UNIVCROITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A GERMAN -ENGLISH DICTIONARY FOR CHEMISTS BY AUSTIN M. PATTERSON, PH.D. Formerly Editor^ of ' Chemical Abstracts ' ' FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. LONDON: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED 1917 Engineering Library Copyright, 1917, by AUSTIN M. PATTERSON PUBLISHERS PRINTING COMPANY 307-317 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York TO WILLIAM ALBERT NOTES 358974 PREFACE i As the title is meant to imply, this book is not solely a dictionary of chemical terms. It includes words from related fields of science and, what is perhaps a novelty in a technical dictionary, a general vocabulary (see the INTRODUCTION). More attention has also been paid to abbre- viations, prefixes and suffixes than in the average work of its kind. For historical reasons a number of old terms are defined; where these might be confused with modern meanings they are distinguished by the label "Old Chem." or hi some other way. It should be remembered, too, that some terms which have been replaced in chemistry are still in use in phar- macy or industry. If some of the chemical industries do not seem to be represented in due proportion, this must be ascribed to the fact that glossaries of them are not available and that war conditions have made it extremely difficult to secure German books. It is hoped that these departments may be added to in a later edition. The INTRODUCTION is intended especially for students and classes in chemical German, but the sections on nomenclature should be of general interest. The author is indebted to many friends, most of them assistant editors of "Chemical Abstracts," for information in then* respective fields and for the loan of books. He is specially indebted to Prof. William T. Hall, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and to Prof. C. W. Foulk, of Ohio State University, who have read the proofs and whose suggestions have been of great value. Dictionary authorities chiefly consulted: General: Muret-Sanders, Encyclopadisches Worterbuch; Flugel-Schmidt-Tanger, Worterbuch; Duden, Orthographisches Worterbuch. Technical: Eger, Technologisches Worterbuch; Harras, ditto; Lang-Meyers, German-English Medical Dic- tionary; and various special vocabularies. Text-books, journals and dealers' catalogs have also been examined for words. The publishers have offered every facility for improving the dictionary and the author invites correspondence as to errors and omissions. AUSTIN M. PATTERSON. XENIA, OHIO, January, 1917. GERMAN LETTERS With Their Roman Equivalents a Aa Co O o *a Aa 6 b o 5 b Bb $) PP (ft Cc Oq Qq $D Dd fflt Rr ec Ee 2 f * S s 3? Ff 2t Tt 9 Gg Uu Uu Hh ttii Ufl $t li JBtt Vv Si Jj 28 to W w JH Kk X J Xx 81 LI 8!) Yy Jn t M m 88 ^z Sin Nn ft ss ABBREVIATIONS a. adjective. Metal. Metallurgy. abbrev. abbreviation. Micros. Microscopy. adv. adverb. Min. Mineralogy. Agric. Agriculture. n. neuter noun. Ana*. Anatomy. Obs. obsolete. Arith. Arithmetic. Org. Organic. Astron. Astronomy. p.a. participial adjective. Bad. Bacteriology. Petrog. Petrography. BioL Biology, Biological. Pharm. Pharmacy. Bot. Botany. Photog. Photography. Calico Calico Printing. Physiol. Physiology. Ceram. Ceramics. Pi. plural. ef. compare. p.p. past participle. Chem. Chemistry. pr. present. Com. Commerce. prep. preposition. conj. conjunction. pret. preterite. Cry*t. Crystallography. pron. pronoun. Elec. Electricity. sing. singular. e*p. especially. 8p. species. /. feminine noun. tpecif. specifically. fig. figuratively. subj. subjunctive. Geol. Geology. Tech. Technical. Ceom. Geometry. Teleg. Telegraphy. interj. interjection. Thermochem. Thermochemiatry. m. masculine noun. v.aux. auxiliary verb. Mach. Machinery. p.t. intransitive verb. Math. Mathematics. v.r. reflexive verb (with sich). Meeh. Mechanics. c.i. transitive verb. Med. Medicine. ZotiL Zoology. INTRODUCTION To the advanced worker in chemistry a knowledge of German is almost indispensable, since a very large proportion of chemical literature is pub- lished in that language. Even if he has had a good general course in German (which is too often not the case), he must become familiar with an immense special vocabulary which no dictionary can give completely. It is hoped, therefore, that the following hints as to the use of this dictionary will be found helpful. General Words. A general vocabulary which is superior to many pocket dictionaries has been included, for two reasons: first, to save the user the trouble of looking up the more common German words in a separate dictionary; and secondly, because many general words have a, technical, or at least a customary, chemical meaning. In a general work this meaning is often either absent or buried among other senses. In this dictionary the special chemical meaning is put first or indicated in some way, the aim being in all cases to give the user immediately the meaning he is most likely to be seeking. Self-evident Words. Words which are common to English and German (even with a slight variation in spelling), and which are therefore so readily recognized that they are not likely to be looked up, are omitted from the vocabulary, unless there is a special reason for inserting them. Spelling. Owing to recent official German spelling reform, many va-_ riant spellings appear in the current literature. In this book both old and new forms are freely given, or what seems to be the prevailing chemical usage is followed, tho in doubtful cases the official form is preferred. Those who wish to know the correct official spellings should consult, Duden's '* Orthographisches Worterbuch " (inexpensive) or some similar book. For ordinary purposes it will suffice to know the following changes, which are not all invariable, but which apply to many words: C (hard) becomes k, as in Kohasion. c (with sound of ts) becomes z, as in Zylinder. . fff and similar triplets lose one member, as Schiffahrt for Schifffahrt. ! becomes ie in the verb ending -ieren (formerly -iren). ph becomes f, as in Efeu (formerly Epheu). th becomes t, as in Ton (formerly Thon)., ti becomes zi in certain cases, as in Reagenzien. xi rfi INTRODUCTION Umlauts are represented by two dots (never by e), as & Instead of Ae. In this dictionary the only effect of an umlaut on the vocabulary order is to make the word follow a word of the game spelling without the umlaut. Thus fallen immediately follows fallen and is not placed under fae-. Similarly Ather is found under At-, not under Aet-. In the vocabulary s is used to represent both { and 8, and ss for (and sometimes for SZ when the word is spelled in capitals; thus STRASZE would be found as Strasse). Noun Endings. Since the case endings of nouns are occasionally puzzling, a re'sume' of the ways in which German nouns may form nominative plurals from nominative singulars may be of assistance (note especially 7) : 1. No change, as Kasten from Kasten. 2. Umlaut, as Vogel from Vogel. 3. Ending -e, as Jahre from Jahr. 4. Umlaut and -e, Baume from Baum. 5. Ending -er and umlaut if possible, Manner from Mann, Kinder from Kind. 6. Ending -n, -en, or -nen, Blumen from Blume, Doktoren from Doktor, Wirtinnen from Wirtin. 7. Plurals from Latin and Greek neuters: Studien from Studium, Materialien from Material, Dramen from Drama. The other cases are either the same as the corresponding nominative or formed from it, as follows: genitive singular, -en, -ens, -es, -n, -ns, or -s; dative and accusative singular and dative plural, -n or -en. Irregular Verbs. The preterite, past participle, and present third singular (indicative) of simple verbs are given in all cases where the student might miss finding the meaning. In the case of compound verbs, if the irregular parts are not given one can easily find them by going back to the simple form; thus, if verschob is not found, schob is looked for and found to be the preterite of schieben, whence verschob is the preterite of verschieben. Again, if zerrissen were not found, the form gerissen would be looked up, because it is the corresponding part of the simple verb; it is the past participle of reissen, and accordingly zerrissen is from zerreissen. Regu- larly formed " strong " past participles like gebacken are not systematically entered because they merely prefix ge- to the infinitive. Participles used as adjectives are " run in " after the verbs from which they are derived. For the inflection of verbs, adjectives, etc., a grammar must be consulted. Adverbs. Since in German nearly any adjective may be used ad- verbially without change of form, the user of the dictionary is ordinarily left to form these adverbial meanings for himself. Prefixes and Suffixes. Combining forms are given plentifully in the vocabulary in the hope that the reader may often be able to determine the INORGANIC TERMS xui meaning of words that are not found in the dictionary. He is earnestly urged to make use of them, especially the suffixes, which are likely to be overlooked. Some of those denned are: -ahnlich, -artig, -bar, -de, -el, -en, -er, -erlei, -era, -fach, -fait, -faltig, -formig, -haft, -haltig, -heit, -icht, -ieren, -ig, -in, -isch, -keit, -lich, -ling, -los, -massig, -nis, -6s, -sam, -schaft, -ung, -ur, -warts, -weise. Abbreviations. Many abbreviations found in German chemical liter- ature but not in English are entered in the vocabulary in their proper places, as if the letters composing them spelled a word. Inorganic Nomenclature. Compounds may be named in German merely by compounding the names of the elements; as, Jodkalium (potas- sium iodide), Siliziumfluorwasserstoff (hydrogen silicofluoride, fluosilicic acid). Words formed from the names of two elements are usually to be translated by giving the -ide ending to the first part (Jodkalium, potassium iodide). Compounds are also named in a manner more like the English method; as, Strontiumchlorid (strontium chloride), Kaliumsulfid (potassium sulfide). To indicate a lower compound the ending -ur is used where -ous or sub- would occur in English; as, Kupferchlortir (cuprous chloride), Silber- chlorur (silver, subchloride). In corresponding names -id and -ur are contrasted like -ic and -ous in English; thus, Kupferchlorid, in addition to its general sense of " copper chloride," is used particularly to designate cupric chloride. Another way of distinguishing between two compounds of the same elements is by the use of Latin combining forms; as, Cupro- chlorid, cuprous chloride; Cuprichlorid, cupric chloride; or by the use of di-, tri-, etc., as in English. For the old prefixes zweifach, dreifach, etc., see the Vocabulary. Higher and lower oxides are distinguished as -oxyd and -oxydul (Eiserv- oxyd, ferric oxide; Eisenoxydul, ferrous oxide) or by Latin forms (Ferri- oxyd, ferric oxide; Ferrooxyd, ferrous oxide). Names of acids in German are formed very simply by attaching the word Saure to some other word; as, Salzsdure (literally " salt acid "), hydrochloric acid; Osmiumsdure, osmic acid. These names are translated into English by attaching the ending -ic acid to a suitable combining form; as, Zinnsdure (literally " tin acid "), stannic acid, from stannum, Latin for tin. Hydracids are designated in German by the ending -was- serstoffsdure; as, Bromwasserstoffsdure, hydrobromic acid. The German equivalent of -ous in naming acids is -ig; as, schweflige Saure, or, less com- monly, Schwefligsdure, sulfurous acid. Similarly, unter- corresponds to hypo- and uber- to per- (unterchlorige Saure, hypochlorous acid; Uber- mangansdure, permanganic acid). Any acid name may form an adjective ending in -saner; as, saltpetersaure Losung, nitric acid solution; mangan- xiv INTRODUCTION saurer Blei, manganate of lead; mangansaures Salz, salt of manganic acid, manganate. Latin names for salts are also used; as, Manganat, manganate; and these occur in combination; as, Bleimanganat, lead manganate; Chromisulfat, chromic sulfate. Words ending in -it in German, as, for instance, the names of a great many minerals, should always be translated with the ending -He; as, Kainit, kainite (not kainit). If it seems best to retain the original spelling of a trade name it should be placed in quotation marks to show that it has not been translated; as, Permutit, permutite or " permutit." Organic Nomenclature. There has been much carelessne'ss in trans- lating German organic names, and as a result many uncouth forms are seen in English articles. The following rules represent the usage of the American Chemical Society as embodied in the " Directions to Abstrac- tors," and this harmonizes weU with the best usage in Great Britain: (1) Translate oxy- by hydroxy- when it designates hydroxyl, as is commonly the case. When oxy- designates the ketonic group it is prefer- ably translated keto-. (2) Translate names of compounds the chief function of which is alcoholic (or phenolic) so that the name ends in -ol; as, glycerol, resorcinol, mannitol, pinacol (not pinacone). (3) When the German ending -ol does not indicate hydroxyl it should be translated -ole (as, anisole, indole), or in the case of a few hydrocarbons -ene (as, Benzol, benzene; Toluol, toluene; Styrol, styrene). (4) The ending -in should be translated -ine in the case of basic sub- stances and -in elsewhere; as, aniline, glycine, palmitin, albumin. (But for names of alcohols see (2)). (5) The form amido- should be so translated only when it is in com- bination with an acid group. Usually it is to be translated amino-; as, Amidopropionsaure, aminopropionic acid; Amidophenol, aminophenol. The same holds for imido-, anilido-, etc. (6) In such combining forms as bromo-, cyano-, chloro-, nitro-, the connective o is to be used invariably (with the exception of a few well- established words such as acetamide, cyanamide); as, Chlorbenzol, chloro- benzene; Chloressigsdure, chloroacetic acid. This usage is by no means universal, but those who can not reconcile themselves to such spellings as " bromoacetic " should at least avoid the German forms bromphenol, acet- phenetidine, benzhydrol, etc., and use the connecting o before consonants. (7) The German ending -an should be translated -ane if it is the name of a hydrocarbon (or parent heterocyclic compound) which is fully saturated; otherwise, -an. Examples: methane, menthane, tolan, furan, pentosan. (8) Most German simple names of organic acids are correctly trans- lated by substituting -ic acid for -saure. Most of the exceptions are old- HANDLING DIFFICULTIES xv established names such as Milchsaure (lactic acid) and Valeriansaure (valeric acid). When the name ends in -insdufe the translator may sub- stitute -ic acid for this unless another acid already bears the resulting name; thus Akridinsdure is often called acridic acid instead of the longer acridinic acid, but Mekoninsdure should be translated meconinic acid because Mekon- sdure has preempted the translation meconic acid. Such exceptions are given in the dictionary as far as possible, but in doubtful cases the longer form " -inic acid " would be the safer. Names ending in -carbonsdure are translated -carboxylic add, not -carbonic acid. The student should be warned against confusing chemical endings and case endings; for example, -en may be equivalent to the English -ene or only a plural sign; Terpenen means not terpenene but terpenes; Ketorie means not ketone but ketones; Terpene, not terpene but terpenes. How to Handle Difficulties. If the word sought is not in the vocabu- lary, or if its meaning is not clear, the experienced dictionary user still has many resources. He is often able to " puzzle out " an obscure word, and the student should practise the art, using the context to guide him. A few possibilities are suggested: 1. The word may be a variant spelling. See Spelling, above, and look up other possible forms. 2. It may be an inflected form of a word given in the dictionary. See Noun Endings and Irregular Verbs, above. A thoro knowledge of German grammar is of course the best assistance here. 3. The word may be a verb with a separated prefix, such as ab, an, or zu. Look for this in the part of the sentence that follows, and hunt the meaning under the compound verb, or, if necessary, deduce what meaning you can from the meanings of the prefix and the simple verb. For example, in the sentence es fdngt an zu sieden, the meaning of fdngt an is found under anfangen. Such compound verbs are very numerous, and if not found in the vocabulary their meanings can often be guessed, for the prefixes are in reality merely adverbs attached to the verb. 4. The word may be formed from some word which is in the vocabulary by the addition of one or more prefixes or suffixes (see the paragraph on these, above). A number of these combining forms are common in chemical writings, as ent-, -frei, -los, -widrig, and their meanings should be familiar. So also verbal nouns are freely formed from verbs by capitalizing the infinitive or by substituting -ung for -en, as Schmelzen or Schmelzung from schmelzen, and these cannot all be given. 5. The word may be a compound of two or more words. The capacity of German to form such compounds is much greater than that of English, and while a large number are found in this dictionary they are only a xvi INTRODUCTION small part of those in the literature. Many words drop letters in combining. The general meaning of many such combining forms is given in the vocabu- lary. Occasionally the beginner may make a wrong division of a compound word, and he should bear this in mind; for instance, Gastrolle is from Gast and Rolle, not from Gas and Trolle. See also the rule for dropping one member of a triplet letter (under Spelling, above). In deciphering the meaning of compound words the student who is able will frequently find it helpful to think of the Latin or Greek equivalents; thus, tlberfuhrung means trans-ference; Konigswasser means aqua regia; Lichtmesser, photo-meter. Persistent practice is the great essential to acquiring a foreign language vocabulary and sensing its word order and idioms. At the outset the chemical student will find it very helpful to read in German elementary chemical text-books with the subject matter of which he is familiar. This will serve the double purpose of review and German practice. GERMAN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY FOR CHEMISTS a., abbrev. (asymmetrisch) asymmetric (al). A., abbrev. Alkohol; Annalen der Chemie. X., abbrev. (Ather) ether. Aal, m. eel. a. a. O., abbrev. (an anderen Orten) elsewhere; (an angeftihrten, or angegebenen, Orte) in the place cited. Aar, m. eagle. Aas, n. fleshings, scrapings (from hides) ; carrion, carcass; groats, aasen, v.t. flesh (hides). Aasschmiere, /. (Leather) flesh-side dubbing. Aasseite, /. (Leather) flesh side. ab, adv. off, away, down. ab und zu/ to and fro. abandern, v.t. modify, change, alter. Abandoning, /. modification; alteration. abarbeiten, v.t. work off; rough-work; tire out. Abart, /. variety. abarten, v.i. vary; degenerate. abatmen, abatmen, v.t. glow (a cupel) ; anneal. abatzen, v.t. eat away, corrode, destroy by caustics. Abb., abbrev. (Abbildung) cut, illustration. Abbau, TO. decomposition, disintegration, analysis (as opposed to synthesis), degrada- tion; demolishing; (Mining) working. abbeizen, v.t. remove with corrosives; dip, pickle. abbersten, v.i. burst off, crack off, fly off. abberufen, v.t. call away, recall. abbestellen, v.t. revoke, countermand, abbiegen, v.t. bend off, bend aside, snap off; (Grammar) inflect. Abbild, n. copy, image, likeness. abbilden, v.t. portray, copy, model; describe, represent. Abbildung, /. illustration, cut; representation, portrait, copy. Abbildungsvermogen, n. resolving power (of a microscope). abbimsen, v.t. rub with pumice; (Leather) friz, fluff, buff. abbinden, v.t. unbind, untie, loosen; tie off; castrate; frame. v.i. (of cement, etc.) harden, set. Abbindezeit, /. setting time (of cement, etc.). Abbitte, /. apology; deprecation. abbitten, v.t. apologize for; beg. abbittend, p.a. deprecatory. abblasen, v.t. blow away, blow off, blow, abblassen, v.i. fade, lose color, grow pale. abblattern, v.r. & i. scale off, exfoliate; shed the leaves. v.t. strip of leaves. Abblatterung, /. exfoliation; stripping of leaves. Abblatterungsmittel, n. exfoliative. abblauen, v.t. blue (fabrics). v.i. lose blue color. abbleichen, v.t. bleach, bleach out. v.i. fade; finish bleaching, abblenden, v.t. screen off. abblicken, v.i. (Assaying) brighten, give the " blick." abblitzen, v.i. miss fire; cease lightening. abbliihen, v.i. cease blooming; fade, wither. A b brand, m. burnt or roasted ore; waste (in forging, etc.) ; loss by burning. abbrauchen, v.t. use up, wear out. abbrauen, v.t. brew (thoroly). v.i. finish brewing. abbraunen, v.i. lose brown color, abbraunen, v.t. brown, dye brown (thoroly). v.i. lose brown color. abbrechen, v.t. break off, break up, interrupt, discontinue, remove; deduct. v.i. break off, leave off. abbreiten, v.t. stretch out, flatten, abbrennen, v.i. burn off, away, or down; de- flagrate; miss fire. v.t. burn off, away or down; deflagrate; fire off; temper; dip, pickle; cauterize; sear, singe; (Ceram.) finish firing. Abbrennglocke, /. deflagrating jar. Abbrennloffel, m. deflagrating spoon. abbringen, v.t. bring off, get off, turn off; dissuade; lead astray. Abbruch, TO. breaking off; fragment; damage; demolition. abbriichig, a. crumbly, friable, brittle; de- trimental. abbriihen, v.t. scald, seethe, parboil, abbuffen, v.t. buff. Abdachung, /. slope, declivity; unroofing. Abdampf Abdampf, Abdampf-. evaporating. Abdampfapparat, m. evaporating apparatus. abdampfen, v.t. & i. evaporate; volatilize (solids); boil down. Abdampfen, n. evaporation. abdampfen, v.t. evaporate; volatilize; steam; quench (charcoal). Abdampfgefass, n. evaporating vessel. Abdampf kapelle, /. evaporating capsule. Abdampfkessel, m. evaporating kettle or pan. Abdampf kolben, m. evaporating flask. Abdampfriickstand, m. residue on evaporation. Abdampfschale, /. evaporating dish or basin. Abdampfung, /. evaporation. Abdampfungsgefass, n. evaporating vessel. Abdampfungskessel, m. evaporating kettle or pan. Abdampfungspfanne, /. evaporating pan. Abdampfungsriickstand, m. residue on evap- oration. abdanken, v.t. dismiss, retire. v.i. resign, retire. abdarren, v.t. (Brewing) dry, kiln-dry, cure; (Metal.) liquate. Abdarrtemperatur, /. (Brewing) finishing tem- perature. abdecken, v.t. uncover, unroof; skin, flay. abdestillieren, v.t. distil off, distil. abdorren, v.t. dry up, dry thoroly. Abdraht, m. turnings. abdrehen, v.t. turn off (gas, etc.); turn (on a lathe) ; twist off. Abdrehmaschine, /. lathe; (Ceram.) finishing machine. Abdrehspane, m. pi. turnings. Abdrehspindel, /. (Ceram.) finishing machine. abdringen, v.t. extort (from). Abdruck, TO. copy, impression, print; cast; printing, copying; counterpart. abdruckcn, v.t. print; stamp; copy (by pres- sure). abdriicken, v.t. press off; force out; fire (a gun). abdunkeln, v.t. darken, sadden (colors). v.i. grow darker. abdunsten, v.i. evaporate. Abdunsten, n. evaporation. abdunsten, v.t. evaporate. Abdunstung, Abdiinstung, /. evaporation. abeichen, v.t. gage, adjust (measures). Abelpriifer, TO. Abel tester. Abend, TO. evening, night. Abendbrot, Abendessen, n. supper. Abendland, n. western country, West, Occident. abendlandisch, a. western, occidental. Abendmahl, n. supper; evening time. abends, adv. in the evening. abendwarts, adv. westward. Abenteuer, n. adventure. aber, conj, but, however. Abfuhr Aberglaube, TO. superstition. aberkennen, v.t. dispossess. v.i. pass sentence. abermals, adv. again. aberwitzig, a. crazy, foolish. abfachen, v.t. classify; partition. abfahren, v.i. depart, leave. v.t. carry off, cart off. Abfahrt, /. departure; emigration. Abfall, m. falling off; decrease, deterioration, decline, loss; slope, declivity; desertion; con- trast; (also pi. Abfalle) waste, refuse, by- product, chips, parings, cuttings, tailings, etc. Abfalleimer, m. waste bucket, waste pail. Abfalleisen, n. scrap iron. abfalien, v.i. fall off; diminish, decrease; decay; lose flesh; slope; deviate; desert; be rebuffed; contrast badly. abfallend, p.a. deciduous. abfallig, a. falling off, sloping, etc. (see abfalien) ; adverse. Abfalllauge, /. spent lye. Abfallmarke, /. (Dyeing) off shade. Abfallprodukt, n. by-product. Abf alls toff, m. waste material, specif., sewage. Abfallware, /. rejected ware, culls. Abfallwasser, n. waste water, sewage. abfarben, v.t. dye (thoroly). v.i. lose color, crock; (Min.) give a colored streak; (Paper) rub off. abfasern, v.i. & r. lose fibers, fuzz. abfassen, v.t. write, word, compose, draw up; catch, seize; bend (iron). Abfasser, TO. writer. Abfeilicht, n. filings. abfertigen, v.t. send off, despatch. abfetten, v.t. take fat or grease from. abfiltrieren, v.t. filter off. abfinden, v.t. pay off, satisfy. Abflachung, /. beveling, bevel; (of a curve) rounding off. abflammen, v.t. singe, gas; grease, tallow (hides). abflauen, v.t. wash, scour (ore). abfleckecht, a. fast to rubbing, not spotting. abflecken, v.i. stain, make stains. abfleischen, v.t. flesh (hides). abfiiessen, v.i. flow away, off or down, dis- charge, drain. Abfluss, TO. flowing off, discharge; outlet; drain pipe; effluent; waste water. Abflusshahn, TO. discharge cock. Abflusskiihler, m. a condenser which leads the condensate away, efflux condenser (con- trasted with Riickflusskuhler). Abflussrohr, n. discharge tube, waste pipe. Abflusswasser, n. waste water. abformen, v.t. form, shape, mold; copy, imitate. abfressen, v.t. eat away or up; corrode; con- sume. Abfrischen, n. (Brewing) changing steep water. Abfuhr, /. removal; transport, carriage. Abfuhrdiinger Abfahrdiinger, m. night soil. abfiihren, v.t. lead off, carry away; send (goods) ; draw (wire) ; exhaust (steam) ; (Med.) evacuate, purge. abfuhrend, p.a. (Med.) purgative, aperient, efferent, excretory. abfiihrendes Brausepulver, Seidlitz powder. Abfiihrgang, m. (Physiol.) efferent duct. Abfuhrmittel, n. purgative, aperient. Abfiihrpille, /. cathartic pill, purgative pill. Abf iihrsalz, n. aperient salt. Abf iihrung, /. leading off, etc. (see abfiihren) . Abfuhrungsrohr, n. discharge tube or pipe. Abfullapparat, TO. emptying apparatus, etc. (see abfiillen); (Brewing) racker. Abfullbiitte, /. (Brewing) racking square. abfiillen, v.L empty, draw off (wine, etc.), rack, decant; take off, skim off (scum or dross). Abfiillschlauch, TO. (Brewing) racking gut. Abfiillvorrichtung, /. emptying contrivance or apparatus. Abfurchung, /. division, segmentation. abfiittern, abfuttern, v.t. case, line; feed. Abgabe, /. delivery; giving off, escape (of gases, etc.); tax, duty: (Com.) draft. Abgang, m. waste, loss; -decrease, decline; going off, leaving; escape (of gases, etc.); mis- carriage; sale, market. abgangig, a. waste; wanting; salable; decrepit. Abgangsrohr, n. waste pipe. Abgas, n. waste gas. abgautschen, v.t. (Paper) couch, abgeben, v.t. give up or off, part with; deliver; yield. v.r. occupy oneself, abgcbrochen, p.p. of abbrechen. abgebanden, p.p. of abbinden. abgedroschen, p.a. trite, hackneyed. abgefeimt, p.a. crafty. abgegriffen, p.a. worn, worn-out. abgehen, v.i. pass off, come off, go away, pass away. abgelebt, p.a. decrepit. abgelegen, p.a. remote, retired. abgemessen, p.a. see abmessen. abgeneigt, p.a. disinclined. Abgeordnete, TO. deputy, delegate. abgeplattet, p.a. see abplatten. abgerben, v.t. tan (thoroly). abgerundet, p.a. see abrunden. Abgesandte, m. envoy, delegate. Abgeschaumtes, n. skimmings. abgeschieden, p.a. see abscheiden. abgeschliffen, p.p. of abschleifen. abgeschmackt, p.a. insipid, absurd. abgeschwefelt, p.a. desulfurized, etc. (see abschwef eln) . abgesehen, p.a. see absehen. abgespannt, p.a. see abspannen. abgestanden, p.a. See abstehen. abgestumpft, p.a. see abstumpfen. abklaren abgetan, p.p. of abtun. abgewinnen, v.t. win, win away. abgewohnen, v.t. wean, break of a habit. abgezogeh, p.p. of abziehen. abgiessen, v.t. pour off, decant; (Founding) cast. Abglanz, m. reflection. abgliitten, v.t. polish, polish off. abgleichen, v.t. make equal, equalize; level; justify (coins); balance (accounts). abgliihen, v.t. heat thoroly, make red hot, anneal; mull (wine). v.r. cease glowing, cool gradually. abgrenzbar, a. definable, limitable. abgrenzen, v.t. mark off; bound; define. Abgrenzung, /. demarcation. Abgrund, m. abyss, precipice. Abguss, TO. pouring off, decanting; casting, cast. abhaaren, v.t. remove hair from, depilate, unhair. abhalten, v.t. keep off or back, endure; hold (a meeting). Abhaltung, /. hindrance, impediment; holding, celebration. abhanden, adv. missing, lost. Abhandlung, /. treatise, paper, dissertation, discourse; transaction. Abhang, TO. slope, declivity. abhangen, v.i. depend; slope; hang down, abhangen, v.t. take off or down, disconnect, abhangig, a. dependent; sloping. Abhangigkeit, /. dependence; slope, abharen, v.t. unhair. abharten, v.t. harden; temper (iron or steel). abharzen, v.t. take resin from. abhauten, v.t. skin; abrade; (Founding) free of scum. abheben, v.t. lift off, take off; skim off. abhebern, v.t. siphon off. abhelfen, v.t. help, remedy, correct. abhellen, v.t. clarify, clear; fine (wine). v.r. become clear. abhetzen, v.t. overwork, harass. abhold, a. unfavorable, averse, abholen, v.t. fetch off, call for. Abhub, TO. useless remains; scum; useless ore. Abietinsaure, /. abietic acid. Abirrung, /. deviation, aberration. abkalken, v.t. unlime. abkalten, v.t. cool, cool down, abkanten, v.t. bevel, take off the edges of. abkarten, v.t. prearrange, plot. abkehren, v.t. turn away or aside, avert, divert; sweep, brush (off). abkeltern, v.t. press (wine). abklappen, v.t. swing aside or out; let down (a folding table). abklaren, v.t. clarify, clear, defecate, fine; (according to method) filter, decant, elutri- ate, etc.; decolor (sugar); brighten (a color); strip off, boil off (a dye). v. r. clear, clear up Abkliirflasche Abklarflasche, /. decanting bottle (or flask). Abklartopf, m. decanting jar. Abklarung,/. clarification, etc. (see abklaren). ahknallen, v.i. go off, explode. v. t. fire off. abkneifen, v.t. pinch off, nip off. abknicken, v.t. bend (sharply); crack or snap off. abknistern, v.t. decrepitate. Abknisterung, /. decrepitation. abkochecht, a. fast to boiling. abkochen, v.t. boil, decoct; boil off. Abkochung, /. decoction. abkommen, v.i. get off; be spared; grow out of use. Abkommen, n. agreement; disuse. Abkommling, m. derivative; descendant. abkratzen, v.t. scrape off, scrape, abkrucken, v.t. rake off. Abkiihlapparat, m. cooler, refrigerate*. abkuhlen, v.t. & i. cool, cool down, chill, re- frigerate; anneal. Abkuhlfass, n. cooler, cooling vat; (Glass) annealing oven. Abkiihlgefass, n. cooling vessel. Abkiihlung, /. cooling, refrigeration; annealing. Abkiihlungsmittel, n. refrigerant. Abkunft, /. descent; breed, stock, abkiirzen, v.t. shorten, abbreviate; truncate. Abkiirzung, /. abbreviation. abladen, v.t. unload, ablagern, v.t. & i. deposit; store; age, mellow, mature. v.r. deposit, settle, subside. Ablagerung, /. deposit; deposition; storage. Ablass, m. draining, discharge; cessation; dis- count; drain, ablassen, v.t. let off, draw off, decant, drain; anneal (steel). v.i. leave off, cease; (of colors) fade or come off. Ablasshahn, m. delivery cock, discharge cock, drain cock. Ablauf, m. running off, outlet, drain; sink; slope; expiration (of time); result, event. ablaufen, v.i. run off or down; expire. Ablaufhahn, m. = Ablasshahn. Ablauf 61, n. expressed oil; run oil. Ablaufrohr, n., -rohre, /. outlet tube, waste pipe. Ablauftrichter, m. draining funnel (inverted funnel with tubulated rim for carrying off condensed vapors). Ablauge, /. spent lye, spent liquor, waste liquor; washing out. ablaugen, v.t. wash out lye from; steep in lye. ablautern, v.t. clarify, purify, refine, fine; strain; draw off; wash (ore). Ablauterung,/. clarification, etc. (see ablautern). Ableben, n. death. ablegen, v.t. lay aside or off; unwind, unroll. Ableger, m. (of plants) layer, slip, scion. ablehnen, v.t. turn aside; refuse, decline. abputzen ableiten, v.t. derive; turn aside, draw off, let escape. v.r. be derived from. Ableitung, /. drainage; derivation; deduction; channel; turning aside. Ableitungsmittel, n. revulsive; derivative. Ableitungsrohre, /. delivery tube, delivery pipe; drain conduit. ablenken, v.t. turn off, deflect; diffract. r.i. turn aside, deviate. Ablenkung, /. deflection; diffraction; diversion; deviation. ablesen, v.t. read off; pluck off, pick, gather. Ablesung, /. reading (off), observation; gather- ing, harvest, crop. ablichten, v.t. (Dyeing) reduce, shade, strip. abliefern, v.t. deliver. ablohnen, v.t. pay off. abloschbar, a. slakable Clime); temperable. abloschen, v.t. quench; slake (lime); temper (iron or steel). ablosen, v.t. loosen; detach; amputate; relieve. v.r. come loose, come off. ablosend, p.a. (Med.) resolvent. abliiften, v.t. expose to the air, air. abmachen, v.t. loosen, detach; settle. abmagern, v.t. lose flesh. abmahnen, v.t. dissuade, warn. abmaischen, v.t. & i. finish mashing. Abmaischtemperatur, /. final temperature (of mashing). abmatten, v.t. fatigue, exhaust; deaden (gold). abmessbar, a. measurable, mensurable. abmessen, v.t. measure off. abgemessen, p.a. measured, precise. abmindern, v.t. lessen, diminish. Abnahme, /. decrease, decline; taking off or away; sale. abnarben, v.t. buff; scrape. abnehmen, v.t. take off, take away, remove; infer. v.t. decrease, decline, diminish. Abnehmer, m. buyer, purchaser. Abneigung, /. deviation, slope; disinclination. abnorm, a. abnormal, anomalous. abnutzen, v.t. use up, wear out. Abnutzung, /. wear, wasting. abolen, v.t. oil off; remove oil from. Abonnement, n. subscription. Abonnent, m. subscriber. abonnieren, v.t. subscribe. abpassen, v.t. measure, fit, adjust. abplatten, v.t. flatten. abgeplattet, p.a. flat- tened, oblate. abprallen, v.t. rebound, be reflected. Abprallung, /. rebound, resiliency, reverber- ation; (Optics) reflection. abpressen, v.t. press or squeeze off; separate by pressing; express. Abputz, m. plaster, plastering. abputzen, v.t. plaster; clean off, trim, dress; cut off. abquetschen abquetschen, v.t. squeeze off, squeeze out. bquicken, v.t. purify (ore) with mercury; separate (gold or silver) from amalgam, abrahmen. v.t. take the cream from, skim. Abrahmer, m. skimmer, abraten, v.t. dissuade, warn, abrauchen, v.t. & i. evaporate (with fuming), abrauchern, v.t. fumigate thoroly. Abrauchschale, /. evaporating vessel. Abraum, m. rubbish, trash, rubble, abraumen, v.t. take away, clear away; clear (of something). Abraumen, n. (Brewing) clearing the kiln. Abraumsalze, n.pl. abraum salts (saline de- posits overlying the rock salt at Stassf urt and elsewhere). abrechnen, v.t. deduct; reckon off. v.i. settle. Abrechnung, /. deduction, discount; settlement; calculation. Abrede, /. agreement; denial. abreiben, v.t. rub off, scrape, scour, rub smooth, abrade; grind (colors). Abreibung, /. rubbing off or down; abrasion; attrition. abreisen, v.i. depart. abreissen, v.t. tear off, pull off; pull down; draw. v.i. break. Abrichtelauge, /. (Soap) weak caustic liquor. abrichten, v.t. fit, adjust, true; train. Abriss, m. outline, sketch, design. abrollen, v.t. roll off, unroll, unfold. abroschen, v.t. air (paper), abrosten. v.t. roast thoroly. Abrdstung, /. thoro roasting, abroten, v.t. dye red, color red. v.i. lose red color. abrunden, v.t. round off, round, finish off. abgerundet, p.a. rounded off; (of glass edges) fire-polished; round (numbers). abrussecht, a. fast to rubbing, not crocking, abrussen, r.i. (of colored goods) rub off, crock. abriisten, v.i. disarm, absagen, v.t. countermand, renounce. absattigen, v.t. saturate, neutralize. Absatz, m. deposit, sediment; pause; para- graph; sale; heel (of a shoe). absatzig, a. interrupted; (of wool) inferior, faulty. absauern, v.t. acidify, sour. absaugen, v.t suck off; (Dyeing) hydro-extract. Absauger, m. (Paper) suction box; (Dyeing) hydro-extractor. Absaugflasche, /. suction flask, filtering flask. abschaben, v.t. scrape off; clean; scrape, abrade. Abschabsel, n. scrapings, shavings. abschaffen, v.t. do away with, abolish, abschalen, v.t. shell, peel, pare. v.r. peel off, scale off, come off. abschatzen, v.t. estimate, value, appraise. Abechaum, m. scum, dross. abschrecken abschaumen, v.t. skim off, skim. Abschaumer, m. skimming apparatus. abscheidbar, a. separable. abscheiden, v.t. separate, part, disengage, eliminate; refine (metals); secrete. v.r. separate, be precipitated, be deposited; be separated. v.i. depart. abgeschieden, p.a. departed, deceased. Abscheidung, /. separation, elimination; de- posit; secretion; departure. Abscheidungsmittel, n. means of separation; precipitant. Abscheidungsprodukt, n. secretion. Abscheu, m. horror; loathing. abscheuern, v.t. scour, rub off, cleanse. Abscheuerung, /. scouring; attrition. abscheulich, a. horrible, detestable. abschichten, v.t. separate into layers. Abschied, m. parting, departure; dismissal, discharge. abschiefern, v.i. flake or scale off; exfoliate. abschiessen, v.t. shoot off. v.i. shoot off or down; (of colors) fade, lose color. abschirmen, v.t. screen off. abschlacken, v.t. remove slag from. Abschlag, m. fragments, chips, etc.; rebound; outlet; reduction; instalment. abschlagen, v.t. beat or knock off or back; take to pieces; refuse; turn off; drain; (Founding) stop (molten metal); (Pharm.) sieve. v.i. abate; fall (in price). abschlammen, v.t. wash, elutriate (ore). abschleifen, v.t. grind off, grind, rub off; polish; sharpen. Abschleifung, /. grinding off, attrition; polish- ing; sharpening. abschleudern, v.t. centrifuge; hydro-extract (yarn, etc.); separate in a centrifugal; fling off. abschliessen, v.t. occlude; close, shut off; seclude; conclude. abschliessend, p.a. con- clusive, final, positive. Abschliessung, /., Abschluss, m. occlusion, etc. (see abschliessen). abschmelzen, v.t. & i. melt off, melt, separate by melting. Abschmelzung, /. melting off, etc. (see ab- schmelzen); (Metal.) liquation. . abschmutzen, v.i. rub off, soil. Abschneideapparat, m. (Ceram.) wire cutter. abschneiden, v.t. cut off, cut away, cut; (Math.) truncate. v.i. be cut off, end. Abschnitt, m. cutting, chip; segment; portion, section. Abschnitzel, n. shred, chip, paring. abschopfen, v.t. skim off, skim; ladle out. abschrauben, v.t. screw off, unscrew. abschrecken, vd. chill, cool; quench (metals, etc.); render (water) lukewarm; deter, frighten off. abschreiben abschreiben, v.t, write off, copy; revoke. abschreiten, v.t. step off; pace off. Abschrift, /. copy; duplicate. abschuppen, v.i. scale off, flake off. abschiissig, a. steep. abschiitten, v.t. pour off, run off. abschwachen, v.t. & r. weaken; diminish, de- crease, reduce; soften; mellow (leather). Abschwachung, /. weakening, etc. (see absch- wachen). abschwarzen, v.t. blacken. v.i. lose black color, come off black. abschwefeln, v.t. free of sulfur, desulfurize; coke (coal) ; less commonly, impregnate with sulfur. Abschwefelung, /. desulfurization. Abschweifung, /. deviation; digression. abschwemmen, v.t. wash, rinse; wash away. abschwenken, v.t. wash off, rinse; wash away. abschwingen, v.t. centrifuge, hydro-extract; fan, winnow. abschwirren, v.t. whiz, centrifuge. abschwitzen, v.t. depilate (leather). abschworen, v.t. abjure. Abscisse, /. abscissa. absehbar, a. perceivable, observable. absehen, v.t. see, perceive; aim at. v.i. (with von) disregard, let alone. abgesehen, p.a. (with von) not mentioning, apart from. Abseide, /. floss silk. abseifen, v.t. clean with soap; wash out the soap from. abseigern, v.t. separate by fusion; (Metal.) liquate. Abseihbier, n. drawings; residue beer in chip cask. abseihen, v.t. filter, filter off, strain, decant, percolate. Abseihung, /. filtration, etc. (see abseihen). abseits, adv. aside, apart. absengen, v.t. singe off, singe. absetzen, v.t. deposit; put down or off; in- terrupt; put in type; depose. v.r. settle, sub- side, deposit. Absetzung, /. deposition, etc. (see absetzen); sediment. Absicht, /. intention, purpose, view. absichtlich, a. intentional. absieden, v.t. decoct, extract by boiling, boil. Absinth, TO. wormwood; absinth. Absitzbiitte, /. (Brewing) settling tub. absitzen, v.i. deposit, settle; dismount. absol., abbrev. (absolut) absolute. absondern, v.t. separate, detach, isolate; in- sulate; abstract; (Physiol.) secrete, excrete. absondernd, p.a. (Physiol.) secretory, secreting, excreting. Absonderung,/. separation, etc. (see absondern) ; (Geol.) jointing. Absonderungsfliissigkeit, /. secretory fluid, secretion. G Abstand i Absonderungsstoff, TO. secreted material. Absonderungsvorgang, m. process of secretion. 7 absorbierbar, a. absorbable. absorbieren, v.t. absorb. absorbierend, p.a.' absorbent. absorbierendes Mittel, absor- bent. absorptionsfahig, a. absorptive, absorbent. Absorptionsfahigkeit, /. capability of absorbing, absorptive power. Absorptionsfarbe, /. absorption color. Absorptionsflasche, /. absorption bottle, ab- ; sorption flask. Absorptionsgefass, n. absorption vessel. Absorptionskraft, /. absorptive power. j Absorptionsmittel, n. absorbent. ! Absorptionsrohr, n., -rohre, /. absorption tube. Absorptionsschlange, /. absorption coil. ! Absorptionsstreifen, TO. absorption band. Absorptionsturm, TO. absorption tower. Absorptionsverbindung, /. absorption com- pound. Absorptionsvermogen, n. absorptive power. abspalten, v.t. & i. split off, cleave off, separate. ' Abspaltung, /. splitting off, cleavage, separa- tion. abspannen, v.t. relieve from tension, release .(a spring, etc.); relax; cut off (steam). abges- pannt, p.a. released, etc.; unstrung, unnerved. Abspannung, /. release (from tension); relaxa-' tion; lassitude. abspenstig, a. alienated, unfaithful. absperren, v.t. shut off, cut off, confine, stop. Absperrfliissigkeit, /. confining liquid, sealing liquid. Absperrhahn, TO. stopcock. Absperrventil, n. cutoff valve, stop valve, check valve. abspielen, v.t. play. v.r. take place. abspitzen, v.t. sharpen to a point, point. absplittern, v.t., i. & r. splinter off. absprechen, v.t. deny; discuss; arrange. v.i. pass judgment. absprechend, p.a. peremp- tory, positive. absprengen, v.t. break, spring or burst off; drive off; blast. Absprenger, TO. (for glass tubes) cutter. abspringen, v.i. leap or fly off; burst off, crack off; rebound; (of wood) warp, start; (of iron) be red-short. abspringend, p.a. in con- trast; desultory. Absprung, TO. leaping off or rebounding; con- trast; fragment; (Physics) reflection. abspiilen, v.t. wash off, wash, cleanse, rinse; wash away. Abspulung, /. washing off, etc. (see abspiilen). abstammen, v.i. descend, come; be derived. Abstammung, /. origin, descent, derivation. Abstand, TO. distance, interval, difference; de- sisting, renouncement. Abstand nehmen, desist (from). abstatten abstattcn, v.t. render, give. abstaubecht, a. not crocking. abstauben, v.t. dust off, dust. P.I. (of colors) crock, abstechen, v.t. tap, draw, run off; drain; etch (a picture) ; butcher. Abstecher, m. (Metal.) tapper; excursion. abstecken, v.t. mark out. abstehen, v.i. grow stale, decay, decompose; stand off; desist. abgestanden, p.a. stale, flat, dead. absteigen, v.i. descend. abstellen, v.t. turn off, shut off, stop; put off, put away; annul. absterben, v.i. die, fade, wither, decay; (of lime), air-slack; (Sugar) change from trans- parent to opaque crystalline mass. abstergieren, v.t. cleanse. Abstich, m. tapping, drawing; running; tapped metal; contrast. Abstichloch, n. tap hole. abstimmen, v.i. vote; be discordant, disagree. abstossen, v.t. repel; push off, rub off, scrape off. abstossend, p.a. repelling, repulsive. Abstossung, /. repulsion; pushing off. Abstrahl, m. reflected ray. abstrahlen, v.t. reflect. v.i. be reflected. Abstrahlung, /. reflection. Abstrebekraft, /. centrifugal force, abstreichen, v.t. wipe or scrape off; skim; strike out; deduct. Abstreichmesser, n. (Calico) doctor (literally, scraping-off knife). abstreifen, v.t. strip off, skin, abstreiten, v.t. dispute, contest. Abstrich, m. skim, scum, dross, specif., litharge; deduction. Abstrichblei, n. lead skim, crude litharge. abstromen, v.i. flow away, flow off. abstufen, v.t. gradate; graduate. v.r. grade, grade off. Abstufung, /. gradation; graduation. abstumpfen, v.t. neutralize, saturate (acids); truncate; blunt, dull, deaden. abgestumpft, p.a. neutralized, etc.; blunt, dull. Abstumpfung, /. neutralization, etc. (see abstumpfen). Abstumpfungsflache,/. (Cryst.) truncating face. Absud, TO. decoction, extract; (Dyeing) specif., iron or chrome mordant, absiissen, v.t. sweeten, purify by washing, edulcorate; wash out, wash (a precipitate). Absiisskessel, m. edulcorating vessel. Absiissspindel, /. (Sugar) sweet-water spindle (or hydrometer). Absussung, /. sweetening, etc. (see abstissen). Absiisswasser, n. (Sugar) sweet water. Absynt, TO. = Absinth. Abszisse, /. abscissa. Abt, TO. abbot. abwelken abteilen, v.t. separate, divide, divide off; gra- duate; classify. Abteilung,/. division; graduation; part, section, class, lot. abthun, v.t. = abtun. abtonen, v.t. tone down, shade off. abtragen, v.t. carry off, clear off; wear out. abtranken, v.t. (Leather) fill up with tan liquor^ Abtreibemittel, n. expulsive agent; abortifaci- ent. abtreiben, v.t. drive off, expel; separate (by dis- tillation); refine (by cupellation) , cupel; (Med.) abort. abtreibend, p.a. (Med.) abor- tefacient. abtrennbar, a. separable. abtrennen, v.t. separate; dissever. abtreten, v.i. retire; yield; alight. abtrocknen, v.t. dry, wipe dry, wipe off. Abtropfbrett, n. draining board or shelf. abtropfen, v.i. drop (off), drip, drain, dry Abtropfer, m. drainer, drip board, etc. Abtropfgefass, n. drainer. Abtropfgestell, n. draining stand, dropping horse. Abtropfpfanne, /. drain pan, drainer. Abtropfplatte, /. draining plate. Abtropfschale, /. draining dish or basin, drainer (with perforated bottom). abtriinnig, a. faithless, rebellious. abtun, v.t. put or take off; settle. abwagen, v.t. weigh off, weigh, weigh out; level; ponder. abwarmen, v.t. heat, warm. abwarten, v.t. wait for, wait on. ab warts, adv. downward, down; off, away. abwaschen, v.t. wash off, wash out, rinse, cleanse. Abwasser, n. waste water, waste liquor; specif., abwassern, v.t. wash ; free from water, drain, dry. Abwasserrohr, n. waste pipe, drain pipe. abwechseln, v.t. & i. alternate, vary. ab- wechselnd, p.a. alternating, alternate; in- termittent; variable. Abwechselung, /. change, variation, alterna- tion. Abweg, TO. by-way; wrong way. abwehren, v.t. ward off, prevent. Abwehrmittel, n. prophylactic. abweichen, v.t. & i. soak, soak off, soften (by steeping), macerate. abweichen, v.i. deviate, diverge, depart, vary. abweichend, p.a. deviating, divergent, ir- regular. Abweichung, /. deviation; variation; declina- tion (of the needle); anomaly. abweisen, v.t. send away; refuse. abweissen, v.t. whiten. v.i. lose whiteness. abwelken, vd. wilt, wither, dry; (Leather) sammy. abwenden abwenden, v.t. turn off, avert. abwerfen, v.t. throw off or out; run off (slag); reject; (Cow.) yield. Abwerfofen, m. refining furnace. Abwerf pf anne, /. refining pan ; ( Tinning) list pot. abwesend, a. absent. Abwesenheit, /. absence, abwickeln, v.t. wind off, unwind; wind up; (Math.) rectify. abwischen, v.t. wipe off, wipe. Abwurf, m. throwing off; something thrown off, offal; coarse plaster, roughcast. abzahlen, v.t. pay, pay off. abzahlen, v.t. count, count off. abzapfen, v.t. draw off, tap. abzehren, v.i. t r. & t. waste (away). Abzeichen, n. mark, sign, label; (pi.} insignia. Abziehbild, n. transfer picture or design, de- calcomania. Abziehblase, /. retort, alembic. abziehen, v.t. draw off, take away, remove; rack (liquids); distil, rectify; tap; skim; skin; subtract; abstract; transfer (designs); (Dye- ing) strip, boil off (color); (Leather) strip, clear. P.I. depart, leave, (of gases) escape. abgezogene Wasser, distilled liquor. Abziehhalle, /. (Brewing) racking room. Abziehkolben, m. retort, alembic. Abziehmittel, n. (Dyeing) stripping agent. Abzug, m. hood (for noxious gases); scum, dross; outlet, drainage, drain; drawing off; deduction; proof sheet. Abzugsgas, n. chimney gas, flue gas. Abzugskanal, m. sewer, drain. Abzugsraum, m. hood. Abzugsrohr, n., -rohre, /. waste pipe, drain tube, drain pipe. k Abzugsschrank, m. hood. Abzugsvorrichtung, /. constant-level apparatus (for water baths). abzweigen, v.t. turn off, detach. v.r. branch off. Abzweigung, /. branching, branch. Ac-. For words beginning Ac- see also Ak- and Az-. Accise, /. excise. Acenaphten, n. acenaphthene. Acenaphtylen, n. acenaphthylene. Acetessigather, m. acetoacetic ester. Acetessigester, m. acetoacetic ester. Acetessigsaure, /. acetoacetic acid. Acetindruck, m. acetin printing. Acetonsaure, /. acetonic (a-hydroxyisobutyric) acid. Acetylenbindung, /. acetylene linkage, triple bond. acetylieren, v.t. acetylate. Acetylsaure, /. acetic acid. Acetylzahl, /. acetyl number. Achat, m. agate. 8 Aderhautchen achathaltig, a. containing agate, agatiferous. Achatmorser, m. agate mortar. Achatporzellan, n. agate ware. achromatisch, a. achromatic. Achse, /. axis; axle, shaft. Achscl,/. shoulder; (Physiol.) axilla. Achsel-. shoulder, axillary. Achscn-. axis, axial, axle. Achsendrehung, /. rotation. Achsenverhaltnis, n. axial ratio. Achsenwinkel, m. axial angle. achsig, achsial, a. axial. acht, a. eight. Acht, /. attention, care. achtbar, a. respectable, honorable. achtbasisch, a. octabasic. achte, a. eighth. Achteck, n. octagon. achteckig, a. octagonal, eight-angled. Achtel, n. eighth. Achtel-. (in old names) octo-, octa-; as, Achtel. kohleneisen, octoferric carbide, and Achtel- schwefeleisen, octoferric sulfide. achten, v.t. regard, respect, esteem. achten, v.t. outlaw. Achtflach, n. octahedron, achtflachig, a. octahedral, achtgliedrig, a. eight-membered. Achtung,/. attention, notice; esteem, respect. achtungsvoll, adv. respectfully. achtwertig, a. octavalent. achtzehn, a. eighteen, achtzig, a. eighty. achzen, v.i. groan. Aciditat, /. acidity. Acker, m. field, land; acre. Ackerbau, m. agriculture, farming. Ackerbauchemie, /. agricultural chemistry. Ackerbauwissenschaft,/. science of agriculture. Ackerboden, m. arable soil, surface soil. Ackerdoppen, /. pi. valonia. Ackerei, /. tillage. Ackererde, Ackerkrume, /. (arable) soil. Ackerkamille, /. wild camomile (Matricaria). Ackerminze, /. corn mint (Mentha arvensis). ackern, v.t. till, cultivate. acyclisch, acyklisch, a. acyclic, acylieren, v.t. acylate. addieren, v.t. add. additionsfahig, a. capable of addition. Additionsfahigkeit, /. additive power. Additionsreaktion,/. addition reaction, additive reaction. Address-. See Adress-. Adel, m. nobility. adelig, a. noble. adeln, v.t. ennoble; dignify. Ader, /. vein (in various senses). Aderhaut, /. choroid. Aderhautchen, n. chorion. aderig aderig, aderig, a. veiny, veined, streaked; venous, vascular. Aderlass, m. venesection. adern, adern, v.t. vein; grain, marble. Aderwasser, n. serum. adharieren, r.i. adhere. Adhasion, /. adhesion. Adhasionskraf t , /. adhesive power; force of ad- hesion. adhasiv, a. adhesive. adiabatisch, a. adiabatic. Adiowansamen, m. pi. ajowan (fruit of Pty- chotis coptica). adipid, a. fat, fatty. adipidieren, v.t. grease. Adipinsaure, /. adipic acid. Adipocire, n. adipocere. adipos, a. adipose. adjustieren, v.t. adjust, regulate. Adler, m. eagle. Adlerstein, m. eaglestone, aetites. Adlervitriol, m. Salzburg vitriol (mixed cupric and ferrous sulfate). adlig, a. noble. adoucieren, v.t. sweeten; wash, edulcorate; temper, anneal; decarbonize (iron). Adouciergefass, n. annealing pot; edulcorating 9 Aktlnismus Adoucierofen, m. tempering furnace, annealing furnace. Adressant, m. writer; sender. Adressat, m. person addressed; consignee. Adressbuch, n. directory. Adresse, /. address, direction. adressieren, v.t. address; forward. adrig, a. aderig. Adsorbens, m. adsorbing substance, adsorbent. adsorbieren, v.t. adsorb. Adsorptionswarme, /. heat of adsorption. adstringierend, a. astringent. adstringierendes Mittel, astringent. Adular, m. adularia. Advokat, m. lawyer. Ae., abbrev. (Ather) ether. Ae-. For words beginning Ae- see also A-. aerobisch, aerobiontisch, a. aerobic, Aerogengas, n. aerogene gas. aeroslatisch, a. aerostatic. Affe, m. ape, monkey, affen, v.t. ape, mock. Affenbrotbaum, m. baobab tree. Affination, /. refining (esp. of gold by treating with sulfuric acid). affinier'en, v.t. refine. Affinitat, /. affinity. Affinitatseinheit, /. unit of affinity. Affinitatslehre, /. doctrine of affinity. Affinitatsrest, m. affinity residue, residual affinity. Afflnitatsrichtung, /. direction of affinity. Affinlvalenz, /. atomicity, valence. After-, pseudo-, false, secondary, neo-, after-, back-, hind-; anal, rectal. Afterkristall, m. pseudomorph. Afterschdrl, m. azinite. Aftersilber, n. silver containing dross. A. G., abbrev. (Atomgewicht) atomic weight; (Aktiengesellschaf t) joint-stock company. Agens, n. agent. Agentur, /. agency, agglutinieren, v.t. & i. agglutinate. Aggregatzustand, m. state of aggregation. Agio, n. premium, agio. Agitakel, n. stirrer. Agrikultur, /. agriculture. Agrikulturchemie, /. agricultural chemistry. Agtstein, m. amber. Ahlbeere, /. black currant. Ahle, /. awl, punch; black cherry Ahn, m. grandfather; ancestor, ahnden, v.t. punish. Ahne, /. awn, chaff; grandmother, ahneln, v.i. & r. resemble. ahnen, v.t. anticipate; surmise. ahnlich, a. similar; analogous, resembling, like, -ahnlich, similar to, resembling, -like, -oid. Ahnlichkeit,/. similarity, resemblance, likeness. Ahnung, /. presentiment, anticipation. Ahorn, m. maple. Ahornsaft, m. maple sap. Ahornsaure, /. aceric acid. Ahornzucker, m. maple sugar. Ahre, /. ear, spike. Ahrenfriichte, f.pl. grains, cereals. Aichamt, aichen, v.L, etc. See Eichamt, eichen, etc. ajustieren, v.t. adjust. Ajustiertisch, m. adjusting table. Akajou, m. acajou (either cashew or mahogany tree). Akaroidharz n. acaroid resin. Akazie, /. acacia. Akaziengummi, n. acacia gum, gum arabic. Akazin, n. gum arabic. Akkordarbeit, /. piece work, job work. Akkumulator, m. accumulator, storage battery, akkumulieren, v.t. accumulate. Akonitinsaure, aconitic acid. Akonitknollen, f.pl. aconite root, aconite. Akridingelb, n. acridine yellow. Akridinsaure, /. acridic acid, acridinic acid. Akrylsaure, /. acrylic acid. Akt, m. act, action, deed. Akte, /. act, deed, document. Aktenpapier, n. deed paper, record paper. Akt.-Ges., abbrev. of Aktiengesellschaft. Aktie, /. share. Aktiengesellschaft, /. joint-stock company, aktinisch, a. actinic. Aktinismus, m. actinism. Aktionar Aktionar, m. shareholder, stockholder. aktiv, a. active. Aktiva, Aktiven, n.pl. assets. aktivieren, v.t. activate. Aktivierungszahl, /. activation number. Aktivitat, /. activity. aktuell, a. actual; present; important. Akustik, /. acoustics. akustisch, a. acoustic. Alant, m. elecampane. Alantkampher, m. helenin. Alantwurzel, /, (Pharm.) inula, elecampane. alarmieren, v.t. alarm. Alaun, m. alum. alaunartig, a. alumish, aluminous. Alaunbeize, /. (Dyeing) aluminous mordant; (Leather) aluming. Alaunbriihe, /. (Leather) alum steep. alaunen, v.t. alum. Alaunerde, /. alumina. alaunerdehaltig, a. aluminiferous. Alaunfels, TO. alunite. Alaunfestigkeit, /. (Paper) alum resistance. alaungar, a. dressed with alum, tawed. Alaungerberei, /. tawing; tawery. alaunhaltig, a. containing alum, aluminous, aluminiferous. alaunieren, v.t. alum. alaunig, a. aluminous. Alaunkies, m. aluminous pyrites. Alaunkuchen, m. alum cake. Alaunlauge, /. alum liquor. Alaunleder, n. alum leather. Alaunmehl, n. powdered alum, precipitated alum. alaunsauer, a. aluminate of. alaunsaures Salz, aluminate. Alaunschiefer, m. alum slate, alum shale. Alaunsiederei, /. alum works. Alaunstein, Alaunspat, TO. alum stone, alunite. Alaun wurzel, /. alum root. albern, a. silly, foolish. Albuminstoff, m. albuminous substance, protein. Alchimie, Alchemic, /. alchemy. alchimistisch, a. alchemistic(al). Alembrothsalz, n. alembroth, salt of alembroth (2NH 4 Cl.HgCl2.H 2 0). Alfa, /. esparto. AIgarot(t)pulver, n. powder of algaroth, alga- rot, algaroth (SbOCl). Alge, /. alga, seaweed. algebraisch, a. algebraic. alicyclisch, a. alicyclic. aliphatisch, a. aliphatic. Alizarinblau, n. alizarin blue. Alk., abbrev. (Alkohol) alcohol. alkal., abbrev. (alkalisch) alkaline. Alkaliblau, n. alkali blue. alkaliecht, a. fast to alkali. Alkalien, n.pl. alkalies. 10 allotropisch alkaliloslich, a. soluble in alkali, alkali-soluble. Alkalilosung, /. solution of alkali, alkaline liquor. alkalimetrisch, a. alkalimetric. alkalinisch, a. alkaline. Alkalinitat, /. alkalinity. Alkalisalz, n. alkali salt. alkalisch, a. alkaline. alkalische Erdmetalle. alkaline-earth metals. alkalische Luft, al- kaline air (Priestley's name for ammonia) . alkalisieren, v.t. render alkaline, alkalize. Alkalitat, /. alkalinity. Alkalizitat, /. alkalinity. Alkannarot, n. alkanna red, anchusin. Alkogel, n. alcogel. alkoh., abbrev. (alkoholisch) alcoholic. Alkoholauszug, TO. alcoholic extract. alkoholfrei, a. alcohol-free, non-alcoholic. Alkoholgarung, /. alcoholic fermentation. Alkoholgehalt, TO. alcohol content. alkoholhaltig, a. containing alcohol, alcoholic. alkoholisch, a. alcoholic. alkoholisieren, v.t. alcoholize. Alkoholmesser, TO. alcoholometer. alkoholreich, a. containing much alcohol. Alkoholsaure, /. alcohol acid. Alkosol, n. alcosol. Alkoven, m. alcove, recess. alkylieren, v.t. introduce alkyl into, alkylate. Alkylierung, /. alkylation. all, a. all, whole, every. allantoisch, a. allantoic. Allantosaure, Allantoissaure, /. allantoic acid (allantoin). allda, adv. there. Allee, /. avenue, alley. allein, a. alone, single. adv. only, merely. conj. but, still. Alleinhandel,. TO. monopoly. alleinig, a. sole, unique. alleinstehend, p. a. isolated, insulated; un- married. allenfalls, adv. perhaps; at best. allenthalben, adv. everywhere. allerdings, adv. by all means. allerlei, a. all kinds of. allerwarts, adv. everywhere. alles, n. all, everything. allgemach, adv. gradually, by degrees. allgemein, a. general; common; epidemic. alljahrlich, a. yearly, annual. allmahlich, a. gradual. adv. gradually, by degrees. Alloisomerie, /. alloisomerism. Allomerismus, m. allomerism. allomorph, a. allomorphic. Allonge, /. adapter. allotrop, a. allotropic. Allotropie, /. allotropy, allotropism. , . allotropisch, a, allotropic, Alloxurbasen AHoxurbasen, f.pl. alloxuric bases (purine bases). Alloxurkorper, m.pl. alloxuric substances (pur- ine substances). Allozimmtsaure, /. allocinnamic acid. allseitig, a. universal ; versatile. alltaglich, a. daily; commonplace. Allylsenfol, n. allyl mustard oil. allzu, adv. too much, altogether too. Aim, /. mountain pasture. Almeroder Tiegel. Hessian crucible. Almosen, n. alms, charity. Aloe, /. aloes. Aloetinsaure, Aloesaure, /. aloetic acid. Alpranken, bittersweet (Solarium dulcamara"). Alquifoux, n. alquifou, potter's lead. Alraun, m., Alraune, Alrune, /. mandrake. Alraunwurzel, /. (Pharm.) mandragora. als, conj. as, like; than, except; when; as if. aLsbald, adv. at once. alsdann, adv. then. also, adv. & conj. accordingly, so, thus. alt, a. old, aged, ancient. altbacken, p.a. stale. Alteisen, n. old iron, scrap iron. Alter, n. age, old age. . Alterantia, n.pl. alteratives. altern, v.i. age, grow old; decline. v.t. age. alternieren, P.I. alternate. alternierend, p.a. alternating, alternate. Alters-, old-age, senile; age, of age. Altertum, n. antiquity. Altertumskunde, /. archeology. Alterung, /. aging. Altgesell, m. foreman. AUgummi, n. old rubber. Althee, /. marsh mallow (Althsea officinalis); (Pharm.) althaea. Altheewurzel, /. (Pharm.) althaea. altklug, a. precocious. Altmalz, n. stored malt. Altschadenwasser, n. (Pharm.) yellow mercurial lotion. Aluchiharz, n. acouchi resin, aluchi resin. Aluminiumfluorwasserstoffsaure, /. fluoalumi- nic acid. Aluminiumsalz, n. aluminium salt. amalgamieren, v.t. amalgamate. Amalgamierung, /. amalgamation. Amber, m. amber; (grauer) ambergris. Am boss, m,. anvil. Ambra, m., f. & n. amber. gelber Ambra, yellow or ordinary amber. grauer Ambra, ambergris. fliissiger Ambra, liquidambar. Ambrabaum, m. amber tree. Ambrafett, n. ambrein. Ambraholz, n. yellow sandalwood. Ambraol, n. oil of amber. ambulant, a. moving about, traveling, ambulant. Ameise, /. ant. 11 Ammoniakweinstein Ameisen-. formic. Ameisenather, m. formic ether (ethyl formate). Ameisengeist, m. (Pharm.) spirit of ants (a mixture of formic acid, alcohol and water). ameisensauer, a. of or combined with formic acid, formate of. Ameisensaure, /. formic acid. Ameisenspiritus, m.-= Ameisengeist. amerikanisch, a. American. Ametall, n. nonmetal. Amiant, m. amianthus (silky asbestos). Amidgruppe, /. amido (or amino) group, amidogen. amidieren, v.t. amidate, convert into an amide. Amidierung, /. amidation. Amido-. amino-, amido- (should be translated amido- only when the compound is of amide 1 nature, otherwise amino-). Amidobenzol, n. aminobenzene. Amidoessigsaure, /. aminoacetic acid. Amidokohlensaure, /. amidocarbonic acid> (carbamic acid). Amidosaure, /. amino acid. Amidoschwefelsaure, /. amidosulfuric acid' (sulfamic acid, NH 2 SO 3 H). Amidosulfosaure, /. amidosulfuric (sulfamic) - acid; aminosulfonic acid. Amidsaure, /. amide acid, amic acid, -amidsaure, /. -amic acid. Aminosaure, /. amino acid. Aminsaure, /. amino acid; amic acid, -aminsaure, /. -amic acid. Amme, /. (wet) nurse. Ammon-. (in combination) ammonium; as, Ammonchlorid, ammonium chloride. Ammoniak, n. ammonia (in old names of salts equivalent to ammonium, as salzsaures Ammoniak, ammonium chloride) ; ammoniac. Ammoniakalaun, m. ammonia alum. ammoniakalisch, a. ammoniacal. Ammoniakbestimmung, /. determination of am- monia. Ammoniakfliissigkeit, /. ammonia water, aqueous ammonia; (Tech.) ammoniacal liquor. Ammoniakgas, n. ammonia gas. Ammoniakgummi, m. gum ammoniac, ammon- iac. ammoniakhaltig, a. containing ammonia, ammoniacal. Ammoniakpflanze, /. ammoniac plant. Ammoniakpflaster, n. ammoniac plaster. Ammoniakrest, m. ammonia residue (amidogen, NH 2 ). Ammoniaksalz, n. ammonium salt. j Ammoniak verbindung, /. ammonia compound; ammonium compound. Ammoniakwasser, n. ammoniacal liquor. Ammoniakweinstein, m. ammonium potassium tartrate. Ammonium bromatum 12 andrucken Ammonium bromatum. (Pharm.) ammonium bromide. Ammonium chloratum. (Pharm.) ammonium chloride. Ammonium jodatnm. (Pharm.) ammonium iodide. Ammonlumsalz, n. ammonium salt. Ammoniumsulfhydrat, n. ammonium hydro- sulfide. Ammoniumsulfocyanid, n. ammonium thio- cyanate. Ammoniumverbindung, /. ammonium com- pound. Ammonkarbonit, n. ammoncarbonite (trade name of an explosive). Ammonsalpeter, m. ammonium nitrate. Ammonsulfat, n. ammonium sulfate. Amniosfl iissigkeit, /. amniotic fluid. Amniossaure, /. amniotic acid (allantoin). amorph, amorphisch, a. amorphous. Ampfer, m. sorrel, dock (Rumex). amphoter, a. amphoteric. ampuHenformig, a. ampulliform. amputieren, v.t. amputate. Amsel, /. ousel, blackbird. Amt, n. office, post, employment, business; board, court, council. amtlich, a. official. Amtmann, m. magistrate. Amtsbericht, m, official report. AmtHblatt, n. official gazette. Amylolyse, /. amylolysis. Amy loxydhydrat, n. amyl alcohol. an, prep, at, by, along, against, to; in, on; near to, about; in respect to, by way of. adr. on, onward, along, up. an-, (with verbs), at, toward, on, commence to, continue to. -an. (Org. Chem.), in the names of saturated hydrocarbons and heterocyclic parent com- pounds, -ane; in other cases, -an; as, Me than, methane; Menthan, menthane; Pyran, pyran; Urethan, urethan. An., abbrev. (Anmerkung) note, remark. analog, a. analogous. Analogon, n. analog. Analysator, m. (Optics) analyzer. Analyse, /. analysis. Analysen-. analytical. Analysenformel, /. analysis formula, empirical formula. Analysentrichter, m. analytical funnel. Analysenwage, /. analytical balance. analysieren, v.t. analyze. Analytiker, m. analyst. analytisch, a. analytical, analytic. Ananas, /. pineapple. Ananasather, m., Ananasessenz, /. pineapple essence (ethyl butyrate). anarbeiten, v.t. join, attach. anasthetisch, a. anesthetic. Anatas, m. anatase. anatomisch, a. anatomical. anatzen, v.t. cauterize; begin to etch. Anatzung, /. cauterization. anbacken, v.t. bake on, fix by firing; bake slightly. anbahnen, v.t. pave the way for. anbauen, v.t. grow, cultivate; add. anbei, adv. herewith. anbeizen, v.t. mordant, anbelangen, v.t. relate to. anberaumen, v.t. appoint, anbeten, v.t. adore. Anbetracht, m. consideration. anbinden, v.t. tie, bind, anblasen, v.t. blow in (a blast furnace) ; seal on (with the blast). anblauen, v.t. blue, tinge with blue. Anblick, m. sight, aspect, view. anblicken, v.t. look at. anbluten, v.t. (of colors) bleed, run. anbohren, v.t. bore, tap. anbrennen, v.t. set fire to, light; scorch. r.t. catch fire, begin to burn, anbringen, v.t. place; dispose of, sell; lodge (a complaint). Anbruch, m. decay; opening (of a mine); first ore; daybreak, dawn, anbriichig, a. decaying, putrescent, spoiled, rotten, moldy. anbriihen, v.t. scald, infuse, steep (in hot water). Anchusasaure, /. anchusic acid (anchusin). Andacht, /. devotion; devotions. Andaol, n. anda oil. andauernd, p. a. lasting, continual, steady. Andenken, m. remembrance, memory. ander, a. other, another, else. anderbar, a. alterable. andern, v.t. alter, change, andernfalls, adv. else, otherwise, anders, adv. otherwise, differently. wenn anders, if indeed, provided, anderseits, adv. on the other hand, on the other side. anderthalb, a. sesqui-; one and a half. anderthalbfach, a. sesqui-. Anderung, /. change, alteration, variation, anderwarts, adv. elsewhere. anderweitig, a. & adv. in another place or way, otherwise, further. andeuten, v.t. indicate, signify; intimate, hint. Andeutung, /. indication, etc. (see andeuten). andichten, v.t. charge falsely. Andorn, m. horehound. Andornkraut, n. (ordinary) horehound. Andrang, m. rush, crowd, congestion; urgency, andrehen, v.t. twist on, screw on. andrucken, v.t. press on, press close. andunkeln 13 angstigen andunkeln, v.i. darken. aneignen, v.t. assimilate; appropriate, acquire. ancinander, adv. together. aneinanderftigen, c.t. join. anekeln, v.t. disgust. anerbieten, v.t. offer, proffer. anerkennbar, a. recognizable. anerkennen, v.t. recognize; acknowledge; ap- preciate. Anerkennung, /. recognizing, recognition, etc. (see anerkennen). anfachen, p.*. fan, kindle. anfahren, vd. carry near, bring up; attack, snub. v.i. approach, arrive. Anfall, m. attack; fit; stay, prop. anfallen, v.i. (of dyes) go on; fall on, fall. Anfang, m. beginning; origin. anfangen, v.t. & t. begin, commence. Anfanger, m. beginner. anfangs, adv. at first, originally. Anfangs-. initial, beginning, first, primary. Anfangsbuchstabe, m. initial, capital (letter). Anfangsglied, n. initial member, first member (of a series). Anfangsphase, /. initial phase. A nfangswert, m. initial value. Anfangszustand, m. initial state or condition. anfarben, v.t. color, dye, paint, tinge; start dyeing. anfassen, v.t. seize, handle; undertake. v.r. feel. anfaulen, v.i. begin to rot. anfaulend, p. a. , putrescent. angefault, p.a. rotten, decayed. anfechten, v.t. combat, attack; trouble, con- cern. anfertigen, v.t. make ready, make, manu- facture. Anfertjgung, /. making, manufacture; com- position. anfetten, v.t. grease. anfeuchtcn, v.t. moisten, damp, wet. Anfcuchter, m. moistener; (Brewing) sparger. anfeuern, v.t. light, fire; prime; inflame, excite. Anfeuerung, /. priming. anfirnissen, v.t. varnish (over). anflehen, v.t. implore, supplicate. anfliegen, r.i. effloresce; grow spontaneously; (of dyes) rush on; fly on; fly; occur. ange- flogen, p.a. incrusted. Anflug, m. incrustation, coating, efflorescence; tinge, tint, slight admixture; smattering; flying (against), flight; onset; young wood; copse. Anflusa, m. alluvium; onflow, afflux. anfordern, v.t. demand, require. Anforderung, /. demand, requirement, claim. anfragen, r.i. inquire. anfressen. v.t. corrode; erode; eat at. anfrischen, v.t. freshen, refresh, revive; reduce (metals); varnish (painting*). anfiihlen, v.t. feel, touch, handle. Anfuhlen, n. feel, touch. anfuhren, v.t. lead; adduce; quote; impose on. Anfiihrungszeichen, n.pL quotation marks. anfiillen, v.t. fill, fill up, cram. Angabe, /. statement; specification, estimate; information; instruction; plan. Angaben, pi. data, angeben, v.t. state, declare, tell; specify; accuse; indicate; devise. angeblich, a. stated; alleged; pretended; nominal. , angeboren, p.a. inborn, innate, congenital. Angebot, n. offer, bid. angeflogen, p.a. see anfliegen. angefressen, p.p. of anfressen. angegriffen, p.p. of angreifen. Angehaufe, n. conglomerate; heap, aggregate, angehen, P.I. begin (to grow, burn, decay, etc.) ; go on, (of dyes) be absorbed; be feasible; be passable. v.t. approach; concern, angehorig, a. belonging, related. Angehorigen, pi. relatives, relations. Angel, /. hinge; hook; pivot; axis. angelegen, p.a. see anliegen. Angelegenheit, /. concern, affair. angelegentlich, a. earnest, urgent. Angelikasaure, /. angelic acid, angemessen, p.a. suitable, angenahert, p.a. see anniihern. angenehm, a. pleasant, agreeable, angenommen, p.a. see annehmen. angepasst, p.a. see anpassen. Anger, m. grass plot, pasture. angeschmolzen, p.p. of anschmelzen. angeschwemmt, p.a. alluvial. angesehen, p.a. see ansehen. angesessen, p.a. resident. Angesicht, n. face, countenance; look, angesichts, adp. in face of. angestammt, a. hereditary; inborn. Angestellte, m. employee; appointee; official, angewandt, p.a. see anwenden. angewohnen, v.t. accustom, angezogen, p.a. see anziehen. angiessen, v.t. pour on; water; (Founding) cast on; (Ceramics) color by a coat of clay. angliedern, v.t. join on, link on. Angliederung, /. union, coalition, angliihen, v.t. heat to glowing, glow; mull (wine). v.r. begin to glow. angreifbar, a. capable of being attacked or affected, angreifen, v.t. attack, act on, affect; corrode (metals); lay hold of; fatigue; undertake. angrenzen, v.t. border on, adjoin. angrenzend, p.a. adjacent, adjoining. Angriff, m. attack; handling; undertaking. Angst, /. anxiety, fright, agony, angstigen, v.t. alarm, frighten, worry. anhaften 14 annassen anhaften, v.i. adhere, be attached (to). anhaftend, p.a. adhering; adhesive; inherent. An halt, TO. support; stop, pause. anhalten, v.t. stop, stay, halt. v.i. stop; hold on, persist; solicit. anhaltend, p.a. con- tinuous, persistent, lasting. Anhaltpunkt, Anhaltspunkt, TO. stopping point, station; (Mech.) fulcrum. Anhang, TO. addition, appendix, supplement; following, party; (Anal.) appendix. anhangen, v.i. adhere, hang on. anhangen, v.t. attach, affix, append, add; (Mack.) throw in, connect. Anhanger, m. follower, adherent; appendage. anhangig, a. adhering; appended, annexed; pending. anhanglich, a. attached; faithful. Anhangsel, n. appendage; amulet. Anhauch, TO. tinge; breathing on. anhauchen, v.t. breathe upon; tinge. anhaufen, v.t. aggregate; accumulate. v.r. accumulate. Anhaufung, /. aggregation; accumulation; ag- glomeration. anheften, v.t. fasten to, attach. anheimstellen, v.t. commit, submit. anheischig, a. bound, pledged. anher, adv. hither. bis anher, hitherto. Anhohe, /. elevation, hill; rising ground. anhoren, v.t. listen to, hear. v.r. sound. anhydrisch, a. anhydrous. Anhydrosaure,/. anhydro acid (an acid, such as pyrosulf uric, which is formed from apolybasic acid by elimination of water). Anilinblau, n. aniline blue. Anilinfarbe, /. aniline color. Anilinfarbstoff, TO. aniline dye. Anilingelb, n. aniline yellow. Anilinol, n. aniline oil. Anilinrot, n. aniline red. > Anilinschwarz, n. aniline black. 'animalisch, a. animal. animalisieren, v.t. animalize. Anis, TO. anise; aniseed. Anisaldehyd, m. & n. anisic aldehyde. Anisgeist, m. (Pharm.) spirit of anise. Anisol, n. aniseed oil, anise oil. anisotrop, a. anisotropic. Anissame, Anissamen, TO. aniseed, (Pharm.) '. anise. Anissaure, /. anisic acid. Anker, TO* anchor; (of a magnet) keeper, armature. ankitten, v.t. fasten with cement, cement. anklagen, v.t. accuse. Anklang, TO. concord, accord; sympathy. ankleben, v.t. stick on, glue on, paste on, ag- glutinate, attach. v.i. stick, adhere. anklebend, p.a. adhesive, agglutinative. ankleiden, v.t. & r, dress. ankniipfen, v.t. fasten (by tying), join; enter upon, engage in. ankochen, v.t. bring to the boil, begin to boil. ankohlen, v.t. char partially. ankommen, v.i. arrive; approach; succeed; be important; depend; (Brewing) start fer- menting. Ankommling, TO. newcomer, novice. ankiindigen, ankiinden, v.t. announce, publish. Ankunft, /. arrival. Anlage, /. establishment, plant, works; at- tached paper; investment; bent, talent; tax; (pi.) park.. anlagern, v.t. add (on), take up; accumulate. anlangen, v.i. arrive. v.t. concern. anlangend, prep, concerning, as for. Anlass, TO. occasion, motive; occurrence; letting in; starting. anlassen, v.t. temper, anneal (glass or metals) ; let in, turn on, start (going). Anlasser, TO. (Brewing) starting box, starter. Anlassfarbe, /. (Steel) temper color. Anlassofen, TO. tempering furnace, annealing oven. Anlasswirkung, /. tempering effect, annealing effect. Anlauf, TO. onset, run, attack; swelling (of waters); slope, ascent; concourse, crowd; (Mach.) catch, tappet. anlaufen, v.i. become coated (with oxide, moisture, mold, etc.), tarnish, become dull or dim; (of dyed goods) recolor; swell, in- tumesce; increase; amount; run; crowd. Anlauffarbe, /. (Metal) tempering color. anlegen, v.t. lay or put on, apply, fix; invest; found; lay out; plan. Anlehen, TO., Anleihe, /. loan. anleiten, v.t. lead, guide, conduct; instruct. Anleitung, /. leading, conducting; instruction; (of books) introduction, guide, key. anliegen, v.i. be adjacent, lie near; fit; concern; entreat.^ angelegen, p.a. interesting; im- portant* anloten, v.t. solder, solder on; cause to adhere. Anm., abbrev. (Anmerkung) note, remark. anmachen, v.t. slack (lime) ; mix, temper, dilute, adulterate; fasten on, attach; light (a fire). anmassen, '#.. assume, usurp. anmelden, v.t. announce, advertise. anmengen, v.t. mix, blend, temper, dilute. Anmerkung, /. note, remark, comment. Anmut, /. grace, charm. Ann., abbrev. Annalen der Chemie. annahern, v.t. & r. approach, approximate, bring or draw near. annahernd, p.a. ap- proximate; approaching. angenahert, p.a. approximate. Annahme, /. assumption, hypothesis j accep- tance. .:=-.- annassen, v.t. moisten a little, dampen. - annehmen 15 anschwoden annehmen, v.t. assume, suppose; take, accept; take, take up (colors). angenommen, p.a. assuming. Annehmung,/. assumption, etc. (see annehmen). annektieren, v.t. annex. annetzen, v.t. moisten, dampen. annieten, v.t. rivet, rivet on. Annonce, /. advertisement. annoncieren, v.t. advertise, announce. Anodendichte, /. anode density, anodic density. anolen, v.t. oil, coat with oil. anomal, anomalisch, a. anomalous. anordnen, v.t. arrange, regulate, order. Anordnung, /. arrangement, disposition, regula- tion. anorganisch, a. inorganic. anormal, a. abnormal. anoxydieren, v.t. oxidize. anpassen, v.t. adapt, adjust, fit, suit. anpassend, p.a. suitable, fit. angepasst, p.a. adapted, adjusted, suited, appropriate. Anprall, m. impact; contusion. anpr alien, v.i. strike, impinge (forcibly). anpudern, v.t. powder. anputzen, v.t. dress up, adorn, decorate. anquicken, v.t. amalgamate. Anrat, m. advice, counsel. anrauchen, v.t. smoke. anriiuchern, v.t. fumigate; perfume. anrechnen. v.t. charge; ascribe; count. Anrecht, n. claim, title. anreden, v.t. speak to, address. anregen, v.t. set going, incite, stimulate; in- terest; suggest, mention. anregend, p.a. exciting, interesting. anreiben, v.t. rub, rub on. anreichern, v.t. enrich, strengthen, concen- trate. Anreichlech, m. enriched matt. anreihen, v.t. arrange in, or attach to, a series. anreizen, v.t. stimulate; instigate. anrichten, v.t. prepare, dress; perform, pro- duce; serve; mix (colors). Anrichter, m. assay er; (ore) dresser. anrosten, v.i. begin to rust; become fixed by rust. anruchig, a. disreputable. anruhren, v.t. touch, handle; stir; mix, temper; touch on, refer to. ans, abbrev. an das. ansagen, v.t. announce, state. ansammeln, v.t. collect, gather, accumulate, amass; (Physics) focus. Ansammlung, /. collection, etc. (see ansam- meln); heap, mass; throng. Ansatz, m. deposit, sediment; attachment, added piece, lug, shoulder, etc.; appendage; preparing, mixture; ingredients; rate; item; j onset; tendency; (Dyeing) standard. Ansatzbad, n. (Dyeing) first bath, initial bath. | Ansatzpunkt, m. point of attachment or inser- tion. Ansatzrohr, n, attached tube, insert tabe. Ansatzstiick, n. attached piece or part, attach- ment. ansauern, v.t. acidify, acidulate; sour; (Baking) add yeast to. ; Ansaugehub, m. suction stroke. ; ;' ansaugen, v.t. & i. suck, suck in. ,-:': Ansaugrohr, n. suction tube. anschaffen, v.t. provide, supply; purchase. anschauen, v.t. look at, view, consider. anschaulich, a. clear, plain. Anschauung, /. mode of viewing, view, idea; observation; perception; intuition. Anschauungsweise, /. point of view, stand- point. Anschein, m. appearance; likelihood. anschichten, v.t. pile in layers, stratify. anschicken, v.r. prepare. Anschieber, m. lengthening piece; (Brewing) workman; (Baking) kissing crust. anschiessen, v.i. shoot into crystals, crystal- lize; shoot; rush; be adjacent. Anschiessgefass, n. crystallizing vessel, crystal- lizer. Anschlag, m. stroke; impact; posting up, placard; estimate; plan, attempt. anschlagen, v.t. strike at; fasten, affix; aim; estimate. anschlagig, a. ingenious. anschlammen, v.t. suspend; elutriate, wash; deposit (mud, etc.); make into a paste; smear with mud or slime. anschleifen, v.t. grind, polish. anschliessen, v.t. fasten (on), attach, annex, connect. Anschluss, m. joining; junction, connection; enclosure, something annexed. anschmelzen, v.t. melt or fuse on (to), join by fusion. v.i. begin to melt; adhere by fusion. anschmiegen, v.t. cause to cling (to), press (to). v.r. cling (to). anschmieren, v.t. smear; adulterate; cheat. anschmutzen, v.t. soil. anschrauben, v.t. screw on. Anschuldigung, /. accusation. anschiiren, v.t. stir up, stir, keep going (fire). Anschuss, m. crystallization; crop (of crystals); shooting; rush. anschiitten, v.t. pour on, discharge on. anschwangern, v.t. saturate, impregnate. Anschwanzapparat, m. sprinkler, sparger. anschwanzen, v.t. sprinkle, sparge. anschwarzen, v.t. blacken; slander. anschwefeln, v.t. treat or fumigate with sulfur. anschweissen, v.t. weld on, weld together. anschwellen, v.i. swell, swell out. anschwoden, v.t. paint (the flesh side of hides) with lime. ansehen 16 Antimonsulfiir ansehen, v.t. look at, see, regard; esteem. angesehen, p.a. important, prominent. Ansehen, n. appearance; standing, reputation. ansehnlich, a. conspicuous, important. ansetzen, r.r. crystallize; effloresce; be de- posited. v.t. set on, apply, attach; prepare, mix; charge (a furnace); establish. v.i. make a start, try. Ansicht, /. view; inspection; opinion. ansichtig, a. cognizant. ansieden, v.t. boil, boil on; scorify; blanch; mordant (by boiling). Ansieden und Ah- dunkein, stuffing and saddening. Ansiedeprobe, /. scorification assay. Ansiedescherben, m. scorifier. ansinnen, v.t. expect, require; attribute. anspannen, v.t. strain, stretch, bend; hitch. anspielen, P.I. hint, allude; begin to play. ansprechen, v.t. address; claim; ask; please. ansprengen, v.t. blow up, blast; sprinkle; urge on. Anspruch, m. claim; demand. Anstalt, /. institution, establishment; prepara- tion, arrangement. Anstand, m. delay; hesitation; behavior; pro- priety. anstatt, prep, instead of. anstauben, v.t. dust, powder. anstechen, v.t. pierce, tap, open. anstecken, v.t. stick on, fasten; infect; light (a fire). ansteckend, p.a. contagious, infec- tious. ansteigen, v.i. rise, ascend. Anstellbottich, m. (Brewing) starting tub. anstellen, v.t. institute, make; install, set going, start; prepare; pitch (wort); appoint, employ; plan. v.r. behave; pretend. Ansteller, m. employer. anstellig, a. skilful, handy. Anstelltemperatur, /. (Brewing) pitching tem- perature. Anstellung, /. instituting, etc. (see anstellen); situation, employment. Anstieg, m. rise, ascent. anstiften, v.t. contrive, cause. anstocken, v.i. become moldy. Anstoss, m. collision; impulse, impetus; of- fense; butt joint. anstossen, v.t. crush, prepare by crushing; strike against, impinge upon; offend. v.i. strike, impinge; be adjacent; stumble; stammer; offend. anstossend, p. a. adja- cent, contiguous. anstossig, a. offensive, shocking. Anstrebekraft, /. centripetal force. anstreben, v.i. strive toward; oppose. v.t. strive for. Anstreiche, /. paint, color. anstreichen, v.t. paint, coat, color, varnish; mark; underscore. anstrengen, v.t. stretch, strain. Anstrich, m. paint, painting, coat; varnish; dye; tint, color; appearance. ansuchen, v.t. apply, request. anstissen, p.l. wash, edulcorate; sweeten slightly. anteigen, v.t. stir into a paste, make a paste of. Anteil, Antheil, m. constituent; portion, share; interest, sympathy. Anthrachinolin, n. anthraquinoline. Anthrachinon, n. anthraquinone. Anthrazen, n. anthracene. Anthrazit, n. anthracite. anthrazitartig, a. anthracitic. Antichlor, n. antichlore, antichlor, antichlorine. Antikatalysator, m. anticatalyzer. antikatalytisch, a. anticatalytic. Antikorper, m. antisubstance, antibody (cf. Korper). Antimon, n. antimony. antimonartig, a. like antimony; antimonial. Antimonblei, n. (Metal.') lead containing anti- mony. Antimonblende, /. kermesite. Antimonblute, /. antimony bloom, valentinite. Antimonbuttcr, /. butter of antimony. Antimonchlorid, n. antimony chloride, specif., antimony pentachloride. Antimonchlorur, n. antimony trichloride. Antimonglanz, m. antimony glance, antimonite. Antimonhalogen, n. antimony halide. antimonhaltig, a. containing antimony; anti- monial. antimonig, a. antimonious. antimonige Saure, antimonious acid. antimonigsauer, a. of or combined with anti- monious acid, antimonite of. Antimonigsaureanhydrid, n. antimony trioxide. antimonisch, a. antimonial, antimonic. Antimonium, n. antimony. Antimon kupferglanz, m. antimonial copper glance (bournonite or chalcostibite). Antimonnickelglanz, m. ullmannite. Antimonoxychloriir, n. antimony oxychloride (SbOCl). Antimonoxyd, n. antimony oxide, specif., anti- mony trioxide. Antimonsaffran, m. antimonial saffron, crocus of antimony. Antimonsalz, n. antimony salt, specif., a double compound of antimony trifluoride and am- monium sulfate. antimonsauer, a. of or combined with anti- monic acid, antimonate of. Antimonsaure, /. antimonic acid. Antimonsilber, n. antimonial silver, dyscrasite. Antimonsilberblende, /. pyrargyrite. Antimonspiegel, m. antimony mirror. Antimonsulfid, n. antimony sulfide, specif., anti- mony pentasulfide. Antimonsulfur, n. antimony trisulfide. Antimonverbindung 17 Apparat Antimonverbindung, /. antimony compound. Antimonwasserstoff, m. antimony hydride, stibine. Antimonzinnober, m. kermes mineral. antiphlogistisch, a. antiphlogistic. antipodisch, a. antipodal, opposite. antiquarisch, a. (of books) second-hand. Antisepticum, Antiseptikum, n. antiseptic. antiseptisch, a. antiseptic. Antiweinsaure, /. antitartaric acid. Antlitz, n. countenance, face. Antonskraut, n. willow herb (Ckamsenerion angustifolium) . Antrag, m. proposal, motion, antragen, v.t. lay on, apply; propose, offer. antreffen, v.t. hit upon, meet with. antreiben, v.t. drive on, drive against, drive in; hoop (casks); impel, incite. antreten, v.t. enter upon, set out upon; accost. Antrieb, m. impulse, impulsion; (motive) power; motive. Antritt, m. beginning, entrance, first step. Antrittsvorlesung, /. inaugural lecture. antrocknen, v.i. dry on; begin to dry. antun, v.t. put on; do to; do violence to. Antwort, /. answer, reply. antworten, v.t. & i. answer, reply. anvertrauen, v.t. trust, confide, anverwandt, p.a. related. Anwachs, m. increase, swelling. An wait, m. attorney; deputy. An wandlung, /. fit, attack, anwarmen, v.t. warm, heat (moderately); dry (by heating) . v.i. warm, begin to heat. Anwartschaft, /. expectancy, anwassern, v.t. moisten slightly, anweichen, v.t. sOak (or steep) slightly. anweisen, v.t. point out, show; assign; direct; instruct. anweissen, v.t. whitewash, whiten. Anweisung, /. direction, instruction; money order, check, draft; assignment. anwendbar, a. usable, applicable, practicable, available, an wenden, v.t. apply, employ, use. angewandt, p.a. applied, practical. Anwendung, /. application, employment, use. Anwendungsweise, /. mode of application. anwesend, a. present. anwidern, v.t. disgust, offend. Anwuchs, m. growth, increase. Anwurf, m. plastering; deposit. Anzahl, /. number. anzahlen, v.t. pay on account. anzapfen, v.t. tap. Anzeichen, n. sign, indication, symptom, omen. Anzeige, /. information; indication; (of an in- strument) reading; notice, report, circular, advertisement, despatch. anzeigen, v.t. inform, announce, advertise; in- dicate. Anzeiger, m. indicator; (Math.) exponent; in- former, advertiser. anzetteln, v.t. plot; (Weaving) warp. anziehen, v.t. draw, pull, attract; absorb; draw tight, stretch; raise, grow; put on (clothes); quote. v.i. take effect, hold well; harden, set; attract moisture; approach. anziehend, p.o. attractive; astringent. angezogen, p.a. (of malt) slack. AnzieJhung, /. attraction, etc. (see anziehen); adhesion; (Physiol.) adduction. Anziehungskraft, /. attractive power, attrac- tion; adhesive power. Anzucht, /. raising, cultivation. Anzug, m. approach; dressing; clothing, dress; entrance. anziiglich, a. offensive, cutting. anziinden, v.t. ignite, kindle, light. Aorte, /. aorta. Aorten-. aortic. Aouaraol, n. African palm oil. Apfel, m. apple. Apfelather, Xpfelather, m. malic ether (ethyl malate); essence of apple (genuine or ar- tificial). Apfelmost, m. (new) cider. Apfelmus, m. apple sauce. Apfelsalbe, /. pomatum. apfelsauer, apfelsauer, a. of or combined with malic acid, malate of. Apfelsaure, Apfelsaure, /. malic acid. Apfelsine, /. (sweet) orange. Apfelsinenschalenol, n. orange-peel oil, essence of orange. Apfelwein, Apfelwein, m. cider. aphlogistisch, a. aphlogistic. aplanatisch, a. aplanatic. Apochinen, n. apoquinene. Apochinin, n. apoquinine. Apokamphersaure, /. apocamphoric acid. Apotheke, /. drugstore, chemist's shop, apothe- cary's shop. Apotheker, m. pharmacist, druggist, (in Eng- land) pharmaceutical chemist, apothecary. Apothekerbuch, n. dispensatory, pharmacopeia. Apothekergewicht, n. apothecary's weight. Apothekerkunst, /. apothecary's art, pharmacy Apothekerordnung, /. dispensatory. Apothekerverein, m. pharmaceutical society, or- ganization of druggists. Apothekerwage,/. druggist's scales, apothecary's Apothekerwaren, /. pi. drugs. Apothekerwarenhandler, m. druggist. Apothekerwesen, n. pharmaceutical matters. Apothekerwissenschaft, /. pharmacology. App., abbrev. of Apparat. Apparat, m. apparatus. Apparatur 18 Arsenikalien Apparatur, /. apparatus (collectively), equip- ment. appellieren, v.i. appeal. appetitlich, a. appetizing, delicious. applizieren, v.t. apply. Applizierung, /. application. appretieren, v.t. dress, finish (cloth). Appretur, /. finishing, dressing; finish, dressing, size. appreturecht, a. unaffected by finishing. Appreturmittel, n. finishing agent, dressing ma- terial, dressing. approbieren, v.t. approve. Aprikose, /. apricot. Aquator, m. equator. Aquavit, m. aqua vitae, whisky; pi. spirits. aqui-. equi-. Uquimolekular, a. equimolecular. Aquipartition, /. equipartition. Xquivalent, n. equivalent. Aquivalentgewicht, n. equivalent weight, com- bining weight. Aquivalenz, /. equivalence. Arabingummi, n. gum arable. Arabinsaure, /. arabic acid, arabin. arabisch, a. Arabic, Arabian. arabisches Gummi, gum arabic. Arachinsaure, /. arachic (or arachidic) acid. Araometer, n. hydrometer, areometer. araometrisch, a. hydrometric, areometric. Arbeit, /. work, labor; working; fermentation; task; workmanship. arbeiten, v.i. work; ferment. v.t. work, per- form, make. Arbeiter, m. worker, laborer, workman. Arbeitgeber, m. employer. Arbeitnehmer, m. workman. Arbeits-, working, work, of work or labor. arbeitsam, a. industrious, laborious. Arbeitsanderung, /. change in work. Arbeitseinheit, /. unit of work. Arbeitseinstellung, /. strike. arbeitsfahig, a. capable of work; able-bodied. Arbeitsfahigkeit /.capacity for performing work. Arbeitsflache, /. bearing surface; working sur- face. Arbeitshub, m. working stroke. Arbeitskammer, /. laboratory; work room. Arbeitsleistung, /. performance of work. Arbeitslohn, m. wages, pay. arbeitslos, a. & adv. without work. Arbeitsraum, m. laboratory; work room. arbeitsscheu, a. averse to work, lazy. Arbeitstisch, m. work table. Arbeitsvermogen, n. (Physics) energy. Arbeitsverrichtung, /. performance of work. Arbeitsweise, /. method of working; workman- ship. Arbitrium, n. arbitrament. Ar che, /. ark, chest. Archiv, n. record office; pi. records, archives. Areal, n. area. Arekanuss, /. areca nut. arg, a. bad; strong, severe, enormous. Arg, n. harm, mischief. Anger, m. anger; spite. argerlich, a. angry; vexatious. Arglist, /. cunning, deceit. arglos, a. harmless; unsuspecting. Argwohn, n. suspicion. arktisch, a. arctic. arm, a. poor. Arm, m. arm (in various senses); branch; cross- bar (of a balance). Armband, m. bracelet. Armbinde, m. sling. Armblei, n. refined lead (from which the silver has been removed). Armee, /. army. Arm el, m. sleeve. armlich, a. poor. armselig, a. poor, wretched. Armut, /. poverty. Arnikabluten, f.pl. arnica flowers, (Pharm.) arnica. Arnikawurzel, /. arnica rhizome, arnica root. Atom, n. aroma. aromatisch, a. aromatic. aromatisieren, r.t. aromatize. Aron, m. arum. Arrak, m. arrack. Arrestant, m. prisoner. arretieren, v.t. arrest. arrodieren, v.t. erode. Arrowmehl, n. arrowroot flour, (Pharm.) arrow- root, maranta. Arsen, n. arsenic. Arsenblende, /. arsenic blend (gelbe, orpiment; rote, realgar). Arsenbliite, /. arsenic bloom, arsenite (AszOs) . Arsenchlorid, n. arsenic chloride. Arsendampf, m. arsenic vapor, arsenical vapor. Arseneisen, n. arsenical iron (lollingite). Arseneisensinter, m. pitticite. Arsenfleck, m. arsenic spot or stain. arsenfrei, a. free from arsenic, arsenic-free. Arsenglas, n. = Arsenikglas. Arsenhalogen, n. arsenic halide. arsenhaltig, a. arsenical, containing arsenic^ arsenig, a. arsenious. arsenige Saure, arsenious acid. arsenigsauer, a. of or combined with arsenious acid, arsenite of. Arsenigsaure, /. arsenious acid. Arsenik, m. arsenic. gelber Arsenik, orpiment. roter Arsenik, realgar. weisser Arsenik, white arsenic, arsenic trioxide. Arsenikalfahlerz, n. tennantite. Arsenikalien, -f.pl. arsenicals, arsenical com- pounds or preparations. arsenikalisch arsenikalisch, a. arsenical. Arsenikalkies, m. leucopyrite. Arsenikblei, w. lead arsenide. Arsenikblumen, f.pl, Arsenikbliite, /. = Arsenbltite. Arsenikeisen, n. =Arseneisen. Arsenikglas, n. arsenic glass, vitreous arsenic trioxide; (gelbes) orpiment; (rotes) realgar. arsenikhaltig, a. = arsenhaltig. Arsenikjodiir, n. =Arsenjodur. Arsenikkies, m. arsenical pyrites, arsenopyrite. Arsenikkobalt, Arsenikkobaltkies, TO. skut- terudite. Arseniknickel, -nickelkies, w. =Arsennickel, -nickelkies. Arsenikol (atzendes). caustic oil of arsenic (AsCU). Arsenikprobe, /. arsenic test. Arseniksalz, n. salt of arsenic, arsenate or arsenite. arseniksauer, a. =arsensauer. Arseniksaure, /. arsenic acid. unvoll- kommende Arseniksaure, /. arsenious acid. Arseniksilber, n. arsenical silver. Arseniksinter, m. scorodite. Arsenikspiegel, TO. arsenic ruirror. Arsenikvitriol, TO. arsenic sulfate. Arsenjodid, n. arsenic iodide, specif., arsenic triiodide. Arsenjodiir, n. arsenic diiodide (Asl?). Arsenkies, TO. = Arsenikkies. Arsenkobalt, m. skutterudite. Arsenlegierung, /. arsenic alloy. Arsenmetall, w. metallic arsenide. Arsennickel, TO. nickel arsenide; (Min.) nic- colite. Arsennickelkies, TO. niccolite. Arsenoxyd, n. arsenic oxide, specif., arsenic trioxide. Arsenrohr, n., -rohre, /. arsenic tube. Arsenrubin, m. realgar. arsensauer, a. of or combined with arsenic acid, arsenate of. Arsensaure, /. arsenic acid. Arsensilber, n. arsenical silver. Arsenspiegel, TO. arsenic mirror. Arsensulfid, n. (any) sulfide of arsenic. Arsenverbindung, /. arsenic compound. Arsenwasserstoff, m. arsenic hydride, ar- seniuretted hydrogen (specif., arsine, AsHs). Arsinigsaure, /. arsinic acid. Arsinsaure, /. arsonic acid. Art, /. kind, sort, species, variety; manner; race, breed; pi. manners; (Biol.) species. (Used as a suffix to give a generic meaning; as, Pecharten, pitches, i.e., kinds of pitch). arten, v.i. be of a (certain) kind, be like; thrive. v.t. form, modify. geartet, p.a. dis- posed, -natured. arteriell, o. arterial. 19 Asbestschnur Arterien-, arterial. artificiell, a. artificial. artig, a. good, polite, agreeable. -artig. A suffix attached to nouns and adjec- tives to form adjectives, and signifying " of the kind or nature of, resembling, like"; as, schwefelartig, like sulfur, sulfurous. Artikcl, TO. article; goods, material; entry, item; (Calico) style. Arznei, Arzenei, /. medicine; pi. drugs. Arznei-, medicinal, medical, medicated. Arzneibereiter, TO. pharmacist. Arzneibereitung, /. preparing of medicine, pharmacy. Arzneibuch, n. dispensatory, pharmacopeia. Arzneiessig, TO. medicated vinegar. Arzneiform, /. medicinal form. Arzneiformel, /. medical formula. Arzneigeruch, TO. medicinal smell. Arzneigeschmack, m. medicinal taste. Arzneigewicht, n. officinal weight. Arzneihandel, w. drug trade. Arzneihandler, TO. druggist. Arzneikorper, TO. medicinal substance. arzneikraftig, a. medicinal, curative, ther- apeutic. Arzneikraut, n. medicinal plant, medicinal herb. Arzneilehre, /. pharmacology. arzneilich, a. medicinal, medical. Arzneimass, n. officinal measure. Arzneimischung, /. medicinal mixture. Arzneimittel, n. medicine, remedy. Arzneimittelkunde, /. pharmacology. Arzneimitteltrager, m. (Phdrm.) menstruum; excipient. Arzneipflanze, /. medicinal plant. Arzneiseife, /. medicinal soap. Arzneisirup, m. medicated sirup. Arzneistoff, w. medicinal substance. Arzneiverordnung, - verschreibung, /. (medical) prescription. Arzneiware, /. drug. Arzneiwarenkunde, /. pharmacology. Arzneiwesen, n. pharmaceutical affairs. Arznei wissenschaf t, /. pharmacology; medical science. Arzt, TO. physician, doctor. Xrzteverein, w. medical society. arztlich, a. medical. Asand, Asant, TO. stinkender, asafetida.^ wohlriechender, gum benzoin. Asbest, TO. asbestos. asbestartig, a. asbestoid, asbestiform, amian- thine. Asbestfaser, /. asbestos fiber. Asbestpapier, n. asbestos paper. Asbestpappe, /. asbestos board. Asbestschale, /. asbestos dish. Asbestschnur, /. asbestos twine. Asbestwolle 20 Atomtheorie Asbestwolle, /. asbestos wool. Aschblau, n. zaffer. Aschblei, n. native bismuth. Asche, /. ash, ashes. Xschel, Aschel, m. (Metal.') sullage. aschen, v.t. ash. Aschenbad, n. ash bath. Aschenbestandteil, m. ash constituent. Aschendiinger, m. cinereal manure, cinereal. Aschenermittelung, /. determination of ash. Aschenfall, /. ash-pit; ash-pan. aschenfleckig, a. (Metal.) specked with sullage. Aschengehalt, m. ash content. Aschenlauge, /. lye from ashes. Aschenofen, m. calcining oven. Aschensalz, n. potash. Aschentrecker, Aschenzieher, m. tourmaline (old name). Ascher, m. (Leather) tanner's pit, lime pit; (Soap) ash cistern (also, ashes); (Masonry) slaked lime; (Ceram.) tin ashes. Xscherbriihe, Xscherfliissigkeit, /. (Leather) lime liquor. Ascherkalk, m. (Leather) lime. aschern, v.i, ash; (Leather) lime. Xscherofen, m. (Ceram.') frit kiln. Aschraum, m. ash-box, ash-pit. Asparaginsaure, /. aspartic acid. Aspe, /. aspen (tree). Asphaltbeton, m. asphalt (ic) concrete. asphalthaltig, a. containing asphalt, asphaltic, bituminiferous. asphaltieren, v.t. asphalt. asphaltisch, a. asphaltic. Asphaltkitt, m. asphalt cement, asphalt mastic. Asphaltpflaster, n. asphalt pavement, aspirieren, v.i. aspire. v. t. aspirate, ass, pret. of essen. Assekuranz, /. insurance. assekurieren, v.t. insure. assimilieren, v.t. assimilate. associieren, v.t. associate, assortieren, v.t. assort, sort. assouplieren, v.t. render pliable. Ast, m. bough, branch; knot (in wood). Astronom, TO. astronomer. astronomisch, a. astronomical. Asyl, n. asylum. asymmetrisch, a. asymmetric, asymmetrical. -at. (in names of salts, etc.) -ate. A tern, TO. breath, breathing, respiration; spirit. A tern-, of breathing, respiratory. atembar, a. respirable. At.-Gew., abbrev. (Atomgewicht) atomic weight. ath., abbrev. (atherisch) ethereal. Xthal, n. ethal (cetyl alcohol). Xthan, n. ethane; pi. paraffins, hydrocarbons of the ethane series. Xthansaure, /. ethanic acid (acetic acid) . Xther, TO. ether (in older names frequently equivalent to ester). Xtherart, /. kind of ether; pi. ethers. atherartig, a. ethereal. Atherbildung, /. ether formation, etherification. atherisch, a. ethereal; essential, volatile (oils). atherisieren, v.t. etherize. Atherprober, TO. ether tester. Xthersaure, /. ether acid (compound which is both an ether and an acid). Atherschwefelsaure, /. alkylsulfuric acid, specif., ethylsulfuric acid. Atherschwingung, /. vibration of the ether, ethereal vibration. Xtherweingeist, TO. (Pharm.) spirit of ether (solution of ether in alcohol). Xthin, n. ethine (acetylene). athmen, v. =atmen. Athoxy-. ethoxy-. Alhoxyl, n. ethoxyl. Xthyl, n. ethyl. Athylen, n. ethylene. Athylenbindung, /. ethylene linkage, double bond. Athylgruppe, /. ethyl group. Xthyliden, n. ethylidene. Xthylwasserstoff, TO. ethyl hydride (ethane). Atlas, m. satin; atlas. Atlaserz, n., Atlaskies, TO. fibrous malachite. Atlasholz, n. satinwood. Atlasspat, m. satin spar (fibrous calcium car- bonate) . Atlasvitriol, TO. white vitriol (zinc sulfate). Atm., abbrev. (Atmosphare) atmosphere (s). atmen, v.i. breathe, respire. v.t. breathe. Atmosphare, /. atmosphere. Atmospharendruck, m. atmospheric pressure. atmospharisch, a. atmospheric. Atmung, /. breathing, respiration. Atmungs-. of breathing, respiratory. Atmungsnahrungsmittel, n. respiratory food, atomartig, a. atomic; atom-like. Atombegriff, TO. conception of the atom. Atombindungsvermogen, n., atombindende Kraft, atomic combining power, valence. Atomgewicht, n. atomic weight. Atomgewichtstabelle,/. table of atomic weights. Atomgruppe, /. group of atoms, atomic group. Atomgruppierung, /. atomic grouping. atomhaltig, a. atomic. Atomhypothese, /. atomic hypothesis. Atomigkeit, /. atomicity. atomisch, a. atomic. atomistisch, a. atomistic, atomic. Atomizitat, /. atomicity. Atomlehre, /. doctrine of atoms, atomic theory. Atommodell, n. atomic model. Atomrefraktion, /. atomic refraction. - Atomtheorie, /. atomic theory. Atomverband 21 Aufeinanderfolge Atomverband, m., Atomverbindung, /. union of atoms, atomic union. Atomverkettung, /. linking of atoms, atomic linkage. Atom verschiebung, /. atomic displacement. \ Atomvolum, Atomvolumen, n. atomic volume. Atomwarme, /. atomic heat. Atramentstein. m. inkstone, native copperas. Atropasaure, /. atropic acid, attenuieren, v.t. attenuate. Attest, n. certificate. Xtz-. caustic, corrosive; (Calico) discharging, discharge. Xtzalkali, n. caustic alkali. Xtzammoniak, n. caustic ammonia (ammonium hydroxide), ammonia water. Xtzartikel, m. (Calico) discharge style. , atzbar, a. corrodible; (Calico) dischargeable. Xtzbaryt, m. caustic baryta (barium hydroxide) . Atzbeizdruck, n. discharge printing. Xtzbeize, /. chemical discharge, discharge mordant. Xtzdruck, n. discharge printing. Xtze, /. corrosion; etching; cauterization; aqua fortis; (Calico) discharge. atzen, v.t. corrode; etch; cauterize; (Calico) discharge. atzend, p.a. caustic, corrosive. atzend machen, render caustic, causticize. Xtzfarbe, /. (Calico) discharge paste. Atzfigur, /. etching figure. Xtzgift, n. caustic poison. At/kali, n. caustic potash. , Xtzkalilauge, /. caustic potash lye, caustic potash solution. Atzkalk, m. caustic lime (gebrannter, quick- lime; geloschter, slaked lime). Atzkraft, /. causticity. Xtzlack, TO. discharge lake. Xtzlauge, caustic lye, caustic liquor. Xtzmittel,n. corrosive, caustic; (Calico) chemical discharge. Atznatron, n. caustic soda. Xtznatronlauge, /. caustic soda lye, caustic soda solution. Xtzpapp, TO. (Calico) resist. Atzpulver, n. caustic powder. Atzsilber, n. lunar caustic (silver nitrate) . Xtzstein, m. lapis causticus, (fused) caustic potash. Xtzsublimat, n. corrosive sublimate (mercuric chloride). Xtzung, /. corrosion; etching; cauterization. Xtzwasser, n. caustic water, etching liquid, mordant. Xtzweiss, n. (Calico) white discharge. Xtzwirkung, /. corrosive action; (Calico) action of the discharge. a. u. a., abbrev. (auch unter andern) also among others. auch, adv. & eon/, also, too; indeed, even. auch nicht, neither. Aue, /. islet; meadow. Auerbrenner, TO. Welsbach burner. Auerhahn, TO. capercaillie, mountain cock. Auerlicht, n. Welsbach light. auf, prep, on, upon, in, at; into, to. adv. & prefix, up, upward, open. auf dass, in order that. auf einmal, at once. aufarbeiten, v.t. work up; finish (a task). aufatmen, v.i. breathe hard, breathe again. aufatzen, v.t. corrode or etch upon, etch; (Med.) open with caustic. Aufbau, m. building up, synthesis; building, erection; display. aufbauen, v.t. build up, synthesize; erect. aufbaumen, v.i. show (metallic) luster. v.t. beam, wind up. aufbereiten, v.t. prepare, dress (ores). aufbersten, v.i. burst, crack. aufbewahren, v.t. keep, store, preserve. Aufbewahrung, /. keeping, storage, preserva- tion. aufbieten, v.t. call out, summon; exert; abuse. aufbinden, v.t. tie up, fasten; untie, loosen. aufblahen, v.t. & v.i. swell, swell up, bulge out. aufblasen, v.t. blow up, inflate. auf blattern, v.i. (Min. & Med.) exfoliate. Aufblick, TO. (Assaying) fulguration, blick; look upward. aufblicken, v.i. (Assaying) brighten, give the " blick "; look up. aufblitzen, v.i. flash, flash up. aufbliihen, v.i. blossom, unfold; form a flower- like mass (before the blowpipe). uuf brauchen, v.t. use up, consume. aufbrausen, v.i. effervesce; ferment; fly into a passion, roar. aufbrausend, p.a. efferves- cent; fermenting. aufbrechen, v.t. break up, break open. v.i. open, break, burst. aufbrennen, v.t. burn up, consume; refine (metals); brand; burn on; treat by burning, specif., sulfur (wine). auf hringen, v.t. brihg up, raise; capture; ex- asperate. aufdampfen, v.i. evaporate; smoke. aufdecken, v.t. uncover, disclose. aufdocken, v.t. wind up, roll up; bundle, shock. aufdrangen, v.r. obtrude oneself. aufdrehen, v.t. screw open, untwist; turn up; (Ceram.) throw. aufdringen, v.t. press upon, obtrude upon. Aufdringlichkeit, /. obtrusiveness, importunity. Aufdruck, TO. printing. aufdrucken, v.t. impress, imprint, stamp. aufdunsten, v.i. evaporate. aufdiinsten, v.t. evaporate. aufeinander, adv. one upon (or after) another, Aufeinanderfolge, /. succession, series. aufeinanderfolgend 22 Auflosungspfanne aufeinanderfolgend, p.a. consecutive. Aufenthalt, TO. stay, stop; abode, residence. auffahren, v.i. rise up, drive up, fly up, start up. auffallen, v.i. astonish, startle. auffallend, p.a. striking, remarkable. auffallig, a. = auffallend. auffalten, v.t. unfold, open; fold up, fold. A u flange-, collecting. Auffangegefass, n. collecting vessel, receiver. auffangen, v.t. collect; intercept; catch. auffarben, v.t. dye anew, redye. Auffarber, TO. job dyer. auffasern, v.t. separate into fibers, unravel. auffassen, v.t. conceive, perceive, comprehend; catch up. Auffassung, /. conception; perception; compre- hension. aufflackern, v.i. flare up. aufflammen, r.?. flame up, blaze, deflagrate. auffliegen, v.i. blow up, explode; fly up, rise. auffliessen, v.i. flow on, run on. auffordern, v.t. summon; challenge. auffressen, v.t. corrode; eat up. auffrischen, v.t. freshen (up), revive, renew; (Brewing) change (steep water), refresh (yeast). auffiihren, v.t. erect, raise; perform; charge (in an account), enter, note. auffullen, v.t. fill up. Aufgabe, /. task, problem; giving up; delivery; order. Aufgang, TO. rising, going up, ascent; dis- appearance. aufgaren, v.i. effervesce. aufgeben, v.t. give up, give, deliver; charge (a furnace, or the like) ; propose. anfgeblaht, p.p. of aufblahen. Aufgebot, n. summons; levy; bans. aufgebracht, p.p. of aufbringen. aufgedunsen, p.a. swollen. aufgehen, v.i. go up, rise, swell; appear; open, come open; unfold; be spent or consumed; be merged; (of dyes) go on, be absorbed; (of plants) come up, shoot; (Arith.) leave no remainder. Aufgeld, n. premium. aufgelegt, p.a. see auflegen. aufgeschliffen, p.p. of aufschleifen. aufgeschlossen, p.p. of aufschliessen. aufgesogen, p.p. of aufsaugen. aufgeweckt, p.a* lively, clever. aufgiessen, v.t. infuse; pour upon. Aufguss, TO. infusion. Aufgussapparat, TO. sparger. Aufgussgefass, n. infusion vessel, digester. Aufgusstierchen, n.pl. Infusoria. Aufgussverfahren, n. infusion process or method. aufhacken, v.t. cut up, stir up. aufhalten, v.t. hold up, support; stop, detain, obstruct. v.r. stop, stay; find fault. aufhangen, v.t. hang up, hang, suspend. Aufhanger, TO. hanger, rack. aufheben, v.t. lift up, raise; lay up, preserve; break up, abolish; annul; seize; (of colors) compensate, be complimentary to; reduce (a fraction) to lowest terms. aufheitern, v.t. & r. clear up, brighten up. aufhellen, v.t. & r. clear up, clarify, brighten, make lighter (in color). aufhoren, v.i. stop, cease, end; desist. aufklappen, v.t. open (something leaved, as a book). aufklarcn, v.t. clear up; explain; enlighten. v.r. clear up, clear. aufkochen, v.t. & i. boil up, boil; boil again. aufkommen, v.i. advance; come into use; come up, get up. aufkratzen, v.t. scratch up, scratch; rake, stir (a fire) ; dress, nap (fabrics) ; card (wool) . aufkrausen, v.i. (Brewing) form a head, esp. curly head. aufkiihlen, v.t. (Brewing) aerate. aufkiindigen, v.t. give notice or warning of; recall. Auflage, /. edition, impression (of a book); duty, tax; (Mech.) rest, support. Auflauf, TO. swelling; puff; mob, crowd. auflaufen, v.i. run up, come up, rise, swell. v.t. feed, supply (to a furnace, etc.); beam, wind up. aufleben, v.i. revive. auflegen, v.t. lay on or up; impose; print, publish. aufgelegt, p.a. disposed, inclined. auflehnen, v.r. lean (upon); rebel (against). auflesen, v.t. pick up, gather. aufleuchten, v.i. light up, shine. auflockern, v.t. loosen up, loosen; relax. auflosbar, a. soluble. Auflosbarkeit, /. solubility. auflosen, v.t. dissolve; loosen, untie, undo; re- solve, decompose, dissipate; solve. v.r. dis- solve; deliquesce. auflosen d, p.a. solvent, dissolvent. Aufloser, TO. dissolver, etc. (see auflosen) ; (Paper, etc.) mixer. aufloslich, a. soluble. Aufloslichkeit, /. solubility. Auflosung, /. solution; unloosening, undoing; resolution, decomposition, dissolution, analy- sis (as opposed to synthesis); (of malt) mel- lowness, friability. aufiosungsfahig, a. capable of solution, soluble. Auflosungsgefass, n. dissolving vessel, dissolver. Auflosungsgrenze, /. (Micros.) limit of resolu- tion. Aufiosungsmittel, n. solvent. Auflosungspfanne, /. (Sugar) blow-up pan, clarifier. Auflosungsvermogen 23 aufstechen Auflosungsvermogen, n. solvent power; (of a microscope) resolving power. Auflosungswarme, /. heat of solution. aufloten, v.L solder on; unsolder. aufmachen, v.t. open, undo; put up; make up. v.r. prepare; get up, rise. Aufmaischen, n. second mashing. aufmerksam, a. attentive, observing. Aufmerksamkeit, /. attention, attentiveness. aufmischen, v.t. mix up. Aufnahme, /. taking up; absorbing; dissolving; admission; reception; fashion; survey ."sketch; taking (of photographs); (photographic) pic- ture, photograph. aufnahmefahig, a\ absorbable; absorptive. Aufnahmckolben, m. absorption flask. aufnehmen, v.t. take up; absorb; dissolve; admit, receive; draw, survey; take (a photo- graph); borrow. aufnotigen, v.t. force upon, aufpassen, v.t. fit on. v.i. be watching. aufputzen, v.t. trim up, clean up, decorate. aufquellen, v.i. swell, swell up; well up. v.t. cause to swell, swell. aufraffen, v.t. rake up, collect. nufraumen, v.t. clear up, clear away, clear, open. aufgeraumt, p.a. in good spirits. aufrecht, a. & adv. upright, erect. Aufrechthaltung, /. maintenance. aufregen, v.t. excite, stimulate, irritate; agitate, rouse, alarm. aufregend, p.a. irritant, stimulant; alarming. Aufregungsmittel, n. irritant; stimulant. aufrichten, v.t. set up, raise, erect; comfort. aufrichtig, a. sincere, genuine. Aufriss, TO. elevation; sketch, design. aufrollen, v.t. roll up; unroll. aufrucken, v.t. & i. move up, advance. Aufruf, TO. call, summons. aufriihren, v.t. stir, stir up. Aufriihrer, TO. stirrer; agitator, rebel. aufsagen, v.t. recite; revoke; give warning, aufsammeln, v.t. collect; gather. aufsassig, a. refractory, hostile. Aufsatz, m. something set on; attachment; head, headpiece; neck; top; dome; set (of china 1 *; essay, treatise, paper; (Dyeing) topping; (Calico) cover print. Aufsatzfarbe, /. (Dyeing) topping color, aufsaugen, v.t. suck up, absorb. aufsaugend, p.a. absorbent. Aufsauger, TO. absorber. Aufsaugung, /. absorption; suction, aufschaumen, v.i. foam up, froth, aufschichtcn, v.t. pile, arrange in layers, stratify. Aufschichtung, /. stratification. aufschieben, v.t. put off; push open. Aufschlag, TO. impact; increase (in price or tax) ; cuff, facing; warp; bound (of a ball). Aufschlagebuch, n. reference book. aufschlagen, v.t. strike up or open; open, un- fold; unbung (casks); handle (hides); setup, erect; raise. v.r. spring up; strike; rise (in price). aufschlammen, v.t. suspend, make into a paste, reduce to slime. aufschleifen, v.t. grind on; engrave on. aufschlemmen, v. = aufschlammen. aufschliessbar, a. capable of being decomposed. aufschliessen, v.t. decompose, convert into non-refractory form (as silicates by fusion with alkali carbonates); hydrolyze (starch); unlock, open; disclose, explain. Aufschliessung, /., Aufschluss, m. decomposi- tion, etc. (see aufschliessen). aufschmelzen, v.t. melt on, fuse on; melt open or apart. aufschneiden, v.t. cut open, dissect. v.i. brag. Aufschnitt, TO. cutting open; cut, incision; sliced meat. aufschrauben, v.t. unscrew; screw on, screw up. aufschrecken, v.t. startle. Aufschrei, TO. scream, shriek. aufschreiben, v.t. write down, record. Aufschrift, /. label, inscription; address. Aufschub, TO. putting off, delay. aufschiitten, v.t. put on; lay up, store up. aufschweissen, v.t. weld on or together. aufschwellen, v.i. swell up, tumefy. aufschwemmen, v.t. deposit (silt, etc.); float or wash upon; bloat. Aufsehen, n. looking up; sensation. Aufseher, TO. overseer, inspector, superin- tendent. aufsetzbar, a. capable of being put on (set up, or drawn up), attachable. aufsetzen, v.t. set up, put up, erect; put on; draw up (writings); (Dyeing) top; (Calico) cover-print. v.i. sit up; mount. Aufsicht, /. inspection; superintendence, super- vision, control. aufsieden, v.t. boil again; boil out. v.i. boil up. Aufsieden, n. boiling up, ebullition. aufspalten, v.t. split (up), cleave. v.i. split, burst. Aufspaltung, /. splitting up, cleavage (of compounds). aufspannen, v.t. stretch, spread; unfold, spread out. aufspeichern, v.t. lay up, store. aufsperren, v.t. open wide. aufsprengcn, v.t. blow up, blast; force open. aufspringen, v.i. crack, split; spring up, aufspritzen, v.t. & i. squirt up. aufsprudeln, v.i. boil up, bubble up, effervesce. aufspunden, aufspunden, v.t. unbung. Aufstand, TO. revolt, insurrection. aufstapeln, v.t. pile, stack, store. aufstechen, v.t. pick or pierce open, lance; stir up. aufstehen 24 Ausbeute aufstehen, v.i. stand up, rise; stand open. aufsteigen, v.i. rise, ascend; swell; boil; spit. aufstellen, v.t. set up, erect; advance, adduce. aufstobern, v.t. ferret out, discover, aufstossen, v.i. ferment anew; become acid (wine); chance (upon). v.t. push up, push open, aufstreichen, v.t. spread on, brush on; stain (paper). aufstreuen, v.t. sprinkle, strew. Aufstrich, m. spreading or brushing on, coat, stain; up stroke; auction. aufsuchen, v.t. seek out, search for. auftauchen, v.i. emerge, spring up. auftauen, v.i. thaw, melt. Auftrag, m. putting on, coating, coat (of color) ; order; commission, charge. auftragen, v.t. lay on, apply; charge (a furnace); order; serve up; (Geom.) protract, auftreffen, v.i. strike (against). auftreiben, v.t. sublime; blow, blow up (glass) ; drive up; beat out; procure. auftrennen, v.t. sever, rip up, rip open, auftreten, v.i. enter, appear, come forth; step: proceed. Auftreten, n. entrance, appearance; behavior. Auftrieb, m. buoyancy. Auftritt, m. entrance, appearance; step; scene. auftrocknen,v.<. dry up, dry. v.i. dry up, dry on. auftun, v.t. open, disclose. v.r. become visible, aufwallen, v.i. bubble up, bubble, boil up, boil. Aufwallung, /. bubbling, ebullition, efferves- cence. Aufwand, TO. expenditure; expense; display, aufwarmen, v.t. warm up, warm (again). aufwarten, v.t. wait on, pay respects to. Aufwarter, TO. waiter, attendant. aufwarts, adv. upward, aufwaschen, v.t. wash, cleanse, scour, aufweichen, v.t. moisten, wet, soak; soften; temper (colors). v.i. soak; soften. auf- weichend, p.a. emollient. aufweisen, v.t. show, produce, aufwenden, v.t. employ, devote, spend. aufwerfen, v.t. throw up, turn up; dig (a ditch); fling open. aufwickeln, v.t. wind up, wrap up; unwind, un- wrap. aufwiegen, v.t. counterbalance; outweigh. aufzahlen, v.t. count up, count; pay down. aufzehren, v.t. absorb; eat up, consume. Aufzehrung, /. absorption; consumption. aufziehen, v.t. draw up, raise up; wind up; open; loosen; raise, cultivate; rouse, agitate (yeast) ; educate; mount. v.i. appear; (of dyes) go on, be absorbed. Aufziehkriicke, /. (Brewing) rouser. Aufzug, m. elevator, crane, hoist; drawing up; parade; act (of a play). Augapfel, TO. eyeball, apple of the eye. Auge, n. eye; bubble (in liquids, bread, etc.); luster (on fabrics); (Bot.) bud, eye. Augenachat, TO. (Min.) cat's-eye. Augenblick, m. moment, instant. augenblicklich, a. instantaneous; momentary, temporary. Augenbraue, /. eyebrow. Augenfeld, n. field of vision. Augenfliissigkeit,/. (glasartige) vitreous humor; (wasserartige) aqueous humor. Augenhohle, /. eye-socket, orbit. Augenhohlen-. orbital. Augenkammerwasser, n. aqueous humor. Augenlicht, n. eyesight. Augenlid, n. eyelid. Augenlinse, /. crystalline lens; eye lens, eye- piece. Augenmarmor, TO. eye-spotted marble. Augenmerk, n. object in view, aim. Augenpinsel, m. eye brush (a small, soft, camel's-hair brush). Augenpunkt, TO. point of sight, visual point. Augenring, m. iris. Augenschein, m. appearance; inspection. augenscheinlich, a. apparent, evident. Augenschwarz, n. retinal pigment. Augenstein, TO. white vitriol, zinc sulfate; a variety of chalcedony; lacrimal calculus. Augenstern, TO. pupil (of the eye). Augentauschung, /. optical illusion. Augentrost, TO. eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) Augenwimper, /. eyelash. Augenwurzel, /. dandelion; wood anemone; mountain parsley. augitartig, augitisch, a. augitic. Auri-. auric, auri-. Aurichlorid, n. auric chloride. Auripigment, n. orpiment. Auri verbindung, /. auric compound. Auro-. aurous, auro-. Aurochlorid, n. aurous chloride. Aurochlorwasserstoffsaure, /. chloraurous acid, HAuCU. Aurokaliumcyanid, n. potassium aurocyanide. Auroverbindung, /. aurous compound, aus, prep, out of, from, away from. adv. & prefix, out, forth; over, done; in front. ausarbeiten, v.t. work out, prepare, finish off, finish, perfect, elaborate, ausarten, v.i. degenerate. ausathern, v.t. extract with ether. ausatmen, v.t. breathe out, exhale. Ausatmungsluft, /. exhaled air. ausatzen, v.t. cauterize; destroy by caustics; discharge (colors). ausbauchen, v.t. & i. bulge, swell, hollow out. ausbcdingen, v.t. stipulate, reserve. ausbessern, v.t. mend, repair. ausbeulen, v.t. swell out, round out. Ausbeute,/. yield; crop; output; gain, profit. ausbeuten ausbeuten, v.t. make the best of, turn to ac- count; exploit; (Agric.) cultivate; (Mining) work, win. ausbiegen, v.t. & i. turn out, bend out. ausbilden, v.t. & i. form; develop, improve, perfect. Ausbildung, /. formation, etc. (see ausbilden). ausbitten, v.t. request, insist upon, invite. Ausblasedampf, m. exhaust steam. Ausblasehahn, m. blow-off cock; drain cock. ausblasen, v.t. blow out; blow off, stop (a blast furnace) , exhaust (steam) . ausgeblasen, p.a. blown out, etc.; exhaust (steam). ausbleichen, v.t. bleach out. v.i. fade. Ausbleichung, /. fading; bleaching out, bleach- ing. ausbleien, v.t. line with lead. ausbliihen, v.i. effloresce; cease blooming. Ausbluhung, /. efflorescence. ausbohren, v.t. bore out, drill. ausbrechen, v.t. break out, take out; quarry (stone); work (a lode); cut off, prune; vomit. v.i. break out, break off; occur. ausbreiten, v.t. & r. spread out, spread, extend; diffuse; floor (grain, etc.). ausbrennen, v.t. burn out; cleanse by burning; bake (bricks); (Med.) cauterize. v.i. burn out. ausbringen, v.t. yield, produce; bring out, take away. Ausbruch, m. wine of the first press; outburst, outbreak, explosion, eruption. ausbriihen, v.t. scald, parboil. ausdampfen, v.i. evaporate; cease steaming. ausdampfen, v.t. steam, clean with steam; evaporate; smoke out. Ausdauer, /. endurance, continuance, persever- ance. ausdecken, v.t. cleanse, wash. ausdehnbar, a. expansible; extensible, ductile. Ausdehnbarkeit, /. expansibility; extensibility. ausdehnen, v.t., r. & i. expand; stretch, extend, distend, dilate; spread (gold). ausdehnsam, a. = ausdehnbar. Ausdehnsamkeit, /. = Ausdehnbarkeit. Ausdehnung, /. expansion; spread, extent: ex- tension, dilatation, distention; (Math.) dimen- sion. Ausdehnungsvermogen, n. expansibility; ex- tensibility; dilatability. ausdenken, v.t. think out, devise, conceive. ausdeuten, v.t. interpret. Ausdruck, m. expression. ausdrucken, v.t. finish printing; print in full; use up in printing. ausdrucken, v.t. express; press out, squeeze out. ausdriicklich, a. express, explicit; intentional. ausdruckslos, a. expressionless. ausdunnen, v.t. thin out, thin. 25 ausfiihren Ausdunst, m. evaporation, exhalation. ausdiinsten, ausdunsten, v.i. evaporate; trans- pire; perspire. v.t. exhale. Ausdiinstung, /. evaporation; exhalation; tran- spiration; perspiration. Ausdiinstungsmesser, m. atmometer. auseinander, adv. apart, asunder, separately. auseinanderfahren, v.i. diverge, go apart; break up. auseinanderfalten, v.t. unfold, open out. auseinandergehen, v.i. fall apart, break up; separate. auseinanderreissen, v.t. tear apart, disrupt. auseinandersetzen, v.t. explain, set forth; put or set apart. auserkoren, p.a. chosen, selected. auserlesen, p.a. select; exquisite. ausersehen, v.t. mark out, choose. ausfahren, v.i. drive out; go out; break out. v.t. export. Ausfall, m. precipitation, precipitate; falling out or off; deficiency, deficit; result; sortie, attack. ausfallen, v.i. precipitate, deposit; fall or come out; result; be omitted. ausfallen, v.t. precipitate. Ausfallung, /. precipitation. Ausfallwinkel, m. angle of reflection. ausfarben, v.t. finish dyeing, dye (completely); extract the color from. Ausfarbvorrichtung, /. color extractor. ausfertigen, v.t. make out, draw up, make ready, despatch. ausfetten, v.t. deprive of fat or grease, scour (wool). ausfeuern, v.t. burn out (casks) ; warm (a room). ausfindig machen. find out. ausfleischen, v.t. flesh (hides). ausfliessen, v.i. flow or issue out; discharge; emanate. ausflocken, v.i. separate in flakes or flocks. Ausflucht, /. evasion; subterfuge. Ausflug, TO. flight; excursion. Ausfluss, m.. outflow, efflux; effluent; discharge; emanation; secretion; outlet, mouth. Ausflussrohre, /. outflow tube or pipe, discharge pipe. ausfolgen, v.t. deliver up. ausformen, v.t. shape out, perfect; form; develop, improve. ausforschen, v.t. search out, investigate. ausfragen, v.t. question, examine. ausfrasen, v.t. countersink; bead (a border). ausfrieren, v.t. freeze out; concentrate by freez- ing; freeze thoroly. v.i. freeze up; deterio- rate thru freezing; cease freezing. Ausfuhr, /. export, exportation. ausfuhrbar. a. practicable, feasible; exportable. ausfiihren, v.t. carry out, perform; erect; clean, purge; export; lead out. ausfiihrlich 26 Auslassrohre ausfiihrlich, a. full, complete, detailed. Ausfiihrung, /. carrying out, performance, ex- ecution; erection; excretion; model, pattern. Ausfiihrungsmittel, n. purgative. ausfullen, v.t. fill, fill up, fill out; empty. Ausf ullmasse, Ausfullungsmasse, /. filling (for teeth). ausfuttern, v.t. line. ausfuttern, v.t. line; feed, fatten. Ausf iitterung, /. lining. Ausgabe, /. expense, expenditure; edition; issue; distribution. ausgahren, v.i. =ausgaren. Ausgang, m. starting out, going out, departure; outlet, egress; ending, end; result; exporta- tion. Ausgangs-. starting, initial; outlet; export. Ausgangsmaterial, n. initial material, starting material, raw material. Ausgangsprodukt, n. starting product, raw product. Ausgangspunkt, m. starting point. Ausgangsrohre, /. Outlet pipe, waste pipe, eduction pipe. Ausgangsstoff, TO. initial substance or material, starting material. ausgaren, v.i. ferment sufficiently; cease fer- menting; rise (from fermentation). v.t. throw off (by fermentation); weld (steel). ausgeben, v.t. yield, produce; give out; spend; edit; publish; issue. v.i. (of slaking lime) swell. ausgeblasen, p.a. (see ausblasen). ausgehen, v.i. go out; proceed, emanate; come off or out, fade; fail; (Baking) ferment; (Mining) crop out. ausgehend, p.a. out- going; export. ausgekocht, p.a. see auskochen. ausgelassen, p.a. see auslassen. ausgemacht, p.a. see ausmachen. ausgenommen, prep, except. ausgepragt, p.a. marked, decided, ausgerben, v.t. tan fully; weld (steel). ausgesprochen, p.a. see aussprechen. ausgesucht, p.a. see aussuchen. ausgewachsen, p.a. see auswachsen. ausgewogen, p.p. of auswagen. ausgezeichnet, p.a. see auszeichnen. ausgezogen, p.p. of ausziehen. ausgiebig, a. productive, fertile, abundant. Ausgiebigkeit, /. productiveness, fertility, abundance; (of a dye) yield, strength. ausgiessen, v.t. pour out, run out; fill up by pouring; put out (fire). Ausgicssung, /. effusion; pouring out, etc. (see Ausgleich, TO. =Ausgleichung. ausgleichen, v.t. equalize, adjust; compensate; balance; level; settle. ausgleichende Farbe, compensation or complementary color. Ausgleichung, /. equalization, etc. (see aus- gleichen). ausgleiten, v.i. slip; glide out. ausgliihen, v.t. glow (thoroly), ignite; anneal. v.i. cease glowing. Ausgliiher, m. annealer; (Minting) blancher. ausgraben, v.t. dig out, dig, excavate, exhume; engrave. Ausguss, TO. lip; spout; outlet, drain, sink; pouring out, delivery; effusion. Ausgusspfanne, /. mold (for mgots). Ausgussrdhre, /. drain tube or pipe, waste pipe. Ausgusswasser, n. waste water. aushalten, v.t. endure, stand; (Mining) pick out, sort. v.i. hold out, last. aushandigen, v.t. hand over. Aushang, TO. placard, poster. Aushangebogen, TO. proof sheet. Aushangeschild, n. sign-board, sign. ausharren, v.i. persevere. ausharzen, v.i. exude resinous matter; (Leather) spew. ausheben, v.t. draw out, lift out, select; levy; dislocate. aushecken, v.t. hatch. aushohlen, v.t. hollow out, excavate, aushulsen, v.t. husk, shell, peel. auskeimen, v.i. germinate; cease germinating. auskitten, v.t. fill with cement, cement. auskleiden, v.t. line (as an oven) ; undress. auskochen, v.t. boil out, boil, decoct; extract by boiling; clean by boiling, scour, buck. ausgekocht, p.a. extracted, etc.; spent (hops). auskochender Sprengschuss, blown- out shot. Auskocher, TO. boiler; bucking keir. auskommen, v.i. come out, get out; manage, get on. auskornen, v.t. free from grains; thresh (grain); gin (cotton). auskratzen, v.t. scratch out, scrape out, rake out. auskristallisieren, v.t. & i. crystallize out, crystallize. auskriicken, v.t. rake out. auskrystallisieren. = auskristallisieren. auskiihlen, v.i. cool thoroly. Auskunft, /. information; resource. Auskunftsmittel, n. expedient, resort. auslachen, v.t. laugh at, deride. Auslage, /. outlay, expense; display; show window. Ausland, n. foreign country. im Ausland, ins Ausiand, abroad. auslandisch, a. foreign; exotic, auslassen, v.t. let out, emit, discharge; exhaust (steam); melt, render; leave out. v.r. ex- press oneself. ausgelassen, p.a. let out, etc.; extravagant, wanton. Auslassrohre, /. outlet tube or pipe, discharge pipe. Auslassventil Auslassventil, n. escape valve, delivery valve. Auslauf, m. outlet, mouth; running out; leak- ing. auslaufen, v.i. run out, discharge; leak out, leak; blot; (of colors) run, bleed; project; put to sea. Auslaufspitze, /. discharge tip (as of a buret). auslaugen, v.t. leach out, leach, lixiviate, ex- tract; wash out, wash; steep or wash in lye, buck. ausleeren, vJ. empty out, empty, evacuate, drain. auslegen, v.t. lay out; exhibit; inlay, veneer; interpret. Auslese, /. selection; choice wine. auslesen, v.t. pick out, select, sort; read thru. Auslieferung, /. delivery, giving up. ausloschen, v.t. extinguish; blot out. auslosen, v.t. dissolve out; release; liberate; uncouple. Auslosung, /. dissolving out, etc. (see aus- losen); release (of a balance). ausliiften, v.t. ventilate, air. ausmachen, v.t. take out, put out; shell; gut; end, settle; find out; matter, amount to; constitute. ausmachend, p.a. constituent, essential. ausgemacht, p.a. certain; thoro. ausmalen, v.t. paint, color; describe. ausmergeln, v.t. exhaust. ausmessen, v.t. measure out, gage. ausmitteln, v.t. ascertain. Ausmii ndung, /. orifice, outlet. Ausnahme, /. exception. ausnahmelos, ausnahmslos, a. without ex- ception. ausnahmsweise, adv. exceptionally. ausnehmen, v.t. take out, draw; except, exclude; choose. v.r. look, appear. ausnehmend, p.a. exceptional, uncommon, exceeding. ausnehmend, adv. exceedingly. ausnutzen, v.t. use up, exhaust, work out; util- ize, make the most of, turn to profit. Ausnutzung, /. using up, etc. (see ausnutzen) ; efficiency. ausolen, v.t. oil. auspichen, v.t. pitch. auspinseln, v.t. paint or apply with a brush. auspressen, v.t. press out, press, express. ausproben, ausprobieren, v.t. try, try out, test thoroly. Auspuff, m. (Mack.) exhaust, escape. Auspuffhub, TO. exhaust stroke. Auspuffventil, n. exhaust valve. auspumpen, v.t. pump out, exhaust. ausputzen, v.t. clean out, clean, polish; dress out. ausquetschen, v.t. squeeze out, crush out, wring out. ausradieren, v.t. erase. ausrauchern, v.t. fumigate; smoke, smoke out. 7 Ausschlageisen ausraumen, v.t. clear out, clean out, remove. ausrechnen, v.t. calculate, compute. Ausrede, /. evasion, excuse; utterance. ausreden, v.t. utter; dissuade. v.i. finish speak- ing. v.r. excuse oneself. ausreiben, v.t. rub out, scrape, scour, cleanse. ausreichen, v.i. suffice. v.t. seize. ausreinigen, v.t. clean out, clean thoroly, purge. ausreissen, v.t. pull out, tear out. v.i. run away. ausrenken, v.t. sprain; dislocate. ausrichten, v.t. straighten; give; perform, do; (Mining) discover, explore. ausringen, v.t. wring out, squeeze out. ausrbtten, v.t. root up, exterminate. ausriicken, v.t. disengage, ungear. v.i. march out. Ausriicker, m. disengaging gear. ausrufen, v.t. & i. cry out, call out. Ausrufung, /. Crying out, exclamation; pro- clamation. ausriisten, fit out, equip, supply; finish (cloth). Ausriistung, /. equipment, outfit. aussagen, v.t. express, assert, affirm, state. aussaigern, v.t. =ausseigern. aussalzbar, a. capable of being salted out. aussalzen, v.t. salt out, separate by addition of salt; (Soap) grain. Aussatz, TO. display (of wares); leprosy; scurf. aussauern, v.t. deprive of acid, deacidify. aussaugen, v.t. suck out, suck dry, drain, ex- haust. ausschalten, v.t. cut out, switch out, take out. Ausschalter, TO. (Elec.) cut-out, circuit breaker. Ausschank, m. retailing (of liquor); public house. ausscharfen, v.t. neutralize, deaden, dull (colors). ausscheiden, v.t. separate; set free, liberate, eliminate, precipitate, extract; secrete, ex- crete; sort. Ausscheidung, /. separation, etc. (see aus- scheiden). Ausscheidungsmittel, n. separating agent; pre- cipitant. ausschenken, v.t. pour out; sell (liquors) by retail. ausschiessen, v.t. cast out, reject; discharge; shoot out. v.i. shoot up. ausschirren, v.t. ungear; unharness. ausschlacken, v.t. clear of dross. Ausschlag, TO. throwing out, removal; throw (of the pointer of a balance or a galva- nometer); exudation, scum, efflorescence; sprout, shoot; breaking out, eruption; lining, trimming; turning of the scale, result; (Brewing) run of wort from the kettle. Ausschlagbiitte, /. (Brewing) underback. Ausschlageisen, n. punch; piercer; tool for pounding ore. ausschlagen ausschlagen, v.t. knock, throw, or punch out, remove; express (oils, etc.); turn out (wort) from the kettle; flatten, planish; line, cover; stretch; refuse. v.i. break out; effloresce; (of a balance beam) turn; bud; strike out; turn out, prove; (Leather) spew. ausschlaggebend, a. decisive. Ausschlagwiirze, /. finished wort. ausschlammen, v.t. wash out, cleanse (from slime). ausschleifen, v.t. grind, whet; (Soap) grain. ausschleudern, v.t. expel by centrifugal force, centrifuge, spin out; hydro-extract (yarns, etc.). ausschliessen, v.t. .shut out, exclude; except. ausschliesslich, a. exclusive; exceptional. Ausschluss, m. exclusion; exception. ausschmelzen, v.t. melt out, render; (of metals) liquate; melt, fuse; purify by melting. v.i. melt out; cease melting. ausschmieren, v.t. smear; copy, plagiarize. ausschneiden, v.t. cut out, excise; prune; retail. Ausschnitt, TO. cutting out, cut; notch; sector; retail. ausschopfen, v.t. scoop out, ladle out; drain. ausschreibcn, v.t. write out, write in full; copy; summon; appoint, impose. Ausschreitung, /. excess. Ausschuss, m. refuse, waste; culls; select; com- mittee. ausschiitteln, v.t. shake out, shake, agitate. ausschwefeln, v.t. fumigate with sulfur. ausschweifend, p.a. excessive; dissolute. ausschweissen, v.t. weld out, cleanse (iron) by welding; bleed. ausschwemmen, v.t. wash out, flush; rinse. ausschwenken, v.t. whirl, centrifuge, hydro- extract. Ausschwenkmaschine, /. centrifugal, hydro-ex- tractor. ausschwirren, v.t. whiz, hydro-extract. ausschwitzen, v.t. & i. exude; sweat. aussehen, v.i. look, appear; look out. Aussehen, n. appearance. ausseigern, v.t. liquate, separate by liquation. Ausseigerung, /. liquation, eliquation. aussen, adv. out, outside, outward; abroad. aussenden, v.t. emit, send out. Aussenflache, /. outer surface. Aussenleitung, /. (Brewing & Elec.) outer cir- cuit. Aussenwelt, /. external world. ausser, prep, out of; except; beside. conj. ex- cept, unless. ausser, a. outer, outward, exterior, external. ausser dem, adv. besides, moreover. Aussere, n. exterior, outside; external appear- ance. aussergewohnlich, a. extraordinary, unusual. ausserhalb, adv. & prep, outside, beyond. 28 ausstossen aussern, v.t. utter, express, manifest, ausserordentlich, a. extraordinary, unusual. adv. exceedingly, unusually, ausser st, a. utmost, extreme; outmost. adv. extremely, utterly. Ausserung, /. manifestation, expression, ut- terance, aussetzen, v.t. set out, put out, expose; suspend, put off; line, face; censure. v.i. crop out; stop, pause. Aussicht, /. outlook, view, prospect, aussichtsreich, a. promising, aussickern, v.i. trickle (or ooze) out, percolate; cease trickling. aussieden, v.t. boil out, boil; blanch (silver). aussinnen, v.t. contrive, invent. aussoggen, v.t. & i. = soggen. aussohnen, v.t. reconcile; expiate, aussondern, v.t. separate; secrete, excrete; sort; reject. ausspannen, v.t. stretch, spread; tenter; slacken; unharness; carry off. Aussprache, /. pronunciation. aussprechen, v.t. pronounce; express, declare; speak out. ausgesprochen, p.a. pronounced, decided, aussprengen, v.t. blast; sprinkle (water); noise abroad, ausspringen, v.i. spring out, spring off, fly off, crack; project. ausspringend, p.a. salient, ausspritzen, v.t. spurt out, squirt out; wash by squirting; inject. Ausspruch, TO. utterance, saying; decision. Aussprungswinkel, TO. angle of reflection. ausspiilen, v.t. wash out, wash, rinse out, rinse; flush. Ausstand, TO. strike; (pi.) arrears, ausstatten, v.t. furnish, supply; get up, fit out; endow. Ausstattung,/. fitting, equipment, outfit ; get-up ; dowry. ausstauben, v.t. dust, winnow, ausstechen, v.t. dig out, cut out, pierce; en- grave. ausstehen, v.t. stand, endure. v.i. stand out; be owing; strike. ausstellen, v.t. put out; lay out, exhibit; draw up; censure. Ausstellung, /. putting out; exhibition, show; display; censure. Ausstellungsglas, n. display glass, specimen jar (or tube). Ausstich, m. choicest wine, ausstopfen, v.t. stuff. Ausstoss, TO. expulsion, etc. (see ausstossen); retailing (of liquors) ; (Brewing) output, ausstossen, v.t. throw out, thrust out; expel, eject, eliminate, discharge, emit; flesh (hides); utter. v.i. burst forth; froth out; (of liquids) work out. Ausstossladung 29 autoxydable Ausstossladung, /. bursting charge. Ausstosssystem, n. (Brewing) cleansing system. Ausstossung, /. expulsion, etc. (see ausstossen) . ausstrahlen, v.t. & i. radiate, emit or be emitted. Ausstrahlung, /. radiation. ausstrecken, v.t. stretch, spread. Ausstrich, m. stream tin (granular cassiterite) ; blotting out. ausstromen, v.i. emanate, escape, stream out, flow out. Ausstromung, /. emanation, effusion, escape, efflux, effluence, flow. Ausstrdmungsrohc, n. delivery pipe or tube. aussuchen, v.t. search out, select, choose, sort. ausgesucht, p.a. picked, exquisite. aussiissen, v.t. wash (a precipitate), edulcorate; sweeten; (Brewing) sparge. Aussiissglas, n. wash bottle (for washing pre- cipitates). Aussiisspumpe, /. leaching pump. Aussiissrohr, n., -rohre, /. washing tube. Aussiissvorrichtung, /. wash bottle (for pre- cipitates) ; sparger. austarieren, v.t. tare. Austausch, TO. exchange, interchange; barter. austauschbar, a. exchangeable, interchange- able. austauschen, v.t. exchange, interchange; barter. austeeren, v.t. tar. austeilen, v.t. distribute. Auster, /. oyster. Austrag, m. decision, issue. austrage.i, v.t. deliver; distribute; carry out; decide; report. v.i. amount; cease bearing. austreiben, v.t. expel, drive out, drive off; separate, set free; eject. austreten, v.i. step out, go out, leave, retire; (Optics) emerge; (Med.) protrude, extravasate. Austria, m. stepping out, etc. (see austreten); effusion (of blood); emergence (of rays); landing, balcony, antechamber. austrocknen, v.t. & i. dry up, dry, desiccate; drain; season (wood). Austrockner, m. desiccator. austropfeln, austropfen, v.t. drop out, drip out; cease dropping or dripping. ausiiben, v.t. exert; practise, carry on; execute. auswachsen, v.i. grow out; germinate, sprout; grow up; grow together. ausgewachsen, pta. grown out, etc.; full-grown. auswagen, v.t. weigh out; calibrate by weighing. Auswahl, /. choice, selection. auswahlen, v.t. choose, select. auswalzen, v.t. roll out. auswandern, v.i. emigrate. auswarmen, v.t. (Metal.) anneal. Auswarmofen, TO. annealing furnace. auswarts, adv. outward, without, abroad. auswaschen, v.t. wash out, wash, rinse; scour (fabrics). Auswaschfiasche, /. wash bottle. auswassern, v.t. soak; water. v.i. be soaked. auswechselbar, a. exchangeable. auswechseln, v.t. exchange. ausweichen, v.i. turn out, turn aside; shirk. v.t. soften out, detach by soaking; soak; evade. ausweichend, p.a. evasive, elusive. ausweiden, v.t. eviscerate, draw. ausweisen, v.t. prove; turn out, expel; banish. auswendig, a. outer, exterior. adv. by heart. auswerfen, v.t. throw out, eject, discharge; reject. Auswertung, /. valuation, value. auswettern, v.t. weather. auswinden, v.t. wring out, wrench out; unscrew. auswintern, v.t. weather; keep thru the winter. auswirken, v.t. work out; take out (salt from the pans); knead (dough); procure. aus witter n, v.i. effloresce; weather; (of timber) season. v.t. weather, season; get scent of. Auswitterung, /. efflorescence; weathering; seasoning (of timber). Auswuchs, TO. outgrowth, excrescence; germina- tion. Auswurf, TO. throwing out, discharge; expectora- tion; excretion; refuse, trash. Auswurfstoffe, m.pl. excretions, excrement. auszacken, v.t. indent, notch, jag. Auszehrung, /. consumption. auszeichnen, v.t. mark out, distinguish. ausgezeichnet, p.a. excellent, distinguished. Auszeichnung, /. distinction; label, mark. ausziehbar, a. capable of being extracted, etc. (see ausziehen). ausziehen, v.t. extract; exhaust (drugs, etc.); draw out, draw, pull out; fade (colors); abstract; pull off, undress; /stretch, extend. v.r. stretch, extend. v.i. move. ausgezo- gen, p.a. extracted, etc.; (of a line) solid (not broken or dotted). Ausziehtisch, m. extension table. Ausziehung, /. extraction; undressing. Auszug, TO. extract; essence, tincture, infusion, decoction (according to circumstances); re- moval, exodus; drawer; abstract; bill, note; (Milling) superfine flour. Auszugmehl, n. superfine flour. autogen, a. autogenic, autogenous. Autokatalysator, m. autocatalyzer. Autokatalyse, /. autocatalysis. autokatalytisch, a. autocatalytic. Autoklav, TO. autoclave. Autolyse, /. autolysis. automatisch, a. automatic. Autor, TO. author. Autoracemisierung, /. autoracemization. Autorenregister, n. author index. autorisieren, v.t. authorize. Autoritat, /. authority. autoxydable, a. autoxidizable. Avivage Avivage, /. reviving, etc. (see avivieren). avivierecht, o. unaffected by brightening. avivieren, v.t. revive, restore; (Dyeing) brighten, clear (also tone, top); scroop (silk). a.W., abbrev. (aussere Weite) outside diameter. axialsymmetrisch, a. axisymmetric(al). Axt, /. ax; hatchet. AZ., abbrev. (Acetylzahl) acetyl number. Aze-. See also Ace-. Azelainsaure, /. azelaic acid. Azetat, n. acetate. 30 Azurstein Azeton, n. acetone. Azetylen, n. acetylene. Azobenzol. n. azobenzene. azocyclisch, a. azocyclic. Azofarbe, /. azo dye, azo color. Azofarbstoff, m. azo dye. Azokorper, m. azo compound. Azot, n. nitrogen. Azoverbindung, /. azo compound, azurblau, azurn, a. azure. Azurstein, m. lapis lazuli. B., abbrev. Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft; (Bildung) formation. Bach, m. brook, stream. Bachstelze, /. wagtail. Bacillen-. of or pertaining to bacilli. Back-, baking; coking; dried. Backapfel, m. dried apple. Backe, /., Backen, m. cheek. Backen-. cheek, buccal. backen, v.t. bake; (in a pan) fry; dry (fruits); roast (ores) ; burn (tile, etc.). v.i. bake; cake, coke (of coal) ; stick (of pottery in the kiln). Backenbart, m. whiskers. Backenzahn, m. molar tooth. Backer, m. baker. Backerei, /. baking. Backer ei, /. bakery; baker's trade. backfahig, a. capable of baking; capable of caking. Backfahigkeit, /. capacity for baking (or for caking). Backfisch, TO. fried fish; school girl. Backkohle, /. caking coal, coking coal. Backobst, n. dried fruit. Backofen, TO. baking oven, oven. Backpfanne, /. baking pan, frying pan. Backpulver, n. baking powder. Backstein, TO. (burnt) brick. Backsteinofen, m. brick kiln. backt, pr. 3 sing, of backen. Backwerk, n. pastry. Backzahn, TO. molar tooth. Bad, n. bath; (Tech.) dip, steep; watering place. baden, v.t. bathe. Bader, m. bath proprietor; barber, badisch, a. of Baden. Badspannung, /. bath tension, cell voltage. Bagger, TO. dredger, excavator. baggern, v.t. dredge. bahen, v.t. foment; toast (bread). Bahn, /. way, road, track; trajectory; orbit; railway; breadth (of cloth). bahnbrechend, p.a. pioneer, epoch-making. bahnen, v.t. beat, smooth, clear (a way). Bahnhof, TO. station. Bahnsteig, TO. platform. Bahnzug, TO. railway train. Bahre, /. barrow, stretcher; bier. Bahrtuch, n. pall. Bai, /. bay. Baisalz, n. bay salt, sea salt. Bajonett, n. bayonet. Bakterie, /. bacterium; (pi.) bacteria. Bakteriengift, n. bactericide. Bakterienkunde, -lehre, /. bacteriology. bakterientotend, p.a. bactericidal. bakteriologisch, a. bacteriological. Bakteriolyse, /. bacteriolysis. Balancier, TO. beam. balancieren, v.t. & i. balance. bald, adv. soon, presently; almost. conj. bald . . . bald, now . . . then; so bald als, as soon as. Baldachin, m. canopy, baldig, a. quick, early. Baldrian, TO. valerian. Baldrianol, n. valerian oil. Baldriansaure, /. valeric acid. Baldrianwurzel, /. valerian root, valerian. Balg, TO. skin; bellows; husk, pod, shell; (Med.) cyst; follicle; urchin. balgen, v.r. wrestle, scuffle. Balken, m. beam; girder; (Anat.) corpus callosum. Ball, m. ball; globe; (Soda) ball soda, black ash. ballen, v.t. & i. form into balls, conglomerate. Ballen, TO. bale? pack, bundle; ball. Ballon, TO. carboy; balloon flask (spherical flask with short neck) ; balloon. Ballonentleerer, TO. carboy emptier. Ballonfilter, n. filtering flask (of porous porce- lain). Ballongas, n. balloon gas. Ballonkipper, TO. carboy tilter or inclinator. ballotieren, v.i. ballot. Balsam, TO. balsam, balm. Balsamapfel, TO. balsam apple, balm apple (Momordica) . Balsambaum, TO. balsam tree (any of various balsameaceous trees), balsam erzeugend, a. balsamiferous. Balsamflasche, /. balsam bottle. Balsamharz, n. balsamic resin. Balsamholz, n. xylobalsamum, balm-of-Gilead wood. balsamieren, v.t. embalm; perfume. balsamisch, a. balsamic, balmy. 31 Balsampappel 32 Bauart Balsampappel, /. balsam poplar, tacamahac. Balsam tanne, /. balsam fir (Abies .balsamea); spruce (esp. Norway spruce, Picea dbies). Bambus, m. bamboo. Bambusrohr, n. bamboo. Bambuszucker, m. bamboo sugar, tabasheer. Banane, /. banana. Bancazinn, n, Banca tin. band, pret. of binden. Band, n. volume; binding; band; ribbon, tape, strap, belt, hoop; hinge; bond, tie, liga- ment. Bandachat, m. banded agate, ribbon agate. bandahnlich, a. ribbonlike, striped, streaked; ligamentous. Bande, /. edge, border; band, gang. Bandeisen, n. hoop iron, band iron. bandigen, v.t. tame, break. Bandmass, n. tape measure. Bandwurm, m. tapeworm. bang, bange, a. timid, anxious. Baniane, m. banyan, banyan tree. Bank, /. bench; bank; bed, layer, stratum. Banken, f.pl. bank. Bankanweisung, /. check, bank note. Bankbruch, m. bankruptcy. bankerott, a. bankrupt. Bankett, n. banquet. bankrott, a. bankrupt. Bankulnuss, /. candlenut. Bann, m. ban; jurisdiction; spell, bannen, v.t. banish; confine; enchant. bar, o. bare; pure, sheer; cash; destitute (of). -bar. An adjective suffix usually attached to verb roots and equivalent to -able, ible; as, haltbar, stable (keepable), durable, tenable. Bar, m. bear; debt; (Meek.) ram. Barbar, TO. barbarian. barbeissig, a. gruff. Barbier, m. barber, barbieren, v.t. shave; cheat. Barchent, TO. fustian. Barenklau, /. bear's-breech (Acanthus mollis or, incorrectly, the cow parsnip, Heracleum sphondylium). Barentraube, /. bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi). Barenwurzel, /. saxifrage. barg, pret. of bergen. Barin, /. she-bear. Barke, /. shallow vat, back, beck; bark, barge. Barlapp, m., Barlappkraut, n. lycopodium, club moss. Barlappsamen, m. lycopodium (powder). Barme, /. yeast, barm, barm her zig, a. merciful. Barmherzigkeit, /. mercy, pity. Barnstein, TO. brick. Barockperlen, f.pl. baroque pearls. Barometersaule, /. barometric column. Barometerstand, m. height of the barometer, barometric height. Barre, /. bar; ingot. Barsch, TO. perch (fish). barsch, a. harsh, gruff. Barschaf t, /. cash ; property, barst, pret. of bersten. Bart, TO. beard; ward (of a key) ; bur. bartig, a. bearded. bartlos, a. beardless. Bartseife, /. shaving soap. Barwurzel, /. saxifrage. Baryt, TO. baryta (BaO or Ba(OH) 2 ); (Min.) barite (BaSOi). barytartig, o. barytic. Baryterde, /. barium oxide, baryta. Barytflussspat, TO. fluorite containing barium. Barytgelb, n. barium yellow (BaCrOi). barythaltig, a. containing barium. Barythydrat, n. barium hydroxide. Barytlauge, /. barium hydroxide solution. Barytwasser, n. baryta water. Barytweiss, n. permanent white, blanc fixe (BaSO<). Baryum, n. barium. Baryumhyperoxyd, n. barium peroxide, barium dioxide. Baryumplatincyaniir, n. barium platinocyanide. Barzahlung, /. cash payment. Basaltfelsen, TO. basaltic rock. basaltieren, v.i. convert (slag) into a material resembling basalt. Base, /. base; basis; aunt; cousin. Baseler Grim, Basle green, Paris green. Basenbildner, TO. base former, basifier. Basicitat, /. basicity. basieren, v.t. base. v.i. be based. Basilien, Basilienkraut, Basilikum, n. (sweet) basil. Basis,/, base; basis. basisch, a. basic. Basizitat, /. basicity. Basler Blau. Basel blue. Bassin, n. tank, cistern, reservoir; basin; bowl. Bastern, TO. raw sugar. Basterzucker, m. bastard sugar, raw sugar. Bastfaser, /. bast fiber. Bastpapier, n. manila paper. Bastseide, /. raw silk. bat, pret. of bitten. batavisch, a. Batavian. Batist, m. cambric; batiste. batschen, v.t. ret (flax. etc.). Batzen, TO. large soft lump; large amount. Bau, TO. structure; construction; building; make; cultivation. Bauart,/. style (of building). Bauch 33 Bedingung Bauch, m. belly, abdomen; stomach; swelling out, bulge; bulb (of a retort). Bauchdecken, epigastric, abdominal. Bauche, bauchen, etc. = Beuche, beuchen, etc. Bauchfell, n. peritoneum. Bauchf ussier, m. gastropod. bauchig, a. bellied, convex. Bauchspeichel, m. pancreatic juice. Bauchspeicheldriise, /. pancreas. Bauchweh, n, colic, abdominal pain. bauen, v.t. build, construct; cultivate. Bauer, m. builder; farmer, peasant; jack; pawn; cage. Bauerde, /. soil. Bauergut, n. farm. Bauerhof, m. farm; country house. Bauernsand, m. molding sand. Bauerstand, m. peasantry. baufahig, a. arable. baufallig, a. out of repair; decaying. Bauholz, n. timber. Baukunst, /. architecture, (art of) building or construction. Baum, m. tree; (Mech.) beam, bar, arbor. Baumachat, m. dendritic agate. baumahnlich, baumartig, a. arborescont, tree- like. Baumaterial, n. building material. Baumeister, m. architect, builder. baumeln, v.i. dangle. baumformig, a. dendritic, arborescent. Baumgarten, m. orchard; nursery. Baumol, n. olive oil. Baumolseife, /. olive oil soap, Venetian soap. Baumortel, m. building mortar, common mortar. Baumrinde, /. bark, rind. Baumschlag, TO. foliage. Baumschule, /. nursery. Baumschwamm, m. agaric. Baumsenf, TO. candytuft. Baumstamm, TO. tree trunk. baumstark, a. robust. Baumstein, m. (Min.) dendrite. Baumwachs, n. grafting wax. Baumwolle, /. cotton. baumwollen, a. cotton. Baumwollenabfall, m. cotton waste. Baumwollenblau, n. cotton blue. Baumwollensamen, m. cottonseed. Baumwollfarbstoff, TO. cotton dye. Baumwollsamen, TO. cottonseed. Baumwollsamenol, n. cottonseed oil. Baumwollwurzelrinde, /. cotton root bark. Bauriss, TO. building plan. Bausand, TO. building sand, mortar sand. Bausch, TO. pad, compress; bundle; lump. bauschen, v.i. swell out, bag, bulge. -v.t. puff up; refine (tin). Bauschung, /. swelling, etc. (see bauschen); crease (in fabrics). Baustein, m. building stone; brick. Bauzwecke, m.pl. building purposes. Baybeerenbaum, m. bebeeru, greenheart tree. bayerisch, a. Bavarian. Bayern, n. Bavaria. Bayol, n. oil of bay. bayrisch, a. Bavarian. Bayrischblau, n. Bavarian blue. Bazille, /., Bazillus, m. bacillus. Bd., abbrev. (Band) volume. be-. A verbal prefix which, when prefixed to verbs, usually denotes completeness or thoroness; as, bedenken, consider. With nouns it signifies " to provide with," as bekalken, to lime; with adjectives, " to make ," as bereichern, enrich. beabsichtigen, v.t. intend, have in view. beachten, v.t. consider; notice, observe. Beamte, TO. official. beanspruchen, v.t. require; claim. beanstanden, v.t. object to. beantragen, v.t. propose. beantworten, v.t. answer, reply to. bearbeiten, v.t. work; make, dress, till, etc.; edit. beaufsichtigen, v.t. superintend, inspect, beauftragen, v.t. charge; authorize. beben, v.i. quake, tremble; (Physics) vibrate. beblattert, a. having leaves, leafy. Becher, TO. cup; goblet, bowl; (Hot.) calyx. Becherchen, n. little cup. Becherglas, n. beaker. Becherglaskolben, TO. Erlenmeyer flask. Bechermensur, /. measuring cup. Becherwerk, n. bucket conveyor. Becken, n. basin; vessel; (Anat.) pelvis; cymbal. Beckmann'sche Umlagerung. Beckmann re- arrangement. Becquerelstrahlen, m.pl. Becquerel rays. Bedacht, TO. consideration; care. bedanken, v.r. thank; decline. Bedarf, TO. need, demand. bedauern, v.t. regret; pity. bedecken, v.t. cover; (Sugar) bottom, clay. bedenken, v.t. consider, heed, care for. v.r. bethink oneself; hesitate. Bedenken, n. consideration; hesitation; scruple. bedenklich, a. doubtful, risky; serious. bedeuten, v.t. mean, signify; point out, state. bedeutend, p.a. considerable, important. bedeutsam, a. significant; imposing. bedienen, v.t. serve, attend. v.r. help oneself, make use. Bediente, TO. servant. Bedienung, /. service, attendance; attention; servants. bedingen, v.t. stipulate; limit, restrict. bedingt, p.a. conditioned, limited, condi- tional; hypothetical. Bedingung, /. condition, stipulation; limitation, restriction. Bedrangnis 34 Behauptung Bedrangnis, /. affliction, distress. bedrucken, v.t. print. Bedruckung, /. printing, impression. Bedriickung, /. oppression. bedurfen, v.i. be in need, be short (of something). Bediirfnis, n. want, requirement, necessity. bedurftig, a. needy, indigent. beehren, v.t. honor, favor. v.r. have the honor. beeidigen, v.t. declare on oath, swear. beeifern, v.r. strive, endeavor. becilen, v.r. hasten, hurry. beeinflussen, v.t. influence. beeintrachtigen, v.t. injure, encroach upon. beeintrachtigend, p.a. injurious, detrimental. beengen, v.t. narrow, cramp. beerben, v.t. be heir to. beerdigen, v.t. bury. Beere, /. berry. Beeresche, /. service tree (Sorbus domestica). Beergelb, n. buckthorn yellow. Beerschwamm, m. framboesia, yaws. Beet, n. (garden) bed. befahigen, D.I. enable, qualify. befahl, pret. of befehlen. befangen, p.a. embarrassed; prejudiced. befassen, v.t. handle. v.r. engage, be engaged, meddle (in or with). Befehl, m. command, order, precept. befehlen, v.t. command, order; commend, en- trust. befehlend, p.a. imperative. befestigen, oJ. fasten, fix, attach; establish; fortify. Befestigungsmittel, n. fixing agent. befeuchten, v.t. moisten, dampen, wet, water. befiehlt, pr. 3 sing, of befehlen. befinden, v.t. find, think. v.r. be, feel. Befinden, n. condition, state; opinion,* befindlich, a. existing, situated. beflecken, v.t. spot, stain, soil, blot, blur. befleissen, befleissigen, v.r. apply oneself (to). beflissen, p.a. studious, intent. befliss, pret. of befleissen. beflissen, p.p. of befleissen. befohle, pret. subj. of befehlen. befohlen, p.p. of befehlen^ befordern, v.t. forward, promote, aid. Beforderungsmittel, n. aid, promoter, means of forwarding; (Med.) adjuvant. befrachten, v.t. load. befreien, v.t. set free, liberate; free; rescue, re- lieve, clear. befremden, v.t. surprise. befremdlich, a. strange, surprising. befriedigen, v.t. satisfy, please. befriedigend, p.a. satisfactory. befruchten, v.t. fertilize, fecundate. begaben, v.t. endow. begann, pret. of beginnen. begeben, v.r. go; happen; give up. begegnen, v.i. meet; happen; behave. begehen, v.t. celebrate; commit; walk through. Begehr, n. desire, demand. begeistern, v.t. inspire, animate. v.r. enthuse. begichten, v.t. charge (a furnace). Begier, Begierde, /. desire, lust. begierig, a. desirous, eager. begiessen, v.t. wet, moisten; water, irrigate. Beginn, m. beginning. beginnen, v.t. & i. begin. begipsen, v.t. plaster. beglaubigen, v.t. certify; testify. begleiten, v.t. accompany, attend. Begleiterscheinung, /. attendant phenomenon. Begleitfarbe, /. (Calico) fitting color. Begleitkorper, m. accompanying substance (or body). beglucken, v.t. bless, favor. begnadigen, v.t. pardon, favor. begnugen, v.t. be content. begonne, pret. subj. of beginnen. begonnen, p.p. of beginnen. begraben, v.t. bury; conceal. Begrabnis, n. burial; tomb. begreifen, v.t. conceive, understand; include, comprise; imply. begrenzen, v.t. bound, limit, terminate; define. Begrenzung, /. limit, boundary. Begriff, m. conception, idea. begriinden, v.t. establish; base; prove. Begrundung, /. establishment; foundation. begriissen, v.t. salute, greet. begiinstigen, v.t. favor; promote. Beguss, m., Begussmasse, /. (Ceram.) slip, en- gobe. begutachten, v.t. pass judgment on. begiitert, a. wealthy. begutigen, v.t. appease. behaart, a. hairy. behaftet, a. affected, afflicted. behagen, v.t. please. Behagen, n. pleasure, comfort. behaglich, a. agreeable, comfortable. behalten, v.t. keep, retain; (Math.) carry. Behalter, m. container, receiver, receptacle, tank, reservoir, etc.; conservatory. Behaltnis, n. container, case, box, bin, etc. behandeln, v.t. treat; handle, manipulate, work. Behandlung, /. treatment, etc. (see behandeln) . Behandlungsmittel, m. agent, reagent. beharren, v.i. continue, persist, persevere. beharrlich, a. persistent, constant; persevering; stubborn. Beharrung, /. continuance, permanence, persist- ence, perseverance; obstinacy. Beharrungsvermogen, n. (Physics) inertia. Beharrungszustand, m. permanence; persist- ence; resistance (of a machine). behaupten, v.t. maintain, assert. Behauptung, /. assertion, proposition; main- taining. Behausung 35 bekraftigen Behausung, /. lodging, abode. Behelf, TO. shift, device. behelligen, v.t. molest, annoy. behend, a. nimble, clever. Behennuss, /. ben nut. Behenol, n. oil of ben. Behensaure, /. behenic acid. beherbergen, v.t. harbor, shelter. beherrschen, v.t. rule, control, command. beherzigen, v.t. take to heart, consider. beherzt, p.a. courageous. behilflich, a. helpful. Behorde, /. authority, magistrate. behordlich, a. official. Behuf, TO. purpose, object; behalf. behufs, prep, in behalf of, in order to. behiiten, v.t. guard. behutsam, a. cautious, careful. bei, prep, at, near, by; on, in, about. beibehatten, v.t. retain, continue. Beiblatt, n. supplement, supplementary sheet. beibringen, v.t. administer; produce; impart; teach. Beibringungsmittel, n. vehicle (for drugs). beichten, v.t. confess. beide, a. both; either, beiderseits, adv. on both sides, mutually. beidlebig, a. amphibious. Beifall, TO. approval, applause. beifallig, a. approving, favorable. beifolgend, p.a. enclosed, beifiigen, v.t. add, annex. Beifuss, m. artemisia. Beigeschmack, TO. aftertaste, tang, flavor. Beihilfe, /. help, assistance. Beil, n. hatchet; (grosses) ax. Beilage, /. addition, supplement, appendix; enclosure. beilaufig, a. incidental. beilegen, v.t. add, inclose; settle; attribute, beimengen, v.t. admix. Beimengung, /. admixture; impurity. beimessen, v.t. attribute. v.r. assume. beimischen, v.t. admix, mix with. Beimischung, /. admixture, mixture; infusion. Bein, n. bone; leg. beinah, beinahe, adv. almost, nearly. Beiname, TO. surname; nickname Beinasche, /. bone ash. Beinkleider, pi. trousers, breeches. Beinmehl, n. bone meal. Beinschwarz, n. bone black. Beinwurz, /. comfrey (Symphytum officinale). beiordnen, v.t. adjoin, coordinate, beipflichten, v.t. assent, agree. beisammen, adv. together. Beisatz, TO. addition, admixture. Beischmack, TO. = Beigeschmack. Beisein, n. presence. beiseite, adv. aside, apart. beisetzen, v.t. bury, inter. Beispiel, n. example. beispiellos, a. unexampled, unparalleled. beispielsweise, adv. for example. beispringen, v.i. assist. Beissbeere, /. Cayenne pepper. beissen, v.t. bite. v.i. bite, smart, burn. beissend, p.a. biting, sharp, pungent, acrid. Beissprobe, /. (Brewing) biting test. Beistand, m. assistance; supporter. beistehen, v.t. stand by, assist. beisteuern, v.t. contribute. beistimmen, v.i. agree, concur. beitragen, v.t. & i. contribute. beitreiben, v.t. collect; drive in. beitreten, v.t. accede, join. beiwohnen, v.i. be present; cohabit. Beiwort, n. adjective; epithet. Beizartikel, TO. (Calico) mordant style. Beizbad, n. (Dyeing) mordant bath. Beizbutte, /. (Leather) drench pit. Beize, /. 'corrosive, corrosion; (Dyeing) mor- dant; (Med.) caustic, cauterization; (Leather) bate, drench; (Metal.) pickle; etching; staining. beizen, v.t. corrode; mordant; cauterize; bate, drench (hides); etch; pickle; blanch (metals); stain; sauce (tobacco). beizend, p.a. cor- roding, etc.; corrosive, caustic. Beizendruck, TO. mordant printing. beizenfarben, v.t. dye on a mordant. Beizenfarbstoff, TO. mordant dyestuff. Beizfarbe, /. mordant color. Beizfliissigkeit, /. corrosive liquid, caustic liquor; mordant liquor; (Leather) bate, drench. Bei zk raft, /. corrosive or caustic power; mor- dant strength. Beizmittel, n. corrosive; mordant. Beizung, /. corroding, etc. (see beizen). bejahen, v.t. affirm. hejahrt, a. aged. bejammern, v.t. bewail. beklommen, a. oppressed, anxious. bekalken, v.t. lime. bekampfen, v.t. combat, oppose. bekannt, p.a. see bekennen. bekanntlich, adv. as is known; notoriously. bekennen, v.t. confess, acknowledge. bekannt, p.a. known; noted, famous; acquainted (with). beklagen, v.t. deplore; pity. v.r. complain. beklecken, bekleckern, beklecksen, v.t. blur, blotch, blot, daub. bekleiden, v.t. cover, coat, line, face, box; clothe; invest; occupy. Bekleidung, /. casing, lining, jacket, coating, clothing, etc. (see bekleiden). bekommen, v.t. get, receive. v.i. agree (with). bekostigen, v.t. board. bekraftigen, v.t. confirm, assert. bekranzen 36 berauchern bekranzen, v.t. wreathe, festoon. bekritteln, v.t. censure. bekrusten, v.t. incrust, crust. bekummern, v.t. afflict, trouble. Belag, m. = Beleg. belagern, v.t. besiege. Belang, m. importance; amount. belangen, v.t. concern; bring action against. belasten, v.t. load, weight, burden; charge. belastigen, v.t. trouble, bother. Belastung, /. load, burden; burdening; debit; (Med.) taint. belaufen, r.r. amount. belauschen, v.t, overhear, spy upon. beleben, v.t. revive, quicken, enliven, resusci- tate; brighten, freshen (colors). beledern, v.t. cover with leather, leather. Beleg, m. covering, coating, lining; floor; proof; document. belegen, v.t. cover, line, face, overlay, coat; prove; illustrate. Belegung, /. covering, coating. N. belehren, v.t. instruct, advise. beleibt, a. stout. beleidigen, v.t. offend, insult. beleimen, v.t. glue, cover with glue. belesen, a. well read. beleuchten, v.t. light, illuminate; examine. Beleuchtung, /. lighting, illumination; elucida- tion; examination. Beleuchtungsmittel, n. illuminant. belichten, v.t. expose (to light). Belichtung, /. exposure (to light). Belichtungskarte, /. (Dyeing) exposure card. belieben, v.t. like, choose. v.i. be pleasing. beliebt, p.a. popular, favorite. Belieben, n. inclination, pleasure. beliebig, a. optional, any, whatever. beliebt, p.a. see belieben. bellen, v.t. bark; clamor. belohnen, v.t. reward. beliigen, v.t. lie to. belustigen, v.t. amuse, divert. bemachligen, v.r. take possession. bemalen, v.t. paint, color. bemanteln, v.t. cover; color, varnish; palliate. bemerken, v.t. note, remark. bemerkenswert, a. worthy of note, remarkable. Bemerkung, /. observation, remark, note. bemessen, v.t. proportion, measure. p.a. mea- sured, exact; symmetrical. bemittelt, a. well-to-do. bemodert, p.a. moldy. bemoost, p.a. mossy. bemuhen, v.t. & r. trouble. bemustern, v.t. sample; match; (Dyeing) dye to pattern, imitate; ornament, figure. benachbart, p.a. neighboring, adjacent, vicinal. benachrichtigen, v.t. inform. benachteUigen, v.t. prejudice, hurt. benebelt, p.a. tipsy. benehmen, v.t. take away, remove. v.r. be- have. Benehmen, n. behavior, conduct. beneiden, v.t. envy, benennen, v.t. name, call. Benennung, /. nomenclature; name, naming, title, denomination, benetzen, v.t. wet, moisten, sprinkle. Bengel, m. club; clapper; boor, chap. Benol, n. oil of ben. Bensaure, /. benic acid (behenic acid). benutzen, v.t. use, employ. Benzin, n. benzine. Benzochinon, n. benzoquinone. Benzoe, n. & f. benzoin (gum). Benzoeather, m. benzoic ether (ethyl benzoate). Benzoebaum, m. benzoin tree (Styrax benzoin). Benzoeblumen, f.pl. flowers of benzoin. Benzoeharz, n. benzoin (the resin). Benzoelorbeer, m. spicebush (Benzoin benzoin). benzoesauer, a. of benzoic acid, benzoate of. Benzoesaure, /. benzoic acid, benzoesaurehaltig, a. containing benzoic acid. Benzoeschmalz, n. benzoinated lard, benzoat- ed lard. benzoiniert, p.a. benzoinated, benzoated. Benzol, n. benzene (CeHe); benzol (commercial benzene) . Benzolbindung, /. benzene linkage. Benzolderivat, n. benzene derivative. benzolisch, a. benzene. Benzolkern, m. benzene nucleus. Benzolkohlenwasserstoffe, m.pl. benzene hydro- ' carbons. Benzolsulfosaure, /. benzenesulfonic acid, phenylsulfonic acid. benzoylieren, v.t. benzoylate, introduce ben- zoyl into. Benzoylwasserstoff, m. benzoyl hydride (ben- zaldehyde). beobachten, v.t. observe. Beobachter, m. observer. Beobachtung, /. observation; observance. Beobachtungsfehler, m. error of observation. Beobachtungsrohr, n., -rohre, /. observation tube (as for a polariscope or spectroscope). beolen, v.t. oil. bepacken, v.t. load. bequem, a. convenient; comfortable; lazy, bequemen, v.r. conform, comply. ber., abbrev. (berechnet) calculated. Ber., abbrev. (Bericht, Berichte) report (s); specif., Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berapp, m. rough plaster, brown coat, beraten, v.t. advise; consult, beratschlagen, v.r. consult, deliberate. berauben, v.t. rob, deprive. berauchern, v.t. fumigate. berauschen berauschen, v.t. intoxicate. berauschende Getranke, intoxicating liquors. Berauschungsmittel, n. intoxicant. Berberitze, /. barberry, berberis. berechenbar, a. calculable; appreciable. berechnen, v.t. calculate, compute; charge. Berechnungsweise, /. mode or method of cal- culation. berechtigen, v.t. entitle, authorize, qualify. Berechtigung, /. authorization, right. bereden, v.t. persuade; talk over; defame. Beredsamkeit, /. eloquence. Bereich, TO. reach, range; domain, district. bereichern, v.t. enrich. bereit, a. ready, prepared. bereiten, v.t. prepare, make ready, make, bereits, adv. already. Bereitung, /. preparation; manufacture. bereuen, v.t. repent, regret. Berg, m. mountain; (Mining) rubbish, waste; (Paper) breasting (of a rag engine). Berg-, mountain; rock; mineral; native. (See the following entries.) bergab, adv. down hill. Bergader, /. lode, vein. Bergalaun, m. rock alum. bergan, adv. up hill. Bergarbeit, /. mining. Bergart, /. gang, matrix, vein stuff. Bergasche, /. an inferior kind of mineral blue. Bergbalsam, m. petroleum. Bergbau, TO. mining. Bergblau, n. mineral blue (blue basic carbonate of copper). Bergbraun, n. umber. Bergbutter, /. (Min.) impure iron alum, iron sulfate or zinc sulfate. bergen, v.t. save, shelter, conceal. geborgen, p.a. safe; well off. Bergerz, n. raw ore. bergfein, a. (Min.) native. Bergfett, n. mountain tallow, ozocerite. Bergflachs, TO. mountain flax, amianthus. Bergfleisch, n. mountain flesh (a variety of asbestos). Bergfluss, TO. colored quartz. Berggang, TO. vein, lode. Berggelb, n. mountain yellow, yellow ocher. Bergglas, n. rock crystal (transparent quartz). Bergglimmer, TO. margarite. Berggold, n. gold found in primitive rocks. Berggriin, n. mineral green, green verditer (green basic copper carbonate). Bergguhr, TO. mountain milk, agaric mineral (earthy calcium carbonate). Berggut, n. minerals. Berghaar, n. amianthus. Bergharz, n. mineral pitch, asphalt. Bergholz, TO. rock wood (ligniform asbestos), her gig, o. mountainous; hilly. 37 Berlinerrot Bergkalk, m. (Geol.) mountain limestone. Bergkiesel, m. rock flint, chert; felsite. Bergkohle, /. (mineral) coal. Bergkork, m. mountain cork (a light form of asbestos). Bergkristall, Bergkrystall, TO. rock crystal (transparent quartz). Bergknpfer, n. native copper. Berglasur, /. azurite. Bergleder, n. mountain leather (a form of as- bestos). Bergmann, m. miner. Bergmehl, n. mountain flour (or meal), kieselguhr. Bergmelisse, /. calamint. Bergmilch, m. mountain milk, agaric mineral (earthy calcium carbonate). Bergminze, Bergmunze, /. lit., mountain mint applied to several menthaceous plants, as catnip or catmint, calamint, field basil, etc. Bergnaphta, /. mineral .naphtha, petroleum. Bergol, n. petroleum. Bergpapier, n. mountain paper (a form of asbestos). Bergpech, n. mineral pitch, asphalt. Bergrot, n. realgar; Indian red. Bergsalz, n. rock salt. Bergschule, /. school of mines. Bergschwaden, TO. fire damp; choke damp. Bergschwefel, m. native sulfur. Bergseife, /. mountain soap (kind of clay); rock butter (impure iron or zinc sulfate). Bergtaig, m. mountain tallow, ozocerite; rock butter (impure iron or zinc sulfate). Bergtee, TO. mountain tea, wintergreen. Bergteegeist, TO. spirit of wintergreen, spirit of gaultheria. Bergteeol, n. oil of wintergreen. Bergteer, TO. mineral tar, maltha. Bergtorf, TO. mountain peat. Bergwachs, n. mineral wax, ozocerite. Bergwerk, n. mine. Bergwetter, n. (Mining) damp. Bergwolle, /. mineral wool (asbestos). Bergzinnerz, n. mine tin (cassiterite). Bergzinnober, TO. native cinnabar. Bergzunder, TO. mountain tinder (asbestos). Bericht, TO. report; notice, information. berichtigen, v.t. adjust, correct; settle (an ac- count). berieseln, v.t. cause to flow or trickle over; water, irrigate. Berieselungskuhler, TO. (Brewing) Baudelot cooler. beritten, a. mounted. Berl. Ber., abbrev. (Berliner Berichte) Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. Berlinerblau, n. Berlin blue, Prussian blue. Berlinerblausaure, f. hydrocyanic acid. Berlinerrot, n. Berlin red (a red lake color). Bernstein 38 besinnen Bernstein, m. amber. schwarzer Bernstein, jet. Bernstein-, amber; succinic, succinyl, succino-. Bernsteinalaun, m. aluminous amber. Bernsteinlack, m. amber varnish. Bernsteinol, n. oil of amber, oleum succini. bernsteinsauer, a. of succinic acid, succinate of. Bernsteinsaure, /. succinic acid, bersten, v.t. burst, explode, crack. Bertram, m. pellitory (Anacyclus pyrethrum and similar plants). Bertram (s)wurzel, Bertram wurz, /. pellitory, pyrethrum (root of Anacyclus pyrethrum). beriichtigt, p.a. notorious. beriicken, v.t. trick; charm, beriicksichtigen, v.t. bear in mind, regard, con- sider. Beriicksichtigung, /. regard, consideration. Beruf, TO. calling, occupation, profession. berufen, v.t. call, appoint. v.r. appeal. Berufkraut, n. any of various plants, specif. (Pharm.) fleabane (Erigerori). beruhen, v.i. rest, depend, beruhigen, v.t. quiet, reassure. beruhigend, p.a. quieting, sedative. Beruhigungsmittel, n. sedative; anodyne, beriihmt, p.a. famous, celebrated, beriihren, v.t. touch. Beruhrung, /. contact; touching. Beruhrungsebene, /. tangential plane. Beriihrungselektrizitat, /. contact electricity. Beriihrungsflache, /. surface of contact. Beriihrungslinie, /. tangent. Beruhrungsstelle, /. place of contact; mark (made by touching something). Beryll, TO. beryl. Beryllerde, /. beryllia (BeO). Berylliumsalz, n. beryllium salt. besagen, v.t. mean, signify, besanftigen, v.t. appease, soothe. Besatz, TO. border, edging, trimming; (Metal.) fettling. Besatzung, /. garrison, crew. beschadigen, v.t. damage, beschaffen, v.t. procure; supply; make, execute. p.a. constituted, conditioned. Beschaffenheit, /. nature; state, condition; quality; disposition. beschaftigen, v.t. occupy, busy, employ. Beschaftigung, /. occupation, business. Beschamung, /. shame, confusion, beschaulich, a. contemplative. Bescheid, TO. decision, answer; information. bescheiden, v.t. assign; inform; order; summon. v.r. be content. bescheiden, a. modest, unassuming. bescheinigen, v.t. certify. beschenken, v.t. present. bescheren, v.t. give, bestow. beschicken, v.t. load, charge; feed; prepare; manage, attend to. Beschickung, /. loading, charging; load, charge; management; (Minting) alloy. beschimpfen, v.t. disgrace; insult. beschirmen, v.t. shelter, cover; protect. Beschlag, TO. coating of some kind, as efflor- escence, moisture on glass, tarnish on metals, clay to protect from heat, etc. ; fitting, mount- ing, hooping, etc.; shoeing, shoe (of a horse); seizure. beschlagen, v.i. become coated, as with mois- ture, oxide, or mold; effloresce; tarnish; give an incrustation (before the blowpipe). v.t. cover, mount or fit (with iron, metal, leather, etc.); lute; shoe (a horse). p.a. versed, skilled. beschlcunigen, v.t. accelerate; hasten. Beschleuniger, m. accelerator. Beschleunigung, /. acceleration; despatch. beschliessen, v.t. finish, close; determine, resolve. Beschliesser, TO. housekeeper, steward. Beschluss, TO. conclusion; determination; lock- ing up, bond. beschmieren, v.t. smear. beschmutzen, v.t. soil, stain. beschneiden, v.t. cut, trim, pare, dress; cut off, curtail. beschneit, p.a. snow-covered. Beschonigung, /. gloss, varnish; palliation. beschranken, v.t. limit, confine. beschrankt, p.a. limited, narrow. beschreiben, v.t. describe; write on. beschuldigen, v.t. accuse. Beschussprobe, /. shooting test. beschiitzen, v.t. protect. Beschwerde, /. trouble, annoyance; complaint; malady. beschweren, v.t. load; weight; burden, annoy. v.r. complain. beschwerlich, a. burdensome, troublesome. Beschwerungsmittel, n. loading material, weighting agent, filler. beschwichtigen, v.t. allay, appease, soothe. beschworen, v.t. swear to; conjure; exorcise. beseelen, v.t. animate, inspirit. besehen, v.t. look at; inspect, examine. beseitigen, v.t. do away with, remove. Besen, TO. broom. Besenginster, TO., Besenkraut, n. broom (Cytisus scoparius) ; (Pharm.) scoparius. Besenstiel, TO. broomstick. besessen, p.p. of besitzen. besetzen, v.t. set, trim, border, stock, fit; charge (a furnace or the like); occupy; fill (a position); engage. besichtigen, v.t. inspect, view; survey. besiegen, v.t. defeat, conquer. besinnen, v.r. consider; recollect. besonnen, p.a. considerate; discreet. Besinnung 39 Betrug Besinnung,/. consideration; recollection; con- sciousness. besinnungslos, a. unconscious. Besitz, m. possession; property. besitzen, v.t. possess, occupy, hold. Besitzung, /. = Besitz. besonder, a. particular, special, specific; separate; singular, odd. Besonderheit, /. peculiarity, individuality; par- ticular. besonder s, adv. especially; separately; sin- gularly. besonnen, p.a. see besinnen. besorgen, v.t. care for, see to; fear. besorgt, p.a. anxious; careful. besponnen, p.a. covered. besprechen, v.t. discuss; arrange; conjure. besprengen, v.t. sprinkle. bespritzen, v.t. sprinkle, spatter. Bessemerbirne, /. Bessemer converter. bessemern, v.t. bessemerize. besser, a. & adv. better. bessern, v.t. better; correct. v.r. grow better. Best., abbrev. (Bestimmung) determination. Bestand, TO. duration, stability; amount, stock. bestandig, a. stable; constant, durable, per- manent; fast (colors); steady, steadfast. Bestandigkeit, /. stability, etc. (see bestandig). Bestandteil, m. constituent; ingredient. bestarken, v.t. confirm. bestatigen, v.t. confirm, ratify. v.r. hold true. bestatten, v.t. bury, inter. bestauben, v.t. dust, powder, cover with dust. beste, a. best. bestechen, v.t. stitch; bribe; charm. Besteck, n. case, set (of instruments); cover (at table). bestehen, v.i. consist; exist; persist, insist. v.r. resiit; encounter; pass. bestehen aus, consist of. Bestehen, n. composition; existence; persis- tence. bestehlen, v.t. rob. bestellen, v.t. order, appoint, engage; deliver; arrange; till, plant. Besteller, TO. (GOTO.) orderer. Bestellung, /. ordering, etc. (see bestellen); (Com.) order, commission. bestenfalls, adv. at best. Bestie, /. beast, brute. bestimmen, v.t. determine; fix, design, allot, define. bestimmt, p.a. determined, definite, fixed, appointed, certain. Bestimmtheit, /. definiteiiess; determination; certainty. Bestimmung, /. determination: appointment; provision: destiny. bestrafen, v.t. punish. bestrahlen, v.t. throw rays upon; irradiate, il- luminate. bestreben, v.r. strive, endeavor. Bestrebung, /. striving, effort, endeavor. bestreichen, v.t. coat, smear, spread; brush, stroke. bestreiten, v.t. dispute r defray. bestreuen, v.t. strew, sprinkle, powder. bestricken, v.t. ensnare. bestiirzt, p.a. amazed, dismayed. Besuch, TO. visit; company; besuchen, v.t. visit, resort to, attend besudeln, v.t. soil, defile. betagt, p.a. aged; due. betalgen, v.t. tallow. betatigen, v.t. prove, manifest. betauben, v.t. deafen, stun, stupefy. Betaubungsmittel, n. narcotic. Bete, /. beet, beetroot. beteeren, v.t. tar. beteiligen, v.t. give a share to, concern. v.r. participate. beteiligt, p.a. concerned, in- terested. Betelnuss, /. betel nut. beten, v.i. pray. beteuern, v.t. protest, swear to. betiteln, v.t. entitle, name. Beton, TO. concrete (made with cement), beton. betonen, v.t. accent, emphasize. betonieren, v.t. concrete, cover or lay with, or form of, concrete. betr., abbrev. (betreffend) concerning. Betracht, TO. consideration, regard, account. betrachten, v.t. consider; regard; view, examine. betrachtlich, a. considerable, important. Betrachtung, /. consideration, reflection; in- spection. Betrag, TO. amount, sum. betragen, v.t. amount to. v.r. behave. Betragen, n. behavior, conduct. betrauern, v.t. lament. betreffen, v.t. concern; befall; catch. betref- fend, p.a. concerning, concerned. betroffen, p.a. disconcerted, dazed. betreiben, v.t. carry on, conduct, pursue. betreten, v.t. tread upon, enter upon. p.a. beaten; confused. Betrieb, TO. work, operation, management; trade. betriebsam, a. active, industrious. Betriebsanlage, /. plant, works. Betriebschemiker, m. industrial chemist, works chemist. Betriebskontrolle, /. control of (technical) operations. Betriebskosten, f.pl. operating expenses. Betriebsleiter, TO. manager. Betriebszeit, /. working hours; shift; working 'season, campaign. betroffen, p.a. see betreffen. betriiben, v.t. & r. grieve. Betrug, TO. fraud, deceit. betrunken 4 betranken, p.a. intoxicated. Belt, n. bed. Bettel, trash; begging. betteln, v.t. beg. betten, v.t. imbed, embed, bed; put to bed. Bettler, m. beggar. Bettstelle, /. bedstead. Betttuch, n. sheet. Bettung, /. bedding, bed. Bettwanze, /. bedbug. betupfen, betiipfen, v.t. dab, dip, tip; spot. Beuche, /. bucking, bowking; bucking lye. beuchen, v.t. buck (steep or boil in lye or suds). Beuchfass, n. bucking tub. Beuchkessel, m. bucking keir. Beuchlauge, /. bucking lye. Beuchwasser, n. buck. Beuge, /. bend, bow. beugen, v.t. bend; deflect; diffract (light); in- flect (words); bow, humble. beugsam, a. =biegsam. Bengung, /. bending, etc. (see beugen) ; flexure, flexion. Beule, /. bump, swelling; boil. beunruhigen, v.t. disquiet, trouble. beurkunden, v.t. authenticate. beurteilen, v.t. judge, estimate, criticize. Beurteilung, /. judging, judgment; valuation, estimation; estimate; criticism. Beute, /. booty, spoil, prize. Bentel, TO. bag; pouch; purse; (Med.) sac, cyst. Beutelfflter, n. bag filter. beuteln, v.t. bolt, sift. v.r. bag. Beutelsieb, n. bolting sieve, bolter. Beuteltuch, n. bolting cloth. Beutelzeug, n. bolting apparatus; bolting cloth. Bevolkerung, /. population. bevollmachtigen, v.t. empower, authorize. bevor, conj. before. bevorstehen, v.i. approach, impend. bevorzugen, v.t. prefer, favor. bewaffnen, v.t. arm; aid. bewahren, v.t. keep, preserve, protect. bewahren, v.t. verify, approve. v.r. prove true. Bewahrungsmittel, n. preservative; prophylac- tic. bewaltigen, v.t. overcome, master. bewandert, a. versed, skilled. Bewandtnis, /. case, state. bewassern, v.t. water, moisten, sprinkle, irri- gate. bewegbar, a. movable, mobile. bewegen, v.t. & i. move; induce. bewegende Kraft, motive power. Beweger, TO. motor; mover. beweglich, a. movable, moving; versatile. Beweglichkeit, /. mobility. Bewegung, /. motion; movement, moving; stir, commotion. Bewegungskraft, /. motive force, motive power. I Biberschwanz Bewegungslehre, /. mechanics; kinematics; kinetics. Bewegungsmaschine, /. motor. Bewegungszustand, TO. state of motion. Beweis, m. proof, evidence; argument. beweisen, v.t. prove, dempnstrate; show. v.r. prove. Beweisfiihrung, /. demonstration; reasoning. bewenden, v.i. rest, drop. Bewerber, TO. candidate, applicant, aspirant. bewerfen, v.t. plaster; pelt. bewerkstelligen, v.t. accomplish, perform, effect, bewickeln, v.t. wrap round, envelop. bewilligen, v.t. grant, permit, bewirken, v.t. effect, cause, exert. bewirten, v.t. entertain, treat. bewirtschaften, v.t. manage, run. bewog, pret. of bewegen. bewogen, p.p. of bewegen. bewohnen, v.t. inhabit, occupy, bewundern, v.t. admire. Bewurf, m. plastering, plaster. bewusst, a. conscious, aware; known. bewusstlos, a. unconscious; senseless. Bewusstsein, n. consciousness; knowledge. bez., abbrev. (beziehungsweise) respectively, or. bezahlen, v.t. pay. Bezahlung, /. payment, settlement. bezahmen, v.t. tame, restrain. bezeichnen, v.t. mark, label; indicate; signify. bezeichnend, p.a. characteristic. Bezeichnung, /. marking, notation; mark, sign, symbol; note. Bezeichnungsweise, /. manner (or method) of notation. bezeugen, v.t. testify, certify. beziehen, v.t. draw (money) ; order, buy (goods) ; enter; refer; cover. v.r. refer; be overcast. . Beziehung, /. relation; reference, respect. beziehungsweise, adv. respectively, or. beziffern, v.t. mark with figures or ciphers. v.r. amount. Bezirk, TO. circuit, district. Bezoarwurzel, /. (Pharm.) contrayerva. Bezug, TO. relation, reference; drawing. beziiglich, a. & prep, relative, with reference (to), respecting. Bezugnahme, /. reference. Bezugsquelle, /. source of supply. Bezugswert, TO. relative value. bezw., abbrev. (beziehungsweise) respectively, or. bezwecken, v.t. aim at, intend; peg. bezwingen, v.t. subdue; restrain. Bibel, /. Bible. Biber, TO. beaver. Bibergeil, n. castor, castoreum. Biber nell, Bibernelle, /. burnet saxifrage (Pim- pinella saxifraga). Biberschwanz, TO. flat roofing tile. Bibliothek 41 Birne Bibliothek, /. library. bicyclisch, a. bicyclic. bieder, a, upright, honest, true. biegbar, a. capable of being bent. Biege, /. bend, bow. biegen, v.L bend; curve; diffract, refract (light); inflect (words). v.r. bend, (of wood) warp. v.i. bend. Biegerohr, n., Biegerohre, /. (glass) tube for bending. biegsam, a. flexible, pliant; ductile. Biegsamkeit, /. flexibility; ductility. - Biegung, /. bending, etc. (see biegen); bend; flexure. Biene, /. bee. Bienenharz, n. bee glue, propolis. Bienenwachs, n. beeswax. Bier, n. beer; (englisches) ale. Bierblume, /. head (froth) of beer. Bieressig, TO. malt vinegar, beer vinegar. Biergrand, TO. (Brewing) underbade. Bierhefe, /. yeast. Bierkessel, TO. (Brewing) boiling copper, boiler. Bierpech, n. brewer's pitch. Bierprober, TO. beer tester, specif., beer hydrome- ter. , Bierschone, /. fining for beer. Biersieder, TO. (Brewing) kettleman. Bierstein, TO. hard deposit from wort, beer scale. Bieruntersuchung, /. examination of beer, beer analysis. Bierwage, /. beer gage. Bierwiirze, /. beer wort, wort. Biestmilch, /. colostrum. bieten, v.t. offer; bid; show. Bilanz, /. balance. Bild, n. image; figure; picture; diagram; idea, description. bilden, v.t. form; shape, fashion; educate, culti- vate, civilize. bildend, p.a. forming, etc.; component, constituent; formative; plastic (art). Bilderachat, m. figured agate. Bildhauer, TO. sculptor. Bildhauerkitt, Bildhauerleim, TO. badigeon. Bildhauermarmor, TO. statuary marble. bildlich, a. figurative; typical. bildlos, a. amorphous. Bildmarmor, TO. figured marble. Bikinis, n. image, picture, likeness. bildsam, a. plastic; flexible, ductile. Bildsamkeit, /. plasticity; flexibility. bildschon, a. most beautiful. Bildstecher, TO. engraver. Bildstein, TO. figure stone, agalmatolite. Bildung, /. formation; shape; structure; or- ganization; education, culture. Bildungsenergie, /. energy of formation. Bildungsgleichung, /. equation of formation; structural equation. Bildungswarme, /. heat of formation. Bildungsweise, /. mode of formation. Bildwerk. n. sculpture, carving. Billard, n. billiards; billiard-table. Billet, n. ticket; note. billig, a. cheap; equitable. billigen, v.'. approve of. Bilsen-. henbane. Bilsenkraut, n. henbane, hyoscyamus. bimsen, v.t. rub with pumice stone, pumice. Bimsstein, Bimstein, m. pumice stone, pumice. bimssteinartig, a. pumiceous. bin, pr. 1 sing, of sein. biniir, a. binary. Binde, /. band; bandage; ligature; necktie. Bindegewebe, /. connective tissue. Bindeglied, n. connecting member or link. Bindehaut, /. conjunctiva. Bindekraft, /. combining power; binding power (of cements). Bindemittel, n. binding agent or material; cement, agglutinant, medium. binden, v.t. bind; fix, combine, unite; tie, tie up; constrain. v.i. bind; combine; harden, set (of cement, etc.). gebunden, p.a. bound, combined, etc. gebundene Warme, latent heat. Bindestrich, m. hyphen. Bindeton, m. ball clay. Binde vermogen, n. binding power; (of clays) plasticity. Bindezeit, /. (Cement) setting time. Bindfaden, TO. string, packthread. Bindung, /. binding, etc. (see binden, v.l. & v.i.); combination, union, linkage; bond. bindungsisomer, a. showing isomerism due to different modes of union of the atoms (some- times merely to different positions of a double bond). Bindungsmittel, n. = Bindemittel. Bindungswarme, /. heat of combination. Bindungsweise, /. mode of union. binnen, prep, within. Binnen-. internal, inner, inside, inland. Binnendruck, TO. internal pressure. Binnenhandel, TO. domestic trade. Binnensteuer, /. internal revenue. Binse, /. rush. Biochemie, /. biochemistry. biochemisch, a. biochemical. Biolog, TO. biologist. biologisch, a. biological. birgt, pr. 8 sing, of bergen. Birke, /. birch. birken, a. birch, birchen. Birkenrindenol, n. oil of betula, oil of sweet birch. Birne, /. pear; pear-shaped object, specif., (Metal.) converter; (Elec.) bulb. birnenfdrmig 42 birnformig, birnenformig, a. pear-shaped, pyriform. Birnmost, m. pear juice, (new) perry. Birnol, n. pear oil. Birnwein, m. perry. birst, pr. 2 & 3 sing, of bersten. bis, prep, till, until, up to. conj. till, until. Bisam, m. musk. bisamartig, a. musky. Bischof, m. bishop. bisher, adv. hitherto, as yet. bias, pret. of beissen. Biss, m. bite; sting. bisschen, n. bit, little bit. Bissen, m. morsel, bit; (Med.) bolus. Bistum, n. episcopate. bisweilen, adv. sometimes, occasionally. Bitte, /. request, prayer. bitten, v.t. ask, beg, invite. Bittererde, /. magnesia. Bitterkalk, Bitterkalkspat, TO. dolomite. Bitterklee, TO. buck bean (Menyanthes). Bitterkleesalz, n. oxalic acid. bitterlos, a. free from bitterness. Bittermandel, /. bitter almond. Bittermandelgeist, m. spirit (or essence) of bitter almond. Bittermandelol, n. oil of bitter almond, benzal- dehyde; (kiinstliches) nitrobenzene. Bittermittel, n. bitter. Bittersalz, n. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). Bittersaure, /. picric acid. Bitterspat, m. magnesite; sometimes, dolomite. Bitterstein, m. nephrite; saussurite. Bitterstoff, TO. bitter principle. Bittersiiss, n. bittersweet. Bitterwasser, n. bitter water (containing Epsom salt); (Pharm.) bitter-almond water. Bitterwurzel, /. gentian root. bituminos, a. bituminous. blahen, v.t. inflate, swell; cause flatulence. Blahsucht, /. flatulence. Blahungsmittel, n. carminative. blahungstreibend, p.a. carminative. blaken, v.i. smoke. blamieren, v.t. expose to ridicule. blanchieren, v.t. blanch, whiten. Blanchissure, /. light spot (due to imperfect dyeing). blank, a. bright, clear, clean, polished; naked, bare; white, blank. blankkochen, v.t. (Sugar) boil down without graining. blankputzen, v.t. polish, scour. Blanktran, m. clear, light yellow cod oil. Bias-, blast. Blasapparat, m. blast apparatus. Blasbalg, m. bellows. Blaschen, n. small bubble, bleb; vesicle. Blau !f /. bubble, bleb; blister, vesicle; bladder; bladder-shaped vessel, as the body of a still. Blase-, blowing, blast. Blasebalg, TO. bellows. Blaselampe, /. blast lamp. blasen, v.t. blow; (Metal.) smelt in a blast furnace; inject (steam). Blasengarung, /. bubbling (or bubble) fermen- tation. Blasengriin, n. sap green. Blasenpflaster, n. (Pharm.) cantharides cerate. Blasensaure, /. uric acid. Blasenstein, m. urinary calculus. Blasentang, TO. bladder wrack (Fucus vcsi- culosus). blasenziehend, p.a. blistering, vesicatory. Blaseofen, TO. blowing furnace; blast furnace. Blaserei,/. (glass) blowing; glass-blowing shop. Blaserohr, n. blowpipe, blast pipe; nozzle (of bellows). Blasetisch, TO. blast-lamp table. blasig, a. blistery, blistered, vesicular. blasiger Kupferstein, pimple metal. Blaslampe, /. blast lamp. blass, a. pale. blassgelb, a. pale yellow. blast, pr. 3 sing, of blasen. Blastisch, m. = Blasetisch. Blatt, n. leaf; lamina, lamella, plate, flake; sheet (of paper); blade; journal, newspaper. Blattchen, n. lamina, lamella; small leaf, leaf- let; slip (of paper). blattchenartig, a. lamelliform, laminiform. Blattchenpulver, n. leaf powder. Blatteisen, n. sheet iron. Blatter,/, blister, pimple; pi. smallpox. Blatter, pi. of Blatt. Blattererz, n. foliated tellurium (nagyagite). blatterig, a. leafy, foliated, laminated. Blatterkies, TO. lamellar pyrites. Blatterkohle, /. foliated coal, slate coal. blattern, v.r. flake, exfoliate. Blatterstein, m. variolite. Blattertellur, n. foliated tellurium (nagyagite). Blatterton, m. foliated clay. Blatterzeolith, TO. foliated zeolite (heulandite) . Blattfederchen, n. =Blattkeim. Blattgelb, n. xanthophyll. Blattgold, n. leaf gold, gold leaf, gold foil. Blattgrun, n. leaf green, chlorophyl. Blattkeim, TO. plumule, (of malt, etc.) acrospire. Blattkupfer, n. sheet copper. Blattlack, m. shellac. Blattmetall, n. sheet metal; leaf metal. blattrig, a. = blatterig. Blattsilber, n. silver leaf. Blattzinn, n. tin foil. blau, a. blue. blaue Erde, blue earth, specif., earthy vivianite. Blau, n., Blaue, /. blue; blueness. Blaudampfen 43 Bleiocher Blaudampfen, n. (Ceram.) blue-smoking. Blaueisenerde, /. earthy vivianite. Blaueisenspat, n., Blaueisenstein, m. vivianite; (faseriger) crocidolite. blaueln, v.t. blue; beetle. blauen, blauen, v.t. blue, dye blue. v.i. turn blue. Blauerei, /. indigo dye-house. Blaufarbe, /. blue color; smalt. Blaufarbenglas, n. smalt. Blaufarber, m. dyer in blue. Blaugas, n. Blau gas (named from its inventor). Blauholz, n. logwood. Blauholzspane, m.pl. logwood chips. Blaukohl, m. red cabbage. Blaukiipe, /. blue vat, specif., indigo vat. blaulich, a. bluish. Blaumiihle, /. smalt mill. Blauofen, m. flowing furnace. Blaupause, /. blue-print tracing. Blauprobe, /. blue test. Blausalz, n. potassium ferrocyanide. Blausand, m. coarsest smalt, blausauer, a. of or combined with hydrocyanic acid, cyanide of. gelbes blausaures Kali, potassium ferrocyanide.-r-rotes blausaures Kali, potassium ferricyanide. Blausaure, /. hydrocyanic acid. Blauschorl, m. cyanite. Blauspat, m. lazulite. Blaustein, m. bluestone, blue vitriol; lazulite; (Metal.) blue metal, blue matt. Blaustich, m. bluish tinge or tint. Blaustift, m. blue pencil. Blaustoff, m. cyanogen. Blech,n. plate, sheet, sheet metal; foil. weisses Blech, tin plate. schwarzes Blech, black iron plate. Blechbuchse, /. tin can. blechen, blechern, a. tin (plate). Blechflasche, /. narrow-necked tin vessel. Blechgefass, n. tin (plate) vessel. Blechhafen, TO., Blechkanne, /. tin can. Blechkasten, m. tin box or case. Blechtrichter, m. tin funnel. Blechware, /. tinware. Blei, n. lead. Bleiantimonerz, n. zinkenite. Bleiasche, /. lead dross; lead ash; the gray film of oxide on lead exposed to air. Bleiarbeit, /. lead smelting; plumbing. Bleibaum, m. lead tree, arbor saturni. bleiben, v.i. remain, stay, last. bleibend, p.a. permanent, lasting, durable, stable, (of colors) fast; persistent. bleibende Harte, permanent hardness Bleibliite, /. mimetite. bleich, a. pale, white. Bleichanstalt, /. bleachery. Bleichbad, n. bleaching liquor. Bleiche, /. bleaching; bleachery; paleness, whiteness. bleichen, v.t. bleach; whiten; blanch. v.i. lose color, fade; turn white or pale. Bleicher, m. bleacher. Bleicherde, /. fuller's earth. Bleicherei, /. bleaching. Bleichfass, n. bleaching vat. Bleichfleck, m. bleaching stain. Bleichfliissigkeit, /. bleaching liquor. Bleichgut, n. batch of cloth for bleaching. Bleichhollander, TO. (Paper) poaching engine, poacher. Bleichhiilfsmittel, n. something used to assist bleaching, bleaching assistant. Bleichkalk, m. chloride of lime (bleaching powder). Bleichkasten, TO. bleaching vat. Bleichlauge, /. bleaching lye (or liquor). Bleichmittel, n. bleaching agent, decolorant. Bleichprozess, m. bleaching process. Bleichpulver, n. bleaching powder. Bleichsalz, n. bleaching salt (chloride of lime, sodium hypochlorite, etc.). Bleichsoda, n. bleaching soda. Bleich vorbereitungsmittel, n. preliminary bleaching assistant. Bleich wasser, n. bleaching liquor; chlorine water. Bleichwirkung, /. bleaching action or effect. Bleichzweck, TO. bleaching purpose (s). Bleierde, /. earthy cerussite. bleiern, a. lead, leaden; dull, heavy. Bleierz, n. lead ore. Bleiessig, m. vinegar of lead (aqueous solution of lead acetate). Bleiextrakt, TO. = Bleiessig. Bleifahlerz, n. bournonite. bleifarben, bleifarbig, a. lead-colored. Bleifeder, /. lead pencil. Bleiflasche, /. lead bottle. Bleifolie, /. lead foil. bleifrei, a. free from lead. Bleigelb, n. massicot; lead chromate. Bleigiesser, m. plumber. Bleiglanz, TO. lead glance, galena. Bleiglas, n. lead glass; (Min.) anglesite. Bleiglasur, /. lead glaze. Bleiglatte, /. litharge. Bleiglimmer, TO. cerussite in micaceous form. bleihaltig, containing lead, plumbiferous. Bleihornerz, n., Bleihornspat, TO. phosgenite. Bleikammer, /. lead chamber. Bleikonig, m. lead regulus. Bleilasur, /. linarite. Bleilegierung, /. lead alloy. Bleilot, n. lead solder; plummet. Bleiloter, TO. lead burner. Bleiniere, /. bindheimite. Bleiocher, TO. lead ocher. Bleioxyd Bleioxyd, n. lead oxide, specif., PbO. rotes Bleioxyd, minium. Bleiperoxyd, n. lead dioxide, PbOjz. Bleipflaster, n. lead plaster. Bleipflastersalbe, /. (Pharm.) diachylon oint- ment. Bleirohr, n., Bleirdhre, /. lead tube or pipe. Bleirdstprozess, TO. lead roasting. Bleirot, n. red lead, minium. Bleisalbe,/. (Pharm.) cerate of lead subacetate. Bleisalpeter, TO. lead nitrate. Bleisalz, n. lead salt. Bleisammler, TO. lead accumulator, lead storage battery. Bleisaure, /. plumbic acid. Bleischale, /. lead dish. Bleispat, n. cerussite; (roter) crocoisite. Bleispiegel, TO. specular galena. Bleistein, TO. lead matt. Bleistift, TO. lead pencil. Bleiverhuttung, /. lead smelting. Bleivitriol, TO. lead vitriol, lead sulfate, (Min.) anglesite. Bleivitriolspat, TO. anglesite. Bleiwasser, n. lead water, Goulard water. Bleiweiss, n. white lead. Bleiweisssalbe, /. lead carbonate ointment. Bleizucker, TO. sugar of lead, lead acetate. Bleizuckersalbe, /. lead acetate ointment. Blende, /. blend, glance (specif., zinc blend, ZnS); blind, screen, diaphragm, stop; border. blenden, v.t. blind, dazzle. bleueln, v.t. beat, beetle; blue. Blick, TO. look, view, glance; flash; (Metal.) brightening (of molten silver), fulguration, " blick." blicken, v.i. glance, look; shine; (Metal.) brighten, lighten, give the " blick." Blickgold, n. refined gold still containing silver. Blicksilber, n. refined silver. blieb, pret. of bleiben. blies, pret. of blasen. blind, a. blind; dull, tarnished; false. Blinddarm, TO. caecum. Blindheit, /. blindness. blindlings, adv. blindly, rashly. blinken, blinkern, v.i. gleam, sparkle. blinzeln, v.i. blink, wink. Blitz, TO. lightning; flash. Blitzlicht, n. flash-light. Blitzpulver, n. lycopodium. Blitzrohre, /. fulgurite. Block, TO. block; pig; ingot. Blockblei, n. pig lead. Blockhahn, m. stopcock. Blockmuhle, /. block mill. blode, a. dim-sighted; imbecile; bashful. Blodsinn, TO. imbecility, insanity; nonsense. t v Blutwolle bloss, a. bare, naked, nude; mere, sole. adv. merely, only; barely; nakedly. Blosse, /. bareness; unhaired hide, pelt. blosslegen, v.t. lay bare, strip. bliihen, v.i. bloom, blossom; flourish. Blume, /. flower; bloom, aroma, bouquet. bliimen, v.t. flower, figure. Blumenblatt, n. petal. Blumengartner, m. florist. Blumenkohl, TO. cauliflower. Blumenseite, /. (Leather) hair side. Blumenstaub, m. pollen. Blumentee, TO. imperial tea. Blumentopf, TO. flower pot. blumig, a. bloomy, flowery. Blut, n. blood. Blutader, /. vein. blutarm, a. bloodless, anemic; very poor. Blutbahn, /. bloodvessel. Blutblume, /. arnica; bloodflower (Hseman- thus). Blutdruck, TO. blood pressure. Bliite, /. blossom, flower, bloom. Blutegel, TO. leech. bluten, v.i. bleed; suffer; (of colors) bleed, run. Blutenblatt, n. petal. Bliitenhiillenblatt, n. sepal. Bliitenstaub, m. pollen. Blutfarbe,/. blood color; blood pigment. Blutfarbstoff, TO. coloring matter of the blood, blood pigment. . Blutfaserstoff, TO. fibrin. Blutfleck, Blutflecken, TO. blood stain. Blutfliissigkeit, /. blood plasma. Blutgefass, n. bloodvessel. blutgierig, a. bloodthirsty. Blutholz, n. logwood. blutig, Of bloody. Blutkohle, /. blood charcoal. Blutkorperchen, n. blood corpuscle. Blutkraul, n. any of various blood-red or blood- stanching plants. Blutlauf, TO. circulation of the blood. Blutlaugensalz, n. potassium ferrocyanide (often with adj. gelbes). rotes Blutlaugen- salz, potassium ferricyanide. v blutleer, a. anemic, bloodless. blutlos, a. bloodless. blutrot, a. blood-red. Blutruhr, /. dysentery. Blutschlag, TO. apoplexy. Blutseuche, /. anthrax. Blutstein, TO. bloodstone, hematite. blutstillend, p.a. blood-stanching, hemastatic, styptic. Blutsucht, /. hemophilia. Blutuntersuchung, /. examination of blood. Blutwasser, n. blood serum. Blutwolle, /. dead wool. Blutwurz 45 Bossirwachs Blutwurz, Blutwurzel, /. any of various plants of red sap or supposed blood-stanching prop- erties, specif., bloodroot (either Sanguinaria canadensis or Potentilla tormentilla) . Bock, TO. he-goat, buck; (Brewing) bock beer; (Tech.) trestle, jack, horse; blunder. Bockasche, /. coal ashes. Bockholz, n. guaiacum wood, lignum-vitae. bockig, bockig, a. resistant, refractory. Bockleder, n. goat leather, kid. Bocknuss, /. souari nut (fruit of Caryocar) . Bocksaure, /. hircic acid (now known to be a mixture) . Bockseife, /. mountain soap (kind of clay). Bockshorn, n. fenugreek. Boden, m. soil; earth, ground, land; bottom; base; floor; loft, garret. Bodenanalyse, /. soil analysis. Bodenart, /. (kind or variety of) soil. Bodenblatt, n. flat bottom. Bodenhals, m. neck or tubulation at the bottom. Bodenhefe, /. grounds, dregs, lees. Bodenkolloid, n. soil colloid. Bodenkorper, m. a substance at the bottom of a liquid, solid phase; soil substance. Bodennahrstoff, TO. soil nutrient. Bodensatz, m. deposit, sediment, dregs, bot- toms, foot; (Salt) bitterings'. Bodenteig, m. underdough. Bodenuntersuchung, /. soil investigation, ex- amination of soil. Bodenventil, n. bottom valve. bog, pret. of biegen. Bogen, TO. bow, arc, bend, curve, arch; (Elec.) arc; sheet (of paper). Bogenflamme, /. arc flame. Bogenlampe, /. arc lamp. Bogenlicht, n. arc light. Bogenstiick, n. curved piece; (Brewing) return bend. Bohle, /. plank. bohmisch, a. Bohemian. Bohne, /. bean. bohnen, v.t. wax. Bohnenkraut, n. summer savory (Satureia hortensis) . Bohnerz, Bohnenerz, n. pea ore (oolitic limonite) . Bohnwachs, n. polishing wax. bohren, v.t. bore, drill. Bohrer, m. borer, perforator, gimlet, auger. Bohrgut, n. material obtained by boring. Bohrloch, n. borehole, drill hole. Bohrmehl, n. borings, bore dust. Bohrstock, m. boring stock, borer. Bohrung, /. boring, bore. Boje, /. buoy. Bol, TO. = Bolus. BoUe, /. bulb. Bollwerk, n. bulwark. Bologneser, a. Bolognese, Bologna. Bolo- gneser Flasche, Bologna flask. Bolus, m. bole. roter Bolus, reddle. weisser Bolus, kaolin. Bolzen, TO. bolt; peg, pin; prop. Bolzenmutter, /. nut (to a bolt). Bolzenscheibe, /. washer (for a bolt). Bombe, /. bomb, shell. Bombenrohr, n. bomb tube. Bomse, /. (Cdram.) support. Bonitierung, /. valuation, appraisement. Boot, n. boat. Bor, n. boron. Bor-. boric, boron, boro-, etc. Borat, n. borate. Borathan, n. borethane, boroethane. Boraxhonig, TO. borax honey. Boraxkalk, TO. calcium borate. Boraxperle, /. borax bead, boraxsauer, a. =borsauer. Boraxsaure, /. boric acid. Boraxspat, TO. boracite. Boraxweinstein, m. boryl potassium tartrate, (Pharm.) tartarus boratus. Borazit, n. boracite. Bcrbutan, n. borobutane. Borchlorid, n. boron chloride. Bord, m. border, edge, rim; (ship) board. Boretsch, TO. borage. Borfluorwasserstoffsaure, /., Borfluorwasser- stofiT, w., fluoboric acid, hydrofluoboric acid HBF 4 . Borg, TO. borrowing, credit, borgen, v.t. borrow; (less often) lend. Borium, n. boron. Borke, /. bark; crust, scab. Born, TO. spring, well; (Salt) salt pit. Borokalzit, n. borocalcite. Borsalbe, /. (Pharm.) boric acid ointment. borsauer, a. of or combined with boric acid, borate of. Borsaure, /. boric acid. Borsaureweinstein, TO. = Boraxweinstein. Borse, /. purse; Exchange. Borst, TO. burst, crack, fissure. Borste, /. bristle. borste, pret. subj. of bersten. Borstickstoff, TO. boron nitride. borstig, a. cracked; bristly; surly. Borte, /. border, edging; lace. Borwasserstoff, TO. boron hydride. Borwolframsaure, /. borotungstic acid, bosartig, a. malignant, wicked. Boschung, /. slope, sloping, bose, a. bad, evil; harmful, noxious; sore, aching. hoses Wesen, "epilepsy. boses Wetter, choke damp, boshaft, a. malicious, malignant. Bosheit, /. malice, malignity, anger. Bossirwachs, n. molding wax. hot 46 Brechbacken hot, pret. of bieten. Botanik, /. botany. Botaniker, TO. botanist. botanisch, a. botanical. Bote, TO. messenger. Botschaft, /. message; embassy; pi. tidings. Bottcher, m. cooper. Bottich, TO. vat, tub, tun, tank, back, vessel. Bottichkiihler, TO. (Brewing) attemperator. Bouteille, /. bottle. brach, pret. of brechen. brach, a. fallow. brachte, pret. of bringen. Brack, TO. refuse. brackig, a. brackish. Brambeere, /. blackberry. Bramme, /. slab (of iron), bloom. Brand, TO. burning; fire; charge (of a kiln or oven); blight, smut; gangrene, slough; brand. Branderz, . inflammable ore (as bituminous shale, or as idrialite). brandfest, a. fireproof. Brandfleck, Brandflecken, TO. burn. Brandgold, n. refined gold. Brandharz, n. empyreumatic resin. brandig, a. burnt; blasted; gangrenous. brandmarken, v.l. brand. Brandole, n.pl. oils obtained by destructive dis- tillation. Brandprobe, /. fire test, fire assay. Brandriss, TO. fire crack. Brandsatz, TO., Brandzeug, n. Valenciennes (in- cendiary composition). Brandschiefer, TO. bituminous shale. Brandsilber, n. refined silver. Brandstein, m. brick. Brandstiftung, /. incendiarism, arson. Brandung, /. surf, breaker. Brandziegel, TO. firebrick. Branke, /. =Brenke. brannte, pret. of brennen. Branntwein, TO. spirits (brandy, whisky, etc.). Branntweinblase, /. still (for spirits). Branntweinbrenner, TO. distiller. Brannt weinbrennerei, /. distillation (of spirits) ; distillery. Branntweinhefe, /. alcohol ferment (Saccharo- myces cerevisii). Branntweinmixtur, /. (Pharm.) mixture of brandy, brandy mixture. Branntweinprober, TO. alcoholometer. Branntweinwage, /. alcoholometer. branstig, a. of a burnt smell or taste. Brasil, Brasilien, n. Brazil. Brasilinsaure, /. brasilinic acid. Brasilsaure, /. brasilic acid. Brassinsaure, /. brassic acid. brat, pr. 3 sing, of braten. braten, v.t. roast; grill, broil, fry; burn, scorch. Braten, m. roast (meat). Bratenfett, n. drippings. Bratfrischarbeit, /. roasting and refining. Brau, Brail, TO. brew, quantity brewed at one time; malt liquor. Braubursch, m. brewery journeyman. Brauch, TO. custom, usage. brauchbar, a. useful, serviceable. brauchen, v.t. use; want, need. Braue, /. (eye) brow. brauen, v.t. & i. brew. Brauer, TO. brewer. Brauerei, /. brewing; brewery. Brauerlack, TO. brewer's varnish. Brauhaus, Brauhaus, n. brewery. Braukessel, TO. (Brewing) kettle, copper. Braumeister, TO. master brewer. braun, a. brown; bay (horse); dark (person). brauner Glaskopf, limonite. Braunbleierz, n. pyromorphite. Braune, /. quinsy; angina; brownness. Brauneisenstein, TO., Brauneisenerz, n. brown iron ore, limonite. Braunelle, /. =Brunelle. braunen, v.t. brown, dye brown; bronze. Braunerz, n. limonite. Braunheil, n. =Brunelle. Braunholz, n. logwood. Braunkalk, m. dolomite. Braunkohle, /. brown coal, lignite. Braunkrausen, f.pl. (Brewing) fuzzy heads. Braunrot, n. colcothar; Indian red. Braunschliff, TO. (Paper) steamed mechanical wood. Braunschweig, n. Brunswick. Braunspane, TO. pi. logwood shavings. Braunspat, TO. dolomite. Braunstein, TO. pyrolusite (MnOz). roter Braunstein, rhodochrosite. schwarzer Braunstein, hausmannite. Braunsteinrahm, Braunsteinschaum, TO. bog manganese, wad. Brauntran, m. (Leather) blubber, thick cod oil. Braupfanne, /. = Braukessel. Brause, /. effervescence; sprinkler, rose, sprink- ling can. Brausebad, n. shower bath. Brauselithiumcitrat, n. (Pharm.) effervescent lithium citrate. Brausemischung, /. effervescing mixture. brausen, v.i. effervesce, froth; roar; buzz. Brausepulver, n. effervescing powder. Brausewein, TO. sparkling wine. Braut, /. bride, betrothed. Brautigam, TO. bridgroom. Brauwasser, n. (Brewing) liquor. Brauwesen, n. brewing business. brav, a. brave, gallant, good. Brecharznei, /. emetic. Brechbacken, f.pl. crusher jaws. brechbar 47 Brikett brechbar, a. refrangible; breakable, brittle. Brechbohne, /. kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) . Brecheisen, n. crowbar. brechen, v.t. break; refract; mine, quarry; crush, pulverize; vomit; pluck; fold; blend (colors) ; boil off (silk). v.i. break; crease, crinkle; (of dye baths) change, decompose. gebro- chen, p.a. broken, etc.; fractional; crooked, bent; worn out; ruined. brechenerregend, a. emetic. Brechhaufen, TO. (Brewing) broken piece. Brechkorner, n.pl. castor beans. Brechmittel, n. emetic. Brechnuss, /. nux vomica. Brechstange, /. crowbar, pinch bar. Brechung, /. breaking, etc. (see brechen); (Physics) refraction. Brechungsebene, /. (Optics) plane of refrac- tion. Brechungsexponent, m. refractive index. Brechungsverhaltnis, n. refractive index. Brechungsvermogen, n. refractive power. Brechungswinkel, m. angle of refraction. Brechwalzwerk, n. crushing rolls (or rollers). Brechwein, TO. (Pharm.) wine of antimony, anti- monial wine. Brechweinstein, TO. tartar emetic. Brechwerk, n. crusher. Brechwurzel, /. ipecacuanha, ipecac. Brei, TO. (something of porridgelike consis- tency) pulp, mash, paste; magma; porridge, pap; (Ceram.) slip. breiartig, breiig, a. pulpy, pappy, pasty. breit, a. broad, wide; flat. Breite, /. breadth, width; latitude. breiten, v.t. spread, extend, flatten. Breitleder, n. sole leather. Breiumschlag, TO. poultice, cataplasm. Bremer, a. Bremen. Bremse, /. brake; gadfly. Brenkas, n. fine East-Indian tin. Brenke, /. (Brewing) yeast tub. Brennapparat, m. distilling apparatus, still; branding machine. Brennarbeit, /. fire assaying. brennbar, a. combustible, burnable. brenn- bare Luft, hydrogen (old name). Brennbarkeit, /. combustibility. Brennblase, /. alembic, still. Brenncylinder, TO. (Pharm.) moxa. brennen, v.t. burn; calcine, roast; distil; fire, bake; anneal; char; scald; cauterize; brand; curl (hair). v.i. burn; smart. brennend, p. a. burning; caustic; pungent; ardent. gebrannt, p.a. burnt, calcined, etc. ge- brannte Erde, terra cotta. gebrannte Magnesia, magnesia usta (MgO). gebrann- te Wasser, distilled liquor. Brenner, TO. burner; distiller; brickmaker; lime burner. Brennerei, /. distillery. Brennessel,/. (stinging) nettle ( UrtictQ. Brenngas, n. combustible gas, fuel gas. Brennglas, n. burning glass. Brennhelm, m. still head. Brennholz, n. firewood. Brennkapsel, /. sagger. Brennkolben, m. distilling flask, alembic. Brennmaterial, n. combustible material, fuel. Brennofen, m. burning oven, baking oven, kiln, furnace, roasting furnace, calcining furnace, etc. Brennol, n. burning oil. Brennpunkt, TO. focal point, focus. Brennschwindung, /. (Ceram.) shrinkage in firing. Brennsilber, n. amalgam for silvering. Brennstahl, TO. blister steel. Brennstoff, TO. fuel, combustible; (Old Chem.) phlogiston. Brennstunde, /. lamp hour. Brennweite, /. focal distance, focal length. Brennwert, TO. fuel value, calorific value. Brennziegel, TO. firebrick; fuel briquet. Brennzylinder, TO. =Brenncylinder. Brenz, n. empyreuma, combustible. Brenz-. pyro-. Brenzapfelsaure, /. maleic acid. Brenzcain, n. (Pharm.) pyrocain. Brenzcatechin, n. pyrocatechol, pyrocatechin. Brenzessigather, Brenzessiggeist, TO. acetone. Brenzgallussaure, /. pyrogallic acid. Brenzharz, n. =Brandharz. brenzlich, brenzlig, a. empyreumatic, tarry. brenzlige Sauren, pyro acids. Brenzol, n. empyreumatic oil. Brenzsaure, /. pyro acid. Brenzschleimsaure, /. pyromucic acid. Brenzterebinsaure, /. pyroterebic acid. Brenztraubenalkohol, TO. pyroracemic alcohol. Brenztraubensaure, /. pyroracemic acid. Brenzweinsaure, /. pyrotartaric acid. Brett, n. board, plank; shelf; office, brettern, a. of boards, boarded. Brettmiihle, /. sawmill. Brezel, /. cracknel. bricht, pr. 8 sing, of brechen. Brief, m. letter; paper, packet. Briefchen, n. note. Briefgeld, n. postage. brieflich, a. written. adv. by letter, in writing. Briefmarke, /. postage stamp. Briefpapier, n. writing paper. Briefschaften, f.pl. writings, papers. Briefstempel, TO. postmark. Brieftisch, m. desk. Briefumschlag, TO. envelope, wrapper. Briefwechsel, TO. correspondence. briet, pret. of braten. Brikett, n. briquet, briquette. Brillantgelb 48 Bruckenwage Brillantgelb, n. brilliant yellow. Brillantgriin, n. brilliant green. Brille, /. spectacles, eyeglasses. Brillenglas, n. spectacle glass. bringen, v.t. bring; carry, take, put. Brisanz, /. shattering power. Brise, /. breeze. brockelig, a. brittle, friable, fragile. brockeln, v.t. crumble. brocken, v.t. crumble, break up. Brocken, m. lump, fragment; crumb. Brockenglas, n. broken glass, cullet. brocklig, a. = brockelig. Brod, n. =Brot. brodeln, v.i. bubble. Brodem, m. vapor, steam; (Mining) foul air. Brokat, m. brocade. Brom, n. bromine. Brom-. of or combined with bromine; bromo- (as Brombenzoesdure, bromobenzoic acid); bromide of (as Brombarium, barium bromide). Bromammonium, n. ammonium bromide. Bromantimon, n. antimony bromide. Bromarsen, n. arsenic bromide. Bromather, m. ethyl bromide. Bromathyl, n. ethyl bromide. Bromathylen, n. ethylene bromide. Brombeere, /. blackberry. Bromcyan, n. cyanogen bromide, bromocyano- gen. Bromeiscn, n. iron bromide. Bromflasche, /. bromine bottle. Bromfluor, n. bromine fluoride. Bromgoldkalium, n. potassium auribromide, potassium bromaurate. Bromhydrat, n. hydrobromide; bromine hy- drate. Bromid, n. bromide (especially an -ic bromide, as contrasted with Bromur). bormieren, v.t. brominate. Bromierung, /. bromination. Bromkalium, n. potassium bromide. Bromkalzium, n. calcium bromide. Bromkampher, m. bromocamphor, (Pharm.) monobromated camphor. Bromkupfer, n. copper bromide. Bromlauge, /. bromine lye (solution of sodium hypobromite and bromide made by passing bromine into sodium hydroxide solution). BromlHhium, n. lithium bromide. Brommagnesium, n. magnesium bromide. Brommetall, n. metallic bromide. Bromnatrium, n. sodium bromide. Bromphosphor, m. phosphorus bromide. Bromradium, n. radium bromide. bromsauer, a. of or combined with bromic acid, bromate of. Bromsaure, /. bromic acid. Bromschwefel, m. sulfur bromide. Bromsilber, n. silver bromide. Bromsilizium, . silicon bromide. Bromspat, n. bromyrite (AgBr). Bromiibertrager, m. bromine carrier. Bromur, n. (-ous) bromide. (Used for a metal in its lower valence, as Eisenbromiir, ferrous bromide.) Bromwasser, n. bromine water. Bromwasscrstoff, m. hydrogen bromide; hydro- bromic acid. bromwasserstoffsauer, a. of or combined with hydrobromic acid, (usually) hydrobromide of. Bromwasserstoffsaure, /. hydrobromic acid. Bromwismut, m. & n. bismuth bromide. Bromzahl, /. bromine number. Bromzink, n. zinc bromide. Bromzinn, n. tin bromide. Bronce, /. bronze. Bronzefarbe, /. bronze color, bronzieren, v.t. bronze. Brosam, Brosame, /. crumb, scrap. Broschen, n. sweetbread. broschieren, v.t. stitch, sew, work; bind in paper cover. Broschure, /. stitched (but unbound) book; pamphlet. Brot, n. bread; loaf. Brotbacken, n. bread baking. Brotchen, n. roll. Brotgeschmack, n. (Brewing) steam taste. Brotherr, m. employer. Brotkorn, n. breadstuff. brotlos, a. unemployed, unprofitable. Brotmasse, /. breadstuff. Brotrafflnade, /. loaf sugar. Brotzucker, m. loaf sugar. Brown'sche Bewegung, Brownian movement. Bruch, m. fracture; fraction; break, breaking, breach, crack, cleft; fold, crease, wrinkle, crimp; quarry; fragments, scrap; rupture, (Med.) hernia. Bruchblei, n. scrap lead. Bruchdehnung, /. breaking tension; stretch (of paper). Brucheisen, n. scrap iron. bruchfest, a. resisting breakage. Bruchflache, /. surface of fracturp. Bruchgewicht, n. fractional weight. Bruchglas, n. broken glass, cullet. Bruchgramm, n. fraction of a gram. briichig, a. brittle, short; friable; fragile; full of cracks; (GeoZ.) clastic, fragmental. briichig werden (of fabrics) tender. Bruchmetall, n. broken metal, scrap metal. Bruchstein, m. quarry stone. Bruchstiick, n. fragment, shred. Bruchteil, m. fraction. Briicke, /. bridge. Briickensauerstoff, TO. bridging oxygen, con- necting oxygen. Bruckenwage, /. platform balance. Bruder 49 Biirde Bruder, ra. brother; friar. Bruhe, /. soupy liquid, liquor; broth, soup; gravy, sauce; (Dyeing) liquor, bath; (Leather) juice, liquor, drench, ooze; (Tobacco) sauce. briihen, v.t. scald, treat with hot water; scour. briihheiss, a. scalding hot. Briihmesser, m. (Leather) barkometer. briillen, v.i. roar, bellow, howl. brummen, v.i. hum, buzz, low, growl; grumble. Bru nolle. /. self-heal (Prunella vulgaris). brunieren, br tinier en, v.t. burnish, polish; brown. v.i. turn brown. Briinierstein, TO. burnishing stone; bloodstone. Brunnen, TO. well, spring; fountain; (mineral) waters. Brunnenflasche, /. mineral-water bottle; siphon bottle. Brunnenkresse, /. watercress. Brunnensalz, n. well salt, brine salt. briinstig, a. ardent; fervent; in heat. Brust, /. breast, chest; brisket. Brust-. of the chest; thoracic; pectoral. Brustangst, /. angina pectoris. Brustbeere, /. jujube, zizyphus. Brustdriise, /. mammary gland. briisten, v.r. plume Oneself. Brustfell, n. pleura. Brustfellentziindung, /. pleurisy. Brustfieber, n. bronchitis. Brustgang, TO. thoracic duct. Brustkasten, Brustkorb, m. thorax. Brustkrampf, TO. asthma. Brustpulver, n. pectoral powder, specif., com- pound licorice powder. brustreinigend, p.a. expectorant. Briistung, /. parapet, breast wall. Brut, /. brood, hatch; brooding, hatching. briiten, v.i. brood, hatch, incubate. Brutkasten, Brutofen, Brutschrank, TO. incu- bator. brutto, a. & adv. gross. Bruttoformel, /. a formula indicating merely the number of atoms of each kind, and not their mode of union, an empirical molecular formula (e.g.. CaH.s). Bruttogewicht, n. gross weight. Bube, TO. boy; knave. Bubonenpest, /. bubonic plague. Bucco-. buchu. Buccoblatter, n.pl. (Pharm.) buchu. Buch, n. book; quire. Buchdrucker, TO. printer. Buchdruckerei, /. printing establishment, press; printing. Buchdruckerschwarze, /. printer's ink. Buche, /. beech. Buchecker, /. beechnut. Buchel, /. beechnut. buchen, b lichen, a. beechen, of beech. Buchenholz, n. beech wood. Buchenrinde, /. beech bark. Buchfuhren, n. bookkeeping. Buchgold, n. leaf gold. Buchhalter, m. bookkeeper, accountant. Buchhandler, TO. bookseller; publisher. Buchnuss, /. beechnut. Buchsbaum, TO. box-tree. Buchse, Biichse, /. box, chest, case, can, pot; rifle; (Mach.) bush, box, socket. Biichsenfleisch, n. canned meat, tinned meat, biichsenformig, a. box-shaped. Buchsengemuse, n. canned vegetables. Biichsenmacher, TO. gunsmith. Buchsenmetall, Biichsenmetall, n. bush metal, bearing metal. Biichsenmiihle, /. barrel mill. Biichsenpulver, n. rifle powder. Biichsenschuss, m. gunshot. Buchstabe, TO. letter; character; type. Buchstabenrechnung, /. algebra. buchstabieren, v.t. spell. buchstablich, a. literal. Bucht, /. bay, inlet; sinus. Buchweizen, TO. buckwheat. Buckel, TO. hump; knob; knot. bttcken, v.r. stoop. Buckling, TO. red herring, bloater. Bucko-, Bucku-. buchu. Bude, /. booth, stall, shop. Buff el, TO. buffalo. Bug, TO. bend, bow; bow (of a boat). Biigel, TO. bow (any curved piece of metal, wood, or the like); hoop; guard, frame; handle (of a pail, etc.). biigelecht, a. fast to ironing. Bugeleisen, n. flatiron. biigeln, v.t. iron. Biihne,/. platform, scaffold; stage, theater. buk, pret. of backen. biiken, v.t. = beuchen. Bukko-, Bukku-. buchu. bummeln, v.i. loaf, stroll about. Bund, n. bundle, bunch. Bund, TO. band, tie; alliance. Biindel, n. bundle, bunch; parcel, packet. Bundesrat, TO. federal council. Bundestag, m. federal diet, biindig, a. flush; valid; concise. Biindnis, n. alliance. Bundstahl, TO. fagot steel. Bunsenbrenner, m. Bunsen burner. bunt, a. variegated, many-colored, motley; mottled, speckled; colored; gay, fancy, gaudy. Buntdruck, TO. color printing; color print. buntfarben, v.t. stain. buntfarbig, a. variegated. Buntkupfererz, n., Buntkupferkies, m. bornite. Buntpapier, n. stained paper; marbled paper. Biirde, /. burden, load, charge. Bureau Bureau, n. office; bureau. Biirettenbiirste, /. burette brush. Biirettengestell, n. burette stand. Biirettenhalter, m. burette holder. Biirettenklemme, /. burette clamp. Biirettenschwimmer, m. burette float. Burg, /. castle, stronghold. biirge, pret. subj. of bergen. btirgen, v.i. give bail; vouch. Burger, m. citizen; townsman; civilian. Biirgerkrieg, m. civil war. biirgerlich, a. civil; common; civilian. Biirgermeister, m. mayor, burgomaster. Biirgerstand, m. citizenry; middle class. Biirgersteig, m. sidewalk. Biirgschaft, /. security, bail. Burgunder, m. Burgundy (wine). Burgunderharz, n. Burgundy pitch. Bursche, m. fellow; lad; servant; student. Biirste, /. brush. Busch, m. bush; copse; tuft. Biischel, m. tuft, bunch, cluster; (Elec.) brush. buschelformig, a. tuft-like, clustered. Busen, m. bosom, breast; bay. Busse, /. penance, fine, penalty. biissen, v.t. atone for, make good. bussfertig, a. penitent, repentant. 10 bzw. Biiste, /. bust. Butan, n. butane. Butte, Biitte, /. tub, vat, back, tank, chest. Biittel, m. beadle; bailiff. | biittengefarbt, p.a. unbleached (paper). Buttenpapier, n. vat paper, handmade paper. i Butter-, butter; butyric, butyryl, butyro-. butterahnlich, butterartig, a. buttery, buty- raceous. Butterbaum, m. shea tree. Butterblume, /. buttercup. Butterfass, n. churn. Butterfett, n. butter fat; butyrin. Buttergarung, /. butyric fermentation. butterig, a. buttery. Buttermilch, /. buttermilk. buttern, v.t. churn; butter. v.i. yield butter. Butternuss, /. butternut. Butterpriifer, m. butter tester. buttersauer, a. of or combined with butyric acid, butyrate of. Buttersaure, /. butyric acid. Buttersaureather, m. ethyl butyrate; pi. butyric esters. bzgl., abbrev. (beztiglich) respecting. Bzl., abbrev. (Benzol) benzene. bzw., abbrev. (beziehungsweise) respectively, or. C., dbbrev. of Chemisches Zentralblatt. ca., abbrev. (circa, zirka) about. Cachou, n. catechu. cachoutieren, v.t. dye with catechu or cutch. Cadmium-, see Kadmium-. Caincasaure, /. cahincic acid. Caincawurzel, /. cahinca (root). Caincin, n. cahincin. Cajeputgeist, m. spirit of cajuput. calcinieren, v.i. calcine. Calciumhydriir, n. calcium hydride (CaHa). Calciumjodid, n. calcium iodide. Calisayarinde, /. calisaya bark. calorimetrisch, a. calorimetric. camentieren. = cementieren. Campane, /. bell jar. Campecheholz, n. logwood. Camphansaure, /. camphanic acid. Camphor, TO. camphor. (For compounds see Kampher-) . canadisch, a. Canadian. Cantharinsaure, /. cantharidic acid. Cantharsaure, /. cantharic acid. Caoutschuk, m. caoutchouc. Capelle, etc. = Kapelle, etc. capillar, etc. = kapillar, etc. Capriblau, n. Capri blue. Caprinsaure, /. capric acid. Capronsaure, /. caproic acid. Caprylsaure, /. caprylic acid. Capsel, etc. = Kapsel, etc. carbaminsauer, a. of or combined with car- bamic acid, carbamate of. Carbaminsaure, /. carbamic acid. Carbanilsaure, /. carbanilic acid. Carbidkohle, /. carbide carbon. carbocyclisch, a. carbocyclic. Carbol-. carbolic, carbolized, carbolated. Carbolkalk, n. carbolated lime. Carbolsalbe, /. (Pharm.) ointment of phenol. Carbolsaure, /. carbolic acid. carbolschwefelsauer, a. (Pharm.) of or com- bined with sulf ocarbolic acid,sulfocarbolate of . Carbolschwefelsaure, /. (Pharm.) sulf ocarbolic acid,sulphophenic acid (p-phenolsulf onic acid) . Carbolseife, /. carbolic soap. Carbolsulfosaure,/. = Carbolschwefelsaure. Carbolwasser, n. aqueous solution of phenol. < 'arbonat, n. carbonate. Carbonation, n. carbonate ion. carbonieren, v.t. carbonate. Carbonisation, /. carbonization; carbonation. carbonisieren, v.t. carbonize; carbonate. Carbonisierfliissigkeit, /. carbonizing liquor. Carbonsaure, /. carboxylic acid (a general term) . -carbonsaure, /. -carboxylic acid. Carbonj Lsauerstoff, m. carbonyl oxygen. carbozyklisch, a. carbocyclic. Carburateur, m. carburetor. carburieren, v.t. carburet, carburize. Carmin, etc. = Karmin, etc. Carnaubasaure, /. carnaubic acid. Carreau, n. check, square. Casium, n. cesium. Casiumalaun, m. cesium alum. Casiumverbindung, /. cesium compound. Cassawastarke, /. tapioca. Cassienrinde, /. cassia bark. Castillianer Seife, castile soap. Catech-. See Katech-. Cathartinsaure, /. cathartic acid. Cautel, /. precaution. Cautschuk, TO. = Kautschuk. cbcm., abbrev. cubic centimeter, cc. Ceder, /. cedar. Cedratol, n. citron ofl. Cedrool, n. citron oil. Cement, cementieren, etc. = Zement, zemen- tieren, etc. censieren, v.t. criticize. Censur, /. censorship; report. Cent-. See Zent-. Cer, n. cerium. Cerat, n. cerate. Cerealien, pi. cereals. Ceri-. eerie. Cerioxyd, n. eerie oxide. Cero-. cerous. Cerotinsaure, /. cerotic acid. Ceroverbindung, /. cerous compound. Chagrin, m. shagreen. Chamaleon, n. chameleon; chameleon mineral (potassium manganate). Chamaleonlosung, /. potassium permanganate solution. Chamotte, etc. = Schamotte, etc. Champagner, m. champagne. changierend, a. changeable, shot (fabrics). 51 Chappeseide 52 Chlorhydrat Chappeseide, /. spun silk. charakterisieren, v.t. characterize. chargieren, v.t. charge. Charpie, /. lint. Chaussee, /. highway. Chef, m. chief, head, principal. Chemie, /. chemistry. Chemikalien, n.pl. chemicals. Chemiker, m. chemist. Chemikerstelle, /. position of chemist. chemisch, a. chemical. adv. chemically. Chemischblau, n. chemic blue (indigo extract). Chemischgelb, n. patent yellow, Cassel yellow (lead oxy chloride). Chemischgriin, n. sap green. Chemischrot, n. Venetian red. chemischrein, a. chemically pure. Chemismus, m. chemism. chen. little, small, -kin, -let. Chesterkase, m. Cheshire cheese. Chiffer, Chiffre, /. cipher. chilenisch, a. Chilean. Chin-, quin- (as in Chinin, Chinidin, etc.). China, /. cinchona, Peruvian bark. Chinaalkaloid, n. cinchona alkaloid. Chinabasen, f.pl. cinchona bases, quinine bases. Chinaeisenwein, m. (Pharm.) bitter wine of iron. Chinagerbsaure, /. quinotannic acid. Chinaldin, n. quinaldine. Chinarinde, /. cinchona bark, Peruvian bark. Chinarot, n. cinchona red. chinasauer, a. of or combined with quinic acid, quinate of. Chinasaure, /. quinic acid. Chinasilber, n. China silver (a plated alloy). Chinatinktur, /. tincture of cinchona. Chinawein, m. quinine wine. Chinazolin, n. quinazoline. Chindolin, n. quindoline. Chinen, n. quinene. chinesisch, a. Chinese. Chinesischgriin, n. Chinese green, lokao. Chinesischrot, n. Chinese red (basic lead chromate). Chinetum, n. quinetum. Chinhydron, n. quinhydrone. Chinicin, n. quinicine. Chinid, n. quinide. Chinidin, n. quinidine. chinieren, v.t. weave or print chine, cloud. Chinin, n. quinine. Chinineisen, Chinineisencitrat, n. citrate of iron and quinine. Chininsaure, /. quininic acid. Chininwein, m. quinine wine. Chinit, n. quinite. Chinizarin, n. quinizarin. Chinoidin, n. quinoidine. Chinoi, n. quinol. Chinolin, n. quinoline. Chinolingelb, n. quinoline yellow. Chinolinrot, n. quinoline red. Chi noli nsaure, /. quinolinic acid. Chinon, n. quinone. Chinopyridin, n. quinopyridine. Chinotropin, n. quinotropin. Chinovabitter, n. quinova bitter (quinovin). Chinovin, n. quinovin. Chinovose, /. quinovose. Chinoxalin, n. quinoxaline. Chinoyl, n. quinoyl. Chinuclidin, n. quinuclidine. Chiretta, /. chirata. Chirurg, TO. surgeon. Chirurgie, /. surgery. Chlf., abbreo. of Chloroform. Chlor, n. chlorine. Chlor-. of or combined with chlorine, chloro- (as Chlorbenzoesaure, chlorobenzoic acid). chloride of (as Chlorzink, zinc chloride). Chloraluminium, n. aluminium chloride. Chlorammonium, n. ammonium chloride. Chloramyl, n. amyl chloride. Chlorarsenik, n. chloride of arsenic. Chlorarseniklosung, /. (Pharm.) solution of ar- senious acid, hydrochloric solution of arsenic. Chlorat, n. chlorate. Chlorathyl, n. ethyl chloride, chloroethane. Chlorathyliden, n. ethylidene chloride. Chloration, /. chlorination; chlorate ion. Chlorbarium, Chlorbaryum, n. barium chloride. Chlorbenzol, n. chlorobenzene. Chlorbenzyl, n. benzyl chloride. Chlorblei, n. lead chloride. Chlorbleiche, /. chlorine bleaching. Chlorbleispat, m. phosgenite. Chlorbrom, n. bromine chloride. Chlorbromsilber, n. embolite. Chlorcalcium, n. calcium chloride. Chlorcalciumrohr, n., -rohre,/. calcium chloride tube. Chlorchrom, n. chromium chloride, specif., chromic chloride. Chlorchromsaure, /. chlorochromic acid. Chlorcyan, n. cyanogen chloride, chlorecht, a. fast to chlorine. Chloreisen, n. iron chloride, specif., ferric chloride. chloren, v.t. chlore, chlorinate; (Bleaching) gas. Chlorentwickler, m. chlorine generator. Chlorentwicklung, /. evolution or generation of chlorine. Chloressigsaure, /. chloroacetic acid. Chlorgas, n. chlorine gas. Chlorgold, n. gold chloride, specif., auric chloride. Chlorgoldnatrium, n. sodium chloraurate, chlorhaltig, a. containing chlorine. Chlorhydrat, n. hydrochloride; chlorine hydrate. Chlorid Chlorid, n. chloride (esp. an -ic chloride, as contracted with Chloriir). chlorieren, v.t. chlorinate; -.(Bleaching) chemick. Chlorierer, m. chlorinator. Chlorierung, /. chlorination. rhlorig, o. chlorous. chlorige Saure, chlorous acid. chlorigsauer, a. of or combined with chlorous acid, chlorite of. Chlorigsaure, /. chlorous acid. Chlorion, n. chlorine ion. Chlorit, n. chlorite. Chloritspat, m. spathic chlorite, foliated chlorite. Chlorjod, n. iodine chloride, specif., iodine monochloride. Chlorkali, n. chloride of potash (potassium hypochlorite); potassium chloride. Chlorkalilosung, /. (Pharm.) solution of chlor- inated potassa, Javelle water. Chlorkalium, n. potassium chloride. Chlorkalk, m. chloride of lime, bleaching powder. Chlorkalkbad, n. (Bleaching) chemic vat. Chlorkalkfliissigkeit, Chlorkalklosung, /. (Pharm.) solution of chlorinated lime (bleach- ing powder solution). Chlorkalkkufe, /. chemic vat. Chlorknallgas, n. chlorine detonating gas (an explosive mixture of chlorine and hydrogen). Chlorkohlenoxyd, n. carbonyl chloride. Chlorkohlenoxydather, m. ethyl chlorocar- bonate. Chlorkohlensaure, /. chlorocarbonic acid. Chlorkohlenstoff, m. carbon chloride, carbon tetrachloride (sometimes with the adj. vierfach). Chlorkupfer, n. copper chloride. Chlormagnesium, n. magnesium chloride. Chlormangan, n. manganese chloride. Chlormesser, m. chlorometer. Chlormetall, n. metallic chloride. Chlormetalloid, n. chloride of a metalloid. Chlormethyl, n. methyl chloride. Chlornatrium, n. sodium chloride. Chlornatron, n. chloride of soda (sodium hypochlorite). Chlornatronlosung, /. (Pharm.) solution of chlorinated soda, Labarraque's solution. Chlorobenzil. n. dichlorobenzil, CeEUCOCCU- Chlorobenzol, n. benzal chloride. Chlorpikrin, n. chloropicrin. Chlorplatin, n. platinic chloride. Chlorquecksilber, . mercury chloride (either one). chlorsauer, a. of or combined with chloric acid, chlorate of. Chlorsaure, /. chloric acid. Chlorsaureanhydrid, n. chloric anhydride. Chlorsilber, n. silver chloride. 3 Chromi- Chlorsilicinm, n. silicon tetrachloride. Chlorsoda, /. = Chlornatron. Chlorstickstoff, m. nitrogen chloride. Chlorstrom, m. stream of chlorine. Chlorstrontium, n. strontium chloride. Chlortoluol, n. chlorotoluene. Chloriibertrager, m. chlorine carrier. Chloriir, n. (-ous) chloride, (formerly) proto- chloride. (Used of a metal in its lower valence, as Eisenchlorur, ferrous chloride.) Chlorverbindung, /. chlorine compound. Chlorwasser, n. chlorine water. Chlorwasserstoff, m. hydrogen chloride; hydro- chloric acid. Chlorwasserstoffather. m. ethyl chloride. chlorwasserstoffsauer, a. of or combined with hydrochloric acid, chloride (or hydrochloride) of. Chlorwasserstoffsaure, /. hydrochloric acid. Chlorwismut, n. bismuth (tri) chloride. Chlorzink, n. zinc chloride. Chlorzinn, n. tin chloride. Chlorzyan, n. cyanogen chloride. Chokolade, /. chocolate. Cholalsaure,/. cholalic acid (cholic acid). Choleinsaure, /. choleic acid, choleinic acid. Cholin, n. choline. Cholsaure, /. cholic acid. Chor, m. chorus; choir. Chorde, /. chord. Christdorn, m. holly. Christophskraut, n., Christophswurz, /. bane- berry (Actsea). Christpalmo'I, n. castor oil. Chront, n. chromium; chrome. Chromalaun, m. chrome alum. Chromat, n. chromate. saures Chromat, di- chromate. Chrombeize, /. chrome mordant. Chromblei, n., Chrombleispat, m. crocoite. Chromchlorid, n. chromic chloride. Chromchloriir, n. chromous chloride. chromecht, a. (Dyeing) fast to chrome (potas- sium dichromate). Chromeisen, n. chromite, chromic iron. Chromeisenstein, m. chromite, chrome iron ore. Chromfluorid, n. chromic fluoride. chromgar, a. chrome-tanned. Chromgelatine, /. chrome gelatin, bichromated gelatin. Chromgelb, n. chrome yellow (lead chromate); Cologne yellow (lead chromate and sulfate). Chromgerberei, Chromgerbung, /. chrome tanning. Chromglimmer, m. chrome mica. chromhaltig, a. containing chromium, chromif- erous. Chromhydroxyd, n. chromic hydroxide. Chromhydroxydul, n. chromous hydroxide. Chromi-. chromic. Chromichlorid 54 Cuprisulfat Chromichlorid, n. chromic chloride. Chromierartikel, m. (Calico) chrome style. chromieren, v.t. chrome. Chromihydroxyd, n. chromic hydroxide. Chromisalz, n. chromic salt. Chromisulfat, n. chromic sulfate. Chromiv erbindung, /. chromic compound. Chromkali, n. potassium dichromate. Chromkarbid, n. chromium carbide. Chromleder, n. chrome leather. Chromnatron, n. sodium chromate. Chromo-. chromous. Chromochlorid, n. chromous chloride. Chromohydroxyd, n. chromous hydroxide. Chromoion, n. chromous ion. chromophor, a. chromophoric, chromophore, chromophorous. Chromoverbindung, /. chromous compound. Chromoxychlorid, n. chromium oxychloride (chromyl chloride). Chromoxyd, w. chromic oxide. Chromoxydhydrat, n. chromic hydroxide. Chromoxydnatron, n. sodium chromite. Chromoxydsalz, n. chromic salt. Chromoxydul, n. chromous oxide. Chromoxydul-. chromous. Chromoxydulverbindung, /. chromous com- pound. Chromrot, n. chrome red. Chromsalpetersaure, /. chromonitric acid. Chromsalz, n. chromium salt; chromate. chromsauer, a. of or combined with chromic acid, chromate of. chromsaures Kali, potas- sium chromate. doppelt (rotes, saures) chromsaures Kali, potassium dichromate. Chromsaure, /. chromic acid. Chromsaureanhydrid, n. chromic anhydride. Chromsauresalz, n. salt of chromic acid, chro- mate. Chromschwefelsaure, /. chromosulfuric acid. Chromstahl, m. chrome steel, chromium steel. Chromsulf iir, n. chromium sulfide. Chromverbindung, /. chromium compound. Chylus, TO. chyle. Cibarot, n. ciba red. Cibebe, /. = Zibebe. Cichorie, /. chicory. circa, cirka, adv. about. cirkulieren, v.i. circulate. Cisstellung, /. cis position. Citat, n. citation, quotation. citieren, v.t. quote, cite; summon. Citrat, Citrone, etc. = Zitrat, Zitrone, etc. civil, a. civil; moderate. claircieren, v.t. clarify, specif. (Sugar) clay.. coag-. see koag-. Coaks, m. & m.pl. coke. Cocawein, m. (Pharm.) wine of coca. Coccinsanre, /. coccinic acid. Cochenille, /. cochineal. Cochenillesaure, /. cochenillic acid. Cocos, etc. See Kokos, etc. Codol, n. codliver oil. cohobieren, v.t. cohobate. Colatur, /. filtrate. Colestin, m. celestite. colieren, etc. = kolieren, etc. Collodium, etc. See Kollodium, etc. Colombowiirzel, /. calumba root. Colonne, /. column. colorimetrisch, a. colorimetric. combinieren, v.t. combine. Commis, m. clerk. comprintieren, v.t. compress. Comptoir, n. office, counting house. cone-. See konz-. Condens-. See Kondens-. conditionieren, v.t. condition. conglobieren, v.t. heap up. Congogelb, n. Congo yellow. Congorot, n. Congo red. Coniin, n. conine, coniine. Conserv-. See Konserv-. constatieren, v.t. ascertain, verify. Conto, n. account. Conus, m. cone. Copaivaol, n. oil of copaiba. Corozonuss, /. ivory nut. corr., abbrev. (corrigiert) corrected. corrigieren, v.t. correct. corrodieren, v.t. & i. corrode. Corulein, n. cerulein. Coruleum, n. ceruleum. Cotorinde, /. coto bark. Cotta, /. = Deul. Cottonol, n. cottonseed oU. Couleur, /. color; caramel, burnt sugar; dark, coarse smalt; (pi.) fancy goods, colored goods. Courant, n. currency. Couvert, n. envelope; cover. Cremor Tartar!, cream of tartar. Cristall, etc. = Kristall, etc. Crotonsaure, /. crotonic acid. Crystall- = Kristall-. Cuiteseide, /. boiled-off silk. Cumalinsaure, /. coumalic (or cumalic) acid. Cumar-. coumar- (or cumar-). Cumarinsaure, /. coumarinic (or cumarinic) acid. Cumarsaure, /. coumaric (or cumaric) acid. Cuminsaure, f. cumic acid, cuminic acid. Ciunol, n. cumene. Cupri-. cupric. Cupricarbonat, n. cupric carbonate. Cuprichlorid, n. cupric chloride. Cuprioxyd, n. cupric oxide. Cuprisalz, n. cupric salt. Cuprisulfat, n. cupric sulfate. Cupriverbindung Cupriverbindung, /. cupric compound. Cupro-. cuprous. Cuprochlorid, n. cuprous chloride. Cupromangan, n. cupromanganese. Cuprooxyd, n. cuprous oxide. Cuproverbindung, /. cuprous compound. Curcuma, etc. See Kurkuma, etc. curs-. See kurs-. Cuvette, /. bulb. Cyan, n. cyanogen. Cyan-, of or combined with cyanogen, cyano- (as Cyanpropionsaure, cyanopropionic acid), cyanide of (as Cyanammonium, ammonium cyanide). Cyanalkali, n. alkali cyanide. Cyanalkyl, n. alkyl cyanide. Cyanamidcalcium, n. calcium cyanamide. Cyanamidnatrium, n. sodium cyanamide. Cyanammonium, n. ammonium cyanide. Cyanat, n. cyanate. Cyanathyl, n. ethyl cyanide. Cyanbaryum, n. barium cyanide. Cyanbenzol, n. cyanobenzene. Cyanbromid, n. cyanogen bromide. Cyancalcium, n, calcium cyanide. Cyanchlorid, n. cyanogen chloride. Cyandoppelsalz, n. double cyanide. Cyaneisen, n. iron cyanide. Cyaneisenkalium, n. potassium ferrocyanide. Cyangold, n. gold cyanide. Cyangoldkalium, n. potassium auri- or aurocy- anide. 55 Cystinuriker Cyanid, n. cyanide (esp. an -ic cyanide as con- trasted with Cyaniir). Cyankalium, n. potassium cyanide. Cyankobalt, m. cobalt cyanide. Cyankupfer, n. copper cyanide. Cyanmetall, n. metallic cyanide. Cyanmethyl, n. methyl cyanide. Cyannatrium, n. sodium cyanide. Cyanplatin, n. platinum cyanide. Cyanquecksilber, n. mercury cyanide. cyansauer, a. of or combined with cyanic acid, cyanate of. Cyansaure, /. cyanic acid. Cyansilber, n. silver cyanide. Cyantoluol, n. cyanotoluene. Cyaniir, n. (-ous) cyanide. Cf. Cyanid. .Cyanur-. cyanuric; cyanuryl. Cyanursaure, /. cyanuric acid. Cyanverbindung, /. cyanogen compound. Cyanwasserstoff, m. hydrogen cyanide; hydro- cyanic acid. cyanwasserstoffsauer, a. of or combined with hydrocyanic acid, cyanide of. Cyanwasserstoffsaure, /. hydrocyanic acid. Cyanzink, n. zinc cyanide. cyclish, a. cyclic. cylindern, etc. See zylindern, etc. Cyper-. cypress; Cyprus, Cyprian; copper. Cypern, n, Cyprus. Cypervitriol, m. (Old Chem.) blue vitriol. Cypressennuss, /. cypress cone. Cystinuriker, m. one who has cystinuria. d., abbrev. (der, die, das) the, of the, etc. D., abbrev. (Dichte) density, specific gravity. da, adv. there; present; then. conj. when, as, while, since. dabei, adv. thereby, there, near, besides. Dach, n. roof; dome (of a boiler) ; house. Dachbau, m. roofing. Dachblech, n. sheet metal for roofing. Dachboden, m. loft. Dachel, Dachel, TO. (Metal.) lump, bloom. Dachkammer, /. attic, garret. Dachkohle, /. upper coal. Dachpappe,/. composition roofing, roofing paper. Dachpfanne, /. pantile. Dachs, m. badger; dachshund. Dachschiefcr, m. roofing slate. Dachsel, TO. adze. Dachstein, m. tile, slate; bituminous shale; (Mining) roof rock. dachte, pret. of denken. Dachung, /. roofing. Dachwurz, /. common houseleek. Dachziegel, TO. (roofing) tile. Dachziegelei, /. tilery, tile kiln. dafiir, adv. therefor, for it; instead of it. dagegen, adv. against it; in comparison; in re- turn. conj. on the other hand; whereas. daheitn, adv. at home. daher, adv. hence, thence, therefore. dahin, adv. thither, there, thereto; away, over, gone; along. dahinstehen, v.i. remain uncertain. dahinter, adv. behind it. damals, adv. at that time, then. damasc-. see damasz-. Damast, m. damask. Damaststahl, m. damask steel, Damascus steel. damaszener, a. Damascene, Damascus, damask. damaszieren, v.t. damascene, damask. Damaszierung, /. damascening. Dame,/, lady; queen (at cards) ; king (checkers). Damenbrett, n. checkerboard. Damcnspiel, n. checkers, draughts. damit, adv. therewith, with, by it. conj. in order that. damlich, a. stupid, silly. Damm, TO. dam, dike, bank; (Med.) perineum. dammen, v.t. dam, dam up, stop up; curb. Dammerde,/. mold,humus; (Founding) pit sand. dammern, v.i. grow dusky; dawn. Dammerung, /. twilight, dusk; dawn. Dampf, TO. vapor; steam; fume, smoke. direkter Dampf, live steam. indirekter Dampf, exhaust steam. stickender Dampf, choke damp. Dampfartikel, TO. (Calico) steam style. Dampf bad, n. steam bath; vapor bath. Dampf blase, /. bubble of vapor or steam; still heated by steam. Dampfchlor, n. steam chemicking. Dampfdarre, /. steam kiln. dampfdicht, a. steam-tight, vapor-tight. Dampf dichte, /. vapor density. Dampf druck, TO. vapor pressure; steam pres- sure; steam printing. Dampfdruckmesser, m. manometer; steam gage. dampfecht, a. fast to steaming. dampfen, v.i. give off vapor or steam, steam; evaporate; fume, smoke. dampfen, v.t. damp, smother; put out (fire); subdue (color or sound); treat with steam, steam, stew. Dampfentwickler, m. steam generator. Dampfer, TO. steamer. Dampf er, TO. damper; steamer, steam cooker. dampfformig, a. in the form of vapor or steam, vaporous. Dampfgummi, n. dextrin. Dampf heizung, /. steam heating. Dampfholzschliff, m. steamed mechanical wood pulp. Dampf hiille, /. steam jacket; vaporous envelope. Dampf kanal, TO. steam pipe; steam port. Dampfkessel, m. steam boiler. Dampfkesselblech, n. boiler plate. Dampfkolben, m. steam piston. Dampfmantel, TO. steam jacket. Dampfmaschine, /. steam engine. Dampfmesser, TO. manometer; steam gage. Dampfrohr, n., -rohre, f. steam pipe. Dampfschlange, /. steam coil. Dampfschwarz, n. (Dyeing) steam black. Dampfspannung, /. vapor tension; steam ten- sion. Dampfstrahl, m. steam jet. Dampftopf, m. (steam) digester, autoclave; steam sterilizer. 56 Dampftrichter 57 DE. Dampftrichter, m. steam funnel. Dampfturbine, /. steam turbine. Dampfiiberhitzer, TO. steam superheater. Dampfung, /. damping, etc. (see dampfen). Dam pf wager., m. steam car; locomotive. Dampfwarme, /. heat of vaporization; vaporiz- ing temperature. Dampfwassertopf, TO. steam trap. Dampfweg, m. =Dampfkanal. danach, adv. after that, thereupon, for it, ac- cordingly. daneben, adv. near it, beside it, besides. Dank, m. thanks; reward. dankbar, a~ thankful; acceptable. danken, v.L thank. dann, adv. then. daran, adv. thereon, thereat, about it, of it in it. darangeben, v.t. give up. darauf, adv. thereupon, thereon, afterward. Darauflassen, n. (Brewing) doubling. daraus, adv. therefrom, thence, out of that, of it. darben, v.i. starve. darbieten, v.t. present, offer. darein, adv. therein, thereinto, in there. darf, pr. 1 & 3 sing, of dttrfen. darin, adv. therein, in it. darlegen, v.t. exhibit, show, display; explain; lay down. Darm, TO. gut, intestine. blinder Darm, caecum. dicker Darm, colon. diinner Darm, small intestine. gerader Darm, rectum. langer Darm, ileum. leerer Darm, jejunum. Darmbein, n. ilium. Darmfaule, /. dysentery. Darmgas, n. intestinal gas. Darmgicht, /. ileus. Darmhaut, /. intestinal coat. Darminhalt, m. intestinal contents. Darmkanal, n. intestinal canal. Darmkot, TO. feces. Darmnetz, n. omentum. Darmruhr, /. dysentery. Darmsaft, m. intestinal juice. Darmsaite, /. catgut. Darmstein, TO. enterolith. Darmstiel, m. vitelline duct. Darmtiere, n.pl. metazoa. Darm wand, /. intestinal wall. Darrarbeit, /. (Metal.) liquation. Darrboden, TO. drying floor, kiln floor. Darrbrett, n. drying board. Darre, /. drying, kiln-drying; drying room or kiln; (Brewing) malt kiln; (Metal.) liquation hearth. darreichen, v.t. offer; administer (drugs). darren, v.t. dry, kiln-dry; kiln; (Metal.) liquate; (Metal.) torrefy. Dan-fax, TO. (Brewing) kilnman. Darrflache, /. drying surface, kiln surface. Darrkammer, /. drying room. Darrkupfer, n. liquated copper. Darrmalz, n. kiln-dried malt, cured malt. Darrofen, TO. drying kiln, drying oven; (Metal.) liquation hearth. Darrreife, /. (Brewing) kiln fitness. Darrschrank, m. drying cabinet, drying oven. Darrstaub, m. malt dust. Darst., abbrev. (Darstellung) preparation. darstellen, v.t. prepare; produce, make, manu- facture; exhibit, display; describe. Darstellung, /. preparation ;? production, ^manu- facture; exhibition, display ; descriptionlre'pre- sentation; (Math.) construction. Darstellungsweise, /. method of preparation; manner of representation, style. dartun, v.t. prove; verify. dariiber, adv. over it, over there, about it, mo^re, meantime. darum, adv. around it, about it, therefore. darunter, adv. thereunder, under it, among them, by it. Dasein, n. presence; being, existence. dass, conj. that. Dattel, /. date. Dattelbaum, TO. date tree, date palm. Dattelpflaume, /. persimmon, date plum. Datum, n. date. Daube, /. stave. Dauer, /. duration; durability, permanence. Dauer-. permanent, continuous, lasting, per- ennial. Dauerbier, n, lager beer. Dauerentladung, /. continuous discharge. Dauergewachs, n. perennial plant, perennial. dauerhaft, a. durable, lasting, permanent; fast (colors); tough (leather). Dauerhaf tigkeit, /. durability, permanence. Dauermagnet, m. permanent magnet. Dauermilch, /. sterilized milk. dauern, v.t. last, continue, endure, keep. Dauerpraparat, n. permanent preparation. Dauerspore, /. resting spore. Daunt, Daumen, TO. thumb; inch; (Mech.) part resembling a thumb, as a cam. Daumenrad, n. cam wheel. Daumling, TO. little thumb; (Mech.) cam, knob, or the like. davon, adv. thereof, therefrom, thereby, away. davontragen, v.t. carry away, obtain. davor, adv. before it, for k, from it. dazu, adv. thereto, therefor. noch dazu, more- over. dazumal. adv. then. DD., abbrev. (Dampfdichte) vapor density. D.D., abbrev. (Dichten) densities. DE., abbrev. (Dielektrizitatskonstante) dielec- tric constant. -de 58 dergleichen -de. A suffix attached to verbal roots to form nouns which denote the result of the action or the thing done; as, Zierde, ornament, from zieren, adorn. decarbonisieren, v.t, decarbonize, decarburize. Deckblatt, n. wrapper (of a cigar) ; (Bot.) bract. Decke, /. cover, covering (of various kinds); integument, coat; roof; ceiling; blanket; (Sugar) cleansing, purging (also, fine liquor). Deckel, m. cover, lid. Deckelabfall, m. carding waste. deckeln, v.t. provide with a cover or lid. gedeckelt, p.a. with cover (s), covered. decken, v.t. cover; top (paper); cleanse, wash, purge. v.i. (of colors) cover. De-ken, n. covering; cle?nsing, washing; (Paints) covering power, opacity. Deckenstrich, m. (Leather) daub. Decker, TO. coverer; (Tobacco) wrapper. deckfahig, a. of good covering power, opaque. Deckfahigkeit, /. covering power, opacity. Deckfarbe, /. body color, opaque color. Deckfirnis, m. covering varnish, protecting varnish. Deckglas, n. cover glass, glass cover. Deckglaschen, n. (Micros.) cover glass. Deckklare, /., Deckklarsel, n. (Sugar) fine liquor (clairce) for cleansing the crystals. Deckkraft, /. covering power, body (of pig- ments and dyes). Deckmittel, n. covering material. Deckpapp, m., Deckpappe, /. resist, resist paste. Decksel, n. = Deckklare. Decksirup, m. (Sugar) liquored sirup (obtained by cleansing the crystals with fine liquor). Deckstopfen, n. stopper with projecting rim. Deckung, /. covering, cover; remittance; se- curity; (Geom.) congruence. Deckziegel, m. cover tile; coping brick. decrepitieren, v.i. decrepitate. Decreusage, /. (Silk) determination of gum. Decylsaure, /. decylic acid (decoic acid). defekt, a. defective. defibriniert, a. defibrinated. defmieren, v.l. define. definiert, p.a. definite. deflagrieren, v.t. deflagrate. deformieren, v.t. deform. degallieren, v.t. degall. Degen, m. sword. degommieren, v.t. degum. degorgieren, v.t. = ausschlammen. degraissieren, degrassieren, v.t. =entfetten. degummieren, v.t. degum, ungum, strip (silk). dehnbar, a. capable of being stretched, exten- sible, (of metals) malleable, ductile; expan- sible, (of gases) elastic; dilatable. Dehnbarkeit,/. extensibility, etc. (see dehnbar). dehnen, v.t. extend, stretch; expand, dilate, distend. Dehnung,/. extension; tension; dilation. Deich, m. dike. Deichsel,/. pole, shaft, tongue (of a vehicle). Deil, TO. =Deul. dein, pron. thy, thine, your, yours. deinige, pron. thine, yours. dekadisch, a. decadic. dekadische Logarith- men, common logarithms. dekantieren, v.t. decant. Dekantierglas, n. decanting glass, glass decant- ing jar. Dekantiertopf, TO. (earthenware) decanting jar. Dekantierzy Under, TO. decanting cylinder. dekarbonisieren, v.t. decarbonize, decarburize. dekatieren, v.t. hot-press, steam (cloth). dekaustizieren, v.t. decausticize. deklinieren, v.t. decline, deviate. Dekokt, n. decoction. dekorieren, v.t. decorate. dekrepitieren, v.i. decrepitate. Dekrolin, n. decrolin. Delphin, m. dolphin. Delphintran, m. dolphin oil. Demant, TO. diamond; adamant. Demantblende, /. eulytite. Demantspat, m. adamantine spar (corundum). dementsprechend, adv. correspondingly, ac- cordingly. demgemass, adv. accordingly. demnach, adv. accordingly. demnachst, adv. soon after, shortly. Demut, /. humility. demiitig, a. humble, meek. denaturieren, denaturisieren, v.t. denature, denaturize. Dendrachat, Dendritenachat, m. dendritic agate. denitrieren, v.t. denitrate. Denitrierung, /. denitration. denitrifizieren, v.t. denitrify. Denkart, /. way of thinking, disposition. denkbar, a. thinkable, conceivable. denken, v.t. & i. think. Denkmal, n. monument; memorial. Denkmiinze, /. commemorative medal. denkwiirdig, a. memorable, notable. denn, conj. for, because, then. dennoch, conj. yet, however. Depesche, /. despatch. deplacieren, v.t. displace. Depolarisator, TO. depolarizer. deprimieren, v.t. depress. der, die, das, article, the. pron. this, that, he, that, who, which. derart, adv. in such a way, so much. derartig, a. such. derb, a. solid, compact, dense, firm, strong; hardy, stout; rough, rude; (Min.) massive. Derbgehalt, TO. solid contents, cubical contents. Derbheit,/. solidity, etc. (see derb). dergestalt, adv. such, so. dergleichen, a. such, the like. Derivat 59 Dickauszug Derivat, n. derivative. derjenige, pron. that one, he. dermassen, adv. so much, so. dermatisch, a. cutaneous. derselbe, a. the same. derzeitig, a. of the time being, present. des-. dis-, de-; as, Destillat, distillate, desoxy- dieren, deoxidize. Desagregation,/. disaggregation, disintegration. desfalls, adv. in that case. desgleichen, adv. likewise; ditto. deshalb, adv. therefore. Desinfektion, /. disinfectibn. Desinfektionsmittel, n. disinfectant. desinfizieren, v.t. disinfect. Desinfizierung, /. disinfection. Desintegrator, m. disintegrator. desintegrieren, v.t. disintegrate. Desmotropie, /. desmotropism. desmotropy. Desodorationsmittel, n. deodorizer. desodorieren, v.t. deodorize. Desoxydation, /. deoxidation. Desoxydationsmittel, n. deoxidizing agent. desoxydieren, v.t. deoxidize. dessenungeachtet, adv. nevertheless. Dessin, TO. & n. design, pattern. Dest., abbrev. (Destination) distillation. Destillat, n. distillate. Destination, /. distillation. Destillationsgefass, n. distilling vessel. Destillationsrohr, n. distillation tube, distilling tube. Destillierapparat, TO. distilling apparatus, still. destillierbar, a. distillable. Destillierblase, /. distilling vessel, retort, body of a stm. destillieren, v.t. distil. Destilliergefass, n. distilling vessel. Destillierkolben, TO. distilling flask; retort. Destilliertopf, m. distilling pot. Destillierung, /. distillation. desto, adv., desto-. so much, so much the. je . . . desto . . . , the . . . the . . . destomehr, a. & adv. so much the more, the more. deswegen, adv. for that reason, therefore. Detacheur, TO. (Dyeing) spot cleaner. deuchte, pret. of dttnken. Deul, TO. bloom, lump, cake (of metal). deuten, v.i. point. v.t. explain. deutlich, a. clear, distinct, plain, evident. deutsch, a. German. deutsche Folie, German foil (made from an alloy of tin). deutsches Geschirr, (Paper) stampers. Deutung, /. interpretation, explanation. Devise, /. motto, device. devonisch, a. Devonian. Dewarsches Gefass. Dewar vessel. Dextronsaure, /. dextronic (d-gluconic) acid. Dezigramm, n. decigram. dgl., abbrev. (dergleichen) the like. d.h., abbrev. (das heisst) that is, i.e. d.i., abbrev. (das ist) that is, i.e. Diachylonsalbe, /. diachylon ointment. Dialysator, m. dialyzer. Dialyse, /. dialysis. dialysieren, v.t. dialyze. dialysisch, a. dialytic. Diamant, TO. diamond. diamantartig, a. diamondlike, adamantine. Diamantglanz, m. adamantine luster. Diamantmorser, TO. diamond mortar (small steel mortar). Diamantschwarz, n. diamond black. Diamantspat, m. adamantine spar (corundum). Diamido-. diamino-, diamido-. See Amido-. Diamidobenzol, n. diaminobenzene. Diamidotoluol, n. diaminotoluene. Diaminschwarz, n. diamine black. Dianenbaum, TO. arbor Dianae (silver tree). diaphan, a. diaphanous. Diaphragma, n. diaphragm. diastatisch, a. diastatic. Diat, /. diet. Diath-. dieth-. Diazobenzol, n. diazobenzene. Diazoessigsaure, /. diazoacetic acid. diazotieren, v.t. diazotize. Diazotierung, /. diazotizing, diazotization. Diazoverbindung, /. diazo compound. dibenzoyliert, p.a. having two benzoyl groups added, dibenzoyl-. Dibrombenzol, n. dibromobenzene. Dicarbonsaure, /. dicarboxylic acid. Dichinol, n. diquinol. Dichinolin, n. diquinoline. Dichinoyl, n. dichinoyl. Dichlormethan, n. dichloromethane. dichromsauer, a. of or combined with dichromic acid, dichromate of. Dichromsaure, /. dichromic acid. dicht, a. tight; dense; firm, compact, thick, impervious. dichtbrennen, v.t. (Ceram.) vitrify. Dichte, /. density; tightness, thickness, firm- ness; (of paper) bulking quality. Dichtemesser, TO. instrument for measuring density, densimeter; specif., hydrometer. dichten, v.t. make tight, lute, pack, calk; con- dense, compact; compose (poetry). Dichter, TO. poet. Dichtheit, /. tightness, itnperviousness; density, firmness. Dichtigkeit, /. = Dichte. Dichtung, /. making tight; luting; packing, stuffing; poetry. Dichtungsstoff, TO. luting, calking, or packing material. dick, o. thick; big, bulky, fat, swollen, Dickauszug, TO. inspissated extract. Dickdarm 60' Dissoziatiohsvermogen Dickdarm, m. large intestine, colon. Dicke, /. thickness, etc. (see dick); consistency (of a liquid) ; mother, dregs. Dickenmesser, m. thickness gage. Dickfarbe, /. thick color, body color. dickfliissig, a. thickly liquid, viscous, viscid. dicklich, a. thickish, somewhat thick. Dickmaische, /. (Brewing) thick mash, decoc- tion. Dickmilch, /. curdled milk, curds. Dickol, n. thick oil, heavy oil; specif., a vis- cous product formed by the exposure of oil of turpentine to the air. Dickpfanne, /. concentration pan. Dicksaft, m. (Sugar) thick juice, sirup. dickschalig, a. thick-shelled; (of grain) husky. dickwandig, a. thick-walled. Dicyan, n. dicyanogen, cyanogen gas. Didym, n. didymium. Dieb, m. thief. Diebstahl, m. theft, larceny. Diele, /. board, plank. Dielektrikum, n. dielectric. dielektrisch, a. dielectric. Dielektrizitatskonstante, /. dielectric constant. dienen, v.L serve. Diener, m. servant. dienlich, a. serviceable, expedient, fit. Dienst, m. service; duty, employment. Dienstag, m. Tuesday. dienstbereit, a. ready for service. Dienstherr, TO. employer, master. dienstlos, a. out of employment. Dienstlohn, TO. wages. diesbeziiglich, a. concerning this. dieser, diese, dieses, pron. this, this one, the latter. diesmal, adv. this time, now. Dietrich, TO. skeleton key, picklock. differenzieren, differentiieren, v.t. differentiate. diffundieren, v.L diffuse. diffusionsfahig, a. diffusible. Diffusionsprodukt, n. diflfusate. Diffusionsverfahren, n. diffusion process. Diffusionsvermogen, n. diffusibility. Digallussaure, /. digallic acid. digerieren, v.t. digest. Digestivsalz, n. digestive salt (potassium chloride). Digestorium, n. hood. Diharnstoff, TO. diurea (urazine). diheteroatomig, a. diheteratomic. dihydratisch, a. dihydric. Dijod-. diiodo-. Dikabrot, n. dika bread. Dikarb-. See Dicarb-. DUettant, m. amateur. Di lie, /. socket, nozzle. Dillol, n. oil of diU, dill oil. dimensionieren, v,t. dimension. dimer, a. dimeric. dimethyliert, p.a. .dimethylated, dimethyl-. dimorph, dimorphisch, a. dimorphous. Dimorphic, /. dimorphism. Dina-. Dinas. Dinapht-, Dinaphto-. dinaphtho-. Dinaphtyl, n. dinaphthyl. Dinaphtylen-. dinaphthylene-. Dinaphtylin, n. dinaphthyline. Dinaston, TO. Dinas clay. Dinasziegel, TO. = Dinaziegel. . Dinaton, TO. Dinas clay. Dinaziegel, TO. Dinas brick, silica brick. Ding, n. thing; being. dingen, v.t. hire. v.L bargain. Dinicotinsaure, /. dinicotinic acid. dinitriert, p.a. having two nitro groups intro- duced, dinitro-. Dinkel, TO. spelt, German wheat. Dinte, /. (more commonly, Tinte) ink. Diorsellinsaure, /. diorsellinic acid. Dioxy-. dioxy-; dihydroxy-. (See note under Oxy-.) Dioxybenzol, n. dihydroxybenzene. Dioxychinolin, n. dihydroxyquinoline. Dioxychinon, n. dihydroxyquinone. Dioxyd, n. dioxide. Dioxynaphtalin, n. dihydroxynaphthalene. Dioxytoluol, n. dihydroxytoluene. Diphensaure, /. diphenic acid. Diphenylarsenchloriir, rt. diphenylarsenious chloride. Diphenylborchlorid, n. diphenylboron chloride. Diphosphorsaure, /. diphosphoric (pyrophos- phoric) acid. Diphtal-. diphthal-. dipol, a. dipolar. Dirhodan-. dithiocyano-. Dirigent, TO. director, manager, head. dirigieren, v.t. direct, manage, rule. Dime, /. girl, lass. Disaure, /. diacid (pyro acid). Disazofarbstoff, TO. disazo dye. Dischwefelsaure, /. disulfuric acid, pyrosulfuric acid. diskontinuierlich, a. discontinuous. Diskontinuitat, /. discontinuity. diskutieren, v.t. discuss. dispensieren, v.t. dispense; exempt, excuse. dispers, a. dispersed, disperse. Dispersionsmittel, n. dispersion medium. Dispersionsvcrmogen, n. dispersive power. Disponent, TO. manager, agent, accountant. disponieren, v.t. dispose. Diss., abbrev. of Dissertation. dissociierbar, a. dissociable. dissociieren, v.t. & i. dissociate. Dissoziationsgrad, TO. degree of dissociation. Dissoziationsspannung, /. dissociation tension. Dissoziatibnsvermogen, n. dissociating "power. Dissoziatioriswarme ' < Dissoziationswarme, /. heat of dissociation. Dissoziationszustand, m. dissociated condition. dissoziierbar, a. dissociable. dissoziieren, v.t. & i. dissociate. Distel, /. thistle. distillieren, v.t. distil. Disulfaminsaure, /. disulfamic acid. Disulfosaure, /. disulfonic acid. Ditarinde, /. dita bark. Dithiokohlensaure, /. (either) dithiocarbonic acid; specif., dithiolcarbonic acid (HSCOSH). dithionig, a. hyposulfurous. dithionigsauer, a. = unterschwefligsauer. Dithionsaure, /. dithionic acid. Dithiophosphorsaure, /. dithiophosphoric acid. Diiiberjodsaure, /. diperiodic acid. divergierend, p.a. diverging, divergent. dividieren, v.t. divide. Diwolframsaure, /. ditungstic acid. Dizimmtsaure, /. dicinnamic acid. Dizyan, n. = Dicyan. d.J., abbrev. (dieses Jahres) of this year. d.M., abbrev. (dieses Monats) of this month, inst. doch, conj. yet, however, surely, indeed. Docht, m. wick. Docke, /. bundle, skein; plug; baluster; man- drel; doll; dock. docken, v.t. wind (yarn, etc.). Dodekaeder, n. dodecahedron. Dogge,/. bulldog; mastiff. Dohle, /. jackdaw; sewer. Dolch, m. dagger, poniard. Dolde, /. umbel, (of hops) cone, strobile. doldenblumig, doldenblutig, a. umbelliferous. Dolmetsch, m. interpreter. Dom,"w. dome, cupola, cover; cathedral. Doma, n. (Cryst.) dome. Donner, m. thunder. Donnerkeil, m. thunderbolt, belemnite. Donnerstrahl, m. lightning flash. Doppelbier, n. double beer. Doppelbild, n. double 'mage. Doppelbindung, /. double bond, double union. Doppelboden, m. double bottom, false bottom; jacket. Doppelbrechung, /. double refraction. doppelchromsauer, a. bichromate (dichromate) of. doppelfarbig, a. dichroic, dichromatic. Doppelfarbigkeit, /. dichroism. Doppelganger, m. double. Doppelgestaltung, /. dimorphism. Doppeljodquecksilber, n. biniodide of mercury (mercuric iodide). doppelkohlensauer, a. bicarbonate of. doppellaufig, a. double-barreled. doppellebig, a. amphibious. Doppelsalz, n. double salt. doppelschv, efelsauer, a. bisulfate of. L Drahtgewieht doppelschwefligsauer, a. bisulfite of. doppelseitig, a. bilateral. doppelsihnig, a. ambiguous. Doppelspat, m. Iceland spar. doppelstark, a. double-strength. Doppelstiick, n. duplicate. doppelt, a. double, duplex, twofold; (in old names of compounds) bi-. adv. doubly, twice. doppeltborsauer, a. biborate of. Doppeltchlorzinn, . stannic chloride. doppeltchromsauer, a. bichromate (dichromate) of. doppelthochrund, a. convexo-convex. doppelthohl, a. concavo-concave. doppeltkohlensauer, a. bicarbonate of. doppeltsch wefeisauer, a. bisulfate (acid sulfate) of. doppeltschwefligsauer, a. bisulfite (acid sulfite) of. doppeltweinsauer, a. bitartrate (acid tartrate) of. Doppelung, /. doubling. doppelwandig, a. double-walled. doppelwirkend, p.a. double-acting; amphichroic, amphoteric. Doppelzersetzung, /. double decomposition, doppelziingig, a. double-dealing. Dorf, n. village. Dorn, m. thorn; spine; (Mach.) pin, spike, tongue, bolt, etc.; (Metal.) slag (of copper). Dornerschlacke, /. (Metal.) bulldog, dornig, a. thorny, spiny. Dornstein, m. thornstone (incrustation of gypsum on walls). dorren, v.i. dry; wither. dorren, v.t. dry; cure by drying; scorch. Dorschlebertran, m. codliver oil. dort, adv. there; yonder. Dose, /. box; snuff box. Dosenbarometer, n. aneroid barometer. dosieren, v.t. determine; (Pharm.) dose. Dosierung,/. determination; dosing; dose. Dosis, /. dose. Dossierung, /. slope. Dost, Dosten, m. origanum, origan. Dotter, m. egg yolk, vitellus. doublieren, v.t. double, concentrate. Drache, Drachen, m. dragon. Drachenblut, n. dragon's blood, dragieren, v.t. coat (pills or the like). Draht, m. wire; (Spinning) twist, thread; grain (of wood). Drahtdreieck, n. wire triangle. drahten, drahtern, a. of wire; wiry. Drahtfaser, /. (Paper) wire mold. Drahtgaze, /. wire gauze. Drahtgeflecht, ; wire netting. Drahtgewebe, n. wire cloth, wire gauze. Drahtgewicht, n, wire weight, (often) rider. .. Drahtmaske C Drahtmaske, /. wire mask. Drahtnetz, n. wire gauze, wire net. Drahtseil, n. wire cable, wire rope, wire cord. Drahtsieb, n. wire sieve, wire screen, wire cloth. Drahtzange, /. pliers, nippers. Drahtziehen, n. wiredrawing. Drahtzug, m. wiredrawing; wire mill. drainieren, v.L drain. drall, a. tight; buxom. Drall, m. twist, rifling. drang, pret. of dringen. Drang, m. throng, pressure, impulse, craving. drangen, v.L & i. press, crowd, urge; drive (gases). drasch, pret. of dreschen. Drass, m. dregs (of oil). draussen, adv. without, out, abroad. drechseln, v.t. turn, (on a lathe) ; elaborate. Dreck, m. dirt, dung, filth. Dreh-. rotatory, rotary, revolving, turning, torsional. Drehachse,/. axis of rotation (or of revolution); knife edge (of a balance); pin. Drehbank, /. lathe, drehbar, a. capable of being turned or twisted, turning, rotary, rotatory. Drehbewegung, /. rotatory motion. drehen, v.t. turn, rotate; twist; roll. v.r. turn, rotate, revolve. drehend, p. a. turning, etc.; rotatory. Dreher, m. turner, rotator; (Mech.) crank, handle (for turning), etc. Drehkalzinierofen, TO. revolving roaster. Drehkraft, /. torsional force. Drehkrankheit, /. staggers. Drehkreuz, n. turnstile; (Brewing) sparger. Drehmoment, n. moment of rotation. Drehofen, m. revolving furnace. Drehpunkt, m. center of motion, turning point, pivot. Drehrichtung, /. direction of rotation. Drehscheibe, /. potter's wheel; lapidary's wheel; turntable. Drehspane, m.pl. turnings. Drehspannung, /. torsional strain. Drehspiegelung, /. (Cryst.) combined rotation and reflection. Drehspindel, /. revolving spindle, live spindle. Drehstrom, m. (Elec.) rotary current, multi- phase current. Drehung, /. rotation, turn, turning, torsion, revolution, twisting. Drehungsachse, /. axis of rotation (or of revolu- tion), turning axis. Drehungsgrad, TO. degree of rotation. Drehungskraft, /. rotatory power. Drehungsvermogen, n. rotatory power. Drehungswinkel, TO. angle of rotation. Drehwage, /. torsion balance. Drehzylinder, m. revolving cylinder. 5 Drilling drei, a. three. dreiacnsig, a. triaxial. dreiatomig, a. triatomic. dreibasisch, a. tribasic. Dreiblatt, n. trefoil. dreiblatterig, a. three-leaved. Dreibrenner, TO. triple burner. Dreibund, TO. triple alliance. dreidimensional, a. tridimensional. Dreieck, n. triangle. dreieckig, a. triangular, three-cornered. Dreieckslehre, /. trigonometry. dreierlei, a. of three kinds, of three sorts. dreifach, a. triple, threefold, treble, tri-. dreifach Chlorantimon, antimony trichloride; dreifach Chlorjod, iodine trichloride; drei- fach Schwefelarsen, arsenic trisulfide. dreiflachig, a. three-faced. dreiflammig, a. three-flame, triple (burner). Dreifuss, TO. tripod. dreifiissig, a. three-footed, tripedal. dreigliedrig, a. three-membered; (Math.) tri- nomial. dreihalsig, a. three-necked. Dreiheit, /. triad. dreikantig, a. three-cornered, triangular. Dreikorper, Dreikorperapparat, m. triple-effect apparatus. Dreileitersystem, n. (Elec.) three-wire system. dreiphasig, a. three-phase, triphase. dreisaurig, a. triacid. dreischenkelig, a. three-legged. dreiseitig, a. three-sided, trilateral, triangular. dreissig, a. thirty. dreissigste, a. thirtieth. dreist, a. bold, confident. Dreisteinwurzel, /. feverroot (Triosteum). dreistellig, a. three-place. dreiteilig, a. three-part, tripartite. drei-und-einachsig, a. (Cryst.) monotrimetric (hexagonal) . dreiwandig, a. three-walled, triple-walled. Dreiweghahn, TO. three-way cock. Dreiwegstiick, n. three-way piece, three-way tube. Dreiwegverbindung, /. three-way connection. dreiwertig, a. trivalent. dreiwinkelig, a. triangular. Dreizack, TO. trident. dreizahlig, a. threefold, triple, ternary. dreizehn, a. thirteen. Drell, w. ticking. dreschen, v.t. thrash, thresh. dressieren, v.t. train, break. drgl., abbrev. (dergleichen) the like. Drillbohrer, TO. drill. drillen, v.t. drill; turn. Drillich, TO. ticking, tick. Drilling, TO. triplet; (Mach.) lantern. - Drillingsalz 63 Diingersalz Drillingsalz, n. triple salt. drin, adv. therein. dringen, v.i. press, rush, penetrate. dringend, p.a. pressing, urgent. gedrungen, p.a. com- pact; compelled; thickset. dringlich, a. pressing, urgent. drischt, pr. 3 sing, of dreschen. dritt, a. third. Drittel, n. third. drittelsauer, a. tribasic. drnben, adv. up there, above. Droge, /. drug. Drogenhandler, m. druggist. Drogenkunde, /. pharmacology. Drogeriegeschaft, n. drug business, drug trade. ' Drogett, Droget, TO. drugget. Drogist, w. druggist. Drogue, Droguett, etc. See Droge, Drogett. drohen. v.i. threaten, menace. drohnen, v.i. rumble, boom. drollig, a. droll, comical. drosch, pret. of dreschen. Drossel, /. thrush (bird) ; throttle. Drosselader, /. jugular vein. Drosselbein, n. collar-bone. Drosselventil, n. throttle vUve. D.R.P., abbrev. (deutsches Reichs-Patent) im- perial German patent. driiben, adv. over there, yonder. ririiber, adv. = daruber. Druck, m. pressure; compression; oppression; impression, print, printing. Druckapparat, m. pressure apparatus. Druckbuchstabe, m. type. drucken, v.L print; stamp. drucken, v.L press; squeeze; oppress. Druckentwickelung,/. development of pressure. Drucker, TO. printer. Dr ticker, TO. trigger; handle. Druckerei, /. printing; printing establishment; (Calico) print works. Druckerschwarze, /. printer's ink. Druckfarbe, /. printing color. Druckfehler, TO. misprint, typographical error. Druckfestigkeit, /. resistance to pressure or compression, elasticity of compression. Druckfilter, n. pressure filter. Druckfirniss, TO. printer's varnish. Druckflasche, /. pressure bottle. Druckhohe, /. (Meek.) head. Druckkolben, TO. pressure flask; (Mach.) piston. Drucklegung, /. publishing. Druckleitung, /. high-pressure piping. Drurkluft, /. compressed air. Druckluftpumpe, /. pump for compressing air. Druckmesser, m. pressure gage, manometer. Druckmessung, /. pressure measurement. Druckpapier, n. printing paper. Druckplatte, /. printing plate, engraving. Druckprobe, /. compression test; pressure test; (of barley) squeezing test; (printer's) proof. Druckregler, TO. pressure regulator. Druckrohr, TO., -rohre, /. pressure tube, force pipe. Druckschlauch, TO. pressure tubing. Druck schr if t, /. publication; type. Druckseite, /. page. Druckspannung, /. compression strain, crushing strain. Drucksteigerung, /. rise of pressure. Druckstempel, m. piston. Druckventil, n. pressure valve, discharge valve. Druckverminderung, /. diminution or decrease of pressure. Druckwalze, /. pressing (or pressure) roller (or roll, cylinder). Druckwelle, /. pressure wave. Druckzeug, n. printing cloth. Druckzunahme, /. increase of pressure. drum, drunter. = darum, darunter. Druschen, n. smalt gland, glandule. Druse,/, druse. pi. Drusen, dregs, lees; husks; glanders. Druse, /. gland. Drusenasche, /. calcined (wine) lees. Drusenbranntwein, TO. spirits distilled from fermented lees. drusenformig, a. drusy, drused. Driisenkrankheit, /. gland disease; scrofula. Drtisenkropf, TO. goiter. Drusenol, TO. grape-seed oil. Drusenschwarz, n. Frankfort black (from wine lees). drusig, drusicht, a. drusy, drused. drusig, drusicht, a. glandlike; glandular. dsgl., abbrev. (desgleichen) likewise, ditto, du, pron. thou, you. dualistisch, a dualist ic. ducken, v.t. humble. r.r. duck; give in. v.i. submit. Ducker, TO. siphon; one that ducks. Duckstein, TO. calcareous tufa. duff, a. dull. Duft, TO. odor; fragrance, perfume; vapor, exhalation. duften, v.i. be fragrant; sweat. v.t. perfume. duftig, a. fragrant, odorous; vaporous, misty. Duktilitat, /. ductility. dulden, v.t. bear, endure, suffer. dumm, o. stupid, dull, silly. dumpf, a. damp, musty; hollow; dull; close. Dung, TO. manure, fertilizer; dung. Diingegips, TO. gypsum for manuring. Diingemittel, n. manure, fertilizer. diingen, v.t. manure. I) linger, TO. manure, fertilizer; dung. Oiingerfabrik, /. fertilizer factory. Dungersalz, n. = Dungesalz. Diingerwert Diingerwert, TO. manurial value. Diingesalz, n. saline manure, dung salt. Diingjauche, /. liquid manure. Diingpulver, n. powdered manure, poudrette. Dungsalz, n. saline manure. Diingung, /. manuring, fertilizing. dunkel, a. dark; dim, obscure. Dunkel, n. dark, darkness, obscurity. Dunkel, TO. conceit. dunkelblau, a. dark blue. dunkelfarbig, a. dark-colored. dunkelgriin, a. dark green. Dunkelheit, /. darkness; obscurity. Dunkelkammer, /. dark room; camera obscura. dunkeln, v.t. & i. darken; deepen, sadden (colors). Dunkelrotgiildigerz, -giltigerz, n. dark red silver ore (pyrargyrite). diinken, v.i. seem, appear, diinn, a. thin; dilute, rare, slender. Diinnbier, n. small beer. Diinndarm, TO. small intestine. Dunne, /. thinness. diinnfliissig, a. thinly liquid; watery. Diinnheit, /. thinness, diluteness, rarity, slen- derness. Diinnsaft, TO. (Sugar) thin juice. diinnschlagen, v.t. beat out, beat thin. Diinnstein, TO. (Metal.) thin matt; (Jewelry) table stone. diinnwalzen, v.t. roll out, roll thin. diinnwandig, a. thin-walled. Dunst, TO. vapor; steam, fume,' damp; fine shot. Dunstabzug, TO. hood (for fumes). Dunstabzugsrohr, n. vent pipe. diinsten, v.i. steam, vapor, smoke. v.t. stew. Dunstfang, TO. hood. Dunsthiille, /. vaporous envelope, atmosphere. Dunstkreis, m. atmosphere. Dunstloch, n. vent. dutch, prep, thru; by, owing to. adv. thru. durcharbeiten, v.t. work thru, work; knead (dough) elaborate; (Dyeing) pole. durchatzen, v.t. eat thru, corrode, durchaus, adv. thruout, completely, by all means. durchbacken, v.t. bake thoroly. durchbeissen, v.t. bite thru, eat thru. durchbeizen, v.t. corrode, durchbeutein, v.t. bolt (flour). durchbiegen, v.r. sag. Durchbiegung, /. sagging; deflection, durchbohren, v.t. perforate; bore thru, punch; penetrate. Durchbohrung, /. perforation; boring thru. durchbrechen, v.t. break, break thru, open, cut, pierce, punch, perforate. v.i. break thru, break out; appear; break. durchbrochen, p.a. pierced, perforated, open r work. 4 durchleuchten Durchbruch, TO. breaking out or thru; escape (of gas) ; irruption, eruption; opening, aper- ture, breach, crevasse; (Brewing) collapse (of the head). durchdringbar, a. permeable, penetrable. durchdringen, v.t. & i. penetrate; permeate, pervade. durchdringlich, a. permeable, pervious. Durchdringung, /. penetration. durchdriicken, v.t. = durchpressen. durcheinander, adv. confusedly. Durchfahrt, /. thorofare, passage, gateway. Durchfall, TO. diarrhea. durchfallen, v.i. fall thru; (of light) be trans- mitted; (of beer) clear; (of beer head) fall back. durchfarbbar, a. penetrable with color. durchfarben, v.t. dye thoroly; stain thruout. durchfeuchten, v.t. soak. durchfressen, v.t. eat thru, corrode. durchfrieten, v.t. freeze thru, chill. durchfuhrbar, a. practicable, feasible. durchfuhren, v.t. lead thru, convey thru; carry thru, execute, accomplish, conduct; (Tin- plate) dip, wash. Durchf iihrung, /. leading thru, etc. (see durch- fuhren). Durchgang, TO. passage: transit. durchgangig, a. penetrable, permeable; thoro; general, usual. durchgeben, v.t. filter, strain. durchgehen, v.i. go thru; run away; (of light) be transmitted. v.t. go thru, examine. durchgohend, p.a. piercing, pervading; pass- ing thru; transmitted (light). durchgehends, adv. thruout; generally. durchgerben, v.t. tan thoroly. Dutchgerbungszahl, /. degree of tanning, tan- ning number. Durchgeseihtes, n. filtrate. durchgiessen, v.t. pour thru, filter, strain. durchgliihen, v.t. heat redhot. Durchguss, TO. filter, strainer; pouring thru, filtration; gutter; sink. durchheizen, v.t. heat thoroly. durchkochen, v.t. boil thoroly. durchkommen, v.i. come thru, get along, recover. durchkreuzen, v.t. cross, traverse, intersect. Durchlass, TO. filter, sieve; passage, opening. durchlassen, v.t. filter, strain; transmit (light, etc.); let thru; let pass. durchlassig, a. permeable, pervious, penetrable. Durchlassigkeit, /. permeability, perviousness; Durchlassung, /. filtering, etc. (see lassen) ; (of light, etc.) transmission. Durchlauf, TO. sieve, colander; running thru. durchlaufen, v.i. filter; run thru. durchleiten, v.t. pass thru, conduct. durchleuchten, v.t. illuminate. Durchleuchtung 65 dystektisch Durchleuchtung, /. illumination, durchlochern, v.t. perforate; pierce, punch, durchluften, v.t. ventilate, air. durchluftungsfahig, a. capable of ventilation or aeration. durchmachen, v.t. go thru, experience. durchmessen, v.t. pass thru, traverse, measure. Durchmesser, m. diameter, durchnassen, v.t. wet thoroly, soak, steep. durchnehmen, v.t. go over, criticize, durchnetzen, v.t. = durchnassen. durchpressen, v.t. & i. press thru, force thru, squeeze thru; strain, filter. durchrauchern, v.t. fumigate; smoke thoroly. durchreiben, v.t. rub thru, strain; chafe, gall. durchreissen, v.t. & i. tear asunder, break. durchriihren, v.t. stir thoroly. durchsattigen, v.t. saturate. durchsaugen, v.t. suck thru, force thru by suction. durchsauren, v.t. acidify; make sour; leaven thoroly. durchscheinen, v.i. shine thru. durchschein- end, p.a. translucent; transparent. Durchschlag, m. filter, strainer; punch, piercer; opening. Durchschlagboden, m. perforated bottom. durchschlagen, v.t. filter, strain; sieve; punch, perforate; beat thru. v.i. get thru, pene- trate; (of paper) blot; act. durchschneiden, v.t. intersect, cross; cut thru; cut across. Durchschnitt, m. cut, section; intersection; average, mean. durchschnittlich, a. average. adv. on an average. Durchschnittsprobe, /. average sample. Durchschnittswert, m. average value. Durchschnittszahl, m. mean. Durchschuss, TO. woof, weft; interleaf; (Print- ing) lead. durchschutteln, v.t. shake thoroly, agitate, durchseihen, v.t. strain, filter, percolate. Durchseiher, m. strainer, filter, percolator. durchsetzen, v.t. permeate, infiltrate; (Min.) intermingle; (Mining) sieve, sift; intersect; carry thru. Durchsicht, /. view, inspection, revision. durchsichtig, a. transparent; clear. Durchsichtigkeit, /. transparency; clearness. durchsickern, v.i. & r. trickle thru, percolate. v.t. strain, filter. durchsieben, v.t. sift, sieve, screen, bolt. durchsintern, v.i. trickle thru, percolate. durchstechen, v.t. pierce, stab, cut; (Metal.) smelt. durchstossen. v.t. push thru, punch. durchstrahlen, v.i. radiate thru, shine thru. v.t. penetrate with rays, irradiate. durchstreichen, v.t. run thru, go thru; sift, screen; cross out. durchstreichende Linie, trajectory. durchstromen, v.t. stream thru, flow thru. durchtranken, v.t. saturate, impregnate, infil- trate. durchtreiben, v.t. drive or force thru; specif., distil. durchtrieben, p.a. cunning; clever. durchwachsen, v.t. & i. grow thru. v.r. inter- penetrate, intermingle. durchwassern, v.t. soak, drench. durchweg, adv. thruout. dutch wer fen, v.t. sift, screen, bolt; traject. durchwiihlen, v. ode, a. waste, deserted. odem, n. edema. oder, con/, or. Odermennig, TO. agrimony. o. drgl., abbrev. (oder dergleichen) or the like. Oel, Oel-. See 6l, <3l-. Ofchen, n. little furnace, oven or stove. Of en, m. furnace; oven; kiln; stove. Ofenbruch, TO. (Zinc) tatty. Ofenkachel, /. stove tile. Ofensau, /. (Metal.) furnace sow. ofcntrocken, a. kiln-dried; oven-dried. Ofentiir, Ofentiire, /. door (esp. the fire door) of a furnace, oven, kiln or stove; (Ceram.) wicket. Ofenziegel, m. fire brick; stove tile. offen, a. open; clear, clever, frank. offenbar, a. manifest, obvious, plain. offenbaren, v.t. disclose, reveal. offenkundig, a. well known, notorious; evident. offentlich, a. public; open. Offerte, /. offer, proffer. offiziell, officiell, a. official. Offizier, TO. officer. Offizin, /. dispensary, apothecary's shop. offizinell, a. officinal. offnen, v.t. open. offnend, p.a. (Med.) aperi- ent. Offnung, /. opening; aperture, orifice, mouth; dissection; evacuation. Offnungsmittel, n. (Med.) aperient. oft, adv. often. 181 Oheim 182 Orangenblutc Oheim, m. uncle. ohne, prep, without. conj. but that. ohnedem, ohnedies, adv. apart from that, besides. ohngefahr, adv. approximately. a. approxi- mate. ohnmachtig, a. weak, faint, unconscious. Qhr, n. ear. Ohr-. aural, auricular. Ohr, n. (Tech.) ear, handle, eye, catch; bog iron ore. Ohrenblaser, m. talebearer. Ohrenschmalz, n. ear wax, cerumen. Ohrenstein, m., Ohrensteinchen, n. otolith. Ohrfinger, m. little finger. ohrformig, a. auriform. Ohrspeicheldruse, /. parotid gland. Ohrtrompete, /. Eustachian tube. Ohrwachs, n. ear wax, cerumen. Ohrwasser, n. endolymph. Ohrzehe, /. little toe. Oker, TO. ocher. okerig, a. ocherous, ochery. okonomisch, a. economic, economical; agricul- tural. Oktaeder, n. octahedron. oktaedrisch, a. octahedral. Okto-. octa- (preferred), octo-. oktocarbocyclisch, a. octacarbocyclic. Oktonaphten, n. octanaphthene. -d. (1) hi names of alcohols or phenols (i.e., when the ending signifies hydroxyl), -ol. (2) in names of a few hydrocarbons, -ene; as, Benzol, benzene (but the commercial product is called benzol or benzole). (3) in the case of other compounds, -ole; as, PyrroZ, pyrrole. Ol, n. oil. Olabscheider, m. oil separator; (Brewing) oil trap. Olanstrich, TO. painting in oil; coat of oil. olartig, a. = olig. Olbad, n. oil bath; (in turkey red dyeing) green liquor. Olbaum, TO. olive tree. falscher Olbaum, ole- aster. Olbaumgummi, Olbaumharz, n. elemi. Olbeere, /. olive. Olbeize, /. oil mordant; (in turkey red dyeing) oiling. olbildend, p.a. oil-forming, olefiant. olbild- endes Gas, olefiant gas (ethylene). Oldrass, TO. oil dregs, oil foots. Oldruck, TO. oleography; oleograph. Olefin, n. olefin, olefine. Olefinalkohol, m. olefinic alcohol, olefin alcohol. Olefinhaloid, n. olefin halide. olefinisch, a. olefinic. Olefinketon, n. olefinic ketone, olefin ketone. Oleinsaure, /. oleic acid. olen, v.t. oil. Oleokreosot, n. (Pharm.) creosote oleate. Oleum, n. fuming sulfuric acid; (in Latin Pharm. names) oil. Olfabrik, /. oil factory. Olfarbe, /. oil color, olgar, a. chamois. Olgas, n. oil gas. Olgelager, n. oil dregs, oil foots, olhaltig, a. containing oil, oleiferous. Olhandel, TO. oil trade. Olharz, n. oleoresin. Olhefen, f.pl. oil dregs, oil lees. olig, olicht, a. oily, oleaginous. Oligkeit, /. oiliness. Oligoklas, m. oligoclase. Olivenol, n. olive oil. OIkuchen, m. oil cake. Olkugel, TO. oil globule, oil drop. Olleder, n. chamois. Olmesser, m. eleometer, oleometer. Olmilch, /. oil emulsion. Olnussbaum, TO. butternut tree. Olprufer, TO. oil tester. Olruckstand, TO. oil residue. Olsatz, TO. oil sediment, oil foots, olsauer, a. of or combined with oleic acid, oleate of. Olsaure, /. oleic acid. Olschlagen, n. oil pressing. Olseife, /. oil soap, soap made from oil. Olsodaseife, /. Castile soap. Olstoff, TO. olein. Olsiiss, n. glycerol, glycerin. Oltrester, m.pl. oil marc (residue left after expressing oil from olives, etc.). Oltuch, n. oilcloth. Olung, /. oiling. Ol wage, /. oil hydrometer, eleometer. Olzucker, TO. (Pharm.') elaeosaccharum. -on. (as a chemical ending denoting the ketonic group) -one. Onanthather, TO. oenanthic (or enanthic) ether. Onanthsaure, /. oenanthic (or enanthic) acid. Onanthylsaure, /. cenanthylic (or enanthylic) acid. Onkel, TO. uncle. Oolith, m. oolite. opak, a. opaque, opalartig, a. opal-like, opaline. opalisieren, v.i. opalesce. opalisierend, p.a. opalescent. Oper, /. opera. Operment, n. orpiment. Opfer, n. offering, sacrifice, victim. Opiansaure, /. opianic acid, opt.-akt., abbrev. (optisch-aktiv) optically ac- tive. optisch, a. optic, optical. Orangenblute, /. orange blossom. Orangenschale 183 Oxydschicht Orangenschale, /. orange peel. Orden, TO. order. ordentlich, a. ordinary; regular; orderly; exact; steady; downright. or dinar, a. ordinary, regular; common, inferior. ordnen, v.t. order, arrange, regulate, settle. Ordnung, /. order; arrangement; class. ordnungsmassig, a. orderly, methodical. adv. duly, well. ordnungswidrig, a. irregular, disorderly. organisch, a. organic. organisieren, v.t. organize. Organismus, m. organism. Organometall, n. organometallic compound. Orgel, /. organ. orientieren, v.t. orient. Orientierung, /. orientation. Orkan, m. hurricane. Ornat, TO. official costume. Orseille, /. archil. Orsellinsaure, /. orsellinic acid. Orsellsaure, /. orsellio (diorsellinic, lecanoric) acid. Ort, TO. place; locus; region, locality. Orthoameisensaure, /. orthoformic acid. Orthoantimonsaure, /. orthoantimonic acid. Orthoarsensaure, /. orthoarsenic acid. Orthoborsaure, /. orthoboric acid. Orthochinon, n. orthoquinone, o-quinone. Orthokieselsaure, /. orthosilicic acid. Orthoklas, m. orthoclase. Orthokohlensaure, /. orthocarbonic acid. Orthophosphorsaure, /. orthophosphoric acid. Orthosalpetersaure, /. orthonitric acid. orthosalpetrig, a. orthonitrous. Orthosaure, /. ortho acid. Orthostellung, /. ortho position. Orthoverbindung, /. ortho compound. Ortisomerie, /. position isomerism. ortlich, a. local; topical. Orts-. local. Ortschaft, /. place, village. Ortsisomerie, /. place isomerism, position isom- erism. Ose, /. (Tech.) ear, lug, eye, hook, loop. Osenblatt, n. (Tech.) tongue, lip, flange. Osmiumchlorwasserstoffsaure, /. acid contain- ing osmium, chlorine and hydrogen (either HsOsCle or H 2 OsClc). Osmiumsaure, /. osmic acid. Osmiumverbindung, /. osmium compound. Osmose, /. osmosis, osmose. osmosieren, v.t. osmose, osmosize. osmotisch, a. osmotic. Ost, TO. east. Ostern, n. Easter. Osterreich, n. Austria. osterreichisch, a. Austrian. Ostindien, n. (East) India. ostindisch, a. East Indian. ostlich, a. eastern, oriental, easterly. Ostreich, n. Austria. Ostsee, /. Baltic (Sea). Otter, /. adder; otter. Oxalather, TO. oxalic ether (ethyl oxalate). Oxalessigester, m. oxalacetic ester. Oxalkyl-. hydroxyalkyl-. oxalsauer, a. of or combined with oxalic acid, oxalate of. Oxalsaure, /. oxalic acid. Oxalursaure, /. oxaluric acid. Oxathyl-. hydroxyethyl-. Oxhoft, n. hogshead. Oxo-. oxy-, oxo-. (A form devised to denote the substitution of O for Hz in organic compounds and to distinguish from Oxy- denoting OH substitution; thus, oxopropane, CHsCOCHs or CH 3 CH 2 CHO. In English this may be translated oxy-, hydroxyl being indicated by hydroxy-. If the group is ketonic, as in the first case above, the form keto- is more common.) Oxy-. oxy-, hydroxy-. (In organic names this indicates, in the great majority of cases, the hydroxyl group and should then be trans- lated hydroxy- to conform to the best usage in English; e. g., Oxyapfelsaure, hydroxy- malic acid. If the group is known to be ke- tonic, the translation keto- is preferable.) Oxyammoniak, n. oxyammonia (hydroxyl- amine). Oxybiazol, n. oxybiazole. Oxybiazolin, n. oxybiazoline. Oxycarbonsaure, /. hydroxycarboxylic acid. Oxychinolin, n. hydroxyquinoline. Oxychinon, n. hydroxyquinone. Oxyd, n. oxide (specif., a higher or -ic oxide, as contrasted with Oxydul). oxydable, a. oxidizable. oxydartig, a. of the nature of, or like an oxide. Oxydase, /. oxidase. Oxydationsartikel, TO. (Calico) oxidation style. oxydationsfahig, a. capable of oxidation. Oxydationsflamme, /. oxidizing flame. Oxydationsmittel, n. oxidizing agent. Oxydationsstufe, /. stage or degree of oxidation. Oxydationsvorgang, TO. oxidation process. Oxydbeschlag, TO. coating of oxide. Oxydchlbrid, . oxychloride, oxydhaltig, a. containing oxide or oxides, oxidic. Oxydhaut, /., Oxydhautchen, n. film of oxide. Oxydhydrat, n. hydtated oxide (hydroxide). oxydierbar, a. oxidizable. Oxydierbarkeit, /. oxidizability. oxydieren, v.t. & i. oxidize. Oxydierung, /. oxidation. oxydisch, a. oxidic, oxygenic. Oxydoxydul, n. an oso-ic oxide such as FezOt. Oxydschicht, /. layer of oxide. Oxydul 184 Ozonsauerstoff Oxydul, n. (lower or -ous) oxide, (formerly) protoxide. oxygenieren, v.l. oxygenate, oxygenize. Oxygenierung, /. oxygenation. Oxyketon, n. hydroxy ketone. Oxyketoncarbonsaure, /. hydroxyketocarbox- ylic acid. Oxymethyl-. hydroxymethyl-. Oxysalz, n. oxysalt. Oxysaure, /. oxyacid (either oxacid an acid containing oxygen or hydroxy acid). Oxyschwefelsaure, /. oxysulf uric acid. Oxytoluol, n. hydroxytoluene. Ozean, m. ocean. Ozobenzol, n. ozobenzene. Ozokerit, m. ozocerite. Ozon, n. ozone. ozonerzeugend, p.a. producing ozone, ozonifer- ous. ozonhaltig, a. containing ozone, ozoniferous. Ozonisator, m. ozonizer. ozonisieren, v.t. ozonize. Ozonsauerstoff, m. ozonized oxygen, oxygen in the form of ozone. Paar, n. pair, couple; few; (Meek.) couple. paar, a. even; pair. paaren, v.t. pair, couple, match, mate. gepaart, p.a. paired, etc., conjugate. Pacht, /. lease, tenure. Pachter, Pachter, m. tenant. Pack, m. pack, bale, packet, bundle. packen, v.t. seize; pack. Packhaus, n. Packhof, TO., warehouse; custom house. Packpapier, n. wrapping paper. Packtuch, n. packing cloth. Packzeug, n. packing material, packing; pack- ing tools. PAe., abbrev. (Petroleumather) petroleum ether. Paket, n. packet, parcel. Palast, m. palace. Palladi-. palladic. Palladichlorwasserstoffsaure, /. chloropalladic acid. Palladiumbromiir, n. palladious bromide. Palladiumchlorid, n. palladium chloride, specif., palladic chloride. Palladiumchloriir, n. palladious chloride. Palladiumchlorwasserstoff, m. chloropalladic acid. Palladiumjodur, n. palladious iodide. Palladiummohr, TO. palladium black. Palladiumoxyd, n. palladium oxide, specif., pal- ladic oxide. Palladiumoxydul, n. palladious oxide. Palladiumsalz, n. palladium salt. Palladiumschwamm, TO. palladium sponge. Palladiumschwarz, n. palladium black. Palladiumwasserstoff, TO. palladium hydride. Pallado-. palladious. Palladochlorwasserstoffsaure, /. chloropalladi- ous acid. Palladohydroxyd, n. palladious hydroxide. Palme, /. palm. Palmfett, n. palm oil. Palmitinsaure, /. palmitic acid. Palmlilie, /. yucca. Palmol, n. palm oil. Palmstarke, /. palm starch, sago. Palmzucker, TO. palm sugar, jaggery. Panier, n. banner. Pankreas, n., PankreasdrUse, /. pancreas. pankreatisch, a. pancreatic. Panloffel, m. slipper. Panzer, TO. cuirass, armor. Panzerblech, n., Panzerplatte, /. armor plate. Paonie, /. peony. Papagei, m. parrot. Papier, n. paper. Papierabgange, m.pl. waste paper. Papierbogen, TO. sheet of paper. Papierbrei, TO. paper pulp. Papierfabrik, /. paper factory, paper mill. Papierfabrikant, TO. paper maker. Papierfabrikation, /. paper making. Papierfilter, n. paper filter. Papier handel, m. paper trade; stationery. Papierhandlung, /. stationer's shop. Papierkohle, /. paper coal (variety of lignite). Papierleim, TO. paper size. Papiermasse, /. paper pulp. Papierpergament, n. parchment paper. Papierpriifung, /. paper testing. Papiersorte, /. sort or quality of paper. Papierstoff, m. paper pulp. Papierstreifen, TO. paper strip; paper web. Papierteig, TO. papier-mache'. Papierzeichen, n. watermark. Papierzeug, n. paper pulp, " stuff." Papillen-. papillary. papinianischer Topf. Papin's digester (auto- clave.) Papp, TO. paste; pap. Pappband, w. board binding; volume bound irt boards. Pappbogen, w. sheet of pasteboard (or card- board). Pappdeckel, TO. pasteboard, paper board. Pappe, /. (paper) board, pasteboard; pap; paste. Pappel, /. poplar. Pappelart, /. (variety of) poplar. pappen, v.t. & i. paste; work in pasteboard. Pappendeckel, TO. = Pappdeckel. Pappenleim, TO. pasteboard glue. Pappenstiel, TO. trifle. Papphiilse, /. pasteboard case. Pappmasse, /. papier-machS. Pappschachtel, /. pasteboard box. Papst, TO. pope. 185 Parabansaure 186 Pentathionsaure Parabansaure, /. parabanic acid. Farabel, /. parabola; parable. parabolisch, a. parabolic. Paraconsaure, /. paraconic acid. Paracyan, n. paracyanogen. Paradiesapfel, m. tomato. Paradiesfeige, /. banana. Paradieskorner, n.pl. grains of paradise. Parafiinbad, n. paraffin bath. Paraffinkerze, /. paraffin candle. Paraffinol, w. paraffin oil. Paraffinsalbe,/. petrolatum; paraffin ointment. Parakamphersaure, /. paracamphoric acid. Parakautschuk, m. Para rubber. Paralyse, /. paralysis. paramagnetisch, a. paramagnetic. Paramilchsaure, /. paralactic acid (d-lactic acid). Paranuss, /. Brazil nut. Parastellung, /. para position. Paraverbindung, /. para compound. Paraweinsaure, /. paratartaric acid (racemic acid.) Parenthese, /. parentheses; brackets. Parfiim, n. perfume. Parfiimerie, /. perfumery. Pariser, a. Paris. Pariser Blau, Paris blue; Pariser Griin, Paris green. parkesieren, v.t. (Metal.) subject to the Parkes Parkesieren, n. Parkes process. Partei, /. part; party. Parteiganger, m. partisan. parteiisch, a. partial, prejudiced. Parterre, w. ground floor; parterre. Partialdruck, m. partial pressure. Partie, /. parcel, lot; batch; company; party, picnic; game; match. partiell, a. partial. Partikel, /. particle. Partikelchen, n. small particle. Passagier, m. passenger. passen, v.i. fit, be fit, be suited; wait. passend, p.a. fit, suitable, appropriate. passieren, v.t. pass; (Dyeing) liquor. v.i. pass, happen. Passivitat, /. passivity. Pastete, /. pie, pastry. pasteurisieren, v.t. pasteurize. Pastinake, /. parsnip. pastes, a. pasty. Pate, m. godfather. Patentamt, n. patent office. Patentsalz, n. ammonium antimony fluoride. Patentschrift, /. patent (the document), patent specification. Patentschutz, m. protection by patent. Patenttrager, TO. patentee. Patrone, /. cartridge; pattern; stencil; man- drel. Patronenhiilse, /., Patronenzy Under, m. car- tridge case. Patsche, /. fix, mess; slush, mud. patschen, v.i. splash; clap, slap. pattinsonieren, v.t. pattinsonize. patzig, a. saucy. Pauke, /. (kettle) drum; (Anat.) tympanum; harangue. Paukenfell, n. (kettle) drumskin; (Anat.) mem- brana tympani. pauschen, v.t. swell; (Metal.) refine. Pauscht, TO. & n. (Paper) post. pausen, v.t. trace, calk. Pavian, TO. baboon. Pech, n. pitch. Pechart, /. kind or variety of pitch pechartig, a. pitchy, bituminous. PeohMende, /. pitchblende. Pechdraht, TO. pitched thread, shoemaker's thread. Pecheisenerz, n. pitchy iron ore (applied to pitticite, triplite, and a compact variety of limonite). Pecherde, /. bituminous earth. Pecherz, n. = Pechblende; = Pecheisenerz. pechfinster, a. pitch-dark. Pechgeschmack, n. pitchy taste. Pechglanz, TO. pitchy luster. Pechgranat, TO. colophonite (a variety of andra- dite of pitchy appearance). pechig, a. pitchy. Pechkiefer, /. pitch pine. Pechkohle, /. pitch coal. Pechol, n. tar oil, oil of tar. pechschwarz, a. pitch-black. Pechstein, TO. pitchstone. Pechuran, n. pitchblende. Pedell, TO. beadle, janitor. Pegel, TO. water gage. peilen, v.t. sound, take bearings of. Pein, /. pain, trouble, torture. peinigen, v.t. torment, trouble. peinlich, d. painful; precise, painstaking; penal. Peitsche, /. whip. peitschen, v.t. whip, beat, lash. peitschenformig, a. whip-shaped, flagelliform. Pektinsaure, /. pectic acid. Pektinstoff, TO. pectin substance, pectin. Pektinzucker, TO. arabinose. Pelargonsaure, /. pelargonic acid. Pelle, /. peel, skin, husk. Pelz, TO. pelt; fur. pelzig, a. furry; cottony. Pendel, n. pendulum. penetrieren, v.t. penetrate. Pension, /. pension; board; boarding house; boarding school. pentacarbocyclisch, a. pentacarbocyclic. Pentadecansaure, /. pentadecoic acid. Pentathionsaure, /. pentathionic acid. Pentinsaure 187 PfeUgift Pentinsaure, /. pentinic acid. Pentosurie, /. pentosuria. Pepsindriise, /. peptic gland. pepsinhaltig, a. containing pepsin. peptisch, a. peptic. peptonisieren, v,t. peptonize. Peraciditat, /. superacidity. Perborsaure, /. perboric acid. Perbromsaure, /. perbromic acid. Perchlorsaure, /. perchloric acid. Perchromsaure, /. perchromic acid. perennierend, p.a. perennial. perforieren, v.t. perforate. Pergament, n. parchment. pergamentieren, v.t. parchmentize. Pergamentpapier, n. parchment paper. perhydrieren, v.t. perhydrogenize. Periklas, TO. periclase, periclasite. periodisch, a. periodic, periodical. Periodizitat, /. periodicity. Perjodat, n. periodate. Perjodsaure, /. periodic acid. Perkohlensaure, /. percarbonic acid. Perkussionszundhutchen, n. percussion cap. perlartig, a. pearly, nacreous; beadlike. Perlasche, /. pearlash. Perle,/. pearl; bead. perlen, v.t. form bubbles, sparkle; form drops; glisten like pearls. perlenartig, a. = perlartig. Perlenglanz, Perlglanz, TO. pearly (or nacreous) luster. Perlglimmer, m. (Min.) margarite. Perlgraupen, f.pl. pearl barley. perlig, a. pearly. Perlmoos, n. pearl moss, carrageen. Perlmutter, /. mother-of-pearl. perlmutterartig, a. like mother-of-pearl, perla- ceous. , Perlmutterblech, w. crystallized tinplate, moire metallique. Perlmutterglanz, TO. mother-of-pearl luster, na- creous luster. perlmutterglanzend, p.a. having a mother-of- pearl luster, pearly. Perhnutterpapier, n. nacreous paper. Perlrohr, n., -rohre, /. bead tube (tube filled with glass beads). Perlsalz, n. microcosmic salt. Perlsamen, TO. seed pearl. Perlspat, TO. pearl spar (pearly dolomite). Perlstein, TO. perlite; adularia. Perlweiss, n. pearl white. Permanentweiss, . permanent white. permeabel, a. permeable. permutieren, v.t. (Math.) permute. Perowskit, n. perovskite. Perpendikel, n. perpendicular; pendulum. Persaure, /. peracid. Perschwefelsaure, /. persulf uric acid. persisch, a. Persian. personlich, a. personal. Persulfocyansaure, /. perthiocyanic acid, per- sulfocyanic acid. Persulfomolybdansaure, /. persulfomolybdic acid, thiopermolybdic acid, peruanisch, a. Peru, Peruvian. Perurinde, /. Peruvian bark. Pestilenzkraut, n. = Geissraute. Petersilie, /. parsley. Petri'sches Schalchen, Petri-Schale, /. Petri dish. Petrolather, Petroleumather, m. petroleum ether. Petroleumbenzin, n. petroleum benzine. Petroleumprufer, TO. petroleum tester. Petrolsaure, /. petrolic acid. Petschaft, n. seal, signet. Petsche, /. drying room; drying frame. Pf., abbrev. (Pfund) pound. Pfad, TO. path. Pfaff, w. rivet stamp; nut driver; (Brewing) underlet. Pfaffe, TO. priest. Pfaffenhiitchen, n. wahoo (Evonymus atropur- pureus). Pfahl, TO. stake, pile, stick, pole, post. pfahlen, v.t. pale; prop; empale. Pfahlwurzel, /. taproot. Pfalz, /. Palatinate. Pfand, n. pledge, security, forfeit. pfanden, v.t. seize, take as a pledge. Pfandgut, n. mortgage. Pfandleiher, TO. pawnbroker. Pfannchen, n. little pan. Pfanne,/. pan; copper, boiler; pantile; (Mach.) bearing, bush; (Anat.) socket, acetabulum. Pfannenstein, TO. pan scale; boiler scale. Pfannenwerk, n. salt works. Pfannenziegel, TO. pantile. Pfanner, TO. salt manufacturer. Pfarrer, TO. parson. Pfau, TO. peacock. Pfeffer, TO. pepper. Pfefferkraut, n. savory (Satureia hortensis); peppergrass (Lepidium); stonecrop (Sedum). Pfefferkuchen, TO. gingerbread. Pfefferminze, /. peppermint. Pfefferminzol, n. peppermint oil. Pfeffermiinze, /. = Pfefferminze. Pfefferstein, TO. peperine. Pfeife, /. pipe; whistle; fife. pfeifen, v.t. & i. pipe, whistle. Pfeifenerde, /. pipe clay. Pfeifenrohr, TO. pipestem. Pfeifenton, TO. pipe clay. Pfeil, TO. arrow; dart. Pfeiler, TO. pillar. pfeilformig, a. arrow-shaped, sagittate. Pfeilgift, n. arrow poison. Pfeilwurz 188 Phasengesetz Pfeilwurz, Pfeflwurzel, /. arrowroot. Pfeilzeichen, n. arrow. Pfennig, m. penny, pfennig ( T J W mark, about % cent or ^ English penny). Pferd, n. horse. Pferdeharnsaure, /. hippuric acid. Pferdekraft, /. horsepower. Pferdemilch, /. mare's milk. Pferdeminze, /. horsemint. Pferdestarke, /. horsepower. -pferdig. (so many) horsepower. Pfg., abbrev. pfennig, pfennigs. pfiff, pret. of pfeifen. Pfiff, m. whistle; trick, knack. pfiffig, a. sly, crafty. Pfingsten, n. Whitsuntide. Pfingstrose, /. peony. Pfirsich, m., Pfirsche, /. peach. Pfirsichblute, /. peach blossom. Pfirsichbranntwein, m. peach brandy. Pfirsiche, /. peach. Pfirsichholz, n. peaeliwood. Pfirsichkern, TO. peach kernel. pflag, pret. of pflegen. Pflanze, /. plant. Pflanzen-. plant, vegetable. pflanzen, v.L plant. Pflanzenalkali, n. vegetable alkali (old name for potash, also for plant alkaloids). Pflanzenalkaloid, n. plant alkaloid, vegetable alkaloid. pflanzenartig, a. plan tl ike; vegetable. Pflanzenbase, /. vegetable base, (plant) alka- loid. Pflanzenbeschreibung, /. description of plants, phytography. Pflanzenchemie,/. plant chemistry, phytochem- istry. Pflanzeneiweiss, n. vegetable albumin (or al- bumen) ; vegetable protein. Pflanzenerde, /. vegetable mold, humus. Pflanzenfarbe, /. vegetable color. Pflanzenfaser, /. vegetable fiber, plant fiber. Pflanzenfaserstoff, TO., Pflanzenfibrin, n. vege- table fibrin (gluten; cellulose). Pflanzenfett, n. vegetable fat. Pflanzenforscher, TO. botanist. pflanzenfressend, p.a. herbivorous. Pflanzengriin, n. chlorophyl. Pflanzenkasein, n. vegetable casein, legumin. Pflanzenkohle, /. charcoal. Pflanzenkunde, /. botany. Pflanzenlaugensalz, n. (Old CTtero.) potash. Pflanzenlehre, /. botany. Pflanzenleim, TO. vegetable glue, gliadin; gluten. Pflanzenol, n. vegetable oil. Pflanzensaft, TO. vegetable juice, plant juice, sap. Pflanzensaure, /. vegetable acid. Pflanzenschleim, m. mucilage. Pflanzenstoff, m. vegetable matter. Pflanzentalg, TO. vegetable tallow. Pflanzenwachstum, TO. & n. plant growth, vege- tation. Pflanzcnzelle, /. plant cell, vegetable cell. Pflanzenzellenstoff, m. cellulose. pflanzlich, a. plant, vegetable. Pflaster, n. plaster; pavement, paving. ' pflastern, v.t. plaster; pave. Pflasterstein, TO. paving stone. Pflasterziegel, TO. paving brick, paving tfle. pflatschen, v.t. (Calico) pad. Pflatschfarbe, /. (Calico) padding liquor. Pflaume, /. plum; prune. Pflege, /. care; nursing, rearing, education, superintendence. Pflegekind, n. foster child. pflegen, v.L be accustomed, be wont; indulge. v.t. attend to, care for, tend, cultivate, nurse. Pflicht, /. duty; obligation. Pflichtbruch, TO. perjury. pflichtschuldig, a. in duty bound; obligatory. Pflock, TO. peg, pin, plug. pflog, pret. of pflegen. pfliicken, v.t. pluck, pick, gather. Pflug, TO. plow. pfliigen, v.t. plow. Pflugschar, /. plowshare; (Anal.) vomer. Pfortader, /. portal vein. Pforte, /. gate, door, entrance. Pfortner, TO. porter, doorkeeper; (Anat.) py- lorus. Pfosten, TO., Pfoste, /. post. Pfote, /. paw. Pfriem, Pfriemen, TO., Pfrieme, /. punch, awl. Pfriemenkraut, n. = Besenginster. Pfropf, Propfen, TO. stopper, plug, wad, cork; graft; (Med.) thrombus. pfropfen, v.t. stopper, cork; cram; graft. Pfropfenzieher, TO. corkscrew. Pfuhl, TO. pool, slough. Pfiihl, TO. & n. pillow, bolster. pfui, inter j. fie! shame! Pfund, n. pound. Pfundleder, n. sole leather. pfuschen, v.i. bungle; meddle. Pfiitze, /. puddle, wallow. phagedanisches Wasser. (Pharm.) yellow mer- curial lotion. Phanomen, n. phenomena. Phantasie, /. imagination, fancy. phantasieren, v.i. imagine, muse; be delirious, wander. Phantast, TO. dreamer, visionary. Pharmazeut, TO. pharmaceutist, pharmacist. Pharmazeutik, /. pharmaceutics. pharmazeutisch, a. pharmaceutical. Pharmazie, /. pharmacy. Pharmakopoe, /. pharmacopeia. Phasengesetz, n. phase rule. Phasenlehre 189 Phosphorvergiftung Phasenlehre, /. doctrine of phases. Phasenregel, /. phase rule. Phasenzahl, /. number of phases. Phasotropie, /. phasotropism, phasotropy. Phenol-, phenol, phenol-, phenolic; (in com- bination with the name of a metal) pheno- late (or phenoxide) of, as Phenolaluminium, aluminium phenolate, aluminium phenoxide. Phenolcarbonsaure, /. phenolcarboxylic acid. Phenolkalium, n. potassium phenolate (or phen- oxide). Phenolkalzium, n. calcium phenolate (or phen- oxide). Phenolnatrium, n. sodium phenolate (or phen- oxide). Phenolquecksilber, n. mercury phenolate (or phenoxide). Phenolsaure, /. phenol acid. Phenolschwefelsaure, '/. phenolsulfuric acid (general term, ROSOsH, where R is an aro- matic radical), specif., phenylsulfuric acid. Phenolsulfosaure, /. phenolsulf onic acid. Phenolwismut, m. & n. bismuth phenolate (or phenoxide). Phenylarsenchloriir, n. phenylarsenious chlor- ide. Phenylborchlorid, n. phenylboron chloride. Phenylenblau, n. phenylene blue. Phenylessigsaure, /. phenylacetic acid. Phenylfettsaure, /. phenylated fatty acid. phenylieren, v.t. phenylate. Phenyljodidchlorid, n. phenyl iodochloride. Phenylmilchsaure, /. phenyllactic acid. Phenylsaure, /. phenylic acid (phenol). Phenylschwefelsaure, /. phenylsulfuric acid. Phenylsenfol, n. phenyl mustard oil. Phenylsiliciumchlorid, n. phenylsilicon chloride. Phenylwasserstoff, m. phenyl hydride, benzene. Ph.g., abbrev. (Pharmakopoe germanica) German pharmacopeia. Philosoph, m. philosopher. Philosophenwolle, /. philosopher's wool (sub- limed zinc oxide). philosophisch, a. philosophical. Phlegma, n. phlegm. phlogistisch, a. phlogistic. Phlorchinyl, n. phlcroquinyl. Phdnicin, n. phenicin. Phosgen, n. phosgene, carbonyl chloride. Phosphat, n. phosphate. phosphatisch, a. phosphatic. phosphenylig, a. phosphenylous. Phosphenylsaure, /. phosphenylic acid. Phosphinigsaure, /. phosphinous acid. Phosphinsaure, /. phosphinic acid. Phosphor, m. phosphorus. Phosphor-, phosphorus, phospho-, phosphide of. phosphorartig, a. like phosphorus, phos- phorous. Phosphorather, TO. phosphoric ether (ester of phosphoric acid, specif., ethyl phosphate). Phosphorbasis, /. phosphorus base. Phosphorbestimmung, /. determination of phos- phorus. Phosphor blei, n. lead phosphide; (Min.) pyro- morphite. Phosphorbromid, n. phosphorus bromida, specif., phosphorus pentabromide. Phosphorbromiir, n. phosphorus tribromide. Phosphorcalcium, n. calcium phosphide. Phosphorchlorid, n. phosphorus chloride, specif., phosphoric chloride (phosphorus pentachloride). Phosphor chloriir,. phosphorous chloride (phos- phorus trichloride). Phosphoreisen, n. iron phosphide. phosphoreszieren, v.i. phosphoresce. phos- phoreszierend, p.a. phosphorescent. Phosphorfleischsaure, /. phosphocarnic acid. Phosphorgehalt, m. phosphorus content. Phosphorgruppe, /. phosphorus group. phosphorhaltig, a. containing phosphorus, phos- phatic, phosphorated. phosphorig, a. phosphorous. phosphorigsauer, a. of or combined with phos- phorous acid, phosphite of. Phosphorigsaureanhydrid, n. phosphorous an- hydride (phosphorus trioxide). phosphorisch, a. phosphoric. phosphorisieren, v.L phosphorize, phosphorate. Phosphorjodid, n. phosphorus iodide, specif., phosphorus triiodide. Phosphorjodiir, n. phosphorus diiodide (Pzlt). Phosphorkalzium, n. calcium phosphide. Phosphorkupfer, n. copper phosphide; (Min.) libethenite. Phosphorkupfererz, n. libethenite. Phosphorloffel, m. phosphorus spoon (deflagrat- ing spoon). Phosphormetall, n. (metallic) phosphide. Phosphormolybdansaure, /. phosphomolybdic acid. Phosphornatrium, n. sodium phosphide. Phosphorol, n. (Pharm.) phosphorated oil. Phosphoroxyd, n. (any) phosphorus oxide. Phosphorproteid, n. phosphoprotein. Phosphorsalz, n. microcosmic salt (HNaNH 4 - P04.4H2O). phosphorsauer, a. of or combined with phos- phoric acid, phosphate of. Phosphorsaure, /. phosphoric acid. Phosphorsaureanhydrid, n. phosphoric anhy- dride (phosphorus pentoxide). Phosphorstahl, m. phosphorus steel. Phosphorsulfid, n. (any) phosphorus sulfide. Phosphorverbindung, /. phosphorus com- pound. Phosphorvergiftung, /. phosphorus poison- ing. Phosphorwasserstoff 190 plansymmetrisch Phosphorwasserstoff, m. hydrogen phosphide, phosphorus hydride (gasformiger, PH ; ; fliissiger, P 2 H 4 ; fester, PiKz). Phosphorwasserstoffgas, n. phosphoretted hy- drogen gas (phosphine, PHs). Phosphorweinsaure,/. phosphovinic acid (O&s.). Phosphorwolframsaure, /. phosphotungstic acid. Phosphorzink, n. zinc phosphide. Phosphorziindholzchen, n. phosphorus match. Photochemie, /. photochemistry. photochemisch, a. photochemical. photoelektrisch, a. photo-electric. Photogramm, n. photograph. Photograph, m. photographer. Photographic, /. photography; photograph. photographieren, v.t. photograph. photographisch, a. photographic. photometrisch, a. photometric. Photosphare, /. photosphere. Phototropie, /. phototropism, phototropy. Phtal-. phthal-, phthalo-, phthalic. Phtalaminsaure, /. phthalamic acid. Phtalazin, n. phthalazine. Phtalein, n. phthalein. Phtalid, n. phthalide. Phtalmonopersaure, /. monoperpht halic acid. Phtalonsaure, /. phthalonic acid. Phtalsaure, /. phthalic acid. Physik, /. physics; (Dyeing) tin composition (solution of tin in aqua regia). physikalisch, a. physical. Physikbad, n. (Dyeing) tin composition. Physiker, m. physicist. Physiksalz, n. (Dyeing) red spirit. Physiolog, m. physiologist. physisch, a. physical. Phy tochemie, /. phytochemistry. phytochemisch, a. phytochemical. Pianino, n. upright piano. Pichapparat, m. (Brewing) pitching machine. pichen, v.t. pitch. Picke, /. pickax, pick. Pickel, m. pimple. picken, v.i. peck, pick. Picolinsaure, /. picolinic acid. piepen, piepsen, v.i. peep, cheep; whine. Pietat, /. piety, reverence. Piezoelektrizitat, /. piezoelectricity. pigmentfrei, a. free from pigment, non-pig- mented. pigmenthaltig, a. containing pigment, pig- mented. pigmentieren, v.t. pigment. v.i. become pig- mented. Pik, m. peak; pique; (at cards) spades. pikant, a. piquant, pungent.' Piknometer, n. pycnometer. Pikraminsaure, /. picramic acid. Pikrinsaure, /. picric acid. Pikro-. picro-. Pikryl, n. picryl. Pilee, /., Pileezucker, m. crushed sugar. Pilger, m. pilgrim. Pille,/. pill. Pilz, m. fungus; mushroom. pilzahnlich, a. like a mushroom or fungus, fun- goid. pilzformig, a. fungiform. pilzig, a. fungous, fungoid. Pilzkunde, /. mycology. Pilzsamen, m. spawn (of fungi), mycelium. pilztotend, p. a. fungicidal. Pimarsaure, /. pimaric acid. Pimelinsaure, /. pimelic acid. Piment, n. pimento, allspice. Pimentdl, n. pimento oil, allspice oil. Pimpernuss, /. bladder nut. Pimpinelle, /. burnet saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga). Pinakon, n. pinacol, (less correctly) pinacone. Pinakonbildung, /. pinacol formation. Pincette, /. = Pinzette. Pinie, /. pine (esp. Pinus pinea). Pinit, n. pinitol, (less correctly) pinite. pinken, v.t. treat with pink salt. Pinksalz, n. pink salt (ammonium stannic chlo- ride; less commonly, potassium sodium tar- trate). Pinne,/. (Tech.) pin, peg, (of a hammer) peen; quill feather. Pinsaure, /. pinic acid. Pinsel, m. (painter's) brush, pencil. pinseln, v.t. pencil, paint. Pinselschimmel, m. any species of Penicillium. Pinusharz, n. pine resin. Pinzette, /. forceps, tweezers, nippers. Piperinsaure, /. piperic acid. Pipettengestell, n. pipette stand. pipettieren, v.t. transfer or measure with a pipette, pipette. Pistazie,/. pistachio (nut). PistUl, n. pestle; (Bot.) pistil. placken, v.t. flatten; ram; pester. Plackerei, /. drudgery. Plage, /. trouble, bother, plague, drudgery. plagen, v.t. plague, trouble, bother, worry. Plagioklas, m. plagioclase. Plakat, n. placard, poster. Plakatfarbe, /. lithographic color. Plan, m. plane, plain; plan; (Painting) ground. planieren, v.t. plane, planish, smooth, level; size (paper). Planiermasse, /. (Paper) size. Planierwasser, n. glue water, size. plankonkav, a. plano-concave. plankonvex, a. plano-convex. planschen, v.i. splash. Planspiegel, m. plane mirror. plansymmetrisch, a. planisymmetric(al). Plantage 191 Polecke Plantage, /. plantation. plappern, v.L babble, prattle. Plasmolyse, /. plasmolysis. plasmolytisch, a. plasmolytic. plastisch, a. plastic. Plastizitat, /. plasticity. Platane, /. plane, plane tree. Platin, n. platinum. Platinasbest, m. platinized asbestos. Platinblase, /. platinum still. Platinblech, n. platinum foil. Platinchlorid, n. platinum chloride, specif., platinic chloride. Platinchloriir, n. platinous chloride. Platinchlorwasserstoff, m., -stoffsaure, /. chlo- roplatinic acid. Platincyaniir, n. platinous cyanide; cyanopla- tinite, platinocyanide. Platincyanurwasserstoff.TO., -stoffsaure,/. cyan- oplatinous acid, platinocyanic acid. Platindraht, m. platinum wire. Platinerz, n. platinum ore. Platinfolie, /. platinum foil, platinhaltig, a. containing platinum, platinifer- ous. Platini-. platinic, platini-. Platinichlorid, n. platinic chloride. Platinichlorwasserstoff, m., -stoffsaure, /. chlo- roplatinic acid, platinieren, v.t. platinize. Platinisalz, n. platinic salt. .Platiniverbindung, /. platinic compound. Platinloffel, m. platinum spoon. Platinmetall, n. platinum metal, metal of the platinum group. Platinmohr, TO. platinum black. Platino-. platinous, platino-. Platinochlorid, n. platinous chloride. Platinochlorwasserstoff, m., -stoffsaure, /. chloroplatinous acid. Platinocyanwasserstoff, TO., -stoffsaure,/. cyan- oplatinous acid, platinocyanic acid. Platinoverbindung, /. platinous compound. Platinoxyd, n. platinum oxide, specif., platinic oxide. Platinoxydul, n. platinous oxide. Platinoxydulverbindung, /. platinous com- pound. Platinoxydverbindung, /. platinic compound. Platinozyan-. See Platinocyan-. Platinsalmiak, TO. ammonium chloroplatinate. Platinsaure, /. platinic acid. Platinschale, /. platinum dish. Platinschiffchen, n. platinum boat. Platinschwamm, TO. platinum sponge. Platinschwarz, n. platinum black. Platinspatel, TO. platinum spatula. Platinspitze, /. platinum point. Platintiegel, TO. platinum crucible. Platinverbindung, /. platinum compound. Platinzyan-. See Platincyan-. platt, a. flat; plain; level; low. Plattchen, n. platelet, lamella. Platte, /. plate; sheet, slab; lamina; planchet; leaf (of a table) ; flagstone; bald head. Platte, /. flatiron. platt en, v.t. flatten; iron; flag. plattenformig, a. platelike, lamellar, lamelli- form. Plattenkautschuk, n. sheet rubber. Plattenkultur, /. plate culture. Plattenkupfer, n. sheet copper. Plattenturm, TO. plate column, plate tower. plattieren, v.t. plate. Plattierung, /. plating, plate. Plattine,/. (Tech.) plate; (Metal.) mill bar. Platz, w. place; room, spot, seat, square, etc. Platzchen, n. little cake, lozenge, troche, tablet. platzen, v.L burst; crack. plaudern, v.L chatter, gossip. Pleochroismus, TO. pleochroism. Pleuelstange, /. connecting rod. Plinse, Plinze, /. pancake, omelet. Plombe, /. filling, plug (for teeth), plotzlich, a. sudden. Plumbi-. plumbic, plumbi-. Plumbisalz, n. plumbic salt. Plumbo-. plumbous, plumbo-. Plumbosalz, n. plumbous salt, plump, a. bulky, clumsy, gross. Plunder, TO. rubbish, trumpery. pliindern, v.t. plunder, pillage. Plunscher, TO. plunger. pneumatisch, a. pneumatic. Pobel, TO. rabble, mob. pochen, v.L beat, knock, stamp; brag; trust. v.t. stamp -(ore). Pochmehl, n. pulverized ore. Pochmiihle, /. stamp mill. Pochstempelreihe, /. stamp battery. Pochwerk, n. stamp mill. Pocke, /. pock; (pi.) smallpox. Pockenlymphe, /. vaccine lymph. Pockholz, Pockenholz, n. lignum-vitae, guaia- cum wood, pockwood. Poesie, /. poetry; poem. Pokal, TO. goblet, cup. Pokel, TO. pickle (the liquid). Pokelfass, n. pickling tub or vat. Pokelfleisch, n. pickled meat, salt meat. pokeln, v.t. pickle. Pol, TO. pole. Polarisationsebene, /. plajie of polarization. Polarisationsprisma, n. polarizer. Polarisationsstrom, TO. polarization current. polarisierbar, a. polarizable. polarisieren, v.t. polarize. Polarisierung, /. polarization. Polaritat, /. polarity. Poleck, n., Polecke, /. (Cryst.) summit. Polei 192 praktizieren Polei, m. pennyroyal. Poleiol, n. pennyroyal oil. Polemik, /. polemic, controversy; polemics. polen, v.t. (Metal.) pole. Polen, n. (Metal.) poling; Poland. Police, /. (insurance) policy. Polier-. polishing, burnishing. polieren, v.t. polish, burnish. Polierpapier, n. polishing paper, sandpaper. Polierpulver, n. polishing powder. Polierrot, n. polishing red, colcothar, crocus, rouge. Politur, /. polish; polishing. Polizei, /. police; police station. Polizeidiener, m. policeman. Polster, n. bolster, cushion. Poltergeist, TO. hobgoblin; noisy fellow. poltern, v.i. raise a racket; scold. Polwechsel, TO. change or reversal of poles. Polychromsaure, /. polychromic acid. Polyeder, n. polyhedron. polygonisch, a. polygonal. polyhedrisch, a. polyhedral. polyheteroatomig, a. polyheteratomic. Polyhyperjodat, n. polyperiodate. Polykieselsaure, /. polysilicic acid. polymer, a. polymeric. Polymeric, /. polymerism. polymerisieren, v.t. & i. polymerize. Polymolybdansaure, /. polymolybdic acid. polymorph, a. polymorphous, polymorphic. Polymorphic, /. polymorphism, polymorphy. Polythionsaure, /. polythionic acid. Pomeranze, /. orange, esp. bitter orange. Pomeranzenbliitenol, n. orange-flower oil, ne- roli. Pomeranzenliqueur, TO. curagao. Pomeranzenschalenol, n. orange-peel oil, orange oil. Pompejanisch, a. Pompeian. Pompelmuse, /. shaddock, grape fruit. Popanz, TO. bugbear. Porcellan, n. = Porzellan. poros, a. porous. Porositat, /. porosity. Porphyr, m. porphyry. porphyrartig, a. porphyritic. Porphyrfelsen, m., Porphyrgestein, n. porphy- ritic rock. Porsch, Porst, m. marsh tea (Ledum palustre). Portier, TO. porter, doorkeeper. Portlandkalk, TO. Portland (lime) stone. Porto, n. postage. portofrei, a. post-free, postpaid. Portugalol, Portugallool, n. Portugal (or portu- gallo) oil, orange-peel oil. Portugalwasser, n. laurel water. Porzellan, n. porcelain, china. Porzellanbrei, TO. porcelain slip. Porzellanerde, /. porcelain clay, china clay, kaolin. Porzellangriff, TO. porcelain handle. Porzellan jaspis, TO. porcelain jasper (variety of porcelanite) . Porzellanmasse, /. porcelain body. Porzellanmortel, TO. pozzuolana mortar. Porzellanschiffchen, n. porcelain boat. Porzellanspat, TO. scapolite. Porzellantiegel, TO. porcelain crucible. Porzellanton, TO. porcelain clay, kaolin. Porzellantonumschlag, TO. (Pharm.) cataplasm of kaolin. Posaune, /. trombone. Pose, /. quill; pose. Posse, /. antic, fun, burlesque. Possen, TO. prank, trick. possierlich, a. funny, droll. Post, /. post, mail; news. Postament, n. stand, base, pedestal. Postamt, n., Postanstalt, /. post-office. Posten, TO. post, place; item; sum; lot, parcel; (Metal.) batch. postfrei, a. post-free, postpaid. Postkarte, /. postcard, postal card; post map. postlagernd, p.a. general delivery. Postverein, TO. postal union. Postzeichen, n. postmark. Potasche, /. = Pottasche. Potentialsprung, TO. (Elec.) difference of po- tential. potentieU, a. potential. potentiieren, v.t. render potent, potentize. Potenz, /. power. potenzieren, v.t. (Math.) raise to a higher power. Potenzreihe, /. (Math.) exponential series. Pottasche, /. potash (potassium carbonate) . pottecht, a. (Dyeing) fast to potting. Pottfisch, TO. sperm whale. Pottfischol, n. sperm oil. poussieren, v.t. push, promote; court. Pozzolanerde, /. pozzuolana. Prachtausgabe, /. edition de luxe. Pracht, /. pomp, splendor, magnificence, dis- play. prachtig, prachtvoll, a. splendid, magnificent, sumptuous. Praci-. See Prazi-. pradisponieren, v.t. predispose. Praexistenz, /. preexistence. Prageanstalt, /. mint. pragen, v.t. stamp, coin, imprint. Pragung, /. coining, stamping; coinage. prahlen, v,i. boast; (of colors) be loud. Praktikant, m. laboratory worker, laboratory student; practitioner. Praktiker, TO. practician, experienced person, expert. praktisch, a. practical. praktizieren, v.t. practise. prall 193 Probegut prall, a. stout; tight. prallen, v.i. bounce, bound; be reflected. Prall kraft, /. resiliency. Prallwinkel, m. angle of reflection. Pramie, /. premium, prize. prangen, v.i. make a show, be resplendent, shine. Pranke, /. clutch. Praparat, n. preparation. Praparatenglas, n. preparation glass. Praparatenrohrchen, n. preparation tube, speci- men tube. Praparier-. preparing. praparieren, v.t. prepare; (Med.) dissect. praparieretes Papier, (Photog.) sensitized paper. Prapariersalz, n. preparing salt (sodium stan- nate). Prasenstein, Prasem, TO. prase (green variety of quartz). prasentieren, v.t. present. Praseodym, n. praseodymium. Praseokobaltsalz, n. praseocobaltic salt. prasejrvieren, v.t. preserve. Praservierung, /. preservation, preserving. Praservierungsmittel, n. preservative. prasseln, v.i. crackle, rustle. prassen, v.i. revel, carouse. Praxis, /. practice. Prazipitat, n. & m. precipitate. Prazipitation, /. precipitation. Prazipitationswarme, /. heat of precipitation. prazipitieren, v.t. precipitate. Prazipitiergefass, n. precipitating vessel. Prazipitiermittel, n. precipitant. priizis, a. precise. prazisieren, v.t. render precise, define. Prazision, /. precision. Prazisionswage, /. balance of precision, preci- sion balance. predigen, v.i. preach. Predigt, /. sermon; preaching. Preis, TO. price; value; rate; prize; praise. preisen, v.t. praise, commend. preisgeben, v.t. give over, give up, expose. Preisselbeere, /. mountain cranberry. prellen, v.t. toss; make to rebound; cheat. Prellstein, TO. curbstone. Press-, pressed, compressed, expressed, pressing, press; glazed. Pressbeutel, TO. pressing bag, press bag, filter bag (for presses). Presse, /. press; gloss. pressen, v.t. press; squeeze, pinch, cram. Pressfilter, n. pressure filter, press filter. Pressglanz, m. gloss from pressing. Pressglas, n. pressed glass. Presshefe, /. pressed yeast, compressed yeast. Presskohle, /. pressed charcoal; pressed coal. Pressling, m. something pressed, pressed ar- ticle; (pl. t Sugar) expressed beet pulp. Pressluft, /. compressed air. Pressmiihle, /. pressing mill. Pressol, n. fixed oil. Pressriickstand, m. expressed residue. Presssack, TO. = Pressbeutel. Presssaft, TO. expressed juice, press juice. Pressspan, m. glazed cardboard Presstalg, TO. pressed tallow. Presstorf, TO. pressed peat. ' Presstuch, n. filter cloth (for presses). Pressung, /. pressure, pressing, compression. Pressverfahren, n. pressing process. Presswalze, /. press roll. Pressziegel, TO. pressed brick. Presszucker, m. compressed sugar. Preussen, n. Prussia. preussisch, a. Prussian. Preussischblau, n. Prussian blue. prickeln, v.t. prickle, prick. prickelnd, p.a. sharp, pungent. pries, pret. of preisen. Priester, TO. priest, minister. Prima-. of first, prime or best quality. primar, a. primary. Primarkreis, TO. primary circuit. Primasoda, /. refined soda. Primaware, /. prime or superior article or goods. Primel, /. primrose. Princip, n. principle. Prinz, TO. prince. Prinzip, n. principle. Prioritat, /. priority. Prise, /. prize; pinch. Prisma, n. prism. prismaahnlich, prismaartig, a. prism-like, pris- moidal. prismaformig, a. prism-shaped, prismatic. prismatisch, a. prismatic. Prismenflache, /. prismatic face. prismenformig, a. prism-shaped, prismatic. Prismenglas, n. prism glass. Prismenkante, /. prismatic edge. Prismenspektrum, n. prismatic spectrum. Pritsche, /. bat; (Alum) washing floor; (Dye- ing) stillage (to support goods while drying). Privatdozent, TO. a licensed university lecturer receiving fees but no salary. pro, prep, pro, per. probat, a. proved, tried. Probe,/, test; assay; sample, specimen; proof; trial; probation; rehearsal. Probeabdruck, TO. proof, proof print. Probebogen, TO. proof sheet, proof. Probeessig, TO. proof vinegar. Probefarbung, /. test dyeing. Probeflaschchen, n. sampling bottle. Probeflussigkeit, /. test liquid, test liquor. Probegewicht, n. test weight, standard weight. Probegold, n. standard gold. Probegut, n. sample. probehaltig 194 Puddelbett probehaltig, a. proof, standard. Probekorn, n. assay button. Probeloffel, m. assay spoon. Probemachen, n. testing, assaying. Probemass, n. standard measure. probemassig, a. according to sample. Probemunze, /. proof coin. Probemuster, n. sample for testing. Probenadel, /. touch needle. Probenehmen, n. sampling. Probenglas, n. specimen glass, specimen tube. Probenstecher, m. = Probestecher. Probepapier, n. test paper. Prober, m. tester. Proberohr, -rohrchen, n., -rohre, /. test tube; (Mack.) trial pipe. Probesaure, /. test acid, standard acid. Probescherbe, /., Probescherben, TO. cupel; (Ceram.) trial piece. Probesilber, n. standard silver. Probespiritus, TO. proof spirit. Probestecher, TO. sampler (inserted into the ma- terial to be sampled); (for liquids) thief tube; (Sugar) proof stick. Probestein, TO. touchstone; sample stone. Probestiick, n. specimen, sample; test piece. Probetiegel, TO. assay crucible (see Tiite) ; cupel. Probewage, /. assay balance. Probeweingeist, m. proof spirit. Probeziehen, n. sampling. Probezieher, m. sampler. Probezinn, n. standard tin. Probezylinder, TO. trial jar; test tube. Probier-. testing, test; assaying, assay. Probierblei, n. test lead, assay lead. probieren, v.t. test; assay; try; prove. Probierer, TO. tester, assayer, analyst. Probiergerate, n.pl., -geratschaften, f.pl. as- saying apparatus. Probiergewicht, n. assay weight. Probierglas, n. test tube. Probierglatte, /. test litharge. Probiergold, n. standard gold. Probierhahn, TO. try cock, gage cock. Probierkluft, /. assayer's tongs. Probierkorn, n. assay button. Probierkunst, /. assaying. Prdbierlaboratorium, n. assay laboratory. Probierloffel, m. assay spoon. Probiermetall, n. test metal. Probiernadel, /. touch needle. Probierofen, TO. assay furnace. Probierpapier, n. test paper. Probierrohre, /. test tube. Probierrohrengestell, n. test-tube rack. Probierscherben, TO. = Probescherben. Probierstein, TO. touchstone. Probiertiegel, TO. = Probetiegel. Probiertute, -tiite, -tutte, /. assay crucible. See Tiite. Probierwage, /. assay balance. Probierzange, /. assayer's tongs. Procent, n. percent. Prod., abbrev. (Produkt) product. Produzent, TO. producer, grower. produzieren, v.t. produce. Professorat, n. professorship. professorhaft, professorisch, a. professorial. Professorschaft, Professur, /. professorship. projizieren, v.t. project. promovieren, v.t. & i. graduate. Propiolsaure, /. propiolic acid. Propionsaure, /. propionic acid. prosit, inter] '. your health! Proteinkorper, Proteinstoff, TO. protein sub- stance, protein. Proteinurie, /. albuminuria. Protokatechusaure, /. protocatechuic acid. Protokoll, n. minutes, record; protocol. Protoxyd, n. protoxide. Proviant, TO. provisions, victuals. Provision, /. provision; commission. Provisor, TO. pharmacist's assistant, dispenser. provisorisch, a. provisional. Proz., abbrev. of Prozent. Prozent, n. percent. Prozentgehalt, TO. percent content, percentage. prozentig, prozentisch, a. percent, percentage. Prozentsatz, TO. percentage. Prozentteilung, /. percentage scale. Prozess, TO. process. prozessieren, v.i. litigate. prude, a. prudish, prim. priifen, v.t. test; assay; try; prove; taste (wine, etc.); examine. Prufer, m. tester, assayer, examiner. Prufstein, m. touchstone. Priifung, /. test, testing, assay, trial, examina- tion, proof. Prufungsschein, TO. certificate (that a thing has been tested). Priigel, TO. cudgel, club; blow; drubbing, thrashing. Prunellensalz, Prunellsalz, n. sal prunellc (fused potassium nitrate). Prunk, m. pomp, state, show. PS, P.S., abbrev. (Pferdestarke) horsepower.H.P. Pseudoharnstoff, TO. pseudourea. Pseudokatalysator, m. pseudocatalyzer. Pseudokatalyse, /. pseudocatalysis. pseudokatalytisch, a. pseudocatalytic. Pseudolosung, /. pseudo solution. Pseudomerie, /. pseudomerism. pseudomorph, a. pseudomorphous. Pseudomorphose, /. pseudomorphosis; pseudo- morph. Pseudosaure, /. pseudo acid. publizieren, v.t. publish. Puddelarbeiter, TO. puddler. Puddelbett, n. = Puddelsohle. Puddeleisen 195 Pyrrol Puddeleisen, n. puddled iron. Puddelluppe, /. puddle-ball. puddeln, v.t. puddle. Puddelofen, m. puddling furnace. Puddelprozess, TO. puddling process. Puddelgchlacke, /. puddling slag. Puddelsohle, /. puddling-furnace bed. Puddelspitze, /. puddler's paddle. Puddelstab, TO. puddle-bar. Puddelstahl, m. puddled steel. Puddelverfahren, n. puddling process, puddling. Puddelwalze, /. puddle roll. Puddelwerk, n. puddling works. Pudel, m. poodle; blunder, miss. Puder, TO. powder. pudern, v.t. powder. Puderzucker, m. powdered sugar. Puff, TO. blow, thump; puff. puffen, v.i. pop. v.t. thump, beat. Puts, TO. pulse. Pulsader, /. artery. Pulsglas, n., Pulshamm6r, m. cryophorus. Pulsschlag, TO. pulse beat, pulsation. Pult, n. desk. Pultfeuerung, /. firing on stepped grate bars. Pultofen, TO. (Metal.) back-flame hearth. Pulver, n. powder. pulverartig, a. powdery. Pulverfabrik, /. powder factory. Pulverflasche, /. powder bottle (wide-mouthed bottle). pulverfdrmig, a. in the form of powder, powdery. Pulverglas, n. Pulverflasche. pulverig, a. powdery, pulverulent. pulverisierbar, a. pulverable. pulverisieren, v.t. powder, pulverize. Pulverisierung, /. pulverization. Pulverkorn, n. grain of powder. Pulvermorser, TO. powder mortar. Pulvermiihle, /. powder mill. pulvern, v.t. powder, pulverize. Pulversatz, TO. powder composition. Pulverzucker, m. powdered sugar. Pumpe, /. pump. Punkt, m. point; dot; period. punktieren, v.t. point; dot; punctuate. piinktlich, a. punctual; exact. Punktstrich, TO. semicolon. Punktum, n. period. Punsch, TO. punch. Punzen, TO. punch. Pupille, /. pupil. Puppe, /. pupa; cocoon; doll; puppet. Purganz, /. purgative. purgieren, v.t. & i. purge; boil off (silk) with soap. Purgierharz, n. scammony. Purgierkasie, -kassia, /. purging cassia. Purgierlein, n. purging flax. Purgiermittel, n. purgative. Purgiernuss, /. purging nut, physic nut. Purgiersalz, n. purgative salt, purifizieren, v.t. purify. Purinbascn, f.pl. purine bases. Purpur, m. purple. Purpureokobaltverbindung, /. purpureocobaltic compound. purpurfarbig, a. purple-colored, purple. Purpurholz, n. violet wood. Purpurkarmin, TO. purple carmine, murexide. Purpurmuschel, /. purple shell. purpurrot, a. purple-red, crimson. Purpursaure, /. purpuric acid. Purpurschwefelsaure, /. sulfopurpuric acid. Purzelbaum, TO. somersault. purzeln, v.i. tumble. Pustel, /. pustule, pimple. pusten, v.i. breathe, pant. Puter, TO. turkey. Putz, TO. plaster, plastering; dress, ornament. Putzbaumwolle, /. cotton waste (for cleaning). putzen, v.t. clean, cleanse, scour, polish, trim, dress; plaster. Putzerei, /. dressing. putzig, a. funny, droll. Putzlage, /. coat of plaster. Putzmacherei, /. millinery. Putzmaschine, /. cleaning machine. Putzpulver.n.cleaning powder,polishing powder. Putzschicht, /. = Putzlage. Putztisch, TO. dressing table; (Ceram.) cleaning table. Putztuch, n. cloth for cleaning or polishing, sponge cloth. Putzwasser, n. dilute acid for scouring. Puzzolane, Puzzolanerde, /. pozzuolana. Puzzuolanerde, /. pozzuolana. pyramidenformig, a. pyramidal. Pyramidenwiirfel, tetrahexahedron. Pyritabbrande, m.pl. pyrites cinders. pyritisch, a. pyritic. Pyritofen, TO. pyrites oven, pyrites burner. Pyroantimonsaure, /. pyroantimonic acid. Pyroarsensaure, /. pyroarsenic acid. Pyroelektrizitat, /. pyroelectricity. Pyrogallussaure, /. pyrogallic acid (pyrogallol). pyrogen, a. pyrogenic. Pyrokatechin, n. pyrocatechol. pyrometrisch, a. pyrometric. Pyrophor, n. pyrophorus. pyrophorisch, a. pyrophoric. pyrophosphorsauer, a. of or combined with pyrophosphoric acid, pyrophosphate of. Pyrophosphorsaure, /. pyrophosphoric acid. Pyrosaure, /. pyro acid. Pyroschleimsaure, /. pyromucic acid. Pyroschwefelsaure, /. pyrosulfuric acid (disul- furic acid). pyroschweflig, a. pyrosulfurous. Pyroweinsaure, /. pyrotartaric acid. Pyrrol, n. pyrrole. q., abbrev. (quadrat) square (esp. in qcm, square centimeter, etc.). qcm., abbrev. square centimeter (s), sq. cm. qdm., abbrev. square decimeter(s), sq. dm. quabblen, v.i. shake, quiver; be flabby. quacken, v.i. quack; croak. Quacksalbcr, in. quack, charlatan. Quader, Quaderstein, m. ashlar; freestone. Quadrat, n. square, quadrat isch, a. square; quadratic; (Cryst.) tetragonal. Quadratmeter, m. square meter. Quadratpyramide, /. square pyramid. Quadratwurzel, /. square root. Quadratzahl, /. square number, square. Quadratzentimeter, m. square centimeter. quadrieren, v.t. square. Qual, /. torment, agony, pang, qualen, v.t. torment, worry, afflict. Qualitat, /. quality. Qualle, /. jeUyfish. Qualm, m. dense smoke, vapor, quantenhaft, a. pertaining to quanta or the quantum theory. Quantenhypothese, /. quantum hypothesis. Quantentheorie, /. quantum theory. Quantitat, /. quantity. Quantum, n. quantum; quantity, portion, quota. Quark, m. curd, curds; trash. Quart, Quarte, /. quarter, fourth, quartar, a. quaternary. Quartier, n. quarter, quarters. Quarz, m. quartz. quarzahnlich, quarzartig, a. quartzose, quartz- ous. Quarzfaden, m. quartz thread. Quarzfels, m. quartz rock, quartzite. Quarzglas, n. quartz glass, quarzig, a. quartzy, quartzose. Quarzit, m. quartzite. Quarzsinter, m. siliceous sinter. Quarzziegel, m. quartz brick, Dinas brick. quasielastisch, a. quasi elastic. Quassiaholz, Quassienholz, n. quassia wood, quassia. Quast, TO., Quaste, /. tassel, tuft; brush. quaternar, a. quaternary. Quatsch, m. squash; nonsense. Quebrachit, n. quebrachitol, quebrachite. Quecke, /. couch grass. Quecksilber, n. mercury, quicksilver. Quecksilberbogen, TO. mercury arc. Quecksilberbranderz, n. idrialite. Quecksilberbromid, n. mercury bromide, specif., mercuric bromide. Quecksilberchlorid, n. mercury chloride, specif., mercuric chloride. Quecksilberchloriir, n. mercurous chloride. Quecksilbercyanid, n. mercuric cyanide. Quecksilberdampf, TO. mercury vapor. Quecksilbererz, n. mercury ore. Quecksilberfaden, TO. mercury thread. Quecksilberfahlerz, n. tetrahedrite containing mercury. QuecksUberhalogen, n. mercury halide. quecksilberhaltig, o. containing mercury, mer- curial. Quecksilberhorncrz, n. horn quicksilver (na- tive calomel). Quecksilberjodid, n. mercury iodide, specif., mercuric iodide. Quecksilberjodiir, n. mercurous iodide. Quecksilberlebererz, n. hepatic cinnabar. Quecksilberlegierung, /. mercury alloy, amal- gam. Quecksilberlicht, n. mercury light. Quecksilbermittel, n. mercurial. Quecksilbermohr, TO. ethiops mineral (black mercuric sulfide). Quecksilberoxyd, n. mercuric oxide. Quecksilberoxydsalz, n. mercuric salt. Quecksilberoxydul, n. mercurous oxide. Quecksilberoxydulsalz, n. mercurous salt. Quecksilberpflaster, n. (Pharm.) mercurial plaster. Quecksilberpille, /. blue pill. Quecksilberprazipitat, n. (Pharm.') (mercury) precipitate (rotes, red precipitate; gelbes, yellow precipitate). Quecksilberrhodanid, n. mercury thiocyanate, specif., mercuric thiocyanate. Quecksilberrhodaniir, n. mercurous thiocyan- ate. Quecksilbersalbe, /. mercurial ointment. Quecksilbersaule, /. column of mercury. 196 Quecksilberspai 197 quoll Quecksilberspat, m. horn quicksilver. Quecksilberspiegel, TO. mercury mirror. Quecksilbersublimat, n. corrosive sublimate. Quecksilbersulfid, n. mercury sulfide, specif., mercuric sulfide. Quecksilbersulfur, n. mercurous sulfide. Quecksilberverbindung, /. mercury compound. Quecksilberverfahren, n. mercury process. Quecksilbervitriol. TO. mercuric sulfate. Quecksilberwanne, /. mercury trough. Quecksilberzyanid, n. mercuric cyanide. Quell, m. = Quelle. quellbar, a. capable of swelling. Quellbottich, TO. steeping vat, steeping tub. Quelle, /., source; spring, well. quellen, v.i. swell, spring, well. v.t. soak, steep. Quellgas, n. gas from springs. quellreif, a. sufficiently steeped. Quellreife, /. sufficient steeping. Quellsalz, n. spring salt, well salt. Quellstock, TO. steep tanK, steeping cistern. Quellung, /. swelling, tumefaction; welling; soaking. Quellungswarme, /. heat of swelling, heat of tumefaction. Quellwasser, n. spring water. Quendel, TO. wild thyme. quer, a. cross, transverse, diagonal, oblique. Querachse, /. transverse axis. Quercit, n. quercitol, quercite. Querdurchmesser, TO. transverse diameter. Querdurchschnitt, TO. = Querschnitt. Quere, /. cross direction, transverse direction; breadth. querfeldein, adv. cross country. querlaufend, p.a. transversal, transverse. Querpronl, n. cross section. Querriss, TO. transverse crack, cross crack; cross section; (Min.) fracture. querschleifen, v.t. grind (wood) across the grain. Querschnitt, m. cross section, transverse sec- tion, crosscut; cross-sectional area. Querschwingung, /. transverse vibration. Querzitronrinde, /. quercitron bark. Querzusammenziehung, /. lateral contraction. Quetsche, /. squeezer, wringer, presser, crusher. quetschen, v.t. pinch, squeeze; crush, mash; bruise, contuse. Quetscher, m. pincher, etc. (see quetschen); (Dyeing) squeezer. Quetschhahn, TO. pinchcock. Quetschmiihle, /. bruising mill, crushing mill. Quetschung, /. pinching, etc. (see quetschen). Quick-, amalgamating. Quickarbeit, /. amalgamation. Quickbeutel, m. amalgamating skin. Quickbrei, TO. amalgam. quicken, v.t. amalgamate. Quickerz, n. mercury ore. Quickmetall, n. amalgamated metal. Quickmiihle, /. amalgamating mill. Quickwasser, n. (Plating) quickening liquid (solution of a mercuric salt). quieken, v.i. squeak, squeal. Quillajasaure, /. quillaic acid, quillt, pr. S sing, of quellen. Quirl, TO. twirling device, twirl, whirl; (Bot.) whorl; fidgety person, quirlen, v.t. twirl; stir with a whirling motion. v.i. twirl, turn. quitt, a. even, quits, rid. Quitte, /. quince. Quittenkern, Quittensamen, TO. quince seed, quittieren, v.t. quit, leave; receipt. Quittung, /. receipt, quoll, pret. of quellen. R., dbbrev. (Referat) abstract, review; R6au- mur; ring (cyclic). Rabatt, m. deduction, discount; rebate. Rabe, TO. raven. rabenschwarz, a. jet black. Rabenstein, m. gallows. rac., abbrev. of racemisch. racemisch, a. racemic. racemisieren, v.t. racemize. Racemkorper, m. racemic substance (or com- pound). Rache, /. revenge, vengeance. Rachen, TO. throat; mouth; (Med.) pharynx, fauces. Rachen-. pharyngeal. rachen, v.t. revenge, avenge. Rad, n. wheel. Radachse, /. axle or shaft of a wheel. Radbewegung, /. rotary motion, rotation. Raddrehung, /. rotation; torsion. radebr echen, v.t. murder (a language) . Radelerz, n. wheel ore (bournonite). Kiidelsf iihrer, TO. ringleader. radern, v.t. sift, screen; furnish with wheels. Radertierchen, n. rotifer. Raderwerk, n. wheel work, gearing; sifting ap- paratus. Radfahrer, TO. wheelman, cyclist. radformig, a. wheel-shaped, rotate. radieren, v.t. etch; erase. Radierfirnis, m. etching varnish. Radiergrund, m. etching ground. Radiergummi, TO. (rubber) eraser. Radierkunst, /. (art of) etching. Radiermesser, n. erasing knife. Radierung, /. etching; erasure. Radieschen, n. radish. radiieren, v.i. radiate. Radikalessig, TO. radial vinegar (old name for acetic acid, esp. glacial acetic acid). Radioaktivitat, /. radioactivity. Radiotellur, n. radiotellurium. Radiothor, n. radiothorium. Radiumjodid, n. radium iodide. Radiumsalz, n. radium salt. Radiumstrahlen, m.pl. radium rays. radizieren, v.t. (Math.) extract the root of. Radkranz, m, (wheel) rim, tire. Radlinie, /. cycloid. Radreif, m. tire; rim. Radschuh, m. brake. Radspeiche, /. spoke. Radwelle, /. axle; wheel and axle. raffen, v.t. snatch up, snatch away. Raffinade, /. refined sugar. Raffination, /. refining. Raffinationsertrag, Raffinationswert, m. (Sugar) rendement. Raffinatkupfer, n. refined copper. Raffinatsilber, n. refined silver. , * Raffinerie, /. refinery; finesse. Raffineur, TO. refiner, raffinieren, v.t. refine. Raffinierofen, m. refining furnace, refinery. ragen, v.i. project, tower. Rahm, TO. cream; crust (forming on the top of something); frame; soot. rahmahnlich, rahmartig, a. creamlike, creamy. Rahmen, TO. frame, framing; compass, bounds. rahmen, v.t. skim, take the cream from; frame. v.i. form a cream. Rahmerz, n. a foamy variety of wad. rahmfarbig, a. cream-colored. rahmig, a. sooty; creamy. Rahmkase, TO. cream cheese. Rahmmesser, TO. creamometer. Rain, m. ridge, headland. Rainfarn, m. tansy. Rainfarnol, n. tansy oil. Rainweide, /. privet. Rakete, /. rocket; firecracker. Ramiefaser, /. ramie fiber. ramifizieren, v.t. & r. ramify. Ramifizierung, /. ramification, rammen, v.t. ram, beat down. Rammvorrichtung, /. ramming apparatus. Rampe, /. ramp; platform; footlights. Ramsch, TO. lot, bulk. Rand, TO. edge; border, rim, margin^ brim; flange. Rand-, marginal. Randal, TO. row, disturbance. randeln, randern, v.t. edge, border, rim; mill. Randerscheibe, /. edge cutter. Randgarung, /. (Brewing) rim fermentation. rang, prct, of ringen. 198 Rang 199 Raumverhaltnis Rang, m. rank; quality; row, tier. Range, /. tomboy, romp. m. urchin. Rank, m. intrigue, wile. Ranke, /. tendril, runner. ranken, v.i. (of plants) creep, climb. rann, pret. of rinnen. rannte, pret. of rennen. Ranzel, n., Ranzen, m. wallet, knapsack, satchel. ranzig, a. rancid. Ranzigkeit, /. rancidity, rancidness. Rapp, m., Rappe, /. rape, grape pomace. Rappe, m. black horse. Rappel, ~m, rage, madness; staggers. Raps, TO. rape. Rapso'l, n. rape oil, rapeseed oil. Rapssaat, /. rapeseed, colza. rasch, o. quick, brisk, swift, prompt. rascheln, v.i. rustle. Rasen, TO. turf, sod, lawn. rasen, v.i. rave, rage. Rasenbleiche, /. grass pleaching, sun bleaching. Raseneisenerz, n., Raseneisenstein, m., Rasen- v erz, n. bog iron ore. rasieren, v.t. shave; raze. Rasiermesser, n. razor. Rasierseife, /. shaving soap. Raspel, /. rasp. Rasse, /. race, breed, (of yeast) type. rasseln, v.i. rattle, clatter. Rast, /. rest; (of a furnace) boshes. rasten, v.i. rest; halt. Rastgarung, /. (Brewing) slow and incomplete fermentation. rastlos, a. restless. rat, pr. 3 sing, of raten. Rat, TO. counsel, advice; means; council, board; councillor. Ratanhiawurzel, /. rhatany root, rhatany. Rate, Rata,/. rate; instalment. raten, v.t. & i. advise, counsel; guess, solve. geraten, p.a. advisable. Rathaus, n. town hall. rationell, a. rational. ratlich, a. advisable, expedient, wholesome, ratios, a. helpless, perplexed. Ratmann, TO. councilman. ratsam, a. advisable. Ratschlag, m. advice, counsel. ratschlagen, v.i. consult, deliberate. Ratschluss, TO. resolution, decree. Ratsel, n. riddle, puzzle, ratselhaft, a. enigmatical, mysterious. Ratte, /. rat. Rattengift, n. rat poison, specif., white arsenic. Rattenschwanz, TO. rat-tail file, ratten, v.t. screen, sieve, riddle. Raub, TO. robbery, plunder; booty, prey. Rauber, TO. robber; pirate. Rauch, TO. smoke; fume; vapor. Rauchachat, m. smoky agate. rauchartig, a. smoky. rauchen, v.i. fume; smoke; reek. v.t. smoke. rauchend, p.a. fuming? smoking. Raucher, TO fumigator. Raucheressenz, /. aromatic essence. Raucheressig, m. aromatic vinegar. raucherig, a. smoky; dingy. rauchern, v.t. fumigate; smoke; perfume. Raucherpulver, n. fumigating powder. Raucherung, /. fumigation; smoking (of meat); incense burning. Raucherwerk, n. perfume, perfumes; incense. Rauchfang, TO. chimney, flue. Kauchfleisch, n. smoked meat. Rauchgas, n. smoke gas, flue gas, chimney gas. rauchig, a. smoky; fumy. Rauchkalk, m. magnesian limestone. rauchlos, a. smokeless. Rauchquarz, TO. smoky quartz. rauchschwach, a. giving little smoke, " smoke- less." Rauchtabak, m. smoking tobacco. Rauchtopas, TO. smoky topaz, smoky quartz. Rauchverzehrung, /. smoke consumption. Rauchwaren, f.pl. furs, peltry. raudig, a. scabbed, scabby, mangy. Raufe, /. hackle; rack. raufen, v.t. pull, pluck. v.r. & i. scuffle. rauh, a. rough (specif ., unglazed) ; raw; coarse, rude; hoarse. Rauhartikel, m. (Calico) raised style. Raum, TO. space; volume; room, scope; hold (of a ship); opportunity, occasion. Raumanalyse, /. volumetric analysis (of gases). Raumbestimmung, /. determination of volume. Raumbild, n. space diagram. Raumchemie, /. stereochemistry. raumchemisch, a. stereochemical. Raumeinheit, /. unit of space or volume. raumen, v.t. clear away, remove; clear; evacu- ate, leave. Raumgebild(e), n. space diagram. Raumgehalt, TO. content by volume, spatial con- tent. Raumgeometrie, /. solid geometry. Raumgitter, n. (Cryst.) space lattice, " raum- gitter." Rauminhalt, TO. volume, content, capacity. Raumisomerie, /. spatial isomerism, stereoisom- erism. raumlich, a. relating to or occupying space, spatial. Raumlichkeit, /. quality of occupying space, extension; specific volume; spatiality, space; room, part (of a house). Raummass, n. measure of capacity. Raumteil, TO. part by volume, volume. Raumveranderung, /. change in volume. Raumverhaltnis, /. volume relation, proportion by volume. raunen 200 Pedaktion raunen, v.t. & i. whisper. Raupe, /. caterpillar; worm; whim, fancy. Rausch, m. drunkenness, intoxication; rushing, rush, roar; (Mining) pounded ore. rauschen, v.i. rush, gurgle, murmur, rustle, whistle, roar. Rauschgelb, n. orpiment. Rauschgold, n. Dutch gold, tinsel. Rauschrot, n. realgar. Rauschsilber, n. imitation silver foil. rauspern, v.r. clear one's throat. Raute, /. rue; rhombus, diamond. Rautenflach, n., Rautenflachner, m. rhombo- hedron. Rautenflache, /. rhombus, rautenformig, a. rhombic, diamond-shaped. Rautenol, n. oil of rue. Rautenspat, TO. rhomb spar (dolomite). razem-. See racem-. Reagens, n. reagent. Reagensglas. n. test tube. Reagenspapier, n. test paper. Reagensrohre, /. test tube. Reagenzien, Reagentien, n.pl. reagents. Reagenzienflasche, /. reagent bottle. reagieren, v.i. react. reagierend, p.a. reactive. Reagierglas, n. test tube. Reagierglasbiirste, /. test-tube brush. Reagierglasgestell, n. test-tube stand. Reagierglashalter, TO. test-tube holder. Reagierkelch, TO. test glass, test cup. Reagierzylinder, m. test tube. Reaktionsbahn, /. path of a reaction. reaktionsfahig, a. capable of reacting, reactive. Reaktionsfahigkeit, /. capability of reacting, reactivity. Reaktionsgemisch, n. reaction mixture. Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit, /. reaction velocity. Reaktionsgleichung, /. equation (of a reaction). reaktionslos, a. reactionless. Reaktionslosigkeit, /. reactionlessness, absence of reaction, nonreaction. Reaktionsmasse, /. reaction mass, mass result- ing from a reaction. Reaktionsmittel, n. reagent. Reaktionsstufe, /. step or stage of a reaction. Reaktionsverlauf, TO. course of a reaction. realisieren, v.t. realize. Realschule, /. industrial school, scientific school (for teaching science, modern languages, etc.). Rebe, /. vine. Rebenruss, m., Rebenschwarz, m. vine black, Frankfort black. Rebensaft, m. juice of the grape, wine. Rebhuhn, n. partridge. Reblaus, /. vine louse, phylloxera. Recept, etc. = Rezept, etc. Rechen, TO. rake; rack. Rechenknecht, TO. ready reckoner. Rechenkunst, /. arithmetic. Rechenpfennig, m. counter, marker. Rechenschaft, /. account. Rechenschaft ge- ben, give account, answer. Rechenstift, TO. slate pencil. Rechentafel, /. reckoning table; multiplication 'table; slate; blackboard; counting board. rechnen, v.t. & i. calculate, reckon, count, com- pute, estimate. rechnerisch, adv. mathematically. Rechnung, /. calculation, etc. (see rechnen); arithmetic; calculus; account; bill. Rechnungsfiihrer, TO. bookkeeper, accountant. rechnungsmassig, a. in accordance with calcu- lation. Rechnungstafel, /. reckoning table. recht, a. right; true, genuine, legitimate, own; fitting, agreeable. adv. right, rightly, very. Recht, n. right; justice; law. Recht-. right, ortho-, rect-, legal. Rechte, /. right (side, hand, party). Rechteck, n. rectangle. rechteckig, a. rectangular. rechten, c.i. litigate; dispute; remonstrate, Rechtfertigung, /. justification. rechtglaubig, a. orthodox. rechthaberisch, a. dogmatical. rechtlich, a. just, honest, legal, judicial. rechtlos, a. illegal; lawless. rechtmassig, a. legal, rightful. rechts, adv. to the right, on the right, dextro- Rechts-. dextro-; of the law, legal. Rechtsanwalt, TO. attorney, solicitor. Rechtsbeistand, TO. (legal) counsel. rechtsbestandig, a. valid, legal. rechtschaffen, a. just, honest, upright. Rechtschreibung, /. orthography, spelling. rechtsdrehend, p.a. dextrorotatory. Rechtsdrehung, /. dextrorotation, right-handed polarization. Rechtsgelehrte, TO. lawyer; jurist. Rechtshandel, TO. law case, lawsuit. rechtskraftig, a. valid, legal. Rechtsmilchsaure, /. dextrolactic acid. Rechtsmittel, n. legal remedy. Rechtspolarisation, /. = Rechtsdrehung. Rechtssaure, /. dextro acid. Rechtsschraube, /. right-handed screw. Rechtsweinsaure, /. dextrotartaric acid. rechtwinklig, a. right-angled, rectangular. Recipient, TO. = Rezipient. reciprok, a. reciprocal. Reck, n., Recke, /. rack, stretcher, horizontal pole or bar. recken, v.t. stretch, extend, rack; (Metal.) shingle, tilt. Reckwalzen, f.pl. Reckwerk, n. (Metal.) fin- ishing rolls. Redakteur, TO. editor. Redaktion, /. editing, editorship, editorial staff, editorial office. Rede 201 Reichtum Rede, /. speech, language, talk, discourse; rumor; account. reden, v.t. & i, speak, talk, discourse. Redensart, /. phrase, expression, term. redigieren, v.t. edit. rcdlich, a. upright, honest, fair. Redner, m. orator, speaker. Rednerbiihne, /. (public) platform. redselig, a. talkative. reducierbar, a. reducible. reducieren, v.t. reduce. reduktionsfahig, a. capable of reduction. Reduktionsflamme, /. reducing flame. Reduktionskraft, /. reducing power. Reduktionsmittel, n. reducing agent. Reduktionsofen, m. reduction furnace. Reduktionsrohre, /. reduction tube. reduzierbar, a. reducible. reduzieren, v.t. reduce. Reduziersalz, n. reducing salt. reell, a. real, sound, honest. Referat, n. abstract; review; report. Referent, m. reporter. referieren, v.t. & i. report. reflektieren, v.t. reflect. v.i. reflect, consider. Reflexionsebene, /. plane of reflection. Reflexionsgoniometer, n. reflecting goniometer. Reflexionswinkel, m. angle of reflection. refraktar, a. refractory. Refraktionswinkel, m. angle of refraction. refrigerieren, v.t. refrigerate. v.i. freeze. rege, a. moving, movable, quick, active, lively. Regel, /. rule; principle, standard; (Med.) menstruation. regelbar, a. regulable. regellos, a. anomalous, irregular. regelmassig, a. regular; ordinary. adv. regu- larly. regeln, v.t. regulate, order, arrange. regen, v.t. move, rouse. v.r. stir, be active. Regen, m. rain. Regenbogen, m. rainbow. regenbogenfarbig, a. rainbow-colored, irides- cent. Regenbogenhaut, /. iris. regenerieren, v.t. regenerate. Regenfang, m. cistern. Regenguss, m. downpour of rain. regenlos, a. rainless. Regenmass, n., Regenmesser, m. rain gage. Regenmenge, /. amount of rain. Regenschirm, m. umbrella. Regenwasser, n. rain water. Regen wurm, m. earthworm. Regenzeit, /. rainy season. regieren, v.i. rule, reign. v.t. rule, govern, regu- late, manage. Regierung,/. government, administration; rule; steerage. Regieverschluss, m. bond. unter Regiever- schluss, in bond, bonded. Register, n. index; (table of) contents; register; record. registrieren, v.t. register, record. Regler, m. regulator. Reglisse, /. licorice (juice or drops); marsh- mallow paste. regnen, v.i. rain. regnerisch, a. rainy. regsam, a. active, quick, agile. regulieren, v.t. regulate. Regulierhahn, m. regulating cock. regulinisch, a. reguline. Regung, /. motion, moving; emotion. Reh, n. roe. Rehbraun, n. = Sammetbraun; fawn color. rehfarbig, a. fawn-colored. Rehleder, n. doeskin. Rehposten, m.pl. buckshot. reibecht, a. fast to rubbing. reiben, v.t. rub; grind, triturate (colors, etc.); rasp, grate; scour; chafe. Reibepulver, n. abrasive powder. Reiber, m. rubber, brayer, pestle; grater. Reibkeule, /. pestle. Reibschale, /. mortar. Reibstein, m. grinding stone. Reibung, /. friction; rubbing, etc. (see reiben); rub, difficulty. Reibungselektrizitat, /. frictional electricity. Reibungsprobe, /. friction test. Reibungswarme, /. frictional heat. Reibungswiderstand, m. frictional resistance. Reibungsziffer, /. coefficient of friction. Reibziindholzchen, n. friction match. reich, a. rich; abundant. Reich, n. empire; kingdom. -reich. rich (in), abounding (in). reichen, v.t. reach, pass, give. v.i. reach, ex- tend, suffice, last. reichhaltig, a. plentiful, abundant. reichlich, a. abundant, copious, rich, full. Reichs-. imperial, of the empire. Reichsadler, m. imperial eagle. Reichsanstalt, /. Imperial Institute. Reichsanzeiger, m. imperial gazette. Reichsarmee, /. imperial army. Reichschaum, m. (Metal.) the zinc crust, rich in silver, etc., formed in the Parkes process. Reichschmelzen, n. smelting of precious metals. Reichsgesundheitsamt, n. Imperial Board of Health. Reichskanzler, m. Imperial Chancellor. Reichsland, n. imperial territory, specif., (pi.) Alsace-Lorraine. Reichsmark, /. imperial mark (23.8 cents). Reichsstadt, /. free imperial city. Reichsverfassung, /. constitution of the empire. Reichtum, m. wealth, richness, abundance. Reichweite 202 Reps Reichweite, /. range. reif, o. ripe. Keif, m. hoarfrost. Reif, Reif en, m. ring, hoop; tire; collar. Reife,/. ripeness; maturity; (of beer, etc.) age; puberty. reifen, v.t. & i. ripen, mature. Reigen, m. dance. Reihe, /. series; row, succession; range; suite, train; rank, file; turn. reihen, v.t. arrange in a series or row; string (beads); baste. Reihenfolge, /. sequence, order, succession. Reihenschaltung, /. (Elec.) connection in series. Reiher, ra. heron. Reim, m. rhyme. rein, a. pure; clean, clear, tidy; sheer. 'adv. purely, clean, absolutely. Reindarstellung, /. preparation in a pure condi- tion, purification. Reinertrag, m. clear profit, net profit. Reingewicht, n. weight. Reinheit, /. purity, pureness, etc. (see rein) . reinigen, v.t. purify; refine (metals, etc.); rec- tify (spirits); clean, cleanse, scour (silk), purge. Reinigung, /. purification, etc. (see reinigen); menstruation. Reinigungsapparat, m. purifying apparatus, purifier. Reinigungsbehalter, m. filtering basin or tank. Reinigungsmasse, /. purifying mass. Reinigungsmittel, n. purifying agent, purifier; cleansing agent, detergent; purgative. Reinkultivierung, Reinkultur, Reinzucht, /. (Boot.) pure culture, pure cultivation. Reis, m. rice. Reis, n. twig, sprig; shoot, scion. Reisbranntwein, m. rice spirit. Reise, /. journey, trip, travel, voyage. reisen, v.L travel, go, set out, leave. Reisig, Reisicht, n. brushwood, twigs, prunings. Reisige, m. horseman, trooper. Reiskorper, m. (Med.) rice body. Reismehl, n. rice flour. Reispapier, n. rice paper. Reissaus, n. flight. Reissblei, n. graphite. Reissbleitiegel, m. graphite crucible. Reisschleim, m. rice water. reissen, v.t. tear, pull, drag, split; trace, draw; bruise, crush (malt); rough-grind (glass). v.i. burst, split, crack, break; tear along. v.r. oneself, tear one's clothes; scramble (for). reissend, p.a. tearing, etc. (see reissen); rapacious; rapid. Reissfestigkeit, /. resistance to tearing or break- ing, tenacity, tensile strength. Reisskohle, /. charcoal crayon. Reisskorn, n. (Leather) artificial grain. Reisstarke, /. rice starch. Reit-. riding. reiten, v.t. & i. ride (horseback). Reiter, m. rider; horseman. Reiz, m. irritation; irritant; stimulus; charm, attraction, grace. reizbar, a. irritable, sensitive. reizen, v.t. irritate, stimulate, excite; charm, attract, allure. Reizgift, n. irritant poison. reizlos, a. nonirritant, nonstimulating ; unat- tractive, insipid. Reizlosigkeit, /. nonirritance, etc. (see reizlos). Reizmittel, n. irritant, stimulant, incitement, inducement. Reizung, /. irritation, etc. (see reizen). Reizwirkung, /. irritating effect; stimulating effect. rekapitulieren, v.t. recapitulate. Reklame, /. advertisement; puffery. reklamieren, v.t. claim, reclaim. Rektifikationsapparat, m. rectifying apparatus, rectifier. Rektifikationskolonne, /. rectifying column. rektifizieren, v.t. rectify. Rektifizierung, /. rectification. relaxieren, v.t. & i. relax. remittieren, v.t. & i. remit. Rendement, TO. yield, rendement. Rendita, /. extent of weighting (fabrics). Rennarbeit, /. (Iron) direct process. Rennbahn, /. race course. Renneisen, n. malleable iron extracted by the direct process. rennen, v.i. run; race. v.t. run; (Metal.) ex- tract (malleable iron) directly from the ore. Rennherd, m., Rennfeuer, n. bloomery hearth (where malleable iron is extracted by the direct process). Rennschlacke, /. (Iron) direct-process slag. Rennstahl, TO. steel made directly from the ore, natural steel. Renntier, n. reindeer. Renommee, n. renown. renommieren, v.i. boast, brag. renommiert, p.a. renowned, well known. renommistisch, a. bragging, boastful. rentabel, a. profitable. Rentabilitat, /. profitableness. Rente, /. rent, revenue, income. Rentier, m. man of independent means. rentieren, v.i. & r. be profitable, pay. Reparatur, /. repair. reparieren, v.t. repair. repassieren, v.t. boil off (silk) a second time. repetieren, v.t. & i. repeat. Reprasentant, m. representative. reproduzierbar, a. reproducible. reproduzieren, v.t. reproduce. Reps, TO. rape. requirieren 203 rieb requirieren, v.t. request; requisition. Reseda, /. mignonette. gelbe Reseda, dyer's weed. Reservage, Reserve, /. (Calico) resist, reserve. Reservageartikel, TO. (Calico) resist style. Reservagedruck, m. resist printing, resist style. Reservemittel, n. reserve, resist. Reservemuster, n. reference pattern. reservieren, v.t. reserve; (Calico) subject to the action of a reserve or resist. Reservierungsmittel, n. (Calico) resist, reserve. resorbieren, v.t. resorb, reabsorb. Resorcin, Resorzin, n. resorcinol, resorcin. Respirationsnahrungsmittel, n. respiratory food. Rest, m. residue; remainder, rest, remains, remnant. Rest-, residual. restieren, v.i. remain, be left. Reststrahl, TO. residual ray. Reststrom, TO. residual current. Restvalenz, /. residual valence. Resultat, n. result. resultieren, v.i. result. resultierend, p.a. re- sulting, resultant. Retorte, /. retort. Retortenbauch, TO. belly or bulb of a retort. Retortengestell, n. retort stand. Retortenhals, TO. neck of a retort. Retortenhalter, TO. retort holder, retort stand.- Retortenhaus, n. retort house. Retortenkohle, /. retort carbon. Retortenmiindung, /. mouth of a retort. Retortenofen, TO. retort furnace. Retortenverkokung, /. retort coking. Retortenvorstoss, TO. adapter; (Zinc) con- denser (of clay or iron). retouchieren, v.t. retouch. retten, v.t. save, rescue. Rettich, Rettig, TO. black radish. Rettungsmittel, n. remedy, resource. Reuc, /. repentance. reuen, v.t. repent of, regret. Reugeld, n. forfeit. reuig, reumiitig, a. repentant. Reusse, TO. Russian. reverberieren, v.t. reverberate. Reverberierofen, m. reverberatory furnace, re- verberatory. Reverenz, /. reverence, bow. reversibel, a. reversible. Rezension, /. review, criticism. Rezept, n. recipe, prescription. Rezeptur, /. dispensing (of medicines) ; receiv- ership. Rezipient, TO. receiver; (of persons) recipient. reziprok, a. reciprocal. Rhabarber, TO. rhubarb. Rhabarbergelb, n., Rhabarbersaure, /. chryso- phanic acid. rheinisch, rheinlandisch, a. Rhenish. Rheinwein, TO. Rhine wine, Rhenish wine. Rhodan, n. thiocyanogen, sulfocyanogen. Rhodan-. thiocyanogen (or sulfocyanogen), thiocyanate of, thiocyano-. Rhodanaluminium, n. aluminium thiocyanate. Rhodanammonium, n. ammonium thiocyanate. Rhodanat, n. thiocyanate, sulf ocyanate. ^ Rhodanbaryum, n. barium thiocyanate. Rhodaneisen, n. iron thiocyanate, esp. ferric thiocyanate. Rhodaneisenrot, n. ferric thiocyanate. Rhodanid, n. thiocyanate, sulfocyanate (esp. an -ic salt; cf. Rhodanur). Rhodanion, n. thiocyanogen ion, CNS'. Rhodankalium, n. potassium thiocyanate. Rhodankalzium, n. calcium thiocyanate. Rhodankupfer, n. cupric thiocyanate. Rhodanlosung, /. thiocyanate solution. Rhodan me tall, n. (metallic) thiocyanate. Rhodanmethyl, n. methyl thiocyanate. Rhodannickel, TO. nickel thiocyanate. Rhodantonerde, /. aluminium thiocyanate. Rhodanur, n. (-ous) thiocyanate, (-ous) sulfo- cyanate. Rhodanverbindung, /. thiocyanogen compound. Rhodanwasserstoff, TO. hydrogen thiocyanate, thiocyanic acid. Rhodanwasserstoffsaure, /. thiocyanic acid, sulfocyanic acid. Rhodanzinn, Khodanzinnoxyd, n. stannic thio- cyanate. Rhodanzinnoxydul, n. st ami ous thiocyanate. Rhodinasaure, /. rhodinic acid. Rhodiumchlorwasserstoffsaure, /. acid contain- ing rhodium, chlorine and hydrogen (H^RhCb and HsRhCle). Rhombendodekaeder, n. rhombic dodecahedron. rhombenfo'rmig, a. rhomb-shaped, rhombic. rhombisch, a. rhombic. Rhomboeder, n. rhombohedron. rhomboedrisch, a. rhombohedral. rhomboidisch, a. rhomboid, rhomboidal. Richtblei, n. plumb line, plummet. richten, v.t. direct, turn; arrange, adjust, set, straighten; dress; raise, erect; judge. v.r. turn, rise, conform. Richter, TO. judge; justice. richtig, a. right, correct, just, fair, true. Richtmass, n. standard, gage. Richtplatte, /. adjusting plate, adjusting table. Richtscheit, n. rule straight-edge. Richtschnur, /. chalk line; plumb line. Richtung, /. direction, bearing. Richtungsanderung, /. change of direction. Ricinolsaure, /. ricinoleic acid. Ricinus, TO. castor-oil plant. Ricinusol, n. castor oil. Ricinusolsaure, /. ricinoleic acid. Ricinussamen, TO. castor bean. rieb, pret. of reiben, Riech-. 204 Rohfaserbestimmung Riech-. smelling, scented, odoriferous; olfac- tory. Riechbein, n. ethmoid. riechen, v.i. & t. smell. riechen nach, smell of. riechend, p.a. smelling, redolent, strong. Riechessig, m. aromatic vinegar. Riechmittel, n. scent. Riechnerv, m. olfactory nerve. Riechsalz, n. smelling salts. Riechstoff, m. odoriferous substance, perfume. Riechwasser, n. scented water. Ried, n. reed; moor. rief, pret. of rufen. Riefe, /. groove, channel. Riegel, m. rail, bar, bolt. Riemen, m. strap, thong, band, belt; oar. Ries, n. ream. Riese, m. giant. Rieselfeld, n. field irrigated with sewage. Rieseljauche, /. sewage (as a fertilizer). rieseln, v.i. ripple, gush, trickle. Riesen-. gigantic, colossal. Riesenschlange, /. python, boa constrictor, anaconda. riet, pret. of raten. Riff, n. reef, ridge. riffeln, v.t. ripple (flax); channel, groove. RUle, /. furrow, groove. Rind, n. neat, animal of the ox kind; (pi.) cattle. Rinde, /. rind; bark, cortex; crust. Rindcn-. cortical, bark. Rindengewebe, n. cortical tissue. Rindenschicht, /. cortical layer. Rinder-. beef, cattle, bovine. Rinderbraten, m. roast beef. Rinderfett, n. beef suet, beef fat. Rindertalg, m. beef tallow. Rindfleisch, n. beef. Rindfleischbriihe, /. beef broth, beef tea. Rindsgalle, /. ox gall. Rindsklauenfett, n. neat's-foot oil. Rindsleder, n. neat's leather. Rindstalg, m. beef tallow, beef fat. Rindvieh, n. cattle. Ring, m. ring; link; coil; collar, band, hoop. Ring-. (Org. Chem.) cyclic, ring. Ringalkohol, m. cyclic alcohol. Ringamin, n. cycl c amine Ringbildung, /. ring formation. Ringelblume, /. marigold (Calendula). ringelig, a. ringlike, annular. ringeln, v.t. ring; curl; girdle (trees). v.r. curl. ringen, v.i. struggle, wrestle. v.t. wring; ring; curl. ringformig, a. cyclic; ring-shaped, annular. Ringketon, TO. cyclic ketone. Ringofen, m. (Ceram.) annular kiln, Hofmann kiln. rings, adv. around. Ringschicht, /. annular layer. Ringspannung, /. ring tension. ringsum, adi\ around, all around. ringungesattigt, p.a. cyclically unsaturated, containing an unsaturated ring. Ringverbindung, /. cyclic compound, ring com- pound. Rinne, /. channel, groove, furrow, gutter. rinnen, P.I. run, flow; leak. Rinnstein, m. sink; gutter; gutter stone. Rippe./.rib. rippen, v.t. rib. gerippt, p.a. ribbed, fluted, corded, laid (paper). Rippen-. ribbed; costal. Rippenfell, TO., Rippenhaut, /. (costal) pleura. Rippentrichter, m. ribbed funnel. Risigallum, n. realgar. Rispe, / panicle. riss, pret. of reissen. Riss, m. fissure, crack, flaw; rent, tear, gap; draft, sketch, design. rissig, a. fissured, cracked, flawy, torn. ritt, pret. of reiten. Hitter, >m. knight. ritterlich, a. chivalrous, knightly, valiant. Rittersporn, m. larkspur. Rittmeister, m. cavalry captain. Ritz, m. Ritze, /. rift, slit, fissure, crack, chink, flaw. ritzen, v.t. slit, crack, scratch. Rizin-. See- Ricin-. Rk., abbrev. (Reaktion) reaction. Rkk., abbrev. (Reaktionen) reactions. Robbe, /. seal. Robbentran, m. seal oil. roch, pret. of riechen. Roche, m. ray (fish). Rochellesalz, n. Rochelle salt, potassium sodium tartrate. rocheln, v.i. rattle. Rochen, m. = Roche. Rock, m.coat; gown, robe; skirt, petticoat; frock. Rockschoss, m. coat tail. roden, v.t. root out, grub, clear. Rogen, m. roe, spawn. Rogenstein, m. oolite. rogensteinartig, a. oolitic. Roggen, m. rye. Roggenbrot, TO. rye bread. Roggenmehl, TO. rye flour. Roggenmutter, /. ergot. roh, a. raw, crude; rough, coarse; gross. Roharbeit, /. (Metal.) ore smelting. Rohbenzol, TO. crude benzene, benzol (or ben- zole) . Roheisen, n. crude iron, pig iron. Rohertrag, m. gross returns. Roherz, TO. raw ore. Rohfaserbestimmung, /. determination of crude fiber. Rohfrischen 205 Rostgummi Rohfrischen, n. (Metal.) first refining. Rohfrischperiode, /. (Iron) boiling stage, boil. Rohfrucht, /. (Brewing) unmalted grain. Rohmaterial, n. raw material. Rohmetall, n. crude metal. Rohnaphta, /. crude naphtha; crude petroleum. Rohofcn, TO. ore furnace. Rohol, n. crude oil. Rohr, n. tube; pipe; reed, cane; flue; barrel (of a gun). Rohrchen, n. little tube or pipe; tubule; cane; reed (in an organ). Rohre, /. tube; pipe; nozzle, spout; conduit; shaft, tunnel. rohrenartig, a. tubular; fistular. rohrenformig, a. = rShrenartig. Rohrenkassie, /. purging cassia. Rohrenklemme, /. tube clamp. Rohrenlot, n. pipe solder. Rohrenmanna, /. flake manna. Rohrennudeln, f.pl. -macaroni. Rohrenofen, TO. tube furnace (for heating tubes liable to explosion). Rohrentrager, TO. tube (or pipe) support. Rohrenwerk, n. tubing; piping. rohrformig, a. tubular. rohrig, a. tubular; fistular. Rohrmiihle, /. tube mill. Rohrschlange, /. coil (of pipe), worm, spiral tube. Rohrstock, m. cane. Rohrweite, /. bore of a tube or pipe. Rohrwerk, n. tubing. Rohrzange, /. pipe wrench. Rohrzucker, TO. cane sugar. Rohrzuckersaft, TO. cane juice. Rohrzuckerverbindung,/. cane-sugar compound, saccharate. Rohschlacke, /. raw slag, ore slag. Rohschmelzen, n. ore smelting. Rohschwefe), TO. crude sulfur. Rohseide, /. raw silk. Rohsoda, /. crude soda, (in the Leblanc proc- ess) black ash. Rohspiritus, TO. raw spirit, crude spirit. Rohstahl, m. raw steel; natural steel. Rohstein, TO. (Copper) coarse metal. Rohstoff, TO. raw material, crude substance. Rohwolle, /. raw wool. Rohzucker, TO. raw sugar, unrefined sugar. Rolle, /. roll; roller; caster; pulley; calender; rSle. rollen, v.t. roll; calender. Rollenzug, TO. block and tackle. Rollflasche, /. a bottle of narrow-necked cylin- drical form. Rollstein, TO. bowlder. Rollwagen, TO. truck. Roman, TO. novel, romance. romisch, a. Roman. romische Bertram- wurzel =Bertramwurzel. romische Kamille, Roman camomile (Anthemis nobilis). romischer Kiimmul, cumin. romische Minze, spearmint. ronne, pret. subj. of rinnen. Rontgenstrahlen, m.pl. Rontgen rays. rosch, a. brittle; coarse; hard baked or roasted. roschen, v.t. age or cure; dig (a trench or tun- neil. Roscherz, Roschgewachs, n. brittle silver ore, stephanite. Rose, /. rose; rosette; erysipelas. Rosenessenz, /. attar of roses. rosenfarbig, a. rose-colored, rosy. Rosenhonig, TO. (Pharm.) honey of rose. Rosenkohl, TO. Brussels sprouts. Rosenkonserve, /. (Pharm.) confection of rose. Rosenkranz, TO. rosary; rose garland. Rosenkupfer, n. rose copper. Rosenlack, TO. rose lake. Rosenlorbeer, TO. oleander; mountain rose (Rosa). Rosenol, . rose oil, attar of roses. Rosenquarz, m. rose quartz. rosenrot, a. rose-red. Rosenspat, TO. rhodochrosite. Rosenstock, TO. rosebush. Roseokobaltsalz, n. roseocobaltic salt. rosettenartig, a. like a rosette. rosettieren, v.i. make rosette copper. rosieren, v.t. dye pink, or rose. Rosiersalz, n. (Dyeing) rose salt, tin composi- tion (solution of tin in aqua regia). Rosine, /. raisin. Rosmarin, TO. rosemary. Rosmarinol, TO. rosemary oil. Rosolsaure, /. rosolic acid. Ross, n. horse, steed. Rosshuf, TO. coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara). Rosskastanie, /. horse-chestnut. Rossschwefel, TO. horse brimstone (impure grayish sulfur). Rost, w. rust; roasting charge; grate, gridiron. Rostabgang, TO. loss of weight on roasting. Rb'starbeit, /. roasting process, roasting. Rostbrand, TO. rust, mildew, smut. Roste, /. roasting place; roasting charge; (Flax) rettery or retting. rosten, v.i. rust. rosten, v.t. roast, torrefy; ret, steep (flax or hemp); broil, grill; toast. Rostfarbe, /. rust color. Rostflache, /. grate surface. Rostfleck, TO. rust spot, iron spot. Rb'stgas, n. gas from roasting. Rostgelb y w. a buff pigment (hydrous iron ox- ide). Rostgummi, n. dextrin. Rostgut 206 Rubinglas Rostgut, n. material to be roasted; roasted material. rostig, a. rusty. Rostkufe, /. retting vat. Rostmalz, n. roasted malt, black malt. Rostofen. m. roasting furnace, roasting kiln, calciner, roaster. Rostposten, m. roasting charge Rostprobe, /. calcination assay or test. Rostprodukt, n. product of roasting, torrefac- tion product. Rostprozess, m. roasting process, calcination process. Rostruckstand, TO. residue from roasting. Rostscherben, m. roasting dish, scorifier. Rostschlacke, /. slag from roasting. Rostschmelzen, n. (Meta .) roasting and smelt- ing. Rostschutz, TO. protection against rust, rust prevention. Rostschutzmittel, n. anti-rust agent. Roststaub, TO dust of roasted ore. Rostung, /. roasting, etc. (see rosten). Rostverfahren, n. roasting process. Rostvorrichtung, /. roasting apparatus or con- trivance. rot, a. red. roter Prazipitat, red precipitate (red mercuric oxide). Rot, n. red; rouge. Rotationsachse, /. axis of rotation. Rotationsbewegung, /. rotational motion, ro- tary motion. Rotbeize, /. (Dyeing) red mordant, red liquor. Rotbleierz, n., Rotbleispat, m. red lead ore (crocoite). rotbraun, a. red-brown. Rotbraunsteinerz, n. rhodonite. Rotbruch, TO. red-shortness. rotbriichig, a. red-short. Rotbuche, /. red beech. Rote, /. redness, red; madder; blush. Roteisenerz, n. red iron ore (hematite). Roteisenocker, TO. red iron ocher (earthy hema- tite). Roteisenstein, TO. = Roteisenerz. Rotel, TO. ruddle, red ocher. Roteln, f.pl. German measles. rtiten, v.t. redden. rotend, p.a. rubefacient. Rotfeuer, n. red fire. rotgar, a. tanned (to a russet color). rotgelb, a. reddish yellow, orange. Rotgerber, m. tanner. Rotgiesser, m. brazier. Rotgiesserei, /. braziery. rotgliihend, p.a. glowing red, red-hot. Rotgliihhitze, Rotglut, /. red heat. Rotgiiltig, Rotgultigerz, n. red silver ore (dun- kles, pyrargyrite; lichtes, proustite). Rotguss, m. red brass; braziery. roth, Rothe, etc. See rot, Rote, etc. Rotholz, n. redwood. rotieren, vi. rotate. rotierend, p.a. rotating, rotary. Rotkohl, TO. red cabbage. Rotkohle, /. red charcoal. Rotkupfer, Rotkupfererz, n. red copper, red copper ore (cuprite). Rotlauf, w. erysipelas. rotlich, a. reddish. Rotliegendes, n. (Geol ) a system of sandstones, shales and conglomerates of the lower Per- mian of Germany. rotmachend, p.a rubefacient. Kot nickel kies, TO niccolite, kupfernickel. Rotol, n. red oil. Rotsilber, Rotsilbererz, . = Rotgiiltig. Rotspat, TO. rhodonite. Rotspiessglanz, TO., Rotspiessglanzerz, n. ker- mesite. Rotstein, TO. red ocher, ruddle. Rottanne, /. red fir. Rotte, /. retting (of flax) ; troop, band, set, gang. rotten, v.t. ret (flax). Rotwein, TO. red wine. Rotwelsch, n. jargon, gibberish. Rotwiid, n. red deer; venison. Rotzinkerz, n. red zinc ore (zjicite). R-P., abbrev. (Reichs-Patent) imperial patent. R-Saure, /. R-acid (2-naphthol-3, 6-disulfonir acid). Rube, /. turnip; rape; (ro e) beet; (gelbe) carrot. Riibenasche, /. beet ashes (usually; see Rube). Rubenbrei TO. beet (root) pulp. Rubenbreiapparat, TO. (Sugar) root pulper. Riibenessig, TO. beet vinegar, beetroot vinegar. rubenformig, a. turnip-shaped, napifonn Rubenmelasse, /. beet molasses, beetroot mo- Rubenpottasche, / potash from beet molasses. Riibenrohzucker, m. raw beet-sugar. Riibensaft, TO. beet (root) juice. Rubensamen, TO. turnip, rape, beet or carrot seed. Rubenschnitzel, TO. beet chip, beet slice. Riibensirup, TO. beet sirup, beetroot sirup. Rubenspiritus, TO. beet spirit (from beet mo- Rubenstecher, TO. beet sampler. Rubenzucker, TO beet sugar, beetroot sugar. Riibenzuckerfabrik, /. beet- sugar lactory. Rubidiumalaun, TO rubidium alum. Rubidiumchlorid, n. rubidium chloride. Rubidiumplatinchlorid, n. rubidium chlordpla- tinate. Rubin, TO. ruby. Rubinbalas, TO. balas ruby (ruby spinel). Rubinblende, /. pyrargyrite. rubinfarbig, ruby-colored, ruby. Rubing'as, n. ruby glass. Rubingranat 207 rumpeln Rubingranat, m. rock ruby (variety of garnet). rubinrot, a. ruby-red, ruby. Rubinschwefel, m. ruby sulfur (realgar). Rubinspinell, m. ruby spinel. Rubol, n. rape oil, rapeseed oil. Riibolkuchen, m. rapeseed cake. Rubrik, /. heading; column. Riibsamen, m. = Rubensamen. Riibsen, m. rape seed. ruchbar, a. notorious; known. ruchlos, a. scentless; vicious, wicked. Ruck, TO. jerk, jolt, tug. ruck, adv. back, backward, behind. Ruck-, back, retro-, re-, counter-. ruckbilden, v.t. form again, re-form. Riickblick, TO. retrospect. riicken, v.t. move suddenly, push, pull. v.L move, stir, proceed. Riicken, TO. back; ridge; rear. Riicken-. back, dorsal. Riickenlehne, /. back (of a chair). Riickenmark, n. spinal cord. Riickenweh, n. lumbago. Riickenwirbel, TO. dorsal vertebra. Riickerinnerung, /. reminiscence. Riickfahrt, /. return. Riickfall, TO. relapse; reversion. Ruckflusskuhler, m. reflux condenser, return condenser. Riickgang, TO. return, retrogression; decline; (Mach.) back stroke. riickgangig, a. retrograde, retrogressive; of no effect, null. Riickgrat, TO. vertebral column, spine. Riickgrats-. vertebral, spinal. Riickhalt, m. support, stay; reserve. riickhaltlos, a. unreserved. Riickkehr, Ruckkunft, /. return. riicklaufend, riicklaufig, a. recurrent; retro- grade. riicklings, adv. backward; from behind. Riickschlag, TO. striking back; back stroke, rebound, recoil, return; reaction. Riickschlaghemmung, /. prevention of, or de- vice to prevent, " striking back." Riickschlagventil, n. check valve. Riickschluss, TO. inference, conclusion. Riickschritt, TO. backward motion, recession, retrogression; relapse. Riicksicht, /. regard, respect, attention, consid- eration; motive. Riicksprache, /. consultation, conference. Riickstand, TO. residue, residuum; (often pi.) refuse, leavings, remains; (pi.) arrears. rtickstandig, a. residual; in arrears, overdue, outstanding. Riickstoss, TO. back stroke, recoil. Riickstrahler, m. reflector. Riickstrahlung, /. reflection. riickwarts, adv. backward, back. ruckweise, adv. by jerks; intermittently. Riickwirkung, /. reaction; retroaction. Kiickzug, TO. retreat; return. Rude, TO. dog, hound, he-fox, he-wolf. Rudel, n. flock, herd; stirring pole. Ruder, n. oar; rudder, helm. rudern, v.t. & i. row, paddle. Ruf, TO. call; calling; report; reputation. rufen, v.L & i. call. Rufigallussaure, /. rufigallic acid. riigen, v.t. reprove, blame. Ruhbiitte, /. (Brewing) storage vat, stock tub. Rune, /. rest; repose, quiet, peace. Ruhelage, /. position of rest. ruhen, v.i. rest, repose, sleep. ruhend, p.a. resting, etc.; latent; stagnant; (Elec.) static. Ruhepulver, n. sedative powder. Ruhewinkel, TO. angle of repose. ruhig, a. at rest, quiet, still, calm. Ruhm, TO. fame, reputation, glory, praise. riihnten, v.t. commend, praise, extol. v.r. boast, pride oneself. Ruhr, /. dysentery. Riihrapparat, TO. stirring apparatus, stirrer, agi- tator, (Ceram.) blunger. Riihrei, n. scrambled eggs. Riihreisen, n. poker, iron stirrer. riihren, v.t. stir; agitate, beat; play (an instru- ment); strike; move, touch (one's feelings). Riihrer, TO. stirrer, etc. (see riihren). Ruhrfass, n. churn; (Metal.) dolly tub. Riihrhaken, TO. stirring implement, rake, rabble. Riihrholz, n. wooden stirrer, stirring stick, pad- dle. riihrig, a. stirring, busy, active, nimble. Riihrkriicke, /. stirring crutch, rake. Ruhrmittel, n. remedy for dysentery. Ruhrrinde, /. Simarouba bark. Riihrscheit, n. paddle, rake, stirrer; spatula. RUhrspatel, TO. stirring spatula. Riihrstab, m. stirring rod, stirring pole, paddle, rabble. Riihrung,/. stirring, etc. (see riihren); emotion, feeling. Riihrwerk, n. = Ruhrapparat. Ruhrwurzel, /. tormentil root; ipecac; calumba. Ruinenmarmor, TO. ruin marble. Rujaholz, n. Venetian sumac wood, young fustic. Rumather, TO. rum ether (ethyl butyrate or formate) . Rumbrennerei, /. rum distillery. Rumessenz, /. rum essence (ethyl butyrate or formate). Runtmel, TO. row, uproar; lumber, rubbish; bulk. rurtioren, v.i. make a noise, bustle. Rumpelkammer, /. lumber room. rumpeln, v.i. rumble, rattle. Kumpf 208 rutteln Rumpf, m. body (of an engine, etc.); trunk, torso; hull (of a ship). Rumsprit, m. double rum. rund, a. round. runderhaben, a. convex. Rundfeile, /. round file. Rundflasche, /. round flask, Florence flask. rundhohl, a. concave. Rundkolben, m. round-bottomed flask. Rundreise, /. round trip; circuit. Rundschreiben, n. circular. rundweg, adv. plainly. Runkel, /., Runkelrube, /. beet, beetroot. Runkelriibenzucker, m. beet sugar, beetroot sugar. Runzel, /. wrinkle; fold, rumple. runzelig, runzlig, a. wrinkled, puckered, shriv- eled. Riipel, m. boor, lout. rupfen, v.t. pluck, pick. ruppig, a. shabby. Ruprechtskraut, n. herb Robert (Geranium rcibertianum). Rusaol, n. ginger-grass oil. Russ, TO. soot; lampblack; (Agric.) rust. russartig, o. sootlike, fuliginous. Russbraun, n. bister. Russbrennerei, /. manufacture of lampblack. Riissel, m. nose, snout, nozzle; proboscis. Russfarbe, /. bister. russig, a. sooty, fuliginous. russisch, a. Russian. russisches Glas, Mus- covy glass, mica. Russkobalt, m. asbolite. Russschwarz, n. lampblack. riisten, v.t. prepare, equip, furnish. Raster, /. elm. Rusterrinde, /. elm bark. rustig, a. vigorous, robust. Rustung, /. preparation, equipment, armament; scaffolding; (Elec.) armature. Rustzeug, n. set of tools; crane; scaffolding. Rute, /. rod, wand; yard, rod (measures); (Med.~) penis. Rutheniumoxyd, n. (any) ruthenium oxide, esp. the sesquioxide. Rutheniumoxydul, n. ruthenium monoxide. Rutheniumverbindung, /. ruthenium com- pound. rutschen, v.i. slide, slip. Rutschpulver, n. talc powder. rutteln, v.t. shake, jolt. s. f abbrev. (siehe) see; (symmetrisch) sym- sageartig, a. saw-like, serrated. metric(al). S., abbrev. (Seite) page; (Saure) acid; (Sankt) Saint, St. s.a. (siehe auch) see also. Saal, m. hall, assembly room. Saat, /. seed; sowing; young crops. Sabel, m. saber, sword. Sabinerbaum, m. savin, saccharoidisch, a. sacenaroid, saccharoidal. Sache, /. affair, matter, subject, thing, cause, case. sachgemass, a. appropriate, pertinent. Sachkenntnis, /. expert knowledge; experience. sachkundig, a. experienced, expert. Sachlage, /. state of affairs. sachlich, a. real, objective, material. Sachregister, n. subject index. Sachsen, n. Saxony. sachsisch, a. Saxon. sachsisches Blau, Saxony blue, Saxon blue. sacht, sachte, a. soft, gentle, light, easy; (of silk) scoured. sachverstandig, a. = sachkundig. Sachverstandiger, m., expert, authority. Sachwalter, m. lawyer, attorney. Sachworterbuch, n. encyclopedia. Sack, m. bag, sack; pocket, pouch; sac. Sackband, n. bag string, sack tie. Sackel, TO. purse; little bag. Sackfilter, n. bag filter, sack filter. Sackleinwand, /., Sackleinen, n. sackcloth, sacking, bagging. Sadebaum, m. savin. Sadebaumol, n. savin oil. saen, v.t. sow. Saffian, TO. morocco (leather). Safflor, TO. safflower. Safran, TO. saffron, safranhaltig, a. containing saffron. Saft, m. juice; sap; lymph; fluid, liquor, sirup, gravy. Saftgriin, n. sap green, saftig, a. juicy, succulent; sappy. Saftzelle, /. lymph cell. Sagapengummi, n. sagapenum. Sage, /. saying; rumor; tradition, legend. Sage, /. saw. Sagemehl, n. sawdust. sagen, v.t. say, tell, speak. sagen, v.t, saw. sagenhaft, o. legendary, traditionary. Sagespane, m.pl. sawdust. Sagezahn, m. saw tooth; (pi.) indentations. Sagradarinde, /. cascara sagrada. sah, prct. of sehen. Sahlband, n. selvage; wall (of a lode). Sahne, /. cream. sahnen, v.t. skim (milk). Sahnenkase, m. cream cheese. Saiger-. See Seiger-. saigern, v.t. = seigern. Sake,/, catgut; string (of an instrument); cord. Saitendraht, m. music wire. sakular, a. secular, of long duration. Salat, m. salad; lettuce. Salatmachen, n. (Brewing) doughing in and keeping the mash very cold. Salatol, n. salad oil, olive oil. Salbaderei, /. twaddle, quackery. Salbe, /. salve, ointment. Salbei, /. sage. Salbeiol, n. sage oil, oil of sage. sal ben, v.t. salve; anoint. Salbengrundlage, /. ointment base. Salbenspatel, m. salve spatula, slice. salbig, a. salvy, unctuous. Saldo, TO. balance (of an account). Salicoylsaure, /. salicylic acid. Salicyl-. salicyl; salicylic. salicyliert, p.a. salicylated. salicylsauer, a. of or combined with salicylic acid, salicylate of. Salicylsaure, /. salicylic acid. Salicylursaure, /. salicyluric acid. Saline, /. salt works, saltern. salinisch, a. saline. salivieren, v.t. salivate. Salizyl-, etc. = Salicyl-, etc. Salm, m. salmon; psalm. Salmiak, m. sal ammoniac (ammonium chic- ride). Salmiakgeist, m. aqueous ammonia. Salmiaksalz, n. sal volatile (ammonium carbo- nate); sal ammoniac. 209 Salomonssiegel 210 samisch Salomonssiegel, n. Solomon's seal. Salpeter, m. saltpeter, niter. Salpeterather, TO. nitric ether (ethyl nitrate). Salpeterbildung, /. nitrification. Salpeterdampf, Salpeterdunst, m. nitrous fumes. Salpetererde, /. nitrous earth. salpeteressigsauer, a. nitrate and acetate of. Salpeter gas, n. nitrous oxide; nitric oxide. Salpetergeist, TO. spirit of niter (old name for nitric acid). versiisster Salpetergeist, sweet spirit of niter, spirit of nitrous ether (essen- tially ethyl nitrite). salpeterhaltig, a. containing saltpeter, nitrous. salpeterhaltiger Hollenstein, (Pharm.) mit- igated silver nitrate. Salpeterluft, /. nitrogen (old name). Salpetermilchsaure, /. O-nitrolactic acid. Salpeterplantage, /. saltpeter plantation. salpetersalzsauer, a. nitromuriate of. Salpetersalzsaure, /. nitrohydrochloric acid, nitromuriatic acid, aqua regia. salpetersauer, o. of or combined with nitric acid, nitrate of. Salpetersaure, /. nitric acid. Salpetersaureanhydrid, n. nitric anhydride, ni- trogen pentoxide. Salpetersaureather, TO. nitric ether (ethyl ni- trate). Salpeterschwefelsaure, /. nitrosylsulfuric acid. Salpetersiederei, /. saltpeter works. Salpeterstoff, m. nitrogen. salpetrig, a. nitrous. salpetrige Saure, nitrous acid. salpetrige Schwefelsaure, nitrosylsul- furic acid. salpetrigsauer, a. of or combined with nitrous acid, nitrite of. Salpetrigsaure, /. nitrous acid. Salpetrigsaureanhydrid, n. nitrous anhydride. Salpetrigsiiureather, m. nitrous ether (ethyl nitrite). Salve, /. volley; salute. Salz, n. salt. schwefelsaures Salz, sulfate; palmitinsaures Salz, palmitate; etc. Salzader, /. salt vein. salzartig, a. salt-like, saline. Salzather, TO. muriatic ether (old name for ethyl chloride). Salzbase, /. salifiable base (old term). Salzbergwerk, n. salt mine. salzbildend, p. a. salt-forming. Salzbilder, Salzbildner, TO. salt former, halogen. Salzbildung, /. salt formation, salification. salzbildungsfahig, a. salifiable. Salzblumen, f.pl. efflorescence of salt. Salzbriihe, /. brine, pickle. salzen, v.t. salt. Salzfleisch, n. salt meat. Salzfluss, TO. saline flux; salt rheum, eczema. Salzgarten, m. salt garden. Salzgehalt, TO. salt content. Salzgeist, TO. (Old Chem.) spirit of salt (hydro- chloric acid). leichter Salzgeist, light spirit of salt (ethyl chloride). schwerer Salzgeist, versusster Salzgeist, heavy spirit of salt, sweet spirit of salt. Libavius' rauchender Salzgeist, fuming liquor of Libavius (stannic chloride). Salzgemisch, n. salt mixture, mixture of salts. Salzglasur, /. salt glaze. Salzgrube, /. salt pit, salt mine. salzhaltig, a. containing salt, salt-bearing, salif- erous. salzig, a. salty, saline, briny. Salzigkeit, /. saltiness, salineness, salinity. Salzkorn, n. grain of salt. Salzkraut, n. saltwort. Salzkuchen, m. salt cake. Salzlauge, /. = Salzbriihe. Salzlosung, /. salt solution; brine. Salzmesser, TO. salimeter. Salzniederschlag, TO. deposit of salt, saline deposit. Salzpaar, n. pair of salts. Salzpfanne, /. salt pan, brine pan. Salzpfannenstein, TO. (Salt) pan scale. Salzquelle, /. salt spring, saline spring. salzsauer, a. of or combined with hydrochloric acid, chloride of (metals, etc.), hydrochloride of (aniline and similar bases). Salzsaure, /. hydrochloric acid, muriatic acid. Salzsauregas, n. hydrochloric-acid gas. Salzsiedepfanne, /. salt pan. Salzsiederei, /. salt making; salt works. Salzsole, Salzsoole, /. brine, salt water; salt spring. Salzwage, /. brine gage, salimeter. Salzwasser, n. salt water, brine. Salzwirkung, /. effect (or action) of salt. -sam. An adjective suffix attached to nouns, adjectives and verb roots; -some, -ble, -ive, etc.; as heilsaTO, wholesome, biegsam, flexible. Same, Samen, TO. seed; semen. Sam en-, seed; seminal, spermatic. Samendruse, /. testicle. Samenfaden, TO. spermatozoon. Samenfliissigkeit, /. seminal fluid. samenfiihrend, p.a. seminiferous. Samenhefe, /. seed yeast. Samenkeim, TO. germ, embryo. Samenkern, TO. seed kernel; (Bot.) endosperm; (Physiol.) spermatic nucleus. Samenlappen, TO. seed lobe, cotyledon. Samenol, n. seed oil. Samensaft, m. seminal fluid. Samenstaub, TO. pollen. Samentierchen, n. spermatozoon. Samenzelle, /. seminal cell, spermatozoon. Samenzucker, TO. quercite. samisch, a. Samian. samisch 211 Sauerkleesaure samisch, siimischgar, a. oil-tanned, chamois. Samischgerben, n. chamoising. Samischleder, n. chamois leather, chamois. Sammel-. collecting. Sammelbottich, m. (Brewing) collecting vat, starting tub. Sammelgefass, n. collecting vessel, receiver, reservoir. Sammelglas, n. preparation tube, specimen tube; converging lens. Sammellinse, /. converging lens. sammeln, v.t. collect, gather, assemble, accumu- late. Sammelraum, m. receiver, receptacle. Sammelsirup, m. sirup from spilt sugar. Sammet, m. velvet. Sammetblende, /. limonite. Sammetbraun, n. velvet brown (an iron pig- ment). sammeten, a. velvet, velvety. Sammeterz, n. azurite of velvety texture. Sammetschwarz, n. ivory black. Sammler, m. accumulator, storage battery; gatherer, collector. Sammlung, /. collection, gathering, assembly. Sammlungsglas, n. specimen glass, display glass. samt, prep, together with. Samt, m. velvet. samtartig, a. velvet-like, velvety. samtlich, a. all together, all. adv. jointly, collectively. Sandarak, Sandarach, m. realgar; sandarac. Sandarakgummi, Sandarakharz, n. sandarac resin, sandarac. Sandbad, n. sand bath. Sandbadschale, /. sand-bath dish. Sandbiichsenbaum, m. sand-box tree (Hura crepitans). Sandel, m., Sandelholz, n. sandalwood. Sandelholzol, Sandelol, n. sandalwood oil, santal oil. Sandform, /. (Founding) sand mold. Sandgries, m. coarse sand. Sandguss, m. sand casting. sandig, a. sandy, arenaceous. Sandmergel, m. sandy marl. Sandpapier, n. sandpaper. Sandschiefer, m. schistous sandstone. Sandstein, m. sandstone. sandte, pret. of senden. Sanduhr, /. sandglass. Sandzucker, m. raw ground sugar. sanft, a. soft, mild, gentle, smooth. Sanfte, /. sedan chair. sanftmutig, a. tender-hearted, mild, gentle. sang, pret. of singen. Sang, m. song. Sanger, m. singer, songster. Sanikel, m. sanicle. Sanitat, /. health, hygiene, sanity. San! tats-, sanitary, hygienic, health. Sanitatskollegium, n. board of health. Sanitatspflege, /. sanitation. Sanitatswesen, n. sanitary affairs. sank, pret. of sinken. sann, pret. of sinnen. Santel, SanteU. = Sandel, Sandel-. Santoninsaure, /. santoninic acid. Santonsaure, /. santonic acid. Saphir, m. sapphire. Saphirspat, m. cyanite. Sardelle, /. anchovy; sardine. Sarg, m. coffin. sass, pret. of sitzen. Satinage, /. glazing, finish. satinieren, v.t. satin, glaze. satt, a. satisfied; satiated; (of colors) saturated, deep, full. Satte, /. bowl, dish. Sattel, ra. saddle; bridge. Sattelfass, n. (Brewing) rider cask. sattelformig, a. saddle-shaped. sattigen, v.t. saturate; satisfy; satiate, sate. Sattigung,/. saturation; satisfaction; satiety. sattigungsfahig, a. capable of saturation. Sattigungsgrad, m. degree of saturation. Sattigungskapazitat, /. saturation capacity. Sattigungspunkt, m. saturation point. sattsam, a. sufficient. adv. sufficiently. Saturationsgefass, n. saturation vessel, satur- ator. Saturationsscheidung, /. (Sugar) purification by carbonation (separation of impurities with the lime when the juice is saturated with carbon dioxide). Saturationsschlamm, m. (Sugar) sediment from carbonation. Saturei, /. savory. saturieren, v.t. saturate; (Sugar) carbonate. Saturnrot, n. Saturn red, minium. Satz, m. deposit, sediment, settlings; composi- tion; set (of weights, beakers, etc.); charge, batch; proposition, principle; leap, jump; young (of fish), fry; price, rate; pool, stake; sentence; (Brewing) yeast, sediment. Satzbrauen, n. brewing with cold malt extract. Satzkriicke, /. (Brewing) yeast rouser. Satzschale, /. settling dish. Sau, /. sow (also Metal); drying kiln; blot. sauber, a. clean; neat; pretty. saubern, v.t. clean, cleanse. Sauciere, /. sauce boat, gravy boat. sauer, a. acid; sour, tart; troublesome, hard. Sauerbad, n. (Bleaching) sour bath, sour. Sauerbruhe, /. (Tech.) sour liquor, acid liquor. Sauerhonig, m. oxymel. Sauerklee, m. clover sorrel, wood sorrel. Sauer kleesalz, n. salt of sorrel (acid potassium oxalate) . Sauerkleesaure, /. oxalic acid. sauerlich 212 schablonenartig sauerlich, a. sourish, acidulous. Sauerlichkeit, /. (slight) acidity. Sauerling, TO. acidulous mineral water, spark- ling mineral water. sauermachend, p.a. acidifying. sauern, v.t. acidify; sour; leaven (bread). v.i. sour. Sauerstoff, TO. oxygen. sauerstoffarm, a. poor in oxygen. Sauerstoffather, m. acetaldehyde. Sauerstoffentwickelung, /. evolution of oxygen. Sauerstofffanger, TO. a substance that absorbs oxygen, as barium oxide. sauerstofffrei, a. free from oxygen. Sauerstoffgas, n. oxygen gas. Sauerstoffgehalt, m. oxygen content. sauerstoffhaltig, a. containing oxygen. Sauerstoffpol, TO. oxygen pole, anode. sauerstoffreich, a. rich in oxygen. Sauerstoffsalz, n. oxysalt, salt of an oxacid. Sauerstoffsaure, /. oxacid, oxygen acid. Sauerstoffstrom, TO. current of oxygen. Sauerstofftrager, -iibertrager, TO. oxygen car- rier. Sauerstoffverbindung, /. oxygen compound. Sauerteig, TO. leaven. sauertopfisch, a. peevish, cross. Sauerung, /. acidification; souring; leavening. sauerungsfahig, a. acidifiable; capable of sour- ing. Sauerwasser, n. sour water, sour (any of vari- ous dilute acid solutions used in the arts); acidulous (sparkling) water. Sauerwerden, n. souring; (of liquors) acetifica- tion. saufen, v.i. drink; booze, tipple. sauft, pr. 3 sing, of saufen. Saug-, Sauge-. suction, sucking. Saugapparat, TO. suction apparatus, aspirator. saugen, v.t. & i. suck; suck up, absorb. Saugen, n. sucking, suction. saugen, v.t. suckle. Sauger, TO. sucker; aspirator. Saugetier, n. mammal. Saugfahigkeit, /. absorptive capacity, absorp- tivity. Saugfestigkeit, /. resistance to suction, suction strength. Saugfilter, n. suction filter. Saugflasche, /. suction bottle. Saugglas, n. suction bottle; breast pump. Saughahn, TO. suction cock. Saugheber, TO. siphon. Saughohe, /. suction head. Saugleitung, /. suction pipe (or piping). Saugling, TO. suckling, infant. Saugmcsser, TO. vacuometer. Saugpipette, /. suction pipette. Saugpumpe, /. suction pump. Saugrohr, n., Saugriihre, /. suction tube or pipe, sucking pipe. Saugventil, n. suction valve. Saulchen, n. little column, etc. (see Saule). Saule,/. column, pillar; (Cryst.) prism; (Elec.) pile. Saulen-. columnar; (Cryst.) prismatic. Saulenachse, /. prismatic axis. siiulenartig, saulenformig, o. columnar; pris- matic. Saum, TO. seam, hem, edge, fringe, selvage; (Tin Plate) list. saumen, v.i. hem, edge, border; square (planks). v.i. tarry, stay. saumig, a. tardy, dilatory. Saumpfanne, /., Saumtopf, TO. (Tin Plate) list pot. Saure, /. acid; sourness, acidity. Saureamid, n. acid amide. Saureanhydrid, n. acid anhydride. Saurebad, n. acid bath. Saureballon, m. acid carboy. Saurebeize, /. (Leather) sour. saurebildend, p.a. acid-forming. Saurebildner, m. acid former* acidifier. Saurebromid, n. acid bromide. Saurechlorid, n. acid chloride. saureecht, a. fast to acid. Saureester, n. ester of an acid, ester. saurefest, a. acid-proof. Saurefluorid, n. acid fluoride. saurefrei, o. free from acid, nonacid. Sauregehalt, TO. acid content, acidity. Sauregelb, n. acid yellow. Sauregrad, TO. (degree of) acidity. Sauregriin, n. acid green. Saurehaloid, n. acid halide. saurehaltig, a. containing acid, acidiferous. Sauremesser, m. acidimeter. Sauremesskunst, /. acidimetry. Saureradikal, n. acid radical. Saurespaltung, /. acid cleavage. Saurestander, m. acid cistern. Sauretrog, m. acid trough. saurewiderstehend, p.a. resistant (or fast) to acid. saurewidrig, a. antacid. Saurezahl, /. acid number. Saurezufuhr, /. addition of acid. sauseln, v.i. rustle; lisp; hum. sausen, v.i. rush, whiz, whistle, hum. Sea-. See Ska-. Schabe,/. awn, chaff (of flax or hemp) ; scab, itch. schaben, v.t. scrape; shave, grate, rub. Schaber, TO. scraper, etc. (see schaben). schabig, a. shabby; mean. Schablone, /. model, pattern, template; mold, form; stencil. schablonenartig, schablonenmassig, a. accord- ing to pattern, mechanical. Schabsel 213 Scharlachwurm Schabsel, n. scrapings, parings, shavings. Schach, n. chess; check. Schachbrett, n. chessboard, checkerboard. schachern, v.i. haggle. Schacht, ra. shaft; pit; gorge. Schachtel, /. box, case. Schachtelhalm, m., Schachtelkraut, n. horsetaU (Equisetum). Schach tof en, m. shaft furnace; shaft kiln. schade, a. unfortunate, a pity. Schade, m. damage, injury, loss. Schadel, m. skull, cranium. Schadel-. cranial. schaden, v.i. do injury, damage, hurt. Schaden, m. Schade. Schadenersatz, m. compensation, damages. schadenfroh, a. malicious. schadhaft, o. damaged, defective, spoiled. schadigen, v.t. harm, injure. schadlich, o. noxious, injurious, dangerous, unwholesome. schadlos, a. harmless; compensated. schadlos halten, compensate, indemnify. Schaf, n. sheep; ewe. Schafbein, n. bone ash; sheep bone; sheep's leg. Schaf bock, m. ram. Schafdarmsaite, /. catgut. Schafer, m. shepherd. Schaffell, n sheepskin. schaffen, v.t make, produce, create, do; get, provide; take, bring. v i. work, be busy. Schaffleisch, n. mutton. Schaffner, m. manager, conductor, guard. Schaffnerin, /. housekeeper, stewardess, man- Schafgaibe, /. yarrow, milfoil. Schaf haut, /. sheepskin; amnion. Schafhautchen, n. amnion. Schafkase, TO. cheese from ewe's milk. Schafleder n. sheepskin (leather), sheep. Schafmilch, /. ewe's milk. Schafott, n. scaffold. Schafschmiere, /. sheep dip. Schafschweiss, m. suint, yolk. Schaft, m. shaft, shank, stock, handle, stalk, trunk. -schaft. A noun suffix used to form abstract and collective nouns, cognate with the Eng- lish -ship; as, Freundschaft, friendship. Schafwasser, n. amniotic fluid. Schaf wolle, /. sheep's wool. Schagrin, n. shagreen. Schaker, m. ester, wag. schal, a. stale, flat, insipid. Sehalchen, n. little dish or cup, capsule. Schale, /. dish, basin, bowl; pan, scale (of a balance); shell; husk, skin, peel, rind, bark; cover (of a book); (Founding) chill. schalen, v.t. shell, husk, peel, pare, bark. Schalenblende, /. fibrous sphalerite. Schalenguss, m. chill casting. Schalengussform, /. chill. schalenhart, a. chilled. Schalenlederhaut, /. chorion. Schalentrager, m dish support, tripod. Schalk, TO. wag, rogue. Schall, TO. sound; ring, peal; resonance. Schall-. sound, acoustic. schallen, v.i. sound, resound, ring. Schallgeschwindigkeit, /. velocity of sound. Schallwelle, /. sound wave. schalt, pret. of schelten. Schalt-. inserted, intercalary; (Elec.) switch. Schaltbrett, n. switchboard. schalten, v.t. insert; (Elec.) connect. v.i. rule, have one's way. Schal ter, TO. wicket, window; ruler, manager; (Elec.^ switch. Schaltjahr, n. leap year. Schaltung, /. disposal; (Elec.) connection. Schalung, /. shelling, etc. (see schalen); exco- riation, desquamation. Scham, /. shame; modesty, chastity; pudenda. Scham-. pudic. Schambein, n. pubis. schamen, v.r. be ashamed. Schamgang, m. vagina. schamhaft, a. bashful; modest. Schamotte, /. (Ceram.) chamotte, grog. Schamottetiegel, TO. fireclay crucible. Schamotteziegel, TO. firebrick. Schamrote, /. blush, blushing. Schande, /. shame, dishonor, disgrace. schanden, v.t. disgrace, dishonor, violate. schandlich, a. disgraceful, shameful, infamous. Schankbier, Schankbier, n. schenk beer, draft beer. Schanze, /. trench, intrenchment; chance. Schar, /. troop, band, host, crowd, herd, flock; (plow) share. Scharbock, TO. scurvy, scharbockheilend, p.a. antiscorbutic. Scharbockmittel, n. antiscorbutic. scharen, v.r. flock together, assemble. scharf, a. sharp; acrid, pungent, corrosive; acute. Scharfe, /. sharpness, etc. (see scharf) ; edge, scharfen, v.t. sharpen. Scharffeuer, n. (Ceram.) hard fire, sharp fire, scharfsauer, a. strongly acid, very spur, scharfschmeckend, p.a. of a sharp taste, acrid, pungent, tart. Scharfsinn, m. acuteness, acumen, scharfwinklig, a. acute-angled. Scharlach, TO. scarlet; scarlet fever; scarlet runner. scharlachen, scharlachfarben, a. scarlet. scharlachrot, a. scarlet, bright red. Scharlachwurm, TO. cochineal insect. Scharaier 214 Schein Scharnier, n. hinge, joint. Scharpe,/. scarf, sash; (Med.) sling. Scharpie, /. charpie, lint. Scharre, /. rake, raker, scraper. scharren, v.t. scrape, scratch. Scharrwerk, n. scraping mechanism, scraper. Scharte, /. notch, nick, fissure; sawwort.' schartig, a. notchy, nicked, jagged. Schatten, m. shade, shadow. schattieren, v.t. shade. Schattierung, /. shading; shade, tint. Schatz, TO. treasure; stock; wealth. Schatzamt, n. (public) treasury. schatzbar, a. capable of valuation or estima- tion; valuable, esteemed. schatzen, v.t. assess, tax. schatzen, v.t. value; appraise, appreciate, es- teem. Schatzkammer, /. treasury; storehouse. Schau, /. view, review; show. Schauarzt, m. coroner. Schaubild, n. diagram; (picture for) exhibit. Schauder, m. shudder; dread. schauderhaft, schauderig, o. dreadful, horrible. schaudern, v.t. cause to shudder. v.L shudder. schauen, v.t. look at, behold, examine. v.i. look, Schauer, m shudder, thrill, fit; shower; spec- tator; inspector; shed. Schaufel, /. shovel, scoop; paddle. Schaufenster, n. show window. Schauglas, n. display glass, specimen glass, sample glass. schaukeln, v.t. & i. swing, rock. Schauloch, n. peephole. schaulustig, a. curious. Schaum, m. foam, froth; scum; lather; (.Brew- ing) head. schaumartig, a. foamy, frothy. Schaumbestandigkeit,/. foam-holding capacity. Schaumblase, /. bubble. schaumen, v.L froth, foam; (of wine, etc.) sparkle, fizz; (of soap) lather. v.t. skim, scum. Schaumerde, /. aphrite (variety of calcite). Schaumerz, n. (soft or foamy) wad. Schaumgips, m. foliated gypsum. Schaumgold, n. Dutch metal, imitation gold. Schaumhaube, /. (Brewing) head. schaumig, schaumig, a. foamy, frothy. Schaumkalk, n. aragonite. Schaumloffel, m. skimming spoon, skimmer. Schaumschwarze, /. finely powdered animal charcoal. Schaumseife, /. lathering soap. Schaumspat, m. analcite. Schaumstand, m. (Brewing) head. Schaumton, TO. fuller's earth. Schaumwein, m. sparkling wine. Schauplatz, TO. scene, stage, theater. Schauspiel, n. spectacle, sight; play, drama, scheckig, a. dappled, spotted, mottled. scheel, adv. asquint, askance, awry. Scheelbleierz, n., Scheel bleispat, TO. scheeletite. Scheelerz, n. scheelite. Scheele'sches Griin. Scheele's green. Scheele'sches Suss, glycerol, glycerin. Scheere, /. = Schere. Scheffel, TO. bushel. Scheibchen, n. little disk, little slice. Scheibe, /. disk; slice; cake (of wax, etc.); pane (of glass); (honey) comb; pulley, wheel, target, dial, etc. scheibenformig, a. disk-shaped, discoid. Scheibenglas, n. window glass. Scheibenkupfer, n. rose copper, rosette copper. Scheibe nreissen, n. (Metal.) conversion into disks or rosettes. Scheibenwachs, 'n. cake wax. scheidbar, a. separable; ahalyzable. Scheide, /. sheath; vagina; boundary, border. Scheide-. separating, parting. Scheidebiirette, /. separating burette. Scheideerz, n. picked ore. Scheidefliissigkek, /. separating (or parting) liquid. Scheidegold, n. gold purified by parting. Scheidegut, n. material to be separated. Scheidekapelle, /. cupel. Scheidekolben, TO. separating flask; (Old Chem.) alembic. Scheidekunst, /. (analytical) chemistry. Scheidekunstler, TO. (analytical) chemist. Scheidemunze, /. billon ; small coin. scheiden, v.t. separate; part; analyze, decom- pose; pick, sort (ore); divide, sever, divorce. v.r. separate; (of milk) turn; divide. v.i. separate, part, depart. Scheiden-. (Physiol.) vaginal. Scheidenschleim, m. vaginal mucus. Scheideofen, TO. parting furnace, almond fur- nace. Scheidepfanne, /. (Sugar) defecating pan, clari- fier. Scheideschlamm, TO. (Sugar) defecation slime. Scheidesieb, n. separating sieve. Scheidesilber, n. parting silver. Scheidetrichter, TO. separating funnel, separa- tory funnel. Scheidevorrichtung, /. separating (or parting) apparatus. Scheidewand, /. partition wall, partition, mid- feather, septum, diaphragm. Scheidewasser, n. nitric acid (for parting); aqua regia. Scheideweg, TO. forked way, crossroads. Scheidung, /. separation, etc. (see scheiden). Schein, TO. appearance; luster, light, shine; (of oils, etc.) bloom; document, paper, bill, certificate. Schein- 215 Schienenweg Schein-. apparent, mock, false, pseudo. scheinbar, a. apparent, seeming, plausible. , scheinen, v.i. shine; appear, seem. Scheinfarbe, /. accidental color. Scheinfuss, m. pseudopodium. Scheingrund, m. apparent reason, fallacy, scheinheilig, a. sanctimonious. Scheit, n. log, billet, block. Scheitel, m. vertex, summit, crown, top. Scheit el-, vertical; (Ana*.) parietal. Scheitellinie, /. vertical line. scheiteln, v.t. part (hair). Scheitelpunkt, TO. vertex; zenith, scheitelrecht, a. vertical. Scheiterhaufen, m. funeral pile; stake. scheitern, v.i. suffer wreck, be wrecked. Schellack, m. shellac. Schelle, /. bell; handcuff. schellen, v.t. ring. Schellfisch, m. cod; haddock. Schelm, m. scoundrel, rogue. schelten, v.t. scold, reprimand. Schema, n. model, pattern; blank, form; schedule; scheme. schematisch, a. schematic. Schemel, m. stool. Schemen, m. shadow, phantom. Schenk, m. liquor retailer; cupbearer. Schenkbier, n. draft beer, schenk beer (con- trasted with Lagerbier) . Schenke, /. public house, tavern. Schenkel, TO. leg; shank; thigh; side, side piece. Schenkel-. femoral, crural. Schenkelbein, n. thigh bone, femur, schenken, v.t. pour out; give, present; retail (liquors); suckle. Scheibe, /., Scherben, TO. potsherd, shard; fragment, piece; crock, pot (esp. flowerpot); cupel; scorifier; (Ceram.) body. Scherbenkobalt, m. native arsenic. Schere, /. scissors, shears; notch, nick; shafts; claw, scheren, v.t. shear, clip, cut; plague, vex. v.r. go, be off; care. Scherenstahl, m. shear steel. Schererei, /. trouble, bother. Scherflein, n. mite. Scherz, TO. joke, jest, fun, sport, scherzen, v.i. joke, jest. scheu, a. shy, timorous. scheuchen, v.t. scare, frighten, scheuen, v.t. shun, avoid, dread, grudge. v.i. shy. Scheuer, /. barn, granary. scheuern, v.t. scour, wash; rub, chafe. Scheune, /. = Scheuer. Scheusal, n. monster, fright, scheusslich, a. horrid, horrible, hideous. Schicht, /. layer, stratum, bed, course; charge (of a furnace); batch; shift, turn (of work). Schichtboden, TO. (Metal.) mixing place. schichten, v.t. arrange in layers or beds, stratify; pile, stack; charge. Schichtengruppe, /. (Geol) group of strata, formation. Schichtenkohle, /. foliated coal. schichtenweise, a. & adv. in layers or strata, stratified. Schichtgesteine, n.pl. stratified rocks. Schichtung, /. stratification; arranging in layers; piling; charging. Schichtwasser, n. ground water. Schick, TO. skill; tact; order. schicken, v.t. send; cause to happen. v.r. hap- pen; suit, fit; conform, apcommodate one- self; prepare. geschickt, p.a. sent, etc.; skilled, qualified, clever; suitable, fit. schicklich, a. becoming, proper, fit. Schicksal, n. fate, destiny. Schickung, /. dispensation. Schieb-. sliding, slide. schieben, v.t. shove, push, slide, slip. Schieber, m. slide, slider, slide bar, slide valve, carriage; shovel; pusher, shover; damper. Schieberventil, n. slide valve. Schiebung, /. shoving, etc. (see schieben); maneuver. schied, pret. of scheiden. Schiedsanalyse, /. umpire analysis. Schiedsmann, Schiedsrichter, m. umpire, ar- biter, referee. Schiedsspruch, TO. award. schief, a. inclined, oblique; skew, crooked. adv. obliquely; askew, awry, amiss. Schiefe, /. inclination, slope; obliqueness; crookedness. Schief er, TO. slate; schist; shale; flaw (in iron). schieferblau, a. slate-blue. Schieferfarbe, /. slate color. schieferig, a. slaty, slate-like; schistous, schis- tose; scaly, flaky, foliated, foliaceous. schiefern, v.i. scale off, exfoliate. Schieferplatte, /. slab or plate of slate. Schieferspat, TO. slate spar (lamellar variety of calcite). Schieferstein, n. slate. Schiefertalk, TO. talc slate, indurated talc. Schieferton, TO. slate clay, shale. Schieferung, /. scaling off, exfoliation. Schieferweiss, n. a fine, flaky variety of white lead. Schief heit, /. = Schiefe. schiefwinklig, a. oblique-angled. schielen, v.i. squint; leer. schien, pret. of scheinen. Schienbein, n. shin bone, tibia. Schiene, /. rail; slat, strip, bar; rim, tire (of a wheel); (Med.) splint. Schienenweg, m, railway; tramway. Schienenweite 216 Schlackenzinn Schienenweite, /. railway gage. schier, a. sheer, pure. adv. simply; nearly. Schierling, TO. hemlock (the herb). Schierlingsaft, m. hemlock juice, juice of co- nium. Schierlingskraut, n. hemlock (the herb). Schierlingstanne, /. hemlock spruce, hemlock, schiert, pr. 3 sing, of scheren. Sclnessbaumwolle, /. guncotton. schiessen, v.t. & i. shoot; dart, emit, dash; (of dyes) flush on. Schiessofen, m. an oven for heating tubes which may explode, bomb oven, tube furnace, Carius oven. Schiesspulver, n. gunpowder. Schiessrohr, n., -rohre, /. a sealed tube in which substances are heated under pressure, bomb tube. Schiessstoff, m. powder (for shooting). Schiesswolle, /. guncotton. Schiesswollpulver, n. guncotton powder. Schiff, n. ship; shuttle; nave, schiffbar, a. navigable. Schiffbruch, TO. shipwreck. Schiffchen, n. boat; little ship; shuttle; (Bo*.) keel. schiffen, v.t. & i. navigate, sail. Schiffer, TO. shipmaster, captain, skipper. Schifffahrt, /. navigation. Schiffsbediirfnisse, 7i.pl. naval stores. Schiffsleim, m. marine glue. Schiffspech, n. common black pitch. Schild, m. shield; escutcheon. Schild, n. label; sign, signboard; badge; (turtle) shell. Schildchen, n. little shield, little label, etc. (see Schild). Schilddriise,/. thyroid gland. Schilddrusen-. thyroid. Schilddriisenessenz, /., -extrakt, n. (Pharm.) thyroid solution. schildern, v.t. depict, portray, draw. schildformig, a. shield-shaped, scutiform; (Anat.) thyroid. Schildknorpel, m. thyroid cartilage. Schildkraut, n. skullcap (Scutellaria) . Schildkrote, /. turtle, tortoise. Schildlaus, /. cochineal insect. Schildpatt, n. tortoise shell. Schildwache, /. sentinel. Schilf, n. reed. schilfern, v.i. scale off, exfoliate. Schiller, m. play of colors, (Min.) schiller. Schillerfarbe, /. changeable color, schillerfarbig, a. showing a play of colors, iridescent. Schillerglanz, m. iridescent luster, schillern, v.i. exhibit a play of colors, iridesce, opalesce. schillernd, p.a. iridescent, opal- escent, chatoyant. Schillerquarz, m. (Min.) cat's-eye. Schillerseide, /. shot silk, changeable silk. Schillerspat, TO. schiller spar (altered enstatite) ; diallage. Schillerstein, m. schiller spar. Schillerwein, TO. wine from red and white grapes mixed. schilt, pr. S sing, of schelten. Schimmel, m. mold; mildew; gray or white horse. schimmelig, a. moldy, musty. schimmeln, v.i. mold. Schimmelpilz, m. mold fungus, mold. Schimmer, TO. glimmer, shimmer, glitter. schimmern, v.i. glisten, glitter, gleam, shine. Schimpf, TO. abuse, insult; disgrace. schimpfen, v.i. call names, scold. Schindel,/. shingle; (Mf.) splint, schinden, v.t. skin, flay. Schinken, m., Schinkenfleisch, n. ham. Schippe, /. shovel, scoop. schipperig, a. (Dyeing) mixtury, not solid. Schirbel, TO. (Metal.) bloom; piece of a bloom, stamp. Schirm, m. screen; shelter; shade; umbrella; visor (of a cap) ; (Bot.) umbel. schirmen, v.t. screen; shelter. Schirmpflanze, /. umbelliferous plant, schlabbern, v.t. slobber; overflow; gossip. Schlabberrohr, n. overflow pipe or tube. Schlabberventil, n. check valve. Schlacht,/. battle, schlachten, v.t. kill, slaughter. Schlacke, /. slag; cinder, scoria, dross; (in coal) clinker. schlackenartig, a. slaggy, scoriaceous. Schlackenauge, n. = Schlackenloch. Schlackenbildung, /. formation of slag, scorifi- cation. Schlackeneisen, n. cinder iron. Schlackenform, /. cinder block. Schlackenfrischen, n. = Schlackenpuddeln. Schlackengang, m. slag duct, cinder fall. Schlackenherd, TO. slag hearth, slag furnace. Schlackenlava, /. scoriaceous lava. Schlackenloch, n. cinder notch, slag hole, cinder tap. Schlackenofen, m. slag furnace. Schlackenpuddeln, n. pig boiling. Schlackenrosten, n. roasting of slag. Schlacke nscher be, /., -scherben, TO. scorifier. Schlackenspiess, TO. cinder iron, slag iron. Schlackenspur,/. = Schlackenloch. Schlackenstaub, m. coal dust. Schlackenstein, TO. building stone made from slag, slag brick. Schlackenwolle, /. slag wool, mineral wool. Schlackenzacken, m. cinder plate, front plate. Schlackenzinn, n. tin extracted from slag, pril- lion. schlackig 217 Schleifpulver schlackig, a. slaggy, drossy, scoriaceous. Schlaf, m. sleep; temple (of the head). Schlafarznei, /. soporific, narcotic. schlaf befordernd, p.a. soporific. Schlafe,/. temple (of the head). schlaf en, v.i. sleep; lie dormant. Schliifen-. (Ana/.) temporal. schlaff, a. slack, loose, flabby, flaccid, soft. Schlafmittel, n. soporific, narcotic. Schlafmohn, TO. opium poppy. schlaft, pr. 3 sing, of schlafen. Schlaftrank, m. sleeping draft. Schlafzimmer, n. bedroom. Schlag, TO. stroke, blow, percussion, knock, shock, kick, beat; apoplexy; coinage, stamp, sort; cutting (of wood or in the woods) ; field; song (of birds). Schlagader, /. artery. Schlagarbeit, /. work resulting from a blow or percussion. Schlagel, TO. = Schlegel. Schlagelot, n. hard solder. Schlagempfindlichkeit, /. sensitiveness to per- cussion. schlagen, v.t. strike, beat, hit, knock; cut (wood); churn (butter); press (oil); drive (nails, etc.); put (into barrels); etc., etc. v.i. strike, beat, knock, kick; warble; belong, concern. schlagend, p.a. striking, impres- sive. schlagende Wetter, fire damp. Schlager, TO. beater, etc. (see schlagen) ; fighter; batter; rapier. Schlagerei, /. fighting, scuffle. Schlaggold, n. leaf gold. Schlaglot, n. hard solder. Schlagprobe, /. percussion test. Schlagsaat, /. hempseed. Schlagsahne, /. whipped cream. schlagt, pr. 3 sing, of schlagen. ( Schlagwasser, n. bilge water. Schlagweite, /. striking distance (of an electric spark) , spark distance. Schlagwerk, n. striking apparatus, specif., ram- mer. Schlagwetter, n.pl. fire damp. schlagwettersicher, a. proof against fire damp. schlagwetterziindfahig, a. ignitable by fire damp. Schlagziinder, m. percussion fuse. Schlamm, TO. mud, sludge, slime; slurry; silt; (Ceram.) slip. Schlamm-. elutriating, washing, elutriated, washed. Schlammanalyse, /. analysis by elutriation. Schlammapparat, TO. elutriating apparatus. schlammen, v.t. elutriate, wash (powdered sub- stances); levigate; (Mining) buddle. Schlammfass, n. washing tub or tank (for pre- cipitates, etc.); (Mining) dolly tub. Schlammflasche, /. elutriating flask. Schlammgefass, n. elutriating vessel or reser- voir. Schlammglas, n. elutriating glass. schlammig, a. muddy, sludgy, slimy, oozy. Schlamm kreide, /. prepared chalk; whiting. Schlammpfannchen, n. (Salt) scum pan. Schlammschlich, Schlammschlich, m. washed ore slime. Schlammtrichter, TO. elutriating funnel. Schlammung, /. elutriating, etc. (see schlam- men). Schlammvorrichtung, /. elutriating apparatus, washing apparatus. Schlammzylinder, TO. elutriating cylinder. schlang, pret. of schlingen. Schlange,/. snake, serpent; (Tech.) worm, coil; (water) hose. schlangeln, v.r. wind, meander. schlangelnd, p.a. sinuous, winding, serpentine. Schlangenholz, n. snakewood. Schlangenkiihler, TO. spiral (or coil) condenser. Schlangenrohr, n., Schlangenrohre, /. worm, spiral pipe (or tube), coil. Schlangenstein, m. ophite; serpentine. Schlangenwurzel, /. snakeroot. schlank, a. slender, slim. Schlappe,/. defeat, reverse; slipper. Schlappermilch,/. curdled milk. Schlapphut, m. slouch hat. Schlaraffe, m. sluggard. schlau, a. sly, cunning, sharp. Schlauch, TO. tube, tubing, pipe (of flexible ma- terial), hose; skin (for holding something); drunkard; glutton. schlauchen, v.t. (Brewing) hose, transfer (beer) or fill (casks) by means of hose or pipes. Schlauchstiick, n. tubing attachment (part to which tubing may be attached). schlecht, a. bad, ill, poor. adv. badly, ill. schlechterdings, adv. utterly, absolutely. schlechthin, adv. merely, plainly. schlechtweg, adv. = schlechthin. schlecken, schleckern, v.t. lick, lap. v.i. be dainty. Schlegel, TO. mallet, beater, (wooden) hammer; drumstick. Schlehe,/.sloe. schleichen, v.i. slink, sneak; creep. schleich- endes Gift, slow poison. Schleichgut, n. smuggled goods, contraband. Schleichhandel, TO. smuggling, illicit trade. Schleicr, m. veil; lawn (the fabric); haze, slight cloudiness. Schleife,/. sledge; loop, knot; cravat. schleifen, v.t. grind, sharpen, polish; cut (gems) ; drag, trail. v.i. slip, slide. Schleifmaterial, n. abrasive. Schleifmittel, n. abrasive. Schleifpulver, TO. grinding powder, polishing powder. Schleifrad 218 Schlupfloch Schleifrad, n. grinding wheel, polishing wheel. Schleifsel, n., Schleifstaub, m. grindings. Schleifstein, TO. grinding stone, grindstone, whetstone. Schleifstoff, TO. (Paper) ground pulp. Schleifung,/. grinding, etc. (see schleifen). Schleim, m. slime; mucilage; mucus. schleimartig, a. slimy, glutinous; mucoid. schleimbildend, p.a. slime-forming; (Physiol.) muciparous. Schleimdruse, /. mucous gland. Schleimharz, n. gum resin. Schleimhaut , /. mucous membrane. schleimig, a. slimy, mucilaginous; mucous. schleimige Garung, mucous, or viscous, fermentation. Schleimpilz, TO. slime fungus, slime mold (Myxo- mycetes). schleimsauer, o. of or combined with mucic acid, mucate of. Schleimsaure, /. mucic acid. Schleim stoff, TO. mucin. Schleimtier, n. mollusk. Schleimzellulose, /. mucocellulose. Schleimzucker, m. levulose._ Schleisse, /. splint, splinter. schleissen, v.t. slit; split; strip. Schlemm-. = Schlamm-. schlemmen, v.i. eat greedily; carouse. schlemmen, v.t. = schlammen. Schlempe, /. residual liquid from distillation of alcoholic liquors, vinasse, slops, spent wash. Schlempekohle, Schlempeasche, /. crude pot- ash from beet vinasse, salin. schlendern, v.i. saunter, stroll, loiter. schtenkern, v.t. swing, sling, fling. Schleppe, /. train, trail; (Paper) felt board; (Founding) truck. schleppen, v.t. & i. drag, trail; tow. Schleppmiihle, /. drag mill, drag-stone mill. schlesisch, a. Silesian. Schleuder,/. centrifuge; sling. Schleudermaschine, /. centrifugal machine, centrifugal (specif., hydro-extractor); cata- pult. schleudern, v.t. centrifuge, hydro-extract; sling, fling, hurl. v.i. swing, roll; cut prices. schleunig, a. speedy, hasty, quick, immediate. adv. speedily, etc. Schleuse,/. sluice; sewer. Schleusengas, n. sewer gas. schlich, pret. of schleichen. Schlich, m. byway; trick; (Metal.) slimes, schlich. Schlicharbeit, /. smelting of slimes. schlicht, a. smooth, even, sleek; (of files) fine; (of fabrics) plain; simple, homely. Schlichte,/. dressing; size (for fabrics) ; (Found- ing) black wash; (Plastering) skim coat, white coat. schlichtecht, a. fast to sizing. schlichten, v.t. smooth, plane, dress; sleek (leather, etc.); planish (metals); size (fab- rics) ; adjust, settle. Schlichtol, n. sizing oil. Schlichtwalze, /. finishing roll. Schlick, m. slime, mud; (Metal.) schlich (ore slimes). Schlicker, m. (Ceramics) slip, slop; (Metal.) dross. schlief, pret. of schlafen. schliefen, v.i. slip, creep. Schlieren, f.pl. streaks (in glass and igneous rocks), schlieren. Schliesse, /. pin, peg, catch, anchor. schliessen, v.t. close; shut, lock; bind; em- brace; contract; conclude. v.i. close. geschlossene Kette, closed chain; (Meek.) endless chain. schliesslich, a. final, ultimate. adv. finally. schliff, pret. of schleifen. Schliff, TO. grinding, sharpening; smoothness, polish; grindings; cut (of a gem). Schliffstopfen, m. ground-in stopper. schlimm, o. bad; sad, severe, sore, ill. adv. badly, ill. Schling-. winding, twisting, (of plants) climb- ing; pertaining to swallowing or deglutition. Schlinge,/. loop, noose, sling; trap, snare. Schlingel, m. rascal, rogue. schlingen, v.t. wind, twine, twist; swallow, gulp. Schlippe'sches Salz. Schlippe's salt. schliss, pret. of schleissen. Schlitten, TO. sledge, sled, sleigh ; truck; sliding carriage. Schlittschuh, m. skate. Schlitz, TO. slit, slot, fissure, cleft. Schlitzbrenner, TO. batswing burner. schlitzcn, v.t. slit, slot, slash, split, cleave, rip. schloff, pret. of schliefen. schloss, pret. of schliessen. Schloss, n. lock; snap, clasp; castle, palace. Schlosse, /. hailstone. Schlosser, TO. locksmith. Schlot, TO., Schlotte, /. flue, smokestack; soil pipe. Schlotter, m. (Salt) sediment from boiling. schlottern, v.i. dangle, flap, hang loose, shake, wabble. Schlucht, /. ravine, gorge. schluchzen, v.i. sob; hiccup. schlucken, v.t. & i. swallow, gulp. schlug, pret. of schlagen. Schlummer, TO. slumber. Schlund, TO. throat, pharynx; gulf, chasm. Schlund-. pharyngeal. Schlundkopf, TO. upper pharynx. schlupfen, schliipfen, v.i. slip, slide. Schlupfloch, n. loophole. schliipfrig 219 Schmelzzone schliipfrig, a. slippery; lascivious. schlupfrig machen, lubricate. Schlupfwinkel, m. lurking place, haunt. schliirfen, v.t. sip, lap; (of pumps) suck air. Schluss, m. closing; close; conclusion. Schliissel, m. key; screw driver or wrench; (Elec.) key, switch. Schliisselbein, n. collar bone, clavicle. Schliisselbiume, /. primrose. Schliisselbund, n. & m. bunch of keys. Schlussfolge, Schlussfolgerung, /. conclusion, inference. Schlussstein, m. keystone. Schlutte, /. alkekengi. schm., abbrev. (schmelzend) melting; (schmilzt) melts. Schmach, /. disgrace; offense. schmachten, v.i. pine, yearn. schmachtig, a. slim, slight. Schmack, m. sumac. schmacken, v.t. treat \, ith sumac, sumac. schmackhaft, a. palatable, savory. schmackieren, v.t. treat with sumac, sumac, schmahen, v.t. & i. slander, inveigh. schmahlich, a. disgraceful, scandalous; vile, schmal, a. narrow; slender; scanty, schmalen, v.i. scold, schmalern, v.t. narrow, reduce, abridge. Schmalseite, /. narrow side, edge. Schmalte, /. smalt. Schmalz, n. lard; melted fat. schmalzartig, a. lardaceous, lardy. Schmalzbutter, /. melted butter. schmalzen, schmalzen, v.t. grease, lard. Schmalzol, n. lard oil; oleo oil. Schmand, Schmant, m. slime, sludge; cream. Schmarotzer, m. parasite. schmarotzerisch, a. parasitic. 'Schmatz, m. smack, kiss. Schmauch, m. smoke. schmauchen, v.t. & i. smoke. Schmaus, m. feast, banquet. schmecken, v.t. & i. taste. Schmeer, m. = Schmer. schmeichelhaft, a. flattering, complimentary. schmeicheln, v.i. flatter; coax, schmeissen, v.t. throw, fling, dash; deposit (insect eggs). Schmelz, TO. enamel, glaze; fusion, melting, melt. Schmelzarbeit, /. smelting, smelting process; enameling, enameled work. Schmelzarbeiter, m. smelter; founder; enameler. schmelzbar, a. fusible, meltable. Schmelzbarkeit, /. fusibility. Schmelzblau, n. smalt. Schmelzbutter, /. melted butter. Schmelze, /. melting, fusion; smelting; smelt- ery; fused mass, melt; (Glass) batch; (Soda) ball; (Spinning) mill oil. schmelzen, v.t. melt, fuse; smelt; (teilweise) frit. v.i. melt, fuse; smelt; deliquesce. geschmolzen, p. a. melted, fused, molten; smelted. Schmelzen, n. melting, fusion; smelting. Schmelzer, m. melter; founder; smelter. Schmelzerei, /. smeltery; foundry. Schmelzerz, n. smelting ore. Schmelzfarbe, /. enamel color, vitrifiable pig- ment, majolica color. Schmelzfeuer, n. (Iron) refinery. Schmelzfluss, m. fused mass, melt. Schmelzglas, n. fusible glass; enamel. Schmelzglasur, /. enamel. Schmelzgut, n. material suitable for smelting, material to be smelted. Schmelzhafen, m. smelting pot. Schmelzherd, m. smelting hearth; smelting furnace; '(Soda) front hearth of a black-ash furnace. Schmelzhitze, /. melting heat. Schmelzhiitte, /. smelting house or works, smeltery; foundry. Schmelzkessel, TO. melting kettle or vessel; (Soda) caustic pan. Schmelzkunst, /. (art of) enameling; smelting. Schmelzkurve, /. melting-point curve, fusion curve. Schmelzlinie, /. line of fusion, fusion curve. Schmelzmalerei, /. enamel painting. Schmelzmittel, n. flux. Schmelzofen, TO. melting furnace; smelting furnace. Schmelzperle, /. blowpipe bead; enamel bead, bugle. Schmelzpost, /. smelting charge, post. Schmelzprozess, m. melting or smelting process. Schmelzpunkt, TO. melting point, fusing point. Schmelzpunktbestimmung, /. melting point determination. Schmelzraum, TO. (Metal.) hearth. Schmelzstahl, TO. German steel, natural steel. Schmelztemperatur, /. fusing temperature. Schmelztiegel, m. crucible, melting pot. Schmelztiegeldeckel, TO. crucible cover? (Metal.) tile. Schmelztiegelhalter, TO. crucible holder, crucible support. Schmelztiegelzange, /. crucible tongs. Schmelztropfchen, n. blowpipe bead. Schmelzung, /. = Schmelzen. Schmelzwarme, /. heat of fusion. Schmelzwerk, n. smeltery; foundry; enameled work. schmelzwiirdig, a. suitable for smelting, work- able. Schmelzzeit, /. time of melting or fusion; (Glass) journey. Schmelzzeug, n. smelting tools. Schmelzzone, /. zone of fusion. Schmer 220 Schnellgarung Schmer, m. & n. fat, grease; suet. Schmergel, m. emery. Schmerz, m. pain; grief, sorrow. schmerzhaft, a. painful; distressing. schmerzlos, a. painless. Schmerzlosigkeit, /. painlessness. Schmetterling, m. butterfly; lint. Schmetterlingsbliitler, m. papilionaceous plant, fabaceous plant (such as the bean, pea, etc.; not so wide a term as "leguminous plant"). schmettern, v.t. dash, smash. v.i. clang, ring, crash, blare. Schmidt, m. = Schmied. Schmied, TO. smith; blacksmith. schmiedbar, a. malleable, forgeable. Schmiedbarkeit, /. malleability. Schmiede, /. forge, smithy. Schmiedearbeit, /. forging, smithing. Schmiedeeisen, n. wrought iron; malleable iron. schmiedeeisern, a. wrought-iron. Schmiedefeuer, n. smith's hearth, forge. Schmiedeherd, TO. forge; forge hearth. Schmiedeisen, n. = Schmiedeeisen. schmiedeisern, a. wrought-iron. schmieden, v.t. forge, smith; devise, concoct. geschmiedetes Eisen, wrought iron. schmiegen, v.t. bend; bevel, schmiegsam, a. flexible, pliant. Schmierbuchse,/. grease cup, oil cup, lubricator. Schmiere,/. grease (for smearing or lubricating), smear; (for animals) dip. schmieren, v.t. grease, smear, anoint; lubricate, oil; spread (butter); butter (bread); scrawl; thrash. Schmierfett, n. = Schmiere. Schmierfleck, m. grease spot. schmierig, a. greasy, smeary, oily; glutinous, viscous; dirty. Schmierkase, TO. cottage cheese, smearcase. Schmierleder, n. leather dressed with oil. Schmiermasse, /. (Mack.) lubricating paste. Schmiermittel, Schmiermaterial, n. lubricant; ointment, salve, liniment. Schmierol, n. lubricating oil. Schmierseife, /. soft soap. Schmierung, /. greasing, etc. (see schmieren). Schmierwolle, /. greasy wool. schmilzt, pr. 2 & 3 sing, of schmelzen. Schminke, /. (face) paint. Schminkmittel, n. cosmetic. Schminkrot, n. rouge. Schminkweiss, n. flake white, pearl white (basic nitrate or oxy chloride of bismuth). Schmirgel, TO. emery. Schmirgelleinen, n. emery cloth. schmirgeln, v.t. rub with emery, emery. Schmirgelpapier, n. emery paper. Schmirgelpulver, n. emery powder. Schmirgelscheibe, /. emery wheel. schmiss, pret. of schmeissen. schmollen, v.i. pout, sulk. schmolz, pret. of schmelzen. schmoren, v.t. & i. stew. schmuck, a. neat, trim, pretty. Schmuck, TO. ornament; jewelry; finery. schmiicken, v.t. adorn, decorate, dress. Schmuckstein, TO. gem, gem stone. schmuggeln, v.t. & i. smuggle. schmunzeln, v.i. smirk, smile. Schmutz, TO. dirt, filth, smut. schmutzig, a. dirty, soiled, filthy, smutty. Schmutzwolle, /. wool in the yolk. Schnabel, m. beak, bill; nozzle, nose. schnabelformig, a. beak-shaped. Schnalle, /. buckle, clasp. schnallen, vt. buckle. schnalzen, v.i. smack, cluck, snap. schnappen, v.i. snap; gasp. Schnaps, TO. spirits; dram. schnarchen, v.t. snore. schnattern, v.i. cackle; chatter. schnauben, v.i. & t. snort, puff, blow. schnaufen, v.i. wheeze, puff. Schnauze, /. snout, mouth; (Tech.) nose, nozzle, spout. Schnecke, /. snail, slug; worm (of a still); endless screw; volute; spiral stairway; (Ana/.) cochlea. schneckenformig, a. spiral, helical. Schneckengang, m. auger; spiral walk; snail's pace. Schneckengewinde, n. helix. Schneckenklee, TO. snail clover (Medicago sp.). Schnee, TO. snow. Schneeflocke, /. snowflake. Schneegips, TO. snowy (foliated) gypsum. Schneeglockchen, n. snowdrop. Schneegrenze, /. snow line. Schneewehe, /. snowdrift. Schneeweiss, n. snow white (zinc white). Schneide, /. knife edge; edge; keenness. Schneidemaschine, /. cutting machine. schneiden, v.t. cut; saw; prune; adulterate; gripe. v.i. cut, carve. Schneider, TO. cutter; tailor, schneidig, a. sharp; keen, plucky. schneien, v.i. snow, schnell, a. fast, rapid, quick, sudden. adv. quickly, rapidly. Schnellbinder, TO. quick-setting cement. Schnellbleiche, /. quick bleaching, chemical bleaching, schnellen, v.i. spring, snap. v.t. let fly, fling; cheat. Schnellessig, TO. quick vinegar. Schnellessigbereitung, /. quick vinegar process, schnellfliissig, a. easily fusible. Schnellgarung, /. quick (or accelerated) fermen- tation. Schnelligkeit 221 schrak Schnelligkeit, /. rapidity, quickness, speed, velocity. Schnellkraft, /. elasticity. schnellkraftig, a. elastic. Schnelllot, Schnellot, n. soft solder; fusible metal. Schnellphotographie, /. instantaneous photog- raphy or photograph. Schnellprobe, /. rapid test. Schnellroste, /. quick retting, chemical retting. Schnellschrift,/. shorthand, stenography. schnelltrocknend, p.a. quick-drying, siccative. Schnellzug, m. fast train, express train. Schnellziinder, TO. quick match. Schnepfe,/. snipe; woodcock. Schneppe, /. spout, snout, nozzle, lip. schneuzen, v.t. blow (the nose) ; snuff (a candle) . schnippisch, a. pert, saucy. schnitt, pret. of schneiden. Schnitt, m. cut; cutting, incision; section; slice; edge (of a book) - r (surgical) operation; crop. Schnittbrenner, m. slit burner, batswing burner. Schnitte, /. cut, slice; sulfur match (for casks); chop; steak. Schnitter, TO. reaper, mower, corn cutter. Schnittflache, /. surface of a cut or section, sectional plane, section. Schnittholz, n. sawed timber. Schnittlauch, TO. chive. Schnittlinie, /. line of section or intersection. Schnittpunkt, m. point of intersection. Schnittwaren, f.pl. draper's goods, dry goods. Schnitz, TO. cut, slice, chip, cutlet. Schnitzel, n. slice, chip, clipping, snipping, shred, scrap; cutlet. Schnitzelmaschine, /. slicing machine, slicer (as for sugar beets), shredding machine. schnitzeln, schnitzen, v.t. & i. cut, carve, chip, whittle. Schnitzer, TO. cutter, carver; blunder. Hchnode, a. base, contemptible; contemptuous. Schnorkel, m. scroll, flourish. schnuffeln, v.i. sniff ; snuffle; pry. Schnupfen, TO. cold, catarrh. Schnupftabak, m. snuff. schnuppern, v.i. snuffle, sniff. Schnur, /. string, cord, line, twine, tape, band. schniiren, v.t. tie up, string, lace, strap, constrict. Schniirkolben, TO. a flask with neck constricted at the top. Schnurrbar t, m. mustache. Schnurre, /. rattle; joke, story. schnurren, .t. buzz, hum, whir, whiz, purr; fib. schnurrig, o. funny, droll. schob, pret. of schieben. schobern, v.t. pile, stack. Schock, n. sixty. Schofel, m. trash, refuse. Schokolade, /. chocolate. Schokoladentafel, /. cake of chocolate. Scholle, /. clod; soil; flounder. Schollkraut, n. celandine. schon, adv. already; yet, since, ever, now, duly; indeed, surely, no doubt, to be sure; merely, alone; even. schon, a. beautiful, handsome, fine, lovely. Schone, /. fining, isinglass; fair one. schonen, v.t. & i. spare, save, protect, care for. schonen, v.t. fine, clarify, clear; gloss; brighten (colors); beautify. Schonfarber, TO. garment dyer, dyer in fine colors. Schonf arberei, /. garment dyeing. Schb'ngriin, n. Paris green. Schonheit,/. beauty; fineness. Schonheitsmittel, n. cosmetic. Schbnheitswasser, n. beauty wash, liquid cos- metic. schonungslos, a. unsparing, pitiless. Schbnungsmittel, n. fining agent, fining; (for colors) brightening agent. Schopf, TO. tuft; (head of) hair; (tree) top. Schopf biitte, /. (Paper) pulp vat, stuff vat. schopfen, v.t. draw (liquids, air, containers); scoop, dip, bale, ladle. Schopf er, TO. drawer (of water, etc.), dipper, scoop, ladle, bucket; creator, maker, author, originator. Schopfgefass, n. scoop, dipper, ladle, bucket. Schopf herd, TO. casting crucible (of a furnace). Schopf kelle, /., Schopfloffel, TO. scoop, ladle. Schbpfrad, n. bucket wheel. Schopfrahmen, m. (Paper) deckle. Schopfung, /. creation. Schops, TO. wether; mutton; simpleton. Schopsenfleisch, n. mutton. Schopsentalg, TO. mutton tallow, (Pharm.) pre- pared suet. schor, pret. of scheren. Schorf, TO. scurf; scab. Schorl, TO. schorl. Schor lit, TO. pycnite (variety of topaz). Schornstein, TO. chimney, stack, flue. schoss, pret. of schiessen. Schoss.w.lap; womb; (coat) tails; shoot, sprig. Schossgerinne, n. channel, trough. Schossling, m. shoot, sprout, sucker. Schote, /. pod, shell, husk. Schotendorn, m. acacia; black locust. Schotengewachse, n. leguminous plants. Schotenpfeffer, m. red pepper, capsicum. Schotenpflanze, /. leguminous plant. Schotter, m. broken stone, macadam. schottisch, a. Scotch. schraffieren, v.t. (in drawings, etc.) shade, hatch, line. schrag, a. oblique, sloping, slanting, inclined, bevel. Schrage, /. slant, slope, bevel. schrak, pret. of schrecken. Schramme 222 Schuhriemen Schramme,/. scratch, slash; scar, cicatrix. schrammen, v.t. scratch, score, slash, scar. Schrank, m. cabinet, case, press, cupboard, closet, safe. Schranke,/. bar, barrier; bound, limit. in die Schranken treten, enter the lists. schranken, v.t. put across, cross. schrankweise, adv. crosswise. Schraper, m., Schrape, /. scraper; tracer. Schraube,/. screw. schrauben, v.t. screw; banter, mock. Schraubcnbohrer, m. screw tap; screw auger; twist drill. Schraubendreher, m. screw driver; wrench. Schraubenfeder, /. helical spring. schraubenformig, a. screw-shaped, spiral, hel- ical. Schraubenlinie, /. helical line. Schraubenmutter, /. nut, female screw. Schraubenpresse, /. screw press, fly press. Schraubenquetschhahn, m. screw pinchcock. Schraubenschliissel, m. screw wrench, nut wrench. Schraubenstock, m. vise. Schraubenzieher, m. screw driver. Schraubstock, m. vise. Schraubzwinge, /. screw clamp. Schreck, m. fright, terror. schrecken, v.t. chill; frighten. v.i. be afraid. Schrecken, m. fright, terror, horror. schrecklich, a. frightful, terrible, awful. Schrei, m. cry, shriek, shout; bloom, cake (of metal). Schreibart, /. mode of writing; style; spelling. schreiben, v.t. & i. write; (of instruments) record. Schreibfeder, /. (writing) pen. Schreibkies, m. marcasite. Schreibmaschine, /. typewriter. Schro ibmalerialien, /. writing materials, sta- tionery. Schreibpapier, n. writing paper. Schreibtinte, /. writing ink. Schreibweise, /. manner of writing. schreien, v.i. cry, shout, scream, shriek, bray. schreiend, p. a. (of colors) loud. Schreien, n. crying, etc. (see schreien) ; (of tin) cry. Schrein, m. case, cabinet, chest, casket, press, schreiten, v.i. step, stride; proceed. schrie, pret. of schreien. schrieb, pret. of schreiben. Schrift, /. writing; characters; type; paper, publication. Schriftabsatz, m. paragraph. Schrifterz, n. sylvanite. Schriftfuhrer, m. secretary. Schriftgiesser, m. type founder. Schriftgiessermetall, n. type metal. Schriftgold, n. sylvanite. Schriftgranit, m. graphic granite. Schriftguss, m. type founding. Schriftjaspis, m. jasper opal, schriftlich, a. written, in writing. Schriftmalerei, /. lettering. Schriftmetall, n. type metal. Schnftmutter,/. type mold, matrix. Schriftsetzer, m. typesetter, compositor. Schriftstein, m. graphic granite. Schrif Isteller, m. writer, author. Schrifttellur, n. graphic tellurium (sylvanite). Schriftzeichen, n. character, letter. Schriftzeug, n. type metal. Schrif tzug, m. (written) character; flourish. schritt, pret. of schreiten. Schritt, m. step; stride; pace, schrittweise, adv. step by step, schrob, pret. of schrauben. schroff, a. rough, harsh; steep, abrupt; gruff, schropfen, v.t. cup; scarify. Schrot, n. _& m. cut, piece, block, clipping; small shot; gpoats; selvage; due weight (of a coin); plumb bob; (Brewing) grist. schroten, v.t. cut in pieces, chip, clip; bruise, rough-grind; shoot (casks); gobble (food). Schrotcr, m. handler of barrels; woodcutter; stag beetle. Schrotfabrik, /. shot factory. Schrotling, m. piece, cutting; (Minting) blank, planchet. Schrotmehl, n. coarse meal. Schrotmetall, n. shot metal. Schrotmiihle, /. grist mill, bruising mill; malt mill. schrubben, v.t. scrub, scour. Schrubber, m. scrubber. schriien, v.t. give the biscuit baking to (porce- lain). Schrulle, /. whim, crotchet, schrumpfen, v.t. & i. shrink, contract, shrivel. schrumpfend, p. a. astringent. Schrumpfmass, n. (amount of) shrinkage, contraction. Schrumpfung, /. shrinking, contraction, shriv- eling. Schub, TO. shove, push; thrust; throw; (Bak- ing) batch. Schubfach, n. drawer. Schubfenster, n. sash window, sash. Schubkurbel,/. (Mach.) crank. Schublade, /. drawer. Schublehre, Schubleere, /. sliding gage, slide gage. schubweise, adv. by shoves, by thrusts; in batches; gradually. schiichtern, a. shy, coy, timid. schuf, pret. of schaffen. schuften, v.i. drudge, toil. Schuh, TO. shoe. Schuhriemen, m. shoestring, shoe lace. Schuhschwarze 223 Schwand Schuhschwarze, Schuhwichse, /. shoe blacking. Schuld, /. debt; fault, blame; guilt; crime. Schuldbuch, n. ledger, account book. schulden, v.t. owe. schuldig, a. guilty, at fault; indebted, owing; due. Schuldigkeit, /. duty, obligation, debt. Schuldner, m. debtor. Schule, /. school. Schiller, m. scholar, pupil. Schulter, /. shoulder. schund, pret. of schinden. Schund, m, refuse, offal, rubbish. Schiippchen, n. little scale, flake. Schuppe, /. scale. Schiippe, /. shovel, scoop. schuppen, v.t. & r. scale, scale off, desquamate. Schuppen, m. carriage house, shed. schiippenartig, a. scaly, squamous. Schuppenglatte, /. flake litharge. Schuppenstein, m. lepicolite. schuppig, a. scaly, flaky, squamous. Schuppigkeit, /. scaliness. Schur,/. shearing; fleece; annoyance. Schurbel, m. = Schirbel. Schiireisen, n. poker, fire hook, fire iron. schuren, v.t. stir, poke, stoke (fire). schiirfen, v.t. scratch, scrape; open (a mine). v.i. prospect. Schiirhaken, TO. = Schiireisen. schurkisch, a. rascally. Schurloch, n. stoke hole, fire hole. Schurz, m., Schiirze, /. apron. schiirzen, v.t. tie; tuck up, gird up. Schuss, m. shot; blast; charge; shoot, shoot- ing, weft (of fabrics).; (Baking) batch. Schussel, /. dish. Schiisselzinn, n. pewter. Schuster, m. shoemaker; cobbler. Schusterpech, n. shoemaker's wax. Schutt, TO. rubbish, refuse. schiitteln, v.t. shake, agitate, churn. Schiittelwerk, n. shaking mechanism or ap- paratus. Schiittelzylinder, TO. shaking cylinder (stop- pered cylinder). schtitten, v.t. pour, shed; (Mining, etc.) yield. Schiittloch, n. feed hole. Schiittung, /. pouring, etc. (see schutten) ; bot- toming (for roads) ; (Brewing) extract-yield- ing materials. Schutz, m. protection, defense, shelter, screen. Schutz-. protecting, protective, guard, preserv- ing. Schutzbeize, /. (Calico) resist, reserve. Schutzbeizendruck, TO. resist style. Schutzbrille, /. protecting spectacles, goggles. Schutzdecke, /. protective cover or coating. schiitzen, v.t. protect, guard, defend, shelter. Schutzengel, m. guardian angel. Schiitzenschaf t, /. rifle club. Schulzhiille, /. protective covering. Schutzimpfung, /. protective inoculation, vac- cination. Schutzkappe, /. protecting cap Schutzkolloid, n. protective colloid. Schutzkraft, /. protective power. Schiitzling, m. protege, charge. schutzlos, a. unprotected. Schutzmann, TO. policeman. Schutzmantel, m. protecting jacket (or case) . Schutzmarke, /. trademark. Schutzmaske, /. protecting mask, face guard. Schutzmasse, /. (Calico) resist. Schutzmittel, n. preservative; preventive, pro- phylactic; (Calico) resist. Schutzpapp, m. = Schutzbeize. Schutzpockengift, n. vaccine virus. Schutzring, TO. guard ring. Schutzschicht, /. protective layer. Schutzstoff, TO. protective material. Schutztrichter, TO. protecting funnel (see Ablauf- trichter). Schutzvorrichtung, /. protecting device, pro- tective contrivance. Schutzwirkung, /. protective effect. Schutzzoll, TO. protective duty. schwach. a. weak; feeble, faint, low, dim, thin, poor. Schwache, /. weakness, etc. (see schwach). schwachen, v.t. weaken; enfeeble, impair; ten- der (fibers); seduce. schwachsauerlich, a. weakly acid. schwachsiedend, p.a. gently boiling, simmering. Schwachung,/. weakening,etc. (see schwachen). Schwachungsmittel, n. depressant. Schwaden, TO. suffocating vapor or exhalation, damp; specif., choke damp; swath. feu- riger Schwaden, fire damp. Schwadenfang, m. hood; ventilator. Schwager, TO. brother-in-law. Schwalbe, /. swallow. Schwalbenwurz, /. swallowwort; (Pharm.) vincetoxicum. Schwall, TO. swell, flood, throng. schwamm, pret. of schwimmen. Schwamm, TO. sponge; mushroom; fungus; tinder; (Zinc) tutty; mass, lot. sch wammartig, a. sponge-like, spongy; fungous. Schwammfilter, n. sponge filter. Schwammgift, n. mushroom poison, muscarine. Schwammholz, n. spongy wood, decayed wood. schwammig, a. spongy, porous; (of paper) bibulous. Schwammkupfer, n. spongy copper, copper sponge. Schwammstoff, TO. fungin. Schwan, TO. swan. schwand, pret. of schwinden. Schwand, TO. shrinkage, etc. (see schwinden). schwang 224 Schwefelcyankalium schwang, pret. of schwingen. Schwang, m. swing; vogue. schwanger, a. pregnant. schwangern, v.t. impregnate. Schwangerschaft, /. pregnancy. Schwangerung, /. impregnation. so h wank, a. flexible; slender; wavering. schwanken, v.i. fluctuate, oscillate; vary; shake, rock, reel; hesitate, waver. schwan- kend, p.a. unsettled, unsteady, uncertain. Schwankung, /. fluctuation, etc. (see schwan- ken). Schwa nz, m. tail; train. Schwanzer, m. truant, shirk. Schwanzhahn, m. stopcock with an outlet thru the end of the key. Schwanzstern, m. comet. schwaren, v.i. fester, suppurate. Schwarm, m. swarm, crowd, throng; (Bact.) colony. schwarmen, v.i. swarm; wander; revel; day- dream; rave. Sch warmer, m. rover; reveler; visionary; en- thusiast; (Zool.) sphinx; firecracker, serpent. Schwarte, /. rind, skin, crust, covering, scalp. schwarz, a. black; dark, swarthy. schwarz liegen, (of beer, etc.) be settled, be clear. schwarzes Wasser, (Pharm.) black mercurial lotion. Schwarz, n. black; blackness. Schwarzbeize, /. (Dyeing) black liquor, iron liquor. schwarzblau, a. very dark blue. Schwarzblech, n. black plate (untinned iron plate). Schwarzblei, n. black lead (graphite). Schwarzbleierz, n. black lead spar (carbonifer- ous cerussite). Schwarzbraunstein, m. psilomelane. schwarzbriichig, a. (Metal.) black-short. Schwarze, /. black; blacking; printer's ink; blackness; swart hiness. schwarzen, v.t. blacken, black. Schwarzfarber, m. dyer in black. schwarzgar, a. black-tanned. schwarzgebrannt, p.a. (Metal.) kishy. vSchwarzgiilligerz, n. stephanite; polybasite. Schwarzkiimmel, TO. nutmeg flower (Nigella sativa). Schwarzkupfer, n. black copper, coarse copper. Schwarzkupfererz, m. melaconite. schwarzlich, a. blackish. Schwarzmanganerz, n. hausmannite. Schwarzpech, n. black pitch, common pitch. Schwarzpulver, n. black powder. Schwarzschmelz, m. black enamel. Schwarzseher, m. pessimist. Schwarzsilbererz, n. black silver (stephanite). Schwarzspiessglanzerz, n. bournonite. Schwarzvitriol, m. black vitriol (impure ferrous sulfate). Schwarzwurz, /. (Pharm.) symphytum. Schwarzzinkerz, n. franklinite. schwatzen, v.i. babble, chatter. Schwebe, /. suspension; suspense; sling; sus- pender. schweben, v.i. hang, hover, float, be suspended, be pending. schwebend, p.a. suspended, in suspension, hanging, floating. Schwebestoff, TO. suspended substance (or matter). schwedisch, a. Swedish. schwedisches Griin, Swedish green (Scheele's green). schwed- isches Holzchen, n. safety match. schweel-. See schwel-. Schwefel, m. sulfur. Schwefel-. of sulfur, sulfur, sulfuric, sulfide of, thio-, sulfo-. Schwefelalkali, n. alkali sulfide. Schwefelalkohol, m. old name for carbon disul- fide. Schwefelammonium, Schwefelammon, n. am- monium sulfide. Schwefelantimon, n. antimony sulfide. schwefelantimonsauer, a. of or combined with thioantimonic acid, thioantimonate of. Schwefelantimonsaure, /. thioantimonic acid, sulfantimonic acid. Schwefelarsen, Schwefelarsenik, n. (any) sul- fide of arsenic. schwefelarsenig, a. thioarsenious, sulfarsenious. Schwefelarsensaure, /. thioarsenic acid, sulfar- senic acid. Schwefelart, /. kind or variety of sulfur. schwefelartig, a. sulfurous, sulfureous. Schwefelather, m. sulfuric ether (ethyl ether). Schwefelbad, n. sulfur bath. Schwefelbaryum, n. barium sulfide. Schwefelbestimmung, /. sulfur determination. Schwefelblausaure, /. sulfocyanic acid, thio- cyanic acid. Schwefelblei, n. lead sulfide. Schwefelblumen, Schwefelbluten, f.pl. flowers of sulfur. Schwefelbrennofen, TO. sulfur kiln. Schwefelbromur, n. sulfur monobromide. Schwefelbrot, n. loaf of sulfur. Schwefelcadmium, n. cadmium sulfide. Schwefelcalcium, n. calcium sulfide. Schwefelchlorid, n. sulfur chloride, specif., sul- fur dichloride, SOU. Schwefelchloriir, n. sulfur monochloride. (SzCh). Schwefelchrom, n. chromium sulfide. Schwefelcyan, n. thiocyanogen, sulf ocyanogen ; cyanogen sulfide. Schwefelcyanammonium, n. ammonium thio- cyanate (or sulfocyanate). Schwefelcyankalium, n. potassium thiocyanate (or sulfocyanate). S chwef el cyanmetall 225 Schweigen Schwefelcyanmetall, n. metallic thiocyanate (or sulfocyanate). Schwefelcyansaure, /. thiocyanic acid, sulfo- eyanic acid. Schwefelcyanwasserstoffsaure, /. thiocyanic acid, sulfocyanic acid. Schwefeldampf, m. sulfur vapor. Schwefeldioxyd, n. sulfur dioxide, schwefelecht, a. (Dyeing) fast to stoving, fast to sulf urous acid. Schwefeleisen, n, iron (usually ferrous) sulfide. Schwefelerz, n. sulfur ore. Schwefelfarbe, /. sulfur color. Schwefelfarbstoff, m. sulfur dye. Schwefelform, /. mold for sulfur, brimstone mold. Schwefelgallium, n. gallium sulfide. Schwefelgehalt, m. sulfur content. schwefelgelb, a. sulfur-yellow. Schwefelgerbung, /. sulfur tannage. Schwefelgermanium, n germanium sulfide. Schwefelgold, n. gold Sulfide. Schwefelgrube, /. sulfur pit, sulfur mine. Schwefelhalogen, n. sulfur halide. schwefelhaltig, a. containing sulfur, sulfurous. Schwefelharnstoff, TO. thiourea. Schwefelholzchen, Schwefelholz, n. sulfur match. Schwefelhutte, /. sulfur refinery. schwefelig, a. = schweflig. Schwefelindium, n. indium sulfide. Schwefeljodur, n. sulfur moniodide. Schwefelkadmium, n. cadmium sulfide. Schwefelkalium, n. potassium sulfide. Schwefelkalzium, n. calcium sulfide. Schwefelkammer, /. sulfur chamber, sulfuring room, sulfur stove. Schwefelkarbolsiiure, /. sulfoearbolic acid. Schwefelkies, m. iron pyrites. gemeiner Schwefelkies, pyrite. prismatischer Schwef- elkies, marcasite. Schwefelkobalt, m. cobalt sulfide. Schwefelkohlensaure, /. sulfocarbonic acid (tri- thiocarbonic acid, H 2 CS 3 ). Schwefelkohlenstoff, m. carbon disulfide. Schwefelkolben, m. retort for distilling sulfur. Schwefelkuchen, m. cake of sulfur. Schwefelkupfer, n. copper sulfide. Schwefellatwerge, /. (Pharm.) confection of sulfur. Schwefellauterofen, m. sulfur refining furnace. Schwefelleber, /. liver of sulfur, hepar. Schwefelmagnesium, n. magnesium sulfide. Schwefelmangan, n. manganese sulfide. Schwefelmetall, n. metallic sulfide. Schwefelmilch, /. milk of sulfur. Schwefelmolybdan, . molybdenum sulfide. schwefeln, v.L sulfurize, sulfurate, sulfur. Schwefelnatrium, Schwefelnatron, n. sodium eulfide. Schwefelnickel, m. nickel sulfide. Schwefelniederschlag, m. precipitate of sulfur, precipitated sulfur. Schwefelofen, m. sulfur burner. Schwefeloxyd, n. (any) sulfur oxide. Schwefelphosphor, m. (any) phosphorus sulfide. Schwefelquecksilber, n. mercury sulfide. Schwefelquelle, /. sulfur spring. Schwefelraucherung, /. sulfur fumigation. Schwefelsalz, n. sulfur salt, thio salt, sulfo salt; sulfate. schwefelsauer, a. of or combined with sulfuric acid, sulfate of. Schwefelsaure, /. sulfuric acid. Schwefelsaureanhydrid, n. sulfuric anhydride, sulfur trioxide. Schwefelsaurefabrikation, /. manufacture of sulfuric acid. Schwefelsaurekammer,/. sulfuric acid chamber. Schwefelschlacke, /. sulfur dross. Schwefelschwarz, n. sulfur black. Schwefelsilber, n. silver sulfide. Schwefelspiessglanz, m. stibnite. Schw efelstange, /. roll of sulfur. Schwefelstiick, n. piece of sulfur. Schwefelthallium, n. thallium sulfide. Schwefeltonerde, /. aluminium sulfide. Schwefelung, /. sulfurization, sulfuring. Schwefelverbindung, /. sulfur compound. Schwefelwasser, n. sulfur water. Schwefelwasserstoff, m. hydrogen sulfide. Schwefelwasserstoffrest, m. hydrogen sulfide residue, sulfhydryl, SH'. Schwefelwasserstoffsaure, /. hydrosulfuric acid (H 2 S). Schwefelweinsaure, /. sulphovinic acid (old name for ethylsulfuric acid). Schwefelwerk, n. sulfur refinery. Schwefelwismut, n. bismuth sulfide. Schwefelzink, m. & n. zinc sulfide. Schwefelzinkweiss, n. lithopone, zincolith (a pigment containing chiefly zinc sulfide). Schwefelzinn, n. tin sulfide. Schwefelzyan-. See Schwefelcyan-. schweflig, a. sulfurous. schweflige Saure, sulfurous acid, schwefligsauer, a. of or combined with sulfurous acid, sulfite of. Schwefligsaure, /. sulfurous acid. Schwefligsaureanhydrid, n. sulf urous anhydride, sulfur dioxide. Schwefligsauregas, n. sulfur dioxide. Schwefligsaurewasser, n. aqueous sulfurous acid. Schweif, m. tail; warp (of fabrics). schweifen, v.L curve; chamfer; rinse; tail. v.i. stray, ramble. Schweifung, /. curve, rounding, swell. schweigen, v.i. be silent, hush. Schweigen, n. silence. schweigsam 226 Schwimmfiosse schweigsam, a. silent; taciturn, reserved. Schwein, n. hog, pig, swine. Schweinbrot, n. = Erdbrot. Schweinefett, n. hog fat, lard. Schweinefieisch, n. pork. Schweineschmalz, Schweineschmer, n. lard. Schweinigel, m. hedgehog; filthy fellow. Schweinshaut, /. hogskin, pigskin. Schweinsleder, n. hogskin, pigskin (leather). Schweiss, m. sweat, perspiration. Schweiss-. welding, weld; sweat, sweaty, sudo- rific. Schweissarbeit, /. welding. schweissbar, a. weldable, welding. schweissbefordernd, p.a. sudorific, diaphoretic. schweissecht, a. fast to perspiration. Schweisseisen, n. weld iron. schweissen, v.t. weld. v.i. begin to melt; (of liquids) leak. Schweissen, n. welding. Schweisser, m. welder. schweisserregend, p.a. = schweissbefordend. Schweissfehler, m. defect in welding. Schweissfliissigkeit,/. sweat. schweissgewaschen, p.a. (of wool) washed in the grease. Schweisshitze, /. welding heat. Schweissloch, n. sweat pore. Schweissmittel, n. sudorific, diaphoretic. Schweissnaht, /. weld seam. Schweissofen, m. v/elding furnace, reheating furnace. Schweissprozess, m. welding process. Schweisspulver, n. welding powder; diaphor- etic powder. Schweissschmiedeeisen, n. weld iron (as dis- tinguished from weld steel). Schweissstahl, m. weld steel. Schweissstelle, /. place where metal is welded, shut. schweisstreibend, p.a. = schweissbefordernd. Schweissung, /. welding, weld. Schweisswalzen, f.pl. roughing rolls. schweisswarm, a. welding-hot. Schweisswarme, /. welding heat. Schweisswoile, /. wool containing suint, wool in the yolk. Schweiz, /. Switzerland. Schweizer , m. Swiss. Schweizerkase, m. Swiss cheese. schwelchen, v.t. (Brewing) wither, air-dry. Schwelchmaiz, n. withered (air-dried) malt. schwelen, v.t. & i. burn slowly, smolder, distil (tar). schwelgen, v.i. carouse, revel. schwelken, v.t. = schwelchen. schwellbar, a. capable of swelling. Schwellbeize, /. (Leather) swelling liquor. Schwelle, /. sill, threshold; beam, sleeper; cross bar. schwellen, v.t. & i. swell, distend; (Leather) plump. Schwellgewebe, n. (Anat.) erectile tissue. Schwellkorper, m. (Anat.) corpus cavernosum. Schwellkraft, /. (Leather) plumping power. Schwellmittel, n. (Leather) plumping agent. Schwellung, /. swelling, tumefaction. Schwelretorte, /. retort for coal or tar distilla- tion. Schwemme, /. watering; watering place. schwemmen, v.t. water; wash; float; deposit, schwenken, v.t. swing, flourish, wave; rinse. v.i. wheel about. schwer, a. heavy; difficult, hard, severe. adv. heavily, difficultly, etc. schweres Wein- 51, see Weinol. Schwerbleierz, n. plattnerite. Schwere, /. heaviness, weight; gravity; dif- ficulty, hardness. Schweremesser, m. barometer. Schwererde, /. heavy earth, baryta (BaO). schwerfallig, a. clumsy, heavy, dull, slack. schwerfliichtig, a. difficultly volatile, not easily volatilized. Schwerfliichtigkeit, /. difficult volatility. schwerfliissig, o. difficultly fusible, refrac- tory. Schwerfliissigkeit, /. difficult fusibility, refrac- toriness. Schwerfrucht, /. heavy grain (as wheat, rye). schwerhdrig, a. hard of hearing. Schwerkraft, /. force of gravity. Schwerleder, n. sole leather. schwerlich, adv. hardly, scarcely, difficultly. schwerloslich, a. difficultly soluble, slightly sol- uble. Schwermetall, n. heavy metal. Schwermut, /. melancholy. Schwerol, n. heavy oil. Schwerpunkt, m. center of gravity. Schwerschwarz, n. (Dyeing) weighted black. Schwerspat, m. heavy spar, barite. Schwerstein, m. scheelite. Schwert, n. sword. Schwertantalerz, n. tantalite. Schwertlilie, /. iris, fleur-de-lis. schwerwiegend, p.a. weighty, serious. Schwester, /. sister. schwieg, pret. of schweigen. Schwiegermutter, /. mother-in-law. Schwiele, /. callosity; wale, welt. schwielig, a. callous, horny; waled. schwierig, a. hard, difficult; fastidious. Schwierigkeit, /. difficulty, obstacle. schwiert, pr. 3 sing, of schwaren. schwillt, pr. 8 sing, of schwellen. Schwimmblase, /. air bladder, sound. schwimmen, v.i. swim; float. Schwimmer, m. float; swimmer. Schwimmfeder, Schwimmflosse, /. fin. Schwimmgerste 227 Seetang Schwimmgerste, /. (Brewing) float barley, skimmings. Schwimmkiesel, m. floatstone. Sch w immkorper, m. swimming or floating body, float. Schwimmkraft, /. buoyancy. Schwimmmethode, /. flotation method. Schwimmsand, TO. quicksand. Schwimmstein, TO. floatstone. Schwindel, m. vertigo; sell, swindle; kit, lot. schwinden, v.i. shrink, contract; dwindle, waste; disappear. Schwinden, n. shrinking, shrinkage, etc. (see schwinden). Schwindmass, n. amount of shrinkage, shrink- age. Schwindsucht, /. consumption, phthisis. Schwindung, /. = Schwinden. Schwindungsfahigkeit, /. tendency to shrink, property of shrinking. Schwinge,/. wing; single. Schwingelgras, n. fescue grass, fescue. schwingen, v.i. vibrate; swing, oscillate. v.t. swing, wave; centrifuge; winnow; swingle. schwingend, p.a. vibrating, vibra- tory, oscillating, oscillatory, swinging. Schwingung, /. vibration; swinging, swing, oscillation. Schwingungsbewegung, /. vibratory (or oscil- latory) motion. Schwingungsebene, /. plane of vibration. Schwingungsweite, /. amplitude of vibration. Schwingungswelle, /. undulation, vibrational wave. Schwingungszahl, /. vibration number, rate of vibration. Schwingungszeit, /. time of vibration. schwirren, v.i. whiz, whir, buzz, chirp. v.l. whiz, centrifuge. Schwitze, /. sweat, sweating. schwitzen, v.i. & t. sweat. Schwitzmittel, n. sudorific, diaphoretic. Schwitzpulver, n. diaphoretic powder. Schwitzroste, /. steam retting. Schwode,/. place where hides are limed; state of being limed. Schwbdebrei, TO. (Leather) lime cream. Schwiidefass, n. (Leather) lime vat, lime. Schwodegrube, /. (Leather) lime pit, lime. Schwodemasse, /. (Leather) lime cream. schwoden, v.t. lime (hides). schwoll, fret, of schwellen. schwomm, pret. of schwimmen. schwor, pret. of schwaren and of schwdren. schworen, v.t. & i. swear. schwiil, a. sultry, close. Schwulst, m. swelling, tumor. Schwund, TO. atrophy, withering, disappearance. Schwung, w. vibration, oscillation, swing; soar- ing, flight, activity. Schwungbewegung, /. vibratory motion. Schwungbrett, n. spring board. Schwunggewicht, n. pendulum. schwunghaft, a. swinging, soaring, lively. Schwungkraft, /. centrifugal force; vibrating power; liveliness. Schwungtnaschine, /. centrifugal whirler. Schwungrad, n. flywheel; balance wheel. schwur, pret. of schwaren and of schworen. Schwur, TO. oath. schwiirig, a. suppurating. sd., abbrev. (siedend) boiling; (siedet) boils. s.d. f abbrev. (siehe dies) see this, which see, q.v. Sd., abbrev. (Siedepunkt) boiling point. Sebacinsaure, /. sebacic acid. sechs, a. six. sechsatomig, a. hexatomic. Sechseck, n. hexagon. sechseckig, a. hexagonal. sechsfach, gechsfiiltig, a. sixfold, sextuple. Sechsflach, n., Sechsflachner, m. hexahedron. sechsflachig, a. hexahedral. sechsgliedrig, a. six-membered. sechsmonatlich, a. half-yearly, semi-annual. sechssaurig, a. hexacid. sechsseitig, a. six-sided, hexagonal. sechste, a. sixth. Sechstel, n. sixth. sechswertig, a. hexavalent, sexivalent. sechswinklig, a. six-angled, hexangular, hex- agonal. sechszahlig, a. sixfold. sechzehn, a. sixteen. sechzig, a. sixty. Sedativsalz, n. sedative salt (old name for boric acid). See,/, sea. See, m. lake. Seealgen, f.pl. marine algae. Seebad, n. sea bath; seaside resort. Seeerz, TO. lake (iron) ore. Seegewachs, n. sea plant, marine plant, sea- weed. Seehund, TO. seal. Seehundstran, TO. seal oil. Seekohl, TO. sea kale. seekrank, a. seasick. Seekrebs, TO. lobster. Seele, /. soul; mind; shaft (of a blast furnace); core (of a rope). Seelen-. of the soul, psychic, mental. Seelenforscher, m. psychologist. seelenfroh, a. extremely glad. Seelenkunde, Seelenlehre, /. psychology. Seelenruhe, /. tranquillity; mental rest. Seemoos, n. sea moss, carrageen. Seepflanze, /. marine plant, sea plant. Seesalz, n. sea salt. Seeschlick, m. sea ooze. Seetang, TO. seaweed (esp. Fucus), sea tang. Seetier 228 Seller Seetier, n. marine animal. Seewasser, n. sea water. Segel, n. sail. Segen, m. blessing, benediction; abundance, yield. Segerkegel, m., Seger'scher Kegel. Seger cone. segnen, v.t. bless; cross. Seh-. of sight, visual, optic. Sehe, /. pupil (of the eye). sehen, v.t. see. v.i. see, look. Sehen, n. seeing, sight, vision. Sehenswiirdigkeit, /. sight, spectacle, curiosity. Seher, m. seer. Sehlehre,/. optics. Sehne, /. sinew, tendon; (Metal.) fiber; (Geom.) chord. Sehneisen, n. fibrous iron. Sehnen-. of a tendon, tendinous, sehnen, v.r. long, yearn. Sehnerv, m. optic nerve. sehnig, a. tendinous, sinewy; (Metal., etc.) fibrous. sehnlich, a. longing. Sehnsucht, /. longing, yearning, desire. sehr, adv. very, very much, very well. Sehrohr, n. telescope. sei, pr.subj. of sein. seicht, a. shallow; low, flat. Seide,/. silk. Seidel, n. pint, half-liter; tankard (for beer). Seidelbast, m. mezereon (Daphne mezereum). seiden, a. silk, silken. Seidenabfall, m. silk waste, waste silk. seidenartig, a. silky. Seidenasbest, m. silky asbestos. Seidenbast, m. tussah silk. Seidenbau, m. silk culture, sericulture. Seidenfabrik,/. silk mill. Seidenfibrin, n. fibroin. Seidenflor, m. silk gauze. Seidengarn, n. silk yarn, spun silk. Seidenglanz, m. silky luster. Seidenholz, n. satinwood. Seidenleim, m. silk glue, sericin. Seidenpapier, n. tissue paper. Seidenraupe, /. silkworm. Seidenschrei, m. scroop of silk. Seidlitzpulver, n. Seidlitz powder, seiend, p.pr. of sein. Seife, /. soap, seifecht, a. fast to soaping, seifen, v.t. soap, lather; wash, scour; (Mining) wash. SeifenabfaUe, rti.pl. soap scraps, seifenartig, a. soapy, saponaceous. Seifenasche, /. soap ashes. Seifenbad, n. soap bath. Seifenbalsam, m. soap liniment, opodeldoc. Seifenbereitung, /. soap making. Seifenbildung, /. formation of soap, saponifica- tion. Seifenblase, /. soap bubble. Seifenbriihe, /. soap suds. Seifenerde, /. fuller's earth. Seifenerz, n. alluvial ore. Seifenfabrikant, m. soap maker. Seifcnfabrikation, /. soap making or manufac- ture. Seifenform, /. soap frame. Seifengold, n. placer gold. Seifenlauge, /. soap solution, soap suds. Seifenleim, m. soap glue, soap paste; (Paper) soap size. Seifenlosung, /. soap solution. Seifenpulver, n. soap powder. Seifenriegel, m. bar of soap, soap bar. Seifenrinde, /. soapbark. Seifenschabsel, n. soap scraps. Seifenschaum, m. lather. Seifenschmiere, /. (Leather) soap stuff. Seifensieder, m. soap boiler. Seifensiederasche, /. soap ashes. Seifenstein, m. soapstone, steatite. Seifentafel,/. slab of soap. Seifentafelchen, n. cake or tablet of soap. Seifenwasser, n. soap suds. Seifenwurzel, /. soapwort; soaproot. Seifenzinn, n. stream tin. seifig, a. soapy, saponaceous. seiger, a. perpendicular. Seigerarbeit, /. (Metal.) liquation, liquation process. Seigerblei, n. liquation lead. Seigerdorner, m.pl. liquation dross. Seigerherd, m. liquation hearth. Seigerhiitte, /. liquation works. seigern, v.t. (Metal.) liquate. Seigerofen, m. liquation furnace. Seigerpfanne, /. liquation pan. Seigerschlacke, /. liquation slag. Seigerstiick, n. liquation cake. Seigerung, /. liquation. Seigerwerk, n. liquation works. Seignettesalz, n. Seignette salt (Rochelle salt, sodium potassium tartrate). Seihe, /. strainer, filter; (Brewing) spent malt. Seiheboden, m. strainer bottom, perforated bottom. Seihegefass, n. straining vessel, filtering vessel. seihen, v.t. strain, filter. Seihepapier, n. filter paper. Seihcr, m. strainer, filter. Seihesack, m. filtering bag. Seihestein, m. filtering stone. Seihetrichter, m. straining funnel, strainer. Seihetuch, n. straining cloth, filtering cloth. Seihgefass, etc. = Seihegefass, etc. Sell, n. rope, cable, cord, line. Seller, m. rope maker. Seilerwaren 229 Semidinumlagerung Seilerwaren, f.pl. cordage. Seim, m, glutinous liquid; strained honey. seimig, a. glutinous, mucilaginous. Bein, v.i. be. sein, pron. his, its. Sein, n. being, existence. seiner, pron. of him, of it, his. seinerseits, adv. for his part. seinige, pron. his, his own. seit, prep. & conj. since. seitdem, adv. since then, ever since. conj . since. Seite,/. side; face (of a solid) ; page (of a book) . Seiten-. side, lateral. Seitenanmerkung,/. marginal note. Seiteneck, n., Seitenecke, /. lateral summit. Seitenflache,/. lateral face; flat side, facet. Seitenkante,/. lateral edge. Seitenkette,/. side chain. Seitenliinge, /. length of a side, lateral length. Seitenrohr, n., Seitenrohre, /. side tube, branch tube, branch pipe. ' seitens, ad p. on behalf (of), on the part (of). Seitenstiick, n. sidepiece; counterpart. seither, adv. since then; till now. -seitig. -sided, -lateral. seitlich, a. side, lateral; collateral. adv. at the side, laterally. seit warts, adv. sideways; aside. Sekante, /. secant. Sekret, n. secretion; privy. Sekt, Sektwein, tn. dry wine. Sektion,/. section; (Med.) dissection. sekundar, a. secondary. Sekundarkreis, m. (Elec.) secondary circuit. Sekundarstrahlung, /. secondary radiation. Sekunde, /. second. selbe, a. same. selber, pron. self. selbst, pron. self, myself, himself, etc. Sc-lbst-. self-, automatic, spontaneous, auto-. Selbstachtung, /. self-respect, self-esteem. selbstandig, a. independent, self-dependent. Selbstbeherrschung, /. self-control. selbstbewusst, p.a. self-conscious; conceited. Selbstbiographie, /. autobiography. selbstentziindlich, a. spontaneously inflam- mable. Selbstentziindung, /. spontaneous ignition. Selbsterhitzung, /. self -heating. selbsterregend, p.a. self-exciting. Selbsterzeugung, /. spontaneous generation, autogenesis. Selbstfarbe, /. self color, solid color. Selbstgarung, /. spontaneous fermentation. selbstgefallig, o. self-complacent. Selbst gefiihl, n. self -consciousness; self-confi- dence. selbstgemacht, p.a. self-made; home-made. Selbstgift, n. autotoxin. Selbstherrscher, m. autocrat. selbstisch, a. selfish. Selbstkante, /. selvage, list. Selbstlaut, Selbstlauter, m. vowel. selbstlos, a. unselfish. Selbstlotung, /. autogenic soldering. Selbstmord, m. suicide. selbstredend, p.a. self-evident. Selbstreinigung, /. self-purification, autopuri- fication. Selbstschrift,/. autograph. selbststandig, a. = selbstandig. selbsttatig, a. self-acting, automatic; (of flour) self-raising. Selbstunterbrecher, m. (Elec.) automatic inter- rupter. Selbstverbrennung, /. spontaneous combustion. Selbst verdauung, /. autodigestion. selbstverstandlich, a. self-evident. adv. of course. selbstwirkend, p.a. self-acting, automatic. Selbstzersetzung,/. spontaneous decomposition. Selbstzeugung, /. spontaneous generation. Selbstziinder, m. pyrophorus; self-igniter, au- tomatic lighter. Selen, n. selenium. Selen-. selenium, selenic, selenide of, seleno-. Selenblei, n. lead selenide. Selenbriicke,/. selenium bridge. Selenchlorid, n. selenium chloride. Selenchloriir, n. selenium monochloride (Se2Cl2). Selencyanid, n. selenocyanate. Selencyankalium, n. potassium selenocyanate. Seleneisen, n. ferrous selenide (FeSe). Selcnhalogen, n. selenium halide. selenhaltig, a. containing selenium, seleniferous. selenig, a. selenious. selenige Saure, selenious acid. selenigsauer, a. of or combined with selenious acid, selenite of. Selenkupfer, n. copper selenide. Selenmetall, n. metallic selenide. Selenoxyd, n. selenium oxide. selensauer, a. of or combined with selenic acid, selenate of. Selensaure, /. selenic acid. Selenschlamm, m. selenium mud, selenium slime (seleniferous deposit in sulfuric acid works). Selensilber, n. silver selenide. Selenwasserstoff, m. hydrogen selenide. Selenwasscrstoffsaure, /. hydroselenic acid. sclig, a. blessed; happy; late, deceased. Sellerie, m. & /. celery. selten, a. rare, scarce, unusual. adv. seldom, rarely. Seltenheit, /. rareness, rarity, scarcity. Selterswasser, n. Seltzer water, seltzer. seltsam, a. singular, strange, curious. semicyclisch, a. semicyclic. Semidinumlagerung,/. semidine rearrangement. semimer 230 Siedekurve semimer, a. semimeric. Semmel,/.roll. Semmelmehl, n. wheat flour. senden, v.t. & i. send. Sen dung, /. sending; shipment; parcel; mis- sion. Senega wurzel, /. senega root. Senf, m. mustard. Senfgeist, m. (volatile) oil of mustard. Senfkorn, n. mustard seed. Senfmehl, n. ground mustard. Senfol, n. mustard oil. Senfsame, m. mustard seed. sengen, v.t. singe; flame; scorch, parch. Senkboden, m. (Brewing) false bottom, strainer. Senkel, m. plummet ; lace. senken, v.t. sink, lower. v.r. sink, subside. Senkgrube,/. cesspool; sump; catch basin. Senkkorper, m. sinker, bob. senkrecht, a. perpendicular, vertical. Senkspindcl, /. specific gravity spindle, hy- drometer. Senkung, /. sinking, lowering, subsiding; in- clination; hollow. Senkwage,/. = Senkspindel; plumb rule. Sennesblatter, n.pl. senna leaves, senna. Sennesstrauch, m. senna (the herb). Sense, /. scythe. sensibel, a. sensitive, sensible. Sensibilitat, /. sensibility, sensitiveness. separieren, v.t. & r. separate. septisch, a. septic. Serie, /. series. Serienschnitt, m. serial section. seros, a. serous. Serviette, /. napkin. Sesam, m. sesame. Sesamol, n. sesame oil. Sessel, m. easy-chair, stool, seat. sesshaft, a. resident, settled; stationary; sed- entary. setzen, v.t. set, put, place; plant; jig, sieve (ore) ; wager. v.r. settle, precipitate, be de- posited; sink, subside; sit down. v.i. run, leap, cross. gesetzt, p.a. set, etc.; settled, steady, serious ; supposing, assuming. Setzer, m. compositor; setter; tamper. Setzerfehler, m. compositor's error. Setzzapfen, m. suppository. Seuche, /. contagious or infectious disease, pestilence. seufzen, v.i. sigh; groan. Sevenbaum, m., Sevenkraut, n. savin. sexuell, a. sexual. sezernieren, v.t. secrete. sezieren, v.t. dissect. e.g., abbrev. (sogenannt) so-called. 8.G., abbrev. (spezifisches Gewicht) specific gravity, sp.gr. Shikimisaure,/. shikimic acid. sich, pron. oneself, himself, herself, itself, them- selves; each other, one another. Sichel,/. sickle; crescent. sicher, a. safe, secure, certain, true. Sicherheit,/. safety, security. Sicherheitslampe, /. safety lamp. Sicher heitsrohre,/. safety tube. Sicherheitssprengsioff, m. safety explosive. Sicherheitstrichterrohr, n. safety tube. Sicherheitsventil, n. safety valve. Sicherheitsziindholzchen, n. safety match. sichern, v.t. secure, ensure, guarantee. gesich- ert, p.o. secured; guaranteed; safe, certain. Sichcrung, /. securing, security; security (or securing) device, as an electric fuse or cut- out. Sicht, /. sight. sichtbar, a. visible; evident. sichten, v.t. sift; bolt (flour). sichtlich, a. visible; evident. sickern, v.i. trickle, ooze. Sickerwasser, n. ground water. sie, pron. she, her, it, they, them. Sie, pron. you. Sieb, n. sieve; screen, riddle, bolter, strainer. Siebboden, m. bottom of a sieve; perforated bottom. sieben, v.t. sift, sieve; riddle, screen, bolt. sieben, a. seven. siebengliedrig, a. seven-membered. siebente, a. seventh. siebenwertig, a. heptavalent, septivalent. siebformig, a. sieve-shaped, sievelike. Siebmaschine, /. sifting machine, screening machine. Siebmehl, n. coarse flour; siftings. Siebplatte, /. sieve plate. Siebsatz, m. set of sieves. Siebschale,/. dish with perforated bottom. Siebsel, n. siftings. Siebstaub, m. siftings. Siebtrommel, /. revolving screen. Siebtuch, n. bolting cloth. Siebwasser, n. (Paper) back water. siebzehn, a. seventeen. siebzig, a. seventy. siech, a. sick, sickly, languishing. Siedeabfalle, m.pl. scum or sediment from boiling. Siedeapparat, m. boiling (or boiling-point) apparatus. Siedeblech, n. bofiing plate. Siedegefass, n. boiling vessel, boiler. Siedegrad, m. boiling point. Siedehaus, n. boiling house, boilery. Siedehitze, /. boiling heat. Siedekessel, m. boiling vessel, boiling pan, boiler. Siedekolben, m. boiling flask. Siedekurve, /. boiling-point curve Siedelauge 231 Siliciumoxalsaure Siedelauge, /. boiling lye, boiling liquor. sieden, v.t. & i. boil; brew (beer). Sieden, n. boiling, ebullition. Siedenlassen, n. allowing to boil. Siedepfanne, /. boiling pan, evaporating pan. Siedepunkt, TO. boiling point. Siedepunktbestiminung, /. boiling-point deter- mination. Siedepunktserhohung, /. raising of the boiling point. Siederei, /. boilery, boiling room or house; (Sugar) refinery. Siederohr, ., Siederohre, /. boiling tube, dis- tilling tube. Siedesalz, n. common salt. Siedesole, /. brine. Siedeverzug, m. delay in boiling. Siedkessel, TO. = Siedekessel. Siedkolben, TO. boiling flask. Sieg, m. victory. Siegel, n. seal. Siegelerde, /. terra sigillata (Lemnian earth). Siegellack, TO. & n. sealing wax. Siegclwachs, n. soft sealing wax. siegen, v.i. be victorious, triumph, conquer. sieht, pr. 3 sing, of sehen. sieken, v.t. crease, seam. Sienaerde, /. sienna. Signatur,/. signature; mark, stamp. signieren, v.t. sign; mark, brand. Sikkativ, n. siccative. Silbe,/. syllable. Silber, n. silver. silberartig, a. silvery, argentine. Silberatzstein, m. lunar caustic (silver nitrate). Silberbad, n. silver bath. Silberbaum, m. silver tree, arbor Dianae. Silberbelegung, /. silver coating. Silberblech, n. silver foil, (thin) silver plate. Silher blonde, /. pyrargyrite; proustite. Silberblick, TO. brightening or fulguration of silver, silver " blick." Silberbrennen, n. silver refining. Silberbromid, n. silver bromide. Silberbromiir, n. silver subbromide. Silberchlorid, n. silver chloride. Silberchloriir, n. silver subchloride. Silbererz, n. silver ore. Silber essigsalz, n. silver acetate. Silberfahlerz, n. argentiferous tetrahedrite. silberfarben, a. silver-colored, silvery. Silberfluoriir, n. silver subfluoride. Silberfolie,/. silver foU. Silbergehalt, TO. silver content. Silbergewinnung, /. extraction of silver. Silberglanz, m. silvery luster; silver glance, argentite. silberglanzend, p.a. silvery. Silber glas, Silberglaserz, n. argentite. Silberglatte, /. litharge. Silberglimmer, TO. common mica, muscovite. Silbergold, n. argentiferous gold, electrum. silbergrau, a. silver-gray. Silbergrube, /. silver mine. silberhaltig, a. containing silver, argentiferous. Silberhornerz, n. horn silver, cerargyrite. Silberhutte,/. silver foundry, silver works. Silberjodid, n. silver iodide. Silberjodur, n. silver subiodide. Silberkupferglanz, m. stromeyerite. Silberlegierung,/. silver alloy. Silberlosung,/. silver solution. Silbermiinze, /. silver coin. silbern, a. silver. Silberniederschlag, m. silver precipitate. Silbernitrat, n. silver nitrate. Silberoxyd, n. silver oxide. Silberoxydul, n. silver suboxide. Silberpapier, n. silver paper, silvered paper. silberplattiert, p.a. silver-plated. Silberplattierung, /. silver plating. Silberprobe, /. test for silver, silver assay. silberreich, a. rich in silver. Silbersalpeter, TO. silver nitrate. Silbersalz, n. silver salt. Silberschaum, m. silver in thin leaves. Silberscheidung, /. separation of silver; silver refining. Silberschlaglot, n. silver solder. Silberschwarze, /. earthy argentite. silberschweflig, a. argentosulfurous. Silberspat, TO. cerargyrite. Silberspiessglanz, m. antimonial silver, dys- crasite. Silberstahl, m. silver steel. Silbertiegel, TO. silver crucible. Silbervitriol. TO. silver sulfate. Silberwaren, f.pl. silverware. Silberweiss, n. silver white, silberweiss, a. silver-white. Silicium, n. silicon. Silicium-. silicon, silico-, silicide of. Siliciumameisensaure, /. silicoformic acid. Siliciumathan, n. silicoethane. Siliciumbromid, n. silicon bromide. Siliciumchloroform, n. silicochloroform. Siliciumeisen, n. iron silicide. Silicium fluor id, n. silicofluoride (fluosilicate). Silicium fluorverbindung, /. fluosilicate. Siliciumfluorwasserstoff, m., -stoffsaure, /. fluosilicic acid. siliciumhaltig, a. containing silicon, siliceous. Siliciumjodid, n. silicon iodide. Siliciumkarbid, n., Siliciumkohlenstoff, TO. silicon carbide. Siliciummagnesium, n. magnesium silicide. Siliciummetall, n. metallic silicide. Siliciummethan, n. silicomethane, silicon tetra- hydride. Siliciumoxalsaure, /. silicooxalic acid. Siliciumoxyd 232 Sodalauge Siliciumoxyd, n. silicon dioxide. Siliciumoxydhydrat, n. hydrated oxide of sili- con (silicic acid). Siliciumstahl, m. silicon steel. Siliciumtetrahydriir, n. silicon tetrahydride. Silicium verbindung, /. silicon compound. Silicium wasserstoff, m. hydrogen silicide, silicon hydride. Silicon, n. silicone (the silicon analog of ketone, RR'SiO). Silikat, n. silicate. Silikatgestein, m. silicate rock. Silikoameisensaure, /. silicof ormic acid. Silikon, n. = Silicon. Silizid, n. silicide. Silizium, n. = Silicium. Silo, m. silo; (Brewing) bin. simpel, a. simple. Sims, m. molding; shelf; cornice. simultan, a. simultaneous. Sinapinsaure, /. sinapic acid. sind, pr. 1 & 3 pi. of sein. singen, v.t. & i. sing, sinken, v.i. sink, fall, subside. Sinn, TO. sense; mind; inclination, feeling. Sinnbild, n. symbol, emblem, sinnen, v.i. meditate, speculate, think. gesinnt, p.a. minded, disposed. gesonnen sein, be inclined, intend. Sinnen-. of the senses, sensory, sensual. Sinnenwelt, /. external world. Sinnes-. of sense, sensory; of mind, mental. Sinneswerkzeug, n. organ of sense. Sinngedicht, n. epigram, sinngctreu, a. faithful (translation). sinnig, a. sensible; thoughtful; ingenious; "pretty. sinnlich, a. sentient, sensitive, sensuous, sensual. sinnlos, a. senseless. Sinnpflanze, /. sensitive plant. sinnreich, a. ingenious; witty. Sinnspruch, m. maxim, motto, sentiment. sinnverwandt, p.a. synonymous. sinnwidrig, a. unmeaning, absurd. Sinter, m. iron dross, cinder; sinter. Sinterkohlc, /. sintering coal, non-caking coal, sintern, v.i. sinter; trickle, drop; form sinter; (Ceram.) vitrify. Sinterquarz, m. siliceous sinter. Sinterschlacke, /. clinker. Sinterung,/. sintering, etc. (see sintern). Sinterwasser, n. (Mm.) water impregnated with mineral matter so as to be capable of forming sinter. Sippe, Sippschaft, /. kin, kindred, set; (Biol.) tribe. sirupartig, a. sirupy. sirupdick, a. thick like sirup, sirupy. siruphaltig, a. containing sirup, sirupy. sirupos, a. sirupy. I Siruppfanne, /. sirup pan. Sitte, /. habit, custom, usage, practice; (pi.) manners, morals. Sittenlehre, /. ethics. sittig, a. modest; well-bred. sittlich, a. moral. sittsam, a. chaste; reserved. Sitz, TO. seat; (of clothes) fit. sitzen, v.i. sit; (of clothes) fit; be in prison. sitzend, p.a. sitting; sedentary; (Bot.) ses- sile. Sitzung, /. sitting, session. Sitzungsberichte, m.pl. reports of sessions, pro- ceedings (of a society). Skala,/. scale. . . Skalenintervall, n. scale interval, scale division. Skalenoeder, n. scalenohedron. Skalenrohr, n. scale tube (of a spectroscope). Skammoniaharz, Skammonienharz, Skammo- nium, n. scammony resin, scammony. skandinavisch, a. Scandinavian. Skapolith, m. scapolite. Skelett, n. skeleton. Skizze,/. sketch. Sklave, TO. slave. Skorbut, TO. scurvy. Skrofel,/. scrofula. Slibowitz, Sliwowitz, TO. a kind of spirit made from plums. sll., abbrev. (sehr leicht loslich) very readily soluble. Sm., abbrev. (Schmelzpunkt) melting point. S.M., abbrev. (Seine Majestat)' His (or Her) Majesty. Smalte, /. smalt. Smaragd, TO. emerald. smaragdfarben, a. emerald. Smaragdgriin, n. Guignet's green. Smaragdmalachit, m. euchroite. Smaragdspat, TO. green feldspar, amazonite. Smirgel, w. emery. s.o., abbrev. (siehe oben) see above, vide supra. so, adv. so, thus. conj. so, then. so ein guter, such a good; so etwas, such a thing; so ... wie, as ... as; so viel, so far as; so ... auch, however. sobald, conj. as soon as. Societal,/, society, company, partnership. Sockel, m. base, pedestal. socken, v.i. crystallize out; (of metals) contract. Soda, /. soda (usually, neutral sodium carbon- ate; cf. Natron). kaustische Soda, caustic soda. Sodaasche, /. soda ash. Sodafabrik, /. soda factory, alkali works. Sodafabrikation, /. manufacture of soda. sodahaltig, a. containing soda. Sodakristalle, m.pl. soda crystals, sal soda. Sodakiipe, /. soda vat. Sodalauge, /. soda lye. Sodalosung 233 Spachtel Sodalosung, /. soda solution. Sodamehl, n. (Soda) sodium carbonate mono- hydrate in the form of powder, sodann, adv. then. Sodaofen, m. soda furnace, black-ash furnace. Sodariickstande, m.pl. soda residues, tank waste (in the Leblanc process). Sodasalz, n. soda salt (sodium salt), specif., sodium carbonate. Sodaschmelze, /. black ash. Sodasee, m. soda lake. Sodaseife, /. soda soap. Sodastein, m. caustic soda. Sodawasser, n. soda water. Sodbrennen, n. heartburn. sodieren, v.t. treat or wash with soda, soeben, adv. just, just now. sofern, conj. so far as, inasmuch as. soff, pret. of saufen. sofort, adv. immediately. sofortig, a. immediate, instantaneous, sog, pret. of saugen. sog., abbrev. (sogenannt) so-called, sogar, adv. even. sogen., abbrev. of sogenannt. sogenannt, p.a. so-called, soggen, v.i. crystallize out. v.t. precipitate in the form of crystals, salt down. Soggepfanne, /. crystallizing pan. Soggesalz, n. common salt. sogleich, adv. at once. Sohlband, n. (Mining) matrix, gangue. Sohle, /. sole, bottom, bottom part, floor. Sohlenleder, Sohlleder, n. sole leather. Sohn, m. son. Soja, /. soy (the sauce) ; soy bean. Solbehalter, m. brine cistern. Solbohrloch, n. salt well. solch, solcher, pron. such, such a. solche die, such as. Sold, m. pay. Soldat, m. soldier. Sole,/, brine, salt water; salt spring. Soli, n. debit, sollen, v.i. shall; be, be destined, be supposed; should. Seller, m. platform, balcony, loft, terrace. Sollwert, m. theoretical value. Solpfanne, /. brine pan. Solquelle, /. brine spring, salt well. Solsalz, n. spring salt, well salt. Solvenzien, n.pl. solvents. solvieren, v.t. dissolve. solvierend, p.a. solvent, dissolving. Sol wage, /. brine gage, salimeter. somit, conj. therefore, so. Sommer, m. summer. Sommerflecken, m.pl. freckles. Sommerweizen, m. spring wheat. eonach, adv. accordingly, so. Sonde, /. sound, probe; plummet. Sender-, separate, special, peculiar, exclusive. Sonderabdruck, m. separate impression, re- print, separate. Sonderausgabe, /. separate edition. sonderbar, a. strange, singular. sondergleichen, a. unequaled. sondcrlich, a. special, particular. Sonderling, m. queer person, odd character. sondcrn, v.t. separate; sever; segregate; sort (ore, etc.). sondcrn, conj. but. Bonders, adv. separately. Sonderstellung, /. separate or special position. Sunder ung, /. separation, etc. (see sondern) . Sonne, /. sun. Sonnen-. of the sun, sun, solar, helio-. Sonnenauge, n. adularia. Sonnenbahn, /. ecliptic. Sonnenblume, /. sunflower; heliotrope. Sonnenfinsternis, /. solar eclipse. Sonnonfleck, m. sun spot. Sonnengeflecht, n. solar plexus. sonnenhaft, a. sunny, radiant. Sonnenhitze, /. solar heat. Sonnenlicht, n. sunlight. Sonnenschirm, m. sunshade, parasol Sonnenspektrum, n. solar spectrum. Sonnenstein, m. sunstone (aventurine feld- spar). Sonnenstrahl, m. solar ray, sunbeam. Sonnenstrahlung, /. solar radiation. Sonnentau, TO. sundew (Drosera). Sonnenuhr, /. sundial. Sonnenwende, /. solstice ; heliotrope. Sonntag, m. Sunday. sonst, adv. else; otherwise, besides, in other respects, usually, formerly. sonst ig, a. other, remaining; former. Soole,/. = Sole. Sorbett, n. sherbet. Sorbinsaure, /. sorbic acid. Sorge,/. care; concern, sorrow. sorgen, v.i. care, provide; be anxious, worry. Sorgfalt, /. carefulness, care. sorgfaltig, a. careful. adv. carefully. sorglich, a. anxious, solicitous. sorglos, a. careless, unconcerned, reckless. Sorte, /. sort, quality, brand. sortieren, v.t. sort, assort, size. sott, pret. of sieden. Soupleseide, /. souple silk. souplieren, v.t. souple (silk). soviet, a. & adv. so much. conj. as much as, so far as. sowie, adv. as, as well as, as also. sowohl, conj. as well. Sozolsaure, /. sozolic acid (o-phenolsulfonic acid). Spachtel, /. spatula. spahen 234 Specksubstanz spahen, v.l. spy. Spalier, n. trellis; lane (of people). Spalt, m. split, rent, fissure, slit, crack, cleft. spaltbar, a. cleavable. Spaltbarkeit, /. cleavability, cleavage. Spaltbreite, /. width of slit (of a spectroscope or the like). Spalte, /. split, etc. (see Spalt); column (of printed matter). spalten, v.t. cleave, split, slit, rend, fissure. v.L cleave, split, chink. spaltig, a. split, fissured, cracked; (Printing') -columned. Spaltkorper, m. cleavage substance, 9 cleavage product. Spaltmiindung, Spaltoffnung, /. (Bo*.) stoma. Spaltpilze, m.pl. fission fungi, Schizomycetes. Spaltprodukt, n. = Spaltungsprodukt. Spaltriss, w. cleavage crack (or fissure). Spaltrohr, n. slit tube, collimator (of a spec- troscope). Spaltstiick, n. detached portion, segment, frag- ment. Spaltung, /. cleaving, etc. (see spalten), cleav- age, scission, fission, division. Spaltungsflache, /. cleavage plane, cleavage face. Spaltungskristall, m. cleavage crystal. Spaltungsprodukt, n. cleavage product, fission product. . Spaltungsprozess, m. cleavage (fission, scission) Spaltungsrichtung, /. direction of cleavage, cleavage. Spaltungsvorgang, m. = Spaltungsprozess. Span, m. chip, splinter, shaving, boring, shred. Spanfass, Spanfass, n. (Brewing) chip cask. Spange, /. clasp, buckle; stay bolt; bracelet; spangle. Spangeleisen, n. crystalline pig iron. spangelig, spanglig, a. spangled, glistening. Spangriin, n. verdigris. spanisch, a. Spanish. spanische Fliegen, Span- ish flies, cantharides. spanischer Pfeffer, red pepper, capsicum. spanisches Rohr, Spanish (or Italian) reed (Arundo donax). spann, pret. of spinnen. Spann, m. instep. spannbar, a. tensile, extensible, ductile. Spannbarkeit, /. tensibility, extensibility, duc- tility. Spanne, /. span. spannen, v.L stretch, strain; (of steam) in- crease the tension of, superheat; span; cock (a gun). v.i. pinch; be exciting. gespannt, p.a. stretched, superheated, etc.; tight; intense. Spannknorpel, m. thyroid cartilage. Spannkraft, /. tension; extensibility, expansi- bility, elasticity. spannkraftig, a. elastic. Spannung, /. tension ; stretching, etc. (see span- nen); close attention, suspense; strained relations. Spannungsgrad, m. degree of tension. Spannungsreihe, /. electromotive series. Spannungstheorie,/. (Org. Chem.) strain theory, tension theory. Spannungsunterschied, TO. difference in tension; (Elec.) potential difference. Spannungsverlust, m. loss of tension, specif., (Elec.) loss of voltage. Spannungszeiger, TO. tension indicator; (Elec.) voltmeter. Sparbrenner, m. economical burner. sparen, v.L spare, save. Spargel, TO. asparagus. Spargelstein, m. asparagus stone (variety of apatite). Spargelstoff, m. asparagine. Sparkalk, m. = Estrichgips. Sparkapsel, /. (Ceram.) space-saving sagger, economy sagger. Sparkasse, /. savings bank. sparlich, a. sparse, scarce, scanty. Sparmittel, n. (Biol. Chem.) sparing substance, protein sparer (substance which economizes protein metabolism). Sparren, TO. rafter; spar. sparsam, a. sparing, economical, close. Spartgras, n. esparto grass, esparto. Spass, m. joke, jest, fun, sport. Spat, m. spar; spavin, spat, a. & adv. late, spatartig, a. sparry, spathic. Spateisenstein, TO. spathic iron ore, sparry iron, siderite. Spatel, TO. spatula. spatelformig, a. spatula-shaped, spatulate. Spaten, TO. spade. spatig, a. sparry, spathic; spavined. Spatstein, TO. selenite. Spatz, TO. sparrow. spazieren, ' v.i. walk, stroll, ride, drive (for pleasure). Specht, m. woodpecker. speciell, a. special, specific. Species, /. = Spezies. specifisch, a. specific. Speck, w. lard; fat; bacon; blubber. Speck-, fatty, lardaceous, amyloid. speckahnlich, speckartig, a. fatty, lardaceous. Speckhaut,/. (Physiol.) buffy coat, speckig, a. lardy, lardaceous, very fat; heavy (bread); flinty (barley). Speckol, n. lard oil. Speckstein, m. soapstone, steatite, talc, specksteinartig, a. steatitic. Speckstoff, TO., Specksubstanz, /. lardaceous substance, amyloid substance. spedieren 235 Spiekol spedieren, v.t. forward, despatch. Speer, m. spear. Speerkies, TO. spear pyrites (variety of marca- site). Speiche, /. spoke; (Anat.) radius. Speichel, TO. saliva, spittle. Speichel-. salivary. speichelbefordernd, p.a. promoting the flow of saliva, sialagog. Speicheldruse, /. salivary gland. Speichel fluss, m. flow of saliva; salivation. Speichelfliissigkeit, /. saliva. Speichelkasten, TO. saliva chamber (as in a blowpipe). Speichelmittel, n. sialagog. Speichelstoff, m, ptyalin. Speicher, TO. loft, granary, warehouse, store- house, elevator; (Mech.) accumulator. speien, v.i. & t. spit; vomit. Speise, /. food, nourishment; (Metal.) speiss; bell metal; gun metal; mortar. Speiseapparat, TO. (Mech.) feed apparatus. Speisebestandteil, m. constituent of food. Speisebrei, TO. chyme. Speisefett, n. nutrient fat. Speisegang, TO. alimentary canal. speisegelb, a. pale bronze yellow like speiss. Speisehahn, TO. feed cock. Speisehaus, n. eating house, restaurant. Speisekammer, /. pantry, larder. Speisekanal, m. = Speisegang. Speisekarte, /. bill of fare. Speisekobalt, TO. smaltite. Speisemasse, /. ration. speisen, v.t. feed; eat. v.i. eat, take food, board. Speiseol, n. edible oil, specif., olive oil. Speiseordnung, /. diet, regimen. Speisepumpe, /. feed pump. Speiserohr, n. feed pipe or tube, supply pipe or tube. Speiserohre,/. = Speiserohr; (Anat.) esophagus. Speisesaft, m. chyle. Speisesalz, n. common salt. Speisewasser, n. feed water. Speisezucker, TO. table sugar. Speiskobalt, TO. smaltite. Speisung, /. feeding, etc. (see speisen) ; feed, supply. Spektakel, TO. & n. noise, uproar. Spektralanalyse, /. spectrum analysis. spektralanalytisch, a. spectroscopic, spectro- metric. Spektralapparat, TO. spectroscopic apparatus. Spektralbeobachtung, /. spectroscopic observa- tion. Spektralfarbe, /. spectral color, spectrum color. Spektrallinie, /. spectrum line, spectral line. Spektralprobe, /. spectrum test. Spektralrohr, n., -r6hre, /. spectrum tube, spec- tral tube. Spektraltafel, /. spectrum chart, spectral chart. Spektren, n.pl. spectrums, spectra. spektrometrisch, a. spectrometric. Spektroskop, n. spectroscope. Spelze, /. chaff, husk, glume (of grains) ; awn, beard. spenden, v.t. spend, distribute. Sperbeere, /. service berry. Sperber, m. sparrow hawk. Sperling, m. sparrow. Sperma, n. sperm, semen. Spermazet, Spermazeti, n. spermaceti. Spermol, n. sperm oil. sperren, v.t. shut, shut up, confine, close, stop, bar, blockade; spread out, space. v.r. resist, struggle, refuse. Sperrfliissigkeit, /. confining liquid, liquid used as a seal (to prevent escape of a gas). Sperrhahn, TO. stopcock. Sperrrad, n. ratchet wheel, cog wheel. Sperrventil, n. stop valve. Spesen, f.pl. charges. spez., abbrev. (spezifisch) specific. Spezerei, /. spices; spicery, grocery. spez. Gew., abbrev. (spezifisches Gewicht) spe- cific gravity. Spezialfall, TO. special case. Spezies, /. species; specie; (Pharm.) simples, herbs, drugs. spezifisch, a. specific. sphiirisch, a. spherical. Spharokristall, TO. spherical crystal, sphero- crystal. Spharosiderit, n. spherosiderite. spicken, v.t. lard; smoke. spie, fret, of speien. Spiegel, TO. mirror, speculum; polished surface; surface (of liquids, fabrics, etc.) ; stern (of a ship). Spiegel-, mirror, specular, reflected, reflecting. Spiegelbild, n. reflected image, mirrored image. spiegelbildisomer, a. showing isomerism char- acterized by enantiomorphism. Spiegeleisen, n. specular cast iron, spiegeleisen ; specular iron (hematite of metallic appear- ance). Spiegelfaser, /. medullary ray. Spiegelfloss, n. spiegeleisen. Spiegelfolie, /. tin foil; silvering (of a mirror). Spiegelgiesserei, /. plate-glass factory. Spiegelglas, n. plate glass. spiegelig, a. specular, mirror-like. Spiegelmetall, n. speculum metal. spiegeln, v.t. reflect. v.L shine, glitter. v.r. be reflected. Spiegelung, /. reflection; mirage. Spieke, /. spike, spike lavender. Spiekol, n. oil of spike. Spiel 236 sporenbildend Spiel, n. play, playing; game, sport; pack (of cards); (Mech.) working, action. Spielart,/. variety; (Biol.) sport. spielen, v.t. play; (of a gem) sparkle; (Mack.) work, have play. v.t. play. spielen in, in- cline toward, be tinged with (a color). Spielmann, m. musician. Spielraum, m. play, latitude, margin; elbow- room, (Mach.) play; backlash. Spielwaren, f.pL toys. Spielzeug, n. playthings, toys. Spiess, m. spear, lance; spit. spiessen, v.t. spear, spit, pierce. Spiessglanz, m. antimony; stibnite. spiessglanzartig, a. antimonial. Spiessglanzasche, /. antimony ash. Spiessglanzbleierz, n. bournonite. Spiessglanzblende, /. antimony blend, kerme- site. Spiessglanzblumen, f.pl. flowers of antimony. Spiessglanzbutter, /. butter of antimony (old name for antimony trichloride). Spiessglanzerz, n. antimony ore (graues, stib- nite; schwarzes, bournonite; weisses, val- entinite) . spiessglanzhaltig, a. containing antimony, anti- monial. Spiessglanzkermes, m. kermesite; kermes min- eral. Spiessglanzkonig, m. regulus of antimony. Spiessglanzleber, /. liver of antimony, hepar antimonii. Spiessglanzmittel, n. antimonial remedy. Spiessglanzmohr, TO. sethiops antimonialis (old pharmaceutical preparation of mercury and antimony sulfides). Spiessglanzocker, m. antimony ocher. Spiessglanzoxyd, n. antimony trioxide. Spiessglanzsaffran, TO. crocus of antimony. Spiessglanzsaure, /. antimonic acid. Spiessglanzschwefel, TO. antimony sulfide. Spiessglanzsilber, n. dyscrasite. Spiessglanzwein, TO. antimonial wine. Spiessglanzweinstein, TO. (Pharm.) tartrated antimony. Spiessglanzweiss, n. antimony white (trioxide). Spiessglanzzinnober, m. kermesite. Spiessglas, n. antimony. spiessig, a. spear-like, lance-like, speary (ap- plied to crystallization like that of stibnite). Spiesskobalt, TO. smaltite. Spikol, n. oil of spike. Spinat, TO. spinach. Spindel,/. spindle; pivot, axle, arbor. Spindelbaum, m. spindle tree; (Pharm.) euony- mus. spindelformig, a. spindle-shaped, fusiform. Spindelpresse, /. screw press. Spinne, /. spider. .1. spin; spinnen, v.t. spin; twist (tobacco). - purr. Spinnengewebe, n. spider web, cobweb. Spinnfaser,/. fiber for spinning, textile fiber. Spinnwebe, /. cobweb, spinnwebenartig, a. cobweblike, arachnoid. Spinnwolle,/. wool for spinning, spinning wool. Spion, TO. spy; scout. Spirale, /. spiral. Spiralfeder, /. spiral spring, spiralformig, a. spiral, helical. spiralig, c. spiral. adv. spirally. Spirallinie,/. spiral line, spiral. Spiralrohr, n., Spiralrohre, /. spiral tube or pipe, worm. Spirituosa, Spirituosen, n.pl. spirituous liquors, alcoholic liquors. Spiritus, TO. spirit, spirits. spiritusartig, a. spirituous, alcoholic. Spiritusblau, n. spirit blue. Spiritusbrennerei, /. distillery. Spiritusfabrik, /. spirit manufactory, distillery. Spiritusgeruch, m. odor of spirits. Spiriluslampe,/. spirit lamp. Spirituswage, /. alcoholometer; spirit level. spiroylig, a. spiroylous. spiroylige Saure, spi- roylous acid (former name for salicylalde- hyde). Spiroylsaure, Spirsaure, /. salicylic acid (old names). Spital, n. hospital. spitz, a. pointed, acute, taper, acicular. Spitz, w. (Metal.) paddle. Spitzbube, m. thief, rogue. Spitze,/. point; tip, top, apex, vertex, summit, cusp; lace, spitzen, v.t. point, sharpen (to a point). v.i. (of grain), sprout, spire, chit. Spitzenentladung, /. (Elec.) point discharge. Spitzenglas, n. reticulated glass. Spitzenpapier, n. lace paper, spitzfindig, a. subtle, crafty. Spitzglas, n. a glass of tall, conical form; specif., sedimentation glass. Spitzhaufen, m. (Brewing) couch. spitzig, a. pointed, acute, sharp, tapering; (of colors) mixtury, not uniform. Spitzkolben, TO. a flask with long, tapering neck. Spitzmalz, n. chit malt. Spitzname, m. nickname, spitzwinklig, a. acute-angled. Spleisse,/. splint, splinter, shard. spleissen, v.t. & i. split, cleave; splice. spliss, pret. of spleissen. Splitter, TO. splinter, splint, scale, shard. Splitterkohle,/. splint coal. splittern, v.i. & t. shiver, shatter, splinter, sponne, pret.subj. of spinnen. spontan, a. spontaneous. sporenbildend, p.a. spore-forming. Sporenbildung 237 Sprudelstein Sporenbildung, /. formation of spores, sporula- tion. sporenhaltig, a. containing spores. Sporn, m. spur. Sportel, /. fee, perquisite. vSpott, m. derision, ridicule. Spottbild, n. caricature. spottbillig, a. dirt-cheap. Spottdressel,/. mocking bird. spotten, v.i. mock, scoff, ridicule. Spotter, m. scoffer, mocker. Spottgeld, n. trifling sum. spottisch, a. mocking, ironical, scornful. Spottname, m. nickname. Spottpreis, m. very low price. sprach, pret. of sprechen. Sprache,/. speech; language; discussion. Spracheigenheit, /. idiom. Sprachforschung, /. philology. Sprachlehre, /. grammar. sprachlich, a. lingual; grammatical. sprachlos, a. speechless, dumb. Sprachschatz, m. vocabulary; thesaurus. sprachwidrig, a. ungrammatical. sprang, pret. of springen. spratzen, v.i. spit, spurt. Spratzkupfer, n. = Streukupfer. sprechen, v.i. & t. speak, talk, say. Sprechsaal, m. hall for speaking, forum. spreiten, v.t. spread, spread out. spreizen, v.t. spread; prop up. Spreng-. explosive, blasting; sprinkling. Sprengapparat, m. sprinkling apparatus, sprink- ler, sparger. Sprengarbeit, /. blasting. Sprengeisen, n. (Glass) cracking ring. sprengen, v.t. explode, blow up, blast, burst; sprinkle. v.i. gallop, dash; sprinkle, drizzle. Sprengflussigkeit,/. explosive liquid. Sprenggelatine, /. explosive gelatin. Sprengkapsel, /. detonating cap, detonator. Sprengkohle, /. cracking coal (for cracking glass). Sprengkraft, /. explosive force, explosive power. sprengkriiftig, a. powerfully explosive. Sprengladung, /. bursting charge; charge of explosive. Sprengloch, n. blast hole. Sprengmittel, n. explosive. Sprengol, n. nitroglycerin. Sprengpatrone, /. explosive cartridge. Sprengpulver, n. blasting powder. Sprengsalpeter, m. saltpeter blasting powder. Sprengschnur, /. fuse. Sprengschuss, m. shot. Sprengstoff, m. explosive. Sprengtechnik, /. manufacture of explosives. Sprengung, /. exploding, explosion, etc. (see sprengen). Sprengwirkung, /. explosive effect, explosive action. Sprengziinder, m. fuse. Sprenkel, m. speckle, spot, sprenkeln, v.t. sprinkle; speckle, mottle, spot. Sprenkler, m. sprinkler, sparger. Spreu, /. chaff. spricht, pr. 3 sing, of sprechen. Sprichwort, n. saying, proverb, spriessen, v.i. sprout, germinate. Springbrunnen, m. fountain. springen, v.i. burst, break, crack; spring, leap, jump, spout. Springfederwage, /. spring balance. Springgurke, /. squirting cucumber. Springgurkenextrakt, m. elaterium. Springkolben, m. Bologna flask. Springkraft, /. springiness, power of recoil. Sprit, m. spirit, spirits. Spritdrucken, n. (Calico) spirit printing. Spritfarbe,/. (Calico) spirit color. sprithaltig, a. containing spirit, spirituous, (of wine) fortified. Spritlack, m. spirit varnish. Spritzbewurf, m. rough plastering. Spritze, /. syringe, squirt, sprayer. spritzen, v.i. & t. squirt; spurt, spout, sputter; spray; throw (with a hose); inject (with a syringe). Spritzflasche, /. washing bottle, wash bottle (for washing precipitates). Spritzgurke, /. squirting cucumber. Spritzkopf, m. spraying nozzle. Spritzkranz, m. (Brewing} sparger. Spritzmittel, n. remedy administered by injec- tion. Spritznudeln, f.pl. vermicelli. Spritzrohre, /. syringe. sprode, a. brittle, short; shy, prim. Sprodglanzerz, Sprodglaserz, n. brittle silver ore, stephanite (sometimes, polybasite). Sprodigkeit, /. brittleness, shortness; reserve, primness. spross, pret. of spriessen. Spross, m., Sprosse, /. shoot, sprout, germ; scion, offspring. sprossen, v.i. shoot, sprout, germinate; spring, descend. Sprossenbier, n. spruce beer. Sprossenexlrakt, m. essence of, spruce. Sprosspilz, m. gemmiparous fungus, budding fungus (specif., yeast fungus, Saccharomyces) . Sprotte, /. sprat. Spruch, m. sentence, verdict; saying, motto, text. Sprudel, m. hot spring. sprudeln, v.i. bubble, spout. Sprudelsalz, n. Karlsbad salt. Sprudelstein, m. deposit from hot springs. spruhen 238 stak spriihcn, v.i. spray, spit, scintillate, drizzle. v.t. scatter, sprinkle, emit. Spriihkupfer, n. = Streukupfer. Sprung, m. crack, chink, flaw, (of strata) fault; jump, spring, bounce. spucken, v.t. & i. spit. Spuk, m. spook, specter. spuken, v.i. be haunted; make a disturbance. Spiil-. rinsing, washing. Spiilbad, n. rinsing bath. Spule,/. spool; (Elec.) coil; quill. Spiileimer, m. rinsing pail, spulen, v.t. wind, reel, spiilen, v.t. rinse; wash, flush. Spiilflussigkeit, /. rinsing liquid. Spulgefass, n. rinsing vessel. Spiilicht, n. dishwater, slop; (Distilling) spent Spiilmaschine, /. rinsing machine. Spiiltopf, m. rinsing pot, rinsing jar. Spiil wasser, n. rinsing water; dishwater; water for flushing. Spund, TO. stopper, plug, bung; tongue (of a board). spunden, v.t. bung (casks); cask (wine, etc.); tongue and groove. Spundloch, n. bunghole. spundvoll, a. brimful. Spur, /. trace; track, trail, scent; gutter, channel. Spurarbeit, /. (Metal.) concentration, spuren, v.t. (Metal.) concentrate. spiiren, v.t. track, trace, notice, spurenweise, adv. in traces. Spurschlacke, /. concentration slag. Spurstein, TO. concentration metal, concentrated matt. sputen, v.r. be quick. Sr., abbrev. (Seiner) His (in titles). S-Rohr, n., S-R6hre, /. S-tube, S-pipe. s.S., abbrev. (sieh Seite) see page . SS., abbrev. (Sauren) acids. St., abbrev. (Stunde) hour; (Sankt) Saint. Staat, m. state. Staats-. state, government, public, political. Staatsamt, n. public office. Staatsburger, m. subject, citizen. Staatslehre, /. political science. Staatsrat, TO. council of state, state council; state councilor. Staatszeitung, /. gazette. Stab, m. rod; stick; bar; staff. Stabbakterie,/. bacillus. Stabchen, n. little rod or stick; bacillus, stabchenformig, a. rod-shaped. Stabeisen, n. bar iron. stabfdrmig, a. rod-shaped, bar-shaped. stabil, a. stable. Stabilitat,/. stability. Stabkranz, m. (Biol.) corona radiata. Stabthermometer, n. & m. a thermometer graduated directly on the stem (instead of having a separate scale). stach, pret. of stechen. Stachel, m. sting, thorn, spine, prickle, prong. Stachelbeere, /. gooseberry. stachelig, a. prickly, thorny; pungent, biting. Stachelmohn, m. prickly poppy (Argemone). stachel n, v.t. sting, prick, prod; spur. Stachelschwein, n. porcupine. Stachelwalzwerk, n. (Mock.) toothed rolls. Stadel, w. shed; (Metal, etc.) open kiln. Stadium, n. stage, phase. Stadt,/. town; city. Stadthaus, n. town house, town hall. Staffel,/. step. staffieren, v.t. trim, equip; prepare (a dye bath). stagnieren, v.i. stagnate. stahl, pret. of stehlen. Stahl, m. steel. Stahlabfall, TO. waste steel, steel scrap. Stahlarbeit, /. steel process; steel work. stahlartig, a. steel-like, steely. Stahlarznei, /. medicine containing iron, chalyb- eate. Stahlbereitung, /. steel making. stahlblau, a. steel-blue. Stahlblech, n. sheet steel, steel plate. Stahlbrunnen, TO. chalybeate spring. Stahldraht, m. steel wire. Stahleisen, n. steely iron. stiihlen, v.t. steel, harden; convert into steel. stahlern, a. of steel, steel. Stahlerz, n. steel ore, specif., siderite. Stahlfeder, /. steel spring; steel pen. Stahlfrischfeuer, n. steel finery. Stahlguss, TO. steel casting; toughened cast iron. Stahlhahn, TO. steel cock. Stahlhiitte, /. steel works. Stahlkobalt, m. smaltite. Stahlkohlen, n. conversion of wrought iron into steel by carbonization. Stahlmittel, n. = Stahlarznei. Stahlmorser, TO. steel mortar. Stahlperle, /. steel bead. Stahlplatte, /. steel plate. Stahlpraparat, n. (Pharm.) iron preparation. Stahlpuddeln, n. steel puddling. Stahlquelle, /. chalybeate spring. Stahlstange, /. steel bar. Stahlstechen, n., Stahlstecherei, steel en- graving. Stahlstein, m. siderite. Stahlstich, m. steel engraving. Stahltrommel, /. steel drum. Stahlwasser, n. chalybeate water. Stahlwein, m. iron wine. Stahl werk, . steel mill. stak, pret. of stecken. Staket 239 statig Staket, n. stockade; railing. Stall, m. stable, stall, sty, shed. Stamm, m. stem; stalk, trunk, stock, tribe, staff. Stammbaum, m. pedigree. stammeln, v.t. & L stammer. stammen, v.i. spring, descend. Stammfarbe, /. primary color. stammig, a. robust, strong; stumpy. Stammkorper, m. parent substance (or com- pound); parent body. Stammlinie, /. trunk line, main line. Stammsubstanz, /. parent substance. stammverwandt, p.a. kindred, cognate. Stammwiirze, /. original wort. Stampfe, /. stamp, stamper, pestle, punch, rammer. stampfen, v.t. stamp, beat, pound, ram, punch, v.i. stamp, pitch. Stampfer, m. = Stampfe. Stampfhaufen, m. (Paper) batch. stand, pret. of stehen. * Stand, m. position; stand; state, condition; height, level (of a liquid) ; rank, station. Standbild, n. statue. Standchen, n. serenade. Stander, m. stand, standard, pillar, post, ped- estal; cistern, tank. standfahig, a. stable. Standfestigkeit, /. stability. Standflasche, /. a bottle (or flask) to be stood in a fixed place, as a reagent bottle. Standgefass, n. a vessel made to stand in a fixed place, as a museum jar. standhaft, a. steady, constant, firm. stan dig, a. stationary, fixed, constant. Standkugel, /. stationary bulb. Standmorser, m. a heavy mortar with a firm base. Standort, m. & n. station, stand; (Bot.) habitat. Standpunkt, m. standpoint; standard. Standrecht, n. martial law Standrede, /. harangue. Stange, /. stick; rod, bar, pole, (of sulfur) roll, (of gold) ingot. Stangenblei, n. bar lead. Stangeneisen, n. bar iron, rod iron. Stangengold, n. ingot gold. Stangenkupfer, n. bar copper, rod copper. Stangenlack, m. stick-lac. Stangenschwefel, m. roll sulfur, stick sulfur, cane brimstone. Stangenseife, /. bar soap. Stangensilber, n. ingot silver. Stangenstein, m. pycnite (columnar topaz). Stangentabak, m. roll tobacco. Stangenzinn, n. bar tin. stank, pret. of stinken. stankern, v.i. stink. Stanni-. stannic, stanni-. Stannichlorid, n. stannic chloride. Stannichlorwasserstoffsaure, /. chlorostannic acid. Stannihydroxyd, n. stannic hydroxide. Stannijodid, n. stannic iodide. Stanniol, /. tinfoil. Stannioxyd, n. stannic oxide. Stannireihe, /. stannic series. Stanniverbindung, /. stannic compound. Stanno-. stannous, stanno-. Stannochlorid, n. stannous chloride. Stannochlorwasserstoflfsaure, /. chlorostannous acid. Stannohydroxyd, n. stannous hydroxide. Stannojodid, n. stannous iodide. Stannojodwasserstoffsaure,/. iodostannous acid. Stannooxyd, n. stannous oxide. Stannosalz, n. stannous salt. Stannosulfid, n. stannous sulfide. Stannoverbindung, /. stannous compound. stanzen, v.t. stamp. Stanzpresse, /. stamping press. Stapel, m. staple; warehouse; pile, heap. Star, m. (Med.) cataract; starling. starb, pret. of sterben. stark, a. strong; powerful, loud, heavy, fat, large. adv. strongly, hard. Starke, /. starch; strength; corpulency. Starkeart, /. variety of starch. starkeartig, a. starchy, amylaceous, amyloid. Starkeblau, n. starch blue. Starkefabrik, /. starch factory. Starkegrad, m. degree of strength, intensity. Starkegummi, n. starch gum, dextrin. starkehaltig, a. containing starch, starchy. Starkekleister, m. starch paste. Starkekorn, Starkekornchen, n. starch granule. Starkemehl, n. starch flour, starch powder, starch. starkemehlahnlich, a. amylaceous, amyloid. Starkemittel, n. strengthening remedy, tonic, restorative. starken, v.t. starch; strengthen; refresh; con- firm. Starkesirup, m. starch sirup, glucose. Starkeweizen, m. starch wheat, emmer. Starkezucker, m. starch sugar, (dextro) glucose. starkfarbig, a. strongly colored. Starkungsmittel, n. = Starkemittel. starkwandig, a. stout-walled, thick-walled. starkwirkend, p.a. powerful, efficacious, drastic. starr, a. rigid, stiff; numb; stern, stubborn. starren, v.i. stare; be numb, be stiff. Starrheit, /. rigidity, stiffness; obstinacy. starrkopfig, a. headstrong. Starrkrampf, m. tetanus; tonic convulsion. Starrleinen, n., Star rlein wand, /. buckram. Starrsinn, m. stubbornness. Starrsucht, /. catalepsy. stat, statig, a. fixed, stable, constant. Statik 240 steinig Statik, /. statics. stationar, a. stationary. statisch, a. static. Stativ, n. stand, support. Statt, /. place, stead. Btatt, prep, instead of. Statte, /. place, room. statten. (in the phrases:) von station gehen, take place, go off, pass off; zu statten kom- men, be of use or advantage, stattlinden, statthaben, v.i. take place, occur. stattgehabt, p.a. previous, statthaft, a. allowable, permissible; legal. Statthalter, m. governor, viceroy. stattlich, a. fine, splendid, stately; portly. Staub, m. dust. staubartig, a. dustlike, powdery. Staubchen, n. tiny particle, mote, staubdicht, a. dust-tight, dustproof. stiiuben, v.t. dust, powder; spray. Staubfanger, m. dust catcher. staubfein, a. fine as dust, very fine. Staubgefass, n. stamen. staubig, a. dusty; pulverulent. Staubkalk, m. air-slaked lime. Staubkohle, /. coal dust. Staubsicb, n. dust sieve. Staubtee, m. tea dust, stauchen, v.t. compress (by a blow); knock, beat. Staude, /. shrub, bush. stauen, v.t. stow; dam up. v.i. choke, staunen, v.i. be astonished, be surprised. Stauncn, n. astonishment, surprise. staunenswert, a. wonderful. Stauung, /. obstruction, congestion; rise (of water); stowage. Std., abbrev. (Stunde, Stunden) hour, hours. Stde., abbrev. (Stunde) hour. Stdn., abbrev. (Stunden) hours. Stearinsaure, /. stearic acid. Stearinseife, /. stearin soap, common soap. Stechapfel, TO. thorn apple (Datura, esp. D. stramonium'); (Pharm.) stramonium. stechen, v.t. stick, prick, pierce, sting; tap; turn (malt); cut; engrave. v.i. sting; in- cline; sprout, spire. stechend, p.a. stinging, piercing, penetrating, pungent. Stecher, TO. something that pierces or is stuck in, as a proof stick (for sugar) or a sampler (of various kinds) ; engraver; pricker. Stechheber, TO. plunging siphon, thief tube. Stechkolben, n. pipette. S t echkunst, /. engraving. Stechpalme,/. holly; Christ's-thorn (Paliurus). Stechprobe, /. touchstone test, sleeken, v.i. stick, stay, remain; hide. v.t. stick, set, fix, put. stecken bleiben, be stuck, break down. Stecken, TO. stick, staff. Steckenpferd, m. hobbyhorse; hobby. Stecknadel, /. pin. Steg, w. path; (small) bridge; crosspiece, stay, strap, bar. stehen, v.i. stand; be; become, fit; be respon- sible. slehend, p.a. standing, stationary, staple, upright. Stehkolben, TO. flat-bottomed flask. stehlen, v.t. steal. steierisch, a. Styrian. Steiermark, /. Styria. steif, a. .stiff, rigid, firm; awkward; formal; precise. Steife, /. stiffening (starch, glue, size) ; prop, stay; stiffness. steifen, v.t. stiffen; stay, prop. Steif heit,/. stiffness, rigidity. Steifleinen, n., Steifleinwand, /. buckram. Steifung, /. stiffening, sizing. Steig, m. path. Steigbiigel, m. stirrup; (Anat.) stapes. Steige,/. steps; ladder. stcigcn, v.i. rise, ascend, mount, increase. steigern, v.t. raise, increase. Steigerohr, n. = Steigrohr. Steigerung, /. raising, increase, heightening; comparison (of adjectives, etc.). Steigraum, TO. (Brewing) unfilled space above the wort. Steigrohr, n., Steigrohre, /. ascending or rising tube or pipe. Steigung, /. rising, rise, ascent, increase; in- cline, pitch, gradient. steil, a. steep; precipitous. Stein, m. stone; rock; (gebrannter) brick; (Metal.) matt; (Med.) calculus, concretion. Stein der Weisen, philosopher's stone. Steinabfalle, tn.pl. stone chips, spalls. steinahnlich, a. stonelike, stony. Steinalaun, TO. rock alum. Steinarbeit,/. metal smelting; stone work. steinartig, a. = steinahnlich. Steinauflosungsmittel, n. solvent for calculus. Steinbrech, TO. saxifrage. Steinbrecher, TO. stone breaker, stone crusher. Steinbrechmaschine, /. stone crusher, rock crusher. Steinbruch, TO. quarry. Steinbiihlergelb, n. barium yellow (barium chromate). Steinbutter, /. rock butter. Steindruck, m. lithography; lithograph. Steindruckfarbe, /. lithographic ink. steinern, a. stone, of stone. Steinflachs, TO. mountain flax, amianthus. Steingrun, n. terre-verte (pigment made from glauconite or celadonite). Steingut, n. (Ceram.) white ware (having a white absorbent body and soft glaze). steinig, a. stony, of stone, rocky. Steinklee 241 Stichauge Steinklee, m. melilot (Melilotus, esp. M. officin- alis); white clover (Trifolium repens). Steinkohle, /. mineral coal, coal; specif., an- thracite. Steinkohlenasche, /. coal ashes. Stein kohl en benzin, n. benzene (or benzol (e), the commercial mixture). Steinkohlenbergwerk, n. coal' mine. Steinkohlengas, n. coal gas. Steinkohlenschicht, /. coal seam, coal measure. Steinkohlenschlacke,/. (coal) cinders. Steinkohlenstaub, m. coal dust. Steinkohlenteer, m. coal tar. Steinkohlenteerblase, /. coal-tar still. Steinkohlenteeressenz, /. first light oil. Steinkohlenteerkampher, m. naphthalene. Steinkohlenteerol, n. coal-tar oil (leichtes, light oil; schweres, heavy oil, creosote oil). Steinkohlenteerpech, n. coal-tar pitch. Steinkohlenverkohlung, Steinkohlenverkokung, /. coking of coal, coking. Steinkraut, n. stonecrop (Sedum), also various other plants. Steinmalz, n. glassy or vitreous malt. Steinmeissel, m. stone chisel. Steinmetz, m. stone mason. Steinmortel, m. concrete; (Portland) cement. Steinnuss, /. ivory nut. Steinobst, n. stone fruit. Steinol, n. petroleum. Steinpappe, /. roofing fabric, roofing paper or board; carton pierre. Steinpech, n. stone pitch (hard pitch). Steinpilz, m. Boletus edulis. Steinporzellan, n. hard porcelain. Steinreich, n. mineral kingdom. Steinrosten, n. roasting of the regulua or matt. Steinsalz, n. rock salt. Steinsalzlager, n. rock salt bed. Steinschlag, m. broken stone. Steinwaren, f.pl. stoneware. Steinzeit, /. Stone Age. Steinzeug, n. (Ceram.) stoneware (having a vit- reous grayish body). Steiss, m. rump, buttocks. Steissbein, n. coccyx. Stell-. (Mach.) stay, set-, adjusting, regulating. stellbar, a. adjustable; movable. Stellbottich, m. (Brewing) fermenting vat; (Dyeing) settling vat. Stelldichein, n. rendezvous, appointment. Stelle, /. place. stellen, v.t. place, put, set; regulate, adjust; stop, check; supply, furnish; shade (colors). v.r. place oneself, stand, appear; prove, be; pretend to be. Stellenzahl, /. (Math.) index. Stellhahn, m. regulating cock. Stellschraube, /. set screw; adjusting screw. Stellung,/. placing, etc. (see stellen); position; arrangement; attitude; constellation. Stellungsisomerie, /. position isomerism. Stellvertreter, m. deputy, substitute. Stellvertretung, /. substitution; proxy. Stelze,/. stUt. Stemmeisen, n. chisel. stemmen, v.t. prop, plant; fell (wood); dam up (water). Stempel, m. stamp; stamper, die, punch, pes- tle; piston; brand, mark; pistil. Stempelmarke, /. stamp. stempeln, v.t. stamp; mark; prop. Stempelzeichen, n. stamp, mark. Stengel, m. stalk, stem. Stengelkohle, /. columnar coal. Stephanskorner, n.pl. stavesacre seeds. Steppdecke, /. quilt. steppen, v.t. quilt; stitch. sterben, v.i. die; die away. sterblich, a. mortal. Sterblichkeit, /. mortality. Stereochemie, /. stereochemistry. stereochemisch, a. stereochemical. Stereoisomerie, /. stereoisomerism. sterilisieren, v.t. sterilize. Sterilisierung, /. sterilization. Sterilitat,/. sterility. sterisch, a. steric, spatial. Stern, m. star; asterisk; pupil (of the eye). Sternanis, m. star anise. Sternbild, n. constellation. Sternchen, n. little star; asterisk. sternformig, a. star-shaped, stellate. Sternkenner, m. astronomer. Sternkunde, /. astronomy. Sternrohr, n. telescope. Sternsapphir, m. star sapphire. Sternschnuppe, /. shooting star, meteor. Sternwarte, /. observatory. Sternzeit, /. sidereal time. stet, stetig, a. continuous; constant; stable. Stetigkeit, /. continuity; constancy; stability. stets, adv. continually, ever, always. Steuer, n. rudder, helm. Steuer, /. tax, duty. Steucramt, n. revenue board or office; custom- house. steuerfrei, a. duty-free; exempt from taxes. Steuermarke, /. revenue stamp. steuern, v.t. & i. steer; regulate; pay (taxes), contribute. Steuerung, /. steering, etc. (see steuern); (Mach.) distribution, distributor (also steer- ing gear). Stich, m. prick, puncture, stab; sting; stitch; engraving; shooting pain; (of colors) cast, tinge; (Metal.) tapping, tapped metal, tap hole. im Stiche lassen, leave in the lurch. Stichauge, /. tap hole. Sticheisen 242 Stimme Sticheisen, n. (Metal.) tapping bar. Stichel, m. graver, burin. Stichelei, /. taunt, raillery. sticheln, v.t. prick, puncture. v.i. stitch; jeer, sneer. Stichflamme, /. fine pointed flame. stichhaltig, a. proof, valid. -stichig. (with names of colors) -tinged, -ish. Stichkultur, /. stab culture. Stichloch, n. tap hole. Stichpfropf, m. tap-hole plug. Stichprobe,/. sample taken by tapping or pierc- ing; (Metal.) assay of tapped metal; (Brew- ing) pricking test. sticht, pr. S sing, of stechen. Stichwein, m. sample wine. Stichwort, n. catchword. Stickdampf, Stickdunst, m. choke damp; suf- focating vapor. sticken, v.i. & t. choke, suffocate; embroider. Stickerei, /. embroidery, fancy work. Stickgas, n. nitrogen gas, nitrogen; carbon dioxide. Stickluft,/. close air; nitrogen. Stickoxyd, n. nitric oxide. Stickoxydul, n. nitrous oxide. Stickstoff, m. nitrogen. Stickstoff-. nitrogen, nitrogenous, nitric, ni- trous, nitride of. Stickstoffammonium, n. ammonium nitride. Stickstoff benzoyl, n. benzoyl nitride (or azide). Stickstoffbestimmung, /. determination of ni- trogen. Stickstoffbor, n. boron nitride. Stickstoffcyantitan, n. titanium cyanonitride. Stickstoff dioxyd, n. nitrogen dioxide. Stickstoff dunger, m. nitrogenous manure; ni- trogenous fertilizer. stickstofffrei, a. nitrogen-free, non-nitrogenous. Stickstoff gas, n. nitrogen gas. Stickstoffgehalt, m. nitrogen content. Stickstoffhalogen, n. nitrogen halide. Stickstoff haltig, a. containing nitrogen, nitrog- enous. Stickstoffkalomel, n. mercurous azide. Stickstoff kal/ium, n. calcium nitride. Stickstoffkohlenoxyd, n. carbonyl nitride (or azide), carbodiazide. Stickstofflithium, n. lithium nitride. Stickstoffmagnesium, n. magnesium nitride. Stickstoffmetall, n. metallic nitride. Stickstoffnatrium, n. sodium nitride. Stickstoffoxyd, n. (any) oxide of nitrogen. Stickstoffoxydul, . nitrous oxide. Stickstoffoxydulgas, n. nitrous oxide gas. Stickstoffquecksilber, n. mercury nitride. Stickstoffquecksilberoxydul, n. mercurous azide. stickstoffreich, a. rich in nitrogen, highly nitrog- Stickstoffsammler, TO. collector of nitrogen, specif., a nitrogen-storing plant Oeguminous plant). Stickstoffsilber, n. silver nitride. Stickstoffsilizid, n. nitrogen silicide (silicon nitride) . Stickstofftitan, n. titanium nitride. Stickstoffvanadin, n. vanadium nitride. Stickstoff verbindung, /. nitrogen compound. Stickstoffwasserstoff, m. hydrogen nitride, ni- trogen hydride (specif., the trinitride, HN 3 ). stickstoffwasserstoffsauer, a. of or combined with hydrazoic acid, azide (or hydrazoate) of. Stickstoff wasserstoffsiiure, /. hydrazoic acid, hydronitric acid. Stickstoffwasserstoffsaurephenylester, TO. phe- nyl azide (or hydrazoate). stickt, pr. 3 sing, of stecken. Stickwetter, n.pl. (Mining) foul air, choke damp, after-damp. stieben, v.i. fly about (like dust), be scattered; drizzle. Stief-. step-. Stiefel, w. shoe, boot; case, barrel, tube. Stiefellack, m. shoe polish. Stief elschwarze, Stiefelwichse, /. shoe blacking. Stiefmutter, /. stepmother. Stiefmiitterchen, n. pansy, stieg, pret. of steigen. Stiege, /. stairs; ladder; score, stiehit, pr. 3 sing, of stehlen. Stiel, m. handle, shaft; stem, stalk. Stier, TO. bull; steer; ox. stieren, v.i. stare, stiessen, pret. of stossen. Stift, TO. pin, peg, tack, stud; pencil, crayon; tag; snag, stump; apprentice. Stift, n. (philanthropic) foundation; monas- tery; seminary. stiften, v.t. tack; found, establish, make. Stiftfarbe, /. pencil color, colored crayon, pastel. Stil, TO., Stilart, /. style. still, stille, a. still, silent, quiet; inanimate; stagnant, dull. das Stille Meer, Pacific Ocean. Stille,/. stillness, etc. (see still). stillen, v.t. still, allay, gratify, stop; suckle. stillend, p.a. calming, allaying, sedative. Stillmittel, n. sedative. Stillschweigen, n. silence. Stillstand, TO. standstill, stop, stillstehen, v.i. stand still, stop. stillsfehend, p.a. stationary; stagnant. Stillung, /. stilling, etc. (see stillen); (Med.) lactation. Stillungsmittel, n. sedative. Stimm-. of the voice, vocal; tuning; of votes. Stimmband, n. vocal chord. Stimme, /. voice; vote; (musical) part. stimmen 243 Stosswelle stimmen, v.i. be in tune; accord, agree; vote. v.t. tune; dispose. Stimmgabel, /. tuning fork. Stimmung, /. tuning, tune, key; mood. Slimulantia, n.pl. stimulants. stimulieren, v.t. stimulate. Stimulierung, /. stimulation. Stink-, stinking, fetid. Stinkasand, Stinkasant, m. asafetida. stinken, v.i. stink, smell foul. stinkend, p.a. stinking, fetid. Stinkfluss, Stinkflussspat, m. fetid fluorspar (bituminous fluorite). Stinkharz, n. asafetida. Stinkkalk, m. anthraconite (bituminous lime- stone). Stinkkohle, /. fetid coal. Stinkmergel, m. fetid marl (bituminous marl). Stinkquarz, m. fetid quartz (bituminous quartz). Stinkspat, m. = Stinkfluss. Stinkstein, m. stinkstone (any fetid stone, specif., anthraconite). stirbt, pr. 3 sing, of sterben. Stirn, Stirne, /. forehead, brow. Stirn-. frontal, front. Stirnrad, n. spur wheel. Stirrholz, n. (wooden) stirrer. stub, pret. of stieben. stobern, v.i. hunt about, rummage; drift; drizzle. stochern, v.t. stir, poke (fire); pick (teeth). Stochiometrie, /. stoichiometry. stochiometrisch, a. stoichiometric(al). Stock, m. stick, staff; stock; block; trunk, butt, stump; story (of a building); (Brick) clamp. stock-, utterly, entirely. stockblind, a. stone-blind. stocken, v.i. stop, slacken, stagnate; curdle; mold; decay; hesitate, falter. Stockerz, n. ore in big lumps. stockfinster, a. pitch-dark. Stockfisch, m. stockfish (esp. dried codfish). Stockfischlebertran, m. codliver oil. Stockfleck, m. moldy stain, mildew. stockfleckig, a. spotted with mold, moldy. stockig, stockig, a. moldy, musty; stubborn. Stocklack, m. stick-lac. Stockschlacke, /. shingling slag, stocktaub, a. stone-deaf. Stockung, /. stopping, etc. (see stocken) ; dry rot. Stockwerk, n. story, floor (of a building). Stoff, m. substance; stuff; matter, material. Stoffansatz, m. (Biol.) anabolism. Stoffaustausch, m. exchange of material. Stoff bildung, /. formation of a substance. Stoffbiitte, /. (Paper) stuff chest. Stofffanger, m. (Paper) save-all. Stoffgattung, /. kind of material, class of sub- stances. Stoff kufe, /. (Paper) stuff vat. Stofflehre, /. chemistry. stofflich, a. material. stofflos, a. immaterial, unsubstantial. Stoffmenge, /. quantity of a substance; amount of material. Stoffmiihle, /. (Paper) stuff engine, hollander. Stoffpatent, n. patent on a chemical substance. Stoffrahmen, m. filter disk. Stoffteilchen, n. particle of matter. Stoffverbrauch, m. consumption of material. Stoff wechsel, m. metabolism; change of sub- stance. Stoffwechselprodukt, n. product of metabolism. Stoffwechselprozess, -vorgang, m. metabolic process. Stoffzahl, /. number of substances. stohle, pret. subj. of stehlen. stohnen, v.i. groan. Stollen, m. gallery, drift, tunnel; post, prop; cake of butter. stolpern, v.i. stumble. stolz, a. proud, lofty. Stolz, m. pride, loftiness. Stomachale, Stomachalmittel, n. stomachic. Stopfel, Stopfen, m. stopper, plug, cork. Stopfen, n. stuffing, etc. (see stopfen). stopfen, v.t. stuff, fill; stop; constipate; darn, mend. v.i. be costive. stopfend, p. a. stuff- ing, etc.; astringent, styptic. Stopfmittel, n. (Med.) astringent, styptic. Stopfwerg, n. oakum. Stoppel,/. stubble. Stopsel, m. stopper, plug, cork. Stopselflasche, /. stoppered bottle. Stopselhahn, m. stopper cock, cock stopper. stopseln, v.t. stopper, cork. Stor, m. sturgeon. Storch, m. stork. storen, v.t. disturb; trouble, derange, annoy, stir, poke. v.i. stir. storrig, storrisch, a. troublesome, refractory. Stoning, /. disturbance; trouble, derangement, disorder. Stoss, m. impulse, thrust, push, blow, stroke; impact, collision, percussion, shock, jolt; re- coil; pile, heap, (of papers) file; joint; blast (of a uorn). Stossel, m. pestle; stamper, rammer. stossea, v.t. push, thrust, hit, knock, ram; pound, bray, pulverize; join. v.i. thrust, dash, hit (at, against, or upon) ; (of boiling liquids) bump, knock; recoil. Stosser, m. pestle; rammer, pounder, knocker. Stosspunkt, m. point of impact. stosst, pr. 3 sing, of stossen. stossweise, adv. by starts or jolts, jerkily. Stosswelle, /. percussion wave. Stosszunder 244 streifen Stosszunder, m. percussion fuse. stottern, v.i. stutter. stracks, adv. straightway. straf bar, a. punishable, guilty. Strafe,/, punishment; penalty, fine. straf en, v.t. punish; fine; rebuke. straff, a. stretched, tight, tense. Straff hcit, /. tightness, tenseness, tension. Strafgeld, n. fine; forfeit. straflich, o. criminal, wrong. straflos, a. unpunished; innocent. Strahl, m. ray; jet (of liquid or gas); flash (of lightning) ; (Geom.) straight line, radius. Strahlapparat, m. jet apparatus (as a steam-jet injector, pump, or blower). Strahlasbest, TO. plumose asbestos. Strahlbaryt, m. radiated barite, Bologna stone. Strahlblende,/. sphalerite. strahlen, v.i. emic rays, radiate. strahlend, p.a. radiating, radiant. Strahlen-. pertaining to rays or radiation; radiated, radiating; (Ana/.) ciliary. Strahlenart, /. kind of ray or rays. strahlenbrechend, p.a. refracting, refractive. Strahlenbrechung, /. refraction. Strahlenbrechungsmesser, m. refractometer. Strahlenbiindel, n., Strahlenbiischel, m. pencil of rays. Strahlenfigur, /. radiating figure. strahlenformig, a. radiated, radiate. Strahlenglimmer, m. striated mica. Strahlenkegel, m. cone of rays. Strahlenkupfer, n. clinoclasite. Strahlenmesser, m. radiometer; actinometer. Strahlenpilz, m. actinomyces. Strahlenstein, m. = Strahlstein. Strahlenwerfen, n. radiation. Strahler, m. radiator. Strahlerz, n. clinoclasite. Strahlgips, m. fibrous gypsum. strahlig, a. radiated. Strahlkeil, m. belemnite. Strahlkies, m. marcasite. Strahlpumpe, /. jet pump. Strahlpunkt, m. radiating point, radiant point. Strahlquarz, m. fibrous quartz. Strahlschorl, TO. radiated tourmaline. Strahlstein, m. actinolite; amianthus. Strahlung,/. radiation; radiance. Strahlungsvermogen, n. radiating power. Strahlzeolith, m. stilbite. Strahne,/. skein, hank; strand. strantm, a. tight, tense; robust; strict. strampeln, v.i. struggle, kick. stranden, c.i. be stranded, ground, be ship- wrecked. Strandnelke, /. sea lavender (Limonium). Strandpflanze, /. seaside plant, littoral plant. Strang, m. rope, cord; halter; skein. strangfarbig, o. dyed in the yarn. Strangpresse, /. (Ceram.) press for wire cutting. Strapaze, /. hardship, toil. Strasse, /. street; way, road; strait. Strassenbau, TO. road-making. Strassenbelenchtung, /. street lighting. stratifizieren, v.t. stratify. strauben, v.t. ruffle up. v.r. bristle up; resist. straubig, straubig, a. (of wool) rough, coarse; rebellious. Strauch, TO. shrub, bush. strauchartig, a. shrublike, shrubby, frutescent. straucheln, v.i. stumble. Strauss, TO. bush; tuft, crest, bunch, bouquet; (Bot.) thyrsus; combat, strife; ostrich. streben, v.i. strive, struggle, press. strebsam, a. industrious; aspiring, pushing, streckbar, a. extensible; ductile; malleable. Strecke, /. distance, space, stretch, extent; (Mining) drift; (Metal.) drawing. strecken, v.t. stretch; extend, flatten, spread, draw (metal or thread), roll (metal, glass, etc.) ; lay low, lay down. v.r. stretch, spread, extend. gestrecktes Eisen, wrought iron. gestreckter Winkel, angle of 180 degrees. Strecker, TO. stretcher; (Med.) extensor; (Glass) flattener. Streckofen, TO. (Glass) flattening furnace. Streckstahl, m. rolled steel. Streckung, /. stretching, etc. (see strecken). Streckwerk, n. (Metal.) rolling mill; rolls. Streich, TO. stroke; blow, stripe; trick, prank. streichbar, o. plastic (see also streichen and -bar). Streichbiirste, /. paint brush, varnish brush. Streiche, /. spatula. streicheln, v.t. stroke; caress. streichen, v.t. stroke, rub ; paint, varnish; whet; strike (matches); erase, cancel, knock off; mold (brick or tile); stain or coat (paper); card (wool); scrape (skins); spread (butter). v.i. move, rush, sweep, etc.; rove, roam; (Mining) strike, run (in a certain direction). Streichfarbe, /. (Paper) staining color. Streichflache, /. striking surface (for matches), rubber. Streichholz, Streichholzchen, n. friction match. Streichinstrument, n. stringed instrument. Streichkasten, TO. (Dyeing) color tub. Streichmasse, /. friction composition (for matches). Streichmuster , m. (Paper) stained-paper pattern. Streichofen, m. reverberatory furnace. Streichriemen, TO. razor strop. Streich stein, TO. touchstone; hone, Streichtorf, TO. pressed peat. Streichziindhdlzchen, n. friction match. Streif, TO. = Streifen. streifen, v.t. stripe, streak, striate; graze; channel, flute; strip off. v.i. graze, touch (on) ; wander, ramble. Streifen 245 strtikturidentisch Streifen, TO. band, strip, stripe, stria; streak, vein (in marble, etc.) ; strap. streifig, a. streaked, striated, striped, banded. Streif ung, /. striping, etc. (see streifen) ; stria- tion. Streit, TO. contest, combat, strife; debate, dis- pute. streitbar, a. warlike, valiant. streiten, v.i. & r. struggle, contend, dispute. streitig, a. disputed, questionable. streng, strenge, a. severe, rigorous, harsh, strict. strengfliissig, a. difficultly fusible, refractory. Strenglot, n. hard solder. Streu,/. litter. Streublau, n. powder blue, streuen, v.t. scatter, strew. Streuglanz, m. brass powder. Streugold, n. gold dust. Streukupfer, n. copper rain (particles of copper thrown from the surface of the molten metal). Streupulver, n. powder for strewing or dusting, specif., lycopodium. Streuung,/. scattering, strewing. Streuzucker, m. powdered sugar, strich, prct. of streichen. Strich, TO. stroke; streak, stria; line, dash; (of wood) grain; train (of powder); batch (of bricks); (of cloth) nap; track, region; course, direction; flock, brood. stricheln, v.t. streak; shade, hatch; (of lines) break, dot. Strichkultur, /. streak culture. Strichpunkt, m. semicolon. Strick, m. cord, string, line, rope; snare, stricken, v.t. reticulate, net; knit, strickformig, a. cordlike, ropelike; (Anat.) restiform. stritt, pret. of streiten. strittig, a. contested, in dispute; questionable. Stroh, n. straw. Strohblume, /. everlasting. Strohdach, n. thatched roof, strohfarbig, a. straw-colored. Stroll flachs, m. raw flax. strohgelb, a. straw-yellow. Strohhalm, m. (a single) straw. Strohhut, m. straw hat. Strohhiitte,/. thatched hut. Strohkessel, m. (Paper) straw boiler. Strohmann, m. straw man, dummy. Strohpapier, n. straw paper. Strohpappe, /. straw board. Strohstoff, m. (Paper) straw stuff, straw pulp. Strohwein, m. straw wine. Strohzeug, n. = Strohstoff. Strolch, m. tramp, loafer. Strom, m. stream, current, flow; (Elec.) current. Stromabweichung, /. variation of current. Stromanzeiger, m. current indicator. Stromart, /. (Elec.) kind of current. Stroindichte, Stromdichtigkeit, /. current den- sity. Stromdurchgang, TO. passage of current. Strom einheit, /. unit of current. stromen, v.i. stream, flow, pour. Stromerzeuger, m. current generator. Stromgesch windigkeit, /. velocity of current. Stromindikator, m. current indicator. Strominduktion, /. induction of currents, elec- tromagnetic induction. Stromkreis, m. (Elec.) circuit. Stromlauf , m. flow of current. Strom lei ter, m. (Elec.) conductor. Stromleitung, /. (Elec.) conduction. Strommenge, /. (Elec.) amount of current, cur- rent strength. Strontmesser, m. current meter; specif., (Elec.) ammeter, amperemeter. Stromquelle, /. (Elec.) source of current. Stromregulator, m. current regulator. Stromrichtung, /. direction of current. Stromschlussel, m. (Elec.) key, switch. Stromschwankung, /. fluctuation of current. Stromspannung, /. current potential, voltage of a current. Stromstarke, /. current intensity, current strength. Stromstoss, m. current pulsation, current im- pulse. Stromumkehrer, TO. current reverser, commu- tator. Stromumkehrung, /. reversal of current. Strdmung, /. streaming, flowing, pouring; cur- rent, stream, flood; transpiration (of gases). Strom unterbrecher, m. circuit breaker; inter- rupter. Stromverbrauch, TO. consumption of current. Stromverlust, m. loss of current. Stromwechsler, m. (Elec.) commutator. Strom wcnder, m. (Elec.) current reverser; specif., commutator. Stromzeiger, m. current indicator; specif., ammeter. Stromzinn, n. stream tin. Strontian, m. strontia. Strontianerde, /. strontia. strontianhaltig, a. containing strontia, stron- tianiferous. Strontiansalpeter, TO. strontium nitrate. Strontianwasser, n. strontia water. Strontianzucker, TO. strontium sucrate. Strontiumjodid, n. strontium iodide. Strontiumsalz, n. strontium salt. Strontiumwasserstoff, TO. strontium hydride, strotzen, v.i. swell, swell up, be swollen. Strudel, TO. whirlpool, eddy, vortex. Struktur, /. structure. Strukturformel, /. structural formula. strukturidentisch, a. structurally identical. strukturlos 246 Sucher strukturlos, a. structureless, amorphous. Strukturveranderung, /. change of structure. Strum pf, TO. stocking, hose; mantle (of a gas burner). Strumpfband, n. garter. Strum pf war en, f.pl. hosiery. Strunk, TO. stump, trunk, stalk, stock, struppig, a. bristly, shaggy, rough. Stubbfett, n. stubb fat. Stube, /. room, apartment. Stuccatur,/., Stuck, w. stucco. Stuck, n. piece; bit, lump, fragment; gun, cannon; (Metal.) bloom. Stuckchen, n. little piece, bit, particle. Stiickenzucker, TO. crushed sugar; lump sugar. Stiickerz, n. lump ore. Stiickfarber, TO. piece dyer. stiickfarbig, a. dyed in the piece. Stuckgips, m. plaster of Paris. Stuckgut, n. gun metal; (pi.) piece goods. Stuckkohle,/. lump coal. Stiickmetall, n. gun metal. Stiickofen, w. bloomery furnace. Stiickpreis, TO. piece price, price by the piece. Stiick waren, f.pl. piece goods, stuck weise, adv. piece by piece, piecemeal; by retail. studieren, v.t. & i. study. Studium, n. study. Stufe, /. step; stage; degree, rank, grade. Stufenfolge, /. succession of steps or stages; gradation. Stufengesetz, n. Stufenregel, /. law of stages. stufenweise, adv. in stages or steps, step wise; by degrees. Stuhl, TO. chair, stool, seat; (Med.) stool. Stuhl-. chair; fecal. stuhlbefordernd, p.a. aperient, laxative. Stuhlgang, w. stool, discharge from the bowels. Stuhlzapfchen, n. suppository. stiilpen, v.t. turn upside down (or inside out); put (over or upon). stumm, a. dumb; mute, speechless, silent. Stummel, w. stump, end. Stumper, w. bungler, duffer. Stumpf, TO. stump. stumpf, a. blunt; obtuse; dull, stumpfeckig, a. blunt-cornered, stumpf kantig, a. blunt-edged. Stumpf kegel, TO. truncated cone. Stumpfsinn, TO. stupidity, imbecility. stumpfwinklig, a. obtuse-angled. Stunde, /. hour; lesson. sttinde, pret. subj. of stehen. stiindlich, a. & adv. hourly. stiirbe, pret. subj. of sterben. Sturm, w. storm; tumult, alarm, fury. stiirmen, v.i. storm; ring the alarm. Sturmhut, TO. monkshood, aconite. stiirmisch, a. stormy, turbulent; boiling (fer- mentation). Sturz, TO. plunge, fall, overthrow; failure (in business); waterfall; (Iron) slab, plate. Sturzacker, TO. new-plowed land. Sturzbad, n. plunge bath, shower bath. Sturzblech, n. plate iron. Stiirze, /. lid, cover. stiirzen, v.t. hurl, throw, plunge; overturn; dump; plow for the first time; overthrow. v.r. rush, plunge, dash. v.i. fall; rush; pour. Sturzflamme, /. reverberatory flame. Stute,/. mare. Stutenmilch, /. mare's milk. Stiitze, /. support, stay, prop. stutzen, v.t. clip, top, crop, trim. Stutzen, TO. (a short piece of tube or pipe serv- ing as an) opening, connection, or socket; a low glass or cylinder. stutzen, v.t. support, prop, stay. v.r. lean, rest, be based. Stutzer, TO. dandy, swell. Stiitzflache, /. supporting surface. Stiitzgewebe, n. supporting tissue. stutzig, a. startled, perplexed, nonplussed. Stiitzmittel, n. supporting medium. StiitzpunkVm. point of support; bearing sur- face; fulcrum. Stutzschwanz, TO. bobtail. Stiitzsubstanz, /. supporting substance. Stutzuhr, /. mantle clock. Styphninsaure, /. styphnic acid. s.u., abbrev. (siehe unten) see below. Subchloriir, n. subchloride. Suberinsaure, /. suberic acid. Subhaloid, n. subhalide. subkutan, a. subcutaneous. Sublimat, n. sublimate; specif., corrosive sub- limate, mercuric chloride. Sublimationswarme, /. heat of sublimation. sublimierbar, a. sublimahle. sublimieren, v.t. sublime, sublimate. Sublimiergefass, n. sublimation vessel. Sublimierofen, TO. subliming furnace. Sublimierung, /. sublimation. Suboxyd, n. suboxide. Substanz,/. substance; matter. Substituent, TO. substituent; substitute. substituierbar, a. replaceable. substituieren, v.t. substitute. Substituierung, /. substitution. Substrat, n. foundation; substratum; sub- strate. subtrahieren, v.t. subtract. Suche, /. search. suchen, v.t. & i. seek; look for, want, try. gesucht, p.a. sought for, in demand. Sucher, m. seeker, searcher; probe. Suchspindel 247 supersaturieren Suchspindel, /. exploring spindle (to indicate which of a set of hydrometer spindles is to be used). Sucht, /. disease, sickness; epidemic; mania. Sud, m. boiling; brewing, brew, gyle; decoc- tion; (Dyeing) mordant. Sud, TO. south. sudelhaft, a. slovenly. Siiden, TO. south. Sudhaus, n. boiling house (or room); brewing house, brew house. siidlich, a. south, southern. adv. south. Sudsalz, n. boiled salt (common salt from boiled-down brine). Sudseifenbad, n. (Dyeing) broken soap bath, broken suds. siidwarts, adv. southward. Sudwerk, n. brew-house outfit. Sudwesen, n. brewing. siiffig, a. palatable; bibulous. siihnen, v.t. atone for. sukzessiv, a. successive. Sulf-. sulf-, sulfo-, thio- (see note under Sulfo-). Sulfaminsaure, /. sulfamic acid. Sulfanilsaure, /. sulfanilic acid, sulfantimonig, a. thioantimonious, sulfantimo- nious. Sulfantimonsaure, /. thioantimonic acid, sulf- antimonic acid. sulfarsenig, a. thioarsenious, sulfarsenious. Sulfarsensaure, /. thioarsenic acid, sulfarsenic acid. Sulfat, n. sulfate. Sulfcarbaminsaure, /. thiocarbamic acid, specif., /3-thiocarbamic acid, HOCSNEb. Suifcarbanil, n. thiocarbanil (phenyl isothio- cyanate) . Sulfhydrid, Sulfhydrat, n. hydrosulfide. Sulf id, n. sulfide; specif., -i" -ulfide (cf. Sulfur), sulficrcn, v.t. sulfonate. Sulfieren, n. sulfonation. Sulfin, n. sulfonium, sulfine, SH 3 '. Sulfmsalz, n. sulfonium salt, sulfine salt. Sulfinsaure, /. sulfinic acid. Sulfit, n. sulfite. Sulfitcellulose, /. (Paper) sulfite pulp. Sulfitlauge, /. sulfite liquor. Sulfitverfahren, n. sulfite process. Sulfkohlensaure, /. sulfocarbonic acid (trithio- carbonic acid); thionocarbonic acid (HOC- SOH). Sulfo-. sulfo-, thio-. Preferably, sulfo- is used to designate the sulfonic group, and thio- to denote that sulfur replaces o :ygen.) Sulfobase, Sulfobasis, /. sulfur base. Sulfocyan, n. thiocyanogen, sulfocyanogen. Sulfocyaneisen, n. iron (esp. ferric) thiocya- nate. Sulfocvankalium, n. potassium sulfocyanate (thiocyanate). sulfocyansauer, a. of or combined with sulfo- cyanic (thiocyanic) acid, sulfocyanate (thio- cyanate) of. Sulfocyansaure, /. sulfocyanic acid (thiocyanic acid). Sulfocyanverbindung, /. sulfocyanate (thiocy- anate). Sulfogruppe, /. sulfo group, sulfonic group. Sulfohydrat, n. hydrosulfide. Sulfokarbolsaure, /. sulfocarbolic acid. Sulfokohlensaure, Sulfokarbonsaure, /. sulfo- carbonic acid (trithiocarbonic acid, IfcCSs). Sulfomonopersaure, /. permonosulfuric acid. Sulfoncarbonsaure, /. sulfonocarboxylic acid, sulfonecarboxylic acid. sulfoniercn, v.t. sulfonate. Sulfonsaure, /. sulfonic acid. Sulfonsaurecarbonsaure, /. sulf ocarboxylic acid, R"(S0 3 H)C0 2 H. Sulfosalz, n. thio salt, sulfo salt. Sulfosaure, /. sulfo acid (either a sulfonic acid or a sulf acid). Sulfozyan, n. = Sulfocyan. Sulfozyanat, n. sulfocyanate (thiocyanate). Sulfthiokohlensaure, /. thiolthionocarbonic acid (HOCSSH). Sulfur, n. (lower or -ous) sulfide, (formerly) protosulfide. sulfurieren, v.t. sulfonate; sulfurize. Sulph-. See Sulf-. Sulze, Sulze, /. jelly; gelatin; brine; pickled meat. Sulzfleisch, /. pickled meat. sulzig, siilzig, a. gelatinous. Sumbul wur/el, /. sumbul root, musk root. Summand, TO. (Math.) term of a sum. Summe, /. sum, amount. summon, v.i. hum, buzz v.t. sum up, add. Summengleichung, /. summation equation. Summenwirkung, /. combined action or effect. summieren, v.t. sum up, add. Sumpf, TO. swamp, marsh, bog; (Tech.) pit, sump. Sumpfeisenstein, TO. bog iron ore. Sumpferz, n. bog ore. Sumpfgas, n. marsh gas. Sumpf nelke, /. purple avens (Geum rivale). Sumpfporsch, Sumpfporst, TO. = Porsch. Sumpfsilge, /. marsh parsley (Peucedanum palustre). Sund, TO. sound, strait. Siinde, /. sin. Siindenbock, m. scapegoat. Sunder, TO. sinner, culprit. Sundflut, /. (Noah's) flood, the deluge. siindigen, v.i. sin, offend. superficial!, a. superficial. Superoxyd, n. superoxide (peroxide). superponieren, v.t. superpose. supersaturieren, v.t. supersaturate. Suppe 248 szintillieren Suppe,/. soup. Surrogat, n. substitute. Surrogatstoff, m. substitute material; (Paper) pulp substitute (for rags), suspendieren, v.t. suspend. BUSS, a. sweet. Sussbier, n. sweet beer Siisse, /. sweetness, siissen, v.t. sweeten . Siisserde,/. beryllia, glucina (BeO). Stissholz, n. licorice. Siissholzsaft, m. extract of licorice. Siissholzzucker, m. glycyrrhizic acid. Siissigkeit, /. sweetness; sweets; suavity. siisslich, a. sweetish. Siissmandelol, n. oil of sweet almonds. Susswasser, n. fresh water. 8.W., abbrev. (spezifische Warme) specific heat. swl., abbrev. (sehr wenig losig) very difficultly soluble. s.w.u., abbrev. (siehe weiter unten) see below. Sylvanerz, n. sylvanite. Sylvesterabend, m. New Year's eve. Sylvin, m. sylvite. Sylvinsaure, /. sylvic acid (abietic acid). Symbiose, /. symbiosis. Symmetrieachse, /. axis of symmetry. Symmetrieebene, /. plane of symmetry. symmetrisch, a. symmetrical, symmetric. sympathetisch, a. sympathetic. Synergismus, m. synergism (mutual action) . syntetisch, a. synthetic. Synthese, /. synthesis. synthesieren, v.t. synthesize. synthetisch, a. synthetic. Syringasaure,/. syringic acid. systematisch, a. systematic. SZ., abbrev. (Saurezahl) acid number. szientifisch, a. scientific. szintillieren, v.i. scintillate. Tabak, m. tobacco. Tabaksasche, /. tobacco ashes. Tabaksblatt, n. tobacco leaf. Tabaksbriihe, /. tobacco juice. Tabaksdampf, m. tobacco smoke. Tabaksfabrik,/. tobacco factory. Tabakskampher, TO. nicotianin. Tabaksrauch, m. tobacco smoke. Tabaschir, Tabaxir, m. tabasheer, tabashir. tabellarisch, a. tabular. adv. in tabular form. tabellarisieren, v.t. tabulate, tabularize. Tabelle, /. table; synopsis. Tadel, m. fault; blame; reproof. tadeln, v.t. blame, criticize, reprove. Tafel, /. table; plate, slab, tablet; sheet (of metal) ; cake (of chocolate) ; pane (of glass) ; slate; blackboard; chart; index. tafelartig, a. tabular. Tafelbier, n. table beer. Tafelblei, w. sheet lead. Tafelchen, n. little table, tablet, platelet. Tafelfarbe, /. (Calico) local color, topical color, tafelformig, o. tabular. Tafelgeschirr, n. table service, tableware. Tafellack, m. shellac. Tafelmessing, n. sheet brass. tafeln, v.i. dine, sup, feast. tafeln, v.t. floor; wainscot. Tafelol, n. olive oil (for table use). Tafelquarz, m. tabular quartz. Tafelsalz, n. table salt. Tafelschiefer, m. roofing slate. Tafelspat, m. tabular spar, wollastonite. Tafelwage, /. counter scales, platform scales. Taffet, Taft, m. taffeta. Taftpapier, n. satin paper. Tag, m. day. Tagebau, m. open working. Tageblatt, n. daily paper. Tagebuch, n. diary, journal. Tagedieb, m. idler, tagelang, adv. the day long, for days. Tagelohn, m. daily wages, day's wages. Tagelohner, m. day laborer, tagen, v.i. dawn; (of assemblies) sit. Tageslicht, n. daylight. Tagespreis, m. current price. Tageszeit, /. daytime; hour of the day. taglich, a. daily, diurnal, quotidian. Tagwasser, n. surface water. Taille,/. waist; figure. takeln, v.t. tackle; rig. Takt, m. (musical) time, measure; tact; (Mack.) stroke. Tal, n. valley. Talar, TO. robe, gown. Taler, m. thaler (now three marks) . Talg, TO. tallow; (solid) fat, grease; suet; (Anat.) sebum. talgahnlich, a. tallowlike; sebaceous. Talgart, /. (variety of) tallow or solid fat. talgartig, a. tallowy; (Anat.) sebaceous. Talgbaum, m. tallow tree. Talgbrot, n. tallow cake. Talgdriise, /. sebaceous gland, talgen, v.t. tallow; grease. Talggrieben, f.pl. tallow cracklings, greaves, talgig, a. tallowy; sebaceous; adipose. Talglicht, ?i. tallow candle. Talgol, n. tallow oil. Talgsaure, /. stearic acid. Talgschmelzen, n. rendering of suet or tallow. Talgseife, /. tallow soap. Talgstein, TO. soapstonej. Talgstoff, TO. stearin. Talgzelle, /. sebaceous cell. Talk, TO. talc, talcum, talkartig, a. talcose, talcous. Talkerde, /. magnesia; magnesite. Talkschiefer, TO. talcose slate, slaty talc. Talkspat, TO. magnesite. Talkstein, TO. soapstone, steatite. Taloschleimsaure, /. talomucic acid. Tamarindenmus, n. tamarind pulp. Tambour, TO. drummer. Tand, m. trinket, bauble. tandeln, v.i. dawdle, trifle. Tang, m. seaweed. tangieren, v.t. touch, be tangent to. Tanne, /. fir, fir tree (Abies species) ; (loosely) pine. Tannenbaum, TO. fir tree; pine tree. Tannenharz, n. fir resin. Tannenzapfen, TO. fir cone. tannieren, v.t. tan; (Dyeing) mordant with tannic acid. 249 Tannin 250 Teich Tannin, n. tannin, tannic acid. Tanninbleisalbe, /. tannate of lead ointment. Tanninlosung, /. tannin solution. Tanninsalbe, /. tannin ointment. Tanninstoff, m. tannic acid, tannin. Tantal, n. tantalum. Tantalerz, n. tantalum ore, specif., tantalite. Tantallampe, /. tantalum lamp. Tantalsaure, /. tantalic acid. Tantalverbindung, /. tantalum compound. Tante,/. aunt. Tanz, m. dance; brawl, row. Tanzbewegung, /. Brownian movement. tanzen, v.i. dance. Tapete, /. tapestry, hanging; wallpaper; (Anat.) tapetum. Tapetenpapier, n. wallpaper. tapezieren, v.t. hang with tapestry; paper. Tapezierung, /. papering, tapfer, a. brave, valiant. tappen, v.i. grope. tappisch, a. clumsy, awkward. Tara, /. tare. Tarierbecher, m. tare cup. tarieren, v.i tare. Tarierschrot, n. & m. tare shot. Tarierwage, /. tare balance. tartarisieren, v.t. tartarize. Tartronsaure, /. tartronic acid. Tasche, /. pocket; pouch; (Afed.) bursa. Taschenausgabe, /. pocket edition. Taschenformat, n. pocket size. Taschenkrebs, m. common crab. Taschenspiel, n. jugglery. Taschentuch, n. pocket handkerchief. Taschenuhr, /. watch. Tasse, /. cup; cup and saucer. Taste, /. (musical) key. tasten, v.t. touch, feel; (Med.) palpate. Taster, m. callipers; feeler, antenna. tat, pret. of tun. Tat, /. deed, doing, action, act; fact. in der Tat, in fact, indeed. Tatbestand, m. matter of fact, facts: Tater, m. doer, author, perpetrator, tatig, a. active; busy. Tatigkeit, /. activity; actipn; occupation; function. tatkraftig, a. energetic. tatlich, a. actual; violent. tatowieren, v.t. tattoo. Tatsache, /. fact. tatsachlich, a. actual, real. Tatze,/. paw; (Tech.) cam. Tau, n. rope, cord, cable. Tan, m. dew. taub, a. deaf; numb; empty, barren. Taube, /. pigeon, dove. Taubkohle, /. anthracite Tauchbatterie, /. plunge battery. tauchen, v.t. dip, plunge, steep. v.i. & r. dive, dip, plunge. Taucherkolben, m. (Mack.) plunger. Tauchkorn, n. (Brewing) sinker. Tauchzylinder, m. plunge cylinder, plunger (of a colorimeter). tauen, v.t. taw (hides). v.i. thaw; dew. taufen, v.t. baptize, christen. taugen, v.i. be fit, be good, be of value. tauglich, a. good, fit, able, tauig, a. dewy. Taumel, m. reeling; giddiness; intoxication; transport, frenzy. Taumelkorn, n. darnel (Lolium temulentum). taumeln, v.i. reel; be giddy; be intoxicated. Taupunkt, m. dew point; thaw point. Taurocholsaure,/. taurocholic acid. Tausch, m. exchange; barter. tauschen, v.t. & i. exchange; barter, tauschen, v.t. deceive, delude, cheat. Tauschung, /. illusion; delusion, deception. Tauschzersetzung, /. double decomposition. tausend, a. thousand. Tausendgiildenkraut, n. lesser centaury (Ery- thrsea centaurium). Tausendschon, n. daisy, tautomer, a. tautomeric. Tautomerie, /. tautomerism, tautomery . Taxe, /. tax, duty; set price, rate, taxieren, v.t. tax; assess; value, appraise. Technik, /. technic, technique; technics, arts. Techniker, m. technologist, technicist, tech- nician. Technikum, n. technical institution. technisch, a. technical. Technology m. technologist. technologisch, a. technological. Teckel, m. German terrier. Tee, m. tea. Teer, m. tar. teerartig, a. tarry. Teerasphalt, m. tar asphalt, coal-tar pitch. Teerbaum, m. Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris) Teerbrennerei, /. tar factory. Teerdampf, m. tar vapor, tar fumes. teeren, v.t. tar. v.i. tar, form tarry matter. Teerfarbe, /. Teerfarbstoff, m. coal-tar color, coal-tar dye. teerig, a. tarry Teerkessel, m. tar kettle. Teerol, n. tar oil, oil of tar, esp. coal-tar oil Teerpapier, n. tarred paper, tar paper. Teerpappe, /. tar board. Teerpriifer, m. tar tester. Teersaure, /. tar acid (any phenol from coal tar). Teerwasser, n. tar water, specif., (Gas) am- moniacal liquor. Teerwerg, n. tarred oakum. Teich, TO. pond, pool, tank. Teig 251 Tetrahexaeder Teig, TO. dough; paste. teigartig, a. doughy, pasty. Teigform, /. doughy or pasty form, dough, paste. teigig, a. doughy, pasty; mellow. Teigware, /. an article (e.g., a dye) in paste form. Tell, m. part; portion, division; party. zwei Teile, two thirds; drei Teile, three fourths; etc. Teil-. partial; divisional, dividing. teilbar, a. divisible. Teilbarkeit, /. divisibility. Teilchen, n. small part, particle. Teildruck, TO. partial pressure. teilen, v.t. divide; graduate; share, participate. v.r. divide; share. Teller, m. divider; (Math.) divisor. teilhaben, v.i. share, take part, partake. Teilhaber, m. sharer, participator, partner. teilhaft, teilhaftig, a. sharing, participating, sharing. -teilig. of parts, -part, -partite. Teilnahme, /. participation; sympathy, inter- est. teilnehmen, v.i. take part, participate. Teilreaktion, /. partial reaction. teils, adv. in part, partly. Teilstrich, m. graduation mark, graduation. Teilung, /. division; graduation, scale; parti- tion; sharing. Teilungsebene, /. plane of division. Teilungsgesetz, n. law of partition. Teilungskoeffizient, TO. distribution coefficient. Teilungszahl, /. dividend. Teilungszeichen, n. mark of division. Teilungszustand, TO. state of division. Teilvorgang, TO. partial process. teilweise, a. partial. adv. partially. Teilzahl, /. quotient. Teint, TO. complexion. Tekholz, n. teakwood. Teller, TO. plate (dish); palm (of the hand). Tellerfuss, TO. plate-shaped base. Tellur, n. tellurium. Tellur-. tellurium, telluric, telluride of. Telluralkyl, n. alkyl telluride. Tellurblei, n. lead telluride. Tellurdiathyl, n. diethyl telluride. Tellurglanz, m. tellurium glance (nagyagite). Tellurgoldsilber, n. gold silver telluride. Tellurhalogen, n. tellurium halide. tellurig, a. tellurous. Tellurmetall, n. metallic telluride. Tellurocher, TO. (Mm.) tellurite. Telluroxyd, n. tellurium oxide. tellursauer, a. of or combined with telluric acid, tellurate of. Tellursiiure, /. telluric acid. Tellursilber, n. silver telluride. Tellurverbindung, /. tellurium compound. Tellurwasserstoff, TO. hydrogen telluride. Tellurwismut, n. bismuth telluride. Temp., abbrev. of Temperatur. Tempel, TO. temple; game of chance. Temperaturanderung, /. change of temperature. Temperaturbeobachtung, /. temperature obser- vation. Temperatureinfluss, TO. influence of tempera- ture. Temperaturgrad, m. degree of temperature. Temperaturmesser, TO. temperature measurer, thermometer, pyrometer. Temperaturmittel, n. mean temperature. Temperaturschwankung, /. variation of tem- perature. Temperaturveranderung, /. change of temper- ature. Temperkohle, /. temper carbon. tempern, v.t. temper. lemporar, a. temporary. Tenakel, n. filtering frame; (Printing) copy- holder. Tendenz, /. tendency. Tenne, /. floor. Teppich, TO. carpet; rug; tapestry; (table) cover; blanket. Terbinerde, /. terbia, terbium oxide. Terebinsaure, /. terebic acid. Terephtalsaure /. terephthalic acid. Terrain, TO. term; time. ternar, a. ternary. Terneblech, n. terneplate. Terpenchemie, /. chemistry of the terpenes. Terpengruppe, /. terpene group. Terpentin, TO. turpentine. Terpentinart, /. kind or variety of turpentine. terpentinartig, a. like turpentine, terebinthine. Terpentinfirniss, m. turpentine varnish. Terpentingeist, m. spirits of turpentine (oil of turpentine). Terpentinharz, n. turpentine resin. Terpentinol, n. oil of turpentine. Terpentinsalbe, /. turpentine ointment. Terpentinspiritus, TO. = Terpentingeist. Terrine, /. tureen. tertiar, a. tertiary. Tesseralkies, TO. skutterudite; smaltite. Tesseralsystem, n. isometric system. Test, m. test; cupel; test furnace; cupellation furnace; indicator; graphite; molybdenite. Testasche, /. bone ash. tetanisieren, v.t. tetanize. Tetraborsaure, /. tetraboric acid. Tetrabromkohlenstoff, m. carbon tetrabromide. Tetrachlorkohlenstoff, TO. carbon tetrachloride. Tetraeder, n. tetrahedron. tetraedrisch, a. tetrahedral. Tetraedrit, TO. tetrahedrite. Tetrafluorkohlenstoff, TO. carbon tetrafluoride. Tetrahexaeder, m. tetrahexahedron. Tetrajod. 252 Tiefblick Tetrajod-. tetraiodo-; tetraiodide of. Tetrajodkohlenstoff, m. carbon tetriodide. Tetraoxy-. (usually) tetrahydroxy-. See Oxy-. Tetrathionsaure, /. tetrathionic acid. Tetravanadinsaure, /. tetravanadic acid. Tetrinsaure, /. tetrinic acid. tcucr, a. dear. Teuerung, /. dearth, famine. Teufel, m. devil. Teufelsdrcck, m. asafetida. Thai, n. valley. Thalli-. thallic. Thallichlorat, n. thallic chlorate. Thalliion, n. thallic ion. Thallioxyd, n. thallic oxide. Thallisalz, n. thallic salt. Thallisulfat, . thaUic sulfate. Thalliumalaun, m. thallium alum. Thalliumbromiir, n. thallous bromide. Thallium chlorid, n. thallium chloride, specif., thallic chloride. Thalliumchloriir, n. thallous chloride. Thalliumhydroxyd, n. thallic hydroxide. Thalliumhydroxydul, . thallous hydroxide. Thalliumjodiir, n. thallous iodide. Thalliumoxyd, n. thallium oxide, specif., thallic oxide. Thalli umoxydul, n. thallous oxide. Thalliumsulf iir, w. thallous sulfide. Thalliumverbindung, /. thallium compound. Thalliverbindung, /. thallic compound. Thallo-. thallous. Thallochlorat, n. thallous chlorate. Thallochlorid, n. thallous chloride. Thalloion, n. thallous ion. Thallojodat, n. thallous iodate. Thallosalz, n. thallous salt. Thalloverbindung, /. thallous compound. That, Thatsache, etc. See Tat, Tatsache, etc. Thee, TO. tea. Theer, TO. tar (for compounds see Teer-). Theil, m. = Teil. Thema, n. theme, subject, topic. Theoretiker, m. theorist. theoretisch, a. theoretical. Theorie, /. theory. therapeutisch, a. therapeutic. Therapie, /. therapeutics. Therme, /. hot spring, thermal spring, thermisch, a. thermal. Thermochemie, /. thermochemistry. thermochemisch, a. thermochemical. thermodynamisch, a. thermodynamic. thermoelektrisch, a. thermoelectric. Thermoelektrizitat, /. thermoelectricity. Thermokette, /. thermoelement. Thermolyse, /. thermolysis. Thermometerkugel, /. thermometer bulb. Thermometerrohre, /. thermometer tube. thermometrisch, a. thermometric. Thermosaule, /. thermopile. These, /. thesis. Thier, Thier-. See Tier, Tier-. Thioantimonsaure, /. thioantimonic acid. Thioarsenigsaure, /. thioarsenious acid. Thioarsensaure, /. thioarsenic acid. Thiocarbaminsaure, /. thiocarbamic acid, specif., thiolcarbamic acid, HSCONH* Thiocyan, n. thiocyanogen. Thiocyankalhun, n. potassium thiocyanate. thiocyansauer, a. of or combined with thiocy- anic acid, thiocyanate of. Thiocyansaure, /. thiocyanic acid, sulfocyanic acid. Thiocyan verbindung, /. thiocyanate. Thiogermaniumsaure, /. thiogermanic acid. Thiokohlensaure, /. thiocarbonic acid, specif., trithiocarbonic acid, H2CS3. Thiolsaure, /. thiolic acid. Thioncarbaminsaure, /. thionocarbamic acid. Thionkohlensaure, /. thionocarbonic acid. Thionkohlenthiolsaure, /. thiolthionocarbonic acid (HOCSSH). Thionsaure, /. thionic acid. Thiophosphorsiiure, /. thiophosphoric acid. Thiophtalid, n. thiophthalide. Thiophten, n, thiophthene. Thiosalz, n. thio salt. Thiosaure, /. thio acid. Thioschwefelsaure, /. thiosulfuric acid. Thiosulfosaure, /. thiosulf onic acid. Thioverbindung, /. thio compound. Thiozinnsaure, /. thiostannic acid. Thiozyan, n. = Thiocyan. Thomaseisen, n. Thomas iron. Thomasmehl, n. Thomas meal (ground basic slag used as a fertilizer). Thomasschlacke, /. Thomas slag, basic slag. Thomasstahl, w. Thomas steel, basic steel. Thon, m. clay. thonartig, Thonerde, etc. See tonartig, Ton- erde, etc. Thor, m. fool. Thor, n. thorium; gate. Thorerde, /. thoria (thorium oxide). Thoriumverbindung, /. thorium compound. Thran, m. = Tran. Thrane, /. tear. Thranen-. See Trahen-. Thujaol, n. thuja oil. thun, v.t. & i. = tun. Thiir, Thiire, /. door. Thurm, m. = Turm. thut, pr. 3 sing, of thun. See tun. Thymian, m. thyme. Thymianol, n. oil of thyme. Thyiriochinon, n. thymoquinone, tief, a. deep; low. tiefblau, a. deep blue. Tiefblick, TO. insight. Tiefbrunnen 253 titrieren Tiefbrunnen, m. deep well. Tiefdruck, m. low pressure. Tiefe,/. depth, deepness; deep. Tiefebene, /. low plain, lowland. tiefen, v.t. deepen. Tiefengestein, n. plutonic rock. tiefgelb, a. deep yellow. Tief kuhlung, /. low cooling, intense cooling. tiefrot, a. deep red. tiefrund, a. concave. tiefsinnig, a. pensive; profound; melancholy. Tiegel, m. crucible; pot, skillet, stewpan. Tiegelbrenner, TO. crucible maker. Tiegelbrennofen, m. crucible oven. Tiegeldeckel, m. crucible cover (or lid). Tiegelflussstahl, TO. crucible cast steel. Tiegelform, /. crucible mold. Tiegelformerei, /. crucible molding. Tiegelfutter, n. crucible lining. Tiegelgiesserei, /., Tiegelguss, m. casting in crucibles. * Tiegelgussstahl, TO. crucible cast steel, crucible steel. Tiegelgussstahlgiessen, n. casting of crucible steel. Tiegelhohlform, /. crucible mold, pot mold. Tiegelofen, TO. crucible furnace. Tiegelprobe, /. crucible test. Tiegelstahl. TO. crucible steel. Tiegeluntersatz, m. crucible stand (or support). Tiegelzange, /. crucible tongs. Tier, n. animal; beast. Tier-, animal; veterinary. Tierarzt, TO. veterinary surgeon. Tierblase, /. bladder of an animal. Tierbude, /. menagerie. Tierchemic, /. animal chemistry. Tierchen, n. animalcule; little animal. Tierfaser, /. animal fiber. Tierfett, n. animal fat. Tierfibrin, n. animal fibrin, fibrin. Tiergarten, m. zoological garden. Tiergattung, /. genus of animals. Tiergift, n. animal poison, venom. tierisch, a. animal; brutish, bestial. Tierkeim, m. animal germ, animal embryo. Tierkenner, TO. zoologist. Tierkohle, /. animal charcoal. Tierkorper, m. animal body. Tierkreis, TO. zodiac. Tierkunde, Tierlehre, /. zo6logy. Tierleim, m. animal glue (or size). Tiermilch, /. animal milk. Tierol, n. animal oil, specif., bone oil. Tierpflanze, /. zoophyte. Tierreich, n. animal kingdom. Tierschutzverein, TO. society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. Tierstoff, TO. animal substance. Tierversuch, m. experiment on an animal. Tierzelle, /. animal cell. Tigerauge, /. tiger-eye. Tiglinsaure, /. tiglic (or tiglinic) acid. tilgen, v.t. eradicate, destroy; cancel, annul; erase, blot out, delete; pay (debts). tingibel, a. (Micros.) stainable. tingieren, v.t. dye, stain. tinktoriell, a. tinctorial. Tinktur,/. tincture. Tinte,/. (writing) ink; tint; pickle, mess. tintenartig, a. like ink, inky. Tintenfabrikant, m. ink maker. Tintenfass, n. inkstand. Tintenfassfeder, /. fountain pen. Tintenfisch, TO. cuttlefish, sepia. Tintenfischschwarz, n. sepia (the pigment). Tintenflasche, /. ink bottle. Tintenfleck, TO. ink stain, ink spot. Tintenloscher, TO. blotter. Tintenpulver, n. ink powder. Tintenstein, TO. inkstone. tintig, a. inky. tippen, v.t. strike gently, tap, tip. Tisane, /. ptisan. Tisch, TO. table. Tischbier, n. table beer. Tischchen, n. little table; tablet. Tischdecke, /. table cover, tablecloth. Tischganger, TO. boarder. Tischgedeck, n. table linen. Tischgerat, Tischgeschirr, n. tableware. Tischler, w. joiner, cabinet maker, carpenter. Tischlerleim, w. joiner's glue, glue. Tischwein, m. table wine. Titan, n. titanium. Titaneisen, n. titaniferous iron. Titaneisenerz, n. titanic iron ore, ilmenite. Titaneisensand, TO. titaniferous iron sand (a form of ilmenite.) Titaneisenstein, TO. = Titaneisenerz. Titanfluorwasserstoffsaure, /. fluotitanic acid. Titanhalogen, n. titanium halide. titanhaltig, a. containing titanium, titaniferous. Titanofluorwasserstoffsaure, /. fluotitanous acid. titansauer, a. of or combined with titanic acid, titanate of. Titansaure, /. titanic acid. Titanverbindung, /. titanium compound. Titel, m. title. Titelblatt, n. title page. Titer, n. titer, titre. Tilerfl iissigkeit, /. standard solution. Titerstellung, /. establishment of titer, stand- ardization. Titrieranalyse, /. analysis by titration, volu- metric analysis. Titrierapparat, m. titrating apparatus, volu- metric apparatus. titrieren, v.t. titrate. Titrierflussigkeit 254 Topfgiesserei Titrierfliissigkeit, /. titrating solution, standard solution. Titriergerate, n.pl. titrating apparatus. Titriermethode, /. titration method, volumetric method. Titriersaure, /. titrating acid, standard acid. Titrierung, /. titration. Titriervorrichtung, /. titrating apparatus. titrimetrisch, a. titrimetric. Tie., abbrev. (Teile) parts. toben, v.i. roar; storm, rave. Tobsucht, /. delirium, raving. Tochter, /. daughter. Tochter-. daughter, filial, secondary. Tod, m. death. todbringend, p.a. deadly, fatal. Todesgabe,/. fatal dose, lethal dose. Todeskampf, m. death struggle, agony. Todesstoss, m. death blow. Todesstrafe,/. death penalty; capital punish- ment. todlich, a. deadly, fatal, lethal. todt, todtbrennen, etc. See tot, totbrennen, etc. Tokaier, TO. Tokay (wine). toll, a. mad; crazy, furious, nonsensical. Tollbeere,/. belladonna. tollen, v.i. rave; be boisterous. Tollhaus, n. madhouse, insane asylum. Tollhausler, TO. maniac. Tollheit, /. madness, frenzy; mad trick. Tollkirsche,/. belladonna. Tolikraut, n. belladonna; stramonium. tollkuhn, a. foolhardy. Tolpatsch, Tblpel, m. lout, booby. Tolubalsam, m. balsam of Tolu, tolu. Toluchinon, n. toluquinone. Toluol, w. toluene. Toluolsiiss, n. saccharin. Tolusirup, m. sirup of tolu. Tolutinktur,/. tincture of tolu. Toluylenrot, n. toluylene red. Toluylsaure, /. toluic acid. Tomate, /. tomato. Ton, TO. clay; tone; sound; key; tune; accent; fashion. Tonart,/. kind of clay; key; tune; pitch. tonartig, a. clayey, argillaceous. Tonbad, n. toning bath. Tonbeize, /. (Dyeing) red liquor. Tonbeschlag, m. coat of clay. Tonb'ildnerei, /. ceramics. Tonboden, TO. clay soil, clay ground. Tonbrei, TO. (Ceram.) clay slip. Tondecke, /. clay cover. Toneisenstein, m. clay ironstone. tonen, v.i. sound, ring. v.t. tone, tint; sound. Tonerde,/. alumina; argillaceous earth. Tonerdebeize, /. (Dyeing) red liquor. tonerdehaltig, a. containing alumina, aluminif- erous. Tonerdehydrat, n. hydrate of alumina (alu- minium hydroxide). tonern, a. of clay, clay, clayey, argillaceous. Tongeschirr, n. pottery, earthenware. Tongips, TO. argillaceous gypsum. tonhaltig, a. containing clay, argillaceous. Tonhohe, /. pitch. tonig, a. clayey, argillaceous. Tonindustrie, /. clay industry. Tonindustrieller, m. clayworker. tonisch, a. tonic. Tonkabohne, /. tonka bean. Tonkalk, TO. argillaceous limestone, argillocal- cite. Tonkegel, m. clay cone. Tonkunst,/. music; phonetics. Tonlager, n. clay bed, stratum of clay. Tonmasse,/. (Ceram.) paste. Tonmergel, m. clay marl. Tonmuhle,/. clay mill, pug mill. Tdnnchen, n. small cask, keg. Tonne, /. ton (in Germany now 1,000 kilo- grams) ; tun, cask, barrel, keg. Tonpapier, n. tinted paper. Tonreiniger, m. (Ceram.) stone separator. Tonretorte, /. clay retort. Tonrohre, /. clay tube, clay pipe. Tonsandstein, m. argillaceous sandstone. Tonschicht, /. layer or stratum of clay. Tonschiefer, TO. clay slate, argillite. Tonschlamm, m. clay slip. Tonschneider, m. pug mill. Tonseife, /. aluminous soap. Tonstein, m. clay stone. Tonsteingut, n. (Ceram.) high-clay white ware. Tontiegel, m. clay crucible. Tonwaren,/.pZ. pottery, earthenware. Tonzelle, /. clay cell. Tonziegel, TO. clay tile. Tonzuschlag, TO. (Metal.) aluminous flux. Topas, TO. topaz. Topasfluss, TO. artificial topaz. Topasschorlit, TO. pycnite (columnar topaz). Topf, w. pot; jar, crock; top. Topfchen, n. small pot. Topfdeckel, TO. pot lid. Topfer, TO. potter. Topferei,/. ceramics, pottery. Topfererde, /. potter's earth, potter's clay. Topfererz, n. potter's ore, alquifou. Topferfarbe, /. pottery color, ceramic color. Tdpfergeschirr, Topfergut, n. pottery. topfern, a. earthen. Topferofen, TO. potter's kiln. Topferscheibe, /. potter's wheel. Tdpferton, m. potter's clay. Topferware, /. pottery. Topfgiesserei, /. making of crucible steel; cast- ing of pots. Topfglasur 255 Traube Topfglasur,/. earthenware glaze, specif., alqui- fou. Topfmiihle, /. barrel mill. Topfscherbe, /. potsherd. Topf stein, in. potstone, soapstone. topisch, a. topical. Tor, m. fool. Tor, n. gate. Torf, m. peat. torfaitig, a. like peat, peaty. Torfasche, /. peat ashes. Torfeisenerz, n. bog iron ore. Torfgeschmack, m. peaty taste, flavor of peat. torfig, a. peaty. Torf kohle, /. peat charcoal. Torflager, n. peat bog; peat yard. Torfmasse, /. peat. Torf moos, . peatmoss, specif., sphagnum moss. Torfrauchgeschmack, m. flavor of peat smoke. Torheit, /. folly, foolishness. toricht, a. foolish, silly r absurd. Tornister, m. knapsack. torquieren, v.t. twist. Torsionswage, /. torsion balance. Tort, m. wrong, injury. Torte,/. tart; cake. tosen, v.i. roar, rage. tot, a. dead. totbrennen, v.t. overburn (gypsum, etc.). totgebrannt, p.a. overburned, dead. toten, v.t. kill; deaden, soften (colors). Totenacker, m. graveyard. Totenblume, /. marigold. Totenfarbe, /. livid color. Totengeruch, m. cadaveric odor. Totenkopf, m. caput mortuum, specif., colco- thar; death's-head. Totenwagen, m. hearse. Toter, m. killer; murderer; extinguisher. totgeboren, p.a. stillborn. totgebrannt, p.a. See totbrennen. totgegerbt, p.a. overtanned. totgekocht, p.a. dead-boiled, overboiled. Totmahlen, n. overgrinding, (Paper) overheat- ing. Tour, /. turn; revolution, round; tour. Tourenzahl, /. number of turns or revolutions. Tournantol, . rank olive oil. toxisch, a. toxic. Toxizitiit, /. toxicity. Trab, m. trot. Trabant, m. satellite. traben, v.i. trot. Tracht, /. load; pregnancy; litter (of kittens, etc.); course; costume; fashion. tiachten, v.i. try, attempt, strive. trachtig, a. pregnant. Trachtigkeit, /. pregnancy, gestation. traf, pret. of treffen. Tragant, m. tragacanth. Tragantgummi, n. gum tragacanth. Tragbahre, /. handbarrow; stretcher, litter. Tragband, n. strap, sling, suspenders, suspen- sory. tragbar, a. portable; bearing, productive; wear- able; (Dyeing) fast to wearing. trage, a. inert; inactive, sluggish, idle, lazy, slow, dull. tragecht, a. fast to wearing. tragen, v.t. bear, carry, support; yield, produce; endure; wear. v.r. wear; dress. v.i. carry; be pregnant. Trager, m. carrier, bearer, supporter, support; wearer. Tragfahigkeit, /. buoyancy; bearing strength; capacity; productiveness. Tragheit, /. inertia; inertness; laziness, idle- ness, slowness. Tragheitsmoment, n: moment of inertia. Tragkraft, /. supporting power, carrying capac- ity. Tragodie, /. tragedy. tragt, pr. 3 sing, of tragen. Tragweite,/. range; significance. Traktat, m. treatise; tract; treaty. traktieren, v.t. treat. Trambahn, /. tramway. Tran, m. train oil; blubber. Tranbrennerei, /. = Transiederei. Trane, /. tear. Tranen-. of tears, lachrymal. Tranendruse, /. lachrymal gland. Tranenfliissigkeit, /. lachrymal fluid Trangeruch, m. odor of train oil. tranig, a. like train oil; greasy. trank, pret. of trinken. Trank, m. drink, beverage, potion. Trankchen, n. draft, physic. Tranke, /. watering, water. tranken, v.t. steep, soak, saturate; impregnate; water; suckle; give to drink. Trankung, /. steeping, etc. (see tranken). Tranleder, n. leather dressed with train oil. Transchmiere, /. (Leather) daubing. Transeife, /. train-oil soap. Transiederei, /. train-oil boilery, blubber boil- ery. Transpeck, m. blubber. Transporter, m. transporter, conveyor. Transstellung, /. trans position. Trapez, n. trapezium; trapeze. Trapezoeder, n. trapezohedron. Trapp, m. trap (rock). trappartig, a. of the nature of trap, trappean. Trappe,/. footstep, footprint trap; bustard. trappeln, trappen, v.i. trample, stamp, patter. trat, pret. of treten. Tratte, /. draft, bill of exchange. Traube, /. bunch of grapes; grape; cluster, (Bot.) raceme. Traubenabfall 256 Trichterrohre Traubenabfall, TO. husks or marc of grapes. traubenahnlich, traubcnartig, a. like grapes or a bunch of grapes, botryoidal. Traubenbeere, /. grape. Traubenblei, n. mimetite; pyromorphite. traubenformig, a. of the form of a grape or bunch of grapes, grapelike, botryoidal; (Bot.) aciniform, racemose. Traubenkern, m. grape seed, grapestone. Traubenkernol, n. grapeseed oil. Traubenlese,/. vintage. Tiaubenmost, m. grape must, must. Traubensaft, m. grape juice. traubensauer, a. of or combined with racemic acid, racemate of. Traubensaure,/. racemic acid. Traubenvitriol, m. crystallized ferrous sulfate. Traubenzucker, m. grape sugar (dextrose). trauen, v.i. trust, rely. v.t. marry. Trauer,/. mourning; sorrow. Trauerbirke, /. weeping birch. trauern, v.i. mourn. Trauerspiel, . tragedy. Trauerzug, m. funeral procession. Traufe,/. drip; eaves; gutter, trough. traufeln, v.i. drip, drop, trickle. Traufwasser, n. rainwater. trauiich, a. intimate, cordial; cozy, snug. Traum, TO. dream. traumen, v.t. & i. dream. Traumerei, /. dreaming; reverie; fancy. traurig, a. sad; melancholy; wretched. Trauring, m. wedding ring. Trauschein, m. marriage certificate; marriage license. traut, a. dear; cosy. Trauung, /. marriage, marriage ceremony. Treber, /. spent residue, draff (as the marc of grapes or spent malt); (Brewing) grains. treffen, v.t. hit, strike; find, meet with, take, provide. v.r. happen. treffend, p.a. striking, appropriate. Treffen, n. engagement, battle. Treffer, m. hit; prize. trefflich, a. excellent, choice, admirable. Treffpunkt, m. point of impact or of meeting. Treibarbeit,/. cupellation. Treibasche,/. cupel ashes, bone ash. Treibbruhe,/. (Tech.) old liquor. treiben, v.t. drive, propel, impel; cupel; sub- lime; raise (dough or hides); work, ham- mer, chase or emboss (metal) ; force (planjts) ; put forth (leaves) ; (of occupations) practice, carry on, work at. v.i. drive, drift; shoot, sprout; circulate; ferment; act as a diu- retic; (Cement) blow. getriebenes Eisen, wrought iron. Treiber, m. driver: propeller; (Metal.) refiner. Treibhaus, n. hothouse. Treibherd, m. refining hearth or furnace, cupel- lation furnace. Treibholz, n. driftwood. Treibkraft, /. motive power. Treibmittel, n. propellant; (Med.) purgative. Treibofen, TO. refining furnace. Treibprozess, TO. cupellation. Treibiiemen, TO. driving belt. Treibscherben, TO. cupel. Treibschwcfel, TO. native sulfur. trennbar, a. separable; divisible. trennen, v.t. separate; sever, sunder, divide; resolve, decompose. getrennt, p.a. sepa- rated, etc., separate.' Trennung, /. separation, etc. (see trennen). Trcnnungsflache, /. parting plane; cleavage plane. Treppe, /. staircase, stairs. Treppenabsatz, TO. landing. treppenformig, a. in the form of stairs, stepped. Treppenlaufer, TO. stair carpet. Treppenrost, TO. step grate. Treppenstufe, /. step, stair. Tresor, TO. treasury. Tresorstahl, m. a kind of steel for safes. Trespe, /. brome grass. Trester, m.pl. residue (as the marc of grapes, the husks of olives, or the remains of blubber after the making of train oil). Tresterbranntwein, TO. brandy made from the marc of grapes. Tresterwein, TO. wine made from the marc of grapes. Tret-, treading, tread, treten, v.i. tread, step, go, enter. v.t. tread; trample. Tretgeblase, n. foot bellows, foot blower. treu, a. true, faithful. treubriichig, a. faithless, perfidious, Treue,/. faithfulness, faith, sincerity; uniform- ity. ;reuherzig, a. true-hearted, sincere. Triakisoktaeder, n. triakisoctahedron (trigonal trisoctahedron) . Triamido-. triamino-, triamido-. (See Amido-.) Triazojodid, n. triazoiodide (iodine azide, Nsl). Tribolumineszenz, /. triboluminescence. Tribune, /. platform, rostrum ; gallery. frichromsaure, /. trichromic acid, frichter, m. funnel; hopper; (Biol.) infundi- bulum. rrichtereinlage, /. filter cone, richterformig, a. funnel-shaped, infundibular, infundibuliform. rrichterhals, TO. neck of a funnel. frichterhalter, m. funnel holder. rrichterkolben, TO. funnel flask. richtern, v.t. pour thru a funnel. Trichterrohr, ., Trichterrohre, /. funnel tube, tube funnel; funnel pipe. , Trichterstativ 257 troff Trichterstativ, n. funnel stand. Tricyanchlorid, n. tricyanyl chloride (cyanuryl chloride). Tricyansaure, /. tricyanic acid (cyanuric acid). trieb, pret. of treiben. Trieb, m. driving force, impetus; (of beer) life; impulse, inclination; instinct; shoot, sprout; driving, drifting; drove. Triebkraft, /. motive power, moving force. Triebrad, n. driving wheel. Trieb werk, n. machine, machinery, mechanism; motor; gearing; transmission, triefaugig, a. blear-eyed. triefen, v.i. drop, drip, trickle, water, trifft, pr. 8 sing, of treffen. Trift, /. drift; pasture; drove, herd, triftig, a. weighty, sound, valid; adrift. Trijod-. triiodo-; triiodide of. Trikaliumphosphat, n. tripotassium phosphate. triklin, triklinisch, a. triclinic. Triller, m. trill, quaver. Trimesinsaure, /. trimesic acid. Trimolybdansaure,/. trimolybdic acid. Trimorphie, /. trimorphism. Trinatriumphosphat, n. trisodium phosphate, trinkbar, a. drinkable, potable. Trinkbecher, m. drinking cup (or glass). trinken, v.t. & i. drink. Trinkgefass, n. drinking vessel. Trinkgeld, n. gratuity, fee, tip. Trinkglas, n. drinking glass. Trinkspruch, m. toast. Trinkwasser, n. drinking water, potable water. Trioxy-. trihydroxy-, trioxy- (see Oxy-). Tripel, m. tripoli. Tripel-. triple. Tripelphosphat, n. triple phosphate. Tripelstein, m. tripoli stone. Triphenylsiliziumchlorid, n. triphenylsilicon chloride. triplieren, v.t. triple, treble. Tripper, m. clap, gonorrhea. Trippergift, n. gonorrheal virus. Trisulfaminsaure, /. trisulfamic acid. Trithionsaure, /. trithionic acid, tritt, pr. 3 sing, of treten. Tritt, m. tread, step; footprint, track. Trittgeblase, n. foot bellows, foot blower. trivial, a. trivial; trite. Trivialname,/. popular name. trocken, a. dry. Trockenapparat, m. drying apparatus, drier, desiccator. Trockenbatterie, /. dry battery. Trockenboden, m. drying loft. Trockenbrett, n. drying board. Trockenchlor, n. (Bleaching) dry-chemicking. Trockenelement, n. dry cell. Trockenf aule, /. dry rot. Trockenfilz, m. drying felt. Trockenfirnis, m. siccative varnish, japan. Trockengehalt, m. dry content, content of solid material. Trockengeriist, n. drying frame or rack, hack. Trockengestell, n. drying frame, drying stand. Trockenglas, n. drying glass. Trockengut, n. material to be dried. Trockcnhaus, n. drying house. Trockenheit, /. dryness; drought. Trockenkammer, /. drying chamber, drying room. Trockenkasten, m. = Trockenschrank. Trockenlegen, n., Trockenlegung, /. drainage. Trockenmalerei, /. pastel painting. Trockenmaschine, /. drying machine, drier. Trockenmass, n. dry measure. Trockenmittel, n. drying agent, drier, siccative, desiccative. Trockenofen, m. drying oven, drying kiln. Trockenol, n. drier, siccative (for oils). Trockenplatte, /. drying plate; (Photog.) dry plate. Trockenpraparat, n. dry preparation. Trockenprobe, /. dry test, dry assay. Trockenpuddeln, n. dry puddling. Trockenpulver, n. drying powder. Trockenraum, TO. drying room, drying space, drier. Trockenreinigung, /. dry cleaning. Trockenrohr, n. drying tube. Trockenriickstand, m. dry residue. Trockenschalchen, n. drying capsule. Trockenschale, /. drying dish. Trockenschrank, m. drying closet, drying oven, drier. Trockenschwindung, /. shrinkage in drying. Trockenstube, /. drying room, drying stove. Trockensubstanz, /. dry substance, solid mat- ter. Trockentreber, /. (Brewing) dried grains. Trocken tunnel, m. tunnel drier. Trockenturm, m. drying tower; (Leather) turret drier. Trockenvorgang, m. drying process. Trocken vorrichtung,/. drying apparatus or con- trivance. Trockenwalze, /. drying roll, drying roller. Trockenzylinder, m. drying cylinder. Trockne, /. dryness. trocknen, v.t. & i. dry, desiccate. trocknend, p.a. drying, siccative, desiccative. trock- nendes Ol, drying oil. Trockner, m. drier. Trocknis, /. dryness. Trocknung, /. drying, desiccation. Troddel,/. tassel. Trodel, m. old clothes, rubbish. trodelhaft, a. trumpery; dawdling. trodeln, v.i. sell second-hand articles; dawdle, troff, pret. of triefen. trog 258 Tuchfarberei trog, pret. of trtigen. Trog, TO. trough; hod. Trogapparat, m. trough apparatus, specif., (Etec.) trough battery. Trogbatterie, /. trough battery. Trogelchen, n. little trough. Trogstecher, TO. (Sugar) stirrer. T-Rohr, n. T-tube, T-pipe. trollen, v.r. toddle; decamp. Trommel,/, drum; (Anat.) tympanum. Trommeldarre, /. drum kiln. Trommelfell, n., Trommelhaut, /. drumhead; (Anat.) tympanic membrane. Trommelklopfel, Trommelkloppel, m. drum- stick. Trommelmiihle, /. (Ceram.) Alsing cylinder. trommeln, v.i. drum. Trommelschlag, m. drumbeat. Trompete, /. trumpet; (Anat.) tube. Tropasaure,/. tropic acid. Tropen, f.pl. tropics. Tropenf rucht , /. tropical fruit. Tropengewachs, n., Tropenpflanze, /. tropical plant. Tropf, TO. simpleton, dunce, tropfbar, a. capable of forming drops, liquid, tropf barfliissig, a. liquid. Tropfbarkeit, /. capability of forming drops, liquidity. Tropf bernstein, m. liquidambar. Tropfchen, n. little drop, droplet. Tropfchenkultur,/. droplet culture. Tropfelfett, n. drippings. tropfeln, P.I. drop, drip, trickle. Tropfelpfanne, /. dripping pan, dripper. Tropf elwerk, n. (Salt) graduation house, drying house. Tropfen, TO. drop. tropf en, v.i. drop; drip, trickle. tropfenformig, a. drop-shaped, guttiform. Tropf enmixtur, /. (Med.) drops. tropfenweise, adv. dropwise, drop by drop. Tropfenzahler, TO. dropping bottle. Tropfflasche, /. dropping bottle. Tropfglas, n. dropping glass (a pipette or a dropping bottle). Tropfhahn, m. dropping cock. Tropf kante,/. (Tin Plate) list. Tropf kasten, m. (Paper) save-all. Tropfrohr, n. dropping tube. Tropfschwefel, m. drop sulfur. Tropfstein, TO. dripstone. tropfsteinartig, a. of or like dripstone, stalacti- tic, stalagmitic. Tropftrichter, m. dropping funnel. Tropfwasser, n.pl. (Med.) drops. Tropfwein, TO. wine leakings, droppings. Tropfzink, n. drop zinc, tropisch, a. tropical. Tross, m. baggage, baggage train. Trost, TO. comfort, consolation. trosten, v.t. comfort, console. Trotte,/. wine press; bruising mill. Trottel, TO. idiot, cretin. trotten, v.i. trot; trudge. Trottoir, n. sidewalk. Trotz, TO. defiance, scorn, spite. trotz, prep, in spite of. trotzdem, adv. nevertheless. conj. notwith- standing. prep, equal to. trotzen, v.i. bid defiance (to); be obstinate be sulky; presume, boast (of). Trub. (Brewing) sediment, dregs. Trubbier, n. beer from the sediment bag. triibe, a. turbid; muddy, cloudy, dull, (of wine) thick; gloomy, sad. Triibe, /. turbidity, etc. (see trttbe) ; (Metal.) slime. triiben, v.t. render turbid, trouble; dull, dim, cloud; make gloomy. getriibt, p. a. troub- led, etc., turbid, cloudy, dull, dim, opaque. Trubsack, TO. (Brewing) sediment bag, filter bag. Trubsal, /. & n. trouble, affliction. trubselig, o. troubled, sad. Trubsinn, TO. gloominess, depression. Trubung,/. rendering turbid, etc. (see trtiben); turbidity. Triiffel, /. truffle. trug, pret. of tragen. Trug, TO. deception, fraud. Trugbild, n. phantom, illusion. triigen, v.i. be deceitful or deceptive. v.t. de- ceive, cheat. Truhe, /. trunk, chest. Triimmer, n.pl. fragments, remains, wreck, ruin. Triimmerachat, m. brecciated agate. Trtimmergestein, n. breccia; conglomerate. Trumpf, m. trump. Trunk, TO. drink, potion; liquor; draft; drink- ing. Trupp, TO. troop, band, set, flock, etc. Truppe,/. troop, body; company, troupe. Truthahn, TO. turkey cock, turkey. Truthenne, /. turkey hen. Trutz, TO. offensive, offense. tryptisch, a. tryptic. T-Stiick, n. T-piece, T, tee. Tube, Tube,/, tube. Tuben-. tubular, tube. Tuberkel,/. tubercle. Tuberkel-. tubercle, tubercular. tubuliert, p.a. tubulated. tubulos, a. tubulous, tubular. Tubulus, TO. tubulation, tubular e; tubule. Tubus, TO. tube. Tuch, n. cloth; fabric; handkerchief; shawl tuchartig, a. of or like cloth. Tuchfabrik, /. cloth factory, cloth mill. Tuchfarberei. /. cloth dyeing. tuchig 259 Tyrann tiichig, a. able, capable, skilful, effective, strong, sound. Tiicke, /. malice, spite. tuckisch, a. malignant; insidious. tuffartig, a. tufaceous. Tuffkalk, m. tufaceous limestone. Tuffstein, w. tufa, tuff. tuflfsteinartig, a. tufaceous. Tugend, /. virtue. tugendhaft, a. virtuous. Tugendlehre, /. ethics, morals. Tulle, /. nozzle, spout; socket. Tulpe, /. tulip. Tulpenbaum, m. tulip tree. tumeszieren, v.i. tumefy, swell. tummeln, v.t. exercise, keep moving. v.r. bestir oneself. Tummler, TO. porpoise; dolphin; tumbler. Tiimpel, m. pool; (Metal.) tymp. tun, v.t. do; make, perform, take; put. zu wissen tun, give notice. Tun, n. doing, action, conduct. Tiinche,/. whitewash, parget, plaster. tiinchen, v.t. whitewash, rough-cast, plaster. Tiinchfarbe, /. plastering color. Tunchschicht, /. finishing coat (in plastering). Tiinchwerk, n. whitewashing, pargeting. Tungstein, TO. scheelite. tunken, v.t. dip, steep, soak. tunlich, a. practicable, feasible; convenient. Tunlichkeit, /. practicability, feasibility; con- venience. Tupf, m. spot. Tiipfel, TO. spot, dot, point. tiipfelig, a. speckled, spotted, dotted, mottled. Tupfelmethode, /. spot method, drop method. ttipfeln, v.t. spot, dot, speckle, stipple. Tupfelprobe, /. spot test, drop test. tupfen, v.t. touch, dab. Tupfer, TO. pledget, tampon; swab. Tiir, Tiire, /. door. Turkei,/. Turkey. Ttirkis, TO. turquoise. tiirkisch, a. Turkish. turkische Bohne, scarlet runner. tiirkischer Weizen, maize. Tiiikischrot, n. Turkey red. Turm, w. tower. Turmalin, TO. tourmaline. Turmalinzange, /. tourmaline tongs, tiirmen, v.t. pile up. p.r. tower. turmformig, a. towerlike, turreted. turnen, v.i. practice gymnastics. Turnkunst,/. gymnastics. Turnverein, TO. gymnastic club. Tusch, TO., Tusche, /. India ink. tuscheln, v.i. whisper. Tuschen, n. painting with India ink; painting with water colors. Tuschfarbe, /. water color, tut, pr. 3 sing, of tun. Tute, Tiite, /. assay crucible (usually a little lead or iron cup with foot); (Glass) glass cylinder; paper bag. tuten, v.t. toot. Tutte,/. = Tiite. Typenmetall, n. type metal. Typenmolekiil, n. type molecule. Typenmuster, n. standard sample. Typentheorie, /. type theory, typisch, a. typical. Typus, TO. type. Tyrann, TO. tyrant. u a., abbrev, (und) and; (unter) under, among, etc.; (unten) below. u.a., abbrev. (unter anderen) among others. u.a.m., abbrev. (und andere mehr) and others; (und anderes mehr) and so forth, and so on. u.a.m., abbrev. (und ahnliches mehr) and the like. u.a.O., abbrev. (und andere Orte) and else- where; (unter anderen Orten) among other places. tibel, a. evil, ill, bad. adv. ill, badly. libel, n. evil, ill; disease; injury; misfortune. t'Tbelkeit, /. nausea. tJbelklang, m. dissonance. iibellaunig, a. ill-humored. tibelnehmerisch, o. touchy. ubelriechend, p.a. ill-smelling, foul, fetid. tlbelstand, m. disadvantage; nuisance. ( Jbel tat, /. misdeed, offense. iiben, v.t. practice, exercise, exert. iiber, prep, over, above, on, upon; across, be- yond, by way of; about, concerning. adv. over. t)ber-. per-; over-, super-, hyper-. iiberall, adv. everywhere, all over. iiberantworten, v.t. deliver, consign. iiber aschern, v.t. (Leather) overtime. uberaus, adv. exceedingly, extremely. iiber bie ten, v.t. outbid; outdo, surpass. Uberbleibsel, n. residue, residuum, remainder, remnant. llberblick, TO. survey, synopsis. ijberborsaure, /. perboric acid. iiberbrennen, v.t. overburn, etc. (see brennen). iiberbringen, v.t. deliver, transmit. Uberbromsaure, /. perbromic acid. uberchlorsauer, a. of or combined with per- chloric acid, perchlorate of. (iberchlorsaure, /. perchloric acid. (jberchromsaure, /. perchromic acid. iiberdecken, v.t. cover over, spread over; over- lap. iiberdem, adv. besides. uberdestillieren, v.i. distill over. iiberdies, adv. besides. Cberdruck, TO. excess pressure; overprint; (Calico) cover printing. Dberdrackartikel, TO. (Calico) cover-print style. iiberdriissig, a. tired, weary, disgusted. iibereilt, p.a. precipitate, premature. iibereinander, adv. one upon another. Cbereinanderlagerung, /. superposition. ubereinkommen, v.i. agree. iibercinkommen, n. agreement. ubereinstimmen, v.i. agree; harmonize, corre- spond. v.t. (Dyeing) dye to pattern. iiber- einstimmend, p.a. agreeing, consistent, con- cordant. (jbereinstimmung, /. agreement, conformity, correspondence, harmony. iiberfahren, v.i. drive over, pass over. v.t. convey over, take across; cover. iiberfallen, v.t. fall upon, surprise, overtake. iiberfangen, v.t. (Glass) flash, case. Oberfarbeartikel, TO. (Calico) cross-dyed style. iiberfarben, v.t. overcolor, overdye, overstain; cross-dye; top; fill up, pad (cotton warp); dye on a mordant. iiberfein, a. overfine, over-refined. iiberfetten, v.t. (Soap) superfat; (Leather) over- stuff. iiberfeuern, v.t. overfire, overheat. iiberfliessen, v.i. overflow. iiberflugen, v.t. outflank. tJberfluss, TO. abundance, plenty; overflow. iiber fliissig, a. overflowing, waste (water); in excess; superfluous; abundant, plentiful. iiberfluten, v.t. overflow, flood. iiberformen, v.t. (Ceram.) mold on an inside mold. iiberfiihrbar, a. convertible, etc. (see liber- ftthren). uberfiihren, v.t. convert; transport, transfer, convey; convince; convict. Uberfiihrung, /. conversion, etc. (see tiber- ftthren). tJberf iihrungszahl, /. transference number. tlberf iille, /. excess, repletion, plethora.' (jberfiitterung, /. overfeeding, forced alimen- tation. tibergang, TO. transition; passage, crossing; (of colors) blending, shading off. Ubergangspunkt, TO. transition point. Ubergangsstelle, /. place of transition, transi- tion point. 260 tlbergangstemperatur 261 Uberschreitung tJbergangstemperatur, /. transition tempera- ture. Dbergangszustand, m. transition state. iibergar, a. overdone; (Metal.) over-refined; (of copper) dry; (of the state of a furnace) too hot. iibergeben. v.t. deliver, surrender, commit. v.r. vomit; surrender. ttbergehen, v.i. go over, pass over; change, turn; (of colors) shade; overflow. v.t. pass over, overlook, omit. iibergiessen, v.t. cover (by pouring); (Med.) irrigate, douche; transfer (by pouring); spill. iibergipsen, v.t. plaster, parget. uberglasen, v.t. overglaze, glaze over, glaze. fjberglasung, /. overglazing, overglaze, glazing, glaze. tjberglasur, /. overglaze. iibergolden, v.t. gild. tibergoldung, /. gilding. iibergreifen, v.i. overlap; encroach. tiberguss, TO. covering, etc. (see Iibergiessen); that which is poured over; (of sugar) crust, icing. iibergut, a. above standard; too good. tiberhandnahme, /., Uberhandnehmen, n. prevalence, too great increase, becoming too powerful. iiberhaufen, v.t. overload, overstock. tiberhaupt, adv. in general, on the whole, at all. iiberheben, v.t. exempt, excuse. v.r. over- strain; be conceited, boast. tiberhitze, /. waste heat. uberhitzen, v.t. overheat, superheat. Uberhitzer, m. superheater. iiberholen, v.t. overtake, outstrip. iiberimpfen, v.t. inoculate, vaccinate (from one to another). iiberirdisch, a. superterrestrial, heavenly. tJberjodsaure, /. periodic acid. uberkalken, uberkalken, v.t. overlime. uberkalten, v.t. supercool, undercool. Ubcrkaltung, /. supercooling, undercooling. Uberkiste, /. outside box or case. iiberklotzen, v.t. (Calico) slop-pad. iiberkoohen, v.i. boil over. tjberkohlensaure, /. percarbonic acid. iiberkommen, v.t. receive, get; attack, seize. iiberladen, v.t. overload, overcharge. tiberlassen, v.t. leave, give up, abandon. tiberlauf, m. overflow; net profit. iiberlaufen, v.i. run over, overflow; desert. v.t. run over; annoy. tlberlaufrohr, n. overflow tube (or pipe). Uberleben, v.t. outlive, survive. iiberlegen, v.t. reflect, consider; lay over. p.o. superior; prevalent. Oberlegenheit, /. superiority. Cberlegung, /. consideration, reflection, delib- eration. iiberleiten, v.t. lead over, conduct over; pass over; transfuse (blood). ttberlieferung, /. delivery, transmission; sur- render; tradition. uberlisten, v.t. overreach, outwit. iiberlost, a. overgrown (malt). t'Jbermacht, /. superior force, predominance. iibermangansauer, a. of or combined with per- manganic acid, permanganate of. tibcrmangansaure, /. permanganic acid. ubermannen, v.t. overcome, overpower. tibermass, n. excess. iibermassig, a. excessive. ubermenschlich, a. superhuman. iibermut, m. arrogance; exuberance. ubernahren, v.t. overfeed. iibernchmen, v.t. accept, receive; take charge of, enter upon; overcharge. v.r. overdo; overeat. I jberosmiumsaure, /. perosmic acid. tiberoxyd, n. peroxide. uberoxydieren, v.t. peroxidize. t)beroxydierung, /. peroxidation. iiberpflatschen, v.t. (Calico) pad. iiberpolen, v.t. overpole. iiberprobe, /. ITberprobeweingeist, m. over- proof spirit. (iberprodukt, n. residual product, by-pro- duct. Ubcrproduktion, /. surplus production; over- production. uberraschen, v.t. surprise. uberraschend, p.a. astonishing, surprising. uberreden, v.t. talk over, persuade. t)berrest, m. residue, remainder; (pi.) remains, scraps, waste. Uberrock, TO. frock coat; overcoat. i Iberru theniumsaure, /. perruthenic acid. ubersaen, v.t. strew. ubersattigen, v.t. supersaturate; surfeit. ilborsattigung, /. supersaturation; satiety. iibersauer, a. too acid, too sour; (of salts) containing more than two equivalents of acid to one of base, as ubersaures oxalsaures Kali, potassium tetroxalate. iibersauern, v.t. over-acidify; peroxidize. uberschaumen, v.i. foam over, froth over. tJberschlag, TO. estimate, calculation; somer- sault. iiberschlagen, v.t. pass over, omit; estimate, compute. v.i. become lukewarm. v.r. turn a somersault. iiberschmelzen, v.t. superfuse; enamel. iiberschmieren, v.t. smear, daub. uberschreiben, v.t. inscribe, head; address (a letter, parcel, etc.). iiberschreiten, v.t. go beyond, overstep; tran's- t)berschreitung, /. overstepping, exceeding (of a limit or normal point) ; transgression. tiberschrift 262 um- t)berschrif t, /. inscription, heading; address (of a letter). ilberschuss, w. excess; surplus. iiberschiissig, a. excess, excess of; surplus, remaining. iiberschwanzen, v.t. (Brewing) sparge. iiberschwefelsauer, a. of or combined with per- sulfuric acid, persulfate of. tiberschwefelsaure,/. persulfuric acid. iiberschwellen, v.t. (Leather) overplump. ttberschwemmen, v.t. overflow, flood. iiberschwenglich, a. exuberant, excessive. iiberseeisch, a. oversea, transmarine. iibersehen, v.t. oversee; overlook. iibersetzen, v.t. translate; transport; over- charge; (Dyeing) top. Ubersetzung, /. translation, etc. (see iiber- setzen). (jbersicht, /. survey, review; synopsis, ab- stract; view;, insight. iibersichtlich, a. easily visible, clear. Ubersichtstabelle, /. tabular summary. iibersieden, v.i. boil over. liber sieden, n. boiling over; (Brevring) extra brew. iibersilbern, v.t. silver, silver-plate. ubersinnlich, a. metaphysical, abstract, super- sensible. uberspanncn, v.t. overstrain, force; span. uberspannt, p.a. overstrained; exaggerated; eccentric. (iberspannung, /. overstraining, etc. (see tiber- spannen); (Elec.) overvoltage. iiberspinnen, v.t. spin over, cover. iiberspon- nen, p.a. (of wire, etc.) covered. iiberspringen, v.i. jump over, jump across; pass abruptly. v.t. skip, omit; jump over. iiberspritzen, v.i. spurt over. v.t. spray. iiberspiilen, v.t. wash, drench; overflow. iiberstehen, v.t. endure, overcome. v.i. project, stand out. iibersteigen, v.t. exceed; surmount. v.i. over- flow; mount or step over. IJbersteiggefass, n. overflow vessel. Uberstimmen, v.t. outvote; overrule. iiberstrahlen, v.t. illuminate, irradiate; out- shine. tiberstreichen, v.t. paint over, coat; apply (color). uberstreuen, v.t. strew over. iiberstiirzen, v.t. & i. overturn. v.r. hurry; act rashly. uberstiirzt, p.a. precipitate, hasty. tlbersulfid, n. persulfide. iibertauben, v.t. deafen; drown (a sound). iiberteuern, v.t. overcharge. iibertragbar, a. transferable, etc. (see tiber- tragen); infectious (disease). iibertragen, v.t. transfer; carry (oxygen, etc.); transmit; transport; translate; transcribe. tJbertrager, m. carrier, transferrer; transmitter; transporter; translator; transcriber. Ubcrtragung, /. transference, transfer, etc. (see tibertragen). iibertrcffen, v.t. surpass, exceed, excel, iibertreiben, v.t. drive over; overdo, exaggerate. ttbertreibkuhler, m. = Abflussktihler. iibcrtreten, v.t. overstep, transgress. v.i. step over, go over. iibertrieben, p.a. excessive; exaggerated. iibertrocknen, v.t. overdry. iibcrtiinchen, v.t. whitewash; plaster; gloss over. ubervorteilen, v.t. overreach, defraud, iiberwachen, v.t. watch over, supervise, iibcrwachsen, v.t. & i. overgrow, t Jberwachsung, /. overgrowth. iiberwallen, v.i. boil over, overflow, iiberwaltigen, v.t. overpower, overcome, iiberwiegen, v.t. outweigh, overbalance, iiberwinden, v.t. overcome; surmount, iiberwintern, v.t. winter, keep thru the winter. t)berwurf, m. overgarment; roughcast. tiberzahl,/. greater number; surplus; odds, iiberzeugen, v.t. persuade, convince. Oberzeugung, /. persuasion, conviction, uberziehen, v.t. cover, coat, line, plate, overlay; put on, put over. v.r. become covered or coated. Uberzug, m. coating, coat, covering, cover, crust, incrustation, plating, skin, lining. iiblich, a. customary, usual. iibrig, a. over, left, remaining, to spare; super- fluous. iibrigbleiben, v.i. remain (over); survive. iibriggebliebcn, p.a. residual, remaining. iibrigens, ad-j. as for the rest; besides; however. ubriggeblieben, p.a. See iibrigbleiben. iibung, /. practice; exercise, use; dexterity; routine; discipline. Uchatiusstahl, m. Uchatius steel, u.d.f., abbrev. (und die folgende) and those following, u.dgl.m., abbrev. (und dergleichen mehr) and such like. Ufer, n. bank, shore, coast, beach. U-formig, a. U-shaped. Uhr, /. watch; clock; meter; hour, o'clock. Uhrfeder, /. watch spring. Uhrglas, n. watch glass, (of large sizes) clock glass. Ulk, m. fun, lark. Dime, /. elm. LJlmenrinde, /. elm bark. Ulminsaure, /. ulmic acid, ultrarot, a. ultra-red, infra-red. n, prep, round, about, at, for, by. adv. about, over, up, in order to, to. einen Tag urn den andern, every other day. um-. round, over, up, re-. umandern 263 Umsicht umandern, v.t. convert, change, alter. umarbeiten, v.t. work over, recast; work up. umarmcn, v.t. embrace. umbiegen, v.t. bend round, double back. umbilden, v.t. remodel; transform; reform. umblasen, v.t. blow down. Umbra, Umbraerde, /. umber. umbringen, v.t. kill, destroy. umdestillieren, v.t. rectify. umdrehen, v.t. & r. turn round, twirl, rotate. umdrehend, p.a. rotatory. Umdrehung, /. rotation; revolution; turn. Umdrehungsachse, /. axis of rotation (or revo- lution). Umdrehungsbewegung, /. rotatory motion. Umdrehungsgeschwindigkeit, /. speed of rota- tion (or revolution). Umdrehungspunkt, m. center of rotation (or revolution). Umdruck, m. reprint. Umfang, tn. circumference; circuit, extent, range, compass. umfangen, v.t. embrace; surround. umfarben, v.t. redye. umfassen, v.t. embrace; comprise; span. umfassend, p.a. comprehensive, extensive. umflechten, v.t. twist or weave about. umformen, v. t. transform; remodel. umfiillen, v.t. transfer (liquids) ; decant; (Brew- ing) re-rack. Umgang, TO. round, circuit, turn, rotation; intercourse; society. umganglich, a. sociable. umgeben, v.t. surround. Umgebung, /. surrounding, surroundings. Umgegend, /. surroundings, environs. umgehen, v.i. go round, go about; work, be in action; associate; manage, deal. v.t. go round; avoid, evade. untgekehrt, p.a. See umkehren. umgestalten, v.t. change, transform; recast, remodel. umgestulpt, p.a. overturned, inverted. umgewandelt, p.a. See umwandeln. umgiessen, v.t. transfer (by pouring); decant; recast. Umguss, TO. transfer (by pouring); decanta- tion; recasting, recast. Umhang, m. shawl, wrap. umher, adv. around, about, here and there. umhin, adv. otherwise, but. Umhiillung, /. covering, wrapping, casing, jacket. u.Mk., abbrev. (unter dem Mikroskop) under the microscope. umkehrbar, a. reversible, invertible, capable of being turned about, over, or inside out. umkehren, v.t. turn round, about, over, or in- side out; invert; reverse. v.i. turn round or back, return, omgekehrt, p.a, inverted, inverse, reverse, converse; (adv.) inversely, conversely. umgekehrte Fallung, reverse precipitation. Umkehrung, /. inversion; turning about, etc. (see umkehren) . umkommen, v.i. perish; spoil. Umkreis, TO. = Umfang. umkreisen, v.t. turn, circle, or revolve around. umkristallisieren, v.t. crystallize, recrystallize. umkriicken, v.t. rake, rabble; (Brewing) mash. umlagern, v.t. rearrange; surround, besiege. Umlagerung, /. rearrangement; surrounding, besieging. Umlauf, TO. revolution; rotation; circulation. umlaufen, v.i. revolve; rotate; circulate. v.t. run over. umlegen, v.t. change, shift; turn (malt); put on; relay, repair. umpacken, v.t. repack; pack all around. umringen, v.t. encircle, surround. Umriss, TO. outline; sketch. umriihren, v.t. stir, stir up, work (with some implement). Umriihren, n. stirring, stirring up, specif., (Iron) puddling, (Copper) poling. Umsatz, TO. exchange; sale, transaction, busi- ness. umschalten, v.t. (also Elec.) reverse; (Elec.) commutate. Umsch alter, TO. reverser; commutator; switch- board. Umschau, /. survey, review. umschaufeln, v.t. turn (with a shovel) , stir. timschichtig, adv. in layers; alternately. Umschlag, TO. cover, covering, wrapper, envel- ope; sudden change, turn, turning; cata- plasm, poultice; sale; hem, facing, collar. umschlagen, v.t. wrap about; apply (a poul- tice); turnover, up, or down; knockdown. v.i. turn, change; decompose; overturn, upset. Umschlagpapier, n. wrapping paper. Umschlagspunkt, TO. transition point. umschmelzen, v.t. remelt, recast, refound. Umschmelzung, /. remelting, recasting, re- founding. umschreiben, v.t. rewrite, transcribe; circum- scribe; paraphrase; (Math.) describe. umschiitteln, v.t. shake, shake up, agitate. Umschweif, m. roundabout way; digression. umschwenken, v.t. turn round, rotate. Umschwung, TO. rotation, revolution. umsetzen, v.t. transpose; change the position of; change, convert; transplant; exchange, sell. Umsetzung, /. transposition ; double decompo- sition; conversion, change; transplantation; exchange, sale, business. Umsicht, /. prospect; panorama; circumspec- tion. umsonst 264 Undurchsichtigkeit adv. for nothing, gratis; in vain; aimlessly; causelessly. umspiilen, v.i. wash, wash rounti. Umstand, m. circumstance; (pi.) ceremonies. umstandlich, o. circumstantial; ceremonious; bothersome. Umstandswort, n. adverb. umstechen, v.t. turn, stir up; re-engrave. umstehend, p. a. next, following; standing about; surrounding. umsteigen, v.i. change (cars). umstellbar, a. reversible, invertible, transpos- able. umstellen, v.t. reverse, transpose, invert; sur- round. umsteuern, v.t. (Mach.) reverse. Umstimmungsmittel, n. alterative. umstossen, v.t. throw down, overthrow; abolish, cancel. umstiilpen, v.t. overturn, invert. umstiirzen, v.t. overthrow, upset. v.i. fall down. umtauschcn, v.t. exchange. umtun, v.t. put on, put around. v.r. seek, inquire. umwalzen, v.t. roll or turn round; revolutionize. v.r. revolve, rotate. umwandelbar, a. convertible, transformable. Umwandelbarkcit, /. convertibility, transform- ability. umwandeln, v.t. convert, transform, change; (Grammar) inflect. v.r. become converted or changed. Umwandler, m. converter; (Elec.) transformer. Umwandlung, /. conversion, transformation, change; metamorphosis; (Grammar) inflec- tion. umwandlungsfahig, a. capable of being con- verted, etc. (see umwandeln), convertible, transformable. Umwandlungsprodukt, n. transformation prod- uct. Umwandlungspunkt, m. transformation point, transition point. Umwandlungstheorie, /. transformation theory. Umwandlungswarme, /. heat of transformation. Umweg, TO. roundabout way, detour. umwenden, v.t. turn over, about, or upside down, invert. umwickeln, v.t. wrap round, cover. Umwickelung, /. wrapping, covering, casing. umziehen, v.t. draw round, cover; pull down. v.i. change, move. Umzug, m. wandering; procession; removal, change. umziingeln, v.t. (of flames) play about, envelop. un-. A prefix used like English un-, but even more widely, to give a reverse meaning; also to denote immensity. Equivalents: un-, not, in-, il-, im-, ir-, an-, dis-, de-, mis-; prodigious, countless, etc. unabhangig, a. independent. Unabhangigkeit, /. independence. unablassig, a. incessant, uninterrupted. unabsichtlich, a. unintentional. unacht, a. not genuine, false. unachtsam, a. inadvertent, negligent. unahnlich, a. unlike, dissimilar. unangemessen, p.a. unsuitable, inadequate. unangenehm, a. unpleasant, disagreeable. Unart, /. bad manners, naughtiness; bad habit. unatembar, a. irrespirable. unaufhaltsam, a. irresistible. *iinauflosbar, a. insoluble. Unauflosbarkeit, /. insolubility. unaufloslich, a insoluble. Unaufloslichkeit, /. insolubility. unausdehnbar, a inexpansible; nonductile. unausgemacht, p.a. undecided, uncertain. unausgesetzt, p.a. uninterrupted. unausloschbar, unausloschlich, a. indelible (ink); inextinguishable. unaussprechlich, a. inexpressible, unspeakable. unbearbeitet, p.a. unwrought, raw; (of hides) undressed; (of land) un tilled. unbedeckt, p.a. uncovered. unbedeutend, p.a. insignificant, unimportant. unbedingt, a. unconditional; unlimited. unbefangen, p.a. unprejudiced; unconcerned. Unbehagen, n. uneasiness, discomfort. unbekannt, p.a. unknown; unacquainted. unbekummert, p. a. careless, unconcerned. unbelebt, p.a. inanimate, lifeless. unbenannt, p.a. unnamed, anonymous; (Math.) indefinite; (Anat.) innominate. Unbequemlichkeit, /. inconvenience. unbeschadigt, p.a. undamaged. unbestandig, a. unstable; fickle. Unbestandigkeit, /. instability; fickleness. unbestimmt, p.a. undetermined; indetermin- ate, indefinite. unbeteiligt, p.a. not concerned, non-participat- ing. unbeugsam, a. inflexible. unbe waff net, p.a. unarmed; (of the eye) un- aided, naked. unbeweglich, a. immovable, fixed. Unbilde, Unbill, /. injustice, wrong, injury, inclemency. und, conj. and. Undank, TO. ingratitude. undehnbar, a. inextensible, nonductile. undeutlich, a. indistinct. undicht, a. not tight, pervious. Undichtheit, /. leakiness, perviousness; leak. undurchdringlich, a. impermeable, impervious; impenetrable. undurchf iihrbar, a. impracticable, unfeasible. undurchlassig, a. impermeable, impervious. undurchsichtig, a. nontransparent, opaque. Undurchsichtigkeit, /. opacity. uneben 265 Unglaube uneben, a. uneven. Unebenheit, /. unevenness, inequality. unecht, a. not genuine, false, counterfeit, arti- ficial; (of colors) not fast, fugitive, loose. unedel, a. not noble, base. unegal, o. unequal; uneven. Unegalitat, /. inequality ; unevenness. Unehre, /. dishonor, disgrace. uneigentlich, a. not true, real or proper, not in a strict sense; not literal, figurative. unelastisch, a. inelastic, unelastic. unempfanglich, a. unreceptive, insusceptible. unempfindlich, a. insensitive. unendlich, a. infinite; endless. ins Unend- liche, to infinity, ad infinitum. unentbehrlich, a. indispensable. unentgeltlich, a. gratuitous, free. unentwickelt, p. a. undeveloped. unentwirrbar, a. inextricable. unentziindbar, a. uninflammable. unerbittlich, a. inexorable. unerfahren, p.a. inexperienced. unerforschlich, a. inscrutable. unerheblich, a. insignificant. unerhort, p.a. unheard of; ungranted. unerklarbar, a. unexplainable, inexplicable. unermesslich, a. immeasurable, immense. unerreichbar, a. unattainable. unersetzbar, a. irreparable. unerwohnt, p.a. unmentioned. unfiihig, a. incapable. Unfall, m. accident; misfortune. unfehlbar, a. infallible, unfailing. unfern, a. & prep. near. Unfug, m. disorder, mischief. unfiihlbar, a, impalpable; imperceptible. -ung. A suffix attached to verb roots to form nouns denoting the action or an effect of it; -ing, -tion, -sion, etc.; as, Verbrennwn^, combustion, Bindung, binding, union, bond. ungar, a. not done, etc. (see gar) ; underdone; (Leather) undertanned. ungarisch, a. Hungarian. Ungarn, n. Hungary. ungeachtet, prep, notwithstanding. conj. altho. ungebleicht, p.a. unbleached. ungebrannt, p.a. unburnt. ungebiihrlich, a. indecent, improper, undue. ungebunden, unbound, (of elements) uncom- bined; dissolute; prose. ungefiihr, adv. about. a. approximate. Ungefahr, n. chance. nngefallig, a. disagreeable. ungefarbt, p.a. undyed; uncolored. ungegerbt, p.a. untanned. ungegoren, p.a. unfermented. ungehalten, p.a. indignant. ungeheissen, p.a. unasked; spontaneous. ungeheizt, p.a. unheated. ungeheuer, a. enormous, huge. ungehorig, a. improper, undue. ungekocht, p.a. unboiled. ungekrankt, p.a. uninjured. ungekiinstelt, p.a. unaffected, artless. ungeladen, p.a. unloaded; uninvited. ungelautert, p.a. unpurified, unrefined. ungelegen, p.a. inconvenient, inopportune. ungelehrt, p.a. unlearned. ungeleimt, p.a. unglued; (Paper) unsized. ungelenk, a. stiff, awkward. ungeloscht, p.a. unslaked. Ungemach, n. hardship, trouble. ungemein, a. uncommon. ungemessen, p.a. unmeasured; boundless. ungemischt, p.a. unmixed. ungemiinzt, p.a. uncoined. ungemiitlich, a. uncomfortable, unpleasant. ungenannt, p.a. unnamed, anonymous; (Anat.) innominate. ungenau, a. inexact, inaccurate. Ungenauigkeit, /. inaccuracy. ungeneigt, p.a. disinclined; unfriendly. ungeniessbar, a. uneatable, unpalatable. ungeniigend, p.a. insufficient. ungeniigsam, a. insatiable. ungenutzt, p.a. unused. ungepriift, p.a. unexamined, untried. ungerade, a. uneven, odd; not straight. ungeraten, p. a. depraved; ill bred. ungerechnet, p.a. not counted. ungereimt, p.a. unrhymed; absurd. ungereinigt, p.a. unpurified. ungern, adv. unwillingly. ungerostet, p.a. unroasted, not calcined. ungerufen, p.a. uncalled. u ngesalzen, p.a. unsalted, fresh ; insipid. ungesattigt, p.a. unsaturated ; not satiated. ungesauert, p.a. not acidified; (Baking) un- leavened. ungesaumt, p.a. immediate; seamless. ungeschalt, p.a. unhusked, unpeeled. ungeschehen, a. undone. ungeschichtet, p.a. unstratified. ungeschickt, a. awkward. ungeschlacht, p.a. uncouth, rude. ungeschliffen, p.a. unpolished, uncut; rude. ungestalt, a. misshapen. ungestiim, a. impetuous, violent. ungesucht, p.a. unsought; unaffected. ungesund, a. unhealthy ; unhealthful. ungeteilt, p.a. undivided; ungraduated. ungewaschen, p.a. unwashed. ungewiss, a. uncertain. Ungewitter, n. thunderstorm. ungewohnlich, a. unusual, extraordinary. ungewohnt, p.a. unaccustomed; unusual, Ungeziefer, n. vermin. ungezwungen, p.a. unconstrained. ungiftig, a. nonpoisonous. Unglaube, m. incredulity; unbelief. unglaublich 266 unruhig unglaublich, a. incredible. ungleich, a. unequal; unlike; dissimilar; un- even, (of numbers) odd; not uniform. ungleichartig, a. dissimilar. ungleichf ormig, a. not uniform, unsymmetrical. Ungleichheit, /. inequality; dissimilarity; un- evenness. ungleich massig, a. not uniform; disproportion- ate. angleichseitig, a. scalene (triangle). Ungliick, n. misfortune, bad luck. unglucklich, a. unfortunate, unlucky, ill-fated. ungliicklicherweise, adv. unfortunately. ungliickselig, a. unhappy; calamitous. Ungliicksfall, m. disaster. Ungnade,/. disfavor, disgrace. ungnadig, a. ungracious, unkind. ungiiltig, a. not valid, void. Ungunst, /. disfavor; unfavorableness. ungiinslig, a. unfavorable. ungut, adv. ill, amiss. unhaltbar, a. not durable; untenable. unhaltig, a. (Mining) containing no metal. unhammerbar, a. not malleable. Unheil, n. harm, calamity. unhoilbar, a. incurable. nnheilsam, a. unwholesome, noxious. nnheimlich, a. dismal. unhcizbar, a. that cannot be heated. unhoflich, a. uncivil, impolite. unhorbar, a. inaudible. uniert, p.a. united. Unifarbe, /. (Dyeing) self color, uniform color, plain color. unifarben, v.t. dye a self (uniform) shade, dye solid. Unistiick ware, /. plain-shade piece goods. nnitarisch, a. unitary. Universalarznei, /. universal remedy, cure-all. Universalgelenk, n. universal joint. Universalmittel. n. = Universalarznei. Universitat,/. university. link., abbrev. (unkorrigiert) uncorrected. unken, v i. croak. unkcnnbar, unkenntlich, a. undiscernible, un- recognizable. Unkenntnis, /. ignorance. unklar, a. not clear, turbid; confused. unklug, a. indiscreet, foolish, stupid. unkontrollierbar, a. uncontrollable. unkorrigiert, p.a. uncorrected. Unkosten,/.pZ. expenses, charges. Unkraut, n. weed, weeds. unkristallisierbar, a. uncrystallizable. unl., abbrev. (unloslich) insoluble. unlangst, adv. of late, recently. unlauter, a. impure; sordid. unleidlich, a. insufferable, intolerable. unlesbar, unleserlich, a. illegible. unlieb, unliebsam, a. unpleasant, objectionable. unlosbar, a. indissoluble; not solvable. unloschbar, a. slakeless; unquenchable. unloslich, a. insoluble. Unloslichkeit,/. insolubility. Unlust, /. dislike, displeasure. unlustig, a. sad, reluctant, disinclined. Unmasse, /. great quantity. unmassegeblich, a. unauthoritative. unmassig, o. immoderate, intemperate. Unmensch, m. brute, monster. unmenschlich, a. inhuman ; superhuman. unmerklich, a. imperceptible. unmessbar, a. immeasurable; (Math.) incom- mensurable. unmischbar, a. immiscible. Unmischbarkeit,/. immiscibility. unmittelbar, a. immediate, direct. adv. imme- diately, directly. unmoblicrt, p.a. unfurnished. unmodern, a. not in fashion, old-fashioned. unmoglich, a. impossible. adv. impossibly. Unmoglichkeit, /. impossibility. unmiindig, a. under age, minor. Unmut, m. dejection, sadness, discontent. unnachahmlich, a. inimitable. unnachgiebig, o. unyielding, inflexible. unnahbar, a. inaccessible. unnennbar, a. unutterable, inexpressible. unnotig, a. unnecessary. unniitz, a. useless, unprofitable; naughty. adv. uselessly, vainly. unordenlich, a. disorderly, untidy, disordered. Unordnung, /. disorder; litter. unorganisch, a. inorganic. unpaarwertig, a. of odd valence. unpass, a. unwell. unpassend, p.a. unfit, unsuitable. unpasslich, a. unwell, indisposed. unplastisch, a. nonplastic. unpressbar, a. incompressible. Unpressbarkeit, /. incompressibility. Unrat, m. dirt, trash, refuse, offal, garbage; (Metal.) dross. unrecht, a. wrong; false, unfair, undue. Unrecht, n. wrong, injustice; fault, error. Unrecht haben, be wrong. unrechtmassig, a. unlawful, illegal. unredlich, a. dishonest, dishonorable. unregelmassig, a. irregular; abnormal. unreif, a. unripe; immature. unrein, a. impure; unclean. Unreinheit, /. impurity. Unreinigkeit,/. impurity. unreinlich, a. uncleanly. unreizbar, a. non-irritable, not sensitive. unrcttbar, a. irrecoverable, past help. unrichtig, a. wrong, false, erroneous, unjust. Unruhe, /. disquiet, uneasiness, trouble, com- motion; balance (of a watch). unruhig, a. unquiet, restless, troubled. uns 267 Untergr&ten-. uns, pron. us, to us, ourselves, to ourselves. uns., abbrev. (unsymmetrisch) unsymmetrical. unsagbar, unsaglich, a. unspeakable. unsanf t, a. harsh, rough. unsauber, a. uncleanly, dirty, sordid. unschadlich, a. harmless, innocuous. unschatzbar, a. invaluable, inestimable. unscheinbar, a. unsightly, plain, homely. Unschlitt, n. tallow, suet. unschlussig, a. undecided, irresolute. unschmackhaft, a. insipid, unpalatable. unschmelzbar, a. infusible. Unschmelzbarkeit,/. infusibility. Unschuld, /. innocence, purity. unschuldig, a. innocent. unschweissbar, a. unweldable. unselig, a. unhappy, unfortunate; vicious. unser, pron. our, ours; of us. unsicher, o. unsafe, insecure, uncertain, un- steady; (Mech.) unstable. unsichtbar, a. invisible. Unsinn, m. nonsense. un sin nig, a. nonsensical, absurd; mad. Unsitte, /. bad habit, bad custom. unsittlich, a. immoral; indecent. unspaltbar, a. uncleavable. unstat, unstatig, a. unsteady, unstable, vari- able. * Unstatigkeit, /. unsteadiness, instability, vari- ableness, variation. unstatthaft, a. inadmissible; illicit. Unstern, m. unlucky star; misfortune. unstet, etc. = unstat, etc. unstraflich, a. blameless, irreproachable. unstreckbar, a. not extensible, nonductile, non- malleable. unstreitig, a. indisputable, unquestionable. unstudiert, p.a. unstudied; unlettered. unsulfiert, p.a. unsulfonated. Unsumme, /. immense sum. unsymmetrisch, a. unsymmetrical. Untat, /. misdeed, crime. uniatig, a. inactive, inert; dormant; indolent. TJntatigkeit, /. inactivity, inertness; indolence. untauglich, a. unfit, unsuitable, useless. unteilbar, a. indivisible. Unteilbarkeit, /. indivisibility. unteilhaftig, a. not sharing in. unten, adv. below, beneath, underneath, at the bottom. unter, prep, under, below, beneath; during; among, amidst, between. Unter-. hypo-; under, inferior, lower, sub-, infra-. unterabteilen, v.t. subdivide. Unterabteilung, /. subdivision. Unterarm, m. forearm. Unteraugenhohlen-. infra-orbital. Unterbau, m. substructure, foundation. Unterbauch, m. hypogastrium. Unterbeamter, m. inferior officer, subordinate official. Unterbehorde, /. inferior court. Unterbeinkleider, n.pl. drawers. Unterbilanz,/. deficit, unterbinden, v.t. (Med.) tie up, ligature. Unterbindung, /. ligature, unterbleiben, v.i. not occur, be left undone; unterbrechen, v.t. interrupt; break, stop. unterbrochen, p.a. interrupted, discontinu- ous. Unterbrecher, m. interrupter. Unterbrechung, /. interruption; break, stop. Unterbrechungsstrom, m. interrupted current. unterbreiten, v.t. submit. unterbringen, v.t. provide for; dispose of, sell; invest; give lodging to. unterbrochen, p.a. See unterbrechen. unterbromig, o. hypobromous. unterbromige Saure, hypobromous acid. unterbromigsauer, a. of or combined with hypo- bromous acid, hypobromite of. unterchlorig, a. hypochlorous. unterchlorige Saure, hypochlorous acid. unterchlorigsauer, a. of or combined with hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite of. Unterchlorsaure, /. hypochloric acid (formerly applied to chlorine dioxide). unterdes, unterdessen, adv. meanwhile. unterdriicken, v.t. oppress, suppress, repress. untere, a. low, lower, under, inferior. untereinander, adv. among one another, to- gether, confusedly. Untereinteilung, /. subdivision. unteressigsauer, a. subacetate of. unterfangen, v.r. dare, venture. Unterflache, /. under surface, base. Unterform, /. subvariety, subspecies. Unterfutter, n. lining. Untergang, m. going down, (of the sun) setting; fall, ruin. untergarig, a. fermented from below, bottom- fermenting. untergarige Hefe, bottom yeast. Untergarang, /. bottom fermentation. Untergattung, /. subgenus. untergeben, v.t. place under ; subject, submit. p.a. inferior, subordinate. untergehen, v.i. go down; perish; become extinct. untergeordnet, p.a. See unterordnen. untergeschoben, p.a. See unterschieben. Untergeschoss, n. ground floor. Unterglasur, /. underglaze. Unterglasurfarbe,/. under-glaze color. untergraben, v.t. undermine; dig (something) in. nntergradig, a. under proof. Untergraten-. infraspinous. Untergrund 268 unterweisen Untergrund, TO. subsoil; underground; (Dye- ing) bottom; (Calico) bottom print, first print. Untergrundfarbe, /. (Dyeing) bottom color. unterhaib, prep, below, beyond, under. unterhalten, v.t. support; maintain, keep up, keep; entertain. v.r. discourse; amuse one- self. Unterhaltung, /. support, maintenance; enter- tainment; conversation. unterhandeln, v.i. treat, negotiate. Unterhaut, /. underskin. Unterhaut-. subcutaneous. Unterhefe, /. bottom yeast. unterirdisch, a. subterranean, underground. unterjochen, v.t. subjugate, subdue. unterjodig, a. hypoiodous. untcrjodigsauer, a. of or combined with hypo- iodous acid, hypoiodite of. Unterkiefer, m. lower jaw, inferior maxilla. Unterkinn-. submental. unterkommen, v.i. find shelter, find employ- ment. unterkriechen, v.i. crawl under. unterkriegen, v.t. get the better of. unterkiihlen, v.t. supercool, undercool. Unterkunft, /. shelter, lodging. Unterlage,/. support, base, stand; substratum; subsoil; lining. Unterlagsring, m. supporting ring. Unterlass, TO. intermission, cessation. unterlassen, v.t. leave off, discontinue; omit, fail. unterlaufen, p.a. extravasated, bloodshot. Unterlauge, /. (Soap) underlye, spent lye. unterlegen, v.t. lay under, put under; underlay. Unterleib, m. abdomen, belly. Unterleibs-. abdominal. Unterleibsentzundung, /. peritonitis. unterliegen, v.i. succumb; be liable, be subject. unterlost, a. insufficiently grown (malt). unternehmen, v.t. undertake. unternehmend, p.a. enterprising. tlnternehmung, /. undertaking, enterprise, ven- ture. unterordnen, v.t. subordinate. untergeordnet, p.a. subordinate, secondary. Unterpfarid, n. pledge, security, mortgage. unterphosphorig, a. hypophosphorous. unterphosphorigsauer, a. of or combined with hypophosphorous acid, hypophosphite of. Unterphosphorsaure, /. hypophosphoric acid. Unterprobe, /., Unterprobeweingeist, m. under- proof spirit. Unterredung, /. conference, conversation, inter- view. Unterricht, m. instruction, teaching. unterrichten, v.t. teach; instruct, inform. Unterrichtsanstalt, /. school, academy. Unterrinde, /. under bark; under crust. Unters., abbrev. (Untersuchung) investigation, examination. untersagen, v.t. forbid, prohibit. Untersalpetersaure, /. hyponitric acid (old name for nitrogen peroxide). untersalpetrig, a. hyponitrous. untersalpetrigsauer, a. of or combined with hyponitrous acid, hyponitrite of. Untersatz, m. support, stand; stay; saucer; assumption. unterschatzen, v.t. undervalue, underrate. unterscheidbar, a. distinguishable, discernible. unterscheiden, v.t. distinguish; discern. I Unterschenkel, m. lower leg. unterschieben, v.t. push under; substitute; forge. untergeschoben, p.a. substituted, spurious. Unterschied, TO. difference; distinction; parti- tion. unterschlagen, v.t. embezzle; cross (one's arms). Unterschleif, embezzlement, defalcation, fraud. unterschreiben, v.t. sign. Unterschrif t, /. signature; subscription. unterschwefelsauer, a. of or combined with hyposulfuric acid, hyposulfate of (dithion- ate of). Untersch wefelsaure, /. hyposulfuric acid (dithi- onic acid). unterschweflig, a. hyposulfurous. unterschwefligsauer, a. of or combined with hyposulfurous acid, hyposulfite of. Unterseeboot, n. undersea boat, submarine. unterseeisch, a. submarine. Untersetzscherbe, /. plate or saucer set under something, (for crucibles) crucible stand. untersetzt, p.a. thick-set. unterst, a. lowest, undermost. unterstehen, v.i. pertain. v.r. dare, venture. Unterstock, TO. (Brewing) underback. unterstreichen, v.t. underline. unterst iitzen, v.t. support; assist. untersuchen, v.t. investigate; examine; probe. Untersuchung, /. investigation, research; ex- amination; inquiry. Untersuchungschemiker, TO. research chemist. Untersuchungslaboratorium, n. research labora- tory. Untersuchungsmittel, n. means of research or examination; indicator. untertan, a. subject, dependent (on). untertiinig, a. subject; submissive, obedient. Untertasse, /. saucer. untertauchen, v.t. immerse, submerge. Untertauchung, /. immersion, submersion. Unterteig, TO. (Brewing) underdough. Unterteil, TO. under part, lower part. Unterwald, m. underbrush. unterwarts, adv. downward, underneath. unterwegs, adv. on the way. unterweisen, v.t. instruct, teach. unterwerfen 269 unwiderleglich uiiterwerfen, v.t. subject. unterwtthlen, v.t undermine. unterwiirfig, a. submissive, obsequious. unterzeichnen, v.t. sign; underwrite. Unterzeug, n. underclothing. unterziehen, v.t. draw or lay under; put on underneath. v.r. undergo. Unterzungen-. sublingual. unthatig, a. = untatig. Under, n. monster. untilgbar, a. indelible; irredeemable. untrennbar, a. inseparable. Untrennbarkeit, /. inseparability. untreu, a. unfaithful, faithless. untrinkbar, a. undrinkable. untrostlich, a. inconsolable. untriiglich, a. infallible, unmistakable. Untugend,/. vice. uniiberlegt, p. a. inconsiderate, rash. uniibersteiglich, a. insurmountable. uniibertrefflich, a. unsurpassable, unrivaled. uniiberwindlich, a. invincible. unumganglich, a. indispensable, unavoidable. unumschrankt, p. a. unlimited. unumstosslich, a. irrefutable. unumwunden, p.a. frank, plain. ununterbrochen, p.a. uninterrupted, unbroken. ununterscheidbar, a. indistinguishable. ununtersucht, p.a. uninvestigated. unveranderlich, a. invariable, unchangeable. unverandert, p.a. unchanged, unaltered. unverantwortlich, a. inexcusable; irresponsible. unverarbeitet, p.a. unwrought, not made up. unverausserlich, a. inalienable. unverbesserlich, a. incorrigible. unverbindlich, a. not binding ; disobliging. unverbliimt, p.a. plain. unverbrannt, p.a. unburned. unverbrennbar, unverbrennlich, a. incombus- tible. Unverbrennbarkeit, /. incombustibility. unverbriichlich, a. inviolable. unverbunden, p.a. uncombined; unconnected. unverbiirgt, p.a. unwarranted, unconfirmed. unverdaulich, a. indigestible. Unverdauung, /. indigestion. unverdichtbar, a. incondensable. Unverdichtbarkeit, /. incondensability. unverdient, p.a. undeserved. unverdrossen, a. unwearied, patient. unvereinbar, a. incompatible, irreconcilable. unverfalscht, p. a. unadulterated. unvcrfaulbar, a. unputrefiable, imputrescible. unverfroren, p.a. unabashed, cool. unverganglich, a. not perishable. unvergarbar, a. unfermentable. unvergesslich, a. unforgetable. unverglast, p.a. unvitrified. unvergleichbar, unvergleicblich, a. incompar- able. unvergriinbar, unvergrttnlich, a. ungreenable. unverhaltnismiissig, a. disproportionate, unverhohlen, p.a. unconcealed, open, unverkauflich, a. unsaleable, unmarketable, unverkennbar, a. unmistakable, unverkurzt, p.a. unabridged, unverletzt, p.a. unimpaired, intact. unvermeid'ich, a. unavoidable, inevitable, unvermengt, p.a. unmixed, unvermerkt, p.a. unperceived, imperceptible, unvermindert, p.a. undiminished. unvermischbar, a. immiscible. unvermischt, p.a. unmixed, unalloyed, pure. Unvermogen, n. inability, impotence. unvermutet, p.a. unexpected. Unvernunft,/. unreasonableness, absurdity. unveroffentlicht, p.a. unpublished. unverrichtet, p.a. unperformed, unverschuldet, p.a. not in debt; unmerited, unversehens, adv. unexpectedly. unversehrt, p.a. uninjured, undamaged, unverseif bar, a. unsaponifiable. unversiegbar, a. inexhaustible, unversohnlich, a. implacable. unversorgt, p.a. unprovided for. Unverstand, ra. imprudence, indiscretion. unverstandig, a. unwise, imprudent, unverstandlich, a. unintelligible. unversteuert, p.a. duty unpaid. unversucht, p.a. untried. unvertraglich, a. incompatible; unsociable. Unvertraglichkeit, /. incompatibility; unsocia- bility. unverwandt, p.a. unrelated; unmoved. unverweilt, adv. without delay, unvcrweslich, a. imputrescible, undecaying. unverwustlich, a. indestructible, unverzagt, p.a. undismayed, intrepid. unverzeihlich, a. unpardonable. unverzollt, p.a. duty unpaid, unverziiglich, a. immediate, instant. unverzweigt, p.a. unbranched. unvollkommen, a. imperfect. unvollstandig, a. incomplete, imperfect. unvorbereitet, p.a. unprepared, unvorhergesehen, p.a. unforeseen. unvorsatzlich, a. unpremeditated. unvorsichtig, a. incautious, careless. unvorteilhaft, a. disadvantageous, unprofitable. unwagbar, a. unweighable; imponderable. unwahr, a. untrue, false. unwahrscheinlich, a. improbable. unwandelbar, a. unchangeable, invariable. unwegsam, a. impassable; pathless. unweit, adv. not far. prep, not far from. Unwesen, n. disorder; nuisance. unwesentlich, a. unessential. Unwetter, n. bad weather, storm. unwichtig, a. unimportant. unwiderlegbar, unwiderleglich, a. irrefutable. unwiderstehlich 270 Urtier unwiderstehlich, a. irresistible. Unwille, m. displeasure, resentment. unwillkiirlich, a. involuntary. unwirksam, a. inactive; ineffective, inefficient; void. unwirsch, a. cross, brusque, unwissend, p. a. ignorant. Unzahl, /. immense number. unzahlig, a. innumerable. Unze, /. ounce. Unzeit, /. wrong time. unzeitig, a. untimely; immature. unzerlegbar, a. indecomposable. unzerreissbar, a. untearable, indestructible, unzersetzbar, a. indecomposable, unzersetzt, p.a. undecomposed. adv. without decomposition. unzerstorbar, o. indestructible. Unzerstorbarkeit, /. indestructibility. unzerstort, p.a. undestroyed. unzertrennbar, a. inseparable, unzichbar, a. not ductile. unzuchtig, a. unchaste, obscene, unzufrieden, p.a. discontented, dissatisfied, unzuganglich, a. inaccessible, unzulanglich, a. insufficient, inadequate. unzulassig, a. inadmissible. unzusammendriickbar, a. incompressible. unzutraglich, a. disadvantageous; unhealthy. unzuverlassig, a. unreliable, uncertain, unzweckmassig, a. unsuitable, inexpedient. nnzweideutig, a. unequivocal, unambiguous, unzweifelhaft, a. indubitable, undoubted. adv. undoubtedly. Upasbaum, m. upas tree, upas. Upasgift, n. upas poison, upas. iippig, a. luxuriant, rich, rank. Ur, m. aurochs. Ur-. primitive, original, primordial. Urahm, m. great grandfather, ancestor, uralt, a. very old, ancient. U ramie, /. uremia. Uran, n. uranium. Urancarbid, n. uranium carbide. Uranerz, n. uranium ore. Urangelb, n. uranium yellow. Uranglas, n. uranium glass, uranhaltig, a. containing uranium, uranifer- ous. Urani-. uranic (uranyl). Uraninitrat, n. uranic nitrate (uranyl nitrate). Uranioxyd, n. uranic oxide. Uraniverbindung, /. uranic compound (uranyl compound). Urano-. uranous, uranoso-. Uranohydroxyd, n. uranous hydroxide. Uranoreihe,/. uranous series. Uranosalz, n. uranous salt. Uranouranat, n. uranous uranate. Uranoverbindung, /. uranous compound. Uranoxrd, n. uranium oxide, specif., uranic oxide. Uranoxydul, n. uranous oxide, uranium dioxide. Uranoxyduloxyd, n. uranoso-uranic oxide (ura- nous uranate). Uranoxydulsalz, n. uranous salt. Uranpecherz, n. pitchblende. Uransaure, /. uranic acid. Uranstrahlen, m.pl. uranium rays. Uran verbindung, /. uranium compound. urbar, a. arable, tillable. Urbestandteil, m. ultimate constituent. Urbewohner, m. original inhabitant. llrbild, n. prototype, original. Urenkel, m. great grandchild. Urfarbe, /. primary color. Urfels, m. primitive rock. Urform, /. original form, prototype. Urgestein, n. primitive rock; (Ceram.) native kaolinic rock (from which kaolin is obtained by elutriation). Urgewicht, n. standard weight. Urgranit, m. primitive granite. Urgrossvater, m. great grandfather. Urheber, TO. author; originator, founder. Urinabsatz, m. urinary sediment. Urinstein, m. urinary calculus. Urkalk, m. primitive limestone. urkomisch, a. extremely comical. urkraftig, a. very powerful, hearty. Urkunde, /. document, record, voucher, di- ploma. Urlaub, m. leave of absence. Urlauter, TO. (Leather) sod oil. Urmass, n. standard measure. Urne, /. urn. U-Rohre, /. U-tube. urplotzlich, a. very sudden. adv. very sud- denly. Urpreis, m. original price, manufacturer's price. Urquell, m. fountain head, origin. Ursache, /. cause, reason. ursiichlich, a. causal, causative. Ursaure, /. a ureide of acid character, as barbi- turic or oxaluric acid, a "-uric" acid. Ursprung, m. origin, source. urspriinglich, a. original, primitive, first. Urstoff, m. primary matter; (formerly) element. Urstofflehre, /. the theory of a primary matter of which the elements are composed; atom- ism, atomic theory. urstofflich, a. elementary. Ursubstanz, /. = Urstoff. LJrteil, n. judgment, decision, opinion, verdict; (Logic) proposition. urteilen, v.i. judge, form an opinion; decide, LTrtier, n. protozoon. Urtiter 271 u.Zers. Urtiter, m. original titer, titrimetric standard. Urlite rsubstanz, /. standard titrimetric sub- stance. urwellen, v.t. (Metal.) double. Urwelt, /. primeval world, urwiichsig, a. original, native; rough, blunt. Urzelle, /. primitive cell, ovum. Urzeugnng, /. abiogenesis. u.s.f., abbrec. (und so fort) and so on. Usninsaure, ;. usnic acid. u.s.w., abbrev. (und so weiter) and so forth, and so on, etc. Utensilien, n.pl. utensils, implements. Uvinsaure, /. uvic acid, pyrotritaric acid. Uvitinsiiure,/. uvitic acid. Uwarowit, m. uvarovite. u.Z., u.Zers., abbrev. (unter Zersetzung) with decomposition. v., dbbrev. vicinal; (von) of, from, etc., (in titles) von. V., abbrev. (vormittags) in the forenoon, a.m.; (Vorkommen) occurrence, presence, vaccinieren, v.t. vaccinate. Vakanz, /. vacancy; (pi.) vacation, holidays. Vakuumgarung, /. vacuum fermentation. Vakuumgliihlampe, /. vacuum incandescent lamp. Vakuummeter, n. vacuum gage. Yakuumpfanne, /. vacuum pan. Vakuumpumpe, /. vacuum pump. Vakuumrohr, n. vacuum tube, vakzinieren, v.t. vaccinate. Valenz, /. valence, valency. Valenzlehre, /. doctrine of valence. Valerianol, n. valerian oil. Valeriansaure, /. valeric acid, valerianic acid. Valeriansaureamylather, m. amyl valerate. Valeriansiiuresalz, n. salt of valeric acid, val- erate. Valet, n. farewell. Vanadin, Vanad, n. vanadium. Vanadinbleierz, n., Vanadinbleispat, m. vanad- inite. Vanadinsalz, n. vanadium salt. vanadinsauer, a. of or combined with vanadic acid, vanadate of. Vanadinsaure, /. vanadic acid. Vanadinsaureanhydrid, n. vanadic anhydride, vanadium pentoxide. Vanadinstahl, m. vanadium steel. Vanadinstickstoff, m. vanadium nitride. Vanadinverbindung, /. vanadium compound. Vanille. /. vanilla. VunViienkampfer, m. vanillin. Vanillmpflanze, /. vanilla plant. variab-4, a. variable. Variabiltat,/. variability. Varietat,f. variety. variieren.vJ. & t. vary. Vater, m. i\ther. Vaterland, n. native land; Germany. rlandisch. a . native, national. taterlandsfreund, TO. patriot, vaterlich, a. fatterly, paternal. v.Chr., abbrev. (tor Christo) before Christ, B.C. v.d.L., abbrev. (vor dem Lotrohr) before the blowpipe, B.B. vegetabilisch, a. vegetable. Veilchen, n. violet; (dreifarbiges) pansy. veilchenblau, a. violet. Veilchenholz, n. violet wood. Veilchenstein, m. iolite. Veilchenwurzel, Veilchenwurz, /. orris root. Veitstanz, TO. St. Vitus's dance, chorea. Velin, n. vellum. Velinform, /. (Paper) wove mold. Velinpapier, n. wove paper, vellum paper veloutieren, v.t. flock (paper). Vene, /. vein. Venedig, n. Venice. Venenblut, n. venous blood. Venenhautchen, n. choroid membrane. Venenstein, m. vein stone, phlebolite. Venerie, /. syphilis. venerisch, a. syphilitic. ^ Venezianerweiss, n. Venetian white. venezianisch, a. Venetian. vends, a. venous. Ventil, n. valve. Ventilator, TO. ventilator, fan. Ventildeckel, TO. valve lid. Ventilgehause, n. valve chamber. ventilieren, v.t. ventilate. Ventilsitz, TO. valve seat. ver-. A verbal prefix meaning: (1) forth, away, out, either in the sense of removal, as rertreiben, drive away, dispel; or of the per- fecting of an action, as rerschliessen, close up, terbliihen, cease blooming, fade. (2) a re- versal of meaning, as verbieten, forbid (from bieten, offer). (3) wrongly, too much, mis-, as cersalzen, oversalt. (4) " make, convert into or become," as uergrossern, make larger, magnify, perkalken, calcine, calcify, cerkasen, become cheesy. verabfolgen, v.t. deliver, hand over, surrender. verabreden, v.t. agree upon, appoint. verabreichen, v.t. deliver, dispense. verabscheuen, v.t. abhor, detest. verabschieden, v.t. dismiss, discharge. v.r. take leave. verachten, v.t. despise, scorn. verachtlich, a. contemptible; contemptuous. 272 Verachtung 273 verbrennen Verachtung, /. contempt, scorn. verallgemeinern, v.t. generalize. Verallgemeinerung, /. generalization. veralten, v.i. grow old or obsolete. veraltet, p.a. obsolete, antiquated. veranderlich, a. variable; changeable, fluctu- ating, unsteady. Veranderliche,/. variable. Yeranderlichkeit, /. variability, etc. (see ver- anderlich). verandern, v.t. alter, change, vary; concentrate, (ore). v.r. vary; change. Veranderung,/. variation; change, alteration. veranlassen, v.t. occasion, cause, give rise to, 'induce. Veranlassung, /. occasion, cause; motive, in- ducement. veranschaulichen, v.t. illustrate, make clear. veranschlagen, v.t. estimate, value. veranstalten, v.t. arrange, manage. verantworten, v.t. answer for, justify. verantwortlich, a. answerable, responsible. verarbeiten, v.t. work, work up, manufacture. verargen, v.t. find fault with. verarmen, v.i. become poor. veraschen, v.t. ash, incinerate. Veraschung, /. ashing, incineration. Verastelung, Verastung, /. ramification. Veratrumsaure, /. veratric acid. Verb., abbrev. (Verbindung) compound. Verband, m. binding, fastening; bandaging, bandage; association, union; (Masonry) bond. verbannen, v.t. banish. verbauern, v.i. rusticate. Verbb., abbrev. (Verbindungen) compounds. verbeissen, v.t. suppress, stifle. verbeizen, v.t. (Leather) overbate. Verbene, /. vervain. verbergen, v.t. & r. hide. verborgen, p.a. la- tent; hidden, secret. verbessern, v.t. better, improve; correct. Verbesserungsmittel, n. corrective. verbeugen, v.r. bow. verbiegen, v.t. bend wrong, strain. v.r. warp. verbieten, v.t. forbid, prohibit. verbinden, v.t. combine; bind, bind up, join, link, connect; oblige. v.r. combine, unite. verbindlich, a. obliging; binding, obligatory; obliged. verbindlichen Dank! best thanks! Verbindlichkeit, /. civility, kindness; oJbliga- tion; obligatoriness. Verbindung, /. compound; combining, com- bination; union; connection; blending (of colors); joining, fastening, binding; joint, bond; communication; union, alliance, so- ciety. Verbindungsform, /. form of combination. Verbindungsgang, m. connecting passage. Verbindungsgewicht, n. combining weight. Verbindungsglied, n. connecting link. Verbindungsklammer, /. brace. Verbindungskraft, /. combining power. Verbindungsmolekiil, n. molecule of a com- pound. Verbindungspunkt, m. juncture, junction. Verbindungsrohr, n., Verbindungsrohre, /. con- necting tube or pipe. Verbindungsschlauch, m. connecting tube or tubing. Verbindungsstelle, /. juncture, junction. Verbindungsstreben, n. (chemical) affinity. Verbindungsstrich, m. hyphen. Verbindungsstiick, n. connecting piece. Verbindungsstufe, /. stage of combination. Verbindungsverhaltnis, n. combining propor- tion. Verbindungswarme, /. heat of combination. Verbindungswert, m. combining value. Verbindungszeichen, n. hyphen. verbissen, p.a. crabbed, sullen. verbitten, v.t. object to, decline. verblasen, v.t. blow (glass or metal); dilute (colors). verbleiben, v.i. remain, continue. verbleichen, v.i. fade; grow pale; expire. verbleien, v.t. lead. verblenden, v.t. blind, dazzle; face (with some material); delude. Verblender, m. (Ceram.) face brick. verbliiffen, v.t. dumbfound, confuse. verbliihen, v.i. fade, wither. verbliimen, v.t. disguise. verbltimt, p.a. figura- tive. verbluten, v.i. & r. bleed to death; cease bleed- ing. verborgen, p.a. See verbergen. verborgen, v.t. lend, sell on credit. Verbot, n. prohibition. verboten, p.p. of verbieten. verbramen, v.t. trim, border, adorn. verbrannt, p.p. of verbrennen. Verbrauch, m. consumption, use. verbrauchen, v.t. consume, use up. veroraucht, p.a. spent, used up, worn out, stale (air). Verbrauchsgegenstand, m. article of consump- tion, commodity. verbrausen, v.i. cease fermenting; subside. Verbrechen, n. crime, offense, guilt. verbreiten, v.t. spread, disseminate, diffuse. v.r. spread. verbreitet, p.a. widespread, widely distributed. verbreitern, v.t. widen, broaden. Verbreiterung, /. widening, broadening. verbreitet, p.a. See verbreiten. Verbreitung, /. spreading, dissemination, exten- sion; circulation (of journals); range. verbrennbar, a. combustible. Verbrennbarkeit, /. combustibility. verbrennen, v.t. burn; scorch, tan. scald; bake. verbrennlich 274 verdreifachen verbrennlich, a. combustible; inflammable. verbrennliche Luft, inflammable air (old name for hydrogen). Verbrennlichkeit, /. combustibility; inflamma- bility. Verbrennung, /. combustion; burning; crema- tion. Verbrennungsanalyse, /. combustion analysis, analysis by combustion. Verbrennungsgase, n.pl. gases of combustion. Verbrennungsglas, n. combustion glass. Verbrennungsintensitat, /. intensity of combus- tion. Verbrennungskammer, /. combustion chamber. Verbrennungskraftmaschine, /. (internal) com- bustion engine. Verbrennungsldffel, m. combustion spoon. Verbrennungsluft, /. air for combustion, Verbrennungsofen, TO. combustion furnace. Verbrennungsprodukt, n. product of combus- tion, combustion product. Verbrennungsraum, TO. combustion chamber, fire chamber. Verbrennungsrohr, n., -rohre, /. combustion tube. Verbrennungsriickstand, m. residue on ignition (or combustion). Verbrennungsversuch, TO. combustion experi- ment. Verbrennungsvorgang, m. process of combus- tion. Verbrennungswarme, /. heat of combustion. Verbrennungszone, /. zone of combustion. verbriefen, v.t. confirm or secure by writing. verbringen, v.t. spend, pass, waste. verbriihen, v.t. scald. verbunden, p.p. of verbinden. Verbundmaschine, /. compound engine. Verbundstiick, n. fitting. verbiirgen, v.t. warrant, guarantee. vercoken, v.t. coke. verd., abbrev. (verdttnnt) diluted, dilute. Verdacht, TO. suspicion, distrust. verdachtig, a. suspicious, suspected. verdammen, v.t. condemn, damn. verdammen, v.t. tamp, dam. Verdampfapparat, m. evaporating apparatus, evaporator. verdampfen, v.t. evaporate (either vaporize or concentrate by evaporation). v.i. evaporate, vaporize. Verdampfer, m. evaporator. Verdampfpfanne, /. evaporating pan. Verdampfschale, /. evaporating dish. Verdampfung, /. evaporation, evaporating, va- porization. verdampfungsfahig, a. capable of evaporation. Verdampfungspfanne, /. evaporating pan, boil- ing-down pan. Verdampfungspunkt, m. vaporization point. Verdanipfungsruckstand, m. residue on evapor- ation. Verdampfungswarme, /. heat of vaporization or evaporation. verdanken, v.t. owe, have to thank. verdarb, pret. of verderben. verdauen, v.t. digest. v.r. be digested, be diges- tible. Yerdauung, /. digestion. Verdauungsdauer, /. duration of digestion. Verdauungseingeweide, n. digestive tract. verdauungsfahig, a. digestible. Verdauungsfahigkeit, /. digestibility. Verdauungsfliissigkeit,/. digestive fluid, specif., gastric juice. Verdauungsgeschaft, n. digestive process. Verdauungsmittel, n. digestive remedy. Verdauungsofen, m. digesting oven. Verdauungsrohr, n. alimentary canal. Verdauungssaft, TO. = Verdauungsfliissigkeit. Verdauungsvorgang, TO. digestive process. verdecken, v.t. cover, conceal, mask. verdenken, v.t. find fault with. verderben, v.t. spoil, damage; ruin, corrupt. v.i. be spoiled, spoil, decay. verderblich, a. perishable; destructive, injuri- ous. verdeutlichen, v.t. elucidate. verdichtbar, a. condensable. verdichten, v.t. condense; compress; pack; consolidate; concentrate. Verdichtung, /. condensation, etc. (see ver- dichten). Verdichtungsapparat, TO. condensing apparatus, condenser. Verdichtungsgrad, TO. degree of condensation or compression (or concentration). Verdichtungshub, TO. compression stroke. Verdichtungswarme, /. heat of condensation or compression. verdicken, v.t. thicken, concentrate, inspissate; coagulate, curdle. v.r. thicken; jell; become viscous; coagulate, curd. Verdi ckung, /. thickening, etc. (see verdicken) ; (Calico) paste. Verdickungsmittel, n. thickening agent, thick- ener. verdienen, v.t. deserve; gain, earn, make. Verdienst, n. merit, deserts; earnings, profit. verdingen, v.t. hire out. verdoppeln, v.t. double. verdorben, p.p. of verderben. verdorren, v.i. dry up, wither. verdrahten, v.t. wire. verdrangbar, a. displaceable. verdrangen, v.t. displace; drive out, remove. Verdrangung, /. displacement; removal, dis- verdrehen, v.t. distort, twist, wrench. verdreifachen, v.t. triple, treble. Verdreifachung 275 verfrischen Verdreifachung, /. tripling, trebling. verdriessen, v.t. grieve, vex, annoy. verdros- sen, p.a. grieved, etc.; loath, indolent. verdriesslich, a. vexed, morose; irksome, tire- some. ver dross, pret. of verdriessen. verdrossen, p.a. See verdriessen. verdrucken, v.t. misprint; use up in printing. verdriicken, v.t. mash, crush, crumple, over- Verdruss, m. ill will; trouble, annoyance. verduften, v.i. evaporate. verdunkeln, v.t. darken, obscure. verdiinnbar, a. capable of dilution; rarefiable. verdiinnen, v.t. dilute (liquids) ; rarefy (gases) ; attenuate (wort); thin. verdiinnt, p.a. di- luted, etc., dilute, rare, thin. Ver dimming, /. dilution ; rarefaction; thinning; (Brewing, etc.) attenuation. Verdiinnungsgesetz, n. dilution law. Verdiinnungsmittel, n.' diluent; (Med.) attenu- ant. Verdiinnungswarme, /. heat of dilution. verdunstbar, a. capable of evaporation, vapor- izable. verdunsten, v.i. & t. evaporate. verdiinsten, v.t. evaporate. Verdunsten, n., Verdunstung, Verdiinstung, /. evaporation. Verdunstungskalte, /. cold due to evaporation. Verdunstungswarme, /. heat of vaporization. verdursten, v.i. die of thirst. verdutzen, v.t. nonplus. veredeln, v.t. improve, elevate, refine; ennoble; cultivate (plants); purify. verehren, v.t. revere, adore, admire. Verein, m. union, association, society, company. vereinbaren, v.t. reconcile, agree upon. vereinfachen, v.t. simplify; (Math.) reduce. Vereinfachung, /. simplification; (Math.) re- duction. vereinigen, v.t. & r. unite, combine; collect; make agree, agree. Vereinigung, /. union, combination; associa- tion, club; agreement. vereinzeln, v.t. isolate, detach, separate. ver- einzelt, adv. sporadically. vereiteln, v.t. balk, thwart, defeat. vereitern, v.i. suppurate. verengen, verengern, v.t. & r. narrow, con- tract. vererben, v.t. transmit, hand down. vererbt, p.a. hereditary. Vererbung, /. inheritance; bequeathing. verestern, v.t. esterify. Veresterung, /. esterification. verewigen, v.t. perpetuate; immortalize. ver- ewigt, p.a. late, deceased. Verf., abbrev. (Verfasser) author; (Verfahren) process/ verfahren, v.i. proceed; act, manage, deal. v.t. transport; work; muddle. v.r. blunder. Verfahren, n. process, method, procedure, pro- ceeding, mode; conduct; management. Verfahrungsart, Verfahrungsweise, /. mode of proceeding, process. Verfall, m. decay, decline, deterioration; ex- piration, lapse. verfallen, v.i. decay, decline; fall; chance, hit; (of time) expire. verfalschen, v.t. adulterate; debase (coins); falsify, counterfeit. Verfalscher, m. adulterator; falsifier, forger. Verfalschung, /. adulteration; falsification, forgery. Vurfulschungsmittel, n. adulterant. verfangen, v.i. operate, have effect, be of avail. v.r. be caught. verfanglich, a. insidious, deceitful. verfarben, v.r. change color; fade. v.t. use up (in dyeing); dye poorly. Verf arbung, /. discoloration; fading. verfassen, v.t. compose, write. Verfasser, m., Verfasserin, /. author, writer. Verfassung, /. composition, writing; constitu- tion; condition. verfaulbar, a. putrescible. verfaulen, v.i. putrefy, rot, decompose. verfechten, v.t. defend, advocate. verfehlen, v.t. miss. v.i. fail. verfehlt, p.a. unsuccessful, misplaced. verfeinern, v.t. refine; improve. Verfeinerung, /. refinement; improvement. verfertigen, v.t. make, prepare, manufacture; compose. Verfertigung, /. making, etc. (see verfertigen); make, manufacture. Verfettung, /. fatty degeneration. verfilzen, v.t. & i. felt, mat. Verfilzungsfahigkeit, /. felting or matting property. verfinsterrf, v.t. darken, obscure. verflechten, v.t. interlace, involve. Verflechtung, /. interweaving; complexity. verfliegen, v.i. volatilize; fly away, vanish. verfliegend, p.a. volatile; evanescent. verfliessen, v.i. blend; flow away; (of time) pass, elapse. verfluchen, v.t. curse. verfliichtigbar, a. volatilizable. verfluchtigen, v.t. & r. volatilize. Verfluchtigung, /. volatilizatipn. verflUssigen, v.t. & r. liquefy. verflUssigt, p.a. liquefied, liquid. Verflussigung,/. liquefaction. Verfliissigungsmlttel, n. liquefacient. verfolgen, -o.t. pursue; prosecute, carry on; persecute. Verfolgung,/. pursuit; prosecution, persecution. verfrischen, v.t. (Metal.) refine. verfriiht 276 verharten verfriiht, p.a. premature. verf iigbar, a. at disposal, available. verf iigen, r.t. (with iiber) have at one's disposal, dispose (of). v.t. order, arrange. verfiihren, v.t. transport; mislead; corrupt, seduce. verfiillen, v.t. fill. vcrfuttern, verfiittern, v.t. feed (something); overfeed. Verfutterung, Verf ill terung, /. feeding; over- feeding. Verf iitterungsversuch, m. feeding experiment. vergallen, v.t. denature. vergangen, p.a. gone, past. verganglich, a. transient, perishable. vergiirbar, a. fermentable, attenuable. vergaren, v.t. ferment; attenuate (wort). vergoren, p.a. fermented, (Brewing) finished. Vergarung, /. fermentation; attenuation (of wort). Yergarungsgrad, m. degree of fermentation or attenuation. Vergarungsmesser, m. zymometer. vergasbar, a. gasifiable, vaporizable. vergasen, v.t. gasify, vaporize. Vergaser, m. gasifier, vaporizer. vergass, pret. of vergessen. Vergasung, /. gasification, vaporization. vergeben, v.t. give, bestow; forgive. vergebens, adv. in vain. vergeblich, a. vain, futile. Vergebung,/. bestowal; forgiveness, pardon. vergegenwartigen, v.t. represent, figure. v.r. imagine, realize. vergehen, v.i. vanish, perish, cease, (of time) pass, elapse. v.r. transgress; exercise. Vergehen, n. transgression, fault. vergeistigen, v.t. spiritualize. vergelben, v.i. turn yellow. vergelten, v.i. reward, repay, return. Vergeltung,/. reward, remuneration, retaliation. vergessen, v.t. forget. Vergessenheit, /. forgetfulness, oblivion. vergesslich, a. forgetful, oblivious. vergeuden, v.t. squander, waste. vergewissern, v.t. convince, assure, confirm. vergiessen, v.t. cast in, run in; cast badly; spill, shed. vergiften, v.t. poison. Vergiftung, /. poisoning, vergilbt, p.a. yellowed. vergipsen, v.t. plaster. vergisst, pr. 2 & S sing, of vergessen. vergittern, v.t. grate, lattice. vergl., abbrev. (vergleiche) compare, cf. verglasbar, a. vitrifiable. verglasen, v.t. vitrify; glaze. v.i. & r. vitrify. Yerglasung, /. vitrification; glaze; glazing. Vergleich, TO. comparison; agreement, arrange- ment, contract. vergleichbar, a. comparable. vergleichen, v.t. compare. v.r. agree, come to terms. vergleichend, p.a. comparative. Vergleichprisma, n. comparison prism. Vergleichung, /. comparison. vcrglimmen, v.i. cease glowing, die out. Vergliihbrand, m. (Ceram.) biscuit baking. vergliihen, v.t. bake, give the biscuit fire to (porcelain). v.i. cease glowing, cool down. Vergluhen, n. (Ceram.) biscuit baking. Vergl iihofen, m. (Ceram.) biscuit kiln. vergniigen, v.t. please, gratify. v.r. enjoy one- self, be delighted. vergniigt, p.a. pleased, delighted; cheerful, gay. Vergniigung, /. pleasure, amusement, sport. vergolden, v.t. gild; plate with gold. vergoldet, p.a. gilded, gilt; gold-plated. Vergoldung, /. gilding; gold plating. Vergoldungswachs, n. gilder's wax. Vergoldungswasser, n. quickening liquid. vergonnen, v.t. permit, grant. vergoren, p.a. See vergaren. vergottern, v.t. idolize; deify. vergraben, v.t. bury; intrench. vergreifen, v.r. mistake; attack, violate; steal, embezzle. v.t. buy up, buy out. vergriffen, p.a. sold out, out of print. vergrossern, v.t. increase, enlarge; magnify; exaggerate. v.r. grow larger. Vergrosserung, /. increase, enlargement; mag- nification; exaggeration. Vergrosserurigsglas, n. magnifying glass. Vergrosserungskraft, /. magnifying power. Vergrosserungslinse, /. magnifying lens. vergriinen, v.i. turn green; lose green color, fade. vergriinlich, a. (Dyeing) greenable. vergiiten, v.t. make good, compensate, allow. verhaften, v.t. arrest, apprehend. Verhalt, TO. state, condition. verhalten, v.r. behave, act, be. v.t. hold, sup- Verhalten, n. behavior; conduct; retention, suppression. Verhaltnis, n. proportion; ratio, rate; relation; situation, connection, circumstance. Verhaltnisanzeiger, TO. (Math.) exponent. Verhaltnisgleichheit, /. proportion. verhaltnismassig, a. proportional, proportion- ate; commensurable, commensurate. verhaltniswidrig, a. disproportionate. Verhaltniszahl, /. proportional number. Verhaltung, /. = Verhalten. verhandeln, v.t. transact; try; sell. r.t. treat, negotiate. Verhandlung, /. transaction; proceeding; de?- bate. verhangen, v.t. hang; decree, proclaim. Verhangnis, n. destiny, fate. verharten, v.t. & i. harden, indurate. Verhartung 277 Verlangerung Verhartung, /. hardening, induration. verharzen, v.i. & r. become resinous, resinify. v.t. resin; convert into resin. Verharzen, n., Verharzung, /. resinification ; resining. verhasst, p.a. hated, hateful, odious. verhauen, v.t. cut up, hack, prune. verhehlen, v.t. hide, conceal. verheimlichen, v.t. keep secret, disguise. verheiraten, v.t. give in marriage, marry. verheissen, v.t. promise. verhelfen, v.t. help, raise (to). verhetzen, v.t. incite, instigate. verhindern, v.t. hinder, prevent. Verhinderung, /. hindrance, obstacle. verholzen, v.i. lignify, become wood. Verhor, n. trial, hearing. verhornen, v.i. become horny. verhungern, v.i. starve. Verhungerung, /. starvation. verhunzen, v.t. botch, bungle. verhiiten, v.t. avert, prevent. verhiitend, p.a. preventive. verhutten, v.t. work, smelt (ores). Verhuttung, /. (Metal.) working (off), smelting. Verhiitung,/. prevention, (Med.) prophylaxis. verimpfen, v.t. transmit (by inoculation or con- tagion). verirren, v.r. err, go astray. verjagen, v.t. drive out, drive off, expel. verjahren, v.i. grow old; (Law) pass the time limit. verjauchen, v.i. putrefy. Verjauchung, /. putrefaction. verjubeln, v.t. squander. verjungen, v.t. reduce, diminish, constrict; rejuvenate, renew. Verjiingung, /. diminution, reduction, (of a tube) constriction; rejuvenation. verkalkbar, a. calcinable. verkalken, v.t. & i. calcine; calcify. Verkalkung, /. calcination; calcification. verkannt, p.p. of verkennen. verkappen, v.t. mask, disguise. verkasen, v.i. (Med.) become caseous, or cheesy. Verkasung, /. caseation. Verkauf, m. sale, verkaufen, v.t. & r. sell. verkauflich, a. salable, marketable. Verkehr, m. traffic, commerce, trade; com- munication, intercourse. verkehren, v.t. invert, reverse; pervert. v.i. visit, associate. verkehrt, p.a. inverted, re- versed; wrong; absurd; perverted, per- verse. verkehrssicher, a. safe for commerce. ver- kehrssicher Sprengstoff, safety explosive. verkennen, v.t. mistake; misunderstand. verketten, v.t. link (together) , form into a chain. Verkettung, /. linkage. Verkettungsfahigkeit, /. linking capacity, abil- ity to form chains. verkieseln, v.t. silicify. Verkieselung,/. silicification. verkiesen, v.t. gravel, ballast. verkitten, v.t. cement, lute; seal. Verkittung, /. cementing, luting. verklagen, v.t. accuse, sue. verklammern, v.t. clamp; (Printing) brace. verklatschen, v.t. slander. verkleben, v.t. cement, lute, cover or close by the use of an adhesive; agglutinate. verkleiden, v.t. face, case, line; disguise, mask. Verkleidung, /. facing, casing, lining; disguise. verkleinern, v.t. diminish, reduce; disparage. Verkl cine rung, /. diminution, reduction; de- traction. verkleistern, v.t. paste up; make into paste. verkleistert, p.a. pasty. verknistern, v.i. decrepitate. Verknisterung, /. decrepitation. verknochern, v.i. ossify. Verknocherung, /. ossification. verknorpeln, v.i. become cartilaginous. ver- knorpelt, p.a. cartilaginous. Verknorpelung, /. chondrification. vcrkniipfcn, v.t. tie, bind, connect, join. Verkniipfung, /. connection; union. vcrkochen, v.t. boil down, concentrate; injure by boiling, overheat. verkohlen, v.t. & i. char, carbonize. Verkohlung, /. charring, carbonization. verkoken, v.t. coke. Verkokung, /. coking. Verkokungsofen, m. coke oven. . % verkommen, v.i. decay, degenerate; die. verkorken, v.t. cork. verkorpern, v.t. embody. verkreiden, v.t. calcify. Verkreidung, /. calcification. verkriunmen, v.t. crook, curve. verkiihlen, v.t. & r. cool down. verkunden, verkiindigen, v.t. announce, pub- lish. verkiipbar, a. capable of use as a vat dye. verkiipen, v.t. reduce (a vat dye) preparatory to dyeing. verkupfern, v.t. copper. verkiirzen, v.t. shorten, abridge, curtail. verlachen, v.t. laugh at, mock. Verlag, m. publication; publishing house. Verlagsbuchhandler, m. publisher. Verlagsbuchhandlung, /. publishing house. Verlagsrecht, n. copyright. verlangen, v.t. ask, demand, require; long for, want. v.i. long, wish (for). verlangern, v.t. lengthen, prolong, extend; re- plenish (dye, liquor) ; (Math.) produce. Verlangerung, /. prolongation, elongation, ex- tension; (Math.) production. verlangsamen 278 verpflanzen rerlangsamen, v.t. retard, slow down. Verlangsamung, /. retardation. Verlass, m. trust, reliance. verlassen, v.t. leave, give up, abandon, v.r. depend, rely. p.a. abandoned, forsaken. Verlaub, m. permission. Verlauf, m. course; lapse (of time). verlaufen, v.i. & r. follow a course, proceed; (of time) pass; be scattered; (of water) sub- side; (of colors) blend. verlauten, v.i. be heard, be reported. verleben, v.t. live, pass (time). verlebt, p.a. used up, decrepit. verlegen, v.t. lay; mislay; transport, transfer; delay; obstruct; publish (books). p.a. spoiled, stale; embarrassed, confused. Verlegenheit, /. perplexity, difficulty. Verleger, m. publisher. verleiden, v.t. make distasteful, spoil (for some- one). verleihen, v.t. lend; bestow, confer. verleiten, v.t. mislead, seduce. verlernen, v.t. unlearn, forget. verlesen, v.t. pick; read aloud. v.r. read wrong. verletzen, v.t. injure, damage, offend, infringe. verleugnen, v.t. deny, disavow. verleumden, v.t. slander, asperse. verliebt, p.a. in love (with) , fond (of) ; amorous. verlieren, v.t. & i. lose. v.r. get lost; disappear. verlobt, p.a. engaged, betrothed. verlocken, v.t. entice, seduce. verlogen, p.a. untruthful. verlohnen, v.r. be worth. verlor, verloren, pret. and p.p. of verlieren. verloschen, v.i. go out, be extinguished. ver- loschen, p.a. gone out, dead. verloten, v.t. solder, solder up; (Med.) close by adhesion. Verlust, TO. loss; waste, escape; damage, detri- ment. Verlustquelle, /. source of loss. vermachen, v.t. bequeath. vermahlen, v.t. & i. marry. vermaledeien, v.t. curse. vermehrcn, v.t. increase; enlarge; multiply; propagate. Vermehrung, /. increase; enlargement; propa- gation. vermeidcn, v.t. avoid; evade, elude, shirk. vermeinen, v.t. think, suppose, mean. vermeintlich, a. supposed; pretended, sup- posititious. ^ vermengen, v.t. mix, mingle, blend; confuse. vermessen, v.t. measure; survey fland). p . r . mismeasure; venture. p.a. bold, presump- tuous. vermessingen, v.t. (Metal.) brass. Vermessung, /. measuring, measurement; sur- veying. vermieten, v.t. let, hire out. Vermilion, TO. vermilion. vermindern, v.t. diminish, lessen, reduce. v.r. decline, diminish. Verminderung, /. decrease, reduction, diminu- tion. vermischen.ta.mix; adulterate; mingle, blend, alloy. vermischt, p.a. mixed, miscellaneous; adulterated. Vermischung, /. mixing, mixture; adulteration; alloy; medley. vermissen, v.t. miss. vermitteln, v.t. adjust, arrange, reconcile. v.i. mediate. vermittelst, prep, by means of, by help of. Vermittelung, /. agency, means; mediation, interposition; adjustment; conveyance. * vermodern, v.i. molder, decay. vermodert, p.a. moldy, decayed. vermoge, prep, by virtue of, according to. vermogen, v.t. be able, have power, have influ- ence; induce. vermogend, p.a. propertied, wealthy. Vermogen, n. ability, power; property. vermuten, v.t. suppose, think, conjecture, sus- pect. vermutlich, a. probable. adv. probably. Vermutung, /. supposition, conjecture, surmise. vernachlassigen, v.t. neglect, disregard. vernarben, v.i. scar, be cicatrized. Vernarrtheit, /. infatuation. vernehmen, v.t. perceive, distinguish; hear, learn. Vernehmen, n. hearing, report; understanding. vernehmlich, a. perceptible; audible; distinct. verneinend, p.a. negative. vernichten, v.t. destroy, annihilate, annul. vernickeln, v.t. nickel, nickel-plate. Vernickelung, /. nickeling, nickel plating. vernieten, v.t. rivet. Vernunft, /. reason, intellect, intelligence, judgment. verniinftig, a. rational, reasonable, sensible. verodcn, v.i. become waste. v.t. lay waste. veroffentlichen, v.t. publish; advertise. Veroffentlichung, /. publication; announce- ment; advertisement. verordnen, v.t. order, prescribe, decree; ap- point. Verordnung, /. order, enactment, appointment; (Med.) prescription. vcrpacken, v.t. pack, pack up. Verpackflasche, /. packing bottle (ordinary round bottle, with or without glass stopper). Verpackung, /. packing; bagging, casking, etc.; casing, lining. verpassen, v.t. lose, miss. verpesten, v.t. infect, poison, taint. verpfanden, v.t. pawn, pledge, mortgage. verpflanzen, v.t. transplant; transmit. verpflegen 279 verschmelzen yerpflegen, v.t. take care of, nurse, tend. verpflichten, v.t. oblige; bind. Verpflichtung, /. obligation, duty. verpfuschen, v.t. bungle, botch. verpichen, v.t. pitch. verplatinieren, v.t. platinize. Verplatinierung, /. platinization. verponen, v.t. forbid. verpuffen, v.i. puff off, deflagrate; explode, de- tonate. Verpuffung, /. deflagration; explosion, detona- tion. Verpuffungsapparat, m. explosion apparatus. Verpuffungsprobe, /. deflagration test. Verpuffungsrohre, /. explosion tube. verputzen, v.t. plaster. verquicken, v.t. quicken, amalgamate. verrammeln, v.t. barricade. Verrat, m. treason, treachery. verraten, v.t. betray. verrauchen, v.i. evaporate. verrechnen, v.t. reckon. v.r. be mistaken, mis- calculate. verreiben, v.t. grind fine, triturate; spread by rubbing. verrenken, v.t. sprain, dislocate. verrichten, v.t. do, perform, execute. Verrichtung, /. performance, execution; busi- ness, affair, function. verringern, v.t. diminish, lessen, reduce. verrinnen, v.i. run off; (of time) pass. verrosten, v.i. rust. verrostet, p.a. rusted, rusty. verrotten, v.i. rot. verrottet, p.a. rotten. Terrucht, p.a. infamous, nefarious. verriicken, v.t. displace, disturb, derange. verriickt, p.a. deranged, insane, crazy. Verruf, m. discredit, disgrace. verrufen, v.t. cry down, decry. Vers., abbrev. (Versuch) experiment, test, effort. versagen, v.t. deny, refuse; promise. v.i. fail to work, miss. versalzen, v.t. oversalt; mar. versammcln, v.t. & r. assemble. Versammlung, /. assembly, meeting, conven- tion, congress. Versand, m. shipping, exportation. Versandbier, n. export beer. Versatz, m. mixing, etc. (see versetzen); (Ceram.) batch; (Leather) layer (also, lay- away); (Mining) gobbing. versauern, v.i. turn sour. versauern, v.t. acidify, make sour. versaumen, v.t. miss, fail, neglect. verschaffen, v.t. procure, supply, secure. verschamt, p.a. ashamed, modest. verscharfen, v.t. sharpen, intensify. verschaumen, v.i. cease foaming. vcrscheiden, v.i. expire, die. verschenken, v.t. give away; retail. verocherzen, v.t. trifle away, fling away. verscheuchen, v.t. scare away. verschiebbar, a. displaceable; movable, sliding. verschieben, v.t. displace; shift, remove; post- pone. Verschiebung, /. displacement, etc. (see ver- schieben); (Geol.) dislocation, slip. verschieden, a. different, differing, various; deceased. verschiedenfarbig, a. of different colors, vari- colored. Verschiedenheit, /. difference, variety, diver- sity. verschiessen, v.i. fade, discolor; shoot away. v.t. shoot off, discharge; shade off (colors). verschimmeln, v.i. mold, grow moldy. ver- schimmelt, p.a. moldy. verschlacken, v.t. scorify. v.i. be reduced to scoria, slag. Verschlackung, /. scorification. Verschlackungsprobe, /. scorification assay. verschlafen, v.t. sleep away, sleep off, oversleep. p.o. sleepy. Verschlag, m. partition; compartment. verschlagen, v.i. warm a little, grow lukewarm; matter, make a difference. v.t. take the chill off; board up, close up; partition; lose or spoil by striking; recoin; drive away. p.a. slightly warmed, tepid; cunning, wily. verschlechtern, v.r. deteriorate, spoil. v.t. make worse, impair, debase. verschleiern, v.t. veil. verschleiert, p.a. (of beer, etc.) hazy, slightly cloudy. verschleimen, v.t. choke up with mucus or slime, foul. Verschleiss, m. sale, retail. verschleppen, v.t. misplace, carry off; protract. verschleudern, v.t. squander, sell very cheap. verschliessbar, a. capable of being closed (or locked). verschliessen, v.t. close, stop; shut; lock; reserve. verschlimmern, v.t. make worse. verschlingen, v.t. twist, entangle, intertwine; devour, swallow. verschlossen, p.p. of verschliessen. verschlucken, v.t. absorb; swallow. Verse hi uss, m. closing, closure, stopping; fas- tening; shutting; locking; fastener, stopper, seal, lock, clasp, snap; trap (for water, etc.); (Photog.) shutter; (of dutiable goods) bond. Verschlusskolbchen, n. a small flask with a special fastening, pressure flask. Vcrschlussstuck, n. plug, stopper. verschmachten, v.i. languish, faint. verschmahen, v.t. scorn, disdain. verschmalern, v.t. narrow, diminish. verschmelzen, v.t. melt, smelt, fuse; melt to- gether; blend (colon). v.t. melt, melt away; blend, merge, coalesce. Verschmelzung 280 versteuert Verschmelzung, /. melting, smelting, fusion; blending, coalescence. verschmerzen, v.t. finish grieving over, get over. verschmieren, v.t. smear, daub, lute. verschmitzt, p.a. artful, subtle. verschneiden, v.t. clip, cut, prune; castrate; blend; adulterate. Verschnitt, m. cuttings, chips. Vcrschnittwein, m. adulterated wine. verschoben, p.p. of verschieben. verschollen, p.a. missing, lost. verschonen, v.t. spare, excuse. verschdnern, v.t. beautify. verschossen, p.p. of verschiessen, verschranken, v.t. cross, interlace. verschrauben, v.t. screw up; screw wrong. verschroben, p.a. distorted, tangled; eccen- tric, queer. verschreiben, v.t. prescribe; order; transfer in writing; miswrite; use up (paper) in writing. Verschreibung, /. prescription; order; assign- ment, note, bond. verschreien, v.t. decry. verschroben, p.a. see verschrauben. verschrumpfen, v.i. shrink, contract. verschuldet, p.a. indebted, in debt; merited. verschiitten, v.t. spill, shed; fill up, choke, bury. verschweigen, v.t. keep secret, suppress. verschwelen, v.t. & i. schwelen. verschwellen, v.i. swell, swell up, swell shu verschwenden, v.t. waste, squander. verschwiegen, p.a. reserved, discreet. verschwimmen, v.i. (of colors) blend; dissolve, vanish. verschwommen, p.a. indistinct, in- definite. verschwinden, v.i. disappear, vanish. verschwommen p.a. See verschwimmen. Verschworung, /. conspiracy. versehen, v.t. provide, supply, furnish; per- form, conduct, attend to; be mistaken in. v.r. be aware, expect; provide oneself; make a mistake, be in error. p.a. provided, fur- nished, supplied. Versehen, n. oversight, error. verseifbar, a. saponifiable. verseifen, v.t. saponify. Verseifung, /. saponification. Verseifungsfass, n. saponifying tun. Verseifungszahl, /. saponification number or value. versenden, v.t. send, transmit, forward, export. Versender, m. sender, shipper, consigner, ex- porter. versengen, v.t. singe, scorch. versenken, v.t. sink, submerge. versetzbar, a. capable of being mixed, treated, etc. (see versetzen). versetzen, v.t. mix, treat, compound (versetzen A mit B, add B to A) ; alloy (metals) ; handle (hides) ; stop, tamp, obstruct; displace, trans- pose, transplant; misplace; pledge, mort- gage. v.r. change course; be stopped up. Verse tzung, /. mixing, etc. (see versetzen); (Med.) retention; (Math.) permutation; alli- gation. versichern, v.t. insure; assure, assert. V.T. make sure (of). Versicherung, /. insurance; assurance, affirma- tion. Versicherungsschein, m. insurance policy; bond. versiegen, t.t. dry up, be exhausted. versilbern, v.t. silver, silver-plate. Versilberung, /. silvering, silver plating. Versilberungsbad, n. silver bath. versinken, v.i. sink. versinnbilden, -bildlichen, v.i. symbolize, rep- resent. versohnen, v.t. reconcile, appease. versorgen, v.t. provide for, provide, supply. Versorgung, /. provision, maintenance, supply ; situation. verspaten, v.t. retard, delay. v.r. be late. versperren, v.t. obstruct, block. verspielen, v.t. gamble, gamble away. versprechen, v.t. promise. v.r. make a slip; be engaged. verspritzen, v.t. spurt, squirt, spill. verspuren, v.t. perceive, feel. verstahlen, v.t. convert into steel; coat or edge with steel, steel. Verstand, m. understanding, intelligence, sense. verstandig, a. intelligent, reasonable, sensible. verstandigen, v.t. inform. v.r. agree, arrange. verstandlich, a. intelligible. Verstandnis, n. comprehension, intelligence. verstarken, v.t. strengthen, increase, reinforce, fortify, concentrate. v Verstarkung, /. strengthening, etc. (see ver- starken). verstatten, v.t. permit, allow. verstauben, v.t. convert into dust; scatter as dust, atomize. verstauchen, v.t. sprain, strain. verstechen, v.t. blend; adulterate. verstecken, v.l. hide, conceal. v.r. hide, lurk. versteckt, p.a. hidden; insincere. verstehen, v.t. understand; mean. v.r. agree, consent; be good or skilled (at); have an understanding; be understood. versteigern, v.t. sell at auction. versteinern, v.t. petrify. Versteinerung, /. petrifaction. Versteinung, /. (Metal.) devitrification. verstellbar, a. movable, adjustable. verstellen, v.t. shift, move; transpose; mis- place; obstruct; disguise. v.r. dissemble. verstellt, p.a. feigned, fictitious. versteuern, v.t. pay duty on. versteuert, p.a. duty-paid. verstimmt 281 verwandelbar verstimmt, p. a. out of tune; out of humor. verstocken, v.t. harden. v.i. mold, rot; grow stubborn. verstohlen, a. stealthy, furtive. verstopfen, v.t. stop, stop up, choke, clog, ob- struct; (Med.) constipate. Verstopfung, /. stopping up, clogging, obstruc- tion; (Med.) constipation. verstorben, p.a. deceased, late. verstoren, v.t. disturb, confuse, trouble. verstossen, v.t. cast off, repel, reject. v.i. blunder, offend. verstreichen, v.t. fill up, stop up, spread over. v.i. elapse, expire. verstreuen, v.t. disperse, scatter. verstricken, v.t. entangle. verstiimmeln, v.t. mutilate, maim. verstummen, v.i. become dumb. Versuch, m. experiment; assay, trial, test; attempt, effort. versuchen, v.t. try, test; taste, sample (liquors, etc.); attempt. v.i. experiment. Versuchsanordnung, /. mode of (experimental) procedure. Versuchsdauer, /. duration of experiment, time of experimentation. Versuchsfehler, m. experimental error. Versuchsfeld, n. field for experiment. Versuchslaboratorium, n. experimental labora- tory. Versuchsmaterial, n. experimental material, experimental results. Versuchsmethode, /. experimental method; tentative method. Versuchsreihe, Versuchsserie, /. series of ex- periments. Versuchsstab, m. test rod or bar. Versuchsstation, Versuchsstelle, /. experiment station. Versuchung, /. experimenting, experiment; temptation. vorsUssen, v.t. sweeten; purify by washing, edulcorate; oversweeten. versiisster Sal- petergeist, (Pharm.) sweet spirit of niter, spirit of nitrous ether. vertagen, v.t. adjourn. vertauschen, v.t. exchange, change. V ertauschung, /. exchange, interchange. verteidigen, v.t. defend, maintain. Verteidigung, /. protection; defense, advocacy. verteilen, v.t. distribute; divide; disperse; dis- seminate, diffuse, spread; dispense, appor- tion, assign. Verteiler, m. distributor. Verteilung, /. distribution, etc. (see verteilen) ; division. Verteilungsgesetz, n. law of distribution. Verteilungsmittel, n. distributing agent. Verteilungsrohr, n. distributing tube or pipe; (of a blast furnace) blast main. Verteilungssatz, m. principle of distribution, distribution law. verteuern, v.t. raise in price. Vertheil-. See Verteil-. vertiefen, v.t. deepen. v.r. be deeply engaged. Vertiefung, /. deepening; depression, cavity, recess, indentation. Vertikalachse, /. vertical axis. vertilgen, v.t. extirpate, eradicate. Vertrag, m. contract, agreement, bargain, treaty. vertragen, v.t. bear, endure, tolerate. v.r. be compatible, be consistent, agree, harmonize. vertraglich, a. compatible, consistent, amicable. Vertraglichkeit, /. compatibility, peaceableness. vertrauen, v.t. & i. trust, confide. vertraut, p.a. intimate, conversant. vertraulich, a. confidential, intimate. vertreiben, v.t. drive away, dispel; sell; soften (colors). vertretbar, a. replaceable; capable of being attended to, or represented, by deputy. Vertretbarkeit, /. replaceability, etc. (see ver- tretbar). vertreten, v.t. replace, take the place of; rep- resent; stretch, strain; obstruct. Vertreter, m. representative; substitute, dep- uty; intercessor. Vertrieb, m. sale, market. vertrocknen, v.i. dry up, wither. Vertrocknung, /. drying up, desiccation. vertrosten, v.t. put off. vertun, v.t. waste, lavish. veriibeln, v.t. take amiss. veriiben, v.t. commit, perpetrate. verunglimpfen, v.t. discredit, disparage. verungliicken, v.i. come to grief. verunreinigen, v.t. soil, vitiate, pollute, con- taminate. Verunreinigung, /. impurity; contamination, pollution. verunstalten, v.t. deform, disfigure. verunzieren, v.t. deface, disfigure. verursachen, v.t. cause, produce. verurteilen, v.t. condemn, sentence. vervielfachen, vervielfaltigen, v.t. multiply. vervierfachen, v.t. quadruple. vervollkommnen, v.t. perfect, improve. vervollstandigen, v.t. complete. Vervollstandigung, /. completion. verwachsen, v.i. grow together, coalesce; grow crooked; be overgrown. v.t. outgrow. p.a. grown together, intergrown; deformed. verwahren, v.t. keep, guard, preserve. verwahrlosen, v.t. neglect, slight. Verwahrung, /. keeping, preservation; protest. verwaist, p.a. orphan; destitute. verwalten, v.t. manage, administer. Verwaltung, /. administration; management. verwandelbar, a. transformable, convertible. Verwandelbarkeit 282 Viehfutter Verwandelbarkeit, /. transfer-inability, conver- tibility. verwandeln, v.t. transform, convert, turn, change; metamorphose. Verwandlung, /. transformation, etc. (see ver- wandeln). verwandt, p. a. related; allied, cognate; analo- gous. Verwandte, TO. & /. relative, relation. Verwandtschaft, /. affinity; relationship; kin- dred; congeniality. Verwandtschaftslehre, /. doctrine of affinity. verwaschen, v.t. wash, wash out. p. a. washed out, faded. verwassern, v.l. water, dilute, weaken. verwechseln, v.t. exchange; mix up, confound. verwegen, a. daring, rash, forward. verwehen, v.t. blow away. v.i. blow over. verwehren, v.t. prevent, forbid, refuse. verweichlicht, p.a. effeminate. verweigern, v.t. refuse, decline. verweilen, v.i. stay, tarry. verweisen, v.t. refer; expel, banish; rebuke. Verweisung, /. reference; banishment; reproof. verwelken, v.i. fade, wither. verwcndbar, a. available, applicable. verwenden, v.t. employ, apply, use; invest; turn away. v.r. intercede. Verwendung, /. application, use; appropria- tion; intercession. verwerfen, v.t. reject, repudiate; abandon; misplace, (Mining) dislocate. v.r. -warp; misthrow. Verwerfung, /. rejection; (Mining) dislocation, throw, slip, fault. verwertbar, a. utilizable. verwerten, v.t. utilize, turn to account. verwesen, v.i. rot, decay, putrefy. v.t. admin- ister, manage. Verwesung, /. decay, (slow) decomposition; administration. Verwesungsprozess, m. process of decay or decomposition. verwichen, p.a. past, former. verw ickcln, v.t. complicate, involve, entangle. verwickelt, p.a. complicated, involved. Verwickelung, /. complication; complexity; plot. verwiegen, v.t. weigh, weigh out. v.r. weigh wrong. verwinden, v.t. get over, recover from. verwirklichen, v.t. realize. verwirren, v.t. tangle; perplex, embarrass. verworren, verwirrt, p.a. complicated, com- plex; confused; puzzled, distracted. verwischen, v.t. blot out, efface. verwittern, r.i. effloresce; (Geol, etc.) weather. verwitterter Kalk, air-slaked lime. Verwitterung, /. efflorescence; weathering. vcrwohnen, v.t. spoil, pamper. verworfen, p.p. of verwerfen. verworren, p.a. See verwirren. verwunden, v.t. wound. verwundern, v.t. astonish, surprise. v.r. won- der. verwiinscht, p.a. bewitched; cursed, damned. verzagen, v.i. despond, despair. verzahlen, v.t. miscount. verzahnen, v.t. tooth, cog, indent. verzapfen, v.t. join, mortise; retail (liquors). verzehren, v.t. consume; spend. verzeichnen, v.t. note down, record, catalog, specify; misdraw. Verzeichnis, n. list, register, index, catalog, inventory, invoice. verzeihen, v.t. pardon, excuse. verzerren, v.t. distort. Verzicht, m. renunciation. verziehen, v.t. distort; pardon. v.r. warp; withdraw, disappear. v.i. stay; move. verzieren, v.t. decorate, ornament, illustrate (books). Verzierung, /. decoration, ornamentation. verzinken, v.t. coat with zinc, galvanize, zinc. Verzinken, n., Verzinkung, /. zincking, galvan- izing. verzinnen, v.t. tin. verzinntes Eisenblech, tin plate. Verzinnen, n., Verzinnung, /. tinning. verzinsen, v.t. pay interest on. v.r. yield in- terest, pay. verzogen, p.p. of verziehen, Verzogerer, TO. retarder, retarding agent. verzogern, v.t. retard; delay, postpone. Verzogerung, /. retardation ; delay, postpone- ment. verzollen, v.t. pay duty on. verzollt, p.a. duty paid. verzuckern, v.t. saccharify; sugar, candy. Verzuckerung, /. saccharification; sugaring, candying. verzuckt, p.a. enraptured. Yerzuckung, /. convulsion. Verzug, TO. delay. verzwcifeln, v.i. despair. verzweigen, v.t. branch, ramify. Verzweigung, /. ramification. verzwillingt, p.a. twinned. , Vetter, TO. cousin. f vcxieren, v.t. vex, puzzle. Vf., abbrev. (Verfasser) author. Vff., abbrev. (Verfasser) authors. V-formig, a. V-shaped. vgl., abbrev. (vergleiche) compare, see, cf. v.H., abbrev. (vom Hundert) per cent. vibricren, r.i. vibrate. Vidalschwarz, n. Vidal black. Vieh, n. cattle; beast, brute. Viehdiinger, TO. stable manure. Viehfutter, n. fodder, forage. Viehsalz 283 vollendet Viehsalz, n. cattle salt, rock salt. viel, a. much; (pi.) many. adv. much. viel-. much, many, multi-, poly-. vieldeutig, a. ambiguous. Vieleck, n. polygon. vieleckig, a. polygonal, multangular. vielerlei, a. various, multifarious. vielfach, a. manifold, various. Vielfache, n. multiple. vielfaltig, a. manifold, various. Vielfaltigkeit, /. multiplicity, variety. vielfarbig, a. many-colored, variegated, poly- chromatic. Vielflach, n. polyhedron. vielflachig, a. polyhedral. vielf ormig, a. multiform, polymorphous. vielgliederig, a. (Math.) polynomial. vielleicht, adv. perhaps, possibly. vielmehr, adv. much more, more. eonj. rather. vielsagend, p. a. expressive, significant. vielsaurig, a. polyacid; polybasic. Yielseit, n. polyhedron. vielseitig, a. many-sided; (Geom.) polyhedral. vielteilig, a. of many parts; (Math.) polynomial. vielwertig, a. multivalent, polyvalent. vielzellig, a. multicellular. vier, a. four. vieratomig, a. tetratomic. vierbasisch, a. tetrabasic. vierdrittel, a. designating a salt which contains four units of base to three of acid; as, vier- drittel kohlensaures Natrium, Na2C() 3 . 2NaHCO 3 .3H20 (trona). Viereck, n. quadrangle. viereckig, a. four-cornered, quadrangular (spe- cif., square). vierfach, vierfaltig, a. fourfold, quadruple, quadruplex; quaternary. vierfach-. (in old names) tetra-, quadri-. vierfach-Chlorkohlenstoff, carbon tetrachlo- ride. Vierflach, n., Vierflachner, m. tetrahedron. vierflachig, a. four-faced, tetrahedral. Vierfuss, m. four-footed stand. viergliedrig, a. four-membered; (Cryst.) tetrag- onal; (Math.) quadrinomial. vierjahrig, a. quadrennial. vierkantig, a. = viereckig. viersaui ig, a. tetracid. Vierseit, n. quadrilateral. vierseitig, a. four-sided, quadrilateral (specif., square). Viertakt, TO. (Mach.) four-stroke cycle. Viertaktmotor, m. four-stroke (or four-cycle) motor or engine. vierte, a. fourth. vierteilen, v.t. quarter. Viertel, n. fourth, quarter. Viertelstunde, /. quarter of an hour. Vierundzwaitzigflachner, m. icositetrahedron. vierwandig, a. four-walled. Vierweghahn, m. four-way cock. vierwertig, a. quadrivalent, tetravalent. Vierwertigkeit, /. quadrivalence, tetravalence. vierzahlig, a. fourfold. vierzehn, a. fourteen. vierzig, a. forty. Vinylcyantir, n. vinyl cyanide. Violettschwarz, n. violet black. violettstichig, a. violet-tinged. virginisch, a. Virginian. virtuell, a. virtual. Visetholz, n. fustet, young fustic. Visier, n. sight (of a gun, etc.); visor. visieren, v.t. gage; aim; vise. Visitenkarte, /. visiting card. visitieren, v.t. visit; search. viskos, a. viscous. Viskositat,/. viscosity.^ vitriolartig, a. vitriolic, like vitriol. Vitriolbleierz, n., Vitriolbleispat, m. anglesite. Vitriolflasche, /. carboy. vitriolhaltig, a. containing vitriol, vitriolic. Vitriolkies, m. marcasite. Vitriolbl, n. oil of vitriol (sulfuric acid). Vitriolsaure,/. vitriolic acid (sulfuric acid). Vitsbohne,/. kidney bean. v.J., abbrev. (vorigen Jahres) of last year; (vom Jahre) of the year. Vlies, Vliess, n. fleece. v.M., abbrev. (vorigen Monats) last month. Vogel, m. bird. Vogelamber, m. spermaceti. Vogelbauer, m. & n. bird cage. Yogelbeerbaum, m. mountain ash, service tree. Vogelbeere, /. berry of the mountain ash, ser- vice berry. Vogelei, n. bird's egg. Vogelkirsche, /. bird cherry. Vogelkunde, /. ornithology. Vogelleim, m. birdlime. Vogelmist, m. bird dung. Vogelperspektive, /. bird's-eye (view). Vogelscheuche, /. scarecrow; fright. Vogt, m. magistrate (of various kinds, as bailiff, judge, governor, etc.) ; steward. Vokal, m. vowel. Volk, n. people; nation; forces, men; flock, herd. Volks-. popular, people's, public, national. volkstiimlich, a. popular, national. Volkswirtschaft, /. political economy. voll.a. full; solid; (of leather) compact, plump; whole, entire, complete; gross (price). vollauf, adv. in abundance, plenty. vollbliitig, a. plethoric. vollbringen, v.t. accomplish, execute, achieve. Volldruck, m. full pressure. vollenden, v.t. finish, terminate, complete, per- fect. vollendet, p. a. accomplished, perfect. Tollends 284 vorderste vollends, adv. wholly, altogether; besides. Vollgehalt, TO. full value. vollhaltig, a. of full value, standard. Vollheit, /. fulness. vollig, a. full, entire, complete, total. adv. fully, completely. volljahrig, a. of age. vollkommen, a. complete, entire, perfect. Vollkraft, /. vigor, energy. Vollmacht, /. full power, power of attorney. Vollmilch, /. whole milk. vollmundig, a. (of beer, etc.) full, having good body. Vollmundigkeit, /. (of liquors) body, palate fulness. Vollpipette, /. a pipette delivering a single defi- nite amount, without a graduated scale. Cf . Messpipette. vollstandig, a< complete; entire, total. adv. completely, fully. vollstrecken, v.t. execute, carry out. vollwichtig, a. of full weight; weighty. vollzahlig, a. complete. vollziehen, v.t. execute, consummate, put into effect. Vollziehung, /. execution, consummation. voltaisch, a. voltaic. voltigieren, v.i. vault. Volum, n. volume. Volumanderung, /. change of volume, altera- tion in volume. Volumeinheit, /. unit of volume. Volumen, n. volume. volumetrisch, a. volumetric. Volumgesetz, n. law of volumes. Yolumgewicht, n. volume weight, weight of unit volume. Volumina, n.pl. volumes. voluminos, a. voluminous. Volummesser, m. volumeter. Volumprozent, n. per cent by volume. Volumteil, m. part by volume. Volumvergrosserung, /. increase in volume. Volumverhaltnis, n. volume relation; propor- tion by volume. Volumvermehrung, /. increase in volume. Volumzunahme, /., Volumzuwachs, TO. increase in volume. vomieren, v.i. vomit. von, prep, from, of, about, by, on, (in titles) von. vonnoten, adv. in need, necessary. vor, prep, before; for, from, of. adv. forward, on; before, formerly. vor einem Jahre, a year ago. Vor-. fore-, pre-, pro-, preliminary, previous, prior. Vorabend, TO. eve. Vorahnung, /. presentiment. voran, adv. before, on. voranschicken, v.i. premise, observe before- hand; sead before. Voranschlag, m. estimate. Voranzeige, /. preliminary notice; previous announcement. Vorarbeit, /. preliminary work, preparation. vorauf, adv. before, on. voraus, adv. beforehand, in advance. vorausbezahlen, v.t. pay in advance, prepay. voraushaben, v.t. have the better of. vorausnehmen, v.t. anticipate. voraussagen, v.t. predict, foretell. vorausschicken, v.t. = voranschicken. voraussehen, v.t. foresee, anticipate. voraussetzen, v.t. suppose, presuppose, assume. Vorausselzung, /. hypothesis, assumption, sup- position. Voraussicht, /. foresight, forethought. voraussichtlich, a. probable, prospective. adv. presumably, most probably. vorbauen, v.i. guard against, prevent. Vorbauung, /. prevention, (Med.) prophylaxis. Vorbauungsmittel, n. prophylactic. Vorbearbeitung, /. preliminary working or treatment. Vorbedacht, TO. forethqught. Vorbedingung, /. preliminary condition. Vorbehalt, m. reservation, proviso. Vorbehandl ung, /. preliminary (or previous) treatment. vorbei, adv. by, past, over, gone, done. vorbeizen, v.t. (Dyeing) mordant previously. Vorbelichtung, /. preliminary illumination, pre- liminary exposure. Vorbemerkung, /. preliminary remark. vorbereiten, v.t. & r. prepare. vorbereitend, p.a. preparatory. Vorbereitung, /. preparation. Vorbericht, TO. preface, introduction". Vorbesprechung, /. previous discussion, prelim- inary discussion. vorbeugend, p.a. preventive, precautionary, prophylactic. Vorbeugung, /. = Vorbauung. Vorbeugungsmittel, n. preservative; (Med.) prophylactic. Vorbild, n. pattern, model; prototype, type. vorbilden, v.t. represent, typify; prepare, school. vorbinden, v.t. tie on, put on. vorbringen, v.t. bring forward, produce, utter, adduce. vordem, adv. formerly. vordere, a. fore, front, anterior. Vorderflnger, m. forefinger. Vorderglied, n. antecedent; front rank. Vordergrund, TO. foreground. vorderhand, adv. for the present, provisionally. Vorderherd, TO. forehearth. Vorderseilc. f. front side, front, obverse, face. vorderste, a. foremost. Vorderwand 285 Vornierengang Vorderwand, /. front wall, front, (of a blast furnace) breast. Vorderwurze, /. first wort. vordriingen, v.t. & r. press forward, push for- ward. Vordmck, TO. first impression, proof; (Calico) first or bottom printing. vordrucken, v.t. prefix. voreilen, v.i. hasten, anticipate. Voreilen, n., Voreilung,/. (Mack.) lead. Yoreilungswinkel, m. angle of lead. voreingenommen, p.a. prepossessed, prejudiced. Voreltern, pi. ancestors. vorenthalten, v.t. withhold. vorerst, adv. first of all; for the present. vorerwahnt, p.a. aforementioned. Vorfahr, m. predecessor, ancestor. Vorfall, m. occurrence, event; (Med.) prolapse. vorfallen, v.i. happen, occur; prolapse. Vorfarbung, /. preliminary dyeing or staining; specif., (Dyeing) grounding, bottoming. Vorfechter, m. champion. vorlinden, v.t. come upon, find. v.r. be found, be forthcoming. vorfiihren, v.t. bring out, produce. Vorgang, m. process; (chemical) reaction; pro- ceeding, procedure; occurrence, event; trans- action; priority, precedence; precedent, ex- ample; (Distilling) first runnings. Vorganger, m. predecessor. vorgeben, v.t. pretend; suggest; give (odds). Vorgebirge, n. headland, promontory; foothill. vorgeblich, a. pretended, would-be, so-called. vorgefasst, p.a. preconceived. vorgehen, v.i. go before, precede; proceed; go on, happen; (of a watch) be fast. Vorgelege, n. connecting gearing. vorgeschichtlich, a. prehistoric. Vorgesetzte, m. superior, head. vorgestern, adv. day before yesterday. Vorgliihen, n. preliminary heating; (Metal.) annealing. Vorgliihofen, m. annealing oven or furnace; (Ceram.) biscuit kiln. vorgreifen, v.t. anticipate. vorhaben, v.t. intend, purpose; be engaged in; have on, wear; reprimand. Vorhalle, /. vestibule, lobby; antechamber. vorhaltcn, v.t. hold before; reproach, v.i. hold out, last. vorhanden, adv. & a. at hand, on hand, ready, present, existing. Vorhandensein, n. presence, existence. Yorhang, TO. curtain, drop. Yorhaupt, n. forehead. Vorhaut, /. prepuce, foreskin. vorher, adv. previously, before. vorherbedenken, v.t. premeditate. vorherbestimmen, v.t. predetermine, predestine. Yorherd, m. forehearth. vorhergehen, v.i. go before, precede. vorherig, a. previous, preceding. vorherrschen, v.i. predominate, prevail. vorhersagen, v.t. predict, prophesy. vorhin, adv. before, heretofore, lately. Vorhof, m. outer court, porch, vestibule. Vorhut, /. vanguard, van. vorig, a. former, preceding, last. Vorkehr, Yorkehrung, /. precaution, provision. Vorkenntnis, n. preliminary knowledge; (pi.) rudiments, elements. vorkommen, v.i. occur, be found; happen; ap- pear, seem; be admitted, be presented, come up; come sooner. Vorkommen, n. occurrence, etc. (see vorkom- men) ; presence, existence. Vorkost, /. provisions. vorkiipen, v.t. bottom with a vat dye. vorladen, v.t. summon. Vorlage, /. receiver; (Zinc) condenser; matter, proposal, bill; copy; pattern. Vorlass, m. = Vorlauf . vorlassen, v.t. admit, give access to, give prece- dence to. Vorlauf, m. first runnings; specif., (Whisky) foreshot, (Coal Tar) first light oil. Vorlaufer, m. forerunner, precursor, sign, indi- cation; (mountain) spur. vorlaufig, a. preliminary, previous, provisional. adv. previously, meantime, for the present. vorlaut, a. noisy; forward. vorlegen, v.t. put on, apply; lay before, place before, submit, propose; display, exhibit. vorlesen, v.t. read aloud, recite, deliver. Vorlesung, /. lecture; reading, recitation. Vorlesungstisch, m. lecture table. vorletzt, a. next to last. Vorliebe, /. preference, fondness. vorm., abbrev. (vormals) formerly. Vormaischapparat, m. foremashing apparatus. Vormaischen, n. (Bretving) foremashing (soak- ing of the grist before mashing). Vormaischer, TO. foremasher, external mash machine. vormals, adv. formerly. Vormann, TO. foreman. Vormilch, /. colostrum, foremilk. Vormittag, TO. forenoon, morning. Vormund, TO. guardian, trustee. vprn, vorne, adv. in front, before. von vorn, from before; from the beginning. von vorn herein, at first, to begin with. Vorname, m. first name, given name. vornehm, a. noble, aristocratic; distinguished. vornehmste, a. chief, foremost. vornehmen, v.t. take, take up, undertake; in- tend. vornehmlich, adv. chiefly, especially. Vorniere, /. head kidney, pronephros. Vornierengang, m. Wolffian duct. Vorplatz 286 voruber Vorplatz, m. esplanade; vestibule. Vorposten, m. outpost. Vorprobe, /. preliminary test. Vorpriifung,/. previous or preliminary examina- tion. Vorpumpe, /. (Brewing) circulator, wort pump. vorragen, v.i. stand out, be prominent. vorra- gend, p.o. prominent, outstanding. Vorrang, m. precedence, superiority. Vorrat, m. stock, store, supply. Vorratflasche, /. stock bottle. Vorratgefass, n. stock vessel, reservoir. vorratig, a. in stock, on hand. Vorratlosung, /. stock solution. Vorratseiweiss, n. supply protein, circulating protein. Vorratsflasche, /. stock bottle. Vorratsgefass, n. supply vessel, reservoir. Vorrecht, n. privilege. Vorrede, /. preface; preamble. Vorredner, m. last speaker. vorreiben, v.t. grind beforehand. vorrichten, v.t. prepare. Vorrichtung, /. contrivance, device, appliance, apparatus, arrangement; preparation, dress- ing. vorrucken, v.i. advance, progress. v.t. advance; reproach. Vorsatz, m. something put before, or in front (e.g., screen); design, intention. vorsatzlich, a. intentional. vorschalten, v.t. (Elcc.) introduce (into a cir- cuit), cut in, connect. Vorschaltwiderstand, m. (Elec.) (rheostatic) resistance. Vorschein, m. appearance. vorschieben, v.t. push forward, advance. vorschiessen, t.i. shoot forward. v.t. circulate (wort, etc.); advance (money). Vorschlag, m. proposal, proposition; (Metal.) fusion, flux; blank space on the first page of a book. vorschlagen, v.t. propose, suggest, move; over- charge; put on before, prefix. Vorschmack, m. foretaste. vorschmecken, v.i. (of a flavor) predominate. vorschncll, a. hasty, rash. vorschreiben, v.t. prescribe, dictate, direct. Vorschrlft, /. prescription; recipe; directions, instructions; order, command; precept; copy. vorschriftsmassig, adv. as prescribed, as directed. Vorschub, m. assistance, furtherance; (Mech.) feed. Vorschuh, m. upper leather, vamp. Vorschule,/. preparatory school; primer. Vorschuss, m. advance (of money). Torschiitzen, v.t. pretend, allege. vorschweben, v.i. float; be in one's mind. vorsehen, v.t. foresee; provide for. v.r. _take care; provide. Vorsehung, /. providence. Vorsetzblatt, n. fly-leaf. vorsetzen, v.t. set before, put before, prefix; propose (to oneself). Vorsetzer, m. something put in front, specif., fire screen. Vorsicht, /. foresight, caution, prudence; prov- idence. vorsichtig, a. cautious, careful, prudent, provi- dent. Vorsichtsmassregel, /. precaution, precaution- ary measure. Vorsieden, n. preliminary boiling. Vorsilbe, /. prefixed syllable, prefix. Vorsitz, TO. presidency, chair. Vorsitzend, Vorsitzender, m. chairman, presi- dent. Vorsorge, /. precaution, care, forethought. vorspiegeln, v.t. exhibit in a false light, pretend. Vorspiel, n. prelude. vorspringen, v.i. project; leap out. vorspring- end, p.a. projecting, prominent, (of colors) glaring. Vorsprung, m. projection, prominence; advan- tage. Vorstadt, /. suburb. Vorstand, m. directory, executive committee; director, head. vorstecken, v.t. put, stick or fasten before; prefix; mark out, propose. vorstehen, v.i. stand before, precede; stand out, be prominent; direct, preside (over). Vorsteher, m. director, manager, superinten- dent, etc. Vorsteherdriise, /. prostate gland, prostate. vorstellen, v.t. represent; imagine; demon- strate; personate, play; introduce; put be- fore, put ahead. Vorstellung, /. conception, idea, notion; rep- resentation, performance; introduction; re- view (of troops); remonstrance. Vorstoss, m. adapter; lap (of a tile) ; edging. Vorstufe, /. first step; primer. Vorsud, TO. first boiling. Vorteil, m. advantage, profit, benefit; knack. vorteilhaft, a. advantageous, profitable, favor- able. Vortiegel, m. (Lead) outer basin, lead pot; (Tin) forehearth. Vortrag, m. discourse, lecture, address, recital; exposition; delivery, enunciation; (Com.) balance. vortrefflich, a. excellent, superior, prime. vortreten, v.i. step forward, stand out. Vortritt, m. precedence. vortrocknen, v.t. dry beforehand, pre-dry. voruber, adv. past, gone over, done. vorubergehen 287 VZ. voriibergehen, v.i. pass, pass by, pass away. voriibergehend, p. a. temporary, transient. Voruntersuchung, /. preliminary investigation. Vorurteil, n. prejudice, bias. Vorwachs, n. bee glue, propolis. vorwalken, v.t. scour (cloth). vorwalten, v.i. prevail, predominate. vorwalzen, v.t. (Metal.) rough down (blooms). Vorwalzwerk, n. (Metal.) roughing rolls. Vorwand, m. pretext, pretense. Vorwarmapparat, TO. preheating apparatus, fore- warming apparatus. vorwarmen, v.t. heat (beforehand), preheat, (fore) warm, anneal. Vorwarmer, TO. (pre) heater, (fore) warmer. Vorwarmofen, TO. preheating oven, annealing oven (or furnace) . Vorwarmung, /. forewarming, preheating. Vorwarmzone, /. zone of preparatory heating. vorwarts, adv. forward, onward, on. Vorwasche, / preliminary washing. vorweg, adv. before, beforehand. vorwegnehmen, v.t. take beforehand, anticipate. Vorwein, TO. (Wine) first runnings. Vorwelt,/. prehistoric world; antiquity. vorwerfen, v.t. throw before; cast in one's teeth. vorwiegen, v.i. outweigh, preponderate. vor- wiegend, adv. preponderantly, predomi- nantly. Vorwissen, n. foreknowledge. vorwitzig, a. inquisitive, meddlesome. Vorwort, n. foreword, preface; preposition. Vorwurf, TO. subject, object; reproach, blame. Vorzeichen, n. indication, symptom, omen; (Math.) sign. vorzeigen, v.t. show, exhibit; present. Vorzeit, /. ancient times, past ages. vorzeitig, a. premature, untimely. vorziehbar, a. preferable. vorziehen, v.t. prefer; draw forth. Vorzug, TO. advantage, merit, virtue; prefer- ence; precedence, priority, superiority, priv- ilege. vorziiglich, a. preferable; excellent, superior, choice; distinguished. adv. preferably; chiefly, especially. vorzugsweise, adv. preferably, especially, pre- eminently. Vulkan, m. volcano; Vulcan. Vulkangas, n. volcanic gas. Vulkanglas, n. volcanic glass. vulkanisch, a. volcanic. vulkanisieren, v.t. vulcanize. Vulkanisierung, /. vulcanization. Vulkanol, n. mineral lubricating oil. VZ., abbrev. (Verseifungszahl) saponification number. w w., abbrev. warm. W M abbrev. (Wasser) water; (no period) symbol for Wolfram (tungsten). Waage,/. = Wage. Waare,/. = Ware. Wabe,/. honeycomb, wabenartig, a. honeycombed. wach, a. awake, waking. Wache, /. watch, watching; guard house. wachen, v.i. be awake, wake; watch. Wachmittel, n. antisoporific. Wacholder, TO. juniper. Wacholderbeere,/. juniper berry. Wacholderbranntwein, m. (Holland) gin. Wacholderol, n. jumper oil. brenzliches Wach- olderol, oil of cade. Wacholderspiritus, TO. (Pharm.) spirit of juniper. Wachs, n.' wax. Wachs-. wax, waxen; growing, sprouting. Wachsabdruck, TO. impression in wax. wachsahnlich, a. like wax, waxy. Wachsalaun, m. crystallized alum, wachsam, a. watchful, vigilant. Wachsart,/. (variety of) wax. wachsartig, a. waxy, wax-like. Wachsbaum, TO. wax myrtle, bayberry tree. Wachsbildnerei, /. modeling in wax. Wachsbleichen, n. wax bleaching. Wachsboden, TO. wax cake. Wachsbottich, m. (Alum) roching cask. Wachsdriise, /. ceruminous gland. wachsen, v.i. grow; increase; (Malting) sprout; (of lime) swell. gewachsen, p.a. grown, etc.; native; equal (to). wachsen, v.t. wax. wachsern, a. waxen, wax. Wachsfarbe, /. wax color. Wachsfirnis, TO. wax varnish. Wachsgagel, TO. & /. wax myrtle. wachsgelb, a. wax-yellow. Wachshandel, m. wax trade. Wachskerzchen, n. wax match. Wachskerze, /. wax candle. Wachskitt, TO. wax cement. Wachskuchen, TO. cake of wax. Wachsleinen, n., Wachsleinwand, /. = Wachs- tuch. Wachsmyrte, /. wax myrtle. Wachsol, n. wax oil. Wachsopal, TO. wax opal. Wachspalme, /. wax palm. Wachspapier, n. wax paper. Wachspflaster, n. cerate. Wachspraparat, n. preparation in wax. Wachssalbe, /. cerate; ointment. Wachsseife, /. wax soap. Wachsstock, TO. wax candle. wachst, pr. 3 sing, of wachsen. Wachstafel,/. tablet of wax. Wachstaffet, TO. oiled silk; waxed silk. Wachstuch, n. oilcloth; (formerly) cerecloth. Wachstum, n. growth. Wachsziindholz, n. wax match. Wacht, /. guard, watch. Wachtel,/. quail. Wachter, TO. watchman, guardian, male nurse. wackelig, a. shaky, rickety. wackeln, v.i. shake, totter, rock. wacker, a. stout, brave, good. Wade, /. calf (of the leg). Wadenbein, n. fibula. Waffe, /. weapon, (pi.) arms. Waffendienst, TO. military service. Waffenfabrik, /. arms factory. Waffenhaus, n. arsenal, armory. Waffenriistung, /. armor; arming; armament. waffnen, v.t. arm. wagbar, a. weighable, ponderable. Wagbarkeit, /. weighableness, ponderability. Wage, /. balance, scales; hydrometer; weigh- house; level (the instrument). Wagearm, TO. arm of a balance. Wagebalken, TO. beam of a balance, scale beam. Wagegehause, n. balance case. Wageglas, Wageglaschen, n. weighing glass. wagehalsig, a. bold, rash. wagen, v.t. venture, risk. Wagen, TO. vehicle, conveyance (carriage, wagon, cart, truck, car, etc.). wagen, v.t. weigh; poise, balance; ponder. Wagepipette, /. weighing pipette. Wager, TO. weigher. wagerecht, a. horizontal, level. Wagerohrchen, n. weighing tube. Wageschale, /. balance pan, scale pan. Wageschale, /. weighing dish. 288 Wageschiffchen 289 Wand Wageschiffchen, n. weighing boat. Waggon, TO. car, (railway) carriage. Wagner, TO. wheelwright. Wagnis, n. hazard, hazardous affair. wagrecht, a. = wagerecht. Wagschale,/. scale pan. Wagung,/. weighing. Wagzimmer, n. weighing room, balance room. Wahl, /. choice, selection; option; election. wahlbar, a. eligible. Wahlbarkeit,/. eligibility. wahlen, v.t. choose, select; elect. Wahler, TO. chooser; elector, voter. wahlerisch, a. particular, fastidious. Wahlrecht, n. suffrage, franchise. Wahlspruch, TO. motto, device. Wahlverwandtschaft, /. elective affinity; con- geniality. Wahn, m. illusion, delusion, error, fancy; folly. Wahnbild, n. phantom illusion. wahnen, v.i. fancy, imagine, suppose. Wahnsinn, TO. insanity; delirium, frenzy. wahnsinnig, a. insane, mad; frantic. wahr, a. true, real, genuine. adv. truly. wahren, v.t. keep, preserve; guard, look after. wahren, v.i. last, continue. wahr end, prep, during, for. conj. while; whereas. wahrhaft, a. true, genuine; truthful, sincere; sure; regular. wahrhaftig, a. true; truthful. adv. truly, verily, really. Wahrheit,/. truth; truthfulness; reality, fact. wahrlich, adv. surely, really, truly, verily. wahrnehmbar, a. perceptible. wahrnehmen, v.t. perceive, notice, observe; attend to, profit by. Wahrnehmung, /. perception; observation; attention. wahrsagen, v.t. & i. prophesy, divine, predict. wahrscheinlich, a. probable, likely; plausible. Wahrscheinlichkeit,/. probability; plausibility. Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, /. calculus of probabilities. Wahrspruch, m. verdict. Wahrung, /. support, vindication. With rung, /. standard, value, currency; dura- tion. Waid, TO. woad. Waise, /. orphan. Wai, m. whale. Wald, TO. wood, forest. Wald-. wood, forest, wild. Waldahorn, TO. sycamore. Walden'sche Umkehrung. Walden inversion. Waldgewachs, n. forest plant. Waldkirsche, /. wild cherry. Waldmalve, /. mallow (Malva sylvestris) . Waldmeister, TO. woodruff (Asperula odorata). Waldrebe, /. clematis. Waldung, /. woods, forest. Waldwolle, /. pine wool. Waldwollol, n. pine-needle oil. Walfisch, TO. whale. Walfischspeck, TO. whale blubber. Walfischtran, TO. whale oil, train oil. Walk-, fuller's, fulling; 5 ! felting, felted. Walke,/. fulling; fulling machine; fulling mill. walken, v.t. full (cloth); felt. Walker, TO. fuller. Walkerde, Walkererde, /. fuller's earth. Walkerdistel,/. fuller's teasel. Walkerton, TO. fuller's earth. Walkton, m. fuller's earth. Wall, w. rampart; dam, bank; coast. Wallach, TO. gelding; Wallachian. wallen, v.i. bubble, boil up, simmer; wave, heave. wallen, v.t. boil, simmer. Wallfahrt,/. pilgrimage. wallisisch, o. Welsh; Valaisan. Wallnuss,/. = Walnuss. Wallonenschmiede, /. Walloon process. Wallrat, Wallross. = Walrat, Walross. Wallstein, TO. dam (of a blast furnace). Wallsteinplatte, /. (Metal.) dam plate. Wall iing. /. boiling, ebullition; excitement; undulation. Walnuss, /. walnut. Walnussbaum, TO. walnut tree (Juglans species, esp. J. regia); (grauer) butternut tree (J. cinerea); (weisser) hickory (Hicoria sp.). Walnussol, n. walnut oil. Walrat, TO. spermaceti. Walratol, n, sperm oil. Walross, n. walrus. walten, v.i. dispose, manage, govern, rule. Waltran, TO. whale oil. Walzblech, n. rolled plate. Walzblei, n. sheet lead. Walze, /. roller, roll; cylinder, drum. Walzeisen, n. rolled iron, drawn iron; pin, axle. walzen, v.t. roll, mill. v.i. waltz. walzen, v.t. roll, turn (over). v.r. roll, revolve. walzende Reibung, rolling friction. Walzenapparat, TO. (Dyeing) rolling frame Walzendruck, TO. cylinder printing. walzenformig, a. cylindrical. Walzenglas, n. cylinder glass. Walzenkessel, TO. cylinder boiler, cylindrical boiler. Walzenstrecke, /. roll train. Walzer, TO. waltz. Walzwerk, n. rolls, roll train, rolling mill, blooming mill, crushing mill, etc. Walzzinn, n. rolled tin, sheet tin. Wamme,/. belly, paunch; dewlap, wand, pret. of winden. Wand,/, wall; partition, septum; (Tech.) side, cheek. Wandbewurf 290 Warte Wandbewurf, m. plastering. Wanddicke, /. thickness of wall (of a tube). Wan del, m. change, variation; conduct, life; trade, traffic. wandelbar, a. changeable, convertible, variable; perishable. Wandelbarkeit, /. changeableness, etc. (see wandelbar). wandellos, a. unalterable. wandeln, v.i. walk, travel, wander; trade. v.t. change, convert. v.r. change. Wandelstern, m. planet. Wandelung, /. transformation, change. Wander-, migratory, wandering, movable. Wanderblock, m. (Geol.) erratic block. Wanderjahr, n. year of traveling. wandern, v.i. migrate; wander; travel (on foot) ; walk, go. Wanderrost, m. traveling grate. Wanderschaft, /. traveling, travels, tour. Wanderung, /. migration; traveling, travels, walking, walking trip. Wanderungsgeschwindigkeit, /. migration ve- locity. Wanderungssinn, m. direction of migration (of ions). Wandmalerei, /. house painting; mural paint- ing. " Wandputz, m. plastering. Wandtafel, /. wall chart; blackboard. wandte, pret. of wenden. Wan dung, /. wall; partition. Wange,/. cheek. wankelhaft, a. unsteady, inconstant. Wankelmut, m. fickleness, vacillation. wanken, v.i. totter, stagger, waver. wann, adv. when, then. conj. when. Wanne,/. trough; tub, bathtub. Wanze,/. bug (specif., bedbug). Wappen, n. coat of arms, escutcheon. Wappenkunde, /. heraldry. war, pret. of sein. warb, pret. of werben. ward, pret. of werden. Wardein, m. mint warden, assay master. Ware, /. ware, article, manufacture; specif., textile fabric; (pi.) goods, merchandise. Warenstempel, m. trademark, manufacturer's mark. warf, pret. of werfen. warm, a. warm; hot. warmbriichig, a. (Metal.) hot-short, brittle when hot. Warmbrunnen, m. hot spring, thermal spring. Warme, /. heat; warmth, warmness. Warmeabgabe, /. loss of heat. Warmeanderung, /. change of temperature. Warmeausdehnung, /. expansion due to heat. Warmeausnutzung, /. heat efficiency. Warmeausstrahlung, /. radiation of heat. Warmebewegung, /. heat motion. Warmebilanz, /. heat balance. Wermebildung, /. production of heat. Warmebindung, /. absorption of heat. warmedurchlassig, a. diathermic. Warmeeffekt, m. heat effect. Warmeeinheit, /. heat unit. Warmeelektrizitat, /. thermo-electricity. Warmeentbindung, /. disengagement of heat. Warmeentwickelung, /. evolution of heat. warmeerzeugend, p.a. heat-producing. Warmeerzeuger, m. heat producer, heat-pro- ducing substance. Warmegrad, m. degree of heat; temperature. Warmeinhalt, m. heat content. Warmekraftlehre, /. thermodynamics. Warmekraftmaschine,/. heat engine. Warmelehre,/. (science of) heat, theory of heat. warmeleitend, p.a. heat-conducting. Warmeleiter, TO. conductor of heat. Warmeleitfahigkeit, /. thermal conductivity. Warmeleitung, /. conduction of heat. Warmemenge, /. amount or quantity of heat. Warmemesser, m. calorimeter; thermometer. Warmemessung,/. measurement of heat, calorim- etry. warmen, v.t. warm; heat. v.r. warm oneself, become warm. Warmeplatte, /. warming plate. Warmequantum, n. quantity of heat. Warmequelle, /. source of heat. Warmesammler, m. heat accumulator. Warmeschrank, m. warming cabinet. Warmeschutz, m., Warmeschutzmittel, n. heat insulator (or insulation), protection against heat. Warmeschwankung, /. heat fluctuation. Warmeschwingung, /. heat vibration. Warmespeicher, TO. heat accumulator, regener- ator. Warmespektrum, n. heat spectrum, thermal spectrum. Warmestoff, TO. caloric, thermogen. Warmestrahl, m. heat ray. Warmestrahlung, /. heat radiation. Warmesumme, /. heat sum. Warmetheorie,/. theory of heat. Warmetonung,/. (Thermochem.) heat tone. Warmeverlust, m. loss of heat, heat loss. Warmevermogen, n. heat capacity. Warmevorgang, m. thermal process or phe- nomenon. Warmewert, TO. heat value, calorific value. Warmewirkung, /. effect or action of heat, thermal effect. Warmezufuhr,/. addition (or supplying) of heat. Warmezustand, TO. thermal condition. warmgepresst, p.a. hot-pressed. warnen, v.t. warn, caution. Warte, /. observatory; lookout. warten 291 Wasserharz warten, v.i. wait; attend (to). v.l. take care of, nurse. Warter, TO., Warterin, /. attendant, nurse, keeper. -warts, -ward, -wards. Wartung, /. attendance, nursing. warum, adv. why? Warze, /. wart; nipple, teat; mastoid; pin, knob, boss. warzenahnlich, warzenartig, a. wartlike, mam- millary, (Biol.) papillary. warzenformig, a. wart-shaped, wartlike, mam- millary, (Biol.) papillary. Warzenkraut, n. warty plant, specif., marigold. warzig, a. warty. was, pron. what, that, which. Waschanstalt, /. washing establishment, laun- dry. Waschapparat, m. washing apparatus, washer. waschbar, a. washable, fast (color). Waschblau, n. bluing. Wasche, /. washing, wash; clothes, linen. waschecht, a. fast to washing. waschen, v.t. & i. wash. Wascher, w. washer, scourer. Wascherei,/. washhouse, laundry; gossip. Waschflasche, /. washing bottle, wash bottle. Waschgold, n. placer gold. Waschleder, n. wash leather. Waschkrystall, n. washing crystals, soda crys- tals (Na 2 CO3.10H 2 O). Waschmittel, n. washing agent, detergent; (Med.) lotion. Waschol, n. (Gas) washing oil. Waschprobe, /. assay of washed (buddled) ore. Waschseife, /. washing soap. wascht, pr. 3 sing, of waschen. Waschtrommel, /. washing drum, washing cylin- der. Waschung, /. washing; lotion, wash. Waschwirkung, /. cleansing action (or effect). Waschwurzel, /. soapwort. Waschzinn, n. stream tin. Wasser, n. water. Wasserablass, TO., Wasserableitung, /. drain- age, draining. Waaserabscheidung, /. separation of water; secretion or excretion of water. wasserabstossend, p.a. repelling water. wasserahnlich, a. like water, watery. Wasseranalyse, /. water analysis. wasseranziehend, p.a. attracting moisture, hygroscopic. wasserarm, a. having little water. wasserartig, a. like water, watery, aqueous. Wasseraufnahme, /. absorption of water. Wasserausscheidung, /. = Wasserabscheidung. Wasserausspiilung, /. rinsing with water. Wasseraustritt, TO. elimination of water. Wasserbad, n. water bath. Wasserbalg, TO. (Med.) serous cyst. Wasserbaukunst, /. hydraulic engineering. Wasserbehalter, m. (water) reservoir, tank, cis- tern; (Brewing) water back. wasserbestandig, a. stable in water, resistant to water. Wasserbildung, /. formation of water. Wasserblase, /. bubble; (Med.) vesicle; vessel for heating water. wasserblau, a. blue like water, sea-blue. Wasserblau, n. water blue. Wasserblei, n. molybdenite; graphite. Wasserbleiocher, TO. molybdic ocher, molybdite. Wasserbleisaure,/. molybdic acid. Wasserbruch, TO. hydrocele. Wasserdampf, m. water vapor, steam. Wasserdampfbad, n. steam bath; (Med.) vapor bath. wasserdicht, a. waterproof, water-tight. Wasserdichte, Wasserdichtigkeit, /. impervi- ousness to water, quality of being waterproof. Wasserdichtmachen, n. waterproofing. Wasserdruck, TO. water pressure. Wasserdunst, TO. water vapor. Wasserdurchlassigkeit, /. permeability to water. wasserecht, a. fast to water. Wasserechtmachungsmittel, n. water-resisting agent. Wasserenteisenung, /. removal of iron from water. Wasserentziehung, /. removal of water, dehy- dration. Wassererguss, m. watery effusion, edema. Wasserfarbe, /. water color; color of water. Wasserfass, n. water cask, water tub. wasserfest, a. water-tight, waterproof. Wasser flache, /. water level; surface of water; sheet of water. Wasserflasche, /. water bottle. Wasserfleck, TO. water stain* wasserformig, a. like water, watery. wasserfrei, a. anhydrous, free from water. wasserfuhrend, p.a. water-bearing. Wassergang, TO. aqueduct; drain; waterway. Wassergas, n. water gas. Wassergefass, n. water vessel; (Med.) lymphatic Wassergehalt, TO. water content, moisture con- tent. wassergekiihlt, p.a. water-cooled. Wassergeschwulst, /. edema; hygroma. Wassergewachs, n. aquatic plant. Wasserglas, n. water glass; glass for water. Wasserhahn, TO. water cock, water tap. wasserhaltend, p.a. containing water; water- retaining. wasserhaltig, a. hydrous, hydrated, containing water, aqueous. Wasserharz, n. Burgundy pitch. Wasserhaut 292 Wasserwanne Wasserhaut,/. hyalpid membrane; amnion. Wasserheilkunde, /. hydropathy. wasserhell, a. clear as water, transparent. wasserig, a. watery, aqueous, hydrous, (Med.) serous. Wasserkalk, m. hydraulic lime, water lime. Wasserkitt, m. hydraulic cement. Wasserkopf, m. hydrocephalus. Wasser kr af t , /. water power. Wasserkraftlehre, /. hydrodynamics. Wasserkran, Wasserkrahn, m. water faucet. Wasserkristall, m. rock crystal. Wasserkuhlkasten, m. water block. Wasser kunst, /. hydraulics; hydraulic engine; fountain; pumping engine. Wasserleitung, /. water pipes, water piping, (also Anal.) aqueduct. Wasserleitungsrohr, n., -rohre, /. water pipe, water tube. Wasserlinie, /. water line. wasserlos, a. waterless, without water. wasserloslich, a. soluble in water. Wasserluftpumpe, /. water vacuum pump. Wassermaische, /. (aqueous) infusion ; mash. Wassermalerei, /. water-color painting. Wassermantel, m. water jacket. Wassermass, n. water gage. Wassermesser, w. water meter, water gage. Wassermortel, m. hydraulic mortar. wassern, .*. water; soak; hydrate. v.i. water. Wassernabel, m. marsh pennywort (Hydroco- tyle). Wasseropal, m. water opal, hyalite; hydro- phane. Wasser papier, n. (Paper) waterleaf. Wasserprobe, /. water test; sample of water. Wasserprufer, m. water tester. Wasserpumpe, /. water pump. Wasserreinigung, /. purification of water. Wasserrest, m. water residue, hydroxyl. Wasserrohr, n., Wasserrohre, /. water pipe, water tube. Wasserrohrkessel, -rohrenkessel, m. water- tube boiler. Wassersaule, /. water column. Wasserscheide, /. water parting, watershed. Wasserscheu, /. fear of water; (Med.) hydro- phobia. Wasserschierling, m. water hemlock (Cicuta virosa). Wasserschlange, /. water snake; water hose; bladderwort. Wasserschluss, m. water seal, trap. Wasserspiegel, m. water surface, water level. Wasserspritze, /. syringe; water sprinkler. Wasserstand, m. height of water, water level; constant (water) level device. Wasserstandsglas, n. gage glass. Wasserstandshahn, m. gage cock. Wasserstoff, m. hydrogen (in combination often best translated hydride, e.g., Athylwasse^rstoff, ethyl hydride). wasserstoffarm, a. poor in hydrogen. Wasserstoff entwickelung, /. evolution of hydro- gen. wasserstofffrei, a. free from hydrogen. Wasserstoffgas, n. hydrogen gas. Wasserstoffgehalt, m. hydrogen content. wasserstoffhaltig, a. containing hydrogen, hydrogenous. Wasserstoffhyperoxyd, n. hydrogen peroxide. Wasser stoffjon, n. hydrogen ion. Wasserstoffkalium, n. potassium hydride. Wasserstoffknallgas, n. detonating gas (explo- sive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen). Wasserstoffpalladium, n, palladium hydride. Wasserstoffperoxyd, n. hydrogen peroxide. wasserstoffreich, a. rich in hydrogen. Wasserstoffsalz, n. hydrogen salt. wasserstoff sauer, a. of, or combined with, a hydracid. Wasserstoffsaure, /. hydracid. Wasser stoffstrom, m. current of hydrogen. Wasserstoffsulfid, n. hydrogen sulfide. Wasserstoffsuperoxyd, n. hydrogen superoxide (hydrogen peroxide). Wasserstoffverbindung, /. hydrogen compound. Wasserstoffwertigkeit, /. hydrogen valence. Wasserstoffziindmaschine, /. hydrogen lamp, Dobereiner's lamp. Wasserstrahl, m. jet of water, water jet. Wasserstrahlgeblase, n. water-jet blast. Wasserstrahlluftpumpe, /. water-jet vacuum pump. Wasserstrom, m. stream or current of water. Wassersturz, m. waterfall. Wassersucht, /. dropsy. Wassersuppe, /. water gruel. Wassertalk, m. brucite. Wassertiefe,/. depth of water; draft (of ships), Wassertier, n. water animal, aquatic animal. wassertreibend, p. a. (Med.) hydragog. Wassertropfen, TO. drop of water. Wasserung, /. watering .(specif., irrigation); soaking; hydration. Wasseruntersuchung, /. investigation of water, specif., water analysis. Wasserverbrauch, TO. consumption of water. Wasservergoldung, /. water gilding. Wasserverlust, m. loss of water. Wasservermogen, n. (Ceram.) water-holding ability. Wasserverschluss, TO. water seal. Wasser versorgung, /. water supply; water- works. Wasserverunreinigung, /. impurity in water, contamination of water. Wasserwage, /. water level (the instrument). Wasserwanne, /. water trough, pneumatic trough. Wasserwert 293 Weichbrand Wasserwert, TO. water equivalent. Wasserzeichen, n. (Paper) watermark. Wasserzement, m. hydraulic cement. Wasserzersetzung, /. decomposition of water. Wasserzufluss, m. water supply, water feed. wassrig, a. = wasserig. waten, v.i. wade. watscheln, v.i. toddle, waddle. Watte, /. wadding (as of cotton or glass wool), wad. Wattepropf, m. plug of wadding, wad. Watteschicht, /. layer of wadding. wattieren, v.t. wad; pad. Wau, m. weld, dyer's weed (Reseda luteola). W.E., abbrev. (Warmeeinheit) heat unit. weben, v.t. weave. Weber, m. weaver. Weberdistel, /. fuller's teasel (Dipsacus). Weberei, /. weaving; texture, tissue; weaving mill. Weberschiffchen, n. shuttle. Weberzettel, m. warp. Webstuhl, m. loom. Wechsel, TO. change, shifting; alternation; ex- change; cock, tap; joint, junction; rotation (of crops); bill (of exchange), draft. wechselbar, a. changeable. Wechseibeziehung, /. correlation; (Com.) drawing. Wechselfall, m. vicissitude; alternative, di- lemma. wechselfarbig, a. changing color, iridescent. Wechselfeld, n. (Elec.) alternating field. Wechselfieber, n. intermittent fever. Wechselgesprach, n. dialog. Wechselhahn, m. change cock. Wechselhandel, TO. banking. Wechselkurs, TO. rate of exchange. wechseln, v.t. change; exchange; interchange. v.i. alternate; change places. wechselseitig, a. reciprocal; mutual; inter- changeable; alternate. wechselstandig, a. alternate. Wechselstein, TO. glazed tile, glazed brick. Wechselstrom, m. alternating current. wechselsweise, adv. alternately; reciprocally; mutually; interchangeably. Wechsel verhaltnis, n. reciprocal relation; re- ciprocal proportion. wechsel weise, adv. = wechselsweise. Wechselwinkel, m.pl. alternate angles. Wechselwirkung, /, reciprocal action or effect. Wechselzersetzung, /. double (or mutual) de- composition. Week, Wecken, TO., Wecke, /. roll, small loaf. wecken, v.t. waken, wake, rouse. Wecker, TO., Weckuhr, /. alarm clock. Wedel, TO. fan, brush; (Bot.) frond. wedeln, v.t. fan; wag (the tail). weder, con/. neither. weder . . . noch, neither . . . nor. Weg, TO. way; passage, route, road, street, path; manner; means. weg, adv. away, off, gone. weg-. away, off, a-, ab-. wegatzen, v.t. remove by caustics, etch away. wegbegeben, v.r. go away, withdraw. wegbeizen, v.t. = wegatzen. wegbekommen, v.t. get, catch; get away; get the knack of. wegbringen, v.t. carry or take away, remove. Wegebau, m. road making. Wegedorn, m. purging buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica). wegelagern, v.t. waylay. wegen, prep, with gen. on account of, regarding. Wegerich, TO. plantain. Wegfall, TO. omission; -suppression. wegfallen, v.i. fall off, drop; be omitted, cease. wegkommen, v.i. get away; come off ; get lost. Weglange, /. (length of) path. mittle freie Weglange, mean free path. weglassen, v.t. leave out, omit; let go. wegleitend, p.a. efferent. wegmachen, v.t. remove. v.r. make off. Wegnahme,/. taking away; seizure. wegraumen, v.t. remove, clear away. wegsam, a. pervious, penetrable. Wegsamkeit, /. perviousness, penetrability. wegschaffen, v.t. remove, eliminate. wegsein, v.i. be away, be gone; be faint. wegsetzen, v.t. put away. v.i. leap. wegstreichen, v.t. strike out; stroke away. wegtun, v.t. put away, remove, dismiss. Wegweiser, m. guide; sign post; directory. wegwerfend, p.a. disparaging. wegziehen, v.t. draw away, pull away. v.i. de- part, move. weh, inter j. woe. a. sore, painful, aching. weh tun, ache, give pain. Weh, Wehe, n. woe, pain, grief, ache. Wehe, /. (snow) drift. wehen, v.i. blow; (of a flag) wave. Wehenmittel, n. ecbolic. Wehmut, /. sadness, melancholy. Wehr, Wehre, /. defense. wehren, v.t. check, keep, restrain, prevent. -v.f. resist. wehrlos, a. unarmed, unprotected, Weib, n. woman; wife. weiblich, a. female; feminine; womanly; womanish. weich, a. soft; tender, mellow, weak, gentle, mild. Weichblei, n. soft lead, refined lead. weichbleibend, p.a. remaining soft, non-hard- ening. Weichbottich, TO. steeping tub. Weichbrand, TO. soft brick, place brick. Weichbraunstein 294 Weinsteinrahm Weichbraunstein, m. pyrolusite. Weichbiitte, /. (Brewing) steep tank, cistern. Weichdauer, /. time of steeping or soaking. Weiche, /. softness; side, (pi.) groin; siding, switch; (Leather) soak pit, soak. weichen, v.t. soak, steep. v.i. yield, give way, retreat. Weichen-. inguinal; switch. Weichfass, n. steeping tub. weichfeuern, v.t. (Puddling) melt down. Weichfloss, n. (Metal.) porous white pig. Weichharz, n. soft resin, oleoresin. Weichheit,/. softness, etc. (see weich). Weichkufe,/. steeping vat. Weichleder, n. soft leather, weichlich, a. soft, flabby, effeminate, indolent, tame. Weichling, m. weakling, mollycoddle. Weichlot, n. soft solder, weichloten, v.t. soft-solder. Weichmachen, n. softening. Weichmanganerz, n. pyrolusite. Weichmetall, n. soft metal. Weichparaffin, n. soft paraffin. Wcichporzellan, n. soft porcelain Weichselbaum, m. cherry tree. Weichstock, m. steeping tub; (Brewing) steep tank, cistern. Weichteil, TO. soft part. Weichtier, n. mollusk. Weichwasser, n. steeping water, steep water, soak liquor. Weichwerden, n. softening. Weid, m. woad. Weide, /. willow; pasture, pasturage. weiden, v.t. & i. pasture, feed. Weidenbitter, n. salicin. Weidenkohle,/. willow charcoal, weidlich, adv. soundly, thoroly. Weidmann, TO. hunter, sportsman. Weidwerk, n. hunt, hunting; game. Weife, /. reel. weifen, v.t. reel, wind. weigern, v.t. & r. refuse, decline. Weihe, /. consecration; sanction; kite (the bird). weihen, v.t. consecrate, ordain, devote. Weiher, TO. pond, pool. weihevoll, a. solemn. Weihnachten,/.pJ. Christmas. Weihnachtswurzel, /. black hellebore. Weihrauch, m. incense; specif., frankincense, olibanum. Weihrauchharz, n. incense resin; specif., frank- incense. weil, conj. because, since. Weilchen, n. little while. Weile, /. while, time ; leisure. weilen, v.i. tarry, stay. Weiler, m. hamlet. Wein, m. wine; vine. weinahnlich, a. like wine, vinaceous. Weinart, /. kind of wine. weinartig, a. vinous, winy. Weinbau, m. viniculture, viticulture. Weinbauer, TO. wine grower, grape grower. Weinbeere, /. grape. Weinberg, TO. vineyard. Weinblume, /. bouquet (of wine); enanthic ether (as an artificial flavoring). Weinbliite,/. vine blossom. weinen, v.i. weep, cry. Weinernte, /. vintage. weinerzeugend, p.a. wine-producing. Weinessig, TO. wine vinegar. Weinfabrik, /. winery. Weinfarbe, /. wine color. Weinfarbstoff, TO. coloring matter of wine. Weinfass, n. wine cask. Weinflasche, /. wine bottle, weingar, a. See Maische. Weingiirung, /. vinous fermentation. Weingarten, m. vineyard. Weingegend,/. wine district. VVeingehalt, TO. wine content, vinosity. Weingeist, TO. alcohol, spirit of wine. versiis- ster Weingeist, (Pharm.) spirit of nitrous ether. Weingeistfirnis, TO. spirit varnish, weingeistig, a. spirituous, alcoholic. weingeis- tiges Ammoniak, spirit of ammonia. Weingeistmesser, TO. alcoholometer. weinhaltig, a. containing wine Weinhandel, m. wine trade. Weinhefe, /. wine lees; wine yeast. weinig, a. vinous. Weinkamm, TO. grape pomace, rape. Weinkernol, n. grape-seed oil. Weinlese, /. vintage. Weinmesser, TO. vinometer, oenometer. Weinmost, m. grape must, grape juice. Weinol, n. oil of wine, enanthic ether; (schweres) oil of wine (oily residue from preparation of ether). Weinprobe,/. sample of wine; sampling of wine. Weinpriifung, /. wine testing. Weinrebenschwarz, n. Frankfort black, weinrot, a. wine-red. weinsauer, a. of or combined with tartaric acid, tartrate of. Weinsaure, /. tartaric acid; acidity of wine. Weinstein, TO. tartar. roher Weinstein, crude tartar, wine stone, argol. gereinigter Wein- stein, purified tartar, cream of tartar. Weinsteinersatz, TO. (Dyeing) tartar substitute, specif., acid sodium sulfate. Weinsteinkohle, /. black flux. Weinsteinpraparat, n. (Dyeing) acid sodium sulfate. Weinsteinrahm, TO. cream of tartar. Weinsteinsalz 295 Weiterungen Weinsteinsalz, n. salt of tartar (potassium carbonate) . weinsteinsauer, a. = weinsauer. Weinsteinsaure, /. tartaric acid. Weinstock, m. grapevine. Weinstube, /. wine room, wine shop. Weintraube, /. grape, bunch of grapes. Weintreber, f.pl. Weintrester, m.pl. marc of grapes. Weinuntersuchung, /. examination (or inves- tigation) of wine. Weinverfalschung, /. adulteration of wine. Weinwage, /. vinometer. weise, a. wise, prudent. Weise, m. sage, philosopher. Weise,/. manner, way; (Gram.) mood; melody. -weise. in ... manner, by . . ., -ly. weisen, v.t. show; indicate, point out, direct, send, teach. v.i. point. Weiser, m. pointer, indicator, hand; sign post; guide, teacher. Weisheit, /. wisdom, knowledge. weiss, pr. 1 & 8 sing, of wissen. weiss, a. white; blank; clean. weisses Eisen- blech, tin plate. weisser Fluss, leucorrhea. weiss gerben, taw. weisse Glut, white heat. weisser Kupferstein, (Copper) white metal. weisser Leim, gelatin. weisse Magnesia, magnesia alba (basic magnesium carbonate). weisses Nichts, nihil album (zinc oxide). weiss sieden, blanch. weisser Vitriol, white vitriol (zinc sulfate). Weiss, n. white. weissagen, v.t. & i. predict, prophesy. Weissatzung, /. (Calico) white discharge. Weissbad, n. (in turkey red dyeing) white liquor bath. Weissbier, n. pale beer; specif., weiss beer. Weissblau, a. whitish blue. Weissblech, n. tin plate. Weissblechwaren, f.pl. tinware. Weissbleiche,/. bleaching, full bleach. Weissbleierz, n. white lead ore, cerussite. Weissblutigkeit, /. leucocythemia. Weissbrot, n. white bread, wheat bread. weissbriichig, a. of white or pale fracture. Weissbriihe, /. degras. Weissbuche, /. hornbeam. Weissdorn, m. hawthorn. Weisse, m. & f. white person, white. /. white- ness; white; whitewash. Weisseisen, n. white iron. weissen, v.t. whiten, bleach; whitewash; (Iron) refine. Weisserz, n. arsenopyrite; siderite. weissfarben, v.t. bleach (and blue). Weissfarber, m. bleacher. Weissfeuer, n. white fire. weissgar, a. tawed. weissgerben, v.t. taw. Weissgerber, m. tawer. Weissgerberei, /. tawing; tawery; alum tan- nery. weissgliihend, p.a. white-hot, incandescent. Weissgliihhitze, Weissglut, /. white heat, in- candescence. Weissgold, . platinum. weissgrau, a. light gray. Weissgiiltigerz, n. argentiferous tetrahedrite. Weissguss, m. white metal. Weisskalk, m. pyrolignite of lime (crude cal- cium acetate) ; fat lime. Weisskies, m. arsenopyrite. weisskochen, v.t. degum (silk). Weisskram, m. linen shop. Weisskupfer, n. native copper arsenide, domey- kite; white copper (paktong, German silver, etc.). Weissleder, n. white leather, tawed leather. weisslich, a. whitish. Weisslot, n. soft solder. weissmachen, v.t. make white, bleach. Weissmehl, n. white flour, wheat flour. Weissmessing, n. white brass. Weissmetall, n. white metal. Weissnickelerz, n., Weissnickelkies, m. white nickel ore, chloanthite. Weissofen, m. (Metal.) refining furnace. Weisspapp, m. (Calico) white resist. weissrot, a. whitish red. Weisssiedekessel, m. blanching copper. weisssieden, v.t. blanch. Weissspiessglanz, m., Weissspiessglanzerz, n. white antimony, valentinite. Weissstein, m. (Copper) white metal. weissstrahlig, a. white radiated. Weissstuck, m. white stucco. Weisssud, m. blanching; blanching solution. Weisssylvanerz, n. sylvanite. Weisstanne, /. silver fir. Weisstellur, n. sylvanite. Weisswaren, f.pl. white goods, linen goods. weisswarm, a. white-hot. Weisswein, TO. white wine. Weisswurzel, /. Solomon's seal. Weisung, /. order, direction. weit, a. far, distant; long, great; wide, ex- tended. adv. far, much. weitaus, adv. by far. Weite, /. distance; wideness, width, extent, length, range. weiten, v.t. & r. widen. weiter, a. farther; further, additional. adv. farther, forward, on. Weiterbehandlung, /. further or subsequent treatment. weiterfiirben, v.t. dye further, continue dyeing. weitergerben, v.t. re-tan. Weiterungen, f.pl. formalities, red tape; com- plications. weitgehend 296 werktagig weitgehend, p.a. far-reaching. Weithalsflasche, /. wide-necked bottle, weithalsig, a. wide-necked, wcithin, adv. far off, in wide extent, weitlaufig, a. wide, large, roomy; distant; widespread, scattered, straggling, diffuse, detailed. w eitlochig, a. large-holed, large-pored, weitmaschig, a. wide-meshed, coarse-meshed, weitmiindig, a. wide-mouthed, weitschweifig, a. diffuse, verbose, circuitous. weitsichtig, a. far-sighted. weittragend, p.a. carrying a great distance; important. Weitung, /. widening; width; space. Weizen, m. wheat. tiirkischer Weizen, maize. Weizenkleie,/. wheat bran. Weizenmalz, n. wheat malt. Weizenmehl, n. wheat flour. Weizenstarke, /. wheat starch. Weizenstroh, n. wheat straw. welcher, prow, which? what?; who, which, that; some, any. welcher auch, whosoever. welches auch, whatsoever. welcherlei, a. of what kind. Weldonschlamm, m. Weldon mud. welk, a. withered, faded; flabby, flaccid; lan- guid. Welkboden, m. (Brewing) withering floor. welken, v.i. wither, fade, decay. v.t. wither, dry. Welkmalz, n. withered malt, air-dried malt. Wellbaum, m. arbor, shaft, axletree. Welle,/, wave; shaft, arbor, axle; roller, roll; stria (in glass) ; fagot, bundle. wellen, v.t. boil, simmer; roll; weld. wellenartig, a. wavelike, undulatory. Wellenbewegung, /. wave motion, undulatory motion. Wellenflache, /. wave surface. wellenformig, a. undulatory, wavy. Wellenlager, n. (Mach.) bearing, carriage. Wellenlange, /. wave length. Wellenlinie, /. wavy line. Wellenschwingung, /. undulation. Wellentheorie, /. wave theory, undulatory theory. Weller, m. loam, mud. wellig, a. undulating, wavy. Wellpackpapier, n. corrugated paper. Wellrad, n. wheel and axle; arbor wheel. welsch, a. foreign (specif., Italian or French); Welsh. Welt, /. world; good breeding. Weltall, n. universe. Weltalter, n. age of the world; age. Weltauge,/. hydrophane. Weltausstellung, /. world's fair. Weltbeschreibung, /. cosmography. weltbiirgerlich, a. cosmopolitan. Weltgegend, /. quarter of the world. Weltgeschichte, /. universal history. Weltgiirtel, m. zone. Welthandel, m. world commerce. weltklug, a. wordily wise, shrewd. Weltkorper, m. heavenly body. Weltkugel, /. globe. weltlich, a. worldly, mundane; secular, tem- poral, civil, profane. Weltmeer, n. ocean. Weltpostverein, m. Postal Union. Weltsprache, /. universal language. Weltstadt, /. metropolis. Weltteil, m. continent; part of the world. Wende,/. turning, turning point, turn; epoch, era. Wendekreis, m. tropic. Wendeltreppe,/. winding stairs. wenden, v.t., i. & r. turn. gewandt, p.a. versed skilled, clever, quick. Wendepunkt, m. turning point. Wendung, /. turning, turn. wenig, a. little; (pi.) Jew. adv. little. weniger, a. less, fewer. adv. less. Wenigkeit, /. littleness, small amount, small number. wenigste, a. least, fewest. wenigstens, adv. ,at least. wenn, adv. when. conj. when; if. wenn auch, wenn gleich, wenn schon, altho, even if. wer, pron. who? which?; who, he who. wer ... nur, wer . . . auch, whoever. werben, v.t. levy, recruit. v.i. sue, court. Werdegang, m. development. werden, v.i. become; turn; fall (to one's lot). v.aux. shall, will, be, am, etc. es wird mir iibel, I feel ill. werfen, v.t. throw; cast, fling, project. v.i. bring forth young. v.r. throw oneself, apply oneself; warp; (of beer) become turbid. Werft, /. wharf, dock; weft. Werg, n. tow, oakum. Werk, n. work; works; apparatus, mechanism; (Salt) brine evaporated at one time; (Metal.) pig of raw lead; (Paper) stuff. Werkblei, n. raw lead (usually containing sil- ver). Werkbottich, m., Werkbutte, /. (Paper) stuff vat. Werkfuhrer, m. foreman. Werkleute, pi. workmen, hands. Werkmeister, m. foreman. Werkprobe, /. (Metal.) sample of metal. Werksilber, n. silver extracted from lead ore. Werkstatt, Werkstatte, /. workshop, workroom, laboratory, studio. Werkstein, m. freestone, quarry stone. Werkstuck, n. (Metal.) piece of metal; hewn stone block, werktagig, a. workaday, commonplace. werktatig 297 wiederbeleben werktatig, a. working, active, operative; prac- tical. Werkzeug, n. tool, instrument, implement. Werkzink, n. raw zinc. Werkzinn, n, raw tin. Wermut, m. wormwood. Wermutol, n. oil of wormwood. Wermutschnaps, m. vermuth. wert, a. worth; worthy; dear, valued, respected. Wert, TO. value; valence; worth, merit. Wertangabe, /. statement of value. Wertbestimmung, /. valuation. wertgeschatzt, p.a. valued, esteemed. -wertig. -valent. Wertigkeit,/. valence. Wertpapier, n. valuable paper, security. Wertsachen, f.pl. valuables. wertschatzen, v.t. value, esteem highly. Wertverhaltnis, n. relative value. wertvoll, a. valuable. Wesen, n. being, essence, substance; condition, character, manner; affairs, concerns, mat- ters; means, property; doings, fuss. wesentlich, a. essential; real, intrinsic. weshalb, adv. why, wherefore. Wespe, /. wasp. Weste, /. vest, waistcoat. westfalisch, a. Westphalian. westindisch, a. West India, West Indian. westlich, a. west, western, occidental. weswegen, adv. why? wett, adv. even, quits. Wettbewarb, TO. competition, rivalry. Wette, /. bet, wager; rivalry, competition. Wetteifer, TO. emulation, competition. wetteifern, v.i. vie, contend. wetten, v.t. & i. bet, wager. Wetter, n. weather; storm; (Mining) damp. Wetterdach, n. eaves; penthouse. Wetterdynamit, n. wetterdynamite. wetterecht, a. fast to exposure. Wetterfahne, /. weather vane. wetterfest, a. resistant to weather, weather- proof. Wetterfulminit, n. wetterfulminite (an explo- sive). Wetterglas, n. weatherglass. Wetterkunde, /. meteorology. wettern, v.i. thunder and lighten; storm. Wetterstein, m. belemnite. wetterwendisch, a. changeable, fickle. Wetterwolke, /. thunder cloud. Wettkampf, TO. contest. Wettlauf, m. race. Wettrennen, n. race, races. Wettstreit, TO. contest. wetzen, v.t. whet, sharpen. Wetzstein, TO. whetstone, hone. wich, pret. of weichen. Wichse, /. (polishing) wax, polish, blacking; drubbing. wichsen, v.t. wax, polish; glaze. Wicht, m. wight, fellow. wichtig, a. important, weighty; serious. Wichtigkeit, /. importance; important matter. Wicke,/. vetch. Wickel, TO. roller, roll; filler (of a cigar); curl paper. wickeln, v.t. wind, wind up, roll, wrap, twist. Wickelung, /. winding, wrapping, casing. Wickenstroh, n. vetch straw. Widder, m. ram. widdern, v.t. turn (malt). wider, prep, against, contrary to. Wider-, counter-, contra-, re-, anti-, with-, gain-. Widerdruck, m. countefpressure, reaction. widerfahren, v.i. happen, befall. widerhaarig, a. cross-grained, perverse. Widerhaken, TO. barb. widerlegen, v.t. refute, disprove. widerlich, a. repugnant, repulsive, disagreeable. widernatiirlich, a. unnatural, preternatural. Widerrede,/. contradiction, objection. widerrufen, v.t. recall, revoke. Widersacher, TO. adversary, opponent. widersetzen, v.t. resist, oppose. widersinnig, a. anticlinal; contradictory, non- sensical. widerspenstig, a. refractory, stubborn. widerspiegeln, v.t. reflect. Widerspiel, n. contrary, opposition. widersprechen, v.i. contradict. Widerspruch, TO. contradiction, opposition, variance. Widerstand, TO. resistance. widerstandsfahig, a. resistant, capable of re- sistance. Widerstandsfahigkeit, /. capability of resisting. widerstehen, v.i. resist, withstand; be repugnant. Widcrstoss, TO. countershock. wider war tig, a. repugnant, disagreeable; ad- verse. Wider wille, /. aversion, antipathy. widerwillig, a. reluctant, vexatious. widmen, v.t. dedicate, devote. Widmung, /. dedication ; devotion. widrig, a. contrary, adverse; repugnant; (as a suffix) opposing, anti-, as laulmsividrig, anti- septic. wie, adv. how. conj. as, like. wie . . . auch, however. Wiebel, TO. weevil. Wied, m. woad. wieder, adv. again, anew, re-; back, in return. wiederabdrucken, v.t. reprint, republish. wiederbeleben, v.t. revive, revivify; (Sugar) reburn (char); (Med.) resuscitate. Wiederbelebung 298 Windzug Wiederbelebung, /. revival, etc. (see wiederbe- leben). Wiederbelebungsmittel, n. (Med.) restorative. wiederbilden, v.t. form again. wiedererzeugen, v.t. reproduce, regenerate. Wiedererzeugung,/. reproduction, regeneration. wiederfallen, v.t. reprecipitate. wiedcrfarben, v.t. recolor, redye. wiedergeben, v.t. translate, render; return. wiedergewinnen, v.t. recover. Wiedergewinnung, /. recovery. Wiederhall, m. echo, reverberation, resonance. wiederherstellen, v.t. reprepare; reproduce; restore, revive; readjust. Wiederherstellung, /. repreparation, etc. (see wiederherstellen) . wiederhervorbringen, v.t. = wiedererzeugen. wiederholen, v.t. repeat. v.r. repeat oneself; recur. Wiederholung, /. repetition. wiederkauen, v.t. ruminate; go over and over. Wiederkauer, m. ruminant. Wiederkehr, /. return, recurrence. wiederkehren, v.i. return, recur. Wiederschein, m. reflection, reflex. Wiedersehen, n. meeting again. auf Wieder- sehen, au revoir. Wiederstoss, m. countershock. Wiederstrahl, m. reflected ray. wiederstrahlen, v.t. reflect. wiederum, adv. again, in return. wiedervereinigen, v.t. reunite; reconcile. Wiedervereinigung, /. reunion. Wiedervergeltung, /. requital, retaliation. wiederverstarken, v.t. strengthen again; re- plenish. wiederverwandeln, v.t. reconvert. Wiederwasserung, /. watering or soaking again; rehydration. Wiege,/. cradle. wiegen, v.t. weigh; rock. v.i. weigh. gewogen, p.a. weighed; well disposed, favorable. gewiegt, p.a. skilled, experienced; rocked. Wieke, /. pledget. Wien, n. Vienna. Wiener, wienerisch, a. Vienna, Viennese. Wiener Atzpulver, Vienna paste, Vienna caustic. wies, pret. of weisen. Wiese, /. meadow. Wiesel, n. weasel. Wiesenerz, n. meadow ore, bog iron ore. Wiesenflachs, m. purging flax. Wiesenheu, n. meadow hay. Wiesenkalk, m. limestone from springs, fresh- water limestone. Wiesenklee, m. red clover. Wiesenknoterich, m. bistort (Polygonum bis- torta}. Wiesenlein, m. purging flax. wieviel, adv. how much, how many. wieviel Uhr ist es? what time is it? wiewohl, con/, altho. wild, a. wild; savage, fierce, unruly. wildes Fleisch, proud flesh. wildes Gestein, rock containing no metal. Wild, n. game; deer; venison. Wilde, m. &/. savage; wildness; wilderness. Wildersenf, m. = Hederich. Wildgeschmack, m. gamy taste. Wildkirschenrinde, /. wild cherry bark. Wildleder, n. buckskin, deerskin. Wildnis,/. wilderness. Wilhelm, m. William. will, pr. 1 & S sing, of wollen. Wille, /., Willen, m. will; design, intent; per- mission. willfahren, v.i. yield to, comply with. willig, a. willing, ready. willkommen, a. & adv. welcome. Willkiir,/. free will, option; arbitrariness. willkiirlich, a. arbitrary. wimmeln, v.i. swarm, teem. wimmern, v.i. whimper, whine. Wimpel, m. pennant. Wimper, /. eyelash. wimpernd, p.a. ciliated, ciliary; winking. Wind, m. wind, breeze; (Metal.) blast. Windblaser, m. blower, blast apparatus. Windbiichse, /. air gun. Winddarm, m. colon. Winddruck, m. (Metal.) blast pressure. Winde, /. windlass, winch; worm (screw) ; bind- weed; (Glass) stria. windeln, v.t. swathe, swaddle. winden, v.t. wind, coil. v.r. wind, coil, wriggle. gewunden, p.a. wound, coiled, twisted, spiral. Winderhitzung, /. blast heating. Winder hi tzungsapparat, m. hot blast stove; regenerator. Windfahne, /. vane. Windform,/. (Metal.) twyer, tuyere. Windgeschwulst, /. emphysema. Windhund, m. greyhound. win dig, a. windy, breezy; visionary, shaky. Windka'sten, m. wind chest, air chamber; (Metal.) twyer box. Windleitung, /. (Metal.) blast main. Windleitungsrohr, n. (Metal.) blast pipe. Windofen, m. wind furnace, air furnace. Windpocken, f.pl. chicken pox. Windpressung, /. (Metal.) blast pressure. Windrohr, n. (Metal.) blast pipe, twyer pipe. Windsammler, m. air reservoir. windstill, a. calm. windtreibend, p.a. carminative. windtrocken, a. wind-dried, air-dry. Windung, /. winding, etc. (see winden). Windzug, m. air current; ventilator. Wink 299 Wissen Wink, TO. wink; beckoning; nod; hint. Winkel, m. angle; corner. \\inkelabstand, m. angular distance. Winkelblatt, n. local paper. winkelformig, a. angular. winkelig, o. angular, -angled, -cornered. Winkellinie,/. diagonal. Winkelmass, n. (carpenter's) square. Winkelmesser, m. goniometer. winkelrecht, a. right-angled, rectangular. Winkelzug, m. shift, pretext. winken, v.i. wink; beckon; nod. winklig, a. = winkelig. winseln, v.i. whimper, whine. Wintergriin, n. wintergreen; ivy; myrtle, peri- winkle. Winterweizen, m. winter wheat. Winzer, m. vinedresser. winzig, a. minute, tiny; mean. Wipfel, m. top (of a-tree). Wippe, /. balancing; counterpoise; clipping (from coins) ; seesaw. wir, pron. we. Wirbel, m. whirl, vortex; vertebra; whirlwind; (Tech.) spigot, button, collar, swivel, sheave, etc.; vertigo; intoxication; crown (of the head) ; warbling. Wirbel-. whirl-, vortical; vertebral, verte- brate. Wirbelbein, n. vertebra. Wirbelbewegung, /. vortex motion. Wirbelknochen, m. vertebra. wirbellos, a. invertebrate. wirbeln, v.i. whirl, spin; warble; (of a drum) roll.- gewirbelt, p.a. whirled, etc.; verte- brate. Wirbelsaule, /. vertebral column. Wirbelsturm, m. tornado, cyclone. Wirbeltier, n. vertebrate. wirbt, pr. 3 sing, of werben. wird, pr. 8 sing, of werden. wirft, pr. 8 sing, of werfen. wirken, v.i. act, work, have an effect. v.L work, effect, produce, perform; specif., boil (salt), knead (dough). wirkend, p.a. acting, working. wirklich, a. real, actual, acting. adv. really, actually, truly. Wirklichkeit, /. reality, actuality. wirksam, a. active; effective; efficient, effica- cious. Wirksamkeit, /. activity; agency; effective- ness, efficacy, efficiency; strength (of acids, etc.); operation. in Wirksamkeit setzen, (Mach.) throw into gear. Wir kung,/. action; effect; working, operation, agency; efficacy. Wirkungsart, /. kind of action; mode of acting, mode of operation. Wirkungsgrad, m. efficiency, effect. Wirkungskraft, /. effective force; working power, efficiency, efficacy. Wirkungskreis, m. sphere of action, sphere of activity. wirkungslos, a. inactive, ineffectual, inefficient. Wirkungssphare, /. sphere of action. Wirkungsweise, /. mode of acting, mode of operation, action. Wirkungswert, m. effective value, (of an acid, etc.) strength. wirr, a. confused, tangled. Wirre,/. confusion, disorder. Wirrseide, /. silk waste. Wirrwarr, m. jumble, hubbub, muddle. Wirt, m. host, landlord. Wirtel, m. whorl. Wirtschaft, /. housekeeping; household; hotel, tavern; farm. wirtschaften, v.i. keep house; keep an inn; run a farm; manage, go. wirtschaftlich, a. household; economic; eco- nomical. adv. economically. Wirtshaus, n. inn, tavern, hotel. Wisch, m. rag; mop; whisk; piece of waste paper. wischen, v.t. wipe. v.i. whisk, slip (away). Wischer, m. wiper; rubber, duster, (drawing) stump. Wismut, Wismuth, n. & m. bismuth. Wismutblende, /. bismuth blend, eulytite. Wismutbliite, /. bismuth ocher, bismite. Wismutbromid, n. bismuth bromide. Wismutchlorid, n. bismuth chloride, bismuth trichloride. wismutcn, v.t. solder with bismuth or bismuth solder. Wismuterz, n. bismuth ore. Wismutglanz, m. bismuth glance, bismuthinite. prismatischer Wismutglanz, aikinite. Wismutjodid, n. bismuth iodide. Wismutlegierung, /. bismuth alloy. Wismutlot, n. bismuth solder (a fusible bis- muth alloy). Wismutniederschlag, TO. bismuth precipitate; specif., bismuth oxynitrate. Wismutnitrat, n. bismuth nitrate. Wismutocker, TO. bismuth ocher, bismite (BisOs). Wismutoxyd, n. bismuth oxide; specif., bis- muth trioxide. Wismutsalz, n. bismuth salt. Wismutsaure, /. bismuthic acid. Wismutsulfid, n. bismuth sulfide. WismutJ ellur, n. tetradymite, telluric bismuth. Wismutverbindung, /. bismuth compound. Wismutweiss, n. bismuth white. wispern, v.i. & t. whisper. wissbegierig, a. inquisitive, curious. wissen, v.t. & i. know. Wissen, n. knowledge; learning. Wissenschaft 300 Wohnungsanzeiger Wissenschaft, /. science; learning, knowledge, intelligence. wissenschaftlich, a. scientific. Wissenschaftlichkeit, /. scientific nature or quality. Wissenschaf tslehre, /. theory of science. Wissenszweig, m. branch of knowledge. Wissmut, n. &m. = Wismut. wittern, v t. smell, scent. Witterung, /. weather; scent, trail. \\itterungskunde, Witterungslehre, /. meteor- ology. Wittsche Scheibe. Witt plate. Witwe, /. widow. Witwer, m. widower. Witz, m. wit; joke; sense. Witzblatt, n. comic paper. Witzbold, m. wit, wag. Witzelei,/. witticism; quibble, quibbling. witzig, a. witty, funny. witzigen, v.t. make wiser. Witzwort, n. witticism; pun. wl., abbrev. (wenig loslich) difficultly soluble. wlosl., abbrev. (wasserloslich) soluble in water. wo, adv. where; somewhere. conj. if. w.o., abbrev. (weiter oben) above wob, pret. of weben. wobei, adv. whereby, whereat. Woche, /. week; (pi.) lying-in, confinement. Wochen-. weekly; lying-in, obstetric, puer- peral. Wochenbett, n. childbed. Wochenfluss, m. lochia. Wochenschrift,/. weekly. wochentlich, a. weekly, week's. adv. weekly. -wochig. -weekly, of weeks' duration. Wochnerin, /. lying-in woman. wodurch, adv. whereby, by what, by which. wofern, conj. so far as, provided. wofiir, adv. for what, for which. wog, pret. of wagen and of wiegen. Woge, /. wave, billow. woher, adv. whence, from where. wohin, adv. whither, where. wohl, adv. well; perhaps, probably; indeed. so wohl als, as well as. Wohl, n. weal, health, benefit, good. wohl-. well. wohlan, inter j. well! come on! wohlangebracht, p.a. well-timed. wohlauf, adv. well. inter j. come on! now then! wohlbedacht, p.a. well-considered. Wohlbefinden, n. good health. wohlbegriindet, p.a. well-founded. wohlbehalten, p.a. in good condition. wohlbekannt, p.a. well-known. wohlbeleibt, p.a. corpulent. Wohlbeleibtheit, /. corpulence. wohlbelesen, p.a. well-read. wohlbesetzt, p.a. well-filled. wohlbewusst, p.a. well-known; conscious^ wohldefiniert, p.a. well-defined. wohlerfahren, p.a. experienced. Wohlergehen, n. welfare, prosperity. wohlerhalten, p.a. well-preserved, in good con- dition. wohlerwogen, p.a. well-considered. Wohlfahrt, /. welfare. wohlfeil, a. cheap. Wohlfeilheit, /. cheapness. wohlgebaut, p.a. well-built. wohlgebildet, p.a. well-formed. wohlgeboren, p.a. well-born; Esquire. wohl- geborener Herr! dear Sir. Wohlgefallen, n. liking, pleasure, delight. wohlgefallig, a. pleasant, pleasing, pleased wohlgelitten, p.a. popular. wohlgemeint, p.a. well-meant. wohlgemut, a. cheery, cheerful, merry. Wohlgentut, m. wild marjoram. wohlgenahrt, p.a. well-nourished. wohlgeordnet, p.a. well-arranged, well-ordered. wohlgeraten, p.a. well-done, perfect; well-bred. Wohlgeruch, m. fragrance, perfume. Wohlgeschmack, m. agreeable taste or flavor. wohlgesinnt, p.a. well-disposed. Wohlgestalt, /. handsome form or figure. wohlgeubt, p.a. practised, skilled. wohlgewogen, p.a. well-inclined. wohlhabend, p.a. well-to-do, well-off. Wohlklang, Wohllaut, m. euphony; harmony. Wohlleben, n. high living, luxury. wohlredend, p.a. eloquent, well-spoken. wohlriechend, p.a. fragrant, sweet-smelling. wohlschmeckend, p.a. savory, palatable. Wohlsein, n. good health, well-being. Wohlstand, m. welfare, prosperity. Wohltat,/. good deed; benefit, kindness, bless- ing. Wohltater, m. benefactor. wohltatig, a. beneficent, benevolent; beneficial, wholesome. Wohltatigkeit, /. benevolence, charity. wohltun, v.i. do good, benefit, give pleasure. Wohlverlei, m. arnica (Arnica montana). Wohlverleiwurzel, /. arnica root. wohlversehen, p.a. well-provided. wohlweislich, adv. very wisely. wohlwollen, v.i. wish well, be well-disposed. Wohlwollen, n. good will, kind feeling, favor. wohnen, v.i. live, dwell. wohnhaft, a. dwelling, residing, resident. wohnlich, a. habitable; comfortable. Wohnort, Wohnplatz, TO. dwelling place, resi- dence. Wohnsitz, TO. domicile, residence. Wohnstube, /. living-room, sitting-room. Wohnung,/. dwelling, residence, lodging, apart- ments. Wohnungsanzeiger, m. directory, wolben 301 Wundererde wolben, v.t. vault, arch. v.r. arch. Wdlbung, /. curvature; vault, vaulting. Wolf, ro. wolf ; (Iron) lump, ball, bloom; (Med r ) lupus; chafing. Wolfram, m. & n. tungsten; wolframite. Wolframat, n. tungstate, wolframate. Wolframchlorid, n. (any) tungsten chloride. Wolframlampe,/. tungsten lamp. Wolframmetall, n. metallic tungsten. Wolframocher, m. tungstic ocher, tungstite. Wolframoxyd, n. tungsten oxide. Wolframsalz, n. tungsten salt. wolframsauer, o. of or combined with tungstic acid, tungstate of. Wolframsaure,/. tungstic acid, wolframic acid. YVolframsaureanhydrid, n. tungstic anhydride. Wolframsauresalz, n. salt of tungstic acid, tungstate. Wolframstahl, m. tungsten steel. Wolfsbohne, /. lupin. Wolfskirsche, /. belladonna. Wolfsmilch, /. wolf's milk, spurge (Euphorbia sp.). Wolfsstahl, m. natural steel. Wolfswurz, /. baneberry. Wolke,/. cloud, wolkig, a. cloudy, clouded. Wollabgang, m. waste wool, wollartig, a. wool-like, woolly. Wolle,/. wool. philosophische Wolle, philos- opher's wool (zinc oxide). wollen, a. woolen. wollen, v.i. & t. will, be willing, choose, intend, mean, wish, want; be about, be going (to do something) . Wollen-. wool, woolen, worsted. Wollfarber, m. wool dyer. wollfarbig, a. dyed in the wool. Wollfett, n. wool fat, wool grease. wollig, a. woolly. Wollkraut, n. mullen. Wollpulver, n. flock. Wollschmiere,/., Wollschweiss, m. (wool) yolk, suint. Wollschwarz, n. wool black. Wollschweiss, m. suint. Wollsch weissasche, /. potash from suint. Wollschweissfett, n. wool grease. Wollslaub, m. flock. Wollust, /. pleasure, bliss; sensuality, lust. womit, adv. wherewith. womoglich, adv. if possible, wonach, adv. whereupon, after which, after what. Wonne, /. bliss, delight, pleasure. wonnereich, a. delightful, delicious. Wonneschauer, m. thrill of delight. Wootzstahl, m. wootz steel, wootz. woran, adv. whereon, whereat, by what. worauf, adv. whereon, whereupon, on what. woraus, adv. from what, from which, by which. worein, adv. into which, into what. worfeln, v.t. winnow, fan. Wort, n. word; term, expression. Wortableitung,/. etymology. Wortausdruck, m. phraseology. Worterbuch, n. dictionary; glossary. Wortfolge, /. order of words. Wortf iigung, /. sentence structure, syntax. Wortf iihrer, m. spokesman, speaker. Wortgeprange, n. bombast. wortgetreu, a. literal. Wortkunde, /. etymology. Wortlaut, m. wording, text. wortlich, a. verbal, literal. adv. verbatim, lit- erally. Wortregister, n. index of words, vocabulary, concordance. Wortschatz, m. vocabulary, thesaurus. Wortspiel, n. play on words, pun. Wortverbindung, /. connection of words, con- text. Wortzeichen, n. catchword. woriiber, adv. whereat, whereof, over, at, about or on which or what. worunter, adv. under what, under which, among which. woselbst, adv. where. Woulfische Flasche. Woulfe bottle. wovon, adv. whereof, of what, which or whom. wovor, adv. before what, before which, of which. wozu, adv. whereto, whereat, to what, why. Wrack, n. wreck; refuse. wringen, v.t. wring. Wrkg., abbrev. (Wirkung) action, effect. wss., abbrev. (wasserig) aqueous, hydrous. Wucher, m. usury. wuchern, v.i. grow rapidly, (Biol.) proliferate; practise usury. Wucherung,/. (Biol.) proliferation. wuchs, pret. of wachsen. Wuchs, m. growth; grain (of wood); form, stature. Wucht, /. weight, burden, force; (Mech.) ful- crum. wiihlen, v.i. rake, rummage, dig, root; agitate. Wiihler, TO. agitator, demagog. Wulst, m. pad, padding, roll; swelling, en- largement, elevation. wulstig, o. padded, stuffed, swelled, tumid. wund, a. wounded, sore, chafed. Wundarzt, m. surgeon. wundarztlich, a. surgical. Wundbalsam, m. vulnerary balsam. Wunde,/. wound; injury. Wunder, n. wonder, marvel; miracle. wunderbar, a. wonderful, marvellous, strange. Wunderbaum, m. castor-oil plant; locust tree. Wundererde, /. lithomarge. Wundererscheinung 302 Wutseuche Wundererscheinung,/. miraculous phenomenon. Wunderglaube, /. belief in miracles. wunderhiibsch, a. very pretty, charming. Wunderkind, n. infant prodigy. wunderlich, a. strange, singular, odd, whimsical. wundern, v.t. surprise, astonish. v.r. wonder. Wunderpfeffer, m. allspice. Wundersalz, n. sal mirabile, Glauber's salt. wunderschon, a. very beautiful. Wundertat, /. wonderful deed, miracle. Wundertier, n. monster. wundervoll, a. wonderful. Wundschwamm, m. surgeon's agaric. Wundstein, m. copper aluminate. Wunsch, m. wish, desire. Wiinschelnite,/. divining rod. wiinschen, v.t. wish, wish for. wiinschenswert, o. desirable. wiirbe, pret. subj. of werben. wurde, pret. of werden. Wurde, /. dignity; honor, preferment wiirdelos, a. undignified. wiirdevoll, a. dignified. wiirdig, a. worthy, deserving, deserved. wiirdigen, v.t. value, prize, appreciate; con- sider worthy. Wurf, m. throw, cast; litter, brood; (Meek.) projection. wiirfe, pret. subj. of werfen. Wiirfel, m. cube; die (pi. dice). Wurfelalaun, m. cubic alum. Wurfeleck, n., Wurfelecke,/. corner of a cube, cubic summit. Wiirfelerz, n. cube ore, pharmacosiderite. wurfelformig, a. cubic, cubical. Wiirfelgips, m. anhydrite. wiirfelig, a. cubic, cubical; checkered. Wiirfelinhalt, m. cubic contents. wurfeln, v.i. play at dice. v.t. checker. ge- wiirfelt, p.a. checked, checkered. Wiirfelnickel, m.&n. cube nickel, nickel in cubes. Wiirfelsalpeter, m. cubic niter, cubic saltpeter (sodium nitrate). Wiirfelschiefer, m. clay slate, argillite. Wiirfelspat, m. anhydrite. Wiirfelstein, m. boracite. Wiirfelzahl, /. (Math.) cube. Wiirfelzeolith, m. analcite. Wurfelzucker, m. cube sugar. Wurfgeschoss, n. missile, projectile. Wurf kraft, /. projectile force. Wurflehre, /. ballistics. Wurflinie, /. line or curve of projection. Wurfscheibe, /. discus; quoit. Wurfweite, /. range. Wurgelpumpe, /. rotary pump. wiirgen, v.t. choke; strangle; destroy; gulp. v.i. choke; retch. wiirgerisch, a. murderous. Wurm, m. worm; vermin; reptile, snake; vermiform process. wurmabtreibend, p.a. vermifuge, anthelmin- tic. wurmahnlich, wurmartig, a. wormlike, vermic- ular. Wurmarznei, /. anthelmintic. wurmen, v.t. vex, annoy. Wurmfarn, m. male fern. wurmformig, a. worm-shaped, vermicular, vermiform. Wurmfortsatz, m. vermiform process. Wurmmittel, n. anthelmintic. Wurmrinde, /. worm bark. Wurmsamen, TO. wormseed. Wurmsamenol, n. wormseed oil. wurmstichig, a. worm-eaten. wurmtreibend, wurmwidrig, a. anthelmintic. Wurst, /. sausage; (black) pudding; roll, pad, padding. Wurstdarm, m. skin for sausages. Wurstfleisch, n. sausage meat. Wurstgift, n. sausage poison. Wurststein, m. pudding stone. Wurz, /. (in combination) -wort, herb. Wiirze, /. spice, seasoning, condiment; (Brew- ing) wort. Wiirzebrechen, n. breaking of the wort. Wurzekuhler, m. wort cooler. Wurzel, /. root. Wiirzelchen, n. rootlet, radicle. Wiirzelgrosse, /. (Math.) radical. Wurzelkeim, m. (Bot.) radicle. Wurzelknollchen, n. root nodule. wurzeln, v.i. root, take root, be rooted. Wurzelstock, m. rootstock, rhizome. Wurzelzeichen, n. radical sign. wiirzen, v.t. spice, season. gewurzt, p.a. spiced, aromatic. Wiirzepfanne, /. wort kettle. Wiirzesiedepfanne, /. wort boiler, brewing cop- per. wiirzig, a. spicy, aromatic. wiirzlos, a. unspiced, unseasoned, flat. Wurznagelein, n., Wurznelke, /. clove. Wiirzwein, m. spiced wine. wusch, pret. of waschen. wusste, pret. of wissen. Wust, m. confused mass, mess, rubbish. wiist, a. waste; desert; wild. Wiiste, /. waste, desert, wilderness. wiisten, v.i. waste. Wut, /. rage, fury, madness. wiiten, v.i. rage; fume, rave. wiitend, p.a. raging, furious. wiitig, a. raging, furious, mad. Wutseuche, /. rabies. xanthisch, a. xanthic. Xanthogensaure, /. xanthogenic acid, xanthic acid. Xanthokobaltchlorid, n. xanthocobaltic chlo- ride. Xanthoproteinsaure, /. xanthoproteic acid. x-beliebig, a. any. Xeres, Xereswein, m. sherry. X-Strahlen, m.pl. X-rays, Rontgen rays. Xylidinrot, n. xylidine red. Xylochinon, n. xyloquinone. Xylol, n. xylene. Xylorcin, n. xylorcinol, xylorcin. Xylylsaure,/.xylicacid. Yamwurzcl, /. yam. Yerbastrauch, m. mate, Paraguay tea. Ysop, m. hyssop. Ysopol, n. oil of hyssop. Yttererde, /. yttria. ytterhaltig, a. containing yttrium, yttric. Ytterspat, m. xenotime. 303 z., dbbrev. (zu, zum, zur) at, for, by. Z., abbrev. (Zeitschrift) periodical, journal; (Zeile) line; (Zeit) time; (Zoll) inch. Zacke, /., Zacken, m. prong, tooth, jag; twig, bough; scollop, edging; (Metal.) plate. zacken, v.t. jag, tooth, indent, notch; scollop. zackig, o. jagged, toothed, indented, serrated. Zaffer, m. zaffer, zaflfre (impure oxide of cobalt). Zageleisen, n. slab iron, zagen, v.t. be afraid, be timorous, zaghaft, a. afraid, timid. zah, zahe, a. tough, tenacious; (of liquids) viscous, viscid; stingy. Zahe,/.= Zahigkeit. Zaheisen, n. toughened iron. Zaheit, /. = Zahigkeit. zahfestig, a. tenacious. Zahf estigkeit, /. tenacity. zahfliissig, a. thickly liquid, viscous; difficultly fusible, refractory. Zahigkeit, /. toughness, tenacity; viscosity, viscidity. Zahkupfer, n. tough-pitch copper, tough pitch. Zahl, /. number; numeral. Zahlapparat, m. counting apparatus, counter. zahlbar, a. payable, due. zahlen, v.t. & i. pay. zahlen, vJ,. & i. number, count. Zaiilenfolge, /. numerical order. Zahlengrosse, /. numerical quantity. zahlenmassig, adv. numerically. Zahlenwert, m. numerical value. Zahler, m. numerator; counter, marker; teller. zahllos, a. numberless. Zahlmeister, m. paymaster, cashier, treasurer. zahlreich, a. numerous. Zahlung, /. payment. Zahlung,/. counting, enumeration; calculation, computation. zahlungsfahig, a. (Com.) solvent. Zahlungsschcin, m. receipt. zahlungsunfahig, a. insolvent. Zahlwert, m. numerical value. Zahlwort, n. numeral. Zahlzeichen, n. figure, numeral, zahm, a. tame, gentle, domestic, zahmen, r.J. tame, domesticate; restrain, con- trol. Zahn, m. tooth. Zahn-. tooth, dental, odonto-, toothed, notched. Zahnarzt, m. dentist. zahnarztlich, a. dentist's, dental. Zahnbein, n. dentine. Zahnburste, /. tooth brush. Zahne, m.pl. teeth. zahneln, v.t. tooth, indent, denticulate. Zahnemail, n. dental enamel. zahnen, v.t. tooth, indent. v.i. teeth. ge- zahnt, p.a. toothed, dentate, dentated, in- dented. Zahnfleisch, n. gum, gums. Zahnformel, /. dental formula. lahnformig, a. tooth-shaped, odontoid. Zahnheilkunde, /. dentistry. Zahnkeim, m. dental pulp. Zahnkitt, m. dental cement. Zahnlatwerge, /. tooth paste. Zahnpaste, /. tooth paste. Zahnpulpa, /. dental pulp. Zahnpulver, n. tooth powder. Zahnrad, n. cog wheel. Zahnschmelz, m. dental enamel. Zahnschmerz, m. toothache. Zahnstein, n. tartar (on the teeth). Zahnstocher, m. toothpick. Zahnung, /. toothing, serration; dentition. Zahnwasser, n. tooth wash. Zahnwehholz, n. prickly ash (Zanthoxylum). Zahnweinstein, m. tartar (on the teeth). Zahnwerk, n. gearing. Zahnzement, m. dental cement. zahpolen, v.t. (Metal.) toughen by poling. Zain, m. ingot, bar, rod, pig. zainen, v.t. make into ingots or bars; draw out, stretch (iron, etc.). Zainform, /. ingot mold. Zange, /. (pair of) tongs; pincers, nippers, for- ceps, pliers, tweezers. Zange-. (Metal.) shingling. Zangearbeit, /. (Metal) shingling. Zangelchen, n. pincers, nippers, tweezers. zangen, v.t. (Metal.) shingle. Zangengriff, m. handle of tongs, forceps, etc. Zanger, m. shingler. Zangeschlacke, /. shingling slag. Zangewalzen, f.pl. shingling rolls. 304 Zank 305 Zeitfolgc Zank, m. quarrel, contention. zanken, v.i. & r. quarrel, dispute. zankhaft, zankisch, a. quarrelsome, cap- tious. Zapfchen, n. small pin, peg or plug; (Anat.) uvula. Zapfchen-. uvular. Zapfen, w. peg, pin, plug, pivot; tap, spigot, bung; axle, trunnion; tenon; cone. zapfen, v.t. tap, draw (liquids). Zapfenbaum, m. conifer. zapfenf ormig, a. peg-shaped, cone-shaped, con- ical, (Bot.) strobiliform. Zapfenkorn, n. ergot. Zapfenlager, n. (Mack.) bearing, socket, bush, collar. Zapfenloch, n. peg hole, pivot hole; (in casks) bung hole, tap hole. zapfentragend, p.a. (Bot.) coniferous. Zapfenwein, m. leaked wine. Zapfer, m. tapster, drawer. Zapon, m. varnish. zappelig, a. writhing, fidgety. zappeln, v.i. struggle, flounder, fidget. Zar, m. czar. Zarge, /. border, rim, edge. zart, a. tender; delicate; soft, fine. zartlich, a. tender, fond. Zaser,/. fiber, filament. zaserig, a. fibrous, filamentous. Zasium, n. cesium. Zasium-. See Casium-. Zaspel, /. skein, hank. Zaubcr, m. charm, spell; magic, witchcraft. Zauber-. magic, fairy. Zauberei, /. magic, sorcery. Zauberer, m. magician, wizard. zauberhaft, zauberisch, a. magic, enchanting. Zauberhasel, /. witch-hazel. Zauberlaterne,/. magic lantern. Zauberwurzel, /. mandrake. , zaudern, v.i. delay, hesitate. Zaum, m. bridle, rein. zaumen, v.t. bridle, restrain. Zaun, m. fence, fencing; hedge. Zaundraht, m. fence wire. Zaungitter, n. fence netting, wire fencing. Zaunpfahl, m. fence post; fence picket. Zaunrtibe, /. bryony. zausen, zauseln, v.t. pull, pick, drag. z.B., abbrev. (zum Beispiel) for example, e.g. z.E., abbrev. (zum Exempel) for example, e.g. Zeche,/. score, bill; mine, mining company. zechen, v.i. tipple, booze. zechfrei, a. scot-free. Zecke,/. (Zool.) tick. Zeder,/. cedar. Zederol, n. cedar oil. Zedratol, n. citron oil. Zedrool, n. citron oil. Zehe, /., Zeh, m. toe; clove (of garlic) ; knot, stick (of ginger). Zehen-. digital, toe. zehn, a. ten. zehnbasisch, a. decabasic. Zehneck, n. decagon. zehnfach, zehnfaltig, a. tenfold, zehnte, a. tenth. Zehntel, n. tenth. Zehntelgrad, m. tenth of a degree, zehren, P.I. consume, waste; live, feed. Zehrung,/. consumption; provisions, expenses; waste (of wine, etc.) ; (Explosives) priming. Zeichen, n. symbol; sign; mark, stamp, brand; signal; symptom; token. Zeichen-. symbolic, sign; drawing, marking. Zeichenbrett, n. drawing board. Zeichendeuter, m. astrologer, augur. Zeichenerklarung, /. explanation of symbols, marks or signs. Zeichenkreide, /. crayon, marking chalk. Zeichenpapier, n. drawing paper. Zeichenregel, /. rule for drawing, construction rule. zeichensetzung, /. punctuation. Zeichensprache, /. symbolic notation, sign lan- guage. Zeichentinte, /. drawing ink, marking ink. zeichnen, v.t. & i. draw, design; mark, brand; sign, subscribe. Zeichncr, m. drawer, draftsman, designer; signer. zeichnerisch, a. pertaining to drawing, graphic, diagrammatic. Zeichnung, /. drawing, diagram, sketch, design, plan, pattern; marking, marks; signature, subscription. Zeigefinger, m. forefinger, index. zeigen, v.t. show, exhibit; point out, indicate. v.r. appear, show oneself, become evident; turn out, prove. v.i. point. Zeiger, m. pointer, indicator, hand, index, needle; (Math.) index; index finger; one that shows, presenter, bearer. zeihen, v.t. charge, accuse. Zeile,/. line; row. Zein, m. = Zain. Zeisig, m. siskin. zeisiggriin, a. siskin-green, light yellowish green. Zeit,/.time; period, era, season; tense; tide. zur Zeit, at present. vor kurzer Zeit, a short time ago. Zeitabschnitt, m. period, interval. Zeitalter, n. age. Zeitangabe,/. date. Zeitaufwand, m. loss of time. Zeitdauer, /. duration, period of time. Zeiteinheit, /. unit of time. Zeitfolge, /. chronological order or succession. Zeitfrage 306 Zerfall Zeitfrage, /. topic of the day. Zeitgeist, m. spirit of the age. zeitgemass, a. seasonable; up to date. Zeitgenoss, m. contemporary. zeither, adv. hitherto, ever since. zeitig, a. early, timely; ripe, mature. zeitigen, v.t. mature, ripen. Zeitigung, /. maturation, maturity. Zeitlang, /. time. adv. for a time. zeitlebens, adv. for life, forever. zeitlich, a. temporary; temporal. Zeitlose, /. colchicum. Zeitmass, n. measure of time; (Music) time; (Gram.) quantity. Zeitmesser, m. chronometer. Zeitpunkt, m. point of time, moment. zeitraubend, p.a. time-consuming. Zeitraum, m. space of time, period. Zeitrechnung, /. chronology. Zeitschrift, /. periodical, journal, magazine. Zeitung, /. newspaper, paper; news. Zeitungsausgabe, /. issue of a newspaper; newspaper office. Zeitungspapier, n. (Paper) news; old news- papers. Zeitungswesen, n. newspaper business, jour- nalism. Zeitvertreib, m. pastime. zeitweilig, a. temporary; present, actual. zeitweise, adv. temporarily; occasionally. Zeitwort, n. verb. Zeitziinder, m. time fuse. zelebrieren, v.t. celebrate. zellahnlich, a. cell-like, celloid. Zellchen, n. cellule, small cell. Zelle,/.cell. Zellen-. cell, cellular. Zellenart,/.kindof cell. zellenartig, a. cell-like, cellular. zellenbildend, p.a. cell-forming. Zellenbildung, /. cell formation. Zellenfaser, /. cell fiber. Zellenfliissigkeit, /. cell fluid. zellenformig, a. in the form of cells, cellular. Zellengehalt, m. cell contents. Zellengewebe, n. cellular tissue. zellenhaltig, a. containing cells, cellular. Zelleninhalt, m. cell contents. Zellenkern, m. cell nucleus. Zellenkies, TO. cellular pyrites. Zellenrad, n. bucket wheel. Zellensaft, m. cell fluid. Zellenstoff , m. cellulose. Zellenwand,/. cell wall. Zellgewebe, n. cellular tissue. zellig, a. cellular, celled. Zellstoff, n. cellulose. Zelluloid, n. celluloid. Zellulose,/. cellulose. Zell wand, /. cell wall. Zelot, m. zealot, fanatic. Zelt, n. tent; awning; pavilion. Zeltchen, n. lozenge, tablet. Zement, TO. & n. cement. Zementation,/. cementation. zementieren, v.t. cement; subject to cementa- tion. Zementierfass, n. precipitation vat. Zementiermittel, n. cementing agent. Zementierung, /. cementing; cementation. Zementit, n. cementite. Zementkalkstein, ??;. hydraulic limestone. Zementprufung, /. cement testing. Zementsilber, n. precipitated silver. Zementstahl, m. cementation steel. zensieren, v.t. criticize. Zensur, /. censorship; report. Zenti-. centi-. Zentigramm, n. centigram. Zentimeter, n. centimeter. Zentner, m. hundredweight; quintal. zentral, a. central. Zentralblatt, n. central journal or paper (a name used by periodicals). Zentrale, /. median line, median. zentralisieren, v.t. centralize. zentrieren, v.t. center. Zentrifuge, /. centrifuge; sling. zentrifugieren, v.t. centrifuge, centrifugalize. zentrisch, a. centric; central. Zentrum, n. center; bull's-eye. Zeolith, m. zeolite. Zepter, n. scepter, mace. Zer, n. cerium. zer-. apart, asunder, in pieces, dis-. zerarbeiten, v.t. work, prepare by working; destroy by working, crumble; overwork. Zerasin, n. cerasin. Zerat, n. cerate. zeratzen, v.t. destroy with caustics. zerbrechen, v.t. break (in pieces), shatter. zerbrechlich, a. breakable, fragile, brittle, frail. Zcrbr echlichkeit, /. fragility, breakableness. Zerbrechungsfestigkeit, /, resistance to break- ing strain. zerbrockeln, v.t. & i. crumble. zerbrockelnd, p.a. crumbling, friable. zerdriicken, v.t. crush. Zerdriickungsfestigkeit,/. resistance to crushing strain. Zerealien, f.pl. cereals. zerebral, a. cerebral. Zeremonie,/. ceremony. zeremoniell, a. ceremonial. zerfahren, v.t. injure (by driving over, as roads). p.a. unsteady, inattentive, thought- less. Zerfall, m. decomposition; dissociation; disin- tegration; ruin. zerf alien 307 zerstossen /erf alien, v.i. decompose; dissociate; disinte- grate, crumble, fall to pieces; quarrel. v.t. injure by falling. Zerfallgeschwindigkeit, /. velocity of decompo- sition. Zerfallsprodukt, m. decomposition (or dissocia- tion) product. zerfasern, v.t. separate into fibers, rag. zerfetzen, v.t. cut in pieces, shred; slash. zerfleischen, v.t. lacerate. zerfliessbar, a. deliquescent. zerfliessen, v.i. deliquesce; melt, be dissolved; (of colors) run. zerfliessend, p.a deliques- cent. zerfliesslich, a. deliquescent. zerfressen, v.t. eat away, corrode; cauterize. zerfressend, p.a. corrosive. Zerfressung, /. corrosion; cauterization. zergehen, v.i. deliquesce; disperse, dissolve, dwindle. zergliedern, v.t. decompose, analyze; dismem- ber; (Med.) dissect. Zergliederung, /. decomposition, analysis; dis- section; dismemberment. zerhacken, v.t. cut to pieces, mince. Zerin, n. cerin. Zerit, m. cerite. Zerium, n. cerium. zerkleinern, v.t. reduce to small pieces, com- minute, disintegrate. zerkluf tet, p.a. cleft, riven, fissured ; segmented. zerknistern, v.i. decrepitate. zerknittern, v.t. crumple, rumple. zerlassen, v.t. melt, liquefy, dissolve. zerlegbar, a. decomposable, etc. (see zerlegen) . zerlegen, v.t. decompose; split up, take apart, cut up, dissect, analyze, resolve; (Mack.) dismount. Zerlegung,/. decomposition, etc. (see zerlegen). zerlochern, v.t. perforate, punch. zermahlen, v.t. grind fine, pulverize, triturate. zermalmen, v.t. bruise, crush, grind. Zernitrat, n. cerium nitrate. zerplatzen, v.i. burst, explode. zerquetschen, v.t. crush, mash, bruise. Zerrbild, n. caricature. zerreibbar, a. friable, triturable. zerreiben, v.t. pulverize, powder, triturate. zerreiblich, a. friable, triturable. Zerreiblichkeit,/. friability. Zerreibung, /. pulverization, trituration. zerreissbar, a. capable of being torn or rent. zerreissen, v.i. tear, lacerate, break, rend, rup- ture; wear out. Zerreissprobe, /. rending or breaking test. zerren, v.t. & i. pull, tug, drag, tear. Zerrennboden, m. (Metal.) slag bottom. zerrennen, v.t. (Metal.) refine, fine. Zerrenner, m. refiner. Zerrennfeuer, n. (Metal.) refining fire. zerriihren, v.t. mix by stirring, beat up. zerrutten, v.t. disturb, disorder, derange, de- stroy. zers., abbrev. (zersetzend) decomposing; (zer- setzt) decomposes. Zers., abbrev. (Zersetzung) decomposition. zerschellen, v.t. smash, shatter, shiver. zerschlagen, v.t. break in pieces, smash, crush batter. zerschmelzen, v.t. & i. melt. zerschmettern, v.t. shatter, smash, crush. zerschneiden, v.t. cut up, mince, shred. zersetzbar, a. decomposable. Zersetzbarkeit, /. decomposability. zersetzen, v.t. & r. decompose; disintegrate. Zersetzer, m. decomposer, decomposing agent. zersetzlich, a. liable to decompose, unstable. Zersetzlichkeit, /. liability to decomposition, instability. Zersetzung,/. decomposition; disintegration. Zersetzungserzeugnis, /. decomposition prod- uct. zersetzungsfahig, a. capable of decomposition. Zersetzungskunst, /. analysis. Zersetzungsmittel, n. decomposing agent. Zersetzungspfanne, /. decomposing pan. Zersetzungspunkt, m. decomposition point. Zersctzungsspannung, /. (Elec.) decomposition voltage. Zersetzungsvorgang, m. process of decomposi- tion. Zersetzungswarme, /. heat of decomposition. Zersetzungs wider stand, m. (Elec.) electrolytic resistance. zerspalten, v.t. & i. cleave, split (up). zersplittern, v.t. shiver, splinter, split, scatter. Zersplitterung, /. shivering, splintering, break- ing up; scattering, frittering away. zersprengen, v.t. burst, blow up, shatter, snap; disperse. zerspringen, v.i. burst, explode, shiver, break, crack. zerstampfen, v.t. pound, bray. zerstauben, v.t. reduce to dust, comminute, (of liquids) atomize, (of mercury) flour; scatter as dust, spatter, (of liquids) spray. Zerstauber, m. atomizer, sprayer, etc. (see zerstauben). Zerstaubung, /. comminution, atomization, (of ' mercury) flouring; spattering, scattering, spraying, spray. Zerstaubungsapparat, m. spray apparatus, atomizer. zerstieben, v.i. scatter as dust, spray; vanish. zerstorbar, a. destructible. zerstoren, v.t. destroy ; break down, ruin. Zerstdrung, /. destruction; overthrow, ruin. zerstossen, v.t. pound (to pieces), bray, bruise, powder, pulverize. zerstreuen 308 ziemen zerstreuen, v.t. disperse, scatter, disseminate, dissipate, diffuse; divert, distract. zer- streut, p.a. dispersed, etc.; abstracted, dis- tracted. Zerstreuung, /. dispersion, etc. (see zerstreuen); (Optics) dispersion (sometimes, divergence); diversion, amusement. Zerstreuungsvermogen, n. (Optics) dispersive power. zerstiickeln, v.t. divide into small pieces, cut up, parcel out. zerteilen, v.t. divide; dissever, separate, re- solve. v.r. divide; disperse. Zerteilung, /. division; separation, dissolution, resolution. Zerteilungsmittel, n. (Med.) resolvent. zertrennen, v.t. separate; unravel, rip up. zertriimmern, v.t. break up, shatter, destroy. Zerussit. m. cerussite. Zer velatwursi, /. saveloy. Zerwiirfnis, n. dissension, strife. zessieren, v.i. cease. Zettel, m. slip (of paper), card, ticket, label, check, placard, handbill, note; warp. Zettelkatalog, m. card catalog. Zeug, n. & m. stuff, material(s) ; tools, imple- ments; mortar; harness; rigging; trash; (Paper) stuff, pulp; (Brewing) yeast; (Metal.) metal; (Fireworks) composition; (Weaving) stuff, cloth, fabric. Zeugbiitte, /. (Paper) stuff chest, pulp vat. Zeugdruck, m. cloth printing, calico printing. Zeugdrucker, m. cloth printer, calico printer. Zeugdruckerei, /. calico printing; print works. Zeuge, m. witness. Zeugelinie, /. generating line. zeugen, v.t. beget, procreate, generate, produce. v.i. witness, testify. Zeugen-. of a witness, of testimony. Zeugfabrik, /. cloth factory, specif., woolen mill. Zeugfanger, m. (Paper) stuff catcher. Zeuggeben, n. (Brewing) adding the yeast, pitching the wort. Zeughaus, n. arsenal, armory. Zeugkasten, TO. (Paper) stuff chest; tool chest. Zeuglumpen, m.pL (Paper) cloth rags. Zeugnis, n. testimony, witness, evidence; tes- timonial. Zeugsichter, m. (Paper) pulp strainer. Zeugung,/. procreation, generation, production. Zeugungs-. generative, procreative. Zeugungsflussigkeit, /. seminal fluid. Zeugungsmittel, n. aphrodisiac. Zeugungsstoff, TO. semen. Zeugwanne, /. (Brewing) yeast tub. Zibebe,/. cubeb; (large) raisin. Zibet, Zibeth, TO. civet. Zichorie, /. chicory. Zickzack, TO. zigzag. Ziege, /. goat, she-goat. Ziegel, TO. brick; tile. Ziegelbrand, TO. brick burning, tile burning; batch of brick or tile. Ziegelbrennen, n. brick burning, tile burning. Ziegel brenner, m. brick (or tile) burner (or maker). Ziegelbrennerei, /. brick (or tile) burning; brick (or tile) factory. Ziegelbrennofen, TO. brick kiln, tile kiln. Ziegelei, /. brickyard, tile works; brick kiln, tile kiln. Ziegelerde, /. brick earth, brick clay. Ziegelerz, n. tile ore. ziegelfarbig, a. brick (or tile) -colored, brick- red. Ziegelhiitte,/. brick kiln, tile kiln. Ziegelmehl, n. brick dust. Ziegelofen, m. brick kiln, tile kiln. ziegelrot, a. brick-red. Ziegelstein, TO. brick. Ziegelton,/. brick clay. Ziegen-. goat's, goat. Ziegenbutter, /. goat's butter. Ziegenfell, n. goatskin. Ziegenkase, TO. goat's-milk cheese. Ziegenleder, n. goatskin or kid (leather). Ziegenmilch, /. goat's milk. Ziegenpeter, m. mumps. Ziegenstein, TO. bezoar. Ziegler, TO. brick maker, tile maker. zieh, prct. of zeihen. Zieh-. drawing, draw-, towing, tow-, foster. Zieharm, m. arm, handle, crank, ziehen, v.t. draw; pull, tug, drag; raise, breed; rear, bring up, educate; extract (drugs); couch, floor (grain); dip, mold (candles). v.r. stretch; soak, penetrate; be ropy; warp; move. v.i. draw; pull, etc.; have effect; move, go, (of colors) incline. Faden ziehen, string, be ropy. Ziehen, n. drawing, etc. (see ziehen); draft, traction; (of liquids) ropiness; move; twinge, twitch. Ziehenlassen, n. drawing, infusion. Ziehfeder, /. drawing pen. Ziehharmonika, /. accordion. Ziehkind, n. foster child. Ziehkraft, /. drawing power, tractive power. Ziehprobe, /. sample drawn (or to be drawn) put. Ziehtag, TO. moving day. Ziehung, /. drawing, etc. (see ziehen); draft. Ziel, n. goal, aim, object, end; limit, boundary; mark, target; term, time, zielen, v.i. aim (at); tend (to). zielendes Zeit- wort, transitive verb. Zielpunkt, TO. aim, mark, bull's-eye. Zielscheibe,/. mark, target. ziemen, v.i. become, be fitting, suit. ziemlich 309 zinnchlorwasserstoffsauer ziemlich, a. seemly, suitable; fair; moderate, considerable, rather large. adv. fairly, tol- erably, rather. Zier, /. ornament, grace. Zier-. ornamental, decorative, fancy. Zierat, TO. ornament, decoration, finery. Zierde, /. ornament, honor. zieren, v.t. adorn, ornament, decorate. v.r. be affected, coy, or prim. geziert, p.a. adorned, etc.; affected, finical. derlich, a. elegant, graceful, pretty, dainty, smart. Ziffer, /. figure, digit, number; cipher, cryp- tograph. Zigarre, /. cigar. Zigeuner, m. gipsy. Zimmer, n. room, chamber, apartment. Zimmer-. room, house, home; carpenter's. Zimmerdecke, /. ceiling. Zimmergerat, n. furniture, furnishings. Zimmerholz, n. timber. Zimmermadchen, n. chambermaid. Zimmermann, TO. carpenter. zimmern, v.t. frame, timber, build of wood; fabricate. Zimmertemperatur, /. room temperature. Zimmet, Zimmt, m. = Zimt. Zimmt-. See Zimt-. zimperlich, a. coy, prim, finical, squeamish. Zimt, m. cinnamon. weisser Zimt, canella bark, canella. chinesischer Zimt, cassia bark. Zimt-. cinnamic; cinnamon. Zimtaldehyd, n. cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic al- dehyde. Zimtalkohol, m. cinnamic alcohol. Zimtbliite, /. cinnamon flower, cassia bud. zimtbraun, a. cinnamon-brown. Zimtcarbonsaure, /. carboxycinnamic acid. zimtfarbig, a. cinnamon-colored. Zimtkaneel, m. canella bark, canella. Zimtkassia, /. cassia bark, cassia. Zimtkassienol, n. oil of cassia. Zimtol, n. oil of cinnamon. Zimtrinde, /. cinnamon bark. ZimtsJiure,/. cinnamic acid. Zimtstein, m. cinnamon stone, essonite. Zimtwasser, n. cinnamon water. Zinder, m. cinder. Zink, n. & m. zinc. zinkartig, a. zincky. Zinkasche, /. zinc ash, zinc dross (oxide of zinc). Zinkblech, n. sheet zinc, zinc plate. Zinkblende, /. zinc blend, sphalerite. Zinkblumen,/.pi. flowers of zinc (zinc oxide). Zinkblute,/. zinc bloom, hydrozincite. Zinkbutter, /. (Old Chem.) butter of zinc (zinc chloride). Zinkdampf, TO. zinc vapor. Zinkdestillierofen, m. zinc-distiUation furnace, zinc furnace. Zinke, /. prong, spike, tooth, lug. Zinkeisenerz, n., Zinkeisenstein, m. franklinite. Zinkerz, n. zinc ore. rotes Zinkerz, zincite. Zinkfeilspane, m.pl. zinc filings. Zinkfolie, /. zinc foil. Zinkgekratz, n. zinc dross (oxide). Zinkgelb, n. zinc yellow (zinc chromate). Zinkgewinnung, /. extraction of zinc, zinc pro- duction. Zinkglas, Zinkglaserz, n. (siliceous) calamine. Zinkgrau, n. zinc gray. Zinkgriin, n. zinc green. zinkhaltig, a. containing zinc, zinciferous. ZinkhUtte, /. zinc works. zinkisch, a. zincky, of zinc. Zinkjodid, n. zinc iqdide. Zinkkiesel, TO., Zinkkieselerz, n. (siliceous) calamine. Zinkkohlenbatterie, /. zinc-carbon battery. Zinkofen, m. zinc furnace. Zinkofenbruch, TO. tutty, cadmia. Zinkoxyd, n. zinc oxide. rotes Zinkoxyd, zinc- ite. Zinkpecherz, n. sphalerite. Zinkpol, TO. zinc pole, cathode. Zinkrauch, m. zinc fume. Zinksalbe, /. zinc ointment. Zinkschaum, TO. (Metal.) zinc scum. Zinksch wamm, TO. tutty, cadmia. Zinkspat, TO. zinc spar, smithsonite. Zinkstaub, m. zinc dust. Zinkverbindung, /. zinc compound. Zinkweiss, n. zinc white (zinc oxide). Zinkwerk, n. zinc works. Zink wolle, /. flowers of zinc. Zinn, n. tin. Zinnader, /. tin lode, tin vein. Zinnafter, TO. tin (ore) refuse. Zinnbad, n. tin bath. Zinnbeize, /. tin mordant, tin spirit. Zinnbergwerk, n. tin mine. Zinnblatt, n. tin foil. Zinnblech, n. tin plate, sheet tin. Zinnbromid, n. tin bromide, specif., stannic bromide. Zinnbromiir, n. stannous bromide. zinnbromwasserstoffsauer, a. of or combined with bromostannic acid, bromostannate (or stannibromide) of. Zinnbrom wasserstoffsaure,/. bromostannic acid. Zinnbutter,/. (Old Chem.) butter of tin (stannic chloride). Zinnchlorid, n. tin chloride, specif., stannic chloride. Zinnchlorur, n. stannous chloride. zinnchlorwasserstoffsauer, a. of or combined with chlorostannic acid, chlorostannate (or stannichloride) of. Zi n nchlor wassersto ffsaure 310 Zitzentier Zinnchlorwasserstoffsaure, /. chlorostannic acid. Zinndiphenylchlorid, n. diphenylstannic chlo- ride. Zinndraht, m. tin wire. Zinne, /. pinnacle, zinncn, v.t. tin. zinnen, zinnern, a. of tin, tin, pewter. Zinnerz, n. tin ore, cassiterite. Zinnfeilicht, n., Zinnfeilspane, m.pl. tin filings. Zinnfolie,/. tin foil. Zinngekratz, n. tin refuse, tin sweepings. Zinngerat, Zinngeschirr, n. tin vessels, pewter. Zinngeschfei, n. tin cry, crackling of tin. Zinngiesser, TO. tin founder, zinnglasiert, p.a. tin-glazed. Zinnglasur, /. tin glazing, tin glaze. zinnhaltig, a. containing tin, stanniferous. Zinnhydroxyd, n. tin hydroxide, specif. , stannic hydroxide. Zinnhydroxydul, n. stannous hydroxide. Zinnjodid, n. tin iodide, specif., stannic iodide. Zinnjodiir, n. stannous iodide. Zinnkies, m. tin pyrites, stannite. Zinnknirschen, Zinnkreischen, n. = Zinnge- schrei. Zinnlegierung, /. tin alloy. Zinnlosung, /. tin solution; (Dyeing) tin spirit. Zinnlot, n. tin solder. Zinnobcr, m. cinnabar, (also, when used as a pigment) vermilion. Zinnoberrot, n. vermilion. Zinnoberspat, m. crystallized cinnabar. Zinnofen, m. tin furnace. Zinnoxyd, n. tin oxide, specif., stannic oxide. Zinnoxydnatron, n. sodium stannate. Zinrioxydul, n. stannous oxide. Zinnoxydulsalz, n. stannous salt. Zinnoxydulverbindung, /. stannous compound. Zinnoxydverbindung, /. stannic compound. Zinnpest, /. tin plague. Zinnpfanne, /. (Tinning) tin pot. Zinnplatte, /. tin plate, sheet of tin (plate). Zinnprobe, /. sample, test, or assay of tin. zinnreich, a. rich in tin. Zinnsalz, n. tin salt; specif., (Dyeing) SnCl 2 .2H 2 O. zinnsauer, a. of or combined with stannic acid, stannate of. Zinnsaum, TO. list of tin, selvedge. Zinnsaure, /. stannic acid. Zinnsaureanhydrid, n. stannic anhydride, tin dioxide. Zinnseife, /. (Mining) stream tin. Zinnsoda,/. sodium stannate. Zinnstein, TO. tinstone, cassiterite. Zinnsulfid, n. tin sulfide, specif., stannic sul- fide. Zinnsulfiir, n. stannous sulfide. Zinnverbindung, /, tin compound. Zins, m. rent; (pi.) interest; tribute. zinsen, v.t. & i. pay rent, interest, or tribute. Zipfel, TO. tip, point, end. Zirbel-. (Anat.) pineal. Zirbeldriise, /. pineal body. Zirbelfichte, Zirbelkiefer, /. Swiss pine (Pinus cembra). Zirbelnuss, /. cedar nut (from Pinus cembra) . zirka, adv. about, approximately. zirkassisch, a. Circassian. Zirkel, m. circle; (pair of) compasses. Zirkel-. circular; compass. Zirkon, n. zirconium; zircon. Zirkonerde, /. zirconia, zirconium oxide. Zirkoniumverbindung, /. zirconium compound. Zirkonlicht, n. zircon light. Zirkonsaure, /. zirconic acid. Zirkonstahl, m. zirconium steel. Zirkular, n. circular, zirkulieren, v.i. circulate, zirpen, v.i. chirp, zischeln, v.i. whisper. zischen, v.i. hiss, sizz, fizz. Zissoide, /. cissoid. Zisterne, /. cistern. Zitat, n. citation, quotation. zitieren, v.t. quote, cite; summon. Zitrat, n. citrate. Zitrin, n. citrine. Zitronat, n. candied lemon peel. Zitronbartgras, n. lemon grass. Zitrone, /. lemon; citron. Zitronellol, n. citronella oil. Zitronellsaure, /. citronellic acid. zitronengelb, a. lemon-yellow, citrine. Zitronengras, n. lemon grass. Zitronenmelisse, /. balm, balm mint (Melissa officinalis). Zitronenol, n. lemon oil. Zkronensaft, TO. lemon juice. zitronensauer, a. = zitronsauer. Zitronensaure, /. citric acid. Zitronenschale, /. lemon peel. Zitronenwasser, n. lemonade. zitronsauer, a. of or combined with citric acid, citrate of. Zitronsaure, /. citric acid. Zitrulle, /. watermelon. zittern, v.i. tremble, shake, quiver, vibrate. Zitterwurzel, /. zedoary. Zitwer, TO. zedoary; aconite; sweet flag; ginger. Zitwerkraut, m. tarragon. Zitwersamen, TO. wormseed, esp. santonica; zedoary seed. Zitwerwurzel, /. zedoary. Zitz, TO. chintz. Zitze, /. nipple, teat. zitzenformig, a. mammillary . Zitzentier, n. mammal. zivil 311 Zuckerriibe zivil, a. civil; moderate (price). zl., abbrev. (ziemlich loslich) fairly soluble. Zobel, m. sable. Zober, m. tub. Zofe, /. chambermaid. zog, pret. of ziehen. zogern, v.i. tarry, delay, hesitate. Zogling, m. pupil. Zolestin, n. celestite. Toll, m. duty, custom, toll; inch. Zollamt, n. customhouse; board of customs. zollbar, a. dutiable. Zollbeamte, Zoll beamier, m. customhouse offi- cer, revenue officer. zollcn, v.t. pay, render. zollfrei, a. duty-free. Zollfreiheit, /. exemption from duty. Zolihaus, n. customhouse. zollpflichtig, a. dutiable. Zollsatz, m. tariff rate. Zollverein, m. tariff union. Zollverschluss, m. bond. Zoochemie, /. zoochemistry. zoochemisch, a. zoochemical. Zoolog, m. zoologist. Zoologie, /. zoology. Zopf, m. tress, cue; top (of a tree); formali- ties, red tape, pedantry. Zorn, m. anger, wrath, rage. Zotte, fcottel,/. tuft, tangle; (Anal.) villus. Zottelwolle,/. shaggy wool. Zottenhaut, /. chorion. zottig, a. shaggy, matted, (Bot.) villous. z.T., z.Th., abbrev. (zum Teil, zum Theil) in part. Ztg., abbrev. (Zeitung) newspaper, paper. zu, prep, to, at, in, for. adv. toward, on, too, closed. Zubehor, n. belongings, accessories. zubekommen, v.t. get in addition; get closed. zubenannt, p.a. surnamed. Zuber, m. tub. zubereiten, v.t. prepare, dress, finish. zubrennen, v.t. roast, calcine; cauterize; close by heating. zubringen, v.t. bring; spend. das Zugebrachte, dowry. Zubriihen, n. (Brewing) addition of boiling water in mashing. Zubusse, /. supply, contribution. Zucht, /. breeding, rearing; cultivation, cul- ture; breed, race; education; propriety; discipline. ziichten, v.t. breed, rear, grow. Ziichter, m. breeder, raiser, grower. zuchtig, a. chaste, modest, discreet. ziichtigen, v.t. punish, correct, discipline. zucken, v.i. twitch, jerk; palpitate. zuckend, p.a. convulsive, spasmodic. Zucker, m. sugar. zuckerahnlich, a. like sugar, saccharoid. Zuckerahorn, m. sugar maple. Zucker art, /. kind or variety of sugar; (pi.) sugars. zuckerartig, a. sugar-like, saccharine, saccha- roid, sugary. Zuckerausbeute, /. yield of sugar, rendement. Zuckerbacker, m. confectioner. Zuckerbaryt, n. barium sucrate. Zuckerbestimmung, /. determination of sugar. Zuckerbildung, /. formation of sugar, sacchari- fication, (Physiol.) glycogenesis. Zuckerbrot, n. sugar loaf; sweet bread. Zuckerbusch, m. sugar bush, honey flower (Protea mellifera). Zuckercouleur, /. caramel. Zuckerdicksaft, m. molasses, treacle. Zuckererde, /. animal charcoal for refining sugar. Zuckerfabrik, /. sugar factory. Zucker form,/, sugar mold. Zuckergarung, /. fermentation of sugar. Zuckergehalt, m. sugar content. Zuckergehaltmesser, m. saccharimeter. Zuckergeist, m. rum. Zuckergewinnung, /. extraction of sugar, sugar manufacture. zuckerhaltig, a. containing sugar, saccharine, saccharated. Zuckerharnen, n. glucosuria. Zu cker harnruhr, /. diabetes mellitus. Zuckerhirse, /. sorghum. Zuckerhonig, m. molasses, treacle. Zuckerhut, m. sugar loaf. Zuckerin, n. saccharin. Zuckerindustrie, /. sugar industry. Zuckerkalk, m. calcium sucrate, sugar-lime. Zuckerkand, Zuckerkandis, m. sugar candy. Zuckerkohle, /. charcoal from sugar. Zuckerkessel, m. sugar kettle, sugar boiler. Zuckerkorn, n. grain of sugar; sugar plum. Zuckerkrankheit, /. diabetes mellitus. Zuckerlosung, /. sugar solution; sirup. Zuckermehl, n. powdered sugar. Zuckermesser, m. saccharimeter. Zuckermesskunst, Zuckermessung./. saccharim- etry. Zuckermiihle, /. sugar mill. zuckern, v.t. sugar, sweeten. Zuckerpflanzung, Zuckerplantage, /. sugar plantation. Zucker probe, /. sample of sugar; sugar test. Zuckerrohr, n. sugar cane. chinesisches Zuck- errohr, sorghum. Zuckerrohrchen, n. sugar tube (small cylin- drical funnel for sugar determinations). Zuckerrohrruckstande, m.pl. bagasse. Zuckerrohrsaft, m. cane juice. Zuckerrose, /. red rose. Zuckerriibe, /. sugar beet. Zuckerriibenessig 312 Zuleitungsrohre Zuckerrubenessig, m. sugar-beet vinegar, beet- root vinegar. Zuckerriibenmelasse, /. beet molasses, beetroot Zuckerriibensaft, m. sugar-beet juice. Zuckerriibenzucker, m. beet sugar, beetroot sugar. Zuckerruhr, /. diabetes mellitus. zuckersauer, a. of or combined with saccharic acid, saccharate of. Zuckersaure,/. saccharic acid. Zuckerschaum, m. powdered animal charcoal. Zuckerschlamm, m. (Beet Sugar) lime scum. Zuckerschleuder, /. sugar centrifugal. Zuckerschotenbaum, m. honey locust. Zuckersieden, n. sugar boiling, sugar refining. Zuckersieder ei, /. sugar refinery, sugar house. Zuckerstein, m. finely granular albite. Zuckerstoff, m. saccharine matter. Zuckerstrontian, m. strontium sucrate. Zuckeruntersuchung, /. examination (or inves- tigation) of sugar. Zuckerverbindung, /. compound of sugar, su- crate. Zuckerwerk, n. confectionery, sweets. Zuckung, /. convulsion, spasm; twitch. zudem, adv. besides. zudrangen, v.r. throng, crowd, intrude. zudringlich, a. intrusive, intruding. zudriicken, v.t. shut, close. zueignen, v.t. dedicate; attribute; appropriate. zuerkennen, v.t. adjudge, award; admit, allow. zuerst, adv. at first, first, above all. Zufall, m. chance, accident; casualty; inci- dent; attack. zuf allig, a. accidental, casual, chance. zufliessen, v.i. flow in. Zuflucht, /. refuge, recourse. Zufluss, m. flow, flux, afflux; influx; resources; (of a stream) tributary. Zuflussrohr, n. supply tube or pipe, feed pipe. zufolge, -prep, according to, owing to. zufrieden, a. contented, satisfied, happy. zufriedenstellend, p.a. satisfactory. zufiigen, v.t. add; inflict, cause (an injury). Zuf iigung,/. addition; infliction. Zufuhr, /. addition; supply, supplies; convey- ance; importation. zufiihren, v.t. add, supply, feed; bring, con- duct; import. Zuf uhrung, /. (Tech.) supply, feed. Zug, m. drawing, pulling, pull, traction, tug; stretch (of leather) ; motion, move; passage, progress; impulse, disposition; draft; train; procession, flock, team, etc.; range (of mountains); stroke, line; feature, trait; flue; pulley; piston; drawtube (of a microscope) ; etc. Zugabe, /. addition; extra, surplus; supple- ment. Zugang, TO. admittance, access. zugiinglich, a. accessible, approachable. zugeben, v.t. add; permit, allow. zugebracht, p.p. of zubringen. zugegen, adv. & a. present. zugehen, v.i. go up (to), approach, go on; come, arrive; close, meet; happen, come to pass. zugehoren, v.i. belong. zugehorig, a. belonging, accompanying, proper. Ziigel, m. reins, bridle. zugeschmolzen, p.p. of zuschmelzen. zugespitzt, p.a. See zuspitzen. zugestehen, v.t. concede, admit, permit. zugetan, p.a. See zutun. Zugfestigkeit, /. tensile strength, tenacity. zugicssen, v.t. fill up by pouring; pour to, pour in. ziigig, a. (of leather) flexible, pliant. Zugkanal, m. flue. Zugkraft, /. tractive force, traction; tension; attraction. zugleich, adv. at the same time, at once, to- gether. Zuglich, n. draft hole, air hole, vent hole. Zugmesser, m. draft gage. Zugmittel, n. attraction; (Med.) vesicant Zugmuffel, /. (Ceram.) continuous muffle. Zugofen, m. wind furnace. Zugpflaster, n. blistering plaster, vesicatory. zugrcifen, v.i. lay hold, seize. Zugrohr, n., Zugrohre, /. air pipe, vent pipe. Zugrundelegung, /. (literally) foundation lay- ing. unter Zugrundelegung, on the basis (of). Zugsalbe, /. (Pharm.) rosin cerate. Zuguss, m. infusion; addition (of liquid). zugutemachen, v.t. work up, work (ores, etc.) . zuguterletzt, adv. last, finally. zuheilen, v.i. heal up. Zuhilfenahme, /. utilization, aid. zuhoren, v.it listen, attend. Zuhorer, m- hearer, auditor. Zuhorerschaft, /. audience. zukitten, v.t. cement up. zukommen, v.i. come up, come to, be due, be- come. Zukunft, /. future. zukiinftig, a. future, to come. zukiinftige Woche, next week. Zulage,/. addition, increase (in pay), allowance. zulangen, v.i. help oneself; suffice. zulanglich, a. sufficient. zulassen, v.t. admit; permit; turn on (steam, etc.) ; leave closed. zulassig, a. admissible, permissible. zulaufen, v.i. run, crowd, flock; run on. zulegen, v.t. add; procure, get, take. v.i. gain flesh. zuleimen, v.t. glue up. zuleiten, v.t. lead, conduct (in or to). Zuleitungsrohr, n., -rohre, /. inlet tube or pipe. zuletzt 313 Zus. zuletzt, adv. at last, last, finally. zuloten, v.t. solder up. zum. = zu dem. zumachen, v.t. shut, close. v.i. be quick. zumal, adv. chiefly, especially; all together. zumeist, adv. for the most part. zumischen, v.t. mix with, admix. Zumischstoff, m. admixed material, admixture. zumuten, v.t. expect, require. zunachst, adv. nearest, next; first. Zunahme, /. increase; progress. Zuname, /. surname; nickname. Ziind-. lighting, priming. Ziindapparat, m. priming apparatus, primer. ziindbar, a. inflammable. Ziindbarkeit, /. inflammability. ziimlen, v.i. take fire, ignite. v.t. set fire to, ignite, kindle. Zunder, m. tinder; forge scale; cause, occasion. Ziinder, m. lighter, ipniter; fuse, fusee; cinder. Ziindersatz, m. fuse composition. Ziindflammchen, n. pilot flame. Ziindholz, Zundholzchen, n. match. schwed- isches ZUndholzchen, safety match. Ziindholzfabrik, /. match factory. Ziindholzmasse, /., Ziindholzsatz, m. match composition. Ziindhiitchen, n. percussion cap, detonating cap. Ziindhiitchensatz, m. priming composition, priming. Ziindkapsel, /. = ZOndhUtchen. Zundkerze, /. vesta, wax match. Ziindkirsche, /. ignition pellet. Ziindmasse, /. igniting composition, ignition mixture. Ziindmittel, n. igniting agent, primer. Ziindpapier, n. touch paper. Ziindpille, /. pellet primer. Ziindpnlver, n. priming powder, priming. Ziindsatz, m. priming composition. Zundschnur, /. fuse, match. Zundschwamm, m. German tinder, punk. Zundstelle, /. place of ignition. Zundstoff, m. inflammable material; igniting agent, primer. Ziindung, /. ignition; priming. Ziindvorrichtung, /. ignition device, igniter. Ziindwaren, f.pl. inflammable goods, inflam- mables. zunchmen, v.i. increase, grow; advance, im- prove; prosper. v.t. take (more). Zuneigung, /. inclination ; attachment. Zunft, /. guild, corporation, profession, fra- ternity. Zunflgelehrter, m. professional man. Zunge, /. tongue. ziingeln, v.i. (of flames) shoot out, lick. ziingelnd, p.a. lambent. Zungen-. tongue, lingual, hyoid, glosso-, gloss-. Zungenzapfchen, n. epiglottis. zunichte, adv. undone, ruined. zuoberst, adv. uppermost. zupfen, v.t. pick, pluck, tug, pull. Zupfleinwand, /. lint. zupropfen, v.t. cork up, stop up. zur. = zu der. zuraten, v.i. advise in favor. zurechnungsf ahig, a. accountable, responsible. zurecht, adv. right, in order, in time. zurechtlegen, v.t. put right, arrange. zurechtmachen, v.t. get ready, prepare, adjust. zureden, v.i. speak (to), encourage, persuade, zureichen, v.i. suffice. v.t. hand (to). zurich ten, v.t. prepare, make ready, dress, finish; curry Qeather); leaven (dough); maltreat. ziirnen, v.i. be angry, zuriick, adv. back, backward, behind, zuruckbleiben, v.i. remain behind; be late, be slow; fall short, be inferior. zurttckblei- bend, p.a. remaining behind, etc., residual. zuriickdrangen, v.t. push, drive or force back,' zuriickfallen, v.i. fall back, be reflected, revert, relapse. zuriickfliessen, v.i. flow back; recede, ebb. zuriickfiihrbar, a. traceable; reducible. zuriickfiihren, v.t. trace (back); lead back, re- convey; reduce. zurtickgehen, v.i. go back, return, decline, de- teriorate; fail. zuriickgewinnen, v.t. win back, recover. zuruckgcworfen, p.p. of zurtickwerfen. zuriickhalten, v.t. keep back, retain, detain, re- press. zuriickhaltend, p.a. reserved, shy. zuriicklassen, v.t. leave behind, leave. zuriicklegen, v.t. put by; shelve; travel, go, live. zuriicknehmen, v.t. take back, recall, retract. zuriickprallen, v.i. rebound, recoil, be reflected. zuriicksetzen, v.t. set back, put back; reduce; neglect, slight. zuriickspiegeln, v.t. reflect. zuruckspiilen, v.t. rinse back, wash back. zuriicksteigen, v.i. rise back, mount back. zuriickstossen, v.t. repel; push back. Zuriickstossung, /. repulsion; pushing back. zuriickstrahlen, v.t. & i. reflect. zurucktitrieren, v.t. titrate back. zuriicktreiben, v.t. drive back, check. zurucktreten, v.i. go back, recede, retire. zuruckweisen, v.t. send back, decline, refuse. zurtickwerfen, v.t. reflect; throw back, drive back. Zuruf, m. shout, call. zurunden, v.t. round, round off. zuriisten, v.t. prepare, fit out, equip. zurzeit, adv. at the time. Zus., abbrev. (Zusammensetzung) composition. zusagen 314 Zuspitzung zusagen, v.i. agree, suit, please; consent, ac- cept. v.t. promise; assert. zusammen, adv. together; altogether. zusammenbacken, v.t. & i. stick together, agglomerate. zusammenballen, v.t. & r. agglomerate, con- glomerate, ball. zusammenbrechen, v.i. fall in, cave in. zusammendriickbar, a. compressible. zusammendriicken, v.t. compress. Zusammendriickung, /. compression. zusammenf alien, v.L fall (in), collapse; con- verge; coincide. zusammenfalten, v.i. fold together, fold up. zusammenfassen, v.t. grasp, comprehend, col- lect, summarize. zusammenf iigen, v.t. join, unite, combine. zusammengehorig, a. belonging together, cor- responding, correlated, (Biol.) homologous. zusammengeschliffen, p.p. of zusammen- schleifen. zusammengesetzt, p.a. See zusammensetzen. zusammengewachsen, p.p. of zusammenwach- sen. zusammengiessen, v.t. pour together. Zusammenhalt, m. cohesion; unity. zusammenhaltbar, a. capable of holding to- gether, cohesive; comparable; (formerly, of gases) coercible. zusammenhalten, v.i. cohere, hold together. v.t. hold together; compare. Zusammenhang, m. coherence, cohesion; con- nection; consistency. zusammenhangen, zusammenhangen, v.i. co- here; be connected. zusammenhaufen, v.t. heap up, accumulate, aggregate. zusammenkitten, v.t. cement. zusammenkleben, v.t. & i. stick together, agglu- tinate. Zusammenkunft, /. convention, assembly; con- ference. Zusammenlagerung, /. assemblage. zusammenlaufen, v.i. run together, converge, blend, coagulate. Zusammenleimung, /. agglutination; gluing to- gether. zusammenloten, v.t. solder (together). zusammenpressen, v.t. compress. zusammenreiben, v.t. rub or grind together. zusammenriicken, v.t. push together, crowd. zusammenschleifen, v.t. grind together. zusammenschmelzen, v.t. melt together* v.i. melt, melt down. zusammcnschrumpfen, v.i. shrink, shrink up; wrinkle. zusammenschiitteln, v.t. shake together; shake down. zusammenschiitten, v.t. pour together, mix. lensetzcn, v.t. compose; combine; put together; construct; compound. v.r. be composed, consist; combine; sit together. zusammensetzend, p.a. component, constit- uent. zusammengesetzt, p.a. compound; composite; complex, complicated. Zusammensetzung, /. composition; synthesis; combination; construction; structure; com- pound; complication. zusammenstelkm, v.t. put together, group, com- pile, collate. Zusammenstellung, /. putting together, group- ing, classification, combination, compilation, juxtaposition. zusammenstimmen, v.i. agree, accord, harmon- ize; vote together. Zusammenstoss, m. collision, encounter. zusammenstossen, v.i. come together, collide, adjoin. zusammenstossend, p.a. adjacent, contiguous. zusammentreffen, v.i. meet; coincide, concur. zusammentrocknen, v.i. dry up, shrivel. zusammenwachsen, v.i. grow together, con- crete, coalesce. zusammenziehbar, a. contractible; contractile. zusammenziehen, v.t. draw together, contract, abridge; assemble. v.r. contract, shrink; gather. zusammenziehend, p.a. contrac- tive; astringent. Zusammenziehung, /. contraction, shrinking, etc. (see zusammenziehen). Zusatz, m. addition; admixture; supplement, appendix; corollary. Zusatzmetall, n. alloy. Zusatzmittel, n. addition agent, supplementary agent (something added to assist a reaction). zuscharfen, v.t. sharpen, point; (Cryst.) bevel. Zuschauer, m. spectator. zuschieben, v.t. push to, shut; shift (to some one else). Zuschlag, TO. flux; extra payment. zuschlagen, v.t. add as a flux; knock down (at auction); close up (casks) ; slam (a door). zuschmelzen, v.t. close by melting, seal. zuschreiben, v.t. dedicate; credit; attribute; assign; add. Zuschrift,/. letter, writing; dedication. Zuschuss, TO. extra sheet; addition. zusehends, zusehens, adv. visibly; noticeably. zusetzen, v.t. alloy, mix; add, contribute; stop up, obstruct, bar; lose (money, etc.). zusichern, v.t. assure, promise. zuspitzen, v.t. point, sharpen or taper to a point. v.r. taper to a point; come to a crisis. zugespitzt, p.a. tapering to a point, pointed, acuminate. Zuspitzung, /. pointing, tapering to a point, acumination. zusprechen 315 Zwicker zusprechen, v.t. impart by speaking; adjudi- cate. v.L speak (to); cheer; call (on); agree (with), suit. Zuspruch, m. encouragement; address; call. Zustand, m. state; condition; situation, cir- cumstances. zustande bringen. carry thru, accomplish. zustandig, a. belonging (to) ; appropriate, suit- able. Zustandsanderung, /. change of state. Zustandsdiagramm, n. phase diagram. Zustandsgleichung, /. equation of state. zustecken, v.t. pin together; convey secretly. zustehen, v.i. pertain, belong; be incumbent (on), become. zustellen, v.t. shut, close; deliver, present. zustimmen, v.i. agree, consent. zustopseln, v.t. stopper, cork. zustromen, v.i. flow in, stream in. Zutat, /. ingredient; addition, complement, trimming, furniture. zuteilen, v.t. assign, allot, distribute. zutraglich, a. good, profitable, beneficial. zutrauen, v.t. credit (with), expect (of); confide (in). zutraulich, a. confiding, confidential. zutreffen, v.i. agree, correspond, prove correct. Zutritt, m. access, admittance. zutulich, a. attentive, obliging, affectionate. zutun, v.t. close, shut; add, furnish. zugetan, p.a. attached, devoted. Zutun, n. cooperation, aid. zuverlassig, a. reliable; certain, authentic. Zuverlassigkeit, /. reliability, credibility. Zuversicht, /. reliance, confidence, certainty. zuversichtlich, a. confident, positive, certain. zuvor, adv. before, beforehand, previously. zuvorkommend, p.a. anticipating; obliging. zuvortun, v.t. surpass, outdo. Zuwachs, m. increase, increment, growth, ac- cretion. zuweilen, adv. sometimes. zuwider, prep. & adv. against, contrary (to), repugnant (to). zuziehen, v.t. draw shut or together; call in, invite, incur. zw., abbrev. (zwischen) between. Zwackeisen, n. pincers. zwacken, v.t. pinch; tease. zwang, pret. of zwingen. Zwang, m. compulsion, coercion, force, violence. zwangen, v.t. force, press, coerce. zwangsweise, adv. by force. a. compulsory, forcible. zwanzig, a. twenty. zwanzigste, a. twentieth. zwar, adv. indeed, to be sure, truly. Zweck, m. object, end, aim, purpose; tack, pin, peg. zweckdienlich, a. serviceable, efficient. Zwecke, /. tack, pin, peg. zwecklos, a. aimless, useless. zweckmassig, a. suitable, appropriate, expedi- ent. zwecks, prep, for the purpose of. zweckwidrig, a. inappropriate, unsuitable, in- expedient. zwei, a. two. zweiachsig, a. biaxial. zweiarmig, a. two-armed. zweiatomig, a. diatomic. zweibasisch, a. dibasic. zweideutig, a. ambiguous, equivocal. zweierlei, a. of two kinds, different. zweifach, a. twofold, double, bi-. zweifach kohlensaures Natron, sodium bicarbonate. zweifarbig, a. two-colored, two-color, bicolored. Zweifel, m. doubt, question, uncertainty. zweifelhaft, a. doubtful* dubious. zweifellos, a. doubtless, indubitable. zweifelsohne, adv. & a. without doubt, doubt- less. Zweig, m. branch; sprig, twig; (mountain) spur. zweigliedrig, a. two-membered; (Math.) bino- mial. Zweigrohr, n., -rohre, /. branch tube or pipe, lateral. zweihalsig, a. two-necked. zweijahrig, a. of two years, biennial. Zweikampf, m. duel, (single) combat. Zweikern-. binuclear; as, Zweikernchinon, binuclear quinone. zweimal, adv. twice. zweimonatlich, a. & adv. bimonthly, every two months. zweiphasig, a. two-phase, diphase. zweipolig, a. bipolar. Zweirad, n. bicycle. zweisaurig, a. diacid. zweischalig, a. bivalve, bivalvular. zweischenkelig, zweischenklig, a. having two legs or branches. zweischneidig, a. two-edged, double-edged. zweiseitig, a. two-sided, bilateral. Zweitaktverfahren, n. two-stroke cycle. zweite, a. second. zweiteilig, a. two-part, bipartite. zweitens, adv. secondly. zweiwandig, a. two-walled, double-walled. Zweiweghahn, m. two-way cock. zweiwertig, a. bivalent, divalent. Zweiwertigkeit, /. bivalence. zweizahlig, a. twofold, double, (Bot.) binate. Zwerchfell, n. (Anat.) diaphragm. Zwerg, m. dwarf. Zwetsche, /. plum. gedorrte Zwetsche, prune. Zwickel, TO. wedge; try cock, proof cock. zwicken, v.t. pinch, nip; gripe; worry. Zwicker, m. nose glasses. 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