Q A ______ PART I. A KEY WALTON'S TABLE PRACTICE IN THE FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS ABITHMETIC. G. A. WALTON, FKINCirA%^^^^^tt|^|BAM3IAR S'^IIOOL, LAWRENCE) MASS. UC-NRLF BOSTON: ^ BRKWER AND TILE ST ON. %\ \ LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Received (^/^c^^iy^ • t^Qn • Accession No.^ 9*^"^^ • Class No, y^'Mf Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corp.G''^+''^" http://www.archive.org/details/dictationexercisOOwaltrich DICTATION EXERCISES. PART 1. A KEY TO WALTON'S TABLE FOR PRACTICE IN THE FUNDAMENTAL OPERATIONS OP ARITHMETIC. BT G. A. WALTON, PRINCIPAL OF OLr/ER GRAMMAR SCHOOL, LAWRENCE, MASS. y^ n-m •vrsy*. *^ ' [TJS'IVl T^ ^-^ * m *^' CJJt BOSTON: ~^Nl Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by G. A. WALTON, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusftts. 6 / S' i/.'^ ELECTROTYPED AT THE BOSTON STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, 4 SPRING LANE. [UiriVBE^ITYj The ready accountant obtains the total of a column of figures at a glance, apparently with as much ease as a good reader grasps the ideas of a sentence. Rapidity and accuracy characterize all his arithmetical operations. How is this efficiency acquired ? Evidently by practice. Is it desirable, and is it possible, for the scholar to acquire this mastery over the elementary combinations in numbers ? Most assuredly it is desirable ; for these combinations arc the foundation of all operations in arithmetic : few persons in practical life ever go beyond their simplest applica- tions ; and they are peculijxrly adapted to interest and develop the mind of the child. And no one can doubt that a child, even, can become highly efficient in combin- ing simple numbers, when he reflects that in Addition less than 07ie hundred different combinations of two fig- ures each ever occur, and that these are the key to all arithmetical operations. And yet there is a radical deficiency with School chil- dren in the fundamental operations in arithmetic, which is the fruitful source of many of the numerous errors in the advanced applications of the science. This deficiency is universal, — exhibiting itself in all grades of the Gram- mar and High Schools, as well as in the Primary and Common Schools. What is the remedy? Simply practice! To facilitate this practice, this Key and the accompanying Card, Wal- ton's Table for Practice in the Fundamental Operations of Arithmetic, have been prepared, and are now submitted to the test of teachers generally, in the confident hope that they will prove as valuable an aid to them as they have to The Author. (3) COIVTENTS. Page On use of Table 5 Advantages of Table, . . ...,,, 6 To USE Table Mentally, ..«•.•• 6 Numeration, • 7 Addition, ...,,,•...8 Subtraction, ..alS Multiplication, 26 Division, 37 Miscellaneous, , 48 (4) 'v' ftJIIVEI. oir f^iroii ON IHE USE OF THE TABLE AND KEY. i^' See ♦* Written Arithmetic," pages 22 and 336 ; also, Walton's ♦« Table for Practice in the Fundamental Operations of Arithmetic." The Table consists of twenty-one columns of figures, numbered from right to left, in twenty-five lines, against which are placed twenty-five letters of the alphabet. By its use all possible combinations of numbers may be re- jpeated many times. The Table is designed for the pupil. The Key contains above two thousand questions upon the Table, with their answers, arranged in series of from ten to twenty-five examples in the fundamental opera- tions. These are prepared for the teacher, to be used as DICTATION EXERCISES. Illustration 1. Let all the pupils add column 1, 2, or 3, etc., or a part of column 1, 2, or 3, etc. Illustration 2. Let the members of a class number themselves from one to twenty-one ; then let each add the column corresponding to his number. Where lines are assigned, as in Addition, Exercise 10, the members letter themselves from A to Y. Illustration 3. Let two or more columns, or parts of columns, be added in the same manner. It is unnecessary to multiply illustrations. The Key contains a great variety of examples in Addition, from the addition of a single column of ten figures to ten col- umns of twenty-five figures ; the examples in Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division, are equally varied. a * F (5) 6 ON THE USE OF THE TABLE AND KEY. The advantages possessed by the Key and Table over the ordinary methods of dictating examples are, — 1st. Having the card, the pupil is enabled to perform an example without writing down the figures — an obvi- ous saving of time. 2d. The teacher has within a small compass an almost inexhaustible store of examples, with their answers. 3d. And, most important of all, a separate example can be assigned to each member of a class as readily as by tlie ordinary method a single example could be assigned to the whole. MENTAL EXERCISES UPON THE TABLE. Illustration 1. Let the pupils add the digits in col- umns 1 and 2, right hand, in line A ; thus, 8 + 4 = 12. in line B ; thus, 3 -f- 7 = 10. etc. etc. Illustration 2. Let them find the difierence between the same in line A ; thus, 8 — 4 = 4. in line B ; thus, 7 — 3 = 4. etc. etc. Let the product be obtained, and the quotient^ in the same manner. Employ other columns, or lines, for the same purpose. The teacher may vary these exercises indefinitely. SUGGESTION. "In most of the exercises upon the Table, it will be an advantage to use paper or the j^f^per slate^ placing it upon the Table directly under the figures to be operated upon. DICTATION EXERCISES. NUMERATION. 1^=" See Table, or <' Written Arithmetic," pages 22 and 336. Exercise 1. Leginning with line A, let the pupils read in order the first fou> figures at the right as thousands, hundreds, tens, and units. Thus : — First pupil, ** 7,184." Second pui^il, *♦ 5,337," etc. Ex. 2. Let first pupil take line B, second pupil line C, etc., and read as above the first six figures at the right. Thus : — First pupil, '< 995,337." Second pupil, "872,692," etc. Ex. 3. Ex. 4. Ex. 5. Ex. 6. Ex. 7. Ex. 8. Ex. 9. Ex. 10. 3. Commencing with C, read as above the first 7 figures. D, E, F, G, H, I, J, 10 12 13 14 17 19 21 Ex. 11. First pupil read first period in line A. Second pupil read second period in line B. Third pupil read third period in line C, etc. (7) 8 DICTATION EXEKCISE8. ADDITION. fl®=- See Table, or " Written Arithmetic," pages 22 and 336. * 11^^ In the following exercises, when an example embraces several eolumns, they are to be considered as units, tens, etc., the units occu- pying the right, as in ordinary numbers. Thus, in Exercise 3, Example 1, the pupil is to find the siun of 84, 37, 92, etc. ; in example 2, of 18, 33, 69, etc. Column. Ans 1 69 2 61 3 51 4 49 5 52 6 58 7 75 Exercise 1. ADD FROM A TO L.* Column. Ans. 8 49 9 75 10 58 11 43 12 56 13 65 14 53 column. 15 Alls 59 16 61 17 55 18 65 19 79 20 50 21 84 Column. Ans. 1 53 2 65 3 69 4 59 5 75 6 58 7 70 Exercise 2. ADD FROM M TO Y.* Column. Ans. 9 10 11 12 13 14 70 64 62 80 61 47 63 Column. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ans. 66 73 66 63 63 56 66 Exercise 3. Columns. land 2 2 " 3 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 Ans. 521 378 413 308 447 512 7 " 8 477 114 ADD FROM A TO H.* Columns. Ans. 8 and 9 9 « 10 « 11 " 12 388 12 « 13 426 13 " 14 379 583 10 364 11 311 15 414 * Inclusive. Columns. Ans. 15 and 16 568 16 « 17 " ' 19 582 ' 20 404 ' 21 565 17 473 18 462 18 19 20 ADDITION. Exercise 4. ADD FROM A TO G.* Oclumns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to3* 2828 8 to 10 3389 15 to 17 4596 2-4 3879 9-11 2435 16 - 18 4156 8-5 2684 10 - 12 3039 17 - 19 5111 4 - G 3666 11 - 13 3801 18 - 20 3907 5-7 4463 12 -14 3378 19 - 21 4787 6-8 4344 13 - 15 3935 7-9 ' 4931 14 - 16 4990 Exercise 5. ADD FROM M TO Y.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1,2 703 8, 9 710 15,16 796 2,3 755 9, 10 684 16,17 733 3,4 659 10, 11 862 17,18 696 4,5 809 11,12 690 18,19 693 5,6 655 12, 13 531 19,20 623 6,7 758 13,14 677 20,21 716 7,8 770 14,15 723 Exercise 6. ADD FROM A TO Y.* Cotamn. Z Ans. Column. Ans. Column. Ans. 1 122 8 119 15 125 2 126 9 139 16 134 8 120 10 120 17 121 4 108 11 123 18 128 5 ■ 127 12 117 19 142 C 116 13 112 20 106 7 145 14 116 1 21 150 Columns. Ans. 1 to 7* 27512689 2-8 17751267 3-9 32775124 4-10 24277511 5 - 11 19427749 Exercise 7. ADD FROM A TO D.* Columns. Ans. 6 to 12 23942778 7-13 25894275 8-14 21539425 9-15 20153941 10 - 16 27015891 * Inclusive. Columns. Ans. 11 to 17 23701537 12 - 18 23370152 13 - 19 32337013 14 - 20 24233699 15 - 21 29428368 10 DICTATION EXERCISES. Exercise 8. ADD FROM A TO K.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to3* 5362 8 to 10 5647 15 to 17 5853 2-4 5030 9-11 4760' 16 - 18 6680 3-5 5197 10 - 12 5669 17 - 19 7762 4-6 6015 11 - 13 6162 18 - 20 5571 5-7 7497 12 - 14 • 5312 19 - 21 8251 6-8 5445 13 - 15 5826 7-9 7539 14 - 16 6577 Exercise 9. ADD FUOM A TO M.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to3* 6400 8 to 10 7383 15 to 17 6361 2-4 6933 9-11 5833 16 - 18 7330 3-5 6087 10 - 12 6275 17 - 19 9126 4-6 6903 11 - 13 7921 18 - 20 6307 5-7 9085 12 - 14 6487 19 - 21 9824 6-8 6203 13 - 15 6743 7-9 8914 14 - 16 7667 Exercise 10. ADD FROM I TO 21.* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Lines. ABC BCD C D E D E F E F G F G H G H I J K L I J K L M H I J K L M N M N O NOP O P Q 2,572,673,479,086,409,185,213 1,954,887,989,406,362,195,505 1,203,066,961,197,061,636,376 1,412,086,942,845,830,980,040 1,848,822,922,649,657,156,139 2,612,372,31 1,306,028,562,924 2,651,848,091,549,290,818,456 2,798,654,225,314,403,489,328 2,549,008,648,759,663,508,541 2,349,508,987,614,540,391,070 2,241,522,585,025,582,751,244 1,718,519,069,767,592,000,622 1,215,276,794,223,519,843,495 569,656,528,320,245,799,814 1,366,317,931,454,210,564,930 * Inclusive. ADDITION. 11 Lines. Ans. 16. P, Q, R. 1,036,850,361,475,351,269,938 17. Q, R, S. 2,471,507,700,708,582,175,473 18. R, S, T. 1,853,561,670,308,917,783,400 19. S, T, U. 1,882,014,626,699,822,116,088 20. T, U, V. 1,917,174,573,588,380,107,432 21. U, V, W. 1,702,415,867,410,626,520,780 22. V, W, X. 1,751,134,075,996,025,909,971 23. W,X, Y. 1,426,482,233,164,118,999,263 Columns. 1 to 4* 2-5 3-6 4-7 5 - 8 6-9 Ans." 54779 57471 63741 81369 57132 80708 Exercise 11. ADD FROM A TO L.* Columns. 7 to 10 8-11 9-12 10 - 13 11 - 14 12 - 15 Ans. 66065 49599 60955 71088 60103 65006 Columns. 13 to 16 14 - 17 15 - 18 16 - 19 17 - 20 18 - 21 Ans. 67495 . 61743 71169 86111 58605 89855 Columns. 1,2 2, 3 3,4 4, 5 5, 6 C, 7 7,8 Ans. 1382 1326 1200 1378 1287 1566 1335 Exercise 12. ADD FROM A TO Y.* Com mns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 8, 9 1509 15, 16 1465 9, 10 1339 16, 17 1344 10, 11 1350 17, 18 1401 11, 12 1293 18, 19 1548 12, 13 1237 19, 20 1202 13, 14, 14 15 1272 1366 20, 21 1606 Columns. 1 to 3* 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 Ans. 8914 7584 8850 8577 10751 8467 10339 Exercise 13. ADD FROM A TO Q.* Columns. 8 to 10 9-11 10 - 12 11 - 13 12 - 14 13 - 15 14 - 16 Ans. 8824 8975 7888 9281 9320 8825 11274 Columns. 15 to 17 16 - 18 17 - 19 18 - 20 19 - 21 Ans. 9219 9514 11241 8416 11333 * Inclusive. 12 DICTATION EXERCISES. Exercise 14. ADD FROM A TO E.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to 11 ^ ' 210,852,948,897 7 to 17 304,871,610,850 2-12 261,085,294,887 8-18 330,487,161,082 3-13 316,108,529,486 9-19 303,048,716,106 4-14 271,610,852,947 10 - 20 296,304,871,607 5-15 287,161,085,292 11 - 21 309,630,487,158 6-16 348,716,108,527 Exercise 15. ADD mOM A TO H.* Columns. Ans. Columns. » Ans. Ito 7* 51,511,821 9 to 15 41,829,164 2-8 48,151,178 10 - 16 57,182,911 3-9 58,815,113 11 - 17 47,718,288 4-10 36,881,508 12 - 18 46,771,826 5-11 31,688,147 13-19 58,677,179 6-12 39,168,812 14 - 20 40,867,714 7-13 42,916,877 15 - 21 57,086,768 8-14 38,291,683 Exercise 16. ADD mOM A TO T.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. lto3* 10314 8 to 10 10714 15 to 17 10835 2-4 8922 9-11 11063 16 - 18 11074 3-5 10682 10 - 12 10195 17-1^ 12596 4-6 10359 11 - 13 9910 18 - 20 9950 5-7 12528 12 - 14 10081 19 - 21 13185 6-8 9643 13 - 15 10499 7-9 12255 14 - 16 12441 Exercise 17. ADD FROM A TO 0.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. lto4* 68274 7 to 10 79584 13 to 16 94288 2-5 71820 8-11 71949 14 _ 17 79421 3-6 72174 9-12 73189 15 - 18 83935 4-7 101211 10 - 13 85310 16 - 19 101387 5-8 69115 11 - 14 79524 17 - 20 70130 6-9 95905 12 - 15 72946 18 - 21 102006 *Incl asive. ADDITION. 13 Exercise 18. ADD PROM A TO W.* Colamns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. lto3* 12103 8 to 10 12775 15 to 17 11992 2 - 4 10999 9 ~ 11 12167 16 - 18 12488 3 - 5 12888 10 - 12 11604 17 - 19 14836 4 - 6 11878 11 - 13 11649 18 - 20 10973 5 - 7 14178 12 - 14 11754 19 - 21 14886 6 - 8 11906 13 - 15 12365 7 - 9 13880 14 - 16 14026 • Exercise 19. ADD FROM A TO Y.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to3* 13382 8 to 10 13509 15 to 17 13565 2 - 4 12126 9 - 11 13639 16 - 18 14144 3 - 5 13900 10 - 12 13050 17 - 19 15601 4 - 6 12978 11 - 13 12493 18 - 20 12148 6 - 7 15787 12 - 14 12837 19 - 21 16202 6 - 8 13466 13 - 15 13772 7 - 9 15285 14 - 16 14766 Exercise 20. Add- Lines. Ans. 1. Ato E 3,096,304,871,610,852,948,897 2. B - F 2,997,311,395,944,324,848,069 3. C - G 2,897,922,027,630,143,356,307 4. D- H 3,136,003,703,830,472,326,608 5. E - I 3,694,271,498,087,253,471,020 6. F- J 4,493,509,291,747,485,209,259 7. G- K 4,272,925,409,744,304,855,109 8. H- L 4,194,957,563,052,136,705,951 9. 10. I - M J - N 4,122,659,566,367,030,397,579 3,339,596,387,962,606,037,275 11. K- 2,611,580,131,961,253,060,118 12. 13. 14. L - P M- Q N - R 2,143,307,445,927,621,688,852 2,356,405,331,802,276,211,135 2,306,907,907,511,021,578,812 15. - S 2,890,296,076,868,611,863,703 h * Inclusive, 14 DICTATION EXEHCISES. Lines. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. P toT Q - U R - V S - W T - X U - Y 2,904,600,213,887,074,151,040 3,619,266,005,890,507,895,086 3,447,152,719,002,781,406,205 2,760,255,719,822,949,401,891 2,898,892,381,178,041,630,184 3,020,073,275,857,982,622,068 Columns. 1 to 4* 2-5 3-6 4-7 5-8 6-9 Exercise 21. ADD FROM A TO U.* Ans. 94900 110480 106037 134594 106451 127635 Columns. 7 to 10 8-11 9-12 10 - 13 11 - 14 12 - 15 Ans. 114754 119463 104937 103482 108338 112823 Columns. 13 to 16 14 - 17 15 - 18 16 - 19 17 - 20 18 - 21 Ans. 129273 115918 112582 130248 102013 140191 Columns. Ans. 1 to 4* 102119 2-5 3-6 4-7 5-8 6-9 119201 109909 138981 112889 131278 EXEECISE 22. ADD FROM A TO V. Columns. 7 to 10 8-11 9-12 10 - 13 11 - 14 12 - 15 Ans. 121118 120099 109000 111888 115178 115507 Columns. 13 to 16 14 - 17 15 - 18 16 - 19 17 - 20 18 - 21 Ans. 135541 117544 116744 139664 108954 147885 Exercise 23. ADD FROM A TO I.* Columns. Ans. Columns. 1 to 10 * 41,530,983,709 7 to 16 2-11 38,153,098,366 8-17 3-12 44,815,309,831 9-18 4-13 43,481,530,979 10 - 19 5-14 41,348,153,094 11 - 20 6-15 45,134,815,306 12 - 21 ♦ Inclusive. 58,513,481,526 50,851,348,147 56,085,134,810 66,608,513,475 43,660,851,344 66,366,085,131 ADDITION. 16 Exercise 24. ADD FROM A TO R.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Ito 6* 9,488,212 9 to 14 9,567,940 2-7 11,248,818 10 - 15 9,656,784 3-8 9,424,872 11 - 16 11,465,670 4-9 10,942,479 12 - 17 9,446,558 5-10 9,494,241 13 - 18 10,244,648 6-11 9,949,416 14 - 19 , 11,824,456 7-12 8,794,988 15 - 20 9,882,487 8-13 9,679,483 16 - 21 12,138,235 EXERC ISB 25. ADD FROM A TO N.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Ito 8* 687,020,984 8 to 15 690,144,404 2-9 913,702,091 9-16 849,014,435 8-10 741,370,202 10 - 17 704,901,435 4-11 644,137,014 11 - 18 820,490,137 5-12 644,413,696 12 - 19 962,049,008 6-18 814,441,364 18 - 20 676,204,895 7-14 701,444,130 14 - 21 997,620,482 EXEEC isE 26. . V ADD raOM B TO Y.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Ito 6* 1,874,198 10 to 14 1,259,063 2 -• 6 1,267,408 11 - 15 1,375,896 8-7 1,526,729 12 - 16 1,887,578 4-8 1,882,661 18 - 17 1,308,747 5-9 1,488,256 14 - 18 1,370,864 6-10 1,278,818 15 - 19 1,487,075 7-11 1,277,820 16 - 20 1,128,695 8-12 1,207,718 17 - 21 1,522,857 9-18 1,190,760 ■ - " 16 DICTATION EXERCISES. Exercise 27. ADD FROl A TO 8.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. Ito 7* 118,884,687 9 to 15 99,783,118 2-8 94,888,460 10 - 16 120,978,301 3-9 117,488,836 11 - 17 100,097,821 4-10 102,748,875 12 - 18 105,009,773 5-11 101,274,880 13 - 19 122,500,969 6-12 93,127,479 14 - 20 97,250,088 7-13 98,312,739 15 - 21 128,725,000 8-14 97,831,263 EXERC iSE 28. ADD FROM G TO Y.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to 10 * 103,007,826,129 7 to 16 107,363,132,998 2-11 113,300,782,604 8-17 99,736,313,289 3-12 101,330,078,251 9-18 103,973,631,320 4-13 93,133,007,815 10 - 19 111,397,363,122 5-14 96,313,300,774 11 - 20 83,139,736,303 6-15 103,631,380,067 12 - 21 122,313,973,620 EXEEC iSE 29. ADD FROM A TO S.* Columns. Ans. Columns. Ans. 1 to 10 * 102,748,884,687 7 to 16 120,978,312,739 2-11 101,274,888,460 8-17 100,097,831,263 3-12 93,127,488,836 9 - 18 105,009,783,118 4-13 98,312,748,875 10 - 19 122,500,978,301 5 - 14 97,831,274,880 11 - 20 97,250,097,821 6-15 99,783,127,479 12 - 21 128,725,009,773 ExEEC ISE 30. CITE THE SUM F THE DIGITS IN Lines. Ans. Line s. Ans. Lines Ans. 1. A 111] 4. D 108 J. G 94 2. B 124 5. E 99 ^ ^. H 111 3. C 116 6. F *Inc 95 lusive. ( J. I 107 ADDITION. 17 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Lines. J K L M N Ans. 106 99 97 101 75 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Lines. P Q R S T Ans. 117 97 115 94 96 22. 23. 24. 25. Lines. Ans. V 102 w X Y 111 130 96 15. O 103 21. U 112 b* 18 DICTATION EXERCISES. SUBTRA.CTION. % J8^ See Table, or " Written Arithmetic," pages 22 and 336. Exercise 1. Subtract 29385 from 1 to 6 * in each of the following lines. Lines. Ans. Lines. Ans. Lines. Ans. 1. A 287799 10. J 145062 19. s 367090 2. B 965952 11. K 832821 20. T 455242 3. C 843307 12. L 325032 21. U 206201 4. D 298091 13. M 505236 22. V 357834 5. E 406823 14. N 82199 23. w 868599 6. F 186971 15. O 167905 24. X 595383 7. G 474190 16. P 461555 25. Y 447126 8. H 813608 17. Q 847315 9. I 442503 18. R 872913 Exercise 2. Take 58762 from 16 to 21 * in each of the following D* Lines. Ans. Lines. Ans. Lines. Ans. 1. A 928687 10. J 894443 19. s 675494 2. B 847026 11. K 609109 20. T 264821 S. C 620673 12. L 669669 21. U 765412 4. D 310901 13. M 786457 22. V 710654 5. E 95205 14. N 86106 23. w 50062 G. F 829693 15. 166427 24. X 814130 7. G 747637 16. P 140836 25. Y 386002 8. H 858755 17. Q 882767 9. I 869169 18. R 736959 Exercise 3. Subtract 1 to 8 * in the lov vex from 1 to 9 * in the Tipper of the fol- lowing J lines. Lines. Ans. Lines. Ans. 1. A B 839,321,847 5. E I 488 ,219,852 2. B C 858,122,645 6. F G 1 r 292 ,712,781 o C D 549,545, 216 7. G I I 647,660,582 4. B.E 792,891,268 8. II I 897,371,105 * Incl usive. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Lines. I J J K KL L M M N N O O P P Q SUBTRACTION. Alls. 642,297,441 800,312,241 180,507,789 476,819,796 833,423,037 161,914,294 378,706,350 494,614,240 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Li$cs. Q R R S S T T U U V V W WX X Y OJO ; Alls. 85,974,402 588,505,823 789,911,848 417,249,041 434,848,367 301,489,235 664,273,216 841,148,257 Exercise 4. Subtract 9 to 20 * in the lower of the following lines from 9 to 21 ^ Lines. 1. A B 2.B C 3. C D 4.D E 5. E F 6.F G 7. G H 8. HI 9. 1 J 10. J K 11. K L 12. L M in the Ans. 9,816,601,415,621 8,263,533,157,532 6,097,720,323,648 3,156,956,800,913 655,123,058,952 8,820,560,342,097 7,888,822,712,387 8,895,859,143,083 8,747,256,806,878 8,853,339,815,586 6,394,399,988,987 6,832,124,212,317 upper. Lines. 13. M N N O 14. 15. O 16. P P Q 17. Q R 18. R S 19. S 20. T 21. U 22. V W 23. WX 24. X Y T U V 8,003,510,960,276 1,196,787,582,848 1,255,904,115,909 1,580,694,269,904 8,458,077,313,976 7,614,655,023,787 7,106,727,906,233 2,994,087,566,071 7,547,585,058,811 7,605,914,436,896 359,318,418,439 8,281,285,572,984 Exercise 5. Take 1 to 13 * in each of the following Lines. Ans. 72,421,742,950,157 10. 73,983,782,272,004 11. 69,737,040,394,649 12. 72,101,789,939,865 13. 72,193,082,831,133 14. 78,088,271,050,985 15. 72,297,963,763,766 16. 73,536,711,424,348 17. 77,845,008,795,453 18, lines from 78,409,658,267,341. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E C. F 7. G 8. H 9. I Liftes. Ans. J 68,532,851,092,894 K 70,091,451,405,135 L 68,990,131,912,924 M 70,221,808,732,720 N 76,249,442,155,757 O 74,534,204,070,051 P 76,125,082,776,401 Q 73,115,477,390,641 R 74,513,063,365,043 * Inclusiva. 20 DICTATION EXERCISES. Line. Ans. 19. S 76,891,851,870,866 20. T 77,515,141,782,714 21. U 74,122,159,031,755 22. V 70,003,293,880,122 Line. Ans. 23. W 73,692,895,369,357 24. X 75,536,759,642,573 25. Y 72,835,200,790,830 Exercise 6. Take 9 to 21 * in each of the following from 78,409,658,267,341. Line. Ans. Lino. 1. A 68,535,168,007,462 14. N 2. B 69,351,769,423,083 15. 3. C 71,615,302,580,615 16. P 4. D 74,713,022,904,263 17. Q 5. E 76,869,979,705,176 18. R 6. F 69,525,102,764,128 19. S 7. G 70,345,663,106,225 20. T 8. H 69,234,485,818,612 21. U 9. 1 69,130,344,961,695 22. V 10. J 68,877,601,768,573 23. W 11. K 71,730,941,584,159 24. X 12. L 71,125,341,573,146 25. Y 13. M 69,957,465,785,463 An 3. 76,960,976,745,739 76,157,764,328,587 76,413,668,444,496 68,994,362,714,400 70,452,440,028,376 71,067,095,052,163 75,173,822,958,396 70,167,910,524,467 70,715,495,583,278 77,321,410,020,174 69,680,728,438,613 73,962,014,011,597 EXEECISE 7. Take 78,409,658,267,341 from 1 to 15* in each of the following lines. Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. B 806,016,217,727,996 2. C 490,262,959,605,351 3. D 457,898,210,060,135 4. E 777,806,917,168,867 5. F 471,911,728,949,015 6. G 437,702,036,236,234 7. H 166,463,288,575,652 8. 1 252,154,991,204,547 9. J 571,467,148,907,106 10. K 589,908,548,594,865 11. L 591,009,868,087,076 12. M 169,778,191,267,280 13. N 14. O 15. P 16. Q 17. R 18. S 19. T 20. U 21. V 22. W 23.x 24. Y 73,750,557,844,243 315,465,795,929,949 903,874,917,223,599 476,884,522,609,359 745,486,936,634,957 243,108,148,129,134 452.484,858,217,286 695,877,840,968,245 189,996,706,119,878 746,307,104,630,643 904,463,240,357,427 347,164,799,209,170 * Inclusive. SUBTRACTION. 21 Exercise 8. Take 78,409,658,207,341 from 7 to Line. Ans. 1. A 909,039,367,720,574 2. B 827,379,226,158,534 3. C 601,025,910,405,276 4. D 291,253,878,040,527 5. E 75,558,197,949,234 6. F 810,045,892,054,046 7. G 727,989,857,844,353 8. H 839,107,586,605,605 9. 1 849,521,672,297,308 10. J 874,795,991,609,466 11. K 589,462,010,050,865 12. L 650,022,011,152,185 13. M 766,809,589,920,508 21 * in each of the following lines. Line. Ans. 14. N 66,458,493,892,875 15. 146,779,735,608,113 16. P 121,189,324,017,234 17. Q 863,119,897,026,839 18. R 717,312,165,629,253 19. S 655,846,663,250,465 20. T 245,173,872,627,175 21. U 745,765,116,020,158 22. V 691,006,610,139,023 23. W 30,415,166,449,421 24. X 794,483,324,605,557 25. Y a66,354,767,307,116 Exercise 9. Take 1 to 16 * in Y from 1 to 17 in Line. Ans. l.^A 44,600,413,457,840,673 2. B 84,458,851,418,518,826 3. C 31,143,098,160,396,181 4.D 59,110,733,410,850,965 5.E 63,430,642,117,959,697 6. F 51,124,746,929,739,845 7. G 95,090,537,237,027,064 8. H 12,819,298,489,366,482 9. 1 26,904,990,191,995,377 10. J 1,224,302,349,697,936 11. K 67,242,743,749,385,695 12. L" 27,243,845,068,877,906 13. M 14,822,613,392,058,110 Line. Ans. 14. N 63,726,585,758,635,073 15.0 84,968,300,996,720,779 16. P 94,556,710,118,014,429 17. Q 25,129,719,723,400,189 18. R 17,398,322,137,425,787 19. S 51,895,943,348,91^,964 20. T 79,105,320,059,008,116 21. U 70,348,713,041,759,075 22. V 11,842,831,906,910,708 23. W20,399,142,305,421,473 24. X 88,557,298,441,148,257 25. Y 60,000,000,000,000,000 Exercise 10. Take 1 to 20 * in A from 1 to 21 * in Line. Ans. 1. B 818,339,858,437,960,678,153 2. C 591,986,542,684,702,555,508 * Inclusive. 22 DICTATION EXERCISES. Lino. Ans. 3. D 282,214,510,319,953,010,292 4. E 66,518,830,228,660,119,024 5. F ' 801,006,524,333,471,899,172 6. G 718,950,490,123,779,186,391 7. H 830,068,218,885,031,525,809 8. I 840,482,304,576,734,154,704 9. J 865,756,623,888,891,857,263 10. K 580,422,642,330,291,545,022 11. L 640,982,643,431,611,037,233 12. M 757,770,222,199,934,217,437 13. N 57,419,126,172,300,794,400 14. O 137,740,367,887,538,880,106 15. P 112,149,956,296,660,173,756 16. Q 854,080,529,306,265,559,516 17. R 708,272,797,908,679,585,114 18. S * 646,807,295,529,891,079,291 19. T 236,134,504,906,601,167,443 20. U 736,725,748,299,583,918,402 21. V 681,967,242,418,449,070,035 22. W 21,375,798,728,847,580,800 23. X 785,443,956,884,983,307,584 24. Y 357,315,399,586,542,159,327 Exercise 11. Take 1 to 20 * in B from 1 to 21 * in Line. Ans. 1. A 981,660,141,562,039,321,847 2. C 673,646,684,246,741,877,355 3. D 863,874,651,881,992,332,139 4. E 148,178,971,790,699,440,871 5. F 882,666,665,895,511,221,019 6. G 800,610,631,685,818,508,238 7. H 911,728,360,447,070,847,656 8. I- 922,142,446,138,773,476,551 9. J 947,416,765,450,931,179,110 10. K 662,082,783,892,330,866,869 11. L 722,642,784,993,650,359,080 12. M 839,430,363,761,973,539,284 * Inclusive. SUBTRACTION. 23 Line, Ans. 13. N 139,079,267,734,340,116,247 14. O 219,400,509,449,578,201,953 15. P 193,810,097,858,699,495,603 16. Q 935,740,670,868,304,881,363 17. R 789,932,939,470,718,906,961 18. S 728,467,437,091,930,401,138 19. T 317,794,646,468,640,489,290 20. U 818,385,889,861,623,240,249 21. V 763,627,383,980,488,301,882 22. W 103,035,940,290,886,902,647 23. X 867,104,098,447,022,629,431 24. Y 438,975,541,148,581,481,174 Exercise 12. Prom A 4- B, 1 to Lino. Ans. 1. C 9,741,173,439,829 2. D 10,105,922,985,045 3. E 10,197,215,876,313 4. F 10,092,404,096,165 5. G 10,302,096,808,946 6. H 9,540,844,469,528 7. I 9,849,141,840,633 8 J 9,536,984,138,074 9. K 10,095,584,450,315 10. L 9,994,264,958,104 11. M 10,225,941,777,900 12. N 10,253,575,200,937 13,* take 1 to 12* in Line. Ans. 13. O 9,538,337,115,231 14. P 10,129,215,821,581 15. Q 10,119,610,435,821 16. R 9,517,196,410,223 17. S 9,895,984,916,046 18. T 0,519,274,827,894 19. U 10,126,292,076,935 20. V 10,007,426,925,302 21. W 9,697,028,414,537 22. X 9,540,892,687,753 23. Y 9,839,333,836,010 Exercise 13. From A -f B, 8 to 21,* take 8 to 20* in Ans. Line. 7. 1. C 181,380,234,174,117 2. D 182,357,437,410,592 3. E 183,927,005,419,721 4. F 180,478,236,009,240 5. G 188,683,839,430,209 6. II 187,572,066,554,084 * Inclusive 9. 10. 11. 12. Ans. I 186,530,657,984,914 J 184,003,226,053,698 K 182,536,024,209,558 L 186,480,624,099,426 M 184,801,866,222,504 N 184,830,075,825,357 24 DICTATION EXERCISES. Lino. Ans. 13. O 186,804,851,653,833 14. P 179,363,892,812,921 15. Q 185,170,835,511,960 16. R 179,751,608,651,719 17. S 185,898,158,889,598 18 T 186,965,437,951,927 Line. Ans. 19. U 186,906,313,612,629 20. V 182,382,164,200,742 21. W 188,441,308,569,702 22. X 182,034,492,754,089 23. Y 184,847,348,483,933 Exercise 14. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. From B -f- C, Lines. C + D D-l-E E. F G + H H I J +K K L M N O P Q R S . T IT W F G L M N O P Q R S T U V v + w X X+Y 1 to 17,* take 1 to 16 * of Ans. 115,348,118,007,667,861 113,060,574,050,104,345 111,046,560,531,215,465 109,386,665,412,148,098 107,692,113,852,521,461 115,877,660,897,553,148 117,472,657,037,221,694 117,134,903,479,831,376 121,115,360,760,651,406 113,535,491,117,978,991 107,052,750,428,221,824 106,907,062,823,559,155 106,076,938,464,179,799 105,915,519,737,500,389 113,073,907,718,089,031 116,307,684,092,569,256 114,600,686,170,986,927 116,147,916,478,147,816 113,410,404,630,245,224 113,359,975,366,582,826 116,645,508,832,345,277 117,044,651,137,766,750 Exercise 15. From A + B, 5 to 21,* subtract 5 to 20* of Lines. Ans. 174,413,880,543,330,511 176,960,651,788,934,755 175,081,450,387,582,866 * Inclusive. 1. CH h D 2. D- - E 3. E - - F SUBTBACTION. 25 4, ¥-] -G 5. G- -H 6. H- L-I 7. I - -J- 8. J - -K 9. K- hl^ 10. L- -M 11. M- -N 12. N- -0 13. OH -P 14. P- -Q 15. Q- -R 16. R- -S 17. S - -T 18. T- -U 19. U- -V 20. V- -W 21. W- -X 22. X- -Y Ans. 179,838,284,398,070,959 186,932,114,942,914,996 184,778,933,497,619,499 181,210,092,997,233,466 177,216,059,221,877,727 179,693,457,267,605,809 181,958,699,280,641,542 180,315,051,006,572,566 182,318,036,437,812,100 176,844,953,425,376,162 175,210,937,283,503,494 175,598,653,122,301,553 176,325,976,499,939,001 183,539,805,800,146,843 184,547,960,523,177,559 179,964,686,771,992,769 181,499,081,729,066,403 181,152,010,282,412,979 177,558,050,196,643,521 26 DICTATION EXERCISES. MULTIPLICATION, je^ See Table, or " Written Arithmetic," pages 22 and 336. ExEECISE 1 Multiply by 2, from 1 to 10.* Line. Ang. Line. Ans. 1. A 15,830,634,368 14. N 432,223,168 2. B 11,751,990,674 15. 10,908,394,580 3. C 5,235,745,384 16. P 9,150,981,880 4. D 15,736,654,952 17. Q 8,361,753,400 5, E 13,150,872,416 18. R 13,189,804,596 6. F 2,774,432,712 19. S 15,612,792,950 7. G 3,389,007,150 20. T 9,032,969,254 8. H 5,89.3,685,986 21. U 14,998,471,172 9. I 9,298,943,776 22. V 12,728,774,438 10. J 13,614,348,894 23. W 13,525,795,968 11. K 16,413,724,412 24. X 5,797,249,536 12. L 19,052,708,834 25. Y 8,914,953,022 13. M 15,699,069,242 EXEEC IS3S 2 Multiply by 4, 1 to 10.* Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. A 31,661,268,736 14. N 864,446,336 2. B 23,503,981,348 15. 21,816,789,160 3. C 10,471,490,768 16. P 18,301,963,760 4. D 31,473,309,904 17. Q 16,723,506,800 5. E 26,301,744,832 18. R 26,379,609,192 6. F 5,548,865,424 19. S 31,225,585,900 7. G 6,778,014,300 20. T 18,065,938,508 8. H 11,787,371,972 21. U 29,996,942,344 9. I 18,597,887,552 22. V 25,457,548,876 10. J 27,228,697,788 23. w 27,051,591,936 11. K 32,827,448,824 24. X 11,594,499,072 12. L 38,105,417,668 25. Y 17,829,906,044 13. M 31,398,138,484 *Incl usivc. MULTIPLICATION. 27 EXEECISE 3. Multiply by 3, 11 to21.» line. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. A 296,234,707,794 14. N 43,460,445,648 2. B 271,736,665,326 15. 67,556,818,161 3. C 203,830,670,601 16. p 59,879,694,684 4. D 110,899,060,890 17. Q 282,458,866,587 5. E 46,190,356,863 18. R 238,716,547,167 6. F 266,536,665,096 19. S 220,276,896,453 7. G 241,919,854,833 20. T 97,075,059,267 8. H 275,255,173,461 21. U 247,252,432,284 9. I 278,379,399,168 22. V 230,824,880,520 10. J 285,961,694,961 23. w 32,647,447,413 11. K 200,361,500,493 24. X 261,867,894,801 12. L 218,529,500,823 25. Y 133,429,327,671 13, M 253,565,774,454 EXERC ISE 4. Multiply by 5, 11 to 21.* Line. Ans. * Lino. Ans. 1. A 493,724,512,990 14. N 72,434,076,080 2. B 452,894,442,210 15. O 112,594,696,935 3. C 339,717,784,335 16. P 99,799,491,140 4. D 184,831,768,150 17. Q 470,764,777,645 5. E 76,983,928,105 18. R 397,860,911,945 6. F 444,227,775,160 19. S 367,128,160,755 7. G 403,199,758,055 20. T 161,791,765,445 8. H 458,758,622,435 21. U 412,087,387,140 9. I 463,965,665,280 22. V 384,708,134,200 10. J 476,602,824,935 23. w 54,412,412,355 11. K 333,935,834,155 24. X 436,446,491,435 12. L ■ 364,215,834,705 25. Y 222,382,212,785 18. M 422,609,624,090 EXEKC ISE . 5. Multiply by 6, 1 to 10.* Line. Ans. Line. ^ Ans. ' 1. A 47,491,903,104 4. D 47,209,964,856 2. B 35;255,972,022 5. E 39,452,617,248 3. C 15,707,236,152 ♦Incl 6. usive. P 8,323,298,136 28 DICTATION EXERCISES. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Line. G H I J K L M N O P Ans. 10,167,021,450 17,681,057,958 27,896,831,328 40,843,046,682 49,241,173,236 57,158,126,502 47,097,207,726 1,296,669,504 32,725,183,740 27,452,945,640 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Lln« Q R S T U V W X Y Ans. 25,085,260,200 39,569,413,788 46,838,378,850 27,098,907,762 44,995,413,516 38,186,323,314 40,577,387,904 17,391,748,608 26,744,859,066 Exercise 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Line. A B c D E F G H I J K L M Multiply by Ans. 63,322,537,472 47,007,962,696 20,942,981,536 62,946,619,808 52,603,489,664 11,097,730,848 13,556,028,600 23,574,743,944 37,195,775,104 54,457,395,576 65,654,897,648 76,210,835,336 62,796,276,968 8, 1 to 10.* Line. N O P Q R S T U V w X Y 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Ans. 1,728,892,672 43,633,578,320 36,603,927,520 33,447,013,600 52,759,218,384 62,451,171,800 36,131,877,016 59,993,884,688 50,915,097,752 54,103,183,872 23,188,998,144 35,659,812,088 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Line. A B c D E F G EXEECISE 7. Multiply by 7, 11 to 21.* Line. S. H Ans. 691,214,318,186 634,052,219,094 475,604,898,069 258,764,475,410 107,777,499,347 621,918,885,224 564479,661,277 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I J K L M N Ans. 642,262,071,409 649,551,931,392 667,243,954,909 467,510,167,817 509,902,168,587 .591,653,473,726 101,407,706,512 * Inclusive. MULTIPLICATION. 29 Lino. Ans. Line Ans. ,15, o 157,632,575,709 21. U 576,922,341,996 16. p 139,719,287,596 22. V 538,591,387,880 17. Q 659,070,688,703 23. w 76,177,377,297 18. R 557,005,276,723 24. X 611,025,088,009 19. S 513,979,425,057 25. Y 811,335,097,899 20. T 226,508,471,623 Exercise 8 Multiply by 9, H to 21.» Line. Ans. LInv Ans. 1. A 888,704,123,382 14. N 130,381,336,944 2. B 815,209,995,978 15. O 202,670,454,483 3. c 611,492,011,803 16. P 179,639,084,052 4. D 332,697,182,670 17. Q 847,376,599,761 5. E 138,571,070,589 18. R 716,149,641,501 G. F 799,609,995,288 19. S 660,830,689,359 7. G 725,759,564,499 20. T 291,225,177,801 8. 11 825,765,520,383 21. U 741,757,296,852 9. I 835,138,197,504 22. V 692,474,641,560 10. J 857,885,084,883 23. w 97,942,342,239 11. K 601,084,501,479 24. X 785,603,684,583 12. L 655,588,502,469 25. Y 400,287,983,013 13. M 760,697,323,362 EXERC ISE 9 Multiply by 1 11, 10 to 2l.» Line. Ans. 1 Line. Ans. 1. A 10,861,939,285,857 14. N 1,593,549,673,760 2, B 9,963,677,728,675 15. o 2,477,083,332,625 3. C 7,473,791,255,392 16. p 2,195,588,805,124 4. D 4,066,298,899,377 17. Q 10,356,825,108,234 5. E 1,693,646,418,376 18. R 8,752,940,062,856 6. F 9,773,011,053,531 19. S 8,076,819,536,687 7. G 8,870,394,677,221 20. T 3,559,418,839,834 8. H 10,092,689,698,592 21. U 9,065,922,517,157 9. I 10,207,244,636,204 22. V 8,463,578,952,466 10. J 10,485,262,148,636 23. W 1,197,073,071,876 11. K 7,346,588,351,498 24. X 9,601,822,811,592 12. L 8,012,748,363,609 25. Y 4,892,408,681,314 13. M 9,297,411^730,057 • Incl usive. [ 30 DICTATION? EXERCISES. Exercise 10. Multiply by 12, n to 21.« • Line. Ans. Line, Ans. 1. A 1,184,938,831,176 14. N 173,841,782,592 2. B 1,086,946,661,304 15. O 270,227,272,644 3. C 815,322,682,404 16. P 239,518,778,736 4. D 443,596,243,560 17. Q 1,129,835,466,348 5. E 184,761,427,452 18. R 954,866,188,668 6. F 1,066,146,660,384 19. S 881,107,585,812 7. G 967,679,419,332 20. T 388,300,237,068 8. H 1,101,020,693,844 21. U 989,009,729,136 9. I 1,113,517,596,672 22. V 923,299,522,080 10. J 1,143,846,779,844 23. W 130,589,789,652 11. K 801,446,001,972 24. X 1,047,471,579,444 12. L 874,118,003,292 25. Y 533,717,310,684 13. M 1,014,263,097,816 EXEEC ISE 11. Multiply by 13, 1 to 12.» Line Ans. Lino. Ana. 1. A 12,842,899,123,392 14. N 2,082,809,450,592 2. B 5,536,387,939,381 15. O 11,380,904,564,770 3. C 8,744,032,344,996 16. P 3,699,481,382,220 4. D 4,002,288,257,188 17. Q 3,824,351,397,100 5. E 2,815,480,670,704 18. R 11,655,733,729,874 6. F 4,178,033,812,628 19. S 6,731,483,154,175 7. G 1,452,028,546,475 20. T 11,628,714,300,151 8. H 11,348,308,958,909 21. U 3,737,490,062,618 9. I 7,340,443,134,544 22. V 5,282,737,033,847 10. J 11,398,493,267,811 23. w 9,317,917,673,792 11. K 4,136,689,208,678 24. X 11,347,682,121,984 12. L 5,453,842,607,421 25. Y 7,467,947,194,643 13. M 2,442,043,950,073 Exercise 12. Multiply by 31, 1 to 10. Line. Ans. 1. A 245,374,832,704 2. B 182,155,855,447 * Inclusive. 3. Line. C Ans. 81,154,053,452 4. p 243,918,151,756 MULTn>LICATICK. 31 Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 5. E 203,838,522,448 16. P 141,840,219,140 6. F 43,003,707,036 17. Q 129,607,177,700 7. G 52,529,610,825 18. R 204,441,971,238 8. H 91,352,132,783 19. S 241,998,290,725 9. I 144,133,628,528 20. T 140,011,028,487 10. J 211,022,407,857 21. U 232,476,303,166 11. K 254,412,728,386 22. V 197,296,003,789 12. L 295,316,986,927 23. W 209,649,837,504 13. M 243,335,573,251 24. X 89,857,367,808 14. N 6,699,459,104 25. Y 188,181,771,841 15. 169,080,115,990 ExEKC ISE 13. Multiply by 57, 1 to 10.» Line. Ans. Lino. Ans. 1. A 451,173,079,488 14. N 12,818,360,288 2. B 834,931,734,209 15. O 810,889,245,530 3. C 149,218,743,444 16. P 260,802,983,580 4. D 448,494,666,132 17. Q 238,309,971,900 5. E 374,799,863,856 18. R 375,909,430,986 C. P 79,071,332,292 19. S 444,964,599,075 7. G 96,586,703,775 20. T 257,439,623,739 8. H 167,970,050,601 21. U 427,456,428,402 9. I 265,019,897,616 22., V 362,770,071,483 10. J 388,008,943,479 23. w 385,485,185,088 11. K 467,791,145,742 24. X 165,221,611,776 12. L 543,002,201,769 25. Y 254,076,161,127 13. M 447,423,473,897 EXERC ISE 14. Multiply by 24, 11 to 21.* Line. Alls. Line. Ans. 1. A 2,369,877,662,352 7. G 1,935,858,888,664 2. B 2,173,893,322,608 8. H 2,202,041,387,688 3. c 1,630,645,364,808 9. I 2,227,035,193,344 4. D 887,192,487,120 10. J 2,287,693,559,688 5. E 369,522,854,904 11. K 1,602,892,003,944 C. F 2,132,293,320,768 * Inc] 12. usive. L 1,748,286,006,584 DICTATION EXERCISES. 13. Line. M Ans. 2,028,526,195,632 20. Line. T Ans. 776,600,474,136 14. N 347,683,565,184 21. u 1,978,019,458,272 15. O 540,454,545,288 22. V 1,846,599,044,160 16. P 479,037,557,472 23. W 261,179,579,304 17. Q 2,259,670,932,696 24. X 2,094,943,158,888 18. R 1,909,732,377,336 25. Y 1,067,434,621,368 19. S 1,762,215,171,624 Exercise 15. Multiply by 68, 11 to 21.* Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. A 6,714,653,376,664 14. N 985,103,434,688 2. B 6,159,364,414,056 15. O 1,631,287,878,316 3. C 4,620,161,866,956 16. P 1,357,273,079,504 4. D 2,513,712,046,840 17. Q 6,402,400,975,972 5. E 1,046,981,422,228 18. R 5,410,908,402,452 6. F 6,041,497,742,176 19. S 1,992,942,986,268 7. G 5,483,516,709,548 20. T 2,200,368,010,052 8. H 6,239,117,265,116 21. U 5,604,388,465,104 9. I 6,309,933,047,808 22. V 5,232,030,625,120 10. J 6,481,798,419,116 23. W 740,008,808,028 11. K 4,541,527,344,508 24. X 5,935,672,283,516 12. L 4,953,335,351,988 25. Y 3,024,398,093,876 13. M 5,747,490,887,624 EXEEC ISE 16. MiUtiply by 97, 1 to 10.* Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. A 767,785,766,848 11. K 796,065,633,982 2. B 569,971,547,689 12. L 924,056,378,449 3. C 253,933,651,124 13. M 761,404,858,237 4. D 763,227,765,172 14. N 20,962,823,648 5. E 637,817,312,176 15. O 529,057,137,130 6. F 134,559,986,532 16. P 443,822,621,180 7. G 164,366,846,775 17. Q 405,545,039,900 8. H 285,843,770,321 18. R 639,705,522,906 9. I 450,998,773,136 19. s 757,220,458,075 10. J 660,295,921,359 * Inc 20. lusive. T 438,099,008,819 MULTlrLICATION. 33 Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 21, u 727,425,851,842 24. X 281,166,602,490 22. V 617,345,560,243 25. Y 432,375,221,56? 23. w 656,001,104,448 Exercise 17 Multiply by 238, 1 to 8.* Lino. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. A 3,645,489,792 14. N 8,834,556,992 2. B 18,086,890,206 15. o 12,898,955,020 S. C 4,253,700,696 16. p 17,966,843,720 4 D 16,261,939,288 17. Q 19,248,654,600 5. E 17,953,817,504 18. R 22,586,746,924 6. P 20,757,492,728 19. S 1,522,361,050 7. G 22,491,850,850 20. T 3,923,341,226 8. II 11,148,632,334 21. U 23,618,069,468 9. I 11,774,309,344 22. V 15,324,158,122 10. J 1,707,518,386 23. w 14,969,720,192 11. K 1,633,205,028 24. X 23,472,694,784 12. L 6,272,351,246 -25. Y 13,679,409,618 13. M 11,789,239,798 • EXEEC] [SE 18 . Multiply by £ 1645, 1 to 8.* Line. Ans. Line. Ans. 1. A 147,734,239,680 14. N 155,896,227,680 2. B 732,975,025,365 15. O 522,732,862,050 3. C 172,382,114,340 16. P 728,110,116,300 4. D 659,018,506,020 17. Q 780,055,771,500 5. E 727,582,226,160 18. R 915,332,664,210 6. P 841,201,753,620 19. S 61,694,001,375 7. G 911,486,980,875 20. T 158,994,227,415 8. H 451,800,667,485 21. U 957,127,226,970 9. I 477,156,359,760 22. V 621,014,727,255 10. J 69,197,541,315 23. w 606,651,055,680 11. K 66,185,976,870 24. X 951,235,887,360 12. L 254,188,351,965 25. Y 554,360,948,595 13. M 477,761,419,545 *Incl usive. H' 34 DICTATION EXERCISES. Exercise 19. Multiply from 1 Line. Ans. 1. A 1,195,291,770,624 2. B 5,930,372,118,132 3. C 1,394,713,392,912 4. D 5,332,002,917,136 5. E 5,886,739,927,488 6. F 6,806,015,556,816 7. G 7,374,680,978,700 8. H 3,655,439,801,748 9. I 3,860,588,251,968 10. J 559,865,146,092 11. K 535,499,107,416 12. L 2,056,593,285,012 13. M 3,865,483,684,356 to 8 * by 78036. Line. Ans. 14. N 1,257,283,569,024 15. O 4,229,339,722,440 16. P 5,891,010,993,840 17. Q 6,311,294,161,200 18. R 7,405,795,726,728 19. S 499,155,323,100 20. T 1,286,394,352,572 21. U 7,743,948,189,096 22. V 5,024,521,021,884 23. W 4,908,307,079,424 24. X 7,696,282,395,648 25. Y 4,485,237,012,396 Line. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 9. I 10. J 11. K 12. L 13. M Exercise 20. Multiply by 5000908 from 1 Ans. 26,590,748,003,072 29,982,128,765,996 39,370,608,404,336 41,644,941,348,208 27,185,976,076,864 36,088,332,451,248 22,521,964,246,100 34,221,178,437,644 47,368,040,474,304 35,878,749,397,876 34,317,260,883,048 31,777,854,810,636 47,681,762,435,868 Lino. 14. N 15. 16. P 17. Q 18. R 19. S 20. T 21. U 22. V 23. w 24. X 25. Y to 7.* Ans. 30,563,469,318,272 20,990,261,139,320 27,459,685,773,520 4,384,296,043,600 24,515,941,286,584 31,988,182,999,300 32,429,023,041,316 46,186,315,912,088 21,940,078,594,852 14,492,551,369,472 43,131,671,289,344 37,389,343,671,988 Exercise 21. Line. 1. A 9,323,569,900,800 2. B 46,258,361,631,900 Multiply by 608700, Ans. 3. 1 to 8.* Line. Ans. C 10,879,107,620,400 D 41,590,934,641,200 * Inclusive. MULTirLICATION. 35 Line. Anf?. 5. E 45,918,019,809,600 0. F 63,088,595,897,200 7. • G 57,524,326,102,500 8. H 28,513,329,839,100 9. I 80,113,538,225,600 10. J 4,367,085,888,900 11. K 4,177,024,792,200 12. L 16,041,933,627,900 13. M 80,151,723,802,700 14. N 9,807,121,180,800 15. O 82,989,890,423,000 Lino. Ans. 16. P 45,951,335,178,000 17. Q 49,229,647,290,000 18. R 57,767,028,792,600 19. S 8,893,534,332,500 20. T 10,034,192,454,900 21. U 60,404,701,198,200 22. V 89,192,500,205,300 23. W 88,286,002,860,800 24. X 60,032,896,281,600 25. Y 84,985,952,245,700 Line. 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 9. I 10. J 11. K 12. L 13. M Exercise Multiply by 235987, Ans. 23,302,513,188,274 14. 21,875,440,042,456 15, 16,033,795,949,772 16. 8,723,578,745,411 17, 8,633,441,101,795 18. 20,966,395,987,785 19. 19,029,980,116,637 20. 21,652,214,091,588 21. 21,897,973,077,271 22. 22,494,413,936,668 23, 15,760,902,942,842 24, 17,190,040,214,842 25, 19,946,075,278,988 22. 14 to 21. Line. , N , O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . Y . W . X . Y Ans. 8,418,700,011,405 5,814,176,857,793 4,710,276,449,326 22,218,873,891,585 18,778,000,518,684 17,327,494,618,784 7,636,150,649,411 19,449,453,144,799 18,157,223,494,862 2,568,124,279,784 20,599,189,567,126 10,495,862,118,254 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. Exercise 23. Multiply by 67894, 1 to 14.* Line. A B C D E F 1,764,423,522,544,890,496 5,732,010,424,827,410,278 4,662,458,717,848,550,648 2,465,086,412,225,655,544 eS,816,768,172,665,905,952 3,416,520,203,607,274,264 * Inclusive. UYh oar ^^/FOUli 86 DICTATION EXERCISES. 7. G 8. H- 9. I 10. J 11. K 12. L 13. M 14. N 15. O 16. P 17. Q 18. R 19. S 20. T 21. U 22. V 23. w 24. X 25. J Ans. 1,093,887,386,625,721,050 3,046,603,852,958,166,742 2,075,156,311,244,363,872 3,386,335,946,301,904,618 4,638,396,336,702,614,164 4,713,169,322,306,787,798 3,271,665,856,303,558,174 3,541,365,712,679,884,096 6,373,580,087,270,807,260 5,586,628,968,381,880,360 3,754,143,116,442,669,800 1,622,435,414,296,620,412 1,460,929,947,482,273,650 2,097,552,302,207,265,538 5,043,675,473,100,875,884 4,644,381,703,705,846,786 1,678,119,900,195,725,696 5,626,572,579,229,998,592 1,736,352,215,910,237,834 DIVISION. 37 DIVISION. as- See Table, or " Written Arithmetic,' 'pages 22 and 336. Exercise 1. Divide by 2, from 1 to 8.* Un«. Ans. Bern. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 7,658,592 14. N 8,055,792 2. B 37,997,668-1 15. O 27,098,645 3. C 8,936,346 16. P 37,745,470 4. D 34,163,738 17. Q 40,438,350 5. E 37,718,104 18. R 47,451,149 6. F 43,608,178 19. S 3,198,237-1 7. G 47,251,787-1 20. T 8,242,313-1 8. H 23,421,496-1 21. U 49,617,793 9. I 24,735,944 22. V 32,193,609-1 10. J 3,587,223-1 23. w 31,448,992 11. K 3,431,103 24. X 49,312,384 12. L 13,177,208-1 25. Y 28,738,255-1 13. M 24,767,310-1 EXERC 'ISE 2. Divide by 3, 1 to 8.< i Line. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 5,105,728 14. N 5,370,528 2. B 25,831,779 15. o 18,065,763-1 3. C 5,957,564 16. p 25,163,646-2 4. D 22,775,825-1 17. Q 26,958,900 5. E 25,145,402-2 18. R 31,634,099-1 6. F 29,072,118-2 19. S 2,182,158-1 7. G 31,501,191-2 20. T 5,494,875-2 8. H 15,614,831 21. U 33,078,528-2 9. I 16,490,629-1 22. V 21,462,406-1 10. J 2,391,482-1 23. w 20,965,994-2 11. K 2,287,402 24. X 32,874,922-2 12. L 8,784,805-2 25. Y 19,158,837 13. M 16,511,540-1 * Incl usivc. 38 DICTATION EXERCISES. EXEHCISE 3. Divide by 4, 1 to 9. * Line. Ans. Ecm. Line. Ans. Rmii. 1. A 228,829,296 14. N 54,027,896 2. B 218,998,834-1 15. o 113,549,322-2 3. C 154,468,173 16. p 143,872,735 4. D 217,081,869 17. Q 45,219,175 5. E 143,859,052 18. R 148,725,574-2 6. P 96,804,089 19. S 201,599,118-3 7. G 173,625,893-3 20. T 129,121,156-3 8. H 236,710,748-1 21. U 124,808,896-2 9. I 162,867,972 22. V 91,096,804-3 10. J 201,793,611-3 23. w 190,724,496 11. K 51,715,551-2 24. X 224,656,192 12. L 131,588,604-1 25. Y 114,369,127-3 13. M 212,388,655-1 EXEEC ISE 4. Divide by 6, 1 to 9. » Line. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Eem. 1. A 183,063,436-4 14. N 43,222,316-4 2. B 175,199,067-2 15. O 90,839,458 8. C 123,574,538-2 16. P 115,098,188 4. D 173,665,495-1 17. Q 36,175,340 5. E 115,087,241-3 18. E 118,980,459-3 6. F 77,443,271-1 19. S 161,279,295 7. G 138,900,715 20. T 103,296,925-2 8. H 189,368,598-3 21. U 99,847,117-1 9. I 129,894,377-3 22. V 72,877,443-4 10. J 161,434,889-2 23. w 152,579,596-4 11. K 41,372,441-1 24. X 179,724,953-3 12. L 105,270,883-2 25. Y 91,495,302-1 13. M 169,906,924-1 EXERC ISE 5. Divide by ( i, 1 to 10. * Line. Ans. Kem. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 1,819,219,530-4 3. c 436,312,115-2 2. B 979,332,556-1 * Iiicl 4. asive. D 1,311,387,912-4 DIVISION. 39 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Mno. E Ans. Rom. 1,095,906,034-4 16. F 231,202,726 17 G 282,417,262-3 18. H 491,140,498-5 19. I 774,911,981-2 20 J 1,134,529,074-3 21, K 1,367,810,367-4 22. L 1,587,725,736-1 23. M 1,308,255,770-1 24. N 36,018,597-2 25. 909,032,881-4 Lino. p Q R S T U V W X Y Ans. Rem. 762,581,823-2 696,812,783-2 1,099,150,383 1,301,066,079-1 752,747,437-5 1,249,872,597-4 1,060,731,203-1 1,127,149,664 483,104,128 742,912,751-5 Exercise 6. Divide by 7, 1 to 10.* Line. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 1,130,759,597-5 14. N 80,873,083-3 2. B 839,427,905-2 15. O 779,171,041-3 3. C 373,981,813-1 16. P 653,641,562-6 4. D 1,124,046,782-2 17. Q 597,268,100 5. E 939,348,029-5 18. R 942,128,899-5 6. F 198,173,765-1 19. S 1,115,199,496-3 7. G 242,071,939-2 20. T 645,212,089-4 8. H 420,977,570-3 21. U 1,071,319,369-3 9. I 664,210,269-5 22. V 909,198,174-1 10. J 972,453,492-3 23. W 966,128,283-3 11. K 1,172,408,886-4 24. X 414,089,252-4 12. L 1,360,907,773-6 25. Y 636,782,358-5 13. M 1,121,362,088-5 Exercise 7. Divide by 8, 1 to 11. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 10,989,414,648 2. B 3,234,499,417-1 3. C 9,077,234,086-4 4. D 983,540,934-4 5. E 2,071,929,526 6. F 2,673,402,044-4 7. G 1,461,812,946-7 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Line. Ans. Rem. H 9,118,355,374-1 I 8,081,183,986 J 9,600,896,805-7 ' K 2,275,857,775-6 L 2,440,794,802-1 M 10,981,191,827-5 K 7,527,013,948 * Inclusive. 40 DICTATION EXERCISES. Line. Ans. Rem. 15. O 9,431,774,GGl-2 16. P 10,571,936,367-4 17. Q 11,772,609,587-4 18. R 12,074,362,787-2 19. S 2,225,799,559-3 20. T 11,814,560,578-3 Line. Ans. Rem. 21. U 10,937,404,448-2 22. V 795,548,402-3 23. W 2,095,362,248 24. X 9,112,328,096 25. Y 9,307,184,563-7 Exercise 8. Divide by 9, 1 to 11. 1. Line. A Ans. Rem. 9,768,368,576 14. 2. B 2,875,110,593 15. 3. C 8,068,652,521-3 16. 4. D 874,258,608-4 17. 5. E 1,841,715,134-2 18. 6. F 2,376,357,372-8 19. 7. G 1,299,389,286-1 20. 8. H 8,105,204,777 21. 9. I 7,183,274,654-2 22. 10. J 8,534,130,494-1 23. 11. K 2,022,984,689-5 24. 12. L 2,169,594,935-2 25, 13. M 9,761,059,402-3 Line. Ans. Rem. N 6,690,679,064-8 O 8,383,799,698-8 P 9,397,276,771-1 Q 10,464,541,855-5 R 10,732,766,922 S 1,978,488,497-2 T 10,501,831,625-2 U 9,722,137,287-3 V 707,154,135-4 W 1,862,544,220-4 X 8,099,847,196-4 Y 8,273,052,945-6 Exercise 9. Divide by 7, from 1 to 21.* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Line. A B C D E F G H I J K L 141,064,146,569,702,188,169-1 129,398,412,060,839,427,905-2 97,062,224,096,088,267,527-3 52,809,076,615,409,761,068 21,995,408,030,939,348,029-5 126,922,221,474,483,888,050-6 115,199,930,873,099,214,796-3 131,073,892,124,706,691,856-1 132,561,618,652,092,781,698-2 136,172,235,696,686,739,206-5 95,410,238,331,172,408,886-4 104,061,667,059,932,336,345-2 Inclusive. DIVISION. 41 Line. Ang. Kem. 13. M 120,745,606,883,978,504,945-6 14. N 20,695,450,308,602,301,654-6 15. O 32,169,913,410,779,171,041-3 16. P 28,514,140,326,367,927,277-1 17. Q 134,504,222,184,882,982,385-5 18. R 113,674,546,270,942,128,899-5 19. S 104,893,760,216,829,485,210-5 20. T 46,226,218,699,216,640,661 21. U 117,739,253,469,642,747,940-6 22. V 109,916,609,772,337,769,602-5 23. W 15,546,403,530,966,128,283-3 24. X 124,698,997,553,271,232,109-5 25. Y 63,537,775,082,065,353,787-2 Exercise 10. Divide by 8, 1 to 21.* Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 123,431,128,248,489,414,648 2. B 113,223,610,553,234,499,417-1 3. C 84,929,446,084,077,234,086-4 4. D 46,207,942,038,483,540,934^ 5. E 19,245,982,027,071,929,526 6. F 111,056,943,790,173,402,044-4 7. G 100,799,939,513,961,812,946-7 8. H 114,689,655,609,118,355,374-1 9. I 115,991,416,320,581,183,986 10. J 119,150,706,234,600,896,805-7 11. K 83,483,958,539,775,857,775-6 12. L 91,053,958,677,440,794,302-1 13. . M 105,652,406,023,481,191,827-5 14. N 18,108,519,020,027,013,948 15. O 28,148,674,234,431,774,661-2 16. P 24,949,872,785,571,936,367-4 17. Q 117,691,194,411,772,609,587-4 18. R 99,465,227,987,074,362,787-2 19. S 91,782,040,189,725,799,559-3 20. T 40,447,941,361,814,560,578-3 21. U 103,021,846,785,937,404,448-2 22. V 96,177,033,550,795,548,402-3 * Inclusive. - . c?* I 42 DICTATION EXERCISES. 23. 24. 25. Line. w X Y Ans. Rem. 13,603,103,089,595,362,248 109,111,622,859,112,328,096 55,595,553,196,807,184,563-7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 1, 2. 3. EXEECISE 11. Divide by 9, 1 to 21.* Line. Ans. Rem. A 109,716,558,443,101,701,909-3 B 100,643,209,380,652,888,370-7 C 75,492,840,963,624,208,076-8 D 41,073,726,256,429,814,164 E 17,107,539,579,619,492,912 F 98,717,283,369,043,024,039-5 G 89,599,946,234,632,722,619-4 H 101,946,360,541,438,538,110-3 I 103,103,481,173,849,941,320-8 J 105,911,738,875,200,797,160-7 K 74,207,963,146,467,429,134 L 80,936,852,157,725,150,490-7 M 93,913,249,798,649,948,291-2 N 16,096,461,351,135,123,509-3 O 25,021,043,763,939,355,254-4 P 22,177,664,698,286,165,660 Q 104,614,395,032,686,764,077-7 , R 88,413,535,988,510,544,699-7 S . 81,584,035,724,200,710,719-4 T 35,953,725,654,946,276,069-6 U 91,574,974,920,833,248,398-4 V 85,490,696,489,596,043,024-3 W 12,091,647,190,751,433,109-3 X 96,988,109,208,099,847,196-4 Y 49,418,269,508,273,052,945-6 Exercise 12. Divide by 11, 11 to 21.* Line. Ans. Rem. Line, A 8,976,809,327-1 4. T> B 8,234,444,403-9 5. E C 6,176,686,987-10 6. F * Inclusive. Ans. Rem 3,360,577,602-8 1,399,707,783-8 8,076,868,639-3 DIVISION. 43 Lino. An9. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. 7. G 7,330,904,691-10 17. Q 8,559,359,593-6 8. H 8,841,065,862-5 18. R 7,233,834,762-7 9. I 8,435,739,868-8 19. S 6,675,057,468-3 10. J 8,665,505,907-10 20. T 2,941,668,462-7 11. K 6,071,560,621 21. U 7,492,497,948 12. L 6,622,106,085-6 22. V 6,994,693,349-1 13. M 7,683,811,347-1 23. w 989,316,588-3 14. N 1,316,983,201-5 24. X 7,935,390,753-4 15. O 2,047,176,307-10 25. Y 4,043,312,959-8 16. P 1,814,536,202-6 Exercise 18. Divide by 12, i rom 11 to 21 ,♦ line. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 8,228,741,883-2 14. N 1,207,234,601-4 2. B 7,548,240,703-6 15. o 1,876,578,282-3 3. C 5,661,963,072-3 16. p 1,663,324,852-4 4. D 3,080,529,469-2 17. Q 7,846,079,627-5 5. E 1,283,065,468-5 18. R 6,631,015,199-1 6. P 7,403,796,252-8 19. S 6,118,802,679-3 7. G 6,719,995,967-7 20. T 2,696,529,424-1 8. H 7,645,977,040-7 21. U 6,868,123,119 9. I 7,732,761,088 22. V 6,411,802,236-8 10. ,J 7,943,380,415-7 23. W 906,873,589-3 11. K 5,565,597,235-11 24. X 7,274,108,190-7 12. L 6,070,263,911-9 25. Y 3,706,370,218-1 13. M 7,043,493,734-10 EXEEC ISE 14. Divide by S 3, 1 to 12.* Line. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 18,639,911,644-52 8. H 16,470,695,150-43 2. B 8,035,396,138-23 9. I 10,653,763,620-28 3. 12,690,903,258-18 10. J 16,543,531,593-18 4. D 5,808,836,367-25 11. K 6,008,908,060-26 5. E 4,086,328,985-3 12. L 7,915,591,592-41 6. F 6,063,909,742-30 13. M 3,544,330,841-48 7. G 2,107,443,463-36 • Inc 14. lusive. N 8,022,945,501-31 44 DICTATION EXERCISES. 15. O 16. P 17. Q 18. R 19. S 20. T 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. ^3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Line. Ans. Rem. O 16,518,003,722-24 " 5,369,348,885-35 5,550,582,579-13 16,916,884,949-1 9,769,932,008-51 16,877,669,521-14 I^ine. Ans. YJem. 21. U 5,424,513,878-52 22. V 7,667,252,589-2 23. W 13,523,828,263-45 24. X 16,469,785,372-52 25. Y 10,838,820,311-28 Exercise 15. Divide by 45, 1 to 12.* Line. Ans. Kem. A 21,953,673,715-9 B 9,463,911,007-22 C 14,947,063,837-27 D 6,841,518,388-16 E 4,812,787,471-13 F 7,141,938,141-11 G 2,482,100,079-20 H 19,398,818,733-8 I 12,547,766,041-43 J 19,484,603,876-27 K 7,071,263,604-26 L 9,322,807,875-42 M 4,174,434,102-31 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Line. N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ExEECISE 16. Divide by 680, 1 to 12.* Line. Ans. Rem. Lino. A 1,452,816,642-624 14. N B 626,288,228-297 15. O C 989,143,930-292 16. P D 452,747,540-276 17. Q E 318,493,288-368 18. R F 472,628,259-236 19. S G 164,256,622-615 20. T II 1,283,745,357-233 21. U I 830,366,870-288 22. Y J 1,289,422,315-247 23. W K 467,951,267-646 24. X L 616,950,521-137 25. Y M 276,249,315-421 * Inclusive. Ans. Rem. 3,560,358,035-9 19,454,537,717-25 6,323,899,798-30 6,537,352,815-25 19,924,331,162-8 11,506,808,810-25 19,878,144,102-37 6,388,871,901-41 9,030,319,715-44 15,928,064,399-29 19,397,747,217-3 12,765,721,700-11 Ans. Kem. 235,611,928-544 1,287,432,643-50 418,493,369-20 432,618,936-220 1,318,521,915-98 761,479,994-555 1,315,465,418-387 422,792,993-346 597,594,687-59 1,054,063,085-184 1,283,674,448-128 844,790,406^31 DIVISION. 4« EXEECISE 17. Divide by 7 90, 1 to 12.* Une. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 1,250,525,717-754 14. N 202,805,204-424 2. B 539,083,538-317 15. O 1,108,169,869-780 3. C 851,415,028-572 16. P 360,222,140-340 4. D 389,706,743-506 17. Q 372,380,856-460 5. E 274,146,121-618 18. R 1,134,930,256-58 6. P 406,819,261-166 19. S 655,451,134-615 7, G 141,385,447-445 20. T 1,132,299,347-497 8. H 1,104,996,003-623 21. U 363,923,083-16 9. I 714,746,166-748 22. V 514,385,300-219 10. J 1,109,882,499-237 23. W 907,294,807-454 11. K 402,793,496-366 24. X 1,104,934,968-48 12. L 531,046,018-197 25. Y 727,161,362-531 13. M 237,784,221-31 EXERC ISE IJ ?. Divide by 80 42, 1 to 12.* Line. Ans. Rem. Lino Ans. Rem, 1. A 122,844,481-982 14. N 19,922,421-1902 2. B 52,956,477-7303 15. 108,860,258-2454 3. C 83,638,133-7106 16. p 35,386,159-262 4. D 38,282,557-4082 17. Q 36,580,561-5138 5. E 26,930,544-1360 18. R 111,489,045-2408 6. F 39,963,598-1450 19. S 64,387,763-6429 7. G 13,888,896-1943 20. T 111,230,599-7469 8. H 108,548,475-7043 21. U 35,749,718-3430 9. I 70,212,568-32 22. V 50,530,264-4131 10. J 109,028,497-1573 23. w 89,127,443-1378 11. K 39,568,125-956 24. X 108,542,480-608 12. L 52,166,917-7903 25. y 71,432,165-5581 13. M 23,358,559-3143 Exercise 10. Divide by 93701, 1 to 14.* Lino. Ans. Rem. 1. A 277,349,391-31093 2. B 901,013,607-5830 Lino. Ans. Rem. 3. C 732,890,981-62011 4. D 387,486,465-7521 ^ Inclusive. 46 DICTATION EXERCISES. Unc. 5. E 6. F 7. G 8. H 9. I 10. J 11. K 12. L 13. M 14. N 15. Ans. Rem. 599,957,048-81560 537,042,157-63299 171,947,946-15429 478,895,068-76325 326,193,418-11870 532,297,490-63957 729,108,620-59586 740,862,171-69546 514,272,521-44400 556,666,589-55695 O 1,001,861,817-82573 Line. Ans. Rem. 16. P 878,161,124-11016 17. Q 590,113,028-40072 18. R 255,030,308-12390 19. S 229,643,295-11680 20. T 329,713,839-56488 21. U 792,814,369-45917 22. V 730,049,459-29460 23. W 263,783,341-62943 24. X 884,439,852-52516 25. Y 272,936,868-8043 Exercise 20. Divide by 28970, 1 Line. Ans. Rem. 1. A 897,063,007-4394 14. 2. B 2,914,251,846-16717 15. 3. C 2,370,473,519-27262 16. 4. D 1,253,291,968-14516 17. 5. E 1,940,510,025-11958 18. 6. F 1,737,017,163-4246 19. 7. G 556,151,001-4605 20. 8. H 1,548,945,351-24523 21. 9. I 1,055,044,855-22538 22. 10. J 1,721,670,941-13677 23. 11. K 2,358,239,795-1056 24. 12. L 2,396,255,656-97 25. 13. M 1,663,370,712-7981 to 14.» Line. Ang. Rem. N 1,800,490,718-11124 O 3,240,436,803-14380 P 2,840,337,434-27960 Q 1,908,670,378-26040 R 824,873,831-18228 S 742,761,698-5415 T 1,066,431,359-14397 U 2,564,290,619-3156 y 2,361,282,857-19929 W 853,184,773-24174 X 2,860,645,447-25178 Y 882,791,076-4791 Exercise 21. Divide by 1700986, 1 to 16.* Line. Ans. Rem. Line. Ans. Rem. A 5,306,326,986-708988 G 5,594,467,970-85155 B 5,223,103,468-375889 H 4,259,219,621-596687 C 3,273,790,976-770356 I 782,231,393-1218390 D 2,078,975,293-588578 J 3,321,530,457-1243845 E 4,618,625,065-622118 K 980,794,790-199266 F 3,263,002,392-457844 L 981,442,249-996903 * Inclusive. DIVISION. 47 Lino. Ans. Rem. M 5,436,957,004-1069517 N 4,792,608,649-083670 O 5,522,605,979-401996 P 5,280,634,041-626514 Q 5,617,503,131-89534 R 1,072,258,440-80458 S 3,716,384,383-294837 Line. Ans. Rem. T 2,075,792,814-970023 U 2,806,776,480-1626306 V 3,085,160,468-565771 W 2,836,423,558-669796 X 1,753,614,020-1201048 Y 2,601,770,065-1692421 Exercise 22. Divide by 28709600, 1 Line. Ans. Rem. A 314,389,190-26093184 *B 309,458,365-191337 C 193,965,524-10042292 D 123,175,100-17367476 E 273,644,236-17570608 F 193,326,322-13125156 G 331,460,964-2449175 H 252,350,187-18147793 I 40,345,635-6875888 J 196,793,992-14451247 K 58,110,116-20548606 L 58,148,477-11075217 M 322,128,760-1438621 Line. N O P Q R S T U V w X Y to le.* Ans. Rem. 283,952,413-19846784 327,203,285-23161290 312,866,935-18414940 332,825,750-28676700 03,529,153-23933498 220,188,292-18393275 122,986,545-4152627 166,295,855-20527586 218,338,338-15742419 168,052,385-10501984 103,898,100-6864768 154,149,638-10351711 * Inclusive. 48 DICTATION EXERCISES. MISCELLANEOUS. JBSg* See Table, or " Written Arithmetic," pages 22 and 336. Exercise 1. Take 1 to 14 * of A from 1 to 14 * of Ans. 127,110,578,550,845 78,992,570,882,984 66,536,528,446,500 80,550,047,335,380 40,445,166,402,747 34,996,726,029,384 49,449,680,997,697 54,453,541,329,151 92,207,098,719,469 111,749,817,899,439 91,619,460,571,854 74,360,150,329,021 120,047,754,991,690 150,172,114,371,046 111,590,841,050,456 53,202,860,461,814 19,426,485,981,589 26,424,407,563,918 79,194,100,403,029 116,705,948,305,621 67,135,211,968,019 81,601,746,205,568 82,459,440,784,095 1. IjUI -C 2. C- -D 3. D- -E 4. E- -F 5. F- -G 6. G- hH 7. H- -I 8. I - -J 9. J - -K 10. K- -L 11. L - -M 12. M- -N 13. N- -O 14. O- -P 15. P- -Q 16. Q- -R 17. R- -S 18. S - -T 19. T- -U 20. U- -V 21. V- -w 22. w- -X 23. X- -Y Exercise 2. Take 1 to 14 * of Y from 1 to 14 * of Lines. Ans. 1. A + B 84,839,333,836,010 2. B 4- C 127,524,036,391,518 8. C + D 79,406,028,723,657 * Inclusive. MISCELLANEOUS. 49 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. D E F G -4- H H I J K L M O P E F G I J K L M N" O P Q Q + R E -f S S + T T + U U+ Y Y -f W W+ X 66,949,986,287,173 80,963,505,176,063 40,858,624,243,420 35,410,183,870,057 49,863,138,838,370 54,866,999,169,824 92,620,556,560,142 112,163,275,740,112 92,032,918,412,527 74,773,608,169,694 120,461,212,832,363 150,585,572,211,719 112,004,298,891,129 53,616,318,302,487 19,839,943,822,262 26,837,865,404,591 79,607,558,243,702 117,119,406,146,294 67,548,669,808,692 82,015,204,046,241 Exercise 3. Multiply the difference between the following lines, from 14 to 21,* by 756. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Lines. A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H I J K L Products. 6,173,506,584 17,112,310,992 23,418,765,468 16,306,593,408 55,527,270,120 6,203,436,624 8,400,500,388 787,305,204 1,910,737,836 21,571,248,888 4,578,336,000 8,829,141,048 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Lines. M N" N O O P P Q Q R R S S T T U UY Y W WX X Y Products. 52,946,542,404 6,072,285,744 1,934,634,996 56,089,951,092 11,023,064,388 4,646,791,800 31,046,862,924 37,844,697,744 4,139,743,356 49,940,712,864 57,763,552,896 32,366,519,136 * Inclusive. 50 DICTATION EXERCISES. Exercise 4. Divide the difference between the following lines, from 1 to 12,* by 964. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10." 11. 12. Lines. A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H I I J J K K L L M Ans. Rem. 583,028,342-159 255,956,304-299 378,370,897-508 94,702,169-352 108,725,913-16 217,523,560-941 789,680,850-18 319,810,550-905 323,815,044-143 579,460,904-785 105,103,207-663 240,328,651-232 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Lines. M N" N O O P P Q Q R R S S T T U UV V w wx X Y Ans. Eem. 28,665,376-573 741,948,221-662 612,944,716-126 9,964,093-108 624,910,814-902 392,934,134-647 390,778,099-716 629,685,942-953 123,304,099-197 321,990,156-381 161,966,521-540 309,586,253-365 Exercise 5. Divide the Lines. 1. A B 2. B C 3. C D 4. D E 5. E F 6. F G 7. G H 8. H I 9. I J 10. J K 11. K L 12. L M 13. M N 14. isr o 15. o P 16. p Q product of the sum from 17 17. Q R Sum. 189,322 Dif. 8,166 158,521 22,635 104,909 30,977 52,362 21,570 104,241 73,449 169,484 8,206 172,390 11,112 184,544 1,042 188,113 2,527 162,107 28,533 139,630 6,056 157,364 11,678 99,007 70,035 37,004 8,032 42,477 2,559 114,111 74,193 173,724 14,580 and difference of to 21,* by 760. Prod. 1,546,003,452 3,588,122,835 3,249,766,093 1,129,448,340 7,656,397,209 1,390,785,704 1,915,597,680 192,294,848 475,361,551 4,625,399,031 845,599,280 1,837,696,792 6,933,955,245 297,216,128 108,698,643 8,466,237,423 2,532,895,920 * Inclusive. the following lines, Quo. Rem. 2,034,215-52 4,721,214-195 4,276,008-13 1,486,116-180 10,074,206-649 1,829,981-144 2,520,523-200 253,019-408 625,475-551 6,086,051-271 1,112,630-480 2,418,022-72 9,123,625-245 391,073-648 143,024-403 11,139,786-63 3,332,757-600 MISCELLANEOUS. 51 Lines. Sum. 18. R S 152,997 19. S T 105,783 20. T U 114,775 21. U V 159,358 22. V W 87,823 23. WX 98,171 24. X Y 131,765 Dif. 6,147 41,067 50,059 5,476 66,059 76,407 42,813 Trod. 940,472,559 4,344,190,461 5,745,521,725 872,644,408 5,801,499,557 7,500,951,597 5,641,254,945 Quo. Rem. 1,237,463-679 5,716,040-61 7,559,897-5 1,148,216-248 7,633,552-37 9,869,673-117 7,422,703-665 Exercise 6. Divide the product of the sum from 11 Lines. Sum. Dif. 1. A B 91,040 85,844 2.B C 145,309 31,575 3. C D 110,497 3,237 4. D E 139,251 31,991 5. E F 140,653 30,589 6. F G 106,643 3,421 7. G H 76,098 27,124 8. H I 57,543 8,569 9. 1 J 98,043 31,931 10. J K 131,818 1,844 11. KL 133,772 110 12. L M 91,759 42,123 13. MIST 40,034 9,602 14. NO 54,603 24,171 15. O P 137,615 58,841 16. P Q 153,757 42,699 17. Q R 137,918 26,860 18. R S 114,540 50,238 19. S T 85,240 20,938 20. T U 130,517 24,339 21. U Y 104,268 50,588 22. YW 109,311 55,631 23. WX 180,758 15,816 24. X Y 140,844 1 55,730 and difference of the following lines, to 15,* by 890. Prod. 7,815,237,760 4,588,131,675 357,678,789 4,454,778,741 4,302,434,617 364,825,703 2,064,082,152 493,085,967 3,130,611,033 243,072,392 14,714,920 3,865,164,357 384,406,468 1,319,809,113 8,097,404,215 6,565,270,143 3,704,477,480 5,754,260,520 1,784,755,120 3,176,653,263 5,274,709,584 6,081,080,241 2,858,868,528 7,849,236,120 Quo. Rem. 8,781,166-20 5,155,204-115 401,886-249 5,005,369-331 4,834,196-177 409,916-463 2,319,193-382 554,029-157 3,517,540-433 273,115-42 16,533-550 4,342,881-267 431,917-338 1,482,931-523 9,098,206-875 7,376,708-23 4,162,334-220 6,465,461-230 2,005,342-740 3,569,273-293 5,926,639-874 6,832,674-381 3,212,211-738 8,819,366-380 ♦ Inclusive. THE FOLLOWING SHOWS THE RESITLTS OP THE SUCCESSIVE ADDITIONS OF THE COLUMNS, WHEN ADDED SINGLY FROM THE BOTTOM UPWARDS. 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Walton's Pictorial Primary Arithmetic. II. Walton's Intellectual Arithmetic. III. Walton's Written Arithmetic. Tlie Pictorial I^i'imary A^ritliiiietic, On the plan of Object-Lcssons, is appropriately illustrated, and presents the elementary combinations of numbers in a series of simple and progressive lessons, calculated to interest and develop the mind of the young learner. Tlie Intellectxial j^'itliiiietic Forms a connecting link between the Primary and Written Arithmetics^ reviewing the former, and illustrating with small numbers nearly ail the principles applied in the latter. This book contains also An Introduction to Written Arithmi:- ':, and is well adn- ted to meet the wants of the large class of students who can devote but little time to the study of arith- metic. Tlio ^W^rittcn jVritlmaetic, For Common and Higher t jI. '>ls,ip t thoroughly analytical and progres- sive work ; it presents the science of numbers in a philosophical manner, and affords a more full and varied practice than any other book of its class. Its original and thoroiigh system of reviews commends it to every practical teacher. A distinguishing featm'c of this Arithmetic is its adaptation to the present wants of business life. Walton's Dictation Exercises Comprise a Card, on which are arranged figures for arithmetical opera- tions, and two Keys, containing more than seven thousand examples, to be perforaied in connection with the Card. These examples embrace all the practical applications of arithmetic, from Notation to Cube Root, and. arc so aiTanged that the teacher may assign a separate example to each pupil of a class of twenty-lvc at a single dictation. These exercises are especially designed for iiEviiiws and test examples, and may be used in connection with, and supplementary to, any series of Arithmetics. L- P I ' B L I S H E R S , 131 Wasliini^^toTi Street, Boston.