NA V A L C n RON O LOG Y ; AX lii^TOiUCAl. SVMMAllV NAVAL &? MARITIME EVENTS, IKOM Tin: IIME OF l^ic Ju')!/>l' Pcut'c {0J. W ITH AX Al'PKXDIX i \ F IV i; \t)l.L" M v.<. r () L. I. 15v l^AAC SCllOM r.ElKi. lis, r VITA IN 1 N ! U I. i; M\ A I \ \ \ -1 1 , ( ) X 1 ) <) \ ri'INTIII roK T. I c, l.i' I . 'N, Ai Mi! MIMIAIY .M!H\1:V, u urn. n \ I.I. ; r.i < k i i; - i \ i i', ,' I n, s i i; \ \ m . .\ .\ n j; 1 1 H \ u I ) > I ) N , 1 : 1 1 ^ \ 1 i \ i 1 1 v ^. < , i , \ -A!-.!. : c) "iUi. Ri(ii[ I iI';>~,.);'::a;:;.:. SAMUEF. EOIID \'iSC()l'X'r llOOl). :i)Mn;.i!.()r IU-- m i.h.sT] . //;///;: s;y_//,-;:'n', .;.\;; .;/ cm r\!i /'H, M \ ij D i';i)lC.\'l"I<)\S ;ur u\'iinali\- n,cant (ulx^ 1-^ i' Mllpi lllK li:^ to Mrii lit' ( I (I11U^, u! to 'lid 1; r\ iltcd I'lliia! loli--. pr'hty ciiinii or,'- ou i\\.^[' \)n\\i-'\y\t -. i!l\ honi iiK' \rY\ ciniiKiri and -i,!!.; ii'ivirc^ w hu'li. ill tin- C )i\\[\: (l' Ihr \ o^. I a IV DF.DICATION. you will appear to have rendered your coun- try. On this account, and from a fenfe of the trueft gratitude for the fteady patronage which I have experienced from your Lord- fliip for many years., I liave heen induced to infcribe it to you, as the only means I have of afi'uring your Lordfliip, that I fliall ever retain a juft lenie of the honour done me. and that I renvcuh, Vt'hh much refpcct and efleem, Your Lordliiip's Moft fi.itliful an.d obedient Servant, L SCHOMBERG. LoxDoy^ INTRODUCl'ORY PREFACE. T HE talk \vi-.;,li I h:i\j ijruicrt.ikcii on a luhicjt n'rcaclv fc) ably hainl!'. li i)\ (-inc (it the nim} iliitiimiiilii. I cha- racters in the literary worKi, \\ :\\ rot, I llunild \\o\-.'\ i\.r~ dcr tills prtuUi^linn K"!.-- accej)!ahie, e(jieei:i';!v as uov.c on a liniilar plan has hii!ie:to h.e;i intrc.Jii^Ltl to the ni.irii.c- ot th.e juiblic. li otieii happens ihiat men v. ho at, ':'.: A to t!;e naval and Hjihtarv proleliion, wlien nnen^p' i\ id in ti'.e ^ir\\y,c 01 tlieir countrv, fiiiil the!r,!elvt - at a lnl.s tor h :,ie oc'cu- [Xition to fill lip the qreat \ao;!uni rehiltir,..; irom the want ot" tl'.ol'r prniciiiiinal aiuiael:\e p'.nd.its to wliieh. the li.ue been I'o nHicli a^ ciilloifte 1. 'i'hereare no ihubi ini:.v wlio fro:n aL;e, mtiriniiie^, and Kn^tli of i^ivue, \\,(h t^ r'tire m ea(e a:ul eo:n;; it, and wln-'i,- liiratMn ki|.; us t'.at certain (l-.L:r!.e Oi i ! ixation, \. ! ;e!i the laiiL'ni.^- .,f !, r\ A:e, "and ehaii'j!' ot eliniate nia\ h.o - iLndeud. !o n>,\!:ar\. Still, am )'i:' the ninnlvr, th.ere a;e li, \ ir..l t.u:,;ni \". e are rni;.;n I've, ,!, ii, K.r v"n;M)\; il n it on v li'.ir proteil)! :.:', eio l..e;ar-.'. >,:'i.'..- n liie io'mo '\'. o . nf and adv'.ntaj;; of the r . (, ."f . e :. : p'l iloic ..od ' m-- faCtiDM V, h:eh > \erv o'.an !n' U t ..:.} Z'.a!' ': '. I', > ; '. ni - i . nn'r ^o I'nprt li d \'. '-'i il'; le idea^, a:;d ni,-; d "o ' . ; \ oi,- ule^, ! .'. as in do 'cd to li \ o'l' no k I'.in . 'Oi'. :;' in i > ni- pi'.'n./ the \.'. ^^:\:...[ *"' ;els ; !iavin; Ir .,ii ni'\, in ' ne Cit!^ Oi lei. n,e, c N o^v (.ncfii ;:,e i'j'jn: wtiiits that m:' ht ( ^'^ ) be found in a chronological abridgement of the naval hiftory, with other maritime and nautical events, not only as a work which might afford fome entertainment and in- ftruftion, but, more particularly as a book of reference. The neceflary connexion between our civil and military, with that of our naval hillory, makes the latter, in general, very voluminou'-", the thought naturally occurred, that a work of this kind would be confidercd ufcFul to nautical men, and would alfo fervc to rcfrefh the memories of fea officers with thofe heroic aiid gioriouG atlions of our anccflors, whicli (hould ever Hand befoie us, as examples worthy our imi'ation. As it will in a great mcafurc ih'^w the rife r.ntl progrefs of the Briti!;. navy, 1 jLiclgcd it ;;eccih:ry to commence its hifloiy :n (o caviy .i \)tx\'jd as V.\:v. in wlui.:h the Britons were connan;iy cXi;;;K;d to invaiiofiS from their ncighbonrs^ rcrp:;<;i;ul'; h::;ni[;c: and inlidlcd, they v^cre rouzcd to the exerti(jn cF lii^t'onui ihl:':-, ^nd liicv bcga'i to d;ic(^\ cr the natvual ^I>"cn;:;ii <,f their iai;,.:tlon, nnd how nu'. ':, by tiic tit-iMii'-mi-UL of a powcrii:. n::a:inf\ tl^ey wouM he prc- lcr\\d, nor cniv ;;\)m th;- aua;:ks Ci liicir inv^durs, but alio i;i-.;:Ki; the {Vt':it iU">^l; -r ct T}i'::-'s v, '.ku iidjiled the Cl;::!;!icl; ii:':;; :; ivroi: !\u^ ir-jci :jv':i\ ol the g'caieit ad- vantage to ihu iViiiv)'!, i-'i- h? ill/ Vv":;' c! '.w Lort' 2SS. by ?iie dcu nion a a lv)i;U!n ;; 'li^"'^, v !:0 !>; juj^ht over v-i^h htm a C(i;-:i':er:d;I(: iinj!, %'. IJch wd; '.nittd to iha; vi :]\c. Bii'ons, t:!C7 b;-.~.. "- i:> I ;-r.; I N'ahi'^ '!! t!'-:u- navy, d<-. to ciaim the do;n;;:i"'; ./ i./ i .-.' :. \\\vx\\ was i.diiicd on an;i cijrdirr^^ed by VA-\y \h. r: .at, ,.W> :-.>r.. rllc^; a'l t].e h?ng^ of l^:i. ra^n aiu! ;ik: aiij:^;n' iJ.':-, to a.:kn;'^^icl^fa fas ngtit ar.d muh':.ri:,'. i ..a nava' [apcMor.ry and power whJcli lireat i^rilaia ha:' v:::\:.l.. ../\ Wkiv iaicc that pariiul, nrr\\uh- :Iia;i(i.n^^ the ^aii aiis c!ri:aa''_ difjtuus whirh i'avf; caiiied fo fo n-a'.^li l]a"gh{cr. have bccti (li;-;- ">rtccl by her in oppofitlou lo the iin:tcJ p.nir;iinie [\;vverN o; I'uiDpc. It is nil (jbicFi oi aiiiulcnK'nt and ntilnv ft'T lea cH-ccrs t(j be ae(p,;a:ntcd \s il'i tlii' tinieN rl in\ eir.ion ami introdnc- U'Ui (li { '.r manv nKUiienutical ai.vl nj;.t, initrumcnts, c'l.'.r!', rv".:. hv w'.ieh we are cnalilec! to travule ihe im- ri:;;;le ccea:!, in ainiull peil'.el (eeinity. '1 iie ne;;r ap- proa. !i t.) '.lie uilei)\'.'r-v oi ;i;e 1j;: ';:;ii.,!e m tlie'-j ir. deni (l.i\-. bv the i:: J; ;.:.i'v , i.^ieiiu, and alirunoniieal abdities ol Mr. \\':'e^,e^^ hiimr n!>rr\atr.>ns, antlMr. llarrilbn'i')!! (.1 uie tnne-k '-p'/r, h.i\e ])rovLd luily beneficial to in. rnier-. i.,j r,u:r,er)ns rui . . nt:;i T- b.i'.ii id onr own and (;tlier r.a'.i'.uii, '.') \\!.>)le perL^ vii:!_^ and n; i; lati^^a'de labour'^, we are !> inwJi iniLI-t, I tor !;.ai::v: e\pl(jnd> the 'Jien nn- kr.own leas, and e;!b:^!i!.-iRd n-- bv tbeir varicii^ and ni^hd tli(>;>)\ tra -, a. well a> lliolc did .! .;i:;:iii\i J]ritd;! e;rei,nnia- \-i;a!or^, l).-.:-.e, A:d(!n, llyi^n, Wullis Cvterct, bur- iieai:\, \ an.e '.i.VL r, and i;;j e. ei -niLim 'i.dd/ (J \)Le, aic \Viirtb\ ". .1 d, d 1. ii dbi d ['hi. e m t::e r;i. oid-^ ol luib )i v. d'l.c e\\. n' ~ d:.\ ov in re :.v:^ -^ .nc em;,' d, d ,o :nneh as ci; - i':'nd..ii. ._ - .',':dd pri'iij, \\] o'- l..r tiiat the xN-rib n-i.;v ;, l b. i \!ci;d li -11 : '..;! I w a ^ ai' : ':'.:l i\- I e.v ;'.n v , di;de di.: - m ' th;. , i:'i 'I! ! );i'vii '\ vr , ;. :i ! in t!;e two iail, aie de- l'-i\ ::.^ I'.ir j>n-;.v!.:r k-U w . :' -d, and arc ;::.:, !^;..hd. The ;)r-:,'::i.d j ' ;n >,'. ::^, t i ! a'. .; ^ . 'ii'^:; i 'l .1 i! ;;i ['.wr \ -- bnne-, and 'oeed-ic 'id .i: l>. e- ad-; :', iSc:, ! a i :i:t thu pr>)ip.'^i o p ..i\', a:! ' '' ; i; ' ; ;' ~ j :ei :'.;n:.: ', ..;: ( viii ) to the names and charalers of thofe gallant men wlio liave borne [o a6live and confpicuous a part in adding immortal honours to the Britilli navy. By extending the work to two more volumes, I have alfo been able to introduce many ufeful flate papers, together with the opinion and judgment of Sir William Scott in many intcreiting prize caufes in the Court of Admiralty, particularly that on the right of fcarch of neutrals by the belligerent powers. The Appendix is given in two feparate volumes, in order the miore readily to refer to any particular occurrence. It contains tiic itate of the royal navy of Great Britain, its various fuccelles and loiTcs, with a comparative view of thofe of other powers: a lift of fieef^, fquadrons, lines of battle ; an account of the different offices in the naval de- partment, V, ith the names of thofe noblemen and gentle- men who Iiavc fcrved in each ;.a lifl of the admirals and pod captains who have borne commifTions in the royai navy, with an account of any important fcrvice they liave pcitormed, belides ufciul intormation. S:>me events having been obtained (ince the work went to the pref-, and more accurately Hated, they are liibjoined in a fupplcir.cnt at the end of each \(>lume. The candour ol" my readers Vv'ill, I lliould hope, be blind ti; fuc'n error;', v.-i^nch may too often occur, and ex- pofe my iiumble production to ccnfure asul critieifm; but when thcv confidtr that it is from the pen of one, wliofe prol-flion requires fo eaily an infrodudiion, that it inier- ferc; witii thofe puiiuits of clailical learnin;j, v\h!ch are ncceltarv ciualificaiions to enable him to appear beiore the public as an antliT.-, :<:y.\ whn has undertaken tfns work to fill up thofe l'.i:;:re !; 'urs which were unemployed by liii eountry ; f a-n peirui-.led th.ey will have good b.umc.a.'r enwuK*. ( 1^ ) f-'noiii^h f') paf*; ow r l.nihs winch mit;lit be dccrr.!.'.! \vx\- culc.ible in .iiu' (I'liiT li'iia'iinii. Shiiiiii! It, HI i;.Mur;ii, im-ct il:.' nT^jToh.itiDii ot not oiiiv itir (itiiv'iTs 111 'he iM\a; luvv, bi.i :il'i tl'io'c whn arc rtMUu''.!:i' '." iKi'.itu;!; .liJ.iii^, a> wcl! a- others oi niv reaiicr , 1 i!:.ill ti) 'ih ii!)(t,h amplv rcwaul-.J, i.'i ha\iug belt r.'.ctl niv liiiv anil ialiour io bcDcficiuhv LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. A. (^.APTAIX Dav'ui Atkins, R. X. A. C. Ariioh', FJq. lowcHoffc. I\Ir. Aiiftuick, Rc:idin:|;. R;;J t lIcMi. ti.r Earl of Br-.-ad-'.banc II;. !i; Moil. \ r.^-UDiit lir'ul jiDi I. K;;.!,l li >n. I ^ lA Br.ivbrokr. Rii^ii: Hon. Ljrd iuiwaiJ lieiitiiick. Prir.Cf of [Juiilon. A<.i;r,;r.!l Hm. kn- r. \"u-' A'-iiViirnl Ijcnirn^af; ,r. \'icc A ; '.'ral Baz'.'v. \'icc Ad;i;:r..l I^lu;!;. \'icc Acliiiiral i^rii'-viic. Rear A'iir, iral l^i.;.;-. Kvar N;r lliC!i.;rd lJ:.:krrto:i. Major (^riuvai Biiuaul. Cap! .;; John lioiu. li icr, \\ . X . C\ii);,.ifi Mr Al.xiud.T Jolin I^.i!, R. X C'.ij'" .::i 'I'lioiii.o licriic, K. X. i.a;;' ,11 Will;: ill lit (i lord, K.Tn. fapt.o;' loliii r,:i7'.-ly. R, X. Captain limi v ll,i/,t Iv, K . X . Capta:n S;r KoitTt U .rl v. , R. X". -2 CUj>i-.;-, Captain J'cis-r p.nv.;., R.X. ('a:)t;ui kc-. R, X. Coloiu-) Hiiiiock, M, 1'. Ri^iit Hon, C Braj^^-, XjcaUircr of the X'lvy, Vol. I. -A Wii.ij; LIST OP SUBSCRIBERS. William Bragge, Efq. Richard Birt, Efq. Rev. Thomas Barftow, Copford. John Bawtree, Efq. Samuel Bawtree, Efq. Rev. George Blatliwayte. Rev. P. Bingham. Lieutenant Befant, R. N. Mr. Barker. Mr. Thomas Belan. Mr. Jofeph Barrett, 2 copies, Mr. I. Bufli, 2 copies. Mr. Bull. C. nib Royal Higlmefs William Henry Duke of Clarence- Right Hon. Vifcount Chetvvvnd. Hon. Admiral Cornwallis. Admiral Caldwell. Admiral Sir Jolin Colepoys, K. B. Vice Admiral Calmady. Vice Admiral S;r Ciiarles Cotton, Bt. Rear Admiral Child. Rear Adndral Sir Robert Caldcr, Bart. Rear Admiral Campbell. Rear Admiral Cromwell. Hon. Captain Cochrane, R. N. Captain Creyke, R. N. Governor of Plymouth Hoi- pital Captain Craven. Hon. Captaui Curzon, R. N. Com.miffioner Coflin, Shecrnefi. Ciiarles Cowper, Efq. Chatham ]3ook Society. George Cafwall, Efj. Brook Houfe. Colchefler LIST or ^ . r^CRTRFR^. Colcheder Ik^nk *>k;c*v. C.iptain P. Campbell, R. \. C.iptain D.iviJ Colby, R. \. IVIr. Cow'.ladf, IlfKiiiv.'. . Captain Chnrlcs Ci:iu'.i:i;.;'!inm, R. N. I). Durr.artld. A(i.iiiral Arc';ib:i!cl Dickfon. ilcar AiliTiir;;! D.icr:-. K-ar Hilly D.)U;'!>. Captain Wiliiain D,);nt;i;, R. X . 'J'i'.c Hon. Cap: .;;: M. d-: Coiircv, R. \ Cajjtain T. i).iiu!i , R. N. Cap;aMi .\. C. 1) lI l..n, R. X. ^.',:: l)a.v, , F'.;. Dtbnani. i-.l'.]. ?i!r. Do.vnc,-, Yannoutli. R-..r Adniral Rdvvarl Iviiard. Captain V.'iiii.ini i'..!j,c, 1\. \. C.ptam J. n. KJuar.h, R. X. Caotaia ^:r [nlVnli Iwlv-.. Kiit. R-ir Aiimirl R,',n F;'.n;li;>n. ][ .r Adnilr.,1 I ilb. Sir R-: '' :i'l j\-r-:. K*. Captaiu Tiiona . I (,;;'. R. X . Capt.ia ]ra:-.(:, i'a yt rnia :i , R.X Cap". in lit/^;rra:.i, R. X. Rev. J..:\p!i i iiiiL-r, CnRiirlUT. (;. R;.:!:t IL>M. .Acinm-al Rur.i ( Adniral \o\:i^ CvW. Vice A'in-.iral A!t-\ai;(iL'r Cir.i; r,j. Cptaln Cnyo-:, R. X. \ lo LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Vice Admiral Sir Erafmus Govver, Knt. Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Graves, K. B. Daniel Garrett, Efq. Captain Henry Garrett, R. N. Captain John Gore, R. N. 2 copies. Captain A. J. Griffiths, K. N. Captain John Gitford, R. N. Captain Gage, R. N. Lieutenant Guillam, K. N. K. Right Hon. Vifcount Hood. Vice Admiral Sir Henry Hervey, K. E. Vice Admiral John Henry. Sir Andrew Snape Hammond, Comptroller o( the Navy. Rev, Dr. Hay, Canon of Chrifl: Church, Oxford Commiffioner Elope. Commiffioner Hartwell. General Hewit. Captain Hare, R. N. Captain Hart, R. N. Captain Eiiab Ilarvev, R. N. Henry Wife Harvry, Efq. James Harvey, Efq. 11 . N. John Iladlcy, Efq. Colchelter.. yohn Hadly, Efq, John Hanfon, Efq. Bromley, EfTcx, Jofeph Hunt, hfq. Captain Samuel Hood, R. N. Captain J. O. Hardy, R. X. Captain William Hope, R. jV. Captain Benjamin H iliowell, R. X Captain R. 1 lah, R. N. Captain Hamfiead, R. X. Captain Hare, Williarr. W'iliiini ll.m.bly, Eli}. Allitc.ui, ^uircy LiruUi .uU Hirrilon, R. X. I.;eut-jn;;iU Harp-.r, U.N. I. TIk lion. C.r tnii IrLy, R. N. y . O. joluiion, }{lq. Adniir;.! Sir Robt-r: Kin;^1iiiiil, B.\rr. \ ice AJiiiiral Sir Cli.irlc'i II. Kuowlcs, li.iri. Krar Aci:r.iral K-.-nii)?. f,, Ridnra Kii^^;. R. X. T:,'.- Rrv. Slr;.\v Rin-, Tlicru, KlRx. M:- K:;ii)-. 'J':;l'Rlv. a. Kcylh:!iinn, ColchcUer. L. .'\iliiiiral Robert Lin/fc. Captain Tlionias 1 oui'-, R. X. Captain (icDn/c 1 .DiTii '. niic, R. \. C.ipt..iii William I ,t i li:r,t n-, U.X. Hon. Capt. A. K. L,t-.;c, R. X. C.ipt.iin !.t c. K . X. C.. plain 1 .itt'.t-h ilf^. R . X. Capt,,;n J. \V. l.or;;..;, R. X. C .[)t ;:n I . I ^.^ k, R . X . i (.opij";. W illia :ii I .uiilani, 1" '[. \\ iliLini 1 .Ilea,, i'.lo. l.iiut'iiant Li jK-n:>.ii(.rL', R.X. .'^Ir. LiiiLii. M. A^nural Sir Ch.rl ^ Mni -k: '.i. Rr. \ i.-c Adnsr.l s;r A:.r OF ^L'Bsc iiir.ERS. Awl.r.iral Peyton. \ iLC Atlii-irai .sir Tin'n..i-. i'-.Ti-v, But. \'i.c A.imir.,! Mr C. M. Vule, I.:. Rear A":nir.;l A. 1':::'.]^. t'::p;..;n bir Kduaia i'cK-w, Hart. C'a[i'..u:i Jolui Cu;M I'urvi-, i\. X, (.J.ipt^iin Kiiliard l'ur\i>, R.X. Gcor:;:' i'lMvi , Ri-fu Hon. l.oi:l H.iiry Paul-.t, R. X. W::;;a;ii I'-arc , l.U]. A.!;r;r/'y. C'.ij.t .in I'l; '; t , 1\ . >, . ('_> in I'lovM . R. X. C'-- i;. 1': ,;,', K. X. C ;.^..M Wiillam I'arl.rr, R. X. ( . r:..iM ( harlr. IR-rlK:u Tier: . ;: .;i:t, R. X. C..p:aiii I'^or-. R. A. j.,:,:i IVyoii, R. \. I.:- v:-i^.::t ch.i: -s rr.,A.--, r \. A.iniiral ,. , ,- C u.. !ic'!cr. (;i ^I.'- ]!>,,!(:. I, I,..) > (jit. Ml Rui!.,i ,ip, K. X. i ^.\..:^ K0I-. R. \. Ciptaiii Ku Lt;: , U. \ . ( ^ptaii! Kc; .ill k, K. N CapMin K\ v- ,, R. ^.. \. 1'. Roth.-v, ! Mr. I^uaJ,, I'.N, . : copic.. Re.i.i; LIST OF SUBSCRIBER: Heading Book Club. Mr. Thomas Relam. S. Right Hon. Earl St. Vincent, 2 copies. Right Hon. Karl Spencer. Vice Admiral Svviney. Rear Admiral H. Ed. Stanhope. Rear Admiral Sir James Saumarez, K. B, Captain Sir R. J. Strachan, R. N- Captain Williain Shields, R. N. Captain Shirlev, R. N. Captain Sykes, R. N. Captain Scott, R. N. Captain Sir W. S. Smith, 2 copies. Captain Stuart, R. N. Lieutenant Colonel Smith, Royal Artillerv Edward Simpfon, Efq. Rev. Yor. Sinythies, CoiclKller. Lieutenant SiTiith, R. N. Lieutenant Stup.irt, K. N. !Mr. Snare, Readin;;. 2 cop;e'- T. Corporatio;> oi ti'-j Trinity Houie, 24 cop'; Tranfport OlHce. Vice Adipir; 1 ThonuTs. Sir Tr.airas Turto!-. V>?Jt. Rear A(in;!r;>l T. Tavlor r. Tucker, Efq. Tenent, Ei"q. .Dr. Toppiiu;, Colchcller, ?Tajor L'mis, CoIchclU't Captain Tobin, R, X, TboF^'as T:;t',\ Eig 1 r s r n 1 sr Dsc ivi iu'.i:>. Mr. S. Tr.-y. Mr,. S. !5. Trov. I.icutcii.iiit Tiiriicr, R. N' , iMr, 'i'ownk'iui, C' XincciiL. l\c\ . Dr. \ .ilpv, l\c:uling. Wnh.iin \a'idl. h.U]. (' .lain j. \ \llioi), R. N C :)t.un \cl\v. K. N. \V. R: !it Hon. h:iil . : Wi.icii' lic.u A , lU! ; W' ;:,;;i . \ . A(l,i:.:-..l \N ii::lh,-:Kl. J^ V. W . War!, C'<:c;Rlur. R .:r A.i:i,ir,il \\!llon. Dr. W,;l!, ():.K.r>.:, (...):.i;a W tkin . K. \. r 't.iia \\ uiiyh, i;. \. ( \\'ri.,;it. R. \. i: >t!ia (.-, Wii/,, K. N I ;:; ;;: \V. War.!;:., R. N. V. Vicv A ' Y>vla^^ LiLiiuaar.r V..'.!:).', R. \. 5 U M 1.1 A R 'Y o V \ W'AL c-^^ MAIirriME E\'EX'rS !()/,. I. ]:^)M \NS. i\ IaNY niicir nt liillorians arc dl't^pinion that \\\c 15. i- t( ;- wcTc p.-l'^\l ( t ;'. luwa! fcf thc;r \i.i]!.'K anJ mar: t line ikill nuili h.i'.c b'jcn \'it\- niJf ami ir!i|-ft..\t in thr!- ! 'inotc aires . fomc authcir-; alicrt tnat their ( .liliiv^^ ar.d !;l]ii;ii '.xlllls were r.-jauc o{ wK'kcr, .incl C!;\ crcd o\ cr \\ ith lii.'o. Abi.uiiiie \car f.fcur Loni .>.o'S, t' hrijan to tcf th.' n,ccilit\' ami .ui\ aiita,:!.- tr.cir cc u:i;r\' u'(n;';J citri\ e n cin ha'.ini; the ci 'iMu.iiul (4 tlic (< ,t, v.,r,ih at t;i:s time was in:>h in'elh d hv jiiati s ; :\pa1 m orcici to (.-xt;; ;\uc- thcni, /.l..:-:i:7;i.:n, ;r.L- i\.(.;n.'n l.inocror, '^a^L the i-Dinnauul ol .i l.r 'i- ihct ti> L'ai aiilhi , a Men .Imp. i t ir. .Ji vi.le' ;;', iiiit ai!i;!i (4 t!U : (>: il;:;,: .!-:i;ii-, w':- , iipl a i di p-:! imv:;,; th.c li.:\!ee v. ich w n;^ ii lie wa.> c ntruiird, c.;-'(.vcd i,;s tiiiir ;[i [miiul/r ii."; th'.le r<.^hLr^. AIa.\p;:i.-.:i u;! w::i; hi^ ct:iv:;;:t, a:;J ic.! u^(t h> Ci'i:!. / .:; thr fie: I, h.ul toinvti a i a- t" r hi^ ;.'! lan.r:: !i. C :':!-, hi;.,,; inioi ired < I thcL:ii;- :'r'- i: :i n>, had a:L (.:, ;i::ii to ;): ri.,idc h,s ted iv,vi - 1'. [. kwA i.i- lut: ii et la:id- 111. : ;:i ' I itahi, w h. i e ihe p iV. \ : : ..i l' t \\ h:i. 1' '- ''roii^iu, lei t; .'d lian a weiccnic r.e.p' . m ;:oni ti'e l-'.' ;:-. M.x;;d;n, alter n ..le. li.i'eS .,.' nip.-; l ^ : ^'a- iai;,:a , u'.i^ (,h!:.:ed lo'. w :^ii h" h:!n i'.iiipei.r d Jlni e:i. A iter i;> !-eace \sun the ."^(.o'.^ .i:id I'let^, \ el, I, ' iJ Ca^.' Caraufuis turned his attention to the encreafe of his navv, and made a treaty with the Franks, (who were at this time powerful at fea) by which it was ftipulated to form a junction of their naval forces, againft the Romans, and fait into the Mediterranean. The Romans greatly alarmed at this formidable confederacy, purfued every necelTary mea- fure for profecuting the war Vv'ith vigour. Maximian equipped a fleet upon the Rhine of a thoufand fail, while Conitantius marched into Gaul, and befieged Caraufms in Boulogne, where he fo compleatly blocked him up, that Carauilus apprehenfive of falling into the hands of the Ro- mans, forced his v.'ay through the camp with a few brave followers, and made his efcape to Britain in a fmall vefTel. Conftantius (Irationed his iiquadrons fo iudiciouriy on the coails of Britain, Spain and Gaul, that they prevented the junction of Carauilus and the Franks, and then failed for the Mediterranean, where he totally defeated the latter. Caraufms being t-hus baffled in his hope of uniting his fleet to that of his allies, Vv'as employing his time in flrength- ening his navy, and preparing for the defence of Britain, when he was murdered bv Alectas, an oflicer of high rank, and his intimate friend, after a reign of feven years, during which time he maintained the dominion of the fea. Alec- tas afliimed the regal power, but was foon after defeated aixi killed in a battle with the Rom.ans. liritain having again fallen under their power, the Ro- mans appointed off.cers to the civil and m.ilitarv departmentSj fortified feveral of tlie fea-pcrts, and greatly encreafed the marine. I'he Romar.?, too much engaged v.'ith wars at home, witbidrcv/ from jlriuiin, and left it to llruggle with its pov/erful enemies. In the reign ci Vortigcrn, a number of Saxons having been dri\cn from their country by an ancient law, (headed I'V Hen.' ift and ilorfa, two brothers) took refuge in Bri- tain. Vortig'jrn received ihem very holpitably, and being enamoured v.'id] the dau[!;hier of Hcngilf, he put av/ay his own wifj -AUG ruirried her, which fo enraged the Britons, that ihuy d^'polLd him, and placed V^ortimer his fon upon the tliroiic ; ihis yeung prince having ra;r;.d an army and Ci^uip: ;.':j a i;c-r, defeated the Saxons in t^-ur battles, who at length fled to the Ifle of Thanet, where lie ]u!rfued them, defeated their flj. i, :uul obliged them to cuwi: ihe kingdom- V^ortimer >; A '. .A r. t i: r.oNoi.o., \ . \ !-: .;ir:c;' \'. :;s I'xni afn-r ["!:, ,:v.d hv the i:itt i::ik'S .)f h.s n.othir- ;ii-iav.', a:sJ W :.',.. in tLC..I.iJ tl.c Srixoir, who clhtSIinicd tht-ir.!',-lv'j fr;iH\ m iiru.'.ni for ;ib(.)vc JCJ' (Jrla tiic dt '. ci'.ih kiii;i o; the Mci\-i;uiS, a will-, \-aliaiir, _ _ _ and ciuj: pri/in_r piirx!.-, Iv Ir. ; cnza^cJ in a war with the '^^ SaXcMi'i, \d,u) wfic in aliiiiiicc wiih tlvj [iriiicc- in Wales, ImIHi.".! tiic ch'orts (,i" uiiitiiv-:; their tor^'c^, hv throwlii'^ lip a il:o;'..x t;;ti"c-;i- hnuTi'., v.iiirh bcc;an lrv)ni the in;nith of the nvci' Dee, and umnin:'^ nlop;: the nicunt;'.:!!'-', endul at the tail ..>f the Wye i-,ear iiriild, which lliil bears the nanieci' OiFr.'s (litcli. Tiie Saxoj's being thus preehuied Ironi a poflibiliry cf ioinin^,' their allic"-, applied to C'h.arle- niagnc King of France for aiHtlanre, who wrote to Otia, coniniandin^ todefiil: iroin his enterpri'/.es; hut this mag- nanimous prince dili'e^-arded tlie threats ofCi'.arleniatrne, and applied liinifeif c!o;el\- in railin:^ a powerful fleet as ^he otily niean^ lo lecure h's ci' :;\;!;i;Mi> trom foreign attcnip's. ()tF.i had made hMnieli lo ; rn'.idah'e, ihat C'harleinagne found it Jiecefiarv foon alter io negotiate a peace with him; th's evidently fliew.s h.ow nerclja:'.' it v.'as in thole earlv a^'cs, ivr Jiriiain to maintain he'' contequence bv the lupenoritv vt hier nav V. The I)a.:'.es hrft !an/_'cd in "l\;v:l:n-.d, but the intrepiditv -H; of Otta chi'L'ed them to (]uit the iiiaiM.l. ()ilaeieLi a.!ter a reicMi (f thirtv-niiie vcars, -.j^ icon -.liter whi'Ji the iJanes huidnt a^ain in the norili ot i'.ngland, wiiere, after ha'. in;r pih.i.a-d and laid w.itle the coiuitrv, tha \- I'.iiled to tlie (oi:;h well c >alK Fe,hiudit, who \sas then King n' tli.- \\''eif S-ix.)'is, t'r- ^;^ ted ' ;: a flet.t to ojipole tlie 1 )aiu"^, and !ia\i"': t.'.ilen m ; > wi;ti ^ ; i)i ti^eir finps (dl Cha: nu ;;..;, ;.',t,di\ deie,;;>_d uuin. ^ , : 'I vs e '.ai'- ..f;er tlu-v ai'/ain 1 uided in \\ .de- , v,!--:,." il.e, weie ] 'ineu b\' the Hritons. l\:;ig I., bii.dv. I.oui.d a ;,o-.v- triul ainivonthe W'eieh ccal!, att,.J.e>i ::nd conipieally loutrd ii.,ir united lorcfs, obii..i;. i^'e i-!riton^'. to H\' t > riieir III' n:,ta:n , and the Danes [.< i'. ir loip-. [' i- lie i V.).:t LliaJllc^iie, ion te) tile kin.', .,.. 1 v.!o) r.; -e; v. .;: d-; .ii t - iKied to th, ''r.''P.e, eoi.ui'Uu; d ih r>rit!!!i '"'eet, aiid II! a null iii'^eev battl't <,lf ^..:: :.,;.'; d.;,- 1' d ''-e !).i::,-, look i,,nr ol ilv.ii" ihips. aiui d, ,,,'/ i;-' >.di r i;e:ii tlie ('..'-. 1 he di t'e. r. N li^vv net wnh intii.o; r> peatv'd ." - t.'.o, I- to i!,-..;de, did ir.: ' ', ,"i\- menns i ; eek t! . oe'! ,;:;'!;(:. .oid eii;-Tii!;:!e fe ;'.. I..e i' 'tlen- .'e-rth.v , i . eeeure./ J KAVAL CIIRONOLOGV. ''*' ^^- appeared on the coaft with a fleet of three hundred and fifty ^3 3 fail; they landed and took Canterbury, and fevcral other J^" towns, and after fucceflive invafions, London. Hie Danes ^^ from this period remained in quiet polleffion of a great part of the coaff, until the reign of Alfred the Great. The maritiine knowledge of this illuftrious prince, and the nu- mercus vitfories he gained over his enemies, are fully de- tailed in feveral naval hiftories''^, 871 Alfred conftrucled fliips, or rather gallies of a much lar- to ger fize than any that had been yet feen, and capable of row- 9^ ing above fixty oars +. With thefe gallies he entirely freed the channel of a neft of daring pirates, with which the coaft of Devonfhire and the Ifle of Wight had been infefted. Alfred is fuppofcd to be the firft who fent to difcover the utmolr extent of the Artick regions, and the poffibility of a paflage on that fide to the north-eaft : this voyage, fome writers tcl! us, was undertaken by Other, a native of Hal- goland, who was dirc6ted by Alfred to furvey the coaft of Norway, and Lapland. On his return he gave a clear de- fcription of thofc countries and their hihabitants, with an account of the whale fifliery. Tlie king foon after fent Wclfftan, an Englilliman, to explore thefe northern re- gie, li'.-, whofe relation correipondcd with that of Other. 'j'o point out the decree of perfe<5tion that navigation had ip.ade in his reign, it may be obferved, that the Chriftians being in great diftrefs at St. Thomas's, on the pcninfulaof India, Alfred fent out veftels to their relief. T'his expedition, v,b.!ch fucceeded beyond his hopes, opened, in all proba- bility, the great fource of commerce now refulting from that quarter of the v/orld. Ei)WARn. Q2' At the death of Alfred, his fjn Edv.-ard fucceeded to the- throne, v.hy paid great attention to his navy, and defeated the Dane-' in many lea engapements, particularly on tiie cor.ff of Jvent, where he had colk'tffed above an hundred fail, and in a moil bloody action difperfed and drove ou Si-f Kcni'i I'll)' ;:;j)Mri Nauric?., \"l. 1. p-i,!a; 16 to 21. Camp- bcllV. I .i\T:. 'i!" liic .-Xdiiiir-ls, \-()l. I. ji.iL'c ;'.>ro4". t ' 1 hi' A 1)1h; R..vt;;;! is d!" ojiiuifin rhar this, tci^crliur wirh tlie cf- foit.i I'f ChariLiiKu;)!'.', in I'l 'jicc, and ionic citiis of Italv, wiili a vicvs- ro u:\K-\ the .-'.trarks ( t'thc .\r:;hs and t.'ic >!oiir.:Tiis, occaiioiiLii the re- vival of naval IkiU ni Kuioi f, fhorg N \ '. \ i f Hiioxor.oG Y. ;> ill ore til c create fl pa-t or th.- D.miili fleet, killing tl-.cif .\ 1>. k:ii^, and molt vi' tiicii' chiefs*'. v;--! ATIl!:r.ST()X. Athclftdn fuccccJcvi his brother Kikvard, and was not lefs - -!^ attentive to th.e t'upport ot" his navv ; he iii.-ie.ited tlie cn;r.- I'sned fleets ar..l armies (A the Danes and Scots, in which j;.t:Ie ir/c knus an 1 re\eri Danifli chiets were killed;. ];i)GAH. Kdjar the Cjroat mounted the, whole lu'/ai t(^ree:s n-- f.tid tei ha\'e conlilted t^f th.ree tiiouland hxliundred lail, whieh ti)rined intv) three d;\irion'~ ; or.e on the call, aiiother on the wc'A, and the tliird iy,\ th.e norih coatt ot has km,.:;- doni. In D.'dv; t* leeme his doiiiinions fr'tm ic.reiiMi at- t.;. k;^, an.d kec-p hi^ K;;uir> In c r.i^.init ex.itiU-, la Mrein- b..; k.d evcrv \ear .it'.er l..ii!er on b( a.rd t'i'.e fleet li.ait.ned tai the ea.lf eoali, and lading; to the weH, vihtni::; ,;il ti^e creeks and hairhours in the C'ii.iinad, from the Tii.anes to the r.and's Kni\^ ivo'.n th'^aice L'^inj; on boird the wcllt in fleet, and ltLCTin_: 'o the nordi, round Ireland an.d. the He- brides, he tliere nut th" r.:a't!a.-rn fl.;.'t, and returned with it into the Thanr's : In' thns |-;rroawdn;.: th : idand with his flert, he prekr'.'ed the doniin:. n c! liae le.! lid.iaiS nav:.i i"ii;iia loiil',' w.!> ieeh, tli.:t wb.en I'.e held b'- court at C lullc:, lie e.aiud tiee Kmj,s or Seot'.uui, (Jamberiand, Lljot .\bin, and ;be per:v Km^v of ]]ri- l.;m, to ro\',- Irni in a h.w :e, wb;,^ .e !'.: e.i him!^ .: Irom C';K;de:, .don : t!ieri\(.-r \)cr, to tb- a' ii.-',' ot" S;. [ .:m tiie tbiptilf, wieie tIi.-\' b 'Un 1 thennbb. t-- to ilrf( ri i li'v ri.:ie.s It,- bind :ind il i. In \u^ cd;v"ts he abvv.u's aderted tb.e do- m.nir m < 'f :b" Ka J . At thedceh I't i .d vu', tl-.e n.u \ or' brit.iin lo nvich dnimnfbed, th n '.a. couiitrv '.va- ! on ;.',;d open t ) tl:e m- \a:i'ais oftiv Dan.-, :.'., A tne lii^ wrie niiod \\-:ib jiirati^. h ;;t len 'tn iKCamc lo lue.iia:'.- to t d di'.iih a na\'.d l(j:ee, that a law wa- p- nbd eon^pc'drnj Cvery pioprielor ot K.ia'-. Hi ;. C,::n. .\ I: .::.: I. three D N-AVAL CHKOXOLOGV, A.D. three hundred and ten hides of land, to furniOi a flout fliip 1008 Qj. galley of three rows of oars, and the proprietor of every eight hides, to provide a coat of mail and hehriet ; this raifed a fleet of {even hundred and eighty-five fail, which ^^^7 were employed unfuccefsfully, and fuffered to decay in the harbours, until the reign of Canute, when the continued wars between the Danes and Saxons compelled him and his fuccefibrs to fupport a marine ; but as nothing worthy ob- iervation occurred during thefe reigns, it will be necefiary to pafs on to the landing of William Duke of Normandy, who after the famous battle of Haftings, fixed himfclfon the throne of England. WILLIAM I. i:':6 The great attention he paid to his navy, rendered him formidable to the Danes, who made frequent attempts to invade the kingdom*. This prince, coafldering Kentas the key to England, eftablifhed the Cinque Portsf , which in caleofany emergency, were obliged to furnifh fifty-two fhips, with twentv-four men in each, for fifteen days. 1 100 The Goodwin Sands were firft formed, which had hi- therto been dry land, the property of (joodwin Earl of Kent. They were occailoncd by a violent inundation of the fca, which rofe to an unufiia! Iieight, and fvvept away the inhabitants, cattle, ^'c. They have ever unce been overflowed by the tide, and prove often fatal to mariners;]:. IIENPvY I. ii'jo America is fuppofed to have been firff dlfcovered by Aladdock, a Welciiman, who failed due weft for a conli- derablc time, till he arrived at a large, fruitful, and plea- fant country ; he returned home, and from the favourable report lie made of it, prevailed on many of his countrymen to acconii,;inv him ; thcv embarked in ten (hips, but were never more heard of. ' Sie Cam. Adiii. vol. i. p;u;C -Ci to R4, Kciit'i IVio. Naut. vol. i. J-U-C.,- to :4, t Dowa , i ! iltiiiL'N, [Ivtl.c'. Romncv and S: lidwich , \\ iiuiicKci and Kvc wcc aitci wa.idj annexed to- tlicin, and lincc iIl-l time Sciford ha.lHon addic'. i Sot ;\n(J( I ion's OrfMi (:r Co-nuncrce, vol. i. pa;'.-'- i : 7. ;" See Cam, Adin. V( 1, i. pa^e iu~. .Andei ioti'i \.)r)ain of Com- Ir XAVAI. ClinOXOLOG Y It havl been hitherto v.\.: ciiilnm, if a Oiip was ftraiidoJ upon the coalt ut EiU'Iaiui, tor tici and the car^o to bcv-oinc the pr.)perty ot tbf lor J oi the manor, uiilci's ti'.otc who ci^'apcd ironi ir, returned within a limited tiau'i but ileni}' ordained, th it every wreck, ha\':n2; .'.n\' hvin^ creature uii board, (houilJ cont:nu'j to be th.e propert\- "t the owners. iir.NUY ir. In Ci)nrei(Uencc oi a fliip bein;^ wrecived on tiie coall, nc:'.r owe oi the manors ot Battle Alibev, and tne a;:.>r;o;is cnnduv.^ ot the l'.'.\a^'.- inhai):tants to tiie untortun.'.te c:e\.v, the i>:in'.r cnacled, m aiiiendnient to the p;eti.din., hiw, th..t it" on the coaih ot" the I'.p.giilh ocean, or oi' I'oictou, or ( , the illand ot ()!eri)n, or ot Cjaiconv, anv i]i:p thou'.d lie d;l'.rel!ed or endanjered, and no m.ui tlcape tro;n thence alive, vet n" ai'.v heaiHhould l"\'.i;n i.i, (.rlvt-tunj ;n tlic (h:[i ali\e, tb.e irood-. ih luui be i;i'.;\ered hv i^s b.:i- litk, ('r tile bailitlsot thoie j'ei ;.!!> on vs'i'..ite lar.u> :he in:;) v.'as driven, into the cuiiody oi i"o;n- ir.en ot" eltablilli: J (.har.i.'tcr, in order that they mi^^ht be rcifcred, to :r.e o-.\ n- e.-, it'dem.mded by them, withm the term oi three month.s. jncii \ii!) I. Rich.nid I. t;. named Ctfur de T.ion, luecceded hi- fatner fi;-nrv: hj eiirered m'o a trt-atv ot ;'.i;:aiice \v;:h riiii^f) oi I ranee, to miitv trie r i'>rcei on .in exp!..i:;;(in to tiie il il}' J^and. Ruhaid's n^i\ .d .u m.imei.t c .n:;.',^d < t m.ire tii.m one luHvhevl la;;:c ll'.iiis, :'.nd t;["i\- ralhes. A> til.' ii-.v.d laws uhi.ti he elf abbliuti t">)r t;ie L'o\\T!-,::ie.;: (.t" this jIli.' a;e \e!v h:i_:ular, I Ihall mleit lliem t"or iw- i;dorni..tio!i it ny I ea l!ie [)e:ic:\ ..i tc, ii-.uideied I'odv, ' and thrown into the lea. '' A mariner or l-mliei kii'in.!; .inotner tn fliore, was ^' ad/nd^edi tn be tilteiud i;. '..'ce m,'.;invr totiie ci.ipt'e, '' and bui led w ;th it m th.e .{- '.h. ' W !u I.HVer w .s coiuiL't! : b-.- a le'jal e'>'n..ence (>; ;'...,- ' mj drawn ;i knite, u\ ottv; d...;: ^erons weapon, \".-'!:i .:i " i:i:ention to ihike .in\ neiiM!, to tr.e (hjedm;:, ol tne ....;i '^'I'od, v.'as c; 'luieMincd :o lo'.e his lieiui. '- 'A';ioL'C\ei" llru^k. ;.n'. neiT^n ullhhis )\mJ, altiv ii 'i A.I). i I ;> ^'U 8 NAVAL CHRONOLOGV, A. D. cc j^Q blood mieht have iflued from the part (o ftricken, was 1190 u fentcnced to be thrice plunged into the lea. " The fame punifliment was innicled on players at any *' unlicenced game " Whof(Jever addrefTed any reproachful language to any *' oiher perfon, or vented curfes agaihft him, was for every *' fuch contuinely or curfe, Cned an ounce of filver. " VVhf fdcver was lav.-fully convicted of ftealing, was *' fcntenced to have his head fliorn, covered with boiling '' tar, and feathered ; and afterwards to be driven, with " thefe marks of punilhment to the next landing place, and tVicrc left." '' ' ;s formidable fleet was fepaiated on its voyage to Mar- fe:"i'cs, in a gale of v/ind, buc at lafl:, joined Richard at the 'lybcr, from whence he proceeded to Sicily, where he compelled Tancred King of Medina to give him 60,000 ounces of gold and four large galiies; and on his failing from Cvpius he increafed his fleet to 250 fliips and 60 gal- lics , from thence on his pafi'age to Ptolemais, he fell in with a fliip belonging to the Saracens, of a moft extra- Oidinary nze, A'hich he attacked and took ; fhc was de- fended bv 1,500 men, i-^'ipo of whom King Richard or- dered to be dro."- ncd, the remainder being perlons of di(- tinction, he kept pnf ;ners. '^^-'' After having obliged the city of Ptolemais to furrendcr, . and deiiroyed the fleet or the Inhdels, he ,' as acknovv'ledfred captain-general of al! the Chriltian foices \n .Vua, where he performed th( fc heroic exploits v.'hich have been the won- der c;f a!! fuccc' dug ages. ^-9- On Rich.ici'b r,turn from the Holy Land, he was fliip- wrccL'ee nu tivj coait of Iftrin, in the Adriatick, and with diif.culty f.\"ed his life ; here he took ihe name of Hugo, and attempted to tiavel through Germany in difguifc, but he was difcovcrLd aiyj feizt-d bv LeopoKl Duke of Au'.b ia, who to revenge himfeif ['.r fome former quarrel, tlirew Rii liiiid in>o prlfun, and der:\-i;'d him for fifteen months j he ihvn fjld h,!n ;o Henry \'i. oi CTermany; h.s fub;ects, 1 104 however, ranioincu him (oon after for 300,000!. Riehaid had lc.;i; Jy envMvk'-d from Antwerp, b.-Iore Henry re- penting 01 hiiving i' h'ln to depart, (eiu a llr(,)n;2; party to arrtii Iiim, Init i'.riiinatci) he elcaped from his purluers, and arrived fafe at Sandwit;h on the 20ih ui'Alarvh. JOHN .\ A\ Ai. cm; ON' 01, or. v ' I'd Okhv tluit }'.:K:i,'.nJ cI.i'Mud th;- Un-ficitrnfv of the -^ U:^y it wa-^ l': v '.]': ... tnis i' in; en.'.: (:.;, tt'...t it aiiv C';i!i- j; iii.n.dcrs e! u\i i.cLt-. flmii'ti iiu-ct witii tii !, o^ N. reign n;i- ti(>ii> a: (' ;, \\\r i;..i''K-.- ( t wa:ch ix-fiiliti to i'trike to the lliiiilh H.:/. i;i:;i l!";.<< (>r wll'l-, ir' t.iki-i, l^iculJ b:- '.!_ mod Lji . ,i a;ui l..wti.I j.n/f-, thoujh t!ic liatc tv) wiii.n th.-\' h-A iiL^cd uas :u peace with Knjlaiid ^. Phdip or F!..!K'e, ii.iioiis ot the nia.ririnic powr cf \h.,- i; I'.P.lI^hlli, ccniipped a flv, t of ('.ear fev eiKecu lunuiied l' :1, with which he mtep.d 'tl to i:r/a.'.e Kn^laiid ; hue beiivj d.'- firous nt f'ubduinj; tile I'.arl or b hiiuier.v, he proceeded u'ith ti-;is ilea to (]'. '.\,.!;iv--, a.'iii fi.i'n theiice to liie tiaveii of iJ.iiii. K\n'Z Jub.ii eluriMled '.!;ec.i:;ini.uid of ti-,e !'i!iL:iil}i {l;\t (eomlltnij; (.1 t's iiiiiidie 1 li;;!) to tiie 1 .a.i 1 ( T Sa.hl'- ii'jp.', u ho .'.ttae i'vci l':'.'.t :; i:.;' i'";i-iuh, ti - 'k: tti: ee liunil: ed fail, and iiro\'e one hiindaad on (luire. Piui'O w.i'^ ma', r the necellirv ot dcfliosin^, i!'.e ri. n-iairu^;-, to .xxowl then tal- i:ii^ into the hands ei' the i'in.^'iih. Ili'.NU^' III. 'I'hc I'rcnch haxin.-; ir-vuded. I'in^Iand, liid^-.Tt de ll.ii.-I], (n)vernl;'ip w;;h ti.e otikr-, thia \'.- on l\aid a i]i:i:;t.;-, (t i;iiv!v 1m;, e, \\r..ui l\..v.i:;^ in ;l:eir iae-.- , hiii.di .iicm !o e::^. la.,:N', ;;i.,it t!;. y touii'i ti'. Hill Ua'-- 1 '.Mr_'/d 'o b...r .iwav , bi;; bci:.., mdairdy bv tnc 1 n '.ill, ti,o\' v.ei^aii e.lia r t.ik ; ii ( ;' lunk. Sc", ei.i'i a .1 ..eii' ii> \'. e:e l.ardu da:!"... re''!i, I i: ol ni.)ir.;a;i ; .n.d !;;> d:.'.[aj p' .. : v. i:!h;. . >v lt..a".- iai , c^ !;, ,!!! tn^ ;i" .die : aiia e . In t!.i^ vear t'.e f;ilt n.ention ,> :, vi an .;dniiral in ZoO ( .:. A h 10 1\AVAL CIIKOXGLG&r. A.D. It was in this year that the office of the admiral of the 1286 Englifh feas is firft mentionedj where William de Lag- bourne was fiiled Admiral de le mer'du dit Roy d' Angle- terrc, at an ordinance made at Bruges concerning the con- duct of the fhips of England and Flanders. 1293 A remarkable and bloody aclion was fought between the Englifh and Norman fleets, in confequence of a quarrel originating in the death of an Englifh feaman, who had been killed in a Norman port. Depredations were carried to Ibch a length on both fides, that at lad the nations agreed on a certain day to decide this difpute with their whole force; accordingly the of April was the day fixed upon, and a large empty fliip was placed in the middle of the channel between the two coafts, to mark the fpot for the engagement. The two fleets met, and afceramofl: fe- vere conflict, the victory was obtained by the Englifh, who carried ofF above two hundred and fifty fail'^''. ^^95 Edward refuting to do iiomage to Philip of France, the latter declared war, and made preparations to invade Eng- land. The King, to prevent any defcents on the coafts, befides three formidable fleets which were to prote6t his own kingdom, equipped another, confifting of above three hundred and thirty ihips, with an army of feven thoufand troops, under the command of the Earl of Lancafter, who failed to the moulh of the Gavrone, where having landed the troops, he took Bang and Blaye, and afLerwaids failing for Bourdeaux, took that town and Bayonne. Edward was the firft monarch who granted letters of marque orrepriial, in confequence of a iliip having been taken and carried into Liibon, by fome Portugucfe armed veflclsi . i3l)6 a French Hcct, con rifling of three hundred fail, under the command of .Mathew de Montmorcnci, and John dc Harcourt, a.rJted by Sir Thomas Tuberville, a traitor to his country, huided at D'ovcr, and reduced it to afhcs ; but the f'ligiiih fonn compelled them to fly to their fhips, with confidcrab'j loi-^. 7297 Iving I'AKvaid cr.ibarked at Winchclfca, with above fifty thoiiland men, on board a pov/erful fleet, for the invafion * Sec Cam. \"l- I. I'ii!. :z(). Ktni',', l>io. is'aut, vo'..^f !'.>? App. Chap. v. N'; I . t bccliarvcy'b Njv. Ilifi. v '! 1. p-.'ia 1C5. of navai, c h r. on'oi.og y . 11 f>l I'l.uiJcr^ ; bavin:! :;riivcu at S'.uv^, :i \i()ler,t diriiute aiolc /i.D. bctwc.ii the crf.v*- m;i In. .id tnc "^..iiiiouth (jivilion of the '-!y7 flcL-r, and tl'.^ifc ut the lliips fitiiJ cut bv the Cinque rtiif-, wi-iici'., (mnv.-ith'dandincr '.l.c rviUvMiitr.iiKcs of Kd- ward) (crn'.in.itcd inanniit blucjv a :t.>-n, in which twcntv- iivcof the i;ii[;s iji ti'.c Yarmouth 'ujui'.iiriui \s'erc burnt, and moil ()i the^.cndrown d ; three (>t ihe lar^^ed lhips(one ct tfu ni havin-i the k:;;g's treaiurc oi'. b.ard) were driven out tn lea, and clca[)ed. Phdip (i:ie^ted the C^lU^t de \'aluis to burn the Kn./.ini fleet in the haib.iur ot I3a;n, but I'ldwaid hein.; a|")pn/.ed oi it, ;j,ave directif)ns for their fii'in j to England ; thisex- pedition pr()\'ir.i: lUifucceiVtu!, Kdward returned ni the win- '-l-U ter, and eonciuJed a truce uith his opponent. At this tur.e tile nia! iner's CcMnpalV i~. lupj^ofed to have ^i'^- been ered an; ir.wnted, by 1' i.ivio Ciioia, ot Ahnalh, (>;\ lb.:d ;\'.:r ot' t;ie c-alt- ot Naples tailed, Terra di J>a- \o;o; but ,.: v.l^u peri^ii it became in ule and known to (>ther nation";, w(? are as \et ij,n('i,mt. Sonic French au- thors attribute ulefu! invention to a ruuntr\inan ot theirs, fo far back as the vear i 2 ^ ^ , od-.ers aleribe the dit- covery ot the ci'mj)'o"s to Marro l'c~io (f Venice, who, on his return trom C'iii'ia, about the scar llUi, romniunicated that fecret t ) the Italian^. The \M!iat:'.n of the needle or its de( linaliMM trom tiie true lurth [Mint, w.:^ dilcovertd by Seb;;:iian Cduit in ti^e \ear I y.:j. ^^ e, liowever, ;i:c cer'..:nl\' ii;debted t i ihe rortujuefc ' .1 the iu". eiition oi' the .'.!*^r< l''.ile ar.d ta:)les (.f deeliirition . In this \(ar is 'Ive V:\[ iiiltancr (.t two admirals bein,; i3cf> iv.eiitioncd in the Fui'l.Tn :^,eet, v.';e:ein tiie km.!- diuvls ii:> i)m;p;-, \ i / . ' To tl-'.e Adrn:r d of h's fleet trom tl'.c 'J'li.iU!'. ^ n-.iutli u'lrtir.v.ird, and to tile Admi;/.! ol i..> j.' tile ^hame^ nu a:,-, wel't u ai i! ! - r.DW \i;!) ill. ( I ';npov,( nn.e'.vd .K ' ') ir,\'( nteu 'n a ni ;:: ."i I I .'>.'ne; cert..;n .t i^, f\.t .\' ,,., Hm itu .m iMi^ I V c. -/adic, v.a^ well ac>,i I i,e V enetian> and C'; le tLo :\ .'..1 ti;-; ti.e'.M \' ' I run- ;;i ]. J merit t I uv. ent- .^^p, Ci. , A\. i'i NAVAL CHROXOLOGr. A.D. ing this deiuruftivc compofition, but at what period we JiS'^ know not. I? 40 The illand of iVdadeira was difcovered by Markham, an Englifliman, who was driven there in a {iorm'-^. Alany gallant and glorious actions were fought during the reign of this monarch, but none which deferves to be re- corded for fo early a difplav of naval fKill and bravery, more than the toUovv'ing handed down to us by Robert of Ave- bury, viz. *' It happened on the Saturd:iy fortnight before the feafi: " of St. John theBaptill, the king was at Orewell, where " there was forty Inips or thereabouts, preparing for his *' paffage into inlander?, where he was going to his wife *' and children, whom he had left in the city of Ghent, as *' well as to confer with his allies, about the meafures ne- " ccffary to be taken for carrying on the war, intending '' to fail in two days time: but the Archbifaop of Canter- '' bury fent to give him intelligence, that Philip de Valois, " his competitor for tlie crown of France, having had no- *' ticeofhis intended pallage, with much diligence, and '' as much privacy as the nature of the thing v/ould admit, " had affembLd a great fleet, which lay m the port of " Sluys, in order to intercept him, wherefore he advifed *' his ma'icffv to p.rovide himfelfwilh a better fquadron, *' left- he, and the f.^ who v.-ere with him, fhould perifh. *' Th'j kinL";, viclding no benefit to his advice, anfwercd, *' that he was reftdvcd to fii! at all events. 'live arch- *' bifhnp quittul, upon tliis, his feat in council, obtaining ^' the king's L;'ve U) retire, and delivered up to him the *' gr'jat Tea! ; h^s majeffy fcnt therefcre to Sir Robert de " Aiorley, his y\uniiral, and oiie Crabbe, a lldltul fcamaii, *^' and gave tiv/m orders to eiujuire iiito this matter; th>'y *' (puicklv rLtitrncd, and brought the fame news he had '^ h..;^d Irc-.-r. th- archhifhop, upon which the king faid, ^' \'(.- iiavc a'_!;e.d vvitii that prelate to tfll me this talc, in " oid-r t(. iT-,p fiiy VL)\;i(re, but 'added he angrily) I will " go W!ih(/'.u ).iu, and )(Vj v.ho are afraid may flay at " hn c." " The ac';nir:i' ;ind feaiv.nn replied, that tlvv would (fake *'' hea.ds, it' the hiU'Z periilted in t.his refolution, ,\i;:'.i.'. [''ii's O: ; \i\ ([ ('; ! iiiin u c ta\ ^ it 'Aiii not (.lilcovcrcc! ti' 1 ' year 13.-^.;, au;.!R':i:u aLi:l:o;. ;a ihc vcai i^^f he, ;: ! ^ rr.J ..',1 vvh > v.-(.T/ v.ith \\.n\ \v. u'.J c>rlj mI'. \ 1) ,K t ' cc-rt.M.i Jc.ii'h. l";-.c k';; ;. t . ,; / t;'/.iu l.:'.:n, l.:it t> r ihv Archbii'i' i) o* L'.::i'- r; . . i.,l ;\ !i!i ;;Sun- ' J.'.ncc (it kM;i iii.->-v.',!t>. \}i \ .. . " ^' rcccu'c " th:- 2 l^.il a.:;r.;) ;:;!i) i:',> dir ; \ I'r.r king '' illii:u hi^ ci^iv!'^ t ) .ill thj p :rt-, w I.: ;:! ::; :i ; ;,i :u;J ^" in \].c '.''itli, :r.:d to liic i.uiAi);' :'i iKrU ,ii', t) lend ' i..:,\ .lul, 1 ) t:i.i: ;:i :.:l; iil.cj I'i tui >; ;\^, lic h.. 1 -i v..r^ \ * ' ai^i- ;: - he ii^!i:^vi, a:ui !';.h i::u\;-.- r.J ic;n- ' toiccniciits ('t .i;clit;r-, aiui nicii at a.:"!!!-,'nc *' torcca :n Livd manv dI &.c::\ h.-r,,:, ..nJ /. /th tins ci;ui- " y.'.^c \vj ani'.cd ar tr.c ha\ l'!1 ui ^lav-, (.;i t'"^ Ualt cI '' ^'.!i:it Jf^liii the ;-.'.pti;h " The l'.i!j::lh i-crc..". in^^, rn '."a-'ir I'pprr; ich, ti'.at the ' 1 rculi fiiii,> w-ic iin;\t\i \^."..''\:i \: .'.U li .:i:i-, a:hi that " It v.-.i- i;.;;i .lililc f' r r!v.,iu t^ b; -.^k tii'. ir lUi'- .'i h ilck', '^ rLr(:\>i a l.f.h-, ;.ik: :l.o>a Ivi.k to lla. 1 i^: IrciKh u.- ' ia..\,.:hv trii> fL-Hit, lin.kc their < i\Lt ;:i!'i purrncJ the ' !.f;jnf]i, \vb>,) the-,- tiio'j^lit f! :l1 bJoic t!a:n ; O'lt tlvelc '' \\A\n.'^ in;',;'! tiv Ian .in-l win.!, t.ickr'j, .ukI icli iijvjri " tiv-ni v.ith hiv li farv-, th. it t'.i- v tivncklv hroK',-, and to- '^ ta'.'v li.-L lUxi livni, 1 I 'iia.t ^;.);\^:^^.i^ (i ti'.'.'p.' thajul.iiul " l';auc;i vv. ,', iKan, ul' \vr. i:m, p.'i;iibLT>, il-.rou_;h, "' I'l'iiprJ, (t t'uar r,wn ac^ onl, int^) v.\: la, anJu't::; " n!,lci..l\'.' d:- -.vni 1. T.'.-o aaaali ui _' rrat ih';- ,\\-U' tak'-i\ Ml on I ; v. ii;c,i (.:;.;, t.i.ic v\ c: c ; am ti'.in.avJ eLaJ bj- i l.a ? ai V :. l.vii' ais i..u- t:i ' ; i 'r..: ir: %){ K.a: iM:-.-a!U l" nt L d L' h\:.:m to ; ...n; i;.a i! li.a'ii ilvt ., .-nion h;^ raxna, ua : t- a ; r,.,,;ii to b -v n.i-.raroa - an-i ;v iwa: tai, ta. ' .vaa-- cx- I i.ii.n 1 \.'. I'll a >', *" 1 "T ttr s ( ; a'o' ! ' . !>., 1 ])., j^ " walKcJ. b\ i.'u-h.Ip o; (',. J an i >-. . , i ua'.l r.oY " cn.'i. ( ti; a;, ana lavia, r-n;', '.v; lu'.'aai I ; I'.'- ta-a naca.u. c.:\,: Inrnan - . - J'a., an.i tha n; : ..,: . .., \v.:n .i atviatv, .,> :, (4 NAVAL CHHONOLOGT. A.D, he had been bred to the Tea. The Englifh are faid to have ^3+0 loft four thouTand men. Edward paffing over to France to the relief of his fub- '340 jeils in Guieiuie, with a fieet of one thoufand fail, was driven back by a ftonn ; he then changed his plan:^, and made a defcent on the coaft of Normandy, where he deftroyed all the French fliips in the harbours of Cher- bourg, Barfleur, and the Hogue; he carried his vi6lorious arms through many parts of France, and after the ever 1347 fnemorable battle of Crcd'y, he befieged and took Calais, which he had blocked up by fea, with feven hundred and thirty fail, having on board 14,956 mariners; of thefe veflels (even hundred Were EngHfli, the reft were Foreign- ers. Twenty-five fail, carrying four hundred and nineteen mariners, v/ere of the royal navy, the rePc vi'ere furuiflied by the different fea ports of the kingdom i^' fo that the navy of England at this time, and for two hundred years after, may be confidcred as a naval militia, each fea-port in cafes of emergency being called upon to furniih a certain number of fhips and men in proportion to its trade and confequence. i349 A fquadron of SpaniOi fhips which had failed up the Garonne, feized on feveral Engliili [hips and inhumanly murdered the feamen. Edward refolved to be revenged for this daring infult, equipped a fleet of fifty fail of fhips, in which he embarked with the Prince of Wales, and feveral nobles, with an intent to intercept the Spaniards. On the 29Lh of Auguff, Fling Edward got fight of the '''^ Spanifh fleet, conhfting of forty four fail of large carracks, ftanding towards the coaft of Sullex. '['he Englifli bore refolutely down upon them, and the fignal was immxdiately given for the attack; the Spaniards defending themfdves with obftinate bravery, and prefering death to bondage, rcje6fed with difdain, the quarter that was offered them. Twenty-four of their great fliips were taken, and brotight into the Englifh harbours, the reft availing thcmfelves of the dark cfeaped.-j- '* Sec Kent's Bio. Naut. v(j1. i. page 243. who rJvcs a lift of the flfCI. t It i^ fup|r!i;.,.l ia tliib battle, cannon v/crt lull vdul n.t fea by tiie En"lilh. x \ V A L c II i: ()\ v;i ()C, V. I -) pcrp.^tiKUc the nvj'ivirv di' this viitorv, 1, 'v.'a;\i c.-illa lii:ii:cU' to hi- r;r:c'.':!'.: i it. ;i 'j-cld cmn, li.ini,:;:;'.'; \vi:h .i liiawn IwiTci in ihc ir.i ;u!c or a !;:;', dcctriMiL; it a:'. !N>iiour to h.ivc Ills ii.ui ,c ti.tni.r.itaii tu p )!;:rity, as the piorcctcir and avcn_icr (t iv.i'-. The Eiulifh fleet c(jin!ii;iiidiJ bv I'n-j \'..iv\ cf Pembroke on it^ \('\.a^c to relieve R; ch^lL-, was cou'.p'.ct^lv dctcatcd hv tiic cowibinvd fleets ct rrance and Sp;iiii, and nuny ili!:'^ \ve;c :.i>;i n vvidi the l.n.ddh .'dnisra!. Ih-: I'icnvinis who ioi;:-d Frai'.ce in thi ^ war, Were beaten by the Miv.:hlli iii .i b'iood\- lea H^ht, lu which iojr thoiirani were ilaui, a.nd Uk',: .'.d;i-.iral taken. Ki( II \]:i) II. At the acrcHh^n of Rl hard :n the throne, the \-\cr.h :i\'.:\\\nz. v: [..\.'.-:f> niueh lU'Li'iecied, tli.u one Mercer ;u;i:il:; (i;it. ie\ era! prl\atee;^ o:i the coalt ot ScotLuid, ai;d uniti!;,j; his force to (onie I'lencli and ^jla^I!ll f!::ps ^rea:l v an::wv.d the K n.:l:!li t:a^;e ; >'r John Phdpct. !,ord M i\>t v\ i.or.di n, -.iKtiv eMi.ici ated at the.e ilarin,: inial:.^, f;t:cd (uii at hr< ov/n e\r_;ice a num- l-cr of ifout fri';:'.:e^, a;;d cnilM.-^ved with a th,ci;;,;nd men a.t ii;:i!^; he 1.::..>J m iMci'l ot AlLr'cer, u;io:n he loon came u.) n \ D. I V 'Virl, Kh, aiiJ Ceteale.l alter a le\e: e cnj. -A.MOi;.'! I'l'dpf^t's conduct v,as liilappicn ed hv th.e Rc^eir.> lor people, ti;a; tn-- I .orils \ uied e'; 'lip; .;!.' a i; et w-iiK/ut te.e ni-rni;::;! n < ! l'o\ enrnent, i!i:i ne V.:- 1 ) iinif h>;;-d ii^r hi'- i;Urepid;;\' hv tiie ;:'- o ih.aid.-^. navigation u .o palled, . *.:\) !:: d'pin,: the.; .' '. a: V ' : til.- crew i! In tJii, whji.ii oo': ..a eii j-.n^:,i:i ;.!>;. d . Ill ;<>; ei.^n \ . ,,.'. , ivjl Of, Hired ti.e ' v.'.'u: .d h .: n 1 i") '^i^ . : i (le I .! V (-! l.ii:' rs ; : .. (i.; '. . tv.-. \: e hiii;,:i-. .! a;i'.i , inv.din. ! i: \y.:\ r.'. r r:oni:-w.-.i . ..1 i I, V...:, or.:-.- t.iiee --jnce J ( : N A 1 .V ] . CI III O X O L C: G Y . A. D. tranfinarine provinces ; this powerful fleet, which might have ^3^5 made a bridge from Cahis to Dover, was foon difperfed and the expedition given up. ^n The Earl of Arundel, admiral of theEnglifli fleet, defeated -" ' the fleets of France, Spain, and the Flemmings ; took one hundred fail with feveral perfons of rank on board. Thc- admiral afterwards relieved the port of Brefl:, and took one hundred and lixty fail more of the enemies (hips. HENKY IV. ^4^ The PortugL'efe firfi: began to fail on difcovcries along the weft coaft of Africa fouthvvard. ^413 Ships were firft fent to trmlc at the kingdom of Morocco. HENRY V. j:4t4 King Henry took Harfleur after a mofl: obltlnate refift- ance. '4' 5 1 he French to retrieve this lofs equipped a powerful fleet Wiiich they hired from the (jcnoefe and Cafliilians, and having embarked a large army, failed to the attack of Portfmouth, Southampton and the Ifle of Wight, where they were re[)u!fed with confiderable lofs, and obliged to return; they were joined on their own coaft, by a formidable fquadron under the comniand of the vice admiral Narbonne, and inftantlv appeared before Harfleur, which was befiegcd on the land fide by the conil:able D'Armagnac. 'I'he place was gallantly defended by the 13uke of .Dorfet, "who being reduced to the greateft extremity, was on the eve of capitulating, when a fleet of four hundred fail was fcen ftecring for the coall, on board of v/hich was the Duke of Bedford, and twenty thoufand troops. The Duke perceivins no fuccours could be thrown into the 2;arrifon without forcing the French fleet, he infl:antly made the llgnal for battle, and being to windward, bore down with fuch determined bravery and conduil, that after a long and bloody engagement, he totally defeated them; taking or iuikin'j; five hundred fail, among tlie number of which were three canacks, whieh from then' fize, v/ere fuppofed in thcfe early c'.ivs t<> h:tve been almoft impregnable. 1417 'i'he .Farl ot iliintington cruizijig v/ith a formidable fquaiiroii, U.M in v/ith the ur.iled fleclh oi France and Ijcnua, which though much funerior to hii, ovvn, both in number A I. I>( NT' LOG Y. J 7 :.Mii.bcr anJ fi/c, he cn/a.-cd anJ^-d, capturing four '^ '^ Liric Cjca;)crc Ihips ',".) law.-;i, th^C the money ioiiud '"^'7 on bcurJ was fuificiciic to dctray tne cxpences ot the fleet for three months; amc>n.r the nuny prilwiiers of rank taken was the Admiral dc Heiirv, iiaving by th:s fecurcd the commanJ of the Tea, made the iiecelTary preparations for irilTiiijZ; over to France, by'^ together an army of twentv-rive thoufanJ five hundred tru. ip<, who embarked on board a fleet at Dover eonliltin^ of fifteen hundred fail ; two of the fliips were adorned with purple fads embr(;idcred witn the arms of England and Fraiue, ouv f{v!cd the King's chamber, the other his hall. A pro(;f that !;e atlVcted to keep his court at fca, and cuniidcied his Hiips royal, as his palace. HIARY \'I. The contention betweui the houfes of "^'t)rk and Lan- 1421 caRcr bej;.!) m this ieij,n. Guv earl of Warwick, who Lord II. dh Adnnrai, efpc^ufed the calife of the Duke of '^ ork, bein^ appointed L;.)vernor of CaUis j he eluded the plot, which was hud tor his airallinatioii by the (^le..;, and cmploved the fieet which he had with him, a^amft Kinsz; Henrv. Warwick lucceeued in leveral naval cn^uiie- ments, but none v/orth recurdint:. ^riie A/.ore-^, or Weiiern lilands, were difcovered by HI) a Flemiih tr.uier, who was driven off" the coaft of Portugal in a t;a!e of wind. l he Cape de V'crd if^ands were difcovered by the Sp.iiii.uds. In this vcar, is the ftift account wc have of an Engliih 14 ^S fli.p trading to the Levant. i:i)\\ Alii) iw The Portuenefe had liided lo fir f.uth, on the weft 1460 coaff ot Africa, as to dilcover tlie of Sierra Leun. Kiii^ Kdward had fix fliips (-f war of h.s own, but wc 14SJ are ij^iiorant as to tiieir li/e, force, v.nd number of n\cn. IIl'.XKY \I1. Fjartholomew Columbus firll brou2,'.U into Fn^land j^Su maps and lea eharts, and [irelliited tiie vv.tli a map of th.e wi.i i.i. Chiiitophcr Cjlumbus ('.iiVo'.eied the Anicrican iHands. u )i >^-i.. I C h 13 XAVAf. CHRONOLOGY. A. D. It i5 generally believed that Cat ifland one of the Bahama's^ was the firi\ feen and landed upon. ^"^97 John Cabot*, a Venetian, who refided at Briftol, en- couraged by the fuccefs of Columbus, made propofals to the Kina, to undertake a voyage on difcoveries, which was granted by letters patent, provided that the (hips fitted out Ihould be obliged to return to the port of Briftol. Cabot failed in the fpring; his object feems to have been, that of difcovering a north wefl paflage to the Eaft Indies. On the 24th of June he difcovered land, and gave it the name of Prima Vifta, or firft feen; it has been fmce called Newfoundland. Having failed down to Cape Florida, he returned to England, bringing with him three of the natives of Labrador. Cabot from this may juftly claim the merit of being the firft difcoverer of the continent of America. Emanuel King of Portugal, fent out Vafco di Gama with four fliips, to attempt a paflage to India by the Cape of Good Hope, which after many difficulties he accomplifhed, and failing along the eaftern coaft of Africa, which had been till then unknown to Europeans, he arrived after a tedious voyage of thirteen months in the Bay of Bengal. J499 Americus Vefpufius, a P'lorentine, failed from port Saint Mary's in the province of Andalufia, and made fome little difcoveries on the coaft of Paria in fouth America. Spain deeming this the firft difcovery of that continent gave the whole of it the name of America. At the clofe of this century, John II. King of Portugal, declared Lift)on a free port, and adopted a new method of applying aftronomy to navigation; he alfo gave its prefcnt name to the Cape of Good Hope, which heretofore had been called the Cape of Storms, forefeeing that it would open a paflage to India. 1500 The coaft of Brazil was firft difcovered by Cabral a Portuguefe, who being fent out to the Eaft Indies, by Emanuel King of Portugal, was driven by a ftorm upon this part of the coaft of America. jjQi CJn the return of the Portuguefe from India, they dif- covered the iflt^nds of Afcenfion and Saint Helena. ' Sonic hiftori:-'!' fiv tlrst Ilcnrv \']I. t;iar.rc.! pcniiiliinn to Cabrt i:.d liibluiio, tu make dU'-uvciKs, ^:r. tlit 3:110! ^Iu:", i4'-.6. Vafco \.\vAi. CHUOxoLor, V. ly Vafco (Ji (lama was the full who attempted to crofs -V. I). over dire^'tly from the coait of Mi.//,.iFnbiq ic to InJia. ^ j^* Thv rir!t inrt.Micc o( French Civp^ f-uhii^^ for, and arriv- , ,q ifiiZ; <^i> the coaft of Nort!i America. Negroes were firit c.i:;.cd fro;Ti the co.ifl oi" ( juiiici, by ipg the Poiiiigucfe, to the Spanilh iflaiid ot 1 !:(,>. iivc' \. Aubart, a {"reiichmaii, was the firii wiio failed up the xiver S.iint Lawrence to Canada. James Ci>!n nbu^, loii of the ;':' C^h: illojiher, j -^o now Ictiicd and planted tic illand o. J..:iiai> a. Ships wc;e built in t'lis ici-n iv)r tiv; r .val nav;; the (rie'.t Harry was thr full, and e-ji't upwatiU ct Mij:teen thoulaiui pounds. She was bv ij-u- a^ cideiil buint at W'uolv.-ich, on t!v: 29th ot Au^uli, 155J. iii:\i:Y VIII. The ruval dock yard ?.i \\'(H)lw;ch was founded this i^io vear ; the Rci^cnt was the nrft {h:p of war built in it. The liland ut Cuba was tiiit pernianei.tly [)lantcd bv the i -i ; Spaniard-;. Sir I'.dward How.ird, the Lord II:;:h Ad!'nir;d, com- i ; ' ' mandeda fleet ot tortv-l'.ve i'nipsof war, ai^i m.uie a deicent on the coa*! ot Hrctii :ne. The F;xnch fleet, vvhoie force is varicaiHy it;. ted, fadf.u tiuni i).elt to oppelj film, o.:vivv the Command uf Admiid i^imau:;et, an 0:1 cer if 'lidm^'iifhed biaver\. Th.e two fleets met, and a uio.t k\ ere C' iiulict cnlued. Sir Lhi^mas Thenneve:, who co;r.;u inded the Kci^^nt (at the laryeli: Ih;;) m ti.e ij\al na\y) biaideJ [lie l leiich admiial in ttvj Coj edu r, waieh conli(ie:abl V l.i'C'e, c.nivin.'^ r.vel.e nnndred h^lr in j men exilulr.e ol m.tiiner-., tlie two (hic)' Nk^k nrt , .111. i w.ic blown u;i, c\'er\ iiui p.-.^llied "^ ; le.e S^ k : fii 'oiijojiiiled bv Sir Ciuiie-- ii:andon, a\erwaui- i) o.c o; ,-. .;ne,l.t, was alio burnt. The H-e.i ie,.u.ited, each ci.i:miiK: tne vic- tory. The k.ini|:, bv .1 djiree pre\ious to !v di;; iruire of this fleet, iii;mt!.;d to bir I' iv.-..:d 1 1. >,- e. ^:, t/. 1., . own main- t-iianee, ('...t, wa._'e'>, .i:id leu.i:'! , lui !..:ii':i.'^ a Ci..', ; to tav.h ol ti'.e c.ipu.i. ^ ['..1 tiitir, w..,', , ,^[ul ie;va:d>, 1; ' ^ J I ! . .( I' :;i-.- ' c " ..; ,:; \\^ 1 .;, - -c :... . ^ .:. :_.: :., . ...., ; , i;.;., . t;i.. ^ ,:. 1. 20 X'AVAL CHROXOLOGY. A. P. eighteen-pence a day ; to every foldier, mariner, and gunner, *S^^ five fliillings a month for his wages, and five {hillings for his victuals, allowing twenty-eight days in the month*. i^t2 On the 25th of April Sir Edward Howard, with a fleet of forty-two men of war, attempted to force the harbour of Breft, but found the French iieet fo llrongly ported as to render an attack inipradlicable ; he therefore refolved to burn the adjacent country. The admiral at this time heard that M. Prio-net had arrived on the coaft with fix gallies and taken fhelter in the bay of Conquet. Sir Edward Howard finding it impoffible to approach the French ^allies in the large fhips, prepared two of his beft gallies for that purpofe, putting on board fome of the braveft of his failors; he commanded one himfelf, and entrufted the other to Lord Ferrers, and ftanding boldly in, grappled and boarded with feventeen of his crew, the French Admiral : unfortunately the gallies feparated, by which means Sir Edward was forced overboard with feveral of his brave followers, and periihedf. In this year magazines and fcorehoufes were built at Deptford for the royal navy, and Gravelend and Tilbury were fortified. For the encouragement of navigation and commerce, the king firft eftablifhed and chartered the fraternity of the Trinity houfe ; whofe office it is to examine, licence and regulate the pilots, for the King's and Merchant fervice ; alfo the diredlion and regulation of buoys, beacons, light- houfcs, he. The examination of the forty boys, in the mathematical fchool at Chrift's Hofpital, is entrufted to them. The Navy Office wasfirfl inftituted, and commiffioners of the navy appointed and eftablifhed. 1514 The pay of a mafter fhipwright was five pence a day with his diet, a common fliipwright four pence. '517 China firfl reforted to by the Portugucfe. '5 '9 Hernando Cortez difcovered Mexico, and made prepa- rations for its conqueft. ^520 Ferdinand de Magellan, a Portuguefe, failed with five fhips from Spain, to difcover a pafiage to India round the Southern promontory, which he eftccled on the 21ft of * See Haivcv's. N.iv. Hif. vol. i. page ^46. Aiuicifun's Origin of \'ol. 1. pa^L- ;o. + Sec tiic I, iff of Sir EJwai J Ilov.aid v.nd Cam,i. Admiral,, vcj!. i. (laober, N A. V \ I. CM R O NOLO G V . '^\ October, anJ ca-.c thdfc (traits the name of .Magellan, alfo \- 1^- two remarkable clouds which arc (een in the loutheni '5--^ hcimiphcre. On his cnterinj; the k\i to the wclhvard he gave it the name of the Pacihc Ocem . a:ui at -r llceiiiiir about fifteen hundred leiij^ucs to the r..>rth -vt ':, he dif- covered the Ladrjon ilLnds, and {'>n.\t- ii nc ;.:;-.,-, the Phihpines. This great and enterprilni^ nan ,..'.> unli)i - tuna'.cly killed by a ptnioiicd ^iTmw, . '. .n '; of Matan. The voya:j;e was priMeeutc.! mv U lor.-di. '';i:Iv)f.i, wno difcovcrcd the illiiid of iKirne., ,;iid ti.c Aiola.v^s. 'J his was the firfc auenipt we uad of, to ruuna 'j'.e wor'd. 'I'he firft exact map of l^n^IanJ, w.-.. i;uli!;!lied hy George Lilly, the hrft Kn^ldh geog'-apher. Alufkets were hilt nitroduced unJ uled iii l.uid .nid fea i;;i cnoagement>. jaccjues C'articr f.::!ed fi'im ["raiicc, to diko\-;;r a 15; + Hort!i-wcft p.wLiL'e to the Kaft Indies, he uaclied no taither tliaii the h.iy of Saint Lawrence, and rclunud l;,)nie unliK ccfvful the (a:ne Lord ^lerbert lavs, great ordnaiice of brafs, fuch as '^3i cannon, and culverins, were hilt calt in Lngland, wine.'i had before been imported trom foreign jia;ts. iMr. Robert "Ihorne, a meiehant at Urilcnl, propoi'-J, ;ind 'jj'-" und"rtu(ik, bv tlie Kii;.!,\ pernn.'Iion, to atteni[)t a p:li../e to the north welt, but returned home the l.'.me '.eai i.'u.^jc-' cclsful; he howe\'cr t.nichvd at Oajie Ijreton and Ne;\- Joundlaiid, which was the hrft incitement to [)!o!iiote that very benencial iiOiery, which the luii/lilh now enjoy on us *'ai;ks, and which lerves as her great niirkr\- f.r feanun. 'I'he I'ortu-uefe difcovered tl;e illand of ja-paii. ' >4^ 'I he Spaniards trcjm AIexic<.), dileoetaed me c^aft 'f C'aliiornia, on the well coalt ot /\merica, as tar a-> tiie "'^ -ititude ut 4.4 dcL', lees rat th. i)t)ver pier was built. r;.;^. ivuiL!; Ilenry, in order tt) haften bv his prefence the iiav.d i c^^ operations whith were carrying on at i'lirtliiiouth, for tf.e '.var aL'ainft I ranee, took up his re!:dence there. In tne month of Julv, the French fleet, eonfiftuiL:; of .i'io\ e two ;..;ndied lail, appeared (.-if St. Ht!en\. llenrv -it itie .ip- ])roach of the French, oidered all the lliips that weie nadiv .not more than one hundred) inltantlv to [)roceed t,) meet mention of iron ball for cannon is made ; uum: but thofe ot ftone had before been in ufc. Thomas \Vyndham was the firft Fnglifhman who un- j-^^ dcrtook a voyage to the coaft of Ciuinea; it [)ro\i!i_ \i.ry rucctf^ful, he was induced to undertake a Ircond ; .n 1 failed with three fhip'. froni P(.rihTiouth, but liiiiuelf and moft ot his crew fell a facnhcc to i!ic chraatc. ?vI\RY. Thic vt.r'.r three fliips were fitted out tn prof.cute a vo\'- j 55 j a^c to Ciiina, and difcovt-r a north- eall pailajc, under tr.e command of Sir llutih \\'illoU'_;hhv, wh>. nr.K-ccv'icd to the latitude of ~2 north , but bc'ii::: ohli'^'d to winrcr m Lap- M ' * land, he and all his crew nnferably pei lilud i one of .c fliips uiid^r Captain Ciian. Cil-c was ir:':e fwr:ti:;ate, Ih.-j having pah'ed the N.:li, and was ti'.e firft Furopcan Ihip that had e\ cr bee:-, in tl-.t-le pa-rs. '1 his vovjge was the means of intriichicin j; ti^.e aii Ac mIIi- CT)', and of the hi!t di'.eoverv of Cire'iilanvl. h is men- tioned, that on this expedition tae lari;eil lb p, "i one hun- dred and l;xtv toris, was (hc.ithed with lead, wliich';, tiiat i;i tfi'.'.e early a_es, ti'.e idea mull ha\e occurred of in- venting (oni.- pielcrvaii\ e a.Miiill thewormv. A Spaniili fleet ot o:;e hu:-.,!red and r:\t\- fail, ha'/ing rhi'ip then king on bciard. on his wav to lMi_:"anJ, to i'- jioufe (,2_^ieen .Mar',-, fell ni w:th mat of 1 i;:! ui.;, under the conunand of Iord W'lliiam llow.ird, loid hi-h admi-a!, :ii tr.e narow lea , confiftiiig oi t\vent\ -- .;ht fail. Phii'p ha ! the tla; ol Spam fl\ing .it t!ie ma;n-to[)-m.ift h,eau, ..'aA would ha'vC palic>l the I'ingl.lh llet U withoir pavin; t!u- culfon'.ary honours, had n.)t th'-^ -a!!aiu oiHeer iir.d a .iiot .'t ilie Sn;mi(] adnural, and toivid tne wf.ole fe'-r to Itiike ti;ca (\)h)Uts, and lower their t ';ilii;'is, as an h;.ma.-.- i^< ! le ] :' ''.fh lla', b(!orc hv '.'.ou! i j-.imit tus fqu.idijn to la- C: - iuu: 24 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. lute the Spanlfh Prince; an action highly iperitorious and ^55+ worthy imitation. 155^ A charter was firft granted to the merchant adventurers trading to Ruffia. 1556 Captain Stephen Borrough made a fruitltfs attempt to dii'covcr a north-eaft pafTage. j,.y Calais was furrendered to the French, after being poflef- fed by the Englifli two hundred years. ELIZABETH. o This great queen began her reign by ftudiouHy attending * to her navy; {he iflued orders for the prefervation of tim- ber fit for fhip-building, direled many pieces of brafs can- non to be calf, and encoura(>;cd the manufacture of gun- powder at home. For the fecurity of her lleet, which ge- nerally lay in the river Medway, (he built a Ifrong fortrefs called Upnore Caftle, and raifed the wages of the naval officers and feamen, by which fhe juftly acquired the title of the Reftorer of Naval Power, and Sovereign of the Northern Seas. 1C62 Mr. John Hawkins failed to the coaft of Guinea for the purchafe of flaves, which was the introdu6lion of the hor- rid cuftom of trafficking for human ikTn, by Englifhmen. J -5, An at was palled for the better maintenance and encreafc of the navy. j^66 A law was made to enable the maflcr, wardens, and the affiflants of the Trinity Houfe, to lit up beacons and fea- marks. 1567 Sir Alartin FrobiHier attempted to difcovcr a north-weft pafl'age to China, but returned uiifuccefsful. r;7i An at was pafled for the increafcof mariners. 1577 On the 13th of December Sir Francis Drake failed from Falmouth, to profecute his voyage round the world, which he accomplifhcd in two years and nine months, and was the firft Engliiliman wlio undertook (o hazardous a voy:io;e. At the age of twenty-two Sir Francis Drake* failed with Sir John Hawkins, v.ho appointed him Captain of the Ju- dith, in the harbour of St. John dc Ulloa, in the (lulph of Mexico, where he uiiCiiiguifhcd himlelf moll: gallantly m ' in d)c <:w 1 ;"-> NAVAL CHRnNOLOGY. '23 an nclion againft the Spaniard*. ( )n tils return to Enr,- A.I), iaiiti, he cHiragcd in kvcral cntfrpn/.cs'*. 1577 Accounts differ very much rclpcv-tin^ the naval force of ^^^ Filmland at this p r-.od : Ionic auth.ii-> .illert that the navy ""' confilled of IJfty :i'ne fail of the line, Ironi one hundred to fv)rty p;iins; flftv-ei;',ht frigates, trom thirty-ciL'ht to twenty, and twenty-nine lloojis, from eighteen to 1:\ giuis, in all, one hand eil and forty-lix iail. CanibcH, in his Lives of the Admirals, gives no credit to tliis account, as it would have very much exceeded the force of the Spanidi armada; he diererore fuppofes it muit be aa ei ror of at lealt one hundred \'eais. The moft accurate ac- count we feem to have of the na\ v at this time, makes it confilt of only twcntv-four ni:ps : the lar^eit was the Tri- umph of one thouCaiid t(-n=, and the fmalleic the George of fixtv. The wb.ole number of ih [is in llnglar.d at this time was ercimat:'d, at one hundred and th.rty-hve, frtjin one hun- dred tons and upwards, and lix hundred and htty, trom one hundred to forty tonsf . The RufTia comp.iny again Httcd out two fhips to difco- .- ver a north- caft pallage to the E.tH" Iiulies. which proved ' unfuccefsful and untuicuiiate ; one was loll, and all on board pcriiTied. The (^lecn dined on board the Hiip in which Sir I-'rancis i -Si Drake had fai'ed round the world, an*! gave directions that it (hould be prefervcd as a laftmg monument of his own and ot his countr\'s glory. In pioccl^ of time the (hip de- caying, it was broken up, and a (b.^ur made ot the planks was prcfented to the univerfiiy of Oxf Ttl. An attempt was made by tour hnghlh fliips to make a ^,gj \'0\'age toCtiina, but meeting wilh many dilalter, returned JK)me, having reached no farch.r tiian tlic coair of Ur.i/.il. A charter was uranied by tb.e ir.iecn tf) a (ociety of mer- ,0 chants to make dilcoveries in Anrrica. ^ ^ Captain John Davis f.drd into, rind di'.covercd thole ,-g- ftraits in North America, wii ch n v.v bear his name. F.etters patent were firlt granted to a trading to tlic coalt ot Barbar)-. Si;<- thcLifc of Mr I'r.^n.'^ Di.i'-.e, C iin. Lives it' .-\tlmii.^;j, vol. j. i Sf- Cam Li. .;< 11* ."uir: .i;:.\--l ' p ii'"-' ^;:-- Li. fvi'cnt'hat I'T. ', . t:;;; :. eti I)! ... 1 , ': v. j;-i- ! i!:- :: i, v lovat, t'ac le;:. .u ;.a,l brm i.('.n', :-::ch:::'. tir.v. -V.r nK;\h;:u,. Mr. *li) NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. Mr. Thomas Cavendifh fitted out three fhips at his own '5^6 expence, to fail on a voyage round the globe, which he ef- fected in two years and two months, palling through the Straits of Magellan. This was the fecond circumnaviga- tion of the world by the Engli/h. K87 ^^^ queen fent a fleet confifting of forty fhips under the command of Sir Francis Drake, to the coaft of Spain, to counterafi: the naval prep irations of Philip II. ; on the admiral's arrival ofF Cadiz, he forced fix gallies, which were guarding the coafc, to take faeker under their forts, and burnt one hundred large fliip:, laden with ammunition. After performina; this fcr^ice, iir Francis Drake failed for the Azores, where he took a valuable Portuguefe Eaft- India fhip. The jour;i;il, charts. &c. ($:c. found on board this (hip, fuggefted the hrlt idea to the queen of eftablifliing an Eaft-India co:npany. Rear admiral Sir John Hawkins lying with a fleet of her Majefty's fnips in Catwater, fired a ihot at a Snanifli admiral, who came into Plym' uth with the fleet that was going to efcort Ann of Auftria, for not ft;, zing his fiag^ and paying theufual honors to her Majclry's c;i /urs, which after much altercation he compellf d hi a to do.* It is Sir John Hawkins to wliom the roval navy is fo much indebted for infiituting the n.-ble fund, the cheft at Chatham, he alfo taid the foundation of that noble and humane receptacle for difabled feanicn, the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich.! 1^88 In the mcnih of July of this vta% was that ever memo- rable vicliory gained ove: lPc Sp'iihfli Armada, which I'ailea frr.ra tne Tagus ) ; the 29th of May, but from encounter! n<'- bad weather and othi.r d'fifters, did not enter the channel um .| rHe 19th of July, under the command of the Duke Mcdj^i Sidonia. The force of the Englifh fquadron under the command of Lord Charles Howard, is varioufly related, neither is there any account given of the exacl nuuiber of gun?. Triat the reader may form fome idea of their refpective forces, an abftradt of each fquadron is here inferted, viz. Sec Cam. I,ivcs Aclm. vol. i, p. 416. Life nf Sit John Hawkins. [ Sir FianciS Drake coutnbuttd much to thtlc excellent liiftitu- fcons. Sqiio- NAVAl, CHUONOLOGY, 27 2359 .'!'! >//.'. 6':.;i. T.-... Gun-. Mjr:':.-n.Sc:.!.'rri A.D. The fquadron of PortuguclV' ; j 1 | ^5^ galleons, vindtM the parti- ' i cular coniiuand of the i;e- ,1 ' ! ner^iliJimo - - j 12 7739' ^^Sc) 1242! 3086 The t'eet of Ij.fcav, com- j j maimed bv Don Juaiij j M.Tinii-.- dL- Recaldes, cap-| ! t.iin-t^ciicra! - - - 1 14 5861 302' 906 2117 The tleet of Caftile, com- | j manded by Dun Diego de ; i Valdez - - - - ; 16 8054. 477 1793! 2624 The Andalufiaii fquadron,! j j | commanded bv Don Pedro | | j dc Vuld-z. ct-ncrai - i 11 H692 315 776 The- (cjuadion of ( /uipulcoa, j 1 j j ccmm.i.idcd bv 13on Mii:-' j ; | 6j I )querd,) - - ! 14 7192 296 608' 2120 The e.ilkTu tleet ot fhips ca!- 1 | led Jva\, command- 1 j ed bv l^on Martin Vcr-, toiidonna - - - - ! i- 8632 319' 844' 2793 The lieet of Ihips called no I i cals or billies, commanded' 1 bv Don fuan Lopez, de ! .Medina _ - - - 2 .; icS6 Pat.iche'^ and zebeas'', com- niaiicd by Don Antonio dc Mc-ivlo/a . - - 24 2,^90' 2C4 'I'hc ti;a!l( .'.ties of Naples, (on. manded bv Don liui;;) de M' inendo - - - .| _ Fhr :;,iliK '^or I'oitii.'.i!, roni- 446 It-jr^ I 746 I 1 03 I 2^^: 47"' 744 maiiiicu bv Don l^iego dc Mt'diena _ _ _ _ i 20- 424, 44.' Total I 5-.; 5 II.' - .;i4SS7bt,> .'. 155'j l^v a Snanifli mp.mifrript tiu:ii toice conlillcd of oiu" hnn- duvi .tud tnttv-tive ihip- .iiid veiiris ; tlie irinibcr (.)f :'.illcy f.i'. j^, cxcluliv c ot tnc aiKjve, a.iiiiinted to i. -b\S. 1 :v.; ]r>[u a:c r.i-...i;.; ; '' , lu that it maybe filled the greatpft privateering expedition thai was ever unJcrtaken. To tins force S:r Francis Drake and Sir JohiU Norris were ap()oii!trit cominanders. Tiicv iirit failed to Cori:iina, wh.'.cli was taken, and t!ie aijaccrA country burnt. The next attempt wasagaiiid L!l!)i[i; but fearing to venture the large Ihips up the river Tagus, Sir I'raii-'is Drake took and deflroNed the c:iflie of Cafcais, and fei/.ed upon fixtv large fliips belongiiii; to the lianlc towns, ludcM with corn and aminunitioii ; thefe wiil\ one hundred and tiftv pieces of cannon, anil the deflruti:on of \'i^ ), were the chief Iruits of this expedition. The (jueen allotted the (um of 8970 1. a year for the repairs ot the Roval Navy. .About this time the telefcopc or fpying-glafs was firfl d fc)\eiei!, and invented by Jaiiikn, a fpcctacle-maker, of Mi Kileb.'urg in Zrahmd. The flory related is, that lii^i ctuMren p'as ing wiih fome fpeHac'ie-uialks, ha[)pened to fix two of them at the extremities ot a tube, and looking lhr> t'lc full tcU'lc(![>e ; but it is to tf.e mci)mparal)ie Sir ll.i.!.- NeutuM that we arc i'ulehtcd tor tl;c iiueiition ot tlr.- rt;i ^timj, te'u icMju-i . ISv it alio did h)on atUT the tamo;.'^ ( uiilcD ill d d.ilcover tl;e (atelhtcs oi Jnpiier, the m,!kv w.iv to [)e i.umpoiid ot innuimral^h- fmall itai^, that ifie (iMon wa- i.t the lanu; nature, ,uid liinilar to the i^lo'jc wl'.u h if turii> r'Miiui : lie he^^an from thence t(> It'.idv tile pi.iU'.ts an I liars, and eii>lea\'Uired tw the'e !k.;- venlv boui' > to hu 1 lale and lure i^uiJes to the pi.rftiits ol AD. 1539 159: vx Cum. J ':: . u- A I.h -, .1. K.c!-:i V. n, N..;.r ; .' 1 1 1. , I . , . I ' : . j'... 141; 1 he t .\ o i.."l I . r. t ; , - in t u ii ,11 , ..'. "T!. ". .Ai'.'iu; 1 -u. C.). _ ii >. ; Cciiii'.c: ,.v, c,'. : I-:, I::,.: r... n'.i, !!;cr>. 30 NAVAL CHEONOLOGY. A.D. mariners, and not without hopes of difcovering the Ion' -''59 gitude. Unfortunately this great aftronomer luit his (ight. Toricelli, a pupil of Galileo, invented at this time the barometer. Ten Englifh merchant fhips, on their return from the Levant, fell in with, and fought molt bravely for lix hours, twelve large Spauilh galhes, commanded by the famous Don Andrea de Doria, Viceroy in the (traits of Gibraltar, which they Compelled to take fhelter in an adjohiing har- bour much difabied*. i^gi The firft voyage to the Eaft-Indies was undertaken by Captain Lancafter, who failed with three (Tiips fitted out for that purpofe. Before they reached the Cape of Good Hope, the crew becairie fo very fickly that it was found neceflary to fend one to England with the invalids ; another was loft with all its crew in a gale of wind; and Captain Lancader's own thip, on her return home, having flopped at an uninhabited illandt, the crew mutinied and ran away with the Ihip, while the Captain and the reft were on fhorc feeking for refreflunents : here they remained three years, when a thip fortunately arrived, and relieved him and his miferable companions from their wretched fituation, feveral having a6tually perifhed for want. Lord Thomas Howaid failed to the Azores to intercept the Spanilh Plate fleet, with a fquadron of feven of the queen's fhips, and as many fitted out by private adven- turers. While off the ille of Elorco, he was furpr'ifed and fuddenly attacked by a Spanifh fieer, confifting ot fifty- three fail, luidcr the command of Don Antonio Ballano. The a<51ion was long and bloody. T he Revenge, com- manded by Vice-Admiral Sir Richard Grenville, was taken, after a nioft furious and gallant rcfiitance, in which the Ailmiral was killed, and the ftiip foon after, being in the potrefTion of the Spaniaids, funk with two hundrtd of them on board. One Spanifh man of war and a fly boat were alio funk. Sir George Carey cruizing off Cape Corientcs, in the Weft- Indies, with three (hips of the quei n's, fell in with, and was nioft warmlv attacked by eight (ail (-f Spa!ii(h Veiftls, four of them (hips of war, cixi'idcr^biy fuperior both in (i/e and lorce ; ti:e other t\\o were traniports. "^ Sec Kent's I'jio. N;iut. y). i. par"- ?0'.j, t i'robably i>t, Hcltua ur Al'-i;i!h';". NAVAL cnnoNOLocv. SI Sir C]f(irgc (Ictcnd'jt! himft-lr' w:;h the iitmofJ bravery, nc^t- A.D. \vnhitaiidtii<< ho v\a.s Ihanufiilly ci;.l'.ric(i iiv the other two '59' t (iibi altar I'V !;'. ( S.aialh j'^allie-', having ou \hk\u\ or.c ihoiilaiul men ; tht v ;i:itaii:ly grap- pled tlie Ceiuiirioii, two on lach iide, aivi mie altein , but the brave Hradlhavv, with oiilv K.rtv-tighit ir.eii atid two bov>, made (u j^allant and n. ,1c a di fence, that af'ter a mod bloody totitiict ot hvc ho'.ir, he ob'ieed the Spa- id.irds to Iheer C)tl, ui h the hds nl a mt.t nii;nber ol nien, rTiativ f'.a\ii;i^ I criihc I by pliuit^.iir; itiio the Tea. 'Ihc C.'ciit'.iiioii only tour killed, and tei: Woimded. She tell 111 tt'.e iu\' A.w with (i\ more Sj;ari;lh Ihips; hut not- w.ttulatidin,; hxr dilablcd date tiioy decliiiud bniii^ing lier to aciion. A Im.ill hjuadron wa<; fent, under the cornrnand ot" Sir , .,... Miitm hrobilfu'i, to lediice Hrell. Sir Jolin Norris com- mandifd tlie tro<;p-, and laul (le^e to it by Ian 1, while titc Admiral entered ttv dailioiir wiili four nun or war, block- ed It up, and land'-d the leanieti, \\ h,o. in conjntu'liori wit! tlie troops, Ih'riiicd tlie toil, which, il oi;^h nold\ deteiid- eil, \-,;v taki n ^^ iih eoididerabU- ll iiiL;li'cr. Sir Martin I r j'j ih ! was (ever^ly wciiudcd in tlie ihigh, and died loon a'tcr. Sir J ):in Hiukins' and St I-raiu i^ Drake faileii to the ,-o- W cll-I.d cs with .1 confidciu'de tit;!; the former dvmi; foon utu- h-j Ictt i-'.i;i.'Ja'u!, the com nand (fcvolved en Sir I'l.iiRi'' |), \Nt;o t )iL;ed the tiailv.ur of" Porto l< ,co , but i'!c Sp lard- iiiai' to ^aliant a rehdance, that iic was obliged lo ! iiujiiili) til!- i-!itcrpri/.e , !il ilieii atieniptCv! to Cl(!^ the ll': mn-- ot 1 ) to PanaiiM, r. itv- Soiit'i Seas, \\|ierc he proved ((jualiy iinlnv . Miil. '1 !;cli' le\ere clu' k- in ill agr-.ed vah the luiii,!i;\ (pj;t ot Drake, that tic i\,' A on ii;s return h >n!e. ^ K.nt ;; .. :. ; V i^ I ^ I \*-,:.. .til >:-!-: :' . n 32 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Don Diego Brochero with four Spanifh gallies landed '595 in Cornwall, and deftroyed the towns of Moufehole, New- lin, and Penzance. 1596 To revenge this Infult an expedition was planned to deftroy the Spanifh fleet in the harbour of Cadiz; accord- ingly a fleet was fitted out, confift ing of one hundred and twenty-fix fhips, feventeen of which were the queen's, with feven thoufand troops embarked on board. Thefe were joined by a Dutch fquadron of twenty-four fail, under the command of Adtniral Van Duvenwoord, the whole to be commanded by the Lord High Admiral Efiingham and Earl of Effex. On the id of June this armament failed from Plymouth, and arrived before Cadiz on the 20th. The city, after a mofl obftinate and gallant defence, was taken, and the fortifications entirely deftroyed. Tlie treafures found in it were immenfe. The Spaniards gave five hundred and twenty thoufand ducats to fave the city from plunder. Eleven of the King of Spain's beft (hips and forty-four large merchant Ihips were burnt in the harbour. Two galleons and one hundred brafs cannon were brought to England. 1597 On the 9th of July a powerful fleet of one hundred and twenty fail, and ten Dutch men of war, failed from Ply- mouth, under the command of the Earl of Effex, Vice- Admiral Lord Thomas Howard, and Sir Walter Raleigh. This expedition was intended for the deftru<5lion ot the Spanifh fleet colledled at Ferrol and the Groynne; but unfortunately meeting with tempefluous weather, they were difperfed and much di fabled. The Earl of Effex gave up the idea of going to Ferrol, and fleered for the Azores, to intercept the Spanifli fleet expefted from Mexico ; had the Earl of Effex been better acquainted with the profef- iion of the fea, he would moft probably have fucceeded and captured the whole Spanifh fleet; but from an ill- judged mauGeuvre, when he had got fight of them, they were fuffered to make fail, and all excepting three efcaped into the harbour of Angra, which was well defended by ftrong forts. The three fhips taken were Co richly laden as to defray the cxpences of the expedition. The Spaniards availed themfelves of ilie abfence of the Englifli fleet to enter the channel with a powerful fqua- dron, in hopes of making a defcent on the coaR ; but thty wers N' A \ A L C H l\ O K O I. O G V . v.rr< ovcrtakcti bv Co \!<'!cnt a llonn that ihc'r f]t-ct wa': A. U- ii.l",icr!nl, manv wcic ilruLU alluuc en llic Kiig'ilh cuait, i vy7 Uiui (itiicrs taken. Aiicr two iiiidioccrst'.il attempts nr.v.\c by t!ir Dutch to j . .o fail to the Lalt-lnclies in the years 1 594 ant! 1595, by Jawing ronnd the cvjails ot Nutwav and Lupland, and to ttic Niirth-c:ill enalt ul N'lva Zembla, they this year fent out ih\p<, which lading ihrou<;ti tin- llraits 01 .\Ia^ellan and leuimin^ bv the Cape ut (j'UkI Hope were more iuc- ct l^liil. I'hib was the hrit voyage round the world bv the Dutch. 'I'hc I'.arl ol Cumberland was tlie tirll fubject in Eng- land u l;o built a ihip -: p: t!;e Lilbon fleet on its patl'age to the hail Indies; bit tar.i!>_; in this ohj-Cl, he pioeeedeii to the Canaiies, and ti<;in thence to Porto Rico, where he niaile hurilelf m.iller ot" the citv and harbour, with the intention cd inakmt^ it his chief rendezvous whillt lie Ihould cnntiniie to crui/.e in the Spanilh main, and among the Well-India illand-. A jxdldential 'difeale Ipreadmg rapidly among his people, retliiced iliem (o contiderably, that he was at length obliged to abandon his ctinqiuits and return to Kng'and, after havini; acquired little ell-.' but glory. A great fleet Wd^ equipiied, .md coMeftcd m the D()wns, ijQi^ more uith a \ iew to intimidate the Sp.od.irds than for any other purpole. Having tiad the d( liied eiitn, it was laid up ainin in three weeks. Kngland had at this early pe- ri 'd improved fo much m maiitime llvll and atLiis, that t'r.s fleet \\ as fittetl out fir lea in tweUe i'.iy<. 'I'l'.e full t. iiartiT was gianteti to a fociet\- l!-,-dion ot'tlie liland ot St. llrlena, and in the veai l(;^i liii- }\ng!i!h formed .i (ettleniciii there. 'I'liis \oyag'- wav (Vr! iruied in two years .uid icww months. In this \ear alio wi' have the fiid account of ihip-^ having t)Cen fitted oi;f bv i'laticefor tin- ) all 1 n l:---. V. L I. I^ 31 NATAL CHRONOLOGIf. A.D. Sir Richard Levifcn and Sir William Monfon cruizing IDC2 ^j^jj ^ fquadron on the coaft of Portugal, attacked in the road of Cerimbra a galleon and eleven Spanifh gallies ; they had placed themfeives fo immediately under the fort, as in conjunAvAL I. lino NO 1.0 GY. 3 J i'lic king ortirrtti t > be bii It at \V^o(jlvvicli the finci'l A.D. ilii[)cvcr (ccn iii LiiL^laii.i ; llu- \\.i> one hundrcJ ami four- ^^'-> ivcii tcct kcfl, and t^)r!\ -t./iir t. ii l>c.mi, her hurdcn f.!ur- ictii hiiiulicd iDP.s, and muunttd fi.\ty-Iuur guns. S.'ic was riamtd the I'lincc. The hiit vi)>agc was iiiidcrtak'-n ()v the Engliiii to Giccnlaiui (.ui ih'j wha!c idhcry hv two (lups, both ot wli ch were 1 il{, and their crews mifcrably perilhcd. The Danes fiiit tailed to the liad-Indies, and in l6ij lOiz kt[!fd at 'i'rantjiu'ur. i'he ill.uid ol liiil^does dir^ovcrcil and {ettltd hv tlie Eng'iilh ; :i!lo i'.'i n;i!di>, or t!ie Soniers lilands; tliefe la.t had been d;!eo\erLd loaic tune belurc, tiioit hkely by Sir (jeor^e b )nurs, whio was wrecked i;p;!n them in th^e vear i6j9, auvt wiioic name they bear, bin h.ave Imee been cor- rupted to Sinnmer. (Lwi^' ^p,!be)^i;'.n fa.Ii 1 with four flii[is frMm I{v>I!and, i6i4- p-i!':!:'^ i'iri'i:^h llie i!i:uts ( i M.i^ellan, atid leinnied Iiome Iv, the Ci;"/ ot G>''h1 H'pe. This was the feeond voyage pcrf.urned b) the Dulcli roniid tlie world. Lord Na[iier wa< the inventor ot logarithms, which have prove 1 (o uletnl in the matheniaf c-, c'CC. Le M.iiie an! Sjhonten, two Dutch merc!iar;t, were i6iO the fiilt who tailed rnuixl C.ipc I lorn, [laliint^ through l.'io ilraiis, v\ fu> li ihe\ nimed Le Alaire, and tlie Cajse Horn at:er the town ni Hollant!, irom whence tin', came. A molt remarkable, and iiuleed meiiiorable action, was 16:7 fou. tit in t!te M.iiiterranean bv the Dolptim mercliant ih'p ot 18 L;ini-, and ^6 mi-n, commanded tiy Capt.iin hd'.vard N:ch(.'ls. 'l'\\\< Hup bcuu; oth L'.iliaL,'ri, on llie ill.tnd of S.utlinia, till m Witli, antt after a n'.^l! Moodv enL,':iL:' Micnf, b^-at (dl five hu-'r 'l"uik:!!i (Inp,'''. In tins linttMi.d Ci nfoct ttir D'llpfiin li\ men ar.d a tj"\- killed, c i;'ii men .idA a h )\ wounded. 1 i'.e hril .African co;np.inv was ei!atil:ilied ami ereiTled lOib t>v ch.utt r. Sir l<."'.KTt MaidVll failed from l^lvnumtli in ttie nionih i^':" r 0( lob'T, \\nti {i\ nun ot v. .iv and twelve mcrclunl 'hi;)!-, on. an e\[ndi;i,;;! aijaintt .\l.;iLr-. } o.. 30 NAVAL CHKONOLOGY. A.D. On the 27th of November the fleet anchored in the 1620 mad and faluted the fort, to which no return was made. Sir Robert Manfell remonftrated with the Dey upon the infult oHered to the EngHfh flag ; which was fettled after feme time naffing in negotiation. The Admiral then fail- ed over to the coaft of Spain, where he fell in with fix French men of war, and obliged their Admiral to ftrike his flag, and pay him the ufual compliments. The Englilh EaftTndia Company firft fettled at Ma- dras, or Fort St. George, c)n the coaft of Coromandel. t62i In the fpring of this year Sir Robert Manfell attempted to dcllroy the {hips in Algiers Mole, in revenge for the in- fult he had received the preceding year. '6:2 'Yhe firlt eftablifhed contraft for vidlualling the Royal Navy, wherein is expreffed the kind of provifions, and aUb tiie quantities allowed and times of ferving it to the feamen, viz. " Everyman's allowance was one pound of bifcuit, one *' gallon of beer, two pounds of beef with fait four days " in the week ; or elfe inftead of beef, for two of thofe ** four days, one pound of bacon or pork, and one pint of '' peafe, as heretofore hath been ufed and accuflomed ; and " for the other three days in the week, one quarter oi '-* (tock-fifli, half a quarter of a pound of butter, and a *' quarter of a pound of cheefe. Saving for the Friday to *' have the quantity of fifli, butter, and cheefe, but for one '' meal, oreife inftead of fl;ock-{i{h, fuch quantity of other " hlh i)r herrings, as the titne of the year fhall afford. " The purfers to be paid by the contradlors for necef- *' faries, as wood, coals, candles, difhes, cans, lantherns, " &:c. viz. in fervice at fea, fixpence for every man per ' month ; and in harbour twelve-pence, and two fhillings '' to every (liip for lading-charges by the month. ' Tl'hc contractors to have the ufc of all his majefty's ' brevv-houfes, bake-houfes, mills, and other ftore-houfes, " as well as at Tower-hill, as at Dover, Portfmouth, and *' Rocliefter, paying the fame rent as former contrafclors '" paid. *' The allowance to the faid contradlors for every man's *' vi6fual-, ill ii^rbour, levcnpence halfpenny, and at fea *' eightpi.dce pw ddv. " Tlic c()iitrac'b)is were Sir AJlcn Apflcy, a;id Sir " Sanipjvin Danell, wlio v^ eie to enjoy, during life, the " title N A \- A 1 . C H K O N O r. O G Y . 3 7 " (itio and oflicc ot general p'.irvcvors ot ihc v.cliiais of liis A D *' inajcllys navy." ' itzz During this reign ten mnre lliips were ailJed ti) the royal navy, in all lixty-tvvo fail, ai.d titty thoiifand pounds a year were expended tor the tleet. Tin- king gave aii- nually thirty thoufand pounds worth ut timber Ironi the royal tore(!s tor the ufe ot the navy*. Voyages to the KalUlndies became now more iri'qnenr. Virginia, New Kiigland, and many otbiT parts ot tiic co::- tinent ot North America were pcjiieUed and lettlcd bv ihc Imglilh. Mr. Gunter, profelTor cif adronoiny, at (irtlluni C<>I- ''^24. lege, Cdinbridgc, pnblilhcd hi.s Scale ot LogaritlMiis, S:ik-, i^'c. which has been lincc mucii unproved by Mr. John Robert fun. CIIAliLi:S I. A comjitrol'.cr, fiirvi.\i)r, cKrk of the navy, ^\c. wore 16;, fiatioiied ui re[)aratc branches, (ul)ordii!ale to the lord hij^h admiral or the adMiir.ilt\- board; tr(;tn whom tlitb' com- rniliioncrs vsere to icct'tve liireclioiib and orders rel[)crtiiig the royal navy. In the war with Spain a powcrtul licit was titted oi;t, ccnlidiiig of eighty I'.iighlh atul Dutcli lli'p^, tii.der tlic commando! Ccii!, afu-rward'- creati'd liiioii PutULV, \ ;!- I oniU W'nnblrtnji. Tlx- Ma- K v)t jjlix a;id I)etl)iL;li v\v.- I)arkul i;n h.uid ihe y. itli t( n n.-i;liiiin;-. 'I'liis \ ;ain oii the icyih oii' C.ipe M. \ li.CLi.f, wIiiJi JKid been appointed as ttic ]'l.ici- ot rcn- ilc/.\cnis. It was now rL-folvcd m a coiiiici! ot war lo [>ro- cccii dm ( il\ to the atta. k ol Cad,/. On the 2 .:d tlie ilcet .ippiaiLcl btlorc it, wlun tin: I'.ail ot l-.:!o\ ibud boldly into tlir bay to aita^ k Irventtcn (hip- and i\^\a or ten ga!- lii..-, which w ii,' obk-rved '\,iuMhtir, Imi not being pro- j; 1 ly h.jipoik.i, the;ncir,\ luid tiuir to take I!k I' r'cr : .e ti-i! at I'ort Ro\,il. Some ihoulaiul tioops \m r- Lind- -d, aiul m.idc theiniclves maitcrv ot li.e t>.it at r,.;:;.i!, niLLtiii'; with \(.r\ liitie refdt.uuc. Tne loldicis li.i\.iig Ai;ri;,i:x, Ci;,.;-. 1. No. ;. S:... .-i the R- .: No-. ..\ ;:.c,N.;-:i 1) J Miif-rvdiutcly 3S NAVAL CHEOXOLOGY.. A. D. unfortunately difcovered and broke into the {lores, v^hich '6^5 contained wine, became fo excefiively intoxicated, that had the enemy known, and availed themfelves of their fitua- tion, the il-iughter mult have been dreadful. The officers, greaiiy alarmed at this difalier, haflened the reimbarkation of the troops, and the fleet proceeded to fea, where it be- came fo extremely fickly, that on its return to England there were found fcarce men fufficient to work the Ihips. Thus ended this unfuccefsful expedition, which had it been entrufted to men of approved nautical abilities, might have poured immenfe treafurcs into the nation, and crown- ed the Englifh arms with immortal glory. Sir Thomas Warner and M. Defnombru, a fea captain in the fervice (;f France, landed on the fame day, and jointly took poHeflum of, and fettled the iiland of St. Chriftopher's for their refpetTtive nations. 1626 By a proclamation the wages of the feamen in the royal navy were encreafed to twenty (hillings a month, which had been til' now only fourteen. An ordinary feaman's to f(nuteen, w!)ich had been only nine fliillings, befides an allowance to a chap'ain ol fourpence, to a barber two- pence, and to the ched at ChaiLam fixpfnce pei month. 2627 Three expediiio.'iS were undertaken to afHll the people of Rochelle, who were m the proieltant intereft. All of which failed, and in the end they were obliged to fubmit to the king of France*. The Duke of Buckingham, Lord High Admiral, while at Portfn^outh fuperintending the equijimcnt of the fleet, was murdered by Felton, an officer in the army, who fur- rendered himleU up to the law, 1628 The Dutch difcovred New Flolland ; but we are in- debted to cur ever-memorable circunmavigator. Captain Cooke, who, in the year 1769, failed round this exteufive tra6l of land, and difcovered it to be an ifland. 1629 X(,e Bahama illand.s fiill p(ifreffed hy the Englifli, and the Carolinas in North America planted. The various difputes which conilaiuly arofe, refpc6ling the horuMJr of the flag wliich the EngHiii claimed, induced the famous Hugo CJrotius to write a treatife, in which he endeavoured to prove the futility of our title to the domi- nion of the fea j which, agreeable to his ideas, was a gilt * Campbuli's Lives of the Admiials, vol. i. page 536. from NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. 39 1632 1634 if. )m Govl common to all nation^-. This book he calls Maie A.D. LibcMim. Ill ;hc \car 1O34 Mr. Sv Ltcii wruica trcafircin '^^-9 anlvver 10 it, which he cailni M.irc Clu'ihiin, m whi^h he very torcibly ami iiicoiurovcrtibly alhrts the right wc ha^e fojulUy claimcil irom our anccllurs, aiul to imprcfs it firmly on the minds not only ot foici^iicrs, but Bnton^;, (ays, " That they have an hereijitary and luiinterrupled *' right to the fovcreignly ot tlieir leas, ccjiivcvcd to tliein ' from their ancedors, in triilt h)r then latcit poiteritv. ' A copy ol this bonk was ordered by the king to be kept in the court ot a(lmirah\-, there to remain as ajull evidence ot our dominion oi the lea. The liland nt Antigua was hill fettled by the I^ngiifli, and permanciulv edabldlied in its policHiun in ilie vear 1666. 'flic Dut^li firlt iDade a fettlement at tiie iilaiul of St. r.ultatu. i he firlt app.)!ntment (jf a clerk ami keeper ct all the king's llores, and Itore-houles, at Cliaiham, iJepitord, I'orifuvnith, ( lor alicrtin^ the (overei^i.ty ot tfie fea, and to regulate tiie man- ner oi wearing the flag. A proclamation to prevent foreigners from billing upon 15- - his majeltv's feas and coal's. I he I'rcncfi firlt ii;ad;; a fettleincnt on the illands ot Martimco and ( jmidaloujie, alio on ilie river Niger or Se- i'.egal, on the c^aii ol' .Alrica. A junction ot t[;e 1 leiich and Dutch fleets caulid the king to equip, and (end to ita, a lupenor luuai toicf, conlidmg ot i'lrtv (hijis ot war, whicii on tlie i(>^\\ d .M iv failed iii cjiuli ot iheui, under the comm.uivi ot l!;e f.arl ot Lmdfev. 1 he coinbned fl-ets juiud od l\utlaiid, and vauntinglv gave out tiiat thev iniemf t! to atiert itieir own indepeiideme, and to (hrpute prerogative vvIikIi tiie iMiglilh cLumed in the narrow le.i^. A^ foon as thev were inloinied tliat the I'lnglilfi tieet was at lea. and m leaichot tliem, thev ijiiitted the coait, and repaired to ihtirown. Aiiail)Hraiv tax h.iving liecn impoieil 111 the \ear 16^.)., ,^,.^ bv the name ot lliip-mom-v, wl-.ich compelled ail th.c lea- port-luwub to lurndh a licet to prevent itic Dutch filhing D a on 40 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. - A.D. on the coaR of Britain j it was now extended throughout i(>5(> the whole kingdom. The fleet was to confill of forty- four (hips, carrying eight thoufand men, and to be armed and fitted for war*. The Dutch ftill perfiRing to fi(h upon the northern Bri- tifh coaft, a fleet confiiling of fixty fail of men of war, was fent to fea under the command of the Earl of Northum- berland as admiral, vice-admiral Sir John Pennington, and rear admiral Sir Hsnry Marom. Upon the admiral's arrival in the North Sea, he difcovered the Dutch bulfes, and directed them to defill from filliing, and immediately to quit the coart. The Dutch paid no attention to thefe orders, but continued to fifh ; upon which the admiral made ufe of force to compel them. 1 hele meafures brought about a negociation, and the Dutch fifiiermen requefted of the earl of Northumberland to folicit the king to permit them to fifh this year, for which they would willingly pay thirty thoufand pounds: at the lame time expreffed a wilh to ob- tain a grant irom the king for them to have permiflion to fifh there in future, paying him an annual tribute. The Dutch condemned this proceeding, and faid that it was an afl of violence committed on them, becaufe they were de- fencelefs. This alTertion wasdifproved by the journal of the Earl of Northumberland, who fays they had a fqua- dron often men of war, and were joined on the 20th of Auguif, the fame year, by twenty more, under the com- mand of Vice Admiral Dorp, who fo far from remonllrat- ing with the Englifh admiral on his proceedings, faluted him by lowering his topfails, (fnking his flag, and the fir- ing of guns. Upon the earl of Northumberland's return with his fleet to the Downs, he difcovered twenty-fix fail of Spaniards bound to Dunkirk, who upon his approach, paid the marks of refpccl due to the Englifh flag. 1637 The kingdire6led to be built at Woolwich the Royal Sovereign, which was the firft three decked fhip in the royal navy ; her dimenfions were, viz. _ Feet. In length by the keel - - - - 128 In length irom the fore end of the beak head "^ to the after end of the flern - - I ^ Breadth on the beam - - - 48 ^ RuJhworth's Iliftorical Coliedtions, vol. i. page 335. Height XAVAL ClIKUNOLOGY. 41 lit ii^lit tiom the bcjttuin ot ihc keel to the top uf^ ^( A .D. the Itcrti laincrd - - - ^ ' '^3 7 Number ot ]^ux\^ on tl'.c- Lwcr ^c'^\;, - - 30 Ditto on ti.c iiuddif J-jck. - - - 30 Ditto on the upper itU wjij^hing 4400 [)oiir)ds : it is laid that Ihc had iuc Item lanterns, the center lo large a^ to contain ten pcrfons upiii^ht. This (hip was biiih by I'eler Pet, tlq. under the mlpect'on ut the lanious Piiue- neas I'et, one ot the prindfial otHccrs .->! the navv. France began to el{..blilii a re^^clar marine, having hity finps and galiies m her navv, and tor the hrlt tunc lliewnl her hip'jrioiitv o\er ^luiii at La; upon whicli oi'- ^aiion the Canl'.nal Rcliheu h.;d placed upon the Itcrn ot the iargelt hrench iir.p ot uur, the lu'iowing galcunading motto, \i/,. " I'lrirent cpioqne I/lia ponto. ' Which th.ey u'.odeit.y thus tiaidlated, viz. ' K^eii on the inai;i, " Our G.iihc hhes triumph over Spain."' IjV tlie king's proclamation, tor tr.e rehet ol niaimctl, (hi[)wicci ilud l)r killt d or 1 olt in merLhani!i/,ing vo\ai^e\, lix p)ence per iiKjn'ii wa> deducted trom t!;c p.iv of lea oilicer'--, and tour [letue per month trom all laiiors' waL;e-., iio:;i tin; port ot Lund 'M. '1 Ills uioiKV wa> pla> cd iunkr ti;e ma iiui'emei.t ot ilie corj. oration ot ([u- TrMiiiv ilo.;,-. 'I'iie tailors in th.' halt iiid.a L'oiop.i !\ 's |(r\ne u u t 11 't in- cUuied, t htv tH:i,i'^ pro', i i; d |i T I'M i if .1 'Mud (d I'u ir own. 1 he Spaniani-, w!,o(e iia'.al povst r h.ui l)ccn ^reati\ re- \C>xc\ diici d, v\t le rel"U (.'d to ii.iike ';r- ^ra;:.! < li- 'rt tor the n-h(.-t' ot Du'iki: k ; tlK v acc' iidiUidv hind ( lil and hnt tioin Co- ;uiuiafi\i. l.'.en i.rL'e llllp^, i;a\.i.i^on i):).iid i wt i.iv-fuc ih udand leamen, and tw-..i\- l!i(,,.: .iii loid-t :s. The 1 )i.tch VNere lv;ni^ [letou Dnnknk, dii.Mi'.Mkd lo ddpute the point witii them. Ainnul \ .mi 1 loinp was cinilnio m ilie C'lanne!. v.,:h inlv h\enK;ii (Irpsoi war, ar.d tJl in vMth liie ipaniaiJ:-, u.'.em he molt tuiionllv a';ai. ki d. not- \\ a';.:;.ii./.ini: 1638 42 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. vvithflanding their great fuperiority : after a fevere conflict, 1^39 he was compelled to llieer off, and proceeded ofF Dunkirk, where he was joined by the whole Dutch fleet, confifting of one hundred fail. The Spaniards were now Co vigoroufly attacked, that they were under the neceffity of taking fhel- ter on the coaft of England, near Dover, where the Dutch fleet purfued them. Sir John Pennington was lying in the Downs with thirty-four Ihips of war, and fent to inform the Dutch admiral, that he fhould refill: any breach of neutra- lity which might be conuiiitted in his prefence. The Spaniards not fatisfied at remaining ifnmolefted under the prote6fion of the Englilb, infultcd Van Tromp, by firing- a (hot as he paffed in his barge, by which a man was killed on board ofoneof the Dutch fliips. This fo irritated the Dutch admiral, that he fent the dead body on board of the Englifh admiral, as a prof)f that the Spaniards had been the firfl to violate the laws of neutrality, and that he fhould inevitably attack their fleet, conformable to the orders he had received from Holland. This threat was inftantly put in execution, by Van Tromp weighing with the whole Dutch fleet, and attacked moft furioufly that of the Spa* piards, who cut their cables, and put to fisa in the greatefl difordcr and confufion ; only ten fail efcaped, the reft be- ing either taken, burnt, or run on fhore. The ifland of St. Lucia in the Weft Indies was firfl fet- tled by the Englifh; after changing its mafters feveral times; it was at length finally ceded to France in the year 1762. iS40 The French made a fettlement at Surinam on the coaft of America, fome time after gave it up on account of its un- healthy fituation ; it was then fettled by the Englifh, who continued in poffefTion of it until the year 1674, when it was taken by the Dutch. The Conftant Warwick was the firft fhip built on the improved plan of frigates, under the diredion of Peter Pet, Kfq. 1642 1'1j(j ijiand of Tobago fettled by the Dutch, afterwards by the Englifh, and finally ceded to them by France in the year 1762. King Charles L added to the royal navy ten fail : at the time of the commencement of the civil wars, it confifled of eighty-lwo fail ^. * Appendix, Cliap. I. No, z. CIVIL NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A3 CIVIL WAR. TliJ fleet in the (priiii; ot t!iis vtar fell the hands of ;hc pailianK'iu, wiiu ciui iiltcd u ;.) i[;c cn:r.m;iiul of the l'!ail of Warwick, and \'uf Admiral B.ittcii. The navv was c inducted w.ih tuleruble t)rder and dnf^iphnc, until the Indcpendrnt.s iluni^t-i proper to attcii^.pt tt.e renifnal ot the admualb Irwin tfit-ir cotuniands, and placed an (dhcer ot their own to lupcrieiie them, whole name was Rainl- biirou^h. 'I'fie (caineii, attache! to ' Mcir old comin.uiders, revolted, fe i/.td up m Rauilb roii^'h and his ofticers, put them on, and. fail. I with tliefi-et to IL;!!ar,d, with t!-.e intention ot dicla: mtj t' e Duke id York tlicir Adtniral. StKin uher \ i. e .-'^d i iral Batten delerted the Parliament, and fa !<- I ov.r t ) C\i;.iis lome ot the beil Ihips m the navv. T'le li-v!, at this tini'-, under the Prince of Wales, Contiifid ot about fail, with v.iiichhe failtdovertu I'.iU'L.ui ; l)i;i t.'u i'arliament haxini; tnted out one, inuch fiipeiior, umler li.c Ci iivnand oi ttie Larl of Waiwick, wiio anchored in th'- Do^vns, in ll'^lit ut the royal licet, \vhic!i oblig: d tiie Fi.iice of Wales to retire to the cualf ot II Hand, wfiere Wa:vvi.k immediatily piirli.ed him. On fi;^ arrival on th.e coalt, he lent a med.i^^e to itic States, re- (jinrniij; 'he in t > oL'li^e thole ihips u h:ch had rev .i:eii troni till- Pari am;iit ot l.nsjjand to put to (ea. Id confeijueni, c of tins, ihe'Ji liitevl out their wnole navv, a:id ilif- pa.^iied d; piuii-- to the t\'.o adunrals recp;: itinj^ them not to C( ni:ii:t !:''!td t es on ihe.r eoail. Some of the royal f! et. ::a\ .11^ lii-lene't the [irime, he was necefht.itel to rc- t.r ui.dt the cannon ol Helvoclz, upon w liicb W.uv.i.k: letu ill; 1 'o I-.Iil;!:.!;-!. I :,v ri'' ai iieet bet in.\ now reduced tofoiirtten llrn-. th.e wt It was j^ veii to Prince Rn;-crt, w no l.iiled U) lul-t;d, andarM.\el ni the h.trl). mr ;>' kinlale umii 'l-.-.ted. N'i!\v' ;*'dandin^' the eiirnei.t lervices winch (helcarl of W'aiw.^k l;.;d ren>!.-u.i rtv parliartiei;:, tin v fuperleded hint m ttif r )'nniai;d ' <'. itie lie; :, an 1 ajv/MM^ted i^lake, Dc.ine, , \". h.> bv tlieir v.:.i\ and at- not o:,lv a protietency of [)ui \'v en alio nuKh belo\eJ A.D. X640 and P ipi.iin. thie la:i'! > tii ten; r >n, very I 'on .1 u'lire k:M\vled._;c in iiautKa! .illair bv t!- leanics. Pil.ike and I'opham were or. l\^:i.^ P tt in Km \\ 1649 to fad, andi bhu k np ci vice ihev [. ei loimed io 44 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. fo cfFe61iia]Iy, that the prince was driven to t!ie grcateft e.\'- '649 tremities. At length, on the 24th of 06lober he came to the defperate refolution of forcing a paffage through the enemy's fleet ; three of his fhips were taken, and with the remainder he failed for the Mediterranean, from thence to the Weft Indies, where he committed many ads of pi- racy. Upon Blake's return to England he received the thanks of parliament, and with Deane and Popham was inveltcd with the fupreme command at fea. Thefe commanders compelled the iflandsof Scilly, Jerfey, Guernfey, and Man, to acknowledge the authority of Parliament. Sir James Ayfcue did the fame in the Weft indies, and at Virginia. The Danes fettled on the ifland of St. Thomas in the Weft Indies. 165 1 In the month of February, on Blake's return from his expedition againft Prince Rupert, he fell in with a French man of war of forty guns, which he took, after an ation of two hours, together with four others, thefe he fent to England, and on his arrival, the parliament, for his vigi- lance and valour, appointed him warden of the Cinque Ports, and ele6ted him one of the council of (tate. The Dutch fettled at the Cape of Good Hope, where they built a town and frt, i(^r2, Many difputes arofe between the commonwealth of Eng- land and the Dutch ; the former in(i(ted on the conjpli- ment of the flag, and the fovereigntv of the fea. This mat- ter was foon brought to an iffue: On the 14th of May, Commodore Young fell in with a Dutch convoy, efcorted by three (flips of war, from whom he civilly demanded the ufual honours to be paid the Engliih flag. The Dutch- man pohtively refufed to comply, giving as a reafon tliat he had exprefs orders from the ftates not to pay thofe honours, which the Enol;{h exaded from their fliips in the Channel : Commodore Young, on this lehifal, hrcd into the Dutch, which brought on a finart adlion ; at length the Dutch fhips ftruck, and after paying the compUinent, were al- lowed to proceed on their voyage. On the iHth of the fame month, an action of ftill more confcquence happened. Admiral Van TroiTip, who was at fea with forty fail of men of war to protect their trade, put into the Downs, where Major Bourne was lying with a final! fquadron. \'an Tromp on hi.^ anchoring fent to mfona \ V \ A !. (' MKnxoI.CU, V. A J y.-.ffvm ti'c F.ii^Iidi coninm ruler a^^ an cNOiifo f'T rot f.:- A D. l;.ti!'.L,, ' ..i; hi- tuiil been tonrti ;:; thi Miijti itrc'.s ot ura- l^j* tiicr. .Mjj.>r l^)iir[ic, cicmbtir:^; t!i> aiii M'.s ot war. 'II;'- next day \ an I lonij) ;^iil ninlcr ueis^h and H.^od inro l"),"vir r^ad, without pa\ it.i^ the hunoiiis tt) ific tiai:;. }'', i;e ordvretl ttiree t;nns to be fired without lliot ; whie!) ilic 1) It. h Admiral returned bv a whole broa ilidt.*. A moil lurious enca^fmcrn u.flantlv be^uii ; at firit th.e whole torre ot the l)uri.!i fleet dirtftai ttieir rue at tlie Kngldh AiinMfiil ; but t'e was (oi-ii bravely liipporied bv the relt <'f !''.^ fhips, ai'd l^iunu' at ihi^ time jo'.ning w:t!i eii^ht (ad more, o! '.'i" ,i tli*- Dut.Ii to Ix-ar away and (iek (lielfcr at t':i- b.i.k ot the (^ i "'dv\ u: S md^, after haviniJ l)ccn (everctv m iului. 'nc acti II laltcd from f.)ur in the afternoon luiti! nine ai lULdir. The Knglilh fleet was iniicfi inferior to t!;.i' ot' til'- tnerru'. not withifaiubii!:; whieh one of tlit; l)ite!! '.hy< vv as taken ar;d an(>'h(.r liiiik. '1 he !),:!v!i !'.'l.;cd oieaiiy bv afl of temerity, r/ik.-, b- t":e ii:e < lui of !u!\, eaijturevi above tortv ot ;!.. 1" 1 1. 'x.l nic ii. ' . !;it ihip-. C):i tl: i:.'!i of J< r." tl;t.- C.'.j'tains Taylor and Peacock, m tv, o 1 li^'j.i'ii ti!iiU>., 1(11 in witli and enua^ed two l):.tJi lli!i>- (.t war on ti'..,- eo..;t ot i'lanjcis, tor l:aeing r-.tulcd t ) \')\\'-r tlnir li.t.;s , one ot v\hicli was taken and 'ic oM'< r ttiainl d. >',r ( ie.'iL"- A\lei;e, on irs return trom the Wef^- Indies, II k tl 'ir !)i'v';i nun ot wa-, aiid leveral mervhanimen . rv. r/. L ;k . i/akc l.;.k I .i a (! t ,>( {'.\rv tr,-n ot v ar to ,Vir (i-.oji^c \>!. ue lii t,,- 1 ),.-a:i. v. ;;h k\:\\ la:k \'aii 1 ;o I ,j) ii i.dv t ,e ojmo; 'uru' \ of iJ'.ik' '< nbfeuce, a" i an' iMi> il 0-) tJiri.M.l w i''i (rv(nt\ tail. A hr.uv j-ale :p:i!. l; a us : .!:(!. ''';.'( u !;iMi to n ;;:rn witfiout ']':u- ^/.lU ; L A iiin'ln;;' luueti dii! i!i-t.i.:lu>n ..:: t .' :'. .'if.::!.' \. i:'i !r <:'.<. c. .- U :'!'' , U, !. W ' I 'i !:l . X. .. .1111 \' .' I : !'.;. -t at l!!. Ill u. 1 iiKl tl .- i < v., ''. ' 4d HAVAL CHROI^OtOGY. A. D. at his conduf^, he refigned the command of the iket, and 1652 Dq Ruyter was appointed to fucceed him. On the i6ih oF Auguft, Sir George Ayfcue being on a cruize off Plymouth with thirty-eight fail, chiefly frigates, fell in with a fuperior Dutch fleet under De Ruyter. The aftion began about four in the afternoon. The Dutch being to windward, the Ei)g!i(h Admiral, followed by nine of his Ihips, with great refolution and bravery forced through the enemy's line and obtained the weather gage. The aftion became now very fierce and defperate, till, at length, the night feparated the combatants. The next morning De Ruyter found himfelf very unequal to renew the fight, feveral of his fhips had received To much damage that it was with difiicuhy they could be kept afloat ; he therefore bore -away and fleered lor his own coaft. Sir George Ayfcue purfued the Dutch for fome time ; but not being well fupported by many of ins captains, either in the aclion or chace, he bore away for Plyrnouth to refit. Rear-Admiral Peck loft his leg, and died foon after. Se- veral captains were wounded^ and one firelhip loft. The Parliament, rather than call thofe captains to an ac- count who had behaved fo ill, preferred putting alide that brave and able feainan, Sir George Ayfcue, on whom they fettled a penfion of 300I. a year. Towards the end of Augufl: Commodore Badily, with ihree fliips of war and a firethip, convoying fome merchant Ihips from the Levant, fell in with a Dutch fleet, confii't- ing ot eleven fhips of war, under Admiral Van Galen, off the ifle of Elba, near the coaft of Tufcany. An a6tion commenced between the two fquadrons ; but being late in the evening, little or no advantage was gained on either lide. Commodore Badily dire6led the merchant fhips in the night to proceed with all expedition to Porto Langone*, in the ifle of Elba, left from his unequal force they fhould fall into the hands of the enemy. The next morning the adion was renewed with great fury. Van Galen violently attacked the Englifli commodore, who loon dilabletl the Dntchtnan, ar.d obliged him to flieer ofl a complete wreck ; another o[ the enenn 's Ihips lupplying her [)lace, had her maiiimaii fiicU away, and was bravely boarded by the Phoenix frigate. A drcadiiil llauglitcr enfiicd ; at length the Phoenix, overpowered bv numl-ers. was compelled to llrike. In the mean time the Englifh commodore was "^ 1 bclic\'c i; meant Porto I'ciajjc. boardc'i N A s AL CHKOy OLOC ': 47 boarded bv vao Dutch Oiips ; brt idis unequal conflict, U) A D. iar 'rom intimuiatinj; thcgaliuiu I'jUih-, that ho ctKitinucd J^^i to dclrnd himfL-lt u itli I'tiL !) n:ul.iii!,:Ld tirnincIV, that the !hi|is WL-rc both beaten ct}, w :i!i ihc 1 )(-, ol their ecni- manJers aiul a ihoeking ctrnagc unii !,^ :!,c men. Alter t'lic acliDii the cciiitix (iorc prcv! ;,d',(l tu tlic harbour of Porto Laiii;<>ne, to the eliarge ot Ins couvov. '1 h.e Dutch fieet alio put in ll;erc to leh:, and ;iotu :;l;da:;din^' the ani- iiK-iinv whie'i inanilelied itleli between the tuo nations in hi'.tt'.c, ".vhen in a neutral j)ort tiic greateit liarn.:;ny and ukI huin(;ur i^revaileth In Nf tlr.^ dar;ni_'. 'iiterpri/c w\;s ei. trulled to one Cox , w!i) liad 1 c en tornieriv a 1 ei:'cnai;t (4 i};e Plia-tux. On t!;e 26i1t . i No\enKKr, in the tiiL;h.t, tins joK! del:i;:i was earned into ivecuti-n vvi'h io niuch dilpa'ch and (cv rec\ , that before r.r.v iililaiue cvnid be rc.ade, or aniihir.ce given, the wa^ came i (;il. Van Trotrp, to a\u;d be ;:iy i.iken, Ie;.ped o\ eiboa'd. 'Idle Du'ch coir.phniU'd. to tlic (jiarvi Duke of Tnlcany I't t!)i- vioi.iii Ml I ; i';e n(.M^r.j!;'\ (d t( i poii, who ordered tiiC l',:;i;lilh c l!;i r to rMiin th P. i; n;v ^'.r dicpail; to cinife the \.i"::r w^idd be aMiv.iud with iinir,' ent liangcr, a^ \.in (i.den w;'^ Knii; < I! ih p^i \\;th (ix'.ctri men ot \'ar, a ;";-:';ij\ and ! \u'.d aintd im, r* l;anirnen. Ap- p!i t ifi, i.itl cr ih.ii; di !', ( r \ [) i!'r 1" c,m:x, !i,ac!L the tnorc b, ;= .rr.ddt Jv,,,r, b IV M .; p;./v '. d) tiilpa;., hi_d a \ei:el to '.''.;;. ,ii'orm C 'iniM ; e b'.; ! Iv v\;ih bis (!i l'"^!!. It V. .;s agreed b. ;\\C',.'i tiic ci inn'j 'I'.jfcv^ Padiiy Ihould A'-. - I ^, ) vlai .Tjipcar 48 KAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D' appear before Leghorn, which would induce the Dutch 652 fleet to purfiie him, and give Appleton's fquadron the op- portunity of putting to Tea. This ftratagem fucceeded to their wilhe?, for immediately as Badily's fquadron appear- ed, Van Galen fent part of his fleet in chace of him, re- maining with nine Ihips to obferve the motions of Apple- ton, who, regardlefs of the fuperior force of the enemy, got under fail and flood out to fea. Van Galen inftantly followed him and began the attack. The Bonaventure imfortunately took fire, and in a fhort time blew up. Two of the enemy's (hips clofed wkh Appleton, which he fought moft gallantly for five hours, and had nearly beaten them off, when Van Galen ordered his ihip down to their affiflance ; but Badily having fent a firefiiip to grapple the Dutch admiral, he thought proper to haul off; another Ihip, more daring than his admiral, came to their fupport, and renewed the battle with great fury, when the brave Appleton opprefled by numbers would have blown his fhip up, had he not been prevented by his officers; he was therefore under the painful necefTity of yielding. The Sampfon was gallantly defended, and after an obftinate confliil againfl: Van Tromp, was burnt bv a firefhip. The Levant Merchant, after beating off and driving on fhore one of the enemy's fhips, was at lafl taken, as was alfo the Pilgrim ; the Mary cfcapcd and joined Commo- dore Badily's fquadron. The French having committed fome hofiilities on the banks of Newfoundland, Blake w'as determined to reta- liate, and falling in with a large French fquadron, bound to the relief of Dunkirk, he took or deftroyed the whole of them, by which tr.eans that important fortrefs fell into the liands of the Spaniards. On the 28th of September, I^lake being off the North Foreland, difcovered the fleet oi Holland, commanded by Dc Ruyrer and De Wittc. Blake formed his fleet into three divifions, the firft commanded by himfelf, the fecond by Vicc-Admiral Penn, and the third by Rcar-Admiral liourne ; he then proceeded to bring them to aclion, which commenced about three in the afternoon. The Dutch foon gave way and took fhelfer behind the Sands ; fome of the largeft of the Euglilli fliips in the purfuit ran aground, \\hich obliged the fleet to haul ofl. De Wittc. .'>r;.'rving the apnartrnt cunlufion of the EngUih, came from X AV A I. C H KONG LOG V U) Vf-iry !us li-'trcat ami iDviici' to battle, which ua<: na!- A.!). :...;:.. :-,;-! by R^'.--A.:in:ral ll-mn., u b. , wa-. (o.-ii Ic- ''S- I'jMJc-d bv the rt-it ot tb.f licvt. '1 f-.;,- S"'.iTc!L-,P. lui-k a D.itcfi iiiJ!i of \\l:!i-b. h.i,l tl'.c ::[r.ii;'; to b vi-d b,., 1 r.>:.a!::S ol it la \[;c <::[[ i)f Jbi:b;:iJ, a;ui \\a.> p':!'.M''.' b-. the ]",iv.:b!a M li;> r \ l ry barb-.aus. b'bikc i; M":i.,| ;;< tr-.i.M'ji ! to '.' .v ]) v. :.^. I'hj ! .!:. 'bj L- j_^a:h iuitauiLvi i:i l!r- b:.;'.b; .su;- _^0J bblod atui as many uaar did. Oa ihc approach ot winter, Bl.d;c d.u idc i h> fi' ct br the pruiLCtaia (jt tl-c trade, aial init imuv ntbLrs lo i\bt, roma'.na^^ binifeif i:; ibe 13invi:s wiih i.abv ibuty-lc\e:i lai! of r.i. n oi war. \ a:i 1 loiVip was atiain a|ip(i!ntfd to the eonimand of t!;c Davb ric-*, an(i i.asaii^ b.-aui ot the lediKid itule of tb.c l-,nj,:ilb, ] '.:t t{. bv a wi'ii k v L;i!v-icveii ih;|i>- ot On tile 21} :\ CI Nwvembcr, he eair.;: in li^ht ol the F.ii'j;- lilh Hc( t at anchor :n t!;e 1) r.viis. Blak-a, in a council of war, r.!oi\ -, d v^ t:;:.':'ge, n^ >rw.t!:i{aM(bing tl:e great h;pc- |)jrioMt\ ( I ill'.- e;;'j::i\ . A boni. ar.l:;';;, !:;e battle was de- lc-r:ed t;l! t!;e tv \ t dav. In the n; Tiling tlie two ib-ets jb'od to i!.^- ULi;..ard. ]b.;b(; b.-ul tl.u ad\a:ita:je ob the wind, Ab nr Liv.\en t!;e tb-Lts ci.!-..t! .!i:i b.:^;an to en- onv-e. 'Idle }v,i;b!;i no' Ihi-j; m !reb .b !e (uder as tlic |)i,:c!i, Iba:.'.- m tb.c 'Jin.iijd;, \s rdi \]\< leeond-, the Xiotirx ai; t \ anjnard, ti t'^.;i'.t witl; l\\ep,l\ of tbe (n.:n\'s fl'.i', -- bir a coi','.. ;. rab.e time, and. [:_x^[ jii.nlv i)een taken, !^::t lor thrt'nKiy ;..\ i', un,', )"i ( ; ! ine ti; t:ie i(Mi..dri.(i eor.inu', 'o ii - i'. beb i b.e a- :" :i (cnM.u. d u \'.h un.ieinn- ti:i'j farv ibl tiaiix ; ii wa- diai;>i[i,! I';r n:anv b..i':rs wb. ) \v(/iiid b.a Di.u- t. I \ .v'l. a -. Jb.-a (lab.:::! an 1\en- inr:-, e ninnand.d, Ir. tb: eap';'.!!;-^ Abi n and !b.'!i.n, bore down, an.d widr ii nara' e.ol i':"i>:!n'v boaid.Lal \'ai) 'Ibv.i J b. 1)', :al o;>ka' C'-V to w ,i c : n inn\i;:.. r u ..^ exp tbar ( .'.T.e d' .w n I') la- bi;..' 'i! an a.)\\ ( I \>. i! ; I . : ' !. : fro:p .kd!i >* .n. V of i!-- i;ai!ant .,k '. \s :ae:. w eic i:: i" , <\ -ti;.k. i; 50 XAVAL CHROXOLOGT. AD, at length, found it neceiTary to retire, and in the night '^i* failed up the river. The Dutch exulted at this inconfiderable advantage. The vanity of Van Tromp was fuch that he paraded in the channel for a day or two, vi^ith a broom ai his main topmafl head, intimating that he would fweep the narrow fcas ot the Englifli (Inps. From the accounts of fome Dutch writers there does not appear much rcafon to boaft of this vidtory, as it was be- lieved tliey had one ihip blown up and two very much difabled. ^^53 The Parliament was by no means difpiritcd by this un- fortunate event, and haftened to wipe off the difgrace which tlieir navy had fullalned. They named Blake, Deanc, and Monk as commanders of their fleet ; at the fame time offered the greatelt encouragement to the fea- men by a bounty, and encreafing their wages from twenty to twenty-four Ihillings per month. This had fo good an effect, that in fix weeks a fleet was ready for fea, con- filling of fixty men of war, which proceeded down the channel to wait the arrival of Van Tromp from the bav. On the 15th of February Blake di (covered the Dutch fleet rtanding up channel near Cape La Hogue, conhfting of feventy-lix men of war, and three hundred fail of mer- chantmen. 'Fhe Englilh admiral immediately bore down to give them battle, and at eight in the morning it com- menced. Blake was nobly fupported by his feconds, Lawfon in the Fairfax, and Mildniay in the Vanguard; but before the rcll ot the fleet came up thefe fhips were conrulerably dama;_',ed. The Triumph, on board of which were both ]3!ake aiu! Deane, was fo much fhattered as to liave little fhare ;n the two following a6f ions. Captain Ball was killed and above one hundred feamcn, with as many wounded ; among tliefe was the admiral, who received a t)ali in tliC thi-irli. The Fairfax had the fame number kil- led and was niiferably torn. Captain Miklmav, of the \ angiiard, who in a former adlion had taken a Dutch vice-admiral, was killed. The Profpcrous, of forty- four guns, was borirdcti and taken by De Ruyter, who in hi? turn was boarded by an Enghih man of war, and had nearly Ihuicd t!i fame fate ^ in tlie interim the Merlin fri- gate retook the Frofperou'--. In this day's aciiuji one Dutcli man of war was blown up. X A V \ T, riir.ONOLOiJ V. 1 up, a:-.l i]K m'nt- wire ci'hcr funk or taken. On hoani AI). v' tl'.c r:."!ii\ s ihip^, V, hi. ii tt 11 I-;'.) the huiuis ol the Ktig- '^J3 !i')), ihc (pccticic was lhi'< k: lu' 1' ni t'lt- dicadinl carnage, aritl tlu' r!g!_Mn'4 heiiii; .uvcr ,i .\i'!i i ,)..(! atul brains. The night uaslpti.t in in.ik'.r.^ i;.i.- n;\il!.;i\ prepara- tion< iciiivsing the fiefit. At iliN-li^li; die tu \i niorii- ini;; the cneniv uere leen ah.iut Icvt-n Ira^'no t.i'in \\ cy- inoi):!!. .\!) .lit thite in the ul'einoon tfic j-ji^'ilh ^ot up With them otr the r..u;h-\sdt i inl ut' the iilc ot Wighr. Van Tii-aip h.aviiii; cwlUctui his fleet, ranged it in the t.irm iii A erelceiit, I'lrroiuuiiMg the iner^ liantnien. In tt'.is politiDn he inaiMunieii a retreating hj^ht inu ,ir(l< the ireiieh i-.).u(. Tik- Kiii^lilli, aiier liberal b"I,! anil ha- zarJon^ aiir'npfv, torcul tlir.nigli th-, ir !;p.e and eonijilettlv br..l.- It. I)'.- l>.\cil (.:!. Tile iini>h.uit \il!'Js, tniding th.i y i.'!;i', i !M ' -!!<.',( r e\!)ii! [ir. iti-ct i r. im'" the n;en iM war br-- i:, '.() ihiU l.'r ihiin' l\r>. \: S"' 1 )ntv h Ih'p^ ot war av.l l( \eral ft the meri iiainnim were taken, 'i'lie action ilul n t ceate witti tlie day ; tile JCiiglilh coniinning iliC piirlnit, and liei[uent fkn nnllie.-, tiapjieiud during ttie inglit. In tile m(iini!;g ilie ])uiJi lun apjir>i..elii(l niar to Jjnn- logne. The F.tigldh liein^iLdf ii)) with th.eni l!u- adliotl vsas renewed uitl; gicat ()bllinai.\ <.n btitii (i.ii^, and con- tinued {\n^'.\ tour in the atimioon, wlicn tlie Dnicli (onglit flluiter a-iioii!^ tlie (aiiii< btfuc Calais, uhere tl-.e k.nglilh liid nut to (dllow tl,( 111 at the ink ot lodng (iMne ot tb.eir large (Inp^. In thi^ da\ ^ pcrhiit three- l)ii!c;i men (d \\.\v\\iTc taken b\ i!ie ciplain^ Lawtm, M.iriiii, and (ira\( n. SimtuI of ilic meichant ih:;)-! weie pickul np by Rjar-.Xdniii.d I'eiin. I'he ul.vilc hds whu!i the Diit. h ( in thefe thrie action^ anMiintid t'' t!i \ i n ( !on.c a.ithor^ la\ nine) men ot \\ar, tliMv mer> ham l!ii;)-, one tlioidand fue linndred men killed, and a'- manv wdimdid. Tlie l-,ni;ldii hill only one linp the S.nnpn^n which Captain llattcn, In r command.ei , i.'Ui,,! n r.rciur,\ to link, !) iLi; too mneh dilablrd to ria.l, ;iUo pmi. 'J'lic lo!s ('! men wa^ neai 1\ i ipial to ft ' i'' mcniN'. IJi.ike in lhi^ .ict'on, tor iit>- t;i,l ;;-nc, mad.e nfc ol lnia!l arniN, a niimbir ot K.';duT> !ia\ing I'ven em!)a!ked on lioaid tlie lieit, who uric rmjiluvcd as naMiii--. S "U ;. Uv- a?'.; r tbi^ \K-tMi\ -;, .L-li;: rece;\e.i i.'. '- 1. / ' 1. Mur 5 3 N A r A j;- c n R o n o l, o g y , j^D- ligence that the Dutch had equipped and fent to fca a fleet, ^^53 conlifting of ninety-eight men of war and fix firefhips, undtT the command of Van Tromp, De Ruyter, Dc Witte, and Evertzen. The Parliament inRantly ordered the Eng!i(h fleet, confiding of ninety-five fail of men of war and five firefhips, commanded by the Admirals iMonk and Deane, Vice-Admiral Penn, and Rear-Admiral Law- fon, to go in queft ot them. On the 2d of June the hoRile fleets came in fight of each other, both appeared eager to decide the difpute by- coming to a general engagement. About eleven in the morning it began with the greatell fury. One of the firft broadfides killed the brave Admiral Deane, whofe body was almoil cut in two by a chain- (hot. Monk, who was on board the fame fhip, with great prefence of mind co- vered his body with his cloak, left the appearance of it fliould deprefs the fpirits of the crew. Rear-Admiral Lavvfon with the blue fquadron forced through the enemy's line, and laid his fliip alongfide of De Ruyter, who would have been captured, but for the timely alTiftance he re- ceived from fome other Dutch fliips, which fo furioufly attacked Lavvfon, that he was compelled lo fheer off, but not btfore he had funk a forty gun fliip. The aftion con- tinued with unabating fury until three in the afternoon, when the Dutch fleet was thrown into great confufion and gave way, keeping up a running fight until nine, at which time one of their largelt fhips blew up. This difader greatly encreafed the confternation they were before in ; and although Van Tromp ufed every pofTible means to compel his fhips to preferve the line, ftill it was to no purpofe, and they continued retreating towards the coafl of Tlanders. The next morning, between the hours of eight and twelve, the Englilfi fleet came up again with the enemy oil Newport, the battle was renewed with more violence than on the preceding day, and continued with the greatelt obifinacy ior four hours. Vice- Admiral Penn twice board- ed Van Tromp's ihip, and would have carried her, but that De Ruytu- and De Witte very opportunely bore down to his alliilaiice, 'J^he Dutch hntling thcmfelvcs fo clofcly preffed gave way, and ultc LiUircly routed, fceking fliclter among the Flats, X A . A r, en noNoi.of; v. M.-.!-, tri)',n wfKiiec With tl'iC ;:r.;ic,l liilFuii'iN- ih-y pcilIihI ^ H. Z-alaiu!. ^ '-:? In this aft ontlic DiMcii h^'^ l,\ ; f t!ic:r bell (h'ps l\\-\:, two w(. rt" hldwii lip, and rl^w ii ;ul.c:i ; on-j c! tln-lc horo ttic fla'^ of a vicc a'!, a:;'i tuo th.-'c ^i rc-..r aJ:r.::al'-. S:\ captii!!^, and i;pw,!r>l^ n; f,i;i:cn l...;,.!-'-,! ui-j;! wiit,* takvn piifoncis. On ilic iiclo ol th'' I'..'.:;,;.;i m-r a ihn) \v -. lolt, ill. I h'.it rev ncjn, lor lo biocv.v an ^'i^;.-;^ UiCnt, kiilcil or w (.luii.r, (I. Ai'tL-r ihi' ii'M'.al vi. torv, \' m 'I'roir.p, on l-is u-'a-r. to Il-'lai'.d, ' .pr>.'Ic-nt^ii ;n a r.itr'Tia' t ) 'l.--' Si.r.cs (jv.ura!, t!;at t'i'.; Ihip- and ui^'i^ "t t;ic l),it>.h t>n with tiio'-j (A ttic K;it;i.lli ; an i i )l ivii'-icr 'X!)ixMv clLvlarfi), it'.at !'.;: wiail.l no; r^ioin to ii-a, ir ins ri-J^-t \va-< no; r-.-nn n.ccl .\.;Ii larger an! iK't'-r i:-.;p-, Th/ :ii-t ot th,' on;n[no:i-A--.;l;.h h; [n^L'ian.i v-.a-- at t'.ii-; t!:n'_- 1i:;)P')!l,I ;.. o^-in.l "t two i.;in iuJ and (nir i;;;- i ui' \var>)t ;it li/.L^, ami manned with nit Ic!> ti;an ton '.) - fi\ L' tii'Mil ml (caru' n. 'I'hc UotJi rcloi.'id :o exert thL-::ifLlvos to the ufinoit, in order to v.ipc dti' the ddt^racj oi \]\ci late dck-al, (.ipnppcd a ticct of one hnndrcd and twcntv-h'.c lh:j)> id war: witfr th:'3 forv:c \'.ni Tr )nip put to ka, d !',::, rnticd to h^ht the I'li'diiii, an 1 to (i,c rath.-r than ; jI,!. 'I i:c l'n'.dilh iKei \\a'^.4t lea linJ.Lr M(':ik, and nun!'. ccpi.-I ni K>uc to ;i::i; ot t;:-,- Dnch. On t!i: -'i\ ui !idv tlie iU-,-s n\ tlivf- :i^.d rqMih- l;.-vnn-t n.;.n ;l;e co.ld o! 1 {..;!,;.: i, \r i; mc a n:o: : drr.:diid and li TO'- rii''.K.'rnn nr tv, ^,1;;, a'O, her-.' ifnrr icei'iiiri. '1 hv l):i-;ii tm-llnp-, ailv in ;b." !)..;:!.. iui;'^- in..:i i,:- 1 \" . J ! . .- d x'^o i;v, (':. 1 lii-ai 1\- d r'v!. i ;!:- Ian r i ' 1 d o ; 1 1 K. n V ' 1 1 i ' 1 e !'. n i^ 1 1 1 : i n o < \\ >. 1 1 : n nn : 1 : i n n t d a i a i i ; - iiiL^ d-.::tro\'-d I'v \}ii.;n, |):n t : ul.ii Iv ;!v 1 i.iio.j:!. 1:1, n.v (>[ v\liwlr c'lL-w ilir -w tiiL'O;!'. Ivf- in:o tin- Pa, .iwA In.- wa-; l.iV^-d !iv t;ic nneoninvui c'\rrii.)n . ot thr hia\r tJ- !o-.v> thiit f, nvini'd -n lizard. A loi lal [..rAl^n af'a. !. I l\: l\nvrir'^ (Inp w;di lii^ii tnrv, .i- to kill or vsonod Im ; iivii, aiul lo (1 \.{\) ! i.i,',..i . IcA the i\:.\\ t'la* Iht.- w a-. 00 lir tov.C'i ont id the imr. ilii-i liiave 1 )'in , la vi to Ik' m t!i;' iVii.iii ot aoli'iii,' \M.'nt on l>ojrd aii-t!:-i n.ii), and ninntiiint.d the ii^ht with .\u-.i\ hJ::i.i>v. '] 1. ba'tle h, ul b'.'en fiippi>rlid, uitti lui'l ninnn in..', 1 ,' on hr.'^ i o t^'f ihove ..\ lo,,. . \vh n \ .m i 1 ::)<, .;.- :;e wa' 1 - 54 NAVAL CHRONOLOCiY. A.D. delivering his orders, was fliot through the body, and **5S3 inftantly expired. When the death of their admiral became known, it fo much checked the ardour of the crews, that the fleet was thrown into the greatefl confu- lion and diforder, and inltantly fled. At night the remains of their fhattered fleet reached the Texei. At the commencement of this adlion the Dutch had five flags flying, and retreated with only one. It is faid that Monk had ifTued orders to all his captains, neitlier to give nor take quarter, [o that no Ihips were taken, but twenty- feven funk. Five captains were made prifoneis, and five thoufand men flain or drowned. The orders forbidding quarter, were not rigidly obeyed, as twelve hundred Dutchmen were taken out of the Tea, vvhilft their fhips were linking. The Englllh, although vi6torious, fulTered confiderably, two fliips were loff, fix captains, and above five hundred feamen killed, eight captains, and feven thoiifand feamen wounded. T."he fleet in general was fodrcadfudy difabled, that it was with difficulty many of tfie fhips were kept afloat, until they reached England. Upon us arrival the parliament voted that gf)ld chains Ihcjuld be prefented to the admirals Monk and Blake, vice-admiral Penn, and rear- admiral Lawfon, and medals to all the captains. On the 25th of Augull follcjwing was a day appointed for a folemn t'lankfgivmg. At a public feali in London, Cromwell put tne g ^Id chain round Monk's neck, and re- quired him to wear it during the entertainment. The above engagcmeiu was the lafl; and mofl bloody fought in the Dutch war, and in the end, compelled tiie Dutch to fue for peacc'-^. The Danes made an attempt this year to difcovcr a north- eafl palluge to India, by palTmg through Waygates Straits; the obflacles they met with from the ice, preventctl their progrefs, and they were obliged to return a^ u:,iucce{skil as lormer ^'tlvt ntuiers. 1654 On the 4iii of April a peace was concluded and figncd between England and Holland ; whenby in one ot the ar- ticles, they confent to acknowledge the fovcreignty of the fea to the Eiig'ini. ''^ The Dutch arc fupjKifcclro have loft in the years 1632, and i6t;3, above (tvtn liunditd lai! of mcichant vcficls. " I'hat NWAf. ( iiHOXOiOG Y. J.) ' Ttu: t!ic (ir.pi di tlic I)i;;i!;, a^udl (hips ijf war a^ AD. ' n'lLr^, incfti:'^ any <>t t'c lIi ps r>t war ol the K:in/.lh '^) + " c onitiKxiwcalili in the 1>ii':m! Ila^-, Ihill ilnk-- il.vir " tl.igs, and lower tiuir ((-plail, in liu'i inu.iiicr a> la'ii ** fVLT bcvn at anv titr.e htictot.uc | [aot;'tii ur.d-ji any '' fani o\ i;')\ci:;tiiciit. ' This appears to be the fi:ll in;ianv"c <'t i- ''^lanii's clla- bliihui^ t!ie iii^ht I't if e ll.ig bv a iormal tr(.':\ '. In ihc l;!m:nei two iargi- fL-ets WLree(j';;pp ', t!ic co\r.- manJ ol o' e was g:viii to B'.ake, wh.iic or^lcr- were to l.iil into ifie Mc 'itt, rranean, ar.d to deniand la-'-'aoti< .n oi ilvj prineis a> d 'dates, tor the :nlidt th- v hjd ()tKT;'d to tl;e conimeree o* Ivig'and. The otI^.r ii -t I /ded in Decem- ber, under tfe C'>:n:nand ot X'lCe Ad.nntals IVrni, Ci h)i1- fon, and \i av Ad.nnral Ijia.'-je. ha\;:-.^ ki^:,: their ccuivoy i;:vtral hid ol iranipoi;-, \s ith c.^o tr. ops, eoni!i)aii led h, L'oh'iK'l We.ahl' -. d ;;e I- a ... i land coivnianders had ( o: i.\t is to lai! oitj!;:T, ai^ il;.-nne;\( S ol IikIi of t!i;; Spaniili od.nids m ti\- \V\ d Indies, a> niii',';;l jp.p'-ar to thini ninlt ad'.anfa^eou^ to ],n Jand. At at ludufi.n t-r a treaty ot pea.e ai;d e .iiinHr'e made t!'.;^ Near With Denniatk, it was asjreech that l'.riL,hnHhip>; hdhinj; up tlie Liiic to 1 l.:i:iliiJrL;!i, lh:'uld i;ot pa\ any toll oreiilium, fKir 'ee d( ppcd or KareliL-d at Ghukdaiit, nor ai AV.y iitlier !oM or phue on the I'iibe, heiongini^ to Den - ma: k :. ddie tleet nreler \'iee Ad.miral i\nn, uh:i!i had. (aihd ''-'^ii the end ot 'ad year toi tl;e Wed lnd:e-, airived ;n Cailnle !jav, llaibailoes, ui t'.c ?.Cjlh oi Jai:uaiv. It prov'cedtd ti.'m th.unee to 1 iilpani.jla, uheie the eonni'.andiers in ' hie" dila/reiing, a.l>Kd lo m.oiv olhrr ddadei n, diiv r\- pe;i!'. oil taueih It wa- tlun n iol\(.'d m a i^ u.iv'il ol war, I" lad aii.l odne'- the ;llai',d ot ].r.) an'a , ("i le tlic\' pro\fd nv m !i;. ^(!-tid, ar;d lo the m<' ot Mav it I 'd Kilo the :,,.:. \ ol llu' I.; _;'d;;. I'',;;'-! a:;d \';i abi -; reiic'icd then eoir.inaiuis, aiul atttr I'. a\i;!!^ a iMheient loot t u- ihe pi i(etion aiul ie.iiiit\ ot fr \\ Lit India liiainh, ritinned to l-dnf-uul. On tin.: ar: .eal, llu v \seu- OMin:Mlt( d t , \ i, j . i :^ /c i ;' i', 4 r.o.e.iii i 56 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. ranean; after having compelled the Grand D'.ike of Tuf- ^"35 cany to make reparation for his former Cfindudl to the EngliHi, he failed from Leghorn^ r.;id on the loth of A'larch arrived at Algiers, where anchoring his flec^t without the Mole, he fent an officer to ih.e Dey, to infift upon thefhips and fubjeits of England, which had heen taken, being re- ilored. This demand the C-ty inftantly complied with. Blake then failed to Tunis, v/nere he was not fo cordially received, l^he Rev replied to his deir.and, " Plere are our *' caftles of Ciillcta and Porto Ferino, you may do your *' worfr." The Timihan foon. paid d^ailv for his haughty anfwer. Blake immediaicly entered the bay of Porto Fe- rino, and broujihi his fquadron up v/ithin mufquet fliot of the fort, which he foon reducc'd to a dtfencelefs ftate. The admiral then gave direitions for the boats of the fleet to be manned and armed, and b./idly entering the harbour, they boarded and burnt nii.c of the pirate's capital fhips. On this fervice the EngiiTi had twenty-hve men killed and forty v.'ounded. Admiral iiiake's next expedition was to Tripoli ; v.'ith this {tatc he conclu-Jed an honorable peace i and failed again to Tunis. Fearing left he fliculd do more executicin, the ii;ihabitanti implored his mercy, and en- treated him to grant them a peace. Thefe glorious a61:ions made thejaan^e of Biake as great a terror in Aha and Africa, as it hafi been formidable in Europe*. Before we leave this intrepid and heroic Engliilnnan, it js but jufticeto his memory to relate an anecdote of him, fo deferving of record, viz. While he was lying at Malaga with the Englifii fleet, fome of his failors bemg on ihore, ridiculed the hoft, which they met in the ftreet, the prieft highly refented this infult to their religion, and irritated the people to revenge thcmfclves by beating the failors very feverely. When they returned on board they complained to the admiral, who lent a trumpet to the governor de- manding the prieft to be fent on board to hmi. The go- vernor returned for anfwcr, " tiiat he had no power over *' the church, and could not fend him." i^lake fent a fe- cond meihige to fay, that he would not enter into the quef- tion, who hud power to fend him, but that if he was not * A Dutrh admiv,!! Ivin;^ v.i^h a fquiulron at Ca;'iz at the Hime time wi'li Til^kr. Itiii. I. Jiiof-c 'intl rcfulud to liL!*' it, cr: of rviucci to fent \ A V \]. (II !;(>\OT.O(, Y. 57 fcMt witiiin three hiHir'--, he u. >m;<.1 dcltrov the town. The A.I). tr';i.ib::.ii>t'^ alarmed at uv.^ ib.i'. a', <''ii':,f>-i the tv-'Vcrnor tu ^6)5 IriiJ rhe prit!:, v:h \ ..h.-;i iicCiinc ..n o .;:,!, r.\.-'.i:L.j h'.ni- !elf' to tlic admiral, I'V i ;-p; .u-iU';v: tl.c ..^ ; : p^T 'iK-n.ivi'mr of the (.iilois ij.ak.c witii mucii cihniuis a::! cumpvilure told him, " that n :vj h .1 c>):Mi.'.a..)ui <; Li < . :Ur.._:e, he " wmiiJ ha\ f punillivvi ihcra l^\'cr.'I\'; L'T lie woaiJ iK>t " hiri'cr aiiV (>t hi^ i;ic:i to .rAr :k .'v: (.f:..''..,lif i !i-I;.;ivn of *' a place, whiTc h-- tovu iicd ; but Iv.- liini Jor teltmrr " on a mob ot Spaniards to b{..i.t thvni ; that h'- -a, viiid davc " him and the whole woild;\> that iioiic but an l'-v<},~ " hfhman fl)ou!d V haiiiie an l^ivj'ilhnian." At the end ol the sc.v dv i)a:rh, in confccpa-'nce of tiic renuMiltiame-> of \ a;; '!'n!:-.;p. ;'aid iu much a'lcntioii to their ma.nne, that ti-.ev h,.d >ui i'lUudrcd and one ca-Mal (hips of war in their lever..! p.-rt^. Tlic lirlt ratei carried Unentv- fix, le'. eiU\ -foil.', a;;d le; .jp.ty-t'.vo ^uns; lecond rates hx- ty; and tli.rd rate>> iiuy-two '_''ati<. Spain b.a\ i:;^ d- elar-.d \\\:i a^ainft I'lijland, the Admi- 1656 rals I'Jiake and .Moiit.ijue weie lent to crii;/.c bebire Cadiz, with ioiw lail of men (d war, to interce[)t the e.xpeJted flora. Idv iulinii.d., .wer eruinnj; without luccels tor a con:;der.'.b:e tmiL', v>e:e i;i!d-. r t!ie necelntv C'l (piittim:!; their itation, ;,.-..! iiiied Tr vaj coait cd l'ortu_;,i! to reht and watei ti'.,- llii'-i. C,"on!'..i 'd '! e St.i\n;r wa*^ left to cruize for die -,i'd'--'n> with iev.nt;. .'e^. in a lew da\-s he liil- co\'c[ecl ;-r:-! "-'.m: ch. ' ; : t i:d'.: ;ai! ot them ; but liie wea- taei p;./, ;r ' . .rv i' :i\\\-) i<:.\;;i;cd tour of his l})i[)S get- tiii.- uji to tl; atiai'x, lo iii.a w i di the .Speaker, Hrid^iewa- t.;, .:i..i i'i\Mii utd, de tni.i'^il rlie.n with lueh obltir.a.")' audi , '" ' , ' it fA-o v.ere 11::.'., f,.,> weie run on fhore, t.eo vr,\ ,.nd ' ^\ > ei i^' d. Oiv- of the iiadeons v. ,,.^i; : ,;:i,. , . . . . . , n !.-: > 11 :i: e 111 "d" .i.tion : on boa; d .)f \v."-. i,ie \ I >:ov ' 1 rd-:n, wii 1 uitii ^.l^ witc and lu. -:;ii.r pi ;,i' .: ; i. 1 ;! .'iid we:e laved, and bo I' d ! . ' 1. i i^ i. I ':;_ _..!' ,.., .i:;d treaidic theV iiad ;i :;^ > ; riec.-v ,.{ ' ' !' e . ..:; of Sp. mi until the , a-- .1 :n >. m iio;i tii.;' .'n itiicr piau . c ', : li.u. p ! ;.' ' ~ ; ; e ./ i.u tli.- ida:;d ot I'e.^r:- nd. id.;r,c .11! 11. ... ! el . po . e, ai tl^tder. .i:;d 1 n his ar- i . d I... >.. ^ :,...!,';;'.,;;-, .ei 1 ten !ail o; o'der \ _ iT!.d-> ; : . Ill tii.' p.'U, b.!e:,- w:".;^ii .'. b.,e:ii w.i-' m >; ,1. '[d-ie b.y M iv a .. Id .. . ... mo. n I t A : d 58 XA^'AL CHRONOLOGY. ,A.D. bay was alfo defended by feven forts, and a ftrong caftle. *^37 So fecure did the Spanifh governor think himfelf, that he faid to a Dutchman, who expreffed a wifh to fail; " Get *' you gone, if you will, and let Blake come if he dares." The Spaniard had foon reafon to repent of his bravado. The admiral, after furveying the fituation of the enemy, and iecing the imprafticability of bringing them off, called a council of war, wherein it v/as refolved to attempt de- ftroying the fhijis. Commodore Stayner, who had been before fo fuccefsful, v/as entrufted with this bold and def- perate enterprize, with a fmall fquadron he forced his paf- fage into the bay, whilft the other frigates kept up a con- ftant cannonade againft the forts, and the wind blowing frefli into the bay, he was foon fupported by Blake and the whole fleet. The Spaniards made a brave refiftance for four hours, when they abandoned their lliips, which were burnt by the ctMiquerors. Fortiznately, tlie wind, at this time changing, gave the fleet an opportunity of failing out of the bay, unmolcfled by the forts. The lofs the Englifh fuiiained in this hazardous enterprize was, forty killed, and one hundred and twenty wounded. When the news of this glorious fuccefs reached Eng- land, the parliament ordered a ring valued at ilve hundred guineas, to be prefented to B'akc. Captain Stavncr was knighted by Cromv^'ell, one hundred pounds given to the captain who brought the news, and thanks to the ofiicers ;ind leamcn. The fleet, from the length of time it had been out, be- came very foul, and rnoft of the fhips much out of repair. Admiral Blake therefore refolved to return to England, his health alfo began to be much impaired, and the diforder in- crcafed with luch rapidity, that although lie fliewed great eagernefs for the appearance of land, wifliing to breaths his la{t in his native country, he v/as deprived of this fatisfac- tion, and died on the i"th of Auguft, on board the St. George, juft as {he was entering Plymouth Sound. The Earl of Clarendon favs of this great man, " That *' he was the firft man who brought fliips to contemn caf- *' ties on fliore, which had ever been tliought very formi- *' midable, and were difcovered by him to make a noife " only, and to frii^hten thofe who could rarelv be hurt bv *' them. He was the firll: v,ho infufed that proportion of *' courage into the feamen. by making them fee by expe- '^ ricnce N A\ A I C ';r, ON ()LO(J Y '[> *' rioiKC vvh.U rTii-.'':i;\- rn:n:< ''vv r i:Jii i;i li-e a>^ well us uj..)ii " water; <.;^!, .il::i "i /'; h .i '.d .nvM \ ci v well imitated *' and ti ',ln\v;(i, [ir wa- ttic U'!; '.\\i) :_.::r that cxaiiij-'lc of '' that kiiui c>t na\ .il cour.iL-- aiiti b' '.J ,'.;:'i rr;..iiite atcliicvc- " iJieiit-." I)ii;w;.i'-c :u-ie:i ; ; . 'he ur.':e;l forces ot' l-jij^'aDj and i6^S Franci- en xiv: ?. i . ; 1 me, :iiid tiv.- (i.iy hjliowiii.; it was delivered u,^, with all I's furts, cN:e. into the hands of the (:[.\Kr.!:s II. On th'- 2]:\ of Mav, K'liv^ C'harie- !I. wi'h the Duke of j^^^o Vol k., ana tvvu\.! o! the aiuiee.t nnhiiit\', laiided in Kent, fro'ii ( n h'M<\ the fiL-et wh; l", h d hci-ii ii'>llaiidun- ccr tr,-,- eo:nir,.ind < : .\i:ir..r:d .Mo:u...'U '. At the r. do; ..,' r., t!;e im\ v iv ,ira .iltrr iKuieri-dii'."; va- rii-)us c h.!'vj;es) was p-jrni iiK-irlv li-!t!i-d hv ci'iniiiidii-ii un- der the j^ic.a led; It w,'.> tu coiilid <.t a coiniitri'lle; , lur- vcvor, rri-.ilLirer, eier': (it the iia'."/, and thre'/ eominulion- ers, who he.d each thc-ir le,;:'rate d:-pa:, and wcvc to beililcd the [ir:n. ipal otiicers and conumaioniTs ot his nia- icd'v's nav\. Th.c.r fadny was hxed at tu e liundred pviunds per annum, each. In tn-: month of lu::-/, a Jar;,.' fleet nnd:';- the command jf.^i c( -he 1-..M1 ( t S.'.ndc.vich was f(-n; ti), to elci.rt to I'.ii land rtie Inlanta cf i^tr!:l>i.dl ; Ir.- whole mani i.:e with iC;^ L.'!e>-\ tne idanvi id )'oin!>.\-, in th- Kail indict, ;!:id "d'e ^ iiv -(Tan'/ur, en the ci .ill (d" llaih..rv, became tlie pioprrt V m 1 .iH'Iand. 'I lie :\. y . ;; - h r. n... \M.i.(tcd th^- tre:'.t\' h\- I'la'^e, the I\ar! .'f ^s.'cd.w.^ ,1 .-.led wrh the f'c -t i:,,'M !.:;'> )i ;nto th'^ Mt^iiii' : ;.in. ..n, .iial a-Mie.irov; b^-iM"- A! -i"-; --. ! :' oii {1m; e to th d'/'.' tb.e , .i:,>\ (:: ti>m iiindVU, hotli ot whic'n n tieattd \v; ri c ):e;- i ; r, .md p.:L[i.'.red to make .i \!^ ^ouis riiilt.;"c<-. I ri" i ..:! >>! Sannwich to i e- I'.ntthis n.l'>d', atf>nijv--d r^ d.lir-.'', :!v f!:;;)S m the mole, bu' witii' ut liiv'.cl^; \:c 1'mIi ai; i 1.'. Jed wnn ni'iif ot the fleet tur !>'lbon, and Admii.d l..iwf'-n with .i Iqii.'.d: oil to block up the pcvt, uluii lie i) etieciually did, a,> to obli;:e the Al.eiines to lue lor i'>c:.^c. An:r.^.::.:. c;...:-.i , .;. '\ lud/C n 1 1663 Go NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A-D. A judge advocate was firft appointed to the fleet, and a ^^^^ falary affixed to the office*. The town and port of Dunkirk were given up to Louis XIV. for five millions of llvres. Sir John Lawfon was again fent with the fleet into the Mediterranean, to compel Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, to fign a treaty of peace. An eftablifned number of feamcn was nov/ fixed to each fliip of war, according to her rate; and it appears by a letter from his royal highnefs the Duke of York, Lord High Admiral, bearing date the 22d of Auguft, addrcffed to the navy board, that fervants v/ere at this time firft al- lowed to the captains and officers in the royal navy. 1664 An allowance of table money was lirfl eftablifhed to Hag Oihcers. A furgeon general to the fleet firft appointed by warrant from the lord high adm.iralf , Sir Robert Holmes failed with a fquadron to the Coafl of Guinea, where he took Goree, Cape de Verd, and fsve- rai other places v/hich were pofleil'ed by the Dutch. At the inouth of the river Gambia he erected a fort to which he gave the name of Jauics. The admiral failed from thence to the coaft of North America, where he took New Ne- therland, and changed its name to Nev/ York. Several of the fettlements on the coaft of Guinea, were foon atcer reiaken bv De Pvuyter. '665 Holiilities having commenced between England and Hol- land, war v/as formallv declared by the two powers. Vice Admiral Sir Thomas Allen being on a cruize ofF Cadiz with nine fail of the line, and feveral frigates, fell in with a Dutch coiwoy from Smyrna, efcorccd by Com- modore i^rackel, who was killed in m.aking a gallant ef- fort to protect his chorge with only four men of war. Some of the richefl of the merchant ihips were taken, the reinainder efcaped into the bay of Cadiz, v/here they were blocked up by llie Englifh. The Dutch fleet from Bour- deaux was flill more unfortunate, near one hundred and thirty fail were taken. The Duke of York cruized with a powerful fleet on the coaft of Holland, until a violent fform compelled him to quit his ftation, and return to England. The Dutch Ad- * johti Fowler, J-Lfq. f Aicnions rcwiitit^ to the Condufl of the Navy. miral N A \ A I, C il ii'J NO i C)v; V. Cl'.l Opo/.rn availe.l hiiiMt-li ; tl.;> a.'/, .inrajZC to o'ltto ('ca, I'/i; v.i)d c-.i:)iurcd the tr.idc Ironi 1 i. .,;.:>.:; j.;, \v:;h Ub cun\(,v. J'h'j (iukcc:ir;'.i;cij at iiic l.KL.!^ .<; c.'j I^atch, oii ihc lil of June (ailed trim S- l^hav, i;'. ( .>i the cncniv ; his fleet cunfi lied of c::c hviinircti aiu: t >':rLe.ii Lul of nicii of War, and twenty-eight lire liiips, rnainie i with fA'cntv-two thoufar.d ieanicn and hjldiers. T-Ms f.;r:: ..: .b'iu fleet was divided 'nto three Iquadior.s ; liie iin'c i.r r,,', ct)iin]Kindei bv the Duke of "Wjri^, with tl'.e Ad:i-.ira'.s I'^iia ji.:\d LaW- l')n; the fecoi.d or white, by i'rincc Rujiert, TvLiwis, and Sainfnn; the third or bliie, bv tlie Eail of Sai.dwich, Cuttins, and Sir Crcurge A)fcuc*. On the lame day the enemy were difcovered oft" Harwich, formed into icven /cjuadrons, vi/;. Alcn of War. Firc-fhi[;S. I'}. Ojn'.am's 14 2 2d. F.veitz 14 I 3d. Cortcnair 14 I 4th. Stillmeaurt 14 i 5:!;. \'an Tromp lb 2 6th. Cor. Kvertz. 14 i 7th. S^heani 10 2 Total 122 13 with fevcn v.ichts. The wind beln^ favourable for the Dutch, thcv retired before the lOnilifli to the mouth ct tl.e .Mae/e, from whence Opdam iilL^ned iiis rcafons to the St.ttes tor not fighting the ]-ini^hl)i, with vvhieli tb.ey were [>y no means iatisiied, and dilpatehcii im('.(.is for hnn to put to Ita immcdi.itely, and fi^'ht .It all c\eiit>. ( )pda:n, .^t .1 Cdunell of war wh'eti Tie ! ..'.k-mb'.e.i, r'.nini:: tii.'.t the uiMMimous op',n;o!i ;'. jreed Witii (ill own, laid, " 1 am eiuiiely ol vour opinion, but " here aie Uiv older-, to-m.^r; i.w r.v, head Iha',1 be bound *' v.itli la'j.-ci, r: Willi e-, p:;-|s ," lu'.i i';ir.uur. ga\ e direc- tKHi^ to appio.i.h trie !',n^ tltet. 1 iv- meinor.ible bat- tle b;;_an at th.-';',- in ttie :r, ;;:;::,':, i n tiie -jd of fune, ot'f Lo'.vcltotie, and (.iiwinued v.ilh u;i,''.\it:n_- hirv initil no'Mi, witiiwut ..n a-lv..n:,:::e on ( it,,,'; ;;>:e, when t!ie y...':\ . Evtjy exeuion ulcd to refit the fleet, and ^'.o \ :: r;'ii\'>.l ;' .; fl.ic, flu:) :o i;:v.' :!ircc lieutenants, four :; ; :i. ,: ' . .^ h TO i. r.c \uc }.-) "i a n. alter oi ;i third rate, and Oil N A \ AT, ClIROVOLOt. V t)i on I'liC S'.h ct' July the I"..ul cl Saiu'wi-.h failc-tl with above AH. fixiv incii ot Id crui/.-: en tiii- coalt ot Holland t*; iiuci- '' '^S ttri. them. Dc Riivtcr, aw.! r i^i the intention'- ot the Kn^lilh, L-tilcd round the n ;r:n c !' .scciland, and to<;k fhtitcr with his (.diivovs at In-r^ien ni Norwav. Some ot the Kali-Inilia fliips which had lep.aatcd w.rc taken by the Kiiiilifh crui/.ers. The Dutch took, the iflaiid of St. Helena, Imt it was loon after retaken. Tnis year the command of the fleet was given to Prinre ifj'C Rupert and the J)uke (;t Albemarle; the t<>rnur h.;d orders to lail in queit of a I'rench Heet, which c.)niiiled ot thirty-'.ix Ihips, und.r the coinn'.and of the Du:i!cl\ Were De Ruster and \ d:\ Iromp, were i' > much ilv.tter- ed that thev were oliiimJ to ilntt tlieir ila^;^ and r...u nearly been t;iken. ( 'ne {hip v..i^ bIov\ n up, and Adir.ira^. r.\er:- y.en killed. i)i\ the fide ot the Kn.ddli, S.r \'v liiiam l-5erkelev, %\ho ir,'.'.',,uii:v I'd tb.e v.m i;i tlie ^wiffwre, a lecfiiid r.'.te, b-.;:i^ at'..' kcd on a.l lidc^ hv tiie '. nenr., \\;'.v ki;f.\i, and ho". Hup coir.p:ikd to itrike. I'hc Klii-x, ^ in:rd i ate, \va> alio taken. The mtrej^;d CvMivlu.:! ot S:; John Marmm, who commanded the Henr'-, deferve> t) bj: recoivied. 1 hi- Lh:;^ i-em^ T'l: rounded .!:id ;;;I.i:!ed Iro-M aii ii'i.irters nv t.'ie v.'l; I Co n:ii:'.'ia d wii!(.h tills br..\ e t. '' to tr,.a yet." 'I n-iir.d, b'. V. r,,i. h confulMO and ob',i__ We: e now i, -f to 1 bo.ud t;u;;!te!, bu '.vlu-re tile Lra; our, ui'i'ii 'die (," iv i t::. /eabiiid l.iu. > W o Au \o <,'- ;: s ' 'he i:l \t bio. id;: ie k.'.'.^d O.vj Dutch Ad 'lKal:^ t,ie;r Upi.e;:' ;n wa^ tnr..\\ii j;'t- 'Cvl to tjuii ti'.e !i-.M'-\'. tirelhii^ >;;: n li: 1 , o:.; o: tiie-n 't-MMp!; .: Ix: li.o" ; tile 1 llokr W( t.Vf t.,.v\. to v;|",c' iiiij ito:;^ b.iii b > ki>i, u;:t 1 tb bi.i/j btiri bo.!t,w.i:ii i\-\vy-.' '.', ;-.iei;i . . 'd, : n^, ,--J r 'i ;..' r",-. . . . a,, !b,- 64 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. Scarcely was this effected before another firefliip boarded i66o }-jgj. Q,-, fi^g larboard fide; the fails and rigging taking lire, dellruition feemed inevitable, and feveral of the crew threw themfelves into the Tea; upon which Sir John Harman drew his fword and threatened to kill any who fhould at- tempt to quit the fnip. The exertions, at length, of the remaining crew extinguifhed the flames. Sir John Har- man, although his leg was broken, continued on deck giv- ing diredlions, and funk another firefhip which was bearing down upon him. In this crippled ftate he got into Har- wich, and repaired the damages his fnip had fuftained in fufficient time to be at fca and Ihare in the following actions. On the 2d, in the morning", the battle was renewed with encreafed fury. Van Tromp raftily pufhing in amidil the Engli(h fhips had a narrow efcape. De Ruyter, who came down to his affiHance was in equal danger ; thefe Admirals being reinforced by fixtecn Dutch Ihips gave an inftant turn to the battle ; and the Duke of Albermarl became fo hard preffe I, that he found it necefl'ary to retreat towards the EngliCi coafl. The Dutch continued to pur- fue him until night, when a calm put an end to the con- fli^lt. In the morning the Duke of Albermarle finding that he had only vvith him twenty-eight fliips fit for fer- vice, and the Dutch ftill in purfult with a much fuperior force, ordered three of the fliips moll difabled to be burnt, and directed thofe which had not fuffered fo much to go ahead to look out, preferving the line himfelf with the reft to receive the purfuers. In the afternoon, when the Dutch fleet was almoft within gun-fliot, a fl et was difcovered to the fouthv/ard, which the duke foon perceived to be the fquadron under Prince Rupert crouding fail to join him. The Englifh admiral inftantly hauled to the wind, the Previous to the aflion a council of war was held, wherein the Duke (if Albcni irlc gavt tins opinion : " ii we had dreaded " the tuHTibers oi oui enemies, \\c fhould have fled yeltcrdny ; but *' thousdi we aie ini'erior to tliem in fliips, \\l are hi all t!uni;S elic " (uj)enoi-. I'orce LMVcs them c(au'a burnt, but I'.nglith cou- " ra^e was invin^.Die." Tne iJutci! lieet haviiig I'lftered lefs damage in the late .uii'H) than that i^t the ImuuIIi, v.-.i> lonu l. vei t/en ' , a:ui Van i romp. J he i.ii__i,l!i!er,ed tlie eijui j'liieir. . ; tiuir :'.e<;;, a;ivl were loon e:i.;'...ed ti far- tla':;. \v;tn e' :r . fail o; iiieii of war, ;iiid iiiiv'teea nrelhip-, ...lo r T;-.! i i!iti.i three iqiia- droiis ; the red coniman.icd b\' I'l ii'ce !\;:'):rt and tlie Duke ui Aibemarie, \ ice-. Ad:!. j ad o.r j'i.-/pn Jordan, and u \ C6 >rAVAL CHRO.NOLOGV. A.D. Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Holmes. The white by Sif 1666 Thomas Allen, Vice- Admiral Sir Thomas Tiddiman, and Rear-Admiral Herbert. The blue by Jeremiah Smithy Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Spragge, and Rear-Admiral Kempthorne. On the 25th of July the hoftile fleets came in fight of each other ofF the North Foreland, and being equally anxious for battle, a moft obftinate and bloody one foon began. Sir Thomas Allen with the white fquadron at- tacked the enemy's van with fuch fury, that he entirely routed it, killing Evertzen and his vice and rear admirals. V^an Tromp engaged with great fpirit and bravery the blue fquadron, and narrowly efcaped being taken, having fe- parated from the reft of his fleet. De Ruyter was oppofed to the center, and maintained the conflift with intrepid firmnefs, until night put an end to the battle. The next morning the Dutch fleet was obferved retreat- ing In the utmoft diforder. The red fquadron purfued them with the grcateft vigour. De Ruyter, whofe pride was hurt at retreating before the Englifli exclaimed, " My *' God ! what a wretch am 1 ! Among fo many thoufand *' bullets is there not one to put an end to my miferable " life." His fon-in-law, De Wittc, would have had him bring to, and render his life a dear purchafe to the victors; but De Ruyter judged it of more confequence to fave his country by the prefervation of its fleet, v/hich, by great ikill and management, reached the (hallows on the Dutch coaft ; where the Duke of Albemarle and Prince Rupert did not think it fafe to purfue them. The Dutch admirals, De Ruyter and Van Tromp, ac- cufed each other of being the caufe of this defeat. The lofs they fuHained is faid to have been twenty fhips, four :idmirals, feveral captains, and between fix and feven thou- liiiid men. The lofs on the fide of the Englifli was very inconfider- able. The Refolution was the only fhip loft, and about three hundred men killed. On the 29th of July the Duke of Albemarle and Prince Rupert proceeded with the fleet to the iflands of Ulie and Schelling, where the Dutch had col!c6led a large and rich convoy, and the niagaz-iiRs on fhore filled with ftores arid nicrchandize. Contrary uinds prevented the Englifh f.cet arriving ofi' ihcfc Jilaads before ;he 7th of Auguft, when it \va3 \\\Ar. CIIROXOLOG Y. ^7 wa'^ cU'tcrrmlnc.l in a council of fiair oiTicQr^, iiiftantlv to A.D. r.ttacic the Dutch ticet, ajid to dcHrny the niagazines. Sir ^ ^^^ Rcibcrt Holmes, rL-.u-adniiiiil oftb.ercd, was cholcn as the c;lliccr to comniand this crucrprirc. On the 8th he Itood in and anchored' vv:th h:s I'niall iqu.ulron* within t!,un fliot of the Dutch (hip<;, whole force he t'oun(i to conhft of only two Ihipsofwar; the number of n'.crchantnien was one hundred and kventv, leveral of thcfe were armed for war. The rear admiral inllantly proceeded to the attack. One of the fhips of war was b;)ardeJ and burnt by a t-ireHiip, the other cut her cable?, lirove on ihorc, and was drftrovcd by the bv'ats of the Heer, tl-.rec of the hireell merchant Oiips bearing; -'^gs at their maft heads, ihared the fame fate. The whole fleet was now thrcAvn into the I'reatelt diforuer and confuiion, amidil which Sir Robert Holmes entered the harbour with the boat, c f the l!ecr, aiul completed the dellruction, onlv nine (.a: of the v.holc efcapinij;. The ada^iral then landid .iiui i.!.-ltroced tlic maj.tzines. 'i'he ViU the Dutch luthiined bv this fevere bK)w is a)mputed bv fome at one n\i:lion one hundred thoufand pounds, others fav, at one mill:on two hundred thoufand poundsf. The !i; V \' ot {''ranee was at this time fo inconfiderable, that v'oitaire fav'^, " Whillt the i-.nglifli and Dutch cover- " cd the ocean with near three hundred lari'^e Ihips of war, " Lewis XIV, had not then above lifteen t)r fixteen of the ' loweft ratvs. ' In adti:t:on to the convpleniciU of men borne on boaril a fli,;) bfarire, the flajf ot an ;i iniira.l, }itt\' mt'u were allow- ed, to a vice adivi;tal twentv, ai;d a raa: -adcnir.ii ij \\. {;i tbiis \\r al!o is the Hrlt inlfante ot jrituities bein^ ;ilio'A\.4 ^^' ca|. tains in the na.. v who were wounded in baft!e. On the I -^th (jf June, the Dui h Admirals De Kuvrcr iCi^; a!id \ an Cilu-ntj \vii!i iuventv UKn < I uai a.iid i.VLial nie- (liips, arrived bctcrethe mouth of t'na i'h.a.mes; they land- cil at SivcriK-ls and took the foi r. I he alarm was no lotiiR-r liiven, than the l)uke ot .Mb. marie, to prc\t.iit fheii enteiwu; the river .\kdwa.',-, ( .'.Ml-d lome old fhips ti) ba lank, at its entra.iKe, tiacw a acn.)l^, and placed ats. t'-.t i';-c'!ii'"-i. aul iVvi n 1-.^: ' \ " A Kill Wil ;-,llI. 1! w -...: ; . till- [-d:: S . C 1 ; ' t (. I I > . F 2 t'a.ri 6s NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. J^l) three large fliips as batteries behind it. The wind bloW" ^^^7 ing ftrong from the eaftward, induced De Ruyter to make a bold attempt to force the chain and deRroy the fhips at Chatham. C)ii the morning of the I2th, De Ruyter got under fail, and ran with fuch violence againft the chain that it gave way; the fhips placed to defend it, after a moft gallant refiftance, were boarded by firefliips and con- fumed. The ntxt day the Dutch advanced with fix men of war and five firefliips, as high up the river as Upnor Caftle, which opened fo brifK a fire upon them, that they were compelled to retreat, but not before they had burnt the Royal Oak and three other men of war. The brave commander of the firft difdaining to quit his fhip without orders, refolutely continued on board and periflied. The hull of the Royal Charles Was either carried oft" or de- ihoyed. The Dutch loft in this daring enterprize two men of war, eight firefliips, and one hundred and fifty men. From the river De Ruyter failed to Portlmouth, Ply- mouth, and Torbay ; but not meeting with fuccefs, he Returned again to the mouth of the Thames, where he was joined by a fquadron, under the command of Admiral Van Nefs. Thus reinforced, he failed up the river as far as the Hope, and attempted to deftroy a fmall fquadron which was lying there under Sir Thomas Spragge; but this ofticer had arranged his fliips fo judicioufly, that, after repeated and unfuccefsful attacks, De Ruyter was obliged to retire, and ftood to fea. The Englifli took the iflands of St. Euftatia, Saba, St. Martins, and Tobago ; the laft was afterwards retaken by the Dutch Admiral Evertz, who alfo very much an* iioycd the Englifli trade on the coall of America. Sir John Herman cruizing with tv/clve fail of men of war oft' the idand of St. Chriftophers, fell in with the French and J)utch fquadrons, confifting of twenty ftout fliips, an obftinate engagement began and continued with great bravery lor three hours; when the enemy, notwithftanding their fupcriority, made fail and puftied for St. Chriftophers. Sir John liarman purfued and came up with them. 'Ehe whole fleet excepting two were eitlicr taken or deftroyed. A cuftom was introduced and ordered to be obferved in the royal navy, a- a punifhnient for thofe men who ftiould abfent thcmi'elves tVum their fliips whilft fitting. It direilcd that tv.'o flilllmgs and lixpcncc fliould be deduvited from their N A V A r. ciinofloi.or, \ . ()o if.c-.r jay for each day's abfeiice, which money was to be ^^I) juid to th(lc who remained at their duty. ''^-'7 A treaty of peace was ratified between Kn^Iund, Fiance, ;.iid Holland. Sir Thomas Allen was font with a fquadrun into the ''^'^'^ Mediterranean to chaftife the Aitjerincs, who had kizcd lonie KnchOi mjrchanc veliels. He, with the airiftancc of a Dutch fquadron, deltroyed the greater part of their naval foice-. The Cinque Ports being; no longer of any great inionrt- ^iuc; l:r.cethc inc reafe of th'.' loval iiav\-, ;he k.:nj: ^r.:n:..J thj/n a ivjw cliarter, conti;niin^ thf;r ancietit pr:\'i';-j^e^, With the m of lonie nc.v r'.-guiatioriS 'n(^ "I Lite nr; n vi.-ltroxiA!, an .K't of 1..;::.:;.: v.,.-. paiieJ, " chat eleven Ciouf.'nd .icreN ot 'he " '. in eold J . Captain KeMr.nh;Tn'.-, in the M.irv Role, a finall t:i- ^''') r-itc, te'.l in with :ind \va> relolutelv by leven Al- ;.: :irie ciiii/l;-, vvli.vl;, ..tier a I,', i dy t uiiuii, he obliged tu tluxr ufi". >;: Joh:i Narborougli failed in a frij-.ite of thirtv-li.v ;'ii:i> .:i;J .i Iniall pink, on a voyage ot i'.ilco\ erii. j to t!ic o(julh Sea^. He returned home m the sear lOyi, without .uiy thin.:; remarkable occur rin;g. The fquadron, under the conimand ot Adnur;''.! .\l!i-n, 16-3 in tl'.e .Mediterr.uiLan havin.-; been tound ni.'.d;-qu.ite to !up- picfs the daiin.; in!ult-> tit the Aigerines, hir I'.dwaid bpragge^ lent out with a reintt>reeiiient. Upon the uniting of t'le tleet-^, tiie I'.n gjiili l'.f;!ed for .\l-- ;^ier^i but not receivii;g a f.aislavUiiy iinlwer to in.^ de- ! ' .. ; i.d t'l . '!: t;v r-J. .. ! .Ai.e.i. ; :> '11 ., Oi :.ta I r (.' :iiiiu . V --, s 1. : [m.-i ; . " A., V 1 ii';r , ( )i .111 I : t '-'nil-;-' i . ; II v^.:. i>r. >,. ;.,-, ;i :: .; : ,.; til ' ;> '. . .-:^^-;,..- 1.^ .' ]" ; m.uul-', 70 NAVAL tHROXOLOGY. A.D. mands, he proceeded to Bugia, a port where a number of ^^7 their cruizers were lying within an haven fee u red by a boom acrofs its entrance. The Enghili refoluteiy forced it, drove their fhips on fhore, and burnt feven of them, from thirty-four to twenty guns. This misfortune created fuch difcontents among the iMgerines, that they murdered the Dey, and eledted one who fued for peace. On the 17th of September Captain John Pierce, com- mander of the Sapphire, and Lieutenant Andrew Logan, "Were condemned to be fliot by the fentence of a court- martial for cowardice, having run from four fail, which they fuppofed to be I'urkifli men of war, and alfo for run- ning the fliip on fliore, by which foe was loft, contrary to the opinion of the malier and crev/, who offered to defend her. The fentence was executed on board the Dragcn at Deptford. The firft charter granted to a company of merchants trading to Hudfon's Bay. 1671 The Engliih, not forgetting the infult which had been offered to them by the Dutch failing up the Medway, longed for fome favourable opportunity to refent it. A fquadron* was fitted out and ordered to cruize in the channel, under Sir Robert Holme?, to intercept the Dutch Smyrna fleet. On the 13th of March it was difcovered by the advanced frigates. The Englifn Admiral inftantlv * Englifli Squadron under Sir Robert Holmes. Ship'!. Gu)i.u Ccinm.oiden. St. Michael - 70 --- Admiral Sir Robert Holmes Reiblution - 70 \'ice-Adiniral Ear! of Offory Cambridge - 70 --- Rear- Adni:ral Sir Francis Hoilii Fairfax - 50 --- Captain Lcg'ge York - - 50 --- Elliot '^Glouccfter - 40 - Ho!me;> 'Diamond - 20 Fowlis *Succufs - 20 V/atfon " 'J'yiiuJ Juting tliCiiflion. Dutcli Squadron. ^ ^':i[:. Guns. C-n:muih,- lUidiing - CO --- AdrisndcHaes Kntreelit - 48 --- Cnr;ieliu> Everlbn Dort - - 46 --- 'J liomns cic I'.ois HoUaadia - 44 --- Thomas iSae^, ('funi: ) Delf - - 3X I'rouet^ Lion - - T.\ --- _ Ec.mey Centaur - t:. - Tiv.!r,,;s Andcribn Fnezclnrftl - ;j .-- Jolni Anderfoii 50 tail of nitichar.i vclleis ir.uuntr.'j from lo to 30 gunj. cave NAVAT. CHRONOLOGY. 7' g:avc chacc, and on his approach within gun-{hot, fircj -^^^ at the Dutch (hips of war to make them nay die ufual com- '' 7 ' piiment to the flag. The Dutch Admiral pofitivelv rcfufed to comply, and returned the fire from the Kiiglilh Ihips, which bri/'i^ht on an obftinate action, and continued in a rmi.ung ti^ht Uk three d..', - i at the >.-xpiration of which one of the [)uv h men oi war (.he HuHandia) was taken and u'teivvards dc- flro\cd , five of the richelt oi the nRrvhant ihip^ wire alfo taken. The remainder tfcaped and >^ )i. '.afe iiiu) in.e different ports in Holland, The liates general were (o much enraged at this ucl ot hoftility, that they dcciarcd war a^aialt Kn^liiid on tiie J 7th of March. For the more fpcedily equi^^ping the fleet in the Med- i''';z way, we n:id .:n ord r trom ihc- k>rd hi'jh Admiral, datfd the- 28th of Al.rcri. wnerem the finf capvam to the admwal and commander la chiet is directed to take rank, as a fl.ig orf;ccr*. As an c.^cou.agcrr.ent for feanien to enter into his nia- jcffy's navy, a procL;ir.ation was illued, ottennij a hount\', to all luch as (ball enter on buurd ot hift .uu: lecond rates fix weeks pay, and (;n hoard ot thud rates i-ne month's paw On the io;h ut' March the Ru)al Charles, of 110 guns, was launched at I'ortfmouth. France ioined Kngland in the war againlt the Dutch, and fent over a fleet of thirt\-tix fa;l of men ot war to joiii that of Kngland at Fortfmouth, under tlie command ot the Duke of "\'ork. 'Fhc combined fleets proceeded to the Downs in three diviiions ; the Duke ot \'oik commanded the re^i, the Fail of Sandwich ih^- blue, and the Loniit J)'i'.ltree, ViCe-adnural ot i ranee, the tear, beaiiii.^ a white flag^. From hence they Luled to Solebaw harlv in the morning on the 2HJ1 ot .\ia\, ihe\ were unexpeclv iii\- fur- prized by the ludden apgearanct. < t t!ie Dutch fleetF ^I'l^^^ De Ruvtcr, infteail ct callmj ,i conn il ot war. made an immediate .attack, in all prob.ihilitv he would have d.liM/\- ed the coui'jincd fleets, which vveic lying in great Uu- MmvMr- ic'.rm., t<> 'Sc rvr.'v. [ I L'.tLii I'.u^- if I-.". :, 111,1 u'.d Vr '.n L, '>nc hunin '! an'! eiK :..:', t.i; 1 \ 1. ., t.n - ri'V , ..;.,', ;:,:, nit n : '1 ;.= D'lt.'i '!i a w>..;ii;: ,i .t liiiia , M):;j nu.i _: v .:i , Iif: - .; :ii(.lhijj\, ai.ij tvsciit' -;' t ,. > ir!i' , ! .1 Older. f2 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. ^- D. order. Many of the fliips were obliged to cut their cables 167^ with the utmoft precipitation to get into the line. At eight in the morning De Ruyter began the attack mod furioufly on the center fquadron. The fhip commanded by the Duke of York was fo much difabled, that he was obliged to fhift his flag to another. The Earl of Sand- wich, in the Royal James, of 100 guns, with intrepid gallantry attacked Admiral Van Ghent's divifion; but being: very ill fupported by many of the fhips in his fqua- dron, he was left almoft furrounded by the enemy. Juft at this time the Dutch Admiral was killed, and his fhip being much difabled fheered off. Another Dutch man of war obferving the fhattered flate of the Royal James, at- tempted to board her with three firefliips, which flie funk ; at length a fourth firefhip boarded her on the quarter with more fuccefs, and the fliip was foon in flames. Captain Haddock, who was the earl's captain, was almoft the only furviving ofHcer ; he frequently entreated the earl to quit the fhip, who perfilted in remaining on board, until he was furrounded by the flames, when he plunged into the fea and perifhed. By this time the Duke of York's fqua- dron (deferted by the French) had fufrered confiderably, from the clofe and powerful attacks of De Ruyter and Benhert; but Sir Jofeph Jordan, who had fucceeded to the blue fquadron, having totally routed that of Van Ghent, came down to the afliftance of the duke. The battle be- came now more equal, and continued v/ith great bravery on both fides till night, when the fcattered fliips of Van Ghent's divifion having rallied, came boldly dov/n to the fupport of their admirals and faved them from deflrudlion. The wretched and difabled ftate of the Dutch fhips obliged them to retreat. The Englifli, who had no lefs fufFered, were not in a condition to purfue them j and each retired to their own coafts. ' 1 he Dutch in this action had one fhip funk, another burnt, and a third taken. The lofs in men mull have been very confiderable, as the publication of it was for- bidden by the ffates. The lofs fuflained by the Englifh was the Royal James and four fmaller fhips. Many officers of diftintion were killed, viz. the Earl of Sandwich, Sir Fletcheville Holies, rear-admiral in the Cambridge, Captain Digby of the Henry, Captain Picrcy of the St. George, Captain Wat- terworth VAVAI, rnnONDI-OOY. 7U terwor'.ii of the Ann, Sir John J'ox of the I'rincc, and AT). C![)t.iin Marnian (it tl'.c Ti laniph , abuut 2000 men were ''/- ZilU) killed and wjundcJ. The frrnch, notwithftandinz the little flnre they had in the action, lult two Ihips ot war. Rcar-Adniiral dc la Rabinierre was killed wiiti nuinv men. l:i the n..n:h of July th.e Duke of Yoik failed over to the coalf of Hullaiid W;th the KngliHi and French (icets, for the purpoie of makiiiLr a dclcent on the ifle of Texel ; but beniti overtaken bv a {[rf:n'j L'ale ot wind, the fleets were ditperled and returned to;land. Sir Kdward Spra.ig,e deltroved the Dutch fifherv ; and Sn Tobias l^rid.'es tojk the ill.tnd ot Tobago. The Dutch took the illand of vSt. Helena, which wa"> UA'ii after retaken by Coniinodore Munden, who had been fnit out to coiuov the hait-lndia Hiips to England. The cDiMv/'vicre directi-d the Dutch cc-luurs to be continued flvip.g on tne ifiaiid ; this deception had fo good an effecl, that icVLK'.i Dutch lliips entered th.e road and were taken. I he Dutch atteiniHed to take tiie ifland of Boruba\', but wire repulni vvitii great lots. Near .Muiu'.aptnam, v:\ the coad ot Coromandel, ten j'.nL'iilh ihip*;, loine oi thcni men ot war, tell in with thir- tc.ii J'utcii lhi[;s, when, after a and bloody contcll', li.rce of t!ie l-njl;ih i\)>ps were taken. The Dutch ad- Ji)uA bein'^ tvidcd, and buih iquadmiis n)uch diktbled, they i.'.uruji'.v ihccred oil. .\(i ord;r was illued to all comnianJers of his majcflv's i^'73 llujis (>t u.^;, that in future ih-jy were not to require, troin I'Ac i}i!;)> (I war innlf chriilian majclly the llriking I tile ihi:- or tuplail o: l..iute. neither were they to ) the Thames, ;md the l-'reiicii admiral to The Tij'.T t'riizat?, commanded by Captain Harman, !vin^ in the port <>: Cui//, at the i'r.ine time that a Dutch ri'iidrun was there, I)e W'itte, a captain of one (;r the Ditcii frija'e-, was p irticii'ai 1 / intimate witn Canta.iti ilarinan, whi.'h made liu* Sp".n:ard> inhnuate that he dared not Tig'iit th.c I'n^rlilh friLiue. Evcrizen, the Dut-h ad- nrra!, on hearing this rep it he mult challenge the f .ij^rill) c.u^ruin to go to Tea and hght h;m, to l"upr'">rt the h'Mi .ur (A hi,' nitivUi, and that he would ain:t hnn wi'h ii\tv L.i.v.eiiand. I'eVLntv Inidiers. Captain Harm Ml rea:!v .-.cjei/.eJ his propoiai ; and on a day tixt h .; i ihiips \\i'(':\ f.) I'M, ;'.!;d bej:an Co cni'^ai^e within pillol ;h(,t (reach ':'!. in aiho'.t t;nic the Dutch ihip's main- ni;;i v. a=; ih : a.-, a-,'. C.::-:.:!ii M.irman availed himfelt of cofif'.ilion i;.Lu v.'. ch this difaltcr had thrown th-:: tnenv.', b.)ard.vd a'. ! c )mpf ii-'d hdn to lu: render, with the io!> CI rj.ic liu:idred and uniy men. Tlie l'^n;h!]i '".ad nii'.j meii h.iihn!, and hueen wounded; zmnn:\ this iniiihe.' \/..s Ca;.tai:; iiarman, who rccei\ed a fli ):, v.l.iLh "Aeiu in at tii^ leK inc, and iwnc out bctwcea th.v e,.r ar. 1 javvb :v. i!e v, '.-, ir;:.''\lly cured at this vVoimd, .;n 1 live i !e era! vea:-; aticr. Vr.,. v.\r th'- oai.hs ot al'.e^'ancc niui iunreir.acv were :i\ aimur.'de'.ed to theotlicer^ \:\ his majidtv's navy. I ne rejiihitinr ai.d ..'.!.iti:: , the cibins to each pai ticular o:t"'-f r, v,,.> 11 ,.v ;:::t eflahhdud. I I'.e kill r :i.'.:/v.i halt pav t') i -vcral captains in the roval niv.-, ;-.c.ii:di.: : tw liie rates Liev ctiminanded, a-> a i^ra- tuitv t ;r tnei; ii. a'. . ' \- da; i;)_' tae .var. Ail (..'..CI VMS iD'.ird by the icrd hi_:h admiral to flicath nic rj the Ihi.-s ot war v. ilii h\.d { . The cxperinunt was i.;:ei o:. tne i iai Wich .ir. 1 Ivin ;'s-:;lher. Some time atta' !" ;d . ' r . .. '.. :,' ;. Ul. I'-A.: iu- ('uKid 1)15 . 'iwu ua . t . rill- K'V.mI < ... V .;c:i mlt.ualv l.ii-.k, a;iJ the us t') tli: , l:c:\ lhca:.^^^ fVecral 7^ NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. feveral other fhlps, ordered for foreign fervice, were iheathed ^^7i in the fame manner. This practice was a few years aftei: difcontinued, from a complaint made againfc it by Sir John Narborough, and many other fea officers. i6;:4 On the 9th of February a treaty of peace was figned at London, between England and Holland, in the fourth ar- ticle of which the long contefted point refpe6ting the ho- nour of the flag was firmly eftal^lifhcd; it was ftipulated, *' That all Dutch lliips, whether ihips of war or others, *' whether in fquadrons or fingle (hips, which fhall hap- *^ pen to meet any fliips or vefi-ils whatfoever, belong- *' ing to the King of Great Britain, whether one or *' more, carrying' that Ic'ng's flag, called the jack, in any *' of the feas from Cape Finifterre to the middle point of *' the land Van Staten in Norway, fhall ftrike their toofail, *' and lower their flag, in the fame manner, ?nd with the *' like teftimony of refpedl, as has been ufually paid at any *' time or place heretofore by the Dutch fliips, to thofe of *' the king, or his ancefl:ors." The admiralty diredtcd, that officers cominanding fqua- drons as commodores, fhould be in future diifinguilhed by a pendant all red, and confiderably larger than the ordinary ones, now called a broad pendant. 1675 The parliament granted three hundred thoufand pounds, for the building of twenty large (liips of war, viz. One firft rate of 1,400 tons ^ Eight fecond rates of 1,100 tons >each. Eleven third rates of 700 tons } The tonnage and poundage money was, at the fame time, refolvcd to be applied for the benefit of the royal navy'^. As an encouragement to the mafl:ers in the royal navy, the king in council ifiued an order to allow half pay to thofe mafters who had ferved the laft war, in the (hips of the fir^ and iecond rates. 1676 The 'IVipolines having fcized feveral Fnglifli fhips, and otherwife very much annoyed the trade. Sir John Narborough was fent into the Mediterranean with a fquadron, to chaf- tife thefe pirates. On the 14th of January he arrived oft' Tripoli. The night being extremely dark, he difpatched Lieutenant Clou- delley Shovelf, with all the boats of the fleet, manned and ' AndciToii',, O) i:;ii! or CoiTinicrcc, '.'il. 2, page ;;^. t 'Attcn\urdiihc {ainou,> bir Cioudcllcy bho\cl. armed J N V\ AI, CH HOXOLOf; V. / / arnieJ, to ucflrov the fhips in the ir.clc. Lieutenant Shovel ''^^^ Hrli: '.(.i/.cd the jjuard-htut, thtii ciui ud the mole, and burnt ^.-^ tour^e armed fhips *, w'.'hout k'!:!ii:; :\ i\u\i\c man. The 'I rijjtjlines were k) much ahirinvd, thcv lued for peace. Soon after the Eniili{li adaural lc(t 'l"ri[)()h, thcv broke the trcalv, and ccnumitted trifli depredations on the trade. Sir |"hn Narbor('u_^h was obl;:;ed to lail to Tripoli twice, be- fore he could bring thel'e barb.'.rians to any hxt terms of j):ic!t. cation. Iiie tilherv at Ncwfouiivlland be^an nov/ to be conlldered fo benertcia!, particilarly as ;. nurlery to furnifh Teamen fVr the royal nav\', that in this vcar one hundred and two iLij^s were emnloved on the litherv, each (hip carrying twenty guns, ci.''i'.ecn bo.its, and hve men to each boat, making in ail 9 iSo mui f . I lie Duke of York and Lord l::; tiu.'iiixvi juii-^, .iiui hxtv thoul.uid f.iilors J^. So niiKh were tlie\ iiv.t)ro\(.d in nruitmie Ikill, that in tlie year If) -0, thev actua'ly be.;t the Dutcii and Spanifh tieets in conjunction m tlie .\, and killed live fa- nuuis Adinn.d l)c Ru\ ter. " '' . . . !^ - ::,:-f. -;' . : ^ -f .ai , ,i;..l ..i: - I'o.lio:, 78 NAVAL CHllONOLOGY. A.D. Toulon, Breftj and K.ochfortj were fortified and made *^^ naval arfenals. Renaud, a Frenchman, was the firft who conftrudted veflels for throwing of fliells. The experiment was made by the French fleet againft Algiers, which anfwered fo well that they deftroyed the town. j^5gj Lord Dartmouth was fent with twenty fail of men of war to deftroy the town, caftlc, and mole at Tangier. The mole is faid to have been of that extent, as to run fix hun- dred yards into the fea, and the Itones v/cre fo firmly ce- mented together, that it took fix months to complete its demolition. At the death of King Charlos H. the royal navy amounted to one hundred and thirteen fail. JAMES IL i68c James II. having been himfelf Inrd high admiral, and fre- quently commanded the Englifli fleet, was v/ell vcrfed in naval affairs. The regulations which he flablifhed, affifted by his fecretary A'lr. Pepvs, were confidered, and are Ifill, the beft now in practice in the royal navy. Upon his ac- ceifion to the throne, King James affigned a ftated fund of four hundred thoufand pounds a year, to be paid quarterly from the treafury for the fcrvice of tiie navy. Four additional commiffioncrs of the navy were a!fo ap- pointed for the better regulating o^ the dec!:?, naval ftore-. houfes, &c. and for the more fneedy repairs of the fnjps of war. Propofals were now m.adc, and patents granted for the making by diftlllation fait v/atcr frefh ; many years after this was brought to greater perfeifion, and fucceedcd per- fectly well, as will be feen hereafter. z6S6 Although the Frejich had, a few years before, conflruiR:ed and made ufe of veflels for throwing of {hells with fucccfs, it was not till this time that the king gave orders for a bomb-veffel to be built at Chatham. Inff ru6lions were given direcling all captains and ofncers commanding his majeffy's fliips or vcllels of war, to de- pofit a [K-rfcct copy of their journal with the fecretary of the admiral rv. As fome of the new regulations which were made, ap- peared a hardfliip upon the commanders, by taking from thcni ? / :c^ .,"1. i'lt 7/3 5 2d 219 3J 1S2 4ih 136 10 5* I c\, 10 6:h 9' XAVAL cur.ONOLOG r. ^ t) them tVy'cral percjuihtc; and advantaeos his majefty granted -''^' ^^ ihcm the rdlowing allovN.incch.r tabic money, viz. '^^** /''. 1-.' ;..'....' :'. .fJIr'.r.ilr.t'-ier^ncy 12 ^ 4 250 O O 12 34 20 5 O O 12 j 4 lb') 5 O 12 ^' 4 J 24 5 3 12 \ 4 100 O O 12 [^ 4 8^ O O The pnv a-id aliouv.MCc to It a oiiiceis luve undergone va- rious chan^i;"; fincc, as wiil l)-- Iccn ::uhe fuccccdina; reigns. Lurd D.utniuiitn c;;uici only nuillcr I'cventeen fail of" the ^^^* lint-, chicilv third and fourth rate;, three frigates, thirteen Ijre-ihir':, and three yaehts, to oppotc the landing of the Pri.-ie-j of Orange. Oil th 21II of October the Princcof Orange failed frorn llehoct/f.uvs with a iice; (;t tr.x- huncircd fail, formed into tiiree divili.Mis ; the eentcr curTimatiJ-.d bv hiinlelf, bearing the flao^ ot Kiitjland, and his own arms, with this motto: " I Will maintain the Protclbnt rclij^rion, and the libcrtic? " ofKngland;" the van by Ad:niral Herbert, and the i..arbythc' Dutch Admiral Kverizen. A violent it-orni catne on, and iafted fe\ eral hour*-, which dilperled the fleet; b'li on its abarin r thev foon collected, and on the 5th of November, tiie prince landed in l^ibay uithont oppo- lition. Chi the i2thof December Kino; I.ime; II. abdicated the tlirone, at which time the navv or I^njland coiifittcd cf one hundred and fcventy- three fail*. WIIJJAM III. anJ MAKV. In April Herbert !"'.;I. a with eighteen or twenty 16S9 fiil oftlie line, t) iiiterce['t a rreiuli ^cel whicli havi I'aiLd r Ir'-', to liuinf)rt the i.iiulin.; ot iv;:i James. On the .: iinir..','-- ..pj)eaii..g (;!; L";M'k, he !eai;r-d that the King h..i! !.ii'Jcd i.v>i in )nt.-i> p.r' i'.i to hi- .^invalat Kmlale. Oil tivj l!t cf M r. :!; K!,:'i!i ..duKia; diicovered tlie 1 leiKP, lie ; at ai! :i .1 ;:-. Haiiirv !5.r-, co;,i;r;:;i.'- of r .'eiUV- f' :: !^.;! ( t' trie line, uiAlcr the Cv,--T',.:.d o\ ' . A.i ';:.;!-. C ...t-au ilenau!:, C Ja'vii t, and l>i-:i:. Im !. cnc 80 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. French perceived the Englifli fleet, they got under fail, 1689 jinj ftood to Tea in a well-formed line of battle, both admi- rals ieeking an action. The fleets were, of courfe, foon warmly engaged, and continued fo till five in the evenino-, when they .mutually feparated. The French retired into Bantry Bay, and the Englifli towards Scilly. Admiral Her- bert cruifed for fome time at the entrance of the Channel, in expectation of a reinforcement, but as none arrived, he failed to Portfmouth. The king, on vifiting the fleet, (not- withftanding its ill fuccefs) created Admiral Herbert a peer^', and knighted the Captains John Afliby, and Cloudef- ley Shovel. On the 7th of May war was declared againft France. Commodore Rooke, with a fmall fquadron, relieved Londonderry, and performed other cflential fervice on the coaft of Ireland f. On the 24th of November, Admiral RufTel was fent with a fquadron of feven fail of the line and two yachts, to cfcort from Flufhing, a princefs of the houfe of Newburgh, who had been married to the King of Spain. The admiral re- ceived orders to hoik the union flag at the main-top-maft- head, and to wear it as long as her majefty was on board. The Eaft-India Company fettled and built the town of Calcutta, on the banks of the river Hughley in Bengal. x6c)D On the 24th of January Admiral Ruflcl arrived at St. Helens with the queen of Spam. Her majefty having re- ceived complimentary meflages from the court of Englanci, and the admiral's fleet reinforced to thirty large fhi])S, he proceeded with her to Spain. On the 16th of March her majcfly was landed in the Groyne. The admiral then difpatched vice-admiral Killegrew into the Mediterranean with a flrrong fquadron 'to block up the French in I'oulon, and returned to England with the remainder. On the iith of June King William embarked his forces, on board two hundred and eighty tranfports, efcorted by a fquadron of fix men of war, under Sir Cloudcfly Shovel, and arrived at Carrickfergus on the 14th of the fame month ; from whence he difpatched Adaiiral Shovel to join the grand licet. On the 30th of June the Engliih and Dutch fleets, under the command of the Earl of Torrington, ft-ll in with * Earl of Tv)i; iiitz;ron. ' Camp I.ivcs of ^\dmiralsj vol.2, p^^jc^i.}. tljas :-: A vAi. ciinn\-oi.CG V, SI t\. .1 k)\ l rraicc. conimaiKlcd hv the Count de Tourvilic, A.I), bf'.wccii Cherbourg aiul t!ic Illc ot Wight*. At nine in "^/'* the niornlng the whole I'Vcnch fleet began the attack upon the Knglifh blue and Dutch hjuadroris ; the icd or center being nimh lepiirated oecaiioncJ a gicit opening between the conihintd fleets, l^he French profuLd bv this ad- vantage to furround the JJutch and blue kjuadtijns, who made a inoli gallant dvtencc, and to lave tiicnilelves Irom utter deltruction came to an anchor. Th;: Marl ot Tor- lin^ton oblerving the perilous tituation ot this part of his fleet, bore down with leveral fnips to their alhfiance, and rekucd theni from the eneiny. At hvc in the a.tter- noon it fell calm, and the ebb tide making Ifrong, the Kng- lilh fleet anchored. l"he Lail of Torrin'^ton, on examin- ing the flute of his fleet, tiumd that it, as well as the i^utcli, had lufiercd {<) ni.ia-r;.'... w i-o advanta'^e could be gained bv a renewal <,l tne action ; he thereture at night weighed and Itot^d to the eattw.iid. 'Ihe next day it was ri.lo[ved in a couiicil or war, that it would be moll ad- vileable to prelerve the fleet by retreating, and to deffrov the diiabled fhips rathei than (hv protecting them) hazard :in engaiTcnient. Tiie 1- rench fleer, althou'jh it was driven a coniider.ible dillaiicc down the channel, continued to purluc the combined fleets. Oft Rve bay tlie Anne, of 72' gun"", (which was entirely d;:in.iitci,i) was forced on Ihore and delfriA'cd. 'I'he enemv alio attemiited to dellroy a Dutch l:.\:v-tciur gun fhip v.'hich was dri\en on fliore ; but her comm.mder detended her v/ith fo much bravery th..t he otillged them to deliff, and Ihe was got oft' and ar- il', ed I'.de 11 1 1 1 1. Hand. Tiv; K.;r! of K.;r! of Toirmgton retreated with the 'dect into the rnei i h.inie-, Ic.iviii: a tew frigates to ubfer\e and w.itch tlie motui:is i I ttve eiiemv, whu remaineii maiters of ttic channel. I\jur\'ille Itood to the weifward aiui anchored '.'.le:; < : \'. nr 'I\.,r:l ll.l^J .' u,. -..It-..! :.: , :;.;c.- 1 ;,. :-. ;( . .1. r.'. '1 i.ii V ill, c -n - ., I t" : '. -- .' .. ':i.' - f- T. u:^.^e! n ;L'k.> . Al. V\\.: :..'.!:... 1;. ::.- \'oi,. i (I ,\ 52 NAVAL CHHONOLOGr. A.D. the French lleet in Torbay till the 5th of Augufi-, when ^^^9 the wind rnifcing to the eaftward, he failed for Breft. The lofs the Enolifli fuftained in this unfortunate battle, was two fhips, two captains, two captains of marines, and three hundred and fifty men. The Dutch were much greater fufferers, having loft fix fail of the line, the Rear-Admirals Dick and Brackel, one captain, and many men. The Earl of Torrington was examined before the privy council, and juftified his condudl with great firmnefs. The council, however, thought proper to commit his lord- fhip to the Tower, and directed a committee to repair to Sheernefs, in order to make an enquiry into the real caufes of this difafter. A dilFiCulty arofe in the manner of bringing Lord Tor- rington to a trial. The king feemed determined it fnould be by a court-martial ; but the earl's friends maintained he ought to be tried by his peers. A doubt was alfo ftarted as to the power of the lords of the admiralty. It was admitted that the lord high admiral of England might have iffued 3 commiffion for trying him ; yet it was queflioned whether 2ny fuch authority was lodged in the commiffioners of the admiralty; and although fome great lawyers gave their opinion in the affirmative, ftlll it was judged expedient to fettle fo important a point by authority of parliament. A new law was accordingly made declarative of the power of the commiffioners of the admiralty*. Immediately after the pairing of this act, the commiffioners diredted a court- martial to be held for the trial of the Earl of Torrington, and oi'i the lOth of December it aflembled on board the Kent frigate at Sheerncf-. Sir Ralph Delaval, who was vice-admir:d of the blue in the engagement, fat as prefident. The ch;irge exhibited againft the earl was, that in the late engajTement off Bcachy-head, he had, through cow- ardice or treachery, rnifbehaved in his ofFice, drawn dif- honour on the Englilli nation, and facrifictd our good allies the Dutch. H:s lord:l"iip defended himfelf v/ith great clearnefs of rea- (on, and with extrnordinary com^pofure of mind. After a iull hearing and flrict examination of all that * S;n^. ci'!. \\^:;ii,m and Mary, Sc zd. Chap. 11. onthcAtt:- cles or \V:i.: i\;..;;:;u to Uourts-maitial, had N-.WAf, CIinOXOLOf, \. s-^ liad been aJv.'.nced c^n both hdcs He was unaninioufiy .:c- A.l). quitted. >;-) 'Ihc kin^:, notwit!ifl.;:Kii;i': I^Md Torriiurtcvi"'; a \]-j'!;t.'.', the next day took awav his ciHiiiMiiiiMn, in oiJ;.-:' t ) .t;i. ; .; _ the chimours of the nation and the Dutch, \v;i;j were < i opinion tiiat llic court-niai cial cuiiductL-d itlViiv. iih ;'ic..t partiality. The French drove the Kiicrlini iettlers ctl" :' ; ;:yir:i nt" St. Chriftfjpliers, which had been loiiii; in ih.: 'jwint iviii'i.!- lion lA both nations. rc'.-.n' ,'- i:.. '% and havinir hinded about three thcMilai-d tr> .rps, ; , .,.]: ciu^w ui a I'ew (lavs reduced the \,hi l: lih i.d. In July Sir C'lnidefes S.'.o'vxl, witb a 'ir'-.-iiY n ( r ilvcn fail of nu-n (F war, to, !-; i"* ii'-aiiiv.-ii lit; a-; i ;ri So;-;- tember Sir Riciiaid Tat'ai.'Clv cu-"p r;itiw v,i-'n ih; i). .:.'t A'Iarlbc)rou::h in the capture '.t L'():k. I '\j !)u-.e i,t (irafton, who coinniaiideJ ti.e i];eJ.!, was kiil'.c, ar.d li;-j fhip bkm II u'l. Sir Will, am Phipps laiLd v:\:h a fleet fPMn N.;v.' Kn-- !and, ar.d ^ ck tb.j lowii aiul iort at Port Ro}al, in Nov.i Scotia, which he iiained Anraipolis R()\-al. The }'-",arl of Torriii^ti^n v/as iuccce>!id in th*- conmiai'.d ;'''>' of the t1eet b\' Adniiral Rullei, v/iio on ti.e jrh of \l.\\ h.A a iquadron of great lorce ecp.iipped aiid reai:\- h'.r ! .i. in the Hionth of fune the Adniiral procc^'.d to cru;/. in tlic SounciinL'^', for the protccnon of tl-.e tia.!--, :i:aJ to feek th.e fleet of l'"rance, which had failed fioni J-relt a.b.ut tl-.e be- ginninj; of the fame month, under the coiiiiiiand oi tl'.e Cour.t de IVjurville*. Adniiial Rullcl being; informed that :hc Smvrria ;> ct (which was of great value} had a.rrp.ed at Ivinlar/ in he- land, he inmiediatelv prcrcccded "tr" th it p rt, a.p^i alter having convoved iheni tale into tiie channel, h a.ja^ii re- fuincd his Itation oti' the coail of Prance. Sir ClouJelley * App Ciiap. II. No. , ..,^,1 '. At t!,;:, tiniL- :i rciin: !...' !c i: .: i:i 1 1 1 i ; I . : L ; 1 1 ; 'i ' 1 : 1 \\ . 1 , i :';;.!;! i :-. : . i !-.r m<'!: ii', lit nioi. '.r, v.iiii.!; ,-.,i' ;1ki ti:;i-;: .l..! : I . '!'. u:c '! ;;i ;!;i ;'; va''. \^. "11 till. \.:\:d ij i:)v iill-j C 2. 8i NAVAL CIIROXOLOGY. A.Di Shovel was difpatchcd by the admiral to look into Brei% 1 69 1 where he faw forty fail of merchant fliips coming out ef cortccl by three men of war. Sir Cloudefiey, to deceive thtfe fjiips, iioiiled French colours, nor did they difcover the danger into vv^hich they were running until aimoil clofe toth.e Englifli fquadron. In the mean time Admiral Ruf- fcl learnt by fome tianfports he had captured, that the French fleet had returned to Breft. In confequcnce of this intelligence, purfuant to the refolutions of a council of war, he failed to Torbay for further orders and to refit the iluer. The moment the adrniralty was informed of his arrival, dircilions v/ere fent down for him to proceed im- mediately to fea. The admiral with great perfeverance continued to cruize at the mouth of the channel until the 2.(1 of Scjitember, when a tnoft violent ftorm feparated and fii fabled feveral of the (liips; he therefore bore away for rjymoiith. The weather continning very thick and boifter- ous many of the fliips were in imminent danger. The Coronation, a fecond rate, miftaking the land, brought up without a malt, (landing ofithe Ramhead, and the fea ran io high that fhe foon after foundered. Captain Shelton and moll of the crew peri died. The Harwich, a third rate, drove on fhore near Mount p^dgecombe and was loll. In this year one dry and two wet docks were ordered to be at Portimouth ; and the firft mention is made of re- gular regiments of marines. 1692 Abotit the middle of May Admiral Rulfel had collef~ ed a very powerful fleet, which, in conjunction with a Dutch fquadron, amounted to ninety-nine fail of men of war. With tins force he failed from St. Fleiens on the i8ih of May, and ftretched over to the coaft of France. The next morning, at three o'clock, the look-out (hips made the lignal for having difcovered an enemy*. Orders were immediately given to form the line of battle, and at eight o'clock it was completed. At ten, the Trench being to windward, the Coimt Tourville bore down with great refolu'.ion ; and at eleven this ever-memorable a(5tion began off Cape La Hogue. At one, the Frencii admiral was fo ivMch Ihattered that he was obliged to be towed out ot tl'.e line. Tf.c batiie continued with great violence until iuur, when io thick a fog came on that the enemy * Appendix, Chap. II. No. 3 and 4. could XAVAI, f:ilI;UX(JLOG Y. :?j CvHiiii iKt be feci) ; 0:1 it"^ clciriiu; up, ihcy were (ii(>:.'vcrc>i ii.Kcii I'catrcred an.i in I'lili^rdcr IIluii!,: to t!.c n.iit!;\\ ;ml. A 11. A Iniiral R.iir 1 in! c!'.:icc ; hut unlucki !i il lor a gciUKil :Mi^!i tliilvti" ll;a:i bctorc, he was ob'iigctl to uiirhi.r i.; i-uIli to I.-.-;) h:^ fie. t coUecled. '1 lie weather ai^aiii eicar':,.; i:>. t',j ahniral got under \VL!_;h and purlncd the iiun;^ t!ieir,\. /vht'Ut eight in the eveinr.g the blue Iqua-.tion g. .t up witJi thv! enemv, and engaged fwr abuut an hsiir, whm ha\ :) ' loll ft)ur of their ihips thev bore a\s;i\ f^r Cuiup:- t ri\u\. In this Uiort at^lion rear-admiral Carter wi^ k.,l,i..i. I l.e two next days the weather pioved lo d.iik ai;d f 'ggv, t!iat although both fleets were frequently in liglit (d t.uh oiher, nothing eiltclual could be d(.ne. Ttie l''u':..-!i eontiiiu.l ftanding to tlie wclKvard, and the l'.i:p;iilh p.urriui'.g ih.em. On tlie 21<\, in the iiiornuig, tlu- I iigiiiji ticct wa- To WlU up with the ent;iiiy, that at eli.\en o\.l.i.k; ilie I-'iLii.h admiral ranadiore and eutavvay his mails ; liis two 'ee.n-.di and lome other fliips plieil up and rciiiained b\ liini, Ad- rniral Rullel oblerving their fituniion, ((rdend Sr R.dpli Dclaval, wlio was m the rear, to krcp a l;:;iu irnt iiuinlxr oi fifips m liis cii\i(ion ready to ileiiioy ihofe of the eneiiu', and to fend the relt to join t!ie h\),ly (d tlie tire*. In the evening many nf tlie enem} 's lh;p. were ireii :t.:tid r. 1, into I.a Hogne. On th.e 23!, the a.lnnrai lent Sir ( JL-Tge Hoi'ke with feveral men (d war, fm-.r f'ri t!iip~, ai;d .lil the boats (d tile ile-jt to d Ih^'v tliole lliup^ m l'u: [\\\ . On In- ajiproaeh heot)li;r\ed tlilrti^en !^i! ol ine:; <.t nar, v.iiivdi l,ad got fo high up mto tlu h^\\ that none bi Irigales and boats could ad\aiue niar enoiigii \ ice. Sir (leor'j'-, determined, tu execute his : tr.e Ihiall ) be nt ler- gavc maniu.-il, ana ini:.::.',. v p:o- h. ndclt to eni'(H!r.i^" liie en- uith ca. h (ittuT who tliould be I. dircc^ioiis lor tiic b'.'ats tcj b ceeded to thcatta.k, goiiiLi, tcrpri/.e. 'J"he boat- \ icd tlie toremoil m b>iardic,i', the enenu', \s !io wire lo n,u: alarmed and ten died at the intrepiditv ol tlie I'.nuliiii ka- men, that tle.v crouded' ;it ol their Ihip.s on one fid.e as the cotu;uerf)rs entered o;; ih.c i>ih( r. Six ol tlv.- ilnp- <'t war \v: re burnt that ni':'it, and the (mIht Icvcii tlie n \t morn- ing, with (everal tranlports ,:r,d. \eliels laden w.'ii anunu- iiition. '1 he L'.riLiJnh 1 il oniv ten men on tiu:. Lrvico, aithou'ih it wa^ [)(.rlornn.d uiuli-r a prodigio.;- 'ue tioni il.-'; euciny^ baiteriei un lho;e. and within b^.'n i i L:ic;r crop. G : Sotnc 86 KAVAL CHRONOLOGY. -A-D. Some of the enemy's fhips pulhed tbro'jgh t'le r.icc of 1691 Alderney, and look {heifer in St. Maloes, wliere our ihips could I'or wi'h frn>;ty follo.^' ihcm, A,' '' liiis 'irp./j-taru vidlory Admiral RMffel rcfurned to Poi' 'Houd^ V uti the gtcatcr pan ot the Meet to refit, and l.-ft ou- Sii John Alhbv with twelve fad of the line, and Vice- Admiral Calembtrg with the like niindicr of Dutch, to cruize, and endeavour to deitroy tte French (liips that had put into Havrc-de Grace ; but ftormy weather and the fecure retreat of tlie eneiny rendered it inipradicable. The {hips the PVcnch loR in this a6lion were as follows : Ccnvnandcts. Count de Tourville Chevalier de la Villette, vice- iiiiral of the blue Monficur Beaujcan - Monfieur de Septime - Monfieur Scptvillc - Monlieur Cottolage, rear-ad- miral of the blue Monfieur Infreville Monfieur du Magnon - Monficur Bcilemont Monficur de Raal Monfieur Larfethoir - I.e Count de Cf.ateaumorent - Monfieur Bernier - Monfieur Monteaud Monfieur Bagneuz - Monfieur Ferille Anoilicr iluee- decked fiiip was fuppofcd to be burnt, name not known'''. I'owardb tlie end of the furnmer a fquadron of fliips of war efcoj (1 two hundred and forty tranfports with fix or fciin th;;urand troops to Oileiid and Newport. Caji;a;'i Wren, v> ho was llatioiud in the Wefl Indie?, bci.Mg iiitonn-d or the arrival of a French fqiiadront in Ship'!. Gum . Soleil Roya! 104 L'Ambiticux 104 L' Admirable 90 L'Eionant 80 Le Terrible 8o' Le Magnifique 76 Le St. Philip 76 Le Conquerent 76 Le Triomphaii! ;e 74 L'Amiable 68 Le Fier 68 Le Glorieux 60 Le Serieux 60 Le Tr'duit 56 Le Pr'iice 60 Le Sans Paieil 60 * Canspbcll'^ I.ivls of Atlmiinls, vol.2. pap;c ^6^ i' line;'!;!!! (qii^idion witii Captain Wren, thicc foui'th latti an;l t'.vo r.nali f;ij^;itcs. 'I lii.s bi-a\t oiliccr died ioon after, and the cmn- mand of the iijuadron divohcd en Captain .Botckr. French f*}';a- dron ciglitccn lail, fium 60 to 40 guu'^. thol> tiii),: liu^, (ill tlir y^-\\ III l.i.!c.i ft.HU rn'^.i.l, , A '> HI >;;..;! "! \\. O.i i!iL 2.:i .:1 i comai v liu- c!:vii;v w.i.: ''-j- (i:(c.);cicj, an.l .uihoc-ii tl;t'r twr*. ; wa^ !'> i;:i;.iilv iLpc- n^r U) tt.-j I'.ngliUi, C'.j'tuMi W'uM I'll- ,!.)A !i .11 a iuiai, !.t t.icm to :i';t;i):i, ".Lku c.!.Miii;i.d lti> -Ah.ii: d.u v.:!li great bMlkncls. At lught li c ^ oini-al.;!;*- f, ;v:i.;'!. J. 'J'lir next nicn'.ii:..^ Ca;)i:).n Wici!, ii;:>i r,_- !.', : ! . i- !'. t t.) rvTiCV.- ihc b..;ilc, Ixmc u\sav. '1 he e; :iiv \^iji:i foj iii:..h!e.i a Itatc to purfuc li in l:i coi;f:Jcr.ition ol tne nav (;t (.a o ' ' i'- Ik;;: ; ir,;; !i y' K-'s '.lian ii;a; ol otliir [lovsei^, h:- niaJLitv in conn il plcalcvi to orJer t!'c fiillowinLj l iljijl;lii!!;fiif in lieu ot i::c allowance d table-iritnie}' granted b'.' Kii^", [aine^ 11. lit. 'I tl'.e !ea [Jiv ol the 11:.; < i'u '. ;-, eonii;: i;;il/r>, r.i;;i.nan:<, :iKiilj;>, ana lijrg.;;iii li 1:;> in.ii.:t\'^ lh;j-s i;i "a'A be -nblul. 2(1. '['\.:a uil ll.-.g oiii(:ei> ;'.';;! ea;i! of t';e i,i, 2>1, ':;.l, 4!h aiiil ^tli rates 'i^-'l brefiii])- ; .i:.n i!iei;;ii otiiti- ]iant ai;il iii.iiiers ol the ill, 2 !, .in.l "/I i..l''-, w ! > l..i\e (eiAed a )ear in ;l;e (.i:!ie p.-ii- ni lh;(';^ < i t!.ole iaie<, or been in a gein la! ei:.:.''4en.eiii, (In nM iia\e l:.i!t-|!a\ \i.i,i'e on (hore, t(; be jiaul (ju.nteri'. oot ol the <-j> eltir.uic ol the navv. The iKiinher of hi \ant^ ahow ed to o:h.e:< were red. ;vj.l Ij the i'olh\\ ,i!'; nroj] all. in : T. n to the a!;, oral of tlie who'e !L.:; ] ,:'_;h'. to ail (ttier lia:^ olhk u ; S::v to e;!;it.ui:'- ot lull ;i'id Ilc nui r.::. ; |- .\e to eaptiiins ol thiol ai. ! tom ;!; r..:e- ; l'.!ii U) cd\)\.i::i- ( tnne t:.. re l)ee:i no in'- ' . l'/:u:c of the Vr.\::h h;.t, \'.n..:i h.i ! !..ded I; :n 1^;..; ::i I'ie im.ldle oi '.\l:.v i'V ti.e Me l.ti ri..r; a;; i:i ihr. !.; i- hun-, ceinlillnig (d k\( :ii\-oi.e lii.j)- (t \..;;-, h... A:,o.,;,-.Ci (-i 4- 88 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. tenders, bomb veilels, and fircfhips. Wl'.en the news of 1693 this fleet having put into Lagos bay reached England, a council of war was held on the 2'^d of June at Torbay, in which it was refolved lo fail dir(_clly tor Liibon (;hc fleet then confifting of fixty-nine fhips o\ the line) j but to pre- vent all danger, orders were immediately difpatched lo put Sir George Rooke on his guard. Had this refolution been purfued that officer would not have been cxpofed to the difailers which enlued. But on the iff of July, in another council of war it was left to her inajefty's confideraiion, whether if the French fquadron joined, and fhould fail north about, the coaft of England jnight not be expofcd to fome infults during their abfcnce. The refult was, that the Englifli fleet remained in the Channel. On the 17th of June, Sir George Rooke bein?^ off La- gt)S Bay*, at day-break difcovercd a part of the French {feet, (tretchingout from under the land. The admiral was by no means alarmed at tiieir appearance, iiaving learnt from thecrew of a fire-fhip he had taken, that althougli there appeared to be three flags in their fleet, it confilted of no more than fifteen fhips of the line. The prifoners made this report with a view to deceive Sir George Rooke who at noon, diflinftly counted above eighty fail of m.en of war, rjiany of them flanding for the Englifh fqnadron, and others in chace of the merchantmen. The inftant Sir George Rooke difcQvered the enemy's fleet to be fo much fuperior to his own, he made the fignal for the trade to make the bell of their way into the ports of Faro, St. Lucar, or Ca- diz. In the evening the enemy got up with the rear of the combined fquadrons, when after a very noble refiftance, two Dutch and one EngliOi man of war were taken. At night the enemy gave up the purfuit; On the morning of tlie 19th the enemy being out of fight, Sir George Rooke affembled tlie oflicers of the fhips of war, and confulted what meafures were bcft to be purfued, when it was agreed to proceed v,ith what merchant fhips remained to the ifland of Madeira, vvhtre he might perhaps colleft fome of his fcattered fleet. Befirits the fhips of war, about ninety fail of merchantmen were lakeir or dcftroyed j the whole ' The fleet conrifrcd ofabouf f.vcntv-tliree f;d] of Englifli andDufch rrxn of war, and ihe coivvov of four hundred fail. Tlic aduiirals under him wciL Ilopfon and Cakniberg. amount XAVAI, C H RON O LOGY. ?Q amoiiiu of i!;c lufs was (nppcftd to exceed one niillion Iter- A. I). C;)mrr.(i(!(-irc S'.i Iru'ic s W lu-tlcr was fciit wiili a f(Uia- ^'roii ot tutlve luil wt nuiii'i vv.u to c >ii;!ii.i:i'l i:i ilic VVclt Indies, in coiij unci ion w It h CiL'iicral L"<' !iuiL;t' 111 ; il'.f com- modore made an niduccelsliil attack on \\\c iiLmd ot Mar- iin:cci. 'I lie j(.jua;in/ii iluii laiKd iiT the loaii ot Ame- rica and Xcw toundland, wlicreihc cotnni(H',.n.- \sas f(|nally iintoitunate in [us plans ot oprrauon, hLini^ conltantU oji- polrd bv the l.iiid olliccrs in tl'.e council^ ot war whKll wen. held to coiuult on the modes ot attack ; all therein tc ttiat could be lionc at XewJoiji,dland, was deilio\ mt; the 1" reach htheries at St. I'lene's. in Aumilt, Sir l-rancis Wheeler (aikd for l\r,-.dand. and a> no ceidiire was attri- hiitabL- to liiin ii.r tl'.c indtar; la^e (d tlieic tx pexlitions, he ^va- [)ronioieii to the rank o! a rj/ar aikniiral in' tt:c red'^. I n the riVMilh ol Januarv, Mr. Conkii, a[;ent general in Cjiiinca, t>)r the Aliican Co:ii[)anv, tiav.n^ recei\ed or- ders to attack an 1 e.'i'ieavour to (.i.lpoilels t!ie I'rciuh ol their fetfleinents on tliat i.'.>.iH, (ailed with a (utiicicni foice ta the nvcr Sene_i;d, where he c -mpelled the L;o\e!nor ol i'ort Jjourbon to (nrrenJci wit!i(ji;t oppoliiion; lie tlieii proceeded to the illand of Gorce, which at firlt lhr\\ed a difpofition to r*. nil, but b. ii.g I'l hirndhed wiiii air.niuni- tion, It at lei.c^lii i ajiitnlan d. On tiie I ^ih (d November Commodore I^cnb'iw' \va?; fent w;i!i tv. . l\e men ot \',ar, ioiu 'io:m!)-\ i. '.Il 1^, andhvc- ral tr;in(p;>i Is, to neike a dclcei.t on itxLi'.oi (d kiance. (blithe l(j;h he ;.rrived be'oie St. Maloes, w ;,;v h he t llec- tiiall', bomb.rded, and dellr.-.\c(l a ij,reat p.Mt I'l iheiovvn. '1 i'.e m'.abi'ant- sse e (o alarmed at Itie i \ecn!i"ii w !;u !i j. Iin.ill ivcloh !e,;:id'.'n bad d e.e, ;hat it ^ oidi!. i .!''y cl'.ecked t!ie Ipir.t "f priv.i'ei nni; :n th.i^, a^ wt'J a^ m.uiy other purt.s on ilie Ci-aii ^t I'r-inee ' . Orders Were t;\en to li!r\e\ tlie harboor ( i l''altnoi;t!i, and repoit v\!;e;;;-rit uaseapa!)!e < 1 lu :ni^ m.idi.' a proj'er poit ior the n ht;::;u' and d.ckiiu; lli p^ ,.( die r< d i..r, \. It was lie! iM id tbis \e.u- I'la! ll:e lb:; s i:; b,is ma|eli\"s iui".\', on the biwiie !e!\..e, \sere allowed to c.irv ti) La, i'pare top-malls and lads. ' C. ,.1 n,'.;,- . i.e. ; ..t" rh.- A !- tx; I I ! 1 1 1 1 > n , 1' :, . .; ! L..! >.i-u.;i- . Li'.\, . 1 "A.: QO NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. The parliamenl voted 2,500,000!. for the psy and fervicc 1^93 of the fleet. 1604. -^^ ^^^^ clofe of laft year Sir Charles Wheeler was ap- pointed commander in chief in the Mediterranean, and failed with a fquadron of twenty-five men of war, in con- junclion with Vice Admiral Calembergand a Dutch fqua- dron. After executing his orders on the coafts of Spain and Portugal, he failed for Gibraltar. On the 17th of February a violent ftorm prevented the fleet from enter- ing the Straits, which encreafed until the 19th, when the admiral feeing tlie gut, fleered for it, and miflaking Gi- braltar Bay for the Straits' Mouth, run into it, and was fa entangled on a lee ihore, before he difccvered his error, that the fliips could not weather the land, and v/ere ob- liged to anchor ; but the ground being fou!, many of the {hips were driven aihore, and their crews perilhed. The admiral's fhip the Sallex foundered, and hinifelf, with all his crew were loit, to the amount of five hundred and fifty, only two Turks efcaping. Two other fhips of the line, a bomb-vtflel, and two ketches, with fix merchant veifcls were lofl *. On the iff of Pv lay Admiral Ruffel again took the com- mand of the grand fleet, confiding of fifty-tv.-o Englifh, snd forty-one I)iitch fhips of the line, behdes frigates, fire- fliips, and other fmaller vefTcls. On the 3d, the Admiral failed from St. Flelens, and on the 9th being off the Lizard, received advice that a French convoy was lying in Bcr- taumc Bay; upon which he detached Captain Pritchard, in the Pvlonmouth, with two fire-fliips, with orders to take or deltroy them. The next morning Captain Pritcliard clifcovered thein at anchor, and inffantly proceeded to the * Cambridge, fcvcnty guns, run afliorc, loft 100 men. Lumley Caftle, loft - - - 130 Serpent, bomb, foundered - 15 William, ketch, run aflioie, - 1 5 Mary, ketch, foundered - - iG Great George, Turkey Ihip, loft - yo Aleppo, Fattor, loft - " - 3 Golden Frigate of Venice, loft - 23 Bcrkfhire, Turkey Ihip - - i -" .Indian Merchant, Turkey fhip - 2 Wjlliain, loll - - - r Tetal 410 attack. \A\ A I. CH novo LOGY. 01 u (nvk. 'I'l'c cncnr.' L;f.t under fail, am! t-nJcMvonrcl to gci A P. U) (f.i, u It C'.ijUain l'ni> lia!\i jniilii.(! :i,riii lo iWjicU that '^;'. a !ii;_^:r,c and tv\o l! mu^ .ii-!i wiiii b;ar.(!\, v. .i.e. .u'li i.iit pr.iv ilions. A kw tia\^ after fcA'ctUccii (i.oit.- ci rn-ih.ti uanlports 'I'f.c adiTiira!, on I;i-- rctur-Mo St. I Ic-Ii-n'- , \' !icre lie fiaJ left S>r Cloutlcilc)- S!i"vcl to !'.;;HTiiiiL-n(i the cri'v.i k.rion "t (lie lanii tor>.c.\ i:ii(lii jj; theni on b(jaicl, an'. t\(.;v t'r.ii'i^ icadv, '.c failed v. ;tli ttic whcle tlcet on ti:c 20''i ol M i\'. '1 wo da\ != att'-T tii'v i^otlofca, a counni of war w. is held (H boavii the Ijritaiinia, in wti:;!i it v\as i(fo'\"(d, that the f1;eL del";niicd aL'ainfl I'rell, wh:>:h wa- 1 iinMr.,.ii 't. 1 hv l^ord Ber- ke!e--. , iiioiiM :!.i:-. vliat-l',- prooc d -'i il,! i, wiiii tl'e inv>p.s iiii'ici t!;e d.)rt.cti n ot 1,' .it'.-'iai.; ( ;ei"Tal l'> llenia^ he. On tlic st-i of jii.:(- L'lrd R ekei-^v, u itli i'i> I ji.;' iroii, jurted fv'y.Ti ihe f] tt, h.a\i:iL: witfi hirn tvvent\-n.!.e Kir^hlli and ]^i'a \: tn; n ot war, b' :. ies tin.d! I^i^alc^, ine-fii.; . i\e. On tlu' 7tii the lijiiadion a:u hored. '.;et\\rvn C:;rnia:.! ! avaiul ]5ert.;iirrc. The ne\' dnv 'h.e!so1 Ca^ i-'iiarthen was ordered hv the aiitniril to proceed Jole ii; wuli li.v iiieii nl war, IM :;'.;aek the e:iefo*'^ ha:t-ir-, ai.i t-i e'\er the l.iii'i.i.go, thetrweps. Nine hundred. !i, n w ere emhai ketl ill liMad \die;-, h;i; h':::,- of the-n !a!.:ii t::e e;roinu! at .id.:!;ai;ee from the Ih'TC, a leeiie oi dieadlid eoidiifioii :;!! 1 !!,iiiL;luer irdiied, the cin-niv firine"; i-ii itiein m all ih- ic t on- . 'Idle l-.n,;idli niilauied ihe repeatt d att.K k- cf the I i.eniy wii;! y:e..t i>, tdl at len^tli. tlmfe that liavl landed, w - re ( hhg' d to leiieat to ;!eir !)oat^, and wen-, \\i:li r, ii hi ('t:' :ii:'\ , tariud < ''. Th.e ihip- ihat e(i\er.\l ;!ie 1 ii;dr e:; were in.'erahi', ihaltered ; tlie Munk. i.'in- iriandid h\ 'he MaKju^if L\.er:nar' !' n. e- vuh d tii- '"ii';\, hr^u^l.! aw a\-. 'rhe'l\e!;p !);;:> h ti ;.;aie (d thirty ;;'jn- Was innk, a:.d on!v e;'d!; ni, n cK aj^ 1 "o' ,\ Iier whole- erew. 'ihe luK tnda.ind on t > eii'oOim ,'e e\- j ediiion wa*^ riMn'mud ;:t h\en Inmditd fi-', iiir-^ 1, lied, w.-nnded, and, a;:d .d).n:; lonr 1 i.ndi.d kdh i .rd Wounded (Ml hood t';e !!: r'- : Lk nienan' (I n i^l i 'h - maeh.e \sa- wontid- d :n I iie tli'i^i', a-'.d di' d ' ci.d >.::;. at l'i\woonth ; Loid !'. rkeii v :,-> i' 'ij' all Ini "iHT .lO. : e ' , lor t'le inxden;, on t!i-j e'oall c;t I'lanee, and . (Ja tlir lyih I'.c llircvv Lv'jrai \h-A\-: nirotlx- town o: Ca'.ai.-, b\- u!, * !i attai:; {.irty hoiilts wt to C(.)n(unici,i ; bin xhr \s;nl; ImiiI, at- tci;(!.\l With a L'rcat hwll, tiic a(l:r.;ral t.uiiiil :i UL^\',..iry '.) aw.'.v Kir t!'.c Down^. On I'ac 0th ot JiniL" Adr.iiral Riilicl failed with v-x t^ra: ti iK'ti i[\:-i ti.c jMcditcrraiicau, and Wa:r> on tiu- 25'!!, oil the \i')vk ol I,:;':i p., bv a Iq'iadr'U-; iirulLT rear ;i'hn:ral Xl-vi!'.'., and tlic Datch \ ;cr-.A.!iiiirals Ca!i.-iiihLTL; arul Kvcr"/..ti, \'.;th lixtecii i'i.i!',-, oi lite line, the \n'.c tiect C()!;h:t!n.; (;t l:\t\-':iree lad. 'I'lie a iiii'iial pr 'Oecd^ d throt.'jh ilie llraits. and i)ii Iiis ajv-earaitec .m lite eoad ct Caial.Mi:.:, Ai. 'i\nir'. ille, wiuj had l):cn jurai'':;)!^ IteU^re the i..fv- at HjtwliMia, re'.iieil Wild ti,e i't'Liii^li tiect ittta titc harbctr ot Tuuhin, wl.^ic he lutiti.'iiied t)h;ek^d ua the i e''ia.:.vt,T ui the yar. '1 he hai:: granted ilte ro'.a; aaia.e at Cir; enwieh to b^- Mdivcit'^vi ii.uj ati lolp.tai lor dec;rvi.d teamen -.a ti>e ri.val iiav\-, a;id ado a i;t:fi o; :\\jv.i\ l.r extetidttii^ the bi.d^lia^'. N;:e'A,-). Ci.M.. I \'. N,.. A !). 'I , I- \c.\ at N'O'^e, near ( ttlied the ki.ker, n^ a-< e!^t'..-il. audi iiic hijo\ wt iJie lu'tle )-.U(d at Si-;iliea.t i >r ib.e j.iter Kciir.t^ id ilup- iMiii'' m'ej ' I - 1 e) o l^,^t;a,. Th ioaien.:. S itte 'd ilie dL'dts '..ere m ide at ]'!\ iiinui'i, th'-il'ic- V. 'W'. , ::".: t'-.oie to; t':e a^eoiitoio l.itu.a ol the it! '; i-^ > i tlie d .,'.- .1.1 uer- b;e t. Or. t;.- ^S h ' l)..evii-:vT (^:.ea Maie ibvA .k kut- loi^fie, ( , th, it,: d!-;: 'X, .u ih^ ^ ^ '" ^d tier .o;- , aaJ the' 'eh of !er teielto The;i:'' :t v,:''d a ! r the naw ol 2, ^S2,- I :I. !.! t;t'' etdiia; "Adai ra: Ku:: 1 ihd eo:,;- , ^;;jr'd il e', u!:uh r.tre.o.ied t, il.e enad o! > - !. d\ ,a I..;;ii.tiv llii .id- !:..iai d'^ Ceaoi-a iv ' ,. v.:th 1;\ lad o! 1.;- ";s Qi NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. -A.D. gates'*^ to cruize in the Mediterranean for the protection of *^9S the trade. On the i8th of the fame month, when be- tween Cape Bona and the iiland of Pantalaria, he dif- covered two French men of wart, which believing the EngHfh to be merchantmen, bore down upon them ; but loon perceiving their miitake, they hauled their v/ind an3 endeavoured to get away. Captain Killegrew in the Ply- mouth came up with them about four in the afternoon, when it fell calm, and he was engaged with both the French (hips for above an hour before the Falmouth came up to her fupport ; the a^fion continued with great obfli- nacy for the fpace of another hour, by this time the other frigates arrived up, upon which the Frenchmen feparated and made fail. The Carlille, Newcaftle, and Southampton purfued the largeR, and the Falmouth and Adventure the fmalleft, the difabled Uate of the PI} mouth obliged her to bear away for Medina. The purfuit continued all night in a running a6lion; the next morning the enemy findmg their fhips fo dreadfully crippled that it was impoffible to efcape, one of their commanders, with fevera! men killed and wounded, ftruck their colours. The Trident wa? fo leaky that it was with difficulty (he was carried into Gor- genti. The Content was taken to Mefiina. Captain Killegrew:|: and fourteen men were killed on board tlie Plymouth, and thirty wounded, and about the fame num- ber on board the other (hips. In the Ipring Admiral Ruffel failed into the Mediter- ranean with the whole fleet to allilt the Spaniards in their * Englifli fliips. Plvmouth - Captain Killcp;ve\v Falmouth - Graiuhaiu Carliilc Ne\vc;ift!e Adveiiture Southampton a /lips. Guiis. Comm.iii.iirs. t La Content - 64 Marquis tic Chalard Le Trident - 60 Le Count d'Aiilnerv, killed Tlic French account ftys the Content had only C4 guns antl -ino men, tiic Tiident 4i guns and 300 men ; tiiough in I'cveial of tiicu' hnes of battle in the years 1092 and 1693, thole fliips ai'pear to have tile force as ab'Ae. Campbell. + When Cai'iain Killegrew ranic up with t!ic Content, the French crew were at pt avers, and he might have poured m I'.is broadlitle with great advantage, which, however, he retuiid tn do, adding,. " if is " beneath ihe C(jurage of the Knglilh luiion to lurjnize their euenuas " in luch a pollure," Campbell. attempt \ .\ '> A L v i ; i; u \ 1. ' ; ( ; 1 . ir;.;::;-! ;,> i'ri\c tiic l"rt::.-|i n-.i "I Ci. . ; '- ; i A.D. ii-i.iin^ 'h.U !!ij)i-. !i \sl,.ii !,. e \p: ci. ci i! 'in tiu- ii.'ur; "t ' '^ * > " ;' i;i, li.^ .i>!:i.!, at ; lie ( ;: ! i -t > p'l :i;i)-T, rctui l:il t,> C ' I.'. 1" te lui.'.L" iti ; lie. I .[.i: . .i: ; aiifcimTit*- t' r 'ic k-v''ir;:v ui th.c l:.'. i- ii. t!i.- M -'lir;. r- j!.r-ai<, l-.iw;':'' TWtTi'.v .'lir^c- f!:ip> (!' X.\ i;:i , b.lil v t.'iit'-, a:,,i (vini'j '.cilciv. him'' r i>i'; roir,'iri';i i-i .s.r D.iM.i N!,tc!i('l. j-ar- aunii:..i lu the :\'J, .ii:d iai:::i.,i \.;:;i iI.l :.n:.i::..l.i to hi !l:r nF J:lv L r.l [Hrivcl'-v wiMi an 1 -..lilh a:iu i)iiuh 1ij'.!^(!:' ill ! ir.'\:i(,lc>i rlu- ! nvn- <); .Sr. M.i'.ocs uin'. ( i.-Lir. ;!'c, \-.;',;i Id iv;\-(; .::,x1, Cis r> ii^i!.',:li tl'C grr.r;r (i.ut oi i!i'rr. i '!;-< (i'.cc u ;i^ (\^-'i;lc,t i::;>!'.r ilic t iri;I,; .;[ C:i:-'a;n 1> ;/>\v, t'lc v.' >'. 1 tcl- cu::- Ul\ -.1 ' t" n;.;,- :iK i-.!i >: :h u!i.l iJu'c'; (hps dI' war, !;,!;: h >:.:'. \ ;U-, ,,.:c ^..Kio;-, !.,i.r\- n tiat-tiottcin !>'.,;-. n-"! f.v" 1 :,;';;n!:: -. '!"(: h.i> rii;t.i'i!cd ai:.; (iritt J u' '...'V n;i !i ki'-'l ;u"i w. i!i li^v!. 'i'l'.c 'rtrnhlc- Ivmi!) \-.a- I V..:'.. 1 li, ..; 1 t;;.it il;c \v:i^ c' 'i-^d to !>j (iM:k, ii^"i-:\i-r \\;:'i i.x >r I'.'ii (; tiu' I :h.ii, cru!t. On l.'i:.l n.rk'l.s \M.rj i.r t>,;: . ;' i ), : .:Ir;-; {'':, i^w t;;'ini;ril I(>! IilIn :.! '. . !:,> t, .ii.ii a I idcd m t!ic ;it- '.; . ! uiiitd to jucpar." . _ ' ; ; .\ ^ \]K-iii: Ni;i w as 1 ; : A' .; . : iLtkJcv :;c i:.;;c \ k :.i ]!i i\k'. , , \\ t'l I, \ . r.i! liii.ill ! \ ... I n, ii; V 's v ii;i' s ii'ui "U'l- / iiiciK'i 1 .a 1, ;k' 111 tiic : ;it d'. ;'i I. _ .i';i. i iv "Mi. ( ' ;'\ !, i,! !ii 111 will , ,.j> 1 I .It St i\ littU- ;, hi- v-.d'.-d . :! ;l;c .I'Ti.n;':- i'..' I.ii'iirc ..: I'c i; 11.. M .1 111 1 1 111; - ! ( ':iu- lilt:- kM ''- t'v- i,,ht. '1':..- (. .. I i\\ ;i, NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. lonel Richirds moft gallantly attacked and demolifliecL 1695 The bombardment continued without intermiffion till five in the afternoon, by which time hx hundred Oiells were thrown into the town. The magazine and feveral houfes were deilroyed. At night the admiral called ofFthe bomb- veffels, and returned to the Downs. Captain Ofborne of the Aldborough ketch was the only perlon killed upon this expedition. The Marquis of Carmarthen was fent to cruize off the Scilly lilands for the protedlion of the homeward bound trade; unluckily he miftooka flcetof French merchantmen for the Breft fquadron, and not thinking his force equal to encounter them, bore away for MiUord Haven. By this mifcondu61, the Eafl and Welt India fleets became much expofcd to the enemy's privateers, two Eafl India fliips were taken, and three delh'oyed on the coaft of Ireland, befides a great number of Weft Indiamen. On the Mar- quis of Carmarthen's return to Portfmouth; he wasaccufed of mifcondudl, and laid afide. Some afts of extraordinary courage and conduct were performed by private adventurers, and are worthy of no- tice. On the 30th of May, William Thompfon, in a fi(h - ing boat out of Pool in Dorfetlhire, with only one man and a boy, was attacked by a French (loop privateer, which he obliged to fhecr off; Thompfon not intimidated by the fuperior force of the enemy, purfued, came up vvith, and after engaging her for two hours, fhe (truck. The priva- teer had two guns, feveral fmall arms, and fixtcen men : Thompfon had two fmall guns and a few mulkets. On his arrival at Pool with his prize, the lords of the admiralty prefented him with a gold chain and a medal of the value of fifty pounds. T["he flime reward was alfo given to Mr. Williams, who in a fifhing fmack belonging to Whitefand Bay, retook fome merchant vclfels, which had fallen into the hands of French privateers. The town of Lul worth prefented Mr. Jolifie with ajrold chain and medal, for having chafed and driven on (liore, a French privateer three times his force. On tlie i6ih of October Admiral Sir George Rooke Huled with a fleet ol ihips of war to command in the Me- diterranean ; he entered Cadiz Bay, and remained there until he hud afcertained the force of llie Ficnch. ficet in Toulon^ NAVAI. CHRONOf.OG Y. <7 *J'(>iil'n, \Nhi>,'h vv.t; tcniijl fn nii.cli rtipiTHir to his nwn, A.I), iha; '\\c admiral rclwlv'.d, attrr h <.\ii)\ llciirfil tiic l.i!c:v nl ' ''i tiij J.c\uiit Ihips, to return to 1- :ii''..ii;.i r.ithcr than lui/ard an cMi>;agcnK-nt, cfpcciullv :i- m 11 . box comJ).lll^^ wcic iiiUMU(.d, and .ill Avcd to the !h:;'S m the roval paw la the iiun;h ot ).;;!. arv C' W'-ot (a'.Icd \v!t;; live lli v- ol war, I'.mi iire-llij)-, a:.d .. U-- uanf- purts, ':i.i\ ii;j' <'ii hoaiii a (;>iiv oi ti'Kj- 1!i;.1,t t. ( idiii- nuu.d ui (J.MJiiel L:'iu: ,:'i.i:i. on a:i exix ii:':,.n a^'a :id !''.r l-reneh. feiileimty.s in thj :;' :'i' "i ">;. P ''!'-; '. i: ^'i- i-h tnlcipri/e t'!e\ were to be aiii.,e.! Ik, i .e ."> lainarii- . 1 .l- \vard^ the hi;t^ r i lul ot Mauh liiev aiii.ed ..r >;. j) niii^i>, jrid tnlt.i:;'.', jM'.^eed.d t < c\e. iite t!e.r(irder-, ;n eo-'Mine- tiun V. I'h i.e S,' MiMfv'--. Ill ?! ; >.\'i.l.'e (d ii\IV d.i\- tlic C'ln!', iirr..\- :iri,i',- f" tukeii L'^j* Jr.::' o,s, 1'.:: au.\ V^.K. a:,:i rii!i:-d tlie i ;;cn v \ j L;::!ali' ui> lor an iiiindie.l luiie- f'li.d, I .;! 1 d nil a lhi.i,|.i,;,i n.xi i\ s di III' ihlh; d tv. .J ilroiis; Inrt-, ul tiLin t[ic\ took uuc hundred ai d. loru pieCis lit cannon, \s ;;!i a valt tjuantUv ol ainni'i..,t:ii;> a: d naval Itores. 1 he lulsthe I'rench luihi:ned is eoMipntcd at two hnniied thiiduiul piuiuK. 1 in.- e.xpetiiti.m vv.iild ha\c been attended witii rmieh nvre l;lecel.^, had i' n;t l)'..nfiir the feandaKnis beha\ionr (d L'oiuiiiMdoic Wdmni, wiio conh.Lied ihidiui^ hut h's private inteied, and i, p. in ail o/>. ali'inv eiXMiM.; ; d the leanieii to e>Lr' .u"t "t \ . i!e;.cc Mil plunder. i)ii!eniiMPs between tlie 1 "a and land eoni- niahd-rs, lK\anie th^: rehiit id tli:^ r.'an. us e^. iidu.d, and the ^paT.iivl- t;ro\\ i:il; tired ot ih'.M n .\ .d!;ev, withdrew t!u n aiiht.ii,. . 'I iie tr>iips wei.- leirrdiai L; d, ;i;id tlic lieet ia.ii-d lo |,iuia;^a. On tl-e :! id .^. pieinl);-: ih.'^orn- nii;d>ire Lit j.nnaiea, with th.e !(p..adi a;, on h- : onn t > Kn~ ! d iti the (ju!ph(I 1 1 irida, atid. ti;e 1. 1 uuniod. in d.ieil ( d .'.n i ji de- nueal diih u.per, \\huli r:i.;'dinlhe liet;, and lartudoH iiianv o: f.e !ad>'rs and I'^lduT^. lea\n:., (eaiee in'", hith- eieiit to na". i<_;:i'e ih'/ (liij)^ lictne, wineii aiii\ed at tlie end ut th.e \ear ma iniferahle i ond ti"M. 'lie- 1 leiiJi aih.-rnb'.ed a hu^e h.idv (i tr.\tji< :n tlie f i^ r-.i iLh'io;.rho.).i ot l)uiikiik ap.d (.".i'a:>, whoweii- to i\- tm'' 1! he 1 on b.Mid cd tv",;r liuiidrtd lasi o; SLlieh- o>^,eCti i \\ 1,. 1. 11 Q8 NA.VAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. In thefe ports, for the purpofe of making a defcent on Eng* "^9^ land in lavour of King James ; in confequence of which Admiral R\i(T"el, on the 20th of February, put to fea with fifty fail of the line, and flood over to the French coafl. The (iidden appearance of the Englifli fleet, threw the enemy into confufion ; they hauled their vellcls clofe in Ihore, out of reach of being damaged by the Englifh. The dehgns of the French being fruflrated, Admiral RulTel re- turned with the fleet to England, leaving Sir Cloudelley Sho- vel with a fquadron to watch the motions of the enemy. Early in April he received orders to undertake the bom- bardment of Calai?-, which he executed with fuch efFefl as to deftroy a great part of the town, and moft of the {hip- ping. On the nth Sir Cloudelley Shovel returned to the Downs, having left a fquadron to cruize off Dunkirk, where the famous French naval commander Du Bart was lying ready for fea, with feveral fliips of war. In the month of May Rear Admiral Benbow was ordered on this fervice. but on his arrival before the place, he found the number of fhips he had v/ith him too fmall to guard both channels. I'fie weather alfo proving extremely foggy, Du Bart flip- ped out, and ffeering to the north-eaft, fell in with the Dutch Baltic fleet, of above one hundred fail, efcorted by five frigates, all of which he took, and above half the mer- chantmen. In the midft of Du Bart's victory, he was fur- prized by the appearance of the Dutch outward bound Bal- tic licet, under tlie convoy of thirteen men of war, which fo clofely purfi^ed him, that he was obliged to abandon mort of his prizes ; he burnt four of the frigates, and put- ting their crews on board the fifth, tinned her adrift, which with thirty-five of the merchant (hips were retaken. Rear Amiral Benbow in vain purfucd the French fquadron, though he frequently got fight of it, and Du Bart made good his retreat into Dunkirk. Sir George Rooke having been called to the board of ad- miralty, Lord Berkeley of Stratton was appointed to (lic- cccd him in the command of the grand fleet; and on the 3d oi June hoijlcd the union on hoard the Britannia. On the 24' h his lordihip failed for th.e French coalf ; on the 4ih oi jnlv he anchored with the fleet about two leagues from I'dlLille, and made a defcent on the iilands of Houat, lleydic, and Groy, burning tlic towns and villages, with fcvcral XA V A L CmtOXOLOC, V. <-() fc\ Inn!! vellt.!', auA br(n-;:!.t ofl t-ttfcii luiii.Irc.i luufl- ^ P. l !;ca(!fi!iial di!j).i;>.-!;cil Sir M.irtKi rrckmnii \vit!i a fqi;.'.- t'r(>n ti) bc!iih;ri! an! ut :trnv t! , ^)r^f;^.ltl(ln^ atul n-!ai:.i- ' ! f> en t:ic 'j:,;:, a:!);-. 'r'Av.;iJ.;> t!iL' niv' I'l' tla- nioii'ti (i.c- l!;ij's iuv ill J.i !ic iti \\ant ut |ir'/\ i!';jr._\ ,;:.-! t'lc ailmii..! iiroir,.; !,. . ..n' 1 n jt ;.4;id in hclivilic, \vi;li a:-;, pri'ipcct (I [iiC^vT, rjtiiincJ ; ) S;:i!!;cu,l uiih t!;i- f'cv' Manv (h'i;s luvi;:^ Lvn ^v:cc!^vv! nr ; Ou- IJ'.; Ik:c Rhl':, ('! P;\ riV'i-!;!], .!: ajr^'^atiun \'.a- ni-i '.- to il;; I r;- nitv 11 4iH' to cfL.t a i!.:ht-li!,!jlL- (n it, w w ..< h ^.ul t'> !:c i;;irlt !!;:s uar, ai.J at !h;'!'i; i . t ;lurc i: \va- f::;;l!!(.cl. M.'.nv m .liter- and c,'. ::: r-- (,f li;;;-- a_^rci\l :o pa v one |"- ^!>' jvjv ton luitvv.irus a.nJ in.\ai.l , n) ai!:!t in li^irav ;ni; the .An a. i (.i pTrlamtt.f v.a^ p.;'! .: id flKiM;(!i a iciMlicr i''ri*!n!\ l'-<- !a:',J l'jn,<.n, I )':). m ii-a>;nR-l-, at all tnn-j.^, I'M Iu['p'(n.:; the |i>\ai iia'.', , I'.v. were ti.> l.wj :t !iMi;!it\ v)r [ir 11)11. ni lit ii 'i^N Ih.iln.^s V'nlv. N'r:"!Mit I':, li iv- $;i!t"r'vl (eanicn v.tie to 1h ;n.tLrrLti to th.c laiik ct (.nni- iniHr n or warrant (il!i\!> m ;;;e ro\al n.,\ >* ; th v \\i\c likcwifc fntnkd I') a (iouMc liiarc in all pr;/i^: an! wlien maun -li or (ii|)crannn.itrJ, vscic a inutird nm) ( liccn ii h lluljuial. '1 he widows and ihd.iieii <'t frcli rri;;iiere,l leanien, \t!-, i n.i^lit be ki!!e 1 in the lervi^c, wcTv' adnin;.I)k- into that hw|j)>;;il ; the\' were d -lired t.) certi!; t',e;r p'aee-; id'ahmi', tS;.-. I ' \^a^ .i'ii> ena< n.d, t!iat li\p'-tKT j'.. r in(i:-.;'i HiMiiid i>.j di.dneled troiii tile wa^. s ci all lea lini. 1'. t'l \:\ \\n- liani Ii.r\it't', a- wvl! a-- m ih.e ri.'. al na\\', lui ih.e lii; pit u! ( ireru'A ih 1 lidp ta!. Nil. A;d;((iiiie inv(i.' an 1 propofed a i. "nip' 'l;t;"n fi) bf- h'.i i on the b''tn i(n> ni.iieitv^ ilnp tiv ^sheeine!-. On tb.e 2(/h i> q'lcfl tlic C'^vcr-vir -.vo".!.! ri:[>[ Iv th;- d^ua.lron rci:(ii:- iiu'iit'-. I'lic i; i'.c;:uji icfii::! J a Ci:\\ .}')[. \:i, Init rcii.!'-,; - ' - 7 lo .hlinit t!ic iliip'; li., ) t!ic f.arh(ji;r. I h;s iu;l!aL;t' i;r- atlv r.K'rtiHcd the vu-'-:i'hniral. w}i;ilc o'j'ia'I \\ms i\\v hcj-'.-s ot" flcortmi^ the "alicnii^ tn l.iiiu['c ; luii l)c:r;i', li la'.'uii.iiittl, he bore- av.-.v. t.T \ :rj;:r;ia ; a;.'.l rc:'.L\ ':i,^^' oa tli. 1.!;!l- Ivjr- \;ccliclia'l rci.dcfed h\< conr.irv ui'ti I" ttr"!)_; a i,ii.!, v. .'10 ;ar:\'al la l : ,, ui.J oa the 24'h cji 0.~1 i!)er, \s i;h t!ic ;iii;v I..1;: n)..;.a..i a:.-l in a niil'-iaMr lOiKiilioa. The I'Veneh fqna.lroa, uawer Pi \::i<, (aiiteJ a,e W'eil- InJ.c?:, aai! licei. i f r \!'.vl(iiii'..i',:r.J. A'xjiit i!:e ca.l <>[ JiiU he a!ichi)re>l ai Coa- ei tiaa an.. C 'aiiiv>uare N"rr.^ was at tlr.s tiaie Ivai^ ai .^. [-lai - iura.'ia' , ai: i -^a his rtceivati; tatLHauaKt: (: tl.e a;;r...! <>: a Irui. ii h,..a !i ^a on tfic C0.1II, mitaat!\' ealleJ a coia'.^il ni u.ij, w li;i.a uas CfMapols.d ul bitt'h It a aihl laiul i)f]iv ei-. Ai! i!;e laaJ ..;- licers, e!e\ea in laiir.her, and h'.eoaiy (.at r[ thirteen t the Tea ofhcer.<, were a^aaail thie ttjuaviri'a l.i;haL^ ai attai.-: ilie Ficnch ; the leuiainaiii; eadit atiU'tiLli 'a hoin vsa^ th.e coininodore) ben~ii; o\er-niietl h\ a ir.:ii''V!'*> . the eiieiay was fidFered, after i otituniaii; h)iiie d.i\s on the eM.i, to proceed tor I'hiaipe laiaai.leli. i. ( )n ih.e i.;.tii d! .Aa^.a:, Pvl. l^ontis fed ui un'a a Iqiauirca, i. fiaaaaad h\ C 'MI- modore llarlowe, \shi) \v..s (Ui a 1. :a./e 1:. '.h-, [)..; . .\a oblfiaatc eivai'^tnieat eahied and h lied iw^hi'ia-. ( ^a the appraaeh ot n:i;ht t'lic eacnn tiore aw .i\, aad .iai' ' clolclv piiifued, they '^nl fa!e lata the iaa. >).a ti! Ihi.t i::e Hc\i day. Aihnaal Sir (Jeor'-e I{a.)I..e i-oaiaiata'ed '.h.e rvaad het. t dariiii; thi-^ vear. lie v ina'ed th.e aic.un j .at la ihs. !ani- mcr in the S'landai'.;-' t^ir the arna'ct.da ot lii.- ti ide, and was relieved by \ 1 e-.\daia.d Maelul .a,d R. .1- X.' Beidtcnv. The hitter t^)v\ald.^ ;Iie ladv'.l i t [ \-.;- 1'. at witfi a fcjaadri-a ot 1 a:;ldh aad 1 )i.;rli hi;,i^ t > hh' h aa IJii Ihirt's lijii.idron ia MaaKah, i."! wit' .t.aa'.aiL; t::r ,:- gilaace ot tlu- l'aii;hlh adaa;r.d, t!as i.auiMa- a.iv; atai, . . a \\\c Z^d 0} \a-tid -..t i".'< 'si'h l:;e ! ! .a,d ( a..; ..:, thii;!;di cdofe'v piirlned. ( );i the adaia.ih. ujiaii ! h..> ihaam, tie i iiaid tiait tlu- e. :ht lai-r !h p ^^ ia h ; : .1 ! iU ia L)a"kak had ah:. '1 i 1..' 1 a^ a ' \'. ' ' 1 102 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. qnefl: of, but not meeting with fiicctTs, returned to the ^697 Downs. On the loth of September a treaty of peace was con- cluded at R\'rwick between England, Spain, and Holland, on one fide, and France on the othtr"'^. 1698 Rcar-Admiral Benbow was fcnt withafinall fqiiadion to the Weft-Indies, to adjud fome difputes which had arifen between the Spaniards and the Engl)(h fettlers on the Spanifh main. This fcrvice the admiral accompli Hied with honour to himfelfand the nation^ and in tlie follow- ins; year returned to England, Vice-Admiral Aylmer failed into the Mediterranean with a ftrong fquadron, in order to confirpi our treaties with Algiers, Tunis, and Tripuii, which he performed very eife6fuaily. Commitnoner Greenhill of the navy propofed a plan for iG- ing of fhips in a calm, which was tiicd on board his majelly's iliip the Experiment. ^^99 Captain Dampier, in his Pvlajefly's. fiiip the Roebuck, who had made fceral voyages into the South Seas, when failing aiong the coaft of New Guinea, difcovered t!:e land to be divided into tv/o parts; having palled through this flrait, he gave the appellation of Nev^ Britain to the eaflern fhore. In the following year Captain Dampier returned to England, after havmg encountered various adventures and difficulties. 1700 On the 20th of July Sir George Rook? failed with an Englilli and Dutch fleet, confifting of forty -fail of men of war, befides bomb vefl'e's and firefhips, into the Baltic, to afTift King Charles XII. of Sweden, who was at war with the Danes. The appearance of fo powerful a fleet, and the vigorous mcafures that were purfued, compelled the King of Denmark to accelerate the treaty of peace which was then negotiating. The fund for the eilablifliment of pay to fea officers, adopted by King James II. having ended with the war; On the loth of April his majefly in cor.ncil approved of a vote of the houfe of commons for reducing the pay of fea officers to the following edablilhnicnt : * Apn';;;clix,Clni\ i ! f. No. i_ NAVAi ciinoxoi.oc, Y. { . ; i ;.c V. 6 o c:; o o ^ O G 3 I O O > . C i I- ) I I > o ; I li; o I 1 ^ c : >" o I .. !': J 1 - ; ^ o . I ; . } I J J I 2 . , S ) o lo ^. o o o o 6 c . J CO To tfie Admiial d i!if (! ct Ailmiral ut ihi' wi.itc or blue V'lcc-Aiimirals Rear- Admirals C:'.p!ain to the aun^iral (^I'tl'.c il-jvi Captains of the I'lrlf rates S'T.^rxl rhir-l l\,Mrih l:uli Sxrh L:c::lc^2:M> oi the 2n.\ S- fi'iul rates Thin), t'^urth, i;i:h, ami l:.\t!i o ^ c i o 4 j Muiters ot Finl rate.--, per month: 14 c C'j 2 o Seeorui - 1 2 1 2 ^^ S S j Tiiird - ' '} ; 4 f> (> O iM'.rth - . S 12 4 ; I 2 o I it'll - 715^^ 28 SaiIi - 6 I 2 '^ 4 I 5 4 Siirecoiis in every late the Lnix' allouaiiee - - 5 c r 5 :: o Over and a!)(>ve ih.e elhihliliiir.cnt r,\ nun t.ica^h U.:[\ tlieie was allowed as Urvar, is to tlj.; oili.c!--, \i/. To the admiral anil eummaiidc-r in i hu t I'l ;!;e l.eet :o Ailiinrals ut the while and hhie - - i-J \ lee admiral. - - - - 2.) Rear admiraU - - - ' S To Captanis, tunr ler\ants ni LV<.r\- hnr.died men. The li.dt-])a\ ot fea-od.eer--, was alio i in the follow int: iiiatHKr, \i/. l.aJi p^r dutii. One admiral ot the llect. at - - - 2 1 o o One admiral ol the white, and another ol t!,:- bhic, at - - - - I i . > Three viee admirals - - - 1 ^ ' Three rear adiirrals, and t ap:ain 10 ih.e admiial o 1 " '> l\\(iii\ of the (enicr ea[it.iinN, \'. ho ha^l lerwd i! :he war - - - , ^ Hi i 101 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. d. o 6 o 6 o A.D. Thirty next fenlor, ditto ^? Forty '.'eutenants, as above Sixty ditto, ditto nfteen mafters, as above . . - Fifteen ditto, ditto > - _ Th'^ whole and half pay, as well as the regulations re- fpefting Icrvants, have undergone fome alterations iince this tiirif. The olFiCers in the Frencli navy were much better paid than thofe of England, as appears by the iollovving ftate- ment. 1701 Officers per aniium. Perion 11 Table Total, pay. money. /. $.. i. /. s. d. /. s. d. 300 360 660 300 0I300 600 300 0:260 560 200 c!ioo 300 200 I en 350 150 0, 60 210 C 300 200 ICO G 50 I ft captain of a ift or 2d rate Third - - Fourth and fifth Sixth - - Bomb-veiFels Fire-fliips Second captain of a firit rate Second rate - Lieutenants in general Enfjgns, ditto - - _ . An admiral's allowance for table money was 1500!. per annum. Vice admirals, eight hundred pounds. Rear admirals and chef d'efcadre, four hundred and fixty pounds. Whereas an Englifh admiral has only t,hree hundred and fixty-five pounds per annum for his table money. No al- lowance whatever is made to other admirals, unlcfs com- manders in chief. Oil the 2d of July Sir George Ronke hoiflcd the union flag on board the Triump!) in the J3i)wns, and proceeded to Spithead, where he was foor, joined by tlie reft of the fleet, confilting of fort\--eight ihips of the lii^c, be!ides fiigates, hrelhip>, and fmullcr veiieis. The lubordinate admirals were Sir Ciofldciley Shove!, Sir Thomas Hopfon, John Hcnbow, ] [\-^. a;id 'S'r John Muuden ; he was ipcedily reinforced by iiftcep. r;utL-h m'.in of war of the line, with leveral fri:';rcs and faiall vcllcls under the com- mand N \ V \r- ci.\rj)^:m.oc.r. \ I ).') niaPiil (r lyiciiten.u)!- ^uiTVial A!!i 'n.iiulc, \';CC-A.i:i"i:ral A.H. Wiiulcri;' ts. arul\i!m:r.i! W j' llnunr. '7^' 'I'hc fl;-!.l was .irta:i:fl ..' Si. I I- '-n^ im ; ! ihc nnUK- of Aii'jiill ior want (it pruulhU'."- ; :!, 1 u Ir ;i !, [itit to lea, it came on to li!,)W lo lurci troni lii'j W'.it'.saii, that t;c wai oblitH"(i to put into 'r the hitter (.-lul nt'thc ntrmh r' :>.!ni!r.i' !'i.K-.l from thcticc, aiul on th,c 2.1 ol Scptcir.'.^r, he .I- i.k! . >! \';re Addural Bciil)i);v with a Itmu hjuaiir.m U-r \':.c \\ It I ti- thes, lie coiHinuctl to cru/c tor the jn. trcl; :! i-i ihe traiic, until the winter feiihni let in, an.l then retwrneit with, tfic largeif lliips into the !)o.\:,s. 1 he ohi and ii'.-w I^'all liuiia Cnnipatiies conrohu.i'cJ their tmu!^ under an aoi of arhitration, wherein f.ord ( io- dolp!iin and Mr. I larLv, atterwards h'ail ot Oxti'ni, were for t!i',.' Old CiMiv-a'f,-, anti Lord 1 lahfax ior tlie liew. '1 Wei, e pel ions w'le to he \ear!v appo;;-.;ed hv th.f i^eneral co;;rts (il e.ieii coitipativ le!;"- ;; r.elv, wiio weie to lie ll) led M.Uui^^eis ol the liiited drade to I r.d a , .itid at the ex- p'.ration ot (e\en viars, tlic old ;"on!pa:!V \". eie' to iiirrei; ler th.eir charters, and the new eoiupanv wa- th.uh'e toiu'au! id ( hanL;e its lt\le, and to he called, 7 ' / ^.'.'.-./ L!.r:p::>:y nj All re /units tjii.y.n - f, .'''.,- J.jji I'll: -. Dnrin^ tiiii, and le'. ual of tl;.- p;e.\.h:t^ \c:v'^, the ^V'e,l Indi.s and Span.lh iria:n were in,..le Extreme breadth _ _ _ Depth in the hold _ - , > 3^02 On the 8th of March his majeRy King William III. died at Hampton Court in the 5 2d year of his age. The ffate of the royal navy as it Hood at this time, confifted of two hundred and fifty-fix fail, including every delcription of ve(ibls^\ ANNE. The firfl: (lep relative to naval affairs taken by Q^jeen Anne was, to revive the office of lord high admiral, to which poll {he appointed her confort Prince George of Denmark, with a council under hirnt. On the 4th of May, vvar was declared againil France. Early in May rear admiral Sir Jolin Munden was fent with a fquadron:]: to cruize off and intercept fome French fnipsofwar, which were lying in the Groyne, bound to the W eft Indies. On the 28th of May, the admiral being between Cape Prior and Cape Ortcgal, difcovered fourteen fail clofe uiKler the land, and inffantly gave chace, but they outfailtd him very mucfi, and efcaped into the Groyne. Sir John Munden finding nothing beneficial could be done on the coafl ot Spain, proceeded in compli- * Appendix, C'linp. T. No. 7. i' Appendix-, Ciiap. IV. Nc |,,^i<^ht lail of tkc line, a lifty guii-Ihip, aud two frigates. ance N' A \ A r, r 11 r.oxo i.Df. y. h 17 piian,-^ u ;ih his ::ii!: ;.cl'.'::s \> cr^w;^ in !;;c fDUii-l.:' _:-, -^ ^"^ tor liic protcclu^ii o! ilu- ti.ul'. On liu- -ji'ith ot ['j 7^^ jciuni. il in"v) [i;)rt ; (;:i 'i.^ an ;. a! r. la".-, i/ji 'i I^ '.vcrc Iprca 1 jiujiitiu iji to h,.- I iiar.n"t'. r, aiil w. :.:^ r to a;'}", aif the c'a- iiKuir^ (U il'.c niihiu. t'lf l::.l h: ;'i a l-iii: a! iii.inl a com- MiiiiMii I r a court niart:a', \ r il,c tr;..l t > i j o'ui Mia- dc.'i. i):\[\\f I ^'h ct JuU tiicc ii;rt a;!uT.!.: i! . ;i hoaril licr mairltv'- (li [) tlic (^;:-.ll, at >iM!li;-.!,!, St C'1":;.L '.l -v ^llo- Xj'i. a l;n:ra! <>t l;i-_- uhitc, pre liilcMt. A';t_r ha'. !i'^ t \a- niiii-il tile iLVcrai artK k--- c\l;;'); a^aiiJl li.c rj..i a l.n.- ra!, gi'-c it a^ tiiiir (ipin; ui, that h.c hail t.:llv >.!ca:.-il h:in- fcll li'din ill' wliolc ir.attcr toiitaiiinl 1:1 tlK-m, arul a- tar as it ajiprarLii to ;:,'j C;'!irf , h:i(l co:iij'1;lJ \Vi;lih;> 'iiilnu'- tion<, ai;J hi.havj.l hiip.i- It" with ^rca', /cal .iii.l Jihgciucm the Icr^u-f. It n-a-. hin\c\cr m.J, i l-vjil- hva:, iioiuith- itan.ii:;^ h.^ a.'jM'i.l, to \.v. h-n aiiJo. (iitai pp' j jr.4'io||> ii.' ! I1 M !! a '.; yw\': 'i,> to the tL'Jth of kiii-j; WMha:!!, io ,\|'.;ip a '.,'rai;.! iicct. tl,.- v ;tin;nanil ol" \',h.:i.~h ".s a^ to li.i'.j ht\ 11 i;;'.c:i to :ii; lii.;'; \ihi.iial the fail. : IVnihrckc; t!'.;> lin.: u.i'- to l..i\c <':i hoani a hir.;c ho(h <.i 1 iP'l loiv.s. !x-ad>'>nv, the l)i:Lc..; Oniioiui. 'llic ohlciA ot thiv L\;uJ!t;o:i \va> i > '^ t po;', ;;:o:i o; L\uli/. tor the Archihikc L':iaik'-. (^^(.n Aiiih'> acecflio!! (Jul not iiiip-.tlc tlii-^ u'c!':l;!1. (<;i:\ tl;r l-.ail t !'cir.'oi> .> \vi;oha>l rc- tiitil Irotii his (1 l;,i , v.a^ !..e> ( ( .h o in t:,:- i om..o.i[h1 nt ilie licet !)V S;r (ieor-c Ro :.U-. ( ;;i t..c ;^_ !,ut Mr. []\c ^d- nural hoilit*! the iii)io;i lia^ on Iioar i ihe i^ \ .;! >o\.i ri::;M , \ :.e A.liiii:.;! 1 1 .plai, a r-.; :\ :_; a' t! . I .;-. -top-n;.i:l Ic.ul (>I the 1*1 nice ( jeoi .;c , Iv m Aiiiiiir.J h..ii h.\ i.e, uiuleat t!u- iiii/i'M-;oM.ii..i:t h(.. 1 ! the >;. G; o:-c; a;,ci I\ ar \>1- I o, . I. ,, 1 ,r I loi,' )ue ha-: 'Hir 1) ,t.h ;;..t a:.:o!; i C)i. the l'/;iol I :i !'> .1;:; ..::u I'.l l.'-l- ilro.iiS:, i le- Lii ^ , aiul "11 ti.- I .Vii o; A': ;.i t a'i> '10 , i *k: ]<: tnc har- howi i)i L'a.i /. Next -he, th !) o- (); n i -: ;.i It nt iM J tiiMiip. 1 1 wiiha h-tui, uijeu :i.; the ;;'or".oi toluiieii- c!r! : u iio ii ;iii ;u -I an anl .-. : ! , ;I,at i'e \\ n, ,i ., \yi\A 'i nr^ll h.orhMiiaMs <'t tlir tii::i th.i! w .1- ! ,1 '. : ;:i '.::n hv ihi. km^. C)n rh 1 5; h tl.v' ! )i.k o; ( )i!i.o...! :,,:\h h u i:!i i'k- I'ooj.s, aiaiinatsW ila\.-:.>'k r>o;: ,]:.: : ; :ts oi >-. K.i".-- 108 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. rine and St. Mary.. It being found difficult to approach '72 Cadiz, while the Spaniards were in poilefTion of Mata- garda Fort, oppofite to the Puntal, it was ordered to be at- tacked, but the attempt mifcarricd, and the troops we/e re-embarked, with the intention to return home. Captain Hardy, in the Pembroke, having been fent to water in Lagos Bay, received intelhgence from Mr. Me- thuen, her majefiy's envoy at Lifbon, that the galleons from the Weft Indies had put into Vigo, under convoy of a French fquadron. Captain Hardy immediately failed in queft of the fleer, which on the yth of Oclober he fell in with, and communicated this important intelligence to the admiral. Sir George Rooke called a council of war, wherein it was refolved to make an immediate attack on the enemy, in the port of Vigo, A ftrong gale of wind drove the fleet to the northward of Cape Finiiterre, which prevented their getting off that place before the nth of O.c^ober. The paffage into the harbour v'as extremely narrow, and weU defended by batteries on both fides; a ftrong boom was laid acrofs the entrance, at each end of which was moored (with chains) a feventy-four gun ^hip; within it were five Ihips, from feventy to fixty guns, with their broadfides to the fea, to defend the palTage. There not being water fufficient to admit the fnips of the firft and fecond rates into the harbour, Sir George Rooke, and ihe other admirals, fliifted their fiag.s into fmaller ones. Fifteen fail of Eng- lilh, and ten Dutch Ihips of war, with all the frigates, bomb-velfels, and fire- (hips, were ordered to be ready to force the paffage into the harbour, fo foon as the troops which had been landed under the Duke of Ormond and Lord Shannon ihould make themfelves matters of the bat- teries. This was fortimately accomplilhed much fooner, and with lefs rdlflance than could have been expelled; from the mifconducl of the Spanifh governor, who in- difcrcetly fallied ^from the fort, and was repulfed; this gave the Britilh grenadiers an opportunity of ruftiing in Iword in hand, and inftantly difplaycd the flag of their na- tion, which was no fooner perceived by the Enghfti fqua- dron, than Vice Admiral Hopfon*, in the Torbay, with a '^ 'I'he qiiccn, as a fcnfcofher approbation of the conduft of the vice admiral, conftircri on him the honour of knisjluhood, withawnfion of live hundred pcjunds per annum, and a revcrfion of tlu'cc h.undr(;d pounds per annum to his \Mdo\". profs X AV AL CnnONOLCX, T. 1 0.1 prcTs of fail ran .igainii ;l;c b.xim, t.r. !;e if, and was fol- A 1) luvvcJ bv tiic rcii ot 0.\c L:.iri!)i:i(.- 1 l>i;ii In'n. 'I'hc Toibay ''Z^- \v.Ts bi>arci(.-J by a hnlfiip, .ui.i wouLi h.ivc been ilt:tri>yci.l, bdt for the iMKomnnni t ; citiwiis itl liti mliicrs and crew ; 11:0 was drcailtLil!\ lliattcicd, un.l !; ;d (mu- luiiulrtd and fsl- lecn men kdLd and wounded. I . : Aliiv latmn and Bar- flcur, ot ninotv guns cai !i, who wen: opjv.fcd to tlic bat- teries at the etuiance el tbc harb.Mir, luii^red liniie da- tnui^c, but liieir iul^ iii iiuii \'..i-. \erv iiu'onlideiable. Ut iIk' troops, only t wo I; ntenant'^ aiid thirt\ men were killed, and tour (upcrior ollicers uo.inded. This proved a mortal !):i w tc the naval power ut France; tlif lu(i thcv lullained, was (tventeen tiled oi war, \ii. I'rench lliips bur;,t and run alhore. Shij):-. Guns Lc 1-olt -6 j/j-jitlainme - (H Lc Pr;.!ent - 62 Le Solidc s6 La Dauphinc - 46 L'Lnter[irenant 2Z Lc Clioquente - 8 ->34 Lc Favoir, fire- Hup. flight advice-boats. Taken bv the Fngidli and brouf^ht home. J.e l'roin[U 70 J A- I'lnr.c - 2, L'Fdpcrancc "O i/A!! tj') 2S4 Tak' [1 bv t!:e Duttdi. L'.- P)ouiiiun - (.S LcS':p...bL: - -J La 'incline - ; ! ; LeMolcr. - - Le \^)l^;,!ulrc - .;'; I.eTnt.'n - ;. r>/al (liip^ I". V-I ' IIG i\AVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Six galleons were taken by the Englilh, and five by the ^72 Dutch, wb.o funk fix. The galleons bad on board twenty millions of pieces of eight, befides inerchandize, which was thought of equal value. Of the filver, fourteen mil- lions were faved, of the goods about five. Four n-iillions of plate were deftroyed, with ten millions of merchandize ; and about two millions in filver and five in goods were brought away by the Englifh and Dutch. Soon after the adion Sir Cloudelley Shovel, who had been fent out with a fquadron to intercept the galleons, joined Sir George Rookc. The admiral left him to com- plete the deflrudion of fuch French Ihips as were not in a condition to be brought off, and to bring home the prizes ; a ftrong fquadron was appointed for this fervice, and the admiral with the relt of the fleet returned to England. On the 24th of June Commodore Leake failed with a fquadron for Newfoundland, to protect our own trade and to delh'oy that of the enemy. The Commodore executed his inftru6tions with fo much fuccefs, that by the end of Odtober he had taken twenty-nine fail of French fhips and burnt two ; befides which he burnt and delhoyed all the fiftiing-boats and ftages, together with a fort in the ifland of St. Pierre, This fervice was confidered of the greateft importance, as it completely ruined their fifhery, and broke up that ufcful and extenfive nurfery for fupply- ing the French navy with feamcn. On the nth of Jidy Vice-Admiral Benhow failed from Jamaica with feven fail of men of war, in hopes to join Rear-Admiral Whetftone, who had been fent from Eng- land with a reinforcement, and to endeavour to intercept a French fquadron which liad failed under M, Du Calfe. The admiral on the lotli of Auguft being off Donna Maria bay, received advice that Du Calle had failed for Carthagena and Porto Bello. He indanlly went in queff of him, and on the 19th in the evening difcovcred, off Santa Martha, ten fiil ot fliips. On his nearer approach, he found tlic belt part of them to be French men of war, tour Ihips from (ixty to (evcnty guns, one great Dutch fliip of about thirty or forty, and another full of foldiers, the reft fmall ones and a (loop. They were fleering along fliore under their topfails. The athniral made the fignal to form the line of battle ahead, and bt)rc away under an cafy fail, that ihofe aCicrn and to leeward might the more readily N'A". A I. C ::r.0\(. LOG V. J : ica>hlv qct into iliivr It.iii n<. It u;is t!;c' n'liiiir;t''s it:t' n- A !i ticii tuil til nuk'- tMf ':.';..' : r liitilv i.;,:,i ;!;r I)J;ar,,. , ^,-- uholctl, li.i>l i; >t nbu.;:i ci tli-.- r:-ii!'.'< hi^itiiiitft (hp. JiL'torc he rt;ii.Iif(l thai i!.ii. ri, ^' - l' .;.!pi "itli uKafi v..!-, Ill tt;c rear bt^.m to f;rc, ;o i! a ;.;.'' fi ', W mi'.ior arid P^- fiaiK'C, uiiil lonn alter t!'.L \ .c . -;;'!'::::al w.i^ t r;:,';ii;Lvl. After (-xcfum'^inL; two it t'hrcr bn a'lli'!' -, !iu' \\ n iii i and J)t fiai'tf.- ln!t lip t') '.vii..!s\ .III! I ui (i| Li:i:-iit"', .li.'i l-t: l!ic adnural t xii iul to the t:i. . ! il . \v. n ::i: :;:;-M;t it.:; - i. t thf cntniv, !tV uhmn hr v.'.i- v;:v iih.i.'i _'..[ .!>! tlic diij-", in the- rear ci n^e i,;) t h ;i!li!f."i.e uith tluit alaciiiv uhiehtiiiV (-ll^ht t) 1. .'.- ('tie. '1 : e nctii'n emi- tiniied trom l<;in ci-lcck i i.; 1 [-J '. .''h; t!,(M'^h ihes then ccaled iirii'L', 't-t the jd ;;::.! i.e;)l ll:;ht i4 ti.iiu, atid bein the etienv., w ith ur,l\ ilie \i\.b\ near enough to liippoit hiin, t'le lelt ot hib fij'.ia.iioi; hi:;'^ f mr or r.'.e nule-^ aflerti. The hiave l^>:,',,ou-, n it ntinnda'ed b\ tlic couardlv eondi.ct of tr..>!e v.iio h.i 1 fo h:.inK-l'nll\ d. lerlcd hnn, piiirued the etuin-., wh.iwere n' nj, e\ erv eiioi t ti) clcape. i he Rtd)\ ua^ I i i'i!..';i lli.i--eied that he w a ." obhgrd to ord' r her to Poit l\o'..iI. On the inornini^ d the 24th, he in)t tij) with th.eir it in:i..'lt (l^ps and thowt^'i he reeei'.ed t)iit htile .'.i'utanee l; :,! the o:! er lhip<. \ct he hroniiht Inefn to ^ IoIl .icti.-n. In :; n.idd ot tlie hat- tie th a^.^niral- r;.::it le_; wa- lliaXe:, \'. as earn-, it do'.v 11 ; ; ir l'- the (ju.ii Ur t! and > 'hle[\ m. hn; li-nai^ h lor thetn 'o !,' (Jajiiain Ki;' . a ihot, and he d hi^ cradle on I, on .it ,-: k . \\ :.i ! h" V. oil mi: hi w \ :'.!.: .'.tiLii' -' '1 ;.U (. .intai;;-- pan! t) (hi'Otc ii c.ii: ..n 1 ', to k nd orders II t'e in;'/ at i > i'..'.e !,..e men. I 0(^'.\ this .mg !::> ontii ,1 nr. lltat he had h :: I fn- ad;;, ;.d. and t Id hnn. , t'l .t (I; 1 :- IN !i u ( re \ ery 1) Il(i NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D, iore }^"aumint rrui/cd vviih a iqu.idrnn of ir,-Iif!i a:-.(i Ditch Ihips < ;r" Dunkirk, to bKxk. u; M i\niti-, who, at the d-.-zth of Du i'art, (uccctJcd to thi.- coainmni of the i- IcjiK.dron iij that port. Tr. .' parliament voted 4^,':?") fcam-n f r rh-; fer-. iv'c of the c:;iu;a^ vear ; and to cii:!.!)' the e\; vneL> - . tl,j ;,^-, . 3oi"/j57'- 7~- 2J. Oathj r')tn of Apr, I the i'rilid a-riv,-.; .: i ..:-. : from the \W-ll-Indics ha\;n'^ on "; 1. ,J '.';. c,".;l:'.l:;.^ Au:ni:al Iji.'ib^'vv's kpiudrc n, w;-. 1 wi. c Ci.:id -n;---. d to (- fhot Un thdr nnfeonduet in the :..:.i r. \vi;h M. Da ('.;!';. A death warrant had b.en lent t > a" -'ve v./.lern por;-, previoa^ to tiieir arri"..;!; and the U:.'(.,i,"e \va> ewcat J with.v)iit i.cia\- on bii.'.rd tiie llup wh;Ji !):,)UL,h: t!v,'in h lav.-. '1 he tiraiaeN ot ininJ ar.d t.i:r.. ^e t!:-".' ihevvcd at t!,c;r cxccuti. a ( i>.'.c eviden'ly ti;at thev were actuated by no ether prai ;p!c than iIifatfeLtiDM trt?> in- the leeward iiland>. He ariived ar Anti^a.i eail y in ! i b: a.'.: '.-, and beniv; loii.itl b', a irial'i ceaient < t tioops and.i r L'..- lonel Coti: ia_':oa, jt leced^'d t) ra. ike a d-Je^':'.'. on t:'.e i'dand of Ciaad. a tape ; \v!".e: e i!icv r.:/- d tiie f. a t:;a .:;: n-, burn: tiVe town to th" -louad, cairied tlie belf ot ;;.. .i::.i- lery 0:1 b'>..o!, aa^i witii a ve: v meat b 1 -:,' enibar ' I a ( 'a tl;e de .;h of \' lee- Adaiira! r.enb r.v, the eomaiand oi ti'.e f.eet at !.'.::i.iie.i d-\oi\c.l '^n R ar Adaaral \\'Ii:-;- Ifoiie, v.'!:o ^ria/'d uadi lopae la ecl^ a.!.:.':'.'t t'.e lai aie, ^\ hen ::'.- a.'.vs of the .a::iaia:"> t/.ath tr.: a^a l.:i: a:;,:, X'ice- Adaiir.a ( ii a\ d ai 'a .: k at eat v. .'Ai tla ' : i.i i : [';.: bne; biiai.^ thtle th- M. at,' a (a o a aa.i N ^aia ':, a 5^ -aas we:e (ade:ad to l<' taai oae h aia :;::, K-a^aes t-j tn J \v ei*\\ ad. Ab- ^at !': :n vi :!. : .''v \aee-adaia-,d 1 aled \:.'U l'i\ai>a:'% aa i a t;,e I '-' :i da- co'.Lied laui li'iiAa n;; a ( I wa: ' 'ai, \' / . f.vo iixf.-, oi;e of !a!v, aad aaouaa ... , . ..: . d ^ i 1 IJ A D taaae Ivjre a,)wa aaa hn a. h: ...1; t. aeara.a tai x oat t ,v;ai. a i: tie aa : I .died otf' tile Mont.i :;, (asaiiaiai ' t > aa; .-a:i:- , .-:,: tiiru > .. te'.v fi' t .'..:' \-. '. I ' i il4 NAVAt CHRONOLOGY. A-D. fufFered the enemy to efcape, whofe fhips were extremely ^y^S foul, being part of Du Gaffe's fquadron who had engaged admiral Benbowinthc Weft-Indies. On the i2th of May he arrived at Barbadoes, and proceeded from thence to Jamaica. The firft thing he did there was to call a furvey of the fliips under his command, which proved to be very defe6iive. This, together with fome differences that arofe between him and fome of the pi'incipal planters in the ifland, determined the admiral to return home. Accord- ingly, having left fome fliips for the proteiflion of the trade, he failed with the reft. On the admiral's arrival in Eng- land, either from his own mifconduil or a combination of unlucky circumftances, he was difmiffed from her majefty's fervice by a vote of the houfc of commons. Early in the fummer of this year the grand fleet, under the command of Admiral Sir George Roolce, cruized in the Soundings for the protedlion of the trade. During the cruize a French ftiip of war of thirty-fix guns, an Eafl- Indiaman, worth ioo,oool. andfeveral Weft-Indiamen were taken. On the admiral's return into port, he found his health fo much impaired that he refigned the command. Sir Cloudefley Shovel was appointed his fucceffor, and on the ift day of July failed from St. Helens with the com- bined fleet, confifting of thirty-five Englifh and twelve Dutch fhips of the line. 7'he admiral had under him Vice- Admiral Leake, Rear- Admiral Bing, and Sir Stafford Fairborne, with three Dutch admirals. The fleet pro- ceeded to Lifbon and the Mediterranean with upwards of two hundred and thirty fail of merchantmen under its con- voy. Having efcorted the trade in fafety to its place of deftination, the admiral put into Leghorn to water and refit ; from, thence he detached Rear- Admiral Bing to Al- giers, and fent Captain Swanton to Tunis and Tripoli, to renew the peace with thofe piratical ftates. The chief object of this expedition was to aflift the Cevenois, inha- bitants of the province of Languedoc, who being pro- teftant?, had been perfecuted into a revolt, and implored the afliflancc of the maritime powers. Sir Cloudefley Shovel finding every attempt to give them fuccour incf- fedual returned to England. On the i6th of November, the fleet being offthelfleof Wight, the Orford, War- fjiight, and I/itchfield gave chace to a French man of war, and N \ \ \ I. cH!;()^OI.()G^ . 1 1 ar.J at ci'^ht oW^rk at ni::*.; hr:jan to en??.T" her; the* '^ '> action c."iC.!iUJ ti!! two ill ;' ', when the French- 'T^J man l^nck. bhc rrnvcl to he the fl.ii.irdous of firv evins :"'.i tr.rcc hunelicd .-.ihl :', . ..ity nv.n, coninundcJ h,- \l Jc '.I Rue. D.iri.i^^ tr.c ahlcnrc oi' the i;ratiJ Hcer, i u. !ii:cncL' w:;-i reci'.cj thit a conliJciablc :]jn of lr-.r..h ni,- iluurrr.en With 'h'.ir cor.vov wck.- in C\.:u:ii!- b.iv. ( ): :<:> \scrc thcrclo'c kilt to 1< :- AJin'Ml Diikes, ulio vv\;<; u\r:\ at Spithcrid With a Ir.all to lad i:^vr.eti! 'iv,- iii ; '.ir- fuit (.f tli'.-:7i, v.lii^li he d'.vl on the 2J.J of" fi!\. Alicr takirij/ (^n board jul'ts ironi Ic;'il\, hr ,' 'd '>er to :p._- coalt of France, and at d.iv-!i^h* on the ?.''-. h i.t- J cover- ed tile cnvn>\ at aiichor alxuit a l;a'^'ie to tne \'.---fhv.rJ of Cjran\il!e ; upon h.'^ approach th. \' ^<>t und^: f.i! aiid iFrnJ in f..! j!:e lh>:e. 'Flic rear-a.i:i:iT-ai purfued tii n a-, tar into tn. b.i;/ .;. t';"p'lor> woti' i v-ntu-e. ']'h\< coir,-, vcon- iiifeu \er the ixiaf- ; when iipon, on the 2";h ni tht." niirnmj, it i--*iil'.ei:, at a C".inLil ot war, that two h ;.Mt-.'S, two .'Hrlhi", and ail t!;e bo. its ot tile fquadron ih n:\d _:o in to deiiroy thent. 'Fo enc;i'jra;;e the cnterpri/e the admir.d undeitoo'k. th. s f-r\n.e III per'on, whicn b.e moll; efieCtudi\' execiKe.!. 'I'u'o ot the men nt war weie burnt, one ot ej.^iteen, !h_- t)".her ot touiteen u'.ms, anorher ot ei.;ht w.i' Csk* n. Se\e!ito;-ii ni' :r i>t the n,eri.h.ui: fliijis were buir.t t : d - llroveJ, fo ..:ilv t..ur civ ..;);.d. For thi- ii.oial brvice tfie (piecn crd.ered [W medals U-> be fi;u.r:, ai.d preknt. i to the adnr.i.;! .iiid a'.i t'l . o'hc'-r^. ( )n tlu 20;h ot N )vemivr, about e'.t-.en at n;.:lit, i molf \;.;lent itoini ar< Iv. l:oni the wi\[ i lui'i-we;^ , a- :e.r:ed with die.i^itul ihdh.s "t ii^'htnin^ .uuJ y.'-.u^ "t thunder. It co.'itinuid V'.'ith un.ib.r.iU;^ ti:rv unl'.i .unnit le.c;-. t,v,- iv,-\; ni.irnin:'. hi this fui loi:^ lb. .11 p. ridr- i lr,:r! ii | . I ! Die!', ot war, and one tli.v.r...:;,! ir. . ;!;. hi-', .m.i no'ct;. 1 !ea;:;e:i Were d;owiicJi am. ;;_li: wb. .:.i \va> R...r-;\vli:i ..^I 1 2 \k...i. :, l\6 XAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A.B. Beaumont, who was at anchor in the Downs, where his '73 fliip foundered". The mifchief done in London was computed at not lefs - The fnl!o\ving is the bcft account that can be given of the parii- culais of'tliiy great lofs : I'lie Rcfcrvc, a fourth rate, Captain John Anderfon, loft at Yar- pvjuth. The captain, the lurgeon, the clcik, and 44. men faved ; the rcit ot tb.c crew drowned, being 175. The Vanguard, a lecond rate, funk in Chatham harbour, with neither guns nor men in her. The NorthuiDbetland, a third rate, Captain Greenway, loft on the Goodwin fands ; all her company was loft, being 220 men, including 24 marines. The Stilling Caftle, a third rale, Captain Johnfon, on the Goodwin lands, 70 men, of which were four marine officers, faved, the left were di owned, bei'.ig 206. The iV'Jary, a fourth rate, Rear-Admiral Beaumont, Captain Iv.Uvaid Hopiofi, on the Goodwin lands, the captain and purfer ailiore ; one man, whole name \^as Thomas Atkins, laved ; the reft, to tile number of 269, with the rear-admiral drowned. The efcapc of this Atkins was ;-ery remarkable. He law the rear-admiral, when tf.e (hip was brea};ing, get upon a piece of her quarter-deck, from \\ iiich he \\ as foon walhed oft'; and about the fame time Atkins was tolled bv a wave into tlie Stirling Caftle, which linking foon after, he was tlin wn the third man into her boat, by a wave which walhed him from tf.e wreck. TliC York, a fourth rate, Captain Smith, loft at Harv.ich ; all her men faved exce))t f ail l;erc<5mi)anv, beir.g ;h, laved. Th.e Refto!at;on, a tluid rate, Captain Emmes, on the Sands: :;i'7m(n, not one faved. Sir C'io'.ic'elley Siiovel was lying in the Downs with ieveral large l:i!j , \vl;irh w eie all in the uttm.ll danger ; be cut liis mairimaft by 'he L>'):!ril. wluch lined the Ihip trom running (.ui tlie Galloper of the hrctuii, of wliich liie was then in view . Sir titatloid Pdirhoine had his il.';v, as viee-a(hui:al of the red, llyi;.gin tlie Atiociation, in whicli lie u;r. i'ii\en. fn it to ( ottenburgli, ar.d tliesi to Cop^ rdrigcn, from wlu'itti l;e (b(! ni * .-e: liome till tlie next year, '.['he Rij\enge was i'nrced Fi(ii. b> r ;;!,(Iio", and uitii nu(;u!' ', alter d;iving fomc lime or. I'u. t., .'.[ c', !'(^> intotl.e liver A'lechssiy ; theRuflel, Cip-tii.i i (/>. (lis:.-', \' ; s i'aced over to Jlolhind; and the Dorlet, C ipii'iii './.'.> ..: ' ^^'!!l^:^^ r, .ii tei- fti ikmg thin con tlie Galloper, drove afdtni'iii a: lia, and i'.\<:'. gut liile to the iNore. Caniubt-U's Eive> ii'e Avimns tlun N \ ' A I- i units 1. oc, V. ii; ih.m a million, a:-.J the citv iA Ilrifli'l i'.r'iVrc-J upu' < t ^ L) Oil-,- hiirulrcd anJ lifty (h\i-d. A public faft was o'iIIt \'cd with [ i',,! mmi'-v, and an .'id.-: Ill cou!K-i! appeared ii\ th, Ci.v^ttc-, t i :h;- pavni.- " n;' the bounties, and ad\Mncjd wajcs ro r;i_- fanii.cs (;t i !;-;i otriCLTS and Ican-cn a^ ha^l pcrilhcd in t':? ilorjn, m th-j iamc manner as it' the^- had been Icdh-i m b.itdv-. The houll' ot" coniniiuis alio addrrii.-d h/: in.iiv.;^.' u;- in this melanc'icdy occaficn, dc.'irin^ lur t'l j^'.e inrncd.jte directions tor rcpairinj; this !o;s, and to hui'.d kivii ia;\'. d fhips as llie fhonld think, fit, and proniilld ;o r.\ .ix- -.Dii th^- t'xpence at their next ni{'eri;i.r. In the niMiith of Oct >he; .>;r ( I e vj.- Ri.'i." w...; ('-nt with a fleet to Hoh.'.nd. in older t > -leu t C'/, irie^ I )j'k.- ot Aullria to Li!h,)n, v. ho h.ul Seen d. ehir -d K,:: ; of >-.i;,i bv his f'.itiier t!'.c J'.mpero:, and ae'r.nowled.'ed as liiei'i by the alius. The Dutch fleet not be'n.: read.-, the adnir.d w.;s i!e- tained t'^': ivv.c I'lne m the, and. dvn j!ie 'jreat f}o) ill oceali'ined .i ivw delav, a- ie\er.d ot ttie fhips were much fh.rtere i bv it ; e.t K-n_''h, o,;i the 2. ::^A ot Deeeniber, the j^rince ernh.uiced tor!, ..:id S[-).t!vjad on ih'- 2''''h oft',,- fan.c nioiun. On the qdi of l^vnup.ry tne tleet, under Sir (leoree 'j'i Ro >kc, 1. tiled ;;o;ii to c mu o',- the .ArL.'uiuice Charles of .\ut:la to I.i'b.n. W.un the adnur.d had ii'-:ti]\' rcaeiied Cape ihni'deiie, a '. i.ilent d o- ni .i; o^- v,h!.;i difper led tile iltet, .OKI dr. '.e b.u k. iiK) tiiech.mne!. A conii.iii.:n> e ot teni'ieftu.'Us we.'.tii i :'re.e:;t.d t!;-' .; i- niiil fio'ii f.idoiL' belnre tile i.'thot lehrj.!: \ . ..nd.M 25th ()f the i,.ine ni .nth h,e .11 1 1 \ ed .it I, ohm. Ihc'.iins to the 1.1 n din.: o! the K .oj ot ."^p oil, a do pn"- .0 oi r .';. t- .nL'' the ( erenn nv ot ti'.e i!.i , wh. n, con:;,: : mi.' tne ne- potiation- al I'l.u time p.-;:i.!:n; , mi_ it li.r. e n :i " ' ! v'.ith ieiiwus r. .nleejui-ne, s. I h.e 1 10 iinii! u low-, \i/. 'I tie Koi' 'f 1' :ti .: .,U.:e! t: .' i'. -, cniin / on boai d du- .'.dniii .li'- ill > m n . .- o ' ! 'h.' , .md Itiikinp his ttani.u.l, tiie lln.: .!:i il .v d; ..s .it tiv l.inie time; and til. it wnei n s t.;;.. ' ", . "i hinif-.h, Ihonld .;o o;i' loni t!;e ill p, i..^;^-; h.:-il'ol, .uui tlie adniird's d. '..;( .ntmi d ': . . .' v-'cic u;i Ihore. I liis p:w,.o'uion \s..^ i:...-. i:^-.! l-. r^ ': 1 .> 118 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. of PorfUgal, by the King of Spain ; to which the admiral '74 replied, that his majefty, fo long as he iliould be on board, might comnv^nd th'^' flag to be ftruck when he pleafed ; but that wheiiCver he left the fhip, he was himfelf admiral, and obliged to execute his conrnniinon by immediately hoiO-ing his Hag. This, and fome other reafons, fatisfied the Km^ of Spain, as well as hir^ ]\:)rtuguere Alajefty ; fo that the Pag of England was no longtr ftruck than the ftandard of Portugal'. Tvv.> dr.yr- after, in compliance of the refolutions of a council of war, the admiral difpatched Rear-Admiral Dllkcs with a iquadron of fhips of warf , to cruize ofF cape Spartei. On the I2th of March he difcovered four fail (landing to the ?I. E. After a fliortchace and a bnfk running Fght, in v/hich the eu: ny had many men killed, th-ee of tuem ftruck:!;. Tvu were galleon men of war, from St. Sebartian's, bour-^ *^o Cadiz; laden with naval and military flores, r,-'- .lan :, v/ Don Diego Bieuna, who had a commiflicn a- ;,oramodore> over all the Weil-India fleet. Not long after Sir George Pvooke had failed, the Britifh court received intelligence that ihe P'rcnch were very bufy in equipping a powerful fleet at Ereli. Orders were there- fore immediately given to fit out a fbroKg iieet, the com- mand of which was given to Sir Cloudefley Shovel, ad- miral of the white, who had under him Sir Stafford Fair- borne, vice-admiral of the red, and George Bing, Efq. rear-admiral of the fame fquadron. The admiral was in- ftruted to look into lireft, and if he found the French fleet had failed, he was inftantly to proceed and join Sir George Rooke. On the 1 6th of June this juntion was cffe6led off Lagos. On the 17th day of July it was re- folved, in a council of war held in Tetuan road, to make a fudden and vigorous attack upon Gibraltar. On the 21 ft Campbell's Lircsofthc Admirals, vol. 7. page 59. S/iifn. Gut.. t Kent 70 Eedfoid 70 Surtolk 70 Antcicipe Go P.aither 60 + PormCxli 60 Sr.'I huvfa >''> (I )fr goin<: into I. ill; -on, moft < if tl): crew favcd.) ^:up - 4 the Nn.'. AI. CI1I.ONOI.O(, Y. lln tf;c fleet entered the bay, ar.J in oiiler to cut off all coin- A.I) luunication between the Roclc and the Continent, the '7 4 Prince of Utile was directlv landed on the IHhmus with 1800 niarincs. His highncfs having taken pull theixs fiimmoncd the n;overnor to lurrcnder the fort, who anfwcrcd that he v\(Hild dct'end the place to the laft. At d.v-li;:ht on thL- 22d the I'lg-ial was made to cannonade the t -wn, ami in five hours the enemy weic driven from the batteries orj the New Mole, which the admiral no n^ner oblcrvcv!, than hj ordered ah the bear* of the fleet to be nKi''.r.ed and a;iiie.i, and to proceed under the ct-innund ot Caiuams Hieks .u\d Jumper to take polleilion of the hMt, wliich they ettecteJ With great bravery, but not without liii^aintiu: a eoniidera- blc lofs. The Spainar-!-, oi\ tiu'ir lj-ran_f a mine. By this dieadiul aecideiit, :',vo neutt tu.-its a; .1 tortv in; n were kiil-o, and lixtv wot:;;.!' d. '^t,;^ >:i!A;.ei .. ,t prevent the Kii'.:,lirii tr.ini lafvi:i,: jmII^ ;Iii ;i i-t the 'ira;id plat- form, vvilere liny ri.n-..iiiird until ;';ii:!' :>.'d h\ a ,1 'dy >f feamen, under Laptaui Whitakcr; thi v then c.^iri- by f^ordi, a redouin bet'.veen ti.e New Mule .i.i\A ihc town, up'Ui which the admiral lent in a lettvr t> the -o-.ernnr, who (/ii tile 24.;ii capitulated, and tiic Piiiueut ilciie ["ck poneirujii (it itie pLue. In this cnte:})ri7.e (-nlv tw.) lieutenai/s ''!"-" n^alicr, and fitty-le\'en men v\-ere killed ; a:.d i\vi< h-inired .ii, i i;.\reen wounded, amui'.i:, "\honi We,e (.'ne c.:;.taiii ..i.ule'.eii .. u- tcnants. The iliips which were oid.ercd to c.inn >nade tr.e t.ut U';re commanded b)',r.iral 15. n.;, and the li)ut>.n Admi- ral \'anderd:ulLn '. '. / 1 ( . ( . .'. U - K i,.!^^ - - 3 l\ K......i,;h . XO R. ,.:-.. ::..; ,. (..:,;::...i 7 "> t , M .. ^ . A r^ ;!;ti. !:::i- ;, -,-, C-..p..:uUK:' AI. nt..v;c - ( ' t: K iiu l'."a 1 :i A' N.ill^a - ' 1) ^.^::thl:c - w I'.ii'.Mck , 1 i-,-.'!r - , ! -J. il;:- . I.Cf, X - -i . C,i,:.... 1 V .ii 11.' U' !l ' ) 1! A..-: ,.> I), .-.I il.r. > ; 120 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A.D. Sir George Rooke leaving the Prince of Hcfle, with as ^74 many men as he could fpare to garnfon Gibraltar, failed with the fieei intake in wood and water at Tetuan. On the 9th of Auguft the admiral failed from thence up the Mediterranean in queft of the French fleet, commanded by the Count de Touloufe. On the 13th he difcovered it off Malaga. At ten o'clock in the morning, Sir George Rooke bore down with the combined fleet'-, in order of battle, and foon after the engagement began, which conti- nued with unabating fury until two in the afternoon, when the enemy's van gave way, and was towed to leeward by their gallies. The action was maintained till night, when their whole fleet bore away, louring the night the wind ihiftcd, which brought the enemy to windward ; the two following days Sir George Rooke endeavoured to force the enemy to battle, but they as cautioufly avoided it, and at laft bore away for 'I'oulon. Thelofs fuftained by the Englifh in this aiElion amounted to fix hundred and ninety one men, including two captains and two lieutenants. Five captains, thirteen lieutenants, and 16 18 men wounded. The Dutch had four hundred men killed and wounded. The French were ftill greater fufFerers, their lofs was one rear-admiral, five captain?, fix lieutenants, five en- figns, and about 3048 men ; the Count de Touloufe, and a great number were wounded. After this adtion Sir George Rooke failed for Gibraltar, to refit the difabled fhips ; he continued there eight days, and having left a fupply of ammunition, &c. at that fortrefs, he proceeded to England, leaving Sir John Leake, with a fquadron, to command in the A'lediterranean. The Spaniards, in the month of October, having formed a plan for the attack of Gibraltar, the Prince of Hefie ap- plied to Sir John Leake, who was then at Lifbon with the fleet, for fuccour. On the 25th of thatmonih the admiral failed to its relief, and on the 29th entered the bay, where he lurprifed and took three French Frigates, a fire-fhip, corvette, and ii:<)rc-fhip, laden with warlike ftores f. 7'he Englifh fleet arrived very opportunely, as the Spaniards had actually intended to have ftormcd the fort that night. ' ApptMuiix, Cii:ip, IJ. Tso. 6. ]r O.ic fri^^arc of *(!itv two, one of tlilnv; one of twenty-four, and * rorvcltt' ot h'urtctn runs NAVAf. CnnONOI.OwV. Ill Sir I 'hn Li'i'ke rcniuincJ ;ii (libraltar Hav for its prctfc- A.D. ti-Mi, until he tcccivci-i advice a flroiii^ iquadron had '7-4 c )!Iv:t-jd at Cad',/. I he admiral thni pui to lea, niiJ crui/c-d tor the protect;'):! cif .wiv lucccii;r-> that rni^ht ht,-c\- ])CcKd from Lilhoii tor that place. larlvin i Scr the Antelope and Xcvvcaltlc arr:\td with a Meet of tr inf- ports, en board ot wr.ieh was a i ciii!orcL;iie:u ct" two thniiland tr(K)ps for the irarrilon. Thcle Ihips tcW in with a ] rench r(]uadron oli L'^pe Sparta!, conliirinj (i t.vcntv- fowr fail of men of war, under the convr.and o: M. I'uiitis. 'J he IJiitilh con'.ov cicaped undercover ol the n:^.-.r. Ih.c arrival of thefe luccours rrade it no lun:i;er necef]"ar\- for the Heet to remain cittier m th.e l">a'.-, or on the eoaii-, wh,e!i by lonij; fervice was iK-c.imc in a \vrv bad conditMii; it was theref 're rel '!veJ, in .i c-unLil o! war, to j'..:! I'^r Jvillion, to rehr, where tr.e ;id;niral arrr.ed the latter end of the month. Admiral Sir (jeor^e !\.o(VKe, chiefiv fro:n j'olitical dd'- cunion>, {jLiiired ;l-.e r,.iv.d The lum oi' ic, :ji. voted by parliament, f"or the buildin::; a wharf and liore-houfes in the doclc-vard at I'ortf- niouth. Seamen voted for the fervice of the cnluinj; )ear 4^,':::^, inci'i;iin.: 8,0G ' m.irmcs. 'I'ne fum ot K. ::cc"l. was voted for tlu- (niiinary of t;;-j na\'\, and 4v,::j::. for the ordnaiiee i-r Ic.i lcr\ ice. ( )n tiv ift.if Decjmber, the commininners for (irreii- w: h fli.ip't.d ii.ivmj; re[irelentcd to the lord hij;f> adimi.d, tiiat t wa- i'l jiared and\" fur th.e icee[nii'n ot nun, hi> Kovai ll:j(i.u.l> I'l Mice C ! ri^e ot I ).-;i:i[.i! ic, ;i.' e\ ;. '.1 to their ad;Ki:];un, .ijipuinted h\ warrant '.'le luiiusvin ' o:\i- ceib. A Ic utenai'.t- .'overne; A cap:a,i!. A ;i; :t-l:eiitenant. A 1.;.. i;d-.u(iui:a:H. A p'U :\. ; 1:1. A m.-j; i.n. A d.'vaid. A or,, ... A ;v-',:'s mitc. l'o::r nuiU-. 122 KAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. In the month of January 1 705 his royal highnefs appointed ^7'^y two chaplains and a third lieutenant. Since this time the following officers, in addition have been appointed. In 1708. The firft mafter and governor. 1736. A (econd captain. 1738. A fourth lieutenant. 1 748. A fifth and fixth lieutenant. 1756. A third captain. 1766. A feventh and e^f^hth lieutenant. 1767. A fourth captain*. Upon the reilgnation or' Sir George Rooke, Sir Cloudef ley Shovel was appointed vice-admiral of England, and ad- miral and commander in chief of the fleet ; Sir John Leake vice-admii'al of the white, Sir George Bing of the blue ; Sir Thomas Dilkes rear-admiral of the red ; William Whitilone, Efq. rear-admiral of the white, and Sir John Jennings rear-admiral of the blue. Towards the latter end of January Sir George Bing failed with a fmall fquadron, to fee the outward-bound trade clear of the channel, and then to cruize in the foundings. He Rationed his cruizers in fo judicious a manner, that they not only efFeilually protected the trade, but greatly annoyed that of the enemy; and were fo fortunate as to captures frigate of forty-four guns, twelve fail of large privateers, p.nd (even merchant ihips very richly laden, moft of them from the Weft Indiesf . This gave fuch a check to the fpirit of privateering in France, that they were afraid to venture into the Channel the remainder of the year. The fate of Gibraltar began to be very alarming; it was not only clofely befieged by a large French and Spanifh ar- my, but the bay was blocked up by a ffrong French fquadron, under the Baron de Pontis. The Prince of Heffe difpatched an exprefs to Sir John Leake, at Lif- bon, to inform him of his fituation, and to defire his imme- "^ Appendix. S/::-,.. d/ri!. Mt-H. s;.p.. Guni. Mm, t 'Ihctis, friL'atc 44 250 ]krini;hen 24 160 Priv ATF.KliS Saniparcil 20 135 DcTmaria 36 240 Mincrve 16 92 Philipo J - 220 [viarvcilleux '4 ^5 Coiilrable 30 210 Poll -boy IC 70 Volcr 28 2 ID 15onavcnrurc 10 70 Royal 26 2'^0 ^ Admiiable 12 75 diatc N A \ \ [> CIlROXOI.Or, V. I'lli di.itc ad'flancc. Jud :.t this tinrj Sir 'T"lioma.rcL\l, vii t'.;.- ():h lA March, thj vicc-aJ'iii:.:l l.'.ItJ frcii Li'ivin, .in 1 c-.irlv in the morn- ing; df the ICih, being clofc in v\ith Ci .:ulta i'nint, live fail (if the line were oblcrvcJ l^anl.l:n^ (uit i^ tiic b.iv. The admiral iniin' di.itely i:a\-c' chace, ;i:,J beture ; tie in the af- ternoon, ib.c whole were either taken or tielUou'd '. 'I"hc remainder of the Kreneii iquadion been blown from their anchors a few tlivs jires ious to this, in a Uron.-- :\<.]c of wind, and had taicen ihelter in M.i!aj,a Roavis ; but hear- jiiiz; the report of the Luin, tl.ey Hipped their cables, and made the bell of tb.eir w.iv for Tc/ulon. The gram! fleet was put under the joint command of the Karl of Peterborough and Sir Cloudellev >lio\el ; it conilik'd of twcnt\-nine lail (.f ib.e line, bd'des frii^ates, tiiclhips, boi'.ib-, ^\c. i 'iLle command. Ts received orders t-^ [proceed into t'-.e AleJlterraiK\ui. ( )n the i ith i>t fane thev arrived in the r.'.er 'i'a.nis, where tne".- i( and Sir John Leake and his Iqu.idrt-n, alio the Dutch Adnural Allemandes. On the I 5th it was Tv lolved, in a coucil ui war, to put to lea with the Climb. ned T.eet^, then amoun'in - to fort\'-ei<.',bt fail of the line, diu\ to cruize b.f.veen Cape Si>artel and tb.e JJay of Cadiz, to prev'cnt a juneli'in o| il'.e I\nil':n .'.I'.d Hreil fquadrons. On llie izd the l^ert retuni.'d to the '("a.^us; and on the 20th '.f jaly, Ivn.: L'ivules 111. ot >.y'.i]y e:n- b.irl.;di ii board tiw RanelaL'.i, andi \m- HltI (...\^d iiKo the Meiliterranean On tl;.- i ith oi An;j^ult tiiey aiK.!v>red la the lia',- I f Altea, where it was tleterminea to [)o>eeed to the att.iCK. oi Barcelona. Tii-- next tiav the fleet ujipeareJ before th.'t c!t\'. I'he tr 'o;-: were immedi I'elv d, lurkcil unJ'T liie command ni t'-:e I'nnce (>t Ilelie, .'.:;a i,.i:! iii Petcrbor' '..^h. Tiie fh.;- of v. .u' v. ere ( ol-ird m ihoie to (o-op .ate uitii tne aim\', a.r.d to bomb.irvi .ind ^ .in:;onadc th tow^, ' ilicli h Id out \.:au\ the 2 ] i of Se[i:em.H r, when ti.J L"\ e. nor ueiired to Cjiitalate. Tl^.e U :A ,1 bem.- f..r adv. . d; it V. as relolvcvi in a council ot war, that :3ir All-.'., i:.C Oj t.i'-.c:,. 0:0 124 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Cloudefiey Shovel fiiould proceed to England with part of ^75 the fleet, and the refl to be left in the Mediterranean, un- der the command of Sir John Leake. In nurfuance of this rcfolution, Sir Cloudefiey Shovel, with nineteen fail of the line, and part of the Dutch fleet pafl'ed the Straits on the j6th of Odober, and arrived at Spithead on the 26th of November following. In fpite of the vigilance of Sir Thomas Dilkes, who was cruizing with a fquadron off Dunkirk, the Count de St. Paul contrived to ilip out of that port, with five fail of French men of war, and as many privateers; he was like- wife joined at fea by fome other privateers. On the 2oth of Odober St. Paul fell in with the Engli/h Baltic fleet, efcorted by three men of war, which after a mod gallant defence, were captured, together with the twelve mer- chantmen their convoy. The Count de St. Paul was killed in the a6tion. It is related that when this news was told to Louis XIV. he faid, " Very well, I wifh they were all '' fafe in an Engliili port, if that would reftore me Monf. < de St. Paul." The Elizabeth, Captain Crofs, was taken by the French in the Channel, after a fhort refiftance. On the 25th of Augufl, he was tried bv a court martial on board the Tri- umph : Sir (leorge Bing fat as prefident. It appeared that he fhewed the ntmoft figns of fear, which iniimidatcd the men, and that if he had behaved as he ought to have done, the enemy might have been rcpulfed, and the fhip faved. He offered feveral things in his defence, fuch as that hisfurgeon was fick, and many of the men were drunk and would not do their duty; but upon a full hearing, he was declared guilty of ncglecl; of duty, and fcntenced to be cafhieied, forfeit all the arrears due to him, and to re- main a prifoner for life ; the latter part of the fentence was mitigated. Early in thefpring Rear Admiral Sir William Whitftone wa'^ fent to the Well: Indies with fevcn fail of nu n o[ v/ar, and arrived at Jamaica on the 17th of May. Soon after the ad- miral received intelligence that a fquadron of tiic enemy's fhips was on the eoaii of Hifj/aniola, and thut Icwral rich fhips were expec'led ll'.ortly to fail fwnn Nevv' Spain. Upon this he put to fea, and cruized for fome time otFC'arthngena, in h(ipes of interccinir.g them; but not mcetiiig with anv Other iuccels than taking a French flup from tne coaft oi Guinea. A \ A I. Cll HO SO I or: r . )J') CJi:!noa,iiiouiuin>:;iurtv llx ;'uii<;,ar.>i vkllr> '};:'..:: t\^o or t!nce A 1) pri'. .iti'cr, t!;. .'.tin . r^-tunu-.i c.i l.'.iii.iic. to ivt't, k'.u i;k!; 'T-i the Monta;.'uc o: li\:v gii;>, to cru:/',- nr} I I.ij-.uiu^I.i, u here flu; tell i:i wall tuv) 1 r<.:'..a Ill.,,^ ..;, oiit (^i fortv-<--ii;ht gi:ti', ttiL- otlvvT I't tr..; :v-::\. i ;.c c.ipt.uii c/r the- Moiit.iiuo l)ra\cly hoic Uowm, .'.:-.J cii.'.t.'^cvi b, til ot tiicin until iii 'ht, ulicii thi-v fi'..^:: .^i (-H . I'ii .Kxtir.uru- 111^ they weie ili'.l in Ir^ht, tiu (Mj):.!:ii j i\ c cuivrs to lUacc aiul iciicw tiic actu-ii; but ti'.c oii.Cii^ .iv.yi men re- hiiiii:^ t.) ubev, he 'Aa'- conrie'.leJ t > ix'.^r.e.i.lh lb..- viirl'ii.t, and leiiiin '>.'> J..!n.i:e.i. (.)n iii> ..; r i'. al t.e ^un.;)'..;int.! r.j inc aJuiii ai, .;:al brou.iht tr.e uho.e a":.i.r i.r.U) t/e ixaini- r.itiuii I't a etiurt!, to wh in it m.', v ayneaiej, tiiat he had dt'i.e biis i'u;v to t'.e u:ii,'. i*^ ot n.s i)i;\ver, and he w.i^ ti'.iie'.:|-..:i hor.i-u;! v ..e\'u.tteii, but .'.^ K r hi-. o:]";ccr> t;u , v.,' b;>'^e, an^; i.^nie < t the l.-.unen ;e". oidy [?un;lh:-'ia '. lni::;e i'.atelv 'in &. : aiii'. il "I ir.e .Monta.Mie, tl;e atiir'r..! t.nt t;;e Drillo; .:iui i\ !-Jioi:e m (.njelt t' ibelc i';e;.^'n ilr,.>; th<'y l\\\ m \^.;!l them, and ih;- '. >.li'Js uiule; tneir Cc.nv.iy; : ':t tie <.;.;.;.;:., ...:hoii:_!i the\ bi.iU !t lU thiir i'.u'.ver t> t!,v- n:- n ot, I'ivlLiieM i.^/ii.^thc iner^nantnv ', . nj ;..;'ered i!:.. vl wai to v;^,.;k , ; 'A'...;-. ;e.. 'v'...oi> ;^:^ r. lour, Andcrt' n, tne ! iin/i otnc r, ..n hi> r--' ;rn t) jinaua, wa*- tiled h\ a CM'jt t- in.n tiai, .,!:>: " '. ''u .<:vi,e. The I'cdvifone ! :i;!e -.o;. :; bi^ .vn ti,.wn, v.a- :. '!!,;; ii',- . .-f n; pa: .ian:(,nt, ..:... .. . > ..;r.'';:iion ti oiu ;br I.n.dd'i I;i';>]m:j, l.aa 1\;.., . L.e..i ..,.nnl.i;v, ,^- nxed : . '. dy. i' . t;; ; -ne >:nr.:ni : . ' : . a. an ,. ! ( ..nd . 1 " i'.llicd ] ^'J SI/. 12(> NAVAL CMEONOLOGY. -A- D. powered and direded to make fearch after feamen that lay ^T^^ concealed. 2d, That the faid juftices and civil magiftrates caufe fuch feamen, when found, to be delivered to fuch perfons as fhould be appointed to receive them. 3d, That a penalty be laid on fuch perfons as fhould prefume to conceal them. 4th, That a reward be given to fuch perfons who fhall difcover and take up fuch hidden feamen. 5th, That condudl-moncy be allowed. 6th, That feamen being turned over from one fhip to another /hall receive the wages due on a former fhip. 7th, That able-bodied landmen be raifed for the fea fervice. A proclamation was alfo publifhed for the better putting in execution the above act of parliament. Sir John Leake, while refitting the Englifli and Dutch fleets in the Tagus, received intelligence, that the galleons fitting at Cadiz for the Weft-Indies were nearly ready for fea. An embargo was laid upon all fliips from failing out of the river to prevent intelligence reaching the enemy of the motions of the Englifh fleet, and the greatefl expedi- tion was made for its being got in a flate to fail. On the 24th of February Sir John Leake got under weigh ; but when he arrived abreaft of St. Julian's caftle, feveral fhot were fired at him, and he was obliged to anchor. Upon enquiring the reafon of this extraordinary condufl:, the governor pretended that it was done in purfuancc of the order of embargo. This caufed a confiderable delay, fo that the admiral did not arrive ofF Cadiz before the 28th, when, to his great mortification, he learnt that the galleons had failed the preceding day with a flrong gale from the eaft. He inflantly crouded fall after them ; but finding that there was no profpe6l of overtaking them, he gave up the pur- fuit, and proceeded with the fleet into the Mediterranean. Jt was the middle of March before the admiral arrived in Gibraltar bay ; when he received intelligence that the count de Touloufe had appeared before Barcelona with a large fquadron, in order to fupport M. Tefle, who had marched to attack it with a numerous army. Sir John Leake having been joined by fix Englifii, and as many Dutch men of war, in the beginning of April failed for the relief of Barcelona, with thirty fail of the line. On the i8th N \\A I. en HON or or. y. i:; iSth he arrived in Alrca '>av, whore Vx v.ns io'nci bv Sir A \^ Cjcorge Bing and ConuinHlorc \\ .lik' r. On tlic 26th the '7-'-' harl ut Peterborough came on h i.r.! t";c S:. Cicoi^r, iw.d iioiltcd the union fla:; as admiral ....! rt-ir/naniJiT in chict of the fleet. On the 27th thev ap;, .: _; bct.r* Harcclona, which K) inuch alarmed the C'lanr ,1. loulnule, that he ahaniiuiied his eiUerprrAc ai:d laiLd t ; r..uion; two dav-i afcer M. Telle railed the fieire. ^n (ie rjc IJni:' I'ail.-J t.> Alicant and KK;a rediiced that [)!.ir.-, and C\ii tiu 'tNU alio fiibmitu-d. In th^.- iiuM-rh cjI Septen.'... i S.r l^hu Leake com[H:!!ed the illaiul- ot Majorca, Ivica, ar.d Pahr,.;, to acknowledge Kn\hn Lc'.ke, prc^kilcs himielt extremelv ijratet'ul f^r the ellentMl Icmces h." h:'.d done him, and exj^ielied th.- h:j;b.eit UuC- tacti in as rn h;<^ conduct on ail occations. On the 2jd ol SepttinbiT t''.e admiral laded tor 1 ni^i.ind ; and on the 4th ot ( 'Ct ibt r, after havinj; pall d the itrait^, he detached Sir Cicori^e Jiiii;^ with the winter Iqiiadr.iii for I-illjon. On the i~:h 0: the lame month he arrr. ei at i\>; tlmouth. IJctore we leave the Mediterranean, it wiii he ncceflarv to relate an action or lome met i. ( )n the J9;h ot April the ReK'lution, ol ~o euns, c.iminiiuled h\' Capta n Mor- danr, Ion to the Karl ot Peterhor-'U :[i, wh -, \\\'A\ ins ca- tholic ma;;-ii\'"s envov to tii i)>;.^- ot S.iVo\-, were on bouid on th;ir [).ilia :e t 1 ', iciu.a, u'a-i i li.iii d b'.' Iix lar^'c I'rin.hlhips of war. To .r.oid .vi:i < taken the e.4rl and eiivdv went on b )ar>! t!;,- .\ Iiitord ti:.;ate, which la CMdri.iny, and ni.ide their eU ape inl>i On -e'.ia. The Re- 1 'Iu'okii tiad bjcti mudi fliatlered a f".-.v d,i\s before in .1 }ieav\- ':,.le ot wind, .i:\i hein_' .it n ) time a t.dt laiie^ th_- cnenv,'^ Hums loon 'it w.tiim u\ >' o; tier. Not'.vitnd.m.i- iiiL'' tile '.; ( ,it dlc/iitv in Mice, 0'p;,.;n .M ;d.i;it ii;..*!.* .1 brave and :.ii!,.nt c.>.tui'.e ;1-.;lc o\1,)!.!. in tne .itt -r- roon, -Afi n, r v ;;i\.ce !''v- :s, h r.m tiie lliip i'lhoie, 'in-iv-r ;';,'. "'ins ( t ;. (tciu-. e t' :t, tri m whuh ii-* rictiveil 11 , iii.innei ot ito'. .tion. .\' h.i.i p, ;t lour C.ip- t.nn Mo- ,;in t wa^ Wou.i'.ird ,n tKe-'::i"h .liul r.uned o;j fli >: :. .U ;;'.': t*;e ! ; ;-:;'Ii e oiiur i,!o:i lent m .id t:'.e '\ .r. ; or 1; s h| 1. ;ir"n nn ':-i <. b.i..oit'tie M-i'ilation, b'lr tKe er. ;r. . '.V'-re ;. . -J ' r O , . , . 1 ' 1 1 1 -. I nW- -n t > ;-:r.- V i- o.-nJi.s^ . an ihip. a .U u 128 NAVAL chronology: A.D. with a fpring on her cable, and began to open a heavy fire '7^ upon her. The officers finding there was no profpe^l of fav^ng the fhip, and the water being up to the gun-deck, it was determined, with the confent of Captain Mordaunt, to fet her on fire, which was accordingly done, and (he was foon confumed. The officers and crew got fafe on Ihore. On the 19th of June Vice- Admiral Sir Stafford Fair- borne, with a fmall fquadron of men of war, bombarded Ofiend, and obliged the governor on the 25th to capitulate. In the month of Auguft Sir Cloudefley Shovel failed with the grand fleet to Lifbon. Whilfl here the admiral appointed fome of his {hips to cruize, which in pafSng down the river were fired at from the forts. Greatly in- cenfed at this outrage, Sir Cloudefley Shovel complained to the Portuguefe miniftry, who advanced in excufe, that the miftake originated in the governor, who had orders to fire at and detain a Genoefe fliip, whofe mafler had not paid the port charges. This excufe was not admitted by the admiral, who was well informed that the fhip alluded to was then lying at Lifbon, and not in a condition to fail ; he then gave them to underfland that if ever fuch an infult was again offered to the Englifh flag, he would not ffay for orders from his miftrefs, but take fatisfadlion from the mouth of his cannon. About the middle of December Captain Coney in the Romney flood in to Alalaga roads, and cut out a French fhip of fixteen guns, which was lying under the fort. On the 26th of the fame month he gave chace to the Content, a French fhip of fixty-four guns, which for protection ran under the cannon of a fmall fort, about eight leagues to the weftward of Almeria bay. Captain Coney beina; now join- ed by the Milford and Fovvey, llood in and anchored clofe to the French fhip ; thev engaged her very brifkly for two hours, when fiii: took fire, and foon after blew up, by which moft of her crew periflied. In the Weft-Indies the French attacked the iflands of Ct. Chriftophcr's and Nevis ; at the firfl they were repulfed, but obliged the governor of Nevis to capitulate, who with the inhabitants ranfomed the ifland for one thoufand four hundred negroes, or one hundred and forty thoufand pieces of eight. When the French retired from the ifland, they plundered the inhabitants and carried off a great number of N A \ A L CMIlOVOr.OG Y. of negroes. Sood afte-r ConimoJuic FCcrr arrivfti wiih a coiii'.dcrahlc tdicc at the Lccwaiu ilLiiids, atid liavir.^ rc- Icafcd the Britilli (ct:Icrs }:\.rn tiv i: opprcliors, lie laiicd to join Rcar-Aiiir.iral \^ liftih.iic at [ un.iica. Towards the latter en 1 i.f jii!v tiie c,j:i'.rn(>dorc arrived at Port Koya]. I'nc admiial's t^rc- titin_' oiilid'.r- ahlv au j:mcntcd, it wa> icl''.'/. cd to procci.-.' to L'.irtha.'cna, wane they knew tr.c c;'.'.li.\'r.s we:c \\\:v^. ( ):\ ::\- S:h ot Au^nJlt Sif \\ d'liain \\ L.;!eu i'u>u\ i.irr.a.ea. On the i8;h he appeared l)c!()re th.a [, aiid !e;u 1:1 a ;)aro;jot to t!ie 2 ivernur, de!ir!;\; to .'.elcnowicuje Cnarle^ 111. King of Si'.ani. At l:rit he g.ive eva'.ive aulA-ers; hut bein^i; citiklv preiled, he dctdared lie i<.new no fovcrei^u but Piui'.p \ . and that no other he would obev. The ad- miral was fur attein; tnij, to h.un fourteen L'.ideons which v/eie Ivin^- ch.ietothe city; btit th.- pnots unanimoudv declared, tliat anv luch d.n^n would L'e f mnd nnpracticahlc witii'Ut heinj^ in It ni [:olicdion oi' Hoca ("hica caitle and the otiiLT torts, that u would be e\'en tiien doab:;al whe- ther there would be water enough tor th.e larj;c Ihips to Tiie admiral, much chajrincd at th.e r.'.ibirc of this ex- pedition, returned to Jamaica, and in C)ct'.ber limed ! -r Knuland with t!;e trade, lea'.'inii; Ciommo^iore K.e:r witfi the c.immar.d (d' the lc[uadron Sr \\'.ii..:ni ^^ hetltoiie arri\-ed at Pi'.niouth on ti-.e ?.J.l i t 1 \\ ember. This \ear 1^ mem< : .liile I^i the imi in, wl;,e!i r{\.i- b'lfhcd betv.een l!ie km.idums it l.n/Iand ..n^i .^ otLmd, \s-l-.;c!i \'.e:e united, on ine lid ot J.;i}, under th.e title ot C]rc-..t llritam. I'A ti.e na-nih o: January, (' C inv 1:1 t'".e Roir.ney Captared th.e Alereu:\-, a hien.h I'nip ot w.u, oi I itv-lou: gun>. On t;:e lit of Ma\', tiie trad- to r,,itii.:al and th;- \\\i\- Iiulie^ 1 '..led from th;e I)own>-, imder tom.MV it tme- l.ul (it'tne Imc"''. The next dia\- tla\' v.\"e attacked b', a I inuii iqu.'.drnn tiom Dunicnik, u:i;ier t:.e co'n.mand ot .\Km'.ie';r Idinbm, conlilhn:^ ot ten l.iii of the Inu-, one ;M,..ite, .ml f ;m la;j^e prp,..tJer^. W', \sh.) t'iie lem> i \-iO A.I). 1 ~uO \\l. I. 130 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. officer, drew five of the ftouteft merchantmen into the "^1^1 line, and fought bravely for two hours and a half. Many officers and men were killed on both fides, and the ihips very much fhattered in their hull?, mafts, and rigging. Captain Acion of the Grafton was killed, and Captain Clements of the Hampton Court received a wound, of which he afterwards died. Thefe two (hips were obliged to flrike. Captain Wilde finding himfelf hard prefTed by three of the line of battle fliips, and having eleven feet water in the hold, came to the refolution of running the fliip on fliore under Dungenefs : from whence flie was foon after got off and taken into the r3owns. During the engagement the fmall men of war and privateers took twenty-two merchantmen, Vv'hich they carried with the two men of war into Dunkirk. It is related, that while the enemy were plundering the Hampton Court, a mid- ihipman conveyed Captain Clements, who was mortally wounded in the belly, into the long boat, into which him- felf with feven of the failors crept through the ports, and cut the boat adrift, concealing themfelves under the thawtes, until they were out of reach of the fhip?, when they took to the oars and got fafe into Rye harbour. M. Fcrbin v/as further fuccefsful in his depredations on the Englifli trade. In the month of July he captured fif- teen fail of merchant vefiels coming from the Baltic, unde,- the convoy of Captain Haddock, who efcaped with the remainder into Archangel, In tlie month of Auguft the fquadron on the Newfound- land Itation, completely deftroyed the French fifhery, both on the banks and coafi; of that ifiand ; and four large fliips armed for war were taken and burnt*. On the 27th of the fame month Sir Thomas Hardy was .qjpointed to fail with the Lifbon fleet, and to fee it fafe out of the Soundings. When he was about one hundred leagues to the weftward of the Lizard, lix French men of Falkland Notifuch A led way Gion. t;i) 48 i-'rcnch iliij C' Captain John Underwood ' John Carhon J :. ; .1 lilt ot ;li(.- lh:p-. i;i l..-.!; -n li.u ;,o.;r ..: tiic .:v.i. ..; :!:c hi-'pe. t tJ C ) ( 4 A- T jtri -lo .1 b>. !cil K '1\ .A.i inn .ibi c -C 'I 1 1 >.' np!' .'Ui; ' CXi . N 1';. '..'.: .c M iUC X i. i:,n ;iiil .(. s. , .L f. .1:1 c V. ,::.r K' .- M .Ml- 1 '1. . nip ';'- L N. 1 !; 1 ir. J .V i\, ,i':,i 1: c S; A It: 1 : i'" t .'li. :i\ - C .;.!. ..r.- 1 1" ! .']'/'. r I --^ 1 1 z 1 .ill 1 T.-^ [ r'l v "- ' . ' i > : . .1 N :: '. \ . C ";l ,'<. :.' .. 1 1 1. .: .. \ .: ^ .r 1 .: 1 ., K 2 K>2 NATAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. Sir Cloiulcflcy Shovel felt great (Jifappointment at the J 707 failure of this expedition. He alTigned Sir Thomas Dilkes a fquadron of thirteen fail of the line for the Mediterranean fervicc, and failed with the ref!: for England. On the 23d of Odfober the admiral ftruclc foundings in 90 fathoms, the wind then blov.'ing flrong from the S. S.W. with hazy weather, he brought the fleet to. At fix in the evening he made fail again under his courfes, whence, it is prefumed, he believed he faw the Scllly light ; foon after he made the fignals of danger, as did feveral other (hips. The Aflbciation ftruck upon the rocks, called the Bifliop and his C'lerks, (fome accounts fay the Gil if on -rocks) fhe inrtantly went t^i pieces, and every foul perifhed. The Kaglc, Captain Hancock, of feventy guns, and the Rom- ney. Captain Cony, of fifty, {liared the fame fate. The Firebrand firefliip was loft ; but Captain Piercy and twenty-four of her crew faved themfelves in the boat. The Phoenix firefliip, commanded by Captain Sanfom, was driven afliore, but was fortunately got ofiF again. Sir George Biiig, in the Royal Anne, was laved by liie prefence of mind of the officers and men, who in a minute's time (et her top-fails and weathered the rocks. Lord Durfley, in the St. George, adfually flruck upon the fame rocks with the admiral, buth-M-ipily got ofF. The body of Sir Cloudtllev Shovel was the next day caft on fhorc, and ftripped hy fome fifhermen, v/ho buried it in the fand ; but it was afterwards difcovered and brought to Plymouth, from v/htnceit was conveyed to London, and interred in Wedmir.fter Abbev, where a magnificent monument is erected by C^iccn Anne to his memory. On t!ie 19th of November Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Dilkes arrived in Leghorn roads, and demanded a falute tjf feveutcen guns from the fort, which being refufed, he wrote to ilic i'!i!g!;fh envoy at the grand duke's court, who comniainod of the difrefpeif. The fccretary of itate fent hiiri for iuiiu'er, that the cafile of Leghorn never gave the i'lril i.duttj to a;iy flag under the degree of a vice-admiral i and as to lU.j humbcr of guns demanded, Sir Cloudefley Shove], tiic)u,'!i ia'r.iiral of the fleet of Gieat l]ritain, was content wi'di eleven, a!id return, d the fame number. This difpute being ai'iiiit'ti, tlic admiral was invited to dine on fhore, ; r.d r!y';vi a fev,' (ia\s afterwards, it was believed by moil peoj);c inat Ik been poifoncd. Upon the de- ceafe N A V M. rillluNOI.Or; V. J : c-.:l- of Diiko, t!-.r Cu;r.nn:iJ ticvolv.J ( u -"^ ''' 'J.i;);.un Jalfu-r IIickcs, uiio r,\i u:!!i li.j hjuaiir ;! tj ' ' i.iib ):i t ) rfl'.t aiui u.nt il-.c .>.;:i\.i! :' .-: f,.';!i l.i.tKc. Or. the 1 ::h ol Oitobci the l.;!'-,,:i .i;.J Mcijitci r.i:u iii fleet, C'lililuMg of cne hundrcJ .;:;J ti..r:, 1../, i.;; ici i. > ii- v.)y or" Ihip-- ot' war*, tcil in v.tJi ..;;.i u.!>. i:;.i.-t.-d i f;' the J.I/.'.; J Iv, the l-"rc::cn li;u.;>iri)n, v.d ' : :;-.: r ".i ntr.J ..t iM. I'll. bin .iiui J)a Ciii.iV 1 uiiiii, :' ;r . i; :'.v.lvc l.iii of the i:i.e. C\i;n.i.ii Luv.-^: lis i;:.'.iie tiie !..;:...'. : r the ci'M". r\' t.) p.'-ccec.i on its cou:!e, :.::d li.e'.v tii;.- ih.| - . ; a.: iiito tiie iii.e ( t l\.t!:!e to oCtixc ti^e (..;ii:V. .\: :: :i M. ciu Ciua\' .'.n.i ijil;. r lliijiN attiuNi^d ir.e L'u-i.b;; ',',:). j, which, ;;t'[er nii 'jp:ti;L.:e ..;..i i.;l !(i.!\ conteli, \\a> (ohjej to i!iiit liiie i;;:o ]\..;..jie i;..rb> .:r. Ti-e J-)ewi!ilh;re KipiKntcd u'.oli nobiv ..;; ii!K-.iu..l eiin''::t a^^aiii!* iL'.enot th.e tne:v.v'^ (h.; s C;i: :!: c c:i n_, ui^ea hv Imiie aciLiieiit (lie t.-ok tite and ilivV no ; out kI k\ . :i hundr(t.i nu-n t.iily two ek-.^jiLJ. J^u;n:^ the en. azenieiit the n:vi . :;..:. t.i. en ^: ......J 1...I and arm ed late at l.ili ^n. The Liiulou -c...:; = \ C\:[,t.wn 1 l..d.!oci., e;;.;/i!V o;V ::j I.on^lanJ lit..:, u'.l .;i with ihe N.. i!:n:^.::e ,.:..: >.; o:: ', two I r( n>. li lli;; .-- oi ',',..; ;^ U r;iieri\ ni '.''. ,i : :ilh i:.e. \ ,,..:; I <.:'h cq':.d m t.,:ve to ine l.iJvii o\- ^ a. i . At : : i :' } I lU hii'.en h; 1 'II.' i.t to, w ,'.!i a. I en;;!;^ '.,'.[]..' t-jr, hut wh, ;. r.i, :,..;; 11 d.i .. r: r; :,: .:::....; w.- Hiot, th'A !ioi.; .iwa\' ..:.ii ;:.. de liiil l '-n ', :;. .\' at n;jht, t:;- l.udiw,v-t a tir iM.t il"i;.:''d ' \ when ihe iiiiKrC w:'h.o.;i ::i ;; ; .i oin, Her eonimandi r v.\>s .;:i l.!i.;'i:h i<. : . '. nier! V eoniinaiuii I a l!'.',)"I v. -u i:. md was t>r oke ..* a >. o:;; t n'...rt!.;l to: .::-. . A lieutenant, a in:':!!v; -n.m, an l:i'!i i:., ; f^ > 134 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. Tailor, natives of England, were alfo found on board, and ^ 7^7 fent prifoners to London, where they were tried for high treafon. Repeated complaints having been made by the Weft- India merchants and planters againft Commodore Kerr, who. commanded at Jamaica, for refufing them convoy, and alfo for exa6ling money from them for that purpofe : The houfes of parliament prefented an humble addrefs to her majefty, requefting that he might be laid afide ; which requeft her majefty was pleafed to comply with. Sir John Jennings was next appointed to the command, which was for fo fhort a time that he had it not in his power to perform any thing remarkable. He was fuc- ceeded in the fummer by Commodore Wager, whofe fqua- dron conilfted of ten men of war- . The fum of 2,300,0001. was voted by parliament for the fea fervice of the enfuing year. By an a6l of parliament pafted this year, foreigners, who had ferved for tv/o years in her majefty's (hips of war privateer, or merchant ftiip, (hould be entitled to Green- wich hofpital. 1708 'pj^g French fent an expedition from Dunkirk, in order to fupport the Chevalier St. George (fon to the Pretender) in his endeavours to land on the coaft of Scotland. Sir George Bing was fent thither in the month of March with a powerful fleet, which efFeiSlually defeated their defigns. He took the Salilbury, an Englifli prize then in the French fervice, with fcveral pcrfons of quality on board, who had followed the fortunes of King Janiesf . About this time the lord high admiral made the follow- ing promotion of flag officers: Sir John Leake, to be admiral of the white, and admiral and commander in chief of her majefty's fleet; Sir George Bing, admiral of the blue; Sir John Jennings, vice-admiral of the red; Sir John Norris, vice-admiral of the white ; Lord Durfley, vicc-admirrd of the blue ; Sir Edward Whitaker, rear- admiral of the red; and John Baker, Efq. rear-admiral of the white. Sir John Leake failed early in .March with the grand fleet, and having cfcorted the outward-bound merchantmen * Appendix, Chnp. TI. No. 7. f Can:pbcli'!i J. ivcb of Admirals, vol. 3. page 106. fafc .\\V\I. CHRONOLOGY. 135 f.iif to the wcftwaiJ of th? char.ntl, he procrc.!c :l\'n, and artivcil thiTc on the IJth ot the l.iiiic month. '>^ On the 28th ot Apiil tic failed i:.t.) tfic Mcditcrr.iiic.t!;. On the lith of.Ma\, hjw.j ahuiu t\\\'.\L- lfn>^ucs ti.-in Alicant, fcveral vcllcls v.crc d;ici)vcrc-d. ( Vi the r.^xt c.iv the frigates were in chace to^k a Fiv^ji^h irii-.ite (4' t^.e:lt\ four enn'^, with th: ; rciucr p.irt u\ .1 co:!\. v Li !':i With pro\ ifions ; the lell wcie dilperl- d, t.^'i-'.h.-r \'. .'h t'/te ] rench men of w'lucti were oh.leu 'nirfLiL-d ; bur ni.;ht coniinr^ on they ctrVv^teJ th^-;r I'lrnin'. ()n the 2d of Ju!v tin- l*rinL'i.t'> ( f \\'nU'-:;''v;r|-, ^vh i:n Charles III. had cijiouicd, fin'.'.i. k.d on h.'.i;d thj :".'.{ .<: (leno.i. Arter t!-.c adniir.d h.ul e''n>"ii-;t,-d the i;u;'c.i t > Barcelon.'i, he l..i!ed to .^^ard'n:.;, uhich tKiui'.'.nt um ier the Uil-'iecti-Mi of L'li.ule^ 111. uidvMit ir.uc'ci (ppo^t;' >i!. No fooncr v.';'.s th-.: ^.HHiJC't of this oiniiletrd, t!:::i the ad! lailid io .\I if.nri. a, .!:i i ::iri\;-d h.f^:e Por: M.ihon i,n tl-,e 2y!i (4' .\;i'."!!;. ( )n the i:t ( f .^-vtenuirr he was joined bv l,;;.uten..n:-( ieneral .St.^nh'-pi,- \v::l^. a ho.iv ot troops fro:n .M.ii'if .1. The l.uiu.n^ hv-.n.j. e*; e 'ed, .: was a-reed, in a ii.iincd of war, tii.u as it would !n- rie- ctliarv for a ji.irt of tne i.e. t t') return to l' nj',,4nd, thof/ fliips lliould !ea\e as nia:)\' tnariiUN lului-.d .:^ cotiid Uc l])arpd to alfilt at the lie^e. On th.e 0th of Se[)teniber Sir John Le.ike f.;il-d for Knj- laiid wi:h fc.en Kn-ldh and ei/ht I 'ut- h tii.^s . i the i o-.e, leaving the rem. under willi Sirlidward Wlr.t.ikii atl'.'. Al.'i'ioii to ou-o|ier.ue with the aimv. * 'n tf.e iS-.n o! (X-;o,b'jr the b.;:;(iii-s were opened, and two d..'.- alttri'. Inrrendertd. A'v.ut tiitv men were Li''. .d cr Wo-nided in tile freL'C ; anvwi'.', tiie torincr Cept.iin St.'ni-,> 'pe, ,,,' r'-^- iM:i;o;d, biothe: lo tlie 'jtri-.r.d, a \..u:v,' c :i; ei n ih.s occaticjii. On tile [f^tii of October Sir [oh:i I.eake arruc! at St. Helens. In th'e months of julv aiui :\u 'u!^ .i fleet, c.der thc fomm.'.nd of Sn (leoi^'O Ibil.', .iiul \ ue-.\i.:i ii.ii I o'd I )iirlley, was emplo\od. o:; t,. : f rciii ti .\ e .. <: alfo en'.b.i; |ianianis he^'ar. t.- le,M:a:e I"''.e <.:n- nicJor- made th.e li>:ival \"V the ih ;"; to (.', a:;,; i:\d:..- \()!ired to keep li'iht ot the enein\ , >:..e \'er.n'j h ir (,:;-, whuh was tl'.e!, h,e piiriaevl h-T, a:.d at t-.ii o'eloek at .t.^iu broti.^tit her to a:tion , th-- Ki:-..-lhin a:.d I'ortl.iiid coMiirj up, .it two in the iii(.r:;.nj. ilie liiuik. At da\ -hiiht tour lad were \.r:\ (i.e.!.-,- to w:i;dw,:id. , the coMiinodo.-e ina^le the li::;a, lor th.e K'li.'ih r. I'l.'-rai.d to ch.i'.e, hiN own fliip w.t> t'M iiiiiet. d; !.;h!ed eitr.t i ti to'dow (f keei) l;^ht of t!UT,i. ( )n the ; I !t aj..;ii i'/i;;ed ..i;d ii.loTDcd th,:- coniniodc :c tr." Il:;p trie'. I ad pur- liJed WaS 0.:'- >p.'.n Ih \ te-auiuii.;., \\ii'> ruiiur.,; in aif.op.:' the ^loal^ I t ^al'i^adnius, oii C.ii th.a, cii.;, > h.ijtd to tack and lt..r. i < it", ahdn uj.hi t'^xv h,.d l' t id i.. .;: .is :.. t::c leveia! hr( .ull'.des into he;. ()i:e ct tie L'.'> e' i;s r;..d [.ken Ihelte.- :!. tr.e ilhirtd ol P>.iiu. d he toi, i.u.i^.: i- i.-.^-tid the Kii!L;ltun and i'ort!.;iid to tK;:.,i i.; .....1 e -.r.e: n dellrc'v' liei. Tiie irew, 0:1 th. .' < I th. ! ih.;:'-, Iin t!ie t'..'ie.>M :dh:ie -..^'.d h;i'::t i.e. I he li.. : ' -. lil'cii:i(.d ,n tii;> .iCtlo;), v.'.;^ two U'-.l k . d 1; e, iu:,d'-(J i.r. h ;'J t;u- Lxp.ii.t on. t i;; C niniod :e '\\ .ijer le'iJiiitd to i . .'.: ., ,,, . i ., riri^h d:lh:t>!...i.' n .it t.:e c-iidi^l ; . C'.-; :, :> 1 : ..vd Wd, : I, :;,- h.:.:rJ tne ! M-d:-, (u!-., .na ... .Np.indh '. e ' - - . (d.:i> wa;.:n the l!i :., :i i- tt R 1: .1 A.:-. 1 ;. 138 \AVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. want of perfonal courage; but finding them guilty of a '7^ part of the 12th and part of the 14th articles of war, thev were fentenced to be difmifTed from the command of her majeffy's (hips Kingfton and Portland'^. The Dunkirk's prize, Captain Purvis, being on a cruize off Hifpaniola, chafed a French fliip, and ran her on ihore near cape Francoife ; but following her too clofe, (he ftruck upon a ledge of rocks and bulged ; Captain Purvis with fome of his men got upon a fmall key, within {hot of the French fhip, wh.ich mounted fourteen guns, and had on board fixty men ; (he kept up a brifk fire upon the key, until Captain Purvis with his own boats and a canoe had prepared to board, when her commander called for quarter and furrendered, on condition that he and his crew fhould be put on fhore. Captain Purvis got the French fhip off and returned in her to Jamaica. A gallant exploit was alfo performed by Captain Colby, commander of a privateer floop. Being on a cruize on the Spanifh main, he fell in with fourteen fail of bri- gantines and floop?, laden with valuable goods, taken out of the galleons at Porto Bello ; they were bound to Pa- nama, under convoy of a guard Hoop, which he bravely fought and took with fix ot her convoy. The Spaniards offered Captain Colby one hundred and eighty thoufand pieces of eight for the ranfom ot ilie Hoop, wliich he refufed. Soon after Commodore Wager's re.turn to Port Royal, Captain John Edwards arrived in tise ?vlonmouth, with the Jerfey and Roebuck from England; he brought out the commodore's coinmifTion of rear-admiral of the blue, and orders for hiin to fend home the Expedition, Windfor, Ailiflance, Dolphin, Diuikirk's prize, and Vulture fire- fhip, which he did towards the end ol September. On the 27th of Oifober a court-martial was airembied on board tiie Royal Anne at Spithcad, to try Cuptaui Edwards of the Cumberland, Captain Balchen oi the Cheiter, and Captain Wilde of the Royal Oak, the two * ^MciTibcrs of the court-martiri!. I'leficUiif. Cliaiies \^^-lger, A~'\. Cf)niinanc!cr in Chief. C'jptaius. Rp.rrow Harris | 'J "lulor Trevor ITumphrty Pudncr | Stephen ITutciiin; Henry Lor.f | Abr/J'tidur. fiiit NA\Ar. CIinONOLOGY. 139 iii.i U)T hcint^ taken by tlic Irciicli f^jua Iron uii K-r M. ilii AD. (nj.iv rrvHMn t!>c prcHcc-i!ii)i_; \, ar.J t*;c lait tnr bicak- '7^** ii.j; the line. 'I ti*.' C.ij'^aiii^ l\''ward^ and BaLl;t.n wvrc aicjuMtcd; Captain W luic was not 01.'". calhicrcJ, but t!ti lartd ifirapa'jlc ( i cvjr lir\!iig m ;1;l- iii\al na\\. On ihc 2Sih ^\a\ ot Octoljcr d.;.! !:,^'i>\.il tiudwicfs C; ,,r;^.j l*rir.."L- ut 1) mr.ark, luid li :;!i adnniul, .:t kcn- ii!;;.".)n, m the ^(n\\ \ear c! his ain'. ()i. the 2>th ul Nr,\indKT her r.taji (tv u .:>; p'ral^ ..! !o app 'i'lt the Larl ot Pen!) "kc, I ird h:L,h adni;r.ii .'t C ireat J'ii itairi, (5s.e. at l!;e lame time li:e l)-''(ivv(d 1 n >:r I-:hi I. take the p'^lt i>\ it-ar-aiir.nral ul (jit it Ih,',..;!, u ; :> h [lad t)een \aear;t hiue the d- a'h ni ^l^ C'' uid.iie. >;!o\(l, \s:'!i this rc.r.!aik.d)Ie ei uii.', ,ip.':iit, " 1 ihe v\a- j ut in " nv:.d ol i: h;. th.;- v ia i t h- r p op'c.' An act I't ;i.jr;!. :; [.;:! 1 ! r the t.)ihe.t-.l a:'d. \.v.- e! ii!i:ed ihar. - (-t pri/A ai.J !) iin' \ -in.'iiev l) ne p.i.d 111:0 (uLen-AKli h i. ,: d. On the 2d .-: M ;r. h Ca')'a'n 'lOllit, !!i 'he Ali'iraiK-c, , -- of lcvei,t\' g:;:is, \s.tli ;ne A.'.ltaiue ai.d i l.tiiipduie, ct filtv L^inis eae', hi\ii:(^ r!)e tia'" trcin C" -rk .i:iil K., b'lund to I, oi id.. ill, inu'.er thrir i . i;i\,.v ; .it a/., .m t, ,i i;i ihe morn n.^, be'irv^ ti.en e;^h; 1 aiMies S. S. W. ot {]-.: l.;/ard. iill m with a t-un.ii lip.adr. n, i M::l;it:r'^^' i-t (;( i;:;p (;t' (e\ ei'.t V, t\'. o I 'I i::t\', .;!: ! o:!" ot r irts ^iin-, un 'ci 1 '> v 'ni- iiiai. 1 ot M. didCiiijV 1'; i;ii;:. Oipt.nii I that an a(,''ti-'n uas i.:,aVvi;d.d>:e,,,- ;he 1; iii;-r- h..i.'men m j:r >'. 1 ie f t i:;,-i: '. 11 1 >'-i: 1 p ';.;- ih.jis I) (i;dc! (d b.t'.'.c- lo I> I in ' f\:,[ o\ ! !: ti^e k nM h i o;Tirr.' ' : > i .. ;; ( i! i!;e Ad ra::i e, a:;*! 1. 1 n .il;. r ; , . :> 1 ;'io:i ih- v ei i[ !'. 1 In \[ 1 ,. ..' t . ] i( ',' ir.naii ' : ;, ^r at t . i.; ~ :: :: \ . but C"ap!a;:i 1 .d < : k: jjr up : > . r ;. .1 . he ohd^- d L.e el. 'nx M ih' A iKMir,' .,! 1 du;v \:i':ia' tl'.eii p.;'.:. 1 ' h.i r, .'.".d b"rea\v.i'. .it'tr li . 11 iiinm-d,.. piiilm; oi '.h nu;e'ia:.i;:iL :i. A',1 ,'iln'' uL ! ;n ! pa,r;:iL; ;l;e d.:ii.i^--s '.'.e A;:,::ai \\'.:\ :\ \se;e \e!". e. 'M idei .eve , :':) I'M'.- (l-)\\ n to protect the >. i fccoiul Ircuicrnut .^ D lil 'I llu.illt;!l llu; L.n\\ . ''',-} Xlithiii^ ol unv Licit 111 p )rta;ivr !i.i;ipc[ici! iii ;!>:' Mt - (iitcii.ii'.c.i;i ti:i^ >(.ar. Sii (norgc Ti.!;.,. w b.) i^mrjiian it-il the littM, lodkcii wit > Ti i.K ri, v\ lu ic t r i.iA (>:Jv a liiiail ! iciicii Iqii.i.iiiiii, ai'.'! irtDlc ru;t ma t.'u.:;i. u in ju.i tu ica : he thctLhijc rc!oi;(.\l lu rfiurn i' I'.i ^'.it.ii, where lie arrA;\i CM thf : y\\ dt Ncpi'inhur, l,.iv.!.i >.r I'.i'.'.ard W ct,!; LT ui'h a ;tii;:;_;; fijiiatlf .1:1 1:1 \\\c .\K >i.:;: ia:i< an. In J iinv 111; !".% <\ , <'i j 2 mh'-, > m a * ii;i/.c 1:1 li/j Mc- ihti .'laiican, 1^11 1:1 u,;Ii tvio li^iuji tr.^a: ^, fa^ii (4 c>j;i.ii i,)i\i', alKr an (ib;i.;.al'j rcliiiaiivc li;c was ol) ,i.->l t') 1; . iLr. U.! t: J .: j 1 ( ;' S-p'i iii'.HT C\;;.;a;n Ha:i\\ay, in ll:i* l"r. ;'.!')'. :!'i i.i {) ^ l^'-M!-, nn a fnii/r ;n t! < ^ ui hnu-. cap- ttirii'. ..t'rr a vciv i .li i".t (!(hi,v(, I, Aiii ,.i 1, a hren^Ii In p ut \v..r, (il 4.;, _;;:.., and l.i,o inri., ^ .'n.iiia:: it -1 by ti:'. >,', i:r J 1, 1,1;. ^', \n I1-) w I'h r^ rn ' \:\:\ - ..'..S Itani! M Wire kilicd m lin rn. Ji.'j-in'- nt. I he I'.s iv.hmIi ha I th iMpt.iin .jt iiia;ni..> ai.vl [:\c\\ i::v.i k.i...!, _;.>! lix-v II \v.ii::..l;.'l. 'l":;-:..ul h-h a.hi.iial hui:,: i;.. ivoi Int-l; ; ,;,, Sr ( i.>..r;;<- i; n- oi 'he . \... i ;;rci:-'h, ;:.;i .n .,! .! : ^n. ()! M. n;! (, :av 'iV-inn l > in', r.','; : - W I'-!::..-.: h -I ; L .1.1 I) n:;. \ u.,- ,i;'pr. : ..i , ' - ' : \N nn a h^!! u!'i-n t, ..> -:'' ^ j !' it. >n. .\ii ir 1'., : \v fii ti;,: i;..i'>..ln,> ti. I , . . C i: I!::. 1, I. ';i!I:( J I.i 1 . , >^ I h. ! V..I- li.h.r.. 1..!, ui, > i, I',:' , ::i 1 i .- .:, ;,.- V. : - (-:,! .^ :.!'-*' i .. . : : . .;: ' - .^ ' h h ;. I ' . _ 1 :. ; .;\ , ( ) .1 142. NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. fliire of 50 guns, two of the convoy, fell in with and i79 were attacked by the P'rench fquadron, under M. du Guay Trouin, when, after a mofi: fevere and unequal conflitf, the Gloucefter was obliged to ftrike. The Hamp- fhire managed fo fkilfidly as to beat off the enen:iy, and efcaped into port in a very di fabled flate. Rear-Admiral Wager was extremely careful af the trade in the Weft- Indies. In the fpring he fent Captain Hutchins in the Portland to cruize (jff Porto Bello, and to protc61 the trading veifels that were going to that port. About noon, on the 3d of May, Captain Hutchins dif- covered two fail to windward bearing down to him ; when they had approached within gun-lhot, they difcharged their broadfides, wore and flood off. Captain Hutchins purfucd them all night, and at eight o'clock the next morning brought them to a clofe engagement, which con- tinued with great brifknefs for fome time ; at length, the enemy finding they had very much crippled the Portland, inade fail and endeavoured to get off. Captain Hutchins was not in a condition to follow them till night, when it fell little wind, fo that he was prevented from renewing the a6tion until the 6th day in the morning. The enemy fought with great refolution for two hours, when one of them ftruck, a complete wreck. She proved to be the Coventry of 50 guns, formerly in her majefty's fervicc. Her firlt captain was killed, the fecond wounded, and a great (laughter among the men. The Portland had nine men killed, and twelve wounded. Her confort was the Minion of the fame force, which efcaped, very much ihattered. In the autumn Rear-Admiral Wager was ordered home, and the command of the fquadron devolved on Captain Tudor Trevor. On the 25tli of December the Solebay frigate and eight merchant veflcls under her convoy v/ere loll on Bollon- ncck. Their crews periflied, excepting a few wdio reach- ed the fliore in tivo boats. The Swccpftakes, of 32 guns, was taken in the channel by two I'rench privateers. The Earl cd' Pembroke, who acquitted himfelf much to the fatistaftion of the nation, rcTigncd the office o's lord high admiral. His lord.hin had refided a penfion of three fhoiifand pound; a year, v.hcn he quitted the admiralty, to NA'.AI. CHROXULOGV. J 13 to m.iki." w,!v (or l\ii;.c (icor^.- of D.-nmark, at the nr- A.D. V :. ll; !i if (^u-cn Ami!-; inU it \v.:s nnv bcftouc.i iiri'n ' 7'^y fi::n. llcr ina''cl!\ m.i.ic an o'i r o! this poll to the } ( : ()(t iru~, who lit. Ijicd the I i'ivc (.t I' ri hi^^h a.lir.'.ia!, but was w;!ii;'^ to a.ccpt a (h.-irr ir. the liinctiori vi l;. ni!niiiahy. 1 !< r iiLij-iiv thcrctirc in i\:c [)<. j^\r.:::r.'j^ ol No'. c!oh.r lih.Kil a wariafU for tht- cxccutini; i\:c vihcc of k-Ti! Iii^!i a-in,iial hy ct!!r,niilfioii+. O.i til-' 1 2lh (it N i\ciiihcr her ni.ijc'iy tnavi'.- a pri;r.o- t:.-:i ot lla- cllivcis. Mafhcw AvhiUT, h.;>|. u.!:-T.i! anJ ccn-.n-ia'iilrr in Ji'- I I'tihc tlcct, I., o! I),ii;'.,'v. vi.c- adinira', an.i CiarKs \\'j<^tr, Liq. ira: -a :'. ;* t!ic red. Sir J .l;!i j inai-s avi.i.lral. >:r!;dwaiJ W* -..l^cr, \ uc--aJn,:.'.'i "t i!'.'.' uir'', anvl >,r J>'!':i N'-tn-, ^liiiioal, ani! Jol^M l; L-, h v;. v :.-. J-i.ral o; ti r hh:j. In the nv.Miiii . I )i:U .Aiinu'a! A\Mrir w..-- |',t t wit!i a 'T'^ C''rri-!:'ra;;!c li.ct to (. i '.;:/: i:i !!ic So:.!id.:.^s h'r ihc pro. I'ciion o! t'l'- tr.uiv-. ()n ihc 29 h ul ihc laovz month he ihilMMri. lai'jtt cI i:.:.h tr. r.''" !::t!i;t.n, i;n.!.-i * onvny ol ihc S::p- ihj, ,it ^o m.;.-, and L'^ tioonic-. n; -o. 'I'h.c Kciit^ A;!>i[arA-(\ ai..! ^\ 1 k , \S'-o- .):!.;! ;> . h..v\-. 'I'hc K'-i;;, o! -o .m:.", Ca\-\.'.'i\ Rb.rt j :.:;;.';:. vnn-.c i;p \v th til.- ^Mp'_ri). and ai'rr a l)ri!]^ .;^;. ;i . \ one hiocr (I'rli^vd h; : Im Itiiho. >':o wa^ a\-\ i.- !l.:o, hun^; ijintc r.c\:\ atid a irjiuiivali ;a:l l.ol.! , \'r,v \\.i~ lakcn 1:1! ; thi- r>>val na', . . In [he !i;..n!;i i : jantiar;. ^;^ j ,hn N -r l"a h d h-r tlie MLd,t;-rra:._;n. '> !a:;r i:;c i.-o;;i'1m:: ! ^ : (': . .M-'ed. i .I'o ;.vl'. )'';e iidi,.;: -il, 1:1 Oi'r':;::ri 'ii u d; ti^iiLta! S'an- ho;;, !.; : d a- 1 to; k t!' t .v:.^ oi (.".;;- and A !.;; ; bi.l 1.' n .:(;.r a p 'Arrlni 1 i.;;Ji .oo y ;'j ,''Mr o'l; h.-'orc thclu ph... . t!v\ \v; u l.o:.-:; ',0. !. ( )o ll.c loh ol J dy bir f 'hn N-;::> !.ll:^d i.o:r (.'f-. and ap .md !).!, 4;' M.u!' . I - a , i I'm ' Ti. ^,..1. I.I , Ml 'o I !,( ir ' !mv, n Frtn-.;; !.' ." t '.^ ,o' ; ., \s a . .;. i '. . u d i; ;n/ nn 1 T ihj p;.'' :::;:' i '' . 'I ' .:do!.i,iI ordmd ( mie J-: .di an I n , ' (hmd m and; r dMJo.v . : 1 n.. ' !.' r I ::'. 1 ^ "' ' ' n^^ d w.'ii m . .it i, 1.:. "1 he :-,(. an. . ...d andd .U .. ', ' .. f 144 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. but not without fome lofs on our fide ; thirty-five men ^7^^ being either killed or wounded by an explofion on board the French fhip, the crew having laid a train of powder to blow her up when they left her. On the 3d of May Captain Cleveland in the SufPolk, ofF the Faro ofMeflina, took Le Galliard, French fhip of war of 56 guns ; and not long after the Breda and War- fpight took the Moor, of 60 guns j being a very fine Ihip {he was added to the royal navy. On the 29th of December the Pembroke, of 60 gun?, commanded by Captain Rumfey, and the Faulcon, of 32 guns, commanded by Captain Conftable, cruizing to the fouthvvard of Nice, were attacked by three Fxench fhips of war. The Touloufe, a fhip of 70 guns, came up with the Pembroke, and in lefs than half an hour tlie other two, one of 60, the olher of 50 guns. The Pem- broke made a moft obffinate and gallant defence, but was at length obliged to (frike ; the enemy then purfued, came up with and took the Faulcon. Captain Runifey and one hundred and forty men were killed. Captain Conftable did not ftrikc unul he was dangeroufiy wounded in the Ihoulder, and Iiad only fixtcen men able to Hand at their quarters. A fquadron'* was fent out in the fummcr of this year, under the command of Captain George Martin, to difpof- fcfs the French of their fetrlement in Nova vScotia. Cap- tain Martin firft failed to Boi'ton in New England, where he took on board two thoufand troops, under the command of Colonel Francis Nicholfon. On the i8th of Sep- tember he proceeded to Port Royal ; and on the 25th the landing was effecfcd. On tlie 2d of Ottober, after little refiftance, the French garrifon capitulated. Captain Martin, in honour of her majefty, named this place An- napolis Royal. The French were very great fufFerers this year on the coaft of America, above iifty of their merchant fliips were taken by the Britilli cruizers and privateers. The Port- 67;'.>!. OV//;,. ComwanJeis. DiasMMi 53 Caprain Gcorae Martin Falmcuth 50 -- Walter Riddle Clicilcr 50 I'liomas Matthews Lowcfioff George Gordon Fcvci fhaiii -2 Robert Pafton Star, bomb - Thomas Rochfort land NAVAL rHF;(;\ or,oc Y, 1 1 Ian! a:ul \ akiir tmik two pu/ts \.i!i:c'>!at "^o.crc'. f^". ''' H- pail.;;;c :n Nc-\'. t ii;:>:i M.J. '1 lie \aaui was l.-riiL- 'l^-> t.iuc atitr li:i['ri/.Ki ui.A taken b_v iKc l'iL::cli m tnit; o{ liic Ji.irlv mrs on the co Jl. In the iiioii'h ot .^Il^M;}, Captain [ ;in A!. !'(..!. in t!;c Roch fl.r.'a II 1 luinii:!ii\ Pi!iin,.r, m '',r .^LSirn, and Captain ( i-jor^.- I'm \ !-, ;n ilic I'-Ttlat;-!, Miitnl ..'A if'.c lic:iv!i l.arlt >nr-> om tiic r. il!i iSu.Al ol Ni-v. |, i;:i:!:anii, u!).! total!} i!(.flo)yc>i tlicni, uitii t!it Ihips ii! ihnn*. Tiic acl ()! parli.niitiit whi^ii u-i.Tn! in ilu- \.i\\ ic;:;n i(jr ti;c rr;4il;(:n! i; nl ic-aincn to hive i;i t!c ro\al navy, u'a^ at thi^ tinif irpcaK-il. M;;:;v ha\c ir.icc been prop ik\! to -.iw.A lo i;ncon;'itnti> ii-l a cuiioni ct manning tliC n i\ v as tdat of" pieliinj, ; bnt nntoi tnnatciy noise as \ :t !;.r,e bei-n ailopt(.Ai. \)y an act of pailiaiiu. :.t pailc;! i;: '!;; \. n, a lintv was Ian! upon a'i Hiips traciiniMo tl;f tc.s n i,| I .; ei po: I, w i::^!i \\'as to con;. line lor Ww. tv \e.iiN in i i\;cr to railc .i t'.i'd ior niakii'g the liar'ioiir inoie late ,;i,i! it mini ^ ot i.itul-niai k-. In tile ki:iie (eilion alio an an p'l.'.A-l for :iv. i nn. ii.ife oi lands b'l t!ic [ii.npofe ot enkii .ji'L,. toi ius : i.^;, ;i:; I b: -ter l;\iirint; the ro\ .d doeks at rortlnionth. C;,. it' .!,., a.nd liaruiv.h. 'i'hr plan was liittfu,' e,;'e;:i:;>i lo i .nio;,-!j and Milloiil !,.. Veil. Swu r this t:;v;'- ;;;(..; ip.n-iies ot' ground have bteii p'irvh.iL>!. aii.l tiic tortoi. .'.ions to i!;c roval ar! na!- uhm! . v e\;ei iieJ. I'he i'lail oi Oiioid u f, n ! 1 '. < ;!.'.( a- f;;.t lor.i cr-v.- nulii 'iier (d the a.Minr. l'\ .^ Si ]:' I.: .ike wa- ap- PiMiited aJniir.ii an I i on,iii-i''i'er :;i ih'.et ' I'ne t. ;, ;.'i the ruuin oi .Ma:th^;v A'.ln.e;, I Til. n.a- Hat.iv 1 '. c lI, i c .;.'c 1) J). w c. M 1 I" M : \ vi. . ! . I' !. I. l.L M I . V ;i St. I',.- . :, Ci..,; IV I. 14G NAVAL CHRONOLOGY A.D. rear-admiral of the blue, and foon after Sir George Bing, ^7^=^ admiral of the white. On the 5th of Deieinber, 40,000 men were voted for the fea fervice for the enfuing year, and 120,000 for the ordi- nary of the navy. By an acH oi'parIiament,any Teaman in the merchant fervice, who had been difablcd in defending or taking any fnip, was deemed qualified to be admitted into Cireenwich hofpiial. :!; T r I The operations of tiie combined tleet under the com- mand of Sir John Leake, were confined to the defence ot tiic Engiifh C(jaft, and fcouring the channel of French cruizcrs. Sir Thomas Hardy, rear-admiral ot the blue, was fcnt with eight fail of men of war to block up the port of Dunkirk, where the eiieinv were fitting out fome lar^e privateers. The rear-admiral being foon after orderal iro'.n thia ilation to convoy the Rulhan trade as far to' tlic northward as the Orkneys, M. de Sous Hipped out of Dun- kirk with four lar^i^e privateers, and falling in with the V^ir- oinia fleet, conhhuig of twenty-two fail, two of which he lorced aihoie, four efcaped, and the red were taken. Onthc?.7th ol June, the Advice, of 46 guns, commanded hv I>ord Diinre, was attacked in Yarmoutli roads by eight French privateers. His Lordlhip defended the fliip with the iitmo'd b-avery ; till being overpowered by numbers, two tiiirds oi ills crew killed, and hiuifelf dangeroiuiy wounded, vviih the ihip a complete wrevk, he was obliged to flrikc. 'T'he crews of the privateers, with great inhuinaniiy, iinpped both, officers ar,d iricn of their wearing apparel, and .arried tlieir prize vv;tli great tnuinph into Dimkirk, iu liieFpring Sir JohnNorris was fucceeded in the com- mand of the ficei iu the Mediterranean by Sir John Jen- i:iM'_5^, where nothing of any importance happened. The a iiuira! criiized lor foiric time offToulon, iu ottler to in- teicxp; 'i'c Fevjni fleet, as well as to prevent any hjpjdics t;ou"i eur-.Tin:^ that hai!)oin. A'lany oi the (hips being iri uuM! or" pr.)\ iiicr-.s and llorcs, he proceeded to Port Mahon, i'i:ijio liiui vvi.'r>, K '1 nut i(> cruize, took tuo rich prizes ir )Ui tic !. \a.)t t ) Marluiiles. 'FIieHampron Court, and .'-nlu.L, Cadi..', c li.,lcd two Freuclt iiiipsol war, the Thou- f ;l'. a.'.d '.( .'^iJiLUi , c.icii of 50 guns and 400 men. 'Jdie i ia:i;;i':'v.i Ccm". came un wltu the fjrh, which maintained :.!i i.i!-> l),;i!ic- f.T ivi-o hours, when her commander :T. (.ir.u-d ]'ic, i':uc;.. '|~hc Tiidtut efijaped. Or. N A> A L Cll llUNUl.OG \ . 117 On the 22tl c)i Mar<.h, tlic Si Vvfri, I.v.'n, anJ Lvnic, A D. n -ir Vai<') Imv, :n the i;ii;i;':i I t { ii-noj, aia^cJ four hrLiuh '/'* lh:;s ut war, uhuli th-.v ( ainc up \s.i\\ aiui crii^ji^td tor two hiiiiis, \\ ht ti ihi- I'ltiuh Ih- crcil ..;. 1 l:-.- Si.-\ cm anJ I, vine svMc t')') iiitu-Ii liiiat)! li topiirii.;- tfiLin ; hut Cap- ta;!i (lalhitiiis W'alpoK-, in th; I,:oii, to;i"'nivii the i liaCf, th.'uh^h he hail his ri_u;!>t arm ili>i: o*;, anJ I )r;\ m. ;i hil'cil an>l wounilnl, :iik1 hi-, lliip ir.txh. i!ain.ii;ti!. '1 i.l- i-.\ctiT, C'^p'Miii R:i\n'oiHi, at tiiat tinic cmr.iiit:^ ii]i, j'j.i'.c.i m the .h:Kc, ami o\frtook one of thi- I'reiich ihipN, uhii^h, alter a ilelpcrate ent:airt incnt ot tuo h.t'iir>, llmck. ^-:ir proveJ to ! c tin- l\ iiihp'ke vvh:ch the I'reiul' had taken a \tar bc- iore. '1 he l^xeter was jo much chLtMeJ, Captain Ra\nV'i;J Col, 1(1 IK t take puHeihnn ot hi- pii/-e, and w aS obhi^ed to let tier i;o. In the m>inth oi Nmenihcr, the Rel >'i:t:on, nf -^L'nn^, vva- h'l! in a vi'.lent t;ale ot wiiul on tl;e Mall- ra oti Leg- horn, Init the oliuei > and eie\s'Wire iaveil. ComtncnKtrc Lmleton arrived at Jania ca t!e !a'"er e:\l (il Novcml)er in (he b(t year, and i !. on t.;ni tlie com- iiiand in (. hut'o! the ujuadion. On the 2 \'[ o'. ALv t 'IIo-a - itii,', the eonin'.odin'c learnt tioni ti:e eaj'M'.n (! a i'i;i:>'!i (liip. wlnJi had hven t.;ken hv the Jeil-\. ih.:t M. i );i C.dle hail arriMd at Cartha;;e'ia with hi- hp.i.: li 'ii, .on- luting ol tlic St. Muh.ael ot 74 ijii!; . il; ILiv!.:-, o-t ( .. ilie (inlhn oi >'^, :!,d two lir,.:l! ii.^a'; .. to ^ :.\.^\ l!ic e.ill' oi;s to tl;e 1 I.e. jnnali, nit!/.:rua\ '" ImH' p '. C):i l!;e I 5th ot |iilv, 'd on I .iitii top. to f- 1 vvli'i l'i\ ot v\ .11 Z' a:.(i Hood .-mi ;o :;. e ..:! o! N\ w S-p.i n. i-'..!il\ in the niornini; ot' iI.. :-:, Ik wc i '! C"..r- thni;-!'.a, tie i 'i.:i( d Jonr I id ; a! ;:\ t 'i. ! . k i.'.e S.u ;'':i \ s pt!/,; e.une iiji \\ nil the vi- e-adniii .li o! the Lalu.'t;--. a: i b _ Ml to crL;:U'e ht r : l-on ah; r ihe >..! i!':.!;. .i:.d ;' . ^o:r- ino-o:e 'o.iml, w .. 11 tt;e ,;.'!(. 'li;: 1 n. k . i ' \ lee-.i ! rTinai recei'.ed .i woinul, ol \s h . '; iie .li' m a ai U di. i!. I'",- Jeilev jutidied .md Mok one > : :: ii.iu'm .' ih;'-, > ' < Ml ainte.l lue:,".-l;\ K'ni-, ...i \'. i> i.i ien v. a S ,!:.::. , - ... I 1 . V ii. 148 NAVAL CIIJIOISIOLOUY. A.D. and wool. Mofl: of the money had been- taken out of the ^7^1 galleon by M. du Cuire, from whom they had parted com- pany two days before in a gale of wind. She mounted lixty brafs guns, and had on board 320 men. The Englilh had one man killed and fix wounded. The commodore fufpcding that M. du Caffe would proceed with his fleet to the Havannah, cruized off Point Pedro {hoals, in hopes of intercepting him; but ioon alter receiving intelligence that a large French fquadron had ar- rived at Martinico, he returned to Jamaica in order topro- tei that iiland. Here he found the I'hetis, a French man of war, which had been jufl taken by one ol hiscruizcrs. In the abfence of Commodore Littleton, M. du Callc ' got fafe into the Havannah with his convoy. In the month of June, the French at Martinico em- barked a large body of troops on board fome armed vellels, for the pnrpofe of making a defcent on the iiland of An- tigua ; but by 'he vigilance of Captain Bourne in the New- calfle, their project failed. They, however, landed a finall body of troops on the iiland of Moiuitferrat, and began to plunder the country ; but being informed that Captain 13ourne was on his way thiiher, they reimbarked, and retired with great precipitation. 'Fhe Diamond and Pan- ther being off the coafi, captuied three of their tranfports. Early in this year the munillry having projeiled a plan for the attack of Qi^iebec, and the redufction of the vvliolc province oi Canada, as well as to recover from them Pia- centia in tlie iiland of Newfoundland, equipped a Itrong fquadron, liie command ot which was given to rear- admiral Sir 1 Icnx-ivJcn Walker: the command of the land forces, vvfiirli ccrui!lcd of five thoufand men, was entruded to General Hill. On the 3d of May this armament being ready, failed from Plymouth ; it confifled of eleven fail ol the line, one frigate, two bomb ketches, and forty-one tranl- ports with troops, Cvc.^' On the 24th of jiuie the tleet ar- rived at Bolton m New England ;+ where lo much time * Apjjcndix, Cli.iji. Ii. ISd. S. f While a' I'oHo!!, rlic admiral tucd bva couii m:niial C^ptniri B(>;iin';i)i the t'dyiir, ;iiul Captain ]-5urlcr, of the Duiikiik. iVir l!;i\i!-,;; in rhu p.w'Li^L' out diiooeycd liis ordwrs, hv chacinjr wirliout lisnial, and thereby pan id v:()!iipaiiv ^vjtii tlic fleet. 'As Captain Snans had joined jhc next da\ , !ii^ was oiil v muliied tln'cc nwuitlH pa\ ; but Captain Butler iievci- ha.vincv been icen ;)v thetlcct, till Ui u-nv>',i lu Anifrica, wai iUliiiiikd tile .icr^ H'f. was \':.\L cnr.uNor.OG Y. 1 : ) w.!-; ;,:.t :n rcilttiii^ n-.d 'al.i::.; f.:i !u>;irJ fr( Hi ln;-j '-<;. A !> tli.if tl.c aJiii:!.:! i!i>l nut lai! t.: :]. ri\rrSr. L.wu; ^T'l b r ore- tlic J )'h uf Jn;;.. O:, tiic iSth ,:.,v < ; A -_;i,,: ;! c licLt a'liw.l (!' ( 1 iljKC b.iv. i'u'- l.r. ^ aru r t,.t.\ v'.cc i)'..rta/scii bv a vi !,nt lI-iIc :i'>:n tic ,,.:', \v ith a .:i. : ^^ cnrrt'i::, wiic'i lei ihciii un t!,'/ iiT'ti li.i rr .ir-'r::^ r.^l.s ni. i f:i!a!i KlaMii- ; tlic \\ ImU 'Aj^I \\ .1^ Hi ( a' . r <: bu/'j; bi.l ; ci.J.t (; il^<' tia'ilpiir's w.rcc.iit av..i',, ,;;,! .i!;!u>it 111:.- !;ii:; !r -d, (';!iJor>, l,, aiui |1-.;:p: n |..-, ilii' d. ( )n tiic- 2v'''! It wa-; rcli'i'/c li in a lm:;!U.1 n: j,.i (.:iu\i-, lt:a! fr.MTi tl;c ! ;'v:ran.~c or t'::c pilti'^-, as wfii .;- !!!. ii:k-ci ;.,;;i: v an.l r.r,'.J.:", r' tiic currc;-.!-, it w .i^ ii!,;'r.icl;c.i^'v- ! > l; ' iij"* tlu; rivtrS:. {,.r.>. rjr;L" \-. i !i i!;!- lir.p-- i.J wjr a;..! tiai.ljK.ris as tar a- Oil'kc. Im i n::ic(p:t. p.i'r o: iln-; r ' li:t:':i. '!.; alin:;.!! }): ,Kccd;d td S;-.i:i;;,i ri\(T, i;i f!:c n....'ii'- L' pc nrLtf':i ; where on <\'c h:'.) <. SLp:.;:": r, li ua-t'-i^r- iiiHi.,! ;m a '.-cMvi.i! r'i:!;i .i or \s .:;, I (i:i j 't da , ; ,d a; d ica I ;':.;!, t!;a: aii". ..;;ei;iji' i:;- 'M i" .iv: t a, a* t!.a" ad- \a;'e'i LmUmi, \v,i< i:''(a i-, i:^jl^:^:ti. .;.>!(.'. 'I ',- > \ p: d ; ,. ii \\ a- tl.(. rein?-'' cii'ir; iv ''.'\ t 'i i.p, a;:-! tlif a ':!i i :l' ',:;'; 1 ;> l\;;4'aiid \\ !l:i the tk-'.-t -.i.' i '!,i'Hp>-!:-. IK- a;:.'.- : i! S, Pi- ll ..aJ nii tli- 1 11 ] .: (), i'dvi. ( ^:; th" I ;:':. t: 1 d^^.ir ^-i ''O uiMi', t'le il:;;) liii' ad.!i:!.ii\ l.a-^ \s a^ i ; ' '.: i. : vv ij) Mt S;''t'u.;d, ail i ;\ r\' I id pei:d:r,'. df,, a'' '.!'.'.> i:'i;.(: ; ) I,";;.:! ,:i_ ;;;id 11'. Mt ( ; tl;- ('';. c-r- w . : e cii On t'lc i i rO.:- ,l>jr aiid,,d i:, i'..: I ) u:i^ t^. ifi !-, ill'- I )j'.v- ui .;: l;u:;n a:;di' : nun, ' iii;)!.!;: .. d :v C"a;Ld.i\\-. \Kn.,v:, a;id r'uj l)>.\d.;.<.I J') u;n-. a:.d I c ' iiivii. I :i;::;a;.d, 1 In C .. i.iMi Siepli-ii (." i\]i:\..\v. '[ iu-lc 1:::)- bad bi-M micd i :: !v/ I ::v.v v.: uban'-^ at ]): :.nd ': en;:. a mim; ;!:>: ^i: ;ai li-- ;:i I Mr ^ i.l'; !. i' , : T'KA- ladrd iri^'M r, ;":; K . m ! uii die i d '! \i:.;i.d. I . '^ ; :v.:A li;^'. ni; p;d' d tlic S:pp'- c! M..;,.d'.;:i \\,:!,.m;: .p v ai,v,d.rii!, iinuLd ilie I'aiiliv, u he re the-, i a; ;;:;c-d f V: ul \( id U. a;.d [ 111 I idipd Ilia 11 V t'u;.- h. d'!u;iri; ; - d'.- . :\ni:ards (ni ifu' rn.dd (Jii the 22 i < ! I ) ceii.lui, i - ;. nil V ted ill u ith t:.e l:i:.d:i d ;;! ide .\i..;;Mi!va ih;'~, w :.. , 7::!;'.':c,-.i:.>n':; ^J. IS. 1) , .V ... .1 ; 150 NAVAL ClIROXOLOGr, A.D. fail annually from Manilla to Mexico. She engaged the '7^^ privateers about half an hour, and then ftruck. She mounted 2o guns, was 400 tons, and had on board two millions of pieces of eight. Soon after they fell in with, and attacked the largeft of the Acapulca Ihips ; flie was 900 tons burthen, and had on board 600 tnen ; they engaged her for two days without making any imprefhon on her, when all their hopes of fuccefs vanilhed, and they made the befl: of their way to the Eaff-Indies. Thefe Ihips touched at the ifland of Juan Fernandez for refreflunents, where they found a Scots feaman, named Alexander Selkirk, who they brought with them to England, having reiided near five years on this uninhabited and unfrequented fpot.^ In the month of September, the Qi^ieen granted a charter to a company of merchants trading to the South feas. For the fcrvicc of the enfuing year, 40,000 feamen were voted, including 80CO rnarines ; and trie fum of iSo.OOOl. was granted for the ordinary of the navy. 1-712 Sir Jolm Leake commanded the grand fleet this year; the only fervice it performed, was to convoy a body of troopS under the command of Lieutenant-General Hill, over to Dunkirk, to take poflefhon of it, and demolifn tlie liarbour and fortifications; the Britifli plenipotentiaries infifting on tliis as a preliminary (kp to a peace, which at this time was negotiating at Uirecht. Sir Thomas Hardy cruized with a fquadron in the Soundings for the protedion of the trade. He captured fix large French armed merchant fhips outward bound, which were richly laden ; they were afterwards given up, although taken before any orders were iffued for the fufpenfion ot hofldities. The adminiflration, as a recompence to the captors, ordered them to be paid a finn of money, which was very inadequate to what they othervvife would have received. Vice-admiral Baker was Rationed on the coafl of Por- tugal, where he chaced and drove afliore a Spanifh fliip of 60 guns ; but blowing too hard for his boats to land and t.;ke poflelhon of lier, (he was pkmdered by the inhabitants. Tile vice-admiral complained of this outrage to the Court vi' Portugal, but obtained no redrefs. "'' From the yiifi-oiv of tins innii, Daniel dc Foe is laid to have con- ceived the ium 01 wiitmi; tlit advcniuits of Robiiilyn CJruloc. Sir N.\ \ AL ( 1! !;oN Of or: v. 1 '. ) icits i:i ilic .M'.iii!Lriaii(..iii, wiu-ic iioiliiiig o ^..i ic J Ji-- Sr 1 1'l', ciulcn \\ aik'T, \^ h >, it !ias been i'!'lcrvf.!. i^a^; 1) uiiliicccl-tiil L.l vear o:i \\;< cX,' .!.ti.i:i to N.'i;l\ A-nr- riM, wus apjK)'.- : J t > li;c: t\i C""r:in! - !. .ic I, (i'ui..ti mi!i;- Wcil-lml t<. Om t!:c iS;!) <.i' .\;m;1 t!v- ;.,!;i;ira; Li.K-.i trom St. lljleiis w.itl a [-.nM Itj'M Ir.Mi." a: >i .;''.'.i' '!!;.- Iinrnirid lail it" ivifi; ii.ii.i \i.lKU i.ii'ivr I ;^ >.-.'lr. 'V. ( )ii tl.o ?4ili tu* J>inc lii- air\;il .it A'li'^.a. lr>'a t!.c:v:c l;c [ir;CL\i!'.vl U) f,:!r;.i!^-.i, \%!v-ti- !. r'--r..iit'.v->l [n-rl'-ctly ii;arti\c. (3;i tiit, ityth (>; Au^nit i'. i' rw.iiul u .: . \.::tL:Jl)va niufl Jr-a :-m1 i.Mrricaiic, u !:; Ji li.lMaii.^ iiKi'A iurt-.()! i', ar.d ilid c );;!i.l.r.; j!.- (l.i:r.a.;c t.) ;::c liup^ ^u \\ai air.! mcr^l.aiitir.cii. ^ .on after S:r I f ...::.!: :; Wall, r ';a.i 1 :t Aiiti^viJ, it wa, t!.i arcML'tl u;!ii a il ! t :;: i)v M.C.::!.;;ii, \\;i..;:.;I ar: .vcvi lit Martim.') ii.'iii l"i ;i'i:'i \\ i:;i a iir'ii.', tqii.iili ! , lij, h iv.L\.r. ji;oi--j', lU d til M.'!i!l>-rrat, uii.Ji 1,'.- i.i\.i.-:'.d ; ar.J ;';iii iailcd I.) S'liiriam, \'. heir I-- ohliL^'-.! tliv i:;h.i' '.'.:m; I) ^ivj ii;'n ru'iit hi.r;i!.(.J th nilaii! ]V(^c> c: i ^!u a- a lanl'ini t.) i>ii\( ;it tluir pr. ,icrf. Jniin , '.i:!:'1.t. C);i ti.'j I9'h oi AiiL,:;!! a li.(p(:i!i>.ii <' !; i:.',!^-^ \s .i . a'^rt't il to; ai'.ii a:i iiiiii iinicjit fi ;n i at I'.iii^ i'/ L : I i) ;iir.L,i)rtii.(' DM tla- pail lU (^lu'cn Aiiii;-, a;; 1 !'. I'.c ^;a^- (iu:>tlc Ten'.- (ti tiirp.iit (>'. L )i.;- ;lu- \1\;:!, w.w.U v. a-. 'ui emit ur.ic i'air n.i ';t!is. ():i t!:r ^il' oi Mar.'h the rr.'a- Ltii^lit l),;tv\( :-:i ( i;;-at n.r..:i a'.'i li.:;\.- i'. ' ;i''.it\' i; wa- ai.M>;''ii I'lai (irtat lli 'a: > !' I'll'i lia',:-- ;:,/ : :- liiioa-:..;.-. aivl i;.u!>Mi:r o! 1 ),ii,k ik :''u.'. (ircat I'lit:..!! ' i i;"a'.!: ( i'!; ,i';.''- ; "^ ' ' 1 ( ri'ire |,o:k :;;, m oi I (i, !! ' IJ.r. , ti. , an.l ti;-::\. ! ' -. I. \. 1. U)lii. ; C: J. 152 , NATAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. France to keep poU'eflion of Cape Breton ; to have a ^7^3 right to catch filh on the banks of Newfoundland, and li- berty to dry them on that part of the coa;*: from Cape Bona- viila to the' northern part of the ifland, and down the we'tcrn coall as low as Point Rich. 1V14 The (taiute of the third year of King Edward the Firff, refpeiling wrecks at fea, was confirmed ; and in addition to it, that in cai'c eiilier the queen's or merchants ihips, riding at anciior near the wreck, lliould negle6l to give affillance when demanded, the commanaer ot fuch fhip ihail torfeit one hundred pounds to the proprietors of the liiip in didicfs. And for the encouragement ot i'uch as fliall ailllt, a reafon- able reward fh.dl be paid from the p-oprietors; and in default of fuch reward, the fhip and goods Ihall be detained until gratification is given. Tiiis adl was made perpetual in the next reign. An a6l oF parliament paifed, providing a public reward for fuch perlon or perfons as fliall difcover the, longitude at fea. The bill was bro(jght into the houfe at the joint petition of Mr. Wifton and Mr. Diiton, founded on the opinion of Sir Ifaac NevMon, and Dr. Halley. By this acf the board of admiralty, the fpcaker oi the houfe of com- mons, ^and other great officers, by virtue of their offices, are conditutcd commiflioners for trying and judging oi all pro- pofals, experiments, and iir.proveirients relating to the longitude; and any five of them are empowered to acf. Thefe being fatisfied of the probability of tlie difcovery, arc direfled to certify their opinion to the commifhoners of the navy, who are authorized to make out a bill for any fiun not exceeding two thoufand poiinds, as the comtnif- fioners of the longitude fhall think nccelfary for making the experiments ; who fhall report how far tliey have fuccecdecl. \i' the (lifcoverer of the longitude determines it to one de- gree, or fixly geographical miles, he is to be rewarded with ten thoufand pounds; if to two-thirds of a degree, fifteen thoufand pounds: and if to half a degree, twenty thoufand pounds. llieetnperor Charles the Sixth, firff granted cotninifnons to (flips fitted out at Offend, to trade to the KaR Indies; which was very prejudicial to the Englifh and Dutch Eall- India companies. On the III of Augull Qiiccn Anne died at her palace at Kenfington, N A \ A r- C ]' n o \- I. O G Y. 1 '3 \u tiu: sC"'i \i-'.ir n( !v,-i .1 i-."'' ^ 7 ' 4- A- an (. !it.Miir.ijvi;u:\- t!c- (;ir. -,>:;' :n h';r ro\a! ii.;-,v, h^r inajiiiv urai.nd t':r:!: .i:;::i;.iu\ , t : ,.- oi ;.:; as t':L y pa'-. Q_i^ca i\:. lie's i'lcc ^!:r. l"u fiirgcoiis of ill rates 2.1 ra'cs 3I raics 4U1 rart's icth ra:t.-s f'lh rat.s - :.;; i ') 10 Ti/ furc-^nns rr.v.iv^ L-ww.z in ") / s. / i>-^ r- s 5> iS I I T ) s I ^"^ > *" 4 U^ - c ciaiLi^, tc-nd'jis, lVc. J' iS 4. 1 s - 19 7 S 2 2 .1 iS ^ 2 1 r 10 lb I 10 On the i-t!i of Au^i.,{, t!!c l-.ail .:" il. .'..v.'. \a\\.\ with a fcjuadrDn ot lixlccii uicii ol wai, a:i,! ;i\ ' lami. 111 ordci to attcriii li:s Man 'I\' ; w ! 1 r'j h. ua< ii>;iit\l h\ t;ij^ht lliips ct r!;c Sia:cs (n-tuial, ii!.t-i'.r irir In. (.1! C ijicrcn ; and to fcciirc i!il- im:'!-. .i:..i tin >' .m"J, h.:,- adiiiiral Wa^', r was Itiil to I'oi tliiMurii. ..m ! .^;i '1 !: ^ riardv to Plyinouih, to C(,ui[) li., :! i:,,iis a.s \',.il- ;.i U-r ici\ ICC. Oil tlie i8l!i ot S ;it( 111!", r hi- man .: v ain\c>l 11: ].-\> 1.!!k1, and loon alti-r a v. onfiJ>T..'[Mt a!: laia 'M !)> k j ' .. ; in tin; adm.niilianon, partu id.ii i; at tl.c adinran 1 ,.n i, \\ dm li \'.a- I Mtin ly i lia!i;n>;.-' The ti llou ,:;_' \\nic t lie !!a.; ()' _!. i s ai l!: ' :". o; K iHt; ( r."oi .; ; tilt- ! :: il , \W. Sir } dm I.y.d.r, Kii;_;;;', n ai-ad';ina! (ii.a, ili.Mm, Mauh>.\\- A', !in :, I'.n^. adiunal .iiul ^' )i;::;-,a; d.r 1111 In: t ol Ills nia;cd\ ' . It.xt. Nir James Williuit, Liil^^lu, a'mua'. ^" 'd;c \\'..,-l- (>: :a- dion. >.r Jolni Xoiri-, Knii^h;, a^l:r.::al o: die b...J. , A|,ni:..\, C. . 1\. 154 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A. D. James Earl of Berkeley, vice-admiral of the red. ^7*4 Sir Edward Whitaker, Knight, vice-admiral of the white. John Baker, Efq. vice-admiral of the bhie. Sir Charles Wager, Knight, rear-admiral of the red. Sir Hovenden Walker. Knight, rear-admiral of the white. Sir Thomas Hardy, Knight, rear-admiral of the blue. On the 17th of March the parliament met, and voted ^'^^ 10,000 feamen, at four pounds a man per month; foon after it granted 35,5741. 3s. 6d. for the half-pay of fea- ofiicers; 197,896!. 17s. 6d, for the ordinary of the navy; and 237,277!. torthe cxtraordmary repairs of the navy and rebuilding of (hips. On the 1 8th of May Sir John Noitis, and Rear- Admi- ral Sir Thomas Hardy, failed from the Nore, with eighteen fail of the line, one frigate, and a Hoop of war, to join the fleets of Rufiia, Denmark, and Holland in the Baltic; againff the Swedes, who had feizcd and confifcated feveral Englifh merchant veflels, under the pretence thai they were affiiting the Ruffians with arms and warlike Itores, with whom the Swedes were then at war. On the loth of June Sir John Norris joined the confederate fleets in the Sound. The Czar Peter being then at Copenhagen, and intending to embark on board of one of his own fh.ips, lie was com- plimented with the chief command, and was to dire; i n; ,: o; thru wiit-U, ui.i. h put a it"]) to the iic|ucilati.ins ut i!;e!c dar;i>;^ j);r.ilt' , a:ul Ijr;)iij;ht t!',cin to rLadui. C.i[)iain I)i.!l;:uii(), a innd nciiw iii. ( r, in ti.i- Ilituf, ot 20 jMiiis canu' lip Willi (MIL- (it i!:;ir 1)'. i immi c; \%ar, ni.iur.t.r.j; twcnts-Idur t^uii":, v. litii atc_r a i:\ \\ i','/ :ia'c aiui Mdddv batik-, he- i Ijiigul her to ;!i:kt ; (.m .'.;': r <}r- (link, and all her cicw pfiilh^d, t. \-.\'p'i:;;; '.iilcs-- ':j] r. 'i"!ic lui)p'.iLS grar.iid for t!n_- inli;;n^ wca- iC-^-J fca:r>i'n ; 2:0, 7.^:^!. ^v. '|l. for ll,i. <.id;iurv < 1 titc ;...v> ; ar.'! ^'},~('i'<- :.'r ilu- ( xtia.'f iinarv repair.--, t\v-. 'Vhr SwciIl'^ ii)tit:;ai!r^ vciv triM.ii'clo;i;u m l\.v\", '7' 7 ;n tlic month, o! .Mari.1i S.i (!i'>.rt;c I^irj; was fcni tlntlK-r with :i i:vct (>; lucul'. -li!'..' Ih:p^ ot tin- iinr, hiiilv.-; Ir:- l\j\i--, vA\l:c. he rc[r.a:::Ld a.i tiir f;in!:!H-r ; ami havii;C' ii:) (.:ien:\' to oppofc, liL- rctii'::(d !:<':nL- on ih-.- 2d o! N - \ciiilH-r, It-auii^ (i\ men I'J war to act in cor.hnct'on \\ iiii :lic Dai/ilh ile-.r. In Apiil the Karl ci Oifonl refiLTicd lii.. (cat at t'lr Admiialry, ti[ion whi^li Ins majeli\- thoUi^l.t pr(>p''i to clians^e that hoard*. The \\'eil-I ndie^ hi ng at t!ii< t-ir.e o\er-ri:n \si'h a drfpcratc fet ot piia*c<; > ri ihc ^;!i it >-)>te;!ilvi a pio- clamatiim was iiin-.d, otrcrn:'.^ a p.iiii.'n to ail h.vii .i-. lliould (inTCiid'.r theiiiiel\e'; w;!:',::i a t '.\ . 1\ e,iio:i;!i tor ai! piiacies ilu", liiouhi ha\e ooinni.'ted ivroie the yli d.iv 1 t }aniia;\ prifnini'^. Afei liu- e\;i : I'.ion ot t!i ! .:e oi Ihii ( iuK r lii'Oitrd. a rt \\ aid was o:;-. rt I 10 ...!iV > 'I lo^ m i- p^:i\\ (iii'.'.i^, i)v I'-a IT i !; ', \\Ii> n,..i!vl i..I,i.- a p.r.iie, upon hi^heoii; li'.;iliv (.n.^ .Uvi, \./. lor a v.;''.i;:i 1 '^^ . anvoth-, r o:l:e( r. ;:(!:; .1 liciii; i.or, i!r,\;i : lamoMi.i .;,ol. i'lrari mierioi" dliie- r " .'!. an'. pro..te nian d h.'.u.:.:; np a (apta:n <!. 'i . , ^\ aS cntlti-^d 7 .'. upon hi> coir, u i 'o;:. The firil linp iilMiMjo r to ihe S u,;!! > .; I." J idrd on h: r \(o :'^e I'ltc ih ile !e::-. '1 he rale of piloi.i .- wa- ]:<'\v li\ed '>\ a i 0/ ; .-.i f T ilie pilots at 1 )n.( 1 . Dal. or 1 . : n\ I : ;.: !C'.'. .ild i.UV,' ;; nt - A\-.ui.\, e:.:. j\ . V 150 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A.D. flinuld take charge of fliips or veffels in the rivers Mcd.vay ^7^7 and Thames, viz. For every fliip or veflel drawing /. s. ^. - feet water - 3 10 8 ditto - 4 9 ditto - - 4 10 lo ditto - 5 11 ditto - 5 ic 12 ditto - 6 13 ditto - 6 10 U ditto - 7 15 ditto - / 10 16 ditto - 8 '7 ditto - 8 10 and no allowance to be made for odd inches. Some claufes were afterwards added to tliis a6t to prevent and punifli the pilots wiio may be dete61ed in nnii;vj.uaiKc ot an l'.:i^- 171 J \'\h :i-j;-t, rcccivtil i:;m as t!'J;\ ricr, ar^d trcatcii ^\l:l the iiiiili li.ilii^uilhcil ir.-iii.- n; ulp ^'l while he- rc- ui.iiiiLHi aii'.iM'j^ til 111-. S.r (jc'i^-.- n.ii'^ la'.U'ii on tiic 6th, an.i aiMViJ ((.'i M;-;!iiia oii tlv tj'ii, iiiHU \n hiciu:c hr Icaint t!iat the >ran.l;i i;:ct iia.t la;; \.'.\ UlI.iIC '1 !ic aJ- inii;i'i :m!i,i .i;at(.I\ wnii i;i i;iu-,l il t;,ciu, aiil vcrv l.viti i!"t !ij,!;t I't two S.iaiiiih tr.t;.i't.-- oi! 'he 1 1 'iv-''Ut, \'. h.: ih.ilc'i tiiiDLigh i!ic I'aii) ot Ahiiina, a;i.l Lvl h.;in d--.v(i tj thru fleet, vvliuh ahuiit iiniM lie tl.!^. )'. cTcd K;i\2; t;) 111 li:ie ol t)4t:!e, ;iiiiotintiiiL; to t u etit\ -!l \ 1 11 !a;l, heii.ies twi> Hiclhiji^, tour bomb-velle;-, ujjI leveii L^ailics, ci.ninuiuLJ l)y I )o[i Aiitonio lie Cai:,i:v.;a tie iii.iLt !.;:n four r;ar-aii.r.iraN. On tiie apiuMranee of the iliitilh fl.ct, tnev liooil A\s\i\ lari^e in ouIvT ot battle. '1 I.e aiinnctl loiiiiw^d t!ieni ail t'lie uli of tlie d.iv and the (ii^vteJ n^^ in-.,ht. Tile i'.e\t i;io!!i;n; (the 1 lih i<.ear- Admiral M.tri \'. as de';u iied Ironi the Njianilh Ik et witll (i\ i\\:\y^ ot uar, I'ie c^.di.e-, !ui.(h;ps, and b, iiib-k( 'ehe>:., and dood over tt tlej Sieih m lMo;e. Lptu wliuh ."^ r (ieo;;;e ij.tiL:^'in.1 Oajitain \\ alion ni the C an'ert^in v, with (i\c in Me i!\ j>s t.> (Mirlue thiiii, whhlt hch.nd.ll eon.tiniied to i.haeet:;c in, nil ii-'et. At ;:!).u;i kh o\l(\k i!ie a(i;oii beL;.i;i bctuteti tile lie. uhro;; (li -s ot the IJ: i:;I;', and ot fie >,a:;ilh t;eeis, and eoi,; imto! i;i a rnnn;n.; ii^iit i.!,!;i d.jik, at wine'ti iMur Sir Ckt^'c I);n^ e;i|V' u-d i!;e S^'.iinlli aLi- ni::.d, R> .11 .\d:n.r.ii L;,.Kvin, w ,; . :.>. ih P^ 1 ; tlie i !.:, or !riua:e oi 44 U,'nis;, atul one ot j'' ' 1 l;e 1 h it;lh 1;. ps !u"e e'l \ rv '.ttie dan..-;-; the ,:d;;i::al l.:\ h. I .:::c d.^vs to rei;l t'ne !;,.;l;;'^o1 la-. (Irp-, ;.i/l to lep.i.i tl;e viaip.e.; s id ii.d.nnt d. CJn t' c 1 Sdi oi .\\: 'i ;! ; e 1 - tile nil/! \.': i\( I ih.f t^ 1! !i 'W i!;'4 !a oM \s h ) :..xA !^e. n i- tit m j I tio:', C\i|t.eM W'.i't K.a,- \d;! M..i. : n c;,. 11. 153 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. " Sir, J718 We have taken and deflroyed all the Spanifh fliips *' and veilels which were upon the coaft, the number as ' per margin. ''^ " I am, &c. Canterbury, off SyracuJJe, G. WALTON." Augufi 16, 1718. After this vidlory Sir Gtorge Bing convoyed the Sicilian gallies fafe into port, which had been fome time blocked lip in the harbour of Malta by the Spanifli fleet. He then failed to Naples, and fent his prizes to Minorca ; where not long alter the Royal St. Philip was blown up by fome unknown accident in Muhon harbour, and all on board periflied. Admiral Bing difpatched his eldefl fon to England witii a circumstantial account of the engagement. He was mod gracioully received by his majefty, and fent back with plenipotentiary powers to his father to negotiate with the feveral Italian princes as he fhould fee occafion ; and likcwife his royal grant to the officers and feamen of all prizes taken by them from the Spaniards. His majefty wrote a letter with his own hand to Sir George Bing, as did the Emperor Charles \\. on the admiral's arrival at. Naolest. On ' Tlicfe vcrc one fliip of Co guns, commanded by Rear-Admira! IVIari, one of t;^, one of 40, a'.id one of 24 guns, with a bomb vcile!, iiiKl a fhip laden with arms, taken. One of 54 guns, two of 40, and one of 30 guns, with a lireflup and bomb-vcird, burnt. i Ills majciiv's Icttci to Sir GeorL;,e Eing. It was written ii: I'lench, and tltus tranilatcd : *' Sir (jeorge Bing, " Although I have received no news from you dircflly, lam in- *' foimeci of the viftorv obtained hy the fleet under your cnnmiand, " and \\oukl not rheiefore defer <';ivinj!: you that fiitisfaflion whicli " luuft reluhlinmmy approbation of your condutt. Igi\eyouniy " thnnks, and dehre vou will tCif.irv my fatisfailion to all the bra\ e " men who have dillinguiflied tlicmleives on this occafion. Mr. " Sicretai V Cragi^s has okIlis to inhnin you nuae fuliv of niv iateu- " tr jns ; but J. '^vas willing myfelf to riJ'ui-e y..!U that 1 am, Yoiu' good Irieiid, Uamff.n Cu-'t, " GEORGE R-"- '1 tie i'.inpvroi'v letter to Sir George Ring. " ,'\dmira) Sir (Jeorge Bing, ' I lri\c :ecii\ed wi^h a great deal of jo-,- nnd latisfa6tion, by the beaiei oi thi3, vours of the iSth of Auguft. A^ foon a.l knev.' '- ;...'.; v.a'.. uain..J b; -J. e V.vaz, }o;;r madci, to command his licet lii ^^\^Ar. chiioxolog y. I'i') i)) the III if Nfav Sir J .i:n X-ns an>! Rcar-Ati-.wal A !). Mii^i'.L'uS ia;ici1 with !(. II (.III nt the l.iic the Ha'.tie. ij-ii \s !)erf he aclcil in einiiuiiCt;,)!! U!;Ii tl'.c Djiaih rieet the u !u le 1)1 tlie hi;i.;,ier ; l)ut th.e k'li.; (^t Sweden h.i;i'<^ ';.!;n.'.;it'.e I h.i^ liiet aiivi laul il up, Sr | '(m N/rris rc- tiirecii I') l'";i^!.itiil tuuarih tiie vnA o\ i)z[.>Kr. Ciy\.i\{i \\ .\\[ \i.':\i<, wl'.o h.t- !hc;i .i!:ea Is' fp ken .. w .i^ ,'.|';'i'Mr,e-l !^uern(lr el the I].ih.iiiv.i ;llu!i.i>, v^^'erc h_v h.'^ [Mii.ieiu .i:iil ile.ulv e()i'..!iiot, he in a ll;>)rt t;i;ie h;p- j)ri:hii tpiri' nt p;rae\' whKli hai l)ce!i to h)ri.^ pic\.i- le:.t ;ini. >;'_; :i \\oi\ I'i vilhu:;s wh..i trujueuted thole le.i-. On ilie I yih ut DcwCir.her war v\as (icv.laicd ai^a!i;ll Sp.iin. l"!'e p.'.:'..;','t;e:,i M^ted lot the e::h.:!M^^ \ear 13,0:0 fea- ni-:i, .11 Iv'.r j>''iii.iis pt I iii'i:!'!), .u:d i;ra;'.led lH~/^,bl. 1""-. ''d. U'l ill-' oidii'.a: V ot t':.' n.i'. v ^ ai.d ^5.0^0'. Kji u. h.'.\'-:\\\ v>t U'.i rili^e; ' . h; li' i!i'i!!'di " An-jiii' V'!' Ge.>:.,'e Ihng dtilrovcd two lyiq Sia: .hi lii p>- I't u M Ml ih'- l>ui n ;i: Mi;hn.i, and (jhhs^/d thi .">pa!i::i!.'-. t.i e\ uMiate the ''iu.^ .d >u-dv. 'I h:- .'.[-. ut S, .1,!! !m\ ::;., 'I :r.;Ie:e i to invade l^-^' i:ul \\\''.\ ,: iai 'e li>,'v (d tr(l>'j"^ :n t.i'.oi:i (d th;; Vyv' '. > : ; the tn;:iid;\, m cider t-i re:.i''.ilc, i^ri \'.>'e- AIiih:.!! Mij,'"i.N V'. :h I:'.'.: l.!,i (; ir.en -! v. ir ;i:'d a th t t ii !r..;d- 1 s'l ;-, CM !> '.id; (it \-, ':-/,> ti u e.'e I :;'r I'- 'iihie.d f ;; , nrid.i r hi; eu u i..;i!d id l.iird L^vdii'aei. ' ' h^.d.c a d. I.v ;.; .ei the (1. d (.1 >p.i;n. in the inni'th :.; ive'l <(; the e.)..d el ( i.d. hi l,..:h..i.r nl \,.;,.. I. .rd <.' V,: .I'd .dl. r a i; ehU- irhd.rut , ; p.tii'j'r. A ;,;; .1'. .p:.Mi!:'\ ^ '1 .. ih-." ! .1' h I.:", ' h' e 1 ; \N h' '1 '. . i I ^^r.[ e: n -d t! .: ii. : d u I il h, . . > , lOO NAVAL CHIIOXOLOGT. A.D. Pont-a-VecIea, at the upper end of the bay of Vigo. On *7^9 the landing of the troops the town furrendcred ; in it were alfo found a great quantity of ordnance flores. On the 17th of November the vice-admiral and Lord Cobhani finding it would be impoffible to maintain their ground any longer in Spain, embarked the troops, and failed for England, where they arrived on the 22d of November, having loft in the expedition about three hundred men. In the beginning of September, Sir John Norris was fent with a fquadron into the Baltic, to join that of Sweden, againft the Rufiians. On the junction of the Englidi and Swedifh fleets, the Czar Peter thought it prudent to retire with his fleet into the port of Revel. The fupplies for the enJuing year for the fea fervice, were 13,000 feamen, at four pounds per month ; 217,918!. los. 8d. jbr the ordinary of the navy ; 79,7231. ibr the extraordinary repairs, and fome time after a farther fum of 377,561!. 6s. 9]d. which had been expended in the ne- cellary fervice of the year. ^'^ On the it)th of April Sir John Norris again failed info the Baltic with a fleet of twenty fail of the line, and being there joined by feven Swedifh men of war, he proceeded to the coa(f of Revel, which faved the Swedes from feeling at that juncture any marks of the Czar's difpleafure, who was obliged to remain quiet in his ports. When the fcafoii became too far advanced for naval operations in thefe feas, Sir John Norris returned home. Sir George Bmg having left every thing in a tranquil ftate in the Mediterranean, ordered the whole of his fqua- dron to return to Englai^d, except four (hips, which were kept there for the proiedVion of the trade. 'I'he admiral landed at (jenoa, and came home by land. On the 21ft of Augufl he arrived at Hanover ; his majeily being there at this time, received hiui very gracioully, and foon after appointed him treafurer of the navy, and rear-admiral of Cireat Britain; he was alfo created Vifcount 1 orrington, and invefied v\ith the (uder of the Path. About tfiis time fomc priv.ifc adventurers fent out Cap- tain Barln'.v to I'.ii'rover a nortli-weit p;.lLge to Ciima through llu(l(i'ii"s bjv. The fl-;:p v.-as i'>ii aud the crew milerably penilie'! ; apart 01 tiic AArerk u as atterwaida Itjuiid in that bay, in tli(; fitilutic o( 63 de^ri es north. A charter luit gi-Uiied for llie inluiU.5 of ftilps and n:erclui!vi ze, N \ \ A K C'HRON ()I (x, V. 01 ;r,cr. n.iiiiii/c, under tl'.c U'.'c u\ Oc rival a:!', ::;>. A v'rllaiMn pt' arms t u k pi.i.v S .'., i; Ci: .it Ilj.-j'n a') ' ."^,1 iin. '1 iic (ii;i[Ki(.'s tl;c ic.i Irrv n'c f'>i the cr'.'r^ V;-ar were tca-nc!i at 4'. pt.r nii'iii'i ; ;ff,,:4^. 14.V. tor liic ()!i.liiuiy ot the u.:\\ , a:id ;; .,2.::_i. i ^ii ] ) ;j Nonis at'il R'-ar- Ad'intai wvrc t;.:;t i:it > li:'.: Daltii- with (hitu 11 la:! 1 t thi- inu-. !>cr. ii-- ti!:4a!;-> aihl bonib-k ',clr/.s, ;n ordvr m jvcvail on t' i.- C/ar t) cii'cr lilt) t'.-'ius )i!..iia;i. c d ( > i i".!)!^ a lli'rt indiicfvl tii> <^"/ar to !i;tt.n to an ai ^ Mnrm datioii ; and a p^acc \v.i> ^ (Mici:./!' d at Nci-tad^ iHi 'h" -^iit ot .\iii,'iiit. riicir hciiii; now II ) tiirttiiT K-r\;.c tor i!,' !i:-ct m \i\v I'd'i.-, Sir }o!iii Noiii> in t:ic ii'.oiitii ut rc- tiniu-d t I l-.:-,.-lani!. At ihf t ml o! til;; year foinc tliai'L^is to. k phu'c at the adinnalfv lioaiii"'-. S:j|'j>lic-s i^rantcd t ir t'nr ha f-.r'. i^T toi the c[i!i:ni^ \c.'ar, 7, COO hatticn, at thr ulna! la'c o! 4'. ., n,.in t'li i!ioi:'!i ^ 21K 799I. 4-. "d. L'^'iiti-d lor t!u- o;duiai\' . I f'c iia\\-. Not\v.t!ilta:al;ni; tii-J [M(ic!,:niat'on ud.u ii ' i)<-t n id^.cd for the a[iprr!iciifioti ot p.ratc^. an I !!n.' \'i, - la!:<'^ it ^n'trnor R ijcrs to liijvniK lii' m, t!;clr dain;^ rolihcrs lv..\an;!' lo toi nnalaldt.- on 'li'- load ot Atiua ai.vl in the W ;;i!-i ndif'-, as L!r:.a'iv to a'a:!n ih de ! lo: n-^. I'l'.c nio t I lot 01 :on> ot t ':<(( ji'rat( - was one Iv -In 1 1-, wl: ) was- an alil;- leaiiMn ot undinntcd i." , .'.tid i. .;p d)' : toconnnind, his tor.i- conlnU-d n- t'';:rr !' m.! Ih ;o . hi-^ own rarri'd tort\ i[\'.n~, and oiir hwn Ir^'di a'.d i;is-'\\o mt n ; anotlu'i tinrfv- 1 \mi i;iins. and o:' hnnii'. r.d ." i t! 11 1\ - two iivn , and tin' thi: 1 t\\ t I'.t v- 1' ni i^nns, -.jhd nnaiv iiKii. In tli'j nion.tii o! Anrd. (/iom:') OJv'. -n. t' e S'A'ui! )\\ , Iv in'_^ on a rn / oli r-,'" I. '; e/, icr;- v d n;- tt ii I /i-in ( that Rolnrt-. v. a^ \]'\:[ \\:i:i ins i'mci- I!i;ji< ni an adj.::nnig hav ; iiji 'n win. .i !ij di'.nded i; > l!i n, .i:.^ A \). i ~i I 1 A::-: .-.u'.. Aa:i,^..: '.: L.. \o,.. I, 1^2 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. flood in ; the pirates took him for a merchantmen, and '72'2' one of them Hipped her cable and gave chace. Captain Ogle decoyed him off the land till he had reached fuch a diltance, as to prevent his adociates hearing the report of the guns ; he tlien fliortened fail, tacked and brought him to adVion, which continued an hour and a half, when her commander being killed Ihe llruck. Captain Ogle then Itecred in for the bavi with the pirates colours hoilted over the king's-. Tliis ftratagem fuccceded ; for the pirates feeing the blark fl.ig uppermost, concluded the king's fliip had been taken, and flood out to fea to meet and congra- tulate their confort on his victory. Their joy v/as of Ihort duration, for they no fconer came alonghde the Swallow, than Captain Ogle threw off the deception, and began to engage them inoft defperately. The aflion laifed two liours, when Captain Roberts being killed, with a great number of his men, both (hips (truck. Captain Ogle carried his prizes into Cape Coart Callle, where the pri- foners, to the amount of one hundred and fixty, were brought to trial ; feventy-four of them were capitally con- viled, hfty-tvvo of whom w-ere executed, and hung in chains along the coafl. On the 28th of Augnfl a moft dreadful hurricane hap- pened at Jamaica, which, added to an uncominon inunda- tion of the fea, almoff entirely deflroyed the town of Port Royal, and fvvept off on its retreat a great number oi its inhabitants. Kingllon a^fo fulFered confiderable damage ; many huufes were blown dowr., and others unroofed. Some lives were loft. Spanifii Town felt its dreadful cfFe6f ; but not with fo much violence as at the other places. A-luft of the fliipping in the harbour were driven afliorc, fomc overfet and others funk, and molt of their crews perilhed. The (torm began to be moft violent about eight o'clock in the morning, and did not abate till between twelve and one ; had it continued much longer, in all probability the whole ifland would haTc been de- folated. On the 24th of Oflober the parliament granted 10, ceo feamen for the ftrvice of the vear 1723, ai 4'. a man per month; and 216,388!. 14'--. 8d. for the ordinary of the navv. Sir George Walton was promoted to the rank of rear- admiral of the blue, in the room of Admiral Mightlls, w ho \ \ ". A I, ( in; (IN" n ID'; y. who \v:is n;-^ . !'.' . c- ! r''...r:!s S\va:Uori, ITj. :i , Riar A'lii:!:;.! >-:uk:.i;J fiu^.d^.l :..:! a-- \ u ..t lisv \\!,':c. Ttic S ;r'i S.^a (".nnpaiiv <; 'i!;'nti.v-e ; a;..i ;!); f :iic u ::c v\irc O-i I'v -. h fj.uniirv t',- II v!'^ . f\-. ";.'t: v rcl-lw J ilut io,',c 'v i ::-ri ll. .[ N . :-, . .. ; ^.ui- .-, \V:'i I:,' ... T! < c ..,-'-;..:..i , u:'h twcrry Ihip-i't 'hj li-; , (.'IK' Irgi':-, tw.) Ir>--I:.';)' , ai.J an Iml- piiai 111 p ; (II '';c ;.-t'i!i; ai rive! .!' t' m. :':,' "M, v,!;cic l;c u.i~ I .'-.,i 'n iKi:,- I).-.;!: ,r-;i -1 u .u . a-il pi -.-lif.i to ciiK/.- <);[ R; w I. 'I'tii r'ulli.m- \\t [;!..;';!. ::..-c:.;i. Lit t! a; p.'..r..ii. c ot a Bk:;1Ii 1: a <;i 1!.; r . m:;, \\i:;,(Hit li i\ ii^.; :t i;i t'.it'.r p')wci !(' i'-!v:it 1;, a- ;!vir :i ( t \\ as n r. ) c );i'::;i')ri ro lai/a^d a;i cni' !'; 'r,';;it xs:':; lii,"!i a lupciicr lira.,-. ^iiC...4;!a. W'.u.ti 1 ui'.im. >1 lu l -rr iv . a.-! f .il ;:.j 28:1 I'l ^' jUai.'Lf; vvIki!, t:a\ .r.a I( .aa\ - il i.\ 1 M'.ii 'M'.!.!- t;M,c liaa'. t':^ k':,n,.M-> !. il laid iip t;!.- r lliiji- Ir ili;: winter, h ! la.l i^r C > .. 'i'; ,^ -i, .;i: 1 n i.n iP \\l. : Ik- a:: ^ J n id l :l -I N.'\. :i.;- t. On I'u 2S;m ot ju!v S r J .I;n j ;iai: -^ (ail^.l t; :n S'. Ilrkai^ uai'i rill'; i.:\\ ol ii' :i li w.n, \\ i\ :{ k'a '< arj.i I. civ '! I..i,'l i. !> ' s, 1^ I M ;;, ^ :. i!; i .-.i'l ot Sp.'in, aai ' i> .il-- a li. 1'. a:.; .>:i 1', Ih aii I i; iv i m^'it iv a: ''ii: v. ( ).!" r.;,'.- S'. M ;. . !a; v. a ; uia ! 1-v uar .:.l!i::.i: ii.a I^n \. :;'i t '.ir I..1I !! the l;:u-. Tin- admiral >. I'i >i to 0:1: ,' '.". '' :s ii.i" ''11, wi'.,, '; 'ir.i'i', .I'ar'M: i li; > M-;'lh 103 A I) \ >'. :, II. l64 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. Yhe third expedition was fent to the Spanilh Wef^ Indies, *7-'5 under rear-adtuiral Hofier, for the purpole oi blocking up the f^alleons, or feizing them (hould ihey venture out. 'Fhe Admiral failed from Plymouth on the 9th of April, and after a quick palfage arrived at his liation ; he conti- ntied off Porto Bello for fix months, without efFe6ling any fervice; till at length difeafes peculiar to the climate began to make fuch havock among the feanien, and his fhips in fo bad a condition, that he was obliged to return to Ja- maica. In two months time the admiral was again in a condition to put to fea, andltood over to Carthagena, con- tinuing to cruize in thofe feas. Some of his lliips took fe- veral Spanilh veffels, which were afterwards re(k)red, The fquadron be|:^;iiining to grow again very lickly, the admiral {Peered for Jan)aica; where foon after his arrival he was feized with a diilemper of which he died. Towards the clofe of the year, the Spaniard?, to refent the infults we had offered them, affembled an army of 20,000 men at St. Roch, under the command of the Count de las Torres, and laid liege to Gibraltar. 1727 Oil tlie 27th of January the parliament came to the refo- lution that 20,000 men (hould be allowed for the fea fer- vice, at the nfual rate; 199,071!. for the ordinary of the navy. Sir John Norris failed at the latter end of April into the Baltic; and on his arrival there was joined by a Danifh fqiiadion. The death of the Czarina happening foon after, prevented any a6l of hoftilities being committed ; and the Ruffian fleet was laid up. Sir Charles Wager was fent with a fquadron to the relief of Gibraltar, where he arrived in the beginning ot April ; atid being joinetl there by Rear-Admiral Hopfon. (ijon obliged the Spaniaids to raife the liege. On the llth day of Jime, his majefly King George the Firlf died at Ofnaburg in the 68th year of his age, and T 3th of his reig!!,* 1727 GEORGE II. On tftP i-^lli of Jime his majefly King George the Se- cond Wds pu;clai;nv(.I King ot Great Britaui. * Apiioiu!;\, Ci:i|>. I. Nc. 9, Stale of tht Navy. A cefTation X A '. A I, en !;(.)V (J !.()(; v. Kt'. A ccilTition <^i arms .i."--tl mi S;'f\\rrn the L^'nrrn^r '^ '^ it ( j'.br.iliar, and the Mai',)> ^'c Li l\)nt>, ilic L;-nLiai '7-7 t r t'lc b.d'-^in^ aiiiA . >ir C'.'iaics \\ aL-rr crn';/;\l with t\)r Hniilli licet <[]' (\ij)v^ St. \ iMvTiU, I' !:i:ii<.-i I'-, ^j^;M(!, ki d d r to inter. t-pt tin- Spanilh gal'e.'ii- v. IikIi wivr f\r-- ctcvl Inni t'r.i- \\'( it-I M !i - ; n;v>.\ .fhltai ilu i^ th.- a. In u..:- \ ii^il.i'^r, t;.tv a!i ariivil l.ilc at Ci.i,/.. 'J ouaiiK i!',i- 1 1 )|c o! t;,e \car a cl...i._. ; ;. , .. adn"iira''\' l)')ai-J.* Ill Jaiuiarv tiic p nlia'iier;! \utcil t>M the I' m i<\ in;* !":> ciirrLiit \car l 5.OCO leani ii ; to p:i\ the la-; - 'S : ,cc M. ; lor t'-.e ()i('iiiar\ ol !l:c r;a'.\ :j-,^''mI i.|^. 9 I. About t'lr,^ time the i.(Miit .it MaJri i .;i\r,I;'.i In : ' c [vc- Irr.narv art^'its f if a tictv.-ral [ua> r ; 111 i' ij"!::i : <'I > w'l'c!. >r (.'iiJilfN \V'ji;er rc'iiri:i.i l:n:<:c with I'.r !; tt tr":n the M-chti i !.' f.i:.. S.n ii al'ir varonv e* t: pi-rits were ma'!e 'n' t!ie WL.t-Id'iia nHr>.han;>-, ci the ifepuiia- t'.r i> eonin; itir.i i.y th.e Sp .iii.ut!>, anl even "h.c |- n. i . h. 1 m ou' t: ade 111 t'".e \\ elt- 1 iiiIivn ; aiai c! their d^. laiiiii:.; le^ ijritiih nv-rehatit lir.j'S, iKAitr ti unions pret(iU( -. Tl'.iS cundi c\ iimIiiC' i ri.e n imHiv to order (e\i-r.:l Ihip- t > be* piit 111 eciiVMili '11 , "^ aid h. !> nujeli v unh le.l th,e *'<'\ <\\ [yj^ pro;i.i>tM:i i t ii il; efiietis: l-.duaid Ib'p'o;), ! !e. to ''C vue-a of f e u hite ; Sir ( j( c>r;ee W .lit. 'M, Km;.!:', t.i be \ce- admiral id the !)!iie ; sahion M.'irtee, 1 Iij.'-'le le (i! t'le mi . !< 'n-il H':_;';e-, I';, t'-lvre.-i- r.iiniral of tliewh.t ; ^:.d Tiehp C'.i\ e!id.:lh, i.e. ti l-c rear-admiral 1 it \\'.'- ivi <\ V'lee- Ad;inral 11-1. ill was I'l i;t eiit t'V.[ra';d 'I'r- th'-t 111 the Wed !:,.; s ; Ur A'^A nn the S'!i -t M.iv, Wilde (HI .1 eri:i/;- . ir ;; ; ( i:a:;d I'ai u, 1 11 rtie v 'd 1 ; N'e'>^' S'liiii. 'I'V.c en:iim..!:d d:\ cb fil di: Captam l.i'A..;d >t. JeKie ; u h, 1, on i(>.e.\iMi; an!h,.n'i.' inteil twelve 1 t Spam's aeee'dvii to tie- pM 'im, eaiv artibs (.( p ,!.\ . I- iit t!ie .M'.-al r pa: t ( d t 'le b 1 a.'i'Ui t. < ] d..i.d. >e. Ii f;.i.l beMi trie dieao'id ma'abt'. m'i'.r fl ' t >.ii the j .uii.te a 1"..".M, ; the ari,\al ot .\.lm' II e,i(,r, \\\n iiAn, f'li . .io'a !'.-, f:b\ liMitt I ;:; . .r d .ibret 4: 00 leS 1,01 i"., is j: ,1 1 1 anil hud ;.iii. i; . !aei ;:!. e to ilie i.ius h.oli l.M.e:,. ! ol t;.e ei.iiuUe. .^ N, ( 1\ . . C . .,,.. 1. :n '. 1 . 72g 166 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. Upon tlie death of Vice-Admiral Iiopfon, his majcfiy ^728 ordered the following promotion, viz. Sir Geurge Wahon, Knight, to be vice-adtniial of the white. Sahnon Morrice, Efq. to be vice-admiral oi' the blue. Robert Hughes, Efq. to be rear-ad(n.!-al of tiie icd. Phihp Cavendilh, Efq. to be rear-admiral of tlie white. John Balchen, hJc :.. be rear-admiral of the blue. In January the pariiament voted For tlie ferviceofthc current year 15,000 fearnen ; and 286,0251. fnr the ordi- nary of the navy. The Soar;iaids flill continuing rcfrac^orv, a fleet of tweiity fad lA the line and five nigates, were ordered to be got ready; and on the 301!; of June it ailcmbled at Spit- head, wl'.ere it was joined by a iquadron of Dutch {h'ps, under the command of Rear-Adahral the Baron de Som- rneldyke.'^ The command in chief of the combined fleet was given to Sir Charles Wager, The court of Spain alarmed at the affemblage of fo Ilrong a na^ al force, was induced to agree to a treaty of general pacincation. The fleet remained three months at Spithead, when the Dutch returned home, and twelve fail of the line were ordered to be paid ofl'.f At the clofe of this year accounts w-ere received from South Carolina, that a Spanifh Guarda Cui\a. had fallen in with his majefty's lliip Durfley Galley, and m.inaking her for a merchantman, bore down and fired into her : an a6lion enfued, and continued until the Spaniard had feveral men killed and wounded, when he flruck : happily not a man was hurt on board the Durlley Galley. In or- der to convince Spain of our fincere defire for peace, the Guarda Coda was foon after returned. On the 1 6th of April, by an order in council, twenty of the olded furgeons in the royal navy were to be allowed two lliillings and fixpence per day, half-pay; and the twenty next in feniority two (hillings per (iay. By the death of Rear-Adnural Hughes, the following flag oflicers were promoted, viz. Philip Cavendilh, Efq. to be rear-admiral of the red. John Balcdien, Efq. to be rear-admiral of the white. Edward St. Eooe, Efq. to be rear-admiral of the blue ; * Appendix, Cliap. II. No. lo. t Appmuix, V-liap. 11. No. 10. who \ ', \ [. (1! \\ii\ ;) F.OL. \ . V.'- I 'ixA 1 !>!! a:rtT in r!v W !i Ir.-Ks; \\l:t.ii ti.c li ,. -^ I I'' ill" till. c, ari 1 I'.-'i'. 'lilt t(i <-'(,];m4".il ul !;':;.:u.i. \ '" t\vccii ( j;tat A !r-. .1", ('';>-;.( VV lis >..;,. .' ,! 11; it, KM .11. i ^i'-.".. ' ' .\-:v. i'li.t..' .!'::i; t!;c ali'-.c t"-.T\. r. ; n-i a.\-(ir;.f ar- r\f,! tr-;!i ::. W. il-I imIk.-, b :r br. ;;; .t abur.f t;.c tl' ;' .'1- ;;i. ! :!.l,>'ts w !iu !i w ui- i. imu,;;, ! '>. t!,,- > m- !i;::ri!^ t > ;!.< il ':!;: ti !-a:;.l on .ts IxI-lvI . T .. - '.\ - i!!_^ i:^;!;r: 'c (it t:;i i; niii:n;.iiiitv .r.ii iiii'l^tuT r-. t;;i(;iu-,.'; 1 : :;. itv. .' r : t ;:c \ ; !lv! to '. . li. .; ,i ; . . .. ^ ;.i>| a;>;it\i-.- 1 ^1 ; _ , '.v; r.i> .i: i;h- ba; i.;i'-! liowll- >: i". :ii::' >, ami (ii''..':\i it . r. (u;''. \'\/.. \\ li Ii-.wa In ^. !! (i'al- .,' iw, J iik;i:s nii.h:-, b ..iii,,.) '... .; ( ., .ii.'.i C ;:.;; t;.L- S /.ii:;.i,.i^ imt (.:,!\- trta'iw thr ^i.-.v u.i!; i' c ^rca!t. li haro.ii ;! '. , li'it v iir i >;: iiO i 't t!;!- P'.aii;: '^ ';::<. \ ].c I .[>: a 111 (t th- C ]; ;iila C jlta L;a\i- it to |rii^;!i-, a'.iliMi'- k-iitlv tuM hi.n M) i.a;rv that j !L!i.:it ;,,ur..- lo t:.. k;:;; Ins nia:tLr, '.. .ai, if he ulic jMclviit, h'j woul.l Lt'.c in thi- (aiiic itianiiLT.'^^ A light-ltO'.fL" was crcolci.1 tins year ii'irin ;hc nlaiul I'f Sl'.Lrrit.s, near I fuls licaii. In the (nnmier n: t!ii> Near S'r C'bailes W a^'cr \\ .^ |-.rn- i~-i ni'itu! to tlu- rai;I; cl adnr.ial <{ tl.-; I'iii.-, an. I l.:>: unh a flr.'ii^ r(j!M:l.-'>;,-^ in;. 1 the Mv .iin rraiu an, u> r:\>'i{ a b iy lit .S|iati;ih tro p^ ti- ltal\, tn hij^,' 'It 1) n C'.n''iN ni ii.s cilablilhnKnit a^ Dnl.f ' t I'aima. On ilie '>'.. . i Ain;i;,t the abtni.t! airin.! a; Ci li/, wh.eie b.e ua- i,>.n.iJ bv a S;)anilh !ij..'.:.iriin n:,,',' i- ihe i"nM:;aiii ot the M.4i.;:n>i!c Mali. .^ r C'n.nles \\a_-.r ueni n> Ma.hhi , .,;',; n: e; :i- jiUA'tion ui'ii Mr. Ke tie, I'.t; Urniih envi'v ti. le, ha. I m andienee nt h.s Ca'ii 'in' iiia)e'.!\, m ni.Ki tninnetit n-.ia- (iires to be ]im: fii'-(l |ir.'p'>r tc: the t^ eu! ; m ; .it!-, r a ': , li h.-,- rctunnd t.) Ci.h/, ann ti'.ik en 'nni the mnnn-in 1 ni ;he roinbineil n ct. On the ^;ii iif ( )et. .'n. r l.r int t.)lia, arrived at ],v^';iirn u'l ti.e ivh, w'.'ie.tlui b inu' e. 'n'.er- cnce^ h^K! u itii tile ( ii and 1 )ube nI 1 nb an\ > inmniei , tiic In t!.c '.' ir 1 ; V . ' . ) .' eneii, ', ;. , i\...;i,:!i. ,1 : ::- :'.'.''.: i'. i '. ... ;:i. m.i ; " ' I - ,,.:i;:: . ^!..: . . : ... > ( ' A .. t; . 1! :-, \: l68 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A-D. Spanifli troops were permitted to land. There being no ^73^ farther Tervice for Sir Charles Wager to perform in the Mediterranean, he returned to England, and arrived at Spithead on the loth of December. The Spanifh guarda coftas in the Wefl-Indics ftill per- fifting to fearch the Britifii merchant veffels, and to treat their crews with inhumanity, four twenty gun fhips and two floops of war, were fent out to cruize for their pro- te6tion. We have at this time the firtt account of the refleiling, or Hadley's quadrant, which appeared in a paper given by that gentleman to the Royal Society. After Dr. Hadley's death, among his papers, one was found in Sir Ifaac New- ton's own hand-writing, which contained a drawing and defcription of an inftrument not much diffimilar to Had> ley's; it feems, therefore, that Sir Ifaac Newton was the firft inventor of thefe refle6ting quadrants. Since this time they have been greatly improved by the ingenuity of our modern mathematicians. ni'^ The colony of Georgia, in North America, was firft fettled by Lieutenant General Oglethorpe. His majefty granted a commiffion to the lords commif- fioners of the admiralty to ere6l a corporation for the relief of poor widows of fea officers, to confift of the admiralty, jiavy and victualling boards for the timiC being, and a cer- tain number of the fenior captains and lieutenants of the navy. The terms of admiflion for partaking of the benefits of this inftjtution were, that each member, who muft be an officer in the navy, allow three-pence in the pound per annum out of his pay. By the eftablifhment of this fund, an admiral's widow is entitled to fifty pounds a year for life; a captain's forty ; a lieutenant's to thirty; and other officeis widows to twenty pounds each, provided they con- tinue widows, and are not in poll'eifion of a greater annuity left by their hufbands than the extent of the penfions. Soon after the eftablifliing of this fund. Lieutenant George Crow moft generoufly religned his half-pay for the ufe of this cha- rity, afTigning as a reafon for it, that he had a competency to live on. His majefty gave lO,OOo!. to the fupport of this eftablifhment. 1/33 In Jani:arv the parliament met, and voted 3,004,9261. 13s. I id. for the ferviceof tlie current year. On the death of George Bing, Lord Vifcount Torring- ton N \ V \ r, ciinovoi.o:, y. lfi() ton t'.rft lord >ftlu' adniir.iltv, aiul .-idiniral ;inJ co:nm.uui;r AD in ( hiff Or t;\c tl.ct, Ail'ui:.;! > r L'-.kI.s W'.i/ci .ip- '755 pii.itcJ to lupp'v hl^ plavf, aiul Sir |> 'm } iiiiiims to be oi' (ircat Ur:taiii. l"hc SpaniaiJ-> l:iil t->j;u:ir,i-,\i to Julurli t'li-i^ifiOi traJc in t;iL- W cft-I.-uli'.-s. I Wo ih ps ( t the- 1 n^- <>( tl'.it n.itioii attack'.-cla riftt (-f' i>i iulh ni.-rc!ia;it viliVN 1 ..Ji;i.; w,t,-i I'.Jt at the* litrloLtc illanJ ui I'lirtu^a, unicT tiir p'''U-;ti"n <.i' the Sen bou, 11- li, C()Tiin.'.;ni<-(i hv Captain J)ijr;i!, who nianLTuvrcJ with l-i iniuii ik:!! ami juii/nuMit, as to ..ct With ail the VfilcU cxccpnn^ lour, wh.cii wcic t .ipta; c J early in thj attacic. l-A the .MriiitM raiican, and on the coift o' l>aib.irv, the Sallec r()\'cr<, th> a:;! :hc pi i L\il;n.: \ .-a; , \\\:c be^amie (o v'crv daring .'-"'-l tic '.jhi^;" 'ire t) imh 'iale, hv Ic/ini; leveral Hritiih \ , li'fl^, that it u as ivcrlla: \- to ii n>i mit a. Iqnadion of frigates' to bl'K-k up c'neir p !:^, a..J cru./.e ajanilt thele bat hanaii-;. li\ fanuarv the narhamcr-.t votrii Z'^.^^o jVanien f'-r the ,-,, lervicc ot tne > UI ic:'t \ear ; irijj- n. 5^. ud. ter tti:o;.;i- narv of the n.v.v; ani \n March, (Voin the j; Itau- of" Knro;ie, n was tnou^ht neccii ir\' to au.'nu ut the Ua anJ land toires i lix'v-oiu- laii (!" the Inic inJ thirty-^'. tiija'c f- wecputni cdniMnllion, cxciiitnc of the .viarJ-lhps \vn.eii were ordered to he eonn.etelv inann.d. i'lie .iJnn.ds (.ni- p!o\X"d were Sir fi>''Mi Nor;i-, wn > was < ;dcrfJ t;o-n :';e Downs to .^pitiicad w :h tv\( iu\ - thr..c of war, .^o (icorje \'v'.i.ton coin Nan ;;d thntccn at the Noir, \ ice- Adniira! L'a\ iTijilh .n i^Ktlnioinh with eij^iu; aiui Rcar- Adinnal l>a!cne'i at I'ivnioutn. {Ii- !l\ nia'J his ro .,i proelaMiation, rrc,:!!in^' all Ihitilh le. linen no:n tiif I'/ivnc it to-c:i.,n po'A.-;^, .; : 1 critrinL'^ a hoiin'v (t tWi.i/,\ lli 1, n/s to is eiv .'. :e-(^'U rJ leainan, and :;trecn to . \ ci '. ^:>\j j ^-.ed IaiK;:ii n w n ,.. .1 ( nt. r Ir.'o ;!u- n.o. \-. A peaie V.MS , 'ncl'.;.! -d :v;'.W( en ( i re.-t II: ;ta:n ..n ! t'.a: 1 irp'-mr (t M-Oaio; '.,lit:c.n 1.1. e h.;ii :uJ. ..:v,l ;, rtv JM.Uiii hilv-eis vveie I. u. lied :.^ m l!..'.\:\. 170 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. In December his majefty ordered a promotion of flag '734 oflEicers, viz. Sir John Norri*;, Knight, admiral of the fleet. Sir Charles Wager, Knight, admiral of the white. Sir George Walton, Knight, admiral of the blue. Philip Cavendilh, Efq. vice-admiral of the red. John Balchen, Efq. vice-admiral of the white. Hon. Charles Stewart, vice-admiral of the blue. * George Earl of Granard, rear-adiniral of the red. * Nicholas Haddock, E'q. re?,r- admiral of the white. * John Hagar, Efq. rear-admiral of li^e blue. I J- 3 5 In Eebruary the parliament voted 30,000 men for the fea fervice of the current year. A difputt: arofe between tb.e courts of Spain and Portu- gal, which had nearly term.ip.uted in an open rupture ; the latter foliciting the aid of Great Britain, Sir John Norris was fent to Liibon v.'ith a powerful fleet ;f he failed from Spitiiead on the 27th of May, and arrived in the Tagus on the 9th of June. The admiral was received by the Por- tugucfe as their deliverer ; the king gave orders for the fleet to be weekly fupplied with one hundred oxen, four hundred {lieep, four hundred gei fe, tour luuiJred turkies, one thou'rind hens, one thoufand bafkets cf greens, fifty arches ol fv/eetmeats, one hundred thoufanc lemons and oranges, and eighty pipes oi v. ii-.e. The appearance of fo ftinnidable a fleet in the neigh- bourhood of the coaft cf Spain, created (o much alarm at the court of Madrid, that it was induced to liften to an accomm.odation v/ith the Fortuguefe. The whole Spanifli navy at this time did not amount to m.ore than thirty-three filips of war, including thofe of the flota. An iitl of parliament pafled this ye-, appropriating the rents of the efiates of the eail of iJerwentwater, and Charles Ratciiff, to the completion of the building and beautifying the royal hofpitai at Greenwich; after which to the fupport and maintenance of worn out and decrepid feamtn in the fervice of the country. By this 2.I ik; V. n '.",: \ tiiC M.J,-.:,. -, u;;;:c: tiK- co.niKiiul (.t [c.::-;ulniiral 1 !.. Ivl. ck ; t:.- ;::..'. r. :::i)- Juocil w.iN flic';!, a^ bi.'UL-Jit tix- ur.: ai./.i. :>, v.'.. !i \','v:^' th!:n pt.'iJ'aj-, to a c< r.clui'.on: it w^xs ti..; v-tn ._.;', t'.at Sp-.ia lli'u'vi ru.iki- ri. !^;:;!t:( :i f>T the lic:': ;-J.iii >i> !. t \\ii;!> cf !'.. J (.iniiiiittt.- i oil the Hiitilh tr.iiit :;\ tiis A*.'c:!: lal;;^; a;, J wi r-t::: a 1 1 icat Kiit.iin to rfll ;c the Sp;'.i. ih lli'jVN cf v.:'.r taken bv 1^ ;r ( loi jr ll.aj :a tii- vcar l~lS\ III till- Cca 't'.. a ll,'-;- t m ui:c, r. n! '..'Aa'.kc :<.i ti'-..' trc.-f.' el .\J..i.'. i I".'!. Tlul.-lljipN Wvic 1\ ir..: 11! 'In- \ui\\i .ur (.i'P.Mt N' ' ,1 , .: ' -.V : c ; .::,.. Isu to :.,l; M.aa.lh coniaail.ric-, v.Ir. ::;; . n.: t.-.v.n *j:;:l- iir,::: fo: t.-rvuc, t.) t.'kc til: ;a. IV.auii.^a t;;,- .MAr^v.r (-; Mi- ]^.:^rca i ;..'.. :. i t' ,.: ;!;. '/ lao.iil h.- t iu\' i tait ct tiic haili-ur anJ luak. in c.-c ^ v. .. r. 1 cr t'/.J.- i'..,)n thj S;-.ani.'.r ii> do- nvaavic-J p .' .a. a; , wi.i.'a was .- , :iti(h ',', ,.:., C . >'.:. A. v,,\ rr.;- I I'.l-s uh a ti ta.c ISiiiiai I 7 I A I). :ac \'.\l'-lad;.s; u' HI -h tiH- hal.aicv la r.a. ir ( : t,:.a'aui v..- \ . ; v iiicMa.luLr.uilr, the S'laai.ails rc'ai'd to a'a' <1.: to \t ; tn >. tuou^iy. oa a loa.; lic:^' 'li.ili Ml ln;u^-a l!.. Iao C'.a;: , waah la th; ca.i t.a- mni.ia J a, a \". .aa ^paai ca i.Maaa . < aa;,.tc ai offi :L\i a- r :n Ci:: .a iaa-aii, a.... for ; , ..c i',\!ai ', ai lii aaa. ia aoniik.ali a . :ai raia a- j.aa i;! Ir,:,.:.,:; a. ii:::, !,- a; a.',- aa .1 . , ;n t I ( a a a , - . , taa !.aa'" ! .a ulaai. ot a.c Laais t. r.eaari.t: \ t > picpai.' i lliips \\a : juit 1 .1,; llrp; la.: ai ( i:cat . u: ( U.aiuai tv aaai tho a, a. to hv .^1 .I'i l. at' a la a!K\ w.;^ oaiacJ I -IsJ to llac a \\ a a. ; rutia ( )a i!i a: It . 1 j a\ Ivt-: - -: i!"ia> .' \: . i.i.^ ai!.ia: . ' \ . a't ^.ac a". '. I iv .; oai tiu- .' ^-1 ot 1* :!a.t a.aa .;aaaat ;nc ^pa- -Adaaaa \ V: - t'> ti'? aa^v >; 172 NAVxVL CHKOXOLOGY. A. D. vice-admiral of the blue, was appointed to the command of ^739 it. On the 24th of July the vice-admiral having made a proper difpofition of his fquadron^, failed from Spithead; but by contrary winds was forced into Plymouth ; whilffc here the admiral received intelligence that a Spanifh fqua- dron v/as cruizing oiTcape Finiltcrre, for the prote6lion of the Azogues flee^, which was daily expefted. On the 3d of Augufl: he failed from Plymouth, and fleered for the coaft of Portugal. On the 9'^h the admiral reached his flation, and learnt that the Spanilh /quadron had returned to Cadiz, and that the galleons were not yet arrived ; he therefore left three fail of the line to cruize off the coaft of Spain, and proceeded with the reft of his fquadron to the Weft-Indies. On the 23d of October Vice- Admiral Vernon arrived at Jamaica, and was foon after joined by Commodore Brown in the Hampton Court. The obje<^ of this expe- dition being principally intended to reduce Porto Bello, as well as others of the Spanifh fcttlement?, a body of two hundred troops were embarked on board the fleet. On the 5Lh of November the admiral failed from Port Royal, and the next day ifiued the following inftrudtions to the captains of his fquadron, viz. " Upon making the land of Porto Bello, and having a *' fair wind to favour them, and day-light for the attempt, *' to have their fhips clear in all refpe6fs for immediate " fervice, and on the proper fignal, to form thcmfelvcs *' into a line of battle, as directed, and being formed, to " follow in the fame order of battle to the attack, in the *' manner hereafter diredted. And as the north (hore of *' the harbour of Porto Bello is reprefented to the admiral " to be a bold fleep fhore, on which at the firft entrance " ftands Caftle De Ferro, or Iron Caftle, Commodore " Brown, and the fhips that follow him are direcfcd to " pafs the faid fort within lefs tlian a cable's length " diftance, giving; the enemy as they pafs as warm a hre " as pofTible, both from great guns and muflcetry ; then ** Comnicdore Brown is to fleer away for the Gloria *' caftle, and anchor as near as he can to the caftermoft " part of it, for battering dov;n all the defences of it ; but " f ) as to leave room for Cjptain A-Iayne, in the W^or- ' ;\;'pfni!i\ . C;.s;\ 11 N". 1 1, X \ \ \ f, { II k(, \ OI.(,'(. V 17 i ccik-r, t(> auv hnr a;'.!,!ii ( f l-,t:n .!,:.i!:.(i the w-iK-rtr. ;l A l.. ball, ^. 11, liuJ to .1 ) i[,c l.iir.c i..:-:c; .iw.i to t. l\>u' lu^a ^) crJcrs as i'nc CiMnii' iim-j iii.!v tl.iiik ,'::.>; t.) ^ivc lutii lur .iit.KK.iii J (Mc 1. 1 1 i.itt!;-. C".:' r..,a Hj:':) i:, in tiio Noiwuh, alter i;i\in^ :iic Ii.-ii Ca'.IL, vv.:s :ij jiulh on tor the (..tilic it St Iiii;:..', I\ ,:ij : > C'u- ciii- ward ot the town, and to .ur. h- ; .-.s n ir r a> .*) [lof- !:bly coulJ, aiul b.ittei- it iloui. : ai-.J C..':.i,:i !':,. ur, in the Sir,Uioul, iwllouint'; itu aJ-iMia', ti c i-i;c t.) .in aiK'hoi .iSrcalt dt' th:; i\ittcr;r.' 'It i.i t'lr l..,n i..;t!;-, to as to l.Mvc room t'>r Ciptain \\'..t.:i'. ..:'., in u.c I'lineu-- L>iu r.i, to aiuhiir alic:n ot hi;n, .' i, i^a;;^ : ;n j; tl-.o w.iUnr.olt p..rL of ti,e, and o. i.t,;uic t;;--ic until in-; In \ ire in eoin;)iii;\i Mwi n:.,^: th.LMilciv ..> .i ,,'i >;;i.l; St) ; ., 'W [h: l.:: in.iilcr> V ; 1 ; i'..- v tiuT i::d:-:s i it li^ L!.;jr iii tiic iurt.Kr j'-o i.\-\Jt .'n (;t tn." atta^.k ; .i. d n t.-.c vvea'hcr was tavoiiraMc t-K it on then L'',;m^ 111, (Mcn ih.;) i)cl; .iw,;\, \s,;,) I'uh part oi t.ij i,.ij,, e.,a'd e .i;/- ii:en!.v un i:i tin.:'). ..lal to o'!.^ i.;:,:::;- t'- ; .;.;::.:ai'- licni, I..1 hi", i.i.1 Lv.; . ;i.: a U. l.\-:;: .v.."; tii "n, \s:n.-:r ,!; i!i j'ii.l i'::d it n; I't i o ;' i : .; it. j'lo-n :.: nun's iiiev- - I iciiec in ic,\n.c, il w.ii;!.! i^j n-.\'L!:.: \ to iv as e,.i;r;(>iis .'s po'. h!.. to ;: ;-\ t m iri; \ .m.l r> ; 'i:. n, .id a frnit'--r, w.ide iw .u-i A II. ti:.:; t,;--v 111. .,:A ;,; i-.:!i' : i;s to ;_;'.; ;'u: iiiKl.:t .;>:. 'is to tiicn ;.i,- -i...' . .i; ei s to t..Ke t.ic L'lta'i'.t ia:e ti'uit n > :'..i v. .i- :;:. i ha: wi^.^t t!:--\, oi (h-!.- iii''. f r;.^i.lail\ ..,. -.lU.i, !;.:l l.iw d- ".( d.-d, ami di: t v'i d i: e v.\ ni ; ; , .' . It; i ;!'. ; ri in; ':i .d, ti.v .t in.'ii : A :f .1 ':'..., ii. ; , , ;:, .; w 'd.i ' into I. . ;.:,i.; 1, t. .1 I ., . n ; ;ni^' .. - tii t. ! i.U ', , : 1 \s :1- n t>. . . ,, 1.1 . the '. :.t t '. . :ii-. ii i.t I . :,. h ! ;, '.t :> .::i. ..!.. . di t . ; -i . r \^ . 1/4 NAVAL CHEOXOLOGY. A.D. Jed in the Hampton Court, had got clofe to the Iron Cafile, ^739 and began to attack it with great fury ; he was foon fup- ported by the Burford, Norwich, and Warwick ; thefe fliips opened a tremendous fire and did great execution ; the fmail arms from their tops commanding the batteries galled the Spaniards in fuch a manner, that they were foon compelled to fly. The admiral immediately made the iignal to land, and although there was no practicable breach made, the fort was carried by aflault. As a fubftitute for fcaling ladders, one man placed himfelf clofe to the wall under an embrafure, whilft another climbed upon his fhoulders ; thus the faiiors became mailers of the fort, and drew up the foldiers. The Spaniards, panic ftruck, fled from all quarters into the town, and the men no longer obedient to the commands of their ofncers, plundered the town and committed great outrages on the inhabitants. The governor foon after hoifted the white flag, and fur- rendered at difcretion. The next day the caftles of St. Jeronimo and Gloria capitulated. Two fliips of twenty guns each and fome other vefllls were taken in the harbour. Ten thoufand dollars, which had been fent to Porto Bello for the payment of the garrifon, the admiral ordered to be dillributed the Britifh forces for their encou- ragement. The lofs fuflaincd by the fquadron did not exceed twenty men. Forty pieces of cannon, ten field-pieces, four mor- tars, and eighteen patteraroes, all of brafs, with a great quantity of gunpov/der and fhot were put on board the fquadron. As the admiral was refolved that this place fhould be no longer an afylum for the enemy's guarda coftas, he gave direftions for the blowing up of all the for- tiiications and totally dii'mantling of it. This arduous fer- vice was entrufled to Captain Charles Knowles of the Dia- mond, and the honourable Captain Bofcawen, who ferved as a volunteer in this expedition, his own fhip, the Shore- ham being left at Jamaica to reiit. By the 13th of De- cember the mines were all fprung with the greateft effc6o and on that day the admiral failed with the fquadron for Jamaica ; having on his way thither difpatchcd Captaia Rcntone in the Triumph fnow with the news of his fucceis to England*. "^ Bcatfoij's Naval and Alilitary Memoirs, vol. i. pa^e 4;. Two W V 1. t ;. SON <; i 'I \ . I wo utt'.cr cxM-e'liron-. \v::c ?.': > r:. 'i-ot- ! bv ir<,\-:::- t.) Ikivc- hc-'-M cnirwlt;.-! tu '. 'c A:.l.>n, take on b 'ir>i w.i'tr .i;iJ : ;, , in ;i :>> [ii.>rcvd a;;.l atrack the Sp.i;i:!ii !.it'.'-iiu :;- :. '.'; !,-.!n. Ti-.v ot;;vi was to h..!vi- been ir.iirnai: ! -.1 h: Cap' ;;;i (JoriiAii!, uho to U.)\ roi::il t 'a;-:; t!,!:;, a::.! ;- -li.-ts iurrl' 1: (' th? S;i.;:ul!i U-:'l;-nunts in ir.c Su::; b..'>-, !:i in tb.- nv:- i.-j w.iS to ;-:<.K-fcii a;M' ;')iii C'.'.;.t:i;i A:-,i.':i ( tt .\i.;niia, and riia:Ii:t Jlini III tile ix-d',i,-t: :: ,.r .:. i hcl.- v\j:.d;:icj:i^ .'o; ti'.L- ; i\.-- icnt Were !ov\n up. There u-..'> at th;-^ :'.:\\c .\ coiilu!;: .iblc Ujuadro:! in thcr, ural^-r I'vj C'.)ni;iia;:d of' tb.c Rear-Adniiiais Sir Lhal.i!iT O'le .:.>! il.idd'ji.k, whi.n wltj fiiiiiloscd cru;zin/ on the Cw.uts (>: 6.'.'uii and Italy with.uit attcnij-tin^ a;iv rh.ii,-'*'. Sir Cnarlv's AVa^^tr, who 'au.^ at this time f-rft Imd ot' thw aJniiraltv, brouj,'i: i b,'l into tile h.uue or coninDiis, tor the rc.,.iieri!i ' ...i lea'iien and waternieii in CJreat H:i- tam ; uiitortanaiel V tile traniUM "t tins bi!i wa'^ lo ill ina- na;j,cd, that i: met a. violent op'^ontion, and wa^ at len^tii thrown out. oc c . w ;; k n c ;s \ v h d m i;. On the V2'A\ (,r .Ma:\h C'.-pLe.i Reiit'.ne a:;i'.cd with. Adnriial \trM'in's li;:, ..;[', ;;,->. 1 lis ne'.'.s ;.:!, i!ed u:r,- \e!l'.;! i 'V i.'^w-: ^''. .: ;n wl: .!e i..;i ,! mi. C '.;itaiii Re;;- tone vv.;> nielenteil \\ ;ta InVh i'.ii:i.;;-d .i;n .. , .i.d -m,)- ni(u-d t > t;;e r.iiu i.i .. p.iit c.r-'. . t ;\ir- li.iinmi :i: '::;, w ^ :! :..;.!,.... . ;t ; :-j ]':^ lented t> Inni ,; .i m.!.; > , . weii' ( ideie i ! ) b,e ["It m '. i>n i ,... ", .. : >! l.Mniea r.i;l< .1 , ..i.O l:.C > li ii .. : :. .is tu c . ' !'.' v''lc :i. .1;. ,. ;- ,;...:;, . , ;V lyO NAVAL chronology: AD. An a(^ of parliament pafled for the better fupply of fea- ^74 men to ferve in the royal navy, &c. whereby merchant veflels may be navigated by foreign fcamen, not exceed- ing three-fourths of the crew ; fuch foreign feamen ferving for two years to be confidered as natural born fubjedls. An a6l alfo to prevent impreffing of feamen of the age of fifty or upwards, and all fuch as have not attained the full age of eighteen; alfo all foreigners ferving in merchant vefTels ; fea apprentices for the firft three years, and per- fons of anv age for the lirft two years of their bein<2: at lea*. Till this year the bufinefs of the Sick and Hurt Office was conducted by the Navy Board. A feparate commiflion was now iflued, appointing commiffioners for that parti- cular department, which has varied according to the bufi- nefs there has been to tranfacSt. In time of war the charge of the prifoners of war was entrufted to this boardf . On the 9th of April Vice-Admiral Balchen failed from Plymouth with a fmall fquadron to cruize to the weftward, with a view of intercepting the Afloque fliips, which were expected from South America to Spain ; but the Spaniards gaining intelligence of the ftation on which the Britifli fleet was cruizing, difpatchcd a vefTel which was fo for- tunate as to meet the galleon?, who altered their courfe and arriv^ed fafe at Port St. Andero. On the 18th of April the Lenox, Captain Mayne; the Kent, Captain Durell ; and the Orford, Lord Auguftus Fitzroy, being on a cruize oft" cape Finifterre, gave chace to a large Spanifh fliip of war. At noon they came up with her, when the a^ion commenced and continued with great brifknefs till a quarter palt five in the evening, at which time the enemy's top-mafts being all fhot away, and otherwife conliderably damaged, fhe ftruck, and proved to be the Princefla, pierced for feventy-four guns, but had only fixty-four mounted, and a complement of fix hundred and fifty men, thirty-three of whom were killed, and one hundred wounded; fhe was commanded by Don Parlo Auguftino de Gera. The Orford and Kent had each eight men killed, and the Lenox one; the wounded in the three fliips amounted to forty ; amor.g whom was ' i-!th CJco. II. cnp. 3. t In 1795 '^''''' iwiiii^^ilar branch was transferred to the Tranfport Boh id. Captain N- A \- A I, ciinoNor.r, r, y. I'u:; rii.i i,i!:tc .1 ih.p, .!:;d 'iK-cincJ the Jiilcll in ^^'' the- S;>.n)illi n:ivv. >h.- umn t..NC!i :;.: > tv.-^- l'.!\L-c. ()i! VAC ir:A ot |i:',\- Ainiir.',. ^.r |i.hri N^rris faiicl from Sr. !Ka;i^ v.;;h a ;!cJt. v.v,:; tin/ d nvcr.;\-oiR- lail of the- imc', t'l cru;/j ** rh l-d^;!^ ( r" S\:::i, ur.d :f practn a!>lL- tfj .it .uk uw p< rt of l-cin 1, v j.t-ie- ::;c .^pariiarJs wvrc t'.ttii.;^ i)uf .1 it:on^; r!.-ct to h-c ivnt to &: \\ c'A- JiiJi'.s, uriucr l)>>:i R(vi-.T;.'i) c'j I()rn.->. l'.\: d'u.iil made three attcr:i;':- lo ni-i cu: tt ni-.' cIm:;:;-.-', 1"i; was forced back bv C' 'f.trarv win is a;iJ ih)M]-.v wi-;:';vt; at Iciiytb., on tb.- ? j-.h i>t ihc M'o:r>.h 'ic rji'-.-nvd to S.\-'-.-..i(i, and the ex:^e i/.' 'ii w.>s ','iw:i u\ iii- i.,'',,i! hi.'i', .J.> the Duke v.f Cu'i. ;).:;..;. i c-;]'\.:keJ on bo.;;.: t!:c ..d:"i;:ai'> fhip t) r :vc ,.> a vol::-;;, er. (,);i t:iL- I :h 'i Seprjii'b'-r Commobt'- Ar.f n ludci tio:;i ' p'ti.- ,.,: v\..ii :i; : .; i.i..!' n ^m^.r cc:r.r::.'.nd on mi i-\y<-\l,[,._,u I, :, ^ :;. u:':\ :: .i- ' . On the ?' b if ( ):tober Ren - Adnri.;! S:r Chaloner Oalc I'.iil'/d I'l >;n SLlI>-!cn'. v.v' tw;'nt \ -I'mlt lail of tb..- me ai;.. le'.'e' li .'^a'.e- !_, lo le;;.! e \ 'je-;\ i:n;ral \ er non In 'ho W' ;t-l:; !'e-, b.a.::i.; u;, : r nl^ c>>n\ oy a lar ^'c fleet o( traniport-, wi:b a io-,:'id- r.d b b/. dy oi t, o.,.ps (;:i bo;.:d cwnnr, : bv l>. i\! L'at'.;c,ir;. ( );i i:.j ^^^ ihe fleet wa-. (.veil.iken b', a \ lolent :;a'e v\ v. .na, i;i wi;.vh the l;a- bin 'i.i.n, Siip-:b, ard ib' ot <, weie I) niucii d.-T..'. -iJ thai "b.' \'..i~ oob^id t./ le'.iirn to Sotb.ead, .T.d ;bj u:!;e: tv.\) ',\'e:e eivoiied lo J-di^un by tr,-: Cunibe: l^:.d. '>: ' !) I I i r i; \ N : ^ \ . \'.-.--M:..-.: !! idJ. :k Cinvrd w/b -l:- b-.-: ^ . ;}' Cbub,/, in w;,un p it !;e liie ^p.'.:..l!l ibi-r b... Kid Uji iM::b bis lb:ps b..;,in I^i b.- i;, 'a.nit < ; provnio:;-, .;;..! were 'o ] j.:i b,e \s ,v> in.dii th ii i.nbt, i ! pi H-\\bn_., tobbdlo:,; lbrSp.inii;d . i.,. bed ;ii mi . A es of iv s ableiice, Ibpptd i':r (I C .,;/, and. v.'rnt '< }.!. b S..on .'.t'er tr.c,ini..'i 1 lit .^ir Lri.i:t-i..T ( ) 'b- t > 1 a. d.tnd vv tli .i i^ li.i; t cd t;;.; ilei [. v\;.er e lie .r ...,':;: """i ' ' ' . - l/S ISTAVAL CHRONOLOGY. XORTH AMERICA. :\ D. I,-, the month of May General Oglethorpe and Com- ^ ^^'^ modoie Pearce having projecled a fcheme for the attack of St. Auguftine in Florida, failed from South Carolina with H fquadion of fnips of war, having on board a body of land forces. On the 9th of the fame month they arrived at the inosuh of the river St. John ; the troops were here landed, and fcon after they took the advance pofts leading to the capital ; from whence, on the 15th of June, the Spaniards made a ilrong fortie, attacked our troops, and obliged them to retire with confiderable lofs. The fea and land commander in chief finding it imprafticable to carry the place, embarked the forces and returned to Charleftown. WEST INDIES. On the 25th of February Vice- Admiral Vernonf failed from Jamaica;]: on an expedition againft Carthagcna ; and on the 6th of March appeared before that place and began to bombard the town and forts. The admiral perfevered in this enterprize for three days ; when finding that the force he had with him was inadequate to reduce it, he contented himfelf with deftrcying feveral of the churches, convents, and other public buildings in the town, and then Jailed to Porto Bello to refit. The next expedition the admiral undertook was to the river Chagre, having ob- tained an accurate chart of the coaft and of the mouth of that river from Lovvther, the pirate, who by doing this piece of fervice had his majeHy's pardon granted him. On ihe 22d of March the admiral entered the river with the I'quadron, and began to cannonade the cafHe of St. Lo- renzo, which in a i'ew hours capitulated. The merchan- dize, plate, &c. found in this place was of great value. After blowing up the fortifications, and deftroying two guarda cojias in the harbour, the admiral on the 30th put to ffja, and leaving fom.e of his fhips to cruizj, returned Vviih ihc reft to Jamaica. In the month of June he again faile'i iium Poi i Ro}ai, aiid continued to cruize againlt i />(!i!.,.:J '. . !' :i ;u riiL: (-filccr v ho clirtfrtd the fpirits fcrved to ic :,!;:.. .1 u ' c ('- : cv. ():i his aiil\.il ;it Januica, he A D. Ii.irr.t tli.u the- Sp.ii\i!li i!: . t, uaJc-i the conMnaiiJ of J^:.n ' ^ -^ ]<.>>dc;i;4(> (JL- Tiirc^, h.nJ .uri\. I at (. \u tnaL'fiia, ;'.:k] a i \cuch Iquadroii, ii:u!.t the .M.,u;uis D'Anrn, at Port J.ouis. '1 he iupLTMritv r.f t'-.c rnciin's t'lrcc ()Siij;cJ Ad- niira! Vcriijii to remain tiie rcil ot th.e vear lliat up at Jamaica. On the iQth of Dcccir.ber the ilcct which had Tailed trom hniiland, under Sir CmJoner Oji'.e, arrived m Priiicc Rupert's ba\-, Dominico ; ;uul the next da\' the expedition iulhnned a ^reat lols in the de.irh of Lord Cathcart. On the 27ch the rear-aJmin.l failed for |amaica; a few da\ s after, when ott' the welK-iui of 1 Iifpamola, tour !ar2:e fln(is were dii.-o\'ereJ, u;'on which tl'.e aJm'ral ihiectcd i:ve fail ot the hnc to nive lium chace. At (our in the aftein )oa the thace hoiifrd I'rer.ih C( lour-^, fhil cont'inuin.f their couife. At ten at n:.;ht tlie I'lince l-'redL-iick u,<'t up with them, and ii.nled one of the Jhips in lMi_i;hfh and then iti ! rench ; hjt no anl'.ver iKini; mven. Lord Auhery leau- tierk ordered a HiJt to he hred at thvm, and foon alter .i l;-cond ; the h renchman initantiv hauled up ports and dilchar^ed a broadlide into the i'rince 1' ; an ..ction tnfued and continued \erv biilK fir an \\ )ur and a half, wlien Capt.iin KnowUs came up in the \\'e\-mc)Uth, anvl a(]'.ifed Loid Auherv UiMMcIcik to dii'con'ifue the ci: '.'.:<- tnent. as the two nations were not a.t w.-.r ; h;s [-nifhip attcnd^'d to this advice, and at iia\-iiL'iit an e.\; ^aIl.l;i. n took phite. Hv tlii> unio; tunate reMdaut^r the l';inre LreJcrick t'ur men kiMed ar.d nine wounded ; the Orford lull! Ic'.en men kii!'-d ;itui fn't'-en W:)Uiui/d, .md tiu- \\'e\'!iv-u!h two men killed. 'I lule ihps i< ! .ne>i ^ll L';- ().:'e, who .i:r;\ed at j...n.u .i on t..e -;a d" [anuai y ti liowini^. occr i;iLi. \ *.- 1 - A r h>.m r. On tr.e ?.-th of lulv >'.r ]< hn No:;;- f.nlcd witii the :-; ciiannel fleet to crui/e i;i tne cm!! (! ^p.on. In the I'.VMUh of Au.:;;i;t he i eturned t. . Spi 'tie. '.d \'. i:h' ut ha\ ic.,, nuuie M.v c.![):uies, or af. im";> to dei. 'lilh liie ma; i:i;;!'- ports ot Spam, < t wl'.'vh wl-' i;i a d.c :( icele's ihite. 'Lne; n. fhcu'e.i uri'^n d. ii'i'i ;.i:;i m at tne mac*;-. :r\ "'. Ue cha;;!iv; licet. I'; c<'i,. ounce of which >r L ^'i ]80 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. Norris put to Tea again on the I2th of October, and con- ^74' tinued to cruize until the 6th of November, when he ar- rived at Spithead, having cruized to as little purpofe as before*. The vigilance and alivity of Captain Ambrofe, com- mander of the Rupert, of 60 guns, who cruized in the bay, and took feveral large privateersf , were acknowledged by the cities of London and Briftol, by each prefenting him with a handfome filver cup, richly embolled with his arm?, and an account of his fervices. The honourable Captain William Hervey, in the Su- perb, of 60 guns, on his pafTage from the VVeft-Indies, took a (liip from the Caraccas, of 400 tons, 20 guns and 60 men, valued at 200,ocol. fterling. A plan was this year fuggefted to the admiralty, by Arthur Dobbs, Efq. for the making another attempt to difcover a north-weft paflage to China and India. The board accordingly fitted out two floops of war, which failed in the month of May, under the diredtion of Captain Chriftopher Middleton, who had been many years a com- mander in the fervice of the Hudfon's bay company. 7'he ihips wintered in Churchill river, and returned to England in the year 1742, without being able to proceed further than the latitude of 66 degrees 30 minutes nordi. MEDITERRANEAN. On the 25th of July the Dragon and Folkftone, com- manded by the captains Barnet and Balchen, having been left to cruize off the Straights mouth, by Vice- Admiral Haddock, to watch the motions of the Spanifh fleet a(. Cadiz, while the reft ofthefhips were refitting at Gi- braltar; in the evening of that day, difcovercd three large fhips, and fuppofing them to be Spaniards, inftantly gave chace. At midnight they came up with the ftcrnmoft fhip; Captain Barnet hailed, and in polite terms defired they would bring to, as he wiflied to fend his boat on board. "^ Appendix, Chap. II. No. 20. \ St. AiU'-:iia dc Pailua 16 160 St. Scbaitiaiis o , S Sho liad c:ipt.urcd '' = '"'^^ ^ '^ " '''^\ Knnfhihips Duke <.\^ \'cndoinc i6 rco St. Sebattiaiis >.. S. dci Carmen ^4 :o i^^.O Ditto Thcv \ \ V A I c nr, o.vfi i.ou V. !";'.:, thcv wcr-:' Frrnch., .i:ui rcfuil-t-i in p. \':rv mcivii III. inner to c-(ini;'!v ; Uj on which C'.ir'ain I'-unf-t ('r;!i a c ; iM-'i ;'.:;d twenty-live men killed, and I'evenrv-ii vc \vi.,!:i ' I; the l^ritifh eleven men killed, and twentv-two w >, :J ;. \ iCe-AJ.:-n:r.:l Haddock, when lyin:,: m >. ] ib:.;'- :, :i-- ceived i;!:el;'_;encc tiiat the Spmilh tlcrt t; mi (\\-l r \\..\ p.ifi;:J. the StMit-, he initantlv :rar t > !ea* \\\ \vy.y ^ ..; :v->i! - a;i!-; t.) cu:Tie u;) wi^ri, ar\l att.:ck it b lore tiu-v c -;:id!i a lunoimn wr.h tl.e l-'rciich Uj-.i.'.tirc:'. '.t Tm il .n. i; ):i ','ij 7'h <( j):cenibvr. when otV Cape dr (iir;, the 1 . ,k o-it ih:ps ahead, the !:.:nal i' -r :_. ;:i.; a n---; ; br it C(>n:i:iuin;j; li/ht wind-- and e.d-n the ww )ie < i [i;e <\y^ it was not until the S'h in the nirriv.nj; that the ad.imra! had rip:n'(. ached lo as to d!;cu\er them to be the ci inbined fleets (.t' h'ran.e ar.d ipain. Aiua recoimo'tcrMi'j th.eir force, the adniiial held a council \i !a:'.- it, and ainif ttie Spardard- in tlie attack, their l'uper:>Mt\' m num- bers wouhl be too "jv-a.t i.r the l^ntiih tuct to ^^\v,' il u.m at;',' [irolf'vct ot luevri^ ; it was theret.i;- ;. cvi \.\ :^i'>c up tl-;e purluit. The viee-.idm;i a! li^tredi.r "'l.;P>.:!, where lie was foon .'itter jomed bvaltronj Upi.iiioni under t'le cpniniand ot Commodore I,(.ilock. 1 l-.e . mPii.^d ficc:s proceeded to Barcelona. \ >1 \.r. The tipiadron un.ier the coiTimai.d oi \'i<"e- Xdir.ira! \einin bemj: remtor.ed by tlie ar;i,.d. o: >.r Ch.d.oiur ( )ule, was now ludu icntl V idon:.; t;> t.LCc the enenie. Accordin 'Iv on th-;- >'S;!i (,t |ai;i.i..r' rh- . lee-a.dmira! l.'.vmj; ar-an;',ed hi - '^'.-.w of opci .ition> m cnuMnctiun wi:h tiic R .;i - Ac ;a!, j)i i_Md:ei X jeii'jial \^'(lttvVouh, and tio-.criui 182 NAVAi. CHROXOLOGY. A.D. Trekxvnevj he failed from Port Royal. The whole fleft, 1 741 including the tranfports with troops, amounted to one hundred and twenty-four fail.* The firft object was to proceed oft' Port Louis, in order to obCerve the motions of the French fquadron, and to afcertain their ftrength. On the 1 2th of February the admiral arrived oft' the ifle of Vache, within two leagues of Port Louis, when he learnt that the French fquadron under M. D'Antin had failed for Europe, being in the greateft diftrefs for want of provi- fions, and extremely fickly. It was therefore refolved in a council of war, that the fleet (hould put into Tiberoon and Dona Maria bays, to wood and water ; and proceed from thence to the immediate attack of Carthagcna. This being completed, on the 25th of February they weighed anchor; and on the 4th of March the Vice-Admiral anchored with the fleet in Playa Grand bay; where he ifi'ued his inftruc- tions for the attack. On the 9th every thing being ready, the Princefs Amelia brought up againft the battery fhe was ordered to cannonade, and very foon filenced it; the Nor- folk, Ruflel, and Shrewfbury alfo fucceeded in their attack againft the forts of St. Jago and St. Philip ; the two firft re- ceived but little damage, and had only fix men killed. The Shrewfbury did not fare fo well, her cable being unfortu- nately cut by a fhot, fhe fell to leeward fo as to open the mouth of the harbour, by which fhe became cxpofed to two of the enemy's batteries, and four of their line of battle fhips, which were moored acrofs the entrance of the harbour. In this fituation fhe lay near fcven hours, expofed to their fire. Captain Townfend, who commanded her, difdained to quit his ftation, until he was ordered fo to do by the admiral, at night, when the Spaniards ceafed firing; fhe was by this time a complete wreck, being entirely dif- mafted, with two hundred and forty fhot in her hull, fix- teen of which were between wind and water; and twenty men killed and forty v/ounded. On the 23d Commodore Leftock was ordered with a detachment of the fleet, f to '" Appendix, Chap. II. Ncl ii. Shipi. Guns. Cr.mmanckru !-Boync, - fio \ Commodore Lcllock. ' I Capiain Colby. Princefs AiTT lia, ^io Jlcmmt^^^ton. Hampton Court, 70 Dent. Suftoik, - 70 Davcrs. Tilburv, - 60 Pnncc frcdtrickj 70 Lord A. Bcauckrk. attack \ A . A I. c ii :;(> \ t* I ()(, \ . \ ) attack the l-;;ttcri.> aii>i lhi[ th-- cntr.iiic f. :;'. h.v.S '.:: , P. -X. after a turious c:4!'.:u.r..'.dc, whu h I \ nMnii-.i ttu wn^lc li r, , ~ * ' uirhour [Tiakiii.': .inv v.::!^ic" ir.iprc:!; r.\ , n :1;. l-.. n: , , an i < iii fhips bcin^ much l!i:i:t";c', tt.c :'.-1imi:u! tl. :rn i-ff. Jn tn'..^ ae'lion Lord A'.ibrt\ llf.iu. '. : k u .i% kii. -i. In wi.-.h the fervicu loit an excellent othcci. ( ^i i-. . -'k t.<:t Sf. I>ou!S was iiurmeJ and c.;r::tii, wit;; i:\j ! - , :.,.[y o;;; man ; u[H)n whicii fi-.c encnr/ luiik. t\vi , i.iwcd up u::C. ; ;'. ilj ,-l- with the boats ui liu- t'.-.ct^, ianJ: d, .iiid c.ii :! d :.' t Sr. Joieph by allault ; lcav;:i ; C"..;<;.!iii (.' >u ^ to c. .nir;..i.. i :h- /brt, he proceeded with (.\!;'l.;:n \\':'.l! !!, ..:.d. b. :.:i\- rovvcJ within tile boom, wl-.:ch been laui acrol^ t;;:.' h.irbw.u ; lioardfd and t.i>k tiu: ( i..'.u : i ( : Ic\l:.:;.- ;:ii[>, ':>!-;. i:c the enemv could dvlh^.v I'-r. < ">:'. tl'.e -" '-'i v,:j '.v,i> re- !:iovcd, and the \ ;cc-adiiiii..:, w.'li i,'. (T.d ot ;;,e Ihi.'i of war, warpcvi abovj f.vo leuMfs u.) tde li.ui) -ur. ( ),i th-,- ^^th almcll the \vir''.e fleet iiad -(a m . v.l.en r!-e Sp.uii.u/;-; <)'jlcr\ed tile J'.; i:]l]i ll..p> ..p;':i'ac;..p..;, ti;. \ b'ew up .'.^d abandoned luch torts ;.s were i; >t tLnib.c, .<. .u i ::.-. t!i- re- mainm.: two (hip^ <.t w..; i lk:e o::r \r.<\ '.<. s i cin f i lia\e ended, and n-,attc:s bi /an to \v. :i .;;i unia'. ui:a:',e aij-cvh On tne i:tii ot' Apiil tiw-- l'';:;,!;! :io'.,^\\\ic rejKillol w;'h -rear l!.ci.:;Uer m t:;.->; a': ;,':- ; :ti : :-i i. :t St. L.;/.>r ; and; ;.'!o !;... -. n >, it was iL:w:\'ed Ml a -^-L-i.c;..! couii> .. . '.. ;". l.}":i ct th- \.:r,\: m.'iitn, t ' ;.i;:e the l:c -c. l ; -n l.l;^ t::;;.- ; > the Stii ut M..-., U:- :e.:;;:.-n wcie t:npl ' ei ;:' \-: C'.ip: .:.i fCiiiw'cs m b!' up th" '"r">. I r.eCj.!., ..(, v'-.i-.n had lictn conv.i:. d into a roat.i.; batt'r\, w..^ ..;,.. dc- Itroved. Till-, nr:n/ acc^.m; inh'-d, and t;:c t:. ..- ,.::.{ artillerv eniii..:k:d, t'.e \;cea'Jtu;al ladtd f,.r (am.nca; andoii'the Kyth a :i\..'. in i'ort Ko-;al |-, uiiour. .S ...n attrr he lent home Coinn,. d. .; e I .-lb > ^c w:th rlev en i.d o! thj hne,: ..nJ t.ic ho:ne\v..:d Jua.. i :... !e un :.. :. - . n.o^. A' . il N 4 184 NA^'AL CPIEONOLOGY. A.D. While the fleet and tranfports were refitting, a general ^ 7+^ council of war was afl'ennbled on the 26Lh of May, in which it was refolved to make an attack on the ifland of Cuba, The troops which were reduced, chiefly by ficknefs, to not more than 3000 men, were embarked, with about I coo negroes raifed by the governor for the expedition. On the 30i.hof June the vice-admiral failed from Port Royal, havinj; with him about forty fail of tranfports. * On the 18th day of July the whole fleet anchored in Wa'thenham bay, on the fouth fide of the ifland; the vice-admiral changed its name to Cumberland harbour, in honour of his Alajefty's fecond fon; it is one of the moll commodious and fafe harbours in the Weft Indies. The land forces were immediately de- barked; and it was determined in a council of war to pro- ceed without lofs of time to the attack of St. Jago de Cuba. The time in advancing before this place was fo much pro- trailed, and difeafe beginning to make great havock among the troops, General Wentworth, on the 9th of October, addrefied a letter to the admiral, in- which he re- prefented the impracticcibility of fuccefs; and that it was in his opinion neccffary to relinquiih the enterprife. On the 20th of November the troops were re-embarked ; and on the 28ih the fleet failed for Jamaica. During Vice- Admiral Vernon's expedition on the ifland of Cuba, the Worcefter, Defiance, Shoreham, and Squir- rel, took feveral valuable prizes ; the laft, after a fmartcon- teft, boarded and took with her boats a large Spanifti pri- vateer of fixteen guns and 130 men, which Captain War- ren difcovered at anchor clofe in on the Cuba Ihore; her crew landed and fought refuge in the woods ; being purfued by the Squirrel's people, feveral of them were killed. In the purfuitj a tar obferving a dead Spaniard lying on a Britiih enfign, fwore " d n him if hefhould lie on fo honour- able abed;" and rolling off the dead body, brought away the cnfign, and gaveit to his captain : who difcovered, con- cealed in the corner of it, a packet of letters, which were of iireat confeouence. ("t c c r u K ]: X c e s a t h o .m e . 2 The parliament voted 40,000 fcamen for the fervice of the current year, j'y an act paficd this feffion, a bounty of \ A \ \ I. t'H KON () |.')(, V. 1 ^3 of fv. c p-)i!;u!> ov.T irivl Above hs w;!',;c-s, _:^rr.ntv..i ?) A !), fvcrv ahic h'.i.iifJ ! M!'! '.fi, .md ;'-!c.-.; ;hiii:kIn C) i :,]v (,;,i,- ^/t- ii.irv one ; aiui il.- '.<.,i:>.vv> ! i.i.h ..> r.:: .':;: ': >ni Ivr.c?- i'oi'lh Iv kilie'd ill t;'.c lv.-:vn.-c, uc:.- ,;..;:i:c.i.i \^-.i:"v piv c.I their dccc.kJ. iiu'^Vii'.'!'. Tr, ^ .i'"l rvrr. i.- i m ItcLnJ; and bs' It rh ;\i\' in tn..- iiicr^l",..:H l-r^uc w..> :c'u:.t!cd ut one poiiiul I.UJcn liv.Kiii^s ;>cr nv.i:.i!i, U\'j nv-.t : w .- i ', c - nv.iinh !i)i!t)*.\'ini:, a'.'.d iit)t to exctn-d tn.'.t l ni. In Janu.M\' Conir.i.d,^ re LclK^k. w..^ Ici v. ;. v:i f.iil of men fjf wari U'.to the .Med;:crra:ican, to re..::..':(.L- ihs iqu.idron under adniir.d FLiddock.. In march the admii .I'cv board was entire!'/ c'naii'/c 1 .j^ and his ni.i'ie;'',- d.reJted the loii )-,v::;^ pruniot.un e^t ri*_; osTicer'--, \!/.. '("hi>[ii...s Maah.eW'-, 1 Ui. ti) iv- \ iee-adniira'i of tiie red. I'.dwaid \'i,in ii), i.lLJ. ti) be vice-a.i;n:ra! of tta.* \^I'.ite. Nuh..l.:^ [l.idi e-, Klq. Mee-.-dms! d ot tne bhie. S;r Cn.d -:e-r ( ).:!e, Kie^hr, re : -..d,niral ot tile red. l\ieh.ardi Leliock, V.\\\. rear- idiii; ut' tb.c vvb,;te. (),\ the itj'.h (if A'.Til \' iee-.\i!:uiral M itlii-nvs bein^:^ appe'inted t t tile cc)::i:n:uKl ot the lleet in tiic .Mediteir.i- lU'an, fariecl tiom Spi'head w:t;i K,ur lad (.t tb.ehne,^ [uviii^ tile Lc'.-ant and l-'ortii'a! trade nivder liis rone.i\. The eiiannel fleLt reir.auud (juite nncli", e tiii~. \-ear ; but the crui/e.s were ni ;: neral very luee.nlii'. , ni.e;',- ot them raptured \-.du.:;>' Spandh !';.: ;ia;U l!:;, ^, a;.d lo!i;e lar^e privatei'rs. The S:pan;ard^ .v ee n 't l/S \n crui/ le,.', a_;.iinlt our traiie; u-ver d luh merefwut \ellei-i were trveii a-]. I carin-ii h', rhim inro iri eir ports m the bav. 'J'i'e ririCih l;-.ene:i V.;,,) \ve:e :n.:de pr.loneiv, were cieatjj with (xee'iive cri!e,r\, eoii:uied m loa*.",: i;n.- !a;i;, .'i-, and ted on o;)i\' :);i',.d ..n i wee: ; m.oo," -t ;:".e:ii m ;lt liave ['eieih"/'-!, 1: id ih.t bie ll,;!ilh . r;-rn:;'- n' :". '.ved to caeh priloner hxeeneea dav, whiui e. a^ le, u!.i. '. :\i\d. At I 86 NAVAL CHBONOLOGY. A.D. the clofe of the year, the miniftry fettled a cartel with ^742 Spain, by which a number of our feamen were releafed from their wretched confinement. In confequence of complaints having been made to the admiralty againft Captain Fanfhaw of the Phoenix, and Sir Yelverton Peyton, of the Hc6for, for ill treatment to their officers and men, Admiral Cavendifh was ordered to afl'emble a court martial to try them, which fat in June on board the St. George. The former v/as mu!ied fix months pay for the ufe of the cheft at Chatham ; and the latter was difmifl'ed his Majefty's fervice, and rendered incapable of ever ferving in the royal navy. In Augull: the honourable Captain William Harvey, of the Superb, was tried by a court martial for a fimilar offence ; of which he was found guilty, and fentenced to be cafhiered. Captain Harvey having complained againft Mr. John Hardy, his firft lieu- tenant, he was tried by the fame court martial, and honourably acquitted. The parliament met in November ; and in the courfe of the feffion voted 40,000 feamen, and 11,550 marines for the fervice of the enfuing year; 188,558!. 15s. 5d. for thr ordinary of the navy, including half pay to fea officers ; and I0,000l. for the fupport of Greenwich hofpital. MEDITERKAXEAX. On the ift of February Commodore J^eftock arrived at Port Mahon, where he joined Vice- Admiral Haddock, whofe health being much Impaired, he refigned the com- mand to Mr. Leftock,* and returned to England in ti:e Roebuck. The commodore put to fea, and cruifed off Toulon to obferve the motions of the Spanifli fleet which were in that port. On the 27th of May Vice- Admiral Matthews arrived at Villa Franca, where he found Commodore I.eftock, (now rear-admiral,) with part of the fleet. f It was an ill-judged mcafure to appoint thefe officers to command in the fame, fleet; there had ever been a great animofity between them, which was confiderably increafed byrhe ungracious manner in which the vice-admiral received Mr. Lclfock ; who re- " Appendix, Chap. IT. No. 24. f Appendix, Chap. II. No. i'. primanded \ A '. A r, I 1! I.O ^ n [ (k; Y. 1-7 ,>! ;ir:a;ukcl iiim in t:;-- ;tji'> t.i Icvfra! frciMi oHi-'crs "' '* l.'ir havin;:^ nc^lct'.-d to u :.::;, i.i !i-:iti .1 l;!_,.:'c to (.iij;.d- ' / -i ' Cow.iit h.s i";K- rc.i;-.. .iiwr.i'. t'..;d vl.iiic b'ti); Ivit by fume riufLik j ii!.-i'.;;l: ..'.^ ic;ui-> ii.J jc.i^l:;:^, or tiic tViuUc nu't thj aiJni:;.i!. ViCc-Admiv-il ^!.l'.'h',.v^ r:-;:: -mi:-.! 1. :r.:' idiic m \ Mi I"r.inca, ar.J diviJ.cJ i.i^ eri;:/u , l^i a> ii v...-. n i!;'.xliiailv tbiL- inuti()ii> ot till- S;>an;,;.^:^ i R.-.:- Ad;-.!.; .;! I .; ;!wi-^ was li-TjatchcJ wita a l!i\'n.: U|,j.iaio!i h) pk- loaa ui ilL-;,(.--, to prevent their fl'jct t! apiiv^ out ot l'(.ii!":i. Whillt thj Uiit'ih iiLVt wa-, lyiii.; 1:1 \ I'/i.i I'la:;. i, a I'rc.'ich nian ot war jullin ; dole bv I'r.c bav wit'-, r.u ;-av.;i.; the ulual conipliiiici'.: tw tiu ',a_s w.iv t;uii.'.t tn' tiic .: i:;!>- ral. 'I b.c b rciiciiiiMn i.'l ti'::i;)b, i:'.ir, a tiij.itc was dr- ci.Tcd (ut to co:":i[)c! i'n r , an a>.tiuii culLH.i.1, in wl.icii it is fait! dv: ] was rank.. In June h\c S;)anil}i ro\'a! :'a'iii(.-s wbich were Kin-;; at Aiitibc^, nady to cli:-r: I)un i'n:l.p with a b d\ at tii->;)-i iiito Ita'v, th>)u:il-,t to (.ii;dj tliL- x^iianie ii:ii!i cru:/ers, b\ Kiepwi.; e li i;^- ..'.0:1^ (Lwie; r.'il l^nj .ittc r tnjy had tjuitlcd tbieir aub.mi, tbie\' were d.le()\,-!^d bv L".p'a a Norrii in tb.e Kii^iton, wh.i, \Mth tr,e C)ri'rd an! I)u. C^; tain L'.'.iiis >>: tb,c- Di^e, to pri^ceid ::i .a. A ^l.llvf, t!ij :;a!l c- , ctVeied i-v lile K;.i.'lt-<:J and ( htord. l't:.<- Liw^-: Ca.);.i;n C'.ilis ]-eilii:;ned lo tiieolualiv, that i is ir.aM II v ( fi-leud huii to be nuid. a polt- cajitiin, and prelentcd iuin v.itii .1 ^..Id ciia.n and iiied.d. ill-, ^ieilian ihewni,: .1 liil. o t:.>n i.i.i'iid hs biwtl'.er Dun ri.ii.,', iiil; ti .ij.e,..ii the i.nt : -it .-i .'Ui ally the (^leen of lliin';.e-, \' u e- Ad ;.,: al M..'t.,ew^ d.rtadu-d '- Aiiii;,edoie M.ii'.Mi w.'di a !.;a..d:on' t) N ,. le~, witi) 188 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. pofitlve orders, that, if he could not prevail on his majefly ^742 to withdraw his troops from the Spanifh army, and to llgn a declaration of neutrality during the war., he was to bom- bard aijd lay the city of Naples in afhes. On the 19th of Auguft the Britifh fquadron arrived in the bay. The intention of its vifit was inflantly made knov/n to the Court of Naples, which after fonie deliberation, confented to the terms propofed, and gave orders for the Neapolitan troops to be recalled. The Commodore having complied with his orders, rejoined the admiral in Kiercs bay. He was foon afterwards fent to defirov feme magazines of ftores and provifions, v-'hich the admiral h:u'. received intel- ligence were collected at Araffa, a town bf'iongin;_' to the Genoefe for the \:fe of the Spaniards] this lervice the com- modore effe1 l.i| C'-N ; It w.iN al '.'.jl. >, H! :r'.h .!( !<.., . ,1 ! A :i (rt l'.ti.i'T!a. ;. ;..; I.' i-.vtl'.cr , vvliii L i.rit'v. Al:h pi .;.! : . . the ilK'imus ot I >.i!:';;i .kiu iiimls ;(-. I )1l^ kin'Mi;- w.i> ;,!",!, no h\ .1 I . was [crf-.-C'!v .i':>.;'.i.>.:-,a'1 wrh ":, the c.\|'ci!;ti ui w.iS re. >:'. cii t > iv-, It w^is 11 't uiitii :lu; u, .. troops \w:\- all fiu,>.u r^i ,1 . .i.l 1.: I> J the ly.h (.t";l,.it 1:1 :;.h ,>ii C \''..'r ifr (,)'!l- ] .i.tii ih-- \.v - adiniral wiui the tr.iiil-' >; - (wr C'.ii ti.i ;c!.,i. I !i.>, .ir;:i.i- nicnt con*!ilrO < ,t ci.'l.: i.i i 1; t.'.- I;::-, :v.-m In p^ ^i ^j guii>, ttijco tirilhip'-, ..;;u :'.s w i;.j:', ;t 1 ih'p^'. 1 aniountcJ t. >.'.' -at - , ; i-- i:l.i; ^ .u,.! 5:" r.v^r. e-,;J by ;;ir.'fiii r rr::l.ivv.K-\-, v. h.o .i"/r::.^d {':.: rxpcii:;. >::. 'I'hr .\j::;:r.'l I'lr-i/iiN.tca Mi.cii- !.;! a'l.i ihcuJ ;ur l'o:t> Hello. ( )n -Jk- iSth ih.; ;\Tt cir.,-!. 1 ihr iiarb u? v\-u!v>ut ti,o->i>:;t;i):i ;i ..1 ;/.(. ^, .1:1:..; ;i-. Tfi" .".' '. rrr, : and :arr...>!i on the a;i['roac!> (it t:ie i);.::;n ili-et, i;:;iti,\i the town .>.:\ i niarclijil to Pa;i.'.ma, 1 h,e t,-o .p-, w re n'.'.Liatlv lan.ieJ, and the ;Ki;i;;!..i una.MiK;.! thattlv.-.' \v. uhl proceed uiihiMit delav. Jjut i n [Ik ^ 'ii, i; v."i^ r.-!.^!'. (, .1 11 a ,; coan- Cil oi w.t:' I'f iai'.d '>!i' er-, to .^s-e ir.) t'.ic enu-r;iri/.e . as the lea'oii was 1,11 lar ..'.iv.^: . ; ', t:i .r nini.ijis ;::ca;./ reduced h\- iicl^n !^ ; a:id K;e;:;. r.a.nt 1."A-',;k: lep-ni'o^; to theni t:iat t,;,- afKl: >>l W\-\.::\: i Ci i/.d r..^: he un ;,-r- tak^n with ao'.- h.^-cs '-t i'ikc.iV, .is :,;- .m;:;!' n h...; h-':i |:.';-.itl\- : '.Mtor.'. .i, \\ ;ii-i tlrs w,.s lu .- to t:ie admiral, n-: expicu d uhkIi u.;,;,v.' 'inL. d, and prj- jioicd to Civil, Til \\ < ..: \ -.{li 1 >;i'.',- p;i'':..h.e (,t nj- lu:ino I ic- (.!, to w:i 1 n f:: '. '..A :'>: .^^\\.i t K e, but ucierii.Ui ii to ..:i n,- . . ; - . ; th.- r.u.ii .. cit w.w. 1 fivie 'OL- iij a 11'. . .1,; . ': ., s 1:1 ti.r .-e- neial (oull.!- < : -.'...r, t' -j .:.;.;. :...'> . .s i-: ii i.n- P'lrt.ince. I'h- tio'p> -.m:- ti.-;;, .. . . ..h.iTN d, .;nl on the ?! ot Apr i t i- i'-\-t 1 elvd :. n i' :t . lijl.-, .:;: i arri^:-d .it |a !i..o-.i on the i S'n ' M .- . io ti.j "ii:,.i,:ii ' .\ 1 :in:, \ :- ^ : .J .\.:. :. .:. - p.iicii(_d tn 1. hn-.d, C :p' :;i: r...; a.v , .r:d :' 11 ::.;;. llwop o; .,..!. (.; -e.i,. i, , .-. ;'; .1 li;- d :>o /, : ;: ; . AD. tl^. .'lv;u. 11 ( ; t.e; 1. IQO XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. The animofity which had a long time fubfifted between ' 74-^ Vice-Admiral Vernon and General Wentworth, was car- ried to an alarming height, which proved highly prejudi- cial to both Cervices. Fortunately in September the Gib- raltar, commanded by Captain Fowke, arrived at Port Royal, v.'ho brought out orders for the vice-admiral and general to return home. In December the admiral failed in the Boyne for England; and was foon after followed by the general with the remainder of the troops*. The Tyger, of 50 guns. Captain Herbert, was loft on a cayo, near the illand of Tortuga ; the crew and moft of the itores were faved. They mounted twenty of the fhip's guns for their protection, by which they faved themfelves from being made prifoners, the Spaniards having fent El Fuerte, of 60 guns, for that purpofe ; but in the attempt ihe fhared the fame fate with the Tyger. Captain Her- bert remained on this cayo near two months, when, by the affiftance of his boats, they boarded and took a floop and fchooner, which conveyed them to Jamaica. The Tilbury, of 60 guns. Captain Dent, being on a cruize oft' Hifpaniola, was deftroyed by fire, above lOO of the crew perilhed, the reft were faved by the Defiance. On the 1 2th of April, the P^ltham, of 40 guns. Captain Smith; and the Lively, of 20 guns. Captain Stuart, being on a cruize off the Virgin iflands, chaced and came up with three Spanifh fhips,-]- a fevere adion enfued, which continued till night, when the Spaniards fheered ofF, but in fo difabled a ffate, that it was with fome difficulty they reached Porto Rico, with fix or feven hundred men killed and wounded; among the former was the governor of Carthagena. Thelofs in the Britifh fhips was veryincon- fiderable ; but thev were too much crippled in the mafts and rigging to purfue the enemy. ' Sec Beatfun's Naval and IMilitnry MciVKjirs, Vul. I. page 121 to 139. |- Kl Coio, - 60 onlv 40 moimtc'd. St. Scb:ifH;in, 30 St. Jonchini, - 30 Tlitfc Jliipi. Tilled tVoni Cad.'z in Fcbni-.rv, in compr.nv with the St, If>;nar!o, piciccd for (ic m)ns, but onlv 40 nioinuLd, and tlic St. An- tonu; ot 12 t;;uns ; thty had on Ixjard a ri-inforccmunt of troops for Carth'i!':(ji'a ; l>ui hL-niir; (i)()n after Icpatar^'d in a gale of wind, the St. IjMK'tio w.i'o li.ft the Ihual:; of Ajiti'adii, .'ind the St, Ainonio was ncve: heard "f. The N v\ A r, en r, ox 01. or. y. li) i '.- :;^r!!i'-N III th- >.-')iiri<- oi ili:-- \ . .'.r wcr* a^ t.^luw A I). ^ '.!: ;!i lii [i> t^kii'. 1(1 .\r.Kt;^'a, ^o ,:i l-.uri'jR.- (^j ^'i.'- t .n, !_'). ]'.:;;. li l^ij-i n!.(.-n ::i Air.LTiv.i, :i in I'.'ir"[ic i c^ i:'\.\\, 1 :o. li . 11 li .1 iM die :>l< ivc, :ir.; t! c j^:: -c- -.I'.cn hv C ;n^[71i)- 1 >i.- Au!->n i:i th. Siu:;i ii.i--. M.ti,\ i-i i!.; Sp.inilii priy.cs .' :;_; i.i ; \ai;a\ liu b..!a:;.c u .. > .r. \^^A ll,irt\ iliiii- la;; t;.!-> in tjv,)i:r t >: Ijr ! ..:', i;: '.;v:i.'..-i;! ot liu- IdlifS [)\ il;c l;.c:!. V a; i ..i a j :i i C.i^ic. Atr.i. .i;;...>vT ^ic aiKi in;:!-, la; ^,. J.. i>, <,(( I ^ \ 1 no \' l''\ rj Iv':'^ :;m y .'.:' cul.n f r-. ;.c Kir t'l. il 'Ct t!,is \ca:, ' ""^^ a ;na; iiim'.v.r i'! > :;:;/ r- w*. re r\v,p\ '\ c,i ;:: I'.ic .-h.i';t.(-l, r.uv '! iiiirav. a: J W; Iiltm O-caii ; f!:.-V i:i ^ *iui'..J \. ,:.! ^rt.i' li: .!-. iiiaki:.' I' , : i a! \ ali;al)lt; ta,- t.ii/^, a;..'. Uk k .'.M 1 '.I.;';"\ t J l'i;;^c lai^'.: piw .I'fcr-. ( ):i ti:i- i-^'!i I't J[,i!a;v, *^'a|''a,n il 'iiics, in llic >.i;'l;;rc ( i I ru <^' i.-. li.aiiii.; i(0-.;v>l iniri ;.;/: jicc that f;'.c !.;ri. >'.'. :.i:li |):iU;'( |> w ; rt- i'-iii :':^ iii \ i^.i, rnttTcd ihr i;a:I'.):,:- ; a:ui .t. ti.-; !:a' : i;;^ ^:.::.;; Ha i. i thr (.],.Il.^'^ liattr !,'. !.'! h'liK tii'K-, !;. Ii k t\si) (! tlvj V'. iU 1- , aiai i<.-iKicn.ii i!;- .>!;. : li.rt I i::,''rv <.:')lr; ivj i!. ii w .:-!; .1 ..liJ It, v).! to ha ; V, ,;'i .' - '.-is -' ..i.r i;:aii kil'L.! a::(i li 0' ;i u. i. :;>!.>!. (^:i ;.k: ;;, I, >( Mav :I- M. i iiuait'i -j.i Mci\sa',,> :- r'a'.i.>l;v. !;(.;:- :! W , :::!l:;::ii a-u! C- k'M.:ii'. !n ,:;- .'. il 1 : _ ( . .. ' >: ' , . I ,a .1' .: ' '.< '.' r\r:^-. I. tia !.; II ; 1,,, 1' k'.: a, r'..:,>!s .. ^^ >, = ..M;ih il: ;. vi'iinrii: 'n, tr"-:. L".. 1 ' t-' I..'- \'ci i I, a;: - I ; ;j S;. M,, ;.....; pi \a 'm ,.i ,1 :.. k ...1..' , / :.^:a^.:a, - . I .:,;. ;a il-- I :i I M. t- . I IQI NAVAT. CHRONOLOGY. ^^' On the 9th of Augufl his majeRy made the folloNVing ^^^43 promotion of flag officers, viz. Sir John Norris, Knight, admiral and commander in chief of the fleet, and vice-admiral of England. Sir John Balchen Knight, admiral of itie white. Thomas Matthews, Efq. admiral of the blue. Edward Vernon, Efq. vice-admiral of the red. Nicholas Haddock, Efq, vice-admiral of the white. Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knight, vice-admiral of the blue. James Steward, Efq. rear-admiral of the red. Richard Leflock, Efq. rear-admiral of the white. Sir Charles Hardy, Knight, rear-admiral of the blue. On the 22dof December, Thomas Davers, Efq. 1 , . , . , . Hr^ f-.,- , ^ > rear-admirals of the red on. George Chnton j Wm. Rowley, Efq. rear-admiral of the white. Wm. Martin, Efq. rear-admiral of the blue. At the meeting ot Parliament in the month ef Decem- ber, 40,000 feanien, and 11,500 marines, were voted for the fervice of the enfuing year ; 194,834!, los. 9d, for the ordinary of the navy. The whole fum levied amounted to 10, 000,000). MEDITERRAXEAX. The fleet on this flation continued in Elieres bay, under the command of Admiral Matthews* the chief fervice it performed was blocking up the French and Spanilh fleets in the harbour of Toulon. Commodore Martin, in the Tpfwich, with the Revenge and Anna Galley firefliip, was fent to Ajaccia bay, in the iiland of Corfica, to take or deflroy the St. Indore Spanifh Ihip of war of 70 guns, which the admiral had received advice was refitting there. On the approach of the Britifh fhips, the Spaniards perceiving it would be in vain to re- fuperior a force, fet fire to their fhip, and endea- voured to efcape to the fliore ; which they had nearly ac- complifhed, wdien flie blew up; whereby a number of the crew peri (bed. Some of the cruizcrs were fucccfsiul on this flation, picking vp a few rich prizes; particularly the Romney, which captured a Spaniard worth i2o,ocol. Appendix, Chap. TI. No. 27. West- KWAI. CIinONOLuGY. \v i;s 1 -I N 1) I 1 s. Til tlic mc:ntri of l'"tlMu.irv, Rc:ir-A itnira! Sir Chaloncr C).;'.', uh')lu,! i\'.cc c-it.l to lU- ..'!!, ;ii.uaI > t' jI.c flat u;i ti !> ilaton, .'(Ml I'.'.aI L'.:;":iir; k",'\s! \>. ;';i a '.;;u(!u'M nl l!i;ps (,t UMi",'^ to a!t:Kk- tlir ^^.^ni:!) i ;t'rti..:.ts t.'l 1,1 Oiiiiii ai; 1 \\'\'n Ci'v^l'o, (ill !!.i- co.ill o| L .iiM^v as. At :. II, ;i, (.11 il.i' jlvii ol t!ic (.i'i:i; iiioiitii, tiu Iij j.ivlrcM arri\Xi't bi f \c l.aCiwiia, ari.l ii,:lai.'!\ p' 'Cjciii. I to \]x ; ihf cai'.ii' n iii'j V. a-^ wur.'.lv iu.iimi.h'k. .i (ui Ivi'Ii T; L< ti,r (,.tUL- hoiii-, ihc c.'i'.mv tu'cjiiLi'.t' > fi- 111 ^ !_ i 1; '. l;i !, \\ ! : 'i ;:!c.itly C't:ii.H)_.(.T(.!l the iiiip-. '1 he I):;*!)!.!, v\ r.o I-'u, (i,rilivil i-ot.lnlcrai 'v, iicr Ciili'h- Iii-;r^ .![ i'v a Ih it, ihc jrll un hoaici the Xu'a uh, \\l;Kh chi^', >i l)..:h her a;,.! tl;c i'!t!;:4m to (;ii.t 'lirli!;C, ar,'! t'u v \\ : c i!r;\ ; u to l(C\va!J. Ai I!!:,','"' th.c fi! :n J I r.iLiI, v.!;iii C' himi! i,i. 'rr Kiiowks ('rcA o!l his Ihip-, aiui rct',iL\t to C'.ra^o.i lo n.!;t. '1 !;- loi^ h.ltaiiu.i h\ tlu- Bnilh confni.J ot oi,c huitt ;.ai.t, arul i,'.:r'iv t A i) incii killed, .mil ;hicc hiu,.lrt J. \', J . union j; wh.oiu wa.> Captain Luliniigtoii, vi the ijurlou!, whoJu..! looi, att' r. The Spani.uJs wi-ro, however, preat lnU'rer-, having ah ;nt feven hiiniini iv.-n killed ami \v,,i;;,.!d, I'lvir i oiti- iat!o:\- i^!tat!\ daiiui^etl, ai;d th.c town an.l chmeh.> a!ni j;L la; 1 m rum--'. '1 he tadnre of 'his e\[M'(hi!0!i n:.i\- he attni'^itcvi w. a elicit in'.aliire t > 'liv i \i\v here, v wh( ii h.idi I'liii i.:Mer\ei.i itlative to it- d dinatioM, '\ u !i:i h i:;^-.!i,s tlie i,o\ ernoi oi" L'araccas h. id iiuie to iii.;ke tii^ i;e.ei;ai\ p:cp>arai.on ^ I -r det.-n.-e. '1 he i,''im:r."d;)re havi'i; r:!i"ed t!-e fipiah ,);i, ' iii';!:.! ti( in Uuraeoa o;i the : -th '! M.iH h, to i!,,- atM k oi 1', ito C'avaH I. Sto;iu 1, r , (;; ;;. p:. u a:.d U:~ h.n ;:.>; !)( ; ^r' th'j p'a. e tii,;,l ;h. l -'pii oi .\p; d. ():\u.''::\\ ; ; ,ii^\ it w ..s ionn 1 that th:e S: ai.i 'I i- taken (h'eCtuii n in ; 5, lor ihi ir lieh n.'C', t y [Mepar .ii ' 'o 1;'.k Ihip- a! : ne t iili an. c (-1 tht.- hour, and erUMi^ ii 'n. la! I.e. ,ne batnn; >. I '; r .,,:nM;odue ad/Hi' !< d a i 'M.^d, (,i \., .,i-, ^n i\' , A,- on tl-.e- naide o| atta^ k ; n V. .:' ^'d'.;.! I i' at ii; ii: j - ;h iidd :n^- !i-.'. !ia;e!\ pr.j, eel to h.n'-ei ti.e I ),:*; and ilia' ll.e tru pi A: :<.':. (-!! V-'L. I. U A ir IQi NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. fliould be landed, and endeavour to get pofTenion of them. '743 The cannonade was commenced by the fliips, and conti- nued with fome profpeft oi fiiccefs till night; wheq having fdcnccd one of tfie enemy's batteries, the firing on both iidcs ccafed; hut at the monfent the troops were about to t^;ke pofleflion of the fort, the Spaniards taking the alarm, fired two or three guns from their ctther batteries; which, to their (liame be it related, threw the whole detachment into co!ifu(ion, and they fled to the beach in the greatefl dif"- rder, from whence they were re- embarked. On the 24th another ai!cmpt was made to dellroy the batteries at the entrance of the harboin-, but without effedl j the fhlps being iriuch difabled, with above two hundred men killed and wounded, the Comtnodore at night judged it moll advifcable to cut, and retired out of the reach of the enemy's guns. On the 28ih it was refolved in a council ot war to abandon the enterp;izc, the Ihips being in too fhattered a condition to make any further attempts. The commodore difpatched the fhipsto the Leeward lilands which belonged to that (tation, and returned with the red: to Jamaica. The criiizers on this (lation took and dcffroyed feveral privateers and rich m.erchant veffels; the principal were, Captain Tucker, in the Fowey, cruizing off Cape Cori- antej-, capiureil a regiftcr fhip valued at loo.oool. ; Lord Bamff, in the Ballings, off the Azores, took a French polacre, having on board 1,300,000 pieces of eight; the J.itchheld, Captain Barnaby, off Porto Rico, chafed a large privateer, which took Ihciter under a fort in Aquada bay; which he defhoyed, together wiih the privateer. He afterwards land^'d a party of feamen and marines, who fpiked lip tl.c giins, demoiifhed the carriages, and burnt the guard-houfcs, briugiMc; f)ff the Spanifh colours. This icrvice was p.riorned v\ t,i h- lofs of ojily one man ; but about two {liiiidred (jf tlie Sjjamards were ilain. Cotnm idore Warren commanded the fquadron on the Leeward ll!and itation, whofe cruizers were alfo very fuc- celsfu!. \ he capuirc^ in the coiirf" ofthisvear; iSj):uii(}i lli'i);, t..kcn n i.ji.'.'pe, 51 in America, 95 :(;ta!, i.}f;. ii!i! ih I'lii's tui.-n in di'/u.', 136 in ditto, 126 'otal, 20i. The NAVAI, Cllf^O:. o I G(, Y. ](,: 7 lie v.uiie ot t! L- Spa.nfh ll.ips txktn, in- c;ud Jig the A^^ajralco lhi;i, by C'ciiur.j- ti. re Ap.fon - - - The value ot" the lJiitil]i Ih j)s taken B.' in L.vjur ot Clrcat Britain 5''^7,cc3 '^4>- O C C r R I! K \ C F. > AT ]'0 M F-. . In January a French flct-'t uIlcH !-..'d been ciiu'ppc.i at ' Brcll, coniilhng ( h fleet had aiuh,.. red utr ! )un.'er:er- ; upon whith he inli.uitl'. ni.;de the ii^n.d to uci h. ,'. .d t:;- wmd bemg, conti.:r\, he d^y.i wr.ii t!:c ebb t^Je, which untortunati. K t.uled wiien t'.e h..d le^il.ed v/.tlun tw.) leagues ot the eiiunv, .ui^l he w.i> <-bli._ei; to aiuh^r. '1 he French aiinuial leein/, tiie Untilh ::<:.t l' > n.ii^ fi leip-e: k r, dete:nu;;eJ ti. .i\c.d .in en :.-.. -.n.eiu , ;.e th'ieli'.'e ::> t inuier i.ii! ;it lun-let a;:d lt..od i.i',.;n:;eh ^M.-n .itter a itrona L-ue Iprun^ up tr^wn the N. ^^ . ui.ieji n^ u ..':;;.: to a Itoini t.;\'; ' their elea[!e, and t:ie\ .ii;i\id ..: \'>:<:'.i 111 a mo'.; ciip;':d c nditioa. hevei.d u! tlie t:.!:!p>rts .it Dunkirk t.' ,:,deie,!, .-.d o'heis ue:e oi,ven ..Ih' le, bv whieh m,!:v. ii\es weie i-it. Si; j. biii N i;s i^.tufixvl with the fleet to the Dw-a :,.s. v/tLUi n.i.l I. it the b.iJ ctlects of tc,;v itorm. On the- ?.oth t .Mar h r:.'.[ie-" :. .'e a l" titia' d-Jara':. ill of vyar a^.nni! ( I'.i.t.. n . . . ; . 11 'i..; lit n; the l.ane ni'inth It was d. e'.:rL\l I)'. C i r. .it 11; ,:.;.ii .1 ..,;.!t li..:.e. U'A the jd ot Apiil I. ^ m.ii th ; u.^.th'^d .-. dLe!..i..t, ,a ; \ : A.,. 1.1 10,6 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. for the encouragement of the officers and crews of liis fhip5 ^74}- of war, privateers, and letters of marque, by which the property of ail prizes taken by the firft was to belong folely to the captors ; and the fhare of prize-money belonging to the two laft mentioned was to be regulated by the agree- ijients made with the owners of fuch fhips. Alfo all un- claimed fliares at the expiration of three years were to go to the royal hofpital at Greenwich. On the 1 8th of April Sir Charles Hardy failed from St. Helen's with a fquadron of fhips of war*, having under bis convoy the trade to the coail: of Portugal, and ftore- fliips f;;r Gibraltar and the Mediterranean. On the 27th the Dreadnought and Grampus chafed from the fleet; when, after a purfuit of fifty hours, they came up with and took La Medee, French frigate of 26 guns and 24O men, tornmanded by M. d'Hocquart. Karlv in the morning, on the 8th of May, Sir Charles Hardy made the Northumberland's fignal to chafe a fail ; bnt not to part company v.'it:h t!ie fleet. In the afternoon C\iptain Watfon difcovered three French fhips of warf ; and jiiittad of makiiig their force knov/n to the admiral, or iciurning to rejoin the fiect, he continued the chace. The cncnn's fhips were at fome diftance from each other ; at five o'clock Captain 'Watfon began to engage the Mars , but iiiifead of brir.ging to, to attack her, by which fne iiiigJK liave been difablcd, or compelled to ftrike, he bore down to the Content ; this gave the enemy an opportunity to unite and bring their whole force into action. Captain ^Vatfon niaintained a mofl bloody and fcvere conteft for fi;ree hour?, when tb.e wheel being fhot to pieces, and the men at it killed; the i}u\i flew up in the wind, and became ungovernable, jufl at this time he received a mortal wound, and be.'ore a lieutenant could get (H\ the quarter-deck to ailUmc th.e command, the mafter had ordered the colours to be (truck. On board the Northumberland 18 men v.'tre killed, and 30 wounded. The enemy's lofs was \ try cunhdcrable, 130 men being killed and wounded, ^ A;-;);n('i--;, ei i;-, !l. No. 3;. and M:',. Ccmn:a?idcrs, q!So ... M. (iu Pcrricr 40O M. c!c Conliaiis :- ; .-. Al. D'Achc N A\'AL V. ln~ arid their fliips tr.uch (.lam.! ;/ J. 'li, , i a: i i<.>i ii-.cii p-'/.- A IV 111 meat triumph into B.cU. ' ; \V'hcn tlic Dtiiccis aiui crow vjrc r'-v..r.J, th.' v wc tried bv a court-martial, a:ul iiTdt h .n iur..''!v .e.i'.ii:t vi, Lxce|)t the muiIKt, who was rcr.tei; cJ ['.> be iri.pnluiic J l.-r Iitc ill the Mar(h.ihea. ()n the 5th of iM,.v a fmill ftj-.i.ul.-on, u;.J.-i the c in- niaiul of CoiViUiudore C\i:ti'^ iS.-.riiet, l.ul .d t>'r ti,- l ..\\- Iiidies'"'. On the ?.oth of Ma\' Sir ChiiU'- Fla^'v rawrr/jJ v. .:!i the remainder ot his U;iiadroii to St. ll^l^-n's. On the 15th of inn.- C'i';;Kr.<.'d.\'e Ari! n, in ;l;e C'en- tiiiinn, arrived ;tr Spi'.h' .'.d, ti>nit; u'.i- \;ilued at I>25':,;- -1. it \v.; c.irrie.: tu i.^;;..:;in t.-.i:;\- W'aC:,oiis elcoitcdhv hi-T Citw. On tlie ?. ^d of fune the fo'.ii'Ain^ p.r- n;'>:i>in (;i ;:.'.j, cUicers took j^hice, viz. Nichol.iS H iddork', l\!u. 1 . , . - . S:r C haloner ( ) Me, k:it. f fames Stuait, 1 ,-. . , . , , ,, . r. f,, , ri T' V * '^''-- A^'.:nl^a.^ I't ci^;' i\eu. .Sn- i^n.irlcs ILiruv, Kiit. j 'I tlom;;s Daverc, I'Ju. ; ,-. , , , ,j ., .... ' \ iee cd t.'.e wr.:te. Mfiii. Cjeor^^c Cimturi \ Wilham Ro.vle., i:!".;. ) ^.; . , ,_ , - ,,, , , .. William M.irim, 1 Np f ' ' ^"^ "" ' ^"~' ^ '"'* Ifaac Townfend. R:ar A ' .;f t!ie re d. J lenry Mrd.'.e\-, I.t'c,;. Re.ii ,:> ir.u .d ot the v. iii'e. (ieor^e Ar.fiwi, l.lq. Rea: - .\-';i.:; d <.f th.- h'ue. It mav he i'.ere nee. liiir\' i'lit to ii'..t.' a irw ..i ni.- tiv '^ rt ::;ari 11 1 'm \ wJ., C'(.mmudo;;- Ar.'.oii 1.1!. d fu'iii f :;. ! uid ..;i t;v iS'li-t September, i".-^ -. ( )ii hi- ..:r;'. al ..t M.uic;:.! .'m :h'- : >'\\ of ( )Liobrr, h- ie.iriu tr-ni the -n-.i-rnoi, tr.-.t .; i \v .;. . s before levcn or (i.-lit (h'p- lud bern tteii t.' p.'- ' Jlland, uliivh iie bAicvid to l)e tiie >p.m;lh Kpi. '.' ', o s }QB NAVAL CKROXOLOGY. A.D. the command of Don Jofeph Pizarro, fent out for the pur- ^744 pofe of intercepting Mr. Anfon''^. Immediately upon re- ceiving this information the commodore hired a fail: failing floop, and difpatched an officer in her to look out feven or eight leagues to the weftward in hopes of difcovering them, and to reconnoitre their force ; but he returned without being able to get fight of them. During the com- modore's ftay at Madeira, Captain Norris being in a bad itate of health, was permitted to return to England. Cap- tain M. Mitchell was appointed to command the Glou- cefler; Captain Kidd, to the Pearl; the honourable Captain George Murray to the Wager ; and Lieutenant Cheap to the Tryal floop. On the 3d of November the fquadron failed from Madeira, and on the 21ft it arrived at St. Catherines, on the coaft of Brazil, in a very fiokly condi- tion. On the 1 8 th of January, 1741, the fick being greatly re-eftablifhed in their health, the commodore put to fea, and three days after the fquadron was feparated in a violent florm. On the 23d they all joined a^ain, except the Pearl, which after a month's abfence alfo rejoined. The two fquadrons were fo near each other, that the Pearl fell in with Don Pizarro's, and mittaking it for his own, had arrived within gun fhot before he dilcovered his error, and with difficulty efcaped. Her commander, Captain Kidd, dying, the commodore appointed the honourable Captain George Murray to fucceed him, Captain Cheap to the Wager, and Lieutenant Charles Saunders to the Xryal floop. On the iSth of February the fquadron arrived at St, Julians ; here the Tryal took in a new main-maft, and the other fhips repaired the damages they had fuftained in a heavy gale of wind. On the 27ih of the fame month the commod(jre ayain flood to fea; and on the 7th of March they opened the ftraits of Le Maire, with the wind and current in their favour, which flattered them with hopes of a fpccdy pafiagc round Cape Horn ; thefe hopes were fjon blailed, the wind and current fuddenly turning againil: them, they were driven back, and began to en- counter unparalleled dangers and difhcultics. On the 24th of y^ the fquadron was entirely feparated in a vio- Iciit tcni{)cit. An unkhating fuccelTion of thefe florms had * .A;ipciiu;.\, Cl'.ap, II. No. 17. wcrji N a: a r run ON or ('C, v. loQ uMrn the crews down with i^U:':i'- , in aJJiti^n to tV,;s '*^ f^ f.:i, the kiirvv had bc;Min to umm- m;iJ c.iji.ibli: to '.land the deck, neither woil 1 it hive been [));;;. ^le to have worked the- Ihip wiihiut t'-.e ?.i]'i^.\ iruc .'i tiie o:Tieer-:, fcrvants, and boys. ( )!i the i.'th t!ie 1 r\-.i! fli- >p ;;r;ived in an equaliv de- lorable li.ite, n-:v;n:; oniv t!i:ee men be- fidcH Captain Saunders arivi h;> ;.; i;ie!i.i;it f';t l< .l.i'v. O.i the- 2 ^d ot' julv t'le ( r!ouee!ber all) -'e-e'd, after h .'. i.'ij, been buffjted ab'.ut a ir.":ith in ;. !u t tne h. ^rb u-, 1101 Could (he then h.:\ r .ihed L^eltii';' ;;;, but t -.v the adittancc (he received ;':i ui the ('e-rui on ..n i I'. '.a! ; to lueh a niMcrable date w.i - ibe redeRwi, tn.u (lie h -A n it men enouj:,h i':\ bi.ard to t:: n live I'.i;!'^, ..lui c .-n ti;U.- -pe if wretches iiiuit h.;\e 1 .on peid!ud fir' ot water, their whole (lock '.em/ Iv ex'ti..utte>;. O.i tne i;>:;i of" AuiaiH, to ttv i^'rea: ;e,-,- ot' tb.e Co'nni e, i:e .u.d the lelb of his fe!! and )>rovi:ions ; (he had i.kew.i- u ivler.'. .n-- .1 : ii.s cif" diili'der-, h.r.iP: n.iM.iwlv (1e..'-.d t'-.e Iioii.-n .; (!i p- wieek on tr,e coa't of Chili. i he :.\'r ( I t'.e W'.'.j.-r w..-, it poUibl-;, i\'.\\ m-ie Li:iient..''l . ( bi t.v ^'h'ol May t!^e',- JMc- e.- -fd tie- Lmd n: 'hf ! letude -i 4- d. -le;-. I...1M, tfie wi:in eui rieit !< ttl-ii; 0: C'.iptam CheM[i .m.i h.s c, w m f aii . \e '.i: ; to c It, a;;d tne lii:,i .vas i!:ive:i ..ih -re tvtv.wn f.'.' > I'm. Ill ill.mis nit f.;r tr ;n tli:- lont nent. A m.f **f tile men, c omidei :n.: th 'm:; !. es i; 1 b :; - ; ue.d'.e be .lU- th irity ot" tb.eir (, weie eu:l'V ol ;h'- ::re..:- !^ e\- c>-:]e> .uid ..els (.1 nur.n\ , ttiei beeie;-, C / ;, .t ip..,1- (h.pmui, ve..s llu t bv C.ip.M.n Che. -p. Iii.s ; ; a t ' : chetked th- (pir.t ol d.lcoiitent , b.i: i io:\ .11;. r t'ec c.:i--:.:i haMn: had tlie bn'-b'-.i' b.i.:thened, p:..p'lV,: ;'wm., m h( r to Juan i'einande/ , in.s w ms Jh; nplv opp- e.\i e, t nia'meeis, w;i. > wei e 1 el e. ^d t-i po ( ^ tne e..., ! . ! bo-'. In ord..-r to txeeutL- th: .r pl.ui ; ^n f.e i^ tt',.V -lu .n an.i e .itrer, b.ea.i^J by .Mr. Ival^elev, (mi: ie> le.'., 200 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. and yawl for Captain Cheap and the remaining eighteen. ^744 On the 14th of December the captain and his companions embarked in the two boats, and fhaped their courfe to the northward ; the ilorms they encountered obliged them to throw overboard a great part of their proviiions, which made it necefl'ary frequently to put on fhore in fearch of a frefh fupply ; once, while on an excurfion of this kind, the yawl funk, and the men in her were drowned ; by this ac- cident they were under the painful neceiuty of leaving four marines on a defolate fiiore, as the barge was too fmall to contain the whole party. They again put to fea, but meeting with a continuance of tempeiiuuus weather, Were obliged to put back to Wager's ifland ; where thev arrived about the middle of February, almoft perifned with hunger and fatigue. Not long after two canoes came to the ifiand, in one was an Indian who could fpeak a little Spanifh ; the furgeon fortunately underftanding that lan- guage, made a bargain with the Indian to conduct them to Chiloe. On the 6th of March the whole party embarked in the barge, taking with them the two Indians. A few days after Captain Cheap and his olTicers-'' being on ihore, the fix men that were left in the boat put ojf and flood to fea, taking with them one of the Indians; but luckily not the one who was their guide, he being at this time fulning in his canoe. On his return he fhewed great alarm for the fate of his companion ; but being at laft pacitied, he procured canoe?, and conveyed them fafe to Chiioe; where they were received and treated by the Spaniards with great humanity t. But to return to Mr. An.fon, whom we left at Juan Fer- nandez, where he Uidoaded the Anna Pink, and ordered her to be broken up, and her crew put on board the (jjuu- ccfterl'. Eailyin September the fliips being refitted, and the lick greatly recovered, the Commodore proceeded to fea. On the 24th he joined the Tryal oA Vai[)aiiaiiO, * Licurc irui! ll.iiniUon cf tlic mariiics ; Mr. leliiia, the liiija-on, v.lio di'.cl littoic llity reached Chill c ; Air. Ciin.pbell, .luii iiic hon. I\lr. IJvi en , n:iillhi;:n:,in. i" 111 ih.e ve;'i i-;0^ /\thnir..l IJyrtni pi\l;hllie(i a ivr, iatiee tjf tlit Wairer':-- 'liipwreck. + 'S!;e liac'l oni' nyhtx-tv n (ail. n- a!:vc rr (if three hutuliea, nivi jWi) u;;r-i:n s cut '^ ;" m r\ ."i,,!,! ; ;,:| t!i^' I'v/'l:-! j-e; ilhLfh 'I he Ceiitui ii>i) hill led i\ u iumdi e.) ai:'! r.iiief, -t'.v!..' z^-. Ti;.- Ii\al ' ', ^ ^ b'.^.iir..- I>t vci V Ic.ikv, ih.-t ih<- < ".rMJ..:f ciJi::^ f,, i j)^'<| ictd h: I ur t.ii h: aril iht- jt:'/' , ^r.! }!( I i lii'.v W(.Tf iK fi/i ',tin.i:e .is i(. t.iki- '.i--. ,.1 ; :_ C').;it (.t C'ii:li ; tn m !l.i- j :.( \v rs f < . ^ .': ' m'- tr,.'i- I.uo of Pi/.irr.i's l.|U.ui!.Hl. t m; ; " \ m- i'jr the Ct. p.t.u: -...11 c ;' I'c il .i r:> 'i ; , , pr t.'K-'k M v ; ' .'.M-..;:i I :l!','iMii '>/';> .. N--\v S;- M ..V a in jLi--. i-'m ;n tiM!! ?J . .\ ', r;;c T \ CI,;, r i>i P.iit.i c-\pc"i ii^ : a \ I'.l ':.n: " ! lilh, v.\.s r<:r.-;vi: .; 'K- ti-.'.fiirts ( I [!k- [^' uji th i .ij- tr\'. I !:(,' iM ;'. ti I h C'wiiiin (iiiti- t.i u: iv. ;\'. \v.:h t!ic' l! f\, .; , . iT r.wJ.A; ;i:ul I. ;! 'i'u- " ; mi;.;: .'- ia m'. i b:- .iLiniu lu t.u- ..;';-;, IK J nr Mv lii ^, h.-t!!. ..r'-J I.i(.-iii.-[i.;:.r lircrt, wi,h the b-iiN ir,..,.: ', v.r.) i.iid'': \.v\cy (.f ;i c.^k r.._'ht, i.iiuicii .in : r.wM u ;th vt.r\ JiLtic . ;.;'':;ti^ II. 'I'hc .^ ; .ii .luS, t-ii:.ivi, i'. A into tr,!.- c.iu;n; V hrilt ii.i^i J. 1 h- t.;;'< is \-\ ,-A::)-s t,'' ' : 'C h..u;;.s t '1 piuihl.-r, link. J tnniil'. I'. I. s on: 111 t!^. lit h S/.,- iiiili ci: .li' s, aii.l ma.l- ii . lotflijUv- .iM .;;';vMr.(:K-f, \'. hen .\ii. liictt 1.1 '.v ti;-.---';, !;c k-iiiclv . ou.J !ii-l.^'\r t''-'/ Were tus (,v\ u [-ewpjc. At'er It. em in.: ilv f: .'. ;;i'- : r.\ n, Tniic vel!e!s hcln:;.' i,^ . the nieii "...;: -, .::.d i ' ' > t t ._ Vice:;.'. V ;:.!: s, w. lel'inlc. IV. .S i '!, vviu. :i '.v \s (>;. 1.11/ ;{: ..lid hr.\ I'ii;) t.i-.en, t '; i' <,i\,i\. ^^ r- k. . .'. i''i i...i:, .ii. .:.<;.., iited 1 . .eii;e...u.; 1 i . , ^, w.'.e iif the 1 1 _. .. , lo ci.)nun..!ni ;;er. (,) ; ;1. 1'^ 1 ..! \ A.-m'.; mIi-t .:n .: . ! le I ^i' ! \n ', ' ,. pi / >. !r^ 11 r .;: I. .::; ! 'M t I S :; ;. i . . : . ; < i' ' - ci iter ; iln h.i i I. ' n ' v\ . 1 jM / , 1 ' e .i 1 ;-c :''. ::i :i^^ ;>.!' ' , :' i i ' ^ CI'- \ , \\ I'.eM (' C < : -^ . " .It;::'.; ' h:, ir u iin- i . : : i . . \\ ':: 'i i.'i- V ; 1< .. : d y> ; t r ; . : ' (Ml liM.ii J e.:M ii:i -d p ' : Iv :: - liMios,,! ,,,, l..,.,,d Iv ( ; iii.n ', .iS mf I ^ '.^ i. '.. ' i; ; i.ii ^ II,. Mi d I, "I'M" ii',1- ,' i:*' i:i > ;nc 1 .ijH 1 - \. n.u ;i .M. . \ . : ''i ' ' pii/ , lii; .!];! 'li'ii of ifi ; -.,) 1 ; , . . ii.i'. i;i/ l.i;!.d ; he ll.dUoie , ..e i ,. .ili il. , ;.l ~ . l i.. .1. 203 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A D. an attack on Panama ; and proceed to cruize in the track '744 of the galleon expefted from Manilla, bound to Acapulco. The S(^lidad and Terefa failing fo ill, as greatly to retard the progrefs of the fquadron, the commodore ordered them to be burnt. On his arrival off Acapulco, he learnt that the galleon had got fafe in, hut that flie was foon expe6\ed to fail again ; this inforniation induced the commodore to keep his ilation ; but no galleon appearing, and the fhips bc^innirg to be in great want of water, he fteeted for Chequefon* to ge; a frclh fupply. The crews of the Cen- turion and G'ou.eller were novv fo much reduced, that the commodore fouid it neceHary to deftroy the other three prizes, and divide then people between tiie two fliips. On the 2'S'\\ ol April, 1742, they failed from Che- queton, the Ihi.'S bting deftitute of every article of fiores, and other nect'ilaries, M--. Anfon was relblved to give up for the prefeiit his objetl ot intenepting the galleon, and to fleer for the river Cantor, in Cliina. In Augult the GfucKftcT was become almoll- a complete wreck, irom tMe temptltuous weafher which tliey encountered; the Ccnturi(;n had alfo fpruiig a dangerous leak. Captain Mitchell finding it nt) longer pofTible to keep the Glou- cefler afloat; and having only fixteen men and eleven boys fit tor duty, rcprefcnted her wretched and milerable date to the commr)dore, who ordered them to be taken on board the Centurion, togetlier with what money, goods and (lores could be laved; and on the 15th of the month ihewas burnt. On the 26th three of the Ladronc ii'Iands were difco- vered ; and on the fame day they anchored at Tinian. The vafl quantities of fruit and vesu-tables which weie here prociired, greatly contributed to the recovery of the fick, who were put on ih(;rc in tents. The incelfant Itorms which blow on the coail of this i(!and, render it verv ha- zardous tor (h p^ to lie at aiuhor. 'die Centurion was twice diiven to iei ; fhe was abfcnt once h)urtecn days ; at this time the commodore and 130 of the crew were on fliore, and began to di^fpair ot ever feeing her return. To prevent being cxpofcd to a {in"ki!ar fituation in future, he embarked wiihall his people. On the 2ifl (f October they failed Irum I'mian ; and on the 12th ot November arrived '^^ About tliuty lLat;.,--s uuhe vaflward of Acapulcc. at N .\ \ Al. C \\i\Cr.ijl.(.. Y. "Inj ' M'cao, C),'! the ic/h')t .\,'ri!, i~4^ the C'viifiii ..i-i A 1). L^".:'l: it!.:kcl. t!ic ommii '0 -ir [m ini.L.i to Icj. vm:!', a ^'.''i n '..'.iiliMii <>t cn.ii:ti;^ itti it l'!i,;;;>;nr i'.!...iJ>., sii hope- llill I'! !>c!n^ a!)!c id im-. ri.\j>t ti;c :M'ii d. (. >!i ihc 2c'.h ul" June ihcy \N<:r'j in \i^\\i >^'.\.i> S.i; lo. jmi luii ihc ^ I kI l.T iiiiR- on t'lc iiMi liiii^ (it I..-.! ilav lo u.:.w. ; t thiir h>":'-l()iikfd i ir (.hjfd hcai ui^ iI-^mi ,jMt. t'un., v.,;''iii:c {!a:.(!ar(l ot S^iain tiviDi^.ii ht r uu.n loji- i:.i.;t l.i .!. An c::^.i'.'; '"'ii'iit fiihicil, w 1 tch l.jliiii .u, l.i i.i .iiil a L.ii:, w .:i. ii iliDt, \vl;cii Ihc iliii^k, i..l p:.!-.,,! i,) 1h- tin N> .!li Sii^nor.i lit: C.ibjJ.uiL;", in'-. ii.;'_ 7(1^11:1^ mounuil, uf.^: ^^o men; li\t\ -h. \ . ii ot \shi)iii wcu- k.luJ, .md cit^.'. I'ur woiii^lcJ ; jiiioii^ the l.n:c r wjs hi r <-. iiiriaii K 1 1 ) .n jeninimuilc Muiitcro. lici >.urL;.) uas vah.c 1 at j,nz o:ol. it'jrlint^. 'i'iic Cc.Miiirion fiad two iv,c:\ kilUd; a licwt^ n.uit .ir,J f;\t' < li wuu:iii'. il. '1 i:c ci.'inMnuorc n'lUilf l:i^ pi:/o a p'ni llii[i. ji.J ap- pdiiitcii Mr. Saiim.uc/,, his hilt hLi.\-i;jn;, lo (.-.'iiiniaiiJ hvr. Al'.L-r kA-;i[iii^ 1.;^ pi li n',!^, \.r pu..ciiii.-d ti th.* rivci li! Cai.t :n, ntui aiA ii'T. il li Mikmu on tlic latii il |m1) : tii'iii thciiCf fic lai.c>! higher up tlu- river, 1:1 tuJiT iriiTC c\)imr.a.>, \\:;erj ti.e y^i i- was |o;,l lor I; < th >iihifid li.iai-, on 11, l- i ;th (f ;hi- hJ i'ti iijMi w i; , h i" !im::i hav e [ a!,' >! 'M .. ! _;. 'I ii.. hi;e ot the >,m:; Mi l.pi.iJroo ^^i.;. o \s .. . .1 um! r tlie i.onin and o; J)..;, j il. ph 1';/. mo t,, .:/i;> . : C n.niod re Aii:^n, .-..:: n!. :"- i p-a'' ' !--. t' . , .d..::ii! . . ta^-li mai. I vsen; ; ai.vl ;t ;^ tl :''! u:; to i! . ;. ie vsli !i ti'i.'.- t oM. uj>. ihe- ini It i),t'aii!e. 'I ; 1 hpi.i;'i >!:, in a.: ;;';oii i 1 tliL rav a'.;cs oi dl alt, hi'' i- .1 .I'i ihr hoi lois ol Ijni' e , a' one i:n",e it ua-- u'du.' -i i > h.u n ii.iin.' >! ;;: :-, t' n !:e:i t!u v r ii'.l !)', , .1; 'lit, v. le loil t .; : ,1 I. as u a p:' i;' , and a (a 1 u, 10 . on> e.ii r (!, jih , t 1 lay ii;i;r J.iyi in '.lie laiiij liaiinii.xk u.ih ihc i' w, 204 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. might receive his allowance of provifions. The Afia was J 74+ the only (liip out otthe fquadion that returned to Europe* In confequence of a letter which his majefty had written to the States General, toreqnell the aid of a naval force, as flipiilated by treaty, they gave direftions for twenty fail of men of wart to be equipped; they fhortly after arrived at Spithead, and joined the fleet under Sir John Balchen. Early in June Vice- Admiral Martin was fent with a fquadron;^ to cruize at the entrance of the channel. Soon after intelligence was received that the vicf nailers and (tore- lliips, which had failed under convoy of Sir Charles Hardv, were blocked up in the Tagus by a French fqua- drc.n under the command of M. de Rochambeau. Sir John Balchen was immediately ordered to lea with the Kngliih anti part of the Dutch fleet : he failed froai St. Helens on the 28'h of Jul\ ; and on hi? arrival olT the Ta- gus, he learnt that M. de Rochatnheau had notice ot his approach, and retired with his fleet to Cadiz. Sir John Balcb.en faw the ftore fnips fafe into Gibraltar, and then lleeicd for England. On the 3 1 of Octuher the fleet was overtaken by a violent ilorm, in wliich fevcral of the Ihips were much (battered ; the Exeter loH her main and mizen mafl, and was under the necellity of throwing twelve of hci guns overboard to prevent her from fmking. On the 41b the Vifor} feparated from the fleet, and was never more heard of. It is fuppofed that (lie Itriick upon a ridge oi rocks off the CafLiets; as from the teifimony nf the men who attend the lights, and the inhabitants of the ifland of Alderney, many guns were heard on tlie nights o' tlie 4th and 5th of October, but the weather was too tcmpefluous to hazard boats out to their afiillance. In this (hipperifhcd near one thotifand men, beiidcs fifty volunteer?, fons ot tlie firft nobility and gentry in the kingdom. The King, as a reward, for the faithful fcrvices of Sir John Balchen, fettled a penfKni of 500!. per annuin on his widow. On the loth of Oclobcr VIcc-Admiral Slewa-t arrived with tlie reft of the fleet in Plvniouth Sound. On the 24.ih of February Captain ijury, in the Solebay, took, after an aclion of near four hours, a Spanifh rcgilier * A;iiu.iulix, Clinp. 1 [. >;(). 17. -i- Apinn-lix, Chn|,. II. ^'n. -,:5. ;; ApiHiniix, Chap. II.Ts'o. 34. <; A\>\:l:m\\\, C'lK'.p. II. No. :;;. fhip :, ^ ". \ I, ( : . ';c \ o !.()( , i'ip !r,rn Wi.i Cm / U . ; I . C ; i ' ; I'!- h i.i t '.vcr;' v - , >. k\ cii iiR-M Wi ;i!;J in the I'l ;:iuT th !ViV W.iN (..;)- tiiift', wi[a CIV. M 1.1,1 (it ;;'.rrv .'...;'.:r,rM u;'..;--: ;. - ci-;,'. > v, b',- I'u- i-'u :r;i U; ,:.Kir. ;i im th b iv nJrr M. ,'c R ^, h.-'-'j-.^.i, "."!'.(i .:.; > r'-i K. !'_ ^f.::,i:(i, ct 2 " t: n>, L'.irt.un i',/, ..r.J li.'.li, .1 !)i.:i's.;., ji: .-, ..u-,", it tvu _';i;.--, iiiiic 1 a is . !-, .uid I .;h:v i:.: n; .;, ;:w- ot \vh'>-ii v:v:c k\.]i\\, .i::ii ii..inv \v.)u:uL'.;. 1 .1 '.;,.i .'.ct; mi C,',ipt.!:ii (j>'u:u:i was in....^ ,. a J. ' n ,:>; ..iivi th.- Iv^-.vih :\:: .., \'. ;t/:c ih ; u.^'st '.u\\ i-lh ^' ..c-i;; ;; :r', i;ui ;v:;l;;..l; f / r rii.iinJ;-!' ot th^* f ::v w . 1 :: -' .i;h:: ' h. , :-. i it c 1^ hit, thr.i'i :h w?..: ._/..: ,K t.t;- {U- 1 \', ..V ; ..', ^^,l^ 1. ,;,;., Cvi h\ .1 c ;: r-iiui: t:.i: M i :. o \i..:-. 1;!', : :;;:,;i;iiii ki t:i.- ^h!^- 0:i th.- 2 < h . Ch:;,-..l:i .)::. .:i,i ih ^'i , -.v 'A - : hi 1) . .:t th..- bn.nh I'l^ ' t >'i i - , I (^:i 20S NAVAL CHllONOLOGY. A.D. On the g'h of February, the combined fleets were ob- ^744- ferved llanding out of Touloti road, formed in a line of battle.* At ten o'clock Admiral Matthews made the lignal to weigh, and half an hour after to form the line of battle a-hcad. The BritiOi fleet contiiujcd plying to windward between the iflandsand the main all the alternoon ; but the coniederate fleets not cfioofing to bear down, the admiral at myht returned to his anchorage in the bay. At day- break on the lotli the lignal was made to weigh, and the fleet llood out to fea in the line a-b;ea(f. Both fleets did nothing more than manoeuvre in fight of each other the whole oi this day* On the nth Admiral Matthews began to fufpecl that M. de Court had in view to decoy theBntifh fleet towards the Straits mouth, where there was a probability of his being joined by the Breft fquadron. In order to counteract tl;e defigii ot the French admiral, he was determined to endea- vour to bring him to acfion without lofs. of time, accord- ingly at half paft eleven he made the fignal to engage, The fleets at this time were at fuch a diftance from each other, that it was one o'clock in the afternoon before the Namur sot a-breaft of the Real, and Rear-Admiral Row- ley, in the Barfieur, a-breaft of the Terrible, M. de Court's (hip, who was in the center of the confederate fleet. Admiral Matthews finding that he could not bring tip his van vx-ith the van of the enemy, on account of the fupefior failing of the French Ihips, at half paft one o'clock bore down within piftol fiiot, and began to engage the Spanilh admiral with the greateft intrepidity ; at the fame time Rear- Admiral Rowley (Opened a heavy fire on the 1 errible. Vice-Admiral Leilock ufed every eflx)rt in his power to get up to the alliftance of the center; but there being little wind, With a great fvvcll, he could make but little way, and was unavoidably thrown out from having any fliare in the engagement. Admiral Matthews was nobly fupported by his feconds, the Marlborough, Captain Cornwall, and the Norfolk, tlic honourable Captain Forbes. Rear-Ad- mira! Rowley was not lefs ably fupported, by Captain Olborne in the Princefs Caroline. Captain Ilawke, in the Berwick, difplayed uncommon bravery ; obfcrving the Podcr to fire very briflvly at fevcral of the Britdh fhips, Appendix, Cfiap. II. No. 36. without NA\ AI, CIli;ONULOGY. -207 'vviili ait t!;eir nuikinj; .iiiv ctilchia! r'--!iirn, he m"(} q:il!.in'iv A. 1). [' 'i-j out "I the luic, .1:1.1 hi ii^ht her tuci,)(c uclion. 'i'hc '74+ t;i,{ biuailli.ic diluiDiii: Cil lc\ (i . t it)'- Pi-dcr's Ivuvir uc. k. y.'-' s, and k;i!cti twciuv ot \:-j: iw u ; i;.)t lor)^ after all MT nulls went llV till I) Mill, ailil ill.- ittuc'-v hlT CoK'tlf. '1 iic i\,>!k ol)i:^!\l i!ic (.'>!!. t.idt t qi;.t l';c Imr, but llic U.JS tin iiiiivil i!:I.u\i,il tw purluc lici. Itr: Mulbor.nii^h \%a> iiiil 111. lit- cTijipirJ, her inaiii .ui'l ni:/.i.n m.iiis were b 'tb. awav ; tl.^.rlall piit u;i end t.) ll;c txiiicnvcut her ir.oit j.';:i!.i!it coniiiiar.der, uh.o, a tcw nii! ^i'(.^ b-.f.'n lu.i hi'- Ic^s lii n ofi, I.i^utL'tiatil C'.;n\sai! ( ,;s lu-pdcs; iup- ; Htfd ;!ic acliv)!) ulicr tlic death (,', hi>- iincie, wuli bc^ojii- 11!^ U'Kid LunJiiiC-t a:id braver), liiud hii r^^ht arm \ liu'.t c-iF. ];v thi> tiinc (he Snaindi Aduiral ii: the l^eal, \\a': !\iiig a ]verreel wnck ; his leiMUvi- be. a ( ut nt I'le l;:)e and uii- a')'e to bi|i,ii'rt iiun ; in li;:-. hini:./:! A.l;n:ral .\Ia(;!ie\vs !!!.: le a ii,i,.tl lor ihe .\;iri >,'i'i'u,s ine-lh.j) to ^ ) d jwn aai hiiii: the Re.ii , ai;d h)r the I) m .s ut ti.- a;u::<-ti to tow ihe \la:ib 'ror.^;! out ol the 1 r.e, .\t tour u cKkk li'.c A:i;i ;^ad.\ hiire vl.iwn on iiv .^i'.iniih!, vvh.o i peiu ;l ,ia Kieeii.iii; nie i m) liM ; C.iejf.i.n .\!a<.ka\ ot Jeri d all his jieopk- o't th.c (hJ;, a:i i b.ihi'.v it;i;ed;hc tlpp niinlelf \s ilh the niaic.ii i;i h' h rid. ; a ^ :i a;ep o.iehc .1 lie :oi;::d the cnrmv'^ ilin! had had In. :\ an <. iV- . I th-it tie/ I'b ;i uas uli hnkiiiL'; at th,L iaiiie time i-lihe . ' --.i^ a Los^e Sptiiiill hinnell ios\ii,rr to'.'.aid. luiTi, i);- of. 'led. !' . -er.^ ti) tie JileJiargcd at i.i, whn, on a Indder., tee- !ee Itnp appcirt-d in ;i L)i.i/.', and i.he alnvll i.iian'l. t.iewnp, bnt at t.-o :.n i .it a l;d..n.e cuh' r t., l^^y.-j^: .,v -.;;; 'e rh.- Kea'. [{ i ^^,.1- L'.nt e. unman h-r, v,.;h tn^ !, riiii.nir, mate, and lu o q lai ;<-; -ni.jd'-i ,_ p-j, wlxA. M. d.- Co.irt I .- hl; ih, j t:;! v.e.-ro, eL.ih d (, !.;.' ; n.; i\ /.'r \ his du:;i et r iM- .d~ to \w a !'e ii -.:dnt : d ta. h a'-iMt thii till!-: .\ h: ir, f e bald.-, i;,l le h' p I ..-n en " h- -e' i.n-d, ih : id ]', ; 1 b n : : -,. lii i' ;;: :-e hv in i ^ , ! . ^ ' , i M (dn;\ II (.; Den Na- r.i: ;\o\\ 'cv , .nid widl , , . ti (- Senndi Iq : i- ,d jM.i |.;t- t hnn . iihl ,ed. i d. >;.[< the iii^nal ', 'A 'I > h tiad - ,;..!. ihaf- - -' knih;. d'nc . :.'.., \\ e . i '. kc :i 'U 203 NAVAL CHROKOLOC; r. A.D. to leeward going off, with their difablcd fliips in tovV. ^74+ Admiral Matthews tnade the fignal lor a general chace, and foon alter to draw into a line oi battle a-breaft. The enemy pfrcciving the Britiih iiect coming fall up with them, Cad off and abandoned the Poder, tiril felting tire to her, and (lie Ihorlly afici blew up. At half paft five m the even- ing it tell little w.nd, and there being no prolpeft of getting up with the eneir.y before dark, the adaiiral brought the fleet to. On the 13th in the inornlng the admiral made the fignal for Vice-Acimiral Leuock and his divi(ioi\ to chace above twenty fail ot the enemy, winch were fcen in the W. S .W^. The vice-admiral came up faft wiih them ; and had not the commandiir in cJncf made the fignal to recal (hips in chuce, the enemy ninll: very fli )rtly have either call oft' their crippled (hips, or rifkcd a general engagement. Ad- miral Matthews alhgncd as a reafon for this condu6l, that had he continued the pnrfuit, he might have been drawn too far down the Mediterranean, and iti that cafe have left the coall of Italy unproteffed, and deviated from his in- flruclions. I'f.e fleet kept the fta a lew days longer, and then proceeded to Maiion harbour. On its arrival, Admiral IVIatthews fufpcnded Vice- Admiral Lefluck from his com- inand, and fent him to England. 'I'he lofs (ufiaineu by the Uiitifli {l,;ct in tlii? unfortunate a6lion, was ninety-two men killed, atid 185 wotmded, bc- fi^ks tiiofe who pcrilhed in the hre-lhip. Captdin Cornwall,* Oi the ?\Iariboroiiu!i, C:'ptain Ciodlrey, of iheKiarincs, and Mr. C')tton, tlie mailer of th.e fame lhi[), were killed. Cnptain Rullel, of the Namur, was mortally wounded. The (lauplucr on board of the combined fleets was much more con udcrablc. The Real had 500 men either killed or wound-ed ; the Neptune 2CO ; the Ifabella, 300; and ti-ie other (hips in proportion as they (hared in the afclion. The oihcers killed v\ ere, Don Nicholas Geraldinc, Cap- tain ot the Real; Don H'-nry Olivarez, Captain of the Ntptnne ; and hi^ iirff lieutenant. Admiral Navarro re- ceived two ilight wounds. On the return ol the combined fleet into port, Don Na- varro expi'jlied hinifelf to the Spaniih miiiiitry fo much ' Aver', liaii!li'"n],; nv>:nimcnt is trct^cd in \W^ftminftcr Abbey ^t tlif [iiibiii: ix|)t ncc. '>' |K'. n(.iu:iU; liic Oitiuory ot tills brave man. dillati^ficd NAVAr. CHROxor.oc; Y. 20) d'l!.i'i-''.v^l u'lh t'',e Cdp.iluct (if M. dr Courf, that on . A n ..itiipLii.t !i!;r!c ti. till- licncli j^()\(.i:irr.ri,;, it.^t i !J ( ;[:- '7-i T' r !if.:r c.L;'irv \\ur> (it .'.^t.- \\\;> !i:|iLrl-,v!c i ;n tl.c cuin- ii;^:;,i ni'ti'c lict t. \\ Mil- A iiniral M:ittl-,rw- ua? nr Mir..'r/a rcfiltiin;, he dJ[)atditi! ;hclc i!rp^ v. l.ich \s ltc i. a'.t (!;l'.iMcvi ;o ciij./c (Ml ti'.L- I'.i.'.it I.: I'aly, i ) p:c\.-!:t .niy lunpiitv [}L'\t:^ Uui U) iJ.'j S:Mri;!h ;iMiiv. On il'.c 2i!t ct M.iV CiplMii N )i: ^ JM :!iL-' I'.'itx, (icltn)\ctt icvcral .irnvjJ X' I'M^iVN ati 1 Il'^c-, l.i'Ji-i! ss I'.ii llorc'', pn)\;'ii)nN, .ui.J aiiimu:i;, ln'Uii.l to A;r,'-;-. vvh!.h had t.iUr; l!,c!t.T .n C:.i;l! . uv k . (3:; {':, I ^';; c! |u:'.t i!,:; .; ''n::..! was :': a :tatt' u) p;.: ;.) f.i '; II. !i': v'.r.h n;i;:l ci'l;- ;;.!. ar.i! Lr..:/ .1 i.'i'. I'.c i.iMi!s o\ 1 r.i;;.- a:' ! ^;'.liI), v. L^rr !.c ;.... ;;; : a:. ! . : r.r :l,'-t t > R-ar- AiimiKii R'l. '; ', , u-'ii> i "::!iiii! J th'.- ic'i.iiiul-. r I't ihc vcar t') ' fi:,/,( a^.! .'lii, and wai^h ilic mu^iu:.^ u\ >l,c 1' n. i.^li ai;il S^-anilii ::-a^. NO It 111 A ^! ! K I (A. Th.e orii'/cr<; (m ih;s (t..::nn jhtIith.; d rr > \ i rv tilctuial ky\\.-c. In thf liiniir.iT M. dc (^n; n I. t':t; _l'0\ t rn' ir ct" C.i; n.'--(;n, i::;^d uw a lin.iU .m man:; r.t, and Ui\[ it fr^'ni L Miiin ii's^ to aHa k C'aid'i, \\;i!vii !< iii.; nn'\ i;ar- r.! 'iivd !>'. I'lic i.-.)\ >u 'du' 4odi r(',;:n:. n;, ua^ id)li^iJ ti) liiirtndir. C - nn. .I.TcCdMr!;- Il.-dc ciivt-;!- d d d;- (.p.adrui at N':'.\I i;:i ;di:. '. 'I die kndi!-, o! |i!i\ l:"m-. (.'ap'an ^.ii:n_:, '..p'lnt ! ni '!" hiib'iur (t lidi>':i.-. I'',.- I.iri^i- ! i; !i' ii iin.i d iniji-, !.id(.n v\ I'd ;:di a; d, i.d,' 'I : c (.m.;-i! y (i( tend- it t[uii.Klw-> til I.u h. nr^ ai; i a l;al: .i.aind \\:c kirdialc'> tcndL-r, luit \sa-at !. n-di .d.iii^L-d \n iLdinit, \\,di I ! , ', D.K ', l'..v 210 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. the lofs of a number of men. The tender had lo men 1744 killed and 30 wounded. The Lot), of 40 guns, Captain Tutting, with her prize, were loll on the Bahama iflands, their crews were faved. The Aflrea of 20 guns, Captain Swanton, was burnt by accident, lying at anchor in the harbour of Pifcrataway, the crew was (aved. WEST INDIES. The (quadion, under the command of Sir Chaloner Og'c, at Jamaica, was too m.uch reduced to attempt any enterprize of importance, nor could he prevent Admiral De Torres from getting out of the Havannah witli five galleons, worth 15,000000 of piallers, which he con- voyed in fafety to Corunna. His cruizcrs were hov/ever adiive, and picked up fome good prizes. Lieutenant George Elliot, who commanded the Rippon fin the abfence of her captain who was fick) captured the Conde de Chinchan, Spanilh ffiip of war of 18 guns, but pierced for 24., 12 fwivcls, and 145 men; fhe had on board i200chens of quickiilver, behdes other rich mer- chandize. This fhip was taken into the fervicc, and Mr,. Elliot apj^ointed to command her. Tlie Falmouth and St. Albans, commanded by the Caotains Co' by and Knight, captured two Spanifh iliips val'icd at 46,8751. In January, the convoy on its pafTage home was over- taken by a violent ftorm m the gulph of Florida, in which the Orford, (;f 70 guns, Captain Parrv Mayne, was loft ; the crew were (aved by the Ihips in company. 0;i the 2Cth of Ociober the iHand of Jamaica was vi- filcd by a iriOit dreadful lunricane, which did confidera- hlc mifchief to the greatcfl part of tlie illand ; the town ai J-'ort Royul was almoff dtltroyctl, the new fort at Muf- {juitf) I'*,int was entirely demoliliKd, and fevcral lioufcs and other buildii'.gs at Kiiigf'nn were blown down. Sir Chai'jncr Ogle was !()!tun:)tcly at, this time out on a cruize with ti'.c greatcit part of fl;e fleet ; but the ciid't remaining Ihips oi war' in l!ic harbour Wltc driven aihore, atid hvc of ^'- J'ni:i c I I ();;:;:^ i, - ^or - Cajit, ?.i. bLi, > ^ !(jn Wli'ivcn nflKirc, but MuM :L;ac f. '. ./.^ - '^ '( j_rjr I)!] ,,;':!in .\A V A r. ri!i;oxoi.on v. 211 ( ' t'lrni wrcckr.! ; ninvts-lix nxiJianttiicn Cia:^^ :' v An. i.i'ii- ;.,'.. ' I : t a; t!u' I^CCWirl iw.i'his*', ulli;lc t,:.l./:-l- WsTl' VlTV tl) - I'-l-iiil. 'li.'v i.-.'.pM:r.-i| !r..:n I'v.- i .';';; <<' 1 r'vi'.nv t > ilic 24!ll 'it I MtlC t'.M iiM,-;. ;ii '.if^v ', ' . ^ larr. ;n^ .I : 2 '^.ir.-, S^.'. ii; !, .; T'k- \\'.;';i)i:'1;, ... ' ^ l;.:.^. C -. .. n T .' ; : !v. u :^ 1 '{ on ;i iii"^l iit\:r A:;' ;;'ia , t''- . i- .v . ! :.;\'. [: :i:i;v;uirM at rill- r,)i;rt- n till. il ([..; ;;)(. i;i;p .. , I'lc i^::i)! :i:\"C Hi til ' ni '^ S- \s' l> h n;'. ; .>' f)n''(l t ao \c.l^^ i:i t';L Ma; :1 i'i . 'r[;c I.VUK-. . t 2.) .:i,:,^, ^ ,; Mi:! H.^v', :, :; '. r p.i - (.'= h.)Mic N'lth I'li- u):!v \ ti."i: t':v J,'.\\.i:,l :La;'.! , I niii.ii Uil, .ill 1 :i\\ (i;i h p; i .li:' >!. C'.ip:iMtN ir.iiic !ii t':L- c -..rlv > t t:.:- v;'3r. SjiuMlii lh:j-> takt;! :n J',;iU)jL- i I ;, ill \'n r' M ">, r.'lal I ,_;. ' I'Vcit!! \dk n in Iji'djh ar ! Am n i j .0 i;ri!i;!i !i.;ji< i.ikL.'i t)\ llr: S^ .:;i;aiJ- in i.ur.'j j aiiil An, I IK. I - - - I 22 B;i:illi tli'jv^ i-kcii by tl)-; I ic:.v,li in I'.ur '.^ an x;!i;,h the Spani.inl ii :!.;;: -!. v';;.!:;;^ '-' ( ip'iirt ^ I1V.1 if hv C"' !iiini i ' \ .. . : ' , "^ ; '; '^- .. -, \s .1! amniint t' im'.h ',y ] c. ' ' 'I'd:- 1- ic'i- i; riliMi.itr ;:,( .r i v ,. - i : , A'i ' I') i' : li'.i" pii/' HI.!'; '* C .I'.uii-- 1 d,)!. i>.:in-i :n tiiu I'.-i;; -1' j M..;.;n- in .;'[ - - I, ;, (i,v \; ,<.;:.l;x, Ci -. Ii 2\t NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Tie value of the prizes taken from Bri-1 i ^744 lain by France amounted to - j /y > Balance in favour of Britain - 773,000!. OCCURRENCES AT HOME. ^745 Very early in the year the parliament voted for the fea fervice 2,286,2531. 15s. for 40,000 feamen and 11,550 marines; 200,479!. 9s. locl. ior the ordinary of the navy. The whole fum granted for this year was 7,088,353'. los. lod. In February Rear-Achniral Medley failed from Spithead with feven (hips of war to reinforce the fleet in the Me- diterranean*. Vice-Admiral Martin cruized with a fquadron in the chops of the channel. On the s6th of March he fell in with and captured the Panther, a French fliip of war of 20 guns, and 260 men, commanded by M. de Keruzaret, and five fail of French merchant (hips from the Well- Indies. On the 2oth of February the Chefler and Sutherland, commanded by Captains Geary and Brett, captured the Elephant, French (hip of war of 20 guns, and 134 men, commanded by M. Sellct. On the 23d of April the following promotion of flag officers took place, viz. Edward Vernon, Efq. admiral of the white Thomas Siewart, Elq. "^ Thomas Davers, El'q. > Vice-admirals of the red Hon. George Clinton, J William Rowley, Efq. ) -,r- j 1 r .1 1 . ixz-ir M . x-r > Vice-admirals CI the wlnte William Martin, Elq. / Ifaac Townfend, Efq. 1 ,r. j t f ,u 1 ' J J T\T 11 rr > Vicc-admirals ol the biu Henry Medley, Elq. J J^ord Vere Beauclerk, Rear-admiral of the red Cieorge Anfon, Efq. Rear-admiral of the white Perry Mayne, Efq. Rear-admiral of the blue On the 22d ot April the Anglefea, of 40 guns, and 250 men, commanded by Captain Jacob Elton, was taken in ilic channel by L'Apollon, French privateer ol 50 guns ^' Ajipendix, Chap. II. No. 3S. and N A V A I. CUKONcjI.Ot, Y. ."!i>i ^r.:) irrn, after a in.ift few re aTcon, mi wiiicfi Cjpta r^. l'.!t(in aiil his firlt w^rc k.'!i-i!; l!ic l}i;',MniK !\ (!ilal)l:-i!, a:ul ah:)vc 6.) ot t!;c irrw ki!!'.tl lU \s >:-..!. I. Mr. l>.irkLr l'!.:!!:p^. IcVuiuI litiifi iij!>r, u';-,' !uci (u:rLti- iKrcil i::c |]i;p to tt;c (.in-tnv, wj . >i\ \,,^ r(.-':::n lo K".^;- l.i::>!, tr:. 1 ti\ a cc'.irt-iiu: ;u!, hiiii on Ihi.i:.! i1:c- Ui.kf at S,)itli(.-aJ, ail i !". I'.l-.-nccl t.) be In n ; \-,\,.'i I, i.;;. lu c. (ui the iu;Ii I't JnU, was put ,r, t.\L\ii'.in;: <:;. h-ja; J thv ri;r.- cc(^ Ri'val at >;M!hf.u!. Tml- taihi'c ol the encjac'v-'iiicr.* fll" 'i\i!'. :. Lil m .:r was proJtK~l.\e oi i;rcui c'iaiii''i.r and ii;(V!.:iir!'t. \Nhi.ii Iit- ininat;\l m cipjinr;; s h.;::i^ tiKhl.-, iDt (!,!v ;;ro tliv- .m;-- (liicl ot th.;- A'!ii!i!a;^ M.i::ti(v\ ^ .!.,1 l,'it')Cr;, hi.t alio into tliat of m I'u r.iMMi ,; a:ul o::i> ct- in tiiv '.(t. SlvciuI ( 'h.ris u c r.- ^\ i'.ni:,!. .! a; ti r Imi ct the IiMifc (if comiii' 111'', iJa!;>.etu th.c i.' :.l'.:t > ! ;':'-;!. aci;T;:r.iis iii the Mrii,;i rrni;' .!! ; a!:r; \si.ui; ;!ie h ii.le eair.-.- ;.) i! e rcioIutioM cl a!!!.!;;ti'; h:> iii.iji :lv u:i ;!i fii'>;- vt ; a.- cuiiliii_;!y th- (.niinuiis ua fti! oi, ihc k ii > at >:. iair, s'-,, when tile S,e..!.er retj':< It^J, '" 'I'l'.jt !.j w;.,.', !,m;:i o.l 1 ^ :.: ;;. a:. 1 *' the iiei.NiiaiJs if h'^ 11:.' .\'- 1.::;' li.e I ' :' . *' th'-n ahiiati!, aii.l all oili^ r 1 i-, \s!io ' h..- ^ 'I ir,^- il w ih a''V im;, :, ii. t :; ' at .. : ;., " trv liiein h'l tlie r.i.'P.'- ; ..r,.i ihi' li ^ iii.i! "v \\ ' ])1l lie 1 I 1 ajij., ,.:it a [loiu r p-i ' n "i : ' ah the e\i.! !:.e i^eCil'ii', : ! llie li'i ** \ e. 'in 111 null r- a'l 1 > ';h> u -. a- .1 i > ; i . . .:, t - -i " i:r.ii;;ailv, iiionK: to 1 r;r.^ th.'.- to i e : ;;!i ji.i ;..- *' meiit, thn)ii;^ii whoie iniL i' ihah !. :.:;,! I'at *' fiuh il(ire;lil lias Iviii hi.i'i'ht epo'i \. u.. .>.'- " arm^, i' e h, I'our ol ih : ii;,!;.'M laeiiiue', .n,! '1 /:i .1:1 ' oppoi ;in:i!v 1( ll of iloiii:^ iht 11. i'! nuportaii' ( " th.e eoriiir.on i .u:le, III eoiiliijii'iicr ol I'v- a! he!"--, hi-- iiM';!!'. ' ' ' to t!ie ho.iiit ot .uhiiii ah\ to ,, ,!Mr.':>!e v nil- 1 a^ p-lhb!e h-r ;t c trial ol -hi ;- ..,.; A n 214 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. inaly on the 23d cf September a court-martial afTembled ^745 en board the London, at Chatham, compofed of the fol- lowing members, viz. Prefidenr. Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knt. admiral of the blue Perry Mavne, Efq. rear-admiral of the blue William Smith, Efq. commodore Captains. William Parry Francis Geary Charles W^yndham ' Smiih Caliis W^illiam Chambers George Biidges Rodney James Rentone Robert Erlkme Robert Allen J''^*" Pittman Thomas Frankbnd Edward Spragge Sir William Hevvit, Bart. Robert Svvinton Charles Colby Hon. Archibald Stewart Sheldrake Layton George Elliot Jofeph Hamer Sir Charles MoUoy, Knt. John Orme The four lieutenants of the Dorfetfliire* were firll tried, on a charge of having advifed their captain, George Eur- rifh, Efq. not to bear down upon the enemy; this not being proved, they were all acquitted. On the 25th of the fame month the court proceeded to t!ie trial of Captain George EurriOi of the Dorfetfhire. Five charges were exhibited againlt him; p^rt of each being proved, and that he had alfo deviated from the I2th and 13th articles of the fighting inftrudlions ; the court, on the 9th of October, adjudged him to be cafliiered, and for ever rendered incapable ot being an officer in his ma- jefty's navy. On the loth of Oftober, Captain Edmund Williams, of the Royal Oak, was tried upon four charges; all of them being proved in part ; the court, in confideration ol his long fervices, adjudged liim as unht to be employed any more at fca ; at the fanie time recommended him to tiie admiralty to be continued on the half pay lilh He altcr- wards Vvas appointed a fuj)eranuuated rcar-auaiiral in the year 1747. - TIc.nrv Pa<'c, e'M;ii !(.:, Davuls, \\'iMi nil (Ji iilirhs, C'o.f.ciHi* SiirIi. On N \ > .\ L rm;oxul.o(, v, '-13 (); t'.- l^th o! Ociubti the cour: i';.KtfL.i t,. d.j ;..! A I) 'I I. '.!;:. in J.ilin /Ic, ct ii;_- Ki.j-it!. i:i Ji.n.r-. '7-j i-:..:..r to ;h.)lc t;\h,i):r^.|- 2J^^u:'[ L'..,Mi;. U ..' a'n-, j.'.j I' If iill;'( 1. [u'.l; to c>)\ci -.iii'l pi)! cl i'- A " (i.'v iv - il\\\ \ \,c c -iirt t'.r.iii 1 tiMi uui'tv li.l; r.i!;;':; 'i:.- . f. ,i:i Ui'tiu; ar.,1 v'^iium ii!i,.!.r; ;;::ti t'l . \\ t;,o acli in C..:;,^ I M !..;, j anlcn t'l n :i. ; tlic c'i.;;;:t on';' icnii.hC-..l h;,n t.- ' ir..ijc:lv\ plLaliif, ir.n'ct./i uL- ol tliL'k'hcil at C; lit'-.ani. li rci'.iic \.:u) to li> r.irk ; and ;n \\\'.: . on tin- (njn 1 n'.t i/ rL.ii- ' n 'I nc cli.iri.'L- i^t 11 I iii.irn'i^ i! -,. ; , . ' ''.'' c'Ajnw c! ,!rr^5L-nn; ; . \.~\ .:! n.i C\ .. n j> . n 1 );. . .; tt.f CniJninr, in' wa .' tnii- " n. n. th,: Cwnn-nr. ! f ; .-. ilnp. a: n |M:t ;n t[;c ;.':-:nr. ' .:. C.n^ni n In-jn: -itn ci i;.,. ." \n'j, w.i- inv ' , - her .;f'acc-nli\l.nn.nnns !"" n i .'n : ;^ n n'a^ . ' n 'an '. '1 In- !..: I,>1'> An!^ lapta'tn wcti- at the ia'n- tnnr ^\ cti^c^ c\'i !m^'1 ai^annl tln.n', In \i-c avinnnn L',h'^k, !.'! nnl'n.n.; cl ni li.c.. 'i n i:ll T- n' >n, u/. H'.:)Lrt 1^ '.. (:, .- >".n'-Hnn, i en;,.: W '. I i^ n..s Cwopcr, aii'l [an;-.^ I.lowl; tin- t .'. o i, ; n w . . , ..v,_n;ni!; Init thc-nth'T i.':!i c 'A . r I aih'.n- 'i ; t'. - 1 :"-n: r \'. ..-> n- lulcrc! as i\t!. nu '\ I'.irl. Mn.\vn 'n;' ^r( at!\' \'.\ Cnnr ta. .-iiv, ami a- :' w > .; ; (ifnncT-, anil II II' n TL !| rric'l ii;'' v u a^ 1 ica(t.(! to rv/.u: V ' iirni to 1 1 ; ii , . ' : i .n .-> m '. ' ( n n. : .(n ( )!i t!n (('. 1 I Ii:!\ ibf I. '-in < : ' ! nn~. .tn>'. a . nnn, <" 'nnnanvl. .i : C n 'an; I'.i i. \ i ^i ', ! n-^; 'n a > : nnn m liic Lit nnJc o: )- -. ; .'u ( - I " nm.i.' - I'in ! 'i "' ^^ n'l I'c I'.n/ il). ':, a ! :i :.. !i li 1,1 I ! v\ .n , ! ' I /nn an. I a Ini .'i In : :. ;n-- ' nn-; ' .. . C'h.ii'r. >, i.'n to n ' I'n, t in M Ion, \'. n > '.v i e a. j . I r t 1 n s ( n 1 o r I s f o I i n n . I'a- I \f[iii;j, t!,i- I.I. 'n ._, t e. n w a 'n a ni 1 t i 'mi inan- I at' . . |( at hnv t !1 t !i ; .it w'l:. 'i i , i .. 1 1 r i . nn/e:i-ni.n; ; ..ii Ina i ti;; ; in..:! an>i \ .n \\ cninii (!, .n. I i :n-nn j, .n ! i.m - i nt ' ; '.\.!niL- I'i.a'.)ie. 'I i. 1. ./.. 1' -r 2l6 NAV/VL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. much crippled in her rigging, her commancier availed him- ^745 felfof the oppnrtunity, fet what fail he could, and got off. The Lion had forty hve nien killed, and 107 wounded ; Captain Brett, with ail the lieutenants and mailer, were among the wounded. The Elizabeth had her captain and llxty-four men killed, and 144 wounded; llie was To much damaged, that it was with difliculty fhe reached Breft. After the action the frigate purfued hercourfe, and landed Prince Charles at Lochabar on thtr 27th day of July. In order to prevent fuccoms being fent to the rebels from France, yVlmiral Vernon was ordered with a ftrong fquadron to tlie Downs ; and Rear-Admiral Bing* was fent with fome fliips to the coalt ot Scotland. The Captains Moltyn, Grifiin, Tooke, and Brett, having been much cenfured by the public for not continuing to purfue and engage two French (hips of war, I^a Neptune, and La Fleuron, of feventy-four guns each, which they fell in with in the channel ; demanded a court-martial to enquire into their condudl ; but as nothing appeared to cri- minate them in the leaR, they were honourably acquitted. The Pembroke, of fixty guns, on her paffage down the river Med way from Chatham to Black [takes, wasover- fet and funk by a fudden fquall of wind ; whereby Ceven oflicers, one bundled men, and many women were drowned. The Ihip ur..-, afterwards weighed up. In November the I'Cx, of twenty gun', Captain Bea- ver, was wrecked near Dunbar, in Scotland, and all on board perilhed. The Britilh privateers were fingulaily fortunate this year in cruizing againft the enemy. The Prince Frede- rick, of twenty. eight guns, and 250 m';n, commanded by Captain James Talbot, and the Duke, of twenty guns and 150 men, Captain Morecock, fell in with, on a cruize off tlic weftern iriands,and after a mofl ohflinate battle, took two large French ihips, viz. the Marquis D'Anti;), of 400 tons, twenty-four gun$, and fixty eight men; and the Levvis Erafmus, of 500 tons, twenty-eight guns, and t'X'y-li>: men; a third which was in coin[)any, La Notre Dame de Deliverance, of twenty- two gnus, aii'.l (ii'ty men, cfcapcd. Thele Ihips were from the Souih Seas, vvIilic they had been lour years, and were * Promou:'! to the rank of rem -admiral the i oth of Auguft. immcnftiv NA ^ A I- C INK) NO LOGY. Jl initiiciiLIy rich. 'l\v: pr;\.itccrs ha i a liciitt-nar.t 2: A tWL-Kc riK'i kiilci!, u:i.l t\Mii'\ -fcvcu woiiiiilcJ. I he t!.c:iiy's lo!> \\.is, l),':h the (.a|>tuiiis, ai.^i lc\ciinKri k he.!, aiuliW'Jve men wotiiiiiccL (.):\ ih.e 30th (it Jiilv, C.iptai!! 'r.i!!,i)f arrived at K rifa'c with h;'- pr!/c^ ; Ir.'Mi w ht nee h- \sas ev':i\'",e! h; thri.c nicii o; war ut Hiiil 'I. '1 tie'.ie .i:;J [':^4;e !.:!%(!! oiit (A tt;e:n were j ut into tort\-!:\e w.ij^. :i>., ami ..jri;:d t ) Lniiii n. L [1 !:i a d.vil:'!:i ot the pi i/e-;iuine\ , eai.!i Jaih'i '.' Ihiare a;u()i:ntei! til SncL 'I'h.e t'apt;::[is ai:i.i erew .^ I't i!u' p-ri\ ateerN hch.aviJ ;'.;;!i the L;re':ifLlt ^eiiern!;:v to th.eir priliMu r<^ u!I'i\siI:l; ih^:!! iv) ki.i.p a!l t!;>!r wihiah'e cllcct-; .ii.J \'. f-..ii l!.i\ pi;' the Ci !rrr. \'i iiie.'i alhorc, the\ cliiti iJi/.nl u; e.n 1; tweiits Li'ii- r.ea^. 1 tie corulDel of tht proprietor^ wa'> alio eq'i.illv r:i'''!e; the!!' llnre aaioimteti to -o^,ccc'. '.'. h:eh tiiev reee;; e^l i.>.ii atu r the leheih' ai broke out, :n..! ii;:tiie a volmitjrv ;uh!it ol It to the ^'o'.enunetit to pi;i| eije liie war , ttu^ u a> ae- Cep'tJ. and du in'erell paid '.) tl'.e j^rop; ;. tcr^. 1 tie' Kou'i Khiaii pMi'. i'eer, Cipl.i.!i leaker, took tl;e St. Jofepii ^N.S. de la (iieii.iia, lioin Cartliagena to the Ili'.'anirih, wor'.h .tio,ccc'. 'llie 'ri^rci< pn\ateer, C'.ip'ai'i !' Miner, took ly'A.L^le of \2 g\r.\-, ;i:;ii i^^oill'ii, va'::ie 1 at :;:^.CC -' A P. Tile bur; r:.'e pr;\aU<. i , C" !.,),.-,. r.i'ii:), a!;iT an a.dicMi ot li\lii)i;rs, t'lika I r^r, !i h. rl-InJua i'lip, w'nh Iwnh the next ihi\. tioMth' r;;eiil)ei o; lli): 111 t;.il.i;;:, tar^o wa'- viiin. d at i v'-.c i. At) aot ot pai \Na> p.iihd o!u iitii^ a r; 2 : ,c;;ol. t ) aii\ ol 1;> riKi;e;!\ ' li;'; et-.'A > ihi". ::; i out and 111! thr"n.di .!:i>, pad.i,;-- !>'. (1 !> 1 .. 1 n lln ilo:l'^ 1),:\ , and tlie utlh m and htin.iie: : . . . \ w . . .1, >I I ! ()nth.e:S;I;ot [a!u:ar\ C'a, t . :; \ ::. .. 1 ;!ie I'licx, ha\ i!'^ h-i i\ a.AiilLd b\ fusod-.'-r^* . : .. ! h; !... . luur niliie j. l: in 1 d (, . : . 218 NAVAL CIirvONOLOGY.' A.D. Toulon, was brought to a court martial, which affemblcd *745 on board the Torbay, in Mahon harbour; Vice-Admiral Rowley fat as prdident. The court wifned to have fworn Mr. Edward Jekyll, but he beir^g the accufer of Captain Norris, refufed. Several wi^nefies were examined ; and on the 5th of P'ebruary the court came to a determination not to proceed any further, doubting the authority they had, as Captain Norris had, hyper '.ffion, feme lime before quit- ted the command of the Eil^x, and was then on half-pay. The matter w^as therefore referred to the Admiralty, The lieutenants of the Effex at the fame lime wrofe a letter, com- piaming ot the treatment they had received from the court. This affair was laid before the hoiifc of commons, who paiTed a h^eavy cenfure on the court-martial, lor the pn'-t.ia- lity it had fhevvn ; at the faine time gave orders for Captain Norris to be fent home to take his trial in the fame lliip with the other captains. On his arrival at Gibraltar, con- fcious of the juftnefs of the charges alledged againft him, he retired into Spain, where he changed his name, and re- mained fny ever in obfcurity. Oil ti.c loth of April Rcar-Admiral Medley arrived at IViinorca vv:t!i a reinforcement from England. Soon after Vicc-Adu.iud Rowley pur to fea with twenty-four fail of tile !ii:e,'^ and ffeercd for C.u thagena, to block up the Spa- niili fleet in that port ; at the fame time he detached Captain Ofborne with twelve fail of the line, to watch the niotions Oi the Breff fleet at Cadiz. Tfiis eficcliially prevented a junflion of tlieir fleets; and gave \he Biitil'i cnuzers an opportunity of very much diitrcfiing the enemy's trade. Tlie Rociiclier alone toi^k eighteen fail of tranfpijrts ; and the fame fhip, in company with the LowcIloffL:, near Na- ples, fell in wit!), and captiu'cd above forty fail ofvelfels laden with [Tovifions and fiores for the llie Jerfey, of fixty guns. Captain Charles Hardy, being on a cruize off ttie Straits mouth, fell in with, and engaged tfie St. Rfprit, a I'rcnch fhip of war of fcventy-iour guns, from iialf an hour pafl fix in the evening, till nine, when flie hnve away for Cadiz, having loff her f jre niaO and bowfprit, ai;d above twentv men killed. The Jcrfey wa-? too much cr'pplcd to piirfue her. The ret ul>lic of Genoa Itaving openlv iu\l.ircvl its iiiieii N \'. A I. rHRONor.or; v. -Kl t ' [' f-T, ''.ng a l.n.-e Ivfly ct tr""p- t.) .liTil! (!ie Frrrcli . ' i - > if <.i:,!s, a^.. n:' ^'iir .i!'\ '; " :. m >.' Miir;^.n v, \':'. r- 1!-m:,,_; {'iinaiiri:!. ti > \^-r-r 'i-jl'v j)c' TiiV'! "' s l( . \ ., c, t-. lit. :i'...i-;!i;: .. ! f i;:: .-. r [ at c! tn-j !.''.viis ot .^a\'>na :v.\A I'liia'. a:i(i \a A ti'at t;| s-. |\ri!- > in Mi'i!;^. l\j c;>!!'.'rii lore |'ri'."( ': ,1 I: 1:1 hii, .> tlic i'' i:s>t I'f'C >'!ic.i, t) adi:* tl;i,lc ;:lai;.ifrv m i!.;,.\\ ,:,. , :! :!.c \(ikr .li'ihc ficiiotlc. On l\v i-tl, .: N\.ui!,L>:t i'.-- |]r:- t fii l;j;i.. Ih):i be, an t'> !) inb.iril ii'.U . .1.' iif: 1 fc tin- t >>'.>,,. .t I'ati.i, t'u I .!| M.*' .; i!.c ul.i!..! , t'j .'.; \sas :v..idc -.. th fi ini:- ii l.!i\, ;:' hv il;c 2:r\\ a.iti'.c i^Mii:'. in v\(.ic,i.i- iu"u:i;- i ("1 ;!ir li '''r:r<, an.! :' c -n- lu r pa: ot ;!:: ;.i\v:i v.a. il-. AI..r.;- :- .!; Kr.,i.'la. wh > .-nnri;.;:) IcJ the iii.;Kiii;:(.t;-. i;^ i in.iJ.- |.) !: ';. :I a-i aiLuiv ..!i \[.c !i;ui !l.; , t!,;i; t j Ma''.; : dc M..;, ;iie i' .'.cr::"!', h:i.;;ii^ t.'.j j)Ia. ( p.) !:. 1- tL;:.i'.>' , a'M.. !..:xJ i.'.c ca;i;.-, aini re- tire .i w .t!i !; ^ ,l';:i t>) C .\ 1. 'r.iw^i.i.. t'.e ei .:i ,.( itic I/./ (j,-ii;..l'j \'. ei',' i!il}';i.ii-l;( J >'i (!;; \\ t../,r ;:!.it..; tx- CAjM [:_' t'l'j '..t\ti- i-i C'alw. .\i.i. 1", a;.il B 'niiav m. ()!iih 2 1 ' : .\;iL,iiil \ i.;--.\ ni.ral 1 'a i 1 >ns iilciil \va<; or-. III! t ) p' 'eci'l \\ :!''. t i.',:.t :u:. ^ .il v". ..i '' t.) r. iMlor. c tlej Kj'.a.'r.Mi m ilie \\\.l-li.t!icv A n. 1 , ; \ M : ; ' ( A. Mi'. is, r, .-,:. I .! ;r:-arM. J r (An! , v, ' r Mr. \\;a, ' la:..! I ire . ^ ):!!!; :(/: . . ::!. '; : : ' i !:( ii-'\ : li ;' ()( ;r>i. -p'-- " .1:! tiMir M . ,' - ::-(iiii I .;.i,-.iU.:l :]- (.uA..i;i t :. i Ml < i. 120 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. be fent out from France. On the 19th of May the com- '74S modore came up with, and after a fliort refiftance, took the Vigilante, a fine new fhip of fixty-four guns, com- manded by the Marquis de Maifonfort, which had been fent out with ftores and provifions for the garrifon at Louiibourg. From the 22d of May to the 12th of June, the commo- dore received a confiderable reinforcement of fhips from England, he therefore refolved to pufli into the harbour, in order to co-operate with the army, and to make a general and vigorous attack on the forts ; but on the 27111 the go- vernor fent our and offeitd terms of capitulation. The next day the Britilh troops took poffeiFion. Our lofs amounted to ii men killed, and thirty who died of fick- nefs. The enemy had 300 men killed. For the purpofe of decoying the enemy into the harbour, the French colours were always hoi fted whenever a fail was riifcovercd ; by which llratagem many valuable prizes were taken * When the news of the reduction of LouilLourg reached England, his majelly was pleafed to promote Commodore Warren to the rank of rear-admiral of the blue. Governor Shiriv^^y, and Mr. William Pepperell, were each given a regiment, with the rank of colonel ; the latter was alfo created a baronet of Great Britain. For the elTential fervice which Captain Rous had per- formed, his majefty directed the Sliiriey galley privateer, of tvventy-four guns, to be purchafed into the navy as a poft fliip, and Captain Rous appointed tocomtnand her. Tlie Rofe, of tv/enty guns, and 125 men, commanded by Captain Thomas Frankland,t being on a cruife off the coaft of South Carolina, fell in with, and after a fevere and obflinate battle, took La Conception oi twenty guns, and 326 men, of whom 116 were killed, and forty woundtd. The Rofe had five men killed and thirteen wounded. Tiiis fhip was from Carthagena, bound to the Havannah, and T , y rrom the Eall-indics, valued at < , LHeron. ^ ( 140,000! J>a "Not ic Dame de Deliverance, South Seas, va- ?, , , , c 600,0001. hied at - - S This Ihip elcaped from the Prince Frederick and Duke, privateers, \vhen they captured the Marquis D'Antin, and Lewes. Eralin us. f Afterwards Admiral Sir Thomas Franklaud, proved \ \\ A I, ciinoN-oi.oc, V, I'll pr.Acti a moll vu!ii ;'.5lc pri/i-. H.t citl;') corifhlcil of cii;':'. A.l). iiiiiniictl lLron^ ut (.. )i().i , li\!\-ci '''-I ^; u: lilvcr ; g ;:;, that l.hc ihaici w ich liw ii.1l !)V \vi.-j;',', f-ila.c the tit'ii'.iic ot ci'iJiitiii^:; it; a'ul a!lu, tiiat aUvr a;;, wl.c;i ilic cargo \va,-> takviiout i ( tlvo lh;[), ai;.l !hj was [>i.t up to i.i'c. tl:c- ! r;iich ca}':a;i:, upoa liir pidinilc- ot a iL-.sarJ irnu C.ipiaMi i raiik.Lii'.>i, ti ku- vi-rrJ to lum ^O.cco pi!t"!(. -, uh.ich wrrc cotKcalcii ma place tliat no one woiiKl have ever tiio'.iL^iu otlr.iJmg any thing. Captain I'rnnkl.m.l pr- (cntfi! the Irciich captam wiili a thouh^nd pilt 'h-, wiucli he conli.lei^ii as a poor rcwuril tor (.) i^reat a d Ic ;\ erw .An.oihcr i 'rtiinattil.lcni.erv ua- m.iJ'- In a little I' bov, Ciptam 1 rankland liavl i.iLi n int'> his (civice; uli< nia.ic a cotnp'.a:!.! a.:.i-nil one ot the (> t.^r hia\ in t; taken Iroin hmi a link, whiclim app.aian.e vva.s ol no value; Cajitain l-rankland recovcrcLl it l"r tlie hoy; and on return- ing is ^ase hun a tap oti th.c ihouKler v^iih it; hearini^ (nnKttung rati'e in th;- ii.rule, CipUm I'ranklaiul was in- duced t.i.arrv it iiiio hiscahin, .iIkI t.iking(d{ the cf it, h,e tiiund ieweU, {according; ; ' 'die i' rench captain's ac- coimt, wiirh 20, ceo piliole^'. ^ h'.-n the captam hirren- dered, he hv. I gi'.e.n th;-- to tii-- I'ov in 1'.('|Hs ot lav .n^ it, n-it iin.<^in;:ii' In^ h a trdie won id he ever nolKcd. .f A \1 \ 1( \ . \ I r..\dm:r-ii !).. rs liuceed.d Sir Ch.i' -ner O. !: -i tii'.- ^ 'i",iMi i:.d nl the icna dion on O.::-. ll .t,,r:i ,* ]].~A[ .! th-- l.,i.;i liiip ha', mg i e'lir:': d t' > k.ii !..:, !, tiie \s ai ..;d> ahleto .K-t on th^ d :e:d;v.-. 1 1 . lun.h ha 1 a Ihong t /.nd:n:i a[ lidp,!!;- !a, a;;d ;!k-'K an alier at the 1 1 .1 . .i:.:i I'n. ilis i.M:/er'- weie, i:".'.e\M, ltaii"ned l> J-. I' 'ui: V, iM.ii tin v n levf I ... \ 01 V \ .1 u.ilile (. .ipti.'ies. <^ .ip'ain l).u,d \'a ;i , .:; t':.- .M.-r'm n'-'p ot wai oi i :it-.en ./u; , and I men, \',.i- 1 r :,'. i.l.n !v act:;e, h.e \ 222 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. took five French privateers, and one Spanifh*. He '745 alfo attacked two Spanifh Xebeques, each of equal force to the Merh'n; after an dbftinate engagement, he was obliged to retire. Thcfe veffels had been fitted out for the exprefs purpofe of taking the Merlin ; they had fome time before taken the Blaftand Achilles floops of war. LEEWARD ISLANDS. On the 28fh of March, a French fquadron, under the command of the Chevalier de Caylus, arrived at Martinico ; this very much alarmed all the Britifh illands ; as the naval force left under the command of Commodore Knowles, was fo much reduced, as to be fcarcely able to afford pro- tection to the trade, much lefs to cope with M. de Cay'us, who, inftead of attacking the Britilh illands, took on board a reinforcement of men, and proceeded to Hifpaniola, The French commodore detached two frigates and fome priva- teers, with about i't^ven hundred troops, under the com- mand of M. La Touche, to make a defcent on the little ifland of Anguilla ; but Mr. Hodge, the governor, with the militia of the ifland, which did not exceed 150 men, maintained his ground with fo much refolution, that he obliged them to retire with the lofs of thirty-two men killed, twenty-five wounded, and fifty made prifoners, - On the 3d of 06}ober Vice-Admiral Town fend ar- rived off Martinico ;f and tlicrc receiving intelligence of a French convoy which was expe6lcd from Prance with flores and provifions lor the iiland, he continued to cruize with great vigilance till the 31(1 in the morning ; when forty fail of French fhips were difcovered coming round the fouth end of the-idand, clofe under the fhore. The vice-admiral finding that the French commodore endea- voured to avoid him, made the fignal for a general chace ; ihe inerchant velfels inftantly difperfed ; above thirty of them were either taken or dcftroyed. The fliips of war S'lfp^. Guns. ' L'Union, - - iT) I^a Vainqiicr, - - 16 La Racclvas, - - 16 Lc l<"'jidinnnd, - - 18 ] .c I'ditGuave, - - 14 St. Antonicj, - - 10 f Appendix, Chap. 11. No. 41. pufhed N A \M. run o \ () I. o (. V . 2 J J ,M!lnv! ior I'ort R'V.i!, ami weri* ('> cluil-'v pti'i'iu-ii t' ;r * H- t .' Rub;', Dt ( 4 'Ui'o, \v..> t y..-cl .i!!i- ic hy thf I.i-n . , * " -i > t :. M.i.MLirynv, ( t S ^ g;;:: , C ';;;n; J. :c M.u-;:..;i..i:.i, i;i h..iii:n^^ t(V)c!<'!.- unJcr th.j b.. ::.!.<... then ixolc^t; j:i, r.i. '* i'.iJn.i')i!s nii'.rrv.r tiT iiu !i.\-;>t n^; tnc l;r:i r. .'-J ir':.!. H^- i'i,L-.e.i t/.c McuW.-.v jii.i H .r-i r;ii ( > i ni / i:i tlv. ll;.;.^^ (>: M ,!.; I .1 ; ..;ui n':!.'! h.s i,\\:\ l!i.:i .i;i,i i;ic .'S''' "r|..:;'i..:v, h; cv . : ! . : M-/;v..v .;:^! I). ;ni'>;v! v,-,- : . : , I'l ! 11^- 1 ,', ' ' t 1 ; V-!-. ..:i.i ol S 11- i . . 1 1 I . 224 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. BritiHi taken by the Spaniards - i02 * 745 Ditto by the French - - 407 Total taken from the Britifh - 509 OCCURREXCES AT HOME. 174^ In January the parliament voted for the fea fervice of the current year 40,000 feamen, and 12,000 marines. The whole fupplies granted by parliament amounted to 7,250,0001. In the fame month Vice-admiral Martin was fent to command in the Downs, in the room of Admiral Vernon. Rear-admiral Bing being wanted, as a member on fome courts-martial, was relieved on the coaft of Scotland by Commodore Smith. Commodore Matthew Mitchell com- manded on the coaft of Flanders. And in the fpring Com- modore Griffin was fent with a reinforcement of fhips to the Eaft-Indies. The Court-martial, which had adjourned at the clofe of the preceding year, allembled again on the 6th of Mzy for the trial of Vice-admiral Leftock. It was held on board the Prince of Orange, at Deptford, and compofed of the following members, viz. Prefidents. Perry Mayne, Efq. Rear-admiral of the blue Hon. John Bing, of the blue. Caj)tains. Hon, Edward Legge John Orme James Rentoi;ie Thomas PVankland Charles Colby Hon. John Hamilton Jofeph Hamer Sir Charles Molloy^ Smith Callis Robert Erfkine John Pitman Charles Catford Thomas Hanway Edward Spragge. On the 3d of June the evidence on both fides was clofed, when the court paffed the following fentence, which was read by the Judge Advocate, viz. " That the court were of opinion, that the information " the charge was founded upon was not true ; and that " the evidence in fupport of the charge was not fuihcient ** to make it good ; and that many witnefles in fupport of *' the charge, as Ukcv\ifc thofe in the admiral's det< nee, '^ had \ A V A L r : I n o N' o I o c, y . ... *^ h?.J refutOii the wh .;.-. 'rhcicf.'Tr the court una:;!- ^I> " n,Mu:U .K-iii::;.! \ .. ; .u! Lcl^,ck .l' ihc wh.ic ' '' " a:ui L'.cr\ ;irt ( ihc c^.^r.^/.' W h;ii {':..< court !!-.arti..l '/ C:::\:\: a vrrv fin^ti'.ir c;r:ii:ii!'.>-vc *-a,.p(rc(l. Cn t;i" i s:S t-f M-v the jucll- tL-iit (.(' t',j (. .i;t ar.. ;K 1 bv '.:!i-- - : .1 w.-iC .,.: i. v.-ere \'^:-- (j:-:- -.J ci! :':: .[ . , . .. : j';;t:.c; :h-ij, \v.;,. a < n, :;'';. aac.', v.. , . . i :::>'! ;b . e >:.. >;-:,.L': ..: b^', : e hi > t:: t': ' \ , ;s \ . t : .]; .-J \'..L D\:r:-: uf Xv-Vvai};,- t 1 ur;'c .; ; a. A'.- t ' :;'; 1 :J^ . ! the .;J:;;!r::'ty, v./. '* !n..t hs inr.:'. c:<,-v";,i ;-:.: " (ii plvali:: L.r flu- iMU;'- ( ; : '. : . ;1. c- . i: t-n:.i; t..:', bv " \\h;tb '.be iMib:..rv b.ib :, ;, c ;i,j ::.. ' ' le.ted; a:;.i 11. e k':;: !; ' b! . >:. ..-. .-w. . b , , a " '>!" I.' u' -.:: biy (a"";- > rcia^-a. II - :: ; ' '. :,... " if uaJ'-r c a:;b :..' i a :',. A , (.^ s 1: a. .". bj .1 i . a _ bbe *' !o : ' i,;ea (>a a a" 1 ba i a' ; aiii ,e<. i -.,. i h .a . ( i ai : r i baAaa -; tb-- C' -iir taa.a L.a', a aib- eaa, .1 e.-iM la.ia. a ;,;! aa aba;- t.. bv t.b.- a ia: . aajl .Iv, .a! w..^ ; ' . t . ;db :-t a; 1; ba ;'. .. a! ^ ; ty <' b b : pr. ; 1>. \s-.:s I ; y ! i'',- tba t\ ". v: a beaia ibat l 1 t a- baJ i a -r ; :lt ' a i; : and all ;la ;a aab.:s ,.| h- [ a:t. '' A^ U' ':aa:a ;^ iia a- bi v . a' - ' '1 " a -'r^-.iowliJ. e h ai!.!l t ' ia- ia ta,- v. . '- 1- l.ibaba a.- ;^ ; a : ad ; . b r ,.J. ; ) a ,. aa . . : . 1 " t.i .''a' ;;ahai b:- b..> i;-i;,d; v.- r: -.u^ \va ; " a, aia-N are un,i 'a ra't la '" b- 1 ' ta a w e uaaa- I- a: ; ' a,.;' .^.-ai ai : . . ; " r ,, acivad ..r l..aa e'b/ : _|a!t- ,; W ' /,, aa:-- '' hivvs (iblia^d :ii i^aja., ..>\v-.d ..- lai.,., t' \^l. !. ' ( ' " - r. a 22() NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. c j^irj^ fotisfaftion as far as it is in our power. And, as *74^ the injury we did him was of a public nature, we do " in this public manner declare, that we are now fatisfied, " the reflections caft upon him in our refolutions of the " i6th and 21ft: of May latt, were unjuft, unwarrantable, *' and without any foundation whatfoever ; and we do a(k " pardon of his lordfhip, nnd of the court of common " pleas, for the indignity offered both to him and the " court." On the 1 6th of June the court-martial proceeded to the trial of Admiral Matthews. Fifteen charges were ex- hibited againfl him by Vice-admiral Leftock ; mofl of them tending to prove, that through his mifconducf, the failure of fuccefs of his majedy's fleet in the Mediterranean was principally owing. "I'he members compofing the court were as follows : Prefident. Perry Maync, Efq. Rear-admiral of the blue Hon. John Bing, Rear-admiral of the blue. Captains. Miles Stapleton Sir Charles Molloy lion. Edward Legge Callis Smith James Rentone John Pitman Thomas Frankland Charles Catford Sir William Hewit Thomas Hanway Charles Colby George Elliot lion. John Hamilton Edward Sprage Sheldrake Laton John Orme Jofej^h Hamer From the number of witneflcs to examine, and the fre- quent adjournments, the court did not pafs fentence until tlie 22d of OcSlober, as follows, yiz. " The court having examined the witneffes produced, ' as well in fupport of the charge as in behalf of the pri- " fjner; and having thorouglily confidered their evi- " dc-nce, do unanimoufly refolve, That it appears thereby, " that Thomas M.:tthews, Efq. by divers breaches of " duty, was a principal caufe of the mifcarriage of his " rni!Jc{iy's fleet in the Mediterranean, in the month of *' February 1744 ; and that he falls under the 14th article " of an act of the 13th of Car. II. for cffabliihing ar- " tides and orders /or the regulating the better govern- " ment of his m;:iclly's navies, fliips of war, and forces by " fcaj N V \ A I. CI! 1:0 Vn I or, V. " kM ; a:ui tiic f-u:t .!j t:ri.!:.-;ii niflN thi::< f.' ly '' 0:c \.:a\ Ttl ::.;n M.i:ti;.-ws t h- c.i.^ickJ, ..:.,. : ' i! rr.i iiic:i;\i:i;i- o! .;iiy fA\:K'>v m !..> in..!clt\'s Icr. ;i\-." 1 h.-> UMs 111 iU-iKT.'.l c >;it\i-:'\l .1 i..-rv I vltc (sv.'.va. c ; f ir .i';h>:'.i ,;i iii.nh i;m\ I^j .if..A t i thv Ciii-iu.-t rt" AJ'n,:al M.;tthf'.v^, (Ml t!;.- !. .;i ^ ...;:,>.. li:v which ha. i (uhi'ltci !v'.'.vcx-n \v.\n .iiul A'!, 111;.;: I,c'|>A'k' mmii! \\a: c "p-.T.UcJ '.L-rv :mi !it'i the pi '.'.kI.,.- (.1 t:ij 1.-: . i;.-, :Ki i.Tc.itK- c 'niMiHilcJ t ) rr.s uii!.>; tu:i.;t.: i:..;^ .r ; .. \\ ^. . '1 li.;i),)v;i.'J. ( )n tlu- g:h uf I^hruaiv -he Pt.rr'.;..:, . : 5 ..,,. ^ ->. t.i;n L'!.;:!c^ Stcci;-, to, k, :-.::iT .;:i (I' c."!!.'.!.:!-:!.-!'.: oi' two h"u:s an.l a ha!;, \ .' .\ m!;;-, .t hra:;. h ih:;) , ; w.;;- of 5~ L^iaiN anJ .t; ' nun. I lie (lu^lu'^ Hiai uas c::- tircU' J.r.iia'.'cJ, 5- i-v.-n ^/:!.-J, ,:.; u.;. w ,u.;.; !. 'I'-, - \\.:ih:d \:J f.'., k:::c,i, an 1 1 ^ u .;-.;.>:. H-r :m..;!s wcr^- iMiic'i r: :., '.c :, .1:1: thi- m.'. i:;.: aiid l.:i.'s c;: : > pu\\-<;. I." \'.i.-';!k- was t..kcii liil.i tnc r.av '. , .. i , '-1 t:..:^,:::ai.!-. ;:;,/., _ ^ m t'^- 1,1:1:14 I'.u c\pL-.!,:;o:i w."; p'..'-!ii.; : ' ;:._ rcei:'.t;..i; , (" (^icbrc'; ! a th;. p-rp ;. a l,.r.;- h:d\ > ( '..'.-.d ii^rc':-^ i.;:i,icr th.f u '!i:'K'.:. ! i,t I .it. ii:>-:ia: . .~-:. C!, w.i-. a^"t'aal!\' citiliai f| ilnj-^ <.} .> to cl'-i r; tiiiau to (J i;'.uc. I'or l-:ii !; ,, thl^ .;::; aTr;:!. v.'..s iIj: .,:,>'! a'. ^:>; tlic.u:, ; .:..-, too |,.r .u!'. ..ih"cu to iiiiJc: :.:!: .w/. ....:' 1- ; '. ..t'oiw (i:i ;h'' I < alt oi ;\;ric; ica. I... :;. ..:; cha:._o .1 It- C- It irati..!., aiai i.l.a'.a-.; to ii;.i ^ .;;) .;u,>-. - (!.;::. cla!'.tnt III th< v ..'.\ '>\ ll;;'.!:;: . 'I h- ( i;r::v. ! , , ti;c Kr- ; on !: s iaj- ,: ;. ; W .. : ;! I.dio.i.-. ( )n !' 5-', m; A';, .' (1 t:-ai;l;na;> Tai J. Io'::i S:. I la, , . -lo J-"!'* moirh .~^' :i::,i t)v c ai::.. y .'. , ;i::.iiii 1 .' ii (i;i tlij I ; ;! i ! S.. , coal! ( : i''i.;iu-c 0:1 tha 1 ,-'i. I ; . . ;.,,, r ,,- . tion \\.;^ to ciuica,-. (.:: t* I'.alti'iv 1'. :t I,'' >:,:', u ;: : th-a I'laiuh !. a. t-likiia <.'<:!.( aiv :;;' vi I a: ',:';: (a., 'N ,. ! (i: ;v.:;rv'il tlu- ' .,:: ,:'t < i ['ua: iti :i ^ .!:;a ni- u ' a- : ,- a < h'l '.he 2. :h, ;> a:ui a.r'.'liTS w; :a h,:-. l(.ii ii.,.-v ;;. ii l\at I/C):.i;.-, ..: ' 22S NAVAL ClIROXOLOGY, A.D, their march, being very little annoyed by the enemy, c%- 1746 cept from a few fkirmifliing parties of the militia. On the 22d, the general took poft not far from the town, and fent in a flag of truce, demanding the furrender of the place immediately. The inhabitants were fo much terri- fied, lell the town fhould be deftroyed, that the next morning they fer;t out three deputies to offer terms of ca- pitulation, which were rejected by General St. Clair, who infifled that the place fhould furrender at difcretion, and gave them three hours to confider of the matter. By this time the whole coaft was alarmed ; the enemy mounted feveral cannon on the ramparts, and were reinforced by a confiderable body of regular troops, and prepared to make a vigorous defence. Had the general made an immediate attack the firft night of his appearing before the town, it would have been carried without much difficulty. But the reduction of it was rendered imprailicable by delay ; and the Britifh forces were in danger of having their re- treat cut ofF from the fleet. Several councils of war were held, wherein it was refolved to reimbark the troops, which was accomplifiied by the 30th ; and as it was the opinion of the fea officers, that the fleet remaining any longer on the French coafl would be attended with great danger, it was determined to proceed to Ireland. During the reimbarkation of the troops. Admiral Lertock, on the ifl of 06tober, received a letter from Captain Leke, of the Exeter, (who had been fent to found Qi^iiberon bay) in which he gave fo favourable an account of the anchorage, that the admiral was refolved, notwith- ftanding the opinion of the council of war, to proceed there with the fleet and army. On the 2d the fleet an- chored in Quiberon bay, excepting ibme of the tranfports and a ffore-fhip, which had been feparated from the fleet by the badnefs of the weather, and were obliged to bear away for England. This diminution of force prevented any enterprize of importance being undertaken. The ad- miral and general therefore, after dcftroying the fortifica- tions on the iflands of Houat and Hedic, as well as thofe on the Peninfula, returned to England*'. The day before the admiral's arrival in (^liberon bay, Captain Lckc, in the Exeter, with the Pool and Taviflock ' I'cetlbii's Naval and Military Memoirs, vol. i. page 310 to 326. floop. ^. A '. '. I. C I! !.(, NOl CM, V . ' 'np, !:.ulc-ig:\r(d an.! t: rc-.i >.:i Hi >:: 1/AtJv-i;', . i]\..i lit" \\..T V* tj\. J ;nv , ll.c V.'..-. ..::l u-.:r>.;N . : i : ( : irr,'.-ii, hv tti'- 'i ..r' ct l.t- ; . t. ]"-s i').., u,.- t'c I ),ic D' Air'.'.'.r"^ Iir.i.-urt ii, tr.,i; h.; ; i.e.: a .,r.-.u J,:!r:S. Cn ::- 24-1 ^ .\;r;i, N'r. ^^ .: v; ;' ((c S',. 'th,:.!!, h,;\,:i; bcjc-n put...;, l.i C;i"!-;ii:^;i,l .. I':;, ..11 pr.v.irivr oi :.-. n ::..-, .. \'c-N; I 1; :n \\ ::r:, a:-.i :::r(.r a vl :":'::..;:; : ho'!!s .ii;-! a li.ilf, ill \vh.' h aii ;i.s .fn;; jv a 'rj, b).ii\!cJ, and t-^c^k a j : . . .::. -r I'.^^.v ...i of ten ;j'a:i., c. .:!-.::_ .n I'wv ' , ,.:; i i.-. r,tv-i- ,; ' forty-bx ( * wh^Au v.\ ro ^';'.:^.l ( )a ;'u- .'.I'ln ; a iniart act''.n, au't!-,.:! >.,j^v, u \ i,\-..t.(:, . : . thirt\' tu.i :;;, II. .Mr .M:\iWii \'/.i> yi the a(.iiii!!-,v!tv to . c ri.aiiTUiiil d .; . . pa", in: lich.A i..'ir. ( )a t:;c S-ii . tO-'t Ser, ': W .:/.: ;:. ;-, ..r I C.ijit.iiM 1 lu. h i'.:!i :cr, ..ii-r ,..; ^ !;;..:. it a^t., 1:1, " } rcncJi ;'>; .v,i*r:-i -., tiic k..:::!c, <' \'> < :. .y ..% >; ilx r'.\-,v cIs 4S iiK-n ; aa.i the i rt.n , i t ' T :.:. reruns l^l'AiV'.U, ami ^^5 nie 1. i . : i'tn a:*.;. tain i'a'l.:' r vva- ni.i it .1 ; .1:. i ,:; .' n Oa tlie I i;.". <'t ( )ct"!Kr C\:;);.ea i' NottniLb. m I'l t :: '; ui>, ar,.! .1 aai; , ' C'liM', tia; .\i.!s -1 I- :''.T- '; l!i ;i 'l u.i 5' Mir n, t'- .n;;r av:. >l iv,- M ,'(.',: a.'i, , \, , a tile Ni .uia :b.i a ,it:.-i' .i a!. ; ... ', a . ; ;a. a i a >, i .5 nii.a k;!.a.i .la.i 1 t v: 1:..'. i. 1 .' " tbice kiiitj and naa- wo a: ia '. la- . ',- ... tile n.a, v. C)a tb.e I /ia (> Nu-.a-aiSe:", t'a- P.'" ..:, I ven^, t' (i< ><'{ { lli.a;;, I..1 .^ aa:''- ! a. M 1 ain-, .aiJ .' nica. .M'.e u.i^ . . ' e.iila.i the .A a.i/i ai. The I), -.laee, C'apMai I'.'vv' ", .:' : h< U'S t'" ^; I/.\nil)a' I'l .;a h * ^ a nu a ; i'l d u 11 mi vvcf ; r. l)a;a.;u(' ti.ui i.u.- m ai kIIc! .....1 a :.a \\>'.i .. .\ \v is .-.^u .'. {'< :h.- N.i. v. i !v h.m air.ib'" C a t.. a \'> a .i-xc:\ a; '^ the .Mercairv, .1 I'l aia li lln a "t '.v,a t ^ ^ :.ah..4atil i!ra ;.. the I\ie' I '" \ 230 NAVAL CHKOXOLOGY. A.D. The Britifli privateers were very fuccefsful this year. 1/4^ On the 1 3th of March, the Warren and Saltafh attacked a French convoy at anchor off Port St. Louis, protecledby an armed fliip of 10 guns; which they captured, with four of the merchantmen, and drove afhore lixteen others. In April, the Alexander privateer, mounting 20 fix pounders, and 150 men, commanded by Captain Phillips, being on a cruife, obferved a large fhip come to an anchor under a fmall fort in St. Martin'.- road, in the ifle of Rhee. Captain Phillips flood boldly in, boarded her with fifty men, and brought her off^. She proved to be his majePty's fhip the Solebay, of 22 nine pounders, and 230 men, taken by the French in the year 1744- His maiefty, as a reward for the Intrepid behaviour difplayed by Captain Phillips on this occafion, ordered him a purfe of 500 guineas; and prefented him with a gold medal worth 200 more. The Fame, a fnow privateer belonging to Liverpool, commanded by Captain Fortunatus Wright, on a cruize in the Levant, took fixtcen French fhips, one of them mount- ed twenty guns, and 150 men, fitted out exprefsly for the purpofe to take or deflroy the Fame. They engaged furioufly for three hours off the ifland of Cyprus ; when the enemy ran their lliip afhore, and fled up the coun-try. The Fame's crew boarded and brought her off. The Dublin privateer took a regifter fhip worth 100,000]. and the King George, Prince Frederick, and Duke, took another worth 150,0001. A caufewas tried this year before the court of admiralty, between the officers and crew of the Centurion, and thofe of the (Tloucefter. The queffion to be decided was, whe- ther thdfe of the latter fnip were entitled to a proportionate fnare of the prize money with the Centurion's people, their ihip being loft. The court decreed it in their favour; they being on board the Centurion at the time of the capture of the Acapulcalhip, and equally affifiing in the action. In confequcnce of the encouragement given to fuch ad- vciU'irers as fnould difcover a pail'age to Japan and Chir.a, by Iludfon's bay ; two attempts Vv'ere made, but with as lit- tle fucccis as heretofore. An act of parliament paficd, for every fhip built in Great Piitain, or in his majelty's plantations in North America, on her iirfi. going to lea, to be furniflied with a complete fet of \ A \ A I, i Ui:i'\ ' I i>(,\ . i t Liils made ct ihv t'i;l tlcith ir...:v.if.i tjrcJ in (]rc\: ': t.iiii, uiuicr tho pcnaUv nt 5.',. ; ,i'.i.. c\cr\ l-.i! ;..i.^. , i:i liritaiu ov ih- i)l.:i>:.rM:iv, (!, tui c. c; v l.ui, .ititx, (^r imprcls i;i '.v-.tcis .uui u\ .'.r ! -d. -.n, t..-, i;.i!iii: .i:ul jiricj oi ;'.h(.J.", imdci .1 pcp.i'[\ ! t.ii ;) .:::u!-. ();i t.'K- 22J ot June, a lir:..n luui l:.';i <..'.:\\ tr.>'ii th- Due l)'A:r, -lie,-* ii.v, 1:1 ;i:i.i t h.s Cv-ii .-. v .i ' u,.; t!.;iil,)>):t-S With J500 l.o);^, t;,:{::i;\i : :' i _\m- \crv ut Louiibui! L^, tlic [n.rdio;! ol L" ."...,'.:, ,.; ,1 :'i,- rciiu]uclt of X wa^ 'i .:ir. rc-.a ov .i Iq i.ui:. ;; ;. 'nh .iiiiNcJ t.'Din 1 ..'.j:..iiJ, uiuiiT the C')-ii;na:ii i.: Iv,::-.\v:- niira! r>in.^ ll;- i'uct jn-iioniivu p.i) \ cliti. :.., irr- \'icc ; It w.ts tiiic'lv L-;npli>\cd in w.iwlw.] i tri;- nit'., :.- .,; the ik-i-'s. I Ik* v,c-c-avi:r.;i.i; \v.i> \ j: . HI annoviiij the i'11l!1.\', I'V a juJ.ciuii. ai r.i!i 'c:r-.'.; -; . .> cru./.cr^ i aP.ii all I rcihi u J j; lm: a.Ii.i.iiu' t i ,. Auit; i.iMn ami ]'ivJ;iU)Htc;c, 1:1 ii'.jw (ip. lalion^ a.,..,..:: a:;j ^\^iUar^.i^. N I M ; I i I \ : ' ; I t \ . ( )m tlic I ':i ( t >cp; a'v-i, tl::- ! irnrh Iv;':.i>!. .-ii, 1:;;.: ; ih;' Dur I)' \m'. I ;., a;;iv.di:i t.'.:-- v .'.1:^ ot \, i\ .1 > -.'Va ; ami n;i r\ 1 ^:n 1' um> J,1,)l'I : ;d \ > .' \ < \':r.: lli: ; \,-: r: .,'. (tt ih:: tra;;l'ji',its I : .ih '. < ):i the I 5'Ji the ! )iu- i )' \:i\ .'.If a:rivcJ 1:1 th;- ha:h.a: > : ^'^- b.)ct(iii, witli ;r. ' ih/.i^ I't w.ii, .\r..\ a- :n.i,;v f:ap' rts. Olithc ?-th he \va< uriiA in M, ,le l\.:i:-v : 'h '.v h ' ti.icc ()i:l o: UMirf,-;', r..j\.vc.';i" , . iriaii i;tr\ I'l.v. S -I'li at-a th.n; airi'. a , :;u- J);, j) '. tiicvi < ! an aMn,,h\\ ; ;:.. i. -niMnJ Jcvo''..-.: >> Toir Mi--i', a ;naa I a ;;i i;i ' i.ha! -i;: anji i::i,-.: ; . [: , \v;iM put .:.M : ' ; I .;> ev..! JlK'e, i;\ i o: ;i:e Jc^ lii ii < I .: . ; \sa.r, the ni.-'vji; . .. ^ ' .i 232 NAVAL CHROKOLOG'f A.D. fered with him in opinion on the pian of operations. M. de * 74^ Jonquierre, who now fucceeded to the command, found his forces fo much reduced ; and the fmall-pox breaking out among them, carried off above tv.'o thoufand foidiers and failors. It was therefore refoived, in a council of war, to relinquilli the enterprife, and return to Europe with the v/reck of their Ihattered forcei;. On the I2th 'f October they fiiiied irom Cl.iboctou, having converted fome of the men of war into hoipirai fhips.-' Vice-Admiral Tcwnfend arrived at LouilDourg with a fqu'idron from the Wcf! -indies ;f which entirely protected that place aivd Annapoi'. ; from any attempts the French mii!;l:r .nve \ru^>l?. a[-?/r.[': them. On the 4i:h of Au;i;u[t, the Pembroke, Captain Fincher, took off the banks of Ncvfoundland, La Ferm.e, a French Ihip of vvar cf 50 guns, bound to Quebec with (lores, &c. Tihi Albany TK/Op of war, Captain Colby, going with difpatches from Louifl^ourg to Boflon, was taken by Le Caftor French frigate, and carried intoChiboctou. T. E E AV . V II D I S L A X U S . Early in January, Vice Admiral Tovvnfend failed from St. Chriilopher's with fuch of his fqiadron as could be fpared, for the prote6tion oi l..ouifl)ourg; and our poflef- iions in Nova Scotia. 'I In the latitude of 40 degrees north, he was overtaken by a violent dorm, which gready fhat- tercd and difpcrfed the fleet, and obliged him to return to the "Weft-Indies. The PrincefFa and Ipfv.'ich bore away for England; the latter in the utmoft diftrefs, having loft her rudder, and entirely difmaftcd. In this mlferable fituation file was driving about at the mercy of the waves, for feve- rai days; when, by the ingenuity of one of the fcamen, 4 machine war; invented to iteer her. On the 22d of April Ihe arrived at Plymouth, in the moft wretched ftafe ima- ginable ; her crew were driven to the dreadful ncceflity of eating their meat rav/ for three v.'ceks ; and fearcely any but brackifti water to drink, the fhip having at times been wa- ter logged, which ftove fevcra], and damaged moft of the other calks in vhe huld. Fifty of the crew died on the paf- * Aprcncliv, Cliap. II. Ko. 45. t ApjvTKlix, C'luip. II. N, J.;. 1 ^y^:.n l...)ii..s \';.c A.i:K.r.;l I'.-'v rt M:t-.i t)i<; fh ps he l.'.:icil IT I. 'n.'iri!;, k-iv.. um.iinl ut cnc 1 !'., Sl-.l.;! .in; \'. oclwu h, (I ^^ ,:uMs i .. h, o:i th'-ir retiir.'i h ';!_ \vi h t.'.u icmuc',, i.- : i;i w::h tn.: } : -I'.ch fki'i druii uiuicr M C.i:i;l.i:: . C.i r.iiii I.ctln-, i:i tdi- Sc- \cri:, bv lij ttvj tc!u>'r (-:?,,;, n....:c i\.: i:^i,.i! i,,r tri;- Ci n- voy t'> lli:ft tor t'ticrnkivc^ , .n.ii K'-rpin: h;:p.!vl; iii m-, ni.'.mt iii'.cd .irunii.ri.; :i^!it wii'i tiu cnciiiv t ! niict 1; 'i:s whc:i Iccm^ d'.U h;M-(':r.(-v \':c:c .',it i.t .: i;;^ >_:, .:n ii:i v.iin :i;i}' l.>:.j;cr to ic:i!l !' l:j,>-n.)i .i to.-i.--, :i.- liriLk. Hi>. maicliv, :) tflt;;\ p> !;);}r. >!\i:;, 1:1 i.t' L'.;. tain Lrllu-^ cn- (iujt !j;)tjr\ il;.> cccm:'; n, on in- Ivni.:; -v. h.i:i';.-J, aj,,onuc3 )ii;n t ' tile c:onrn..n.i "i \hj V ij ;! m;, (>! ^4. jun<. I nc W ut)Ivv!C;i .;nJ Cv)n\o\ .i: m\cJ i.;."^ la Ln_:,lanJ. .1 \ M \ ITA. \' i<^.-- Ad:n:r i! D.ivcr';, wfio coniTuirricJ the fleet ori this fl;;t;on h;i\niij; reCii'. ei int; li,.;iice, .1 Lir^e eon'.'oy iind.-; M. c.c v',nnl^n^, i\,>e^t-ii lioni Kur.'ne, at CrK- ! : mco.s ; heirij, at t:iiN time connn-k! l'<,' ,, nel^, lie- t.u'hed C'.ii t.tin Co::'.. !;:.^ .Miteiii 1 witn .i liju.iui 1 ;i to eru./c o;t L'^'^'c' ^ t I .r.'-. ;ce;': liien . At ti.ree nW n k i!i t!u- .ittc: noi Jii ( li [.]: .;.! o! .An^ilf, l.-\cntv Itil ot th^- CT.eiM}- Wi-!c d.i (^>. ) !-.ev...: d, eie.-rt-.i I'V Ii'iir f)i.;>Mit \\.a:.| C-o iimf .i ue .M:ti !ie!, :r:l*e.i.! ( ! !n!tantK' he.irin.; tio.'.'ii t.) ..".ta. k t'l'.ii), c.;!:e.i a eoine:! (.1 war; wh.rieni it was reloo.^.i t> tn n-.t ;y 'rnii;' at di', h^h;. 1!.:: vsi'icn that ;v,t;(/u ar;i;e.i, tiu C >ni;nouo;c tcic as >!. 1). I,. 1 1 I I .\ , ! . /.-I 4-1 234 NAVAL CHROXOLOGV, A.D. inclination to engage them, as he had done on the prece- ^74^ ding dayj lying to windward with his fquadron. On the morning of the 4th the two fquadrons had approached to within two leagues of each other. M. de Conflans not doubting, but that he Ihould be immediately attacked, formed his line of battle, with a refolution to defend his convoy. A long calm prevented them from nearing each other, till four in the afternoon; when a fine breeze, favor- able to the Britiili, fpringing up, every one on board was in anxi us expe6tation of being led down to battle; but to their utter allonifhment, the fignal was made to haul on a wind, and (horten fail. M. de Conflans furprifed at fuch difgraceful conducfi:, in return gave chace, and at eight o'clock at night his leading fliip was clofe up with the Lenox, and began to engage her : Captain Lawrence de- fended his {hip with great bravery for near two hours, when the French admiral bore away to join his convoy. Captain Mitchell was fo much alarmed, left the French Ihould con- tinue the purfuit, that he ordered the fliips of his fquadron to put out their lights, and to make fail from the enemy. On the 1 8th of C)^ober, Vice-Admiral Davers died, when the command of th.'i fquadron devolved on Captain Mitchell, whofe cowardly and ignominious conduct had been reprefented to the admiralty. Commodore Smith was therefore fent out with orders to fuperfede, and bring him to a court-martial ; which, on his arrival, was accordingly held in Port Royal Harbour. Such was the lenity of the court, that although nothing could be more clearly proved, than the charges of cowardice and neglect of duty when in fight of the French fleet; they only adjudged him to be mulled of five years pay, and rendered incapable of ever fcrving again in the royal navy. Captain David Erodie, in the Merlin floop of war, cruized with his ufual fuccefs and activity. After a very fevere aftion, he took two large French fliips of great va- lue, in which he loft his right arm. For his vigilance and bravery, he was promoted to the command of the Canter- bury, of 60 guns. EAST- 1 N'])IKS. Early in the year, Commodore Barnet arrived at A^a- dras; and being foon after reinforced by the Wincheftcr and Harwich, of 50 guns each, from England, he font home \ \ \ A r, c in;<) \ (H or, v. l\>w.c the Dcptford and Di-niwi.J, wii'^h u\.rJ in a v.-.\ A I). b.ui ( oi;Jit..)-i. I , ,'> AhovU tr.:s tiniv, aJ'.ice \ r ( ;-.vci.l a l'"i-:r..:i i.;uaJr<>n, coiiriltm.: > .!:: i.J :..[ war, i.'.-i- C-jr tlx v.Mi;i;iKiiKi I I .M. 1.1 H lu; ; .11 ;..., li.i,: ; . ' ' ::, -n f'icr M.L i:;m-, i1c;1::k\1 t">>r tiu- ro.ilt li C: * ' n,!t:''.", . li,uiC th.s t-nu", I'.iti.ui.iJ .1 i<',, ._ d'.i:;i (.1 C()Mi:r.i dorc i .uiict ; v.\\.'[c Iv.c-. lii : . 1.!; in 110 nn- lis .uicou.itc ti' Iv Miv; >! t.iiit .1 c" i : Corr. rr.irDUurv i i Mkii fruiLi! lu'iu'c L-;i 1 it: >. \) a \ ' ti. "N';'.:^.ip.if:'.;-ii, t !!:til cai'.v m the v,:. [.i:.,, vv!v.-;i t;v.- ! :cnch :w;ii.'-ii:(.:'. w.i^ .il<'ii_: Hi'^rc t-> t':-.c i'.> r::ivvaiJ. .\lth the .1 J'.m:.: I.:-- r' thv v'..i;J, Cjnini.- i. (i.)Vv:i > <...>; witli t:u- ci.cnu, .11. d i;;u;! i..;li; w\-'ov-!. m tlu . ':!. rii^'on ; .::.J i .^ :i ., . .i uii^.incf, t' little d.'.::K!.:f w.i^ c :ic (1:1 i./.'; ".t ]:'.:hl iV.-j I>; ;.Jii.:i< hut.-. ill:,! the- r di:i.;;i- l, ,::; i [.. U: . ;\'i. ] ..L lcl> lii!;.. . :.L-o h\' t'u- l)i i;.;':i w.i'> tou: !. : ni^n kil'td, a;iu r ! :) -!;\ V. ' Muivd. I'hv cncir.', \ .i;;M'.i:i;;-ii to ru'c;;*-,' t>;v.:i ni;:: k.'!^t:, .;:ni hlt\ -"lii c;* uuu. .:..!. IK- l:il':i;.,i;.- v>,'s cA:.:..[ i, ai.d <>:hci\v.:i- ! 1 n;i:c,; .: i.N' A tn.U M. 1. 1 li.)u: d..:^:. ', ordi-ir:! nrr t>' H- :5 ' t > ; . :: , lli w.isloft i:i tTi'j niuu'.h (.1 tiij vj.u',:-, .iiiJ .;,! ;'k-i1c;v p-j- rillK'.i. I !".', next nicniii-'' ;';;. 1' .enc 1 io'i.. ':'.>m w t , .is :t i..,:ili ;;. i.I'i tiu:ii !i;itt!r. L'o'nni'u;! -i c W::' : > \v:ij;ctii ii w i> rri m,(\!, ii' ..^ i;i ' i le.'k'., .irxl t;i<' 1 .'.hi : l!u;is nuu!. Ijv hi_'r.!\ nn ik. v 1..I t>> tlu- ;,: . ': i.-c;i,'_ ;'t. Ill (1^:1: ';>; -lu <'. t ,: ,. : ,., ' t--hpi..!: .:i Ur-l.-l ;>.. r;;:..- -..ilr, ,:: !':/ 1 h.:!, .iMii t'- 1 -c!! ii !' : ;' : . ' rv. ( i;i thv 'Ml '! A 1 'ii'- ' . :' ' 11 I; :'it 1,,' (. .it'll . "!.;, I'l ikIp. i><. n\ ; V, (; -n {.'. n, . .1 ^.. . : > .i'. mJ .111 fii ' ;.' . ;.^'.t , . c \,ar., L./.: ]]: !ii.i(ii.- l.iii li--'' u::.i.';\ .. .. '236 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. commodore, M. la Bourdannois was refolved to lay fiege '74^ to Madras, and proceeded to Pondicherry to make the necefi'ary arrangements. On the 15th of Auguft the French fquadron anchored in A-'Iadras road, :.nd began to cannonade the town. Commodore Peyton foon after ar- rived in Pullicate road, about eight leagues to *he north- ward of iVIadras. The governor and councM i/ulantl)- made known to him the perilous fl'.uation of the lettlement, and entreated him to come ro its leiief; infc-ad of v/hich he proceeded to Bengal, pleading in rx-^ufe, that the very leaky condition of ihe ivieJway would endanger her com- ing into action. The fettlemeiit being thus left to its fate, was clofely inverted by fea and land. On the 10th of bcp:;cmber, Governor Morfe, to fave the tov.'p from being entirely de- flroyed, agreed to capitulate, on ihe terms pro;>ofed by M. La Bourdannois, who allowed the inhabitants to ranfom the place for i,ioc,ooo pagodas, or 440,0001. fteilmg. The Britifh v/ere permitted to rtfide unriiMielied in their houfes, and La Bourdanrois ac^cd in all refpei^i^ a: became a man of the ftriitcfc honour ar.d probiiy. On the 27th of September the Fitriich ^qiiadrcri was re- inforced by three fail of the line from 1' ranee*. On the 2d of October, at midri:gbt, a moft furious ito.Tn arofe, which continued to blow with the greattft vioi.-iice till noon t^3 next day. l^.ree French {hips of war foundered, and their crews perifhed. 'Flie adrnirc'l's I'hip and two others were difmaft'^d, and notv>ir'") (tan ding they threw overboard all theit lower-deck guns^ it was with ditr.culty they were favcd. Several merchant veiTels v/ere loft with their crews. This dreadfal ftorrn v.-as not felt by the fhips in Pondicherry road. On the 1 2th of Ocfober, M. La Bourdannois failed with a part of his fquadron to the Mauri'-ius, and fent the reft to refit at Achen. Soon after his departure from the coaft, M. Dupleix, governor of Pondicherry, an artful and avaricious man, jealous of the authority ol M. La Bour- dannois, fcandaloufly violated the terms on which the pre- fidency of Madras had capitulated, obliging all the Britifh inhabitants to evacuate the place, and declared the ranfom null.f Towards Aj^t-ndix, Chup. II. No. 4?;. f Abbe Key utl lays, " bo many misfortunes brouf^hton, by the \Av A I, ninovc" r.o(, v. ^ow.Ul;^ ih- end <.*' t>.c yt.'.- C .".::i Jore Gr::-".n .u- iivcd fii.iii r : .l.irj w.rh ;-vt_ Hi', is i.;;, winci ...'.c a ni(j;c t.iw.i.:..b!c rin, tn -.c .;tt".:l;^ ;m !:-.J:.i. C\i;>' ::. ii>..J; .;; till' ^ ';;:t -I 'iiis \TUr. iri:,> :.i-, ..; ;. i .uid: . .(;;d A-r.r: :ca l I '_. .j; .-. A I) Total [.ifccn ;!- Ill il.v. (.;..::.. i^.X) llii'.ifli t .k.v;i In ;tv.- Sp.'.:-;ar\is ^I\) t^kvji iiu,!i t;i- (.;.j :;v 4-' i Jj.:\incc 111 t.ivuur of thv in'.-:::y 1 i'j N-.twi:h:lu;K::;i ; -he- :'l;^'v: .i:);'";::s ;i_:.ii::f! C^roar Tri- ta:;' ; in nl \.i'..:r the c w.i^ ir,;Kh 111 iicr ii- vi^ur, as aituH: ; lli.- pi/cs ucic ir:\ rt-jilfrr Hrps t.iiccii tiOtU the Spam ;rt!-, .;'-.i !c\cr\il i:i.ii \'.'elt-li,ui.iincn ..;.i Turkey fli:[)< Iroiu inj Ficiich. ni I r mt i \ ^ 1 > A J 110 M 1. }-.arlv in tiic k-iTion tlv [).ii !:.i:nv:u v..;-i', th'.- Ic.i fcrvice or th.c current Wir.} ,' . 1 nu.", .'.n i 11,1; ma- rine-., lot t!.L- (.:.;;i,.i: . ot tt'.er....'. l)^,:',. 1,"^. Sd.; tor (jrcen'Ai.h b-.l^r-.i'i i ,_.!., ;. i huipital (0,-:0'1.. :^,v:.r^l^ y_, :;,_r i.tF trie :;a'/v de:n l,^ , I. The total luj'j i. -b V.jt'. J .i.iiouiite.: U- t^, : j-ji ' ' - -" - j'- J)V a:i (>:.!. r m CoiiPw;, (iatfu t'".-- 1 "'i i ->: ,!.'.: v, fnabl.:ii.- ! I'l.r. U'.is !;i !f .r v^n ' > th,- (.;:(.!> :;i ihr :^i\al '>V' K-7 ip.i.:,t: .1 I : w.irii :>y ;id;nii'; -, ca'p:a'n-, .. I lie ' r '. n^h r:;:. it i v n.i:;: -, a ; ! in. Iili.pinei. .. ,:i N. ! :h A:.: : .. 1, \', . : . .Xt. ,, .. to ;na^c 233 KATAL CHDONOLOGYi ^^' another effort to recover Cape Breton. For this pur- ^ 7+7 pole a ftrong fquadron was equipped at Breft, and the command given to M. de la Jonquierre. At the fame time another fquadron was prepared to fail to the Eaft- Indies, under the command of M. de St. George. For the better protection of the trading fhip?, againft any at- tempts of the Britiih cruizers ; thefe fquadrons were to proceed in company fo far as their courfes were the fame. To counteract the defigns of the French cabinet, ad- miniftration ordered a ftrong fquadron to be got ready, the command of which was conferred on Vice admiral Anfon, and Rear-admiral Warren-. On the gth of April they failed from Plymouth, and continued to cruize off cape Finifterre till the 3d of May, when the French fleet was difcovered, confifting of thirty-eight fail. Nine of which fliortened fail and drew into a line of battle ahead, whilft the reft crowded all their fail to the weftward. Vice-admiral Anfon made the fignal to form the line of battle ; but Rear-admiral Warren fufpeCling this to be a manoeuvre of the enemy to favour the efcape of their con- voy, bore down and communicated his opinion to the ad- miral, who took in the lignal for the line, and threw out the one for a general chace. About four in the afternoon the Centurion brought the enemy's fternmofl fhips to a6lion ; flie was foon nobly fupported by the Namur, De- fiance, and Windfor ; thefe were for fome time clofely engaged with five of the enemy's fhips ; when the reft of the fleet coming up, the a6lion became general. The French fought with great fpirit and bravery againft fo fu- perior a force till feven in the evening, when all the fhips of war were taken. The admiral detached the Monmouth, Yarmouth, and Nottingham, in purfuit of the convoy ; which they came up with and took nine fail, three of them were Eaft-India fhips ; the reft efcaped by favour of the night. The lofs the enemy fuftained in this aClion v/as about 700 men killed and wounded. One captain was among the former ; and M. de la Jonquierre received a wound by a mu(kct-ball in the fhoulder. The Britifh had 250 killed and v.'oundcd ; among the flain was Captain Grenville, of the Defiance, at the age of Aj^pcmlix, Chap. II. IS'o. 50. 28 years ;. N A \ \ L cu i;i>\()i.or, V. :S yc-.u< ; lie was cdctnuJ an txcc:!vnt (.t1:ccr, arJ ]:iP:];- I.ui:t.r,;c.l bv tlic ii.'tion mui chc- lci\ur'. Cip;.i;n Hul- c.iwui rcicivcd a wour.J bv .i nui'kct-b.u! in V^c Ihiuldcr. I juvards ')f j'^ \ : I. r. imJ cm bv-.tiJ the ihips or war, uhith was pur iii:o wa. / :i>, .i:ij coiuc\(.J t' I.oiuiii:! b', a iniiit.iry f.c".)rt. \'icc-.u!ni;[al AiiluM Ifroujht his pr./cs f.t'- t') S-M;hciJ; niul when he appeared at lOur: at:;: th.>. \ .jt' r\ , /.is iim- leltv was graciovifly ploalcd to !'.;) t > r,.:;i, *' S.;, vt.u have *> dour a great (crvicc ; I thank, v u ; .i:; i vmi to " thatik, in my natnr, a!l tivj oiiuiTs .\::d jinsac nan t\a " their bravery and conduct, \vit!i wl.i^h 1 .i:;i well " pleaLd." On the I 5th of June Adniiiil Ar.l' m wa^ ^ reat.-d a peer of (jreat 15:.tain ; and Rear-ad:ni;.d \V ari.n \sas hjnoarcJ with the ordvr of the hath. At the lame t;;ne that V':ce-.'.dnr.r.i' .At;: n !.. led, ano- ther kjuad.-vir, ut'.d-: the cnrnanJ v>: l'u.\, Wus ord.ered to preceed to le.i, f' T tb.e ["irp 'le ^ I i:ireic,-pti:./, a !ar.:e f!e;t of l''re:ieh nierehan:ni.;:i, \\hi 'n were e\p.vted t:o:n the \^'eil-Ip. iie- 1 . On the 2 xh 0: Jine, at (oji m the nioininz, bemi^ l .\h leagues ;o the.- .'. eiUv.iid i I cape ()rte;:al; the Freiuh ileet w.i^ d;ic i; , red, eo;;:'.!ti:! ; ,,:' iipv,;::ds (l' I 7 .'^ lad. Captain Vv\ .:.:l.i:-.'l v ^.:\eetiaee to the flips ot w. r I ; b'lt M. di 1!> ,^ Cc la AL tte (t.he frencn Conii;i(.d..:e} l:;.d.;.j, de h.;d .;:e.;:!'. ;!ie ad- w.iUa.-: ill p;ur its L.i:-..-.u- 1' l.e Ihoi.ld be h.^rd p:.i; d. C..-'.,..a \\^\ e..n- t i)':,_d t!.e pi].l;;.t ad M_;h;. 1 ;;. ;:eyL d..\ ::e be.,,i'i t' , .iiii (11 ': i .. .-. li l.r', V.:.:: IV.': l:e:,.d ^ i.n d , n.ade !..d .-.. . ov to Ih:!: I >: : ; r;uTC h.;:;: .'v ddpe; ;'; .;, ..i. : . : , inc :. V. V . ' . r .'. ui .1 d !: L m -hi r. ! o;; , - e:., nt we: : . ' ' ''. .;,. , , -, 240 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. coffee, and hides. Their tonnage amounted to 16,051 ^747 tons, and manned with ijigy men. On the 6th of June, Sir Peter Warren failed from Ply- mouth with a fquadron, to intercept fuch fhips as might have efcaped from Captain Fox ; four of which he picked up. The Rear-admiral proceeded to cruize off cape Fi- nifterre. On the 2 ill of June, he chaced and drove alhore L'Etoile, French frigate of 46 guns and 400 men, (he had under her convoy five fail of valuable merchantmen ; four were taken and the other deftroyed. On the Sth of July the fquadron chaced and drove afhore another JVench frigate of 36 guns, about eight leagues to the wcftward of cape Pinas. On the 22d of June, Sir Peter Warren was informed by the captain of a privateer, that he had, on the lyth and 18th of the fame month, chaced a large fleet of coafters into Sediere bay, a faiall port to the weftward of cape Ortegal. The Rear-admiral difpatchtd Captain Roddam*, in the Viper floop of 14 guns, with the Hunter dogger, and the privateer, to endeavour to take or deftroy them. Captain Roddam flood into the bay, and with great refo- lution attacked a fmall battery, which he foon filenced, landed, fpiked up the guns, and deftroved the battery. After which he burnt twenty-eight fail of fmall veflcls, and joined the Admiral two days afterwards with five others and a Spanifh privateer. Sir Peter Warren, to teftify his approbation of Captain Roddam's fpirited condu6f, recommended him fo ftrongly to the Admiralty, that he was promoted to command the Greyhound frigate. On the 14th of July the Warwick, of 60 guns, and Lark, of 44, commanded by the Captains Erfkine and Cruikfhanks, having under their convoy the trade to North America; when off the Azores, fell in with the Gloriofo, a Spanifli fhip of v/ar of 74 guns and 750 men, from the Havannah, bound to Cadiz ; ffie had on board treafure and plate to the amount of 1,300,000). Cantain Erfkine, without orders from Cruikfhanks (who was the fenior oiT.cer,) quitted the convoy and i \'e rhace; he came up with the Gloriofo, and fought her with great bravery until his lliip was entirely difaulcd. I'he impio- * The pi"vrci!- Adniira! RodiJam, priety N A \ A r, C If no NO LOG Y, : 1 1 prktv of Captain Krlkmc, chahr..: without pcrmiilion is A P. c\ iiJcru, hut bv no means (.-xcu'iMtiN C'.'puin C'ruiicthanks , 7-^7 for had he d,la;iprir. cJ at C'a. t...:i 1 r'.Mnc's t.'iuiuvt, he ihould have recalled the W'aiw.ek. l;i the az Ijiitilli privateers, two or thetn en,-.._'jd her \cr-, ': r.i.i.!v for three hours ; but he;nj ir.Uvh d;:..':)l_\! t;u-v we.-e i-h!:.-cd to flieer of} ; they however kept in li^ht ot r.c:, a . i r-.c jK'.xt day difcovercd two l.'.rj,e lliip^ in chace , t;:' v p-o. :-d to Ix- the Dartmouth, tt 5 jun'^, Ci :.un I l.innlto:), and the Rulle!!, of He 'juns, iJucLic. A: i ne (,\ tn. i... in the aitcrnoon the Ua cloie action, which v.m^ i;.,nnnut half palt tniee, wiieii, bv l -me Dartmouth blew uj), .:nJ evcrv I'juI wi;h h.t-r b;a wi! n ij) ; .t ti.l un.uLiCV aLCuicn', t;i>; n : 1 ; - n^.inder perdhed, e.\> eptin^ I.icutniant (J'l)iien du^l eic\ a le,, who were taken up D'. oiie (! tin pii\.i;crt-> bo.i'.v. The Riii!' 11 failed fo verv ill, mat llie d.J r.'.'t .'ct up \v.:'.i t'le C/K'.'i'iio til! one o"(K)ck inth./ iipin After a wann en.-M"! men', in wiiA^i ill'- : n'.aim>iji-niaff, twcntv i; v.-oundrd flic ih ucr and twenty wouiuietl. ( )n tile 1 5th ot [ill v ( ilice; s to^ik ; l.u c, \ \/ . h :r Cn.aiuir.T C ^'!c, k;.i. I .lilies ."' '..l.u ', h,!>j. 1 1'.n. C ]: .1 ^e C! niton Wil;.,.ni Rowlev, \ Up Wilii-.m M.ntn;, !.kj. ir.ia>.- To.vnlend, I.!']. ileniv Aledk',, 1 l^j, I .Old \ cie I'tauel- ! k I. Old :\^)U'i\ l\ rr\- Mav in-, 1 !i|. ^iI !'( ter \\ .11 ten, Iv 1'. { h '11. b till 1)111.;, I leni ', ( )!boi lu , 1 h;. 'l"hom.;s >ninh, I li,. Thonia-- ( iMiini, b.'..,. Wl. J. .: h' bile Riili ot ! i.ird .ilU I.. / 242 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY^ A.D- Edward Hawke, Efq, *| ^747 William Chambers, Efq. > to be rear-admirals of the white. Charles Kiiowles, Efq. J Hon. John Forbes, 1 . u j i r .u ui Tj V i J D r ^ to be rear-admirals or the blue. Hon. Edward bolcawen. J On the 9th of Augu?!, Rear- Admiral Hawke was fent to cruife off Cape Finifterre, with a fquadron of fourteen fail of the line, and-feveral frigates, ' in order to intercept a fleet of French merchant fhips, which were expe'. ' r aiKi hr.;\ c diin. c. C . . , .i pl.iin nu nmi', : i - '. < l;'. . At (i..iK A.' :. r, :-M.:;' ' . - !' ;-<, to.; ; aiul r' <, :. . . ! (. '^'^ tit ii;..i_v, t -:i;ot:Ti C' .iiiii, '.:>, re l.>.;:c ^l i^- . :;>:': t a!:, t;..i' !) :i.i ..t i ,;>; -.i- v.'iif t(j in"',-;i.i.-, t tr.i.".; ; '' \ \',i:<\ ; :!.. ;; 'T-.r,,!.-! :n...".v wcic t.iK;,!. lilc aii i..;.u t'^L-:, !in-';>: t ! ! ' li, .;:i.i ;.;icr.(/: . J uitd his pii/L> ..i S, !i'". .;.i !. \:\.- ^i" ; < \ ; >- t'ci . His n,.ii(.i{v, as a rcAa'J !"i l,is l.r.i^i. . ;vr hciu.ti; jU !-..;n w:th tix- i iiicr i t it'.c ll.itll. A I II ; !.iii.t h.i\ iii_: !it(.n 111. '..:. P', i\ . .;: - A-l.i..: .'.! ila'^k:* in h.^ ( icttcr, a.ja'.ii.t tiic c.t.u'.k'I < ; C'..,t.i::i 1 "\, ^'' the K(.-I t, 1:1 ih- a^tliill 1 i U\.- I 4'!! y,l ( ) ; '.H', a I. uit- inart:,il was alien, Mr 1 t.j t.", 11. :n ;>); ,':. '..'Tr .'.: 1'>m:; iii'ajth, CM liic .' 5tii oi No, (.n.;^: , ..,:.;' .:i'.[:'. !'!.o\v- u:^ rncn;:)crs : \',CC-A :::.:'al >:i i' H.-nrv ():':-i,,-, W < II. :: I .hn \\ tluv \'. i;; M..i-,;i i!r:.'> I!.:; : ;, ; \^ .i' 1 nr { !ia: <> i \ . cn.M.'!-, c;,":: : , In iii; ;^' ;t l t t. '244 NATAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Captains Watfon, Cotes, Saunders, and Rodney. Thofe ^ 747 in favour of Captain Fox were numerous, and proved that he engaged the Fougeuex for three quarters of an hour, within mufket and piftol fhot, till fhe ftruck. That the Kent then fliot ahead, and engaged the Tenant for half an hour ; when his firft lieutenant and mafter aflerted that the Kent's fignal was out to come to the admiral's affiftance ; he therefore relu6lantly qui tted her,in obedience to the fignal.* On the 22d of December the trial ended ; and the court were of opinion that part of the charges was proved, name- ly, that he had been guilty of backing his mizen top fail, leaving the Tenant contrary to the r i th and 1 2th articles of war. They acquitted him of cowardice : but becaufe he paid loo much regard to the advice of his officers, contrary to his own better judgment, their fentence was, that he be difmifTed from the prefent command of the Kent. Captain Fox, until this affair, had always conducted himfelf like a good oi^cer. He died afuperanuated rear-admiral in the year 1763. In November, Rear-Admiral Bofcawen failed with a reinforcement of fhips and troops for the Eaft-Indies.f The Surprize and Jamaica floops, commanded by the Captains Webb and Arbuthnot, after an engagement of feven hours, took the Superbe, a French fhip of 36 gun?, and 136 men, 28 of whom were killed, and 37 wounded. She was from St. Maloes, bound to Cadiz, with a cargo valued at 70,ocol. The Surprize had five men killed, and fcven wounded. The Jamaica one wounded. On the 2d of June, Captain Edward Jekyl, in the For- tune floop of 10 guns, 14 fwivels, and no men, being Itationed off Yarmouth for the protedfion of the fifhery ; fell in with five French privateers, the largeft of which, after a chace of nine hours, he came up with and took4 '' The fignal was for the fleet to engage clofe, which was miftakcn bv the officers of the Kent. Tliis, among many other inftanccs, liieu s ho\v defeflive fignals were in thoie times ; and how abfoJutely ;u_ce;T,)rv it was to efiablilli a more diftinft and plain fvftem. I .A.'-'endix, Chap. IL Ko. 60. X ChciK .:'., 10 8 &5 taken S,;btiic, '6 8 95 ^<. Da". :d, a, G ^o f r j Flv: I , s 5^ Wfcaped. St Louiic, ^ 6 40 J 30 36 306 m Jekv! wa> promoted to tlic comiiiand of tlie Lion. On N A \ AF. ni iUJN Ul.ui. Y. On the I 3th of Srp:;- nlicr, C'lU-i n!',, .;i the !).j- c:, c.iptur.-d, alter .1 tfn.ii t .u't, oil, 1 .1 Ren 1111:1! c I'icik n tn^rat'.- of 3-1 ^ui.s, and 3:^ iirh. Siij w.'.> luik.i;n i;Uo tuc !-! V ice. 215 I he rViier aini T\L:rt!N piiv.Ui ;-, ., .i".cr 1 dcljcratc c;-.j.i^-,fnu-ii:, toek I.c C> ilju ;cnr, .1 SiMiiilU {Mi\atccr of .'.r^ t^uns, ai.J .' .' . ir.c;!. I'hcv .I'.ln t. < twj 1 iL'iich pi i\ atcers, the- unr niduntni:; i'-, an i t.".L- ( '''.rr 2. : ^ui;<. l-'or this i^a!!.a;t a.tiv):! tl'.i- iiH-ich ms I'l Hnlto' p:c- (ciitcd Caj)t. Scit, (the- Iciiu'i t ri-Acr ^ with ah.a.Kiloiiic p.CvC otplatf. I he R()\.il h.:ii-iilv [M i\ate(.'r> t'\,K fA'orich Spainlli y\- Icoii'^, oiR- ni(!nii;iii_; ^0 ::u:i^ anJ ,;.'" iiu'ii ; ihr vsas va- hjcd at iS, ,ccoh As an eiK-.'uia.:(;mt'i;t and u-'.k-; ti> d.lah'ivl .i:.d wouiuiod fcamcn in the nieuti-nt liivue, :'.n .'.."t c! jm: h.uncnt uas paHeil, aiiw'U'fi/ .nj ti.e in.iltcis ot inert h.a; t '. elieis t>> de- tain l:\pei".!"e per month, tioin it-.e \v.;.:rs ot 1; amen , 1: extended aho ns a provil;oM tnt tfic wuiiuvs .m.l ehi'.dieii ot i\ich (eanu-n as ihould be killed cr dr>> .'. i:ed. A i ,.i p. .; .it.- 'ii was fliahlillu'd t ir the inana:'enicnt ot this fMiul , to uhoin proper ce:t:t;cates h.-T.j [):(ijin.ed h'.' d;l.di!ed leanu:',, vVe. i.!:;ned by tiie malh-r and niner (-.'H>eis, (,i [xo uanr n iv- loii'^inj; to the ve'iel \v|-,erein I'lefi !ea;ii-;n w.i- droAind, Ihnn, or woiuidtdi, h.e or tt-.: . w.d he entitled to !,. 'ou:;:v. '> I ! ! 1 1 I : ! ; i : \ \ 1 \ \ . The fleet oil this ita'ion i onunand. 1 ;v \',..'-Av!- iiur.d A-Ied'rv,' \'.'h.o alii It rd I'.e Ai:l!i,.i)is m ttie hvrh.i' !- ment .'.nd t^lo( kat'e ot Ant.hcs, t".e .d; o Kept tl'.e ' , /i heel lliiit up m C.'.ii tli.i^'-n.i. ( )n tile ^tii ot All 'wli t'',e \';i '- \dn;,: .1 '. 1 ::i\.ii) Ihiv, the tonunand o! ; ;!' . . ; ' n :'.; ' :.^' Ihn/. ! 1.1 \'. _\ l: !' I ^ ; \ \ ! |^. The \\'c.i/'l :'o', , ,t v. .!, uh h h.. 1 in . ! : ; R ar- Adniirai 1 ia.. ' .1 O. !>' i. lo .,vi\di C |\.-:;' ot the hiil:;,/ : i:.^ Wd d-li.d a h- ', . Mrti.iie to tall in -a ih f..n\ and ' . I..11.1I1 mean: inaiiv ot me I in,' V. eie t jr.cii . >. I '2d6 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. 1747 JAMAICA. Rear-Admiral Knowles arrived in the fummer, and toolc the command of the fquadron^" ; no fervice of any import- ance was performed. Captain Holmes, in the Enterprize, took the Veftalj a Spanifh regifler Ihip, valued at ifOjOOol. EAST IXDIE3. The fqiiadron i)nd.;r th.e command of Rear-Admiral Grifiinf, on its letnrn from Bengal to the coad ot Coro- mandel, blocked up Pondijlierry fo effcftually, as to pre- vent any fupplles being fent to the Frencti; he alfo relieved Fort St. David, and ohl ged M. Dupleix to recall his troops tro:iJ bvi.>re ilur pla-^d. in S.-OUi!.l^cr, t'lc Rcor-Admiral proceeded to Madras Road, wh;-i" the fquadron burnt the Neptune, a French fhip of '.var C'f 54 niius. On the I};.it;iiig of the Monfoon, all the fquadron exccpt- i.-^g tvv.) Hii, >, were fnced to Tea, and obliged to take llielter in Trincoiri.ile b n. C:ip:ure~ li.'Uic lii ti'.e oiirfe of this year. 1 akcti front ine Spaniards in Kurone and -'. r:;-,;;:i; - - - 9 1 veffels. Ditio fioin i'':- iMenci) in .'Itio arid ditto, - 556 Total taken 'fonj ;hj eijc:::y 647 rr/'fj] t. k- n tiy ;::; S,)jMard^, - - 131 D'ttc- i.:!u ;i L y Uiv* IVencfi, - - 420 Tit'ta! tak( n by i.'ie enerr;y, - - 551 ]j.i!^.')Cc iii favour of Gre^t Brirain , g6 OCCTRKE NTC S AT HOMK. r^.i-S Tiie parii,M-,-.,.nt voted !or t;.r? (i.-a fe' vxe of the prefent yem- 40,000 \r.-:.:!l i hi'pital - - 10 COO O O For trj; fpjit f;! vice of lafl )ear - 91 496 16 3 I'or p-'-}in[; (>ff'tiie navy debt - i ,000,000 O o Tet;d. giant for ifiC iea fervice '^,506,414 5 6 Aj.pc.viv, Ch::y. TI. ^o. ^4. Art'Ln<.lix,Chai'. 11. ^'o. 55. The .\AV A I ( r !:o . ui,.j(. V. '^i7 'I he ulhiU- r ' , i'aili.imcr.r, thi>., A n, ani"ur.t- J til ic.c*'" , , . , .. '. ' : v'o Imipc m.r 1. ,, j .!i -f 1<< .ir- (inr-.:' Hiwkr wn- or- di r: J '(I ^M; / III t',(. ;, .- ;..,!i.,;v \\ ' ; a , ! I, i j'.l :.. At ^l.i\-!^r^.^k. i.:i t' - ^.'.f. ',-. N :' i j;' .rn u'l, ' l\-;:. brck.'- \si-t; Itr-.t in via . <: .1 I.ii^t 'liij'. A; ii i . ', ! v k the N-;:::.i;h.iin -:< i w , u ;:h 1 - :, ..;. 1 /.i ; .1 a:'!'i;fn! . t u- i-.'.n-.w i\\..n.' .i\\)\ii -.I'.i I'- M.- i.jr I il.f n i!r. i:\ hi)i;r-, u ti n ' \:\[ : ;; ., was (h'l;-.! ti. :;i k >V. ;-r \' 1 t^, he i\v, M Ot "4 Ulill-, I'll ' St.i Hi :\ 4^ t Nshi^!]-, u.;- .i;,J IC> ^^."1I1 '' ii ; ;! 'S.I-, r 11, -n,;:) !.,i \r, !;, M ,.;l^ !,)'A!!n;-, .! -t ,;.,...'. I :.;^ ih!;- v,.;-' y.-.r. ,:I .. ;.;...- ili"nh'iit;l I I t!;c 1' .i;l I r; :!(.-, h'li I;.i\m:.' l; !'--r! I i".- ii'Ii'!.' (!a!r...^c ill a h; .u \ i- I'r t uu,.;, .. .i-- i r'ur :: ) lluf!. ^ ,. u.i^ a !.h.i t . I ,c ; ,. v. '1 hr N 'V. : . ...a !i.:;l i() ]]i-:i k.lic.l uii.i iS uoi.i.i.ii; tl.r l\:!!ui.i : ^.a iiu:a wow il; il. (,):: ! f, ( fnt ..^ (; ,t, . 1 a a;- v\ .iv t..r..- Kr'Ml : .1 w I \s -h ; ; r l.i.i hue an I ,1 ti : ^;'' ; h\ ;a ^. I'li li < .i.x- L' .r. < n a ^ a';; ill Icna ;r(in. (, i;li:i:!i^ - r a ; ' . ; t ;';c 1 n^-, hi', i..] ii;..irr i'-. > .Tu t\ thf ttailr i.T the W ( t I'i.!,.'s ;;:..! > .,;hA;ir- rua-. Tht; S,.,i': ill i! !- ,( wa: .!a".v ia'.> a li:.c- >! !'..;- tic ; iMit Capiaa; C<>^ . ' '', .\ : rr llu a' a- : .in' ih p^ ' V^" in i^icat t onfi.!'' n ;!r 1 a/ ' h ' : ; : ti >' , .a: ! ' 1m' h s Im . c wu-- hv !k) tia 11:- Il :. ; i .. 1: . '1 : 1 i '1% .a; :^::a.' :i r: i . l;a''. c ehi.ii e a. ,; 1 u: h !i,a \ '. k !; . i- !.. : 1 a. !:^;' ' < I ; ' '^, .- 'i\\{\\ aiiaa >ii, v\ h a i; aa i -.'. i' ' ^ ! -. : 1 ai ' ' : h.;' i^, \^ ::': 111 a...k .: .' ' ' ' ' . ; v :' h^ : ; 1 C( 1; V. '\ . u r( ! a V ". ' 1 ' ' ^ In A a'- >a I' \' / "^ ' ' ''' tMh -a; ! I) n !i ' . M ,v hi- ni.a- t, :n:.a; . tu '.t- t'lr a i^- a ..i ;' ' n cr ' Cha a'h . A 1; < ;' -. 'a .a v, (liacl l, L. 248 NAVAL CHKONOLOGY. A.D. which was followed by a promotion of flag officers. The ^74^ admirals at this time on the lift ftood thus, viz. Admiral of the fleet. Sir John Norris, Knt. Admirals of the White, Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knt, James Steuart, Efq. Hon. George Clinton ^William Rowley, Efq. Admirals of the Blue, William Martin, iLfq. Ifaac Townfend, Efq. *Lord Vere Beaucleik *Lord Anfon Vice- Admirals of the Red, ^Perry Mayne, Efq. *Sir Peter Warren, K. B. *Hon, John Bing Vice-Admirals of the White, *Henry Ofliorne, Efq. *Hon. Fitzroy Henry Lee *Thomas Smith, Efq. Vice-Admirals of the Blue, *Thomas Griffin, Efq. *Sir Edward Hawke, K. B. Rear Admirals of the Red, ^William Chambers, Efq. ^Charles Knowles, Efq. Rear-Admirals of the White, *Hon. John Forbes *Hon. Edward Bofcawen Rear-Admirals of the Blue, -l-Robert Mitchell, Efq. tCharles Watfon, Efq. MEDITERRANEAN. Vice-admiral Bing continued the comrnand of a power- ful fleet on this (tatlon, which kept the enemy cornpletely blocked up in their ports. At the peace taking place, the admiral returned to P^nglaud with moll of the large Ihips, LEEWA RD 1 S r,A N DS. On the death of Commodore Eegge, the command of tlie fquadron devolved on Ciptain George Pocock, who continued to cruize ofl^ Martmico, in order to intercept tlic rcrnmndcr of a French convoy, which had cfcaped jioin the fkct under Rear-admiral Hawke the latter end ot ilic 'Mcccdini^ year. Captain Pocock had the good fortUiie io take twenty-five fail ; and tea more were taken by fouie privateers. * Rt.riivcd ailclir' lauk. f ]'i\.iaoud iVoiit the'', lift. JAMAICA. \ \\ A I. eilKOXOI.OS V. -...J J A M A I C A . Oa 'lie I ;!!i it Ii'tilh y Kt .ir-.i !,iiir.(' K.n I'.vlc- (a.IcJ IfMiii i'.'ri 1<, ;in.o:n, .line i !\ (i .crnor 1 rvLiwiicv, en .III (Aju v!.iii);i .ii.'.in.l ii'. Jj.;(> lic (. ' .'.>., uv. ;' c ilia:..! tt 1 iiljiatiuil.i*. 'I'l.c v.u/il^ ^".iif.:!,;.!!_i; !> I'I.av llrong trom the ;'tii\ aril ri-r (cvt ru! lia\^ pr^,! i(-.j l,;iij- ciiDM m-!.;!!!^ to \s i[i,l\,s aril. 1 iic a i; i::Lrt.t re* t..:i:ic to the icIiilnliDii vi brariii';^ aua\, u;;,l t. > ,j.:t rr! - t!cc:iC- nr. \ travic !)\ a:i attack on I'orf M. ].l hr'.-rc t':c [iL^f, uikI lir.iu^lii iij) It; ()i,Lr i-f !ia!;!c \vi:l-:;i |- it.d ii..>t ol ;hc .. .^ , (v; \\:;;^!i vvcic iii''i!!:!vJ it; c!.;\ -c. j;t j)ifcc.i ot caiwi'.i!!. A fmi'ii.s t .i:i!ii)iiai!c- Ci);iuilrlK-c\!, at)! (i:;^]*L\i \sii*i i:rt it III :!r.;:i.(> l^T k'.cial t'.o;.:- ; a; 1: t.^ti; :;.c ciii.- nis's l).a;ci;'.- v\ ic i- i'i;j,!cti-;\!, ar; i t: c ^'ivtrt; ir acv-c();cil tLIl^^ oi t ap.;n!aii. >.. I)u:i!:Li tl:^- airack liir (la-tir. attrti'pt.-^l t,i (L:ti')\ the Hiitilh liiij-iv, I^ikLp.j; out Itiiiic tiu 'lii[)>-, vshuh VMTC [)rc\ (.iiti. '1 tak.iii; ( ;K\"t hy the alacr;ty anJ rcfohn..!!) .)i th.c b"at^ ot tlic hjiiaJr.-n, ulucli gra[jj)lc.l aiiil tovscil t'lciii c!'..ii. 1 he 1"1- li.ifjif.l by the Iqiailroii aiiKmut; J to "o killed ai^l vs .u.!;,ivJ. a:n >iiL;i| th:- tonii;Tueie L".i,)Miii iv. :;' i:ie. i t :'.e ."^'.r i:- iord, and C'a;;ta,M Cult, w Im hrvni.iv a '. o!',;iite-T. I'fie ciuTiiv had i(kj men killed a-. I Woim led. I luce Ih.p , a lihivv, and three piivatLers, \seie al! tic vi;i ! taken in the h nil ii;r. Kiar a iinira! Kn^ushs !):e\v up the f.iit;;:e.T . I'oit I.''n,-, an I pio. t ; led ui;h tte. ( n to ti a'- taek ot ,M. Ja., . d. C ; >a. ( )n ;''ie ^th ot A, id he ^ ;- pearid heioie r, and the y\.i'\ ot a'ta k h- n - .i: :..:.. ,!. Captaui I )e!i!, ui .h.e 1'1\ ti'.outh, as i;:!., t > il.- ; i , i a'.r.rl ttie ('iiMU-L;e ot hading llu l>,uadi .n i:;to th.e l.aih ,;r. As tlu Ihii'^ arpr.aeh I, C'.r.taifi I )( lit ' dile: wd. that t:.e r-iieniv had Led a hoeii a^iol. the \sith ! 'nr .;- A.l). It!- moored \v.;nin :', tAo -: wlnv;'. a; d to he n;. hip^, rea>; to .i.i, n e.ile t':;e in iiiih Ihu'- ihi-nld ! Oee/i in loKin^,^ f:e hoojii. ("aj't-iUi I )eiit, .iuaie. (.Atr.nic dae.o': w In. h th.; whole I'uadron :r..;;:it h Ar N -. 250 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. into by ^is proceeding en ; and not truiting to his own >?4^ opinion, Criku his oincers together to ccnfult with them what vva=i mod proper to be done in inch a dcfperate litua- tion ; who all agreed with hirn in the danger the (hips would be expofed to by fiis atiemptiiig to force the boom. Captain Dent, in confcq icnce, hauled off atid informed the admiral \^ ith his reafons for fo d -ing. The expedition was given up and the fleet returned to Jamaica. Rear- admiral Knovvlcs was fo much difplcafed with the conduft of Captain Dent upoti this occafion, that he wrote a com- plaint againlt him to tiie admiralty; and on the captain's return to England, he war, tried by a coint-martial ; but nothing appearing to eliminate him in the lead, he was mofl honourably acquitted. After this Rear-idmiral Knowlts cruized off the Tor- tiJga bank, in tlie hope of interce^jting the Spanifli plate fleet, expeflcd at the Havannah from La Vera Cruz. On the 30th of September the admiral was joined by the Lenox, Captain Holmes, who tlie day before (having under his convoy the homeward-bound trade from Ja- inaica] fell in with and was chaced by a Spanifli fquadron of fevcn fhips of war. Captain Holmes dirc61ed the con- voy to fliift lor tliemfelves, and proceeded to give the ad- miral the earliefl intelligence of the enemy being at fea*. On the iftof 06lober the Spaniih fquadron was dif- covercd formed in order of battle between Tortuga and the Havannah ; Rear-admiral Knowles inflantlv formed his line, and edged down upon the enemy ; at half pad: two the ailion commenced. The Warwick and Canterbury being at fome dillance aflcrn, gave the Spaniards, for two hoiirs; greatly the advantage. In hall an hour the Corn- vv:i!! \uu \\::r maintop-malt and forctop-fail yard, with other cdiili'ci ib'e damage, which obliged her t_o quit the lirie ; l-r j.>ia<.t' ^vas ;ibly fupplied by the other fliips, whclc command.-'i: .l.sftd, and very f'on dro\e the Con- fj!!i li idorc out (d i''C enemy'.- line; flie iJl to leeward a^ 'ii-Iiu; ol" i[,(- Cornwall.'rul Knowles had by i.' s ;i'iie ripaued the d^mrtge he had (iillaincd, and at- tai k' >1 til-.- Cin.'fuc fladore w;ih great furv, who main- taiiu-i a ivici'i chllinate battlt f )r fome tinic. Don de St. J;illu, f:ti comir.iruicr, was killed, and tiic (hip dreadfully /'.r\ ir.div. Ch"p. 11. Ny. ^Z). fhattered. 1 1 C\l! M -'. ':.'.',(.,: ii'; .;. ! . I.MMC w.t- ' 11... 1m : ' '- .:' \ r III ! . .'^; r I) 're '' !'.i: .f. ;. \-\ .. :> -; , ' :., 'cd .; to .. '.v \-. ' ! !\'. " .... ,. -^r -.'.. 1 : A- V u A , ill j;t .i :;t . :.:.Jlh 1-, :::/.. .;.. : .: i iM; ( i .!;, :,~ .! i r( ! '. 1 1::- I ^^ ; :c .':. 1 ni ,: . /,: . :i .... J 1 I'll < .[ ;i ?< A j'jii- fifi;. .-X 1, , t'.- !i ,-. ^, 1 ' I .: ' . . ..; ^^ .i- tu,..; ,;.! r::i 1 t.U ;>i :.i,!! 'I, VV! . 'i ii>:;. r, ' r i;..'in i i!.' .'::;.i', 'h.i' t'.'- jitt ,.,;.i!..iry ai ' -;.'! a '_:, 1 .11 I",- 1- (' \\ .:- (i_ i,t:,I. ills ii:v'''. .1,1:1; livus lai.l.i! a i;riu r.:l ' -.ii'>n thr 1!^;: i.r 'iu- K !:j lr'>:i, \v'. iv ; ; 'i <\ mI ; ' . i,. [ -^ :!i' " I ' . I I, i|,.ir 1 :. VV V I ,1., I .! l!".'. I '1;! i I- ' M I.!. , 'l!.:!! ' '. 1 iiC .1 . [ .ll.t I'i I . .1 ,'. ! ,H"- : A t ' n :[. :, . :i 1 ,v iivu ;; 1 , rt j;? J ii.:;!i ;li .;.;,...;v.; ,;i . . .1 :.^-;n.ii !;.i'. . \ ~ : , \ ; i . I^. ,ir .. \::ir .', ( i ,!;;i, u 1 u .; - 1 v : I ;' ^ I ).. ; ^, I. . '\ . . . 1 , .. . ,., In a t. A . t: . I a \% : t :;i' I :; : I l.i. L...... II. N. at 252 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. at night. He then put to fea in full cxpelation of feeing 1748 the enemy in the morning. M. de Bouvet, who com- manded the French fquadron, was an excellent officer and an experienced feaman ; he had been advifed of the itrength of the Britifli fquadron, and took care to avoid an engagement ; he therefore, to deceive Admiral Griffin, kept to windward the whole day, and at night bore away with a prefs of fail for Madrafs ; where he arrived on the morning of the nth, and having accomplifhed the pur- port of his voyage to the coaft of Coromandel, by landing 400 foldiers, and 200,oool. in filver for the governor of Pondicherry, he again put to fea and fleered for the Mau- ritius. In the mean time Admiral GrifRn had looked into Pondicherry road, and not finding the enemy there, he pufiied on to Madras, where he met an equal dif- appointment. Rear-admiral Bofcavvcn, who it has been already men- tioned failed from England, at the clofe of laft year, with a reinforcement for the Eaft-Indies, received direftions to endeavour to reduce the illands of Mauritius and Bourbon, if it would not too much interfere with the feafon for aflive operations on the coaff ot Coromandel. On the i8th of May the rear-admiral left the cape of Good Hope, and did not get fight of the Mauritius tmtil the 23d of June ; on the fame night he anchored with the fquadron in Turtle bay. Every ncceflary meafure was inffantly prepared for the attack ; reconnoitring parties were dif- patched along the coafl to found, and fearch out for fuch places as might appear moft eligible to eifccf a landing. The report ot the engineer ai.d other officers employed on this fervice was (b unfavourable, that Kear-admiral Bof- cawen called a council of war, wherein he reprefented, that, unlefs the fleet could get pollulnon of one of the harbours, an attack upon the illand fcemed to him utterly impratficable ; he at the fame time pointed out the abfo- lute neceffity there was for the armament to arrive in India, before the Monfoon chaiiped, in order to believe Pondicherry, which was the chief object of the expedition. In confeqiience of the admiral's reprefcntation, it was unanimoufly refolved to fad direcffly for the coalf of India. On the 27th of June the fieet left the iilands, and pro- ceeduig through the Mofambique channel, reached Fort St. Davids on liie 2qth of July, v.hcre Vice-admiral GriOin N A \ \ 1, t !( i;()\ (J i.()(; V . (' ' .1 v\.is ',\!i;i; v\;t!i 111- li,iia.!ii>!i , tl.L- (.iMi;ni.ii'.l .* >^ p V.;.: ': t:^ Id:-::..-,! to Kl jr- 1;,.|..ium-, a:.,i !.r:. i ,-.ii f I i I :iu oiv.-ilc wall liiv ii ilii'^- .is \\ vir i>> rc'iLrii ^s ill ; . Kr,i;!aihi ^ On'tlK- 8t!', of .\i;gu!i Aviwiiral H .!, .iv. n-. } a.i arra:'i'<-d t\Tv tl.i;i>^ nuiiaiN J. a the f:-.;>;t- pf i', 'til-, ::rrr\ ; ui.J laiulcl hiMil'iJil u> CI i..!i,ct the eri rat:'i'- in : . ic , \,,- c::- trii;',t..l :!:; ^\"-j".:raiui nt tlic l(',iiaiiion tt. LajitaM-i Li'.'.i:.-, dt t!;e \-!-';a:it. '1 he Kx^tci, lV::.l)i. U-. Che:ter. aiul Sw.i'l./'.v !h).'p>--, \<,,rf I'lilcrnI louiulinr in tl ri ad, ::: (>r- lier til Mo, kjik- th,e pla^-i- !>v I. a, Id \\a.:.A alun.; \hc llmrc, that i: nii^ht l)e kn.'V\n how i:ear the lar^e '.h;, s Coulu ajipn).Kh tu i-aircr the t>iwn. On tl:e i ;:h ot \::. ,:.(. Captain I.hvJ. > : t'.e DeJ Caille, laruk-.i \\:r!i tin- i onim.n.J (.t i i ,j, ul-.i . ere to e.>-opera'e \'.;:Ii;!; arnu . On th,i- 2;:!i . t' S-.-p- inber, t;. !i!ie i'. h.-.ttle l;.^p> v. -;e \'. u: peii a- i,ear t!.:: ;e J> tfic *!e; ;:; cI a a'.r '.vtMi! pcrnnt, ... '. ^.m ; n.r.oi:a !c 1. , (. \ ;".'ri", as, e'lntmue 1 til! t'e e\enn:^ ; v'.'en the r!ar-.i.ln',ii al h tit i u .! i 1. 1 L'a; ta :i I .(' :e to re- tire m h( ;; .,::t oi.: .,; ; .. :. ; ' !'e c n; in , '-. ih-e. ;' ; :i:.p> D't iiavn'L"; I'^ei! .i')';- t.) .. j !)i '.iv.;! n.Mi c n (i.^_:,. to nie \\ '.'i an v (. ficilt on tiie p!a. e. On the -5 :'; '!!v'''T. ': :!<'inii:.i ; veiy I.itle ;m., i,:! n h.: 1; .en :na le . n the . a:n r '\T-fii,|.; - ^j.^ -f^;.!/ m^ ijij.iM/-. iil .;;-, i. ..;t It u ( !.!.! Iv- Ml n .. '1. n ) I ai: . !' j/a It \\.;- ;':,. !'ir:' in -n n '. \'. :n r ; li e ! v: r\ :, k! . .1 '! ihf ra.:e, : -..I. n n : .e^pn n:.i'.ht 1 ;t iii' -hr;-:.! ( t r' Iv :;> .: , ;; t .ill a >. c^'wu 1 .; \'. .1; . ;,!;!' . It \'. .1-, i.',a- t . ijih: -'.e !:,:. < ):. <: > 'h < tO ' . .[w ' . I'oi: ^. 1)..., ' A \\ ' , .. .len. r ^-t t:. \h .:: .1 r.r Hit ; . '1 1.; : , , ,,',., ! ,1; I o:i ^1. 1 '.!. i,i v. :!, !:.e ..inn. . 1 1:^ tl:e ii ;;e I' ": ': f v. .en. .n.'. ! !- :ir niler'.' in- n , .n, I ; ' . 1 ^ '. r , n .-.k 'e,; v, \ i:ro; e.i", . 1 :: \ o'. i n.i" ; r ...Irnnal ' I hat a < ihfio;! ut .ir:' ' : ' " ' '- '^ t.i.n aiii! i ian^:e. ( ^ 254 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D". On the loth of Oiftober, the Chefterfield, of 40 gtms, ^248 commanded by Captain O'Brien Dudley, being at anchor off Cape Coart Caftle, was fcized and carried to fea by Mr, Samuel Couchman, the fird lieutenant, and feveral others of the crew, whom he had excited to mutiny, while the captain and fome others were on fhore. By the fpirited and intrepid conduit of Mr. Gaftrien, the boatfwain, MefTrs. Gillham and Frafer, mafters mates, fhe was re- taken from the mutineers thirty hours afrer, and brought fafe to Portfinouth. For this ferviceMr. GaRrien was pro- moted to be the boatfwain of the dock-yard at Portf- mouth ; and the other officers alliding h;m were alfo re- warded. Couchman and his afiociates were brought to a court-martial, as will bf fecn in the c\eiv.3 ofilic folloiving year. On the 17th of O'fl ;bcr, a iro!.',' of rcncral p-cace was concluded andfigncJ at Aix-ui-Cnapelle ; by if all the conquefts rr-adc by us, as! as die French, were to be rcitored.* Ca-iUJii;.- nia.'ec'urifu;; this year. Taken from th;: iip:.n'' ::d:; in Fu:tj America, Ditto frotn ihc Frtnrh :'i v ];-to 2:- Total taken f.-: n ih,: Fun. . c^r-d ; Tiikcn by tlu; S^:u;i:ar^!s 1 n K:ii(> America, Ditto by the Frc "irh ::: d'v IDCi J 'i'-- vr'u^}^ T 5c 3:v n V ' 1 otal ti.ken tuK,. (Ji\ Friuwii b)' lii:; -..u^- BuFnvi; in favour of FiFain, - 77 The wh( ]:- ci.Tiounl of caoiu-es made by each power m the courle ot ii'.c \\'?.r, ILukF nearly as foliowi;, vi/.. T'akcn from the Sr'aniartF, - 124-9 vcFFs. Ditto 4ron-! the ['''f:ucli, - - 2185 I'otal taken from the encn:y, - 3-f34 Taken by the Sp;;;iii:rtis, - F^^'^ Ditto ()y the I-'r^nch, - 1S7S Total tak'jf. froi^ii Great Bntain, 3238 lj.t!a!;:.c in favour of Britain, - 196 * Appendix, C':-,ip. T. \c,. i^ St:.!c :>[' the Niivy: and Cha'p. I J I. No, 3, 4, ;, :.nd '' , itji'j Uiluui-icil ;; each pon-cr ar wnr. ncCUKRENCLS N \ \ A I. ( !; K().\ (Jl iM, , . OIL' ; Ki: 1 .\ (. ; ^ . v ik \: i: . ; > . At llic fi:;} l.ii; ':i . I |>.ir',.: > Diupinnciit -.; r-.i:i;'-;:i \s...^ :^,!;: vice I'i tl\:- V tint lit \ im: . Thr '.wh..k' !m;>p';.^ t^-..:!tr>l. . ' a !).u iiir ..!!i, :i.!i: j, t \; '. ,i;. *' a>^l wi p.u !;. in. .'!:. ;:,. i.. .. - ; i . . ic-i.!ci..'\ .'t V. ii ch \\.i-. ! ' 1.. -;! It) Ml. I! 'Ill ,.;.'. . I !.:,. ^i" .. i .! : . r:c k^ III t' :i i". V , a' I il.: ..' . tj'.it n. (^. .\ ;.;, :. !:i.>!;s !.-. >;i I ' : N , : f' 11 t', -lev Ml ....., . UKM' , :!. ^.r iVr; \'v ., til t 256 NAVAL CHKOKOLOGY. A.D. The number of maftcrs on the half pay was encreafed ^749 from thirry to fifty, the half of whom were to be allowed two fhiliings and fix-pence per day, and the refl; two fhil- lings. 1 he number of furgeons were alfo increafcd from Iwenty to fifty on the half pay lift, to be paid in the fame proportion as the maftcr?. On the 26ih of June, a court-martial afTembled at Portfmouth, to try Mr. Samuel Couchman, and his aflo- ciates, for feizing and running away with his majefty's fliip the Chichefter, of 40 guns, commanded by Captain O'Brien Dudley, when on the coaft of Africa on the loth of October, 1748. The charge being clearly proved in the evidence of Mr. Gaftrien, the buatfwain, Mr. Gil- ham, mafter's mate, and the coxfwain of the barge ; the court palled fentence of death on A4r. Samuel Couchman, firft lieutenant, John Morgan, lieutenant of marines ; Thomas Knight, carpenter; John Place, carpenter's mate ; John Reid, quarter-malter ; Thomas Ferryman, fteward ; and feven Teamen ; which fentence was put into execution on the 14th of July ; the two firlt were fhot on board the Chclierfieid ; the four others and one feairien were hanged ; the reft received his majefty's pardon. Rear-Admiral Knowles having been much cenfured bv fevcral captains in the fquadron, for his condu6l in the ac- tion with the SpaniTn fleet in the Weft-indies; on his re- turn to England, was tried by a court-martial lield on board the Royal C'harlotte yacht at Deptford, on the nth of De- cember i it was compofed of the following members, viz. PreHdent, William Rowley, Efq. Admiral of the White. Sir Edward Hawke, Vice-Admiral of the Blue Hon. John Forbes, Rear-Admiral oi'the White. Captains, Thomas Stonrton, William Parry, Merrick De L'Angie, Richard Haddock, Matthew Buckle. On tlie 2cth the evidence clofed ; when it appeared to the court, that while Admiral Knowles wa> lianding for the Spanilh fleet, he might, by a difterent difpoiitlon of his fquadron, have begun the attack with fix ftiips, and earlier in the day, but from the method he purfued, he began the adfion with four Ihips only; the court was alfo of opinion, that he ought to have (hiitcdhis Hag from the Cornwall to fomc I Ciir.i>\') r.or; Y. fiii- (''iT !;i::i, iTiMc-l'..' Iv ;ivr l!i- was (liriblc.!. !:i > H (ui r t i :i..\ L- . <):..iiif Id! .r.iA A-.n re i|, (!i:rir:g t''ir .ic\-Mf., tK- ;' y i::i.u>i,s III ti.e iijM .dr-'i il !.) h s ^ .1 ; . 'lh::.u!. ! ;; r .' S pfl I ''m! r ..; .i.r^ wis |u i y ju. i\ : i. 1 ; Co, ill iiii.i;.;:i.' i::iv ;ijii;i !'r:ir- Ai! ?iirjl K.'h)\'.lcs I'lls lilaiiT (K- I ^':i aUl^ f c!, !: .Il^' I'li.itV fi !i, . ;ii:;t';c;- ; aiu! .ii ;i> iMri.T tli :2 ^ 1 .1; t i . 'i ;.. , < r: t!.:T( ^ i:'i.u:i:-i"i;lK ai';:'l 1 il ''.m t S- i- } i i !..i . : i a" 1 1 : iu [;::) l; V!!) t',c l(j!, !i!i.''i mi l"l r >. ' r i'. : 1 . ' ; a'ni ror imt !< L;':;:rPu; '''i' a".: L u' i!; I ^r. .it .1 !, :. HMi^' C 1 .;, c u i!^- ; :ii (i .;Il'. l,r I.I.!; il;,!! : 1. ^ I!...; :: ' ,: C.,.r:iw..;i. hri-:.' JiTa.!.,!. R'.,''-.\.iin !.i! k:;..v.:.s rx! il^tr.! , :^,: :.- .:- ' ;;. ('.m- t..!;ii C-ii.u' > 11 Iiiu--. (it !!ir l.!.-:ii\, i.>r iK* i i < );'ij!i!>'t , b:c\,> li (; IT 1. I -, d \nhjuu 1. 1 ( !') iiL,'!: 1!-, p. : d>Mi!i: ii!'iu,i; t') lake or (l.i'M:i_;r a ^j).i:;;f!i Iqia '; ''i, : ' a:i ai:t:i'ii ( T:';-- i I i'van!:a-!, I -.^S. | 'MM wa > .;'.; i .:cil o! the;- l.a^)'ar^ > Xva [ ( Caj^'ain }I..;i'Ak, v, ' . ,ic j)'a; c v. as i.;j -h.-! 1). t\i,.'.i;:i KoJ .' V. 'I ! r v-i;;' ia' ti^-n th- l;;!!i l~> U:v ih'u I'f }.: i:.:!\, l".-0, V. 'a 11 1! O.ii: .! ^r S^.iio.v- ni.^ hii:!.!\ : -' 'i i .;t C.'i'M 11 11 'in-,-- bt!i.4\;.l \;[.c .1 '" ^j' xl a:nl L;aii il ' < 'IIk a 1 i!(,i M':^ ;ia: \\ ho! ct C-.: ai t 1 ;i ; " that !u. ,il. wi!'.- iii.\viJ \i':\ i; > i ,';i !i;ct t ir i';c lui.-- h ; iMiUiiv, '.'.'; 11 Iv !,'.i 11 v. :\\ '.;; >;.a- *' l.-i '..It: Ml I " ii'i'i lijii '' )!i a iia\ '! ' ' ' ! " v;r,-:ii / .;; t ,1- L-: I " !;,. , '^^^. i ;-:,;,! ,..:,.. . ; ' 11' K p '.. 'a- , Ml .1: I I ' .' ;: : :;.,! ;.i ili^ii :': a ii 11 u i''; i' " (' r ti' ; ' '!.: a; l.i ti: ha 1 :.I Ih !..a ' ! "l, a ' a. .:,,: , , !> ,.:r I ta ! ; i::a a. ! ' a ; .1: .\ a I.) IN, lii .;( ::-.a.; his , , . a, :i m; K..;! -A>!!11 - a. 'a -'a , t iha: : -..,.li..-i, M ;; p, t \'. :.: a " n 1 1 1 1 1 1 t \ . r V I a : t < . ; I , , ( '.I ilia a 1 1'. ''.s ' 't, (li !: , < ' .' : a ai'A .;> .,li:l:i. !. ' ' 'i:'^i;a.l::'. sv a h - \'\ ' , .a.ii ;ai, \'. a- ' i ; 1 :-: ii: ol lr'.rra; .!! 1 . C'a;.Ta- Ch.,!.'- aai l' , tv) tl'.a i it'iaa ^.'aj'.ia' (. ' .a i. \' ^nnxic.i, aial :,.^ .- ! I ' ' \ I. 1. 258 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. graiited him a free pardon. Another duel was fought bc-= 1749 tvveen Admiral Knowles and Captain Holmes; they dif- charged two or three fhot at each other without efFed, when the feconds interfered, and the parties were reconciled. The king being informed that four more challenges had been fent to the admiral, ordered three of the officers to be taken into cullody, which put an end to all further dil- fcntions. Early in May a fquadron failed from Portfmouth to North America, under the command of Sir Edward Havvke, having on board Colonel Cornwallis, (as go- vernorj and about 4000 adventurers and their families, to fettle the Province of Nova Scotia. Towards the end of June they arrived at Chebudlo ; and in July Governor Cornwallis fixed upon a fpot, which appeared the moll eli- gible to form a fettlement, and began to build a town, which he named Halifax. In the month of June, Captain Keppel was fent with a fquadron of feven ihips of war, into the Mediterranean, to demand reftitution from the Dey of Algiers, for the ef- fects plundered out of an Englilh packet by fome of his corfairs, on her paffage from Lifbon to Falmouth, The commodore, on his arrival, finding that he could not re- cover the effefts, nor obtain a fatisfaclory anfwer from the Dey, proceeded to Port Mahon, and difpatched the Tryal iloop to England for further inllruftions ; but this affront, which at other times would have beenchaftifed, was pafied by unnoticed, WEST-INDIES, The French, in violation of the treaty of peace, fent an armed force from Martinico, and feized the neutral ifland of Tobago, which they fortified. Captain Holbourne, who commanded the fquadron on this ftation, with Go- vernor Grenville, of Barbadoes, reprefented the impropriety of this proceeding to the Marquis de Caylus, governor of Martinico; who would not evacuate the ifland until or- dered fo to do by the Court of France. EAST INDIES. In January, the fquadron which had been fent to rcfir, returned -VWAi. cuuoN-oi or, V. '9 returncvl t!) A iinir.t! H >:V,i\vcii .it \>t\ St. r")avivi rn.ui, It cair.c ()!) ti.) Mi)W mi)!i \ hi!c:i'h, ti' tliu* Ji)ti:li. I fi ifii>> it.>r!!i ih.e Xamtii tiHitiku.', ai.J c\rr'. loi:! xccptii'i^ two iiiuilliipmen ami tv.(.;i'\ -f.xir ri.i n, j". i illic.!. '1 r.e aJni;nil, cij^rain, atui levera! dI I'lie o;;.. 'Tv, wrrc fortunate!) (i!i !hrc. The IViiii r 'ke was wtc ke>li>i! a bank neai- I'urt.) X )Vf\ ;W)d "^ ^o or her c:ew ihuA ;;;, J, i;'!v twelve beir.j; fa\cii. Cajjtaii I'liuhtr, an! her eaj'-aiti o! inariiies, were hiekiiy on ihnre. Th.e L :.e.)!n aiul Wi:;- clieifea Lalt-InJia Ihips were wreekei! ; but the crcwv weic (a veil. Mr. jatnc> A!nys i-ives the fwlhuvin;^' secouiu oi ihc h)'"s of tliC Nainiir, and ( l Jii^ own prelervation, i;: a lefer tn Mr. I'.e^. " We were at anchor in th,e Namiir, in I'\>rt Sf. D.i- " vids roaJ, 'lhurhla\, April the I j'h, i"49. In i!ie " morning it b!'-w trelh, winel N. L. ; at noon wc vecrcJ * away to a cable anti a hah on tlie linall h(,;ser. 1 rom " o[;e to lour o'clock, we were einploved ui (eltnii^ up the " 1 )wer iiL'sWil;. Manij^ales and hjually, wittia \er\ great " ha. At ii.'. oV io k rod'- verv well ; at halt dn honr ahei 'ad " ti)ur t:U. water in tf;c hold. I:nmedia',-!\ we en' thu- ** (mall b >wer cable, an! Hood to lea uii ier riir conr!e>. " Oiii inate. wli) ci.I the < .M'-, wa. tip to h;^ wa:ll ::i *' water at the hitf.s. At hall pad ieven \\c had lix teet " ua'er in t'",e hul 1 ; w lien we hauled Uj) onrc urh --, and ' hove :i\ti i)oar 1 ni.ut ot inr upper tie.k, and .ili the " qi:ar! - 1- lev k Lint;^ to l-ew wd. J5v lliree-'juartcr-- atter " Ui^ht, the\\a'u ua- up i > ourorlop i.:rat:i;t;--, a-. I tiuic *' wa a t^i . at tpiant:;s h :\\ eet: il- ck>-, ( i that the ih p " \\a:er lo. \\ 1 1 e 1 1 \\ e cut .i\Na', all tile in.i:t- " which the ihip riLJi'ed. .\t the lau-.e tunc we luanned '' the jiinnps hailed, ant hion peike.wd \s e {^imcd " upon thic llrp. w'ikIi p'Ot ii. in iM.-ar Ipu.i--. A little " ahcr nine o'elock \s'e h>iip. i d, a*: 1 f u::;! otiiielve- m " tune hithoms water ; the niader called to t.ii! aw.r. the" " ih'.et anchor, wh ch \s -i- d 'he iiiinu; hatciv, ;hi i ',se \( eir-d " aw a\ to a liti'e better th.ui a ^ aide , but lu lore ll- . ..:re ' h(.;id t) the lea, ihejiaitid at the >-hel itee. I'v i.'es " tune it blew an iuiiiicar.-. You m.iy caUer > e, b .: ' ih.i:i 2(5o :naval chronology. A. D. <' than I defcribe, what a difm?.!, melancholy fcene now ^749 " prefcnted itfelf. The fhriekings, cries, lamentations, " ravings, defpair, of above 500 poor wretches verging on " tlie brinic of eternity ! " I had prefence of mind, however, to confider, that " the God Almighty was the God all merciful, with the *' comfortable reflection and hope, that I had ever put my *' whole truft in him. I then made a fliort prayer for his *' protection, and jumped overboard. The water at that *' time was up to the gratings on the poop from whence *' I leaped. The firfc thing I grappled was a capftan bar, *' from which, in company with feven more, I got to the *' David ; but in lefs than an hour I had the melancholy '' fight to fee them all wafhed away, and myfelf remain *' alone upon it almoft fpent. I had now been above two ' hours in the water, when, to my unfpeakable joy, I faw *' a large raft with a great many men driving towards me. *' When it came near, I quitted the David, and with great *' difficulty fwam to it, and by the affiflance of one of our " quarter-gunners got upon it. The raft proved to be " the Namur's booms. As foon as we were able we " laflied the booms clofe together, and faflened a plank " acrofs, and by this means made a good catamaran. It " was by this time one o'clock in the inorning, foon after *' that the feas v/cre fo mountainous as to turn our ma- " chine upfide down, but providentially with the lofs of *' only one man. " About four o'clock we flruck ground with the booms, *' and in a very litt'e while all that furvived got on fliore. *' After having returned God thanks for his almofl mira- *' culous goodnefs towards us, we took each other by the " hand (fcr it was not yet day), ;Mid trufting ftill for the *' Divine Providence for proieition, we walked forward *' to find fomc place to ihelter us from the Inclemencv of *' the weather, for the fpot where we landed offered no- *' tiling but fand. When we had walked about for a *' whole hour, but to no manner of pu pole, we returned " back to the place were we had left our catamaran ; and " to (;iit no fir.all uneafinefs found it gone. Day-light ;ir[Kared foon after, when we found ourfelves on a fandy *' bank, a little tw the fouthward of Porto Novo, and as *' there v/.is a vlvcv running between us and this Dutch " iculcn)cni, wc were under a necciTity of fording it, and " foon N '^ I :> , iv.u .:t U.L I ... c \'. ::: : ; ^> M J. f.v.' :.; c: i:in.: :..- :ivl:." ( '.:: r: 5'. '' I, !i i':''v 2 ?. ;.r ,: .. who w..'; r.. uu :>_^., li. .i ..;-Lr !', R- . .. : ta!- a !;,-. n..;;- .: I " 2 hi.- WMS iK.i :< .^ , . > .. .. I , ..i .. . <- . .\ .ii;. n^, .i> \: .'.'. th. c .'.:[: i-i t;..v \v.>!k. In il'.c ir.( r/.'a if A-.!."!!l M ./ the i'ii:,:l!h, UL-x.^'v;- t.. :> t:..:t\ < : , i. ?!!t i /ociobLi- ;.; ;...:.. ' .\:.i:.. .: i:. :; ,. LnJ.inJ. On tnc ;i -; i>.-.-,: .. . ..- liv ,i (.' a: L ;;.iili.ui:, i :i cr..' a^,,,r.[i I'lini u h,!!.- ci';r.!V,.iri.!. r m (.iiii.: in ;h: , ncjicct .t dj'v, ii;:\nrAi;ict, :niJ nin.^. n^M, in rnniifls cnunu'.-, i:i,t'>.,id ot j '-.nj; oa: ..:i.i c. ... cncnn-. The ciiit v, .is i.(!n;\.;cJ ui ;:;_ tvIio;\;;: bcrs, \\^.. i'lTiuanr, \"icc-:u':-:r.i; >u- l\i;v.-J W .v.'k', IT. 11. Rrar-:;ciniir;u C:i..-ih.:. L.,;-.;.i X:.,: ^ ' ' C'apt.iin St( uni n I'.i:^ . 1 i.iiuis i\;TV 11-n |, ;. ()n the "th (I tiv: \ .y.c r.u-r.rh ;i f e. i;;t fentcnct-, that \' u-.'-ailr.:,: .il Clf.lin ;. ! iin.i r t , talc tu' tile J Y-h t'i L'!..nle^ 11. \ /. r., ' . : . i;;^ the d>,[v i:^;p(ile>l .w ivn , .u; j'CnJeii IrvUii h.s r.uik .i'^ .i '.a'/ c:; ii: >.:., .. - . I'lciliire. I I;- u .;- !i.i n .i:: T ie:t. :< .1 ; i ;.. > :a:iN, . the ; ^i of Decenil-er, l"!, ...1; ita! > I 'h:- u' . The l-'iereh ha'.i;:.- li:;: ' :! :. lij'i vi' n t-i ; Africa, u;i.!(i M. i'< i;.e; tie .^..Iw'it, ^^.:h .i -..eA ttnh the Ikiclh l.'.th; : e;i'.^, .ni.i t > en << . ! '^t . ;! ahoc. 'Ihe M'; V, c:; n fi e oi t;us, ih't.; he t.'.!i Ihickle wr.h .1 ii;'... ! l.-.i.ah. n t.- tie ..'^ h.,- ..: -Aal, lent t tn hu t i ^ onni;.' I :< [':::.'. i: he h;.i ik ; ^^ /h>!:..'.v i;,- i..ree .,!..; .! wv i:nv:i.: the :.ei. .:.". >'( ni. ^;.':r u!. el ; 2,62 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY, A.D. him. M. Perrier de Salvert thought proper to comply, ^75' and rt-tired with his fquadron*. ^753 An a(5l of parliament pafTed this year to render more ef- fe6lual an acSt of the I2th of Queen Anne, for providing a public reward for fuch perfon or perfons as fhould dif- cover the longitude at lea. The cornmiruoners appointed, in addition to the hrft lord of the admiralty, fpeak';r of the houfe of commons, and feveral other officers of ftate, were the govLT.ior of Greenwich hofpital, the judge of the ad- miralty court, the iVcretary of tlic trtafaiy, the fecretary of the admiralty, and the comptioller of the navy. ^754 From the intrigues and ainbitinus views of M. Dupleix, the French governor of Pondicherry, peace was never efta- blifhed in the Eall Indies ; and hoililities continued to be carried on between the two companies. At length the court of directors applied to government to fend out a fquadron for the protection of their fettlements. Accord- ingly four fail of the line and a frigate were ordered to be equipped for this fervice, and Rear- Admiral Watfon ap- pointed to the comrnandf . The admiral failed from Ply- mouth on the Qth of March, with orders to put into Kin- fale, to receive on board a regiment of infantry. While at anchor there, a violent flormi came on, in which the whole fquadron was in danger of being driven afhore. The Eagle and Briftol ran foul of each other, were dif- mafted, and fo much damaged as to be incapable of pro- ceeding on the voyage. Notsvithftanding this difafter Ad- miral Watfon failed from Kiiifale on the of March, and was followed by the Cumberland of 66, and the Tiger of 6o guns, which were fent out in lieu of the dif- abled fhips. ^755 The parliament voted 1 2,000 feamen for the fervice of * French Force. | TSiitifli Force. Ship:. (Juris, j S^:i['!. (?u:!.u Cwnnnnder^. One of 74 I A.'^'I'ance -o Captain M. Buckle Ditto 64 I Sr. -Ubans ;:) How. J. l>vi-oii Ditto - 80 I Spii)nx .-J Ed, Wheeler Ships. Gu'ii. ':'!:! in. lers. \ Kent - -4 5 '-''^''^^ ^^''''"^'"-^' ^'^'-'^'"^'^'''^i'''il ^^'^''^ t^^^ I Ca-'Min Henry Spal'.e F-;i';le - 60 - (^cortie I'ocuck Sahlhury - ;o 'j\ Kiiowler JinUol - 50 '1'. Lat!:am Ijridgcv.atcr 20 \y ^.i;,rtin Klil^siiiliW 1(5 li. ?.ii>;,iii.!l the \ \ \ A J. I ii HON O iAiCY . the current yc:.':. T '"' I": 'lies for tb.c iir. v v.- 1 he (u\- o: I".: : .r;v :;, i:iv'i;^:;n.' ^'-'4, -> I i^:,' (TuM.'.ncc tt : KM I. r\ .ic Towariib ii.iviiu^ o'T tlic r..v.\ J-'.u I ^r the orJinarv ot tb.j iia\^/, m- \ c'udin::^ h.ilt-pav U> li a oiiiccrs | ' ' 'luA-auU tlic l\ipi>!)rt (.; Cjiccii'Aith 1 holjncal - - - / ' "' I'oibuilJing', rebuilding, r.nJ repairs 1 of rhc iiavv ~ ~ ' j 'i'hc whole fupplies granted this \ear .unoiiu.J. t 4,07^,7-9!. I IS. 6;d. On the 6:h ot January the follo'.ving prf)niot:on ot tl.-. cihcers to(,k placi', \ 1/. }Icnr\- C);iu(riie, ].[^\. to be \' ii-c-Adniira! (>f the* red. ( uiiim, ) , \ i - ,- I i ; ,1 i I- i> , \ .ccAdnura.s (,; tiu- wii.u Si;- !\c!wa:\l Hawke, k. \>. S L':\{'': ~ kn'us'les, I.I4. \'icc- Admirals o( the blu.v > '\ear- Ad:nii-a!s ot' the re !. , Rear-A i;n;r.d> nt'iiie v.r.i:e. \ear \d;n!: ..'s ot tli,- !\ le. I i'.e tviui l.iii w : e not I'lo.uoied till .\l.;y. .1 >.i, i Ion. John I'orbe Hon. I'.du'ard Holcawen Charles ^\'.it^o^, Kl'q. Temple Welt, i;k]. (Teorj;e Pococke, Kfq. Hon. Cieorpe To wnlend Savau^e .Mo'ltyn, Kfq. I rancis Holbourne, i.Uj I Iiriry Harrilon, I!iq. Thomas C.\)te<, l.tq. I homas Krankhunl, I'.le, 'I'he Hritiih fettlei -. in North Ainvrii a, p.n ri.'i:: i: : v i;i the [)ro\'Hire ot N()va SeiUia, ha\ m.' bi.-n ; ejicatrd;-. vi.i- turheii bv tlie niluhs and eneroaehmrtiis oi tnc 1 lench , it became hi^hlv neeellarv L)r the l>rinih .vuiinnu-nt t > lend tiut a force to eheek thele procceduij/.. 1 .1 this purpolc the honourable Captain Keppel was liiipatJud. c.iilv ;n the vear with two htiv [mki (hips, and .1 bnj\ of I.;;-, i lojees, under the command oi (irncral Hi idd )ik. I h'- !<'n.ii tu;>.- o' this little armanent was no luoiiei kn^wn b', th.- I";i n. ii court, than It be^.'.n t ) aliume an hoifil. dilpdittio;,, .ii,d lerved as a pretence tr. ecpnp a ition^ tiett .it \r.c\\ ..;;l Rocht'Tt. The j^uaidflups wcie conll q lenllv cidiK '. ' > tdkc onboard ihcu lowei-deck guns, r.nd to (.j.i: 204 NAVAI. CnSONOLOGY. A.D. their crews with all polTible difpatrh. On tlie iith of *i"5S March a royal proclamation was iirued, offering a bounty to fdamen and able-bodied landmen to enter into the roya! navy; and as a farther encouraf;ement feverai fea-port towns offered additional bounties. On the 14th of the fame month forty-three fail of the line, befides frigates and other veirds, were ordered to be commifiioned and fitted for fea wich all poff.ble expedition'-^. The French hafk^ned their equipment, and in April fent to fea a fleet of twenty-five fail of tre line, under the com- mand of M. Macnamara, wlio afcer hav ng efcorted M.. Bois de la Motte fome league? to the weflward, returned to Breft with nine fail of the line. As foon as advice was received of the (ailing of the French f?eet, Vice-Admiral Bofcav/en was ordered to proceed to the coafl of America, and to attack the French fquadrcn wherefoever he fhould meet it. The admiral failed from Plymouth on the 27th of April v.'ith eleven fail of the linef. The miniftry being foon after better informed of the ftrength of the French fleet in North America, en the iilhof iVLiy difpatched Rear-Admiral Hclbourne waa a reinforcen.cnt cf fix fail of the line and a frigatej; ; who had the good fortune to join Admiral I'ofcawen on the 2ifl: of June off the banics of Newfoundland. On the oih of this nionth the fquadrcn chaced three fail of the enemy's (hips, which had been feparated from M. Bois de la Motte in a gale of wind. The Dunkirk, commanded by the honourable Captain Howe, came up with, and brought the fternmofl: to clofe action, which ffruck upon the Torbay's approach. She proved to be the Alcide of 64 guns, and 480 men, com- manded by M. D'Hocquart. The 13efiance and Fou- guex took the Lys, pierced for 64 guns, but had only 22 mounted, commanded by M. de Laperill. On board of thefe fhips were taken the CJovcrnor of Louifbourg, a large body of larid forces, and abcne 30,000]. in fpecie. y\ fog coming on f:i.voui''d the ek\'pc: t;f th other French fliip, Vvh'ch, frcnn tfic report of the prif)ner.", war, the Dauphin Royal, (jf 74 oup.s, Vicc-Aumiral Bolcawcn finding that thj ruf !: the Frtiicli fleet bad arrived fife at (^^ebec and j.ou:il)c;iM-^ ;;, T,r(;i:,xuLJ to lialifax, leaving Rear-Adniira? '^ A. P>r':'x, CI-i.^ T. No. i^. Holbournc \ \ ' A r {]i:\r,Si)j,0(; V -')-> Hwlhiurjv-^ wi'h ;i ."'.,.;!; l".;-; . 'r vi fo !>'.!. k up ;1k- ' .:t'T A D. p irt. Ill CM''::.:;.: I'.y: h.i:'' t > H ' , r' .M.i:s ..f i,.i. ' 7 -> > 1! i;,* riiii al!i"-o, .::'.! K' i, ' , ,;.s ..t tnc j'.I't i tiic CTi-w a:-,. I '/.milS w r II(jtc.tWLii h.:d rft-:tf.i l:^ rj'i.i:;: i- Ti^'Lin.i, where h- .irii'.cJ I'ti t!v i^:h r. N .'..::,.:. CipUiri Kali. t: J >;-.. \ w.'.^ L :': ..i ,. I, tnc line , t ) .m tnc W'.it- \vhi> t!iul-\i :rir in (.1: [ I c r'.i!/c f.i: .'. ri r , I .awicn.c, to iiittrct p: ..:. ' : { laiit/ t > *^ali V (.r I . ( )n vvj in{ ..; Ju'. , -, IjilcJ f:>.in Spi;iir.'.i v. cru /L- ti'r' cape r;;i:li : j. : ; . a I-!"nch C',', wp.ivh vv.t- <. i;i.i r (>:' M. w.i v,i. \ U'.'aiicc ..t' in/ !5: ,'.;lh ...':nT. ', a: ! irr \ cJ !..:< at C'aJi ', aiiJ ir():n &.vrx-^ at H:'!*. ( ':i h\> ; ..'i.i -c fu- 1. 11 in with ar,J e apc.ircu iii^ ni,'.;'.-it '.'> (lup 1j' .n.;; ':J, <.t ,'. '.^uii^, ^"ap- ta'n W'ark'ns (,;i h r ; \:\ .- t.i ^>'n:n f.iiohna . i:n ( J>- \'i-rn ' l.i'-'./r' n, u'm en ;'v.- lh..)'s a: : .-. .il .it N.nit/, was (.il'iad Iv,- t"" (.-i.-t lo hj ivl at hhiif., t!-'.r I)', iiui: : J, t) Sc re:!': -'i ri C'.!p''ui >'v atlv;:'.-, a ;.: t,i I'.iJ V. Hltc-'. t-r hi' th> n ',' : 'm t r. ( );!tl'..- :.r;i:nii; ^:; i, :wa!.i Ha'.vk.!.- f 1 Si u: ', !:/ p: ;i-i '. 1 .1 i i">ip:,i.:i! t i t'-c aJ.iii- i.;!".- :' ^'- ' I ' I ' ;"'''.: a (>: ::;; IJarli-'nr, t. . , 11 > I ':.::ii p V - ' -..-..nci O.'- . ' . .\:::. nt , , ;i..i.r..nJ n . . An .: t . a '. 1 I ;i 11 I '.. N 1 . -A . n n : Di; t;; ^ ...1 ii:- ' ';/ i'- ..'.:. iilll ;.. . .- I i't:: ( Mju.uct. ,\s ',:,;, 1, ;, , ,>. t u ;. wi opn > n, n .."s 1 ii.Kic:, : > j':.i- li ti.c; (.-!': . :;: . i.n.;- ; -. i,;i\- .u . ' ,:..'. u:ir. ( \\ [[\,,;i .IS tt.C fc-lu!! Wt)lli(i [HI!!:.t. '/)' ()(( I l; K I \ ( t- s \ 1 i; (> M j . F(^r ttiC (ervii f ot tin- [.rcfci t, :!\; , .. , .1 50.' CO (<-anu ri, ii.Ji.diM^ f^ij^ i;ui 'Ia.--. '!'.':l- Iijj'Iil-s i;raii!ni Were as K il.u > : lor the r^anic:!, ar.J oc K)r fra icr- 1 VKf, - - - [ l'\)r the onliinrv '': tl'^' ikv.v, iritliiiii' ' ] halt pay to I'^d t-t'u-c r->, - J" * -''"'" -^ Fur biiil.liiiL; the naval lulpital at'ar, - 2z c;:'j o i (.ir biiil.luiu, rcbu;!i!:i;'-, a:ul rL|-a::s d 1 the lias V, - - j To'-vanN paNiiiL; of! t:;c lul); 01 \':c iia\\ - , ' r; The uh !. (iipp'ie- \.)tLd tor t!.c ei.ii .tit \^..i, .in:.>.:;:cJ to 7,22(),i I -! . .;^. ^ni. Ill lliis \, ;'.;f hiiniai;c a'ul Ia;;>! ili!e p'an tor a traiip.c f<)-;ict\ was iiillitutf*!, !). thic patr;. t . /alot ::!; ir,. r. h.i:.;s ot Loiul' !" , u lio e.'itcTci! mio a in I!!;') ral I;i:'!.'r!;i'io:i, t) clothe ail 1 (t!iiv:atc (jrphati'-. or d. fe:: J .in.i :: i:-: ;>!!'. S !vi\ -, to feru- ill the r ". .1! :ia\ w 'I'hi^ iio'i'e i:i:t:'n' 1 11 1 .!> p: , ,1 ot t;r(.at atlvai,t.ii;c ;" i'ml- i)a\ \'. I :; ]u;, , I "~ :, :t \s ..-- \i: o . prorated, ainl i-- go\,er!ud t^} aprtluleiu. .u.,! 1.:^ >. .>e-picl- dcnts. The uarlik.- prepa: .r :f'.i!s \vh,!^h !,- I'-'-rirh \\--r mak- 1::^ at l^reii, ar.d t!iv!i or'iK r ( i p , ,\:w i)r tl'L- (ame d. ;v M. I) \,.' v ( ,;\ ! . r n U fniaU Iqiiadp.n I .r M..:' 'l"h,c !e;:..i:. '. ih.p-; ot \var HI l!;.i' h.:. ! wardtiefi t.i: l> a, \ - Ik a i o[i ti''- I 'mIi : 1 [j.-aiiiruT It tt Hirlt, u ,;', : a iai^i- (;.i tlie nth o' Mr cotiKiia:. i l!ie f. ' !v:,d \->\ . . .1 : , '.v il ,-1 .> It I': I : (.>:- : ! t ' s,..; > ... .: , m' ,' ot \\ai f ir "^' I ) '- !'.: wa ap. \!e It' raiiv : , !'.a\ - c; . li. 26s NAVAL CHEONOLOGY. A.D. ing under him Rear-Adaiiral Weft. The many nnforereen '75^ delays, and difficulties which arofc on the part of the mini* flry, in the equipment of this fleet, (which connilt d only of ten fail of the line}* prevented its departure from St. f lelens before the 6th of April ; and then moft of the lliips were fhort of their complement of men. 'i'his ineafure fccms the more extraordinary, when it plainly a^jueared ; that the admiralty had at tlieir couiniand above 8ooo men without taking a fmgle inan from the cri;iza:g {hips.f On the 1 2th of March, Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Hawke failed from Spithead with a ftrong fqiiaiiron lo watch the enemy's motions at Bre'l ; early in April he was rer.ilorccd with five fail of tiieline, under Rear- Admiral Holbotirne.'^ On the 29th of the fame momh, Vice-Admiic.! Bofcawen was fent out to relieve Sir Edward Havvkc in tiie command of the fleet olFBreft; who returned to England with a part of the fquadron in May.^, On th.e iTth of May, the Colcheuer, of 50 gun?, Cap- tain O'Brien, and the Eym.c, of 20 guns, Caprain Edward Vernon, being on a cruize inT Rochi.^rt, f:dl in v/ith, ai'.d gave chace to two Frencli f:r.p> of war, (E'Aquiion, 0:48 guns, M. de Mauivi'i'e, ai;d La Fide!lc, of 36, M. de .Letardis.) At about lix in the evening, they '.Y"- v-.itldn pirtol (hot of the enemy. A iunous engai-emcnt bcoan, and continued with great obninacy f'-)r five ii-j':i> ; v.i'.cn the cnems, from having diietled iheir fire chicd!) at tlie rigging and fails, made fail and tfrtclcd their c'cape. A great number of men were killed and wounded on both fide?. On the i8;h of May war was fvmally declared againft France, in confcquence ol its hofitic mvaiion t)f the iOand of Minorca. And on the 18th 01 June it Vvas declared by France againft Great Britain. j'j On the 4th of June his majefty ordered a promotion of flag officers ; after which the lift of admirals lloc;d as iol- lovvs, viz. * Appendix, Chap. II. No. 65. ^ Sec IJcatlbn's Naval and Militarv Mcinoiis, Vol. II. page 47, or i\.cl<.li;ti<)ns < f the ITdufc of Connnc^ns, 13th ofiNlav, 1757. :J Appcmhx, C:ha)i. il. No, 66. Appendix, C'l;:,p. IJ No. 67. fi Appendix, Chap, 1, No. 15. State of the Navy of Gicat liiitain and Fiunee. Jam.e? X \ \ \ I. C!! i; I' \ )].()(, V. :l')(J . i.i;;,ti, ( / , i; the 1 '.If , ! (he \\ ;..'. A I). 1 : ^''J ]! .;:, ( ; J>\ .\ 1 n;ra!v, flicW :. tc. J - If : ;v Ihr, :, , !!.; * 1 i> Hna-; ! : ..-M.i. f i..:i 1 il.n-, I',. \ !(;:, + iI..:rvN 111 s Kl-i. ^ ^ I- e^'iKi" n (; -v I .'1 ; \ ; () , - ! . ..i, /- ivcar-AJm lal- oi ilic Re i<.ar-.\.l:;::r.ih(,f the White. :! ..I t!i.- i5:i. I-:, ir- \,l(! . ;;, i '1 ! r. M- 270 NAVAL CHRONOLOGlf, A.D. The honourable Captain Richard Howe, in the Dun- *7S*^ kirk, with a twenty gun fhip, and two floops of war, having on board a detachment of about 300 men, from the ifland of Jerfey, was fent to dclfroy the fortifications which the French had erected on the idand of Chaucey, near St. Malos ; and which gave great alarm to the inhabitants of Giiernfey and Jerfey. When Captain Howe appeared before the place, the governor, who had been fummoned, refufed to furrender ; but the fhips being ordered to proceed to the attack, he thought proper to fubmit to the terms pre- ficribed him. The fortifications were demoliflied, and C^aptain Howe returned to England. Vice- Admiral Bofcawen continued to cruize ofFBreft till the 8th of November. Being informed by Lieutenant Cockburne, whoin lie had fent to reconnoitre the port, that there were not more than nine or ten fhips of war lying in the harbour ; he returned to England, leaving a fquadron to watch the enemy's motions, under the Admi- rals Moffyn and Norris. Vice- Admiral Knowles was af- terwards fent out to take the command of the fleet before Breft :* he remained on this flation till the middle of De- cember, and then returned to Spithead with the greater part of the fleet. The admiral had no fooner quitted his flation, than the enemy fent out two fquadrons, one under M. de Kerfaint, to the coaft of Africa; and the other to the Well-Indies, under M. de Beaufrement. Towards the end of November, a change took place at the admiralty board. t Captain Lockart, in the Tartar frigate of 28 guns, cruized with great adlivity and fuccefs ; he took four large French privateers, two of which engaged him very warmly. i The Difpatch floop of war, of 12 guns, commanded by Captain Holbourne, after an obflinate engagement, which lafted two hours, beat od the Prince de Soubife privateer, of 18 guns, and 170 men. The Frenchman made two attempts to board the Difpatch, but was each time re- * Appendix, Chap. TI. No. 68, -j- Appuiulix, Chap. IV. Nc Shii. duns. Men. \ Lc Cuf 24 _ 200 27 of whom \vcre killed I a: Ciiancl Gideon, 24 - zii, 7 of whom Nveic killed. L'Hcios, 14 - 162 La Rofc, 10 " 90 pulfcd N A \ A I, CHnC)\Or.')(i V, pii!lL\l witii C'ni.>Mimuii'!i J 1)\ Li:'::(. i;.iii; ()r:(j.k, \\a- aitackul ..l! Put') I(ii:-!i . uiirj, b\ a 1 n :; 'i jTnatcr vl I2giin<, a'ui 14.8 CKii. I ,icii;.r,.i;.t ():r.'.k cru^iL'cl licr Vcrv 1 r.:vc!\ fiT two huiir.-, ui.^n h j -.. li-.r l>r;i i,' ail L'XiicruiL.!, uiili i:vc iiiL-ii kilicil an 1 t ij'iinii w(>!;ii(!..'. he was (ibiij.'vvl to Mr'.kf. 1 t.r p; ;\ .itcxr ha,i !i viii inLi; k, '.!ctl, liiul tvvfn'v-iuc wouniLii. lor thi^ i^.i'LiMt act.' m, Mr. Orr ami iroincn. Ij'jth lh;ps \vt (c Coiili'lciabK ila:na;;ci,l ; il.c rtrriL).i- (iaila lieutenant ami 10 men k:l;ed. i):\ tl:e .S;h 1 { il;.- I.iinc month, ;- tb.e '1\ r: i!iie wa- condiiciinu; In r pr'// to l-.:i^- laml, ami hut i!l jtreparec! a Iccoml^etnent, Ihc inilnekilv tell \i\ with the N'engeanee pri\areer heloiuMn^ t > St. Maloes, ot 36 giin^', anvl ^ men. The <.nenn'> lull object was to retake the pri/e, uhu h the'. niaiim.Ai. anJ both t<)get[-,er bore tlowii en the lerribie. Crp'-tin Death defended his Ihip with the i^realelt bra\er\, a-.i nil to uue- tjual a torcc , nenhei did the Itrike until bt r main malt was (hot awav, tier bra\e ecunmai: !er k:!!ei!, \v:ib n-nrly bait hiscrevv, and moft of the liir\ivors In ii\ woi,:i.led. The fiicmv's Ihip was a complete w reT. , bir fn'.t ami leconJ caplam.s were kided, \vith tuotbmi^ "t ''' i: w. The tnerchants ot London, a- a t( ll,ino:u . t :b.cir fetde of t!ie gallant lHha\:om if C'.iptam Dtaili and h > brave crew, op.'-nvd a rij^t on at l,'>.\,i's i. o;b 1 -iionle, for tile b"neht ot ins widow ; toi the u :d. 'a > of !bo'ct)ia\e fellows wb.o \i\\ then Ives \\;;h b:m ; aid for that part ot the crew \\ bo fiirw. ( I the rn/aj;( nu ; t . On the z''rA\ ot I ) ..^ mln i , "ibr \:;r: :.ilbcan p;;e..'cer oi London, nioiint'iit; ;;o inii'-, and ?bo men, com-nandcd In C"ji>'a;n b./der, b 'i.g en .i ci. .:/, . '' berrol, o.r.e (.iiace to a fail. A'' mt ;i t .n l;e broii.dit lu r ti ai!:"n wnlnn pl.l '1 111- t, \v!i;,Ii .-;.:.:., I'd u.;li gii.ii tins t .! ilirc'- 111 tb att rn" n, \\b.-n iii.- !tr;:.k, p;..'.i-d t > ' the 1 ) ' '1 b' 'bi- \ re ' , 111 I i. b -man oi ; .' n; , > o-- mailJc ! . . Al. -- \'lb:.ct:-, v,\.< was k:b I. v..'. -.v.. 2/2 NAVAL C iiiiOXOI.OG Y. A. D. of his men. and 27 woiukIclI ; the Antigallioan had twelve ^75^ men killed, and 26 wounded. The weather proving very tempei'tnous, and the-f})ips much dil'abled in the engage- ment, obliged Captain Fofter with his prize, to put into Cadiz. On his arrival, the PVench cojirul reprefcnted the fa6is of this capture in fo uniuli: a manner to the French ambairador at the court of Madrid, that the Spanifli mini- Iter Tent orders to the commanding officer at Cadiz, to feize the Penthievre, and reftore htr to the French, Captain Fofter refidcd the atternpts of the Spaniards with great fpirit and courage; til! being overpowered by a iupcrior force, he was obliged to yield, I'his, arnong other vio- lent aS.s committed by the Spaniards, was produ 1, V k m l!;c .iflrrjii^'n, A !i:. ;..i i'/ ., ii.tiii i!\- li^:ia! i.'li'Mnt!,- Inu- of li.ittlc ' "i , .itu'iit this iiinr I'.c Willi ill. I .iwav; Jiul as ; ' ; ;i \\ as |i>' J Ml Ij ;i't I'l [m !!ii; alii' I> |m ni; I he CIK mv fn ft:' ;i " i; '[Lt. the t .k lli^' "pj., .; tirii tv to I'ic'^;-! t(ii u llii['-- wliuli \viii \\a'kU m.iiiiKil, by ill ta^ till!' 1,!^ 't'Mi il:<- h li'.iti A. ( );i i!,:- ; 'li m I'u- ii;;;, \\\i v\-. .iri'( r w .is I I I xttctM' !\ I .i.'\ , il,. Ikp. Ii lli-t i.\>', 'il not in-|icn, t,u\aii!v iw>,.ii ti i ',< atc.l ii',', ami t'lc, w I !' (|;K I'M ml aiviii iii i!ic S ]-.. iji.irt- i \l'.,it (^'' cJ'ii. Ill ilu- al;i IP. I I. I> mIi li- rf. Ii.i.l |.-i 111' >i i!i. II l,i,c- m: l)ji:!.'. TI;'- Hi iMl'i adiiual l.aunr liu- .i.i' w. a^u ..| t'l'.- v\i:;,', ni.i !' llu li:;'i..l t.i 1) ,a .i\\j\ two p.-iii' . an 1 111 f"'.', I,-- '!,' i:.'m\. lie v.. II, > < 'Tinan.! ! |\ lv. .u AJ;mii.! W ( :I, !)i :!:! a' t > i-n at a .lita'n c. t' i -ui '''. I.. r a I ,. ,1, . U I' :; !': : I ;;ia! , '' i i' v. ill ; ' I .r,i I :.>! .1 \s , 1, I'm- ;..;!) 1 " ti !>l u I \ .'I ps I./ ijll,- 1 1' 't il ' 1,;'^ ( a: \\ 111 Ih' .r t ir n i.i.t' i Hi ral; It l.'i''. ..."..v, lliii.'.v t^i^'li |!i:|.', a!l in nl !i, i mi^i lonir I o;;! :'. ; >i. , . a!i ;.' J a "r a' l|' i li ( ',<' ii i !i \ a:i ainl ir !i ii".h ti -I , 111'! 1 .\y"\ >! I"!- ii \iiiiiii i Wi Mv 11'. ill ill I., I l::c ..I .iliii..;t ill .. ! M (I. h I.IK-. , , I 'I ' ' \ ' 1 , ii.. f,'ii 1 .' , ' ik i;ic I h'l' ] I.I j 1 111 ', I w, I II, 1 !';] a I I,' I If aim r. 11 . lull I il. \1. .'. ( ,Vill;. ;, . I' .'T. A 1;^ k . . 1, , j.. I: I, .; ...u u :'. I,r v^ !i ' 1 Ji ; !l lil.p II Hi;' .111 . ' ri IIIM ! P- I I .i i ' ' I ' , . 'il I ;! .1 > 1 I I, ' I'.rnilii a'luiu li . ' n ! i lii: Ir. 'I t r I il-. (llllai. ..I I.. I '. On t!,c I: ' ' ! , ; !. ( 'I I'l . . I I li. I li 11. I ^H 1 1 V I < 1 a n . 1 1 . |. , i!' I Ml I V - , 1 274 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. what plan fhould be purfiied for the future operations of 1 75*5 the fleet. The unanimous opinion of the council of war was, that the difabled condition of the fhips made it necef- fary tor them to proceed immediately to Gibraltar to refit, as well as to fecure the fafcty of that fortrefs, and the more immediate protedlion of the trade. In confequence of thefe refolulions. Admiral Bing fleered for Gibraltar, and anchored in the bay on the 19th ol June; where he found Commodore Broderick, wlio had arrived from England with a reinforcement of four fail of the line, and a fifty gun (hip*. The Adra'ral ui'td all poflible difpatch in the refitting of his fliips ; and being thus ffrengthened, to put to fea again m queft of the enemy ; but on the 3d of July the Antelope arrived from England, having on board Ad- miral Sir Edward Hawke, Rear Admiral Saunders, and feveral navy captains, with orders to fuperfede the Ad- mirals E-ng and Well, and fueh captains as were diredted by the admiraity to return home. Lord Tyrawley was alfo fent out in the fame fhip, to be governor of Gibraltar, in the room of General Fowkc, who was recalled. On the 9th of July the Antelope failed from Gibraltar on her return to England, with the admirals and all fi!ch officers on board as were thought 'neceffary to be fent hornet. Previous to Admiral Bmg's failing, he wrote a letter to the fecretary of the admiralty, expreflive of his feelings at being fo difgracefully fupeifeded in his com- mand ; and concerned to find that Rear-Admiral Weff, with other officers in the heet, fhould be fufferers for what fie alone fhould be refponlible as commander in chief. Sir Edward Hawke found the fleet in fuch a ffate of torwardnefs, that he was foon enabled to put to fea ; and arriving off Minorca, he there learnt that the lOand had lurrendered on the 18th of June. The French fleet had retired to Toulon, where it remained perfe6lly quiet, S'apf. Cum. Commandfrs. Commodore I'rincc George - ho 64 li)i\vi S T. Brodcrick Com ( Captain A. North R.Tyidl Nniiau - - 64 J.Sayer Han.pioi. Court - 64 |. Wfbl) 'li^ , - - 50 iE. W'hccler t Thctc \vcre C;pf,-;in Gardiner of the Kamillie^ J Captain Evcrjrt of the J}uckin;;h:uii, Captain Gough of'thc Expenn/cnt, and Captain Halkt cf the- r'ortuiir- iioop ; wiih'moU of -tlu; officers of the two flag fiups, which \'- . ^ '- r-,". ii (! i :v .- . ./.-. So nu-'i. . ' ' . li.r.l C\ I,;.'.'.' -.' was jr ., '., '. . :': I , I iiris aii-l . '- !:; {<, v.'\ itv h-. (!(.' (. 1 Ir I),' flacrcil < rf vv I'h (( 1 K ci !; :!iul a i; part i : h- r t ic.' . t'.;t inlrl'.;> miiirr i!i-- pr^ ci : I'omhK' t'-il t)i; !ii (.1 . i:.r I I I'l;" i;oVfrrMr (ir.i''''' iiil; \ i' ai/>! il,c :.i i.' . ! 'ii t iiiiii! an < -pi) ii ' i,; ci I ,- l.'ua'i :i, .;::J . : ,! .;'. 'riu- a linira' 'iij-iilv' imvci.U I ir ih 1 1 A M.- I ; ; !;( ti. ii .)! a ni'lii'i (.:S'u;t, in il;c Aut':..'! - ..r;;:.,M.-, Sir \\ I'liani l> iin.;')\ \n .;Ii i'..- ! ' . i 1 ' wi'ii oulcrs to clcniaiul thi' ii'^;; \\'iiv;h; an, I in- LTf.v, an i to k .. , . n. ( ' ' ii ,: : . t\\(.ntv t"nr li.iniv a:ttr !; - .;!;;..;' I ': : . ', n v. - c\ I r 111 'TI.' ', n.;, u a^ k(i:r; I,.- ! u i''. . n > iir.c t'lic air^r l!.:' > . ( ^J v^ . \ ; !-:it I' 'ini. m \\ in. h :);. ' .. ... i: a'-, i'T an.i rr^'A p- : ilii li. s r :. 1 Ka-skc-. ii,n nrjMn i ~ n :'',.- i* .- ;/':, Mianntaincvl \\it!i i;ria! . . . n.'- i'^n u.i > I r'v il: - ;, :'..i^;. lining I'i'.ii- r;'nin ;> (il'ia!:ai. :'.a! t' w - - n ) iintii.i nL\(.;i;t\ '' r ! > .i'. in' t.;i.;r;can. on t':: ;;:..: |) . ; : !. (i!^; .r ! p^'anJ, iravin:' a i. :>ic n' :; ...;: n : f ' . ii > - tr^t.on -: t!iC tr.iilc .n.i.ri'/- ..':'; in! : i<<-.a \,l:n;!j! N.nn.l-r^. ..'. tin- . (Mjnii.n. i fa-,nn*,\\;.;.[i h. 1 2/6 KAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. On the i2th of July the Litchfield and Norwich fell in ^7S^ with and took L'Arc en Ciel, a French Ihip of war of 50 guns and 578 men. She was bound to Louifbourg, and had on board military ftores and provifions. On the 27th of the fame month Commodore Holme?, being on a cruize off Louifbourg, fell in with four French fhips of war, under the command of M. de Beauzier, who had come out of that liarbour the preceding night. An obftinate engagement enfued, in which the French- men were fo roughly handled, that they made fail and re- gained their port, in fpite of the efforts of Commodore Holmes to cut them off. Our fhips were much difabled in their rigging, and had fix men killed, and twenty wounded*. LEEWARD ISLANDS. Rear-Admiral P'rankland commanded the fquadron on this (iationi ; whofe cruizers were very adlive in annoying the enemy's trade and giving prote61ion to our own. The Warwick, of 60 guns, commanded by Captain Shuldham, being on a cruize off Martinico, fell in with, and after a gallant rcfjftance was taken by a French fquadron, under M. de Aubigny^. JAMAICA. The iljiiadron on this liation was commanded by tiie iionourablc George Townfeiid, rear-admiral of the red. Biinfli Squadrojj. Slilf^s. Gun^. Mt-n. Ccnimandcr-,, ** Grafton - 70 520 .,. Com. Hohrics Nottingham 60 400 _.. Captain Sam. Marlhali Hornet - 14 lOo S. Salr Jamaica - 14 100 ... . Sam. Hood French Squadr- on. Ships. Gum. Men. Commandfri, f.'Heros - 74 700 M. do Bcauficr J/Illuftre - 64 600 ... M. dc Mont;ilais [.a Licorne 32 300 La Svrcn - 32 300 .-. M- dc Bucrgon \ Ain)cudix, Chap. IL No. 72, .SV;,^)!. Gur.r. La Prudcute - 74 L'Atalentc _ V^ La Zcphvr - lU whofe N V \' A I. ( H i:(i\ u I.rn; V, .i'. f- :.c w:^ '.'> '.<> i:'i f'T;.ik- r.nv (''''vwfivc <> ". ..\ ^'' ' : !'. I. wfvcr, aMi>r'ic.i (\(i\ |)roVc;..)|i t) (he : . : , a:;! in- .1 -.i:! i .:s .iili'o-r:.,:) .,: |.!^ !(;ii.i.!rn:i [!! " ( , ; 1 ;;: .1 ' '! j!c;u vl jtiai N. I'f the Cliviir. . 1 \^ r 1 N :> ; . ~. \ :- .1 .:. r.ii \\.i;:..r, v,t. ni w- !; :t n: !->.>Mi!)-r. r-.'-'- tm'.i ]]'- K; I.. !;<-.|i, fia\.i:.>,- aI:.^:^;ll! t,.v p'.i:! U>r t' .i'-..- Iv ot G.r. uh. t!-,'- ]ir'i;v-!p:il .'('-Im;.- :.t .! A:;-r.;i, ],. ' ncci li.irv. j,;l'., I.- tM till. .Icp.'.rtiiri.- it ;t,r .itn .m': > lettlo ;i pn'''cr m.).If tor the i!,;lr;'>i;::tMi ot pr:.- - A C''ti:i'::'. c 'Vij; !' ,! c: [cs up.! lar.'l I'i'iOii , w . ., whcic;:! 't ^va^ :f.p;i:.,t J. ;l::tt \> W.:l..:i. as. i;- niap. 'rr i:: ._.'.:;' (;t t;;r kii.^- !,-:a.! li. miM rtvc.t (wr-thlra of ' n-- (.:: hrh o\ ;; c a'-.,; , Rr-ar- \,t;n;:ai 1' >- roc-k "PJ-- ir 1 ; '-iL'-M^hf;: ; ! , iii;!c'i;ai;l (.".i!. ix 1 (",\;-, aihl M. >.-'!: Cl..ur.!)t r^ i.. lliai; .. 'ii t'-.c i .ip:.i'.f.> c! tlic tied . a:,.! the r-;t ul tiu' l... aiui ia:''.l ( i^Krr-, a^r ; iiii^ to the i;l''al nv. ih.i.'. Li anc-rur.t-C"^ '>':icl C.vr ' pri>;i<.r- tkji; va- ii.'t i.-.):,l':,!i_r' il bv r.ianv "! t!,c lam! < :: i:-. .. i qiia'i; '.n I:;'; r.i; k a-! r !n .,::'t. A.;:;:.ial \\ - fi>r, lati.vT ti.aii J. ;-, tl-.c (crvicr en ilii^ av">ia,nt, .! - clar-J, thai ;r \:l .Muld n r. 'a a!!.!- ;'it uMuV- ., ftti'Ml bv I u- i<-,:- \ 'M.ia: T L . ^ it , : fll- "VNM -T.. '-!;; ri.V. '!'(. - ''..', . ; :'( . :: 'i" '" ' ' 1 Ot l\'ni'a!\ tl;.'. !..,'r.! tr.:ii iJ'inli.i.. ( ).i tl;r 11''; ;: i(iiia.!r..i:i a;-p;.:i; 1 '' ' ' < j :;.r'. \''' ! - 'i r. ..i ' IK )')!!, It <'i)'i rr'l ('., . r 11. I '.V w .. : ' \:>;)ri'iis I an:a ip.i I; , wi;. ii !': Mm.! \'. ' , Iiait pa.i t:\ .n ii; r. -:.,::.:. u ;i;!; r;.-i.' (|iliic!v !. :;>i''. If a-.p.'al nnn, J.;.: ir'Mip t ) if LiP icM i:". '< r L"''..'r,ri l'';;-, a:: I ii- ic\t I'av ;l'. i.; '>. (.T!! i |i i: mi'.- i< >'. ;:- nvn a:;! pi ::> .p li I >if, !1 W ! ' M th'- I'lll;:!) ..'1>UI, Wrlc lli,li.i!. \l:;'tia !'. I I :n \' r : ; t !>:. a'u r I'.r ai' i. k I'l-;^ an, lak;:: \'. .'': ' :;i li'tnl ; ii-aliiic. Ih'. lu.i \si\(-. an. I ,!!.', In- i:ia'!' [;.: :;; r<, .'.:.>! !n tia- admi:./ rrta'--,; !.in;i:.i". . 'l'-.\.' hiir..l: I a:'i littv ; 278 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. non and fix brafs mortars were found in the forts, toge- ^75^ ther with a large quantity of ammunition and ftores. About loo.oool. flerling in rupees, and 30,000!. more in valuable effedhs were taken. The arfenal and ftore-houfes were deftroyed, with the principal part of the (hips in the harbour and on the ftocks. In theredu6lion of this place, which had been tlie terror of all the trading nations in In- dia for upwards of a century, not more thau twenty men were killed and wounded. Vice-Admiral Watfon, having left a fuRicient number of troops, and a naval force to fe- cure and defend this place ; towards the end of April failed to the coaft of Coromandcl, and anchored in Fort St. David road on the 14th of May. Soon after orders arrived lo-^ the admiral to return with his fquadron to Eng- land. When this became known to the governor and council of Madras, they were greatly alarmed for the fate of the company's fcttleiuents, fliould they be left unpro- tected by a naval force. They therefore reprefented to the admiral the perilous fituation they were in ; particularly as certain advices had been received from the C(nirt of Dire6fors, that a large licet, with above 3000 land forces on board it had atlually faded from France for India; and alfo that in Bengal their aira!>-s were in a moll dangerous condition ; where the Nabob Surajah Dowlaii liad laid ficge to, and made himieif mafter of Cafaa^buzar and Cal- cutta. From thefe (trong reprefentaiions it clcaily ap- peared to the admiral that the Eaft-India Company's af- fairs in India muff be entirely ruined fliould he comply with his orders ; he tlieretore refolved to rifk a deviation from them, and to proceed indantly to Bengal. On the 14th of 06fober Admiral Watfm failed from Madras. A large body of troops was embarked on board the fqua- dron under Licutei!ant-Colonel Clive. The weather pr(>ved fo extremely tempeftuous, attended with otiier OiJiPer?, tliat the achriiral did not reach Balalour roads bcl; .c tfie 5th of Drccinber. 7"he Cnmberlanti, Sa- liC'inv, and i31aze hafhip parted ccMnpany in great difhefs, the frd was under the neceflity of putting into Vizaga- patnam ; the S-dilbury, after encoiuitering many difhcid- ties, i'jijied the ailniiral fome diys after his arrival in the ri\'er. Tlie I3laze never reaciied Bengal. On the V ice-yXdmiial's arrival in I3alafour roads, the fate of Calcutta was fvMy coniirmcd by the ir.formation of the N A '. AL C llltOSnl (m, V. -7cj Ti;P pi'ot^. I \\\s ciu rcuTc.! hi-i Dti\ic'\- to priKrcil up the '^-IJ rivn wild all |ii.liil)ic I'.i'pj-v ';. I [v pilots rttnfii.k^ to ' o* f.^ iIk Ihoa'v, C"jpt.ii'j Spckc-, wfioh.ii hen li\c?.il !::ii'>-a; I':m(.'iI. (.iii!rr!o,.k tlu- charge, nor iloiib;iHi; of being jructi^.ibli:. atj i hv wfioli- IkiH an.i inl^uunt th< v vvr oi.liu-hd ovn with iaitrv, aiul arh h"!c-(i I 11 !('.( i v b o: I ). > ( ti '! t > !! } uli j. ilcrc lilt aiiiiuui! m.u'.r ':\ 3gai!;li tl'if b)rt I ! Bni]: c l)oi,n-' ; a b.-a'. v f;rc ^ ofni.i'T,. v \ aiul Ct)iit 'tMiLil ; ;1 v.c f\ ^ii':';^', v\i,tn ',': r t j.ciirv \ i .imii ri NVirc (;i;!U' il ; bni tb-v Ibi'Wiil no nu !:natioii 'o (ur- rtii Icr, kcip:t;_^ i:;i a lirar- !. o! .'niiikctrs an.i V.!c ar- rows. Ill a 1^, iiii^-;; ,,t war liciJ :. bo.trJ tbc Kiii', !t \a'as rclo'.M-il to aitvuipt r.trrvin^ tbc ;ort b\ iiorni f.iilv thf II xt nirri; pl;. In t > ;b. (.:;l;;1;i n the arn'., tbi- atbnual I n.-ir i a liriavbim nt i! iL.inr.n i.nilcr li.c v n;- inand ot Captann KniLi, to cooper. itt- v.v':\ (." noml l"li\c i:; tins b;rvK I' ; 1m.:, In a n.o't Mi^uiai i\(ni, ;t w.i^ car- ried \s!;!ioiit Siioo.liln. J. A l:;, l)V tb.c nanu' it Strath, 111, lie! 'n^^ir-.; !o 'b- kiiil, ba\ .;;:; lirank too iihk b ^ro;^, Itia'jub-ii Miu' r ili>ua'-o; tic :oii, ,n tbr bci I >t iiii;b:, and obUivniL; a '>:;,, v-|i, c: Itr(.! af it, ^ivi;u; loi.d }ui/./,a< ; tb;s jlaMmd : ni.- iiMfi.- I'l bi- (.iiiu.idt^. w:.o had alfo ;tra\td. ilu- bini-.- '.\a'> . tbfV mllanil'v ira'i.nnd the brtavb, aiiddn.'.c tb' .Nbii;'!; b'tib-.r. vv tio ba 1 ; .- i;oulIv a;'atk:d >iia>ban ! r. m ;b( \\ ork >. V>\ [l;istin.c- tbtJ wb.o'i- lairp and !.;i; id'o-i \\ i i . j;..r;iK'.!, an i l..( Hoop- fb, m^ t > itu- ('It, I >on !.-nn-r< d and :;.i:nc I p 'di :ii n ol It \v!t;ioi.t ibc !- I I .i man, cxii ptin/ t, ipt.iin C .u:ip- (k-II, u bo in i!ic I ':.!i,l' /m \,\..~ .1. V ,.i( n'jib. kilud b\ on-- ol In- own p. lit-,. Atni i\tr'. tlni,.; \s .o .jincl. Ndiiiiral W atloii l;.-:.t 'oi >n.i' ::in 'o ^dn: m.^lh bim t'T In. ten"- ritv; an.i addr::b.i ! .ni b; lav r..'. " '^, , . o iliis \on bau- ') (.11 d.'.'a, ' I'l;*: nntn'' .ic! bi-f. .;ln : bavnr.^ iiicic :,,s [>:',, |.i..ivb( ! dis b.c.i.i, and w'!i c ban.l luiib;:; In- ba! .a t'n- otlur, uplu i, W : " Uv line. >.r, " .. I ' *..> '.'ok du t^ ! , but I ' tb'.ic \v-r il ' b..!in ..I :' 1 iu' ai"i':.i' tbrn i ' ] .. 280 XAVAL ClIKONOLOGY* A.D. out to him the dreadful consequences that might have re- ^75^ fulted from fo rain an a61:, and infinuatcd as he Jeft the cabin that he fhould be punifhed. Strachan, highly dif- appointed at this rebuke from the admiral, when he thought himfelf entitled to applaufe, muttered as he was going from the cabin, " If I am flogged for this here *' adlion, I will never take another fort as long as I live *' by G ." It is to be regretted that the repeated bad condu6l of this brave fellow prevented Admiral Watfon from giving him promotion. He was afterwards wounded in one of the a61:ions under Admiral Pocock, and became a pcnuoner of the cheft at Chatham. Captures made in the courfe of this year. rejj-ch. Taken from the enemy, many of them of great value 251 Taken by the enemy, few of any value - - 230 Balance in favour of Great Britain - 2i OCCUEREXCES AT HOME. '757 '^^^ parliament voted ior the fcrvice of the current year 55.000 feamcn, including 11,419 marines. Supplies granted for the Navy. /. s. d. For the pay of the feamen and ordnance \ q^ ^^ for fea fervice - - - J For the ordinary of the navy, including 1 ^ the half-pay to fea oi-ficers - J ^ J'VoV / / Towards the buildmgs, rebuildings, and | ^^ ^ ^ repairs or his majeity s ihips - J For Greenwich hoipital - 10,000 o For purchafmg land near Plymouth, and \ erecting the naval hofpital there - j ' " The total grants for this year amounted to 8,350,325 i 3 In p\.l)ruary his majefty ordered the following promotion cf fiag officers J fiiac Tovvnfend, Ei'q. > To be Admirals of the white. William Martin, Ein. "] iTobe George r.ord Aiifon J Henry Oiiiornc, Efcj. '\ Thomas Smitii, Efq. \ Admirals of the blue. Thomas (jiiiiui, \\U\. \ Sir Edward ii.r,vkc-,,K.B. 3 Charles ('in.O\-i,l or; V 'Sl \'.;j. V. Rcir-uilnurau t-f i;;v rcJ. fJ>,n. foiin Far'-,-, li'.n."KJw.ird P>ol,.iv.M;, Ch-ulfs W.itt'.K'., 1 :.[. I cni[)lc \\'(.!t, 1 . >j. MtU) (iCl>I.:r IdWl.lcT.iJ, Sav..^c M.'ttyn, i:;;|. I r.iDci-, Klq. llc-iii V H.irr. 1(111, Illtj. Tn()nia> Cotts, Imij 'ihoiTias IrankianJ, }!u]. Oil tl-,L- 27th 't ])fC;T7i!vT, 175", the c. urt-in.A'^ which \v..s orJcrcO U> v,-.i;ii:rf cun tr.t- Kruii;^'! ..; .\^;:r.i: .11 BiiiLS .liicinhiciJ (11 b'.ir^i th- v^t. l'.-v.:f, m 1'. rfl-m nth haib'j'ir^ aiiJ \v.:> ci.i:-,[)(i|(\i ( f the tn'Iuuir,.' nic.r,h.i>, \ /. Pretidcr.r, \' ;.(.'-. At! -n.:.!! rh:)'.!i.ts Sii'.i'.r.*\.!nia.iN, I raiuis II..;h.;uriie, I I.u ry Norn-, 1 I'.'i.Twis J)i(>Jr;ck. Cipl.uns. (."h.irlcs I!(il:nc-, I'r.uu;^ Cjc.\\\ W'r.Ii-HTi iJit\s, j'lh;; .\ I " : e, j(jf,:i SiiiUMC, "l 1! (- ! ) ij.'!.,s joh;i l)(::!iey, ii . : ;t us K .-i-f cl. iVtii 1)1,1!-. J tic roin; C(iiUi'i'.iei.i ti h' i;r.: I : . ^v.i i f 1 ('>; u.i"-, wiieii, I'M,iii^ u,i o: the laiJc:. . , ' -. ;ic.ui.i I" !:.r t.'UM, .-Uinur.i! Hmj /..'.J I.ii'.-.i u.w.i i)w ;..l'..i;i. :; c:,!u'ic t tile li:fi Jitieie v! " or ih.i'.i 11 't '.'. > h.^ ;:t- '^ Pi' lit !,. t '.^- .! (Jl ifrov t .i:\ ll.'.i u;... h .t lluii Ik- 1::s '^ (i::t\ t,)(;i.Mjc, . !:.! 'li:!' j::.: ic'.e-.e .1.! ..:.! t ^ t ; \ .-t " hi> iii..;("! v\ lh::i- whiv ;i ;l Ih.i'l i^e ti, > lii.' , t.i .::i;!t anj " relieve' '^ n. M. 282 ni^ONOLOGY. A.D. This article of v/ar left no difcretional power in the ^7S7 court, as it exprefles, that " every perfon fo offending^ ** and being conviclcd thereof by the fentence of a court- " martial, fliall fuffer death." The court therefore ad- judged Admiral Bing to be fhotto death, at fuch time, and on board fuch (hip, as the lords commiffioners of the admi- ralty fhall dire6^. But as it appeared by the evidence of Captain Gardiner, and other officers who were near the admiral's perfon during the action, that he did not fhew the lead figns of cowardice or difafFe<':tion, but gave his orders with the greateft Hrmnefs and refoliition; the court unanl- moufly thought it their duty to recommend him as a proper object of mercy; at the fame time wrote a letter to the ad- miralty, earneitly praying thuir lordfhips to implore his majefly's clemency. The legality of the fentence was referred to the twelve judges, who were of opinion that it was legal ; upon which it was ordered to be put into execution ; but fome of the members expreffing a defire to be releafed from their oath, having fomething to difclofe relative to the fentence, whioh greatly atFe<5fcd their confcicnces, a refpite was granted for a fortnight; and his majefty fignifying a defire that a bill fhould be pafl'ed for that purpofe, both houfes of parliament complied wiib ic. Several of the members of the court- martial were accord! ii.>,ly examined on oath at the bar of the houfe ol commons. The qu-eftion put to them was, " Whe- *' ther they were of opinion, that they had fome particulars *' to reveal ieiati\e to the cafe of Admiral Bing, and the * il-ntcncc ,>;uitd upon him, which they judged necefl'ary *' for his maiclly's information, and which they thought " ilkciy to incline his majelfy to mercy r" Three of the members declining to make any anfwer to this queflion, tlie houfe unanimouily rejected the bill. Orders were then given to cany the fentence into execution. Admiral Bing v.-as :iccording]}' ihot on board the Monarch, in Portfmouth hj''^i;M, the i+ihofMa'ch. When brought on the quar- ter- Jj^-k, he delivered into the hand of a friend the follow- in;.! paper : " A few moment,'^ will now deliver me from virulent *' j>e;fecuii(:p.:., and fruffratethe furt!:er malice of my ene- " ir.iis. Nor need 1 envy them a life, fubject to thofe " fc;if.;iio!is, tile iriiiiries and iniufiicc done me muft create. " t'eifuadeJ I ani, iuftice will be dune to rjiy reputation hereafter. N \ ' \ !. CH I.'jS 1. U I. 1 . * i-;i.rtf;. I'/vj m. 'iier a:iJ ctiilV *t k'.-cj-'n.^ up th.- '' ; ;! :'.ai <.\.v: ur .im i prtiu ,i<- .< .iintl nu-, will be lci.; " ihrcv.Ji;!'.. I iii.iil be rM-,i: j-.-i' : ^.i> I iioa' pcrcc:-. c inv- " l-vlf.' a . i f 111, liv'Ti, v., I'j til v( rt :';::..;, .:,.fi .:i .u'.ii rc- ' l-iU'^icii- ')' .iti ..i;ircd ..lui U 1 ivi . -.ric ,)[o- ' i-rtci.ic. - .\i\ (.-n.'-niics th-.-.M- , . . - ,i . t ..,.', (iiiiii: " II ':i:un ciif. il.T)p', tiir imc .i: ihs mv i.tlt i.i ).n_rir, ' nt.'t 1 < .i-^v nn- >wn iniiocciiLCi .i;ui ;."..t: iu> p.iit i.t my " to. .,::,'. mi^f.TtiiiU-'S can be ir,v.ii.; tj im-. 1 :;..irti!v' '' Willi the lh.-JJ::u f'l "'' 'i^' 'i'^' iii-*'- <' ntnlnitc t > nc " Ikiimmii'Js ami icrvicc nt' inv Count'-, , t>'it i..i-i:vit ;c:"u';j " a ju'f c!..iin t.i .1 Kiith!ul li.!^ n.i! .': I ' in.' v; .! , , .ic :..,. i.'^ " t'j tile licit (>; n]\ ;,(":'t, .iiui to.- lilmolt e.\ '.i >! " r.i . .ihi!::\-, !,! h!> n;.i;e;t , > ii- :: .i', ..i;.! iii>.- fiiDitry'^ ^' I .1,11 :. :;\- th.i: ;iiv cr.-ie..-. (nus \\\''c :i .! .ittnui-^l "Aita in .ic I'llvcrlv ; .i.ul t!;.tt V.J :.i i!';ir. i:. ;. r i;i . * i.'...;i.l I r(.'. Hi I'.i) we.iK tj lu h. . d i:i .i;i e\i'.\i.::":i ..r '" I luti: !..;-. pre\ai!'(i o'. er c.i'.unuiv .iiul t.i'..-.hvK)J , a;:-! " ju Ul'v fi.iN wij)e(.i of: tile i j!;o;ii,:;;> ^:i- l!.'.;;i .1 .iiV I i, - " pol^J vv.uit (l' t'".;:.iji- .!\'. J. !,.rte.t;o;i ; iiiv *' heart ac.jult'^ nie ut thele eiiMi;>. 1! i', .s-'.o I'.i;' tie prc- ' luinp'tLi )all , lure of h:-, ,.\vn ;;i.i_-', i;:, oi ^litieriii/ ' o;,;;i|on *((i|ii mv iini^e^ - Aiui, il ','.!'':: : ;! I'l ; " nu r.t (liouKi !v.- oil tlit;r ;;<:c, ( i"' . >!. " ar! i iii.a [,;c u.itr.U oi til' : '. .:.:,.. " t.ii .1 Coi.K ic-iu e^, uiiiiii i:i ; . - . :: i. ' p:i:eruei;, ;, :-:!:e\e>i, aiui hi . : '^ 'I'Mv > .p:--,-jrij-:;r. .= ;:, ..:- . . . ' M. .. 1 !.i!':i!,: ; ; iliuc ' >: :nv i .' '< (';. /' , f'i.uti: . \r I ,ui , ,I/.-. Ml ,_.. \'lm.i.ii I i:'iu>, vviM u-a> .,t tins ti,iic a io iMir.ilfV, iclii'.ed t 1 li^ii Ajr.i.ial li;;i.'"N ilc.aii /. . ; .c t< .,! 'Aiii^ I!. ..111'. leal.ii.N '^ I; ir.av '. e t'-.ou/in jrcal i :iMm[-tiMii m n, '- ::' ;i :o . re.r. a>::!u<: ;;.' .is tli.'.t " I t trv- c."irt-'!.att..'.I, u::.r!n;i)c Mi!,^;'<; f.^:: ; IVA ' li it iIi..ij!J b.- the l.ittvi , tic Will Ivj ..xccjtcJ toiitr.uv Vj 7 1 . " V c iii'.t; 'i;*:>):i>; .mJ ii;-ai;.ri. ft ti; luJ^ts, if the f',;f n,^ , '' his iiic l^ r.ft Ii'.fe.tvJ. 11 ^ j.ui.o iJciLirc tut " worthy t,! vlci:;. ; b::: n;: ::.'.< in; t iiiivr the iiicmm^ o: " th-j l.iw, or t!.-- li-i'-jrc 't h.s *!tViK-, (ficy lum^ h;ni uiHlvr .ill a; tu .,' vv.'.r, wl t . t!: .: ovvi '' ciclr.-ipt.i..-) ut h.*i oti-ii.'-, h..- ui'f- !'. )t, I ( >>ik:c!\ f, tj'.l *' utiu(.r ; .ui,i tiicii tlwv v oi...!c;n!j ii ,ii :! (JL.i:b,, liLtiilc-, j* ' lh. 'i :):s Was tiie bii!!:;;-:-. i t j " Con: t-n)art;.il ; aiiJ it is ny (.iiU\- o;)'.'.' to a:t .a\ 'J.iiy " to luv y >iilcie:'iCe ; uiuch, a:te! d;. I.'.ie. .ite tM!i!^:-j;at.v.ii, " allilteu by tr.e bell ', ylit a p m,; u;-..ier !t..!Ki .; ' i ,ui .:(]'. -.d " it, IemaI;;^ t';!l i:i .i.^ib: : ..:uitne!e; :<, 1 e. ;:;:.: c.j:i - *' fent to !:.:'! a v. irr.uu, whe!;.b\ t.'ie l';ite;;wey.: cr:'iK.Mal Aiiinii.:! iiii' ir.av " be, hi^ !::e is not torteitLti by t'y.t rciitenee. I .;. t; jt *' mean to tiiiJ Mult w>iii ot!ie: niyn'^ ('iiiui 'iiv ; a!' 1 \. *' tleavow: at, is to '.^ivc :ea' ':i-> for [w, nwn ; a:u! ..!! I " wif]^, is, that I inav not be ini'aiKlei ;tt > J. 1 i!) n- i *' prtteiid to'iuclye Adnnia! l''>in_;'s ib'e: t^, ;: : ' *' opinion on tlu- fifi^o: ; t'y (t t'-,.- .. "'. ^;/,';.//v' ;.,..>, 1''', 175-, .." y\t tiie t!ii!-- iciiten' e v...-. p.iiit.. . .i., , .v - Aclniii..i We'* wa>- ]\'<\\ ' at Spy.tie.;,! v. :.. a Icjiiiuiiou under i.;;!:;.: o:\i/:> ; \\;. :i ;; .- :y ; ' : ; it, he wr..:.- a p ;;''!;y ieitut to t:;v ;- -a:-! : .;.' n iulf., b. L'in^ !.'.'. e to leli.'ii Ills ( -i:n:na!; i : .mi a p,.'. a'.- '^r,.- : t ]'\ rein,-le, [<:..: ::i<[ I .:d,: . \p;, ]'.'.. < } . ,^ ua -..^ f.r i'o d' liny. lii .\pn! the bo tid o! ..j.i. ..ay . ... , . ...... .1 lyU tb.e / ,d', or bine,'' nun.y: t'e'ipiy- ,:n.l biny:: , \' -A o : .d H y c.iv.-.ii, ..lid tl.e !'>' .1 A i ' . s \^ t'.t .iiid lliMi ;c<, I I u; / i at d.f* -lent ; . d in the >oiindin'> 286 NAVAI- CIir.ONOLOGY, A-T^- out from Brefl to their colonies. Infpite of the vigilance of *757 the Britifh admirals, M. de Rois de la Motta flipped out of Brcft, and reached Louifbourg in fafety. In the autumn a large fleet was equipped, and a confi- derable body of troops aflembled at Portflnouth, for the purpofe of making a defcent on the French coaft, and to endeavour to deftroy the port of Rochfort, one of the ene- my's principal naval arfenals. The command of the fleet was conferred on Sir Edward Hawlce, having under him Vice-Admiral Knovvles, and Rear-Admiral Brodrick ; its force confifted of fixteen fail of the line, two frigates, five floops, two bomb-ketches, two fire-fhips, and feveral tranfports, having on board 7300 land forces, under the command of Sir John Mordaunt, K. B.''^' On the Sth of September tliis armament failed from Spit- head, and made the French coall on the 20th. Sir Edward Hawke gave orders to Vice-Admiral Knov.'les to proceed with his dlvlfion to Bofque road, and to atiack the iflc of Aix. At four In the afternoon., v/hen he wa> advanced fome dlflance from the fleet, a French flilp of the line was vbferved Handing towards him ; but ihc foon difcov^Ted her miftake, and bore away with a crowd of fail. Vice Ad- miral Ki^.owies hefitatcd for fome time confidcTnig the fer- vice he was ordered on, wliether ir would be proper to rifle a reparation of his dlvliion, by fendina, (hips in chacc ;. at length thcTorbay and Magiiamine's liguals were made; but by thistiiriC the enemy had got ib much ihe ilart of them^ao to enable her to reach the GaroiHie in fafety. The v/ pro\ ing thick and hazy, it u'as the 22d before the whole fleet anchored in Bofque road. Early in the morning of the 23d, Vice- Admiral Knovides proceeded with his divlfion to die attack of the iile of Aix ; two French ihlps of the line, which were at anchor off' the ifland, as foon as thev fav/ our fhips under weigh, flipped their cables, and ran irito the river Charantc. At twelve the batteries began to throw fhells and fire (hot. Captain Hovvt\ in the Magna- nimc, v.ho lee, fl:ood on with a fteady bravery, relerving hiff fire until he got within forty yards of the fort, when he brouglit up with a fpring on his cables, and opened fo fu- rious and well diredtcd a fire, .that in half ari hour the ene- my were driven from tlicir guns, and furrendcicd. In the ' ^r\c^c.[x, Chap. II. :;... :;, fort 1 ' --.^lU l.i:^;- in. , ^ .1 Ml. ( ) tho ;.r.V;T U ; rt- ' Hi. :!u-d blul^ tU-J\ L- |i ".IIk'-IS, U.i . [i.clcntcvi U) C'apt.uii II )-.\c, t I .111. rn rii.irur ilcck. Or. the ;Sth, t \v.i> . co'ii;^;! or, t,) I.u; i :!'.. !.) , . ! lie!*'. ('. tlu- tew:' lu-l in ri - ; iv - 1.1 Imiik'.i'.^ the J. fl'-t -lU I'.i. s i:i pti';-,rr pi.. ( '.o vh-j^i tiK- !.:;, i ; lii'iich :v.\ ojipo: t'::. f\- t.> <.-"'.!r ,, , rcj-ii!;ir troops, uh.) :; ;. !".-^.in to co[ilt:u:t ll;. ::.' J\.oi. iiti'l t, .ip[)^ ;:., t > ... c'ctcrmiiicJ to r,!i.-,.jii!:h .i. were ';rdc:^J (.:: h ,. i : Kno'A ;cs w;:s I ;,t ;. . - a on thf li]^- ii .\i\ ( ' ' r- ;] !i. (i| '.I- I,,.:,;, f.ii'iu! c 1 'i t.'.is L\|iv'.ii.i >;i, I r;, -. ;iJ-:t >!' ' into hv .1 cir.irt ir. .; '.:.:' . j^airlt h;-:"!, ?.: w/.s '::i ' (hi ::. :..:.: -.: ' \ n u:i'. ,. :u..:.: pv:..;: ..< , fictro, .- :;...i,^ -- ; : : \ .\j ; A :-Tii;al !/. .Wi'vV . ', i;;. = ron,' to : - ' :\v 1 ic;:c \ ;!:it :i n : ... ^ i > ',i: Pv I . near ; ,. 285 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. to their quarters and repulfed the enemy, with the lofs of* ^757 36 men killed and wounded. The acSlion was renewed; but the Frenchman was foon forced to fubmit with the lofs of 58 men killed. In February Captain Lockhart being indifpofed, the Tartar cruized under the command of her firlt lieutenant, Mr. BaiUie, who took, after a fmart a6tion, the Vic- toire privateer, of 26 guns and 230 men. She was taken into the fervice, and the command given to Mr. BaiUie for his gallant condusSl. In March Captain Lockhart having refumed the com- mand of the Tartar, took the Maria privateer of 24 guns and 270 men. Soon after he fell in with the Due d'Aiguillon, of 26 guns and 265 men ; fhe fought the Tartar very bravely for an hour and a quarter, when having 50 men killed, fhe ftruck. The Tartar had four men killed and one wounded. In May, he took the Penelope, of 18 guns, and igo men; fhe did not fubmit until 14 men were killed and fe-> veral wounded. In 061ober Captain Lockhart took the Gramont, of 18 guns, and 150 men; being a fine fliip, fhe was pur- chafed into the fervice and called by the fame name. In November, after a chace of thirty-fix hours, and a clofe engagement of three more, Captain Lockhart took the Melampe privateer of 36 guns, and 320 men ; twelve of whom were killed and thirty-fix wounded. The Tar- tar had one man killed and thiee wounded. At the time the Tartar began the chace fome other fliips were in com- pany ; but when the enemy flruck, they could fcarcely be uifcerned from the mail head. The Melampe was quite a new fhip ; fhe was purchafed into the fervice by the fame name. Captain Lockhart, from his fuccefs and activity, be- came quite the dread of the enemy's cruizers. The chants of London, highly fenlible of the fcrvices he had rendered them, prefcnted him with a beautiful piece of plate, valued at 20O guineas ; on which was reprefcnted the {e\en privateers, the Tartar, and his arms, with the following infcription. " The gift of the two public companies, the under- " writers and merchants of the city of LiOndon. to Captain *' John Lockhart, commander of the Tartar, for his I'-^nal *< fervice :; \ \ A L c It r. ON or. Of. v. ; t; . tr.i.i-, bv J.ihcilln- tl;^ Vic::h ' \^ f'T . iCC 111 (-ij:p' ' ' i-:'v.KC-:> ,ii t!.c ;, ..! I" 5;." I r:c uiv cn.iK^ (,: il; .1:. i p;c;' . : . u .:h a picvc" (.f ce'ifn. [;>.:. til ;{ i'.' v n.^.u;.: wi'.h I... !.<.\.>A;n lI '.'...a : a:i i;i a lii'.cr bv...\. f)n the 25'!i of J';!v the Sou:;...;: :;,( : ;: -. i 7 2: nun, C"Hi:n.i::J: d in L'..iy.:..yA, iv . vv.i) frt'ni i\;rti:iuar'.i :> i'l'.:r,. j:'-, u/'m r.u iu , t , . ;^ : (Jr. c jc-yii: J, vva^ ;i:t..CKt.u .:' (.Il'.cii ..t ;.:. ',t, oit >:. .\.,^:;s hcd tn }-'riii.!i (Tiv.'tcer-, ; wa'r , ren k..!. J, L u! : . . a ir.oiC.-.l'v \\wu;.a- td, a;,.i in.'!) ,' l]:jn:lN'. C.^'ta., ha'.i;s; bf!! or.b: .J bv S- I :J .va: J ILiU'KC t.. I UK ;::to IJulf , . n t!.;- 2i-j t i ^^ , Mi.bei a l.;:l Was (bici'.cii tu be III ehac:- ct h.i:! ; on v\ii:eli be t.-.tKcJ lUiv! Itood tuua:d-> be;, wr..a tile Ihan.-er iii.M'.ebi.iteiy b.aaled u., bier e uiileN .ai i b;. 'i.:i:t to. 1 ne btec/e i!. i;,.'^ ;iwa\- p;e<, eiU.:^-! the Soubia'-!:;':' a ye-tia: (. ! ile to t..r b^- fi. le t^'- u :a tbe a'tera' i n, .'.'. u ::.' ii t.a^e tae ( a. aa/ > 'jn i::\l lier tae d, ta a C; b. !.; at i; .b > a, r el; ; . b,^ 1; s ea:.I bie "ot uibaia t'.\ii,;\ \..a!-, '.sr.ea. a a.^ it ; a a a^ ca. .;. :- neat bca.a,; t!;e Ibv^ t...: aj oa b .ab o; < b ,-': :! t.,^ faeai\' a;. .be ...; .att-ai^ t to bi ^.i! b ta ^l aa.ia;; t ^a ; bat b;ba.' \] <:-( \r,]%- \ aube^!, \u a(;aat~: a 1 !io..!b tb'- ^oat:;.ela. It'll , e'oaa <.{ :r x. -.a- V ... a..:j (iilcbalt' aab aS naa w v'. a' i, 1 ae ! .ae.: ^,..:c \va^ abb.-b t ' tae a.a, ;, b". 'I he Ibae, la, > I .'N ... . ... . . a ea, c ^- a.. .a '. ,! b\ Cba tani Ra;s-iaa-, aaia .1 le'. 1 : r .i> t;> .a > 'I an b' a: .eal a i;..!:, la u b e;i L'..p' ai l-i.e.-, a - .^ ,;\ n.' a ai' -. ^.v aa i- CLl^ r. iok tbe lava i aue j a .-, ..t.aa < \ : .; aii > .laa :>' ' a ' ; :;C ca 4 o; u boai '. 1 : e ( .ta , : r. 1 < a o; \v. ai:.! a. I a Unicaai t 'ar kob.i .^aa ;a. e u i. .' . ' Cieii.eaa-, who 1 Je>.ei..'.'.d t^i e^aaa.a. 1, b.a, .. Vol. 1, L :7 'IgO NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. from fome Englifh prifoners found on board this priva- ^757 teer, that (he had cruized In company with another; faw his prize into Kinfale, and then went in purfuit of her confort, which he had the good fortune to difcover and capture ; fhe proved to be the Comtefle de Noailles, of i8 guns and 143 men. As a reward for fuch important fcr- \'ic'cs Lieutenant Clements was made a poll captain. '1 he Unicorn v/as afterwards commanded by Captain IMatthew Moore. Being on a cruize he fell in with, and after a fmart action of five hours, took the Hermione, French frigate of 28 guns (pierced for 32), both fhips were much crippled and had many men killed and wounded. The Hermione was entirely difmalled. She was taken into the fervice and named the Unicorn's prize: The Chichefter, Captain Willet, after a fhort chace, a!id firing a few guns, took the Bienacquis, French fri- , m)t clear t,(t . Fhc Ambufcade, of 32 ^up.s and 22T men, commandjj bv C.iptam GwNiine, took off the ill.uul of Sardini:! the \''a;nc]ueur ])r;va:ecr, of 2.f mms ;uid 360 men. She en- jVi^ed the Ambufcade ;ibii-,e .m h >ur, and liad 53 nu'ii killed and many Woundcil. 'Fhe Ambufcade had tf.rec n.icn killed. " Ayy^:.d.x, Ch.p. 11. N.. --, U 2 The iiCJ'i NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A. D. ^7u The Experiment, of 24 guns and 200 men, Captain John Strachan, being on a cruize on the coaft of Spain, fell in with, and after a defperate engagement, took, the Telemaque privateer, of 26 guns and 330 men. During the aclion the enemy made two unfuctefsful attempts to i>oard the Experiment, who in her turn boarded and com- pelled the privateer to ftrike, with the lofs of lOO men killed, and 70 wounded. The Experiment had four killed, and 20 woupided. Ca])tain Hotham, in the Fortune floop of war, took, after a brifk action, which lafted an hour and a half, a large French fliip, of 26 guns and 150 men, of whom 10 were killed and many wounded. She was from Mar- fcillcs, bound to Martinico, with a valuable cargo. For this a6lion Captain Hotham was made poft. In May Admiral Ofborne arrived with a confiderable reinforcement, and took the command of the fquadron*. NORTH A:\IKRrCA. In the month of May Sir Charles Hardy, who was go- \'ernor of New York, received his commiflion as rear- admiral of the blue, with orders to hoift his flag, and co- operate with the Earl of Loudoun on the expedition againft Louiil)ourg. On the 25th Sir Charles Hardy failed with the fquadron and a large fleet of tranfports from Sandy Hook, and on the 5rh of June arrived at Halifaxf . On the 9th of July V ice-Admiral Holbourne arrived, and took on hhn the comm,and of the fleet J. The feafon was now far advanced for undertaking any military ope- rations, efpecially againft an enemy from whom a refolute oppofidon might be expected. 'Fhis, however, did not prevent the admiral and Lord Loudoun from making the Jiecelfary preparations for the attack on Louiflwurg. The fliips were tlicretore relittcd, and the embarkation of the - A]ipcn(!ix, Cb.ap. II. No. 78. o'.'V):. (Juns, Connnaruhr^. 1- SlltllCllaiul CO 3 ^''"^'''""'*^^ ^^'^"'>' ^^'^'''-^^'"'^''^^ '^- '^"^ '^'''^ ^ ( Cnptain Falkiiigliam Ni-htiiu':il,. 20 T.Caniphcll K-'jJUMii, :,,n z') Dudley J Jii'ecs \ iKiuic w> S. S:'lt I'ciii., ^.^. Ar. Uptuu :; AppuKl:x, C1..U). il. N... 7^, troops .\ \\ M. c 1 1 r; ' ) :; o T u r, y . ^93 lie. 7^^ cflV:lcd wiib. nil pofTil.'f .ii:-,uch. Jnfl as this .^r- W>. in.i:i;,-nt wus oil the pu:;: (-(' r.Li!;.i^ ( A'i.-,iiit th-- 4th} an ^7-!/ cxiireis arrived from Ciptuin F.iiw.uvi-, -j, ivcrnor ot Nc.v- t:)uru!iand, to ir.ti r:ii \' a\--Ai!'i;ii.;l I li/.ho\iriK-, that onr- of his crui/crs had t.ikcn a vclkl tu'in LtHiil'-.iMr^ uitli ditpatchc<; ; tiun\ whoin h.r learnt, tha: tiie eiunu's to;xc in harbour conlilU-d of iS ful c-t th<- Im.-, U\c L: .;e (rijiatc:, and aS(n c jr.-o rcmilar forces on lhurc'^ In ccjnft qucncc of this mtcKii'-.T'.ce, a coiuu il of w.u w.',> ini- meduitclv held, Ci.mpolcd (,r (ca and Kind (Miici :, vv'v;ui;i it was rcfoKcd, " That, confiderin.:; tlic '^rc:n lirc:ij:n (j: *' the enemvi and the advanced lealon ot the \ear, it was *' expedient to poftpone the attack upon Louilbour^- ; " and that the troops (liMu'.d ;.:. ce.d to the ditterent " phaces where the puiMiC ( r-^ipiire! tlieni."' liie troops; Were aecordina!'/ d.lLn'.iiarkei;, .uid n'.., rcheJ t) theli refpeclixe winter cpla^te^. \ :ee-A J iiiral [lclbou:ne was rclol'.ed to fatisfv hiinlclt or tne cn-nn'^ t.Tce; tt)r tiiis purpofe he lailed from Halifix' on the ibih of A'i_[iilf, and on the 23ih was eloie i;i with t'.c harbour of f^ouif- bourg ; he found that the infi.rn.atii.n he had reee!\ ed v,\i>, perfectly Correct ; and tiiat theen^nu- were niaivin:; \:\-- parations to lad. At ni:;it iiie kc .uiniiial aw.iv t.u Halifa.x. ( )n his arriv.i! tture < i\ ;!'e ; i th <.t S '.^ten.ber, he found Cptain ( lea",' ".sitli a ;eMro!ce;rent cl I ^'ji t.ul ('t tt',e line lent rroni l-.ii_ I iini | . 'I'i'.,^ .'.ivi.'ii jii oi llrenjtii ind'iced \' ice- Ad;nir;'.l If .ib.a:: ne to jiat to i.i a.- .in a;;d ciui/e (it I-c'Uifi'ourj, in h.opes tliat l!i )u!d tiie cnLiir,' \en',ure tait, he iiiul.t be able to ;.:'...<. k. tnem to -jreat ad- \'anta'.:e. ( )n the evenings ot the 24.'.ti of Se'.ueniiie: , the iipruiicn hem.:; about 2"^ le.iL'ues to th:- l'u;h'.\.ird t-f it~ itation, the wind canie on to blow ii.Lid lio.ii the e.^lt, and \i\ the n'jht it vet-ie.l i.-und u> tl.e Icuth, and iilew .1 perfect hurricane, win !i c''i;ti:,,i,d ui.til ei;;'.cn o'clock the n xt ila',', when < n a uniiien 11 Ihiited to the north, and bv that means !.i\ed itie \siiule fleet iii'in utter de- itruction, bein:i at tliis time cl.;ie in with the rocks off A; ; .li-':x. C' II. ^ . ; .\i iL;.,il^. Cl,.,r. II. N i. ^ " ' - ' . (' !! :;.; , C. v I-. - - ' . n .: i',.eL,i ^ .:. - - > li !. /;..: ^94 KAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A- p. Cape Breton. The Tilbury v/as driven afliore about two ^757 leagues from Louifbourg, and was totally loft; Captain Barn/ly, and moft of the crew, perifhed. The Grafton alfo ftruclc, but luckily got off again. After the ftorm, the admiral collecfed his fquadron together, and gave orders to Sir Charles Hardy and Commodore Holmes, to proceed to England withthofe Ihips which were moft difabled ; and returned himfelf to Halifax with the -emainder. Soon after Vice admiral Holbourne failed for England, leaving the com- mand of the fquadron with Lord Colvill. The French fleet alfo felt the bad efFecls of this tempeft, feveral of their fliips being confiderably damaged, they failed from Louifbourg in O6lober ; thofe which efcared our cruzers, arrived at Breft the end of November, in a moft crippled condition. The fhipsj with the damages they fuftained in the late ftorm. Dmnages. fix guns thrown overboard, loft three men, with her main and mizen maft. loft her main maft, mizen maft, and rudder j fteered home by a ma- chine, difmafted. ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, arrived in England with nine feet water in the hold, ditto, and obliged to bear away for St. John's, Newfoundland. ditto, and ten guns thrown over- board, difmalted, threw fifteen guns over- board, and arrived in England with eight feet water in her hold, loft her mizen malt, and twelve guns thrown overboard, fixtecn guns thrown overboard, wrecked, captain and many of the crew periihed. Nightingales Ships. Newark, Livincible, Grafton, Captain, Sunderland, Bedford, Devonlhire, Wind for, Naftau, Prince Frederick, Centurion, Eagle, Nottingham, Kingfton, Tilbury, \ A \ AT. C 11 i;t>\()l ()C, V. CVui/(.r, r"t.r;ct, k>ff lu r mi/cu ni.ili, twUi ir.i.;., -^ 1' twr: [V 41111S. ' 7 j i cittn, tiucc nun, .mJ ten 'juns. ! uiiJ^rcii, :licc'n.w p>!:llicJ. A 1 UiC A. There iK'tb'-'n?; a fufHricit ii;';v.!l f.ircc en thiN ftarion to protect tilt- truiic, it L'iL-.uiv aniio'.cd b; .i I- rt-nch liliKidroii which hud f.iiLd tunv. I'lilt li. th.c I;k';.;, ui.d/r AI. de Kc'il.iiiit, who took ar.d d^lhovcd a ^i^ieai hu'iivht (.! Ihips. He alio attempted to reduce CJ.ipc C'n.dt Cilt c, hut Mr. Re!l, the governor, I'.i ret'ihuc a detcnce, tliut :ii:er a cannonade ut two h.our^, he ohh.'cd M. du Kiriamt to cut his cables, and put U'> lea. The I-"iciich Ci ir.nio- dore loon after arrived at Cipj I laneois; on which ft.ition he cut no \erv conlpiiuous ti^^uie in n:b cnj^agenK-nt wr.h CJjnuncdorc I'oirvli. I i \.\v \ !:j) [Nl AN |)>. Conimc)d.(-rc Mo^.re n heved Rear- Admiral Frankl.'.nd on this liation." Ti-.e c]u:/:r> in g./neral were \erv lucccl's- tul i many ot tiie e!ieni\'> p;i\'atcers and \'e!i'e! were taken and di. i;ri'\ ; J. ; at the lame time thev ati^rded every protection to ciir oun tr.;de. Ca-vaiii C'ii,u-l.-s Mid- d'etoiv wa> ['.;! '.V ;u"L:\'e ; lie tuoic ictntcrn pr;va- te;:rt;. ho: ;!;;> j\rce <>; h ; \ :e'\ t:.c ali'.-mb'N' ot tne i:1.mu1 of 15 irb..doLS i'^ telf:,ii,!i\ of tii. n' platitude, prelenteJ !i:ni with a f',M rd, \ah.:ed ai I,. .-^ pii'.oLj. .1 \ M \ ic \. On the iS'.h of M/.i;Ii, th:- (ii>-enw;eh, n( y L'uns, comniand'.d \i\ C'..|'t..;n :i,'.m, Ivmg oi\ a i... /.. (^fi" 1 1 tpaniit!.!, ;_-li :n v.i''-, aiui .-.lie: a :_'.I!.;!U renlianec, 'aken bv a 1 ieo' h Iou.u'.mii ui: '.r M. de l)e:;i:;remont, con- liilnKi 1 i five ; :ii i-i t:,e ' ;;;, .ou! ; y\\r f: : ites. In ().-;( b r, i\ ,.i -.\j;n;: :1 C. U- J e..:t iched C".;p; .hi Vurrefi, ni tiu Ai. .it.;, wiin tr.e Ld;nbui : !i an.'; ]). e.. i- IQQ NAVAL CIIROXOLOGY. -A.D. nought, to cruize off Cape Francois, to endeavour to in- ^757 tercept a large convoy which the French were collefting in that port for Europe, and which were to fail under the efcort of M. de Kerfaint. On the 2 [ft of that month, the French Commodore put to fea, in hopes of forcing Captain Forreft to quit his lla- tion. The fuperiority^" of the enemy fo far from intimi- dating this gallant officer, that he agreed with his brave affociates (the Captains Suckling and Langdon,) to bear down and refolutely engage theai. At about twenty mi- nutes after three in the afternoon the engagement began, and continued with unccahng fury for two hours and a half, when M. de Kerfaint was fo much difabled, that he made the fignal for a frigate to tow him out of the line ; the reft of his fhips were thrown into the greateft confufion. The Sceptre, Greenwich, and Intrepide, fell on board of each other, and in this lituation were feverely cannonaded by the Augufta and Edinburgh. The French commodore, with his crippled fquadron, bore away for Cape Francois, which fomeof his ilups reached with much difficulty. The Opiniatre was difniafteu; and the Greenwich extremely leaky. Their luf< in men amounted to between five and fix hundred killed and wounded. The Augufta had her firft lieutenant and eight men killed, and twenty nine wounded ; the Dreadnought, nine killed and thirty wounded; the Edinburgh fi/e killed, and thirty wounded. The fhips were {o much damaged, that Captain Forreft was obliged to bear up for Jamaica. The coaft being now clear, A-l. de Kerfaint haftcned the repairs of his fquadron, and proceeded to Euiopc with his convoy. In the channel he was overtaken by a violent florm, in which many of the convoy were difabled. The Opinii^trcj, Greenwich, and Outarde, having anchored * Freiirli dj und!'i)n undei' M. dc Kcrfiint. Ships. Gun,. A'li'u. C'-.t'im.iv !c>-. ]>'Inti-L|)i(lc, > - 74 900 M.df Kcifkmt. )'.a Srcptic, 74 ScO M. ClfXLMU. ! .'C)|, 111! trie, t)4 6S0 M.dcMniian. Cl'CrAhh, S3 (!.;.(- W. dc J ducault. I/{)c:t,n.u:, 44 4 >o J .t: S ui\ ,i;'i , > " !* 300 l.'i Licoini-, 3- SOO l~iitn', S7n ^;-.&o 1 licfo /l^iP. had Oil board r. <^ reat number of [lJd.'erc. m X AV AL CHItON Ol.OG V. Jl in Cor.quct, patted th'.ir cables, were driven afliore, .'. n. S!;(i v, recked. ' . ^7 Nut long after Captain I'crrcll had ancilicr opportunity i^iciipiavin^ his abilities as an excellent (ea ottiC|T. On the 14-th of J)ecc[nber, Rear- Admiral C'(. I. ell they fhinjid t.;Ke hini t(;r a criiikT, he hoifted Dutch colours, aiiJ f<;rb()re Ativ.'^ the lair.e evening, leven nuire t.ul were ieen Iteerin^ to the weih". :ird ; to a\ o:d lui, icionj Captain Forreil ciilguifed tiie Augulta, and hauled Iroin them tdl d.irk. alter which he iiiade lad and to',,..-.\'. d theJi. At ten o'( lucic he not li^ht of two lail, one if ulhcb lired a gun ; the then (larted conipaii\', and ikercvl t<>r Lco'Lrane. Soon .'.tter eii'ht more (ad Wltc teen to bxu'oj ofi" the port of I'etit ( Captani 1 orrelt canu- up wnh tb,e Hup 'i..d tiied tiie Liun, and < idired her cum- ni.iiubr to Itriice; thre.itenin^', it" he .ilarmed the tfeet, he wc'.dd intbip,:!'; \\\\< him ; up(,;n th;^ he lubmitted wimoi:' (.; poiiiH'!!. C,;;-t..!n lijriilt put l"i> tnit lieutenant aiul tr. !t\-fi\e men ^-n i'l ard, tiv.- [Mi/.e, w:tli ( :der> to pr^.ceed (,!i Petit (jiKC. e, in t: vier to j :<,\tiit an\' ol them t:o;:i eUapuij into that p( : :. At d..\ lidtt tile Au.oMtawa \\\ the niidit ot tile e.i;,-. t)\', \v,v ,'. !;^ le ot .uiicb, .;:L-r \\\\\\i a lew guns, and mai^inj .'. Iee:'l: letid.ince, uas taNeii.''-' e pt.- n, IQS NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. Captain Forreft carried his prizes to Jamaica, where '757 their cargoes (which were of great value) were fold. EAST-INDIES. Vice- Admiral Watfon having made himfelf mafter of all the forts below Calcutta, proceeded with part of the fquadron* to co-operate with Colonel Clive in the re- dudlion of that place ; on the 2d of January the (hips took their ftations, and began a moft vigorous cannonade, which, at the end of two hours, drove the enemy from their guns, and they abandoned the fort. The admiral immediately landed a party of fearnen under Captain Kingf , and the king's troops under Captain Coote, who took poirefnon of it. In this attack, nine feamen and three foldiers were killed, and 26 (eamen and five foldiers woiindcd. The admiral's next objel v/as to attack the rich city of Hu2;h ley, belonging to the Nabob, fituated about 30 miles above Calcutta. The force deftined for this fervice con- fided of the Bridgewater, Kingsfilher, and Thunder bomb ; with all the boats of the fquadron manned with 150 fea- men, under the command of Captain King, who was to adt on fhore ; 200 European foldiers and 280 feapoys, under Major Kilpatrick. On the 5th of January they departed from Calcutta. On the 9th the fliips anchored before the place, landed the troops, and began to can- nonade, which continued till midnight, when a pradticable breach being made, the fort was carried by florm. The garrifon confilled of 2000 men, and 20 pieces of heavy cannon. The riches found in the place fell very fhort of the expeftations of the capiors ; the inhabitants having had time to remove them. i\fter demolifliiiig the fort> and fpiking the guns, the fhips rejoined the admiral. The moment Vice- Admiral W'atffjn received certain accounts of the f^rench war, he refolved to attack their fettlement at Chandernagore ; for this purpofe he o/''ored the Kent, Tiger, ar.d Salifbury to land their heavy ,id fu- perfluous ftores at Calcutta. The fkidgewatcr ap.d Kings- iifher floop were fent to efcort the military ftores up the river, in order to accelerate the march of tl\c arnu' under Colonel Clive. '* Appes-dlx, Ch:i]~. II. No. P4. t Tht: picltiu adrnifai. Sir Kicliriid Kiii'j;, E-ht, ^^.\VAL C H RON 01.00 V. ":'Q On the nth of March tiu Kent, Tii^cr, stul S.;l;rDjry, AD. rt!K!u)!cd wi'hiii li he of the l.'it. The c-ii!.'niy, to ;)rcvcrit. '"57 t!-.c approach I't th;_' l.iri'c Ihi; >i, h.iJ I'uak three \ t-iic'.s in the chiinnci, about a mih.- below Cn.i;icItrr..iuorc, which was extremely iiarrcAV ; but having i;.ju>;iciuullv L-ft their marts itaiidiiij, the boats ctt the tcjuacirciu which were Icr.t to found, without much u^thcuUv il.leove;\.d a ;\ii^i^'.: through which tlic hi'ge {}i!i>s mijh.t pab with l'..f'et\-: while priparatioiK'- were niaknig for the attuk, Rcir-Ad- nnial I'o ; tne pi. ice. In th'^ acti-iii th'j Kent had 19 men Ki'.le'i, a.ndj') woui.ded. I'.ie ri.:er 13 killed, aiui 5J woMiikd. M.. I'errc u. tiv ttr'l !uu-, and M:. R.iwii:^ llaw t*-.i;d of the Kent, weie among t'.e ll.iii!. ,M:. M.i'in'i>;', fourth Ic u- tenant, w ^ .'.'vim i- d ; ,:>, were .illo C.ipt. un Sprke and .;.-; Imii by the r.iii-- i]\'\ the Litter S.'^,\ \ kiw !",".. iii.:l!(r o tiie I .."-r Ki:i<.vi, and th.e i ,.r-.ul;n...d ih-lulv w.cnivL'w. hh- lhi,^s fu:teri.d .:re..t i:.i;,:^;c :ii thi-ir hul,-, ma'S, n- :...c:n;, the K ni ,;.id ;:\ .;:;,> dilmounted, :v.'a\ 1 yS ll: it .11 liir ''ci'.h I'lv/ ImI-. tlie enemy nciir '-./. e L'cen \ '. \ '' n batteries w.i>. tw.ce c'e.nrdi, uiu .. Ujion anottier. (, )n t;ic lotli of .Xu^uti ' the deatii ef \';i c-.\ ;m :.:i W'.i'i' fume time m :i h.ul li.i'e . I Ii. . .r; viclnn t(i the unw!;..',-it.:':.L;'.e;> 1 r t! 'jltcemcd ^nd ie;M cited. 1 :. 1 :' 'idt.iMe, ('lie o! n.en .v,:. e '.uhk c leir a -rcc- 1, u !i(> h.-ti 'n e . at Km;m !ie A (i.m.ite, u,.:'. - In^:.. i\)ii: .. r . 300 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A.D. teflimony of their gratitude for the fervices Vice- Admiral *757 -Watfon had rendered them, caufed a beautiful monument to be tredled in Weftminiter-Abbey to his memory ; and his majefty was plealed to create his fon a baronet. Rear- Admiral Pocock, as a proof of his efteem for his departed frieiid, took fuch of the officers under his own patronage, who were dependent on Vice- Admiral V/at- fon, and promoted thofe of his lieutenants who chofe to remain with him to the rank of pofl captains. In September the rear-admiral was informed, by a letter from Captain James, of the company's frigate Revenge, who was ftationed to cruize ofF Pondichery, that in com- pany with his majcfty's frigate the Triton, he had been chafed ofF the coaft by a ftrong fquadron of French fhips of war'*' ; and he alfo learnt that a reinforcement from England might be daily expe6led under Commodore Stevens. This was very acceptable news to Rear-Ad- miral Pocock, whofe fquadron was by no means equal to cope with that of the enemy ; and' the Kent was in fo bad a condition, that he was under the neceffity to order her to be broke up. The fpirited behaviour of three captains of Eaft-India fhips ought not to go unnoticed. Thefe were the Suf- folk, Captain Wilfon ; Houghton, Captain Walpole , and Godolphin, Captain Hutchinfon. On the 8th of March, being about eight degrees to the eaftward of the Cape of Good Hope ,they were attacked by a French fhip of the line and a frigate ; which after a fmart firing they obliged to fheer off. The Eaft-India Company prefented each of the crews of thefe fhips with 2000I. as an encouragement and reward for their gallant conduft. Captures made in the courfe of this year. Britifh fhips taken by the French - 571 French fhips taken _ _ _ 364 Balance in favour of France - 207 Many of the Britifh vefTels taken were fmall and of little value i amongft thofe of France fcveral were of great force and very valuable, which, in point of profit, give the balance coniiderably in favour of Britain. * Sailed fn.m Hixli on tlic 4ih of Miiy, under the cummniid of ihc Conite i/Atht. OCCUR- X.WAL CUKONOI.OC; V. 3oi AD. Ol'Cl KKi-.N'Ci:~; AT HOMK. ,_.^ */ i* T(ic iiarlianicnt xotoil for the Tctn ici- of the current year 0^,0^3 Icameii, incIuJin^ 14,845 marine^, and the fup- plies voted t(,! the luvy as toHuws, viz. , . For icanieii's waj-L--, and ordnance for 1 ,- , = ' >3, 120, "CO lea lcr\ ice - - - J I or the oniiiiai V (A the navy, includ- ] u 1 - ' , ,r V 224,421 5 a inir h.ilt-pa\ to lea ofiiCcrs - [ ^'^ -* Towards the huddiiv^, rcbuildiiiLi:, ai'.d 1 repairs of his niajcity s Inips - j ' Towards the lupport of Cirecnwich holpital _ _ _ _ I ' Towards carrvini^oii the works ot the \^ holpital buiidiii2; at IMvinoiuh - j Towards carryiiie; on the works at 1 rlailcr nc)ip:tal near vjolport - J Tola! for lea ferv ice - - 5,574,421 5 8 I he w!a-)!e fiipplics amounted to /_ i ':',4S'o,5 5" o a In this liir:.'!! of parhamciu a hi!! w:;> hrou.-ht m l)v th.e h.onourabie Cieorge ( jreii\ ille, lor the encour.i_2,enient of feamca cniplo\'L-d in the ro) al n.i\\-, (.itab'/fliiiii^ a more rt-^ular method for the pui'.ctu;'.! anJ lrc>;iie:;t. [)aviner;t of their vv.'.gcs ; alio l'> en.ih!;; t!v:a to re:', it n'.cr.ry for tlie iiipport (t tluir vvi/L-s a:ul !..:n:!;c , li\ -Ji^jir recei\in:f a tiikettruni tlic c.n'.ir.iilicnjr (>f ti'.e d^.^k-\a:d^ f'r fuch p.;r' kA t'nvii uiv a> llicv do not 1.'; mIo to rcv.ive m calh ; \'.;.i' . ti.k.t 'i.'n:,..i- ; ivahl; c,;i d.-n:,:i:d, bv a::v eo'lrdor t ():> niM^'^f','-- eulhi.ns i>i' (.xc;!-- \o Vtb.o':;-, 1: ni,i\ b.apiM 11 i h;- pi >! CI it '/.I. '\\..s b:!! :;,c' wiili f ) kc ! til.- ( pp. li:ioa in tlif ho-!l o!' lord- , b.,: tb:-.i ^:.!lllip^ b.-iii.; loon i-. (.--'. -I , , ,,-, . |- j, \ .ee-.\uinir.i.5 a li'.e W h ;c. li. ly 302 WAVAL CHRONOLOGT. A.D. Henry Harrifo-n, Efq. 1 -ir- aj i r .i, m ^ ,^r-Q 'i-i o . c-r ? Vice-Admirals of the BluCa 1 75 I r.(nT"!as Lotes, hlq. j Lord Harry Powlett, Rear- Admiral of the Red. Sir Cfiarles Hardy, Knt, Rear- Admiral of the White. And in the monih of Augutt, the following captains were promoted : Thomas Pye, Efq. ^ Charles Stcveii", Efq, f a t t c .u -ni r>, 1- i-x ,, t-r r Rear- Admirals or the Blue. Fhihp iJdreil, Efq. ( Charles Holmes, Efq. J On the lit ot January, the Adventure armed fhip, of i8 fix pounders, commanded by Captain John Bray, lying at an anchor in Dungenefs road, difcovered a large fnow teaching in for the Nefs. When fhe had approached pretty near, Captain Bray ordered the cable to be cut, Rood out, and foon brought her to a6tion. To prevent the enemy from raking the Adventure, Captain Bray laid her athwart hawfe, and fccured hsr bowfprit to the Adventure's cap- dan; in this fifuation the engagement continued very brilk near an hour with fmall arms, when the enemy (truck, and proved to be the Machault privateer, of 14 guns, nine pounder;:, and 102 men, 40 of whom were killed and wounded. The Adventure had only one man killed and two wounded. Eor this gallant a6tion, Captain Bray was made a poft captain. On ihe 8th of January, Captain John Elliot, in the HufTar, 0(28 guns, and 200 men, being on a cruize to the welUvard of the Lizard, tell in with, and after a fevere ac- tion of an hour and three-quarters, took the Vengeance pri- vateer of St. Maloes, mounting 32 guns, and 319 men. The French commander fought his (hip with great bra- very ; nor would he ftrike until his (liip was difmafted, eight feet vvater in the hold, five gims difmounted, 52 men killed, and 37 wounded. The Huflar had fix men killed, and 15 wounded. The Vengeance being a fine (hip, was taken into the fervice by the fame name. On the 19th of February, Admiral Bofcawen failed from St. Helens with a large fquadron tothecoalf of North America.-* In working out the Invincible, of 74 guns. Captain John Bcntley, miffed flays, ran upon the Ovvers, and was totallv loi't- The crew, (lores, &c, were faVfd. In the month of March Commodore Holmes was fent with a fmall ' Appi.iuli.N, Chap. II. No. 91. fquadron .\ \ \ A L C II no NO LOG Y, 303 -Mirxn to Jifp illi-fs t'i'.r I"rt.iKh .it'd Aiidrians of llic city -'^'^ v; i-ir.liJcn, t..!..n.uni:^ to ihc K:i)j nt IVulIia, wliich ihcy '7S^ i'a ! IlI.'^..!, '.Mill Icvici! !i' i\ \- contrilnitions dm ihj iiihabi- t.i!,;-. Till- itivicc the Loiiimocioic pcrtornKil To ciYcc- !;i.i!l), t!-.,;i he coiiijv'.^.i tl'.Lin t.) evacuate the city to the minihrr ot ]"2') ; u o^]^.t\ j^nt ui tl'.eir ba'^i;at;(.', c.tniu'n, u!i I I'i'U-, Uii^ lak ii hv ifir !)>)atb.>ii ;tie (ii\ui!:oii, in ihc ..t eaipt they ii/aL-t'i c )n\^\ them ii;) 'he nxer. Oil the I lUi I't March, Sir KJwarJ H.u\kc failed iriiin ^jitl^i'ad with \\\cn '.hp< o\ the line, and three fri^.i';-,* in i)r>i:.r to attaek, and eiidea\inir to take oi deliiov .i \-ir^c C.iiH(i) , u Inch the er.em\ !:a'! bet :i eo'h ft'r.g tor lii;..e 'iir.c at the ille (j1 Aix, h.avinLi, cii board 3020 troops JLllir.i.l i'T ttu ir L'li, lilies 1:1 N^rih .vircriea , aud v\ Inch wcit dailv \|'i.' i ; I l.iii und.;- t':c e'^ort 0; a droiu; fqiiadron cf Mj's i>t e. ar. ():\ ijic ^ta oi Apvd, at dav-ljicak, as the !.! ! )'i \s J N'.^ .ii.'j n.ifqiie roa:!, thn-e Irigates were ; d \', \s ;!i Iv. .ivd. wi'h i". .era! \e^el^ tuider ttieir . , v,!;.. U c:e.i|'.ed iiit ) the harbour o! St. Martin'^-, iij ! R::.', ex'ep' one bi;:{, whiJi was driven a(li(ire, '.. '. ': i'royird hv ih.' Ilnhar. A: I )nr ni the atlernoon, the .'-:;;, . ihi' ' \-.l1(_ r.di ^\ anc!;f'r [-iftl'ie die (d Aix. The !'!. ra' ii.l'.Mi'.'v nial- the (;L;n.d !.ira >. liaee : but ~. ;i. a;)pio:ii h ot t!;c h^rmih '.,;;j dion, tlu v cnt and U ; ;> d i:i..n- cable , li'. ni:^ ui . -.; .!..!<. 1 ^"oidnlii.n. Nii'ht ' 1 , :\'. \ in::i.d '.. J '. 1; ','i ::' ' a hi '' depth ot water '.';.; pui' iit, he r.v.iAr 'he liynal ' r ,i!)rc..'i oi tiie i!!c of A:\. The :/.'- l!iips > 1 V. .a '.. ere id'fjrved to ; i.\ ni I ^ '1 '*.!;!f ; ni.inv of tlvni i :':! bi.Mlfid.-.. Idle. .' ;- 1>'- p'.: on b .ird ihe .\Ld\\\iv and ' n ;; e h ;j 1 n nd- , t' 1 v w ere tn piocct d ':'id. at I c'l va'.r; !Mit not i),nii', .lidc to !i ::;an t;.e hr':o'-n^, 'iiwe ol which the ,1 t vi ibc iji'p^ to ^o hij^ 304 NAVAL CHKOISrOLOGY. A. D. tip. By this time the enemy had got nffiftance of men and ^75 launches from Rochfort, who were employed in carryingout war[)Sto heave them through the mud whenever they ihould be water born ; whilil: the crews were throwing over-board their gtins, flore?, and ballad, in order to lighten them. About eighty buoys which had been laid on their anchors, and other things thrown overboard, were cut away by our frigates. On ths morning of the 5th, Sir Edward Hawke per- ceiving that the enemy's (hips had got fo far into the river Charante, as to preclude the poffibility of his endeavours to deltroy them, landed Captain Ewer, with 150 marines, to deftroy the new works which the enemy had eretcd on the ifle of Aix. This fervice he efFeclually performed without any diliurbance to the inhabitants. The enemy's defigns of fending fuccours to their colonics in North America, was, by this blow, completely fruf- trated ; and it greatly facilitated afterwards our fuccefTcs in that part of the world. On the 6th, the admiral proceeded w^ith the fquadron for England ; the next day he was joined by the EiTex and Phito fire-fliip ; who, on their paflage, had captured the Cjralathce T^rench frigate of 22 guns, and a letter of marque of 20 ; the hi\ engaged the Pluto for fome time : in tiie aflion. Captain Hume, her commander, was killed. On the 29th of May, the fquadron under the command of Captain Fratten, being on a cruize in the chops of the channel, gave chace to a Itrange fail. At feven in the evening, the Dorfetfhire, of 70 guns; Captain Peter Denis, came up with, and brought her to clofc atlion, which was maintained with fpirit until nine o'clock ; when the Achilles coming up, the enemy llruck. She proved to be the Rai- fc)nable, of 64 guns, and 630 men, commanded by the Piince de Momba/en. She had 61 men killed, and ICO wounded. 'I'he Dorfetfliire had 15 killed, and 20 wounded. On the 26ih of the fame month, the Solebay and Dol- phin, (>f twenty guns each, commanded by the Captains Craig and Mi.rlow, ftU in with off ihe Firth of P'orth, the Marfhall dc f^ellifle French privateer ol 44 guns, com- manded l)y the famous M. de'i'hurot. A f evc re a61ion en- fucd, and was bravely fupported on both fides for near three hours, when M. de Ihurot n^adc fail, and got off; hl8 N A-.- AL CIinOXOI.OGY, !05 hi< tir.'' laving hi'cn chiitlv diiocUHl ai the rigging and fails j\jj^ dl '-'ii: ihrf^, tlicv wire tim miK h irippltil to purine him. j~|- 'I '^ l).)l;)[i;n hail ov.c man kiilcd, arul fifteen wounded. 1 :. ^"kbav five kilied, aiul thirteen woundeil. On ilic 111 of j'ln'', A imiral Lord Anion failed from Spnhca ! wiih fe\cnteen f.iil I'f the Vine and five frij;atc<,* to bl'>ck i;p the port ot Iwcif, in order to favour a defccnt tone ma ! on the call (i I'raiue In th.- Duke of Marlbo- n n>4h, and t!',e Iluu. Commodore I I(\ art!l!erv.+ On the niorniti^' ot the 5'!i, tile fleet g'f. into Canealc b.;y. A convenient plae'c ha\i;i^ been I mnd ioe.n atiei, wliere ihc troops miglit be hmded, a lar^^e' body were or f-red to di;.,:nbark, muler t!ic C'.nrn.r'l of I.'>rd (jeoi^^^e S;..:k\i'h'. Tlie commodore !'.i:; I 'w^ p :, la:.t \i]:o tfe S'lv-ceTs fn^i'.c, wlio, with t!ic R>'.j, 1 f"!'!i 'T' : :h. .ti\d l);l!i.;ence iloojv covered the !. .;.;.:;/. ;;:>! f:;t r, -/d o;:.- or ;lie ei;. n;y -^ batteries cif two t A; tjt'.'-ioiir y. in ! TS, and one t>.>el'.e poim.ier. (}.i l' e (;;'', ail tlie troop-, with tlieir baggage, Iforcs, .'vC. wee 'a:; ! 1 ; antl on the 7ili, the arms', excepting!; one br;g,id.-, which remamL'd at Canca'e to (ecurc a retreat, inarc'-.ed t> tlie nei^hboui hood of St. Malcies. In tlie ( venm. J'le Duke of Marlboroij:'-:i reconnoitred the town, an 1 oi'li. I tliat t!;e\il;ages ot St. S.r\and ami Soli- ds re, tile inbmbs to St. .M.ilot'-, with if.e ll^ire-houfes and fl.o- iti the bafin, were (ntiolv unproteefed bv its ca:i- li .1, !i' \'.,iv (! t' to deitrov ttiem. .As loon as it w.i- d.iik. adetat I'.ntetit of li.e arrnv wasonfeied to proceed o:i t!.;s ler'.'ce, iiiimffud with hand grenadi .-, ami eo-nSnifiijIe-;. Ilv mid;.; ;''.t tr. (li p> weic m flames; ami beiiij agi iiin 1, ilm f;:e f.' n i. umnvmieated to tlie'.- /ne-, \'. ! K h \'.(r.-f;e;d vsith p.teh, tar, and otiier naval ft IK-. I he eontiumt ;on n ^'.v bec.ime general, and tliey bmnt with g'-e-'t tmv ail n:^'it, arid uMif oi ih,e lucceetlmg '.'..!.. 1 he iois the ( rem'* loit.une.! on this iwalion, was I '>'npnted .It 8o3,e:''.; oi c [ulvaleer li 36 guns, whicti v\ a- a'loat, el. aped. 1 h number ;tnd lor^e o: tiie fliij-'S burnt, were as fol:"vvs \\i. 1 \A \ . II N . ., Li, -.': il N , \ 3C6 NAVAL C II no NO LOGY. A.D. At St. Servand. ^^^ I fnip of 50 guns on the {tocks.-A ^ - ^>^ i King's fhips. 1-22 c I - 18 ) 62 merchantmen, and many fmaii craft. At Solidoi'j. I fliip of 32 guns, never at Tea, completely rigged. ,. f iuit la ti on the flocks, the keel and 1 ditto "sO < . ! n u ^ I limbers all burnt. ^ ,. . } ready for fca, with a confiderable quan- 2 ditto ID > . ' , ,1 , , ^ ,, r tiiv ot litres on board. 1 iloop 12 ) ' 5 merchant (liips, two of them new. 6 (loops. 'i"hc city of St. Malo was now more clofely reconnoitred by thiC general officers and engmeers, who were of opinion (hat, from the appearance of its ftrength, it wonld require Icme time h';fore it could be reduced; and as tlie heavy cannon and mortars nccetlary for the iupe, were not yet landed, it wcMiIci be mo'd exi)ed;cnt to return to Cancale bav, and rcimbaik the troopy. Accordingly, on the ictii of J'iCic, the army flru'.k tlieir tents, and marched to Can- cale. Tiie next day the troops, artillery, &c. were all on boaril tlic tranfports; but the weather ptovmg very boif- terons, and the wind contrarv, it was the 2lit before the beet could clear th.c coail of France. On tSie 23d they got light of the ifleof Wigiir, wlien the wind Ihifted to ihe r,onhv\anl; the Commodore once more (haped ins coiir(e for trie's coaft. On the 25th, the fleet was clofc in wil'; M.ivr;j dc (/rncci and every thing was prepared lur a (Licet,! ; but it came on to blow fo hard towards ifie evening, ttiar the fhip'^ were obH;,'ed to put to fca to avoid Ihnre. On the 27rh, the fleet again ,a ; hiif it was [:)ui]d that tlic enemy to r.-fiit a;iv aocnipts that inight bt ;.' comrno'i'Mc tii'-'f^tore, on the 2q;h, I'l.), --g, and aiiLU'Trd with the fliet jhoi-i I -.I :: .!, ^ ii.!i:i ti-.^towii. Scaic ly v\'ere the necef- l.:vv j-.!' ,n;-.:;i ,..; , m:.;;e i(ir a d-.-fcent, l)Lfore the weather h' j.iii ' ' \- : V t . ;.;j^''!i,o:js, w hicli fooM i ijcreafi-d to a v;(jAi:i \-:,': , i::;i\.[ of i!;c traiiipurts ran fjtd of each uiher^ t!ie d;!hg to, 1 i i'. s rs ,,r .1 l.c ', 1 J 1 ' ' J \ i III W.iC \v. male !! boic a'.i 1 i:i!l:i. ; arc Ci N.WAI. CHilOXOI.OG Y. 307 T't'cr, nnd were in unn int nt ('jn^cr ut bcin:^ wrcckcil. A.D. I tie luxt i)i.;rniii_; the 1011111,1 ti m, 1 im;*l hi-- Icju.iilrvUi in '7i^ (11. h a it.itr, .Is to 111 ikc li II' L liirv to nturii to iMiglaiui, and tl.t-V aiu luncJ the loliou m.^ r\< nin^ ai Spiil On tiic .iii|>' ai .Hiec ot oni iucit'tl C:k! lioiir^f, the (Hiuland l-i.-n!i tri;.; ite cf 2:; i;ii:i-, hui^ 'ii i[ic ro.iH, llippeil her t :ih!e, ami IfooJ te |(.a ; (he wa^ piirlned, and taken hv llic Kei.o'.vn. On the i6'h of J'^'v. f.'^rd A'-I"n aneh -rcc! \Mih the ll,.e' 111 i'isn!''i)th S u.ikI ; heie he v\ a^ joinetl hv Rear-A'!- iD.ral I loluus, with a le nf 'n eiiv. nt ot l;x lad (d the line, :in-\ lour hl^ate^.'' On the 22ii, t|;e admiral ng.iin put to (ea, and COM' iiiiied ti) em /,- "11 I'Med tiU the middle uf Anijji.ll ; uiien he \v..s jonml h. R- ai -Ad.niiral Snindtr?, u"'i) 'r.o,!iLd h s ii.ij^ on hoaid !!ie X [itnne. I^oj-J Anlt)ri r o.rn-.d to } r.^l.-.if, wit' part o: the fleet, le^vniii a fnt- Ji. e- i i;ii:-i''-er otiii'.ps un.;ei the i onnnai.d ut R.ear A lull- i..i > n.! s , ;>) ! io k lip 'ne eiienn s tieet m iJiel!. 1 ; . '!.;: ..lio;i nil itr Commodore Houe, wa^ refuted DM i pop ; r^M lor a !ev o;i. ; t s [,edi;ion to ihe (>\ I' ranc e. 1 c n iLe ff Ma l:v)n)ii;^ii having been a|ipointcd to to-ii'!:.i" I iji'tidi tteopN ill (Jerinaiiv, Lieiiienaiit ( je- ll- r.d n.'..Ji v.asord.retl to iiiceeed l;im on tlvs (ei\iee. On the :4 '1 (^r' ]:\\, his r'v d hi^hiu f's Prince ivlwanl cin- ha;ki 1 a'^ a ni:dih![mian on hoard ttie conini odore's Ihip the lMi,\, ot 64. u'liis. On the i.t ot A '^nd the fa !t .1 riom >;. Ihr. hs; hit, nu:!!;^; widi iiad weatiier, it dill Hot ail' hor in L"',.i:)' 11:1; road until t';e 6th. 'llic i;neni\ , '. > ^;iaid .L,a'.nd an ataik, ha i euidid levcral hi'nrics, wli'Ji ;:k.i h,- a::io\i.d the ll'ip^. 'Idle next 111 rnnij, t .e eo:;:;! ; lore an i yiiLial 11 eiiinioitied t'le ih'ie, a' d ind ' d :t ir.> ' 1! i! \- t o\edu il Ma- rai-hiV, .lOi 1,; two I, . ^r : . to ;'. . w ell 'A aid >'. L"h; rliom ;^ ; leavMii; a ln^;.:'e 'til !) 'i::! k- '> '1 iod...iit i '::e a; n nt loii of tl'.e r icii \-. u \u.\ t'c ill !i I <.;'rr< tlie l.:;;ii'.n;; of t!'C tio.ji-., \slish wa- ( it'ini'il wnh t'le.te 'il otd.', t'le ill- le, ,ii i kipMii; lip a h,e.i\ \ In- , oi'.Moed the cnetnv t'.i aban,ii):i th.t r en'iv.!;ehinet.t- . On me 8di, the Aj'^i-ihl.x, Ci...'.' 11. No. oG. debarkati'.-u 308 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. debarkation was completed, and the army proceeded on J 75^ its iTiarch to Cherbourg ; which place they found deferted by the enemy, and entered it without oppofirion. The fort and town being fecured, the general gave orders to the engineers to dcmolifh the piers at the entrance of the harbour, the bafon, magazines, Ilores, and batteries. One hundred and fixty-three iron cannon, and three mor- tars, were either rendered ufelefs or thrown into the har- bour, together with a great number of (hot and fheils. By the 15th the demolition of Cherbourg was completed, and the next day the army was re-embarked without mo- Icflation. Twenty-two brafs cannon and two brafs mor- tars, with the colours, were put on board two of the ene- my's (hips, which were taken in the harbour, and conveyed to England. Eighteen other veHels were either burnt or funk acrofs the entrance of the harbour. Not more than 20 men were killed, and thirty wounded on this fervice. On the 17th the fleet failed for England, and two days after came to an anchor in Portland roads. On the 3 1 ft of Augufl the fleet failed again for the coafl of France, and on the 3d or September, having come to an anchor in the bay of St. Lunairc, about two leagues to the weftward of St. Malo, the troops were landed with- out oppofition. The next day the General fent a detach- ment of 500 grenadiers to the fmall town of St. Briac, juft above St. Malo, where they burnt about 20 fmall veffels, and deftroyed fome batteries. Upon examining more narrowly the ftate of St. Malo, it was found to be fo ftronglv fortified and fupplied with fo numerous a gar- rlfon ; tliiit the force which General Bligh had brought again (I it, was by no means confidered adequate to reduce it ; and in a council of war held on the 6th, the Com- modore gave it as his opinion, that by reafon of the very bad anchorage the (hips of war could not approach near enough to the town to bombard it, without great hazard of their being loft. And tor the fame reafon it would be neceffary to move the fleet into St. Cas's bay, in order to re-einbaik the troops. On the 27th the army decamped from before St. Malo ; and was fo dilatory on its march, that the French had time to collel a confiderable body of troops, who not only harrafl'ed them on their march, but getting poffefnon of the village of St. Car,, greatly impeded the embarkation ; mofl probably the whole army would NAVAL CIinOXOLOOY. >09 u'(-ulJ \\2\c hccD cut ofi", },3ii not a brifk. arivi \vcI!-.iir(.ol'.-.l A.n. fire itom the trig.ucs ar.ii boiiib-kct.tiC^ tm ftniL* tiii.f '7i'^ I lucked t!ic prDgrcIs of the eiiemv ; Itiit Maini-C leiu Drury ha\in<:; itijii lieii'iiiiv (Tv'ereil a detaei'.ment to dif- Kjdge a [vutv ot the eiietnv, who had tai.eii pilitdioii of a wood, cidi^dthe frigates to cealc lunij, Ic'f t!icv Ihuuld flrike our own tiicn. Ihc iTeiich a\a:!.il itRinleUes of the interval to j)oiir down in great niiniber.i on the beach, \'. here tliey attacked our renianiing troops, w i; > m.ide a nioft oblfinate defence, until overpowered bv nim.i'K r^", vvtien they difperfed and f^ed. Some atteinjKLd to (\v'.;n oif to the boats ; but iinhickdv the huhirs, cuMcirv to their iifiial intre[)idi;v on (uc'i! occalion.-, ili-wtd ;i re- luiilance to p;i!t ni ItiMc, \-'A t'le tire i\mv. a ! renv'!; bat- tery lliou'id dellrov theni. 'J'I.e Coiicn.'d >:e no f(. ner o!)lerved the backvvar(ine,'N (1* t:;e b^^.i;-, lliaa !'ie (.idired hi- barge ;o be rowed auiidd tiie ih:ck'i} (if l';ef:re; !)v tills heroic e\ani|)!e tlic l.nlors Ivcanie aruii ated, a'l fear \ani!iied, and the luesut nun', brave nun \v. re la'ed. A great nuiTiber however perilhed, atui ','::.: tar:iage W(i;;'id have been (till more dreadiul, hud not ti-.e Ciiniiiociorc ordered the tiigates to tirini:, np"!i \slihh the eiiciir.' gave (juarter. Manv otiicers ot d. 11:;, ebon wire k.i!.;d, vvouiuled, and made prifoners ; amoi'g tlie ;ir;i \sere Ma- jor-C jetieral I);ur\-, and Sir |'>!ni Arnrt.ij; . The C.ip- "tams Rowlev, Mapl-Meii, Tat ;:. :,;.d ! : ,)!,!;,ib le, s\ h ., under Ciptam Dntr", 1i!;h r;r.;'/!,,i'. I \\\r rt -e i,',).ii k a; i. i:i, weie ma !e [irilMii;T>. Tj-.e hi!- iu,:a;;;' 1 mi rlc , dilalb'us occa;io;i am 'U:','( il ti) S -2 i!;;-!i, nM;i'i\ i'n-:ii\\er nl !i;e ih'itiih armv. A tew d j\ s atu rward^ the Cnnmodcre le- fiirneil w:th t!;.' lie^ ! to i.nglaiid. On llie i2t:i (f >;v n,b(_r !';;e S' rewll'::! \-, l/oieorn. and L;/.ard, l)e::ig (Ui a cin;/,c ci! I ilian;, Iiil ,n \\ .;li a I'len.h I'leet o! me; cluot ;ne:i , il.cird bv two lii.-.itt-, the 1 hetis and Cdvjil.i ; ihe I iM( r \\ uii l > "I r.-rr .o ,\,>v svere di:',(_n ailiore n:i l\;iut d.e j.ev.n ar.d deihov^d, llie vithers efcjjK I mio [^eil . (Jii the ^! of Oob'l^er, C.ipMin H.'riui!!, in ihe 1,,/aid, bei!'.:^ o:i a criM/,e (cl jhiil, till in wiih ;!nd eii- g.i:;edi a I'Miivh ii^re and a ^v'lwite'i\e an li. r.r, \', hen iIr- fi ig lie n ,ide ud ; ii;e cnrvetie Hrni k , and pr,.\i 1 to b" 'lie Duv d i i ii,o'. re, ot l4gw;is; the fi.gaie \'. .; ~ ti.e H-lv/e, ef -2 ,;;.:-. X 3 C..^^:.n\ 310 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Captain Keppel in the Torbay took the Roftan piiva- '75^ teer, of 26 guns and 320 men; her commander had the temerity to engage the Torbay ; by vvliich fhe had 26 men killed and feveral wounded. The Torbay had three men killed. The Roftan was taken into the fervice and named the Crefcent. On the 31ft of 0^(jber, Captain Saumarez, in the Antelope ot 50 guns, being at an anchor in King-road, received intelligence, that a French Ihip of war had an- chored off the illand of Lundv. He inltantly got under weigh, and although the wind was contrary, beat down the channel ; the next day he difcovered the Frenchman a little below Ilfracombe; who on perceiving the Ante- lope, weighed and Rood towards her, as if with the in- tention to give her battle ; u hen Ihe had approached with- in fhot, Captain Saumarez dircled one to be fired at her; upon which fhe Itruck, and proved to be the Belliqueux, of 64 guns and 417 men ; (he was one of M. du Chaf- fauli's fquadron from Q^iebec, and turned out a valuable prize, having on board furs to a great amount. The Bel- Jiqueux was add- d to tie navy, and Captain Saumarez ap- pointed to command her. Towards the end (^f Novenber a flrong fquadron, un- der the command of Captain Robert Hughes, failed from England for the Well- Indies, having under his convoy the trade and a large fleet of tianfporis, with a confiderable body of land forces on board under Major-General H.jpfon*. M ED I TERRA X LAN. Admiral Oflxirne, who comirranded the fleet on this flation, blocked up a French fquadron, under M. de la Clue, who had taken fheher in the liarbour-of Carthagena.f Early in the morning on the 28th of February, beuig off" Cajie de Gatt, four French (hips of war were dircoveiedij:, which on feeing the Britifh fleet difperled and fleered dif- * Appendix, Chnp. IF. "No. 88. t Apperiflix, Chap. 11. Tn'o. !-,9. ^l'-!p\ C/'/";,!. Men. C.enimanJcr-. Foiuhr.vant - ^4 hoo M. du Qutfiic, L' cPEfcadrc L'Oiphce - (,4 r ; M.U'Jkrvillc L'Ocflime - ro 400 La I'kiadc - 2.(i 2-0 feren! XAVAI. CIIllONOI.OG V. 3Ji ft rent <"oiirf(.-:. ASotit Icvcn ii'. t)'.c cvLfiin'.; tlic Rc\Cic, '^D- In;-;' rlt\i by &x- Bci vs ., k a:n! ri;.'. iinnnuL.! b\ M. l)'licrv;l!c ; liijIuAl :i k i!. .1 .iiul 8j wcur.JL-d. 'J lie KfVcii^e liaJ 32 incn killn! jn I <+ WDiirhlcd. Ainoii^il ilu' latter were Caj-lani St'ie, anii Mr. M nr.t- t">'r'.t tdc tiiil iifiitciiai.t. C-ip'.. n ( j.;iili.i' r m ili-. Mim- nvnith piirlij. '.1 ific IarL;i'it lif liie ciicni\ '.-- l!.,( :-. .i!,il li.r.- ip^ run the S'.vittlurc ar;J 1 l.uiijjnii-v: >'iii .u,' i.l li,t-; ci^;!u ()\li-ek eanu- iji \w',i Ik [, arvl ^M".,,,..|,^;^.,i ^ cl'fc anil ik (perak- (.nu.iif. Pit. ;,t . C .,-.f.i::i (it^'iiui ^\.i^ v.-Dundfi! in the aini t;;e t;:.t i>: '.; iti i. , .:;;.! [.';) i.t .t. Willie tni-^ brave j'rl e\i.''. !!e!.'t oii.Lrv.^s 1 i.^ viin.i; i.;^ iis men ti) fi 'Mt \aiiaiit'\, 1 (. v...- i;i i I'e.i ' '> a iwi.'.l,, i-i' '.! pei.vti.'.tMit; his hi;ei; L: , i . ::: ( " !. ', ar iiM't.l bv the i!'i)!e exanijil-; ol h.- ', . :.;;!i. ':,{, i-ii i.v.'. i\i\:A i:ie aaiDii vvi!!i the i^ri.-'.L.'. l^.:.: .::.J 1:.:. . ,-.ihi\ i.nni halt [U't t V. l!\ e, when i:..- i :..!,. w .. - .1 i , j h t^ \\'\(!<, h.r i!e> k.> a (.eiie ot cii e,i.i;^'i .. .:: : ;-, an i h. r ti:e r.hiM.t l;!enee,! ; .it thsiiiiie thi: ,S /, 1 1 : .'.,ie .in.l l!.ini;'.>n C'",;it (.''in^iL; np, ihe itrink htr ic! 'i:r- ; ai.i p: \iil ;" b- ilu: i'inui;> )\ :ii:t, cr 84. ^'Mi--, ar.ii K^ j ir.eii, i. in 1 .!:. uleii b\ M . (hi C^ufne. C':- t ^I'l;'. . i.e. ^-'b . ;ii .! .1 t.> I'.bv.i |:.s (\V!)iJ t I anv h'lit the i.iiieei '.\'.. 1 1 i:.e. '1 .'. l'r\ed :'*. The etuin\ h.ul ICO i;:en k;;:-:', :'!i 1 ;.' li^.i. 'ih e M;.n;:.Pn:h .S hihed. a:.. I ;(, u. . :.>: =, .\ inmai < >::i i h: api'i'i i ! | ) r. .> Ii ;i , v, rv u:;'! .:,r e'-i:.hiot 'it I, u/' !;..t;t (.'.nk; ', ti...; i;.' a' ^ .i;;.;li1 ii;in tu t! ' e >,;.J n; ;h;- 1 . ..': fv..!.t. 'I'll;- M >r,.;in ,:<\ \'.,r' 1 1- . b .\e I he Oblbime, ct s'. ^;::l^ .!.'':' ini 1< i b > \'.i'i-, <>:; b/' e^ 'ail ui b;...n. '1 b^ lh^..;b 1: , . : .'. cv.u^, e!...pea b;, b. 1 liijuriiir (.(b;\:. ThL!:- l-i :, h ii)," b : i '. '' b !: ni 'I'oul 'ii 11 e.'iii- p my \\i't\ t'AK 11 ip r l.ibi o ine li..e, m t):ntr to j.mi anil I I ;,, ,. ti < ;;i - i ' Ktt I'hi cl ::u Iks !-.'.,: 1 -'. j, . . 1.' W : : . '.;;..:; .::-!: < 1),,- ;;;... . , . S i;....:.-ri. .!t \ 4 enable 312 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A.D. enable M. de la Clue to put to fea and face the Britilh ^7S^ fquadron. Admiral Ofborne continued to block up the French in the harbour of Carthagena, until it was too late to pro- ceed to their refpedlive dtilinations ; he then {leered for Gibraltar to refit ; here he found Rear-Admiral Brodrick, who had been fent from England in the Prince George, of 80 guns, to relieve Rear-Admiral Saunders. On the 13th of April, betv/een one and two in the afternoon, being in the latitude of 48 degrees north, the (hip was difcovered to be on fire; the flames raged with fo much fury as to baffle every effort of the officers and crew in their attempts to extinguifli it. She continued burning until fix in the evening and then funk. Out of her crew, which confifled of 745, including 30 pafiengers, only 260 were faved, befides the Rear-Adrniral Captain Peyton and all the officers. They arrived at Gibral'.ar in the Glafcow and Alderney fioop. Soon after Admiral Ofborne returned to England, leaving the command with Rear- Admiral Brodrick, On his arrival, he received the thanks of the lioufe of com.tiions for tlie fervices he had rendered his country. The cruizers were very fuccefi^ful in making feveral valuable, captures. The St. Albans and Favourite took the La Loire French frigate, of 36 guns. The Monmouth and Lyme drove afhore on the of Malta, and burnt La Rofe of 36 guns and 300 men, XORTII AMERICA. Early in January, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Hardy was difpatched to Hdifax with oul-rs to take under his command the fliips of war which had wintered in that harbour ; and to cruize off Louiihoiirg, in order to inter- cept any fiipplles which the enemy miglit fend out. In ipite of the Rear-Admiral's vigilance, the French, fa- vouicd by thick fogs and tempelluous weather, arrived in the harbour of Louifljourg with a flrong fcpiadron of Ihips of war, under the command of M, de Chaffaut*, Sir Cfiurles Hardy was however f)rtiinate enough to take tlie Juudroyant of 22 guris, tlic annual ihip fcnt from France ** /.j'jv.niliXj Chni). 1], Tn'o. yo. to NAVAL CIinON'OLOGY. to Oi;cbcc v.itli (ioro aii'! Ifi. to Oi;cbcc v.itli (ioro aii'! ammunition for the garrifm. AD Tl'.c lioiLU--. C.ij;taiii B.)\!l-, a!(o to.^k the Diar.a l''re;:^h '7i^ Ifi^atc ot ^6 guns, attcr a Ihurt a^linn. 313 8 01 ^t) guns, alter a Itiort action. On th.e 9th ol May, Adir.iral l!''r.a\\cn arrivcil at Ha- , arul took on hun ;lic cominami "l the tlifi*. 'ihc l^reauli exertions wci I if a \, arul took on hun ;lic cotTiinami "l the tleei . re now ule.l to 1 nwaul i!ie intended expedition ai:a:nlt Louilbjiirg. l>v t!)c 28"i the troops ... .^ . ..11 1 I.,. I I _.,^.,,. ..i . Were ail cmharkcil, and every necetl.iry a: i:;i;^. ;:;L:.t com- pleted. On the fame day tlie Admiial Tnled trcni 11..!, tax, the whole fleet amounted to one hundred ai-d hiiv-kuti (a I. The I_)ublin, which had b'cn Itnt out to lupply tiie- place ot the ln\incible, joined the fleet off the haib.uir ; but Ihe beint^ extremely fieklv and (>ut of condition, I'hc Admiral took Maj ir-Cjeneral .Amherlf on board the Na- niur, ami ortlercd tlie Diil)iin into IJalifax, to land the fick and reiu. Tiij v\ea;!ier pro\-eii f) tempefli!"Us, it wa': the 2il <){ I une betore the admiial and molt ot the licet reaclicil CiiuiiiN bav, which had been ap[v.inted the place of rcndc/.\ous. Commt.'dore l)urell was ortlered to i-xplore the coaff, and gave it, as his opinuni, that the troops might land, under co\er of (onie tngate.\ in a Imall bay witiioiit much danger trom t!ic fur!, uluch bv its \ i(;leiiee made the co3il in many ]>laces inaeceiiible, Aecordi:igl\' Ad- miral Bolcawen gave orders tor (e\cn fii^atev'' lo place thcmlel'.es oppnhic to the encmv'-^ batlei it s and (o\(i the debarkation ; \s liu h vva< itFecfi-d in ttie gieauff order and rcL^ulari'v, under t!ie ot i)r.,cuh r-CieneraJ W'ol!^, m diliai.ce ot a hea\ \- tir-- oi . anuon and midkt trv from ihe encniv, u !io tied ..nd aljandon. d iheir \\oik> on ttu' ;ipi'ri',iJi ot the Ijrililh troips, I,-.i\i;:o helnnd tliem liberal Ciiiii'Mi and moitais. Iv, i!;is time ilu- lint br^an to bnak uith lin h \. id. -live as UiiLlh\ o" the tviars f , r 1 1 , V V ( , \ , r i 1 ! . V ( <: v' ( i ( I i ( i - 1 - .\ f f w - ii t ^ m a 1 1 1 ' i r i . n le\cral lues weie loll d tlie aniniuniti-irj A; ^.,.i.^.C;.,,^ S': ; . l;i.;;.. - II. (. .1 .111 ! : Ii;i:..N C .... ,M, '. ., I).):'.,' 1). .', ^rtv'y 314 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY* A.D. greatly damaged*. Notwithflanding thtfe difficulties the J 75 troops were all land<.d bcTore night. T i)e weather be- came now tempeftuous, and continued To for feveral days, >vhich cut oft all communication witii the fleet. General Amherfl, as he advaiiccd, drove the enemy from tlseir ont- poll>, and obliged tlicm to lake fhelter in the town, againft which, by the 25lh, he had erected batteries, anti opened upon it with great fuccefs. On the 28th, the enemy funk a Ihip of tlie line, a irigat- , and two corvettes acrois the mouth of the harboiirf. On the 2ii\: of July the Entrcprenant, of 74 guns, took fiic, and before it could be extinguifhed (he blew up; the flames communicated to two other fliips, which were alfo confumed. There re- mained now only two lliips of the line in the harbour, which the Admiral was deiennincd either to take or de- Uroy. For this purpofe, on the 25ili at night, he ordered 600 fcarnen to be fent in the boats of the, under the command of the Captains Laforey and Balfour, who rowed into tlie harbour and executed this Rrvice with the greateft refolution and bravery, amidfl an incedant fire trcmi the enemy'.- (hips and batteries. Captain Lafoiey boarded La Prudenfe ; but finding ihcit fhe v, as aground, and alfo moored with a ftror,;: ch..!n, t:e fet h. . r on iue, The Bienfaifcnt was carried by Captain Hu!toiir, and towed in^o the N. K. harbour. For tfiis paliaiU fervice t!)efc o ofncers ware prcMnoted tf) the rank cd poll cajnaiiis; and the Lieutenants Anleck and Bickeiton 4u be maiiers and commanders^.. The enemy's fltips being all either taken or doffroycd, Adujiral Bofcavven informed the General tj-.i.t he was de- termined the next morning (the 26ih) to f'jv.d fix Hiips of the line into tiic haibour; but beioie that period M. de * One hundred boats were lofr. Four ofliccrs, five noii-comnuY- finn oHicers, and fortv-onc lank and file v\cie ] illed or t!rin\ucd. Five ofTiceiP, three noii-comniiihon ofticeis, and t~iftv-ont rank aiK.' file wounded. S/u;u Cun.. f L' A pollen - - ~ - ca La bideie - - - - ; :'> La Hichc - - - - 16 J .a Clicvre - - - - 16 I 'Fhe !atc ;!d;i!i::i! Sir John Laforev. Captain I'^idfour died a fu pcranniKiiid i\ nr-.Klriiirah 'I he hue admiiaib Sii Lciinund Ailleik, and Sir Riehurd Ciekeiton. Drucoiir X AV A I. C II R O N O T, O r, Y , :m5 n:i; '\!r (Icfircd to capitiilaic-, anJ tl.c fame evening the ^'^ I ^^ were aijrctd U*. ^7y^ I [1 )!i t[v.' iiirrciuirr of L miHS '.src, A 'iivral H^fr.iwcn d'i.i(.(icJ Sir Ciiarlc-->iv. w stl; !(..(, H.mi of ilir lint-, to i!i:tr.)v tiu- 1-rciifh (citL men's m iln- ^.'i.lp'i n' ^. I>:iW- rt-nce. Three li:ittalii)n> nf Lind t 'r^".'>, ar. '. .1 d- : i' hrnciit ('t ariillcrN, uiuk'r the eoiuuian I ot I'l ii.' i ii'T ( leni ral W !!, were embarked tm t!-,e inint ex-eutinn ct ttws Icr- \ iee Rear-Adriiirul Uiirel u a- h ;t at llal.:.i\ v. ,{\\ a f ;iia lion, that lie mii^ht be able to crrer die >Milp!i ot St. J.aurence earlv ir; tlie fprin^^ to pri'.tni i',')'j'l - or lei:;- /, t!ie cn'iin the [ine. dmg dav, u'as le-taken. On the' id nf N'Hend>er, A i.nual ]^>(ea\\en arrived at SjUthcad ; and (uon ;dter received the thanki) ot paruament. r.I. I V. A K 1) A \ Commii.lnie Ml) le, \sh'i t onur..;!: 'ed t''c (vjiiadron on th "^ datum,: lia\!iiL; reievel ni e'b'. ei-' c th.if a t] ct ot I ;< n h ni'.T ti iM'iiien w a^ on the |m lu.t ot l.iih i;^ ho n S'. i_ndat:a, b.>.;iid to Mait.i.K 1, i:r)d.^r t'neC' ;i'. t Ati. a-; ! e .1 : .a M I, ^a. I i ' t.,( 111 i ... t I. !, il.. .. I,, I': , [a V:-.. > Vi :aTi. U ; A,.^:a1.x, C!;..;-. H Nv. 3l() NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. the line, and two large frigates,* difpatched Captain Ty- '75^ rell, in the Buckingham, to endeavour to intercept them. On the 3d of November he was joined by the Weazle floop; whilfl: Captain Boyles, her commander, was on board the Buckingham receiving his order?, nineteen fail were difcovered, to which chace was immediately given. Captain Tyrell foon perceived it to be the fleet he was looking out for, and prepared for a6tion, direfting Captain Boyles to fuperintend the lower deck. At half paft two in the afternoon, the Weazle received a broadfide from one of the frigates; on which Captain Tyrell ordered her to keep under his ffcrn out of reach of their fhot. The frigates an- noyed the Buckingham by a raking fire as (he bore down on the FloriiTant ; but when Captain Tyrell arrived near enough, he gave the fliip a yaw, and difcharged his whole broadfide into the frigates, which did them fo much damage, that they remained out of fliot the whole a(^ion. Soon af- ter he got alongfide of the Flcrillant, and brought her to a clofe engagement. The Buckingham's rigging being much cut, the enemy attempted to get off; but Captain Tyrell was foon able to make fail, and once more got alongfide of her; the battle was now renewed with double fury. Cap- tain Tyrell being wounded in the hand and face, was un- der the neceffity of quitting the deck, entruffing the com- ^mand to Mr. Marfhall, thefirft lieutenant, who was foon killed ; the charge then devolved on the fecond lieutenant, who fought the Ihip with great bravery, till Captain Ty- rell was able to refume the command. The adlion conti- nued till it was almofl dark, when the enemy flruck ; but an unlucky fliot having, the lafl: broadfide, cut the Buck- ingham's tiller rope, liie flew up in the wind ; and the running rigging being cut to pieces, rendered the fhip un- governable. The enemy availed himfelf of the confufion into which this had thrown the Buckingham, made fail, and with the affiffanceof the frigates, got off. The Buck- ingham had feven men killed, and forty-fix wounded. The lofs of the enemy could not be afccrtaincd ; but it was fiippofed to have amounted to 200 in killed and wounded. On a former cruize, Captain Tyrell dcmolifhcd a bat- Skipu Gum, Men Fliniliant, 74 - 700 -L'Aiiirctic, 3S . 3SO L'Atalautc, j8 . 250 ter. j> NAVAL CHRON'OLOG V. 317 trrv, an! n)me privateer^ \sW\ch !i;iJ t.ikcn fhiltcr under it, A D^. ill ( jia'i 1 Aiiar l)av, on the iil ;;.'.l otMarliiiico : his crew '7i^ bcmi; Hnlhi'd witli tlicii rucvcis r.iriKli!y (oticitcJ tlivir cotninaniicr f(r k-;ne to I, mi pluiuiLi it. 'I he aiilvvcr which Captain Tn rcll w.\dv to their rc'jiicils, rctlcct-' on hitn the hiL^heft hoMoi;r, vi/. " C il iitlciiun, it i'- beneath " lis to render a nuinl)er of poor jicopli; ni:lerablc, hy de- '* Itrovinij their ha!iitati(.)n-- aiul Ihtle coincniences ot hL-; " brave linghlhinen fcorn to dillrehs e\en tlicir enemies, *' when not in arms again'd them."' I his hmnane fenti- mcnt of their gallant commander, pro\ed highly latistac- torv to the tars. .1 A MA IC'A. The \it;ilancc and activ itv ot the crui/.cr on thi'^ flation, s\ !iich were coinmantled hv \ ice-Adnural Cotes,* clear- ed tlioT' of t.he inenn '> erui/.ers. and almolt annifii- lated tl'.eir trade; at the fame time affording the grtated prottction to our own. On the 15th of Jannarv, a fmart avflion.was fought off cape i'lberoon, h\ two (mall privateers. 1 hj riiiirlow, cA 14 tiuns, ami Si nien, and th.c I)cu\ Amis, of lognns, and Cy8 men. Alter they had exehangcd a few broadlides, t)ie l'"renchmcii endeavonieti to gt^t oH-', upon which the Thiirlcnv made (ail, and again g.u alongdde of her; the enemv rrlohiteh' houriled the 'rhiirl(>\v, and in this fitna- tion maintained a delperate ami bluo !y action 'or three hours; win n her \v ho'c crcv\' excepting ten men, beiniT cith'.r k;!!ed 01 uou.nlcd, (he (tru^k. The Thutlowe had TO nil 11 killed, and 2 ^ woumled. .\ gi' It number ot I ):itch ihipv were taken bv th.c crui- /er.. Lid. :i \s;''ii'ic eii'-m_\ ^ |,ro:)irty, all oiW hich were cjndemnei! a- .av\iid jT;/es to tl;e eapiors, CO \ > r 111' A I !; I c A. Mr. Thonia- Civivnin^S ai;"d: r, wIm hr.d r; nde fi.'- v-'ial V(.\agCN ir, \:iK I, ;.' i w a . \\ ril a- ';;:ai:it( il w i:h t.'-.e di!;)ufiiinn ('i the !Ki-;\ :- !i '.s.ud. ili-funeh w !;o ' .id ot- lii\i! ttie.n n ;v .;: 1 miIlI'^. in:' cUd lo gov !T:i:iu:.t die prjbabd.ty ih.cie v\..-oi lucc'.s, b\ atta. kmg t'.. i; Iclde- ir,";t? 3J8 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. mcntson that coaft. A fquadron was accordingly equippetl, '75^ confilting of one (hip of the line, one of 50 guns, one fmall fr'gsle, a Hoop, and two bulles.* The land forces em- baiked on board the fanadron confided of 200 marines, under the command of Major Mafon, and a detachment (jf artillery commanded by Captain W'alker ; with ten pieces of cannon, eight mortars, and a conliderable quantity of warlike itores and ammunition. This armament failed from Plymouth on the 9th of March, and was entrulted to the command of Caplain Henry Marih, accompanied by Mr. Gumming, the projector. After flopping at Te~ reriffe for a fupply of wine and relreOiments, it arrived off" the bar of Senegal river on the 23d of April. The com- modore inltantly ordered the fmall veifeis over the bar, with the tro(;ps, artillery, and ftores, which, with 280 feamen from the fqnodron, were landed, and proceeded to the at- tack of Fort St. Louis. On the 30th the French governor, after making a faint refilfance, fent out a flag of truce with propofals to capitulate ; thefc were agreed to, and finally concluded. On the next day the Britifh were put in pof- fef^ion of the fort and feitlement. Ninety-two pieces of cannon, with a quantity of ammunition, ftores, and mer- chandize, were found in ir, S'xteen vetltrls laden with va- luable cargoes, were taken in the river. The whole lofs the French fuifained by the reducfionof this place, airiount- cd to 200 oool. Commodore MarOi having fent to Europe the French ^rarrifon, and left Major Mafon with a fiiffi -ietU number of men for the prc-tettion of the fettlement, failed on the lyth i c ' i:i.\- ii , !> t ti.- | i;rjMlc .1 Itn;!!^ Iiiu.nlroii '7i^ \N J ' i]'.;]>n. il, ilir >. ii;n; . f '.'.ii.i.!! U4-^ ci 'iitei ffii OH ;; i'..!!.u!:.r !. C',>'.iiM /\:|^'itu^ k-pj'i-',* \sh.>!,aJ orticTS r'> iir > ni M t"'il>, V.I,,:,.- \\c vs ...< I,) lu' j('i!!:(i bv l(Jtne ti.ii^v)r;^, !..\ i.'i^ . !i :v'.i!>i ;i !>'!'. ot i.'.ii i t rcc.'i, under l':..- I "iv: .; d -: i . Au;c:i.i;r. L\ '. ,i,.l Wdilt-", appomltJ (),. !.".c ii'ii I N ) 'I>l'^ r, I'lc ;'< ct ti'dk i;s f:r,al dcpar- ti;:y Ir"'! C 'k, ai. 1 r ;, ; i ., .^J i >:; i;s CiHii Ic withmit any t,. i;i' ii..i\ : ..:, :i::n', t c- .S.ii, ul.^ii ihc ucailur L'.va;;iv.' \^r\ :i'_'l;\ -unl (fi |\ .;'< .ii- , thv llrXt niorilU't; It c'- j: r.| i;i', a'; i i-' I'.'j 111 \-. :i ti; v.- l'\ '.II.. ;h;r a;t 'li';;';!! M t'lfjud ihcinlclvcs .1! .T l'>.i'!i.ii\ ; i!:c uii,J at tii;s time . 1!. fi. , :!. wli'K- t]i.L.t wcTf i!i iinmi- . r. k '. ; ..;v'. 1', \\ I'ii ((>mu- <';,tl"u ultv, ]';. '."h.'.ii. I'l c.^ t^ui'.s. Caiitattl : ::a ;l;' m-, ucic ii^t lo Icrtuiian. ,/ - ;; .'.-I r, !!ic ii > t an l;.,)ri-'l in Cn)ro' ..i. 1 ) i!ic 2(j'M, il;.' (. H'ii>r.. \va.- nil- , I [ !;,. il !' ;n':'i );: !,:; ti;- attack , wtlR-ll ,1, [; II '',)^ wcif ia'ulnl, an, I tl;c Ihips ! il .:i> li.e <':i ! !;c t lu :': \ .1 batliTit --, \\i;li , .. !, "". . ;' .:;'.] .i "' ' ', iiu ciiant tiii v lir , !, ) I n:;-i .i',)lc t'l l!a::J Ut ' ' ' '' li'it. M. dc Si. : . > 1 ] ii.'d lo lill uiuicr ;:,. .!;a:i.'\ i.ii; !; ,i the 1 .It. Tlu- l..^^ luf- ,,.d u.'t a'.tU'Uiit to I a fiilii, flit L' MI .1 Ml .\\ >L 11; .'.d , a!:d ii,';ii 320 HAVAL CHRONOLOGY. ",2 EAST INDIES. On the 24th of March, Commodore Stevens joined Vicc-Admiral Pocock in Madras road, with a reinforce- ment of fhips from England.* On the 17th of April the Vice-Admiral put to fen, and cruized to windward of fort St. David, in order to intercept D'Ache, who was cxpedted on the coafl with a itrong fquadron. Early in the morning on ihe 28th, the Triton and Bridgewater, which were at anchor in St. David's road, were furprizcd and furrounded by the French fquadron; their comman- ders, Townly and Smith, finding every attempt to efcape inefFe6fual, ran their fliips afhore; and after fctting them on lire, retired with their crews into the fort. The next morning Admiral Pocock got fight of the enemy at an- chor in the road ; who, on the appearance of the Britiffi fqua- dron, weighed and ftood to fea. The admiral made the fig- nal for a general chace ; but foon after obferving that the enemy had formed their line, and fiiewed a difpofition to give him battle ; he recalled his fhips, and drew them into the line of battle a-head. The captains of the Cumberland,, Newcaltie, and Weymouth, cither miffaking the admiral's fignals, or from negledf to obey them fo promptly as they ought, prevented him from bringing the enemy to a clofe engagement before four o'clock in the afternoon. It was maintained with great refolution until near dark, when M. D'Ache (although joined by the Count de Provence, and a frigate from Pondicherry) found his Ihips were fo much fhattcred and difabled, that he hauled his wind and made off. At night the French admiral anchored off Alamparva, where the Bien Aime parted her cable, drove afhore, and was totally loft. The Britifh fhips were fo much crippled in their mafts and rigging, that it was impnniblc for them to attempt a purfuit with any profpe..i'. ce (.f the i:o\cinc)i and h- cap- t.i'i;s h.n;Ieil :>> 'hi; s c!v."e i:; fiiere uiider l!; ;--.):eft!on of the '';itrer; - ; 1 . M. f ..'il}', v i'.o w?.'^ ..: th> time be- fie.'in^; f'v.rt St. i).;\u!, ::.) ! Tirr ;-,.'.;rJ if /.dnnr.i' ;\)C\;cJc , :h :!i I'e i'l.ilten- .; u> t!.:; |):c I.v! mc\', : .J \.P. i:i ' o;i the c Ik directed M. !;'A,h, -n 1 quad re Ml ; renu. 'i\ ;": ;'.!,- i\\\r'^ '.'.'h 4 ,! ;: t .:.c i; .;.;h ..;;^. 'Chj FrtT.cii Ad'Tmal iiC-' :d:!i-!y we:. !;cd .iiieh.M" bi;l iiu'ea.i Of heariii:'; d>".Viit'i Aciini.i': i^ocu!-:, ;; ,' v ;^ t/.e \v:iid, plviiiL!; fur {<>:t S:. IX.vivi ; an.l i ii l,..'\'s ; .; ::; l) :hc liei-e, he, by orde:-^ fu iTi the ':'..(.;; r ul lVnd!;i.-rrv, re- turned and ar.ti'.orcJ in. tb.e r ...d. l\'Ct)ck u:d e\erv v.vdz in !r<; jiowe: to wnrlc Vi;i t>,i 'he eneniv, hnr vvit'ivjr eii"e-;. ( )n. :he 2J * f" [nnc fe-rt St. J ).ivid nirr('::d'. reii to th'j b"'(.:.'Ji, an.' (>n tb.v '';;!i tl:e .\.;n,t!.d reeei', ed :i b'M- ; frcni the '/.>\frn w ,\-i<\ L.ani- (.:! (if M.,dias to recnieit !,:. r-tLirn I'.-r t!;e ,>: Kietion of that lett' :;i..-nt, le!t the enemv ih i;nd inve-;} it ; on th;^ he Itceied f'.r .M..dr.;S. Soon a.Uet Ins arm. a! .: ( > .U't-in.irrial v.a^ a!:t liibied to trv the (.'.plains vsl^o ha.! n.'.^de.:ted to ob'-',' hl^ I'.'.'n.als in the late .i.dioii. C",i, t :ni i.e^iie was lentenced to be e..i])iered, l'.i:,t.n:i \':nrcnt dil n.eded from til ctiniriiar.d of the \ i. \ tn iiitli, ,'.:ui L'a|nani lirereLon to lo!e or.e -.l.i's r.nik a^ a \,i<\\ v.ij:',!:n. ( ^n !b.- .>5-!i ' 1 J :'\ .vv/ii;:.:! i'o'-oe'>: (Miee ir.'.re I'^iloJ in e,'.icli' > f t.i;. \ v : ei: ;iji..,n>'n ; \\'\ ( n, on '.bie 2"th, he d.eo\ tied at ..nehor in tb-- i'..d >.;' l'ov,bc b-r rs ' . Tl^c n">,; neiini:: n,- 1" i ; ; .1 .',e.ii:',i, \'."-i :b. d .niebor, and .li lie d' ne bt .''le Ke'u ti.s V. .:%!, .:::', .'.'.'.\.^\ b\ tiehi- {'eruir (an.! : ot b lb ; , h...\: < !' it ( ; tin- Mri- tiOi ;ib;'!;n.i; to b,-n,.' i. n ii ... .. iiwwe\ei, -b. ut iio..n, oil t!ie ^i it' A I'i, b>i:h deets in-nn^ .it U'U:r Cai- t.iiii. e n 0:11 the i.n.d, ' :' o :: 1. .1 'n.e/e .;:', e i^e .. :ea!Ua:Ii: oi :;ie v.,i.d to ;tu- Ivn.i.h :;:.!; mi. Adiuir.d Pi'C >c Ic ;n- It.inn, t(-iiied h,^ l:;ie < '. eitt.e, and oblervin:'^ tb.a tiic C'vKMe d. i'ri''. e:iee ltd d (:.::.ii li:-e, he loi.-udthe hi,/.' tb to dia;.. I ib.t.ons \,:d. the Tn-Lr, and tiien bore A; .'U-l.x, t 1. N\.. .. \\.L. [. 32^ KAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. down on the enemy, who had fcarcely time to form in any ^7S order, before they were brought to a clofe engagement, which was fupported with great obftinacy for about an hour and a half, when the French were thrown into diforder and began to give way. M. D'Ache, feeing the difperfed and miferable ilate of his fquadron, fet what fail he could and bore away, the reft foon followed their admiral's example ; at the fame time cutting away their boats, which were towing aftern, to facilitate their flight. Admiral Pococic purfued the enemy till three o'clock, when their fuperior failing had carried them out of the reach of fhot; he, how- ever, continued the chace until eight in the evening. The Admiral then finding it impoffible to overtake them, came to anchor off Carical. This confli6l was confiderably fhorter, but much more fevere than the preceding. Our lofs amounted to 31 men killed, and 150 wounded; amongft the laft were Admiral Pocock, Commodore Stevens, and Captain Martin. The enemy had 250 killed, and 600 wounded, M. D'Ache and his captain were among the latter. The French Admiral returned to Pondicherry, and hav- ing repaired his fhattered ihips, failed on the 3d of Sep- tember for Mauritius. Admiral Pocock remained at Madras and on the coaft, until the feafon made it necelTary for him to prcKced to Bombay. Captures made in the courfe of this year. Taken from the French - - 153 Veffcls Ditto neutral, having on board French property 176 Total _ - - - 329 Britifli taken by the French - - 313 Balance in favour of Britain - 16 ^759 Among the French were forty-nine ftout privateers and armed merchantmen. OCCUKKENCES AT HOME. The Parliament voted for the fea fervice of the current year 6o,oco men, including 14,845 marines. To defray the e.xpences of the navy the following fums were voted, viz. For NWAL OII'.ON OI.OGY, 32.'J /. s. .' A.D. I ur the urUin.i V iC t: , :;.ivv, jn^lLiiiin;; ha i' ;\!V to 1. .1 ( ' : . - I- lif iiie pTv of trie men, uK'.'j-'.Mii thcO ,.- o;d:i.i-K-c I >r i^.i l.'t .hc - - J -^ } 2jS,.9i 9 8 For inch, :l.i;:;::,:-.v.,u!^n:, aaJ re- (^ _ ^ ^ [r.;i > ot n. .! u i' , V :nij)S - j To'-VarJ- p. -in' o:F .tnJ ii;!^p..ir_'i(i ^ 1 t.'j >'..;n 30,064. 18 ID ;::.; ij . nr.) ;:;i, oic. ' " J Fur loiti!\ji'- "Ik! ll-curin^ liic h.:r- ^ nc)ur ot A lilfv.:u - - f ' Tow. '.:(!> ilic lupi.ort <.)t (irc.nwivh \ hol,,.t.:l - - - - J ^ y--^ O O l\'ta! liT the .M.'.'.'.il ll-rvicc - J^J>i^.i.^h 8 6 'I ;- t'K.A lll^:\\^ t T tb.c ler-. i^c of the prclliit yciir In 1 cl'iuarv 1:1^ toiiuvving pruniotioii of fia^ ofHccrs t < k /. :: : : l\'>r,. (;'.or_'c 'rcnvnTend, *] J' 1 :i^ IS H( Ijourne, hiq. > X^icc-Adiiiiials of the Red. 'l'h<'!iias Cnt^.<;, l-Jij J I ;i' Tu'S 1 r,;nk.lan>i, I'jij. "^ I.< rd ilarrv I'o'aI tt > \'i^-c-Adni;ial5 of the White. ILr-;. N,.!ii^, ! A;. J 'l"llMI|i.;s l]!o.!;'|-, k, r "v[. "] S.r Ciwl ^ lla;,i., i;:;-. ( (Ic:. 1 : 1 of N';'.!:e;k ^ \' ice-adiiwi.i'.s of the Ij!ue. C'iu.! , > >.m;,,.l'Ts, f.U|. 3 'i la. -I a- i'vc , 1 -fi-j. "j C.-.a:us S e.L:>, Im;;. I Rcar-Adniir,i!> of the Red. ,. ,,. , ' i ' Rear-.\d;M:r..Is o! the \\ hue. h..;nuei L : ;;.ih, I :.;. ,' ^ia;.C:^ (ie^.i., 1'. .] l\t I' of tiie IjIuc. .\,:.i ;n J u.e, - !.,., . r- Rm:--/V !ni!ra!< 0} the I)luc. ^ I . I > ill ' - i< iri'V, l',,i]. I I ..:.. i;t ! .'1; ;: .:-., I\ .;: - A i.niral lii'nus lailul for iS\:'.:' A:r..i;>.a. la u.der '. > luivvaid tile exited. t. ( n in- V 2 ' te;::.d 3l'l NAVAL CHRONOLOGr. A.D, tended againfl: Qiiebec* On the 2ift of the fame month, 1759 about feven o'clock in the morning, the Veftal, of 28 guns, and 220 men, commanded by Captain Samuel Hoodf , being the loolc-out Tnip from the fquadron, gave chace to a ftrange fail, which he foon afterwards difco- vered to be an enemy, and made it known to the admiral by fignal, who immediately ordered the Trent, Captain John Lindfay, to chace in the fame quarter to aflift the Veftal. About two in the afternoon Captain Hood came up with and brought the enemy's fhip to clofe action, which was maintained with great fpirit and gallantry for four hours, when all her mafts being fhot away, 40 men killed, and a great number wounded, flie ftruck, and proved to be La licllone French frigate, of 32 guns, and 220 men, commanded by the Comte de Beauharnois, on her pafTage to France from Martinico with difpatches. The Veftal had five men killed, and 20 wounded, her topmafts fell over the fide foon after the engagement, and it was with much difficulty the lower mafts were faved. La Bel- lone was taken Into the fervice and named the Repulfe. On the 19th of March the Ifis, of 50 guns. Captain Wheeler, and the iEolus, of 32 guns, Captain Elliot, bemg on a cruize off" the ifle of Dieu, gave chace to a fleet of coafters, which were efcorted by four French fri- gates, three of them drew out from their convoy, as if refolved to proteflit; but on the approach of our fliips they crouded all the fail they could let, the tv/o largeft efcaped ; the third, after a fliort action with the i^olus, ftruck. She proved to be La Mignon, of 20 guns, and ^'lifji, dun:. Ccm^iafi'^fts. ( Charles lioimca Rcar-Admiial of *' Northumberland - 74 / the white ( Ca;-^raiu Lord Colvill Tcnihlc - - 74 Richard Coliias Intrepid - - 74 Tiidciit - - 64 John Lcugc Mcdvvay - - 60 Chailcs Trobv Adventure - - 40 Diar.a - - . -^z A. Sclioniberg Maidiconc - - 28 Trent - - 2K ___ J. Lindfay Vei'ud - - ~ 2>> S. Hood Kuiiis - .. - 2S J. Elphinftor.r BoiK^i - - .. ^s B. Walliaghaiu t The prclLnt \'iicuunt linod. '43 men, N A ^ A r, CU W () N O 1.0 V . .'"! 2 ') IX] men, roaitiaiiJcJ hy |thc Ch.-v.ilicr d;:; Turfonvil'f, A.n. v.: o with ;^ iif his Hun were k.;:Ifd ; the (ccoiid captain 'TW a:;ii 25 wt.>uiKivd. liir Cv)nlurts were Lc S;iu\agc and l/^. II >iuie n( p. LMiii"^ e.ich. On t'r.e .',~:h ot" the (".inic nMMith C'.iptain Simiul I'al'<-, in the W'indlor, of 6d eun^, hfiP'/K'i icrui/e c{ the ifv.-ic ot !.i'.])on, L^'-ve eh. ice te. ttiir lar^e Or;'^*. wr.ich, en the W'indivr's a!i[iri .ich, drew ir.'.o a line i.f h.itlL- ahead. Ciptain Ka'alKiner (K-ered for, aijd hr ii^'-t th>,* fiernn-.c^fl fhip to clffe :'.Jli;)n, \\hieh rontinufd reir an tour ; when nndi;;:: that fhe recer.ed no l',!-\-owr iVcn her e<.ni[),in;on?, and lh..t thev had nv.ide la 1 .\:\C\ deier',;- i h-er, fhe iiruck, and pn.ved to be the Dnede Ciiartres rieieed for 6o Liuns hi:t !;.;] fn.v 24 nv unred, \v::.i a crew ot 2', 4 men; :.S cr" wh ):n v.'e:e k'i.eJ, .;:: ! i S >.\ "j:-J-J. Sie (with the others) luui i n h \ird. a. "-i-m (]ii:'.!,t::\- of nii- 1 lar\ and nav.d iiores t":e;.n I'ort L'OrienS h^^ind tr) th- I- a.'-.-lid.e^, v.h.ere tiu-v we- e to h.'.\ e nio'.inted their full convpletiient ( 1 'j;'an', and le; vcd as men o; Vv'ar. On th.e ;.S:li ;he S.ivirhanipti'ii, ci ..'. :riin , a.rni t!'.:- Me- I.Kupe, of 24, c );n:r..i!;ded h'.' th.e Cptains Odih.rii^ and ll'tnani, cru./in/ m the North fi-.i, ::ave ch lec to two ! ren^h Jri.:,ite^. i'iie M' lanipe he ii.'; t!ie helt l.ider c,,:ne up with antl er.aa.j^d theni hwih i.iv ttiree t;ii..; trrs cf ,;n ti nir, hei.ire the S"Uthan;pron (Mnhl ;M\e .ir.v allid- an.e; wH'-n r;ne "' t.. ! r;;Kh iii.'a.'.L- ni.ide ;..d and -^(ii od, tb.e Mr'.-uipe w.!^ '..lo iiiu-h d.iiii.;. -d ni iiei ri:;_on.: to pMMue, a::d le!; ailern. An nhdniare ei:.M_'enKnt n-'vv o tin-nenoi i hefA'een t'le Siuuiainptn:, .;;i,i ;!u; oth'-r tri- ; :'e, wnuh (untnnud init!! the MJ.nui'e w,'.- a:_a:n ma iitiiath'ii to I'lpp'rt (."apt.nn Ciiieiuid, wh.en atti : .1 few l-ro. t.::;es tli; menu it : '.ir<. SfX-p;o\(vi t" he I,.. I ), lit 4s' ^iiiis, .m.J ^ ;o ii,t n ; ;i;iiKi- : ^ (.1 w!; jm wt : e kdled, with tlie iui\ ai.h Icecr.d c.p'.mi^, .md a .-re. it nundier uouiuled. I';"ie S latinnuni >n h.^d cue man kdlcil, .iiid < ^ht Wuun.iea , .:ni;in.: tl'.e latlei wa- C'.iptain Cjikhtilt, 4 / WllO 326 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. who received a pound ball in his fhoulder, which rendered ^759 him incapable of fiir.hei- fervice. Ilis niajefty was gra- cioufly {le?fr;d to fetde a penfion on him of 300I. per an- num during his life. The Melampe had eight men killed, and 2C vvoundcJ. The Dariae was added to the navy by the fame nati-.e. On the 4rh of April t'.ie honoi;rable Captain Samuel Barringlon, in the Achilles of 60 guns, being on a cruize, ?.bout oO leagues to ihe weft ward of cape Finiflerre, fell in v/ith, and afier a aiarp conteil of two hours, took the Comte de St. Florentine, French private fliip of war, mour-'ng 60 guns, and manned with 483 ni(tii^ com- manded by the Sieur de Moncay, who was fo daiigeroufly wounc.ed, that he died two days after the acVion. Sac had 116 men killed aiid wounded, all her niails lliot away, befides being ctherv'-reconfiderably damaged. The Achil- les had two r;en killed, and 23 wounded, her rigging, fails, &c. were cut to pieces. 7'his fhip was a valuable prize J Cci^ v;as from St. Domingo, bound to Rochfort, her cargo coiiuHed of gold duft, cleph?nts tec'ii, and other rich merchar.a .-,0. Being a n^^w iliip and f.t ior tlie fer- vlce, fhe was j.uv hafcd by gcvcni.Ticni-, and added to the navy by the fame name. On the i8ch of May, the Chatham, Venus, and 7'hames, commanded by the Captams I.Dckha;'., Harrifon, and Colby, being on a cruise oif the cv?ii of P'rance, gave chace to a French frigate, which they difcovered working into Hodierne bay, witli a frcih gale, tne enemy carryinp- a prefs fail, her topmaft feil over the fide, by v>'hich ac- cident the Thames foon irot alonsfide of hicr : the French- man made a gallant defence, tiil the Venus came up and raked her, when (he ftruck, and proved to be the Are- thufe, of 32 guns, and 270 men, commanded by the A'lar- quis de Vandncul. The enemy had 60 m.en kiiled and wounded. 'I'he Thames, four men killed and eleven wounded. The Venus had five men wounded. The Aic'Jnife was added to the navy. Farly in the fpring five fail of the line wcic difpatched to reintorce Vice-Admiral Broderit k in the Mcditeirancan ; and on the 14th of April Admiral BoiVawen having been appointed commander in chief on that fiation, followed with three more fail and fome frigates. Early in the month of June Admiral Sir Fdward liawke failed N.WAl CHRONOl OG Y. 3'27 (.iir:-d trom SpithcaJ with a powfrfi! ficet to crui/c of]' '^ f"*- iiicil and in ti'.c 5()undin^>*'. Wlivn he arrived on his '75 i Ihuion, he detached three I'nuH fquad'iuis to fcoar the cncniv's coalt^ ; one ot thilc wa-. emplovetl under the com- mand of Captain RcvnoLis, who was arrcrwards lucr ceded by Capta n DutF, in b'lickin.; up a ficct ot tranlports in the Morbihan. Ano'hji, undi-r the ron-r.aiid o: the h.oii- ou!.i':):e Captain Kei^pc!, in, ^nd i..!: the Me i>f Aix ; and the thud under the h.nnour.-.hlc Captain Iler- ve'.-, to w^ich the motions v! the l-"re:ic"h ;"cct in ijielt, \\'-;ch ferViCe he mofi cHectually performed by anchorin;,^ With h:> Intal! fqiiadrf)n ciofe to the h.irbour's mouth. ; C.>;)ta!n Mer\ .-y hequentlv intuited th.eir fleet bv cuttir..; out ^,t Cameret ba'.', anJ. dct;iin:!ii neutral veHeis wiiich were bound U) Hre:t with r.ava! itores. Toward-; the end oi Sc iiteir.bvjr tl".e Moninouth became fo fo.ul and leak',', that C.;p:.'.in lierw',' was to (juit n'^ itaticiti and return t' > Lnjlar.-i. Notwifh 'anuin.' the weatner was \'cry tcmpetiuou^, Sir EJward ii.i-.vke j)crrevereu m crui/.- ir.^ (':t Brelt, until V.\c ()ih ot Novein'ier, when a viu'.ent gale of wind fc reed him from his ilation, i.n.i he was obliged to take ihelter in I'o'b.w. ^hl^ proved ii fortu- nate circumltancc fur M. de Dompart, who, m th.e abfence oftheHrstilh tieet, got i.ite into l^rcil: sMih iiis Iqnadron irom the Weft-Indies. M. de C ui.Uuis nciii^ ivnv con- \ inced that thee ail was clear ; on the l^-'ii ot November put to (ea ; and on the f.inie li.'.y tiie lintilh fleet i.;;led Irom 'l\)rbay. On the i 5ih Captain M'C.evertv, in the Ciibraltai, j.)i!U\! the fle'-t, and inl-i'med the Admiral that he had (een th.e I'reneh ihet iibout ? \ leaju; to the N. \\'. of HelieiOe, I'eerinL:; to the S. Iv Sir Kdv.ard Hawke imnudiatelv Ih.iped his eourle tor ( ) nberon bav ; but the wind blowiM:: vei v har.l from the oalUvard, torocd the fleet conli.J_r..'p!\ r, Iieward. ( 'n t!ie i<,;h tlie wind Ortted to the wellw.iid, When tr.e Manilione and Co\\ntrv trwates were irdiie.i [ > 'o"k out a!ii .al or thj fleet. 'I'he next nvrning, at e'ilit o !>.; k, th.ev rr..'.dc ::ie ti^nai t^r hiivmg dilei)\ (I fd the eiuni\\ l.eet', whieii were at this time in puriuit of the lip.i,. Iion, uiivl;-;- the conunauil , tlid!; pailed, was obliged to ftrike. M. de Verger, th^- Freich rear-admiral, and about 200 of his men were kii'ud. Lord Howe, in the Magnanime, attacked the Thc'ee ; bur the Montague run- ning foul of the former, fo much difabled her, that flie' fell aftern. Captain Kepj.el, in the Torhay, then attacked the Thefce. Soon after the action b'jgan, a iuddsn and heavy fquall caiTie on; the lower deck ports of the latter {hip not being iluit down, file hlled, and inftantly funk. 'J"he Superbe inared a hmilar fate alongilde of the Royal George. \\ hen Lord Howe got clear of the Montague, he bore dov^m and attacked the Hero fo furioufly, that he foon compelled her toflrikci but the weather was too bt^ifterous to take poffefiion of her ; in the night ihe drove ainore, and was loft. As it grew dark, the enemv feparated; part of their fleet flood to the fo: thward, and the reft to the mouth of the river Viiiaine. The wmd at this time blowing with great violence from the N. W. and no pilots in the fleet fiitTiciently qiialified to take charge of the fhips, the admi- ral gave over the purfuit, and anchored th.' flLCt off the ifland J3umct. The weather contir.iicd \'cry teinpelluous the whole night; frequent fign.;lr> oi dlflrcfs were made, without bcinir able to diltint^uifn whether they jiroceeded from fncnJi, or i")js. In the moriiiiig at day-light, the /^i';.cnd;x; C;/',;\ II. No. loo. Rcfolution X A V \T, ClinON-OI.OGY. 329 Rciolatit'in 2n;l Irciich \lc:o, were ('hkvva] to be aOiorc, *^ ^ :!i;J bw:h wic -c\! '[) tnc l-\.ur b.iiik. 'I'hc French adnii- *759 r,i!, in the Sole;! lv>-.-.ilf, .mcrioixJ ir. the niidil ff the i)'i: ih fleet ; who ^^^ l^u :rt JiIV i\ ercil his l'itu;Ui>n> than he C'lt h;s c.ib!e, antl t!v flup d i)ve alhore :i l:tdc to the \\e;{vv.irii of LVii/if. The iJii-x \v. purfuc her; in the e'eciitun (^tWh-i^-h ifie u t.>ri'i;i,itt!v llriu'k up );i the I'.nir bank, .iiiJ was Int; her cre^v, t.'.n-thef u .'h t'.v l\.e!>ilutioir>, were f.ivcd. C )ii t!-.e 221!, S;r Iv!- \v.:;u i l.iu'ke lent the Portl. 111. 1. Chatham, and W-n^ean.-e, t) de:;r..v the S-Ieil Roy,;!- and ll-ro; th-.-, on th- acti of our ihip=, was let on iire bv her crew ; and the Litter liinn alter t!: ired the lame tate trom our people. Li lulle, of ~o ^un---, was wrec!:ed at the mouth of the Iv'ire. Se\'en of t'vj en.'iiiy'^ lliijvs by throwini'; oveibo.'.'d thi-ir 2un^ a:ij ihi;-.-, ctcaj^ed into the river Villaine ; ih^' ie:i, under M. de ! : th ir nun'.ber> in ilain v. ere never alcertain.-d ; but li wc m.f; i'.idj : tiefu the earna!i:e made on bond the I-"i.rm,d.ib'.e, it nrr. I- :i iN e be--n confideruhle. The Hritilh fie t ii'..d ..'.i;u" ^ ' k lied, an.vl 25' woundeil. Lieutenant 1^'ice, ot uy '^ Ia.:n '.nimv-, was tlve only ol'.ieer ani>)nT tiic toruK: , and Cap'.en liaird, 01 tne ])e.;ance, amon^ the- latter. ( )n the ?^'h, th'- adimir d; t'-nr a ', under the C'lnim.'.nd >i| C' ^-ei:;;, to (^ h.w; .md iviio- th' I iidr tie- li'MiMM'i'e CJ.i;v,;;'i Keppe!, to Di'ipie rod, iiiorri rt> n." r * e^t laeli 0; r'l'- enenn's leatteieJ 111! 's 'SMiietK \ K 111 '-e; in 'ether '.fthelV jdaee.. ! ^ir lie v.oi 1 ! o'. '.e d.tpa'ch d C ip'am Criipbei! of th~ ]v';.d ( )] e, t') l-e'eiend, w .th th ra^'.vs c.f tirs imp. .r- ta:. t ; '. , h- \va- iset .^ . r'-ee:'/ i! I'.ii;". n;.;.- i'-!l e ; e ; ' ," e d ^ '<'' ?> ;:.ite .: f.vo; d. 1 : ;_ '. ; i\ ,'. r A '. nir.d Ci'-.ov, witln f.x : , ; to re.otoiet- .'Mr I'idw.irJ .te to liure m Ifie 'lonours of (.'.A of tl: tne -!o; .. \ ..e-.\d.n: .iJers .lei.-'i 11'. tp.e el;ep'- ol ;n : cl)a;i- \ 330 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A-D. nel, on his return from North America, and hearing that '759 the French fleet was at fea, and that Sir Edward Hawke was in purfuit of it, inftantly (haped his courfe for Qui- beronbay; judging, that even the fmall force he had v/ith him might be of fervice :* but, foon after being informed of M. de Conflans' defeat, he fleered for England. The fleet, during its long cruises, was conf}:antly fup- plied with frefh provifions, vegetables, and porter. After the defeat of M. de Conflans, ihe weather became fo ex- tremely tempeftucus, that the ufual fupplies could not be fent out ; and it was necelTjry that the men fhould be put to fhort allowance 5 in confequence of which the following witty impromptu was written: Ere Ilawke did bang IMoniieur Conflans, You fent us beef and beer; Kow Monfirur's beat, Vv'e've nought to eat, Since you have noaght to fear. On Sir Edward Hawke's rcrurn to England, he received the thanks of parliament, and had a pcnfion on the Irifh eftablifhmcnt of 200^1. a year fettled on him for his life, thcfe of his fens, and the furvivor of them. On the 2d of Julv, Rear-Admiral Rodney failed from St. Helens with a Ifrong fquadron,f for the puri'cfe of bombarding Havre de Grace, where the Frencn had con- flruclcda greatnumber of larg-'j flat bottomed boats, intended for the iavafion of this country. The next morning the fquadron anchored in the road; ?nd the fame evening the bomb-ketches being properly placed, began to throw ihells into the tov/n ai^.d bafon. The bombardment continued for iifcy-two hours with great effect j the tov/i", was fet on fire in feverai places ; moll of the flat boats, together with the magazines hlled with naval and military (lore-;, were de- ilroyed. After having performed this f^ivice, Admiral Rodney fent the bomb-ketches to Englcsnd, and continued S-i.f!,. Cum. C'yfi/rii'Ll,:/:. . i- r ^ ^ VJce-AdfiM'iii :\.i;.'('hMS, ' ' ^ ^ Captain l:.d\vAI. ClIIvON'OIOG Y. 3>1 u-ith the rofl c;f th;- !".!ii.uiron tv^) ciw/c (fr'the French coafl A.D. tin- i-,-'7-;.ii!idci (1 ihc ur.irncT, L'rtMt'y lo ilic annoyance ct '7 3i> tiu- ( .'!-niv's tr.iiJ;.-. A iqa.vuroii u,.s cni!^! '.\^' Jntiiu th/ fuinnier, under the Ciinr;,.iiul ot C\,::.:iM,;,)rv- !Ji',-, to ii i-n uj) the port of I,^|j::\i:k, \v>';.;c .M. i ' ur,,t was Iv.r, .vith a k|u.,dron of f:i^.;>-^,* r> . J , : ^ eli.;i,t a Iat^^- ;> .iv (! t: > ;><; v..iich the 1' I. :i( h h.'.ii c o',L-i.:t.'.l at t'-...t ;'!::i c (..i ',[V-' puii'ijlc ot niakina; a vi- :i.c-nr ui ih.- caticni irali ot 1 '.!..; 'i.aiJ. On ;.:c i2:hof ().' ohtT, a \ i(>lciit '.:.i'c (if w.i.J }o:c\d Ciiri'.iiu.J.-rf i>,)\"t tiuit par: ut' tnc coaft. 1 lie tl.anks ( r ii.i l...nuMt were voted to Ai'iniral Bof- f. .'.'. n, \'ite- A(-i'T.:,;l launder-, and the Rear- Admirals I'liiril .,iui IL.,;,ei, tor t!;e (Irvices they had rendered t.' c 'U'.tiv. ii' ini'iily aho vva> <:racioullv pleafed lo ap))oi:it Aca.ii..! ij !.,.". en v,enera! ot his marnie forces, wiJi a ("..'arN' i>t' 7, ..1. a xe^r; \' ice- Ad.niiral Saunders, ln-u'.-n.iiu-^; n. ;..! i.; :i". li.-.r.e, with, a laiuyot i2\tI. a \-' ar ; and i..e i .'. ,w\'. m c; t.iii.s to be colonels ot the aboi.c Cor;)> ; >,: V:(-':\ V, ,-:, Ke l.r, at PortTnouth. 1! iHou. ,.,,!'. Ail :ii''a.> R'-ppel, i'lVni-iuth. I\:e:i..,d \'.. oi;m,_ Hnve, ai L'iiaihain, with a falarv ct' HjcI. .. \ear catii. I >i } ni 11 \i i; \ N ! \ \. \' ice- Ad.nnr..! i''ro,:::e'k lia". in' verf:\.-,l a reinforcement fiom I.n'i.oh', pion .0; v: to ei : / ' oit r(.u!on, to lil^-ek; up a hiiiun lo.i...!ro.. niaier i\i. .; !.; C 'ue, which were piep :; -n.' to 1..;., :,. c : J. r [o {, . .;i a lUnclKin with tile l)rell V.I ; i , , , !:e,-t. 232 NAVAL CHROXOLOGY. A.D. fleet. On the i6th of May, Admiral Bofcawen joined ^759 Vice- Admiral Brodrick off cape Sicie, and took on him the command of the fleet.* On the 8th of June, the Con- queror, CuIIoden, and Jcrfey, received confiderable da- mage, and lod many men by the fire from foine heavy bat- teries of the enemy, in attempting to deflroy two French frigates, which had taken (helter under them in a fmalT bay near Toulon. The admiral kept his itation until the be- gin-ning of July, when the fliips in general became in great want of water and repairs, he was therefore necefTitated to quit it, and to fleer for Salo ba . \ where having completed his water, he proceeded wiih ihc Meet vo Gibraltar, and anchored in the bay en the 4!:h of Augufl. Admiral Bof- cawen coneludiiig that Ivl. cle la Clue would avail himfelf of the abfence of the Britifa fle^i to ilip out of Toulon, left the Lyme to cruize ofF Malaga, am.! the Gibraltar between Eflapona and Ceuta point, to give him the earlieft notice of their approach. On the 17th of Auguft, the Gibraltar difcovered the French fleet, confiflirig of hfreen fail of lliips of v/ar clofe in with the coafr of Barbary.T Captahi M'Cleverty im- mediately ftoovi c/cr for C>ibraltar hay ; and at feven in the evening made kvanvn to tlie admiral the enemy's approach. At this tiiiic the i^cet v/as by 1:0 means in a fituation to proceed to lea, mod of the Ihips being in a ftate of fitting, with their top mails {Iruck, and fails unbent; however, fo great were the exertions of the officers and crews, that by ten at night the whole ficet ''. ere at fea, and clear of the bay. At feven o'clock th-- next morning. Admiral Bof- cawen got fight of feven of the enemy's fhips to the weft- ward, and made the fignal for a general chace. M. de la Clue at firll miltook the Britilli fleet for a part of his own which had fcparated from him in the night, and made the private f.gnal, but not being properly anfwered, he difco- vi-red his error, and crouded fail to get off. The wind blowing a fine breeze to the caflv.-ard, brought our fhips f;>rt up with the enemy; and athalf paft two in the after- noon, the headmoff fhips commenced 3 clofe aclion ; foon after the engagement became general ; Admiral Bofcawen^ inthcNamur, warmly attacked the French admiral in the ''~ Anpcndix, Chap. IT. No. 106. l' A}'^>cudix_, Ciiap. 11. No. J07. Oceai) , \A '.A I, CHIlOX'Jl.On Y. 13.3 OccKv, but in h.ilr'an h ):: t!u" N\;niur'^ nii/cn niafl, fore A.I). ail 1 "ti.iin t"p i".'.!! \.'.rds II" >: .'...'.',, ilic droppirj altcrn, ^7i ' aiil M. do la Clu-.- iiiailc I'l'!. 'lh\- C. :'.'.. lur, t''VJ lkTi)Ti')!t CI the c'ii---in\'> fhip , w.iN ;',) i-r.ich ii,\.'hk'k. three of thcni c:uii :. .mi .'.:i,'hor ; tiio (),e..n r..n arnon^r the hrc.ikcrs ; the 'n men: ilie liruck, l".e;- nialU went by the bu.uJ. The Ini;!"ep:J :v]d Anieriea were lent in to dc- Itmv her; iiiion t '. 1 . irc I'.rin.'; a 'e.v ill .r, ihe {^ruck her col uirv. W'f.en '.".ip'..en l-C:;k ! - 'k. polieilion of her, he le.uiit M. tie i.i L'iiie h.'.i b.;en ci.i'ieerouilv wounded, and with i'lnu . : x-- oiii/e:- were j.u: ( n. flvirv-.'^ The; Uee.'.n was found t')'H-i'< ,.ii\ \ 'r umd, that it was inifvif- iiiiie to '/et her ctr ; C"..;',M.ii {i'.ir^ therefore took, out t!:e' reni. under 1 ! her rrew, .;e, i '. r .iie Ihip on tire. Cipt.un He:;ilee, i.i the \V.u\.:'i:\\\, wis ordered to at- t.ick the Teiner.i': >, of -.| 'j^'-rA'^. whieii ihuck. altera tew broadhdes. \ .> .-\ii^ i>rotir:er;\ divilion went a^ainit the other f.-. . flvp-, brouzh.t off" the .M-'detle, or" 04 guns ; dro', e .;l!i '.e and dei{;:(v_d, tiie Redvuiblahie, of i tie Kiis 111'.!. . I .1 ii iiif eiij.;,; liii-iii .'.Miiii;:; 10 it' 5' inen ki'.iel, ..n.i 1.,') v,\iund;d. (.hi tlie lide el tiie enemy It \'. A' r;...n c, .'.e..v. 11 ! >n-.e C'.ipt i:n ilurkle w!:h t el.f\ ; h- w.:^ e.;!l V reCi/ivcd hv ins 'c.i .. ;"',i 5;"!. M pm I !^..,;e .1 '...: :.i. I ;/.e- to ( i:;v :!:.;' ; nnd - '- i 1. ee,'. ' <\ in t,;- . . 1 , I, .1, V ..r :, , .; i.d Ih.diic< r-.; . r AI. de 1.1 Chie's in (.".: :/. \\ nhe the le: . .ee, "H the ^rh i' , u'ineh o'';i -.a t:'e 334 NAVAL CIIEOXOLOGY, A. D. Newark and CuUoden to cut away their mafts, and run 1/59 into Cadiz; the admiral's fliip the Prince, was fo much damaged, that he was under theneceffity of fhifting his flag into the Conqueror, and to fend the Prince to Gibraltar to refit. The admiraPs force was now fo much reduced, that it was confiderably inferior to that of the enemy; not- withftanding which they continued to lye fnug in port until another violent florm forced Vice- Admiral Brodrick to bear away for Gibraltar; the French (liips took this occa- f:on to venture out, and gut fafe to Tt>ulon. On the 15th of April, Captain Timothy Edwards, in the Favorite floop of 14 guns and no men, being on a cruize, fell in with, and after an obftinate engagement which lafted two hours and a half, took the Valeur of 24 guns, nine and twelve pounders, and lie men, thirteen of whom were killed, and nine wounded. She was from St. Domingo with a very valuable cargo; and being a fine fhip, was purchafed into the fervice by Admiral Bof- cawen, who was fo fenfible of Captain Edwards's merit, that he appointed him to command her as a pofl' Ihip. In the fame month the Tartar''s prize, commanded by Captain Baillie, took, after a fevere aition, a large French Ihip of 36 guns, off the illand of Sardinia. Soon after, as Captain Baillie was convoying fome merchantmen to Gibraltar, the Tartar's prize fprang fo dangerous a leak, that Ihe funk ; the crew were faved. A,'ORTH AMERICA. Rear- Admiral Durcll, who had wintered in the harbour of Halifax, put to fca as foon as the (eafon would permit, and proceeded with his fuuadron to the river St. Lawrence, in order to intercept any fupplics which the French might fend out for the garrifon at Quebec. On his arrival oft the ifland of Coudic, the inhabitants miftaking it for their own fleet, fent oft the belt pilots, who were detained by the rear-admiral, and proved of great ufe in conducfing our (hips aftv^rwards up the river. On the 23d of June, Vice- Admiral Saunders joined Rear Admiral Durell, and took on him the command ot the fleet i* on his paflage he touched at Louifbourg, where a * i\j'pcndix, Cha|\ 11. No. loS. NAVAL CUnON'OLOGV. J.-.-> l.irgc bo.'v of tronp"; vvns cmbarlccd, uiuicr the command of D.A. iM.ijoi-Cjcucral \S'(iU, dciUnt-d tor the lir;:c of (^itbcc. Tjy ()ur force bfii)'^ now iinitcJ, \'ir(.'-Ai.iin; Saunders fliitccd his fl.'.L' i:ito tb.c Stiri.iii; C. title, ;:i..i iiocccded up the river with the lliij'S o'l the eal'.elt drau^'h.t ot water, atiJ the tranlpcrt"-, in orde: to luj^criiKend the oiX'tations oi the fiet^e. Rear- Adimr.'.! DurL.!'. was lift widithe hirfie fliips of war (ifi th-: \l\: ot Coiidn ., toc.V'ir il;-.- cneiiiv's ..rteutio-i ia tnat quarter ; and Rear- Admiral Holmes was detachid with u Iniall I'quadriHi abcve t!K' towr,, to aniufe the er.emv on that lide, and iv ci>-c)per:i:c with the arniv wiienevcr it may bcthouL:;ht neceliary. The enemy made re[-)e.ited attempts to dcllrov our (hip-, bv fending fire raus down the river, ali of which pro\ ed meiiectua! ; the beats of the fleet kept fo vigilant a loi-k out, th;;t they were reloliitely grappled, and towed afhore without doliv', any nulchitf. The fie^e was carried on with the moit determined bra- very until the 17th (jt r^eplember ; when, .>:icr manvleverc and blncdv conlli.^ts bet. ween the armies, tiie I'.ovcrnor of (^lebec, M. de Ranilav, Tent out a C:.'.^^ with otlers to Tur- rendcr the town. li'.e terms of capilulatii>n being agreed to and iigiu'd, the IJritifli armv took polleflion ot the upper town, and a detachment ot feamen uiider the command of Captain Pallife:, the lower. The lols (utl liir.d hv the I'ritifli duriiv^ the fie^e, from the :-.7tiiot lune, to the 13th ot Septendv-, on uhieli day the i.:li ba;tlc v\..s lou^iht on ilie plains ot Abraham, and uiiich deculed u..- t.i'.e <-! (^itbec, anu'tiiriLd to 277 killed., I h*; \"< UL.U d, and 2" liiillinc:- Ati'.or..,^ tin- ll.uri W'a<' the Ijr inih eo;:in,.in:er 1:1 chief .\laior-( icnei .il W'olte, an ti.i.CLi tn.l/ ..:.d it'Jt. 1 \ t u: v hiniLnied b\ tie n..';i a. 'I'iie I'ri-ii' !'. I' n.niande: m cliiif, IMau.uis de M(.n;, was .id"; killed The (ums f. 'Uiui in ^^ibecon its furren 'er, ;.!r.i tinted to ?.< I ; iv,)W;t7 ;> a;;J iiKit.M^, tniii tlii!t..-ll tol-',t:: jii- che-, 24-; b>,l:lL'^ .. --( i['Jantity ut Ih 1'., lliel^, and otr-er ml.l;;:', audi ii.iv.d iloics." \ u e- Adiiiii.d^^ lent home C ptain fa.v.cs |)oti^l.i->, ;.n.l lin:.i,:;ir (leiieial 1 owiuv;!,', 1 .it ;i;cn.'.nt- Culoiii.! li^Ie, w;". 1 tl,en:w,s of t!'.;s i.npi : tant co:"..p'.L:'.t. 1 ;.. I Tl,.-v 33G NAVAL CHROXOLOGt". A.D. They were moft gracioufly received by his majefty, who *7S9 ordered each of them to be prefented with 500I. to purchafe a fword; Captain Douglas was knighted 5 and Colonel Hale given a regiment of dragoons. Before the feafon fhould be too fiir advanced, Vice- Ad- miral Saunders difpatched the hr diuo, ilrovc urnuio and I'cflroycd. Lovtlv Nam v, - 24 ) 1 f^,' ' } ditto, I fcantd, nfurw aids taken bv tl:c ^ Kir; on in tht, ;.lLiriiiLl, t Appendix, Chap. 11. No. lOy. IT"" ft .NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. " 33/ mont of fliips from Knglaiul, uiuk-r Captain R(il)crt A.D. }I(i:^hcs, who a!fo brought out with hitn a large boilv t-'t '7>9 tr-iops iiiulcr the cominaiul of Majur-C iciicral Hoploi!. On thf 13th ot tfic fame momh the tk-ct and army failed from Carhllc bj\ , Barhadocs, and after liaving made le- vcial un(iiccef*tiil attacks on tiic illaiid of Martinico, they proceeded to Gnadaloiipe, which, alter a m(;l{ brave and j^ailint refinance ot above three rr.onths, capitnlaicd on xhv i;f of Miv. I'lie illands of Marigalante, tl^.e Saints, Peleada, anif Pttiic-Ttrre, foon tullowed its example. During tlie attack of Giiadalonpe (on the iitfi (d Maixli; the commodore learnt tfiat M. de Bompart fiad failed from France \v:th a ffrong fqnadron to the relief of their colo- nics*. On the recupt of this news the commotlore im- mediately (ailed fir l^rince Rupert's bay, in order to col- lect his cniizing flrps, and to be the more reaily to inter- ce[)t the encmv ; U.ivin^ at ( ii;adal(Mipe a fuilKient force to co-operate witti iJrigavfier-Gcneral Barrinmoiif for the rciliiCti'ti of that place. On the fame day the illand ca- pitulated, M. de 15 -mpart appeared utf it ; but as foon as he was infoimed o| iis lunation, lie made the beff of his way for Mariinico ; reached l'\)rt Roval bay before Commodcire Moore cmiIiI overtake him. Some tune after the French fquadron (ailcl to S'. Doming''; upon which Comm-'dore iMixire liuv n^ no longer any naval toice to oppofe, Ihiltcd his pe:;d..iit to the Iju. kn.gham, and feiit frveral ot the lattu- (iups home with t!."; ion\(i\:J. On the ijdi of Cajitam Colli!igw(,f)d, m the Crefcerit, bring oiia^n.i.'e oji St. Ch: ilfoplu rs. fell m witfi a l-rituh co!i\o\- ( h orted l)v two Ingates ; tie ti- ga^ed theiii l)o:li tor lomc :ime; but ti;e largelf ot the trigales ha\]ng grt atl\- dain.igid the CreKent in l.rriig- <;ing, the n;.idc l.ol aiid got oil ; the other was not fu tor- tunaie, Capta:;i C'l!!: n'j,'.vo:)d got alongfuie of, and after a ih irt ;.tio:i. obl'^-l 'rr to lliikr. She pro\ed to be the Herkv.(\ ol 2c l;|'!- , I.Lr compa.'.ion wa^ the Anie- th.vlf oi 32 giiii-. Api^cnil'x, Cli.ip. 11 N^^ II-. ' ^l i-i CJcTM ti il : : :. .i'ol ..p. -'.c :-t!i rf Fthrur.rv, ulim ti:- ei mill i!l.! di.\.'lv(.! ..;. 1 'm; 1 ilM ( JtlXI ai IJ.U i ii; /!':!. ; A. iir.;;x,(.;op II N., 1 . \\a. 1. Z lAMAlCA. S38 NAVAL CHUONOLOGY, A.D. 1 759 JAMAICA. The naval force* on this ftation, under Vice- Admiral Cotes, was chiefly employed in cruizing for the proteftion of our own trade, and for the annoyance of that ot the enemy, on which fervice fomeof his cruizcrs were very fuc- cefsful, picking up fome vahiable prizes. The Dreadnoughtj and Seaford, wiih the Wager, Peregrine, and Port Anto- nio floops of war, fell in with and captured two French frigates, the Hermione ot 26 guns, and the Hardi of 20 guns. EAST INDIES. On the 7th of April Vice-Admiral Pocock failed from Bombay in queft of the French fleet ; he continued to cruize with great perfeverance till the 2d of September, when he got fight of them off the illand of Ceylonl. Not- withftanding the fuperiority of the enemy in numbers and force, the Admiral inftantly gave chace ; but a conti- nuance of contrary winds, attended with heavy fqualls and thick weather, prevented his being able to force them to battle until the morning of the loth, off Fort St. David. Having at this time obtained the weather gage ; Admiral Pocock formed his line and bfire down on the enemy ; whole Admiral (M. D'Ache) hnding there was no pof- fibility of avoiding an adlion, brought to, to receive the Britifh fleet. At eleven o'clock Rear Admiral Stevens, who led, began the engagement, which foon after became general, and was maintained with great bravery on boih fides until four in the afttrnoon, wlien fome of the French fliips began to give way. M. D'Ache having received a wound, which rendered him infenhble, and his capiain being killed, the olHcer next in command on board the Zodiac wore the fhip to join thofe which had run to lee-.- ward ; the reff inifiaking it for fl'glit, bore away with all the hiil they could croud. Admiral Pocock purfucd the enemy till dark, at which time he ordered the Revenge to keep fight of them, and brought to, to repair the da- mages his Hups had received in the; aelion. The lofs fuOained by the Britilh fleet in this battle amounted to 118 killed, and 451 wounded, 68 of whom * Appendix, Chnp. II. No. in. t Aj'['CiKli.\, Ciian. II. No, 112, died. NAVAL cirnoNOLor, Y. 3^g died. Amonnd the killed were Captain Mitchcl, of the A.I). Newcaltlc, Captain Gore, and Lieutf ikuh Radlliaw, ol 7S9 the Marine^. Lieutenant I'iUiott, of rb.r i igei, atul the mailer ot the \'arniouth. Caiitaui l^rtixton (i the Tiijer, and Captain SoniLifet, < t i!ic Cinnbcilaid, were \v itiniled. "1 he cncnn s !ols aniDUtited to i^cokd'cd and wounded. Amongd tlic former w; re M. Goth >, tap;ai:i ot i!;e Zo. diaijue, and M. SurviMc, captain ot" the Centaur. M. D'Athc was feverciy woinicitd. A-^ f.ion as Admiral Focock had ni^'ain in-it his fl^ct in a condition to attaek tlie eneni\', lie proiicded oil Pondi- chtrrv ; where, on the 2-th oi Septiir.lier, lie d'deovcred their tiect at anch(^r. I mnu-di.itviy on llic appfaranee ot the Biitilh fleet, .M . D'AJ c l; t ur-d; r \\ciL;h, and with a prcfs ot fail ft.iod to tiie !ci,rl;\s r.: .1 ; th.- coiu'ucl (d thie I'rc-nch admiral c;i'..;'\ di nio:d!' d ih;'! hl^ ohi--cl wa^ ta a\oui a (t'.-oiul er.j,aL;ernc!U, andi ;.) j u'h t!ic 'Idle Hale ot tlu' I'lUi'!! li.ips \v(Mi!d not adnnt of t' cir [)Cin.f dra'.vn 'II the e la'f j Admiral Poeo^ k tiurcforc L;a\e uj) the purfuit, and t!:c next day anchored in Ma- tira--- Road. On the iStli of Oolober, the A Imiral, on his paffage to Bond)ay, wa> jonicd bv Rear- Admiral Ci>rndli. with a reinforeement ot lliips Irom i'jicianil" ; and on i!ie i :;;li of neeember, hedct.Kd'cd the rear-aiir.-.iral witli !;\ l.iA of i1k- line to ttie coad o! Cornmandi 1. On the 14th oi Ocb)i-cr two ]>( m h !!:;;)< oF w.irf and a fm.iU bodv oi iro.)jis to,,k tl;e fiali-l i.dia Conpam's I ;:'.<. ment oi ( lamb.-rom, at tlie entraii.'e if i!u" G'l'ph ot Perlia. On board ot otic o! th (e li;ips was M. !) i'.!iain>:, a BrigadiiT maural in tl'c f'r; neh (.i\iee, \s .'-o ha.i bicn taken p!ilor..r .a ,^Iad:a^, and w.i'-dn his pn .r nit to fcrec again i tiic i'liiiiii unid re^id.irlv ( xc bani^-.d ; not- \'. uiiltandmg whirli lie lonk an activ^- 'p.ot ui t:.-. icli.Mioa ( t \\\\> pLue; and .dttrw-.ird-- pro i, did to .itta> k tlie coin- panv'> lettl^iiKiit on tbc e a:t nt Sirn..tia .An event happen', d ..t t!,'- ilid,- . f thi^ \ car at Ik'Ugal, whidi retitch great Ik:; -nr on the eondud ol tiir^c eap- A, icm!i\. C:.r.. I!. \. . ,1 ;. '^ / ( ' ur ', Cr mm i t : " 1 . 1-Ni.;.::i: Z Z t.tins 340 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. tains of Eaft-Indiamen*. The Dutch governor of Ba- ^759 tavia having fent feven large arnied Ihipst, with a great number of troops, as he reprefenied, to reinforce the gar- rifon at Chinfura, the Dutch commodore foon after en- tering the river, thought proper to detain feveral Englilh veffels which were going down, among the number was the Calcutta Eaft Indiaman. Captain Wilfon, her com- mander, inftantly reprefented to Colonel Clive the con- duct of the Dutch ; upon which he ordered the com- rnandgrs of the Duke of Dorfet and the Hardwicke, the only remaining company's (hips in the river, to proceed down with all expedition, and to refent this infult by at- tacking the Dutch fhips. Captain Foirefler, in the Duke of Dorfet, began the aftion with great refolution, and was foon fupported by his brave companions ; in a fliort time two of the Dutch fhips flipped their cables and fled, an- other was driven afliore. The Dutch commodore, unable pny longer to withftand fo fevere a confiid, with two others ftruck their colours ; the other cut her cable and attempted to efcape down the river ; but (he was inter- cepted and taken by the Orford and Royal George, which hadjuft arrived from England. The flaughter on board of the Dutch fliips mufl have been confiderable, above thirty dead bodies were thrown overboard from one fliip after the aftion. Not a fingle man was killed on board the EngliOi fliips. This affair was foon after adjufled. The Dutch paid I GO, cool, for the damages fuftained by the Englifh ; in confequence of which their fliips were reflored. Captures made in the courfe of this year. Taken from the French - 165 Veffels. Britifh veffels taken by the French 21Q Some of them of confiderable value, chiefly Weft-Indiamen. Balance in favour of France - 45 veffels, SJiips. Cum. Comtnctnd,ri, Calcutta - - 26 Captain Willbn Duke of Dorfet - 26 Forreftcr Hardwicke - - 26 Sampion Shift. Cum. t VliflTingen - - - 3^^ Bleifvvyke - - - 36 Wilgeleager - - - 3S Princels of Orange - - s6 Elizabfth Dorothea ~ - id W'acreld - - - - 26 DcMoffal ... - 16 OCCUR- NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. 3ll OCCUllREXCKS AT HOME. ^^^' 1 "60 The Parlianiciit voted lor the da (cruccot the prcfeut \ ~o,cco men, iiKlmlint; 18,355 nuiiiits. 1 lie liippliLS :^raiitcd tor the ii.i\y were as tullows : /. ;. d. horiheiTuri, iiiclmiir.g tlic ordnance 3,640,000 o o l*or the ordinary of ttic navy, including 1 ^ k i< . ,' IV > 2^2,620 c I halt-pay to (oa < Iticcrs - - j J> :> J For the budding ot llailar hoCpital - 10, coo o o D.tto, the holpital at PIvmoiiih - - 10, quo o O Towaids ific iiipport ol Greenwich! 1 ( . I ? 10, coo o o holpital - _ _ _ J ' For the hiiildin^, repairs, l'S.c. ot !i;s 1 ,1 n > 200 0.0 O O ina]eltv s ilii[!s _ - - j i'()r the purchale of ground at Halifax ) ., I I I 1 , ^ o.oco o o to nuke a dook-\jrii, ccc. - J 'I'ranfpon leivu-e - - - 501,078 16 6 'Fo'.vards pavini:' oil and dilcharuitiy 1 ., ) I ^ > 1,000,000 O O the na\y debt - - - / Supples for the navy - - 5,6ii,'"g8 i 7 'I he tcjta! fupplies yoteti for the fervice ot the \ear amounted 10 15,50^,5641. 15s. (j]A. On tlie 5ih (jt I'e!)riiai v Adnural Con-awcn faded from PK mouth S )';iul with (i\ lad oi the lir.e* ti.) take the corii- iii.ii:d of tile ticet lu Qur:)ero:i-t)av. The wind loon alter IhitfLl to tl;e welt -A, and encie.ded to a violent gale, v-liii^h dilperledthe lipiadron. The Kaniillies was (o iniicli Ihatier'.tl, that Ca[>;a.ii Ia\lor hore way fir Plynunith ; on t;,e I5'h, it 'i- icy, i x'remrl v and ha/v, he di(- o-'.erLl t.he l!)it lit a I, hut niitakin:^ it tor the R.ini-head, Itoovi on until t'le hup was lo enta: ;''( d wiili ti'.e lliore, that it was iinpniiibie t,i wtaiinr it. L'aptain Ta\ 01- d.eietl the iii.ids to Ik- ^ ut awav and came to an anchor ; hut the ;h>rin rji.;( >1 wiih huh ttiry that ilie cal)les parted; t' e lliip was tliu;n air.)p,L^ tiie breakers and dalhcd to liicc.-. The uh.'lc crew, txcep'mg a middhipman aiul twents -five nic:'. pi : ilii'ti. A imiral Poieawtn and the r' :i ' i liu- flnps :c!iii::ed into pi>it in a molt difahled llate. .M. dc T!;ur>.M. '..!!) had elcaped out of Dunkiik witli \| ; .ii^i.x, Cti.ip. II. 'N\i. 114. Z 3 a luuadroi. 342 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. aTquadron of frigates for the purpofe of making a defccnt 1760 on the northern coafl of England or Ireland, and who, as it has already been obferved, took fhelter on the coafl: of Norway; failed from thence early in the year to profe- cute his intended expedition. After having encountered very tempeRuous weather, and his fqnadron reduced to only three frigates; he on the 20th of February appeared before the town of Carrickfergus, on the northern coaft of Ireland ; which place, after a refolute defence made by Lieutenant- Colonel Jennings, with only a few inva- lids, was obliged to fiibmit to this bold adventurer. M. Thurot laid the town under contribution, after having fupplied his fhsps with fuch ncceffaries and refrefliments as they were in need ol ; he fpiked up the few guns which were in the fort, re-embarked his men, and departed. Captain John Elliot, who was at this time lying at Kin- fale in the iEoIu?, with the Pallas and Brilliant, imme- diately upon receiving intelligence that M, de Thurot was on the coafl, put to fea in queft of him. Early in the morning on tiie 28th, he had the good fortune to difcover the enemy off the I fie of Man, and at nine o'clock brought him to clofe a6lion, which was maintained with great bravery for an hour and a half, when the three fri- gates ftruck their colours*. M. Thurot and a great num- ber of his men were killed. The MarOial Belleifle was fo much (battered that it was with difHculty (he could be kept afioat. The Blonde and Terplichore were added to the navy. Captain Elliot carried his prizes into Ramfay bay in the I lie of Man to reiit, and then f)roceeded with them to England. The parliament of Ireland unanimoufly voted Englilh Force. S'lify!. Guns. hieri. C.oynmandc) %, /r;//, c.L JFoun.led. /Eolu3 - 32 1 20 John Elliot . 4 IS Pallas . 36 - 240 Pvlich. Clements I 5 Brilliant 36 - 240 James Logic - II 104 7CO French Force. 5 31 S/iif>s . (Juris. Sailors. Soldicn. I,e Marfliall He llifle - 44 21G 430 Lc Blonde - - 3O 200 . 200 La I'crpficliorc - - j,4 60 - 170 104 486 Sco their X.WAI- CIIKOXOLOG V. 343 ti'Lir tlumks !o the- ihiLc c.ip'.iiii- t i l'.:c important fcrvicc A.D. On ill. 9 h ot Mari.h P) 'fvawtii a-:ain failed ior (^iit'crori bav, liav.iii; l.i- tl.i:; to ihc- Namiii*. 'I he admiral cnntiiMn .1 at ;iik! it m the b.iy, tuci'icntly (Ictacliiiii^ (ma'l iqiu Ikui^ to r lli:[i>. Ill t'^c r;\tr X'/iaiia-. On i\]c ^8ih tl;c l\;ig,iir,, ot io umis, ui'im';.n i-. d by Cip'ain Hams \\ .i> tjktti b\ two Irci.ih }::L:ac-, Lc Alalui' n(r, rf \;'j i;; in, and joo ni'.!i, c<)!i^ni.:u'cd b\ M. iL' (j('rii(iv, and L (])pale, ot ]2 gtin^, and _So men, C'jmmandcd hv tl.e M utp<, 1) Aj^. On thr 4'ti ot Ap-il \\\c l'':a:l:b)^oll^tl aiii IVddilord, of 2o t^i.ns taili, c;>mman>it.-d bv tlic Ci;)ta!ii> Skinner and Kcnnrdx', t)ci[!L; on a crin/c oil ii:c n fk ot J. llxni, fell HI V. it!i iliL- .;bo\ c lr'_;af' s, isn 1 at (i\ in ihc r\'fning bro'/gbt ih; m !o lI.jIc .ict;on, vNin:!) C' ntir.ntd with L;rcai o'.);tin.i>.'\ iiniil cU'vcn at m-dit, uiicn ttic innate (.nuat/cd \\iih ttu' ; huidiiiroii^h, hue a\\a\ and made lad. Captain Kenirjd\ purliied tier ipl ii' on t!ic iR\t day; but fin.lini^ ilicrc wa> no proip-ii ot Ins a^ain i^;it:nif up with b.i r, lie boro .'U .iV tor J. ih.'ii, uluic lie arrivtd on the Otii with ttic li.(^ (: ii'.e ni'-ii ki'lcd, a:;:! lo wonrdetl, amor,;^ the- t'Mfiv.'r I ,! ii^t n.iii: I't e- , t the Maimes. 'I Ik- Ihiiiidoid [v,.ut:t. imd a h.;:^ .i!.d 1 ! ody C' lit.d with In f a! t.i.,!)hi.t, till lu r i;..ii;.- "jMi..i.t v....s ;:;<>t a'.va\ ; w :!i'i thi- ( ;u oiv " k t:i' '! e,.ii ':; to i::..kc l.^il. Csp ;.r!i >k:'/.'. 1 i.Ti e.i-''. i i ih' .I'li-n, ! i-- |i!a> e was r.olily l';[)p'i',d h\ I ,'uiti n.o.t Kn ''h^, i.ii;ii !: i(i.i,iv;d .i nior- r I'l W'liiiid. \". tr n t!i" eoniiM.i:. ! d'\'''vi,! o:; Mr. S'.aC!.',, i:\^ inaiU r, \s :i i ti >\.\\i t ' t t, lip \\ I'll jy. jt biauiv, iilitt.c ( :;,-ir,\; ' :,'Iu iic; k. ' !, ai.d h<. r l.ei;- teiKu:! a:.d ^^ r.'.--, \\ i;:.'i'h. ^ f ..ii;.nl i::i tl.e ~\h at Lil!. Ml in a i!M i; ti; .t;.-. ! > ,,:;,!- ,.... On the sii Ihition.a .ui 1 teuoP!..! .'.'.I ! I,' l\(>.i!uv, wlio was I. d -(ii,.>e w.i.i .1 ( h|M.u!o n'", ili- !: N .: .1 :,;.;;:',;. I 1 il.i. eiienu - p' a;;.*.- I . .: :'., libfUit I?" fi jt 1 i:,-, i:\i."f : I'., 4.i ei sC - uiwi!. /. ^ ' v.h:.h 344 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. which had been fent from Harfleur, bound to Brefl, laden 1760 y^,i^f, {hot aiiJ cannon. On the 4th of July the dock-yard at Portfmouth was obferved to be on fire in the rope-houfe, which was en- lirely confumed, together with the fpinning-houfe, hemp- houle, and one of the ftore-houfes ; the accident was fup- pofed to have been occafioned by lightning. On the ill of September Sir Edward Hawke relieved Admiral Bofcawen in Qiiiberon bay*. On the 4th, he fent Lord Howe, in the Magnanime, with the Bedford and Prince Frederick, to difpoffefs the French of the ifland of Dumet, the governor after a faint refiftance fur- rendered. The capture of this illand was of infinite fer- vice to the fleer, as it fupplied the lliips conftantly with water, which had hitherto been fent out in tranfports. About this time a large body of troops was colledled at Portfmouth, under the command of Major-General Kingf- ley ; and a (Irong fquadront prepared to efcort them under the command of the honourable Auguftus Keppel. The deltination of this armament w^as kept a profound fecret, fome circumflances led the public to believe that it was intended to attack the iflands of Bourbon and Mauritius ; others that its objedl was to make a defcent on the coafl of P'landers. The troops were no fooner all embarked, and the fleet ready to fail, than the unexpedled death ot his majefty flopped the expedition for the prefent. King George 11. died fuddenly at his palace of Kenfington, on the 27th of October, in the 7yth year of his age, and 33d of his reign^. MEDITERllANEAX. The fleet]] on this ftation was commanded by Vice- Admiral Saunders. Nothingof any importance happened ; the cruizers were in general very ad^ive and fuccefshil, Ibnie large privateers were taken, and the enemy's trade greatly annoyed. A fmall French fquadron, confiding of four fail of the line and two frigates, having flipped out ot Toulon, with an ambalfador on board for ConlLantinople. * Appendix, Chap. IT. No. 117. -I Appendix, Cluip. II. No. 118. I Appendix, Chap. I. No. 16. J! Appendix, Chap. II. No. 119. Captain NAVAL CnnONOI.OG Y. 3 15 Captjin Hneh P.iUilcr was ciifpatclicfl with a fijiiatlron* AD. to uittTCcpt It. He got iiglit of tiic ciicnn ; but bctore he '7^^ cuultl ovcrtukc h:in, tic ttf-.i'tnl hi^ c(cj[k- into a port in the illc ot Can. ha, where Captuin I'alliler cuntiiuied to hl.K.k hiin up, until his (hip- l)e:amc fo hul aid in want (if prt)\ilion<, ttiat tic was nhhgcd to qua his Kation arid Ueer li)r Gibrahar. XOltTH AMlinfA. Karly in May the I'rencli niaJe an attempt to recover Qiicbec J they appeared Itelore it wi:li an ariiiy ot i I ,coO men antl lour lail of frigates. On the I5ih Coinniodure S.vanton arrived :o the great joy oi (leiieral Muriav and the ganihin; with a reinhjrceinent from L'jiglanJ + . The next day lie G^iit th.c Diana ami Lovvclloff'e to attat.k the I'reneh Ihips uIikIi were lying above tlu: town. On their approiJi the enemy cut their cables and fled m tlic utmolf contulioM, 1 lie Pomona, oi ^6 guns, was driven a!h(jrc above caj)c Diamond and l)urnt. The Aulante, ot 32 runs, Ihared ttie fame tatc on Point- au-Trembie. 'It) leil ot their flee!, excepting a corvette, were either taken or dilh'oycvi. '1 h.e night lollmMiig ttie l.oweitoiie, on tier return down the r.ver, Itruck on a (unken rovk and uas lolt, the oihc -r-- an. I (ujm v\ la\ed. M. Levi, tile krrn.h geneial, on tl;e nigl'.t ol" tf'.e i-tli, jire^ipilatelv ralcd ttie liege, ai;d retired \s:th his army, leaving bt!;;i,,l h;ni a gieut iiuinber ot cannon and a r :jnt;tv ot !ti lie-, c\'^ . On the i8'h lyr.d Colvi',1, w [lo had wintered at Ma- 1 tax, arrived a: Q^iel)ec with h.-^ Iipiadroni, and tonk on the comina: 1 ot the tieel. Captain ^v:ho[^!)crt^ and C.ijncl Maitland were tent hrir.e w:ih the diliiat^lies. (' -r-^ .-.',. ' . - '4 L'..;:.i; I. iiu. ;i I'tlii.i SolT'.Cllct ' -^ )..'. .iul Hiiihts l)un^.i:L . ._ . R..:. . Dii^l.v^ l':t(t;ll 1.!.. 1 1'.% .ill". i'!,:.i. \\u\ 1- Cknirnt* ^: :iu...n .-. LI.. M,>|n-,v> \'A:u : ^ i-ii. Hu.v! K nniii;". 11 - I ' K.-. ];..: Li .\:...n.'.x. CI.. ...II. .v.>. ! : . y , c . . 11. N . 1 340 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. Lord Colvill appointed Captain Deane to command th>z Diana, and detached hirn with a fmall fquadron* to efcort the tranfports np the river, and to co-operate with the army in the rcdiiftion of Montreal, and the rc{t of Canada, which remained in the poifeffion of the French. The whole of this fcrvice was completely effected before the end of September. Captain Deane, ot the Diana, and Major Barre, were fent home with the difpatches, giving an ac- count of the entire conquelt of Canada. They were gra- cioLifly received by his majefly, and each prefented with 5C0I. to purchafe a fvvord. In the fpring the honourable Captain Byron was fent from England with a faiall fquadronf to demolilh the fortifications at Louifl)ourg. Whilft he was employed on this fervice, he received intelligence that forne French ililps of war had put into the bay of Chalcur with feveral fmall velfels under their convoy, laden with ammunition, ffores, &c. for the French army in Canada. Captain Byron immediately proceeded thither with the Fame, Re- pvilfe, and Scarborough. On the 2ph of June, he en- tered the bay and difcovered the French (hips:|: at anchor, which on his approach retired higher up, landed their micn, and began to eredf batteries on the Oiore, in order to ob- Ihuct his palFage up the channel, v.liich was narrow and very Hioal. On the 8th of July the lliips were lightened, and with fome difhculty warped up within fhot of the enemy, who fuflained a bn(k cannonade (or fome time, when they abandoned thtir fhip^, fct them on fire, and fl'jd to the fhore. The batteries beitig foon after {ilenced, Captain Byron landed a party ol ieanien and marines, who dertroyed tlie tortiiications, together with 20 fail of Slu[>i. Guns, CommurrJtrs. * Diana - - - 32 Ca\itain Jot. Dcane Penzance - - 44 \V.(joiifc!,h Poicupine - - ifi ja. Macaitney Gaspcc - - . s 5 Knv-gallics, each canvinti; one 24 ]xninder 4 ditto , each cairyinii; one 2Z [jountlci 2fi larec ro'A-hoats 4 J tranli)Oi't?. i- Aj'paKiix, Chap. IL No. 122. S!::pi. Gunx. + Macliault - - . 32 ? , ... P.icnt.iilai.t - - - 22 C "'"'"^ '^^' ^'"^"' *^'''^^'^''* Maruuis dc MaiU-zc - 16 ditto, by our people, floops. N A \ A I, CH RONtJ J,0(. ^ . .'i } 7 flcop<;, fchnoners ?.nd fir.ili jmvatccrs. C;ipt:\in Bvron A. D. having performed this li-rvicc, nturiu-d to i>ouilbiiur:^ to ^7'-'^ hiiilh the execution (,f his oiJcrs, wIikH, when he had coiiipittcd, he Tailed for lui^land. I! I 'a- Ai; I) isi A\ r-s. Sir I.uncs';, who coniniaiuicJ th;; (cpiacinm* on this Itation, havin_; no krvitc to pLriorni, the enemy Mothavin:^ any naval U):\u m thc(e was eiuhlcd to cinp'oy hisciuiZLTs in dcthoyinj; the nunurous priva- teers which had t\'r fornctinic inteltcd th.ule (ca>, and gave conl:derahlc interruption to our conrnercc. The \ u'^'in ili>o[) ot wai , after a gallant liefenre, was taken by two Itout I- rench privat.tis; Captain St. LoCy and ir.anv ot h;> nu-n were killed. Sh.e wus altervvards reta- ken With the two pnv.itecrs, and leveral otiier velijls, wiiicti were cut out ui the Cirenades by tiic reniple and Griiiui. .1 A M A IC A. Hear- .Admiral Holme-, who had (aoceeded to the ctm- mand,^ on the return (d Vice-Adniiial C.'(;te> to P.ngl..n 1, dil'patched Captain Nor;)ur\', iii th/ il.implliire, witn thj Jiore.'.s and Livclv, to i:ilerr'-[)t a ilet i of nui chant veliels whuh were eX[.L^t'.-il to l.-.d i : om Caj).' 1- i.uicois, elcoitcd b\- five l-"re!.vh l;i,.'a:^-i. ; On tnj I'r.h of (J^tober, the > A: ; .1 :iv, C 1 . 1 ;. ...!-. -t A| ; rtv::\, L.i,;.. 11. \ .. i;.;. 1 :. ., .1. 1 . 1 \! !> ., S C, ^ .--TV. - 1. \lr.:..iu\. 348 NAVAI/ CHRONOLOGY. A.D. enemy's convoy put to fea; and the next morning at fufl 1760 j-jfe, our fhips difcovered the enemy, and immediately gave chace. At twelve at night, the Boreas being the headmoft fhip, got alongfide ofthe Sirenne, and brought her to clofe action, which continued very brifk for twenty-five minutes j the Sirenne then fliot ahead, and endeavoured to make ofF. Captain Uvedale made what fail he could inpurfuit; but being much difabled in his rigging, could not clofe with her again till two o'clock in the afternoon on the next day, off the eaft end of Cuba. The adlion was now renewed with great impetuofity, and was maintained till forty-five minutes paft four, when the enemy ftruck, having 80 men killed and wounded. The Boreas had one man killed, and one wounded. At half paft feven on the morning of the 1 8th, the Lively got alongfide ofthe Valeur; and after a clofe a6lion, which lafted an hour and a half, compelled the enemy to ftrike, with the lofs of a lieutenant and 37 men; her captain, mafter, and 23 men wounded. The Lively had two men killed. At half an hour after three, the Hampfhire ran between the Prince Edward and Due deChoifeul, and opened a very fmart fire upon them. The Choifeul having tlie advantage of the wind, efcaped into Port au Paix ; the other run afliore about two leagues to leeward, and ftruck her co- lours. Before the Hampfliire could take pofieflion of her, her crew fethcr on fire, and efcaped on fhore. The Fleur de Lys took ftielter in Frefli Water Bay, a little to lee- ward of Port au Paix, where (he was deftroyed by her crew, on the approach ofthe Hampfliire and Lively. Some time after, the Boreas and Trent chafed eight French privateers, which ran into Cuniberland harbour, on the ifland of Cuba. The water being too fhoal for the fliips to purl'ue them, they difpatched their boats manned and armed, under the command of Lieutenant Millar and Stuart ; who, with the greateft intrepidity, rowed up and rcfoiulcly boarded the Vainqueur of lO guns, 16 fwivels, and 90 men, in defiance of a heavy fire; having fecured her, they next took the Mackau of only fix fwivels, and 15 men ; from thence they rowed higher up the Lagoon, to attack the (luefpe of eight guns, and 86 men; butasthe boat approached, the enemy fet her on fire, and efcaped to the fliorc. The \'\\AL rnnoxoT.O(;Y. .119 The lof"? fuflaiiK-J in this att.ick, wa<; tlircc men killcJ, A D. one rniirni'j, and one WMundcd, bL-loiigiiig to the Trent ; 17^0 OiK- man killed, hvc wouaJed, beloni^ini; to the Uureas, and her barge funk.. 1 AST I \ I) I i s. Rcar-Ad; Cornifh, who had been detached in De- cember U'lrh lix iaij of the line, to cruize on the toaii of Coromandcl tor the French fquadron, arrived on his iKit.on early m the year; but feeing nothing of the enemy, he em- ployed his force to afliit at the reduction of the French fet- tlcments on the coaft, and compelled M. Lally to Ihut himlelf up in Pondicherry. In April, Vice- Admiral P(>cock failed for Eni^land in the Yarmouth,* leaving the command (if the fleetf to Rear- Admiral Stfvens; wlio foon after joined Rear- Ada. ir.d Cornifh in St. David's road, and proceeded from thence to co-operate with Colonel Coote, at the blockade ot I'ondi- cherry. In the night of the 7th of Oiitober, the admiral fent the boats of the fleet, farmed in two divil'ions, com- manded by Ca;)tain Ncwfom, and Lieutenant Ifaac Ourry, to cut out two French frigates, (the Haliene and the Her- mionc,) which were moored clofe into the town, and un- der the protectum of the batteries. This kr\ icc they exe- cuted with the greateft Ikdl and bravei v, relolutely bcjard- ing the frigates, and towcti them ott in triumph, intwith- ftanding thev made a fh^ut ichHance, and were expcjled to anmceliant hre from the tort and town. 'Fo a\ the wet;!, .iiid the ilangers attending the fliifting (^f tlie'on, the admiral, on the 23d of ( )cto- ber, tailed ti)r Frincoin.dce \\ itli pait of his lieet, le.r.ini' five 1. Ill (;i th'/ line, under thee )ininaiKl o! C'.ipt.uii Haluane, tocontmue trie bloCN.idc. ( );i thr ;.5;h ( i D-_ceinb-:r, Ad- miral Stevens returiit-d and reiumcil the Civnmand ot the fleet. Rear-Adin;'. al Cornilh was left to tollow him, fo * Ti'.t V;ct:-/\'':ii; .^ :,.. I ) .-. , ^ : ;.l .-f Srptrml'c r. Hi ! .:: ;:ti.i it.tivol . .:.r. . r I'li.Miif.r 111. M - ilr. pi.:!! - .! f.iin ',) r'.c lark .[ .-\ in..'. ,ii : "he iiiii , t:.' .t I .in < !'t.'l !. iiii w I'i' ;i;r <-;i, ( I f ri-.t l-.iili. ] c I. .i; r . r Dim . '..) .. i . .1 icniin.'ir. mi i|' m j^r.!'!' ,..!' ;.,; ;!;, Ili V:, ' '- I i'! n I! ifi'! t'lK 111 1.1 In !i I, [iiopMitil t'l ;: i aiinw; 11 , ( 'iin :,,. 1 ', . ;'.i":c 1:. m ;i ' U , > ' .1 p. 'i :; *it m tl.t ,; : . . : , th( .idiir .1 )>: tf ;:i.l;:: iiilt. .. '; \s I'llni i.x .1 'iv,l c l.ilt.n.' Hum iii'. t /\iix:i.l;r, Li,,.,-. !I.N ,, i:.. fuon 350 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. ^^- foon as the Lenox, York, and Weymouth were ready. 1700 ^bout this time the Cumberland was in fo leaky a condi- tion, that (he could not be kept afloat, and funk ofF Goa ; her crew were faved. In themonth of April, M. D'Eftaing entered the Straits of Sumatra, with two frigates and fome other armed vef- fels; where he reduced fort IVlarlborough, and all the infe- rior forts andfa6lories which the Eaft-lndia Company pof- fefled on the ifland of Sumatra. The Denham Eaft-India- man, Captain Tryon, was lying at Bencoolen ; on the ap- pearance of the French fhips, flie was fct on fire by her crew and deftroyed; they retired into the fort. Captures made in the courfe of this year. Britifh fhips taken by the French, - 330 French taken by the Britifh, - no Balance in favour of France, - 220 The caufe of the balance being fo much in favour of France, was occafioned by her trade being almofl annihi- lated, fhe employed the greater part of her feamen in fmall privateers, which fwarmed in the channel, and captured a number of coafters and colliers: whereas thofe fhips taken by Great Britain, were chiefly large privateers, and rich armed merchantmen, carrying 848 carriage guns, 240 fwivelsj and 6389 men. ,j4, GEORGE III. OCCURRENCES AT IIOIME. F"or the current year, the parliament voted 70,000 fea- men, including 18,355 feamen. ;^upplies granted for the Navy. For the feamen, including the ord- 1 nance tor fea fervice, - J For the ordinary of the navy, inclu- 1 ding half-pay to fea ol^cers, J Towards the building, rebuilding, \ and repairs of his majefty's fhips, f For completing the works at Haflar 1 hofpital, - - j 3,640,000 s. d. 258,624 7 10 2005000 7^1 30 Ditto NAVAL cn^o^'()r.o^. V. 351 Ditto at Plyiiiouth, - - i'^,o:?r) o o A. I). For thi- tranlpoit (Vi vice, - 47<^^i?^35 ^9 ^ '''"" 'l\ivva:ds pavinj oli and mm ' 1 the navy debt, - J Other fums voted for dsk har mm" "{ the navy, ti>is }earu'ere, V'ice- Adir.iral I lu!h',.uiju- .it I'r.rtin.' uf!i ; Coin- mode re iir Piercv h'rett, in the 1) r.VM'^ ; C.>:n:-ii')d.irc Swiiitoii in rile Channel; Sir l^iuard Hawke and Sir Charles H.irj'v, in (^n'li. ron h.iv untd M.'.rch, when Coni- tnodore Kepp.l v.'.;*" .i;y,i' inted to c )ni:n.ind liie <. \r. Jviinuri a^.uidi Helhllc; \' u-e-Ad;i.iraI S iunder^ in th-: AL'^hleiia- ni-.m , Lcid Coi\ ill in Nordi \iner;c\i ; C '.nin vi Te S;r Janie- ])> at i'-,e I.eew.nd Il"Ia:.d-, ai.d .li wu ^nd of tlvj R^..!-.\d;nirJ R.-d;ivv; Rc,:r- A dn.iral [^ at Jannica ; and at tne di-.itn oi Iv. ;r-j\dinir..i Steven--, Rear- i\dnn!al Curmih m tli- fialKIndies. In t;ie month ot M :reh, an .dt.i iti'ia took at the adnuraltv h-ard.* In [>il\-, L-rd Ani'.Ki \v,:s pro-no:ed to b.' adnnral of the fleer, and his \\n,.d iii-hntls t;ie I )urve of '^'ork to be rear-.:.l.iu:a! of ;;i [\nr. I'ne t haiinei tU t, -indci t.. Mainvnvd (f Sir l\d'V.:rJ Ha-.vke, k pi i:^ It, :: ,n :a '^li'v; .a i'.iv, .i!Ki c. : :. ;, i;d to bi.'ek up t!ie i- u a- i\ jhips ot war in tiie ;:\ir \'iia;ae ur.:] t/.e .'.1 cf j.aui.a-., '.".ii ii b, ai favmuxa Iv,- .i.i < .\- t^ear;d-:!^ n:^h;, ::a.i ii'.r.v . : ;.,';, :nv\- t" >k Me opp.n- tan;ty t' > lip wut , and, ..'', i'.-l. pa-'.a d a, a Upia- da'a; (i'-t ;. ' ni, uaacrti;/ . : , . .a >* C .p: an ( raauvcr, tli'V ehi- !. vl tin a ' u ,ia; au > li,- a. S.> l.- : .1 rh- i b. .n ; III loa.- a t.iiiadir. i ae>.,::.a-.- . 1 ' ' r'' a, ^a i'.d-'-, ai M av.'-., i.-"a 1 s > i . '. .a. 111^ a ludieien: naadaei i-l iiaa^ :.> w.aiCii '. .5 innion,-,. A; I >.l - 1 ;, . 1 1 .'n i-r-. Sa - !) ':..:ul\. 332 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. -A.D. On the 8th of January, the Unicorn, of 28 guns, and ^76' 200 men, commanded by Captain Hunt, being on a cruize off the Penmarks, came up with, and brought to a6lion La Veftale, a P'rench frigate of 32 guns, and 220 men, commanded by M. Boifbertelot. Soon after the alion commenced. Captain Hunt had his right leg (hot off, of which wound he died the fame day. Lieutenant Symons then took the command; and after a fevere conflit of two hours, compelled the enemy to ftrike, with the lofs of many men killed and wounded ; among the latter was her commander, who died of his wounds the next day. The Unicorn had five men killed, and ten wounded. Mr. Sy- mons was promoted to the rank of mafter and commander, for his bravery. The Veftale was taken into the navy, and named the Flora. Two days after, as Captain Syfnons was (landing into the channel with his prize, he obferved two fliips in clofe adtion ; upon which he inltantly bore dawn to affift which ever might be his friend. On the Unicorn's approach, the French fhip made fail, and got < ff. Captain Symons found the {hip with which the enemy was engaged, to be the Sea- horfe, of 20 guns, and 160 men, commanded by Captain Smith, who was on his pafTage to Bencoolen with the aftronomers, to obferve the tranfit of Venus over the fun. The Seahorfe had 1 1 men killed, and 38 wounded. Her marts and rigging were fo much crippled, that flie was obliged to return into port to refit. The enemy's fliip was L'Aigrette, of 32 guns, and was one of thofc, who, with La Veftale, two fhips of 64 guns, and the Calypfo, had efcaped out of the ri\er Villaine. Captain Smith, on his return to England, was appointed to the Gueinfey of 50 guns J aiid CaptJio Grant, to the Seahorfe, who proceeded with the aftronomers to India. On the 23d of January, Captain John Elphinftone, in the Richmond, of 32 guns, and 230 men, being on a cruize oft" the coaft of Flanders, chafed a French frigate from fcven in the evenino;, till ten o'clock the next morn- ing, when he brought her to clofe adion ; at about half paft twelve, both fliips ran aground alongfide of each other, off^ St. Cjr?.veiande, near the Hague. The engagement con- tinued for a few minutes in this fitiiation, when the French- men lied frt;ni their quarters. On the flood tide, the Rich- mond got atloat ; but, before fhe could bring up, was driven NAVAL CHRON'OLOGY. 353 tirivcn out of gun fiiot. Yhv cncmv rook ac!v.intage of this A.D. oppdrrtJiiitv to quit their iliip, ami to cfcipe on fhorc. '7^' The next day C';i|ii.iiii KIphiiilt )nc fent iii his b<'.irs to take poik'flioii of her; bur tiiiJintj; that Hie uas ti.o L'} aground to be got oft', thcv U-t her on fire. This (hip pr^^ved to be La Kchcitc, of 32 i;un<, bound to Martiriico, with a car^^t) \alucd at 30,000!. About lOO of her crew wcf cither killed or wounded; amons; the Hain, was l;cr cotrjiiander, M. Donnel. The Ricli:nond had three men killed, and thirteen wounded. An amazing concourfe of people were animbled on th.c fhore to view this action ; among the number wore the Prince of Orange, and all the foreign mindlers. I'hc Count D'AftVv, the French ambailad^r, remonllrated with the States ( on this bre Alexander Hood, in the Minerva ot 32 guns, and 22.: nie.i, bcin:;; about 30 leagues to the we(iward (.f cape Pinas, gave chace to a large fhip, which he f ion dil'covered to he a two decker. The wind blowing very hard from the eaiiward with a great fea, determined Captain Huod to engage thti enemy to leeward, to prevent her making ufe of her lower deck guns. About twenty minutes paft ten he run under her lee and brought her to a dole action. At eleven o'clock the enemy's fore and main-tipmalts were lh)t away, and (lie fell on board of the .Mitv.r'.a ; th (ea runninj; hiijh the fiu[)s were loon clear oi e.ich other; as theenefnv drop- ped allcrn, fhe tore awav tlie .Minerva's (heet iinchor ; and in a quarter of an hour after her bowfprit and foremalt fell overboard. Captain Hood was extremelv acti'.e in clear- ing the wreck, which b.e liad acco;npiilhed at otie i.>'cl ^k, and again bore dv)wn on the enemv, wlio v\a^ tiiree lea^^ue-* to lecwaid. At tour o'clock, b.e reiK'.\'d tlie a;tni:i, whivh was maintained with ;re,'.t bnlknels for thiee qu.irters uf an hour, when the eneiiiv lliuck. She [ir^iwd to lie thj Warwick, formerly a I'.xf. giin fh'[^ m ins m;'.ji(ty's fer- vice, but had oiilv 34. mounted, wirit a c Mu.i'emunt of 231 men and 74. loKlie;^, commanded by -M- 'a \'erjer dc" Belair. She was bound to the Kalt-liuiie^ wtih llores and provihons ; her 1(1> 14. urn killed, .md ^2. wounded. The Mmerva had th.e 1 lUie number kil!cd, and 3-|. w(4in.l- cd ; in tiie nij^hl \wi mam and mizen-tnalt went by t;x board. Vol. L a a * On 351 NAAAL CHfvONOLOGY. A.D. On the -pth the Solebav and Amazon took from under ij^'' a battery, near Calais, La Chevrot prLvateer, of i8 guns, and 160 men. Being a finelliip, {he was purchafed by govern- ment, and named the Pomona''-'. On tb.e fame day the Venus and Juno, commianded by ihe Captains Harrifon and Towry, being on a cruize in the channel, fell in with La Erune French frigate, of 36 guns and 316 men. The Venus engaged her for two hours before the Juno came up, when (he ft ruck. The enemy had 19 killed, and 39 wounded. The Venus had four men killed, and 18 wounded, among the latter were Captain Harriibn, the firit lieutenant and mafter. "{he Juno had two men wounded. La Brune was taken iiiLO the navy. On the 1 3th of March the Vengeance, of 26 guns and -zoo men, commanded by Captain Nightingale, on a cruize bctv/ctn U/liant and Scilly, fell in with, and after a very gallant adlicn, took L'Entrep.renant, pierced for 44 guns, but had orly 2.6 mounted, with 203 men, five of whom were killed, and 24 wounded'. She was bound to St. Do- mingo, v.'iih a valuable cargo. The Vengeance had fix men kilkd, and 27 v/ounded. 'J"he Albany Hoop of war, of 16 guns, and 125 men, commanded by Captain Brograve, captured, ofF Ufhant, tlie Pheafant, a French corvette of the fame force, com- manded by M. de Coudroye: flie was purchafed into the navy, aiyJ foon after loft in the channel. Captain Nelfon av.d the crew periihi-J. On the 29th of March, the honourable Commodore Kcppcl failed from St. H.lens v.'ith a large fquadron of i!:.p;> of war, ar.d 100 iail of tranfports, having on board iCjCoo hmd itMCc^, under tf.c command of Majvjr-General fic'Jgen, deftintd for the attack ofBelleiflc, At: the fame titne a (Irorg fcpiadron was ordered to cruize cfr'Breft, un- ccr Lhe cc^niniand of Captain Buckle, to block un that port, ;:;i'i to prevent any fuccours from being fent to iL; relief 7 C h\ tl-.e jd) of April, the iicct anchored m tiie great road of 1 .ilais ; ,i:id tiie next ilav a large dc^tachmcnt of troops were I.-r.ded in Port Andeu bay, on the fouth-cait lide of the S'a I( :-('' :l, 'Ih- -Cl-r J. Ml:! , .,,.,,. :..;. ; ;;, Wire l!-l:ii\ cii t. [KM !:.: C I". ! 11; iiLX(i:\!.;i::!v o;; tl^.- i. , .;!' r . . :'; >,: ', ;C was ('L-r-.Tnuiicci tc ni,i'i:i.-.: (! . -i" .a V r; \) . . ; .ii C'r.lcr ti' 'i:\c-; t tiiv iK'-:r. '-. t:--i:'.'"', t\v<.t '.r- 'Tc :o 'c made at thr I'.inic Uaw > n .iiii'icc.- p '.rt ( f:!;,- ; 1 i<1. [';.. f})ips (j' war v.hicli 'u!. .,t *' '."(.-.^'l tlv iv ;.!:; 'n^ (;' thf a!i;iv, h.a'.iiij brc^ii^'nt i;:i il tiu- '' :* iioii'^, ! )'>n ':' ) ! the cnciiv. 's hatrrri^'s. ]'h. 'r < j-,- .,; i",,- ;,! !' - -J ; and .itrcr iiiaiiv r.l'.iitf at u <;'-, nii, vd :n vim--.;: ; > .y fi'i'v. r^d lii'n-. and 'lUn'M-irMcir^. I'tu" iiKKv,; ;!t M. lie St. C Vi,i\, xU:' I'la'i-ch : ii-ra', i unui th ;t t:;;' i!;i^:;ni li;.ii n..:i.:i.- l'i"''. tinir Ian ina, ^.e Cv)'i.-:*L-d h'S v.T.dlc f'licc, a.iul r-ti.'.i'-d f) tl'.c ti)u-:i dctc: - n!!:vd to Tr.ikc a {(,i;ul. ( )ii ihr i I'h <; \\.:\ U\ [^^ ixdi iiht> v.'C! '.- I ai ri ;d wiiii jrcat i' I il^iticu .lu iiitrvpiv': tv, an! V. :th vlmv !ia!c 1 i^. On th.; yth ot'Junr, a practk-a- bu-bic oh was made in th" i ir.-d.'. .ii\\ <. . i \ ii.i' ...:, p:c- pa::;;! n na'.Je l.>i' lii iniin.' ; w.'n n .'.I. C :^:. L : x .K-.'.t t'v- , ( i'i,.,d , ard.illr.-d v ctptid.'-. Ti, ::.;;:- he:n_; ;'r( j^-i .', !r.o |-':;idh t:.i, p< th.r law! i';.u' ni..rriv,\i ;n"n> ti'.-j (^'.:.\li and vviTL- i nt ii pi lu.;i; not live \vlh.!a n'and. 1 h.;: i .!:. h viina'.i n, c n',|} tict .'f men, i ( w :i -ni .)?.!. \vr:r citirT Kill- d, W(innd^.!, or taL. n 11 il in, '^. In !..|s| !- t.nned h\' tr.f liinilii .nni',, am rj-r -d l> i ^ (i:':C' -, .-..-.d 'l, invnknrd; I4;:- ii-, an.d 4S iiu-n ,'. .r::,d, i. !;.' h ii-nr.'h;.' C.",:pr.;'n Da: : .!>-n, n; du ,,.. aii>l C'.ip'.iin Iv. "kc, .: id d i.,anp .> i!i'. ^eiui.d, - , . to ]'.n:>!and u 'Ml th-m.'. ^"1 the i-.-.p.nj: ..( Ik ..,,. 1 ('/ V. If- prac;. ul!\ 1 . ^ . . ^ d hv h; . n;a;rli , a!\. ca. h ; :- , , :.d \M'h 5 - \. .\;:,Tt!ie lariamd v < t l' 11 d , C mm.v! ^;e K--- 1 de- t: ' : a !nii.;dii.n, n!,;,r tn, ^.' . > >:r i . .1; ;; iM.i:di"pc, to att.,^ fv luv n ot the iaKnnv'> l:i:ps as nr h: .e .\, . . C , 11. >-., I ;. A .'. Z !..n ' 356 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. lyine in Bafque road, and to deft roy the works which had ' 7^' beerrere6ted on the ifle of Aix. Towards the end of July the fortifications were completely demolifhed by Captain Peter Parker,* who was employed on this fervice. Sir Thomas Stanhope kept his ftation in Bafque road until the end of the year, when he was relieved by Lord Howe. The enemy made fome ineffc6lual attempts to deftroy our fqua- dronby fire-fhips. Lieutenant John Macbridef, commander of the Grace cutter, affiftedby the boats of the Maidftone frigate, cut out of Dunkirk, road, a French privateer. The enemy, in the attack, had her lieutenant and one man killed^ and five wounded. Two men were wounded in the boats. In the evening on the 13th of Auguft, the Bellona, of 74 guns, commanded by Captain Robert Faulkner, and the Brilliant, of 36 guns. Captain James Logie, being ofF Vigo, gave cliace to three large fliips, which they kept fight of all night. At day-light the next morning, they were about five miles from the chafe, when the largefl of the {hips threw out a fignal, took in her ftudding fa'ls, wore round, and flood for the Bellona ; the two frigates at the fame time clofed, and at fix brought the Brilliant to ac- tion. At halfpaft, the Bellona was clofely engaged M'ith the fliip of the line; in nine minutes both their mizen mafts fell overboard, and the enemy had nearly fallen athwart hawfe of the Bellona, by which (he would have been ex- j^iofcd to a fevere raking fire, had not Captain Faulkner, with great fkill and prefence of mind, wore under her ftern, and brought her to a clofe a6lionon the oppofitefide. This unexpedfcd manoeuvre threw the enemy into confufion, and a few minutes after kven file flruck; and proved to be the Courageux,:}: of 74 guns, and 700 men, commanded by Al, Dugne L'Ambert, who died at Lifbon of the wounds he had received in the aftion. The Courageux was bound to St. Dom.ingo with a cargo valued at 320,000!. and had on board ranfomers for five prizes. She had killed in the action 240 men, and iio wounded; the Bellona had iix men killed, and 28 wounded. * Tlic j-rcfcnt Admiral Sir Peter Paiker. ; Tl.c I.!t(; Macbridj. ^ t In the vcar 17')", flie wa-; driven from her anchors in Gibraltar -u\, -dnd loll on the c.^alt ot ji:ubrti y ; levcta! of the crew penlhtd. The NAVAL CliroxOI.Or, Y, 337 The B;illiant continucii to cn2;i2c tl'.e two frigates for -"^I^- fome minutes after the Coura^cux had llruck; but on fee- '/'"^' inii; the fate of their coinniodorc, thcv bore away and got off. The frigates were the Malicicuie and Hermione, of 32 guns each. The Briliiant had {'uc men killed, and hx- teen wounded. The fhij)S were (o much d.imageJ, that Captain Faulk- ner put into r.ilbon to rt.iit. On the 7th (jf Augult, Lord Anfon hoifted the union fla[; on board the Royal Charlotte yatch at Harwich ; and beinr joined by a fqu-adron of (hips of war in Yarmouth roads,* proceeded on the 9th to Cuxhaven, to efcort over IVincefs Charlotte of A'lecklenburgh Strelit/., her prefent majeity. On the 24th, her majerty embarked on b^iard the yatch at Stade; and on the 6th of September flic landed at Harwich. The Hlonde, of 32 ^Lms, Capiain Kennedv, being on a cruize off the coalt ot Portugal, fell in with, and at"ter a runniPLi; tight ot one hour, took a large French fliip, fro;ii Bourdeaux bound to St. Domingo, mounted with 24 guns, and 120 men, fi.x of whom were killed, and many wounded. 'I"he Blonde had two men wounded. The factory at Li(l)on prelented Captain Kennedy with a piece of plate valued at 2C0l. tor his activity m protecfwi^ the trade on that itation. On the lH;h of October, Rear- Admiral Rodney failed from Spithead, with a fqaadionot fhip<> ot war and leveral tianfports, ha\ mg on board a large bodv ol trooj/S deltmcd for the \Velt-In.;ies. 1 The Prince (/eorj;e privateer, of Hriftol, of 24 guns, and l8c men, commanded bv Captain !\eed> took, alter a very fcvcrc action ot hve hours, the Beaumont Irench Falt-ln- diaman, ot 22 guns, and 240 men, (o ot whom were killed and wounded in the action. 'Fhe i-'rince (leor-ieh^id , ,',, . U."t.i . Am.. u, A. iiniiai <>(::;<. Fleet. N'!r;;;u'!i.iiii, - f .s .imu i M iM!i_ii.. Wincritl'tii, - -' ] rill . II ilf. M:ntiv,i, - .: A . x.ii.,lu H-.v!. 'I .uMi. - : ^ I K:;:. lit. Hi; mi, - 14 II .M. llcnr, St. Joiin. I ^:;\, - 14 H ';. Ki;:;! btt>N .'.::. t Ai.xiulix, C:>ni, II. S.'. 1: >. A a 3 fcvca OjS naval chronology. A. D. feven men killed, and i8 wounded. The Beaumont's ' 7^-'' car^io was eiiimated at yo,ocol. l^heEaft-India Company's fliip the Ajax, was captured on her 1)3.(1'.. se to EngUud by tht; Prothee, of 64 guns, af- ter bsino; galLntly defended by her cominander. Captain Lindfa)'; who, with feveral of his men, was killed. The Board of Longitude having come to the refoluticn to try Mr. Harrifon's time keeper, for correcting the lon- gitude at La, the lords of the admirriity appointed the Deptford, of 50 guns, commanded by Cajjtain Digges, to receive Mr. Harrifoii on he^ard. On the 1 8th of Novem- ber fne failed from Pcrtfmouth, and made the iiland of Madeira ai; the exacl time which Mr. Harrifon pointed out. From thence they proceeded to Janiaica, and made that ifland with equal accuracy. Mr. Harrifon having finidied the neceffary obfervations on the ifland, failed for England in the Merlin Hoop of war. On the 23d of Alarch, 1762, thev fell in with the EfTex, Captain Schomberg, at the en- trance of the channel, whofe reckoning agreed exadtly with the time-keeper, the Efiex having been off Scilly the pre*- ceding evening. On the 26th, Mr. Harrifon arrived at Portlniouth, and found diat the time- keeper had loft only I min. 54I (ec. notv/lLbiifanding the weather in general had been ycvy tem;;efluous. This year the experiment of coj^pering onfliips bottoms, as a j.refv rvatien againft he v.'or'.ri!-, was introduced into the royal luivy, and tried on tiie A];trm frigate, of 32 guns, comm.andcu by Captain Ro'v^land Cotton. ^I .'ITM'I' HA -: KAX. The f^iiadrorr'^ on th;i'- ftarion, was commanded by Vice- AJir.^a. Sir Chi'.rles S.-.u-idcr:^, v.'hofe ciui7.ers were in ge- ne.-., i -.Ti V acti\'e :xnd luc; eisiui. On the lit of xApril, the i.;-, c:; -J J II';, i;-, \'' heeler, bting on a cruize otF C;i;":- i : u- j'oreas, fell in Vki'h, and atier a iiiiart action, wii:v'n ^''..iii.-ii;.iv, ^>i at fix in ihe eve Mig, and conciiiued till h..i! , ill^ -er., .i,)'.; L'O, : ,.: \',l;(;in were kiiJed ov wounded. Early hi t..c e:;^, \:i-n.^r;t, CipUiin vV neeler, a nndlhipnian, /., 1 .11'.'.:-, L'l.-^p. II. ^rJ, i;c;, and N A \ \ r, n; :;')\(M.()(; V. - ' .) and quartcr-nuflcr were kilki bv tl'.c f.i-nc fhot. 'I"!i A.J^ <. (vnnranJ cU'V()'\ < ! i.;i 1 .1 u'l-iumt C'ti-;ii:ii.!h '.;n, vIk) .;> - '/''' c]ijittfd himtclt' wicl-i 'j.KUt !k';U aini biavci)'. 'I'tvj Ills li.iJ jiMie men wo'iiiJ.-d. On the i6:h uf Jn'v, C\![^*.i!;i Vi^ Iv. , in tlic Thunderer, with the M >.'j;f,-, Tn--:is and 1- ..-. <: ;'c ll : ;^ iK-in-: (m :i crui/.c off Ciii,/, ii.wc ch.irc to tv.-o !-"n.;-c!i (liip^ i t war. At Hiidniiiht th^' ThiKidrKT L,< t aIo;i !;dL- cf ih,j lar; '!, wiuch, at:cr a i^al'.int i cfiliancc of h..;l ..n h'-ur, itiiui<; a/;d proved to be fv'Ach;.'.'.', ot (14 i:un->, laid ') " n'.cii. 'i"hc Thetis cnL.'.;j,ed t'.-.e (^ther for >ih; Mt 'iic t. nie tiiiio, when Ibie ailo itiuek. ; -.'wd proved to be \ . i^/uf]'. i:, of :^.\ p,uns, ai-id 2 10 ireii. I' 'ih tl:e eneinv';. ilil]'.^ I' a eo;.:!- derable number <>( wxw l:u.i.<\ ..:id v.i I'jiabvi ; ;:-ui u .-re much dan-.'.^ed in tr. .; i-ir.i> .'.r.Jl r: -in ;. 'I'he rir.uuiei ^r had ievent^en nv.n ki.ied ; C\:;)t.Uii I'ubv', and i i ^ nien wounded. So 'j,reat a earna';^- on board tlie ihund.'rer, was orcahoned by ( :;- it' the u;-j^erd.>\k L,uns ivnllii;.:, v\hich biew up a p.ut. 01 vac ipaarler-deCfw, and Li Oie l!iip on fire. \ Kill \ M i 1: I CA. Nothing; (f any importance o.euried on tliis Hat; "in. LordColvdl, who coniniand^d ' ti^ tie ureter pait oi his fijuadron to eonsnv tin.-pN ia the W i.'t-InJ.u> ; and kept oidy a luUicient number ul Ihips t(; piote.;! llie traae. 11 M\ A 1; n I > 1 A \ 1'-^. Coninvuiore Sir [anu^ Doai^las h,a\inj bei n ; )'n;d Iv f(.iur lad III ih" Inie a.nd tin ee b iL'.'.i!.^, wnh a bob' ,,; ti from NnitJi Anu-ri. ., i.ndv-i the enn.niand ( t I.' ; ' iv ".;.; OtMhe 4:h It jnn-, pi )e( ed' d to. .::.. :ek il e :l].n.>, ^ ' I )>- nimiC'o ; uh;en lui : '; d/u d to hi-< ir,.;ie(i\\ , ;:'.e Sih, at;er a i]\' i ; w ..;!.:!a e. On the2?.d ( r N.>'. .inber, Adnm al Modne\ a: i i\ ed in L'.irbde b.:V, 1 la: .- -, \\ iu\ a 1 v n,i>.: e. n-e;.: ;:,wi bnjiand. ( )n t '.c l-;;n ! I).e.nibe:, l:.e Ten. :.;::c, ot 74 :-un^, and .Aet.- on iri'ite, i ',\\-A hnn I'rcni \', '. . .:]r Wllh a budi',' ol cii'iji-, under tne cummand l ! i":.. '..;- Aa4 (; 360 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Genrral Rufan ; and on the 24th of the fame month the reft ^7^^ of the army arrived from America, under Major-General Monckton. The whole force being now collected, the com- manders in chief, at the conclufionof the year, were ready to proceed on their intended expedition againft Martinicc* JAMAICA. On the 7th of January, the Trent, of 28 guns, and 200 men, commanded by Captain John Lindfay, being on a cruize, fell in with, and after an hour's clofe ation, took La Bien Aime, French merchant frigate, of twenty guns, and 85 men, twenty of whom were killed and wounded. The Trent had one man killed, and five wounded. On the 5th of June, Rear- Admiral Holmes being on a cruize oft' Dona Maria bay, with a part of his fquadron,f captured, after a Ihort running fight, the St. Anne, a fine new French fhip, pierced for 64 guns, but had only 50 mounted, and 389 men, commanded by M. D'Aquillon. She was bound to France, with a valuable cargo of indigo and other merchandize. She was purchafed by govern- mt nt, and added to the navy. On the death of Rear- Admiral Holmes, which happened on the 24th of December, the command of the fquadron devolved on Captain Arthur Forrell, of the Centaur. AFRICA. Early in the year, the French equipped four frigates, which were to be fent to the coaft of Africa, to endeavour to regain fome of their late fettlements. Two of thefe fri- gates were inti-rceptcd in the bay, by the fquadron under Sir f^dward Hawke ; the other two reached the coaft, and attempted tofurprize James fort, at the mouth of the river Gambia; but they were fo refolutely received by the garri- fon, that one was driven afhore and loft ; and the other, af- ter being much ciippled, with difficully got oft". * Appendix, Chap. IF. Nf). 133. t Appendix, Chaj\ II. No. 134. EAST NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. 361 AD EAS r INDIHS. i;6i Rear-Admiral Steven-^ comiTiucii with fiis fijiiadron* be- fore Potulichcrry, until the night of th.e i!t of January, when a fudJcn and tiiod trcincndous luirri>.ai;c lurccd the (hips from their anchors. The wind at fit it h!ew with great violence from the N. W. ; in a lew lionrMt ih:i:cdto the N. E. ; then tell cahn ; and on a fudden hurll torth with redouhled fnry from the S. K. The admiral, at the commencement of the gale, finding it woidd be impodible to ride it our, ordered the cables to be cut, and lt(>od t > fea; at the fame made the (ignal lor the fqiiadron to follow him ; but the vif)lence of tlie wind, and the ilarknefs of the night, precluded all poliibdity of (ignals being fecn. llie reft ot the fquadron unfortunatc'y remained at anchor until their cables parted. Before they couUf gam a fnfhcient ofling, the wind fliified, atid raged with Inch fnr\-, that they were foon driven into fhoal water, and obliged to anchor. The Panther, America, Medway, and Falmouth, cut away their maffs, and rode out the {form. The Due D'Aquitaine, Sunderland, and Duke ftore' Ihip, by not taking this pre- caution when ttiey brought up, either overfjt, or foundered. Their crews amotmted to eleven hundred men pcrilhed, ex- cepting feven Europeans, and as many I.afcnrs, who were the next day picked up on pieces of ttu- fl latuii; wreck. The Newcallle, Q^ieenbnrou^h, and the IVotccior Hrc (flip, were driveti on Oiore .ibout two miles (outfi of Pou- dicfierrv, and totally loit ; their crews, excej)!ing feven, were faved. M. Lally was in f^reat hopes tfiat the d.fafter which had hrfallvn the Britilh ((jnadnm, would li.ive opened to him a communication from ttie (ca, and that luccoiirs mi^ht be throve n in from that (juaiter ; f"r wliirh piupcfe he dif- patchcd a wi;h a Utter, to inform tfiL- J'niKh relident at Piilirate, ttiat there was now n^ttiKigio apprehnui, as the (form tuid rendend tlie HritiOi fleet iiicap.iblcof return- ing to tfie blo.kade, anduigeif liim to (end immediate (ap- plies of provilion,. On die 31 uf janiiarv, to the threat jov of tlie belietjers, ai, 1 ihe ildappoM.tmeiu .\im\ (iirjin/c oi tiie enemy. Admiral Sievens a^ain anchurcd m Tontli- Api', Ciiij'. II. Nu. 135. 36'2 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. cherry rnad, in the Noifoik, with the Grafton and Liver- i'/di j'Ool. The next day he was joined bv Rear- Admiral Cor- nidi, with tl\e Lenox, York, and Weymouth, frm Trin- coiualc; and on the 7th., by the Tigre and Salifbury, from Madras, whete the ftorni !iad not .been felt. The blockade became tiow as complete as ever ; and the befiegers redou- bled their exertions. Oji the 1510, a confiderable breach was made in the walls ; the garrifon was driven to ilie ut- inoii dffpair, not haviog more than one days provihons remaining ; and being" worn out, and emaciated with fa- tigue, after an eiglu nionths licgc and blockade, feni out a deputation, with terms of capitulaiie'u, to v/hich no an- fwer was given, The next day Pondielicrry was delivered up to the Britifli troops. On the loth of February, Mahe, on the coaff of Mala- bar, the only remaining fettlernent t!ie French poireili^d in India, fin-rcndered to Rear-Admiral Corniili and Ma- jor Heitor Munro. On the death of Rear- Admiral Stevens, which happened in the month of April, the command of the fquadron de- volved on Rear-Admiral Cornilh, who had received orders from England to prepare for an expedition againfi the illand of Mauritius and Bourbon ; and to rendezvous at the iflaiid of Diego Rays, where it was intended that he fhould be joined by a (trong fquadron of fhips of war, and a large body of troops, under the command of Commodore Kep- pel, and Major-General Kingdty.* in confequence of thefe inftrudlions, the admiral failed to Bombay to refit and vilual his fquadron; and as the fhips Vvcregot ready, lie difpatched them to the place of rendezvous, under the command ofComm.odore Tiddeman, who arrived thereon the 14th of September; and was joined by the achiiiral, with the reft of the fquadron, to^vards th.e enti of October. f Immediately on liis arrival, he difpatched Commodoie Tiddeman to look into St. Aus^uffine's bay, on the iflar-d of Madagafcar, where the adrniral exjiecled a irigate from, with difpatches t(jr his iuriher proceedings. On the icinmodere's ajiproach to tlu' liland, the weather proved fo teiripcduous, tliat it U'as confidercd as extremely ha- * 'llif ik..:!' nt Kin;;- (^f t!i(: rccond, jnir a (i: v'to thcrailin?; of this a'.ir.aiiK nt : i! \\ as auci wai lis ciiiii!o}cd at the rcduclioii of Lellcillc. t Api-(-t;di\'j ('ha[\ JL No. 136. zardous \A\ Al. CHRON-OIOGV rJ li v.inl'Us fur lliip"- to Ivc in S'. Ai:i;ii(l!:H-"s bnv ; l:c tlv r-- A.T). i(.r.- ji!,l;r..l it iiv>tt I'luJ.. ; t-,) i.ioin !!.(. h;ii.i.,!i"ii. , 'J ii'j 'T''^' .i.i:r.,i .il n')\v !h^.i;i to (!i_ ! j :rr o! tr.'uT tu.uiiiL' tn'in h.r^- l.iinl, or bciiiL; i'liiu'.l In tlic re in' ^ri i-'Tfr.t, liiiin v. hii. li he fi;ul rualoii to tXjnct a rc.rn'.t o! llor -^ :\:A piov tli> iis. Thv I.Muii'r.'ii \Nii;Ji tiui! iailiJ ti< ni liul..-, (m.'\ i i>i\i.!.(l for l,s;r umiiiIiv, b(.t;,in t) b.' 1:1 iti' l'Ti- .i'''.' ili ' ' > '- t 'f \.a;i; i.t .1 (iirjilv ; aiul tht- (.ri/ws mi l.c'.iuI U(.r^- '.ii.i'ly :...;iK -.i !iv (i.kiKfs. 'riii.> lii-tMiii'iHi! til;- ai'iMira! to rc- ;;iiii ! > Mai'iM- lu-iore t'.vj iaiii\ (.-.Ii;:! llioi:'-! Ki .1;. C),i t'ic p .ifi^!-, t!lJ^o:k, i:ia*i..iK i".-^''i, aii'l blo-.s r, liaiii, ran !o;:i ot tlic l^i vciii'c li i",a'c \' 1 h lii^li v loU ni.\', th.n llrj lto\;' i,cr in li.iMi tl;;- i^i;;r..a'c' l> tlk- \'.aiii">- cV;--, aiiJ (.aniul a\sav Iv. r maiii-ina.i. 'i'iic 'Scuk lolt t.;i t t;-- iruil!, I> -'.\ f [irit, i".,uii-t' -r-ii all, anJ ir.a;:i \ :ni ; \],c a.lo tlr.IiL'l 1 iim> !i to K,-; i>. aiJ, t!;,.' !:' !h-.;)'4 aiik' to woiki.a t 1 ;:.. ill--:. l!;;\ to/.-ihrr \mi!i ik ; Ciatliaiii, \m- rc obli^c^I to ':\-.iv a\sa\ tor tkf Cap;- o! ( i '< ,1 | |, ;, , \vk,ci\- ar- I ' -ol t\No n"i>)n;!>s ahn, i. xtn ir.. !. K'.:k\, a:-.! in a iimII iiiilcr i!i!c ita'c, !i;r. iiij; bu:i; t! ! > ukitv ' {'./jv I'lrii, a t.> ha\c Ikau:' r:~ n'^n Lb to wijik tn.- b'ip-. licit- t'l^y ioiii. I tl:. 'Ik ! i !K !i Tt.- triL' !'..'. (t ?/) l;ll^^, conwriaiul-. i! bv S:r '1 liom.i- A l..'i>, troin w ho:n 'h- ', .larnr, tkia; I 1- liad bt-rii b-iil :ro;ii l.::_;;ai.,l \'. tb ki k'i'>k;', u>v \ '.r.iiral Ck':- liiib, to .:;tor'ii lii'o, ' lat i' r ">"tib;; iii i-.-'ti!n-.| a-',: riii t''.(- \ki:ir:';'.i- ui, ! kom;.. n \\a- ';i'.!.ii ip , ...i '-.- kaii con- r!;iii i a' ' ia'i,! ii 11!' /\ >", , S:. A m, J-;k- ba'. ,) i,;;tii b; . , : '.. ^rt- a,-i, It > \. aii.ft k h - cv \n ;:;'; .:tiy r; . ; , t,ic liiip .1 ' o t a \". r- i .^ ; .ui.l ;^ it. k> o ': I'l A i-r:;. ' C i i;i:b, b;- \\ .1- >. 111- p.k ito.-; , r ,- ,.' (; ,:\]\y: \ !' n .1 .. .. I C ' .il .111 \'.i-,,- It !:tti>k 'b; v I I ;i.i ., ! : . i ' i .1 '' i';;;:a'; r, .-: ii.t ut IS. 1;.. I) .; b i:.,l-lii(b.. ikiLo. ( 'h' Si.; m.,); i.i_ ... . - c!;oMiioi:-, bii; ii .: .; . ' \'. c pi t'f;;- A -'. .ii\ l;uak tia.iii;- a!. J . 564 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY; A.D. vefTcls. Among the enemy's, were feveral large priva- ^7^i teers, and rich Well Indiamen. OCCURRENCES AT HOME. T-61 The fupplies granted for the navy this year, were as fol- lows : For 70,000 feamen, including 19,061 "^ /. s. d. marines, and the ordnance for fea V 3,640,000 o o fervice, . . J For the ordinary of the navy, including"! r half- pay to fea officers, - j* / ' ^ 9 Towards the buildino;, rebuilding, and 1 f 1 -^I ' ^- > 200,000 o o repairs of his majeity sihips, - J For completing the work at Haflarl hofpital, - . } '' Ditto at Plymouth, - - 6,000 o o For the charge of tranfport fervice be-"^ tween Oftober I il, 1760, and Sep- ( c ^ flc- ? R tember 30th, 1761, including theT ^^' ^ ^ vi6lualling the land forces, - J For paying off and difcharging thel *^ -', P = > 1,000,000 O O navy debt, " - J To enable his majefly to difcharge the-j exchequer bills, made out by virtue 1 of an a6t ol laft feffion,for difcharg- ' ing navy debts, and towards naval ' 1,5*^'^ fei vices for 1761, and charged upon the firftaids to be granted this fefiion. Total fupplies for the navy, 7,454,251 12 9 The fum total granted by parliament for the expences of the prefent year, amounted to 18,299,153'. i8s. 11 id. The officers who were appointed to command his ma- jefly's fleets this year, were as follows; On the Home Service on the coalls of Spain and Portugal. Admiral Sir Edward Hawke, Rear- Admiral His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York. Vicc-Admiral Sir Charles Hardy. Off Bred, Commodores Spry and Mann. In Bafque Road, Commodores Lord Howe and Den;. In the Channel, Commodore James Young. At NAVAL ClIROXOLOG V. At Poitlmoiith. Admiral {{(ilbi.iirnL-. Iti tiie Downs, C')nimotii)rc Moure. I:i tdc M-vditcrranrun, Admiral Sir Charles Saiinders, ind C 'rnniwdoic b i FiriLV liirK. At the I.MWurd Illand;, KcarAilmiial R'xiney, and C irimv'di Iff Swj;.fo!>. At Jamauj, Sir (jfort'e I'ociK-k, C'.':nmod,iu._;!a-, .uul ttie Unti. AiiiM.lhis Ktppe!. In North Anurica, Commo'.ore LcrdColvi!!. IiitJu- K. lit- Indies, \ let-Admiral Cnrinl}), atvi Coin mod. ire I idtieiiMii. Oti tht4'h .1 J imiarv, war was di". I:ire(i a^aiiul S.Min ; and on th^ iH;!i u was declared at Madrid a^^ milt Great Britaiti. 0:i the 6th, the \'etnis, vf 36 guns, Captain 'I hnmas Ilarrilon, captiiretl m tlic bav, al'ei an ^cti .;i of one htnir, the l^jiiloirne, ot 20 t^un^, and 1^0 men, (cvtii ot whom were killed, anil :c w- nnded. She was Irom the Mauri- tius, hiMii'.d to L Orient with a valuable cargo. The Comte I) I'.dain^ was taken on board this ilup. On the !2ih, the Zenobie French Iris^aie, of 22 gim<^, and 210 men, v\as cait aihore in a heavy gale ut wind, on Portland; only " i or her crew were iaved ; and even thefe pfM)r wretclus would have perillied, had it not been for the luitnanity ot Mr. Travor, the governor, whole in- ter[K)lition and ..uth(;ritv, prevented l!ie l.uage inhabitants troin being guil'v of th;.- niiit bai barous cxcr!!e>;. I heir iiiiier.iiile liuiatp>;j b'.-im^ re prel: nte.! to his mjivltv, he was fe^raci'-iill V [lb. jlod to d.K.t that thev ihould n.'t be v.onli- ilcred as [ird ):iers, and or-!:-:ed them t.) be clotlicd and main- tained at his cxpriKf, umil they ^"u! 1 b .- ir-iit to ]-'raiicc. N 't loni^ a'ttT tile I'lench had an op[)otiu:iit v ot Ihewir:^ how f'-nhbl:' tb'jv weie ot tbe g'-'n"rou> treat in<;iit their e XJii- trvmen had retjivcl. C^a the 2^th o! l!ie lame month, a; Kngldh merchantmen was driv.n on lii'irc, .uid Idt near Havre de ( iiace, wnde crew were all la.e!. !'!ie inltant ttie governor lieai'l ot '.t',e;r mi dortiine, tie i::ive directions tor tdcii being I I'lifo, la'ly lod.'ed, and allowed eacli nun thiitv li)'!'., per div ti.l tf.e, \se;e !;nt iiMine. Ah'ut iti't mivbiir ot |,ir:;;i:v. u \iol;:it i.;a'e of wind forced ttie Iqiiadi^i'i nn lei CJ 'nmii'doi,; S;):y Ir nil its !( i- t'on oil Breit -.'^ M. d : lJ!riKH- ti.iok tlili oppujtunilv to C'.idi Aj^cnJiv. C-..,' JI. N , I;:-. e'.^t 1761 36(5 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D, out wiili a ftrong fquaclron of fiiips of war, having on 1/^^- board 3000 laud fortes, clcllintd lor the relief of Marti- nico * Commodore Spry no fooner iieard of the enemy being out, t'lan he purfued thi-iii with a croud of fail feveral (Jays; biit hnduig that there was no profpecl of his over- triking them, he dif[>atched the Aquilon frigate to the Weft-Indie?, to put Admiral Rodney f)n his guard. On the 30'h oi the fame month, tlie Djnae, of 32 guns, commajided by Cr.ptain May, on !ier palTage home with a convoy from Gibraltar, fell in with, and engaged a large French ihip for three hours ; when the Danae being much difabled in her tr.ails and rigging, t!ie enemy made fail and got off. The Danac had 18 n^en killed, and 42 wom-ided. The fame (hip foon after iriet with, and engaged the Deal Caftle, Captain Tindal, who obliged her to flieer off; Ihe was at lad taken by the King Cj. orge privateer, alter an obftinate and bloody conflict ot two hours and a halt; and proved tobe the Tigre French frigate, fitted out by the merchants, of 26 gmis, and 240 men, commanded by M. Fabry, from St. Domingo bound to Bourdeaux, with a cargo va'utd at 150,000!. She had ?bove 100 men killed and wounded in the acfion, Fhe King George had three men kdled, and tw(.lvc wounded. On tlie 5th of March, A;lmii-al Si; G''orge Pocock failed from Spitl'.ead to take the coni;r:and in tlie Weft-Indies ; he had wit!) him five fail of the i;ne,T a large {leet of tranf- ports, having on board a body of troops, under the com.- inand of the Eail of Albemarle ; together with levcral vic- tuallers and fiore flups. On the 7th, the Milf -rd, ol 28 guns, commanded by Captain Robert Maiui, being on a cruize in the bay, chaced a fail iiom ten o'chjck in the rn trning, till ten at night, when he brought lier to clofe action. Captain Maun was, esrly in the battle, fliot through the right thigh by a fix pound bail, of which wotinil he died the next morning. The command devolved on Lieutenant Day, who fo' ght t!ie fhip with great bravery until half paft eleven, when he received a woiukI on the forehead from a Ap;-L!i(!i\, CiKin. ir. No. 13R A);| ciK:i;;, Chap. 11. I>u. 14'j. miifkct XAV Al. CHRON OL0(- V, r:i)7 m:i"-. !).!!, \v!;i< !i pr^'Mii mcrra'. IIi<;pl:iiT \va; a''"'. A.i"). li! '(/;; i !)v L'--nl- ; ini \.,l!i, uf.-, ar h.ll n.ill i\v -, ^--tt;- '/^i p I! J t!-.c L-iiLi.i . to I'rik;-, \v:'!i i!i'.- ! 'N , -t l-r aii-l ini.'.'-n inilt^, l;\ rPC'i !./'!, .v! . > -'it. rii w 'i!;);).' 1 ; !' r t::'::-i:. l.i !-. ..'i 1 - . >: r;"ViJ t" be J, I ( j! > ri- k : ' . * '>!''"', .ill \, Iv 'irjil I>) St. I ) ; t\\ " , I ':i I'.,. I ..:,',, [6 i'lK p:/;i;ul',- ,'','' 1 O^ tr.M. 'l"!ie M:!; : J', '^v . ' : !k ;i!c;i i'.', !i.> 1 r.vo in- ii l.i!': .1, :);,!: i' v ; '\ .i' i. In ;h.' rv. :]-'\ '', .\i>iil. C i:n'-.i.i 1 t.^ DvP.;-; v ; I' r.t to rr-''ir\. I .'J n.-.-f i'l ''.( ( Mi;:-\!-i.! m tl.c (i|'i i.'r.>n ila- t!on;-(i i:i i'. iMji;'' ! I :,1."--- I [,s 'n 'uMiiji w.i.- apj . i!:;t>. d iMp- tam i)-;.l.r hi^r.';. a' ;. h:'.!^ ;' D ;!.- ,>t ^ .ik, v, ho had li');:ti\l tiu- ti.!'.; >)i u .ir-.iiliniru! ( i' tMc blue cii bi)..r>i ihi". Virw-f. \ ,.:..'.. 'I'wwaii!- tb. crvl <'f i''/,' f^mc mont'i, M. .!e 'l\i-:-.y II pi 'L-.l I'U; oi Hr; ; in a i'u.!. ; >-, \v;;ii a! icji;.iilro:i. li.i'.iii.; I'll pi'.pi i^j 'ivj.'p-. i!;-:",;,-. ;1 ! ;r t;-._- uti.s k d X/w loiii'.ii'.rul. '^ (;; 'h iii'iot M.v, h^; \.\\ in uu'; m.'r AnKriiaii i'.ait d .<\ ''.\ .-.t- 1 i-di i i.'):i\(ivs, cU"'>rtt;l bv Cip- taltl 1\ l'.\!iV, !I! r." >. I, !!). ol - L iiUIl'^, I'iL (j>lp 'It, (if 44 i;ii!i-~, C.ipM' 1 !( !i:i |"-\is, Mr.', ibi-'.ac, cr ;S ^i:r!-', C.ip'aiM fljun- M r' ;i C,)::.!!:i !vm.'-1(',, tor ll'/j bc'V.r protL'clum ot \]\< lonvov, iIm. ii-. i ;': ;n b\ ti'_;ral t) pro- C; (.-.I (!! tbtir I o;i; Iv, ;:in1 Wltii \l\:' \])]<)< dt V. aV r'l.M-'/d into tiif ic.'.r, bii !'; i 111- Ii -ir i ; ' ',,,. .1 ' , .III 1 in l>o!) \sl)i -b M. .! '1,11, ..V liatil^ I ii . V, u,J, an I ni'uit- ofi. lo r t!-v brv- \-. !':- '. iv i^n-- ot iz-n'oii ..:-(i 1 ili-l-ubii (/ tiipiii'. p;r: jiitLii L.:;-'jin i\o',\l>v with .i biu i rpvT;_ ,iu I:if 1, .'/ \> IS n ) I .'' I i.-> < i\ .1 t' at "^.I. .'. 'i'c i "v b ..; -..t II' rnc, I'^lq. f \i i r i wri ,,.. ,, ,. ,-, ' > Adnuralh of the VVhite. I lirnnas Cjr tin), hlq. ( -fSir Edward Ilawkf, K. B.3 C'harl, Kfq. 1 Hon. J.'lin I'orhcs, V Admirals uf the liiuc. Sir G-.r-c i\K-u.k. J H >ii { lor^f Townhnd, ^ I'raiKi-, Hiilboiinic, Llii, f - \ . i r.i i> i .,., ^, , ,- ^ > \ ICC- Admirals uf the Kal. I liomas C>)[cs, r.lq. ( 'Ihonu- Fraiikiaiid, EH.]. 3 Lonl Harry PowLtr, -| Harrv Norris, Kfcj. i Thi-iinus Rrcxirick, Kfii. ,- ^ i i r t txm . . /,, : ir 1 I' > \ ICC- Admirals of tlicW lute; Sir C i-.aiu's Haniv, Kiit. ( ('-(.Tt;- Kail (d \ on he Ik. | Sr L'':a;U-, S,i;;n l-rs Knt. J 'i :i n, I-- !'.(., 1', j(i. -J r:>,i:,> Duuii, m!;. S-fi-.t:.i I'.rndli. K:'n. I ... , t , r i ni , f- ., ' \ i^e-A'.lmirais oi the blue. :(n,f.. i;.- i.'>s kn.ui'^v, K!;|. | f.dvv.ird. !).,:vcM,t \nlk. J '1 !iL- t',)l:m>, i:ig i^-apiaiiiN w^rc promoted to tlicir flags: Sir \\ l!i.iin I'm lia;)-,-, Iv!)i. ^ ' V. 'i.'"^' l'' > Rcar-Atliinr.iis ol the Red. i K.cir-.AaiMiais o; itie \\ lute .Ni' J .i;!", - I ) .lJL;ias, h.:;t. I \\ il.,.i:n ( I. )i.!ur), l-Jij. J (i-'Mr- I. .k1 1-.,I-.-.u:i,1)v j\.i)bMt .^'.vuiiUMi, h,!q. f p \ I I r I r>i , ; ,. ,, ' > Kcar- Admirals of the iJluc. .> Crrav ',.s, r i(| 1 1' 'ii. AiM^iiltii- K.i-|i )'i. |. ' .\i';>"iiiti.J \',LL-,[iiih::.M It (ire-.'.: l'.i.::;n, iii t!;c room ot'I.orJ 1 A; .' .Hired''.;r!i:.:! <:i (mi. a I'l. .;;;), \n 'Aw ri)om of W'll- ! .an K .:..,v. ; C.i ^(1 ,. H-.Qi ;t 1 i-.a..'y :i, 1-64. Vol. I Bb rhr Syo NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Thecruizers on the Downs ftation, under Commodore n^^ John Moore, were chiefly employed in keeping a fharp look out on the Dutch, who, contrary to treaty, perfitted in fupplying the enemy with naval and warlike (tores. The States General exprelled much difpleauire at the Britifh cruizcrs, for having detained and fearched feveral of their lliips. In order to prevent it in future, they equipped fome men of war for the proteftion of their trade. In the month of September, the Hunter floop of war, Captain James Fergulfon,* fell in with four Dutch merchant fhips, ef-" corted by a frigate of 36 guns. Captain Ferguffon, agree- able to his orders, fent a boat to examine one of the mer- chantmen ; but the captain of the Dutch frigate interpofed, and would not fuffer it. The Hunter not being fufficiently (trong for Captain Ferguilon to enforce the execution of his orders, he proceeded to the Downs to inform Commo- dore Moore of what had happened. The conimodore in- flantly difpatched Captain Adams, in the Diana, with the Cheller, of 50 guns, the Hunter and Tryal (loops, in pur- fuit of them, with orders to u[e force, if they perfifted in not being fearched. The next day Captain Adams came up with the convoy, and informed the captain of the Dutch frigate, that he mult examine the merchantmen, to fee with what they were laden ; who replied, that he would not iut- fer fuch indignity to be offered to tlie States, but defend the flrips committed to his care ; and immediately fired at ttie boats which were fent to board the mt:rchantmen. Upon this Captain Adams fired a (hot acrofs the frigate, which was returned by a broadfide; a fmart a6tion commenced, which terminated in a quarter of an hour, by the Dutch- man ftriking his colours, with the lofs of four men killed, her captain and lour woimdtd. She was brought into the Downs with her convov, which were found to be laden with naval (fores for the French, and detained; the frigate was permitted to return to Holland, 'J be Terpfichore, of 26 fix pounders, and 160 men, commanded by Captain John Ruthven, fell in with, and att'T an (jbftinate engagement, captured the Marquis dc Manually, of 20 nine poimders, from Bourdeaux, bound to St. Domingo. The enemy had nine men killed, and eigliictii uctnndcd. 'i'he Terpfichore had five men killed ; Captain Rmhven, and fix teen wounded. * Afttrwai db Lieutenant Governor of Greenwich Hofpital. The N A \' A I- C ! 1 I^. O N O L O G Y, 371 T!;c Hi'I'i'.KU lii'.i i) .' "I'.'rk pr'.vatccr^ hfin^T on a , cru / i)f! C ly: W.'.i U. u I-,:., u ;i tc;;.i.,i by a 1..;: bd'viiv in, a't.i k ^|)^Il;.lrl.N fr >ni tiih i^i 'o'.ir-, '. i:i lu i i.t, .i: D'i-vrs i.ui- II \. I). . : \ , .r !.:(-.) ii i:i> uro\i- ilic ; t" , -:. :..: ' '. !. ':'c\ Br:- ' ' i, <;... :.. - : ur ami twcUc sv(>h'.Jnl. Ci'MViiiHiorc "\ i:;~.J. \v[v^r(i'-- ' ' ., ., , .^ in t'ic c hatiii: !, \ ?-i.'; , ,,!.)\..!lo ".s;)'-, 1, pr.:.(.'i[).il p.jli>, .! 1 t \\- c'l '.Ii ;r.-. ill i . i' LT 'tro'.e.l [! ..! ! :\^r C)i ;c, :v]'.: co[v.:'i u' i, c^';;-.ts la Ink iiici'ii 111 lA T, v.I._)c ;-,.;. 'luinr.: i'l'v kv'i i:ji, O.'i th'.- ^.1 nt N .\ciii''^Li, t'!-; !>' 1 !n:;i;r;'- :i)r a peace b' rvst .:,( neat iiiiiuiii, 1 Uiiicc, an.i >jiaiii, \scic lii^iicd at Iv-iitaaiblcau. .mi: I) rr Kin; A \ fa .v. On the !)rc3k:n^ (ait of i!i: S|ia';'!!i \v:;r. Sir C'lnrlcS Sai:ni'.rr.^ \va;i rc;:.''irC-! b\ \v\::.'. \h.: - i t v\ji i'lt "i i':i l''!;.;ki!ui. i:ii.Ier tl.r C";iriia!i,l < i "^ r 1', k >. ilii.*'.* (.)ii_: of the c: lii/'. rs cap". ii;( il .1 t ; 'i Spai.i lli l!.:;i i ;. :;: Ijare-, ! ;;j, hiviii^ oil (! i::OC;;o ; 'i...r-. '['w Aetr.e In-atc, C :j':a:ii "^.i.vmt, a;, i i'.;- i a\oi.iii- ;; i.ji nt wai, C'-pl-UH p. VI, .ill, \\ n '.t !1 more ! aniiiatt : ! ' i ie l!.:,,s !ij;n^ on a eru /e (.ff .\ 1:/, 0-: ti.L- ^lll d M,a :i.,l'i:i unh. a;^l eap-ii!\..l, vN;f!;(iJt r-Ji, llic 1 L, in . n.-, a iar:"- ^pa:l!ill reg'.iicr Hup ti,.:n 1, ina. ^i;c \v.;s la-iul: li y:\r- made diii.i)_^ tlve \v..r : tiic ik ;t proc-.i.!-. i ; ' , r ./.", ..I'lr pay- in.: a;! !:ai;:;-^, an- nn'- d to -[ ,- s!. ic-. utu^Ii was d:ilii')ii!ed. m t[iL' t'.'l'uAv ::.j^ ir.ann.a, \3 I ^ 9 io tl;;(c L\)mn;dTi' :.l\\ ( ;!ie( r>, ..' 13.^^4/. I.;;. 1./ t aJl, A;;.:.du, Ciur. I J. No. 144. hb 1 To 37'2 NAVAL CimONOLOGY. A.D. /. ^- d. I. s. d. 1762 To 8 warrant officers, 4,336 3 2 each, 34.689 5 4 To 20 petty officers, 1,806 10 10 each, 36,130 17 8 To 150 feamen and marines, - - - 485 5 4 each, 76,132 13 o Total Afiive's fliarc, - ^251,020 I2 o Favorite's fiiare. To the captain, - - 64,872 13 Q To 2 coinui. officers, 12,974 10 9 each, 25,949 i 6 To 7 warrant officers, 4.324 10 11 each, 30,273 8 5 To 16 pelty officers, i,8o2 O 4 each, 28,832 6 3 To 1 1 o feamen and marines, - - - 484 2 5 each, 53,253 14 4 Total Favorite's ffiare, - 203,181 4 3 Total Adive's ditto, - 251,020120 Admiral and Commodore, - 64,963 3 9 Sum total dldributed to the captors /^ 519,165 o o The Adtivc being entitled to the whole bounty money, makes a diHercnccin the (hares between the ffiips. The treafnre was conveyed Irom Portfmouth to London in twenty waggons, decorated with the Britiih colours, flying over thole ot Spain, and efcorted by a party of failors : at Hyde-park-corner they were joined by a troop of light- fiorfe, and proceeded through the city amidfl the acclama- tions of the people, to the Tower. On the 23d of July, Captain Clements, in the Pallas, of 36 gun'=, was attacked in Cadiz bay by two large Spa- niilt Xebeque-s one of 32 guns, and the other of 24. Cap- tain Clcinents would have brought them both C)fF in tiiuinpli, 1iad not a (hip of the line pudied out to their af- lifiaiice, which compelled the Pallas to Oiecroff. (Jn the 23d of October, Captain Tonyn, in the Prune, ot 32 guns, being on a cruize off Carthagena, alter an ob- ifnaie engatienuiir, captured the Oifeau French frigate, of zb guns, and 240 men, 49 of whom were cither killed or woundfd ; among the latter was her con^aiander, the Che- valier di: Moiienc, who loll hisriehtarm. The Brune had fix men k i'/.-d ; C.ptain Tonya and 13 wounded. The Oifeau was added to the navy. In XAVAL CHUOXOLOCiY. 373 I;i the rr.niith of Xovcnil)n, Capi.iin Clarke, in t!ic S''ccrnt.-r^, ot 24 guii^, bcmg (.iolcly piirlmii by five ItcikIi i;!;ps t)f war. took rcliigc in \ ilia l-raiica bav. (Jnc ol the cncnn"> {]y.p<. La Mincivr, cciitimicii ihc juirhiit ; ami, bv wav of bravado, ran inbctwci-n ihc ShttinL-lb and thf lar,,l, aiKl atttnijitcd to aiiclior ; 111 lij.n^nt which, (lie \va< (irivcii ii[).)n th-j rcuL.--, aiul tlic iea niiiiui^g vi-iv high, \\a^ loon lialhcd to j):l\ls; tiic otliir li)iir Itoicl m to h(.r alhltaiuf- but not uni.i Cij-tam Clarke, \\l:o, w.rh tl.c V^ieatcli: liiimanitv, had (ei;t h\^ bv'at^-, and faveii tlie ^realer part 01 licr crew tw er;!y-ti\e on!v -pcriihej. lor lui^ be- nc\(i!ent a6l, tlie l'"rench commodore went on lioard th.e Slicerrirfi to th:'i;k Captain Clarke tor tlie rehei he hiad ol- lered Ins (hi'iieiied coi;r;tr\ nK'ti. Tlie Hampden packet, oi e:g!it rjins and thirlv men, conunandeii bv Cap'ain i'oard, on kicr jiaH.i.x- horn h'aro to (jibialtar, ua^ ait.ickeil near ti e S:raii-, bv eleven (mall Sjv.iniih pri'.afeers. The com'n.od'^e was m a l)aico longo, i;iou;it;nj; eight guns and 6j men ; the le.(Mu!, a Xebecpic ol the lattie h)rce ; five hJIer ono, an 1 the others wiili ;i llngle mm eacii \n Iter pro\'. . 'i !;e :\l\[ i- ini Id NOllT!! ami; 111 C A. 'lb- I'reiv. h fijuadr- ii, wdiJi it has alrea Iv bt'cn ( b- I. rvtd, I Icaued cut ot j;relt uudrr M. dc TiiuaN, on tt:e 7:r.\ oi [iM.e. en:er'd t;:e I'.ubour (t St. [ohii'-, mihc 1 land ot Nc A i. iiuid I 5 JO ir.en, w l:en t' Ti.e C i;.unoiit !;i pot war. v,\%as l\i;ig m ibe luir- b 'ur, a:id (e'.eral in.erJiaut veliel.-, lill iiuu the enemy s hand^. A drtachment < { I'Kixdi tr ops wa^ lent to take poUef- hon oi 'rriiut\, tlee b..y (t" Hull.-, and the liland o! Car- b 1 ',ere, uh;Te tiiev (Ldr.>\fd all i';e t-lluu!: Ilage-, and dud coni d(;rab!e (iamai:-. In the mean tune .M. de ilaulton- \:i'(^ w.i- piifMi.', the t )r. at St. ji.l.n',- m tin- lull p d!:: le ita'e ,''t defence , and threw a bojm acijl,- ti;^- (.utiau^e ot the iiaibour. ]j b 3 Ca[ tain 374 NAV^AL CHRONOLOGY. A. D, Captain Thomas Graves, who was at this time gover- ^7^^ nor of the ifland, and lying in the harbour of Placentia, in the Antelope, was no f(;oner made acquainted with the arrival of the French fquadron, and that they had landed a body ot troops, than he d^fpatched the Syren frigate with the mtelligence to Lord Colvill at Halifax. His lordlhip loft no time in collcding his force, and failed to its relief.* He joined Captain Graves off Placentia, and proceeded from thence off St. John's harbour, where he arrived on the 25th of Auguft, and blocked up M. de Ternay. On the llth of September, Colonel Amher(t joined the commo- dore with a body of troops from Louifbourg ; a landing was immediately effe61:ed in Torbay, about three leagues from St. John's ; the enemy made an attempt to oppofe it, but were repulfed with fome lofs, and retired into the fort of St. John's. On the i6th, a ftrong w^efterly wind, at- tended by a thick fog, forced Lord Colvill from his fia- tion before the harbour; of which M. de Ternay availed himfelf, flipped his cables, and ftood to fea. On the 18th, M. de HauiTbnviile finding that he was deferted by llie French fquadron, and that it was impoffible to hold out any longer, offered terms of capitulation ; which being accepted, the French became prifoners of war ; and the whole ifland fell again into the polTcffion of she Britifh. The Harriot packet, on her paffage from Nev/ York to Falmouth, was attacked by a French privateer double her force, which fhe obliged to fheer off. The captain of the Harriot v/as prefented with a hundred guineas, and given the comimand of a Lifbon packet as a reward for his bravery. The Spanifii war created a great fpirit of enterprize amongft private adventurers; the moft remarkable that oc- curred, was an expedition plaiined and undertaken by fome rich merchants, in conjun6tion with the Portugucfe, againft the Spanifh fettleinent of Buenos Avres. For this purpofe they purchafcd from government two fliips of war, the Kiugll'jn, of 50 guns, which they named fhe Lord Clive, and the Ambnfcade frigate, Tlie command of the expedi- tion was couicrrcd on Captain Macnamara, an officer of merit and experience, formerly a commander in the fervicc of the Eaii-lndia Company. * Appcr.dix, Chap. II. No. 145. So K A \M. CinU).\()1.0G Y. S) foot) a': tliLlc (iiips v.crc rtalv t!vv (;iilc\l for Li:' ir., A.I). n'lurL' tlicv WLTf |o,ii il ;>v tu.) I'urtii.'ucic men f)t ' /'^^ arut five w\^. ! , 1. :,!.!) wiili iiorc^ ami [M^'\l(i'>Il^. On the 30'ii t)t .Au^i'ill ih:s ^e Spandli frigates at anclior i. iofe u:'..ii r the fort. 'l'\\c pilot'- haviii:^ ichdtd to carry th,e ihi[is lni;h enoi.'L^h i:[) t > attack ti;c (.ncnvv ; the coiniiiid ire. on tlic night I't the 24th, nude an ai'cinpt with ih.e h-ias to cut the trii^ates out, hut \\a> rej)i;!Icd wilh (nine lols. lie bcL^an to j^ive up .id ii"p;..s ol lucci is awainil this place, and ilri'i'ped th.wn the ri\er in oidt r 10 a'tack Monti \'ideo ; lit the mean time a Hnali I'ortu^iitie veiled arr!\ed ivifli ( tor the comUiO inie, wi:o|e niader was an excellent piiMi inr the ri\er, and otKrcd to cairv t!ie llii[)S within pi'.lol-lliMt ol N '\a C'donia. Tiie cuiruiiudore readdv i;cceptc ! this oiler, ar.d a_'.un itood i:p tl;e river with the hpiadion. C):i the 6ih oi jauuarv i"6j, tiic Lord C'.ive a:; i Ainhp.l;.ide brou_;Iit up aL;a.nli tlie ivitte- ries and iiiija'e^j a ilirIoll^ cannnna.ij ^^ mniei'ei.! a:ul continued uiiii j^ii at (-MtinaiS lioni ni'im till ;ne in t!;e evuimL;; when th'- hrr ir'wn the ei.eui\'s^ i)ei;.in tolhick(.n, and\! tiii\ kerned on th.e p,-nit ol de. IvIiiIl^ in favour ci lie aii.ilaiit-. Al th:s mo neiit 'h: I.erd Ci'.\e, by ( imc unkii >An a^^.d-.m i",ik fne, and liie li.cii: ^ i.i^ed Wltll iu mil h \ 11,. Ill f, (.'.eiv LliiTt t ) t.\o;i;ul!h tliein piOv(_d Hit ;feel':al, aihl Ihe hlev\ up \'. itM a dnadtul fxpiofi'in. IlrlM.i'.e c.iinm.;iK!er and t!:e crew, (Aceptmi; 'S, perilhr. d. \',\, liii^ tim tlie Amhulcade wa^ fo much cnpp that llie wa^ iihap.jhle ot reiuLrmi^ any io,". Cu-r . 'f-i. C- f.T.I ( :..; - ' \ c-.,-.,.) An,i-;.U... (;;..;i.i AS1...V ^ 1 -) 1 1 1" S On h.-.r 1 . ; :,..'.<. \c. Bb . t -IJ-r i. ) M .^.irr..i;a R' lii--!:'; iclc 375 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. afTiftance to her unfortunate companions, and no longer '7^^ able to oppofe the enemy ; Captain Roberts cut his cable, and retired out of the reach of [hot. After having repaired the damages he had fuftaincd in the alion, he proceeded to Rio Janario. Thus terminated an expedition, which on the outfet had the mod flattering profpedl of fuccefs. The humanity and benevolence with which the Spaniards treated thofe of the unfortunate crew of the Lord Clive, who had efcaped the fiames and fwam to the fliore ought ever to be held in remembrance. They confidcred them no longer as enemies, who cume to plunder and deftroy their fettlement ; but treated them with the greateft tender- nefs, and furnilhed them with clothes and every nccefifary refrefhment. LEEWARD ISLANDS. On the 5th of January Rear- Admiral Rodney failed from Carlille bay, Barbadoes, with a (trong fquadron of (hips of war and a large fleet of tranfports, having on board 13,965 land forces, under the command of Major-General Monckton, deifined for the attack of Martinico j at the fame time Commodore Swanton was detached with five fail of the line to dellroy the enemy's batteries, and to make a diverfion in Fort Royal bay*. On the 8th the Admiral anchored the fleet in St. Anne's bay, where a large body of troops were landed and batteries erefted. It was foon after found that this fituation was by no means likely to make any efft 6fual imprcfhon on the enemy. The ad- miral and general therefore determine>l to alter their plan ot operations, reimbarked the troops and proceeded to Fort Royal bay ; on the i6th the troops were landed, to- gether with a detachment of feamen, who drew the heavy artillery with great perfevcrancc and undaunted courage over (icep mountains, often txpofed to a galling fire from the enemy's batteries. The liege of Fort Royal continred until the 4th of Ftbruary, vvheu it furrendered ; and on the i6th the whole iOand was in polfeiTion of the Bntifh. The lofs fiiftained on this expedition did not amount to more than ^06 men. The Raifonable, of 64 guns, fhnck on a reef ot rucks when (landing in to aiiack a battery,' * Aii;>c;u!ix, Chap. IL No. 146 and K A \- A L C H K C) N O I. O G Y . 377 aiui W3:^ lofl, her crew. {\^'<. nn.l ii;iin<; were fav^'!. A. IX Mi] ir (J-itc * aiui C--;'- 1).- w:u: Icin h'Hiie vv;ili '7^^ ^';c lu'.v ui ;':.c It.rrcii.'ir cf i'oit Rova! ; l!i(v were each prrlVritc'. with ^c;!. to hrv a !wi^- I. TLc illaiid. i.t S'. L<:i 1.1, (ira-U'li, :i;i ! S'. Vincent, were (oon atrcr t\"ij-tui*\l ;>v (JumnvJuie Svsai.:i'ii ami the horr i.r.'.'j c Ca;i'aiii Ha" ~v. ();, \\i. S Mr'.f >'.ix!; thr Vrv'Ach f.ji-aduin. nn.irr ^r. i]c \V..:\.\- 'hit h .1 cir ;.('! -itol Int.l w'th .;^"'^ tro ps on h.i^ri, 'm !'.; i\!, ; )! their W't .t-India hlatul-, ap- pt'.n. ! :: I.i Trnine, on the wi-athcrhdc ot N'lartinquc. 'L'\'j: I'"'\ ;ich atimiral n > loiner was inlornicii (t the late oi t'ii> and the (/.her illaii'! , t'l.iii he burc away tor Si. l)oi'! 114:0. The nio!!iL-iit .\iiin;i.:; Rodiirv 'card ot the ari.'.a! oi ilv-' r'rtiie!i r.uiadr >n, !,c e<''i'''(!-led his ihij'S and \v(.,;f 111 q'lcil o; it ; Im: licir di-ltwuition heing Uf>n aher made kr.i'Wn to him, he haR^iud iii< ittiirii t') \Ii;;i- iir-ne, u'lcre I'C t u:.d a Iniall v. lie!, whieh liad i>>cii .ii(- paiehetl fiom Ldh in hv Cap!.iin ( jeorL;e Jotiiiltom ' , pa:!i, wliuh was cn- firmei,! hy th,e lapttire of a Spaiuih piiieket hoat, charged with llcnilar dilpaudus to I'v.j p..VL::!,;rs oi tlieir htt! - nieiits in the VVtd-Iniies. A liron.^ >/ai 'f'l ' ;ii.idron having aUo arrived at the Ila',a;:iah; \\;iu:i \ i i.ird kodiiev was appn, h'-i,jive iini^hl ]>'.n that und^r M. dc JMenar, detcrniiin. d l.iiii to pi. )C;-ed i!iin;t.diau Iv uitht'-.c !_; r part ot !i!>- ii"t t to tlierehit'o* On the 7/h!i h, iii't as the adm.iral w.i> o;i il'.e po;[;t ot i.MJHn' lioin S'.. Ciindopheis, Cip'aii 1' lpli:;,d m,v. in tli!' I'J.uhinoiid. tr;ra:e, arrui'itioiu l.pd.iiid uith orders t' ir tuiii aiul t!-- ;' I,! la! to lnl : 1 :, ' .: ;l l^o r';' r o;-r ro,,.vk, w .di whom thev v\(ie lo a;d in I'l nnii.M! a of/ >n a "land. and (ceret eApiduion. ^Not\\ ii' ;!i- '. i)i !t is, A^inir.d K'ui'iev eoi;l! ! Tirii^ Inn ; a !.> '\ 1:1 I 'iiu-'_^;r trom the iheniydi ot 'h-- in'iK d li: ( t ot 1' e::- TV, t'.ila^ l,ed Sii |.une^ l)oiii.das wuii iiV( Ihi;':- of wai M lenit^irv.'- the 'I h H"; K- At.c .VI Ilo. ..i. 378 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.B. fquadron at Jamaica, and to prepare it for the arrival of ^7*52 S:r George Pocock ; he fent an(-ther fqiiadron Dnder Com- inodore Swanton to cruize off tl e Spaijiih main, and re- tiirntd himfelf to St. Pienes Martinque'^. On the 20th of April Sir George Pocock arrived in tlie Namur at Barbadoes, alter a long and t.rnpeniious paf- fage. On the 24th he fai!i;d, and on the 26th joined Rear-Adm;ral Rodney at MarMniqiie. On the 6th ot May SirCeo}.. Pocock snd tfu- Earl of Albermarle having completi I heir \rrangemenfs for the expedition agaiiill tlie Havann^h, failed irorn Martinique, Icavitig a fijfhcient fquadron under the command ol Rcar-Admiral Rodney, for the protedtion of the Leeward iilandst. This expedi- tion falling niider the occurrences at Jamaica, we ihall now proceed to the operations on that Uation. JAMAICA. Commodore Forreft, v/ho commanded on this Nation, received early information of the arrival of M. de Blenac at Cape Francois, by Captain Carteret, of the Merlin floop of war, who fell in with the French fqnadron in the lught, when he was on a cruize off the Cape. By a mafterly mancjeuvre Captain Carteret fo etteclnally de- ceived the enemy as to make him believe the Britilh fqua- dron was in fight and in purfuit. This created fo much confufion on board the French ihips, that in their eager- nefs to fecure a retreat, one of their lliips (the Dragon) of 64 guns, in entering the cape, {buck on a fand-bank and was totally loft. Commodore Forrefl's anxiety for the fafety of Jamaic- was fuon relieved by the arrival of Sir James Douglas wiili nine fail of tf)e line. On the 3d of April Captain Carket, in the Hnffar fri- gate, attacked four large French armed (flips, which had taken fhelter und'-r a fort in Tiberoon bay. He burnt one of 16 gun::', funk another of 16 guns, and cut out two, one of 16, the other of 12 guns, ladc:n v\ith indigo snd flfuir. Tiie Huffar had one tuan killed, and i2 wour.d'.ii ; th.; enemy had 17 men killed, and 3^ wounded. In May the Huil'ar being on a cruize off Hifpaniola, * Ap;>t;ii'iiv,Chnp. [I. 1^0. 147. f Ap{;tjiidi,\, Cii.u., II. No, 14S. ftruck NA.VAL C UK 0X0 LOGY, 379 Oriick upon a ro.k ai;! wjs \o'.\, her crew, excepting three, A. D. ua- la\cci. ' 7^'* ()!) ib.c 8ih i)f Mav Ail'Tiiral Porork \v?.< inintd in the Muiu I'alia^', hv the iqn.itlniti iiiuUr tlic hunniirahlc Cap- tain Ilar\L\-, \\ iio^ ciii./:ni^ l.^ bluvk up M. ilc Lii nac HI C.i[H I' I .iricois ; aiivl on ihc 2 ]u nl i\>c lan;^ month by that uiuicr S;r James I) "glas lunu JaiiiaKa. 'I I'.c ad- miral having ni)\v collciHcd his \\ h('lc turce, whh cit ex- pcdiiKJKS, although the mod intricate and hazardous j)a(- fage. To a\T)id accidents as nuicb as poliiblc, he dirt 6iLtl biiats or veiit-ls lo lye npcn tlie moll dangerons liioal> en each (Idc, and ((.'rdiud tiiet into !< vtn divifn'ri-, each lo be lev! l)v a Ihip which wore a (idtiiiiMidhing pLnt'.Liit. Cuptain l-.l|;hinlh)nc, in the Rii l;niond ii.gaie, who had been through the flrait^, a::d iiad niadc \er\ ^(.curate re- marks on ilie land, and C.i)o<, w a*^ or(!i.rnl lo had the fic'.t, which feivire lu' [nrhirnietl with n,nch fkill and judgtnent. On the 2l ot June, tb.e Alarm and Kcho being a licad gave c'lace to t;\e (.iil. At tv\o in tie aa^r- nnoii the can^.e up with fo.oof th.eir, and alttr an attioii ot three cjuarters oi an Ina.r conj\,i(.d ilicm to ilrike. One provrd to be ihe 1 b.tis -i >Sp.:ni(li frigate o( 22 guns and; ti,n<'t \vl,o;ii wiirl.nlid, and 14 woniultd. 'I i.>- I t'.cr, tlic I'luinx, a li>'ii arnu >! l.>r WMr, inf!:;st,i_^ 18 L'nn'- and "> r.i.n. 'Ihe Ai.iriu had !. vlII riK I. k:;h a ^lul i o w-oui..ii.ii. 'J i.c I-'cl;^) to. k a bi g and ;.,r. On i!k 6:li <^t June tl,.- tk '. t In*.;;.;!/ t.' ..boi.t hx I< " mics to tlu- t a1t\; a'il nt '.< 1 i.r. ai.':.:' out hi- o-d :- to t!'i- . . ; ta I. . > .t maiitT- I't 1(11 t; .,i,!| :; - , u ' / lcr\( d ,'.i i; !i i ; J !i ( ii". ,-'. '1 inijoi t.uit l( . \ \ (. \v - 1-1. 'I ' ' who had w I'll l;::n h\ ii :[ i\c. At da\ -!. tit , (II l.'i'.^ p:^>: : w. < all 111 tl,( tin 1) ..!- r 't ( 1 nt'. r wilder tlir . - I..1; 1 I it ' \t V , t'i.C I ig't w !!. i I dt It' C the Lll n:u!cr tl,L L' in;aii ^ Aii \'. \'< '; i:.e a^toiii.d , lii. (i itie \l> ot \\.,i ..I d t::c '.. '(. !., II -(' t,, be . !>- i r 'i ]' n: tcr.c.i.v v ul ttiis ' C n-K !,,. K-ip,|, M .. ' . It '. (. I..I ti ;g.:'i ^, ii :, "1 ;l I- -!t , t'.. [rn"; t^, iia\iii.; on troops to ic:nfi;"ce the -iimv ti. :n N.-n!i /!, vsa> loll od C'.i\o Comflte; -r.c f.;, anti 1 i'..i;;-, 1 v/.-re U\'cd by the R.. h.moiid and lorn- 01 th:- t;a!i!p Tt.. I ;v (!,',:! ,',);.. ;or. .1 the ; r:/e-r.v 'Si . hjr (ne capture of liic I 1..-.'.ui:l.!;, w.:n i), n > !';-miu 11 .i.i: eontormable to the el^ab!;0;;:d rul.s h.,tl'..:tj oi>,rrv-e^i. The inferior othcers, f.Miiien, and lul..:,:-, i-v\..i\ ; i ,i vi ry unccjual and undue V war J 3S2 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. reward for the bravery they had fhewn, and the hardfhips 1762 they had endured on fo perilous and fatiguing a fervice, as will be feen by the following ftatement : AbllracL of the prize-money paid to the navy at five fe- parate payments. OJJlcers and Seamen, Sum: A ^ f. d. To the Admiral 122,697 I 6 To each. Commodore - 24>539 10 I /. s. d. 42 captains - 67,225 1 '1' 1600 10 10 183 lieutenants 42,944 2 8 234 13 3 363 warrant officers 42,944 2 8 118 5 11^ 1303 petty officers - 22,494 10 ] ri 17 5 3 12,100 feanien and ma- "{ rines J 45,247 1 3 7 3 H 9l Total - 368,092 II 5 1^0 the Army. Officers and Privates, Sun I. I. s. d. To the General 122,697 10 6 To each Lieut. Gen. Elliot 24,539 10 I /. s. d. 2 major generals nMi I I 6816 10 6| 7 brigadier general: 5 13.633 T I 1947 II 7' 51 field officers 28,692 8 5 564 14 6 185 captains 34,082 12 I0| 184 4 7i 599 fubakerns 69,528 II II 116 3 0^ 7&3 ferjeants 6,816 ID 6| 8 18 8 749 corporals 5.II2 7 lO^f 6 16 6 12,100 privates 49,419 16 H 4 I 8 Total - 368,092 II u- On the 3d of November Sir George Pocock with a part of the Iquadron*, and about 50 tranfports, failed from the Havaniiah for England, leaving the remainder under the command of Rear-Admiral Keppel. The Admiral had a tolerable pafiage, until he was within 2C0 leagues of the channel, when the wind veered to the eaftward, and increafcd to a violent ftorm, which continued feveral days and dilpcrfcd the llect. The Temple and twelve tranf- * Appendix, Chap. II, IMo. 149. ports N A \ A I, CHllON'OI OC Y 1S3 p.ifts t>i'iin!cri.J, rlicir ^r\.- \v.:\- r.irturiH.cly (i\c^ i>y the A.D. Ihip-^ m (.i>-w\:]]V. I h'J !) \or.;h:;t; ur-.j Cull, ilfu uiUtr " ; nuny cliliunltK >, ;itiJ u.',.; _ ; .'.u h. J li.r Ii .. 'i.kj; ( t k :i(.'!c la co!ii;iat>v \\,;(: '! . ...;;o, oi'/.'i:: ti S:Mri'.)i pr/,cs. two I'.i'.' att'.-:' i;.- fcjl hid h.^-lW i;..- ^ .i!,)!'. *! 1 !-;ida, ii.^" [i.ii u-J Ci>!ii;i.:i^v ; .'.:ivi b-'in,:; ii\ crt:.';(.:i \>v ,'. vioiciiC li-rin, the Ic.k-, w'ik ii ,, i- c n':'iir.;!\i.- ' l: -re. iiicr^ .i!fd to Inc. 1 :-.n .iI.;; ir.;:-^ > !v nv w.i i^\vr:\\'T~\ .ru' th.-- aru'iors to be cut av.-uv. Ai t;ii> (->; >\ lJ incfl-n't iial, t!-.c umclt ft, II ^.iiiicd up'i;i ;.,(.- ti; iiiiJ tin- c:'_ .'/, L\h.uuf^J '.'.i:!: t'.i- tijuc ami fic'kr. ;-, \\;:c urJi (!i;^'.-. u!t\' prc-vaii-u upof. hy tiuii (ur;c-;i s to w..:;-; tl:-- '/viir.j's , ho\\'i.'.t ; . hv the ':rfarclt' t'\c:r;.H'^, t^.-v jrilcv vr^.i ..;id kv[-i h,r:^t1vi..' uiiu! the POlh (,! Ni'\enihet, v\n";i thev w,.e pro. idt:i!! illv rel.'U'.',! t:o:n ti'.c.r p liloiiv ii'j.i-'iMi, hv ;he .e, [)'. .i -.;Ke (! tiic Ante! 'pe, \vh:eh was oii he: j-a;!. .;c t(o:n Ncwr. un'i!.i::.l W;th a Cua- VJV to L::;'-.:i. C.i'^:./n (Jrav;> ini;ii^ d;..le!v b.!e do-.', n, and twidiii^ h,e in;!e;a;iee !i;;d:ti >n '.'VJ .\ i irlhvMOir^h was in, I'.e took out h.el crew, a;;d d-ltio\c(| tl-.j flup. Rcar-Adfi.ira! Kleppel crue/.eJ i^H' t:ie Hj Vi.r.iiah and with L-'re.!' I.iccc!^; :', "".':-)ie o; a I'leee*! c )ii- V')V, cK'orteil bv I'lUi l.;r -e a;:!)cd Ih p-, weic eaprured (.fi C'ape l-iaiJCMS. 11:^ cia./ers ai:u aiadc lc\ eral valuab.c cap-';rts C.^'.et! j.-'eph Me.i.I,^ Ml the bowev, r,f r^ -u:;':, ar;.l I ihciooM, ;c;! :a i;. ii:, ( .e) . ;:'',. , - , .ei : ^ j lid ;u.:u: :: .uUuLd. 1 i,c I ^ iiieii, he:;e_' oil .t c ev ' " v wail, .!;ui .ite r a lew re ..nd o'lifi. till d Mie W :;t'Ka, a :.p ;:; .h t: l ;:< n.v.;, .V ' ' [ wh'.m u t kii'.- ', i o.., ;. .;.J I iue.i K,,!>-d, and ..; w le ! -d. ( )ii !);e Ji,'n "( (;. ". :, t!. fM!...!< b,.::/. '.; -t !l (.t c:, ht ::'II1^, and ;>:;e in n, ,:!'';" a bi" >\v e,in;e!!, \s'.e. ca' - t.!(vi by c:.e Aud.'A ,(. a;e i i ueh p' : v..t. ei", ot i h' /uii-, am! 14- II.- n. C.nrani I ..v^' .Id .1 h, \v ah u j^i ; :; nnNer o; ',, - e; > v, w :e I; n! '. '.A ..;: i\-.L: (...r.., in ibe ieiier lloup of war. e.t- 38-i NAVAL CIIROXOLOGY. AD. tacked a large Spanlfli fhip of 40 guns, which had taken ^/^^ fhelter in a bay in the ifland of Porto Ricoj after a fmart aftion, which lafted two hours, he obliged her to ftrike : fhe proved a mOil valuable prize, bound to Cadiz from the Caraccas. For this gallant alion, Captain Clarke was made poll. LAST-IXDIES. In the month of June, the Argo frigate arrived at Ma- dras from England: Captain Richard King, her com- mander, brought out intelligence of hoftilities having com- menced againft Spain; and orders for Vice-Admiral Cor- nilh to proceed with the ulmoft difpatch to the attack of Ma- nilla. Colonel Draper* was fent out to command the land forces. The admiral immediately difpatched the Seahorfe, Captain Grant, to cruize ofFthe Philipine iflands, in order to intercept all vefiels that might be bound to Alanilla. In the courfe of three weeks the troops were all embarked, and every thing ready for this important enterprize. On the 2.9th of July, Commodore Teddiman failed with the firft divlfion of the fleet ; and on the ift of Auguft the admiral followed with the rcmainder,t except the Falmouth, which was left at the requeft of the prehdency of Madras, to con- voy the EfTex Indiaman, fhe having on board the treafure for the China (hips. On the igth, the fleet anchored at Malacca, where it took on board water and refrcfhments. On the 27th it failed; and on the 23d of September it arrived in Manilla bay, to the great furprize of the Spaniards, v/ho had not yet heard of the war, and were ill prepared for fo fudden an at- tack. The next morning the town was ineffeftually fummon- ed ; it was therefore refolved to make an immediate defcent. The Argo, Seahorfe, and Seaford frigates, were ordered to ;nnchor clofe in fhore, to cover the landing of the troops; which, in the courfe of the evening was efFe6led with fome diificulty, under the direlion of the Captains Parker, Kem- pcnfclt,^; and Brereton, through a moft violent furf, by wiiich many of the boats were daflicd to pieces, a quantity of arms and ammunition damaged; but fortunately no lives ' The latij Sir William Draper, K. B. i AnpLiuli.v. C'li.c,). II. Mo. 150. I 'I Ik laic ,; uLiv.i .luiiiiial.. Sir Ilyut I'aikcr and Kaiipeufcit. wet XAVAL CIIRONOT.OCT. 3S3 were lofl. The cncmv had colIov'cJ in f^rcc to oppofc the A. D. liiiuiing ; hut tlic w lldircctc*' .:iJ bnfk cannonade from the ' /^* fnjatc, liwMi cfnr[icllcd llicni to ittirc. The troops rein- forced by 274 marines, landed and t'lrnud on the beach without ni> it. ;!atii'n. On tlie 26:b, a b-'talion, cotnpoled of b^2 leai7ien, was lar.dtd to co-<;i; rate uitli the army un- der the comni:'.nd ot the Captains ('dUin'-, Pitchtord,'*' and Ourrv. ( )ii the 29th, in order to divide the enenn's atten- tion, and 1; cond the ([leratiinis ofthearmv, the admiral or- dered the IJ.r/.ibeth and Fa'.mtjuth to anchor as clofe to the town a>> the depth ot water would permit, and to entiladethc part propofed to be attacked. Although the water was too fhoal for the fiii[is to aj^proaeh ncr enough, their f!u)t had the deiired effeot ; throwing the ii, habitants into the greateli" terror and coiifulion. On the lit and 2d of October, it blew a mod violent fiorm, attended by turrents v( :.-.!n, v.hich endangered the whole kju drop. The Suuth Sea Calllc llore-ihip was driven ailiore, fortunately vv!th( ut beini; rr.aceriallv injured ; and in fuch a fuuation as proved extremely ufctu! ; her broadiide enfiladed the beach, which enabled her t.> lir.d the intrenchin2; tools, fiores, and jiroviiions (A'ith which flie had latelv arrived) without moleftatit n. By tiie uniLcd ef- forts of the fca and land icrre^, the iiciii.- was carri'.d on with the urcateft fjiiiit and activity. The enemy mru'e !e- veral d- fperate attem[^ts to ibirm our battrries and mcnt^ ; but were cac ii time rerulled v.ith a dreadful car- n.i.:'" ; as the f-rct< thev emp'o\ed on this drvice were cbiieilv con. [xifcd of IiKiian<^, armed only with bcuvs and ar- row>>, wb.i>, with a fiva:i;e feiocitv, rulli d (iii to tb.e very iru7/!es ('four pieces, .-.lid died luce wild beall*-, !:;nawin':'- thebav"r.> t-. On tfie 5th, a pi ::cf -cable br!':'.ch was !r..u!e in th;- (.T.emv's works, and the i;r\t moir.inj, at da'.-bu-.ik the tort was carried bv ftoiin. 'I he '^'<\ci\\. r ar.d iiniuip.d oti;ters re- tired to tlie citadt.1, whu h luir,/ m a dv;t neeb fs itate, they were loon obiit'ed to luruinl. r. Ti l..\e the city troni bein^ pillaged, tiic iidi.ib;tanls eiite: eii an aj;reemcnt to ra^'.li in it for ti'ur m.'.liv ns ot ti>.Il.u>;. One ndliicn jterlin-'^ was to be alh/ned to the bait- lr-.d:a Company, to: - J: ^. .:.:: A.':v:;-; C. ;i..i:i. \^i., I. C c the 38^ NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. the aid they afforded on the expedition ; and the following 1 762 vvas the only fum ever diftributed to the captors : / s. d. To the admiral, general, and commodore, 14,120 12 9 To the captains of the navy, and field ofE- "1 08 cers in tne army, each - j* oiy To the lieutenants and maders of the 1 6c a 8 navy, and captains of the army, each j j t To the warrant officers of the navy, and 'I Sn o c fubakerns of the army, each J To the petty offic ers of the navy, and non- \ -so i o commiflioned officers in the army, each j ^ To the feamen and foldiers, each - 6 O O Several large ihijs were taken in the harbour; and a coniiderablequanjry of naval and milit.iry ftores were found in the royal magazines, which enabled the admiral to refit the fleet, now become in a moft reduced and crippled con- dition. The lofs fuflained during the fiege was very inconfide- rable, when compared with the hardlhips and fatigue to which the troops and feamen were conftantly ex p Ted. Four officers were killed, "ve wounded, and two drowned. Twenty-eight feamen and foldiers were killed, one hundred and fix wounded, and eleven drowned.*'^ Captain Richard Kempenfeltf w^as appointed to afl as governor of the citadel of Cavite ; and was afterwards en- trufled with the admiral's difpatches to England. The colours taken at Manilla, at the requefl of General Draper, were hung up in the chapel of the college at Cam- bridge, of which he was a member. His Majefty made him a knight of the Bath; and Admiral Coriiifh was created a baronet of Great Britam: they alfo received the thanks of both houfes of parliament. * Officers killed.- -Maior Moore, Captain Strachan, 70th regiment Tjcutcnant Porter of the Norfolk I>icutenant Fryar, killed by the Indimswher. condui^ing the Spanifh Governor's Secretary into the town v.ith a flag of truce. Commodore "I'eddiman drowned the day after the furrendcr of Ma- nilla, inarrcmjiting to ciofs the bar of the river in his barge. Lieute- nant llardwirL.c, of tlie company's troops, drowned in the landing. + I.oltiiithc Royal George at Spithead in the year 1782, then rcar- admiial of the blue. During XAVAT. CHRONOLOGY. 38/ Durlri:^ the lircci Admiral Cornifh received intelligence A.D. that the galleon St. Philipina, was on her pall'agc from ^7^* Acapuica to Manilla. The Panther and Argo were in- Oantly fent in quelt of her. On the 30th c)f October Captain Parker difcovcrtcl a large fail off the Ifland of Ca- pul, and i;ave chace. A rapid and adveife current obliged the Panther to ancl)or ; but the Argo got alongfide of her, and after a fiiiart action of two hours, Captain King was conipcHed to fheer ofFto repair his damages. At nine the next morning the Panther came up with the chale, and engaged her within mufket fhot until eleven, when flie (truck, and proved to be the Saintiflima IVinidada, which had lailed from Manilla on the hrft of Augult, bound to Acaj-iulca ; but having encountered a heavy (torm, was difmalled, and on her return to refit. She was pierced for fixty guns, but had only thirteen mounted, and eight hundred men. The money and merchandi/e found on board were eftimated at three millions of dollars. In the mean time the Philipina had airi\cd at i';ilapa, a port on the iiland ot S.imar. The governor and principal merchants of .Manilla entered into an agreement with Admiral Coriuili and (jcneral Draper, that the galleon fliould be given up to the KngliHi, with all her trcalure and plate on board, provided they might be allowed to take out ot her as much money as would pay oft the re- mainder ot the four million of dollars which was due for the raniom of the city. 'I he admiial ami genc-ral having ac- re di-d to tliis piopofal, the Argo and Seaford frigates were difpatched to Palapa, with a deputation tiom the governor ot Manilla, ordeiing the general of the galleon to deliver her up to the hngliih. I lie captains ol the frigates uled every t flort tor three months to beat throu2:h the Straits of I'.mbocailcro, ag.iinlt a llrong N. t. monlu<.)n, during which time tiicy encountered \ ery tcmpctlunus weather ; and were frcqueiulv in imnuiicnt danger ot beinj; lolt. Thev weie .'.t leivrth c-hiiged to bear aw.iy tor .Manilhi with- out eflecting their purpi >((., ia a mull ih.attered condition, and in great want<.{ provinnns. S*'on after Adnuial Cornifh f.iilid for the coafl of Coro- mandel, leaving the halniouth and Se.iford tor the protec- tion ot Manilla i and with orders for C.iptain iJrercton to fail forPala[Uto ta^e potli-llion of the Lrallemi to loon as the Icaidii would [K'rmit. rh:=; commilHon never a['>pears to have been cxceuted, as nothin'j; more was ever heaid ot the cargo ot the Philipnu i and the Spainfti government rc- C c 2 fuled 3S8 NAl'AL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. fufed to pay the two million of dollars due for the ranfom; ^7^2 In future it ought to be a leflbn for Britifh commanders on fuch occafions to be cautious how they take hoftages. Captures made during this year. Taken from the enemy - - 120 The fupplies granted by Parliament for the current year were as follows: For 30,000 feamen, including marines "1 1 763 and ordnance for fea fervice or the ordinary of the navy, ir ha'f pay to Tea and m^-rine officers Towards rhebuildings, rebulldings, and 1 repairs of his majefty's fhips - j Towards completing the naval hofpitall at Plymourh - ~ " / Towards the fupport and relief of fea- men who cannot be provided for within the royal hofpital at Green- wich _ . _ - /. s. d. ,560,000 380,661 3 II 100,000 3,000 10,000 Total fupplies for the navy - 2,043,661 3 ii The total fupplies for this year amounted to 14,199,375!. 16s. 6d. The preliminaries of a general peace, which had been figned at Fontainbleau in the preceding November, were ratified on the ibi.h of February of this year, and proclaimed in London on the 22d. The complement of men for the fea fervice was reduced to 16,000, including 4217 marines. The fleets on foreign ftations were ordered home, and the whole paid off; about twenty fail of the line were recom- miffioned as guardihips ; and the officers appointed to com- mand his majefty's i'quadrons were as follows, viz. At Pcrtfniouth, Vice- Admiral Hoibouine ; at Plymouth, V ice- Admiral Pye ; in the Mediterranean, Commodore Thomas Harrifon ; North America, Rear- Admiral Lord Colvill ; at Newfoundland, Commodore Palli'er ; at the Leeward iflands, Rrar- Admiral Sir William Burnaby* ; Jamaica, Rear- Admiral Ricliard Tyrell ; Africa, Captain Archibald Cl'jvcLmd ; and in the Eaft-Indies, Commodore Tinkerf. Crcrircd a liprmut 24 Oflobcr, 1767. t Appeiidx, C:t,iii. II. No. i;i. Cliap, 1. No. 1 7, State of the TS'avy, aii'i Cii,.^\ 111. 'So. 7 and K, the [ok fullaiiicd by each power at war J''(;. the lill ut ila^ ofTifers, ab it ftood at the peace, lee 1762, pa.;UTence; but not with- anJ Cipe iJri tni>, .>r.d a;! iii three lc.ii.'u;'S ot' tl\e con- th.u [ri!t <'! ]. iii'iana which tincnt, or ulamU bcit)nt;ing is on th,c talt-iuie iil the to (Jreat Hnta'n ; and out river Millilippi, the town cT ut the (iu!ph, not within fif- New Orleans excepted, and teen !ea2;ues ot" the illand of the free navigation of that Cape Hieton. 'I'he r;o;ht of ri\'er. drying; their hfh on no other ji.irt (-f the ct)aft of New- fdijndland but C.ipe Bona V'ifhi to the noit.'iward, and fro:ii thc:v:c di.Avn the weft- em h(ie, ;;s tar as Point Riehc. The iilanvis of St. Pierre, and Miquiloii, were ceded to I'l ance, as a Ihelter for their fiihennen, on con- dition th,at no foi tiheatioiis, or other bui'.diiiiis wer-: to hi? erected the: eon, hut for the convenience (>\ t'le t-.lJiery. Cjreat l^ritain to keep the Prance had relhired tciher ilL'.Md^ of (i :(:;ada, the (ire- Martmico, (Ju.;d il Mp;, Ala- iiadiiic, and th.e neutral iflands ri^alente, and St. Pucia. of Sr. \ ineent, Donnnica, and Pi'ba^i'. To keep Seiie^.d (>n the The Ifland of (joiee le- coalt ot A'riea. ftored to 1 r.inee. /\!1 tlie coiup.iclfs made by ( Ireat L'rit.nn m "v.- V..i[\- Jnd;e<., wnii tir- ieitri^t]<>ri that i'Vanrc i- not to erect anv ! /rti!-M a;ioiis m ttie pro- VL') e o; i".; :i,:al. (lieat l^ritain to have the 'I 'he ;ii mu of l^eileifle to ifliuui of Mmoie.!, m the be iid-'K..! to h'ranee on the ianie condition as wlicn con- fnne condition ai wVxi'. con- quered, (iuered. C c 3 The SgO NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. The batteries and forts 1763 next the fea, together with the Carnattic, or ditch round Dunkirk, to be deftroyed. The towns of Oftend and Newport to be given up to the Auftrians. With Spain. Great Britain to be per- Spain to have reftored the mitted to cut logwood, build Havanna and its depeadea- houfes and magazines in the cies. bay of Honduras, but not to ereft fortifications. Spain not to fifh on the banks of Nev^foundland. To reftore all places (he may have con- quered from Portugal ; and cedes the province of Florida to Great Britain. Immediately on the peace taking place the Marine So- ciety, with that liberal fpint which at all times feems to animate its exertions, came to the refolution of receiving and making a provifion for all boys under fixteen years of age, who have been, or may be difcharged from his ma- jerty's fervice, by putting them out apprentices in the merchant fervice, on producing certificates of their good behaviour from their refpe<5tive officers ; or providing for them in other branches of trade : accordingly 295 boys made application and were provided for. A plan was propofed and prefented to the lords of the admiralty, by the lieutenants of the navy, for eftablifliing a iiurfery tor fcamen in time of peace, which was to employ 250 fail of fuch of the frigates, armed fliips, Sec. that might be judged beft calculated for the Greenland fifhery, making altogether 125,000 tons of fliipping ; to be com- inandcd by lieutenants, having under them 1,500 petty officer?, and manned with 17,000 feamen ; to be paid by government, and fubjel to the fame regulations as m the king's fci vice. Asa further encouragement, they fhould be entitled to the fame bounties and privileges as fhips crews employed I), the merchants in the whale fiiberics at Greenland and Davis's Straits. P\om an eftiniate of the gains made by the Dutch in this fifhery j it appeared that after NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. after all the charges of wear and tear ot the ftiips employed, a.D. there would be a >I i^OjOool. vearly. This plan docs it'jj iiot C'fiii to have been approved by the admiralty, as it was never adopted. A large body of failors prefontcd a petition to the king, requefting to have their R s taken oti" His majefty was gracioufly pleafcd to grant the requcft to all thofe who ihould appear by the b(n;ks ;u the navy oiiice, to have de- ftrtcd and entered again on board a Icing's fhip. A peti- tion was a!fo prefentid by another body of failojs, requeft- ing the payment of their pr zc money, which, according to cuffom, after a certain time, had been paid to Gieen- wich hofpital. On the 2 rh of Odo er the fliifting of the monfoon, on the C'laii of Coroniandel, was attended with a violent fturni, fe\eijl viiltls in Madras road foundered, others wtrc dri\en afh- re ;'.iid beat tt) pieces, the mort ut whole crews niiierablv j)eri(hed. The Norfolk, America, and W't vmouth, Were under the necefTity of putting to (ea, and returned a few days after difmaftcd, and in a very leaky cujitiition. H;s roval highiiefs the Duke of York embarked on board the Centurion, and proceeded to the Mediterranean with CcMiunodore iiarrilon. An account of ttie nunUicr of fcamcn and marine? cm- pliiwl duiing the war, with the number that appears to jriv.- he'll killed in ..olioii or by accident j alfu thole whj di/d of d.ltale (.i miilnM. Nuii.iH-r of Ir.tinen and marines employed - 184,893 Killvl in acli'ii or bv .iccident 1512 1 ... , Died bv i-ckiuls or milTn-.g I33,7':H J '' '35,220 Remaining on the books at the luw-oincc - 40,673 Allot '. hoin, excepting 16, '.CC, were paid off'. Sup()lics giaiueJ bv pailiamrnt for this year. i^6\ For l6,CCO men tor (e.i k-r\ ice, mcludm.; 1 .'. j. rl. 4287 maiines, and ordnance tor k.i > 832,000 o 3 (el vice - - - - J For the ordinarv of the navy, mciudintr^ ,, , ,, halt-pay to lea and marine oit.cers f For carrying on '.h' bui'id.n^' ol the 1 navy holpltal at i'lunouth - j ^i--- C c 4 Toward'^ 10)000 o o 200}000 O O y 1,231 17 SQQ, xNAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Towards the fupport and relief of fuch"^ ^7^4 worn out and decrepid feamen who I cannot be provided for in Greenwich j hofpital - - _ - J Towards the buildings, rebuildings, and 'I repairs of his niajelty's fhips, &c. j Towards paying off and difcharging the\ ^ debt of the navy - - - ? J > For paying a bounty of 2s. 6d. per day" to 15 chaplains; and of 2s. per day to 15 more chaplains, who have ferved longeft on board his majefty's fh!i)s of war, provided it appears by the books of the faid (hips, that they have been actually borne and mufter- ed thereon for the fpace of four years during the late war with France and Spain ; and provided likewife that fuch chaplains do not enjoy the be- nefit of fome ecclefiaftical living, or preferment from the crown, or other- wife of the prefent annual value of 50I. To Samuel Touchet, merchant of Lon-^ don, for the expence he has incurred in fitting out feveral velTels employed in the late fuccefsful expedition for the redudion of the French forts and } 7,000 O o lettlements in the river Senegal, and to fatisfy him for all fuch of the faid vefiels as were loft, or taken into his majefty's fervicc. J Supplies for the navy 2,ioi,Bco 9 9 The total fupplies for the year amounted to 7,712,562!. i8s. jd. Another trial was made of Mr. Harrifon's time-keeper on board the Tartar frigate, commanded by Captain John Lindlay, who was ordered to receive him on board and proceed to Barbadocs. On the 28th of March fhe failed from Spithcad, and arrived at Madeira on the 19th of April. 1 he corrcclncfs of the time- keeper is fet j-'-i in the following ccrtihcatc. NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. 303 " M:d/:r.:, //;'// I Q, 1 764. A.D. '' I .io herc-bv ccrtifv that vjltcrdav, at four in the af- ' 7'->4 *' tcrrio ill, .Mr. W' il..riiibii touK two altitudes ot '' tru- luii, tt> .iLtrtain the li.tTcrcivc ot Ic ii.;itudc j^ivcn by " the Uii!"-k-c,cr tVuni Pcrtlninuth ; accurdiug to wlii::h " <'ha rva.n.!',v, |-,l- dLcLtrcJ to nu\ w_- vvcrc- a', that time *' to;t\ t,",: .. :;'.i'- X c) t'lc cal^v^-ar*] ..t"i'(^rt(> i.uito. i then " l!ccrc\! .1 vli-".-t Ci^uilj I. ! it, and at one oMoflc this *' i;iiii!,;r \vj law 1*11- iil.uid, which cxacUy ai^rccd y,.M "' t.:;.- L:.It...'icc iiicr.'.MMcd ah.iv c. '' (r;.'.-; u>! Icr . ;v //;// r !':u: d hii '' M.nrils'i iiji'.> 'Jiirtiir. ' ' " JOIIVMXDSAY." A<; a hirth T proi.t' (^f it^ accur.ic-'.-, on du :2th of Alav, Mr. il.i:: i',.:i j!.-c..;rvi.! tlu: il.'ihi;;c-,- K\\r ihi;) \' from the illand (.f i;a:l-,,'.i! ..<;, and the next inonun/ at da\-hght it \va^ d.!, I,', :t^.!, a.'.J corrclp'ir.d.ii r\.i_tlv witli hi^ account hy the t.Mi^-Ki- .vr. Air. H.irnion returned to i'.n^land inaiiKi lui'it \ . .Ir!, .md arri . cd in LunJori on the 18th ot fu V, w,.>;.i iv- i,,i..;.J hv the^-lock; cx.unincd that dav by ine tran;:t ii;!* : i:nii nt, th.e t tne-!ceepcr only diilered 15 i'ecoiid> llow, ailowiivj; tor the vari.ition (t the ther- nioiuetvr as rnecitied m hi^ journal ; but without a!U)wing for luch \'.iriations, and abidm.'; by h> declaration of the umtonn Lia;n ot' one leconJ a dav, it had then gained 54 lecinds |;i ;n h:s d-.-p.'.rtuie. C)m t e \\\ ot I line .1 l-'rench (hip of" -4 ::un':, and two fina!!i;r v-dirls (.f, wrre li'nt troiii St. Doinin.M) to dil- po;i.^^ t.'',e l^r.tiih 'i^ttlers or lurks (hi a eoni- p'aint b:;'nj; n..: if to liu- court oi 1 ranci- of' this inrrin::c- iiKTit oi tile treaty of pr.icr ; il deMcd luvinj; anthnri/ed Inch a pr.icci viiiij, and inlla'itlv dii; atci,; d o'.dcrs to the Count iy}-.ilai!iL!, iiovernor ot M. l)o:iim^'o, toie'.'Te the illand m tfv: ftafc it was m, ai"! to in.ikr leparatioti for any;i:'e wliichtiic Ihitilh l<-ttlcis nii.'tit h.iv e luli.imed. Commodore Han lion, w lio in the Mcditcr- ranvan, beiti;: intormed that a ih p u.i.ic: l.n.:l;l!i r(>lour<; ha.i I'trn IfVrd ii'; ,ui .\'.:;- ,c f.l^.-d With his f(in.ivirun'e ti) the N. \V. (^n the 7th ot June, in ti:e latiluue ol 14 dejiees tive minutes l.iutli ; loniiitude 144 dc.'jee-. 5S mllull^ v.eil, aclulkrof Imall ;l].uui^ was d:lC"',\i ed. ( )ii .'.pprddcliii; ^ thi Ihoie, lever. d i.f the n.i- tives were upfei \ rd .'.rined w ith Ipe.iis a:iii cliib>, coinmL^ d i\v;i to ihi-beic!i. C'dcd.i nut tiee> were (I'cn in iireat ab:n!.ince; .md Ir^m tl;c luxuriant appearance of ihefc )lJ.u;''.^- maii\- (/.'aer nait^and ve.r-liWe- ini 'htbe cxpcv^ted. !'> : t- \''C!e le.'it I > . i.uia .u;J. ti.ul a j i^'p^. to I.irul ; PI'-, e.ei\- p.trt ol ;'; c".iti \\ .i- iiiUiiJ to be maccellil^le, bei::.: ' 'a;u!.\l !- . ,1 :pe:ivl./U> mek^, en wli;efi a n\ A\ \\-'- le:u I ::t ei,>;:f!.Lir i;.' i'lcke. Tiie ciil. -.pp iint, nr:u tri;.v 4JK.rl,i; 'Mj; ij tl.v {!;:ps c;"cw~, \^ho uerc bejii.n:::^'. i;..;. 396 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. to experience the efFels of a moft inveterate fcurvy, 176). Thefe iflands extended to 15 degrees lO minutes fouth, and 169 degrees 28 minutes weft, all appearing equally fruit- ful, and as equally inacceflible ; to the firft Mr. l^yron gave the name of King George's Iflands ; to the others, Prince of Wales's Ifland, the Ifliaids of Danger, and the Duke of York's Ifland ; from the laft he procured about 300 cocoa nuts. The commodore continued fteering to the N. W. until the 2d of July, when an ifland was difcovered; and on their approach, feveral of the natives were obferved coming off in canoes, but brought them no refrefhments, although the ifland abounded in cocoa-nuts. Thefe people were extremely favage in their manners, and (hewed no defire of intercourfe. The officers, in compliment to the commodore, named this Byron's ifland ; it h'es in the la- titude of one degree 18 minutes fouth, and longitude 573 degrees 46 minutes wtfl. Leaving thefe inhofpitable iflands, he fleered for Tinian, from thence to I'ataviaand the Cape of Good Hope; and on the gth, 1766, anchored in the Downs, having performed a voyage round the world in twenty-two months and lix days. 1765 Supplies granted by parliament for the prefent year. / s d For 16,000 men for fea fervice, includ- 1 o ' o A \ (' 83:5000 o o mg 4207 marmes and ordnance, J -^ ' For the ordinary of the navy, including \ half-pay to fea and marine oflicers, J ^ nii^ S Towards the fupport and relief of de-^ crepid feamen, who cannot be pro- > SjOOO o o vided for in Greenwich hofpital, J Towards the buildin2;s, rebuildmgs, and ) repairs of his majeity's fhipS) &c. J Towards difcharge of bills payable in'S courfe of the navy and victualling V 1,500,000 O o olHces, and for tranfports, J Bounty to chaplains, as in the preced- ^ , ^ ' ' ^ > 1,231 17 6 ing year, - - - j ' o / Supplies for the navy, - ^^ 2,945,966 8 9 ^rhe total fuppllcs granted, 7u^'i->^9'^ ^3' *^ On the I ft of July, the officers of the Panther were tried by a court-martial, on a charge exhibited againft them by 200,000 o o NAVAL CHRON'OLOCV. ^C}J Cjptuiii Tinker, thtir comniamlcT, '\\\c clnrgcs heii:'^ .\.Ti. luilv proved at^.iiiil! ihr tu'l niul (conii'l liu'.uciuiu?, tiny '/^^'S wcic liifinitliil tl.c Lrvirc ; l)i.t as tlnv were i)nl\ proved iit ]).irt agaiiut ihc third lita;c::jnt, he \va^ K-pr;ina:i(lc(!, aiul tlif nialtcr a*."(jtiittcd. Iti the Line month a board o{ uingirinlc uas IicM at the avluiira!t\, when ttie marine table Iwr fiiuliiii; r'.L !<'Mg;tndc at lea, bv the l.unai method, iii\enied bv Mr. W'l'.Jicli, was tak'.-n into conluieraC'iii and .ipprn^cd. A tlicid.iiid p.oiiiut,-- was t)rdered 'o be advaiutd to t-iuliie tlie luvtnti'rti carry it nito exeouti ^n ; who, wi'h Mr. ll^ac J.Miri'-, jun. Air. \V'd!L^, of Greiiiwieh, ami Mr. .Xrajdo;), win ap- pointed computors ot a nautical Kphe:r.cri.-, ti r the iile ut luviijatioii and allron',;mv. A[)out the midiile ot Sjpten-.ber, a violent I'.uirie.iiie in the W'cll-Iiul:.-. did r,.-\'A>rr.x\rr ,'.imn^u-nt the ;ll .n.!^ ct Ala: tmuine, Giiadah'iij)'--, i ) "Uiii i .1, S'. C'mi: ll pher'-, and M uintfiTiat ; a I'jeat iriinbei o! VlIIcU \'> ere hd, anvl manv U^\\h peri!', vl. 'live ['reiuh h(!ieroT n at Xi-vvt' .iiiuratul I'avinc; ^''e^tly txeecded the l^nits wtiu h th.ev were allowi J hs tht ',;. :>.tv c-r peaee. Commiio i^Te Pahil^r eon.peikd th.eni to k.,p v\iti)in tile bounds [in f.ribcd. \'ice-.-\d!uiral I'lr \\ nnrnain', wh'i ervnnnihld at Jamah a, pi.iCeede.l t.) tiie \i\\ o! H'M.luias to ru:-.- llate the Brititli letllers who had 'hctti di iwii oiit b\' tl:e Sp.ini,i'd<. .\ bid ))ail(d in i>ar'i.!mcnt tl-i- \car ! -r iiiii^rovuv^ thr harl'our cjt l ' IT':' ; :. 1 " ma: -iiev an.l o;ilr,,ir. -(, j I'or t!i' Old! i.i: V ' f di'- n.a \ . M,e!i. h:-.^ 1 h.i.t p.i\ to ha :m,.i m o 1;,. 1 W.^w-^ / ' '^ ToAard-.;iit bn ' i U-. ;. 'Mi.liiiC' . ai;d \ rrj'.rr^ ot in-- m.i" .t v '- Ihiji-. i\.'. [ ,5-: J O O \^m\- r.r,,! : -!i ..:: ! v!:h ::a'^': . 1 -!.debto|ti>en..^^. - ' ' | ' ::: --"'X: O O S.iipbes toi the navy, - {2.r,li:i?>i 6 ^ I"t:e to'.;! Iiipp'i.s gianted, _^'S,2-',2^: 11 i CV-i SpS NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. On the 28th of March, Captain Tinker, of the Panther, ^7^^ lately returned from the Eaft-Indies, was tried by a court- martial onboard the Superbe, in Portfmouth harbour. The charges not being proved, he was very honourably ac- quitted. The court alfo gave further as their opinion, that be had, in every refped, behaved like an able and good officer, and worthy the command that had been repofed in him. In the month of Auguft, his majelly's fhip the Dolphin was again fitted out to proceed on a voyage of difcoveries, under the command of Captain Samuel Wallis. The Swallow floop of war, Captain Carteret, was ordered to accompany her until they fhould have cleared the Straits of Magellan. On the I2th of April, 1767, they entered the Pacific Ocean, and feparated. The Dolphin fleered to the we(f ward, and the Swallow to the northward. On the 6th ci June Captain Wallis difcovered feveral iilands lying be- tween the latitudes of 19 and 13 degrees 18 minutes fouth ; and the longitude from 137 to 177 degrees wefl. To thefe he gave the following names, viz. Whitfunday, Qiieen Charlotte, Egmont, Gloucelter, Duke of Cumberland, Prince William Henry, Ofnaburgh, Bofcawen, Keppel, Wallis, and to the ifland of Otaheite, which has been io much fpoken of, and frequented fince, he gave the name of King George the Third's Ifland. After remaining at fome of thefe iflands to water, and refrefh the {hip's company, Captain Wallis returned to England nearly on the fame loute with Captain Byron; and arrived in May, 1768. We will now return to Captain Carteret, who, on the 12th of Auguft, 1767, difcovered a fmall clufler of iflands which lye between the latitudes of 11 degrees 10 minutes, and 10 degrees 15 minutes fouth ; and from the longitude of 164 degrees 43 minutes, to 165 degrees four minutes welt : to thefe he gave the name of Queen Charlotte's Iflands. Here they were amply fupplicd with refrefli- ments, fuch as hogs, poultry, cocoa nuts, plantains, ban- nanas, and other vegetable produfHons; until an unfortu- nate difputc arofe between the natives and failors, which cut off all friendly intercourfc; Captain Carteret therefore put to fea, and foon after difcovered three more iflands be- tween the fevcnth and ninth degree of fouth latitude, and the 159th degree of weft longitude. To thefe he gave the names of Gowcr, Simpfon, and Carteret's Iflands: to the latter KAVAL CHRONOLOGY. 3p() lultcr a boat was fcnt to procure'nts ; but the na- A. D. tivc- atrcmptiiig to cut her otf, flic was olili^id to return to ' 7^^ t\v: ihip. On the 26'h ot Aiigult, the Swallow anchored in s \:(>\c, on the illaiul of New Biitain. This ifland was Ion id to be extremely fertile, aftording a variety of Iriiits and ve^ttab'es: the cabbage tree is here in great abundance. The woo<{s abound in hirdh. ; a nioft uncom- nvm one was ()t>(ervcd, whole phimat;c is black, and its note relembles the barking ot a dog. The natives appeared in lircndvc and friendly; their canoes arc ex'ieinely large, fome ab i\c ninety feet in length. On leaving this i(iand, C.iptain Carteret paiied tlirough a ffrair, to which he gave the name or St. Cicorge's channel ; and to the oppofite illand, New Irelaiid. Continuing t ) lleer to the N. W. he dilcovered fcvcral other iflands belwten the fecond and third degrees of foiith latitude, and th.e 148'!) and I46ih de- gree of wcfl longitude ; tlicle he named New Hanover, Portland, and the Admiralty Iflands; tliey had the appear- ance of being very fmithil. On the 25th ot September, in tlie latiiiuU of 50 minutes north, and longitude 137 cl<;- grees, 51 miiuircs ealf, three fmall iflands were dirc(.)vered, to which Captaii\ Carteret gave the name of the Freewill Iflai-Jb, frt)m the friciully manner in which the natives come of] and bartered with the Tailors, who they invited alhorc, propoling to leave hoRages for their fafe return. One of iheic poor fellows, when the Ihip gnt under fail, tell fo mucli attachcif to hi.^ new friends, that he could ii(;t be pre- vailed upon to go on ihorc. Capta.n Carteret llu-weil hiui every cure and attention; but on the ihip'^ arrival at tl.c Cel 'v. -, he was t.ikt n ill and liuvi. Itie SualK)wprv)- ccedi (1 to ['atavia, and from thcru c to luu'l uul, and ar- rived .it Spithead m the month of Ma h, 176 y. On lur pail-ige home, the fell m with La i> >ii iiuf'- j'lench inente, commanded b\ M. I'oiigainviiK , who hail failed troni I' ranee in the vear 176') on a xovageol difc' \eries. SujipHe^ ^ranted by pari anient for the curreil \car. l*nr 16 000 men for ica fer\ ce, iiuliidmi: 7 .^ ' o i ( i " U.COO O 4287 marine^', ami ordiKUu ' for tia\ \ \ -' I'oi the ordinary ot the fiavv, im' liidii-; I I u- (-' I .! > 409.177 4 ^ lialf-pay to tea anl ma; in oMiarv. ^ ^ /' > / -r .1 Towards the biiiMint'-, rel'u I.!. ni^s. ami } o c \ a ' n ^ 208,144 O o repairs of his majeifv s ffiips, \c. j j > -t-r l.r o 400 KTAVAL CHRONOLOGY. 300,000 O A. D. For purchaCng a quantity of hemp to") ^7^7 replenifli his majefty's magazines, 3 ^ ' Towards difcharging the debt of the \ navy, ^ - - j That the half -pay of the lieutenants of his majefty's navy, is unc'-ual to the rank their commiffions bear, and the time they have been in his majefty's fervice. Supplies for fea fervice, _^i, 869,321 4 3 Total fupplies granted for the year, 8,527,728 o 6 A bill pafTed during the feffion of parliament, to erecl a pier at St. Ive's, in Cornwall. For the alteration which took place in the command of his majefty's fquadron, fee Appendix, Chap. II. No. 152. On the 17th of September, died at Monaco, his royal highnefs the Duke of York, vice admiral of the blue; his corpfe was put on board the Montreal frigate, commanded by Captain Philips Cofby, and brought to England. On the I ft of November fhe arrived at the Nore, where the Mary yacht was lying, which received his royal highnefs's re- mai' s, and proceeded with them to Greenwich On the 3d of November they were depofited in the royal vault in King Henry the Seventh's Chapel, Weftminfter. The follow- ing admirals fupported the canopy over his royal highnefs's coinn : Sir Edward Hawke, K. B. Thomas Frankland, Efq. Duke of Bolton, Sir Charles Hardy, Knt. Sir Charles Saunders, K.B. Sir Samuel Cornifli, Bart. Francis Gearv, Efq. Sir Geo. Bridges Rodney, Bt Sir Peter Denis, Bart, bore the train of the Duke of Grafton, who, as Garter principal king at arms, was chief mourner. ^/'^ Supplies granted by parliament for the current year. For 16, coo men for fea fervice, includ- 1 in'i; 42S7 marines and fea ordnance, f For th^' ordinarv of the navy, including! half pay to fea and marine ofTiccvs, f Towards the huildiniis, rcbuildings,and 'I repairs of iiis majefty's fhips, &c. j /. 832,000 s. d. 416,403 277>945 Upon N A \ AT. CIIROXOI.OCJ Y. 101 Upon on .iccount (4 {:\c rcJuccci oiTiccrs 1 ^ , A J. nd marines tor 1760, - J ' Supplies for the n.ivv, - /' 1,658,-82 o The tr.tal fiipp'ie- .rrantci!, /_' 8,3 :; 5,-4.6 11 2 r^ii :':.: 2.5:!! (I l-i'TMar \', M.iniT;;' r^, [*M- pi j;c:;\il (V;l P'lrt IhIwil', ..!.' tv) 1I-, Jcr Ar.\-, in the I'.,i!{ hii.-s t..'fw.;ri by t!u- c.):npaiiv\ tci an.l huu! orc;'^. Fh,- _'.',r ! iloii lift in the fuit being toj v.;\ik to reilH the repv::- d .ttt.icks ot UydLi's troopii, was ob'iitjrJ to lurreiiJei aliiv.);' iiuine- diately after, a:id ni.ide pr,!o;iL;s. In the month (A June, liis hi^iru-rs th_' Duke of Cu:iibe:l.inJ einhai i^td ;i> a mid.'lrpinan fri;.^.i'e, ejmniar.deJ by the h 'nju: able L\i[ Bar- rin:;ton. ( )ii tiie !?.;!i(i" A'lMi!}, the kinj of I) -nniark landed at Dr.:-: tid.n v,\ b-.a^d'lie Marv \ arht, conriianded b', Cap- tain ] )'):\ Cam; brli. {!> Dandh inad-^;lv remain' d in l.;;_'and imtn ilic I2th (! v)^t>.bei, wh'-iib.e again embaric- cl r,n b a-d the Marv. and laded tor Cala! . Mr. Ci'lc's [vamp, v/hiJy b.a i been inv.-p.ted in tlie vea.r lj^'.[i \'.as cedcred b\' the b-uird of adnnr.ilr v to ba a '.am tr.edon board thie S-ailord trig :te m Por'h n .ii',;i h.i.Iviur. It was f >n;.J :hAt wi:!i f-u: :t p-i;n:-..d o;it a ton of \v..tT - in 4 "5 I'-aieid- and a b..df. v.'i'ii t'.v m n, - ni 5 5 i.-e ,:'.d-. . :. i wiicn ci; .Acd Wit.i llni'.g'e hadlail, it was c'ea-ed in t ''ir tni:aire.-. 1 he old jiimip, w.'.'i Icven \r,\"A, punv,;ed out ona t( n of wa'aT - in -) leeonds. With I'.r.i;, - in Si feaoiub, and f.V(i men o,<';'d 1; It m vv tha [lump; aad wla-n ih lalod ,v:-!i ilriia' a bai!a:^, ic (!>'.i'd n :t t' f b.-.r.d u;rd tiie \',.aei w.o !M:Ied, or pvimpeJ out > f the !add. I'hirly th s 'ae.:r t''aa I^)\.d Socictv j^refen'e.i a r-'n-mo-ial tn his i:\;;clt ;, cxpoaiiv^- ot a w \''.\ tnat pr 'j-^-r \\ da's iii:ahr be apixun'e-i t^i !ail 'o :hv f r'', aaaol, t" o'^f rve th? trandt.a \ emis (I'/rr tha' -ir'-; ! -.h 1' ::i. rh-adrurdiv a; cord: n^lv f -r ta:s i" r. h'a par. 'aif. d ;n ihid, aa ur b ;:k, and fittcvi hicr oat m afl :tlp'aat> e. .-: fa i'l; -ii a. \o\ . tV.e CM:;i:naral \' eon'iru'd oii [oa'it'. naa;t I 'Ma. C %, who wa- a menfuer ot tt^,e !' -..d S;<.utv. fI.,C'. a'. . \'CL, I. 1) i ' (,;..;. 102 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A. D. Green was appointed aftronomer. Mr. Banks (the prefenfi ^7^^ Sir Jofeph) and Dr. Solander, two gentlemen of extenfive knowledge in natural hiftory, embarked on board the En- deavour as companions to Mr. Cook, whofe inftruc- tions were to proceed to Otaheite ; and after having made the necelTary aftronomical obfervations, to fail on difcove- ries in the Pacific ocean, to explore the coaft of New Zea- land, and from thence to return to England. On the 3d of July, the Endeavour failed from Deptford ; and on the lith of April, 1769, fhe arrived at Otaheite. The fa- vourable accounts given of this ifland by our countrymen, who had before vifited it, were confirmed by Mr. Cook, who mentions the fingular qualities of a tree which grows npon the ifland, whofe nut will allure the fifh to rife on the fiirface of the water; and they become fo flupified by its eft'ects, that they are taken with the greateft eafe by the hand. Mr. Cook having completed the fervice for which he was fent to Otaheite, failed from thence, accompanied by one of the natives, from whom he learnt, that at the dif- tance of a few leagues there were many more ifiands, which he difcovered . From the friendly and courteous manner of the native?, he named them the Society Iflands. At the end of fix weeks he made the coaft of New Zealand, which Mr. Cook accurately furveyed, and difcovered it to be two large iflands ; he failed between them, and named the paf- fage Cook's Straits. The iflands are reprefented to be very fruitful, with a great quantity of fine wood growing on them. The only animals feen are dogs and rats. The na- tives are a v*'ild favagc race, delighting in war, and are re- puted cannibals. Thefe iflands are fituated between the la- titude of 34 degrees 22 minutes fouth; and 47 degrees 25 minutes fouth; longitude from 166 degrees eaft, to 180 degrees eaft. On the 31ft of March, 17 70, Mr. Cook took his departure from thefe iflands; and on the 19th of April ai.chored in a bay on the coaft of New Holland. The fhore appearing to abound with a great variety of fliri bs and plants, he gay.- it the name of Uotany b-iy. The natives rclbn-sHl'^ thofe of New Zealand. Mr. Cook conti- nued h\> c: uiTc a!;>n:^ flicre, exploring the coaft until the lotli of June, v.ii'jr; at eleven at ni!.';ht the fhip on a fuddca ftruck vvitii git.-it vi(>ie:i':e on a rock ; fhe fortunately beat over it, i>ut was n.iiiid fo exirer/ic'y leaky, that with three pumps ihc could ::ci b.- kcpi free. At day-1 ght the next mornintr NAVAF. CHKOXOLOGV. Au3> niorniiig lanJ was (l.lcovcrcJ at tl i- d^Oance C'f t'.^^.-.t leagues, oil thnr apprc arfi the ihi'ic was b xindod t r a conlKlfraMc diilancc with rceis''t i^oral rock, Dvcr wIulIi a tri'inciul'X.iN flirt conllantlv hrok:'. I' \va>; iiiijvillibl*.' tor them t') arKluir w:ii;i'Mt tde (iaiij^cr ot i^-jr.lliii.c; hv ihi;)- vvrt-ck ; ttic onlv evpcilRiu left was to tinier a fail and draw !t ii:,;!(.r the |]ii(j'.> b.iitoni, which m a ihort tunc haJ the le'irt 1 idcd, atul r.diict-d the leak fo tnii> li as to make it nccc(!.:iy to work ()ii!\ one pump. On the 14'h, the Wiathcr htmg mode-rate, Mr Cook llood in, and .niehored ahoiit two tildes from the (liore. Upon exp'.oiing the C(ia!t a hnall haiboiir was difccvcrcd, into uh;ch diev run the Oiip ; as ir [lad given thetn relict in the time of tlicir f'lihels, Mr. Cook named it Kiufeavoiir River. I'he leak being lioppfd, and having taken on boarii Inch refrelii- nv'i^'.s a- t[ie place all )idetl ; Mr. C"> k purliicd his vcnage, iticiing .i'nn^ ih Tc 10 tie .M'>[ih'.\ ard, and pailed l)etweeii Ne.v G;; and Nev. il(.l!aiKl, to tins channel he gave tl'c iiHir.e ol I'i'u^civour S'lJits. beinr the hrlt lliip tliat [lad eser tailed through it. Air. Cook, having now ex- poffd ih'- V. diole eadern coal! of New llolland, tcK)k pof- lelh'in ot It in the na'ne ot !i!s Bntann:c Mjjeli\, under t.he 2p[el!.i[: "n ol New Soiitli Wales He jiruceeded irotn thence to the ill iM(l of Timor ; then foliataua; and on th.c I2'h ot J dv I 7" I, he arr.ved in En.dand. Siijipr.e? grai.'ed by pailiament. i-'cr i''i,COC n..:i tor ka [er\i."e, in "^ eluding 42lsy n'.ariiie^ and lea (jrd- V i;,i!ice . - _ . J ]. 'I A.I). i76i 'or til',- - rd'Lirv oi tlie na'. v, includii^i^ 1 !..dl-p.iy to lea .md marine oHu r- / ird,. I' a I it ri pail ruvsard. I , the i Si bu; : lin^>, rebiiddiiig'-, ^ ( I ill-- til. 1) -lis '^ :hips, t\c. j .;::g (dl and dilcharging 1 the na\ y - " " J )l'l:e> foi ihe iia\ V /. .f. cL 352,003 410.255 8 I 282,41,^ 4^^,000 1,(^2 }.,boS 8 I Total fopplies granitd _ {/^-^^^ CG^ 4 lO In tl;e inonth ol Jimf a I'Vench li iMie ha\ itig anchor, d in the Down^, without pay n;^ th.c nlual Compliment to the Briidli llji;, Capt.nn John Hollwdl, w h.o uas the fenioi idhcc;, Ivin.g thcic in tlie Apoiln frigate, lent .1:1 ot- iicer on boaid tudenian I the ciidomarv faliitc ; t!.e i-ru'ch l-> d 2 ' capta;:; 404 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. captain rcfiiRii to comply, upon which Captain Holt- ^7^^ v\ell itnnicJiatcly ordered the Hawke {loop of war to fire two (hot (n'cr her, v. hen he thought proper to fahitc. llic Couit ot Diredors of the Ea{i-In(Ha Company niadc appiicatiou to ^^overnment for fome ihips of war to be lent to India. Accordingly two frigates were ordered to be fitted out by the admuahy for this fervice, the eom- inaiul was conierred on Sir John Luidlay, Knt. who was apjmuitcd a commodore, and hoilted his pendant on board the Stag frigate of 32 guns, commanded by Captain Jofepir Deane. 1 he other was the Aurora oi 32 guns, com- iuai;ded by Captain lipomas Lee, who did not fail till fome tiiue after the Stag, he liavmg been appointed to take i;ut Meffrs. Vanfitatt, Scarfton, and Ford, the company's iiiptrvihjrs. Tliis Ihip arrived in fafety at the Cape of Good Hope ; hut after her departure frotn tlience was jicver more heaid of; fo that the miferable fate which be- le! her crew to this day retnains unknown. Cajnain 0"H:ira, of the Merlin {loop of war, v/ho was llationed on ihe coaft of Africa, v.b.ile furveying the coad .)f a fina!! illand in his tender, was enticed on fhoie by the nalivts, wii J nruid^rcd him and his btnit's crew. Some milcoiulucl. luwing been attiibuted to tl;e (;lliccr who com- manded: ilic teu'der, for not affording relief to Ids captain ; he w as bsv-ughr to a court-martial ; but nothing appearing to crimiinatc hm'-!, he was acqintted. The Tanker Hoop ('f war, commanilcd by Captain . Anthony Hur.t, v, as fjnt out to eflahliih ll,e claim of Great Bf-ain to Fjikland's Illand. Whde there fhe fell in vvitli a Spa:;:;!) fch-oone'-, taking a furvey of the illand'^. Captain lliuM ordered lier to defild, alledging that the illaiids ap-.xTiainedi to his Britannic rvLjefty. The ichooner departed, [)i;t in a lew (!..i3s returned with a Spanill) offi- cer, ccrr^n.ii'vjnc'ti by i'.c governor ot Port S )lidad, to offer cverv ki^xi of reiVL-iimiert ai:d alfilance that Captam Hunt iriight ;; quire; co!^.c!:!d:ng tlie Tjmcr was diiveu in by lifL-i-s I'f V, .-.ilier. a!id ;f,.it the captain ot (lie Spanilh fvlioor.'.r (i,.d n.irr('prv,(ei;ied t') him the adual reah)n of ius I'-.i'".^ ti :, : ' -, ifi'n t!",e contrary, i!;e governor di- ;cc!. d '',;. ill I ::..[ \:- d-vu-^ , :'S ihc donnnion of ihofb I'i a'> i," io! ,_ ': I'll !v t) :]:c iv;ri.: (>t Spam. C..piain Hunt u:i,1:l-1, '!.. . i.: .: ! :..r'iii ;.i the rigiit o! his i;riiannic Ai ijefij '> i.i..' :..^:,.'j ; Ij.. ;dir would he lufier the officer tQ \ \ V .\r. CiintKvor.or, V. .10-, 1 v'.f'A tlic rcttlrnunf, or tf.c vtfit! ]\v rainc ifi to cnt( r the ! irixM.T. A Iciv \v(.';k^ .iiitT I'M- lu'i S|>!n;()i fii'j^i'c'; ar- r;vci! at P'Mt l-i^n'ont, iiiniir tfif pr;t'-i'.vc it wjiniii^ wa- ter ; the ( i'ivimrii.iliii4 (.iiKc r aj j): .nui iL'tid'aiit < t ihf ior- V\i:t t[:;iil.iC ti Ti , bi:t iit t'lc l.tinc iiiiic txp^- lltni min.h (nr- ]in/c at l(vii)'^ the Hntilh ti.ii^ !i\ iru_; )r l'i!.:hirHi; and arrive,! at i'l\ .in mm h 1:1 ;fu- iik ;,ih (d fiHie, i"o. iv'.u u h: II. <_ he tji'.\arded t.) tic adm;ia!t\ ati ^. i" tint (d h, pt' ve d:i' '-. AD. 1;, M IC^.CCO o o ^Mpp:les L:r.:!i'ev; t;y pai hair.ctit. I' or i^C'') mill lor I.m (erv ec, 111 ^ /. s. d. eluding 4-H" n;aii:!-s a::>l lea i^rd- > 8)2,CC-D o O nance . - . - J Ft>r the ordiiiar\' "t I'tic r;:i\ \, ii^i h.'thn*; | li.i'it-pav til lea ac l in. mi, fii, ei ^ f I'liAards the hiiii.lii;^-;, r( hiihdMi:-, ^ ^, and lej' '. >: !i:s in I ; t \ - mi ;'-. t\ . j > ' 'I owaid-- iiavi!M_j nil .n.d dilehai|;i; l; ^^ ;!;e (i,!.<,r ;hci;.>\v - - ] A- c . i;rp; n- at '(111 \<< hia.'Kis l).i[>\, ii:e:. huiil ol Loud ,n, lor (he d.i- VA.ij^. s ;. ii.i'h li.d-if i Iv, tl-- in.p- p '.^'- an 1 1- ds I.; ii^ ihip. t .id:- I ihe ' Ih iiaiiina, at M ill 'M, !n I t.!; r i :! ; the i lie A I'uiial Nhittfi, v -, jnd , h\ the ide .iiid d '.I ei id h- ih'p I I'laiK 1^. li'. 'i:d r ni 1 *;e Ci lUiinaiiuer I v\ his in.i| ii'. '> liei Is - - J , I V Siipphes till Ml, havy (iipidus ^-lanicd I f ) . S -" ' ^ ; ij /'4S^ - ^ i On the i;i.'i id hetnu.uv a i, ir.iii^e n 'k ''.,,- .: 'iie boaid ol udm.ia',;-, , a:id ni ih,- cmile ut tiie . .ai nian\ id' 406 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. the commanders of his majef^y's fquadrons wpre relieved. 177 See Appendix, Chap. IV. No. i. and Chap. II No. 53, On the 27th ol July his majtfty's dovk-yard at Portf- mouth was (et on fire in five leparate p'ace*^, .( biiin* with great furv for a conildeiaoi^; tinie, and was with c' {hculty extinguifhed. The damage fid'oined by this dreadful con- flagratu^n was eftiniated ai '4q,b8('l. A reward ot loool. was offered by governanTit Un the difcovery or apprehen- fion uf anv perfan concerned m it. On thfr 22d of Septembi i- ihe Favorite fjcop of war, comuiandtd by Captain MaJby, arrived at Porifmouth from Falkland's Iflands. Ciii'iain Maiby related, that foon after his return fo Port EgaK)nt, fiom the coaft of Patagonia (where he had been to lelieve the crew of the Svv'irt floop, who had been wrecked the preceding March in Port Defire*), five Spanilh trtgates arrived, having on board a body of troops and a traiii of artillf ry. Captain Farmer (late commander of the S'^ift and fenior officer) being convinred that the nature oi the Spaniards' vifit was hoftile, went on fhore with his uun cievv to proit61: the fettlement, whole only defence was a liiiall block-houfe: at the fame tmie he ordered C.ip'ain Tvlaloy to r^nchor the Favorite as dole m as her diaii o: water \vould permit, and to land himielf with 50 of his men, two fix-poui^ders, and fomc fwivels. Upon this the Spaniards anchored three of tiieir Irigates oppoiiie 'he block-h(.uie, and besjan to fire upon it, a lew ihot wcf^. Cm^-s returned, when Captain Farmer held (Hit a fi g of truce and capitulated. By one of the articles i' wa^ a^Ttcd that the Favorite fhuuld have permifTion to return to E^'gland, fo foon as the governor of Solidad, or his deputy iluu.ld airiveatPort Egmont. In order to fecure the compliance with this article, the Spa- niards unhung liei rudder, and 'ook it, with feveral ofjier fails on fhore. The Captains Fanner and Maiby flrongly * Onlv tlirec of her crew periflK-d. The remainder owed their rrr-JLi vation K, the di-re'-niir,ed and refolute conduit of Mr. Wiiham V'v'hite the inafter, and {\y nt the crew, who undertook to proceed to IV;; t 1'.:. !!,(;m in an open cu.trer, where at tbt: expiration of three weeks t\,c\ ai.i\ed, h; V inji eiK ouirered iTi;!ny difficulties and danircrs. lu the vear i-So tiiis <:entlenian uas promoted to the conirnand of the Opoit'. {hxp ,i uai hv Commodore lohnflone at l^ifbon. In the year T7S;, hi wa^ advaiicLd in the Ea(l-Jr.dies b-'jii) tlic Mound toiiic'San C'lrlos 0150 guns; and at prelLiit is the reeulatiiig-oihcer at Livcr- jH 0!. rcmonftiatcd KAVAI, CIinOXOLOGY. .107 U!r,> in ilr-UcJ againlt this fnfh mark of ii.fnlt, but to no -f^I^- inirpoli-. Slic was at laU luflc-rcil to (It-part; and on her ''J"** pjH-igc to Eni;!arKl tell in with a Spanilh t;allcon, when it bct-atnca matter of dchaic bftwciii the cap!ain*> and ofh- CiTS, uhtilur thcv would not be- jiiltifi d in fn/ini; this i}y\\ liv wav ot iLliitiition tor the'.litio ei)inmittcd and indilt oHcrcd to the Biitilh tiai^ at Fort Kgniont. The in.iji>ri:v wtrc aj^amll the iiu'-diire, and Oc t^alUon was jKrinitted to [)roccci.l on lier \o\d-^c. In coidrtpicncc (jf tiic abcnc intelligence fixteeii laii ct the were orcirred to be imtncdiatelv put in coinmifli m ; pref-^-warrants nere illucd, and retide/.vous opened t^r feairen to enter into the navv. His Majeitv in- procLunaiion otlered a b(>utitv ol thirty (liiliings to able leanieii, \\\\o (liouK! etiter into the lervi. e. 'i he IoHowuil; cities and fuvn^" oflercd an additi'Mial bt'unt\-, \i/-. London tonv (luliiii^s to alilc feamen. Irift>)! twentv dm '. jMontrotc -two guineas to a!)Ie, aihl one to oriiinary feamen. IMinbnrfdi ditto, liitto. Aberdeen cr.e L;'.i!:iea to able, and hftcen fhil'ings to ordmarv. Lvnn ()!.e mir'.ea to :;ble feamen. In Oct ih( r 111- Hi. i i. , ordered the io'Iowing promotion c^t' ila:; (-:I'.cers, \'i/ . Oaober 5tb. I'i'.e II '[;. j Ik". Forbes "( To b.' Adinir:di of the l;ancis iJ ntjuiiirie, h bj. j \\'h;te. (Jcto!>er iS'li. S r Tlioiiijs I'ranklai.d, I' |)i:ke of V, :: .;, Sir email's iia.::v. K;.:. I'.arl ot NonU-.K Sir Charli'- S.i:i dci^, k. B. ThcMi'u-^ l'\ . I .'i|. Sir S nnnel (.'iii';"i, I'art. J'^ ( ie.:r\ , Ij-j. S;r (;. oi.;r l!r ,'>': - Rod-icv. Ikli S r WMIiam lM.;::abv. Hart. J itnes Yuun ^ Lli[. I)d 4 Adtnirals of the Hluc. \''ce-.'\dni!rats of tic- ked. Xiv'- Admirals ot the White. 408 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. Oaober i8th. ^17 Sir Picrcy Brett, Knt. 1 Sir John iMooic, K. B. f Vice-Aufnirals of the Sir Jmiu- D^niglas, Knt. C Blue.' Sir J fin Bt-niley, Knt. -' Lord Ecljj^ecornbe "^ SatDuel Giavcs, E'q. f Rear- Admirals of the Wilham P.irry, Efq. ( Red. Hon. Au Keppcl J John Amhcrft, Efq. "J Dnke of C'uniDer! .nd f Rear-Adnnirals of the Sir Peter Denis, Bart. C Wiihe. Maihew liuckle, Efq. J Robert Mann, Efq. 'J Richard Spry, ECq. f Rear-Admirals of the Robert Harland, Efq. C Blue. Lord Howe J oaober 2if}. Sir George Bridgjes Rodney, Bart. *) Vice-Admlrals of the Sir William Burnaby, Bart. / Red. Sir Piercy Brett, Knt. S Sir John Moore, K.B. ( Vie- Admirals of the Sir J imes Douglas, Knt. C White. Sii J )hn Bently, Knt. J Lord Kdgei ombe ~) Samuel Graves, Efq. William Parrey, Efq. I V'ce- Admirals of the Hon. Aui^ufhis Keppel i Blue. John Amhcrfl, Efq. I Duke ot Cumbt-'rlaiid J Sir Pe'er Denis, Bart. "^ Math'.-vv Buckle, Efq. I Rear-Admirals of the Robert Mann, Efq. C Red. ^Robert Hughes, Efq. J Richard Spry, Efq. "^ '^C'a k G .y'on, Efq. I Rear-Admirals of the *Joiui B.ikVr, Elq. \ r White. *Luuws (J'Britn, Efq. J ,.,1 (- '^ ir I Rear-Admirals of tlie * I tionia-- Cruveii, L',;q. > ,-,. *J.nnc>^ S, r.l([. J '^ Wcic Icit I'ut in the fiift promotion. On a men'jo- ,*ia! bcm.L!, piehi.tul to his nuijelly, he was gracicadly pi cafe d X \ " A I, ("H r.o\(Ti.or, V. AiV^ j' ' 'h --n t;-) t.ik- r..:.'-; .- '. ; "cer>, accorJ- ^A.\-u\'d\ S'r Ch.ircs K .uir-* f!-: .;n-i! !;; nvijrdv's p'^:iM ! on t (T l<.uli! ;;>;i viit:Ti!'ii;> w :x- .is t'l u.nvs , t.i !v I.r." : I'niral t t" hf f-t ; :i ti I. in h.r C(>uiici'. ; a i c:r-' ! c* ii5:)l. per anmi:n, .,; ' i!. to be p...i\ an;; :, '.\- to ii;s l.:>i\- ..iij fa- rii '., .;i S -iict't of 111! \ i\ 11- i'tip ; to '>'.:... .. 1 two a.t' -Je-v .iinpc ;<.: ^n^l. a vf.-r (...(. n. i ri'.- iriict- .-''.o -rii:- Ic.-it d ti,;ii .'.:ti V ' l:u;;k-.i> I r his : nm- .: /.tc t x.-cn- c^ ; ai.u on. r.:s cn.'tr in.Lt ii.T r-.i."^-i^', "s (i >. !.:.!:(>:'-, 1.1^ ; Miiuvto be [v.iu. St *. ['.''- Kn.()\\ :i-> WM"; p: itv.n-.-ci hv iiis mi 'ivi^v, th.u on 1 uittiii.!. her ini[)-, ruil in.-i'''t \ "> lers lee, ne llijulJ be reiniiatcd iii his r.uiic ui the ro\.iI n.i\\. Sujiij'iies ^rirteu h\ [i.\r',i.ime;U. /. i. i.'. ] -r -i -, " " nu. n t 'T le.i (e^vxe, nuluJ- ! ,, i , , ''-."^ 5 -"3 O O ^ 11 .n.'ie-, atii. l.M i 'i .!-i,iiiee, [ ] (if I' '. o uii,.i:'. of tie lutvv, I- ' lii-.u [ o__ ,0 ^ ri.i i-;-..!e to Ic.i .iri.l Hi;!! li.e < .. cr*;, j 'r()Vv.:Nis:!, rebu.l.!.n-s..uKi ] rcjMiiS of his rn;i|e:tv s ih.p^, f ~> < ^i Tovwirds pa'.'i.'w ot\ and d.lcharMii' 1 the navy debt, - J A.I). I 7 ? I S'lpplie^ t ir the ;-..ivy. Total bip: ' 'rau'ed. /:^-S:,.; For tiie ordinary of the navy, including") _- .^ ^- half-pay to fea and marine officers, j -V-'r)/ -> "* vice- Admiral Sir Gcnrt^c "ridges Rfidncy was appointed to this command.; !i> {!a^ on boanl the Pnnccl's Amelia of Lo t'^uns. Towards NAVAI, CHROXni.OGY. 4 11 Tou'arth (he building";, reViijilc'ings, and "^ -jtc n?a o o ''^^ rr; airs of' his majtMfv\ ihips. S -^'"^^" ^77* '1\) bu paid to Ch.trlc; Irvint-, for the'"^ dillxivery of an calv and pradticablc f u /. i i- /u J / 5,000 O O n"ie:n(Hi : making Ica-watcr treln and I -^ Wholclome. . _ > ^ Sup^-)lies for the naw, - ? :'^yt(>j^ Total fupplics granted, - / -,i8o 25^ 3 Officer* commanuin^ his inaieftj's fqiuJions.* At Portfmnuth, \'ire Auniiral Sir ThoiriaS Pyc. At Plvir.ourh, Re.;r-A '.imra! S\:vv. Mediu-rrantan, Rear-Adaiiral Sir i-'eter Denis, Bart. North Anierica, Rear- Admiral John Mohta^u. rscw*ound!and, Cor.imodore ShuiJham. At Lcc*\'ard illjiids, Riar- Admiral Mann. Jamaica, Vice Admiral Sir (ico. Uridines Rodncv. Bart. huit- Indies, Rear- Admiral Harland.f In Fcbiuar), the Prudent and Intrepid, of 64 guns each, commanded by Captains Sir Joiin dark, and the lionoura- ble Henry St. John, failed to reinti.>ice the fquadi.^ii ui the Kalt-lndics. In May, the Sourhanipton frii^.^te, Jn^\\n Wrc- bridc, thi- heaforJ, Cap:am I)a\ic>, a: il thcCiui7cr <>t war. Cap ain Cummii,^^, i.'.iltd tor I-ilineur, t.> oa b(. .Uu the (^jern ot Denm.ik, ami eleort her t) /. I!. In Au^uli, the biiaiJ (t nimiraky v;!;i.d ..:iC in!pv:t<.'d the ro'.a! iicifpital at (jiei.r,v\i. li, vv:ii 11 k-\'nl oi {\u- piiifi- oiic'is were dilehai'i^cd, whi) were t-iuiui r. .t ciiti'Lu i > :\:c th^iity. A m.'.chinc Mr m.iLi.i^ 1'..!: w .ti i h>;l}i, wis tri._\i en board the b 'jlijiu''')'! at ne;t:i':i', v.tb .mc.;: lu ifU. In conl(.c;iR-nce < t wh.^h t.; .idiii:r,i!! , d,i .'i c!>: *; 1' ''Luiic'i , imT'iftc* i )"' r< ,.t.' - , uhah -.(. . 1 \ Th ; ,-^:::,,>,'. . ' .".\,.< 1 \,' t I llr, 1 ':t 1 ;!. In A ; t: . I^i'-' :' * :hi-i ..lit ' (!!. N.c' li vl.!.- t ^.i'Ki\iii ;i Ul . 1, -.;.;;, v. 1..j i.a .ui:;i.:i - tfL.Uiit ui'cn ;t. 412 XAVAL CIIROXOLOGY, A-^- was fent by the lords of the admiralty as a prefent to ^77^ M. Plevilie de Pelly,-^ a liei.tenaiit in the ]''rench navy, aiid iiitcndant of the pert of Marfeilles, for iiis great atten- tion and exertions in iavinghis majt fly's iiig;ite ihc Alarm from i'}ii|)\Vrcck, vvl;en ilie was driven nfhore near that port. It was ordered to be prefenttd by Captain John Jer- vis,f her commander, with the follovvii^.g letter ; " Sir, " The fervice vou rendered the frigate, excites our ad- * miration and acknowledgem.ent. Your conrage, your *' prudence, your intelligence, your talents merit, that Pro- " vidcncc fliould crown your zeal. Succefs was )our re- compence ; but we beg you will accept what Captain * Jervis is cliarged to bring yon, as an homage rendered to ' your merit ; and as a proof of our gratitude." Signed by the Lords of the Admiralty. On the 3ifl of Augufl, the Weft-India iflands were vi- fited by a molt dreadhil hurricane. The ifland of Antigua fuffered material injury ; feveral vellels were driven aOiore and fountlered, mofl o! whofe crews perifiied. The fliips of war in Englifh Harbour were forced afliore, and re- ceived confiderable damage. The Difpatch fioop of war, which had been fent to Eiigl.ind hy A.. On ii.-j ;;!: ot Ap.i! t!i-v t .k itx-ir departure ' /" / ^ ln'iM i'.! tiiaiivl ; not .1-4 'il anv inipi'i "c (Hturrcil oti >'. : , ...i..^>,' tt. :!:. L"u> . t (j., J H >r-.-, wiiili -'.a.-r . I i; :; L 22 : (n rsi'\(.in')i r, :ni'i ilc i . i to 'h-,- (inii!n\ ard. I ilic '..iiitt'i'.: (.; ^ o .'(.. I; !.> 40 riiimiic- I.Miili, ii^'o wav fii'.t : , a;., I ;. \ \v- ; - :..-.j'i^i;i!-, i!I);-l\Ich'. i;i t' c' [-ir'^it-ls !)V ,. wrai: '^. .:.. ]'>nk : .Wu, '.!iv Ihm'^ uci-: kr.t I.> ,) :( V i - (; ti.i ;'. ji>!,l:^'.', nv '"... !i iii['p!u'il t!ir(ii \- .. .: ;.( vv.,;l.. ().i::i i "t;; cr [.iMiaiv, i~"^. liic >;.... i ;. u .i'.'-:;(i:c cii'..*.-, iii wic Li:'^;!i.i'i. o: ^') va[\. I ,.- i> I'.ic Milt .iv\i>iii\t \'. c .. .... :.,.. 1,. . ,:^ fa !, vi 1) lai ritoliif loirtui:! I'l ()~ ci'. '^T. r> I ^ ni'iiDlc-- 1,'in/i, ' M [1^ D' ; ,\ , C'j;''a :i (!<>. k i, J N 1 . Oi ti;. 8,1i .jf . *.';. a;-, r :. 1 :^ c w .i^ to be ;i ;K I rt.>' i' tli'- r.)i.'!i'.\ ard. \..r la .Ai.lir.iii--, a plix-n >- ;::':r ;... :^a'i)r-. C):i the ;i .i!.i ';,. ; .1. 1;! I "),;iks H.i\ , on , I:-'. ;i^ '. I . I) l.xtn 11 \\ t cks .itld .: i\ i.;;.'.' , ;.:;. 1, r.\ t!,_- i MiiI'- of : -. C .; :i C k u .;^ J 1;' (.ll V ' > 1 ; 1 . . i . iii; 1 i 1 c . , N.u / ()m ii I"'':" 11 ' .v.! rc\u i id - {I "1 , (iiv' u a-- 'jw.- I". ; , 11 ' i:- '.! r'- 0! 'ic ; , ,r e'l-Mir. c: . k i '^ ' ' ;: 'r '" ; : . I ' ' , r .1 ; : , u. .:: \\c , 1 "" 4 , ' I , \\ ( 1 c , . ' . -'i.ts 414 NATAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. and longitude from i66 degrees 41 minutes, to 170 degree? '77 2 20 minutes eaft. To thefe he gave the name of the New Hebrides ; they are very mountainous, abound in wood, and the vallies extremely luxuriant. Captain Cook landed on two of thcfe iflands; at one he found the natives w^ere a flout race of men, of a dark colour, whh woolly hair; their only covering was a mat, like a petticoat, which reached to their knees; they decorate themfelves with fhells and fea- thers: their only arms are fpears, which appear more cal- culated for fifhing than war ; they arefo fufpicious and fhy, that it was with much difficulty they could be prevailed on to venture near enough to accept of the prefents which were offered them. At another of thefe iflands he defcribes the natives to be very diminutive, of a dark colour, long beards, monkey taces, their hair black and curly, but not fo foftand woolly as that of the negro ; they go quite naked ; and what adds to their natural deformity is, a rope, about the fize of a man's finger, which they tie fo tight round the belly, as to nlmoft divide the body in two parts. The arms they ufe are fpears, and br)ws and arrows. The lew v/omen that were fecn, made themfelves more frightful and hideous than the men, by painting their heads, faces, and fhoulders red. Captain Cook mentions thcfe people to be of a more paci- fic difpofition than mod of the favages he had feen. They ventured to the Ihip without hefitation, and received the prefents offered them, for which they made a fuitable re- turn. He fays, they not only excelled all their neighbours in probity, but appeared the moft intelligent of any nation which had been vifited in the fbuth feas. As a proof of their exceeding honefiy, Captain Cook relates the following anecdote of one cf the natives. *' When the Refolution was getting under fail, the na- '* lives came off in canoes, making exchanges with flill *' greater confidence than before, and giving fuch extraor- * (linary proofs of their honeft.y, as furprized us. As the *' Ihip at firff had frefti way through the water, feveral of " the canoes dropped aifern alter they had received goods, '' and before they had time to deliver theii's in return; in- '* (lead of taking advantage of this, as our friends at the * Society I Hands Aould have done, they ufed their utmoll '* efforts to get up with us, and deliver what they had al- leady been paid for ; one man in particular followed us *' a con* .fAVAL CHr.ON01.OG T. 4IJ ' a Cnniulorab'.e tiinr, and liul not rcacli us uniil it uas A.D. " caim, atid the tlimi^ was lorgottcn ; as loon as he catiK- ^7 7* "' a!i)!i^lnic, l)c hfKi up the artule, wl/ich (cvcmI ou board ' '.'..;. r^adv to biiv. but he rctrlVil to pirt wuh it t.U he " !.;\v liic pc-ih'!! to wliiini he had bctoie (n'd it ; this per- ' 111) not kn ).%; I'.' ; tlse man :;ga:ti, ()fKred h'ln Itune- *' t':;;:i.; im iL;i:rii, w i ."h he eotiltjut'.v ret',:l.-d, and Ihr^vtd ' \v:i..: l:a i b--ri> j','!;'.ii t>;:;>)re; a: length inatie bin Icnliblc ' I if 'hj ii,,-.j p ) .[ ,,[ ;,.,;, ,,ir hv w!iic 1 hf wa-i iichiafed. ()! \\/; i;' II Sv p'eiii'ici , Captain Cook having !. >m. ,/:-;eu h:> ri.;\ v c: li;v:e .U.ukN, ItcvTtd to tiic .S. W. 0:l t!ic 4:h, ail iii ui i \v;is (iiicovercvl, whuh cxtetukd tnmi thj iQtii (l-^r, .::. 1 ^ ! a,:, to th.c 22d d.grce and a hn'f of ! >u;ti l-itnud , :\'.u\ '.vi-.n l'>3d and a halt, to the i()~'.\\ ilc- grce ot cad I 'M .-'hi'u-. Its cad is CN'rv.iu-lv daM^crons, b.-;;;i; (':ir;' ;;.: '- ' bv \ :.:./ I lo.dc-. To this illand heg.i\c :.".. :;.n;j o! ?"s ". C"a'.'.tli).:Ki. 'I :ij \:\'\\ cs are ta'.l. itout, a ui u ': ;;:: i I .;.. d , iii':v c^o liiii: naked, am! fheir r.a'^M.r, r , ,;:, :!:!.! iriendlv. On tiie 41I1 of C dobcr, : r .e iut '. ot :) d^,ie.-s 2 ir';-,i.\s r;iuh. and i 68 de- .; 16 i.-..;;i,:e> ;;, he (.iitec. Lied a Iliad uirtdiabited ;!.;i;. and i.aiv.ed ii \' >rt .''^ i!l.;:;d.*' 'I'b.c Kelohiuon h -1111; in '."'; I o! r- t:.-l!iir.-;ir , Cap'a;M Cook proceeded to N'-u '/.i'oii. Oi i'\- i(;;;i(t ()cb'l> T, ;.i- ani'l.ored in CJ^i-' n C Io;tr' ^-a' ' n the 1 . li 1 i !.'.'!. d a ' ';:i in fjiied ( d Iridh N' 'v . :i;')' ' . (.)ii til.- I4tli oi la: ;::!,, I'^v, :;:; v :*;adi- ;''v :i:^;; i of ( ii or^ia, which iS f i, i ' I .'A\r ill en tn,t ddi I'', cr.-'l L; 'ii-a Snuii.ods in 1-56 ; - :.: .: ! ti '::; ^ - le^r-, > ^7 i:;;.;r.-s lo d('/;e(-. 57 :, !ii.\ > (' '.'!i ; a.i. ;, iin rS di .o. ;- i J '1'. niitrs to :^ de- .^4. T.iiui; - s \\t ;t Io-ii;.in ie. '! !'s id ;:rl i- \ ei v m n\n- '.:-. v.o'.(i,.! \^i'!i !v.-.- ant (ii ".v w tdi";:' de !' .iji ;ip. pjaran.e r _ M-:, n. ( );i t!.- --t 1 .-d wa^ di;.,,vtj;n C: I-. i;^ ' tl'e <( Sunl- >-. !- I.:.v : ;' :'. i. I'n.d l-i:dv:n'or --v ho' r-o d,ic-- .I'd. '1 i' l.aidi ( \r; nv.'v i.^ m ti'r l.i'ihde if ;Q : ^-j !r ::; \ > ; an 1 ri , . - u-;:. d i^- ; .'rtN ;: \ ; A-. ei !i.. l:!. . ! 1 n ' ' . , ad- r. }- ,'c.;.c-, ^- I-. .'v ''._'.. -t to d.iw, a 4l6 XAVAL CIIROJrOLOGY. A.D. were cnnfincd \vitl> violent rheumalic complaint?, whicli 1772 made Captain Cook relinquifh any iurther idea of endea- vouring to penetrate; more into the fouthern hemifphere, O:; t[ie 22 i of March he arrived at the Cape of Good Hope, and on the 30th ot Auguil: following in England, having perfjrmcd a voyage of above 25,000 leagues in three years, three months, and twenty days. The Adventure, after having parted from the Refolntion, returned to New Zeabnd, the place of rendezvous ; at vvhich place Captain Furneaux was fo unfortiinate as to' have a boat's crew cut oft aiid murdered by the favagc?, fbmeofwhofe mangled limb*; were fovmd fcattered about, and m.any partly devoured 'y tliefe inhuman cannibals. Captain Furneaux not meeting with the Refolution, pro- ceeded to England, where he arrived on the i3ih of July 1774, and with h;rn cunie Oiniah, a native of Otaheiie. It is a (ingular circumliance tliat during fo long a voyage, tlie two ftiips, pfter experiencing a variety of climates, and encountering many dangers, loit not more than four men, and only one of thofe by (icknefs, exciufive of the Adven- ture's boats cr(n\ . 773 Suj.ipiics granted by parliament. For 20, ceo m^en for fca fervice, in- "] /. j l-/. rines, and fca ord- > 1,040,00 c Ciudmg 4354 marmes, and lea ord- > 1,040,000 o nance . _ _ _ J For the ordinarv of tlie navy, :ncludin!2 1 hati-pav to lea and marnv' ott'cers J t t? y Tc:u'ardsthc buiidiriP'^, rt buildui;'"';, and 1 repairs of \\\i. majc'ty s Ih ps, c<.c. J '-'-'^ To Jol'in ilarrifon, as a furtiier re- ^ ward and encouragcm.cnt, over and j above tlie funis; already received by ' n him for his mvcntion of a time- '-' keeper foi afcertaining the longitude ! at fea - - - _ j Supplies for the navy - - 1,894,313 o o 'it lal fiippiies granted - - /6 980,210 19 o Tlie (ime ouicers commanded his majelly's fquadrons* * Sliips uinpldvcd. Appendix, Chap. II. No, 155. as .\AvAr. cnnoxoLOGY. -117 a<: \ii\ year, cxccptir;^ Rrar-Aihmral M.iiii at the A.D. ii'.iii-i-, who rt'lkvrd !)v \"icc-.\ liii.ial Parry. 'zO L >u{ HiKvc prcfcntcJ a pet t dh to tb.f [iouIl- of com- ITl'iU^ HI hL'h.i'.t ot it'.f Clj'MltiS III 'lie lUVV, loMC't Ilg ail tnci'tulc o: lii!t-pjv. Attrr :i ili b.rc )r c^ ii'iici able length, an ! .Ki ijiji Irion tr^ini \\\-- iii;i;iliiT, i: c p 1 'iMn api'-arii 1 1 f( to t'lc h ni'--, i ,.ir 1' ^ i.Mri^.i by a i;rc..t in.i;or tv , aril two l)i ii ^.^^ a ila. ^^ ic aiiJ I ; > 'tiC ha:!-pav; wluJiai prel.iu il.t'uU ihii . \\a. 'J ii-- j :, fe- nior ciptaiMS 'en In I'itil;^ a il-r. , t'--- i ^ xt :\'.i\, ei-!;t ih;!- li:j^< ; ai;>l if'.e icit !i\ lli,li;r:L:^ ya v ,' y i):] the 25J "t Api.i ti.e [.umber of .i.r^ron- w'm !h"u!J be entrleJ to halt-pav wa^ f:L! -alul Ir 111 -1 to i,;o, ba'f of them to !)c at t .v > i!;i iings a:iJ lix-p-nee jvr c^u , the halt at two ii;;; j' _; . I he du'ii'ht ot n'.i;t.r< wjn al!o etrrta'eJ ro icc, eri- t;t'e,i t hall- [a\ , : e r.f ;o at tu >^^ ai. J i;x- pence p-^r li r. , t'le v \ at tw > ih I a; :<. (> '. ih 2tj-h nf ,\p:,! the i.'nar,l-ihi;)s weie orclerecifo t..k.- 0:1 !->,taril fi\ ni'i'h- pr '. il; jn--, to eoniiileie -h/ir c 'jnpleiren' ol nn n, a.'i.i to prepart, tor lea. i\'\ ih\- ihips o! war winJi uere lej) Ttevl Ht t ir ler\uc U(re or. co-ii to be jj it r-a i\ to be eominii'honeil. \{ e,.!. /. mi< v\erc 0[-e(ie.i t ir the raiiii;j; ot f.ainen ; aii'! a proe'aoiat .'-n 1!- fiieil \'l jiie.e h'- Mai'lh. te'. :ewe i t'',e t'ect at Spithcad, itionfift,! -t .'-} la! oi the ioie, 'w> foi^.tte":. -.'.nil three Ih/np--''- . 'lee firp'^ wrc ni'oo ! 01 tw.i l.ncs . n I, a A ,>: \ wc- \ 'mral I've. V ce- ao-ta,i , i:n 1' r ili A '.lal I. or, I f.>!_-.. \\ n (> Ims .Ml-;t^ e- v> i'h. e ' jMcees (I (, a Vol, I a-'i) K' .-r- . V imiral >pr'.-. P - ;, vne. he u:.< lah-- J \ ', . . e w ao iiViMiediao i / n.:.\.Cii. e. 11. N ... i-O. he! J 418 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. held at tlie governor's houfe. After which his Majeff/ ^71i proceeded to the dock-yard, from whence he embarked on board a barge prepared for his reception. The barges of the boards of admiraUy and navy attended, bearing the flags of their refpedf ive offices ; followed by the admirals and captains of the licet according to feniority with their flags and pendants. As foon as the royal ftandard was ob- ferved by the fliips at Spithead, they manned their yards and fainted with 21 guns each. His Majelfy was received on the quarter deck of the Barfleur by the board of ad- iTiiralty. The fide was manned by the lieutenants of the Ihip, and Captain Vernon, her commander, flood on the gangway. The ftandard was immediately difplayed at the Barfleur's main-top gallant-maft head, the admiralty flag at the fore, and the union at the mizen : the fleet again fainting with 21 guns each. His Majeffy vifited every part of the fhip, and dined on board ; previous to his return on Ihore in the evening, he conferred the honour of knighthood on Vice- Admiral Pye, Rear- Admiral Spry^ Captain Jofeph Knight, the fenior captain of the fleet ; Captain Edward Vernon of the Barfleur, Captain Richard Bickerton of the Augufla yatch, who attended on his Ma- jefly and fleered his barge, Hugh Palliler, Efq. comp- troller of the navy ; and Richard Hughes, Efq. commif- fioner of the dock-yard, were created baronets. The cap- tains of the Coops of war were ordered to be promoted to the rank of po(t captains, the firlt lieutenants of the flag Ihips, and the lieutenants of the cutters, and the lieutenant of the Augufla yatch to be maflers and commanders ; and two midfhipmen from each of the above fliips to be lieu- tenants. His Majefly ordered 1,5001. to be diflributed among the the artificers, workmen, and labourers of the dock-yard, vicfualling-office, and gun-wharf. To the crews of the Barfleur,. Augufla yatch, and his barge 350I. 'l"o t!;c poor of Portfea and Gofport 250I. and relieved iiie prifoncr.:; confined for deb: in l-*ortfmouth gaol. Vicc-Adm"ral Pve was promoted to be admiral of the f)Iue; a-ni Lord Edgecombe to be vice-admiral of the white. A V(iy-'pc ^vas undertaken this year at the requcfl of the Royal ou.:.ty, to try how far navigation was pra6ficablr toward? \ \V \L CHRONOLOGY, 419 tow.irJs the north pole, anJ whether there was a pofTibility AD. bomb':, commanded by the honovir.ib'.e Captain rhij^ps* .invl Ca()tam J.utvvidge, wore the vctieK etj lijipeil tor this e:i:erpri/.e. ( )n the 2J of June thev tailed troMi the Nore, a'lvl pro'eeded on their courle to the lUjith, without meet'ii;' .mv ijuantitv <( ice to cb'.fr'u'i their puli'.ije. On the ^i t .( lulv ttiev had re.uh.ed the latitude of Si d.L:ree>- .'i ni'uit-.s m-rtii, when both tile (hips on a fudden became eiK,.)(cd m ?. lar.;e body ot ice; ar.dweie una\o.da'lv driNen bv a fti.m'T current into a bay, the entrance ot wniJi was mlhiiulv cl lid up by the ice. Tiie crews labouied with indefaMi^able 7cal and perieverance for four or five daws to force a paliajc throu':ih the i.e, but a:l their cxertio'is pro\ ed inefLvtual. Their toiiimanders (>n the (r.h ot A'ij:u;i: came to tiie re- ii;s ti'.e ice; c'.'erv man was turn;ili-.d wiin .i certain i|uant;t\ ot pro\iti()n, and th"V actual'iv qiiitt'd tlie fhips and be_ran this hazardous :'.ttcnipt ; whien the next d..\ the wind blew tiom the eall- ward. :iik1 the ihips were ohferved to movtj for.vard; there appearin;^ iome ho|)es ot a deliver. mi e, tt'.ev hi.iliened back to the {lii[^s ; and on the lo'h tlie wini lilowiiij l^ron^ from the N. \i. attended hv a Itroi,:; c\irren% tiie ice L^.ue UMV and bv.' '.n to di it:. l'.\erv t'.td w .^ le;, a;'.d m the couMe ot a tew hou:^ tiu \' wei e rLlie\ed I;o;n the p'olpejl ct tn:it mi!ei.dile .oid w:e;clied late whiJi had belallen To ni.ur,- t .1 MV.T .uU'e uiiTi ! ^. C' l'hi[>[is hnd.n_r it u'ter- 1'. impodiivc .() [ !a:t:Kr to the north than the !a- tit'ide'M Si li.- :ic-. ^" ir.iM ites, wf.ieh is mnefi n 'iiver to t!ie pole tii.u! l,,;d i\er !i::lKito tieeii att :npted ; a. id that 11;) p.r.utic.;' .: ; .' e ; \.lted, dete: in.n.d. t ) : etii; ;i to I'.ii^- land , and both ihips .i;;i\ed at llie Nore m t:ie iiuiuh ot Oclt)ber. Supplier /ranted bv paiiianient. ;-- I'"or 2'^,'^""^ nKii t!ie I'^a lervue, ;:i-"| /. ^. ..'. cludm:; 4j54 niaimes .uui lea ( :J- > 1,04 .>,uoo (.' o iia:i.e - - - - J l or ordmarv of ;!ie n..\ ., iiK!u>',,r, 1 ,, , h.dt'-pa)- to le.'. ,.i.d .:...:. ne odi.eti j ' 1 . , 1 T' I . : ! ^:^; 1\W, 420 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Towards the buildings, rebulldings, and") ^774 repairs of his majefty's fhips, &c. j t" v V Towards pavinp ofF and difchargine; 1 I. ^ uJ r u 5 & ^ 200,000 O O the debt or the navy - - j ' Supplies for the navy - - 2,104,917 4 3 Total fupplies granted for the year ^^6, 159,661 2 11 In January the Endeavour ftorefhip, commanded by- Lieutenant Gordon, was fent to Falkland's Iflands, with orders to bring home Lieutenant Clayton, and the party whicli had been left with him, together with all fuch ftores as were judged ferviceable. Lieutenant Clayton, previous to his quitting Port Egmont, fixed up a piece of lead with an infcription fignifying that the iflands, bays, forts, Sec. appertained to his Britannic Majefty ; he alio left the Bri- tifh colours flying on the fort. On the 4th of July the Kent, of 74 guns, commanded by Captain Charles Fielding, had nearly been deftroyed while ialuting the admiral, as flie was failing out of Ply- mouth Sound. The wadding from the guns having com- municated with fome powder in an ammunition cheft on the poop, it inftantly took fire and blew up all that part ot the fhip ; the beams of the quarter-deck were forced in, and many others in difFerent parts of the {hip were broken. Almoft all the men on the poop and after part of the fhip were blown overboard, of whom about fifty were killed and dreadfully wounded. i;;. Supplies granted by parliament. For 18,000 men for the feafervice, in- cluding 4354 marines and fea ord- nance _ - _ - For the ordinary of the navy, including haif-])ay to fea and marine oilicers Fowardslhc buildings, rcbuiidinii:'=,and ] repairs of his nvajc'ry's (iiij)s, <5tc. \ l\)'.'/:!rils tl;e fur-poit of Carcenwich } ho:,.ud . . . . j /. s. d. 936,000 440,680 15 IQ 297,379 a 6,OQO 9 S":)'., '.^-s f'T the navy - - 1,680,059 15 19 Touii !;,;:;,, gi-:;nted - ^ 5>556,453 ^ ^Q I'he NAVAI, rUROXOI.OGY. 421 The tullowing officers c.riTim.imicd 1; - M.ijclly's fquadrcn: A.D. At Portftnouth, Rear- A>lniit:il Mi iUa;^u. '775 }*l\'av)'nh, V'loe-Ailir.ira! Aniln:!!., Krar- AJrirr,'.! .M.i:;p.. North An(cr:c.i, \' ic:'- .\ii pir il S. (j;avc>. Ncwh.M;u!!.uid, Rr^^-^lu\::i\ D'.'V. r>ccward lil.ind";, \' ice- Ad:i'.:t a! 'l 'Uiiij. f..maica, Rear- Adiiiir.:! Clarke (iastoii. Kaft-I:idies, C.Kiimodi); e Sir lulward IluL^hc^. fCnt. On the 31;^ of March h.b .M.:jei{)- ordered the tuilowini; promotion ef i'a^ otru'-i ; Sir Thotiias ! r:ii,k.!ar.J, iiart. ) To he AdiiiiraU of the Diilce of B'llt' II I'rancis ( rtarv', I- 'i[. James Youn^;, Kit]. Sir l^ercv Jiiett, Knt. Sir John M.uire, K. 1'. S-auitl ( jra\ e-, 1 (j. William i'arrv, 1m. j. Hon. AuMilJus {vejijiL-l Sir Peter De:; -, iJart, iMathcw l)iicK!e, Imcj. Robert Man;i, Ijq. Clarke Ci.!\ r< 11, fohn iJai ker, l,lq. Sir R;cha;i: Sp;". , K:.'. J.,h:i Montiri, 1 :.:. Sii K..;,e;t II .:: i;:-!,' H.iit. f .'.mt s Sa\ er, 1 iq. J.urd Hone i,.:l l\!;e:. Mf.j.'h !';.:,:, I'q. Mo:,;il;.\ -hi.l ,l:.;i;i, 1 l.|. Sir h i<-ph Ki: ^fMhn 1.1'. v.i, } M -1 n R: v:i"'>!^, r^i'l. *ir-.n. h !m jJvo.ii I Kail iiiiltol ' ^ \\ crc tiu' (.;[itain> pro:r,uted 1- c j S White. of the iiluc. \':c.-- Admirals ot'thcR;d. ( \'ice- Admiials of the f White. I \' ice- Admirals of the t Ulue. 1 \- i\.(.ar-.-\dnilr.".> of the Red. . k.Mt. ,iq M .T-Admir, While. ivear- a .moai l;.'.;e. of t'c of the Atta.r' 4'22r KAVAL CHRONOLOGY, ^D. Affairs began this year to wear a very ferious afpeO: in ^775 North America ; which on the igth of April broke out into acts of open hoftility. A detachment of the king's troops and marines, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn, having been fent to deftroy fome jiuiuarv ftores, which the Americans had collected at Con- cord, were met and oppj/fed at Lexington, by a large body of the militia, who obliged them to retire with confider- able lofs into the town of Bofton. This was followed by the attack at Bunker's-hill on the 17th of June; at which place the Americans had collected in great force under Ge- neral Putnam, and thrown up fome flrong redoubts. Ge- neral Gage, who commanded in Boflon, ordered the Ge- nerals Howe, Clinton, and Pigot, with about 2000 troops to attack the enemy's works, which were carried at the pont of the bayonet after an obitinate refiitance ; it was, however, a dear bought victory ; 226 of tl;ie Britifli were flain, 19 of whom were commiflioned officers, and upwards of 800 wounded. Only 30 wounded Americans and a few pieces of cannon were taken. The flv;me of war be- gan now to blaze over the whole continent of America, General Montgomery, with about 2000 American troops, marchtd into Canada, took Ticonderoga, Crown Point, St. John's Vi'Ti-, on rhe river Sorel, and on the 13th of No- vemiber obliged Montreal t(; furrendcr. General Carleton, who was in the fort, with fonie difficulty efcaped in a boat down to Qi^itbec; his whole force in the lakes con'Iling of eleven arir.ed vellcls, was purfuedar;d taken by the Ame- ricans, Nct',vith{b;nding the fevere fJ-afcn bting far ad- vanced, General Montg( mciy pufheJ forward with the utmoli expeJit;; 11 to join Colc'iitl Arnold, who had ap- peared on the heights before Qi^ubec with a confidc-rable force. The garrifc n was at this time extremely weak, and the works much out of repair ; General Carleton* was indefatigable in his exertions to put it in the beft poffible fhite of defence and to flrenglhen the gairifon, he ordered the crews of the fnips of warf, tranfports, and * /Viicrwauls Sir C5uy C';;iict; n and rhc prefeiu f.ord Doichtilcr. [ l./;i;d - - z'-< Captain j. llaunlton l:u!'tu - - 14 I.()r lulhiined by the L:;arritl)n in ih\> detperate attack, was hve men killed, und thirteen wounded. I/ieuienant Saunder('>n, ai^ent of tranfports, w..> anion.: th.e t^irn^T. On i!ie I t ( V't )ber tiie inh.ibitants of the town ot" P alm(;uth, in the pr'\i::ce of MafLahufetts, havniL!; on- poled witli \;o!ence v.\- ! .. Inij; i.if a ma'.t ihip ; Admiral (ira\es directed C'.ij.t.i.n to proceed t'nither With lome ih;p> of w..r, .mdi t > demoblli i!ie town unlefs they delivered up to ii;ni all iheir artd^eiv .md Imall aims. This den.and bein^ r^luled, tl'e Ihijis opened a heavy can- nonade, a.r.d in a ihorl tiv.e deitrtiv^d l ^o houle^, 2~'S ilore and A-.ueh(iui'e<, a la.rje new, the court -houle, and ji'ibhc libiai\' ; to Ci 'nple:'. tr,;- d:-m.Mit;on ot the tt);vii a iar^c b id v < ieane-n :\,d m.iJi'.es v. ;:e l.'.iuied ; but the Anieiii.uis havm;, bv l:;- tine (nbe^tcd in ^ ti.rce, (inpgltd tivn\ to ret.i . t I i:'.e!r ivat^, witii the h)l> ot L'.ei a\ n;.-n. 1 n tiie 1 litiiern \mericans \\-ere (Hi'iall',' \'i.i!cnt a.:.i n:t tlu- I'.tioib. I.i \'it.oiaa, Nnith and ^>nith < i:-! na-, tb"v (pbli.'ea t''. .r '."'.eiiviv, l.n-.A Dunmiii-, I. )rd \V r.lMtn Cinipini;, .'r.d Mr. .\Lutni, to retiie l.ifer\ on (uLiid tne lhp^ ot w.i: . Tow.'.ui^ tiu- end i: tii'- \e.!i C\!.ir e Sir I'eter i\ r.ii'ed tr.mi C " ; iv \\.:I'. ,i I'epi.'dn n d ltii;is < f war, and a fii et ot Canlji it , t",.i\iiij >a ivi.iid .i l..r.;e h^\\\ ot tr>>op-<, uiub-: the I Miianaiid nt l,.ul L'> >; n a albs, deltined (> .: Nniiii Anie; k .i. In the Welt-I:,d:. - ti'.e IV t. .n.i ,;nd I'triet floops of Vv.ii '-t 1 S t;un> t.A,',, eoir.n'.;:.c; i b-, the Ciptams l,.iit- W'.'d and R. dnrv":< d .na\i',lent ltv:iii, .mi li'.c \\b,i le '! then eIrw^ pe; Ih, d. A lqu.;dioii ot Anivncin p;i\.i:ccrs captured the lloit^-ii VM NAVAI. CHEOXOLOGY. A.D. brig of 12 guns, commanded by Lieutenant Edward fy/i Sticyd; arid the Savage I] oop of war of 8 guns, Captain JBromc dgc, was loll on the ifland of Scatene the crew fuved. On the 29th of June his Majefly was pleafcd to order letters paieni to be palled under the great feal of Ireland, for con'ti'uting one bodv politic and coiporateby the name ol the Hibernian Afarinc Society in Dublin, for maintaining, cdiicati/ig, and apprenticing ihe orj:hans and children ot decayed fenmen in his Majefly's r.''yal navy and merchant fervice. The |)crpe'ual members are the Lord L'eutenant, the Arctib fh 'p of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, the Loid Chancel I'jr, keeper ol the great feal of Ireland, the mem crs of paihament for the city of Dublin, the lord mayor of the ci y of Dublin, the fenior mailer of the guild of merchants in the city of Dublin, and the archdeaci n of Dublin, befides fevcral other members who are elefted, th"fe f 'r life are not to fubfcribe Icfs than 20 guineas. Tlie boys are ad(nitted at eight years of age, lecurity of not lefs than lol. to be given for their demeanor and condudl at their admifTion. None |jut children of de- cayed, reduced, or deceafed fe Miien are received into this charry The boys are appreuii^ ed only to the fea fervce or fealanng perfons ; the equipment of each boy when apprenticed is not to exceed 3I. 2s. 6d in exp: nee of evcrv kmd. They are taught writing, arithmetic, and na- vigation. i^^-i^y Supplies granted by parliament for the fea fervice. For 28,000 men, including 666c "1 V -' > i, o o tnarmes - - - J ^-> For the ordinary, inclinling half-pay 7 ^ / . c ) a- C 426,004 10 6 to lea and marine (.-nicers - j r j^ -r / For building, rcjiairs, &c. - - ZZ^'^S^ ^ '^ For Greenwich hospital - - 5,000 o o For difcharging the navy debt - 1,000, ceo o O Total for the navy - - 3,227,o-'5 19 6 Tota^ (:f Supplies granted for the year ^^9,097 577 17 n On the 5th of February his Majefly was jnacioiiriy pleafed to oidej tiiC tollcvving Hag ollicers to be promoted, viz. Sir N A \ A L C H K G N O L O G Y . 4iJ S'j- J.imc; Di uL'!.i<;, Km. J.nni l.Jjccu;;;':) , ^i.iir.irl (jravLs, Iv.'ij. \y, ::.UM IV'TV, K;.!. f .'11. -All iiliiis Kt:)(icl, J;.. ' A n;urf^ ] :.;.' J)uk >-! Cu:i.bc.'!.iiHi, ^iif iV'L-r l)c;i.s, i>,.rt. Kobe; t .M.J in, }. :q. T"h:i .\1 -nt.iL'u, Ku|. S.r R<.h.:r ll..;.:u;, I^.irt. I..n:'^ ^,v.:-, 1,;:;. \'i!-.u:;: i| r.;,, ' }.,.; I.rnr., - ' . ' ^iri'dh.rTi, Kiu. Jwha Wiu^hu;], i.;l|. A . n. \':cl.-Ad^l':ra^ofthc^^"n'.t > ' 7 7^ to I).- \'icc Admirals ci u.c \'icc- At! ni.f.ils o! t',:^ lllu?, to b:j \ .cl-- A Jmir..:.! u: the \\';i;:l-. i Admii-..l of tlic RcJ, -^ c ) h- \';cc-AiJ!iural o. uio 1 ! i Ri:ir-AJ-n;r..'s f,t" tl;c R.vl, r to ;ic \ icc-/\d.n:i.i.5 i.t trif ,j Rcar-.\,i:T,ir.;l .fthe ^Vhi^., to b'.- Rear- AJ.!;:ral i,t t:;j r Rcar-.-\t::M;:,;l's cf ih? liliip, o be Re.!r-/\^;,;lI.'..i^ u.' t:;c >, , 1 II) 1 1 i i\e..; - Aili. : ;,s o; t:"ie i^rj,'. ihii Re'.ii". ! , i" :i;. I , ,, fi , M , , p < to >, K_.ii -.\...ii, :...-. ul Ihc r H:.:hl.....r, ]>...:. |^ ^^ ^^^ . t )::. Is \; ; . (w;,,::!.i!;i'-\: i i^ iii.ije.i v'-. wM.iJron ;],]<. \ ;-:ir. At !' r 'iiio'i'r, \'i(.e- Au i,i:.;i .^w I.'.r.> i)^;i ! .-, ![.:.' A- i',v,, :., \ .i.-A:iii,:.:; A:..bJ'l{. Mr^iilei:... ..,..;, \ ;c - A i. r.;! M..:i!i. ( \ , , A,^ i,;,.: I. .1 ! !! r.v: North A;i..;; J' '^'" = ' ' L .,,-;- ,i,:e \\ UI...-A il.u, N-Aloin;>':.:;i', \ e A : ;, .:'. M^ .;; ]. J.-.v..:a I;!:;,l~ \ (--A ii, ^.; \>.,:::;. [i'li.; e 1, \' lee- \ ; ,i;al ( ,'.., '".). ] wt-lihlu^, ( .; ae.>,! I-,; .: : If-jhev' .\ L....vll .% .x:c n 420 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. -A.D. Sixteen fail cf the line, in addition to the guard-ftiips, ^7/0 were put into commimon, prefs warrants iflued, rendez- vous opened, and a bounty offered by proclamation for fea- men to enter into the royal navy. Lord Howe Tailed from Spithead with a fquadron of fhips of war, and fcvcral tranfports for North America ^ and on the 6th of May Commodcn-e Hotham failed with another ftjuadron and tranfports for the fame place. On the 5th of July, a dreadful accident happened on board the Adarlborou^h, of 74 guns, commaanded by Captain Samuel Hood, while clearing for dock in Portfmouth har- bour, occafioned by fome gunpowder taking fire which had been carelef^ly left in the magazine. The fore part of the fliip was on fire for fome time, feveral of the beams were broken, and in many places the decks were torn up by the explofion. Twelve feamen, three wom.en,and three children were killed, and above fifty people were wounded. The gunner was tried by a court-martial for fo fhameful a breach of his duty, and ientenced to be difmiffed the fervice. On the 25th of the fame month, Sir Thomas Rich, in the Enterprize frigate, of 28 guns, being in the bay of Bifcay, fell in with a French fquadron, confifting of two fhips of the line, aiid feveral frigates, under the command of the Duke de Chartres. The Enlcrpi ize {l:of)d on her coarie, and pafi'cd within hail of the French admiral, who hailed, and defired the comm.ander of the Britifh frigate to bring to, and come on board. Sir Thomas Rich replied, that if the admiral had any thing to communicate, he nn'ght icnd himfclf on board i!ic Enterprize. Thel'^rcnch admiral eriraged at thi-; rcf'jfal, declared, unlcf's his orders were obeyed, lie would fire irito the frigate. This threat had no tffcc!; on Sir Tliomas I-liv-rh, who firm in his Re- folution, ar.d t(>!d him, that he obeyed no orders but thofe which came from his own admiral. The fpirited conduct f)f the Britifli comman.dcr fo pieafed the ]")uke dc Chartres, that he changed his d.m:;nd into a rcqiull: ; upon v.hich all a:',;;r.();ity cciLd, and tlie iirit lieutenant of the Enterprize vv;'s lenc on biviiu, v. lio w..'; received bv tiie French admi- la', an.! all his o!^, witii niuch rcfpcci. V ."'n livj 7rh of E'ecen^.i;er, the dock-vurd at Portfm.outh w;.-, wiiliillv U:i wii hie in the rope-h.julcs ; liu; conflagration was very g: --t ; and before the fla!:nes c(^u!d be cxtii5gu;fhed, confidcrablc (^in;'g" was done. Tiie perpetrator of this diabolical \ \\ A r, CM r,o\ II ; Of, v. 127 t^jabolical a(ft \V2'> -i-.crwarvis .iprrL-l.crJcl, r.s will be fccn in '^- I^- the fvcirs ct th- I'.rs: \;.\'.'-. ''"'' i)n the I|} "t f.uiu.irv, u:c tr.wn ie i I.);'i<;ns, pro- eccdLci to the M;-.h.u:-:.-. ilu;!-.>>, .,ii.! ;d':iii.iaed the lecIenKMU at I'lc-v (1 i;ve, ca:;^:nJ; i 'i w .\\\ '' tie e^viiiiir, h;i:r :\rt;!!crv ai.d na'. al lh.:e>. ( ):i ti^e 0;h tf .V,'id, '.n t!ie re- turn (t tills Uju^lM.n til 1) itl.)i\ h-Liic ah.iur . ,.i li.' : i's fV.-ni Id i. k l:i..;.d. It tc'l HI w:;n, .::,J .ittacKed. ! :- , 's fliip tne (i'..t.:ii >ir V A. . - ,A - , , ! 5 1 ./'ir. -, 'A ith the >ti; ;: i/e < : 2 S, L ;, . . , . , 1 ..,'c :, en>i M. n. >;> (.1 V. 1; 1 I 14, C !'t.a:) I I. 1 ! v I i. 'I t:cle ih.;'> luu:, t^v ;.:e . ( I eA -, V : ev c tia it vs .iv ;., i..,;vr-nee ( )u d;.;r ..:. ... .h ^ d. d ..; .1 fd ; :.' ".)'! , aiu! I e:' . a h.e ( i.i ; ; z. I'.-iiIti; h..:i.; li <>: 1;,,^ ;,ir.idv :(.;..( :es . and .itt.i(.lv tne Aineiua.: a-n -,, v.i;Hh '/. ,n^ p;:Kv-r..-,.-e .,: h hi the le;.- \n the i n. t;- li- . 'lA . .';.eten ::t, t > n ..n .1 cue 423 JiTAVAL CHBO^'OLOGY, AD. Quebec. On his approach, they fled in every dlredlion, '77(5 abandoning their camp, artillery, military ftores, and all their implements for carrying on the uege. Early in May, Sir Peter Parker arrived with his fqua- dron, and fome tranfports, off Cape Fear,* where he was joined by General Clinton, and a reinforcement of troops. The fleet in:imediately proceeded to the attack of Charles- tov/n, in South Carolina. It was the beginning of June before the fleet crofi'ed ihe bar, having been delayed a confiderable time in bringing the heavy fliips to an eafy draught of water; it was then found necef- farv, before they could advance higher up to polTefs themfelves of Sullivan's Ifland, which lay about fix miles below the town, and was ftrongly fortined. On the 28th of June, the general and commodore had finally fettled their plan of attack. On the morning of that day, the Thunder bomb took her flation, covered by the Ranger armed fliip, and began to throw fhells into the fort; at the fame time the Briftol, Experiment, and Solebay, brought up and opened a mod furious cannonade. The Sphinx, Syren, and Aiason, before they could reach their ftations, owing to the unfkilfulnef^ of their pilots, ran upon fome fhoals and ftuck faft ; the two firil-, with much diil'culty, were got off, but not until it was too 1 ite for them to be of any fervice. It being found impolTible to fave the Acloeon, the commodore ordered her ccminander to deftioy her ; fhe was accordingly burnt the next day. The fprings of the Briffol's cable being cut by the fhot, fhe lay for fome time expofed to a dreadful raking fire. Cap- tain Morris, her commander, was feverely wounded in fe- veral places, notwitliftanding v<'hich he refufed to quit his ffation, until an unlucky fhot took off his arm, when he "was obliged to be carried off' the deck, in a condition which gave little hopes of a recovery. It is faid of this brave man, tliat from a prodigious effufion of blood, his difl'olu- tion appeared inevitable ; one of the ofKcers afked him if he had any direcffions to give with refpecf to his family. To wh.ich he nobly anfwcred, " None ; as lie left them to the "providence of God, and the generofity of his country. "f * Appendix, Cliap. II. "No. i^S. + ill) i:i;.ic(;y v, ;is ;>iacKiu{ly pltafcd to Rttlc a iiennon upon his wiiiou' and Ll;i!(iitii. '1 tic prcfl'iit Captain A'l'.n'iis, ot the navy, is on(. of hi> i'.iiii. The \ A \ Ai. rin;ox()i,()(; y. 411) Ih, f'.rmnvC^ \v'.i!i w:.,,!) t'.c rr.rm\ ll >)i to t'tv/ir [iwrs, A.H. .i.iii'.ti to ilifir r>) 'i .i:k! r, 'ii!)! ra?;- Uyc, lU-i-lc- Lfc-Jt lia\iKk 1770 on i) >.irJ tliL- ih j-v. '1 I'c !'i ii-'l's (M.-.irt^ 1. k uas uncc- rn'ircU (.Icami, i \.\ I'Mi , tiic i oiuni' >,'!>: . w f;o cii* pl.iycil t.ic llli'll ili'M p.J >. ni.! ,i_;c .IM<1 [L f.ji;j'i M. L :'. i^ '! I iiii.irr 1 V, the uriiiv i-iul.r ( i:-'ir;.il i.':.:roi! .:!. ;hi,- t ui,' r.iii..::'.; ,1 ::;.icr :vt.-, lint lip.!;^ in (.n .i'''i' lo^ii'N t''.it ji.ut c! i.'.f i.ur \\!i!ch the ;Mi ill- ti.i i K iM( K ;i!: li .1- I 'ni.iSic-. I ,m;i tfic jp. r.i.ich ot n:.^!!', >ir I'lUr I'.irucr licil:' ,4 ail [i.ipc ol lii^icK .if an c:; i, \\c lot u-.Y \: s ih.rt.r >! lIi ;'^' iul-rc tiiv t ,1- .'l (.!>:, (00 t ir i|>;-iit, .i! vl (iiifi'i; oi:t ot r...i. ll ot ilu- 1 !.i iin '- Ihot. In thi^ ilrt-J ;..! c-.!:;m';,.'. 'c, \\':ul! c. i-.tir.i:: ,1 a'.KU' ten liniir-; !: l)i!l;i', linl III ni -ti k Ik-.i a:ul \v>Min.!t.->i ; tiic l',\[)L-n'iuTir "Q r.,.l.ii j: .1 \\ uiii 'cvl ; a'lioiiv; i;u- laitcr \va^ C.!,''a;:i > . "t, \vt;,. [ t h:- .>: .' S ' :i a'.\ r >ir I'c- tcT l'.::k.r u ;..'-.. .1 ;(v '\ir, r.'.vl i'l'inl m N; \s ^'>!;k. I:: ! .:.. \.r- \ ' :..: L ! s .,;' j'^nr, :;i .-. > m;;.^! -ii u itli ( i, !! r.i', S ; \\ 1 / .:ii H ...>, (nI I f[ ii ll.iiiax on a;i I -.,; !;;;.;n ;.^ ..i.i N w V ;k. ( ):i ! : c J h ; J iilv, t lie Mi-c' j'alit.i ll;.- !).ir at S.;::t!'. i in k, a:: i ar. ' '\.A ctr >m'i 11 J'iiiil, \'. I.i^ii u as !.:ki.;M p :!'- ;;i .11 I '1 1>; ti:.- I looj- , u ,tli- out <'pM liitii):!. I;; I !; iv.i .1:1 ::^K- 0:1 t!/.' lit ot Jii!\,) J-or>t if .\w ani^c.l a' li, :!;:'.. f, 'in l-.:;:,'ar.i ; a;ii! rrulmi^ tti'- t^.(.t tu'l *.i'-:.\, !. iii!tan;'v pr.v . i- I (!. .\\\v \,>ik, a:.ii I )!ii>ii I. !>! S ;;iMl!..::i <<., \'.\ uj'h. 0:i ;:,; .;:! :;;c 1 ::!U- pi :;, f 'r:ii--r:; i::iit.,! IVo- \ ,, > '.i; 1 ': : . ixs \. , a i iiiJ. pui- : ;i : V: .^ \-, k, v" ';!- p, : : ; ! '1 !>; ..>!:o!:!,.(;:..;; I. 1: I j; p. 1 , ' . ... ". '1 V. .i^ I ' "'>! mail." \v a p : , .\ i .^t ( ; p;.- la'., I i , I t. . 'l !i ;i>.,-j>s \', . I : ' ' \P . t A I - PPP.PiJ .t .. *. P- , >. .. :.. \' >> p\. Cp .- ; .PI 1 ll ppI '. 430 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. Before noon on the fame day, the whole were landed with- 177*^ ont oppofition. On the25ih, fome fhips of war were or- dered, under Sir Peter P.iiker, to approach nearer to the town of New York; and another fmall fquadron, under Com- modore Hotham, wasfent to co-operate with theanny, and to cover tl'.e general attack.'*' On the 15th of September, the Americans were driven out of New York ; and they were foon atrer obliged to evacuate the ifland. General WafhuiiTton ictrea'.ed with crreat (kill and addrefs into the Jerfeys, where he was pu, hied by the Britifh troops, who, before the end of November, were in poflefTion of almoft the whole ot thofe provinces. On tfie 9th of October, Captain Hyde Parker, in the Phoenix, with the Roebsick and Tartar, was fent up the North River, to co-operate with a detachment of the army, to intercept any fupplies which might be fent to the Ame- ricans by that channel. The Ihips fuffaineda heavy canno- nade on paffing the enemy's battcrico; a lieutenant and nine men were killed on board the Roebuck, and 18 wounded. On ihe nth of December, Commodore Sir Peter Parker, and General Clinton, were fent with a fquadron of Ihip'^ of war, and a body of land forces, to reduce Rhode llland.f On the approach of the fleet, the Americans abandoned their Ilrong polts, and the ifland was taken pof- fellion of by the general, without the lofs of a man. Sir Peter Paiker in the tnean time blocked tip their principal naval foice in the liarbour ot Providence. On the iith of Oct >ber, the fquadron under the com- mand of Captain Pting'c, on Lake Champlain, attacked that of the Americans.:: v\hich was drawn up in an advan- tageous poHtion, to deiend the between the ifland of Valicour and the man ; the enetny beuig to windward, the larger veflLls could not be worked up, to fupport the Carle- ton fchotjncr and gun boats, which maintained a warm ac- tion for feveral hours, in which the enemy had their largeil fchooner burnt, and a gondola fiuik. At night, Ciptain Pringle called off the veiTcls engaged, and anchored his fleet in a line, to be ready for the attack the next morning ; but (jeneral Arnold, who commanded the American fquadron, * Ainxndix-, CL:ip. II. ISo. 159, tlic detached iquadron at the rc- duaio;; (> New York. t Api'L-IKilX, Cliap. II. No. lOO, 1 Ap]'jnJix, CluiM, 11. ISo, 161. belns. N A V A I. C II no NO LOGY, 431 bci:i!^ fi-nr.hU' (it t':c it'kTioriiy i>f '-.In Whcc, availnl liiinf'.'.i" A.D. .>t ;':. tl.uknc'.- ot t!;;- ni^l-.t, aiul \s .;'.(!: i u !ov\ .in!- Crou n i;;i i'. ;!.t. At v!a\ -[Uv-.k :!.':u- o! i!ij t.:;-j!r.\ \ Vfi'.cU \\v\c !>> be !:'^'n: Ca[i;.i:ii i'r!n:,'iL- i;;i[.iiit!\ v.;:t in iiiitlii!!, aiul ou liu' I ^tti, .H i!''):i. V aiiK- iij) wiiti ilicin .i t-.vs li,-.ii.Mifs lliort li P .:.'. Ai-.iJllur Uv l;..':i i iilMr.!, a;;.t i.'>>ri!iniK*.t \\:'li l;:-..!' >i!';t;:..:, '. I.'; tsso to::;-, wlrjii t'; ii.c:nv ilii- I'dlcvi, a:i.i fivd mr\^r\' liircot ihm ; i't W .lilrii.i.'ii y.A- \c\ , uith (ici,t;.i! \\ .i!t rbi.r'i pi: b.Miii, was t..!wii, (,jc- i.(.i.;'i AriMl.l, i;i '.lu- C 'M^rrt- i.;.illf\, ;uk! inc uti ci--, lan aiiuTc, .;:. i \'.C!C !m:i;\; In ili, .1 cwiivkus, \\ Ii.) < leaped lilt ) I'lc u 'il-. ji)i;; or !n u oti'.ci-, ^-iL^^lLt! it-,c,i eUaj/cto Ticon L-rcg.;. 'J lie RcjM'fV c; -^2 ::^i!l^ L'lr^a'n IIcni\ IXivi^, bciiu^ CM .1 crui/,' oil {'.]: \:'...-\\ I : 15 : :r.; .l.i-, t i.iiiciL.l in .1 vnLiu :! .mi; tl;.- wli >!- rl l^ur .i;-u ;-.r;;l: J. Ai).traa n^'Cij a:!i jair.CN C ilv\ !ail \ . \a.;r. < ():i t'.j 11::; : J:::y. C.i;ta;!i C- k laLcl h. in Plv- iiu'ut!) A ; ..1 . I .la.! VI jv t, .. :'.V'' I ili.aOl.r 1 'IO\ C,i t r 1 '. ::n. C- ;., 1 " r Cv v.. 11.'';,!,.!.'. 1 . .\ , 43^ NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. mouth Sound in the Refolution, accompanied hy the Dif- ^7/'^ cov'L-ry, Captain Charles Clarke. Omai, a native oi Ota- hi iie, who had been brought to England by Captain Fiir- neaux, vvas fcnt on board the Refohition to return to his na- tive illand. The object vi this vovage was to endeavour to difcover a pafTaue be vvcen the coniuitntof Afia and Ameri- ca. C ip'a li Co:)k firft pr.'^ceeded to the Cape of Go(^' ^''f^- \ of the Amazon, iSoi Foneficr, ditto, dead. I-r.'. , luii'eon, dead. i-ili-j luii;eoui's mate, dead. Contintiing. NAV\L CHRONOLOGY. 433 Cr.ri?inuin2 hi^ cenrlc to the north, on the i8th of ilic A.D. fame iiiontli u LhifitT ol illiiuls \v:j> diM. overt li, to vsh^h '//" fic t^avf the ii^iiit of ihf >i4 .i!'Ai(.-l; i1jii>I:>, tiics lie between the latmule > t 21'' ^v^' .11.. I il'' \^ ri'ili, K'i!i-'tmic* 199 9o' jnd 201 30' r.iit, altncit niui\\av !u;ween ihe eoafl of Calit 'iniu and the J.ailione illaiul<. Captain C(>'.)k ob- fcr\cs, that thtle :llanil> ni.iv pro\e exireinelv ufetiil to the Spatiiard , for tlieir Manilla (hij>< to Itop a:.(l get retrt (h- men'^, alf id California. Captain Coi>k remained anioiig thefc lilands tintl die 2d of I'ebriiarv, wherithe Rifoltition beini; driven tiom licr anchorage, he purfncd his voyage to the north. On the 6th cd" March the (lup?; being in the latitude ^ji^ 33' north, and longitude 235" 20' eaft, the co^^l} (d America was fecn extending from N.E. to S. E. On the 31(1 an iidet was difcovered, m uhioli they anehorid, its latitude is 49'* 3V 'I'^^f'fii ^'"l lorigitiide 2^3" 12' ealh Captain Cook gave It the name (d King (u-orge's Sound ; it is called by tlic naii\e> Nooika ; he fpeaks ot tliem as an indolent, in- oflcnlive race, who chieHv live by fidiing. 0:i his de- parture l;e contimud to fail .ih-ng the N. W. coad of America, tonching at Prince W ihiam's S amd, and the il!..iid OnaLfka, until he difcovered Behrin<;'> S:rait';, whuh feparaie it i r itn tlie continent ot Afi.i, On the 20th of Augud, 178. the ihips had fiicctedcd f.) tar a- to reacli tlie lantiide of 70" 54' north ; they wtie then ob- llruclcd in anv tariher jir(i_;re(> bv an impciuir.ih'c Ciuiti- nent (d ice. Cap'a.n L'ock, h'We\Lr, pirlL\eul in his tnde.r. .)iiis to ! Ti, e his wa\' thro'.i^li until thr 2,-!!i; hut tuivimg It v\a^ uitiily impr iclirabic, he rcluuju iiu d the attcinj't, anJ. (lend to the fui'hw aid, w:i!) tlie u I'lV loii ot 1 alhnti th.c uinier at tie Sa .du ich ill md . On tl r 26th it NnvLnd>(.r, alter havmij (XjeruiKed f !> c- vry tcirip'.dln'>us weatht r, he ;;Mt light ot tlie a!) 'U- i;iai d<. Captain C(k k cont.iuied t.) c xph'ie th; n; un':! ;1.( i"t!i of fanuarv, i""?), when a cm enictit lav w ,;^ lour.d in the idand (d O \\ hyec, where the (hips org! t ly. fecun- and reht ; in order to projecute ih- ir \<'\3t;i nraiii to the north wdienever the Iralun ihould pi rmit. A fruMilv 111- terci nrfc fnblilletl betvsetn tlie natives and tlu ciew>. of the (liips. until the 13th of l-'ebru.irv, a beat \y ' r.^ii,; to the Difcovcry being llolen bv the naiivt'^., Cap-a n Cook gave dirctti'Mi!^ that no cancic (hould be \ crn:'.:t(.d t. Vol. 1. 1 f 434 NAVAL CHRONOLOGT. A.D. go out of the bay, until it was reftored ; for which pur- 177^ pofc he went on fhore the next day to negotiate with the chiefs. At this time a canoe attempted to efcape out of the bay, and being hred at from the guard boats, unfortu- nately a chief was killed. The news foon reached the fliore, when a moft horrible fcene prefented itfelf; the natives flew to their arms, and in great numbers alTalled with ftones, clubs, and other weapons. Captain Cook and the party of" marines with him. The officers in the boats feeing the imminent danger their companions were in, fired among the natives, by which fome were killed and wounded ; Captain Cook, to fpare the further effufion of blood, turned about to give direftions for the boats to de- fift firing, when the illanders rufhed forward and ftabbed him in the back; he fell with fiis face into the water. Upon feeing him fall the natives fet up a general fhout, and dragged his body on fliore, where they completed their favage and inhuiran work, each fhewing a brutal eager- nefs to {hare in his deftrution. Four marines fell alfo a facriftce to thefe barbarians fury. Lieutenant Philips, of the marines, and three privates fwam off to the boats dangerouily wounded. Trie bodies of the flain were car- ried into the woods; where they were cut up and mangled in a moft (liocking manner. At the expiration of fome days, part of the mutilated body and many of the bones of our much-lamented countryman. Captain Cook, were de- livered up to Captain Clarke, who had them committed to the deep \\ith the ufual military honours. The command now devolved on Captain Clarke, who removed on board the Rcfolution, and appointed Lieute- nant Gore to the command of the D.fcovery. On the 20th of February the fliips failed from O' Whyee, continuing to cruize atnongft and occafionally to vifit the Sandwich illands until the 15th of March; when they took their final departure, and fli.iped their courfe to the N. W. On the 23d of April the mountains of Kamt- fchatka were (ecn, but firong N. E. winds, attended with frequent f ;g-^^ lii'^vv, aiul ileet, prevented the (hips from getting into Av.awAj bay betore the 28 h. The inrenfc irofi auki !;ii.;h v\i;h!s t'/etitiy impecied. 'he refitting of the ih;j)s, erp;-ci..iiy in fli Pjvng a bad It-ak, winch the Refo- liitH)!. h.ui f;) 1.: ;j. A- fi.e feafon advanced, ftie weather btcau.e uieic in..d, io that they were in leadinels ior fca by N'AVAL CIIROXOLOGY, 433 bv tl;C hrs'nning of funf. Diirnig tlu-.r Hay at this place, A. D. thf Kiif!i.i!:<= rti.uci-til ihiiii cv cmirfc to the N. K. a'< d; ttk- i_u.ilt c't K.:inuK-fKi ka. On t!;t.- 6th of Jii!-, the ill ps JL' ''n . i.tiT'-n i)hri:!i_-'> !ir,.i'<, ;:nd proceeded a^ lar 'o tl,c i.. rt!i a- ihv lal.ti-dc of 70" ](. Ilrrc the c;na!;'ii;(.>> ot and lol.d icc, bv wlrcii tiity \\v]C fre- {,11 ! ;lv (ni loiii.dt i, and o'-cn in ininnncnt ilai^m-r 01 being cndhtd t ) pr.ics, put a !b'p to [\w\r tarthtr advanc(TT:Lnt. Cap'ain Caik-.', hout\,>r, \\ as rcloKcd ii.'.l to pcricvcrc in !iis end a\ ..'Hi's to proln iitc t!ic 01 jrol of h> vovagc, and t'lT fonic tiiiif diui^'>j!ed ag.nidl inhirniountablc dilli- cnltic^; at Uiudi bciiiii coiivmccd th.u no prachcablc pal- fa^c t\ inl biiucri t'lc Ailaniic and I'acitio o.\ans to the i;)itb, Ik- r'vliiu'pn'h', (! all tuirhi r pnrin:!, and in the i-'di'd lii'.v bo;-- a\s.i\ t ) tbv ioutliu.ird, and l{L!.rcii for Avs.t il.i ba" , I'l oiiitr to n Mt anil rtpair tb.c ilania^cs wbubthc (b;p- b il rcccivtd \t'nn i]\c ice. On t!ie 22d cif Ani;ull Captain Cbarlc^ Ciaikc, who bad been f'racoii- fi 'crabu: tunc in j d'-i j) ikchne, cxjMicd m i!vc 3S'!i year <)\ \\> u^r. l' V n- xt ibtv tb^e ih'ps ancb,(>rcd in Awatfka b.iv. C-ip'ain (1 Tf, on v\ botn the cinnian.l dtvilvcd, went (-n !)0:idibc Rclobition, and appo;n!-d L;. n'rnatit Kmil; to t!ic ciiinnand of I'lc I) b o\i !\. ' c intinucil at d'.- pbii ( nntd di- c^tli (t Oob'bti ; \'. !i( ri it u a^ tbc opinion n\ O ipt.. n^ (I ''c and Kmil'. ^\i'ii ib;- red o( tlic jirn.cnpa! obxc:- iii b. aid, ibat tb^ ibipN wrrc in r.o con- tli ; -n to n iibitd.j anv more a'ti' n| ts n) the noitbc^vard ; It \\astb uiir^ n i il\ . d ! 1 (. \- V ii't. tb- tiir;l;< r indi n-:t,.ins ut tb.c ainraiN, ub.nb were to t\j: le tin- Japan- (c rl Mid-, a "id ti le' urn boil ( !)\ ib.e > o.:lt t C'b' n.i, aiid the Cacc ot (i'l i 1 'p . \ 'ibcn^ \e;'. nncLii.d o.-cnned (birnc; I'-e bc!^ r p.iM ot ibi^ vev.i^---. ( )n t:;( .itii ot Or tu- ber, i"Xj, t' t K b'bcf ill and l).lVi\:-rv arri\cd bde at tb,e N Me, at'er an ai)(en,e of t"iir \ear-, t\\ ) iriontbi<=, and t \". entv t \.\ o d, i', ^. In ti;e C'aiib- oi tbis b>iiL; \ovaec the Ril'biOoti 'ad old'. Inc nnn, ulio died b\ liiknel-, and tbor ol tb; ie were m a precaiio e. ifite (d luallb at the. I d-paiinrc tio.n i'.n-bmb 'Idle Ditl.nciv was lt;II inoie lortunatc, njt ha; inu b'd a man bv fickncfs. I t ^ ' <;ippbe> 436 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. Supplies granted by parliament for the fea fervice. For 45,000 men, including 10,129') marines and fea ordnance - - 3 For the ordinary, including half-pay 1 to fea and marine officers - - 3 For building, repairs, &c. For Greenwich hofpital Towards difcharging the navy debt Total for the navy /. s. d. 2,340,000 400,805 2 10 465,500 4,000 i,ooo,oco 4,210305 2 10 Total fupplies granted for the year ^^12, 895, 543 o 2 On the 20th of May his Majefty ordered the following promotion of flag officers, viz. The Hon. John Byron 7 Rear-Admirals of Blue to be Earl Biiftol j Rear- Admirals of White. Captains. George Mackenzie Efq. | ^^ ^^ Rear-Admirals of the Matthew Barton, JbJq, > m Sir Peter Parker, Knt. 3 The 6ih of February letters of marque and reprifal were granted by the admiralty againft the thirteen revolted pro- vinces of America*. On the 1 8th of May the Beaver floop of war of 14 guns^ and 125 men, commanded by Captain Jones, being on a cruize olf St. Lucia, fell in nith, and after a fmart action of three quarters of an hour, captured the OHver Crom- well, American privateer of 24 guns, lofwivels, and 10 cohorns, and 150 men, commanded by Captain Harman ; 20 of whom were killed and as many wounded. The Beaver had three men wounded. She was taken into the fervice and named the Beaver's prize. In the month of July the Fox frigate, of 28 guns, Cap- tain Patrick Fotheringham, was taken on the banks of Newfoundland by the Ifancock and Boflon American fri- gates, of 32 guns, each commanded by Captains Manley and M'Ned. On the i8th of Auguft thefe frigates with their prize off the coafl. of Nova Scotia, were chaced by the Rainbow, of 40 guns, Captain Sir George Collier ; upon which they leparated ^nJ (leered different courfes. ? For the tbip: employed this year, fee Appcnjj;c; Chap. 11, No. 162. After NAVAI. CHllONOLOG Y. 437 After a purfiiit i f :; lioiwh ami finng a frw gilns, the A.D. HjncoLk iliulvti [ retreat fevera! niile> h gher up the river. On the 26;h ot the fame nu'iith the Biihth troops look poilel- llon ul it. A tew days after the Delaware, an Ameiicaii trigatc, ot 32 guns, alVided by fome other armed veilel:-. altempicil to obllruct the tro>)ps v\ lu) were emplo\ed to throw up batteno next the fea. Upon the tailing ot tlic tide the frigate got aground and was tak n ; the reil cut their cal)les an.' pnllietl u() the river. Captain Andrew Sna[)e Hammomi* apjviintKi Mi. Wutt, his fult lieute- nant, to command the Delaware, who piirbied and ile- ilr"\ed llie whole (d them, anMiint'ng to leventeen lail ; lor the active (ervcesuliuh Mr. \\ att pel tormeii, I.ord llowe coni'.rmed the appuint.ueiit. Ikitjrcthe (hip-sol war could [iioceed lit^her \i\) ilierucr, it was iKcellar\ that feM-ral maeiuruN leleinlilmg ciievauv-de-tri/e) which ttic eiieir.y had funk to t)lock u[) ilie channel, tli uKl be le- inued. I iii^ aoltioiis uiuiei tak !!!>; \Na- entruited to Cap- tain flaimnond, wlio, .it;er iuik h p( r!e\ erancc and gieat t.\!-rfiiii;'~, liiicce.ied ;i W( i.;[)iiil', up a luiluient niimlur of them !m I, ui^' a late | aiiage lor i!;e (hip'-, notwiili- llandii.g lie \'. 1- Ir; ([\' aiiunve.l b\ ihe enem.'s tlMatiiig batterie-. 1 !u- i;e\i object ua- ' 1 d ll'dL^e the eiieinv trnni ihe iIiciil; polts wtiuh ituy lield at Rt d bank and Mud illarids. To ettlcl th < leiv ^r, on ttie 22d of Ocb)- b. r ihe .Augiiiia, Somerlet, and Ids,-! were ordercti to c.tii- ^ I"hi- prciLnt C":r,;-Ti>l:(.i' of the r.r.:. + C'unm.iiiJ.i li ir. the Cipt.uii , 1' i ^ncis Rf. nol.'-., I f. !i. W.'ii.un Cornu.iili^, ail.! (Jimij-c Ouii\. ihe iMcrliii wa . fcuiiuT..i:!''t (i by (-'..i'Mill b4IllU(.i Kit-. C. V f 3 438 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. nonade the batteries on the ifland, and a detachment of "^m HelFians were at the fame lime to attack the r.edoubt at Red-bank. The channel through which the (hips weieio pafs was found to be ftill confiderably injured ; this pre- vented them from anchoring near enough to the batteries for the:r fire to have much effe6t. The Augufta and Mer- lin floop took the ground, in this (ituation they mam'ained a heavy cannonade, and baffled the efforts ot the enemy, who fent down four fire-rafts to deffroy them. The Au- gufta, by fome accident, it is believed from the wadding of her own guns, took fire ; the flanges burfl out with fo much rapidity and fury, that the crew were obliged to abandon her, and Ihe loon blew up, involving in her de- lfru61i(m the Merlin (loop. Many poor fellows perilhed; the only officers were Mr. Baldock, fecond lieutenant of the Augufta, with the chaplain and gunner. The Somer- fet and Ifis were obliged to retire ; and the Heftians were repuHed at Red bank with confiderable flaughter. On the i5ih of November a more vigorous and fuccefs- ful attack was made on Mud ifland ;* the cannonade was fo furioiiS that the enemy were driven from their guns and retired in great precipitation. The Americans on the main foon (bared the late ot their companions on Mud ifland ; which opened a free and unmolefted communica- tion to f^fiiladelphia by water. On the 6ih of Od^uber Commodore Hotham failed up the north river with a fquadron of frigaies, to c;)-opcrate with a body of troops under the comrnand of Sir Henry CI nt(.n, in hopes of gaining Albany, and foririing a jundion with the army under General fSurgoyne. I'he forts Montgon.ery and Clinton were carried by florm. The enemy on their retreat fet fire to two new frigates and feveral other veffcls, which were confumed with their ar- tillery and (h)rcs : as the fleet and army approached, they alio abandoned and burnt lori Conftitution and Conti- /\7,.>./. IVoun 'cd. - o 5 3 3 7 1 3 none none iiental Ship^. Guns. C.',i>:man.L'n, "" Su'lKliut - 7'-' Qroxgc Oin ly Jl"::. - - SO lion. W . CoiawMliis RocLuck - - 44 And- bnapc lianuiK^nd Tcaii - - - 3i Hon. (ltd. R. Eij)liinlt.on( I.iv'Cip )()1 - - 2.S ilcniy JJellcw Vl<;il:ilU A. S. 2 Corn, alh.- .:',alli. y - *\ji armed ikKip 3 Lieut. Botham AVAL Cin.OX CjI.Of, V 4. 'it) rental village, in the laft were ban.^cks tor I ;;co men ; a '^'^ lari^c b oni (jr chain ot a ci;rl()iis roniirudbon was cither ' > / 7 c.irncil awav or liitik, it.s value was ciliuiatcil at 70,000 In ttic mean time Sir Jarr.cs Wallace* with a Hying fquailr ):i, atuKinfral \ au^han \\;t'; a bmlv ul hj^fil troops, purliied ant coniplctcvl the deitriihiuii of ihc cneniy'h lorcc in the noi th nwr-*". Ill Canada (jrncral Carlotm (.onijuUcd tfic American arinv, iin !cr ( it nvral ^^;. Claic, to abandon 'Iiconiicroga , while Ca[)tain l-utwiil_;c, u!;o commanded on llie hikes, P'jrhicii and captured or dcllro\ed their whole rcmaniing naval torce.'; (r.-ruial Burt^oyne was not equally tortii- natc. Alter ha\ m^ fniiL'hi two bloody engagements and penetrated a^; far a-- ^aI;iil>^J, he toiind his armv (o mucli reduced; at the ianie tin'.e it henimeil in on all (ules h\' a lupeiior turce of the e:iem\ : in this lituation, on tlv' i"di ot 0( tober, lie wa^-iir.der i!:e liuniiliatir.*; necelhty ot entering into a convention v.iih C ieneral (lates. On the 4tli ot Seplemier the Camel, ot 20 i^nns, the honourable Caj)tain \\ illi.ini Clement linch, witti the Druid and Wealel ilooji';, heir.!; in the latitude of .10^ ^3' iKUth, ai:d lon.Mti de ^o ' i~" \\ef, with tl'e North Ame- rican trade under tlieircv)!i\ iv, ihlci . rvA a Kr.i.'^iie lad brar- ihl; down i.-pnu them ; at !".e !'. M. the liad appioact.ed to u',!!i!n jMili..! ill. .1 .! lie n.i:.d. \\hicli wa'-at iou'.e dii- t leice to wiiidu .:;d ot t'lei ;\ii\ ; and hoiiteit Anieruaii ci'i air^, .;t tile la'iic trr.e had'd and d^liied Captain Car- tel t !o di ike to ihc iionoiii ot the L'on^iel^, toHovs i.d ;m- iv. ! aleU bv iu.111,1 .' a bro. :iil > t!ie Diird. h\ uhich i' t(:e LapMiJ" Carlu et w ol)! e;.-d ;o I'e < a: i \: I the ma'.itr %\a- ki'Ied. I w 1,0:11 tile Ci 'inniai'.d de\ oN :'.< ;:i! V wound' d tint he u a-; d: I., and bv tl; ( ihot .;! ::ant fulm liaiehKi, on I, :naiiit.u'.:ed the acti'm \s it!j :., ...!ra; . ; \;.k.. .iiiii..- 1 -!;;:.:,.: :..'. . 1 ; 1.11! it 1 '. , . J,e.-: .!j, ....: V -.i./r. ll . (; .-.s,; ,j^ , 11. \,. 1 . . C..'e.nio>!. It II .!h:in -iM W,.!- , .11 1 ,u[\: |.!.i.' "! I ...r.c (Ii-i'i :'! aulci , tt'.rve .j ; 1 t J. great 440 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. great bravery until half part fix o'clock, when the enemy ^777 Jiauled to a indward and made fail. Lieutenant Bouchier ufed every effort to purfiit- her, all of which were ineffec- tual ; the Druid was a complete wreck, her malts, rig- ging, and fails cut to pieces, and five teet water in her hold. The Camel and Wtafel were too far to leeward to render her any affiftance. The enemy's fhip appeared to be a frigate mounted wth 38 or 40 guns. Upon Cap- tain Finch joinmg the Druid, he found fhe was in too fhattered a condition to profecute the voyage, he ther'^fore ordered Mr. Bouchier to proceed with her tu Englana ; on his arrival he was promoted to the rank of mafler and com- mander, as a reward for his bravery. On the 22d ot the fame month the Alert cutter of 10 guns, 10 fwivels, and 60 men, comtnaiided by Lieutenant John Bazeh^,* at half pafl feven in the morning came up with and brought to a6liun an American brig privateer ; the engagement continued wiih much gallantry until ten; when the American availing himfelf of the difabled ftate of the cutter made fail. By the adlivity of Lieutenant Bazely fhe was foon in a condition to purfite the enemy, and at half pafl one renewed the adlion ; at two fhe flruck, and proved to be the Lexington, of 16 guns, 12 fwivels, and 84 men ; feven of whom vere killed, and ii wounded. The Alert had 2 men killed, and 3 wour.ded. OCCURRENCES AT AXD NEAR HOME. 1*^8 Supplies granted by parliament for fea fervice. For 60000 n en, incluciing 11,8297 marines, and (ea ordnance - 3 For ordinary, including half-pay to ) fea and inarine officers - - 3 For building, repairs, &:c. For GteenwiLh hofpital Towaids difcliarging the navy debt /. s. d. 3,120,000 389,200 16 488,695 4,000 I, coo coo Total for the navy - - 5,001,895 16 o Total fuppliest;,ranted for the year ^14, .45.497 i 8 lof The prefent Admiral Bazcley. Oti XAVAL CHr.OXOrOGY. 4 11 On the 23'l \ J .iiiury \u< yh]r'Ay or>icrc 1 th.c following A.D- rroini> lo.-i it .mu Jitcii. '77'^ John Rcvn'-ld-, L q "^ n * j r w'u- < u ,1) 1 , . /KLar-Ai'ii. of White Bon. J.'.nBv.un > ";. b- ^^^^ Adnu.ah Earl Hr,(l ! ' ) ' '^' ^''^ CJ -orgc Mukci./.'P, I-Tq. ") /<< ar- Adnrrals of B lie ti) be Rear- AdiiiiijU ot the While, Mati'ie Hjr'M i, KUj Sir Peter Paikcr, Kit. J Captains. Hon. Samuel Barririyidn Xi'tifihnot. Lfq. Robert Roddani, E)q. Gcuigc I) trby, Liq. John Can., -Ml, K*q. Chnft .ph.r Hdl, ! 'q. Ja IX s ( i.ini;>k r, Kq. Will JIU 1,1 .\.|, i-Jij. liaciv W i: an I)...k.^ Efq. S r KdAattl Hiuriiv. K If. I }hi\^^ I'akcr, (en. Kiq. j J.aioa % the 29- h the f jllowii;!; flag officers were pro- rriDtt d. Sii Chaiies Hare!), Knt. "),,, , t>, Earl N rrhuk > A hr,:ra!. -d ,hc HUicMo Sn IdiMnav J>v., r 'V, -^''^"^rals .d the FrarK.ii Jatic; 1) '!i^!as, Knt. E'lid Edi^'CiMiibe S.iniii 1 ( ii av 'S, ] fc]. Will am B.irrv. Ef-j. }i .n. Ai;-ulhi's K^ |:,>cl I'. 'Ill A lUu-rlt, ) I'lj. n.ik- ot C!in,!v.,:,u,d Sir iVt.r 1). n, , Burt. Muthi A Hn. k -, Id.j. K'ln t Mann, I'.iq. C^iar 'm ( 1 1\ tMii, I'.|{[. John .Montas:,'), i'dq. 1 \ I. ''-Admirals ct 'ic Red to be AdilUlals i i the Blue. \ u c-Adniirals of ih- W Uile to lie \'.> I -Ad- n;iraLs omIk Red. E.ul 442 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. Earl Ferrers, "> Vice- Admirals of the Blue, to ^77^ Hugh Pigot, Efq. V be Vice-Admirals of the Lord Shuldham, J White. r Rear- Admiral of the Red, to John Vaughan, Efq. J be Vice-Admiral of the I White. John Lloyd, Efq. ^ Robert Duff, Efq. | aj i r ^u d j T h R Id FT I R^^''-Admirals of the Red, c.v u I u n r t? .*. y to be Vice-Admirals of the bir Hugh ralhler, hart, f r,, Tj T , D Jolue. Hon. John iSyron, i Earl Briftol, J George Mackenzie, Efq. "n Matthew Barton, E;q. ^ Rear- Admirals of the White, to Sir Peter Parker, Knt. t be Rear- Admirals of the Red. Hon. Sam. Barrington, ) John Campbell, Efq. "1 Rear-AdmiralsoftheBlue, tobe Chriftopher Hill, Efq. J Rear- Admirals of the White. On the 1 8th of March, the French king iflued an edi61: to feize all Britiih fnips in the portsof France ; and on the 27th of the fame month an embargo was laid on all French {hipping in the Britifli ports. Both countries were bufily employed in the equipment of powerful fleets; and every proceeding indicated afpeedy rupture.'^' On I he 13th of April, a fquadron of French fhips of war, under the command of the Comte D'Eftaing, failed from Toulon, deftined for North America.f Although the failing of this fquadron was made known to the minifter on the 27th, no meafures were taken to intercept it, until the 5th of June, when Admiral Byron failed from Spithead+ in qucft of it. In the night on the 3d of July, the Britifli fquadron was difperfed in a heavy gale of wind from the north. The Princefs Royal, Invincible, Culloden, and Guadaloupe, were the only fl^ips left with the admiral. On the 6th, the Culloden parted company; and on the 2ifl:, the Invincible and Guadaloupe ; the tv/o laft bore away for St. John's, Newfoundland, where they arrived in a nioft crippled con- '' Appendix, Chap. I. ^o. 1 89, ^c. State of the liritifh and French Navits. f Appendix, Chc.p. ! [. No. 164. dition. \ A '. \ I, ( 'li i; ON'O I.0(, Y. , 1 i d'.'.io;!. On the 51') t/' A" uit, the CuW ^r.rn ioin-ii thp aii- '- P rni;.i!, aii;l wi tlic I 1th (Ir.- . .im :mi rv i c():!-,p.!:n'. A<1ni'.!l JP j)\ ri':-. aldii',- [vi;!ut.-d !.,- t rji c i<>r \ c .v 'I'oric. t )n flic iSth,!\ i- r.wl I't' - iWy^ U'c-:-,- '.\w.v^\l .it .^acn >: r!i>tc in lh i'.- p.irt of ]) I'.itaiiij'- Icju.i^irv!:). I'hr timinu^ !.; ccuM !i 't f)! :!;b:v _;ct i:i' ) SaI^;v IT' !%, v.itli >ut p.iiliii: tnrou.'li thi" ini'U'., bi):c .iw>iv I. r if.:i.:.i\, \v;-.l;j hi- a.ri'.vdi^n I h-j . ,!!i;Tiap(J f t :r.v t': .;'.;;. 1 r\(.-t v. a; ctM-.fV; -tvl i'.:i t'-L- la;lt\! rr,i:;i ^ t. IKicii^ > ri a t 1 ;: / in tti;' Ij.iv . ' 1);. ..'..' ( )n tr;v i -:;\^ ..S ;!; - ;: 1; .1, 'k-s r.' ri.c ". W . ct :h;- i,'/.;:', t!:c aJii.;r^l ci\: ; . ur !a ! v:'r.'..h v.-.'j ir.i"r\-.\l rcr-:::;..:U-!M^: f:.- :!. , :. I.. -.. . : r..:,' '.- M. ::,:>! . a, up \v,:!-, an.! !i:.i'ij*'t j:!* ;h.- ;!iM tr.- I. , :n.- K!-:i:'i frMati', or" i,2 z'.r.)^ .:::'. .' .; ,11 -n. ' I \:.- ii\l\\:.^'. J ra:repar;aMin<; to _'rt (ft; a!:J r rr.c". it i .tui 'a.:.i";v I-h.:k;i c/p'.vn < n the inipr- ,)i !ft\ ot' I'icn Co-niu *; t';.> Ivi.w ,1' ;i , :.'..,M, h? thcM I ;Jcri.\i a Ov >t ti. hj :.:(! < \ a Iu i ; i;p. n '.-.l:, 'i tec Frciic'^nian 'hK' a: -vd h:- ah lic hr.iuilivk- ::\--> ti.a A-ii;-- lic.'., ,mk! ;n*{ in'-l; Miuck li;- . 'Iou:>, K: m;i.i;-.-. , (.'i', I.^ar nic-:; u\ If \v,)iiihic J. I?.' .\r, th-:M a;!.i A'.:t t-itV r p !' ," :i .! t'- > ; : , i". 1- I ii' . t' I'.'nr :: t:: ;:.:. '^ ': i{.: c ^:'- i,,i U "1 la" Ik':'.:- V '/:. C i ::. .; . .: < i.nii:. iriif! , ti^t h.s it.i i> \\ ' win i ;., Im 1: .h aJ', ui;h ...''.'. ! . :> v-.:-.''..- li'.\ itlalLti t'l c- .'M.l', ,(.'.: ' :, 1 a I'l .t ( \ci h; :, \\ hi. !; A\i'- ::,!i.!i;'^'. i . ,, ;i .. ,' , .: ,. ; : i; the H- a;- I'.vil . A (1 l:aT.:t'- I ;i :aj.:ii ::; . :.,.. .!, .i:.! - :i- tiiiUfil vvitli a! .'.: .';iii., c . '^n f.'.a. l/::^, h. in ^ nir: tl-r \' \v !( fha. 1:1 ^^ : 1; .. h'.a:;'-:i I'.'a'i , ;h IJ.a.c I'.Mle lt<.'Hi into a '.'li.Jl h.i\, l:.:n \\\\ I'.ac a r.a,; iv ; i .' : ..;s (...'ii'Mut an.J t'.v\;-(i r.; I' .;,; > 1 I'laie nt I,.'-;',. I (.. Arc- tli'.i!.i'- ni.'.ai-m.ilf ;<., .r. rrt.'i- !;J , a:i. I ..I (1 .:h.:;-.v,r li) i;:i,iMcil, tti.a ! A ^ \^;:ii t.U' utai,.;t Ji:' e';av ih,- i 1;. .i cica: ifu- la:uh I!i 11 ^; tii >;:,,. i! \ ali i;il .i'..l Mi- nau'i luincu tiia A::'ai:.;, .laJ t/.wd hci t).v i; to ilivil-.;. A. :. . c;.., . 1:. : 444 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. The lofs fiiefiiftained in this conflict was eight menkilled, ^77^ and 36 wounded. By the French accounts the Belle Poule had 40 men killed, and 57 wounded. The Alert ca:ne p with a Freiich fchooner of 14 guns, v/hich ilie obliged to itriice, with the kTs of five menk.illed, and feven wounded. On the i8rh, ihe Foudroyant, Courageux, and Robuft, brought into tl;e neet the Pallas French frigate, of 32 guns, and 220 men. The papers which were found on board ot the i'rench fhips, gave Adaiiral Keppel an accurate account of their force at Bieft, which confifl-ed of 32 fail of the line, and ten or twelve frigates ready for fca. 'I'his information determined the admiral to return to Portf- mouth for a reinforcement ; and on the 27th of June the ficet anchored at Spithead. On the 8th of July, the French fleet put to fea from Breft-, under the command of the Comte D'Orvilliers. The Lively of 20 guns, Captain Biggs, haVing been left out to watch the motions of the enemy, upon a fog clearing up, found herfelf in the midll- of their fleet, and was taicen. The fleet under Admiral Keppel having been augmented to thirty fail of the line, failed from Spithead on the 9th of July. On the 23d, the hoflile fleets came in fight of each other." The enemy, who had the advantage of the wind, fliewed no inclination for battle, which obliged Admiral Keppel to continue chafmg to windward until the 27th, when a favourable fhift of wind enabled him to fetch the enemy. Upon which the French admiral edged down in a clofe line of battle, and opened his fire on the headmoft fhips. The fignal was inftantly made to engage, and a fu- rious cannonade was maintained for near two hours, as the fleets palled on contrary tacks. Admiral Keppel then wore to renew the en;-;agcment , butobferving that the Formidable and fome other fhips of Sir Hugh Pallifer's divifion, which had been principally engaged, were incapable (from the da- mages they had fuffained) of obeying the ii:;nal, he bore down to join them, and formed his line of battle a-head. The night was employed in preparing to renew the a6fion. At day light the next morning, the body of the enemy's fleet was oiily vifible from the maft head, ifecring with all lail fetj for Breft:. M. D'Orvilliers, to deceive Admiral '"'-' Api cndix, Chap. II. No. 167.. Keppel, N" W Al. CM r.ON'Ol.OG V. W-j KCepptl, kit thrv: of hiS f.ilK-i^ (.ulin- fliips, v.lth orJcrs A.D. to iK'.tinn thtir.kivcs at [iii'prr UiltaiK cs, ..n 1 tw larry tii-j '77'^ (Jivil:i ." lights v f the (\.i^ dihccri. h was in va;:i f. ir the .ic' to think ot a jmrdiit in the liir.'.bicd ihitc ot his flfct; he therctorc rclolvcd to return to hnjland. The I<.^^ ful- tau'cd HI this av;ti in was i}^ k:I!e !, an.l 05 wourulcJ. Tne euemv's aii.ountcd to 165 killed, a:,d 520 W( undcd. On the l8.h(/: Au^ult, the Kiench fleet h .d ;e!ut.^! .mj put to tea; it C( titnmed to crul/.c oft Cape lir-ifUrie until the i8;hot S( ptetnhiT, and then i-iiirned to j^rett. ( )n the 2^d)f Au 'lilt Ad, viral Fveppi.'. l.n'.^d, andcrur/ed o t!;f Weitwaid, with -Jt tr.eeot;.; the er.:-i:'\ , untd t!.e lllh .: September I p in h^ return to Po: tlinouiii, ir.;.\ vi ' :.t dil'putcs I lie, .'.nd ,r!;-,; :,:lan: :!il:r.u itl. Il"; were ttrown "::t, relative to th.c ti.i.du^t o-' .'u'nn: ! K-.ppci r.r.d Sr I!.. :ii Paililer, 1:; the la: .-ii m r,:,n. -r w.U' -:-; 1: -.rh H :. ' M the Qth ot" i)ite';.'i r ,: ',...,::..:.;, I'yS.. llvr r. txhilMti.'i^ t njr c! .; =es a.; . i.d 'h; C' ni'i; .ndcr .:. The lords of th..; ..u-i..M!t'. m ro:i:. \i-r,cc -.iiued an r...r; > Sir rh')ni.i; l'\--, ud-n-ral or ti'e wh ".e l.pi uiror, t \. M a court-m.irtiai at P<'rt;ni 'U ii on thi 7!ii ot janu irv > :...,:;. , ior the trial (;f AJinir./; fv-pp.^;. On ;!x- 1: :h n 'iv;.i.- l^r Ad:n):.d I'iiiot, fur the above c.:i' :-nia; :!.il '. < \' : .-iMtteii t < I:' ( n ('' ;;i-. On the ^::h i.f UecLii.^er, th.- I \jr;e( 1 H ; ifi pr-l; n'. ! a memorial to hi- i-'.-rit', , h ,:. .: hv t:,c :v,i.ive i>'.iMw.n , tlat^ otficcrs, wh- :e:ti tl'J\ re ;:;,n:.d t:.- iir,:. : : ;er-. iI Sir Hiiph Pa;ii!er\ eondua , ..;;d tl'c i:/::;- u'..^:; ;he Iv:- v :ee n.iL'ht dell v( iivv.n i,.;i iirocr'.I;:: '^. Hawk:', " !:..;:', lohn M '.re, I .'. ^ 'V..-i;:/, t^o!t..n, /. i'Mrt 'H, Samuel (rr.'.veS i:..^.e:^ i] ..:\\, Ilu h l'i.:ot, >',;! ;h im, Rohe!;Ha:l,:rr/, i':.i:>^-. 'i.r.t ,n. The Fox, of 2S ;iins the h m >ui .tbie Oaptam Wind-, ha\in;' be-n !r:t ( 'it to r'^comiii;:: e tlu- en.-riiy's t1'j;r, v\as taken, after an ir>'; n ite en':a:''-:i!'-n', ^m which Cap- tain wa- 1. \ , : ! v wo'inde,;,) by La Junon I'ler.r': truMte, of 37. tMin-, ..;'d ; . -^ men. ^The Helena Irh > i;;er, .d' i ;. ri^s Cap^.;n Th -t- . Hicks, empl'ived \i\ tlr- la-n-: !.::-r'. , Wai allj captu: ;a ': t Ld Svnlible r'ri-; fi . Uv. 440 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. -A.D. On the 20th of 06lober, the Jupiter, of 50 guns, Cap- z?^' tain Francis Reynolds, and the Medea of 28 guns, Cap- tain faines Montagu, being on a c'uize in the bay, fell in with a French line of battle fhip. At five P. M. the Ju- piter brought her to clofe a(5tion in which {he was joined by the Medea, who foon received a dangerous iliot between wind and water, which compelled Captain Montagu to bear away for Lifbon. Captain Reynolds continued the engagement with great bravery until eight, when the ene- my made fail, and bore away for Ferrol ; where it was re- ported fhe arrived with the lofs of her captain, and 200 men killed and wounded. The Jupiter put into Lifbon to relit. On the 25th of December, Admiral Lord ; huldham failed from Spithead, with above 3C0 fail of merchantmen under his convoy, which he was to condudf in fafety to a certain latitude, and return home l^he fleet conlifted chiefly of the trade bound to North America, the Eaft and Weft-Indies.'"'" Off the Berryhead, the Ruflel, of 74 guns, ran with fuch violence on board of the London Eafl-In- diaman, that Ihe funk in lefs than an hour. The Romulus faveu the crew, excepting three or four. The damage the Rullel received was fo great, that Ihe was ordered to Portf- mouth to repair. On the 2 lit of April, the Trident, of 64. guns, Cap- tain fohn Elliot, failed from Spithead, having on board Lord Carlifle, Mr. Eden, and Captain George Johnllone.f who, with the commanders in chief of the land and fea forces in Ts^orth America, v/ere appointed to negotiate an accommodation with the congrefs. On ihc 24th of the fame month, his Majefty embarked at Greenwich on board the Augufta yacht, accompanied bv the Earl of Sandwich, to vifit the dock-yards at Chatham and Shecrnefs. On the 2J of May, his Majefty alfo vifited the dock-yard at Portfuu-uth, and the fleet at Spithead. LTpnn this occafion he cr^.'-ed Samuel Hood, Efq. com- niifficncr of the dock-yard; a:)d Sir Richard Bickerton, Knt. captain of the Augufta yacht. Baronets; and con- ferred the hon- ur of knighthood on Digby Dent, Efq. Cap- lain ot the H,ig Ihip. ''* Apj.cinIJx, Ciiap. II. No. ii'iS'. i- A.ttci-A-;!l , Cuu.niodorc Jolinltonc, who comnundcd at Port MEDI- .N A\- \L C II no NO LOG Y. 'I I IM 1 ; i;!;.\ \ ! A \. ^i7 Die fij'.icJroii ,)n til!'; ll.itioii Ci>'nm:^-iut.J hy \'irc- Aiin'.iral Rojcit I)a'r.^ iitth.ti' r;..I 'Ccirrcvl. I'hc /(.; hyr 11"^ ;i c^f war, Cii:irii.i:ivl. J b\ Ci'Mii I'hi):!^^ \\ (.if^, was c.i^ lu:\.J by .i Ircncli tiijatr, .uiJ tariicJ iiUu ruuiu.'i. \ i)U III AMI !; K \. On ('t'May, L^rd {Jviwo Jctachou Captain Ihury With Kiur ^allivs, .tiid Dthcr ami;.*.! \c:icN, t) co-tr' With a (.IctachiiKiit of Iijht i;ir.i:;'i \', uiuii-r tiic comtiutiiJ ut Maj )r .Ma:'!aii ', wlio vwrc cMi'.i.'.r .-vcJ in ila: hi'at'>, tor^hc pui'i'"!^- of uc'{r(v, i:;_^r |.,-.ic .\nii : i.-a;i ..riTK-J lh:.)S ^md t)thtr \flicis wauii WwTJ !. inj in I'lc L"f..-i.'.pcak, '.Ht.vivii Phi!..J. :ph;a a:i-l rrc!i:( n , i;..> ur'. i^u tliL-y c-\LLLit.\l wilii ,; .i:tivi'\' and i,..t;;-. C)n t!i; 25:h of :!i!j i'.;;:.L- nioiit'i, Cipta'n C!a\:.'n, of the ! av.-, m (.oiira;, ;, n v..;!i I, ..ut.-iiaiit (^"-'..i:.lI C'..:n|'bcl!, li lo ilcdrci; t\l .1 ^-[(..ii iTin.hiToi i I'.a.. .Xrr.f: !C.'.!i .uai -J \ rl- f.!> and !i:;a:', uf'iich had i ccn (."oIlv-:Ld m liic \u'.n;:\ ol Rilodc lil.'.i'.d. ( h] til' i2'hof fu'v, t;v..' C'lnrc I )"I-".ll.'.!ii,' : iichorcd with {he [ wwih nL-.ti r. :'hr.-:\\'.u:\ in'rt, a'Mi:t : ar niiics from Sai.dv Uol, wh.Tc l..:.! Howe h..d n'.o red in-, luiail ivMiad.K n in t":-.v in it crd.r !.>: di.;jiK-.-, iho.ild lu- .a- ti;n[n t.. !ii;.v h', ..ii.^ v" ov. r :';.-I\;:.' I a 'n tn.- .in- pcar.inco! t'.' V ii; '),, 1 .nc t';'.i'-a:a!.d . ol !;iti\: ^ I:o:n t;..- tranfjKrf-, > i.- ,!:..:' .' <::,; jd f r :;-:-\-:. (.^ :> ni.:n tiii- t!ci.t , !: ni- .ins-n.; f;. ; b:,;'. J ;.-dow-<, .. ;;; p;. , , . i .1 \^..^ :..^. ';..!'. id :aM i^iii.;::: ; 443 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY* A. D. talre care of ^heir refpe I. f 'inoN oi.or, Y. 4i(i On the o'n, f.nrj ; [ -vc- n,,v'. Ki> a;);> -ir.incc oT RhoJc A. i). l:].i;u',' --^iJ tl'-' ' t i >"'.:"- .', i /i.t'.iwr, ;.)iit t'> li;.i, with a ' ~ i"* ficfli b;cc/;: Pi'-'i .';.: N. . Mil b >:c J. -'.Vii 0:1 il.c iSrltiill !!;. t. Loid !i' c i - J ..A..V tu J:.iw the (vy.-inv oft" t!lj l.i;;J, i;i h('|K n , : Ih.i :; ;.!i!c lo _Min :1.^ ;iJ'. aiK.i^c of tl-e UMni; I-:: .: 1*.H ^u'-li.HUvi .:.;'.;::;c. l>:ith'; I.'-h, !'* wa-J rt-f.-iVLw ' I [ :"-, .'.ii .icti(.>;i, I!' t.'.' i:hlt.:iH.i;ii ' tlv- ;'rc;-.: '.i-x ri >- ritv (/ tii.;; t^nxi: , h r t!.,- p"ir '.'c h;- ii;ev.' hib !;(.:::::<) the crJcr ( r b.ittif, p.iui fhcrt.-'irw :.;.l. In ( ( Jcr to lmii.I;; :t the in;;iiiruv:(.> <>t t'n-.- Hcv.'t, i,r)ui ilovvj i.[u;i:cvi &,.: h';;'jlr, (l-.'avir, .; his fl.ic- i''. iiv^ on bj.ii J tl;.:t Iiim) .i'm: wc'.t (>;i boar*! .h.c Apoiio f:i.Mt(. S '.irtclv v\;.tc t;'j; ;;ri !) zcj in i:,;; dUiLT fl i\'.lti(.', anJ m i.i ''n.-i'.: :. v fX'; \i ot' C(;ninurH;Ui: ' *a (['Cratc .icticn, v.hcn i.ic ii:'J br^.^n ro l)!i)VV' \vi:ii LM e.**" '.'i.i'cm c, v\i:;(h 'n/Mn :; rca.-.l in a di-.i-.i- lu! Iti.rin, u) uii;.h boih llccts o,!;--: :,;'. Th^ n^-xt cliV t';'-iv ic\cn , f Lord ll.r.Vv's tlccC wcic uilh !r:~,i. 'I i-.o A;), -IK) h.r. in.: I<'!t" her t'.'.'c ir,,d'-, h.c went on bo'-iru th- J'hii;ni\, and ik-cr^d t'.ir N;:w \'o--'rC.t ( )n tnc c\tn;.i_^ (t the i Jtii, the Renown, of 5c ^"uii>, Cajjtain D.iwlon, (iilt.-o\ c: cd the I>anjin.-doc, ot S^ U-ii'-, (th.'j I'u-nJi adniua'r^ ihip) at ar.cbnT, andi ti/ai', , uilniaiicd. C'.pt.'.in Dav.riii ni.idc his atiack with ^Mfat lk:ll and bra- \rrv ; but ihc nu.dit bcin.; cxti\;nc'iv ciairC :i. i tcru.)'. |*'i .us, be real. 'd I;;inj, aiivi ((intmuevl near her wit.', a \iv w ct re- newing; the a^tu'n tb r:Xt^^; ; at d.i\ -l'rc-,.k, to hi^i iTi at ip.ortituMrion, 1 %L-i.d <>' the h r. n.ii lli,.> h >. c in i::ut, and bole \.\>.\\\ to th.e rcii.t ot thnr ildreiied .'.d;ni- r.ii. On the l.itne e-. enin_', C .ir.nioj .re !iotli.'.,n, in th'j rreilii:), ot 5 ' izun-, teil m \'.!tli liv.- '\\ nn.iiU, o't S - .inns, \'.;':i 'iidv her in.un mad ihmd n. . Ti.- coinin >duir niaJic lo liiiii^us an a;ta. L upon her, ;'',,.t ihee :r.n:i h,.:. c jn r;ly lurrci, i.ied, biit K-r t..e tnneiy ..j ,/.-.iian; e o: a |ia:t i.l liei" . v'.'n :;. et. (.);; ti'.e loth, the (.'.cfar, ol'/a '.;u-.-, lasne' up Uiili ihc ' : -^ . t .A I - /. V ( I X. I. iV. . 1 '.. i' ]U'V.-^\\ - i . i Vol, 1. (] !: 450 T^'AVAL CHROK-OLOGIT* A.D. Ifi^ of 50, commanded by Captain Rayner, a derpcfattt 3778 ariion cnrued, and continued with great obftinacy for ar> hour and a half, when the Frenchman bore up and put before the wind. Captain Rayner would have purfued her, but that his crippled Irate rendered it impradilicable. In this gallant afiion the Ids had ?rnly one man killed, and 14 wounded. It was faid that the Ca^far had 70 men killed and wounded; among the latter was M. Bougan- vilie, who lofl his right arm,* On the 4th of September Captain I'aniliaw, in the Ca- rysfort frigate, and Major-Gcneral Grey, with a detach- ment ol the army, deflroyed 24 uf the enemy's armed vef- fels and boats at Martha's Vineyard, and in the adjacent harbours and creeks. On the 1 2th of t!ic fame month Lord Howe refigned the command of the Heet in North America, and failed for England in the Eagle. Rcar-Admirul Gambier fuccceded to the command. It was the month of 0lobcr before Acmiral Byron had collected his fleet, and was in rcadincfs to put to fea from New York ; from whence he proceeded to cruize ofF Bollon, to block up the French ileet which had taken flieltcr in tliat port. Ill fortune continued to purfue this admiral, he had not lotrg arrived upon his ftation, when a violent ftorm drove him ofF the coafl and difperfcd the fquadion, many of the fhips were obliged to put into Rhode IHand in a mofl fliattcrcd condit!(;n. Hie Comtc D'Fltaing feized this favourable nioment to flip out of Bodon and iteered for the Weil-Indies. On the (atne day (Noven^.bir the 3d) Commodore Ilotham left Sandy Hook with a fquadron of fl'ips of war and 60 fail of tranfports, having on board 50()() veteran troops under the command vi' Major General Grant ior the fame clcltination.t Thefe ilects mult at times have been no c.rtat dillaricc Irom each * TIio Duke of Aiicaftcr fcrved ns a volunteer on board the Ifis, \'.A cli!ti!ii:iiillii-d hiiiil^jlf witli LMLat bmvevy. S/:,f.\. (iu>n. Ctnmindrru t I'icfidn . - CO 5 Commodore '\\'. Ilotham I Captain Up;)lcl;y S;. Ar[i;:ns - - 64 Rtl. (.)i!ilo\v ^'aiia.-Ii - - (4 ^Valt.Jr Crif-ith ''i' - - - CO lames llaviier Ltiituiiou - - 50 kd. ;iiv;i.!;waitc. Other ;; NAVAL CUROXOI.Or.Y. Au\ llur ; tiicy wrrc c(;ua!lv i{>\i'v..! in a l-,i-a\v rale of wind, '^ I^. in \s 'i v-'i the I'rciun wca (;juijU>! uhlI luila.ncd coruidcr- '<"/* jbic ii.unj>;o ; while (' UHiiK-Jorc H"thj;n hx\ the ^md { i:iii:u- and alMliiy to keep h.s tteet eollnteJ aini rcaehcJ ijariM.i.)cs in i.iie;\ . On t!ie 4t!i ot Xi veii-ibcr Captaiii A'a:i (ijrv'.ner. in the Mai. i;; 111/ ol :8 i;iins an I I'lO uw.., Iki!' ; a'^ m: Oo Kami, s to t!;c (aitw..rdot Ca}"e IKniv, le.l ui u ;:''i a larg I leneli l1)';\ whieh a.'tir a Ini.iit e; i; c't. ni. :it Itc Conipt.ned to iir:k--. Si>c proved to I- t'nc J.'.vM, 1(4) j;nns an 1 2l'!:'.en; ('',i;ht ( t whoM, wt.' kiliij, a:'! iS Wounded; lh'_'\\a-.on pa:Iai;>- ir nn \:r_,ni!a. l'i::l to Poit L'Oi'cn:, la itn unli n Ma^.o. 'I'Lc M-u-ltloue lad 4 men killed, and 9 uoumieil. \ I. 'a 1 oi: N ni. A .N 1). \'iec- Admiral Monta-:,!! having rc':ei\ cd ;n*e'!i:;L-nr(* ci the tl.i.!, t pi H ':-!ti:;n i ! tli-j l-'reneli Ur:.\ i: -n i n ti'e e.>aii ot An'.erua, d;t.!i''.ed Conur.i (lore I'-van*^ uiih n fni,;ll fqii.ii!ion to f;i/c !.;. iilar.ds (A St. I'l^iie .nid MApiv' ui. Thev were taken p .'d'Jl; n o[ h\ hi< M.i-.IK'.-. !. i:\es <.n the 1 4'h (/f S: pt;-inli(. r. 'I'he I'leiieli tiliui', wa->rn!Me!y de:!io\cd, and tiieir i),'a'-, A. . lvjr:',t in a'.! t>.ol' p.i'S ot tl:e ifland r.i \s hieli the\ liad Leen pt-; nnf.c 1 lo dry th.eir f;.ii.* r W A 1; !) is 1 A \ !) 'I"he h.-nnnra' !; Iv ar- A ! .;'r..l I'.irrir^ton coir.mar.vieJ hi- ni i';elt\ '- !i;i. :.!:, n i n li.; :'..! on. ();i li'.e Mh o! M.trJi t!ie A:...d:;e, of 2 o i;n !'>-. and C';'!e> 1: u p ol u.M', >'! 1 .1 i^nn-, eoni'iandtd b\ L.ip'a;."S j'tMii^'e an! \ )a re-, h; n:^ on a tr.i;,",: ii:i iJai!-..,i e--, ciial^d t'Ao A'neiA.m tr^'.i'e-. A' n )o:; t'ltv eanie ii[ With oi'.e it 1:1, in, v. i,.. ii itiiuk atu i ;i iiioit rei,:ij:i.r, (lie pi ivid to Se th .\:;r'. i. i I }.' > !M,n-, .n..i 1 h. uu n. iler conl'Tt was I lie K.d :.,';, i :^i . .1;. , v. ji , !i elv.:p-, i. (^;i I'l- jrii ol >.peinli:r (lie 1;' r:.! o! l).lU,nieo \', ai o!)Iu"d i 1 lurre;: ! r i" th-- M.inp.i- de i>.i(iiii'-. The (q !a,f|o;! r.i.'.; l\e.n - Xdn.nal l:)ai niigton was hr r. ) tne.uis ad( (ji:re :< nn.;-. i t.'.ls o"ivr,';\e > p'i.'.t'..T.s nf I tlic arrival ot Coniniudoie lltli;.ii m the bciJinn;:..; o; JJ..f:M,f 4d2 KAVAL CIlHONbLOGY. A.D. December with the reinforcements from North America. ^77^ The reduction of the ifland of St. Lucia was immediately dtterniiried ; the fleet failed from Barbadoes. and arrived off the ifland on the 13th of December, on the fame day Erigatiicr-Gencrals Meadows and Piefcot landed in dif- ferent parts of the Grand Cul o'e Sac with a confidcrable body of troops, while Brigadier-General Sir Henry Calder protected the landing place to keep open a communication between the fleet and army. The Britifh forces had not been long in the poileffion of this part of the illand, before the Comte D'Eftaing made his appearance with twelve fail of the line, having on board 9000 troops. Admiral JBarrington ordered tiie tranfports to be warped clofe in fliore, and moored his little fquadron with fo much fl<.ill and judgment as to baffle the repeated attacks of the enemy.* On the 15th the Comte D'Eftaing made two defperate attacks on the Britifli fquadron ; but the deter- mined coolnefs, refolution, and bravery of its commanders, fupported by a Ready and well-direted fire from the bat- teries on (hore, compelled him to ftand to fea, and relin- (juifh any further attempts. The next day the French fleet were obfcrved plying to windward, and in the even- ing it anchored off' Gros Klet. The French troops which were landed made feveral attempts to carry the batteries, in all of which they were repiiUed, as well as in the field, with a dreadful (laughter. Finding every effort ineffe^hial to recover the illand, they re-embarked, and left the con- cjuerors in quiet polfeflion. JAMAICA. On the 3d of March Sir Peter Parker arrived at Port Royal, and took on him the command of liis Majcfly's fquadron. + On the 8th of July the ORrich, of 14 guns, and no men, commanded by Captain Peter Rainier,;^ being on a crnize off Savannah Point, Jamaica, fell in with, and after a bloody engagement, which continued three hours, cap- tured a French privateer of 16 guns, and 150 men; 30 of -rdiom were killed, and a great number wounded. The Appendix, Chap, II. No. 17-;, i Appendix, Chap. II. No. 174. t 1"hcpii.lciu Adinirnl Rainier. Ofinch tv >:AVAL CHUONOl OCT. 453 Olh\.!i h'J 4 mrn l^illc'.l, nnJ 2S wouruliJ ; anion:; llie \ H ]y.::: wc; c captiiiu Run jr anJ Lievitrnant O'Brien. ^/T^ R K s [' I v n 1 1; > . On tl^.c i,-,t'i of A , ii\ S!r I'Mo'.ird \' -- r >n, '.> citrmi.i'iJ 1 b , .M ti-ttv' Imi.iJroii, l>r;:ii ,11a cru!/ .n 'he cciii r :i iMil : M. !": .m'io'iIv , .n avtion i-iii.jcJ, .i:: i was i:..iiul.'.i.'.cj v/it.n ii,'.--!t '>bi'ir.'v-v Wi-- two hou.^i w ..,1 th-: iiv.-.:-! . .;V,iUir.^ '.il'.ir '.,[ r\v: cii'ij.If^i ,1,' -.mj:) o:' tlic l).i:;!h Ihi^s :;:! ! l^il .uiJ itccrcJ i^.r Pom 1 jii-rrv."^ On t'v-: 2 1 It Sif }- '.-V.I'd \'(.T!ij;i :'. ;i:n :;. :i ;''t nt thvm, Ii'it. tr.fW ki;).". ,of :: , la l.iirn^ r \; Lri"."-! M:S !v:;:_^ uSlc t.i l'!:i;^ t!i-;n '.J .1^)1; *h.-v 1. Wv. -.r ,: 1 "^-.l t'. : c>.i;l, w'.i^ii (:a. , Si;- V". 1 v..r ; V'crn in )'.;-"imi:v i :.i!;m!^ j)M!i>-;- 1 ;>.i: I ot :'!. 1 ( I jf.; ;; ;n i' in a ;. ;; ; v :.M.i, n,- wii.i 'i n\ .;ns Ik: '.'..!> CM.iM -vi t'> c.)-i)p-i . vv'; til.- armv 11 t...- r .-- (J'j.t'Hi iir I ..: jjiac/. in L).:* jb,T it. lirrciul'.Tvjv; : ) : \- iintiiii i'.nr'^. A:tcr tiic .ihovc a^^l': mi th'j Sartin-- tn 'utc in:l- ik.!!!^ ihj !)r!ti!h ijr hv; own KinaJron u'ab luj... rriiori:. A 1' A .VI) N i: v !; liO 'i !' . liupp'.ics gr.uui-vl !)) p.irl'.anijnt: to; t:: ! :a iervice. F : , T inf. n, inc'.Uwin ' I". ^S i ) ! . I O / J) , I. 2.04 , ^ J in .1 :;;:n ^:k1 tc.i or. In m 'c - J Fur t..c urJwii.; ,-, i:;. 'M..lin.' ii.i!i-n.iv *) ,,^. to tiM a'u! ni.t! :!ic o'.iK'f. ! - j ' Foi bUild!;'. ;, ic;).in>, .\'c. - - 5-0. 'S- . I ^ tor the na-. y - - ."^j^S.j, .!>< '> 1 Tutal lai'plics i_'ran;cJ tor i':\c ycir / i Sv .'(),') ^ :. ;; 4 ; A; >r.; ; X, 11. \.. !- ;. 45-1 NAVAL CHEONOLOGY. A-^' Flag Officers employed. Officers. Rank. Ships. Portfmouth. Sir Thomas Pye, Admiral of ths White, Diligents Channel Fleet. Sir C. Hardv, Knt. Admiral of the White, Vilory G. Daro). Efq. Vice-Adm. of the Ciue Britannia Rob. Digby, Efq. Rear-Adm. o^'tbc ; lue, Princ^' George Sir J. L. Rofs, Bart. Rear- Ad. of I'.e Blue, Royal George Mediterranean. Rob. Duff, Efq. Vice-Adm. of the Blue, Panther NorLh America. Mar. Arbuthnot, Efq. Vice-Ad. of the Blue/Europe Sir Geo. Collier, Knt. Commodore, Raifonabic Newfoundland. R. Edwards, Efq. Rear-Ad. of the Blue, Portland Leeward Iflands. Hon. John Byron, Vice-Adm. of the Blue, Princefs Royal Hon. S. Barrington, Vice-Ad. of theBlue, Princeof Wale* H. Parker, fen. Efq. Rear- Ad. of the Red, Jof. Rowley, Eiiq. Rear-Adm. of the Blue, Suffolk Jamaica. Sir Peter Parker, Vice-7\dm. of the Blue, Briflol Eaft-Indies. Sir E. Hughes, K. B. Rear-Ad. of the Red, Superb Sir E. Vernor5,Kt. Rear- Ad- of the White, P..ippon January the 2d, at fix: o'clock in the morning, a dread- ful fire broke out at Greenwich hofpital, which was not ex- tinguilEcd till the evening. The chapel, great dining- hall, and five or fix wards v.cre entirely confumed. In February his Majefty was plcafed to order the follow- ing prom.otion of flag officers : (jcorge A'lackcnzic, Efu.^ Matthew Barton, Efq. I Rear-Admirals of Red to be Sir Peter Parker, Knt. | Vice- Admirals of the Blue. Hon. Sam. P)arrir;2;ton ] Mariiot Arbuthnot, Efq. ( Rear-Admirals of White C Vice- Admirals of the J James R(;bcrt Rocidam, Efq. ' f Rear-Admirals of White to be Jol'.u Campbell, Efq, CJ.orrc Darby, J'^q. C Vicc- Admirals of the Blue ln:i;.iis ( t It \\h::. \\- ' ' ' .;C Y. 455 Tai'^cs C^iHiLM -, . |. \ A.]). \"v l.'.I.-.iV. iJi Sii, l.lj. / r> \ t r T)1 t ' '* 11) Jc i'aIK.t:, I^U. l.Kj. ^ AIur< M.I.'.iiiN, l.nj. f r I -n A .N ICh' ...:> \ II', < i-.:, i.n,|. )i I r, 1 I'.j. Sir Ldv.-.'.rvl Wir.oti, Mnr Joflui.i I-liiwlv \-, I.'.ij. -\ R!,J }-.(iu-..iii^, lid. / -I- 1 n . 1 .,-, , . , ' ( I o i'j Rcar-/\c':v..r.;.s oi t.-c 1 hoina^ <. ii.i\ cv, r.Ui. )- , ,, i> 1 1^ '. r. I I'.uc. Sir J. L()k.>.!i,i! t i<- '.-y !].ii:. .,/ Oji Ml; --h (t j . ..:y .\ Vi!: ;1 IC.- ; 1\ tri..! c^n:- niciici d -.W i'u:'!l.: I', .;;;U . :\a-^\.: ' .:;i ^xj^'i.^ ii^-i of p.;r;;.:ii.i n;, v. ..> ./. . , , , .[c. I'i.L' ::.ciri- Picluicjit Sir Th ,!:;:i^ i'\", .'./ , i' t';^- Wh;:^. Jw'r.u Monr.i -j, \ .. .\,:;' '.1 i t t;v \k<\\. Al.irriiit A:'i)u;hi; ., :\ , -/\t;iMi:.,! <>. \'.:-- \\ \.\:c. Robi:rt RrcJ,:n., R .: - . l.!:i ..i u! .,; ^,j W (.;;.-. M..rk N i,lb.::.k ! I . :' ') ,.1.- T.v.\ r l'c;.:;y J.-K \". ;r.. lJ.-;ii:,l :\u. ... i / . .v .m i'h.;i;) i;,-:.:ci j:...- ('. ,; . :i The tri/,1 I.ii! '.i ijiii.'i the- ii;:i (! I , .' ) *' C(/i .t. nil .11.11. >' .11 , ;i I'Cc^ti J ; 1 ;:".r fc; -.. . " I'd. It It l^ liivir i-;'iii,i .1 tiiv ih !;_:c . .: 'X .: 1 '< Kcpy:'A IS ;iu.!i. i.^iis\iiu; ii:-K.i;:ulLci, / : 1 " lii ;t inc i^^.J .\;i'i.i;.L', Ki I.:r i[ .;n I'.iv i.. , *' (II n'j.'ltct <; vl.;;', im (!; i!.r, - ;V.':ciii , i .i. '.M" ,' .III o;v.;o: ; i';i.i', . : :(.:..; i.ii/, t i;L-ii' !c it. U-, " luul thvr. :-v t.'i.i.i;; .1 the h, ;. . ;i u " b:-!i.i'. ci! .-s bLf'.i.j .i :uUi^itHj>, bra\!.' '' -^il.c.r." ( )n u;l- I2:h .AJ:,'.!!.!! Kc;.; c! rccci. cJ liic :!:....r:s t :' '.>. h h'juics ui purlKiiutu;. 45(5 KAVAL CHRCXCLOGY. A. D. On th? 26th Admiral Lord Shulfiham '^turned to Spit- ^779 head with p'lrt cf the of war, having left the refpec- t've convoys fafc, 226 leagues to the wertwurd of the Li-> zard. On the 3ift, Captain Pownal, in his Majefty's fliip Apollo, of 32 '^uns, a!id 220 men, being on a cruize ofF the coaf!: of France, gave chace to r^n fill, which were foon difcovered to be a convoy, eiccrteil by a frigate. I'he Apollo did not get alcngiide of the frig^ue ti;l llie was "within half a mile < f ihe rock"- oil' Sr. Bi icux, when a clofe action commenced, and continued very ob.l: nate for an hour and a half; the enejiy then ftruck, and proved to be L'Oifeau Fiench frigate, n:ounting twenty- fix nine pou!-:dcrs on the inai:i deck, and 224 men, commanded by the Chevalier de Toradc ; Che hr.d left i!reit the preceding day with the convoy, the whole of which efcaped, by running in among the rocks. The Apo'lo hvd I'ix men killed, and twenty-tv-'o v.oundedj among the latter were Captain Pov/nal, and both the lieutenants. 7"he lofs of the enemy was never afcertaintJ. February, his A'lajefty's frig';te Arethuf>i, of 32 guns, Captain Charles Hohnes Lveritr, was wrecked unon the rocks near Ullianr, in j)'j.r{;;it of an en;.';-- v. ^Vhc crew were favcd, and treated by the French with great huirja- . iiity. On the 14th of February the Hon. Admiral Kcppel boiiled his flag on board the Viclory at Spithead, and re- lumed the conmiand of the channel fleet. On i!ie 8.h of March, Rear-Admiral Sir FxKvard- liughes failed f,-oni Portfmou'di with a fquadron of Ihips of war^-' f.)r the Eait-]t:u:e'^. At day break on the 14th of ATarch, his Majefty's cutter the R-.Lttiefnakc, of te;i fcur pcnrnders, twelve fwive!'--, and iixfy men, commaTided by i^ieutenant Kr.e!!, ic'l in with tv\o i'ivnch ctittcis at the back <.f tlie lile i>f Wight, l-'pon percci":n_;- tl^e ]\.,iti!cfn;;ke, they bore away t(> the S. 1^. Licutc;:ant Kiiell !;n:ned:at:e^y ga\'(^ chacc; and at i); it pair owe (/^lori: 1*. ?,'(, [beii;g then abcut fnur leagues ii'(.,,i I f,i'.-;-(: tu; ( !r;;ce,) c.ime ir.i v."\:h, ar/J cijg.Ti-ed tiie hi];!;fl ( ;_:ttcr of 14 guns, I2i,vi\e]s, and 92 men: the tilher cul'LT, wlfuh was a remarkable fail: laikr, came up '* ;.: iM-,':n''ix, C'Hj>' i i J. *Co. !:(': to NAVAi. cunoxor.or, r. ,157 to h-r r^Oiflancc, and iointlv cnjaqieJ the Rattlofnakc until AT). feu i>' !<)"k, \v;k'ii inc l.ifM *t ciiu.r ihucic ; the other in- i77y :h 'c;i o.r apJ a'tiinptcJ to tlVapc ; but Licute- ii,.ht K.nvi! p- r, V i-.i. '. her iir-atioii, bore down, tired three b; vi:\:i.- , .'lui then c-irrieu her by boar^iing, lelt the m!j;ht h.i-v '")t a'.v.iv by l".er funerioi^Lv in i'ailin^:. The cutter w'lich hut tirtt ajip-omteu l^co;id in commaiui j and Rear-Adnural I ):j;tiv th::d. Apr,' t':'e I2th, a court-martial aiienihied on board his in:ii."i^\'s lh;[) Sandwich, in i'ortlmouth harbour, to try Sir Hjj;h I'allilcr, Vice-Admiral ut'the l>lue. 'Inc mem- bers were, Prefident, John Darby, Ftq. Vicc-Adniiral of the IVuic. Robert Di2;b\', Rear-Admi- ral of thi Hlue. Captain-, R.^hard Kcmpcni'elt, \\'iiiiam H.uiic, Adam Duncan, I. C.h.ritbui, j. C:olpoys. The court cotitmued fittin:;; unt;! th.e ^th ol Mav, (Sr.n- da\s excepted) when, after tv.'o il.iv> dei;her..tiO!i, it palled tiie toliowing lentence : " The order tor the court-marti'.i -; hccu acrom- " p.mied with the oii^m..'; mmatt^ci the iirocee.imj'^ of '' trie ( Mirt-mai tia', hitely heiu to; tii; tiial oi tae lion. '' Ai; ;viliii^ Keppcl, a;;d reen:n'/ *' U'ln ,;i s, t' t'. :e Ic \ cT.d ni.i '' dc'u. at the laid trial, i el'i.c t;,i; " vi >!,i i>r V'ir:>Admii.d .>;r li.. *' ai-.j 2Srh ot [uiv lalf, v,;-,.eh d .- SirCh.ilo:ier()-lc ji)leph Peyton. Mark Rob.nlon, Sir C. tJood./d. Robert L:n/,ee. (J. R. Walters. it appeal s b\- tin- e! s were .,: ven i.n evi- tlu- roiuiact .iiui beii.i- 1 I'.diiler, o:i tiie ?7ih ii.di iti \Ji e\.i;ni;i,'.'i..';i : the court pruvcedcd to ex.imniv uiiaciicj, toneiv ,438 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A.D. ' faid feveral matters, and to try him for the fame; and! 1 7/9 " liavins; maturely confidered the whole alfo v/hat the pri- " foner has alkdged in his defence, together with what has ** been a;ivcn in upon evidence in fupport thereof, are of *' opinion that his ccnducl: and behaviour in ihofe days *' we;e in many ref|)e61:s highly exemplary and meritorious ; *' at the fame tim.e cannot help thinking it was incumbent "' upon him to ha/e made knov/n to his commander in ' chief the diuibltd iTate of the Formidable, which he might " have done by me r ox at the time ihe joined him, or by *' other means. Notv/ithilandirig his omiffion in that par- *' ticular, the court are of opinion he is not in any other *' rcfpect chargeable with mii'conduct or mifbeliaviour on * the davs above-mentioned ; and therefore they acquit " him, and he is hereby acquitted accordingly." Previous to the trial of Sir Hugh Pallifer, he refigned his feat at the admiralty board, the lieutenant-generalfliip of the marines, his government of Scaxborough caftle, and vacated his feat in parrLunent. Chi the id of May Rear- Admiral Arbuthnot failed from Spithead vviih a fquadron of fhips of war,* having un- der his convoy the ti.ulc bound to North America and New- foundland, the vvl'iole coniiliiiig of near 300 fiil. On his pailagc down channel, lie fell in with the \ eilcl which had been fcnt exprefs from Jerfcy to England v/ith the account of ti'C imminent danger that ifland v/as in, by an attack from thiC French. The admiral conceiving tliat the lofs of this valuable illand mitiht lefiedf cenfure upon him, while he com:r.aiided a force in the channel, ordered the convoy to wait fur him in To; bay, and proceeded to the relief of Jcrfey. l;i cori'ccjucnce of this delay, and a continuance of wefteriv winds, the convoy did not get clear of the chaiine! before the cvA of June. On Lhe 1 3th of May Sir James Wallace, in his Majefty's ihip r.xperiinent, (;f 50 guns, wiih two irigates, and two armed brig<^,f purfuea into Concale bay three French fri- gatcs, '" Aj;'|iciu'.i.:, Chap. II f. >.u. 177. Ii,:i i'^ the pilots rcliii'i'^ to \fr.tnrc the fhip l.> lU'.ir ui, Sir James took the r::'c u:).)n h:ir..e\;", un.i lv,Iii:v la. J h.-r on ihorc abrcall: of the hattcrw which he VLrv io'.m li!cnccil, and comfKllLii ttu-c:cws (.r liic Fn-n^h trijAtCN to ah.iiuion their Ihips ; the armed b ).l:^ oJ uvj kpiadron lioardcu, anJ brought of} one .M.ij .if \ \ lh:[> !'';:ic-jGl' i:y, i fcjj guns, to lervc as a niidliiipiri.;;', in t;ie i\xw. CJn the 1 6:h a pr.'. l.iniaiKni w..> iuiijc r > cnmniei ce h:>ftili- ties a:^ain!t iipam, in diuetpr.-nceoi tiie hodiie m ..litelfn prc- iented to the l^n'dh C )uir, by lii.- Maripus iJ'AInudjvcr, the Spiiiiili a;!ador. C^ii the lair.e dav Admir.d Sir Ciiarles Ilarcv failed with the channel deet" from Sp:rhcad, to cruize in ;he hw. On the I 5ih 01 Au^ult: the CDnibined fle;'^, o/inftin:; of iixtv-lix fad (if the line, I- h.i\:nj, h\ !')'iie i;n,''int- able e\'ent, eiV.ULd tli;: iMiice ot tne M:.:i.h feet, at thi.i time crur/,:iKr in d e Soundii.^~, eim.iedl!ie c,;aniKl, and p.iraded two ur iluee Ja\'s bet-Te lM\iTi..utn. .S^Mnc freiuh tri^.i!c>. ar.cb. red in Cawl^.id ba\-, .,nd ca;-iuied a tew ::i^ veli;d><. ( )ii ti'.e iC'h of Aii^iiff, the Ard.Mit, of 04. lmi-^s, com- ma rd .1 bv CiMt !:] I'.'id.p lv)tc!(T, il. uu:::: r d..\Mi e': lime!, fell in wiin :he en.-nr.'s dv.t, .'.:k! midaK .11 ^ it 'or '.:;e liii- tilh, w.t- l,ir:i.Lin(.;,\!, .ind '. ivcii in I:, ht ( I 1''. iMu'di. ."^troh \ iteiiv \\;\\\.^, r!e\v Ii.r l.-w r.u dav-, t. recj the ciicn". \'> neet oiit vA wvz c:-.:nae!, .;'.lj pi evented ^ir 1.1 n n.-, I ,. I' . ... I. I n ., ... v'.i!; : I .: s ',-. II. N ., Aji cnv.i\, Ll. 1!. .\> Ci^iilf^ NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. Charles Hardy from getting in. On the 31ft of Augufl; 1779 'h^ wind fhifted to the weftvvard, and the Bricifn ticet gained the entrance of the channel in i^ght of the combined fleets, without their being able to prevent ir. l"he enemy followed (for it cannot be faid purfued) our fleet until fun fet, when being a little to the eaftward of Falmouth, they hauled to the fouth weft, and ftood out of t'le channel. Sir Charles Hardy proceeded oft the Edyftone, where he an- chored the fleet to wait the return of the flood tide j and the next morning anchored at Spithead. On the 9th of September, the half-pay of the mafters ia the royal navy was increafed as follows : The twenty-fa'e fenior mailers (if qualified for firft and fecond rates,) 3~. 6d. per day. The ney- f^^cnty-five 3s. per dav. On the . :n of September, his ..iajefty's fhip Pearl, of 32 guns, ' ....imanded by Captain George Montagu, being en a cruize off the Vv^eftern Iflands, at fix in the morning difcoveredalargc fhip in the N. W- which at half paft nine being then within fix leagues of Corvo, he came up with, and brought to clofe action, which continued till half paft eleven, when fhe ftruck, and proved to be the Santa Ame- rica Spanilh frigate, of 32 guns, and 271 men, 38 of v/hom were killed, and 45 wounded. The Pearl had 12 killed, and 19 wounded. On the 23d of September, Captain Richard Pearfon, of his majefty's fnip Serapis, of 40 guns, and the Countefs of Scarborough armed fhip of 20, commanded by Captain i'icrcy, being clofe in with Scarborci ^,n with a large con- voy ; the bailiff cf that corpcration fjnt off to inform Cap- tain Pearfon that a flying fquadron of the enemy's fliips had been fecn from thence the day before, ftanding to the fouihward. Upon receiving tiiis intelligence. Captain Pearfon inftantly made the fignal for the convoy to bear down under his lee ; and although he repeated it, they ftill kept ftrctching out from un:]er Flamborcugh head tid be- tween twelve and one, when the headmoft fliip of the con- voy got fight of the enemy which were in chace of them ; they then tacked and Hood in (hore, letting fly their top ;.:,allant Iheets, and firing guns. Captain Pearfon made fail to windward, to get between the enemy's flnps and the convoy. At one o'clock they were feen from the Serapis's mail head j and at four were difcovercd from the deck to be three ^^\^ AT. ClfnONOlOGT. 4i)l three Urge fliips nriJ a b:i.:. 'i"; c Countcts cf Scarbo- -*^l>. ro'iilh hcinz duic in I'v;- \vit!i tli couvov, Captain 1' '//"'i fun ni..dc ihc i\i:vA i. : \: ' to jui;i h'.in, ;i:k1 lor the convoy to ni.ikc the belt c* liicu w-n. At h.t'.i ]i;ilt '.r.\. th? Countefs rf Scarborough having joint.\l, C.tpi.'.:ii rc.trlcn t.ickcJ anJ laid liic fhips hcids. m ihnn-, )..; thj bi'ttcr protection (>t hiS convi , . I'hc enemy iii'tl \)i:.v.::\z ciown, wholj torcc h. now pcrctr.c>l to hj a two (ifckcJ lhi[), and two tii^a'o. A: about twcn* y ini- nutis pa!: Icvcn I'Ac lar; ihip bro\i_''!;t to on t!ic Scrajii-.'s laiboard bow, within nniijCct flier. C.'.ptam iV'.'.ribn hailed to alk what fhif) it wa^, he was .inlweicil the l'i.ncel$ Koval , upon rep!\ ill : evalivtlv to ()t''.er tjujiii-ins, an ac- tion Icion cunimenced, and al:er dir.liarrin^ two < r three broaulide':, the enemv backed his t ;> lai^, and dr-'ppcj Within pilt>)l Ihot on the Serapis's quarter, then h.lcd .._:;iu), and attempted to board her ; but bein:;; repulfed, llie fheereJ t)ri- : Captain i\arlon, in order to ;.;etlqu.;ie with the enemy aiain, backed his topfails; which no looner ob- served bv theenenu', then he tiilcd, put hi> helm a-weathcr, and laid the >)erapis athwart hawie, v^here fhe continued Tome little time, till the jibb boom i^ivim; wav, thiy dr(ipped alonti; lidc ot e.ich other head and item, and lo cluie that the muzzles of the ,i:iir.s touLhed each othjrs l;d,>. In this pohtion the ai'tion coiaii'.ued with great fur\ Irinn halt [)aft ci^dit til! h..!: [lall ten; Uiirin.: which time tnc .^e- rap; let on t'.ie fen or twelvr times, bv i oiiilni z. .hies thrown III upi)n h.e: decks, ir.d o'dur parts (it the llup; .iiid It \'.as with the I'leat; it diiiiculty .hk; e\eit:un tli.i; .it t:;iei the ihiiues were extMi^uilbed. A^iU: ii.ilt nine .1 iiaiui ;' reiiace ihui.^ f idii .le^ K. p.oi "i^, \v..s let on cartrui/e to wliole ot th' tl'.e main in.i JMli-.s u!e'els : til l.ii .::ll ( I t'';e aiid i..kii:^ til-' ' L . e: ',' 11. .;n uii : ,e WiMiMied. :\\ t C.jptain i''e;n;..ii ! no aiiiwcr bi, '. . lo I e , t!;e ,:trui_." ti.:- r^-ma e tw( :iier K-, e :.;er [ .iito (lie lit (he ! i-.v^r cc,de:;t, ,i c.irti id^e o( powder lames ot communic.ited iD-n e .li! trie w.iv at:, ..nd biew up tne" and p \'ple \ve:e (pi/.tteied .I'vitt (ii'Miltul miI- . f.roe ui.dered ali :!i,,;i." :\i u\- t.inie i.ii.e ;iv laili;:.^ r.e.:;.;, ..If ; ,e: ot t;ie ae;. ii. :.; -ares K-i'i e .,;[ . W.;h 1m i;:.'.li : . .A J. ;.i ..:; v ; e;iei:''. >.... ' i. > to (. lujiiii V ir i:;' ' order^tj ::-. . eet, tliat \\ ,. r e K. 1 W'l a:er ; twid Itnu j..:\;e;s te aG'I natal chronology. A. D. her ; but the moment they were on board, a fuperior num- '779 bar of the enemy were difcovered concealed with pikes in their hands, ready to receive them. Upon this the Serapis's crew retreated to their fhip, and inftantly flew to their guns; but the frigate again j^ouring a broad fide into her Hern with great efFef, and the main maft falling at the lame time, without being able to get a fmgle gun to bear tjpon her. Captain Pearfon was under the painful neceflity of ordering the colours to be flruck. He was immediately efcorted with his firll lieutenau!;, on board the fhip along- lidc, which proved to be the Bon Homme Richard, of 46 guns, and 375 men, commanded by Captain Paul Jones. The frigate which alfo engaged the Scrapis, was the Al- liance, of 40 guns, and 300 men. Upon Captain Pearfon going on board the Bon Homme Richard, he found her in the greatefl diftrefs ; her quarters and counter were entirely drove in, the whole of her lower deck guns difmounted ; fhe was alfo on hre in two places, with fix or feven feet water in the hole, which kept increafing upon them (o much, that the ne;;t day they were obliged to quit her, and Ihe funk, with a grcit number of her wounded men on board. The lofs fhe fuftained was 306 killed and wound- ed. The Serapis 49 killed, and 68 wounded. During this obftinate and bloody conteii, Captain Piercy was gallantly and clofcly engaged with the Pallas, a French frigate, ot 32 guns, and 27^ men, and the Vengeance brig, of 12 guns, and 70 men; but perce"\ "ng another frigate bearing down, he w:,s obliged to finrendfr after bravely deteiuling the king's fliip for tvvohouif. She had 4 men killed, and 20 wound'al. The enemy cairitJ their prizes ir^to the Tcxel. " 7"his iquudicui lilted o^U an" Paul Jonr?, they had on board 300 Enr^iilh prifon(:;;s whom they had taken in dlf- terem velfcN during tficir cr-jize. Upon CJaptai!! Pear((m's return to England, hi-^ MajcRy conkrred on him the h<>nour of k;iighth(>o'i". l"he Royal Kxchan(ve Alimance Coiripany prefented Wrn with a piece o\ plaic value leo guineas, and another of 50 to Captain Piercv. ' ^ Sir Ric'tvird rcatfou is at prefect Litutcnant-Govcrnor of Grcen<" v.-jch hutpr.a!. The NA\AL CMP, n\ (;')(; Y. 4h:i Tlie corp.'^r.i!! >;; , L'.-.j:".r:, (idi.-'- iMriivi, ri (:)ii|,i!.\ uitlithc J<..ini!-!i. r .'."', I \ ;.'.iia' i (.It. ; . _, Ik. iiu ;;'' i:' I ; !'-a;:tics to til;- I ':;! -V. . ,; i,i Lili-int, .it i'.i\ -l-p .'k >''" 'X < icd a 1 ir-.- i-'r. ! '. i;i. ;.,, ai:;i ad'HT."^ At i'-n " !.";k the Ml r.iu-:, !_; )! r'.jf,' ;i','ii:M:,iL- k:.v\\ ( ;!'cr, ;i:i>l !)v.-..:; :i i^cft i!;rl'^^ en '.:;;';-, -it, v\!ik1i i^ :! ;:m:' il Icr li:!-./ !: i:r^ a;i>1 :i lu't'. h t!; \\.:\- i )U:!!v .!i;n:.:i;i i ;ip i fi;i b km <: (".! <.'r!iLT ; iMii'irtiin.'.triv il.c (^i^ ii r tiv in in.: t !'ii :: li t- r ;.,i!i (ulin.;' \vt.:c i\ '' ,; ( i r ::.c li^i; , ;,.ok i;ri-, a:, t t'r ihip Wav fuo;) III fl..;-.;t-, \',(;:.h in ip'r < t l\\:\ < \. i: ^.\.\\ IlDt be c\*.r'.;:-i,i vl ; (If i. n:;t .i;-,(.>l t>> b'ln; \-. ,;:; i : :i:r. - tiuL; tiii\ t il (i\ III il^c- r'.; ;ii-:^', \vl, ii l':,- h:w W' \\ ;:i licr I ' !'iiir> li.'iij, ! ^r br.:\c i. irirj:; iv ; , \\::!, or hi- ''jilaiit <,.::. Li^ .:.'vi en \\ j- iili,,,!. I: ;> '.; J t::at C:;)*.i:n )'ariii;i wa^^ 1' \;;r;''. v\ !i:i>!..l. .:"'! \'.n- hi ^|::c!.;'y ("lu.itcl 1.1 (jui; I;! . ilii,) ; !::; r. ih.ik.mI fixti:, iw^ i(--ii- tion ol ;]iai i;i^ i;i I'.c ': \ !,:- n 'J . ciiiiiia-,;. i >.] 'Tiic; K:iniblLr br' ii^'w i;\- Fi'.'ab uifir \~) aoh'ii \i\ eii vjii o'ciKK, aii'l ^.',iii:ii:ii^il (.Mil, 1', c;:':,i.: *i ">\r': !:. r!:';i two, wiKfi i':C 1' . :..'!iiiia!i !.; :;'I li,- I,: I ai:u b- irra'.sav ; tliL- R-j:Ml)!t I '.- I ^p;', n':l 1.::'- W' i . Iinuiv!! i'i:...,(.! that ir '.. ;:s i;i \ .III; I.I pii f ,-, .j.,'. al li;,- i".'-:.:. :,' 1l..i.;^ th<- ii:L'.i.(i oi' ih- f.,., Iiu'a'' >. a: ! ;',.; :: ( ]^ ')-.- \va- oil !::,, li;. b ;;h i-J 1. 1 t i i . hi-: , l'ii;b. ii ;..' T ni (hliji.;'c I I h:.\\art, umM bo!,- \'.j\'. :ii;-l a <':i:;' I'a.',',, !'!; \va- !;rial>!.- to Kiiil r i..r a;:s -'!:. r a!" ibii'' 'i;..:: f. :r ot' Irn h:^4 hi : : ,;; , ^^l';. h hi" /. : .;i.l -u-. .- ! !.' :-- v.'.iw .r.\ I.: i .:ri:( m : a ib. . ',:.!.!,; abs" j'..;!::. ; the v\ f-' L i..'. . li I ; IP. fi- I J.|'.'i:;.tm:,i (j.'i;.'. r '.ii :i i--- i(;fcr as n ri.M!vJ!i t. r .\>i <. i-'r-.-v ii i ; , . im":c ot t' .- .;:,,or- l;:::a'c rri \v, t',.'t I'.r i ;:'! \ '- l;;..a';- f:::il at i : !N\!t i;i jM'i'ii^ li. Ml t!,^ (.>. > . [n ;! ,i,'ti r. i !! I, I. li'iiibiiir:- \\ .o 1' , n ..! ! r h i| !\ i it-jrci nii im; :. 'i to ihr !i' ; ;ir ai;.! liuiiia!!.:y ot a ^i.;.:. a':a l,cmm>'I1i l:.<.:ii\, \\i[.> wImIt; in * I I Sun-^;:!,!'-, . 1 : ' Y :;. : . ' 1 '..ivi <-:,,. :, .:! r!: (', ;. 1 -.r.. . : ; -. ! mvI, ,t I.'lj.j. the 4(J4 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. j\jy_ the a6l of towing th^ir fiiip otit of 'he reacli of rue flsmes, i-jQ faved the lives of Mr. Roberts t!ie firiHieiiteu-int, the fe- cond lieutenant of marines, the fiirgton, and 36 of tiie crc\^'. Lieuteriant George evidently miilook th? !,'uris f'f tlie Q^icbcc, which went off as they became heated, for thofe of the enemy.* On the 22d ot Oflober Admiral Sir Charles Hardy failed from Spithead on a crnizf^ with the channel fleet On the iith of Novembtf Capfain Fairf-^x, in his IVIa- jefl)'s fhip Tartar, of 28 guns, and 200 men, being on a cruize with the fquadron under Commndorv- Johnflone, off Cape Finifterre, was directed to chace a fail ; which he {jon came up with, and after a fhort adlion (lie flruck, and proved to be the Santa Margaritta, Spanifh frigate, of 28 guns, and 277 men, commanded by Dun Andre de Viana. The enemy had one man killed, and three wounded. The I'artar none. On the 20M1 of November his MajeRy's (hip HnlTir, of 28 guns, comtnanded by Captain Elliot Salter incon-pa- ny with the Chatham, of 50 guns, Cuptain William Allen, having imder their convoy the trade t'-oin Lilhon, fe!i in ivith a large Spanifh Ihip, which Captain S'ii*^er came up with the next morning, and after an adlion, which con- tinued three quarters of an hour, flruck, and proved lo De tlic Noltra Senora del Bnen Ccnfegio reg'ller lliip, p"erced for 64 guns, mounting twentv-fix i2 pounders and 170 men, from Lima, bound to Cad'z ; notwithlland'n;:; her having landed moft of the treuft re at Fyal, fhc proved a ricli prize. l"he enemy had killed 27 men, and 8 wounded. The fiuifar 4 killed, and 10 wounded. The following privateers were alfo very fortunate in cap- turing three rcgilter Ihips. In September the Amazon, of Liverpool, and the Ran- ger, oi Briflol, after an obllinate engagement of two hours, captured the Santa Lnca> Spatiifh man of war, commanded by Don Radolfo, from Manilla, bound to Cadiz ; fnc was fuppofed to he the richcft Onp taken fmce the Manilla fliip by Lord Anion. i he I),!it, ot Dartmouth, mounting 14 suus and 60 men, un:l, with )ut any rthhancc, the N. S. de Piedat iil!a:N, :8,U44 >l'i-""'' i" i^'i'il iluiiSloon*-, ' ' ' .! illv.-i', b.lulcs a great j i.f't"'.- {> ,>;. r vi i.i'ilc MiLU !:a!:.i./'-. 1 h- All' ,'.iU. .ill c.ii-'iir(.i .iiul i.rr'<-.i in') I.illi'^na ia'.;- '^ ": 'h j. Ir )Mi :ivj i Ia';.u!!, 'jo,iul io Cuhr,, \d ' .'.-'. ()r. ;:,i >'i:i ; 1 >i- iihcr A !,iki w Sj- Oon^i- Htvil^zo"; '; i'l./ I.vlc! i- r:i i' .rt!n!(uu!i, ur. i u.iv. i,,i:.c'.! (.il'Ply- III j'i";i (r, c'ii'h; !..! t.; the 1 ii-, !vv>) n iL;.it(.-\, an I a tu'i-.-r. 0;i !!.; ICjth, C .;)M.ii } ;vi ! ::j, u:i!i a |i[i).,J:M!i i;i; kr }ii-> <;'>.'!iman(i, j'Ut 'u lea li'mi St. Ht'tr;^ m ijiitil (;l a I).i;i.!i vfiru'V. \'.li!.h wii-; t\'_'<;ch.l to pa(b douii the t'laniK', lioiiiul !) [JilJ Wi'h n.r. .i! '? t:^'. l.xrj- lirhs ui iih,nfv wriL- ('i;)' t:!):.-,! tlii'; in all ;l,e ':.. '.i;^ t 'ai.- .ii.J . iiir- in ;' : Niiii;\!"m ; )r th-' n;an- :'.; tl;^- n.i'. .-. 'If..- 1 :ilt i':'!.i C 'iijia.-iv vmii:'- toward \', : 'I;;- .!; a;;;;t i ; 'rr;!' 1 1 . , "'i r;;. ; a '.). ;:;.; j' ; !!( r.;:li':g !v'.in.i.n, ai'il hi-lt at i!r ;r (''.x-n eXi^-cn' c fir lJ )- . i li '. ih:tc tun. 1( M I,: > -:, ..r ^;! n ih;[>, uri/.h th.-y r.uimi :f:" fi-inj;', Cuiiat.*-. ;,(!! tv'Ti'i.n- Call''". A:: i'r''r ujs ,liiici tio;;. :':c C_' i: f.t i-ianc.-'o a'l i"! '.;;lnla;Hftr^, c\"c. rnt to in 'v;t i r , :i"""'.': ' 'h-.' IJri- :'}; v:.iChir,!,avii:at"i>, C.l[';.'.irl^ C ; .. r.:,;' C ,i,> :1a"; -n .v';:(r',- t:,c ItjWa.ii'jn was Lor.iiiian.!^ J by \'..<.-A.;.i;ii al NOKril AXl.R'.CA. R'Mr- A-l'Ti-ai ( rariih-.rr Kav n^.' icnirn'J l^^m", *: " --:- man i '>! tiis Mifii^'^ \iy: . .'[]' >:] dry'.w-: rn .^:r Cj. '!,' C 11 (.r, v.'io, 1,1 V (>;,j. liCt 'in will (". -n r.i' S:r I'^r",' Cli'!'' ::. |:'a:;ru(i .n; -:. j>' I 'I'tn ;) ;i',f Cl'.ciajV.-.ik, airJ a d'-l enr liji.^n th-- c iih I V i^ n a. On tr-c ^-h ot Jail'; f, the- !i".-, ri o! ">>-. a'.na!) CTpirn'a'c', an I ti f v\ h(;h' ni' >. i .-j nt (rrii,' a i(-J rcl to d'j-.-- rl.ivch. Capt'.,:,. [(..I- l',..k-r'\in,^ C.II. No. i-r. Vol. I. Ji h NovcniLer 466 XAVAL CHRONOLOGY. A. D. November laft with a fmall fqiiadron*, and a body of 1779 troops for this particular fervice. Sixteen fail of vellels of different defcnptiops were taken or deflroyed. The lofs Aiftair^ed by the Britifti during the attack was: the navy, i killed, 5 wounded ; the army, 2 captains, 5 rank and file killed ; i lieutenant, 18 rank and file wour.ded. In the beginning of May Sir George Collier failed from New York with a fquadron of (hips of wart, and feveral tranfports having on board a body of troops under the command of Major-General Mathew. The fleet having entered Hampton road, Sir George Collier (hifted his pen- dant into a frigate, and proceeded up Elizabeth river with the fmaller fhips of war and tranfports, leaving the Rai- fonable and fome armed tenders in Flampton road to block up that port. On tf.e loth of May the troops were landed, and meet- ing with very little oppofition, in lefs than a fortnight they dellroyed the towns of Norfolk, Suffolk, Portfmouth, Gofpurt, and feveral otb.ers of leffer note, together with the ttiagazliies f'.lled with provifions and ffores for the American army. One himdred and thirty fhips and vef- fels of various delcriptions were alfo taken or deitroyed, among the number were two large French fliips loaded with 1000 hogflicads of tobacco. Some fliips on the ilocks were burnt, and a quantity of naval ftores brought off with ly prizes. Towards the end of May the fleet and army returned 10 New York, having' firfi; demolifhed Fort Neiioj), ahd burnt the Ilore-houfes and other build- ings in the dock-yard at Gofport. * Sqiir.dion at tlic rcduclion of Georgia. 6'/i;>,. Gun-,, Commanders. Piutnix - - - 44 Captain Hyde Parker Vigilant H. C. Chriftian (jiicnwich Hoop 10 Lieut. Walbeoff Kfi-)^ic! brig li Lieut. Witworth Comer galley - - .^.>..' CUKS. Coinynandtrs. K^iif'-naliic - 64 Sir Geo. Collier, Commodore ."v;;:il)w\v ~ 44 Ottc, 14 Rich. Creyke Diiif^cnce 14 Lieut. Walbcoff Hiilcin 1 1 Rollers Curu'.vnlli^ irrilkv : Spry ^; ,,f war and zz tranfports^ On NAVAL CHFON'OLOGY. A^f On the 30fh of Mav Sir ( iiori^r ColUrr farlcil up the A,D. Niinh liver to C'-op; t.itr u'th a il u. hnu-nt of troops un- ^779 kWx t'.j co'iima:! i of Mi' r-G-.-rif al N'aiiuhan. The flron^ po!ls at Sroiicy P '.nt, Fut La Fawfti-, ami \ arplaoks, vvtTf tak I) fr. tn ttt- t-tciny, aul put in'o a (late of dcfciic--. Sir (icoigi* C'l'l cr returned :o New \ ork ; anJ (ooii j*tcr aiv)ihcr t\,>ni tion wa-> uniltrtakcn to the coaft o\ C'Muua''lu ut, wht:rc the crumv had httcd out a great ntiiiihtr of fmall privatcr'-, \^hivh very miK h diftrcircd the iradf to and iioni Ntw Yoik; for this Icrvcc lOoO trnopN were embarked uiultr the Conunaiul ut G oVLriior Tryiiii and Britradicr-Geiicral CJurih. C)ii th-/ 5'h of July Sir Ge ngc Ci Hi.r anchiirtd witii the fquudron* otf Ncuhavcn ; the tr.-ops were imine- tiiutr'v landed atul poUeHion taken ot the toun witiMUt niiK ti ('j)po(it'on ; arked, nnd proceeded to l"airf;cld. Norwalk, and (rrcenhtld, mee!iiig fiere with a giea'er re'if^anee froiTi t!ie cruir.y than a; the former plate ; t';( fc towns were totallv de!iro\e(.p>- ol \var,+ to ' 1; r;'. '. r Pcnn')!'. (jt, whereon h;s arrival Ik- e'Kbl ih/.d <\ iiro^i: \^, \ ex'o-me'v wr!l i-:w)(t-n fir anr.oving liic at. B J 'on, !'r'":tt!y nl.'.rmrrl nt this tranf- ;o Sir Gc'^r (- L', Cor.;:n&fiore - - 2'. V:--: C ..,:, . la Ki'ti.aia C.e.kc e- ,'.M1V The Am "ric.Tt " Re T.vv. n - T ir :s - C:v n:! ! - Ov. :!.i - be I 'rp'on - Hi " '\. til \'i il. :i ; . ' ' C V I '- ''1" niLd V -- A - N ' : : 1 - ^i u' . '4 \ - \ - s '. H h 2 ;iCUon 405 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A. D. a6li6n, gave immediate orders for the equipment of an eX- ^779 pt'dition to the Penobfcot, the command of which was given to Comtnodore Sahenflall and General Lovell. On the 27th of July the American fieet, confifting of 27 fall, arrived in the river, and began to cannonatie the Iloops of war and batiery, which was fo ably returned, that the enemy in their repeated attempts to land were repul fed. On the third day they however fucceeded, un- der cover of a moll furious cannonade, which obliged the picquets to retire into the fort. The attack was now car- ried on wi;h great fpirit on both fides until the night oi* the 13th of Auguit, when on a fudden tlie American fire ceafcd. At dav-!ight, on the morning of the 14th, to the aftoinfhment of the garrifon, it was difcovered that the enemy had abandoned their works, and re-embarked their troops and artillery, This inydery was foon cleared up by the appearance of Sir George Collier with a fquadron of fliips of v/ar-^ entering the river ; who immediately on re- ceiving the intelligence of the attack at Penobfcot failed from Sandy Hook to its relieff. Commodore Saltenltall at M\ drew up his fquadron and made a Ihew of refinance ; but on the approach of the Britifl: frigates, his refolution foon tailed, and a moft ignominious flight took place^ which terminated in the capture and deitruction of the whole American fquadron, amounting to 19 armed velfels and 24. tranfportN, including two taken by the fquadroa on its paifage. Soon ahcr Sir (jfeorgc Collier's return to New York, Vice-Admiral Arbuthnot arrived from England, and took on him tlie command of the fleet. On the 9ih of September the Count D'Eftaing an- chored with the French tleet, confifiing of about 40 fail, including tranfports, off the bar of Tybee, at the mouth of the river Savatmah ; this arrnament was intended for the icdudion of Georgia. Tlie f^xpcrimcut, of 50 guns, commanded by Sir Jamer, Wallace, on her pailagc from New York to Savannah wuh lupplic.-, hail the uiisfortune to fall in with the French fleet; aiul after a molt gallant defence, in fight of the vvIhIc fkct, was obliged to furrcnder to the fuperior force of the enemy. 'J'hc Experiment a few days before had "(. Aii-,n., Clnp. ri No, il been \ A'. AL CI!K()\v)I.Or, Y. Af)g "'. in.ijc;t\'> lii.p And, nt 2c tH''. s L\:'d'A TlH>nias ?>!-Kk.c-n/.;c, !!;jf: -i the l.i'.r.t: taa-. a:'- r .i ::'.' /.t d-. !j'tlalc adtl^)l^ wail idc Ani.i/.on, ct jb i;i-:.-. As rioii as ib.i- l-fLiuh tr(Miij> vm re lari-iL-.l, :!nJ a jinict..^!! t.i.-iii^-d \vi!li [.';,)!c <>t Ainc. kh .'i.nn C'lar!. !ovvn, Uli/'c: Cjciivra! I.:[Ko:!i , t!:c L (.:;' l)'r :!ai:;'.; K;;' a :ii- It var.ti'iii^ lumni"!'.- t) tlic :Miri!i):i a' S.iva'Wi.ii, '!- ii.i;i.ii:i.; Its uniric\i:a'c l.iirciulcr. (k-ii-;.i1 l'u-V'):f, v. !; > v.);i'.- rnar'AlcJ, rCjiiircil t '.vnit', -I^ ur lu'iirs tor iltLl) ;a: .>>;",, u^'.'cfl Was iMaiurM. In [ins i;i! Cvki 1 MiiilanJ an i L ci.tciiaiit (j.-u!,!'; .run !., ol c.w ; a . , , \\;iri t;,c grca'rit Z'.al aiif'. y r:<-\v].i-)'C, :;a'.i:;_; iiir iiur.!' (i ina.'iv li/rluHiwlo, !.)ii,cil thr i^.tii;; II \\ .[]\ a I e i h ii i. ti lU'i . t !:.!!a the ii:.;" i lit l'.)it :\.i,al; :];- i/,;.:i^, Ici:!,'.;-, ai. ! nu- i:rifs, w;'h 'hf :; iM- I: w:;i th'j .l..,r- r > ai* ui:r a',.ici. ai; 1 ',!C wirks r,iir in ' ._ l..-,t (,,:;,;).-. itaic ti il;, ic'.i.'-. 11,^ :v. it. f .' il, V ,;., \l.i- a;, 1 hua [;, i,,,^ !u,.k o.'i il'c bir at VAC ci.'i.w.. : >( tl.J ii'.;r '.o pnnciit t::c a;;- pr'M'.'i ot the fiiviiA ^ iltfis. Al ;';r (.Npirai: jd ' ! tiic tiM.c al!i!t;cil, all aiuwcj \^,^^l K/mn il !<> i!... i ntK.h Ci'iv.inaiKU. I, that ihi- t;.i;r.! in u>if ,'.:: thcnil-U's u> !'-.c iait man. L, n !', tuf'i t -T !!;c r{.x"iin -;. - c :, -.t r '"': :'. pri^'v ;-M 111'- iils.a'i ai 'ii' .; I r A. P. 1779 l.n- t" 1 in ni.l 1.1 i.v' i. ! ai t,nn '.): i ^ t r'-n:: !, ^, ^.t^:^.^^:j i 1 . ' I ! h rail- n ' I n 1 t .\ ; I e i - ;- ,- f.i n, "u '.,.; r:v-. ' \s . - .it. It V ir ;: , at . . > . . u akci.J ..:..i .:'- I r .N In n m: \ \su- , : '. , ;i ct anl u n; . .j.i > ."- ;n:-n Itnn,.;.,. ( i:.L; in.) . : .1 : ', r:n;-n, ani n. ')ii 'ken .!i .\ I, . ;ii n n, \s a- i'-; : C: ;.nt I) 1-, Il 1 1 . ; N 'V- ti,!,ri I'iC ' ! 'is :.i. ft 1. ; I'.u- I W'l n-l:,a,i^. h -! 470 " NAVAL CHRONOLOGY, A.D. gular troopi^, hefides mulattoes and free negroes brought ^779 from the Weft-lndies. The American army under Ge- neral Lincoln to about 3000 men. The lofs the French fuflained on this expedition is com- puted at 1500 men. NEWFOUNDLAND. Rear-Admiral Edwards commanded his Majefly's fqua- 6ion on this ftation*, whofe cruizers were very vigilant in protedting the HQiery and trade from the depredations of the enemy's privateers. On the 14th of July Captain Samuel Reeve, of his Ma- jefty's fhip Surprize, ot 28 guns, lying in St. John's har- bour, received intelligence of an American privateer being off that port ; he immediately flipped h;s cables, and went in purfuit ot her ; after a fhort chace fhe was captured, and proved to be the Wild Cat, from BoRon, mounting 14 guns and 75 men. The preceding day fhe had taken the Egmont fchooner, commanded by Lieutenant Gar- diner, who with 20 of his men were on board the privateer. On the 13th of October Captain Reeve alfo captured on the banks of Newfoundland the Jafon and Monmouth American privateers, the hrfl a (hip of 20 nine pounders, the laft, a brig of 14 fix pounders, and 65 men. His iMajeffy's Ihip Licorne, of 32 guns, commande4 by the honourable Captain Cadogan, took, after an a6tion of halfan hour, L'Audacieufe French privateer, of 24 fix- poundc-rs, and 194 men, 22 of whom were killed, and 17 wounded. On the lame cruize Captain Cadogan took the General Sullivan American privateer, of 24 fix-pounders, and 106 men. WESTTNDIES. LEEWAUD ISLANDS. On the 6th of January, Vice-Admiral Byron arrived in the Weft-Lnd'.es, and joined Rear-Admiral Barrington at St. lyucia with nine fail of the line. On the 3nth of Jainiary, his majcfty's floop the VVcazIc, of 14 guns, conuiianded by Captain Lewis Robinfon, hav- invr dilpatches on board from Admiral Barrington, fell in with, ami was captured ofKW, Euftatia by La Boudeufc ^rench f Jgatc, of 3"^) guns. *" * '^'.i; A-;)C;ndix, Ch^p. II. 'No. iS;. On \AVAL CHKONOLOGY. -1 7 i On the yth of March, Captain Vincent, in the "V'ar- mouth, of 64 puns, being on a cruize orf" the ifland of A n- tiijua, ahout hvc o'clock in the evcnmi; dilcovercil and chaced fix fail : at nine Captain \ inrcnt came up uith the largeft, which upon beintj haikd, h'nfted American co- lours, and hred her broadlide into the Yarmouth ; (he con- tinued to engage for about twenty minutes, when on a lud- den fhe blew up; bcinij very iu:r t^) the Y.nnujutli, a great part of the wreck ff!l on bourd her, wliich cut her rigging and fails to pieces, killed hve men, and wouiiJcd twelve others. On the 12th, Captain Vincent being m chace, faw a large piece of a wreck widi lour men on it, upon which he gave up the chace, and bore d>)Wii iw pn. k them u[i. They proved to be the o:ilv retnaimiii; part ot the unfortunate crew ofthe fhip which had blown up wh.Ic engaging the Yarmouth. Thcfe piM.r vviei>.hcs had (ab- (illed on nothing but rain water, which they had caugtu in a piece of an old blanket. Capra:n Vincent learnt troin them, that the Oiip wa<; ti.c Randolph American piivuteer, of 36 gun^, and 3^ 5 men. 'J'owards the middle of June, a very confiderab'c fl-.-et of merchantmen having allembled at St. ChrifK)phers fiom the different Weft- India llLir.ds, bouinl tcj Kngland, induced Vice- Admiral Byron to coniider it an object of the created importance that thw (houKl be l.ifelv c.ui'. clear of the iflands ; he tlieich-re about tb.e er.J of t'"x" n: 'nth failed with his whole force. On his return to St. Luc:a on the I if ot (uIv, fl".e received iiiteli! m-ikc tlwit tlu- '.Hand of St. \'incf!:: had bL-.'n taken by a l^n.dl body n( 1' reiuli, not exceedii:.', -15'^, lew (t whom weic re'_rular<;, he.ided by a lieutenant m tlic ii.i\ v ; alio t'le Count D'F.lia'.ng had availed hitntl'.f it tr.e .ibinicc- .'f t:.r Kritifh fleet, to attack the ulaiul ot (ircnada, v\h:cii, ,iftei a \erv able and gallant defence m.uie b'. i:s governor, Lonl Macartney, was obliged to I imnJei at di!cret;i)n. Ad- miral Hvron immediately (ailed, in hopvs c i being in time to relieve it. ( )n the mornln.: at d.iy-b.reak ( t the fth of July, the ene- iiy"b licet-*' was diltoveitd gf-t.n^ under fi ni St. (.leorge's b.iv, ami lintUiing out to l<-.'. ; tliL-ir for^e .it tins ;/ne not being accui.i'el) al^jr tt.iiiicd ; and the adnmal b..iv- ' * A;;-;..i!\. Clip. II. N , if^ H h 4 ing A.D '7 79 472 NAVAL CHRONOLOGY. AD. ir,2; been led to bdirve that it was not more than equal to -779 his own ; and (:oin the manoeuvres of the French admiral, which evidently dil'played no defire for battle, and whofe fnipj. being all clean, and in general fader failers than the I^ngiifh, gave him he advantage, fliould he be obliged to engage, in the mode of att?ick. r-dmira! Byron difcovering the intention of the enemy, made the fignai for a general chace, and for the fliips to engage and to form as they could get up. As the enemy drew into a line of battle, their ftrength and fuperiority was plainly perceived ; and the fignal for chace being fl-ill kept abroad with that for a doftt engagemerit, a partial action commenced at about half paft ihvca A. M. between Vice- Adniirai .arrmgton, in the Prince of Wales, fupported by the 1S( yne, Sultan, Grafton, Cornwall, Lion, and Mon- mouth, with almoft the whole of the French line, whofe advantage in lailmg s-nade them elude every elTort of the Britifh commanders to bring on a general and decifive ac- tion. In this unequal conilicf, the Grafton, Cornwall, Lion, and Monmouth, fuftained the fire of the whole French Jine as they pafieti them on the oppofrte tack, and were dreadfully difabicd. About tv/elve o'clock the aclion ceafcd, but was partially rcncAcd at two, and continued at times a random tiring until the evening; Vi hen the fleets had increafed their diilance about three miles. The Lion and Monmouth fu.'laincd fo much datnage, that they were little better than wrecks, and narrowly el-:a;ed being cut cff by the enemy ; the hrit bore av'av for Jamaica, where ihe fafcly arriviu on the 20th ; and the Monmouth was or- dered to Antigua. At the clofc of the evening, Adirdral Byion drew uj) his remain.iiig tiineteep. lliips in line of batr t'r, in tall expectiiticn tliat the enemy, from their fuperio- lif. , would attack the next moimnir; but D'Ellaing curing tlij .'iig'iit, retmncdto Cjrenada, thinking it cjf n^.tith more coniequeut e to jircterve his new conquel^?, than to r.ik a Iceorid action. Admiral Byron prticecded Witli the fleet to St. K'tt*;. I nc l(;;s fuit..;r;:-d in this action an;ount-..d U> 1S3 killed, ai',(! '^.iJ^ w(iuii:!,d, u. v/h ::n Uywr < [Hcets were in each Int. i '' ! I '' 1 i- v\ '. pioi ';;ious ; ih/ 1 well eitimate ilatcs it .1" 2;-: ' , 01 \\i:i- !) fh^' lla.n am twUe^l to I 7 00, fo gVeac -i ih--_'..-:: .,i> :!tri .',: r.d to t!>.- v.:tl nuii' ber oi irov'ps v.'nich \'.--.:: c; uu:;,-d on h(,^ij irie 1:::;;^. NAVAL CmiON OLOf. Y. 473 Not ]'^r.i: aft'.T this n.:tii-:5, \'icf- A Ji^^ir.ii lUron return- AD. tJ to Lr,i;!i,i';, .iiK". \v.i> lucL(.H-.lid :.i &: con.inanj I'y '7 79 Ki-.'r-AjiiiK.ii Hvi'^ i'.tiK-T. U:i the 24-n : (.Jjtbir, C '.:u.i;;i ] ).\n Bvro;i, of his r;ia:fli y'^ Iln.) i'rwl rpiiic, f Ii)L-i.(.-ii.'''v-:-, .lin^ut ci/i'i: in tiu- nmniinj-, &: I'ltrtijn !).;iiir on the !.)<-(.,!: b.t.\c'jn .\I.irt.ii:co aii J bt. Lucia, v..'.v t.b!cr\-'jJ to he lt..iK!:r)j '>'''-t w:;ii tr.c !::;iial f'-viiij:, ui h.ivi:;;' Jilfuvei . J .1 ii<. :. R'jar-Adn'n f 1 ; Ci:.)'> M-t i;.-.y, iiitt.uitl;,- p'it t..':'.." .i!iJ .:;-tc:uv: on - i' to Foit i hi' !'/: :;;i.n >.s?.'; : (;:i -;i!.o\ (; vti to i'cari cii.'iiu'n Ciin- ^;, v.ii.e'-, < ;: the .;:-;' at.;i.e ' >: t;, .Mntil!! (cj'j.-.drcjn ;ii f.i.a'e, U.IS :;i..-u:i u,;..) the;; v^i ; .:iier. Ab -ut four (''c.<'ek ;;i tiu ..;'iet;in :;, iiir.e ^ : t;:: l.i:! i.I the:ii were tMii ('i! ihire (Ml u,i- .1 .tit ( r Ai.i: ti;i:v (', aii'i let on tire h\- tiic liups bc>.>t<. Iv; th.!- r-:ne li e i) hul broii^h.t a hieiich *.'i^.;'c t> ;::iio;i ,11 l-\.it Ko',.ii ',..iv, aiul ni ,'!: pr:.!i.ibi7 uuui.i ti.ue v.rr.e.i her, h .J 11 t A;, de (,:\ M /te !l ,h-J h.^ ( ..h;e; .itn t'.'t) . :her 1. '/e!!; ', - t.^.-r iniji ilii.o, a. .a rijic d >'.v.i t.) hrr a;':.i..:ice. 'J he I'!!.-:i>ti aimit.J, hv thi> h hi rti .ivr.r.Tr, a;:o !''-! a p.oti'i ;[ie Co:; .wv, i'-i!: not 'x.:'\'v ' t :-ii- c....j.t nil' hwi.L If, h./. i;.j 't ,..d i'l tar oa' ..f the h.iv bel:/rc h ;. lil.J h- '.v -ui, as to a.i li.t of tne (..' ' ij-i'-.-or, wh.i.ii /.a^ t;; :)-.- .:. .' .::.J ^e.^hu i Mb >lt ih p >.) :i.c H;i'-:]i h) j.i - ', !^'c :;n : 'A' 'h ;i ."iii ih ,t ; .;,i 1 ',:'.:; we.ith :i. ' . oii- ! ...'', ( n I,,-,, r.ick, p'o:u ed a h^.r. ". < i .". :i .(le .iv '<. . ai ,,; :; ' );.il-.l t a- h o"h :. I'he rfio.jte a;.d !:.;o-;' ' ( '^.\-- ! (.' , C'lpion (, 1 .-l';!;!, ClijN ; h ; w III Ad 'U\.:\ i'..! the rcyal navy. J A M A r c \ . X'ice-AJmira! Sir Peter Parker, ulio cummarid(.il his MajiiH's fhips on ihis ftation,* having been informed that ihc bav men on the Miifquitto, and bay of Honduras lhorc<=, were in great danger ol an ^tai k from the Spa- niards ; and that thev had abfolutely lafkled at St. (leorgc's kev, which tl;cv had phiiulcreil, ami treated the in- habitar.fs wit!i u,rc\i: cnieltv ; m order t>) protefl tWi- ict- tlement fri'rn further infnlts, the admiral difpatchcd ihe Porcupine 11 ) p (jf war, Cipt.iin J;>lin P.ikenham, to co- operate witli a fniall (.Ictacliinnit of troops which were fent by the go-.trnor ol Jimaica, ctider ttie comm.ind of Cap- tain l)alr\ii'ple. About the fame time the honourable Ciptain John Lnltnll was detached with a fmall fquudront to intercept lonie regiller Ihips, which hou ever i fcaped, and to;>k Ihrlter under the [)rofeFtion of the [Irong fortrefs of St. I'\rfi.:ndo dp (3moa. It furtun.itely happened that Captain Lutlrell fell in with the Poicupme iioop, acd the ilLtachnunt imkK r C-iptain Daliymple. returning, having periornud the krvice upon which they liatl been !ent, and cnMiely ilnven the Spaniards from that part of the coail. It u.i< ii I'.v aoreed bttAcen the fea and lancl conunan- dti'-, I.) ii'iitc ilttir tories, and proceed iintnediate'v to the atia. k . t ! i! Omoa. CJn tfie 1 ^ifi o! Oetwlier tliev ar- rived \, - I ' I :. li !(. I-.. Nus'Lie. n u-.', luiiiii \\i!h brals catm 'M, '7/9 lliot, ^^-^oo li.nivi ol ar'i>, an! [r;il'!ar\ 11 ifs. 'i'Lo Sar'lM'ry h.ui tour niiii kiiln!, Mr. Millci, i'::c malk-r, an.i liiiiici"! men \voi;iiJi.-.i, Kvj til whuin il; oi t!:c.r \s llu .Ma'f''l\'s i;r(^ (i'afi^.'W.of :c mni'-, Ciptain I.!o\(l,. V. I'.'.Icat aiLiHro!) itic ni>ith lulc it \]\k- ilianJ, \sa- let o;i '.\'.v, \)\ the iMrclthiiffs (T ;:ic ll.ip's limaril 'rawir.^ off rum iM the (pint rooin. ^::r was ci.iirrlv : ior- Kiiuiclv ilic crt",v ucic l.i\t I. K.AST- 1 \ 1)1 1 >. * 'l"he fquaJron in tlu- I''.ill-1 i.ilic<, r tl'c commani Ol ^'iM- I\(ivvard ili.iho, fi.!;l no opjioitnnitv lli.s \car (,! I'crlt;! iiiin.j anv (.-;:'c nt:a! lisrvc--. Hr"'- Clu.;.. h hOOK< i.iu.u-,1 ; r ]'. KCl'.RTON, a: tU A/i. :!..'; I. ' .. ,. Hfiir / 1 /.::i ...... I'.Y HI-. M . ,i .IV COMMAND. jNsl i'.lC I U>\^ ,:..'. K. . ,:.:.! im; (i. M, v. c mtr.;^ "!.,.,... ^ i ^ ..Ui.-^ , -. 11 .ii . ; >; R, .1 1:1. us t..i ;:;- Swui i,xe;<. . : tfit Ca. ji.i\, v^u.'i ', V I-,-: |'..i;. ,. l> viN, -.. 1 '.-j.t Ir.t uis Kv:(.il- . ;. ..;Jcr< J ' II;- M ..<.lu\ il.."i'. itinns, C(?. I'c..; ...ifi" ^ I'ni !l\L l'X;u;;'<. "t K,!; '...i aih! !.u,'-: iatii.tiy, an^l I I'ti .i'"ti-i'.. I 1 [ill.,; C ::: '..'.:{ i.i rlu- ! Hii!, v\ i: 1 p; :tt ., ', . oil. (ic't:.! K '. ..1 -.'.I .ii> .u.d l>i-ici. ;t. iti'.c lu :l.t D^;; . i.i I.^il an i L 111'. v.\\\i nr^ CIciw . Rc^..'.i:uii^ ..:.^l t^i.lcij fr ;!.c Cu..-;..' ..: .s:.!.,.:'. i >... . . :a I; It It H: ;t iill. ; ., II .i;.,i., \c :i.>.ii:.;u.! i;. '.c Or , : V (;. n. If: ::i ::: .n t > ' . 1 . f ' \V ^,'.\..s...:.c. . 1 . ';!- :..'.UiI., l;.i- M;. :.u'. O: 11 ;-. w . A. ,P. 11 ' ,L (,. . o. , ( : 1~ i!..-,i:.. \\ : -. A . i A-.:.- 1^ . u 1 ]'., I -Mil". '. . 1) cr)Cc. jt". I ...>, A:: :-:.,:;.. liOCjKS PRIN'TED FOK T. EGERTOjr, MiIIl-v'-. 'C-iptain) Art of Sc!f-Dcfcnce, on copper plates, folio, los. C'J, New Alt of VVarl bv Capt. Andcrlon, &vo. 7s. 6d. Cacltt,3 ?v]i!itai7Trt^itilc,8vo. ;s. Phipp:.'s Military Difcipliiic, wich copper plates, limo. 4s. Saldern's (General) 'ra>'tic3,tranll;itL-d by Landmann, 7s. 6d, Lochee's I'leld FortiilcJtion, with copper plarcH, f^vo. 4s. O'liricii's Naval E^'olutions, with copper piates, 410. los. fid. Dal'-vn-ip'u's Military Elfay, cuts, 8\o. 6s Rcii's EfTav on Military Full Principles, Rvo. 5s. Wuift's Inftruftions to Young Officers, limo. 2?. fid. Elementary Principles of Tactics, many copper plates, 8vo. 6s. Atoni on Gunpowder, Fire Arms, and the Service of Artillery, by Cart. Thompfon, los. 6d.'f (Gen.) Pliftory of the Warin Gerinany, vol. i. il, is. ' Political and Military Rhapfody, 7s. Cuthheitfon's Syftern for the, interior'O^conomy of a Battalion, 5s. Speculative Ideas on theprobable Confequences of an Invafion, is. 6d. Remarks on the piefent Defoclive State of Fire Arms, with a Dcfcrip- tion of a ncvk ly-'.nvented Gun Lock. By G. Bolton, Efq. is. KiiifTof Pruilia's Inftriictions to his Generals, 7s. Od. Art of Defence on Foot with the Bioad Sword and Sabre, with copper plates, 6s. L'lchee's Elements of Fortification, many copper plates, 7s. 6d. Field Fortiiication, cuts, cs. .. Effav on Forming Camps, ^s. Epitome of Military Events; tranllated from the French Original, printed at Hamburgh. Duticj- of an Officer in the Field, in the Command of Light Troops, whether Cav.iUy or Infantry. By Baron Grofs, Field OfHccr of the Dutch Brigade, 4s. An Expl'ination of the Duties of the fevera! Etats- Majors in the Fieiich Annv, tranflatcd from the Manuel des Adjudani Gcnuaux, cvc. par Paul I'hitMiu'.t, 4s. Tlie Bombardier, or Pocket Gunner, ^s. Gd. Hifiorv of tlie Camoaigns, from j-'ijfi to 1799, with maps, 5 vol. Svc li. i'7S. D.ties of OfTicers commanding Detachments in the Field. By Lieut, Cwlontl ]. Oi-mlhy Vandeieur. The Engliili Bov/inan, or Tracls on Archery. P.y T. Roberts, of the ToxophilitcSocictv, i:s. (id. // /;;>c' may he JiUtl, EiT..) Genc-al dc Fortiiu:;;tr'n, et d'Attaque et Defcnfe des Place.". Dcdie au Roi dc Pruiie. Par M. de B ''* Ingenieur Francois. Hutron'i Ci'urfe 'if Military MaUumaticks, 2 vol. i;s. 1 it-lke's F'cld FMiH,iiieer, Tianilated by Col. Hewgill, 2 vol. il. 8s. 7 \^'"i: ;:, 'riaiillated i'v Craui'urd, z vol. il. jos. ual ill tlic l-'iild, or a Seiits of Military Plans, i;->, vli.'ei llanv.conta.iniai/ E.xtiarVi from Col. Tcmpelhofl'.'s t;.e SevL,! ^'c;;r^> War. By the lion. Col. Lmdia.-, 'mplttc Miiii.irv Dihioiin v, or A'p'-.abetxal Arrangc- !in,> \\\ '\ ei ii.s, v.):'i appiijp; iaie Explanations according n I 'ibiiiS, (1 by AuiliDi itv ; touhi^h are added, nil the li'' ''.i.r liive an Miuiedi ite Connexion with the Britif^i ''' !'!. to 'i\e i'Li;eial I nfonnation on MiliMrv Sub- .I'a-ics |a;v,cs, Eli]. Dedicted by pcrmiluon to Field \\ altered fhall be coniidereJ as t!ie lull d;ei-^, and that a blue frock with embroideied button h'-'les, coi.fjrmable to the pattern lodged at the Navy OrTice, ht allowed to be worn upon commiOn occa- ilon^j lord.'hips do iiereby give notice thereof to the captaioN and coinmand.Ts of his aM.ijelty's fleet, and direct and require them refpectively to coafuriii ftrictly thereto. Alter atl:Ki hi ike pfij'cnt wuforin Chthiny o! the Captains ani Cmuiandc)-'- ofh:s AhiU'lh/i Fleet. I'he h'.ce f'li the coat to return ri-'Und the pockets and flie'.'^s, tiie la-jipels e.cA cufr's to be two inches and a half broudi tiie lace upo'i the upper part oi ttie lai^jKds to run even with i!:e boti',;:n la-'e o! the collar, the buttons to be flat, wilH ail a;. ch.c.r arid cable engraved thereon, according ivj ih.e pattern iedged at the Navy Orfice. Tne waillcoac tc; hj plain iiilKad of lactd, the bieeeh^.s to be of the fame I olour of ihe wai'lu^^'j inlleaJ of bine, and both to have l-Hitton-. uf the fame patteri) as the coat. Undrefs. i/;:i: fio:k !?p.pel.. cu.Ts and Collar the fan:e, the collar (vi on to the l;ippeU', Ir;) over behind, wliite Hial- '' < w 1 :.,:';, b':::. ir tne Uane as t'';j dief-- coat, gold em- \-u i.;^rca i-iu'io!! Iv.le^ as uiidernu manned. ' . I- '.; '.ui,~ v\l:-) i'..e.e take.; pc.ii: tnree \xe.\s or upwards, fwiiv. \\':\y: 10 li,.' 'i.qjpLls, bv ihrce'i, ihr^e oi\ the haps, .;:' thii.- <- li:; (1. rv;^.' 1 ^'X iioa c. t laii;^ 'eij :h,.a three vcars itawd;;;;';, tv."elvt nole^ :' 1 ' M J- \ 1 1 ' I :i 'f;-- !l-\ :n:v.' ': ;a\/-, Ivur iu/!cs 1)11 the flap-, ..;:J "* ''' .i rhr.v i.;i the flr-.v, ^..i,;!. i;e ..s '. Ji i:ir li: til ii::::u. ,i'. ERRATA. VOL. I p2?e 78 iine iS 'rn'jlill-,ed; rr^^ eftablifiieu, ic)2 30 St. re^^/lCidGrc. Zi^ 24 was, rrarf uere. 247 I-;; d'cfcade, rr^J d'efcadrc. ;;> 13 and, ?T<-?'\vith. 1 :; ilcie \he word a-ul. 26 T ~ c to Haiifux, rer.J of li?.h'u\x. 2,-0 - 6 r/t'/c- the won' and. o^^A '' [ Bofquc, w.(.-,/ Baiqiie. ^87 ^ cg7 i^CT-enave, ucr/ Gcu?.ve, ^o; ! 74.';; ?r/?(/ ] 7 ^3. q: 7 An.'"!', -f.-.y/ Alice. 530 tiiii -iiark f in fir ft note fnoisld be '' 5.;t) J 760 oiiiiL.ed. -AS 20 ?..iadcr) V,, u^,-/ IMadeiras, 406 i > \^ 'io> ;r.-.'/ wliicli. 422 27 ir, :i)e L.akes, 't'lS'/ on. 4.:; Peter F'.rkcr, traJ S]r Vstti . 4,60 2aiu! tr.e Britifii, ?:ai/ when- 477 1794, 7vv.v/ i 77g. 449 note, Keppe, ren/-! Yicpiyd [NDliX. i \ 1) i: X. i nil I /.- -:,.k- n ;-... >,r (,Mr. C' r- ;.. '" <. ' '.' 1\ ., I ..rK.;i)l'; . : 1 i, i ' ". bcUv c I. (.'..:' !i ^^ ' ;v.i', I-! w 1 , : 1 ' '' ; ;! t.v I !i r w 1 1 i . I I .,_:ii.rn . .w'l niarv (';;:. ol i. ouim/^c L ,' pri .:._ aJ.vci:- - W .i5 4 b ! ) ; :l;J:k. ,,1 ( , lU ,1 pt \ !o w ; . ir.uv tiir:r for. iv K. iXDEX, PAG?. yl/!:ca!i--Cc.mpnny, firft chartered 35 Britiili fettlemeiit! attacked by the French sg^ French expedition againft it fails 360 ./.v lilt of, fortifications deltroyed aS;, 304, 356 J'ax Eafr India fiiip taken ib. yUarni frigate, firft lliip in the Britiili navy coppered 358 Alho-inarlc Duke of, his opinion at a council of war 64 commands the ilett 63 to 65 Earl of, fr.j'.sto command in the Weft Indies 366 AJc'idc taken 264 .ilgien exptdition acfr.inft it 36 fc'coiui expedition . ib, Jlert takes the i^exinj^ton 463 Alf^hts blockaded, am! f\ies for peace 5'-) its naval force deftroyed 6.) i^vtw of their men of war beaten off by a frigate ib. compelled to fue for peace 70 Dey, rtflores a 13rit;fli fliip 393 Al'icnjil taken by tlu; Enolifli - 9^ jUiin Captain, accoriiit of the lofs of the Namur - 2:^9 Anihrcfc C:!ptnin, t ,!;?"; ^'.vcral privateers 180 (liliiiilild 'lie i'-ivii,e, and reftored 2.15 ../vi^/v;..'. takes .1 j-i .v.,ttcr, and I'everal other veflels ib. r.ikca - , . 229 ill.Mui;; ciilcovered 17 wliun ;i;id whs Id named - 18 I'rci-ch hrft fiil lo it 19 ,f,'''iiiiitit:s lirlr cop.jmenced againfl 422 '/.::. .an. rcrtilied at Quebec -^ ib: ifiii.; Ifitfts of niarqiie ' ' 427 1']u.;dron (aih to Jir; ha iTia, and plunders Providence ib, arr; ek tiie Giafgow > ib. r.-iv.i! iorce dtdroved on Lake Champlain 430 on Lake George ~ 43c) i >;:,; ti.c C-^afpi'e fchonrier 4.12- (!,:c:;.re tlicmlelves independent of Great Bri- '"'iin . ^2Q ; !.:,:'-.d nt llrandywine ~ 4 5 jt ..:ruk v.'"l. Mac Lean at Ponobfcut 46S i.ititi !, ami riieir veffLls taken and dcflroyed !.; '^n' G'lorge Collier ib. -r,'.,.; _^/. - ( ; ri':\ 1, driven the Lrench entirely out of (.'; ,: .'1.1 336 ''"'''/' C,;jiT.n, riCr/ilicd the krvice 125 /.f.,/i.'i- 01 ;i iiritilh failur ^ 184 utad:i:u - .- ^ 279 Anccdo;^ ' > 'v > '77 I ,7 - r . 1-j.y .III : yd ^\) i - ' ' 3" 7 3 7 IJ ;i Aim '. \ i";v;7;;,.. - ; 1 : r ,_, ,y ' ) . ; '> J 2. y;..s \ lie A.1...1 PACK Bilker Vice Admir?.', defiroys fs'-erai Barbary Corfairs 155 Bii!ro:;yL':>\t\-^\n- .: -ii.uit coiuiuct at Lou;{])ourg 314. Balchcn- ^u JoliP:, la'hs co L.iilion 204 Adniir;!.!, l'^i;L,tc) intercept Spanifii gaiieons 176 js loit on liii rtrurn iioinc : ib. a pcnfion kttjcd on ids widow ib. Barhnclrics dilcovf rtri and t'ttl'd . 3^ /jrt/-<^(7rv kites patent fp-r traaiug to it aj Barcelona X^Vxn bv tiif l'ngiiil\ 123 Barnct Captain, eojJtij'^e s tiiirc Frentli ihips of war 180 Comnicdorc, lails r(j India 179 takes rhite French lliips in Straicrhts of Sunda ' 223 two oi his fqiiauron takes two French lliips ib. cues Barometer in veined 30' Bartinotrm Vice Adudrars, gailant defence at St. Lucia 452 i)w////;{' bomb-ketchj taken 381 Bclloiia taken . 308 Benboive Conimodore. bond^ards St. Maloes 89 fails to the Well Indies 105 engages the French fqnadron off St. Martin's lii is dclerted by Ids captains ib. orders them to be tried bv a court n^artial, with its lentence 112 dies of his wounds ib., captains of his fleet fliot 113 blocked up Du li.rt ia Diinkiik gSto lor Benccdcn taken by the 350 Bermu.ins fettled 3^ Boreai and Trent, defiroy ffveral Frc itch privateers in Cuniberland Harbour 348 -Dd'/if /o'Lord, coinniaiid-) t!u- g-aiui fl^'et - 98 makes a dLfcent on the coaii of Fratce ibo i^urd, d(ilro)s fcverai places on the French coaft - - 92 to 95 boml'.irds r^tmkirk and Cdais 96 fliip of war. iikf'n 294 f. 1' o , fd'! to eicort ovtr Jviitg George i. 1^5 :ii;.(if \ K- .^, (Jniiral o' Cireu Biitain 156 /v, i"(/;ijn,( d'i:-f. ._; i,i/,f s i/lf iJunkirk y>^<..;o:.--( 331 .t.!:n, K! ii'lUtai .-.oo l'^:i.!a:d, ci\ ;;ii d a l;:iro:iet .) 46 ''^ Sir C ;c.,i .:^ , t;,,;-,, 1;. >-ti-:il lai;n- privateers -- ijz ere.;'- a \ iiei.iinl 'l\>r irgt;)!!, liicn Adni;;:d ot ('! 1! i'niain, trc ilui er rd liit- nav y, Jv i)i>,d',r o) til' i;:.!li ' _-!_ i6a fids to ll;e '.uail ol Scui.laiul ^-,^~.. .. 134 I ^. J ) I \ . fir CtCClT'/r l:\U) ".: \ CH;' . A .V- ^ 1-, 1,.^ :i.:r;.I 1 ; " I '. 2-:i ' ) nrr;'.- .t ^^ :;: :. : ,: i;i,.' r ! I- rr i r,i ;ii-- tu i . -\ , iifM:! - - rri fi V' . ; I ; ,1 1 : k '-';>: . .^ ca;ii;)- is ^,l.: v , | rr i; . , i. . . . ir. i ;: M ii', fi) '. k;i(i'A l''(i,;- .1 . lit Tif'\ '! u It 'i .. j-'i L lu li In , i' it v\-.:r <);( Ml ! : V < .:, ,. ! 1 \ .:, IV.. ; i) ..;; i) .V r l'!- '> .1 : ) ii! ! 1 ,: v>i J,. ^-1 I {owe IMl t:;.;., ..; i clIITim L'i i INDEX. PAGff Bli^h fails on a fetond expcdirion - ib, defeated, and obliged to rc-enibirk with great lofs 309 Bottc-r brig, taken 4.23 BonW vedfls, firll invented 78 buiir in England ib. Bombay firlt poffclied by England 5^ chartered to tiic Eaft India ('ompany 6c^ Dutch attempts to take it 78 Bonavenlurc blown up in battle 46 taken by the Dutch 41 Bonetta loft 211 Bon/t:o ifiand, difcoyered 21 Boj'cavjen Rear Adn^;ira!, fails for India 344 arrives at the ifiand of M::L:;"itirs s-a fails from thence and arrives at St. David's ib. befieges Fondicherry 253 raifes tlse liege ib. faiN in c]ueft of the Frenc'i liect 264 takes two French flrips of war ib. arrives .it Halifax 265 cruifes oif Breft , 26810283 faili. to i\'orth America 302 takc^ Louill-iojrg 31^ returns to I:'ni.';land - ib, falls in with tnt- Frt-nch fijuadron ib. laili. to tlu" !VJtxiuerrr; I' an 326 appointetl ni nt ral of iMai ines 311 defeats ])e hi Ulue . 332. I'ailhto Q^iiber(!n Bay . 33 :j returns to F.p;;l:ind . ib. /)c/i7';v E>'i\', firii ciilcovcred 402 Bounty oftercd to icamen, fi:li rnenii; p.t-d - ^o ditto 169 additional ditto 17- ri(idition d ditto i8c ollcred loitamen to ei-ifr into (he navv 407 to 4? 7' Lrgc- olfcTcd, ef):etially by tlic ii^aft Jndia Loai- p:, nv B^ Yjr :'-(> ICOV ered B ; '-! ;> W ;\ up />' , /. :'tt h. ' nii.t ft ilia o\^- 11 ifui'C :cd de a ii ' i ' ;;'fii! ( valarfehal - - 78 ^pcdition againfl It gi B}i:: Sir i'Krcy, L'oiun':! of Mariner. 331 B,uLtj V^ >" ;-. Cr- pt.iin. (irtviti; . /; ... rt t.i'.t. 11 ..ii-1 !'ur..". J . . (... i,.i..u:,,r- . K ,.r .-\.l .,; t ru;,t - ( tl i t)ii'(. k'. lip 1 j': . : i: It !:; ' /,;. -/; ' ; lJ;.k ,.:. /,;.. : h. '\!.:\\r: nt J.:. . .; c iCK' r.:!. !;:r 1 (Ic.i.r'! <;' /;:. ~r jv II), (! ^ ' hu: -^r ,) :;:. - /; .-- ,. -hr H.m: /; ;~l; ] :.', 0;.' 01 wnr tc'ken Ccjniion of nr;r,s ! etvv-eil Spain and England Llinplc,:n iiloa'.d pt r month Charter firlt siranteii to the Ruffiriii merchants for difcovcrirb to Ameru:a to th^; i^aft India company ior faips to tht; Atncan company to Soiitli Sea company - ' C.!.'!tiJf'-iin:r^r i.akcn Chathar/. ttu t litll iniiituted - allowance an aft l(;r enhirgii,'^ and fortifying the dock CI:.rl::ir:^ taken, and hari,our deltroved C/y.V* SI, in ol war taken t'.'-v.-r'/..../ a miiciMv on board her, and run away with \>\ the cww 2:;4. (,:.:/>: i .! : .1 i' : f, ovcred 432 '^'"'' ' ' u ;'' '1 to It iroui j'.ngland, by the N. E. 25 tl.-.;:- :..., , S '^ "'' -^ ''"'ii tiitir al!e< iaiice ciu:ur ..!'.- r;,.i ^. 69 riar/.c c,6 38 398 378 439 129 173 1S2 23a 448 4^t i6r 68 24 2? 33 i6r 3,S 161 299 59 26 28 308 153 I \-]) IX. m 1 D'l. ,) Ml :lli lis '4 VII lljl i !u-t .1 , > 1 ;a 4"7 -' II : c),i ;i-- I'm : .1 ; r M '.r- : ri. ' '' '- '"" '-^ '; -t;iU t! Il-iliEK. J.; ;...,_ fa kfi? '" ' Admiral Haddock - (;,y;;f:..S^cnur-^.U ''rives in the Ealt Indies . {vccttcs to trie coi'nmand idi'.s to Diego Rays jer\:in- to Ivladrais ;tTacks ai'd takes il fai;s lot the coall of Coromandel > created a baronet - arrives from India ^- , C:--:-vuU Captain, killed > rm.v.r/;.^ fllip, lofl Cou; Re:u- Admirai, comtrsand- at J^m^icn Commndore, takes pnrt of a Spiniili convoy C.ounUih oi Sr--i,-boroii[:h t:.ken Court nrirri-r!. (>n Caj)tani f :iar;;au'e Sir ^.'eivfrtnn Peyton Captain Hcrvcy IJ.eii;cnant Hardy on lour captE-iiiS for not engaging two French fliips on \'ice Admiral Lellcck ' en Admiral Matt li.ew 3 , en Admiral Knowles . i-^n C^a|-t.nn Holmes ~n Capt;i;n Paudet fint auii'ioriicd rc> be held iliroad pretidcnt rrreitcd, conduct of tiic members ic- fpc6ting it . o/diTtd to trv Adtfiiral Ktppol on ("Captain Xorris cenuirc pallid on it by pariiamrnt -^ en \'\t mutiiv-'tri of the Cheih.,'rld::'ld f/;i ti/iet (){ A<'mir:d Pocock's cantair.s on \vx cili'.frs ot xVx. Panther on t apt ;in 'I'iii k: r __ . i ,.: ' fi'talscn bv ihc rottlMidi (\,'. -.'W-.A ;/,MlJi It fail- >',-- a ilect at lus own e\'Dtr:ce r ViO I\!( O I '^'' b lb' t^iit diip io larc^e as Soo toi-. ; '^'.'' ' ., ' ii'irs lilt.' navy fcr\ ice 83 84 339 362 ib. 363 3^ 385 386 ib. 394 207 8+ 295 247 460 iS5 2 lb 224 226 2 56 257 1 b ib. 2 Ib ib. 2^6 2^ t 321 396 \.\z 124 ^9 if:4 33 ill. ib. 40 r 555 3^0 I \ I I . . 1. ( i I : z n. 1 1 / ; . - ! . 1.- [Mini 'I'.M.iO'l , :..^r . :; > , .tv I!. -:. . l(o..i li' I,! - - - 1 ... :..; :: \\ i; !! j.,., :, : M .,>: i:t;.'i' S .v,i;i I .i!i RiVf r .') ; ' :i i ivi.iul > - :' ft r ' ^ 4 ' ; r f Ik ,l:. INDEX. Dv'r/^-.' into liie hands nf th;-^ Spaniards gi\tn Uj)to tlie j''ri'pch aittiTiPtcd bv Sir Ciouiltflev Shovel bin ktci up by Ad.i'iral Htiibowe blocked liu fii.noiWh.d " f Lj Tc iidcr, t'' Enc;i?:r.d and Fiance j; > l.p t:) the i.njdilii Di'rjlr\ l.T'i, ii... :'.s I^ii (.;u''v TrouHi, and takes two c'-ii'/.t-, [or (hf j^ro-onion oi ihe \Vell India fltt-t i.;i /).'/:/ -the* i'',:!i \>d Ijv bir l\obcri llohiieb 67 <-' - III, Mc.ivv.y . 6S tt-r I:, i i ;.P'''S 67.68 in,! n ..i.d. d.ihivv i'.vcral men of uar o3 150 59 ib. F^: In J: F, II '1 !;r(l !T;t-u:ttd;(; EngliH:! merchants 1 : I'. . . .. , ; . .- ' .A A ; 1. TNT) EX. PAGC ,;cc;r-(;;,^>,if;.^fivt E IT 2,1 i ill snd fou T Fretich fliips of war 179 two Enjjjufa and three Spnnifti men of war 190 a privateer and two Spanifli Zebeccs 188 the Ndttiuur.berland ar.d three French men of v. ar - ~ 196 the Ikitilh, French, and Spanifli fleets oiF Toulon 147 the jerf'jyand St. Efprit 218 the Anglefea and Apollon ^ - 212 the Lion and Elizaberli 215 llie Prince Frederick and Duke privateers agttinil: three French flii;)s 216 Commodore Peyton and M. le Eourdonais 235 the Portland and i/Augnite 227 the Shoreham tender and Spanifli privateer 229 the N'ottingham and r^ ilx. Alexander privateer and the Solebsy 230 Fame privateer and feverat French ib. between the Glcrioro andfome Eritifli fl)ips 240 Kear Admiral Hawke and French lieet oif Cape Finifl.erre 242 the Surprize and Jamaica floops, and a large Frenci: fliip 244 the X'iper fioop and a French South Sea fiiip ib. the Fc/'.'-.r.e iluop a::d Frcrich privateer ib, two Knohfli privattei s, a Spanifli, and two Adndral Knowles and the Spa;iifh ilecr orf the Tortiiga Bank. 2:0 tlie Nottingham and iMagnan::r:e 247 Commodore Holme-. ?.:ui a i'rench fquadron 276 Ailiiiirai \i\ng and ?J. Gailifrionicre 27; St. Geor^;e privateer and a Prc'.'.h Zebecq*;-: the ]3ifp;itch and a I'reiich pr-vate-jr tlie Adventure 'ender aiuJ a Frtrnch privateer tlie Antip;alilcan and French. Eali iLtiiar. ua ::;( the Tcrnblc and X'engeanci' ib tin-ec Eaft India fliips aiul two Frcncii nuii of war ^o-< 1)1 twci'n Co;iM-nod-jrc horcfl an i ie\ :;' !"/. nJ:\ flu p,-. or war 296 till l.i.ditiimf; an;i a i-;-:rch !-v;'-:,Lc; r 2:4 the l',\i-,'_:r imeiit ;:n(i l\':-i,;a-pit.: 291 ' -If r I 1 aiiic and .1 1' > ;v :i ;)t ' v .;.v" :'. tl^'. S(iut:Kun]-'ii.; a:n' ,;^ Fi^i-c:; pri v."t:?er:; -n,^ 274 tilL Si. II l6q ib 1 ^ INDEX. -Captain Elliott and M. Thurot between Flambro and Biddeford, and two French frigates the TrtMit and Bien Aime , the Iris ard Oriflt.mne the l"hunderer, i^fodeft, Thetis, Favorite, and two Frtiu h Hii js of war the Unicorn and Li Vcftale the Seahorfe and L'Aiurette the Ricliniond and Felicitc the Warwick and Minerva the Rippon and a French fhip of war tile L'Vengeance and Entreprenant the BelJona and <, ourageux ~ the Brilliant ami two French frigates th Prince Gt orge privateer, and a French Eaff-India fUip theFoweyanda Spanifli frigate the Alarm and two Spanifli frigates the Briine and L'Oifeau the Venus tranfport and a French privateer the Harriot packet and a Frencli privateer the Flampden packet and ditto the Dunae and Tigre privateer the ]ving George privateer and Tigre the Milford ai.d La Gloire letter of marque the Terpfichore ai.d Marque de Marigny the Giafgow and an American fquadron the Druid and American privateer the Aretluiieand Belle Poule Kepncl and D'Orvilliers jiqiitcr aiul Freiich fliip of war Sir luiward Vernon and M. Tranjolly Oftrich aiul Frencii privateer \'ii'e Arimiral Carringron and Count D'Kllaing Krr.avvii aii.i f>angucdoc I'if-l:on ;Mui Toil -.uiU Irib and OM^ir ^ T, T 1 ' ,, PAG & 342i .Ml JvTvu th', Ai- ]<..;tvi Pearj A.irLisand a. French fquadron >-'.p;niar('iS otFtlic Spaniili Main )l'\u iJroniwell L. !.. >. mgton nd L'Oifeau a:;(i two French CUt'i'rs - i:\ ' ^ion!^,,^ ri + i 360 358 3^9 ib. ib. 355 37a 354 3^6 ib, 357 383 379 372, 407 3 74 373 366 ib. 367 420 454 239 443 444 446 453 453 5 476 lb. 450 451 136 436 440 456 460 Serapiss I I'j. 4 ~Z ^75 I \ nr. .\. . '-;r^;'' . C. ":. ! I'v '.t ^k..irbnro\:;^M, i"'' T ->. !' nine \l : t' .. , ' o-:;t - x.s' ll. ' j ^1 -- : J 'I r- - -. ., II ..' ^ \. -. V, A I ,: .1 ::\ roil ...,1 P'i' ;i n.ij^ !' ; '.-iiu V ' \'.- ..:: V. : . -ur ; , k- r A.: i;;r.: I'.iktr a;;.! M t':^ -..!.. '>:r\ ;.r: ; ^:. C^r'.o-, 4-( ; :; c( > -:'* ' 7 > - ' J "7 -ruKMi;, k;l.'.l t'AM rrf,;. ; . 1, ro tir S'.i:-!' ^- ; :!':;: it i\iK lit' rt 1 r- : 1 :i ;'.,; ^^ ' :, It ; iiv Kii;';;(hin A!ri:.i in-; unit i' i.tiiii' ;ij,.iir:(t I'll ; 1 Avrc-, bv i)iiv..te ;..i venturer 3 = ) 3' ^ nil i:-,f, 1 ; -.n ; 1 :V I ,1 (.uir.i. 1', r:>. C J) -r V/ I ' 7 I 7 ."> 1 b.> - ' 1 ST ^! :: .r.l. -.k; ().''-;. i -., 1 '.:. r - ! ! ; : . ^. : I . . : 1 o I w :i r 1 :3 1 ; t r:-''.'r:.l = . (i: t !;::. ;;i , . ., . .V--., L,l. " Ll t\Gf. FaiUiVtdchlmed by the Spaniards -- 4^4 /''a//wK//; harbour ill rv eyed - Sg in North America, deftroyed 223 FanJ/jaweCapt^iiv, deftroys feveral American armed ve(rcls450 favfner Captain, his conduft at Falkland's liland 406 killed 463 Ferret loft ' 4^3 /'/V/^/z^p- Captain, fails in queflof a Dutch convoy 48; fa ei/rand ioH on ScJlly 93 Firejhips firft 11 fed .. . ^ 28 /'///vw^ .Dutch prevented on the Englifli coaft 40 Fijhcry deftroved 75 Flag Its right firft claimed by the Englifa 9 its honours demanded by Sir William Hoxvard 23 . Sir John Hawkins 26 Sir William Monfon 34. honours paid to it by the Frencii 36 itsright difputed by Grotius 38 defended by Selden 39 French and Dutch fleet fail to difpiite it . lb. Spaniards pay the honours to it off Dunkirk ib. manner of wearing it regulated ib, the Dutch refufe to pay the ufual compliment 44 they are compelled ib. the Dutch, by treaty, acknowledge the right of fa- luting it . 54 firft inftance by treaty 55 the honours tobe paid to it by the Dutch, fettled 66 not required from the French 73 difpute at Lilbon about it 86^ Frrneh frigate made to fahite 401 Othcers commanding fquadrons, 351, 364, 3S8, 409, 41 r, 421, 42J, 454 Flcei of France, Spain, and Flemings, delcated 16 Fra:ice and Genoa defeated ib. dcflroys the French in the haven of Dam 9 defe, Its the French off Dover > 10 of I'.c'uard the Firft ib. A Violent difpute in it ir of Lniward the Third before Calais 14 ol Spain defeated off the coaU of Suffex by Edward flu; Third ib. ot Enoland, defeated by that of France and Spain ib. of t!ic I'lemings defeated . ib, of England dcflroys the naval force of Scotland zz Lord VVtlliam Howard compels that of Spain to laiute the fla^ . . 23 I >:;>! \. ~i^:'.'i!>i ift-nteJ (ifTtl'.r A/.urc: ;o :-i;\^. .'li ri-.:;T :; (':: iiir. I 3; jM).,.i!h C\pc-viir i.a;lU' c; I'ppcJ ; j Ifiu'i i!i;l I~)iri !i 'ii'i; ctl i'iirii.i:i(i -.) lJ;.'Ji (-(. ."s ;ti'- ,S;)u-.;'h 41 'i! :[.- ['. r... ill r lit iivtl'iic tin 1' .!' K !'::'.; i,-di >.k-t..r- : , : i) -n: ..; \ , r^ ^. .'lui '-2 Ki 'J, ih IrrMii. . :,> r!( ! ;:; f: r 1 ( 5 LUiti , I'ff- ,: I ''V ; i'.'i ' ';: .';i.; i : ,- 'i ' 4 to oj)!'.)', t::^ ! ,!:; II':' oi 'i- 1': t.. . 1 ( >r : t ) l.u.lAh -:'.''. n ,.::, ' l<;v.,;, ! ..v ti.c i ; :.. ,1 ' :i " llj < ':v H;,: ! ' -- - ;:> the Ir^i,.!. M - T I'l Tor'. V ;i <.!' iMM'I :.*': ' i 'iia.! i 'i :: ;t li. .; i : 1 ;:^ , oii' I,H --- 'X Sp-;;i.h .1- : ..; .' - - I, , yrc -.'.. ir; - i'v i: '!. I'.: . ',::i - '-. ^ a 1 \T :/. o;.c !:;'!; ), - - 1 ^ l.iit ; ."o thr M' ' r- !ii(' in 1 i ; .1^ :, t i ,-:::, :!.< I . - I il ir^i 'i'. tl !' til - -. ; ., -:ia cn-:.\i,-t ., .. Mri-iHi ;ii th- I- r \: ,' -v 14,, ___\\-;M;;,:;r. ,;i I. t'lt'-T i-! ,1 It .r 1) on ::n- (. o '. It (J* Ar. tu 1 1 - ; - P 3,7 . :iuiv I! :.. a'ul .1 ;.. K:.- ': U]^nd ' - 4^1 .!'. ...I , nit t li( ^;>.ini.i''il . - 1 ' 1 - la:. trMir ]',< \\ -- - . : - rrv!- i '-. ki:v; - - .; - - l..:i >]'. <:.:> r > 'i;;u the >;": C^ :./ -^- :-, INDEX'- PAGE f/^e/;_.combined, enter the Channel 459 J"/o?v! and Falcon burnt 448 FvuJroyant taken 31I Fo'veyvAen by two French frigates 141 i"(?,v loft S16 frigate taken 43^ retaken ' ib. taken 445 Captain, takes a French convoy 239 tried by a court-martial, and difmilTed the command of the Kent 243 Forbes Admiral, his reafon for notfigning Admiral Byng's death warrant 199 Foreigners not to fifli upon the Englifh fea coafts 39 Formidable taken - . ^19 Foireji Captain, engages with three fliips feven French fliips of war . . 296 takes a French convoy 3^7 commands at Jamaica 378 France ^joins England againft the Dutch " yr threatens to make a defcent upon England 9S its fleet for invading England i^ Frmikland Captain, takes a very rich fliip 220 rear admiral, commands in the Weft-Indies 1S9 commands at the Leeward Wands 276 French Court, itTued an edift not to moleft Captains Cook or Clarke 46^ Frioa.e i^irft built 42, French, two cut out of Pondicherry Road 319 compelled to falute -: 404 Climates fix J^ritifli deftroyed at Rhode Ifland 448 Forbij/ur Sir Martin, takes Breft 31 killed ib. , Furncaux Captniii, accompanies Captain Cook 413 his boat's crew murdered by the natives of New Zealap.d 466 brings to England Omiah, a native of Otaheite ib. C,alhr,n\\\f: Phljipinn, Spaniards conduft refpCiSiug ^87 t'ircf t.ikfii by privatt^Ts < ^643 46^ (/',!./.. rl'vt^puuni, hi. rill at Tropes ' ' 187 'spr.mlli, (k-ltrcycd on tlie coaft of Flanders 34 on the coaft of Portugal ib. (;.7/.'.'V7-,/ Fc, t:ik(ii by the b^iiFolk 144 (/',;,.'.?;/.' C":U)l,.)!i, kiiic(l jn (inland taken by tl,c Dutch , , . 4J- CI: (,. (,: (;. . ( . (. , C : ( ; (.. (, : ( , ( (, (; ' I x r K \ . ..' lort in n ftor-n -r- ;ir ;i.!;i., \-:\l tt) rc-',:,Urc-,- Aiir.iral Ilawkc ;:-; :. - ::rlt K';.;;'!!! nnr I:', aiiivf, tr..;K llKi.nul ; [IT' ^ ; ;'Cc, rr ; ;.;.! t'l - -'" il;- ;n c NDrM A:r;.T,v .1, iir:t !. .;!;. J Sj)i:n.irJ-, in' (1 ; .' - it . i:.. ; .!-. . n ' V I'li G^. IV Tro'.!.!! niul (^:!:!.T p!..jr-, t..l.:ii : ri: .'"ou L .1 to I...:'"..;;.. .;. . :::i- U;kovir; .i :.; :l \ ^n...;'.- (i:i tl;r w\\:.]r l.lli.ry t kt'n ' \ :;., 1' mu ii :-;. ' ii.-l[)i:.ii t I.: 1 hi ;>[).>r;-/.i ". ;. ^-j" :u : h .i:r. :i- a i .^-^ i>t u-.i:r. < ! .: .r .:(-;- ;- :'. - .1 '.!, K -i.;, ;.;r.iii"^ : ., rtn .. j' ; , i > \ rr'' ^ i.'.'i) .'1 li i!|).' .1 ('A- . :.:!! .p;. .;::>; ; > !: - - i.r:' . '^: r m:, a r .; 1,1 i.-. ;,n , ; ;) iii- ,'.> i,' ;ij I. I ' i I- :..:-. 1 1 .:' r ; -C"'i 111' ',.;i :. '<'<<>. ., j) T' i:i.. , . I --% >: ;:: , l.f \r;,ti:;- ;:: >: . U .,.i. 1. i! ;:.;i. :-:. P .\ ; ;': .-...-^ ..; : ;..c i r.-;u ; f:'.::: - ".u i'-:.. '.nil > 4 ' + 9 CO > : 4- .; 7 t 1 -3 2. [ INDEX. PAC-t; Crifm admiral, tried by a court-martial 261 CiTfuhi Captain Walter, his gallant conduft 475 killed 477 G^-ja'^/ot//^ taken by Commodore Moore and General Hopfoii 337 fi ft fettled by the French 39 Cuarda cie Cufia inhuman coiidaft to an Englifli brig 167 Guinea the iiril voyags to it i-oii) En'^land 23 coalt of fettk-mtats retaken by the Dutch 60 C::7^>'--relieved by Commodore Winter 23 Gun-r-xiUr invented 11 Gk; .;r'j~fcalt: invented ' 36 Gihvaltiir taken 1 19 befieged by the >, .iards 164 Gombcrcsn taken 339 H. Haddock Captain, engages two French faips of war 133 admirilj fails to the Mcditf-rrane;.:) 170 blockb up the Spanilli fleet off Cadiz 177 fails to intercept the Spanifti fleet 181 difcovers them off dc Gatt with a French fleet ib. fails to Minorca ib. refigns the command 186 BndUy'i quadrant firit ufed 168 Half-pay firft: given to captains in the royal navy 7^ to mailers in the royal navy 76 to captains increafed > 417 to officers increafed 87 A bill to fubjfcd ofiicers to martial law 255 number of muftcred furgeons increafed 2^6 mailer's, increafed 460 Halltfax--\vi\-;\-\ of, built 256 iy,7/,'i;7/wr Captain John, created a baronet 42Z Hav.mond Captain, fucceeds in finding a pafTage to the Delaware river 437 //,7w.7,'&?z Court tikcn 130 Hnnr-jck privateer tctken 463 H.irdy Sir Thomas, acquitted by a court-maitutl 131 takrs a French convov 150 Sir Ciiarlf:s, fails to Lilhon 196 K(::,r Admiral, fiilb from New York 2t)i Sir Cliirlc^, f,ih on a cruize 36S If tur -,iii Plvmoucfi Rc;r \diiiir il Sir C^harle-i, cruizes off Louiiburgh 31s fent uiih (iLiifr;il \\';>irf, to dcftroy French fettle- ie;itjjniuc Guiph oi St. I:i\vrencc 3r> Hard-j~^ I M n r X . >AGk. jLi/J; Admiral Sir Chnrlc:-, appointed to comirianci the C'ii.iiiDfi flcrt f.iil-. Willi ttr t'.rrt - riittr-, :!k' C!i iP. iitl piirtuc'l i'V tiic comhinrd tlcrl jLii.i"..: A(, crcntrd n '.laroi'.ft .-iti-K kril hy llic Frc Itch, aiu! rcpulfcil }i:r ;:..: S;r lo'i!!, his gp.lljnt hrlii vioii r t.iki'.m; Jcllri)\s a IVt.-iu h ticrl IIj''<:Jjn C.ipt.iia Thoni.i-, takcb u hrcinii i-.Ut Ir.l i f!;ip . ^ n;t::> two Knghlh fiiip-, in (!iUrf(-. fails to A!>;iirs }Li>-.-:./.~K\uo\ fliip, loft an att for'.'i:'!^ t!;:" litick l(.lt ' H:P.:iiz dr^trovcd !>v ' ';; IVrncJi'.i.'. tak-.'ii bv Li.r '. A/:H-;uar!'- nui >;r d Po- 457 v) 4'a If, 1 1 I il). 4'; 4- 7 -t / ^\ J >> (.OCK. H.r.rf ,,'. (," ,.Yt-- !)onil),'.rd-. 'I __ JlMi^ic \'icr Ad;!iiral, 1.,1'Mo cri::/f oti Cape l-iiiistcrrc I'a Sir, arm ; , ;\t (.ibrah-.r 274 Tills to LI UU-- oil Ti'uloii . 1'). Hear Aiiniiral, oli' L':M^t- l''inl'.tt rrr -zjfZ t^ke^ fcNcra! IVfiich f!lip^ ot \v..r n. Piia'if a K iiii'.l'.r '; th;' i'-'-'i - C4J criii/' s m tin- '>>)im.'.iiMi jiy Mr h luard, ti'.niaiM^ tiic rrl-- .!; 1 I Cn;)!-,!! W, .t 27; orutr^ t:i- hoit". ot tir fl < : to i.ut a \ ( lit 1 out o! rf tun, . t 1 I'M .j 11. .1 c ; c ri';/' . l! !<< r _^ - ^ ^ adiM'.i', :; :i K- Ivoi I'; -2^') S,r f ' A'..I>i, lit IS c )!i ll:ort 1-^ ril I I :: V i. f!.;M^ ot \i, ,-.r ; :.'i 11,!-', h .1.: 1.. a od Iv , ' , ; - ^ ! . ;! )( ri! ;.'(' 't I'r- '.t ; : 7 fr)r> ; troii; :. .: ;;> ^ :i Cr: It 1 ! il , . liH :[ .1 1 1 1 . : 1' . V ; ; -I .IrU .t M. V ',,-:;: .;-. " .: ) .S;r !>'.aa;d, i : ;ui i::. :.:'id rit 1 ;\ ; t.. '.';. k >>, p r!,.i.i.( : t i'.-; n . ji-, llllo'i - - tak' '.,..;:; ',1' .' '1 1^ ;-> ! i; \ --- ; . ^ L'l JL , u;i t:.L Ire: a .: ; ;\ . r \ 1: w,.e -si INDEX. TAGE HarvhhWs on a cruize 367 Ada,iral fails to America < 2^8 Haivkins Sir John, fails to the Weft-Indies 27 obliges a ^panifh admiral to falute . 26 dies " 31 Helena taken 445 Henry Captain, deftroys feveral American vefTels 44.7 Hiitnt Admiral, efc<;rts over Kii'.g William the Third 79 engr-oti the French fleet in Bantry Bay 80 created Earl Torrington . ib. Her?uione taken 216 and Hardi taken 296 regifler fhip, taken 371 Hero and Venus capture a French Ead-India ftiip 37S Hcrvey Captain, cuts out lome veflels cloft hi with lireft 327 anchors off Brell ib. delro)s feveral American veflels 447 takes a valuable prize 180 difniiffed the fervice 186 Hijfaniola f-xptdilio!i againft it fails 15^ Hdbornc Vice Admiral, fails from St. Helens 292. arrives at Hallifax ib. is reinforced 293 blocks up Louilhiirgh ib. is overtaken by a ftorm ib. returns to England 294 Rear Adniiral, fails to reinforce Adm. Bofcawen 264 Holland New difcovered 38 HoUvjtll Captr:in, makes a French frigate fdute 437 Ho'jU Con !r. llioner, Saniuel, credited a !)aronet 446 Hopfm Vice Admiral, fent to the Weil-Indies, and dies there irj- mortality in his flret ' ib. Holmes '^ir Robert, deftroys a Dutch convoy 47 takes Goree, &.c. 60 engages liie Dutch fleet 71 (Ja[)tain, tried by a court-martial 257 ( Oinntodorc, e'lgngf:, a Frt ncii fquadron 190 J,rivi.s the i-Vfiuh and Auftrian? outofEmlidcn 302 KearAdmini, ilus 360 t^a;)t.:-n, delirov:, enemy s priv;iitcrs in Vigo 191 C;/,,.,,, C'^r^ ;irii ui,,>i round 397 35 "J:i!::u: fufpenliou of i Hofur-^- 1 N I)! \. i I , ^ .';-;' '.v. ".: A In.inI, !>!'..k , i:;) '.hr ;.;.-.'.Ico-.* in C:irth.Ti;-;;u i^^ I' 1 1;""!! ;>) I ..'i. . :. . .1 ! i .; 1: -. .). >i.:' :: dlstMiv. .1 x: -.'i\ V >v .r.\\\ iir;>.i:-.i i i'ltttrv i.i (.'' :ii:r.i..( r,-, t'-.l'to\ ln,;.r (>: ; .i,- t I'.l .i' \ '; \ c.'l. !^ ..,;, 1,..-. ' - - - y.- 1 ;.- tr>':;. \,\v "i if!-., j -... \:\:\ .:?.\ L.irri;r.;t mi j^i MiH.i- (>:i N. '.v \ urk jizn f.:.!- \,;i (',- .\c>::!i r;v;r t i i o-cjx' \\ it:! Sir H e.::.:>vi . . ; .'' - --''ii;!ii:i l'l\ :r ' )i;t'.; (iock-v i .1 for ni.i^ ' rs - li -..'.. b.r i'.;u..iii, ;'ttuiii)*. l > 1 ri. Iik- l'rL:..'i ..' - 19 II:..7'.. rn ',;-; . t':v I'rciu!! lit: (.ii u.i- c .,i: ot Crct;:;:,;..- i'l. !;:^//.;. r(rMv.i ,io!c., r.\:r'-: !:.l: ;. :t ^ .\ i..c ( li.aih v ','5 '-0 2; .1 t: ^i Ai 1..,.^ 1 ;i , :, (\ i-; I .: . ., i ; . !. (. I' . ;. ' .; i '-.ill I ;: (!";. o\i ; ..:.<; 1 r- c i: !.: .) I'l \\,.r ami p: iv..;:;cr.-, i..;' . 1 .: a 1- , - : ,i . p ' ;;i:i -- - (i- i:r'!\' t: ^ ! rl;crlv)ur.' i 1 i, . (jii a t liir.l ! \p- >.:; "11 ir"(!i a i.I'i:\k. :.r:il (;:'.:.(.! fo Ifa\ k ;:icc\)TiL ivr i::r i)a\: . : Ya:k , 7 - ; - ) i 7 . I! .,.. ;;. -w .It i! 1:1 a ; "i V INDEX. PAGE }-l,,.y/;is Sir Edvvnrd, fails to the Eafl Indies 456 commands in the Eaft Indies 477 Jfa.i/ Captain, his condu6t at Falkland Iflands 404 killed 352 Hurricane -M Jamaica ipj 152 at ditto ,.>_____ 2n ir. the Weft Iti'lics 397 in ditto 41a ///.-r/? Caftic built 2% HnJar\o^ 378 I. hJ:a Eaft, firft voyage by the Engl ifh 30 by the Dutch 33 company firft charter ib. firft voyage by the company - ' ib. by the French ib. by the Danes ' 35 tonipany fettled at: Madrafs 36 trade much increafed 77 firft ftvied United Company 105 fliips t.iken q6 Jnfernals a defcriptlon ot them 92 4nnes Captain, killed 258 Jntrepidit^ of a Britifti failor ________ 278 Invincible loft . 302 Iron ball firft mentioned . 33 J. yamaica- firft planted . ___ ig taken by the Englifli 55 y^wfj Kin<^ JI. abdicates the throne, 79 dies at St. CTerniai!ie's ic6 Commodore, deftroys fome of Angria's forts 266 Japan Ifland, difcovered -_ 21 Jennings Sir John, cruizes on the coaft of Spaia 163 Rear Admiral of (treat Britain 169 'Journnh firft nrticred to be fcnt by officers to the Ad- ii.itahv ' . 78 ''Ju.lyr. '\/-/^'- -tateiUt^; firft d'fcovcred 29 K. ~f:Mn, rppoirtt d gcvfrnor of Manilla 386 :i', p''i- ;eint.i.l With a pi'jcc of piatc 357 ilic ^MtaUcirantan = 2q9 A, ':prnteit C- AV /' .y).--C:.p' A',. ;/- Ihip oi V ''./ l:;li tu I \ n K X . A'-.'.'f/ faih to America ^f)- Captniii, tt) be (. olonrl dt ni irincs 321 Coniniiui r-, [ .<. lTrin.ii (.on\ oy 47 l.til-. . .^^mi: (i.T 31J takc5 i' .ini'. r:-'! r; to F. 1 :.\:\d li). :> > > r.[)pi).r,'cil tn I o;r.(ii.nui a lri.r:-t crjirait'.n:! 3^^ ill I > 'i: r.iT tio a witti M .j-r t Hod Ion t.ikcs Kfir Aci.iiir.'.l, tonin).inl- ..: t!.r H.ivaniiaii t.ikc- l\\-: \^ iiolc (it n Frrn h convoy A' .1, Lii 1 iiiaii'S tilt- rii;imR-l Hrct .'.45 Aci:i r.ti, liil-. Dii a cili:/- 445 rctur;.^ to ^ ^44. j'l:;^ tu tt.t ..!ul ir.ects th Krr: e!, ti-rt iL>., (,h,ir;^t.s cxdi'Micd .i.^.imll !.i;n iiy Sir Huuh 1' ;:ik'r " ' 44- trif*; ov :\ court tr. :i r '. ; . J , .u ijui'tcd o! tlitr (..'!. :r.;ci :,). \() t li tlic thinks of p ti l;:;;ii . i;t 1 1. A'':rr C"nn,;-..i;uwtr. u;:,m;!l-i.1 i..c;cfsiL- i vf A.-.\-' i .r.'l ir.ark. t r-TtcJ ^J A." %r.);- i'or :1 :i.o.;[ii (m C.:or, - 111. V.;,:. Portfm,' ''i 47 thr 'iiH k \ arJ-i 4 :') A'r.'.;';,' C^.iprr.n fult pli, km.'^'it: .1 11 > Kn-ii-'.i- L'omnKKlorc, ..Uacks l.;:tiu!na ..iiJ i\>tfoCa- vtllu i>*^ t..k' - I'u' : ::-:. I ouii 111 I lilj .i i- .; I . -4^ ;.;; , k. 'a .'.. v.\ : , . -1- l-o'^ 1 . ;o !' Cir-i u. n.iik >p,,i!;lh r,p;.; o;; t::.- Tor 2 ; J Xur .^ ! 1 if:!, t n:v,iii I'ti'. 1'- Cli ,!'.n:i i;-.c t ;-,r l'.':,!r'.' -. ent^ r . ! i;:' R . '.l! : ii ! .'m^c 4;'* A I ;r.,i, t "Vi'r..i:i;i- i" | .,i.aii.a - ; ;' tr;- i ;>v a lOvirt iiLiiU . i ;(j (1. ir- .\ (ill- I 'A i;ii (.'..;>: n [{o!;iu-s ib. crfit'd I'ariMu', .:..i cw:.: mlo iiv I'ikIlui i r- /;'.- --^ TV., ii, . ; ; ;! t I o' !i:,-t .it Lot: !^',:r li ./.,;... . ni ;;!.; .1 to n...:- r 'i' t / ,.; ./--tirt itli^Mil :\ ! I K.'.i. ii Li. - b;r Ju>M, r(.:i.i-- lo lU .ir n .1 Dii:^:i A ;.i..i .;i' 1 : r IXDEX. PACK Lav.fon Admiral, prefented with a gold medal and chain 54 compels the Algerineb to file for pecce 5^5 fent againft the Barbary ftates 60 killed 6s Lead fliips of war flieathed 75 Leake Captain John, deftroys the French flfliery at New- foundland 1 10 Sir John, fails to the relief of Gibraltar 120 takes fonie French merchantircn . ib. takes and deftroys five fail of French men of war in Gibraltar Bay 123 relieves Barcelona 127 takes Alicant, Carthagena, Ivicn, Majorca "and Palma ib. receives a letter of thanks from Kiiio Charit-i ill, ib. fails for England ib, efcorts the Queen of Spain to Barcelona 135 obliges the ifland of Sardinia to acknovv'ledge Charles III. . ib. returns to England ib. Rear Admiral of Great Britain - 139 commander in chief of the fleet 145 Xir^_.~f -^Captain, difmilfed the fervice 321 Lefiock Commodore, fent to the IMediterranean 185 arrives at Port Mahon 124 blocks up the Spanifii fleet 3b, Rear Admiral, fent to the road of Hieres ib. Vice Admiral, fufpendtd 208 acquitted 224 fails to the coaft of France ______ 227 Letters of marque, or reprifal firfl granted 10 agaiiifl. Spain 171 iiihcd by the Americans 427 agrjnfi: the Americans 436 Levant Erglifli, firft trade to it 17 Li.'oim taken . 4,1.5 Lit.r:it/iants of the navv, their propofition for a nurfery for feamen -^^o flrft and fccond of the Panther, broke 431 Lh'.'lja-i Sir lol.n, ajipointed to command in Intiia 404 /..' -v-r\ free port ' 16 /--'.';'' ' (il !;o i^uns, loft 314 Littl .': Coiiiniodore, takes tv. rich Spanilh fliips 147 Livfly ::,k' II . 4^4 L::-':)t''''l an T.y\ for making the harbour more fafe 145 LirarJ engn^ri, two French frigates 477 ( 11 :i:m l.r:.- ,1 i)rc- I :: :i :'. .-'c^M: 1 t r '.;^'.vnr :;cc 1. 1:!; .1 ;. ovlfv - A.;:i;ir..;:y 2^ > 3i -i ^'> I 'il ? .7 M. ! 1 ,!!t'r,a;-,t loim, c i;!-, a privntc-r out cf D'.v V.' 1..)^. to I-ir!i,:i;r to lI'. ^rt tl'.t Ujciu ot 1\. 1 1 . ,u 1\ : M /. . 1 ! 4 t : 2 L- ir..'. V h- ,>ir! ir: ,l! ^' li, .. :: . ...It -.'lilt ;LL:it;onc l INDEX. Marines oreneral and field officers firfl appointed from the navy 331 Marlk>ough'-dt?iroycA 383 accident by fire 426 Duke of, lands a body of troops at St. Maloes 30^ deftroys the niagazineo and feveral fliips 306 re-embarks the troops ib. Mars tcikcn 229 lofl going into Haliifax ' 265 Mattin Captain George, takes Annapolis Royal 100 Commodore, threatens Naples 188 deftrovs fome magazines of the Genoefe 126 Martinico firft fettled by the French 39 taken by Admiral Rodney and General Monk- ton -^ 376 Mary Rofe, funk 21 Queen, died 93 Majlcr's half-pay increafcd ^ 356 ditto ditto = 60 ditto ditto 417 Matthcivs Vice Admiral, arrives in the Mediterranean 186 difpute v/ith Admiral Leftock 187 Admiral, engages the combined fleet 206 returnsto Minorca 208 defiroys feveral Spanifli vefTels 209 ordered home ib. tried by a court martial and difmifTed the fcrvice 226 Le Maire Straits firft failed through and named 35 Medal Gold, prefented to Admiral Dilkes and the cap- tains of his fquadron 115 and chain given to Captain Callis 187 Captain Philips of the Alexander privateer 230 Medre French frigate taken 196 MeJlfy Vice Admiral, blocks up the Spanifli fleet and bombards Antibes 245 dies ib. ilf-wcr/Vj/ j)refentfd by the Duke of Bolton, &c. 445 Men additional, allo^vcd to flng officers 67 number ^\\^ allotted ior each rate 60 how puniflieci for neglect ^ ___ ^g ^7^.v,7/',r chart, tirft . jr ]\Lrrl:nn!itj,n feveral French, dellrovcd 91 Mnr:ny VAV en 229 M)!;fl buriU ^ . 43 S jSLxiiO (iitcovered . . 20 jl/;.';c;7j taken by the French - ,.. 274 by the French i. ,. 135 Mhtls IN DI.X. _1/i'."r-.'. Vice^l, nk:''.\'i:() M:J.:! Con.iiKw'.orc, trud by .Mi:rt', ' liifn',;: ihf 1; rvi( r - Cajit..!'!, ki.lcii - - ^li.'.f'n;: C':i;t;' iS til'- iV.-c ii H -ct : C" -> !:.. f,l (' ( o ; li ;r \> ;*S a .).; !.;;. :i M-".:: u ';.,'. .'/^ '. .V() f- re:v .1 iicii >v '. ' - -V ..> a:.:! (;;;. toil t'.rt' (. rr-v:'v i ;V r;n ."'.'.,'- ^C'i>:i (iintor--. (.iinii W'\- .: I i^w^r,'. i,! r ';!ck, .;,- !;!l v\ M ;- ; .- I'.i'^ f-. ii[) till- .I'ti !i :', -i;,' , . ..! ;.i' ^ . ., . .; , ,,, l,.iis III '[li! li n! ^\ ]] >' -y .:{' - ; i . .: .1 ;^/,. /,;.._(,.,;, in, , ;ii;.t ..-:,, M, M,. .,'-i:y: --r;. : , , > : ,,;, :, r- Ai :.' : '- ;" C '>"iuv .I'i, . !tr"V''i! '>\ S))i r '. i i"*/;../ ;:.:.:, I': . ;;i I'l ;; , oS!' .v-.l ;u 1 .t;i, ::..;. ;: a_.',a;:i .-. 't i 'M\i .i r >1 i rritd M:. ;.!,'? ; i A':-; .\. ',--")!r [i>!iii, ion;.;!, tiu I'ri; )!'i!, to ijr ) I : 7 -1 - '' I H s I - ;- ^,;...;_:.':ii.:;:.L:,t o: K;.',ir i I. 1 w lor '.'.: Tn: rii;i -jif (: :; f(>rcr < : Al.^, r '-Iti.'vo! t.-:.i.4:r'...;, J p--i ill Ml it!\- ( ft .'>';;ii >! X;:_, Rnv'.i, t.u li'lt ' bt c iin. a 1- ,- : ..t;- [in. I: !!; "\ fr;t lli.p l>r:,i of i- '! ,.i - ( ;.,: (;t!;: -, in!-,- ' : ( ..n.iMlu.r ^ - 't' ! UM :..-t t ir (>! . , I' r .- . j) r-, (;!} i ..n-r . t ,r v ;.' u..l ; ; : ; : in; r^LT -j] liitj) . ii, i; INDEX. l-AGg J^azy timber for its life ib. money expended for it 37 comptroler, furveyor, &c. inftituted in feparate branches ib. of France 41 of Charles I. 42. fell into the hands of the parliament ib. of the commouweakh of England c;3 of the Dutch 57 ifate of the French 77 of England, at the death of King Charles 78 money, ordered for its ufe ib. additional commiffioners ib. its ftate, when James abdicates the throne _ 79 at the death of King William HI. 106 board, permanently fettled, with falaries and officers ^9 Negroes firft fent into the Well Indies H) Ne^vcaJIh loll 352. J^evj Caledonia firfl difcovered 41 > Hc-ivfrnndland Difcovered iS found very beneficial as a nurfery for fea- men 77 taken by the French 373 retaken by Lord Colville and Colonel Amiierfl , 374. French fifliery deftroyed 180 feveral French, veffels, taken tliere 209 'ISeio Guinea difcovered, to be an iiland 102. Nc-.v Hebrides firft fo called . 414 fmgular cuftoms of the natives ib. anecdote of a native ib. ,A7fv- JlJhind iirit peopled, by the Britifli 403 .A-:i'/r?i in I'ornvvall, deftroyed by the Spaniards t,i '\j-v York firft 10 named 60 taken ^30 A'er?; ifianci t.-ken bv the French .228 A.'-. Sir John, befieges Brell 30 lails to tlie Mediterranean 143 .'akes Cettec and Adze ib. 'Ifroys a French fliip of !;6 guns ib. ^T !)hn, fails into the Baltic and returns 15.J .,. ill iiUo t,!;c Baltic l ^g ' 170 '.Hon .0 .ii'icK. up l'c!!()i 177 crni/.cs in tne Sounuin;>^s > 179 l.iil. to t'.K: ]iou-ns wiiirthe fleet 195 puruicuhc French fleet ib. Nor/ilk 1 \ n i::<. .:, J -- I, . 1 r: :' : -V ',.., ' V '^.r M. 1 .r; Ml n,,t .1 :, i I :.;( d:;;') iii'i' (V ' ;' -'^ el ;''l--- li :VV !- , I ' I'.ll'.i :'"l ; rs vv';u l.;!lia :,! t,, R. li'u;;;,,;\ .... ; 1 ',: .. . [) V ... -r, ; ,: : ., W ' I ) I ."> : 3 \ INDEX. Tciio Rlc^ii^.^n I'orro /-o'/j takea t'orr /,.-;- --t-.ken attacked by the French i-'i>7/'.v5;<-7j-~uciI,-oytcl by tiie French attacked l.'y ine French sttackeci l-v the Dutch JPAGE 33 249 16 16 a v\ iir.rf, he. for ftort>, oraerccl to be built at it SS o;.f clrv two wet docks made nt it 73 nn aci for enkirging and fortifying the docks 14.5 dock yprd, fire in 344 in on f i-i 406, 42b Trn-ce i'^k-sr.: ili-f!: enters the navy as a ir.idfliipinan 307 Il^^nds, fi/it dilcovercd 432. i'. ,;:' 11 urft caters the navy 459 ]'rb:i:J\ a Spanifli man oi war, taken 176 pyinglc Captain, deitroys the American naval force on Lake Champhiin 430 Privalecrs Tlie Prince Frederick and Duke, takj two rich Ihips -- 216 the proprietors of the above, tendtr their faare to the nation 217 Tii,cr and Tigrcfs take a Spnnifli, and two French privateers 245 galLtnt beliaviour of two 376 Pu%c money, f;ivcn folely to the captors igG rich, taken by two privateers 216 (reneroii'i c'j:k!U'-\ of tlie captors - 217 foni-^ (uiier tak"::) ib, very rich., t;.kei! .h-v the Rofe 220 (|,:ef!ion dccidcdj between Centurion and Glou- ce!i;:r 20 n:ont'-, , Hiares of th,; Adive and Favourite 371 th.viJcd fr;r the Havar.nah 382 p;'...i for IManilki - 386 ^^';'. . .ii'.fd ih.i'-cs rvfuiuled 410 '-''" '-d till- c.!;iX'r', 12:, 13,;, 143, 165, \(-.6, 170, 18;, 192, I,;,, z\:., 241, 2 jo, 265, i/S, zho, 30T, )') 3''n -io;, 4^T, 42^, 436, 441, q;4 ^ '''!''' -; v.j'cr f',";;.. , two on wwiu \cu^i;nes 18S /'.-v. --- .. .,h.h:.:.d ^- ^- 3.J4 tl - ^! , -.iMl . ^ot J'-j:, Car;. ;,.,;;!:. idii;, '.;i,(hi'^i: 138 /A--Adihii.d, kui.Atal - 4i8 S^iuulran;- 1 1 INDEX. P.-riyliear Adniiral femispartof iiis fquadron to ].-.a;a;c. creatfd a baronet Admiral Sir George Erydges, fails froiu England Rogrrs Wood?, governor oi Bahama Ro;i! i.'is quit Britain Roc.kt ComiTiodore, relieves Londonderry ,'^ir George, fails to the Baltic cruizes in the Channel f.iils on at\ expedition againft C/Kiiz attacks the port of Vigo with fuccefs fails to Liibon with tr.e I'rince oi Aufiria difputes the right ol' wearing Ins dug takes Cribriiit.r f'lgagtL. the Frer-ch ilcct olf ivlalaga returns to En g!;i I'd retires from the (ervice S;r, by t'le French fleet off Jngos fails iiiU) t.'ie Tvlediterranean ciiied to the bor.rd ofada)ira'ty f oiTiiiiands the grand fieet u'figns tlie comrnaiid of the fleet ^'^.-^--funk (Vo:;-,-;/- - fiiips in a cahii K' .v':y Rvwr Adrnirai, ijiocks tip t'le Spaniih lu ct t:.d-;e- tii; e;; Trench tngates t.'a[>r,iin, falls in with iM. de Tierney pref:nted with a piece ol plate K'-.^/--l'rinec, taken by the Dutch Ciiarle?, tikeii bv ditto ' Oak burnt by ditto (ames, burnt Sovereign, bifnt ( ak, run on fliore at Dungennefs }"iidp, burnt ;r.vere!','_:i , i.iunciucl, and her dirnenfiniis Ali'uriin'^e I'ouvpanv iirlt; chaitered A'v,.;,r; c.prdt,, ;::;>d A'',-'/> I'mu ;, '.- ' '. M th;- Coninia:id v,' th" roy,;>l fleet ''I'lcued \:p l->v t |v parli:uiH;et ri'-et < ininiae,:! . ;h^- r,,-.t U'llh ti;e iv rl of Aiiiemarle ( oniii/'.ii j, th" fte'.f ''',,'' \;inii;->'., 'lecri . t.'ie (JJ^uecn of -^i):'.,n fMC'eed% t:) <[]' 'eei.iiKind oi^ M.v gr';^d deet n,;'.i , Willi a livi ill - 3 7 ; 465 2, 79 102 105 107 ib. 117 117 1J9 1 20 J b . 12 r 8S 96 9 3 101 114 469 102 2 13 47? 367 10. (ri 63 So 72 99 ^33 61 ib. 106 16; J 33 IJ4 43 !4 (^ 7 3 ?>o ib, ^3 ''i/A 1 N ln.\. !-. II : i.or,; n: :. _ J.) lA .I'r', :_ ! ;.)r r ; V ;.i J i-.n . , fh : ;- IM- . ,il!l INDEX. bal[[hiny condemned _ ^ ^V./Zzwatt-r, m;ichine, tried for makine; it frefli Salute \\o\. lo requirt; it fioai French Ihips of war Smukate cail'.e - Sautlowi caftlf Sn:iikvic/i lails to Lifbon <- attacks Alyiers ' Ear! of, kUled harbour, improved land dilcovertd illaiid difcovered and fo named Sivthic taken Sateliitts of J.upiter difcovered !>nv/7^e floop lo'l ^ainKtarz Captain, t.-.kes the Ijeiliqueux iiaunclers Sir Charlts, fails for C^iehec takes (fujebec fails for if. n^ land lieutenant ;c,':'iier:d of mnriofs cruizes cif Brc:tf com!-"i!Mls in the Mediterranean 29 returns trom ditro Rear Ad;nir.H, conimands in the r\Iediterrani appointed to command the fleet Sri.\on: firft huui in IJrit.iin dt'fcateci by the liiitons ^fafr,rd taken SV.//.vj,7 bill f.;r rrgiftcring them thrown out forei'Mierb allo'.v;,'d to navigate Englif.i vcii'. hi :ifter two years, to be n'.^turai boi'n f.ii)ic;is to prever.t prefling them -__ _ number iirll Ci'iabhflu-d to each r.ite re5;irtered merchants, provihons made for tlitrn petition to have their R's taken- on" retnTur ,:,-r repealed l);li to i\ \ i ve it nund>er emi.ioved durii\(', the war .:/-( ..?./ i'.-.i.i e.iliee el;;,l)lilhed as a ieparate dep'u imeut InK i- tiled iiy the French y,)a::, t.ik;n . >,./;;,/ l:r,l ;,!l(.\\\il tn olheer:, 'dt^r. ti'.'e- :i, ''c in the :dlowa!Ke to orhecrs ."< >vr;: taken bv '.! l; (,;( i) . ^/' : ' /--iiii! lliMM r, wirhle:d Wet?' /. hrd tak.:: iiv til-- ])uHi> - PAGE 4ir 63 22 22 59 59 7'^ 397 413 4?3 473 29 424 3 10 535 336 33^ 307 344 425 an 423 417 2, ib. 281 tlrced iiy live Freneh lb i Ijanca cr war ;n Villa .76 in. lb. O 'i 3v - ) 5 .-91 176 318 39 460 60 07 233 7 > 6,y I X D I. X . ^huh' nJ:rir:il, t'';- \\\\\^ a hirge fle; t created an j;ifh peer f.iifsoii rui c>. nf-<.iition aoaiiifi X'ew York fails with a large convov from Spithead y>:hier illaiKl rak(Mi A/V'?-,/ /.rTW-Mliicovered . A .'.-,'; /, i i i g ! i t \\ o u I'e ~ Sl-nntr captain, killed bv t'le Knglifii Frrr'! -arms, fir ft uicd at faa Sj.j.iy ai'H c^Jiivoy 'ol: on IJtifton Knock .^'oc.'a/v -iilai'.dj, (.iif;:overcd and named. Soht' miuiu'i attacked hv the, and rcpuKed Si^uiii Sc:a Coni;-)anv, {; (i whale liihery firft chartered ^'fiain lu^uilities comnienced againft her S':i:rari:s-~'i\u\\\rh the jh-ilifh IVftUrs at Tortiipa aiid Wtft- 5//;7av r en P A G S 4/2 425 446 456 167 343 J9 24 <^^ 142 284 230 403 527 15 16 163 i:;f ^55 459 169 473 73 ^Sir Fuward, deflrov. the Dutch CHutv Sir ']^U):;:a.,_ knh- ^ 71 ;; cnmr (^c!Ol :. (Sn'e:; Dooi hi:; flatiou oil Breft 36O ...i,/ ..-. hr;nch, inider ?>!. Fontis, does cnnfiderab'e r.iifc'd'd i'-i tile \\'eli:-Lidies and Anierica ico liicc-eds in 1 h.,- <.<.':i:iii;Hul iji [iidia 359 driva a to Tea ia a it,;; an, ;i!idi redmes Ills ftation 361 take, i'oedich':-,)- 361 rear "hrdrad e; -, ib, "ha^^ firli annci, tcl to tlie king's doc k-vards 30 ; a noii r: :r.a! ha! ' a 01': e, in '.-iiich thirteen fuips of v. ar \-era joi' 11- 116 .a wn'cii th.iLc i'reneh ihipsof war were loft 361 369 ' '!''> ^ ^ - 230 255, (M ''' coat't (d .\ aariea 232- '::'. :, : a. a' ' ( i, i d h v t lu' liritifli i'qnadroii 426 ./ '/a (Kan li nati of ^v,.r fkea 143 '''' , 320 Sur:)ir.;.'!~- INDEX, k V A G 2\; l.iy.on r.:i-I o^., coir.n-iancis tiit; fl^'et, and defestcd 'oy tlie Fre:ich 8r tric-ci by n coiirr martini 82 ;. cniiittc'd' 83 commiitt'l to to tl;e \.o\vtr 8s difpure about the nicde of his trial ib. jiig takes ;ivvav liis comiriiirion /;../&,'; I !:" ft a navai aric-iu; llVips in the .harbour when attacked by Sir Cloudef- 7 1.3 1: 22a 276 20 24 22- 320 393 ly Shovel ll'i^i'/liid Admiral, fails l.) the Well Indies t:d;es t'everal i'reiich veiieb, &c. eominands at fj-^redea let \!p beaeoiiS, ol'Z. 'J'rinoli deet deflrox ed ' Triiu'i f' igate ounit Th'f:: iHands ieiztd hv ti;e Tiench and relTored Tv^Jl Captain, gallaut aeciou with three Fiencdi fliips of wa.r . 316 aneedo:: Oi idui 3t7 V. fan i;;..:r- i i e Tf r, t ,. the l.snf'';:Ii fleet and JKaiHs a broom at f'n.'n^'- taken 3 34, y\.H i'tmc:: \ see Adndr:d, lai!s to tiie W ell Intiieb 172 his. iiiilreeLioi, . io: t;,e at:ack or i'orto Ecllj ib. t;d^e- id;' to Jkllo 174, -01 ('; Cd>rrhru-c kes fort !.oren/.o J78 ib. voted tiie thwko of i)arlia!u:nt, and freedom of tfie C,i!;ty oi i.oiuiou exptdition to e'er; e i<;:'n;,i ('!troy:i ie'/e'-ai !'ai:- 'dL-s A\^<^\ fix lail (d ilic line < T^;; a!;ru;n 1 d'-. aau reti;raa V.> fainaiea e -uedition a iiie 'didija idt'o a'^ai;:'! i^ e'aaiA '// C: >;': ,i;' . '.::;! d ^! the \\d.\ !,:o a (. k ;;o\\;^. . . ' ae a^.^ho: "' o p:in;a;i:e:;t 1 cz .'83 ib. 184 I CjO .\ iS 3 P 132 32t 34 4 + 1 \ I- ,k -n T xdj:x. if'mzotck Earl of, fuDerudec! in the command of the fitet ' iraJton C.";M^t-rin, letter rri St George Vi\\^. car Admiral Wa:^r \::\\, ;^aieiU <^ran!cd to ninkc it frcfh . ,^\d.l:ira! r.iis for India ^.!i i vtri at lioiiVjay ^irrivfs oil th'- cop.ft of (Jc.-rn;-n";Tdel "; ^.-.o 15 r:^ :"!': c'-.-c.iiOii reip^ctmg prize inoi^.cy tykrs l}oi;o:ce BoiiJce rctakrs Calcutta lakes Cliaiuisrnr oor-" i]>o!-iimcr.t er'^r-^ed to his memory L;< Ion crts'U'd a iJaroiitt // jl Acinjircd, rril'Mis the commaiid of his frpjadron L:apt:.i;i Tcii^ple difii^iilcd rhe fervice and refi-ored jr\'~zl i.oop t;ike-i I / /.tier Adir.iral ^ ir Charlc--. loft in ijibraltar Bay t!ie Thii'd (iies :!':l::r Commodore. p,riio;i. with iM. Forbin CapT.ii , di'iiii'^ed ihc fervice iy-nr\:-'f a t'.v-.T: diliroyed in' the French ir :.:'/ :;n- fii i p ot war io't i' }::d[.'' CJ;'piaiii, diimifi'd the fervice il'ci.-'i A d ^ck-yarti ; i;,:; iiihcd li ,)IJ iirft ;)tU'n)j^'t to fail round it by Sir Fraor 1- Drake bv :Mr. T. t%ive;u;:(h iiril bv tin.- Dut'.:ii 43 i:;8 ib. 162 78 196 262 266 277 " ^3 " / -^ 277 27.7 298 269 lb. 300 ib. 285 215 470 2f I ic6 1 30 139 ^5 97 138 2 I 24 7 i;2 I 1 :'.\- iiinde ior their prottctioii ; ''..,. ,/ain, enj;arrs a fnperior French fquadron in the Wei; Indi'.s " 8; Y. Pi;'k" . ', rruire.-; in tbie Channel r oj-'c ' ' '' Diifeli fl' et a:;a;i. ("f.ii^'iiand , tiic lleet '.' :- t !'- ii.yal y , midfliipinati 60, 61 62 3C7 York )-M, -o >^ V/0 IE t. ^ O -^ < -* .^ Cj . -' o y J * > <^ (^ \V> ^ <" v^"' c^ <9 .^ c c? c>^^