-r r STEREOTYPE EDITION. THE GREEK READER, BY FREDERIC JACOBS, PROFESSOR OF THE GYMNASIUM AT GOTHA, AND EDITOR OF TUB ANTHOLOGIA. jFourtf) &merfcan from tfje ftffntt) <5ermau SEXrftfon, ADAPTED TO THE GRAMMARS OF BUTTMANN AND FISK ,* NEW SELECTIONS FROM THE TEXT OF JACOBS, AND HIS ANNOTA- TIONS MORE AT LARGE THAN IN THE FORMER AMERICAN EDITIONS, TOGETHER WITH MANY ADDITIONAL NOTES, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, BY THE EDITORS. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY MILLIARD, GRAY & CO. 1834. Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1833, by Billiard, Gray, & Co., in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. C A M B U I D G K : E. W. METCALF AND COMPANY, Printers to the University. FIRST COURSE. GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES M185614 PREFACE TO THIS EDITION. The well established character of Jacobs's Greek Reader and the general use of the American selections from it in all our schools, render it unnecessary to say any thing farther than to apprise the reader of what has been done in the pres- ent edition. It is proper to state in the first place, that although this edition is comprised in a smaller volume than the preceding American ones, yet it contains the whole of the former text, with considerable additional matter. The publishers have been enabled to make these additions by adopting a smaller type, and by dispensing with the imperfect Lexicon, which has accompanied the other editions. This Lex- icon has been laid aside in conformity with the opinions of experienced instructers, and other persons, conversant with the study of the learned languages. Such partial lexicons, before we had general ones in English, were highly useful ; but they are now superseded by the latter, and, in the opinion of the best judges, have a tendency to give the learner toa limited and incomplete a view of a language, and thus in some measure to retard his acquisition of it. The additions to the Text consist of prose and poetry ; the first including several specimens of Epistolary compo- sition, of which none were given in the former American editions, though some were contained in Jacobs's original work. To the poetical part, which before only contained a few short extracts from the Iliad, and was disproportionate to the IT Preface. prose, have been added some of the most beautiful and en- tirely unexceptionable odes of Anacreon, and extracts from Bion and Moschus. The Notes which were published in the first American edition, consisted of only a selection from those of Jacobs ; but it being found, upon examining his edition, that a consider- able number of valuable ones had been omitted for want of room, it has been deemed advisable to supply that deficiency from his work ; so that the pupil will now have all the val- uable notes of that learned editor. Numerous other notes, both selected and original, have been added, for the purpose of elucidating some points, and the better adapting it to the course of study in our schools. All the notes have been placed at the end of the work, as is done in the Collectanea Majora, the Collectanea Minora, and other approved elemen- tary books. A separate Historical and Geographical Dictionary, explain- ing all the proper names in the work, is also added to the present volume. The proof sheets of the whole work have been corrected with great care ; and it is confidently believed, that the pres- ent will be found to be the most correct American edition hitherto published. We may add, that notwithstanding the increased expense and labor bestowed upon it, this edition will be afforded at a much cheaper rate than any preceding one. THE EDITORS. Boston, August 31, 1832. EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE work, from which the following has been prepared, has superseded all others of the kind in Germany, and has been published in several editions in that country, under the title of " Elementarbuch der Griechischen Sprache fur An- f anger und Geiibtere," in four volumes. The first of these four volumes embraces the selections which are contained in the present work up to the 177th page. The second volume contains extracts from Plutarch's Lives, of which a greater part are also transferred to the present volume. The remainder of the second volume of the Elementarbuch is filled with ex- tracts from Xenophon, Herodotus, and Thucydides, which are omitted here, both that the work might not be swelled be- yond its proper size, and because several of the extracts from those authors appear scarcely adapted to the degree of profi- ciency expected at our schools. From the third volume of the Elementarbuch, which bears in the original the name of Socrates, and contains extracts from Plato and other Greek philosophers, nothing has been taken for the same reasons From the fourth volume, which is devoted to poetical extracts, and contains specimens of the gnomic, epic, pastoral, and lyric poetry of the Greeks, some of the selections from Ho- mer have been adopted into this work. It was one of the objects of the Editor to prepare a work for our schools, better adapted to them, than those now in use. It has been objected with justice to the Collectanea Graeca Mi- nora, that it contains too little ; and that while, even in its easiest parts, it is not adapted to the purposes of a first book, vi Preface to the First Edition. it. makes a transition too rapid from the fables of JSsop to the obscure text of Tyrtaeus. The Greek Reader, in the collec- tion of Sentences in the first part, arranged according to the rules of Grammar, is designed to enable the learner to begin immediately to exercise himself, in putting to practice the principles and rules which he has learned in the grammar. To direct his attention, the word in which the rule is exemplifi- ed in each sentence, is distinguished in the printing. - These sentences, forming the First Course, are succeeded by a few Fables and a choice of the best Anecdotes and Apoph- thegms contained in the Greek writers ; which will not pre- sent undue difficulties to the learner well acquainted with the grammatical exercises that precede them. The extracts in the department of Natural History are from easy authors, and designed, in continuing the progress of the learner in the language, to afford him also matter of amusement and instruction. It must be left to the instructer to point out in what cases the limited knowledge or credulity of the ancient writers betrayed them into errors, that form a strong con- trast with their general correctness. The Mythology of the Greeks is so interwoven with their literature, their social character, and their history, that an early and intimate ac- quaintance with it is necessary, in order to acquire a thorough knowledge of that people. With this view the sections connected with mythology were compiled. The exquisite ridicule with which Lucian exposes the absurdities of the popular belief, makes his Dialogues a proper sequel to the mythological extracts which precede them. The Geographical sections, notwithstanding the imperfections of the ancient geography, are still replete with instruction. If viewed with the aid of a map, they will leave a store of valu- able knowledge in the learner's mind, independent of the progress he will have been making in the language. The extracts from Plutarch, with which the prose of the volume Preface to the First Edition. rii concludes, form a brief introduction to Grecian history, and will make the learner acquainted with some of its most distinguished names and events. Poetical specimens are given from Homer, whose poems, at once the source and the most illustrious monument of the poetical language of Greece, cannot be too early or long studied. The table of References, which follows, will furnish the means of consult- ing the passages quoted, as they stand in their context, in the original authors. A chief object of the editor, in preparing this work, has been to furnish an elementary book to our schools, in which the Greek may be learned through the medium of English. No learner at school or elsewhere can be as well acquainted with the Latin as with his mother tongue. The practice of learn- ing Greek through the medium of Latin, has descended to us from a time when the Latin was a common language among scholars, when lectures at the universities were exclusively given in that tongue, and commentaries on authors and lexi- cons were published in no other. For schools, however, there is no one circumstance to recommend the continuance of this practice, not even that of becoming more familiar with the Latin. The Latin of grammars, commentaries, and lexi- cons, is not that which the learner ought to acquire ; and while the Latin language should be studied in the pure sources of the ancient writers, the learner of Greek ought not to be embarrassed by having his attention diverted to any thing else ; nor ought his perceptions to be rendered difficult or indistinct by the foreign medium through which they are made, and with which he must of course be less familiar than with his native language. In Germany and France, editions of Latin and Greek authors for the use of schools are furnished with notes in the vernacular tongue ; and the best lexicons of the Greek, in those countries, are also respectively in French and German. In this country, the opinion of scholars viii Preface to the First Edition. appears to be decided in the same result, and the Greek and English lexicon on the basis of Schrevelius, already in press, is expected with anxiety by the friends of Greek studies and of an improved system of conducting them in this country.* The quantity of matter contained in this work will be per- ceived to be considerably greater than that contained in the Collectanea Graeca Minora. The editor has been led to give it this extent from the opinion that, in the improving con- dition of our colleges and schools, more Greek might be advantageously studied in the latte/. It was also his wish to meet the desires of several respected instructers, who wished for a substitute for a portion at least of the Greek Testament. The language of the Greek Testament differs so much from that of the heathen writers, that it does riot form the best introduction to their study. The familiarity of most learners with the English of the Bible renders the thorough study of the original impossible. It may be also doubted whether the trivial use of the sacred volume as a school book, and the practice of repeating the most sublime and affecting parts of the records of our religion, as an exer- cise in grammar and language, be favorable to the feelings with which those records ought to be taken in hand. The inexperienced learner must often fall into mistranslations, which, to say the least, are painful to the ear. Cambridge, Nov. 1823. * This Lexicon has been since published in this country, and reprinted in Great Britain. GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES. FIRST DECLENSION. 1. C H fjts&r] [tiy.Qa {i a, via, laxly. ITbJUcou? cm ?/ d o v i] |uaxv itxisi hvnijv. lkei ir\v net t- d slav , a a cp Q o avvyv , T^? pov a i fi i6 a, itx I daiv. C H 7i aide la iv piv ralg svvvxiaig x6apog jo f. OTiv, lv ds Tcxlg ctTVxlaig xaracpv/T]. Haaiov rtov ugsxiav riyifKav tarty ^ evaeSsia. rolg a & A t] T at g TO atopa nsl yvftva&iv. r^v iv OliVfinlif diog ctyatya, tPsidlov tgyov. Msra tov A I v E / o v -fravarov, Aattavto$ ryv ft aa th s I- 15 a v nag&aBtv. e O Alvog naig r\v * E g (i o v xctl [i ov ay g OvQctvlag . * H luvixrj (pikoaocpia ^'^aio ano O a - i o v , r\ 3 Iwlixri ano Ilv&ay OQOV . 1 2 I. First Declension. 3. Novficig nlaTBtag xal TtQfiovog legov idgvaono. H via, Kag%i]8wv xTiafioc earlv 'Aa d g ov 6 a , TOV dgapevov Bagy.uv, TOV 'A v v 1 6 a nariga. To TahavTov TO BaSvkwvLOV dvo xal e68o^rjxovTa p v g 5 ATT IK ug Svvcnai. *Enl x o g v cp jj Trj g ccx gag Sovvlov vaog imiv *A&ijrag II. SECOND DECLENSION. r o g , r) do$a a& av aTog . c i o y o g Ti$g \ sl'dahov ianv. A eihov o TI^OVT og xt q> ikoyv %ov IQxaxov. C Q Hyyaaog r innog yv nTyvog. H Ai'yvmog d to Q 6v cart TOV Ns I A o v . Mr t xoiTOKVst HCMQUV o d o v nogEveff&cti, TiQog Tovg dtddaxstv TL zgrjatfiov tna/ys^o^itvovg. Ol c Hgaxlsovg txyovoi fig TTJV TI shono vv V} a ov . 15 2. OiAiyvmioi TOV ?] A tov xal Tr\v & o v g etVi kiyovaiv. c O >r -4oijc (itast T ovg x a - x o v g . O I IT v y fjiulo i> T olg y e Q dvo ig nroAf- 3. A v x 6) xat I'TTTTOJ avvvo^io) IOTOV ' kiaiva ds 20 xal Ac'wr ov TIJV avT^v laaiv. c // ogyi] xat ?/ aavvfala, dvto fisylaTa x x w , noMovg anojfaaav. c O Ztv$ig tnofyaev ' InnoxivTavgov, avctTQscpovffav Ttaid Ita c JTT - n o x CVT aii Q to didvpa), xopudf] v TJ n I (a . 4. Ol tot, ax ga TOV *I4#< svoixovvrfg II. Second Declension. 3 YOOV |fX^L'? trgeqiov, xal snl rov r\v. 10 III. TaiRD DECLENSION. l.*H Tvootvvlg adwlag nyjyg mV. C .(XTQldog nQodoTrjg early. "A d a) v i g IT* wv, Agr s pid o g Zoly tv -0 i^aig vno avog Hooxvi] eyevno a r) d w v, fPdoprjla % s A, i 8 o> v, lytvero sTtoifJ. *0 shecpag tov dgaviovra o^w- 15 dfi. jThnvxo?, ill, vr)7iiog vTiagxMV, (j,vv 5teoxwy, fig p s A 1 1 o g ni&ov Tieauv ane\ 2. /jtsanaoavio TOV Jlsv&sa a I Motivdd sg , xal al OQCCTTCII tov *Ogcpsa, xai TOV ^Axxalova al x v v s g . Ot ayct&ol v 8 g s g &SGJV six ov eg tlalv. 20 Tqv IxuMctv (uxrjaav ngunot, Av a ov sg VTO/^O- v fi g . "A navt eg ol Kit? tig eiaiv alxtpot. 3. 2i(xy6vsg vdatog nhaag xodalvovaiv. *O og TV | ydvqxovog teal (MX%rjTMog. Ol 4>olvi,itBg TW o Q T v y a g t&vov . Ol ndoSixef & Ty 25 4 III. Third Declension. f) tvqxovot, ol 3s iv JBo/cor/ iaxvotprnvot, rjaav. *H nuQOL^la >U/, n a. hi [in a id ag T ov g y s g OVT ag ylyvBa&cu. Hahaiog pv&og hsyei, rovg vctg ex pv g firjxMv ctv d g a g yiyovivott. 6 4. Ol Nopddeg ruv ^liCvcov ov ralg wAiia rctlg vvlv KQI&IIOVGLV. il (tiyiaiov sv tlccvlffTM, sins, fpQsvsg tr/a&al iv a to pati, KV&QWTIQV. Z>o>/P} xguoawv larlv ^ ^w t u^ XSQQJV. Evwdla xal JJLTJQOV yvylv alrlct -fravdxov. 10 PvvaiZl xoapov y aiyt) cpsQti . Xafonov t(ni> Myziv ngbg y aar sga , (at a ovx 5. "lltpcucnog r5 nods ^wio? rjv. '// ygayvitti i w Ttocl d s 8 f LVOV V7io{3%7iovffa ' !j^* ds t- ov nhaxovvT car y ivtj flr.ft 2 1 a Anlitia. ovofKx^rai. Tifia xov g y ov ig . Aiaxbg Tug xJielg TOV ndov (pvhxTrei. Ol nokvnodeg ^fwat i ov g i % & v g . Avu%agaig ii]v uft7cs)>ov fins (p()lV ft 6 T Q V g ' 10V TIQUTOV, ?/3o^? * IQV SlVTtQOV, flS- 20 d-yg ' xov xqliov, aydlag. V. EXAMPLES IN ALL THE DECLENSIONS. 1. Ilovog Bvxlelag TKHT^Q. Evxleiav I'Aa- 6ov OVK avtv TroAAwy TIOVWV, Vvx^g voaovarjg laul yaQpaxov loyog. Xaltnov TO yjjgas igiv avfrgunoig /5'0o?. 'jlxsavov xal Trj<&vog nalg yv "ivaxog, acp ov noxafiog iv "Agysi, "iv ajog xaActTcu. Ovxs toy UQ QWVTOV 6 V. Promiscuous Examples. y XQV ay xhlvy , OVTB TOV dv o T? T ov y 2. Ol T ill i'/ fg aiTovvrat T 77 d g 6 a ov . do xal nkovT o g avtv avvsGiog ovx aacpahsa XT?} [*a- 5 ra. *Aya & o xA sovg cxAsAotTTOTO?, ndvxa fv 2i- xshla jusorra r^v araoeMg xat avag%lag. 3 JEx v cp A TJ g (ptQsrai, % i 6 v o g [i iv o g yds r) S* ex 10 3 jB| avsptov ds -fruhccaaa H. TWV {3 Q 01 c5 v

tv ' rj de h d gv a ngogyvtz&r) v) Ty v r) a to . V. Promiscuous Examples. 7 4. JJo&el avftgioTiog vvxra t uc# 77 A t o ', xai J(, i fiiov (iifTa xo Q ov, xal 8 iyav (irca p d & rj v ' xY \vm\v Tt]V T\ 8 o - naga 'Eqpov //v lq>og, nag 'AJiokkwvog de 1 6 , Ttcc^a 'flcpawrov de & a') Q ex x 5 % gv aovv, nuQU de 3 A&r]ra? n s Tilov. J Jl Zsv, xal *-4 ^ 7; j' , x2 ^ n 6 A i o v, SOTS fioi a Q s T ^ v xat yavxlav filov, xal ikm- nog ytvoftevog xgiryg dv B~IV n ovt] Q olr, Ixekevae ror fusv cpsv/stv ex Maxtdovlag, rov ds trsgov ditaxew. 15 6. KoldovTai iv adov n d v T s g ol x a x o I, {$ a a i - Aflc, d o v A o t, aa-tQunai, n i v rj T g, n ). o v - ortot, m o) % o I . Al &OQXOV -frvycnsgeg y Q aH a t, r[ v w^on^dtag t/Qacpiv ansQ CHOI'S TIUQU rov Zrjvwvog anoglq x s g fi d - i a) v, cogrs (avrjoaaftat, % d g T i a . 7. Otbg sxd5o ti%tv vnsgftsys&eg x s

J? TV%rjg %u (poSov, Kal TO ntivv A a f.i n o 6 v ovx a v. Iv d vv ov Ovd* a a cp a I e g TIKV vi/jog tv & v rj i w ytvei. 3. K o fit T 6 v laii jUt oU/tov aya&cov aTiavTag TOV.; xaxovg, rj |UfT nottwv xaxwv ngbg ollyovg aya&ovg ,wa^fff^t. Ovdev OQ/ijg adi- xwTfioor. 77o'Af//o? svdogog eigyvyg a 10% gag alg ST l nJiovTOV rtgov. naga TotQTr)aaloi$ vttaiigut VI. Adjective. Ixt uG'O'EvtajEQa. A^fjt]g ovdiv , ovds ftsGaiOTsov faxiv. 4. HoD.u. rutv (awv rivaled Ian, xa&olov <5s, oaa nktlovg nodag t'xet, TstTdqwv. Xalsnbv TO noifiv, 5 TO 8s y.rfavaat, qadiov. Oudsv yXvxiov iijg na- TQidog. Oy'x ionv ovdiv fir t rgog r\8iov tsxvoig.- K Q la a wv otxT^/uou cpO-ovog. Xgrj atyav, ?y x g s 1 - a ov a atytjs teyuv. zlta TOVTO dvo wra tyofjiBv, di IV, tV Tzhsiu (<,fv u%ovw{iV, rjTTOva ds 10 V. To xevov fV TW /J/w TrAstov eart TOV u^g^a aaurov {lydsv JJTTOV % TWV iv za TT^OVT, ^'it 5s xa /9 A T / o> . Ot TWV TfAfTCOV (lTt%OVTig 7CSQI T?^ TOU /5/OV TfXfl/TjJ? rj d I V rag fknldot$ fyovaiv. 15 5. *O [id lag otvog Ion & g sm ix co T T og, o 8s AsVXOCj AcTTTOTttTO?. - "// BaXTQiavfl %W()M SV 8 Ot l" (j.ov GT art] earl xat vyo Q MTUTI] . T OV TfoV OVTWV, &()$ ' U'/ivVT^lOg yUQ ' xoo t uo$ ' noliyta yag -frtov " p s y tar o v , tonog ' 20 yctg %r*Qti' ru^iaTov > vovg' dia navxog os^ct * ia % v poTctT ov, avayxij ' v.qmii yag ' a o cp WT onov , xgovog ' avsvglaxtL yctg ndv- ra. e O xQOxcdsilog f$ i"kot,"/laxov ylyvsTat, fi s - y i a T o g ' TO piv yag wov ov /u sl'^ov lat i xyvflov, 25 ervrog 8s yivz-cai v.al tma xal dsxaTrtixvg. C rwv Jibe larwv fiiog peMLrjafttji TtuQtxTia^VToct. K a M tar ov TO 8 ix a to i T ov' (5 a a T o v -3? vyi- alvtiv, "Hdia-cov 8s rvx&v toy TC ?<"*. fifjvag i ia a ag ag . &dyp(ov o 30 xwjutxo^ tygayts dga^taia kmd xai fwevyxovxa, tit) ivvia xai tvvwq*Qvia. ~Arw, o VI. Adjective. 11 ex ryg diSvyg fasgaas (j,tyot)ir)V dvvctfuv si$ otv f4V g idd ctg nivxs, Innug de ecttt ig - X * A I o v c, eUifavTctg ds sSyxovxa. Tovg larogovai psxQ 1 ' T g icexo a l(uv jjv srwv, xcti tovg daiovg vneg TCI txarov STIJ fiiovv Ao^oc. 9. ^Agyav&wviog, o Tagxi]aalwv Kovxa xt ex ax or |'T; fiiwacti IE/ETOCI. KtrialBiog avy- ygoupsvg IXWTOV ctx oa IT sa a a g (ov tTtor iv negindiTca iittemriatv. O /zAaTtov lTfavTi]ae TM Trgahai exei Tijg o y 8 6 TI g xeu exaToaTyg Olvuniado g, (iiovg ETog 19 sv ngog rolg o/5o?;xovT. S&omav ev o g dtovxcc T g i ax OVT a IT^ fiaadevaavTog, Aivtlag, vlog KVTOV, evl xgiaxovTM STWV IT\V dvvuaTtlav &%&>. Oi Aa- Toig A&rivctloig fioy&yaovTfg iv T Q lalv *lp4- goug xat ToaavToug vv& d tax o at x t / 1 1 1 n zndia 1 5 VII. PRONOUN. 1. JypyTgiog Tig sins TOJ Nsgwvi ' 2v fisv ansd&g TOV -O^arciTov, trot 8s y cpvaig. didvfjiwv adekcpwv Big fTthsvTqaE ' axolaaTixbg ovv annvxr^ang TW tojrri, 2v ani&uvtg y o adfkyog aov; Tl TOVX 20 w yvvai, OTL t(t s anolmovaa ctaTvde &a{ilsig ; ovx f si*. 3 Ev 12 VII. Pronoun. ryg Kaglag axogniot ftvai Ityovvai, ot lovg psv a (plat, naiovaw elg -SavaTov, rovg de &vovg Kogwvou aM>rfl.aig flat maiovaiai y.ai ndvv ayodga /- a cp a g . 3. 3 Avd%aQai,g o Sxv&qq fQa)Ti]&tlg vno r i v o g, rl eVt av&QWTiOig ; AvTol, eyv], & v T ol g. C O Zevg TTJV *A&i]vav tyvatv ex ir\q tavrot) y.6vov. VIII. REGULAR VERB IN a>. 1. Active. 1. Ol novygol dg TO xsgdog fiovov "Ogng (*% xoXaei ra nd&ri, uvTog vn CCVTWV xo- hoi&Tai. Iluau dvvafiig xal nag nlomog v n s I x s t 20 T^ apery. " Oiav nva -d-dJuaaiv ol &toi oa')sa&ai, xal | avT(ov avaonwai fittQu&Qtov. Ovdsv xrjg evuop(plag oqpcAo?, OTOV rtg ^ (fgivag %X fi Ev & v^o xo ig. orav aol TO ^ocwv tkfry, Tif^ij?, o fiaaifavg, lleyev, OTIO'TS ax o A o i xat pf) aTQarevono, iwv Innoxafnav 25 olto&ui, pydsv diaqxqeiv. 3 Ayi)att.aog tywTy&elg, nwc VIIF. Regular Verb in w . 13 uv Tig (jtakiaru nay uvO'Qvjnotg evdoxifAoli], JEl tint, Ttt UQKJTtt, 7T0TTOt ds T XCCJUlOTM. - " Wg ttV Tig tlsvd-()0g SlttpivOl, OttVCCTOV 2. Odn-covaiv ol AiyvTiTiot rovg vxgovg TUQI- Xfvovx sg , " Ptaucdoi 8s x alorx ($ . "Av&qwnoi, rov -frdyarov (psvyovrsg, diwxovaiv. lh7iito$ rovg A&rjrui'ovz r?x^f lolq 'EQIICUG, crro/ta porov 3. Jiovvaios o ZiX&os ntQt rfjv laiQixrjV sanov- 10 8uo, KOCI avTog iazo, y.al kre^ivs, xul sxocie, xal r A,ot7r. OfftMnoxkyt; xal \4Qiarti8r t <; e ar a a i asri]V ETI nciids ovis. Oyffsvc; trjv AQLttdvqv iv Nii$(n x V.T s - A i n s xal e^bTilevae' diovvaog de aiiTrjv a n TJ y a - vg c/^ okf&gov 7/ y n y v . 15 u#tfaup&v r^g 'EkkaSog siivo^la xal fTWV TtEITCtXOGlwV, TOt? AVXOVQ/OV %QG)[J,SVr] rouoig. 4. c O dioyivviq ^/v, OTI> ol fiiv allot xiivg rovg doixvovaiv , iyw ds Tovg cpttovg, IVce a (a a (a. 20 avfKpOQCiv ovftdlayg, xoivr) yug rj TV%rj, xal TO tie'AAov uofjmov. Kav [tovog fig, (pavhov pyxs \ i IT/ g, pyxs sr. AiSovg naga naaiv a^iog fay, ictv y g ovcviov 5. 'Advvarov aivtv rrjg TWV ovQuvLwv &G)Qlag y (a - 25 Y Q acprjoai. Xafeiiov ro noislv, TO 8s (jaSiov. zlioydvqg Jiv%vov [*& ypsgav y/ a g, t, r)-nu. Ol Aotxmvtg ir t v t^g nodcuag xarakv aavr eg, elwxfit/Lav ig C O Oyaivg ptra ii\v Alyimg refavir)V avvotitlaus 30 14 VIII. Regular Verb in w. rovg irjv ATnxfjV xaTOixovvTctg fig tv aarv, tvct ane y.dfivovTi avyxdpvetv 'freog. Ovx V dvvcuo (JLr\ y.ttftav evdoupovtiv. c O e Hgax^g TO qonakov, o iyogti, avTog ersfisv Ix fftpfag. 20 flnovrog ngbg rov <&wxiwva, ATIOXTBV ova i as eav pavuai, Noil, slnw, tys /uv, tav p civ wet i, as Ss, sen- 8. Ifkaxuv hoidoQOVfitvog vno tivog, Asye, Igoij, x- xtTO? fQMTij&Eig, dia il ov avyygoupEi, "(hi, iintv, wq (j.ev /? o v A o /u a **, ov d v v ct [i a i , aig Ss 15 d v v a [* a i , ov (iovhofioti. lldvTwv pcchora aav- TOV at,a%vvo. Ovx M[Aia&ov TO fv noisiv, xav fir) nagK/Q^i^ct -ii$g smgyeofag r\ dvTidoaig cp al vy TCI i. Ov TO n sv s a & a i uloxgov, aAAce TO diet ato^oav alrlcnv TTsvsa&ai, oveiSog. Tov ogyi^ofjisvov 20 yo ) w^^e TOV fiaivofidvov XQOVM dtacpegsiv. Avrl- yovog vrzoxwgwv TTOTB rctg no^B^iLoni eneyxo oux, t(fij, (psvysiv, AA diuxsw TO cviicpigov xeipevov . Ol rcaAca *A&r)vcuoi, alovgyr] y pin s t - X o v T o lf.ia.Tia, noixlkovg ds evsdvvov xirwvug. ^w- 25 TqaavTog nvog tbv ^Avxalxldav, nwg av tig [tdhffrot a^8- axot Tolg av^owTTOt? ; El ydujTct p,sv, t i g o no . 16 VIII. Regular Verb in o>. 2. re y 6 v a, ft sv vina$ ' dig 8* ovx I'ort y v s - a & u i . *!/i o i x t v b filog #'TOW. Al dafaig XUTU ir\v ga%iv xvQTQifivt 7ittQf,(^g)SQtg jU^/Lw, xw 8s xgaifj-ctTi, xal TJ; rgt^wafL nagdcxfaaiv e o / x - 5 or/. dsSolxaaiv ai fishaacxi ov roaovrov TO x^>vo?, oaov ibv opOoov. Ot'x x ?/' x o a ? , c5? ot TSTTt- ^? f oVrf? av&gwnoi TO nukuiov, slg OQVI&CCQ ^usrc^aXpv / t'/()r]*/ogQTO<; Ivvwiov. Illvdagog tins, rag tivat toorwv trvnvia. 10 3. jiffjfjuavct^ l<3(*)Tr t -d-flg, TTOTS ?j ^ | T o cpdococptiv, 11 OTS, tcpy, xctTayiyvwaxsiv f^twirov i] g a p y v . *Aqi- &(f>r) TIQOS TOV ttdekcpov, Msfivrjao, oxi, tr}/; fiiv cog ov rj Q | eo, ir^g ds diaXvasmg lyw. v Z a | a L, njjfatS 20 avxov iy paxxrigla, fins, (It v \ a a t . TotovTO? y fc - '/ V O V TIEQl TOIV /OVgTc, OtOl 1 ? V V $ K i TTfOt OSOVTOV ytvsa-d-at, rovg Gfuvrov nnldac. Aiytiai '/< r) Ivajfov slg jJoitv (jsTUpoocpwSntfa, TOV Bognogov v if - $ a a & a i xal dovvai TM 7roo^ ( o"J TO ettp/ua. ^fo^a- 25 aTtxo? xohv/jfiyv flov). optvog, nngu [iixgbv fnvlyrj ' ovv /.o; (// a ^ i ?"tfTOc, f >' ju?) 5. JT^aw Ttvct ^paai (.loo^ov pixgbv a g a p s v y v, xat TOVTO xa^' 7\[jiigav noiovaav, ka&tlv jSovv (psgovaav. 30 M/Awv, o x Kgorawog a&JiijTrjg, ravgov agdpsvog dia TOV oradlov fttaov. AtvxovMog b c VIII. Regular Verb in w. 17 o TOV Mi^QiddrrjV xccl TiyQnvr\v x ctr ay to- v iaap ev os , TT^WTOS difxopiafv elg 'iTctUav ibv xe- Qotaov. 6. *Enfidrj &tol aMrrjofg xvfidrfav xctl xivdvvov fye |f /Aorro, f TT tgyaalav Tgeyofiai, xt (3adiov(j,ci(, 5 on xat VTT ftf'ig vno adoteaxov, OTIOV aviov avgiov o // o t T o / , "Onov f/u as ovx o ip o fi a i . 10 3. Passive. 1. 'j^Trt Tjjf? xolaxflrtg, wg Inl uvypaTog, avrb TO ovofia rrjg yiMag sniysyQamai,. e 2*7ro TOW nh'jfrovg vwv THXQOVTMV ev rij txxhyala 5tTST^a- y fi a t T^V yrwfjyv, xat vnor^ofjog fif.ii, xai ^ yhbrtrct pot nsnsdtj^svt] toixe, xat fTrtAf'X^ff^wt TO TtQOol/ntov x. 3. 'O ^agd avaTtattog ex7roe, o TO au^ia f |U v o g , xai T^V %u.hrp dianen^fyu V nogcpvglai xarogoigvy^svog, x* xaraxexP. siafiEVog, ovdiv A7.o 5 fiovlav xt T^ovTjV. Ot Hv&ayogixol tlf/ov, I v d (, - 8 s a ^ a t TW aW|Un %dgiv. Tv(f(ar, I^g mog y.al v t} v ti^E (pvaiv avSgog x< 4. Tov ju 10 n g o q ri Q T rii a L , rolg de uMoig uotg iv [itaw TW ^t ngognenkaarai,. 'fttfuti&v al noHal yv- valxsg rot avra vnod^fiara yogtlv roig avdgoiaiv I & * - a (A s v a t si a Lv . .ZbqpoxA^; /tT T^y iv 2?cda[un vctvpaxlav, IT* TraT? G"y, ?rf^t igonaiov yv^tvog A T; - 15 ^L(j.fjivog ezoQtvaev. <4ioyh"t]g idcav nore an ekcetag unrjy^ovtof^evccg, JEl'&s yctQ, nccvra T dsvdga IOLOVTOV xotgnov fivtyxfV. Ol TOV Of^iaTOnAta "l^X^vfg disaTtagfiivoig ToT Ilsgaaig ovvmliy.ovTo. 7'o fifiagpsvov diacpv 20 yti-v advvMTOV. Zyrwv dofyov fuucrttyov tnl xov ds flnovTog ' E'ifJiagro pot, xAJ//at * Kal vai, Zyvav I'KJP?;. *Ev rolg /Jgdxovrog rofiotg [zla una- aiv wQiaro ?o~q ftfiagrdvovai, ^filoc, -frdvatog. Ol rl/cxrrsg r,y.6vTiov fig ovgavov TttTgag xru dgvg 25 ^ (j. (A s v a g . 5. nv&ayogag TIQMTOV tavrov cptloacxpov wvof ol 8s TinJirtioTtgoi, aocpol wvofida&iiaav. llv&a- yogng ir t g nviyg rj^sgag y.al xar ify nmi]v wgav w cp & v) ev MnunovriM xat tv Kgorwvi. Ol eifgyircu TMV av- 30 &gun(ov a&avarwv rifiwv riSiM&yaav. 'Hv *A&vt-, valoiq TIOTS nurgiov, rj/tiaftai tr^g f Mddog, xal toig vnig tys ifav&sglas avTctywvl&a&ou, OVTOQ VIII. Regular Verbs in w. 19 fj.ev arto I\h\Tiuoov, ijxfj.aas ds inl 0- sovg, xotTtb't] ds fig Kifjuavct, e cp v I d % & I) 8s vno Jlsoixhsovg, y.ul s^avf^daO-r) vno 7Zro>lf ( atoc, o ]\faxsdovitxg fiaadsvg, vno s a (f> d y t] , vioil niiaa rj 7l/x<5oyt%?) dvratug % a T s - 5 x o 7i t] xrxt d i s q> -^ Q r} . ZlovQtg o 2(<(Jii6g dsLni'a) o^flcri^at. Al ti&rivcti t^mvov s I g v.tu nocidsv&fig y.ai ^td^iafu ev roig yv t uvao~loig d i a- Tiorij&slg TtSQiGorjTog S/&VETO. l^jroytAwv xara d i - 20 x or & I g inl TG> TCUV KVK^MTWHV tfavuTW x a | o - (FT gax i, a & ei$ diu. TOVTO i* rov ovyavov y. a T e - n s fi

l e * S vSyevaaa&ai, SIM x'AAog t>7ro Nvpcpwv f] Q n a- y T) . ^ocfOK^g o rtjaycadoTioibg, get/a orucpv^g xctranuav uTteTivlyrj. "Hcpawrog e Q Q I

a v s I y . ^vyttQivo^evoiv iwv TQIUJV rpiti- gtov ngog cckhftag, pf/laTrj ph

& 6 v e i . IVost, xal JOTS 2. C I1 Gxoxltorog yvvi) f^WT^^ctaa, Sia rl fiovrj 20 aA/twy ov cpoQti xgvaovv xoapov, i'cpr), c '0rt xoa/uo? ftol fOTiv 7; TOU avdgog ctQfTV). '0 oivog rov -lantwov [liya cp Q o v el v note?, rov TW.; ocpgvg atyovra ov^nd&ei y e A v , rov 5' aa&vivi) r o A p, a v n, rov deiJibv 25 *H awri&tia XOQOV ysvvif' $.?* if IX. Contract Verbs. 21 T o v /i v -frdlaaaar, xal TiAsovTCc rrdhv nt 7i o v fj, s v TOV aygov. Ol TikfOVSXTOVVTSg n o - Ac p ova iv cm, TO f mGovfovsiv xal

xal noltuovvTag. 26 5. C Bdx%og xal vir t vaioq xalttTai anb TOV n a, T ?; a a i Tug OTaqtvkag iv A^vw. Oa^g ^.sysToct nguTog ctOTgo- Ao/^aat. Ev Maxsdorla ovx e^o? r\v iiva iv dtlnrai, tl (jir\ Tig l'|w Mvmv vv aygiov a e i, e v . 'Enlxovgog fQiaTrj&flg, ntag aV tig n A o v - 30 22 IX. Contract Verbs. ; Ov rotg ovat nQogTt&fig, figp??, ryg 8s ntQnipv&v. .J^oAacmxo $ ICITQM avvavTyactg, o ov fioi, sins, xoci ^ pot fispiprj, oxi ovx svoayaa. MySsnoTS cpgovrjarjg trii GSKVTM 5 a>U fiyds xoiT(x(pQOVi}aj]g atavTov. nlajwv &avaTOV KAsrv s xdhs osv . 6. 'J2 Trat, a nan a' nottt l/i ciyr) xaAa. ( u/Ai* &fov<; -t if* a' tot anovdcila fiy ysvdov. PeXn o [iwgog xaV Tt ^ yiholov y. 10 C O ^ah/LKartiig avTiCgovTav TO>Ljua TW 4ti'. TO / r] Q a v , y.al TO fir) yrigqv xcdov. 2Vixt- ovrcag rjv cpikonovog, W^TS TroAAaxtg e Q w T a y roi;? el rjglaTrjxsv. *Ava$ay6()ag ngbg TOV OvvTCt, OTI snl Sevyg T ehsvra , JUavTa- 15 X&**s ^V 7 ?' ofiola lonv y elg qdov 7. O* a;oZi;7ro5c? tytAo^wa/- TOV^ ix&v$ fbv rgonov tomov ' vnb ralg nsTgaig xd>fri)VTcu, xa* sctvtovg fig ITT\V ixtlvov fxsTttfiOQCpovat> %goiuv, xt nilgai tivcct S o vov a iv . Ol Tolvvv l%&vc noogvsovaiv, ol ds nokv- 20 nodfg ui'TOvg aspvhaxTovg ovrag 7iQi6dM.ovai rcug eaviwv nhsxidvatg, - "inneiov IToosidwva T i fj, w a t, v "jEM?]Vg y.al fivovaiv amw sm ']&&fup. Ol Kotyoi rovg vsxgove iv fivQaatg tidmo-vui, xt ex TMV SIVOQWV IJ-CIQT waiv . ^vaSatyoQcxv rbv KJioc^o^sviov cpceat fit] y s A co v i a HOTS 25 ocp&ijvoti; /ti?jT fit id IWVT a. /Jioysvyg Idwv TIOTS gv-O-Qiwv, OUQQBI, ligpiy, TOIOVTOV iatt, r-qg TO %oci)[ia. Ol av&gumoi, ov8s rbv atga rolg 8. M&rgig o 3 A&i)vcXog, ov I6lo) ^porov, ovdsv tairuro 30 ^ fiVQglvrjg oUyov, ol'vov de xal TOJV atttav navrtav antl- X*io t ritiiv vdonog. 'Odvaasvg TOV Kvxkona IX. Contract Verbs. 23 xov olvov dnoyviovv tiyti. BiSaiov oitdev eariv V dvyiMV /S/w ' @ i o 1 ydg ovdslg ov TigoaiQUKxi igonov. 2. Middle. tvlaGov yoyov r} xlvdvvov. TW Mtyuko) ngogayoQtv&evTi, iv TW dslnvw, ^ot/J'TO ov (jiovov ol. fiaaiMug (pilot,, xal ccviog o fioujifavq. Ol TagavTivoi no i sla & a t IIVQQOV ^y^^iova, xal xaksiv Inl TOV Hov. ^E^uTTS^oxA^ rrjv fittGifalav KVTM didopevTjv 7i a - $ XT}' a a r o , ITJV hroT^ra dri^ovon nkiov ayan^aag. 10 *I>l)>ovg py TW%V XT co . Au^inis, o vavxkrjQog, fQWTq&Eic, no>g cxT7Jcraro rov nkovrov ; Ov ^aAfiTrol?, I'cfr^ rov ^tyuv, xbv de fig(x%vv ini7ipyt>)$. OI'TW n t i Q cu ^?/.", ; aig xal oUyov xal nokiiv xyovov ftiwaopevog. fldaftff fjisv f%B ngos linavTag, % Q ot ds rdlq fittolatOK;. 15 El av s & e a a u> aneg eyw, sv oida oil oitx ocv e n a v - a w yehuv. IldvTWV eaily ijdiaiov xcel bMFarUowtov t marovg ctfiot xal %Qf)TOf vno 1%$ 24 IX. Contract Verbs. e T i p, a T o xat iv loyoig ^v. "(hav oil (jtshaacti, /fi * Stmsgov, OTI XT vopovg KQXSI>' tghov, on ovu asl o Tf^vlrov nr}Qti>aa$ xtiga o v T (/. i . ; Aiowu, vsvovvia ovSev a'Aio 15 ovlvyjGe, tfidg^a^ov, si fiy ^oa-Q-elg TU^XO?. Xttwv rl xaiktniuitxivv ; To f*f9&sxwf kaviov, e. ftaalv Evginldyv ^.oq>&rti, -dvovrt yxe rig ex Mavnvdag ayydog, Kiywv, rov mov aviov, rov J^vi- Aov, redvavai ' xdxslvog dns&sro ph rov ariyavov, 25 OLfr&ti ds &VMV ' Intl di o ayydog ngogi^xs xa* ixiivo, on vixwv re&vrjxs, ndhv o Aivocpwv &ni&*ro Tor arlcpavov. c lf^ax^g zi(aadpwog rov teovra, ryv pev doQnv y fKpisaaro , TW ^aor^WTt ds fygriaaro XOQV- *}*. Ol J Adi t va~ioi rov JltiQcua tpnoqiov eV ^ut'aw rye X. Verbs in pi. 27 'EJJiddog ttareax^aavTo. Kctxov ovdlv cpverai t* avd(jl, #c/>U dtp era rov plov auygoavvyv xai 2. ^Agexr], xV &avr] net, ovx an o A A v T a t . *Ev xqr\VTi] tarlv, rjg TM vdctxt oivog ov filyvvcai.- 5 "Oaov iv TroAf'jUw aldygog dvvaTcti, roa ovr ov iv nohfelctig IGXVU loyog. Ovx av d v v a i o pf) xa/uwv BV- daifAovtlv. Ol ^A^vaioi tyipffaarto, AlywrjT&v ixd- OTto rov (.ityav ctnoxoyai rr^ %fiQog ddxrvlov rr^q de&ag, IVa dogv [tiv fiaardeiv f^rj dvvwviai, XWTTTJV ds 10 vvcavT a i . Mt/a xaxoj' TO //TJ dvvao&at xaxor. ^oP.aanxo? olxlav ngi(X[.isvos, 11}$ oMyag, rigwxa tovg nagioviag, tl Tiginu avrtf 7; oly.lct. Ta Te^nrj ^w^o $ ear* xsl^isvog n^a^v TOV not rfg "Oaar t q. 16 3. Passive. 1. 'jEmgdxaitsv av&Qwnovg oV xt xvvwv &av(XT(0 xat llmrcov alaxQ'ng VTTO ).vTrr,g d i ST i& rj a av . ddcpvw tov /?ovxoAoy Myovav ryfrevTot SXT e& y v a t iv ddyvy, o&ev y.al TO oYo^ua ilaBtv. Ot fffTiwvTE? TOJ> *AU$av- dgov TOV tf>dt7tnov TWV cptttov, TO fisMov n a Q en E& ij- 20 ere a & a t TWV rqayri(jiuT(av ntgifXQvaovv. Tow KCCQCCVOV Iv Maxfdovla yapovg eaTunvrog, toig avyxexXrifievois tvfrdayg s d 6 & v\ a av cpidlcti agyvgou, IxaffTW jU/a, d' svgsaiv y a t . O oivog tig TTJV iaTQixrjv ^orjCfipUTonog ' yctQ Tolg norotg cpagf-iuxoig x f Q n v v v T a i . -ZVU > f Pa')firj dtlxvvTtti, ov nnoaw rrjs ayogoic, Iv w at TQOHXWV -frscov XI. SOME IRREGULAR VERBS. 1. K^etirov t? xoox? T/ slg xoxaxa? e ft 7t & a tlv ' ol f.iiv yctg vsxQovg, ol ds ^wviag sa&lovaiv. 'AnsxfiQSV 37/zwv 17 ;/eUaa ^agimg efinsaovaa in A^ir'a, xat 10 A/uou (paottxov ovddv* Elno , Tl ( uAAoy, cfTrcv, 77 ct^ ^|t*? Ixslvoi ; Nlvog , c5v TI a g iht'i q> a psv. c Karuv cpyalv, 15 avTO" Trlnovcxg ilKij-tyiv'nti TfoXetg, MV Sirjyaytv JIIUQUV fV 'l6i]Qicf. JloXi'g o %eifiojv ' navra ^ jfiwv xctTslhr) (f>, xeu \n'Y.cwdiov(jiv ov% ol \6r)va, j)l&sv dg tgtv nfQi funHHttJjg 'Anottwri,. ^oAo"Ttx6? fiovhoptvog nsgdaai noiapov, avqk&iv tg TO nkolov tymno?' nvfroptvov XI. Some Irregular Verbs. 29 ds uvog ti]V alrlnv, tapr}, anovdd'&iv. Jlfaxtdovlav xcu Osoacdia)* e n t d Q a p s , xctl TroAAa rovvisg sig TIJV Aaiav d i s 6ij a ar . 3. MUXCXQIWTV.TOV iv dvfrgwTioig Evrvzovrrot a n o & a - Hv. C Q 'jmygTiovTog xA^^^ anb t^g ''El^q iv ai'TM & av o v a r) <; . IJfgix^g rovg iv 2(i^iM rs- & v rj x o T a g fyxMf.itn^,(>i)v Inl iov ^juazo?, a#avarot/ ytyovtvai, y.a&(X7t?Q rovg -frsovg. Tt&vdvai v x^tirrov r\ dC axgaalav TIJV y>v%r]v aftavywaai. a&avaofag xa* dtakhxyut; "l/gcc, tj\v iQa "iJtirjv tyrjfisv. To Y.dllog *l XQ * ^ a v i] A ci> a f r , 1} vovog fytajpotvsv ' T\ ds rr t g agsT^g xrijaig i. Tig Ofx o i Id s v , ola n a & s v o 15 4. 7/oyl^a IvTTrjQa o filog iv favrw qp s Q s t . ooyog rug si> fila) avp(fO(jdg gixov oi'aEi rwv ciM,tov. JllsyiOTov jUfV xat &tov [tovov TO avafinQT>]rov * ytv- va>MV ds, |UT TO anocQrrj/j.cx wg id^iaT(x otvsvsy- x t v . OdfiVQig xaA^st d isv s y x w v xal xi&ocQajdla, 50 ntgl povatxij? TIQHJS Jlfovaaig. "Or ol 7"ATi xa- ri,v Iwvluv xoft Tag ncfatg inoQ&ovv, iv V ovroyv, xat Btiftpd^OMJp&ttP yv- iv TO) ISQM, o fiQa%v Trig nokswg txn%fi, fj.sgog TA TMV pMQ6(X()0)i> d i % A ^ v slg rrjv Mikqalar, xal f$a- ^5 mva''(ag tntdgcifibv siks rag yvrcilxag. c // 2q>ly, Oidinodog TO avTr t g alviypa evgovcog, ix axonttov kavTTjv ()lyaja avstJLo 1 . ^Ad/jir^ov ^.il^ovTog & - v si v, "AkxrjaTig cl'AsTO vnfq UVTOV \)dva-[ov. AsytTCU on b AsQvcttog orpig TtfVTrjxovTa xqpA? 6?^, aoJ^uw 8s 30 sy* xat bnoie 'ifyaxlrig dcpskoiro 3* 30 XI. Some Irregular Verbs. 5. Plavxog, o 2iavq>ov vibg, v

; * o^ev ciigatTog ytyovevai leyttcti. Mlvcog, o KQi'iTr t g /Jaff/Afv?, /latdvdov xat Jaldalo?" ds noirjaag migvyag nqog- ^.STCC tov Yxcc^oi'. C O di "ixagog T/lsvza iv TW nskriysi' ofrsv an Ixtlvov IXCIQIOV nilayoq 10 exA^'^7;. /8 UvQyog Intl avfifiaha? lolg *Ppotfat dig Twy qp/Awv xtu iiyepovfav anoXsaag, *Av T^I? 'EllrlSog i v. n s a w v , n\ov- 20 oiog yfvofAfvog, ngbg Toi'g Tcctidag tinev ' 'J2, ncildsg, a n co A o jU & a civ, ti {.irj u 7 7. Ovdtlg av&QOjnav r)'$iw&ri rolg -frfoig oj oaoi p t T e a % i'j x a a i xul.kovg. /Zc'Aoy/ yag TOVTOV %a(3iv ot(.i6()oV TW IlslonovvriOiaxw nols^M fig avi]Q, o , e | to Q & o v TIJV nohv, y.al d v I a T T) , xt TO xal TO) loifitp y.al TM OTS e v lxr t a & ^ s tolg "EUycH -&eov avrov yr t a sv 32 XII. Miscellaneous Examples of tlieVerbs. , oaa ?; TOJV fiaadliov A&rjva Kudfjua fiaadelav xaTtaxtvaas' Ztvg de fdtaxsv KVTM yvvouxa ^Ag^iovlav, xal ndvTsg &sol, xaTochnovTfg ivv OVQV.VOV, iv TJJ K ad (it la TOV ya^ 5 BV(t)^ov(^(vot vv fivr) a av . C O Ag$t]g TW argaTOTi * n K f v o s (j,sv dia T^g r t nuQov, ens^svos ds dia dakdaafiq, to* M v ' EMfanovTov sv!;a?, IQV d 10 QvS-ag . 4. C Ztvg idlg <&tdig aTisdyaag, "llv 10 ty(o /ucv iv. iov ovgavov asigav xa&yaGJ, v[tsig d', yv anoxQffiaa&BVTec; (hij0&4 (.is, [tdryv n o v t\ a 8 r s ' ov yaQ drj x a & s I x v a s i " el d* tyw l^i^aai^ai, ov /uo- vov vag, U xt rr\v v ciia xal Bxtaj giw . nvnyoQag o ^ftiog nganog 15 Iv Tolg^E^^aiv sro^^i^asv tinnv, on TO piv T^r|fT*, 8s yavrlrcav rgvcpyv Idwv, eAf/fy * Ay.QU'/ixvuvoi, rgvywoi, 1 fiiv aig avgiov ano&avovfjisvoL, olxlag 8s XT- 20 axevdovTai cog navta TOV xgovov Piwaopevoi. C l/Qaxti]g ir]V 'Haiovyv idwv xyiti txxfifisvijv, VTrf' TO aw a sir avryv, fl tag 'innovg TOV T i . 5. Toi Alwswg naids, Ta^Aw OVTS, dlxag I r i> - 55 a a T r\ v , y xUpaxa Inl rov OVQKVOV f-noiijad- a & r] v . /7bM Tjffav fV Tolg nnAaiolg XQOVOH; -frtoiv ctyu^fiocTcc, lka)v naqovTwv xat anovitov fj,s- 15 ji* vi] a o . Ay d n a toy nhrjaiov ' vofiw n / & o v ' <&eovg ai- 6ov' yoveig ottdov' ctQ% atuvTOV' TIQOVOIOLV il- fi a ' y.axlaz a n i % o v ' %QOVOV cp s Id o v' o get TO ' aotpolg %$<>) Aa6wv u n 6 d o g ' TO avp- 20 a9^QW ' fTll ^M(.ir t ^ [il] X rt V % CO * XCtXOlOl (A1] nQ og Of.il). E i avdydaiv, AP/ del TWV uya&wv s%ov' &tovg 8 e I d i & i ' tniOQxov (.i-f) s TC 6 ,u v v & i . Ml v tog. *0 piv ^r t gr]q ovrog eg ^ov nvQiyltyi- frovict I (.16 6 krj a & W o 5' isyoavlog vno iqg Xi- 25 fiKiQug d i a a n oca & TTJT (a ' o ds rvgavrog vno xwv yvnwv itBiQSG'&o) TO T^TTOCO ' VfAsig ds ol uya&ol MTILTS i<; TO '///Lufftov nedlov, xal rag [taxdgMV vrjaovg xct- , dv& wv dlxaiu InoisiTe xcaa tov filov* 8. 2(axQdrT)g !'>U/s, rovg piv ciMovg dv&gwnovg ?]V, 30 a ta&iottv, amov ds la&leiv Ivn ^wij. 'O 34 XII. Miscellaneous Examples of the Verbs Tovg viovg avvf%(og xaToriTQi&ff&ai, IV', ft xAot s i v , at-toi ylyvoivro' si ds ir\v Svgsidslav in i xaXv TIT o i ev . g, ncog av fiy '/lyvoito adlxrj^ia iv TJ$ 5 siTtev, El opolcag a/avaxrolsv ol firj adixov t usvoi Totg adixov/nsvoig. nv&ayogng igwcri&sig, Tiwg civ olvo- cplv!- rov nt&veiv navaano , El awtxiag, tcpy, gall] TCI vn aviov TTQttQaofAsva. ^Avaxaga ncag av T/C [ir] ps&vaxoiTO, El> tcpy, o Q w y xovg 10 [is&voviag old noiovai. OtOTtopnog ngog xbv fQUo T o Ji fi ta y] 20 TtfQt avTOvg e^a/nctQTavfiv^ vofAi&iv Evcxyogav avTolg i'vwfrfxi /9oj?#o?>. Ol noirjTctl ToiovTovg hoyovg ntQi TMV 9-imv tl$iuur& t ovg ovdslg av nfgl TWV fy&gwv i o A a if - o s i s "kiyuv. Evxlddyg o 2tMgativ.bg, axovaag rov ad&cpov A- 25 yovTog ' Ano^olfj,t]V, fl ^ as TLfnojQrjaalfjt^v, *Eya) ds, ttntv, fl firi as cpdslv fifing nslaaifit,. El Tig TOV T^g siixfalag SQWTCC s x 6 a A o i Ix TOV filov, tl av Irt uya&bv fjfuv y s v o i T o , TJ Tig av TI tyyeuraif&ttt tni&Vfiyijtitff Tw avrw SO TO piv nvg a v a x a v a s i a g av xal ptl^ov n o t if - a s t a g iv ftgaxsi, xal TO TOV Av^rov ywg a n o a 6 s - a s i a g . MahaTa av tvdoxi/nolyg, si qxtlvoio TOfVTa pi] ngartGiv, a Tolg aUoig av ngaTTOvaiv T * (A a) r) s . El anavrss fi i py a a i p s & a ti]V XII. Miscellaneous Examples of the Verbs. 35 aqyictv xal nfaovt&av, tv&vg av a no Ao i- p, i & a ' el ds Tol$ TWV Aiyvmiav XW& M voplpois povJir)&eh)(*V, evdcuftovtag av TOV @lov d i ctr i - i o i p s v . 9. JTwx^aTTjf ley it TWV atttov uv&Qwnwv dicupsgew, 5 xct&oaov ol filv ^tsJorty, IV' fa\)l(oaiv, aviog de ea&lei, iva, ijL Otwgu wgneQ ev y.aioTtTQco TJ actvrov nyd- &ic, iva T^ piv xAac e n i, x o a f.i y g , ictg 5 alaxgaq x aJiv nxy $ . 'O lliTTaxos TO ps&vovTi, lav a p a > - r ; , di7iKii]v Zyfiictv t-d-yxey, iva firj p s & v o i s v ol 10 t. 7'av otyo** yv n i v i] rig (ASTQicog, TO E, Tt]v de y\)%r\v ovx tBkaytv ' rjv ds n iv r) v7ieQ6o).rjr, xat ijd ytlolov ^f'a//a Tolg auro naga TWV MOIQWV, Iva, OTW "Aipiftog i.it\Kr t 13 'd-slrj rov O-araTov, civ xoud/o)c T.C OVCOV ^>'7JOXtV ' A 1J T i . - IIOfATirj'lOV Xttt /Vttfr- aagog diotzdvTMV, o Kixigwv ecpij ' FiyvwoxM ov cp\> y w , fj.r) yiyvuaxuv ngbg ov q> v y w . Ol dpfnr&flu, xaV ^ dtcuxMVTat, tpoCovvTai, ol de aqtgovfg xotv pr) xaxwg 20 TCQUTTUOl, TOlQUtTOViai, Ol 2fQr)is$, 80 * v)v I d T/ Tig tvvnviov, 36 XII. Miscellaneous Examples of the Verbs. 10. 'Ediddx&q c llguxli]g agpaTtj^aTslv piv vnb Apcpirgvtovog ' nakaLeiv ds vnb TOV Avrolvxov ' voStvsiv di vnb EvgvTov ' o TT >l o p a % el v ds vnb Kagogog ' xi&aQcadslvds vnb Alvov ' omog ds vnb yaQ ambv ogyia&slg dne Ilv&uyoQag ksyttai n a g s y y v av io"ig rovg ngtaSvTtgovs T t p av , [ii) o [iv v v a i & e o v c , uvoftlcc n o h s fj, sir , (pvrbv ruitgov fj,^rs q> & s I Q t t.v 10 /U.IJTS alvsa&ai, fj.v^irjv a a x fl v , iv OQ/JJ filers TL I s - y i v , jUT/re TiQoiaasiv. XttAwv, cl? TWV imu oo- qpwv, nQoghccTTS, ykwirrjg xgoiTslv , fir) x a x o bo y si v rolg nhjalov, yr^-gaq T i (i v , fyfiiav aiQsta&ai juaytAoy $ xsgdog aiaxQov, arvxovviv py sniyskav, 15 vofioig nsl&sa&cti,. Kcidfiov (fatjl ibv 'Ayyvogog Ix &OWDXI]<; -vnb TOV fiaadswg a n o a t Aij v a i ngbg tyrrjaiv rfjg jEvgo)- Tirjg, tvrol.ixg haSovTcc, i} rrjv nag&ivov ctyayslv, ^ fir) avaxdfiTiTSiv slg rrjv owlxr)v. Mrj dwdps- 20 vov ds v sv Q el v , aTcoyvtovai* rip eg oixov dvaxofAiSyv, xal xard TWO, xgyafjibv XT I a a t T? Orj- Bag. ^Evrav&os. ds xaTOixijaotVTCi y i) pa i> fiiv AQUO- vlav, yevvyaai ds ft wvx^f 2fislr)V, xal Ivw, x* orjV, xa/ Ayavt]v. 25 11. Aiyeicu 'Epnexox^g slg TOV? XQCtTygag Trjg Alrvrjg ev(i)iciu ij v i fiev vno AfAiawddgov, y sv v y &ijv a i ds ex Tvcpwvog xod tog envfreTo TOV ' E'^ri y.al TOV "A&W diea%d(p&cti, ngoriytv ix TWV ^CCQ- 25 dfiav. O nkaTwv Toig IIB&VOVOI avvsSovkevs ' an o OT ri a icr-fr a t yag T^g TOiavTyg a Kal w v o cpavKog xal & a v w ,v xoJid&Tat,. Ol delqtivsg a v a ax iQTWVTtg xsipwva in LOV r fir)- 30 vvovaiv. Ol nsgl TIJV ^alafuva d i UT $16 OVT e $ A&rjvaloi, -fretaQovvTsg TrjV ATTIX^V nvqnol.ov~ 4 38 XII. Miscellaneous Examples of the Verbs. p s v v\ v , xal TO Tsfisvog Tyg A&ijvag ax o v OVT g xaTtfxaqp#i, dewwg rj&v^iovv. daldalog ngotrog dyah[idT(ov TW oxsli] d iu6 s6i] x o T a , xal Tag X&QV-S dtccTSTKfj,svag nouav, y a avT o g , jUijxs'rt TOVTO Ovx I'VTIV, tiTisv, sv no\i(i(a dig apugrdveiv. bo id o Q ov [iev ov nvbg avrw, Ov avyxaTa6ulv(o, eintv, slg aywva, iv w o ^ T T w ft tvog TOV v IXWVT o g &m 26 El' tig OI'STCU vegnvoTfgov tivai TOV ev ort filov TOV iv ayoolg, Iv-Ovftri^TO) TTQO^ eavTOV, olov per tort, /5o'- rovg oqav | dpne^ov x o e ft a (i sv ov g , olov de tdflv krj'ia Ztcpvotov avgaig x iv ov fisv a fiowv [iv x co fj, s v w v xul nQoSdrwv 30 olov de ^soifia dapdlsts axtgToJaai xal six ova at ydla' ^/uoJ yag doxsl T Iv rolg -dedrgoig (ir)dsv elvat Tigog ivy an exrivuv fj XII. Miscellaneous Examples of the Verbs. 39 pr) dwctfisvyv iv Tt)V &vyar(>a, IttftTiddat; Ix TWV xctra TTJV xQctrriQMV avaya ptvrjv, Ind&siv em notta olx ov psvr) $, TOM' 5' av&Qwnav tovg fiahora Tov KQOVOV T eavTOV TSXVU xTfflr^/ovro?, o Ztvg, x >L a TT e I g VTto TV}? 'Pea?, xal tg TTJV jKfiffi|l> I x t s - frslg, VTI' aiybg avsTgacpr}. C O "ixctgog, o lov dai- flaAov vlbg, -laxivx o g avw tov xr^ov, xal irj, aUa XSOVTCC. 3. 7YJ fly and the Ox. Inl xfyaTog fioog sxafrtafrr) xa* TjvAst ' fine ds og rov fiovv ' El /?( aov ibv T&VOVTU. o V^W^TJOTW. C O tie s-o?, xat avaJiaSwv ir^v ISlav yvaiv, TT^| ibv ivtgys- T7JV. 5. The Fox and the Grapes. rnttQovg Aw7T7j? XQf[ux/j,evovg tdovcra, TOVTOI^ xarcKpaytiv. J7oAA ds xa t uovau tuxl ^ dwnf 15 44 Fables. frslaa yavaai, t^v Ivnyv Ttoc^n^v&ovnsvr), iJif/sv * " 6. The Kid and the Wolf. inl vivog dotfinrog earMg, eTitidr] Ivxoy THXQIOVTU ofisi xal i'axwnTev ctvrov. *0 ds hvxog icpij ' 'ji 5 oviog, ov uv pe koidoQetc, u/lA(i 6 lonog. 7. TAe 5oy, bathing. Ilntq \ovaot^.fvoq iv noia^ta txivdvvsus nvtyyvai* xnl idu'iv riva THXQodiTijr, 7i?'i()ot ogviv it^s, xv> 3 txdarrjv ^tigav (aov rlxTovaav. Tfoplouaa de, <, (I nfalovg TTJ ogvt&t, xgi&ag 7iceQ(x6u)>oi, dig Ti'lercu Tr t g ruisgctg, TO I/TO nenolyxev. *H 8s OQVig 7ii t udr)g ytvoftfvr) ovd' 7r| rfg y(.iigag -IBXUV 5 12. The Birds and the Peacock. Twv ogvl&tav @ovko t usv; ' 1'lM,' si, aov OVTOC, 6 ro? fjftcxg xacadiwxeiv S7ii%6igyai, nwg II. ANECDOTES OF PHILOSOPHERS. Zeno. 1. ZqvKtv dovlov Inl xAoujJ fpctaTiyov. Tov ds UTTOVTOC, JEtjutt^TO pot v.l.itya.1, Kal dag^vui, eq>rj. 2. IlQog TO (phvagovv fifigdxiov, diet TOUTO, (ins, dvo COT fyouw, aTo t ua ds si 1 , f ivn nhtlco ^isv axovbipwi %TTOVCI ds Xsywftsv. 3. NsaviG'/.ov TioAAa kahovvrog, Zyvav 15 i'q>i], Ta (aid aov fig rrjv yXaJaaav avvfQ^vijxev. 4. Zyvtavt 'Avnyovov TiQtaStig A&TJVCC& nifjupuvxog, xhy&eig VTC* avrwv avv AAoi? tt.oig TiQogcpf^olfiB&a, Iqp?;, c J2g aV cv J among rjpiv TigozyeQfo&ou. 10. ^AQiaTors^g vog vnb adoktaxov, xcu xonro^evog moTroig nal TroAAaxt? txvTov Xeyoviog, Ov -fravftaajov o 11 Ov TOVTO, qpTjat, ^ui^affio^, all' d' rig nodag f'xnv as 15 vnofidvei. Plato. 11. rft.arwv ->tavv6fievov Idcav rivet ngog rov savrov narsga, Ov navay, [isiQaxiov, ftrtf, roviov xtficupgov&Vt Si ov fie/a (pgov&v a^ioig ; 12. JlXarwv ogyi^optvos TIOTB TW oixerr], emaTarrog Efvoxgarovg, ^iuCwr^ icpr}, 20 fictOTiywaov ' f/w yap o// Socrates. 13. ITgbg 'j&xiGKxdrjV unQnu, ovx avtxTrj boidogovaa, Ov xal av, tine, xw&v fioMVit 14. * II Ettv&lnnri t'tyij, u~i)giwv peraSohuv ir\v Tiokiv xal aviovg xcrtaaxovawi', iv nuaaig o^otov TO 2taxQ(*TOVg 25 Tigogtanov &edaaa&ai, xat ngo'ioyiog ex tyf olxia$, xal Anecdotes of Philosophers. 47 Diogenes. 15. dtoyevrjg ngbg rov tinovTCt, xctxov tlvcu TO yv, Ov TO yv, slnev, a/Ua TO xaxw? flv. 16. dioysvyg o 2iv(rniivg, o Kvwv tnixaJiov^svog, nocvil TOTTW fig Tiavra, agiaTwv TS xcel xa&tvSav, y.al BaxTrjQicc f7iT](jslacxTO Hafrsvyaag' tnsixu fisvioi xt 5 ecpogst, (tvii]v. Kal nyqttV Exo/i/aaTO, tv&a T aiTia ijv. ' Emcritting ds iivi olxldiov aviqj nQovor t (ja(j&(xi, y.al fiyadvvovToi, nl&ov nva ia%tv olxtav. 17. ^tioyivf]g rjvlxa omskirts ii\v nuT^lda,, sig ctviw rcav oixsiwi' yxokovd'fi, ovoiia, Hiavrjg ' o$ ov cpsQWV 10 T)]V jUfr ctviov diotTQiOrjV anidga. IlQQTQcnovTwv Si nvwv avTov, tcpi], Ovx alaxQQV lart, Ma'rqv [itv py dioyevovg, Jioyivrjv ds Mnvovq ; IS. Osaaa- ratg X f Q^ nlvov, il$$tyts T~^ ni' t oag Uaidiov t u vfvlxr^fv sviiJ.Hu. 15 ds xul TO TQvSUor, oiwicag naidior xarta^s TO axevog, TOJ xo/Aw UQTM ryv . 19. Av%vov fi& ^fug nov, (pr), ^TJTW. 20. "Ors aAoi'c xt juakovfiwog ^w- Tf}-9"t], TI oids noisiv, UTUXQI'VOCTO, Ardgutv agjffiv ' xcu 20 TTOO? rov xrjQvy.oc, Kygvaas, tyy, d' Tig VTW nglaafrai. 21. "}.f/8 TW EsvtaSrj, ambv, delv nu&ta&cu, avrw, f? y.al dovkog sly ' xal ycto tl dovXog fl'rj, ntio&rjvoii delv I)TO> Tii'og uv&QUTtov tni*/QouiJttVTog Inl 25 rrjv olxlav ' Mrfiev tlgiia xaxov ' o ovv xvytog i^g olxlag, ecprj, nov tlgik&oi uv ; 23. It'x ToiJ fiakavelov TW fitv nv&opevfp, fl nottol av&gwnoi IOVVTUI, ' TW ds, tl nohvg o^og, ci; j uoAo/7;of*'. 24. Jlgog Tovg tQTivaavTag tnl TJJV Tgdnt&v (jiiig, 'fdov, (prjal, 33 xal Jioytvrjg nugaaliovg Tgscpft. 25. flgog TOT n vdo- 48 Anecdotes of Philosophers. , nola wgn del ctgiaxav, El f*iv nkovaiog, , fl de 7idvr t g, OTCCV e%rj. 26. n\UT(av *Av&g(anog m 'C,wov dlnovv, umtgov, xal evdoxifiovvrog, Tikag aksxTQVovu tigrjvsyxev tig TTJV a^olijv UVTOV, xal 5 tt], To xaxa a7io(ia&uv. 33. ).tvtr 'A&yvaioig, rovg orovg Innovg yrjct fir^v xul OTQCtTyyol, OTOvii&VTfg . 25 34. AiQiTWTfQor tin fr tirai, tig xogaxag fftntoelv TJ slg xokaxag ' rovg {liv yag unoOnrovrog TO aw^u, TOV? ds irp> Aristippus. 35. 'AgloTinnog, igwTri&tlg, xl VTW ntgiyiyoviv tx 30 (jp/Aoaoqp/a?, i'tyy, To dvvaa&ai naat, &ctggovvTmg o^uv. 36. EQ(OTi]$tlg rroTf, Tl Ttifor txovaiv ol (piloaocpoi, Anecdotes of Philosophers. 49 eov, 977, Hlg ttyvtnm TOTCOV rovg 8vo yvpvovg ctno- ?(t)t.ov, xl Biatf. 38. 'EgwTy&tlc;, rtvt diaqpegovaiv ol nfTtmdfv^isrot rwr anttidfviwv, iq>r], c JlntQ ol 8eda[iKa/Li~ 5 voi iTTTrot Twv ad(X(.ioio'T(av. 39. 3 J2Qb)Ti]&(lg, lira, farlv, del rove Ttcudat; puv&avziv, i'cpi], Olg avdgtg ytvopsroi, I. 40. 3 JEQWTr} title; into nvog, tl avrov o vlbg taiai Ttttidtv&fli.;, Kut ti [irjdiv a'Ho, tintv, Iv /ovv T at/to YOLQ rot TOVTO, f'gp;, xA/w. 47. Fogylctg o 30 Atorilvog fQ(arr t ^flg, noln Stalry zowpwog fig /uaxoov ifi-frtv, OvStv ovdsnoTe, tcpy, nobg r t 8ovrjv OVTS 5 50 Anecdotes i,f Philosophers. (pctyuv, OVTE Sgdoag. 48. Pogylag rjdi] VTKXQXWV, om/#t?, fl rjdewg otTio&v^axoi, Mahaia, slniv ' w$nzQ yuQ ex aangov xal qiovios olxidtov uafiivwg aTiaMaTTOpou. 49. C UVTOS inl isQfi-UTt wV 5 TOV filov, vn' aodfvelag xz:a>b? si7is1v f y 20 &vrjTor ytytvvqxwg. III. ANECDOTES OF POETS AND ORA- TORS. 52. *AvaxQ(ov dwgeotv nctgct HokvxQoiiovg kaSwv ne tdJiavTcx, w^ iygot'Tiatv in avTot-g Svotv vvxTolv, anidwxtv avra, sintov ' JWiaw dwgfnv %Tig avayxd&i, aygvTtviiv. 53. 2tn(avl5r]g fiityiv, OTI lnXi](Jn? [*cv noUdxig 26 fitTtvorjae, auanyaae fit OI'&'TTOT?. 54. Ai-axvlog o Ajiccdotea oj Poets and Orators. 51 T/d?^Tar Af'/ofo; rbv Kcaov fanrorrtiov yt- 25 TO at~>pct. ^Eml roivvv dvarQanrjvcd $d8iog ^v ex n^ocpdaewg, ftoJUSdov, (petal, iienoir)i.isvot fi%v iv ~ c r ' r<< tt > > i c < TOtc vnootfuaai 7rtX|UT, ivv [At] ctvargtnoiTO vno rwv dvs^wv, si' nors ox^Qol xixrsnvsor. 59. (I>ih7rnl8i]g o MM t uoi8onoibg, cpdocpgovovfievov rov fiavikiGig avrbv Av- SO , xul kzyovrog, Tlvog ool [istttdot rwv ffj,wv; Ov i, yrjalv, (o fiotaifav, nhyv rcov MTTO^^'TWJ'. 60. /ao- o ?TW0, vtavlov nvbg 52 Ajiecdotcs of Poets and Orators. dtirovg ?/r?ja ptaSovg. Tov ds T^V amar l ivu oiyav. 61. Avalag Tivl dlxyv H%orTi koyov avyygu- ipag tdaxtv ' o ds nol.ldxig avayrovq, fat TCQOC; TOV Avatar 5 u&viuwv xal leytov, TO psy Tictwrov avicn di*i6i>Ti GTO-V cpavi]vui TOV loyov, av&ig ds y.al TOITOV C'. TiavrUMg uf.iGKvv xcu OITIQUXTQV ' o e slvalug ydaaotg, Ti ovv, siTiev, ov% una ue'/A/ Af'ffv aviov inl tuv 5t- IV. ANECDOTES OF PRINCES AND STATESMEN. 10 62. 3 Ev cpvyjl nvi, T~ t g aTioaxwrjg AgTa^ig^ov TOV Mvyuovog 8iagnayti(jrig, |/^ GVXU xaTacpaywi' y.al xgi- &IVQV UQTOV, O'tag, ftTrtv, r t 8ovr t g a-JiziQog ?/|U7jJ'. 63. X- 6 fiaaifavg 'Apxttaog, adolzaxov xovgewg 7ifQi6a- >,VTM TO Mf.wlirov, xal nv&optvov, JJtog as "15 puff iA.tv ,' ^idOTtwv, tcpi>. 64. 'O rWTfio diovvatog I'A (jocpiOTui, ov &avpa%MV txflvovg, Aila Philip, King of Macedonia. 65. (P/AtTTTZOS l').f/F, XQlilTOV flvttl OTOftTOrifdoV IkOVTOq OTQUTIJ/OVVTOg, 1} XtOl'TWV, fkuifOV 20 66. l).mnog, o Alc&tvdgQV naTrjg, 3 A&r t valovg (jt&iv theytv, fl y.a& f'yaarov eviavTov ctiQeia&ai, dtxa OTQaiyyovg svQtaxovaiv ' uvrog yaQ iv TroAAot? sTtaiv iva povov OTQurriybv wgyxtrai, IlaQiitvlwva. 67. xoTMc p/A<(ir jutocu. 68. Nt- ov, TOV T)]g TQnyydiug VTrox^trr/j', t^fro rig, tL 17 JSvftnidov ; ovdtv [*iv rot'rwr, tirrfv, o d avrog t&fdauTO fTil t ufl^orog ax^ri^, (l>lhjinov f'v Tolg ir t g fiiya- 5 TOOC xttl fQm^usror. 69. T^to'v iAt7i7ro (VTl'%r it UUTh)V I'lp IVtt y.ftlQOI', TTQdlTOV (.ISV, OTl rfrlxyxfv'Olvunux' dtviigtiv ds, on Uaqfuvlw o ar(jnTr r 10 /bq lirxZf) Jixtidtxt'f^ f rly.ijae ' JQIIOV 8 , on ugij xntfiloi' aTifXvifOtv Olvprndg' txvartlvng fc dvgc&ov %tiQac, 'Jl S(uuov, fiTif, usTQior rt rovTJig ttrtt&eg fA [ia! fidus on rr>7c fifyi&oig fVTV^unai (fdoruv ntcpvxtv *1 Ti'%t]. 70. Jv XetiQMVtiq TOV^ AtJT t vulovlhnns, av- ii. 20 Alexander. 71. C O 'AhiSnrdQog zJioysrti fig loyovg fhftwv, ovrw iyr] ror filov v.rti TO u$r'.(u(X TOV avdgoc, o'tgrs ni'Tov ^vr^ortvoiv At/fiv, IA pr] ^A^t^avdqog O/6rr,g V -i-p^v. T2. 'slJ.eSavdyog (jovov lx- lxoruq UVTOV 8r^fjiio\'Qyt1v ' fjovog y(*Q 25 ovrog xaTfftijvvs TO* jfaJixfp TO ?]&og (XVTOV, y.u.1 avvt^l-* cpfge Tt) /uo()(jP/] TTJV o.Qti-r t v ' ol 8f u/t.lot rr t v (tnoargo- (pT)v TOV tgcyqlbVj x^/t TMV Ofifimo)? Ti t v vyQoiqra fAtfif'ia&ai ftikovifc, ov 8if art TotTt TO (5x $, d^l^(/g TO diudijftct, ovy. av ITU lots xslftfrov uvio (SdurcUffff. 76. ^AviLyovoi; o fia- 10 aUfv wrattyi ainov TOV vov, nijrxa &Vt Tl df.doiy.as, itwtj JUTJ povog oux axov0|}$ Alexander of Pherce. 77. j&fi dov, tytlta&tffTSQOV dieTsfrr] Tcgbg TOV oTxiov 15 oi)y fx TOU OtaTQOV uTiiatv fjfatTO, deirbv eivat Mymv, el Toaomovg anoaqjifo/.g noUrag, ocpdyatiai, ioig f na$^f xal Croesus. 78. "OT Koolaog i] , * SI 20 fiaotfov, fiTif, TKXVTOW fm y^g y.nkwv o yJiiog uv&Qw ttl'llOg (JTt, Xttt OV<5fV V 6?'^ TO)** t ? 7It /^C, /U^ TOU in^a^TiovTog' AA ft &dKovat dvo faiot ytviv&tu, xlrdvrog nuvm ovft< dtXovTcu sivSol, xul awT7y^a mvitvovaiv twai, dvo ds 25 ovx civ Anecdotes of Princes and Statesmen. 55 Themistolles. 79. @/ucra>xAj! trt ftstgiixiov o;V eV TTOTOIC; txvhv- tTO ' entl ds Mifai(xdr t <; (jTQHt^ywv tV/XTjow Iv Maqn- rovg {SagSaQovs, oux trt rp> e rovg , Ovx fa fj.f xafrsvdfir, ovd? fyf&Vftsfr TO Mdnd- 5 . - 80. j[iUT7J#* di t TlOTfQOV ^l^l^fVg uAeV V et^at ^/ "OinjQog; 2v ds uvrog, tyy, noifgov o nxwv iv 'OAVftnuxatv y o xrjyvaawv xovq sivoti , 81. Otf4urrox]ii)g ngog rov JLvyvGicidrjv rov ^laxfSnifAOViov t).fys 11 VTCSVMVTIOV, %ru avsisivtv urw 10 T?;V /5rty.ri]Qlav o 21vQv6t,c'M otr fla tQa fislog, * ai'Tov uQXOvia x^aTOV, dixu&VTU nrtQu. TOV ra^ior. 84. 'Antly.u'&v ai'jov TT? nlaruroic;, cclg vnoTQi%ovGi- 20 i, ytvopenis ds tvdlccg xtttovaiv ol xokovovaiv. Epaminondas. 85. 3 E7iftfiivc>h'dng IV f7x s T^/tfcora ' ft 8s TTOTS CXVTOV tdaixtv tig yvcccptiov, avTog vni^svtv ot'xot dt anogiav STSQOV. 86. Enc/.pivMvdcxg, o Or^ouog, I8a,v OTQCJITOTIS- 25 dov niyu xul y.nlov, ciQurri'/ov ovx i'xov, V/A/xov, tq>r), TJO/OV, xt xig filaaqtTjpriaavTog avrbv, JS/M T fiiv f'^/a, f'qp^, ctvrov /5Afc^w, TWV de Ao/wv oux ^'xovaor. 90. '/qpt- TO (JTQ(XTVlltt OVTOK; f'|U " -froignxM fjtv fyov trjv cpakayytt, x&Qag ds i? f Spartans. 57 >'&) Trusts oi)<5f xaxov ( u|Ua#7;xa^uj' Trap vpuv. 96. 'AyyaiTioligi o /vAcO|U/?OTOi>, fl^rovrog nrog, OTI ftlhiiTiog Iv otiyaig ^fitgaig *'OAuv^ov XT(JXJ//, JVj olxodo(.i)]aft. 97. XaglKaog eQWirj&flg, diet rl iovq vofiovg 6 6 Avxovqyog ovicog oUyovg l&tyxt?) "Orr, figp)/, rot? oA// Isyovaiv oMyav xcu vo^mv tail xqda. 98. 'A&i)valov nvog ngog 'Avialxldav ilno "llutig de ovdirroTS, tinsv, v(iag otnb rov EVQWTOI. 99. C O 10 aoyiarov nvog ^usAAovTo? avwyiyvwoxtLv tovg, 977, Tig yug avibv yfyu; 100. Agxil dvratuiv aiirov, 'Jl Aware, sqxj, nolov ysgag naqn crov rdig ayct&olg avdqdaiv earat, otctf xi&agcodov OVTW$ Inouvyg. 15 101. Tcug -frvyarQaaiv avtov Ifianafiov nolvx&ri Jio- rvatov TOU ivodvvov 2ixsMag nf^ocvTog, ovx edd^aTO, tlnwv, rpo6ov(j,otL fiy Ttfgi&epevcct, al y.opai cpavwal /uot t- G%gtxl. li)^. *Ag%i8tt[iog, o 'Ayrjaddov, xcnaTiffaixov fil- \og idwv, TOTS TiQcaitug e'x 2ixsUag xofiiafrev, avtBoyasv, 'Jl 20 103. *Ay)]alKctog rr,v (xr t dovct ^ii.iov^svov, Tra^TrJaaxo cpyaag ' Avrrjg uzi'poa TioMcixig. 104. Kaii]yoovtfiv ol Aaxtdai[i6vioi A/iiaddov TOU /9tan&t9g, tog roug av^f^fot xal nvxrutg 25 tig TIJV J3oi(OTiav f^So^oiig xt axgaTtiaig tovg Ot]6aiov$ avTiTiukovg totg AaxtSaittovloig xaraaxfvaawvTO?. AIQ xt -TSTQMftdvov CXVTOV Iddjv o 'Avralxidag, Ka'ka, ev%]i TO ytvdog, a Xttl 67U T/ 106. "j&ss? o JK&iQtewd o 5 OlilfV) XWTfl' TOJ' tnt/MQlOV TOO7TOJ', TOV tit. f flaiodov TOj 107. _^i'xor';'oc, j Aa-/.s8ut}jiovioc, niiQcod-flt; vno Tivoc TOiy 7TO/.iTCi>V CXpftuhl-ltoV 10V f'lfQOV, '/.Oil 71 UQahttfiblV TOV 10 rsuviay.ov TIUQU rov dr>[iov, ira Tiu(aoi]aai-to,oji(ogaviGs ()(j\}}.r{tai, TOVTOV fiiv rrfi'o^6TO, naiSzvaag de avror, >:ul KTfQtpijvctg (jirdga {tyu&ov., nc/.Qr' t y(tytv fig TO Otct- rgor. Oav t uc/.6t>iwy 8s TMV slaxtSuinovloiy, Toviov 15 8i5w t ui vplv tmsixrj teal 8r t [io-iixov. 108. /taroiWcor, ITuvaavlag, o ttav *daxtdai t uorlcav U.TIQ ASQ*OV nzviuxoaia idlavTU XQVJIOV TCQodidovai -lijv ^TKXQT^V. Twv ds ITIKJTO- e I/yr t Gihtog, o nctTrjf) TOV 20 yor, TTfot TWV av^CBG^y.&TMv uty.ovaag, TOV vibv xal rag ? yvvaixog T;V VQ^aF, y.ltl yU(/W Toy 7TQodQT1]V UV&faVi OV tj *Q rovg ovovg tyoit/fW. 25 109. C O ByualSag uvv iiva avMaGwv iv laxdai, xal drjx&flg, ufyyxsv' diet, nnbg tavTov, 'Jl'llgaixteigy t'lqp^, we ov8dv eanv oi/iw f4HtQoy t ov8 aa&evtg, o zoA^wv |UiWa#a// 110. C Q ^iftavlSag^ o y.nl ol ovv tturw TQICCXOOIOI, TOV ^tavrfvo^ifvov avTolg "Q ddvavov u),ovto ev Ilvkoug, xcu VTISQ rrjg *i'AAa(Jo5 ev xat xAti>? ayMvianfAevoi r&ovg I'TV^OV evxltovg, xui So$av eavrolg a&uvanov ixntlmov, xal yypvjv aya&yv dt, alfZvog. 111. jliyovToq ttvog, ano -HUV oi jur fiupOvcouv oi>8i xov 'i^iov Idslv tarty, Oyxovv, Anecdotes of Spartans. 59 d vjib axidv avroig f.ia% nhiiM rd svavrla, aids rovg naldug dg rdg naTQwag icpsgov raq>dg ' d ds tl%ov rwr T^aVjUCCTWJ', fviav&a ul8o\i^vat xal d'^voiioai, 10 xi, wtf IVi fjidhaia, KCA&UV anevdovac.i xaTahnovaai xovg vsxgovg ev TW ;/' Id&QU dg T olxBia r^la Ixgfufcov avrovg. 1 14. Au- y.uivu yvvi], rov vlov avryg lv naQaid&i ^Cf.iaOkrTog y.ul dvgcpOQOVvrog inl xot'xw, Mr] Ivnov, rsxvov, sins' v.u'J-' 15 txaarov yvtQ firjfioi r^g Idlag uQtTyg V7iofivi]cf9"r t a)]. 115. rbgyca, i] slcixfduiftovla, ^dECtivldov yvvr], rov vlov uvryg tirl OTgaiftav noQti'oiiivov, rr t v uGTtlda snididovua, dnsv ' *H xuvTav t] inl tavTa. 116. Einovayg rivbg, wf toixt, &vrjg ngbg JTo^/w, rr}v Atnvldov yvvalxa, wg 20 Movai Twr avdgwv ag^srs v^tng al ^idxaivai, Movai ydo, 117. C nveg Big ai>Ti)V, ^WTTjfffv, ti xccAa> o Bgccaldoig ane&ave, xal Tt$g 25 |tw? ; MtyalvvovTWv ds ixdvuv zor avSga, xat , r)f U7ir t yyifa, Tovg iraldixg c.TiavTctg TtTefavTyxtvcci, *A)J. 3 ov TOVTO inv&vpsjfr tint, xctxov ardgdnodov, AA rl nQaoasi ?; naTgig. fryoavTog 5 8s, OTI nxK, AfffAtvi], loiwv, HTTP, d&^oftui xal TOV T0)y nnldwv &OLVUTOV. 119. AO.Y.WV TQW&slg iv TroAi^w, xctl fiudl'Ceiv ov dv- vafjevog, rtTgnnoSio-cl udsvev ' alo^vvo^ivw d* UVTM Inl rot /sAo/o), T] f-irirriQ) Kui noao) fithriov, w rdxvov, sinr-, tnl TYI ecvdplh* yfyrfosvai 7/ aia%vvfa&{xt enl VO?JTW / 120. Zqervroftfais yvvaixog ini Tin ri]v yevopsror, fig T!JV (xxkrjvlav xaTTfyayov, xal r^nsilrjaav aurw (pvyyg ngogTl^rjaiv, tav [irj tbv filov, ov f6iov rotf, TOV Koinov [tt&agfAoaijTai, ' (psgEtv ya ainov TO nSog xal ir\v toil acafjtarog didfrwii* aloxvvijv, xa* vy xat rotg vofioig. 125. dqpadqs t o ^TW^, tv rjj xar XociQuvfiotr [taxy VTIO , xal avaTa&slg avrw, Ixelvov nctga ncnov , nou 7] tvyeveia xal t-TTf^o/^ Tijfs pf)) f^ v T W no/.ttog 3 A&rji'ai(ov psv tblkmnoq, Mctxtddvuv ds Xugyg torya- dns o TWI> pslwv TTO^T^^, IZavaavlov TOV TlVT7y(7' v 128. MfvexyaTovg TOV tT(>ot, Intl xaTaiv%uv tv naiv aTisyratoiusvaig O'SQaTitlaig Zsvg 7TxAr^^, cpoQTixug tamij %QW[jLf,vov TJJ nQogwvv^La^ xal df) Ttgbg rbv *A.yr]al- 25 laov eniGTStkxi TO^^aarxog omw, MerixgaTrjg Zevg /?- ai Aft 'Ayrjaikdo) xalgtiv ' oix avayvovg ia Aot7r nvri- ygaijjs, Baadtvg *Ayrjattaog MsrsxyaTti vyialvsiv. 129. MevexQaTyg, o laTQog, fig rooovxov Ttgofo&s xvcpov, wgre eavxov ovofid&iv Ala. Elana TIOTS fifyahonQfiuug 30 lhnnog, xal dr) xal romov enl &olvriv exdfaas, xi Idlct Y.\lvr\v auTw exsfavas naQWXsvda&ai, xal xara- xh&dvTi ^VfiiaT^Qiov 7iage&i]xe, xal e&Vfuajo avru ' 01 ds lotnol dariuvro, xal yv ^ya^OTi^sTrsg TO dslnv.ov. 6 62 Miscellaneous Anecdotes. C O TOlvvv MsvexQKTrjg T (tsv nQWTa svsxaa/tsQei, xal XT) -xi<[*y ' snsl ds XT ^ijtQov b hfibg neQtyk&tv Kttl yksyxsxo, OTL yv uv&Qwnog, xal ravra svrj&yg, ag amwv OJ^TO, xal eksyev vGqla&ai, i^ifi^mq ndw 5 TOV ftHllnnov xrp> avoiocv aviov exxalvyjavTog. 130. OgdavKKog rig nuQudo&v evoayas fiaviav. 'Arto- Kmwv ya,Q TO oiarv, xal xrtrs^eir slg TW IZsigccici, xal SVTCtV&Ol oixtoV, T TT/totOt TOt XClTOtQCttQOVTa BV UVTW 7KXVTCI sctVTov evofjLi^EV stvctiy xl ocTisy^acpSTo ama, xi ctv 10 radw s^tTiBfins, xoft rot? nsQiffwtgOfisvoig x slgtovaw fig TOV hfjiEvcc V7iQsxLQS. XQOVovg ds dtersJieas avvotxwv TW aQQwaTrifiaxi, TOVTW. *Ex, 2wsKla$ ds u o adekcpog CXVTOV, Tiugsdonxw &VTQV tofrow idaoiG&tti, xat snavaaco xyg voaov OVT&S. Efis^vrixo de noMdxig Tr]g 15 ev (jLuvln diaTQi6ijg, xat l'As/, ^dinors yad-yvai, xoaomor, oaov TOTS ydsTO enl Toug fiydsv UVTW nQog^ovaaig vavalv anoa(oo[JAV(XLg. 131. Tlftwv, o piaciv&gwnog, evi aavtoc Idwv TOV 'AkxiSuxdiiv, xal nyontfjiTropwov anb fKtt^alotg emqiavcag, ov naQql&ev, ovd* t&xhivw, a 20 sito&si' Tovg ciM.ovg, Ai' anavTyaag xal ds&toattfABV&g, Ev y , e$ tyov tavT 30 iiotMnr. 134. c ff (powlwvog yvvrj sQCOTVj&slaa, dtix il fiovr) iv avvodta ov q>ogst xgvaovv xoopov, ?qp?> xoar ( wo? fiot, iaxlv y TOV avdgbg ngtTr). 135. , xl Miscellaneous Anecdotes. 63 sty yvvaixl, To TW toVw, 6977, aqtaxuv avdgl* 136. Ton'xi?, iy rfStttWMW /yyj}> qoaAax^a ovaa, rolg aywvcc ngov&ijxE Ttsgl Tod.dvTOV, ogTig av lipuvov t NATURAL HISTORY. Syrian Sheep. T7/ Svgln T nQo6ura taq ovgag l^st TO ?rAT05 5 xa TAe Elephant. 2. 'OjQQwdti o sklqiag xfoaaTTjv xotov xat %olgov joiwv, (petal, y.ctl Pa^icuoi TOV$ avv JlvQ^m TW Ty hgiyuvro eksyavrag, xat ^ Wx^ ai/v Tot? c Pw- 10 Qwg fyevero. 3. Tw tiscpavri, o t uvttr^Q tor* uaxgog xai la^vgog ' xa.1 /o^rat avrw ajgnsg %t igi ' Jictfi- 6(xvei yag rovrw, xai t? TO oro^a ngoqcpsQVtai trjv rgoqtijv, xal TTJV vygav xal ii\v l^oav, paro* Tt5v ^itowy. 4. O* axovTcit ocpudgwg ngog aHfyovg, x2 TUTrrofat 15 odovoi, afpug avrovg ' o de fiTT^-d'tig SovhovTCti, xal ov% rr)v TOV vwyaavTog (pwvrjv. /Jioupigovai ds xa rfj ardgsia ol ftecpavcsg -&aV(iaGTOV oaov. 5. Ol iKicpctVTBq waiv \xr\ uAf/w TOJV diaxoalvov. Twv ds AiSvxiav ol 'fvdwol (isiovg T slow xal W//a>U(UTCOi. 24 64 Natural History. Tafiq yovv ngoGouy.iffiv 7td).^ig y.a&aifjovat, xal ocvaanoiai ngooyia, Sim'tord/iifvoi fig TOUC onutfrl&vg . Toaovtov dd tioiv f.vTiO~d(jasvToi y.cu -&vu6(io(poi, xul hif)-u'iv tnl tfxo.Tw /nav&dvoi'ai, xal 5 %grjCf&ai, xal vtlv. 6. * TCOV TiQodidaay.outriO}' aTcto xa* y.irrjGsig SvftJiixTOVg avuxvxJi&iv, fie o ai/TW7', ay.oi'MV xaxeo? XO"TOTJ, y.cu (095^7; vvxxog avTog dcp* irxvrov TiQog xr^v arjvyv ra 10 naO^ftaToc JUS^ETWV. 7. 'y/AAo? Tig vno T yijv Tidhv unrigdaaTO, xal 15 7ittQ%l&sv, aQy.ovaav ^/ov^ifvog dlxqv TW vrjhxovTM cpo- i. 8. JTfQt ds iwv d/Qioiv xai avtovopcav As- aUa T5 ^av^a'crta xctl T ntgl rag diafidaug TWV iaioQovai ' TtgodiaSulvti yag tmdorz rrov o vtwT(xro$ xat /utx^ozorro? * ol <5c ^crrtoTf? ano&tbjyovatv, ^0 co?, uv Ixflrog VTiFQfitiQy TW ntyi&st TO Lv- 56 awffi. TOTS S o iJiiqMxmoiyg (7U7Hjdijaix$ ds y.a nti- g fj.lv ovv TOV ffacpavTiarov finavrtg OTCIV d uTioGfj, ol i*.iv, ol d ov ' AP. TWV T 7r^o(i.^/ (jxi'P. 30 yavxafratv. The Rhinoceros. 10. > !EffT6 fwov, o xwAeTrat /iv WTTO TOU Ax;; de xcu /?/ 7i(tQanh\ iiiyi&n fiev eariv ovx ()HXTTOJV Tiiffluv nh'te, TSiQtxnovg d wV x< dlxyhog nctQtt- rot? /5oudt, TOV? xavhodoviag t%fi p,dov$ iwv vuv, iQflg Q apyoTegaw xuv /nfgwv * MTU ds xal 15 xtgxov xal cpwvjjv 'innoy nctQffMpSQr], TO d' okov xvrog TOV aw^iaroc; ov/. ixvo^toiov tXecpavn, xul deQfja navTMV i(t>v &r]Ql(ov icf^VQOiccrov. I2oTOif.iiov VTIUQ/OV xal oulovj jug [ilv rjpsgag tv xolg vdaai dtciTgtfiei, rccg 8s vvxTKq Inl ^cJ^ac xa^avi^jon TOV TS aliov xal TOV ^O'^TOV * 20 OKTTfi fl nokVTZXVQV l]v XOVTO TO &IOV, Xttl Xai* SVKXVTOV t'nxisv, &iVfUttKSTO av oXoy^s^wg rug yewgylag Tag XT The Camel 12. Al xcxfirilob i'Siov t%ovai, nctQu, T TOV xaJiOVfiwov vftov Inl TM VMTM ' Stays QOVOI de al 25 BaxTQiai T<*>V ^AgaGiw al per yctg dvo i'xovatv v6ovg, al ($' ?va (AOVOV. C JI xd(jr,^og xvti (iiv dexa ds ahl tv povov. Zy 8k xgovov noti) nhlat 6 66 Natural History. The Ape with a Dog's Head. 13. Oft ovop,n^o^voi xwoxi']Tai yocpa) TOV g^vfimog fyyvg VT f.ii] yiyovKvai din fiixdovg rr/v 15 XtTiTyv y.txl u6t6aiov, taraTcti, xV fa rig, t7iaviQ%tta.i ' 8s The Deer. 16. TMV ehdcpwv en &rjhiai {. TTJV odor, OTIOV TU actQy.o6ooa fryyla //^ ngoqstaiv ' ol ds (xyyevf?, orav afa&fayr&t fiagftg VTTO ni^te^g xat TTO- 20 kvanQxlag orrsg, iy.TonlC,ovai, aw&vitg nviovg TW Kctv&avw, ore TW (ffvytiv ov The Hedgehog. 17. '// TWJ> %SQO(Xt.(OV fx'iVWV Ttfol TQ)V aXVflVlOW TIQO- voiot ndvv ylayvQU IOTI. MfTonwyov yng vnb raf vnobvopivog, xat TO?^ noal tag gayag Natural History. 67 a&iaccg TOV fiorgvog ^a^uf, xat TifQiy.vha-dilg, araAa/i- Sdvti Tdiig axnv&aig ' ftra xuTndi'g ft? TOV qowAeov, rot? tntVfWQtf %(fi)U, xat Aa^#uVf' an ai'TOV rapievo- psroig Ticcyadldwai. To 8s, xonouov aviuv onug %%n dvo, Ttjv pii> ngbg voTOVy TIJV ds ngo-; fioQictv fikenovaav " otav ds nQoalafrwrTcti ir\v diacpogavTov usgog, f)u(jp^a(jtfova* TIJV xar vtvtpov, T>}V de krsqav avoiyovair. The Dog. 18. IZvyyog, o /SaaiAci/?, odevwv ivixi^ xvvl cpgov- QOVVTL OM^OC nfcpovtvptvov, xat Trvfrofj-srog TQlirjv rjfie- Qav fxslvrjv UOLTOV Tta^n^iivuv xat firj anohjitiv, TOJ ; fiiv vtXQov txtfavae dou^ai, TOV ds xvva ps& 3 tnviov xofil'CsiV. 'OUyaig ds varfQOV yfitgrxig tt-lraaig r t v TCOV (iT^aricoTcov, xat nuQodog xai^Tj/zsVov TOV fittadscag, y.al nuQ^v o xvwv jjai'/tav l/wv ' 67Tt ds roi'g aporsag TOV dsanoTov THZOI- orrac fidsv, t^ldQa^is fisiot cpMvyg xal &v t uov en* aviovg, xai y.a&vkay.Tti nokXiixig (israaT^s(p6(j,si'og fig rov HUQUOV ' ttlgrs (.trj (tovov fxeivw di viiotyiag, /,A xat naai folg nagov-ji rovg ar&QMTtovg ywsa&ai ' dib ivfri'g xat avay.Qivopivoi, (ity.QMV IIVMV TiQocysrop&viov, ouokoyrjoavifg TOV cpovov, xo}.do~&r l aav. 20 19. Ai'(S>[t{t%oc; xvya fi%sv 'TQXUVOV. Ovrog VSXQM TS fiovog Ttaosftfivsv CCVTM, xal xato^gVou aov VMpaTog [j,wv avTog taVTOv tJisQQufje. Ta d* aviu xat TOV ^Quaui, ki'/ov<3LV, ov nvqQog, ov% o fifitoifavg, orH i'ltoog Tig iStwiqg, ZdQEifjtv' urtofravovTog -/UQ uviov nigl TO 25 (/war/ dimglGKiv, xttt nfQi TO xhivldtov al>nift ,.->> 3 - f < N svov, Tst.og fig TTJV nvqcev acprjxsv envTov xat T nybg *A\i$av8(jov, fkncpov aytffisvov xal xangov xat SQXTOV, T}W/io.v fyovTa xfta#t, xat ntQiogav oaa< Tovg nihtxiivag Tag iv roitg noru^olg ysvofisvag xoyxag OQimovrag xuTta&leiv ' tnma oincv nkfi&oq et^qpo- 10 grjaawiv aviwr, f^ffiflv, fi&' ovrwg TCC piv x^ ia&isiv TWV wv ds oaiguxwv (* The Ostrich. . Ol GTQOv&ox(X(j.rj)>oi fiiys&og t%ov(U veoywet ' tug de xcqpA^ n&fQtxviag <&()i$t ds 6cp&(x^i.tov$ ( u?/aAof?, xal xaza rijv XQo 15 Ma^QorQa/^ov d* iinu^ov, S>vyX$ W^ fiQ<*xv navrdug, ^Enri^oncti ds -ingooig ^aAaxoT? y.a.1 dval axehtai aTTjQi6(tvov, xat l <5//?/'Aot?, xtQOuHov upa, (pwlvsrai, xat JmjKpy. dia ds TO fiuyog ov dvvupsvov &UQCU xt ntrea&ui, xar T^ yrjg (oxtw^ otxgoGuTtl, xf dioty.6^svov vno JMV inntcav toiig noal tovg 'vnonintovTa.g A,l&ovg ovroag eviorwg anoocptvdova ngog rovg diowoviag, wgrs noUdxig xugrfgcilg nlrjyalg The Magpie. 23. Kovpivg rig typttcmfoiov *X MV & 'Pa/uy nqo rov 25 ttpwovg t o xcdovviv c j&li]vctvpdovai, ii}v yon'ijv tore -d-avpa fielgov r/ aiwnr, 10 {/Jioifjlat, ds (jpa^axwv int rovg ol ds nKuatoi, tag Gakmyyctg ii'xaov rt] 8' axoy (jvyxuTfaSea&ou ir\v cpwvqv* *Hv da TOVTUV, U' aay.rpjtg, dslkyg ' xaTcc' > Kihxln xn v &v. Enliven psv yag arsftudsg TV pdli- 20 Aofrr<. xdumsiv ax^cor^toy, kgfjuwi^ovaiv savrdg, vnig TOV fiy nagacpigEG&ai, iiixgolg hi&idloig. Ol ds %yve$ rovg vg dtdowoTfg, oiav v7ifg6dM.wo~L xov Tccvgov, elg TO M&ov svpsys&i) kapOdvovaiv, olov imUa xal di trjs aayqvijs /?cx0i/ri?Ta Natural History. 71 di) T/S %?o(jl TWV uvu "j'^'tot. ds ItfTOQovat, neigav ctVTijg Inmktov JuxpSavovreg, V fXTisaij <; i'oixt, diet TOV vdaiog TQenopsvov 5 xi TtQonsTiov&orog. 29. nworrigag ^wov ear* xa^xt- vwdsg, xal -if} nlvy ovvsan, ttctl Ttvkwgu TJJV avTolg ix&vdlcw ' TOTS ds T^V f^A^5v * 17 5e aw'xAa(J T^V 10 yxw* xa * xotvug T?}V a/Q(xv fvrbg f'gxovg yevopsvrjv xa- Pilot-fish and the Whale. 30. C xcdo^asyo? ^/s(i(av ati OVVEGTW erl TWV , xat 9$po?]gfrmt, TOI' Sgouov fatV&vr)t', ^a/ (m ' 01 ^^^ c *? tsvuyog % met 15 dvadl-odov. "Kneroa yctQ avrat TO a-Ocr, naQctyopevov V7ii&lXa diecp&dgr], etvej(&evi:a. 26 TAe Tortoise. 31. Oavfiaair) r) ir t g %tkwvr\<; ntql Trjv ysvsaiv xotl amrjQiccv i&v ytvvwfisvwv Intfitlsia. Tlxrei fj,kv yag sx6aivovaa t^g ^a^aTT^g nhjalov ' intod^uv ds fir) xtgaeveiv nolvv X9 vov > tVTl&ijai tr\ 72 Natural History. *" cu, xwt ro /.eioiatTOv , ol fiiv kiyovoi Toig noolv ct^iiiTfiv tied x#ra- TOV Tonov, evar)[*ov eavTJ} noiovoav, ol d, rrj? > VTIO TOV ufjgevog TQ^no^ivt]V t tiinovg Idlovg xt dag Bvanofolntiv. O ds TOVTOV iitigav xgpi//.|aa TsaaagaxoarTjv (tv /OCQ exnsiTExai xal nsgiQQrjyvvTou T ua) KQoqtiGi, xul yvcogloaaa TOV saving gxwar^ -fryaavgovt tog .oiidelg %gvalov 10 -5-7/X1/J' av&gunog, wa/isVw? uvolyu xal The Magnet. Nitre. 32. c // U&o$, r^v EitQinidrjg fisv ol ds TroA^ot iiQuxhelai', ov povov aiiTovg rovg nyn lovg otdiygovg, AA y.ctl dvvafuv evTl-&r)o~i> roig Moig, togiB dvvaa&cu TUVIOV TOVTO noitiv, oneg ^ A/5oc, cittovg ci/iv fautwlioys ' wgT* svloie o^^a-^og (uaxgbg navv aidi]Quv daxivttwv e!~ ^^Awv ^T^Tt, naat, de exdvTjg lijg M&ov rj dvfa^ig y7j^T7/Tt. 33. 3 /iV Aaxavlff Upvr) OVTM vugtodsg COTI TO vdug, wgTS TCI ovdwog htQov (jvpfjuxTog TtQogdua&ai ' xV 20 XQOVOV fv TW vdotTi eoiatj rig, MYTHOLOGY. Mythological Notices. xalxovg eort T l'w. f Tns^6dvTt ds xt l TOV VUTOV ysvousvM cpu$ Tf ^ctfj.nQOTegov Mythological Notices. 73 Xt 7?T(xi aiTovpsvot TOV Ix TWV i9 -vuiwv xanvbv ctvrfi xvlafft] avyvs/itsvov, xal TO alfia xwv , o Tote fiwfjidig ol -frvovTsg nsgixeovai. 3. Ovalag ttXhag rolg &oi$ ngcgoiyovai ' flow [tiv o yswgyog, agvu ds o noifiTjV, xal aiya o oUnokog' o ds Tig hi6av(a- 20 TOV r\ nonavov ' o ds nsvrjg IJidoxsTai rbv &tbv uovov ryv aviov ds$tdv- 4. Ol nkdaicti IQV (tsv diet drunkaTiovai xal ay.riTiTgov i'%ovTa, IZoaeidura xvavoxahyv, irjv ' rcag&srov xaJU}?, yJiervxoinw, alylda dv^(aafisvrjv f xogvv 25 cpsQOvaar, dogv tyovaar, TTJV "Hgav favxufavov, svtlfiova, fiacnhxyv, Idgv^EvrjV snl xgvaov -d-govov, va (Asigdxtov yvprov iv ^Xoj^f^/w, TOOTTJ', diaStGqxora roig noalv wgntg -friovxa. "ExaoTog TWV &swv Ts%vr { v TLVU t/M i] &oig r) dv&gwnoig XQ' r l (J ' i l JLr l v ' *0 ATtoMwv fiavrsverai, ' 30 o 'Aaxlrjmbg tT TSXTOVIXTJV Ttxvyv, er* d* no/Ua TWV iv Talg aMaig eiuaTrjftaig elgrjy^aaa&at rolf xal T^V TWV t'Jlwv xaTaoxfV^v, xal Mythological Notices. 75 it t v out TOVTWV tfvvT&ovfiti'rjV [wvGixi]V, xal TO TroAAa TWV cpdoT #'())> tgywv, dj ' o)V 'jl'jydvrjv avxTjv TT^OS- 8. Tat? # Movai do&ijvui Traoa rou naigog ir\v TWV evgwiv, xal r^v TW>> fTrwv aw&eaiv, xyv ngog- 5 noirjTtit^v. "llcpaunov ds Myovaw ysvda&ai T% ^c^t TOV aldrjyov tqyaaia$ unaor^) xccl nsgl TOV xodxov xl XQVVOV xat ugyvgov, xat TWV w o'aa T^V fx TOV nvqoq fgyotaiav lmds%Tcu. Tov " ds [iv&okoyovai TTQUTOV xaxctaxtvdaai navonUav, xat 10 aT^rteJr? xw^-OTiAtWt, xat TTJV y rat? ^aw^atj Ivayw- viov ii'tgyEiav dgrjyqo'ao'&cci, cpovevovTCt tovg ansi&ovvTag tolg freolg. 9. L^jroAAcova 5s T^? xt^a^a? evgeTrfv arayogevovai, xcu 177^ xar avr^v fiovaitc^g ' en 8s rrjv iaigwfjv ini<- 15 Grr\\n\v s&vtyxeiv, diet rr t g (AavTMyg TS%vr]4 yivofisvr)V t St fjg TO nu/.aiov avvsfiau'S -friQandag Tvyxdiveiv iovg de xat TOV TO|OV tovg t *//;<<){>' ovc T Tre^* Tr/v ro&lav xat Kofmridtg Aajt^niov y&'vq&tvTci) xat TroAAa 20 Toi5 Trar^o? Twy t^ IccTQwyv ^a&ovra, ngogs&vguv rr]V is #aOi'Q/t'av xat tag TWV qca^^uaxwy axevaalag, xal in\ wg aqxriyov avir t g xt 10. Tw 5' *o|U>/ ngogdnjovai rag iv ioHg noM.{*oig 25 tvofiilvag emy.ijQVxdag xal taAAa/? xat anovddg. at, xat o(pfgov xal avyhov. ds rov %aivv\>at, TiagadovTfg, tg iov ryg 13. '0 K&ySfgog, o TOU tidov (pgovgog, ft%s r^flg fih y.fipcdug, ri]V ds ovgav dqdxovtoq, xara ds rov 30 VUTOV Tiavroltav ocpfwv xscpahag. 14. 'O Taqragog ronog larlv tQi6(adr]g iv adov, roooviov ccno y^g i'x5oyor^ TOT g. e Jlg ds o CPQOVQWV TO puvTUov Hud-wv b'cptg xai- xyfh&uv Inl TO %d(j(j,u, TOVTOV av&wv TO fictv- TtlOV 7TttOA / u6'Jt. 2. Anohkwv AdfirjTdj, TO> fittadsl TWV 0fooiiv iv Osaou- 10 Mix, t&ifftwjf, x4 ijTrjaoiTo ntxQct Moiotav, IW, oiap^AdfirjTog fitJiJir) t&Uui^fv, anoJiv&j] TOV &avonov f av exovalug rig aviov frvrjuxsiv I'A/jnxt. C J2? ^ Jjl&ev r) TOV &VJ}OXM> TOV Trarooc, ft^Tt TTJ$ [trjTQog VTIKQ OCVTOV oVrwi', "AkxijaTig, f) avrov ttlo%oq, vnfQani&a,- 15 rs. Kal avtrjv ndhv ervsitfftipst r] Kogr] ' (og Ss tvioi As- yovaiv, jryaxhyg [taxsooipevog Tto OavuTM. 3. *Ancd.l.tov y.oil IIoasidu,v, TIJV AaoutdovTog vSqiv daai ^slovrtg, elxua&tvieg avd-Qtanoig, vJiea^ovTO enl ~(ii Tfi%ilv TO Hsgyn/Aov ' Tolg 8s. TSi^laaai, TOV [jiia&ov 20 oux dnf8l8ov. Air*. TOVTO *Anu'&mv psv koifjiov tTitfufte. Hoai8tot> ds xiJTog, o Tovg ev TW ntdio) avvyQntxev dv&gw- novg. XyrjafMuv 8k if/onrW, dnaU.a/f)V taea&cu ^ur v, lav nqofri) Aaoptdwv 'llaiovrjv, jyv frvytxxigtt 7* 78 Mythology. txvrov, fiogav TW xyrsi, ovrog nf)oi'$"r]xs, ra"ig nhrjalov rr^g g nirQaig npogaQTrjaag avrr^v. Tavryv idv &fa)v sTil nkstov. "'TctTfQOV ds rr^v svTVjflocy ov (psQwv, xal [ifTaaxwv xoivtig T^aTrg'^Tjg xal ndarjg naQ- Q-qalixc;, aTD^ysMs jolg av&qwnoig TO, TtctQct, idlg a&ava- 15 roig 7io^j5?;T. Ai r]v aiilav xal 'Qwv fxolda&rj, xal g aiwt'lov Ti^Kaglag ?j|icu^^, xaia%&slg tig rove . Toviov d' iyivf.ro JI&oy> vibg xal AVTTJ <5' fysvvijjfv vlovg kma, xal rag i'aag, svTiQsnsla diaqtsyovaag. Enl 8s TW nh]Ssi 20 TWV TSXVMV /if/a (fgvairo^iivri, nksovdxig txavxaro, xul ryg drjrovg savrfjv svrsxvorsgav diiefpatvsro. i't^' r\ [isv Ai]rw ^oAcotf ( ufV^, ngogsra^s TW piv AnoMuwif xara- ro&voat, roig vlovg rfjg IWooiJ?, tr\ 5* A^rt^'iSi, rag -&v- yarsgag. Tovrwv d {muxovadvruv rtj firjrgl, xal xara rov 25 avrov XUIQOV xararo&vadvrwv ra rixva ryg NtoSrjg, avvsSi] avrrjv vcp 3 i'va xaiyov o&Mg a/za svtixvov xal arsxvov yt- vsa&at. 5. NioGrj de Oi'fiag unohnovaa, TtQog rov nari- ga Tuvrakov jjxsv slg 2ljivkov ryg jlcslag' xaxsH dil (v&ptvr), ri]v poQCpijv tig H&ov (j.sri6aks, xal %iiiuu, ddxQva 30 vvxrwg xal /*#' iftMQav* 6. Axtal&V, Avrovor t g xal Aqwraiov naig, TQacpflg nagd i, xvvrjyog fdtdi'^Or], xal vartQov xartSyw&i] f'v zol WVt, vnb ruv Idlaiv xvvatv. Kal roviov srsfavrrjcrs rov rqonov, ort rrjv^'AQrfniv kovopsvqv sldf. Kal j ),ct6ovTg ol utv&Qwnoi, O'tQantia.v nag avrov, (jor { f}(t)o~iv 15 , ixtQctvvwatv avcov ' xat diu TOVTO og/ia&slg i/xAwTra^, xovg TOV xtQctwov dii' xara- axsvuaanag. Ztvg ds f^/t'AAryare QLTIIBIV V.VTOV slg Tugra- gov dty&elarjg ds ^irjiovg, sxs^svasv avrov EVHXVTOV avdol &HTtvacu. f O 8k naoaysvousrog tig (Qixg -JIQOQ Adf^ov, 20 1OV )7/TO, TOKTfo) AT^fWV tJlolfMXiVS, Xdl @6ag Tidutxg didvpaioxovg sTcoi II. BACCHUS. 1. Avxovgyog, noug dgvuviog, Hdwvotv fiaaifeixav, ot SiQVftovtt noiccftov nagoixoixjiv, i^iSuks dtovvaov avv latg Bux%aig tig Oyaxyv &$t0na. Kul Jiovvaoq [iiv 25 tig dulaaaav ngog Oinv, TIJV NTJQS&S, xaTtcpvys, ds fyivovro ai^uaAcoTOf, xat TO aviat avvsTioptvov p Imtmv diacp&aQflg anidavsv. wv 8s Ogrxxrjv, xal rtjv Ivdixrjv anuoav, xev tl$ Or^fiug, xal rag yvvatxag rug oixlag fiaxzsvstv iv TW 10 Usv&evg 8s, Jfylovog mog, naqa Kudfiov fiuoikslctv, 8t,tx(*)kvs tuiiTK y'yvsu&ai, xal tig KL&CUQWVK, rwv Bctx/aw xnuiaxonog, vno ir t g f^rj- xaxa tavtav f*,sXsi Tvg^VMV ^IJUTQIXIJV tfua&MOUfQ T0*?j'0r? * ol 8s avrbv ev&efiivoi, Na$ov fj,sv THXQtnheov, rjHsfyovTO 8s tig iTf\v Aalttv ajif^niaX^oovTsg. 'O 8s TOV [isv iaibv xal jag y.amag fnoL^atv ocpfig, TO 8s axacpog tTihrjas xiaaov xal 20 fior\g av^MV ' ol 8s 4ftpccv&ig ytvoptvoi, XUTU T?J,- tcpvyov, xal eyivovTo 8fkcpivsg. 4. 'fxagiog TOV diovvaov, fig tr\v 'Arxixyv vnsd^aio, xal hxpfiuvFi TTO' aviov xtijfta apnihov. Kal T Tifot rrjv olvonot'i'av pav&dv(ov, xal rag TOV -&EOV 25 8a)Qyaaa&ai &i\wv /otT? dv&gajnoig, dcpixvtiTw tivag noipisvag, oi yfvad t ufvoi 7ov TIOTOV, xal 81* r)8ovr t v dcpsidug tlxvaixvTfg, ntyaQm'tx&ai vo- antxTSivav avrov. Mt&' t^ignv 8s voqaavTtg, efrayav avTov. *ffytyovt) 8s ifi -frvyaryl, ^bv nuiiga 30 fiaaTtvovarj, xvwv avrrj&yg, ovopa Mnigrt, ^ TW Vx(>/w awtlnsjo, TOV vfxgov Fprjvvas ' xdxtlvr) odvQO[Jiti>i) TO* Mythological Narrations. 81 III. MERCURY. , Malag xat Aioq vibg, STI, iv OTtagydvoig o>V, tx8vg, tig IIiSQiav nayaylyvfTUt, xal xXsTiTSi, fioag, ag tvs t usv 'Anotiwv. "iva 8s prj qwqa&slr] v'fb TV /^vwy, vnodijpaTa roT Trotft 7K9Ql9\h]*8, xat xo^/aa? fig HvJiov, tig (jTr^Aatov anixgvyt. Kal Tw^ewj tig Kv^Ji^vrjv u^fro, xat fVQiaxft TIQO TOV CIVTQOV vs^uoplvijv ^e^vvjv. TCCVTIJV slg TO xviog xoydug Ividvug, IVQUV SVQS xal l^TroAAwv ds tag ^oag &TWV, slg JJvJiov a 20 lxixTT]TO fiovxoluv, xat Tijv (j.avTixr t v l8idd^aTO ainov. Ztiig 8s amov xfyvxa iavTov xal &(ov vnox&oviwv ii~ IV. MINERVA. 1. Kixgwy avTO%&(av t avpcpvsg *{%wv awfia dvdgog xal dgdxovTog, Tr^g 'ATTixijg tGaottsvas TT^WTO?, xat TTJV yyv 25 Xsyofisvrjv "AXTTJV, acp savTov Ksxyonlav uvofia- 3 Ent TOVTOV, (faolv, t8o$s Toig &solg noksig xaia/la- 82 Mythology. fisa&ai, iv out; e'ftsMov t/tiv ii^iug Idlag txaarog. 'l ovv nourog JloasidtHJv inl rrjv ^Aiii^v, xat iQialvri, XT (iior t v rijv axgonohv aviq>rjve Tff viif g%Qifi8a xaAoi'G't. JV/iETa ds IOVTOV rf 6 xat tcpvTEvasv tlctiav, i] vvv iv TW ITavd^oalw r^ro^iivr^ ds sgiSog t^uffoiv Tifgl Ti]g ^w^aj, *A$rp>u.v xal HoastSwva dia).vaa$ Ztvg, xqiiaq t^eoxe &oi)$ rovg xa. Kal Tovraov (Jixa^oVTCor, 17 Kiy.gonog (.laQTvyyoavTog, on nQWiov T^V fkalav f(jyvrsvotr. 10 *A&i]vci [isv ovv acp 3 iami]g IT\V nohv ty.dfoazv *A&Jpat$ ' noatiduv de, &VJJLM ogyta&slg, TO OQIVKUOV nsdlov sTii- x/.ror xat rrjv ATTIXIJV vyaXov tnofyotr. 2. *Hv naoa 'Orfialoig ft&vrig TtiQtaiag, Evygovg v.ul Xagwlovg vvpyqg, ytvopsvog ncplog tovg o 15 Ov nsgl xrig mjQCoatwg xa* [uerrutys, Ao/ot liyovrou (fogoi. *AM>Qi fifv '/KQ awov vnb rUa pv&o)t.oyov ex Kvngov, licivTig tfjv emffTrjuyv, eq>r), ti]v cccpoyluv Tiavaea&ou, lav 15 fcVov avdga rat Jil' atpdStoai, xwt I'TOC. Bovoigig ds txtivor ngwTOv a; de xegxiai rovg oy&alfiovg Mythological Narrations. 85 VI. EXPEDITION OF THE ARGONAUTS. 1. Ql$ov, TOV *A&d(*(xvTog, /uv^oAo/ovfft, dia rag dno Ti}g fiijTQVing iniGov^ag avctkaBovTM xr\v adekcpijv "irtJiijV, (pvysiv tx Ti]g f EM.ddog. Iltfjouovftsvwv ds amav XT nva &tcov nQovoiav x ir^g EvQcanyg tig TJ\V *Aalav enl iT]v (itv TiUQ&ivov unoTtsativ elg ii]V 6 v an* exslvyg f ^i^novrov ds Qt$ov tig TOV HOVTOV noQtv&tVTCt /5, xara xs 11 hoyiov ftiiGavca, TOV XQIOV, o dtQag i$ to rov^AQSog isgov. Merct ds ravTa fictaitevovTt, Ti}g Kofyfldog Al^ry ^Tjor^o^ exnsaeiv, oil 10 TOTS y.aTacfTQBifjei ror filov, OTKV IsVot xaTomhsvaavTfs TO Xgwetofutlfor deoag anwsyxwai. Aia. di] TctvTug Tag m'?, xt 5t Tr]V I8lan> w//oT7jT xaTadsiSat, -frvsiv Tovg %ivovg, iV diaSo&dayg Tr ( g cp^^g tig ccnavTot TOTIOV ntgl Trjg aygioir/Tog, [tydflg TWV &v(or sTtiSyvai TO^fi^aai 16 2. Tw llsUa, rfg 'itakxov tv OtaactUa ^aadel, l&sam- aev o &ebg, TOV [tovoadvdcdov gl$oV xdxelrog, 'A&rjvag i>Jio&S[j,svr)g, nsvTrjxovTogov ravv 5 xaTsaxsvaas, TTJV ngogayogsvfrslaav anb TOV aavTO$ 'Ayyca ' xra ds ii]V ngwg di otsgog sdlcoxov. *JIv ds r7c 'Agnvlaig xgewv TS&vdvai vnb TWV Bogsov naldwv ' Tolg ds Bogsov noual, TOTS TdsvTrjasiv, ore aV duoxovisg ftti 30 xarwlaffwat. Jia)xof4,sv(ov ds TWV *Agnvi,wv, y fisv fig Tiva tpnlnTSt, r) ds iitga [tt%gig vvv TI' txsivyg Srgoyddsg yag, utg rjl&sv inl TavTctg, xat ysvofj.svr] XUT T^V rj'iova vnb xapuTOV nlnru vvv TW ^t WXOITK 'An.ottwvtog de tug Mythological Narrations. 87 avrocg mgvtu, xa pysv 7ia- &slv, dovaag ogxov, rov ivia prjxMi, udixrjasiv. 4. 'AnaMayslg Si TWV 'Agnviwv ivsvg, fyyvvas TO* nlovv Tofg'AgyovavTatg, xal nsgl TMV ^v^nJi^yddfav vm- TWV XT T}v loii fioviov Bi'godov. *Haav ds 5 aura*, ovyxgovopwou df AAjf/lat?, VTIO trjg nrsv^drtav {Slag, TQV dia -d^a^cxaa^g nogov ansxfaiov. ds TToAA,^ piv 7r' ainwv OjU/^yl^, noJivg ds yog ' i\v ds advvarov teal rolg nsrtivolg dt* avitov i7iev cvv ai'Tolg uysivai Tisfotddct diet ruv TTET^WV, x* 10 lav per idtaat a(a&slaav, dtantelv xaTacpQO- ' eav ds aTroAojUfV^v, fir] ntelv /Jta^ea^at. Tavra avr t yovTO uxovactVTtg, xat, wg n^Qiov yaav rwv TISTQUV, ai(x0iv X Ttjg ngwQctg Tisfaiada ' ti)g ds iTizafidvrjg, TO, ttKQcx, TTJS ovgoig T\ ffi;/u7rTwaig iwv TiSTQoiv arrs&sgujfv. 15 'Arcc/cagovaag ovv emTrjQriactVTsg rag ni-TQaq, ^UCT sigwiag ', tvrovov, avM.a6o[isvrig c '//joa?, difa&ov, ret axgct, aTwv TIJS vr^og nfQixoneiaiig. Al piv ovv txTors 0Ti)vai navTfitg. 20 5. Ol ds 'AyyovaVTai Jiugan^svauvrsg OfQiiwdotnot xa* Kavxaaov, enl aaiv norafiov TJJ.&OV. OITO$ r Ian yr,g. Kn^OQ^ia&fla^ ds rrjg vrjbc;, y '/(/', xal ra sntjuysvia vno IlfUov leyav, noi- dovvcu TO degag avrto ' 6 ds dcaaeiv vniax&TQ, lot 25 vovc xakxonodotg raVQOvq > f iovog xctTa&vSy ' ijaav ds aygio*. nag* otVTtjj oviot ravgoi dvo, [ifysfrsi, dtcKpsgovreg, 8tagov *U oiffTtida, xixl TO doyv, xul TO ffw^ua ' TOVTW yaq %QI- tcpy, TtQog piav rjptgav t u,r)TE vnb nvgog aflix??- yrs vno aidygov. ^dfaowe de WVTW, oneigo- 10 fiercav TWV odoviav, ex yjjg avdgixg pskfaiv avadvsa&ai ITI* avTov xa&(*)7iha[Ayovg, ovg Unsidav a&goovg &sdar)Tai, Ix&svas {3dM.eiv dg psaov kl&ovg ano&sv ' orav de VTISQ TOVTOV paxcavTai TTOO? aJUt^Jtov?, TOTS XTSIVSLV ainovg. 7. !/aawr de TOVTO dxovaag, xal xgiadfjisvog TW (pag- 15 |Uxo), nagayevofisvog sig TO TOV veca cikaog, tydaievaf vovg TavQovg, xal GVV TroAAw nvgl oQ^GUvrag aviovg X ^nflgorxog Ss aviov tovg odovrag, avsitMiov tx -i^g avdgtg IVojrAot ' o ds, onov nteiovag s(aa, SuD.wv u(pavov<; It&oVg ngog avrovg, ^la^o^dvovg ngoq 20 nyogutiv, avygsi. Km^tvy^ih'MV ds TWV IUVQWV, ovx Idldov TO dsgag Air}Ti]g ' ipm&tio $i irp rt ^Ayyw xaia- &daaaa TOV luaova vvxrog inl TO dsgag J;yay?, xal TOV doaxovxix xaiaxoifjtaavoi roiig v xTA^wv, TO iv Mythological Narrations. 89 i'dmxs' ntQt wv ds rjdtxy&v) peTtl&flv l&&mv, xat- OV ti-tdixtro. Kal TOTS piv eg Vatf/ior /it TMV d vaag, are&r)xs TTJV vvcvv Hoasiddiivi ' avdig <5 Mr jioazj). *JI Ss fig TO, flnottfta roO HtUov naQek&ovtra ntidei rug &v- 5 yctTtgag avrov, IQV nmiqa xyfovyyrjoni xat xw^cy/^aat, dtu qpo^uxajj' ctviov innyyf.^ofiivri noiyvi-iv viov " ynnl tov muitvaai X<*QI>VI x^itov nfhlauuvt xul xa&y>jja rrjv JMA.XOV oixovvrfav 10 Mijdtlixg Tyg VII. MISCELLANEOUS FABLES. 1. OQ(ftvg, /CavtAtoTTTj? Jlfovo'^? xa< Ol'.iyQov viogi adotv ixlvfi hl&ovg TS xat dirdgn. Ano&avovtrriq d& EvQV&txift t T?]C yv>(xiy.6c MVTOV, Oitf&slai)g vnb oiptwg, xarfy&iv tig 15 adov, xt nkovTMva tJTio~iv uvuni[iui>ai auriyv. O 5 TOi'TO noirjVfiv, uv fii] noysvopsvog Oyynig tig TIJV olxlav aviov 7ictQ(xyivio~&ui. O Si UTIIOTMV 7[io~TQa(pt}g ^(jTO Tr/v yvi'ixixa ' i\ 8s 7iccj.iv VTlfOTflfl/JSV. 20 2. TZoXAiu Twy ^oiTjTajv (jpat, T, anoxaTao~TTj(jai ds TOV "llhov snt ir\v trvvy&i) noqnav. Tov ds ai&ovToq TIWQVTOQ TiQog tug sxSohag TOV vvv 5 Iladov xaJiOi'fisvov nora^iov, TO ds ncdaibv , -d^Qrjv^aai psr Tag ad depots avcov ds rrp> vnfQ6oXi)V rr,g hvTiijg /usroej^T/j yvaiv, ywofisvag alytigovq. Tccvictg \^ ) \ &ictv TOTIOJV, yu^ifl Hiygnv, ij\v iUfti}&itiH; xal Ilavdwyag, ^v sn^aouv ol &0i yvvalxa. Jlnfl ds otiparlaai Zii'g TO xafaovv /.'log 25 aev, vTio&epsvov noij&ewg, Jtvxattwv slgsSq. Zfvg di nokvv vsrbv an OVQUVOV %iag, T nfalaTCt ntgy Tijg f Jtiku8og xaTtxlvasv ' O"JTS diacp&ugrj- vai Tiui'Tag dvfrQwnovg, oMytov XMQIS, ot avvscpv/ov fig T 30 TrAijtf/ov vipr^a o^r t . divxuUwv ds iv rr/ Ace^raxt dia Tfjg f

l a o I [ttru ngog allTjlovg ntgl rqg , Javabg TOV? AiyvTiiov noitdag 'Sedoixajg, v AfrifVag avrw, raw '/.UTfa'/.svaos fizvTrjxovTOQOv, xal Tag &vyatgctg 3v&/jj.iVog, t'yvysv zlg "/tyyog. Ol Ss AiyvTiTov mudfg xul avrol tig "Ayyog tk&6vTg, nags- 20 xdlovv iov da.vu.QV, rijg TC ffrfrQCtg navaaa&ai, xal rag aviov yaptiv r t $iuvv. /lavaog ds, a,ua per UVIMV rolg Ina/y^lftaatv, apa 8s xal [ivr t uixa- g qtvyijg, o^uoAo'/ft tovg yafiovg, xal ditxlrjQov rag xogag. 'Jig ds titlljQ&ffCttrtv tovg ydnovg, tanatsag 25 fyjffioidin dldwai jtxtg O'lyaTQaotv ' at ds xoi t u(x)[*svovg tovg vv t u(plovg unsxietrav n^v *fniQt&qotq>a$. Amv\ di Avyxta disvaws ' dio xadt'ot-ng avirjv dai'abg q>QOVQn. Al ds U t g 30 Ixydtvaav. JKal avrag fy.a&r^gav A&rjvu TS xal /fib* xfAfi'owTO?. /Ivtvaog dt vartyov TnfQ^'ri- OIQIK.V Avyxfi avvmxias ' TC ds koinag O'vyatiQcug tig yv- oy ayuva roig nxwaiv tdwxsv. 92 Mythology. 7. Mlvmg &a"kaaaaxr)aTwv f.noXs^trjas crroAw rag ' xcu Mi'/aQft (ifa, Niaov fiaaifavovrog, TOV Ilavdiovog. Ans&avs de o Nloog diet -&vyttTQbg Troodoalav. *j[om yftQ iyyct fiv &o hoy QV at, 10 fjisvijv tig rag Or]6itq, ai'viypa nqon&svuL TW Swap-ivy AJ- aat, xat 710^0^? vn nviijg dS anoyiav araiQSta&aL. *Hv ds TO 7iQOT&tv vTio Trjg 2v ot'AAwv, o Oidlnovg clTitcp^v nov tlvai TO ngoSA.ii&ev ' VTqniov [tsv yag aviov TfTQnnovv tivai ' av$t]oavTa ds, olnovv ' yrjg iglnovv, {3axTi]oltx xquptvov dice T-^V ua&zretav. *Evictv&a '20 TTJV fjiv 2g htyovai, diog, xAAft rjv oinnQtnr^g. IlnyfyivovTO 8s fig 25 2ni t(xv o nnoxQL&fig vv^cpioc vno iivbg u8iKi t Tni Tifql TOV yn^iov, xocl algtlTrti TOV 30 vvfjcpt'ov, xal TT]V {Saadtluv Tyg 2ndgTi]q UVTW nagadt- dwaiv. 10. '/I Ohig tx Ur^fMg ftoeyog eylwyaE, TOV ^ *A9uvuTOV St. \H\ovaa noirjaat TOVTO, xovqxx to nvQ iyxQvCoijct Tr]g vvxTog, tfp&tiqev o t]v uviai ^Mythological Narrations. 93 ds g, xal danalyovia rbv nalda ld 7ToAft)V MSTeVOVTSg UVTOV, , diet T%g tvyevela* xat trig fvatdlag rr^g exe/vov, 1 av tvgsa&at naga rwv &iVj ovdevog ds TOJV anofai dvo xctTevtyxfov. 15 "H(p . Hu^ftov, el fiffjiijvoc ; OHSQ -&ekeig aol ysrta&cu. Z. JiatQS&ijval fioi> TO xgarlov ' si di a vvv nguTov ogyi^o^iivov nugdar) [tov ' AA %QTJ a&ai TTUVTI TO> &U(Acp f (tySt //t'/Aew * ct7i6M.V(j,(XL yaQ vnb 20 TWV (adlvtov, at pot, TOV iyxiyukov avaaTQeyovaiv. f> H(f> . "OQU, (o Zsv, fir) xwxoV 11 notTfjawfiev ' o$vg yag o xat ovx avai^fOTt, OVTS XT TVJV JKifal&viav os. Z. Kaisvtyxs povov, (a "HcpaiVTe, -^a^tSv ' oltfoe yag 26 iyw TO avficpegov. "Hep . Axwv fisv, xaro/aw ds ' Ti yag %Q?I noitiv, OOV XsJiBVOVTOg ; ("H^a/yT; 3i*rifAvti vo rev Tl TOVTO / xo^^ tvoniog ; jue'/, cJ Zcv, y.axor et 96 Mythology. ty xtcpodjj ' axoTW yovv o^v&vfjiog i]a\)a, vnb TJJ [irjviyyi nuQ&ivov l^woyovcav, xal Tavia tvonkov ' TJ nov OTQCtTonsdov, ov xscpodyv &fi&qj$i$ fywv' r { ds n^da, xal nvgyixi&t, xal TJJV aanlda Tivdaati, xal TO doyv ndkfai, xal tv&ovaia ' xal TO (AtyiaioV) xahr] nuvv xccl axfiala yfyevrjTou Ijdi] iv @Q&XEl ' '/kctvxwmg (j,ev, xal TOVTO III. JUPITER, ESCULAPIUS, HERCULES. Z. llavaaa&S) (a Aaxkyms xt /T(>axAi?, eQi'ovTe$ ngbg aM.rfl.ovq wgneg av&Q(onoi. ATIQSTJ^ yag TMVTCX, xt aA- 10 Borgia TOV avfMioalov TWV &swv. C JIQ . l4AA G&tfaig, w Zev, JOVTOVI ibv yxtQuuxitt ngo- 3 .4 a x . Nrj Ala, xt aftelrtov yug fifti. 'HQ . Kuia T, w tjiGgovTiriTZ ; % dioxi o~e o Zev$ 15 raaev, u fty &pig noiovvra, vvv ds XT' efaov otv d&araoiag fieiel^cpag / A ax. jETuAt'A^aat ycty xt av, w '^axic?, iv T>/ OVttj xaiacp^f/slg, on pot oveidl&is TO UVQ ; C !Q . Ovxovv 7aoe xal ofj,oia fieSlaTcu yfiiv ' og ov Mythological Dialogues. 97 fjtia iv jivSiit, TioQCpVQiQa t'vdfdvxug, xal ntxiofitvog vno 1*1$ 'OfKpdlirjg XQvavt aavduku, M, J ovdi ittkayxohjacu; ttTiexTCiva r TCXVCX xal TI\V yvralxa. c //. El nij navvy koidoyovpevbg fioi, avTtxa /*A ?i'oi/$ anonifiifjo^at, Vfjiag TOV avji- noaiov. Kctlroi tvyvwuov, w c '//(0xXf?, TiQoxaTotxMvta&al 10 vov rov 'Aaxlyniov, UTS xal TIQOTSQOV a IV. JUNO AND LATONA. '// Q . JFa/l [isv yQi w Ai\toit xal TCI Texva e TW Ju. Ar T . Ov navcti, w "//5>a, TOiomovg rixTi-tv oiog o "Hffaioios eauv. c // Q . l^yt/L' ovro? (iiv o ^wAo?, ojuw? xoijaipog ye eatl, rtXvhriq wV agiffTog, xal xaKxxsxoa^tjxEv jjfuv TO-V ovyavov ' ol de aol TraT^fc, -q fiiv UVTWV agQWixr) negct TOV [ihqov, xul OQEiog, xal TO Tslevr-alov, s$ TI\V 2xv&l< TidvTtg taaaiv oia la&Ui, &voxTOVovaa, xal ngognoieiTai, (j,tv -rcdvia stdsvai, xal TO^svetv, xal xt- , xal taTQog tivai, xal {iavTsvta&at, xal xaraaTij- fQyaaTrjQia Ttjg [tavTixilg, TO ftsv ev /JeK(po?g, TO 5' ev Kldqw, xal ev d&vnou;, Qunma Tovg xguptvovg 26 auTW, P,o| djioxQivopevog, ug dxlvdvvov rivat TO aqpaJt^a. Kal nlovTSi, (iiv ano TOIOVIOV ' nol.kol -/UQ ol dvorjTOt xal fg avTOvg xaTayoriTevta&ai ' n\i\v ovx 9 98 Mythology. yt vnb TWV avveiwjsQW ra TtoUa TS^aTevofifvog yovv o ftdvTig rjyvosi, OTI yev&Tai ambv ), xal TavTa OVTW xulbv xal xofit]TijV 6W. TavTa fiGvioi, TCI tettvct, y ^woxtovog, teal o K;, oida, ontag Ivitsl ae, OQWftsva ev rol$ oruv r\ ph enaivf]Tcu If TO K(iM.og, 6 ds Q%r) ev TW avpTtoaio) d-ctVfjia^ofisvof vcp umiv'twv. 10 e H Q ' Ey&aact, w Av\ioi ' exelvog -&otVfiaaTO?, ov o tl T dixatot at Movaai dixdffat ij&slov, and- av, avrog xQarqaag T/ [Aovaixi] / vvv de xaxaaoqu.- a&Uo$ anoJuofov, adlxwg c&ovg ' y de xaJ*.i) aov nag&ivog ovrto xakiy fffTty, wgTS end %{jia&ev oy&eiaa into 15 TOV LixTatWo?, (poBrj'&sio'a pr) o vsavlaxog eZayoQevay TO alaxog amfe, ena6ql&ig adewg ' nlqv a/U,' oy/O|Ut as (UCT* oklyov av&ig docxyvovaav, onoTav ae JO jtaralnnwv ec TJ\V yijv XT/J/, Tavgog y xvxvog yevopevog. V. JUNO AND JUPITER. 'HQ . 'tiyu (AW v\oxwo(jit}v ar, a> Zev, si' poi TOiovwg *iv vlbg, &y)ivg ovia) xal SieydaQftevog vnb T-fjg (JUTQK per avadedff^evo^ TTJV xofirjv, T 7ioU.a de yvvall avvwv, aBgortQog avtwv ixsivwv, vnb TVfindvotg xal 25 avKolg xal xvpSdhoig xogsvwv ' xal okwg TtavTi pallor wg, )] aol TW naryi. Z. Kal \ar\v ovTog ye b ^ijlv^iT^tjg, b uSgoTtgog ravT(xg file, xat T%g ;jfa xat tbv fiaaiteu ngog oUyov otVTiaT^vat ToA^- any/aye' xt Totvia anavTa 7r^a|y, 5 ape*, xt XOQSVWV, &vgaotg xQWfiev $ (pyg, xat V&edwv. El ds tig zw, yfyfout ? irp> TefaTijv, xa* TOVTOV ^ xaTctdijaas xotg xlyfiaaiv, i} diaanaa&yvai vno T^g (Ar^rgog wgnfq vt6gov. *O(>ixg (og avdysict 10 Tctvia, xat ot'x ava|t rov nongog ; el ds Tiaidia xat rgvyrj ngogsoxtv amolg, ovdtig cp&ovog ' xat /jdhoTU si Ao- jig, olog av v^gxav ovTog r^v, onov lama noiii. VI. MERCURY AND MA1A. r $ ft . "Bart, yoiQ rig, w ^itg, iv ovgotvw &sog a^Atwr*- 16 gog euov ,- . Ti py A;'w, og ToaavTU nydyfictTa l^w, fiovog xat 7TO Toaavrag vnrjQtalag diaan(a(j.BVog , v ya^) elavaaraVra aalgtiv TO avpnoaiov del 20 xa* 5taaT(>a)ffaKTa x^v xAtcrtav, tra Kv&eTijaavTa e'xaara, naQtaxdvtti, ita Jil', xat SicKpsgtiv vccg ayysJilag tag nag* avrov, aVw xat xarw ri(jitgo8gofiovvra. ' xat Inavd&ovTat Tt xtxovt/nsvov TtagctTi&svciu ir)v a^,6goaiav. Ilglv di ibv vttovqtov TOVXOV olvo^oov yxsiv, xat TO ve'xTa^ ^w 25 (vfysov. To de THXVTWV dtivorctTOV, ort JMIJO'S vvxxog xa&evdat fiovog TcSy a'AAwv, aJlAti 5st |U xa TOTC TW flv, xat vsxgonop.nbv ttvat, xat 100 Mythology. TW dixaaTriQua. Ov yag ixavu (not T 777? y tgyct, iv nakaiargcug rival, xnv rdlg IxxXyalatg xal gt]Tog(xg fxSiddffxftv, aAA i'ri, vtxgtxct Gvv8i(X7ig(XTTiv HSfifgioptvov. Kcahoi ^u pii' T^C Ar^Sac rtxva nag* Tj/ue'- 5 gav sxartgoc f r ovgavy y iv adov daiv ' e t uol 8s xa^' exd- (JTT^V ^ligctv xt Toti'Tte xaxfl' not fit' uvctyy.uiov. Xa* ol /utv !4Ax ( u/v7jc xt JSfjWs'A^ir, f'x yvvaixwv ysvousvoi, V(o%ovvT(Xi- ufpgovridsz ' o 8s Mulag 10 /i oifjo^svov o T* ngctTTft Tccug, nsno^Kfsv av&ig tg TO "Agyog fTuaxsyofttvov rrp> fir* fxti&tv fg Boiwtiav, (pyalv, &&MV, iv 7iag68o) tr^v ^Ayrionrjv 18s. Kal oAw? anriyogtvxct ydy. El yovv fiot 15 dvvarbv yv, r)Ss(og av y*ltuaa nengaa&at, wgnfg ol iv yrj xttxtag 8ovtevovTtg. Mat. "a luvia, w TSXVOV ' %gr} yag navra rslv TW nccTgl, vsavlav ovta ' xal vvv, oigTitg e % V /. 3 / TOVTO ycnQ xoet Tra/at rjniOTctfit^v. Z s ( usrot ' f/w ds avMotSmv UVT&V Tivag, ojgTifQ dxog rp>, xctTSfpayov, fojaiug ovTag. JEvT', dldwal pot niflv tpnQfiaxov TL fy%iug, rjdv fisv xal svoapov, ImOovkoTctTov df, xat TagaxwdtaTanov ' ana-no, yag v&v$ 26 Idoxfi, fiot, ntgi(pigio&ai TIIOVTI, xt TO anfauiov CCVTO v- , xai OVXBTI oAw? iv eftuvToi jjprjv ' T&og df tg vnvov . 'O de, ano$vaag TOV /uo^Xov, x* Mythological Dialogues. 103 / ngogin, IxvyKwas, ps xa&wdovTU' xal v.n txtlvov TV- qpioc fifii aot> to Jloatidov. 11 o a . e flg fia&vv I xot/t7J#?/, w TSXVOV, og ovx e$s&ogic Derail' Tt'qpAov^svoc. 'O 1>L D yw aqpeUor, wj /uttfaor avibv T TW XQlto, OTIOtSCt %($? TlQCtTTftV CtVTOV V7lQ f'jitOV. //off. Mav&dv(o, vn* ixstvotg OTI> frtov af> 1^/lAa rove a>LAoi'? ye XvxAo)7 atta&cti in 3 umov. Kvx. ^vvsxdfaaa, (a Tidifg, xal yxov ' tnsl de J'JQOVTO 15 TOV fTiiSovfavactVTOs -lovvofta, xa/o> liqDJjv, on Ovrig tart, V 017]3'GVT$ Uf, OJ^OVTO (XTllOVTfg. OVTO) XWTfffO- o xctTcigaTog TW ovo/iart. JfCat o fidhara ryv/aat at ovttdi(ov f[tol rr\v avpcpoQuv, Ord^ o THXTTJQ, lv, o IIovuSwv luatjui ot. 20 G> rexvor, ufivrovfActi y&Q ctvxor, w? [id&y, on, fl xccl Tiygwalv ^uot oqp^aA^uojv ido&ai advvarov, ru yovv TUV nteovTM in* f^tol toil ' nlu de tn. IX. PANOPE AND GALENE. JI a v . Eideg, w raJLrjvr], %&?, olu enolrjotv q"Egiq na- 26 ga TO delnvov iv OnTcdla, dion fiy xal avrrj fxly&i] eg TO avpnoaiov ; JTaA. Ov ovvuaTi(anr}v vfuv tycayf ' o '/t\g float idow 104 Mythology. , w Jluvonr,, axvpavror iv TOOOVTW TO 7T'Aa; '0$. Tl d ovv enolrjaev ?] "Egig fiy nngovaa. ; II ctv . Vf Oertg fisv ySri xat 6 Hyhevg an&yhv&factv. C H 6*' "JEgig fv TOtfovrw Aa^ovaw ndnag, fdvvy&y de $a- 5 ^/w?, TWV //v nivovTuv, ivlwv ds XQOTOVVTWV, y TW \4noK- Atavt xUhxgl&Wftf y roiig Movaaig udovaatg xov vovv, IvtScdev eg TO avfinoaiov [nylov 11 Tid o/.oy, w ralyvij ' insyiygamo ds, 'H x JL 17 Kvhvdovnevov ds TOVTO, wgntg s&nlTyStg, fpttv 10 I'v&a "Hga is, xat ^Affgoditri, xt 'A&yva Kaneidrj o 'Egpyg avekopevog tnsJis^aTO T at fisv N^Qtj'i'dfg ^slg anscfMonrjaafjiBV ' T/ yag tdti sxelvwv nagov awv / at ds UVTSTIOIOVVTO exdojr), xt slvai TO fjiT]Xov y&ovv. Kocl si py ys o Zsvg 15 avTag, xt [^ot xsigtov aV Troo^wo^tfg TO ngayfjia. *AM 5 AvTog pev ov xotna, yijtft, 7rot Toirrou (xctlroi ttmov dixaacu rjt-lovv), urine de tg xyv "idyv nagrt lov Hgiotfiov naida ' og oids TS diayvwvai TO xalMov, (jpdoxaAos wV, x^ ovx aV iv.iivog 5txoft xxw?. 20 J'a I . Tl ovv at &eai, (o Ilavonri ; , ofytat, aTr/ao-t TTOO? T^V '^v, xat ii(, yslMV yfuv ir\v y.gmovaav. II uv. "llSri aoi cpypl, ovx a'AA^ xoaTTjVft, ryg A(pgodl~ r\v pr) Tt nuw o Mythological Dialogue . 1 05 X. XANTHUS AND THE SEA. A a v . ^/e|t us, w OdJiUTTa, dfiva ntTiov&OTa, xal xa- fda6fobv fiov to. Tv/iTa. 0A. Ti Tovto, (a JSdar&t; Tig at xaTtxavatv ; d v . "Hep at (nog " cdl anrjV&gdxMpat oKojg o xaxodal- iu>)i', xal w. 6 d A . ^i T/ 5e aot xa* sviSafa TO ^TV^ / 1 a v . 4ia toy ravTijg vlov ryg Osrtdog ' intl yag q>o- vvo>Ta rovg gvyag ixhivact, o 8 ovx inotvaano t^g o^ytjc, AA' VTio Twy vsxQtov uTiscpgotiTs (toi xov Qovv^ fJis^aag TO L-S a&Uovg frcr^ov, tmxlvaai, #s'Awv, T(d. 'Ogag 5' ovv, OTTWC duSKttfUU vnb IMV tyxavpa- TOJJ'. O u A . Ooltgog, (a Zdv&e, xctl &S(>uog, tog tlxog ' TO ( uV TTO TWV vtxQtov ' i] ^^> ( a^ ds, wg cpyg, anb tov 20 Kal tlxbxwg, w Suv&t, og znl rbv fubv vltavbv , ovx aldsa&elg OTC Pfygrji'dog vlbg ijv. u v . Ovx edst, ovv ffayaat yshovag ovrag rovg O dJi . Tov "Hcpaiarov ds ovx tdsi sfayaat Ohidog viov 25 ovia TOV 106 Mythology. XL JEACUS, PROTESILAUS, MENELAUS, PARIS. (In the Lower World.) A I '. Tl tt/^acj 3 Tt/VOV OVTCi (JOi fQWTLXOg y&Q XCCt (XVTOg tlpl, XCtt T(p aVKp ^w xareo^Tj/iar. Oia&a de, wg axovatov it lart^ xai or* o da^uav (iytt, f'v&ct av &&$ ' xal advvaiov UVTM. 20 IIQMT. El Uysic' fl'&t ovv pot, TOV " ka6(iv dvrctTov r\v. A I jE/w rot xt Titgl TOV V^WTO? anoxQivovunl T dlxaia. &T)aei, yaq avxog (jiiv TOV igav TW i'aag yfyfvya&ai al'Tiog, TOV tfavdiov de aol ovdsva 25 o) /7^WTca/Af, ^ atavTov ' og fxla&ofifvog Trjg vo/a/uou yvvaixbg, tntl nQogscpsgta&s TJJ Tqwubi, OVTW vutg xal omovtvoijfAtvwg n^otn^drjaag TWV a'A/Uuv, tyaa&elg, di' rp> nqtuTog $v TJJ unoGuau ani&avtg, n^ WT. Ovxovv xat VTIBQ ifjLavTOV aoi, w Mythological Dialogues. 107 xyivlxTO f,g TfjV AlQvT^V, yaav . . . 3 / TT T ct & f* f s&qxev. Enti, ovv rjxtv, onov oirjiwvTO, at> fisv exa&ev- 8ov, olpai, o de dnoitpwv ifa Mfdovarjg ir]v xEcpalyv 108 Mythology. /9 . ll/ Sf^in rr/v tignriv f%OH', UTIBTSfiS T^V X tdwxt, cpoSrj&tiact tnl rjl naidi. Xalgoipfv ovv TW Geography. 109 GEOGRAPHY. I. EUROPE. 1. *// EVQWTU] (jvfjtnaaa olxi]ai^6g Ian TI UOIXIJTOV dia ifjv%og ' avrrj 5 opogil rolg sQi TOV Tw'ctiv, xal ryv Maiutiv, xal xbv ds oixijaifAOV, TO //t*' 8vc%sl[j,QOV xal TO OQUVOV otxfTrat T>; gpt/aei * IrnfttKiptas ds teSontt nya- 5 xal T cpavkwg olxov^iera rjjjitQOViai. Ka&an&g ol fq oQTt] xal nirqag xar^ovi^, MXOVV xalug dia rr t v V Tt]V Tlffll T nohlTlXM, XCxl T J.i%V(X,q, Xal T1]V ~9\>vf(jiv Ti} ; Tieyl filov. c Po)fnaloi rs noWa t&vq xara iyv ^t(/Tovc, xal rovg ava/xalovg TO! file?, xal oa m^tiftei ' ^i'w//r 5 xat M&oi'<: 7io).vr^elg i'l-w&tv fjteitiair, uv rolg aTCavi^OfUVOt^ ovdev %tiQ&o)'iuv naQi^Bi, &?igiK>v ds anwviv. 3. Trig ^fBrfQtag TO jiiv nheov olxurai yavkwg ' ogr] yag xal fyvpoiig xal ntdla /.tmyv tyovTa yY\v, ovds lavTrjv wi tvvfyov olxovat, rr\v noMrjV y ds nQogBoQ^og 20 a eari Tf/.sco 7T xal fiSTattoiy nlrj&vsi. Ovit yuq xgvabq, ovie uQyvQog, ov- ds dt] /otixo?, oi-de aldygoc, ovdctuov T^C yr,? ovrt roaomog, ov&* ot/rw? aya&bg QrjiaaTtxi ytvvojpwog iitygi vvv * o ds ^uffo? ov fjisia^evETUi ftovov, AA xt ol noTctftol xal ol ^c/jua^ot TtjV xat V roT$ avvdgoig tonoig ovaav' >U' v Se tolg Imxlvaroig anoJid^inei TO y SI T ^ J//^//ufft TOU XQvaiov (focalv al yfiihTQialag fiwKovg, v.g xalovav net- K a g , fiiKQag xa&aQasag dsofisvag. J6 6. Tlwv ds 'l6ri()(ov ^xt/uojTTOt /usV tatv ol AvGiravol. tPogovai 8 sv xolg noMfioig navrdatg, diomfnteyftsvag vsvgoig, ttctl axeneiv TO tfaJjt*a TTf^tTTOTf^o*' diet TIJV (/Tf^OT^T. rat ds xal aavvloig oloaidrjQoig oiyxiajQwdsaiv ' 20 ovai ds svaTOXwg xal fjiax^tav. EvxlrrjTOi ds ovxsg xal xovqioi, Qadlotg xal ysvyovai xal ditoxovaiv. ETtirrjdsvovai ds xata fisv trjv siQ^vrjV ogx"n a ^ v Tlva xov(pr}V xal Xovaav no\\r\v svrovlav axfAwv * sv ds rolg nolsfioig vd-(ibv tfiM&OWitt xal naiavag adovaiv, oiav enltaai Tolg 26 arTiTsrayfjisvotg. 7. T IIVQrjvata OQIJ xara ib v^og xal xara TO /u- yt&og iindQXM didyoga ituv attwv. 7ZoUaJv ds ovrtav sv ttviolg dgvpuv, cpaalv sv rolg nakaiotg xgovoig vno rivta* voptwv, dysvTwv TIVQ, xarxa;vt navii\t>ag (inaaav ir\v SO oQsivyv x^Q uv ' dib xal avxvag ^fisQag avvfx^? nvgbg sni(fJisyovTog t xayvai TJJV smcpdvsiav r^g yijg, xal xu psr oQij dia TO av(j,6t6qxog xlq&ijvat nvg^valn, rrjv ds tm- ydviiav xrjg xaxaxtxavplvyg x^QCtg agyvyw yvyvai TtoMqj, xal (jvaxag ytvta&ai nottovg dgyvyov xa&apov. Tijg Europe. Ill dt IOVTOV /0/ dyvovptvrjg TTO ToTi: tyxwqioig, rovg Qoivixag, e^no^luig JfyWfl&W xal TO ytyovbg [tadoviag, uyoQa&iv rbv agyvyov (jixydg tivbg dvjtdoaetag A tfn^tlwr. Jib Ji] Tovg ftotvixag nsydkovg negw nloviovg. * 8. KaravTixQV ds Tyg 'iSygiag vr^jot vndyxovaiv, vno IfoixovvTag yvpvovg li^g ta&qTog fiiovv XT TIJV tov JOQKV ' vnb ds TUP iyxwgiwv xal twv Pwpalwv 'aMictgug, dnb TOV fidMetv ratg aqttvdo- 10 vaig H&ovg (uyalwf xdMiaTa xT uno rov 3 Jlxsavov slg xyv law xal sfinaXiv tu qpo'oTta dia TWJ> nora^wv ol f'/unogoi, dia- 6i6dovo~iv, oklywv -iivwv ^wotW nfy y.opl&a&ai, avayxa- 11. KKTU rrjv Ta\utlitv uQyvgog ftlv to avrohov ov yiyve- rwt, XQvaog Se noXvg, ov zof? ty^(aioi? i] (f,vai<; civfv xaxo- nu&dv.g vnovfj/el. 3 Ev yuo ft&&$ uTion^v^uTL a^twrTsg rug Tgfyag avvf%{ag, tva diacfavsHg unsi, xal anb rwv (jn&mMV (Til ri)v xogv^v xal rovg tivovTag uvaonoJaiv ' ojgTS irp> ngogoifJiv avjwv cpat- 30 vso&ai ^aiv^oig xal IJaaiv eotxvtav ' Tra^wovtat yag at anb TTJS xa-tsgyaalac, aigis (Aydev trig TWV 'innwv dia(fSQiv. Ta df yevfiu -iivsg p.iv vgu>vxai, rivig fiffQitog VTioTQSfpovatv ' ol d* svysveig jag [lev nag f 1*1; Europe. 1 13 i, lag 8 vnijvag uvii^tvug iwatv, aviuv eTtixcdvniBa&ai. 15. !/i'v $e Tat odoiTioulocig xat Twi evv(D()laiv, fyovrog TOU uyfiarog yrloxov xat Kara 8s rag 7raoara'/ tlw&aat nQodytiv rrjg naga- 6 Ttt^fca^, xa* nQoxctfalo&tti tuv nvTLj(,Tay^i(.i'(av 'iovg /- 0Toi ( ? t? ^tovo^axLav, nQoavaatiovifg TCI onka, xat xara- 7iJir)n6(.ttvoi tore Ivavrlovg. "OTOLV 8i rtg vnuxcvai] rc()O$ Tyv pnxrjv, tag T TMV ngoyovMV ai>S(jaya&lag f^vfivovai, xai tag huviwv uQtiag Tiyocpiyovrcti, xat rov aTtTaTTO//- 10 voy f'Soriidlfrvai. Twv 8e nfaonwv noXf^iMV tag xfqpa- Jiug uqaiQovvTeg, TifQiaruovot role ai'/icst, TMV 'innmv ' ict 8s axi'Aa To7g -frfQanovat, TiaQadoi'Tfg r^ny^vni ka/ ( uT XT- 20 OTa&f.ievovoLV, ov ngog nxAvv jftorov. ^J^no^Ggoi <5 fttf/y ot ago?? ( aAAov rf >'f "Jl&og ds n diyyovvrai TOIOVTOV, on latg yvvui&v avnav rwovaaig rolg avdydai, nagrjxolov&ovv yvvalxtg Europe. 115 paving ligtiai, TiohoTQtxtg, Javjgrfftovts, xagnaalvug f(pct- 7iin sn OQnr] (j drat, ^uufia xctlxovv tyovaai, yvpvo- Tolg ovv /^UAOJTO/? 8tu TOV (jTyaronidov fsvvr t >'TWV Stcf.ijQftg* xn/(;i 8s nvrovg yyov tnl ', O' oixfiot$. J'V Os TOig ayoifftv nvmov Tag pvyaots, IQ ifgntTctpiyag TOig "/} ugie aTroif- yocpov f^alaiov. 21. MfTu tr]V vnwQtiav TO>V "Akntwv #*? tan Tyg VtaAtac. Kat TOI fiiv vno Tctig "Ahmaiv am nsdiov tttdaiftmt acpodga, xal ytwkocplaig fvxagTioig nsnoixdus- 15 vov. /tiaiQti d UVTO piaov nwg o Ilddog. "Anaaa fiiv ovv fj %t*ga 7ioTa t uolg n^r^ini xru fkeai, f.iu}.t %tt(jov[j,tvoi, rriv ix TOJV XCXQTIMV anciviv OQaatlg (5' fiul v.u\ yivvaioi, ov (jorov tig Tioh^i x Ttoo? rctg iv TO) /?tw nBgi(jT(iasig rag fyovuceg rctg. 3 E[ji7iQQiv6[jitvoi yug nkkovai TO ^agdwov AiSvy.bv Ti&ayog, kiolftag taviovg ^Imovifg tig 10 tovg xivSvvovg. 2xtxq>sai yug jfpw/ucyoi TWV evre}(,taTS()otg, xt TOI? attoig tolg xccia vavv qxiaTot xarsaxtvaapsvoig, vjioptrovai rag dx (fo6fgo)T(iTag ntQLaToiafig xaranhrjXTixcog. 23. 2vvf/ig TovToig elotv ol TvQ^rjVol, ol naga rdlg 15 < P(afj.aioig 'jETgovaxot xal Tovaxoi ngosayoQtvovTCU, TCI ntdla i'xovTsg TU pixQi TOV noiapov toil Jl6tgidog. f Pft ds fx iwv Ansvvivwv OQWV o TlfitQig ' TI^QOIITOH 8k ix TO (jp? ioQtv an avirg, ngwiov iO T^V *0[i6()Mi]v, slia rovg 2'a6lrovg xal slailvovg, rovg Tt) 'Pa'ifirj f.i%Qi f^g na.qal.lag. 24. Ol Tvgqrivoi, TO per nnkuiov ui'dgflct ditvsyy.ocvTsg, ZWQUV noMr t v xwrfXTTjVavTO, xat noteig a$io)>oyovg xal noMug t'xriaav. Oft6faf df xul vavTixoug Qvtf&fum* Itfjfvawvitg, xal TtoMovg TO per naqa ii)V 'huUav TVQJJIJVIXOP TiQogayoQivdijvai,' xa xara tag 7if'ixag dwaptig exnovyaarrtg, ir\v TS i&VQOV, xal ?roAA AAa, wv ra nfalai odptvoi fAtu'iVfyxav inl ryv I8iav Ttohrflar. T xal (pvaioloyiav xal -frfokoylav i^n6vr\csav inl nlilov, xal ta nfQl rrjv xegavioaxonlav fj,dhaia ndviwv av&qw- A'w'oai' ds rfftopivoi napcpogov, xal qntav acp&ovlav I'jfovoiv. vdo$o- ds TO nqlv ovi($, elg iqvi]v utia&rjoav, xal fv norotf Europe. 117 re xt fofofUtttg ftiovvieg, ir\v ex ncdaiwv XQOVWV nag* iv rol$ . / TWV mvWV Xy a J**W> Xfiai Tj T ftTTO T^y 'jlarloiv naQtt\lag, fuexyt, nofawg ^ivveaarjg xat TTJ? 5 ^aSir^ ' f'xT/rfri <$ fTtt ftf)KOf l*i%<3i z^ xat TWV ^wuviTfxwv o^>coy. 2(5. "jlnauu t] xtri, artv titdalfjiwv xal nu^OQog, n^v oU xaia T^V nccQaUar, oaa &M$r] xt voaf^a, ^f ft TtJ'tt OQSIVU Xt TIEJQOjdl] ' XCtl 1CXVTU 8 OV TfAtOJ? (XQyM, 10 oi 1 ^ 3 lixQ^OTot) H voftag nctQt%L dtxyitetg 7; vA^v, ?/ xa^- TTOI'C Ttyaj eAe/ovff T/ TisTgctlovg. To ds KalxovGov e^wdeg I 6V, suoiyorarTjv afindov xgscpfi, TTJV dsvdfuTiv. 27. 7o Kctpnavlag Tisdlov tvdaipovzaTotTOv jwv anuv- iwv (ml ' ntqiauartft* 5' avrw ^cw^oytat T (.vxagnov, 15 xt a^>/ T re TWV .SaiWTwy x* T Twy^ffxwv. ^ta 5e ; 5 / ~ *r t r *< > ' TI/V ^TT/V nfgifiux'tj'cov qv 10 ntoiov. lOTogsiTcti Os evict tvtv ntdltav cnrs/ofa^at di* svovg, dig [liv Trj sa, TO ds rolror fAt'^uo), rira ds xat laxrtvfvta&ai TW TfTa^rw (TTTO- (iw. Kal iirjv TOV oivov TOV xgctTiaTov tVTtv&sv i%ovai 20 ' PM^IOIOI, rov tydKtQvov, xt TOV 2ionctvov xal Kakrjvov. *. f flg 8 uuTwg zvsktttog ffT*j xat n&Gu i] my} TO Ovivacpgov i ToUg Tisdloig ov. 28. 'TTcdgxfnca ds ru maovTWv ar TO TrA^oc:. JtyogsGaAt ds rfi -rrjg uoktto$ 86$$ xat TO TCOJ xort Mihmv, 7iicpavdaT(XTo$ /uev roJif ytyovuc;, OftdUjrift 8s Ilv&ayogov, ditnglifiano^ fv "iy nokti 7ioi.vv XQOVOV. (Pai (Jf fV TO? avaatrlot nori 10 rajy gpt/.oorog&cr))' novrjaccvioz arvkov, rov Mi^wva, vnoSvvra (XTTOcyTccc, vnoandacci ds SOIVTOV. Tq 8s UVTT] QUfiij 1X0$ (.(JTIV V()i(J&(Xt Xtti TtjV TOV jStOV XKTCCVTQO- yovv odoirtoyuv nors Si* vlr]<; fta&i(t<; It'Aoi' (.liya socprjvmptvov ' t^tfaAwy 8s XfiQa$ a^n 15 xat nodag tig xrjv Siaaiaatr, fiidista&ai ngog TO Siaaxiaat Toaovro*' d t'o^uas (.tovov, WUT' exTisatlv rovg fir sv&vg ovpnfafiv T ^UE'OJJ TOV iUov, uno- o CCVTOV ev if) rotctVTT] ndyrj &t}Qo6()(aTOV yt- vlct&ai. 30. *lt$ ; cato8tu> tirai liyovai <^yf^WTr7;r, OTI rug ul &cel xaru TctviifV T?)V vqaov tnoiovvTO, diet TO nag* uvraig Tnvrrjv. rerta&ai ds xr t g Kogr^g rr,v UQnuyr t v tv roig foipuai roif xotra 10 ti]V > 'Evva.v. jBbrn d o Tonog omog nlrjalov fiiv Tijg TroActwc, loig 8e xal To7g alloig m&tfft nctvjofianoig tvnQ7ir t g xtti &eag &tog. Aia. d TJJV ano TWV (fvofif-vcav wr^oij' ivw- dlar, ).e/trcci rovg xvryyelv sico&oTotg xvvag ^ Svrv.o&ai OTiOevfiV) ffniodi^o(j.ivovg tr t v '>- '20 ).aiov tVfUyt&tgi t%ov %do[ta xaxdytiov, TiQog rtrtvxog ' di ov {iv&oloyovai TOV IJkomcavn [i fad&oifta, noii] Kogaixa ovoftd&Tttti fVfttys&qg ovaa, noM.i]V oqeivyv e#i, nejivxaa(j.ivi]v dgvpols avvtykai, xrtl noTotftoi^ di(XQ^fOf^Bvi]v fjuxgoig. Ol d iyxwQioi igo- ytrt's' piv Xflrrl ya.lMV.Ti xal pikm xv.l xgiaai, Tt&na Toivia -nugfxo^ivi]g Ti t s ^w^^ ' ra iov^ fttovatv t';ufixwc xal dtxa/wg, nagu ndvTug a%i8ov 10 rovg uiloHf fiagGnqovi;. Ttx re yag xarn TTJV ogeivtjv tv ^otg devdgsaiv siiQUjKopwa xi]gla TWV TT^WTWV (tJTi, nqSeycx; a[Ay>i<;6r)TOVVT;o$ ' T 8s ngoSctTO. difilrjfifisvct, xav fiySEli; cpvhuTTt], aw^srcu TOI iv TS rcug uU.ctig rcaq fv ftlaj olxovofjiLctu; &av[*(xaT(ag ngort,- 15 iH&w TO dixaiongayelv. (Pverai, 8s xara Ti]v vr^aov ruvwjv y.(tl nv$og nfalaii) xt didyogog, 81,' yv xal TO fi&h TO yiyv6 t usvov iv ccvTi] TiavTetiag ylyvsjcci nwgov. KaToixovat 8* avTijv fiagSagoi, rrjv diufaxiov t^oyTtc eSijtt.ayuevijv xal rov 8 UQt&furv vnugxovaiv vnig tovg 20 38. C H UfkoTiovvrjaog eotxvla iaxi cpv^Ao) nlmuvov TO for) 8s o^s^or n XT fj,i]xog xal xarw 8s rrjg xsggovqaov ravTrj? TO psv kantgiov xal Meaarjviot, x^v^ofisvoi, TW 2ixeJilx ovdsv JJTTOV 77 #o| TOV iegov, xat -tr\v avfyaiv, oayv did TS rrfv navrjyvgiv teal ibv otywvu TOV 5 (jisyiaiov TWV andvTdjy. !EXOO/*TJ^ 6' x TOV TWV ccvcc&'r)fi(XT(v, cxnfQ ex ndarjg dvfTi&(TO irjg ' wv rfv xt o xgvaovi; acpvyfaoiTog Zevg, drd- TOV KoQiv&iwv TVQ(ivvov. Meytorov de TOVTUV TO TOV Jibg Soavov, o Knolyas Lot^ rolg ndaiv opevov. C ds oovi?, b inl TW GX^TITOM xct^^vog, SOTIV b asrog. Xgvaov ds teal TCC vnodrj[iaTa TW ^6o7 xat mgavT(ag eaii. T' Ttav /fwniewv, xat Ahwkol ' TO 5e s'w ftcoxeig xat dwgttlg ' TO 8s vonov XCCTSXOVO'W ol 20 t, Trerowfog /taot'ov, &aTQOidfg ) xaTa xogvcpyv txov TO etov xat TI^V mUw, OTaSiwv cxxat^exa xvxlov Tilygovoav. aat 5 etVat TO pavTUOv avtgov xollov, ov fidla svgv- (5' e| avroi' Ttvsvfux Iv&ovaiaaTixov ' f To{5 aro^lov -iglnoSa vyqlbv, g>' or T^V 25 Hv&lav avaSctivovauv, dexofisv^v TO nvsvfict, aTio-d-sanl^eiv I'/ijuer^a T xat a/ntiya. 44. H" TOW *A&r)val(ov ^ftw^a nicpvxtv ota nfalarag ngog- oSovg 7rao4ya^at. Ta^ //ey yap eo^ac fr&dde Tioao- ttyat xat awT Ta yiyvo^va, jUoTVot' a yot/v 30 ovde plaatdveiv Swan? av, Iv&dds ^ yj/, OVTW xa* ^ 7t^t earl. Kou pip> oaa nig ol &sol ev xaiq wgaig aya&a nagixovai, xalruwot ndvta evTav&a ngnial- J24 Geography. de l*; 7r 5 tnavTov dulloval TS xat y AAa xat atdia ayct&u fyti ?/ %OL>QU. /Zc'qpuxs piv yao Xl&oc; V UT>] ucp&ovog, f'S oi> xaAAiorot ^/tV vtcoi, 5 ds /?a) ( wot yiyvovTcti, ivnytTiiarcma 8s &f6ig 5' aviov xat jESUipc^ xat {3oi()6aQot> xat /?^, rj antigoptvrj f.ih ov (psyti XW^TIOV, 8e TToAAaTrAaatot'c T(>t f qpa, vy ft otrov ^tr/j' vnagyvQO^ tart &ti aQ/vyiTidos Sir { xei. 45. Ev ijj Tia^aAta T^? ATTIXJJS tori? % JBi&tittf > ?J TO T^9 4r)fj,rjTgog legov ir^q 'l&svaivtag ' xa* o fivanxbc: ayxbg, ov xtmaxcvaasv Ixxivos, o$ xal ibv 15 fTiolrjffs ibv iv ax^emoAst T^ A&nvu, Jlsgixteovc; TWV eg/car. 3 v Ss loi . 46. stocpog 5* (/Ttv i) To piv ovv 7rAtoy txfTel^iaio xt oi/vwxiaro Ttyogzdiiyvla Tip 7ieQi66hp TOV Jlsigaia xal TO.S- 20 7rA>y'of/c vftogtbn' ' atov rs r t v va*exa&ft vonxrlv. Toj 8e jsi'xtt TWTW ovvf^nrat, T ex TOV aaTSog axe'A^ * TVT XOVT OTCxSltoV TO jU^XOC, OVVUTtTOVTa TO ifOTV Ibt Ol dt TtoAAot TroAfjUot TO TfT^o xz^j//av, xat TO T^C 25 Movyvxlu* i'QVfict, Toy TS fluquia. avriaTSilar si? oilyr t r 47. di TI\V Kvuaabv xat 30 v^tvii, (jiiyu^v xaAeuv, xat fiaalfaiov TOV TWtVw, xa* ot Xat c5ij xat tftJTt'Aeas p-WQ 1 ^oAAoi; (ffyoptrt] TO tTa eTctTifivw&r), xat TroAAa TWV yofil^ta s uvi^.u6t nuhv TO TiaAamy oyf^/ua TO T^ 8i b JlftVcut: ro/wot>tT^c Europe. 125 anovdaiog, &alaTTOxgaTr]aai TS nguTog. HgogeTtoifiTO di Mlvug nagd TOV dibg ctVTOV fUfUX&ijiUj'Cti Tovg vofiovg, di* (vvea TO>V fl'g TL bgog qpotTtur, Iv w dibg avTgov xdxsl&sv del Tivag vopovg yigav roig Kgyal. ctvibv ALQ$ jU/Aoy oagtairjv Xeyet. Ol ngxaloi de nsgl nviov nahv attovg et^Tjxaort loyovg VTifvavxlovg rovxou; ' u>3 TVQavvixog rs yevotTO, xat ptaiog, xocl daafiohoyog ' TQCC- ywdovvTeg ia ntgl TOV MIVWTUVQOV, xotl TOV xal rot Orjoti avp6dvT ynfigov, ano rfg iansgiag dxl TIJV eta TtTotpevog, TO {dv aviyg dnofalntov , TO de, (Maqftfywov ' XU'&OIHU d* amcov ol 15 , TO fitv, Ivrbg TOV Tavgov, TO de, exTog. Ol de 7toTavl&Tai. 2. C O Kavxaaog ogog IOT!V vnegxelfievov TOV n&dyovg 26 txaTegov, TOV Te HOVTIXOV xal TOV Kaanlov, diaTeixlov iw la&nbv, TOV dislgyovTa UIITU. Evdevdgov d* taw TJJ TS U/^ xal Ty vavnijyijalfuo. Tu 126 Geography. axga TOV Kavxdaov xarixovaiv ol ^uuvsg, XQUTiarot o XT' a\xrjv xal dvvauiv. IlctQu rovroig df jLlysrat xqvaov rovg ^fific/tQQOvg ' vnodszioftai de CCVTOV rovg cpurratg xaTaTi^fj,Evaig, xul ^tu^analg do- 5 gatg ' x (iyQioi ' rctvif) 5* xt /roP.s- /axot fiSTQiio*;. Oixovtft, ds fjttrtx$u TUV JGygtoV) xal TTJC Kctanlug &cdanr)g, XUQCCV vt^iouivot UQtai^v xat Trrx* 1 (fVTOf txcpsgovaav (irtv im^alxitUf. Evtqvri <5' eaT* xa* />< 3 3 , / ct >1 T f>0(JX7J^UT 7r() UTOtC, T Tf Tf^f^U Xt T 6 Xat ot uv&QMTioi, xaA/lft xi pryi&fi 5f XCtl OV XdCTirj^LXoL ' Ovtii yOCQ J'O|UtO"jUT(. T 7 Tat, ovtfe UQI&ILOV I'auffL (Uf/^w TO;' CXMTOV, AA iag upoiSag noiovvini ' xal ngog Ta'AAa 6i 8s fiiov lyaTQixov, xul 7iolti]V tr t g o 4 uooov xrf vovatv, oiTfg 3v$pft%6t XMTU roi'c 7io).tfiovg. J\aru yaQ T/}V avvdyov %(>'>(><(}' }.tyoui)'r t v xarfaxtuaxorc^ ivxaioa 5 QctTa, xt TMi-ra nBnotqxwitf rolg aJUot; i&vtaiv otytoo- ara, avp Ti t v agotftatl^ovaav noMr,v (ptyei, 20 xul x5oP.ov navioSanug cpvM.wr tvo)8lug ' y.ccl TWV ano- ara^ovTuv daxgvav u} 25 ^X M&ttQ riagat rolg a' ix yrjyfHXTbJV xcc&i/j6fj,fvog, AP/ it axfTcii, TO (jeys&og xctQvotg xaaiava'ixolg nuQunkriaiog, rip ds xgoav omtag yloywdrig, WCTTE rovg 128 Geography. VTCO TWV Ttxvix&v frds&tVTas noiiiv rn xaAAtora TWJ> dc navroSanwv TOOOVTO XUT' -frvr] TroAAfi, rotunda 8lov fj dvvaa&ai xaJUttg diaTgetpsa&ai, oiiov k usv 5 TJ} d mto TOVTWV 8. T di Tigb nsdloic; a^pmdfoi, dS - tjv^dg TC ?roAA sx rov Ewfttttov tgde'xsToti, xat r* ocsvvaoi, a

cn'tfo$ tij ctt&nafj , aJJvrp y.aTwgvyu noiovaiv, SIT* aMrp', xul 10 oi;iw? fapf&tf, w'ffT* qp s fcvos ddvdyov axiadtov ytrsa&ai pu- y.gov, 7iokvGTid.M vy.r t vfi o^ioiov. "jEart ds xt di frttlfxy xai nevTS avd-Qtonotg sail dvgnfQiJ 13. C H Kugpavla notf*(f6()o$ art x xat Ttora^dtg xaTaQQVTog. Tyv de rsdyioalav axagnlu .15 xT^t 7ioAAxt? ' (Jto (jpvA(XTTovai tov Iviavaiov xaonor fig Tt] Tr^f/ft). Aftra ^ x^y KctQfiavlav T\ Hfgalg tori, JToAAi) ^ev eV rij nagu^Lu tov an* xo&nov ' TroAAw ds [Asi'^wv iv TQ fcrrt xat i^ (p^oret, xal iy iwv uigwv xgotati ' 20 yv.g nagallv. xavfjatyQU re xul urffiadijg, xcu xctgnov eail nlr t v \'ti. Tglrt] d* forlvrj-ngbg ftoggav .; xul ogtivy. 25 1 4. C JI Hfgatnohg, (j.i)Tg6nohg oiiaa rrjg llsgawv fiaai- Afiac, TrAovffiWTaT^ rp> rtov vno rov yhov. Ovx avolxeiov d* flvai> vo(j,l'o[iv, ntgl TUV tv -invrr) jfj TroAct dice TrjV nokvTsfaiuv ryg xaruaxeviig, figu^ea Ovarjs yug uxgug olwio^OV, ntguttyqifv avrqv igiitlavv 80 rei%o$, ov TO fiiv ng&TOV vyog u%e nr^wv sxxnldexn ^Bvov ' TO di dsvisgov IT^V (iiv $M.ir)v yv ofiolav # TW TtgoeigtjfAdvfa, TO d' vyioq di- nldaiov. O ds jghog ntglGolog TW ajcqfiUTi, ftV Arrt teigdnfavgog, TO ds TOVTOV Tfl^og vyog fy et Asia. 131 y.aitoxevuafisvov. jb'xatfTT? <$ raJy Titav^wj' i/t. diWTyxbg ogog fail, TO xalovfisvov fiaaihxbv, ev M rtar fiaailiuv vnriQxov ol rdcpoi. Jlerga yuQ yv xars- 5 xat XT (jiiaov oi'xovg tyovaa ntelova$, iv olg 1WV TTfA6lT/XOTfOy VJlljQXOV ' TlQOqSaOlV [HIV OV- s'xorTfc;, vn ogyuvwv dt nvwv %iQonoirJT:(av, e$aiQO- TWV yfx^iwv dtxofisvoi TU$ racfag. Kara ds ir\v Tavnjv i]aav xarcdvaeig pnaihxalnfalovg, xal -fry- 10 i ngbg n]v TUV ^qr^a^wv nuQOKpvl.ux'tiv sv&siMg xa- Tavia TCI flaalfaia o ^AJis^avd^og evengrjas, Totg "EMyaiv, OTL xaxslvwv l^gu xctl nofeig ol Jlsgacu nvgl y.al aidrjQw diBTtOQ&rjaav. 15. Ol IIsQdai aytthfMXTci xat fiwuovg ov% IdgvovTai ' ;.j Tipwai de fyiiov, xal aekrjvw, xal TTVQ, xat yr,r, x* uvs- ;iov<:, y.nl vdajQ. El de Tig fig nvQ qpt'ar/oraev, ?/ vi:-:gov r/ ov&or, tfaruTOitiai nag ai'Tolg * Qinl^ovTfg ds Tr t v yloya. 16. Ol TMV IfcQauv ncudeg fig TM fia (poiTWVTtg, diciyovai ^c/.v&arovTfg dixouoav- 20 vr t r, xal leyovaiv, on enl TOVTO IQ%OVTUI, wgnfQ nag* f)fj.lv ol TU /QanpaTa (ict\)rjo6[ifi'oi. Ol 8s agxoviBg avruv TO Til.fiaTOV psgogTijc rjfAtgag dr/.aorTf.g amolg. '/UQ 8i] y.cd natal ngbg xai idonyg, xt aQnvyi^, xat iag, v.ai xat xaxoAo/tac, xt a'AAwy, oiwv dy tlxog. Ovg d^ <">' yvioai TOVTWV 11 adixovvTcig, Ti^MQovvTai. Kola^ovoi 8s xal ovg av aSlxwg iyxakovvraq fvglay.faai. /lixdovai ds xal eyx^fittTog, ov f'vexa (iv&Qwnot, [iiaovai (*sv ayt^Aof? , dixd&VTcxi, ds ijxiaTa, dxagiaTlcti;, xal ov av yvwai 30 d()iv anodidovat, f.irj anodidovTU 8s, xo>l ovai xal TOVTOV laxygwg. Ol'ovTai yao, Tovg d%a()iaTovg xal nfol &sovg av jUaA/ata dpslwg e%eiv, xal nsgl yoviag, xal Tiaildu, xa 1 32 Geography. 17. JtSdaxovai 8s avrpvg xal aKHfQooiiv^v, xal Tolg OQjfQWl, xal fyxgrniig slvm yaaTybg xal UOTOV. 8s ac TOVTO o~Vf.i6dM.tTai, on ov naga fj,rjTgl TCU ol Tivttdtg, aM.u TIIXQU TW didaaxukip, OTCXV ol tt7;u?jreofff. fytgorrui dt oi'xofrfr ulrov ( u', ay-rovs, otpo* df, xci^da^ov ' niiiv d , ?/' TI* dup>j, xw&wvcx, tag uno TOV TtOTctfiov uQuuaa&ui. UQOI; 8s TOVIOIS iiuv&ai'ovai ro&vfiv xctl wxoj'T/^cw. ]\I%QI (jiv drj ?$ 77 km ax aid sx u grow oino ysveoig ol naidtg ravia 7iQUTTOvaiv ' ix TOVTOV 8f fig III. AFRICA. 1. *0 Nuko$, o$ Atyvnrog TO TWV Al&tomxitjv TBQ^IOVOHV yet In f'ojg TOV xahovpsvov %O)QLOV Jtfaa, the* oxio t uevog axy-fta KTTOTeAet. JfoMu ds aTOfiaxa TOV Ntttov, wv iv. 15 lo^T, TO (jsv fv ds$ict Urj'^ovaiaxov, TO de tv ^mTo xulnrai y.cu 'llQuxfaibmxov ' {.itTasv 8s TOVTOIV sialv f'xtfcAeet, at yt |toAo/ot, fanTOTtfJcii 8f 2. MtiaTog 8 o"v TWV uncivTcov noTnAtav xaii noifTai [isyxc, TIOTS fj.tr '20 tnl Ti]v avciTotiiv xal TJJV *AQn6lav eTnar^c'ywj', TTOTF <^' fTtl T>V 8l>OlV XUi T)V AlGviiV f'xxAiVw?'. Tt 'U(J UTIO TMV or<5i ndl.iaTu nwg (jiVfjiu xal dic%lhn, avv aig noiiirui xapnalg. Kara 8s Tovg vnoxdiw Tonovg t)vaiM.tTc.i> 23 Tolc o/xoig, ael (jia^ov unoanuftsvov TOV Qlvjimof en' /i- y nottal piv nvgapldsg flat, Tucpoi TWV /Jaadc'wv* Tgug d aioloyot' Tag ds dvo TOVTMV xal iv Tolg sma d^safiaai xaTagifrfiovvrai. 3 v 30 3 AQ(Jiv6r) TroXft, r] ngoTtgov Kgoxoddhwv nohg lxafa?TO, %sigor t &r\g iegbg xgoxodtdog hgiyiTO. *Ev ds f ffyaxhsov$ Tiuarut, tx&()bg La 10 Kctufivarig ' vvvl de xtafirjdov ovyoixelrai. *v Ttj nsgulq eaTi TO Mtfivoviov. EVTUV&K de dvolv xoloaawv OVTWV fiovoU&av aAAijAwv nlrjalov, 6 fisv acJ^JPWM, TOV de higov T aVw /UC'^TJ, T WTTO Tvjg xa&tdgotg, nsnTwxe ysvy&evTog, wg cpccai. HenlaTEVTcu d OTI a7ra 15 yfitQUV kxdaTriv yoyog, wg av n^yjig ov KfiTat anb TOV pivovTog \v TW &g6vw xt Ty fiaaet pegovg. 'Tnig de TOV Mepvovlov ^xat fiaadewv tv amfictloig nfgl TeTTCtgdxovTot, 20 7. Ilegl Tag loxctTiag Tyg AlyvnTOV xat Tt]g opogovayg *Aga(3lag TS xul Al&ionlag, Tonog SOTIV ty&v (ihaUa notta xal pe/ala xgvaov, avvayofjitvov TroA/l^ xaxona&elct re xal danuvy. Tr^g yag yyg fisXalvijg ovaijg Ty (pvasi, xal dtacpvag xal cphefiag exovayg [tagpagov, Ty fovxoTijTi, dta- 26 (psgovaag, xal ndaag Tag nsgil.afjinop.ivag (pvaeig -vnegfiaA- Jiovaag Ty laftngoTijTi, ol ngogtdgevovTtg Tolg jjisTaMuxo'tg egyoig TW n1ur)&ei TUV fgya'^o^evwv xaTaaxvvd^ovai TOV XQVOOV. Ol yag ftaadelg T^jg AlyvnTov Tovg Inl xa- xovgyla xaTadixaa&evTag, xal Tovg XT notenov alx^a- 30 "kwiia&ivTag, eri de Tovg adlxoig diafiolalg ntgmtaovrag, K* dia &vi*6v tig cpvlaxag nagadtdopevovg, noTe j^tev otvrovg, noTe de xal /ma ndarjg avyysvelag a&goiaavTtg, ngog ryv TOV XQ V(JOV pSTaMietav. Ol de na- g, noMol [i& TO nJi^og ovreg, ndvTtg de nedaig Africa. 135 ngogxagitgovGi Tolg fgyoig avvsx&g, xal ^e#' rjfisgav xi oV ob]g Tyg VVXTOS, dvdnuvviv fisv ovdsplav Jiapftdvovrfg, dgaapov ds navTog cpdojlfuag flgyopsvoi. Tij$ ds TOV xgvabv fyovayg yyg ir\v ^dv (jx^QOTdrrjV n-vgl xavoavTfg xal nonjaavT^ xavrrjv, ngogdyovai Tqv 6 " r J. ' r \ TWV %iiQ(&v xtxregyctaiav ' TTJV OK avsiutV'qv migav xoct, Tiovw dvvctfisvTjV vnuxsiv Aaio^txw aidt'jQtp xctrano- rovat nvQiades x/l^^oi;Vrwy avfrgatniav. Kal Tr^q fiiv ofoj$ o ibv M&ov duxxglvcw -[txvhrig xa^^Tt, xat VTiodtlxvvai ' i&v ds Tiqbg TTJV ajv^lav 10 anodsix&evTiov, ol fisv aw^aroc ^w/u>; dicupegovTsg TTJV ^ctQ^a^l^ovaav nt-igctv XOTITOVOIV, ov AAa ft lav nQogdyontg. Kal T ATO|UoVjUe'a ^QavafiaToi fig tda. Ol ds vneg IT^ rgidxovja TIUQU TOVTCOV laftfidvovTsg (aQiapev TOV haTonypatog, iv o^oig ki&lvoig Tvnrovai vnegoig, axgig V ogoftov TO fisye&og xonegydawvTCti. IJagd ds TOVT&V TOV OQoftlTrjv M&ov al yvvcilxeg xt ol TiQfaftvtSQOi T(ov avdguv IxdexovTut,, xat fivhwv eyg nketovwv OVTWV, enl rovrovg e7Ti/5AAovfft, xat nagaaTavitg ava xgug 1} dvo nqog 25 t/fftJ', j asfjiiddfowg TQOTIOV TO do&sv [te-cQOV To ds itfavTciiov ol Ttyvhou Ti M&ov, ngbg T,rp> otyv ayovai sl ydg nhaislag aavldog [jiMgbv fynexh^ievrjc, TQiftovai irp> ^gov, vdoag snixsovjsg. JElta TO fisv 30 ei uvrfg exrrjxopsvov did TWV vygwv xctTuggtt wit*. rr\v trig oavldog tyxhviv, TO ds zgvalov tyov enl TOV IvAov naga- fjisvst did TO ftdgog. IIoMdxig ds TOVTO noiovvTsg, TO [tsv Tong x&galv ilacpgrng Tglftovai, JUT ds ravra ano.y- 136 Geography. yotg ugaiolg xovqxog em&UpovTsg, TO ^awov xat ytudsg din TOVTMV avaKa^dvovai, fizgig <* v OTOV xa&agov yivr\Tou, TO ifjyyfta lov xgvaov. To 8k TflfVTCuov a'AAot Tf^vfrat naga- lafj,j3avovTfg /WC'TQW xat ara&fiM TO avvrjyfist'ov fig y.SQa t ueovg 5 %VTf)ovg spfidM.ovat. MlSavrsg 8s xcna TO n^&oc: avaKoyov Xttt XQl&WOV TltTVQOV 7TQOCf i U/5tt>UoVffiJ'. ^OjUOOTOV 5* f TTt- #|Wa 7rot7;'ffarTC, xat Tr^Aw yi1.on6v' TOI? ayytloig, tov ds xgvabv xtt&agov lotfipdvovaiv, oUyqg anovolag yeyBvrjfttvrjg. *H [iev ovv TKV ftetaJJitav rovrtov tVQEaig ctQxaia navTt\wg taxlv, wg aV into TWV TraAwtcyv /?- 15 8. C O ^.t^ayS^og xglvag iv Alyvmw nohv XTiacei, 7iQogej(xs xolg dm r^v inifi&ei , avcc filaov Tyg TS M[ivi)g xat v^g -d-cdaaarjc; oixlaai Ti&hv. jHXfiSTQyaag ds TOV xonov, xat rr^v nohv, a

a, 7I0/U.7J7' roig xctroixovaiv evxgccalav xat vyleuxv xmt- 25 oxci'aaf. Kcu TOV ph ntglflokov avTyg vntaT^aaro TW re (jtye&fi 8ia 7rv>L^? ^TW diyxovaa, rsaaaQocxovra t usv arudlwv l^et TO fii]xog, 8s TO nldrog, otx/wv 5e xat Ifgmv nolvTfUoi xa- raaxfvaTc Tiaaa xexo'ff/*7jTat. Tf(>ogsTa!-e (V o 'Atisavdyog xal Africa. 137 finai'ifta xaruaxsvdaat frctvpctaja xaia TO fisys&og xat {3dgo$ TWV tgyav. Ov povov 8* b ^AXe^avdgog, uttat xal ot [trc umbv Puaijitvauvrfg Aiyvntov axtdbv anavng nokvrdsat xara- axwalg yvfyauv UVTU ia ftualtetu. Xa^oAov ds y nohg loauvrrjr snt'doaiv thrxfiev iv rot? VGTSQOV xgoroig, ugre nuga, 5 noMoiq ctvryv ngtojyv aQi&fitia&at reoy XT TTJV oixoi'ptvqr. Kal yag xAAi, xat peyi&ti, xt ngogodwv 7ih)&si xal TWV TT^O? TQoyrjv avijxontav nolv dioiffSQfi, TWV AAa'. To de TWV xTOixoi/VTWv oixi]To(av avxTjv nkrifroq vnfg^d^i Toiig fv ratg attotig nofaaiv olxijTOQas. 10 9. Ol Alfrlo7ie$ xaxdfttoi TS xal yv^vriiig flat ia TroAAa, xul vouddeg ' T ds /SoaxTf^uara avxoig eoil JJ.LXQU ngofionat xal la/eg xul /?o'? xul xvvtg ptXQoL Zcaat d* ano xiyxgov, xal xgi&ijg, u(p wv xul noibv noiovatv amolg. Ovd* axgoSgvot fyovai nkfjv cpoivixwr ohlycov iv xr^noig fiaaifoxole ' tvtoi ds 15 xul rtoav atTOVvrai, xul xhorug unuhovg, xul kwiov, xul xuka- tiov oluv. Kgeuat ds XQWVTUI, xul U'I^UTI, xul yukaxTt, xul Ti'otjii. 10. Ol Ai&ionts XQMVTUI Tu^oigrngunr^ai vktvotg f TisjivQuxifOfievotg. Onki^ovat ds xal Tug yvvalxag, (or ul nfaiovg xtxglxwvrui TO ziihogTov arOjUaToc^aAxw xglxw ' xto- 20 diocpogoi 3' fiolv, egtav ovx tyovTtg, TWV ngojSaTiav alyoT()i%ovv- Tiav ' ol ds yvpvyral datv, y xal ntgi^wviui f^txga xwdta if TgiXivu nMynaTu svvyir]. Osbv 8evo[t%6vat, ibv piv a&dva- TOV, rovrov d ftvat tbv ulnov TWV TIUVTWV, rbv de &vr)Tov, uvu- Wfior rtva xul ov aaqpTji ' wg d eniTonokv tovg tvsgyhug xul 25 iov<; fiaadsag &eovg vo[tlovai. Tovg de rsxQovg ol (jsv fig rbv noTUfibv fXQlmovatv, ol d* ol'xoi xarexovai nsgixeavrtg va\ov, itveg ds Iv xtguftlaig aogolg XUTOQVTTOVOI xvxXw rwv itgwv. Baatlsug xa&taTuai, rovg xuttet dtacptQOVTug, ij f) xryvoiQOCptag, rj avdyslag, 7; nkovTov. 30 11. Towwv dtevxgtvvj^ievuVf olxslov av tfrj diek&eiv nsql V Aifivwv -HOV Ttlrjotov Aiyvmov XUTOIXOVVTIOV xal vys Tot yag mgl KvgrjvrjV xal rug Svgxug, I'TI y$ xaio 12* 138 Geography. XttTOlXSl TSTTd^a ytVl] AlflvWV ' WV ol (JLKV OVOfJ,a6(lWOl aajiMVsg vepovTai T rtvovTct fisgr) nybg roTov, ol 5 TCI TTQog njv dvoiv' ol ds MaQfiagldai xaioixoiHjiTrjV Tttivlnv Alyvmov xttl KvQyvijg, [iST%ovTtg xal T 5 ol ds Max a i nokvavd-gcoTila TOJV fytoe&r&v *riQoi%ovitg, re- fjtovTctt rovg Tonov? TOV$ Ttsol TTjV 2,'i'QTiv. Twv V(av Aifivwv yewgyol (.isv flair, o\g VTKXQ^FI xuQTior cpsQftv oayil.i], itoHcifaf d , oorot TWV (ufaiav Tioiovpsvoi, rag TQOCpag tyovaiv a^io TOVTUV. 3 Au- 10 xw ^ fi lov ov ^ictv- rsylw? ciygior, ovd* v.v&Q oqptwr, aA/ar ds rwv roetftftwr, ovg nQog- xBgdarctg ' oV T (iiv d^y^ara ^avaT^ffOQU 10 i, it]v ds XQoav U/U/UM Tr.agunKr t Giuvl'xovGi' ztiontQ avTKtv v.aia. rqv nQogoyiv role i.7toxet/Asvoi<; f'Scc(fsaiv otiyoi fiev f'myiyvwoxovaiv, oi TroAAot if ayvoovvrsg Tiarovai, xt y.ivdvvoig nsQinlnrovaiv angogdoxr^TOig. 13. c // KttQ%rid(av enl %tQ<5oryKJov iLvog 'idgvicci, mgiyQCt- 15 (jpot'ffjjc xvxioy, TQittxoalwv $i)xovTct oiadlwv t/ovTct xtl/xog. Kara {tsorjv ds TTJV nohv f} axgonohc, r,v f xaAovv Bvaaav, ? txrti)c oo&la, xvxAw ntQioixov^iivi], xara ds Tt t v xo- axlyniiiov, OTISQ xar ii}V akwaiv TTJC no- TOV Aad^ev^a avvdngrjatv ai'iy. f Tnov.nvru.i 8s 20 t ot'rf A/jt/cVfc, xat o Kw&wr, vr,olov TCFQKpSQtg if^oufvov, ;'%ov T? rfwcot'xof? bteatQti&t* xt'xAw. 7vT/a/m 5' fort didovc, ayayovarfi ex TVQOV AcroV' ot-rw d v anoixla tolg 4>olvi$iv vTir^^s xat ai/TT?, xat ^ T?]C 3 I{3l}Qteg Tr t g TS aM.yg xal r^g IJai arrjlwv, WCTE xal 25 TI}V agiGT^v irtl^nvro ol &olvtx(g xarri TT/V naoav, ooijv fii] vo[.i(tdixwg oiov T J/J' olxttr. jlq> 1$ dvva^sajg nohiv TS avunalov T^ c Pa)' ( u>; xaTfaxfva- aavTO, xai T^ct? inoU^aav nQog amovg [iiyalovg noUuovg. 30 14. rtvono d 1 civ evdr^og i] dvynfitg ctviwv sx rov VGTCX- TOV nolsfiov, iv w xaTehvfri]aav vnb 2xr)nl(ovog, TOV Atpdictvov, xal y -Jtohg agdyv yv rrjaov Meyagevai nofofAOVVTfg l&xapov, y.nl ro/iov e&evro, (lifts ygayat, Tiva, ^IV\T finely av&ig, nkotoj, v.al xctriidtv o JSb'Awj' TO nXolov s&avvoftsvov unb xr^g vyaov, xag (ttv yv- 30 rctly.a? txnoSwv ciTid&uv txsfovae, vwv de VWTSQUV ysreiwvTug tvdvpaaL itt&ptiQfUf x* axtvaoantvGvg, xat Aa/?o>'T? fyxsiQidia XQVTITH, noiiCf.iv xal ZOQBVSIV TT^OCTW| ngog ryj tfcdciaar], [tf-XQt? civ unoSwoiv ol TioXeftioi, xal yevvjTat, TO Ttlolov vnoxuQior. 15 OVTOD dy TOVTOJV TiQano^tivcav, VTiax&trTtg ol Msyagilg T/] sTtl yvvatxccg a^u/AAw^u^yoi TtQog , AA, ndvxag anokdo&ai, xal vyaov emnkevaavTag tvdvg txuv rovg A&yvaiovg. 9s aU,ov nva IQVJIOV ysvw&ai, t^v xaidlriyiv II. ARISTIDES. Passages from the Life of Aristides. g fiiv yv *AvTioxido?, TOV ds drjfiov j&&n9itq&*r. Ilfgl 5' ovalag avwv hoyou dido- goi ysyovaatv, ol (jiiv, wg iv mvla avvrovw xaiafiiwaavTO$, xat (jLtiu. rrjv Tti.evii)V anokinovrog dvyaregag dvo nokvv XQOVOV dvexdoTOvg di dnoQiav yeyfvrjftsvag. HQog di JOVTOV TOV Ao/ov vno noM-wr tlQrjfievov avTiTaoaoftwog o 4r)nr)TQiog, %aqiov T &ali]Qol (pyal yivuaxtiv htyopevov, tv 01 js-framai, xal aMa iexpr}Qi,a xijg negl tov olxov fvnoqlag dyelqei, ov pdla m&avd, avtov ifa nevlotg i&Mo&ai, UTIO rrjg dgsTyg doav dyanwvTfg. Tta tf ovv 'AQiaTsldy avvsfir] TO UQWTOV dyanco^isvta dia vareyov (X[.tivov bgLocai TO XT ctlav ixwaTo/ xt dvva- fuv. C O ds Tqhxavirig f^ovalag xvgiog yevopsvog, x2 T^O'- 25 nov TIVU T^g e Uiet8bs tn VTW fiovw ra ngdy^aTa nuvru &fHtvr t g, nivr t g piv fSyKfav, tTtavfy&e ds nsvsaiSQog, ov fiovov xa&agug xal dtxalwg, utta xt ngoscpdiog naai xa* aQUodlwgTijv tniyQWfJp TwrxgypuTtov notr]ad t usvog. 'Jig yug ol ncdouolrbv inl Kgovov filov, omwg otofppqgot ruv *A&q- 30 vaiwv rbv fa'Agiareldov (pogov, tvnorfjilav riva r%g c EM.d8og ovopdfrvreg, vpvovv, xal fidhara pet ov nobvv XQOVOV dt- n\aaiaa&iviog, sir otv&ig TQinhaaiaa&svrog. 'AyiareidrjS fig TO ao^etv dv&q unwv rooovitav xarctffTyoctg itj* tocvTov Ttctrqida, avrbg fvepfive rf) nevia, xotl ir\v ano III. Prom the Life of Themistocles. 145 TOV nsvqg tlvcn, do$otv ovdsv ?JTTOJ> uycmiav Trjg dub TUV dttTihaf. dqlov <5' fxei&sv. Ko&Uag o dq- HVTW ytvtt 7tQogr)Xcav ' TOVTOV ol t'x&yol Oavdiov tg tntl TTSQI dtv tyQuyjcxvro jusr^/wf xaTqyoQyactv, tinov Ttva loyov ll;M&V IOIOVTOV, TIQO<; roi/s dixaaiug ' 5 \4giaTiiSriv, c^Tjaay, IOTS, tav 4vaif4(xzov, To/^'jEA^df ' rouro) TIW? ol'sa&s T XT olxovix (fVTOV (V TQlfiwVl TOIOVTW TlQOf QXGfAtVOV fig TO rin oi'x tixog cart, IQV Qi'/ovvtu (pavegwg, x nEivyv ol'xoi, y.iu rwr a'AAwy tniTydtlwv vnavl&iv ; TOVTOV pevroi KaMl- 10 u,-, uvtipiov avTta OVTCX, nhovatMTciTog wV ^^va/wr, nsgio- yu utrci Ttxj'aiy xat ywouxbg evdeofifvov, noM.ct xs%o i 'r][J.evog TO! urdQt, y.al TroAAaxt? aviov T^? nag v^lr dvrd^swg anofahav- xft)?. C O ds KcdMag OQWV tnlTOVTM ^uaAtenra &oQvfiovvTg T ntd [tsv ovds iollg ofioQOig cc^iofidxo ii] d uno TMV rstov >Lx^ xal Tovg ffagfiaQovg ttfivvaod'ou,, 26 T *? 'nmddog UQXBIV dvvapsvovg, avci ftavlft&V OTT^/TW)', J7ATtop, vavfidxa$ y.al d&Juxttiovs enolyat ' xal y.atf amov nagioxtv, wg o Of[UOTOxli)$ TO xal ri)v danlda xwv nofoxtav nagdofjiwog, fig vnqQtmw xal xwnrjv avvlaisiJis TOV TWV *A&rjval(av dypov, ^Enga^e. Se 30 tavTa Mifaiddov xgaTrjaag dvTiKiyovTog. El [*iv 5ij rijV axqifoiav xal TO xa&agbv TOV nohTevfjiaTog I'/SAw^/w, i? /uij, ravT ngd^ag, eaTta (jp/AoooqpWTf^ov emaxon&v. "OTI d rj tore auTr^lu Tolg^Ettrjaiv ex Tijg -d-aldaayg VTtijo^e, xal TTJV nohv Iv&tiaav WTqaav at TQIJIQUS Ixetrat, T IV. From the Life of Thcmistocles. 147 T or'JUw, xt AQ'^l? amog tpaQTVQrjtff. Tr^ yotg adgavjiov dia^vovai]g, i' &a dr aimw, nef.mttai /;jr vtuv In AQTB^LOLOV T axtva cpvhdZcov. 10 ( ::;' ;.//./' c.; HvQvfiidS'riv xal ^iaKsdaifnovlovg vopiaiv, T:OJV ds jf&iyvalwv, on nky&ei xuv viwv ov^tnavrctg o/uOt; 11 rovg oiHovg V7iegt(3aM.oi>, ovx a%i- ovvroiv kreQOig tTisa&cu, avvidwv ibv xlvdvvov 6 OsptaTO- xl^g, amog re ir]V u^-y^v EvQvfluxdr] nag^KS^ xa* xaxengdv- 15 ve Tovg 3 A&r)valovg, vmaxvovf^svog^ ccv avdgeg dyot&ol Tigog tov nolt^iov, sxovTag avrolg nagt&w elg T i&o[j,vovg iovg c 'M.r)vctg. di OJIEQ doxfi rr^q ctinwToiTog yVa&cu Ti] 'Ettddi, xctl i^ahoTa TOV$ lovg ngoctyctyelv ig do$ctv, wg avdgriu piv xtav no- 20 , tvyvojfioavvy di xwv av^d/wv nfyiysvopsvovg. Al de yv6(j.vat rors ngog ?dg rL fiyd^v OVK iy ds nslga fid^iara rovg "EMyvag wvyootv, vno rwv . xovg xwdvvovg didax&sVTag, wg OVT nhy&r) vtvtv, oms 25 xat >tau7ioTiTC$ fniaiwr, OVT X 148 History and .Biography. n ng xuQttg tevai, y.ul /ic#tf$m ToAjUwatT ' AA del rwv TotovTow y.uTacpQovovvTaz n ccvra ra acu ( uT qDi^efftfm, v.al nqog ixtiva diaycavt'&aftai ai'it/TrAttzsWa?. 8rj you nir- 5 dagos ov xxw foixe ovt'idwi 1 t^l T;]C ITT 'AQTffAtoiM [tcyifi until', o-d t n 1 d $ *A & r t r n I w v i /? A o y T o qp - y v u v x ^> r, n 1 d * A f i' .9^ ? o / e TO? nx)> TO -O-aQgur. SQ:;OV 8s diet TTJ? dwglSoc arw&tr tufiakovTog fls 10 'Inaxldccj y.ul T Ttuy <^wxcor otW?; Tru^TroAoi'rTO?, ou t uvvov oE c '/i'A>lps?, /.alntQTWv\4&waltor dtofjsvvv flsrrjv Boi- WTt'av anavTiiaai ngo t^g t4rTtx^c, W^TTS^ wi'TOt XT f}a).aa- aav in ^Aortulaiov ({jorj&qaav. Mqdstbg d vxaxovoviog av- toig, U T^,- ndonovvr'ioov Ttsgiexofitrwv, xnl naaav tviog 15 'la&pov Ttjv dvvapiv ai^firj^iBvtov avvotyiiv, xal TUIV TOV 'fa&fjibv tig ^Aaaay lit &ahda(jr)g, j trjg nqoSoolag SIX B tovg 'A&yvalovg) apa 5s dvg\) vfila xat xwr^'qpeiM piporufterevg* Mazta&ai, psv ya(t ov c ^omo fiVQiaai ffTonrov roaavrnic' o 5' r t r uoror uvay/.diov tv TW 20 TtciQovTL, ir\v noXiv uqjivTctg i(.((fvvai rocig ravalr, ol TioAAoi ^aAcTrw? Tf'xotw, wg fiijis vlxyg dsouwoi, piftt aa)T/()/t TO riti}&Of, or] t uela daiuona xt %Qr r 25 apovg fn^yiv uvToig, xt xQarrjvtxg ir\ yvwpy, ift^cpiaffct you- (pet, Tyv {liv nofav naouxuTa&iadui ry A&r t vn ry A&r/raiwr fitdfovaij, TOVC 5' tv fil.iy.ln. ndvT&g tftflabtt* tig TC TQII'J- geig, Ttnldng dt xt yvvuiixag xat uvSQunoda omtiv fxnarov tag dvvcnor. KvQW&ivrog Si TOV y/r/^pta|Uroc, ol nlttorot 30 Twv'Adyvalwv wti$&trto yovtug xat yvvalxug ttg Tgoiffiva, 7r';'r TWV Tqotfyrlwv VTioSexo^tvcor. Kal yctq f yi]'\ loitrjo dyuouin, dvo ofiohovg exaatft) xt trig onwQag Ittjiftdveiv rove nnldctg f$eivctt it t 6*' V7iig (xvriav didaoxexloigTtkfiv piafrovg. IV. From the Life of Themistodes. 149 *Ex7ilfovar t g de Ti,g nohwg, rote fiiv OIXTOV TO Tolg de davfia xfa Totyrjg nagtfxt, yoveag [liv a'U// ngo- Ttfftnovrcov, avrav d* dxapnTiav ngbg olfitayag xai diixgvu. yvvaixwv xai TEXVMV negifio\ag dianeguvTuv tig ryv vr]aov. nottol p.iv diu yygag anohfUTrctvofievoi rwv noliTWV 5 el%ov. 'llv de Tig xt ctno TCOV qfieQWv teal avvigoyow kvxv&V(jilct, pex wQvyi]<; xt no&ov avp- fyfiulvovai roig eavTwv Tgocpevaw. *Ev olg xvuv Eav&ircnov, TOV UsQixkeovg nongog, oi'x TI}V UTI CCVTOV (lovwoiv, erakea&ai xfi -frodoiffar], 10 y.al Ai7io&V{iqaag ano&avslv sv&v$, Ov xal 10 vov a%(.n vvv xcu xaKovfjiEVOv Kvvog ailpa xdcpov eivoci Totvioc <5?) jU^A TOU Offjuoroxktovg. Evgiifiiddov TJJV 15 fiev viyt(.iovlav iwv vtwv tyovrog diet TO T^g 2na.QTtig a^lw^a, |CtaAofxot' de TIEQL TOV xlvdvvov b'vTog, cugtiv de fiovkofievov xat nkelv enl TOV 3 Ia&f^ov, onov xul TO neov rl&QOiaTO TWV o Oe^tiaTOX^g aviekeyev * OTS xal T a faxdi]vcii cpaui. Tov yng Evg-vftidSov ngog 20 uviov elnovTog '. *fL Of}iiaToy.lic, iv Totg aywai Toiig ngo- t$aviaT(X{ievovg gcml^ovai ' Pfal, einev o OeftiaTOx^g, aAAa Kf&ivTi/.i; ov OTecpcct'ovoiv. Enaga^iivov de TJ]V wg nuTa^ovTog^ o Of t unjioy./.i]g b'cpy ' HaTot^ov [lev, axovaov de. Oav t udcfctVTog de Tr/v TT^WOTTJTW TOV Ev- 25 gvfiiddoi'j xctl keyeiv xehvauvTog, o fj-if Off.uaTOX^ijg dvriytv avior tTTt TOV \oyov. ElnovTog de Tiro?, wg uvi}g anohg ovx OQ&wg dtddaxfi Tovg fyovTag fyxuTaKiTteiv xai ngotaftni Tag nc*Tgl8ag, o OsfiurrOHlifi \maTgiyag TOV koyov, 'HfAelg TOI, einev, o') no%&i]ge, Tag fiev olxiag xai TO, Ti%rj xaTakdolna- 30 (4,ev, ovx a^iovvTfg, aifjv%(av tvexa, dovksveiv' Tiohg 5' r^iiv &JTI fjf/laTT] TU>V Eti.i]vld(ov, at diaxoaiai TQiygeig, at vvv Vfilv naQeaTaai /SoTj^-ot auea&ai 81 avxwv ^ovlo^ivoig. El o 3 unirt devTsgov ypag nqodovTeg, uvilxa nevaettti Tf Evtta St; fiagi- o>g (f>i*}* /MS'' vu xa'ijUTo TOV tnoTnfvwr xal rr,r nanurnlir, otg (.tir il>caro8rifji6g (p^air, vnzg TO 'Hnuxkeiov, // ftoctxti TTOQM dttifysnxt T^ AtttKifafi rrjaog, Wj." <5' l^XfOTO&DOOC, tV IStftOQtM T7~C ]\ y.tt'i.ovuivwv wv iQyor ii t v ftriir in lltfji di TOV n&qttat?; TOM' fta$(fagtxv 7TOi7JT7;C, f J' TQttyotdhf Htyattie, Afc'/ft T(XVT(t ' 8e (y.al yuq old a) %ihct$ piv T\V 10 TO ntij&o$' al S* vneoxopnoi r t aar, rwr <3 ,+irTiy.(av, exutov o ar?; TOI^ w.^ro TOV ' - 15 XH <5' OV%r)TTOV tV TOV XCCIOOI' OfUiaTOX/JjC, Jq rOV T07TOJ', ovnvwv y.al (fvla^ac, my noorfoo/ avriTigwoovg T(i,- fiuofiaoixoug TC TQITJOHC, ?; T^V uw&vlav woar yiriaOui, r/)j TO JiyivjiaiotfiTigov tx nUayovc utl xwt 5t TO)*' arr^coy xT/oi'oY<'/ o TC //' jEjU^ficag o^x 20 ovaac y.ul TantivoTtoag, TC 5s /5o- s y.ul fiugilug lyrupafOfuyctf saqxdli ngozulmov, v.rti TUtQtdidov Jiiayl&s ToTc^'AATja/y olt'w,? 7rooc(poo ( aVo*c, xt TO) OfjitaTOx/.ti HQOGtjfWatr, we oQr Jax^ov. Ex de ^ TOV n\r)&ovg TWV (p&tyyopticav XT pixgov ano yyg avct- tpi^o^ivov vs&i$ vnovoaTslv xal xaTaaxymfir si? T? TQnjQStg. "Ertgoi dt cpaaficcTcc xat fi'dadot y.a&ooav 152 History and Biography. i'do$av ivon't.wr uvdqKtv, un A}ylvr t g rug TMV s J&U.);vixfQO[idrovg '/.KI g A/tr/Aoi?, iigiyavio /us^-i dfiAr/g (x 10 vlxrjVf ijg ov9* *'EkKi}aiv, OVTS /?^/?^>oic iruhiov to/or , avdgsiu f.isy teal nqodviiln xoirtj ds xal deivoiy /tev ovv rijv AiyivijTwv aQurtsvaa xog, OsfiiaTOxfal ds, XUITIKQ CCXOVTBG vnb cpfrovov, TO nyoi- 15 TBlov (XJisdotfav anctvizg. Unit yotg ava^wQ^ournc slg rot' Iff<ov ctno TOV fi(j)[iov Ti]v yjyfpov I'qpt^or ov oiyctTyyoi, TIOMTOV jUEJ* "^affTOceni'TOf onrtiptxivfv UQETJJ, dsvifQOV ds ptO savior OefiujioxXsa. AuxiSuiiiovioi d& etc rr\v 27iagii]V ctvTov y.aiayayovTt?, SvQVJitadij pir arfytietf, sxslvot dz 20 aocplctc afiiaTslov sdoour, fraMpv aityuvov ' xt TWV xr TIjV Tiofav (X()f.lUTlOV TO TlQWTtVOV IdatQ^OttVlO, Xal T^fXOff/- ov? Tav vtwr 7To t u7iovg cx^oi TWV QQWV awsinsfHf&r. Ai- fig TO OTtifaoK TO? ^f^taroxAg'ovc, nf^^narfttf TMV uywvt- 25 axwvtovg nngoviug, o^v tr t v rjfiiQav ixsivov frtuadai, x/ 7TOOC TOl'C (jp/Aoi'C Of.lO%.Oyi)OCtl TOV TC j.tog nvTM V. From the. Life of Cimon. 163 V. CIMON. 7\/di\ 8ir, x,'<< 7iQogV$a t ufvos ?j t dtiy, y.aTiftuiviv Inl tfcihaaaav, 15 oix oJilyotf /^t xofitav rr,v x(jDA^j'. (fravzlg ds xr UVTOV TOV ?f, Ta/v doSa? iv vy noisi per tvvolag i' xal THX rot 3/o^airo? ijdr] diavoEla&ai y.a.1 nQaaafir. isavru 3' (XVTOV S7tl ri]v 7io\iTtluv ff t J'o? 6 d^iog y.ftl jUfaro? wV TOT? OtfttaTOxlsovg, avrjys ngog rug iv tf t notei T///C xat w^ac, ivdgfioajov ovra v.al rolg TroAAoIC) 5i 7roaoT7jT xat cccpdJieiuv. Oi>x yxiaiu HVTOV i]v^(jtv ^AQHJTsldrjg o ^fvaifUXJfOV rrjv vorTtt$. "tin in a 5 (jttf*, y.ul fiutsi/.u yyuifovTos e^crroAorf, TOK ds t*fytfjuxj(Qi$ TQU!Cu$ y.ui ttvdddwg Trgof^t^Ofth'Oi', y.al noiJ.a tit f'^oval- u.v y.v.l ayy.Qv uruijTov vfiyi^ovioz, vno^A^.pnvtav nqqtos rove y.al it.uv&WTiMg jouJu&Vi i&a&w ov 81 10 f.tivos ngos^ri&svTO f<*g ol nltltnoi TMV Tf y.al ^lyiarsld),, Ti,r xaAtnoTrjia TOV JIavaarlov xal Klfiwv de, T&V avufidxwv 7/^7; Id aigowi'/bs ti$ Q^cfy.j]v tTifavas, ardgag evdo^ov? y.ctl av/ytrttg @aaifo&$ } 'ifiova no&tv, Inl TO) Ztgv^LOVt y.f.i^ivi]V noTCtfAM, Y^ii^QViaq-, ivojtfMV rolg Tiegi TOV TOTIOV txsivov "EM^aii'. ZIQWTOV [tiv ovv paxy Tovg IlsQaac onnovg evixyae, xal xctTexfoiGtv tig ryv nfaiv. 20 * EntitM Toi-c VTSO 2i(jv[iova Oycixv.*:, o&tv aviolg ecpoiia olios, i'(jrMroi'c Tiontn-^ y.al Ti]v x aj ^ a> ' naQacpvk , fig ioouvTr t v uTtoafav TOIV- Tiofaogxovfjsvovg s)', ojgre BOVITJV, io^ ( fiaoitt&g TW TiQayuuru, rynotei TIVQ iviivai, xal avrdiay&figMi, pern '^j TWV (plKwv xal r$v xgypawnv eauror. OUTW ^6 kttfiwv rr t r Tiaht't AAo (i&v ovdsv u$iov Ao/ou wcpdy&i], TWV ' TIJV ds %(OCtv, ev aiTjr ovartv xrtl xa)J.laTi]v, nixfyroti notQtdwxf role vuLoig. 30 ''Hdy 5' tvTioQ&r o Kipwv, tyodia Tyg aigaiy/lag, a Aw? anb TWV TroA^uW fdo&v ucps^o&at, xaAAtoy avrj fig rovg noUxag. Twv TS yaQ ayqiov iovg qiQayfiovg acptl- Av, Vva xal Totg evoig xal rwV no^irmv rciig $tofievoig afo~ wVen' T^C onrngag ' xal dilnvov ot'xo* nag V. From the Life of Cimon. 165 uvioi, hrof iifv, aoxovv 8s noM,olg, inoiuio x# yfit ftp o Totv Tievyiwv c fiovkopfvog flg^ti, y.al 8iaTQoq>f)v angayporu, povoig Tolg dijjjU>cipi$ o^oAa^wy. c Jlg d aioTfiiijg (pqalv, ov% undvTwv 'Aftyvalav, AA TUV aurov slnzittdfjit' 9raeoxn>(X$BTO TW ftovlofierw TO deinvov. 5 tvty 8e vtut'laxoi nugflnovio &r\vv.i ^ovlioftsvog o K.lfjLWv nvr\%&r tt fiidtodv.i fO"xfVcxof.ttvos t uv iy.oi'Tfg tit] ruv] fiiuafrHtv, tig TOV noTC/fiov ttgcagulaavTO, nQogcpfgofifVdJV 8e TWV A\^I]VUIMV ctvTt&nfavGav, cog laTOpel av6di][iog, Qaxoaiaig vavtslv, wg 8 ^Ecpogog, 7isvTi]xovToc 30 xal TQiaxoalaig. Eqyov St y.uTu yovv Ttji' fidJiaaaav ovdtv vn avTWV inQ(*x&i] Tyg dvvdfttwg aiov, ah ev&vg fig irp> yr^v cmoaTQicpovTtg, t&ninTov ol ngwTQL, xal xcttecpfvyov fig TO Tts'^bv tyyvg nctguTnay^vov ' ol 8e x 156 History and Biography. T Sakotpuvt nsfcofjuxxfy, TO (f V nlaiaiui^ rctv- )^ TQoncciov, fnyywvlcraTO T?C vlxais, xrif* auv, W } y.a puov xnayvfts, un&ami Tag vavg unuactg, x* Tfi)*' avdyotv ol nKsloTOt GvrSifcp&aQTjanv. TOVT'O TO sgyov ovTMg frctntivaHJE TJJV yva)(.irjv TOV fif/nsi- AfO)c, oV^TC ow&'dQ&cu TtjV nf^t^oijTOV f igr)vi]V exflv?])>, 'mnov utv 8()6(*ov utl t^ViAAijvtx^ anexeiv ^aXaad?;?, IVflov 5 ^ Kvvavitov xl XthSovhov uaxga vrfi xt VI. From the Life of Akibiades. 167 VI. ALCIBIADES Passages from the Life of Alcibiades. To TOV \v iv aino), TO cpdovtixov l^vgoTarov yv, xal TO (fi^GTiQWTOv, ug dffi.6v tan ToUg ncudixoUg anofivrjfiovtv^ia- oiv. Ev [itv YKQ TM ncdalsiv ntt^opfVog, vniq TOV py Tisaiiv uvotyaywv ngog TO arO|Ua T a^tjuaTw TOI) oio? ^v ditxcpayuv TOK; %iga<;. Ayivrog ds ri]V t'Of, xcct tinovjog, dcixveig, aJ *d.).xi faddy, XW^WTTC^ t yvvcti- xfg ' Ovx tycayf, tlntv, AA o5? ot IEOVTBJ. '"En de {iixQog MV snai&v affToa/aAotf ev TW ffTfywTrw. 10 7'^$ de fiotfg Koc^rjxovar/g eig ctVTor, waa cpoQiitov Jlgonov [isr ovv fxe'Aft-s ntQifjifivv.L rov ayovrn TO vninmis yag ^ /5oAry TJ) nagodw rijg apn^rjg. My nti&o- (.dvov 8i 81 aygoMictr, aAA endyovrog, ol fi^v w'AAot naldfc, dilo~xov, o d */l/>y.ifitddrig y.aiaSaJicav ihil (jTOf^cc TT^O TOV sv- 15 yovg, xcu nocQcxTslvug SUVTOV, exefavtv ovTwgi fl Tf Toy [lev WV&QOJTTOV oivaxQOvaai TO ddoocvTcc, Tovg ;? fidtkvTTOiTO rrjv avhijTixJiv, jtou xfovu&i rovg [iccv&dvovTag ' o&ev f^sneae xofjudij T3v 10 sfav&sgwv diaTQifitav, xt ngofTi^Jictxla^rj navTUTiaaiv o avkog. nsQixkei TIOTS ftovkofievog fvrv%elv, tni -d-VQtxg riK&w v- TOV. Hv&opEvog ds fir) G^oktu^iv, XA axonslv xcc\? tctv- xbv, OTiojg 7ro5wfffc \6yov ^A&rjvaloig, aniwv o 'AJutifiuidTjGi 15 Mra, tov J> 7[Q(x/^(XTtav, avvleaur, olocpvyofiwoi xal dis&ovTse rag apaQilag amwv xat ayvolag' wv fifylaTVjv inoii^v-ro rrjv 10 dtVTEQov ngo adixuv aviog, ii vavg aia%()K>g, aa%iov avro TOV XQU-CIOTOV xv 7ror///xa)- rarov acpsl^orio TTJ? nolewg afQUT^yor. *Exi d* ovv O{.t0)g ex Ttav nuQOVTMV uvifffQi iig lKn}g (t^tvSga, prj navidnaoiv 15 tfjyftv T TTQuynaTa TMV 'A&ijvalwv, 3 ^4).xifiiddov ntQiorrog. /7r7;tf cptvyur unQn-/(.i6v(ag tjv xal tag, OVTS vvVy il ra *a\r eavrov ixartag t/ot, nsgi- ^laxtStti t uovlovg v^Ql^ovrag, xal roue TQidxovra TtagoivovvTtxg. J^avra d' ovxt]v a).o/or ovfiqono'kflv OVTM 20 rovg nofaovg, OTTOTS xal rolg rfuaxorra (pgorii^tiv Infill xal dtanvv&dvsa&ai, xal koyov f'%iv n^narov MV exflvog fjigmrBxal ditvouTO. T&og ds Kgnlag tdldaaxf^ivaavd^or, -Jiotewq ^uxn v avrdytai ' TOUC ti at 9to&Ut&o$ri4Xf TIQO<; T ytrofitru, ).eya)V, uf dti'dya piv T^irj&tvru xa* y.onivTct ragtag, at'SQUf ds dia.cp\}aoi'Tuv uvfric; Tii/tir ov gadiov tazt. Tov 8 dtjfiov tig ixY.\i}oiu.v ov avvij/' ) dtdiug 10 jt?taa^yi nayu, yviofMjV, wk ugTrey J'fwc y.v^tQnjirjg, u.vi~ fiov xanoviog fv ns^riysi, &t[j,wo$ tc nuvTa xctl y.a-caisivu$ T O7i).a, xoijiat, rjj T4y*7/j ddxgvu xul deyaug vavTiwvTWv xul yofiovi.iivo3v tuaug, ovnog ixnvog, TO T avyxksloug, xai xi/.xv.)>a/j.My nuvia (pvhctxalg ngog uo(f>u~ 15 Afiy, iXQi]io rolg avrov Ao/tor^oV*' I fc>' X y.at '/.unjyoyovi'Tsg ' noM.ot ijOov wa^uwra y.ut TtQog aajxwqy, tfpvfiyl'&vrtq MVJGV -ii]v 20 ylaVf wg tivavdQOV y.tu n^oSfftlvi^f ra nyci/paia rolg J&i&fti&so &e xt XAs'wv, ^'<5;; dta rr/g TiQog txtlrov rutv nohrwv naQtvoptvog tnl T?})' d^^uycoylay. ]v vn ovdtrog txtvqjhl TO' Totovmii' o IleQixX^g, ^A xoil OKanij rtjv udo^iuv xocl T//V uji%&iav v(pi(JT(x{if- 25 rog, xul veuv txarov tnl TIJV lldonovvriaov oiolor txTitfinwr, ov ovvf^n^tvatr, aAJt ffitn-tr oixovgwv xul diu x^tQog rjV nohv, tug um^uyr^viv ol ndonovvriaioi. Ot~ ds rovg nokkovg, opwg o#/lxoyra inl zw TroAe'^w, dve)M i u>3ai>s, xul 30 q>w. AyivrjTug ya^ gtlang unuviag, disrupt nv vr t aov iv. 'llv ds rig na^yogla xat u

g oi'xsrt irvyUvjOf al' rfvovaiv, a xt nqbg, iv%i]v <7it xot>', v.cu /s/ovev jjdr] no\- /lotc arQUTrjyolg ' TO 5? xAAtarov xat ptytaTov ov Myovaiv ovv o uvtjfj ov uovov x^g inuwila$ y.al ngno- 20 , r]v iv Tiguy^uaL nottolg y.al [tsyotkaig anfx&elaig vttxri- grjatv, afoot, x TOV q>QOvypciTog, (I idaf.a&ou yag ovdsvbg, aM* dno/jUtVo)V XttTU 7l6hv KIUIQIWV. Kcct TdVTU 7f^?TTWI' OfJ,OtO)C I'v if rctig nofaplaig xat Tctig ovfi^d^oig /tyevij^sraig noheai, jHXQenfai a%ot.ccl'<5wxf roT? cpvyiioi rag 'V/^jj 5s TOI> eV aarft xaxw? t^ffv TIO JU^COV nvv&avoptvog, x- TtTrAsvacj' ft? Toy nziQttin ' xt Trtx^ftfTryaaTO T^V nohv, avny- xftafrtlaav scp oig txiivog fxdfavf, Tioirjana&ai. tag ^' ovv dvaavdgog, tog nagthafis ing TS vavg uTidoag, daidiKa, xat ra TC/^T; Twv'jt&qratcav, t'xTt] tnl 5xTr/ Mov- rv%L(avog ftrjvbg, ev fj xa* Tiiyv V J-TaAa/im vmtfufgittti evixwv 15 W&Vf xcu Ti)v nohxslav TOV drjfiov, I'^DT;, T^V TroAti' ftA^(jpVt nugaujnovdovaav ' earu- rai yng T iffy?], totv ^ifgcijr, fv n'tq tdft xa&rjQrja&cu, TKXQM- Xiif*dvg VTitg aydQanoSia/nov yvwfiyv iv tolg ai'uftdxoig ' ore xal TOP Oyficaov JE^lav&ov. tlgyyijoaa&cu, TO fjiiv KIJTV XttTCtoxctipcti, rrjv Ss ^(OQCCV uvitvon (jHjhofioTOV. Elm jus'vrot avvovaiag ytvo^ivn]g TWV rjysfjiovwv, xal ncxgct 25 TIOTOV -tivog fpwxdwg aaavTog ?x r^g Evgmidov HtemQug rrjv nngodov, rjg q agxri' ^Ayufisfivovog w xo^a, rjhv&ov, '//Ae'xT^a, Jloti actv aygoitigctv avkdv ' Ttdvrag eTitxAaa^vai, xat )n6xono$, onto TOV TiQogwTiov 5u?|i5jU/9oAo? efjpalvsro xat pfj (5<5/wc aV Tiva (JLOVOV ivrvxeiv avt(a xwv 25 x^to xou XagijTi noxs nqbq rag oq>Qvg avrov leyovrt, Tttyf^vrtov, Ovdiv, tlnsv, airtv) V ' o 8i TOVTWV ytJita$ notta xlavavu iv\v no XL Phocion. 167 C O ftwxiwvog Jioyog nlfiarov f'v Maflar*) A,' vovv el%e. Kat Ttgbg TOVT I'oixsv amScov o Stf^TTiog llolvsvxTog sintlv, OTL gyrwQ per aoiarog fl'rj drjfiojfrfVTjg, sineiv 8s 8sivoTotTog o t&mxlmv. C O 8& /jiifioa&evyg TWV fih attar ngog tovg qp/Aot;?* // TWV tytav Xo'/wy xon}g cniv. I'/AAw TOVTO niv i'awi npbg TO ^o? avoiarcov. xctl ^ij/u xt vfv/nu fiovov uvd(>og aya&ov ftv^lo uaoi xul THQiodoig cavTiQ^onov I'/si nlanr. Ol TOJV "A&wniwv avf.ifjuxoi xal ol vr t (fio)TC/.i rovg A&r\vi\- JQ &ev ajioaro^ovg, STSQOV psv IftftAsoprog mgcttifyov, nolsfttotit; rof.tiovjf$, ecpQayvvvxo TM^ y.al hfitvag an^Ktvvvaav^ xrtl txno -iyg XWQOI$ f$ TC noi; /O(7XT, y.r tt, xai yvvciixag, xalnctldag ' tide fpwxtwv r^yoiio, wxvalr Idlaig anavrmnfg lateqpcryttju&ot, y.iu %ntQor i -> uvtoV nartetitaai, xul OTQUTT^OV, (*VTOV ( a?) TKXQOVJOC, tregov inl TOV nofapov yQ-tifievuv, cy? xuTtnfavafr uno TUV vriatav, TIQM- TOV ph f'nfi&f TOV dr^ov, eiQrjvtxut; %ovro$ TOV ftdimrov, 20 xt (pofiovfjBVov TOV xlvSvvov, la^VQWc; ^^tf^az Tag dta%6- fjsi$ ' xal Tivbg avTixoovaavTog eivTW TWV tiw&o'Knv avxo- (favTslv, xal tinoviog' 2?v deTofyiag, a) #ftmW, anoTQentiv 'A&ijvalovc; rjdrj T onka 8iu %IQWV t^ovTag ; *Eyaj ys, tint, xal ravT fl8(ag, on, nolsuov [itr ovTog, fydi aov, sloyviig 8s 25 jg, av ffiov uo&tg. e Jlg 3' ovx I'nei&tv, nM. o ^///~ i, xelewov o)g noffwww T^g ATTixqg &t- Tovg 'A&ijvaiovg ' *JI Tav, I'igpi;, t ufj, nov f.iax(t) t uf- fra, axoTTw^ucv, atta nwg vtMtjcntuty* OVTM yap carat pet- 8s nav deivbv eyyvg TtaQtaTi. 30 * * o tfwxtW, si fisv rjav%lag oqs- yevat, &ta&ai TOV 7i6fa{tov' d Se dofyg, (leTa&sa&at, agog wig aqSuQOvg anb TWV c EU.^vwv Toctnopsvov. Kal 168 History and Biography. %(ag flnwv, oi/rw |UT'/2>U xal xaisnQUvvfv UVTOV, wqx tl- Tielr, onMg ngogi^ovai TOV vovv 'Afryvatoi Totg we, tl TI ysvoiTO nQt aiiTOV, txfiroig v.Q%tiv 5 l8in ds rov r]fiuv d* exelrtov de- 2o optratr, Kal ^.i}v ovrog, elnsv, out eAaTToywv tpov j], xal To 5' oAov, 7/ |Uij XQUtpevog, ttprj, (juxTrp f'^w TO- ipuvrbv apa xaxuvov Tigbg Ti t v nohv. OVTW /ucv ovv ejtavfjl&s nahv ret f$ Athpuv, inidtlfavTot jolg t 'jmr)ai nlovaiwTeQOV lov dovros ToaavTct TOV XII. Phocion's Condemnation. 169 XII. PHOCION. Phociori*s Condemnation and Death. To? SK fttoxltova xnl tore: per UVTOV Kfalrog fig *A&1]- rftg wrjjyf, ).6yoj niv y.Qi&yaojterovg, tQ/o* 8e ctno&avuv x- TontfXQift&ovs. Kal noogf t r TO ox^a rt/ tq> ( cw|/c xo^u/^OjUcVwi' KVTMV 8m TOV TO -dfttTQOv. EXM yctg (ni'TOiic nQogccyotyMV o KktiTos wr- 5 ov TT}V sxxJiijaiav tnlriQwauv ol ag%ovit<;, ov , ov f.rov, ovx ariftor anoxQivccvTfg, A>1 naot xal irov TO /5^ y.nl TO &ZUTQOV unQaaxov- J''Tffl 8 i] f7r/tfToP.7j TQV ^watAfiwc KVfyruG&i], \iyoviog, fniv fyvwG&tu ngodoTots ytyovivai rovg avdgac, Ixtl- 10 te 8s dtdovoci T)V XQiatv, ffav&eQoi:; r t 8r} y.al ainovo^ i, xt TOWC (xv8Qtt$ o Klstros fiwyaytv, ol psv fii cJIv nohroiv, oy&ivTOi; TOV (pwxlowog, fvexodvyjavTO, x tSdy.ovov ' fig 8* avaarug tToJijurjatv sinetr, vTi<]v xgtaiv lyyf%fi.oixoTOs TO> 8i]ii(o TOV ftuaiKioag, 15 xAo>(? fj^ft TOV? SovJiovg xat TO^ $evovg wn&O'tiv ex T^C $xtti.viai#$. Oux aj'ua%o[4sv(ov 8s TMV TroAP.wr, aiX* avx^a- /OVTMV patt.fiv Tovg ohyaQxixovg xat f^naoS^ovg, A,Aoc ^uey ov5f?5 ^7r^ TOW wx/wvo? t7Tf^/^7jav tln&v, avTogSs zafa- rrwc xat joA/? l^atcova^slg, IIOTSQOV, fintv, ndixug i} Swal- 20 w? anoxTtirai (tovSita&s yung ; Ano^qiva^.ivwv ds Tivtov, OTI 8txcti, xt davctTov Tifiotfictt TOC 7tS7lO/,lTSVflVCt /tVTW * TOVTOVg 5*, '^8C *A&riVCUOl, 8l(X T/ 26 aTroxTevEtTe, fiySev aSixovvTftg ; 'ArcoxQivofjisvav 8e Tro/Dlwic * '(hi aol s/5>lw^fi? fPoxicov uTto&dvoi, xat xor stfSQfir, xat rovg vnr](jkTa$ y.alfiv nQoctTctTiov. C 5' > AfJ*nA1h& xat rov Kfolrov OQMV dv^eQalvovra, y.al TO nguyua fiuQfiuQMbv slvnt xat uiuoov f t yov(jsvo<; * 10 V?> Ku^h^dovia, rbv pecan/lav VU"IOL, kafiovTsg aTgsfiJiaaofjsv ' nfgl de JOIOVTOV, 'jKvrav&a xwr emeixwv rig yt av noiwv ' nv yag <2>amWa fiaauviawfttv, at il EnwvQW&sviog Si TOV yrjcplopaTog, y.al TI^ 15 ^ct^ozoyt'acr anodo&flarjg, ovdflg xa&rj[*evo$, aAAa Tiavrtc f$- , ol ds nfotffToi xat aTciv(oacifj,fvoi, xar^eiQO- avion 1 &UVKTOV. 'llaar ds avv TM tpMximvi JVixo- Oovdinnog, 'ffyrjfitov, nv&oxhfjg ' Jr]f.irjT^lov df TOV JUfUfarne, xat Xa^txAe'oi'c, xar 20 aAP.wj' anovTtov xaTj//^(p/a^ #aVaro. f Jlg orv diakvaavTei; TIJV ey.xJirjol(xv ijyov n-g TO de QIOV TOVC wvdottg , ol per attoi, nKQinfaxoiJiivwv T&V (axiwvog nqogwTiov, oiov OTS aiQaTyywv an 25 txxhyolcig TiQovitepTctTo ftkBTtovTtg, fc^aujua^ov rrjv dnd&fiai' xat (Atycdoyvxlav TOV avdgog ' ol d ix&gol xwxolc tktyov 5e xat TiQogsmvaev f&vavTiag ngo+f).- "Otf xat TOV ama)ya keysTai fiteyjarTa nqbg TOI/C tiniiv ' Ov navati Tig aoxyfiovovvra TOVTOT ; 80 jE7it 5e Oovdimtog fr TM dsamTijQtM yivopevog, xa TO xwVft- oy o^tuv TQiflopsvov, yyavdxTei, xat xarc'xAcuc T^V avptpoyav, &g ov TiQogijxovTfag TW <7>&)xio)vt dwaTroX^vjusyoff, jEtr' avx ayanag, elnev, ort ^cra 4>(t)xt(ovog dno&vyaxsig / tyt, Tovvtor 96 j"^ ovx, eiqp XIT. P/wctun's Condemnation. 171 /Zs7ro)xoTWJ> di iidtj ndrrtiiv TO xctu-ao) 1 , TO cpaQfiaxov stens, xal o ftqpoetOj ovx tVprj rglifjeiv i'liyov, ft pr) Aa/ffo* , oaov Tt,y oAx?}v cuyetreu; X^ovov d* ytvofisvov xal diaiQifiij$, o o)xtW xwAs'aw? Ttvti TWV qp/Awi' xcu ctTiwr, 'J[ urjds uno&cxvtlv A&yvijdi dwytdv eanv, exs- 5 /.fl'tfS TO) I'^(U7IW doilt'Ui TO XlQfteXltOV' 'ifv d' ijpsQa f.tr t ro<: HfowvzuOiVOf tvuni] enl dsxa, xt TW Jit TTjV TlO^TtljV ntflTtOVlfg Ot lllTltfc 7lU()t$l'jWaV. SIV 01 piv qpe/Ao'TO TOU? orfcpdrov^, ol ds TIOO^ T? dvyctg dtda- ^xrij? ctJidftkeyjctv. J^ifxivi] dt xolg [tr] nuv- 10 xa* dicpfraQ[.isvotg vn oyyr^ xal cp&dvov aiWTccTOV ysyovsvat, TO [iqd (7iia%elv tr t v txdvrjv, prids xa&aQEvaai dijfioalov (povov irjv nohv Ou fj,iv A Kttl TO tfeiJ! ( U TOV ittjdeva Tigbg TT\V T(JP^V 'A&yvalav* Al o jtity ov^tt? { > ToA/n / ,;5*' a'OV, TOV VTTOZniTIji', OTl TTCtVTWV (flOjTOt'01T((TOg (t>V '/OVTWV, y.tu [uxoov S&wv xurava'/.toxtrui T^V TOV axptfV Etc TOVTO, %UQIV ov/. tyit TIQO^ rot' dtjfiov, AA 5 7Ta/MVT$ UV&QW71OI %ul ttftCC&tig UXOVOViat V.ul TO ftyua, jTKQOoavcci (5' ccvrvg ' 3 Jft,r)df} Af/f/c, w rfg, (pavru TOV ^KTVQOV ' /,/. tyw TO al'Tiov Idao^ra Tuxiwg, av pot TUV JJvQinov TIVCC yattiv r t UTIO ' I'TTO- ijV Trooj f&tAtTiTiov i>7it() TOW It^fajvoiv dixcttoJioylav, xal TTpog TuvTTfV uyon>t6f.ttrog !tW, TW^P 3oJr t'a^f, xat 25 Titytfth TITOS vno TUV Xoyuv TiQ&y xul Ttjg Tiagorjaiag ' ugTt [tiv iv rfi '.IdLxdi, &tQaJttfao&tu d* vno TOV Ae'w?, nhtioTOv 8* UVTOV Ao/ov ilvcii nugu TW or^ttyayovvT^v ' o/uoAo/cT^ dt xcci rovg uni- c, OTI ngog f'rdo$ov uvrolg tiv&QtoTior o aytav 80 tow. XII. From the Life of Demosthenes. 173 H oyog uviov ' xctl OTS 5 fit; Maxsdovlwi', jjxovas fiiv ndv- ds psia nfaiaTitf Int^ii^fiag ngbUa TiQOfqytTO Toi?^ TtfQi Aiaxlvrjv xal 'InkoxQaTrjv ^u/lylov. 10 O&tv tjiuirovvnav txtlvtov TOV ( InJ.i7i7Tov, o;a Toi'f Athp't/dovqi xuTadadovhopsviiv vnb TUV t).l7i7io) ' xut diufidvTfg, txelvov TO i^i'j^iafja 20 Tovg 3faxtdoru$. JtVTtgov ds Bvav- xal JTsQiv&loig v^o TOV Maxsdovog 7roA- "ETTfiTanysafisvcov xal diafayofttvoi; Tolg^EMri- ai, xal nct()o!;vv(oV) avydaji^js, n\r t v ottyow, cinavTag enl TOV flilhnnov' wgTt avvTa&v ytvia&ai nt&v piv [tvgiav 25 xal nfVTtxxicxiMwv, inntuv ds dtc^dluv, aysv TWV nohTi- XKV dvvd(j.twv, xgrjuaTct 8s xul (.ua&ovg Tolg &voig eig- IffytvOvi ngo&viKaq. EntjffASVift ds Tt]$ 'jb'Mddog ngbg TO [isMov, xul uvvtoTafitviov xar t&vi] xal nofaig Evfioswv, \4xaiwv, KoQivdlwv, MsyaQiuv, ^levxaSloiv, KtQxvgaiwv, 30 6 fieyiaTog vrciJitlneTO TW Jypoa&svti T Q av ** avvogov Trjg i* xal dvvafin ivaywvLOV tyoviag, xal pdhaTa ror* doxifioi'VTtts tv ro?V OTIJLOI*. *//* 5" ov 15* 174 History and Biography frj TTQogcpuTOig iVf^yETr^uaot Tog nso TOV v Trt^o"(ji f ( afcj'ot'c VTTO rov iVmnov i'g Oijfialovg, y.ul udhoTce T(xlg 8ia ir t v yuxviuaiv a 5 dtacpoQwr Toil? nofetftl'. Ov jU?}j' AA tTii/ t&lltnTios tig T/}> ( Elnrtiav Q ltffatO, v-ui Ttjv tPottttda xarlo^ffVf {/.Ticn^riy^iiri^ valiov, v.ai ^TJ^EJ-OJ joluiovrog uvaflaivtiv enl ro fir^u, [tijd t'xovTog o, 11 XQI] hsytiv, uk anoQtnc ovar t g t.v ^aco y.ul ai 10 WTT^, nuQE^oJv t uorog 6 z/j/aocrfoVj/s, avutfiavfevf TWV Oi] tito&fi, IQV drjftov r7c &nl(ji, UT JTJS /tfd-' irtQMv sts (9/^c. To ph ovv ov dizcpvys Toi'g TCOV Oyfialaiv Hoyttiftovg, wAA' tv ofifitfffiv 15 fX{7TOg f/^ T TOU TTO/g^Ot 1 &*&!*, IVi TO/V 0KUUKtoV T(>f- jUttTMJ' J'f^>fcJ>' TCUQOi^VOVTMV ' ?] <$ TOV OIJTOQOg dl'Vftlltg Ix- Qini,ov(jU'Tov -Ov.uov UVTWV, xt faux&iovstt T/J' cptloTtfiittl', 67isoy.OTr { (j jolg odkotg UTICKJIV ' logrs cpoftov ;it ).&yiouov y.al %aqiv txpafa'i.v aviovg, iv&ovuiwvTag vno tov loyov 20 7if)og TO xAor. OI^TW 5e /**'/'<* ^wt /M/.ITIQOV etpai'ij TO TOU iQyor, were TOV //*v ftl\i7inov tv&vg tmxijinntev- i, dsoptrov ilg^fijg, og&Jjv 81 ri t v C jk71o > a ytvsa&aL xal irivv.i ngbg TO /us'AAo^, VTtrjQtTttv 81 pi] porov TOI'C U.VTI- roi r t roQg, ^nf^iSalvovTig TW dijpotr&frtt, XT- 10 vaov fv&vrcxg xai /^qp? fTt avTov' o 8s drjfiog ov JIUCOV i'ic, cue evvovv, ofjTiM*- 1 f x Xaigwvflac: xof.iia&ivT(av xt -fra-Jiioidvov, TOV J'TT* roTo 1 ardgaaiv tnctivov flnfiv ansdwxtv, ov runsivtag, ovd 16 ayirrms qpe'otov TO avpfaprjxbg, ocjUtt TW Truv ^mlMFtfi xt y.ovj.Civ TOV iSVfJtffovhov aTiodtixrvufvog TO jir] g v,ul KqtxjiQbg rj'/yettovxo TIQOSIOVTSS enl TIXC l4^7jVC, 01 /ttV TTf^f TOV Jl)}.lOO'&tVl] (p&tt(jaVTE$ VTie^rj),- 20 i>or f'x Tiy? TTovLfwc, o (5s dr/pos CCVTUV d-dvurov xard/vot, d* aM-a^ov diaaTiatviMv, o r})' \-lo^l(xg, o tifojihis fltv/aSo&riqag. TOVTOV de, OOVQIOV ovra TW yivsi, ),6yo$ i'%i roctyindlag iinoxQivaaO'al note, xcft 25 Tor Ai'/ivr]rr t v lliolor, TOV V7 txiivov yf/ovivKi ^la&rjTt^' iaTOooi-air. Ot'ioc ovv o 'A^xlag TOV 4V Ku^uvQin iv iot ioaJi Uoastduvoc, aa? VTnjQSTtxol*, xat a7iofta$ ptTU Ogrtxiov Soavcpogwv, 30 snei&tv avaaidvioi fiadi&iv JUST* UVTOV Ttoog *AvrinaTQov, w^ dvc%fQ<; nuao(ifvov ovdsv. *0 de Jimoa&evr)i; hvyxa- viv oyiv fwouxw? xaT TOV? vrtvovg fxelvys T^J yvxTOg >L- 176 History and Biography. AOXOTOV. *d6xsi -/ay arfayuvi&a&ou rot 'Agxia c * zvijiifQCrtv ds xl y.u.ii%wv TO xai zooijlag y.aTtia&cti. /tio TOV * TT^OC amv, 'Ji ^AQ%la, flnfv, ovre oi'r vvv ntia 8 ujieduv TOV *A(>%iov t utr ogyyg ' Nvv, sqnj, T x TOV Maxedonxov TQinodoc, UQTI 8" vnExylvov. ovv fafajpto onwg tmaTstiw TL rolg oi'xot. Kal 10 TavT tinur, tvibc av^w^ijoe TOV raov ' xt ^a/Jwv /5t/5A/oy, ia> OTO^UTI TOV xulapov, xat ev TM Siavosla&vu xt ygucptw tw^i, xqovov nva xotTeaxiv, ilra avyxcdvydnsrog ansxhvs T^V y.tvxjj, wgntg r) xax/a. 178 Letters. IV. Amnion to Philomoschus. Ansxtigsv 7/awr ?/ jfuJUx^a fictQtio$ tfintoowjtt in ^rj'icc, xat h[.tov (pKQfiuy.oi 1 ovSsv. '{Ivetofrcu <5' r t u"iv inv.xiov$ ov% o\6v TS dux vnuviv xfo^uemuj 1 . !/i'art 8s aol, we ./ ? Jai'tiaov ovv ^uot airrog, y.al fj yvvi], y.iu 10, nui8l. KUQTIMV di evcpoglug '/svofidvrtf, ftnlaofifv UVTO TO ftsTgov, y.ccl Awi'or, lav rig V&rp>ia. yevqiai. Mi) 5?* Titgudfic u/d^ovg yflrorag fig aifvov 1011 xaigov (p&ti- go^ivovq. v. lophon to Eraston. 10 EniTQtfitlt] xoii xay.og y.axwg unokouo o xaxttfToj aA wv, og pf, r t dvv OVEIQOV &s' ywQ, fj (f-lfamt ytirovwv, "kct^nQog ng tlvai xat /9at>ujrP.oi;roc * SITU niy.nwv tcpKitto&al pot ailyog, ovg Oi- y.ov6[.ioi'j y.al dioixijTCK IvofM&v i^fiv. Ewxtiv ds xat TW 15 %tiy duxivUwv ntjiki t (ju>udui, xat xat r^av ol Sdxrvloi /nov fuxlaxol, xat ^' ipifivipno* Jtifpalvovro dt xat ot xd^axf? tyyv- dvui. *Ev rovrw 5>) xat 6 drjpog ^A&rjvaiwv ft? TO ovTi-i;, tfiotov TtQO%i totaati^at ^u oigmi]yov. 20 3ffffoy(j?/c 5e T^C %siQOiovlac, o TictfinovrjQoi; afaxigvtav avf- fiorjae, xat TO qpao/i iicpavta&y. "Oftwg avtyg6(Atvo<; neqi- Xagrig rp lyw ' ivfrvpiov ds noi^ad^vog, lovg kaT(ivai pyvctg, tyvwv thai tot ivvnvnt Letters. 179 VI. Ampelion to Evergus. .i', o;/f<^uw'T6 rijTfc, xctl ovdzrl e$iTr]i6v. Hoivra yaq f\ %1WV Xar?//U/qp, Xttl ).fVX(XVd-loVaiV QV% Oi Ao'(jpOt (JiOVOV, A- Aa xt T xo7X Tfjis j'jjc ' anoxia 8s egycw, aqyov s 'cn' oveidoi. llooxiHjiuq <5?Jt rjjc xrdu^j/c, oi;x C TO -frVQlOV, y.Ctl OQM (JVV T(p tHtf>(T#j dij^ , K(U Kbytjrjovt; xal x/^ic. JZvftiwz ovv DITTO av^c avnannauq i$br, favlitUpm r r y.ocl naval iv.xMv oQo8di*vwv txgffiatto, \)ia(.ia ydv, fyoptvai, xt xeqp>L?Jc xat nodtov tifajfipsrtti. !fix rovrwv 10 P k a/o^ aot TWC Tilovag v.al fwa^xot'c UTT? araAxa TreVr? fUa ti'aw nvlwv a 180 Letters. VIII. Gamochcsron to Phagod&tes. o xctTaoaiog OVIOQ XOVQBV$, o Tor atfoAco^oy, xat gOTlTQU, TOV TOV VOVTdj TQV TQUS fAajfttiQtOt XV(jftttJilG(jbv ! !'- 5 yv&pov uvay.Qovovitt. C JI$ /a ar }.a& yttQ TOVTO n:^> fiEgoq noiwv, xal ov XCCTU ndayg r^c yvd&ov, &)?t vnofaifp&ifival pot, noMaxov fjisv daoslar, no/J.u- ^o? ^t Ae/off r/^ autyovct. Kctyw ph ovx ddmgrrjv HKVOVQ- '/iav, a')%6fM]v xaivt TO dw&bi; axlrjTog ug 7Za/wj'o^ ' ol avftn&Ttti ds, o>v fidov, ii&at.vov TW yslotn ' cwc /yoot'VT 5 ^ue ^ OT&) y&usaw, fig rt? st? piaovg notQsl&(or,Ty$ elo/fn-erai-, cV^ot ntg Tov 5' avT orgygr) toifilr) ngog (iv&ov , inil pd avwyotg Ovie ny eg ycdowv, ovr slvatigwv svnsnJiwVf 15 Ovi 3 AM enl nvgyov efir) fisyav 'lUov, ovvsx 3 axovasv Tdgta&ai Tgtoag, fisyct ds xgctTog stvai *Axuitav. *H fiev dr] ngbg rsl%og indyo^iivri acpixdvti, 20 Maivofisvrj (ixvla ' (psgsi 'lhof v Xti(>i> %nog T tuc, I'x T daiftovie, cp&lvu as TO obv jiivoc, ovd* Jlaldu Tf vyniaxov, xal s t a 2t\> eaofiut ' iv.%ai ydq as xaTaxvaveovaiv jtyouol, 4oopii&srtG$ quo* ds xe xsodiov sly, &ova Sypintm,? ov yctg tV *Earv.i d^cn'kn&grij end V avys TTOTHOV inianyq, *A$ %t ' ovde [jiol fOTinaTrjQ xal noTvia /UT/TJJ^. 45 *'HTOI yctQ TiKTiQ 3 ufibv otTilx 3 Jx de Ttbl.w ntyuw KiUxwv Qrfi^v vyfavlov ' HUTU <5' txtarcv Ovds i-iir i$evui$i: ' affidaaaro yay -toys &VUQI ' 3 _4AA' UQOC fjiiv y.ctisxrjs avv ivitat datdodioiaiv, 50 Hd inl oyjju I^f ' negl di mdiag jS~i! (jicpctt, ogsaiHxdec, xovocti (fids (.tot, Lira xolyvr)Toi i'aav tv Ol fift> 7idvT*s -tot xlov yn oys iriv dmJivae, la{3(av ansgtlvt nnowu ' I. The Meeting of Hector and Andromache. 185 Ucngog o 3 fV (Afyagoiai /?aA' ^AgTf^iig loxsaigu. 60 ExTog, aTag av pol iaai nonrig xat noTVia *Hds xaalyrijTog, av ds (.101 &alsgbg Ak aye rvv sponge, xat avTOV fii'fiv Inl My naid OQcpavixbv &tli]<;, xyQr)v rs yvraixot ' ds GTyaov nag 3 fQivtov, sv&a nahoTu 65 lari, 7ioh$, xou erndgofAov tjifajo ttt%o<;. yng Tyy &&6vTg t7ieiQr)ii}jw eg TUQTV.QOV rjegoevia, 7^As jUwA', ]]/i fiu&iaTOv i'jio X&.ovog ton pegs-O-QOv ' Ev&a. aidi'jQtial rs nvkat -/.oil %dhxog ovdbc, 15 TWJOOV i'rfQ& jftdt&j ooov ovgavog tor anb yulyg ' rixoatT tnsitf, oaov tlpl &MV xaQTiarog nndviuv. Eld*, ays, neigqaaa&s, &eol, IV eld sis ndvisg, * Iliad, VIII. 1 29. 188 Poetical Extracts. I!* ovgavo&tv nuaal T &saivat 20 ovx av fgvaaiT e| ovQavo&tv > , ovd i xwt f/ci TT^O^^COI' f&ekoi{it egvaaai WIT?] T \) cd.ccaai] ' ^t ^/OV Ovl.VfJlTlOlO 25 T <5' x* auTe ptTrjogM THxrra yivouo- Toaaov t/w TTS^/ T' ^ut v>wr, Trs^t T' et'/t*' w "w^Z? I'cpaff ' ol 5' a n-j'Tf? ax^y f/evovro Mv&ov vt'/aoaapivoi ' fUtia ya(> TIL Triumph of Achilles over the dead Body of He tor, and the Lament of Andromache* Tov 5' fTret f$tvd()i$e noddgxr^ g iv ^I ?) Tovd* ardga &toi dapdaaa&ai idwxotv, "Og xxa TroAA' i'ygs&v, oa ov av^mavreg ol uttoi ' 6 it 3', /T', a^uyt Trditv aiw T-iyftat ntiQy&wfisv, "Otpgu x' hlyv&ptv TQWWV voov, oVnr' f^ovatv' "// xctTcdelyovaiv nohv UXQTJV, Tovds neaovioc, 3 He (jfrtiv |U^tfi, xat "tixTogo? OVXST* IOVTO?. \4M.a -ify fioi xaDra cpttog difl&xTO &V[*6g ; 10 KuTtunaq vrjsaai vsxvg axlavTog, a&aTirog, ndrgoxkog' tov d ovx ini^aofiai, otfg 3 av tytays Zuolaiv jUfTc'w, xal poi Slov auxin [i^Sno l(p/. 20 J t ucpOTQ(av (jieTOTiia&f noSwv T Eg acpi'Qov ex niigvriq, fiotovg d* l jt'x dl:upi] adirov eSiJQXt yooio * 56 Tsxvov, f/w dsdr] tL vv ^slofiui, alva, Tia&ovaa, o fioi vvxTag T xal rjp.ag (jTi- TisXdaxso, Jiaol -i ovtiag, Tgcoal TS xal Tgiofjai xr mo\iv } ot as, &sov o>V, <4ids%aT ' 1} yag xs crr^(jt vgtTioda [isyar, oipga fta7j lx voaTyaat'Ti ' ii], ovd fvdycev, o fiiv ( uA r^Ae AosT^wy 70 Xegatv \4%i),l.i]og dd t uaae yhavxamg *A&vp>ri* KWXVTOV 5 s rjxovat -/.al olf^wy^g anb nvgyov, Ttjg d (faMx&rj yvlcc, xotftal ds ol txneas xegxtg ' C H ft avTig dftwyaiv tvnhoxrinotoi {itrrjvdct' , dvw ftoi tTtsa&ov, I'dtait , OTIV egya TSTVXTCII,. kxvgrjg onbg I'xAuov * iv d ^u-oi avry 76 i, 7rAAfzi frog ava aro^a, vsgSs ds yovva Urjyvviai ' tyyvg dy 11 xnxbv llgidpoio rexeaaiv. A\ yag nn ovarog sir] Iptv i'nog ! AA ^uaA* alvwg Jsldojf pr] dy (jLOt &gaavv "ExToga Slog ' Movvov anoTft^ag nohog, nsdiovdt III. The Lament of Andromache. 191 Kal dy fuv xataxraiW// dyrjvo^lrjg cti.(yfivr)g, 3 svl nhi&vi [Asvsv avdyto-v, noKv TTQO&SSOXS, to ov pdvog ovdsvl uxwv. Jig (foifjisvr), fisydgoio disaavio, fia,,i>ddi> lot], 85 jf/ouUo/itVi? xQttdlr]t> ' cifia d* afjuplnoloi xlov ctvrfj. Aviag tnel TIVQ/OV re xt ardgaJv l&v o^tttAov, TraTrnjWcr' fnl it^i'* tov d* tvoyasv nohog ' Tctxesg 8s piv Vnnoi snl vrjag *A%ctitoV. 90 Ti}V ds vent o(f>&aK[ji 3 ol'w, "Hgwg AvTO^s8(av TE xcti "AXxipog, oog "Agrjoc, flolnrvov TKXQEOVTG ' viov 8 ' anilTfiytv ld(odr ( g, Eu&wv xal nlvwv, IT* xt naqixmo iQa.ni'C.at. Tovg d* eka& eigsk&wv H^ia^og ps/Gig, ay/i d* UQU ^A/iMriog Aw^e yovvaia, xctl xvae %ei()ag urdgocpovovg, ai ol noleag V.TV.VQV vlag. c Jig 5' ox* aV ardQ* aTy nvxivq lafiy, ogr^ Ivl naxgri 10 eg oupvuov, ^a^og 8 "Jig 3 A%ifavg &a(ifii]asv, ISwv Oocf*fiT)auv 8s xt AAot, eg cdhfaovg Ss I'Sorxo. Tov v.ttl haaoftsvog UQin^og ngog [iv&ov MITU-V ' 15 Mvyatu -JioiTQog ooto, -frsolg Tt]\lxov, (agTiEg eyuv, oKom 7il yr^gaog ovSw. Kul fiiv nov v.uvov TifQivniexai ufiqplg iovxig TsiQOva , ov8s rig &JTIV a,Qi]V xal hoiybv *Al rfiQi Ktlvog ys, ai&tv wovTog ay.ovtav, 20 Xalgei T iv &v^w, inl T tknsxau, vj t uaTct navxu "Oyteo&ai yttov viov, ano Tgoiy-d-s {.lolovxa. AVICCQ f/w TicxvdnoT^ogj snsl TSXOV vlag agtaxovg Tgolrj ev svQslij ' TWV 8* OVTIVK cpf](j.L fafalcp&ai. f.ioi yaav, oY r^v^ov vifg *A%aiiuv ' 25 * Iliad, XXIV. 471 675. Priam, under the guidance of Mer- cury, has reached the tent of Achilles. There leaving his car and charioteer, he enters the tent. 194 Poetical Extracts. Twv {itv noM,wv &oiigog "Agyg vnb yovvax f'kvatv ', c Og 8t [AOL oiog tr^v, fl'gvro ds aaiv %al aviovg, Tor av TiQwrjv y.Ttlvag, ccfivvofisvov mgl "XTO(>U ' ToO vvv eivfjc* ixava) vijctg naQu aslo, ^p^w d (xnfQflai ccnoiva. 30 A' uideio ^foi-c, 'j^fV, avxor r GOV nuT^og ' f/M 5 8\ oi ' (JVTCM Tig tni^&ovtog fiyoibg a' bg naidoyovoio noil arofiu x&g cpaTO ' TO) d ' UQU nitigbg i(f \utqov rigas /onto ' wijujo TJX yegovTCt. 36 TW 8s |Uv^?;, nohov TE yivtiov ' Kal (Air (pwvijaag tntu, niegotrTU ngogrjvda ' 'A 5c/A', 7} 5r; TroylAw xx' uro^so obv xaror dvftov. 45 ^i, c'TrJ; y^a^ 'AXUIMV fji&epsv oiog, ig oip&atyovg, oc 101 no).tag TE xat rv TOI rro. ttv tni t&a).noiaiv i'dw ' aii ds di$ai uirowa /TbAAa, ra rot yigoptv ' av ds xwvd anovaio, xat sk&otg 2r\v & nctTQida ycuav, inn ps ngunov i'aactg. Tov d 3 oig vnodga idwv ngogecprj nodocg Qsalv, ovdl [is "Oni -&SWV ilg a rjys &oag snl vr\aq 'AJUMV. 90 Ov ydg xe T/La/T? figo-cog sh&tusv, ovds [idK yfifov, 'Eg OTQcnoV ovds yag av (pvldxovg Id&ot,, ovds *' o 196 Poetical Extracts. Tw vvv (j.ij IHOL fiaMov eV ulysai dvpbv ogivyg ' Mr) os, yigov, ovd* nmbv tvl xhHjtytjiv taaw, 95 Koii ixtTrjv ntn torra, z/toc 5' ouUtttffCU ag)T//ap. Jlg tqpar i'ddeiasv d' 6 ytQiav, xctl ensl&STO fiv&(p. Hyleldvjg d* ol'xoio, Af'cav wV> c?Aro &vga&, Ovy. olog ' upa TW/E di'c-) -dtgdrtovj?!; S'TIOVTO, H^cag AvTOfiddwv r t S* "Alxiuog, ov$ yet (tdhoiu 100 77 Axifavc hdytav, (.itiu nuigoxKov ye -&av6i>T, xat 8ono neg eoVr', WTTO ndvictg ohaaav. 135 Ol jU6V W^' fVVIjfAHQ XtT tV qpOI'W, Ol'Jfi Tl ^V l^ae Kgoviwv ' 'H S* aga aiiov (iv^vm , wet Nvv ds TIOV v nirQriii$* ' tragoi d i'dfgov T xal cifiyfTiov sv xctTCt xoafiov f ov T ay enioTotfiivtog, ntlgdv T* ofitholaiv, TS ntQKfQadtwg, igvacxvio TS ntwin. 150 d' ugoc alxov 6/twy sndveifjis lg iv xavdoiaiv ' drag xgsa viif^ev ^ Old 3 en* ovflafr* sTolpa ngoxti^VK xtig AVTUQ inu noaiog xal Idyrvog e| tgov IVTO, "HTOI JctgdavLdrig IlQiafiog tfavpctZ' 'AjpUJA, 155 "Oaaog !?p, olog TS' &soiai yrtQ Wa eoixei. At/lag o JaQdavldrjV IJylafiov &t*Vfttt&V 'AxdJisig, Eigogowv otyiv i ayn&rjv, xal [.iv&ov axovwv. entl rdgnrjaav eg dMfaovg ogowrreg, ngoitQog ngogfemt ysgoiv Jlglaftog ^sofid^g ' 160 vvv fis tcyftara, iOTQfyeg, oyga xev 17* 198 Poetical Extracts. Tnvot vno y Ov yuQ inn nvoctv oaas vno E ov ayg vno %(y$ ' 'jExTOi; (Jiiv drj ti$o, yiqov cpHs ' pr^is *jt%aiw> 176 'jEv&dd* sTisk&rjaiv /3ot'A?jqpo>oc, OITS f.iot ahl JBovhaq fiovhsvovai Ttagrjfjisvoi, fj &tptg ioth ' Twv tl' rig as i'dotro &or t v diet vvxra n&aivm, AVTIX* V f^flnoi A/ct t uf^vori, TToi/Jtri luwr, 180 Keel v.tv avaftkr^ig biaiog VZXQOIO yivoixo. *AM 3 ays fiot rods tint, xal nrQfxsMg xv.Tdkt%or, noaari(j.(x(j ptfiovag XTfys'i&iifv "jKxroQa dlor, "Ocpga rioag cuvioq is {it'vw xat Aaor c^yxw. Tov d' i] t uslfitT' sTisiTa ysywv IJQiaftog &fosidvg ' 185 El jUtv drj jtt t&ekfig TsXlucti lucpov 'jk'xro^t dlot, Oig&a yftQi we xara (xarv sstyf&a, Tijlo&t d vlr t A$l{isv 6 J | ogfog ' {luhx de 7(0tuf? dsdlaviv. Evvrjfiaq [iiv x avrov trl ntydgotg yodoiptv, 190 Tjj 5fxT?/ di xc \}(X7iToifJsv, dalvvTo TS laog ' JEvdtxctTT) ds xs rv[j(3ov in KVTM noir^aai^v, Ty ds dvwdtxd-rrj no^sjjil^ofifv, fl'jiSQ avdyxrj. Tov d y avis TToogtsms noddoxyg dlog 'Aztttevt' "Eaten, 101 xal laina, ysgov 77^/a^', w$ ai> xslevftc. 195 IV. Priam's Supplication. 199 J^j'orda?g fjiovvov vevQU 7iQ(ar)V, Kal rrjv "kvQ^v anctaav Kayw psv fjdov a\ vr di TS loiirbv rjfitv, ' r] kvyri /CKQ Morovc; ^E^ortOf adft. II. The Rose. To yodov TO rtav MiStaftiv diovvaw ' To qodov TO afoot Orfrs of A after e u)i. 201 f Pod or, w (fignnov av&og, c Podov fl' 'Poda xtxi P6d(X TtOCig O rij t xaAol? lovXotg, 10 ovv (.IF, y.nl a (JOIQ, Jtorva?) Mtra XOVQI * Podtvoiai oiecpctviay.oig 15 III. To a Dove Ho&tv, no&ev 7TTort ; TOaOWGJV, &OV(J(X, y,ai yexd&iz ; ^ tig ; ri aot, fidlst, ds / OG nalda, Ttgbg Ba&vttov, TOV CXQTl TMV UTIOIVTWV %ai TVQUVVOV. 10 (J, r\ Kv&^Qrj, Vfivov ' TOGCCVTCC. Ka.1 vvvy bgaq, txelvov 15 Kcu cprjoiv svfrecog &iQr\v ds, x// 202 Poetical Extracts. m>) nag Tl "/ag {is 8 si ni ' Ogr t i y.al xax uygovg, J\txl dtrdysaiv xa&i&iv, uyovvuv ciygiov TI ; tda f.nv agror, 26 Uttlv 8s pot Tov oivov, ov Hiovau 8 nv XOQSVW, 30 Kal deanoTijv sfiolot S* sn* xa# 3 ' antl-fre. 36 IV To a Swallow. nhsxtig Xei t uwvi 8' slg acpavroc; "ft IVctAov y ul Msfi 10 Boy 8e ylvei 3 alel Odes of Anacreon. <$ Ol de ToKptvrsg ev&vs 16 xvovaw ovv yevrjrat ,- Ov yuf> a&svw TOOOVTOVC: V. Return of Spring. (ds, nag ea^o? "fde, n<$ vvjaau "idf, nwg ytgavog odevei Acp&wg 8 'Aa/uy/ Tirdv. lYfqocAw*' axial SOVOVVTOU ' Tu PQOTWV d l'A^uj^v syyct youa nQoxvmti ' 10 og elalag nQOxvrcrei. Kara cpvXkov, XT xJuavu, VI. Cupid Wounded. nor* iv o Ovx i-ldiv, AI' Tov ddxTvlov df 204 Poetical Extracts. Tug Xeiqos oUo'AuSfe * de xul neraa&elg Tr)V xukrjv eintr "Ocpig /i' irvys jutx^o? 10 O?, ov xcdovat o yziogyo. *A 5' tintv, El TO XSVTQOV llovsl TO tag v, doxflg, novovaw, 15 , oaovg av /5A>Le^ / VII. To the Cicada. MaxttQl&nev at, "On dtvdgewv in aov 2a. yag tan xslva nuvxa, 'Onoaa (ttsnsig Iv aygoig, X 3 onoaa ytgovaiv vlai. 2v 8e c 2v de Tifiiog ftgoTolai, 10 Oegeog ykvxvg TtQo^Ttjg. iJi6ovai (jilv as Movacu ' de ip d 3 tdtaxev To de yiJQCtg ov as telgei, 15 2os, Odes of Anacreon. 305 VIII. Young Old~Age. 'TCt TfQTIVOV, (pgvag 18 IDYLS OF BION. I. From the Epitaph on Adonis. TOV "Adavtv S7iaidovaiv " Karat y.nlbg. "Aowviq In wyfai, fi AevxM hsvxbv odovxt, tvuslg, xai KVTIQIV dvia Asmbv anotyvxtav ' TO 8s ol [tskav slfisrai alfjun Xiovsocg xara anyxos * vn oygvai d ofJutxTct vctQXfi, 5 Kail TO (j6$ov cpsvysi zeS %f.ifaog * a^fpl ds TI'^VM xt TO cpikotfia, TO //^TTOTS Kvngiq ^JLBV TO g)t>La/ua xat ov ^wo 3 AM* ovx gl^fv '^ajyt? o (Aiv &vdaxovi' $ al TUV Kv&BQBiav ! 'AnufaTO xaX6 , ' tnaidfrvaw Idyh of fiion. 207 it ui r*' At 1 #// I'/.ToUtro xAo,- "Adavig. 25 llvuphj WaOV t*Xt ' T (5fc ntivia noil ^o'(5o' ilxifi, TU dt ddxjji't'. iu.v a er' fV* 8, tbv ujiox^onov tlSev "ji tvov Truloio norl xhddoj' ' uiq Xalgtav, tavsxa dfj ptya cpalvsio ogvtov aurw, Tw$ xcddfuos ufta ndviag in uMdkonji ovvdmotv, Ta xal T lov "EqtaTCt /jfidk/Atvor dpcpedoxtvev. 208 Poetical Extracts. X(a nalg, aaxoddow sv% ol reAof ovdsv and TevyB (jLCWQav ' XKXOV errl TO \)r t glov ' okfliog eaor t , Eiaoxct fii] [tiv i'krjg ' yv d uvegog lc phgov ek&yg, OvTog a vvv cpsvycov xou and^nsvog, txvrog acp avrw 15 wv l&nlvccg, xfqiakav fnl aeio ill. Cleodamus and Myrson. K. JEi'aoog, (a Mvgamv, i} %d[iaTO$ t y "H &oto?, il TQI aov ; il ds nUov evxwi il&tiv *H &igog, avixa yrarra -cs^siF/tctL offaa poysvfttc .- *flfylvxe()ov cp&woTHOQOV, 01* avdQfxai hfiog fV.., o "// xat Htt^a ovgtQ'/ov , tnel xal %tifUfti nolKdl OK^TtO^LiVOt, tfttyoVTCtl, f^'5//y T y.lU OXVW ' "// rot xaAov tUQ nksov svadtr ; fins il rot Aigziicti ; AaAc'ctw y&Q snsfoctmv ct a^o M. Kolvsiv ovx tnsoixf: ^aijiO i'qya nQ itoa ravru Kal (Idea ' oev 8s f'xTi 10 KJitofaftt, TO {ioi 7it).fv tidiov w'AAwy. Ovx e^g'Aw -0-foog rjpsv, enst TQX p tihoc, omtj ' Cp&lVOTTWQOr, ETTfl VOOOV MQlft TtXTfl ' sQeir, vKffjov xqvfiovg TS qpo/5fi5//<. tyol igmQ&mov 'O)M hvxdftavTt Ttagilt], 15 xovog, /u^' txKiog ufn^ Elagi nuvio. xvsi, ncivi 3 ei'ctoog ddsa X* a vv av&Qwnoiaiv Tan, xal ofioltog w?. IDYLS OF MOSCHUS. ^ I. Cupid a Fugitive. Kvnoig TOV "jEiparttt TOV vita fiaxgbv evl TQtodoiai niocvo'if^fvov tidsv "EQMTCH, b pavvTixg ytgng 6$el. Mia&og TOI TO {plJiapa TO KvTtaidog' r]v 8' dydytjg viv, Ov yvfjirbv TO 'XOOt (V %&OVl XOlkflt eg fv |UaAa [iay.Qov ais^fiova vrj/Qerov vnvov. 45 Kal ai) uiv iv aiyn irtnvxaapevog saasat & yi*. REFERENCE TO THE GREEK AUTHORS FROM WHOM THE PRECEDING EXTRACTS ARE MADE. FABLES AND ANECDOTES. Fables. P. 43. The ^Esopic Fables, pp. 43-45, are those which are numbered as follows, in Hauptmanri's Edition of ^Esop : 319, 216, 214, 170, 156, 139, 311, 212, 229, 259, 24, 53. A necdotes of Philosophers. 45. Zeno. 1. Diogenes Laertius. VII, 23 2. ib. 3. ib. 21. 4. Stobsei Florileg. XXXIII, p. 214. 46. Aristotle. 5-9. Diog. Laert. V, 17-21. 10. Plutarch. II, p. 503. B. 46. Plato. 11. Stobajus, LXXVII, p. 456. 12. Id, XX, p. 174. 46. Socrates. 13. Diog. Laevt. II, 36. 14. Sto- bjeus, CVI, p. 570. 47. Diogenes. 15. Diog. Laert. VI. 55. 16 Ib. 22. 17. ^Eliam. V. H. XIII, 28. 18 Diog. Laert. VI, 37. 19. Ib. 41. 20, 21. Ib. 29, 30. 22 - 26. 76. 40. 27. Stobseus. XV, p. 152. 28. Id. XIII, p. 146, 29. Plutarch. II, p. 78. D. 48. Antisthenes. 30-33. Diog. Laert. VI, 5-8. 34. Stobaeus, XIV, p. 149. 48. Aristippus. 35-45. Diog. Laert. II, 69 - 80. 49. Solon, Gorgias. 46. Stobseus, CXXI.p. 611. 47, 48. Id. XCIX, p. 546. 49. Id. CXVII, p. 598. 214 Reference to Authors. P. 50. Pittacus, Xenophon. 50 Stobaeus, XIX, p. 169. 51. Diog. Laert. II, 54, 55. Anecdotes of Poets and Orators. 50. 52. Stobaeus, XCI, pp. 50S and 51 1. 53 Plutarch. II. p. 515. D. 54. .Elian. V. H. V, 19. 55. StobEeus, XIII, p. 145. 56. Lucian. VIII, p. 129. 57. /6. 58. .Elian. V. H. IX, 14. 59. Plutarch. II, p. 508. C. 60, Stobaeus, XXXVI, p. 218. 61. Plutarch. 504. C. Anecdotes of Princes and Statesmen. 52. 62 Plutarch. II, p. 174. A. 63. Ib. p. 509. A . 64. Ib. p. 176. C. 65. Stobaeus, LII, p. 366. 66. Plutarch. II, p. 177. C. 67. Stobaeus, LII, p. 366. 68. Id. XCVI, p. 532. 69. Plutarch. II, p. 105. A. 70. .Elian. V. H. VIII, 15. 71 Plutarch. II, p. 331. F. 72 Ib. p. 335. B. 73. Ib. p. 466. C. 74. .Elian. V. H. XIII, 13. 75. Stobeus.' XLVII, p. 344. $ 76. Plutarch. II, p. 506. C. ~ 77. Ib. p. 334. A. 78. Stobaeus, XLV, p. 323. 79,^0. Plutarch. II, p. 184. 81. .Elian. V. H. XHI, 40. 82. Plutarch. II, p. 185. C. - 83. Ib. p. 183. D 84. Ib. p. 185. E. 85. Julian. V. H. V. 5. 86. Sto- DJEUS, LII, p. 365. 87. .Elian. V. H. XIV, 38. 88. Plutarch. II, p. 39. B. 89. Stobae- p. 238. 90. Id. lian. V. H. IX, 6. Anecdotes of Spartans. 56. 93. Stobseus, VII, p, 29, 94. Plutarch. II, p. 216. C. 95. Ib. p. 231. D. 96. Ib. p. 215. B. 97. Ib. p. 232, B. 98. Ib. p. 192. C. 99. Ib. 100. Ib. p. 218. C. 101. Ib. E. 102. Ib. p. 219. A. 103. Ib. p. 212. F. 104. Plutarch. Vit. Lycurg. c. 13 105. Stobaeus, XII, p. 140, Compared with .Elian. V. H. VII. 20. us. XL, p. 238. 90. Id. LII. p. 366. 91. ./Elian. V. H. IX, 6. 92. Id. XIII, 41. Reference to Authors. 215 106. ^Elion. XIII, 19. 107. Stobajus IX, p. 169. 108. Id. XXXVIII, p. 228 109. Plutarch. II, p. 79. E. 110. iElian. V. H. Ill, 25. 111. Plutarch. II, p. 225. B. $ 112. Ib. C. 113. ^Elian. V. H. XII, 21. 114. Stobams, VII, p. 83. 115. 76. 116. Plutarch. Vit. Lycurg. c. 14. 117. Ib. c. 25. 118. Plutarch. II, p. 241. C. 119. Ib. p. 241. F. 120, Ib. D. 121. Ib. p. 240. D. $ 122. Ib. Miscellaneous Anecdotes. P. 60. 123. Plutarch. II, p. 94. F. 124. ^Elian. V. H. XIV, 7. 125. Stobseus, LII, p. 365. 126, 127. Plutarch. II, p. 105. 128. Ib. p. 213. A. 129. .Elian. V. H. XII, 51. 130. Id. IV, 25. 131. Plutarch. Vit. Alcibiad. I. p. 199. C. 132. Stobams, LXXXIV, p. 493. 133. .Elian. V. H. IX, 36. 134. Stobaeus, LXXII, p. 443. Compare Plutarch. Vit. Phoc. c. 19. < 135. Ib. 136. Lucian. VI, p. 31. NATURAL HISTORY. 63. 1. Aristot. Hist. An. VIII, 28. 2. ^Elian. Hist. Anim. 1,38. 3, Aristot. H. An. I, H.__ 4. Id. IX, i. 5. Strabo, XV, p. 705. B. C. 6-8 Plutarch, II, p. 968. . 9. Aristot. H. An. IX, 1. 10. Diodor. Sicul. Ill, 85. \\.Id. 1, 35. 12. Arist. H. An. II, 1. 13. Diodor. Sic. Ill, 35. 14. Ib. 15. Plutarch. II, p. 968. F. $ 16. Ib. p. 971. E. 17. Ib. F. 18. Ib. p. 969. C. 19. 16. 970. C. F. $ 20. JElian. Hist. An. Ill, 43. 21. Aristot. de Mir. c. 13. 22. Diodor. Sic. II, 50. 23 Plutarch. II. p. 973. B. 24. Diodor. Sic. I, 35. 25. Herod. II, 68." 26. Arist. H. An. V, 19. 25. Strabo, V, p. 219. 26. 76. p. 231. 27. 76. p. 243. 28. 76. p. 247. 29. Id. VI, p. 262. 30. 76. p. 263. 31-33. Athenseus, XII, 518. 34, 35, Diodor. Sic. V, 2, 4, 36. 19 218 Reference to Authors. Strabo, VI, p. 273. 37. Diodor. Sic. V, 13, 14. 38. Strabo, VIII, p. 335. 39. Pausanias, V, 10. Strabo, VIII, p. 353. 40. Pausanias, V, 1 1. 4 1. Strabo, VIII, pp. 366, 367. 42. Stobaeus, XLII, p. 293. 43. Strabo, IX, pp. 417, 419. 44. Xenophon de Vectigal. Init. 45, 46. Strabo, IX, p. 395. 47. Id. X, 476. Asia. P. 125. 1. Strabo, XI, p. 490. Arrian, I)xp. Alex. V. 5. _ 2. Strabo, XI, pp. 497, 499. 3. Id. IX, p. 499. 4. Ib. p. 501. 5. Diodor. Sic, II, 48. 6. Ib. 49. 7. Ib. 50. 8. Ib, 54. 9. Arrian. Exp. Alex. VII, 7. 10. Diodor. Sic. II, 37. 11 Strabo, XV, p. 690. 12. Ib. p. 693. Compare Epitom. Strab. p. 194. 13. Strabo, XV, pp. 726, 727. 14. Diodor. Sic. XVII, 70, 71. 15. Epitom. Strab. p. 202. 16, 17. Xenophon. Cyrop. I, 2.6. Africa. 132. 1. Strabo, XVII, p. 788. 2. Diodor. Sic. I. 32. 3. Strabo, XVII, p. 788. 4. Dio- dor. Sic. I, 10. 5. Strabo, XVII, p. 808. and Epitom. Strab. p. 220, 6. Strabo, XVII, p. 816. 7. Diodor. Sic. Ill, 12, 13. 8. Id. XVII, 52. 9, 10 Strabo, XVI F. p. 821. 11. Diodor. Sic. Ill, 49. 12. Jb. 50. $ 13, 14, Strabo, XVII, p. 832. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. Solon. 141. Plutarch. Vita Solon, c. & Arts tides. 142. Plutarch. Vita Aristid. c. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 24, 25. Reference to Authors. 219 Themistocles. P. 145. Plutarch. Vita Themist. c. 3, 4. Incidents in the Second Persian War. 147. Plutarch. Vita Themist. c. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17. Oimon. 153. Plutarch. Vita Cimonis, c. 5, 6, 7, 12, 13. " Alcibiades. 157. Plutarch. Vita Alcibiad. c. 2 ? 7, 10, 11, 13. Death of Alcibiades. 160. Plutarch. Vita Alcbiab. c. 38, 39. Pericles. 161. Plutarch. Vita Pericl. c. 33, 34. Death of Pericles. 163. Plutarch. Vita Pericl. c. 38, 39. End of the Peloponnesian War. 164. Plutarch. Vita Lysandri. c. 13, 14, 15. Phocion. 166. Plutarch. Vita Phoc. c. 4, 5, 11, 16, 17, 18. Phocion's Condemnation and Death. 169. Plutarch. Vita Phoc. c. 34-38. Demosthenes. 172. Plutarch. Vita Demosthen. c. 7, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 28, 29. 220 Reference to Authors. LETTERS. P. 177. Epist. Divers. Philos. ed. Commel. p. 67. 178. Alciphronis Epist. ed. Wagner. I. 24. III. 10, 30, 31, 66. POETICAL EXTRACTS. 183 Homeri Iliad. VI. 369. 502. VIII. 1-29. XXII. 376-515. XXIV. 471-675. 200, Anacreontis Carm. ed Fischer. 1, 5, 9, 33, 37, 40, 43, 48. 206. Theocriti, Bionis, et Moschi Carm. ed. Hein- dorf. Bionis Idyll. I, 2, 6. Moschi Idyll. 1, 3. :; NOTES. NOTES. ABBREVIATIONS. B Buttmann's Greek Grammar F FisK's " Gr. and Engl. Lex. . . Greek and English Lexicon. 10-T/, 3. sinij. pies, of tipi, to be. Line 1. 2. pxxpo:, f/ctKaa, pa,Kpov. The order is, puxgav Xvifnv. rixret, 3. sing. pres. ind. of r/xr*. tpik'ir imperat. of q>i*.iu, to love. 3. q>o\>n, is opposed to a-ri^W, bad fortune, or adversity. In such instances plv and Be are not always to be both translated, and "Si may generally be translated, but. 11. jea.iruv, genit. pi. of wa;, vara, TUV. 12. tlfiSsiu The order is vt ivo-iSuct Ifriv Jiytftuv. Where a sentence, as in this instance, has two nouns in the nominative case, that noun, which has an article prefixed, is usually the subject or nomi- native of the verb, and is to be taken first in translating. See exam- ples and exceptions to the rule in Gram, and Gr. and Engl. Lex. un- der the word o, ft, r'o. jf^);r,Kii, is here used impersonally; it becomes wrestlers, wres- tlers must. See F. Rule XXVIII. 13. >yvf&vciZ,tiv, infin. pres. of yvpva^u. From this is derived the English word gymnastics. x>.itvo$, w, ov, famous, xteivoreirof, superl. very famous. Su- perlatives are sometimes rendered by the word very, and sometimes by most. 14. tj, it was, 3. sing, imperf. of tifti. A/of, genit. of Zws, Jupiter. 17. Hffeetro, 1. aor. ind. mid. of &!>% 1. fyvffctro, 1. aor. mid. of fyvv. TLtffTis and Ts^wv, Fides and Terminus, names of Roman di- vinities. 2. Kx^^uv, New Carthage in Spain. 3. ^i^ofjMi, to succeed. Asdrubnl succeeded Barcas, commonly called Amilcar, in the government of Spain, which had been conquer- ed by the Carthaginians. TXT'I^X, ace. of cr.avrv, the same as TO B?i//.^v/9v ra\avrov. TXayr, a talent ; anciently the name of a weight and also of a sum of money ; as in English, the word pound, which originally was a pound weight of sil- ver, also means a sum of money, though at the present day it is a sum of money much less in value than a pound weight of silver. In this passage, ruXavrev means a sum of money. The value of the talent varied much at different periods and in different countries. The Baby- lonian talent is here said to be worth 72 Attic mince; and according iii .rsxvti, from xetroxviu. ftacxgi}, ftdK^u,, (jiotxfwv. Togiuifffai, to go, inf. pres. mid. of vfogivefs.ut. U&TMMI infin. pres. of ^ibdffxu. 1 3. ixa.yyiX.Xop.ives, particip. pres. of \tu.yyix.X.oit.a.i j the con- struction is sr^flf rovs l-ra'yysXZ.eft.ivavs (to those who promise) /5a- 14. x.K7ri\6av, 2. aor. 16. itveti, arc, from tifti the accusative with the infinitive. Render, say that tJie Sun and Moon are, fyc. kiyoutriv for xiyouffi, pres. ind. act. of \{yu ; the final v is here added because the next word begins with a vov.'el. fAtirti from (zuriu. 17, 18. vro\iiAoZnv, 3. pi. pres. of ffo'^tpifc. 19. Au*u and t-r-ru, dual of Xuxos and 'Iwros ' these duals are dis- tinguished from the dative sing. rr,v, o$ov understood, not the same way. *a.ffn, 3: plur. pres. of iipi, to go ; which is distinguished by the accent from tip}, to be. 21. p,i

%ofAoti, thou wouldst wish. 22. A 'lt*xfi>. 3y*ov, almost. ix-vi'yr,, 2. aor. pass, of tviya. 26. a/ftfltf-ev, from ofAvufti. a,-^a^a.i, Lorn elTTopeti, with the genitive of the thing touched. tfta-rof, genit. governed by x^attrfcti. F. Rule XVIII, p. 162. ftafy, 2. aor. subj. act. of p.a.v0a,*u. 28. ^r/, from .od by the psrtHple is insensibly or imperceptibly per- :^r :e-'- B. p W, Ren. 5. F. p. 178, Obs. 2. 4. xw^'.-.w, genit. (." .he thing ; governed by i|i/XavT. 17 5. llf/XavTi;, from $*/!. i, from T^!?T^, Attic for paSitre/teti, from /3^ lam disturbed in my mind ; riit yveHftm, the accusative joined to the passive confines the action to a part of the subject. B. 2C5, Rem. 2. 15. 10/xs, from itxe. \i)v, from 17. Ai> iifAfttfet, from Xtitt.tp(>a.i, from ava,ffrgi(p&. 24. aJv, that thou art. fttftt/wro, with the geuit. from (jnfjt^ffKu. 25. rvxvs, genit. governed by ftiftvmre. F. Rule XVIII, p. 162. 26. TiVaTTflt*, from 9-a^rTiw. 18 1. IvTfr^^snj, from Ivrgi&M. 2. S/afl-i-rAty^Eva?, from ^a-rXExiw. ^/TJV and au, from iv^ev^ 7. ,t6c/t/ywv>5v, from ftiy 10. sr^tffsjjTJjTas/, from vrioff 11. ^.i/iA/u.iv9s, from aXt/^a. 16. airwy^flw^i^a;, from d.^fay^ovi^u. 17. 5iviy*iy, 1. aor. iiul. of ^tw formed from, the defect: :o verb tviyitw. F. p. 137. 18. Stir irctgf&ivois, from tiiatfirtigei* 19. T lifAKeftbav, that which is fated ; used here with TO like a substantive; i/^a^/vav, Attic for pqiMgiM^ from ptigiftai. $i*ii>'yu. 20. l^oaiTT/^at/, from ^aKTT/yaw, 21. T? M t', (f<^^r or ^it^v. 23. , from iy*. 25. VA*"J P arL 26. Ji^^, from NOTES. 245 28. rfii aw-rn; fifties, on the same day. 18 ), 2. aor. ind. act. of fect, literally, in no point / it is more expressive than p* alone. '5/x;^(rov-r/, from 29. A$ou, from 30. us, as if. 31. Xfoui, from 21 246 NOTES. 19 31. Kgvij-yfi vevro understood. 32. ora\tts t 2. aor. part. pass, of u,ri\>.u. 2. r.(wru.yn t from ot^ru^u. 4. XUTXTIUV, from *a*wr*M. ipp'ttp*, from f'tfTTta. 5. fyivtro, from yivtfteu. 6. ff'Kvavrsjfl'ay, from CUVKVTOLH. from xov-rru. ov TWJ, genit. absol. 7. Ka/gev i^w ^ art-was, instead of v.^ va J^ w n <, ^i>u- it is a considerable time that I liave not been sick. 8. lxlsEV . 103. 2. #o>.tfAw>riv, are in a state of war. 3. tptyvrtv i%avrt;, having by nature. j is strengthened by the addition of $tv there is the same difference between (M\ and p.n'blv, a: between non and ;/*//, in Latin. SjiVa/, from 5i^*/, with the genit. 16. Kw/3i{MT 99foutTs, genit. absol resolved with the conj. if. 18. t/yfrv (ttEXXw*, &/? about to be on the point cf being diijnyrcckcd , w/vxi'Ss figouffct* re- eXov oi>(>a.vov. 27. \\y-reii, is said. 28. MrTMxXfiftf&rf Tivtt, ace. with inf. to recline, according to the custom, which prevailed among the ancients, of reclining on couches at meals. 29. Kwrriffiiiv, for this provincial form of the Optative, see B. p. 156, Item. III. 3. F. p. 71. 1. TOI; overt, TO. OVTX from ilpi, those things or that which one 22' hath. *r/j0;Tit!its, from VftgfihifUt adding to. 7. oraXX', instead of ?roXXa. B. p. 32. 9. xav, instead of KK\ lav. B. p. 31. 7 pres. suly. of /./, there should be; governed by *y. 1 3. tioiffTtixiv, from u,oiirT.tii. 15. tls ifiav, the place of the departed; Sap* understood. The phrases !v a$ov t tit a&ov, &c. are usually found without $vftct, which is understood. 16. ra roovrav vwrov, in the following manner. 17. Keif HITCH, from x3tiftai. 18. i*/wv, -. Zv Tfir^eai understood. 19. $txvffiv, seem, a)tpear. B. p. 169. 248 NOTES. 22 20. a,Tu, from a,-r'^u, with the genit. 81. a-X^v, except. 23 3. Sv T^ojrflv, instead of ravrov rov Tgoffov, equivalent to Xirus, as he chooses. B. p. 265. 5. V(>osa.'-/oi>tv6ivrt, surnamed. 6. u(>%c,uvro, from ig%io(teu. 9. ffa.oyi'ryiffa.To, from 7rzaoc.iTio/jt.oti. 11. xru, pres. imperat. of xreioftoti. 13. irnga t from TJ/pao^a/. 14. us Piv>>;, as if you were to line a long as well as a short time. B. p. 2G6. F. Rule XLI, p. 183. 'H^sW i%t, be pleasant. 15. %%&, from %cy.op.ai, have intercourse with. 16. 'fy&>, t0iKffa.ft.nv understood. olx S,v Ivut'Jffu, you w;ndd not hnve ceased. B. p. 985. 17. ya^v, to s:nik. B. p. 295. F. Rule XXTLII, p. 177. ITavT^v, of oil things. B. p. 267. 21. O; TUV Aa.fcsSa^au'wv, those of the Lacedeemonians. B. 267. 22. s$ayT, from avSiw. 24. t}*r\ti, from avrXfa;. pit)' fift't(>av, by day. *J4 2. x(>orouvovffi C'-JTOV- &.KOVK with the genit. B. p. '269. F. Rule XVIII, p. 164. 4. fAt(Avr,crcu, from fa/tt4*mtt t with the gc-nit. T^WV, jffitf^fnr9 understood. 7. irtis&raf. The order is, o -rw^yaj ^r^ iffalpter ~t%v'T8, &c. 8. rf ^'i/f, governed by * understood. B. p. 265. F. Rule XX VI I, p. 174. 10. , it would be, thou wert wtipped) ; the first augment is 24 dropped. 15. it (AVI, except. I . p. 306. (lt>effttf, from Qip^ffXM, 16. ri xot,\ivuTu.Tov, i<7 uvo QiXauriets txetfrov 22. Aa/Jf, (also Xa/Bs) from Aa^/Jaw. Accented on the t, it is 2. aor. inipcrat. act. ; but if accented on a, it is the Ionic form of the 2. aor. ind. act. 3. sing. a,. p. 119. F. p. 129, 25 Toi>; rv-rovs, ulruv understood 5 their fornis. 4. -Jr, m oW thing:. B. p. 266. 9. ^ :, Attic for J. -r> . p. 199. F. p. 114. iwciouv xv, I would do. r? t^-t understood; the things of the viglitingale, or the things t':e tg&'V-"fe rftx*. b. , . *255. F. p. 155. 12. crj, Ionic, instead of foXvxoi^ett'nt. 14. Iv'tvfftt from iirtipi. 15. T/TT^/t ptrttfrnfeti Hat' ietuTtv tivfyu-rous I? uy^ix; %ia.'irns tif fito 30. A/3v, o/A>w ; from S< 5^<. 250 NOTES. 25 31. $*xTwX?^< t%tav, having gloves, instead of with gloves. 26 1 . 5V, for "\a, faotlili'ir,, he might give or put it. us B-tofii.3Ta.Tov, as warm as 2>ossible. 7. Tav &, instead of TOVTOV 2i. B. p. 258. F. p. 155. 8. fvwx.x, itvui yivva.~a, understood. 9. Xj^f/?, 1. aor. part. pass, of Xa/t/3va;. 10. srXa. The order is, oubiv (l from uiu-yu. 15. fwyxetT&t/, instead of $ KKT&V ^/ in the middle it signifies to b\ty or purchase, 21. , (Itiri0yf&ir0, 10. E/Vtvraj T/VOS, genit. ubsol. 11. 'F^7riii>.y(ft!ic.f6t]>, of whom we have heard. 15. uv ftptguv, than he passed days ; instead of T&V iif 18. o; pi iiXnxa.; (\a.y^oivu\ to which I have fallen, conceiving men to be assigned, as by lot, to the minister of fate. 20. E/,- rovro like the Latin eo, to such a degrees the construction is E/j tovra a.voix;, 23. 'Ev p.vr,/u.oviurtt, if you are mindful, or remember. 25. ivg&v, from ivpifftiu. 27. wvOofiivav rtvos. genit. absol. 1. l%in XejA.TotivTj;, the participle agrees with at frgetnurctt under stood, which is contained in the collective ffrgctrtci. 3. $t!pv. IfttftiMt, from fAK^atlvu. The aorist here expresses habitual action, contrary to the more general usage of the Greek. B. p. 236, at bottom. 13. ira&v, from yra.f^u, 15. rtv%y, from i(>u. (y5 understood), j^v ai, ea-ce/)< Mose w^o. 23. p,iri,r'-v^sf*.ai, with the dative. Aa/3av, having taken. 22. t%ov t from t%oftai, have intercourse with. 24. "Mivus, Minos, the judge of the lower regions, according to the Grecian mythology, pronounces sentence in the following passage on certain souls. 27. ra ho were injured. 10. ela, foiovft, what they do, that is, what those who get drunk do. 16. dtr.vfyxtv, from ^ix^'tftu. 6X0*1, whenever, so often as, with the optative. 19. it -ris, K. r. X. and if any other one should dare to commit an offence against them. 24. Kovfftt,s t with the genit. hearing his brothrr say. B. p. 295. F. p. 177. 25. 'A-releiftt;*, from ct, T; avroo pi-rfioK, vyuf&iu 26. iveileiffdeti, from 27. OT/ ysyova/, translated like the ind. act. 29. iidifro, from l^. 8. yiyniva.!, from yivofeuj. 10, 1 1. t6wa.t, from xgivu, with the genitive. 15. atr^Xaj/jjir^iSvaj; IIlgMXlMif, genit. absol. 19. 5yyaT<9, from }vvce.p,at for use of the augment, see B. p. 96. F. p. 73. Hut he could not answer him ; he was too weak to an- swer him. 20. xa^ut, instead of xeti l^t, that I also. il.6ovrt, if you come (to me understood.) 21. ro. 24. 1-rudeTOj from \^tC^6ai t from ^tu 25. 1iiffKoiQd&i, from 27. Kftfrriffurdai, from atfio-rtifAi, with the genitive, understood. 256 NOTES. 37 29. e 0at/A>. The order is, o Qafaos x.o\i^iran xai v x SO. ir/oyra, from i-rupi. 58 2. xxrtrxtiqiSizi, from KKva.yxy.Trrcj. tlfufioiiv, from K&vp'rea. 3. $/a/3i/3*sr, from $/a/3%/va>, outstretched, separated, as they are in walking. 4. /T;rflj^Hmjj from o/ars/c/-.'. 7. Kctfcifti-.Ks, from Xf/ipu. ] 0. Baa-*av8 IffKutgu-raioro;, gen. absol. resolved with the roll). fti^i. 1 2. sr^os TJX, ^o oe. 15. tr^vT/*Ta, from oavrt'^u with the genit. 1 7. \yov\y 'ogcra, from lyiieu, waking, while avxike. jfvouvreit, while sleeping. 1 8. upQe'Ttga,, voi'.T understood, they do batfu 20. TOV Be Qwffctvrofy and when he said. 21. Oyx ?er/, ?7 is not permitted. 23. f/'j aywva, T?; XJgi;, from xf-UJLiiiivvfAi. 15. {rttQeero, was trying, fre/>t crying, tried, from m/tre/tut, eUpttti. much. It is taken adverbially ; from TO^VS, many, t, having labored, from xotf/vu. Kxi p/4 Itnutitr*, and not having been able, from 5wy/wa. 44 1. Tet^ftfAvSov^:, fiom ^etoetfe.vf'iP/Ltiti, evftcci. "Q/A\pa.Kts, s.mr grapes, from u/a^a^. 3. \ffeginnin^ of a sentence, shows that one is willing to acquiesce in what another s:iys. ffut'ivn, from fu&, the dative governed by (tl 12. Irurroettprif, from i 15. wrr/yfy*f, from u- NOTES. 69 17. Avxou, genit. absol. 44 20. liuQ0ctgv*m, 21. ia-iyJw^s/f, from 24. lv, D. rctus, A. raw;, V. rf/.xi. ^Kor,va.i, governed by iipxeri 0-91 understood. The apology which slaves made for any fault committed by them, referred itself to the philosophy of their master, viz. -" that all things depended on an immutable fate." 13. Hgcs TO. The definite article is here used instead of the indefinite T/J, ri. Tliis is sometimes done in narratives, where a previ- ous arquaintance with the subject is, ns it were, thereby taken for granted. 16. ffvvipp'j^Kt'.', from Mppiu. 21. a-rayyi&uvt. The subjunctive is tired aftor questions expressive of doubt. 2. Ot> TOV r^o-rat. We here observe the similarity of sound between 4g T^oirov and uvfyuvev. .*?. itpxffxtv, from Qtifti. 4. *r6u, from ^a^r/, with the dative. 6. ?, he was. In indirect or conditional speech we use the Opt. mood. B. p. 283. F. p. 61. 13. a.lr9v, that is, rev ifcxifgMfe the babbler frequently saying j genit. absol. 260 NOTES. 46 13. Oi Buv/xaffrev, TOVTO Itrrt understood. 14. i" rig, instead of on Tit. After expressions of wonder, the Attios usu it instead of on. 17. x.a.Ta.^nuv. For the use of the participle for the inf., see B. p. 297. F. Rule XX XI I. 19. lyritrrdvTos. This may be resolved into f^os -rov 24. UVTOVS, here expresses herself, her husband, and their children. By 0.176$, persons are opposed to things. XK, he occupied. 9. fcLrfia., Sinope in Asia Minor on the Kuxine Sea. 11. ar^a, from u.fobti)/>u.ffxa. 17. xetrtafy, from x.a..of t \9Vfftzi understood. 43 2. if^), when you can, that is, wlien you can get it. ogiretftivov, when Plato defined ; from o/o. 3. ttioxiftou*ffafAiy, that is, We, the philosophers ; ouoiug, m like manner, 49 ss if tha laws existed. 2. c-/vv } wherein, in what. 4. ?j, from iT$u. T/V/, see note above, p. 49, 1. 2. 5. ^n^ta, 1;ee.$'i^ovin understood. 8. ri, in what, governed by Kara, understood. 10. xtxh^r.iriTKi, from xxfi^ofeKi. A/V*>. The seats in the theatres were of stone. 11. *jr, from itfiv. 27. ixxfroi, each of us, that is, We the philosophers, and ye the unlearneJ. 262 NOTES. 49 28. s.K\avffiv, from xXa/w. 30. rouro. The order is, $i ' uuro rovro, for this very reason. 31. $/a/T7, dative governed by xgaptivos. 50 8. $Apf, representing Death as the brother of Sleep. 11. ea>. 1O. avx>^/f, from avaxaXtw jfffx,u. The Oedipus Coloneus is among the tragedies of Sophocles still extant. 17. TOV >y, governed by xxra. understood. uyietinv, he tws st>und. 21 . awry, that is, for Philemon. 24. uKgcirev, oltov understood. It was the practice to drink undi- luted (Uttoetrev) wine after eating. 26. TO ffwfta, governed by xara understood. avetTgotirtjvui, from ava.r(>i-rv, iiifit). governed by /52/f. 27. fjLaXtfi^ov, genitive of the material. ^m*t ce.y(Jia.Jj, fifii^a, understood. 53 8. ipptftftivov, perf. pass. part, of piirru. Neoptolemus supposed this change of fortune to be a tragical event, and more remarkable than any which the great tragedians, ^Eschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides had ever introduced upon the stage. 1O. m/x?xfy VIKXV 'OXt/^w/a, dyuvi truant, understood, to conquer in the Olympic Games. 14. vriqivKtv, is wont, is accustomed. 16. 'Evrag&ij, from !*&/. eairo, from oioftau. 17. vvaptiftwfxsfffai, to be reminded. 22. xuTi-rXei'yv, from 23. avrov, governed by pvypavt 24. fail, instead of J5V. The following Hfttiv is the same as *Ti 264 NOTES. 54 4. Aayw, governed by vlov understood. 8. vavr) for rouro, but with an expression of pointing to the thing ; this here. 11. axouffys, with the genitive. B. p. 269. F. p. 164. The perfect Z&MXU has the signification of the present ; henc* it is followed by the subjunctive and not by the optative. 15. Kvtuv yxiri, he departed. For this construction of the par- ticiple, see F. p. 178. 16. jroXiTa.c, ' without emotion,' understood. 22. p.* iv^KftrovraSt that is, t! o ).tos fin liri^dpicei p.* is a conditional negative. xivbtnos, agrees with !) understood, there is danger, there would be danger. 25. a,vtiff%oitro, a milder expression instead of &vi%evreti. 55 3. j?v instead of EJV, was possible. 1 2. *H<$e<, from gfow. This word is the same as if it were writtcu j&cj the /, instead of being subscribed, may be written at the side of the vowel, when this is a capital letter. 16. !$?, renowned. 17. fjtf,r' av ytvtffat, instead of on ftfoi tx.i7v{ yivoiro ein 4. $i*fi>.*fitiraf, from $x/3A.A. 7. fwriTei^ttit from \na,cr0u. 11. ivbipiorctTtt,, in a manly manner. 14. ETr, gives emphasis to the interrogation ; we say in like manner, in English, ' Wouldst thou not then wish.' 1 5. avefatifxeM, the nominative of the participle used for the infinitive. 18. "Offai, so many as. 19. TUIIJ xaxavs, cowards. 57 4. T(V, .*, from */?&. A traitor could not be buried in his native land. 24. ojeuj, is distinguished from S^os, a mountain, by the breathing, as well as by the gender of the article joined with it. 26. $ti%4tii, from lia,Kvu. 30. FlyAa/f. Thermopylae, so called from its warm saline springs, where Leonidas and his band met the Persians. 34. /3/3&>i>, the Persians. The Greeks called all foreign na- tions barbarians. ouSl ?ff7iv, it is not possible. 3. us, as being to sup. The participle often follows us in this 59 manner, in the accusative case, without agreeing in case with the noun to which it refers. 23 266 NOTES. 69 6. KtpiKOftsvai, coming, to the field of battle. 7. */ rk SviffSiv, OVTK understood. 8. roe, luetvTict, on the breast, literally, the opposite. 1O. rgKUfAxrMv, instead of tl 5i rot etvruv 700,6^0.70, 16. vvrtftvnrQfiirr,, from uTOft,i(jt.vri where Brasidas fell in the Peloponnesian war. 27. M XsytTE, TJra understood. 31. TfirTs oYras } of whom there ivere Jive. 60 1. Kirofiw/rotro, the optative mode, in sernione obliquo. B. p. 283. 2. 7rv0op.ivtis, .l, %?6*iv yputyu understood. .i . 'Qofoi, Spartan magistrates, so called, charged with the preser- vation of the constitution and the censorship of manners. 61 3. TOV KOI&OV, x^ovov understood, for the future. 6. Xr,$6iis, from 7. fvffratfals, from 8. fftfAvvvaftivau, no.} >.iyo*ro( understood, these words in effect being included iti fiftvwoftivov. 10. 'Afaw&v, genitive governed by verbs of commanding. 13. ftufft^ius. Pausauias was strictly a general, and guardian of the king, a minor. 15. xXivarpw. The construction is NOTES. 267 24. r&>*, alone of all animals. 18. SavftKcrrov otrov, to admiration. 19. tiaxofivv. The comparative degree governs the genitive. 6. "fpttaufftv, from the bank. 21. K?*T4j, from i-rifitttvu. 28. / ^ttiv, vguiTs tlfi* understood. 31. ffuftfiifi'/ixorof, from. hv> peculiarity. C5 6. S/*, viz. the elephant. 12. 'twos, foru-fAtos understood, the river-horse. 15. UTU, t%ti understood. Tlie datives ' and afterwards iXipvT/ are used elliptically, the whole being placed for the particular parts in question ; IXsQuvn instead of T KUTII rev \\\Kiroe, and IWM for ToTs Aitri xeii x'tgxy xeti (ft&ivrj "fieov* C6 2. , swallowed, from xetreurtvu. 10. vrayiWa, from wnyvvfu. 12. urdyavree, *i *Xui v-rotyipfficu. Af^r verbs signifying /o knoiv, remark, experience, &c. the participle often followi. 14. tix. fixJovs, that is, flu0t~. 15. *v la f7v, that Is, tl ll o troraficf, -rd.ni, rus pa-yett understood. 3. sfy%oftivau correspond. 23. ftigvv, in either jaw ; the upper and the under jaw. 2. (iovi&yfta., assistance ; xa.ru, TOU u'/i, in order not to be. 22. ttfrauTtf, from %ii%&. 23. oiov, as it wei-e. 24. Xdfan, they 'may be concealed. 6. 3^y4VT<2j, from S-iyyoi^iv. 3. Ixsrso-j!, Toy W^TOS understood. 71 4. TM ireidovs, the numbness. 5. rzi-rofttvov, the water 6ezV.> changed in nature, nnd assuming the property of the animal. Plutarch, from whom this extract is taken, was ignorant of the simple conducting agency of the water in this phenomenon. 6. rgo-rfrovdoros, part. perf. mid. of -r girder %&. 8. -ro*aM{tivcs, keeps watch over the muscle, sitting before it. a.vi(i/yfivr,v, from u.\o'iyu. $iax'.%*vv7it*, from $iu%ctitt*. 15. i*ff%iriiriv, -rau wytftovos, understood. $1, envrov understood. 24. }, or otri6ivTi t from J XV/TS-JJ. avmyitivoy, part. perf. pass, of avatpiov. 19. XXo< XX,-, som?, one sacrifice, and some, another. 25. avi^wo-^U^v, from avatgunvfti with respect to the accusative j, Rigid, Justice, Peace. 33. T. B. p. 261. 2. *p' Jy, equivalent to x< ra revrut. 75 9. o'-~fov; (TVJS T:X? i ayay, from xaX/w. 1 1 . xa;, ctru (fearful or terrible. ) 12. ra, TOIO.VTU, ovap-ctra. understood. 13. ^ty/a-roy, used absolutely, but ichat is the greatest (thing). B. p. 266. F. p. H3. 14. tvi, that is fvurri. 16. /Sa^/Xi^yj, nxwTi;yj understood. 16. 17. rv>v joav, the chase, and whatever regards it. 8. x/tfff*,a, the hole in the rock, over which the sacred tripod stood. >;, instead of TJV xv vwyirmriv. Tlie English idiom con- forms with this, was brought up a hunter. x.a. r ri@>s&>dn, from K.a.ra(:>eua)tia or 79 1. tts Xipt, instead of tls sAa^ 13. \y,Xai;. He feared lest they might aid each other, instead of resorting to the gods. 18. Ift'iKXwtrt pivruv, wns about to precipitate him. 19. IVIAUTOV, yearly, every year. 29. fti/xyw;, from fttzivu. 80 6. %iK$fla.oiis, from $iz$0ii0u. 10. f/A>!^^y, from } ccu-fitzvcj. J8. KTiftwXwffavTii, aiiTov understood. The future participle indicates design. 20. ol Je, vaureti understood. 24. /V-Tctf, from ixx.u.0a.tgw. f 9. avixomv, i< -r/jw; /Sj <7fv understood. 10. nV7>, ///cy c.>/W not say ; literally, they had it not to toy. 1 1 . fairs*!**, from iXi/i>. NOTES. 278 11. 2t0-l<9u. The construction is, S/ 12. xi*Apar, from x\i-rru. 16. iivir, Jf^nv VTJ understood. 17. AiJ ? *f. B. p. 269. F. p. 164. 18. /3j, that is, in recompense for the lyre. 19. trjjg^tttv*?, from nryvw/jTfl, from xpolis. 14. fl^aA^m. B. p. '265. F. p. 174. 17. MiXov, ol $101 understood. 20. a'roxuTet\etfft, from &KVVU. 83 6. 'A?Jau, for ffiov by the a.:cient epic dialect. 7. #vjyxv, 1. aor. act. of Qiu. F. p. 77. 23. Wa, from the circumstance that the arrows did not penetrate. With respect to this use of the participle, see B. p. 296. F. p. 177. 28. iTi7-a|iv, JLvgvffSivs understood. 8. ffvvi&y yiyvifffiti, instead of iy'tyino If^u^iru.vtt, 0*9*1 '.Ittvai g^ 10. daVyst, from 14. i-rifTvifiw, governed by XT understood. 21. xxtifftfivn;, from xctii^ea, 23. XlyoTj, i. e. xiAivovrof. 25. wrt(TTj5ay, instead of / 'AfamTai tux. 2. ftrirfoicis, Ino. 'Air* rf ftnf^vis instead of T /uqr^wSr, the 95 signification being strengthened by the preposition. 3. i, Phrixus and Helle. NOTES. 5. avrofifftTv, from a. 6. t.v., for Ksei ravrtjv, instead of *j a-r ' ixtivvs 'R\\*ruia, his second spouse, Idea, called here, in relation to his children of the first marriage, 21. 'Xf^ariviyx.'^a'fxi, from %5. xotrot.'rTOkffKi, from x,K61irTi, after he had yoked them. 31. tSv, instead of rovrav cvs. 88 3, iy%iiii7, from iy^ti^ta. 6. jrfJUUri (Jugum tauris irnvositurum,) for x,eit IxtXtv^t ir ^tjXXovTiX xcera^if^ytyvai rot*j ruvgous TOVTU %(!ffcu t &C. Xpfftti, to annoint, ^itrufffeu to anoint one's self. 18. <, from o^o/. 19. AXn'Xovf. They fell into a dispute with each other about the stones, not knowing who cast them. 23. vu;, from ctxayiyvuffKca. 88 1. OtixMn, i. e. tnoi ruv a.ltxnp.iiruv, & rfrntMn vx rov IliX/aw. 89 4. uroff%, from 15. t%tuffits, from 16. $, JAY** understood. 22. faixiav, **T understood. 25. flwa/y, governed by 26. iZtvix.fivett, from 27. TO r^rov. B. p. 257. F. p. 146. 13. yaglflx/, a reed with a porous pith, used as tinder. In 90 such a reed Prometheus was fabled to have concealed the fire from heaven. yfffire, from avofia. B. p. 270. F. p. 166. 92 12. ro etura. This might be imitated in English, what one and the same animal is ? &c. 17. vrgefi*.r,0iv, from Wa/3A.Afi/. 21. purlou, i. e. Jocasta. i. 22. ugiff'Tiiuy. The prize was Hesione, the daughter of Laomedon. 27. affSwau The construction is, xai Qttffi povov rourou ruv K-vTxtjg&\. 11. at); i$r, instead of us I3i revrcv;, 15. Qvffkvt) here signifies monster, creature. MYTHOLOGICAL DIALOGUES. Lucian was a native of Samos&ta, a city of Syria, from which he derived the name of Samosatian. He is said to have lived about A. D. 164, in the reign of the emperor Marcus Antoninus. Being born in humble circumstances, he applied himself at first to the trade of a sculptor. He was soon dissatisfied, however, with this employ- ment, and devoted himself to liberal studies. For a considerable time he practised at the bar, at Antioch, and afterwards gained great repu- tation for eloquence, in journeys which he made through Gaul, Mace- donia, Ionia, and Achaia. Disgusted at length with the legal profes- sion, he gave himself wholly to philosophy and literature. The emperor M. Aurelius appointed him register or clerk to the Roman governor of Egvpt. He was a man, "nullius addictus jurare in verba magistri " in respect to his opinions and sentiments he would acknowledge no master. He thought with freedom, and wrote what he thought. The boldness with which he exposed to ridicule the god*, as well as men, drew upon him the general censure of his contempora- ries, and gained him the appellation of Atheist and Blasphemer. But however impious las sarcasms upon the heathen deities may have appeared to the good men of his time, they may be read with interest and delight by us, who attach no sacredness to the Pagan religion. Hence the best instructers have recommended portions of Lucian to the attention of the young, as l>eing an engaging and useful subject of study. For, as Erasmus remarks, such is the beauty of his diction, the felicity of his invention, the playfulness of his wit, the keenness of his sarcasms ; so happy is his combination of the gay with the serious and the serious with the gay ; there is so much truth in his pleasantry and so much pleasantry in his expression of truth j such is his power NOTES. i>77 of exhibiting, as with a pencil, the characters, passions, ar.d disposi- 94 tions of men 5 such his art in presenting things, not Jo be read merely, but to be seen by the eyes, that, whether you regard pleasure or profit, no comedy or satire will bear a comparison with these dialogues. His writings are numerous, but it is not necessary to enumerate them here. The reader is referred to the following editions. 1 . Luciani Samosa- tensis Op?ra, ex versione variorum, cum J. Bourdelotti, Theodori Manilii, et Gilb. Cognati notis. Lutetio? Paris., 1615, in fol. 2. Eadem Gr. et Lat. a Joanne Benedicto, 2 torn. Salmurii, 1C19, in 8vo. (Harlcs calls this a very excellent and correct edition.) 3. Eadem Gr. el Lat. ex versione Johannis Bencdicti cum nolis variorum, et Isaaci Vossii scholiis ineditis. 2 torn. Amst. 1G87, in 8vo. [Harles calls this a very bad edition.] 4. Eadem, cum nova versione Tiberii Hemsterhusii et J. Matth. Gesneri, Gr?ecis scholiis, ac notis variorum, ac praecipue Mosis Solani et J. M. Gesneri. Curaritibus Tib. Hcniiterhusio et Joan. Friderico Reitzio. 3 torn. Amst. 1743, in 4to, (which has been republished at Deux Fonts [Biponti], Svo.) A fourth volume has been added which contains an Index, by Car. Conr. Ik-itz. Utrecht, 1746, 4to. Various parts of Lucian's works are frequently found published separately. For example. 1 . Collo- quia Selects et Timon : Cebetis Thebani Tabula, &c. cum notis Tib. Hemsterhusii. Amst. 1708, et Basil, 1771, in !2mo. 2. Nonnulli e Luciani Dialogis selecti ah Edvardo Leedes. London, 1721, in Svo. For more information respecting this author, see Fab. Bib. Gr. Lib. IV. c. is, and Harles Introd. ad Hist. Gr. Ling. p. 405. 19. e7 Attic for T'IVI. \w\\\Kyy, was she changed ? from iva,KX.aiifey. The article in the neuter gender is used absolutely in the accusative case with all parts of speech excepting the conjunc- tion. In most instances, however, Kara, is understood, and the article is so united with the word to which it belongs, as to form with it appar- 24 278 NOTES. 95 ently but one word. Thus roZ-oiyrcv is the same as xot.ru, hereafter, in future, from this time. 8. ro7$ Ixt7, i. e. ro7f dv^u-rot; Ixii ovo-i, to the men viho are there, i. e. to the inhabitants of the place. Ktti TOV N^rAov oc.va.yiru, and let her raise the Nile ; that is, y/3a/y/n -ronlru. The inundation of the Nile, on which the fertility of Egypt depended, was ascribed to Isis. 11. ".xtu, I am come. 12. /*). The phrase is elliptically expressed j and the following clause strictly requires x*t; o^uv ovra (instead of e^urarov), sharp enough, even if it were necessary ; tl xa.1, even if. 13. $iz,~ifs.t7v, from $iur., divide; from ^ton^iu. 15. xarwyxav, O.VTOV, viz. rev -irtXixvv, bringing it down, fetching a stroke with it ; from xKt(>*>. 16. ITs^a ftev, tl pifAviict, arc you trying if I be mad 9 from ;md '.iaivofteti. ll/>s;ra,T for The olv refers to a gesture or motion on the part of Jupiter, by way of negative to Vulcan's question. 22. -Tr-iSfvp.'*. According to the received rule that p*, ova;, and oara/ff ft* require the indicative future afler them, we ought here to read a-tf/s?r,Mi. But the passages where the Aorist subjunctive follows these particles, are so numerous that the rule must be received with limitation. 23. av-n KXTO. rr,v S/XtiluMMi puu*ftr*i tu. 96 7. xov;. Bluish green eyes like those of the lion. The text indicates that this color has something terrible, but in unison with the polished helm. 15. f**i S-ifii; -rsittivrei. He was struck with lightning because he restored Hippolytus to life. See Virgil, JEn. VII. 16. ft.i-7iil.ntpx;, from (UrraXa^/Sacw. 17. 'Ew/AiXtjtf'an >yctg xat irv. F refers to something understood. Why do you say so ? FOR have you forgotten ; ir/A.iXn by Omphale, the queen of Lydia, to whom Hercules was a slave three years. 2. oitbl f? Xeibogouftiyos ftoi, unless you cease to reproach me. 12. XA). This phrase is elliptical ; at length it would be eturii xxXv ovffa, xa] rixvet xttXa, trtxts ironically spoken. The ya.^ refers to something understood, as tixorus v-rt^qxtvos t7. The reply of Latona is still more ironical. 18. Tr^f. The nominative is often thus used before distributive clauses instead of the genitive, as here instead of ruv Sf fuv iretiSut, fl ftlv ccpptvixy. 19. ftiv we may understand this as opposed to the clause understood, .ffiv, li'ce Lyourgus in Thrace. 10. fwroo;, like Pentl-eus in Thebes. 1 2. ctdtts q>9i>vof, it must not be grudged him. 13. eies, how brave. 15. "JLffrt jx/> Tit yag rrfers to something preceding in their conversation. Perhaps Mercury had asked, " ^o you not pity me," or something similar. For is there any one, &c. 18. ft p.* liyu, i. e, lia. ri, &c. 21. ^la.yr^uiree.vret Ttjv xXtftetv, after having arranged Ike couch; from ^tKffT(HavvV[JLl. 23. xxi {jfa.'ii^'evTK, tTi xixovifAtiav, and after I have returned, all over dust ; from l-Trctv'p^e/uKi and xavi^u. 24. n}y ot rev VIUVVITOV Tovroy olvo^oov nxtiv, and before this newly bought trine -bearer came, \. c. Ganymede : " rapti Ganymedis ho- nores. " Virgil, JEn. I. 100 3. XX* "TI vixotx.0. rvv!)ia.?r(>dr?iiv f*t/*t,iitrfttiiiy, but I must moreover manage the affiiirs of the dead, ditfracled as I am ; from 4. TO. pi* TV; A5a; TIXVK, Castor and Pollux. Castor having fallen in battle with the Athenians, Pollux shared his own immortality with him, and obtained from Jupiter permission for both to live alter- nately. LEEDES. SPC Virgil. JEn. VI. J21. and the note of the learned Ruaeus upon the passage. 5. if et^au t'lriv, "dufjioc. understood. 6. K/ / /*) *A>jt^J>jf x< ^tftiXfis, 5. e. Hercules and Bac- chus. Hercules was the son of Jupiter and Alcmene ; Bacchus, the son of Jupiter and Semele, the daughter of Cadmus. LEEDES. NOTES. 281 8. 'Ar\*trftof. Maia, the daughter of Atlas, one of the oldest 100 gods, is here proudly contrasted with common mortal women. 1O. Svyotrgof, Europa. vri-refttyf, for -rifttrti. 1 1. tyoftwav. The participle of the future expresses design. 15. in.->r^t.^, refers to a phrase understood, like " Thou hast no need to tell me this." 15. fyeftctios, equivalent to S^w. 17. tK-r^efytTffot, from IxirXjjrra* or fx,v7ras, fabulous animals supposed to exist in India and on the sea -shore. 6. irivevfa, from *,?%*>. 9. a.'rue.a.Xit. Compare Homer's Odyssey, IX, 365. 18. u.f'ix.a.vffa.. from U.VU.X.U.IM- 23. -r^jSaro;*. The construction is, V< wTslsX^v v, from oi'^'/a/. 19. //s, Vr/ . 10. JEHA-wv, rot A%i\\i* understood. 11. rof^uro, i. e. y^i'tra ufo ruv ay^alv, might hold himself from the men, i. e. might abstain from the men ; which is the evident signification of the 2. aor. opt. From u,iri%u. Irvxi yetf, for he happened to be somewhere near; rvy^dvv is often joined in this manner with a participle ; thus rvy^eivu ui, I hastened to be ; iruy^avov uv, I happened to be ; we happened to be, c. NOTES. 283 12. A^vy, A"TVJ, Lemnos and Etna, the workshop of Vulcan. 105 1 3. i ", 2. sing. pres. imp. for a,tecially. Thus Plato, in Gorg. p. 508. 2 ll pot toxi7s ol -roes- i%tiv rov vovv rauTois, KAI TATTA ro^os uv } But you do not appear 284 NOTES. 106 to me to give your attention to these things, AND THIS being a wise man ; i. e. alt/tough you are, &c. The word *//> must be under- stood, to render tht sentence complete, and this you do, who are a wise man. Hoogeveen upon Vig. cap. iv. reg. 16. K< i uxovirtLv TI IffTi. Lucian here seems to allude to the conversation on love between Cyrus and Araspes, in the Cyropae- dia. See the history of Panthea, in Coll. Graec Maj. p. 65. 23. Q'/ij^a. 4. vftuv, for vftiTioov. 5. oun naturally requires another oil in the following clause ; instead of which an affirmative clause follows here with /, as also, in Latin, sometimes neque is followed by et. 8. 'Ts*Temv, U.U-TO understood. 12. p.n'r^Qrtu.To^ii, Acrisius. 13. ecurou;, i. e. v>iv f .-rioct X.CLI TO waibioy. 15. <2i/~v, to be seen, in appearance. 19. 'ErrAj, from (TriXXa. 20. /3a-/Atr. Polydectes, king of Seiiphus, where he had been saved. 22. }>, o.\ To^ovts understood. 26. diyrvvro, dwelt ; from ^ixir 0.0^0.1. 108 1. eL0i! understood. 24. K*jp.toovra,i. The construction is. /./. xa; ra <^>a.u\u: oixauftsvx vpiaou rxi, \ocfiovTO, (i. e. o'-r i'AajSi) l-r/,itX>jTaff otyndov;. Ka&KTsa, as _/br instance. 10. y^Ttfayj. The masculine here agrees with which is involved in JV>. 1 1 . Tro\tiixuJs ^v, /o toe zw organized political society. 12. x) rayr*?, 5a.yovvrtf. The masculine gender is 110 used, though referring to Xy/S/v which is neuter. This, strictly speaking, is ungrammatical, but very common in the case of animals 286 NOTES. 1 10 which arc naturally masculine or feminine, though their names, in the diminutive form, are grammatically neuter. 6. ovla.p.ou TV; yns> (nusquam terrarum.) The genitive serves to complete the idea expressed by the adverb. 29. KUTUKKtjvxi, from XUTUXXIU. F. p. 79, 2. 111 2. %ouf/,ivou$, that is, SfCTrogoti; OVTCL$. 3. uvrdoffiMs, As the value of this metal was unknown to these tribes, the Phoenicians purchased it for trifling articles of merchandise. 23. "$iu.... understood. 17. yiuyiKuv. B. p. 268. F. p. 158. 01 $tyt0), instead of T7j 3v/7; %vvrai atri rwv 31. Snfetvi%ttv. They lay up no stores of any kind, but live on what the present moment supplies. 33. TOIOUTOV is used for roieuro, as raiirov is often used for rcturi. 115 4> *"'/>*<. The victims were crowned with a garland. 7. txaff-Tuv, ruv aI%fteiX*ruv understood. 11. Ti^Tira/ttixaj, from os raurov. 7. (tir avrav, TUV A.etJtt$a,i/jt,oviet>v included mentally in Axxt- 8. instead of T ?raXAa ogtivri tfrtv. 9. ^s *jof XXjA.flws, instead of ?rgflf aXXijXae;? Jf, that is, 05 rejects their conduct to each other. 14. xav, instead of / iav. 23. .'t6e;, marble ; alluding to tiic white marble quarries of Pen- 124 telicos. 7. yjj, i. e. piaa; TI TV; %*><&;. 8. sraAXaTXatfl'/ai/j, that is, wo\\w z^i'iovu.;, 1 5. Kx^v'iXti, the citadel of Athens, at the bottom of which was 9 temple of Minerva. 16. ^afta:;, T; 'Arrnt^s understood. Attica was divided into one hundred and seventy-four Upou; or districts ; v'oXis, that is, 'EAftxr/y. 19. < x'^o;ttX'/i^u~a, 1 from T^ajXa^/Jav*/. 31. sroXXai/, %govau understood. 2. f4.tfAJi6vix.tvxi, from fiavfaw. 3. Qvrav, from Qoiviiu. 125 13. Sii^cuxs, from &et%uvvufM. 16. Oi traretfit,oi, the nominative absolute before distributive clauses, of which some cases have been already noticed. 18. tug, is often thus pleonastically used with prepositions express- ing direction, as \5 $%;. This clause would be more fully expressed thuS, XKt U.TO TOUTOU K(>X$l y X.a@f4&l TV fjLuQoM TOV Vt^i TOU %V pcrf. pass. part, of xurei^aivu. 9. rutfixf. As there was no door-way into the tombs, the bodies of the deceased monarchs in their coffins, being raised up by machines on high (\^ > u,i^ofjt.tvoi) ) were let down into the sepulchres prepared for them. 14. SiurlgSnfffy. This happened in the second Persian war. Thai's, out of revenge, prevailed upon Alexander, while intoxicated at a banquet, to burn the palaces of Persepolis, the ruins of which are to be seen at this day. The city of Persepolis stood several centuries after Alexander's death. 26. ilxo;, i. 6. eiXXuv roiovruv, u, 3 ylytuSctt tixos ftrriv, or uf*i iMf. S3. JTIJ) ixtiv, instead of ro7t 132 $ xtw, for drinking. NOTES. 291 9. rov-rau, Xt>*ov understood. 132 17. j/3ai'/ X,*>t>u, pvs ytvviz. 26. p>tu\ov t genit. absol. with fnvavfff. 27. a^aiA&vTv, is connected with !, vrwt understood. 292 NOTES. 139 15. t'yctQoi>0'ns, i. C. leaver*)?. 16. 6%OtTCt Tt7%OS, 1. 6. TlTttXIfffttvOV* 24. ectraixia. O-TJJX^V, the colonies founded by the Phoenician* in Spain, not only on the Mediteranean, but on the Atlantic, without the pillars of Hercules. 27. rv olxiTv, that part of Lybia which admitted any other than the wandering mode of life ; ol'ov T' v, for l|Jy. 30. avrotff, i. e. ri*.tuv. 5. *!Xsv^av7-a, future participle, expressive of design. 7. Ty 7 TJJ a.f^iX\y, iv TOVTUI S-^i;bx7iXtxuTM-r,v. 28. A/xauw, in apposition with tfgaffn i ye/>ictv ; or as if it were, ohv KUTOV, v$ ir'ivnTot xu.} ^vftarixov oret, Tgaiwyogsvo-Kv rev Aixutov, The amendment adopted by Rciske (TOW Aixettou) is a more conven- ient, than correct reading. 28. "O, (id quod,} referring to the preceding clause. 29. IIo;uxjTa/. Alluding to Demetrius Poliorcetes ; Ptolemy Ceraunus, king of Macedonia ; Seleueus Nicator of Syria ; Pyrrhus the Eagle of Epirus ; and Antiochus Hierax. 1. v'ixy, the victory over the Persians. 4. ovt>f*a ..... S'tfAivot. That is, giving the 'Jear of tyrc.nny ' as a name to their envy of glory. 6. xoteiffi;, cJieck or rcslrc.int. 7. otrrga.zuv, the shells on which the voters wrote their decision. 9. rufcovruv, as to a casual bystander. 11. ft'/i is often, as in this place, only an emphatic particle of inter- rogation. 14. ufoxtitKfffxi, Xi'yireii understood. 19. xcti, refers to other events related previously. Aa*i$a;^aw'*/v rtyeufjt,;vuv, while the Lacedaemonians were at the head of the Grecian confederacy. 20. Ta^Jjva/, to be assessed ; XKTK -roXiv Ixxffrais for ixci torch-bearer, one of the greatest dignities at the Kleusinian mysteries. 4. T!< uv, with respect to the things charged ; ftirgius xetrriyo^ti- OK.V, they accused him faintly. 5. Xoyav t%ufav, (opposed to ** uv) a point not included in the indictment. 9. ffyovvru, Qavigug, that shivering from cold in public, i. e. .X/a J> TOV fiff6a.t. The nominative is liere used with the infinitive referring to Themistocles. j j / 3. tut), optative mode in sermone obliquo. 7. %}.nipiv, anointed himself, that is, prepared himself, a figure borrowed from the palaestra. 9. Aavgiu, equivalent to rovs *e\treif, with which ,^iop.- %tvt in the next clause must be considered as agreeing. 23. us, thus used with a participle expresses ground or reason. 27. 28. Vov, ufffiet, the implements of free citizens. 31. **6otov. The strictness and purity of republican government requiring that the citizens be exempted from all servile labor. 1A*f ^' l ' KflM * The construction is *rX/riv M^av.frevToc;. The construction is, x/ ttftifftv (lrels) ixkix-ovrett 147 rrjy srA/r. ; ..... *EA>.$9,-, with the superlative, as far as possible from Greece. 9. TIga;t%ovT&v, rov vouv understood. 1 1 . rut filv 'EXAiva;y, aA.Xa/v understood, the other Greeks, 13. ofjt.au r/, equivalent to er^t^ov, nearly. 16. vx-io-zvouftsva;. The construction is u-rif^ovfAtvos irtty^ui row; "EAXflvay iKavret; rii$ef^ivov; ai>ro7f. avS^s; uyctHoii gallant warriors: 22, 23. A; fid%at viz. the battles at Artemisium. 6. iim7i. The gen- itive shows the object of the fear. 5, 7. fiiv $1, sometimes indicate that two circumstances are con- temporaneous, in which case the first clause may be expressed by while. 6. K9ro rau Ku.jfi. jgj 2. vjJ>j^af. Phanodemus wrote a history of Attica, which is lost : of Acestodorus nothing is known. 3. , dat. sing, of S s , jj ( Jf. It is also used adverbially for $ '$, in what manner ; and also for orov, where, in which jrface, 5. Ktgaray, two mountains, opposite Salamis and near the boun- dary between Megara and Attica. 6. #metffr*nrafAtvt(, placing near himself. 1O. Big?, governed by Jr. F. p. 166. NOTES. 299 11. uTi^nofAfai, i. C. eti ret^ur'^vi t&xei evtrtti. 151 1 2. Xoyes, the comjrutation. 13. TO veXrifas, governed by KKTO, understood. 15. eSv, of whom; governed by s i^iffovfjuvoi, equalling them in numbers, because, in the narrow strait, a part only of the Persian vessels could be brought into action. 1O. *vaA/0y 'ipyov, 3. e. vcLV(Aa%ia,, 13. Tlo/.iuv. To vr'oXiuv /u.lv in the protasis, a.y'S^v 5e in the apo- dosis ought to correspond. Instead of atyuv 31, however, Qipiffro- xXi7 stands, which is equivalent. 16. TOU fiufji.au. From the altar of Neptune the commanders re- ceived each two ballots (^ntyoi') in order to vote, who was entitled to the first and who to the second prize. 17. ^ivrigov, litterally second ; it here signifies next. 28. al/TM, instead of v-,? ' avrov. 1. teiTrbfAtvos inferior to. 153 4. uftv%xvov o'ffov, in Latin, immune quantum. 6. \veii6i, endeavoured to persuade, exhorted. 8 . TO, oxXa, Sttrfai, to put themselves in battle array. 9. vuv tcoXXuv, (plerisque,) See Hermann, ad Viger. p. 723, 96. 10. Ktgafisixov. The name of a street and ward in the western part of Athens. 11. %U\HOV. It was the custom to consecrate in a temple whater- er one foreswore the use of, thenceforward : $* #/< for \v 300 NOTES. 153 21. Mga0voj, i. e. ruv iv Ma^a^vi tfgu%fiv the general command, hyipovta* 8. vx-oXaftfieivvv, i. e. Kiftuv. 9, 10. iXahv 9ra^o/u,(va S . B. p. 297, Rem. 5. 2O. ohv, whence ; the antecedent of this relative adverb is jaxaj, as whence in English may have for its antecedent either persons or things. 22. rovs x-cXiegxoupivevs, that is, the Persians shut up in Eion. 26. uQiXtifa ' u$t\t7ff6a.i .sv, he removed the fences from hisjields. 155 2. i(p S, that is "biiirvov. Cimon provided a table at his house for the poor citizens, that they might live without working and be able to devote themselve exclusively to politics. 5. Aax/aJwv. According to Aristotle, Cimon provided these public suppers not for all the Athenians but for the members of his own tribe, the Lacian. 9. Tt \pu.rut, the outer garment, which, being a simple cloak, was easily removed. 1 1 . KOft-^ois ruv irivvTuv, the more resjiectable ofthejwor : for xig- ftarluv, see B. p. 267. F. p. 166. 14 Ow "EAXjjflvv. For he did not so much send him routed from Greece, but pursuing him closely, before the barbarians could rest and halt, he sacked and subverted, $c. 1 8. ', as far as. 20. T Hfi, and other verbs of the same kind govern the genitive ; * has the same force as &%uv tip), I am commander, of an army, for instance. They are also sometimes followed by the dative, as, avTtTs, i. e. tiff I ii-yip,** avro7{, I am a leader to them, I lead H^Jtfi Hi NOTES. 301 21. *E

ia.ff&i7n t instead of /3/r&/>jip.ov.X^vaj r^a-ra/ov, equiv- alent tO VIKXV. \-rnyuvia-KTa, from \-ra.yuv'to(jt.i, added ancther combat or vic- tory ; AXv in uyuva, fjt,f.fu, 70.5 v/'xaj r /iyuv'nroe,ra. 17. "T^w, Hydrus. As no place of this name is to be found, Lu- binus thinks that we should read 2J^>), (Sydro.} a maritime town of Cilicia. Hydrus however may be only a corruption of Cyprus, as Cimon sailed to that island immediately after his victory. oiu, TK^nvf, instead of i$a.iQV. furtttptf \XOVTUV, being in anxious expectation. 22. 'l^yov, i. e. pdx*,. 23. ilofam, tins peace, if it was actually concluded, was not an im- mediate, but remote consequence of the victory of Cimon. 23, 24. "iit-rov fyiftti, four hundred stadia, according to the com- putation of Plutarch at the end of the life of Cimon. 25. Kwaviwv. The Cynnean rocks were at the entrance of the black sea, and the Chelidonian, opposite the south coast of Lycia. 1. KVipoiovririzs, inequalities. See Corn. Nep. Vit. Alcib. 1. 157 " Omnes admirarentur, in uno homine tantarn inesse dissimilitudinem, tamque diversam naturam." 5. ntgc/u.tvos, or according to some manuscripts, responding with the following 26 302 NOTES. 157 6. ra. ctftpitret, a technical term in wrestling, signifying the oppo- nent's arms around the neck. 7. Jj wv, See Viger, p. 121. 10. "Er/ piK^es uv, being yet small, or while he was yet a boy. 13. ry jrttpjobtu rtjs a,/u.u%*i$, in the track or jmssage of the wagon; the way in which the wagon was going. M rtiSopivouy rov Kvfycavov or Qogrwyov understood. 15. xaT/5aA.o$u i jrov xoit (even] raits ffvvfiSiif vraivu [taXis av ^tayvuvoH. 26. Awv ffuvcfiw, that the lyre spoke and sang with him who used it. 27. uvoQ^oirriiv, rov eevXtivrot, understood, i. e. ro rov avXSvros roftct. 158 2. 2/aXcy so-fat. The Boeotians were derided by the Athenians, as inferior in capacity. 5. auATjv. Marsyas, who found the pipes which Minerva had cast away, and challenged Apollo to a trial of musical skill with him. 9. i^ifto-t, a technical expression, used of players who were hissed from the stage. It is here synonymous with il-i/SX^jj. ray zXiv6'tuv ateirgiGav liberal pursuits ; (artium Iweraliu'rt^ in- genuarum . ) 13. K&6' iuvrov. See Viger, p. 633. 15. E/V, strengthens the expression of a question, and shows sometimes astonishment and sometimes indignation. 20. rgavftxn vrteiv'o-avros, equivalent to roufivve;. 22. fAtrct ruv ovrKuv, whereby he escaped the disgrace of losing his shield. 24. Tii6i7va.i, a tropical expression taken from the act of crowning. 26. raj? xaXo"?, in what was honorable. 27. avfl-X/a, the armour, of which the prize of bravery consisted. 29. Iffiofftus, a voluntary contribution to the state. 33. fyrwyot. Quails were, like cocks, trained to fight. 159 * A/ Irxorfoipiai a^uruv, his zeal in the rearing of horses for thf garnet was Jamow, especially (*J) in the number of can, or NOTES. SOS 5. 'Ox i/pitta *, at Olympia, at the Olympic Games. 159 7. vt QovKvlftns. SeeTlmcyd. Lib. VI. 16. 10. f' a.fffj.a.Ti, in a triumphal song, on the victories of Alcibiades. 1 1. vixa, for r> vix. and 'Exxywy, are Doric forms, used often by the Attic lyric poets. See B. Introd., last paragraph. S ftrdttf, Xi understood. 18. Kv%unffai t Sagjj understood; to increase, in fame. 19. To7s aXXc;,-, in reference to his abilities and splendid accom- plishments. Ti4 ray s.cyov, i. e. TJJ TOW Xsys/y <5s>vT^T/. 20. -ywy? , public contests, in the forum. 21. EiVflX/;. Eupolis, a writer of old comedy. 22. AXm, governed by ei^itrros ' F. p. 175. obs. 2. : XaXiJv and Xty, like blazing light, alternately growing dim and renewing itself. 16. *-orfly Qtuyuv, for fy V, magistrates. 4. xaxtiv&iv, i. e. T, ..... .tfcov ovx civ tls nxrovrcr %g+- tou ,<** I'IT.ixeturyi 'i%av Suva/art. 25. ixfyav, from t%fya, not l#^? * 'ixfya avrwrros, an irreconcil- able enmity. 1. 'E* Tourov, after the battle at ^Egospotamos in which Ly- 164 sander, in the twenty-sixth year of the Peloponnesian war, wholly de- stroyed the fleet of the Athenians. 2. ois i'n%of). Ei^wj, i. e. %' ug%*is. 22. 23. ours xi, as we sometimes use neque et. 23. Teav r^at.'yu.a.TtoV, i. 6. T>5? -TaX$ev, the name given to what was chanted by the chorus in entering the orchestra. 28. #Xt/0av, instead of %x6ov the original form of \\tv6at. 29. Hert for TOOS, 'a.{j.ivo;, more correctly Kotzftivos or lfa.pa.fjt.i\oj. 10. ffvvny>u,va.KTV(nv, K>.X// understood. 16. lures. It was considered a point of modesty or decorum to carry the arms wrapped in the cloak. on rufcoi, because he seldom wore a cloak. 17. 'yci, *:r v ixyff u f/.tv understood. 30. srSv c/vav, that is, ; KIVOUVO;. The justness of Phoeion's fears was confirmed by the events, as the fatal battle of Cheronaca fol- lowed these transactions. 31. 'AAfgev^w. Phocion was sent ambassador to Alexander af- ter the accession of the latter to the throne. 2. xiav av^vo-uvTec. 24. tvQr,ti!.7v t a strong expression of dissent -, in Latin, bona verba, quceso ; in English, God forbid. 25. K] (U-^v, and yet. Phodon ->vould say, that to live contented with less was to be a better man. 26. To 5* o\ev, instead of TO $ ' Xav ilvrttt, in a wcnl. 27. xKxiTvov, ' A./.!%uvoi?ov ' oidSctAu.' ..... vroXiv, I shall bring into sus- picion with the city. After the death of Aniipater, his son Cassander, and Polysperchon ] (JQ the guardian of the Macedonian king Aridacus, strove to acquire sev- erally the possession of Greece. Phpciou being accused by the peo- ple, at the instigation of Polysperchon, of treasonable attachment to Cassander, was deposed from the rank of commander, and delivered over to the people for trial by Polysperchon. 308 NOTES. 169 1. tls 'A.6-nva;. They had been to the camp of Polysperchon to justify themselves. 5. TO 3-Toi/. The public assemblies were often convoked in the theatre. a.-Ttfjt.ov. Those pronounced infamous for certain crimes, lost all civil privileges, among others, that of voting. 7. AX ffa.^a.ff-^av-t;, but throwing open (avas-Tsa-Ta/^ivov fetKf%ovri;) the tribunal and theatre to all of either sex. 10. iKeivoig, i. e. 'Afavulois. Polysperchon here cajoles or rather derides the Athenians, by calling them free and independent. 17. TUV xoi.'l.uv the mass, the mob. 22. fin uKoueavres, that is, ^l (w yxoutrttre. 25. VOVTOVS 2 ', his fellow prisoners. 170 1. 'A6'wros uvrobofalffyis. The decree being decided (that is, that it should be death without the torture) and the v^le put. 16. ff>>7;, St-rig iv^t'tirrfgof fas if they had inadequately pursued t/ie race of passion and cruelty), */ vo ffZp.*, &c. NOTES. 309 22. xufAa. xivov, a cenotaph. 24. ** rv to--/v, by Ike hearth. 32. nvrei, i. e. / AttivxTn. 3. ftixgov lie**, almost, literal!)", wanting little. 4. tlf rouro, i. e. TO '/.iyuv, the art of speaking. 9. E/Wvroy, f?v understood. 19. fruv&Tr-tiv, (continudsse) to Itcwe passed in succession. 20. vir\(> ..... ctlff^uvy,v t so that it should not be possible for him through shame to go out, even though he much wished it. 21. " Qopriffs ..... xoiva, he engaged in public affairs. ; fioi Aiff%ivviv, not only signifies, those about jEschines, but ^Eschines and his company. tf>iXoxoxfwrt, equivalent to ixivntri 7/3a/^ 'i%t \. e. iffugus, (ad spem erigcns ) encouraging. 13. To fvf*,l^ot. 22. offiv, in anxinis expectation. 25. ~Boitureig%et;. The heads of the Boeotian deputies assembled in Thebes. lx,x\v>tr'ixs. The order is, %ioixt7ff0os ro5 ^iKigu* (dividing by the measure) *i U-TTCX^OVUV (and beat- ing time with the foot. ) Ila/amt/j, of Paeania, a demos of Attica. 8. KtvZovn. The order is, Kvctyxetfdiis ii-r uitrov utapptyeu (to incur ) -ray xivbvvov v<7\o rtjt bytfUt*t xa.1 rov ffuparos. 9. a,Tv%ia,f,ihe defeat at Chaeronea. 12. TI(AUV luTiXn, continued to honor him. B. p. 297. F. p. 178. obs. 3. 14. oTTi*9-ruv. 15. tvotivov, the eulogy usually pronounced over those who had fallen in battle. 17. pirttfthtrfait though here used without, is commonly used with a preposition, as iiri. 19. ' Avrivru7-os MO.I K^etrt^oi, Antipater and Cratenis, generals of Alexander, who succeeded him in the European part of his monarchy. 20. e! wyttlotft*t t the Hunter of the fugitives. Thurium, a Grecian colony in Lower Italy. NOTES. 311 31. 75xi, from i<*uvriKu. 1 77 xetra.Xet$i7v, here signifies to Jtnd. 3. r Twouroi, almost, eur-raiffy, from uvirei^u. 4. yvuf, 2. aor. subj. of yiywrxu. li>va.rcii, can do, or avails. 312 NOTES. 177 8. afofa^o?, make fierce or savage ; the verb in the singular agrees with avXovs, governed by -xonl understood. 11. /SwXs/, Attic for fiouXy. 13. tpi^oiroQov, otKov understood. me, where. 15. xaxict, sjtSxivii vx,n understood. Amnion and PhUomoschus names of Peasants. \*fQ 1. f/tft. 5. ftt^iftvous, from ju.fdip.vos, a measure containing about five pecks. $%oif*.i, equivalent to $vvaip.tiv. 7. Xuiov, literally better, it here signifies more. 8. irrtvo* rev xctigau, equivalent to O-TSVOV xeugot. 10. ToAo/Ta, a form of malediction, (as in Latin, mule pereat,} may he be destroyed. 11. Kvapovffas, literally, crying out ; it here signifies crowing. 13. fiaM'rt.ovros, civfya-TOf understood. 15. ;s~j governed by x,a.ra. understood. 18. ya^tffTa.vKi, from tra^VTjj^/. 1 9. Sturgov, where the people frequently assembled to deliberate on public affairs. vTgotA^ovTjf, agreeing with ^n/u,os, a collective noun. 20. Mitrova-Tjs Ttis %tigoravixs, in the midst of the voting, which was by the holding up of hands. 21. QtifffAa., the dream, or vision. 23. "(I'lubiffTarer.. Dreams or visions seen during the Autumn months, in which the leaves were falling, were believed to forebode some evil. Ampelian and Evergus names of Peasants. 179 1. nXtf, severe, rough. rijTif, see Gr. and Eng. Lex. 4. i/3of , iff-ri understood. 7. J, from /$*, distinguished from the verb " by the accent and breathing. NOTKS. 31* 8. ovav OUJTU, imnicdviU'ly, 179 9. igift,av-ro, from xaiftdi/vup.1, or K^if^etu. Tfl*Jv, sec B. p. 270. F. p. 166. iO. i^o^.ictt bein^ held or retained. tiXtpftivzi, being caught ; fiom /.a^/3vt understood. "1. TO, To\Xoc,, often ; tlffu vrvXuV) i. c. iv TM eiffrn. Gamocfueron and Phagadtetes, names of parasites. . ' 1. 'E^-/, 1. aor. mid. of 0'iaofjt.ui. o, who (lives), TJJV olviav i%euv, understood. 4. z.vftu}.ifff*.ov. It seems that barbers attracted custom to their shops by all kinds of buffoonery. 7. t;, r.iizov understood. 1C. ret%uy, see B. p. 27O. F. p. 1G6. J7. Knppi^uea, from K-rafptlou. 18. uXirvoicv, Ktvoia, understood. 19. trcei^ovfft, i. e. ~/^o>-'; voiiici. Tu^rx t the same. 20. iroAaflfl 1 ?} TUIIIV understood. POETICAL EXTRACTS. Homer, (from whose writings the four following extracts have been 183 made) was, according to Plutarch, an Asiatic Greek, a native of 27 314 NOTES. J!*3 Smyrna, to whom his mother gave birth on the banks of the river Meles. The age in which he lived is not certainly known, though some suppose it to be about 1 68 years after the Trojan war, or according to others, 160 years before the foundation of Rome. A The best editions of Homer now extant are those of Clarke and Wolfe i the text of the latter being received as the standard. The parting of Andromache with Hector, who was going to a bat- tle, in which lie perished, has always been deemed one of the best, most tender, and pathetic of all the passages hi Homer's Iliad. 1. QUVVO-K;. Hector had been conversing with Helen, in the house of his brother. 8. E< S\ Hyi. The precise signification of tl in this place is uncer- tain ; the phrase is probably elliptical ; i\ }\ fioulnrfa, if you please. 10. ytuKouv, a.\K/j!,oi>; or Vo(jt.ou; understood. 1 1 . 'Atwotitis, vxov understood. 18. xu ir'tr- MOV, lo follow, to hasten after death ; equal to Sewu NOTES. 315 46. 'A^/XAiJf. In the first year of the war against Troy, Achilles 184 laid waste the neighbouring regions. 51. ityvriviretr. It was the custom to plant about tombs only such trees as elms, alders, &c. that bear no fruit, as being most suitable to the dead. Trollope. 54. el /u.tv, instead of oS-rot p'tv. The seven brothers whom I had t home, they all (at jctiv sravrj?) in one day (< nftart) entered within the realm of Hades. 57. Mflri'^a, i. e. with regard to my mother ; accusative absolute. 58. T^ instead of avrw. Si?/, instead of faveo, into the Grecian camp, which was station- ed before Troy. Troll. 60. ^^"A^Ttftis. The Greeks ascribed all sudden deaths of women to Diana. In the same manner, the sudden deaths of men are ascribed to Apollo. Troll. 62. &Xscj vetoKKoirr.s means properly blooming spouse, (wrens, florens.J 63. vrv^yM. This tower was built upon a part of the battlements, where the ascent to the city was less steep, and the wall more open to the attacks of the enemy : Troy, with its citadel, Pergama, was sit- uated upon one of the lower ridges of Mount Ida, and fortified by a wall, fabled to have been mised by Apollo r.nd Neptune. From behind, the city was overhung by the lofty promontories, Gargarus and Lectum ; on the former of which was the altar of Jupiter. In front lay an extensive plain, gently declining towards the Helles- pont, and watered by the Simois and Scamander. At a short distance from the Scseangate, in the direction of the ships, was a little hillock or watch tower ; and near it the ipvtos, orjtg tree ; v. 65. Troll. 64. 9-iitis, subjunctive for S-iys, and this for $%;. 66. AftSetrag, accessible. 67. I'rugv.f, (o//a jubente,) at Ihc command of another. 91. K/ *-ars vtw t &c. 98. iqilotro. This form of the middle voice is not unusual, in which the direct action is done on the agent himself, but in reference to another person. Troll. 106. ir5;>,. We must understand rev 2\ viev *? -srri^i from 108. ^>j. This is often used with the imperative to strengthen its force. The construction here is, Von xiti rovbt <$ I/tor y\;\xi, the gates which separate Tartarus from Hades. 17. iiriid,' instead of rort. 18. E/ 5', ys. See above, p. 183.V. 8. : ifttrs is here put by poet- ical license for itlvrt in the subjunctive mode. 1 9. 2gjv. There are many different opinions respecting this chain Jg( of Jupiter. The more general belief of the ancients was, that it meant the sun. It seems more probable, and certainly more consistent with the natural simplicity which pervades his writings, that Homer meant no more than the plain signification which his words convey. Troll. 21. i| ouga.vofav, a common pleonasm of the preposition. 23. art xat iyu, but when /, in my turn (x). 24. iguiroufA, fftigw understood. The preposition , for ptru, from pimpi. 189 14. xctruXMovr, that is, ol >.*.. Ei ."... KI~$I, Although others of the dead (r&Jy S-etvovroo*) are for- gotten in Hades, yet u-ill I even there, Qc. 16. KKinovet, a hymn of victory. 20. p.&t'ro. 'Mffcsfffai, like =itpy.t from /3i*/ r which is equivalent to j->u.'nxu, go, that is, 7/tv. Some grammarians however explain it as derived from piuffapzi. 57. o pot, for o; pat. 58. -TftXlffxta, fur iTTtXev, wcrt. 60. As^s^ar', from Vi^op.a.i, with strengthened reduplication ; rv- garded, honored, The verb r/i/v is often used in a similar sense. 61. Zuos tuv, hadst t/uu Heed, iv;0a, (^j) xt (v), thou hadst been. Kixa.ni, not now pursues, but, having pursued, possesses, siezes, oppresses you. 69. AT. Warm baths were much used by the ancients, and were considered particularly refreshing after any exertion or fatigue. 70. o piv, instead of tn fttv. 77. SrMtffi, is added, as a farther explanation of 1/u.e] avrji. 79. A7 yaf fflrf, far from my ear be the tale. NOTES 319 81. fri2/idf, to the battle-fielil. J9Q 82. aywogiyf, that is, rou p.i*ous. Andromache calls Hector's \ty{ courage aXfyitw, on account of its leading to his destruction. 83. "H jtm txtrx, which possessed him. 84. TO ov pivot, that is TM iaurev ftivti. 85. fjLuivet^t 1s u$i*.t. 114. 7Tougtffffovffiv t from olao-, (Ionic for oooi) instead of uQefifovri. 1 15. -retvatpnlixa, deserted by all his equals. 116. v-rsf^v^vnf, hangs down his head, is sad. 192 119. rvrfav, is used adverbially with ijri.>.- rt had preceded wars^', as well as TlargovXav. See v. 57. 41. rtTcto-rtre, was satiated. This verb was originally used of pleasant things. 42. %tios, taking him by the hand, like A/3sJV #;. 45. uvff%to, for avff%ov. 47. voXiets, for vrohhovs- See B. Anomalous and defective adjec- tives. Rem. 47. os rat ..... i%Kvxgi%ix. A transition from the third person to the first. 48. ffibwguev nrog, an obdurate heart, which is moved by no fear. 50. xxraxtTfftiati, to remain (quiescere) . 51. trgn%is> avail or profit. 53. u%vvf*.ivots, signifies rather subject and liable to sorrow ; and not, exposed to continual misery. 54. xarecxitxreti, for xctrotxiTnTeti ' ou^it, from ounces* 55. xa.Kuvy 'ini>3s /*tv understood. Iduv, that is, ctyuSuv, derived by some grammarians from \vt t Inot) by others from ta;, in, iav ' it here agrees with ^offiur. 56. up ft,t%ets, that is, avupitas -TO. xetxu rots ifffaoTf. 58. Xufinrov, i. e. &Av piltius ^v understood. I 95 Met9f , genit. of M*, who founded Lesbos, which bound- ed the realm of Troy on the south, aivu, as Phrygia did on the east, and the Hellespont on the north. 73. T, I purjicsc. Considerable surprise has been expressed by some of the commentators, at the sudden burst of irritability in Achil- les upon this occasion. The most probable cause of his excitement seems to have been the impatience and importunity of Priam, who re- fuses his proffered hospitality, with an apparent distrust of his generous intention to give up the body. Troll. 94. T7 QaivopivrjQiv, at the appearing of the dawn. 127. "O^iflM, see F. p. 236. II. Syncope of * in 2. pres. sing. of verbs. 322 NOTES. 197 129. $M$IXK. Euripides mentions seven only, as the number of Niobe's children : Phosn. 161. 130, "E|, is distinguished from the preposition by the accent and breathing. 181. Ti^viy *' aoyvfalo finoio : a-ro indicates proceeding from, and in this case alludes to the fatal arrows shot from the bow. 134. y, that is to ftovov rtxi7v, iTj it XeXXevj. 136. xia-T, for IXUVTO. oubi xxT0K-$jj^, that is, X/jf av, thou mayest lament. 1 54. 1^ J'jax tvrfl * il-iv, II. T. 10. 177. o'l'-rt fiout'itl. The poet here shows the importance of Achilla in the army. Though Agamemnon be the general, yet all the com- manders applv to him for advice ; and thus he promises Priam a ces- sation from arms for several days, purely by his own authority. The method that Achilles took to confirm the truth of the cessation, agrees with the custom which we use at this day ; he gave him hit hand upon it. Troll. 181. ya/3A.oh, with ,-T understood. 189. Si$ra, by Syncope for Sa/va/ra. The imperfect Setivvrn has the penultima short. 197. Isri xgse ; tluni favorite of the spring. JEJa^oj for iccgo;. 10. 2ri^jr; ieuXoaf pa^oi;, and VTI- fcpeii bdiv , and others differently. 9. 10. Toe 0.1*71 TUV Ktfxvr&v, who now coni7)iaiids and reigns over the affections of all tvho is now the universal favorite. 11. mivga.xi. What could more clearly evince the poet's excellence than that he should obtain from Venus one of the doves, of which she was so fond, as the price of a single song. TAN. FABEK- 14. &ia.xov&> TdfavTK , i. e. t\taxovu rotravTU -7T(>a,y{AU * KI oi'y^ouf. 23. ct0itiv, to perch upon, s/tawrav, understood, 26. ' Aatgtreiav. 31. 32. Ka/ 'btffvrorw, &c. H. Stephens has it, KX} ^iff-z-ornv 'Am- xglovr vfri^difft ffuytta,Xv-^/u. But the learned suppose 'Ax^avr to be a gloss, which has taken the place of the true reading Ipoie-i is also proposed by Stephens, and perhaps nothing better can be found ; for efievruy which lias recently been proposed is inconsistent with tl:-.> measure. All the verses of this exquisite ode have an Iambic for the third foot ; nor is yoir,fuv an exception, the first syllable of it beuig shortened by the poets. " Instead of ffuyxaXu-^eo, one manuscript has fvfxieifu, not ffvirxiK^o'V, as Barnes erroneously asserts. The mea-j- ure requires this to be changed for trvo-Kiufri, as Salmasius correctly observes ; and thus we have the passage as it now stands. The par- ticle v should he rendered by soleo, I nm w.mt, in which sense it may be joined with the pres. i nil. BKUNCK. R. Porson, however, denies that the particle v is evc-r used witli the present indicative. See Coll. Grace. Maj. vol. ii. p. 131, 33. Koiftuftivri, gui-tig to rest. IV. 5. "H Ns7Ay n VJ Mipl<, i, e. iv\ Ni7*.< J, iv, Mifttp,,. 8. 9. i o (v Ilo^/ vrt^aurxi, and one Lovding is just fledging, j 2 x/u,ri ifffiv uov, and another is now an t'.gg, o Si Ji fi/u.i\tos, u\o\vZ,t, and being bitten in the finger of his hand, he cried out. But the learned Brunck, perceiving in these words a pleonasm unworthy of Anacreon, amended the passage thus ; [in both Strasburg editions, 1778, and 1786,] XX* Ir^n sed vulneratus est rat 3axrvXy. iraraa$ digilum. Collisis manibus, ejulavit. 328 NOTES. 204 13. 'A $' i/triy. 'A Dor. for . 16. offov; ffu /3XXi/$, i. e. TOVOVTOI otrav;, &c. VII. 1. For an account of this tuneful insect, its habits, and tLa wonderful apparatus by which its music is produced, see Shaw's - " General Zoology," Vol. VI. p. 149: Kirby and Spence's "En- tomology," Vol. II. Letter 24, On the Noises of Insects : and espe- cially " The Library of Entertaining Knowledge," Insect Architecture > pp. 147 - 152 ; Insect Miscellanies, pp. 83 - 87, 150. The Tir-TiQ u; cicada being scarcely ever found in England, Pope and all preceding English translators of tiie Greek and Latin poets mistook its nature, and wrongly translated it " grasshopper," an insect of an entirely different order, and unlike it as well in external form as internal economy. The more recent translators have wisely natural! zed the name cicada ; though Elton, in the title to his version of this Ode, styles it also " the Tree Locust." From Dr. Harris, a distinguished American entomologist, we learn (Encyclopaedia Americana, Vol. VIII. art. LOCUST) that, in some parts of the United States, it is called " the Harvest Fly," and also simply, but very erroneously, " the Lo- cust." Mr. Rennie (" Library of Entertaining Knowledge," as above cited,) has attempted to save it from being ranked among grasshop- pers by imposing on it the unpoetical name of " Tivr-hopper " ; since it is commonly observed on trees in an open, sunny situation. In the Iliad (III. 151.) where the eloquence of Priam and his aged counsellors is compared to the song of the rr.s, "prophet sweet of summer hours." NOTES. 329 3. 'Ox/y $ga>av vtvotxus, having sipped a little dew. So 204 Virgil, Eclog. V. 77. Dumque thymo pascentur apes, dumrore ci- cada. Compare Horn. II. T. 151. 7. X' oTotra., for xoti oroiree, the diphthong at suffering an elis- ion ; K is changed into x, before an aspirated vowel. In the same line I have with Brunck adopted the reading itXoti, instead of the common ugeit, the seasons, 15. To 3t yvgas ov vui%ovs'm, and Potter's Antiquities, B. II. ch. 20. 2. 3. M-/JOOV obovTi., &c. The order is, -rvrils [xar] Xsw^cv p-.-.M* ob'ovri, \IUKM odovri, having his white thigh wounded with a tusk a lohitetusk. Instead ofXsy Heskin proposes XvyoZ, to avoid i\i? play upon words, which he thinks unworthy of Bion. But Valcke- naer condemns the alteration. 6. K*/ TO poo av tyuyn. The order is, x,y.\ TO pabav ru ^SI'ACJ; (piuytt* 9. o pi* ' o by apocope for on. 13. TLu%>, t-rrn, has long appeared to me to be the true reading. VALCK. 22. 2 3' eift,x Kttrros. Concerning thecestus of Venus, see Horn, Iliad. B. 214. . vi Ya.fr +o\pvn\, Kuveiym ; KaXej, &c. : vt ya.fr ro*.(Av>p xinit- y\, KaXcy roffovrt /u.tf*.tiva.s ^f ffi TxXaiuv, is a conjecture of Valet. 207 28. Afc fifa, T'.KTI,, See Ovid. Met. Lib. X. Fab. 12. 31. "Err *ya6*. fr,te s , See Theocr. Idyl. XV. Dor. for , as iyitSa. NOTES. 331 36. %u ftlv oitrruit for *< a' fti* I'tcrrou;. 89- Qoeitifw, for ? XKI T, .... a^ipf^a^sy-v, /itf watched Cupid trAo Wf75 leajring, hither find thither. 7. "vs^;* ft rsXaf oi^ afravT^, because there ivas no end of this. 208 Vyj^' before an aspirated vowel for evsxa. aravrs: for 'TVT; 12. <^j<5i4 ca; 9-^oa?, i. e. -ra TZ.etvufe.ivov ITI Tgiadoiiri, Venus proclaimed aloud her son Cupid if any one has seen Cupid wandering near the public u\ii/s. 6. lv tinoiTi x'a.ifi (AK.6ot; viv, you will know him among a whole score. See Sam. Clarke, Iliad. 2. 470. 13. J\I/x*yA ' ftui%.vs.<>;, dimin. from /U.IXKO;, which see. TJIIW, Gen. Dor. for izsTvcu. 22. Tlavras p\v ny^ix, ^dvrct, &c. Valckenaer seems to prefer a different reading, viz. TKUTCA plv S.y^. cravra, &c. 23. elXiov for %\iov. II. 9. HXeurtj'i, from HXovrtog. 210 * See note, p. 206. Idyls of Bion. 332 NOTES. 14. 'A^.'j ' \> Savdxto- ffi,.., t . a.ei$cc$, Echo among the reeds feeSs upon thy songs. 18. Tovra, Mi\n, Melcs, a river in Ionia which flowed near the walls of Smyrna. Some of the ancients supposed that Homer was born on its banks ; whence he was called MeU-sigines, before he be- came blind. After this calamity he was called Homer. LONCEPIERRK. See the beginning of the Idyl of Bion. 3G. Krov affTv. SimoniJes rendered the Oian city famous. VALCK. 42. a0yr/> Qvavn, Dor. for ^uootrt and tpve INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. AFAGOKAHS Ay&0axX.ris, itv;, a, Agathoclcs, an ignoble youth, son of a potter. * Aiyoifu*, uvti, o, Agulfu, a Pythago- rean philosopher. ' Ayxftiftvtuv, ova;, o, Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and Argos, and brother to Menellius. Ay:/'j, n;, it, Agave, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia. 'Aywwg, oga;, o, AgUnur, king of Phoenicia, and father of Cadmus. 'Ayj7/Xaoj, au, a, Agesildus, died 3S2 B. C. after a reign of 36 ears. S) it;, o, Agesij'olis, son of Cleombrotus, and 1st king of Lucedeemon. A-yif, ilo;, o, Agis, king of Sparta. 'Ayvuvfivs, ov, o, Agnontdes, the person who accused Phocion. A^Mitmifc ov, o, Admetus, son of Phe- res and Clymene. '\liM\i;, i$a;, o, Adonis, the favorite of Venus ; he died of a bite from a wild boar which he had wounded in hunting. 'A0a.fx.iz;, CCVTO;, o, Atkamas king of Boeotia, married Nephele and by her had Phrixus and Helle. 'A^v, j, , Minerva, the protec- tress of Athens ; she had a temple at Sunium, a promontory of Attica. 'A0vj, adv. to Athens. ' ASr,vxi, ut, at, Athens, the capital of Attica. 'A^>jva/*j, vis, ^i t Minerva, see 'A0jy. 'Afaya'io;, a, a, Athenian, of or be- longing to Athens. S, u, o, Athos, a mountain in Macedonia, the inhabitants of which were said to be very long AITOAI2 lived. Alotxit'/ii, ov, o, son (f there \verc two, Peleus and Tela- mon. Alazo;, ov, o, JEucus, one of the judges of Hell, with Minos and Rhadamanthus. A?j, Kvrsi, o, Ajax. There were two of this name, Ajax TelSmon and Ajax Oileus. A/yswj, ius, a, u'Egcus, king of Ath- ens, and son of Pandion. A'lyiva,, r,;, fi, jEgina, an island in the JKgGan Sea. Ai"/ivr,rtis, ev, o, an JEginicni, an in- habitant of jEglna. AlyvTTTie;, ov, o, an Egyptian, an in- habitant of Egypt. Afywrreg, ov, fi, Egypt, an extensive country of Africa. A/T>J?, cv, o, uEetes, king of Col- chis, and father of Medea. AlStaflci, a;, h, ALthiopia, an exten- . sive country of Africa, south of Egypt A't'ffia-^/, OKOS, o, an ^Ethiojrian, of or belonging to ^Ethiopia. Aivtietg, ou, o, jErieas, a Trojan prince, son of Anchlses and Venus. Alrg/mf, ou, o, JEschmes a celebrat- ed Athenian orator. Alo-^vXos, ov, o, JEschylus, a celebrat- ed poet of Athens, who is said to have drunk to excess, and never to have composed, unless while in- toxicated. AJVv*?, f , f>, jfftna, a volcanic moun- tain of Sicily. Airu^in, as, fi, JEtolia, a country near the middle of Greece. A/VwX.t^oiv3ffiu;, tea;, o, an Alexandrian, of or belonging t<> Alexandria. "Ax^av'^flf, ov, <5, Alexander, sur- named the GREAT, son of Philip, celebrated for his extensive con- quests. "AXx9"r/j, idof, , Ala'sle, who de- livered herself up to death, in be- half of Adrnetus. 'AXx//57j, ou, o, Alcilnades, nu Athenian general, whose life will be found in the text. 'AXx/ct>jv>j, tit, fi, Afcmena, daughter of Electrj^on, and mother of Hercules. "AXftis, tuv, a,l t the Alps, mountains of Italy, considered the highest ground in Europe. "AXvtta (o'gw), &v, T, the Alps, mountains of Italy. "AXftiff, a,, ov, Afpi/ie, of or belong- ing to the Alps. w, **>{, o, Aloeus, a giant, whose ANAXAP2I2 two sons made war against the Gods. x t o, Amisodaras, bv whom the Chimsera, a monster sprung from Typhon and Echidne, is said to have been nourished. ' Af/,$iu.(>cc:o;, ov, a, Amphiaraus, son of Oicleus, or, according to others, of Apollo, was one who accompanied the Argonauts. Aftffat/etH, uvras, o, Amphidamas, a son of Busiris, killed by Hercules. AptpiTo^i:, ztus, ft, Amphip'olis, a town between Macedonia and Thrace, where Brasidas fell in the Peloponnesian war. 'Afttyrgfrii, v;, , Amphitrlte, daugh- ter of Occanus and Tethys ; it is often put for the sea itself. 'AfifyTgvtvv, uvo(, e, Amphitryon, a Theban prince, son of Alcaeus and Hipponome. 'Afttyiuv, oof, o, AmpJiion, son o! Antiopo. 'Avx^i&;v, ovrt>s, o, Anacreon, a fa i-.ious Grecian lyric poet, see Notes, page 200. ' Avtx^x'yogctf, ov. o, Anaxag&ras, a Clazomenian philosopher, precep- tor of Socrates and Euripides. 'Avga^f, ov, o, Anaxarchus, a phi- losopher of Abdera, one of the followers of Democrltus, and friend of Alexander. Avat/^tf?, ev, o, Anaurus, a river of Thessaly, near mount Pelion, where Jupiter lost one of his sandals. * tuft o, Aiuicharsis, A INDEX OT I'KOI'BR NAMKS. 335 ANAPOMAXH Scythian philosopher; who, on ac- count of liio whilom ,-iiiil integrity, has been called one of the soven wise men. *Aii&{9ft;,-, /;, Andromeda, the daughter of Ccpheas ; she was ex- posed to a sea monster, in order to appease the resentment of Neptune. 'Aw/6aj, , o, If annual, a celebrated Carthaginian general, son of Hamilcar. ' AMU*, uv9s, o, Anno or Hanno, a celebrated Carthaginian .general. AifvGif, to;, o, Aniibis, an Egyptian deity, represented with the form of a man and the head of a dog. 'AvrzTti, at/, o, Antcrus, a giant of Lybia, son of Terra and Neptune. 'AvT#X;s/<5?, , o, Antalcidas, of Sparta, was sent to Persia, where lie made a peactj with Artaxerxes, by which the Greek cities of Asia became tributary to Persia. 'Ayriyoyas, av, o, Antig&nus, oue of Alexander's generals ; he died in the SOth year of his age, 3O1 B. C. 'A>nor, m, n, Antiopc, daughter of Nycteus, king of Thebes, and mother of Amphlon. 'A*rio%}s, ftof, n, Antt&chis, the name of a tribe of Athens. 'Avrio^os, av, o y Antiochus, surnamed the GREAT, was king of Syria and Asia, and reigned 36 years. 'A-nVr9j, ov, o t Antipater, one of Alexander's generals. 'Avrif^ittii, ou, if AntisthZnes, an Athenian philosopher. 'Awjvwa, , T, the Apennines, a ridge of mountains, which run through Italy, and join the Alps. 'Aw/*/*?, at/, o t Apicius, a famous glutton of Rome. There were three of this name ; the second (here referred to) lived in the time of Tiberius. APIAANH .-roD.uv, &;;:, o, Apollo, son of Ju- piter and I/itonn ; he killed the serpent Python, ssnt by Juno to torment Latona. ra\Xuvia;, av, a t Apollaniua, a poet of NauiTJi'.is in Egypt. Of all his works nothing remains ex- cept his poem on the expedition of the Argonauts. gaSia, as, ri, Arabia, a large coun- try of Asia, between the Arabian and Persian gulfs. C ^' *" Arabian, of or be- 1 i onging to Arabia . ( Kfl '\- , J N .f T J O '(?) the Red Sea. ' Agymrfuws, av, oi, Arganthonius, king of Tartessus, who is said to have lived 150 years. 'Agys/, ;, fi, Ar name of the heroes who \vent on the Argonautic expedition, 1-263 B. C. "A^ye;, am, TO-, Argon, the eapil; 1 Argolis, in the Peloponnesus. "A^os, ou, o, Argus, son of Ares I or. He is said to have had an hundred eyes , also Argus, a son of Phryx- us. ' A^yu, out, r,, Argo, the name of the ship which carrioil J \'. companions on the expedition lui the recovery of the golden fleece "Agua, a.;, '/-,, Aria, where Cadmus destroyed the dragon that guarded the neighbouring waters. "Agtjg, us, o, Mars, the god of war among the ancients, was the son of Jupiter and Juno. 'A^aJy, n;, fi, Ariadne, daughter of Minos, 2d king of Crete ; she married Theseus, by whom she was forsaken in the island Naxos. 336 INDEX OF PROPER -NAMES. APIOMANAH2 )?);, ou, o, Atiomcntdes, son of Gobryas, was general of Ath- ens against the Persians. 'AgiffTcfyoga;, ou, o, Aristagoras, ty- rant of Miletus, incited the Athe- nians against the Persians, and fell in a battle against the Per- sians, 499 B. C. J Ap{ffTee7o;, ou, a, Aristteus, son of Apollo, and father of Actaeon. 'Aeurrsftv;, ov, o, Aristtdes, a celebrat- ed Athenian, son of Lysimachus ; his great temperance and virtue procured him the surname of JUST. 'A{iffTt#*os, ou, o, Aristippus, a phi- losopher of Gyrene, and a disciple of Socrates. 'ApffroTiXvs, tog, o, Aristotle, a fa- mous Grecian philosopher. 'A^iffrotpa.vvts, to;, o, Aristophanes, a celebrated comic poet of Athens, son of Philip of Rhodes. 'Agxetciict, ast , Arcadia, a country , of the Peloponnesus; in it was situated the celebrated lake Stym- pl.Slis. 'AgfttvifTt, adv. according to the Ar- menians, or after the fashion of the Arm.cn lans. 'Afftoviect a;, r,, Harnionia, daughter of Mars and Venus, whom Jupiter gave in marriage to Cadmus. " .\owict, ettt fi, a Harpy ) one cf the winged monsters sent to plunder the tables of Phirieus. 'Afr/vo>, m, v, Arsinue, a town of Egypt near lake Moeris, where the inhabitants paid the greatest ven- eration to the Crocodile. 'A{v, ou, TO, the lewjile .vxo;, ov, o, Autolycus, one of the Argonauts , he instructed Hercules in the art of wrestling. AvrafA&tvv, ovros, t, Automedon, a son of Dioreus, who went to the Tro- jan war with ten ships. Ai/rovon, n;, fi, Autonoe, daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia. Ai>%7(reti, uv, u,l, the AuchlifS, a tribe of Africa. 'A7j '/is, '/i, Venus, the goddess of beauty, the mother of love, the queen of laughter, and the mistress of the graces and of pleasures. 'A%ettK, ,-, ri, Achaia, called also Hellas, a country of the Pelopon- nesus, north of Elis. 'A%a.ioi, uv, el, Achaians, inhabitants of Achaia. 'A%aovai, uv, ai, Acharnce, a ^npas of Attica, near Athens. 'A%iXuj'at, '/!, ov, Achelu'ian, of or be- longing to Achelous. ' A;/ii>ovffios, , ov, Acherusian ; (A/- ftvn'), a lake of Egypt, near Mem- phis. 'Aty}.}.tvs, itus, o, Achilles, the bravest of all the Greeks in the Trojan war. "A-^v^ro;, ev, o, Apsyrtus, brother of Medea. B. f 'Babylon, a cele- j brated city, cap- BayA*v, eavs;, o, \ ital of the As- BatowAv/, a;, fi, j Syrian empire, I on the banks of l_the Euphrates. Bci/>.*/v3,-, a, ov, Babylonian, of or belonging to Babylon. Hairixri, w, YI, BfBtica, the name of BPA2IAA2 a part of Spain. rT<;, toi, *i, Bcctis, now the Guadal- quiver, a river of Spain, from which part of the country was called Bce- tica. KTOICCV^I (%u/>ct), , Bactriana, a country of Asia, fruitful as well as extensive. .xrou;, et, ov, Bactrian, of or be- longing to Bactriana. */, uv, a't, Bacchte, priestesses of Bacchus. *^o?, ov, o, Bacchus, the god of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele. iJV (vro/), el, JBaleares, three islands in the Mediterranean, now called Majorca, Minorca, and Yvlca ; the inhabitants were ex- pert archers, whence the islands had their name. ^xa;, a., o, Barcas, a Carthagin- ian, the father of Hannibal. A^/av, ou, TO, Belerium, a promon- tory in Britain. v, o, Belus, king of Egypt. wy, uvo;, o, Bion, a philosopher and sophist of Borvsthcnes in Scythia, died 241 B. C. iura.^*;, ov, o, a Bceotarch, the chief magistrate of Boeotia. itvr>i}, ov, o, a Boeotian, an inhabi- tant of Bosotia. turix, .;, ti, Bceolia, a country of Greece, north of Attica. gvrfivn;, ov;, o, Boryslhenes, a large river of Scythia, falling into the Euxine, now called the Dnieper. , ov, o, Bosporus, or Bospho- rus ; there were two straits of this name, the Cimmerian and Thra- cian Bosphorus, situated at the confines of Europe and Asia. , cv, o, Buies, a general of Xerxes. vffisi;, ib&s, o, Buslris, king of Egypt, son of Neptune. x > Ganymede, a youth of Phrygia, the cup-bearer of theGods. ;, fit Germania, a coun- try east of Gaul. Yiou.xvo'i, ft/v, 01, Germans, inhabi- tants of Germania. Ytiguows, ov, o, Geryon, a celebrated monster, destroyed by Hercules. YXoiiJK.es, ev, o, Glaucus, son of Mi- nos 2d and Pasiphae ; he was smothered in a tub of honey. Fy/^wvj uvos, o, Gniphon, a proper name, used for a miser. Yogyietf, , o, Gorgias (surnamed Leontinus), a celebrated sophist and orator. Yofyatt out, fi, Gorgo, the wife of Leonldas. r^y.T, Delta, a part of Egypt, so called from its resemblance to the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. AsA

, Ceres, daughter foj, J of Saturn anil Vcs- / ta an( * motner of (_ Proserpine. o;, au t , Demetrius, (sur- named Poliorcetes), son of Antig- onus and Stratonlce. Anpoffdivtii, ovs, a, DemosthSnes, a celebrated Athenian orator. Awjttaf/Aaj, ov, o, Demophilus, an Athenian archon. Ajj/A&jva^, auras, o, Denonax, a celebrated philosopher of Crete, in the reign of Adrian. j\$vft,ct, eav, ag, o, Hector, son of Priam and Hecuba, was the bravest of all the Trojan chiefs. EAT/, us, ft, Elatea, the largest town of Phocis, near the Cephisus. EA/yj, '/is, ft, Helen, the most beauti- ful woman of her age, and the cause of the Trojan war. EAr/0-/y/aj,~a, ay, Eleusinian, of or belonging to Eleusis. 'EAsva-m&y, adv. from Eleusis. 'EAjwr/r, ~vo;, o, Eleusis, a town of Attica, equally distant from Me- gara and the Piraeus. 'EA/x&iv, uvos, o, Helicon, a moun- tain of Breotia, on the borders of Phocis. 'EAAs, 3aj, fi, Hellas, an ancient name of Thessaly, sometimes ap- plied to all Greece. 'EAAn, j, fi, Helle, daughter of Ath- amas and Nephele -, from her the Hellespont derived its name. 'ExAjjv, V4?, a, a Grecian, an inhabi- tant of Hellas, or Greece. 'EAXjjv/xoj, j, ay, Grecian, of or be- longing to Hellas or Greece. 'EAAW?, i%os, j a Grecian woman, an inhabitant of Hellas or Greece. 'EAAwjTavTac, ov, o, Hellespont ( Dardanelles J, a narrow strait be- tween Asia and Europe. 'E^TfSexX>Jj, ff, o, Empedocles, a philosopher, poet, and historian of S40 IXDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 'ENETOI Agrigcntum in Sicily ; he llour- ishecl 444 B. C. Evtroi, uv, ei, Hcnct\ a people near Paphlagonia. "Ew, !j, '/!, Enna, a town in the middle of Sicily, where Proserpine was carried away by Pluto. 'Esra^/vwvSa?, ov, o, Epftminondus, a famous Theban, descended from the ancient kings of Boeotia. 'En'*af9 ov, o, Epicurus, a cele- brated philosopher, born in Attica. 'Ewv^sj&wj, tea;, o, Epimelheus, fath- er of Pyrrha, married Pandora. ''E^Kffiffr^a.rof, ov, o, Erasistratus, a celebrated physician, grandson of the philosopher Aristotle. 'E^arw, vj, '/i, Erato, one of the Muses. 'E*yavJ7, n;, y, Ergane, an epithet of Minerva. 'EgtXtiws, <$?, , Erecthean t nf or belonging to Erectheus. 'Epxfovioi, ov, o, Ericthonius, fourth king of Athens, fabled to have sprung from the ground. 'Egx.vvioi (^ov/tot), el, Hercyiliau (woods), a celebrated forest of Germany. 'E^Jjf, ov, o, Mercury, a celebrated god of antiquity, called Hermes by the Greeks ; he was the mes- senger of the G< us. 'Efvtltit}, r,;, , En/llijo, an island between Gades and Spain, where Geryon reigned. 'EVftciv0io;, ov, a, Erymajithian, of or belonging to Erymanthiis, a moun- tain or town of Arcadia, where Hercules killed a prodigious boar. "Egf, *;, Ery.r, a mountain of Si- cily, where was a temple of Venus. 'Ergovffxoi, uv, 01, Etrurians, inhab- itants of Etruria, a country of It- % aly, west of the Tiber. "Eunyo^ai, eu, o, Evaguras, king of Cyprus, distinguished by his vir- tues. EXIHN Eyfajy;, iu;, a, a Eubocaiij an in- habitant of Euboea. E#3$&Jras?, , o, Eurdtis, a liver of Laconia, flowing by Sparta. EyT^-T, ;, h, Euterpe, one of the Muses. I<.v?, ns, fi, Echidna, from whom, by Typhon, the Chimoera sprung. ;v*; t v, o, Zephyrus, one of the winds, generally the went wind. Znv&v, wvj, o, Zeno, a philosopher, founder of the sect of the Stales ; he was born at Citium, in the isl- and of Cyprus. ZJTHS, ov, o. Zates, the son of Bo- reas. H. "H, ft;, fi, Htbe, daughter of Jupi- ter and Juno, was married to Her- cules. 'Hy^wv, ovof, o, Hegemon, a Thra- cian poet, in the age of Alcihiades. 'HywiXao;, ou, o, Hi'gesildus, a Spartan. 'HSwya/, ftv, 91, Hedoni, or Hedones, a people of Thrace, near the river Strymcn. 'Ht-riuv, uvos, o, Eelion, the father of AndromSche, was killed bv Achilles. w HXj<, j, fi,-Elis, a province of Peloponnesus. 'HXtr/, uv, oi, Elian s, inhabitants of E'.is, in Peloponnesus. 'H3uxT, as, ft, Electro, daughter of Agamemnon, king of Argos. 'HXvffuv (-3/ov), TO, Elysian (plain), a place in the infernal regions, the abode of the blessed. '11-rngaTiis, ou, o, an inhabitant of Kpirus. *H, j, y, Juno, a once celebrated deity among the ancients, daugh- ter of Saturn and Ops. 1 If ax Xi'q; , lev;, o, HercuLes. 29* 0E22AAIA a city of Egypt. 'Hgeut^itwrtxe;, , y, HcrnclhltC, of or belonging to Hi-racli<>]>olis. c H^a'xXi5j, ou, o, Thales, one of the seven wise men of Greece ; he was the founder of the Ionian sect of philosophers. Qd/xvgi;, i$o;, o, Thamyris, a cele- brated musician of Thrace. 0v&, ov;, fi, Thednoy the wife of Pythngoras. Qiiotdpetf, avres, o T/ieodamas, king of Mysia, and father of Hylas. QtuitT/, ifixi, uv, a,l, Thebes, a city of 1: ld'/i, v;, , Ida, a celebrated moun Bosotia. tain of Troas. >>;a/xoy, j, ov, Theban, of or be- longing to Thebes. >nx7es, ov, o, a Theban, an Inhabi- ] tant of Thebes. ?, ov, o, Tlieramenes, one of Medea. iftjfittf, .t:, ov, o, TJirasyllus, a man of Attica, so disordered in his mind, that he thought all the ships which entered the Piraeus, his own. 0rrj, r,;, v, a Thru dan U'jman, an inhabitant of Thrace. 0^j, *)$, y, see &oxx',j. Gfgioio'ioy (ftditvj, TO, Thrinsian j (field), a region in Attica. I. "Iatt%e;, ov, o, lacchus, a surname of Bacchus-. "Lea-tray, ov, e, JajtSlus, son of Cffilus or Titan by Terra, and father of Prometheus. v, ovoi, o, Jason, son of JEson and Alcimedo, and leader of the Argonautic expedition. t, av, 01, Iberians, the ancient inhabitants of Spain, who derived their name from the river Iberus. 'Ixst,cia,.a;, v, Icaria, a small island in the ^Sgean sea. '\xy.iu (-riXaysj), ro, ihe Icarian (sea), a part of the 7"Egern sea. 'Ix.u^i3;, ov. o, Icarius, an Athenian, father of Eri^one. "Ixctpo;, ov, o, Icarus, son of Docdalus, who with his father escaped on wings from Crete. 'Ixj, >;;, , Italy, a country of Europe. 'IrxXixo;, r,, ov, Italian, of or belong- ing to Italy. 'I

hicrates, a cele- brated general at Athens. 'I&, y;, ~i, Io, daughter of Inachus, was said to have been changed by Jupiter into a heifer. 'IuX%o;, ov, o, lolchos, a town of Magnesia, where Jason was born. 'lam?, si, Ionian*, inhabitants of Ionia. 'Lyv/, ;, v, Ionia, a country of Asia Minor, bounded north bv yEolia, west by the ./Egean sea, south by Caria, and east by Lydia. 'Iwvixot, TI, cv, Ionian, of or belong- ing to Ionia. K. ~K.a6p.itx, .-, '/,, Cadmea, the name of the Citadel at Thebes. KaS^a;, an, o, Cadmus, sou of Age- nor, king of Phoenicia ; he slew the dragon at the fountain of Aria. "KxixovSoy, cv, TO, CfECubiiTii, a place I on the borders of Lntiuin and Campania. K7j, ?;, fj, Calliope, one of tlie Muses. >.\iy0ivr;, ou;, o, CuUisthtnes, a Greek historian. , cu;, r,, Calypso, one of ti;e Oceamdes, who kindly received Ulysses, when shipwrecked on her coast. ' J i > Camb^ses, l:ing of Persia, conquered Egypt, and plundered their temples. /c*rw/j ;, r, Cumpu'nia, a country of Italv, cf which Capua was the capital. o;, ',1, cv, Canopicin, of or be~ longing to Canopum ; CanopT cum ostiurn, one of the mouths o" the Nile. etoxvo;, on, o, Car anus, one of the Heraclulcc ; iie first laid the foun- dation of the Macedonian empire, 814 B. C. zftK, ,% y,, diria, a country G. Asia Minor. MMCV/AI a.;, fj, Ctirniania, a country of Asia, between Persia and India. g%w$uv, tva;, v, Carthage (New), a town of Spain, built by Hasdrubal. trvria., :, , Caspian or ffyrcn- nifin (sea), situated between tlie Caspian and Hyrcauian mountains. cfuo, eoi:, o, Castor, son of Jupi- ter and Leda ; he instructed Her- cules in fighting. ry, uvo;, o, C.ito, a celebrated Ro- man general. avzara;, en, o, Caucasus, a cele- brated mountain between the Eux- ine and Caspian seas. a), uv, 01, Causianians, an un- known tribe. t7e;, ov, o, Cea.n, of or belonging to 344 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. KEKPOniA. Ceos, Cos, or Co, an island in the JEgean sea, one of the Cyclades. | Kjx^a-r/a, Kg, fi, Cecropia, the origi- I nal name of Athens, in honor of i Cecr^ps, its first founder. Kexga 1 ^, OTO;, o, Cecrops, king of At- ! tica, described as having a mixed \ nature of a man and a dr?gon. K(X*vx0;, j, ov, Celtic, of or belong- ing to the Celtce. KsXrs), uv, ol, CetttB, the name of a part of the inhabitants of Gaul. Kigafttixo}, ov, o, Cerarnlcus, a public- walk, and place of burial, at Athens. KtgGigos, ov, , Cerberus, a three- headed dog, the guard of the infer- nal regions. K.ij)xvot.7cs, a, ov, Corcyrian, of or be- longing to Corcyra, an island in the Ionian sea. Knj, fj;, ft, Crete, one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean sea. KOTITIXO;, , ov, Cretan, of or belong- ing A) Crete. Koirin;, ov, o, Critias, one of the 30 tyrants of Athens. T\.po7tro;, ov, o, Croesus, king of Lydia. Kova;, ov, o, Saturn, son of Coelus or Uranus by Terra. Koirav, tov>;, fi, Crotona, a town of Italy, still known by the same name, in the bay of Tarentum. Kgaruvir*i;, ou, o, a Crotonian, an inhabitant of Crotona. KT:r<'/j, eu, o, Ctesibius, a mathe- matician of Alexandria, and invent- or of the Clepsydra and other hy- draulic instruments. Kv^uviet, a;, ri, Cydonin, a town of Crete. Ki/^/*jvsJ, uv, 01, the Cyzicenians, in- habitants of Cyzlcum. KX^| af)t, a, Cyclops, one of a gigantic race of men. ~K.ux.v9s, ov, o, Ci/cnus, son of Nep- tune, killed by Achilles. KvAX>Jvj, '/i;, ft, Cytttine, a small town of Arcadia, where Mercury was born -, hence his epithet Cylleniii-s. KwevroXi;, iu;, ft, Cynopolis, a city of Egypt; T.uy3To\i/rnus, an island on the coast of Liguria, the same as Corsica. ou, o, Cyrus, king of Persia, son of Carnbyses. v-^tXos, cv, o, Cypselus, a man of Corinth, son of Ee'tion, and father of Periander. 0MV, uvo;, o, Cot/ion, a small island near the citadel of Carthage, with a bay, which served as a dock-yard. Xiacf, tt^of, y, Colias, a promon- tory of Attica. , ev, o, Coan, of or belonging ta Cos, an island, one of the Cycla'des. igvxtw (avT^flv), TO, Corycian, (cave), in mount Parnassus, sa- cred to the Muses. A. , ov, 0, Lagus, a Macedonian of mean extraction. uKxivix, 9i f, fi, a Lacedaemonian woman, a female of Lacedaemon. u,xt%cuftevio$, ov, o, a Lacedaemo- nian, an inhabitant of Lacedaemon or Sparta. ce.Kt^x'ifuy, ovos, v, LacedcemoJi or Sparta, the capital of Laconia, in the Peloponnesus. AxxiaSws, ov, o, a Lacian, a person of the Lacian tribe. AU.KUV, ova;, o, a Lacedcenwman, an inhabitant of Lacedaemon. Aetxuvixri, w;, , Laconia, a country in the Peloponnesus. Aa^a^o;, ov, o, Lamachus, son of XenophSnes, sent into Sicily with Nicias. Aaoft&uv, ovros, o, Laomedon, sou of Ilus, king of Troy ; whom Ad- metus served in Phrygia. 346 INI EX OF I'ROPEU NAMES, AATII0AI wv, oi, Lapitha:, a people of Thessaly. Attrivr,, n;, w, Lalium, a country of Italy, near the Tiber. Axnvot, uv, ci, Latlni, inhabitants of Latium. Aurftos, ov, o, Latmofi, a mountain of Caria, near Miletus. Au.vaiuTix.0;, n, ov, Lauriotian, of or belonging tj Laurium in Attica. Aietg%oi, ov, o, Learchus, son of Athamns and Ino. AtwrTvog, ov, o, Leonline, an inhabi- tant of Leontium, a to\vn of Sicily. Aigva~as, ov, o, Lerticcan, of or be- longing to Lerne. w, Lerna, a country of Argoiis, where Hercules killed the famous hydra. tvxKoios, ov, l>, a Leucadian, an in- habitant of the island Leucas, or Leucadia. tvxo&a, us, , Lcucotli&e or Leu- cot/lea, the wife of Athamas. ivxov\\o: , v, o, Lucullus, a Roman, who gained some celebrated victo- ries over Mithridates and Tigranes. , f ov, o, Leonidas, a celebra- , | ted Lacedaemonian king. , K?, 7i, Leda, the wife of Tynda- rus, king of Sparta. ;, ov, fi, Lemnos, an island in the ^Egean sea, sacred to Vulcan. wetTo;, ov, o, Lciifcus, an epithet of Bacchus. ITU, ovs, v\, Latona, daughter of{ Coeus, and mother of Apollo. 'Svif, uv, 01, Lybians, inhabitants of Lybia. iSvn, -/is, fi, Libya, a name given to Africa, but mere properly only a part of Africa west of Egypt. ifi/xflr, rj, ov, Lybian, of or belong- ing to Lybia. , uv, ol, Ligurians, inhabitants of Liguria. \yvfTixr, ntt ^> Liguria, a country west of Italy. MAKAI Tvog, ov, o, Linus, son of Mercurv and Urania. ozgoi ('O^*X.;), ei, the Locri (Qz- otae), a tribe of Magna Graecia, hi Italy, near Rhegium. , uv, ol } Lusitanians, in- habitants of Lusitania. Avyxi.li;, ioi, o, Lynceus, married Hypermnestra, the daughter of Danaus. Avbtx, j, ft, Lydia, a celebrated kingdom of Asia Minor. Avoai, u',, ol, Lydians, inhabitants of Lyuia. Avxo/tfyr,;, ov, o, Lycomedes, an Athenian, the first who took one of the enemy's ships at the battle of Salamis. Avxovgyos, ov, o, Lycurgus, a cele- brated lawgiver of Sparta. Avfxv'Soas, ov, o, Lysander, a celebra- ted general of Sparta. Avirictf, 6v, o, Lysias, a celebrated orator, son of Cephalus, a native of Syracuse. Avffipoixof, ov, c, Lysimlzchiis, son of Agathocles, and one of the gener- als of Alexander. Auo-fx-wo;, ov, o, Lysippus, a famous statuary of Sicyon. Avtriravol, uv, Lusitanians, inhabi- tants of Lusitania. Avffira.viot, etg, y t Lusitania, the name of a part of Spain. M. hlciyxiog, ov, o, Mageeus, the brother of Pharnabazus. M/'a, as, fi, Maia, wife of Jupiter, and mother of Mercury. Ma/v$i?, uv, at, Furiee, the minis- ters of vengeance of the Gods. , /5aj, r,, Meeolis (palus), a large lake, or part of the sea be- tween Europe and Asia, north of the Euxine. *, ol, Macce, a people of INDEX or rUOl'ER NAMES. MAKEAON1A Africa, near the larger Syrtis. M*oW, a.g, fi, Macedonia, a i-oun- try situated between Thrace, Epi- ; rus, and Greece. Metxi'Sovixo;, v, cv, Macedonian, of or belonging to Macedonia. Maxtor, ovos, o, Macedonia, a cele- brated country between Thrace, Epirus, and Greece. Mxvns, (as, ovs, o, Manes, a servant of Diogenes. Mvrm/, us, fi, Mantinea, a town j of Arcadia in the Peloponnesus. M&wy, uvos, o, Marathon, a vil- j lage of Attica, 10 miles from Ath- | oils, celebrated for the victory of [ Miltiades over the Persians. Ma^awaj, ou, o, Mardonius, a gener- al of Xerxes. M/a?, ou, o, Marius, a celebrated Roman. Mag/ct&/doM, eav, oi, MarmandfS, the inhabitants of the part of Lybia between Cyrene and Egypt. Wlctgfvitf, ou, o, Marsyas, a celebrated piper of Cyllene, said to have in- vented the flute. M.'fytx/>ct, uv, TO., Megdra, a city of Achaia, on the Sinus Saromcus. NLiyKg'vS) ius, o, a Megarian, an in- habitant of Megara. Mfyctps, fios, 'A, Megdris, a small country of Achaia. Miyagixos, vi, o\>, Megarian, of or be- longing to Megdra . yi&ovffx, tis, fi, Medusa, the chief of the three Gorgons. ns> ov, o, Mclicertes, son of Athamas arid Ino. [XT<7*6v>j, ns, fi, Melpomene, one of the Muses. [tuvoviov, ov, TO, Memnonium, a statue of Memnon, which uttered melodious sounds when struck by the rays of the sun. [ip<{>is, itos, , Memphis, a celebra- ted town of Egypt, on the western bank of the Nile. MINUTATP02 Mmxg*-rii, las, o, Menecnitcn, a phyfcieian of Syracuse, i'uiuous for his vanity and arrogance. MsvtXaa;, cv, o, Meneldus, king of Sparta, and brother of Agamemnon. Msff-avrara^/a, j, fi, Mesopotamia, u country of Asia, which receives its name from its situation between two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. Mfo-o-5>, /Sa;, ft, Messeis, a fountain of Thessaly. Mfffffflvn, ?, f>, Messene, a city of Peloponnesus, capital of Mes- senia. ISlto-ffvvict, a?, fi, Messenia, a prov- ince of Peloponnesus. j> %s, hi Messene. See , uv, 01, Messenians, inhabi- tants of Messenia. navfovrov, ou, TO, Metapontum, a town of Lucania in Italy. notiot., ?, ft, Medea, daughter ol uEetes, king of Colchis, and wife of Jason. *j5/, j, '/i, Media, a celebrated coun- try of Asia Minor, east of Armenia. ), adv. after the manner of the Medcs. >, o, o Mede, an inhabitant of Media. w\iiv;, ius, o, a Meliensian, living on the Malian gulf, in Thessaly. iffttmTHf, ov, o, Milhriddtes, (sur- named Eupator, and the Great} succeeded his father ot tlie n^r c.t' 11 years. iXnros, ov, fi, Miletus, the capital of Ionia, in Asia Minor. iXrtcti'/is, ov, o, Miltiades, an Athen- ian general. iXuv, uvos, o, Milo, a celebrated athlete of Crotona. , uos and u, o, Minos, king of Crete. ivurttvgos, ov, o, Minotaur, a cele- brated monster, half man, and half bull. 348 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. MNHMO2XNH , v;, *i, Mnemosyne, daugh- ter of Ccelus and Terra, and moth- er of the nine Muses. MVJJ^&IV, uo;, o, Mnemon, a sur- name given to Artaxerxes, on ac- count of his retentive memory. RIovw%ix, $, ^, Munychia, a port of Attica, between the Piraeus, and the promontory of Sunium. M*MgttM) uvo;, o, Munychion, cor- responding to the montli of April. Mov Nemtta, a town of Ar- gSlis, where Hercules killed the Nemean lion. SAN002 ' ^tfAtas, u, ov, Nenican, of or be- longing to Nemea, :*xXjJj, i&u;, o, Neocles, the father of Themistocles. o-z-v, uvT8i, o, Xeitiphon, an Athenian, celebrated as an histo- rian and a philosopher. fgrii, ov, o, Xerxes, son of Darius, who succeeded his father on the throne of Persia. tls, ius, o, Ulysses, king of Ithaca, son of Anticleaand Lames. Q'layoos, ov, o, (Eagms or (Eager, father of Orpheus by Calliope. Otlirttifi ido(, o, (Edijnts, son of La- iu and Jocaste. Or-sj, *j, fi, (Eta, a celebrated moun- tain between Thessaly and Mace- donia, upon which Hercules burnt himself. 'QXuftvrlct, us-, fi, O'ympin, a town of Elis in the Peloponnesus, where was a temple of Jupiter with a cele- brated statue 50 cubits high, reck- oned one of the seven wonders of the world. 'Ox^'^/aj, $?, fi, Olympiad, a space of four years; also the Olympic games. 'O\vftfiovixns, ov, o, a victor at the. Olympic games. 'O*.vft., Olynthus, a celebrated town of Macedonia. 'Ofi-Ggticii, ri; } fi, Uriibria, a country of Ita'y, separated from Etruria by the Tiber. "Qpnttos, , o, Homer, a celebrated poet of Greece. See Notes. 30 IIANOIIH aA>j, s, fi, Oniphiilc, queen of daughter of Jardatmn. /a, aj, fi, Orthia, an epithet of Diana. 'O^^-wy, tus, o, Orpheus, a celebrated poet of antiquity ; he was torn in pieces by the Thracian women. "Oirxai, 6iv, ai, Osci, a people between Campania, and the country of the Volsci. "Grim, m, fi, Osxa, a mountain of Thessaly, near mount Olympus. OittveKpgtv, ov, 'TO, Venafrum, a town of Campania. Qltffffoviav (o'^aj), TO, Vesuvius, a mountain of Campania, about 6 miles east of Naples. Ot^av/a, j, ft, Urania, one of the Muses, presided over astronomy. n. Tl.ee,yya.7ov, ov, TO, Pangesus, a moun- tain of Thrace, where Lycurgus was torn in pieces. TLttias, ov, o, Padus, (PoJ, also call- ed Eridanus, a river of Italy. TLaitt.viel$, e&;?, o, a Pceanian, an in- habitant of Paeania, a demos of Attica. Hetiwv, evas, o, Ptcon, a celebrated physician, who cured the wounds which the gods received during the Trojan war. IlaXa/^&jy, ova;, o, Palesmon, son of Athamas and Ino ; his original name was Melicertes. Ilct/u.v, axe;, o t Pandton, king of Athens. Ha.vlu^et, af, fi, Pandora, a celebra- ted woman -, according to Hesiod, the first that ever lived. !!, us, ft, Pan6pe t a sea nymph, 350 INDEX OP PROPER NAMES. one of the Nereids. v, aivos, o, the Parthenon, a. temple of Athens, sacred to Mi- nerva. , tts, o, Paris, son of Priam, and Hecuba. etofttvieav, tuvas, o, Parmenio, a cel- ebrated general in the armies of Alexander. xo-ffos, ov, o, Parnassus, a moun- tain of Phocis, and the seat of the Muses. TaxXj, ov, o, Patrticlus, one of the Grecian chiefs in the Trojan war. f, ov, o, Pausanias, a Spar- tan general. xQXtyoviet, ?, i, Paphlagonin, a country of Asia Minor. , o, Piraeus, a celebra- ted harbour at Athens, about 3 miles distant from the city. Huoifao;, ov, o, Piriihous, son of Ixinn. TLuIKV$/>OS, ov, o, Periander, a tyrant of Ambracia, ranked by some among the seven wise men of Greece. t(>i6o'iSvis, ov, S, a Perithocdian, an in- habitant of Perithoedae, a demos of Athens. ip*A.*is, iovs, o, Pericles, an Athe- nian, son of Xanthippus and Aga- riste. igtvtiios, ov, o, a Perinthictn, an in- habitant of Perinthus, a town of Thrace. too-ireXis, tus, fi, PersepXKs, a cel- ebrated city, the capital of the Persian empire. .tgo-svf, iu;, o, Perseus, son of Jupi- ter and Danae ; he was exposed by his father in a chest with Danae, and thrown into the sea. T Proserjnne, wife ?> > j f Pluto, and arru, ris, fi, y queen of the in- (. fernal regions. , ov, o,'a Persian, an inhabitant of Persia. tgo-}{, ftos, fi, Persis, a province of Persia, between Carmania and the Persian Gulf. os, j, ov, Persian, of or belong- ing to Persia. , ov, o, Pegdsus, a winged horse, sprung from the blood of Medusa. X/3jj, ov, , Pelldes, a patronym- ic of Achilles and Pyrrhus,as sons of Peleus. wXiwf, tug, o, Peleus, Ung cfThes- saly, married Thetis, one of the Nereids. tjXowor/a*};, t, ov, Pelusian, the name of one of the mouths of the Nile. iXar/., ex-of, S, Pelops, son of Tan- taluy, king of Phrygia. ii(>ia,, *{, fi, Pierin, a small country in Thessaly or Macedonia, whence the name Pierian, was applied to INDEX OF PKOPEIl NAMES. 351 HINAAPO2 the Muses. TL'.vtxffo;, ov, o, Pindar, a celebrated lyric poet of Thebes. Hi r rif t ius, , Fides, a Roman deity, first worshipped by Numa. Hirreixoi, ov, o, Pitt&cus, a native of Mitylene in Lesbos. II>.T//, *v, cti, Plateea:, (also found in the sing.), a town of Bce- otia, near mount Cithseron. IIx*Ts, v, o, Promachus, a son of JSson, killed by Pelias. \.lgo/xri0)f, ias, o, Pytltides, a man put to death with Phocion. \1v6uv, uvm, o, Python, the celebra- ted serpent, sent by Juno to perse- cute Latona. Ct/Xa;, uv, oil, Pylee, which signifies gates, was applied to any straits ; it here refers to those of Thermopylae. rivXcs , ov, o, Pylos, a town of Messe- nia, on the western coast of the , r, Pifren&i, a ridge of moujtuus Wiw>ea Gaul and Spain. 'rtt, i, 352 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. nrpFA '/inn, A river in the infernal regions. Tlvppet, as, fi, Pyrrha, wife of Deu- calion. TItfpo;, eu, o, Pyrrhus, king of Epirus. s, ev, e, Polus, a celebrated Grecian actor. P. s, ves, e, Rhadamanthus, a judge of the infernal regions. 'Pta, f, ii, Rhea, wife of Saturn, and mother of Jupiter. 'Pistes, ou, o, Rhine, one of the larg- est rivers of Europe, which divides Germany from Gaul. 'Po^eve;, ou, o, Rltjdanus, a river of Gallia Narbonensis, one of the largest in Europe. 'PflS/a?, ou, o, a Rhodian, an inhabi- tant of Rhodes. 'Pties, ev, fi, Rhodes, a celebrated isl- and, in the Carpathian sea. 'T?*>u,n.7as, ev, o, u Roman, an inhabi- tant of Rome. 2. 2ff/, vis, fi, Salnna, the region of the Sabines in Italy. 2/y<, uv, cl, Salniti, a people of Italy, east of Etruria. , ttt, ft, Sagra, a small river of Italy, in the country of the Brutii. eiXct/tiviof, ev, e, Salaminian, an in- habitant of Salamis. *X, Sardinia, the larg- est ibland in the Mediterranean except Sicily. ^Str;, torn, ect, Sardes, the capital of Lydia in Asia Minor. Aw, x.o;, ou, o, Seleucus, king of Syria. 2s/*s/), vis, , Senile, daughter of Cadmus and ITcrmione. ~2,-tft.i^ju,i}, ibot, , Semiramis, queen of Assyria, wife of Ninus. , ev, o, u Serijffiian, an inhabi- tant of Seriphus. , ev, *j, Seriphus, an island in the ^Egean sea. i,-, uv, 01, Seres, a nation of Asia, between the Ganges and the east- ern ocean, in the modern Thibet 3aiy, uvs, ft, Sit/n, an ancient city of Phoenicia. 5*5v/9f, eu, o, Sidonian, nfor belong- ing to Sidon. xwla., af, fi, Sicania, an ancient name of Sicily. x 0.101, Hi, ol, Sicanians, inhabi- INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. 353 2IKEAIA tants of Sicnnia. 2<*iX/oe, *f, i>, Sicily, the largest and most celebrated island in the Med- iterranean sea. 2/xfXuwr.xj, Sv, oi, Sicilians, inhabi- tants of Sicily. 2/*X/x0f, , v, ^ Sicilian, of or 6f- 2 deceive Xerxes. 2<*wwv, wv0s, *i, Sicyo/i, the capital of Sicyonia. 2<*Kv, *<>ing to Scythia. 2xi/AX, as, , Scylla, the daughter of Nisus, king of Megara. 20*t, *v, 0J, Sv&iies, a people of 30* 2TMIIAHrAAE2 Colchis, near CaucSsus. 2oX&intfiarus, a Corin- thian architect, who built Apollo's temple at Delphi. 2'rT0vi'x>7, >?y, ft, Stratonlce, daugh- ter of Demetrius Polirrcetes, mar- ried Seleucus, king of Syria. 2T*o^ajo-0/). eti, Strophades, two islands in the Ionian sea, which took their name from the word iq>w (vertoj, because the sons of Boreas turned back there, after they had pursued the Harpies. ^Tgvftuv, ovos, o, Strynion, a river which separates Thrace from Mace- donia, and falls into the ^Egean sea. 2TiYt!zvT7vat, MY, ol, Tarentiiics, inhab- itants of Tarenlum. Taoreioo;, cv, o, Tartarus, one of the regions of hell, where the most impious of mankind were punished. Teegrrxro-io;, ov, o, a Tarlcssum, an inhabitant of Tartassus, a city of Spain. TaiJ'ysTaf, ov, o, Tui/gciiis, a moun- tain of Laconia in Peloponnesus. T/, Tet/iys, the greatest of the sea deities, wife of Oceanus, and daughter of UYanra and Terra. Jjvfl.c, ov, o, Tews, an island in the ^Egean sea, celebrated for its foun- tains. '/jost/j, *&;, o, Tercus, married Proc- ne, daughter of Pandlon ; he was changed into a hoopoe. iSioio;, ov, a, Tiberius, a Roman emperer, descended from the fam- ily of llie Claudii. /S/;, i$>>;, o, Tiber, a river of Italy, on whose banks the city of Rome was built. iiygKvnf, ov, o t Tigrancs, king of Armenia, son-in-law of Mith ri- ddles. /7?j:, tiros, o, Tigris, a river of Asia, forming the eastern boundary of ?.Iesopotamia. i^KUffftj;, ou, o, Tithraustes, a Per> sian satrap 395, B. C. iftctias, ov, J, Tiirusus, an historian of Sicily, who flourished 262 B. C. /^tty^*, aj, h, Tinunulra, the mis- tress of Alcibiades. ipottos, ov, a, Timotkeus, an Athen- ian general, son of Conou. ifutff uvos, o, Tiimm, a native of Athens, called the Misanthrope. FftuXos, ov, o, Tiiwlus, a river of Lydia. av^iTavdJ, uv, 01, Turiletani, or Turduti, a people of Spain, inhab- iting both sides of the B.netis. ovo-xu, uv, oi, Tusci, the inhabitants of Etruria. gjMagj*, ac> ^> Tiinacria, an an- cient name of Sicily. ^TTaXs^aj, ov, o, TriptolZmus, son of OceSnus ar,d Terra. gtruv, wag, o, Triton, a sea deity, son of Neptune. of, ft, Trcexene, a town of INDKX OF PROPER NAMES. 355 one of the fifty daughters of Dan- a'u's, married Lynceus. 'Ypxatiet, us, fi, Ifyrcaniit, a large country of Asia, west of Media. c T^xvs, , cv, Hi/reunion, of or fo- longing to Hyrcania. Y}, uv, ai, Trojan women. TAUXG;, r,, ov, Trojan, of or be- longing lo Troy. >ui\x, uv, ret, the period of the Trojan war. t&ettdtav, ovro;, a, Pha'ethon, son of J^K^U;, I*/, o, Tynddrus, king of j Phoebus or the Sun, and Clymene. Sparta, married Leda. i /, KXO;, o, Pheeax, an Athenian, 'j^a.ollee.1, ui, at, Tyndaridte, the who opposed Alcibiades in his ad- children of Tyndarus, viz. Cas- ministration. tor and Pollux. Afvsj (7va?), o, Falernian, (wine) of Falernus, in Campania, famous for its wines. , j, , Tyrrhenia, or Etru- aX;;acv, ?, -TO, P/ialeron, or Plialc- See 'Rrywo-xei. rui, an ancient harbour of Athens 'voes, ov, />, Tyrns, or Tyre, a very ancient city of Phoenicia. ria. wj5/99jv/ ( MV, 01, Tyrrheni, inhabitants i of Etruria. vplrtVize;, >j, , Tyrriicnian, of or j belonging to Etruria. vau, ov;, ri, Tyro, a beautiful nymph | ties of Attica. aX^/^oj, w, tv, Phalerian, of or be longing to Pha-lSriini. avo^vfto;, ov, , PhanodHmus, ar historian who wrote on the antiqui- who had two sons by Neptune, Pelias and Neleus. ou, o, Pharnabazus, a satrap of Persia. Tuuv, uvts, o, Typhori, a giant, born j ,-, an, o, Pkarux, an island oppo of the Earth ; he was said to have had the mixed natures of a man and a wild beast. T. , ov, o, Hydcispcs, a river of] B. C. site Alexandria. acts, i^ae, c, IViasis, a river of Col- chis, which the Argonauts entered lifter a long and perilous voyage. '/}/?, ov, o, Phidias, a celebrated statuary of Athens, who died 432 Asia. 'ffyaurvf, ov, o, Hydrnotes, a river ; of India, crossed by Alexander. "T^o;, ov, o, Hydrus. See Notes. "T>,f, , o, Hi/las, son of Theioda- j mas, king of IMysia. "Ta-arv/,-, tlag, o, Hypunis, a river of Scythia. f t ov, o, Hyperbolus. un, is, *, Hypeiia, a fountain of'Thessaly. i, i, Hypermnestra, , wv 3 -, o, Phidon, a Grecia:), who had the chief power at Argos. }, eat, ;', P/ierff, a town of Thes- saly, where Alexander reigned. .^KIII, MV, oi, Pherceans, inhabitants of Phene. a, i, Pherenddtes, a Persian set over Egypt by Arta- xerxes. , ov, o, Phercs, king of Pbe- rse, and father of Admetus. >/, ?, fi, P/ithia, a town in Thes- 356 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES. OIAHMIIN saly where Achilles was born. iA.vftw, ovef, o, Philemon, a Greek- comic poet, contemporary with Menander. Xjjraj, ov, a, Phitetas, a poet of Cos, in the reign of Philip. ces , ev, o, P/iorcics or Phorcys, a sea deity, son of Pontus and Terra. $, ov, o, Phrixus, son of Atha- mas king of Thebes. ftvyta, s, h, Phrygia, a country of Asia Minor. i<|, v y'ot, o, a Phrygian, an inhabi- tant of Phrygia. 6/x/j, fiog, fi, Phocis, a country of Greece, west of Boeotia. x/x0f, i), ov, Phocian, of or belong- ing to Phocis.