mm 1 mi liijil I ! iiii! I M M H ' 1 i il hi i >: : I iii i Hi: *AIN UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY Bench and Bar of Illinois 1920 To those who have co- operated with us in mak- ing this work possible we express our thanks. THE PUBLISHERS 761331 Compiled and Edited by LE Rov HENNESSEY, CARTER LUCAS, GEORGE V. FOY AND J. E. CALLAHAN Bench & Bar Publishing Co. (Xot Inc.) CHICAGO Printing and Engraving by JAMES H. ROOK COMPANY CHICAGO Foreword UK basis of all business is its legality. The guide and protection of the industries and of the social activities of a community are its law- yers and its judges. No enterprise is initiated, no industry endures, that is not piloted by the directing thought of its legal advisors. Likewise, no com- mercial activity continues, no economic nor social relations are perpetuated, and no governmental function is operative that is not secured in its rights by the interpretive intelli- gence of the magistrate. Justice and security are the ideal to which is dedicated the dignified and essential profession of the law. In this era of driving energies and sometimes indiscrim- inate conclusion, there may be misconception by the laity of the motive and method of the lawyer. In fairness to him, let it be understood that it is not the object of the lawyer to create differences and litigation from which he may receive parasitical profit, but rather it is his bounden duty, and so acknowledged by him, to keep his clients out of court and to act as the conscientious arbiter of their dif- ferences. To him is it given, more than to any other, to serve as the proponent of peaceful and constructive en- deavor, and not as the fomenter of friction in human rela- tionships. He seeks the court of justice only as a last resort for adjustment, by the impartial agency of the jurist, of differences beyond his ability to control because of his natural and necessary partisanship. While it is the exalted province of the counsellor to guide the ship of enterprise safely through the shoals and stresses of antagonistic forces, as it is the function of the judge to uphold the bulwark of the law against predatory encroach- THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ment and anarchy, the lawyer occupies a still higher position in the adjustment of the more intimate human relationships. In chancery, as well as law, lawyer and jurist both are truly worthy hearers of balm and carriers of oil for troubled waters. The lawyer is human; he is faithful to his trust; he is of a type that strives for accomplishment, and he is possessed of impulse attuned to creative effort and given vast under- standing by laborious preparation and applied experience. He is sincere; he is imbued with the broader philosophies of life; and, to the lawyer, though he seeks practical means, we must be fair, as he is fair to client, his work, himself and his opponent. Mindful of these high qualities in the mind and motive of lawyer and judge, weighed in the estimation of us whose daily occupation brings us in almost constant contact with them, where observation is enhanced by the sidelights as well as the highlights of their characters, we, the editors, present, as conscientiously as may be, these representative members of that host whose professional services are salu- tary, whose labors exceed their reward, and whose ideals are the highest, the Bench and Bar of Illinois. By LE ROY HENNESSEY. The Lawyer HE life, services, and death of the ablest and best of the legal profession are ordinarily, and too often, left without any record more enduring than the recollection of their col- leagues at the bar, or on the bench, than which nothing is more ephemeral. In other professions and callings the record of its foremost men is written in such ways and characters as serve to attract the attention of the masses, and make them temporarily, or for all time, seen and known of men. For the military hero the whole world is making and inscribing a record, while the gov- ernment which he has served feels bound to honor his memory with monuments of brass or marble that transmit his name and deeds to pos- terity. The artist leaves the creation of his genius in lines and colors that hand down his name and genius to remote generations. The minister speaks from year to year now before some great assembly of laymen, now before synod, presbytery or conference, and the measured utterances that befit the occasion are as surely and correctly taken and reduced to print as they are heard by his auditors. The physician, whether as a spe- cialist or a general practitioner, by years of study, experience and ability, becomes an authority, and the record of his experience and his dissertations fill the pages of the medical journals, and his name and fame exist in records more enduring than brass. The statesman, whether real or fancied provided only that he holds a place supposed to belong to statesmen leaves a record, not alone in the legislative journals, but also in the memory of ten thousand partisan admirers, and on the pages of a thousand newspapers, whose columns will be filled with the record of his life and exaggerated accounts of his deeds, from the day of his birth to that of his death. Not so with the lawyer who, during a life longer or shorter, has been "only a lawyer." His achievements and victories are won, not by accident, or by stirring words, or emotional appeals ; not by arguments addressed to friendly minds and sympathetic listeners, as is the case, in many instances, in political warfare, on the stump or in the halls of legislation. Neither have such efforts been the result of deliberate and careful preparation in the library, like those of the statesman, who is allowed his own time, both to prepare and to deliver what he will say. Unlike all of these, the lawyer usually finds himself bound to make his greatest and best efforts amid, or at the close, perhaps, of a lengthy or exhaustive trial, in which he must attempt, at least, to apply great fundamental legal principles to a new state of facts facts which are constantly varying from hour to hour, thus ren- , 'Hi RAYMOND WAI.TKR BEACH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 43 HERBERT W. BECKER CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Nov. 20, 1891 ; Uni- versity of Wisconsin, A. B., University of Chicago Law School, Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1916; married Miss Anne Butler, June 29, 1916. at Chicago, 111.; attorney for Chicago Title & Trust Co. ; professor of real estate law, John Marshall Law School. (Photo by Lasswell) HERBERT W. BECKER LOUIS L. BECKER CHICAGO Born Feb. 1, 1889 ; graduate Washburne (public) School; attended Medill High School, John Marshall Law School and Northwestern University Law School, LL. B., 1913 ; married Mi?s Gertrude A. Rubin, Chicago, Jan. 14, 1917; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Association of Illinois and Garland Lodge K. of P. ; gen- eral practice ; specializes in corporation matters. (Photo by Moffett) LOUIS L. BECKER WILLIAM H. BECKMAN CHICAGO Born May 15, 1872, at Arthur, 111.; at- tended Weslyan University, University of Illinois, Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Adeline M. LeRoy, June 28, 1908, at Chicago; Chairman Local Board No. 51, Colonel 4th Reg. 111. Re- serve Militia ; member Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple, Illinois Athletic, Univers- ity and Westmoreland Golf Club; Spanish- American war veteran ; member of firm of Beckman, Cottrell & Phillips ; corporation, chancery and probate practice. (Photo by Gibson, Sykes & Fowler) WILLIAM H. BECKMAN 44 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (I'lioto by MnflVtt) \VAI.TKR KlXiKNE BKKHE WALTER EUGENE BEEBE CHICAGO Horn May 20, 1869; attended Northwest- ern University, Chicago College of Law, LL. B., Lake Forest University; married Miss Katherine Krausgrill, June 27, 1896, at Evanston, 111.; admitted to the Bar in 1899; was member of 44th General Assembly, Illi- nois Legislature, 1905-06; Chicago Charter Convention, 1906; Law Department, Sani- tary District, 1906-1919; member Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Royal League, Landmark No. 422 A. F. & A. M., Fairview Chapter No. 161 R. A. M., Mont- joie Commandery No. 53 K. T., Hamilton Club; has specialized in law of damages and defended the Sanitary District in the immense litigation resulting from the drain- age canal. LOUIS J. BEHAN CHICAGO Born New Orleans. La.. March 10, 1878; attended public schools and Jesuit College, Nrw Orleans, Law Department, Lake For- est University. Chicago ; married Miss Louise Hull at Chicago, 111., 1901 ; admitted to Bar in 1899; was Assistant County At- torney, 1907-1910; Master in Chancery, Cir- cuit Court. 1914 to date; member American. Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, City Club. South Shore Country Club, Elks and Knights <>t' Columbus; general prac- ! I'lioto by Molten) I.OUIS J. BKHAX IRA C. BELDEN CHICAGO Born Kaneville, 111.. July 2, 1871; Uni- versity of Michigan, Ph. B". ; married Miss Cornelia M. Kendall. Dec. 25, 1913, Aurora, III.; admitted to Bar, 1894; member Chi- cago Bar Association, B. P. O. E (Elks); with C. & N. W. R. R. ; railroad law prac- tice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 45 ANDREW MILLER BELFIELD CHICAGO Born Sept. 6, 1873 ; graduate of Chicago Manual Training School, Purdue Univers- ity, B. M. E., Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Elizabeth T. Mills, June 21, 1911, at Boston, Mass.; Pres. Hyde Park Men's Club, 1906-1908; member Union League, Indian Hill, and Chicago Law Clubs, Chicago Bar Association, Military Order of Loyal Legion, Chicago Patent Law Assn., Sigma Nu Fraternity; patent, trade mark and copyright law. (Photo by Moffett) ANDREW MILLER BELFIELD FRANK L. BELKNAP CHICAGO Born Dec. 3, 1881 ; University of Michi- gan, LL. B. ; married Miss Jane I. Tucker at Chicago, 1911; admitted to Bar in 1905; member Illinois Athletic Club, Midday Club, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute ; patent counsel. (Pholo by Moffett) FRANK L. BELKNAP LAIRD BELL CHICAGO Born Winona, Minn., April 6, 1883 ; Har- vard University, A. B., University of Chi- cago, J. D. ; married Miss Nathalie Fair- bank at Hubbard Woods, 111., Nov. 11, 1909; admitted to Bar, 1907; member Chi- cago Bar Assn., University Club, Law Club, Legal Club; member of firm Fisher, Boy- den, Kales & Bell. 46 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo fcy Moffctt) WILLIAM OSBORN BELT LUTHER W. BENSON CHICAGO Born Dec. 4. 1886 ; Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. .B. ; married Miss Esther M. Mdlin at Wheaton, 111., Oct. 12, 1912; ad- mitted to the Bar in 1912; member Chicago Bar Assn., Lafayette Chapter R. A. M., \Vm. McKinley Lodge A. F. & A. M., F. M. Burroughs Lodge K. of P. ; member Com- mittee on Laws, Grand Council Royal Ar- canum of Illinois; Law Lecturer at Walton School of Commerce ; engaged in general practice of law as member of firm Benson & Fitch. WILLIAM OSBORN BELT CHICAGO Born May 18, 1870, at Washington, D. C. ; graduate of Columbian University, LL. B., and LL. M.; admitted to Bar, 1892; mar- ried Miss Cora L. Wood, June 6, 1890, at Morrison, 111.; member Union League, Ouilmette Country, Skokie Country and University (Washington, D. C.), Clubs, Wilmette Lodge A. F. & A. M., Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple ; patent, trade mark and copyright law. LUTHER W. BENSON LEON A. BEREZNIAK CHICAGO Born in Odessah, Russia, in 1873; at- tended Imperial Russian University of St. Petersburg, the Gymnasium of Odessah, University of Illinois Law School, A. B. and LL. B. ; married Miss Marie Davis at Chicago, 111., Aug. 15, 1898; admitted to Bar, 1909; member of the Indiana, Illi- nois and U. S. Supreme Court Bar ; member of Literary Society; President of the KishinefF League. LEON A. BEREZNIAK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 47 GORDON BERG CHICAGO Born September 11, 1888; West Division High School, Chicago, Northwestern Uni- versity, College of Liberal Arts and College of Law, LL. B. ; married Miss Lietta E. Reed, November 26, 1913, Chicago ; admitted to Bar, April 3, 1912 ; attorney for consuls of Mexico and Panama, 1913-1914; special attorney for village of Oak Park, 1912; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Assns. ; Past Master Central Lodge No. 42, I. O. S. ; secretary and director Swedish Societies. Old People's Home Assn., 1918- 1920; Justice and member of, in 1910, Fuller Chapter Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity and Alumnal Chapter of Chicago ; Delta Upsilon Law Fraternity andAlumni Assn., King Oscar Lodge No. 855 A. F. & A. M., Chapter No. 219 R. A. M. ; served as mem- ber Legal Advisory Board, District 79 ; or- ganized Company of I. V. T. C, serving as captain. (Photo by Lasswell) GORDON BERG (Photo by Moffett) HENRY A. BERGER WILLIAM B. BERGER CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Jan. 23, 1892 ; attended Chicago Kent College ; married Miss Fran- ces Lipsitz at Chicago, Oct. 12, 1915; ad- mitted to Bar, 1915 ; member Niagara Lodge, A. F. & A. M., No. 992, Chicago Lodge B. P. O. E., and Covenant Club. HENRY A. BERGER CHICAGO Admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Dorothy Cole, April 15, 1913, at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1911-1912; Assistant State's Attorney, 1912-1919; mem- ber Iroquois and Covenant Clubs. A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Waliiiger) WILLIAM B. BERGER 4S THE BENCH AND HAR OF ILLINOIS EDWARD BERKSON CHICAGO Born Nov. 6, 1884, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Min- nie Gordon, Nov. 22, 1910; member East Gate Lodge No. 923. A. F. & A. M. ; B'Nai B'rith ; civil law, real estate and corpora- tion work. (I'liiitu by Mabel Syko<) EDWARD BERKSON ALECK L. BERNSTEIN CHICAGO Born Dec. 22, 1885; graduate of North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar. 1909; married" Miss Ethel D. Reimvald, Oct. 8. 1916. at Chicago; member Engle- wood Club, Odd Fellows. I. O. O. F., I. O. B. B.. Biekur Cholem ; corporation, real estate, probate and general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ALECK L. BERNSTEIN FRED BERNSTEIN CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111.; attended Litera- ture Department, University of Michigan, for two years and John Marshall Law School; married Miss Lillie Greenberg at Chicago, III, May 30, 1909; admitted to Bar in 1905; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, from Dec., 1918, to date; Mason, member of Independent Order B'Nai B'rith, Biekur Cholem, Covenant Club of Chicago, Iroquois Club of Chicago. (Photo by Ln.sell) FRF.n BERNSTEIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 49 FRANK H. BICEK CHICAGO Born Oct. 16, 1886, at Chicago ; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B.; ad- mitted to Bar, 1907 ; married Miss Sylvia M. Beranek, May 2, 1910, at Casco, Wis. ; Clerk Justice Court, 1903-1906, Chief Deputy Clerk, Probate Court, 1914 ; member Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Assns., Chicago Law Institute, Knights of Columbus, Cath- olic Workman and a number of Bohemian fraternal and literary societies ; attorney and director Adams State Bank, Supreme Coun- sellor Catholic Workman. (Photo by Moffett) FRANK H. BICEK ARTHUR H. BIESTERFELD ELGIN Born May 18, 1888; graduate of Uni- versity of Michigan; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Lillian McAndrews, June 23, 1914, at Elgin, 111. ; Kane County super- visor ; attorney for Elgin Merchants Assn. ; general practice. ARTHUR H. BIESTEKFELD LUTHER F. BINKLEY CHICAGO Born at Marion, 111. ; attended grade and high schools at Marion, 111., University of Chattanooga, (Tenn.), LL. B., Chattanooga College of Law; married at Crown Point, Ind., July 23, 1914; admitted to Bar in Tennessee in 1911, to Illinois Bar in 1912; was Legal Secretary of House of Repre- sentatives of 48th General Assembly in 1913. 50 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN" D. BLACK JOHN D. BLACK CHICAGO Born at Urbana, 111., Sept. 11, 1872; at- tended public schools, Danville, 111., and Washington, D. C, Columbian University Law School (Washington, D. C.), and Har- vard Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1896 ; married Miss Ella Louise Love, 1911, at New York City; general solicitor Chicago Junction Railroad, United States Railroad Administration, 1918; member Chicago, Mid-Day, Saddle and Cycle, Chicago Auto- mobile Clubs and Loyal Legion ; member of firm Winston, Strawn & Shaw. SAMUEL BLAIR CHICAGO Born Jan. 22, 1886, in Russia; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, Northern Illinois University, LL. B., LL. M. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1915; member Independent Order B'rith Sholom (7th Deputy Grand Master of said Order). Independent Order B'rith Abraham, Independent Order B'nai B'rith ; general practice. SAMUEL BLAIR HENRY L. BLIM CHICAGO Born March 2, 1885, at Salem, Wis.; graduate of Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar. 1909; married Miss Isabel C. Shan- non, Nov. 23, 1910, at Chicago ; instructor in Equity Jurisprudence, Chicago Law School, 1914-1918, City Attorney of Park Ridge, 111., 1919 to date; member Chicago Bar Assn. ; general practice. HENRY L. BLIM THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 51 ELIAKIM RAYMOND BLISS CHICAGO Born New Brunswick, N. J., September 3, 1846; attended University of Lewisburg, Pa., and old University of Chicago, A. M., Columbian University, Washington, D. C, 1873, LL. B. ; married Miss Margaret Holmes, Chicago, 1880; admitted to Bar, 1873 ; county attorney, Cook County, 1882- 1884 and 1886-1889; 33 Mason; member Union League, South Shore Country Clubs and Chicago Bar Assn. ; Judge Advocate General, I. N. G. ; retired. (Photo by Moffett) ELIAKIM RAYMOND BLISS, JR. MAX N. BLOCK CHICAGO Born August 3, 1881; grammar school; high school ; comrriercial college ; John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; married Miss Sarah L. Osherman, August 29. 1909, Chi- cago ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; member Pinzon Lodge, Columbian Circle, Humboldt Tent K. O. T. M., Beaconsfield Lodge, K. of P., Covenant Club of Chicago, Elks Club of Chicago ; specializes in law of real property and conveyancing. (Photo by Moffett) ELIAKIM RAYMOND BLISS ELIAKIM RAYMOND BLISS, JR. CHICAGO Born Chicago, July 1, 1885 ; grammar schools, Chicago ; graduate University High School, University of Chicago, Ph. B., Chi- cago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; mar- ried Miss Lila Tollifson, Oct., 1914, Chi- cago, 111.; admitted to Bar, 1912; member Press Club, Advertising Assn. of Chicago; associate member Chicago Real Estate Board, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Historical Soc., Art Insti- tute, Chicago ; Legal Advisor, U. S. Selec- tive Service System, 1917-1918. (Photo by Moffett) MAX N. BLOCK 52 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SAMUEL BLOCK CHICAGO Born Peoria, 111., June 17, 1873; at- tended public schools of Peoria ; admitted to Bar, 1895; practiced law, Peoria, 10 years, in Chicago, fourteen years ; mem- ber Moose and Knights of the Maccabees. (riiiitii by Morrison ) SAML'KI. BLOCK GALE BLOCKI CHICAGO Bern Dec. 22, 1870; graduate Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; married Miss Lucile Hamilton, Oct. 26, 1908, at Chicago; member Hamilton and South Shore Country Clubs, American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Assns., Royal League; member of firm Tinsman & Blocki ; general practice. EDWARD G. BLONDER CHICAGO Born Oct. 6, 1892; graduate of University of Chicago (Liberal Arts), Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1915; member The Mace, Delta Sigma Phi. Fortitude Lodge, A. F. & A. M., B'Nai B'rith and Chicago Bar Assn. ; corpora- tion, commercial and real estate law. (Pholo by Moffett) EDWARD G. BLONDER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 53 JOHN A. BLOOMINGSTON CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., April 28, 1874; at- tended Pennsylvania Military College and University of Michigan; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Edna Fowler, 1903, at Chicago ; member University, South Shore Country and Flossmoor Country Clubs, also Masonic orders ; general practice. (Photo by Matzene) ISADORE S. BLUMENTHAL DWIGHT S. BOBB CHICAGO Born Dakota, 111., July 19, 1876; graduate of Northwestern University, A. B., Har- vard University, A. M. and LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, Massachusetts, 1903, Illinois, 1904; bachelor; member University (Chi- cago). City, University (Evanston), Ex- moor Country, Evanston, Madison and Har- vard (New York) Clubs, Chicago, Illi- nois State and American Bar Assns., Chi- cago Equestrian Assn., American Economic Assn., National Economic League ; member of firm Adams, Childs, Bobb & Wescott, director of various corporations ; banking, insurance, real estate and corporation law. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN A. BLOOMIXGSTOX ISADORE S. BLUMENTHAL CHICAGO Born at Leavenworth, Kan. ; attended public schools of Chicago, Lake Forest University, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; married Miss Rubie Radzinski at Chicago, 111., Feb. 3, 1909; admitted to Bar, Oct. 22, 1901 ; member A. F. & A. M., Ham- ilton Club, Western Economic Society, Chi- cago and Illinois Bar Assns. ; general prac- tice, corporation, real estate and commer- CT.1 lav/. (Photo by Moffett) DWIGHT S. BOBR 54 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN A. BOBRASKE CHICAGO Born April 8, 1890, at St. Joseph, Mo. ; graduate of John Marshall Law School; ad- mitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Josephine Gollnick, July 17, 1912, at Chicago; member Parkway Lodge No. 1008 A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN A. BOBRASKE R. W. BODDINGHOUSE CHICAGO Born July 18, 1859; attended Berlin and Bonn Universities ; admitted to Bar in 1896; has been member of New Trier Township High School Board and Wil- tnette Library Board ; member of Iroquois Club and Illinois State Bar Assn. ; secre- tary of Chicago Title & Trust Co. (De- ceased.) (Photo by Lasswell) R. W. BODDINGHOUSE CHARLES C. BODENSTAB CHICAGO Born Sept. 24, 1881 ; attended grammar school, Bryant & Stratton Business Col- lege, Chicago Law School, Harney Medical College; married Miss Pauline R. Grote at Reedsburg. Wis., Aug. 18. 1909; admitted to Bar in 1903 ; attorney for Austin Busi- ness Men's Assn. and Evangelical Lutheran Church Synod. (Photo by La..swell) CHARLES C. BODENSTAB THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 55 EDWARD J. BOHAC CHICAGO Born March 18, 1896; graduate of Chi- cago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; bachelor; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Thomas Aquinas Knights of Columbus ; real estate and probate prac- tice. EDWARD J. BOHAC JOHN F. BOLTON CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Anna Doherty, Sept. 16, 1914, at Chicago ; Assistant Attorney Sanitary District, 1913 to date ; member Knights of Columbus, Iroquois and Illinois Athletic Clubs ; general practice. (Photo by Waliiiger) JOHN F. BOLTON CLARENCE N. BOORD SPRINGFIELD Born Nov. 5, 1870, in Fountain County, Ind. ; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B., 1904; admitted to Bar, 1904; mar- ried Marie Harrison Peck, Aug. 16, 1909, at Peoria, 111. ; Assistant Corporation Coun- sel, 1907-1911; Assistant Attorney General, 1917 to date; member Knights of Pythias, Chicago Bar Assn. ; municipal constitu- tional and general practice. (Photo by Moffett) CLARENCE N. BOORD 56 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS M. W. BORDERS CHICAGO Horn May 9, 1867, in Randolph Co., 111. ; graduate of Monmouth College; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Alice Emma Abbey. Feb. 9, 1892. at Kirkwood, 111.; member Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country and Flossmoor Country Clubs ; general counsel Morris & Co. FRANCIS BORRELLI CHICAGO Born Feb. 2, 1880; graduate of Univers- ity of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Miss Katherine B. Scott, Aug. 29. 1906, at Chicago ; Assistant Coun- ty Attorney. 1910. Assistant United States Attorney. 1918-1919; member Chicago and State Bar Assns., Iroquois Club, Knights of Columbus ; specializes in criminal branch of law. (Photo by Morrison) FRANCIS BORRELLI FRANCIS L. BOUT ELL CHICAGO Born Wapheton, N. D., ; graduate Uni- versity of Minnesota, A. B., and University of Chicago, J. D. ; jdmitted to Bar, 1915; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar As- sociations ; specializes in corporation law and trade associations matters. l>) M.I;. HI DAVID M. BROTHKRS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 61 ELMER D. BROTHERS CHICAGO Born near Decatur, Ind., June 30, 1860 ; Valparaiso University, B. S. ; Hopedale College and University of Michigan, LL. B., 1892; married Miss Cora A. Manley, Lansing, Mich., June 30, 1892, Ann Arbor, Mich.; admitted to Bar, 1888, Indiana, 1892, Illinois ; member Hamilton Club, 33rd degree Mason and Shriner ; Knight Templar, I. O. O. F., Knight of Pythias, P. M. Park Lodge P. H. P., Park Chapter; lecturer Medical and Dental Juris- prudence, University of Illinois, since 1903 ; author of works of medical and dental jurisprudence; lecturer John Marshall Law School since 1902. (Photo by Mofft-tt) WILLIAM VINCENT BROTHERS HECTOR A. BROUILLET CHICAGO Born June 22, 1886, at Chicago ; graduate of Armour's Y. M. C. A., Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Eathel K. Starr, June 22, 1910, at Chicago ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1918 to date ; member Masons, Chapter, Knights Templar, Consistory, Shrine, East- ern Stars, Eagles, Woodmen. Forresters, National Union, North American Union and Canadian Club ; municipal law and general practice. (Photo by Moffett) ELMER D. BROTHERS WILLIAM VINCENT BROTHERS CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., April 1, 1885; attended Chicago public schools, Lake View High School, Northwestern University, 1906, LL. B. ; married Miss Mabel M. Gascoigne at Evanston, 111., Sept. 8, 1909; admitted to Bar, 1906 ; member Sigma Chi Fraternity, Delta Chi Legal Fraternity and Chicago Bar Assn. ; general practice. HECTOR A. BSOUILLET THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JULE F. BROWER CHICAGO Born June 19, 1868, at Ottawa, 111. ; grad- uate Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest University, LL. B., attended Northwestern University; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Katherine L. Wells, Oct. 7, 1913, at New York City; Consul General Guatemala, from 1909; Consul-General, Honduras, from 1917; Vice-Prcs., Pan-American Con- sular Assn. of Chicago; member A. F. & A. M., Oriental Consistory, Chicago Ath- letic Assn., Evanston Golf and Edgewater Golf Clubs; honorary member Chicago Assn. Commerce; life member Chicago Art Institute, Chicago Bar Assn., Chicago Law Institute; general practice; member of firm of King, Brower & Hurlbut. EDWARD OSGOOD BROWN CHICAGO Born at Salem, Mass. ; educated Salem public schools, Brown University at Provi- dence, R. I., Harvard Law School, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1872 ; married Miss Helen Gertrude Eagle, June 25, 1884, at Chicago ; counsel for Lincoln Park Commissioners, 1892-1900; Judge of Circuit Court Cook Co., 1903-1909 and 1910-1915; Justice of the Appellate Court of 111., 1904-1909 and 1910-1915; member University, Press, Mid- Day, Iroquois, Law and Chicago Literary Cltibs. (Photo by Walinger) EDWARD OSGOOD BROWN FREDERICK A. BROWN CHICAGO Born Aug. 9, 1867; graduate University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1889; married Miss Mary Lois Roby, Jan. 7. 1891 ; State Board of Law Examiners, 1915-1917; President Illinois State Bar Assn. ; mem- ber University, Union League, South Shore Country, and Press Clubs, Shriner, Knight Templar ; served as captain in the Army in the Great War, being discharged with rank of Major. (Photo by Lasswein FRF.DERICK A. BROWN* THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 63 HARRY BROWN CHICAGO Born in Kankakee Co., 111. ; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; " married Miss Mamie L. Lovett, 1898, at Chicago ; member City and Iroquois Clubs, Chicago Bar Assn., Lawyers Assn. of Illinois ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) HARRY BROWN JAMES EDGAR BROWN CHICAGO Born Feb. 8, 1865, in West Virginia; graduate West Virginia University, B. S., 1889; W. Va., University Law School, LL. B., 1891; admitted to Bar, W. Va., 1891, 111., 1892; member American, Cook County, Illinois State Bar Assns., Chicago Assn. of Commerce, State Registrar Illinois So- ciety, Sons of the American Revolution, Past-Pres. Society of the War of 1812, Treas. National Star Spangled Banner Assn., Patriotic Instructor Sons of Vet- erans, Member Chicago Historical Society, 111., State Historical Society, and Hamilton Club. JAMES EDGAR BROWN JOHN A. BROWN CHICAGO Born June 21, 1876, at Tannersville, N. Y. ; graduate Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; Illinois College of Law, LL. M., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1898; married Miss Margaret Glessner, October 12, 1912; deceased, at Chicago, 111. ; member K. P., Royal Arcanum, Press, Prairie and Illinois Athletic Clubs. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN A. BROWN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS STEWART REED BROWN CHICAGO Born Sept. 18, 1876, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; graduate Lake Forest University Law Dept. ; admitted to Bar, 1898; married Evelyn May Wilson, of Toronto, Canada, Sept. 22, 1913, at Chicago; member Masons, K.P. ; since 1913, general counsel Produce Reporter Co. ; general practice, specializing in insurance and produce law. STEWART RKED BROWN- THOMAS B. BROWN CHICAGO Born at Western Springs, 111. ; educated Chicago Manual Training School, graduate Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1904; married Miss Elizabeth Kaufman, July 1,^ 1911, at Marshfield, Oregon : member Ivemvood Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Windsor Golf, and Business Mens Prosperity Clubs, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Bar Assn. ; general practice. Formerly member firm of Haight, Brown, Haight and Harris. (Photo by Moffett) THOMAS B. BROWN WILLIAM BROWN, JR. CHICAGO Born Oct. 24, 1870; graduate Whipple Academy and Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111., U. S. Military Academy, West Point, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Marguerite Manierre, Dec. 30th, 1903. at Chicago; U. S. Naval officer of Customs, 1913 to date; Treasurer Chicago Bar Assn. 1913-1916; member firm of Hay & Brown, local attorneys for Wabash and Missouri. Kansas & Texas R. R. 65 O. C. BRUHLMAN CHICAGO Born February 28, 1868 ; graduate Illi- nois College of Law, University Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1902 ; widower ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1905 to 1916. (Photo by Walinger) 0. C. BRUHLMAN EDWARD JACKSON BRUNDAGE CHICAGO Born May 13, 1869, in Campbell, N. Y.; has been member of House of Representa- tives in Forty-first and Forty-third General Assemblies, President 'of the Board of County Commissioners of Cook County. Corporation Counsel City of Chicago; is at present Attorney General of Illinois. (Photo by Gibson, Sykes & Fowler) EDWARD JACKSON BRUNDAGE HOWARD A. BRUNDAGE CHICAGO Born May 31, 1892, at Chicago; graduate of St. Ignatius College, Loyola Law School ; admitted to Bar 1913 ; married Miss Eilleen Powers, Aug. 14, 1917, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Assn., Cook County Real Es- tate Board, American Legion, Hamilton Club ; corporation, real estate and probate practice. (Photo by Moffett) HOWARD A. BRUNDAGE 66 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM E. BRYAN CHICAGO Born September 12, 1867; attended Port Hope (Ontario) High School; Chicago College of Law (Lake Forest University) ; married Miss Minnie C. Haskell, Chicago, 111., Feb. 24, 1892; admitted to Bar 1899; member South Park Lodge No. 662, A. F. & A. M. ; LaFayette Chapter No. 2 R. A. M. and Woodlawn Commandery K. T. No. 76; Assistant Attorney Armour & Co., 1899 to 1907; general practice 1907-1918; present counsel and treasurer, International Filter Co. of Chicago. (Photo by Koehne; WILLIAM E. BRYAN JOHN M. BRYANT CHICAGO Born May 12, 1879, at Springfield, 111.; graduate of Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married Miss Mila I. Grosevenor, Feb. 15, 1913, at Chi- cago; member Masonic Fraternity, Park Ridge Country Club, Chicago Bar Assn. ? JOHN M. BRYANT ELIZABETH H. BUCHHALTER CHICAGO Born Jan. 30, 1891. at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; Webster College of Law, LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Isadore L. Buchhalter, Aug. 17, 1919. at Chicago ; member Women's Bar Assn. of Illinois, Woman's Protective Assn., Public Defenders' League for Girls, Chicago Political Equality League, Kappa Beta Pi Legal sorority; general practice. I I'll..!., by Wlin K ,Ti ELIZABETH HOFFMAN BCCH HALTER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 67 GUSTAV BUCHHEIT CHICAGO Born 1876 at Watertown, Wis. ; graduate Northwestern University, Wisconsin State University; admitted to Bar 1897; married Miss M. May Schwieger, Sept. 19, 1900, at Watertown, Wis. ; city attorney Watertown, 1900-1907; member Knights of Pythias, Elks ; general practice. GEORGE T. BUCKINGHAM CHICAGO Born April 21, 1864, at Delphi, Ind. ; educated in common schools and normal school at Ladoga, Ind.; studied law under W. J. Calhoun, Danville, 111. ; admitted to Bar 1890; married Victoria Donlon, 1893, at Danville, 111. ; Assistant State's Attorney Vermilion Co., 1894-98 ; member Illinois Na- tional Guard (last rank Colonel) 1886- 1904; Trustee, Insane Hospital, Kankakee, 1897-1901; President, Joliet, Prison Board, 1901-1905; Assistant Attorney General State of Illinois, 1917; member Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Assns., Mason, K. P., .Elks, Modern Woodmen of America, Union League and Hamilton Clubs of Chi- cago, Sangamo Club of Springfield, Lotos Club of New York. (Photo by Morrison) GEORGE T. BUCKINGHAM WARREN B. BUCKLEY CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1891, at Chicago; graduate of Universtiy of Illinois, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; member Chicago Bar Assn.; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) WARREN B. BUCKLEY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS KKNST HUEHLER CHICAGO Born March 9, 1884, at Chicago; graduate of John Marshall Law School; admitted to Mar, 1910; married Miss Margarete L. Mueller, June 17, 1905, at Chicago; Assistant State's Attorney, 1914 to date; member Chi- cago Bar Assn., Lawyers' Assn. of 111., Na- tional Union, Moose, Masonic Order, Unity Club; general practice. JOHN' ARTHUR BUGEE CHICAGO Born June 11, 1885; Creighton Univer- sity, Omaha, Xeb. ; Northwestern Univer- sity Law School, LL. B. ; bachelor ; admit- ted to Bar 1907; assistant corporation coun- sel 1918 to present ; member Chicago Bar Assn. ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN ARTHUR BUGEE ALMON W. BULKLEY CHICAGO Born April 13, 1852, at Groton, N. Y. ; graduate Cornell University, B.A. ; admitted to Bar 1879; married Miss Ella J. Stafford, June 17, 1882, at Joliet, 111. ; Deputy Clerk Appellate Court 2nd District 1878-1880; chairman Local Board Division 18, Chicago, July 3. 1917 to date; member Hamilton and Windsor Golf Clubs, Garden City Lodge No. 141, A. F. & A. M., Fairview Chapter No. 161, R. A. M., Chevalier Bayard Com- mandery No 52 K. T. ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Empire State Society, Cornell University Associa- tion. AI.MON \v. BULKLEY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 69 JOHN S. BURCHMORE CHICAGO Born at Evanston, 111. ; graduate George- town University (Washington, D. C.), John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Miss Frances Norris, July 2, 1910, at Evanston, 111. ; Attorney and Exam- iner Interstate Commerce Commission 1907- 1913; member Union League, Traffic, Chi- cago, University Clubs, Washington, D. C. ; member firm Borders, Walter & Burchmore. (Photo by Muffett) JOHN' S. BURCHMORE G. A. BURESH CHICAGO Born Feb. 26, 1878, Linn Co., Iowa; graduate Highland Park College, Des Moines, la., B.S., 1904, Chicago Law School, LL. B., 1908; admitted to Bar 1908; mem- ber Chicago Bar Assn., Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Masonic Order; general practice, specializing in chancery matters. JAMES W. BURKE CHICAGO Born Dec. 21, 1880; educated Wendell Phillips high school, DePaul University, Illinois College of Law, LL. B, 1910; ad- mitted to Bar 1911; married Miss Bride M. Burke, June 9, 1904, at Chicago ; assistant corporation counsel 1913-1914, assistant prosecuting attorney 1915 ; member Knights of Columbus, C. O. F., A. O. H., County Democracy ; general practice, attorney for Mexican consul at Chicago for past three years. (Photo by Lassweil) JAMES W. BURKE 70 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS il'h.itu liy Mat/cm- 1 WEBSTER H. BURKE ROBERT PROSEUS BURKHALTER CHICAGO Born May 18, 1873, at Maquoin, 111.; graduate of Knox College, University of Chicago, Columbia University (New York City), New York Law School, LL. B., Chi- cago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar Memphis. Tenn., 1898, Illinois 1902; mar- ried Miss Elizabeth Whitmore Greene, Aug. 23, 1898, at Corinth, Miss.; member Press and Iroquois Clubs, Knights of Pythias, Sons of American Revolution, American and Illinois State Bar Assns., Lawyers' Assn. of Illinois; member of firm Burk- halter & Newfield ; general practice. WEBSTER H. BURKE CHICAGO Born May 10, 1891 ; graduate Northwest- ern University Academy, Northwestern University, A. B., 1902, Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law, L.L. B., 1903; admitted to Bar 1903; married Miss Charlotte Thomp- son, June 23, 1904, at Leland, 111. ; member Hamilton and City Clubs, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Assns. ; acting Dean of Chicago-Kent College of Law ; member of law firm Burke, Jackson & Burke. (Photo by Lasswe'.l) ROBERT PROSEUS BURKHALTER CLARENCE AUGUSTUS BURLEY CHICAGO Born Oct. 10, 1849, at Chicago; public and private schools, Chicago, Military school at Brattleboro, Vt., Amherst, 1872, Union College of Law, 1876, Chicago; ad- mitted to Bar 1876; married Miss Avis H. Blodgett, 1880, at Waukegan ; she died in 1883 ; married Mary E. Blodgett, March 17, 1913, at Chicago; member University, Chi- cago, Union League. Chicago Literary, Cax- ton Clubs, Cliff Dwellers, President Chi- cago Historical Society; general practice. CLARENCE AUGUSTUS BURLEY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 71 WILLIAM CULLEN BURNS CHICAGO Born at Owenton, Ky. ; graduate of Kan- sas Normal College, Northwestern Univer- sity Law School, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar in Kansas and served as Probate Judge of Labette County, Kans., 1901-1905; was Professor of Law, Washburn Univer- sity (Topeka, Kans.), Illinois College of Law, Valparaiso University; former chair- man Exemption Board No. 48, Chicago; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) WILLIAM CULLEN BURNS JAMES H. BURR CHICAGO Born Jan. 31, 1874; Elgin Academy, El- gin, 111., Northern Illinois College of Law, Northwestern University Law School, L.L. B. ; married Miss Annette Kittell, Jan. 1, 1908, St. Charles, 111.; admitted to Bar 1902 ; member Lawyers' Association of Illi- nois, Masonic Lodge, Bethel Commandery, Knights Templar and Medinah Temple, National Union, Maccabees and Chicago Sharpshooters' Association ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Moffett) JAMES H. BURR MAURICE BURR CHICAGO Born Aug. 14, 1886 ; graduate of Lewis Institute (Chicago), Chicago-Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1909 ; married Miss Bebe Lazar, Oct. 27, 1912, at Chicago; member John Corson Smith Lodge No. 944, A. F. & A. M., Covenant Club, Inde- pendent Order of B'nai B'rith ; real estate aw. (Photo by Moffett) MAURICE BURR 72 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS iriinto by Daguerre) FRANCIS X. BUSCH FRANK G. HUSH CHICAGO Horn Sept. 20. 1881 : educated Chicago grade and high schools, Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar 1915; member Hamilton Club. Masonic Fraternity and American Whist League ; general practice. FRANCIS X. BUSCH CHICAGO Horn May 9, 1877, at Detroit, Mich.; graduate Coldwater (Mich.) High School, Illinois College of Law (DePaul Univer- sity), LL. M., 1903, D. C. L., 1905, LL. B., 19J5; admitted to Bar 1901; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, City of Chicago, 1904- 1906; member Elks, I. A. C., Iroquois, City and Ridgemoor Country Clubs ; Professor of Law in Law Department, DePaul Uni- versity since 1901 ; Dean of Law School since 1912; member Board of Managers of Chicago Bar Association ; member Illinois State and American Bar Associations. FRANK G. BUSH CHARLES ALLEN BUTLER CHICAGO Born Oct. 15, 1866; graduate of Chicago College of Law, connected with Lake For- est University ; admitted to Bar 1894 ; mar- ried Miss Eva Riley, Aug. 5. 1891, at Mil- waukee, Wis. ; member Royal League and Roj'al Arcanum ; interstate commerce and corporation law. \ ( H AKI.KS AU.F.X BUTLER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 73 RUSH C. BUTLER CHICAGO Born Aug. 27, 1871, at Northwood, Iowa ; graduate University of Iowa, Ph. B., 1893 : admitted to Bar 1894; married Isabelle Crilly, June 6, 1901, at Chicago; General Counsel, National War Savings Commit- tee, 1917-1918; member Union League, Uni- versity, Mid-Day, South Shore, Indian Hill, Chicago, Chevy Chase (Washington, D. C.) Clubs ; general counsel, National Coal As- sociation ; member firm Butler, Lamb, Fos- ter & Pope ; Chairman, Federal Trade Committee, Chamber of Commerce of United States of America. (Photo by Moffett) RUSH C. BUTLER JAMES C. BYRNE CHICAGO Born Sept. 18, 1894; graduate of St. Igna- tius College, A. B., Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1917 ; member Loyola University Alumni, Irish Fellowship Club, Illinois State Bar Association, Knights of Columbus ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger; JAMES C. BVRXE JOHN J. BYRNE CHICAGO Born July 26, 1890; educated St. Bridget's Parochial and St. James High Schools, Illi- nois College of Commerce and Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1915 ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN J. BYRNE 74 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FRANK R. CAIN CHICAGO Born Sept. 3, 1867, at Dubuque, Iowa; educated in public and high schools at Dubuque, Lake Forest University, Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1893; married Miss Alma E. Fenner, June 6, 1893. at Chicago; Assistant City Attorney, 1893-1895; member Masons, Chicago Ath- letic Association. LOUIS G. CALDWELL CHICAGO Graduate Amherst College, A. B., North- western University, M. A., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1916; member City Club and Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations; general practice. LOUIS G. CALDWELL H. CLAY CALHOUN CHICAGO Born at Galva, 111.; graduate of Knox College, B. S., 1893, Northwestern Univer- sity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 18%; married; member Englewood 690, A. F. & A. M., Commandery, Mystic Shrine; after admission to Bar was asso- ciated with Judge Elbert H. Gary (now of the United States Steel Cornoration) for two years ; now general practice. ll'hoti. by J,a.. MulTrlti JOHN G. CAMPBKI.L THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 77 NELLIE CARLIN CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111. ; educated public schools, Chicago Atheneum, Bryant & Strat- ton Business College, Chicago College of Law, Department of Lake Forest Univer- sity; admitted to Bar 1896; Tax Inheritance Appraiser, Public Guardian of Cook County, 1913-1918, Assistant State's Attor- ney Oct. 1, 1918, to Dec., 1919; member Illi- nois Equal Suffrage, Chicago Bar Associa- tions, Woman's City Club, Chicago Political Equality League, Vice-President, Illinois Lawyers' Association, Past President, Women's Bar Association, Vice-President, International Lawyers' Association, Hon- orary President, Woman's Protective Asso- ciation, President, Public Defenders League for Girls ; probate and chancery practice. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM L. CARLIN JOEL C. CARLSON CHICAGO Born Jan. 12, 1881 ; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar 1906; married Miss Josephine Olsch- ner, May 27, 1908, at Chicago ; assistant purchasing agent, Hibbard, Spencer, Bart- lett & Co., 1901-1906; assistant state's attor- ney, 1918-1919; member Hamilton Club, Odd Fellows, Compass Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Medinah Temple, Alystic Shrine, Normal Park Chapter No. 210, R. A. M., Englewopd Commandery, K. T., Chicago Bar Associa- tion ; general practice. NELLIE CARLIN WILLIAM L. CARLIN CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111.; graduate of Chi- cago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1915; member of Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; associated with Clarence Darrow and Peter Sissman in the practice of law. JOEL C. CARLSON 7S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ARTHUR CAKLSTEN CHICAGO Born Jan. 11, 1891, at Glenn, Minn.; Glenn (Minn.) public schools, Aitken (Minn.) high school, Highland Park College (Des Moincs). Webster College of Law, B. S., LL. B.. J. I).; admitted to Bar 1915; mar- ried Miss Mary V". Kiely, Jan. 8, 1916, at Chicago ; member Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, Chicago Bar Association, Illi- nois Lawyers' Association, Commercial Law League of America, Triangle Lodge, A. F. & A. M., R. A. M., Loyal Order of Moose, I. O. S. ; Professor of Law, Chicago College of Law; member of law firm, Carlsten, Rutledge & Herren ; general practice. (IMioto by Lasswell) ARTHUR CARLSTEX CHARLES EDGAR CARPENTER CHICAGO Born March 12. 1882, at Windsor, 111.; educated Buena Vista College (Storm Lake, la.), Michigan University, North- western University, A. B., LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1908; member A. F. & A. M., Chi- cago Bar Association, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity : general practice. (Photo by Moffett) CHARLES EDGAR CARPENTER DONALD M. CARTER CHICAGO Born Sept. 12, 1868, at Collinsville, 111.; graduate of Iowa State College with spe- cial course in electricity, B. M. E., Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1895 ; Secretary, The World Today Maga- zine, 1908-1911; member Union League, Hamilton, South Shore Country, Rotary, City Clubs, Chicago Bar Association ; mem- ber firm, Parker & Carter; patent law. (Pilot.) by Moffrttl DONALD M. CARTER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 79 F. RANDOLPH CASE CHICAGO Born at Watertown, N. Y. ; graduate of Hobart College, B. L. ; admitted to Bar 1913; married Feb. 16, 1919, at Chicago; member Sigma Chi College fraternity; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswell) F. RANDOLPH CASE CHARLES R. CASLER CHICAGO Born Dec. 13, 1870, at Fort Atkinson, Wis. ; common school education, Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1894 ; married Miss Ednah S. Schelp, Nov. 24, 1898, at Chicago; member A. F. & A. M., Master of Ravenswood Lodge No. 777 in 1911, Columbus Chapter, R. A. M., Chicago Law Institute. (Photo by Lassweil) CHARLES R. CASLER EDWIN H. CASSELS CHICAGO Born Oct. 6, 1874; graduate University of Wisconsin, A. B., Harvard University, A. M., Harvard Law School ; admitted to Bar, Wisconsin 1901, Illinois 1904; married Miss May van Steenwyk, Nov. 25, 1903, at LaCrosse, Wis. ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1907-1909; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Law, University, City, Skokie Country and Chicago Literary Clubs ; mem- ber of 'firm, Wilkerson, Cassels & Potter ; served in Field Artillery, 1918. SI) THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (IMioli. tiy MotlVtt) ARCHIBALD CATTELL C. M. CAVENEE CHICAGO Born 1881 ; graduate Iowa Wesleyan Uni- versity, B. A., Harvard University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1908; member University Club of Chicago. Union League, Hamilton, Harvard, and Hawkeye Fellowship Clubs; corporation law and equity. ARCHIBALD CATTELL CHIC AGO Born July 14, 1870; graduate Davenport High School, Grinnell College, A. B., 1891 ; attended University of Michigan Law School, 1892-1893; admitted to Bar 1893; married Miss Emma Rose Haskell, Nov. 15, 1893, at Fort Dodge, Iowa ; member Chi- cago Law, City, Intercollegiate, Flossmoor Country Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; direc- tor and officer, several lumber companies and other corporations ; trustee and counsel for Grinnell College. (Photo by Matzcne) C. M. CAVENEE JOHN RICHARD CAVERLY CHICAGO Born Dec. 6, 1861, at London, England ; graduate St. Patricks Academy, Law De- partment, Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Char- lotte J. Cochran, Sept. 16, 1897, at Chicago, 111.; Assistant City Attorney, 1897-1902, Police Magistrate, 1902-1906, City Attorney, 1906-1910, Judge Municipal Court, 1910- 1916, re-elected 1916 and term expires 1922; member Illinois Athletic, and Iroquois Clubs, Illinois State and Chicago Bar As- sociations, Royal Arcanum and Knights of Columbus. JOHN RICHARD CAVERLY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 81 SCOTT OSTEN CAVETTE CHICAGO Born Franklin, Ky. ; State College of Kentucky, A. B. and A. M., Northwestern University, D. B. L. ; admitted to Bar 1892 ; married Miss Florence Gray, Dec. 5, 1910, in Michigan; member A. F. & A. M., R. A. M., Knight Templars, Medinah Temple ; general practice. (Photo by Gibson, Sykes & Fowler) SCOTT OSTEN CAVETTE JOSEPH F. CERVINKA CHICAGO Born Feb. 19, 1885; educated public gram- mar and high schools, graduate Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913; member of A. F. & A. M.; gen- eral practice, associated with firm of Litsinger, Healy & Reid. JUSTUS CHANCELLOR CHICAGO Born Oct. 12, 1863; graduate of high school, Vincennes, Ind., Northwestern Uni- versity, Union College of Law, B. L. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1886; married Miss Docia Harper, May 2, 1889, at Vincennes, Ind. ; member American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations, Lawyers' Associa- tion of Illinois, Oriental Consistory, Me- dinah Temple, International Bar Associa- tion, Chicago Real Estate Board, Cook County Real Estate Board ; general practice and corporation law. JUSTUS CHANCELLOR 82 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS THEODORE STILLMAN CHAPMAN CHICAGO Born Sept. 27, 1877; educated Jerseyville, 111., high school, Kent College of Law, Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar 1900; married Mrs. Luella J. Benson, Nov. 15, 1917, at Berkeley, Cal.; member Union League, Chicago and South Shore Country Clubs ; municipal and cor- poration law practice. (Photo by Moffett) THEODORE STILLMAN CHAPMAN GARFIELD CHARLES CHICAGO Born at Grayville, 111. ; graduate of Georgetown University, LL. B., LL. M. ; ad- mitted to Bar, District of Columbia, 1903; secretary Committee on Foreign Relations, U. S. Senate ; secretary to late Shelby M. Cullom. U. S. Senator from Illinois ; first assistant U. S. attorney, Northern District of Illinois; general practice. GARFIELD CHARLES JOHN S. CHARONE CHICAGO Born July 13, 1889; graduated North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913; member K. of P., I. O. O. F. and Elks ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett I JOHN S. CHARONE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 83 LESTER C. CHILDS CHICAGO Born Oct. 11, 1874, at Hinsdale, 111.; grad- uate Beloit College, A. B., 1898, North- western University Law School, LL. B., 1901 ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married Miss Celine Lilly, Aug. 31, 1903, at Hinsdale, 111. ; member Hinsdale, Hinsdale Golf and Union League Clubs ; real estate, probate, corpora- tion and customs law practice. CARL R. CHINDBLOM CHICAGO Born Dec. 21, 1870, at Chicago, 111.; attended Augustana College, A. B., Rock Island, 111., Kent College of Law, LL. B., Bethany College, A. M., Lindsborg, Kans.; admitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Chris- tine Nilsson, Minneapolis, Minn., April 27, 1907; Attorney for Illinois State Board of Health, 1906; member Board of County Commissioners, Cook County, 1907-1910; County Attorney, Cook County, 1912-1914; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court, 1916- 1918 ; Representative in Congress, 10th Dis- trict of Illinois, elected November, 1918; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; general practice ; member firm, Brecher & Chindblom. (Photo by Koehne) CARL R. CHINDBLOM Q. J. CHOTT CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; attended public and high schools ; admitted to Bar, 1907 ; mar- ried Miss Bertha Baumayer at Chicago in 1899 ; Chief Clerk, Law Department under John S. Miller as Corporation Counsel ; member of Legislature, 36th and 37th general assemblies ; Police Magistrate for 12 years under Mayors Swift, Harrison and Dunne; thereafter entered practice of law. 84 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Lasswell) GHORGE ALVAH CHRITTON OTTO CHRISTENSEN CHICAGO Born 1886, at Chicago ; graduate of Uni- versity of Illinois, and Illinois Law School, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar 1909; Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associa- tions; trial and federal appeal practice. (JEORGE ALVAH CHRITTON CHICAGO Born June 4, 1870; at ftttica, Ind. ; edu- cated District schools of Indiana and Kansas, Kansas State Normal School, Kent College of Law, LL. B., Law Department Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1896; married Miss Laura Fair, Feb. 24, 1897, at Chicago, 111.; President Oak Park Board of Education 1907-1918, Vice- President Oak Park Republican Club 1906- 1918, President Illinois Vigilance Associa- tion, 1914-1919, Vice-President, Chicago Foundlings Home, 1917-1919, President, Chicago Baptist Social Union 1913-1914, Vice-President, Oak Park Club 1911-1914; member Union League, Oak Park, Oak Park Country and Delavan Country Clubs, A. F. & A. M., Knights Templar, Chicago and Illinois Bar Association, Chicago Pat- ent Law Association, Chicago Law Insti- tute, First Baptist Church of Oak Park; member of firm, Dyrenforth, Lee, Chritton & Wiles ; corporation, trade mark, copyright and patent law. OTTO CHRISTENSEN ANTHONY B. CHRZANOWSKI CHICAGO Born Dec. 15, 1877; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1916; married Mrs. Martha Bonk, Oct. 22, 1918, at Chicago ; member Masonic Lodge, Polish National Alliance of Amer- ica, Polish Turners, Knights of Maccabees of the World; general practice. (Photo by Ids ANTHONY B. CHRZANOWSKI THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 85 CHARLES ADELBERT CHURAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 13, 1869; educated Chicago grammar schools, graduate Chicago Univer- sity, Beloit College, A. M., Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1895; married Mrs. Mae Foulds, July 17, 1918, at Chicago; Attorney for Commissioners of Lincoln Park 1907-1913; member Sigma Chi Frater- nity, Masons, National Union, Royal Arcanum, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; attorney for two building and loan associations, Chairman Law Com. of Bohemian Building & Loan Association League, member Law Com. of Building & Loan Association League of Illinois ; dur- ing war was member of Legal Advisory Board of Local Board No. 25. CHESTER W. CHURCH CHICAGO Born November, 1873 ; attended Morgan Park Academy of University of Chicago and Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1900; member Illinois general assembly 1901 to 1912; member Illinois State Bar Association ; Mason, Blue Lodge and Chapter ; general practice, specializing in mining law. FRANK J. CIMRAL CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1885; graduated South High School of Cleveland Ohio, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Anna L. Jelen, Aug. 21, 1911, at Chicago; member A. F. & A. M., Society for the Advancement of Slavonic Study, Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, American Asiatic Associa- tion, National Geographic Society. (Photo by Lasswell) FRANK J. CIMRAL THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES D. CLARK JOHN F. CLARE CHICAGO Born Sept. 19, 1865, in Chicago ; graduate of Fordham University, A. B., Northwest- ern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1891 ; married Nellie Stenson, Oct. 9, 1895, at Chicago; Assistant City Attorney 1891- 1893, Assistant City Prosecutor 1893-1895, Master in Chancery of Superior Court Cook County 1918 to date ; member Knights of Columbus, Iroquois and Olympian Fields Country Club ; general practice. CHARLES D. CLARK CHICAGO Born Nov. 19, 1865 ; graduate Wheaton College, A. B., Union College of Law, Chi- cago; admitted to Bar 1888; married Miss Kate L. Roundy, July 30, 1890, at West Chicago, 111. ; City Attorney, West Chicago, 1890-1906, Board of Education 14 years, County Judge, DuPage County, Illinois, 1908-1914, Chairman Local Board DuPage County during entire period of war, Board of Education, Wheaton, 1919; member and trustee Gary Memorial Church, Wheaton, Illinois State, Chicago and DuPage County Bar Associations ; member of firm, Cal- houn, Lyford & Sheean until dissolution ; attorney for Baltimore & Ohio interests in Illinois and Indiana. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN F. CLARE HAROLD J. CLARK CHICAGO Born June 12, 1891, at Syracuse, N. Y. ; graduate Northwestern University, B. S., Northwestern Law School, LL. B., Phi Beta Kappa Order of Coif; admitted to Bar 1915; married Miss Helen Hale, Nov. 9, 1915, at Evanston. 111.; member University Club of Evanston, Chicago Bar Association; in service, Lieutenant of Field Artillery, Camp Taylor, Ky. IPtmto by I,asswH]> HAROLD J. CLARK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 87 RUSSELL S. CLARK CHICAGO Born Feb. 17, 1867, at Mattoon, 111. ; edu- cated Mattoon public schools, Lee's Acad- emy, Loxa, University of Illinois, Univer- sity of Michigan, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, Michigan 1888, Illinois 1889; married Miss Estelle Dunlap, Nov. 7, 1894, at Mattoon, 111.; member of firm, Clark & Clark. (Photo by Lasswell) RUSSELL S. CLARK DAVID R. CLARKE CHICAGO Born Jan. 8, 1892; graduate University of Illinois, A. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1917; married Miss Zada Walker, Dec. 27, 1915, at Ba- tavia, N. Y. ; member Chicago Bar Asso- ciation ; general practice. A. R. CLARY CHICAGO Born at Camp Point, 111. ; graduate Uni- versity of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1908; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion ; associated in practice with Rudolph Wolfner. (Photo by Lasswell) A. R. CLARY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo hy Lasswell) CHAl'NCKY X. CLEMENTS CHESTER E. CLEVELAND CHICAGO Born in Watsonville, Cal. ; graduate of Hedding College; admitted to Bar in 1888; married Miss Frances E. Merricks, 1893 (died Nov. 13, 1918), married Miss Harriet M. Eeldmann. Nov. 22, 1919, at Chicago; Second Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1915-1916, Eirst Assistant Corpo- ration Counsel, Chicago, 1916-1919, Special Assistant Corporation Counsel, Nov. 1. 1919, to date ; member Ravenswood Lodge No. 777, A. E. & A. M., Columbia Chapter No. 202, R. A. M., Ravenswood Chapter, O. E. S.. Abingdon Lodge No. 184, T. O. O. F. ; general practice, excepting criminal, patent and admiralty. CHAUNCEY N. CLEMENTS CHICAGO Born March 3, 1879, at Cincinnati, O. ; graduate Chicago Business College, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Lora E. McDill, August. 1910; member (and officer) Parian Lodge No. 977, A. F. & A. M., Fairview Chapter No. 161, R. A. M., Woodlawn Council No. 92, R. & S. M., Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; member of firm, Suite & Clements ; general practice. (Photo by MoffetO CHESTER E. CLEVELAND JOHN V. CLINNIN CHICAGO Born April 5, 1876, at Huntley, 111.; graduated DeLaSalle Institute, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1911; married Etta \V. DuBois, Sept. 19. 18%. at Kenosha, \Vis. ; Chief Deputy Recorder of Deeds, 1904-1912, Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1915-1917; member B. .P. O. E. No. 4. Chicago Bar Association ; First Illinois Infantry, 1894-1917; Colonel, 108th Train Headquarters and Military Police. 1917-1918; Colonel, 130th Infantry, 1918-1919; service in France, May 20, 1918- May 20. 1919. I" l>> Wmllnger) JOHN V. (LINMN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 89 ARTHUR D. CLOUD CHICAGO Born Alay 4, 1884 ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Patsy Warner, June 14, 1916, at Coffeyville, Kans. ; member Illinois Ath- letic Club, Glencoe Lodge No. 983, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association, Delta Chi Fraternity; member firm, Osborne, Cloud & Kline ; general civil practice. (Photo by Walinger) ARTHUR D. CLOUD CHARLES L. COBB CHICAGO Born May 27, 1885, at Evanston, 111.; graduate of Lake Forest Academy and Lake Forest College, A. B., Northwestern Uni- versity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909; mar- ried Miss Margaret Moore, May 18, 1918, at Chicago. CHARLES L. COBB DAVID K. COCHRANE CHICAGO Born March 23, 1865 ; educated public and high schools, Manistee, Mich.; graduate Literary Department, University of Michi- gan, Ph. B. ; admitted to Bar 1889 ; married Miss Angela Noyes, June 15, 1904, at Chi- cago, 111. ; Justice Peace, South Town of Chicago, 1902-1906, Master in Chancery, Superior Court, Cook County, since April, 1917; member of Kenwood and South Shore Country Clubs. (Photo by Moffett) DAVID K. COCHRANE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS THOMAS M. COEN CHICAGO Born Aug. 28, 1882; graduate Stanford University, A. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; member of Hamilton Club ; Attorney, Se- curity Mutual Casualty Company. THOMAS M. COEN ARCHIE H. COHEN CHICAGO Born Oct. 16, 1889, at Philadelphia, Pa.; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915; married Miss Rose Ida Samuel, June 24, 1913, at Chicago, 111. ; member K. P., Young Men's Jewish Charities, Order of B'nai B'rith; Past Chancellor K. of P., former President, Young Men's Federated Jewish Charities ; member Chicago Bar Association, Commer- cial Law League of America, Four-Minute Men Association, Legal Advisory Board for District 31. (Photo by Lassweil) ARCHIE H. COHEN GEORGE B. COHEN CHICAGO Born July 6, 1886; graduate of Univer- sity of Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chi- cago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1909; member Chicago Bar Association; general civil and business practice. irii"to by La&we'.l) GEORGE B. COHEN 91 JACOB ALLAN COHEN CHICAGO f Born July 19, 1889; graduate Northwest- ern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, 32 Mason, Medinah Temple, Shrine ; Instructor Law of Contracts, Chicago Law School, 1918; member law firm of Andalman & Cohen ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JACOB ALLAN COHEN MAURICE G. COHEN CHICAGO Born in Ireland ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar 1914; married Rose Fink, March 17, 1915, at Chi- cago ; member Apollo Lodge, A. F. & A. M., St. Cecilia Chapter, R. A. M. (Photo by Lasswell) MAURICE G. COHEN SAMUEL COHEN CHICAGO Born at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28, 1877; attended Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1898 ; married Miss Ronald Helmer at Chicago in 1898 ; member of Elks ; gen- eral practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SEYMOUR N. COHEN CHICAGO Born June 27, 1878; graduate Princeton- Yale Preparatory School, University of Chicago, Ph. B., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar June 7, 1900; member Press Club of Chicago, Hyde Park American Club, Elks, Masons ; for- merly member of firm, Comerford & Cohen. il'lmiu by Walinger) SEYMOUR X. COHEN LEE CORN CHICAGO Born July 17, 1883. at Beloit, Wis. ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar 1907 ; Chicago Bar Associa- tion. Assistant to John L. Fogle, Attorney, 1912-1914; member Cosmopolitan Lodge Xo. 1020, A. F. & A. M., Independent Free Sons of Israel. B'nai B'rith ; member of firm, Farv.ell, Hillis & Cohn ; general prac- tice. ELHANAN W. COLBY CHICAGO Born April 18, 1875, at Beloit, Kans. ; graduate Northwestern Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married Miss Clara M. Averill, Oct. 12, 1905, at Liberty- ville. 111. ; Mayor of Libertyville, 111., 1902- 1904; City Attorney, 1904-1906; member Masons, Elks. Chicago Bar Association. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 93 RICHARD H. COLBY CHICAGO Born Jan. 11, 1891; educated Iowa public and high schools, International Correspond- ence School of Engineering, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Webster College of Law, Chicago College of Pathology, LL. B., M. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913; married Miss Nina N. Brown, June 6, 1914, at Chicago, 111.; Assistant Attorney General of Illinois, 1915-1917; member A. F. & A. M., F. O. E., A. O. U. W., Legal Fraternity Phi Delta Phi, Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations, Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; member of firm Bangs, Frankhauser & Colby; served in France 9 months as Sergeant Major, 35th Artillery, C. A. C. (Photo by Lasswell) RICHARD H. COLBY DELAVAN B. COLE CHICAGO Born Feb. 17, Wis. ; graduate of (Mankato, Minn.), Forest University; married Olivia A. Minn. ; Attorney, Board, 1900-1904; Club ; corporation 1867, at Fond du Lac, Second Normal School Law Department, Lake admitted to Bar 1892; Reeve, 1889, at Slayton, West Chicago Park member Elks and Press law. DELAVAN B. COLE MERTON A. COLER CHICAGO Born Sept. 7, 1887 ; graduate Maryville Seminary, Quincy State College, Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar 1913 ; mar- ried Miss Gertrude Shrubb, Nov. 18. 1916, at Chicago ; ex-president of Arion Club of Chicago, Mason; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) MERTON A. COLER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HERYL B. COLLINS CHICAGO Born Sept. 29, 1883, at Massillon, Ohio; graduated from Bradley Polytechnic Insti- tute, Peoria, 1906, degree Associate in Sci- ence, University of Michigan Law Depart- ment, 1909. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Miss Laura E. Williams, June 4, 1912, at La Moille. 111. ; member Chicago Bar, Illinois State Bar, American Bar As- sociations, Chicago Alumni Association of University of Michigan, A. F. & A. M., New First Congregational Church, Gnosis Literary Club ; general practice. ll'hoto by BERYI. B. COLLINS CLIXTOX C. COLLINS CHICAGO Born June 17, 1869, at Ottumwa, la.; graduate of Chicago Law School: admitted to Bar. Missouri 1894. Illinois 1896; mar- ried Lillian M. Prussing, Nov. 12, 1900, at Chicago; member Press Club, Royal Ar- canum, Knights of Columbus ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Walinger) CLINTON C. COLLINS G. RAYMOND COLLINS CHICAGO Born Aug. 6, 1882; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1904; member Hamilton, and Town and Country Clubs, Columbian Knights, Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Moffett) G. RAYMOND COLLINS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 95 HARRY G. COLSON CHICAGO Born Jan. 18, 1868, at Davenport, Iowa ; educated public and private schools, Chi- cago, 111., and Hudson, Mich.; admitted to Bar 1892; married Miss Sarah Garner Wall, Dec. 7, 1897, at Sherman, Mich, (since de- ceased) ; member Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, Press Club of Chicago, Sons of Amer- ican Revolution, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, American Association of Title Men, A. F. & A. M., Oriental Consistory and Medinah Temple. (Photo by Lasswell) HARRY G. COLSON CLYDE C. COLWELL CHICAGO Born Nov. 28, 1875; educated McLean, 111., High School, Illinois Wesleyan, Illinois State Normal, University of Chicago, Law School University of Illinois, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Laura Horr, Dec. 8, 1909, at Henry, 111. ; Superin- tendent, Public Schools, Heyworth, 111., 190r4903; member Intercollegiate Club of Chicago, Secretary, Myrtle Lodge, A. F. & A. M., member R. A. M., R. & S. M. ; President, Masonic Club of University of Chicago, 1904. SAMUEL M. COME CHICAGO Born Dec. 15, 1890, at Chicago; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B.; admit- ted to Bar 1912; married Miss Anna C. Marblestone, Jan. 22, 1919, at Chicago; member B'nai B'rith, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FRANK COMERFORD CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1879, at Chicago, 111. ; at- tended Northwestern University and Illi- nois College of Law; admitted to Bar 1904; former member Illinois State Legislature ; formerly police attorney for City of Chi- cago ; member Press Club of Chicago and Adventurers' Club. FRANK IOMKRFOKD LEANDER D. CONDEE CHICAGO Born Sept. 26, 1847 ; graduate University of Michigan. Chicago Law School, LL. B., LL. D. ; admitted to Bar 1868 ; Attorney for Village of Hyde Park, 1878-1883, State Senator, Second District, Chicago, 1880- 1884; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. Mason ; corpo- ration and municipal law. (Photo by Morrison) LEANDER D. CONDEE J. SIDNEY CONDIT CHICAGO Born Dec. 31. 1881, at Beardstown. 111.; graduate University of Illinois, B. A.. Har- vard University. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1905; married Miss Edna Matthews, Feb. 25, 1908, at Chillicothe, 111.; member Uni- versity. Mid-Day and South Shore Coun- try Clubs ; member firm, Winston Strawn & Shaw. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 97 JAMES G. CONDON CHICAGO Born Nov. 28, 1871, at Bloomington, 111.; graduate St. Viators College, Illinois Wes- leyan University ; admitted to Bar 1893 ; married Miss Lucy D. Dalton, July 30, 1898, at Chicago ; Assistant City Attorney, 1898, also 1901 ; member Iroquois Club, Chicago Athletic Association, Knights of Columbus, and various other clubs ; member of firm, Ryan, Condon & Livingston. JAMES G. CONDON THOMAS J. CONDON CHICAGO Born Oct. 16, 1879 ; graduate Illinois Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar 1904; mem- ber American and Chicago Bar Associa- tions, Chicago Athletic Association, South Shore Country and Olympian Fields Coun- try Clubs, Elks, Knights of Columbus; gen- eral practice. CLINTON L. CONKLING SPRINGFIELD Born Oct. 16, 1843, Springfield; graduate of Yale College, B. A. ; admitted to Bar 1866; married Miss Georgiana Barrell, March 17, 1867, at Springfield; 32 degree Alason, Knights Templar ; chancery, real estate, corporation, administration of trusts and estates practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS MARY SELLERS CONNERY CHICAGO Born at Sterling, 111.; graduate of Chi- cago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. and LL. M.; admitted to Bar 1909; married Sept. 16, 1914, at Chicago ; member Chicago and Women's Bar Associations, Phi Delta and Kappa Beta Pi Sororities ; common carrier and interstate commerce law. (Photo by Walinger) MARY SELLERS CONNERY GEORGE A. COOKE CHICAGO Born July 3, 1869. at New Athens, Ohio; educated Aledo High School, Aledo, 111., Knox College (Galesburg), A. B. ; admitted to Bar 1895 ; married Miss Saj-ah S. Blee, Oct. 20, 1896, at Aledo, 111. ; member Illinois House of Representatives, 1902-1906; Judge Supreme Court, 1909-1918; member Aledo Club and University Club, Chicago, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Mystic Shrine, 32nd degree. GEORGE A. COOKE RICHARD J. COONEY CHICAGO Born 1861 at Pekin, 111.; graduate of University at Valparaiso, Ind., LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1885; married Miss Emma Berndt, 1895, at Peoria, 111. ; City Attorney, Havana, 111., State's Attorney, Peoria, 111., 1886-1887, State's Attorney, 1892-1896; gen- eral practice ; member of firm, Cooney & Verhoeven. RICHARD J. COONEY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 99 HENRY NOBLE COOPER CHICAGO Born May 2, 1861, at Salem, 111.; gradu- ate of Union College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1885 ; married Miss Julia L. Pardee, April 24, 1888, at Chicago; Presi- dent, Board of Trustees, Village LaGrange, 111., 1896, Trustee, Lyons Township Pro- tective League ; member Phi Delta Phi, City Club ; Vice-President, Fitzsimons & Council Dredge & Dock Co., since 1909, Secretary, Lake Shore Drive Improvement Association, President, 229 Lake Shore Drive, Inc. WILLIAM JOSEPH CORBOY CHICAGO Born June 24, 1888; graduate of Yale University, Ph. B., Yale Graduate School, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1917; married Miss Eileen Mary Dunne, daughter of former Governor Dunne, Oct. 20, 1915, at Spring- field, 111. ; member of University and Yale Clubs of Chicago ; commissioned First Lieutenant, legal division, Ordnance De- partment, U. S. A., January, 1918; dis- charged Jan. 19, 1919; member of firm of Dunne, Corboy & Dunne. (Photo by I/asswell) WILLIAM JOSEPH CORBOY PAUL CORKELL CHICAGO Born March 22, 1885, at Chicago ; gradu- ate Hyde Park High School, Lewis Insti- tute, Northwestern School of Commerce, Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1911 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Rose Albert, Nov. 7, 1917, at Chicago, 111. ; Law- yer Clerk to Judge Matchett, Appellate Court, 1917-1918, Assistant Judge, Probate Court, 1919- ; member Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity, Chicago Council, Boy Scouts of America. PAUL CORKELL UK) THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JAMES C. CORNELIUS CHICAGO General practice. (Photo by Moffett) JAMES C. CORNELIUS JOHX H. COULTER CHICAGO Born Jan. 17, 1873, at Marissa, 111.; grad- uate Shurtleff College, A. B., 1893, A. M., 1896, Chicago College of Law, 1895; ad- mitted to Bar 1895; married Miss Marie Caywood Hoyt, Feb. 11, 1902, at Chicago; member Union League, Kenwood, Rock- ford Motor, and Oregon Golf Clubs, and Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations. (Photo by Muffett) JOHN H. COULTER JOHN E. CRAHEN CHICAGO Born at Grand Rapids, Mich. ; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B., June, 1908; admitted to Bar 1908; general prac- tice. (Photo hy JOHN E. CRAHEN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 101 RALPH G. CRANDALL CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1886, at Crystal Falls, Mich.; graduate of Harvard University, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; mar- ried Miss Frances Ellis White, Aug. 19, 1913, at Milton, Mass.; Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel, City of Chicago, 1915-1918; member Republican, Harvard (Chicago and New York) and Evanston Golf Clubs, Chicago -Bar Association; associated with law firm of Newman, Poppenhusen, Stern & Johnston ; corporate organization, reor- ganization and financing. (Photo by L-asswe'.l) RALPH G. CRANDALL JOHN W. CREEKMUR CHICAGO Born July 29, 1859, in Kentucky ; graduate State Normal School at Normal, 111. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1895 ; married Miss Jessie Cyrus, Dec. 24, 1891, at Camp Point, 111.; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar As- sociations, Illinois Athletic and Beverly Country Clubs ; general civil practice. BERTHOLD ALBERT CRONSON CHICAGO Born Aug. 24, 1895, New York City; educated Chicago public and high schools, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1917; Assistant Corporation Counsel, October. 1917, to May, 1918, and from June, 1919- ; Investigator for Corpo- ration Counsel, February, 1916, to October, 1917; member A. F. & A. M., American Officers of Great War, Naval Reserve Offi- cers' Association, Chicago Bar Association; general practice. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) BERTHOLD ALBERT CRONSOX 102 (Photo by Matzeiie) WILLIAM NEVARRE CROMWELL LEWIS T. GREIST CHICAGO Born Crawfordsville, Ind. ; graduate Co- lumbia University, LL. B., M. P. L. ; admit- ted to Bar 1891 ; married Miss Athelia Edwards, 1894, at Waynesville, Ohio ; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association, Patent Law Association of Chicago, Hamilton and Old Colony Clubs ; member of firm, Cromwell, Greist & Warden. WILLIAM NEVARRE CROMWELL CHICAGO Born Jan. 6, 1877, at Washington, D. C. ; educated Columbian (now George Wash- ington) University, Washington, D. C., LL. B., Master Patent Law ; admitted to Bar Jan. 2, 1901 ; married Miss Mary G. Andrews, Oct. 15, 1902, at Washington, D. C. ; member Hamilton and City Clubs, Chicago, University Clubs, Washington, D. C., and Evanston, 111., Westmoreland Country Club, Exemplar Lodge, No. 966, A. F. & A. M., Evanston Chapter, No. 144, R. A. M., and Evanston Commandery, No. 58, K. T. (Photo by Lasswell) LEWIS T. GREIST FRANKLIN M. WARDEN CHICAGO Born at Osborne, Kans. ; graduate of George Washington University; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Ruth Roberts, Sept. 9, 1913, at Chicago; member Patent Law Association of Chicago, International Association of Gyro Clubs, Midlothian Country Club ; patents, trade-marks and un- fair competition law. ll'hoii. hy Lass\ve:;> FRANKLIN M. WARDEN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 103 STEPHEN A. CROSS CHICAGO Born March 14, 1881 ; graduate Valpa- raiso University, B. S., Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Edna M. Smith, April 27, 1915, at Chicago ; member Hiram Lodge, No. 1009, A. F. & A. M., Washington Chap- ter, R. A. M.; from 1912-1917 member of firm, Bell & Cross; 1918, general practice, associated with Jeffery, Campbell & Clark. (Photo by Lasswell) STEPHEN A. CROSS WILLIAM R. CROW CHICAGO Born May 29, 1893 ; graduate Northwest- ern University Law School, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar 1915 ; member various Masonic organizations, Chicago Bar Association ; associated with Tenney, Harding & Sher- man ; served in U. S. Army at Camp Gor- don, Ga. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) WILLIAM R. CROW ROBERT E. CROWE CHICAGO Born at Peoria, 111. ; graduated from pub- lic schools and from Yale University; ad- mitted to Bar 1901 ; married Miss Candida Cuneo ; Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County, 1908-1913; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1915-1916; elected Judge of Circuit Court, November, 1916; Chief Justice of Circuit Court, 1917; Chief Jus- tice of Criminal Court, 1919. ROBERT E. CROWE 11)4 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS DANIEL L. CRUICE CHICAGO Horn Juno 30, 1868, at Buffalo, N. Y. ; graduate University of New York, Law Department of Lake Forest University, LL. H. ; admitted to Bar 1894; married Dec. 26, 1913, at Chicago ; member Foresters, Yeo- men, Woodmen of World, Royal League. JOSEPH A. CULKIN CHICAGO Born at New York; graduate Chicago- Kent College; admitted to Bar 1911; mar- ried Miss Rose V. Cahill, Sept. 7, 1911, at Oswego, N. Y. ; Assistant Attorney, Sani- tary District of Chicago, 1911 to date; Committee Clerk, Sanitary District, 1901- 1911; general practice. JOSEPH A. CULKIN ALVIN H. CULVER CHICAGO Born March 9, 1873, at Chicago ; attended Northwestern Preparatory School and Northwestern University, A. B. ; graduated Northwestern Law School; admitted to Bar 1896; married Miss Jean Gehan at Chi- cago, Aug. 15, 1907; member Hamilton, Skokie Golf, Wilmette Country Clubs; Chi- cago, Illinois State Bar Associations, Royal League and Law Institute; general prac- tice; member of firm, Culver, Andrews, King & Stitt. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 105 MORTON T. CULVER CHICAGO Born Dec. 2, 1870, at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar 1892; married Miss Marion Hawkes, June 17, 1899, at Geneva, 111.; Village Attorney, Glencoe, 1898-1900; President, Village of Glencoe, 1900-1902; Village Attorney, Glencoe, 1902-1907; Po- lice Magistrate, Glencoe, 1892-1897; Justice of the Peace. Town of New Trier, 1897- 1901 ; Assistant Attorney General, State of Illinois, under Hon. Edward J. Brundage; member Hamilton Club, life member Press Club of Chicago, R. A. M. ; assigned as Assistant Counsel to Public Utilities Com- mission under Hon. George T. Bucking- ham; member I. N. G., 1887-1896, serving in coal mining and Pullman strikes in 1894. (Photo by Moffett) MORTON T. CULVER WM. A. CUNNEA CHICAGO Born in Ireland ; graduate of St. Mary's, Belfast, Union College of Law (Northwest- ern University) ; admitted to Bar 1889 ; married Alary E. McElherne, Dec. 25, 1895, at Chicago. HENRY E. CUTLER CHICAGO Born May 18, 1879 ; educated country schools and high school at Crown Point, Ind. ; admitted to Bar 1904; married Miss Harriet Alarquart, 1904 ; member Alystic Star Lodge, No. 758, A. F. & A. AL. Sons of American Revolution, Union League Club ; member of firm, Chapman, Cutler & Parker ; specializes in municipal bond law. (Photo by Lassweil) HEXRY E. CUTLER 106 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Moffett) SAMUEL MACKEEHAN DAGUE ESKIL CARL DAHLIN CHICAGO Bom March 8, 1895, at Chicago ; graduate of Lake View High School, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1916 ; married Miss Violet Elvira Erickson, 1913, at Crown Point, Ind. ; member Legal Ad- visory Board, Local Board No. 59 ; member Hamilton Club, Delta Theta Phi Law Fra- ternity and Lambda Sigma Phi Fraternity. SAMUEL MacKEEHAN DAGUE CHICAGO Born in 1877 ; graduate of Wabash Col- lege, Ph. B., M. A.; Indiana Law School, LL. B. ; Columbian University ; admitted to Bar 1899; Attorney, Law Division, U. S. Department of Interior, Washington, D. C. ; Indian Territory and Western States, 1900- 1910; member College, Mining, Travel & Exploration, Phi Gamma Delta, Masonic, Elks, Chicago Bar Association, Law League, Bar District of Columbia, Indiana and Illinois ; corporate, organization and finance, revenue and commerce; Counsel for other Attorneys in Chicago and at Wash- ington, D. C., before U. S. Federal Trade, Interstate Commerce, Internal Revenue De- partments ; associated with Frank H. Drury, patent attorney. (Photo by Lasswell) ESKIL CARL DAHLIN FRANCIS LEO DAILY CHICAGO Born at Manito, 111., March 31, 1891; graduate of Chillicothe (111.) public and high schools, Yale University, A. B. ; Har- vard University (cum laude), LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916 ; married Miss Bessie Jean Fisher, May 19, 1918, at Chilli- cothe, 111. ; at Yale was member Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Sigma Rho and Elihu Club; at Harvard was Editor of Harvard Law Review ; damage and per- sonal injury practice, corporation work, appearance before Public Utilities Commis- sion, briefs and upper courts; member of firm, Cooke, Sullivan & Ricks. iPhi.tu bv Lasswell) FRANCIS LEO DAILY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 107 JUSTIN MELVILLE DALL CHICAGO Born Aug. 15, 1868; attended public schools of Chicago and Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1896 ; married Abbie M. Russell of Chicago, Nov. 26, 1890; mem- ber Phi Delta Phi, Mason (K. T., Shriner) ; Vice-President of the Chicago Title & Trust Co. ; has been connected with that company and its constituent companies since 1885. (Photo by Walinger) JUSTIN MELVILLE DALL CHARLES L. DALY CHICAGO Born Jan. 17, 1877, at Detroit, Mich.; graduate of North Division High School, Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar 1903 ; married Miss Elizabeth Welter, April 26. 1905, at Chicago; Exam- iner, Police and Fire Departments, and Attorney, City Civil Service Commission, 1904-1905 ; Assistant County Attorney, Cook County, 1910-1911; Assistant Attorney Gen- eral, Illinois, 1914; member Chicago Bar Association, Phi Alpha Delta Law Frater- nity, Knights of Columbus. JOHN B. DANDRIDGE CHICAGO Born at Fayetteville, Term., Oct. 23, 1871 ; attended Maryville College, Tenn., National Normal University, Ohio, Northern Indiana University, B. S. ; University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Alice Thompson, March 31, 1910, at West- ern Springs, 111. ; member Western Springs and Iroquois Clubs and LaGrange Lodge No. 770, A. F. & A. M., and Lawyers' As- sociation of Illinois ; general practice, spe- cializing real estate law and titles. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN B. DAXDRIDGE 108 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS LEE E. DANIELS CHICAGO Born June 22, 1889, at Chicago; graduate of Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913; married Miss Alice Daly, Nov. 4, 1916, at Chicago ; member Board of Di- rectors, Aviation Club, Chicago; Chicago Bar Association ; general civil practice. i by Mi.tT.-tt I I.KK K. DANIELS ROBERT W. DANIELS CHICAGO Born Feb. 5, 1880, at Mansfield, Ohio ; educated Ohio public schools, Oberlin and Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B.; ad- mitted to Bar 1911; married Miss Florence Gutches, Sept. 12, 1905, at Osage, Iowa ; Assistant State's Attorney, Oct. 1, 1918; member Chicago Bar Association ; Morgan Park Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; general prac- tice. RAYMOND J. DARBY CHICAGO Born Aug. 25, 1884, at Wilmot, Wis. ; graduate of State Normal School (White- water, Wis.) ; Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Miss Agnes Anderson, Sept. 3, 1912. at Chicago; mem- ber of law firm, Richards, Voigt & Darby. 1909-1918; Assistant to Probate Judge and Chief Deputy Clerk. 1918-1919; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. Illinois State Bar Association. Wisconsin Society of Chi- cago ; Trust Officer. Union Trust Company, Chicago, since Jan. 1, 1920. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 109 CLARENCE DARROW CHICAGO Born at Kinsman, Ohio; graduate of Alleghany College, Michigan University; admitted to Bar 1878; married; member Legislature of Illinois, Special Traction At- torney, Chicago ; Assistant Corporation Counsel ; member South Shore Country, Chicago Athletic, Iroquois and Press Clubs ; general practice. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) CLARENCE DARROW HARRY A. DAUGHERTY CHICAGO Born May 9, 1875 ; attended Buchtel Col- lege, Akron, Ohio, Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1896; married Miss Elizabeth C. Mulford, June 20, 1900, at Chicago, 111. ; member Illinois Athletic, Ridge Country Clubs, Ohio Society, Past Master, Tracy Lodge, No. 810, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice until 1915, since then general attorney for Standard Oil Co. (Indiana). (Photo by Moffett) HARRY A. DAUGHERTY JOSEPH B. DAVID CHICAGO Born Oct. 27, 1863, Louisville, Ky. ; edu- cated grammar schools; admitted to Bar 1885 ; married Miss Emma Siesel, Aug. 14, 1888, at Chicago; Assistant City Attorney, Special Assistant State's Attorney under Charles S. Deneen, 1903 ; elected Judge of Superior Court in June, 1916 to fill unex- pired term; elected full term, November, 1917 ; Chief Justice, Superior Court, De- cember, 1916, to Dec. 1917 ; member Iro- quois, Covenant, Hyde Park American, Illi- nois Athletic and Irish Fellowship Clubs ; Royal Arcanum, Royal League, National Union, I. O. O. B., International Order B'nai B'rith, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations. (Photo by Walinger) JOSEPH B. DAVID 110 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS I. KARL DAVIDSON CHICAGO Born Dec. 19, 1886, at Grand Rapids, Mich.; graduate University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; member Iroquois Club; general practice. JOHN L. DAVIDSON CHICAGO Born Dec. 17, 1883, at Springfield, Nebr. ; University of Nebraska, Northwestern Uni- versity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Illinois, 1909; U. S. Supreme Court, 1913; married Miss Lulu Walters, June 17, 1908, at Oak Park, 111. ; member Hamilton, Oak Park and Westward Ho Golf Clubs, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations and R. A. M. ; legal advisor exemption board, Four- Minute Man. MORGAN LLOYD DAVIES CHICAGO Born Dixon, 111., March 4, 1880; gradu- ated Northern Illinois Normal School, Uni- versity of Michigan, A. B. ; special course law department, same school ; married Esther Ayres Dement of Dixon, 111., Oct. 18, 1913; admitted to Bar 1903; General Attorney, South Chicago City Railway Co. ; Attorney for Crime Committee of City Council, 1914; Special Assistant to U. S. Attorney General in anti-trust cases, 1913- 1917; member firm, Richberg, Ickes, Davies & Lord ; member University Club. (Photo by Walinger) MORGAN LLOYD DAVIES THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 111 WILLIAM B. DAVIES CHICAGO Born July 1, 1879; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1900; married Louise B. Greenlee, June 23, 1906, at LaGrange, 111. ; member City Club of Chicago, Suburban Club of LaGrange, Edgewood Golf Club, LaGrange ; member firm, Dyrenforth, Lee, Chritton & Wiles. WILLIAM B. DAVIES HOMER W. DAVIS CHICAGO Born June 8, 1882 ; educated high schools, Indiana University; graduate of Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; member A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Asso- ciation; Solicitor for Illinois, for Santa Fe Railroad. (Photo by Lasswell) HOMER W. DAVIS JAMES C. DAVIS CHICAGO Born Sept 2, 1857, at Keokuk, Iowa; admitted to Bar 1877 ; married Clara M. Mooar, Dec. 10, 1884, who died March 23, 1896 ; married Louise M. Pomery, Aug. 15, 1901 ; member Union League, New Evanston, Golf and University Club (Evan- ston) ; general practice ; general solicitor, Northwestern Railway under federal ad- ministration. 112 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JAMES EWING DAVIS JESSE NEWTON DAVIS CHICAGO Born Feb. 27, 1880; graduate of Grand Island College, Grand Island, Nebr., A. B. ; Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1909; married Miss Laura H. Barrett, June 23, 1910, at Chicago: mem- ber Kenwood Tennis, Wanderers' Tennis, Olympia Fields Country and Madison (Wis.) Clubs; trial attorney for Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York from admis- sion to Bar to 1911, since that time in law department of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company as Assistant General Solicitor. JAMES EWING DAVIS CHICAGO Born March 19, 1868. at Maidsville, W. Va. ; graduate of West Virginia University, A. B., LL. B. ; married Katharine Irwin, Feb. 24, 1902, at Chicago ; admitted to West Virginia Bar 1891 ; member firm of Short, Davis & Rust; member Board Civil Service Commissioners, Cook County, 1898-1899; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Mason, Shriner, Odd Fellow, Knights of Pythias, Hamilton Club ; real estate, corporation and probate law prac- tice. JESSE NEWTON DAVIS EDWARD S. DAY CHICAGO Born Feb. 22, 1870; graduate of Spring- field (111.) High School; studied law with several prominent law firms in Springfield, 111.; admitted to Bar 1892; married Novem- ber, J913, at Chicago; Assistant City Attor- ney, Chicago, 1904-1907; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, 1907-1912, Special Assistant Attorney General of Illinois, 1918- 1919; member Hamilton. Irish Fellowship, 25th Ward Republican Clubs. Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. Lawyers' Association of Illinois; general practice. EDWARD S. DAY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 113 STEPHEN A. DAY CHICAGO Born Canton, Ohio, July 13, 1882; at- tended University School, Cleveland Ohio ; Asheville (N. C.) School, and University of Michigan, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, Ohio, 1907; Illinois, 1908; married Mary Thayer Day, Nov. 14, 1905, at Canton, Ohio ; served as Private Secretary, Chief Justice Melville W. Fuller of U. S. Supreme Court, 1905- 1907 ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; Psi Upsilon Fraternity; President, National Industrial Peace League ; member Union League, Hamilton and Glen View Clubs ; special attention to federal court matters and cor- poration organization. (Photo by Matzene) STEPHEN A. DAY FRANK DeBARTOLO CHICAGO Born March 9, 1892, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, Hamilton College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915; married Miss Anna Coco, April 11, 1915 ; member Royal League, Royal Ar- canum, Knights of Columbus, United Ital- ian Benevolent Societies ; general practice. (Photo by Daguerre) FRANK DE BARTOLO DONALD DEFREES CHICAGO Born Feb. 25, 1885; graduated Yale, Ph. B. ; Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1908; married Miss Florence Baker, Dec. 18, 1915, at Goshen, Ind. 114 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS LUDWIG R. DEJMEK CHICAGO Born Oct. 9, 1887, at Chicago; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., LL. M.; admitted to Bar 1909; married Albe Kubik, Nov. 3, 1915, at Chicago; member Garfield Lodge, No. 686, A. F. & A. M. LUDWIG R. DEJMEK DONALD D. DELANY CHICAGO Born Oct. 27, 1892; graduate of Univer- sity of Chicago, Ph. B. ; University of Chi- cago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1917. CHARLES SAMUEL DENEEN CHICAGO Born May 4, 1863, Edwardsville, 111.; attended McKendree College, A. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1886 ; married Bina Day Maloney, May 10, 1891, at Mt. Carroll, 111. ; member Illinois House of Representatives, 1892; Attorney for Sanitary District of Chicago, 1895-1896; State's Attorney, Cook County. 1896-1904; Governor of Illinois, 1905-1909; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; Union League, Law, Hamilton, Exmoor, Beverly and Englewood Clubs. (Photo by Russell) CHARLES SAMUEL DENEEN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 115 WILLIAM B. DENMARK CHICAGO Born June 6, 1862; graduate of Union College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1888; member D. C. Cregier, A. F. & A. M. ; Philippine Camp, U. S. W. V.; general practice. LOUIS L. DENT CHICAGO Born Sept. 21, 1871, at Short Bend, Mo. ; graduate of Harvard, A. B.; admitted to Bar 1897; married Miss May E. Barrett, May 26, 1899, at Chicago; member (Presi- dent) Riverside Golf Club and Chicago Club ; general practice. THOMAS (IJAMS) DENT CHICAGO Born Nov. 14, 1831, on farm in Oxbow Prairie region, Putnam County, 111. ; at- tended common schools in Caledonia and Magnolia, Putnam County, and school near Asbury Chapel in Hopewell Township, Muskingum County, Ohio ; admitted to Bar Nov. 7, 1854, in Illinois, and entered into practice at Hennepin, 111. ; married Miss Susan Strawn of Putnam County, 111., June 4, 1857 (died March 7, 1911) ; Notary Pub- lic for Putnam County, 111., Dec. 7, 1855; was admitted as Attorney in U. S. Circuit and District Courts, Northern District of Illinois, March 3, 1856, to U. S. Supreme Court, April 30, 1870, and Supreme Court, Territory of Dakota, May 11, 1880; member of the Union League Club of Chicago, Chicago Literary Club, Chicago Law Insti- tute and the American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations (an ex-President of the Chicago Law Institute, the Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, and the Chicago Historical Society) ; has been a Presbyterian Elder for over 50 years and for 36 years has been a Director of the McCormick Theological Seminary; general practice in law, chancery, admiralty, patent law and criminal cases ; formerly Attorney for the Chicago Board of Trade and a number of national banks. THOMAS (IJAMS) DEXT IK) THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Daifiierre) ROCCO DE STEP A NO KOCCO DC STEFANO CHICAGO Born Dec. 21, 1875, in Chicago; graduate of St. Ignatius College, Metropolitan Busi- ness College, Chicago College of Law ; ad- mitted to Bar 1898; married in Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1906-1907; Corresponding Secretary, City Collector, 1897-1903; Assistant Attorney, Forest Pre- serve, 1919-1920; member Legal Advisory Board, No. 42 (Secretary), 1917-1918; Chairman War Agency Drive, 19th Ward (1918); member Bellini Lodge, No. 571, Knights of Pythias ; Royal League, Vernon Council, No. 84; Humboldt Park, A. F. & A. M., No. 813; Northwest Chapter, R. A. M., No. 224; Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, Chicago Camp 3052; criminal and civil practice in all courts. DON E. DETRICH SPARTA Born Oct. 6, 1856 ; graduate Sparta High School ; admitted to Bar 1879 ; married Emma B. Glove, Dec. 21, 1881, at Shiloh Hill; State's Attorney, 1880-1884; Master in Chancery, 1896-1902; Assistant Attorney General, 1913-1917; member Chester Lodge, N*o. 72, A. F. & A. M. WILLIAM H. DEVENISH CHICAGO Born April 16, 1886, at Chicago ; graduate Lewis Institute, Chicago Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar 1908; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1915-1917; City Attorney, 1917 to date. (Photo by Melvin II. Sykes) WILLIAM H. DEVENISH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 117 DANIEL M. DEVER CHICAGO Born Oct. 19, 1891, at Portville, N. Y. ; graduate St. Ignatius College, Law Depart- ment, Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1917; Representative of County Treasurer in County Attorney's Office, 1912- 1915; Military Service, 1918-1919; member University Council, Knights of Columbus, American Brotherhood, Praters; general practice. (Photo by Monfort) DANIEL M. DEVER JAMES T. DEVERE CHICAGO Born 1871, at Indianapolis Ind. ; graduate De Paul University, Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904 ; married Miss Angela Hackbert, Aug. 10, 1892, at Chi- cago ; three sons served in Great War : James, killed in France, Edward, wounded in France, and John, 14 years old, who saw active duty in U. S. Navy; member K. of P., F. O. E., Knights and Leagues of Secur- ity, American Brotherhood ; member of firm of Devere, Murray & Raymond. (Photo by Moffett) JAMES T. DEVERE JOHN B. DEVINE CHICAGO Born at St. Louis, Mo. ; graduate of St. Ignatius College, A. B., Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; member of Knights of Columbus; general practice. (Photo by Lassvvell) JOHN B. DEVIXE us THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN' F. DEVINE, JR. CHICAGO Born Dec. 16, 1889; graduate of Uni- versity of Notre Dame; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Mary Bredemus; As- sistant Probate Judge, 1918 to date; member Klks, Eagles. DOXALD JOSEPH DE WOLFE CHICAGO Born Sept. 26, 1884, at Assumption, 111.; graduate of Eastern Illinois State Normal, at Charleston, 111., University of Chicago, LL. B., cum laude; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Elizabeth Swafford, Nov. 2, 1917, at Kansas City, Mo.; member Chicago Bar Association ; civil practice, both com- mon law and chancery in state and federal courts, nisi prius and reviewing courts. (Photo by Lasswell) DONALD JOSEPH DE WOLFE HARRY C. DIAMOND CHICAGO Born Sept. 6, 1887, at Dublin, Ireland; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; member John Corson Smith Lodge No. 944 A. F. & A. M. and York Chapter, No. 148, R. A. M. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 119 HENRY F. DICKINSON CHICAGO Born 1874, at St. Louis, Mo. ; graduate of Wisconsin University and Law School, LL. B., Harvard Law School (post graduate work), Lake Forest Academy; admitted to Bar, Wisconsin, 1896, Illinois, 1898; married Miss Edith C. Colehrooke, 1902, at Evans- ton, 111. ; member University, Indian Hill Golf, Wisconsin Alumni, Harvard, Camp Fire, and Highland Park Clubs ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JACOB MCGAVOCK DICKINSON, JR. JOHN A. DIENNER CHICAGO Born Sept. 22, 1887, at Elkhart, Ind., graduate of common and high schools at Elkhart, Purdue University, B. A., master degree in engineering ; George Washington University, LL. B., Georgetown University, Master Patent Law ; admitted to Bar, 1912 ; married Miss Pearl J. Calhoun, July 27, 1915, at Washington, D. C. ; Assistant Ex- aminer in U. S. Patent Office, 1910-1914; member City, Electric and University (Evanston) Club, Assoc. member A. I. E. E. ; member Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi and Tau Beta Pi Fraternities. (Photo by Lasswell) HENRY F. DICKINSON JACOB McGAVOCK DICKINSON, JR. CHICAGO Born Feb. 4, 1891, at Nashville, Tenn. ; graduate of Yale, B. A., Harvard, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Miss Mar- garet Smith, 1916, at Cincinnati, O. ; Assist- ant State's Attorney, 1915-1917, Captain Field Artillery, 1917-1919; member Univers- ity Club ; general practice. JOHN A. DIENNER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE E. DIERSSEN HOMER D. DIXES CHICAGO Born Oct. 16, 1877, at Shelbyville, Mo.; educated Chaddock College, of Quincy, 111., B. S., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900 ; mar- ried Miss May Dickson, Oct. 8, 1901, at Quincy, 111. ; private secretary, Justice Guy C. Scott, of Illinois Supreme Court, 190J- 1908. private secretary, Justice George A. Cooke, of Illinois Supreme Court, June, 1909, to June, 1919; member Masonic order. GEORGE E. DIERSSEN CHICAGO Born March 16, 1879, at Chicago; gradu- ate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1901 ; Assistant Corporation Counsel 1907-1911 ; Assistant Attorney Gen- eral, 1917; member Hamilton Club, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Mason (Shriner). (Photo by I/asswell) FRANK E. DINGLK (Photo by Lasswell) HOMER D. DINES FRANK E. DINGLE CHICAGO Born on farm near New Castle, Ind., June 12, 1884 ; graduate New Castle High School, 1904; attended Tri-State Normal College, Angola, Ind., Indiana University, Bloom ington, Ind., University of Chicago, Ph. B., 1914; graduate University of Chi- cago Law School, 1916; married Mary Warford of Geneva, 111. ; teacher and high school principal New Castle schools ; ward superintendent New Castle ; member Blue Lodge No. 91, A. F. & A. M., at New Castle, Chapter No. 50, R. A. M., Council No. 51 and Commandery No. 44, K. T., New Castle : formerly associated with Henry J. and Charles Aaron, later with firm of Boyle, Mott and Miller; now associated with Trust Department, Foreman Bros. Banking Co. ; engaged in general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 121 HARRY S. DITCHBURNE CHICAGO Born May 19, 1886, at Chicago ; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Bernice Beebe, Oct. 29, 1910, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Moffett) HARRY S. DITCHBURNE WILLIAM WARREN DIXON CHICAGO Born April 27, 1877 ; graduated Harvard College, S. B., Harvard Law School LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Miss Ethel Field Fisher, June 15, 1910, at Chicago; member Union League, Hamilton, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country, University and Law Clubs, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations ; member law firm of Calhoun, Lyford & Sheean during its existence. (Photo by Mnffett) WILLIAM WARREN DIXON GEORGE C. DIXON DIXON Born Oct. 1, 1881, at Dixon, 111.; at- tended Northern College of Law, Dixon, University of Chicago Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Lenore C. Puterbaugh at Dixon, 111., Nov. 16, 1907 ; appointed assistant attorney general under Edward J. Brundage, Aug. 1, 1919; mem- ber of Knights Templar Consistory and council of the Masons, Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; served as Exalted Ruler of Dixon Lodge No. 779, B. P. O. E., member of Illinois State Bar Association; member of law firm Dixon & Dixon, at- torneys for the C. & N. W., C. B. & Q., I. C., S. D. & E. Electric railroads. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE C. DIXON 122 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM D. DOGGETT CHICAGO Born Sept. 28, 1889, at Chicago; one year each Wendell Phillips High, Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Illinois Col- lege of Commerce, Y. M. C. A. academic course, graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Hazel A. Strong, October 31, 1917, at Chicago ; Bank & Trust Company law ; legal dept. of Illinois Trust & Savings Bank since 1911. i PI 1 1 >t, i by 1. 1 ".-:! > WILLIAM D. DOGGETT W. J. DOLE CHICAGO Born Dec. 28, 1882, at Westphalia, Mich. ; graduate of Michigan State Normal Col- lege, Valparaiso University, De Paul Uni- versity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912 ; married Anna Engel, Feb., 1902, at Lansing, Mich. ; member Masonic Fraternity, Irish Fellowship Club, Lawyers Association of Illinois. Illinois State Bar Association; cor- poration practice. w. j. DOLE JAMES DONAHOE CHICAGO Born March 28, 1866 ; educated public schools and St. Viator's College ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Delia Loftice, 1894; alderman 34th and 35th wards, 1910-1914; Judge Municipal Court since 1917. JAMES DONAHOE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 123 GEORGE A. DONNELLY CHICAGO Born July 23, 1867; graduated Chicago Kent College of Law, LL.B., 1896; ad- mitted to Bar, 1896; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE A. DONNELLY JOHN J. DOWNEY CHICAGO Born May 9, 1884; graduate Northwest- ern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; married Florence J. Arthur, June 19, 1914, at Chicago ; real estate law. (Photo by Wallnger) JOHN J. DOWNEY EDWARD ANDREW DOYLE CHICAGO Born July 12, 1891; attended St. Pat- rick's Academy, St. Catherine's Academy, Chicago Latin School, University School, Phillips-Andover, Yale University and Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Omi- crom Kappa Pi. Phi Delta Phi, Iroquois Club, American and Illinois State Bar Asso- ciations ; general practice in all branches excepting criminal. (Photo by Gibson, Sykes & Fowler) EDWARD ANDREW DOYLE 124 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM A. DOYLE CHICAGO Born at Winchester, 111. ; graduate of Christian Brothers, St. Louis, Mo., Union College of Law, Northwestern University, LL. B., LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1887; mar- ried Miss Mary Gertrude Edwards, Sept. 17, 1890, at Chicago; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court, member Chicago Athletic Association, South Shore Country, Iroquois Clubs, and National Bar, Illinois State Bar and Chicago Bar Associations ; general practice. WILLIAM A. DOYLE GEORGE J. DREISKE CHICAGO Born July 4, 1875, at Chicago; graduate of Baldwin-Wallace College, University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900, Illinois, 1899, Michigan; married June 22, 1899, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; member Chicago Bar Association, Art Institute ; Professor Criminal Law and Evidence, Webster Col- lege of Law past 6 years. (Photo by Moffett) GEORGE J. DREISKE MORRIS J. DREZNER CHICAGO Born May 10, 1885 ; graduate of De Paul and Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, Illinois, 1911, U. S. District Court, 1912; married Miss Fanny Gwirtz- man, Aug. 31, 1913, at New York City; associate member of Legal Advisory Board 84 and 34 ; general practice ; trial lawyer, probate court practice. i l;y Mnffrtt) MORRIS J. DRKZNER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 125 FRANK HENDERSON DRURY CHICAGO Born April 1, 1860, at Worcester, Mass.; graduate of State Normal School (Mass.), B. S., Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1898; married (1st) Jennie E. Andrews in 1884 (died 1896) ; (2nd) Sarah E. Gloss, of Evanston, 111., Dec. 24, 1898 (died 1918) ; member Chicago Patent Law Association, American Association En- gineers. Western Society Engineers, Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen, National Union ; practice exclusively in federal courts, making specialty of patent and corporation law. FRANK HENDERSON DRURY JOHN M. DUFFY CHICAGO Born Dec. 25, 1869, in Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Union College of Law, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896 ; married ; City Col- lector, City Controller ; served with Com- missioners of Public Works, also for six years with Sanitary District of Chicago during entire construction of main chan- nel as Secretary of Board of Trustees, later General Counsel of the Board ; Secre- tary of 1st American Catholic Congress at Baltimore in 1899, and member of its orig- inal Committee on Organization. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN M. DUFFY JOHN T. DUFFY CHICAGO Born Feb. 4, 1892; educated St. Ignatius College, Loyola University of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Assemblers, Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN T. DUFFY 126 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ALBERT G. DUNCAN CHICAGO Born April 1, 1891 ; educated University of Chicago and University of Chicago Law School, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Patrice Thomas, Aug., 1918, at New York; member Siloam, A. F. & A. 'M. ; captain National Army six months; in A. E. F. with 332nd M. G. Bn. (Photo by MofTett) ALBERT G. DUNCAN ARTHUR F. DURAND CHICAGO Born 1871 ; graduate of Lake Forest Uni- versity, Law Dept. ; admitted to Bar, 1899; married; member University (Washington), Hamilton, Union League and City Clubs, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Royal League. Phi Delta Phi ; patent law. (Photo by Lasswell) ARTHUR F. DURAND ROBERT W. DUNN CHICAGO Born Nov. 27, 1873; educated Chicago Public Schools and University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Miss Helen McCosh, March 30, 1907, at Bay City, Mich.; member Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Phi Delta Phi Fraternity, Ham- ilton and University Clubs ; secretary and legal counsel of Illinois Highway Improve- ment Association in the county campaign for Good Roads Bond Issue and in the State of Illinois Sixty Million Dollar Good Roads Bond Issue. (Photo by Matz*ne) ROBERT W. DUNN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 127 WILLIAM H. DUVAL CHICAGO Born March 14, 1861, at Washington, D. C. ; educated Georgetown University, Washington, D. C., St. Ignatius Loyola College, Baltimore, Md., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar to Charleston, West Virginia, 1891, Illinois Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Anna Pehrson, Aug. 17, 1896, at Chicago, 111.; Assistant State's Attorney since 1913, County Attorney, 1914-1917; member Iro- quois Club and Knights of Columbus ; cor- poration and general practice, exclusive of criminal. (Photo by Lassvvell) PAUL EDWARD DUZESKI EDGAR O. EAKIN CHICAGO Born Aug. 17, 1878, at Elgin, 111. ; gradu- ate of Chicago Seminary of Science, Chi- cago Law School, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; associate member Legal Ad- visory Board, 1918-1919; member Federal Lodge 961, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Lodge 43, Loyal Order of Moose, Mecca Legion 11, Mooseheart Legion of the World. Ona- wa Tribe 490 Improved Order of Red Men, Chicago Assembly American Brotherhood U. S. A., Lawyers Association of Illinois, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations; special counsel Interstate and Intra-state Commerce laws ; 15 years with Baltimore & Ohio R. R. ; general practice of law. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM H. DUVAL PAUL EDWARD DUZESKI CHICAGO Born June 4, 1884, at Eckley, Pa.; grad- uate high school, business college (court reporting), Chicago Conservatory of Elo- cution (teacher's certificate), Western Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911 ; married Miss Duchess E. Delihant, July 2, 1900, at Chicago ; with Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. since 1906 ; member Chicago Law Institute ; corporation law. During war was sergeant, I. V. T. C., 1st Infantry, Motor Transport Train. ,' EDGAR 0. EAKIN 12S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS J. LKWIS EARLYWINE CHICAGO Horn June 11. 1880; graduate Kentucky University, A. B.. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910. Kentucky. 1913, Illinois; personal in- jury and general practice. ALBERT X. EASTMAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 17, 1864, in Ashtabula County, Ohio; graduate of Kingsville Academy, Ashtabula High School, collegiate course under private tutor, studied law under Frank J. Smith and F. A. Helmer, Chi- cago ; admitted to Bar in 1887 ; married Myrta E. Hopkins. July, 1899, at Ashtabula, ().; member of firm Eastman, White & Hawxhurst; during McKinley campaign was President of Lincoln Club, is ex-officer Hamilton Club, of which he is life member; former president Edgewater Country Club ; member American. International, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, former president Commercial Law League ; member Oriental Consistory, Illinois Commandery, Medinah Temple ; one of founders and trus- tees of Edgewater Presbyterian Church. (Photo by Matzene) ALBERT N. EASTMAN ( by Moffetn CHARLES SCRIBNER EATON- CHARLES SCRIBNER EATON CHICAGO Born Aug. 24, 1878, at Palmyra, Mo.;, educated Chicago public grammar and high schools, Lewis Institute, graduate of Uni- versity of Chicago, A. B., Harvard Uni- versity, LL. B. ; married Helen Davida Harper, Oct. 6, 1904, at Chicago; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Illinois So- ciety of the Sons of the Revolution, Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Union League and Harvard Clubs, Mason ; member for three \-ears and chairman for two terms of the Lawyers Subdivision of Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce, including Illinois Com- mittee, Housing and Public Welfare, Survey Committee and Legislative Commit- tee ; also served as member Judicial Re- form and Procedure Committee, Commit- tee on Political Nominations, Committee on Public Expenditures, and Committee on Constitutional Convention, Committee of the City Club of Chicago: Government Ap- peal Agent Local Board No. 15, of Chi- cago; elected Alderman of Sixth Ward, April, 1919. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 129 ALFAR M. EBERHARDT CHICAGO Born July 13, 1883; graduate of Lewis Institute, Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; assistant attorney general, 1919 to date; member Hamilton, Lincoln, American Unity Clubs, Garden City Lodge A. F. & A. M., Lincoln Park Commandery ; corporation and estates. (Photo by Matzene) ALFAR M. EBERHARDT ROBERT HAMILTON EBERLE CHICAGO Born at St. Louis, Mo. ; graduate of Chi- cago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; married Belle Knapp, Jan. 26, 1913 ; member Veritas Lodge No. 926, A. F. & A. M. ; chancery and civil practice. (Photo by Muffett) ROBERT HAMILTON EBERLE WALTER H. ECKERT CHICAGO Born March 10, 1880, at Woodstock, 111. ; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Georgia Cooper, Sept. 3, 1907, at Chicago ; member Union League, Hinsdale and Hinsdale Golf Clubs. (Photo by Matzene) WALTER H. ECKERT THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS PERCY B. ECKHART CHICAGO Born Jan. 20, 1877, at Chicago; educated Chicago puhlic schools, Chicago Manual Training School, University of Chicago, Ph. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1902; married Miss Charlotte B. Capen, June 6, 1903, at Bloomington, 111. ; lecturer on Public Service Corporations, University of Chicago Law School, 1903- 1916; President ;Exmoor Country Club, 1919 ; member Union League, Exmoor Country, Cliff Dwellers, Kenilworth Clubs, governing member Chicago Art Institute, member American, Illinois, Chicago Bar Associations. Law Club, Delta Kappa Epsi- lon, Phi Delta Phi, Harvard and National Arts Club. PERCY B. ECKHART MICHAEL ECKSTEIN SPRINGFIELD Born July 23, 1882, at Jassy, Roumania ; graduate of University of Bucharest (Rou- mania), Chicago-Kent College of Law; ad- mitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Minnie Oppleman, July 2, 1914, at Chicago; At- torney for Police Pension Board and Public Administrator Sangamon Co. ; member Ma- sons, K. P., Sangamon County and Illinois State Bar Associations; general practice. MICHAEL ECKSTEIN SEYMOUR EDGERTOX CHICAGO Born Aug. 18, 1866, at Richmond, Va. ; graduate of Middlebury College, 1888, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1890; married. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 131 BENJAMIN HARRISON EHRLICH CHICAGO Born Feb. 10, 1892, at Chicago ; educated Lake View High School, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; married Miss Loretta Blanston, Mar. 31, 1916, at Chicago; member K. P. and Odd Fellows ; assisted in defense many criminal cases. (Photo by Lasswell) BENJAMIN HARRISON EHRLICH DAVID EICHBERG CHICAGO Born Mar. 18, 1860; graduate Shurtleff College (Upper Alton, 111.), University of Illinois, B. L., Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1884; married Miss Emma Longini, Dec. 15, 1892, at Chicago ; member Sigma Chi, Masonic, National Union, Law Institute, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation ; real estate and probate, general practice. (Photo by Moffett) DAVID EICHBERG DAVID S. EISENDRATH CHICAGO Born Sept. 1, 1887, at Racine, Wis. ; edu- cated in public and high schools of Chicago, University of Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D., Cum Laude ; admitted to Bar, 1909; member Universal Lodge, No. 985, A. F. & A. M., Peerless Chapter O. E. S., Chicago Bar Association, Four Minute Men. (Photo by Lasswell) DAVID S. EISENDRATH BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HKKMAX L. EKKRN CHICAGO Horn Dec. 27, 1872; graduate of Univers- ity of Wisconsin Law School ; admitted to liar, 1894; married Miss Lily C. Anderson; District Attorney, 1894-1898; member of Assembly of Wisconsin, 1903-1908; Deputy Commissioner of Insurance, 1909-1910; Commissioner of Insurance, Wisconsin, 1911-1915; insurance law; Counsel for Na- tional Association of Mutual Fire and Casualty Insurance Companies. EMANUEL ELLER CHICAGO Horn Dec. 21, 1889, at Chicago; graduate of Webster College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Anna Gins- burg. Sept. 19, 1916, at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel. Chicago, 1917 to date; member Pleiades Lodge, No 478, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association; general practice. (Photo by Lasswcll) EMAXUEL ELLER FREDERIC C. ELLIS CHICAGO Horn June 7, 1873. at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University, A. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1898; member Lawyers Asso- ciation. Chicago Law Institute, City Club ; served in 1st 111. Cavalry in Spanish-Ameri- can War ; corporation law. (IMiiiti. by MoffetO KKKPKRU C. ELLIS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 133 W. D. ELMER CHICAGO Born at Big Rock, Iowa; graduate of S. U. I., 1883, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1883; married Miss Winifred Kidder, June 25, 1885, at Davenport, Iowa. W. D. ELMER JOSEPH F. ELWARD CHICAGO Born in Chicago, 111. ; University, A. B., LL. E 1915. graduate of Loyola ; admitted to Bar, (Photo by Lasswell) JOSEPH F. ELWARD FRANK EMERICH CHICAGO Born Feb. 5, 1874; graduate of Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern Uni- versity Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1896 ; married Miss Carrie Unger, Sept. 20, 1908, at Salida, Calif.; attorney for Dept. of Health, Chicago, 1899-1900; member Press Club of Chicago, Iroquois, Chicago, City and National Press_ Clubs, Washington, D. C. ; practice restricted entirely to practice before Congress and other legislative bodies, governmental commissions and committees, and in the interest of trade organizations, inclusive of publicistic work. (Photo by Chambers) FRANK EMERICH 134 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Lasswrll) JAMES IGNATIUS ENNIS JAMES IGNATIUS ENNIS CHICAGO Born Oct. 17, 1861 ; educated public and high schools, Union College of Law, Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1893; married Miss Georgina Wild, Feb. 15, 1887, at Chicago; employed for 25 years by Merchants Loan & Trust Co., Master in Chancery, Superior Court, 1911-1917; Com- missioner North Shore Park District, Chi- cago, 1899-1906; member Irish Fellowship, Iroquois Clubs, Veteran Corps 1st Reg. Inf., I. N. G., Honorary member of com- panies F, H and K, 1st Reg. Inf., I. N. G., honorary member National Organization State Bank Examiners, Chicago Bar and Illinois State Bar Associations ; law lec- turer for American Institute of Banking, Lecturer for Chicago Business Law School and for Walton's School of Commerce ; served 1st Reg. I. N. G., 1882-1892, in com- panies F and K ; mustered Co. K into First Reg. in 1890 and served as its first captain. ALBERT B. ENOCH CHICAGO Born at Afton, Iowa; graduate of Uni- versity of Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; general attorney C. R. I. & P. Ry. Co. SAMUEL B. EPSTEIN CHICAGO Born Nov. 15, 1890, in Russia; graduate of University of Chicago Academic and Law School, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; member A. F. & A. M. ; served in Naval Reserve Force during 1918. SAMUEL B. EPSTEIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 135 CHARLES EPHRAIM ERBSTEIN CHICAGO Born Cleveland, Ohio ; attended Chicago public schools and Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Miss Olivia King, Feb. 23, 1906, at Chicago ; member Elks ; general and criminal practice. CHARLES EPHRAIM ERBSTEIN ALFRED O. ERICKSON CHICAGO Born on farm in Wisconsin ; graduate of Universities of Wisconsin and Indiana; forensics and public speaking at Chicago Conservatory, Law Dept., Lake Forest Uni- versity, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1899, Su- preme Court, 1909 ; served as trial lawyer, City of Chicago, 1906-1911; assistant state's attorney, 2 years ; assistant corporation counsel. 1915 to date ; member American and Chicago Bar Associations, Mason, Loyal Order of Aloose, Wisconsin Society of Chicago and other clubs. ALFRED O. ERIC K SOX CECIL C. ERICKSON CHICAGO Born March 30, 1882, at Farmer City, 111. ; attended University of Illinois, University of Michigan, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Bertha Delpire at Chicago, July 22, 1914; member Golden Rule Lodge, No. 159, A. F. & A. M., Jackson Park Chap- ter No. 222, Frank M. Burroughs No. 708, K. of P. ; corporation practice. (Phi)to by Kuchne) CECIL C. ERICKSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ( Photo by M.iffetU JOHN EDWARD ERICKSON JOHN T. EVANS CHICAGO Born in Macon County, Mo.; educated in public schools and college at Kirksville, Mo., Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1903; captain U. S. A. in 1918; mem- ber Chicago Athletic Association, Hamilton and Exmoor Country Clubs, Phi Delta Phi, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. JOHN EDWARD ERICKSON CHICAGO Born at Thorold, Can. ; attended Richland Academy, Richland, Mo., and Illinois Col- lege of Law, Chicago; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Hilda Olive Hedreen at Chicago, March 12, 1909; member Royal Arcanum and Moody Church of Chicago; commercial, personal injury, compensation act cases, real estate and general practice in state and federal courts. (Photo by MofTett) JOHN T. EVANS EDWARD WARREN EVERETT CHICAGO Born Oct. 3, 1873, St. Joseph, Mo. ; gradu- ate Lake Forest University, Chicago Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar, 1896; mar- ried Miss Ruth Fuller, April 7, 1917, at Chicago ; member Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations, Chicago Law. Exmoor and South Shore Country Clubs, Chicago Athletic Association, Mid Day Club; member of firm of Winston, Strawn & Shaw. iPluitn liy M.i;/, i,. i EDWARD WARREN EVERETT THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 137 F. L. FAIRBANK CHICAGO Born Nov. 29, 1881, in Iowa; graduate of public and high schools, Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906; mar- ried Edna E. Cronin, June 6, 1914, at Chi- cago. 111. ; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, 1908-1912; member Masons and Odd Fallows, Chicago Bar Association ; member Northup, Arnold & Fairbank, 1912-1917, firm of Northup, Fairbank & Klein, 1917 to date. (Photo by Lasswell) F. L. FAIRBANK MAX J. FARBER Born Dec. 7, 1877 ; graduate Western Re- serve University, Cleveland, Ohio, A. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Phi Betta Kappa Society. (Photo by Lasswell) MAX J. FARBER FRANK M. FAIRFIELD CHICAGO Born Aug. 25, 1866, at Odell, 111. ; gradu- ate of Kent College of Law, LL. B., Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; married Miss Fanny Wagner, Aug. 30, 1901, at Chicago; Commissioner Boy Scouts of America; member Hamilton Club, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Asso- ciations, Lawyers Association of Illinois, Law Institute ; former member Kansas National Guard ; member of famous Cow Boy Cavalry Troop. Oregon National Guard ; specializes in insurance law. (Photo by Lasswell) FRANK M. FAIRFIELD us THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JAMES F. FARDY CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111., Oct. 27, 1880; at- tended Chicago Kent College of Law ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Alice Henry, April 1, 1918, at Chicago; chief examiner of titles (Torrens System), Cook County. 1912-1916; assistant state's attor- ney, 1918 ; criminal law and real property. llMiolo by Kuliniter) JAMES F. FARDY ROBERT HILL FARRELL CHICAGO Born Sept. 30, 1891, Chicago, 111.; at- tended grammar and high schools of Chi- cago ; graduated Chicago Kent College of Law. LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1915; served as Appellate Court attorney for City of Chi- cago. July, 1916, to date; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations and Lawyers Association of Illinois, Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, Chicago Real Estate Board and B. P. O. E. ; engaged in general prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) ROBERT HILL FARRELL JOHN C. FARWELL CHICAGO Born at Grand Rapids, Mich. ; graduate of Union College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1896; member Union League and Wood- lawn Park Clubs ; real estate, corporation and probate law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 139 CHARLES J. FAULKNER, JR. CHICAGO Born Aug. 23, 1877, Martinsburg, W. Va. ; graduate of Washington and Lee University (Lexington, Va.), LL. B. ; married Miss Elizabeth Durkee of Chicago, Oct. 12. 1907; admitted to Bar, West Virginia and Vir- ginia, in 1898 ; removed to Chicago, 1899 ; admitted to Illinois Bar, 1899; General Counsel, Armour & Co., since 1917 ; member American, Illinois and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations, South Shore Country Club, Chi- cago Athletic Association, Metropolitan Club of Washington, D. C., Phi Gamma Delta Club, New York, Illinois Sons of American Revolution. (Photo by Lassueii) HAROLD A. FEIN MICHAEL FEINBERG CHICAGO Born July 15, 1886; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Anna Kaufman, Dec. 21, 1913, at Chicago ; Master in Chan- cery, Circuit Court, since March, 1919 ; As- sociate Attorney for Public Administrators, 1907-1911; member Chicago Lodge No. 4, B. P. O. E., Garland Lodge No. 666, K. P. ; civil and criminal practice, particularly de- fense of Violations of U. S. Postal Laws. (Photo by Moffett) CHARLES J. FAULKNER, JR. HAROLD A. FEIN CHICAGO Born May 18, 1896 ; graduate Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917 ; member A. F. & A. M., K. P., I. O. B. B., Chicago Bar Association, Phi Delta Alpha Fraternity; corporation law and income tax matters ; member of firm Miller & Fein Served in U. S. Navv for 9 months. MICHAEL FEIXBERG 140 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM H. FEIXDT CHICAGO (iraduatc <>f University of Michigan; ad- mitted to liar, 1898; Assistant State's At- tornev. 19W-1912. M. E. FEIWELL CHICAGO Born 1890 ; graduate of University Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; member Legal Advisory Board during War, Dist. 81; member Odd Fellows, City Club; gen- eral practice. REUBEN J. FELDMAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 21, 1889; graduate John Mar- shall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar. 1912; member A. F. & A. M.. Chicago Bar Association, U. S. Armv, 1918-1919. RKl'BKX J. KKI.HMAX THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 141 WILLIAM FELDMAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 6, 1887; graduate public high school, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1910; member Covenant Club, K. P., and Odd Fellows ; chattel mortgage and sales, gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswel!) WILLIAM FELDMAN HARRY H. FELGAR CHICAGO Born on farm near Quincy, 111. ; educated in country schools ; attended Carthage Col- lege (Carthage, 111.) ; graduate of North- western University Law School ; admitted to Illinois and Federal Bar, 1909; married; during world war served on Draft Board, Speakers Bureau and other war commit- tees ; much of practice has been mechanics' liens and wills ; frequently retained in trial cases of other lawyers. (Photo by Chambers) HARRY H. FELGAR EDWARD P. FELKER CHICAGO Born Nov. 8, 1891 ; graduate Harvard College, A. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Iowa, 1914, Illinois, 1919; Captain F. A., U. S. R., served in U. S. Army, 1917-1918; A. F. & A. M., L. O. O. M., Commercial Law League ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) EDWARD P. FELKER 142 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS K. J. KELLINGHAM CHICAGO Born Sept. 19, 1872; graduate of North- western University, A. B., Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1899; mar- ried Miss Gertrude Cooley, of New York, Sept. 9, 1903, at Canandaigua, N. Y. ; from 1918 to date, attorney for Standard Oil Co. of Indiana. (Photo by Koehuc) R. |. KEI.UXGHAM EDWARD G. FELSEXTHAL Born July 8, 1886, at Chicago, 111.; edu- cated public schools, Morgan Park Acad- emy. University of Chicago. A. B., 1908, University of Chicago Law School, J. D., 1910; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Mildred Hartman, Feb. 5. 1913: member Standard, Ravisloe Country and Book and Play Clubs and Chicago, Illinois and Ameri- can Bar Associations ; general practice ; member of firm Fclsenthal, Wilson and Struckmann. (Photo by Lasswell) EDWARD G. FELSENTHAL GEORGE HENRY FENN CHICAGO Born May 17, 1874; graduate of Birk- beck Institute (London, Eng.), City of London College (London, Eng.), Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., LL. M. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1910 ; married Miss Clara Eugenia Trimble, Dec. 25, 1918. at Chicago ; Attorney for Judge David F. Matchett, Appellate Court, 1st Dist., Jan., 1919, to date; member (vice-pres.) British Ameri- can Club, Chicago Bar Association. Cana- dian Club of Chicago, British Empire As- sociation. Prairie Club ; Daily News lecturer for 3 years ; general and landlord and ten- ant practice. (Photo hy Lasswell) GEORGK HENRY FENX THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 143 ROBERT C. FERGUS CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; graduate of Yale Uni- versity ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law Institute, Chi- cago Historical Society, Chicago Literary Club and Yale Club of Chicago ; author "The Influence of the Eighteenth Novel of Justinian," two papers ; Editor, Interna- tional Exchange. Postulant for Federal Judge at Chicago, Seventh Judicial Circuit, in 1909, 1911 and 1918. GUSTAVUS S. FERNALD CHICAGO Born Nov. 11, 1857, Otisfield, Maine; graduate of Oxford Normal Institute, Paris, Me.; admitted to Bar, Minn., 1882, Illinois, 1909 ; married Miss Gertrude Whittier Bucknam, Sept. 24, 1878, at Portland, Me. ; member Chicago, Exmoor Country and Minnesota (St. Paul) Clubs; connected with law department of The Pullman Com- pany since 1905 ; now its general counsel. OTTO PETTING CHICAGO Born June 25, 1878 ; private instruction under Walrath & Woolfolk; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Boletta J. Nielsen, Feb. 14, 1912, at Chicago ; member Alasons, K. P., Lawyers Association of Illinois. (Photo by Lasswell) OTTO PETTING 144 THE BENCH AN:) !*;{ OF ILLINOIS (IMi.itii by Ralinger) WM. R. FET2ER EDWARD H. FIEDLER CHICAGO Born May 7. 1895, at Chicago ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1917; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; associated with firm Cooke, Sullivan & Ricks. WM. R. KETZER CHICAGO Born Feh. 12, 1873, near Ottawa, 111. ; at- tended University of Illinois; graduate of Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1899 ; married Miss Emily Smith, 1902, at Ottawa, 111. ; Assistant States Attorney, 1909-1913; Alderman 7th Ward, 1917 to date; member Masonic bodies, Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council, Knights Templar, Shrine, K. P., Odd Fellows, Woodlawn Park Club ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) NORTON M. FILES (Photo by Lasswell) EDWARD H. FIEDLER NORTON M. FILES CHICAGO Born on farm in Lake View (now Chi- cago), April 28, 1872; educated in public and private schools and business college, Chicago College of Law, Department of Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; special course in practice, Northwestern Univers- ity Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; member of editorial staff of Callaghan & Co., law book publishers for 4 l /2 years ; As- sistant Librarian of Chicago Law Insti- tute for 16 years ; member of firm Jones, Addington, Ames & Seibold ; member Chi- cago Bar Association ; charter member Blackstone Chapter Lambda Epsilon, mem- ber Alumnal Chapter Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity; general civil practice, patent, trade mark and copyright law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 145 ALBERT FINK CHICAGO Graduate of University of Virginia ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1897; general practice. (Photo by Moffetti GEORGE EVERETT FINK PHILIP J. FINNEGAN CHICAGO Born 1884 at Chicago; graduate of St. Ignatius College, Chicago Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1913; married Miss Olga B. Sistek, Aug. 5, 1913, at Chicago; Assistant Judge Probate Court ; member Chicago Bar Association, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fra- ternity, M. W. of A., and other societies ; professor and lecturer at Chicago Law School on the law as applied to wills and the administration of estates. GEORGE EVERETT FINK Born Sept. 23, 1877, at Nunda, 111. ; gradu- ate of Chicago Business College, Illinois College of Law, University of Miqhigan, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Kathleen E. Fry, Sept. 17, 1905, at Chicago ; Treasurer Ravenswood Manor- Gardens Park District, 1914-1919; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Associa- tion of Illinois, Chicago Law Institute, American Judicature Society, American Association of Title Men, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Hamilton and Intercollegi- ate Clubs, Royal League, Royal Arcanum, Loyal Order of Moose ; House Attorney State Bank of Chicago. (Photo by Lasswell) PHILIP J. FINNEGAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS THOMAS J. FINNEGAN CHICAGO Born June 12, 1894, at Chicago, 111.; grad- uated Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1915 ; member Rainbow Veterans Society, Wheaton Golf Club, Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Associations : general practice ; counsel Lone Star Coal Mining Co. U'lioto by Molten ) THOMAS J. FINNEGAN FREDERIC A. FISCHEL CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Jan. 7, 1883; attended Chicago public schools, South Side Acad- emy, University of Chicago, Ph. B., 1903, and University of Chicago Law School, J. D.. 1905 ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Xorah C. Sparks, Aug. 31, 1914, at Chicago; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar As- sociations, Chicago Law Institute, Standard and Covenant Clubs ; vice-chairman com- mittee on grievances, Chicago Bar Associa- tion, 1919-20; engaged in practice of commercial law. (Photo by Moffett) FREDERIC A. FISCHEL DANIEL W. FISHELL CHICAGO Born at Pittsfield, 111.; graduate of Uni- versity of Michigan, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1898; married Edith Auerbach of Washington, D. C., April 15. 1915, at Chi- cago; member Standard Club, Chicago Bar Association, Delta Chi Fraternity; secretary Standard Club for 5 years ; member of firm Lurie & Fishell. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 147 CHARLES H. FISHER ELGIN Born Feb. 22, 1863 ; common school edu- cation ; admitted to Bar, 1886; married; Corporation Counsel 4 years, City Attorney 4 years ; member A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. ; general practice. CHARLES H. FISHER WALTER TAYLOR FISHER CHICAGO Born Feb. 20, 1892, at Chicago, 111. ; edu- cated Chicago Latin School, Harvard Col- lege, University of Chicago Law School, Harvard Law School, A. B., LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1918; married Katharine Dummer, Aug. 21, 1915, at Portland, Ore- gon ; worked on ocean freight rates and allied matters under U. S. Shipping Board, 1918. (Photo by Lasswell) WALTER TAYLOR FISHER KENNETH M. FISKE CHICAGO Born June 16, 1894; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1916; Ensign U. S. Navy; member Chicago Bar Association, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fra- ternity, U. S. Naval Reserve Force; general practice. KENNETH M. FISKE 14S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS KDWARI) (Hl-RCHII.L FITCH JOSEPH EDMUND FITCH CHICAGO Born Sept. 22, 1887; graduate Armour Institute of Technology, B. S., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; member Edgewater Lodge, No. 901. A. F. & A. M.; Evanston Golf Club, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law In- stitute, Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity; served 16 months in France with A. E. F., as Instructor at Saumur Artillery School, and in 5th Field Artillery, 1st Div., A. E. F. EDWARD CHURCHILL FITCH SPRINGFIELD Born May 11, 1862, at Vandalia, 111.; graduate of University of Indiana, A. B., A. M.; admitted to Bar, 1888; married Miss Alice A. Springer, Oct. 4, 1887, at Bloom- ington, Ind. ; County Supt. of Schools, iul- wards County, 111., 1886-1890; Trustee Southern Illinois Normal University, 1^89- 1893 ; Representative General Assembly (45th), 1907-1909; Asst. City Attorney ("Chicago), 1904-1912; Asst. Attorney Gen- eral, 1917 to date; member Knights Tem- plar, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JOSEPH EDMUND FITCH JOSEPH H. FITCH CHICAGO Born Jan. 16, 1859 ; graduate Old Uni- versity of Chicago, Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1881 ; married Miss Elizabeth Geohegan, Nov. 13, 1884, at Chicago ; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, 1893-1894; Judge, Superior Court, 1910 to date; member Iroquois and Evans- ton Golf Clubs. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 149 SOL FLATAU CHICAGO Born April 29, 1865 ; educated in Georgia and Germany; admitted to Bar, 1895; mem- ber of firm Cratty Bros. & Flatau ; member Chicago Bar Association, K. of P., Inde- pendent order of B. B. ; married ; commer- cial and corporation law. (Photo Dy Ai SOL FLATAU HARVEY T. FLETCHER CHICAGO Born Greenville, Pa. ; attended Thiel College, A. B., and Northwestern Univers- ity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Helen H. Van Kuran, June 3, 1896, at Chicago ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) HARVEY T. FLETCHER A. LOUIS FLYNN CHICAGO Born Aug. 8, 1892, at Galesburg, 111.; graduate John Marshall Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1916; general practice. (Photo by Daguerre) A. LOUIS FLYNN 150 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS THOMAS W. FLYNN CHICAGO Born Oct. 2, 1865, at Waterloo, N. Y. ; attended public school, Waterloo, N. Y. ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Kath- erine T. O'Brien, Oct. 5, 1910, at Chicago; in the office of Secretary of State, 1893- 1897; Sanitary District of Chicago, 1916; First Vice-President Jefferis State Bank; member B. P. O. Elks, Knights of Colum- bus, Order of Alhambra ; general practice. (Photo by ISalinger) THOMAS W. FLYNN CHARLES M. FOELL CHICAGO Born 1870, at Dubuque, Iowa ; graduate of Cornell College (Iowa), Ph. B., 1894, LL. D., 1918, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896; Alderman 21st Ward. 1906-1911; Judge Superior Court, Cook County, 1911 to date; member Hamilton. University, Edgewater (jolf (Director) Clubs, Consistory, Knights Templar, Mason, Shrine, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar and Illinois Law- yers' Associations. (Photo by H. Sykes 1 CHARLES M. FOELL MITCHELL DAVIS FOLLANSBEE CHICAGO Born Jan. 23, 1870, at Chicago; graduate Harvard University, A. B., Northwestern University, LL. B., LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Julia Rogers Mc- Connell, April 14, 1903, at Seabreeze, Fla. ; member University, Chicago, City, Saddle and Cycle, Harvard (Chicago), University Recess, Harvard (New York), Harvard Union (Cambridge, Mass.), Clubs, Asso- ciated Harvard Clubs (ex-president), American Bar Association. (111. Vice-Pres.), Illinois State Bar Association, Chicago Bar Association (Pres. 1914-1915), Law Club, Legal Club, general practice ; director Met- ropolitan Life Ins. Co., Erie R. R., Western Indiana, Belt. Bucyrus Co., Wiles Co., North Ave. State Bank. RICHARD S. FOLSOM CHICAGO Born 1872, at Chicago ; Chicago public schools, Columbia College of N. Y. City, Williams College, A. B., Northwestern Uni- versity Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1896 ; married Miss Dorothy E. Moulton, May 30. 1905, at Chicago ; Master in Chancery Circuit Court, 1911-1915; General Counsel Board of Education, Chicago, 1912-1915; Corporation Counsel, city of Chicago, April- November, 1915 ; member Illinois Athletic, University and Law Clubs, Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Moffett) RICHARD S. FOLSOM GEORGE S. FOSTER CHICAGO Born June 27, 1865, Monckton, Canada; graduate University of Iowa, Lake Forest University, Chicago College of Law ; admit- ted to Bar, 1891; married Miss Nellie M. Miller, 1892, at Washington, Iowa ; alder- man 27th Ward, 1895-1896; Legislature, State of Illinois, Democratic Committee- man Cook County, Officer County Democ- racy, Asst. Prosecuting Attorney; member Masons, life member Press Club ; captain, Spanish-American war; member Chicago Aviation Club (Aviation Club of America, Flight commander), Scout British Service Reil Rebellion. JOHN E. FOSTER CHICAGO Born Sept. 17, 1881, at La Moille, 111.; A. B., University of Chicago, 1904; J. D., University of Chicago, 1908; admitted to Bar 1908; married Miss Cora Chamberlain, July 14, 1917, at Chicago, 111.; Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago, 1914- 1915 ; Assistant Attorney for Board of Edu- cation of Chicago, 1916-1917; Assistant State's Attorney Cook County, 1918-1919; member Illinois Athletic Club, Masonic Lodge, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations. (Photo by Balinger) JOHX E. FOSTER 152 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS KAY FORMAX FOWLER CHICAGO Born January 21, 1885; attended Cornell University ; admitted to bar, New York, 1908. Illinois, 1911; married Miss Ada Gil- lette Hintze of Chicago, Sept. 14, 1912; member Cornell Club, Knights of Pythias, Chicago Bar Association ; specializes in in- surance matters. (Photo by Moffett) RAY FORMAX KOWI.I-R CHARLES R. FRAXCIS CHICAGO Born Jan. 31, 1868, at Erie, Pa.; gradu- ate of Law Dept., Northwestern University; admitted to Bar, 1889; married Miette De la Fontaine, Oct. 8, 1903, at Chicago; City Attorney, 1915-1917; Atty. Board of Edu- cation, 1917-1918; Commissioner of Public Works, 1918 to date; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Illinois Ath- letic, Chicago Motor and Illinois Motor Clubs ; corporation law. (Photo by Koehne) CHARLES R. FRAXCIS WILLIAM URBAN FRANEY CHICAGO Born Sept., 1876, at Chicago; graduate of Loyola University; admitted to Bar, 1919; single ; member Press Club, Knights of Columbus ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 153 JEROME N. FRANK CHICAGO Born Sept. 10, 1889; graduate of Uni- versity of Chicago, University of Chicago Law School; admitted to Bar, 1912; mar- ried Florence Kiper, July 18, 1914, at Lake Forest, 111.; Associate (Instructor) Uni- versity of Chicago Law School ; member Phi Beta Kappa. Order of Coif, Chicago Book and Play, City and Northmoor Coun- try Clubs ; corporation, banking and chan- cery practice. JEROME N. FRANK VICTOR P. FRANK CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111. ; graduate Univers- ity of Chicago, Columbia University, A. B. M. A., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; mem- ber Welfare Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Monarch Club, Chicago Association of Commerce, Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. E. I. FRANKHAUSER CHICAGO Born Bettsville, Ohio ; public high school and Hinsdale College ; admitted to Bar, 1892, Hillsdale, Alich. ; married Miss Belle Cook, June 6, 1894, at Hillsdale, Mich.; member Illinois Legislature 49th Gen. As- sembly; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court, at present; member A. F. & A. M., Knights Templar; member of firm Bangs, Frank- hauser & Colby; general practice. (Phuti) by Moffett) E. I. FRANKHAUSER 154 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS PHILIP R. FRASER CHICAGO Born Jan. 13, 1877, in Kankakee County; graduate Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1902 ; single ; real estate law, probate and office work. (Photo by Moffett) PHILIP R. FRASER CHARLES YOE FREEMAN CHICAGO Born Mar. 29, 1877 ; graduate Princeton University, A. B., 1899; Northwestern Uni- versity Law School, LL. B., 1902 ; admitted to Bar 1902: married Miss Esther Dodge, April 30, 1906, at Philadelphia, Pa.; served on Selective Service Local Board No. 46, 1918; member University, Saddle and Cycle, Princeton, Law and Legal Clubs ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Lassux-lli CHARLES YOE FREEMAN- HENRY W. FREEMAN CHICAGO Born at Boston, Mass. ; graduate of Uni- versity of Wisconsin; admitted to Bar, 1898; assistant corporation counsel, assistant U. S attorney ; federal courts and general prac- tice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 155 ISIDORE FRIED CHICAGO Born April 15, 1879; graduate of John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Rose Edith Bernstein, April 28, 1905, at Salem, Mass. ; member A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Lasswell) ISIDORE FRIED SAMUEL FRIEDLANDER CHICAGO Born Nov. 13, 1876; graduate North Divi- sion High School, University of Michigan, Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Elsie Harz, Dec. 24, 1900, at Chicago ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Illinois Athletic Club, Edgewater Lodge, No. 901, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Moffott) SAMUEL FRIEDLANDER JOHN P. FRIEDLUND CHICAGO Born Blekinge, Sweden ; educated public school, Chicago Seminary of Sciences, Chi- cago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Hannah Nelson of Princeton, 111., Sept. 28, 1897, at Kenosha, Wis. ; Commissioner of Lincoln Park, 1914- 1917; member Hamilton, Swedish and Svi- thiod Singing Club; Master of King Oscar Lodge, 1907, A. F. & A. M., Oriental Con- sistory, Shrine, Chapter, and other organi- zations ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN P. FRIEDLUND THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM FRIEDMAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 1, 1872, in Carbon Co., Pa.; graduate Northwestern University, LL. B., German-American University, LL. D., Chi- cago Kent College of Law, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Sophia Straus, 1897, at Chicago ; Assistant Attorney Sani- tary Dist, 1893-1894; member Iroquois and Idlewild Country Clubs, Hyde Park Asso- ciation, Elks, Mason ; Second Regiment, Chicago, 1890-1892. (I'luitii by Morrison) WILLIAM FRIEDMAN HUGO M. FRIEND CHICAGO Born July 21, 1882, at Prague, Bohemia ; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, Cook County, 1916 to date; member of City, Covenant, Social Service. Social Workers Country and Chicago Alumni Clubs; member of firm Schaffner & Friend. HUGO M. FRIENI) JOHN B. FRUCHTL CHICAGO Born April 20, 1883. at Wausau, Wis.; graduate of Notre Dame University, Chi- cago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Verena S. Brandl, June 1, 1916, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Association, Knights of Columbus, Ameri- can Club ; general and trial work. JOHN B. FRfCHTL THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 157 FRANK D. FULTON CHICAGO Born at Moreley, N. Y. ; admitted to Bar, Wisconsin, 1915, Illinois, 1910; married Nellie M. Bell, Dec. 25, 1902, at St. Paul, Minn.; member Indian Hill Golf Club; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) FRANK D. FULTON COLIN CAMPBELL HESLOP FYFFE CHICAGO Born June 10, 1860, Dublin, Ireland; graduate Racine College (Wis.), A. B., Harvard Law School (2 l / 2 years) ; admitted to Bar, 1888 ; Assistant Corporation Coun- sel, 1899-1903; Trustee Chicago Public Li- brary. 1903-1905 ; Atty. for City Treasurer, 1913-1915; Atty. Board of Election Com- missioners, 1915 to date; member Chicago, University, Saddle and Cycle, and On- wentsia Clubs ; general counsel Illinois Mfg. Assn.; chief practice in public law. VINCENT G. GALLAGHER CHICAGO Born Aug. 14, 1874, at Plantaganet, Can- ada; graduate Kent College of Law; ad- mitted to Bar, 1895 ; member Art Institute, Elks, K. of C, Town and Country Club, Alhambra, Law Institute, Lawyers Asso- ciation, etc. ; member firm Gallagher & Messner ; trial work. 158 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS MARSHALL E. GALLION CHICAGO Born St. Joseph, 111., 1879; graduated Illinois College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1902; general practice. HARRY J. GANEY CHICAGO Born Nov. 5, 1885; graduate public high school, Lewis Institute, Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; mar- ried Miss Eleanor Kosche, Oct. 16, 1917, at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1911-1915; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Irish Fellowship Club, Chicago Bar Association, Knights of Columbus. (Deceased.) DAVID B. GANN CHICAGO Born 1866; graduate University of Michi- gan ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; member Chi- cago Athletic, Mid-Day, Exmoor, Midlo- thian, South Shore Country and Union League (New York) Clubs; general prac- tice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE GANNON CHICAGO Born at Jermyn, Pa.; graduate of St. Thomas College (Scranton, Pa.), St. Mi- chael College (Toronto) ; admitted to Bar, Philadelphia, 1913, Chicago, 1913; married Miss Hannah Murphy; with Fidelity & Casualty Co. of N. Y., at New York and Philadelphia 7 years, at Chicago about 6 years ; President of Chicago Surety Under- writers, 1917-1919; member of law firm Allegretti, Shea & Gannon ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Balinger) GEORGE GANNON ADDISON L. GARDNER CHICAGO Born May 10, 1866; graduate Walworth Academy, Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Columbia University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1887; married Miss Jeanie A. Black, Oct. 17, 1893, at Chicago; member Union League, University, and Oak Park Country Clubs ; member firm of Gardner, Foote & Burns ; general attorney Chicago Elevated R. R. and Chicago North Shore & Milwau- kee R. R. EARL J. GAREY CHICAGO Born Nov. 25, 1893, at Chicago ; gradu- ate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., U. S. Naval Academy (War Course) Ensign; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Irish Fellowship Club, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, American Legion ; general civil practice. EARL J. GAREY 160 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS EUGENE L. GAREY CHICAGO Born Aug. 28, 1891 ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913, Supreme Court, U. S., 1918; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Irish Fellowship Club, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. (IMi.itu i... .tiaixeiifl EfGEXE L. GAREY EUGENE H. GARNETT CHICAGO Born Oct. 22, 1872; public grammar and high schools, graduate University of Michi- gan, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Miss Louise Munday Ayres, June 14, 1900, at Plymouth, Ind. ; member Union League, Hamilton, Skokie Country, and Law Clubs, University Club of Evanston, Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations. EUGENE H. GARXETT ABRAM DALE GASH CHICAGO Born Feb. 11, 1861, at Elmer, Mo.; edu- cated public schools ; admitted to Bar, Utah, 1892, Illinois, 1899; married Miss Maude Blomquist, April 12, 1905, at Berwyn, 111.; Prosecuting Atty. Utah Co., Judge Advo- cate General, Utah ; member Electoral Col- lege, Illinois, 1912, Pres. Illinois Highway Commission, 1913-1918; member Edgewater Lodge, 901, A. F. & A. M., Lafayette Chap- ter, No. 2, Apollo Commandery, No. 1, Me- dina Temple, Mystic Shrine ; general prac- tice. (IMmto hy I^asswell) ABRAM DALE GASH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 161 RICHARD I. GAVIN CHICAGO Born Nov. 15, 1875 ; graduate St. Igna- tius College, A. B., M. A., Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1899 ; mar- ried Miss Isabelle M. White, June 3, 1908, at Columbus, Ohio ; member Chicago Lodge No. 4 Elks, Knights of Columbus, Ameri- can, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations, Lawyers Association of Illinois. GEORGE C. GEIER CHICAGO Born Aug. 8, 1890; attended Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; married Miss Edna Howe of Milwau- kee, Sept. 17, 1916, at Chicago; member Golden Rule Lodge, Columbian Circle, Knights of Pythias, Chicago Bar Associa- tion and Humboldt Park Lodge No. 813, A. F. & A. M. ; engaged in real estate, probate and corporation law practice. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE C. GEIER LOUIS H. GEIMAN CHICAGO Born May 10, 1891, at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1912; attorney, village of Phoenix, since 1913; attorney for city of Harvey since 1919; member L. O. O. M., Harvey Lodge, I. O. O. F., Harvey Lodge, B. P. O. E., Harvey Lodge, Harvey Civic and Harvey Clubs, Illinois State Bar Asso- ciation ; Commander Harvey Post No. 155, American Legion ; general practice. 162 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ROBERT E. GENTZEL CHICAGO Born Sept. 22, 1875 ; graduate Chicago College of Law of Lake Forest University, New York University; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Katherine Weiss, May 11, 1904, at Chicago; Attorney, West Park Commissioners, 1917 to date ; member Chi- cago Bar Association, Ridgemoor Country Club, Logan Square A. C. ; general civil practice. ROBKRT E. GENTZEL CALVIN M. GEORGE CHICAGO Born Sept. 24, 1888, at Diller, Neb. ; Wa- bash College, A. B., 1910, University of Chicago, J. D., 1913; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Dora Britton, June 14, 1916, at Crawfordsville, Ind. ; member Iroquois Club and Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity ; general practice. J. M. GERRITY CHICAGO Born Dec. 3, 1888; graduate Kent Law School; admitted to Bar, 1913; married; member Knights of Columbus; civil prac- tice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 163 JAMES F. GIBSON CHICAGO Born June 19, 1879 ; graduate of Uni- versity of Wisconsin, B. L. ; admitted to "Bar, 1903; married Bertie Tyner, Sept. 1, 1898, at Carthage, 111.; State Senator 32nd Dist. of Illinois, 4 years ; member Knights Templar, Shrine ; general practice. JOSEPH ROBERT GIBSON CHICAGO Born Oct. 8, 1882, at Shelbyville, Ky. ; graduate Shelbyville College, Georgetown University (Washington, D. C), LL. B. ( M. P. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1918; U. S. In- ternal Revenue Agent, 1916-1918 ; member Masons, University (Washington, D. C.), Commercial (Joliet), and Business Men's (Hyde Park) Clubs, Chicago Association of Commerce ; general practice, special- izing in federal taxes, income, excess profits, capital stock, estate, etc. (Photo by Lasswell) JOSEPH ROBERT GIBSON WILLIAM GIBSON CHICAGO Born Sept. 16, 1861, at Ontario, Canada; graduate of Collegiate Institute (Hamilton, Canada), Union College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1882; married Miss Mary F. Kim- ball, Aug. 4, 1891, at Berlin, Wis. ; District Attorney, Stark County, N. D., 1886-1889; Ravenswood Masonic Lodge, Oriental Con- sistory, Medinah Temple, Congregational Club, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Bar Association ; real estate law and general practice. (Photo by Moffett) WILLIAM GIBSON 164 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS AI.I.AX A. GII.BKRT SAMUEL HARVEY GILBERT CHICAGO Born Feb. 1, 1884, Pllk City, Kan.; gradu- ate Northwestern University Law, LL. B., Northwestern University College, B. S. ; represented N. \V. U. in Intercollegiate De- hating, 1908; admitted to Bar, 1909; mar- ried Miss Grace L. Pierson, Sept. 25, 1912, at Princeton, 111. ; memher Chicago Bar As- sociation. Electric and City Clubs of Chi- cago, D. T. P. Law Fraternity, D. S. R., The Wranglers ; general practice. ALLAN A. GILBERT CHICAGO Born Aug. 24, 1876, at Sumter, S. C. ; graduate of University of Nashville, Yale; admitted to Bar, 1890; married Miss Julia Grace Thurston, Jan. 2, 1894, at Chicago; memher Yale, Olympian Fields Country and Hamilton Cluhs, Sons American Revolution, all Masonic bodies except Consistory and 33rd degree ; general practice, specializing on real estate and corporation law. (Photo by Lasswell) SAMUEL HARVEY GILBERT WILLIAM C. GILBERT CHICAGO Born Jan. 7, 1870, at Cairo, 111. ; graduate Racine College (Wis.), A. B., Harvard Law School. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; mar- ried Miss Ethel Ogden, 1902, at Ft. Atkin- son, Wis. ; married Esther McD. Miller, 1916, at Pasadena, Cal. ; member Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute, Hamilton, University (Evanston), Evanston and Westmoreland Country Clubs, Masons ; corporation law ; general counsel of Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. and of other Hermann Paepcke interests. (Flint., by J>asswell) WILLIAM C. GILBERT THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 165 LESLIE A. GILMORE CHICAGO Born June 12, 1862, at Williamsfield, Ohio ; graduate Albany Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Missouri, 1886, Illinois, 1896, U. S. Supreme, 1901 ; general prac- tice in all its branches. (Photo by Daguerre) IRWIX T. GILRUTH MICHAEL FRANCIS GIRTEN CHICAGO Born Aug. 20, 1871, Lemont, 111.: at in- ception of Municipal Court, Chicago, 1906, one of Associate Justices, being appointed Chief Justice because he spoke four lan- guages ; member Faculty law dept., Loy- ola University, Pres. German Society of Chicago, Pres. Deutsch-Katholischer Cen- tral Verein, Pres. Marquette Life Ins. Co., Trustee Catholic Knights of 111., Director Illinois Catholic Historical Society, Trustee Catholic Knights of Illinois ; member Board of Governors, Catholic Church Extension Society ; member Illinois Athletic, Press and Germania Clubs ; Notre Dame University, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; member C. O. F., Knights of Columbus, Katholisches Casino, in addition to organi- zations mentioned above. (Photo by Koot) LESLIE A. GILMORE IRWIN T. GILRUTH CHICAGO Born 1889; attended Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, A. B., University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; married; member of City Club, Chicago Literary Clubs, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; member of firm of Levinson, Becker, Schwartz & Frank. MICHAEL FRANCIS GIRTEX 166 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES F. GLAESER CHICAGO Born Aug. 9, 1876, at Chicago ; graduate Kent College of Law, Metropolitan Busi- ness College ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; mar- ried April 26, 1900, at Chicago ; member Constellation Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Ft. Dearborn Chapter, Apollo Commandery, Medinah, Gen. Sedgwick Lodge, K. of P.; Unity Club, Chapel Hill Country and Pis- takee Yacht Clubs; probate and chancery practice. ERNEST C. GLENNY CHICAGO Born April 16, 1876, at New Orleans, La. ; attended University of Arkansas; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar 1904; married Miss Lena Everson, Oct. 17, 1914, at Chicago; Chief Deputy Clerk and acted as Assistant Judge of Probate Court 1906-1910; Secre- tary and Trust Officer Ft. Dearborn Trust & Savings Bank, 1911-1916. Treasurer Hamilton Club 1914, Vice-President Hamil- ton Club 1915; member Hamilton, Edge- water Golf Clubs, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations. Phi Delta Phi legal Fraternity, Masons, Knights Templar and Shriner. ERNEST C. GLEN NY- MAURICE J. GOLAN CHICAGO Born in Russia ; attended John Marshall Law School; admitted to Bar 1911; married; chief record writer Probate Court 1910; chairman exemption board during war ; general practice. (Plloto by Dellaven MAURICE J. GOLAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 167 ISRAEL R. GOLDBERG CHICAGO Born March 30, 1890, at Chicago; edu- cated public school, Y. M. C. A., Illinois College of Law, DePaul University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913 ; married Miss Fanny Krassner, April 5, 1917, at Chicago ; member of K. of P. ; general practice. (Photo by Dellaven ISRAEL R. GOLDBERG NATHAN GOLDBERG CHICAGO Born Jan. 15, 1894, at Montreal, Canada; graduate Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar 1915 ; married Miss Anna Solo, April 11, 1917, at Chicago; member A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Balinger) NATHAN GOLDBERG JULIUS J. GOLDFINE CHICAGO Born Dec. 27, 1891, in Chicago ; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Mildred Kletcher, of New York City; member Chi- cago Lodge, No. 4, B. P. O. E. ; John Paul Jones Lodge, No. 1013, A. F. & A. M. ; New Star Lodge, K. of P.; general prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) JULIUS J. GOLDFINE 168 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HENRY M. GOLDSMITH CHICAGO Born Nov. 13, 1879; graduate public high school, Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Erma Karpen, Sept. 30, 1915, at Chicago; Presi- dent Idlewild Country Club; member Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations and various fraternal organizations ; cor- poration, real estate and general commercial practice. HENRY M. GOLDSMITH A. HENRY GOLDSTEIN CHICAGO Born Dec. 25, 1887, in New York City; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; Association College, Chicago, B. A. ; admitted to Bar 1913 ; married Miss Bertha Fine, Nov. 24, 1912; in U. S. Government Service 1904-1912; member East Gate Lodge No. 923, A. F. & A. M. ; Masonic Standard Club, Illinois Reserve Officers' Club, First Lieutenant. (Photo by Moffett) A. HENRY GOLDSTEIN ISAAC O. GOLDStlNE CHICAGO Born Dec. 31, 1883, at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1906; married Miss Bessie Lipey, Aug. 7, 1909, at Chicago; member Covenant Club, Adolf Kraus Lodge 72, Independent Order B'nai B'rith (Sec- retary 12 years) ; Temple Mizpah (Finan- cial Secretary) ; general practice. (I'hdtu by La.sswell) ISAAC 0. GOLDSTINE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 169 ALEXANDER MARSHALL GOLMAN CHICAGO Born April 18, 1893, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1917; member Commercial Lodge, I. O. O. F. ; Garland Lodge, K. of P. ; Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute, Northwest Fellowship Club, Marks Nathan Junior Auxiliary; member Board of Directors, American Musical Union ; President, State Protective League ; corporate, real estate and general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ALEXANDER MARSHALL GOLMAN CHARLES GOODMAN CHICAGO Born Sept. 4, 1874, at Chicago ; graduate Chicago University, A. B. ; Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900 : married Aliss Resie Florsheim, Dec. 25, 1918, at Chicago; member Ravisloe Country Club, Kenwood Lodge ; general practice, specializing in chancery, real estate and probate law. (Photo by CHARLES GOODMAN HARRY GOODMAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 24, 1872, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Manual Training School, Lake Forest University, Lake Forest College, Northwestern College of Law and Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1896; married Miss Blanche W. Lowenthal, Dec. 19, 1900, at Chicago ; member Bar Associa- tion, Northmoor Country Club ; general commercial and corporation law practice. 170 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ISAAC K. GOODMAN CHICAGO Graduate of University of Wisconsin ; admitted to Bar 1910; member Illinois State Bar Association, Delta Theta Phi, Masonic Lodges ; general practice. MARK D. GOODMAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 18, 1880, at New York, N. Y.; graduate of College of City of New York, A. B.; New York Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, New York 1903, Illinois 1908; married Miss Eva Goldberg, Feb. 14, 1906, at Chicago; member Emblem Lodge 984, A. F. & A. M. ; Ramah Lodge 33, I. O. B. B. ; The Covenant Club of Chicago, Chicago and American Bar Associations, Lawyers' Association of Illinois; general, corporations and real property practice. MARK D. GOODMAN CHARLES N. GOODNOW CHICAGO Born Aug. 24, 1864, at Salem, 111.; edu- cated in grammar, high school and college ; admitted to Bar 1887 ; member of legisla- ture 1899; Judge of Municipal Court 1906- 1919; at present member Board of County Commissioners ; member Masonic, Moose and Royal League ; general practice ; mem- ber of the firm, Goodnow, Matthews, Lucius & McNabb. (Photo by Morrison) CHARLES X. GOODNOW THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 171 CLARENCE NORTON GOODWIN CHICAGO Born Sept. 22, 1871 ; graduate Syracuse University, A. B. ; Harvard University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1897 ; mar- ried Miss Augusta McDonald, Nov. 11, 1912, at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1899-1903; Counsel to Mayor, 1907; Special Counsel to Board of Educa- tion, 1906-1911 ; Judge Superior Court, 1911- 1917; Judge Illinois Appellate Court, 1915- 1917; member University, City, Iroquois, Harvard and Glen View Clubs ; Delta Up- silon Fraternity; Pi Eta Society of Har- vard ; A. F. & A. M. ; general practice with special attention to consultations, appear- ances in appeals and in Federal Tax mat- ters. (Photo by Koehne) CLARENCE NC'RTON" GOODWIN DAVID B. GORE CHICAGO Born Jan. 17, 1883, at Carlinville, 111.; graduate of Blackburn College, Ph. B. ; University of Chicago Law School ; admit- ted to Bar 1908; married Miss Harriet Tin- nin, 1911, at Tulsa. Okla. : general attorney for Libby, McNeill & Libby. (Photo by Lasswell) DAVID B. GORE CHARLES T. B. GOODSPEED CHICAGO Born May 19, 1869, at Quincy, 111.; graduate of Denison University, B. A.; Chicago College of Law of Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; attended graduate school of University of Chicago ; admitted to Bar, 1893; Chicago Law Institute (Di- rector), 1911-1916; President of same, 1916; member Board of Managers, Chicago Y. M. C. A., 1910 to date ; Recording Secretary of same, 1911 to date; President, South Park Improvement Association, 1903 to date ; Vice-President, Chicago Baptist Social Union, 1912 ; member Union League, Quad- rangle and City Clubs ; member of Special Commission on Encroachments on Residen- tial Streets, appointed by Mayor of Chicago, 1911-1913; member Legal Advisory Board, Division No. 15 ; general practice. 172 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SIDNEY S. GOKHAM CHICAGO Born Nov. 6, 1874, in Rutland County, Vt. ; educated graded schools of Rutland County, Vt. ; graduate Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1895; married Miss Myrtle G. Willett, July 15, 1896, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, Mid-Day, LaGrange Country, Illini Country and Law Clubs ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; New England Society of Chicago ; member of firm, Miller, Gorham & Wales. by Moffett) SIDNEY S. GORHAM LOUIS L. GOULD CHICAGO Born in Novogorod. Russia ; graduate of University of Chicago. Northwestern Uni- versity Law School; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Ruth Gordon, May, 1918, at Chicago; member Lawyers' Association; general practice. LOUIS L. GOULD JOSEPH A. GRABER CHICAGO Born Sept. 3, 1884 ; graduate St. Ignatius College,, Illinois Law School, A. M., LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1906; married October 11, 1912, at East Dubuque, III.; Assistant County Attorney, 1912; Attorney for Sheriff Traeger. '1915-1919 ; member Elks, Knights of Columbus. (IMmli) by ItaliiiKer) JOSEPH A. GRABER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 173 PHIL A. GRAU CHICAGO Born Oct. 25, 1881 ; educated Marquette University, Milwaukee, A. B. ; Georgetown University, Washington, D. C., A. M., LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar 1903 ; married Miss Gertrude Ziegler, April 3, 1913; mem- ber U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Traffic and Rotary Clubs, Delta Chi Fra- ternity, Mississippi Valley Association ; Lecturer on Civics and Law, Loyola Uni- versity, Department of Sociology; Counsel to Trade Association ; Managing Director, American Furniture Manufacturers' Asso- ciation. (Photo by Moffett) PHIL A. GRAU DWIGHT P. GREEN CHICAGO Born Oct. 13, 1886; graduate Princeton University, A. B. ; University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1912 ; married Miss Ella K. Porter. Oct. 10, 1914, Lexington, Ky. ; member Iroquois Club, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice ; member of firm, McCormick, Kirkland, Patterson & Fleming. (Photo by Lassvvell) DWIGHT P. GREEX EDWARD J. GREEX CHICAGO Born Sept. 1, 1867; graduate of Illinois College of Law, University of Chicago; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married at Kin- muncly, 111. EDWARD J. GREEX 174 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HERBERT GREEN CHICAGO Born Feb. 11, 1875; graduate of Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest University; admitted to Bar 1899. {Photo by Chambers) HERBERT GREEN GEORGE E. GREER CHICAGO Born April 26. 1881, at Monticello. Ind. ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915; married Susan M. Fritton ; member K. of P., Brotherhood of American Yeomen, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers ; Attor- ney for Highland Park State Bank, First National Bank of Wilmette, and certain financing corporations ; practice, chiefly commercial paper. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE E. GREER LOUIS GROLLMAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 7, 1877, at Baltimore, Md.; graduate Law Department, Lake Forest University ; special course, University of Chicago ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; member Bar Association ; Ancient Craft Lodge, No. 907. A. F. & A. M.; Elks. National Union, Royal Arcanum, Fdlewild Country Club. (Photo by Lasswell) LOCIS GROLLMAX 175 JACOB G. GROSSBERG CHICAGO Born April 10, 1870; public grammar and high schools ; graduate Union College of Law, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1891 ; married Miss Doris Elkan, Jan. 30, 1894, at Chicago; special traction counsel, 1905-1907 ; Assist- ant, State Board of Arbitration, 1915-1916; member Mining Investigation Commission, Illinois, 1914-1917; member Welfare Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Association of Commerce ; for- merly President, Municipal Ownership League ; President, Public Ownership League of Illinois ; President, Jewish Con- gress Association for Middle West. (Photo by Muffett) JACOB G. GROSSBERG JOSEPH F. GROSSMAN CHICAGO Born May 26, 1882; admitted to Bar 1904; married Miss Katherine L. Mayer, April 13, 1907, at Chicago; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, Chicago, 1911-1915; mem- ber Iroquois and Covenant Clubs, Masonic Fraternity, I. O. B. B. FRANK REED GROVER Born Sept. 17, 1858, Lyons, 111. ; graduate Evanston High School ; studied one year Union College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1883 ; married Ella Florence Smith, March 20, 1884, in Olmstead County, Minn.; Vil- lage Trustee of Evanston, 1884; was last Village Attorney under old charter and first Corporation Counsel of Evanston under new charter; organized city of Evanston in its various departments ; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association ; President and charter member, Evanston Historical Society," Mason (K. T.) ; Evanston, Uni- versity (Evanston) and Chicago Press Clubs, Les Cheneaux (Mackinac). 176 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE H. GUENTHER CHICAGO Born March 31, 1877. at Blue Island, 111.; graduate Chicago Manual Training School, Cornell University, LL. B. ; post-graduate course, 1898-99; admitted to Bar 1899; married ; City Attorney, Blue Island, four terms ; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, 1905-1912; member Masonic Fra- ternity. KASIMIR P. GUGIS CHICAGO Born in 1879, in Lithuania ; graduate of Armour Institute of Technology, B. S. ; Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1913; married Miss Nora Prisavagic, Dec. 28, 1915, at Waterbury, Conn. JAMES J. GUINAN CHICAGO Born June 30. 1891, at Chicago; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1912; First Lieutenant, Field Artillery, U. S. A. 1917-1919; Olympia Fields Country Club, Illinois State and Giicago Bar Associations; member of firm, Cooke, Sullivan & Ricks. ( Photo by MofTett) JAMES J. GCIXAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 177 JAMES W. GULLETT SPRINGFIELD Born Oct. 15, 1871, at Elizabethtown, 111.; graduate of Cincinnati Law School; admitted to Bar 1896 ; married Miss Sarah Furman, Dec. 31, 1898, at Petersburg, 111.; Corporation Department of office Secretary of State, 1897-1912; Assistant Attorney General, 1916 to date; member Masons, K. P., Elks., Sangamo Club, Sangamon County and Illinois State Bar Associations ; corpo- ration law. JAMES W. GULLETT NOAH GULLETT SPRINGFIELD Born Feb. 2, 1874, at Elizabethtown, 111.; graduate of University of Illinois, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1910; married Aliss Clara V. Willett. Feb. 13, 1915, at Springfield, 111. ; State's Attorney, Hardin County, 1908- 1912; member Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, Masons ; general practice. NOAH GULLETT GEORGE C. GUTHRIE CHICAGO Born Nov. 5, 1875 ; graduate Grand Prairie Seminary, Onarga, 111. ; Valparaiso University, Central Normal College (Dan- ville, Ind.) ; University of Michigan, Law Department; Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1907; married Miss Bessie B. Briggle, Dec. 25, 1907. at Springfield, 111. ; member Cyrene Lodge No. 987. A. F. & A. M.; W. O. W. ; Chicago Bar Association ; Lawyers' Association of Illinois; Delta Chi Fraternity; Irish Fel- lowship Club; member firm, Guthrie & Gould. (Photo by Lassweil) GEORGE C. GUTHRIE 178 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS NATHAN HAFFENBERG CHICAGO Born Sept. 22, 1890; graduate of Lewis Institute, Kent College of Law, Webster College of Law; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Esther Ruth Berkson, June 21, 1916, at Chicago; member Emblem Lodge No. 984, A. F. & A. M. ; Covenant Club of Chicago; Independent Order of B'nai B'rith ; Chicago Association of Com- merce. CHARLES M. HAFT CHICAGO Born Oct. 24, 1870; graduate University of Michigan, B. L. ; admitted to Bar 1892; married Miss Katherine E. Ryan, Dec. 20, 1914, at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1907-1915; First Assistant Corpo- ration Counsel, six months of 1915 ; mem- ber University (Chicago) and Elmhurst Golf Clubs, Chicago Association of Com- merce ; practice principally corporation law, taxation and special assessments. (Photo by Gibson Art Galleries) CHARLES M. HAFT HENRY M. HAGAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 28, 1870; educated in Shelby- ville (111.) public schools and Eureka Col- lege; Hay ward (Business) College; read law with Hamlin & Kelly ( Shelby ville) ; admitted to Bar 1896; married Miss Nannie L. Waggoner, at Sullivan, 111. ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations; Masons; Iroquois Club. (Photo by Moffctt) HENRY M. HAGAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 179 GEORGE I. HAIGHT CHICAGO Born March 26, 1878, at Rochdale, Wis. ; graduate University of Wisconsin, B. L. ; Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Miss Edith N. Ad- cock, June 6, 1912, at Chicago ; member Masons (Chapter, K. T., Shrine) ; Univer- sity (Evanston) ; Union League, City, Hamilton and Press Clubs ; Chicago Bar Association ; member firm, Haight, Adcock, Haight & Harris ; general and patent law. L. J. HAIGLER CHICAGO Born July 1, 1870, at Black Walnut, Mo.; graduate Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar 1892 ; member Garfield Lodge No. 686, A. F. & A. M. ; York Chapter, 148, R. A. M. ; Tyrian Coun- cil No. 78, R. & S. M. ; Columbian Com- rnandery No. 63, K. T. L. J. HAIGLER ALBERT L. HALL CHICAGO Born Nov. 25, 1889, at Worcester, Mass. ; graduate University of Illinois, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1913 ; married Miss Orpah Starratt, Aug. 25, 1915, at Chicago; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Lasswell) ALBERT L. HALL ISO THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS j (Pimm by Lasswell) DAVID F. HALL ROSS C. HALL CHICAGO Born Rushville. 111.. Oct. 29, 1866; at- tended high school at Macomb, 111. ; LL. B., Georgetown College, Washington, D. C. ; admitted to Bar 1889; married Miss Cath- erine Twyman. Aug. 19, 1890, at Macomb, 111 ; City Attorney, Rushville, 111., 1890; member Illinois General Assembly, 1897- 1898; Attorney. Town of Cicero, 1901-1918; Attorney for Sanitary District, 1913-1918; member Iroquois Club; general practice. DAVID F. HALL CHICAGO Born Aug. 15, 1875, at Blenheim, Out.; admitted to Bar 1903 ; married Miss Mary R. von Gunten, July 27, 1910, at Blenheim, Out. ; member Mason, Wilmette Country, and Chicago Electric Clubs ; in employ of American Telephone & Telegraph Com- pany since April, 1896; now Division Attor- ney in charge of their legal matters in ten middle western states. (Photo by Moffett) ROSS C. HALL HOMER W. HALL BLOOMIXGTOX Born July 22, 1870, at Shelbyville. 111.: graduate of Illinois Wesleyan Literary and Law Schools ; admitted to Bar 1892 ; mar- ried Miss Susan Forman, June 21, 1893. at Bloomington, 111. ; Assistant Attorney Gen- eral- under W. H. Stead ; County Judge, McLean County, 1909-1914; Master in Chancery. McLean County, 1917-1919; President, McLean County Bar Associa- tion, 1919; member Masons, I. O. O. F., Modern Woodmen, Court of Honor. Bloom- ington, and Bloomington Country Clubs ; member of firm. Hall, Martin & Hoose; probate, chancery and drainage law. HOMER W. HALL THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 181 JOSEPH W. HALLAM CHICAGO Born Nov. 9, 1855, at Linden, Wis. ; graduate University of Wisconsin, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1883 ; married Miss Julia Kirkland Clark, Aug. 17, 1883, at Portage, Wis. ; Prosecuting Attorney, Sioux City, la., 1894-1901 ; member firm of Lynn, Hallam & Karn. JOSEPH W. HALLAM E. BENTLEY HAMILTON PEORIA Born Aug. 23, 1879; graduate of Illinois College, A. B. ; Northwestern University Law School; admitted to Bar 1904; mar- ried Ethel W. Burton, Oct. 27, 1906, at Chicago; member Military Order of Loyal Legion, Hamilton (Chicago), County, and C'reve Coeur Clubs, Peoria Automobile Club, Law Fraternity of Phi Delta Phi ; member of law firm, Burton & Hamilton ; corporation practice. E. BEXTLEY HAMILTON SAMUEL M. HAMILTON CHICAGO Born April 30, 1875, at Petersburg, 111.; graduate of Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married ; Assistant City At- torney, 1916 to date ; prior to present ap- pointment was associated with former Judge Oliver H. Horton and Paul Brown in general practice. (Photo by Koehne) SAMUEL M. HAMILTON 182 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FRANK HAM LIN CHICAGO Born Sept. 26, 1862; educated public schools ( BaiiRor, Me.), Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard University, Boston University Law School, Harvard Univer- sity, A. B. ; Boston University, LL. B. ; admitted to Maine Bar 1888 ; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, 1895-1897; Attorney for Lincoln Park, 1901-1905; Attorney for Board of Education, 1905-1910; Master in Chancery, 1912 to date; member Law, Uni- versity and Chicago Clubs. JAMES S. HANDY CHICAGO Born Sept. 16, 1873, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; graduate University of Michigan, B. A.; Law Department, University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1897; married Miss Florence Phillips. Kalamazoo, Mich., Sept. 9. 1896 (died Oct. 25, 1905) ; married Lillian H. Barlow, Brooklyn, N. Y., March 22, 1910; Cook County Civil Service Commis- sion, 1906-1907; Assistant Attorney, Sani- tary District, 1907 to date ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Men's Club of Hyde Park, Law and Hamilton Clubs; member Klotz & Handy; lecturer on subject of Eminent Domain, Chicago Kent College of Law. (Photo by Moffett) JAMES S. HANDY DETHLEF C. HANSEN CHICAGO Born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany; graduate Kent College of Law ; is known as an international lawyer, orator, lecturer and political speaker throughout United States ; has high European law connections ; belongs to a large number of clubs and fraternal organizations; single; corporation and general practice. DETHLEF C. HAXSEN* 183 HAROLD J. HANSEN CHICAGO Born Feb. 18, 1887; educated Chicago Seminar of Sciences, Chicago Law School, LL. B., Association Institute; admitted to Bar 1913 ; member Progressive Lodge No. 954, A. F. & A. M.; Oriental Consistory, I. O. O. F.; Phi Alpha Delta Law Frater- nity; Chicago Bar Association; general practice. HAROLD J. HANSEN OTTO S. HANSEN CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Nov. 14, 1883; at- tended Armour Institute of Technology and Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1907; married Miss Rose C. Jarrett, Nov. 20, 1907, at Chicago; member Chicago and American Bar Associations and Union League Club ; engaged in corporation law practice. (Photo by Lasswell) OTTO S. HANSEN HARVEY L. HANSON CHICAGO Born July 26, 1877; graduate of Chicago- Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1904; married Miss Minnie Erickson, Dec. 28, 1904, at Chicago ; member Chicago Bar Association, City Club of Chicago, Pat- ent Law Association of Chicago, University (Evanston) and Electric (Chicago) Clubs, Wilmette Lodge No. 931, A. F. & A. M.; Evanston Chapter No. 144, R. A. M. ; Evan- ston Commandery No. 58, Knights Temp- lar; Oriental Consistory, S. P. R. S. ; Val- ley of Chicago ; Medinah Temple ; Mystic Shrine of Chicago ; patents, trade-marks and copyrights. (Photo by Moffett) HARVEY L. HANSON 184 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE R. HARBAUGH CHICAGO Born Oct. 28, 1872, at St. Louis, Mo.; graduate Law Department, Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1895; married Miss Dorothy Bowles, Feb. 12 1902, at Chicago ; member I. O. O. F., A. F. & A. M., K. T. ; Veteran Corps, First In- fantry, I. N. G. ; Major, Eleventh Infantry, I. N. G. (Photo by I^asswell) GKORGK R. HARBAUGH CHARLES F. HARDING, JR. CHICAGO Born 1889, at Chicago; graduate of Uni- versity of Wisconsin, B. A. ; University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1915; mar- ried Miss Helene K. Swenson, Dec. 27, 1913, at Madison, Wis. ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; general practice. (Photo by Koehne) CHARLES F. HARDING, JR. CHARLES F. HARDING CHICAGO Born Nov. 20, 1854, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; graduate University of Wisconsin, A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1880; mar- ried Miss Hattie M. Hover, Jan. 15, 1885, at Mazomanie, Wis. ; County Superintend- ent of Schools, Dane County, Wis., 1880; member Phi Beta Kappa and Beta Theta Pi Fraternities, American. Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Histor- ical Society, Art Institute (life member) ; University, City and Flossmoor Country Clubs ; corporation trust and estates, gen- eral law practice ; member of firm, Tenney, Harding & Sherman. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 185 ORPHEUS ABRAHAM HARDING CHICAGO Born Feb. 11, 1859, at Hidalgo, 111.; graduate of Central University (Richmond, Ky.), B. S. ; admitted to Bar, Kansas 1892, Illinois, 1894; U. S. District Court, 1903; married Miss Josephine Black, Sept. 3, 1889, at Greencastle, Ind. ; high school teacher (Mexico, Mo.), 1883-1884; Clerk of District Court (Finney County, Kans.), 1887-1891 ; City Attorney, Garden City, Kans., 1893 ; member of Knights of Pythias ; general practice. ORPHEUS ABRAHAM HARDING ROBERT C. HARDY CHICAGO Born at Braidwood, 111. ; graduate of Chi- cago-Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1915 ; married at Chicago, 111. ; member Tri- angle Lodge. A. F. & A. M., No. 1024; Lakeside Lodge, Knights of Pythias, No. 230; Y. M. C. A.; Hinsdale Club; general practice. ROY M. HARMON CHICAGO Born July 5, 1889, at Monroe Center, 111. ; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B. ; University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1913 ; member City Club of Chicago, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Bar Association, Sigma Chi Fra- ternity and Phi Alpha Delta Law Frater- nity; member of Harmon & George; gen- eral practice, largely corporation law. (Photo by L,asswe:i) ROY M. HARMON 186 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FREDERICK W. HARNWELL CHICAGO Horn Sept. 18, 1869, at Mt. Vernon, Ohio ; graduate Kenyon College, A. B. ; Cincinnati Law School ; admitted to Bar 1892 ; mar- ried Anna J. Wilcox, March 27, 1902, at Evanston, 111. ; member University and Glen View Golf Clubs; corporation, real estate and probate practice. SAMUEL A. HARPER CHICAGO Born Sept. 7, 1875; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Indiana 1899, Illinois 1902.; married Mary C. McKibbin, 1903, at McKeesport, Pa.; Attorney for Insurance Department, 1903 ; Attorney for State Factory Inspector, 1904- 1908 ; Attorney for Workmen's Compensa- tion Commission, drafting Workmen's Compensation Law, 1910; Attorney, Occu- pational Disease Commission, 1911; member Union League, Hamilton (Director, 1916- 1919). and Prairie Clubs; American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Academy of Science, Illinois Audubon Society, Knights of Pythias, etc. ; author of "Har- per on Workmen's Compensation," "Twelve Months With the Birds and Poets," etc. ; insurance law exclusively. SAMUEL A. HARPER JOSEPH T. HARRINGTON CHICAGO Born March 14, 1892, at Indianapolis, Ind. ; graduate of Webster College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915 ; member K. of P. ; general practice, with preponderance of criminal matters. (Photo by Wallnger) JOSEPH T. HARRINGTON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 187 SOL W. HARRIS CHICAGO Born Nov. 3, 1895, at Chicago ; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1917; married Miss Naomi Steinberg, May 28, 1917, at Chicago; gen- eral practice and mechanics' liens. JAMES P. HARROLD CHICAGO Born Nov. 17, 1867, Freeport, 111.; at- tended Rockford Academy, Cornell Univer- sity, LL. B. and LL. M. ; married Lorle Leona Notter of Chicago, Sept. 29, 1903 (deceased) ; Assistant State's Attorney, 1906-1909; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court, since June, 1916; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Phi Alpha Delta, Masons (Blue Lodge and Chapter), Royal League, Royal Arcanum and City Club ; Professor of Law, Chicago Law School, since 1904. (Photo by Matzene) JAMES P. HARROLD EDGAR ROBERT HART CHICAGO Born May 16, 1874, at Chicago ; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1895 ; married Miss Ray Lu- cille Miller, June 29, 1914, at Milwaukee, Wis. ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chi- cago, 1907-1911; member Illinois Athletic Club, Society Army of Santiago de Cuba, United Spanish-American War Veterans ; railroad law, General Attorney, Chicago, Northwestern Ry. Co. EDGAR ROBERT HART (Photo by Moffett) THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HAROLD LEE HART CHICAGO Born Nov. 22, 1893, at Chicago ; graduate Bowen High School, Northwestern Univer- sity College of Liberal Arts, Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar 1918; member Beta Phi Fraternity; general practice. (I'htitu by Mabt-l .Sykes) HAROLD LEE HART LOUIS E. HART CHICAGO Born Jan. 29, 1871. at Cleveland, Ohio; graduate Oberlin College, A. B. ; admitted to Bar 1895; married Miss Caroline E. Willcox, Dec. 27, 1899, at Chicago ; member University, Union League, Indian Hill, Chicago Golf and Law Clubs; member of firm, Montgomery, Hart & Smith; general practice. (Pbotu by Moffett) LOUIS E. HART MILTON HART CHICAGO Born June 15, 1883; public school. New York City; Central Preparatory School, New York City ; New York Law School, New York City; admitted to Bar June. 1905; married Miss Irma Gans, June 3, 1909, at New York ; member Lawyers' Associa- tion of Illinois, A. F. & A. M. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 189 PEARL M. HART CHICAGO Born April 7, 1890, at Traverse City, Mich. ; graduate of Metropolitan Business College, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to liar 1914; Adult Prohation Offi- cer, 1915-1917; member Woman's Bar As- sociation of Illinois, Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Chicago Woman's Law League, Woman's City Club of Chicago; Social Workers' Country Club ; specializes in criminal law. (Photo by Moffett) PEARL M. HART EDWARD R. HARTIGAN CHICAGO Born May 10, 1889, at Chicago; John Marshall Law School, LL.D. ; admitted to Bar 1912; member Knights of Colum- bus, Chicago Bar Association ; general nractice. ALBERT HASSELL CHICAGO Born Nov. 19, 1888, at Terre Haute, Ind. ; graduate of Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; City Attorney, Gray- ville, 111., 1909-1911; member Masonic Fra- ternities, I. O. O. F., Elks, Chicago Ayia- tion Club, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute, Second Division Association ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) ALBERT HASSELL 1'H) THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS LEWIS A. HAUSCHILD CHICAGO Born March 10, 1887, at Cincinnati, Ohio; attended Chicago Seminar of Sciences, Chicago Law School; admitted to bar 191^; married Miss Beatrice Procuniar in 1912; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity; Oriental Lodge No. 33, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. LEWIS A. HAUSCHILU WALTER D. HAWK CHICAGO Born 1863, Westmoreland County, Pa. ; graduate Monmouth (111.) College, B. S. ; Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Bessie Henderson, 1892, at Monmouth, 111. ; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar As- sociations; member firm of Hawk & Holmes ; since 1908 has made special study of laws and jurisprudence of Mexico, giv- ing special attention to Mexican law per- taining to real property, corporations and court procedure. WALTER D. HAWK KENNETH B. HAWKINS CHICAGO Born Oct. 14, 1885, at Burlington, Iowa; graduate Harvard College, A. B. ; Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Legal Club of Chicago ; gen- eral practice ; member of firm, Wilkerson, Cassels & Potter. (Photo by Lasswell) KENNETH B. HAWKINS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 191 RALPH R. HAWXHURST CHICAGO Born Jan. 24, 1887 ; public grammar and high schools, Lewis Institute, A. A. ; North- western University and Northwestern Uni- versity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Miss Jeannette Leggett, Aug. 23, 1910, at Evanston, 111. ; Westmore- land Country Club (Golf), City Club of Chicago, Union League Club, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi and Delta Theta Fraternities ; Law Club ; Instructor at Northwestern Uni- versity Law School in Municipal Court Practice ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; member firm, Eastman, White & Hawxhurst. (Photo by Toloff) RALPH R. HAWXHURST LOGAN HAY SPRINGFIELD Born Springfield, 111., 1871; Alderman, Springfield, 1903-1906; elected to Illinois State Senate, 1906 to 1910; re-elected in 1910; general practice. Member Chicago Athletic Association, South Shore Country Club ; general civil law practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Mabel Sykes) DAXIKL M. HEALY EDWARD B. HEALY CHICAGO Born at Detroit, Mich. ; graduate Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1893; married Miss Edna M. Clingman, 1899, at Chicago; member Irish Fellowship Club, Knights of Columbus, American Bank At- torneys. DANIEL M. HEALY CHICAGO Born June 10, 1877, at Chicago; graduate St. Ignatius College, A. B., A. M.; Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1900; married Loretta L. Dooley, June 18, 1902, at Chicago; member Illinois Athletic and Glen Oak Country Clubs, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Historical Society, Illinois Historical Asso- ciation, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Foresters; President, Atlas Ex- change National Bank; member of firm. Litsinger, Healy & Reid ; formerly Inspec- tor, Rifle Practice, rank Captain, Seventh Regiment, I. N. G. (Photo by Moffett) EDWARD B. HEALY JOHN J. HEALY CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; educated Chicago pub- lic and high schools ; admitted to Bar 1888 ; married Katherine A. Andrews, June 21. 1900, at Chicago; Master in Chancery, 1894- 1904; State's Attorney, Cook County, 1904- 1908; member Chicago Athletic Association. Union League and Edgewater Golf Clubs, Masonic Order, K. P., and Elks. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 193 C. ERNEST HEATON CHICAGO Born Manchester, England ; graduate of New York Law School, Washington & Lee, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Virginia 1910, Illi- nois 1912; member Bar Association, Art Institute of Chicago ; associated with firm of Schuyler & Weinfeld. (Photo by Lasswell) C. ERNEST HEATON SAMUEL D. HECKAMAN CHICAGO Born July 10, 1882; graduate of State University of Indiana, A. B., LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, Oklahoma 1908 ; general civil practice, special work in land title and property law. ALONZO C. HECKLER CHICAGO Born Jan. 22, 1879, at Salem, Ohio ; grad- uate of University of Michigan, and New York University Law School ; admitted to Bar 1906. 194 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM S. HEFFERAN CHICAGO Born Jan. 13, 1865; graduate St. Ignatius College, A. M.; Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1886; married Helen M. Maley, June 8, 1892, at Chicago; Master in Chancery, 1897-1899; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Royal League, Royal Arcanum, Columbian Knights, K. of C, and Catholic Order of Foresters ; general practice. GEORGE HEIDMAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 1, 1871, at Cincinnati, Ohio; graduate of Cincinnati Law College, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar in Ohio, 1895; married Miss Sadie Dell Palmer, 1901, at Rochester, X. Y. ; admitted to practice in various U. S. District Courts and U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals throughout United States and the U. S. Patent Office ; patent law. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE HEIDMAN LOUIS A. HEILE CHICAGO Born Aug. 8, 1871 ; graduate of North- western University, B. L. ; admitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Harriet Wynn, Feb. 20, 1895, at Dixon. 111.; Mason, Past Master, Park Lodge 843, 1916-1917. LOUIS A. HEILE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 195 WILLIAM HELFAND CHICAGO Born Oct. 2, 1883; graduate New York University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, New York 1905, Illinois 1912; married Miss Lula Gerwin, Nov. 21, 1910, at Buffalo, N. Y.; member Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Association of Commerce, Oriental Consis- tory, Medinah Temple, Shrine. (Photo by Daguerre) WILLIAM HELFAND SAA1UEL HELLER CHICAGO Born April 1, 1887, in Kolo, Poland; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B.; Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Adeline Neiman, February. 1912, at Wheaton, 111. ; member Perfection Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; Lawyers' Association of Illinois, Federated Charities; general practice. SAMUEL HELLER WILLIAM E. HERR CHICAGO Born Dec. 5, 1894; graduate of Univer- sity of Chicago, Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915; single; general practice, mostly civil trial and real estate work. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS IRVING HERKIOTT CHICAGO Born Oct. 10, 1886, at Chicago; graduate of Morgan Park Academy of University of Chicago, John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar 1907; married Miss Juanita C. Howard, Nov. 29, 1909; member Ridge Country, City and Union League Cubs, Chicago Bar Association ; Attorney for Illi- nois Traction System, 1907-1909; General Attorney for Chicago & Northwestern Ry., 1910-1918; now member of firm, Mont- gomery, Hart & Smith. (Photo by Lasswe'l) IRVING HKRRIOTT J. FRANK HESS CHICAGO Born Bedford Springs, Pa.; attended Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio, 3 years ; read law with Judge James Pillars (Tiffin) ; admitted to Bar before Supreme Court, Columbus, Ohio, 1883 ; married Miss Laura Webster. Aug. 2, 1887, at Peabody, Kans. ; member Modern Woodmen of America, Knights of the Maccabees, K. P., Chicago Law Institute ; member of firm, Hess & Johnson ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) J. FRANK HESS SHIRLEY T. HIGH CHICAGO -Born March 20, 1874: graduate of Yale, B. A. ; admitted to Bar 1897 ; married Helen E. Raymond, Jan. 18. 1900, at Chicago; member University and Saddle & Cycle Clubs; served 15 years in First Infantry, I. N. G. (Photo by Moffett) SHIRLEY T. HIGH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 197 FRANK C. HILL CHICAGO Born Aug. 20, 1883, at Taberville, Mo.; graduate Onarga Seminary (Onarga, 111.). Chicago Law School; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Georgia V. Carpenter, June 17, 1908, at Piper City. 111.; Assistant City Prosecutor, 1916-1918; member Windsor Park Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; South Chicago Business Men's Association, E. C. Race Lodge, Knights of Pythias; Windsor Park and Cheltenham Business Men's Associa- tion ; general practice ; member of law firm of Hill & Pedderson. FRANK C. HILL SAMUEL B. HILL CHICAGO Born Detroit, Mich. ; graduate of Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar 1904 ; married Miss Anna M. Jackson, Nov. 7, 1897, at Detroit, Mich. ; member Chicago Law Institute. (Photo by Moffett) SAMUEL B. HILL FRANK N. HILLIS CHICAGO Born May 16, 1872, at St. Joseph, Mo.; graduate Blackburn University (Carlinville, 111.) ; Park College (Parkville, Mo.) ; Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1895 ; married Miss Grace Maley, Sept. 5, 1899, at Chicago ; Assistant City Prosecutor, Chicago; member Masons, American Insur- ance Union ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswe'.l) PRANK N. HILLIS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS PARKER HALE HOAG CHICAGO Born May 16, 1873, at Thotnasboro, III. ; graduate University of Illinois, B. A. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1897; married Miss Myrtle G. Mahler at Chicago, 111.. March 23, 1907; member University, Law, Legal Clubs, Chi- cago; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations; Master (1906-1907), Lakeside Lodge No. 739, A. F. & A. M. ; High Priest (1911-1912), Chicago Chapter No. 127, R. A. M.; Eminent Commander (1919-1920), Chevalier Bayard Com- mandery No. 52, K. T. ; member Oriental Consistory and Medinah Temple, St. John's Conclave, Premier No. 1, Red Cross of Constantine, and appendant orders ; general practice, except criminal. ERNEST STANLEY HODGES CHICAGO Born Sept. 27, 1890; graduate Kenyon, Ohio State University, Northwestern Uni- versity Law School; admitted to Bar 1915; married Miss Anna Irwin Gay, Oct. 21, 1916, at Chicago; Captain, U. S. Army, 1917-1918; Judge Advocate, General Court Martial ; member Sigma Chi, Phi Delta Phi, Sphinx ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ERNEST STANLEY HODGES HAROLD HOFFMAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 2, 1887; graduate of DePaul University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1911; single ; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, Lawndale Civic Centre, Illinois Sportsmen's Club, Lakeside Lodge, O. C. C. ; member of firm, Hoffman, Bernstein & Krakow. (Photo by Lasswell) HAROLD HOFFMAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 199 LEO W. HOFFMAN CHICAGO Graduate University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1910; member Chi- cago and American Bar Associations ; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Moffett) FRANK J. HOGAN FRANK J. HOGAN CHICAGO Born at St. Louis, Mo. ; graduate of Bry- ant & Stratton Business College, Christian Brothers College (St. Louis), St. Patrick's Commercial Academy (Chicago), and Chi- cago-Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar 1897 ; married Miss Fannie Graham, Feb. 14, 1900, at Chicago ; Fire Attorney, Chicago, 6 years ; Assistant Attorney Gen- eral, Illinois, 2 years ; member Illinois Ath- letic and Columbia Yacht Clubs, Knights of Columbus ; formerly Judge Advocate, Columbia Yacht Club ; former President, Chicago-Kent Alumni Association; general practice. ROBERT E. HOGAN CHICAGO Born Jan. 21, 1886; graduate of North- western University Law School ; admitted to Bar 1909; Assistant State's Attorney, 1912-1920; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Iroquois Club, Knights of Columbus. (Photo by Lasswell) ROBERT E. HOGAN 200 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Walinger) SCOTT M. HOGAN THOMAS S. HOGAN CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of St. Louis University. A. M. ; Washington University (St. Louis, Mo.); St. Louis Law School; admitted to Bar 1886; U. S. Supreme Court, 1900; Assistant Attorney General of Illi- nois ; Attorney, Illinois State Board of Health. 1911-1915; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery and Bennett Medical College ; member Illinois Athletic and Columbus Clubs. Elks ; many of leading clubs in New York, London and Paris ; was President of 86th Exemption District Committee, Chair- man of Legal Advisory Board, 86th Dis- trict ; Counsel in Chicago for Chinese In- dustrial & Commercial Association of Chi- cago, and represents the legal interests of Xc\v York and San Francisco consulates. SCOTT M. HOGAN CHICAGO Born May 1, 1879, in Ohio; graduate of Illinois College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1908; married Miss Annie Ryan; member Legal Advisory Board, 73rd District, period of war ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1917-1919; elected Alderman, 31st Ward, April, 1919; member Loyal Order of Moose ; Vice-President, 31st Ward Reg- ular Republican Organization ; Robert Em- mett Branch, Irish Freedom Fund ; general practice. THOMAS S. HOGAN SAMUEL H. HOLLAND CHICAGO Born at Lutzin, Russia; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915; member City Club; Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations; Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 201 A. PAUL HOLLEB CHICAGO Born Sept. 4, 1890, at New York, N. Y. ; graduate Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912 ; married Miss Sara Zaritsky, Nov. 9, 1912, at Chicago; teacher in public high schools (evenings), commer- cial subjects, 1915-1918; Assistant State's Attorney, 1917-1918; member Silver Link, I. O. O. F., A. E. & F. M., Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Matzene) GEORGE B. HOLMES SAMUEL S. HOLMES CHICAGO Born at Bellefontaine, Ohio ; graduate of Kenyon College and University of Michigan (Law Department) ; admitted to Bar 1908; married Miss Eleanor Smoot, Sept. 20, 1910, at Highland Park, 111.; Corporation Counsel of Highland Park, 1913-1919; City Attorney of Lake Forest, 1919 ; member Union League and Highland Park Clubs ; member of law firm, Hawk & Holmes. GEORGE B. HOLMES CHICAGO Born Dec. 12, 1867, at Fairlee, Vt.; grad- uate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1890; married Miss Mary Amy Myrick, Sept. 30, 1897, at Chicago; Village Clerk, Fernwood, two terms ; Vil- lage Attorney of Fernwood, one term; At- torney, Fernwood Park District, 1910-1919; elected Judge, Municipal Court, Chicago, 1919; member Hamilton, and Old Colony Clubs ; South End Business Men's Associa- tion ; Sons of American Revolution ; So- ciety of Army of Santiago de Cuba ; Society of Foreign Wars ; Sons of Veterans, United Spanish War Veterans; 32 Mason; Shrine; I. O. O. F. ; Knights of Pythias; American Brotherhood, U. S. A. ; National Union ; Veteran Corps, First Illinois Infan- try ; Chicago Bar Association ; Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; Law Institute. (Photo by Moffett) SAMUEL S. HOLMES 202 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS THOMAS J. HOLMES THOMAS J. HOLMES CHICAGO Born in Ohio; educated in public schools, State University and Union College of Law; identified with various law organiza- tions in Chicago; Treasurer of Chicago Bar Association for 8 years ; member of the Board and President of Law Institute; was Assistant Corporation Counsel ; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court ; connected with Tunnel Co., Real Estate Title & Trust Co., Swain Co. ; general practice. JAMES HENRY HOOD CHICAGO Born Oct. 22, 1880, at Nanuet, N. Y.; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar 1912; member Blaney Lodge, A. F. & A. M. JONAS O. HOOVER CHICAGO Born Aug. 10, 1863; graduate of Valpa- raiso College ; admitted to Bar, Indiana 1890, Illinois 1899; widower; member Chi- cago Bar and Lawyers' Associations, Iro- quois Club ; general practice, principally chancery litigation in U. S. Courts and State Supreme Courts in different states. (Photo by Moffett) JONAS O. HOOVER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 203 JOSE WARD HOOVER CHICAGO Born Feb. 1, 1887, at Slater, Mo.; gradu- ate of University of Chicago, Ph. B. ; Uni- versity of Chicago Law School. J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1909 ; single ; Councilor from University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association to U. of C. Alumni Council, 3 years ; member Chicago Bar As- sociation, American Legion of Honor, Press Club, University of Chicago Law School Alumni Association (President 1919); member First Illinois Cavalry, 1909-1912; U. S. Army, 1918-1919, part of time in Judge Advocate's, Camp Sevier, South Carolina ; associated in practice with Frank Moland ; general practice, specializing in banks and banking law and real estate law. (Photo by Lasswe;i) JOSE WARD HOOVER JACOB H. HOPKINS CHICAGO Born May 3, 1865 ; graduate of Knox College, B. S. ; Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1889 ; single ; member State Board of Equalization, 1900-1904; Judge, Municipal Court, 1910-1916; elected Judge, Superior Court, 1917-1923; appointed by President Wilson to District Appeal Board No. 1, 1917; member Chicago, Illi- nois State Bar Associations, Illinois Ath- letic, Iroquois, and Olympian Fields Coun- try Clubs. (Photo by Walingcr) JACOB H. HOPKINS JAMES S. HOPKINS CHICAGO Born 1879, at Aurora, 111. ; graduate of University of Pennsylvania ; admitted to Bar 1903; married Miss Maude Douglas, June, 1903, at Chicago ; member Chicago Athletic and South Shore Country Clubs ; 32nd degree Mason and Shriner. (Photo by Lasswell) JAMES S. HOPKINS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Mabel Sykes) HENRY HORNER \V. X. HORXER CHICAGO Born in Lebanon, 111.; graduate of AIc- Kendrce College. Lebanon, Columbia Uni- versity, New York City ; admitted to Bar 1882; general practice, specializing in cor- poration and chancery practice. HENRY HORNER CHICAGO Born Nov. 30, 1878; educated Chicago public schools, Chicago Manual Training School, Chicago University, Chicago-Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; Attorney for Board of Assessors, 1912- 1913 ; member Chicago Charter Commission, 1914; Probate Judge, Cook County, 1914 to date ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; Law, City, Standard, Illinois Athletic, American Unity, Hyde Park, American, and Iroquois Clubs ; Elks ; Chicago Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M. ; Corinthian Chapter No. 69, R. A. M. ; Moose ; Sinai Temple ; Covenant Club, etc. (Photo by Matzcne) W. N. HORXER LEON HORXSTEIN CHICAGO Born July 5, 1863, at West Bend. Wjs. ; educated Chicago grammar and high schools ; admitted to Bar 1897 ; married Miss Esther Younker, June 25, 1911. at Louisiana, Mo. ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1905-1907 and since July, 1911; member Chicago Bar Association ; munic- ipal law. (Photo by MofTett) LEON HORNSTEIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 205 JACOB HORWITZ CHICAGO Born Aug. 12, 1893; graduate of North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915; member of firm, Peters & Horwitz. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) JACOB HORWITZ FRANCIS J. HOULIHAN CHICAGO Born July 20, 1865, at Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; graduate of Ogdensburg Academy, North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1892; married Miss Mary J. Conway, at Chicago ; member Elks, Knights of Co- lumbus ; American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) FRANCIS J. HOULIHAN HUBERT ELMER HOWARD CHICAGO Born June 19, 1889, at Fairfield, Iowa; graduate Parsons College (Fairfield), Ph. B. ; Harvard Law School, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Edith Sackett, March 22, 1918, at Rockford, 111.; member University and Harvard Clubs ; Captain, 331st Field Artillery, U. S. A.; Senior In- structor, Artillery, Fourth Officers' Train- ing School, Camp Grant, 111. ; overseas serv- ice, 1918-1919. (Photo by Melvin H. Sykes) HUBERT ELMER HOWARD 206 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS PETER J. HOWER CHICAGO Born AUK. 6, 1887, at Chicago; attended Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1911; married Miss Margaret Ryan of Prairie du Rocher, 111., June 25, 19U), at Springfield, 111. ; member American Unity Club, Knights of the Maccabees and Royal Arcanum; general practice. THOMAS M. HOYXE CHICAGO Born July 17, 1843. at Galena. 111. ; gradu- ate of Old Chicago University (now North- western University Law School) ; admitted to Bar 1865 ; married Miss Jeanie T. Mac- lay, Jan. 25, 1871, at New York City; President, Iroquois Club, 1897; President, Chicago Bar Association, 1909; member Iroquois and Chicago Law Clubs ; Ameri- can, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations; Law Institute of Chicago; Histor- ical Society; Art Institute; general prac- tice, real estate, insurance and chancery. (Photo by Lasswell) THOMAS M. HOYXE HUBERT LA VERNE HUDDLESTON CHICAGO Born Sept. 23, 1888 ; graduate Indiana University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to^Bar, Indiana 1912, Illinois 1916; married Miss Emma Erickson, Oct. 15, 1919, at Chicago ; corporation law. (Photo by I>as3well) HfBERT LA VERNE HUDDLESTOX THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 207 THOMAS D. HUFF CHICAGO Born Eldora, la., Jan. 9, 1872; attended Grinnell (Iowa) Academy and College, and Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1895; married Ethelyn K. Allen of Helena, Mont, Aug. 18, 1903 ; formerly Assistant Corporation Counsel of Evanston; Western Counsel of U. S. Corp. Co. ; member Hamilton Club, American and Illinois State Bar Associa- tions, Chicago Law Institute, Commercial Law League of America; specializes in corporation law ; associate editor, "Corpo- ration Manual." (Photo by MoHetU THOMAS D. HUFF ALFRED ROY HULBERT CHICAGO Born Aug. 25, 1883, at Freemont, Neb. ; graduate of University of Michigan ; ad- mitted to Bar. 1908; Assistant U. S. At- torney, 1909-1912. WIRT E. HUMPHREY CHICAGO Born Jan. 6, 1868, at Orland, 111.; gradu- ate of Northwestern University, L. A., Ph. B., Ph. M., LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Miss Kate Hay, May 31, 1893, at Indianapolis, Ind. ; U. S. Commissioner, 1895 to date, Master in Chancery Superior Court, 1893 to date ; member Hamilton Club, Masons, Elks, I. O. O. F., American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Assn. ; chancery and probate practice. (Photo by Moffett) WIRT E. HUMPHREY 208 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HARRY ROGERS HURLBUT CHICAGO Born March 7, 1877, at Chicago ; graduate Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Ida M. Dahl. Aug. 31, 1908, at Chicago; Vice-consul Guatamala since 1918; member University and Iroquois Clubs ; member of firm King, Brower & Hurlbut. RUDOLPH D. HUSZAGH CHICAGO Born Aug. 30, 1854; attended Union Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1879; married Miss Henrietta Robinson, Oct. 25, 1882, at Chicago; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, and Chicago Athletic Association ; general prac- tice, specializing in real estate law. RUDOLPH D. HUSZAGH VICTOR L. HUSZAGH CHICAGO Born Dec. 13, 1889; graduate Amherst College, Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Lorena Case. Oct. 25, 1915, at Chicago; member Chicago Athletic Assn., Lieut. Air Service If. S. Army, 1918; died Sept. 11. 1919. He was remembered by his host of friends as a man of sterling character, unusual kindness and consideration for the welfare of others. VICTOR L. HUSZAGH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 209 JAMES C. HUTCHINS CHICAGO Born Dec. 15, 1857, at Chicago; graduate Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1879; married Miss Agnes L. Pot- ter, Sept. 3, 1884, at Lake Geneva, Wis. ; member American and Chicago Bar Associ- ations, Chicago, Union League, University, Mid Day, Old Eben, Onwentsia and Shore- acres Clubs ; bank and corporate law. HENRY W. HUTTMANN CHICAGO Born Milwaukee, Wis., May 23, 1872 ; at- tended public school and Central Normal College, took special courses at University of Chicago, and received degree A. B. from Fairmont College ; admitted to Bar, 1886 ; married Miss Clara Gehring, Oct. 20, 1898, at Wichita, Kan. ; member of Board of Education of Chicago, 1911-1914; vice-pres. Board of Education of Chicago, 1913-14; member of Iroquois and Lincoln Clubs, Lessing Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Scottish Rite Mason ; engaged in general practice. ROBERT L. HUTTNER CHICAGO Born March 21, 1888, at Chicago, 111. ; at tended Northwestern University Law- School, LL. B. (at graduation admitted to Order of the Coif) ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Sarah H. Hollander at Chi- cago, Oct. 24, 1915 ; past chancellor com- mander Standard Lodge No. 196, K. of P. ; past secretary John Paul Jones Lodge No. 1013, A. F. & A. M. ; B'nai B'rith, Free Sons of Israel ; grand regent Phi Alpha Delta Chapter, Northwestern University; general practice, specializing in corpora- tion and real estate law. (Photo by Moffett) ROBERT L. HUTTNER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HENRY M. HUXLEY CHICAGO Horn Jan. 21, 1880, Newton, Mass.; grad- uate of Harvard, A. B., A. M., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Carroll Coleman, April 16, 1913, at Winston-Salem, N. C. ; mem- ber University Clubs of Chicago, Evanston and Washington, D. C. ; Capt. Ord. Dept., U. S. A., Jan.-Oct., 1918; Major, Ord. Dept.. U. S. A., 1918-1919. PAUL J. HUXMANN CHICAGO Born May 1st, 1886, at Chicago; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Aug. 10, 1910, at Minneapolis, Minn. ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1909-1911, Assistant At- torney General of Illinois, 1917 to date ; member Parkway 'Lodge No. 1008, A. F. & A. M., Lincoln Park Chapter No. 177, R. A. M., American Unity Club ; general, civil, real estate, corporation and probate prac- tice. (Photo by Moffett) PAUL J. HUXMANN ALBERT E. ICELY CHICAGO Born Sept. 27, 1880, at Leaf River (Ogle County), 111.; graduate of grammar and high school, business college, law school, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; Assistant Attorney, Board of Education ; member of various fraternal organizations and civic clubs. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 211 MICHAEL L. IGOE CHICAGO Born April 16, 1885, at St. Paul, Minn.; graduate of De La Salic Institute, George- town University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; member Illinois general assembly, 1912-1914-1916-1918; Assistant U. S. Dis- trict Attorney, 1913-1915; member Elks, I. A. C, Iroquois Club, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Foresters, Ancient Order of Hibernians; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) MICHAEL L. IGOE SABATO INSOLATA CHICAGO Born May 30, 1875, in Italy; educated James McCosh School, Y. M. C. A. (3 yrs.), John Marshall Law School, Illinois College, Webster College of Law, and a few months review at Northwestern University; ad- mitted to Bar, 1913 ; married Miss Flora Rosania, July 2, 1899, at Chicago ; member K. P., N. U. Foresters, Alleanza Italiana, United Italian Bar Association; criminal, divorce and examination of real estate titles. (Photo by Lasswell) SABATO INSOLATA JOSEPH D. IROSE CHICAGO Born Jan. 1, 1879, at Chester, 111. ; gradu- ate of Lebanon University (Ohio), B. S., Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; member A. F. & A. M., K. of P., Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute ; general practice federal and state courts, civil practice, corporation, probate, etc. 212 CLINTON' F. IRWIN ROYAL W. IRWIN CHICAGO Born June 7, 1877; graduate Northwest- ern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; member American and Chicago Bar Associations, Illinois Athletic Club. CLINTON F. IRWIN ELGIN Born Jan. 1, 1854, at Franklin Grove, 111.; educated Maple Park Public School, Whea- ton College, Valparaiso (Ind.) Normal School ; admitted to Bar, 1879 ; married Miss Julia H. Egan, Nov. 4, 1880, at Elgin, 111.; Corporation Counsel of Elgin, 1884; Judge U. S. District Court, 2nd Dist., Okla- homa, 1899-1907; Judge of Circuit Court of 16th Circuit of Illinois, 1913 to date; mem- ber A. F. & A. M., Bethel Commandery No. 36, K. T., India Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Oklahoma City, Okla. ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ROYAL W. IRWIN MARTIN J. ISAACS CHICAGO Born Feb. 13, 1871, at Memphis, Tenn. ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, Law Dept. Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar, 1891; married Hettie B. Reinhard, Mar. 24, 1896, at Chicago; Police Magis- trate, Piano, 111., 1893 ; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, 1912 to date; member Board of Managers Chicago Bar Associa- tion ; member Illinois Athletic and Iroquois Clubs. Elks, Mystic Shrine, Masonic orders and other fraternal orders, American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, member of firm Silber, Isaacs, Silber & Woley. (Photo by Moffett) MARTIN J. ISAACS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 213 MORSE IVES CHICAGO Born 1868 ; graduate University of Wis- consin, B. L., (Eng.), LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Wisconsin, 1892, Illinois, 1894; mar- ried Rose Kneeland, at Wauwatosa, Wis. ; member Hamilton Club, A. F. & A. M., Wisconsin Society. CHARLES HENRY JACKSON CHICAGO Born at Stockwell, Ind. ; graduate of Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Miss Mae L. Buckman, Oct. 31, 1895, at Chicago; member Hamilton and Ouilmette Country Clubs ; member of firm Burke, Jackson & Burke. (Photo by Russell) CHARLES HENRY JACKSON DAVID H. JACKSON CHICAGO Born Jan. 14, 1874, at Chicago ; graduate Lake Forest Academy, Lake Forest College, A. B., Cornell University, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; Mayor, Alderman and City Attorney of Lake Forest, 111., 1903-1909; Chairman Lake County Republican Central Committee, 1905-1907 ; Trustee North Shore Sanitary District, 1914-1919; member Ma- sons, Hamilton Club, Illinois State Bar As- sociation. 214 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SAMUEL SPENCER JACKSON CHICAGO Born Jan. 3, 1865 ; graduate of University of North Carolina, A. B.; admitted to Bar, 1889; member Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, Chicago Bar Association, Hamilton Club, Hinsdale Golf Club ; practice, principally consulting. (Plioto by Moffett) SAMUEL SPENCER JACKSON LAURENCE B. JACOBS CHICAGO Born Nov. 2, 1879, at Rock Island, 111.; graduate of Wabash College (Crawfords- ville, Ind.), Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; married Miss Irene Chaplin, Nov. 2, 1915, at Chicago; Assistant U. S. Attorney 4 years. Assistant City Prosecutor 3 years ; member Kappa Sigma, Literary Fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta, Law Fraternity, Masonic Lodge ; general practice. (I'lioiu by \> a. inge.') LAURENCE B. JACOBS MONTE M. JACOBS CHICAGO Born at Montreal, Canada ; graduate of Lake Forest University; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Helen Sperling, April 17, 1894, at Chicago; member Masons, Cov- enant Club, B'nai B'rith, Grand Master Free Sons of Israel ; commercial and cor- poration law practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 215 LOUIS JAFFIE CHICAGO Born April 12, 1890, at New York City; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Norma Klein, June 2, 1918, at Chicago; Republican Committeeman, Maywood, 17th Precinct, 1918-1920; member Knights of Pythias, Melrose Park No. 530, past chan- cellor commander; general practice. RUSSELL BOSWELL JAMES CHICAGO Born at Norwalk, Ohio; graduate of Uni- versity of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Michigan, 1910, Ohio, 1911, Illinois, 1914; married Miss Courtney Broadus, Aug. 28, 1913, at Montclair, N. J. THOMAS JAMIESON CHICAGO T Born Sept. 12, 1889, at Grand Island, Neb. ; graduate of Georgetown University, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1912; Assistant Sanitary District Attorney, 1915 ; Director Bureau of Wilson and Marshall Clubs, Democratic National Committee, 1916, Nat. Secy. College Men's Democratic League, 1912, on list of speakers Democratic Na- tional Committee, 1912-1916. 216 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Walinger) ROBERT R. JAMPOLIS CHANCELLOR L. JENKS CHICAGO Born May 11, 1863, at Chicago; graduate Evanston grammar and high schools, Dart- mouth College, A. B., Union College of Law (Northwestern University) ; admitted to Bar, 1888 ; married Miss Janet Lyons, June 25, 1889, at Oakland, Cal. ; member and president Board of Education, Evans- ton, Member (now president) Evanston Township High School, Board of Educa- tion, President (National) Dartmouth Col- lege Alumni Association, 1916; now Presi- dent General of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; Pres- ident, two terms (1915-1917) University Club of Evanston ; President Chicago & North Shore Festival Association (1912- 1914) ; member District Draft Board No. 1, Chicago; real estate and general prac- tice. ROBERT R. JAMPOLIS CHICAGO Born Nov. 6, 1855, at Milwaukee, Wis. ; graduate of Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1877 ; married Miss Theresa Loewy, Oct. 12, 1879, at Chicago ; Assistant States Attorney, 1885-1893; As- sistant Corporation Counsel, 1907-1911; member A. F. & A. M., Austin Lodge No. 850, Cicero Chapter No. 180, R. A. M., Siloam Commandery No. 54, K. T., A. A. O. M. S. ; assisted in the preparation and prose- cution of cases arising out of the Hay- market Riot. CHANCELLOR L. JEXKS EVERETT JENNINGS CHICAGO Born in 1874 in Kentucky; graduate Centre College, (Danville, Ky.), A. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1896; assistant state's attor- ney, 1913 ; general counsel State Public Utilities Commission, 1915-1916; assistant attorney general, Illinois, 1917; member Elks, Knights Templar ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 217 LOUIS H. JENNINGS CHICAGO Born Oct. 21, 1842, in Ionia County, Mich. ; graduate of Ann Arbor High School, Michigan University Literary Dept. ; ad- mitted to Bar, Michigan, 1875, Illinois, 1887; married Miss Phillippina Gundrum, at Ionia, Mich., Aug. 29, 1876; member G. A. R. Post. No. 737, Illinois; was member of Co. H, 6th Mich. Cavalry, Custer's Brig- ade. WILLIAM A. JENNINGS CHICAGO Born Jan. 24, 1872 ; graduate of Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; married Miss Olive Nordstrom, June 29, 1907, at Chicago; member Sons of Confed- eracy, Society Army of Santiago ; general practice. LUTHER JOHNS CHICAGO Born in 1873, in Pennsylvania ; graduate Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Blacksburg, Va.), B. S., National University (Wash- ington, D. C), M. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Miss Lulu Savery, Dec. 24, 1914, at Oak Park, 111.; held various gov- ernment positions in Washington, 1898- 1905 ; member Oak Park and Westward Ho Golf Clubs, Oak Park Lodge No. 540, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice in Chicago for 5 years, for 10 years specializing in patents, trade marks, corporation and unfair com- petition matters. (Photo by Lasswell) LUTHER JOHNS 2KS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE E. Q. JOHNSON CHICAGO Born July 11, 1874, at Harcourt, Iowa; graduate of Tobin College (Ft. Dodge, la.), Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Elizabeth Swanstrom, Sept. 8, 1906, at Chicago ; member Kensing- ton Lodge No. 804, A. F. & A. M., Pullman Chapter R. A. M., Chicago Bar Association ; general practice, with wide experience in probate and chancery matters. (Photo by Mat/.ene) GEORGE E. Q. JOHNSON NELS J. JOHNSON CHICAGO Graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to bar, 1897; member Masonic orders and Odd Fellows; engaged in gen- eral practice. NELS J. JOHNSON RUSH BENJAMIN JOHNSON CHICAGO Born April 21, 1880, at Compton, 111.; graduate of Northern Illinois Normal School and Dixon Business College, North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Edna J. Shaw, Oct. 23, 1908, at Chicago, 111. ; taught public schools in State of Iowa, 1897-1900 ; mem- ber Dixon Alumni Association, Banner Blue Lodge No. 924. A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association, Lincoln Park Golf Club; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswell) RUSH BENJAMIN JOHNSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 219 EDWARD R. JOHNSTON CHICAGO Born April 13, 1882, at Ida Grove, la.; graduate of University of Iowa, Ph. B., Harvard University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Caroline Rogers, April 28, 1910, at Chicago ; member Skokie Country, University and City Clubs, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Law Institute ; member firm Newman, Pop- penhusen, Stern & Johnston; principally trial work. (Photo by Matzene) EDWARD R. JOHNSTON FRANK JOHNSTON, JR. CHICAGO Born at Jackson, Miss. ; West Point Mili- tary Academy 3 years ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married in Chicago; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, Chicago ; Attorney Board of Local Improvements ; First Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County; member Iroquois, Law and Press Clubs, Chicago Bar Association ; at present Judge Circuit Court of Cook County. (Photo by Moffett) FRANK JOHNSTON, JR. MORRIS L. JOHNSTON CHICAGO Born Jan. 13, 1872; public grammar and high schools, (Chicago), Mass. Institute of Technology, Harvard University and North- western Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1899 ; married Miss Grace Douglas, Nov. 4, 1904, at Chillicothe, Ohio ; member Chicago, Onwentsia, Saddle and Cycle, and Harvard (N. Y.), Clubs; member of firm Scott, Bancroft, Martin & Stephens ; gen- eral practice, including corporation and tax- ation law. 220 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FREDERIC BRUCE JOHNSTONE CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1876; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Elsie B. Leale, Aug. 12, 1905, at San Francisco ; member Phi Delta Phi, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Union League, City, Law, Calumet Country and Quadrangle Clubs ; member of firm Burry, Johnstone & Peters. FREDERIC BRUCE JOHXSTONE DON KENNETH JONES CHICAGO Born Feb. 21, 1889, at Quincy, Mich.; graduate University of Michigan, Chicago Kent College of Law, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Mabel Crawford, Aug. 18, 1910, at Elgin, 111. ; member Illinois Athletic and South Side Tennis Clubs, Chi- cago Bar Association, Royal League, Delta Theta Phi ; member of firm Def rees, Buck- ingham & Eaton ; general practice, corpora- tion law. W. CLYDE JONES CHICAGO Born Dec. 27, 1870, at Pilot Grove, la.; graduate of Iowa State College, M. E., Chi- cago College of Law, Lake Forest Univers- ity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Miss Emma Boyd, 1896, at Paulina, Iowa ; State Senator, Illinois, 1906- 1914; member University, Union League, Hamilton, City, Press and University (Eyanston) Clubs, Chicago Equestrian As- sociation, Lawyers and New York Riding Clubs (New York), Cosmos Club (Wash- ington, D. C.) ; general practice including causes involving patents, trade marks, copy- rights and unfair trade. One of the authors of Jones & Addington's Annotated Statutes of Illinois, etc. ; member of firm Jones, Ad- dington, Ames & Seibold. (Photo by Walinger) W. CLYDE JONES THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 221 JESSE A. JOSEPH CHICAGO Born Mar. 1, 1877, at Indianapolis, Ind. ; graduate of Lake Forest University, Law Dept., Chicago College of Law, Illinois Col- lege of Law, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miriam Rothschild, Oct. 6, 1913, at Cincinnati, Ohio; member Ancient Craft Lodge No. 907, A. F. & A. M., Idlewild Country and Hyde Park American Clubs ; Hyde Park Chapter R. A. M. ; commercial law practice. ROY JUUL CHICAGO Born Jan. 25, 1887 ; graduate Y. M. C. A. College, Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Anna Wagner, Oct. 16, 1908, at Crown Point, Ind. ; member I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum, Cook County Real Estate Board ; general practice. BENJAMIN B. KAHANE CHICAGO Born Nov. 30, 1890; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1912; member Buena Shore and Idlewild Country Clubs, Covenant Lodge No. 526, A. F. & A. M. ; associated with A. S. Trude, former Judge George A. Trude and Judge Daniel P. Trude. 222 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HARRY KAHN CHICAGO Born Sept. 15, 1889, at Cincinnati, Ohio; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; Lieut. U. S. Army, Sta. at Florida, Washington, Phila- delphia and N. Y., 1917-1918; member A. F. & A. M., Florida Consistory No. 2, Almas Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., K. P., Hamilton Club ; member of firm Peden, Kahn & Murphy. HARRY KAHN ALBERT G. KAISER CHICAGO Born June 30. 1892; graduate of John Marshall Law School, Metropolitan Busi- ness College ; admitted to Bar, 1914 ; general practice. If ' (Photo by Lasswell) ALBERT G. KAISER JOSEPH KAMFNER CHICAGO Born Aug. 28, 1890; graduate Lewis In- stitute, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1914; member Chicago Lodge B. P. O. E., Apollo Lodge No. 642, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 223 HENRY L. KANE CHICAGO Born Russia, Nov. 4, 1886; attended high schools and Kieff Vladimir University in Russia, and Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; mar- ried Bertha Yablow, Nov. 14, 1911, at Chi- cago ; member B'nai B'rith and Covenant Club of Chicago; engaged in general prac- tice and specializes in compensation law. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) HENRY L. KANE MICHAEL V. KANNALLY CHICAGO Born Feb. 15, 1875, at Sterling, 111. ; grad- uate St. Ignatius College (Chicago), A. B., Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Mary G. Bremner, July 31, 1907, at Chicago; member Chicago Athletic Association, Ridge Country Club, Ameri- can, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations ; member firm, Burton, Kannally & Megan ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) MICHAEL V. KANNALLY CHARLES HERMAN KAPLAN CHICAGO Born Moscow, Russia ; attended Kent Col- lege of Law, Webster College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1918; married Miss Jeanette Hirschberg at Chicago, April 24, 1914; member Knights of Pythias, Pro- gressive Order of the West; general prac- tice. (Photo by Moffett) CHARLES HERMAN KAPLAN 224 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Lasswell) JACOB KAPLAN NATHAN D. KAPLAN CHICAGO Born May 17, 1877; graduate of Chicago public and high schools, Lake Forest Uni- versity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900 ; mar- ried Miss Mamie Griesheimer, May 8, 1913. at Rochester, N. Y. ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Lawyers Association, Cook County Real Estate Board, Hamilton Club, Director Covenant Club, I. O. B'nai B'rith, A. F. & A. M., R. A. M., I. O. O. F., National Executive Committee Zionist Organization of America, Director and ex-president He- brew Institute, Vice-Pres. South Side Jew- ish Educational Centre. Vice-Pres. Jewish Historical Society of Illinois, Chairman Chicago Delegation to American Jewish Congress. JACOB KAPLAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 26, 1882, in Russia; graduate Medill High School, Chicago Kent College of. Law ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; member K. P., American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Lawyers Association of Illinois, Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Covenant Club, Fraternal Aid Union, American Insurance Union, Court of Honor, Chicago Hebrew Institute, Y. M. C. A. ; general practice. (Photo by Matzene) NATHAN D. KAPLAN FERDINAND J. KARASEK CHICAGO Born July 15, 1867; attended Knox Col- lege, A. B., Northwestern University, LL. B., Emerson College of Boston, O. M. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Marjorie Lincoln Allen at Providence, R. I., June 29, 1904 ; member Arcana Lodge A. F. & A. M., York Chapter, Columbia Commandery and Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. ; gen- eral practice. FERDINAND J. KARASEK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 225 ERNEST KASISCHKE CHICAGO Born Sept. 11, 1888, at Chicago; graduate Chicago Seminary of Science, Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; married Miss Elsie Lehr, 1917, at Chicago ; Attorney General's office, 1915 ; Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, March, 1919, to date. (Photo by Lasswell) ERNEST KASISCHKE FREDERICK J. KASPER CHICAGO Born Sept. 24, 1882, at Chicago, 111.; Notre Dame University, Ph. B., Harvard University, LL. B., 1907; admitted to Bar, 1907 ; married Miss Josephine M. Flatley, April 26, 1910, at Brookline, Mass. ; mem- ber Edgewater Golf Club, Chicago Athletic Association, Knights of Columbus, Chicago Real Estate Board ; real estate, corporation and general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) FREDERICK J. KASPER LAMBERT KASPERS CHICAGO Born June 27, 1882, at Chicago ; graduate of Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Florence A. Mann, Oct. 1, 1914, at Chicago ; member City Club and Cook County Real Estate Board ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JACOB KATZ CHICAGO Born May 5, 1882, at Brody, Austria; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married June 17, 1906, at Chicago; City Attorney, West Hammond, 111., 1912-1915. RICHARD J. KAVANAGH PEORIA Born Aug. 17, 1894, at Peoria; graduate of University of Illinois and Catholic Uni- versity, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Knights of Columbus and Elks ; general practice. MICHAEL W. KAVANEY CHICAGO Born May 20, 1888, at Wilmington, 111.; graduate Wilmington High, Central Busi- ness, and Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906; Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel, Chicago, 1913-1915; K. of C, P. A. D., and National Union; general practice. (Photo by Lass well) MICHAEL W. KAVANEY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 227 HARRY G. KEATS CHICAGO Born Lyme Regis, Dorset County, Eng- land ; attended grammar schools, Y. M. C. A. night school and Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Hattie Fiedeke, June 26, 1905, at Chi- cago; deputy clerk (Cook) County Court, assistant to probate judge; member Hamil- ton Club, D. C. Cregier Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Prairie State Council, R. A., Chi- cago Kent College of Law Alumni Associa- tion and the Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity. (Photo by Matzene) HARRY G. KEATS WILLIAM B. KEEFE CHICAGO Born Nov. 3, 1885, at Evanston, 111.; graduate of De Paul University, Loyola University, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1913; member K. of C., Lawyers Association. ROY D. KEEHN CHICAGO Born Nov. 7, 1875, at Ligpnier, Ind. ; graduate of De Pauw University Prepara- tory, Indiana University, University jaf Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law, J. D., '04; admitted to Bar, 1905; Assistant Corporation Counsel under J. Hamilton Lewis ; member University, South Shore Country, Olympian Fields Country and Chicago Automobile Clubs, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associa- tions, Masons, Shriner; general practice. 22S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN E. KEHOE CHICAGO Born Feb. 26, 1869; graduate of Illinois College, A. M.; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Miss Frances Valentine, June 24, 1901, at Chicago; West Town Attorney, Chicago, Chief Trial Attorney for City of Chicago; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law, South Shore Country Clubs, Chicago Athletic Association ; general practice. JOHN E. KEHOE AUGUSTUS KELLY CHICAGO Born 1864, in Sullivan County, Indiana; attended Indiana University, graduate of De Pauw University, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Miss Annie Mitchell, Feb. 11, 1903, at Chicago; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, 1914 to date; mem- ber Masonic lodge, Phi Gamma Delta Col- lege Fraternity. Delta Chi Law Fraternity, Chicago Bar Association ; general civil prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) AUGUSTUS KELLY JOHN J. KELLY CHICAGO Born July 28, 1887, at Chicago ; graduate Holy Name Parochial School ; De LaSalle Institute, John Marshall Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Mary Frances Murphy, Nov. 9, 1910, at Chicago; appointed Assistant U. S. District Attorney, April 1, 1920; member Irish Fellowship Club, Knights of Columbus; general practice. (Photo by WaliiiKer) JOHN J. KELLY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 229 PATRICK J. KELLY CHICAGO Born Mar. 31, 1879, at Farley, Iowa; graduate Hamilton College of Law, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Anna Welch, Feb. 18, 1903, at Charles City, Iowa. JAMES FRANCIS KENNEDY CHICAGO Born Nov. 25, 1869, Joy Prairie, 111. ; at- tended Whipple Academy, Jacksonville, 111., University of Notre Dame, LL. D. and M. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1896; member of Superior Council of the Society of St. Vin- cent de Paul of the United States; secretary Metropolitan Central Council, same soci- ety, for the province of Illinois ; president of Particular Council of same society, Chi- cago ; member Knights of Columbus ; pro- bate, real estate and chancery practice. FRANCIS M. KEOUGH CHICAGO Born Dec. 28, 1873, Lemont (Cook Coun- ty), 111.; graduate of Notre Dame Univers- ity, C. E., Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Anna Monckton, at Chicago; President of village of Lemont, 1909-1919. 230 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS OTTO KERXER OTTO KERNER CHICAGO Born Feb. 22, 1884, at Chicago ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1905; married Miss Rose B. Chmelik, July 27, 1907, at Chicago; Prosecuting At- torney, 1912-1913; Alderman 12th Ward, 1913-1919; Master in Chancery Circuit Court, 1916 to date ; member Iroquois and Bohemia Clubs, Masonic Orders, Elks, I. O. O. F., Chicago and American Bar Associa- tions ; general probate and chancery prac- tice. WILLIAM DUNTON KERR CHICAGO Born Sept. 4, 1883; educated Chicago public schools, Lewis Institute, Northwest- ern University, A. B., Wisconsin Univers- ity, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss F. Ethel Works, Oct. 26, 1912, at Min- neapolis ; member City Club and Sigma Chi and Phi Alpha Delta Fraternities. CHRISTOPHER KING CHICAGO Born Sept. 12, 1863, at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; graduate of Elliott's Business College (Bur- lington, la.), Kent College of Law; admit- ted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Charlotte Button, Sept. 15, 1906, at Chicago; mem- ber American Unity Club, 25th Ward Re- publican Club and Empire State Society; member of firm Culver, Andrews, King & Stitt ; general practice, commercial and corporation law. (Photo by Moffetl) CHRISTOPHER KING THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 231 FLORENCE KING CHICAGO Born in 1870 at Waterloo, Iowa ; gradu- ate of Mount Morris College, Kent Col- lege of Law, B. S., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; widow ; Founder and Pres. Na- tional Woman's Association of Commerce; patent, corporation and trade mark law. (Photo by Morrison) FLORENCE KING SAMUEL B. KING CHICAGO Born May 27, 1865, at Ottawa, 111.; graduate Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1887; member City, Ham- ilton and Jackson Park Yacht Clubs, Soci- ety of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolu- tion, (Pres. Illinois Society), member Lib- erty Speakers Association; general prac- tice. (Photo by Morrison) SAMUEL B. KING HARRY CLARK KINNE CHICAGO Born June 25, 1880; graduate Englewood High School, Illinois College of Law, LL. B.. LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Miss Nella Snider, Mar. 30, 1904, at Chi- cago ; member Union League Club, Equity Lodge No. 878, A. F. & A. M., Washington Chapter No. 43, R. A. M., Oriental Con- sistory, Medinah Temple, Illinois Council No. 615, Royal Arcanum ; instructor in real property, abstracts, wills and probate practice in Illinois College of Law (now De Paul University). (Photo by Moffett) HARRY CLARK KINNE 232 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES CLEVELAND KIRK CHICAGO Born English Center, Pa., June 4, 1884; attended Girard College, Philadelphia, Pa., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., and Illinois College of Law, LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; member Pennsylvania State Society, America Lodge No. 889, A. F. & A. M., Wiley M. Egan Chapter No. 126, R. A. M., and Chicago Commandery No. 19, Medinah Temple ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES CLEVELAND KIRK I. B. KIRKLAND CHICAGO Born Mar. 25. 1874, at St. Paul, Minn.; graduate of University of Wisconsin, LL. D. ; admitted ot Bar, 1898; married Kathryn A. Stoppenbach, July 29, 1902, at Jefferson, Wis. ; general and municipal and corporation bond law and real estate titles. (Photo by Mclvin H. Sykee) I. B. KIRKLAND WEYMOUTH KIRKLAND CHICAGO Born Port Huron, Mich., June 4, 1878; graduated Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Louise Stone, Chicago, 1905 ; member Chicago Ath- letic Association, Mid Day Club, Flossmoor Country Club, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations ; engaged in general practice of law. 233 PAUL T. KLENK CHICAGO Born 1893, at Blue Island, 111.; graduate of University of Michigan, Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Caryl A. Nickerson, Oct. 11, 1916, at Blue Island, 111.; City Attorney, Blue Island, 1917-1919; member Calumet Lodge No. 716, A. F. & A. M., Calumet Chapter No. 203, R. A. M., Blue Island Lodge No. 1331, B. P. O. E., Harmonize Lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F. ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JULIUS REYNOLDS KLINE WILSON L. KLINE CHICAGO Bo n Greenville, 111. ; attended Shurtleff Collt "je, Ottawa University, University of Chic go ; holds degrees M. S. and B. L. ; adm tted to Bar, 1908; married Miss M. Otto' : s Seitz, Chicago; member Hamilton Club Chicago Bar Association and Chicago Law Institute ; was professor of medical jurisprudence in Chicago College of Osteo- pathy for 3 years ; general practice, special attention to bonds, mortgages and kindred subje^.s. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) PAUL T. KLENK JULIUS REYNOLDS KLINE CHICAGO Born Dec. 15, 1865, at Philadelphia, Pa.; graduate of Pennsylvania State Normal School, Allegheny College, Chicago Law School, Midland University, LL. D. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1891 ; married Helen Newman in 1899, in Colorado ; Professor of Law, Chicago Law School Post Graduates, for- mer Editor Voice-Review, former Vice- President Press Club, former President Pennsylvania Society, Secretary Alumni Association of West Allegheny College ; member Masons, 33rd degree, Chief Ancient & Honorables, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Lawyers' Club. (Photo by Moffett) WILSON L. KLINE 234 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Gibson. Sykes & Fowler) SAMUEL E. KNIGHT SAMUEL E. KNIGHT CHICAGO Born Feb. 4, 1862, at Deerfield, 111.; graduate of Northwestern College, A. B., Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Mary E. Wag- ner, Aug. 3, 1887, at Monroe, Mich.; mem- ber Union League, Bankers (Chicago) and Westmoreland Country Clubs, Chicago Bar Association, Royal Arcanum, Royal League, etc.; Secy. State Bank of Chicago, 1901 to date. CHARLES S. KNUDSON CHICAGO Born May 7, 1882, at Chicago; graduate Chicago schools, John Marshall Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1903; married Bernadine Mendelsohn, Aug. 6, 1913, at Chicago; Attorney for North West Park District, March, 1919, to date ; member Masonic, Odd Fellows, Chicago Norske Club ; general practice. PAULUS F. B. KOENIG CHICAGO Born April 18, 1889. at Fort Branch, Ind.; graduate De Pauw University, A. B., Loy- ola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; member A. F. & A. M., R. A. M.; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) PAULUS F. B. KOENIG 235 SAMUEL L. KOENIGSBERG CHICAGO Born Russia, 1872; attended Medill High School, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903; married Susan Bronstein, Sept. 5, 1898, at Chicago, 111.; member Masonic orders, B'nai B'rith, Chi- cago Bar Association and Lawyers Asso- ciation of Illinois ; specializes in real estate and probate law practice. CHARLES A. KOEPKE CHICAGO Born Dec. 18, 1876, at Chicago ; educated Chicago public and high schools, North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1899 ; married Caroline G. Schmidt, Oct. 7, 1903, at Chicago ; mem- ber Hamilton Club, Masons and Shriner. MORRIS KOMPEL CHICAGO Born May 30, 1879, at Leipzig, Germany; graduate Northwestern University, B. L., LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1903; married Miss May K. Stayer, May 2, 1914, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago Lodge No. 437, A. F. & A. M., York Chapter No. 148, R. A. M., I. O. B'nai B'rith, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. (Photo by Lasswell) MORRIS KOMPEL 236 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS C. H. KORDOWSKI CHICAGO Born Sept. 8, 1888; graduate Illinois Col- lege of Law, Hamilton College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1912; single; member Illi- nois State Bar Association and various fraternal organizations ; general practice, including real estate. (Photo by Lasswell) C. H. KORDOWSKI ARTHUR M. KRACKE CHICAGO Born Nov. 6, 1881, at Chicago; graduate Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905; married Miss Elsie MacGin- nis, April 12, 1911, at Chicago; member Park Ridge Country Club ; corporation and tax law. (Photo by Lasswell) ARTHUR M. KRACKE ROY L. KRANZOW CHICAGO Born July 22. 1893; graduate De Paul University. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; member Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity ; general practice, specializing in chancery, real estate and probate practice. (Photo by Mabel Sykest ROY L. KRANZOW THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 237 SAMUEL KRAUS CHICAGO Born April 14, 1889 ; graduate Northwest- ern University Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Beatrice Freeman, June 15, 1916, at Chicago; mem- ber Order of the Coif. HARRY H. KRINSKY CHICAGO Born Nov. 22, 1885 ; graduate Illinois Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906; member Delta Theta Phi Law Fra- ternity, K. P, B.nai B'rith, Free Sons of Israel and numerous charitable organiza- tions, Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Association of Illinois, and Waubansia Lodge No. 160, A. F. & A. M. ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) HARRY H. KRINSKY LAZARUS KRINSKY CHICAGO Born Dec. 8, 1887, at Chicago ; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; District Commis- sioner, Boy Scouts of America (West Side), 1919-1920; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Masonic Order, B'nai B'rith ; general practice in civil matters, specializing in cor- poration, real estate, probate and chancery practice. (Photo by Lasswell) LAZARUS KRINSKY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS STUART BEARDSHEAR KROHN CHICAGO Born Oct. 22, 1889, at Cleveland, Ohio; graduate Leander Clark College (Toledo, Iowa), A. B., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1914; mar- ried Mildred Newcomer, Dec. 30, 1915, at Marshalltown, Iowa ; member Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. OSCAR A. KROPF CHICAGO Born Mar. 10, 1872; graduate Washburn College, Northwestern University Law School, A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901; married Miss Edith A. Ander- son, Oct. 21, 1908, at Chicago; Master Lin- coln Park Lodge A. F. & A. M., 1908-1909, Potentate Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., 1913, American Unity Club; general practice. OSCAR A. KROPF JULIAN KWASIGROCH CHICAGO Born Jan. 4, 1880, Chicago, 111. ; educated St. Stanislaus parochial school and college ; post-graduate course Northwestern Uni- versity Law School ; Assistant State's At- torney two years ; member Polish National Alliance, Roman Catholic Union, Polish Press, Polish Democratic League of Cook County, and Iroquois Club. JULIAN KWASIGROCH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 239 WALTER J. LA BUY CHICAGO Born July 25, 1888, at Beaver Dam, Wis. ; attended Beaver Dam High School, Law Dept., De Paul University, Chicago, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Helen Dolores Warszewski, Nov. 24, 1914, at Chi- cago; Assistant City Attorney, 1912 to 1915; general practice. JOHN HUGH LALLY CHICAGO Born Sept. 10, 1882, at Gloucester, Mass.; graduate Boston University, Loyola Uni- versity, Northwestern University; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; married Miss Annie Clark Painter, Sept. 12, 1907, at Chicago; Dept. of Conservation, State Council of Defense (111.), 1918; Director of Smileage Book Campaign, 1918; Attorney Selective Serv- ice Board, 1918; Secy, and Treas., Improve- ment Association (Evanston), 1909-1919; Past Consul Business Camp, Modern Wood- men of America. JOHN HUGH LALLY WILLIAM O. LaMONTE CHICAGO Born April 20, 1862, at Lyons, Iowa; graduate Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Margaret H. Richardson, July 3, 1883, at Chicago ; Exam- iner Money Orders, P. O., 1888-1892; Chief Clerk, Water Office, 1895-1896; member of Legislature, 1897-1898; Clerk, Juvenile Court, 1899-1905; Minute Clerk, Circuit Court, 1894-1905; member A. F. & A. M.; for 3 years Secy., Cook County Child Sav- ing Conference ; 12 years Secy. Louise Training School for Colored Boys ; 2 years Secy. Presbyterian Sunday School Associa- tion, Chicago Presbytery. (Photo by Walinger) WILLIAM 0. LAMONTE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS PAUL C. L'AMORKAUX CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., June 21, 1886; at- tended Kemper Military School, Lewis In- stitute, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Bertha Johnson, Dec. 30, 1913, at Chicago, 111.; served as attorney for Village of Shennerville, 111., 1915-17; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Chicago, Illi- nois State and American Bar Associations and Union League Club ; engaged in gen- eral and corporate organization practice. HERMAN S. LANDF1ELD CHICAGO Born May 1, 1890; graduate John Mar- shall Law School, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., Northern Illinois University, L. M.; admitted to Bar, 1916; married Miss Henrietta Mosk, June 2, 1917, at Chicago; member Odd Fellows, Order Knights of Joseph, Independent Order Brith Abraham, etc. ; general practice. HERMAN S. LANDFIELD MAXWELL LANDIS CHICAGO Born in Kieff, Russia; graduate of Rus- sian Gymnazium, Crane Technical High School, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. Br; admitted to Bar. 1919; member Chicago Bar Association, Elks, American Greeters, Odd Fellows ; general practice in all courts. (Photo by Russell) MAXWELL LAXDIS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 241 THOMAS H. LANDISE CHICAGO Born Oct. 27, 1892; educated Hofman Preparatory School, Northwestern Univers- ity Law School, LL. B., 1917; admitted to Bar, 1917; member Italian Progressive Club, (vice-pres.), Chicago Bar Association; gen- eral practice. (Photo by DeHaven) THOMAS H. LANDISE BENSON LANDON CHICAGO Born Nov. 8, 1861 ; graduate of Univer- sity of Pennsylvania ; admitted to Bar, 1887 ; married Miss Frances Kuykendall, Dec. 31, 1890, at Towanda, Pa. ; member Masonic Lodges. RAY E. LANE CHICAGO Born at Midland City, 111.; graduate Illi- nois College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Emily J. Wailenbower, Oct. 29, 19*13, at Chicago ; member Odd Fel- lows and Masons. RAY E. LANE 242 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WALLACE R. LANE ERNEST LAXGTRY CHICAGO Born May 13, 1866, at Collingwood, Can- ada; graduate of Upper Canada College, Trinity College, Osgoode Hall (Toronto) ; admitted to Bar, 1891; married, Oct., 1898, at Milwaukee, Wis. ; Assistant City Prose- cutor, Chicago, 2 years ; Assistant State's Attorney 6 years ; member Chicago Bar As- sociation. Cook County Democracy; gen- eral and criminal law. WALLACE R. LANE CHICAGO Born Aug. 12, 1876, Whately, Mass.; at- tended Hopkins Academy, Hadley, Mass., Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., Brown University, Yale Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Gertrude Gardner of Swansea, Mass., July 2, 1901; member University (Chicago, Evanston and Washington, D. C.), Union League, Automobile, Rhode Island Country Clubs, and Beta Theta Pi (New York); patent, corporation, trade mark and unfair competition practice ; author of various ar- ticles on patent, trade mark laws. Lecturer on patent law, Drake University and Uni- versitv of Nebraska. ERNEST LANGTRY THOMAS E. LANNEN CHICAGO Born May 25, 1876, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; graduate of Amboy Business College (Am- boy, 111.), Northern Illinois Normal School (Dixon), Chicago Law School, LL. B.; ad- mitted to Bar, 1902 ; married Miss Pearl J. Jones, Oct. 5, 1908, at Chicago; member Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Veter- ans of Foreign Wars of the U. S., Knights of Columbus, Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, Chicago Bar Association, North Shore Golf Club; served in Porto Rico campaign in 1898 as member of Co. G, 6th 111. Inf. (Photo by Moffett) THOMAS E. LANNEN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 243 OLENE LAPHAM CHICAGO Born July 31, 1892, at Burlington, Wis. ; graduate of Wisconsin University, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, Wisconsin, 1914, Illinois, 1916; member Woman's Bar Association of Illinois; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) QLEXE LAPHAM T. FRED LARAMIE CHICAGO Born Mar. 11, 1867; attended common schools and graduated from the Kent Col- lege of Law ; admitted to Illinois Bar, 1899 ; married Mrs. Laura Ashmore, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 29, 1894; City Attorney, May- wood, 111., 1911-1913; member Knights of Pythias, National Union, Modern Wood- men and Royal Arcanum ; engaged in gen- eral law practice. FRANK A. LASLEY CHICAGO Born at Fairfield, 111. ; graduate of Yale University, A. B., LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; member Hamilton and South Side Tennis Clubs, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; general practice. 244 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CARL R. LATHAM CHICAGO Born at Sandwich, 111. ; graduate of Northwestern University, Ph. L., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Miss Helen Babcock, June 23, Kenilworth, 111.; Vice- Pres. Chicago Association of Commerce, 1918; Pres. Iroquois Club, 1919; member Chicago Athletic Association, Iroquois and Glen View Clubs, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Legal Club. ( Photo by Moffett) CARL R. LATHAM JONATHAN G. LATIMER CHICAGO Born Nov. 25, 1874, at Hopkins, Iowa; graduate Knox College, B. S., Northwest- ern University Law School, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Evelyn Wyatt, Oct. 25, 1905, at Fond du Lac, Wis. ; member Phi Delta Theta and Delta Chi Fraterni- ties, Chicago Athletic Association, Floss- moor Country Club, City Club, Sons of American Revolution ; member of firm Peaks, Bunch & Latimer. CAMERON LATTER CHICAGO Born Feb. 14, 1890, at Boston, Mass.; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; associated with Charles E. Erbs^tein, specializing in criminal matters. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 245 RICHARD J. LAVERY CHICAGO Born Oct. 20, 1877, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Manual Training School, Law Dept. Lake Forest University; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Emma Gannott, Nov. 29, 1906, Chicago, 111. ; member Morgan Park No. 999, Masonic Lodge, and Wiley M. Egan Chapter ; insurance, corporation and personal injury practice. RICHARD J. LAVERY NATHAN A. LAWRENCE CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111. ; graduate of Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Mollie Goodman, June 24, 1913, at Chicago ; Assistant State's Attorney, 1917- 1919; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) NATHAN A. LAWRENCE IDA M. LAWRIE CHICAGO Born in Scotland ; graduate University of Wisconsin, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1918; Legal Dept. R. R. Commission of Wis., 1910-1915 ; member Kappa Beta Pi Legal Sorority, Illinois Woman's Bar Association ; associated with firm of Cummins, Roemer, Flynn & McKenna ; public utility law. IDA M. LAWRIE 246 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE B. LEAR CHICAGO Born Dec. 9, 1883, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Illinois, A. B. ; University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Lottie Kaarby, Jan. 25, 1919, at Chicago ; member Brother- hood Lodge No. 986, A. F. & A. M., Lincoln Park Chapter No. 177, R. A. M., Lincoln Park Commandery No. 64, K. T., Phi Beta Kappa, 21st Ward Republican Club, Chicago Bar Association ; chancery practice and corporation law. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE B. LEAR LEO S. LE BOSKY CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; graduate of Lewis In- stitute and John Marshall Law School; ad- mitted to Bar, 1913; married Miss Jennie Franks, March, 1915. at Chicago; member Iroquois Club, Lawyers Association of Illi- nois, Cook County Real Estate Board ; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Moffett) LEO S. LE BOSKY CHESTER ARTHUR LEGG CHICAGO Born Dec. 16, 1880, at St. Louis, Mo.; graduate Harvard University, A. B., LL B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Anna Dickson, June 10, 1908, at Cambridge, Mass. ; Assistant U. S. Attorney at Chi- cago, 1908-1910; Counsel, Chicago Boar-} of Trade, 1910-1914; member Masons Evanston Golf and Hamilton Clubs, Fir?; Presbyterian Church of Evanston ; gener?, practice ; author of "The Law of Commer- cial Exchanges" and "A Suit at Law in Illinois." (Photo by Matzrne) CHESTER ARTHUR LEGG THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 247 JOSEPH JOHN LELIVELT CHICAGO Born Sept. 21, 1893, at Chicago ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Delta Chi Legal Fraternity. (Photo by Lasswell) JOSEPH JOHN LELIVELT JAMES LEROO CHICAGO Born Aug., 1889, at Farmington, N. H. ; graduate of University of Michigan ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1914; contract attorney for Sanitary District of Chicago. WILLIAM LEVINE CHICAGO Born Sept. 28, 1885; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Cecelia Greenberg, June 17, 1913, at Seattle, Wash. ; assistant attorney West Chicago Park Commission- ers, 1915-1917; member Apollo No. 642, A. F. & A. M., Beaconsfield No. 448, K. of P., Lawyers Association of Illinois ; general practice. 248 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HARRY C LEVINSON CHICAGO Born Mar. 12, 1879; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Fannie Cohn, Dec. 17, 1902, at Chicago; member Washington Park Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple Ancient Arabic Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Royal Arcanum, Idlewild Country Club ; Secretary Illinois Packing Co., Director of Armitage Theater Co., The Greenwood Co.; member of firm Levinson & Hoffman. HARRY C. LEVINSON MORRIS K. LEVINSON CHICAGO Born July 24, 1889; graduate of John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Rose Gerber, 1912, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago Association of Com- merce, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute, Beehive Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; corporation, real estate and trial prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) MORRIS K. LEVINSON MOSES LEVITAN CHICAGO Born July 21, 1891 ; graduate University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1913; member B'nai B'rith ; 2nd Lieut. Field Artillery, U. S. Army. (Photo by Lasswell) MOSKS LEVITAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 249 CHARLES LEVITON CHICAGO Born Jan. 26, 1889 ; graduate University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; member Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) PHILLIP B. LEVITON DAVID R. LEVY CHICAGO Born April 27, 1867 ; educated in gram- mar and high schools, and law lectures ; admitted to Bar, Indiana, 1893, Illinois, 1896; married Miss Sadie Salzenstein, Aug. 5, 1908, at Chicago; Assistant Secy., 111. R. R. & W. H. Comm., 1893-1896; Secy, to Gov. John P. Altgeld, 1896; Asst. Corpora- tion Counsel, City of Chicago, 1901-1905; Appellate Court Attorney, City of Chicago, 1911-1915; member Apollo Lodge. A. F. & A. M., K. P., Maccabees, I. O. B. B., Hyde Park, Iroquois, Covenant, Idlewild Country Clubs, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Lawyers Association of Illinois. PHILLIP B. LEVITON CHICAGO Born Nov. 10, 1881, at Riga, Russia; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Minnie Rosin, Sept. 1, 1908, at Chicago; member Independent Order Odd Fellows, K. P. DAVID R. LEVY 250 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JACOB LEVY CHICAGO Born Jan. 29, 1876; graduate of South Side Academy, University of Chicago ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1902; married June 5, 1906, at Chicago; personal injury practice. SIDNEY LEVY CHICAGO Born Jan. 22, 1893; graduate of Univers- ity of Chicago, Ph. B., Northwestern Uni- versity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) SIDNEY LEVY SIDNEY E. LEVY CHICAGO Born May 30, 1885, at Chicago ; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1910 ; married Miss Bernice Oppenheimer, April 21, 1910, at Chicago, who died Jan. 31, 1918; married Miss Ida- hell Reiss, April 24, 1919, at Cleveland, Ohio ; member Chicago Bar Association, Illinois Lawyers Association. Emhlem Lodge No. 984, A. F. & A. M., Hyde Park Chapter No. 240, R. A. M., Palestine Coun- cil 66, R. & S. M., Hyde Park Chapter No. 782, O. E. S. ; general civil practice. (Photo by Daguerre) SIDNEY E. LEVY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 251 DANIEL H. LEWIS CHICAGO Born June 17, 1894; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; member Golden Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. F., A. F. & A. M., Field Artillery, 9th Brigade, 27th Reg. HARRY A. LEWIS CHICAGO Born Aug. 20, 1869, at Berwick, 111.; graduate Elliott's College, Northwestern Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; mar- ried Nellie Fenn, June 18, 1895, at Chicago ; Assistant State's Attorney, 1901-1904, Coun- ty Attorney, 1905-1911; member all Ma- sonic bodies, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Hamilton Club, Beverly Country Club; elected Judge of the Su- perior Court, April 1st, 1919. (Photo by Lauritzen) HARRY A. LEWIS W. J. LEWIS CHICAGO Born in Chicago ; educated in public and high schools ; graduated from Illinois Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar, 1911; gen- eral practice, civil, chancery and probate law. (Photo by Gibson, Sykes & Fowler) W. J. LEWIS 252 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ABRAHAM LIDSKY CHICAGO Born 1885 ; graduate John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; mar- ried Ida Lidsky, Feb. 14, 1914. at Chicago; member of firm, Lidsky & Clark. OTA P. LIGHTFOOT CHICAGO Born Alvarado, Tex., Aug. 11, 1881 ; at- tended University of Fort Worth and Uni- versity of Chicago, A. B. and J. D. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Florence H. Sayres, Aug. 11, 1909, at Waukegan, 111.; served as assistant city prosecutor, City of Chicago, 1911-14, and assistant state's at- torney, 1914-20 ; member Chicago Bar Asso- ciation and Delta Chi legal fraternity ; en- gaged in general practice. (Photo by Dagiierre) OTA P. LIGHTFOOT HENRY S. LIGHTHALL CHICAGO Born Oct. 13, 1883, at ChTcago; attended Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1905 ; member Hamilton Club, Illinois Bar Association and Loyal Order of Moose ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 253 WILLIAM J. LINDSAY CHICAGO Born Dec. 9, 1878, at Aurora, 111. ; gradu- ate of Grinnell College, Ph. B., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906 ; married Miss Marybel Kinnick, Oct. 15, 1908, at Adel, Iowa; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, 1917 to date ; member City, Iroquois and Hawkeye Clubs, Phi Delta Phi, Ogden Park Lodge, A. F. & A. M., B. P. O. E. THOAIAS LINDSKOG CHICAGO Born Oct. 21, 1884, at Rpckford. 111.; graduate Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; mar- ried Miss Gertrude E. Clettenberg, April 18, 1911, at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel under Mayor Busse ; member Ben Franklin Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association. JOSEPH L. LISACK CHICAGO Born in Poland ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Elizabeth L. Benoit, June 23, at Bourbonnais, 111. ; Assistant Attorney Sanitary District, Chicago, 1913-1919; mem- ber Royal Arcanum, Royal League. Knights of Columbus, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOSEPH L. LISACK 254 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Moffett) WILLIAM LISTER WILLIAM LISTER CHICAGO Born Dec. 27, 1886, Thornton, Fifeshire, Scotland ; graduate of Association Insti- tute, John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Edith M. Pat- tullo, Nov. 28, 1913, at Evanston, 111.; City Attorney of Evanston, 1915 to date; mem- ber St. Clair of Balbeggie Lodge, Thornton, Scotland, Evanston Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Evanston Elks Lodge, Evanston K. of P., Illinois St. Andrews Society, Chi- cago Bar Association ; special Assistant State's Attorney, 1915-1917 ; general prac- tice. CHARLES G. LITTLE CHICAGO Born Oct. 17, 1874, at Philadelphia; grad- uate Amherst College, B. S., Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Myra Wilson, Oct. 2, 1900, at Evanston, 111. ; Chief Exam- iner Torrens Land Registration, 1905-1910; member University (Chicago), Union League, Glen View and Law Clubs; Pro- fessor of Law, Northwestern University Law School ; member of firm Urban, Little, Gordon & Wise. HERBERT R. LLOYD CHICAGO Born Fayette, O., Oct. 8, 1868; attended country schools, Fayette Normal University, and graduated Chicago Law School, 1902, LL. B. and LL. M. ; taught school several years; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Mrs. Nellie L. Iverson of Chicago, Oct. 8, 1918; member Republic Lodge No. 914, A. F. & \. M.. Lincoln Park Chapter No. 177, R. A. M. ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Lass well i HERBERT R. LLOYD THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 255 HENRY K. LOEB CHICAGO Attended Chicago College of Law (now Kent College of Law), LL. B.; general practice. FRANK J. LOESCH CHICAGO Born April 9, 1852, at Buffalo, N. Y.; graduate Union College of Law, North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1874; married Miss Lydia Richards, Oct. 2, 1873, at Chicago ; member Board of Education, 1898-1902; Pres. Chicago Bar Association, 1905-1907; Pres. .Union League Club., 1916-1917; member Union League, University, City, Law, and Glenview Golf Clubs ; member of firm Loesch, Scofield, Loesch & Richards ; general practice, also counsel for Pennsylvania R. R. System, General Counsel Chicago Union Station Co. CLARENCE J. LOFTUS CHICAGO Born June 15, 1885, at West Union, Iowa ; graduate of Drake University (Des Moines, la.); admitted to Bar, 1908; married Eleanor M. Mathers, April 22, 1918, at Chi- cago ; member New Evanston Golf, Uni- versity Clubs, Chicago Patent Law and Illinois Bar Associations, and other clubs, lodges and organizations ; member Speak- er's Bureau during war; patent and trade mark law. (Photo by Lasswell) CLARENCE J. LOFTUS 256 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS KOLLA RUDOLPH LONGENECKER CHICAGO Born April 1, 1875; attended Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, June, 1900; married; lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in several medical colleges until 1918; life member Hamilton and Olympia Fields Country Clubs, active in several fraternal orders and librarian Ori- ental Consistory, S. P. R. S., 32nd degree ; author of "How to Prepare a Case for Trial"; general practice, specializing in cor- poration law, common law trusts for busi- ness purposes and medical jurisprudence. CARROLL J. LORD CHICAGO Born Nov. 12, 1883 ; graduate University of Kansas, LL. B., Yale University, LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, Nebraska 1911, Illinois 1916; member Fort Sheridan Officers' Training Association; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) CARROLL J. LORD FRANK E. LORD CHICAGO Born Dec. 20, 1861, at Danvers, Mass.; graduate Northwestern University, A. B. ; admitted to Bar 1886 ; member Chicago Athletic Association ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. (Photo by Moffett) FRANK E. LORD THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 257 JOHN S. LORD CHICAGO Born in Buena Vista County, Iowa; graduate of University of Wisconsin, A. B., Harvard Law School; admitted to Bar, 1906 ; married Miss Marion M. Green, Oct. 6, 1915, at Chicago ; President General Alumni Association, University of Wiscon- sin, 1916-1918; member University and Ken- wood Clubs. (Photo by Koehne) JOHN S. LORD ALBERT S. LOUER CHICAGO Born March 3, 1871 ; graduate Columbia Law School, New York Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Miss Rose Mandel, April 18, 1899, at Chicago; member Association of Commerce, Lake Shore Country and Standard Clubs. (Photo by Lasswell) ALBERT S. LOUER LEO B. LOWENTHAL CHICAGO Born Feb. 26, 1878, at St. Joseph, Mo.; attended University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to bar 1901 ; married Miss Lil- lian Reiwitch at Chicago, Sept. 5, 1905 ; member Intercollegiate Club, Ancient Craft No. 907 A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) LEO B. LOWENTHAL J5S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES F. LOWY CHICAGO Born June 17, 1874; graduate Lake For- est University, LL. B., St. Ignatius College (course of Philosophy), Illinois College of Law ; admitted to bar 1901 ; married Miss Bella Friend, Jan. 15, 1905, at Chicago; member American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Assns., I. O. F. S. of I., Bnej Brith, Masonic Lodge (Past Master) Chap- ter, Consistory, Shrine ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) < HARI.KS F. LOWY P. J. LUCEY CHICAGO Born May 2, 1873, at Ottawa, 111. ; gradu- ated Ottawa High School ; admitted to liar 1894; married Miss Frances Gertrude Casey, Sept. 10, 1901, at Streator, 111.; Mayor of Streator, 111., 3 terms, Attorney (ieneral. Illinois, 1913-1916, appointed mem- ber Public Utilities Commission of Illinois. 1917, member Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Assns.; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) P. J. LUCEY ALBERT E. LUCIUS CHICAGO Born Sept. 13, 1879, at Havana, Cuba; graduate University of Michigan, A. B., Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admit- ted to bar, 1906; member Ridge Country and City Clubs, Oriental Consistory, Me- dinah Temple; member of firm Goodnow, Matthews, Lucius & McNabb. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 259 EDWARD B. LUCIUS CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1885, at Summit, N. J.; graduate University of Mich., A. B. ; Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admit- ted to bar, 1911; married Miss Dacotah Grimm, Dec. 26, 1914, at Sioux Falls, S. D. ; member State Legislature, 1918 to date; member Normal Park Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Modern Woodmen of America; mem- ber of firm of Goodnow, Matthews, Lucius & McNabh. EDWARD B. LUCIUS EDWARD H. LUEBECK CHICAGO Born Oct. 27, 1890, at Chicago; gradu- ate of Crane Technical High School, Chi- cago-Kent College of Law, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar 1911; married Miss Agnes F. Ludwig, July 7, 1917, at Chicago; As- sistant Prosecuting Attorney, City of Chi- cago, 1915-1919; member Veritas Lodge No. 926, A. F. & A. M. ; Wiley M. Egan Chapter, R. A. M. ; I. O. O. F. ; Intercol- legiate Club ; Four-Minute Man ; Legal Ad- visory Board, 86th District. (Photo by Moffett) EDWARD H. LUEBECK JOHN J. LUPE CHICAGO Born June 25, 1888, at Chicago ; graduate of John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Nov. 4, 1913. at Chi- cago; member Chicago Rod & Gun Club, American Athletic Association, Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; general practice. (Pliolo by Moffett) JOHX J. LUPE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HAKKY J. LURIE CHICAGO Born Dec. 13, 1882, at Chicago; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; First President, U. of C. Law School Asso- ciation ; admitted to Bar 1905 ; married Helen A. Lederer, March 6, 1916, at Chi- cago ; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Ravisloe Country, Book and Play, and Standard Clubs, Masonic organizations; member of firm, Lurie & Fishell. HARRY J. LURIE HARRIS CARMAN LUTKIN CHICAGO Born Oct. 20, 1886, at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Hazel Hackshaw, June 30, 1917, at Ottawa, 111.; City Attorney. Evanston, 1911-1915; Assist- ant Counsel, U. S. S. B.. Emergency Fleet Corporation, 1918-1919; member University and Westmoreland Country Clubs ; Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associa- tions ; Lecturer, Northwestern Universitv Law School. 1914-1918. (Photo by Lasswell) HARRIS CARMAN LUTKIX WILL H. LYFORD CHICAGO Born Sept. 15, 1858; graduate Colby Col- lege (Waterville, Me.), A. M.; admitted to Bar 1884; married Miss Mary Lee Mac- Comas, April 28, 1886, at Nebraska City, Nebr. ; member of various clubs in Chicago, New York and Washington. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 261 CORNELIUS LYNDE CHICAGO Born Rock Island, 111., Feb. 20, 1887; graduate Williams College, A. B. ; North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1905 ; married Bertha L. Pollock, Nov. 25, 1908, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; member of University, Law and Chicago Legal Clubs, Chicago Association of Com- merce ; American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations ; engaged in general practice, specializes in corporation and in- ter-state commerce law. WILLIAM P. MacCRACKEN, JR. CHICAGO Born Sept. 17, 1888, at Chicago ; graduate University High School, University of Chi- cago ; admitted to Bar 1911; married Miss Sallie Lucile Lewis, Sept. 14, 1918, at Waco, Texas ; member American Legion, Olym- pia Fields Country, Kenwood, City and Legal Clubs ; Royal Arcanum ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associa- tions ; Psi Upsilon and Phi Delta Phi Fra- ternities ; member of firm, Montgomery, Hart & Smith ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM P. M'CRACKEN, JR. LOUIS WILLIAM MACK CHICAGO Born July 15, 1887 ; graduate of Univer- sity of Illinois, University of Chicago, Har- vard Law School, A. B., A. M., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; Director of Films, U. S. Government, 1917 ; member City, Har- vard, Illini, University (Washington), Army & Navy (Washington) and Cosmos (Washington) Clubs; Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; general corpo- ration practice. LOUIS WILLIAM MACK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ROBERT T. MACK CHICAGO Born Feb. 26, 1887; graduate of Harvard College, A. B., magna cum laude, Harvard Law School, LL. B., cum laude ; admitted to Bar 1911 ; married Miss Jeannette Steele, March 7, 1918, at Chicago; U. S. Army, 1917-1919; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Harvard Club of Chicago, Lake Shore Country (Glencoe), and City Clubs; gen- eral practice, corporation law. i I'll' it" by Lasswt'lli KORKKT T. MACK WILLIAM J. MACK CHICAGO Born May 27, 1885. at Cincinnati, O. : graduate Harvard College, A. B. ; Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910 ; Lieutenant, Infantry, N. A., 1917; Cap- tain, Infantry, N. A.. 1917; Major, Judge Advocate, U". S.. 1918-1919; member City and Harvard Clubs ; general practice, cor- poration, probate and foreign matters. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM J. MACK WILLIAM HECTOR MACLEAN CHICAGO Born Quebec, Canada ; graduate high school and Chicago College of Law; admit- ted to Bar 1900; wife, Mary L. Maclean; served as Trustee, Village of Wilmette, 2 years ; Assessor, New Trier Township, 2 years ; Justice of Peace, New Trier, 2 years ; member House of Representatives, Illinois State Legislature, 2 years ; Illinois State Senator, 4 years ; now serving second term as County Commissioner, Cook County; member A. F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., R. A., and M. W. A. ; engaged in general practice. WILLIAM HKCTOR MACI.KAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 263 JOHN E. MaeLEISH CHICAGO Born May 13, 1879, at Glasgow, Scotland ; graduate of Lewis Institute, Chicago-Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married Gladys Thrift, Aug. 9, 1906, at Village, Va. ; member Union League, Law, Skokie Country, and Hamilton Clubs ; Bar Associations ; member of firm, Scott, Ban- croft, Martin & Stephens. CHESTER A. MACOMIC. CHICAGO Born at Saugus, Mass.; graduate of Bos- ton Law School, DePaul University, LL. B., D. C. L., LL. M.; admitted to Bar 1911 ; member Hamilton Club ; Secretary and Organizer, Hamilton College of Law. (Photo by Walinger) CHESTER A. MACOMIC DANIEL L. MADDEN CHICAGO Born in Ireland ; graduate of University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Ind.), LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1907; married in 1910, at Chicago; member of Emerson Council, K. and L. of S. ; Knights of Columbus, Irish Fellowship Club, United Irish Soci- eties, Knights of Maccabees, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Div. No. 1 ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) DANIEL L. MADDEX 2<>4 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by MofTett) HENRY W. MAGEE PHILIP J. McGUIRE CHICAGO Born Dec. 9, 1871, on farm near Eliza- beth, 111.; graduate State College of Iowa, University of Nebraska, M. A. ; Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; married Miss Gertrude E. Solon, April 23, 1902, at Chicago ; special examiner and special counsel for Insurance Superin- tendent of Illinois ; member Hamilton Club, Knights of Columbus, Woodmen of the \Yorld, Modern Woodmen. Royal Arcanum, Delta Chi Fraternity, University of Ne- braska Club of Chicago, Iowa State College Club of Chicago, and many other fraternal and educational organizations ; director and counsel for large number of corporations; general practice, specializing in insurance and corporation law. HENRY W. MAGEE CHICAGO Born 1840, in Meadville, Pa. ; graduate of Hillsdale College, Ann Arbor University, A. B., A. M.; admitted to Bar 1868; mar- ried Miss Hatty B. Pratt, 1878, at Hills- dale, Mich. ; served through civil war in Fourth Michigan Infantry; general prac- tice. (Photo by Moffett) PHILIP j. M'GUIRE EDWARD MAHER CHICAGO Born Jan. 17, 1860, in Lancashire, Eng- land ; graduate of Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1885; married Elizabeth Stirling; Captain, Second Illinois Infantry, I. N. G. ; commissioned as Cap- tain, U. S. National Army, Feb. 6. 1917, and served during World War ; Honorary President, Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; Vice-President, Chicago Law Institute; member Illinois State Bar Association, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, Chicago Society of Advocates ; Commander, Ameri- can Unity Post, American Legion ; Chicago Press, Adventurers', and Army & Navy Clubs ; general practice. (Photo hv Walinicer) EDWARD MAHER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 265 E. R. MAHONEY CHICAGO Born July, 1881, at Milwaukee, Wis. ; graduate of Spencerian College, Webster College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1919; Chief of Efficiency Bureau, Civil Service Commission, Cook County, 1912- 1913 ; Comptroller, Sanitary District, Chi- cago, 1913-1915 ; member Illinois State Bar Association ; general practice. E. R. MAHOXEY BERNARD J. MAHONY CHICAGO Born Oct. 4, 1868, at Chicago ; graduate of St. Ignatius College, Chicago-Kent Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar 1896; mar- ried Miss Mary A. Tansey, Nov. 25, 1902, at Chicago ; member 39th General Assem- bly, 1895; Chief Clerk, Appellate Court, 1895-1897; Attorney, Water Department, City of Chicago, 1904; Attorney, Civil Service Commission, 1906; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, 1911-1912; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, 1912-1917. CHARLES L. MAKEMSON CHICAGO Born in 1885, in Kosciusko County, Ind. ; graduate of Huntington (Indiana) Business College, Y. M. C. A. Preparatory, North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1916; member of Chicago Bar Association, Hamilton Club, American Legion ; Faculty, Chicago Law School ; member of firm, Hodges & Makemson; general practice. (Photo by Lasswe!!) CHARLES L. MAKEMSON 2(>6 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS STEPHEN A. MALATO CHICAGO Assistant State's Attorney, 1912-1915; member Edgewater Reach and Press Clubs ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations; Italian Chamber of Com- merce, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, and other social and fraternal organizations ; general practice, with special attention to the criminal branch. DAVID B. MALONEY CHICAGO Born at Arcadia, Wis., May 14, 1890; graduated from the University of Michi- gan, LL. B., 1914; engaged in general law practice, specializing in insurance matters. (Photo by Lasswell) DAVID R. MAI.OXKY CHRISTOPHER MAMER, JR. CHICAGO Born Oct. 24, 1884; attended West Divi- sion High School and University of Illinois, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1911; member Illini Club of Chicago, Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, and National Union Assurance Society ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 267 A. B. MANION CHICAGO Born March 12, 1886, at Chicago ; gradu- ate of Albion College, Chicago-Kent Col- lege of Law, University of Chicago, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; casualty and liability insurance law. (Photo by Moffett) A. B. MAXION GEORGE MANKLE CHICAGO Born Aug. 22, 1879; graduate of Drake University (Des Moines, la.), LL. B. ; Western Normal College, Preparatory ; ad- mitted to Bar 1909 ; member of firm, Park- inson & Lane ; patent, trade mark and unfair competition practice. WILLIAM MANNHARDT CHICAGO Born May 18, 1876; graduate of Univer- sity of Chicago, University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1897; member (Treasurer) Lincoln Park Yacht Club, Chicago Lincoln Club, Lake View Lodge No. 774, A. F. & A. M. ; Lincoln Park Chapter No. 177, R. A. M. ; real estate, chancery and probate practice ; Attorney for Swiss consulate. 268 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ARTHUR MANNING CHICAGO Born Quincy, 111., July 4, 1890; graduate Northwestern University Law School, 1912; admitted to Bar 1915; served as chief law record writer in office of Clerk of Cir- cuit Court, Cook County, 1913-17, and as Chief Examiner in charge of investigation of corporations, U. S. Internal Revenue Department, 1918-19; member K. C. ; en- gaged in practice of corporation law and federal tax matters. (Photo by Muffett) ARTHUR MANNING HARRY MARKHEIM CHICAGO Born Aug. 31, 1891 ; graduate of Univer- sity of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1913; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) HARRY MARKHEIM ALEXANDER H. MARSHALL CHICAGO. Born Dec. 17, 1892; graduate of North- western University, LL. B. ; Harvard Uni- versity; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Stella Lucile Berger, May 24, 1917, at Chicago ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 269 EDWARD MARSHALL CHICAGO Born Oct. 10, 1874; graduate of Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1896 ; married Miss Grace M. Marshall, Sept. 18, 1900, Carbon, Ind. ; member Fair Oaks No. 1006, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) EDWARD MARSHALL JOHN W. MARSHALL CHICAGO Born July 14, 1881 ; graduate of schools of Ontario, Illinois College of Law, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Miss Alice Gostlin, March 25, 1901, at Chicago; mem- ber Lodge No. 4, Elks ; I. O. O. F. ; Ham- ilton and Rotary Clubs ; Chicago Bar and Lawyers' Associations ; Association of Commerce ; corporation law and probate practice. THOMAS BRUNTON MARSTON CHICAGO Born July 2, 1857, at St. Louis, Mo.; graduate Yale University, Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1881 ; married Miss Julia Dale Ewart, Oct. 22, 1896, at Chicago ; member University, Onwentsia, Caxton and Chicago Law Clubs ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associa- tions ; chancery and probate practice. 270 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES MARTIN CHICAGO Born Jan. 11, 1882; graduate Northern Illinois Normal College, B. S. ; Yale Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Iowa 1903, Illinois 1905; married Miss Martha M. Ives, Oct. 20, 1909, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Association. (I'lKito by Lasswell) lHARI.KS MARTIN HORACE H. MARTIN CHICAGO Born Clean, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1855; at- tended common schools Olean, N. Y. ; Ra- cine (Wis.) College, and Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1880; mar- ried Miss Florence E. Durkee at Buffalo, N. Y., 1892 ; member American and Chicago Bar Associations ; Chicago Literary, Cax- ton, University, Ontwentsia and Law Clubs. MELLEN C. MARTIN CHICAGO Born Three Oaks, Mich., July 26, 1886; graduated University of Michigan, Literary Class 1910, Law Class 1912, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1912; married Clara True- blood, Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 22, 1914; member Union League, Olympia Fields Country, Congregational and Legal Clubs ; Theta Delta Chi ; engaged in general prac- tice, specializing in corporation and probate matters. (Photo by Lasswell) MEI.I.EN C. MARTIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 271 P. J. MARTIN CHICAGO Born Feb. 6, 1892; graduate of St. Philip's Cathedral College, St. Patrick's Commercial Academy, Loyola University, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1916; married April 17, 1918. at Chicago; member of Fraternal Order of Eagles, Knights of Columbus ; insurance, corporation, real estate and probate prac- tice ; Attorney and Manager for New Am- sterdam Casualty Co. (Photo by Walinger) P. J. MARTIN CHAUNCEY W. MARTYN . CHICAGO Born July 17, 1865, at Canton, N. Y. ; graduate of St. Lawrence University, B. S. ; Union College of Law (Northwestern Uni- versity), LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1890; member South Shore Country, Flossmoor Country, Law and University Clubs ; gen- eral counsel, Standard Oil Co. of Indiana. CHAUNCEY W. MARTYN FREDERICK Z. MARX CHICAGO Born April 23, 1876 ; graduate of Univer- sity School of Chicago ; Special Courses, Chicago University, LL. B. ; Lake Forest University; admitted to Bar 1897; married Miss Winifred G. Loesch, Oct. 22, 1903, at Chicago ; member Union League, Bob O' Link Golf and Law Clubs; Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations ; Chi- cago Association of Commerce ; Director, Citizens' Association of Chicago; member of firm, Butz, von Ammon & Marx. 272 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM E. MASON CHICAGO Born July 7, 1850, at Franklinville, N. Y. ; admitted to Bar 1872 ; married Edith White, at Des Moines, Iowa ; member both branches, Illinois Legislature, and both branches of Congress ; member Hamilton Club, Masonic Lodges, K. P., I. O. O. F., Royal League; general practice. WILLIAM E. MASON ROY MASSENA CHICAGO Born Aug. 30, 1881, in Marshall County, Indiana ; graduate of Wabash College, A. B. ; University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1918; married Mabel Hoover, May 15, 1907; City Attorney (Blue Island), May 1, 1919, to date; Attorney, Board of Re- view, Cook County, Aug. 1, 1919, to date; member Delta Tau Delta, Phi Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa Fraternities ; Masonic Lodge ; general practice. EDWIN F. MASTERSON CHICAGO Born at Watertown, Wis., 1850; attended Northwestern University (Lutheran) and University of Wisconsin ; admitted to Bar 1878; married Miss Mary Mullen at Water- town, Wis., Oct. 19, 1882; member various organizations ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) EDWIN F. MASTERSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 273 LEE D. MATHIAS CHICAGO Born March 31, 1872, at Greencastle, Ind. ; graduate of De Pauw University, Ph. B., D. C. L. ; admitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Anna Hayes, Nov. 26, 1912, at Den- ver; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1911- 1915; member of Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, Indiana Society, Evanston Golf and Iroquois Clubs. LEE D. MATHIAS JUDD H. MATTHEWS CHICAGO Born Logansport, Ind., Jan. 25, 1876; graduate University of Michigan, LL. B., 1901; admitted to Bar in Illinois 1901, In- diana 1898, Michigan 1901 ; married Miss Bessie M. Storms, July 15, 1903, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; served as City Attorney, Blue Island, 111., 1911-17, and Attorney for Township of Worth, 1911 to 1917; member Chicago Association of Commerce, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute, B. P. O. E., I. O. O. F., and M. W. W. ; engaged in general and corporation law practice. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) JUDD H. MATTHEWS CARL D. MATZ CHICAGO Born July 17, 1887; graduate of Williams College, A. B. ; Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Anne Bremond, Oct. 5, 1918, at Austin, Texas; U. S. Army, 1917-1919; discharged as Captain, air service, aeronautics ; mem- ber University, City, Indian Hill and Ca- sino Clubs; Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Beta Kappa ; Chicago Bar Association ; Legal Club of Chicago ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) CARL D. MATZ 274 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ALBERT W. MAY CHICAGO Born in 1874, at La Crosse, Wis. ; gradu- ate of Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; admitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Minnie Moss, 1911, at Chicago; U. S. Com- missioner; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1912-1915 ; member Masons, Elks, Chicago Bar Association. ALBERT W. MAY EDWIN B. MAYER CHICAGO Born Aug. 26, 1888, at Chicago ; graduate of Brown University (Providence, R. I.), Ph. B. ; University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Anita Zei'sler, June 1, 1915, at Chicago; Assistant to Director, Bureau of Exports, War Trade Board, 1917; Captain, U. S. A., 1918; member Masonic, Zeta Psi Fraternity, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Standard Club ; corporation, reorganization, real estate, contract and probate practice and matters pertaining to Federal Govern- ment Departments. (Photo by Moffett) EDWIN B. MAYER JOHN H. McAULIFFE CHICAGO Born Dec. 20, 1888; graduate John Mar- shall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Margaret Cronin, Feb. 19, 1912, at Chicago ; Assistant Attorney for Sanitary District of Chicago, 1913 to date ; member Chicago Bar Association, Knights of Columbus. Colonial Club, Oak Park. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 275 JOHN R. McCABE CHICAGO Born Jan. 5, 1879, at Chicago ; graduate of St. Ignatius College; Lake Forest Uni- versity; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married Jan. 12, 1918, at Chicago; City Clerk, City of Chicago, 1907-1909; City Fire Attorney, 1918 to date. (Photo by Matzene) JOHN R. M'CABE ALBERT G. McCALEB CHICAGO Born Dec. 5, 1893, at Chicago ; graduate of Armour Institute of Technology, U. S. School of Aeronautics, U. S. School of Artillery Fire, Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1916; mem- ber Masonic Orders, Delta Chi Fraternity, Intercollegiate Club ; patent, trade mark and copj'right law. ALBERT G. M CALEB WILLIAM WALLACE McCALLUM CHICAGO Born March 15, 1883; graduate of Lake Forest University, Law Department, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1907; personal injury, interstate commerce, Federal Employers' Liability law. (Photo by Matzene) WILLIAM WALLACE M'cALLUM 276 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS EDWARD j. MCCARTHY, JR. Born June 13, 1895 ; graduate of DePaul University and Law School, A. B., LL. D. ; admitted to Bar 1917; member Phi Alpha Delta, Alpha Chi Fraternities ; general prac- tice. JOHN w. MCCARTHY CHICAGO Born May 15, 1890, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913; member Chicago Bar Association, Knights of Columbus, Ameri- can Legion ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN w. M'CARTHY JOHN WEBSTER McCARTHY CHICAGO Born Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1857; at- tended public grade and high schools and business college; admitted to Bar 1891; married Miss Bridget Talty, February, 1889. at New Orleans, La. ; served as Su- pervisor and Mayor of Lemont, 111., also as City Attorney of Lemont, 1909-20; Rep- resentative, Illinois General Assembly, 1917-1919; engaged in general law practice. JOHN WEBSTER M CARTHY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 277 JOSEPH L. MCCARTHY CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Oct. 12, 1882 ; attended St. Ignatius College, DePaul University, A. B., A. M. ; Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1907 ; married Gertrude Gonzales, Chicago, 1912; engaged in gen- eral practice, specializing in real estate law. ALICE M. McCLANAHAN CHICAGO Born Jan. 1, 1892 ; attended Lewis Insti tute, Chicago Kent College of Law; admit- ted to Bar 1915; Attorney for Legal Aid Society, May, 1918 ; member Woman's Bar Association, Woman's City Club ; general practice. JAMES S. McCLELLAN CHICAGO Admitted to Bar 1905 ; member Hamilton Club, A. F. & A. M.. K. P., and Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations and Chicago Law Institute ; engaged as Secre- tary and Trust Officer of Fort Dearborn Trust and Savings Bank. (Photo by Matzene) JAMES s. M'CLELLAN 278 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FREDERICK S. McCLORY CHICAGO Born Jan. 19, 1869, at Quincy, Mass. ; admitted to Bar 1891. ALFRED E. McCORDIC CHICAGO Born Nov. 8, 1862, at Ontario, Canada ; graduate of Harvard Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1889; married Miss Jane Augusta Ladd, July 3, 1889, Windsor, Conn. ; President of Winnetka, 111. ; mem- ber Harvard Clubs of Chicago and New York, University and Law Clubs of Chi- cago; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. ALFRED E. M CORDIC HOWARD H. McCORMICK CHICAGO Born June 23. 1886, at Chicago ; attended Northwestern University and Loyola Uni- versity; admitted to Bar 1909; married Emily Mildred Lemke, June 28, 1916, at Chicago; member Birchwood Country and Lincoln Clubs. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 279 JOHN V. McCORMICK CHICAGO Born July 24, 1891, Mineral Point, Wis. ; graduate University of Wisconsin, A. B.; University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1916; member Chi Phi Fraternity, Irish Fellowship Club ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN v. M'CORMICK CHARLES H. McDERMOTT CHICAGO Born Jan. 22, 1882, at Kent, Ohio ; gradu- ate of Notre Dame, Indiana University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1902; married Miss Lucy M. Murphy, Nov. 22, 1905, at Bloomington, Ind. ; City Attorney, West Frankfort, 111., 1904-1905 ; member of Chi- cago Bar Association, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, and other societies ; insurance, corporation and probate practice. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES H. M'DERMOTT CHARLES A. McDONALD CHICAGO Born Dec. 31, 1864; graduate of Valpa- raiso University, Kent College of Law ; ad- mitted to Bar 1897 ; married Miss Emma Krehl, Dec. 11, 1884, at Rochelle, 111.; Judge, Superior Court, Cook County, 1910 to date, except three years in Appellate Court, 1916-1919; member Chicago Athletic Association, Edgewater Beach Yacht Club ; Chairman, North Shore District, Boy Scouts of America, etc. (Photo by Moffett) CHARLES A. M'DONALD 280 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES FOSTER M ELROY CHARLES J. McFADDEN CHICAGO Born Nov. 4, 1884, at Joliet, 111.; gradu- ate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1911; married Miss Har- riet S. Utter, Dec. 31, 1915, at Chicago; member of firm. Winston, Strawn & Shaw. CHARLES FOSTER McELROY CHICAGO Born April 26, 1876, near Red Willow, Nebr. ; graduate of Butler College, A. B. ; University of Chicago, A. M. ; Baldwin University, LL. B. ; University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, Ohio 1913, Illinois 1914; married Miss Cora C. Clarke, Aug. 4, 1913, at Edinburg, Ind. ; member Chicago Bar Association ; Lakeside Lodge No. 450, I. O. O. F. ; Secretary, University of Chicago Law School Associa- tion ; general practice ; general counsel for Printing Trades Credit Association; gen- eral counsel for Photo Engravers and Elec- trotypers Credit Bureau, Inc. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES j. M'FADDEX JAMES H. McFARLAND CHICAGO Born at Lincoln, Kans. ; graduate Lincoln High School, James Millikin University, DePaul University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Clara A. Fullen- wider, June 11, 1913, at El Dorado, Kans.; member Loyal Order of Moose, Ancient Order of United Workmen ; corporation and real estate law. (Ph.ito by KiM-line) JAMES H. M'FARLAND THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 281 JOHN P. McGOORTY CHICAGO Born Conneaut, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1866; at- tended high schools, Lake Forest Univer- sity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1892; mar- ried Miss Mary E. Wiggins of Wichita, Kans., Nov. 30, 1893 (since deceased) ; member Illinois House of Representatives, 1896-98, 1904-06; Democratic leader of House, 1899 ; introduced first municipal ownership bill ever introduced in United States, 1899; delegate to Chicago Charter convention ; delegate to first congress on uniform divorce laws, 1905; led fight re- sulting in enactment of gas regulation law, 1905; elected Judge in Circuit Court, 1911; re-elected, 1915; assigned to Appellate Court, 1915-17; member Chicago Athletic Association (Director), Iroquois and Irish Fellowship Clubs, Elks, Knights of Colum- bus ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations and Lawyers' Association of Illinois. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN P. M'GOORTY CHARLES D. McGRATH CHICAGO Born Dec. 23, 1887, at Bloomington, 111.; graduate of Illinois College of Law, Law Department, DePaul University; admitted to Bar 1912; contracts and mechanics' liens. (Photo by Lasswe'.l) CHARLES D. M'GRATH PHILIP H. McGRATH CHICAGO Born April 20, 1886, Macon County, 111.; attended Loyola University, LL. B. ; James Millikin University, A. B.; admitted to Bar 1913 ; unmarried ; member Tau Kappa Ep- silon Fraternity; general practice and real estate and probate law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JAMES S. McIXEKXEY CHICAGO Born at Chicago; educated parochial schools, Chicago-Kent College of Law; ad- mitted to Bar 1908; married Miss Rose M. Doonan, Jan. 29, 1896, at Chicago; City Prosecutor, 1911-1914; Clerk of Appellate Court since Dec. 8, 1914; member Chicago Bar and Lawyers' Associations of Illinois; Catholic Order of Foresters, Irish Fellow- ship Club; general practice. AMKS S. M IXKRNKY JOHX L. McINERNEY CHICAGO Born Sept. 16, 1886; graduate of Chicago- Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1907; married Mrs. Agnes H. Jocelyn, Aug. 30, 1916, at Chicago; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, Chicago, 1907-1912; mem- ber South Shore Country and Illinois Ath- letic Clubs. K. of C. ; local attorney for "Soo Line" since 1914. (Photo by Matzene) JOHN L. M'IXERXEY BUELL McKEEVER CHICAGO Born Sept. 2, 1872; graduate of Yale Academic, A. B. ; Kent College of Law, LL. B.; Harvard School (Chicago), pre- paratory for college; admitted to Bar 18%; member Chicago, University, Mid-Day, Casino, South Shore Country and Legal Clubs ; corporation law ; member of firm of I sham. Lincoln & Beale. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 283 PHILIP J. McKENNA CHICAGO Born at Foynes, Limerick, Ireland ; grad- uate of Queen's College, Cork, Ireland, B. A.; admitted to Bar 1899; married Miss Joanna E. Richardson, Feb. 14, 1888, at Escanaba, Mich. ; member Knights of Co- lumbus, Catholic Order of Foresters, Chi- cago Bar Association. (Photo by Moffett) PHILIP j. M'KENNA WILLIAM C. McKENNA CHICAGO Born Sept. 2, 1886, at Plainfield, 111.; graduate of St. Viator College, A. M. (Bourbonnais, 111.) ; Loyola University, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Mary Devan, Feb. 18, 1914, at Chicago ; member Union League Club, Knights of Columbus, Elks, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; member of firm, Cum- mins, Roemer, Flynn & McKenna. (Photo by Walinger) WILLIAM c. M'KENNA GEORGE B. McKIBBIN CHICAGO Born April 26, 1888 ; graduate Iowa Wes- leyan College, A. B. ; University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar 1913; married Miss Helen Sunny, Nov. 11, 1916, at Chicago; member Flossmoor Country and Union League Clubs, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. 284 THE BENCH AND BAR OF. ILLINOIS DONALD S. McKINLAY CHICAGO Born Dec. 15, 1887, at Chicago; educated Sherwood grammar and Englewood high ; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Frances Wielenberg, June 27, 1914, at Chicago ; member Delta Chi Legal Fra- ternity. (Photo by Lasswell) DONALD s. M'KINLAY ARCHIBALD A. McKINLEY CHICAGO Born Dec. 16, 1871, at Postville, la.; graduate of University of Iowa, Ph. B. ; Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; married Miss Alice B. Touhy, Aug. 28, 1901, at Rogers Park, 111.; Counsel of Insurance Department of State of Illi- nois, 1912-1915; member Illinois Athletic, Westmoreland Country, Iroquois and Old Colony Clubs, Knights of Columbus, Elks, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations; President, Western Alliance Insurance Co.; insurance and corporation law. (Photo by Wallnger) ARCHIBALD A. M'KINLEY M. L. McKINLEY CHICAGO Born 1878 ; graduate Decorah Institute, State University of Iowa; admitted to Bar 1898; member General Assembly of Illinois, 1905-1909; Chicago Civil Service Commis- sion, 1907-1911; Secretary, Chicago Charter Convention, 1911; Judge, Superior Court, 1911 to date; member Glenview Golf, Iro- quois and Illinois Athletic Clubs. (Phot,. ,y Moffett) M. L. M'KINLEY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 285 WILLIAM McKINLEY CHICAGO Born June 1, 1879; graduate of Iowa State Normal School, Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar 1907; married Miss Katherine Riley, Nov. 26, 1913, at Chicago; speaker, House of Representatives, Illinois, 1913-1914; member 48th General Assembly, 1913-1914; Commissioner Pan- ama-Pacific Exposition, 1915 ; member Effi- ciency and Economy, State of Illinois, 1913- 1915 ; member Knights of Columbus ; general practice. A. A. MCLAUGHLIN CHICAGO Born May 13, 1868; graduate of Iowa State College, B. S. ; University of Michi- gan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Michigan and Iowa 1892, Nebraska 1912, Illinois 1918; married Miss Sadie Bennetto, Dec. 23, 1895, at Williams, Iowa; member Union League and New Evanston Golf Clubs ; Assistant General Solicitor, C. & N. W r . Ry. Co. A. A. M LAUGHLIN ARNOLD D. McMAHON CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; graduate of St. Ignatius College, A. B., A. M. ; Illinois College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1906; Dean, Law Department, Loyola University ; mem- ber of firm, McMahon, Graber & Elward ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) ARNOLD D. M'MAHON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE McMAHON CHICAGO Born at Dubuque, Iowa ; graduate of Bayless College, Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1902; mar- ried Miss Blanche M. Burke, 1912, at Chi- cago ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago, 1911-1915; member Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Royal League ; real estate, probate and patents. (I'hcito by MofTett) GKORGE M'MAHON JAMES E. McSHANE CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of Cathedral College, Loyola University; admitted to Bar 1916; married Miss Grace E. Finnegan, Nov. 25, 1916, at Chicago ; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, 1918 to date ; mem- ber Irish Fellowship Club; general practice. LEONORA Z. MEDER CHICAGO Born May 22, 1870, at Wayside. Ky. ; graduate of Stewart's Female College, A. B. ; Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Kentucky, 1894, Illinois 1914; widow ; President, Social Service Associa- tion. 1906-1908; President, Protectorate, 1912-1913; Commissioner Public Welfare, 1914-1915; member Political Equality League. Social Service Club ; personal in- jury practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 287 WILLIS MELVILLE CHICAGO Born Aug. 1, 1869, at Madison, Wis. ; educated Madison (Wis.) High School, Chicago College of Law, Department of Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar June 13, 1892; married Miss Lillian Smith, March 26, 1894, at Waukesha, Wis. ; Attor- ney for Brookfield, Cook County, 18 years ; Police Magistrate, 18 years ; member Ham- ilton Club, all Masonic bodies, Odd Fellows and Sons of Veterans, and Second I. N. G. Vet. Corps ; civil, corporation and municipal practice. (Photo by Moffett) MORTOX A. MERGENTHEIM RALPH MERRIAM CHICAGO Born Nov. 30, 1880; graduate of Uni- versity of Chicago, Ph. B. ; University of Chicago Law School; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Ida Eleanor Carothers, Aug. 1, 1907, at Wheaton, 111. ; member Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity ; author of "Claims Between Shippers and Carriers" ; general practice, with special attention to public utilities and transportation matters ; extensive practice before Interstate Com- merce Commission and the State Commis- sions. WILLIS MELVILLE MORTON A. MERGENTHEIM CHICAGO Born July 1, 1877, at Fort Wayne, Ind. ; graduate of University of Chicago, A. B., A. M. ; Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1903; married Miss Rose Heymann, of Oshkosh, Wis., Oct. 24, 1910, at Chicago; Chief Assistant City Attorney of Chicago, 1911-1915; member Iroquois Club (Vice-President, 1909-1912), Covenant Club of Chicago (President 1917), North- moor Country Club, Indiana Society of Chicago, Chicago Society of Advocates ; American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; corporation, reorganization and general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) RALPH MERRIAM 288 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ROY C. MERRICK CHICAGO Born Aug. 3, 1876, at Elburn, 111. ; gradu- ate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1902; married Miss Edna M. Pouley, June, 1904; member A. F. & A. M., Hamilton Club, M. W. A., Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Associations; member of firm, Poulton, Green & Merrick. (IMioti) by Muffett) ROY C. MERRICK ABRAHAM MEYER CHICAGO Born July 27, 1871, at Chicago; graduate of Yale University, B. A. ; Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1896; member Chicago, Illinois State and Ameri- can Bar Associations ; Chicago Automobile, Lake Shore Country and Standard Clubs. GEORGE H. MEYER CHICAGO Born Nov. 30, 1875; admitted to Bar 1904 ; member Hamilton Club ; Chicago, Illi- nois State and American Bar Associations ; Golden Rule Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; Past Chancellor, Knights of Pythias ; honorary member, Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity; President, Webster College of Law ; gen- eral civil practice; since 1908 has devoted considerable, time to lecturing and writing in law. (Photo by Matzenp) GEORGE H. MEYER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 289 SIDNEY B. MEYER CHICAGO Born April 13, 1879, at Quincy, 111.; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married June 22, 1910, at Chicago ; member Constellation Lodge No. 892, A. F. & A. M. ; K. P. ; Chi- cago Lodge No. 4, B. P. O. E. ; Elks Club ; North American Union ; Chicago Bar As- sociation ; Lawyers' Association of Illinois; Trustee, Emanuel Congregation. SIDNEY B. MEYER WALTER W. L. MEYER CHICAGO Born June 23, 1892; graduate Armour Scientific Academy, University of Illinois, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1915 ; married Miss Louise Wilkin, June 27, 1917, at Oak Park, 111.; Assistant State's Attorney, 1915-1918; member Chicago Bar Association, Iroquois and Chicago Motor Clubs, Northwestern University Alumni Association, U. C. T., National Geographic Society, Pi Alpha Fraternity; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) WALTER W. L. MEYER CASIMIR E. MIDOWICZ CHICAGO Born July 1, 1896, at Redding (Shasta County), Calif.; graduate of University of Chicago, Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1918; member Phoenix, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law In- stitute ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) CASIMIR E. MIDOWICZ THE HKNCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FRANK P. MIES CHICAGO Born April 26, 1873 ; graduate Northwest- ern College of Liberal Arts, Harvard Law School, Northwestern Law School, B. S., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1906; married Miss Mary Griffin, June 27, 1906, at Yutan, Neb. ; member Phi Beta Kappa, Order of Coif; general practice except criminal. (Photo by Matzene) FRANK P. MIES M. A. MILKEWITCH CHICAGO Born Feb. 22, 1886, in Poland ; graduate of University High School, University of Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Jennie E. Cohen, Nov. 3, 1914. at Chicago; member Ancient Craft Lodge No. 907, A. F. & A. M. CHAUNCEY M. MILLAR CHICAGO Admitted to Bar 1887; Assistant Attor- ney, Board of Education, Chicago, 1915- 1919 ; member Hamilton Club, Englewood Masonic Lodge and Chapter; corporation law and general practice. (Photo by Kasswell) CHAfNCEY M. MII.I.AR THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 291 ALBERT GRANT MILLER CHICAGO Born at Mazon, 111. ; attended University of Chicago; graduate of Northwestern Uni- versity, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1904; member Kenwood Lodge No. 800, A. F. & A. M. ; University Club; Second Lieutenant, Field Artillery; served with 122nd Field Artillery. GEORGE W. MILLER CHICAGO Born on farm near Gilman, 111., Jan. 12, 1869; attended Union College of Law, Chi- cago, and Columbian University Law De- partment, Washington, D. C., LL. B. ; mar- ried Carrie E. Sproule, Aug. 4, 1892, at Chicago ; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, Cook County, 1897 ; member Illinois House of Representatives, 39th and 40th General Assemblies ; First Assistant Corpo- ration Counsel, 1907 ; member Hamilton (ex-President), Mid-Day and Chicago Golf Clubs, A. F. & A. M., K. P., and Royal League. GEORGE W. MILLER HENRY G. MILLER CHICAGO Born Feb. 7, 1871; graduated Yale Uni- versity, A. B.; admitted to Bar 1899 ; mem- ber Bar Association, Law, Legal, Univer- sity (Chicago) and Skokie Golf Clubs; member of firm, Whitman & Miller ; gen- eral practice. 292 Tin-: BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN S. MILLER CHICAGO Born May 24, 1847; graduate St. Law- rence University, A. B., A. M., LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, New York 1870, Illinois 1874; married Miss Ann Gross, Dec. 15, 1887, at Chicago; Corporation Counsel, 1891-1893; member Board of Education, 1895-1897; member University, Chicago, Union League, Hamilton, City, Onwentsia and Old Elm Clubs ; general practice. JOHN S. MILLER, JR. CHICAGO Born Nov. 8, 1888; graduate of Harvard College, A. B. ; Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Judith D. Barker, June 29, 1911, at King- ston, Mass.; Police Magistrate, 1915; Presi- dent, Village of WinnetUa, 1919; Major, Field Artillery, U. S. A., 1917-1919; mem- ber City and University Clubs ; engaged in general practice. MORRIS MILLER CHICAGO Born Oct. 5, 1895, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1917; member Blackstone Chapter, Phi Delta Alpha ; Fortitude Lodge No. 1003. A. F. & A. M.; Ramah Lodge, J. O. B. B. ; member of firm, Miller & Fein ; in military service overseas, 1918-1919; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswein MORRIS MILLER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 293 WILLIAM S. MILLER CHICAGO Born Sept. 27, 1873 ; graduate of Chicago Manual Training School, University School, Yale University, Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; mar- ried Miss Susan T. Whipple, at Winona, Minn., 1904 (died 1911) ; married Mary P. Wilde in 1913 ; member of University, Sad- dle & Cycle, Iroquois, and Legal Clubs; Chicago, and Illinois State Bar Associa- tions ; Attorney for Northern Trust Co. for last 18 years. (Photo by Moffett) WILLIAM S. MILLER LeROY MILLNER CHICAGO Born at Wheaton, 111. ; graduate of Jen- nings Seminary (Aurora, 111.), Kent Col- lege of Law ; admitted to Bar 1896 ; mar- ried Miss Myra B. Porter, 1894, at Wheaton, 111.; Assistant Attorney General, 1917 to date ; Inheritance Tax Attorney. Cook County, 1917 to present; member Hamilton Club ; Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations ; Loyal Order of Moose, W. O. W. ; general practice. (Photo by Sowa) LEROY MILLXER ANDREW H. MILLS DECATUR Born Oct. 6, 1851, near Magnolia, 111.; graduate of Lincoln University (Lincoln, 111.), A. B., A. M.; admitted to Bar 1881; married Miss Elizabeth E. Bell, January, 1877, at Lincoln, 111.; Assistant City Attor- ney, 6 years ; Assistant State's Attorney, 12 years, under brother, Isaac R. Mills (de- ceased) ; member Decatur City Club; Presi- dent, Decatur Bar Association ; general practice, chancery, probate and drainage, specially. ANDREW H. MILLS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS MATTHEW MILLS CHICAGO Born AUK- 30, 1877, at Chicago; graduate Yale University, A. B. ; Northwestern Uni- versity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1903; member Illinois Legislature, 1907-1911; Assistant Attorney General and Counsel for Public Utilities Commission of Illinois, 1916 to date ; member Law, Uni- versity, 25th Ward Republican Clubs, Scroll and Key Society, Psi Upsilon ; cases before Public Utilities Commission and Interstate Commerce Commission, and public utility cases in state and federal courts. MATTHEW MILLS JULIUS H. MINER CHICAGO Born May 25, 1896; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1917; member John Paul Jones Lodge No. 1013, A. F. & A. M.; Associated Jewish Charities ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JULIUS H. MIXER EDGAR DAVIDSON MOHAN CHICAGO Born July 22, 1871, at Anderson, Ind.; graduate of Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1899; married Miss Gwen- doline Siegfried, Jan. 30, 1899, at Chicago; real estate law. (Photo by Lasswell i EDGAR DAVIDSON MOHAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 295 GEORGE H. MOLONEY CHICAGO Born Oct. 15, 1885, at Kenosha, Wis. ; graduate of St. Patrick's Academy, Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1911 ; married Miss Imogene F. Hyde, April 22, 1912, at Chicago ; insurance law and workmen's compensation law. THOMAS F. MOXAHAX CHICAGO Born Nov. 16, 1863, Ann Arbor, Mich. ; educated public schools, high school, Athe- naeum, Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar Oct. 8, 1890 ; married Miss Kathryn Gabrielson, Feb. 4, 1894, at Chi- cago, 111. ; member Royal League, Ben Hur, Foresters ; general practice. THOMAS F. MONAHAN JOHN ROGERSON MONTGOMERY CHICAGO Born March 8, 1866, in Chicago ; graduate of Beloit College, A. B. ; Union College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1889; mem- ber American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; Law, University, Union League, Congregational, Loyal Legion and City Clubs ; general practice. JOHN ROGERSON MONTGOMERY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Lasswell) WILL CORNELIUS MOODY WILL CORNELIUS MOODY CHICAGO Born Nov. 30, 1873, in South Hannibal, N. Y. ; graduate of Albion (Mich.) Col- lege, University of Michigan, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Nina L. Nelson, June 8, 1910, at Whitehall, Mich.; Assistant City Prosecutor, Chicago, Janu- ary to December, 1910; Assistant Corpora- tion Counsel, Chicago, December, 1910, to July 11, 1911; Assistant Attorney General, Illinois, January, 1910, to date; general practice, largely corporation, real estate and probate. SAMUEL J. MORAN CHICAGO Born Sept. 5, 1885 ; graduate of Chicago- Kent College of Law, LL. M., LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Lillian Rose Burns. Nov. 19, 1910, at Chicago; member K. of C., Elks, Iroquois Club; corporation law. SAMUEL J. MORAN CLAIR E. MORE CHICAGO Born Sept. 20, 1862, at Buckingham, Pa. ; graduate of University o Michigan, Union College of Law; admitted to Bar 1885; married Gertrude A. Houston, Oct. 30, 1913, at Chicago; member Union League Club, Olympia Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Attorney for His Britannic Majesty's Consul Gen- eral, Chicago, for last 15 years ; Attorney for National Implement and Vehicle Asso- ciation since 1902. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 297 MAURICE J. MORIARTY CHICAGO Born Oct. 20, 1884; graduate of Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909; Hamilton Club (Chairman of its National Legislation for 2 years), Beverly Country Club, The Medievalists, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation, Law Institute, Knights of Colum- bus ; general and corporation practice ; spe- cial lecturer in sociology department, Loyola University. (Photo by Lasswell) MAURICE J. MORIARTY HENRY C. MORRIS CHICAGO Born April 18, 1868, at Chicago ; graduate of Lombard College (Galesburg, 111.), A. B., A. M.; Buchtel College (Akron, Ohio), honorary A. M. ; Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1889 ; married Miss Grace Miihlenberg Hills, Sept. 10, 1917, at Washington, D. C. ; U. S. Consul at Ghent, Belgium, 1893-1898; Secretary to Chief Justice M. W. Fuller in arbitration before International Permanent Court at The Hague, 1905; member American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations : American Historical Society, American Peace Society, American Political Science Association, Hamilton Club, Alliance Fran- c.aise of Chicago ; President, Chicago Peace Society; author, "History of Colonization" (Macmillan), "History of First National Bank of Chicago." JOHN W. MORSBACH CHICAGO Born May 15, 1875, at Windsor, Ohio; graduate of Chicago Athenaeum, Univer- sity of Chicago, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1899 ; mar- ried Miss Mae Schlesinger, July, 1904, at Chicago ; member Oriental Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; New Chicago Lodge, I. O. O. F.; Chicago Law Institute ; Director, Secretary and Counsel of several corporations ; gen- eral practice and corporation law (Photo by Moffett) JOHN W. MORSBACH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS MEYER MORTON CHICAGO Born Nov. 20, 1889, at Chicago; graduate of Ferris Institute (Big Rapids, Mich.), University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1912; member of Intercollegiate Club; Blaney Lodge No. 271, A. F. & A. M.; civil, commercial and corporation law. ( Photo by Moffett) MEYER MORTON JULIUS MOSES CHICAGO Born April 9. 1872; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan. Ph. B. ; Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1895; married Miss Amy B. Cahn, June 4, 1903, at Chicago; member Illinois Athletic Club, Ravisloe Country Club; lectures on bankruptcy law, Kent College of Law ; mem- ber of firm, Moses, Rosenthal & Kennedy. JULIUS MOSES WALTER E. MOSS CHICAGO Born Feb. 16, 1880, at Guthrie Center, Iowa ; graduate Iowa State Teachers' Col- lege. B. D. I. ; Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1911; married Daisy D. Hougham, Panora, Iowa, Oct. 6, 1909 ; As- sistant County Attorney, 1913-1914; Assist- ant City Prosecutor. 1918 to date; member Masons, Hawkeye Club, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation, Chicago Law Institute; corporation, real estate, probate and commercial prac- tice. (Photo by Moffett) WALTER E. MOSS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 299 WILLIAM R. MOSS CHICAGO Born Nov. 3, 1867, at Maple Rapids, Mich.; attended Michigan State Normal College, University of Michigan ; admitted to Bar 1899; Attorney for Village of Oak Park, 1911-1913; member University, Union League, Oak Park, Oak Park Country and Traffic Clubs ; Chicago Association of Com- merce ; general practice. (Photo by Matzeno WILLIAM B. MOULTOX JAMES WILLIAM MRAZ CHICAGO Born Feb. 20, 1890, at Chicago; graduate of business college, Illinois College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1912; also admitted to U. S. District and Circuit Court of Ap- peals ; married Miss Anna Brouk, May 6, 1915, at Chicago; member Order of Colum- bus Circle (Tabor Lodge No. 59), White Feather Indian Club, Merigold Tax Payers' Association, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Lawyers' Association of Illi- nois, Bohemian Lawyers' Association of Chicago, Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, Warvelle Senate ; practice in all courts, common law, chancery, corporation, real estate and probate practice. WILLIAM B. MOULTON CHICAGO Born March 28, 1871, at Bloomington. 111. ; attended Harvard Law School ; gradu- ate of Harvard University, A. B. ; admitted to Bar 1895 ; married Miss Alice O'Grady, July 22, 1914, at Stratford, Ont. ; President, Illinois Civil Service Commission, 1905- 1911; member Union League, Chicago Legal and City Clubs, Chicago Bar Association ; corporation and real estate law. (Photo by Lasswell) JAMES WILLIAM MRAZ THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS EDMOND L. MULCAHY CHICAGO C. W. MULFINGER CHICAGO Born Feb. 27, 1889, at Champaign, 111.; graduated University of Illinois, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1913; married Miss Rose Rae Krusrer, Sept. 21, 1918, at Chicago; member Olympia No. 864, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. HAROLD O. MULKS CHICAGO Born Aug. 17, 1886, at Darien, Wis.; graduate of Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar 1914; married Miss Dora Hassebach, Sept. 2, 1911, at New York City; member Masonic Order, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswelli HAROLD O. MfLKS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 301 TIMOTHY FRANCIS MULLEN CHICAGO Born April 8, 1868, at Aurora, 111. ; grad- uate St. Francis Solanus College (Quincy), A. M. ; Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1891 ; married Miss Caro- line Lachner, Jan. 7, 1903, at Baker, Ore. ; First Assistant Counsel, State Public Utili- ties Commission, Illinois, 1915; Assistant Attorney General, Illinois, 1916; member Iroquois Club, Knights of Columbus, Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Chicago Law Institute ; general civil prac- tice, with special attention to public utility law. (Photo by Lasswell) TIMOTHY FRANCIS MULLEN GEORGE F. MULLIGAN CHICAGO Born at Rochester, N. Y. ; graduate of St. Louis University, A. B., M. A.; Wash- ington University (St. Louis), LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Anatolic J. Killeen, Nov. 25, 1897, at Chicago; As- sistant City Attorney, 1899-1902; Assist- ant Corporation Counsel, 1906 ; Assistant City Attorney, 1911-1913; Assistant Attor- ney, Sanitary District of Chicago, 1915- 1919 ; member various clubs and fraternal organizations ; decorated by U. S. Govern- ment for services as Speaker and Lecturer in Liberty Loan and Patriotic Educational work during World War ; general practice, largely trial of cases. (Photo by Moffett) GEORGE F. MULLIGAN FAYETTE S. MUNRO CHICAGO Born June 8, 1874, at Camillus, N. Y. ; graduate of Colgate University, A. B. ; Harvard, LL. B.; admitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Victoria Lowe, July 24, 1900, at Chicago; member General Assembly, lower House, 1913-1915; member Royal Arcanum, City Club of Chicago; general practice. 302 BKNCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ROBERT F. MUNSELL CHICAGO Born Aug. 28, 1874, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1897; member Chicago Bar Association. KOBKRT F. MUNSELL FRANK B. MURRAY CHICAGO Born Philadelphia, Pa., 1872; attended Lake Forest University; LL. B., Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1899; married Miss Winifred M. McCoy at Chi- cago, 111. ; City Prosecutor during Dunne administration ; general practice, specializ- ing in probate matters. JOHN T. MURRAY CHICAGO Born June 3, 1871 ; attended Annunciation School, Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar 1895; married Miss Sarah Helen Scully, Dec. 30, 1896. at Chicago ; member Knights of Columbus ; general practice. (Photo by MofTett) JOHN T. MURRAY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 303 SIDNEY CHARLES MURRAY CHICAGO Born July 4, 1885 ; graduate of Yale Uni- versity, Ph. B. ; Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910 ; member Yale (New York) and University (Chicago) Clubs, Chicago and American Bar Associations ; member of firm, Glen- non, Cary & Walker ; represent several railroads and corporations. THOMAS H. MURRAY CHICAGO Born July 12, 1885, at Chicago ; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909 ; married Miss Edna Little, June 6, 1910, at Chicago ; member Knights of Columbus ; defending actions against insurance companies, workmen's compensation and accident insurance. THOMAS D. NASH CHICAGO Born Feb. 2, 1886; graduate of Loyola University, A. B. ; Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1909; married Loretta McGovern, April 30, 1919, at Chi- cago; Alderman. Third Ward, 1913-1915. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS MAURICE J. NATHANSON CHICAGO Born Jan. 1, 1896; graduate of John Mar- shall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1919; served in U. S. Army, 1918-1919; member of Phi Delta Alpha Fraternity, Y. M. H. A., Y. M. J. C, J. M. S. H. W.; Associate Editor, U. S. War Veteran News- paper; general practice. (Pholo by Lasswell) MAURICE J. NATHANSON WILLIAM NAVIGATO CHICAGO Born Aug. 11. 1876, at Chicago; graduate of John Marshall Law School and North- western University, M. D. ; admitted to Bar 1907; married Miss Minnie Ciminello, Feb. 19, 1908. at Chicago; member Illinois Legis- lature. 45th General Assembly, 1907-1908; Assistant City Prosecutor, 1911-1916; mem- ber Knights of Columbus; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM NAVIGATO LELAND KENDRICK NEEVES CHICAGO Born Feb. 3, 1889; attended Amherst College, University of Michigan Law School; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Katharine Evans Houston at Evanston, 111., March 2, 1918; member Psi Upsilon Fra- ternity and Evanston Country Club ; general practice. (Photo by Koehne) LELAND KENDRICK NEEVES THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 305 BYRON A. NELSON CHICAGO Born April 20, 1880, at Chicago ; graduate of Lewis Institute and John Marshall Law School; admitted to Bar 1912; married Mrs. Otillia Vogler, Chicago; Justice of the Peace, 1917-1919; member Royal Arcanum, (Photo by Moffett) BYRON A. NELSON SHELLEY B. NELTNOR CHICAGO Born Sept. 18, 1873, at West Chicago, 111. ; graduate of Wheaton College, Chicago- Kent College of Law, LL. B., Illinois Col- lege of Law, D. C. L., Oscalusa College, LL. D. ; admitted to. bar, 1899; member Press and Iroquois Clubs, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Chicago Bar Assn. ; mem- ber Illinois State Reserve Militia. SHELLEY B. NELTNOR CLAUDE O. NETHERTON CHICAGO Born Feb. 2, 1884 ; graduate of University of Indiana, A. B. ; University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to bar, 1909; member University Club of Chicago. (Photo by Lasswell) CLAUDE O. NETHERTON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Lasswell) ROSS DE WITT NETHERTON GUSTAVE NEUBERG CHICAGO Born Dec. 3, 1886, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Michigan; admitted to bar, 1908; bachelor; member Lincoln Park Chapter, K. A. M.: Sincerity Lodge, A. F. & A. M. ; general, real estate and mortgage practice. ROSS DE WITT NETHERTON CHICAGO Born July 20, 1886; graduate University of Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to bar, 1916; married Miss Orra C. Faxon, Sept. 4, 1915, at Lyons, Mich ; Assistant Attorney General of Illinois, Inheritance Tax Dept., Feb. 1, 1917, to July 5, 1917; member Beta Theta Pi Fraternity (Indiana University) Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity (University of Chicago) ; associated with Winston, Strawn & Shaw ; general practice, but principally trial work. (Photo by Waliiiger) GUSTAVE NEUBERG PAUL A. NEUFFER CHICAGO Born Sept. 29, 1876; graduate of Chicago Law School and private tutors ; admitted to Bar 1901 ; married Miss Hattie C. Olsch- ner. April 16, 1902, at Chicago; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Hamilton and American Unity Clubs, Art Institute of Chicago; Pleiades Lodge No. 478. A. F. & A. M.; Wiley M. Egan Chap- ter No. 126, R. A. M. ; Oriental Consistory, A. A. S. R., Valley of Chicago, Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., National Geo- graphic Society; corporation and real estate law. (Photo by Lasswell) PAUL A. XEUFFER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 307 WILLIAM S. NEWBURGER CHICAGO Born May 25, 1870 ; attended Northwest- ern University ; graduated same school ; admitted to Bar 1893 ; married Mary Cronin ; Mason ; general practice. MORTIMER M. NEWFIELD CHICAGO Born May 3, 1893 ; attended Chicago- Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1914; unmarried; member Niagara Lodge No. 992, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. HENRY C. NICHOLS CHICAGO Born Sept. 9, 1890; graduate of Chicago- Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1916; member Siloam Lodge 780, A. F. & A. M. ; Palatine Chapter, R. A. M. ; Na- tional Union ; associated with Miller, Starr, Brown, Packard & Peckham ; general prac- tice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WARREN NICHOLS CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of Northwest- ern University, Kent College of Law ; mem- ber South Shore Country Club, Loyal Le- gion, Chicago and American Bar Associa- tions, Rocky Mountain Club of New York; member of firm, Goodrich, Vincent & Bradley. WARREN NICHOLS JOHN R. NICHOLSON CHICAGO Born March 9, 1887, at Virden, 111.; graduate of Amherst College, University of Michigan Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1916; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; general practice. (Photo by LassHell) JOHN R. NICHOLSON ROBERT J. NORDHOLD CHICAGO Born July 28, 1884; graduate of North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1906; married Mabel Mueller, Sept. 8, 1917, at Chicago; member Hamilton Club, Masonic, Shrine, Consistory and Golden Rule. (Photo by Koehne) ROBERT J. NORDHOLD THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 309 SAMUEL J. NORDORF CHICAGO Born June 14, 1879; graduate of Chi- cago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1910; married Miss Mabel Miller, Jan. 9, 1906, at Chicago ; member Chicago Bar Association ; Wilmette No. 931, A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) D. J. NORMOYLE JOHN ELDRIDGE NORTHUP CHICAGO Born Aug. 28, 1868, in Marshall County, Iowa; graduate of Drake University (Des Moines, la.), A. B. ; Illinois College of Law, LL. B.; University of Chicago; ad- mitted to Bar 1899 ; married Miss Elizabeth Chisholm, Dec. 26, 1894, at Chisholm, Iowa ; Assistant State's Attorney, 1906-1912; Spe- cial State's Attorney, Cook County, 1913- 1914; member Masonic Orders, I. O. O. F., Royal League, North American Union, Sons of Veterans, Glen Oak Country Club, Presbyterian Church ; general practice and trial work, civil and criminal. (Photo by Lasswell) SAMUEL J. XORDORF D. J. NORMOYLE CHICAGO Born Sept. 6, 1876, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Athenaeum, Central Depart- ment Y. M. C. A., Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1901; married Miss Mary F. Bren- nan, June, 1903, at Chicago; Assistant Cor- poration Counsel, City of Chicago, 1911- 1912; President, Illinois State Board of Arbitration, 1913 ; Chicago Counsel, Illinois State Public Utility Commission, 1914; member Beverly Country Club, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Lawyers' Association of Illinois, Illinois State Historical Society, Knights of Columbus, Order of Alhambra ; chancery, corporation, commercial probate and general civil practice. JOHN ELDRIDGE NORTH UP THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SAMUEL WILBER NORTON CHICAGO Born Allen, Mich., Jan. 15, 1857; attended Hillsdale College, A. B. ; University of Michigan, Ph. D. ; admitted to Bar, Iowa 1887, Illinois 1893; married Miss Alice Sabra Caldwell at Pentwater, Mich., Aug. 16, 1900; member Kappa and Delta Chap- ters, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. (Photo by Moffett) SAMUEL Wll-BKR NORTON CHARLES W. NOVAK CHICAGO Born Feb. 8, 1870; attended Iowa City Academy, Law Department, University of Iowa, and Chicago-Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Lillie Horak, Nov. 7. 1897. at Cedar Rapids; real estate expert for Sanitary District of Chi- cago Calumet Channel, 18% ; member Knights of Pythias; Director, Cook County Real Estate Board ; National Union, North American Union and many local associa- tions and civic clubs ; real estate titles, banking and probate practice. (Photo by Moffett! CHARLES W. NOVAK FRANK H. NOVAK CHICAGO Born Nov. 26, 1863, at Iowa City. Iowa ; graduate of Iowa City Academy and State University of Iowa ; admitted to Bar 1889 ; married Miss Nellie M. Burke, April 6, 1890, at Iowa City. la. (died Sept. 3, 1903) ; married Mrs. Telona Mathew Mehan, Feb. 8, 1917; member Iroquois Oub, Knights of Pythias, National Union, North American Union ; general practice, principally real estate and personal injury. (Photo by Wallnger) FRANK H. NOVAK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 311 GILBERT NOXON CHICAGO Born June 3, 1879, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar 1900; married Miss Lena Press, June, 1905, at Chicago; member Press and Hamilton Clubs, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute ; mem- ber firm, Miller, Gorham, Wales & Noxon; general practice. HARRY C. BRIEN QUIN O'BRIEN CHICAGO Born March 27, 1871, at Atlantic, Mich.; graduate of Highland Park College (Des Moines, la.), M. A.; Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1896; mar- ried Miss Eileen McCartney, Nov. 14, 1901, at Davenport, la. ; Assistant City Attorney, Chicago, 1897-1899; member Illinois Ath- letic, Iroquois, Press, Hawkeye, and Michi- gan Clubs ; Knights of Columbus, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Law Institute ; general practice, with consider- able trial work ; also lectures on law and general subjects before Chautauquas, col- leges, etc. HARRY C. O'BRIEN CHICAGO Born Feb. 24, 1873, at Marion, Kans. ; educated high school and Y. M. C. A. even- ing school ; graduate of John Marshall Law School; admitted to Bar 1912; married Miss Laura L. Johnston, Jan. 18, 1897, at Chi- cago; member K. of P.; Ellsworth No. 114, A. F. & A. M. ; Mystic Star No. 758 ; for- merly with Chicago City Railways and In- ternational Harvester Co., in law depart- ment ; now general practice. (Photo by Walinger) QUIN O'BRIEN M2 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS VV. W. O'BRIEN CHICAGO Born Chicago, Aug. 29, 1881 ; graduate Notre Dame University and Notre Dame Law School ; admitted to Bar 1902 ; mar- ried Miss Zoe Patrick of Springfield, 111., Oct. 15, 1919, at Ottawa, 111. ; member B. P. O. E. ; engaged in general law practice. EDWARD P. O'CALLAHAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 8, 1883, at Chicago ; graduate of Loyola University; admitted to Bar 1911; married Florence Haynes, June 10, 1914, at Chicago; member Knights of Columbus, 4th degree ; Irish Fellowship Club. Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations. EDWARD P. OCALLAHAX HAROLD P. O'CONNELL CHICAGO Born Jan. 26, 1894, at Chicago, 111. ; grad- uated De Paul University; admitted to Bar, 1917; Assistant State's Attorney, 1918; gen- eral practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 313 CHARLES J. O'CONNOR CHICAGO Born at Greenville, Ohio; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1898; married Annie Bradley, Feb. 5, 1912, at Chicago; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; Chairman Exemption Board No. 50 ; for- merly Vice-Pres. American Bar Association, Secy. Hamilton Club, Pres. of Ohio Society, Pres. of University of Michigan Alumni, Pres. Church Club ; is on Board of Direc- tors of various corporations, among them Federal Life Ins. Co. (Photo by Walinger) CHARLES j. O'CONNOR JOHN O'CONNOR CHICAGO Born at Chicago, 111.; graduate of Phil- lip's Academy (Andover, Mass.), Philip's Academy (Exeter, N. H.), Harvard Col- lege ; admitted to Bar, 1878 ; married Nellie M. Johnson, Feb. 23, 1887, at East Saugus, Mass. ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; member of firm Hoyne, O'Connor & Irwin ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN O'CONNOR JOHN M. O'CONNOR CHICAGO Born Lee County, Iowa ; graduate of Howe's Academy, Lee County Teacher's Normal Institute, Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1900; married; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago ; State Sena- tor 29th Senatorial District, Chicago; Judge Superior Court since 1913; past four and a half years in Appellate Court ; member Iro- quois Club, Knights of Columbus, Elks, Westward Ho Golf Club. (Phota by Matzene) JOHN M. O'CONNOR 314 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS AXDRKW JACKSON ODOXXELI. ANDREW JACKSON O'DONNELL CHICAGO Born June 19, 1875, at Kenosha, Wis.; graduate of Valparaiso Law School, Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Ella V. Robinson, Jan. 22, 1914, at Chicago; member K. P., Ma- sonic, Moose, Eagles, Odd Fellows, Pythian Sisters, Eastern Star; will be Grand Chan- cellor of the Knights of Pythias of Illinois in 1920. FRANK A. O'DONNELL CHICAGO Born at Winchester, 111. ; graduate of Valparaiso University, Northwestern Uni- versity, Lake Forest University, A. M., LL. B., and LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1893; married Miss Harriet B. Fox, July 12, 1897, at Chicago. (Photo by Lasswell) FRANK A. O'DOXXELI. JOSEPH A. O'DONNELL CHICAGO Born in Ireland ; graduate of St. Pat- rick's Academy, Northwestern University; admitted to Bar, 1887; married Miss Rose E. Dugan, Sept. 7, 1886, at-Chicago; elected Judge Circuit Court, 1903; member Illinois Legislature, sessions 1889, 1891, 1897, and special session for World's Fair ; member West Chicago Park Commissioners 9 years ; President Irish Fellowship Club of Chi- cago ; member Iroquois and City Clubs, Knights of Columbus, Ancient Order of Hibernians, St. Vincent de Paul Society ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 315 JOHN W. OGREN CHICAGO Born Mar. 27, 1877; graduate Hamline University, University of Minnesota Law School; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Miss Catherine Cross, July 30, 1902, at Hudson, Wis. ; Referee in Bankruptcy, 1908-1910; member Hamilton and Swedish Clubs, Masonic and Shrine, American and Chicago Bar Associations ; member firm Ogren and Wermuth ; geenral practice, corporation, litigated cases, Federal Trade Commission practice. (Photo by Matzene) BARRATT o'HARA WILLIAM O. OLIN CHICAGO Born Sept. 20, 1871 ; attended public schools, business college and Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1895; married- Mrs. Louise Steenberg, Oct. 16, 1895, at Chicago ; member Covenant Lodge A. F. & A. M., Royal League and Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; en- gaged in practice of real estate, chancery and probate law. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN W. OGREN BARRATT O'HARA CHICAGO Born April 28, 1882, at St. Joseph, Mich. ; attended Missouri University, Northwestern University, Chicago Kent College of Law ; married Miss Florence Hoffman ; Lieut. Governor of Illinois, 1913-1917; private and corporal 33rd Michigan in Cuban Campaign, 1898; 1st Lieut, and Capt. 319th Inf., 1917- 1918; Major Judge Advocate 12th and 15th Div., 1918-1919; Past Judge Advocate Gen- eral Veterans of Foreign Wars, United Spanish War Veterans ; member National Army and Navy, Press (Chicago), and Iro- quois Clubs, Phi Gamma Delta and Phi Delta Phi Fraternities ; member of Federal Board of Inquiry into Steamship Eastland disaster, 1915; member of firm O'Hara & Thompson ; general practice. WILLIAM 0. OLIX 316 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS OSCAR H. OLSEN CHICAGO Born April 13, 1870; graduate of Chi- cago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1907-1911; Assistant Attorney Sanitary District, 1912-1916; Alderman 15th Ward, 1918 to date ; member Chicago Bar Asso- ciation, Chicago Norske Club, Normandenes Sangforening; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) OSCAR H. OLSEN HARRY OLSON CHICAGO Born Aug. 4, 1867, at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University Law School, LL. B., Washburne College, LL. D.; ad- mitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Bernice Miller, June 13, 1892, at Pecatonica, 111.; Assistant State's Attorney, 1896-1906; Chief Justice Municipal Court, Chicago, 1906 to date, and re-elected till 1924; member Ma- sonic Lodge, Lincoln Park Chapter, Me- dinah Temple, University, Press and Adventurers Clubs; Chairman Board of. Directors American Judicature Society; member Chicago, Illinois State and Amer- ican Bar Associations ; civil law and ab- stract examiner, 1891-1896. (Photo by Walinger) HARRY OLSON OLIVER M. OLSON CHICAGQI Born May 18, 1877, in Illinois ; graduate of Wheaton College and Illinois College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Winifred Smith, Nov. 30, 1905, at Wheaton, 111. ; general practice, with special atten- tion given to banking and corporation law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 317 HUGH O'NEILL CHICAGO Born Oct. 5, 1867, at Derry, Ireland ; edu- cated in Ireland and University of Notre Dame, B. A., B. L., LL. M.; admitted to Bar, Indiana, 1891, Illinois, 1893, later Fed- eral Courts and U. S. Supreme Court; mar- ried Miss Regina O'Malley, Sept. 1, 1898, at Cresco, Iowa ; member American, Illi- nois and Chicago Bar Associations, Amer- ican Historical Association, Illinois Histori- cal and American Irish Historical Societies ; member of Scientific, Literary and Philo- sophical societies ; author of "Illinois" in Catholic Encyclopedia, "Irish Orators and Oratory," "American Ideals," "The Game of Empire," "Treaty Making Powers," "No Entangling Alliances," "The Pirate Em- pire," etc. ; general and corporation prac- tice. (Fhoto by I/asswell) HUGH O'NEILL SIDNEY OPPENHEIM CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Aug. 13, 1881 ; attended grammar and high schools, Chicago ; gradu- ated Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1902 ; married Miss Leyone V. Liventhal, Mar. 24, 1909, at Chicago; member Apollo Lodge No. 642, A. F. & A. M. ; engaged in general law practice. (Photo by Melvin H. Sykes) SIDNEY OPPENHEIM LEO A. O'REILLY CHICAGO Born May 13, 1895, at Minonk, 111. ; grad- uate of De Paul University, LL. B.; ad- mitted to Bar, 1917 ; member Chicago Bar Association; general and trial practice. LEO A. REILLV THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS LIVINGSTON E. OSBORNE CHICAGO Born Dec. 18, 1884; graduate of Wash- ington University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Lula Brettner, Sept. 14, 1908, at Mt. Vernon. Ind. ; member of Illi- nois Athletic and Kiwanis Clubs, A. F. & A. M., Indiana Society, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation. (Photo by Walinger) LIVINGSTON E. OSBORNE ROY C. OSGOOD CHICAGO Born Mar. 9, 1876, at Springfield, Mass.; graduate of Columbian University (Wash- ington, D. C.), B. L. ; admitted to Bar, Dis- trict of Columbia, 1903, Wisconsin, 1904, Illinois. 1907; married Miss Anna M. Hud- son, Feb. 21, 1903, at Washington, D. C.; Secy. School Board, (Athol, Mass.), 1898- 1899 ; member Masonic, City, Legal, Law, University, Bankers, Mid-Day and Indian Hill Clubs, Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Vice- Pres. First Trust & Savings Bank. (Photo by Moffett) ROY C. OSGOOD DENNIS J. O'TOOLE CHICAGO Born Feb. 10, 1892, at Chicago; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1914; member Knights of Columbus; 1st Lieut 61st Inf. in Vosges Sector. St. Mihiel and Meuse Argonne Offensive ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 319 MALCOLM DALE OWEN CHICAGO Born New Harmony, Ind. ; graduate of University of Indiana, classical and law. admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Kath- arine Fitton, June 7, 1894, at New Harmony, Ind. ; member Masonic Order, Consistory, Commandery and Shrine, Knights of Pythias, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity; corpora- tion, investment bankers, procedure of se- curities issues, and business law ; member of firm Ninde, Potter & Owen. (Photo by Moffett) MALCOLM DALE OWEN JOSEPH E. PADEN CHICAGO Born Jan. 22, 1861, at Litchfield, 111.; graduate of University of Minnesota, Union College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1885 ; married Miss Charlotte Colt, Oct. 22, 1891, at Litchfield, 111.; City Attorney (Litch- field, 111.), 1887-1890; Corporation Counsel (Evanston), 1899-1903; Mayor of Evans- ton, 1907-1913; member Union League, Law, Evanston and Niles-Buchanan Country Clubs, Aero Club of Illinois ; corporation, insurance and real estate law. JOSEPH E. PADEN I. B. PADORR CHICAGO Born in Russia ; graduate of Northwestern University; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Anna Perlman, Mar. 11, 1917, at Chi- cago ; member Masons ; general practice. 320 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN A. PAKENHAM CHICAGO Born Oct. 11, 1884, at Dublin, Ireland; graduate Clougowes Wood College (Ire- land), Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; member Sherman Park and Irish Fellowship Clubs, Knights of Colum- bus, A. O. H., Committee of 100; general practice. A. A. PANTELIS CHICAGO Born April 6, 1887, at Castrion, Arcadia, Hellas ; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; Lieut.. U. S. A., 1917-1918; member (Sec.) Achaian League ; general practice. (Photo by Morrison) A. A. PAfrTELIS EDWARD T. PARES CHICAGO Born Feb. 19, 1884, at Berlin, Wis. ; grad- uate of Ripon College (Wis.), Chicago Kern College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Lola Zobel, Aug. 29, 1912, at Ripon, Wis. ; member Kenwood Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 800, Fuller Chapter, Phi Delta Phi ; general civil practice. (Photo by Lasjtwell) EDWARD T. PARES THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 321 LEWIS W. PARKER CHICAGO Born Centralia, 111., 1868; graduate Uni- versity of Michigan, literary department, 1889, law department, 1890; admitted to Bar, 1890; married Gertrude Bundy, April 27, 1893, at Chicago ; served as associate member Legal Advisory Board, City of Evanston ; member Chicago Athletic Asso- ciation, Iroquois, Glen View and Evansvon Country Clubs and American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; engaged in corporation law and general practice. WOODRUFF J. PARKER CHICAGO Born Aug. 16, 1880; graduate of Lake Forest University, Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; member Union League Club, North Shore Lodge A. F. & A. M., Sons of American Revolution, Soci- ety of Colonial Wars, Washington Chapter, R. A. M., Aryan Grotto, Jennings Camp, M. W. of A. ; member of firm Chapman, Cutler & Parker; corporation and muni- cipal bond issues, probate and chancery, gen- eral land title work. (Photo by Lasswell) WOODRUFF J. PARKER SAMUEL SHAW PARKS CHICAGO Born Palmer, Mass., May 6, 1863 ; at- tended Monson Academy, Amherst College, A. M., Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1888 ; married Grace Run- yan, Aug. 6, 1888, at Chicago ; member S. A. R., Ashler Lodge No. 308, A. F. & A. M., Liberty Chapter, Columbia Commandery No. 63, Medinah Temple, and Chicago Bar Association ; engaged in practice of cor- poration law. (Photo by Gibson, Sykes & Fowler) , SAMUEL SHAW PARKS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS EMANUEL R. PARXASS CHICAGO Horn June 30, 1893, at Nowy-Dwor, Poland; graduate of University of Chi- cago, Ph. H., J. D., "cum laude" ; admitted to Bar, 1916; 2nd Lieut. Ordnance Dept., U. S. A. ; general practice. JOHN" H. PASSMORE CHICAGO Born Jan. 18. 1875. at Norwich, Ohio; attended Ohio Northern University for 3 years; graduate of University of Michigan. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Michigan. 1907, Illinois. 1908; Assistant Corporation Coun- sel, 1915-1916; Alderman 3rd Ward, elected 1919; member Lawyers Association of Illi- nois. American and Chicago Bar Associa- tions; general practice. (Photo by Matzenp) JOHN' H. PASSMORE HERBERT H. PATTERSON CHICAGO Born Oct. 3, 1884, at Fredericktown, Ohio ; attended University of Michigan, Law Dept. ; graduate Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, B. S., Western Reserve University, Law Dept., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, Ohio. 1912, Illinois, 1915; personal injury claims. (Photo by Laswwell) HERBERT H. PATTERSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 323 PERRY S. PATTERSON CHICAGO Born Feb. 18, 1881 ; graduate of Univers- ity of Chicago, Northwestern Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Coletta Dunn, Sept. 27, 1916, at Couders- port, Pa. ; member Kiwanis, Beverly Coun- try, Hamilton and Legal Clubs, Knights of Columbus, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; member of firm McCormick, Kirkland, Patterson & Fleming. WILLIAM LANPHIER PATTON SPRINGFIELD Born Oct. 11, 1870; graduate of Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894 ; married Miss Ellen Josephine Henkle, June 27, 1900, at Springfield, 111.; member Uni- versity (Chicago), Sangamo (Springfield), Illini Country (Springfield), Clubs, Illinois State Bar Association ; special representa- tion Chicago & Alton R. R. since 1894; gen- eral practice. GEORGE S. PAYSON CHICAGO Born June 21, 1862, at Chicago, 111.; Shef- field Scientific School, Yale College, Ph. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1886; married Miss Josephine Ryerson, Jan. 3, 1889, at Chicago, 111.; member University Clubs (Chicago and N. Y.), Chicago Club, Saddle and Cycle, Casino, Yale Club of Chicago; General Counsel of Western Railroad Association since 1894; patent law. 324 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES E. PEACE CHICAGO Born Jan. 13. 1879; graduate of Southern Illinois Normal University, Illinois College of Law. LL. B.. LL. M.; admitted to Bar, 1W8; married Miss Ruth Upton Hender- son, Sept. 21. 1918, at Rochester, N. Y. ; served in office of Attorney General, 1911- 1913; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1915 to date; member of a number of lodges, past chancellor Delta Theta Phi Law Fra- ternity; member Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES E. PEACE GEORGE H. PEAKS CHICAGO Born Oct. 11, 1872; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Alice Spies, Mar. 15, 1899, at Menominee, Mich. ; member Chi- cago Athletic, Mid Day and Law Clubs of Chicago, Glen View Golf, Evanston and Evanston Country Clubs, American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Society of Advocates (member of boards of the two latter organizations) ; member of firm Peaks, Bunch & Latimer. (Photo by Laaswell) GEORGE H. PEAKS OKE L. PEARSON CHICAGO Born Aug. 7, 1892, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Seminary of Science, Midland University. Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1915; member Medinah Temple, Oriental Consistory, Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Chicago Law Institute, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) OKE L. PEARSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 325 RALPH L. PECK CHICAGO Born 1873, at Springfield, 111.; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., Colum- bian Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Caroline M. Kerkhoff, Mar. 14, 1904, at Oak Park; Civil Service Commissioner, Cook Co., since 1914, Pres. Assembly Civil Service Commissioners U. S. and Canada, 1919, Pres. Cook County Association of High School Boards ; Attor- ney Village of Palatine since 1901 ; Secy' Country Municipalities of Cook County; Vice-Pres. or Director Mt. Prospect Na- tional Bank; member Hamilton and City Clubs, Masons, Medinjh Temple. Knights Templar, I. O. O. F. ; general practice. (Photo by Matzene) RALPH L. PECK THOMAS J. PEDEN CHICAGO Born at Logansport, Ind. ; graduate of Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Leah E. Woll, June, 1897, at Logansport, Ind. ; member Masonic Order, Hamilton Club ; general practice. GRACE F. PETER CHICAGO Graduate of Chicago Law School, Ph. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912 ; member Women's Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) GRACE F. PETER 326 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM F. PETER CHICAGO Horn Oct. 26, 1883; graduate of Yale University, A. B., Columbia Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Marion Mason, Jan. 1, 1917, at High- land Park, 111. ; general solicitor Chicago, Terre Haute & Southeastern Ry. Co., As- sistant General Counsel Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. G. M. PETERS CHICAGO Born May 16, 1880: graduate of Univers- ity of Nebraska, A. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906 ; mar- ried Miss Ethel Wharton, July 16, 1914, at Chicago; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Olympia Fields Country and University Clubs ; mem- ber of firm Burry. Johnstone & Peters ; general j ractice. (Photo by Lasswell) G. M. PETERS ALBERT PETERSON CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1882, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Mary Eleanor Georgie Eddis, Oct. 24, 1905, at Chicago ; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Norwegian Old Peoples Home Society, L. O. O. M., Royal League, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation, Chicago Law Institute; general practice. I Photo by Moffett) ALBERT PETERSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 327 CHARLES A. PHELPS CHICAGO Born Johnstown, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1873; attended Fairfield Military Academy, N. Y., Troy Conference Academy, Vt., Wesleyan University, Middleton, Conn., Northwestern University, Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Sadie M. Gray at Chicago, Feb. 14, 1899 ; member Chicago Plan Commission ; member Hamil- ton, Colonial Clubs, Oak Park Lodge No. 540, Oak Park Chapter, Siloam Command- ery, Masons ; corporation, real estate, build- ing construction contract law principally. J. FAY PHILBIX EDGAR JOHN PHILLIPS CHICAGO Born Jan. 26, 1885, at Jamaica, W. I. ; graduate of Denison University, University of Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Lois Parsons, Feb. 20, 1914, at Chicago; member of The Neighborly Club and Evanston Golf Club, Past Pres. Unity Lodge No. 2, Columbian Circle; Past Pres. The Gyro Club of Chi- cago ; Pres. The International Association of Gyro Clubs ; Past Master Sincerity Lodge No. 982, A. F. & A. M. ; District Deputy Grand Alaster of Masons for Illi- nois: general practice; member of firm Beckman, Cottrell & Phillips. CHARLES A. PHELPS J. FAY PHILBIN CHICAGO Born Jan. 12, 1893, at Chicago ; graduate St. Ignatius College, Law Dept. of Loyola University; admitted to Bar, 1916; member University Council Knights of Columbus, Chicago Tresieme and Equity Clubs, Castle Post American Legion ; Sergeant in Hq. Co. 13th Engineers, serving in Fi ance ; member of firm Kramer & Philbin ; general practice. (Photo by Russell) EDGAR JOHN PHILLIPS HARRY H. PHILLIPS CHICAGO Born 1869 at Hillsboro, 111.; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Rose Weber, Aug., 1901, at Hillsboro, 111.; member Masons, I. O. O. F. ; is a nephew of late Jesse J. Phillips, Chief Justice of Illinois Supreme Court ; member of firm Pam & Hurd. (Photo by Lasswell) HARRY H. PHILLIPS CLARENCE S. PIGGOTT CHICAGO Born Shreveport, La., April 18, 1880; attended public schools, Chicago; graduated English High and Manual Training School ; graduated Law Department, University of Michigan, 1901 ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; mar- ried Louise E. Bolley of Houghton, Mich., 1904; member Chicago Bar Association, South End Business Men's Association, Calumet Commercial Club, A. F. & A. M., and R. A. M. ; nominated for Municipal Court Judge, Sept. primary, 1918; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Moffett) CLARENCE S. PIGGOTT HARRY A. PILLMAN CHICAGO Born April 21, 1892; graduate John Mar- shall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; with Newman, Poppenhusen, Stern & Johnston ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) HARRY A. PILLMAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 329 SAMUEL E. PINCUS CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., Oct. 10, 1889; at- tended Medill High School and Northwest- ern University Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1912; married Lena Simon, 1918, at "Chicago; served as Assistant At- torney General 2 years under P. J. Lucey and under Edward J. Brundage past 3 years ; delegate to Constitutional Conven- tion, 1920; member Iroquois Club, A. F. & A. M., and I. O. B. A. ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Melvin H. Sykes) SAMUEL E. PINCUS LOUIS PINDERSKI CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906 ; Assistant State's Attorney, 1910- 1912; served on Legal Advisory Committee Exemption Board, District 36, as translator and reader of foreign language papers for Post Office Dept. ; Solicitor General, 7th Federal Reserve District. JOSEPH C. PISHA CHICAGO Born Aug. 4, 1874, at Chicago ; graduate of Northwestern Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; married Emily C. Pisha, April 15, 1900, at Chicago; Assistant States At- torney, 1910-1912 ; law partner of late Judge Joseph Z. Uhlir, 1904-1908 ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, and a number of lodges ; attorney for number of building and loan associations and general practice. THK BKNCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HEXRY RUSSELL PLATT CHICAGO Horn Mar. 4, 1866, at Plattsburg, N. Y. ; graduate of Williams College; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Helen Kyle, Aug. 27, 1894, at Plattsburg; memoer Union League, University, Mid Day, Law of Chicago, and Glen View Golf Clubs, Evans- ton and Evanston Country Clubs, Williams Club (N. Y) ; member of firm Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Platt ; member Amer- ican, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations. GEORGE W. PLUMMER CHICAGO Born Tyrone, Pa., Dec. 23, 1844; at- tended Allegheny College, (Meadville, Pa.), A. B. ; admitted to Bar, Pennsylvania, 1870, Illinois. 1871 ; married Emily E. Mc- Clintock, July 14, 1870, at Meadville. Pa.; wife deceased, Mar. 16, 1891 ; married Mary Redfield, Nov. 22, 1892, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Association and A. F. & A. M. ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by Matzene) GEORGE W. PLUMMER HENRY POLLENZ CHICAGO Born July 28, 1884; graduate of Illinois College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1909; married, Feb. 14. 1914, at Crown Point, Ind. ; member Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Lawyers Association of Illinois; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 331 HYMAN POLONSKY CHICAGO Born May 15, 1891 ; graduate of John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Ida B. Gorden, July 1, 1917, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar As- sociation, Lawyers Association of Illinois, B'nai B'rith ; general, trial work and appel- late practice. (Photo by Moffett) EDWARD DWIGHT POMEROY H. STERLING POMEROY CHICAGO Born Feb. 22, 1866, Ohio, 111. ; student in law office of R. L. Russell; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Helen E. Munn, July 9, 1913, at Chicago; City Attorney, Kewa- nee, 111., 1906-1909; Judge of City Court, Kewanee, 1909, re-elected 1913, 1917; mem- ber Masonic Lodge, Elks, Kewanee Club, Rotary Club of Kewanee, Illinois State Bar Association, South Shore Country Club ; held court in Superior, Circuit and Juvenile Court of Cook County during large portion of time during ten years last past ; acting Judge Juvenile Court, Cook County, ten consecutive years during summer vacations of Judges Merritt W. Pinckney and Victor P. Arnold. EDWARD DWIGHT POMEROY CHICAGO Born Crystal Lake, III, Oct. 11, 1872; attended University of Michigan, Law Dept., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894, in Michigan and Illinois ; married Miss Kath- arine E. Puncheon of Philadelphia, April 25, 1917; member City Club of Chicago, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law In- stitute; commercial and corporation law, principally coal operators and wholesalers ; senior member of firm Pomeroy & Martin. (Photo by Moffett) STERLING POMEROY THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HERBERT POPE CHICAGO Born Dec. 16, 1870; graduate of Harvard, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, Ohio, 1898, Illi- nois. 1900; married Miss Anna M. Smith, April 4, 1916, at Evanston ; member Uni- versity and City Clubs ; member of firm Butler, Lamb, Foster & Pope. NICHOLAS A. POPE CHICAGO Born in Italy; graduate of John Mar- shall Law School and Northwestern Uni- versity ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married to Miss Marie Bartolomei, Dec. 19, 1917, at Chicago ; general practice. G. M. POPHAM CHICAGO Born Nov. 23, 1867; graduate of Wiscon- sin University Law College ; admitted to Bar, 1899; married Sarah Argyle, Oct. 12, 1893, at Black River Falls, Wis. ; District Attorney, Jackson Co., Wisconsin, three terms; Assistant State's Attorney, 1907- 1909: member Masons, I. O. O. F., K. P., M. W. A. G. M. POPHAM THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 333 FRANK POSVIC CHICAGO Born Oct. 5, 1884, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Irene M. Chochol, Mar. 30, 1911, at Chicago; member Phi Alpha Delta, Bohemian Lodge No. 943, A. F. & A. M., Lafayette Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., I. O. O. F., Bohemia and Hamilton Clubs, and eighteen others. FRANK POSVIC FRANK H. T. POTTER CHICAGO Born Aug. 13, 1878, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1899; married Miss Alice G. Willard, June 1, 1910, at Cleveland, O.; member Union League and City Clubs, Ma- sonic; member of firm Ninde, Potter & Owen ; business counsel and general prac- tice. (Photo by Moffett) FRANK H. T. POTTER GEORGE CHARLES POTTS CHICAGO Born Sept. 26, 1891 ; graduate of Millikin University, Webster College of Law, LL. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Fanny Mecartney, April 9, 1918, at Chicago; member K. of P.; general prac- tice, specializing on appeal. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOSHUA R. H. POTTS CHICAGO Born Feb. 9, 1875, at Kingston, N. J. ; graduate of Princeton Preparatory School, Trenton Business College, Columbia Uni- versity Law School and University of Tennessee ; admitted to Bar, 1897, in N. J., 1899, in Illinois ; married Miss Adelaide S. Ereon, May 11, 1898, at Bordentown, N. J. ; member Collegiate Club, 32nd de- gree Mason, Knights Templar, Shrine, A. F. & A. M. ; Grand Lecturer Grand Lodge of Masons of Illinois ; Past Grand Master Workman of the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W., and chairman Law Committee. (Photo by \Valinger) JOSHUA R. H. POTTS JOHN J. POULTON CHICAGO Born Nov. 14, 1878, at Belvidere, 111.; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903; married Miss Elizabeth Rosalind Sullivan, Dec. 26, 1917, at Springfield, 111.; member Illinois House of Representatives, 13th Senatorial District, in 44th, 45th and 46th General Assemblies ; Assistant Attorney General, 1913-1917; member Draft Board No. 20; member Iroquois, South Shore and South Chicago Clubs, Knights of Columbus, For- esters, Hibernians, Eagles, Royal Arcanum, American Irish Historical Society ; member of firm Poulton, Green & Merrick. HORACE I. PRATT BLOOMINGTON Born May 5, 1887, at Cropsey, 111. ; grad- uate of Grand Prairie Seminary, Dakota Wesleyan University, Bloomington Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar. 1909 ; mar- ried Miss Clara G. Heffernan, Dec. 25, 1916, at Bloomington ; Master in Chancery, 1916- 1917; member Masonic Fraternity, McLean County Bar Association ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 335 JOHN PRENDERGAST CHICAGO Born Chicago, Dec. 21, 1883 ; attended St. Ignatius College, Harvard University and Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1909 ; married Marcia Ket- telle, Mar. 30, 1910, at Chicago; engaged in general practice. J O H X PR K X DERG A S T PAUL E. PRICE CHICAGO Born Oct. 7, 1895; graduate of North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Illinois State Bar Asso- ciation, Pi Epsilon Delta Legal Fraternity, Bryn Mawr Men's and Intercollegiate Clubs ; general and corporation practice. (Photo by Lasswell) PAUL E. PRICE JOHN J. PRIESTLEY CHICAGO Born July 2, 1882, in East Kilbride, Lan- arkshire, Scotland ; graduate of De La Salle Institute, St. Ignatius College, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Miss Margaret Florence Long, April 27, 1914, at Chicago ; member Knights of Columbus, Holy Name Society, Chicago Bar Association; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOHN J. PRIESTLEY 336 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS EDWARD A. PRINDIVILLE CHICAGO Attended Valparaiso College of Law ; graduated from Chicago College of Law, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; Assistant State's Attorney under Maclay Hoyne ; formerly City Trial Attorney; member of the Knights of Columbus; general practice. CHICAGO Born June 17, 1864, in Ontario, Canada; graduate of Collegiate Institute (Napanee, Ont.), Columbia College (N. Y. City) ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1890; married Miss Grace D. Hale, June 4, 1890, at Topeka, Kan.; Town Attorney, Town of Cicero, 1896-1899; Vil- lage Attorney, Oak Park, 1902-1907 and 1914-1919; President Oak Park and River Forest High School, 1909-1914; Pres. Coun- try Municipalities of Cook County, 1918; Pres. Colonial Club of Oak Park. 1903-1905 ; Pres. Glen Oak Country Club, 1916; member Union League and Hamilton Clubs, Ma- sonic Orders, Blue Lodge, Knights Tem- plar, Consistory, Shrine. FREDERICK WILMOT PRINGLE WILLIAM J. PRINGLE CHICAGO Born June 10, 1862; graduate of Grinnell, Ph. B., A. M., Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 18%; married Dorothy S. Gorham, June 26, 1899, at Galesburg, 111. ; member Chicago City Council, 1904-1912; Chairman Committee Gas, Oil and Electric Light for 3 years ; member Union League, City, Flossmoor Country and Hamilton Clubs, Shrine, Commandery, etc. ; member of firm Pringle & Terwilliger; lecturer on subjects of torts and agency, Chicago Kent College of Law. (Photo by Moffett) WILLIAM J. PRINGLE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 337 JERRY C. PRIORE CHICAGO Born Dec 10, 1887; graduate of Kent Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; married, Sept. 18, 1912, at Chicago; mem- ber Knights of Columbus; general prac- tice. (Photo by Kiel) JERRY C. PRIORE NICHOLAS J. PRITZKER CHICAGO Born Kieva, Russia, July 19, 1871 ; gradu- ated Northwestern University, 1892, Illinois College of Law, 1902 ; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Annie Pritzker, June 8, 1891, at Chicago ; member Oriental Blue Lodge and Cicero Chapter A. F. & A. M. ; engaged in general practice. (Photo by I/asswell) NICHOLAS J. PRITZKER RAYMOND S. PRUITT CHICAGO Born July 31, 1887, at Gettysburg, S. D.; graduate of De Pauw University, A. B., Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar. 1912; married Miss Frances Anne Paullin, June 17, 1914, at Evanston ; Assistant Attorney General of Illinois, 1917 to date ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Hamilton Club ; as Assistant Attorney General he specialized in public utility law and had charge of enforcement of Blue Sky Law. V (Photo by Boot) RAYMOND S. PRUITT THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS B. J. PRYSTALSKI CHICAGO Horn May 24, 1887, at Thorn, Poland; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1911 ; married Miss Lucy Szafranski. Sept. 20, 1916, at Chicago; Vil- lage Attorney, East Hazel Crest, 111. ; gen- eral practice. JOHN PRYSTALSKI CHICAGO Born Thorn, Poland ; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1906; married, April 17, 1912, at Chicago; Assistant City Prosecutor, City of Chicago, 18 months ; Assistant State's Attorney, Cook County, past seven and a half years; member K. C. ; engaged in general prac- tice. (Photo by Morrison) JOHN PRVSTALSKI WILLIAM J. QUIN CHICAGO Born Mar. 14, 1858, at Milwaukee, Wis.; graduate of St. Gall's (later Marquette Uni- versity), University of Wisconsin; studied law under E. G. Ryan, Chief Justice Wis- consin Supreme Court ; admitted to Bar, 1879; married Amy Card; member Repub- lican County Committee, Milwaukee, 1880 ; in ~1881 with Cottrell, Cary and Hanson, General Counsel for M. L. S. & W. Ry. ; formerly with Winston, Payne, Strawn & Shaw; since 1911 in Law Department of Cudahy Packing Co. (Photo by MofTetu WILLIAM J. QfIX THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 339 FRANK J. QUINN PEORIA Born at Chicago, Jan. 23, 1866 ; attended St. Viator's College, Bourbonnais Grove, 111.; admitted to Bar, 1892; Assistant State's Attorney, Peoria County, 1892-1896 ; mem- ber Peoria School Board for several terms ; member Peoria Public Library Board sev- eral terms ; member 1920 constitutional con- vention, 16th District. Nominated as a Democrat but unopposed by Republicans, although county is heavily Republican ; member Knights of Columbus, Knights of Pythias and all local clubs ; general prac- tice. FRANK J. QUINN JAMES R. QUINN CHICAGO Born Dec. 27, 1890; graduate of St. Igna- tius College, A. B., Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Helen Langlois, May 10, 1919, at Chicago ; Assistant States Attorney, 1914-1917; mem- ber Knights of Columbus, Elks ; general practice. FRANKLIN RABER CHICAGO Born Aug. 26, 1878, at Rockfield, Ind.; graduate of Chicago Normal School, Illi- nois College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Louise A. Smith, July 20, 1918, at Chicago ; member Hesperia Lodge No. 411, A. F. & A. M.; Lafayette Chapter No. 2, R. A. M., Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute ; general practice. (Photo -by Lasswell) FRANKLIN RABER 1 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SAMUEL R. RABINOFF CHICAGO (Photo by Lasswell) SAMUEL R. RABINOFF ADOLPH RADNITZER CHICAGO Born May 31, 1892, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; Assistant Corporation Counsel since Jan., 1919 ; member Illinois State Bar Association, Masonic Lodge Sylvan No. 780; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ADOLPH RADNITZER PETER G. RAFF CHICAGO Born in 1870, in Jassy, Roumania ; gradu- ate of Chicago Law School, LL. B. LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Miss Jennie Goldfarb, Jan. 1, 1902, at Elgin, 111. ; mem- ber (Past Chancellor) Fidelity Lodge No. 117, K. of P.; Past Noble Grand. South Park Lodge No. 488, I. O. O. F., Lawyers Association of Illinois ; corporation and real estate law. (Photo by Moffett) PETER G. RAFF THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 341 ALONZO HARRISON RANKS CHICAGO Born Louisville, 111., June 6, 1874; at- tended public school, Louisville, University of Vincennes; graduate University of Mich- igan, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1897; mar- ried Miss Annie R. Weaver, 1899, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; served as City Attorney, Tay- lorville, 111., 1897-98 ; was Trial Attorney for Chicago Union Traction Company, 1902-12; member A. F. & A. M. and B. P. O. E. ; en- gaged in general practice. ALONZO HARRISON RANES ODE LAWRENCE RANKIN CHICAGO Born in Menard County, 111., Oct. 9, 1869 ; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903; President, Village of Maywood, 1911-1913; served in Spanish-American war as private, corporal and sergeant ; sergeant First Regt., I. N. G. ; member of Masons, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Maywood Men's Club ; Fed- eral, Appellate and Supreme Court prac- tice, specializing in writing briefs for other attorneys. (Photo by Moffett) ODE LAWRENCE RANKIN WILLIAM K. RAPP CHICAGO Born Feb. 4, 1874, Chicago ; attended Chi- cago public schools, business colleges, Chi- cago College of Law (now Chicago Kent), and Law Department, Lake Forest Univers- ity, BB. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1899; member Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. .142 THE BENCH AND HAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES F. RATH HUN CHICAGO Born Jan. 13, 1882, at Edgerton, Ohio; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married June 27, 1913, at Chicago; member Delta Chi Fraternity, Chicago Bar Association, Calumet Country and Legal Cluhs ; member of firm McCormick, Kirk- land, Patterson & Fleming. ( UARI.KS K. RATHKTX FRANK C RATHJE CHICAGO Born Aug. 20, 1883; graduate of North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Josephine Logan; member Masonic, Knights Templar, Medi- nah Temple. Chicago Bar Association, Hamilton Club: member of firm Rathje, Wesemann, Hinckley & Barnard ; real es- tate, banking and corporation practice. FRANK C. RATHJE EDWARD W. RAWLINS CHICAGO Born Feb. 7, 1874; graduated North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Frances Northrop, Jan. 14. 1911, at Woodstock, 111.; member University Club of Chicago, Evanston Club, Chicago, Illinois State Bar and American Bar Associations, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity ; trial and corporation, making specialty of medico-legal practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 343 WILLIAM REEDA CHICAGO Born Sept. 24, 1885, at Jeffersonville, Ind. ; graduate of De Paul University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Miss Ethel May Cardy, Dec. 31, 1906, at Chicago ; mem- ber Ravenswood Lodge No. 777, A. F. & A. M., Royal League, Columbian Knights, K. of P., Loyal Order of Moose, Unity and Elks Clubs ; general practice, civil and crim- inal. Attended first officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan. (Photo by Wallnger) WILLIAM REEDA JAY FREDERICK REEVE CHICAGO Born May 6, 1893; graduate of Loyola University, M. A., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion; aviator; member of firm Reeve & Vinissky; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JAY FREDERICK REEVE O. F. REICH CHICAGO Born Nov. 19, 1873 ; graduate of Univers- ity of Chicago, Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Miss Emily J. Wiedel, June 25, 1902, at Chicago ; member Ridge Country and Hamilton Clubs, Chicago Bar Association, American Unity; Vice-Pres. First Trust & Savings Bank of Riverdale ; Director First National Bank of Dolton ; represents eight municipal- ities in Cook County; municipal law prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) 0. F. REICH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ALEXANDER F. REICHMANN CHICAGO Born July 23, 1868; graduate Sacred Heart College (Prairie du Chien, Wis.), University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1889; married Edith C. Dent, June 3, 1897, at Decorah, Iowa; member Masons, University, Union League, Iroquois and Indian Hill Country Clubs ; general prac- tice, principally corporation law. ERNEST ROBERT REICHMANN CHICAGO Born May 12, 1892, at River Forest, 111. ; graduate University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Miss Ruth Hough, June 26, 1919, at New York City; general and real estate and corpora- tion practice. (Photo by Lass well) ERNEST ROBERT REICHMANN LEONARD C. REID Born May 6, 1887; graduate of University of Michigan, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Carolyn Bass, Aug. 1, 1912, at Benton Harbor, Mich. (Photo by LEONARD C. REID THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 345 THOMAS W. REILLY CHICAGO Born July 13, 1888, at Sidney, Ohio ; grad- uate of Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), A. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; Department of Justice of U. S., 1917-1918; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity; general prac- tice. THOMAS W. REILLY FRED W. REINHARDT CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1880, at Lebanon, 111.; graduate of McKendree College, A. B., Washington University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Osie Ritter, Aug. 25, 1909, at Chicago ; member Exemplar Lodge No. 966, A. F. & A. M., Oriental consistory, Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by I/asswell) FRED W. REINHARDT GEORGE REMUS CHICAGO Born Nov. 13, 1876; graduate of Chicago College of Pharmacy, Illinois College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1904; member Ma- sonic Lodge, 32d degree and Shrine, Illi- nois Athletic Club ; criminal and chancery practice. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE REMUS 346 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS VICTOR A. REMY CHICAGO Born May 3, 1881 ; graduate of Harvard University, Harvard Law School, North- western Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Miss Catherine Ross, Oct. 18, 1916, at Evanston, 111. ; Clerk. Committee on Naval Affairs, House of Representatives, 1904. Capt. United States Army. 1918; mem- ber Chicago and Illinois State Bar Asso- ciations. City, Harvard. Legal and Univers- ity Clubs, Country Club of Evanston. American Legion. ERNEST C. REXIFF CHICAGO Born Nov. 23. 1877. at Sublette, 111.; graduate of Morgan Park Academy ; at- tended University of Chicago and Illinois ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Miss Eliza- beth Collier, August 6. 1906, at Champaign, 111. ; member Masonic, Lake View Men's Club, (Regent) Arcanum Council of Royal Arcanum. Republican Club 23rd Ward ; trial work. (Photo by Lasswell) ERNEST C. REXIFF OTTO C. RENTNER CHICAGO Born Sept. 17, 1887; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar. 1909; married Miss Lillian Kramp, Oct. 22, 1912, at Chicago ; Attorney for . Bailiff, Municipal Court, 1914-1918; member Iro- quois Club, Supreme Senate Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, Chicago Bar and Law- 3*ers Association, Chicago Law Institute. National Geographic Society, Director and Attorney Aid Association for Lutherans ; general practice. (I'linto by M.tTctti OTTO r. RKNTNKK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 347 CAREY W. RHODES CHICAGO Born Sept. 3, 1869, at West Union, Ohio ; graduate of Ohio State University; ad- mitted to Bar, 1898 ; married Nellie L. Rob- bins, Oct. 16, 1899, at Chicago; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, 32d degree Mason, Shriner, Knight Templar ; general practice. CAREY W. RHODKS CORINNE L. RICE CHICAGO Born 1877, at Sullivan, Ohio ; graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, University of Chi- cago, Ph. B.. J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; member College Club, Bar Association ; general practice. CORINNE L. RICE EDMUND J. RICE CHICAGO Born June 16, 1874; graduate of St. Michael's College and Skerry's Academy, Dublin, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; member Knights of Columbus, Royal League, North American Union and Ancient Order Hi- bernians ; general practice. EDMUND J. RICE 348 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS DONALD RANDALL RICHBERG FRANCIS STANLEY RICKCORDS CHICAGO Born Jan. 21. 1883; graduate of Chicago Latin School, Yale University, B. A., North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Eleanor Hambleton, Jan. 6, 1917, at Chi- cago ; member University and Yale Clubs of Chicago; Director, Chicago Title & Trust Co. ; Pres. Lake County Title & Trust Co. DONALD RANDALL RICHBERG CHICAGO Born July 10, 1881, at Knoxville, Tenn.; graduate of Chicago University, A. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Mrs. Lynette M. Ham- lin, May 28, 1918, at Louisville, Ky. ; Master in Chancery, Circuit Court, 1915-1918; Spe- cial Assistant State's Attorney, 1913-1915; Special Counsel, City of Chicago, 1915 to date ; member University, City, Quadrangle and Law Clubs, Olympia Fields Country Club, Harvard Club (New York), Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associa- tions, Phi Gamma Delta; attorney at vari- ous times for Board of Assessors, City Treasurer, President of County Board ; member firm Richberg, Ickes, Davies & Lord ; general practice, specializing in muni- cipal law, public utility regulation, chancery and appellate practice. FRANCIS STANLEY RICKCORDS LOUIS RIEGER CHICAGO Born Nov. 5, 1891 ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar. 1912; single; member Fortitude Lodge A. F. & A. M., No. 1003, Lafayette Chap- ter No. 2, R. A. M., Royal Arcanum ; gen- eral practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 349 FRANK S. RIGHEIMER CHICAGO Born Feb. 4, 1880, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Helen Maddock, June 30, 1906, at Chicago ; Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1916-1919; First As- sistant Corporation Counsel, 1918 to date; Village Attorney, Forest Park, 111., 1906- 1916; member Cleveland Lodge A. F. & A. M., Cicero Chapter R. A. M., Humboldt Park Commandery K. T., Shriner, Medinah Temple, Elks, Royal Arcanum, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice, specializing in municipal law. (Photo by Koehne) FRANK S. RIGHEIMER HARRY ALBERT RILEY CHICAGO Born Chicago, Nov. 18, 1879; attended Chicago public schools, Illinois College of Law, University of Illinois Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, May, 1902; married Miss May Leiser, Aug. 15, 1906, at Chicago; served as Assistant Corporation Counsel and Assistant City Prosecutor during Busse administration ; Master in Chancery, Cir- cuit Court, Cook County, Mar. 17, 1916 to date ; member Hamilton Club, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Illinois Lawyers Association, Columbian Circle, Court of Honor, National Union ; engaged in general law and chancery practice. (Photo by Moffett) HARRY ALBERT RILEY SAMUEL MAYO RINAKER CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1887; graduate of Balliol College (Oxford), B. A., Harvard Univers- ity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; member Chicago and American Bar Associations, Legal (Chicago), University, Saddle and Cycle, and Harvard (New York) Clubs; member firm Gallagher, Kohlsaat & Rin- aker ; trial work and general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS OTTO F. RING CHICAGO Born Dec. 22, 1884, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Rose Sykora, June 30, 1909, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Real Estate Board, Y. M. C. A., Hamilton, Bohemian and National Athletic Clubs ; general practice, mostly real estate, probate and chancery. OTTO F. RIXG JOHN G. RIORDAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 1, 1885; graduate of Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914 ; married Nellie L. Roberts, June 1, 1915, at Chicago ; member Lawyers Association, Law- Institute; general practice. STEPHEN F. RIORDAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 29, 1885 ; graduate of De Paul University, Njptre Dame University, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Elizabeth A. Merz, Sept. 25. 1917, at Whea- ton. 111. ; member Marquette Council No. 244, Knights of Columbus, Lawyers Asso- ciation of Illinois ; probate, chancery and general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 351 JULIAN CLAY RISK CHICAGO Born Sept. 17, 1890; graduate of William Jewell College (Liberty, Mo.), A. B., Uni- versity of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Hazel Bell, Sept. 17, 1917, at Chicago; member of Hamilton Club. H. B. RITMAN CHICAGO Born March 23, 1893; graduate of Web- ster College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; married Miss Rose Heda, Mar. 16, 1919, at Chicago ; member Illinois Bar Association; general practice. H. B. RITMAN JEROME W. ROBBINS CHICAGO Born Dec. 28, 1846, at Pontiac, Mich.; graduate of State Normal School (Mich.) ; admitted to Bar Michigan 1873, Illinois 1916.; married Miss Amelia A. Klein, Aug. 31, 1907, at Chicago ; Judge State Court of Arbitration. Michigan, 1897-1901 ; member Chicago Bar Association ; civil law and corporation. (Photo by Lass well 1 JEROME W. ROBBINS .152 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS DANIEL ARTHUR ROBERTS CHICAGO Born April 15, 1884, at Chicago ; graduate of Lewis Institute, Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Josephine Krai, Oct. 20, 1915, at Chi- cago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1915 to date; member Humboldt Park No. 521 L. O. O. M., Royal Arcanum, Honor Lodge No. 1010 A. F. & A. M., Northwest Chapter No.^ 224, R. A. M. ; has been identified with city's gas litigation, telephone rate revision and traction matters ; snecializes on muni- cipal law, especially utilities. (Photo by Miiffett)- DANIEL ARTHUR ROBERTS JESSE E. ROBERTS CHICAGO Born Nov. 3, 1865 ; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan ; admitted to Bar, 1892 ; married Miss Bertha C. Giles, March 6. 1916. at Chicago; Attorney for Villages: La Grange, 1896-1905; Summit, 1907-1910; Brookfield, two years ; Clearing, two years ; Stickney Village, four years ; Town of Stickney, eighteen years ; member Masons, Oriental Consistory. Union League, Auto- mobile, Southern, Westward Ho Golf and Suburban (La Grange) Clubs; general practice, corporation ; real estate and pro- bate, also all State and Federal Courts. MORTON L. ROBERTS CHICAGO Born March 18, 1868, at Waynesville, Ohio ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, Law Department Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1890; married Miss May Peckham, Sept. 17, 1902, at Chi- cago ; with Chicago Title & Trust Co. for six years ; house attorney for Western Trust & Savings Bank for four years ; member (Past Commander) Veteran Corps, First Infantry, Illinois National Guard, Royal Arcanum, Chicago Bar Association; general practice, largely chancery, real estate and probate matters. i wm (Photo by MulTett) MORTON I.. ROBERTS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 353 ROSCOE L. ROBERTS CHICAGO Born Nov. 17, 1869, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B.; admit- ted to Bar, 1894; married Ella M. de Ber- ard, Oct. 26, 1899, at Chicago ; member Illi- nois Athletic, Skokie Country, Ouilmette Country Clubs, Shrine, Chicago Bar Asso- ciation ; real estate and commercial law practice. (Photo by Moffett) ROSCOE L. ROBERTS EGBERT ROBERTSON CHICAGO Born Dec. 8, 1881, at Cairo, 111. ; graduate of Lewis Institute, University of Chicago, A. B., Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1905 ; served four years 1st Cavalry, I. N. G., Captain Field Artil- lery, Res. Corp. U. S. Army; member Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Phi; general, commercial and corporation law. (Photo by Moffett) EGBERT ROBERTSON WARNER H. ROBINSON CHICAGO Born at Albia, Iowa ; graduate of North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1902 ; married Miss Helen Dodson, June 22, 1909, at Chicago ; General Attorney for Chicago City Ry. Co., 1913; member of Bob o' Link Golf Club; general corporation and defense trial work. (Photo by Lasswell) WARNER H. ROBINSON THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FRANK A. KOCKHOLD CHICAGO Born 1869; graduate of University of Michigan, University of Nebraska, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1894; married Miss Kather- in* (VfrT^od, Sept. 24, 18%, at San Fran- cisco, Cal. ; Russian Vice Consul at Chicago 1911-1913: Attorney for Russian, Austrian and Italian Consuls at different times; mem- ber Westmoreland Country, Ouilmette Country Clubs, Knight Templar, Arch Ma- son, Medinah Temple ; corporation law. JOHN H. ROEMER CHICAGO Born April 26, 1866 ; graduate of Marietta College, B. A., Yale University, M. A., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1892; mar- ried Caroline H. Pier, Nov. 17, 1892, at Milwaukee. Wis. ; Chairman Railroad Com- mission of Wisconsin 1907-1915 ; corpora- tion law. JOHN H. ROEMER FRANK C. ROGERS CHICAGO Born Feb. 28, 1873 ; graduate Lake For- est University, Northwestern University Law School; admitted to Bar 1897; married Miss Therese Barry, January 17, 1903, at Des Moines, Iowa ; City Collector, Wauke- gan, 111., 1897-1899; City Attorney, Wau- kegan, 111., 1899-1901 ; member Birchwood Lodge No. 1012 A. F. & A. M., Wiley M. Egan Chapter No. 126, R. A. M., Chicago Commandery No. 19, Knights Templar, Mystic Shrine, Chicago Bar Association, North Shore Golf Club; insurance and corporation law. (Photo by Lasswelll FRANK C. ROGKRS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 355 A. A. ROLF CHICAGO Born at Kirkville, Mo. ; graduate of Lake Forest University Law Department, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1893 ; married Miss Josephine Norton, June 22, 1892, at Chi- cago; Assistant to Judge Cutting, Probate Court Cook County, 1906-1910; member of Hamilton and City Clubs ; general civil practice, specializing in corporation law. (Photo by Matzene) A. A. ROLF JOSEPH ROLNICK CHICAGO Born 1886 in Lithuania ; graduate of Bryant & Stratton Business College, Chi- cago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar 1912; married Miss Nettie Neu- man, Dec. 2, 1919, at Chicago ; Assistant Attorney General, Illinois, 1917 to date ; member Welfare Lodge No. 991 A. F. & A. M., B'nai B'rith, Maccabees, Chicago Bar Association, Independent Michael Heilprin Lodge ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) JOSEPH ROLNICK FREDERICK P. RONDEAU CHICAGO Born Sept. 17, 1881, at Milwaukee, Wis. ; graduate of Marquette College (Milwau- kee), Georgetown University (Washington, D. C), LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar 1909; member Knights of Columbus, 4th degree (La Salle Assembly), Hamilton Club; member of Investment Banking firm F. P. Roudeau & Co. ; corporation law. (Photo by Lasswell) FREDERICK P. RONDEAU THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS THOMAS E. ROONEY CHICAGO Born at Albany, N. Y. ; graduate of Lake Forest University, Law Department, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar 1896; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associa- tions. (I'luito by MufTctt) THOMAS E. ROONEY GROVER D. ROSE CHICAGO Born Dec. 22, 1888; graduate of Valpa- raiso University, Chicago-Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; married Miss Lois Bartholomew, Aug. 16, 1915, at Tra- verse City, Mich.; member A. F. & A. M., Elks ; member of firm Bassler, Bippus & Rose ; general practice. (Photo by Lassv GROVER D. ROSE JOHN F. ROSEN CHICAGO Born Oct. 7, 1884, at Vienna, Austria; graduate Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1908 : single ; member Chi- cago Bar Association, Law Institute, Knights of Columbus, 21st Ward Repub- lican Club ; chancery and corporation law, violations of postal regulations, Federal Trade Commission. JOHN F. ROSEN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 357 RALPH ROSEN CHICAGO Born Feb. 18, 1890; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Lillian Elvira Bergen- ham, Sept. 7, 1918; at Richmond, Va. ; mem- ber Knights of Columbus, Hamilton Club, Art Institute ; for seven years trial attor- ney Fidelity & Casualty Co. ; instructor at Chicago (night) Law School; served as Lieutenant of Infantry in World War; gen- eral practice. (Photo by DeHaven) RALPH ROSEN ALBERT G. ROSENBAUM CHICAGO Born July 22, 1882, at Chicago ; graduate Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Rachel Ruben- stein, Aug. 10, 1901, at St. Joseph, Mich.; Clerk for E. C. Hamburgher, J. P., 1902- 1903, Clerk for Henry Roth, J. P., 1903- 1905 ; member Apollo Lodge No. 642 A. F. & A. M., National Union Assurance So- ciety, Secretary the Society of Benevolence and Relief of the Sick ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ALBERT G. ROSENBAUM JOSEPH ROSENBERG CHICAGO Born New York, N. Y., July 7, 1887; at- tended Chicago Kent College of Law, Uni- versity of Denver, Northwestern Univer- sity Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Molly Loewenstein, Dec. 31, 1918, at Chicago; member Idlewild Country Club ; engaged in corporation law, mechanic's lien and chancery practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOSEPH ROSENBERG THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS SAMUEL ROSENBLATT CHICAGO Born Nov. 12, 1893; graduate of Chi- cago Kent College of Law ; admitted to liar, 1914; married Miss Mary Dulsky, May 9, 1917, at Chicago; member Waban- sia Lodge No. 160 A. F. & A. M., Aryan C.rotto No. 18 M. O. V. P, Elks, Order of B'nai B'rith ; general practice JOSEPH ROSENSTEIN CHICAGO Born Aug. 12, 1886, in Russia ; graduate of University of Pennsylvania, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Rose Passov, June 30, 1912, at Philadelphia, Pa. ; member Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, Oriental-Hillel Lodge No. 72; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Charabecs) JOSEPH ROSENSTEIN BERTRAM W. ROSENSTONE CHICAGO Born Geneseo, 111. ; attended University of Iowa and Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904 ; married Miss Laura Carrol Janeck, March 30, 1907, Madison, Wis. ; member Phi Alpha Delta and Masonic Park Lodge ; general practice ; member firm of McCulloch, McCulloch & Dunbar. (Photo by Lu BERTRAM W. ROSENSTOXE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 359 JAMES ROSENTHAL CHICAGO Born April 10, 1859, at Chicago; grad- uate of Lake Forest University, Yale Law School ; admitted to Bar, Connecticut, 1880, Illinois 1880; married Emma Friedman, Dec. 23, 1886, at Chicago ; married Cora Lindauer, April 14, 1913, at Chicago; mem- ber Board of Education, 1893-1896 ; mem- ber (Treas., 1919-20) Chicago Law Insti- tute, City and Hamilton Clubs, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Ravis- loe Country Club ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) JAMES ROSEXTHAL MICHAEL L. ROSINIA CHICAGO Born March 17, 1888, at Chicago; grad- uate of Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Lina Barone, March 4, 1914, at Chicago ; Assist- ant State's Attorney, 1915 to 1920; mem- ber I. O. O. F., K. of P. ; general practice. (Photo by Lassvvell) MICHAEL L. ROSINIA WALTER W. ROSS CHICAGO Attended Whipple Academy, Jackson- ville, 111. ; graduated Princeton College, LL. B. and M. A., University of Chicago Law School, Harvard Law School, 1890; admit- ted to Bar, 1890; married Miss Jane Ames, May 14, 1891, Chicago; assistant corpora- tion Counsel, 1894; member University Club, Evanston Golf Club, Bobolink Golf Club ; general practice. (Photo by Matzene) WALTER W. ROSS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM KOTHMANN CHICAGO Horn Oct. 18, 1866; graduate of North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Lura K. Houscworth, Dec. 17, 1890, at Pontiac, 111.; Assistant City Attorney, 1901-1902, Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1902-1905, Member Board of Education, 1912-1915; member Chicago, Illinois, State and Amer- ican Bar Associations, Woodlawn Park Lodge No. 841 A. F. & A. M., Jackson Park Chapter No. 222 R. A. M., R. & S. M., Woodlawn Commandery No. 76 K. T., Iro- quois, American Unity and Law Clubs ; general practice. BENJAMIN P. RUEKBERG CHICAGO Born Jan. 26, 1883 ; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904 ; married Miss Anna Lazar, Sept. 5, 1909, at Chicago ; member A. F. & A. M., East Gate Lodge No. 923 Knights of Pythias, Hamlet Lodge No. 539, Chicago Bar Association, Covenant Club. (Photo by Lasswell) BENJAMIN P. RUEKBERG CHARLES O. RUNDALL CHICAGO Born July 5, 1885, at Ridgeway, Wis. ; graduate of Northwestern University and Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Mary Jo Worster, June 20, 1911, at Odel, la. ; member, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations, Legal Club of Chicago, Evanston Country, University (Chicago) and Evanston Golf Clubs, Sigma Chi Fraternity; member of firm Barthell, Fitts & Rundall ; general practice. (Photo by MofTctt) < HARLKS 0. RUNDAI.L THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 361 JOSEPH P. RYAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 21, 1887, at Chicago; graduate of De La Salle Institute, Chicago Kent College of Law, Chicago Business Law School, Worsham School of Embalming; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Nov. 1916, at Chicago; Assistant Attorney General, 1915, Delegate National Convention, 1916, Assistant State's Attorney at time of pub- lication ; member Knights of Columbus ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) MICHAEL F. RYAN JOHN S. RYBICKI CHICAGO Born May 29, 1887, at Chicago, 111.; educated grammar schools, St. Ignatius and St. Stanislaus Kostka Colleges, A. B., Chi- cago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Marie E. Uczciwek, June 25, 1913, at Chicago, 111. ; member Iroquois Club, Knights of Colum- bus, Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, Polish National Alliance of America, Polish Falcons Alliance of Amer- ica ; was vice president of the Polish Fal- cons Alliance of America for one term, president of the second district of the Po- lish Falcons Alliance four terms, secretary said district for two terms ; general prac- tice. MICHAEL F. RYAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 20, 1890, in Chicago; grad- uate of De La Salle Institute, Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Marion V. Cahill, Oct. 18, 1916, at Chicago; Attorney for Police, 1912, Chairman State Council of Defense, Ex- emption District 67, also Attorney in War Risk Insurance during war ; vice president Kimbark State Bank ; formerly editor Na- tional Police Magazine ; member Illinois Athletic Club, De La Salle Alumni (for- merly President), Chicago Bar Association, La Salle Assembly Knights of Columbus, and other legal and fraternal organizations ; general practice, representing several cor- porations and labor organizations. JOHN S. RYBICKI THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Pboto by Lasswell) OTTO G. RYDEX OTTO G. RYDEN CHICAGO Born Sept. 6, 1874, at Ryssky, Sweden; graduate of Northwestern University, Col- lege of Liberal Arts and Law School, Ph. B., A. M., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Mrs. Grace W. Morrison, Sept. 22, 1918, at Chicago ; Town Clerk, Evans- ton, 111., 1901-1904; member Press Club, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations, Law Institute, Medinah Tem- ple, Oriental Consistory, Knights Templar and other Masonic bodies and organiza- tions; church affiliation, Presbyterian; gen- eral civil practice, in both law and chan- cery, principally corporation, real estate, chancery and probate matters. IRA RYNER CHICAGO Born Burlington Junction, Mo. ; grad- uate University of Nebraska and Harvard Law School, LL. B. and A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; general practice ; member firm Fyffe, Ryner & Dale. JOSEPH SABATH CHICAGO Born March 2. 1870, at Zabori, Bohemia ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest University, LL. B., Chicago Law School, LL. M.; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Miss Regina Myer, Aug. 9, 1888, at Kenosha, Wis. ; Judge Municipal Court, Chicago, 1910; appointed Judge Superior Court of Cook County to fill vacancy, 1916, elected for full term same year ; member Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations, Lawyers' Association of Illi- nois ; Mason, Medinah Temple, Moose, Ar- yan Grotto, Royal Arcanum, Elks, Oriental Consistory. Iroquois, Press, Covenant, Hyde Park American and Idlewild Country Clubs ; general practice. (Photo by Hew Hoffman) JOSEPH SABATH THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 363 PHILIP P. SACHS CHICAGO Born Chicago, 111., July 7, 1892; attended Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. and LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Percess M. Brown, March 30, 1919, at Boston, Mass. ; member Ramah Lodge I. O. B. B., executive committee Chicago Council Boy Scouts of America, secretary Young Men's Jewish Charities, director Marks Nathan Jewish Orphan Home, and member Chicago Council Social Agencies. Engaged in general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) PHILIP P. SACHS LEOPOLD SALTIEL CHICAGO Born July 9, 1870, Vienna, Austria ; grad- uate of Chicago College of Law, Lake For- est University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1898; married Marie Friedman, 1893, at Chicago ; member Press Club, National Union, North American Gymnastic Union, Lawyers' Association of Illinois ; general practice. LEOPOLD SALTIEL HENRY J. SANDUSKY CHICAGO Born Chicago; graduated Foster Public School, R. T. Crane Manual Training High School, 1907, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., 1914; admitted to Bar, Dec. 10, 1914; married Miss Rose Palecek ; prose- cuting attorney Town of Cicero, June, 1918, to date; member National Union Assurance Society, Odd Fellows and America Lodge 889 A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. 364 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE E. SAN'KSTONE CHICAGO Born July 16, 1892, at Chicago; grad- uate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., LL. M.; admitted to Bar, 1915; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Moffrtt) GEORGE E. SAXKSTOXE GEORGE SASS CHICAGO Born March 11, 1883, at Chicago; grad- uate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D.; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Bernice Morris, Nov. 11, 1916, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations. WARD B. SAWYER CHICAGO Born Dec. 17, 1868, Streator, 111.; at- tended Northwestern University, Ph. M., Northwestern University Law School ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1893; attorney for public administrator and public guardian Cook County for S years ; master in chancery Superior Court, 1904 ; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Beta Theta Pi, and Hamilton, Kenwood and Glen View Clubs. (Photo by Laaswplli WARD B. SAWYER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 365 KICKHAM SCANLAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 23, 1864; attended public schools, Washington, D. C, Notre Dame University, Union College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Sadie Conway at Chicago in 1890; elected Judge of the Circuit Court, Cook County, in 1909, re-elected in 1915, term expiring in 1921. GEORGE L. SCHEIN CHICAGO Born July 4, 1888; graduate of North- western University and Lake Forest Uni- versity Law Department, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Louise Mayer, Oct. 26, 1918, at Chicago ; member Lawyers' Association of Chicago, Chicago Associa- tion of Commerce, Press, Edgewater Beach Yacht and Old Colony Clubs, Elks ; general practice and trial lawyer. GEORGE L. SCHEIN ELMER SCHLESINGER CHICAGO Born Nov. 20, 1880, at Chicago ; graduate of Harvard School, Harvard University, B. A., Harvard Law School, LL. D. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1903; married Miss Halle Schaffner, Oct. 30, 1911, at Chicago; mem- ber Harvard Clubs of Chicago, New York and Boston, City, Chicago Literary, Long- wood Cricket, Illinois Athletic and Lake Shore Country Club; member of firm Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Platt. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ROYAL J. SCHMIDT CHICAGO Born April 29, 1886, at Davenport, Iowa; graduate of Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912 ; mar- ried Miss Anna M. Smith, Nov. 1, 1911, at May wood. 111.; general practice. ELMER J. SCHNACKENBERG CHICAGO Born Aug. 22, 1889; graduate of Univer- city of Chicago Law School, LL. B., Chi- cago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1912' married Miss Hazel Elva Bard. May 15, 1916, at Chicago; Representative in Illinois Legislature, 1913-1914; member of various organizations ; general practice. (Photo by Molten ) ELMER J. SCHNACKENBERG HERBERT A. SCHRYVER CHICAGO Born Dec. 28, 1871 ; graduate of Wheaton College, Northwestern Law School, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Miss Jessie Plumb, April 15, 1906, at Stteator. 111.; Mayor of Wheaton, 111., 1909-1911; member Hamilton Club; general practice. (Photo by Russell) HERBERT A. SCHRYVER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 367 JOSEPH W. SCHULMAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 24, 1882, at Chicago; grad- uate of Elgin Academy, Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; mar- ried Miss Bessye Edelman, June 14, 1914, at Chicago; Assistant Special State's Attorney, 1916; member Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights Pythias, Encampments, Spanish- American War Veterans, Camp McKinley; served during Spanish-American War in San Diego, Cuba, under Gen. Lawton, Gen. Shafter and Gen. Wood. (Photo by UeHavcn) JOSEPH W. SCHULMAN WILLIAM SCHULZE' CHICAGO Born April 14, 1871; admitted to Bar, 1893; Assistant City Prosecutor since 1915; member Oriental Lodge No. 33, A. F. & A. M., Godiva Lodge K. P. ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM SCHULZE PAUL C. SCHUSSMAN . CHICAGO Born at Calumetville, Wis. ; graduate of Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Miss Pauline Wick- ert, July 10, 1904, at Chicago ; member Lawyers and Chicago Bar Associations, Honor Lodge A. F. & A. M. ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) PAUL C. SCHUSSMAN 368 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES K. SCHWARTZ CHICAGO Born at Norway, Mich. ; graduate of Gregg Business College, John Marshall Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1913; As- sistant State's Attorney 5 years ; last two years (1918-1919) U. S. Army; general practice. (Photo by MofTett) CHARLES K. SCHWARTZ J. C. SCHWARTZ CHICAGO Born July 15, 1889; graduate of Temple University (Philadelphia), Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; member B'nai B'rith, Elks and Cove- nant Clubs ; general practice. (Photo by Moffctt) J. C. SCHWARTZ JACOB J. SCHWARTZ CHICAGO Born April 28, 1886, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Atheneum, Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar, 1915; mar- ried Miss Helen Lowenrosen, Jan. 19, 1908, at Chicago ; member I. O. O. F., Elks ; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JACOB I. SCHWARTZ THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 369 WILLIAM SCHWEMM CHICAGO Born April 6, 1875, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar, 1896 ; mar- ried Miss Jennie B. Musgat, March 5, 1902, at Chicago ; member Landmark Lodge No. 422 A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. WILLIAM SCHWEMM TIMOTHY J. SCOFIELD CHICAGO Born March 20, 1856, at Carthage, 111.; graduate of Carthage College, A. M. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1879; First Assistant Attor- ney General Illinois, 1893-1897, First As- sistant City Attorney, Chicago, 1899 ; mem- ber Union League and Illinois Athletic Clubs ; member of firm Loesch, Scofield & Loesch ; general practice and solicitors for Pennsylvania R. R. Western Lines, and Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. Co. AVERN B. SCOLNIK CHICAGO Born Nov. 18, 1895, at New York, N. Y. ; graduate of New York University (College of Music), Mus. B., De Paul University, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1917; member Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity; Aviation Club of Chicago, Masonic Fraternity and Shrine, U. S. Army, 1917-1918; general practice. (Photo by Daguerre) AVERN B. SCOLNIK 370 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES A. SCOTT CHICAGO Born Aug. 17, 1888, at Fairrnount, Ind. ; graduate of De Pauw University, Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; member Masonic Lodge, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute; insurance law and trial work. CHARLES A. SCOTT FRANK HAMLINE SCOTT CHICAGO Born at Tipton, Iowa ; graduate of North- western University, A. B., A. M., North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1878; married Miss Edith Krihben, Oct. 10, 1882, at St. Louis, Mo.; member Union League ( President 1918- 1919). Chicago, City (President 1903- 1904). University. Cliff Dwellers, Law (President 1909-1910), and Onwentsia Clubs. Old Elm, Chicago Historical So- ciety, Chicago Literary Society, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associa- tions ; general practice, but largely corpora- tion law. FRANK HAMLINE SCOTT JAMES A. SCOTT CHICAGO Born May 13, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga. ; edu- cated Maryville College (Tenn.) ; admitted to Bar in Mississippi and in 1890 in Illi- nois ; Assistant State's Attorney under John E. W. Wayman, in charge of habeas corpus and extradition matters ; author of "Scott on Interstate Rendition (Extradi- tion)" and "Law of Arrest"; at time of publication he is writing a book entitled "Habeas Corpus." (Photo liy Lasswell) JAMKS A. SCOTT THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 371 JAMES HERRINGTON SCOTT CHICAGO Born March 29, 1879, at St. Charles, 111.; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B., L. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1913; al- derman 2d Ward, Geneva, 111. ; member Delta Chi Fraternity, Chicago Bar Associa- tion, Geneva Golf Club; orator of class, 1913, Director Speakers' Bureau Central Division, American Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. JAMES HERRI NGTOX SCOTT Born 1874, at Kaneville, 111. ; graduate of Universities of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Chicago and Berlin ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; member American and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations ; Union League, University and Cosmos (Washington) Clubs; general so- licitor Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. THOMAS F. SCULLY CHICAGO Born Nov. 5, 1870, at Chicago; educated Holy Family School and Jesuit College, LL. B., Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Marry Maddenj attorney for City Comptroller, 1903-1905, member of State Board of Equalization, 1900-1904, County Judge from 1914 till his death (Sept., 1919) ; member Royal League, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Order of Foresters and the Iroquois Club. (Photo by Morrison) THOMAS F. SCULLY 372 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CORNELIUS S. SEE CHICAGO Born New Brunswick, N. S., Sept. 29, 1847 ; graduate Rutger's College, A. B. and A. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1871 ; married Jus- tine D. Towle, 1872, in New Jersey; 32d degree Mason, Scottish Rite, Past Master Lodge of the Temple, Jersey City, N. J., member American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations and Lawyers Asso- ciation of Illinois ; engaged in general prac- tice. DONALD J. SEELEY CHICAGO Born April 22, 1894 ; graduate of De Paul University; admitted to Bar, 1918; member Chicago Bar Association, Delta Theta Phi ; general practice. I (Photo by Lasswell) DONALD J. SEELEY ARTHUR B. SEIBOLD CHICAGO Born Feb. 4, 1873, at Washington, D. C. ; graduate of Lewis Institute, Columbian University, LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1898 ; married Miss Ethel D. Warrens, June 18, 1903, at Vancouver, Wash, ; member Phi Kappa Psi, University Club (Chicago), Skokie and Ouilmette Country Clubs ; pat- ent law; member firm Jones, Addington, Ames and Seibold. (Photo by Moffett) ARTHUR B. SEIBOLTl THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 373 HENRY M. SELIGMAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 8, 1872; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to bar, 1895 ; married Miss Phenie Lichtenstein, June 26, 1901, at Detroit, Mich.; Special Assistant County Attorney, 1905, Special Assistant Attorney General 1906, Chief As- sistant City Prosecutor, 1907-1911; member Kilivinning Lodge A. F. & A. M., Inde- pendent Order B'nai B'rith ; general prac- tice. (Photo by Lasswell) HENRY M. SELIGMAN GEORGE A. SEXTEL SULLIVAN Born March 3, 1873 ; educated common school, High School (Sullivan) ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Winifred Titus, June 27, 1918, at Sullivan ; Master in Chancery Moultrie County, 1895 ; received successive appointments of 2 years each to 1915; Circuit Judge 6th Judicial Circuit, 1915 (term expiring 1921) ; member Ma- sonic Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Shrine, Consistory, 32d degree Mason, Elks, Decatur Club (Decatur, 111.), Y. M. C. A.; chancery and common law practice. (Photo by Matzene) GEORGE A. SENTEL EDWARD M. SEYMOUR CHICAGO Born May 2, 1859 ; educated public schools, Beauharnais College, A. B., Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; married Dr. Lillian R. Hobbs, M. D., July 12, 1907, at Michigan City, Ind. ; mem- ber K. P., Cook County Democracy, Chi- cago Motor Club, W. O. W., Am. Flag Day Association, Lawyers Association of Illinois, Chicago Law Institute, 111. State Bar Association ; registered No. 6772 U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. ; general practice, extensively criminal. (Photo by Lasswell) EDWARD M. SEYMOUR 374 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ANGUS ROY SHANNON CHICAGO Born March 27, 1873, at Rochester, N. Y. ; graduate of Armour Institute, University of Michigan, Northwestern University; ad- mitted to Bar, 1896 ; married Turbie Taft Shannon ; Assistant Attorney and Attorney Board of Education, Chicago, 1899-1919; member American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations, Law, University and Iroquois Clubs, Masonic orders ; public law, corporation and real estate law ; general practice. AXGL'S ROY SHANNON NEIL J. SHANNON CHICAGO Born Jan. 21, 1855, at Montreal, Quebec, Canada; graduate of Nichols Collegiate Academy (Montreal), Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Ada M. Lowrie. April 22, 1896, at Chicago; Assistant to Probate Judge, Cook County, 1890-1912; member Irish Fellowship Club, American Irish His- torical Society, Royal Arcanum, North American Union, Knights of Columbus, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Lawyers Association of Illinois ; married Louise F. Kelly, March 1, 1881, who died Jan. 2. 1892. (Photo by Lasswell) NEIL J. SHANNON MEYER SHAPIRO CHICAGO Born April 20, 1889, in Russia; graduate 'of John Marshall Law School; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Tillie Mandelstam, Feb. 4, 1919, at Chicago; general practice. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) MEYER SHAPIRO THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 375 RALPH MARTIN SHAW CHICAGO Born Feb. 18, 1869, at Paris, Ky. ; grad- uate of Kentucky University, A. B., Yale, Student Law Department, University of Michigan; admitted to Bar, 1892; married (1st) Mary Stephens (now deceased), Aug. 29, 1896, at Geneva, Switzerland; Louise Shepherd Tyler (2d), Sept. 29, 1914; mem- ber Chicago, Saddle & Cycle, University (Chicago), Onwentsia, Yale (Chicago and New York City), Mid-day, Old Elm, Shore Acres, Metropolitan (Washington) and Chevy Chase (Md.) Clubs; director of Union Stockyard & Transit Co., Chicago River & Indiana R. R. Co., Joliet & North- ern Indiana R. R. Co., U. S. Brewing Co., McAvoy Brewing Co., Wacker & Birk Brewing & Malting Co., Chicago Breweries, Ltd., Joyce & Co., American Creosoting Co., Federal Creosoting Co., American Tar Products Co., Horlicks' Malted Milk Co., Stewart Mfg. Corporation; member of firm Winston, Strawn & Shaw; general counsel Chicago Great Western R. R. and Chicago River & Indiana R. R. Co. (Photo by Lasswell) HENRY S. SHEDD JAMES M. SHEEAN CHICAGO Born Nov. 28, 1866, at Galena, 111. ; grad- uate of Beloit College, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1889 ; member University, City, Law, South Shore Country, Flossmoor, Mid Day, Iroquois and Cosmos (Washington) Clubs; member Chicago Bar Association. RALPH MARTIN SHAW HENRY S. SHEDD CHICAGO Born June 12, 1861, at Whitewater, Wis. ; graduate of Beloit College, University of Wisconsin, B. A., Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1889; married Miss Helen J. Underwood, Oct. 12, 1892, at Appleton, Wis. ; member University Club of Evanston, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice, giving special attention to probate, real estate, trusts and corporation law. (Photo by Lasswell) JAMES M. SHEEAN 376 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FRANK W. SHEPHERD ELGIN Born Feb. 28, 1876, at Dundee, 111. ; grad- uate of Leland Stanford Jr. University, University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1899; unmarried; served in Illinois Legislature, 1909-1915; Past Exalted Ruler Elgin Lodge No. 737 B. P. O. Elks, mem- ber Masons ; general practice. FRANK W. SHKPHERD WILLIAM D. SHEPHERD CHICAGO Born Sept. 15, 1875, at Anderson, Ind. ; graduate of Indiana University, Indiana School of Law; admitted to Bar, 1897; mar- ried Miss Julie M. Graf, Jan. 14, 1902, Salina, Kans. ; member Hamilton Club, Chi- cago Law and Art Institutes, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; corporation work in general, but more especially for- mation, consolidation and merger of cor- porations. JOHN JAMES SHERLOCK CHICAGO Born Dec. 3, 1881, at Summit, 111.; grad- uate John Marshall Law School. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Miss Ethel May Doss, Aug. 11, 1918, at Cicero, 111.; Attorney, Town of Cicero, 1902-1911, mem- ber Board of Education, Dist. 99, Cicero, 1905-1914, Attorney, Board of Education, Dist. 99, Cicero, 1914 to date; member Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; surviving member of firm Mastin & Sher- lock ; general practice, but largely corpora- tion. JOHN JAMES SHERLOCK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 377 WILLIAM A. SHERWIN CHICAGO Born Aug. 1, 1889; graduate of Univer- sity of Southern California, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1913; married Nell Haniman, May 6, 1916, at Lake Geneva, Wis. ; Mason ; corporation law practice. EDWARD E. SHINNICK CHICAGO Born May 20, 1880, at Watertown, Wis. ; graduate of Sacred Heart College (Water- town), Illinois College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Anna Ursula Hogan, Jan. 25, 1911, at Chicago; Attorney for United Grocers and Butchers Associa- tion of Chicago, 1908 to date; member Illi- nois State Bar Association, Lawyers Asso- ciation of Illinois, National Union, Alpha Kappa Pi Fraternity; general practice, spe- cializing in food laws. (Photo by Lasswoll) EDWARD E. SHINNICK BENEDICT J. SHORT CHICAGO Born in McHenry County, 111. ; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1894; married Mercie M. Simp- son, Sept. 3, 1908, at Philadelphia, Pa.; Trial Lawyer State's Attorney, 1906-1908, First Assistant State's Attorney, 1908-1912; member Hamilton Club, Elks, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. BENEDICT J. SHORT 378 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE SHRIBER CHICAGO Burn Wayne County, Ohio, Jan. 28, 1866 ; attended University of Ohio, University of Michigan and Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Anna Loncries, Nov. 14, 1895, at Orrville, Ohio; served as Assistant City Attorney, City of Chicago, 1906-1910; member Masonic orders and Lawyers Association of Illinois ; spe- cializes in personal injury practice. ARTHUR;. SHUTAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 1, 1886; graduate of West Florida Seminary, Florida State College, University of Florida, LL. B., A. B., Chi- cago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1908; married Miss May Flower, Nov. 2. 1915, at Chicago; member Masonic orders, B. P. O. E., K. of P., I. p. B. B. ; general practice in all courts, specializing in corporation law. ARTHUR J. SHUTAN AUGUST F. W. SIEBEL Born March 3, 1877; graduate of Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Miss Anna Michaelis, at Chi- cago; private of Co. G, 3d Inf. 111. Vol. war with Spain, 1898; Capt. 2d Inf. I. N. G., 1913-1918; Capt. 2d 111. Inf. in Mexican Bor- der Service, 1916, Capt. Co. C, 132d Inf. in war with Germany, Department Commander Department of Illinois U. S. W. V., 1910, Judge Advocate General, U. S. W. V. in 1912; member American Unity Club, Buena Park Presbyterian Church, A. F. & A. M., A. A. S. R. of F., A. A. O. N. M. S., I. O. O. F., Columbia Camp No. 2, Dept. of 111. U. S. W. V., Chicago Bar Association, Illi- nois Lawyers Association, Platte Deutsche Gilde ; general practice. AUGUST F. W. SIEBEL THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 379 GEORGE ROY SIEGER CHICAGO Born July 30, 1869; graduate of Johns Hopkins University Law Department, Uni- versity of Maryland, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; member of A. F. & A. M. ; mem- ber of firm Sieger, Schaf & Neff; general civil practice. GEORGE ROY SIEGER FREDERICK D. SILBER CHICAGO Born Jan. 31, 1873, at Milwaukee; grad- uate of University of Wisconsin, B. S. in Electrical Engineering; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Beatrice C. Cahn, Jan. 3, 1899, at Chicago ; member City, Illinois Athletic, Lake Shore Country Clubs, Wisconsin So- ciety, American Society Advancement of Science. Chicago, Illinois State and Amer- ican Bar Associations, Chicago Law Insti- tute ; corporation, real estate, tax and in- surance law and litigated matters. (Photo by Moffett) FREDERICK D. SILBER FRED B. SILSBEE CHICAGO Born Jan. 15, 1873, at Montrose, Pa. ; graduate of Northwestern University Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Miss Mary Hormell, June 26, 1901. at Ore- gon, 111. ; Alderman and City Attorney, Ore- gon, 111. ; member Masons, I. O. O. F. ; gen- eral practice, principally commercial, cor- poration and real estate law. FRED B. SILSBEE 380 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS HERMAN V. SILVERTRUST CHICAGO Born July 19, 1892, at Warsaw ; graduate De Paul University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Miss Mabel Elkins, June 29, 1916, at Chicago ; member of East Gate Lodge No. 923 A. F. & A. M. ; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswell) HERMAN V. SILVERTRUST EDWIN W. SIMS CHICAGO Born June 4, 1870, at Hamilton, Ont., Canada ; graduate of Bay City Academy, University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Charlotte Smith, Feb. 9, 1898, at Chicago ; County Attorney Cook County, 1900-1903, Solicitor Depart- ment of Commerce, Washington, 1903-1906, U. S. Attorney, Chicago, 1906-1911, member Alaskan Fur Seal Advisory Board, 1909; member Union League, Midlothian, South Shore Country, Law and Forty Clubs, Chi- cago, Illinois State and American Bar Asso- ciations, Michigan Society of Chicago, Ori- ental Consistory, Mystic Shrine ; member of firm Sims, Welch & Godman. (Photo by Moffett) EDWIN W. SIMS EDMUND M. SINNOTT CHICAGO Born July 26, 1887, at Chicago ; graduate of St. Ignatius College, A. B., Loyola Uni- versity, A. M., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, T910; assistant attorney for Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago. 1913-1917; member Chi- cago Bar Association and of fraternal or- ganizations ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) F.DMVXD M. SINNOTT THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 381 JOHN C. SLADE CHICAGO Born at Kelloggsville, N. Y. ; graduate of Yale University, B. A., Yale Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Katharine Keyes, Oct. 2, 1909, at Evanston, 111. ; Alderman, Evanston, 1917 to date; member University, Mid-Day, Glen- view Golf and Evanston Country Clubs, American Legion; member firm Winston, Strawn & Shaw. JOHN C. SLADE MAURICE J. SLATER CHICAGO Born Aug. 18, 1885, at Pittsburg, Texas; graduate of Illinois and Webster College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Feb. 15, 1912, at Aurora, 111. ; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Association of Illinois, Humboldt Park Lodge No. 813 A. F. & A. M., United Order of Foresters; general practice. MAURICE J. SLATER ROBERT J. SLATER CHICAGO Born Aug. 25, 1876, at Taylorville, 111.; graduate of Chicago College of Law ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1899; married Miss Leah Miriam Curzon, June 15, 1900, at Effingham, 111. ; member Iroquois, Law and Evanston Golf Clubs, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, A. F. & A. M. (Photo by Lasswell) ROBERT J. SLATER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JAMKS M. SLATTHRT JAMES M. SLATTERY CHICAGO Born July 29, 1878, at Chicago; graduate of St. Ignatius College, Illinois College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1908; mar- ried Miss Alice Beever, July 28, 1902, at Chicago; Supt. of Public Service Cook County, 1910-1912, Assistant Attorney San- itary District Chicago, 1913-1919; member Illinois Athletic Club, Elks, Knights of Columbus ; was one of organizers and first secretary of Webster College of Law. JOSEPH G. SLOTTOW CHICAGO Born April 13, 1885, Winnipeg, Canada; attended Valparaiso University and Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; married Miss Marion Stadeker, Jan. 5, 1916, Chicago; member Hamilton Club, Elks and Masons ; general practice. JULIUS F. SMIETANKA CHICAGO Born May 31, 1872, in Chicago; graduate of Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894; married; director Northwest- ern Trust & Savings Bank, member Board of Education, 1909-1912 and 1912-1914, Col- lector Internal Revenue for 1st Illinois Dis- .trict, 1914 to 1920; member of City and Troquois Clubs, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, several fraternal organi- zations, and member Executive Committee of Associated Catholic Charities of Chicago. (Photo by Mi'fTett) JULICS F. SMIETANKA THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 383 GLEN E. SMITH CHICAGO Born April 19, 1888 ; graduate of Univer- sity of Wisconsin, B. S., LL. B. and Elec- trical Engineer ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; member Evanston Golf Club, University Club of Evanston, Masonic order; patent law. (Photo by Russell) GLEN E. SMITH HOMER J. SMITH CHICAGO Born 1885, at Clinton, 111.; graduated Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Dorothy Valentine. March 28, 1907, at Chicago, 111. ; member Woodlawn Park Club, Masonic, K. P., Knights and Ladies of Security, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) HOMER J. SMITH NATHAN S. SMYSER CHICAGO Born at Fort Wayne, Ind. ; graduate of Princeton University, A. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900 ; member University and Floss- moor Country Clubs ; general practice. 384 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS FREDERICK W. SNIDER CHICAGO Born Sept. 5, 1887; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan Law School; admitted to Bar, 1911; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion; Sergeant Co. C 1st Bn. Inf. Replace- ment and Training Camp. Camp McArthur, Texas, 1918 ; general civil practice. (Photo by Lasswell) FREDERICK W. SNIDER GEORGE E. SXYDER , CHICAGO Born Sept. 27, 1893; attended State Uni- versity of Iowa, B. A., and Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar. 1918; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE E. SNYDER CYRIL A. SOANS CHICAGO Born May 31, 1884 ; graduate of Univer- sity College (Nottingham, England), John Marshall Law School, LL. B., New York Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Miss Mary A. Finn, June 14, 1913, at New York ; member Standard Lodge A. F. & A. M., City Club, Chicago Bar Association, Patent Law Association, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, American Associa- tion of Engineers; patent, trade mark, un- fair competition and copyright law. (Photo by Lasswell) CYRIL A. SOANS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 385 HYMAN SOBOROFF CHICAGO Born May 15, 1886; graduate of Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Beatrice D. Cohen, Dec. 4, 1909, at Chicago ; member Royal League ; general practice, specializing in mechanics' lien matters. (Photo by Moffett) HYMAN SOBOROFF IRVING J. SOLOMON CHICAGO Born Dec. 18, 1885, at Philadelphia; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Edith Neuman, Feb. 10, 1915, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Association. (Pholo by DeHaven) IRVING J. SOLOMON CHARLES J. SOPKIN CHICAGO Born in Russia; graduate of Lewis In- stitute, Kent College of Law, LL B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1919 ; married Miss Ida Faden, Sept. 6, 1913, at Chicago; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Asso- cation of Illinois, Peoples Educational Al- liance, Bogopoler Aid Fraternity, Vinitzer Aid Fraternity, Berzowkor Aid Fraternity, I. O. B. S. ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE J. SPATUZZA CHICAGO Graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; general practice. CHARLES C. SPENCER CHICAGO Born in McLean County, Illinois, April 11. 1867; graduated University of Michigan, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Aliss Margaret Wilson (deceased), Oct. 20, 1890, at Alma, 111. ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Law Institute and Lawyers Association of Illi- nois ; general practice, tending more to Neg- ligence and Insurance cases. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES C. SPENCER MRS MARY BELLE SPENCER CHICAGO Graduate of Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; Public Guardian Cook County, August, 1918, to December, 1921 ; general law practice. (Photo hy Lasswell) MRS. MARY BELLE SPENCER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 387 LEO SPITZ CHICAGO Born June 30, 1888, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; Assistant Attorney Sanitary District ; corporation and general practice. (Photo by Rie!) LEO SPITZ SAMUEL SPITZER CHICAGO Born June 12, 1884 ; attended University of Michigan, B. A. and LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908; married Miss Anna Singer, June, 1914, Chicago ; member A. F. & A. M., John Corsair Smith Lodge, Chicago Bar Association ; general and corporation prac- tice. SAMUEL SPITZER SHERMAN C. SPITZER CHICAGO Born Elgin, 111., Feb. 2, 1871; graduated University of Michigan Literary Depart- ment, B. S., 1893, Law Department, LL. B., 1894; admitted- to Bar, 1894; married Nel- lie E. Tefft. 1899, at Elgin, 111.; member Oak Park Country Club, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; is sec- retary of Chicago Title & Trust Company; specializes in real estate law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES BURKE STAFFORD CHICAGO Born at New Orleans ; graduate of Tu- lane University of Louisiana, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1886; married Miss Matilda Rose, Dec. 1, 1897, at Chicago; member Masonic orders, Elks, Illinois Athletic Club; member firm of Sabath, Stafford & Sabath ; general trial lawyer. DAVID D. STANSBURY CHICAGO Born June 30, 1882, at Galesburg, 111.; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1905 ; married Ella Cather- ine Rolfes, Dec. 19, 1914, at Chicago; As- sistant U. S. Attorney, 1913-1915; member Union League Club, Delta Chi Fraternity, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Matzene) DAVID D. STANSBURY WILLIAM J. STAPLETON CHICAGO Born April 7, 1866, at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B., Lake Forest University ; admitted to Bar, 1889 ; married Miss Cora Van Slyke, of Lake Mills, Wis., Sept. 8, 1889, at Chicago; As- sistant City Attorney, 1899-1903, Special Counsel City Chicago, 1906-1908, member (later chairman) Draft Board Div. 59, 1917- 1919; member Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations, Iroquois Club, Board of Managers, Patriotic League of 26th Ward ; general practice. (Photo by Waltnger) WILLIAM J. STAPLETOX THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 389 MERKITT STARR CHICAGO Graduate Harvard, A. B., LL. B., Oberlin College, A. B., A. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1881; married October, 1881, at Chicago; village attorney Winnetka, 1894-1895, New Trier Township Board of Education, 1899- 1907, attorney for State of Illinois to pro- tect water rights, 1907-1914, member Union League, University, Skokie Country, Chi- cago Literary and Chicago Law Clubs, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law Institute ; mem- ber of firm Miller, Starr, Brown, Packard & Peckham ; general practice, corporate or- ganization and reorganization, relation of public utilities to governmental regulations. (Photo by Moffett) MERRITT STARR EDWARD ST. CLAIR CHICAGO Born July 3, 1869 ; admitted to Bar, 1895 ; married Miss M. Kathryn Luckey, 1905, at Chicago ; member Chicago Law Institute ; with North American Accident Insurance Co. ; insurance law exclusively. LEWIS A. STEBBINS CHICAGO Born June 1. 1863, in Bradford County, Pa. ; graduate of University of Kansas, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1889; married Miss Katie Selden, Sept. 15, 1885, at Alma, Kan. ; member Union League, City, Iroquois and Chicago Literary Clubs ; General Counsel National Life Ins. Co. of U. S. A., Western Alliance Insurance Co., Central Bond & Mortgage Co. ; chiefly insurance and cor- poration law practice. (Photo by Lasswell) LEWIS A. STEBBIXS ' (Photo by Moffett) WILLIAM KARR STEELE WILLIAM KARR STEELE CHICAGO Born April 1, 1879, at Springfield, Ohio; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Daisy M. Gauss, June 1, 1904. at Chicago; member Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associations, Lawyers Association of Illi- nois, Master of Edgewater Lodge No. 901, A. F. & A. M. ; general civil practice. KENNETH D. STEERE CHICAGO Born April 7, 1884, at Iowa Falls, Iowa ; graduate of State University of Iowa, B. A., Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Grace Duffield, 1908, at Marshalltown, Iowa; member Skokie Country and University Clubs ; re- tired from active practice. FRED L. STEERS CHICAGO Born May 27, 1887, in Chicago ; graduate of University of Notre Dame ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Maye M. Miller, July 8, 1914, at Chicago; Assistant United States District Attorney during World War, as- signed to neutrality matters ; member Board of Governors of Amateur Athletic Union of U. S. ; member Normal Park Lodge No. 797, A. F. & A. M., Illinois Athletic Club, Notre Dame Club of Chicago (President 1917-1919). (Photo by Lauritzeti) FRED L. STEERS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 391 WALTER P. STEFFEN CHICAGO Born Oct. 9, 1885, at Chicago; graduate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., Univer- sity of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Pearl Fos- ter, Jan. 1, 1913, at Kalamazoo, Mich. ; Al- derman 23d Ward, 1916-1919; member Ma- sons, Consistory, Shrine; general practice. WALTER P. STEFFEN ALVIN E. STEIN CHICAGO Born July 23, 1891 ; graduate John Mar- shall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Eleanor Lowenberg, Feb. 16, 1919, at Chicago ; member A. F. & A. M., Royal Arcanum, Phi Delta Alpha, Blackstone Chapter, I. O. F. S. of I. ; gen- eral practice in all courts. ALVIN E. STEIN MYER J. STEIN CHICAGO Born at New York, N. Y. ; graduate of Washington Military Academy, Columbia College, A. B., LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1890; married Miss Fannie Wachner, April, 1908, at Akron, Ohio ; member New York Legislature, 1890-1891, Solicitor Illinois State Senate, 1909-1916; member_Empire City Lodge A. -F: &~Av : M., Ordef~B'fith Abraham, Order B'nai B'rith, West Sub- urban League ; general practice, but spe- cializing in corporation law and in the drafting and revision of legislative enact- ments. MYER J. STEIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM B. STEINBERG CHICAGO Born at New York, N. Y. ; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B., North- ern Illinois University, LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; married Evelyn Hirschtritt, May 15, 1915, at Chicago; member Berger Lodge P. O. W. ; general practice and mechanics' liens. i PI into by L.ass\vel!) WILLIAM B. STEINBERG JULIUS L. STEIXER CHICAGO Born Dec. 19, 1894, at San Francisco, Cal. ; graduate of Baldwin-Wallace Uni- versity (Ohio), Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; mar- ried Miss Elsie Weise of Chicago, Dec. 22, 1917, while serving in U. S. Army at Waco, Texas ; member Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, Emblem Lodge Xo. 984 A. F. & A. M. ; general practice. (I'hoto by Lasswell) JULIUS L. STEINER JAMES A. STEVEN CHICAGO Born at Ransom, 111. ; graduate of North- western Normal. B. S.. Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar. 1899 ; mar- ried Miss Josephine E. Mosher, June 30, 1897, at Chicago; State Representative, 1919-1920; member Hamilton Club and various Masonic bodies. JAMES A. STEVEN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 393 EDWARD J. STEVENS CHICAGO Born at Janesville, Wis. ; graduate of Beloit College, Ph. B., Harvard University, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1897; married Katharine Jones, Jan. 6, 1912, at Kalamazoo, Mich. ; member University, South Shore Country and Hamilton Clubs ; director and attorney Woodlawn Trust & Savings Bank. OSCAR A. STOFFELS CHICAGO Born July 21, 1881; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Emma M. Walters, May 7, 1904, at Chicago ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) OSCAR A. STOFFELS ROBERT H. STOLL CHICAGO Born April 1, 1872; graduate of Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1894; member of firm of Stoll & Shepherd. ROBERT H. STOLL 304 DAVID G. STONE CHICAGO Born June 20, 1890, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, 1917; ad- mitted to Bar, 1917; married Agnes T. De- lot, Dec. 6, 1919, at Chicago; member Crys- tal Lodge No. 1025 A. F. & A. M., Cragin Camp 4545, M. W. of A., Balder Lodge I. O. S., Oscar II Lodge 129, V. of A.; served with Dixie Division (31st) during World War ; general practice. NORMAN ARTHUR STREET CHICAGO Born Oct. 8, 1876; graduate of Coulter's University School, Yale College, B. A., Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Luella E. O'Neil. June 4, 1910, at Chicago; member Indian Hill Golf and University Clubs ; corporation, patent, trade mark law and patent litigation. (Photo by I^asswell) NORM AX ARTHUR STREET WALLACE STREETER CHICAGO Born Nov. 12, 1883, at Belvidere, 111.; graduate of Law Dept. University of Michi- gan, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Anne Hannon, Jan. 14, 1905, at Chicago ; Sec. to Corporation Counsel, Chicago, 1905-1907; Special Assistant Attorney General of Illi- nois, 1913-1917; Sec. U. S. Senate Commit- tee of Dept. of State, 1917; 1st Lieut Judge Advocate U. S. Army, 1918-1919; member Sons of American Revolution, City and Iroquois Clubs, Waubansia Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute ; general practice, largely be- fore Federal Depts. and commissions. (Photo by Moffett) WALLACE STREETER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 395 FELIX J. STREYCKMANS CHICAGO Born April 22, 1876 ; attended common schools of Chicago; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Miss Maud M. Brown, June 18, 1902, Chicago ; Assistant Attorney General ; member Hamilton Club ; general practice, interstate commerce and public utilities. FELIX J. STREYCKMANS BOETIUS H. SULLIVAN CHICAGO Born Nov. 18, 1885 ; graduate of Andover, Yale, Harvard Law; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Loretta Connery, Dec. 27, 1911, at Chicago ; State Counsel for Illinois of U. S. Alien Property Custodian, April, 1918, to date ; member Knights of Columbus, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chicago Athletic As- sociation, Yale (Chicago), Harvard (Chi- cago), Mid Day, University and Edge water Golf Clubs; member of firm Cooke, Sulli- van & Ricks. DENIS E. SULLIVAN CHICAGO Born Nov. 16, 1869, at Kewanee, 111. ; at- tended Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Marie Carlisle Mullins, Jan. 17, 1900; member 40th (regular and special sessions), 41st and 42nd general assemblies of Illinois ; Assist- ant Corporation Counsel of Chicago, 1897- 1901 ; Judge Superior Court since 1911, term expires in 1923; member American Irish Historical Society, Elks, Knights of Colum- bus, Moose, Irish Fellowship and South Shore Country Clubs. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN J. SULLIVAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 20, 1880, at Chicago, 111.; at- tended Chicago Normal School, Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Katherine Britain, June 25, 1913, at Chicago, 111. ; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, 1911-1912; Judge, Municipal Court, 1912-1916; Judge Superior Court, 1916 ; memher Iroquois Club, Knights of Columbus, Royal Arcanum. Chicago and Il- linois State Bar Associations. (Photo by Malzeiif) JOHN J. SULLIVAN PATRICK \V. SULLIVAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 10, 1865, at Kewanee, 111. ; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; special law course at Metropolitan Law School, New York City ; admitted to Bar, 1892: married Miss Jennie L. Cassidy, Feb. 24, 1897. at Chicago; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1911-1916; member Knights of Columbus, Iroquois Club; member of firm Mathias & Sullivan ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) PATRICK W. SULLIVAN PHILIP L. SULLIVAN- CHIC AGO Born Oct. 2, 1889; graduate of Loyola University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, Cook County. 1915-1917; member Illinois Athletic Club, Chicago Bar Association, Knights of Columbus and other fraternal societies ; en- tered service of U. S. Army as private, Sept.. 1917. was discharged Dec., 1919, as Lieut. Field Artillery U. S. A. (Pliotu by Wa:iMg,T' PHILIP L. SULLIVAN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 397 T. J. SULLIVAN SPRINGFIELD Born Sept. 25, 1879, at Mexico, Mo.; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Venah E. Robinson, Jan. 22, 1905, at Springfield ; Assistant State's Attorney, Sangamon County, 1908-1916; member Sangamon Club, Knights of Columbus, Elks, Sangamon County and Illinois State Bar Associa- tions; general practice. PHILIP SULTAN CHICAGO Born at Chicago ; graduate of Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; mar- ried Miss Rozelda M. Cohn, April 5, 1916, at Chicago ; member Theodore Roosevelt, A. F. & A. M., K. P. ; general practice. EVERETT M. SWAIN CHICAGO Born Aug. 23, 1877, at Papillion, Neb.; graduate of University of Nebraska, A. B., LL. B.; admitted to Bar, Nebraska, 1903, Illinois, 1904; married Miss Lillian Bates, Dec. 30, 1905, at Springfield, Neb. ; member Alpha Tau Omega Collegiate Fraternity, Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity, City Club of Chicago, Myrtle Lodge No. 795, A. F. & A. M., Irving Park Chapter No. 195, R. A. M., Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associa- tions ; member of firm Roberts & Swain ; general civil practice, specializing in real estate law. EVERETT M. SWAIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS DAVID I. SWANSON CHICAGO Born Sept. 14, 1884; graduate of John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913 ; office attorney Lumbermen's Credit Association, 1915-1918; member John Ericsson Lodge, I. O. O. F., Compass Lodge No. 922, A. F. & A. M., Normal Park Chap- ter No. 210, R. A. M., Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity and other local organizations ; general practice. (I'luito by I>ai?uerre> DAVID 1. SWANSON THOMAS E. SWANSON CHICAGO Born June 16, 1877, at Wyoming, 111. ; graduate of Northern Illinois Normal School, Dixon Business College, Northern Illinois College of Law, M. L., Bachelor of Oratory; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Edna C. Williams, 1903, at Chicago; taught public schools, 1895-1897; member Dixon Alumni Association, York Chapter, K. T., A. F. & A. M., M. W. A., Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Association of Illinois, Speedway Country Club; general trial work and appeal and error. (Photo by Lasswell) THOMAS E. SWANSON JOHN J. SYMES CHICAGO Bprn 1866, in England ; graduate of Law Dept. Minnesota State University, Chicago College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1894; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar As- sociations ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 399 THOMAS J. SYMMES CHICAGO Born Dec. 13, 1873, at Ottawa, Canada; graduate of McGill, B. A. ; admitted to Bar, 1898; married Katharine Clarke, Aug. 10, 1910, at Chicago; trial lawyer. HARRY H. TALCOTT CHICAGO Born Aug. 6, 1877; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan, A. B., Northwestern Uni- versity Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1904 ; married Miss Pansy Lochbihler, May 31, 1906, at Chicago; member Des Plaines Lodge No. 890, A. F. & A. M., Des Plaines Chapter No. 247, R. A. M. ; general prac- tice. WILLIAM M. TANNENBAUM CHICAGO Born Nov. 27, 1887, at Odessa, Russia; graduated Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1912; Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations, Lawyers Associa- tion of Illinois, Bee Hive Lodge No. 909, A. F. & A. M., Temple Chapter, R. A. M., Englewood Council No. 2, N. A. U. ; mem- ber of firm Edelson & Tannenbaum; prac- tice corporation and real estate law, income tax law. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM M. TANNENBAUM UK) THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CLARENCE W. TAYLOR CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1853; educated at Val- paraiso, Ind. ; admitted to Bar, 1879; mar- ried Miss Agnes Poage, Aug. 18, 1880, at Rook's Creek, 111. ; City Attorney, Minonk, 111., 1879 ; member First Congregational Church, Oak Park, Chicago Bar Associa- tion ; patents, corporation law. (Photo by Lasswell) CLARENCE W. TAYLOR DUDLEY TAYLOR CHICAGO Born at Owosso, Mich. ; graduate of Uni- versity of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Eva Bennett, Feb. 10, 1903, at Chicago; member Masonic Lodges, Chicago Athletic Association, Chi- cago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; Counsel for Employers Association of Chi- cago, Associated Employers of Illinois and other associations of employers ; specializes in industrial litigation and affairs. (Photo by Lasswell) DUDLEY TAYLOR EDWARD H. TAYLOR CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1867; graduate of North- western University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Helen Rebel, Sept. 24, 1902. at Chicago; Assistant State's At- torney, 1908-1912; Assistant Attorney Gen- eral. 1917 to date; member 21st Ward Re- publican Club, Mason and Odd Fellows. EDWARD H. TAYLOR THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 401 ORV1LLE JAMES TAYLOR, JR. CHICAGO Born Sept. 8, 1885, at Sioux. City, Iowa; graduate of University of Chicago, North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1908 ; married Saide Prescott Pettit, June 30, 1915, at Chicago; attended First Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheri- dan, commissioned Capt. of Cavalry as- signed to 86th Div., promoted to Alajor, served with 86th Div. in U. S. and France; member City and University Clubs, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associa- tions, Beta Theta Pi and Phi Delta Phi; member of firm Taylor & Miller, which firm represents Great Lakes Trust Co., Morris Plan Bank ; member of faculty, Chi- cago Law School ; Prof, of Law of private corporations. (Photo by Lasswpll) ORVILLE JAMES TAYLOR, JR. FRANK BROWNELL TEED CHICAGO Born Mar. 24, 1874; graduate Chicago Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; mar- ried Miss Myrtle M. Merritt, Dec. 18, 1904, at Chicago (died Mar. 26, 1919) ; Deputy Clerk, Circuit Court, 1900-1912; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1915; Assistant At- torney General, 1916-1919 ; member Masons, Intercollegiate and Woodlawn Clubs ; gen- eral practice. HUGO J. THALL CHICAGO Born Nov. 26, 1883, at Carlyle, 111.; graduate of University of Illinois, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; married Miss Min- nie Munds, July 14, 1907, at Champaign, 111. ; member Board of Trustees, Arlington Heights, 111., 1910-1913; Village Attorney, 1914 to date; member Board of Education, Arlington Heights, 1916 to date ; member Masonic Lodge, Illini Club ; general civil practice. (Phota by Lasswell) HUGO J. THALL 402 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE W. THOMA CHICAGO Born May 2, 1875, in York Township, 111.; graduate of John Marshall Law School; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Jennie Hasloff, Oct. 24, 1898, at Elm- hurst, 111.; Circuit Clerk and Recorder, Du Page County, 1912-1916; chancery and pro- hate practice. MORRIS ST. PALAIS THOMAS CHICAGO Born Feb. 27, 1862, at Chicago; admitted to Bar, 1883 ; Assistant Corporation Coun- sel and Master in Chancery, Superior Court ; general practice. ROY K. THOMAS CHICAGO Born June 16, 1887, at Maple City, Mich. ; graduate of Olivet College, A. B., Univers- ity of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Miss Pauline Grafton, Aug. 28, 1913, at Wichita, Kan.; member Delta Chi Fraternity, Gyro Club ; Trust Officer, Chi- cago Trust Co. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 403 FRANK D. THOMASON CHICAGO Born May 30, I860; graduate of National Law School (Washington, D. C.) ; attended Columbia College; admitted to Bar, 1887; married Miss Diana M. Bean, Nov. 24, 1881, at Washington, D. C. ; member Masons, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; patent, trade mark, copyright and corporation practice. GIDEON S. THOMPSON CHICAGO Born Dec. 10, 1858, at Nova Scotia, Can- ada; graduate of Northwestern University; admitted to Bar, 1890; married Miss Emma M. Kennedy, June 22, 1893, at Chicago; City Attorney, Berwyn, 111., 1917-1919; member Berwyn Club, Chicago Bar Associ- ation ; general practice, specialty life insur- ance ; General Counsel Merchants Reserve Life Insurance Co. (Photo by Lasswell) GIDEON S. THOMPSON WILLIAM T. THOMPSON CHICAGO Born May 23, 1884; graduate of Boston University Law School, Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar, 1911; mar- ried Miss Hilda Eldridge of Boston, 1907, at New York City; attended First Officers Training Camp at Ft. Sheridan, was com- missioned a captain and served overseas with Blackhawk Division ; Past Master Lakeside Lodge ; member American Legion, National Army and Navy Club ; member of firm O'Hara & Thompson ; general prac- tice. WILLIAM T. THOMPSON -:-04 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Lasswell) CLIFFORD THORNE' CHARLES SOLON THORNTON CHICAGO Born April 12, 1851 ; graduate of Boston Latin School, Harvard College, A. B., Bos- ton Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1873 ; married Miss Jessie Fremont Benton, Sept. 10, 1883, at Chicago; Pres. Auburn Park Board of Education; Attorney, Town of Lake; member Cook County Board of Education ; member Chicago Board of Edu- cation ; Pres. Chicago Teachers Pension Board ; member Board of Education of Illi- nois; Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago; member Harvard (Chicago) and Lake Bluff Country Clubs, Medinah Temple, Ori- ental Consistory, I. O. O. F., K. P., Art Institute of Chicago, Educational Law As- sociation, Lawyers Association of Illinois, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; in partnership with Justus Chancellor ; corporation and real estate law. CLIFFORD THORNE CHICAGO Born Jan. 20, 1878 ; graduate of Iowa State University, A. M., LL. B. ; Yale Uni- versity, Ph. D., Wesleyan College. LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1899; married Miss Ruth Latta, Feb. 14, 1918, at Washington, Iowa; member State R. R. Commission, State of Iowa, 1911-1912; Chairman State R. R. Comm., Iowa, 1912-1916; Pres. National As- sociation of R. R. Commissioners, 1915; member University (Evanston) and City Clubs, Masons, Elks ; railroad, public serv- ice and general practice. CHARLES SOLON THORNTON RANDOLPH THORNTON CHICAGO Born Jan. 24, 1894, at Chicago; graduate of University of Virginia, Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1917; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar As- sociations ; Phi Delta Phi Law Fraternity ; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 405 EDWARD R. TIEDEBOHL CHICAGO Born Oct. 7, 1889 ; graduate University of Chicago, Northwestern Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Sarah M. White, Oct. 14, 1919, at Chicago; member Knights of Columbus, Order of the Alhambra, B. P. O. Elks No. 4, Olympian Fields Country Club, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations ; general commer- cial and federal court practice. HARRY A. TIFFANY CHICAGO Born Meadville, Pa., July 16, 1867; grad- uate of Chicago Law School, Midland Uni- versity, B. A.; admitted to Bar, 1902; mar- ried Miss Haydee I. Magrum, Oct., 1894, at North Baltimore, O. ; City Prosecutor, Chi- cago, 1915-1916; Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1918-1919; member Royal Arca- num, K. P. ; general practice. HARRY A. TIFFANY HOMER E. TINSMAN CHICAGO Born Oct. 21, 1860, at Romeo, Mich.; graduate of University of Michigan, B. A. ; admitted to Bar, 1885 ; married Miss Chris- tina P. Dale, Oct. 24, 1894, at Evanston, 111. ; Assistant County Attorney, 1889-1890; elected Alderman 32nd Ward, spring of 1908, resigned 1909 ; member Hamilton, City and Intercollegiate Clubs, Cook County Lodge No. 240, I. O. O. F., Cook County Encampment No. 215, Lincoln Council No. 9, Royal League, Englewood First M. E. Church, and following Masonic bodies : Englewood Blue Lodge, Englewood Chap- ter, Englewood Commandery, Imperial Council, Oriental Consistory and Shrine (Medinah Temple) ; general practice, spe- cializing in real estate, chancery, probate and corporation law. 41 K> THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JAMES TODD, SR. CHICAGO Born Mar. 14, 1866; graduate of Hanover College, A. B., A. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Helen Leeds Mitchell, June 4, 1894, at Chicago ; Assistant State's Attorney, 1892-1896, Attorney Sanitary District, 1900-1905; Gov. Appeal Agent for Board No. 10; member University and Chi- cago Clubs, Oriental Consistory, St. Ber- nard Commandery, A. O. N. M. Shrine, American and Chicago Bar Associations. (Photo by l)fl(avfii) JAMES TODD, SR. FRANK F. TOLLKUEHN CHICAGO Born Sept. 9, 1873, at Chicago; graduate Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; married Miss Anna Krueger, May 4, 1901, at Chicago; Director Chicago Public Library, 1917-1918, reappointed. 1918 to July, 1922; member Humboldt Park Masonic, Northwest Chap- ter Humboldt Park Commandery, Alice Chapter Eastern Star, Humboldt Lodge ; general practice except criminal. (Photo by Lasswell/ FRANK F. TOLLKUEHN ALFRED F. TOMPKINS CHICAGO Born Sept. 4. 1879, at Catskill, N. Y. ; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1902 ; married Miss Gretchen W. Turner, Dec. 19, 1903, at De Kalb. 111.; Magistrate, 1904-1907; Assistant Attorney Sanitary District, Chicago, 1913- 1916; member Elks; general practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 407 GEORGE H. TOMPKINS CHICAGO Born April 25, 1878, at Clear Lake, Iowa ; graduate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Emily D. Wimmer, Aug. 24, 1901, at Chi- cago; member Edgewater Country and Hamilton Clubs, Edgewater Lodge No. 901, A. F. & A. M., Loyal Chapter, R. A. M., Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. ; counsel for several associa- tions of manufacturers ; corporation law. GEORGE H. TOMPKINS DAVID K. TONE CHICAGO Born Jan. 5. 1867; graduate of University of Wisconsin, B. L., University of Wiscon- sin Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Alice Edwards, 1907, at Chi- cago ; Special Gas and Traction Counsel, city of Chicago, 1903-1905 ; member Illinois Athletic, Westmoreland Golf Clubs, Chi- cago Law Institute ; Special Trial Attorney for Bell Telephone Co., in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, 1905-1912; personal injury, crim- inal and equity cases in State and Federal courts. ELMER J. TONE CHICAGO Born Sept. 29, 1885, at Gilman. la. ; grad- uate of Iowa State College, Chicago Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; member Equity Lodge, A. F. & A. M. (Photo by I/asswell) ELMER J. TONE 40S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOSEPH L. TOOHEY CHICAGO Born Dec. 23, 1876, in Clinton County, Ohio; graduate of Notre Dame University, A. B., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913; member New- man Council, Knights of Columbus; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) JOSEPH L. TOOHEY CLARENCE A. TOOLEN CHICAGO Born Oct. 2, 1876, at Chicago; graduate of Kent College of Law, Chicago Manual Training School, Notre Dame University; admitted to Bar, 1897 ; married Carolyn M. Morehead, July 18, 1900, at Chicago; mem- ber South Shore Country, Windsor Golf and Olympian Fields Country Clubs, Span- ish War Veterans, Chicago and American Bar Associations, Lawyers Association of Illinois; member of firm O'Donnell & Toolen ; served one year with 2nd Regt. 111. Vol. Infty., in Spanish-American War. (Photo by Lasswell) CLARENCE A. TOOLEX SAMUEL TOPLIFF CHICAGO Bom Jan. 14, 1877, at Chicago; graduate of Bowdoin College, A. J3., Northwestern University, B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Aug. 17, 1918, at Evanston, 111.; member Union League, University, Evans- ton, Indian Hill and Law Clubs ; general chancery practice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 409 EBON CARL TOURJE CHICAGO Born June 12, 1889, at Buchanan, Mich.; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Mar- guerite Stabler, July, 1910, at Ann Arbor, Mich. ; member Hamilton Club, Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations, and North Shore Lodge No. 937 A. F. & A. M. ; gen- eral civil practice. (Photo by Moffett) EBON CARL TOURJE CHARLES J. TRAINOR CHICAGO Born June 4, 1869, at Watertown, N. Y. ; admitted to Bar, 1890; Master in Chancery, Superior Court, 1911 to date; general prac- tice . (Photo by Lasswe'il) CHARLES J. TRAINOR JAMES JEROME TRAINOR CHICAGO Born Mar. 25, 1893 ; graduate University High, De Paul University, Northwestern Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1917 ; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association ; general prac- tice. JAMES JEROME TRAINOR THE BENCH AND E\R OF ILLINOIS JOHN C. TRAINOR CHICAGO Born May 18, 1858; graduated high school ; admitted to Bar, Jan. 6, 1882 ; mar- ried at Syracuse, N. Y. ; member Illinois State Bar Association and Lawyers Asso- ciation of Illinois, Press Club of Chicago, and Hamilton Club ; engaged in general practice; member of firm of Trainor and Trainor. (Photo by M-jffett) JOHN C. TRAINOR JOSEPH F. TRISKA CHICAGO Born July 19, 1884; graduate of John Marshall Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Louise Hopp, June 1, 1910, at Chicago ; member Iroquois, Saddle and Sirloin, and Bohemia Clubs, Chicago, Illi- nois State and American Bar Associations ; Pres. Southwest State Bank; member of firm Morrill, Shannon & Triska. JOSEPH F. TRISKA WALTER TRUC CHICAGO Born Jan. 15, 1880; graduate Metropolitan Business College, Lewis Institute, Chicago College of Law, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1901_; _married Miss Lydia Kravolec, Oct. 27, 1908, at Chicago ; member Bohemia Club, Bohemian Lodge No. 941, A. F. & A. M. ; real estate, chancery, probate, corpora- tion and personal injury practice. WALTER TRfC THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 411 DANIEL P. TRUDE CHICAGO Born July 20, 1877; educated University of Chicago and the Northwestern Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married ; member American, Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations; Pres. of the Kenwood Improvement Association ; a director of the Legal Aid Society, the Boy Scouts of America, the I. V. T. C, Unit No. 415, and a number of other clubs and organizations ; elected an Associate Judge of the Municipal Court in 1918. (Photo by Daguerre) DANIEL P. TRUDE PAYTON J. TUOHY CHICAGO Born Sept. 29, 1883; graduate of St. Ignatius College, Chicago Law School, A. i>., A. M., LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1908; member Phi Alpha Delta, (Pres.) Alumni Association Loyola University; instructor Leeal Dept., Loyola, Contracts, Wills and Administration ; Author "Outlines on Con- tract" ; member Chicago Bar Association, Knights of Columbus (Advocate) ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) PAYTON J. TUOHY GEORGE L. TURNBULL CHICAGO Born Mar. 19, 1873. at Cleveland, Ohio; graduate of Gleason Academy, Lake Forest University Law School, post graduate course, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896 ; mar- ried Miss Ida L. Hale, Feb. 2, 1907, Paw Paw, Mich. ; member Park Ridge Country Club ; general civil practice. (Photo by Lasswell) GEORGE L. TURNBULL 412 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS KOHKRT E. TURNEY CHICAGO Horn Sept. 9, 1873; graduate Kent Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1896; married Miss Maude M. Rubison, June 25, 1902, at Chicago ; Assistant State's Attor- ney. Assistant County Judge, Judge Su- perior Court, Cook County, 1915; member Masons, Commandery, Medinah Temple, Elks, K. P., Royal League ; general prac- tice. JOHX F. TYRRELL CHICAGO Born April 7, 1883. at Chicago ; graduate of Lewis Institute, Lake Forest Academy, Chicago Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1905 : married Miss Jessie L. Tyrrell, Sept. 5, 1904 : member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Law- yers Association of Illinois, social, civic and patriotic societies and clubs ; one of the organizers of the "Big Brothers" and (President) Public Defenders Association, which have for their purpose the conserva- tion and preservation of the Boyhood of Chicago to the City and State ; member Hamilton Club ; general practice. (Photo by Walinger) JOHX F. TYRRELL FREDERIC ULLMANX, JR. CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Harvard School, Chicago, Princeton Uni- versity, A. B., Northwestern University Law School. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; member University. Princeton, Literary, Legal, Highland Park and Exmoor Country Clubs ; general practice. (Photo by Lass well) FREDERIC ULLMANX, JR. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 413 DANIEL A. URETZ CHICAGO Born May 21, 1884, in Russia; graduate of Lewis Institute (Electrical Engineering), Chicago Law School, LL. B., LL. M. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1915; member W. O, W., K. of P., Lawyers Association, Prof, of Law, Chicago Law School ; Instructor High School subjects, Douglas Institute. (Photo by I/asswell) DANIEL A. URETZ HENRY UTPATEL CHICAGO Born April 22, 1870, at Chicago ; graduate of Atheneum, Kent College of Law; ad- mitted to Bar, 1900; married April 11, 1901, at Chicago ; eight years in City Council, now Master in Chancery, Circuit Court ; member Hamilton Club, Ridgemoore Golf Club and Elks ; general practice. EDWARD P. VAIL CHICAGO Born July 30, 1849, at Frederick, 111.; graduate of Illinois College (Jacksonville, 111.) ; admitted to Bar, 1870; married Miss Carrie M. Putman, Oct. 4, 1876, at Rush- ville. 111. ; State's Attorney, Schuyler Coun- ty, 111., 1872-1876; State's Attorney, Macon County, 111., 1884-1888; Circuit Judge, 4th and 6th Judicial District, 111., 1888-1903; member Union League Club, Masonic Lodge, Columbia Post G. A. R. H4 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS KAOUL W. VANIER CHICAGO Horn June 21, 1880; graduate of Michi- gan Agricultural College; admitted to Bar, 1912; married Miss Irma Fay White, July 14. 1917, at Chicago; member Rotary Club, Chicago Bar Association, Commercial Law League of America ; commercial and bank- ing law. (Photo by Wa'.lnger) RAOUL W. VANIER JOHN E. VAN NATTA CHICAGO Born Aug. 11, 1872, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago College of Law ; married Miss Dorothy Vail Heegaard, June 1, 1908, at Chicago ; Attorney Old Portage Park Dis- trict, 1916 to date ; member Humboldt Park Lodge No. 813, A. F. & A. M., Royal League, L. O. O. M., American Legion ; general practice, municipal and corporation law. (Photo by Walinger) JOHN E. VAN NATTA HENRY VEEDER CHICAGO Horn May 13, 1867, at Galva, 111.; grad- uate of Yale, A. B., Northwestern Univer- sity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1902 ; married Miss Darlene Gibons. Dec. 29, 1892, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago, Chicago Athletic, South Shore Country and University Clubs. HENRY VEEDER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 415 JOHN A. VERHOEVEN CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of University of Chicago, Chicago Law School, LL. B., LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Mary T. Verhoeven, July 21, 1911, at Chi- cago ; member Chicago Athletic Associa- tion, Knights of Columbus, Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN A. VERHOEVEN JOHN LYLE VETTE Born Feb. 23, 1879, at Ottawa, 111. ; grad- uate of Chicago College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Elsie Louise Pratt, Mar. 18, 1903, at Chicago; member Union League and Oak Park Coun- try Clubs, First Presbyterian Church of Oak Park, Delta Chi Fraternity; member of firm Pearson, Herrick & Vette ; Attor- ney for Chicago Real Estate Board ; general practice, specializing in real estate, banking, corporation and probate law. BERNARD WALTER VINISSKY CHICAGO Born May 20, 1893, at Chicago ; graduate of University of Illinois, Ph. B., University of Chicago Law School, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1916; general civil practice; member of firm Reeve & Vinissky. (Photo by Moffett) BERNARD WALTER VINISSKY 416 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES F. VOGEL CHICAGO Born Feb. 19, 1870; graduate of Chicago College of Law, Lake Forest University; admitted to Bar, 1891 ; married Miss Min- nie Fuerst, July 5, 1893, at Chicago ; member Hamilton Club, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law Institute, Canadian Order of Foresters, Austin Pres- byterian Church. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES F. VOGEL FREDERIC E. VON AMMON CHICAGO Born Sept. 25, 1873 ; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan, Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; member Union League Club, American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; mem- ber of firm Butz Von Ammon & Johnston. HANS VON REINSPERG CHICAGO Born Mar. 2, 1878 ; graduate of Gym- nasium, Germany, University (Berlin, Ger- many), Illinois College of Law; admitted to Bar. 1909: married Miss Clara Borbet, Jan. 24, 1913, at Chicago; corporation arid general practice. HANS VON REINSPERG THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 417 WALTER A. WADE CHICAGO Born April 7, 1894, at Chicago, 111.; at- tended St. Ignatius Academy, Loyola Uni- versity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; mar- ried Miss Madeline McCann at Chicago, Oct. 29, 1919; member Castle Post No. 151, American Legion ; served with 17th Eng. A. E. F. for 20 months; sergt. maj. to sec. engr., Officer Base Sec. No. 1 ; associated with Winston, Strawn & Shaw; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) WALTER A. WADE GILBERT F. WAGNER CHICAGO Born Aug. 16, 1887, at Princeton, 111.; graduate of University of Illinois, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1910; married Miss Fran- ces Hurf ord, Sept. 13, 1913, at Glencoe, 111. ; City Attorney, Spring Valley, 111., 1913- 1916 ; member Masonic, Moose, K. of P., Chicago Bar Association, Commercial Law- yers Association, Commercial Law League of America ; commercial and bankruptcy law. (Photo by Lasswell) GILBERT F. WAGXER JOHN O. WAGNER CHICAGO Born Jan. 24, 1878; graduate of Illinois College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; general practice. 4 IS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Moffett) HENRY W. WALES HENRY W. WALES CHICAGO Born Oct. 8, 1875, at Lanark, 111. ; gradu- ate of University of Chicago, Ph. B., Northwestern University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1899; married Miss Mabelle Willett, 1901, in Chicago; Village Attorney, LaGrange, 1908-1910; member of University, LaGrange Country Clubs, Ma- sonic orders, Past Commander Trinity Com- mandery K. T., No. 80. BERTRAND WALKER CHICAGO Born Indianapolis, Ind., June 20, 1868; graduate Harvard University, 1890, Uni- versity of Michigan, 1893; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Ida Fleetwood Drew Sept. 14, 1902, at Chicago ; member Chicago, Univer- sity and Onwentsia Clubs, American, Illi- nois State and Chicago Bar Associations ; Attorney for New York Central Railroad ; engaged in general practice but specializes in corporation law. EARL J. WALKER CHICAGO Born Feb. 20, 1880. at Huntington, Ind.; graduate of Indiana University, A. B., Uni- versity of Chicago, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1906; married Miss Margaret Wright Hall. Sept. 2, 1915, at Chicago; Assistant State's Attorney, 1911; Alderman 21st Ward, 1916-1919; member University Club, Oriental Consistory, Mystic Shrine. Chi- cago Bar Association ; general practice. (Phuto by Koehne) EARL J. WALKER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 419 EMERY S. WALKER CHICAGO Born Sept. 29, 1856, at Whitefield, N. H. ; graduate of Chicago Atheneum, Union Col- lege of Law; admitted to Bar, 1881; mar- ried Miss Placentia J. Parantan, Jan. 1, 1882, at Chicago; member Union League and Press Clubs ; has been in practice with Gov. Frank O. Lowden, Erode B. Davis, Adolph Raphael; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) EMERY S. WALKER FRANCIS W. WALKER CHICAGO Born Oct. 12, 1856, at Chicago ; graduate of Union College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1877; married Miss Lulu Calhoun, Oct. 16, 1889 (deceased), married Miss Anna Ben- son, June 17, 1898, at Chicago ; First As- sistant State's Attorney, 1884-1888, County Attorney, 1890-1892, Sheriff's Attorney un- der Strassheim ; member Covenant Lodge, Corinthian Chapter, St. Barnard Comman- dery, Oriental Consistory, Iroquois, Union League, Quadrangle and Chicago Law Clubs. Chicago, and Illinois State Bar As- sociations. GUY M. WALKER CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1879; attended De Paul University, Illinois College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1908 ; member Phi Alpha Delta, Knights of Pythias and Eagles ; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Moffett) GUY M. WALKER 420 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS DAVID E. WALQUIST CHICAGO Born Jan. 18, 1886, at Chicago; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law; admit- ted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Ada H. Anderson, Nov. 25, 1908, at Chicago ; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association, and Lakeside Lodge No. 739, A. F. & A. M.; house at- torney for H. Channon Co., as well as gen- eral practice of law. (Photo by Mabel Sjkes) DAVID E. WALQL'IST CHARLES EUGENE WARD CHICAGO Born April 26, 1873, at DuQuoin, 111; graduate of University of Michigan, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894; Life Member Chicago Lodge No. 4 B. P. O. Elks, Ma- sonic (Blue) Lodge; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES EUGENE WARD MARTIN M. WARD CHICAGO Born Aug. 3, 1894; graduate of De La Salle Institute, Loyola University ; admit- ted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Catherine Downey, Oct. 8, 1919, at Chicago ; Com- mander Charles E. Galavan Post, Ameri- can Legion ; member Barry Council, Knights of Columbus, St. Patrick's Court No. 12, Catholic Order of Foresters, Amer- ican Legion ; general practice. MARTIN M. WARD THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 42 J SIDNEY N. WARE CHICAGO Born June 12, 1882, at Louisville, Ky. ; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; member Iroquois Club, Charter Member Emblem Lodge No. 984, A. F. & A. M. ; general civil practice, making specialty of bank- ruptcy and corporation law. (Photo by I/asswell) SIDNEY N. WARE WILLIAM S. WARFIELD, III CHICAGO Born Aug. 21, 1888, at Quincy, 111.; graduate of Princeton University, Lit. B., Harvard Law School, LL. B., cum laude ; admitted to Bar, 1913; married Miss Hil- degarde Ware, Sept. 9, 1916 at Chicago ; Associate Member Legal Advisory Board No. 8 ; member University and Princeton Clubs of Chicago ; general civil practice, especially corporation. PAUL A. F. WARNHOLTZ CHICAGO Born Oct. 27, 1885, at Hamburg, Ger- many ; graduate Illinois College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Frances Wagner ; member Accordia Lodge No. 277, A. F. & A. M. ; corporation law. (Photo by Lasswell) PAUL A. F. WARNHOLTZ 122 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOHN A. WATSON CHICAGO Born 1854, in Massachusetts, admitted to Bar, 1879; married Miss Elsie C. Smoke, at St. Joseph. Mich. ; Circuit Court Commis- sioner, 1884-88; member Masonic Lodges; general practice. LEWIS M. WATSON CHICAGO Born Sept., 1884; at Monon, Ind. ; gradu- ated Northwestern University and North- western University Law School, B. S., M. S., and LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; general counsel for George M. Foreman & Co.. farm mortgage bankers. (Photo by Lasswell) LEWIS M. WATSOX RUSSELL GROVER WATTERS CHICAGO Born Russell, N. D., July 17, 1883; at- tended graded school at St. Paul and Chi- cago. Chicago English High and Manual Training School, Central Institute and Hamilton College, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913; married Miss Katherine R. Shea at Chicago. 1917; member Chicago Bar As- sociation, Central Y. M. C. A., Sons of American Revolution, Alden Kindred of America ; general civil practice specializing in real estate law. (I'licitii by Wa:tiiKer> Rl'SSEI.I. GROVKR WATTKRS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 423 EDWIN L. WAUGH CHICAGO Born June 16, 1866, at Niagara, N. Y. ; graduate of Beloit College and Union Col- lege of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1888; married Miss Lura Lee, Sept. 30, 1890, at Delavan Lake, Wis. ; member Congrega- tional Church, Knights of Pythias, and Chicago Bar Association ; real estate and probate practice. (Photo by Lasswell) ED WIN L. WAUGH WILLIAM FRANCIS WAUGH CHICAGO Born Aug. 24, 1892. at Chicago; gradu- ate New York Military Academy, Agri- cultural College of Utah, Loyola Univer- sity, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1916 ; mar- ried Miss Florence M. Kennedy, Jan. 18, 1917. at Chicago; Capt. Inf. U. S. A., 1917- 1918; member Chicago Bar Association, Fort Sheridan Association, American Le- gion, Hamilton Club, Hesperia Lodge No. 411, A. F. & A. M.; Oriental Consistory, Medinah Temple ; general practice. WILLIAM FRAXCIS WAUGH FRANK L. WEAN CHICAGO Born Aug. 6, 1860; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan, Union College of Law, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, Michigan, 1886, Illi- nois, 1887; married Miss Bertha M. Coombs. Dec., 1887, at Chicago; Referee in Bank- ruptcy, Northern District of Illinois. 1898 to date ; member Chicago, Exmoor Coun- try, Highland Park and Law Clubs, Chica- go, Illinois State and American Bar Asso- ciations ; member of firm Swett, Grosscup & Wean, 1887-1889; Grosscup & Wean, 1889- 1892 ; general law practice to 1898 when appointed Referee in Bankruptcy. 424 THE BKNCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS DAVID VICTOR WEBSTER CHICAGO Born Dec. 12, 1865, at Chicago; educated Evanston High, Chicago College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Miss Mar- garet C. Coxe, Oct. 11. 1893, at Chicago; members Bankers, Illinois Athletic and City Clubs ; Secretary First Trust & Savings Bank. (Photo by Moffett) DAVID VICTOR WEBSTER R. B. WEBSTER CHICAGO Born Nov. 23, 1876, at Burns City, Ind. ; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, LL. M. ; admitted to Bar, 1912; member Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Chicago Automobile Club ; represents Cud- ahy Packing Co., W r estern Steel Car & Foundry Co., Chicago & Calumet River R. R. Co., Peanut Specialty Co. ; princi- pally corporation work. FRED J. WEGG CHICAGO Born Feb. 8, 1877. at St. Thomas, Out.; graduate of Osgoode Hall, Toronto; admit- ted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Mary Agnes McKeever, Feb. 14, 1916, at Chicago ; cor- poration law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 425 R. C. WEICHBRODT CHICAGO Born in Germany; graduate of North- western University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; married Louise Eichmann, July 27, 1909, at Chicago ; mem- ber Chicago Bar Association ; general prac- tice. MORRIS A. WEINBERG CHICAGO Born Jan. 23, 1879 ; graduate Chicago- Kent College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Carrie Levy, Dec. 29, 1904, at Chicago ; member Ancient Craft Lodge No. 907, A. F. & A. M., Independent Order Free Sons of Israel, K. of P., Mac- cabees, North American Union, National Union, Covenant Club, B'nai B'rith ; gen- eral practice. PHILIP A. WEINSTEIN CHICAGO Born June 11, 1897, at Chicago; gradu- ate of University of Chicago. Northwest- ern University Law School, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1919; member of Emblem Lodge No. 984, A. F. & A. M., Phi Alpha Fraternity; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) PHILIP A. WEIXSTEIN THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ALBERT J. WEISBERG CHICAGO Born July 4, 1891, at Chicago; graduate of Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1913; member Masons, B'nai B'rith, Chicago Bar Association ; corpora- tion law. BENJAMIN HARRY WEISBROD CHICAGO Born Oct. 5. 1891, at Amsterdam, N. Y. ; graduate of Cornell University, A. B., Har- vard Law School. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1918; married Miss Mary Kramer, Feb. 4, 1918. at Chicago; member Intercollegiate Club. Chicago Bar Association ; general practice. (Photo by Lass well) BENJAMIN* HARRY WEISBROD IGNACE E. WEISS CHICAGO ..Born Sept. 18, 1891, at Red Haw, Ohio; graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law : admitted to Bar, 1915: member B. P. O. E. No. 4 ; stock and bond law specialist. lIMioto by Lawwell) IC.NACK E. WEISS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 427 LEO A. WEISKOPF CHICAGO Born Sept. 17, 1893 ; graduate of Chicago- Kent College of Law ; admitted to Ear, 1914; married Miss Irmgard Daniels, June 3, 1917, at Chicago ; member Covenant Lodge, A. F. A. M. ; Phi Delta Alpha, B'nai B'rith, Associated Jewish Charities; general practice. (Photo by L-asswell) LEO A. WEISKOPF ALBERT G. WELCH CHICAGO Born June 3, 1873, at Chicago ; graduate of Lake Forest Academy; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Katharine Strong, Jan. 10, 1906, at Chicago ; special assistant U. S. attorney. 1911-1914; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law, Union League, South Shore Country and Calumet Country Clubs, Royal Arcanum and National Union ; federal practice. XINIAN H. WELCH CHICAGO Born Rosecrans, 111., Jan. 1, 1873; at- tended Wheaton College, B. S., Beloit (Wis.) College one year, Lake Forest University, A. M., and Chicago Kent Col- lege of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to bar, 1902 ; married Miss Mabel Mildred Ott, June 18, 1908, at Chicago ; Assistant Judge Probate Court Cook County, 1906-1910, Master in Chancery Circuit Court, 1917, lecturer Chi- cago Kent College of Law ; member Hamil- ton, Town and Country (ex-pres.) Clubs and Illinois State and Chicago Bar Asso- ciations ; general practice. XIXAX H. WELCH 12S THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM SPENCER WELCH CHICAGO Horn Feb. 28. 1875; graduate of Val- paraiso Normal School, Dixon College, Be- loit College. Lake Forest University, LL. H.. B. S. ; admitted to Bar, 1903; married Miss Grace Sears, May 10, 1902, at La- (irange. III.: member Masonic orders. American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Prairie Club; member of firm Welch. Moodv & Welch. CHARLES H. WELLS CHICAGO Born Oct. 3, 1868, at Arthur, Wis. ; grad- uate of Normal School (Plattsville, Wis).. Cornell University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar. 1891 ; married May Henderson, June 27, 1893, at Chicago, 111. ; attorney for Village of Oak Park. 1905-1909, assistant attorney Forest Preserve District of Cook Count\-, 1916 to date; member Phi Delta Theta College Fraternity, Oak Park, and Oak Park Country Clubs, Chicago Bar Associa- tion ; general civil practice, including cor- poration, probate and real estate law. CARL W. R. WERMINE CHICAGO Born April 6, 1886; graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University, A. B., Hamilton Col- lege of Law, LL. B., Lulea College (Swe- den). A. B.; admitted to Bar, 1917; mar- ried Miss Edith Lindberg. Oct. 23, 1912, at Chicago Heights, 111. ; member A. F. & A. M.7 A. O. A. W. of Iowa; general practice. CARI. W. R. WKRMINK THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 429 WILLIAM CHARLES WERMUTH CHICAGO Born Jan. 28, 1888, at Chicago ; graduate of Northwestern University, College of Liberal Arts and Law, B. S., M.'S., LL. B. ; admitted to bar, 1911, to U. S. Supreme Court, 1914; married Miss Phyllis R. Don- lin, June 18, 1913, at Chicago ; member Sigma Nu, Phi Beta Kappa, National Un- ion, Chicago and American Bar Associa- tions, Chicago Association of Commerce, Knights of Columbus ; Associate Editor "Modern American Law" ; author "Law of Contracts" and "Legal Necessity of Con- sent to Operations" ; corporation, probate, association law, extraordinary remedies practice. (Photo by Koehne) WILLIAM CHARLES WERMUTH JAMES B. WESCOTT CHICAGO Born March 20, 1887; graduate of North- western University, Northwestern Univer- city Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1909 ; married Miss Mary Hotchkiss, Aug. 26, 1913, at Fox Lake, Wis. ; member Chi- cago Bar Association, Press, Hamilton, Westmoreland Country and Evanston Clubs ; corporation and interstate commerce law. ADOLPH H. WESEMANN CHICAGO Born LaGrange, 111. ; attended business college, Walker College, St. Louis, Mo., University of Illinois, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Minnie Blum, 1901, at Collinsville, 111. ; member Illini and Edge- wood Golf Clubs, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations ; engaged in general practice. -uo THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS ROBERT C. WHEELER CHICAGO Born May 6, 1884, at Chicago; graduate of Yale, A. B., Northwestern University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1910; member Chi- cago, University, Exmoor Country, Yale ( Xew York), Midwich (Los Angeles) Clubs, Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago Chamber of Com- merce. (Photo by Lasswell) KORKRT C. WHEELER LESLIE H. WHIPP CHICAGO Born Sept. 14, 1880 ; attended Drake Uni- versity, Des Moines. Iowa, and Kent Col- lege of Law, Chicago ; admitted to Bar, 1906 ; unmarried ; member Hamilton Club ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) LESLIE H. WHIPP HAROLD F. WHITE CHICAGO Born Dec. 8, 1877; graduate of Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1901 ; married Miss Catharine Cleaver, June 21, 1904. at Chicago ; member Union League, City, Quadrangle, Calumet Coun- try, Chikaming Country Clubs, Delta Chi Fraternity, American, Illinois State and Chi- cago Bar Associations ; director United United Charities of Chicago and president of its Stockyards Council ; vice-president of the Municipal Voters League; member of Law Club and Commercial Law League of America; member of firm Eastman, White & Hawxhurst. HAROLD F. WHITE THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 431 JOHN JAY WHITESIDE CHICAGO Born June 3, 1870, at Polo, 111. ; graduate Lake Forest University (Classical Course), Northern Illinois College of Law, LL. B., Northwestern University Law School, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1902; married Ruby Mae Cady, Sept. 17, 1895, at Elgin, 111.; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) JOHN JAY WHITESIDE ROBERT H. WIDDICOMBE CHICAGO Born at Booneville, Mo. ; graduate of St. James Military Academy (Macon, Mo.), Cornell University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Jessica Nicholls, Feb. 22, 1909, at Denver, Colo.; Assistant District Attorney Colorado Springs, Colo., 1898-1902; member Military Order Loyal Legion of the U. S. ; railroad practice ; general attorney for Chicago & North- western R. R. ROBERT H. WIDDICOMBE Born at Freeport, 111. ; University of Chi- cago, B. S., Northwestern University, LL. B., M. S. ; admitted to Bar, 1904; married Ethel G. Foster, Oct. 26, 1904, at Chicago; member Riverside Lodge No. 862 A. F. & A. M., Berwyn Chapter No. 239 R. A. M.. University Club of Chicago, Riverside Golf Club ; patent law. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Mabel Sykes) l\ ARCH WILLIAMS CHARLES C. WILLIAMS CHICAGO Born June 28, 1879 ; graduate Knox Col lege. Chicago Law School; admitted to Bar. 1909: married Miss Cora M. Piper, June 1, 1904. at Greenfield, 111. ; member Masons ; criminal practice. (Deceased.) C. ARCH WILLIAMS CHICAGO Born at Bryan, Ohio; graduate of Lake Forest University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Gay Barnard Wil- bon, Nov. 23, 1915, at Richmond, Va. : Mas- ter in Chancery, Superior Court, 1910 to date, Chief Attorney Sanitary District, Chi- cago, since Jan. 2, 1919, Chairman 3rd Ward Reu. organization since 1916; member (Grand Regent) Illinios Royal Arcanum, 1907-1908, Supreme Regent, Royal Arcanum, 1917-1919; member Royal League, K. P., Hamilton, South Shore Country Clubs, Chi- cago Bar Association, Chicago Lawyers As- sociation, Ohio Society of Chicago. (Photo by Lasswell) CHARLES C. WILLIAMS HARRIS F. WILLIAMS CHICAGO Born March 1, 1869, at Springfield, Mo.; graduate of Drury College (Springfield, Mo.), University of Chicago; admitted to Bar, 1894; married Miss Marie Owen. July 20. 1898, at St. Louis; member Delta Kappa Epsilon, life member Illinois Athletic Club. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 433 LYNN A. WILLIAMS CHICAGO Born at Fond du Lac, Wis. ; graduate of University of Wisconsin, B. S. Mechan- ical Engineering ; admitted to Bar, 1903 ; married Miss Helen Harvey, Sept. 23, 1903, at Madison, Wis.; member University (Chi- cago and Evanston) and Evanston Golf. Club, Wisconsin Society of Chicago ; pat- ent, trade mark and copyright law. (Photo by MofTett) LYNX A. WILUAMS FRANCIS S. WILSON CHICAGO Born Youngstown, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1872; graduate of Western Reserve University, LL. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Miss Caroline E. Siegfried, Nov. 18, 1904, at Youngstown, O. ; County Attorney Cook County , 1911-1912; member University, Flossmoor Country, Iroquois and Legal Clubs, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Asso- ciations ; Capt. Judge Advocate stationed at Camp Sherman U. S. A., Major Judge Advocate, Officers Reserve Corps. IRA J. WILSON CHICAGO Born Nov. 8, 1881, at Ripon, Wis.; grad- uate of University of Wisconsin, George Washington University, LL. B., Master of Patent Law ; admitted to Bar District of Columbia, 1908, Supreme Court of Illinois, 1914, Supreme Court of the U. S., 1915; married Anne H. Barbour of Boston, Mass., April 7, 1910, at Baltimore, Md. ; member Hamilton, University (Washington), Elks, Chicago Alotor Clubs, Chicago Bar and Chicago Patent Law Association, Univer- sity of Wisconsin Alumnae Association of Chicago ; Construction Engineer American Telephone & Telegraph Co., New York City, 1903-1904, Assistant Examiner U. S. Patent Office, 1904-1909; member of firm Pond & Wilson ; patent and trade mark laws. U4 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS VAN CLEMENT WINANS CHICAGO Born Dec. 8, 1888; graduate of Tanner- Oilman School of Higher Accounting, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1913; married Laura Ruth Fenner, June 26, 1912, at Cincinnati, Ohio; Assist- ant Librarian of Chicago Bar Association, 1910 to date ; member Parian Lodge No. 977 A. F. & A. M., W. M. 1920, Chicago Bar Association. (Photo by Daguerre) VAN CLEMENT WINANS MONTGOMERY S. WINNING CHICAGO Born Oct. 28, 1892 ; graduate of De Paul University, A. B., University of Chicago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; member Chi- cago Bar Association, Oak Park Club; gen- eral practice. (Photo by Lasswell) MONTGOMERY S. WINNING FRANK T. WINSLOW CHICAGO Born April 2, 1870, in New York State; graduate of Yale University, B. A.; ad- mitted to Bar, 1894; member Illinois Ath- letic, Yale (Chicago), Yale (New York), Clubs, Chicago Bar Association, Sons of American Revolution ; attorney for Scully Steel & Iron Co. ; also private practice. (Photo by FRANK T. WINSLOW THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 435 GUSTAVE WITTMEYER, JR. CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of Northwest- ern College. Columbia University, North- western University Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Minnie V. Yeaw, 1909, at Chicago ; Assistant Inheritance Tax Attorney, 1913-1917; member Chicago Bar Association ; probate court and inheritance tax matters. (Phcto by Mnfrett) GUSTAVE WITTMEYER, JR. WILLIAM WALTER WITTY CHICAGO Born in Mississippi ; graduate of Univer- sity of Mississippi, B. S. ; admitted to Bar, 1888; Assistant State's Attorney. 1911-1915, Assistant Attorney General, 1915-1916; member Irish Fellowship Club, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Delta Psi Fraternity ; civil, criminal and probate practice. FRANK L. WOLF CHICAGO Born March 9, 1893, at lola, 111.; grad- uate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B.; admitted to Bar, 1917; U. S. Army, Aviation ; member Aviation Club, Ameri- can Legion ; with Goodrich, Vincent & Bradley; corporation, public utilities and personal injury. (Photo by Moffett) FRAXK L. WOLF THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS JOSEPH C WOLON CHICAGO Born Xanticoke. Pa.. March 23, 1893; attended St. Viator's College, Valparaiso University, A. B.. Yale. LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914 ; member Penna Society and Yale Club ; general practice. (I'hoto by Moffett) JOSKPH C'. WOLON* CHARLES L. WOOD CHICAGO Born April 14. 1865 ; graduate of Augusta College and Illinois College of Law ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Char- lotte Virginia Cubbage, Dec. 26, 1916, at Memphis, Tenn. ; member K. P. and Lake Bluff Countrv Club ; real estate law. CHARLES L. WOOD FRANKLIN N. WOOD CHICAGO Born at Brooklyn, N. Y. ; studied with private tutors and read law with father, Judge B. Frank Wood of New York; ad- mitted to Bar, 1911; married; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations. Society Mayflower Descend- ants, Sons of American Revolution, etc.; general practice. FRANKLIN N. WOOD THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 437 WILLIAM G. WOOD CHICAGO Born 1890; graduate of Northwestern University, A. B., Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B;; admitted to Bar, 1912; with City Comptroller, 1913-1914, with Elevated Railroads of Chicago since 1916, with Chi- cago, North Shore & Milwaukee R. R., 1915-1916, Ensign United States Naval Re- serve Force, in active service, 1917-1919; member Chicago Bar Association, Lawyers Association of Illinois, American Brother- hood U. S. A., Central Y. M. C. A. (Photo by Lasswell) WILLIAM G. WOOD CHARLES H. WOODS CHICAGO Born June 24, 1876; graduate of Ohio State University, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1900; married Miss Edith Scott, Aug. 9, 1906, at Guthrie. Okla. ; Assistant Attorney General, Oklahoma, 1901-1903; member 32d degree Scottish Rite, Sons of the American Revolution, Loyal Legion, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Phi, Illinois Athletic and Olym- pian Fields Country Clubs : general attorney A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., particularly matters relating to valuation. (Photo by Moffett) CHARLES H. WOODS EDWARD G. WOODS CHICAGO Born Jan. 15, 1883, at Stanbury, Mo.; graduate of University of Chicago and John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admit- ted to Bar, 1907; married Miss Adelaide Mayo, Feb. 7, 1917, at Chicago ; member Kenwood Club, Chicago Bar Association, Phi Kappa Psi ; served on Legal Advisory- Board Local 13 as secretary; author of "Rights of Public Press in Libel." (Photo by Walinger) EDWARD G. WOODS US THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS GEORGE EDWARDS WOODS CHICAGO Born at Hume, 111. ; graduate of Univer- sity of Illinois, A. B., Harvard University Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1917; member University and City Clubs; asso- ciated with Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Platt. (Photo by Moftett) GEORGE EDWARDS WOODS WEIGHTSTILL WOODS CHICAGO Born June 10, 1885, At Vermillion, Mo. ; graduate of University of Illinois, Univer- sity of McGill (Montreal, Can.), Univer- sity of Missouri, A. B., University of Chi- cago, J. D. ; admitted to Bar, 1913; mar- ried Miss Mary Holderness, Dec. 24, 1914, at Chicago Heights. 111. ; member A. F. & A. M., Acacia, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi and City Club of Chicago ; general practice. (Photo by Lasswell) WEIGHTSTILL WOODS LEO F. WORMSER CHICAGO Born July 6, 1884 ; graduate of Armour Institute, University of Chicago, Ph. B., J. D., Harvard Law School ; admitted to Bar, 1909; married Miss Helen E. Gold- smith. Oct. 23, 1911, at Cincinnati, Ohio; member Law, Caxton, City, Harvard, Standard and Mid-Day Clubs, Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associa- tions, Phi Beta Kappa, Delta Sigma Rho, Order of the Coif; member law firm Rosen- thai, Hamill & Wormser; director of Asso- ciated Jewish Charities of Chicago. (Photo by Moffem LEO F. WORMSER THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 439 DON C. WRAY CHICAGO Born July 14, 1883; graduate of Univer- sity of Michigan, John Marshall Law School, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1907; member of firm Miller, Starr, Brown, Pack- ard & Peckham. DON c. WRAY VINCENT D. WYMAN CHICAGO Born Jan. 23, 1877, at Sycamore, 111.; graduate of Chicago College of Law ; ad- mitted to Bar, 1898 ; married Miss Ida M. Phelps, Aug. 31, 1898, at Canton, Ohio; member Edgewater Golf, Press and City Clubs, Chicago Real Estate Board, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, var- ious Masonic bodies ; member of firm Wy- man, Kinne & Carpenter ; general chancery and probate practice, especially real estate litigation. (Photo by Lasswell) VINCENT D. WYMAN J. CORNELIA WYSE CHICAGO Born at Greenville, Texas ; attended Randolph-Macon Woman's College, South- western University, A. B., A. M., Univer- sity of Chicago, Northwestern University Law School, LL. B., Chicago Kent College of Law; admitted to Bar, 1917; organizer National Woman's Party presidential cam- paign, 1916 ; member Chicago .College Club, Sociedad Hispana y Americana, Delta Delta Delta, Eastern Star, Illinois Wom- an's Bar Association. (Photo by Morrison) J. CORNELIA WYSE 440 THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS CHARLES R. YOUNG CHICAGO Born July 28, 1870; admitted to Bar, 1892; married Miss Eulalia Just, May 30. 1897, at Sheldon, 111.; member Board of Education, Chicago, 1915-1919; member City Club, Chicago Law Institute, Chicago and Illinois State Bar Associations, Ma- sons, Odd Fellows, Art Institute ; general civil practice. (Photo by Lasawell) CHARI.KS R. YOUNG LAWRENCE ANDREW YOUNG CHICAGO Born May 19, 1870, at Louisville, Ky. ; educated Chenault's University School; graduated Princeton University, A. B., M. A.; University of Louisville, LL. B. ; ad- mitted to Bar, May 1, 1893; married Mabel Wheeler, Jan. 11." 1894. Chicago, 111.; As- sistant Corporation Counsel, City of Chi- cago. 1898; member Chicago Bar Associa- tion. Chicago Art Institute, Chicago His- torical Society. Chicago, Saddle & Cycle, University Club (N. Y.), Princeton (N. Y.), Nassau and Ivy (Princeton) and Wawashkamo Clubs ; corporation and pro- bate practice. (I'hoto by Lasswell) LAWRENCE ANDRKW YOUNG EDWARD B. ZAHN CHICAGO Born July 25, 1878, at Chicago; grad- uate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 191T); married Sept. 18. 1900. at Chicago; Assistant Attorney General. 1917; member Sincerity Lodge No. 982 A. F. & A. M., Lincoln Park Chapter No. 177 R. A. M., Chicago Council No. 4 R. & S. M., Knights Templar; general prac- tice. THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 441 THOMAS M. ZASADIL, JR. CHICAGO Born at Chicago; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1914; married Oct. 12, 1916, at Chi- cago; member Cicero Lodge No. 955, A. F. & A. M., National Union Association So- ciety; member of firm Sabath, Stafford & Sabath ; general practice. IRVING G. ZAZOVE CHICAGO Born Dec. 22, 1891 ; graduate of Chicago Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1915; married Miss Lillian J. Wolfe, March 20, 1917, at Chicago; member Illinois Sportsman Club. (Photo by Mabel Sykes) IRVING G. ZAZOVE CARL HENRY ZEISS CHICAGO Born Sept. 26, 1887 ; graduate University of Chicago, Princeton University, Litt. B., Northwestern University Law School B. L. ; admitted to Bar, 1911; married Miss Mary Josephine Williamson, April 24, 1915, at Chicago ; member University Club, American Legion ; general practice. (Photo by Moffett) CARL HENRY ZEISS THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS (Photo by Walinger) AXTOX T. ZEMAX ANTON T. ZEMAN CHICAGO Born Jan. 17, 1872, at Chicago; graduate of Kent College of Law, LL. B. ; admitted to Bar, 1893 ; married Miss Grace Maux, April 11, 1899, at Chicago; taught Public Night Schools in Chicago six years ; Alder- man, 1898-1901, Assistant City Prosecutor, 1907-1911, Assistant Corporation Counsel, 1915-1917, Judge Circuit Court Cook Coun- ty, 1917 to date ; chairman Legal Advisory Board 73d District; member Illinois State, Chicago and American Bar Associations, Hamilton Club, Bohemia Lodge No. 943 A. F. & A. M., Englewood Lodge No. 653 Knights of Pythias. CHRISTIAN CHARLES ZILLMAN CHICAGO Born Dec. 26, 1870, at Momence, 111. ; at- tended United States Naval Academy, An- napolis. Md., University of Missouri, B. S., Columbia University, M. A. ; married Miss Lucia Benecke of Brunswick, Mo., Jan. 2, 1904 ; member American, Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations, Chicago Law In- stitute, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Nu, Colum- bia College Alumni, University of Missouri Alumni Associations, Park Ridge Country Club ; Mason. LOUIS ZIV CHICAGO Born Russia, Aug. 23, 1866; educated public schools, Law Department Lake For- est University and John Marshall Law School. LL. M.; admitted to Bar, 1895; married Mary Rubin. Sept. 3, 1895. at Chi- cago ; member Elks, Masonic, Odd Fellows, Royal League, Cook County R. E. Board. Chicago and Illinois Bar Associations, Law Institute and other organizations ; firm of Ziv, Levit, Silvertrust ; general practice. (Photo by Cibson. Sykea & Fowler) LOUIS ZIV THE BENCH AND BAR OF ILLINOIS 443 LAWRENCE F. ZYGMUNT CHICAGO Born in New York City; graduate of Lewis Institute of Technology (Chicago), De Paul University and Illinois College of Law ; admitted to Bar, 1915 ; married Miss Cecilia A. Piasecki, May 2, 1917, at Chi- cago; member Chicago Bar Association; general practice. (Photo by Iiasswell) LAWRENCE F. ZYGMUNT \ LOS ANGELES A 000 921 848 8 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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