UC-NRLF SB EfiT 575 - \^jtZu~t*e&l ' 7^ / -; / FRANZ THIMM'S SERIES OF CLASSICAL, EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL GEAMMAES AFTER AN EASY AND PRACTICAL METHOD. PART XH. THE TURKISH LANGUAGE. LONDON: FRANZ THIffll. EUROPEAN AND OKIENTAL BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER. 24 BROOK STREET, GROSVENOR SQUARE W. 1877. TURKISH SELF-TAUGHT OB THE DEAGOMAN FOE TEAVELLEES IN THE EAST, BEING A NEW PRACTICAL AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE TUEKISH LANGUAGE. BY ABU SAID. M VOCABULARY GRAMMAR-DIALOGUES DICTIONARY. LONDON: FRANZ THIMM. BUEOPEAN AND ORIENTAL BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER. 24 BROOK STREET, GROSVENOR SQUARE W. 1877. PREFACE. A new and improved System of learning Foreign Languages. The study of Foreign Languages having become general, the methods of teaching them have altered and improved, so as to unite the changes which philology has suggested, with those which the comparison of languages has taught. The publisher has had this aim in view in the Series of Foreign Grammars which has been issued under the title of FEANZ THIMM'S Series of Classical, European and Oriental Grammars after an easy and improved method. These Grammars combine Theory with Practice, and follow the ideas which eminent men have adopted, as to the clearest and most rational method of teaching languages. On these valuable principles the following grammars have been published : for the German Language by MEISSNEE. - - French by AHN. - Italian v by MAECHETTI. - Spanish - by SALVO. - Portuguese - by CABANO. - Danish - by LUND. - Swedish by LENSTEOM. M128662 VI for the Dutch Language by AHN. - Russian by ALEXANDEOW. - ModernGreek- by VLACHOS. - Icelandic by BASK. - Latin by SEEDENSTUCKEE. - Hebrew - by HEEXHEIMEE. But for the Oriental Series principally intended as a Dragoman for travellers, a new plan had to be devised, as all Eastern Languages offer great difficulties to learners in consequence of their written charac- ters. All Oriental Grammars hitherto published have been for the learned, nothing has been done for the general Public, and for them this Series is intended. That it shall be possible for any one to take up the study of an eastern language without a master has been the editor's ruling idea, and: on this principle will be issued the Grammars for the Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Hindos- tanee and other Eastern Languages. INDEX. First Course. Page The Pronunciation 1 The Alphabet 1 Vowels and orthographical Signs . . 4 The pronunciation of the letters 6 Remark to the student 7 Pronunciation of the letters 9 Part I. Vocabulary and Exercises . . . . 17 For the pronunciation of letters 17 46 Part II. Introduction to the grammatical form 47 The article 47 The substantive 47 Declension of the noun 48 The adjective . 55 Comparisons of adjectives 55 Formation of adjectives 55 Numerals 58 1. Cardinal numbers 58 2. Ordinal numbers 60 3. Fractional numbers 61 4. Distributive numbers 61 Pronouns 62 1. Personal Pronouns 62 2. Possessive Pronouns 63 Specimens of Declension with possessive affixes ... 65 3. Demonstrative Pronouns 67 4. Relative Pronouns 67 5. Interrogative Pronouns 68 6. Indefinite Pronouns . 69 VIII Page The Verb 70 Conjugation of the Auxiliary Verbs 73 Conjugation of the Impersonal Verbs 79 Conjugation of regular Verbs 83 Conjugation of a negative Verb 91 Adverbs 95 Postpositions 100 Conjunctions 101 Interjections 102 A few practical Phrases 103 Practical English and Turkish Dictionary 111137 Coins used in Turkey 137 TURKISH LANGUAGE FIEST COURSE THE PRONUNCIATION. THE ALPHABET. The Turkish Alphabet is composed of the 33 following letters represented by 17 primitive letters only; all of which are written, like most Eastern languages, from the right hand to the left. Each letter assumes a different form, according to its position at the beginning, middle or end of the words. The following characters are written 1. when totally unconnected with any other letter. 2. when at the end of a word, or joined only to the letter preceding. 3. when connected with the preceding and following letters. 4. when at the beginning of a word, or joined only to the letter following. Turkish Grammar. 2 Name. Form of Letters. Pronunciation. Uncon- nected Cha- racters. Joi Final Con- nected Pre- ceding only. ied to le Middle Con- nected or Pre- ceding and fol- 1 lowing. tter. Initial or fol- lowing only. Primitive Letters. Alif 1 I 1 a, e, i a very soft sound never joined to let- Bay soft V * A J - b bay. [ters following. Pay hard V V * f P pay. Tay s. * 0, A J t tay. Say s. *, * A j s ss like the french g. Djim s. c 1 gj C dj dch. Tchim h. >>. ^ t tch hard. V V Hah h. c t *v - h hah strong h. Khay h. t e *! 1 kh like chin the scotch word loch, or ger- Dal s. * & ' d day -soft, [man ch. Dsal s. b tX - z, ds soft like the I french z in zele ? Ray s. ) // ) r err oined to Zay s. ) > z soft, as z in zero 1 g Je h. * i j like the french j in 0* jour 5' OK; Sin s. U" U* ^ * (^ s sharp ss. Name. Form of Letters. Pronunciation. Uncon- nected Cha- racters. Joit Final Con- nected Pre- ceding only. ied to let Middle Con- nected or Pre- ceding and fol- lowing. ter. Initial or fol- lowing only. Primitive letters. Chin h. $ A .w. A US ch, sh. Sad h. U* i* u ss, sharp. Dhad s. U* ^ 4 ^ z, a soft s. Tay h. Jb k k L- Jb t, hard. Tsay h. (shay) Jb J!L Ja z, dzee, hard. Aine s. , X e a soft guttural, like i w ** W ah, eh, ee, o. ! Ghine h. i. X * g, hard guttural like gh. Fay a A i O f. Kaf h. c> A 3 c, k, kah hard. Keef s. d 4, x: s vJ k, kah soft. Gef(Guief) . , ' ^ r adjaymees. ' i Saghir ^ $ n nasal. noon h. Lam s. J J> JL ! J 1. Mini s. r r * JO r m. Noon s. u u- JL ^ u n soft. Form of Letters. Joined to letter. Name. Uncon- nected Final Con- Middle Con- nected Initial 1 Pronunciation. Cha- racters. nected Pre- ceding or Pre- ceding and fol- or fol- lowing a only. lowing. only. gj Vav s. j J v, o, u in the middle and at the end of words it Hay, He s. S X, * & 5 h, ah soft, [sounds like [o, oo, o. ^e, Ye s. ^ A .> ^ soft j, i, y middle and final like ee. Lani-Alif y ^X is composed of J lam and | alif. The following letters never connect themselves with the next. I (Alif) o (Dal) b (Dsal) ; (Ray) } (Zay) - (Je) and j (Vav) as: ^\ zor, the power *j J ahrpah, the oats, J<> dahr, narrow ^ota dahdee, the governess (S^* kahree, the wife. VOWELS AND OETHO GRAPHICAL SIGNS. The Turks use three signs to express vowels, which are placed either ahove or below the Consonants, namely: ( " ) iistiin (over) an ohlique line over the consonant, represents ah or a, the pronunciation of ah is used with hard consonants, a with soft consonants, as: Jj- (kah) ^ (bay) ^JU (kahlb) the heart ^J (balah) the misery. ("7~) (ezray) an oblique line under the consonant, repre- sents ee (kee) ^> (bee) y&jj (kees) the winter. ( ' ) (uturu) over the consonant, represents the sound of o or oo with hard consonants, or 6 or ii with soft consonants as: ^ (po or poo) \ (zo or zii) j^jj (puss) foggy. The Accent of the Turkish word is always on the last syllable, if the word be lengthened the accent changes also, thus: kitab, the book, kitabda, in the book. The following signs to regulate the Turkish pronun- ciation occur only in arabic words: ( * ) iki iistiin for an or en. ( ) iki esre for in. ( G ) iki otiirii for an or un. (_!_) gegm, denotes that after the consonant on which it stands, the vowel is not pronounced. (._!!_) tesdid, denotes the doubling of the consonant over which it is placed, but this occurs only in arabic words. (jr_) meddelif or medda, stands over the Alif, if it be pro- nounced as a pure ah. (_.) hamze or hamzelif, stands over the Alif if it be pro- nounced like ay-ay, if it stands over ^, it is pro- nounced ii. _) vasl, stands over the 1, if it belongs to the arabic Article al, in which case the 1 is dropped and the next letter is doubly pronounced. THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE LETTERS. The Turks have adopted the Arabic letters, but they pronounce them much softer and with more harmony of sound. The Alphabet consists of 28 arabic, four persian characters, and only one purely turkish, the Sageer noon ig>. For the purpose of giving adequate sounds of the turkish pronunciation, we have been obliged to adopt in this little book for Self-tuition, certain rules of sounding letters,, which the student must continually bear in mind, for the english letters are not pliable^enough for the soft sound of eastern pronunciation; but with the assistance of some french and german letters a close and correct sound of the real turkish pronunciation is ob- tained. The following are the rules adopted: %. a pure a like the a in father as: ot (at) the horse M ara, the center, middle. F\ - /r \ c for a hard(^ch)like ch in c^in, with a(^V)sound as v*Ls&. (ceecek) the flower ^f gee, late. $ like the french^s^, ch for (ghjsound, or sometimes soft like the german ch. e or e for the pureT^sound, like the french and german e. g for the (JdsS^) sound. h is always pronounced as^ in horse. I for ^e/ like a french or german i i long ee i like two e e. j gr y to be pronounced like y in yes ji sounds like V_ x"* dshee. s stands for. a hardfsh J u stands for the(po^)sound, as in the word "moon." ii must be pronounced like the german to. jDr the french u in fut. o is pronounced like the germanl^o ybr the french eu in the word u feu The other english letters are pronounced purely. REMABK TO THE STUDENT. The Turkish Language is a mixture of Arabic and Persian, yet so beautifully constructed that a celebrated Orientalist said of it "one might imagine it to be the result of the deliberations of some eminent society of learned men." It is spoken and written not only by all the Turkish Authorities at Constantinople and over the Ottoman Em- pire, but by all educated persons in Syria, in Egypt, at Tunis and at Tripoli, it is moreover the language of the People in the southern Provinces of Asiatic-Russia and of Turkistan. The Turkish letters appear at first sight very puzzling and difficult to an English eye, we would therefore ad- vise those who wish to learn the Turkish Language quickly to copy each letter several times attentively; not all the letters at once but three or four at a tiihe. It will surprise the learner how soon he will understand each letter in its various positions. The 17 primitive forms can soon be acquired. Having once mastered the Turkish Alphabet, he has also mastered that of the Arabic, Persian and Hindustani, and has thus made a considerable inroad into the Eastern Languages. The beginner will do well to learn as many turkish words as he can by sound only, as a child expresses it- self before it knows the letters; this will greatly facilitate the difficult reading and combination of the turkish letters, and for this purpose the "English, French, Turkish and Russian" Vocabulary, printed by the Publisher of this Grammar, will be a valuable aid to the study and self- tuition of the Turkish Language, and will be a convenient travelling companion. 9 PRONUNCIATION OF THE LETTERS. t Elif has no fixed sound, it being variously pronounced a, e, i, u, as : man, civil, 4* adem. edeb. distant, hope, J';l Joo! irak. umid. When followed t forest, ly . vav, it takes the sound of o, u, o; as : or man. far, 07? uzac. to die, ^j } \ olmek. v_j Be is pronounced as b in english. gunpowder, five, u^ baroot. besh. At the end of words, and preceding or following one . of the letters ^i) pronounced p. <_> P^ has the sound of the english p. Pasha, money, ^ Te is pronounced like the english t. musket, tobacco, It often changes to jugations. often pasha, para. tufenk. tutun. , in the declensions and con- 10 > Se is pronounced like the english s. a dress, i*_>!.-$'l esvab. turkish, (Jol+ie. ^osmanli. ^ Djim is pronounced like the english j. soul, ^L^. djdn. sword, ^Jo killdj. When following one of the before named consonants, it changes to _ tchin. -. Tchin is pronounced like, ch, in the word, cherry. fountain, much, tcheshmeh. tehiok. Ha requires a strong aspiration of the h. female apart- ments, doctor, bath, harem. hekim. hamdm. , Khay has the sound of the german ch, or the scotch word "loch". unwell, aCCu^a. khdstd. lady, |V->L&. khdnum. t> Dal is pronounced like the english d. enemy, \j+&& dushmen. bed, dL&.O doshek. It takes the sound of , following one of the previously named consonants. 11 O Zal has the sound of the english Z. blame, *6 , Ray is pronounced like the english r. repose, continent, Zay has the same sound as the & zal. prison, zem. rdhat. card. zmdan. * Je has a softer sound then d/w, being pronounced like, j in the french word jour, the letter is rarely used, numerous. | oyj /er/. y* 5m is pronounced like ss, in the word, Mss. the voice, U^-w sm. sultan, jjltaJLv sultan. palace, ,cl^ 5erF. has the sound of the english sh. sherab. bakhshish. _Mv*CO f^ Shm, wine, gift, beer money, jo Sad, is similar to y* sin. morning, banker, water, sdbdh. sdrdf. sit. o fihad, sometimes Zdd is pronounced like v zdy. ready, hdzir. 12 Jo Tay has the sound of the english t. parrot, ^Js^Jo earth, ^jLjJb Jo Tfcfly is pronounced like the 3 zal. cruel, victory, opinion, tutu, toprac. zalitn. zefer. zdn. c Am; the pronunciation of this letter by the Turks and Arabs, is difficult to acquire; it generally produces a slight suspension of the voice, or sounds like a double vowel, it will be denoted by an apostrophe. arab, life, 'drab. 'eumr. c Ghain; requires a guttural articulation of gh. stranger, master, U! gharib. ay ha. / has the sound of the english /. poor, gentleman, fakir, efendy. x ##/! corresponds to c, or ^r, in the word cake. brother, spoon, ii*vO cardash. cashic. In the declensions and conjugations it changes into d ghain. J Kief is pronounced, like k in english, with a slight 13 articulation of an i, following it; it presents in reading more difficulties than any other Turkish letter. kiaghid. kiaftr. paper, infidel, < Guief, takes the sound of gui in the word guild; it differs from the preceding letter, by three additional points only, which the Turks however rarely use. handsome, rose, guiuzel, guiul. In the middle or at the end of a word, it has the sound of ?/, as duyiin, wedding, ^o bei, prince. < Saghir noon (or deaf noon), is pronounced with a nasal sound, like the french n, in the words, non, son; it is a sign of the genitive case, or pronoun in the second person singular. the sea, yTt> deniz. of the rose, (J&f Qulun. J Lam, is pronounced like the english /. pen, jjli* calem. condition, ^ JL^ Ml. * Mm, is pronounced like the english m. scissors, ^jo\Js.A micrds. letter, ^ycX^o mekttib. i* Noon, is pronounced like n in english. wide, jJ^I inlu. yesterday, *.t> dun. 14 ^ Vav, takes the sound of v, o, u, in the middle and at the end of words it sounds like, 0, u, 0. to find, good, tinder, "bulmak. eiu. kav. s He, is a softly aspirated h, at the end of words, it is pronounced eh or ah. weather, !yo havah in the house, evdeh. the heart, a, one, ^ Je, Ye, sounds like t/, in the english word yes ; in the middle or at the end, it is pronounced like i or y. yurek. bin. Mf is composed of the two letters J lam and I elif, and is pronounced, Id. tulip, ajy laleh. closet, i^^t> doldb. 15 VOWELS MIXED WITH CONSONANTS. *r e | i > 1 U. i he , - > # In ^ hii. v be v bi > bu. V P^ > LJ PI V^ * -* * pu. i te v^> tl tu. ^> se ^ Si vi> sii. c dje s: ^ > C dju. " tche _. tchi l tchii c ha C .H j C hu. t gha c ghi t gWL 3 de di i du. j ze 6 zi 6 zii. ; re ^ rl ; ru. v ze ; zi 5 zii. ^ j ^ j j> je J J" 1 j J u - \ ijw S(3 (J* SI jjw sii. L* she JA shi j shu. Jo sa > 1 JO ^1 1 JO sii. yi zha ^ zhi ^ zhu. lo tha ^> thi ij thu. 1 zha jb zhi ^ ? Jb zhu. c aa e ! e u. d gha i ^ > 6 ghu. J f e fii. j ka (j ki 9 ku. <& ke > ^i) ki ne o ni J> nil. 5 ve ! vi ^ vii. ^ ) 16 These syllables are spelt in the following manner. Elif ustun, e; elif esreh i; elif uturu u. E, i, u. Be ustun, be; be esreh, bt; be uturu bu. Be, bi, bu. Djim ustun, dje; djim esreh, djl; djim uturu dju. Dje, djl, dju. Ha ustun, Ha; ha esreh, hi; ha uturu, hu. Ha, hi, hu. Kha ustun, kha; kha esreh, khl; kha uturu, khii. Kha,khi,khii. Dal ustun, de; dal esreh, dl; dal uturu, du. De, dl, du. Zal ustun, ze; zal esreh, zl; zal uturu, zfi. Ze, zi, zii. &c. &c. PAET I. VOCABULARY, AND EXERCISES FOB THE PRONUNCIATION OF LETTEKS. The Turkish Language has neither a definite article nor a gender. A definite idea is expressed by placing the substantive in the accusative case. The indefinite article however is o bir, one, a, an. THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. God, the sky. heaven, the earth, paradise, hell, the angel, the devil, purgatory, the Apostle, ut >~ allah*) geeuk. yerr. djennet. djehennem. mdylek. sh$tdn. drdf. recoul. *) The h when it occurs is always to be pronounced. Turkish Grammar. 2 18 THE WORLD AND ITS ELEMENTS. t ii The world, Lo4 dunyah. &^nu&^ the life, 7** * omr. cryrt yilditz. the planet, ; CL seldrdy. the comet, vjJb J^vJjJ quiruqll yilditz. the air, ly. hdvd. the water, r ZU. ^&J^^^ the fire, A^T dtesh. the earth, spring, "52 toprdck. UbhM**<^ behdr. summer, Y*^ iats. autumn, >L ff^ (j> *~\o son behdr. /? winter, *'*i' kish. l&<~4 y** } light, ^jjjjol aidinlik. the rainbow. &4..l O sdghmah. the clouds, yb^Jb bulutler. ^ rain, ;^**^. ydghmur . ty&Q * nu \ hail, . f- IP tulu. snow, xU car. frost, ^ly kiraghu. ice. 1^3 buz. thaw, cs^ ^;';^ buz erimesy. dew, x^ tchih. a fog, ^uyL tumdn. G/U^/rnA** I an earthquake, "W zelzeleh. 19 thunder, lightning, a tempest, heat, cold, wind, iyldirim* shimshek. tufan. issidjac. sunk. ruzguiar. THE EARTH. The earth, the continent, the island, the peninsula, the isthmus, the headland, the gulf, the port, the roadstead, the ocean, the sea, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the lake, the river, the stream, the brook, the torrent, the spring, drs. /card. ddhd. mm gesire. derbend. burun. korfes. limdn. wrl. dkidnos. denitz. dk denitz. /card denitz. Mhr ul-hdser. guol. nehr. tcd'i. djuice. zeiL cechme. 2* 20 the mouth of the river, the bank, the mountain, the hill, the valley, the plain, the forest, the desert, the meadow, sddji'dt. mil kendr. ddgh. Mir tepe. dere vddi. ova idts. or man. col. cd'ir. METAI/S AND MINEEALS. Metals and minerals, gold, silver, bronze, copper, ead, tin, iron, quicksilver, sulphur, antimony, arsenc edjsai md'deniie. dltun. gumush. pirmdch. backiir. kurshun. kdlai. demir. djwd sibik. kibrit. rdstik. sitshdn oti. THE MONTHS AND DAYS OF THE WEEK &c. January, ^jU ^j& kanooni zani. February, ^Lxx shuMt. March, c^\Lo mart. 21 April, ^LwUU neecdn. May, (j*oLo metis. June, u'r^ hdtseerdn. July, )r* J temoots. August, u*y^T dghostos. September, JjJb! illool. October, J^t ^v&S teshrm-i-evvel. November, ^U ^~o teslirin-i-zanee. December, Jjt ^jjfc' kdnun-i-evvel. Sunday, ^^TslvL batzdr gunu. Monday, <5*ojj| ; t)b Mtzctr ertdyzee. Tuesday, jLo zalee. Wednesday, auJL& ; L$a. cdrshembe. Thursday, iuJLc^sUj pendshembe. Friday, J^J djumd. Saturday, ^^^1 iUL*.^ djumd ertdyzee. a year, *J^ sene. an epoch, d*) semdn. a date, 'j>l.)^ tdrukh. eternity, &J eslnet. THE TIME. The day, ^ gun. the night, **\f gedje. morning, El 4 . zdbdH. evening, 1 dkhcdm. noon, KJb.t oile. midnight, *?^n^ jdrim gedje. 99 Jpw at midnight, yesterday evening, the afternoon, night and day, sunrise, sunset, an hour, half an hour, a minute, beginning, middle, end, today, yesterday, the day before yes- terday, tomorrow, / *\ dun jaricinde. diin dkhcdm. ikindi. gedje ve gundus. gun dhoghucu. gun bdttci. btr sd'dt. jdrim sd'dt. ddkikd. tbttdd. ortd. nihdjet. bu guiun. diin. o bir guiun. yarin. AND RELATIONS. Man, the woman, Sir (Mr.), Madam (Mrs.), the father, the mother, the brother, the sister, the uncle, the aunt, dddm. carl. -_*- j- efendi. khdmm. peder. valide. kdrddsh btradir, kiitz kdrddsh hemshire. dmdjd. khald. 23 the parents, the son, the daughter, the child, the boy, the girl, the youth, the maiden, infancy, youth, age, an old man, 'f dkrabalar. off hi evldd. kutz. codshook. bekidr. bikr. oglan. kutz. codjuklik. gilnedjUk. whtijdrlik. kodjalik. ichtijdr kodja, THE BODY. The limb, y*L, uzef. the forehead, ^\ dim. the skull, ^Lb j^L bach thacl. the face, )t* iutz. the eyes, )^ ffiiitz. the eyebrows, ijte kdsh. the eye-lash, &*ff kirpik. the head, jib bdsh. f the hair, r^ sdtch. the nose, o)y* boroon burn. the mouth, 1^ dgJiitz. the teeth, JUO(> - dischler. the neck, ch'r 3 bojoun. the hands, r Li eller* 24 the heart, the stomach, the foot, the ears, the cheeks, the tongue, the palate, the lips, the chin, the shoulders, the chest, the elbow, the arm, the finger, the nails, the knee, the blood, a vein, an artery, a nerve, a muscle. the soul, the spirit, intelligence, reason, good sense, memory, wisdom, sjuuo p&* MENTAL FACULTIES. yurek. meede. djdk. kolackldr. jdndkldr. dill. dimdgh. doddk. chayne. omuz. giojus. dirsek. koll pdrmdck. tirndck. dltz. kdn. dhdmdr. sdh dhdmdr. ziriir. zinirll et. djan. ziihn. dkl. khured hush. hushimendi. hufz. hukmet. 25 prudence, CJvAA^J bacured. goodness, i (home! good) ejltk. modesty, ^L^: hiid/db. piety, S merhdmet. mercy, rdhmet. justice, s dddlet. discretion, ^jp*-A^O t usluluk. sweetness, ^jLt&f*j idvacliik. confidence, o\^\ itimdd. experience, SL>f tedjribe. intrepidity, ) djecdret. courage, ghdiret. love, (jAe ask. hatred, (J^fr u*r^ ghdrds keen. anger, ^jJbjixb darghunluk. pride, (d^jjtc mdghrurluk. desire, i j drsu. hope, Juyol umid. jy> jjJoLo shdshluk. grief, ^ kacafoet. pain, (J! elem. fear, v korku. fright, J^J rd'b. despair, V^AJywwiXAvo! umidzisllk. tranquillity, VSfcdfcfj rdhdt. will, / irddet. folly, dULJo delffik. suspicion, ^s^ shubhe. envy, | ev. the door, y& kapu. kdpe. the key, \ v<^*^V3 1 andchtdr. the stairs, Lj O v-3 merdiven. the room, Jtb^l odhd. odd. the window, 5 7^4. pengere. the chair, jd^M.t iskemle. the table, S^w. zdfrd. the bed, ^Ucj jdtdk. the candle, r yo mum. the kitchen, ^H^ methbdkh. the well, ^ kuju. the garden, V bdgtce. the roof, j!i> -.^gA^I ^1 ef ustl dam. the wall, ;W- i> divdr. the chimney, .vLJ.I ogdk. 29 the terrace, the chest of drawers, the wardrobe, sideboard, the larder, the carpet, the sofa, the rug, the mattress, cushion, the straw-mattress, tapestry, the clock, the curtain, the picture, the bellows, the scissors, the salt-cellar, the water-bottle, the glass, the bottle, the cup, the towel, the lock, the pin, the needle, u'^' eivdn. 0."^$ doldb. esvdb khdsmeci 15 ^v . sofrd dolabi. kildr. kali. va^jS kerevet. ^ jorghdn. minder. ^jJbUo sdmdnluk. (. %f % zdr. *** ) cdldr sd'dt. perde. tdsvir. "d)yf koruk. uoty^ mikrdz. .U ;y> tuz kdbi. jjoo! ibruk. aL^xo kddeh. chzche. 205! fmdjdn. peskir. kdfl. thopluk. ikne. 30 THE TABLE AND NUTEIMENTS. The breakfast, ts*' 1 M* kahvalti. the dinner, (jJL^I r L*io thadm w/ew- 15^ jemeji. the supper, ^jc+j piLu dksdm jemeji. the table, 5 yAj\A/ sofra. a dish, ^jLJb thdbdk. a plate, ijUa. cdndk. a spoon, (JfJbUi kdshiik. a fork, JU^ cdtdl. a knife, jjLgu bicdk. a napkin, wOCxLo pechkir. nutriments, food, sil^UO jejegek. bread, viusi ekmek. meat, ^>1 et. bouillon, (5^r' et swii. soup, L?;^ corbd. boiled meat, u^y^ sdjiis. roast meat, ^JuS' kebab. beef, _Sl *JLuo sighir eti aiJUiL hdchldmd. mutton, C5 5 ' U^' kojun eti. veal, ^1 ^1)^? busdghu eti. lamb, C5- 5 '' ^r 5 kusu eti. calves-head, ^b^t^ busdghu bdchl. tongue, ij.13 OLA.O sighir dili. chicken, ^s^-b pilidj. fish, ^JL Mlik. pudding, u^ g uioden. sausage, XLJO..J ,5^^ sudjuk bumbdr 31 pie, 4)9* ~borek. salad, xL0 sdldtd. cheese, jjUUu peinir. butter,* .0 x.V C5> ** j tere jdghi. sauce, f^W&OyJ rl *_Y* id' dm terliieci sugar, jCco cheker. honey, JL Ml. milk, *y sud. cream, (3+** kdimdk. oil, ^fcL jjjfcjv seitm idgln. vinegar, *j==,y zirke. mustard, Jby^ khdrddl. salt, )& tutz. pepper, wine, h V'r-^ Mber. ~sdrab. brandy, ^7^ rdkl. tea, (5^ tchai. coffee, 5^5 cahveh. the dessert, )T^ ceres. water, r su. beer, ^AflUt arpasui. sugar and water, OOj-CO sherbet. lemonade, ^ b ^' elimunatah. DEMANDS. Some bread, iU! ekmek. some water, r sit. some cheese, rHSf. peinir. some eggs, *b)r*. jumurtd. some meat, vail et. 32 some fish, some wine, some beer, some butter, some tea, batik. sdrab. drpd suyou btra. say jdghijdgh. cdj. VEGETABLES. The herb, lS>j1 0^. the carrot, r^ hdvug. the turnip, J3UI& chdlgdm. the leek, *~1ji prdpd. the radish, turp. cabbage, ioi Idhdnd. cauliflower, ooly karnabit. onions, u^r zoghdn. garlic, ^jLwAX^-O zdrimsdk. 7 7_ 7 asparagus, Y*"j^ u"?* kuch konmas artichoke, xLjJot engmdr. lettuce, J.xLx> mdrul. celery, )> kirlvis. parsley, U-yJobo mdgMdnos. cucumber, .L*. khyjdr. spinach, (jjLv^l ispdndk. gourd, . jM kabak. rice, /jp-y. pirlng. caper, s^J" gebere. mushroom, oOx> mdntdr. the white bean, LJ^U fdculid. beans, L^r^ lotyd. 33 peas, *^H piselia. lentils, viJU^v* merdjimek. cresses, sJ>* ,- 3L tere. corn, i^tJou boghddl rye, ;^;L^ cidvddr. barley, *&l drpd. oats, oiLj juldf. hay, ijj^l otluk. straw, ^U-o sdmdn. flour, l oun. FEU1TS. The apple, the pear, peach, apricot, melon, water melon, fig, grape, almond, raspberry, mulberry, orange, lemon, strawberries, the nut, hazel-nuts, gooseberries, Turkish Grammar Ul elma. drmud. ceftali. kdici. kdvun. kdrpus. mgir. usum. bddem. biigurtlen. dud tut. portdkdl. limon. cilek. gevits. findiik. frenk usumii, 3 34 chesnut, cherry, plum, date, pomegranate, olive, kestane. kirds. erik. khurmd. endr. seitun. TUBES. A fig tree, an orange-tree, an apple-tree, a pear tree, a mulberry-tree, a peach-tree, a plum-tree, a walnut-tree, an olive-tree, a chesnut-tree, an almond-tree, a cherry-tree, the oak, the elm, the beech, the pine, the cypress, the fir, the poplar, the willow, the lime, indjir aghadji. turundj aghadji. elmd aghadji. drmud aghadji. tut aghadji. ceftali aghadji. erik aghadji. djeviz aghadji. zeitun aghadji. kestaneh aghadji. badem aghadji. vishni aghadji. misheh aghadji. card aghadji. cdin aghadji. cam aghadji. servi aghadji. tchdm aghadji. cdvdc aghadji. soyut aghadji. filamur aghadji. 35 the lime, ^^L&J ^jjojw oghldmur dghadji. the laurel, ,-a-Ul xJLs<> defneh dghadji. the acacia, ^UIJ^ sdnt dghadji. FIELD CHOPS. Wheat, ^tjJb boghddi. barley, 4>' drpd. oats, ***y& yuldf. rice, f~*T* Hirindje. maize, ^tjc*j^ax> mmrboghdai. flour, u; 1 un. grass, ^jf ot. hay, gfc,l otluk. FLOWEBS. A flower, dL^ tchltchek. a rose, J^ guiul. a lily, (3-y) zaribac. a violet, a^Jij^ benefsheh. a pink, Ju3y carenftl. jessamine, *.X*-U/LJ jdssmir. a lilac, ^^LJ leilac. a tulip, ijy laleh. a hyacinth, J^^Lu, sunbul. mignionette, >*? faghv. . ANIMALS. - Wild animals, T^'T*^ u^ jebdn haivanlar. lion, ,J^U,st drsldn. tiger, u^* 5 cap Jan. 3* 36 elephant, leopard, camel, deer, wolf, wild boar, hyena, bear, fox, hare, rabbit, squirrel, weasel, monkey, mouse, rat, mole, horse, mare, colt, bull, ox, cow, calf, dog, ass, mule, ram, sheep, lamb, Uet JsU pars. deveh. gileik. curd. jebdn donuzi. sertldn. dm. dilki. tdvshdn. add tdvshdn. sendjiab. guelindjek. meimun. sitchdn. buyuk sitchdn. kostebek. at. kissrac. tdi. bugha. okuz. mek. buzaghi. kopek. eshek. cdtir. cotch. cuiun. cuzi. 37 goat, (S &3 ketchi. kid, r^JLft*! oghlac. cat, iCcXS^ kedi. BIKDS. A bird, ^.Jf cush. an eagle, uV M card cush. an ostrich, , ^.ww . S O deveh cushi. a stork, dUL J y card Idilek. a falcon, e*-**k doghdn. a hawk, dUL^ tchiailik. a crow, * cuzghun. a magpie, . lii^Si^ ^/ sdcsdghan. an owl, ^^s y& yc huhu cushi. a cuckoo, olrV cucuvac. a parrot, r^r^ dudu. a pheasant, ur JL5^ suiliin. a partridge, dLJLCir' keklik. a woodcock, ^^ s^Jb jelveh cushi. a wild duck, v5^>;^' u 1 ^ jelan ordegili. a wild pigeon, (j^^S^T^Lo jeban guyerdjen a blackbird, ^li j3 card tduk. a thrush, ^*y^S r ^l drdidje cushi. a nightingale, >i. JL Jl|_^ lulbul. a swallow, /d-^J^' kirlanghetch. ^* X a lark, N VJf_^ ^ j>* toighdr. a sparrow, a^ui sertcheh. a peacock, i ^ tduz. a swan, ^S cughu. 38 a hen, Jf>^ tank. a chicken, ^JL> pilitch. a cock, u*n^ khoroz. a duck, Jj^f ordek. a goose, \U cdz. a turkey, ^.Lb tXJJo hind taughi. INSECTS. A flea, **W pireh. a bug, cs^ **^' tahtah Uti. a beetle, dl^j jJyL> j* ~boinuzly bodjek. a moth, 5^ giiveh. a caterpillar, C5^"^ O^ loc bodjegui. a spider, JLs2>^t drumdjek. a silk-worm, LS^)9*^ ?l' ipek curdi. a butterfly, ^^ v 7" pervaneh. a gnat, ^AAkAM j^X 0-^A> sivry sifiek. a fly, aL, sinek. a bee, ^;T ari. FISHES. A fish, <3-L> Milk. a turbot, ^L ^UJU c ale an balighi. a skate, _Ajb ^tX5" kedi 'balighi. a sole, xJLj u^ dit balighi. an oyster, XJ(^%juuii esridia. . a muscle, eojoo midia. a pike, turna balighi. 39 a carp, a trout, an eel, bdlighi. ala bdlighi. ilan bdlighi. THE TOWN. The town, the street, the cross-street, the quarter, the palace, the mosque, the quay, the bridge, the market, the bazaar, the shop, the hippodrome, the horse fair, the square, the promenade, the fountain, the custom-house, the prison, the academy, the bath, the post-office, the fish market, the Library, the Hospital, v ^ sehir. sokdk. dort idl dghm. mdhdlle. serai, gdmd. idli. kopri. carchu. bazar, dukidn. at meiddni. Mt basari. meiddn. gesmedjek 'ier. cechme. gumruk. smddn. medrece. hdmdm. mensil hhdne. bdlik bdzdri. kitdb hhdne. khdstd hhdne. 40 the church, the prayer, the railway, the train, the station, hotel, the embassy, the consulate, tavern, coffee house. uAfcw kelise. du'd ndmds. demir yol. demir yol 'drdbdldri. mensil. condc. seferet devlet. consoloslik. meikhaneh. cdveh dukiani. DIGNITARIES. The Emperor, the Sultan, the King, Prince of the blood, the prince, his Majesty, the prime minister, minister of foreign affairs, home minister, secretary of war, finance minister, minister of police, grand chamberlain, keeper of the purse, ^^; imperathor. pddishah sulthan. kurdl. sdhsdde. bay emir. hesrelleri. bds vekil. reis efendi umur khdridjie ndslrl. kiahid bay umur ddkhiliie ndstri. deflerddr. cdvuch bdsi. kapudji bdsi. khdsme dar bdsi. 41 treasurer of the harem, governor of the harem, chief of the eunuchs, pacha of three tails, ambassador, governor of the province, postmaster general, clergy, grand chaplain, chief judge, the judge, commissionary, UL yCcU khasme dar nsta. harem klahidci. kusler dghdci. utch tughlit pasha, iltci. bayler bay. mensil bast. ulemd. khunkidr imam, kdsii lecker. kdsi. vekil WRITING MATERIALS. Stationery, paper, pen, book, inkstand, ink, penknife, the seal, sealing wax, writing-desk, the letter, XiU. J^AX/O kiathana. kldghid. kdlem. kltab. devit. murekkel). kdlemtrdch. muhur. dhdms'irmd. pich tdkhtd. mektiib. 42 the pencil, the ruler, the compass, * - N HMX> kurchun kalem. djedvel mdsthar. perguidr. ARTS AND TRADES. The baker, the pastry-cook, the butcher, the architect, the mason, the tailor, the shoemaker, the hatter, the doctor, the surgeon, the chemist, the printer, the bookseller, the bookbinder, the joiner, the carpenter, the turner, the locksmith, the blacksmith, the farrier, the carman, the painter, the cooper, the watchmaker, JkJLxJLju etmektshi. borektsht. kdcdb. mil'mdr. idpidji. tersi. papudshdji. shdpkddji. hekim thdbib. djerrah. edjsd zdtidjl. bdsmddji. sehhaf. miidjelid. dhoyhrdmddji. dulgur. khdrdth. tshilmgur. demirdjl. nedlbend. drabddji. tdsvirdji. futchidji. zaatdji. 43 the weaver, s^^ ciulah. the laundress, l^aUoUL djameshui. the cobbler, .qSkXXX4Mf eskidji. the fisherman, vJlJot ingliz memleketi. Scotland, x^^Ju,! escotchldh. Ireland, | (Js. J j' Y-^ 'irldndd. London, S \ cX^ *J londrd. Austria, ^jGUx) ^>j betsh memleketi. Prussia, ****^ prusid. Turkey, ^^ JoUcfc osmdnli vilaieti. Germany, ^5 y v nemtcheh vilaieti. Spain, V ispdnia. Portugal, (C"^^ 5 V "^^r. portuguez vilaieti. Italy, ^Lb! Italia. Bohemia, vs^^ & ^ cell vilaieti. Hungary, ^^ ^ magar vilaieti. Russia, ,*ti^+* L^5) rus memleketi. a Russian, the Crimea, Croatia, the Morea, Persia, Arabia, Armenia, Egypt, Albania, Cyprus, Rome, Venice, Beyrout, .Jerusalem, Aleppo, Damascus, Suez, Constantinople, Jassi, Bucharest, Scutari, Cairo, Alexandria, Trebizond, Tripoli, Smyrna, Moldavia, Wallachia, Bosnia, Servia, moskoflu. krim. khervdt memleketi. mure. dgemistdn. arabistan. ermenie. musir. arnaudluk. kilbris. rim. venedik. "beirut. cudsi sherif. halep. sham. suveis. IstamboL mch. Mkrech. tchkodrd. el-kdhire. ukenderie. tJirabison. thardbolus. ismir. bughddn. ifldk. bosna. surf. 45 Asia Minor, Athens, the Dardanelles, the Danube, Assyria, Syria, Tartary, China, India, the Thames, the Euphrates, the Jordan, the Nile, the Volga, U-o! andtholu. dtind. boghds hiicari. tuna. kurdistdn. sham. tatar vildieti. tchin. hmdistdn. nehri temiz. furdt. erden. ml. etil sui. TRAVELLING. Traveller, passport, horse, saddle, to saddle, girths, stirrups, buckle, bridle, to bridle, bit, reins, yoldji. yol emri. at. eier. eierlemek. coldnler. uzengui rlkiab. coptchd. man. man urmac. guiem. dizguin. 46 halter, jfyt yular. spurs, ))*** mdhmuz. whip, (S^+* cdmtchi. horse-shoe, Jou nd'dl. mule, ^SlSySS cdtir. pack-saddle, y* W semer. muleteer, 3*f* cdtirdji. tent, wj^U* tchddir. to pitch the tent, (jjo^-^uL tchddir curmac. carpet, K^uL&> khalidjeh. high-way, *-''*- * olu yol. cross-road, ' Jjj (^y>)l arcuri yol. valise, (jljooU. djamedan. saddle bags, ^L ydndjuk. wine flask, r 3 ^ tcJiiotrd. water bottle, LJoJL^^ tchentd. V kettle, i^V cdzdn. matches, o*JvA5 kibrit. pistols, Kuyb tdbandja. fowling piece, xi&jJLj filintdh. to fire, H.^.3! dLx$.J> tufenk dtmac. PART II. INTRODUCTION TO THE GRAMMATICAL FORM. THE ARTICLE. The Turkish Language has no article. Mbd means the father, ana, the mother. THE SUBSTANTIVE. 1. The Turkish language is composed of Arabic, Persian and Turkish words; it consists therefore of primi- tive words "djamid" and of derivative words (mustdk). 2. The Turkish language has no gender; to denote the masculine gender of persons (er) man r and the feminine (kits) girl, and of animals (erkek) male, and (disi) female, are placed before the word, as: oghlan, the boy. er oghlan, the son. kits oghlan, the daughter. /7/, the elephant. erkek fil, the male elephant. dm fil, the female elephant. 3. Proper names derived from the Arabic form the feminine by adding e or a to the male name, as: 48 c Hdlil (masc.) Halile (fern.) Selim (masc.) Selima (fern.). It is also customary to place the name of the Sultan after, but that of the Sultana before the word Sultan, thus: Sultan Selim Selima Sultan. DECLENSION OP THE NOUN. The Turkish noun has two declensions, and six cases. Those ending in a consonant belong to the first, those ending in a vowel belong to the second declension. The plural is formed by the particle J lam-re which is either pronounced lar or ler, it is pronounced lar, if the final syllable is hard, or if the word contains the vowels a, o or u. ler, if the final syllable is soft, or if the word contains the vowels e or i, as: and, the mother, plural analar, the mothers. bdbci, the father, babalar, the fathers. kopek, the dog, kopekler, the dogs. gun, the day, gunler, the days. FIRST DECL. SECOND DECL. Sing. PL Sing. PL Gen. In un nun un Dat. e e ja a Ace. I I jy y Ablat. den den dan dan 49. FIRST DECLENSION. Singular. Norn, lutf, the mercy. Gen. lutfin, of Dativ lutfe, to Accus. lutfi, mercy. Vocativ./# lutf, oh mercy. Plural lutfler, mercies. lutflerun, of mercies. lutfler e, to lutfler i, ja lutfler, oh Abl. lutf den, from - lutfler den, from - SECOND DECLENSION. Singular. Nom. ana, the mother Gen. ananiin, of the - Dat. anaja, to the - Ace. andjy, the Voc. ./ ;&, oh Abl. anadan, from the - Plural. analar, the mothers. analarun, of the analara, to the - analary, the y analar, oh analar dan, from the - To the Vocative, which is always like the Nominative the exclamations o, bre, hej or ja precede. SPECIMEN OF DECLENSION. The Turks add the following postpositions to the No minative. Consonant. Genitive (& h (nasal) Dative 5 h Accusative ^ i Turkish (irammar. Vowel. 50 Although there are in reality only two declensions, yet the modern grammarians adopt four different forms for each declension, which the euphony of the language suggests, namely: FIKST DECLENSION. For words ending in a Consonant: Hard. Soft. Genitive EN OUN IN UN < sagher-keef. Dative A A E E 5 he. Accusative E ou i u ^ ye. Ablative DAN DAN DEN DEN ^o dal-noon. SECOND DECLENSION. For words ending in a Vowel: Hard. Soft. Genitive NEN NOUN NIN NUN Dative JA JA JE JE Accusative JE jou ji ju Ablative DAN DAN DEN DEN noon-sdgher-keef. JL> ye-he. ye-ye. dal-noon. FIEST DECLENSION. Words ending in a Consonant of which the last syl- lable is hard. First Class. Singular &*JL>O miff red. Nom. The book, Gen. of the book, Dat. Ace. to the book, the book, Abl. from the book, ! kltab. I ki tab-en. j kitdb-a. kitab-z. kitdb-dan. 51 Plural, - t ^ djem. Nom. The books, Gen. of the books, Dat. to the books, Ace. the books, Abl. from the books, Second Class. Singular. Nom. The bird, Gen. of the bird, Dat. to the bird, Ace. the bird, Abl. from the bird, Nom. The birds, Gen. of the birds, Dat. to the birds, Ace. the birds, Abl. from the birds, Plural. I kitab-lar. kitalo-lar-un. kitdb-lar-d. kitdb-lar-e. kitab-lar-dan. qush. qush-oun.. qush-a. qush-ou. qush- dan. qush-lar. qush-lar -un. qush-lar-d. qush-lar-e. qush-lar-ddn, Words ending in a Consonant of which the last syllable is soft. Third Class. Singular. Nom. The language, Gen. of the language, Dat. to the language, Ace. the language, Abl. from the language, J* dil. dll-ih. dil-e. dll-i. dil- den. 4* 52 Plural. Nom. The languages, Gen. of the languages, Dat. to the languages, Ace. the languages, Abl. from the languages, j^j Fourth Class. Singular. Nom. The rose, Gen. . of the rose, Dat. to the rose, Ace. the rose, Abl. from the rose, Nom. The roses, Gen. of the roses, Dat. to the roses, Ace. the roses, Abl. from the roses, - Plural. dil-ler. dil-ler -In. dil-ler -e. dil-ler-i. dil-ler-den. gul-un. \ gill-e. | gul-il | gill-den. I gul-ler. I gul-ler-in. gul-ler-e. gul-ler-i. gul-ler-den, SECOND DECLENSION. Words ending in a vowel of which the last syllable is hard. First Class. Singular. Nom. The chamber, Gen. of the chamber, oda. oda-n-en. 53 Dat. to the chamber, Ace. the chamber, Abl. from the chamber, oda-j-d. odd-j-e. odd-dan. Plural. Nom. The chambers, Gen. of the chambers, Dat. to the chambers, Ace. the chambers, Abl. from the chambers, oda-lar. odd-ldr-un. odd-ldr-d. odd-ldr-e. odd-ldr-ddn, Nom. The box, Gen. of the box, D%t. to the box, Ace. the box, Abl. from the box, Second Class, Singular. 20 qutu-nun. qutu-jd. qutu-ju. qiitu-ddn. Plural. Nom. The boxes, Gen. of the boxes, Dat. to the boxes, Ace. the boxes, Abl. from the boxes, I qutu-ldr. \ qutu-ldr -un. ; qutu-ldr-d. \ qutu-ldr-e. qutu-ldr-ddn. Words ending in a vowel of which the last syllable is soft. 54 Nom. The vinegar, Gen. of the vinegar, Dat. to the vinegar, Ace. the vinegar, Abl. from the vinegar, Third Class. Singular. dbtt&AM Nom. The vinegars, Gen. of the vinegars, Dat. to the vinegars, Ace. the vinegars, Abl. from the vinegars. Plural \ wj^u sirke. sirke-n-in. sirke-j-e. sirke-j-i. sirke-den. sirke-ler. sirke-ler-m. sirke-ler-e. sirke-ler-i. sirke-ler -den. Fourth Class, Singular. Nom. The bridge, Gen. of the bridge, Dat. to the bridge, Ace. the bridge, Abl. from the bridge, Nom. The bridges, Gen. of the bridges, Dat. to the bridges, Ace. the bridges, Abl. from the bridges, Plural. koprii. kopru-nun. kopru-je. kopru-ju. kopru-den. kopru-ler. kdpru-ler-un. kopru-le-re. kopru-ler-i. kopru-ler-den. 55 ~- THE ADJECTIVE. The Turkish adjective is exactly like the english, un- declinable, nor does it change either in singular, plural, or gender; and it always stands before the noun: guzel at, a fine horse guzel-dtldr, fine horses. COMPARISONS OF ADJECTIVES. The comparative is formed by placing the word dahi, or daha (more) ^-t> or cok (much) ,v,^ before the posi- tive as: Inge, thin ddhd Inge, thinner, but it is more elegant to form the comparative by adding the syllable rek after soft, and rdk, after hard finals as: dhmdk, stupid, comp. dhmdkrdk, more stupid. gutsel, pretty - gutselrek, prettier. The Superlative is formed by placing the words <&\ en, &* peki <>Ls) tsijdde, oole. ghajet, before the Positive as: en gutsel, very beautiful or the most beautiful. pek fend, the worst. tstjdde mdlli, very rich. FORMATION OF ADJECTIVES. Adjectives may be formed from nouns by the syllables 7i7, U or lii, (jj J) as: "itibar, the honour Wbdrli, honourable, akll, reason akilli, reasonable. kir, dirt, kirli, dirty. 56 osman, the Turk osmarili, turkish. magar, the Hungarian magarli, hungarian. osmarili tutun, turkish tobacco. magarli sarab, hungarian wine. The syllables clshe, and yWi, are also used to form adjectives, as: franzits g~ii,* like a Frenchman. nemce gib'i, like a German. arab gibi, like an Arab. ADJECTIVES. Red, white, black, yellow, green, blue, great, small, good, bad, wide, straight, long, short, heavy, light, new, old, V * qermeze. beydz. s'tydh sure. yeshil. mdvl. biiyilk. kiltchuk. eiu. fena kern. inlu. doghrii. uzun. k'issah. dgher. khdfif. yeni. eski. 57 difficult, easy, strong, weak, handsome, ugly, hard, soft, full, empty, sweet, sour, clean, dirty, hot, cold. dry, wet, high, low, near, far, much, little, wise, stupid, brave, timid, polite, vulgar, ar" gutch. coldi. cuvetlu. zebun. guzeL tchirkin. cdti. yumshac. bosh. tatlu. ddji. temiz. murddr. zssi. souk. I curu. jdshlu. yuksek. dltchdc. ydqen. uzdc. tchoc. dz. akellu. ahmac. shedja'atlu. corcdc. edeblu. bciyaghi. 58 cruel, humane, generous. faithful, just, unjust, zalim. muruvetlu. djumerd. sadakatlu. ^adaletlu. insafstz. NUMERALS. 1. CARDINAL NUMBERS. The Turks have two methods of computation, one by ciphers (which we give below) the other by letters of. the alphabet, which is now rarely used. 1. one, ikl. titch. dort. besh. altee. yed~i. seklz. dhoquz. on. on-bir. on-lki. dn-utch. dn-dort. on-besh. on-dltee. 2. two, Jo! F 3. three, A ( 4. four, ) 5. five, ^j*O d 6. six, ts^' ** 7. seven, ^Ju v 8. eight, '*>AtaAU A 9. nine, \*Ju0 ^ 10. ten, (J^ ^ 11. eleven, ^ (J^ tf 12. twelve, ^ u;' ^ 13. 14. thirteen, fourteen, 1 t UJ 5* \ & 15. fifteen, (J^? oJ I* 16. sixteen, .LJI (.t.t 11 59 17. seventeen, 18. eighteen, 19. nineteen, 20. twenty, 21. twenty-one, 22. twenty-two, 23. twenty-three, 24. twenty-four, 25. twenty-five, 26. twenty-six, 27. twenty-seven, 28. twenty-eight, 29. twenty-nine, 30. thirty, 31. thirty-one, 32. thirty-two, 40. forty, 50. fifty, 60. sixty, 70. seventy, 71. seventy-one, 72. seventy-two, 80. eighty, 90. ninety, 91. ninety-one, 100. one hundred, 101. hundred and one, 102. hundred and two, tv U 14 o Fa F1 Fv FA rt o/ 5 * JJ! *. A* 1( on-yedi. on-sekiz. on-dhdquz. yirmi. yirmi loir. yirmi iki. y'lrrni iitsh. yirmi dort. yirmi besh. yirmi dltee. yirmi yedi. yirmi sekiz. yirmi dhoquz. otuz. otuz ITir. otuz iki. qirq. elli. dltmish. yetmish. yetmish bir. yetmish iki. seksen. dhoqsdn. dhoqsdn bir. yuz. yuz bir. yuz iki. 60 200. two hundred, 300. three hundred, 1000. a thousand, 2000. two thousand, one million, iki yuz. utsh yuz. iki bin. ITir milyon. 2. ORDINAL NUMBERS. The ordinal numbers are formed by the addition of the particle .^^ indjy, to the cardinal. birindjy. ilk. ikmdju. utchundjy. dordundjy. beshindjy. altindjy. yedmdjy. sekizindjy. dhoquzundjy. onimdjy. on Urindjy. on ikindjy. on utchundjy. on dordundjy. on beshindjy. The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth, the tenth, the eleventh, the twelfth, the thirteenth, the fourteenth, the fifteenth, &c. the twentieth, the twenty-first, the twenty-second, yirmmdjy. yirmi birindjy. yirmi ikindjy. 61 the twenty-third, the thirtieth, &c. j I ylrmi utchundjy. j otiizindjy. I The ordinal numhers are declinable; they always pre- cede the subject counted. 3. FRACTIONAL NUMBERS. Half, the third part, the quarter, the fifth part, the sixth part, ^ r? yarem. yare. utchte blr. sills, dortte Ur. bir rub', beshte blr. bir khums. dltedd bir. blr suds. 4. DISTRIBUTIVE NUMBERS. The distributive numbers are formed by adding to the cardinal the termination * er, for those ending ,in a con- sonant, and *,& shr for those ending in a vowel. One by one, singly, two and two, the pair, three and three, by threes, four and four, by fours, five and five, by fives, birer. ikisher. utsher. dorder. besher. 62 PRONOUNS. 1. PEKSONAL PKONOUNS. Nom. I, Gen. of me, Dat. to me, Ace. me, Abl. from me, Nom. We, Gen. of us, Dat. to us, Ace. us, Abl. from us, First Person. Singular. uH ben. r^ bemm. i^ : baha. ^ bent. ^JoL? ben den Plural , o biz. r yj bizim. 9? bizeh. bizt. ^ bizden . Second Person. Singular. Nom. Thou, &" sen. Gen. of thee, dUu* senm. Dat. to thee, IJL sana. Ace. thee, (5^ sent. Abl. from thee, ^JU^ sen den Plural Nom. You, JT 1 siz. Gen. of you, i)Ly sizm. 63 Dat. to you, Ace. you, Abl. from you, sizeh. sizt. \ sizden. Nona. He, she, it, Gen. of him, her, it, Dat. to him, her, it, Ace. him, her, it, Abl. from him, her it, Third Person. Singular. Jjl ^ 0, O/. db! Oftim (anun) ? iri ona (ana). C5^' onu. it, Jo! on dan. Norn. They, Gen. of them, Dat. to them, Ace. them, Abl. from them, Plural. \ ^. onlar. onlarin. onlard. onlari. onlar dan. 2. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. From the Genitive of the Personal pronouns are formed the possessive pronouns, namely: benim, mine, my. senin^ thine, thy. onun, his, her. They are used like the Adjectives, and remain un- changed under all circumstances. j "bizim, our, ours. ^ sizm, your, yours. onldrm, their, theirs. 2. Affixed Pronouns, are however generally employed by the Turks, namely: mine after a vowel is expressed by m, *, after a consonant by im, urn, um. our after a vowel by mis, mils, mils, yo, after a consonant nriis, iimus, umus. et, the meat, etirnls, our meat, . thine after a vowel by w, after a consonant by m, tin, ww, <. sac-in, thy hair sdcldr-in, thy hairs, ?/owr after a vowel by w7s, wws, nz7s after a consonant by mts, units, unus, J?'. usta-nis, your master ustalar-ims, your masters. his, her after a consonant by i, u, u, _ after a vowel by -jgu as: , the red" (turkish) cap fezJ, his, her red cap. Inna, the building binasi, his, her building. EXAMPLES: baba, father, bdbam, my father, baban, thy father, babasj, his father, bdbamls, our father, bdbams, your father, bdbdldri, their father. e/, hand, God, ?, the way, , book, ehm, eli-mis, my hand, our hand, attahim, my God, oMdhimis, our God, my way, our way, "kitabiwi, my book, kitdbimzs, our book, e?M&, thy hand, elmls, your hand, dttdhin, thy God, dlldhmis, your God, thy way, wlunus, your way, kitdbm, thy book, Jcitdbmis, your book, efe, his hand. elileri, their hand. attain, his God. allahlarl, their God. wlu, his way. wldri, their way. kitdbi, his book. Tcitdbldri, their book. 65 All Substantives, which have taken the possessive ter- mination are regularly declined thus: Singular. N. bdbdm, my father, G. babamm, of my D. babamd, to my Ace. babamt, my Abl. babamddn, from my - Plural. babalarim, my fathers. babalarimm, of my babalarimd, to my babalarimi, my balalarimddn, from my - SPECIMENS OF DECLENSION WITH POSSESSIVE AFFIXES. Nom. My son, Gen. of my son, Dat. to my son, Ace. my son, Abl. from my son, Singular. ( r my.) oghlum. oghlumuh. oghlumdh. oghlumi. oghlumddn. Singular. (i thy). Nom. N Thy friend, Gen. of thy friend, Dat. to thy friend, Ace. thy friend, Abl. from thy friend, do s tin. dostinin. dostindh. dostini. do s tin dan. Turkish Grammar. 66 Singular. y> his, her.) Nona. His bread, Gen. of his bread, Dat. to his bread, Ace. his bread, Abl. from his bread, ekmeguy. ekmeguinun. ekmeguineh. ekmeguini. ekmeguinden. The pronouns, mine, thine, his, &c., are expressed by the genitive cases of their respective persons ^ . ben, sen, J.t ol, &c.; followed by the relative ^ki; as: benumki. senufiki. mine thine, his, ours, yours, theirs, Myself, thyself, &c.; are expressed by ^Jo5" kendu, kendi, to which are joined the corresponding possessive Affixes, as: anuiiki. bizumki. sizunki. anldrunki. myself, thyself, himself, herself , j >jos" ourselves, yourselves, themselves, kendum. kenduh. kendi. kendisi. kendumiz. kendunuz. kenduleri. 67 3. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. this, that, this, the same, this, Nom. This, that, Gen. of this, Dat. to this, Ace. this, Abl. from this, Nom. These, Gen. of these, Dat. to these, Ace. these, Abl. from these, shu. bu. ishbu. DECLENSION. Singular. XOj *& that, that, o. ol. bu, shu, ishbu. bunun. bund. bunu. bunddn. Plural. bunlar, or bunnar. bunldrin, or bunndrih. bunldrd, or bunndrd. bunldrz, or bunndri. bunlar dan , or bunnar dan, 4. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. *5 kih) who, which, that; is not declinable, but is joined to .1 or J.| o, ol, with which it forms one word. Singular. Nom. Which, that, Gen. of which, Dat. to which, Ace. Abl. which, from which, 111 ki. ki onun. ki ond. ki oni. ki ondan. 68 5. INTEBBOGATIVE PRONOUNS. Who? of persons what? of things who? which? what? which one? 20 kim. ne. kanghi. DECLENSION. Singular. Nom . Who, which? jf kim. Gen. of whom, of which ? (^ kimm. Dat. to whom, to which ? ^ kime. Ace. who, which? (S+* kimi. Abl. from whom? U^ kimden. Plural. Nom . Who, which? JU^ kimler. Gen. of whom, of which? ^juy kimlerm. Dat. to whom, to which? aJUS^ kimlere. Ace. who, which? ^JU*' kimleri. Abl. from whom? ne. Gen. of what? (^020 nenm . Dat. to what? 30^ neje. Ace. what? J2O nehji. Abl. from what? ^^ neden. When preceding an Adjective, it signifies how; as how handsome, J\5^*ao ne guzel . how how many, happy, \ Jo ao ne cdddr. JLbxj 20 ne mutlu. 69 When followed by a substantive, it becomes an Ad- jective; as: id *t>t & ne ddem dir, what man is it? The interrogative pronoun ,-AxS kdnghi, which; always precedes the substantive, and is indeclinable unless joined with the possessive Affixes. house? kanghi ev, which Examples. kirn dir o? who is that? klme jasdm? to whom hast thou written? ne vdr? what is it? nem vdr? what have I? nenln dir su? to what belongs that? kdnghy elmds? which diamond? kdnghy at? which horse? kdng.hymis? which of us? 6. INDEFINITE PEONOUNS. a certain one, some one, some-body, any-one, all, every, each, every-one, all, another, no one, none, nothing, such a one, a certain one, bir kimse. bir kishi. her. her birJ. her kess* he pis si. ghairi. hich bir kimse. hich Ur shei. filldn. 70 the other, whoever, whatever, ol far. her kim. her kdnghl. her ne. nereli means: from which country, nereli zsm? what countryman are you? kimze, nobody kimze gelmedl, nobody has come. THE YEEB. There are in the Turkish Language verbal forms for any possible action, that one may want to expressed. One or two letters are however sufficient to give to the active verb an entirely different signification; it is between the root and the termination of the verb that this insertion takes place. Every turkish verb ends in the infinitive either in mek or mdk. Those whose root has a soft vowel end in mek those with a hard vowel end in mdk. The Passive Verb is formed by placing J lam, before the terminations vJlx> mek, or j^o mdk; as; dixy*, sevmek, to love; dLfrJ^w sevllmek, to be loved. The Negative form of the Verb is formed by adding to the root * mim, as; dLJ^I olmek, to die; dU^t olmemek, not to die; (j^j'l atmak, to throw; ^J-M^'I dtmdmdk, not to throw. The Impossible is formed from the Negative by insert- ing 5 eh, or | ah, before the negative terminations dUx> memek; tir, dUJJ olmek, to die; dUujJJ oldlrmek, to cause to die, to kill. The Reflective Verb is formed by inserting ^ to the root; vdo IMPERFECT. PERFECT. I was, or have been, thou wast, or hast been, he was, or has been. we were, or have been, you were, or have been, they were, or have been, im. sen. dir, der. iz. siz simz. dirler, derler. idim. idih. idi. idik. idihiz. idiler. imishim. imishsiz. imishdir. imishiz. imishsiz. imishlerdir. 74 COMPOUND OP PERFECT. I had been, * Jot (jSbJjl olmish idim. thou hadst been, sJ.I olurdik. ^X> v J 1 olur din j5t> % .J . 1 o /wr tf wzz . (^^J.t olurdi. ^Ov^iJJ olurlerdi. COMPOUND OP CONDITIONAL. I would have been, r ju^ ;r r ; t olurmishidim. thou wouldst have been, c^Ju^x ; J.t olurmishidih. he would have been, ^ju^ ; ^1 olurmishidi. we would have been, ^Jjoui^os J.l olurmishiduk. you would have been, / * t **)r5* olurmishidiniz . they would have been, | ( y 5 olurmishidiler . olur mishler idi. 75 IMPEBATIVE MOOD. Be thou, let him be, let us be, be ye, let them be, olsun. olalem. olaniz, or olsunler. OPTATIVE. PKESENT OF FUTUBE. That I may be. ollam. ollasin. olid. COMPOUND OF PKESENT. That I may have been. olmish ollam. olmish ollasin. olid. IMPERFECT. that, I I might be. olaidim. olaidih. ollaiiz. ollasiz. dialer. olmishollauz. olmish ottasiz. ollaler. olaidik. olaidiniz olaleridi. 76 COMPOUND OF IMPERFECT. That I might have been. olmish ollaidi. olmish ollaidih. olmish ollaidi. olmish ollaidik. olmish ollaidihiz. olmish ollaleridi. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT TENSE. If I be. eier issam. eier is sen. eier isseh. IMPERFECT If I were, eier olsaidim. eier olsaidih. eier olsaidi. PERFECT. If I have been,' if thou hast been, if he has been, if we have been, if you have been, if they have been, eier issek. eier isseniz, eier isseler. j! S\ eier olsaidik. eier olsaidiniz. t S\ eier olsaidiler. olmish issam. eier olmish issan. eier olmish isseh. eier olmish issek. eier olmish issahiz. eier olmish isseler. 77 FUTUKE. If I shall be. eier olmish olurim. eier olmish olursen. eier olmish oliir. eier olmish oliiriz. eier olmish olursiz. eier olmish olurler. INFINITIVE MOOD. To be, olmac. Being, having been, intending to be, whilst being, GERUNDS. PARTICIPLE PEESENT. Which is, PAETICIPLE PAST. Which has been, ;JJ,I PAETIPIPLE FUTUEE. Which will be, which must be, iken. olup. olidjac. olundjeh. ollan. olmish. imish. oldiik. oladjak. olmeli. The negative of the Verb (J*JJ olmac, to be, to become, is formed by the insertion of a * before the termina- 78 tion (j^o mac; when used as Auxiliary, it is formed by prefixing the negative particle J^o deyil, to the tenses. Not to be, EXAMPLE. (3++V INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. TENSE. I am not, thou art not, he is not, we are not, you are not, they are not, jJot IMPERFECT. I was not, deyil idim. deyil idin. PERFECT. I have not been, thou hast not been, he has not been, we have not been, you have not been, they have not been, | * olmamac. deyil im. deyil sen. deyil dir. deyil iz. deyil siz. deyillerdir. idik ' deyil idiniz. deyil imishim. deyil imishsen. deyil imishdir. deyil imishiz. deyil imishsiz. deyil imishlerdir. 79 SUBJUNCTIVE. PRESENT AND FUTURE. If I be not, if thou be not, if he be not, if we be not, &c. If I were not, if thou wert not, if he were not, &c. IMPERFECT. uuol J5t> deyil issam. deyil issan. deyil isseh. deyil issek. deyil issaidim. deyil issaidin. deyil issaidi. CONJUGATION OF THE IMPERSONAL VERB. There is, *& J. var dir. INDICATIVE. PRESENT. There is, IMPERFECT. There was, | ^5 Jo! s SUBJUNCTIVE. PRESENT. If there be, If there had been, There being, IMPERFECT. x. GERUND. var dir. var idi. var isseh. var saidi. var iken. 80 The other tenses, are derived from the Verb olmac, to be. The Negative is expressed by: There is not, , yok dir. There is not, There was not, INDICATIVE. PEESENT. )^ Oj | yok dir. IMPERFECT. ^tXx^ yoghidi. If there be not, If there had not been, There not being, SUBJUNCTIVE. PRESENT. 1 ***> | yoghissah. IMPEEFECT. Jen, ^cXAju^C*5 | yoghisaidi. GERUND. yoghiken. The Turkish language possesses no verb "to have" but they use, instead of it, the impersonal Verb *t> J. var dir, preceded by the genitive cases of the possessive pronouns. EXAMPLE. INDICATIVE MOOD. PEESENT. I have, (literally; mine there is) J. *jb benim var. thou hast, J. tjSJLuw senih var. ) i ^^ he has, J. (&\ onin var. 81 we have, you have, they have, bizim var. sizih var. onlarin var. IMPERFECT. I had, (mine there was.) benim var idi. senin var idi. onih var idi. bizim var idi. sizih var idi. onlarin var idi. FUTURE. I shall have, (mine there will be.) benim olur. senin olur. onih olur. bizim olur. sizih olur. onlarin olur. CONDITIONAL. I should have, etc. Have thou, let him have, Turkish Grammar. IMPERATIVE. benim senin olsun. onih olsun. 6 82 let us have, have ye, let them have, bizim olsun. sizin olsun. 'onlarin olsun. And so on, through the other tenses of the impersonal var dir. Verb . CONJUGATION OF THE NEGATIVE OF THE VEBB TO HAVE. PRESENT. I have not, (mine there is not.) *t> .J.J jvJo benim yok dir. senin yok. onih yok. bizim yok. sizin yok. onlarin yok. I had not, we had not, etc. If I have not, if we have not, etc. IMPERFECT. xcj jv-o | benim yoghidi. x-> *yy | bizim yoghidi. CONDITIONAL MOOD. XfcjJ p-0 benim yoghissa. Lcj ^' bizim yoghissd. COMPOUND OF PRESENT. If I have not had, | ^ Juu*fcfrj *jo | benim yoghsaidi. if we have not had, etc. zim yoghsaidi. 83 CONJUGATION OF REGULAR VERBS. FIRST CONJUGATION TERMINATING IN dLo mek. INFINITIVE. to love, SECOND PRESENT. I am loving, seviorim. seviorsin. sevior. IMPERFECT. I did love, sever dim. severdin. severdi. SECOND IMPERFECT. I was loving, &c. *4>s-^ sevmek. INDICATIVE, PRESENT TENSE. I love, r;r* sever im. thou lovest, vj^r* sever sin. he loves, ;r* sever. We love, sever iz. you love, '?*)?" seversiz. they love, j)+"> severler. sevionz. seviorsiz. siviorler. sever 'dik. severdihiz. severdiler. sevior dim. 84 *W T\MM M M -wu PERFECT. I loved, sevdim. sevdin. sevdi. v3 ^ %_ AjV f**r> FUTURE. I shall or will love, seve-djeyim. I yjC^.-u; sevedjeksen. yujC^.^ seve-djekder. ^oJLjC^.*^ CONDITIONAL. I would or could love. severidim. severidih. sever idi. COMPOUND OF PRESENT. I have loved, sevmishim. sevmishsen. sevmishdir. vAWwW./?^v Love thou, let him love, IMPEEATIVE MOOD. r* sevdik. sevdihiz. sevdiler. seve-djeyiz. seve-djeksiz. seve-djeklerdi. severidik. sever idimz. severleridi. sevmishiz. sevmishsiz. sevmishler. Let us love, love ye, let them love, sevsin. sevelim. seveniz. sevsinler. 85 OPTATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. That I may love, seveyim. sevesin. seveh. *4ttMM IMPERFECT. That I might love, seveidim. seveidih. seveidi. seveiz. sevesiz. seveler. seveidik. seveidihiz. seveidiler. \+j SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. If I love, seversem. severseh. severseh. IMPERFECT. If I did love, sevsem. sevsen. sevseh. COMPOUND OF PRESENT. If I have loved, sevmish issem. sevmish isseh. sevmish isseh. seversek. severseniz. seversehler. sevsek. sevseniz. sevsehler. sevmish issek. j guo ^w sevmish issehiz. sevmish issehler. 86 -i. PAST IMPERFECT. If I had loved, sevsehidim. sevsehidm. sevsehidi. *^ sevsehidik. sevsehidiniz. sevsehidiler. INFINITIVE. fc^w GERUNDS. to love, to have loved, before having loved, after having loved, intending to love, In loving, having loved, in continuing to love, loving, -^ INDECLINABLE PARTICIPLES Present. Loving, Past. Loved, Present. Declinable. Loving, Past. Declinable. Loved, Future. Intending to love, obliged to love, sevmek. sevmish olmac. sevdikden evel. sevdikden sohra. sevedjek olmac. sever ken. severiken. sevip. severek. sevindjeh. sever, sevmish. seven, sevdik. sevedjek. sevmeli. tftdw 87 SECOND CONJUGATION TEEMINATING IN ySLj bacardiniz. bacardi. vJLsOvi'Lj bacar diler. SECOND IMPERFECT. I was looking, &c. bacaiordim, 88 * PEEFECT. I looked, bacdim. bacdin. bacdi. FUTURE. I shall or will look, bacadjdghim. bacadjaksen. bacadjakdir. CONDITIONAL. I would or could look, bacaridim. bacaridih. bacaridi. COMPOUND OF PKESENT. I have looked, bacmishim. bacmishen. bacmishdir. bacdik. bacdiniz. bacdiler. bacadjaghiz. bacadjaksiz. bacadjaklar. bacaridik. bacaridiniz. bacarlaridi. bacmishiz. bacmtshsiz. bacmishler. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Look thou, let him look, Let us look, look ye, let them look, bac. bacsin. bacalim. bacaniz. bacsinler. 89 * OPTATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. That I may look, bacayim. bacasen. baca. JssL IMPERFECT. That I might look, bacaidim. bacaidin. bacaidi. bacauz. bacasiz. bacaler. bacaidik. bacaidiniz. bacaidiler. /*> SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. If I look, bacarsam. bacarsan. bacarsah. J IMPERFECT. If I did look, ^ bacsdm. bacsan. bacsah. COMPOUND OF PRESENT. If I have looked, bacmish issem. bacmish is sen. bacmish isseh. bacarsac. bacarsafiiz. bacarsaler. bacsac. bacsaniz. bacsaler. bacmish issek. bacmish issehiz, bacmishissehler. 90 PAST IMPERFECT. If I had looked, bacsaidim. bacsaidin. O. bacsaidic. bacsaidmiz. bacsaidi. Jbb bacsaidiler INFINITIVE. J.I . GERUNDS. To look, to have looked, before looking, after looking, intending to look, In looking, having looked, in looking (constantly), in looking, INDECLINABLE PARTICIPLES Present. Looking, Past. looked, Declinable Present. Looked, Declinable Past. Looked, bacmac. bacmish olmac. bacdikden evel. bacdikden sonra. bacadjac olmac. bacarken. \ bacariken. bacip. bacarak. bakindjeh. Future. Intending to look, obliged to look, bacar. bacmish. toucan, bacdik. bacadjak. bacmali. 91 CONJUGATION OF A NEGATIVE VERB. The negative Verb is formed by adding . mim to the root through all its Moods and Tenses; the indeclinable Participle present, instead of ending in , as in the affir- mative Verbs, forms its termination in yc pronounced mez or maz, according as the Infinitive ends in ^Lo mek, or jo mac. To speak, not to speak. EXAMPLE. sdilemek. soilememek. INDICATIVE MOOD. PKESENT. I do not speak, thoudoestnot speak, he does not speak, We do no speak, you do not speak, they do not speak, SECOND PKESENT. I am not speaking soilemeiorem. soilemeiorsin. soilemeior. soilemem. sdilemezsin. soilemez. soilemeziz. soilemezsiz. soilemezler. soilemeioriz. s o Hem e'io rsiz . sdilemeiorler . 92 IMPERFECT. I did not speak, sbilemezdim. \ M sbilemezdin. -S^>\ * sbilemezdi. SECOND IMPERFECT. I was not speaking, &c. I ^ PERFECT. I spoke not, soilemedim. soilemedin. sbilemedi. FUTURE. I will not speak, sbilemezdik. soilemezdiniz. soilemezdiler. soilemeiordim. soilemedik. sbilemedmiz. sbilemediler. sbilemeyedjegim. The other tenses are formed in the like manner. GERUND. not speaking, | ^jJot yjb^-. sbile'mez ikin. CONJUGATION OF A VEEB INTEEEOGATIVELY. When a verb is used interrogatively, the interrogative particle o mi, is inserted immediately after the root. INFINITIVE. To know, dLJb Wmek. Do I know? dost thou know? does he know? INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. or Hilirmi tm. bilirmisen. HUrmi. 93 Do we know? do you know? do they know? bilirmiiz. bilirmisiz. bilirmiler. IMPERFECT. Did I know? or bihrmidim. yo v Jb bilirmidin . UUrmidi. ^JJoucs Jb bilirmidik. bilirmidiniz . Mirmidiler . JLj delilik ileh, stupidly; dUUu*^ dostlik, friendship; sy-,.! viUjuv.O dostlik izreh, friendly. 2. By adding the Arabic termination (| an) to the noun, as: ^A^O s^r^, appearance; b^.,0 suretan, ap- ^ parently; o^JLt akibet, end; LuJLa akibetan, finally. 3. By adding the Persian termination xj| ^we^, or &jL yaneh, to a Noun, as-: ou*.c> ^os^, friend; xiLxAw.4> dostdnehj friendly. 96 4. By adding the syllable x^ djeh, to a noun, as: JUot ingliz, English; x^JUG! ingliz dj 'eh , in the English fashion. Luo b _JLS cany a. Where? Lo# hanija. nereje. St>S*J nerede. in which place? SjJ^? *3 ne mahalda. Ljj bura. here, AV bunda. 50l ;r ? burada. here, in this place, >* j4 biijerde. there, ';j'~~ 8 ;j' or ^* Ss^co shura, from thence, ,jJO.-ci shimdan. on this side, 8 Jo Jo ^J bu tarafta. on that side, 8 ^! ottarafta. otede. here and there, ^ ^' ote beri. every-where, ^/ her jerde. nowhere, "*^y g** Mshbiryer up above, sLso ^>L.-5 yocare. clown below, ^Lol ashaghe. in front, v^' ileri. in rear, ^7^ gueri. before, c^l un. behind, t>;l ard. within, jr$*.'~~"<5r?*.' itcheri. without, 5 r AJb-~ ( < ) L^J die hare. 97 under, beneath, above, upon, much, little, for a long time, early, late, far, { near, quickly, to-day, this evening, yesterday, to-morrow,. the next day, towards the morning, during the day, during the night, at noon, at midnight, more, too much, together, less, so-so, so, thus, here, behold, Turkish Grammar. 01* alt ust. uzere. tchoc. dz. tchoctariberi, erken. guetch. uzac. irac. yak in. tez. tshapek. bu gun. bit akhsham. dun. yarin. ertessy gun. sabahlayin. gunduzun. guedjeleyn. oylen. giiedje yarese. drtek. zidde. beraber. eksik. dyle. boyle. ichte. 98 f ijv^ Mtun. all, every, *JU^ djumle. I L^ r JL_& v hep. other, XJL&J L^T bachka. ghayre. always, I f ^j^N ddyma. now, at present, 154X4-& shimdi, shindi. again, scarcely, jjjj* henuz. immediately, JLll^ fil-hdl. afterwards, sJilo sonrd. very, 4$ pek. f L katsh. how much? ^ 1 NtXftJ nekadar. very often, V sektsha. Juij nassel. X^vO nidjeh. how? JjCi'L ne shekil) *L$^ io ne vejh-ileh. au^xj ne guiuneh. almost, ^L^ heman. r ^j I evet. yes, jL beli. no, there is not, o^ yok. no, 7^ khair. again, L^ & dahd. also, t*^. dakhi. as much, \ U< kddar. most, & en. certainly, ycUo zdhlr. it is true, ^^ guertshek. 99 it is true, r& sahih. successively, XJUt8di6 sera-ela. very softly, L|^ (>'> javach javach. henceforth, ^7?*"? lO*-^- 3 *-? 'bundan boyle. at least, &-wo! (jS& /&~^ hitsh deyil isse. bdri. opposite, y&y**3 y*u) kdrche be/car che. from time to time, ! ^&T* vaket bevaket. guiah begiiiah. above all, l^y^ khucussa. at last, SjoL5^0 sonunda. perhaps, ijGL) belki. afresh, again, (j^xJo jeniden. for instance, ^JUQ mesela. to suppose that, j *$"$ tutalom ki. farz edelim ki. take care! U ^Lo sakin ha! you are right, ^!^ J:^ hakkenez vdr. several times, V tchoq kerre. tchend def a. at first, before now, \ y;i evvela. ( ItXxil iptida. previously, Lcjuw mukaddema. as, like, ' X" guibi. micillu. in such a manner that, ^L^ giliuyaki. why? ur^^ nitchin. excellent! bravo 1 tf*yf aferin. so, as much, olkadar. 7* 100 by accident, by chance, UUsI kaza-ela. ittifaka. POSTPOSITIONS. The Turks have no Prepositions, all words so termed, are placed in the Turkish language after the noun, and hence are called Postpositions. before, after, beyond, since, other, by reason of, proceeding, outside, inside, as to, towards, as far as, until, near, close, , far, with, on, after, concerning, sohra. ote. beri. ghctyri. ma 'ada. nashL dishare. itcheri. yana. doghru. kddar. deguin. dek. yakin. uzak. irak. guore. ile y le. uzre. 101 -4- ( .^..^xjl itchin. for, in order, ^ dayr. I ts^^yk dolay. beyond, (S)+&i as here. instead of, 2CU ,o yerine. near, by, *JoL ydnena. concerning, 10*^ hakkena. khuciicuna. - _ CONJUNCTIONS. If, { /I eyer. ( ftUtof isse. ( u amma. but, however, ^9 I akin. 1 Njf ilia. then, ^cX+jt imdi, indi. with, same, ytf Uleh. I. hdtta. if, but, iyCfl meyer. also, cs^^ ddkhi. I. 5J> dd, de. because, since that, iOo^ tchunki. because, fe zirah. or, either, | O^^L yakhod. [ L ytf. until, until that, Li* ! to. 102 and, provided that, so that, provided that, only, that is to say, hem. tek. ya'ni. INTERJECTIONS. Oh! well! very well, bravo! capital, oh! oh! how nice! ah! eh! oh! well! let us see, halloo! hush! silence! 'tis a pity, what a pity ! oh! helas! *JU!Ulo ; t *l L L hayde. aferin. mas hall a. ne guzel. oh oh. hay hay. guel bakalem. ey. bana bak. bak sana. ya hu. ya. ey. sus. sus ol. yazek. ne yazek. yazeklar olsiin. meded. ey vah. 103 oh! ah! o God! God be praised! God be thanked! oh! ah! halloo! oh! take care, atten- tion! *JUI JO subhan allah. barek allah. vdy. bre. be. sakin. guozunu dtch, AT FEW PRACTICAL PHRASES. Give me, bring me, if you please. I beg. Pray, what do you want ? I want, I wish, is there? there is, there is not, where is it? never mind, do not be angry, where are you going? xu.! x3 ver bana. ghetir bana. eyer 1st er sin. herein et. ridja ederim. yalvarerem. ne istersin. isterim. varme. vdr. varder, jok, joktur. nerede. nerde. zardr jok. ghudjenme. dharelma. nereyeghideyorsun. 104 I am going home, do you like it ? very much, lend me, do me the favour, do you learn turkish? take care, shut the door, I am tired, how so? give me that, open the door, ring the bell, do you hear? call the servant, make haste, I want, I do not want, I am ready, are you ready? yes, Sir, no, come here, go away, &-LI X o ei;^ ghideijorum. onu severmisin. pek tchok. ziyadecile. odundj ver bana. bu 'ynajeti eyle bana. turktche oireniyor- mucun. sd ken. k dp eye kdpd. yorghunum. nacel bmjle. chunu bana ver. kapuyu dtch. tchlngherdghe tchdl. 'ichidly or mucun. khezmetcheye tchdgher. tchapuk oL isterim. bana lazem. istemem. hdzerem. hdzermecen. evet efendim. khdyer. biirdya ghel. hdyde ghit. 105 go to bed, listen to me, he came, why? what for? I do not know, come quickly, do not be long, I shall wait for you, I am mistaken, I made a mistake, you are right, will you do it? yes, I will, I cannot, it is very nice, it is beautiful, I am thirsty, are you hungry? sit down, take a seat, what do they call - that? the turkish lan- guage is har- monious. the position of Constantinople is magnificent, y Xft^ * L j>5 L> vXli *.i* ; < T;J oo Lc. yatagha ghit. dinle beni. gheldi. mtchin.ne-itchin. Mlmem. tchapek ghel. tchok dhurmd. seni bekleyedjeyim. yanlechem vdr. ydnlech ettim. hdcken vdr. hdckenez vdr. ~bunu yapdrmecen. beli yaparem. yapamdm. pek eyi. pek a'ala. sucamechem. ddjmecen. kdrnenezddjme. othdr. othurun. buyuritn othurun. bund ne dersin. turki licane-nen sedaee Idlhifdir. istdmbol-un mev- kyi'-y gha yet ghuzeldir. 106 what do you want? your what is desire ? what will you give me? what is that? is it all right? it is all right, what kind of money have you? I have english money, what do you call that in Turkish? whatis the name of that in Turkish? what is your name ? what is the price of that? it is six piastres (one shilling), it is very dear, it is very cheap, it ne drzularsen. nedrzuldrsenez. emriniz nedir. bdna ne verirsiniz. bu ne dir. yolundame. Her chey yolundame. yolimda-der. pek egi. ne djins dktchen vdr. inghiliz pdrdm vdr. bi~ma tiirktche ne dersin. bunun de turktche ade nedir. dden nedir. ddenez nedir. bunun pdhace ne-dir. bunun fiyate kdtchter. dlte ghuriichtur. bir chilindir. pek pahale-der. pek udjuzdur. 107 I always sell cheap, how much will you give? I will only give you six pence, Good day, Sir, be welcome, how are you? are you quite well? very well (God be praised) andyou, how are you? I hope that you are well, Good night, are you hungry? I am very hungry. have you anything ready for break- fast? yes, Sir, i / U^ f wAwCu 'yX-WW *JU! w^) dctima udjiiz satarem. nekaddr verirsin. yalenez iitch. ghuruch veririm sana. sabahiniz khair ola e fen dim. khoch gueldiniz sulthanim. mizadji cherifiniz nidje dir. ke'ifiniz enrni. chukiir 'ia siz nidje sintz. umid ederimki mizadjiniz e'iidir, e'iiciniz in chd'dllah. giledjeniz khair ola. karniniz atchmi. dju'i mufritha dutchar oldum. kahve altyie hazir bir cheiin iokmii. evel sulthanim. 108 what have you for dinner ? what do you wish for Sir? can I give you some roast meat? what will you take ? will you have a little soup ? bring the fruit, there is beautiful fruit! are you thirsty? Ishould like to drink a glass of wine, I am very thirsty, give me something to drink, bring the wine, it is excellent, will you take tea or coffee? give me a cup of coffee, how do you like the coffee? do you not under stand what I say, I understand, but I cannot speak, wj jiy 15* r* 20 yX^AAAX) '^*M +*J* (L bAM iemkde nemiz var. ne istersiniz sulthanim. bir kebabdan vere im mi. ne iemek istersiniz. bir az tchorba istermiciniz . zemichi giietirin. ichte pek guzel lemich. sucuz mucunuz. pek en itcheim bir kadeh charab. pek sucuzum. verin bir az itcheim. charabi guetir. pek e'ii dir. kahve mi istersiniz tcha'i mi. bana bir fildjan kahve veriniz. nacil bu kahve. soildiklerimi anla- mazmiciniz. anlarim andjak soiliemem. 109 by and by you will find it easy, for the purpose of learning Turkish, one must speak it continually, to speak it conti- nually, one must know something of the language, well or ill al- ways, speak, ogrenirsiniz. turktcJie eiisoilemek itchin syk syk soilemekguerek. syk syk soilemek itchin Mr az l)ilmek guerek. eiifena ddima soile. PRACTICAL ENGLISH AND TURKISH DICTIONARY. FOB TRAVELLERS. ENGLISH TUEKISH ENGLISH TURKISH Abandon, v. x brakmak acquit, v. fuchsuz able kabil, kadir across arkuru abolish ibtal etmek action da'va abominable mekruh active chabuk above jokari . admiration te'ajjub abound chok olmak admire, v. te'ajjub etmek about atraf adorn zinetlemek absent gaib advance, v. ileril gelmek absolutely mutlak advantage fa/ide absurd iakeshmaz adventure vakia abundance kesret advice ^ ' naQihat abundant bol, chok affair matfahat abuse fend 1 adet afraid, to be korkmak accept kabul etmek after, p. gonra acceptable makbul afternoon ikindi accompany, v. s He beraber gitmek again jine accomplice slierik against karshi according gore age jash account, v. hisab etmek agent vekil account hisab agree, v. milttefik olmak (news) khabar agreeable makbul accuse, v. shikajet aid imdad Ill ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TUEKISH aim, v. nishan army asker air hava around chevre alarm korku arrange, v. duzeltmek alive diri arrest habs all hep, jumle arrival vugul alone ^ jaliniz arrive, v. gelmek also daha arrow ok although x egerchi art (science) Qana^at always daima as gibi ambassador iltchi ashamed, to be utanmak ambition bujuk milrad ashes kill ambush pugu ask, v. gormak among mabein asleep, to be ujumak ancestors ejdad ass eshek ancient kadim assault, s. bagkin and ve assembly jem'ijet angel melek B/SSlStij V imdad etmek anger ffhazeb, darghun- assistance imdad lik astonish, v. hairan etmek angry darghin astonished hairan animal haivan attempt, s. tejrube another bir bashka attempt, v. tejrube etmek answer jevab attend, v. (serve) millazemet etmek * > v. jevab vermek attendance mulazemet ant s karinja attentive (to be) tekaijud etmek anxiety rahatsizlik authority kudret anxious rahatsiz autumn 9** any hich awake oianik anybody kimse awful beibetli appear gorunmek awkward meharetsiz apple elma axe balta appoint, v. na$b, etmek Back, s. arka appointment mangib back, adv. giru approach jakin gelmek bad fena approve, v. razi olmak badness ^ fenalik arabic <* arabche bag chuval arm kol bake, v. furunda pishir arms silah mek 112 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH baker -^ekmekji ball (cannon) gule bind, v. bird baghlamak kush bandage garghi birth doffhma banish stirgun etmek bitter aji bank (of a river) kenar, ark black kara (money) banka blacksmith ^ demirji banker sarraf blame zemm barber berber blind kior bare + r chiplak blood kan bark (of a tree) kabak blow, s. vurush barley arpa to blow, v. esmek bath hammam blue mam bathe, v. ijkanmak boar ydban battle jenk boat kayk be, v. olmak boatman kaykji bear, to, v. geturmek body ten bear, s. aiu boil, v. kainamak bearer ^ getilren bone kemik beard Qakal book kitab beat, v. vurmak borrow, v. b'dunj almak beautiful gilzel both iki beauty guzellik bottle shishe because chiinki bottom dib become, v. olmak box kutu bed doshek boy Offhlan bee ari brain beini beer arpa fuju branch dal before evvel brass pirinj beggar dilenji brave yilrekli begin, v. bashlamak bread ekmek believe (v) x 'inanmak break kirmak bell chan breakfast kahvalti belly karin breast goks below, pr. s ashaghi breath, s. foluk bend, v. eimek breathe, v. goluk almak besides bashka to bribe rishvet vermek between ara bride gelin beyond o bir tarafinda bridge kopril 113 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH bridle ^ bashlik carpet khali bright berrak carriage araba bring, v. geturmek to carry geturmek broad enli cart yuk arabasi broom silpurge cartridge fishek brother kardash carve, v. kesmek brown esmer cat kedi bud Jills catch, v. tutmak brush fyrcha cattle $ygUr bug taklita biti celebrated meshhur build, v. iapmak ceremony teklif bull buffha certain gahih bullet kurshun certainly shiibhesiz burn, v. iakmak chain zinjir burst, v. patlamak chair sandalije bury, v. ff'ommek chamber oda business maglahat change, v. deyishilmek busy meshghul chalk tebeshir but amma, lakin cheap ujuz butcher kassdb cheat, v. aldamak butter yagh cheek janak buy, v. satun almak cheerful shen by ydkin cheese peinir cherry kiras Cabbage laliana chess shatranj cage kafes chicken pilij calf dana chief bash, reis camel deve child chodshuk camp ordu chin chaynai campaign sefer choose, v. oyuritemek canal oluk circle dai candle mom city shehir cannon top civil edebli caravan kiarvan civility edeb care, s. himmet clean temiz careful mukaijet clerk kiatib careless ihmalji climb, v. tyrmashmak carpenter duller cloak binish Turkish Grammar. 8 114 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TUKK1SH clock sd'at conspiracy fitne cloth choha consul konsolos clothe, v. geydirmek consult, v. naQihat istemek cloud bulut consume, v. duketmek coat setteri content khoshnudluk coal komur continue, v. durmak coarse kaba contradict, v. karshe soylemek coffee kahve contrary, a karshe cock horos conversation soyleshme cold, ad souk cook, v. fishirmek cold, s. soukluk cook, s. ashje college medrese cool gouk colour renk copper bakur column direk copy, v. furet almak comb tarak corn boghdai come, v. gelmek corner koshe * comfort rahatlyk corpse jenaze comfortable rahat correct, v. diizeltmek command emr cost (expense) deymek to command, v. emr etmek cotton pambuk, pembe commerce alish verish counsel (advice) ogut common bayaghe count, v. Qaymak comparison teshbih cover ortu compare, v. benzetmek county vilaiet, memleket compel, v. mejbur etmek courage yurek compensation ivaz, mukidfdt court (of justice) mehkeme complaint shikdyet courtesy chelebilik complete temdm etmek cow inek compliment seldm cream kaimak conceal, v. gizlemek creator yaradeje, khdlik conclusion netije creature makhluk condemn hukm etmek crime guch, gundh condition shartj hdl criminal guchlu conduct, s. tavr u hareket crooked eyri conduct, v. tedbir etmek crow qargha confuse, v. qareshdermak crown tdj confusion qaresheklek cruel rahmsez conscious duymak cry, s. chagherte 115 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH cup filgan, tas descend enmek cure, s. shifd desert, v. brakmak curtain perde desert (wilder- issir yer cushion yagdek ness) custom ddet deserter kachken cut, v. kesmek despair umudsuzluk cypress serv despise khor gdrmek destroy bozmak Dagger khancher dew chih daily her ffunki diamond elmds damage ziydn dictionary loghat Utdbe damp nem die, v. olmek dance, v. khora difference fark danger mukhatara difficult gilch dark qaranlek difficulty gucUuk darkness qaranlek dig, v. kazmak date (time) tarikh dinner oyle ta-dme date ("fruit) khurmd dirty murdar daughter qez, kutz disease khastalek dawn of day gun agharmase disguise, v. tebdil etmek day gun dishonest erzsez dead b'lu dismiss, v. kovmak deaf gagher disorder nizamsezlek dear (beloved) sevgili dispute chekish dear (price) pahdle dissolve, v. erimek death olum distance mesafa debt alajak distant - irak deceit hile distress bela decide kesmek district ndhiye deed amel disturb, v. kareshtermak deep derin disturbance (riot) karesheklek defeat, v. bozmak ditch khandak defend, v. hefs etmek divide, v. taksim etmek delay, v. eylenmek do, to, v. etmek delightful gafale doctor hekim demand sudl dog kopek denial inkidr door kapu depth derinlik doubt shubhe 8* 116 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH doubtless shiibhesiz elegant latif down ashaghe elephant fil draw chekmek eloquent fagili drawers ish donu embrace kujmak dream, s. diish embroidery nakesh dress, s. esvab Emperor imperator drink, v. ichmek employment ish s - ichki empty bosh drop, s. damla encamp ordu kurmak drown, v. boghmak end $on, akher drum tall i endeavour jalid drunk serkhosh endless nihayetsiz dry kuru enemy dilshmen dumb dilsiz energy kuvvet durable dayarakle England ingilterra during vaktenda English ingiliz dust toz language ingilizche duty hack enormous oransez duty (tax) gumruk enough yetishir dye, s. boya enter, v. ffdrmek dynasty dl envy hased equal beraben Each her error khata eagle kartal escape, s. nejdt ear kulak escort kulaghuzlar early chabuk especially WlllQUQd earnest bejid establish dikmek earth yer, zemin eternal ebedi easily kolay Eunuch khddem East gun doffhusu Europe evropa easy kolay european evropale eat, v. yemek even (adj.) duz edge (of a sword) yalem evening akhsham edge (side) etek event majard egg yumurta ever (alway) dayma Egypt mifir every , her either birisi evidence shehadet elbow dirsek evident zahir 117 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH examine imtihan fast (firm) berk examination imtihan fat semiz example ornek fate takdir except ghayri father baba, peder excessive olchusuz fatigue yorghunluk exchange, v. deyishtirmek fault kabahat n > S. deyish favour utufet, kerem excuse uzur fear, s. korku execution ijra fear, v. korkmak expense magraf feast shenlik experience tejrube feather tuy N experiment imtihan feed beslemek explain beyan etmek female avret extinguish soyundilrmek ferry gechid extract kulaga fertile mafhullu extraordinary adetden dashra festival shenlik extremely gJiayet fever isitma eye goz few az eye (of a needle) yurdu fidelity vefa eye-ball bebek field tarla eye-brow hash % injir eye-lash kirpik fight, v. jenk etmek fight, s. doyush Face, s. yuz fill, v. doldurmak faith itiqad filth murdarlek faithful vefaddr final akhyr fall, v. dilshmek find bulmak false doghru deyil fine (delicate) inje fame ad, nam (penalty) jerime family ayal finger parmak famine ketlek finish bitirmek fan yelpaze fire atesh far uzdk firm berk farewell Allalia egmarla- first evvel dek fish balek fast (abstinence oruj tutmak fisherman kalekche from food) fist ffumruk fast (quick) chabuk fix, v. dimek 118 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH flag bayrak fraud hile flat duz free azad flesh et freedom azadlik flint chakmak tashy frequently chok float, v. yuzmek fresh taze flood $u tashmasy friend dost floor dosheme friendly dostlu flour un frighten, v. korkutmak flow, v. akmak frog kurbaffha flower chichek front onn flute dudiik frontier serhadd fly, v. uchmak fruit yemish 8. sinek full dolu foam kb'puk furious kuduz fodder otluk furnace furun follow, v. ardyna gitmek furniture ev takimi food yeyejek, ta'am future gelejek fool ahmak foolish ahmak Gain kazanj foot aiak gamble oynamak for ichiin game oyun forbid yagak garden baghche, bostan ford gechid gardener baghchevan forehead aryn garland istifan foreign ejnebi garlic garlmsak a foreigner gharib garrison muhqfiz asker forest ormanlik gate .. kapu forge, v. (iron) chekijlemek gay shen forget, v. onutmak General jeneral forgive, v. baghyshlamak generally ekseri fort kal'a generous jb'merd fortress kal'a gentle yavash fortunate bakhtli Gentleman effendi fortune bakhtli gift ata foundation temel girl kiz, bikr fountain bunjar give, v. vermek fowl tavuk glad shen, shad fox dilki glass jam 119 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH glory nam gun tufenk glove eldiven gun (cannon) top glue tutkal gunpowder barut gnat sivri sinek go, v. ffitmek Habit (custom) adet goat kechi habit (dress) esvab gold altun hail tulu good eiii hair satch - goose kaz half yarim govern zabt etmek hall buyuk divankhane Government devlet hammer chekij graceful latif hand el gradually dereje He handful avuj, tutam grain bughday handkerchief makrama granary ambar handsome guzel grand-father dede hang (up) agmak grand-mother nene happen zuhur etmek grand-daughter kys torun happy seadetli, mutlu grape uzum hard kati grass ot hare tavshan grateful eyilik bilen harvest harman gratis muft hasten, v. ajele etmek grave, s. mezar, kabr hastily ajele ile graze otlamak hat shapka great buyuk hate, v. sevmemek green yeshil hawk ' atmaja grief kacavat he ol grind, v. uyutmek head bash groom seyis heal shifa vermek ground yer; toprak heap, s. yighin grow, v. bitmek hear ishitmek guess, v. takhmin etmek heart gb'nul guide, v. kulaghuzluk et- heat issijaklik mek heaven gokler guide, (runner) kulaghuz heavy aghir guilt guch heel, s. okche guitar tambura height yukseklik gum gamk heir varis 120 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TUKKISH Hell jehennem humanity insaniyet helm dilmen hunger ajlik help imdad hungry aj hemp kenevir hunt, v. avlamak hence bundan hunter avji herd suru hurt yaralamak hire kira husband koja hide, v. gizlemek hide, B. deri Ice buz hideous pek chirkin idea teQavvur high yuksek idle tembel Highness hazret if eger hill dagh ignorant bilmez history tarlkh ill (sick) hasta hold, v. tutmak illegal shar'a hole delik image Quret hollow kovuk imagination kliayal holy pak imitate uymak honest doghru immediately fil-hal honey bal immortal olmez honour itibar impatience fabersezlik hoof tirnak impertinence kustakhlik hook chengel important milhimm hope, s. umid impossible mumkin deyil hopeless umudsuz imprison hobs etmek horn buynuz improper milnasib deyil horse at imprudent akelsiz horse-shoe na'l in de, da horseman atli inclination meyl hospitality konukluk imcome irad host muzif increase artmak hot issijak incurable shifa olmaz hotel meykhane indeed fil-liakika hour scCat India Hindustan house, v. ev Indian hindustanli how nagyl indigo chivid how much ne kadar individual kishi human imam indolent kayghesiz 121 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH industrious chalyshkan island ada industry hilner it ol, o inferior ashaghi itch uyuz infidel kiafir ivory fil dishi infinite nihayetsiz ivy garmashik inform, v. khabar vermek inhabitant oturan Jail zindan ink murekkeb jar kop inkstand divid jealous kezkanji inn loqanta jealousy kezkanjlik innocent gilnahsiz jelly pukhti inquire teftish etmek jest latife insane divane jew yahudi inscription yazi jewel jevahir insert gokmak join, v. yapeshdirmak insensible duymaz joint milshterek insolence yuzsuzluk journey yol, sefer insolent yuzsuz joy shenlik inspector nazir judge hakim instantly filhal judical sheri instead of yer-de jugglar hokkabaz instinct tabiat juice gu instrument alet jump, v. gyrchramdk insult, v. sitem etmek just doffhru insurrection zorbalik justice doghruluk intelligent akelli intention murad Keep gaklamak interpreter terjilman kernel chekirdek interrupt, s. kesmek kettle tenjire interval mdbeyn key anakhtar intrenchment meteris kick tepme intrigue (plot) girishijilik kid oghlak investigate teftish kiU oldurmek invisible gorunmez kind, adj. eyi invite, v. davet etmek kind, sort. nevi inundation tashkynlik king padishah iron demir kingdom memleket irregular yolsuz kiss, v. b'pmek 122 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH kitchen mutvak leg bajak, baldir knave haramzade legal sheri knee diz leisure vakit knife bychak lemon limun knot duyum lend, v. ayreti vermek know, v. bilmek length uzunluk leper judam Labour zahmet leprosy judamlik lace kaytan less daha az ladder nerduban letter (epistle) mektub lady khanum, kadin letter (alphabet) harf lake gol level duzlik lamb kuzu to tell lies yalan soylemek lame topal to lie down yatmak lamp chyragh liberty azadlik lancet neshter library kitab-khane land yer, toprak lie, s. yalan land, v. gemiden chekmak life 'eumr language dil, lisan lift kaldyrmak lantern fener light aidinlik large buyiik lightning shimshek lark chayr like, to be benzemek last gon lime kirej late gech line chizi laugh gulmek lion arslan law sheriat HP dudakb lawful Tialal listen dinlemek lazy tembel little kucMk lead (guide) kulaglmzluk et- live, v. yashamak mek liver kara jiyer leaf yaprak lizard keler lean aryk load, v. yukletmek to lean against dayanmak load (a gun) doldurmak learn b'yrenmek lock, s. kilid leather meshin lock (of hair) zillf leave, v. brakmak lock (of a gun) chekrik leech sulilk lock, v. kilidlemek left gol locust chekirqe 123 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH long uzun marrow ilik look nazar marry, v. evlenmek looking-glass ayne mast direk loose, a gevshek master effendi, agha Lord (God) Allah mat hagir lose ghayb etmek mattress minder loss zarar me beni love, s. muhabbet meaning mana love, v. sevmek means chare, mal low alchak measure olchu lucky bakhtli measure, v. olchmek luck bakht meat et lungs jan evi medical man. hekim luxury israf meet, v. kavushmak melon (musk) kavun Machine alat melon (water) karpuz mad deli melt erimek magazine ambar memorandum kayme magistrate hakim memory zikr magic scherbazlik mend meremmet magnificent azametli mention, v. zikr etmek Majesty shevket merchandise meta make etmek merchant tujjar male erkek mercy merhamet malice kemlik merry shen man adem method UQUl manage idare etmek middle orta mane yeli milk sud manliness muruvvet mill deyirmen manner vejh mind ruh, firaset many chok mine (metals) madern how many? kach mirror ayne map kharta mischief fenalik marble mermer miser tamakiar mare kesrak miserable zevalli mark nishan misfortune bela market pazar mist duman marriage nikyah mistake yanlish 124 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH mix, v. kareshdermak Nail (finger) ternak model b'rnek nail (iron) enser modest edebli naked cheplak moist nemli name isim moment dem narrow dar money para nation millet month aee native place doghdughum yer moon aee nature tabiat moonlight mahitab nature (disposi- mizaj more dalii tion) morning sabah near yakin morrow erte necessary gerek mortar havan neck boyun mortar (plaster) khorasan necklace gerlanlik mosque jami needle iyne moth guve neglect ihmal mother ana, valide neigh kishnemek mother-in-law kayin ana neighbour komshu move, v. teprenmek neither ne birisi mount, v. chykmak nephew kardash oghlu mountain dagh nest yuva mourn yas tutmak net agh mouse sechan never hich mouth aghiz nevertheless hele, lakin much chok new yeni mud chamur news khabar mule katir next gelen mushroom mantar night gedje murder katt no khayr, yok music musika noble sherif musician chalghiji nobleman sherif musk misk nobody kimse yok musket tufenk noise shamata mustard khardel nonsense bosh mutiny zorbalik none hich yok mutton koyun eti north shimal my benim nose borun nostril burun adiyi 125 ENGLISH TUKKISH ENGLISH TURKISH not deyil opium afiyun nothing hich bir shey opportunity forgat notwithstanding raghm, nisbet oppose, v. karshi durmak nourish beslemek opposite karshu now shimdi or ya nowhere hich bir yerde orange portukal nuisance zararli shey order (arrange- kanun number raqam ment) numerous jerf order (command) emr nurse daye origin agil nut fendik ornament zinet nut (walunt) jeviz other bashka nutmeg hindistan jevizi the other o bir out dashra Oar kurek oven furun oath yemin over ust obedience ita'at owe, v. borjlu olmak obedient muti owl baykush obey, v. ita'at etmek own (possess) malik olmak obstinate inadji ox okuz obtain almak occasionally furgat He Page (of a book) gahife occupation ish page (in waiting) ich oghlani offend, v. injitmek pain aghri offer, v. gunmak paint boya office mangib pair chift officer zabit palace serai often chok vakit palanquin takhti revan oil yagJi pale gary old eski palm tree khurma aghaji old (age) ikhtiyarlik pan tava olive zeytun paper kiaghid once bir kerre pardon 'afv one bir parents ana baba onion goghan parrot tutu only bir, tek part pay, parcha open, v. achmak partner sherik opinion keias zan partridge keklik 126 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH pass, v. ffechmek pipe (tube) Ma patience gabr pipe (for water) kilnk patient gdbyrli pipe (for tabacco) chibuk pattern ornek pirate kurgan pay, v. b'demek pistol tabanja peace gulh pitch zift peacock tavus pity merhamet pear ermud place yer pearl inju plain (even) dilz pleasant kyoylu plait, v. bukmek pen kalem plane, v. (a tool) rendelemek penknife kalem-trash plant nebat people khalk play oyun pepper biber play (an instru- chalmak perfume guzel koku ment) perhaps belkih pleasant khosh perish helak olmak plenty kesret permission izin plough fapan Persia ajem plunder yaghma Persian farisi poetry sha'irlik person zat, kishi poet slia'ir perspiration terleme, ter point uj petition arzu-hal poison zehir pewter kalay police ihtisab pheasant suylun polish, v. jila philosopher feylisuf polite chelebi pickaxe - killunk pomegranate nar picture tapvir pond gol piece parcha pony kuchiik at Pig domuz poor fakir pigeon guverjin poppy khashkhash pilgrim haji pork domuz eti pill habb porter (carrier) hammal pillage yaghma porter (door- kapuju pillar direk keeper) pillow yagdik portmanteau jamedan pin toplu iyne possible mumkin pincers kegaj post (for letters) posta 127 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TUBKISH posthouse menzil-khane protect himayet etmek pot chomlek, kab proud maghrur potatoe yer elmasi prove isbat etmek pound, to ezmek proverb masal poverty fakirlik province eyalet pour, v. dokmek province (office) ish powder toz provision tedarik powder (gunpow- barut prudence ihtiyat der) prudent hushyar power kudret publish, v. ayan powerful kudretli pull, v. chekmek practise istimal pump tulumba praise medh punish hackindan gel- praise, v. medh etmek mek prayer dua, namaz pupil shagird pray, v. dua etmek pure temiz prefer terjih etmek purse kise present (adj.) hazir purposely kagden present (gift) hediye pursue ardynje gitmek pretty guzel push itmek prey yaghma put, v. komak pride maghruriyet put, on geymek Priest Prince papaz bey Quadruped dort- aydkli hai vein Prince (royal) Princess shah zade shah-zade quail quantity bildirjyn mikdar prison habs, zindan quarrel chekish prisoner private probably proclamation produce profession profit esir khass ghaliba nida peyda-etmek ish fayda quarter (one- fourth) quarter (in battle) quarter(of a town) Queen question quick cheyrek aman mahatt kyralicha sual chabuk promise proof va'd, voz delil quite temam proper miinasib Radish turp Prophet peyghamber rag pachavra 128 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TUEKISH rain yaghmur relation (family) akreba rainbow ileyim gaghma release khalag rainy yaghmurlu relieve imdad vermek raise kaldirmak religion din raisins kuru uzum remain kalmak rank rutbe remedy ilaj ransom kurtulma behasi remember akla rapid pek chabuk remind akla rare nadir remove geturmek rascal haramzade repair meremmet rash fikirsiz repeat tekrar demek rat ffeme sichani report chav ratify karar vermek reproach azar raw pishmemish repulse, v. def etmek ray pertev request rija razor ustura reservoir havuz read okumak resign vaz gechmek ready hazir resist karshi durmak real hakiki revolution niyet reap ekin bichmek respect hilrmet rear ard rest rahat reason akil rest, v. rahat etmek receipt VUQUl result netije receive kabul etmek retreat girii donme recently yeni return giril donmek recollect akla revenge oj recompense ejir revenue irad record defter revolt, v. zorba olmak recover (illness) shifta bulma reward ejir red kyrmizi rheumatism vejtii mefagil reed kamish rib eye gemii reflection 'aks ribbon sherid refresh oneself tazelenmek rice pirinj refuse inkiar rich zengin regulation nizam to ride ata binmek rein dizgin ridicule istihza rejoice pek sevinmek right (not wrong) gerchek relation 'alaka right (hand) gagh 129 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH ring yuzuk saltpetre guvenchile riot kavgha salute selam ripe yetishmish salvation selamet rise, v. kalkmak salve melhem river nehr same heman, o road yol sample ornek roast kebab etmek sand kum rob chalmak savage, a yabani robber harami save kurtarmak robbery haramilik say demek rock kaysa scabbard kin roof dam scale (balance) terazinin gozu room yer, oda scale (of a fish) balik pulu root kok scar bere rope ip, urghan scarce nadir rose guiul scarcely guch He rot chiirukluk scarcity nadirlik rotten churuk scarlet iskerlet rough taslak to scatter" daghitmak round deyirmi scholar okur yazar rub ovmak school mekteb ruby Wai schoolmaster mektebji rude sert science 'Urn ruin kharab scissors micras run eyirtmek scorpion 'akreb rust pas scull bash changhi sea deniz Sabre kilij the Black-sea kara deniz sacred mukaddes seal muhur saddle eyer sealing-wax mum safe gagh search aramaklik safety selamet season mevsim sagacity firaset second ikinji sailor gemiji secret sirr salary hack sect mezheb sale gatish see, v. gormek sale (by auction) mezad seed tokhum dane salt tuz seek aramak Turkish Grammar. 9 130 ENGLISH TUKKISH ENGLISH TUKKISH seldom nadir shot (small) $achma self kendi shot (bullets) kurshun to sell $atmak shoulder omuz send, v. gondermek show, v. gostermek sentence jumle shut, v. kapamak sense hasse sick hasta sentinel karavul sickle orak separate, v. ayrilmish sickness hastalik seraglio serayi Jmmayun side yan serpent yilan sieve kalbur servant khizmetkiar sight gorush service khizmet sign nishan settlement kesilme signal nisJian several bir kach signature imza severe sert silent sus sew, v. dikmek silk ipek shade golge silk (worm) ipek bojeyi shadow golge silver giimiish shake, v. fargak sin ffilnah shame ar since beri shape sliekl sincere gaf-derun sharpen bilemek sing, v. turkii chagirmak shave, v. trash etmek sink, v. batmak sheath kin syrup shiirub shed, v. db'kmek sister kilz-kardash sheep koyun sit, v. oturmak sheet charchav size Uiyukluk shell (bomb) kumbara skilful ma'rifetti shepherd choban skill ma'rifet shield kalkan skin deri shine, v. parlamak sky geeuk ship gemi > slander buhtan shirt chamashir slave esir shoe pabuj sleep, v. uyumak shoot, v. atmak sleep, s. uyuku shop dukkyan sleepy uyushuk shopkeeper dukkyanji slender inje short kycca slice dilim 131 ENGLISH TUKKISH ENGLISH TUKKISH sling gapan to speak soylemek slovenly murdar spear myzrak slow aghir spectacles gozluk small kiichuk spend, v. Qarf etmek smoke tutun spice bahar to smoke a pipe tutun ichmek spider orumjek smooth duz spin, v. eyirmek snake yilan spit, v. shish sneeze, v. aksirmak split, v. yarmdk snipe yelve kushu spoil, v. bozmak snuff enfiyye spoon kashik so oyle spot leke so much o kadar spring (season) evvel behdr soap $abun spring (of steel) zemberek society jem'iyyet spring (water) bunar soft yumushak sprinkle, v. serpmek soldier askeri spur mahmuz solid kati spy jasus some . bir squadron (ca- boliik somebody bir kimse valry) sometimes bazi vakit squadron (fleet) donanma taksimi somewhere bir yerde square, a. dort-koshe son oghl squirrel teyyun son-in-law damad stable akhor song turku staircase nerduban sorrow kasavet stand, v. durmak sorry mukedder star yildiz sort (kind) turlu starch ak nyshasta soul djan start, v. chykmak sound $eda station menzil soup chorba station (rank) mertebe sour ekshi steady paydar source bunar steal, v. chalmak south kyUa steel, s. chelik sow, to ekin ekmek steam bukhar spare aralik steep Carp spade bel step kademe spark kigliiljym still rahat 9* 132 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH sting, v. $okmak surround, v. cheveye almak stirrup uzengi suspicion ishkil stock (capital) sermaye swear yemin etmek stock (gun) kudak sweep, v. supilrmek stockings chorab sweet tatli stone task sweetmeats shekerleme stop, v. durmak swell, v. kabarmak storm furtuna swift chabuk story Jiykyayet swim yuzmek straight doghru swing, v. gallamak stranger ffharib sword kilidj straw faman street sokak Table tyrabeze strength kuvvet tail kuyruk stretch, v. germek tailor terzi strew gachmak take, v. almak strong kuvvetly take care dykkat etmek stupid akylsyz talk, v. lakyrdi etmek success rast gelme tall uzun boylu successor khalif tank havuz such boyle taste dat sudden ansiz to taste dadmak suffer, v. chekmek tax vergi sufficient yetisMr tea chay sugar sheker teach, v. oyretmek sugar (candy) nebat shekeri tear, v. yiratmak suit (at law) dava tear goz yashi summer iats telescope dilrbin summit bash to teU demek summons cliaghyrma temper mizaj sun gilnesh temperate itidally sunshine gunesh aydinlighi temple ibadet-gyah superfluous artyklama temptation ighva superintendent nazir tenant kirajy supper akhsham manjasi tent chadyr support, v. dayatmak terrible korkulu surprise te'ajjub ' thank shukilr surrender, v. teslim etmek thankful teshekhiir etmek 133 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH then o vakyt together beraber there orada tomb mezar therefore onun ichun to-morrow yaryn these bunlar tongue dil they anlar too daha thick koyu tool alat thief khyrsyz tooth dish thigh bajak top bash thin inje torch mash : ala thing shey, nesne torment azab think fikir etmek torrent seyl thirsty gusuz tortoise kaplumbagha thorn diken torture ishkenje those anlar to touch dokanmak thou sen to tow yedeye thought fikir towards doghru thoughtless fikirsiz towel peshkir thread iplik tower kulle threaten, v. korkutmak town shehir throat boghaz trade tijaret throne katy traitor khayn throw, v. atmak to translate terjume etmek thumb bash parmak translation terjume thunder gyok gurlemesi translator terjume eden thus dyle trap duzak thy senin travelling yoljuluk to tie baghlamak to travel sefer, yol tiger kaplan tray Qahan tight dar treachery khyyanet tile kiremit treasury beylik till kadar treaty 'ahd time vakit, vakt tree aghaj tin kalay to tremble titremek tired yorulmak trial imtihan title lakab, paye tribe kabile to toast kyzartmak trick fenn tobacco tutun troop jema'at to-day bu gun to trot linklemek 134 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH trouble zahmet upon uzre trowsers pantalon upright doghru true gerchek uproar shamata trumpet boru us (to us) bizi, bize trunk (box) candyk use, v. kullanmak trunk (tree) kutuk useful faydaly trust, v. itimad etmek useless faydasyz trustee vekil usual adeta truth gercheklik to try (endeavour) chalyshmak Vagabond khovarda to try (investigate) imtihan etmek vain maghrur tulip laleh valley dere tumult shamata valuable kimetly turban Qaryk value kimet tune naghme various tllrlu turlu the Turk turk, osmanli, vast engin milsliman veal dana eti Turkey tiirkistan veil nikab Turkey in Europe rum Hi vein damar turkish osmanli, turk velvet kadi/e turkish language tilrkje venerable izzetly turnip shalgham vermin bojekler to twist bukmek verse (poetry) beyt tyrant zalim very pek to vex injitmek Ugly chirkin victorious ghalib umbrella shemsiyye victory zefer unanimous yekjihet vile alchak uncle (paternal) amdja village kyoy uncle (maternal) dayy vinegar sirke under alt vineyard bagh to understand anlamak violence zor uneasy rahatsyz virgin bikir unfortunate oghursuz virtue fazilet unjust adaletsiz virtuous ehli fazilet unless gelmezse visible goruniir until kadar visit ziyaret up yokary voice sess 135 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH volley atma welcome khosh geldin volume jild well (good) eyi vulgar kaba a well (water) koyn vulture ok baba west gun batysy wet yglak Wager bahs what ne waist-coat yelek wheat bughday to wait beklemek wheel teker to wake oyanmak when ne, vakyt to walk yurumek whence nereden wall duvar where nerede wander, v. gezmek which ne, hanghi to want ihtiyajym var while dem war jenk, sefer whip kamchy warm ysajak to whisper fiQildamak wash, v. yykamak white beyaz wasp yaban orysy who (rel.) kih to waste kharab etmek who (interr.) kim watch (time piece) sd'at whole butun watch (milit.) neubet whose kimin watch-horse bekjy-khanesi why nichun to keep watch dykkat etmek wide inlu watchman neubetjy widow dul kary water su wife kary, ehl wave dalglia wild yabani wax bal mumu to win ele geturmek way (road) yoi wind ruzgiiiar we biz window penjere weak za'if wine sherab wealth mal wing kanad weary yorghun winter kish weather havah to wipe silmek weave, v. dokumdk wire tel wedding duyun wisdom akillilik week hafta wise akilli to weep aglilamak to wish arzulamak weigh, v. tartmak wish, s. milrad weight tarty with He 136 ENGLISH TURKISH ENGLISH TURKISH within ichinde writer yazyji without (outside) dashra wrong Jefa without (wanting) siz witness shahid Yard (court) avlu wolf kurd yard (measure) ingiliz endaze woman kari year sene, yyl wonderful ajib yearly her yyl wood (timber) odun yellow $ary wood (forest) orman yes evet wool yun yesterday dun woollen yunden yet ddka, hele word soz yoke boyunduruk work ish you siz workman ishjy young genj world dunyah your sizin worm kurd youth ffenjlik worth kimet to be worth deymek Zeal ghayret wound yara zealous ghayretli wrist bilek zephyr badi gaba to write ^ yazmak zinc tutiya COINS USED IN TURKEY. I GOLD. Value 100 Piastres or 1 lira = 18. 2 50 or 1/2 - 9. 1 25 or i/4 = 4. 6i/ 2 II SILVER. 20 piastres. . . . . 3. 7i/ 2 10 . . . . . 1. 93/ 4 5 11 2 4 1 2 III COPPER. 20 paras 10 5 ENGLISH MONEY. Piastres Para 1. is worth 109 = 1 Shilling 5 = 10 1 Penny 18 LEIPZIG, PRINTED BY W. DBUGULIN. LIST OF TURKISH-ARABIC-PERSIAN. and other Oriental Grammars, Dictionaries and Dialogues on Sale or published by M" FRANZ THIMM European and Oriental Bookseller wud Publisher 24 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London, BOOKS IN ALL THE LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD. Turkish Language. REDHOUSE'S Turkish and English and English and Turkish Dictionary. 80. 1857 1 10 BIANCHI ET KIEFER, Dictionnaire Turc francos et francos Turc. 4 Vols. 80 6 10 SAUERWEIN, pocket Dictionary of the English and Turkish languages (in english characters). 5 ABU-SAID, Turkish Self taught, being a practical and easy method of learning the Turkish Language. 8. 1877. .050 TURKISH -RUSSIAN -FRENCH AND ENGLISH, Voca- bulary for Travellers in the East 2 6 Arabic Language. ARABIC SELF TAUGHT, being a practical and easy method of learning the Arabic Language, (in the press.) CATAFAGO, Arabic English and English and Arabic. Dictionary. 2 Vol. 8<> 220 NEWMAN'S Handbook of Modern Arabic. 80 060 Persian Language. FORBES, Grammar of the Persian Language. 1861. ... 12 6 PALMER, Concise Dictionary of the Persian Language. . 10 6 Hindustani Language. HINDUSTANI SELF TAUGHT (in the press.) DOWSON'S Hindustani Grammar. 1872 10 6 FORBES, Hindustani and English Dictionary. Roy. 8. . . 2 12 6 Singalese-Tamil-Telugu and Malay Languages. SANGARABA. A Grammar of the Singalese Language. 1852. 200 RHENIUS, A Grammar of the Tamil language. 1876. . . 10 6 ARDEN'S progressive Grammar of the Telugu language. 1874. 14 MARSDEN'S Grammar of the Malayan language. 4. 1812. 15 Chinese Language. SUMMER'S Rudements of the Chinese Language. 120. 1864. 076 STENT, A Chinese and English Pocket Dictionary 10 6 DOUGLAS, the language and literature of China 050 Japanese Language. ASHTON, Grammar of the Japanese spoken language. . . 12 SATOWS English and Japanese Dictionary. 1876 12 Sanscrit Language. BALLANTYNE, First lessons in Sanscrit Grammar. ... 040 BENFEY, Grammar of the Sanscrit language 10 6 COWELL'S Short Introduction to Prakrit 036 SCHLEICHER. Comparative Grammar of the Indo Euro- pean, Sanscrit, Greek and Italian Languages, part. I. . 7 6 Coptic Language. MC. DONALD'S Coptic Grammar for self-tution. ..... 3 6 Egyptian Language. 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