktin, Millena, 213. Martini, M., 251. Marvin, -John, 287. Julia B., 73. Matthew, 73. Nancy, 73. Mason, Julia A., 102. Martha [Lee], 102. Mary, 110. Samuel, 102. Mathews, Wm. C, 190. Maynard, John, 292. Mayo, Charlotte, 190. Eliza B., 190. Frances [Redfield], 189. John, 190. John W., 189. Mary F., 190. Mead, Harriet, 132. Meigs, Charles, 148. Esther Ann, 81. Meriwether, Eliza, 71. Merrill, Anson C, 70. Artemisia [Redfield], 32. Benjamin, 32. Bethany, 70. Clarissa, 32. Edward, 287. Ebenezer R., 32. George, 32. Martiia, 29. Mary, 32. Phebe, 32. Ruth, 70. Samuel, 32. Merrills, Joseph, 11. Merbitt, Lavina A., 227. Mitchell, 287. Mersereau, Almira D., 164. Harriet, 164. 42 Mersereau, .lohii G., 164. •Julia [Redfield], 164. Samuel, 164. Michaels, Sarah Ann, 212, 213. Miller, Asenath, 2.39. Benjamin, 236. Tempe, 236. Temperance [Ed- wards], 236. Milliken, Lucinda, 50. Mills, Samuel, 292. Miner, Ann [Redfield 1 103 Charlotte [Redfield], 238. Helen, 103. Marvin, 103. William C, 238, Minor, Thomas (Lieut.), 277. Mitchell, William, 287. Moffatt, Frances [Red- field], 198. Rufus, 198. Monroe, Ann, 150. Moody, Harriet E., 118. Moore, Achsah, 181. Ebenezer H., 292. Ezra P., 183. George, 229. Hannah, 72. Judah, 96. Mary, 91. Mary E. [Redfield], 229. Sarah A. [Redfield], 96. Sarah A. [Redfield], 183. Sarah Emily, 229. Solomon (Rev.), 91. Thomas, 72. Thomas, 181. Wm. H. (Rev.), 229. Morehouse, Clementine [Redfield,] 256. Eleanor, 49. George E., 256. Gould, 50. John, 280. Ogden, 150. Samuel J., 56. MoRELL, Charles, 81. Morgan, Caroline [Red- field], 95. Charles, 63. Elias, 63. Elizabeth [Redfield], 63. Erasmus B. (Rev.), 95 Morgan, George, 63. John, 63 ]'hobe, 63. TheophiluR, 63. Wealthy Ann, 63. William ,322. MoRL.\ND, Elizabeth, 210. Maria B., 210. Stephen, 210. MoRRELL, James, 288. Morrison, Julia Ann, 182. MosHER, Almira, 122. Phebe, 122. Stephen, 122. MuLFORD, Chloe, 236. Mpllaney, , 47. Mary [Redfield], 47. Munn, Josiah, 288. M UN SON, , 92. Augusta, 142, Horace, 84. Margery [Redfield], 84. Selah, 84. MuRRHY, Daniel, 233. John, 155. Mary, 155. Murray, Jonathan, 291. Lucy, 26. Patrick, 47. Ruth [Redfield], 47. Nash, Arnot A., 174. Marietta [Redfield], 174. Roswald, 174. Nelson, Eli, 292. Harriet L., 186. Sophia[Redfield],186. Willard L., 186. Nettleton, Edward, 112. Emily, 112. Ezra, 112. George, 287, 291. Jeremiah, 288. Lauren C, 111. Miriam, 112. Priscilla, 33. William, 288. William H., 112, Newell, Lester, 288. Newton, Frances Ann, 161 Frances [Redfield], 161. William, 161. William H., 161, Nichols, Henry, 93. Norton, , 39, Archibald, 288. George, 54. 330 INDEX TO NAMES Norton, Ilaniiali, 48. Is'oYKs, JnliiiF. [Eedfield], 158. Julia K., 158. JIattliew, 158. Matthew M., 158. Nora T., 158. Sarah G. 158. Oi.coTT, Isaiah, 67. Olin, Amilli.sou, I'oS. Onderdoxk, Henry, 254. Mary M., 254. Orcutt, Nancy, 86. Orr, Robert, 114. Osborne, Elizabeth, 127. Mary [Wilkinson], 127. Robert, 127. OsTKAXDER, Mary, 250. Sarah, 173. Otis, Andrew, 251. Experience, 251. John, 46. Joseph (Judge), 46. PhebeS., 251. Oysterbanks, Hnldah, 55. Paddock, Sarah, 64. Page, Julins, 171. LydiaP , 215. M. F. (Dr.), 215. Moses P., 215. Susan [Redfield], 215. Palmer, Phebe, 147. Sanford, 147. Weltha, 147. Palmiter, Murcia A. 250. Parker, Hannah, 83. Isaac, 83. Phebe, 188. Rial, 188. Parkinson, Cornelia N., 179. Parmelee, Mrs., 41. Anna, 168. Anna Jane, 240. Ann J. [Redfield], 240 Azariah, 287. Clarissa, 80. Clarissa B. [Eliot], 238. Clarissa Eraily, 238. Cornelius, 288. Dan, 288. David, 238. Edward R., 240. Esther, 75. Ji^ipericnce [Wilcox], 168. Parmelee, Gardner, 168. Henry, 80. Hoi ace B. (Capt.),240 Lemuel, 22. Lydia, 21. Mary, 33. Melinda [Redfield], 93 Nathaniel, 288. Roswell, 93. Samnel, 287. Sarah, 22. Parsons, Chloe [Miil- ford], 236. Harriet M., 236. John, 236. Mulford, 236. Samuel H. (Col.), 39, 57. Tempe [Miller], 236. Partridge, Hezekiah L., 230. Liicinda [Bradley], 230. Sarah G., 230. Patterson, J. (Capt), 18. Payne, Celia Ann, 182. Petty, 182, Pease, Caroline J., 147. L. M.. 278. Marv [Willson], 147. Solomon, 147. Peck, Abigail, 31. Amelia M., 139. Azubah, 31. Charlotte B., 139. Daniel, 31, 138. Daniel (Capt.), 138. Elizabeth F.. 139. Hannah, 31.' Hannah [Redfield], 138. Henry D., 139. Jemima, 82. Jnlia, 31. Julia R., 139. Nancy [Redfield], 138 Parnell, 31. Peter, 82. Rebecca, 82. Pelouze, , 104. Sarah [Fosdick], 104. Pelton, Itliamar, 287. Nathan, 287. Pendleton, Abigail [Red- field], 30. David, 30. Isaac, 30. William, 30. Peiikins, Josiah, 110. Mary, 110. Perkins, Rachel, 110. Rachel, 207. Rosina, 151. Perrin, George K., 257. Sarah J. [Redfield], 257. Perry, Joseph, 55. Mary, 55. Samuel, 55. Pettes, , 118. Phelps, Alice [Barber], 145. Edward J., 146. JaneF., 146. Maria L., 146. Mary Ann, 146. Mary S., 197. Nancy [Redfield], 145 Oliver (Hon.), 43. Oliver, 145. William R. 146. Phetteplace, David T., 250. Harriet E., 250. Luther, 250. Martin, 0., 250. Sarah R. [Redfield], 250. Philips, Mehetabel, 89. Phillips, Frances G., 227. Phoenix, Elizabeth, 61. Pickering, Ellen P., 202. Pidgeon, Benjamin L., 156 Charles, 156. Luev Ann [Redfield], 1.56. Martha C, 156. Sarah H., 156. Sidney S., 156. Pierce, Alanson, 292. Jesse, 292. Melinda D., 99. William B., 139. PiERsoN, Abraham (Hon.), 38. Charlotte, 56. Lydia [Redfield], 38. Piiineas, 287, 288. Rachel, 40. Rachel, 41. Samuel, 41, Sarah, 41. Williams. (Dr.), 38. PiEKSONS, Sarah, 221. PiLLSBi'RY, Mary, 245. Plastridge, Caroline, 177 John P., 177. Mary [Blodget], 177. Pollard, , 47. Ruth [Redfield], 47. OTHER THAN REDFIELD. 331 Pope, Elizabeth C, 207. Frederick G., 207. Martha A., 207. Mary Ann [Redfield], 207. Porter, Augustus D., 206. Cliarles A., 20(j. Ella Maria, 206. Kezia C. [Rediield], 206. Orra [Bronson], 206. Philander, 206. Rebecca, 88. William R., 206. Post, Charles K., 67. Chloe, 59. Hezekiah, .50. John, 59. Jotham, 90. Mehetabel, 23, 27. Sabra, 50. Potter, Emma Jane, 247. Prudence, 247. Thomas, 247. Powell, Elizabeth, 209. Rhoda A., 209. Samuel, 209. Pratt, , 167. Caleb, 287. Elizabeth, 45. George, 148. Hannah, 46. John, 46. Jonathan, 45. Jonathan, 46. Mary, 46. Nancy, 119. Susan M., 247. Thomas, 287. William, 287. Prentiss, Susan, 92. Prescott, Mary, 159. Proctor, Abigail, 178. Anna D., 178. Elizabeth [Redfield], 178. Moodv S., 178. Salome R., 178. Thomas, 178. Thomas R., 178. Proper, Abraham R., 69. Charles W., G9. Elizabeth [Redfield], 69. George L., 69. Horace M., 69. James, 69. Jane, 69. John, 69. PoEDY, Lucinda, 249. PUT.VAM A., 169. Israel (Col.), 18,34. Pygan, Ale.xander, 11, 277. Jane, 11. Judith [Redfield], 11. Sarah, 11. Ramsay, Anna, 95. Ran.vey, Abigail, 108. Ransom, Adeline, 72. Elizabeth, 72. Hiram, 72. Israel, 72. Martha, 72. Ovanda[Redfield],72. Phebe, 72. Richard, 72. Sidney, 72. Rathbone, Alfred D. 243. Alfred D. G., 243. Emma S., 243. Lucy G. [Redfield], 243. Sarah Gould, 243. Rawls, Henry, 139. Ray, Amy, 161. James, 293. Read, Maria [Hunting], 119. Matthew H., 139. Reed, Charlotte M., 119. Edwin D. (Rev.), 119. Frances A., 119. Levi, 119. Maria, 251. Mary E., 119. Nancv [Pratt], 119. Sophia [Redfield], 119 Reeve, Charlotte R., 219. Oliver S., 219. Renoud, James, 226. Jane. 226. Maria, 226. Reynolds, Benjamin, 293. Elisha, 292. Emma L. [Redfield], 154. Harriet [Redfield], 68. Horace C, 68. Jabez, 293. Joseph, 227. Lyman, 68. Sarah [Redfield], 227. Silas, 293. W. R., 154. William, 68. William B., 293. Rice, Ann, 143. Lvdia A., 217. Rich, Butler, 184. Rich, Clarissa [Redfield], 184 Dennis, 184. George, 184. Mary, 184. Susan, 184. Timothy Y., 293. Warren, 184. Richards, Cbarles E., 232. Charles W., 232. Florence A., 232. Harriet E., 232. John W., 232. Laura [Stephens], 232 Lydia R., 232. Mary Jane, 232. Susan J, [Redfield], 232. William, 232. Richardson, Hannah A., 178. James McD., 178. James R., 178. [Redfield], 178. -, 239. , 201. 201. Roxana 178. Salome E. Richmond, Emory W., Ephraim S. Lucy Jane, 201. Merwin W., 201. Preserved, 201. Susan [Redfield], 201. Viola G., 201. Wesley H., 201. Zeucinda [Stiles], 201 RiSLEY, , 67. Roach, Rebecca [Red- field], 8. Thomas, 8, 276. RoBBiNs, Arthur, 227. Mary [Redfield], 227. Samuel, 227. Roberts, , 45. Ebenezer, 145. Hugh, 8, 10, 276, 277. Lemuel, 293. Mary [Redfield], 145. Robertson, Andrew M., 186. Ellen M., 186. Jane, 196. John, 186. Mary C, 186. Priscilla [Redfield], 186. Robins, Gurdon, 240. Mary M'Crea, 240. Mary J. [Redfield], 240. 332 INDEX TO NA5IES RoBixsox, Isaac, 278. Rebecca, 191. Rockwell, Henrietta [Red- tield], 176. Jacob, 176. Millard F , 176. Sujiaiiiiah, 44. Rose, Phiueas, 151. Rebecca, 191. RossiTEK, Frances, 141. Henrietta, 141. John, 141. Rouse, Amos, 121. Anthonv, 293. Elizabeth, 121. Rebecca, 121. Rowe, , 110. Marj [Mason], 110. RuBEKT, Alansou B., 184. RuGER, Elizabeth, 124. Joshua, 124. Margaret, 124. Ruggles, Nathaniel, 282. RusELL, Amanda, 27. Dorothv, 27. Samuel (Rev.), 27. RcTTY, Aaron, 288. Jonah, 287, 288. Ryder, David, 288. John, 55. Rter, Henry, 114. Satfron, Sarah A., 123. Samsox, Eliza, 193. Lucia A. [Redfield], 193. William, 193. Sanborn, Achsah M. F., 205. Elizabeth R., 205. Eugenia M., 205. Henry A., 205. Mehetabel [Redfield], 205. ~ William H., 205. Sasdebsox, Sarah, 255. Sandford, Celia A., 196. Elsie M. [Redfield]. 196. Florence M., 196. George S., 196. Harriet M., 196. Helen M., 196. Henrietta, 196. Ira, 196. Melissa [Spalding], 196. Sylve.ster, 196. Sasford, Anna M., 150. Edward, 243. Saxford, Sarah E. [Red- field], 243. Selina, 150. Sanger, Allen?., 204. Paulina [Redfield], 204. Robert Reid, 204. Sargent, Lewis, 251. Maria [Reed], 251. Mary Jane, 251. Nancv [Redfield], 199 OtisF., 199. Sawyer, Amos, 256. An.sel J., 250. Charles W., 256. Rrvilla, 118. Frances A, [Redfield], 256. Lucinda, 256. Schemekhorn, John, 181. ^larv Catharine, 181. Sarah, 181. Schexck, Cornelius, 148. Ehzabeth [Redfield], 148. Peter T., 144. Sarah, 144. Sarah [Letferts], 144. Schoonmaker, Ann, 117. Catharine [Horn beck] 117. George, 117. ScoFiELD, Elizabeth [Red- field], 16L Miles T., 161. Scott, George> 191. Mary Ann, 191. Rebecca [Robinson,] 191. ScoviL, Joslah, 287. ScRANTON. Henry, 175. Mary, 175. Rachel, 175. Russell W., 80. Seaman, Robert, 150. Sears, Nathan, 46. Senoth, 49. Sebevan, David, 291. Seeley, .James W., 196. John, 10, 14, 280, 281 Margaret [Redfield], 14. Selleck , (Capt.), 19. Sexsney, Eliza, 156. Severaxce, Benjamin, 193 Elizabeth [Dodge], 193. Lucinda, 193. Seymodr, Amanda [Red- field], 62. SEYMorR, Ledyard (Col.), 62. Shaffxer, Eliza, 87. Shapley, Catharine [Big- elow], 120. John, 120. Mary E., 120. SnATTUCK, Benjamin (Dr ) 152. Elizabeth Leila, 152. Elizabeth J. [Red- field], 152. Hannah [Brigham], 152. Jonathan, 152. Lydia M. [Josselyn], 152. Moses, 152. William, 152. Shaw, Amanda, 145. Amanda [Redfield], 145. Cortland H., 145. Frances, 145. James S., 145. Julia Ann, 145. Timothy McE., 145. Shelley, Grace A., 82. John, 142. John D., 82. Joy, 82. Justin A., 82. Lewis E., 82. Margaret R., 82. Margaret [Redfield], 82. Shepard, Abigail, 108. Edward, l08. Jared, 108. Samuel (Lt.), lOg. Shewell. Henry (Rev.), 108, 109. Margaret E., 108. Mercv [Hazen], 108, 109. Silena, 109. Shipman, Edward, 287. Jonathan, 2S7. Short, Leonard, 102. Mary A., 102. Mary [Redfield], 102. Shorter, Abrani R., 129. Abraham, 128. Albert, 129. Albert S., 223. Almira, 223. Andrew, 129. David R., 129. Elizabeth, 128, 129. Elizabeth, 223. OTHER THAN REDFIELD. 333 Shorter, Elizabeth [Sha- ver], 126. Emma, 223. Esther Jaue, 129. Gabriel L., 129. Harriet [Redlield], 223. John, 120. John W., 129. Julia Ann, 129. Lucretia, 126, Sarah [Redfield], 129. William G., 129. Shriver, Ellen, 208. Emily, 208. Lawrence, 208. Sickles, Henrietta, 243. SiKES, Caspar W., 118. Electa W., 118. Emily L., 118. John, 118. John Eaton, 118. Meroe [Redfield], 118. Sarah [Eaton], 118. W. G. (Dr.), lis. "William W., 118. SiLLiMAN, L-saacH., 114. Martha, 25. SiMMS, Tryphena, 93. Sinclair, Janet, 225. Skidmore, Harmon, 102. Mary, 102. Mary A., 102. Skill, Achsah, 105, 106. Deborah, 106. Maria B., 105. Samuel, 105, lOG. Slade, Flavel, 255. Gratia, 255. Helen [Redfield], 255. Ozro, 255. Smedley, James, 15, 24. Smitu, , 66. Abigail, 114. Abigail, 166. Agnes [Gray], 113. Alvah, 256. A. M. (Lt.), 170. Amanda, 176. Amy [Baldwin], 250. Benjamin, 24. Benjamin, 198. Catharine A. [Red- field], 237. Catharine E., 237. Charles H , 237. Chauncey, 250. Daniel E., 237. Smith, David, 293. Electa E. [Redfield], 256. Eliza, 116. Emilv, 114. Emily, 166. Francis F., 237. Ichabod, 176. James, 113. James R., 114. Jane Gray, 114. John, 113. John, 289. John Scott, 114. Jonathan, 287. Jonathan F., 237. Lovina [Redfield], 212 Lucinda [Redfield], 198. Lucretia M., 250. Margaret [Redfield], 204. Mary, 170, Mary Ward, 176. Miranda, 114. Nancy, 212. Nathan, 293. Perrine, 256. Priscill, D., 114. Rnssell, 166. Ruth, 186. Saba Louisa, 114. Sarah, 24. Sarah, 196. Sarah Deforest, 157. Sarah Elizabeth, 114. Sarah [Redfield], 113. Sibyl, 75. Stella Louise, 189. Susan P. [Redfield], 189. Sylvester P., 212. Thomas C, 212. Thomas J., 212. Warren, 293. W. Huntington, 189. William, 212. William C, 212. William H. H., 204. William T., 114. Smithson, Dorothy, 27. Snow, Alexander, 194. Charles R., 194. Eda A., 194. Edmund, 287. Harriet [Redfield], 194. Nelly Jane A., 194. Sabrina [Redfieldj, 194. Snow, Stephen T., 194. Vanilla, 194. Snowden, Elizabeth, 119. Samuel F. (Rev.), 119 SusauB. [Breese], 119 SojiMERS, Caroline, 196. Jane [Robertson], 196. John D., 196. SouTiiwiCK, Lemuel, 293. Samuel S., 293. Spalding,, 196, Sparks, Amy, 208. Aubergovinna, 208. Benjamin, 208. Robert, 208. Sarah S. [Redfield], 208. Washington, 208. Speare, Mary B., 192. Speight, Elizabeth [Red- field], 234. Frederick, 234. John, 234. Thomas S., 234. Spencer, (Gen.), 57. Clark E., 252. David P., 252. Ithamar A., 252. John C. (Hon.), 99. Margaret, 252. Rhoda H., 252. Sperry, Amelia N,, 191. LoriiigD., 191. Spratt, Jane, 131. Squires, Sarah W., 110. Stafford, Ida, 249. Julia M. [Redfield], 249. Thomas F., 249. Stagg, a. McC, 235, Isaac, 234. Isaac, 235. Isabel, 235. John R., 235. Julia [Redfield], 234, Stanford, Chauncey, 211. Elizabeth [Redfield], 211. OUve, 211. Oliver, 211. Rosella E., 211. Wallace C, 211. Stannard, Anna, 29. Elmore W., 239. Josiah, 239. Lucv A. [Redfield], 239. Lydia [Hubbard], 239 Samuel Post, 239. 334 INDEX TO NAMES Stanton, (Capt.), 42. Staples, Mary, 56. Stakk, ("Dr.), 233. Comfort, 21. Elizabeth, 21. Ephraim, 165. Frances, 117. Jo.seph, 21. Mary, 1G5. Nancy [Kettel], 16.5. Samuel, 21. Saiah [Fosdick], 104. Thomas, 21. Steele, Adeline [Redfield] 153. Cordelia, 153. Daniel, 1.13. Stephens, Laura, 232. Stevens, Abigail, 38. Abraliam, 287, 288. Ada, 77. Asa, 169. Charles, 58. Charles, 63. Dan, 38. Daniel, 168. David, 79. Dency, 168. Dolly, 79. Dorothy, 37. Ebenezer, 38. Ely, 38. Eliakim, 287, 289. Elijah, 287, 288. Eliphalet, 289. Elisha, 288. Eliza Jane, 80. Emeline A. [Redfield] 169. Hannah, 79. James, 287, 288. .John (Lt.),286. Juliana, 59. Leander, 79. Martha [Redfield], 78. Mary Lane, 79. Nathan, 287. Nathaniel, 80. Nohemiah, 287. Orson, 79. Parker, 38. Peleg, 38. Peleg, 78. Peleg, 79. Philip, 79. Philo, 79. Samuel, 287. Sarali [Redfield], 37. Sarah, 38. Thomas, 37. Stevens, Thomas, 38. Thomas, 287. Weltha, 76. Stevenson, Dolly [Baker], 241. James, 293. John (Capt.), 241. Susan Maria, 241. Stewart, Ann, 157. Margaretta, 105. Stiles, Zeuoinda, 201. Stillman, Barbara [Red- field], 191. Clark, 191. Dexter, 191. Elizabeth, 191. Franklin, 191. Mary, 191. St. John, Nancy, 73. Stocker, Abraham, 292. Isaac, 293. Stocking, Seth, 46. William R. (Rev.), 46. Stockwell, Abel, 163. .Tuliana, 163. Miilicent, 163. Stodder, John, 276. Stone, Abigail, 21. Alvord, 111. Benjamin, 135. Bethany Jane, 253. Harriet, 135. Hemau, 253. Henry E,, 253. John, 253. Julia Ann [Redfield], 253. Mary Adeline, 253. Mary A. [WatrousJ, 135. Timothy, 282. Stoeek, David, 79. Mary [Redfield], 79. Stott, John E., 114. Mary, 135. Stout, Jane, 214. Street, Mary, 73. Strong, Eliza [Jackson], 187. Norton B., 150. Sidney, 187. Susan E., 187. William, 151. St0Art, Isabel J., 244. Mary J. [Redfield], 243. Russell R., 244. Samuel N., 243. Samuel W., 244. Sarah V., 244. Sturges, or St0rgis, Ann R., 67, 2.30. Daniel B., 230. Deborah, 10. George, 115. George Anson, 115. Helen, 115. Henry, 115. James, 115. John, 10, 280. John, 115. Jonathan, 280. Morris, 54. Perry, 115. Peter, 280. Priscilla [Farnham], 67, 230. Priscilla [Redfield], 115, 284. Sarah, 280. Wilson, 115. Sutton, Mary Ann, 183. S WARTS, Baltis J., 222. Charles A., 223. David R., 223. Jacob. 222. John W., 223. Mahlou, 223. Martha J. , 223. Mary, 222. Mar J E., 223. Sarah J. [Redfield], 222. Smsau E., 223. Sweeney, Catharine, 124. Sweet, Amy Sarah, 199. Caleb L., 199. Cleaveland N., 199. Elmor N., 199. Hovey E., 199. John C , 199. Mary Abby, 199. Miranda [Redfield], 199. OtisL., 199. Perry W., 199. Rebecca M., 199. Sarah Maria. 199. Sarah [Redfield], 199. Stephen V., 199. Swift, (Col.), 85. (Rev.), 49. Alfred S., 151. Lucy A., 151. Rachel [Redfield], 151 Willi.nm L., 151. Tallmadge, Cynthia[Red- field], 216. Henry S., 216. OTHEE THAN ItEDFIELD. 335 Tafpan,.!. W. (Rev.), 94. Sabrina[Redfield],94. Taylor, Aseiiatli [Red- field], 169. Jesse B., 114. John, 1G9. Joseph, 289. Lncina M., 87. Nathanipl, 289. Teal, Timothy, 291. Titus, 291. Temple, Charles, 94. Hannah [Redfield], 94 John, 94. Sena, 205. WiUiam, 94. Tekrall (or Tyrrel?), , 276, 277. Thayer, A., 154. Martha [Redliekl], 154 Mary H.[Tryonl, 203. Nelson, 203. Sarah H., 203. Thomas, Abraham, 215. Florence, 215. Frances, 215. Isaac, 288. John B., 215. Mary, 118. Mary E. [Redfield], 215. Thompson, Ellen A. [Red- field], 258. John, 258. Matilda, 127. Thomson, Caroline, 64. Jane, 173. William, 276. Thorington, John D., 293. Thokne, William, 7. Thorning, Frederick A., 93 Thorp, Esther, 53. Esther, 54. Throop, Adeline R., 204. Angelina [Redfield], 204. Charles A., 204. Tinsey, Michael, 293. TiNSLEY, WiUiam T,, 120. Todd, Charlotte, 138. Jonathan (Dr.), 147. Phebe [Buel], 138. Rnth [], 147. Sarah [Redfield], 147. Timothy, 138. William, 147. Tooker, Hannah, 66. Joseph, 66. Rhoda, 66. TooLEY, Sarah E., 254. ToKREY, Augusta, 154. Flora, 154. Harvey, 153. Mary J. [Redfield], 153. TowNE, Maria, 178. TowxER, Abraham, 288. James, 160. Treadwell, Ann M., 101. Tribble, Anson, 80. George, 79. Linus, 79. Siba [Redfield], 79. Sophronia [Kelsey], 80. Trumbull, J. Hammond, 277. Jonathan (Gov.), 290, 291. Tryal, Charles, 288. Tkyox, Mary H., 203. Tucker, Sarah Ann, 139. Tully, Andrew, 287, 289. Christopher, 287, 289. Gershom, 287, 289. TUPPER, Charles M., 211. Chauncev, 211. Harriet [Redfield],211 Philena, 211. Thomas, 211. Turner, Caleb, 36. Charles, 190. Chauncey, 190. Hannah [Redfield], 190. Harriet, 190. John W., 190, 192. .Julia, 190. Martha, 36. Mary Ann, 190. Reuben, 289. William, 190. TuRNURE, Jane [Redfield], 203. Lawrence, 203. TuTHiLL, Elizabeth [Red- field], 148. Mary, 148. Selah, 148. Tuttle, Ruth M., 51. Sarah, 79. Twiss, Benjamin, 143. Susan M. [Redfield], 143. Tyler, Abraham, 287. Comfort, 203. Ezra, 288. Upson, Benjamin, 142. Caroline E., 142. Upson, Noah, 142. Noah H., 142. Phebe E , 142. Phebe [Redfield], 142 Usher, Jerusha, 49. Vail, Ann [Hamilton], 67. Daniel, 67. Elizabeth, 67. Henrv S., 67. Horace W., 67. Horton, 259. John R., 67. Rebecca, 67. Sarah A. [Redfield], 67. Sarah F. [Redfield], 259. Susan, 67. William, 67. William A., 67. Vandervost, Josliua, 293. Van Dine, Clari.ssa, 184. Ella E., 184. Mary, 184. Marv [Redfield], 184. Pete'r, 184. Sarepta, 184. Thomas, 184, 186. Van Leuvan, Amy [Red- field], 217. Charles H., 217. Edward H., 217. Van Praag, Isaac L., 243. Sarah E. [Redfield], 243. Van Saltseury, Cornelius, 125. Emily, 125. Mary J. [Redfield], 125. Vaughan, E.sther, 155. John, 155. Louisa, 155. Vrooman, Agnes C, 122. Wakeman, Abigail, 49. Burr, 49. Ehzabeth, 49. James, 49. Llovd, 49. Mary 0, 49. Nancy, 49. Sarah, 49. Sarah M,,49. Zalmon, 49. Zilpha, 49. Wales, Cornelia, 152. Cornelia H., 152. Edwin, 152. 336 INDEX TO NAMES Walker, Marion, 193. Wall ACE, Benjamin L. ,210 Jane, 108. Julia [Hooff], 210. Marv Ann, 210. William, 108, 210. Ward, (Col.), 18. (Dr.), 148. Andrew (Capt.), 61, 62. Andrew (Gen.), 61, 62. Andrew, 61, 62. Annis, 109. Diana, 61. Diana, 62. Edmund, 18. Ira, 21. Joy, 289. Lydia, 21. Mary. 30. Mary, 180. Roxana, 62. Trial, 21. Ware, Samuel (Dr.), 83. Warner, Abijali, 97. Abijab, 196. Alvab, 171. S., 197. Antoinette, 171. Asa, 171. Clarence H., 197. Daniel A., 197. Dewitt, 171. Elsie, 97. Elsie M., 97, Emily [Redfield], 196. Hannah. [Redlield], 171. Harriet A., 197. Luranev, 171. Sarah [Smith], 196. Sophia, 171. Waterbury (Gen.), 42. Waterman, David, 115. Harriet, 67. Jabez, 66. John, ()7. Julia, 67. Mary, GG. Mary [Redfield], 66. Miranda, 115. Seth, 66. William, 66. WATRO0S, Josiah, 287. Mary Ann, 135. Stephen, 288. Watso.m, George, 293. James, 293. Joseph, 179. Kezia [Redfield], 179. Webb, Samuel, 288. Webster, Jonathan, 50. Mary A., 151. Weller, Daniel, 126. Elsie, 130. Lewis, 126. Wellman, Ruth, 23. Wells, Ann, 158. Eenjamin, 158. Charles, 158. Eliakim, 158. Eliphalet, 288, Ezra, 158. Henry, 158. Jonas, 158. Lavina, 158. Pamela, 144. Thankful [Redfield], 158. Welton, Sarah M. 216. West, Hubbard, 293. Weston, Wallace, 164. Wheeler, David, 293, Mary, 172. Wheelock, O. L., 118. White, Henry S., 143. Jane E., 226. Levi R., 194. Lovina [Redfield], 194 Mary C, 246. Nancy J. [Redfield], 246. Patrick, 246. Whitehouse, Ann, 173. Whiting, Lucius A., 258, Nathan (CoL), 20, 288, 290. RebeccaA. [Redfield], 258. Sylvester, 258. Whitney, Asa, 209. Clarinda [Williams], 209. Daniel, 209. Elinor, 209. John, 209. Jonathan, 209. Levi, 209. M.ary Jane, 209. Whittlesey, Ambrose, 148. Wickham, Benjamin, 219. Sarah J. [Redfield], 219. WiLBER, Edwin G., 186. Harriet D., 184, 186, Henry, 186. Henry C, 186. Hiram L., 186. John P., 186. WiLBER, Lemon A., 186. Lucinda [Redfield], 186. Silas W,, 186. William B., 186. Wilcox, or Willcox, (wid,), 16, Abigail, 108. Abigail [Ranney], 108. Abigail [Shepard], 108. Ann, 192. Ann Eliza, 142. Charles R., 197. Clarissa [Redfield], 192. Daniel, 58. David, 289. Eliphalet, 108. Elisha, 108. Elizal^eth, 64. Elizabeth [Wyatt], 197. Elvira J., 197. Ex|:erience, 168. George W., 197. Giles, 291. Hannah, 108. Henry, 192. Homer, 197. Israel, 108. John, 108. John, 288. Jonathan, 286. Lucy, 108. Mary Ann, 58. Marv [Redfield], 58. Myron H., 197. Nathaniel, 288, 289. Ozias, 108. PhiloP., 197. Rensselaer W., 197. Samuel, 291. Sarah [Redfield], 197. Selah, 58. Seth, 108. Sibyl, 34. Wallace W., 143. Walter H., 197. William, 197. Wilkinson, Robert, 291. WiLLARD, Charlotte E., 238. Jonathan, SO. Jonathan G., 79. Josiah P., 200. Lydia [Redfield], 79. Maria [Redfield], 200. Mary E. [Redfield], 238. OTUER THAN REDFIELD, 337 WiLLARD, Peleg, 288, 289. Sylvia, 80. William B., 238. Williams, Amanda, 132. Catharine [Redfield], 65. Clarinda, 209. Daniel, 65. David, 132. Elisha (Col.), 15. Isaac, 288. Lovina, 245. Lucy, 220. Marvin, 65. Mercy, 57. Ralph, 209. Samuel, 209. Sarah Maria, 58. Sarah [Redfield J, 132. Sylvester, 65. Thomas, 280. WiLLSON, , 291. Joseph, 291. Mary, 147. Mary [Redfield], 84. Wilson, Ann Eliza, 222. Ann S., 222. Bion, 256. Charles, 256. Harriet A. [Redfield], 256. Wilson, John, 222. Mary, 219. WiNEGAR, Sarah, 201. WiNSLOw, Mary A., 151. Wiseman, , 156. Elizabeth [Redfield], 15G. George, 156. Sidney, 156. WoLcoTT, Augusta, 153. Wood, Nathaniel, 55. Randall, 184. Timothy, 293. WooDFoKD, Emeline, 50. Woods, Jonas, 92. Martlia, 92. Martha G., 92. WooDwoRTH, Martha, 240. Philander, 293. Wright, Amanda, 95. Amelia, 148. Benjamin (Capt.), 229. Caroline, 95. Charles A., 229. DeUa [Redfield], 95. Ebenezer (Hon.), 95. Eliza, 95. Franklin, 95. George, 95. Henry, 95. Wright, James, 291. Job, 291. Ju.-hua, 288. Marv, 95. MarV E. [Redfield], 229. Matilda, 95. Miles, 287, 2S9. Nancy, 155. Nathan, 291. Nathaniel, 288. Wyatt, Elizabeth, 197. Yeomans, Albeit R., 215. Charles H., 215. Frederick W., 215. James, 214. James E., 215. Jane [Stout], 214. Mt-roe L., 215. Sarah H. [Redfield], 214. Zeeter, Andrew, 221. Annis, 221. Demery Ann, 221. Mary Ann, 221. Nelson, 221. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS FOR THE Genealogical History of the Redfield Family IN THE UNITED STATES. Since the publication of the above work, the following corrections and additions have been brought to notice. It is recommended to possessors of the book, that each alteration here indicated be affixed to its proper page and place by the aid of a little paste; to facilitate this,' the list is printed on one side only of the page. JOHN H. REDFIELD. New Yokk, July, 1861. Page 15, second foot note, for after 1S20, read 1838. 16, Family 12, Josiah Hull was son of Thomas and Hannah [Shether] Hull, and grandson of Josias Hull, one of the early settlers of Killingworth, who was probably son of George Hull, who settled first at Dorchester in 1630, and afterwards at Windsor. " Family 13, Mart Chatfield was daughter of George and Esther [Hull] Chatfield. 76, line 11 from bottom, add She died in the summer of 1860, aged 91^ years. " " 8 " " after 1791, add married HARVEY REDFIELD (526). " "■ 5 " " dele had a daughter, Anna, who married HAR- VEY REDFIELD (526). 77, Family 190, substitute as below : 190. Mary Redfield, second daughter of I^evi (56), son of Theopliiliis (16), was married Feb. 1793, to James K-j4pp of Brattleboro, Vt. She died September 1, 1810, aged 37 years. Children. 1. SIBYL KNAPP, born Nov. 1, 1793; m. Oct. 20, 1816, Willialn Norton of Northfield, Mass. 2. JULIA KNAPP, born Oct. 12, 1794 ; m. Nov. 1811, John Tiiuson of Brattleboro, Vt. 3. FRANCES KNAPP, born March 10, 1796; m. Nov. 1815, Levi Barrett of Susqueliauna Co., Pa. 4. DRAXA KNAPP, born Julj 14, 1797 ; died Dec. 14, 1809. 5. LEONARD KNAPP, born Jan. 20, 1799 ; unmarried, resided at Charlestown, N. H., till 1861, when he removed to Iowa. 6. HORACE KNAPP, born Oct. 11, 1800; died Nov. 1848. 7. ORRIN BUEL KNAPP, born Jan. 5, 1802 ; m. Sophronia Smith of Boston, Mass. ; resides at Somerville, Mass. 8. MARY REDFIELD KNAPP, born Nov. 5, 1803 ; m. June, 1820, Matthew Tole of Holliston, Mass. 9. GRATIA KNAPP, born Oct. 29, 1805; m. Earl of Boston, Mass. 10. WELTHA KNAPP, born Oct. 1, 1807; m. John A. Fellows, Barre, Mass. 11. RICHARD KNAPP, born May 4, 1809 ; m. Rhoda Dodge of Stod- dard, N. H.; resides in Charlestown, N. H. Page 80, last line, before California, insert Timbuctoo, Yuba Co. 92, Family 246, substitute as below : 246. Milieent (or Milly) Redfleld, eldest daughter of .Jeremy (71), son of George (19), was married at Killingworth, Nov. 8, 1797, to Calvin Dudley of that town, who was born May 21, 1772. She died April 16, 1836, in her 59th year. He died Feb. 9, 1841. Children 1. JEREMY R. DUDLEY, b. Aug. 22, 1798 ; resided and died at Amboy, N. Y.; farmer. 2. PHINEAS M. DUDLEY, b. Sept. 1, 1800 ; farmer, Madison, Conn. 3. LYDIA A. DUDLEY, b. March 31, 1802; died Aug. 28, 1834. 4. LINUS DUDLEY, b. Feb. 20, 1804 ; farmer, Killingworth. 5. HAMLET DUDLEY, b. May 20, 1806; farmer, Killingworth; m. Ncttleton, has 3 or 4 children. 6. ELIZABETH DUDLEY, b. March 10, 1808; m. L. Griswold, farmer, formerly of Killingworth, now of Madison. 7. EDWIN DUDLEY, b. Sept. 3, 1809 ; farmer, Chestnut Hill, Kil- lingworth, lives on part of the old homestead of his great grand- father, George Re nileil on, as I liave known him a number of years, and know him to be tt veiy liimest man. You will please also to give him a permit, so that lie eaii ])ass the bridge without being detained. I am, Sir, your humble servant. Comfort Sands. To Abraham Yates, Esq., President of the Convention of New York at Harlem. Joseph Drake to New York Convention. New llocHELLE, August 29, 177(1. Sir: The bearer hereof, Mr. Redfield, of Killine/worth, in the State of tmnccticut, having on the 26th inst. had the misfortune to fall into the hands our cruel enemies, who burnt iiis sloop and made him prisoner, with one evens, his partner, until yesterday, when he was discharged and sent on shore by liimself : the committee for the district of New Kochelle, where he came on shore, has had him in examination, who thought he might give some little information of the enemies' intercourse with the people in Qitcf)!'s County, has sent him to you for his further examination. He is a ■IV' of good character. order of the Committee. Joseph Dr.\ke, Chairman. To the President of the Committee of Safety for the State of New York. In Committee of Sefcty for the State of New York. August 29. 177(1. ■ 'niel liedjield, of KilUnf/worth, in Connecticut, being duly examined. That about four o'clock on Monday morniiig last, he Avas taken in a sloop going from New York, by the brig T/rt/z/c/a:, belonging to the King of Great Britain, mounting ten foui'-pounders, Quarmc commander. Tliat about twelve o'clock the same day, they burnt the hull of his vessel, after having secured the rigging, cable, anchors, c&c. That there were two frig- 300 APPENDIX. ates in company, viz: Lc Brim and the Niger, both of thirty-six gun That the pilot's nnme was Reed, a man who formerly lived at New York, notorious Tory. That from ihis man's conversation he understood that the: vessels were to anchor in hliL-ihing Bay, and that the enemy's design was ' land part of their forces from Long Island, and that some ships of war. &c were to run up the North River, and to land another body of men at or ne King^s Bridge. That they intended to make a junction of their forces, ai did not doubt by these means to cut off all communication with our arro both by land and water, and oblige them to surrender for want of pr visions. That the said Reed said "he wished all the damn'd Rebels on t] Continent were tiiere, for that they would be taken in a net." And tl said Redjicld further says, that he understood they did not intend to mal an attack upon the city. That those vessels had plundered Hart and Ci Island, in the Sound, from whence he thinks they procured about twel' or fourteen head of cattle, besides sheep, &c. That whilst he was on boar several persons came on board from Queens County, Long Inland, who, he understood, brought intelligence from General Hone's Army. That < Tuesday a man came on board who said that we had lost thirteen hundf men in an engagement, and that the English Army had gained the ground That his partner, Stephens, they detained aboard as a hostage, but the released him, being an old man, and that he might enquire for the mate the Niger, who had been taken on board a prize by the sloop Beverly, ai sent to Amboy. That they promised to exchange his partner for this ma whose name they gave him in writing. He says he was not used ill < board, but that the ship's crew were very inveterate against us. The said Daiiiel Redjield jiroducei to the Committee of Safety undoubt' testimonials of his veracity and good character. The above examination taken in the Committee of Safety, and transmitfi by order. Wm. Duer Extract from Letter of Samuel Tuder to N. Y. Committee of Arrangements PouGHKEEPSiE, December 9, 177G. We shall therefore be under the necessity to get some person to rel. what rigging may be wanted out of the old rigging on board the brig Poll Captain Redjield.\ — Force's American Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. Ill, pp. 11"' * Evidently referring to the Battle of Long Island which was fought Aug. 27, ITTO. J. H. R. t We have no menus of positively idontifyin": the Captain of the good hrig Polly may have been the Daniel Kedfleld above mentioned. .t. n. k Page 97, Hue 25, after Mehetable Cuapma.v, ndd who was born iSejit. 13, 1796, dau. of Benjamiu and Abigail [Iluble] Cliapoian. . 98, line 2, /or C, read CHAPMAN. " line 3,/or JANE, read JANE MARIA. 104, line 7 from bottom, /or Dec. 10, 1809, read Dec. 10, 1808. 110, line 14, /or WILLIAM C. REDFIELD, read William C. Red- field. •' line 10 from bottom, add Died in Kansas, 1860, aged 62 years. 113, No. 856, ESTHER MANOAH REDFIELD was married Aug. 16, 1860, to Rev. E. G. Cobb of Peekskill, N. Y. " No. 857, HARRIET NEWELL REDFIELD was married Aug. 16, 1860, to William Wight, Principal of Andes Academy. 117, No. 323, William Ward Redfield, died Sept. 13, 1860, aged 44 years. 121, No. 908, LUCY GERTRUDE REDFIELD, born Oct. 9, 1858. 165, No. 510, LEVIREDFIELD, died Jan.? 1861, in his 54th year. 169, line 12, after Jekome Kelsey, add born Feb. 17, 1843. 170, line 13, /or daughter, read sister. " line 14, /or grand-daughter, read daughter. 176, line 6 from bottom, /or Blanch arc, read Bcell. 193, Family 665, substitute as follows : 665. SARAH GOOGINS REDFIELD, eldest daughter of Warriner (255), son of Sylveinns (72), son of Oeori^e (19), was married Nov. 26, 1835, to Rdssell Hathaway, farmer, of Malone, Franklin Co., N. Y., who was born Nov. 5, 1811, son of Salmon and Lucy G. [Kimballj Hathaway, of Grafton, Mass. Children. 1. John Jennings Hathaway, b. Nov. 4, 1836; d. July 29, 1847. 2. Charles Russell Hathaway, b. May 21, 1838 ; m. Nov. 30, 1858, Sophronia E. Vidger, and has 1 son. 3. Sarah Lfcy Hathaway, b. Jan. 12, 1840. 4. Mary Stowe Hathaway, b. Sept. 13, 1841. 5. Martha Ann Hathaway, b. June 30, 1843 ; d. March 7, 1844. 6. Elizabeth Allen Hathaway, b. April 11, 1846; d. Sept. 2, 1846. 7. Allen Salmon Hathaway, b. Dec. 15, 1847. 8. George Washington Hathaway, b. March 6, 1850; d. Feb. 25, 1851. 9. Uriah Meeker Hathaway, b. April 24, 1853. 10. Edith Ida Hathaway, b. June 18, 1856. 11. Anah Kimball Hathaway, b. July 2, 1857. Page 197, Fatoily 696, substitute as follows : ^ 696. MARVIN REDFIELD, third son of Selden (270), son of Scth (73), son of Georg'e (19), resides at Ruljicon, Wis. He married Oct. 16, 1846, Mary Moody. Children. 1426. a. 1. Mary Jane Redfield, born July 29, 1847. 1426. b. 2. Maktha Louisa Redfield, born March 22, 1849. 1426. c. 3. Marvin Nelson Redfield, born Sept. 27, 1856. Page 198, line 6, for C, read CHAPMAN. " below 1427, add 1427. a. 2. Charles Henry Redfield, b. Feb. 14, 1860. " Family 700, substitute as follows: 700. JANE MARIA REDFIELD, seventh daughter of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), sou of Geoi'se (19), was married Oct. 15, 1849, to Hdgh De- laney, residing at Cassopolis, Mich. Mr. Delaney died Jan, 10, 1859, and she was married Oct. 17, 1859, to Alonzo Milton Stacy. Child. By first husband. 1. Frances Josephine Delaney, b. Dec. 9, 1851 ; d. Jan. 16, 1858. Page 198, Family 701, Suu^^itute as follows: 701. FRANCES REDFIELD, eighth daughter of Selden (270), son of Seth (73), son of Georg'e (19), was married, April, 1855, to Rufus N. Moffat of Hartford, Washington Co., Wis. He was bom June 15, 1833. Children. 1. Harriet Mabel Moffatt, b. March 2, 1856. 2. Flora Fredericka Moffatt, b. Apr. 16, 1858. 3. Ida Armenia Moffatt, b. Apr. 5, 1859. Page 203, line 5, /or 728, read 729. 205, line 16, for 1850, read 1S52. 210, below 1456, add 1456. a. 6. Isabella Taylor Redfield, b. at Albany, Jan. 3, 1861. 212, line 11, Mrs. Harriet [Fryatt] Redfield, d. June 12, 1861. '« " 15, Robert Morris Redfield, d. Sept. 24, 1860. 251, Family 1224, Martin A. Redfield has since removed to Warsaw, Hancock Co., 111. 252, Family 1235, Dr. Samuel J. Redfield resides at Copper Falls Mine, Lake Superior. «-» A yl (\ ir\ If ////////// |^;,,,,VBff4«;fs <^00flt ^35^7