THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Bel den. BRISBIN'S STORIES OF THE PLAINS; OR, TWELVE YEARS AMONG THE WILD INDIANS. CHIEFLY FROM THE DIARIES AND MANUSCRIPTS OF GEORGE P. BELDEN, The Adventurous WHITE CHIEF, SOLDIER, HUNTER, TRAPPER and GUIDE. DETAILING THE HABITS, MANNERS, CUSTOMS, COSTUMES, FIGHTS, CEREMONIES, RELIG IOUS IDEAS AND MODE OF LIFE GENERALLY OF THE WILD INDIANS; TOGETHER WITH A BIOGRAPHICAL, SKETCH OF "BELDEN, THE WHITE CHIEF;" FROM HIS EARLY CHILDHOOD IN NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO, TO HIS TRAGIC DEATH AT THE HANDS OF A TREACHEROUS INDIAN ON THE PLAINS. GEN. JAMES S. BRISBIN, U. S. A, ANCHOR PUBLISHING COMPANY, 8-f. LOUIS, MO., CHICAGO, ILL., ATLANTA, GA. A. L, BANCROFT & CO , SAN FRAXCISCO, CAL. 1881. I!.itcrud according to Act of Congress, iu the year ISS!, BY J. H. CHAMBERS, In the Office of the Librarian of < engross, at Wnshingicn. CHAMBERS' BOOK ND JOB PR'NTINO CO. 20O N. 41 H STREET, ST. LOUIS. L 77 PTJBLISHEBS' PREFACE. r~T1HE attention of the Publishers was called to the BELDEN papers something over a year ago, since which time a few of them have been published in the New York Tribune and the Chicago Tribune, and in the Cincinnati Gazette. The papers thus published, although the less important and interesting of the collection, excited a great deal of interest, and were read with a great deal of satisfaction by thousands. In fact, so great was the satisfaction, that the whole series was eagerly sought for publication in serial form before its issuance in book form; but we are happy to state that we secured the entire series, and herein present it to the public, fresh and unhackneyed. The illustrations are from original designs, many of them made in outline by Mr. BELDEN himself, and others by Mr. IXKMAN, formerly of New York, but now of the Regular Army. They were ail engraved by the New York Bureau of Illustration, and we can not speak too warmly of the promptness and fidelity with which their engagement was fulfilled. The quality of their work speaks for itself. i OH) iv PUBLISHERS' PREFACE. It will be observed that nearly every chapter is complete in iteelf t eavih presenting a different phase of Indian or frontier life and character, but all so systematized and arranged as to form a connected and com- plete whole. THE PUBLISHERS. ST. Louis, 1881. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Difficulties in Writing a Book My Early Home Ran Away Arrive at Brownsville, Nebraska On the Banks of the Missouri First Impressions of the West Early Settlers My Father Moves Out West Starts the " Nemaha Valley Journal " Growth of the West Thirst foi Adventure Run Away from Home a Second Time Regrets at Leaving The Pony Out in the Open Air Under the Starlight A Last Look at Home Off for the Plains. CHAPTER II. Nebraska City Omaha Council Bluffs Laying in Supplies A Surprise Off Again Lost on the Prairies An Alarm The Hunter's Cabin Indian News A Frontier Supper The Peace Pipe Singular Be havior of my Host The Red Devils at Work A 'New Arrival ^Generosity Extraordinary Sioux City La Frombe Joining the Indians Adopted into the Tribe An Indian Sweetheart Married by Order Settling Down to be a Warrior. CHAPTER III. Life Among the Indians My Little Wife Washtella The Medicine Lodge A Curious Custom Medicine Arrows What the Indians Eat A Family Man Pleasant Evenings Washtella's Tales The Ancieni Yanktons Indian Amusements The Ball Game How it is Played A Spirited Contest Preparing for the Fall Hunt How the Indians Travel. CHAPTER IV. Off for the Fall Hunt Washtella and the Pony Indian Songs Camping Out A Stroll in the Wild Woods Sunset on the Prairies Washtella and I An Indian Fairy Tale The Giants of Old Wearer of the White Feather What Chacopee Saw in the Woods The Wooden Man- Battle of the Giants Chacopee's Troubles All's Well that Ends Well- Indian Credulity At the Hunting Grounds. CHAPTER V. The Beautiful Lake Killing the First Buffalo on the Hunt- Unexpected Honors The Great Hunt How the Indians Take Buffalo- Jerking the Meat Packing away Winter Supplies Moving Camp Killing Buffalo Calves Other Modes of Capturing Buffalo The Hunt Ended The Buffalo Feast and Dance Return Homeward At Peace with all the World. CHAPTER VI. Indian Doctor? Their Ignorance and Vanity Patent Medi cines Indian Girl Bitten by a Rattlesnake The Savage Mode of Trfci- ment An Old Indian Physician A Veritable Ass How the Girl Wai Cured Wonder of the Savages The Council and Explanation Modesty ot the Indian Doctor Practicing Medicine among the Savages A Bore I Givi Up the Doctoring Business. H AFTER VII. Indian Horse Races The San tees Get Beaten Another Expedition against the Pawnees Crossing the Missouri Waiting for the Santees The March The Attack Woo-Heo-Yah-Hoo A Disaster The Retreat A Battle The War-Chief Wounded A Terrible Contest Defeated Again The Return Homeward Parting With the Santees Mourning for the Dead. CHAPTER VIII. Conduct of Galles-Sca In Trouble A Fight with *n Indian New Expedition againat the Pawnees Its Fate Determines t lake ft Journey The Departure On the March Beautiful Scenery An CONTEXTS. Indian Burying-Ground Talk with Washtella about the Dead Scene in th Grave- Yard Curious Indian Customs How They Bury Their Dead Super stitions A Night Cainp The Journey Continued Far Up the Missouri In the Santee Lands IIow We Cooked and Ate. CHAPTER IX. An Indian Village Mirages on the Prairies Their Fata'. Deceptions The Encampment A Surprise A Strange and Beautiful Pic ture The Warning and Welcome Locating a Town Lot The Santees Curiosity of the Women Resemblance between White and Red Women A Noble People The Missionary Pleasant Interview How the Indiani Build their Homes My New Residence. CHAPTER X. Indian Arrows How they are Made Cutting the Shafts Dry ing and Smoking them Why they are Wrapped in Rawhide Peeling the Shafts Making the Notch Why the Shaft is Fluted The Arrow-Head Fastening it Putting on the Feather Price of Arrow-Heads Where they are Made Immense Profits of the Traders Prices of Arrows The Indians Bad Financiers Indian Paints Where they are Manufactured A Curious bnt Profitable Business War Arrows A Deadly Shaft The Terrible Poi- toned Arrow How it is Poisoned Disuse of the Poisoned Arrow The Reason Why Signal Arrows How they are Made Their Meaning Indian Cun ning. CHAPTER XI. The Bow Its Antiquity Indian Boys Learning to Shoot Power of the Bow The Sioux Bow How it is Made Why it is Carried Un strung Wood for Bows Their Value Difficulty of Drawing them Shooting Buffalo with Bows and Arrows Strengthening the Bow with Sinew The Bow-String Crow and Cheyenne Bows The Elk Horn Bow How it is Made The Value of an Elk Bow Quivers How they are Made and Car ried Names of Indians The Sioux Chief Spotted Tail How to Shoot with the Bow Striking with the Bow Indian Insults and Honor. CHAPTER XII. Indian Manufactures The Bone, Stone, and Flint Ax How they are Made Indian Hammers, Mallets, Hatchets, and Hoes Rasps and Files How they are Made, and what Used for War-Clubs, Spears, and Jave- linB Indian Riding-Whips Curious Manner of Making them The Indian Knife A Remarkable Trade Enterprise The Crow Comb" Necessity the Mother of Invention " Illustrated. CHAPTER XIII. Buffalo Robes Fleshing, Tanning, and Drying them Trade Robes Their Value The "Body Robe The Fur Trade How it is Con ducted Its Profits Indian Prices of Furs Sending them to Market Their Value at St. Louis Articles of Trade What Indians Buy A New Cur rency Labor of Preparing Furs How Much a Squaw Gets for a Full Day's Work Furs the Cheapest Goods in the World. CHAPTER XIV. Pipes and Tobacco Where did Man Learn to Smoke? The Tobacco Plant Where the English Found it Old Indian Pipes How and of What they are Made The Way an Indian Smokes-*-Ceremonies in Smoking The Tomahawk Pipe Its Use The Phil. Kearney Battle Club A Horrible Instrument Pipe Stones Indian Kinne-kan-nick How it 'M Made Sumach Tobacco The Indian's Acknowledgment of God Tobacco Bags How and of What they are Made Their Value. CHAPTER XV. Trapping When the Indians Learned the Art of Trapping- How to Set the Traps A Trapper's Life Hard Work Number of Beaver Usually Taken with a DozonTraps Indian Peculiarities Crow Superstition about the Bear The Crow Chief, Iron Bull Sioux Superstition about the Prairie- Dog What this Animal Really is A Case of Prejudice Bear Claws. CHAPTER XVI. Scalping Why the Indians Scalp People A Singular Belief- No Bald Heads in Heaven The Scalp-Lock How the Pawnees, Sioux, and Winnebagoea Wear their Hair Other Indians Ornaments fo.r the Hair Th CONTEXTS. Silver Tails A Sioux Long Tail The Iron Ring Ornnmcnt How U Take it Off Does it Pull? The Scalping-Knifc A Preserved Scalp Mr. Beldei.'s Belt. CHAPTER XVII. Painting the Face Indian Taste The Lone Pnint Scalp Paint Parting the Hair How Indian Girls Paint Love Paint A. Cause of Excitement Laughable Mistakes The Indian Belle Her Disappointment The Sioux Death Paint Crow and Snake Colorings Louking-Glasse* Nat ural Mirrors A Sioux Beauty Surprised Her Mortification and Modesty. CHAPTER XVIII. Indian Head-DressesHow they are Made The Skull- Cap The Buffalo Head-Dress An Enormous Hat Standing Bull's liead- Dross Warriors Visiting Their Hat-Boxes An Indian Toilet The Bald and Black Eagle Their Use Value of Eagle Feathers Price of an Indian Head-Gear Feather Signs Their Use in War The Sculp Feather An Indian Ensign. CHAPTER XIX. Moccasins The Indiana as Shoemakers How Moccasins are Made Who Make them Sioux, Cheyenne, Arrapahoe, Crow, and Pawnee Shoes Their Shape and Tracks Imitative Power of the Indian The Win- nebagoes as Manufacturers Winnebago Women Their Comeliness of Per son How they Braid their Hair A Beautiful Custom Shells of Ocean A Sioux Ear-Ring Bead Belt Cost of Sea-shells and their use. CHAPTER XX. Indian Women Child-bearing among them Physical Endur ance of the Squaw Her Habits The Pappoose Indian Cradles How they are Made Carrying the Pappoose Indian Education Mourning for the Dead Disfiguration of the Body A Tedious and Barbarous Custom Mourning for the Slain at Phil. Kearney Punishing Dumb Animals for the Dead The Baby Asleep. CHAPTER XXI. Indian Dogs Their Origin Habits of the Dog His Cow ardice and Treachery What the Indians do with Him Number of Dogs to a Family Raising Dogs for Food Indian Dog Feasts The Author Attends one Dog Soup Manners at an Indian Table How Dogs are Cooked The Prejudice Against Dog Meat How it Tastes Why do n't we E.-it Dogs ? Wild Artichokes and Corn The Author Learns to Like Dog An Enterprise Considered The Enterprise Abandoned. CHAPTER XXII. The Fall Hunt A New Expedition Planned -fho Start- Camps on the Missouri A Delightful Country Pleasures of Camping Out A Herd of Buffalo The Old Bull An Adventure with a BuffaloThe Pur suit Pursuer Pursued My Pony Terrible Fall Perilous Situation Givei, up for Lost The Deliverance A Lesson to Buffalo Hunters. CHAPTER XXIII. Off for the Mountains Hunting Elk and Antelope A Bear Hunt The Three Grizzlies A Race Looking for the Game More Game Found than Wanted Taking up a Position Skirmishing The Enemy won't Scare The^Battle A She-Bear and Two Cubs Intelligence of the Rear A Dead Monster Skinning a Bear The Return to Camp An Alarm Indians What Frightened them Supper in Camp A Night March Far uf in the Mountains Our New Camp. CHAPTER XXIV. Hunting Rocky Mountain Sheep An Early Start Meeting the Sun on the Mountain-tops The Big Horns in Sight La Frombc Kills a Sheep My Chagrin at a Bad Shot Following the Big Horns A Toilsome Journey The Sheep in Sight Again Killing a Ram His Astonishing Strength A Meal on the Mountain The Return Home Once More. CHAPTER XXV. Old Buffalo Bulls The Monarehs of the Prairies A Chase After one His Rage and Efforts to Capture me A Trick How he Hid from me Terrible Collision The Result What I Saw Dangerous Situation Death of the Buffalo My Condition Poor Little Pony The Return t CamD Alarm of iny Friends All Right Once More. CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVI. Legend of Crazy Woman Story of the Old Indian in troduction of Ruin among the Crows The White Trader Singular Con duct of the Chief The Crazy Warrior Crow Council The Black Water- Speech of the Young Warrior Peril of the Trader The Confession An Indian Duel Death of the Trembling Hand Murder of the Trader Th White Squaw IIo" Vscape The Crazy Woman How the Stream tn A Western Stage Driver What he did when the Coach was Attacked The Dead Horse A Predicament Amputation of a Leg How to fight Sioux Indians Off for the Ranche A Funeral Pro cession Arrival at Gilman's All Aboard Off Again Burial of Cinnamon Recovery of the Wounded The Sioux Trail The Signs Where they went. CHAPTER LIII. General Sully's Expedition against the Sioux The March up the Missouri Arrival at Fort Sully Old Keg, the Guide Inhumanity of his Tribe Scouting for Indians Hot Weather The Indians Found Race for the Battle-field A Desperate Battle Horrible Treatment of the W'ounded Lieut. Levitt His Desperate Encounter with Squaws A Night of Horrors- Death of Lieut. Levitt Escape of the Savages The Pursuit Their Dead and Wounded Loss of the Whites. CHAPTER LIV. An Indian Attack Attempt to Rescue the Prisoners Lieul Bayne's Scout The Warning Mistaken Pride Surrounded by Savages A Desperate Situation Bayne's Irresolution A Bravo Sergeant Dreadful Charge Fighting for Life The Command Saved The Sergeant's Horso Wounded He is Left Behind Ingratitude of his Comrades Noble Sacri fice Heroism of the Sergeant He Kills Eight Indians Death of the Ser geant The Return to Camp Bayne's Report Honors to the Dead Sergeant's Body. CHAPTER LV. Scouting on the Republican Hiding along the Creeks Sally out to Kill a Buffalo The Wounded Calf Hunting Buffalo with two In dians Race after the Herd Another Frightened Herd The Cause of ita Alarm- Perilous Situation Hiding in the Bluffs Returning to Camp Un expected Game Some Steaks after all A Hasty Supper The Flight Safe in Camp. CHAPTER LVI. Appointed a Second Lieutenant in the Regular Army Go to Washington Call upon my Old Friends in Ohio Join my Company Hunting Deserters With General Sweitzer Extraordinary Sportsmanship Prairies on Fire A Beautiful Sight Indian Attack on Lieut. M'Carthy's Command The Phil Kearney Massacre Ground Lieut. Shirly's Indian Battle March to his Relief Scouting on the Powder River A Storm Blue Skies again The Crow Indians A Nation of Beggars Noble Chiefs Return to the Fort. CHAPTER LVII. Garrison Life Hunting Rocky Mountain Sheep A Chase after Indians How they Carry Off their Dead Siege of McPherson's Train The Relief Joy of the Rescued The Battle-field March Homeward The Deserted Lodge Indians Again Wolves and the Old Buffalo Bull At Phil Kearney Basache, the Runner Her History How She Killed the Bear- Why She Received her Name. CHAPTER LVIII. Indian Alarms The Sioux Standing to Arms Attack on the Wood-choppers Battle at Piney Death of the Wood-choppers Pursu ing the Indians They Won't Fight the Soldiers Another Alarm Fire 12 CONTENTS. Suspicions of Treachery To Fort Reno and Back New Year's in Camp Th Indians on the Hills A Council Speech of Dr. Matthews to the Chiefs Their Reply The Council Ends in Smoke and Bad Blood Trading with the Indians- -A Bridal Robe The Upper and Lower Crows Basache Determine* to Leave Me She Goes to Join net Tribe. CHAPTER LIX. Red Clond About Basache Returns She is Tired of being a Chiefs Daughter with Nothing to Eat Indian Articles of Value Their Price Letters from Home Startling News A Curious Ceremony Chris tening an Indian Child Superstition about Crying The Dog Law Indians Eating Dogs An Amusing Occurrence No Favor among Curs The Spring Coming Bird Shooting. CHAPTER LX. The Sioux Threaten Fort Kearney Attack on Infantry-men Run into the Fort General Smith's Interview with the Sioux Who they Were and what they Said A Cavalry Scare The Indians Encamp Near the Fort Their Defiance A Train Signaled We Go out to Meet it Corralled by In dians Desperate Situation A Fight Twenty against Two A Struggle for Life The Gates of the Fort Thrown Open Saved Punishment of the In dians Return to Friends A Joyful Evening. CHAPTER LXI. My Army Duties Troubles Customs of Service The Written and Unwritten Law Modern Slavery Perplexities of a Young Officer's Life- Guard Mounting Old Army Officers Mildness of their Manners How they Treat Young Officers Venerable Buffers Guard Ceremony The Officer of the Guard Post Adjutants Old and New Guards Relieving the Guard Posting the Sentinels Minuteness of Military Duty Errors The Punishment. CHAPTER LXII. The Regular Army Its Use in Settling and Developing th Country How Army People Live, and what they Do Occupation of New Lines of Country The Regular Army on the March Camping Out What ia Carried, and how Soldiering is done in Peace Times Building Forts Get ting Up Supplies Fighting Indians Settling the Country What the Cavalry Does Hardships of a Soldier's Life The Uncertainties of Service What Army Officers are Paid. CHAPTER LXIII. Further Account'of how Indians Get their Names Mook-Pe- Lu-Tah Ta-Shunk-Ah-Ko-Ke-Pah-Pe Cin-Ta-Gel-Les-Sca, Spotted Tail'i Daughter Closed Hand White Forehead No Knife Superstition among the Crows about Tails Tickling a Crow Girl, and what Came of it Basache Ba-Ra-We-A-Pak-PeisPen-Ke-Pah Leaving the Powder River Coun tryArrival at Reno, Fetterman, and Fort Steele Return to Fetterman Fine Hunting. CHAPTER LXIV. The Shoshonee Indians Their First Introduction to the Whites Lewis and Clarke's Expedition up the Missouri in 1806 Their Reception by the Snakes Their Early History and Possessions Wars of the Snakes Their Allies : the Bannocks Where the Bands of Snakes Roam Washakie's Band His Reservation How he Keeps his Treaties Good Indians What is Likely to Become of Washakie and his People. CHAPTER LXV. The Powder River Country Its Occupation by Troops in 1866 The Reasons for Occupying it Cause of the Indian War that Fol lowed Abandonment of the Big Horn Territory Treatment of the Indians What should be Done with Them The Crow Tribe Settling Indians on Reservations How it has Worked Civilization or Starvation the only Re sult Our Duty Contests with Indians in 1866-67 The Phil Kearney Massa cre The Powder River Country Described Climate, Soil, Minerals, and Game The Great Canyon of Big Horn Rocky Mountain Sheep Agricultu ml f!iraniT or' the W Horn 'JcustrT. CONTENTS. ' 13 CHAPTER LXVI. The Lands West of Powder River and North of the Snaso Lands The Climate and Grazing in Montana Indians and Hunting Grounds An Indian Battle The Chiefs Daughter Indian Camps along Bowlder Creek How Savages Amuse Themselves The Crow Nation A Tribe of Gour mands and Beggars Pride and Ignorance of the Savages The Roads in Mon tana Some Remarks on Trade, Streams and Forts Trout Fishing No Hard Wood beyond the Rocky Mountains Montana Mountains Gold Fields Their Yield Mines and Mining New Discoveries Characteristic Letters Expensive Living Isolated Position of Montana Her Future Farming Landt Coal Fields The Inhabitants of Montana Their Peculiarities and Habits. SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTERS. I. AK IXDUX ELOPKMRKT. II. THK HCHTKR'B DRJUJI. III. JIM BAKKR. IV. THE MAGIO CIECLK ox TBB PBAIBII. V. STBIKIKO THE POST. VL LAST DATS OF BBLDEK. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAOB Ajssinibolue Warrior, ........ 301 Belden, .......... Frontispiece Buffalo Chase, 57 Bows, Arrows, and Quivers, . *. . . . . . . . 118 Body Kobe, 12* Buffalo Head-Dress, ... 1. Beaded Moccasins, ...... . .154 Bear Band, ...... ..... 156 Baby Asleep, . . . . . . . . . . .159 Brt-sache, . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 Crow Head-Dress, . . . . . . . . . .158 Capturing two Sioux Warriors, . . . . . . . 383 Death of Atchafalaya, . . . . . . . . . li Eagle Head-Drees, .......... 15t Escape of Atchafalaya, ......... 479 Fine Pipe, , . . . .130 Flagging the Antelope, . . . . . . . .171 Fight in the Old Cabin, . . . tfrrt Gun Case, . .......... 2txJ Indian Village on the March, ........ 41 Indian Burying-Ground, ......... 85 Indian Lodges, . . . . . . . . . . .97 Indian Axes and Clubs, ......... 117 Indian Warrior with Club, . . ...... 119 Indian and his Pipe, . . . . . . . . .128 2 (xv) Xv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAOB *ndian Duel, 190 Indian Saddle, 294 Jim Baker's Bear Fight, 496 Keep off, . 203 Let the Father be Silent and Hear, . . . . 09 Lieut. Levitt's Adventure with the Squaws, ..... KB Mourning for the Dead, ......... 77 Modern War Club, 119 Modern Indian Pipe, .......... 129 Matosca's Saddle, .......... 293 Murder of Ed. Bentz, ' . . . . 315 Old Stone Arrow Heads, . . . 108 Pawnee Spear, ........... 120 Practicing with Bow and Spear, ........ 121 Pipe, 129 Preserved Scalp, .......... 140 Right-foot Moccasins, 153 Sioux Warrior with Spear, ..... 130 Skinning the Buffalo, . . .IS Sioux Necklace, .......... 138 Scftlping-Knife and Sheath, . . . . * 140 Silver Long Tail and Scalp Feather, 142 Sioux Ear-Ring, 155 Saved, . 213 Striking the Post, . 508 Tomahawk Pipe, ......... 130 Tobacco Pouch, .......... 134 Trader and Indian, ........ 185 Twenty vs. Two, . ....... 406 Wampum. ... .......'* DHth of Belden, 540 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER I. DIFFlOtTLTIES IN WRITING A BOOK MT EARLY HOME RUN AWAY ARRIVH AT BROWNSVILLE, NEBRASKA ON THE BANKS OF THE MISSOURI FIRST IM PRESSIONS OF THE WEST EARLY SETTLERS MY FATHER MOVES OUT WEST STARTS THE " NEMAHA VALLEY JOURNAL " GROWTH OF THE WEST THIRST FOR ADVENTURE RUN AWAY FROM HOME A SECOND TIME REGRETS AT LEAVING THE PONY OUT IN THE OPEN AIR UNDER THE STARLIGHT A LAST LOOK AT HOME OFF FOR THE PLAINS. TT is no very difficult task for me, at one hundred yards, to *- send a rifle-ball against the head of a brass nail, or to cut with an arrow, at half the distance, the string that suspends a squirrel by the tail ; but the pen is a weapon with which my hand has long been unfamiliar. It matters little where a man may have been born in this country, or what his earlier life may have been ; for Americans consider more what men are than what they have been. To those who read these pages, and who may be curious to know, I will, however, say I was born in the good State of Ohio, and, at the age of thirteen ran away from my parents to seek my fortune in the then almost unknown West. The wild life I have led, and the many adventures I have passed through, may seem almost incredible to those accus tomed to living in civilized communities ; yet I can assure th (19) ',40 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. reader that, although there is a great deal of romance, there is no fiction in these chapters, and that what I am about to re late is as much every-day life among the wild Indians of the plains as is the business of the merchant or banker, who goes regularly to his counter and desk in the great city. How I got from Ohio to Nebraska is my own affair. Suf fice it to say, that I was not yet fourteen years of age when I arrived at Brownsville, then a small hamlet of log houses. Here, on the banks of the murky Missouri, I first saw the "Great* West." Emigrants were pouring in from the States; and, filled with the idea of the future wealth and importance of this broad land, I made haste to write to my father, de scribing the valley, and urging him to move out. That he thought well of what I said, and relied somewhat on my judgment, is evinced by the fact that he came with his family and settled in Nebraska, where now stands the city of Browns ville. My father had once learned the printing trade, and our first enterprise was to establish a weekly newspaper, called the " Nemaha Valley Journal" It was a sickly affair, but through its influence many a well-to-do farmer was induced to leave his home in the States to try his fortune in the Far West; and of all who came, not one, I believe, regrets the day he left the East. Many of them now count their herds by thousands and number their acres by miles of land, while all who have labored and practiced economy own beautiful homes, and have abundant wealth. In two short years brick houses began to appear; the buf falo, game, and Indians were gone, and I felt Brownsville was no longer my home. I burned for adventure, and when our little weekly paper was announced as a " daily," I knew it was BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. 23 time for me to be off. I wished to see the mountains covered with perpetual snow; I longed to chase the buffalo and wild deer over boundless plains. I wanted to dress as a trapper, and live in the open air. far away from the habitations of men. The case and the setting of type being no longer toler able, I flung down my stick, and, seeking my father, told him of my craving for wild life and adventure. I was a sickly boy, and, naturally, he endeavored to dissuade me from my purpose to cast myself loose on the prairies. Finding I could not gain his consent, I determined to run away once more; *nd, consulting with a friend, I begged him to buy me a horse. In two days I had a stout pony, saddle, and bridle concealed in the stable of a Mr. Hill, and awaiting my order. My rifle and revolvers, which had already become my familiar companions and most trusted friends, were carefully cleaned, oiled, and laid away. I overhauled my shot-pouch, and pur chased a good supply of powder, ball, and caps. All these warlike preparations did not escape the attention of my good mother and sisters, who anxiously inquired what I meant to do. God forgive me for the story I told them, but I desired only to avoid giving them pain, and said I intended taking a short hunt some day on the prairies. It is now many years ago, but that short hunt is not yet ended, and, probably, nver will be until death ends the hunter. It was a beautiful starlight night when I stole down the stairs, and, quietly opening the street door, stepped into the open air. For a moment I paused on the threshold, and an in tense desire to go back seized me. I wished to look once more on the faces of my dear mother and sisters. Should I ever see them again? Ah, who could tell? I stood irresolute, but the sound of approaching footsteps on the street aroused me, 22 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. and, crushing down the great lump in my throat, I brushed aside the gathering tears I could not suppress, and hastened to the stable where my horse was concealed. To saddle and bridle' him, mount and gallop out of the town, was the work of but a few minutes. On the rising ground overlooking the city I paused for one last look of home. How quietly the houses lay in the moon-light! how peacefully the hundreds slept ! And is it not strange that I, a mere boy, was possessed of a restless spirit that would not let me sleep, that was driving me from home, plenty, and friends to the wilderness, to take upon myself hardships, privations, and dangers that, if foreseen, were well calculated to appall the stoutest hearts? I said, " O, fool, how long?" and turn ing my horse's head to the northward, plunged my spurs into his side*, causing him to rear wildly, and then bound furiously over the broad prairie. The die was cast; a life of adventure decided upon, and I was off for the boundless plains, where the buffalo loamed at will; where I could hunt the elk, and trap the beaver; dwell in a wigwam, and make my home with the children of the " Great American Desert." BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 23 CHAPTER II. NEBRASKA CITY OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS LAYING IN SUPPLIES A BUB- PRISE OFF AGAIN LOST ON THE PRAIRIES AN ALARM THE HUNTER'S CABIN INDIAN NEWS A FRONTIER SUPPER THE PEACE PIPE SINGULAR BEHAVIOR OF MY HOST THE RED DEVILS AT WORK A NEW ARRIVAL GENEROSITY EXTRAORDINARY SIOUX CITY LA FROMBE JOINING THE INDIANS ADOPTED INTO THE TRIBE -AN INDIAN SWEETHEART MARRIED BY ORDER SETTLING DOWN TO BE A WARRIOR. TjlAST and furious I rode forward, never pulling rein until I -*- arrived at Nebraska City, then a small village, though now a considerable place. Halting to rest for an hour or two, I suddenly remembered that my parents had friends in the town, and that a telegraph ran from there to Brownsville, and, fear ing lest I should be telegraphed or taken charge of by rela tives, I mounted my pony, and, striking boldly out on the prairie, kept in what I supposed the direction to Omaha, and just as the sun was going down I saw the city, and by dark was in it, having ridden eighty-five miles in less than twenty-four hours. The heat had visibly affected me, and I felt fatigued, though my tough little pony seemed fresh almost as when starting. Opposite Omaha is Council Bluffs, so named from a famous Sioux Indian council once held in the hills above the city ; and feeling I should be more secure there than in Omaha, I crossed the Missouri and put up at a small and obscure hotel. 24 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. UK. It was now late at night, and I was completely exhausted. Putting the pony in the stable, and seeing him well supplied with hay, I went to bed and slept for many hours, until the sun shining through the window awoke me, and, hastily dress ing myself, I breakfasted and sallied out to see the town and buy some more ammunition. I had determined to stay several days at the Bluffs, but, while standing in a store, I saw a neighbor from Brownsville pass, and, imagining he was looking for me, I slipped out, and, going to the hotel, saddled my pony and departed in haste. I had purchased many shells, beads, ribbons, and pieces of colored cloths, to trade with the Indians, and with great diffi culty managed to carry them along. Following up the eastern bank of the Missouri, I passed over high hills, through deep cafions, across wide meadows and prairies, and climbed precipitous bluffs. It was in August, that season of the year when the prairie strawberry is ripe. The ground, at times, for miles was covered with this delicious fruit, and many were the halts I made to rest my pony and gather the luscious berries. I was riding to reach a hunter's cabin, forty miles up the Missouri, but the day was hot, and I made slow progress. Night came down upon the prairies, and still no cabin was in sight. It soon became so dark I could with difficulty follow the trail, and was about to give up all effort to go further and camp on the prairies, when my pony pricked up his ears and set off at a gallop. I gave him rein, and he traveled rapidly on what seemed to be a well-beaten wagon road. Suddenly halting, so as nearly to pitch me over his head, the little fellow began snorting and exhibiting unusual signs of terror. I held him firmly, and, BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 25 although I strained my eyes, it was so dark that I could see nothing. While I was endeavoring to force the beast forward, a rough voice close by my stirrup inquired : " Who are you, and where are you going ? " " A man going to Sioux City, and looking for a cabin hei e- abouts," I answered. "All right," replied the voice; "follow me." " Do you live near by ? " I inquired. " Yes ; come along." Thus urged, I rode on in silence, and presently entered a patch of timber, where I saw a light shining among the trees. In a few minutes we were before the door of a hut, and my companion, with a bluif "Get down, stranger," entered the house. I did not like the movements of my host; but, dismounting, followed him into a snug room, the walls and floor of which were completely covered with the furs of wild animals. Softer than any carpet were the white wolf skins beneath our feet, and the walls were rich with the beautiful coverings of antelope and red deer, while in the corners were antlers of elk, on which hung clothing, shot-pouches, and Indian bead-work. By the light of a rag- burning in a saucer of grease, I saw my host was a large, powerfully-built man, with bushy black oeard, and a big, honest face. In a moment I felt perfectly at ease, for I knew I was in the home of a hardy frontier's-man, than whom no honester or braver men ever lived. " Darned if I did n't take you for a half-breed at first," hoot with the best young Indian, and I did much of my own work, and carried wood and water for little Washtella, which the young warriors thought was a degrading thing for a man to do. But Wash tella was one of the kindest and best of women, and I really liked this wild maid of the forest, and, as is common among white men, I was willing to work for my wife. So I pre tended not to see the sneers of the young Indians, and kept close to my lodge, for Washtella was teaching me her lan guage. One evening, while lying on the bed in my teepee, I ' ear ; a great beating of drums and rattling of gourds in the lower r 3 S<1 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. end of the camp, and asked Washtella what it all nient. Sli replied : 'The big medicine man calls the warriors to the medicine teepee." "What for, Washtella?" "To make arrows; then go on a big hunt; kill heap buf falo," she replied. Gathering my blanket about my shoulders (for I had no^v ceased to wear a coat or vest), I strode out of my lodge and made my way to the medicine lodge. Arrived there, I saw a number of old men seated around the walls of the lodge, and looking very solemn. One old Indian made room for me by his side, and I sat down on the ground, crossing my leg. and saying not a word. No women or children are allowed tc enter the medicine lodge, and so none were present. We sat as silent ae Quakers for half an hour, the drums and gourds meanwhile rattling vigorously without. The lodge now was full, and a great crowd of Indians, who could not get in, were assembled about the door. Presently, all the chiefs having come, the drums ceased to beat, and the medicine man (there is but one to each tribe) arose and built a small fire in the center of the lodge. Cast ing on some brambles and a few light branches of wood as soon as it began to blaze, he harangued the crowd, telling them it was good time to go on a hunt, and that every sign in the sky and on the earth was favorable to their success. His speech was pretty long, and outlasted the fire, which burned down so low he had to rekindle it at the close of his oration. When it burned bright again he began to chant an invoca tion to the Great Spirit, in which he asked b ] essing8 from BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 35 We-tou-ka (God) on the hunters, the game they killed, and on the guns, bows, arrows, knives, and ponies. He begged most earnestly that the hunters might be permitted to find plenty of buffalo, and that they might be successful in killing tlu in, so that all the Indians would be fat and comfortable durieg the coming winter. The deep solemnity and reverence manifested by the Indians while this prayer was being offered up exceeded any thing of the kind I had ever witnessed among white men. Not a sound was heard within, and the crowd without stood with bowed heads and outstretched necks anxious to catch every word of the great medicine man. Taking a bunch of scented grass, he strewed it over the coals, when it emitted a sweet perfume, which completely filled the lodge and almost intoxicated the senses. While burning the grass, he chanted a wild song, keeping time with his foot. At length, sitting down, he tossed blades of grass on the fire, and the chiefs and warriors arose, and, moving to the left around the fire, kept slow time and step to the monotonous beating of the drum, which had struck up again. When this had continued for some time, the leading chief laid on the fire a new arrow, which was gaudy with feathers and paint, and had a bright steel point. Then, the next chief in rank selected a fine arrow and threw it in the flames; so every chief and warrior did, when, seeing La Frombe cast in. his arrow, I felt badly, for I had none, having come to see arrows made instead of destroyed. I noticed that I was observed by the Indians, who kept going around the ciicle, although every one but myself had cast in his arrow, and I began not only to wish myself eafe out of the lodge, but to wonder how I would get out, when, chancing to look around, I saw the next Indian in the circle .*} BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. behind me was the old man who had given me a seat wheu entering the lodge. I passed my hand back to him, when, seeming to understand what I wanted, he slipped, unobserved, a new arrow into my fingers, and, drawing it through as if from under my arm, I advanced and threw it into the flames. The pile of arrows was quite high, and a bright red flame leaped up nearly to the roof of the lodge, the dry shafts making a crackling noise as they burned. All the time the ceremony was going on, the medicine man sat by the fire, muttering to himself, and casting on scented grass. When each man had burned his arrow he left the lodge, and another warrior entered to Replace him in the circle. Seeing my arrow consumed, I stepped out of the lodge, and went to my teepee, as did the other warriors to theirs. It was now quite dark, and I found Washtella waiting supper for me. You may be curious to know how we lived iu a wigwam, and I will tell you. We had no chairs, but sat on skins of wild animals laid on the ground. We had gourds for cups, and platters of both wood and tin. For food we had corn, prepared almost as hominy is in the States; then roast elk, boned buffalo, roast artichokes, flour, biscuit, buffalo tallow and water, fuid fried brains. We never used salt, as the In dians abominate it. At first I could hardly live without it, but soon became accustomed to fresh victuals, and even now 1 do not use a pound of salt in a year. Few Americans appre ciate how much salt they eat salt in every thing of food kind, and pounds of it. Coffee and tea, Washtella and I had none; but we -hud plenty of pure cold water, and I can assure you it is no bail substitute for the stronger beverage. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 37 they wore not unpleasant. While I shaved an arrow-shaft, VVashtella made some pretty head-work, or braided a buffalo hide with porcupine quills. Then we talked; and Washtella told me the curious tales of her people; how they had once lived far to the east, and had a great war with a fierce tribe, who drove the Yanktons from their hunting grounds and forced them far up the Missouri. Then she told me how the tribe wasted away from many thousands to a few hundreds, and how their towns had once been seven in number, built of wood and clay, and the buffiilo, deer, elk, and antelope came and grazed within sight of the villages. Once, too, there had been a great chief in their tribe, who was famous in war, and so skillful he slew or defeated all their enemies; and his name was so terrible, that he was feared cvery-where, and his people grew rich, and had many horses and much corn, and gave laws to all the other nations, who made presents and sent horses and corn, so they would not make war upon them. But the chief died, and then the fame of the nation decayed, and nobody feared them any longer or brought them corn or horses, but made war upon them and took away their horses and corn. So my dark-eyed 3ompanion, woman-like, rattled on with her tongue, now telling quaint stores of old times or curious Tegends of the lands where they had dwelt. The little maid was always cheerful, and made me tell of the great towns in which the pale faces live, and their tall houses where people slept far above the ground, all of which was very wonderful news to her. In the mellow fall days we walked in the wood, or I joined Ihe young men and played at ball. I must tell you how 1his game is played among the Indians, for it is curious. A great noise of shouting is heard in the camp, and the 38 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. young men, with bat or club three feet long and crooked at the end, go out on the prairie near the camp. Having found a smooth spot they halt, and two of the youths, by common consent, take opposite sides and pick out the players, first one and then the other, until enough are had. One morning I heard the young men shouting for ball, anil t went out with them to the play-ground. The two chiefs, A-ke-che-ta (Little Dog Soldier), and Ma-to-sac (White Bear), were picking sides, and a number of Indians were already seated facing each other, and bantering on the game. As each man was selected he spread down his buffalo robe and sat upon it, facing his opponent. I was selected by A-ke-che-ta, and silently took my place in the line. Presently all the young men who were to play were selected, and then several old men were appointed to act as umpires of the game. These advanced *nd seated themselves between the contestants, and then the warriors rose and commenced betting on the game. First one warrior advanced and threw down a robe before the old men ; then a warrior from the other side came forward and laid a robe upon it; and so all bet, one against the other. Presently there was a great number of piles of stakes, some having bet mocca sins, head-dresses, bead-work, ear-rings, necklaces, bows and arrows, and even ponies. All these were carefully watched over by the old men, who noted each stake and the depositoi on a stick. If you did not wish to bet with any particular warrior you laid your wager on the big pile, and instantly it was matched by the judges against some article of corresponding value from the pile of the other side. Thus I bet a hunting- knife, half a pound of powder, a pair of moccasins, and a small hand-mirror, which articles were appropriately matched with others by the judges. All was now in readiness for the game BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 39 to begin, p. ml the parties separated. The two lines were formed about one hundred yards apart. In front of each side, twenty feet from each other, two stakes, smeared with paint, are driven firmly into the ground, and the object of the game is to drive the ball between the stakes. Whichever side shall first force the ball through the opposite, stakes wins the game. The ball, nade of rags and covered with buckskin, is carried to the center of the ground between the combatants, and there deposited, by one of the old men, who then returns to his post. The judges then give the signal, and with loud shouts the players run to the ball, and commence knocking it to and fro with their crooked sticks. The ball is about the size of a large orange, and each party tries to prevent its coming toward their stakes. No war rior must touch the ball with his hands; but if it lies in a hole, he may push it out with his foot, and then hit it with his stick. In the game whick I am. telling you about, Ma-to-sac's party reached -and struck the ball first, lifting it clear over our heads, and sending it far to our rear and close to our stakes. Then we all. ran, and Ma-to-sac's and A-ke-che-ta's warriors fell over >ne another, and rapped each other on the shins with their clubs, and there was great confusion and excitement, but at length one of the party succeeded in hitting the ball, and sent it to Ma-to-sac's stakes. Thither we ran, but no one could find the ball. After much search, I discovered it in a tuft of grass, and, bidding one of our men run quickly to the stakes, I hit it and drove the ball to him. Unfortu nately, it fell in a hole, and before our wariior could get it out and hit it, a dense crowd of Ma-to-sac's men were around the 8}>ot and in front of the stakes. The contest was violent, so much so, indeed, that no one could hit the ball, though it was continually tramped over. At length some -one called out, 4 40 BELDEN": THE WHITE CHIEF. "There it goes," and the warriors scattered in all direction!-. looking to see where it was; bnt one of Ma-to-sac's men, win had called out, stood fast, and when the crowd had scattered I saw hi in attempting to conceal the ball beneath his foot. Running against him from behind with such force as to throw him on his face, before he could recover his feet, I hit the ball and, seeing all Ma-to-sac's men off their guard, with the aid of a young man, easily drove it between their stakes, only a few yards distant,* The judges at once declared the game was ours, and many and loud were the cheers sent up by our party, in token of the victory, while Ma-to-sac's men retired sullen and disappointed. f was declared the winner, and A-ke-che-ta thanked me for my services, while the young warriors gathered around and congratulated me on my success. Then \ve all smoked, and went over to the stakes to receive our shares. As winner, T ',\ as entitled to a general share of the spoils; but I declined in favor of the young Indian who had helped me drive the ball, saying that, as he had last hit it, and actually forced it between the stakes, he was, in reality, the most deserving. This argument was loudly applauded by the old men, and the young warrior, who had not been friendly for some time with me, was so touched by my generosity that he came and thanked me, saying frankly, "You, and not I, won the game." How- * In this pime every one must keep his temper, and any stratagem i ii'io-.vofl. so the liall is not touched with the hands. It is not suffered. ri:>%vrver. fur i'.ny one to hit another over the head, or on the body with sticks or the hands, hut if yon can upset a pnnester hy ninninir against him it is esteemed fair. When either parly rl^aK foul is called hy th to party, when the fame ceases until the judges decide the m.'.ttrr II it is a foul play the pi me, is given to the other side. Xo thinks of disputing the judges' decision and from it there is no appeal. BELDKN: THE WHITE CHIEfl. 41 ever, I forced the general stakes upon him, at which lie was much pleased. I found that the stakes had won a* saddle, half a pound of powder, six yards of wampum beads, and a hand somely braided knife-scabbard. When the judges had awardo( ( l all the winnings, among which were fourteen ponies, each took up his trophies and returned to the village, where, for thf reieamder of the day, the game was fought over again an i again in the teepees. It was now four days since we had made buffalo medicine (burned the arrows), and the time to go upon the hunt had come. The chief, on the fourth evening, sent a crier through the village to notify all to be in readiness, and we at once begun packing up our lodges, mending bows, and grinding knivef,*" etc. Poles, like shafts, were made for the ponies, and fastened across their backs by broad wampum belts at the small ends, while the large ends dragged on the ground. On the 52, behind the pony, were lashed robes and bedding, and cooking utensils; and on them sat the children. Even the dogs had packs to carry, which were tied on their backs with thongs of buffalo skin. The squaws walked and led the ponies, having charge of all the property and children, while the warriors, mounted on the best animals, rode ahead, behind, and on the Hunks of the column, which, when drawn out, was several miles long each pony following the one in front of him. So, we wont on the great annual buffalo hunt. *The knives of Indians are generally ground on one side, like a carport tor's chisel; and this is always done when going on buffalo hunts, as they aie 3e86 liable to cut the skin when sharpened in that way. 42 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER IV. (jfY FOR THK FALL HUNT WASHTELLA AND THE POXY INDIAN SONGS CAMP ING OUT A STROLL IN THE WILD WOODS SUNSET ON THE PRAIK1ES WASHTELLA AND I AN INDIAN FAIRY TALE THE~ GIANTS OF OLD WEARER OP THE WHITE FEATHER WHAT CHACOPEE SAW IN THE WOODS THE WOODEN MAN BATTLE OF THE GIANTS CHACOPEE's TROUBLES ALL 's WELL THAT ENDS WELL INDIAN CREDULITY AT THE "HUNTING GROUNDS. FT was a bright, clear morning when the whole village was -*- aroused by beating of drums, blowing of horns, and the barking of dogs. While the squaws cooked the breakfast, the warriors set about pulling down the lodges, and soon almost the whole village had disappeared. The few wigwams lefi standing were for the sick, the aged, and those who were too infirm to go on the hunt. Bidding good-bye to the Indians who were to remain, we set out, as gay a party as ever was seen seeking pleasure. Those lirst packed were first off, and, as I was one of the laggards, when I pulled out, the column was streaming over the hills for miles ahead. I had two ponies, one for myself and the other for \Vash- tella and our household goods. The cha-a-koo, or saddle, had been fastened to the little pony's back, and to this were tied our teepee, or lodge poles, three on each side. They we" fastened by the small ends, and the large ends dragged on tK BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 43 ground. To prevent the poles from spreading apart, a cross- piece of dry wood was lashed with rawhide just behind the pony's hams. On the poles were piled our bedding, lodge covers, and cooking utensils, while the provisions in flesh-bags were slung across the pony's back. Some of the families who had children, slung wicker-baskets between the poles, and in these were put the papooses. The squaws walked and led the ponies, and the dogs and larger children trotted alongside. When tired, the squaws or children rode on the pony by turns, and one was on his back all the time. It is astonish ing what burdens these little beasts can carry, and still keep fat and lively. I have frequently seen them travel hun dreds of miles, loaded down almost out of sight, and thrive every day. "They have greater powers of endurance than the mule. My spare pony was led by Washtella, who tripped joyfully along singing her Indian songs. . One of these ran aa follows : " Tish-ah, bo moak sa-um Ma-mo, za na geezing Ma-mo zah na ahkee Ma-mo yah na. " Bai mo sa yah na geezhigeny Bai mo sa yah na Wa bun ong tuz-ze I^wai Ne wah ween ne go ha za." Which might be rendered thus : "We are riding to seek the war path; The earth and the sky are before u&. We walk by day and by night, And the evening star ia our guide." BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. Another was : " We devote our bodies to the fight, And charge with the speed of eagles; We are -willing to lie with the elain, For then oiu % name will be praised." Still another : " Look how beautiful is my face and form, And hear tho sweet song of my voice ; All my thoughts are of you, darling, And I speak to you with my naked heart." It was in vain I urged the little maid to ride; to all my appeals she replied, " Never mind, pony will be tired enough, and I will ride him plenty when we find the buffalo." Our first day's journey was only fifteen miles, and early in the afternoon we came to a limpid stream where the chief ordered us. to halt and camp. While the warriors pitched the teepees the squaws brought wood and water, and soon the fires were blazing and the kettles boiling for supper. Leaving the preparation of the meal to the women, we hoppled our ponies and picketed them out on the green grass near the camp. Several warriors remained to guard them, and the rest returned to the village. The Indians never leave their horses or camp without a guard, and, no matter how secure the country may be, they steadily keep out their pickets or runners.- After stopper, the warriors played at ball, made arrows, repaired their horse equipments, Wrapped the loose sinews on Iheir bows, or gathered in groups and smoked. The women cleared away the supper, made up the beds in the lodges, and carried wood and water for the morning. In the evening I strolled out with Washtella, and, going to BELDEX : THE WHITE CHIEF. 46 the edge of the "woods, saw one of those glorious sights only to be witnessed in perfection at sea or on the prairie, a glorious sunset. A great red globe of fire hung in the west, sinking slowly, and grandly behind the hills, lighting up the horizon and clouds with molten gold. I gazed long and earnestly at the beautful w.-enc, and stood lost in thought until aroused by my com panion, who said, "Let us return to the lodge; it grows late." Through the gloaming we walked back to the village, and, entering my teepee, I bade Washtella bring me my pipe, and, while I smoked, tell me a story. She brought the pipe, and, seating herself by my side, related the following extraordi nary tale : Once there were giants on the earth, and they devoured little children. The great medicine man of our nation told the chief he should bet all the little children of his nation on a race he would run with the giants, and, if he beat them, no more chil dren would ever be eaten by the big men. The chief was very anxious to rid himself of the giants, besides it was evident they would eat up all the children at any rate, so they might as well be bet as not. A great council was called, and after three days' debate, it was agreed the children should be put up and the race run with the giants by the medicine man. All the nation was present to witness the contest, but the giants easily won the race ; so they demanded the children should be given up that they might devour them. ^Now, there was onp old man who had a grandchild that he loved dearly, and when the race was lost, he took the child on his back, and traveled for many days to the west, until he came to a great wood, and in the depth of the forest he built a hut, and hid away the child, hoping the giants would not find him. The prophets had foretold that a child would be born in the 46 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. tribe, who would wear a white feather, become a mighty mail, a great warrior, and slay all the giants. The old man kept his grandson in great ignorance, telling him they were the only people in the world besides the giants, and that if the giants found them out they would kill and eat (hem. The boy was very much afraid, and hid away at every ucise he heard. One day, while out hunting, he shot a bird, and, as it had pretty white feathers in its tail, he pulled them out and put them in his hair. When he returned home in the evening, his grandfather saw the white feathers, and, remembering what the prophets had said, he knew at once th-\t his grandson would be a great man and destroy the giants. But the old man was still afraid the giants might kill and pot the boy, for he was yet a small lad; so he did not tell him of what great honor.? were in store for him. Not many days after he had shot the bild, the boy was out hunting in the woods, and, as was his wont whm tired, he laid down in the shade of a great tree to sleep; and as he slept, he heard a voice, saying, ".Go home, you wearer of the white feather, and when you sleep, you will dream of a pipe and sack with a great white feather, and when you wake up you will find them, and see that you keep them." When the boy heard thes? words he jumped up and looked whence the voice proceeded and saw a wooden man fixed firmly in the earth. He wa*" greatly astonished, for he did not know there were any men ir the world beside his grandfather. So he ran home and slept and sure enough he dreamed he saw a pipe and sack, and i great white feather in it; and when he waked up the articles *vere there. He had told his grandfather all about his dream in the wood, and at once accused him of putting the sack and BE! DEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 47 pipe with the feather by his bed while he slept. But the old man would only answer, "Put the feather in your hair, and you will one day become a great man and destroy all yo'ir enemies." So the boy braided the feather in his hair, and im mediately he felt very strong, and, to see if his strength was real, lie went out and easily overthrew a great tree, and he became very proud of his strength. Next day he said to himself, Now that I am so strong I will go out and pull up the wooden man and bring him home, so that I can talk with him. And he went to the wooden man in the forest, and tried to pull him up; but, although he could uproot great trees, he could not get the wooden man out of the ground; whereat he got very angry, and struck the man in the face, but only hurt himself, for the man had an iron head. The wooden man laughed heartily at his rage, and said to the boy, "See, my son, strength is not the only thing we must have in the world, and, in a man or a nation, it is of little use without wisdom ; now, if you will dig about me, you can easily lift me." Then he dug about the man and lifted him out, and carried him home on his back. "When the old man saw the wooden man he fell to the earth on his face, and was mightily afraid, for he knew it was the god the giants had stolen when they overcome his nation, since which time no luck had come to his people. The boy bade his grand father get up and tell why he was afraid. Then the old man said, "My son, whatever you wish will be so, for this is the all-powerftil god the giants stole and hid away." The young man at once lighted his pipe and wished for some pigeons for his dinner, and immediately great flocks issued from the smoke of his pipe; then he wished for some rabbits, and hundreds of them came jumping out of the woods. He took good care of his pipe and the wooden man, and wore his white feather, and 48 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. lived in the wood with his grandfather until he grew to be t tall man. * One day the wooden man said to the boy, who was now called Chacopee, "Yon are big and strong; go, slay the giants, but be not foolish, for wisdom, and not strength, must win the victory. If you think of nothing else until it is done, you will kill all the giants. Go and be wise." Early the next morning the young man set off alone, and after traveling a hundred sleeps he came to the land of the giants. When they saw him and observed that he wore a white feather in his hair, they laughed, and scoffingly said, "So this is the little man who has come tojdll us all ! Let the cooks put on some water to boil him in, and we will soon make an end of him by eating him." "Come, short legs," cried one of the giants, "dance us a jig while the water is heating." But Clui- copee only said, " If my legs are short, they are long enough to beat yours, if you will give me a start/' "Agreed," cried the giant ; " go out to yonder tree, and I will catch you before you have run half a mile." Then Chacopee walked out to the tree, and all the way along he thought how he should out-wit the giant. Unperceived he tied the grass across the path, and cried to the giant to come on. So the giant ran, and tripped his foot in the grass, and fell to the ground with great force, which so stunned him, that before he could rise Chacopee hit him on the head with a war-club and beat his brains out. Another giant came running to help his brother; but Chacopee fell flat on the earth, and the giant stumbled over him ; so he beat out his brains. Now, there was still another giant, who was a very wise man, who had the power to take whatever shape he wishrd, and, seeing the fate of his brothers, he immediately -changed himself into a beautiful woman, and came to Chacopee and said, BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 49 " Come and be my husband, for I love you, and have traveled a long way to marry you." But Chacopee remembered what the wooden man had told him, and at once lighting his pipe he wished himself an elk, and immediately he was an elk. The woman upbraided him, and cried so bitterly that he repented, tor she was very beautiful, and he wished himself a man again. He became a man at once, and kissed the woman's lips and cheeks, and laid his head- on her lap and fell asleep. While he slept, she took the feather out of his hair, and, taking his pipe, the giant at once became himself, when he called in a loud voice to Chacopee to wake up; and, on waking up, poor Chacopee found the woman jjone and himself as weak as any other man. So the giant broke his back with his great club, and then, changing Chacopee into a dog, bade him follow him. Putting the feather into his own hair, the giant and his dog set out for the north, where two famously pretty women lived whom the giant wished to marry* These girls were the daughters of a great chief, who had sworn they never should marry any ont but a great chief who, the prophets foretold, would come from the south and wear a white feather in his hair. When the giant and his dog came to the village the giant went in to stay with the eldest sister, while the dog stole off to the other sis ter's lodge and slept beside her. In the night the younger sister dreamed if she took good care of the dog she would become a great chief's wife, far greater than he of the white feather. Next morning she would not look at the giant, but walked out of the village followed by the dog, and when they were alone the dog ran to the brook and took up a stone in hi mouth, which immediately became a beaver, and the chief's daughter took it home for their dinner. The giant huhlcd every day, but he could kill nothing, so he and his squaw were 4 50 BEbDEX : THE WHITE CHIEF. nearly starved, and the chief was very angry because the giani Kept his daughter so poorly. The giant, seeing how well the younger sister and her dog lived, watched the dog, and when he had taken a stone from the brook and saw it turn to a beaver, the giant drew out a stone from the water and it also became a beaver. Greatly rejoiced, he tied the beaver Co his belt and carried it home, where he skinned it, and his wife put it in the pot to boil. But when she took off the lid to see if it was done, only the stone was there which her hus band had taken from the brook. The dog, finding his secret was discovered, went out ink' the woods and broke a dry twig from a bush that had been burned by the fire, and the black twig at once became a black bear. The giant watched again, and seeing how the dog got his game, he broke a twig off, and immediately it was a black bear. So he tied it to his belt and brought it home. But when his squaw went to get some of the bear, she saw only a charred stick tied to the belt. Then the giant went to the chief and told him of the disgraceful manner in which his daughter was living with a dog; but the chief said it was impossible for a dog to take game as the giant related. How ever, the chief, to satisfy himself about the matter, appointed several young men to go and see about it. When the dog heard this he told his mistress by bow-wows to sweat him as the Indians do sick people. Then she built a pit and left it open at the top, and in the pit she' put the dog, and put several heated stones in with him, and closed the opening. So he sweat prodigiously, and when the young men came and opened the pit, the dog was no longer there, but a nice young man in his stead. Then they took him out of the pit and brought him BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 51 to the chief, but he had no speech, and could tell them nothing The chief called all the wise men togethei, and they took council. All of them smoked, and the giant smoked, but when the young man smoked, behold great flocka of pigeons flew out of the smoke. The wise men knew by this token that the young man was the real Chief of the White Fearer, and the giant an impostor. So the wise men smoked again, and then took the white feather from the giant's head and put it in Chacopee's hair, for it was he, and im mediately Chacopee's speech returned, and he related to the wise men all that had happened to him ; how he had been raised in the wood; how he had got the white feather; how he carried home the wooden man and conversed with him; how he had slain the giant's brothers; how he had been beguiled by the beautiful woman, transformed into a dog by the giant, and brought hither. When lie had made an end of speaking, the wise men rose up and told the chief all they knew, and the chief ordered the giant to be beaten to death with clubs. But when the warriors came near him, he changed himself into a wolf, and ran away so fast that neither the warriors nor the dogs could catch him. Until that day no wolf had ever been seen, and all the wolves now living are die giant's children, and that is why they eat little boys and girls. After the giant had run away the chief made a great feast, and married both his daughters to Chacopee, who took his wives to his people, where h'e brought also the wooden man and his old grandfather, who was still living. And Chacopee became a great chief, and had many brave ons and beautiful daughters. And his sons still rule all 5? BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. that country, which is toward the setting sun and along the sea. Thus ended "Wusbtella's story of Chacopee, and, when she had done, I asked if she really believed there evei were giants on the earth. "Yes," she replied, "hundreds of lives* ago the men and women were all as tall as trees; but they have grown smaller and smaller, until now they are no higher than bushes, and a hundred lives hence they will be no taller than the buffalo grass. Then they will go into the ground and live like rabbits." " Washtella, tell me where your people first came from." " Long, long ago, " she said, " they lived in the earth, which is hollow ; but one day they came to an opening and came out, when, liking the outside best, they staid and would not return. My own father once saw the hole they came out of, but I never saw it, as it is far down the Missouri, where the white man lives." It was now late, and, wrapping ourselves in our blank ets, we lay down and soon fell asleep. Early the next morning we resumed our journey, and on the fifth day began to see buffalo warders.f On the * An Indian life is sixty-five years. f The old bulls that are feeble, and whose horns are dull, are driven away from the herd by the young bulls. They stay near the herd, but not with it. In approaching buffalo these stragglers or warders, aa they are called by the Indians, are always met long befcire you come on the main body. When they see the hunters they run to the 1 erd, and give cotice of approaching danger. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 53 sixth day we came upon the herds, and pitched our camp on the banks of a pleasant lake. The whole evening was consumed in putting up the lodges, for the winds often blow terrifically on these lakes, and it is necessary to make the teepees very strong. Hundreds of buffalo were grazing within a few miles of us, and every one busied himself in making final preparations for the great hunt which was to begin on the morrow. 64 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER V. Tf.B BEAUTIFUL LAKE KILLING THE FIRST BUFFALO ON THE HUNT UWES PUTTED HONORS THE GREAT HUNT HOW THE INDIANS TAKE BUFFALO- JERKING THE MEAT PACKING AWAY WINTER SUPPLIES MOVING CAMP- KILLING BUFFALO CALVES OTHER MODES OF CAPTURING BUFFALO THK HUNT ENDED THE BUFFALO FEAST AND DANCE RETURN HOMEWARD AT PEACE WITH ALL THE WORLD. "V7"HEN our camp was pitched, I walked out along the banks of the beautiful lake, to see what I could dis cover. Its waters were clear as crystal and full of fish. Not a boat, and perhaps not even a canoe, had ever rippled its bosom, and I could not but imagine, as I gazed across the blue expanse, that one day commerce would spring up, and towns and cities be built upon its green shores. Looking to the north, I was. startled from my reflections by seeing a large buffalo cow coming down to the water to drink, Hastening back to the village, I quickly procured my Hawkins' rifle and ran over the little eminence that hid the lodges from the animal. She had approached quite near the water, and was not more than one hundred and fifty yards distant from me, when, hearing a noise in my rear, I looked back and saw several Indians running toward me with their guns. The row at the same moment saw them, and turned to make off , but too late, for I had drawn a bead on her heart, and at one shot dropped her dead. All the village came running and BELDP:N"; THE WHITE CHIEF. 55 ehouting, and the squaws gathered around the dead buflalo, jostling and elbowing each other as they tore off the meat. It is the Indian rule that game is common property, and my buffalo was soon reduced to a pile of bones by the knives of the busy squaws. I could not help laughing as I watched them struggling for the choice morsels. First, the skin waa carefully removed, and then the muscles and gristle cut away, when, just as a squaw was about to take the coveted part, she would be rudely thrust aside, and some other .squaw would take it. These exploits were received with loud shouts of laughter, and no ill-temper or quarreling was observed among the ex cited crowd of women who surrounded the carcass. On returning to my lodge, I found Washtella in great glee over my good luck, and she explained that it was no small matter to have killed the first buffalo slain in the hunt. Pres ently I received a message from the chief, and was informed by an old Indian that, having killed the first buffalo, I would be entitled to lead the hunt on the first day. Meat was brought me, and the skin or robe, which, according to the Indian cus tom, is always given to the one who kills the animal. Sc proud was Washtella, she did nothing all the evening but talk of my good fortune, and I could not help being amused at the boasts of the little maid. Nothing could possibly have hap pened that would have given her more pleasure. The next morning, as soon as it was daylight, I was aroused, and told that the warriors were waiting for me, to lead them in the chase. Assembling all of them before my lodge, I addressed them, saying I was a young man, and lacked experi ence, but if they would allow me, I would name one worthy to lead them in my place. This was received with loud shouts of approval, and as soon as quiet was restored, I 56 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. pointed to a young warrior, and said: "He is a good man, go and follow him." The warrior I had selected was my bittei enemy, and had formerly been a lover of Washtella. Ever since my marriage he had abhorred me, and omitted no oppor tunity to show his dislike. As his animosity was well known in th^ tribe, the honors thus thrust upon him, by one from whom he had expected no favors, surprised and pleased them. For a moment the brave hung his head, and then came for ward, and, amid the shouts of the warriors, gave me his hand. Feeling unwell, I did not go upon the hunt that day, but in the evening, when the party returned, my old enemy came to my lodge, and as a token of his friendship, presented me with two fine robes he had taken during the day. On the second day I went out with the hunters, and joined in a most exciting chase. Under the directions of a chief, we deployed at wide distances, and then, closing in, surrounded a herd of buffalo on three sides; and as soon as the herd began to move, the chase began. Our tough little ponies bore us swiftly along, and soon the herd was hard pressed. Presently it began to scatter, and then each Indian, selecting a buffalo, followed the beast up until he had killed it. It is astonishing how fast the great lumbering animals can run, and although they do not seem to go over the ground very rapidly, it takes a good horse to come up with them. Their shambling " lope" is equal in speed to an American horse's gallop, andHhey can climb steep hills and get over rough ground faster than a horse. They run with their heads near the earth, and a hundred of them will make a mighty noise, resembling the rumbling of distant thunder. The hunter approaches from behind, and, when opposite the beast, fires, aiming at the spine or side, im mediately behind the fore-shoulder. One shot in the spine or BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 59 heart will bring a buffalo down, but it generally takes from three to ten bajls in the vitals to kill one. In the second day's hunt I killed seven buffalo, which was considered a good day's work,* only one other warrior killing as many. The warriors do not stop to touch the game afler it is dead, the skinning and packing of the meat being the work of the squaws, who follow in the wake of the hunters. For this purpose they have pack-ponies, and two women will skin and pack three or four buffalo in a day. The meat is brought to the villages, where it is cut in narrow slices, about an inch thick, and three or four inches long. These slices are then hung on poles, or stretched on small willows laid across a frame-work of poles. The meat is frequently turned, and allowed to remain in the sun and air for three days. It should be covered, or brought in at night, and must not be allowed to get wet by rain while it is curing. This is called jerking buffalo, and is a simple and easy process of curing meat. The pure crisp air of the plains soon dries it, and then it has a sweet, pleasant taste. I have known climates on the plains where nearly all the year carcasses could be hung up and left without spoiling until used. Meat, when jerked, is only about half the weight and size it is when in a raw state. If soaked in water it will swell greatly, and then, unless used imme diately will spoil. When the buffalo flesh is dried suffi ciently, it is put into parfleshes, or wrappers, made of raw hide, cut square, and which will hold about half a bushel. They are sewed up at the bottom and sides, the laps at the top being left open until they are filled. The meat is then * Mr. Belden has since killed as many as twenty-three buffalo m a single day. 60 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. laid in flat, and packed tightly, like plugs of tobacco. When two or three layers of meat have been put in r hot buffalo fat is brought and poured over it until all the interstices are filled up. Then, more layers of meat are put in, and more fat poured on, until .the parflesh is full, when the laps are folded over each other and tightly sewed up with sinews. The meat is now ready for winter use, and two parfleshes are fastened to gether like a pair of saddle-bags, and slung across the back of a pony when the Indians travel. To prevent these bags 01 wrappers from hurting the ponies' backs, the under oiled, fried, broiled, roasted, and raw. When one is full, he goes to the pole, and as soon as a sufficient number have col lected, the dance begins. The warriors sit in a circle around the pole, and the squaws, gaudily dressed and painted, form a circle around the warriors. At a signal the drums beat, and all rise and stand. Then the squaws sing, and the warriors move around to the right and the squaws to the left, each keeping time to the drums with their feet. The dance is a slow, shuffling motion, but soon makes one very tired. When a warrior or squaw gets tired, they step out of the circle and otheis take their places. As soon as it is dark wood is brought, fires made around the pole, and the dancing is kept up all night. The feasting frequently continues for three days, and 64 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF at no time is the pole without its set of dancers. The of buffalo consumed is prodigious, when we consider that, be sides the vast quantities eaten by the Indians, each family has from six to ten dogs. Not to dance on such an occasion would seem to be ungrate ful jr the good luck I had had in taking meat, so I joined iu heartily, but by midnight, was completely worn out. Calling to Washtella, I told her I was so tired I must go to my lodge, and she readily acceded, and went with me. Laying down, I immediately fell asleep, but, on waking at daylight, I was surprised to find Washtella already up and going about her work. I inquired what made her rise so early, and she then confessed that as soon as I was asleep she had stolen out and gone back to the dance, from which she had but just re turned. Poor child! she had done no more than her white sisters often do that is, had a night of it so I readily for gave her. The feast over, we began to prepare in earnest for our return. The meat was carefully distributed, so that no pony would bo overloaded, and every thing was neatly packed. It took both my ponies and all my dogs to carry my meat and lodge, so Washtella and I had to walk. We considered this no great hardship, however, as nearly the whole village was on foot. We made only eight or ten miles a day ; but at last, after a most fatiguing march, reached the Missouri, and entered our old camp near Fort Randall. I was glad to be at home once more, and I felt very comfort able, for I had made a good reputation as a hunter, formed new friendships, and won over some of my old enemies. Indeed, why should I not be comfortable? My domestic relations were most happy. I had an abundance of winter's food, twelve BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 65 robes, and Washtella had provided me with a good supply of tobacco.* So I sat down with my favorite pipe and was at peace with all the world. * The cha-sha-sha, or Indian tobacco, is made of red-willow bark. The squaws gather great quantities of the sprouts or small limbs, and peel off the bark, which, when dried, is broken into pieces of about the consistency of Killikinick. When properly preserved, red willow is equal to the best Killikinick; and when smoked has a sweet, pleasant taste, and emits a delicious perfume. G6 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER VI. WDIAN DOCTORS THEIR IGNORANCE AND VANITY PATENT MEDICINES IN DIAN GIRL BITTEN BY A RATTLESNAKE THE SAVAGE MODE OF TREATMENT- AX OLD INDIAN PHYSICIAN A VERITABLE ASS HOW THE GIRL WAS CURED WONDER OF THE SAVAGES THE COUNCIL AND EXPLANATION MODESTY OF THE INDIAN DOCTOR PRACTICING MEDICINE AMONG THE SAVAGES A BORK- I GIVE UP THE DOCTORING BUSINESS. TNDIANS have the reputation among white people of being -- great natural physicians, and although it can not be denied that they have some knowledge of herbs and simple remedies, yet their claim to extensive medical learning is wholly ficti tious. Among my earliest recollections are pictures on bottles of well-proportioned female Indians receiving from angels herbs which were to cure all the ills of the flesh, and the knowledge of which some venerable chief, while on his death bed, kindly communicated to a missionary. Hence we have Red Jacket's Bitters, when Red Jacket, in fact, never drank any bitters. It would somewhat destroy the efficacy of these nostrums to inquire to what church the missionary belonged who received the information of the medical properties of ihe herbs, and also of what tribe the famous Chief Wliang- doodleds was the head. We shall recur to this subject again, but now give place to the following incident, as illustrative of the character of the Indian doctor. There were several young girls who came nearly every day BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 67 to my lodge to talk with my squaws, and one day one of these, while out gathering brushwood for the fire, was bitten in the arm by a rattlesnake. This I was told by a girl who came running to my lodge crying bitterly, and saying her sister waa going to die. I asked Washtella what the medicine man did in such cases, and she said nothing at all but pray for the spirit of the unfortunate. I told her to run over to the med icine-lodge quickly, where the girl had been taken, and tell the "Great Medicine Man" I could cure her. "Washtelln laughed in my face, and said she would not dare do such n thing, as no women but the immediate relatives of the afflicted were allowed to approach the lodge on such occasions. I threatened to punish her if she did not go instantly, and no doubt thinking my anger was more to be dreaded than that of the medicine man, she ran off, but soon returned to say she- could not gain admittance. I hastened to the lodge, and on approaching saw several poles stuck up over the door with charms and feathers tied to them. I heard a great beating of drums and wailing within, and while others stood at a respect ful distance 1 walked boldly up to the door and entered. Within I saw the old doctor crouched at the head of the girl, who lay extended on a buffalo-robe, her arm bare to the shoulder. Her mother was seated at her feet, moaning bitterly, and rocking herself to and fro. The doctor was singing vig orously and rattling a gourd over the girl's head; then he would take up a drum made of raw hide and beat it indus triously, -raising his humdrum tone to a shrill key, when he would resume his gourd and guttural song. So intently waa this learned doctor engaged in making medicine that he did not notice my intrusion, but kept on with his chaunt. Feel ing that I was standing on forbidden ground, and making (iH BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF, snyself liable to a severe punishment, if not' death, I deter mined to act quickly, not only for my own sake but the girl's. Stepping up to the gray-headed and shriveled doctor, I cried in a loud voice : " Let the father be silent and hear." For a moment or two the sharp rattling of the gourd continued, and the song rose higher and higher, then sud denly it ceased, and the old doctor, rising to his feet and draw ing up his shrunken frame to its full height, demanded : " Why come you here?" " In His name I come," I answered, pointing to the sky. In a moment the old man was bowed on his knees, and mut tered, "How is this, O God!" "Behold," I continued, "the Great Spirit has sent me to eat the poison and cure the girl ; " and so saying I knelt down by the side of the poor sufferer. She had now been bitten some fifteen or twenty minutes, and already the swelling had commenced, and two small purpie-looking circles were formed around the wound. There were two small red spots where the fangs of the reptile had entered the arm, and 1 feared it was too late to save the poor creature's life, but de termined to try. I applied my lips to the wound and sucked it vigorously, but nothing came from it; then I bit it gently and a few drops of black looking blood came out. Presently it bled freely, and I sucked it as long as the blood seemed impure. 1 next ran over to my lodge and Hweetened nearly a pint of whisky, which I fortunately had, and gave it to the girl to drink. Then I heated a \vire, and, thrusting it into the wound, cauterized it to the depth the snake's' teeth had p.-netrated. The girl held very still, and never once moved oj complained. Very soon the whisky BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 71 I caused her to fall into a deep sleep, and I left the lodge motioning the mother and doctor to follow. They had looked on with feelings of wonder and awe, and when we were outside I said, " Let the maiden sleep as long as she will, and when she awakes she will be well. " I starred toward my lodge, when the medicine man followed me a few steps, and, seizing niy hand, said, with deep feeling, " Farewell, my son ; I am sorry for you." I asked him what he meant, and the venerable ass then ex plained, that, having eaten the poison from the girl's arm, of course T would die. I said I hoped not, for I intended to spew it up, and I believed the Great Spirit would not let me die for doing as he had commanded me. He replied, " O God, I guess this is good ! " " You bet it is, old donkey," I replied in English, knowing he did not understand a word of that language. He bowed deeply, no doubt thinking I had paid him a great compliment, and departed to his lodge. . I hastened home, and found my poor Washtella in great distress, for she had heard already that I had eaten the poison, and of course would die. I bade her be of good cheer, and, drinking nearly a quart of rum, lay down to sleep. In truth, I was a little uneasy lest some of the poison had got into my system, but hoped to neutralize it with the effects of the rum. When I awoke, the morning sun was shining, and a great crowd of men and women had collected around my lodge, curious to know if I were dead or alive. My first care was to inquire after my patient, and to my inexpressible delight found she was not only living but well. I had slept many hours, but the effects of the liquor were still upon me ; and, after smoking the great medicine pipe, and 72 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. i giving thanks to the Great Spirit for my own t*^ well as the girl's safety, I lay down again to rest. In the evening I went out, and, knowing the great desire in the village to have the particulars of the cure I had performed made known, I desired all the chief men to assemble, and, when all were present, gave them the following truthful version of the affair : " As I lay in my lodge, the Great Spirit came to me and said, ' A young girl of thy tribe, while gathering brush, has been bitten by a rattlesnake, and I desire her to live. Arise, and go to the medicine lodge, and eat the .poison, and you shall not die. Tell the Great Medicine Man, my servant, that I sent you, and he will know I did; for he is very great and very wise.' (Here the venerable ass nodded complacently and smiled benignantly on us all.) So I went to the lodge, and eat the poison, and the Great Spirit did not let the girl die, nor am I dead, my fathers." When I closed, the mighty man of medicine arose aud mod estly said : " All the brother says is true. When he came, I knew at once the Great Spirit had sent him, and that he would eat th poison and not die, but save the girl's life. Had he not done so, I would have eaten the poison myself; and when any of you are bitten by a rattlesnake, come to me and I will cure you." I felt very much like kicking the miserable old liar, buf dissembled, and then we all smoked, gave thanks for an occur rence so wonderful, and adjourned. After this I was considered a great medicine man in the tribe, and all the halt, the lame, and the blind in the village BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 73 iged to get rid of most of my patients by sending them to the medisine man, who had become a firm, fast friend of mine. The girl I had cured wished to marry me, but I declined, and so remained a great lion among the young ladies of the village. NOTE. Mr. Belden has not overstated the case in the above narrative. The medicine men of the Indians are, as a general thing, among the most ignorant persons in the tribes. The credulity and superstition of the sav ages make them respect these impostors, but it is absurd for them to lay any claim to medical knowledge. At Forsyth's battle on the Republican, in 1868, the medicine man of the Cheyennes harrangued the young men, and told them to charge the forB, for the medicine was all right, and the Great Spirit had told him the bullets would not hit them. He also said he could catch a bullet in his teeth, and to show them, he rode down toward the fort, when one of For syth's men shot him through the bowels and he died. It is said that these men, by long continued imposition on others, come to believe their uwn liea ED. 74 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER VII. INDIA V HORSE RACES THE SANTEES GET BEATEN ANOTHER EXPEDITION AGAINST THE PAWNEES CROSSING THK MISSOURI WAITING FOR THE SAN- TEES THE MARCH THE ATTACK WOO-HOO-YAH-HOO A DISASTER THE RETREAT A BATTLE THE WAR-CHIEF WOUNDED A TERRIBLE CONTEST DEFEATED AGAIN THE RETURN HOMEWARD PARTING WITH THE SANTEES MOURNING FOR THE DEAD. C1OON after the incident related in the last chapter the fall ' races began, and we had a lively and exciting time. The Yanktons had pitted a number of fine horses against the San- tees' stock, and the whole village turned out to see the contest. Tlfe Indian races present a gay scene, every body being in their best dress and feathers, and the horses gay with plumage. The running was very fine, and the Yanktons were unusually suc cessful, winning nearly every race over the Santees. I had a horse to enter, but the Santees objected to my running him, so I was not a little gratified to see them so badly beaten. Two weeks after the races were over, time hanging heavily on our hands, another expedition against the Pawnees was pro posed. A large number of Santees were to go with us, and the parly was to be larger, better mounted and equipped, than the preceding expedition. All being in readiness, we marched down the Missouri, and crossed over where the river was very wido and shallow. The crossing, however, was difficult, and it was with much labor we effected it. Each Indian tied his amrauni- BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 75 tion on top of his head, and strapped his gun to the side of his pony's head, with the lock uppermost. Then they drove the ponies intc the water, and taking hold of their tails near the root, with, the right hand, paddled with the other one, guiding the pony toward the opposite shore. We were carried by the current some distance down the stream, but landed safely among ome willows. We marched inland about ten miles to a suall stream and encamped, building fires to dry ourselves. Here we remained all the next day, waiting for the Santees, who had not come up yet. TOAWJJX] night we saw a cloud of dust in the west, and soon the Santee warriors came in sight. Another day was consumed in dividing up the command, and assigning to each warrior his duty. We set out at daylight, and on the following day, at one o'clock, found ourselves within two miles of the Pawnee village. We went into a ravine, and immediately began preparations for the attack. The guns were loaded, forces again divided, and all prepared, when a dispute arose as to whether we should attack them at once, or wait for the cover of night. The Santee chief, who was the senior in command, Avas in favor of an immediate attack, urging that delay would be likely to dis cover us to the Pawnees and defeat our designs. I did not wish the attack^made until night, for fear some of the white men, who 1 knew to be with the Pawnees, would recognize me, and afterward give me trouble. My little party of fourteen war riors was, however, easily voted down, and the old chief ordered the assault to begin. Eight Indians were detailed to stampede and drive off the herd while we held the Pawnees in check. We had no idea of capturing the village, but hoped to steal the herd, which was the object of the expedition. The Santees attacked the village on the west side, and the Yanktons on the north, so as to cover the herd, which was 76 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. grazing on that side of the town. The surprise was complete the ravine sheltering our movements until within a few hundrei. yards of the teepees; then we dashed up and commenced firing nir pistols and guns. Indians do not fight in line like white men, but scatter out, riding furiously about, and firing as often as possible. The Pawnees, although surprised, were not dismayed, and soon the fire from their lodges was very hot. I saw men and women running from shelter tt> shelter with guns, and was beginning to think about falling back, when I heard tfct long " Hoo! hoo ' I-Yah-hoo!" of the stampeders, and saw the herd going pell- mell over the hill, closely followed by our men. I immediately withdrew, so as to cover the herd, and was soon joined by the Yanktons, who were on my right. We commenced our retreat, and all seemed to be going well, when suddenly, we saw a great commotion in the herd, and our stampeders came riding down the hill, closely followed by a large body of mounted Pawnees. In an instant, the Santee chief called out to us to charge them, and we did so, turning their right and cutting off about one- half of the herd, which we drove rapidly about five miles, wher we saw a cloud of dust rising in our rear, and the Pawnees werf" upon us again. The chief ordered the captured stock to bo driven on as fast as possible to the hills, and halted to give the Pawnees battle. We had just crossed a little stream, and took up our position among the brush on its furthest bank from the enemy. AVe saw that all the ponies they had recaptured from us were mounted by warriors, and, thus re-enforced, the original party of Pawnees greatly outnumbered our own. They deployed in a long line, and advancing, began the battle by hurling clouds of arrows against us. Our war-chief was struck in the shouldei Mourning for the Dead. : THE WHITE CHIEF. 79 and disabled early in the fight. He pulled out the arrow with out even a grimace, and, riding up to me, turned over the command, desiring me to hold on as long as I could, and then fall back into the hills near by, where I would find him. The fighting had lasted half an hour, and the firing becoming slack in front, I was about to withdraw, when I perceived a large body of Pawnees on my left and rear, and almost between me and the herd. While one party had been holding us in front, another body had moved down the stream, under cover, and crossed over, completely outflanking my warriors. I saw the Pawnees making for the herd, and mounting my men, we ran for it, but the Pawnees having the shortest distance beat us, and cut off, not only the herd, but our stampeders and war- chief. The jSantees were much concerned about their chief, and cut their way to him. The old man was completely sur rounded by Pawnees, and fighting desperately. It was with great difficulty we extricated him, and, although hardly able to sit on his horse, from wounds and loss of blood, he imme diately resumed command, and with great skill withdrew us from the fight. The Pawnees fought desperately, being deter mined to take the old chief's scalp, but we carried him off, and the enemy, having now recovered all their stock, did not follow us far. Sadly we pursued our march homeward, and on the second day reached the Missouri. The expedition had proved a total failure, and we had lost heavily. Bidding Our allies the Santees good-bye (they wishing to keep up the other bank of the river to their tribe), we crossed the Missouri, and soon entered our village, where we were received by the howling of dogs, beating of drums, and wailing of children and women for their dead fathers, brothers, and husbands. 80 BEI.DEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER VIII. CONDUCT OF GALLES-SCA IN TROUBLE A CONTEST WITH AN INDIAN NB\V EXPEDITION AGAINST THE PAWNEES ITS FATE THE NKW WIFE GRIE!' OF WASHTELLA DETERMINATION TO TAKE A JOURNEY THE DEPARTURE ON THE MARCH BEAUTIFUL SCENERY AN INDIAN BURY1NG-GROUND TALK WITH WASHTELLA ABOUT THE DEAD SCENE IN THE GRAVE-YARD CURIOUS INDIAN CUSTOMS HOW THEY BURY THEIR DEAD SUPERSTITIONS A NIGHT CAMP THE -JOURNEY CONTINUED FAR UP THE MISSOURI IN THE SANTEE LANDS HOW WE COOKED AND ATE. I HAD been in the village but a day or two after my return from the disastrous expedition against the Pawnees, when I was made aware, in more ways than one, of a growing dis like to me among the Yanktons. First, Shan-ka Galles-sca the Spotted Dog who had his lodge close beside mine, pulled it down and moved away. He it was who had told me to take the Santee robes into the council chamber just before the raid. When njy friend Galles-sca abandoned me, I expected to see all the rest of my band follow his example ; but, with the exception of one other old Indian, all remained steadfast. I called my warriors together, and explained to them how it was the fault of the Santees, and no fault of mine, or those under my leadership, that we had been defeated. They seemed satis fied, and advised me to lay the matter before the general council. I attended the council at its next session, but as BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 31 it had been called for the transaction of special business, 1 could not be heard, and I never attended again. One day, some weeks later, I was told a party of young men were going out to visit the Poncas, who live on a reser vation near the mouth of the Niobanah River. From the secrecy used in their preparations, I suspected something more than a friendly visit was meant, and sent my brother-in-law, a young warrior of some note, to find out what was going on. He soon returned, and informal me that the party was going ostensibly to visit the Poncas, but in reality to -t.*ack the Pawnees. I was cautioned, however, to say nothing, as some Santees were then in the village on a visit, and the Yanktons did not wish them to know of the expedition. That day, much to the gratification of our warriors, the Sautees took their departure, and the necessity of secrecy being removed, the expedition was then publicly talked of. In the evening, as I was returning home, I met a warrior who was going on the raid, and who I knew did not like me. He came .up and asked me if I was going upon the new expe dition, and I said, No, I would not go ; when he fell to brag ging about what they would do, and told me I should go and try to redeem myself in the eyes of the tribe. I became angry at this unjust taunt of the braggart, and made haste to reply. "I fought the Pawnees as well as any Yankton, and better than you ever will." He laughed, and asked : " " How many Pawnee ponies have you to trade ? " " More than you will ever capture," I said. "Come, now," he replied, "you can go with -men this tim not squaws" " J had rather have Yankton squaVrs than you," I retorted 82 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. at which he became pale with rage, for it is a most deadly in sult to call an Indian a squaw. Stepping up to me, he struck me with the back of his hand on the breast, saying, "Go away, boy! Go away, boy!" " Stand back ! " I cried, " or I will strike you to the airth." " Does the pale face think because the Yankions have been kind to him, he is their equal ?" inquired the warrior, with a contemptuous curl of his lip. - " Yes, and the superior of a squaw's man, and a warrior whose mother never allows him- to use pointed arrows, lest he hurt himself," I answered, hotly. With a bound, the Indian sprang upon me, but I leaped aside, and gave him a blow on the nose, which made the blood spurt out. Blind with rage, he sought to grapple with mo, but knowing he was much the stronger of the two, I kept out of his clutches, and punished him terribly with my fists. In a short time his face was beaten like a prize-fighter's, and, making a furious bound, I struck him in the stomach, and laid him flat on his back. The fight had been witnessed by many of the warriors, who sympathized with me; and when I had knocked my antago nist down, they set up a great shouting, and my friends took me in triumph to my lodge. Next morning I sent for some whisky, killed a dog, and made a great feast in token of my victory. The warriors who went on this third expedition against the Pawnees, returned in a few days completely broken down and disheartened. ' They reported that the Pawnees, under the leadership of a white chief, named Frank North, had surprised them, captured some ponies, and killed one Ponca warrior, and BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 83 captured another. They had had a hard run to save tudii lives, and all the ponies were exhausted, and soraf had died of fatigue before they reached the village. I was glad I had not gone on the expedition, and wished to go and taunt the Indian I had thrashed with his misfortunes, but my friends persuaded me not to do so. The summer had now come with its sunshine and flowers; the grass was up several inches high, and the birds caroling in the trees overhead. As the tribe had determined to remain in camp all summer and eat up their buffalo meat, I concluded to go on a journey up the Missouri. I had so far overcome my first antipathies to Indian wives as to take a second one. Polygamy is not only one of the recognized, but one of the most honored, practices of the Yanktons. A man may have all the wifres he can keep, after the fashion of Brigham Young and his latter-day saints. As I was a skillful lumter, and might have had half a dozen, whereas I only took two, I claim some virtue and credit on that account. My second rib was a pale-faced, slender beauty indeed, a mere child, with a gentle and submissive disposition. Wash- tella evidently did not like this new-comer to the lodge; but she said nothing, and treated the young squaw with respect and kindness. Often I saw the pain and grief even her Indian stoicism could not conceal, and from the bottom of my heart I pitied her, and regretted having brought another to my lodge to vex my patient and faithful Washtella. When I had fully determined to leave the camp, I called my wives together, and informed them of the fact. They ut- leied no words of comment, for what has an Indian wife to do o:it obey her master? My warriors were next notified of my intended departure, and they said not a word. The old chief 84 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. spoke kindly to me, and asked whither 1 was going, but I only pointed to tffe northward, and said nothing. It was a beautiful morning in the month of June, when my wives pulled down my lodge, and we began our journey. The lodge cover, and all oiy* effects were packed on two ponies, one )f which was led by "Washtella, and the of her by Wacheata, ny second wife. H followed soon afterward, mounted on my horse. I could not help pitying the "ladies" as they trudged idong on foot through the sand, for the day was quite hot, and their skirts narrow and heavy. Tilters would have been of great comfort and benefit to them just then. At noon we halted in a grove on the river bank, and while the ponies grazed, Washtella set out on the grass a repast of buffalo meat and ash-cake. I asked the women where the trail we were then travel ing led to. I cared not, so it went northward, and away from the hostile Pawnees. Washtella told me that not far to the north were the lands of the Santees, and that where we were then resting once stood the village of the Yanktons. Not a vestige of it was left, but on the hill beyond the wood I could see the bury- ing-ground. I directed Washtella and Wacheata to pack our kitchen furniture on the poles behind the pony, and we would go up to the grave-yard, for I wished to have a look at it. At this their great eyes opened wide with horror, and the? held up their hands to signify that they clid not dare commit such a sacrihge, and so I bade them stay where they were. Not having the fear of Indian gods before me, 1 rode boldly up to the hill, and there saw hundreds of RELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 87 bodies wrapped in blankets, buffalo robes, and bark, and laid out to dry on scaffolds made of poles and forked sticks. These scaffolds are seven to eight feet high, ten feet long, and four or five wide. Four stout posts with forked enda are first set firmly in the ground, and then in the forks are laid cross and side poles, on which is made a flooring of small poles. The body is then carefully wrapped, so as tc make it water-tight, and laid to rest on the poles. The reason why Indians bury in the open air, instead of under the ground, is for the purpose of protecting their dead from wild animals. In new countries, where wolves and bears are numerous, a dead body will be dug up and devoured, though it be put many feet under the ground. An Indian grave-yard is a curious sight, with its silent tileepers. Here was an old fellow, whose scaffold had fallen iJown at one end, and his skeleton rested with its head on the ground, and its bony feet in the air. There the long black hair of a woman, falling through the decaying poles, streamed in the wind. There were skulls and bones all around, and flocks of ravens screamed and wheeled in the air. I saw stout warriors, old men and old women, rest ing as peacefully ar if they slept in the beautiful ceme teries of the East. Maidens lay there, too, all unconscious of the flowers that were springing up on the prairies around them, girls who had died long before my two young wives (who were then praying in the grove for my safety) had opened their seductive orbs on this world of glass beads and buffalo intestines. I noticed many little buckets and baskets hanging on the scaffolds, and when I returned to the grove I asked Washtella what they were for. She said that when an Indian dies the 88 BELDEN:.THE WHITE CHIEF. body is carried to the grave-yard, where, amid much smoking and speech-making, it is hoisted upon the scaffold and left to rest. All then return to the village except the immediate friends and relatives of the dead, who remain to howl around I he grave. After death the soul goes on a journey to the happy hunting- grounds, where there is plenty of game, clear streams, beautiful groves, pleasant wild fruits, and no wars. While the soul is performing this journey it must be fed and have drink, the same as though it had remained in the body. The buckets and baskets I had seen had contained food and water for the dead. I asked Washtella if she was sure the soul ate and drank on its journey, and if the food did not remain untouched in the basket? She replied, "Oh, no; the water and food is always gone, for the dead are very hungry." I looked at the hundreds of ravens perched on the scaffolds, and could, account for what became of most of the food and water, still I could not help thinking there were lazy Indians in every village who got the most of their living out of the grave-yards. I asked Washtella how long it took a soul to reach the happy hunting-grounds, and she replied : " About one month ; and during all that time the wife or nearest relation must go every day with a fresh supply of bread and water for the jour- ueying spirit. When the dead person is rich, a couple of ponies are killed and buried under the scaffold, so the spirit can ride to the happy home." I asked Washtella what the Indians did when there was no timber to build scaffolds, and she replied that they never camped far from timber; and if any one in the village died BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 89 wnile on the march, the body was packed on the teepee poles, and curried along until they reached a grave-yard, where it was buried. Having finished my pipe, and satisfied my curiosity in regard to the mode of burying dead savages, I ordered the women to repack the ponies, and we resumed our journey. In the evening, just as the sun was setting, we spied a beau tiful willow grove, and turned off the trail some distance to .camp in it. A stream of pure cold water meandered through the trees, and we pitched our lodge on the green grass by its banks. I had shot an antelope, and while Washtella dressed it and prepared the evening meal, Wacheata put the ponies out to graze and erected the lodge. I sat cross-legged on a buffalo robe, and smoked my pipe, having nothing else to do, accord ing to Indian custom, where the women do all the work. A more beautiful spot than our camp could not be imagined. The tall, graceful willows, with their yellow arms, shaded the greensward from the sun in summer and broke the wind? in winter. After supper I caught some fine fish out of the stream, an when the full round moon came up, I watched its bright rays flit and dance among the trees, making a thousand grotesque pictures on the ground. Next day's journey brought us near Fort Benton. All after noon we had been marching for many hours aTong the Mis souri. The valley was wide, covered with luxuriant grass, and dotted with mmny-colored flowers. These flowers, though beautiful to the eye, had no fragrance. The river banks were fringed with a heavy growth of cottonwood, willow, and dog wood trees. 6 90 . BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. At one time this valley was the resort of vast herds of buffalo, elk, deer, and antelope, and their skulls and bonea still lie scattered thick on the ground between the bluffs and the river. All the game is now gone except a few antelope and deer. We halted in some cottonwoods by the river, and the squawa, gathering a supply of wood, soon had a supper prepared of dried buffalo meat, corn, 'coon fat, and ash-cakes.* "We all ate out of the same kettle, so the dishes were easily washed. To eat, smoke, sleep, and march was the same to-day as yesterday, and so the journey wore on for nine long, weary suns, when we came in sight of the Santee village, and here our travels ended for the present. * Ash-cake is the Indian's bread. It is maae or flour mixed with watei And kneaded into a tough dough. It is then made into little cakes and baked in the ashes. The Indians use no salt in their bread or any of their victuals JBELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 91 CHAPTER IX. iV INDIAN VILLAGE MIRAGES ON THE PRAIRIES THEIR FATAL DECEPTIONS THE ENCAMPMENT A SURPRISE A STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL PICTURE THE WARNING AND WELCOME LOCATING A TOWN LOT THE SANTEES CURIOSITV OF THE WOMEN RESEMBLANCE BETWEEN WHITE AND RED WOMEN A NOBLE PEOPLE THE MISSIONARY PLEASANT INTERVIEW HOW THE INDIANS BUILD THEIR HOMES MY NEW RESIDENCE ONE can have no appreciative idea of an Indian village, unless he has been permitted to come across the prairie through a hot summer's sun, and suddenly discovers one nestled under the broad shade trees, beside a clear running stream, in a green valley. How pleasant the grass then looks; how re freshing the bright waters, and how cozy the tall lodges, with their shaded verandahs of thickly interwoven boughs. All day long we had toiled over the scorching plain, through clouds of grasshoppers that often struck us in the face with sufficient force to make the skin smart for several minutes. Once we had seen a mirage of a beautiful lake, fringed with trees and surrounded by green pastures, which invited us to pursue its fleeting shadows, but we knew all about these decep tions by sad experience, and pushed steadily on over the burning sands. These mirages often deceive the weary traveler of the desert. Suddenly the horseman sees a river or lake, apparently, just ahead of him, and he rides on and on, hoping to come up tc 02 BELDEN: THE WHITE- CHIEF. it. For hours it lies before his eyes, and then in a moment disappears, leaving him miles and miles out of his way, and in the midst of desert sands. Men have ridden all day striving to reach the beautiful river just before them, and then at night turned back to plod their weary way to ^here they had started from in the morning. These mirages often lead to death both man and horse. The mirage we had seen was most delightful, representing a clear lake, with trees, meadows, and villages nestling on its shores, but it scarcely equalled the reality of the scene when, late in the afternoon we ascended a rise in the prairie, and saw below us a wide stream lined with green trees, and on its banks a large Indian encampment. The ponies pricked up their ears and neighed with pleasure as they smelt the water, and our own delight was unbounded We halted for- a moment to admire the beautiful prospect Through the majestic trees, slanting rays of the sun shivered on the grass ! Far away, winding like a huge silver-serpent, ran the river, while near by, in a shady grove, stood the village the children at play on the green lawns not made by hands. The white sides of the teepees shone in the setting sunlight, and the smoke curled lazily upward from their dingy tops. Bright ribbons and red grass, looking like streamers on a ship, fluttered from the lodge-poles, and gaudily dressed squaws and warriors walked about, or sat on the green sod under the trees. There were maidens, as beautiful as Hiawatha, or as graceful as Minne- naha, wandering, hand in hand, along the stream, or listening hj under the shade of some wide spreading tree to words of love, us soft and tender as ever were poured into woman's ear.* * The warriors have a war-paint which they put on when they go to bat tle, and they have also a oaint which they wear when in love; it is called BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 93 Near the village were hundreds of horses and ponies, with bright feathers flaunting in their manes and tails as they cropped the rich grass* of the valley.* A group of noisy children were playing at a game much resembling teh-pins; some boys were shooting at a mark \vith arrows, and up the stream several youths were returning home with rod and line, and fine strings of speckled trout. Scores of men and women were swimming about in the river, now diving, and then dousing each other amid screams of laughter from the bystanders on the shore. Here and there a young girl darted about like a fish, her black hair streaming behind her in the water. While we looked, the little children suddenly ceased from play and ran into the lodges ; mounted men surrounded the herd, and the swimmers and promenaders hastened toward the village. We had been perceived by the villagers, and the un expected arrival of strange horsemen at an Indian encampment always creates great excitement. They may be friends, but they are more often enemies, so the villagers are always pre pared for a surprise. Soon men were seen running to and fro with guns and bows, and in a few minutes, some mounted warriors left the encamp ment and rode toward us, going first to the top of the highest the "love paint," and means that the warrior is "on the path of love, anve Him who owns all, held real estate. A few Santee women gathered about my squaws and chatted with them, anxious to learn the news from down the river. Seeing they were interfering with the unpacking of the ponies and the erecting of the lodge, I unceremoniously ordered them to begone, and they went quietly away. The lodge was soon up; the ponies unpacked and put out to graze. Having seen things put in order for the night, I sauntered out through tho village to learn the news. I was agreeably surprised, when I learned there was a white man in the village, who had been sent out to the Indians as a missionary. All the savages spoke of him as a kind-hearted, good man, who was a great friend of the Great Spirit, and the Big Father at Washington. I made haste to pay my respects to my white brother, and found him indeed a good Christian gentleman. He had a BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 95 white wife and child, and he and they were living comfortably and pleasantly with these wild children of the desert. I talked more than an hour with the good man ; it was so delightful to gee and speak with one of my own blood and color. When I left him, I promised I would return the next -.lay and dine \vith him, which I did. It may sound strange to hear one talk of " dining out " in an Indian camp, but I can assure my civilized readers the meal was none the less wholesome or abundant on account of the place in which it was served. When I returned to my lodge, I found it surrounded by a crowd of dirty squaws and children, who were intent upon ex amining every thing we had. I ordered them off, and could not help laughing when I compared the curiosity of these rude Indian women with that I had seen exhibited at church in the States by white women. They there go to church, not to hear the Gospel, but to see what their neighbors have to wear, and these Indian women had come to my lodge with the same laudable object. I am not certain that human nature is the same every-where, but I am quite certain woman nature is the same all the world over. I found the Santees a most excellent people. I had heard bad stories about them, but was agreeably surprised to learn that all that had been told to their disadvantage was false. The Omahas, Winnebagoes, Pawnees, Otoes, Sacs, Foxes, Crows, Snakes, Arrapahoes, Clieyennes, Blackfeet, Ogallalahs, and Yanktons are all either thieves or beggars, but here was a tribe of Indians who neither begged nor stole. The women were generally neat in their dress, virtuous, and cleanly in their persons. The warriors were men of great pride and bravery. The chiefs of the Santees were men of few worda, but they were dignified, courteous, and truthful in all they 96 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. eaid and did. After all my experiences and disappointments among the Indians of the plains, I could not help admiring and respecting these people, for here at last I had found a tribe such as Cooper had represented, and Longfellow characterized m Hiawatha. The longer I lived among the Santees the more cause I found to praise them. I had built a willow awning over the door of my teepee, and shaded it with brush, so it was quite cool and pleasant. Every tribe of Indians build their lodges differently. Thus, the Winnebagoes live in huts made of the bark of trees, closely resembling an inverted teacup on the outside. The Pawnee houses are built in the same shape, but are made of mud, sod, or adobes. The Santee lodges were tall conical- shaped tents, made of buffalo hide tanned with the hair off, and stretched around twelve poles. These poles are tied together at the top, and set about three feet apart at the bottom, around a circle of one hundred and eight feet. The lodge, when finished, is thirty- six feet in diameter at the ground. The skin or covering is cut bias, the small end being fastened to the top of the poles and the long end wrapped round and round the poles, and finally fastened to the ground with a wooden pin or stone. The poles are not set in the ground, but the edge of the lodge cover is pinned down with short pegs made of hard wood. An aperture is left at the top of the lodge for the smoke to escape, and the fire is built in the center. When the door is open it draws well, and all the smoke goes up and out at the aperture. These lodges, although standing on the surface of the ground and apparently very fragile, will withstand the most violent niud and rain storms. I have seen them outlive the strongest BELDEX : THE WHITE CHIEF. 99 modern tents, and stand up when even great trees were blown down. Many of the teepees were painted, having grotesque repre sentations of men, horses, birds, turtles, deer, elk, and other animals in red, blue, and black colors on their sides. The village contained about two hundred lodges, and represented a prairie-dog town, being laid out. with little regularity or order as to the streets. The village covered a great space, the tents being often one and two hundred yards apart. Having improved and beautified my own lodge to my sat isfaction, I sat down to enjoy myself and smoke my pipe in peace among these delightful people, little caring if I nevei saw the Yankton village again. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER X. IXWAX ARROWS HOW THEY ARE MADE CUTTING THE SHAFTS DRYING AJCI SMOKING THEM WHY THEY ARE WRAPPED IN RAWHIDE PEALING THH SHAFTS MAKING THE NOTCH WHY THE SHAFT IS FLUTED THE ARROW HEAD FASTENING IT PUTTING ON THE FEATHER PRICE OF ARROW-HEADS WHERE THEY ARE MADE IMMENSE PROFITS OF THE TRADERS PRICES OP ARROWS THE INDIANS BAD FINANCIERS INDIAN PAINTS WHERE THEY ARU MANUFACTURED A CURIOUS, BUT PROFITABLE BUSINESS WAR ARROWS A DEADLY SHAFT THE TERRIBLE POISONED ARROW HOW IT IS POISONED DISUSE OF THE POISONED ARROW THE REASON WHY SIGNAL ARROWS HOW THEY ARE MADE THEIR MEANING INDIAN CUNNING. FT was during my residence in the Santee village that I saw -*- many curious things, and learned much of the mode of life and ceremonies of the Indians. Some of these are well worth, not only reading but remembering, by persons who peruse this volume. Most people have seen the bows and arrows used by boys in the eastern States, and those who have observed them know how feeble they are, not even being capable of killing the smallest animal. Do not be surprised, then, when I tell you that an -Indian, with his bow, will send an arrow entirely through a horse, man, or buffalo. The shaggy-coated bear or Rocky Mountain lion will fall beneath a few shots from the savage's btrong bow, while the fleet, wild deer is not swift enough to escape the flight of his arrow. With unerring aim BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 101 the hunter sends his deadly shaft, at eighty yards, into the heart or eye of his game, and with ease tips birds from the tops of the highest trees. Of course, it requires long practice to acquire such skill in the use of the bow, but the Indian will tell you that more depends upon the manufacture of the weapon than the skill of the marksman. "With a good Indian bow and arrow a white man can, in a few hours, learn to shoot very well, while with a bow and arrow of his own manufac ture he can hardly hit a tree, the size of a man's body, a rod off. Let me teach you how to make a good bow and arrow. And first, we will begin with the arrow : The shoots, or rods, must be cut in the arrow season, that is, when the summer's growth is ended. They must not have any branches or limbs on them, but be straight and smooth. The Indians cut their arrows late in the fall, when the timber is hardening, to withstand the blasts of winter. The sticks are not quite so thick as one's little finger, and they are sorted and tied in bundles of twenty and twenty-five. These bundles are two or two and one-half feet in length, and wrapped tightly from end to end with strips of rawhide, or elk skin. The sticks are then hung up over fire in the teepee to be smoked and dried, and the wrapping keeps them from warping or bending. When they are seasoned, which takes several weeks, the bundles are taken down, the covering removed, and the bark scraped off. The wood is very tough, then, and of a yellowish color. The next process is to cut the arrow shafts exactly one length, and in this great care must be used, for arrows of different lengths fly differently, and, unless they are alike, the hunter's aim is destroyed. Another reason for measuring the length of arrows is to identify them j for no two warriors shoot arrows of precisely the same length. 102 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. Each warrior carries a measuring, or pattern stick, and it is only necessary to compare an arrow with the stick to find out to whom it belongs. But should the arrows, by chance, be of one length, then there are other means of identifying them, for every hunter has his own private mark in the shaft, the head, or the feather. Of many thousands I have examined, I never found two arrows exactly alike when they were made h/ different warriors. The shafts being made even, the next work is to form the notch for the bow-string. This is done with a sharp knife, and, when made properly, the bottom of the notch will be precisely in the center of the shaft. The arrow is then scraped and tapered toward the notch, leaving a round head an inch long near the notch, to prevent the string from splitting the shaft, and to make a firm hold for the thumb and forefinger in draw ing the bow. All the arrows are pealed, scraped, and notched, and then the warrior creases them. To do this, he takes an arrow-head and scores the shaft in zigzag lines from end to end. These creases, or fluted gutters, in the shaft are to let the blood run out when an animal is struck. The blood flows along the little gutters in the wood and runs off the end of the arrow. The arrow-head is made of steel or stone. It is shaped like a heart or dart, and has a stem about an inch long. The sides of the stem are nicked or filed out like saw-teeth. Nearly all the wild Indians now use steel arrow-heads, they being a great article of trade among the savages. There are firms in the East, who manufacture many hundreds of thousands every year and send them out to the traders, who sell them to the Indians for furs. When the shaft is ready for the head, the warrior saws a slit, with a nicked knife, in the end opposite the notch, and inserts BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 103 the stem of the arrow-head. The slit must be exactly in the center of the "shaft, and as deep as the stem is long. When properly adjusted, the teeth of the stem show themselves oc each side of the slit. Buffalo, deer, or elk sinew is then soft ened in water, and the wood is wrapped firmly to the arrow head, taking care to fit the sinew in the teeth of the stem, which will prevent the head from pulling out. ' The next process is to put on the feathers. To do this properly great care must be taken. Turkey or eagle quills are soaked in warm water, to make them split easily and uniformly. The feather is then stripped from the quill and put on the shaft of the arrow. Three feathers are placed on each shaft, and they are laid equi-distant along the stem. The big end of the feather is fast ened near the notch of the shaft and laid six or eight inches straight along the wood. The feathers are glued to the shaft, and wrapped at each end with fine sinew. The arrow is next painted, marked, dried, and is ready for use It takes a warrior a whole day to make an arrow, for which the trader allows him ten cents. Arrow-heads are put up in packages of a dozen each. They oast the trader half a cent, or six cents per package, and are Bold Old Stone Arrow-heads. 104 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. to the Indians at enormous profits. Thus, twelve arrow-heads will be exchanged for a buffalo robe, worth $8 or $9, and three, for a beaver skin, worth $4. Indians often buy arrow-heads at these enormous prices, and then sell the arrow back to the trader at ten cents, in exchange for goods, beads, or knives. The paints used by Indians in ornamenting arrows are purchased from traders. It is put up in small packages, and sold at 500 per cent, above cost. Of late years there has been a house in St. Louia that has made a speciality of Indian paints, and every Indian tribe on the plains knows their brand. These paints are in delible and excellent, the Indians being willing to pay any price for them. Generally, imitation of Chinese vermillion, yellow and green cromes, indigo, lamp-black, and ink are sold to the savages for paints. To make war arrows, the Indians manufacture the shafts the same as for game arrows. The head is then fastened loosely in the wood, and when it is fired into the body it can not be got out. If you pull at the shaft the barbs catch and the shaft pulls off, leaving the arrow-head in the wound. Some war arrows have but one barb, and when this arrow is fired into the body, if the shaft be pulled, the barb catches in the flesh and the steel turns cross-wise in the wound, rendering it im possible to extract it. Fortunately but few Indian tribes now use the poisoned arrow. This deadly weapon is made like other arrows, except that it has a poisoned point. For years past, in the wars along the Platte, on the upper Missouri, and in all our contests with the Indians, not a single soldier or citizen has been shot with a poisoned arrow. Civilization can never be sufficiently grate ful, to even savages, for having discarded a practice so bar barous. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. A Santee warrior once showed me the method used by Indiana in poisoning arrows, which I will here describe: A large, bloated, yellow rattlesnake, the most deadly reptile in the world, was caught, and his head held fast by a forked stick. An Indian then tickled him with a small switch, by passing it along his body from head to tail. The rage of the snake was unbounded; he threshed the ground with his body, hissed, rattled his tail, and his eyes grew bright as diamonds. I could not imagine why so simple a thing should make him so angry, but his rage was as great as it was amusing. A small deer had been brought out alive, and when the snake was most furious, th^ animal was killed, the smoking liver torn out, and, hot and bloody, laid before the reptile. The stick was then removed from his neck, and in an instant he struck it, his teeth sinking deep into the soft flooh. His rage seemed to increase each mo ment, and he hit it again and again. When he tired, and would have gone away, the forked stick was brought, his neck pinned to the earth, and the tickle used until he became enraged. This was kept up as long as the hideous creature could be induced to strike the liver. He was then killed, a sharpened pole stuck into the liver, and it was carried to the village. It soon be came very black, and emitted a sour smell. Arrows were brought, the heads thrust into the liver, and left there for half an hour, when they were withdrawn, and laid in the sun to dry. A thin, glistening yellow scum adhered to the arrow, and if it but so much as touched the raw flesh, it was certain to poison to the death. Formerly the Indians always carried their poisoned arrows in the skins of rattlesnakes, and they were very careful of them, selecting and poisoning only such as had long shafts, peculiar points, or different marks. Still, mistakes would occur, warrior's 106 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. horses, dogs, and children, got accidentally poisoned and cited and at last the Indians quit using them, more on account of theii own safety than for any humanitarian reasons. A liver prepared in the way I have described, would contain virus enough to poison a thousand arrows. Years ago, each war party carried a poisoned liver, wrapped in a piece of buckskin. and it, with many arrows, was packed on a pony, called the "dead horse." When they found arrows of the enemy, they would poison and throw them on the trails, where they would be picked up and used by th e foe to shoot game. Travelers on the prairie have often seen the Indians throw ing- up signal lights at night, and have wondered how it was done. I will tell you all about it : They take off the head of the arrow and dip the shaft in gunpowder, mixed with glue. This they call making fire arrowsl The gunpowder adheres to the wood, and coats it three or four inches from its end, to the depth of one-fourth of an inch. Chewed bark mixed with dry gunpowder is then fastened to the stick, and the arrow is ready for use. When it is to be fired, a warrior places it on his bow-string and draws his bow ready to let it fly ; the point of the arrow is then lowered, another warrior lights the dry bark, and it is shot high in the air. When it has gone up a little distance, it bursts out into a flame, and burns brightly until it falls to the ground. Various meanings are attached to these fire-arrow signals. Thus, one arrow meant, among the Santeos, " The enemy are about ; " two arrows from the same point, " Danger ;" Three, " Great danger ; " many, " They are too strong, or we are falling back ; " two arrows sent up at the same moment, " We will attack ; " three, " Soon ; " four, " Now ; " if shot diagonally, " In that direction." These signals are con stantly changed, and are always agreed upon when the party BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 107 goes out, or before it separates. The Indians send their signals very intelligently, and seldom make .mistakes in telegraphing each other by these silent monitors. The amount of informa tion they can communicate, by fires and burning arrows, is perfectly wonderful. Every war party carries with it bundles of signal arrows. Every tribe of Indians make their arrows differently. The Snakes put but two feathers on their shafts ; the Sioux, when they make their own arrow-points, or buy them, always prefer long, slim points; the Cheyennes, blunt points, sharp on the edges; the Pawnees, medium points; and the Crows, Blackfeet, Utes, Omaha's, Ottoes, and Winnebagoes, long points. The Pawnees wrap their arrow-heads with elk sinew, the Crows with deer, and the San tees, with sinew taken from the inside of the shoulder-blade of a buffalo bull. Not many years ago, the hunters and frontiersmen could tell to what tribe the Indians who attacked them belonged by their arrows, but now that is impossible. Many tribes trade and exchange arrows, while others pick up and keep all the arrows they find. It is a practice among the Pawnees, to carefully collect all the arrows of their enemies and keep them to shoot again, or trade, while many wily Indians, when they wish to attack the whites, or commit an outrage, purposely use arrows belonging to other tribes. To find a white man dead, with a Pawnee arrow stick ing in him, is no longer, as in former days, evidence that, a Pawnee killed him, for, most likely, the deed was done. by a Cheyenne or Sioux, and the blame thus sought to 'ie thrcwu on the poor Pawnees. 7 i,08 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XI. 4 THE BOW ITS ANTIQUITY INDIAN BOYS LEARNING TO SHOOT POWRB Of THE BOW THE SIOUX BOW HOW IT IS MADE WHY IT IS CARRIED CX- -8TRUNG WOOD FOR BOWS THEIR VALUE DIFFICULTY OF DRAWING THEM SHOOTING BUFFALO WITH BOWS AND ARROWS STRENGTHENING THE BOW WITH SINEW THE BOW-STRING CROW AND CHEYENNE BOWS THE ELK HORN BOW HOW IT IS MADE THE VALUE OF AN ELK BOW QUIVERS HOW THEY ARE MADE AND CARRIED NAMES OF INDIANS THE SIOUX CHIEF SPOTTED TAIL HOW TO SHOOT WITH THE BOW STRIKING WITH THE BOW INDIAN INSULTS AND HONOB. bow the weapon so long in use among the different Indian tribes of this continent, so typical of Indian life, and the mere mention of which always associates our ideas with the red men is made of various kinds of wood, and its manu facture is a work of no little labor. Even at this day the bow is much used, and although an Indian may have a gun, he is seldom seen without his long bow, and quiver well filled with arrows. The gun may get out of order, and he can not mend it ; the ammunition may become wet, and there is an end of hunting ; but the faithful bow is always in order, and its swift "arrows ready to fly in wet as well as dry weather. Thus reasons the savage, and so keeps his bow to fall back upon in case of accident. Until the invention of breech-loaders, it is a fact well known to frontiersmen that the bow was a far more deadly weapon at close range than the best rifle. A warrior could discharge his BEI.DEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. ICW arrows with much greater rapidity and precision than the most expert woodsman could charge and fire a muzzle-loading rifle. The antiquity of the bow is so great that its origin is- per haps coincident with war and the necessities of mankind. It is painted on the ruins of Nineveh ; it is mentioned in the first l>ook of the Bible, and it is known to have been used on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, where the human race probably first had its origin. The Indian boy's first lesson in life is to shoot with a bow. He is furnished with a small bow and "beewaks," or blunt arrows, so he will hurt nobody, and with these he shoots at marks. By and by, when he has acquired some skill in hand ling his .weapon, he is given small arrow-points, and with these he shoots birds, squirrels, and small beasts. As he grows older he receives the long-bow, and at last the strong-bow. These strong-bows are powerful weapons, and I have seen them so stiif that a white man could not bend them scarce four inches, while an Indian would, with apparent ease, draw them to the arrow's head. A shaft fired from one of these bows will go through the body of a buffalo, and arrow-heads have been found so firmly imbedded in the thigh bones of a man that no force could extract them. The parents take great pride in teaching young Indians to shoot, and the development of the muscles and strength of their arms is watched with much interest. A stout arm, orna meuted with knots of muscles, is a great honor to an Indian, and no one but those who can handle the strong-bow are deemed fit for war. Of all the Indians of the West, the Sioux and Crows make the best bows. The Sioux bow is generally four feet long, one 10 110 BELDES : THE WHITE CHIEF. and a half inches wide, and an inch thick at the middle. It tapers from the center, or "grasp," toward the ends, and is but half an inch wide and halt' an inch thick at the extrem ities. At one end the bow-string is notched into the wood and made permanently fast, while at the other end two notches are cut in the wood, and the string at that end of the bow is uiade like a slip-knot or loop. When the bow is to be used, the warrior sets the end to which the string is made fast firmly ou the ground, and then bends down the other end until the loop slips into the notch. This is called "stringing" the bow. The bow is never kept strung except when in actual use, as it would lose its strength and elasticity by being con stantly bent. When unstrung, a good bow is perfectly straight, and, if properly made and seasoned, will always retain its elasticity. The wood generally used in manufacturing bows is ash, hickory, iron-wood, elm, and cedar. Xo hickory grows west of the Missouri, and it is very difficult to get; and an Indian will always pay a high price for a piece of this wood. When the bow is made of cedar, it need not be seasoned but all other woods require seasoning, and are not worked until perfectly dry. Every teepee has its bow-wood hung up with the arrows in the smoke of the fire, but well out of reach of the flames. A warrior with- a sharp knife and a sandstone, or file, can make a bow in three days if he works hard, but it most generally takes a week, and sometimes a month, to finish a fancy bow. When done, it is worth three dollars in trade. All the bows differ in length and strength, being gauged foi the arms of those who are to use them; but a white man would, until he learned the slight of it, find lr nisei f unablf to BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. Ill bend even the weakest way -bow. This has given rise to the impression that the Indians are stronger than white men, which is an error; for, although only a slight man myself, I learned, after some practice, to bend the strongest bow, and could send 9 shaft as far or as deep as any savage. On one occasion I shot an arrow, while running, into a buffalo so that the point came out on the opposite side ; another arrow disappeared in the buffalo, not even the notch being visible. The power of the bow may be better understood when I tell you that the most powerful Colt's revolver will not send a ball through a buffalo. I have seen a bow throw an arrow five hundred yards, and have myself often discharged one entirely through a board one inch thick. Once I found a man's skull trans fixed to a tree by an arrow which had gone completely through the bones, and imbedded itself so deep in the wood as to sus tain the weight of the head. He had probably been tied up to the tree and shot. The Sioux and Cheyenne bows are generally strengthened on the back by a layer of sinew glued to the wood. This sinew, as well as the bow-string^ is taken from the back of the buffalo. It starts at the hump and runs along the spinal column to the tail, and is about six feet in length. The surface of the bow is made perfectly flat, then roughened with a file or stone, the sinew being dipped in hot glue and laid on the wood. The sinew is then lapped at the ends and on the middle, or grasp of the bow. The string is attached while green, twisted, and left to dry on the bow. The whole outside of the wood and sinew is now covered with a thick solution of glue, and the bow is done. Rough bows look like h'ukory limbs with the bark on, but some of them are beauti fully painted and ornamented. I once knew a trader J o glue 112 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. some red velvet on a bow, and the Indians paid him an iru mense price for it, thinking it very wonderful The Crows make bows out of Elk horn. To do this they take a large horn or prong, and saw a slice off each side of it, these slices are then filed or rubbed down until the flat sides fit nicely together, when they are glued and wrapped at the ends. Four slices make a bow, it being jointed. Another piece ot horn is laid on the center of the bow at the grasp, where it is glued fast. The svhole is then filed down until it is perfectly proportioned, \vhen the white bone is ornamented, carved, and painted. Nothing can exceed the beauty of these bows, and it takes an Indian about three months to make one. They are very expensive, and Indians do not sell them; but I once managed to get one from a friend for thirty-two dollars in gold. In traveling, the bow is carried in a sheath attached to the arrow quiver, and the whole is slung to the back by a belt of elk or buckskin, which paases diagonally across the breast, and is fastened to the ends of the quiver. The quiver and bow- sheath is generally made of the skin of an ox or some wild animal, and is tanned with the hair on. The quiver is orna mented with tassals, fringe of buckskin, and the belt across the breast is painted or worked with beads. Each Indian has his sign or name on his belt, bow, sheath, or arrow quiver. The celebrated Sioux chief, Spotted Tail, or "Sin-ta Galles- sca, " had his bow-sheath made from the skin of a spotted ox he had killed in a train his warriors captured, and as the tail was left dangling at the end of the sheath, the Indians ever afterward called him Spotted Tail, or " The man with the Spotted Tail."* You may be curious to know what this In- \ *Mr. Beldcn is likely mistaken as to the origin of Spotted Tail's name. 1 have often been told by soldiers and old frontiersmen that when Bows, Arrows, and Quivers. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 135 diaii's name was before be was called Spotted Tail, and I must tell you many Indians never have a name, while others have half a dozen. Some act of bravery, or an article of clothing, generally fixes an Indian's name, but a new deed, or a new head-dress, may change it. To shoot with the bow properly, it must be held firmly in three fingers of the right hand; the arrow is fixed on the bow string with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, and the other three fingers are used to pull the string. The shaft of the arrow lays between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, which rest over the grasp of the bow. To shoot, the bow is turned slightly, so ,one end is higher than the other, and the arrow is then launched. Not only is the bow used as a weapon, but it serves as an implement with which to disgrace a man. Thus, an Indian who is struck with a bow is as much disgraced and insulted as a white man who has been cowhided. To strike one with a bow means in the Indian language, " Go, coward ; " or, " You are not worthy of being killed by arrows ; " or, " I do not consider you a brave or honorable man," which is the worst of all insults to a savage. Spotted Tail was a young man he wore a coon's tail in his hair, and from thin took his name of Spotted Tail, or "The man with the spotted tail." Our soldiers have often seen him wearing this coon tail in battle, and I think it was from it he derived his name. EDITOR. 116 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XII. INDIAN MANUFACTORIES THE BONE, STONE, AND 'FLINT AX HOW THEY ARH MADE INDIAN HAMMttRS, MALLETS, HATCHETS, AND HOES RASPS AND FILM HOW THEY ARE MADE, AND WHAT USED FOR THEIR POWER AND ENDUR ANCE WAR-CLUBS, SPEARS, AND JAVELINS INDIAN RIDING-WHIPS CURIOU8 MANNER OF MAKING THEM THE INDIAN KNIFE A REMARKABLE TRADE EN TERPRISE THE CROW COMB "NECESSITY THE MOTHER OF INVENTION* ILLTJSTRATEE ~\/|"OST of the Indian tribes of the west, have obtained -L"-*- from traders, many articles of civilization, but among the Santees, I found they relied almost wholly upon their own skill to produce tools and household utensils. These were generally manufactured by old men and squaws, except axes, hammers, mallets, files, rasps, and hoes, which were made by the warriors. The axes were of three different kinds stone, bone, and 3int. The stone ax is made from a large pebble, or river stone. It is first split in two parts, which gives each section a sharp edge and a flat side. The stsne is then enveloped in rawhide, except the edge. The hide is put on when green, and strongly sewed with sinew, and when dry, it is almost as hard and tight as the stone. While the hide is still soft, a handle covered with rawhide, and having a long slip projecting, is laid on the flat side of the stone, and strongly- sewed to tlie skin covering the ax. The slip is then wrapped around tlie BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 117 a.x-head and handle, and sewed fast, after which the whole is lapped with sinew, and set away to dry. As soon as it is thoroughly dried, the ax is brought out. the edge filed up, or sharpened by rubbing it against a sandstone, and it is ready for use. It is astonishing how firmly the contracted rawhitte nnd sinews hold this rude ax on its handle ; the stone ofteu br?aks, however, and the ax can only be used for cutting soft wood and brush. Three or four of these axes can be made by an Indian in a day, so they are of no great value, and are thrown away as soon as they break. The flint axes are more difficult to make, but are manu factured in the same manner, except that a notch is sawed in the handle, and the ax set in the notch to give it greater firmness. " Indian Axes and Clubs. The bone ax is the best as well as the hardest to make. Buffalo bones (generally the leg or shoulder-blade) are taken, split in two, and trimmed down to the right thickness. A sap ling, young tree, or limb, is then split near a knot, and the bone shaved through, where it is left to grow fast. This is done iu the spring, and by fall the sap will have filled up 11 118 BEJLDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. the interstices, and the wood become firm around the bone The wood is then cut at the right length, and the handlt shaved out. The whole is next covered with rawhide sewed and lapped with sinew, the bone ground up, and the implement is ready for service. One of these axes will last a year and tarry fair edge, but the great objection to them is, that they lire too light for effective chopping. Elk ham-bone makes a very good ax head. Mallets, hammers, and hatchets, are made in the same man ner as described for axes, except that the big mallet, used for driving stakes and tent-pins, is made of a round stone, in the side of which a trench has been pecked, into which the handle is laid. The whole is then covered with rawhide, and wheii dry, the hide is pared off one end of the stone, and it is flat tened by rubbing it against a rock, or dressing it as a miller does his millstone. Hoes are made of flat stones and bones, covered with raw hide, and a handle is fastened with buffalo sinews. These hoes are used to dig earth, wild artichokes, and for scraping tl/v hair off hides when tanning. The most curious process was making files and ra^/s To do this, an alderberry stick was taken and split in *wo The pith was then scraped out, and in the grove thus 'crrned, was poured glue, mixed with Dounded flint. When dry, the parti cles of flint formed the teeth of the rasp, or file. If the file became dull, it was only necessary t< wash it in hot water, when the glue and old pieces of flint washed out and new teeth appeared. These files were very handy, aud of vast use to the Indians. What steel is to iron, they are to the wood and stone used by the Indian. When ponies hoofs became too long, 01 splintered, they were trimmed down by these rasps; BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 119 also, ax handles, teepee poles, and iron, even, were rubbed down with them. War clubs are made with han dles three feet long. A sharp flint stone is found, and dressed ofl into an oblong shape. A sapling !E then split, the stone heated and placed in the split. This is re peated until the crack is almost closed, when it is left to grow fast. It is then cut, the handle trimmed out, the whole, except the point of Modem War ciub. stone, covered with rawhide, and sewed with sinew, when it is beautifully painted and orna mented. Spears are made of hard wood, and pointed with stone or iron. If an Indian can get an old bayonet, or sword- blade, he is de lighted, as it makes a splendid head for his spear. If no iron can be obtained, the wood is charred in the fire; (he burnt particles are then scraped off, leaving it very hard and sharp. The bult end of the pole is always used for the head of the spear, and the whole length of Indian Warrior and Club. BKLDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. the instrument is twelve to fifteen feet. The Sioux, Cheyennes, and a few other tribes still use these weapons, but they are fast disappearing. They -are clumsy, but very dangerous when skillfully handled, and can be thrown a great distance with considera ble accuracy. Riding whips are made in great numbers by the Indians. They are of various kinds and curious Sioux Warrior with Spear. Pawnee and Spear. patterns. Some are twisted out of horse-hair, and wrapped with fine sinew, to make them stiff and elastic ; others are woven of buffalo fur, and others of grass or bark. The regular Indian riding whip is made of leather, fastened to a wooden handle. A bone, or piece of round, hard wood, about six inches in length, is taken, and through each BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 121 end a small hole is bored across the grain. Another longer hole is then bored in the end of the stick along the grain, until it intersects the first hole. The lash, with a loop on its end, is next inserted in the end of the whip, and a peg driven through the small hole and loop, to keep it from coining out. A loop, or wrist-strap, is then put in the other end of the handle, and the whip is ready for use. The lashes of these whips are two or three feet long and very heavy, being made generally of buck- Indians Practicing with the Bow and Spear. skin, elk, or buffalo hide. They are frequently not plaited, but knotted every five or six inches. These knots are called " bel lies," and are intended to make the punishment more severe than it would otherwise be. The elk-horn whip is very pretty, being usually beautifully carved and painted many colors. Sometimes the long prong of a blacktail deer is used, studded with brass tacks, or pieces 122 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. of silver. Frequently, the handles are covered with fur, 01 buckskin, which is ornamented with bead- work. The Santees could make a rude knife when they could got, hoop-iron, but nearly all the Indians have knives made by white men. These knives are branded Samson & Goodnow, J. W.'I- son, Clement & Hawks, though how these manufacturers got fheir knives among the Indians, I never could learn. The Crow Indians are the only ones who make combs. They are very simple, and consist of a hedgehog's tail, the bristles serving as teeth. When the hog is killed, the tail is skinned off the bone, and a wooden handle inserted. When dry it is ready for use, and is by no means a bad substitute for the bone, or horn comb we use. A hedgehog comb is an indis pensable article to every Indian girl, as it enables her to keep h*r long black hair in order. BELDEN: THE WHITE JHIEP. {23 CHAPTER XIII. BUFFAIC ROBES FLESHING, TANNING, AND DRYING THEM TRADE ROBES THEIR VALUE THE B' DY ROBE THE FUR TRADE HOW IT IS CONDUCTED ITS PROFITS INDIAN PRICES OF FURS SENDING THEM TO MARKET THEIR VALUE AT ST. LOUIS ARTICLES OF TRADE WHAT INDIANS BUY A NEW CURRBNCY-^LABOR OF PREPARING FURS HOW MUCH A SQUAW GETS FOR A FULL DAY'S WORK FURS THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN THE WORLD. robes used by the Indians in winter for wearing as protection against the weather, are made of the skins of smail buffalo bulls or cows. The skin is dressed down or thinned by means of chipping and scraping of the flesh side with an adze or hoe made of bone. When it is as thin as it- can be cut with the adze, it is rubbed down to the right thick ness with a sandstone. This done, the robe is well soaked in buffalo brains and grease, after which it is dried. It is then washed in clear water, and re-washed, until all the grease and brains are. taken out. The skin now only has to be rubbed dry, and the tanning process is complete. Squaws and men all wear buffalo robes about their person? in winter. They -are always worn with the fur side inwards, or next the skin, and the flesh side is painted with stars, squares, stripes, or whatever strikes the fancy of the wearer. The paint is seared in with a hot iron, and is generally black, red, or blue, in color. The robes made for trading purposes are entirely different 124 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. from those worn by the Indians themselves. A private, ot body-robe, as it is called, is worth a dozen trade-robes. The trade skins are never painted, but merely fleshed, brained, washed, and rubbed. Once in a while a painted robe finds ill way into the market, but only as old family jewels find their way to the pawn broker's shop among civil ized people. An Indian will not part with his painted robe unless pressed with hun ger, or to obtain powder and bullets. A new body-robe is seldom or never sold, and those seen in the East are 'mostly old robes, that the Indians have parted witlr because they were about to got new ones. The trade-robes, or bull- hides, usually cost at the tribe grounds from $1.25 to $^.00. The traders pack them in bales of ten robes each, and ship them East, where they are sold at $70 to 90 per bale. What it costs to transport them, I am unable to say j but it ii /air to presume, that the trader 'clears from $4 to 6 on each i jbe. When I lived with the Santees it was not yet the trading season; but I have often seen the Crows and Pawnees frade on a large scale. This is generally done in the fall ; and not un- frequently a single trader will secure as many as 'one thousand n.bes. These cost him only $1,250 in goods, and hj can sell them in the East for $5,000 to $6,000 in cash. Tie Indiana Body-robe. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 12 do not want money, but goods; and the trader keeps con stantly on hand a large assortment of Indian traps. The arti cles generally sought for by the savages are the following: Red, white, blue, black, and green Mackanaw blankets. Rod and blue " squaw-cloth/' which is a flannel of various colors, and costs $4 per yard. Red, white, blue, black, green, yellow, and purple worsted, ia one pound skeins. This is used for making tassels and rib bons. Cotton thread, flax thread, and needles. Blue and striped bed-ticking, used by the squaws for making dresses. Cotton and worsted shawls ; very small, and worn over the shoulders, and around the neck. Balmoral skirts of the most brilliant colors. I have also seen crinoline and hoop-skirts readily sold to the squaws. Red, blue, and various colored handkerchiefs, both silk and cotton. Lampblack, indigo, Chinese vermilion, green and yellow chrome, and all kinds of paints. Gunpowder, bullet molds, bullets, and percussion caps. Brass, copper, and iron wires. Wire worms, for extracting charges from loaded guns. Brass hawk-bells and brass tacks. Brass finger-rings, jewelry, and buttons. Butcher knives, lead, ax helves, handles, saws, files, and hatchets. Pipes and stems of all kinds. Silver and gold ear-rings. Brass wristbands. Sugar, tea, coffee, flour, tobacco, candy, raisins, and figg. 8 126 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. Chip hats, calico, paper collars, and whisky. Wampum beads, a string, one yard long, being worth fifty cents. The trader both sells and receives them at that price, and they pass as currency among the In dians, the standard value being fifty cents per yard ; if white or pink, and if purple, seventy-five cents per yard. A wampum moon, which is a small sea-shell, out of which the wanipuin beads are made, will sell for $1. These are the principle articles found in every trader's store, and for them the Indi ans exchange buffalo robes, elk, deer, ante lope, beaver, muskrat, mink, fox, bear, and many other kinds of skins. The flesh or meat of the animals they kill is dried, put away in caches, for winter use, and the hides go into the traders' bales. The average value of skins among the [ndians is: for a buffalo robe, $1.25; for an elk skin, $1 ; deer and antelope skins, 75 cents each; beaver and otter, $1 each; wolf cayote, 25 cents ; muskrat, 10 cents ; mink, $1. Oreat labor and a vast deal of time is expended in tanning these skins, and I may safely say that, considering the amount )f work put upon them, they are the cheapest articles of trade in the world. A squaw frequently toils a whole day on a skin that will only bring her husband ten cents worth of goods, which are really worth no more than five cents in cash. Wampum. BELDENi THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XIV. PIPES AND TOBACCO WHERE DID MEN LEARN TO SMOKE? THE 10BACCO PLAKT WHERE THE ENGLISH FOUND IT OLD INDIAN PIPES HOW AND OF WHAT THET ARE 5IADF. THE WAY AN INDIAN SMOKES CEREMONIES' IN SMOKING- THK TOMAHAWK PIPE ITS USE THE PHIL. KEARNEY BATTLE-CLUB A HORRIBLB INSTRUMENT PIPE STONES INDIAN KINNE-KAN-NICK HOW IT IS MAOE SUMACH TOBACCO THE INDIAN'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GOD TOBACCO BA8 HOW AND OF WHAT THEY ARE MADE THEIR VALUE. HERE and when did men first learn to smoke ? The sacred Scriptures make no mention of this practice. Neither Abraham, Isaac, nor Jacob smoked, and none of the old fathers offered their guests the pipe, though the Old and New Testament make frequent mention of food entertainment. Job set a good table, but there is no evidence he smoked. God speaks of " a smoke in my nose," but this is the smell of meat offerings, and not tobacco or pipe fumes. The tobacco plant belongs to North America, and has been used by the Aztecs and Indians, from time immemorial. It was a luxury in Powhatan's sylvan camp, in the days of Poea- hontas. Sir Walter Raleigh first carried it from America to England, in 1588, and to the English belong the responsibility of introducing this weed to the civilized world. As far back as we can trace the savage, the pipe has been his pride, the solace of his leisure and weary hours, and the emblem of his friendship. The story-tellers of the Indians say, 'they 1-23 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. first received the tobacco plant from an angel, sent by the Great Spirit. They smoked the leaves in their pipes, that the angela might smell the fumes and be pleased. It was also an oblation to the Great Spirit, and hence, the custom, to this day, of pre ceding all solemn occasions by much smoking. The earliest Indian pipe was curved like an ox's horn, and had no stem. There was a hole through it, and the tobacco was put in the large end. In smoking this pipe, ihe Indian laid- on his back. The next form of pipe used, was that of the body of a man, the stem of the pipe being placed in the small of the back. This de sign was got from the idols, which the Indians cut out of stone. The first attempt at orna menting the pipe was, to make it in imitation An Indian ftnd bis of the snake. The tobacco was placed in the mouth of the reptile, the tail answered for a stem, and the body was carved to represent the scales. The highest art ever attained in carving an Indian pipe was to cut a rude imitation of a lizard on the front of the bowl. The warrior's pipe, of the present day, is made of red clay, or soap-stone, which is found in nearly every part of the American continent. There are some stones that are held in great esti mation by the Indians, for making pipes. The quarry, four exiles below the falls of Sioux River, between Dakota and the BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 129 State of Iowa, is held in high repute. The soft red clay, or eoap-stone, on the Iowa shore of the Missouri, and found on the Yellowstone Make, also makes beautiful pipes. This stone is soft when taken out, but- rapidly becomes hard when exposed to the air. Indians make their pipes with the common jack-knife. The bowl is long, deep, and eight square, or round. The shape of the pipe is a rectangle, and the hole for the stem is bored with an iron rod, or sharp piece of stone. The pipes are of all sizes, some of them being very large, but all have the same elbow. :; & ' ^sap. jll^ "S>- t < BP*"^^ : VV^ The stems are of various lengths > isffiL^gls'^ :^S*7 and shapes, but those most com monly in use are made of a hollow stick, or one through which a hole has been drilled. They are fully three feet long, an inch in diameter, and ornamented with brass tacks, wife wrappings, and paintings. The Santees, Ogallalas, and Yank- tons usb a flat stem, very long and very thick. They are sometimes three inches broad, and ornamented at both ends with bright feathers. Rows of ver milion, green, duck, and gold^-colored eagle quills, are split and fastened with glue, by their flat surfaces, to the stem of the pipe, and the ends are then wrapped with wire. Carvings of birds. beasts, fishes, and men, are cut on the bowls and ^tems, and filled with paint. Pipe. 130 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. Besides the red-stone pipe, the Indians use the hammer a; tomahawk pipe, made of iron. Nearly all the tomahawks sc in civilization are made by blacksmiths, employed by the go ernnvnt, and sent out to the Indians. The friendly savag for whom they are rnanu. tured, trade them to their war like brethren, and thus they become scattered far and wide. These tomahawks,though often Fine Pipes. carried in their belts, are sel dom used by Indians as weapons, and, notwithstanding they have passed into history as a deadly instrument, they are more lor ornament than use. It frequently happens, however, that I he tomahawks made at the agencies, for friendly tribes, are captured by hostile Indians, and these savages, in their contests with the whites, sometimes use their toma hawks to brain captives, hence, the dread of them, anrs bright red berries, of the size of a pea. The berries are sour, very hard, and always retain their color. The Q-pe-sha is mixed with tobacco, when the Indians can get it, and is smoked, half and half of each. The Sioux have three substitutes for tobacco ; first, the leaves of the wild rose bush ; second, the leaves of a bushy weed, which grows in the cations, or valleys of the west ; and third, the small curled leaf of the dwarf sumach. These leaves are rolled up like minute rolls of tobacco, and when crushed, it is impossible to tell them from cut and dry. Indians, whether alone or in company, always observe the solemnities of smoking. Never .Iocs a Sioux Indian light his pipe but he draws a great puff of smoke, and blows it out of his mouth toward the skv, ejacu lating, How- wa-con-ton-ka, meaning, " I remember thee, O God," or " To thee, O Great Spirit," at the same time pointing with the stem of the pipe upward. The Winnebagoes blow two puffs toward the sky, two to the i^ast, two west, two south, and one down, following each with lie stem of the pipe pointing in that direction. At the same time they mutter " O God, propitiate the winds of the east, thr west, and south, and bless the earth." The Crows blow a buff of smoke to the sky, one east, and one west, meaning, " O Great Strength, I remember thee, from the rising to the setting of the sun " (How-ba-tsa-ka). The Chey- ennes make the same offering as the Sioux, but use a different speech. There is no set term, but generally such expressions aa " O thou God, keep me." " God defend me from all harm." " O God, see me," are used. When on the war path, they pray. u God send us our enemies." The Arrapahoes blow a puff of 134 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. smoke upward, and pointing with their pipes, say, "God, re member us on earth," or " God and us." The tobacco for their pipes is carried by the Indians in pouches, or bags, made of the skills of wild animals, buckskin, or calico, ornamented with porcupine quills. The pouches are sometimes five inches wide, and eigh teen to twenty inches long. They are carried with tne mouth of the pouch under the belt, and hang down, generally having the tail dang ling, if the bag is made of the skin of an animal. Nearly all the pouches are ornamented with fringe, or bead pendants, four or five inches long. The value of a tobacco bag, of course, depends on its workmanship; a fine buckskin bag, ornamented with beads, and fifteen days' labor, -is worth $3.00 ; a mink-skin pouch is worth $4.00 ; an elk-skin, worked with porcu pine quills, $5.00, and an otter kitten as much as $6.00. Tobacoo i'oucl) BELDEN: THE WHITE cuiEir. 135 CHAPTER XV. 28ATPING WHEN THE INDIANS LEARNED THE ART OF TRAPPING HOW TO SjST THE TRAPS A TRAPPER'S LIFE HARD WORK NUMBER OF BEAVEK USUALLY T.VKEN WITH A DOZEN TRAPS INDIAN PECULIARITIES CROW SU PERSTITION ABOUT THE BEAK THE CROW CHIEF, IRON BULL SIOUX SUPER STITION ABOUT THE PRAIRIE DOG WHAT THIS ANIMAL REALLY IS A CASH OF PREJUDICE BEAR CLAWS. STRANGE as it may seem, it is none the less true, that the Indians learned the art of trapping- from white men. Long ago they stole along the banks of the creeks, and, hiding in the brush, waited patiently. for the beaver to show himself in the shallow water or on the banks, when they shot him. This process was very tedious, however, and they longed for some other manner of capturing the smooth-haired little animal, so it was with much satisfaction that they saw the white men go along the streams, and set a curious instrument in the ground, to whioh the beaver came, and which held him fast until the trapper saw fit to take him out. Sly Indians watched the process from their bushy cover, and when the trapper had gone away, they stole the trap and car ried it off to their camps. It was a long time before the In dians could set their traps, and not until the white men taught them, that they learned how to sit in the still moonlight and watch the beaver work ; how to walk on the ice and see if there 136 BEI.DEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. were beaver holes or houses, and then, when having ascertained the presence of the coy little fellow, how to put the trap down, grease it with the oil of his own tail, and leave it to snare him. A trap weighs about five pounds, and it is considered a good load to carry twelve. It will require a walk of ten or twelve miles, and all of one day, to set a dozen traps properly. If three beavers are caught each night for every dozen traps set the trapper considers he is doing a good business. The skins, untanned, are worth about one dollar each. During the winter season the hunter will average not over four beavers per week, for there are many days he can not trap. I had one hundred traps worked hard for three months, often floundering through the ice, getting wet to my waist, and having to build fires to keep from perishing, and at the end of ninety days had but fifty beaver skins, worth fifty dollars, for my labor. Still there is something jolly about a trapper's life, a wild, roving excite ment that strangely aljures and fascinates one. Why it is I jan not tell, but most frontiersmen love trapping, and will pur- ue it, even though they take but a dozen beaver per month ; just as I have seen sportsmen go, day after day, in the East, to angle in a little stream, when they knew there were not twenty trout from its mouth to its source. The setting of the trap is a delicate job, and every trace of it must be concealed, or the cunning little animal will not fall into it. Each Indian saves the musk of all the beavers he takes, and with this rubs his traps, so that the beaver may Hindi them, come up, and fall a prey. When a beaver smells another, he has great curiosity to know where he is, and so runs about looking for him, until he treads on the fatal spring and is caught. After an Indian has set his traps, he becomes very morose, BEL1/EN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 137 and goes to his tent and smokes a great deal. He does not run about the village or talk, but sits alone, endeavoring to think of his traps all the time, for thereby he believes lie will dra\v the beaver tc them. When he lays down to sleep, he recalls alJ the battles and skirmishes in which he has been engaged, an 1 tries to dream of them. If he dreams that he is victorious; tlen he rises and goes confidently to his traps, but if he sees a tlcaJ or live beaver in his dream, he will not visit his traps next day for he knows by his vision that there are no beaver in them Should he imagine he is fighting five men and whip them, there are five beavers in his traps, but if only two men, then there are but two beavers. Should he meet men who run away from him in his dreams, it is unlucky, for the beaver have run away with his traps into their holes. The otter does not abound along the Missouri, in Nebraska, where I trapped, but sometimes we caught one in the traps set in the edge of the water for beaver. The otter's skin is much more valuable than that of the beaver. I never saw an Indian trapping for any other animal than the beaver, though they often shoot otter, mink, and rnuskrat with the bow. The arrow will generally prevent them from getting into their holes, being shot with sufficient force to pierce the animal. The Crow Indians will neither trap nor hunt the bear. They believe it is bad luck to kill a bear, and will not touch the food. A party of hunter , who induced the Crow chief, Iron Bull, to eat bear meat by representing to him that it was roast beef, came near paying with their lives for the deception, for the old chief found out the trick that had been put upon him, became very wroth, and it took a present of several ponies to get the bad medicine out of him. The Crows say the bear has a spirit in him, and to kill it offends the great Wa-cotf Ton-ka. If a 138 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. Crow meets a bear, when out hunting, he will go around him, and if the bear attacks him he will run away. The Sioux both hunt and kill the bear, and are very fond of the meat. They use the skin for robes, and wear the claws strung around their necks as orna ments. What the Crows believe of the bear, the Sioux Necklace. Sioux do of the prairie dog. They will not kill or allow any one to hurt this little animal, and if they see any person kill one, they run away lest it makes them have bad luck. The prairie dog is nothing more or less than a prairie squirrel, and runs on the ground instead of climbing trees, as does the black and gray squirrel of the North. I have often eaten the prairie dog, and his flesh is precisely like that of the squirrel. There is a prejudice against eating this little animal on account of its name, but in this case, unlike most others, every thing is in the Aarne. BU>EN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 139 CHAPTER XVI. ALPiNr- WHY THE INDIANS SCALP PEOPLE A SINGULAR BELIEF NO BALD- HEAPS N HEAVEN THE SCALP-LOCK HOW THE PAWNEES, SIOUX, AND WIN- NEBAGOES WEAR THEIR HAIR OTHER INDIANS - ORNAMENTS FOR THE HAIR THE SILVER TAILS A SIOUX LONG TAIL THE IRON RING ORNAMENT HOW TO' TAKE IT OFF DOES IT PULL? THE SCALPING-KNIFE A PRESERVED SCALP MR. BELDEN'S BELT. V\7~HEN the ludians first began to scalp pt-ople, or where " ' they got the idea of cutting off the scaJp-lock, it is impossible to tell, but it has been practiced among all tribes ever since the discovery of America, in 1492. The savages be lieve that no one can make a respectable appearance in the spirit land baldheaded. It is remarkable, but I never saw a baldheaded Indian, nor did I ever hear of one. To scalp an Indian is to debar him from the happy hunting-grcrands, and hence it is they scalp white people, believing they can not get into heaven without their hair. The Indians do not all scalp people alike; nor do they wear their own hair alike. The Sioux warrior has a three-strand braid or plait of hair taken up on the crown of his head, over a space of three inches in diameter and nine inches in circum ference , and this it is that his enemies cut off wheu they cap ture hinj- 18 140 BKLDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. A Preserved Scalp. The Winnebagoes wear six or seven braids, and it is neces sary to cut the skin around three or four inches on the crown, in order to get a full scalp. The Paw nees have but one braid, the Chey- ennes one, the Crows one, and the Arrapahoes one. The Sioux part the hair in the middle of the fore head, and then down to the ear from the scalp-lock ; this they weai with the hair behind, made into rolls, and tied with red flannel 01 ribbon. I have seen the hair wound about strips of flannel or buckskin, and made into a roll as thick as one's wrist, and over three feet long. Many of the Pawnees cut the hair close to the skull all around, leaving a ridge or shock of hair three inches wide running from front to rear over the top of the head. This strip of hair grad ually lessens in width, until it reaches an edge in rear near the back of the neck. It gives the warriors a fierce and unnatural appearance. In the center of the ridge of hair grows the long scalp-lock, which is plaited and falls down the back. I speak now of the custom when the Pawnees were savages. Since they have become friendly, they seldom shave the head, but wear their hair long and unplaited. This is done, however, as much from policy as for any other reason, for they are still rascals and thieves; and they found wearing their hair unlike any other tribe on the plains raused Scalping-knife and Sheath. BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 1 il tl)3m often to be detected in their depredations, when they might otherwise have escaped and avoided punishment. The Crows, except the scalp-braid, wear their hair long, and hanging down. To keep it from blowing about their eyes, they take little balls of pitch, such as ooze out of the pine- tree, and stick it in their hair in belts an inch wide, until it is matted together all around their heads. Nearly all Indians have black hair; the hair of the Chey- ennes, Sioux, Snakes, Pawnees, Omahas, Arrapahoes, and Win- 'nebagoes is jet black, and very coarse. The Crow Indians, however, have hair of every color. I have seen full-blooded Crows with auburn, red, gray, brown, and black hair. Many of their old men are white-headed, and their long hair gives them a very venerable appearance. The Winnebagoes are the only Indians who can, at the present day, be distinguished by means of their scalp-locks. They still persist in wearing the six or seven long plaits around their heads. Nearly all tribe& wear some ornament in the scalp-lock next to the head. These are made of wood, copper, iron, brass, sil ver, and gold, but most generally of silver. I have seen a piece of thin german silver, as large as a man's hand, in the scalp-lock, the hair having been drawn through two holes in its center. It is also tied to the hair \vith strings, and not unfrequently has a long feather attached, called the scalp- feather. This feather can be taken off and put on at pleasure; it is nearly always taken off at night, as the warrior would un doubtedly break or soil it in his sleep if left in the hair. In war times, if this feather is stolen or snatched off by an enemy, the warrior is irreparably disgraced. Some wild Indians wear a steel or iron ring in the scalp- 142 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. lock, the hair being plaited around the ring in such a way that it ran not be removed, un- .^ loss the hair is unbraided or the scalp-lock cut off. I Lave often removed the ring by taking off a piece of the scalp, which is the simplest form of getting it. To the ring the feather is tied with a buckskin string, so that it be removed at will. The Sioux have long had the name of "long tails/' a distinction given them by frontiersmen and emigrants, on account of their wearing a strap six, or even seven, feet long attached to their scalp-lock and hanging down their backs. This trails on the ground when they walk, or sails in the wind behind them when they ride at full speed. The scalp-lock, as well as the strap, was generally covered with tin or silver plates, made round, and fastened on six or seven inches apart. Most of these circular plates were made of silver dollars, beaten out thin. % A Sioux is very proud of his scalp-lock and tail ; and I have soen as many as twenty dollars on the hair and strap. The whole weight of the tail is borne by the roots of their hair, and, as it sometimes weighs several pounds, it must pull a Silver Long Tall and Soalp-Feather. BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. . 143 little at first.* To tramp on a Sioux's long tail, or pull it ; would be a mortal offense, and demand the shedding of blood to wipe out such an insult. When one Sioux pulls another one's scalp-lock, it is equivalent to the sending of a challenge among white men. * Mr. Belden showed the editor of these papers a magnificent belt, made from the silver he had taken off a Sioux "long tail." The silver weighed one pound, and the strap to which it had been fastened three-fourths of a pound. The whole weight had been sustained by a small wisp of hair in the top of a warrior's head. 144 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XVII. PAINTING THE FAOH INDIAN TASTE THE LONE PAINT SCALP PAINT PARTINb THE HAIR HOW INDIAN GIRLS PAINT LOVE PAINT A CAUSE Of EXCITE MENT LAUGHABLE MISTAKES THE INDIAN BELLE HER DISAPPOIN1MENT THE SIOUX DEATH PAINT CROW AND SNAKE COLORINGS LOOKING-GLASSES NATURAL MIRRORS A SIOUX BEAUTY SURPRISED HER MORTIFICATION AND MODESTY. rilHE painting of the face and body is a very ancient custoit .-- among the Indians. The early discoverers of the continen found the Indians using paints, made of clay and stone, to beau tify, as they thought, their persons ; and none were more hide ously painted than the Caribbean Indians, who were among the earliest savages known to Europeans. There is not, to my knowledge, a tribe in the West, however civilized, that does not yet use paints. The Yanktons, Sioux, Santees, and Cheyennes use a great deal of paint. A Santee squaw paints her face the same as a white woman does, only with less taste. If she wishes to appear particularly taking, she draws a red streak, half an inch wide, from ear to ear, passing it over the eyes, the bridge of the nose, and along the middle of the cheek. When a warrior desires to be left alone, he takes black paint, or lamp-black, and smears his face; then he draws zig-zag lines from his hair to his chin, by scraping off the paint with his nails. This is a sign that he is trapping, is melancholy, or in love. There BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 145 is, however, no general meaning attached to the painting of the head or body by many Indians any more than there is by white men parting their hair on the side of the head, instead of in the middle. All Indians, both men and women, part their hair in the middle ; the men paint red that part of the scalp exposed by parting the hair. The sign paints used by the Indians are not numerous, but very significant. When the warriors return from the war-path, and have been successful in bringing back scalps, the squaws, as well as ihe men, paint with vermilion a semicircle in front of each ear. The bow of the arc is toward the nose, and the points of the half circle on the top and bottom of the ear; the eyes are then reddened, and all dance over the scalps. A warrior who is courting a squaw, usually paints his eyes yellow and blue, and the squaw paints hers red. I have known squaws to go through the painful operation of reddening the eye-balls, that they might, appear particularly fascinating to the young moii. A red stripe drawn horizontally from one eye to the other, means that the young warrior has seen a squaw he could love, if she would reciprocate his attachment Of course such an advertisement naturally creates a flutter in the village, and sets every young feminine heart to aching, and tongue to inquiring, if its possessor is the person meant. Some laughable mistakes have occurred with this paint, and many bitter disap pointments. I once heard of a famous Indian belle, who loved a young warrior, and employed every feminine art known in savage love, to entrap his affections. One day the young man mounted the love paint, and the Indian girl was so sure her charms had been effective, that she told her friends she would soon be married, and even went so far as to hint the same to the young warrior. Imagine her chagrin and die- 146 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. appointment, when he politely and frankly informed her, that; not she, but a very plain girl in the village, was the person meant by his paint. The Sioux have a paint with which they smear their faces, when about to pass sentence of death on any one, but as this paint is put on in the council chamber, I have never been able to learn what it was like, or in what form it was used. The Crow and Snake Indians paint their faces red, and leave them so for days, renewing the coloring as fast as it rubs or wears off. Every Indian who can get one, carries a small looking-glass, slung to the wrist by a buckskin strap. This, and the paint-bag, are inseparable companions of both Indian men and women. The girls often go to clear streams and lakes, for the purpose of looking at their reflections in the water. I once accidentally surprised a maiden entirely naked, gazing at her fair proportions in the lake and she could never afterward look at me without blushing. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 147 CHAPTER XVIII. \ IXD;A\ HEAD-DRESSES HOW THEY ARE MADE THE SKULL-CAP THE BUFFALO HE4D-LRESS AN ENORMOUS HAT STANDING BUI.I/S HEAD-DRESS WARRIORS VISITING THEIR HAT-BOXES AN INDIAN TOILET THE BALD AND BLACK EAGLE THEIR USE VALUE OF EAGLE FEATHERS PRICE OF AN INDIAN HEAD-GEAR FEATHER SIGNS THEIR USE IN WAR THE SCALP-FEATHER AN INDIAN ENSIGN. fTHHE head-dress is an indispensable article in the outfit oi -*- every first-class warrior. They wear them at all great feasts, dances, councils, and when on friendly visits of ceremony to neighboring tribes. They are generally made out of the skins of elk, deer, buffalo, or bear. Most of them are round skull-caps, ornamented with eagle, crow, or duck feathers Take the half cover of a ball, and you have the exact idea of an Indian warrior's cap. The feathers are fastened on in bunches with sinew, and the bunches are sewed close together. They are put on in rows or layers, the feathers all lying one way. Fasten a dozen feathers by their middles to a piece of leather, then break them, so that both the top and butt end will stand up, and put another bunch on beside it, and so on until the whole piece of leather is covered. Next trim oft' the feathers evenly, leaving them about three inches long, and you will have made an Indian head-dress. The butts of the quills must bo cut out so they will not show; but, the better way is to take only the tops or small ends of the quills, cut them off the right 148 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. length, and then fasten them by the thick .end to the cap. These, when trimmed a little, will make a beautiful head gear. Most Indian caps have a long tail hanging down behind, which is ornamented with little bells and bright feathers. The bells rattle when the warrior dances, walks, or rides, and the feathers, being fastened loosely by their quill ends, swing about, giving him a picturesque appearance. At the end of the tail are fastened tufts of hair, colored blue, red, or yellow. A very popular style of Indian cap is made of buffalo hide and horns. It consists of a piece of hide taken from across the fore head of a buffalo, over the top of his head along the back of the neck and down the spine, including the tail. The bone is taken out and the tail stuffed, when the piece is one unbroken strip from the head to the end of the tail. On each side of the head are set horns, and frequently horns are fastened along the strip hanging down the back. The head-dress of the Sioux chief, Standing Bull, recently killed by Lieut. Mason, near Fort McPherson, was over six feet long and carried twelve horns. As the whole horns would be very heavy, they are split from , Head Dress. top to base by saw'ng, and the BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 149 thick part so hollowed out as to make them comparatively light. The horns are highly polished and set six or seven inches apart. ISesides the horns, a great deal of bead-work, and eight to ten bells are put on the head-dress. I have seen four or five large sleigh-bells fastened to the tail, and not unfrequently the tails are as much as nine feet long. When the warriors are en route to visit another tribe, or are on the war path, they carry their head-dresses with them, neatly done up in a cylindrical bandbox, made of buffalo skin or raw hide. These bandboxes are highly ornamented and fancifully painted. They are not so symmetrical and elegant as the hat and bandboxes of Eastern ladies and gentlemen, but resemble more exactly the old-fashioned churn, with the dash taken out. To roll up an Indian head-dress, and put it in the drum so the feathers will not get broken or spoiled, requires as much skill as to pack away the wardrobe of a fashionable white woman. When traveling, the drum is strapped to the back of the saddle, tind carried as the old-fashioned valise used to be. Before en tering the village they are to visit, the warriors dismount, put on their head-dresses, paint their faces, and arrange their hair. When their toilet is complete, they remount and ride through the town. An Indian always tries to accomplish one of two things, either excite the admiration of the women or fear of the men. The American bald eagle and the great black eagle are fre quently found in the Rocky Mountains and on the plains, but they soar very high, and it is extremely difficult to kill them. Twelve feathers from the crown of a full-grown eagle will buy a good pony among the Indians. These birds are much sought after in all tribes, and their feathers are used to ornament va- 150 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. rious articles, as well as make head-dresses. It is exceed ingl) difficult to buy an eagle head dress from an Indian, and a good one can never be had for less than two hundred dollars. The white feather of the eagle's tail is worn attached to the manes and tails of the war ponies. When return ing from the war path, the warriors attach black feath ers to the eagle feathers, and when riding through the vil lage, every one has only to count the black feathers to know how many scalps and by whom they have been taken, the black feathers in dicating success are always tied in the pony's tail, near the crupper, and to the white eagle feathers. If the white eagle feathers are gone, and ^nly a black feather there, it in dicates that the warrior fell, but killed an enemy before dying. If the white feathers are there and no black feathers, it means tne warrior still wears his own scalp, but has taken none from the enemy. When the expedition has failed and returns, the black feathers are worn in the forelocks of the ponies. These feathers, fluttering in the wind from the heads of the horses, cau be seen at an astonishing distance, and often long before Eagle Head-Dresa. BELDEN: THE WHITE. CHIEF. 151 the M'arriors reach the village the ill-success of the enterprise is known. The feather worn by Indians in their scalp-locks is usually very long and symmetrical. It is ornamented with small wrappings of porcupine quills at the butt end, and the edges of thti feathers are sometimes painted green, red, and yellow, iL bars or stripes, according to the fancy of the wearer. 152 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XIX. MOCCASINS THE INDIANS AS SHOEMAKERS HOW MOCCASINS ARK MADE WHC MAKE THEM SIOUX, CHEYENNE, ARRAPAHOE, CROW, AND PAWNEE SHOES THEIR SHAPE AND TRACKS IMITATIVE POWER OF THE INDIAN THE WIN NEBAGOES AS MANUFACTURERS WINNEBAGO WOMEN THEIR COMELINESS OB PERSON HOW THEY BRAID THEIR HAIR A BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM SHELLS OP OCEAN A SIOUX EAR-RING BEAD BELT COST OF SEA-SHELLS AND THEIE USE AMONG INDIANS FINE MOCCASINS. HHHE Indians are their own shoemakers, and, with the lira- -- ited means at their command, manage to manufacture an excellent protection for the foot, that does away with all fear of such modern torments as corns and bunions. The moccasin is made to fit the foot, and not the foot to fit the moccasin, as is the practice among civilized shoemakers. Indian shoes are made by the women and old men. The sole is first cut out of rawhide, and then the uppers are cut from buck, antelope or elk skin tanned very soft and smooth. Buckskin is preferred when the moccasin is to be ornamented with beads, and the upper is always worked before it is at tached to the sole. The uppers are sewed to the soles with . a strong thread made of twisted buffalo sinew, and sometimes a double sole is sewed on to protect the thread. To the sides and back parts, flaps or ears are fastened, which come well up on the THE WHITE CHIEF. 15? ankles, and are tied with strings. Frequently the flaps cover the calf of the leg, and are fastened at the top by two long strings, in the same manner as a woman ties her apron. This is done when the moccasin is made for hunting or perform ing long journeys in, as the high tops not only brace the leg, but prevent the moccasin from slipping on the foot, and keep out the dust, brambles, gravel, cold, and snow. It is no very difficult job to make a moccasin, and a squaw will cut out and sew up a plain pair in half a day. If they are beaded, however, it takes a week or more to finish them, and those ornamented with porcupine quills require a mouth of patient labor. In the" winter season the moccasins are made of buffalo hide or the skins of fur-bearing animals, the hair being turned inward. The Indians never wear stockings, but leg gings, which are an excellent substitute when one has fur shoes to cover the feet. Each tribe of Indians make their shoes a different shape "A" is the moccasin worn by the Sioux, "B" the Cheyeunes, "C" the Arrapahoes, "D" the Crows, and "E" the Paw nees. Right Foot. It will be observed that they are all different in shape, and will make a different track. An expert frontiersman can readily 154 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. tell to what tribe Indians belong by seeing their tracks in the sand. Unlike their arrows, they seldom or never change their moccasins. The follow ing will serve to show the imitative faculty and ingenuity of the In dians : One day, while in camp, I saw a Win- nebago squaw weaving cloth in a kind of loom. She had many threads strung to little sticks" fastened in a frame, and through these threads she passed a string of beads, pressing the whole together compactly, after the manner of a weaver. The different colors of the beads were ingenious!^ arranged to give a brilliant effect. I examined a purse this girl had made for the trader in the Santee village, and it was really beautiful. Soon afterward I aw another purse in the trader's store made by her, and it had on the side "James Buchanan" neatly worked in many-colored beads. I asked if she could read, and she said no, but showed me a medal which had been given by President Buchanan to one of the tribe during his visit to Wash ington, and from the letters on the medal she had copied the name. The Winnebagoes are the only Indians I have ever met with who have any knowledge of the manufacture of cloth, and they can only weave such things as garters, armlets, purses, leggingb, and long, beautiful, white bead-bands, which the women wear around their hair. Beaded Moccasins. BEKDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 155 The Winnebagoes are very light in complexion, and many of their women might be called beautiful, if they would keep themselves clean. These women are tall, well-formed, have bright black eyes, and long, shining black hair. They take great pride in plaiting up their hair, winding it in coils, and ornamenting it with bead-bands. These bands are often five or six feet long, and fringed with many-colored beads. They wind them about their heads in an ingenious way, and the effect among their jet-black Hair is very charming. The Sioux, unlike the Winnebagoes, never put up their hair, but always al low it to hang down. They sometimes tie the ends of the plaits with ribbon, or wind them with red flannel, but further than this they attempt no orna mentation of the hair. The Sioux, how ever, are passionately fond of ear-rings, and I have seen as many as a hundred small rings in a Sioux ear, a slit being cut the whole length of the ear to make room for them. Many of their ear-rings are very heavy, being made of square or cllong pieces of California sea-shell, Bead-band, which is a regular article of trade among all the 'Rocky Moun tain tribes of savages. The shells are about one-fifth of an inch in thickness, five or six inches long, and four inches broad. They are shaped like a saucer, and the outside is prismatic, the colors often merging into blue, green, pink, and gold. Near 14 156 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. the edge the shell is very thin and delicate, but hard to break. The Indians saw the shell into pieces, some round, others square, oblong, or pendant, and these they string together by means of wire passed through little holes bored in the pieces. Brass beads are often strung on the wires, as a sort of washer between different parts of the ear-ring, and beads strung on sinew form the pendants. A large brass ring for the ear generally begins a Sioux ear ornament, and to this are hung five or six pendants made of beads btrung on wire; to these pendants are attached a cross-piece of rawhide or wood : then another column jf ' pendants, to M'hich are hung one Hrge and two small beads; then another cross-piece, and next three large wampum beads, beneath which is suspended the piece of shell that gives the ornament its value. A shell will make one pair of rings, and it generally costs two robea, or about six dollars in cash. It will be observed that the ac companying illustration represents only one-third 'the actual size of these ear ornaments. In fact, they are frequently eighteen inches in length, and from three to four inches in breadth in the widest part. What the ears of the wearers are made of is a mystery, but pride and (One-third actual* size.) vanity tell the story with the untutored BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 157 savage, as well as with the more cultivated, but no less proud and vain dweller in civilized communities. The accompanying cut shows the prevailing style of dressing ihe head for state occa sions among the Crows, and it must be acknowl edged that it is much more light and airy and wore sensible withal, than Ihe immense chignon, and the frizzles and frazzles of ihe pale faces. Once in- Iroduced among the ladies of fashion, I have no doubt of the immense popularity of the Crow head-dress, and I would seriously recommend it to their earnest consideration. 10 Crow Head-Drew. 158 BELDEX : THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XX. INDIAN WOMEN CHILD-BEARING AMONG THEM PHYSICAL ENDURANCE OF TUB SQUAW HER HABITS THE PAPOOSE INDIAN CRADLES HOW THEY AKH MADE CARRYING THE PAPOOSE INDIAN EDUCATION MOURNING FOR THTi DEAU DISFIGURATION OF THE BODY A HIDEOUS AND BARBAROUS CUSTOM^ MOURNING FOR THE SLAIN AT PHIL KEARNEY PUNISHING DUMB ANIMALS FOR THE DEAD THE BABY ASLEEP. /^HILD-BIRTH among Indians has long been supposed to V^ be attended with less pain and danger than among other races. This is a mistake, for human nature is very much the same the world over, and the Indian women, in bringing forth their children, suffer no less than their white sisters. The same stoicism which enables the warrior to bear without com plaining the torture of his enemies, enables the Indian mother to endure in silence her labor-pains. The education in this direction begins the moment a child is born. First, it is laslu-d to a board, and then left for days and days, being suckled with out being untied. If it cries, no attention is paid to its mur- mu rings further than to ascertain that it does not suffer from pain or hunger, and it soon learns that crying does no good. When it can walk, it is allowed to romp and indulge in the most violent exercise. If it lives to grow up, it is taught to BKLDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 159 bear heavy burdens, walk long distances, and brave summer's heat and winter's cold. In this way all the muscles are thoroughly developed, and the maiden becomes healthy and strong. But besides a healthy frame capable of bearing suffering, the Indian woman is taught trat to complain is weak and unwo manly. And again, menstruation and child-bearing are a mutter of shame and not to be published to the world. Hence it is that the Indian woman, finding her time of labor come, will often leave her home and go into a swamp or woods, and there remain until her child is brought forth, and she able to return to her lodge. With no eye save God's to pity her, and no hand save her own to help her, she endures the most terrible pain to which humanity is subjected. The papoose in camp or on the march is always car ried on a board. It is made of sufficient length to allow it to rest its head and feet, and the board is wide enough to wrap the child snugly, and have the strings press on the chest and legs instead of the sides. The bottom of the wrapping is stuffed so as to make a firm support for the feet, and prevent the child from slipping down and becoming wedged in, which would misshape its 11 feet and legs. "Baby AsTeep." 160 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. The strings that hold it are fastened to the board, and are tied in bow knots on its breast and belly. Little or no compression is made of the lower limbs, they being loose in a sort of sack formed by the wrapping. The mother removes the child from the board as often as necessary for the purposes of nature, and no oftener. A willow is bent and fastened to the top of the board, which serves as a handle to lift it by, and also as a frame upon which to hang a cloth or skin to protect its face from the weather and flies. The mother carries the board on her back, it being held in its place by a band which passes from the top of the board over her forehead. The practice of disfiguration prevails extensively among nearly all the -western tribes. One day an Indian boy was thrown from his pony and dashed against a cottonwood-tree with such violence that he died next morning of his injuries. His mother and sisters, as a sign of their grief, cut off a finger each at the first joint. I have seen the Crows gash their arms, legs, bodies, and faces when their friends died. The women cut several gashes on the forehead near the roots of the hair, and the blood was allowed to remain until it dried and wore off. To tie up a wound inflicted as a sign of grief is consid ered cowardly. It must not be noticed for at least twenty- four hours, and then only to stop the blood. Many Indians bleed almost to death- from their self-inflicted wounds, but it is considered justifiable to take any position to staunch tlic flow of blood, and Indians not unfrequently, after severing a finger, hold the hand above their heads, or stand all night holding to a pole until the twenty-four hours are up, when the wound may be tied up in rags. It is said that at the Fort Phil Kearney massacre, in BKLDEN: TUE WUITfi CHIEF. 461 1866, over three hundred Indians were killed, and that hundreds of fingers were cut off and gashes innumerable made on their persons by the friends of the dead. A chief, two years after the massacre, said, in council, " The Sioux, Arrapahoes, and Cheyennes have not done mourning for our braves who fell at Phil Kearney/' When a warrior is killed, his pony is gashed in the sides and on the legs with knives, to make him feel sorry for the death of his master. Travelers have often noticed the gashes in the j>onies' sides and the missing fingers of Indians' hands, and attrib uted them to accident or war, but in nine cases out of ten these disfigurations are traceable to the causes mentioned above. 162 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXI. [NDIAN DOGS THEIR ORIGIN HABITS OF THE DOG HIS COWARDICE AND TREACHERY WHAT THE INDIANS DO WITH HIM NUMBER OF DOGS TO A FAMILY RAISING DOGS FOR FOOD INDIAN DOG FEASTS THE AUTHOR AT TENDS ONE DOG SOUP MANNERS AT AN INDIAN TABLE BOILED DOG HOW THEY ARE COOKED THE PREJUDICE AGAINST DOG MEAT HOW IT TASTES WHY DO N'T WE EAT DOGS WILD ARTICHOKES AND CORN THE AUTHOR LEARNS TO LIKE DOG AN ENTERPRISE CONSIDERED THE ENTERPRISE ABANDONED. DOGS and Indians are inseparable companions. Where you find an Indian you are pretty sure to find a dog; and, if you enter a village you will see hundreds on hundreds of these animals running about. The first question one asks himself, on arriving at an Indian town is, What can all these dogs be kept for? but a short residence will soon convince him that there are none too many. The Indian dog resembles the cayote, or prairie-wolf, and his bark is so much like this animal's, it is often difficult to distinguish the two apart. There doubt but that the wild dog is a cross between the domestic, or house dog, and the wolf. The flesh of the Indian dog is very fine, and resembles the flesh of a calf or antelope. There is none of that blackness, or coarseness, found in the meat of the domestic dog. Each Indian family keeps from six to sixteen dogs, and they are BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 16? very useful for many purposes besides eating. They can be made to draw water, carry or haul wood, and when the village moves, they are put into little shafts and made to drag burdens of camp equipage. They are excellent watch dogs, and nothing can approach the camp without their seeing, or hearing it. They are very cowardly, but always give the alarm by bark ing when a strange animal or man approaches. They are fierce looking brutes, and hundreds of them will run toward a stranger as though about to tear him to pieces, but a club shied among them will set them scampering in all directions. If you run from them they will bite, but if you rush at them, scores of them will take to flight, and never stop until safely ensconced in or near the teepees of their owners. Their terror, in times of attack, is extreme, and they are, undoubtedly, the most cowardly brutes in the world. They are ravenous, and will bite, or throw down a child to get a bone, or piece of meat out of its hand. They are constantly on the watch, and if you lay down any food for a moment, some villainous cur will be sure to snatch it and run away with it. The cayote is not more sneaking or treacherous in his disposition than a wild dog. What Indian dogs live on, no one can tell, for the Indians take no pains to feed them, unless it be a favorite that they wish to eat, and then he is tied up by the teepee to fatten. I have often seen them out hunting on the bottoms, and along the creeks for mice, prairie-squirrels, and rabbits, which they devour with avidity. When any great event happens, srcl as a victory or suc cessful hunt, the Indians make a great dog-feast, and old and young partake of the savory food. Dog meat is considered a great delicacy, and an old country woman in the East is not moro proud and careful of her pullets, than is AU Indian of 15 154 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. liis young dogs. I have often eaten dog, though I can't sa) I am partial to that kind of food now. Soon after I joined the Indians, I was invited to two dog- feasts, and feeling that it would not be courteous to refuse, 1 -.vent to one. I did not intend to eat any of the meat, but changed my mind, on being* informed by a friend, that it would b downright ill-manners not to partake, at least, of the soup. The dog had been boiled well, and was fat, which did not help the matter or make the dish more palatable. I had a foolish notion that I could eat lean dog, but dog-fat-was positively repulsive to me. When I arrived at the feast, I was given a huge wooden bowl that would hold about three quarts, and invited to come up and have it filled. I went to the great kettle where the dog had been boiled, and was helped to the under-jaw and a part of the fore-quarter. The teeth of the jaw looked white and wolfish, and, as I imagined, gave me a grin when they came from the pot. Corn and wild artichokes had been boiled with the dog, and I was given two huge ladle- fulls of these vegetables. I retired to my place in the circle, and taking up my spoon of buffalo-horn, endeavored tt> keep up appearances. I pretended to scrape off some of the meat, but as it stuck tight to the bone, I took up some of the corn and soup, and tasted it. To my surprise, it was very palatable, and if I could have forgotten it was dog soup, it would really have been good. I was conscious that the Indians were watch ing me, and did the best 1 could to swallow as much soup as possible. Unluckily, as I dipped down deep in the bowl for corn, I brought up a piece of meat which had become detached by the boiHng. I wished to throw it back, but saw two Indians looking directly at me, and I boldly raised it to my mouth. As it passed between my lips, I felt an involuntary shudder seize BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 165 me, as though I were cold, and I expected to be instantly nau seated, but as I masticated it, I found the meat sweet and savory. I tried some more, but despite my resolution, I could only eat sparingly. Candor compels me to say, however, that but for my prejudice, the food would have been pleasant and wholesome. After this, I attended many dog-feasts, and soon learned to eat as neartily as any one. At one time, I had got so far along as, to seriously think of trading for some dogs, that I might have a supply of the meat on hand for my use at all seasons, but I gave it up, more because I wished to appear respectable in my own eyes, and retain some semblance of civilization, than because I had any longer a repugnance to dog wiled, roasted, stewed, or fried. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXII. THE FALL HUNT A NEW EXPEDITION PLANNED THE START CAMPS ON THB MISSOURI A DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY PLEASURE OF CAMPING OUT A HERD OF BUFFALO THE OLD BULL AN ADVENTURE WITH A BUFFALO THE PUR SUIT PURSUER PURSUED MY PONY TERRIBLE FALL PERILOUS SITUA TION GIVEN UP FOR LOST THE DELIVERANCE A LESSON TO BUFFALO HUNTERS. fTHHE summer was drawing to a close and the autumn days -- coming on when the annual hunt would begin. Before the fall hunt I determined to go on an adventure of my own, and, on communicating my intention to several of the Santees, they expressed a desire to accompany me. It was all soon arranged as to who would go, and we made preparations fo* ."* special hunt in the Big Horn country. First, we were to fall down the river a distance of one 01 two hundred miles, and having drawn- as near the mountain? as possible, and supplied ourselves with buffalo meat, strike across the country. Our trip along the Missouri was delightful, and our stock improved every day. We had all the game we needed, and a night camped in delightful spots by clear, running streams Ftsh, deer, and antelope abounded, and the weather was mild and refreshing. Nothing could have been more pleasant than this mode of traveling on the broad, wild 'prairies of the West. BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 167 One evening, just as we were thinking about going ink camp for the night, I spied a buffalo bull lying on a little hill side, and I determined at once to capture him. La Fixunbc, who was with me, and one of the Santee warriors, moved out so as to get on the wind side of him, and then we ran for tl.e beast. On looking to the west, I saw -at a short distance a whole herd, and, leaving La Frombe and his compani< (o manage the bull, made for the herd. I was soon up with it, and, singling out a bull, fired a ball into him. The herd made off as fast as possible, the wounded buffalo following rapidly. In jumping a small ravine ray pony fell, and so badly sprained his shoulder he was unable to keep up with the game. While I was chafing at my disappointment, and urg ing my little pony to do his utmost, La Frombe and the Santee came up witKjne, having finished their bull, and followed to see what had become of me. As soon as La Frombe noticed the condition of my horse, he cautioned me against going far ther, and said it would be unsafe to attack a bull with the pony in his present disabled condition. Just then, however, a fine young bull separating from the herd, I called to La Frombe to head him, and as he turned give the buffalo a shot. La Frombe did as I desired, and then rejoined the chase after the herd. Having my game now going toward the camp, 1 rode along leisurely for some distance, and then dashed up and gave him another ball. Instantly, as it seemed to me, the beast wheeled, lowered his head, and charged. I spurred my pony sharply, and barely escaped his horns. In the surprise and ex citement of the moment, I had dropped my gun while trying to reload it, and before I could recover it the buffalo was again upon me. I plunged the rowels into the pony's flanks, and he dashed forward, but the bull kept close in his rear. I now saw that 168 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. the animal was only enraged and not disabled by the shots 1 had given him, while my pony began to show evident signs of exhaustion. On we went over the prairie, my pursuer with his head close to the ground, and intent on plunging his horns into the pony's flanks. I looked back as we were ascending a *ittle slope, and the bull was within eight feet of me. When I reached the crest of the slope, I saw before me a steep descent, full of rocks and holes. I hesitated to risk my pony on such' uneven ground, for he was not sure-footed, but the frightened little fellow plunged down the ridge, and I let him go. Suddenly I felt him sinking under me, and the next mo ment I rolled headlong among the rocks. I looked up, and saw the buffalo, with lowered head, plunging at me, and scarcely twenty feet distant. Every instant I expected to feel his sharp horns in my side or be trampled to death beneath his feet, and closed my eyes. While I lay waiting for ray death, the sharp crack of a rifle rang out on the air, quickly followed by another shot. A sharp pain thrilled me, and I felt myself flying through the air. The confuted sound of voices near by caused me to open my eyes, and there sat La Frombe and the Santee on their ponies. They had followed me, and arrived just in time to give the bull two fatal shots as he was about to gore me to death. I was so sore from the effects of my wouuds that I could not rise, but they dismounted and lifted me up, when I saw the bull lying dead scarcely a doxen feet distant. An examination showed that the beast hud struck me with the side of his horn mi the shoulder, and although he had sent me spinning like a top, the horn had not entered the fle^h. In a little while I was able to walk, and, witb the assist- BELDEN; THE WHITE CHIEF. ] (^ auce of La Frombe, to mount my pony, who had not been hurt by his fall, and was quietly grazing near by. I rode slowly back to camp, fully resolved to be more careful in future when I hunted buffalo. It was many a day before I recovered from the effects of my bruises, and never, until the day of my death, shall I ever forget how I felt when I imag ined that buffalo's horns driving through me. 170 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF CHAPTER XXIII. OFF FOR THE MOUNTAINS HUNTING ELK AND ANTELOPE A BEAR HUNT THM THREE GRIZZLIES A RACE LOOKING FOR THE GAME MORE GAME FOUND THAN WANTED TAKING CP A POSITION SKIRMISHING THE ENEMY WON'T SCARE THE BATTLE A SHE-BEAR AND TWO CUBS INTELLIGENCE OF TUB BEAR A DEAD MONSTER SKINNING A BEAR THE RETURN TO CAMP AN ALARM INDIANS WHAT FRIGHTENED THEM SUPPER IN CAMP A NIGHT MARCH FAR UP IN THE MOUNTAINS OUR NEW CAMP. "VTTE now had all the buffalo meat we needed, and at once set out for the mountains. After reaching them, we skirted along their base, looking for deer and elk, and suc ceeded in capturing a number of fine animals. A pleasant temporary camp was located, where we rested for a day or two, and then set out for any adventure that might come in our way. We had left the base of the mountain one morning, soon after daylight, and were moving across the plain, when we noticed three objects going in the direction of a canon a mile in advance. Whipping up our ponies we were not long in coming upon three huge grizzly bears. ID f. moment all was excitement, and we dashed forward, endeav-* oring to head them off from the caflon, where we surmised they had a den. We knew that to attack them on the open plain would lessen the danger of the conflict greatly, so we rode hard, but despite our efforts they reached and entered the canon ahead of us. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 17] My horse had outstripped those of my companions, and seeing the bears about to escape, I spurred on until I passed the grizzlies, and then turning, fired a shot, hoping to turn them back or bring them to a halt. They, however, came steadily on toward me, and I rode to the side of the cation and attempted to climb its steep bank. I succeeded, and for a time lost sight o the animals. I waited several moments, ex pecting to hear the guns of my friends in the conflict below, when I would ride down and join them. All remained quiet, however, and, becoming impatient, I dismounted, and leaving my horse, walked to the edge of the cafion. I could see nothing of the bears or horsemen, and ventured down the bank. I was straining my eyes in all directions, when I heard a noise above me, and, looking up, saw on the top of the ridge, not more than fifty yards from me, the three bears. They had followed me up the bank, and skirted along the crest, until they came near my horse. I heard the pony snorting and trying to break his lariat rope, and a moment afterward he was dashing along the ridge, dragging the rope behind him. I had hoped the bears would follow him, but, instead of doing so, they sat down to watch me. The hill-side was thickly strewn with shaggy little pines, blown down by the wind, and among these I took up my position. The bears, seeing me apparently moving off, followed, and one came within forty feet before he saw me. Hoping to frighten off the brute as well as attract my friends, I fired my revolver in the air. The bear gave an angry growl, and came still nearer. Glancing up the cafion, and seeing nothing of my friends, I concluded to fire, and raising the hammer of my Henry rifle, I took a steady aim at the beast's heart, and pulled the trigger. With a roar that made the hill shake, she fell to the ground 172 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. and rolled over. In a moment more she got up and, shaking herself, fixed her blood-red eyes upon me. My heart sank in my breast, for I saw I had missed the vitals of the animal, and only enraged by wounding her. The other two bears, vhich I now saw were large cubs, lay crouching near their mother, and apparently warning the battle. Seeing the old bear about to rush upon me, I hastily threw the exploded shell out of my Henry, and raising the hammer sent a ball at her, but, owing to her sudden change of position, missed her, and hit one of the cubs that was just behind her. The cub bellowed lustily, and the dam ran to him. This was most lucky for me, and I lost no time in putting three more shots into the old bear. Once more she came bounding toward me, and I plumped a shot into the cub that made him yell with agony. The old beast was within a few feet of me, when, unable to withstand the piteous cries of her cub, she turned and went to him. I now pumped the shot into her as fast as possible, but presently she came on again, when again I hit her cub, and sent her back to lick his wounds. She had received thirteen balls, when she made off, followed by the cubs, one of which was so lame he could hardly walk. I was debating in my own mind, whether I should pursue and finish the bears or let well enough alone, when I preceivod my companions coming riding down the caftan, and directly in front of the grizzlies. I hallooed to them to head off the bears and attack them in front, while I followed up my attack in the rear. I ran as fast as I could, and coming up to the hind most cub, laid him out at one shot. I next shot the other cub, and fired twice at the old bear, but she was getting too far ahead for my balls to be effective. La Frombe and the Santee headed her, when she came running back to her dead BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. cub, sat down, and howled most piteously. Then she took her paw and rolling him over and over, shook him as if to wake him. Smelling his nose, she seemed to understand he was dead, and cried as if her heart would break. Suddenly she saw me, and, standing on her hind feet, looked at her perse cutor. She made no attempt to come at me, but seemed to be waiting fpi her death. Never did I see so magnificent a beast, as she stood there, with ears flattened against her head, her eyes blazing like coals of fire, her" neck stretched out, and her mouth wide open, disclosing four rows of immense white teeth. I did not long keep her in suspense, but fired at her heart, and she fell down ani rolled over, catching her cub, and seemingly trying to embrace it as she died. This bear would certainly have weighed over one thousand pounds, and after my severe contest with her I had a desire to possess her skin. La Frornbe helped me skin her, while the Santee went to hunt up my pony. We left on the claws and skin of the head. Just as we had finished our job, the Santee came back with my pony, and taking the entrails out of the smallest cub, we lifted him upon La Frombe's horse, and all set out to return to our camp. We had gone but a mile or two, when we saw several horse men riding furiously across the plain, apparently with the design of heading us off. It needed no second look to con vince us they w r ere hostile Crows, and, dropping the bear, we broke for the hills. It was a ride for life, as there were fuTIy fifteen Indians in the other party, and we knew if we were caught they would burn us at the stake, for they were at war with the Sioux, and, what was worse for us, we were hunting game on their hunting-grounds. Suddenly the Crows halted, and, apparently without any 11 174 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. cause, put back as fast as they had come. On ascending a little knoll, we saw the cause of their alarm, for there stood our camp, half hid away among the trees. The Crows had seen the camp, and thinking our party was strong, and that we were decoying them to the camp, they began their hasty retreat. In a few moments not a Grow was to be seen, and we rode quietly into camp, laughing heartily at the needless alarm of our enemies. After a hearty supper, we packed up, and, fearing the Crows would return and discover our weakness, when we should all be killed, we determined to move off at once. All night long we rode briskly forward, and when the sun rose, gilding the mountain peak with silver and gold, we were nearly fifty miles distant from where our camp had been. "We breakfasted on fresh antelope, and rested until noon, when we again set forward, and continued our j6urney for two days. Being now far in the mountains, we felt safe, and pitched our camp, intending to hunt for a season. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXIV. a ROCKY MOUNTAIN SHEEP AN EARLY START MEETING THE S0N OM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS THE BIG HORNS IN SIGHT LA FROMBE KILLS A SHEEP MY CHAGRIN AT A BAD SHOT FOLLOWING THE BIG HORNS A TOItfiOMK JOURNEY THE SHEEP IN SIGHT AGAIN KILLING A RAM THEIR ASTONISH ING STRENGTH A MEAL ON THE MOUNTAIN THE RETURN HOMB buffalo robe before his face, sought to turn him. He ran back at once, and when he was on the open prairie, I gave him a shot through the hams. This made him switch his tail and cut dirt for a mile, but he presently made signs of battle. This was precisely what I wanted, and I gave haste to shoot him again, this time in the neck. He now turned and charged upon me, but my little pony wheeled and was off like the wind. Away we went over the prairie, the pursuer and pur sued. I zigzagged the pony, and, as the old buffalo could not turn on less than an acre of ground, he had to run more than twice as far as the little horse. It would take him some time to bring himself to bear upon us, but, having got himself in range, he would come on like a steam engine, sure that he had us, but only to be zigzagged out of line again, and find he was charging the air. In a little time he gave it up and started for the ravine, near which we had been maneuvering. He had a good start before I perceived what his object was, and, although I rode hard, I could not head him in time to prevent him from entering it. I dashed down into the cafion, and, not seeing my game, was about to pull rein, when my horse, in turning the sharp butt of a little bluff that run into the ravine, came suddenly upon the buffalo lying down, and, before I could check his speed, stumbled and fell headlong over him. I rolled over and over on the ground, and was so stunned and bruised, that for several minutes I could neither rise to my feet nor collect my senses. An indistinct idea of danger thrilled me, and still, half blinded and choked with dust, 1 got upon my knees, and, feeling for my revolver, which was in the soabbard strapped to my waist, I drew and fired it twice at a black-looking mass before me. Whether it was the smell BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 181 of the powder or the noise of the explosion that brought back my recollection and sense, I can not tell, but in a moment I saw the buffalo close by me, and attempting to rise to his feet. I aimed at his side and fired twice, and, to my inexpressible relief, saw the great brute roll over and die. I was still so dizzy I closed my eyes and laid down on the ground. Pres ently, by remaining still, I felt better, and, rising, I examined to see if any bones were broken. I was terribly bruised, but still whole, and I felt so delighted at this discovery, I walked, or pother hobbled, to the buffalo, and, cutting his throat with my great butcher-knife, sat down upon the carcass. It was fuHy half an hour before I could realize what had occurred, and then I found my poor little horse standing in a pocket of the canon, and so lame he could hardly walk. My gun was broken and my hat lying near it, torn almost in two. An examination proved that the buffalo had run into the caflon, and, thinking himself free from his tormentor, had laid down behind the butt, when a moment afterward I came along at full speed, and both rider and horse tumbled over him. The collision had rolled the buffalo over, and the blow neces sary to do this had nearly dislocated my horse's shoulder. I made haste to mount and work my way back to camp, where I arrived in sad plight, long after dark. My companiras had become so uneasy about me that they were just starting out tc hunt me up, when I came in and related to them rny adven ture and miraculous escape. 182 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHAPTER XXVI. LEGEND OP CRAZY WOMAN NARRATIVE OF THE OLD INDIAN INTRODUCTION OP RUM AMONG THE CROWS THE WHITE TRADER SINGULAR CONDUCT 0* THE CHIEF THE CRAZY WARRIOR CROW COUNCIL THE BLACK-WATER SPEECH OF THE YOUNG WARRIOR PERIL OF THE TRADER THE CONFESSION AN INDIAN BATTLE DEATH OF THE TREMBLING HAND MURDER OF THB TRADER THE WHITE SQUAW HER ESCAPE THE CRAZY WOMAN- -HOW THE STREAM TOOK ITS NAME. THRESH pony-tracks, seen in a gorge, warned us that the -- hostile Crows were about, and hastily packing up, we de camped to a more safe locality. After many days travel, we came in sight of a broad, rolling Btream, shaded by cottonwood, and pitched our camp on its oank. The valley along the river was wide and fertile, and flocks of prairie hens and ducks rose from the long grass and flew away in all directions. Deer, antelope, and elk, bounded over the hills, and far in the distance could be seen a drove of wild horses. I could not help wondering how soon this wild scene would be changed, and the smoke of the white man's cabin ascend all along the rich valley. Already, I saw, in imagination, corn growing on the slopes, farm-houses nestling among the trees, a village in the great bend of the stream, and I thought I could hear the tinkling of cow-bells, the laugh of children, and the solemn tolling of church-bells. La Frombe said the stream was called Crazy Woman, and BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 183 the valley had long been known to the Crows as Crazy "Woman's Valley. I asked him how it could have obtained such a singu lar name, and he related the following story : Many years ago, I visited this spot with a band of Crows, and one evening a venerable Indian told us this legend of Crazy Woman : Years ago, when my father was a little boy, there came among us a man who was half white. He said he wished to trade with our people for buffalo-robes, beaver, elk, and deer skins, and that he would give us much paint, and many blankets and pieces of cloth in exchange for furs. We liked him, and believed him very good, for he was rich, hav ing many thousands of beads and hundreds of yards of ribbons. Our village was then built on the river, about twenty miles above where we now are, and game was very plentiful. This river did not at that time have the name of Crazy Woman, but was called " Big Beard," because a curious grass grows along its banks that has a big beard. What I am about to relate caused the name of the river to be changed. The trader built a lodge of wood and stones, and near it a great, strong house, in which he kept all his immense wealth. It was not long until he had bought all the robes and furs for sale in the village, and then he packed them on ponies, and bidding us good-bye, said he was going far to the East, where the pale face lives, but that he would soon come back, bring us many presents, and plenty of blankets, beads, and ribbons, which he would exchange as before for robes and furs. We were sorry to see him go, but, as he promised to return in a few moons, we were much consoled. It was not long until our spies re ported something they could not understand coming into our country, and the whole village was in a great state of alarm. Somn of the boldest ventured out, and returned with the joyful 184 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. intelligence, that the strange objects our young men had seen, was the trader and his people. All the village ran to meet him, and the sight was strange enough indeed. The Crows had in those days never seen a wagon-horse or ox, and the trader had brought all these things. The wagons they called teepees on rollers ; the horses were giants, beside the little ponies, ^nd the oxen, all believed were tame buffaloes. There, also, was a squaw who was perfectly white, and who could not understand any thing that was said to her. She wore dresses down to her feet, of which she seemed to be ashamed, and our women said she tied cords tightly about her waist, so as to make it small. She had very long hair, and did not plait, but rolled it, and, in stead of letting it hang down, wrapped it tightly about her nead. It was not long until the trader had all his wagons un loaded, and his store open. He had brought all the women oeads and ribbons, and the men brass rings. Besides what he sold, he made many presents; so every body loved him, for no one had ever before seen so rich and generous a man. One day, he told the Big Chief to come into the back part of the store and he would show him something wonderful. The chief went, wondering what it could be, and when they were alone, the trader drew out a very little barrel, and taking a wooden cup, poured out some black-looking water, which he told the chief to drink. The chief did as desired, and imme diately felt so jolly he asked for more. The trader promised, if he would never tell any one where he got the black water, he would give him all he wanted. The chief promised, and the trader gave him another cupful. Now the chief danced and sang, and went to his_ lodge, where he fell down in a deep sleep, and no one could wake him. He slept so long, the war- BELDE> T : THE WHITE CHIEF. 187 riors gathered about the lodge wondering what could ail him, and they were about to go to the trader and demand to know what kind of medicine he had given the chief to make him behave so strangely, when the chief woke up and ordered them all to their lodges, and to ask no questions. Next day the chief went to the trader, and said he had had great dreams; that he thought he had slain many of his ene mies, and that the black medicine must be very good to make him have such pleasant visions. He begged the trader to give him some more, and he did so. Thus the chief did every day, and all the village wondered, for they believed the trader had bewitched him. In former times the chief had been a quiet and very dignified man, but now he sang, danced in the streets, and publicly hugged the women, so every one thought him crazy. The Crows disliked the conduct of the chief very much, and began to grumble against the trader, for they thought he was to blame for the great change that had come over their chief. Some said he was bewitched, others that the trader had an evil spirit in one of his -boxes, and thus they talked, some believing one thing and some another, but all blaming him. One of the young warriors called a secret coun cil, and the matter was discussed, and it was finally decided that the trader must leave or they would put him to death. A warrior, who was a great friend of the trader, was sent to tell him of the decision of the council, and when he did so the trader laughed, and said if he would come into the back of the store, and never tell any body, he would show him what ailed the chief. The warrior went, and the trader gave him a ladle full of the black water to drink. Presently he began to sing and dance about, and then went out into the street and sang, which greatly surprised every one, for he had never done so 188 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. before. The young men gathered about him, and asked him what ailed him, but he only said, " Oh, go to the trader and get some of the black water ! " So they went to the trader, and inquired what kind of black water he had that affected people so strangely; and the trader told them he had only the same kind of water they drank, and brought out his pail, that they all might drink. Each warrior took up the ladle and drank some, and made the trader drink some, and then they eat down to wait and see if it would affect them like the chief and their brother warrior; but it did not, and they rose up and said, "The trader or our brother lies, and we will see who is the liar." They went to the warrior's lodge, and found him sound asleep, nor could they wake him. Two remained to watch by him, and the others went to their teepees. When the sun was up, the warrior rose, and, seeing the others sitting in his tent, said, "Why are you here, my brothers?" And the eldest of the two warriors replied, " You have lied to us, for the trader has no black water." The warrior, recollecting his promise not to tell, said, " It is true that the trader has no black water, and who said he had ? " They explained to him his conduct of the day before, at which he was greatly aston ished, and he declared if such was the case he must have been very sick in his head and not known what he had said. There upon the warriors withdrew and reported all to their brethren. The warriors were greatly perplexed, and knew not what to do or think, but decided to wait and see. The chief and warrior were now drunk every day, and the young chief called another council. It was long and stormy in its debate, all the wise men speaking, but no one giving such counsel as the others would accept. At last a young war rior rose and said that he had watched, and that it was true BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. 189 the trader had a black water which he gave the chief and warrior to drink, for he had made a hole in the wall of the trader's store, and through it saw them drinking the black water. He advised them to bring the trader and warrior be fore them, and he would accuse them to their face of what he had seen, and if they denied the truth he would fight them. This speech was received with great satisfaction, and the young chief at once sent some warriors to fetch the trader and their brother. When they were come into the council and seated, the young warrior repeated all he had said, and asked if it were not true that they would* fight him. The warrior who was first asked rose up and said the young warrior lied, and that he was ready to fight him; but when the trader was told to stand up and answer, he, seeing there was no use in denying the matter, con fessed all. He said the black water was given him by the white people, a great many of whom drank it, and it made them behave as they had seen the chief and the warrior do. He also told them that after a man drank of it he felt happy, laughed and sang, and when he laid down he dreamed pleasant dreams and slew his enemies. The curiosity of the warriors was greatly excited, and the young chief bade the trader go and bring some of his black water, that they might taste it. He was about to depart, when the young warrior, who had before spoken, rose and Desired him to be seated, when he said : "The warriors heard my speech, and it was good. The brother, however, when I asked him if-he would tell th coun cil the truth, said I lied; and he would fight me. Let ns now go out of the village and fight." 190 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. The young chief asked the drunkard if he had any thing tt, say, when he arose and addressed the council as follows : "Oh, my brethren, it is true that I have drank of the black water, and that I have lied. When the trader first ^ave it to me to drink, he made me promise I would never tell what it was or where I got it, and he has many times since said if 1 told any one he would never give me any more to drink. Oh, my brethren, the black water is most wonderful, and I have come to love it better than my life or the truth. The fear of never having any more of it to drink made me lie, and I have nothing more to say but that I am ready to fight." Then the council adjourned, and every one. went out to see the warriors fight. They were both men of great skill and bravery, and the whole village came to see the battle. He who had drank the black water was the best spearsman in the tribe, and every one expected to see the other warrior killed. The spears were brought, and when they were given to tht combatants it was seen that the hand of him who had lied shook so he could hardly hold his spear. At this his friends rallied him, and asked him if he was afraid. He replied that his heart was brave, but that his hand trembled, though not with fear, for it had shook so for many days. Then the battle began, and at the second throw of the spears, he with the trembling hand was clove through the heart, and killed instantly, while the other warrior did not even re ceive a wound. After the fight was over, the warriors all went to the trader's lodge, and he brought out in a pail more than a quart of the black water, which he gave in small quantities to each warrior. When they had swallowed it, they began to dance and sing BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 193 and many lay down on the ground and slept as though they were dead. Next day they came again and asked for more black water; and so they came each day, dancing and singing, for more than a week. One monrng the trader said he would give them no more black water unless they paid him for it, and this they did. The price was at first one robe for each sup sufficient to make them sleep, but, as the black water became scarce, two robes, and finally three were paid for a sleep. Then the trader said he had no more except a little for himself, and this he would not sell; but the warriors begged so hard for some he gave them a sleep for many robes. Even the body robes were soon in the hands of the trader, and the warriors were very poor, but still they begged for more black water, giving a pony in exchange for each sleep. The trader took all the ponies, and then the warriors offered their squaws, but there was no more black water, and the trader said he would go and fetch some. He packed all the robes on the ponies, and was about to set out, when a warrior made a speech, saying that now that he had all their robes and ponies, and they were very poor, the trader was going away and would never return, for they had nothing more to give him. So the warriors said he should not depart, and ordered him to unpack the ponies. The trader told them he would soon return with plenty of black water, and give it to them as he did at first. Many of the warriors were willing he should depart, but others said no, and one de clared that he had plenty of black water still left, and waa going off to trade with their enemies, the Sioux. This created great excitement, and the trader's store and all his packs were searched, but no black water found. Still the warrior asserted 12 [94 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. he had it, and that it was hidden away. The warriors de clared that they would kill him unless he instantly told them where he had hid it, and upon his not being able to do so, they rushed into his lodge and murdered him before the eyes of his squaw, tearing off his scalp and stamping upon his body. This so alarmed the white squaw she attempted to run out of the lodge, and, as she came to the door, a warrior struck her on the head with his tomahawk, and she fell down as though she were dead. The chief made a great speech, saying that now, as the trader was dead, they would burn his lodge and take back all their robes and ponies. So the lodge was fired, and as it burned a Crow squaw saw by its light the white squaw lying before the door, and that she was not dead, and she took her to her lodge, sewed up her wounds, and gave her something to eat. The squaw lived and got well, but she was crazy, and could not bear the sight of a warrior, believing every one who came near her was going to kill her. One day the white squaw was missing, and the whole village turned out to look for her. They followed her tracks far down the river, but could not find her. Some women out gathering berries a few days afterward, said the white squaw came to them and asked for food, showing them, at the same time, where she was hiding in the bluffs near by. She begged them not to tell the warriors where she was, or they would come and kill her. The squaws tried to dissuade her from a notion so foolish, but they could not get her to return to the village. Every day the squaws went and took her food, and she lived for many months, no one knowing where she was but the women. When the warriors came about she hid away, and would not stir out until they were gone. BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 195 One day, however, a warrior out hunting antelope came sud denly upon her, and she fled away, but he followed her, wish ing to bring her to the village. All day she ran over the hills, and at night the warrior'came back, being unable to catch her. She was never seen again, and what became of her is not known, although it is likely she died of hunger, or that the wild beasts destroyed her. Ever after, when the Indians came here to camp, they told the story^of the crazy woman, and the place became known as * the place of the crazy woman, " and the name of " Big Beard " was almost entirely forgotten. * * The moral pointed in this tale, and the language that adorns it, are, in my judgment, both admirable. The story is probably entirely true, and an actual occurrence. The " Big Beard " grass mentioned still grows in the tralley, and the stream, though yet far beyond {he most remote cabin of the white man, is known to all frontiersmen, and is laid down on all maps as " Craxy Woman. " The conduct of the chief and warriors after drinking the black water, he fate of him of the " unsteady hand," and the dath of the trader, arc *11 thrillingly told by Mr. Belden, and with a naturalness a: i adherence to truth that is quite surprising in an Indian tale. EDITOR. 196 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXVII. WEALING PONIES FROM THE INDIANS NELSON, MT COMPANION A SHORT BIOGRAPHY DANGEROUS SITJLIATION DISCOVERY OF THE INDIAN VILLAGE NELSON'S COOLNESS WATCHING THE VILLAGE FROM THE HILLS IN THB INDIAN CAMP THE OLD SQUAW THB ALARM STAMPEDING THE PONIE8 THE PURSUIT A NIGHT MARCH FIGHTING THE INDIANS A FRIENDLY GROVE ANOTHER NIGHT MARCH THE SURPRISE THE RESULT A SAFB ARRIVAL AT HOME. . "I3EFORE returning home, I made up my mind to steal -*-^ some ponies from our enemies, who had given us so much annoyance. Nelson, whose name I have not before mentioned, was a white man, and had accompanied us for the purpose of hunting, and having a share in such adventures as might fall to the lot of our party. He had a Sioux wife and two chil dren, but was a roving, reckless, dare-devil sort of fellow, who always needed to be led, and who could never be intrusted to lead in any expedition, on account of his rashness an(J indis cretion. Nelson and I set out alone to steal some ponies from our In dian foes, little caring whether they were Pawnees, Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, or Sioux, so we got their horses. We rode on for eeveral days, and finally halted one evening by a clear running stream. While I fixed up the camp, Nelson took a jog down the creek to see that all was clear, and, if possible, shoot a deer for our supper. He soon returned with plenty of game, re- BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 197 marking he had seen no Indian signs, but thought he had, from the top of a hill beyond the stream, discovered smoke rising, tar down to the east. We made but little fire, and, then putting it out after supper, circled around the adjacent hills once, and seeing nothing, returned and lay down to rest. 1 was up before daylight, for I felt uneasy, and rousing Nelson, told him to go out on the hills and keep a lookout while I kindled the fire and cooked breakfast. He soon disappeared over the bluif with his pony, and I hurried to prepare the morn ing repast of fresh antelope, broiled over the coals. The breakfast was ready, but no Nelson was there. I ate heartily, and waited for him an hour, but still he did not come, and I was preparing to mount my pony and follow his trail when, just as the first rays of the sun were streaming over the hill tops, he came riding leisurely into camp, and reported that he had gone over to the hill from which he thought he saw smoke the night before, and sure enough, he saw it again rising dis tinctly against the sky, not more than three miles distant. He rode down the creek-bottom, and was soon able to discover a large party of Indians preparing their breakfast; and, leaving them to enjoy their meal in peace, he had returned to tell me all about it, and get his own breakfast. The coolness of the fellow nettled me not a little. One would have thought, to have looked at him, that he was dining in a first-class restaurant in a peace ful town, instead of eating within a few miles of a band of hostile Indians, who might at any moment dash down upon us and put a stop to our ever eating again. I said to him, " Hurry up, Nelson, and let us get out of this, for a straggling Indian mav, at any moment, discover our camp, and lead the whole band down upon us." " Well, 'Squire," he replied, as was his custom to call me, " I reckon you would n't turn a fellow out to 198 BELPEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. such hot work, as we are likely to have, without givin' him a square meal, would ye?" I bade him again hurry, but was forced to wait until he gorged himself to his heart's content. Then we rode out into the hills to reconnoiter, and consult what was best to be done. We crawled along behind the bluffs, until we got sight of the * Indian encampment. It was quite large, and evidently per fectly at rest. All day we lay in the bluffs, keenly scrutinizing every party of warriors that left the camp. Once a party struck out in a direction that we knew must cross our trail, and we felt much anxiety, but as hour after hour wore away, and we heard nothing of them, we concluded they must have crossed with out observing it. During the day, we discovered that the encampment was a temporary one, and that from the scarcity of men, most of the warriors were out hunting, or on the war path ; intelligence not a little gratifying to us, and favorable to our design. From the signs, we also concluded, the village was composed of the families of warriors, and that they had been left behind with a very small guard. As soon as it was dark, Nelson and I crept down from the bluffs and crawled to the village. This we did early, to pre vent the dogs from noticing us, for it is a peculiarity of Indian dogs, that they seldom become vigilant until some horns after dark. We lay for some time, and then began to move about among the ponios. Nelson went to the right and I to the left. Several times warriors passed and repassed, but whenever they came near me, I wrapped my blanket closely about me, and pretended I was asleep, when, no doubt thinking I was one of the warriors who had been out hunting all day, and waa tired, they passed on, leaving me to my repose. Every oppor tunity I got, I cut a lariat, or hopple, and after working BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 199 industriously for an hour with my butcher-knife, I had loosened some twenty ponies. Nelson had, meantime, been busy, and having a side of the town that was not subject to interruptions from strolling warriors or squaws, he had suc ceeded in severing some forty horses from their pickets. We were succeeding admirably, when an old squaw came out to change the grazing-ground of her pony and found him gone. She ran to the picket-stake, and picking up the end of the rope, fell it, and finding it had been cut, set up a howl, that brought the warriors tumbling from their lodges. Nelson gave me the signal to " run," and springing on a little black pony that- stood near me, I swung my blanket around my head, flirted it in the faces of the ponies, and shouting, " Hoo-yah-hoo ! " at the top of my lungs, started some twenty of them toward the bluffs. Nelson was equally lucky, and in the confusion that ensued in the village, we managed to get together. All was noise and excitement throughout the town; children Bcreamed, women shouted, men whooped, while the dogs set up a dismal howling. Shots fell thick and fast around us, but we succeeded in reaching the bluffs unhurt with all our ponies. We pushed along smartly for a mile or two, each moment getting deeper into the hills. Turning now to the right, then to the left, we kept very quiet, hoping in the darkness to throw the pursuers off our trail, and before daylight be far to the eastward. Just as we began to hope we were not to be followed., we heard the Indians directly behind us, and, judging by the clatter of the ponies' hoofs, the party was a strong one. They, however, approached with great caution, not knowing our strength, and fearing an ambush. Twice they made ineffectual attempts to stampede the herd by sending warriors ahead and 200 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. concealing them on the line of our march, but the extreme cowardice of the savages caused them to run away almost as soon as they shouted at the ponies. So we jogged along until near daylight, hoping each moment that our pursuers would turn back, for we did not wish them to know our weakness and it was evident the first streaks of morning would disclose to them our numbers. Having kept remarkably quiet for nearly an hour, the Indians had become quite bold, when sud denly Nelson and I turned and charged them. They were in a gulch at the time, and, believing they were cut off, rode furiously for the mouth of the gorge, nearly a mile in their rear. We did not pursue them, but returned to the herd, leaving them to continue their flight until their fears should subside. We had not gone far, however, until we heard them coming on again close behind us. Nelson said he knew of some timber not far to the north, and we drove hard, hoping to reach it before day would break, but as we were crossing tl.e prairie, streaks of red shot up the eastern sky, and soon ob jects were distinguishable all around us. We saw we had lost many of the ponies in the darkness during the night, but still had some twenty left. Telling Nelson to drive these on, 1 halted on a rise in the prairie to wait for our enemies to come up. They soon appeared over a bluff, and I saw they num bered twelve by actual count. The odds were fearful, but 1 felt relieved, for I had thought not less than twenty were in the pursuit, and I now sincerely regretted Nelson and I had not ambushed them during the night. They continued to fol low cautiously, until, seeing there were but two of us, they sel up a great shout, and came on whooping and howling like demons. I dismounted behind a little hill, and. Baking delib erate aim with my Henry rifle, as the foremost Indian came BEL.DEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. 201 around the turn of the hill, I dropped him from his pony. I now pumped the shot at them as fast as I could, until I had nearly emptied the chamber of my gun, and had the satisfac tion of' seeing them turn back, carrying two of their wounded companions with them. Rejoining Nelson, we pushed on for the timber, which waa now only a few miles distant, and had nearly succeeded in reaching it when the Indians charged down upon us again. There were but eight left in the pursuit, and, taking my shot gun, I loaded each barrel with a powerful charge of powder and nine buckshot ; then, waiting until the Indians were quite close, and as much together as possible, I wheeled and fired both barrels at them. The shot raked them like grape and canister, and I could see three or four of them were slightly wounded. They could not understand where so many balls had come from when they saw but one man fire, and so became more cautious than ever. At sunrise we reached the friendly shelter of the grove, and driving in the tired ponies, left them to graze, while Nelson and I sallied out, and, boldly attacking the Indians^ chased them over the plain, firing as rapidly as we could with our Henry's. We succeeded in wounding one fel low, but Nelson got a ball through the arm, nearly disabling him, and we returned to the grove. We lay all day in the woods resting, but saw nothing more of the Indians. Nelson's wound was quite painful, but not dangerous, and we dressed it with green leaves and cold water. As soon as it was dark we set out again, and drove along cautiously, fearing the Indians were up to some devilment, as they had been so quiet all day. The night wore away, how ever, and we began to feel assured there would be no attack, 18 202 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. when, while we were driving along a narrow caflon, a shout ing arose in front, followed by a few rapid shots, and the ter rified ponies, turning suddenly, nearly ran over us. We suc ceeded in keeping seven in the canon, but the rest escaped to the open prairie, where we saw the Indians driving them off. We made no attempt to pursue them, contenting ourselves with the seven we had left, and finding it all we could do to keep them, as the little fellows were disposed to escape and fol low the rest of the herd. We now drove rapidly to the east, hoping the Indians would v be satisfied with what they had got, and leave us to pursue our way in peace; but, elated by their success, they came on again, and charged the herd, apparently determined to get the remain ing seven. My blood was now up, for I thought they were acting a piggish part in wanting all, and riding over a little rise in the prairie, I dropped from my pony, and as the first In dian came on the crest of the divide, I shot him dead as a door nail. His companions ran to him, and I gave them a round dozen of Henry balls, causing them to dodge and scatter in all directions. After this they came on again several times, but when I turned and presented my Henry, as much as to say, " Keep off, " they would run fit to break their necks. All day the red devils followed us, but at sundown gave up the chase, and in the twilight we saw them galloping over the hills far to our rear on their return to the village. We were not again disturbed, and on the evening of the seventh day en tered our own village, bringing in safely all Our seven ponies, and finding our friends, whom we had left on the " Crazy Woman, " at home to welcome us. BELDEN : TUE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXVIII. LBGFND OF THE WHITE BUFFALO THE CROW CHIEF'S DAUGHTER UNREASON ABLE CONDUCT OF HER FATHEE THE YOUNG CHIEF HIS SUIT DENIED THH WHITE BUFFALO THE MAIDEN'S SHAME A DEATH COUNCIL STORY OF TUB GIRL ANOTHER COUNCIL THE YOUNG CHIEF AND THE MAIDEN CONDEMNED TO DEATH BATTLE WITH THE WHITE BUFFALO LED OUT TO DIE DISCOV ERY OF THE WHITE BUFFALO THE PRISONERS SAVED DEATH OF THE WH1TK BUFFALO A HAPPY MARRIAGE. DURING the dull days we lay in camp, waiting for the buffalo season to begin. I heard many curious tales and legends related by the Indians, and some of these I will repeat. Once there lived on the Big Horn River, at the place where Fort Smith was afterward built, a Crow chief who had a most beautiful daughter. Many of the young men in the tribe courted her and were anxious to marry her, but lit/ father would not part with her unless he received a hundred ponies ; and, as no warrior was able to give so much for a wife, she vras obliged to remain single. A young chief, who loved the maiden dearly, and desired to possess her, urged the old chief, tier father, to reduce the number of ponies, 4>ut he only became more morose, and finally declared no one should marry his daughter unless he had a hundred ponies that had been cap tured in battle. As such a thing was impossible, the young warrior despaired, and shut himself up in his tent and refused 206 BELUEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. to eat. The girl, who loved him dearly, sent him word to be of good heart and persevere, for she would be faithful to him, and die rather than marry any other warrior. Greatly encour aged by this message, the young man ate again, and all went along smoothly for several months. The lodge of the maiden was pitched close beside that of her father's, and occupied by her alone. Often at night the wily old chief thought he heard strange noises in his daughter's lodge, but, when questioned, she always denied that she had beard any noise, or that any thing unusual had occurred. One day, however, she could no longer conceal her shame from her mother, and confessed that she was about to bear a child. When the old chief heard of it he was greatly enraged, and assembled his council, that measures might be taken for putting her to death, and thus wiping out the disgrace of his family. "When the council was assembled, the girl was brought before it, and her father sternly commanded her to explain the cause of her disgrace. To the astonishment of every one, she came not as a guilty wretch, but with head erect, and a clear, flash ing eye. When any of the old men questioned her, she looked disdainfully at them, and bade them hold their peace, for she was a chief's daughter, and would answer only to her august father. Her conduct greatly pleased the chief, and he said, aside, that whatever might be her fault she was a real Crow, and fit to be his daughter. When commanded by her father to relate all that had happened to her, she arose and said : K Venerable fathers, and you, my noble chief, some moons ago, one night, a strange thing happened to me, such as perhaps never happened before to any maid in the world. I was sleep ing in my lodge, by the side of my noble father there, wheu BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 207 suddenly I heard a most peculiar noise as of hoofs and some animal walking. I became conscious of something being in my teepee, and, being greatly frightened, I lay still. Presently 1 heard the coals being scraped together on the hearth, and blown into a flame. When it was light I looked, expecting to see a man, when I would have called my father, but, strange to relate, I saw, not a man, but a white buffalo. He walked upon his hind feet, and I was so terrified I could neither speak nor move. He came to my bed and sat down, and I fainted away. When I awoke, he was gone. So he came every night to see me, and each time I was as much frightened as before, and entirely unable to call out for help. The animal was very careful not to hurt me with his hoofs or horns, and how it came about I can not tell, but in a few months I found myself in the condition you now see me, and I have no one to blame for my misfortune but the white buffalo." The chiefs had listened to this harangue with great patience, and when she had done, the chief asked her when the white buffalo had last visited her, and she replied, " When the moon was full, and that he would come again the first full moon." When her story was finished, she was conducted back to her lodge, and the old men fell to debating about the matter. Most of the chiefs did not believe the story, for they said that such a thing as a white buffalo they had never seen in all their lives. An old man rose, however, and said there was once a white buffalo on the plains, and that he did strange things, often being soen in the clouds and walking on water. This statement greatly confused the council, and they fell to debat ing anew. At last a chief, who was very old and wise, said that it must be possible for a woman to bear children without being with a man, for many years ago, when he ivent to see 208 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. the Great Father at Washington, the whites took him to heai their great medicine man, and the medicine man told of a woman who had brought forth a child without lying with any man, and this all the white people believed. The child was not only born, but had lived many years, and became a very great medicine man. At last it came the turn of the young warrior, who had wished to marry the girl, and he rose and said : " I do not doubt the story of the girl, nor question her chastity. Undoubtedly a most extraordinary thing has happened, but all things are possible to the Great Spirit, and if he came and vis ited our daughter in the form of a white buffalo, it is no more than was related by our brother about the daughter of the white chief." This speech was received by all with much favor, and the great chief, who had not spoken a word, adjourned the council, stating he would call them together at some future day, to talk further concerning the matter. The next council had little talk, and almost unanimously agreed the young girl should be put to death, when the young chief, 1ier lover, rose and said, as it was near the full of the moon, when the white buffalo would come again, he begged that the execution of the sentence of the council might be delayed until after the full moon, when, if nothing occurred to corroborate the girl's story, she should die. This was readily agreed to, and the pipe was passed around, to see in whose hands it would go out, that he might be selected to mount guard over the girl's teepee, and watch for the white buffalo. The pipe went out in the young chief's hands, and the council adjourned. When the moon was at its full, the chief took up his position BEL.DEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 209 , I so he could see the door of the girl's lodge, but could not be seen himself. He also instructed her, if she saw the buffalo, to call out, and he would immediately rush to her assistance. On the third night of the watch, he heard her scream, and rushed into the lodge with his battle-ax, when, sure enough, there was a white buffalo standing on his hind legs. As the chief came up, the beast raised its forefoot to strike him, but the chief brought his ax down with such force that it com pletely severed the hoof from the leg. The next moment however, the chief was struck senseless by the other forehoof, and when he recovered his senses the buffalo was gone. The old chief, who had heard the noise of the conflict, had risen and was dressed, when the young chief, who was still suffering from the blow he had received, came to him, and said that the white buffalo had indeed appeared, and that he had fought with him, and cut off one of his hoofs, which was produced, and an examination of the maiden's teepee showed a pool of blood, where the buffalo had bled from the effect of his wound. Great excitement spread in the village when the news was made known, and nearly all remained up, being afraid to sleep. Early next morning the old chief assembled the council, and the debate began. The father of the girl was greatly exas perated, and pronounced the whole affair a lie, a fraud, and swindle. He said he had examined the ground around his daughter's lodge, but could find no footprints of a buffalo, yet every one must know that, if so heavy an animal as a buffalo had passed that way, he must have left deep hoof-marks in the soft soil. It was also absurd that the buffalo could have got into the girl's lodge without being seen by the young chief. In his opinion, both the girl and the chief were a lying pair, aud he more than hinted that the young chief was himself the 19 210 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. * white buffalo. He recommended, that both the girl and the chief be shot to death with arrows, at sunrise in the morning. This speech had great effect, and the council almost unani mously voted to put the girl and her supposed paramour to death. They were led away, placed under a guard, and bade prepare for their fate on the morrow. Now it so happened, that there was a warrior in the village who had been very sick, and many feared he would die. This warrior was greatly admired and feared, on account of his bravery and prowess. No other warrior in the village had slain so many of the enemy, no one was so strong, and none so willing to go to battle. His sickness excited much talk in the tribe, for all hated to lose so valuable a defender. He would not tell what ailed him, but lay all the day long, his hands placed under his robe, and apparently suffering great pain. On the morning of the execution, a girl of the village passed by the sick warrior's lodge, and stopped in to tell him about the fate of the chief's daughter and the young chief. She found the warrior asleep, and his hands lying on top of the robe. The bandages had fallen off, and to her surprise, she saw he had but one hand, the other being gone. Quickly it flashed through her mind, that the warrior had something to do with the affair of the white buffalo, and she ran with all her might toward the hill beyond the village, where the execution was to take place. As she drew near the hill, she feared she would be too late, for she saw the crowd part, the prisoners led out, and the bowmen take their places. When she came up, the young chief was making his last speech, and the bowmen, with arrows on their strings, were ready to fire as soon as he should con clude. The girl rushed up to the great medicine man, who was conducting the execution, and whispered something in his BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 2lJ ear, at which he was greatly astonished. Then he listened, and the girl repeated what she had said. When she % had done speaking, the medicine man walked between the condemned prisoners and the bowmen, and, raising his hands, bade them put up their arrows. He then told the crowd, bowmen, pris oners, and all, to follow him, and see what they should see, He walked down to the village, and entering the sick warrior's lodge, bade him hold up his hands. At first he refused to do so, but seeing he was found out, he held up his arms, and ex hibited one hand and a bloody stump. The medicine man asked where the hoof of the white buffalo was, and -being told it was at the old chief's lodge, he bade them go and fetch it. When it was brought, he took his knife, and, splitting open the skin of the hoof, to the surprise of every one, drew forth a human hand, which had been neatly sewed up in the hoof. Holding it up, so all could see it, he placed it on the stump reside the warrior's other hand, and it fitted exactly. Every one now knew who was the white buffalo, and all cried out, " Kill him ! kill him ! " The old chief hastily assembled an informal council, and the young warrior was at once condemned to death. So the bowmen who were to shoot the young chief and the girl, shot him as he lay in his tent. The old chief was so pleased when he knew iiis daughter had told him the truth, that he conferred her iu marriage on her defender, the young chief. The child of the white buffalo was born and strangled, after which the young chief and his wife lived many years happily together, and raised a large family of handsome daughters and brave young men. 13 212 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXIX. STORY OF THE STORM-CHILD A FAMINE AMONG THE CROW INDIANS THE JOURNEY TO THE MOUNTAINS PLENTY OF GAME ARE THREATENED WITH STARVATION AGAIN THE BIO RING HUNT A STORM THE HANDS IN THE CLOUDS THE GREEN CHILD HEATH OF THE CUOW WARRIOR WHO TOUCHEE IT BIRTH OF THE STORM-CHILD A SINGULAR SUPERSTITION THE STORM- CHILD LIVES AND GROWS TO BE A WOMAN. \ ,TANY years ago, there was a great famine among the -^"-*- Indians who lived along the eastern slope of the Big Hoin Mountains. The fall hunt of the Crows had proved unsuccessful, and they knew not what to do. A winter of ter rible severity came down upon them, and starvation stared them in the face. They were at last reduced to great extremity, and runners were sent out in all directions to find game. One of them returned one day with the joyful intelligence that he had found a locality in which game of all kinds abounded. The village was hastily packed up, and all left the Big Horn, and journeying for several days under the guidance of the youn^ warrior, they at length came to a thickly-wooded country full cf bears, deer, elk, and antelope. The encampment was pitched on a plain by a stream, and soon the teepees were filled with meat. For a time, all went well, but presently the game, being hunted so much, began to move off, and the Crows saw starvation again before them. They determined to make a big hunt, and, i r possible, take enough game to last them through the cold BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. ill 5 weather. Men, women, and children turned out, and surround ing a vast extent of forest, they drove the game toward a common center, where it was to be slaughtered. The hunt was very successful, and much game had been taken, when suddenly it began to blow; then black clouds gathered, the thunder rolled, and the lightnings flashed overhead, while strange noises were heard in the earth. The Crows were greatly frightened, for they never had heard it thunder before in midwinter, and from the rocking and trembling of the earth, they thought it was about to fall to pieces and swallow them up. Presently an inky, black cloud covered the peak of the mountain where they had driven the game, and after resting on the earth a few mo ments, it rose and hung over the mountain top. Then, two long arms were seen to reach out of the cloud and lay something on the earth, after which the cloud rose in the air and drifted swiftly away. The sky cleared off, the sun shone again brightly, and the killing of the game went on. When all the elk, deer, antelope, and bears were slaughtered, two warriors went up to where the eloud had been seen to lay something on the earth, and there, resting on a flat rock, they discovered a young female child, perfectly green in color. They called up several squaws, but none of them could be induced to touch it ; on the other hand, they begged the warriors to come away and leave it. When no one would take it up, one of the warriors said,' " I will care for it ;" and lifting it in his arms, he carried it dowiYthe mountain and toward the village. As he was crossing the plain, and when quite near the encampment, all heard a great noise, and looking up, they saw the black cloud coming back and rapidly approaching the warrior; again the thunder rolled, the light nings flashed, and the earth shook. Suddenly the' warrior was enveloped in a bright flame and fell to the ground ; then, the 216 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. two hands were seen to reach out of the cloud and grasp the child, which disappeared in the vapor, and the whole, lifting into the sky, drifted away to the eastward. The warrior was found quite dead, and his skin as black as the cloud that had enveloped liiin. He was taken to the village, and the next day buried. While the warrior was being enveloped in the cloud, an old gquaw, who had Hot borne children for years, stood looking at him. No sooner did she see the child disappear in the vapor, than she felt herself seized with violent labor-pains. All night she suffered, and, in the morning, was delivered of a female child, perfectly green, like live grass. The Indians all said it was the same child that had been in the cloud, and that the mysterious hands had no sooner taken it from the warrior than they transferred it to the woman. The squaw persisted that it was not the child of a man, though she had a husband. In token of its strange birth, the Indians named the infant " A-pa-ka-her-ra-ris ! " the one who dwells in the clouds, or, " The Storm-Child." The pappoose lived and grew finely, and, in course of time, became a woman, married, and had a large family.* *Mr. Belden says, "I often saw the squaw named 'The Storm-Child,' and truth compels me to say, that I have seen few uglier Indian -women." NOTE. This story originated in a natural phenomenon. There was etorm, and a squaw, frightened by it, gave premature birth to a child. The warrior was killed by lightning, and the color of the child, and the handg seen in the clouds, are purely Indian exaggerations. It frequently thun ders in the Rocky Mountains in the winter time, though seldom so far north, as the lands of the Crows. The "Storm-Child" is still living, and greatly feared and respected by her tribe, on account of her supposed mysterious birth. EWTOB BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 2l'/ CHAPTER XXX. HB PLUM-STONK GAME HOW IT IS PLAYED - MANNER OF COUNTING - TH1 DICE HOW THEY ARE MADE SHAKING THEM UP A PAIR OF OLD GRUM BLERS DEAD BROKE STORY TELLING GEORGE WASHINGTON THE MIS SIONARY AND HIS BOOKS INTELLIGENCE OF THE INDIANS THEIR LOVE OP READING - HOW THEY IMPART INFORMATION TO EACH OTHER FAMILIARITY WITH THE CHARACTER OF WASHINGTON THE CAUSE PREPARATIONS FOB THE OLD MAN'S STORY. day was very warm, and I had been lying down in my -*- teepee, sleeping most of the time, for want of something to do, or for lack of energy to do any thing, if I had it to do. I had seen but few of the Indians out of their teepees that day, and, though the squaws worked incessantly in warm as well as cold weather, their liege lords and masters took the warm weather to be too much for even their warm natures ; so they stretched themselves out on the grass-rush mats of their teepee floors, and went to sleep till eating time should come round again (which meant whenever they got hungry), and were com pelled to undergo the cruel exertion of raising themselves to a sitting posture, and be waited upon by their squaws, whc handed each one a wooden bowl of boiled meat and corn. No coffee or tea was used, nothing but the beverage provided by nature, cold water, and at that season the water was not very ' cold, as it was procured from the Missouri River. 1 had been awakened by a jabbering outside my teepee door, 218 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. and, raising the bottom of the teepee cloth, I saw five men, and some two or three squaws, seated under my shade (some forks stuck up in front of the teepee door, over which was laid a quantity of green willow brush to answer the wants of a porch), busily ecgaged in gambling for silver earrings and bead neck laces with plum-stone dice. I lay still and watched them foi a little while, when, finding sleep impossible, and not wishing to affront the company by ordering them to keep quiet, I got up and crawled out to where they were, and, declining to ac cept their invitation to join the game, contented myself in quietly watching and learning it. They used a kind of dice made of the stones of the wild plum, which grew very plentifully in the deep ravines and cafions a mile or two back from the' Missouri River at this point. These stones were first dried hard, then polished by scraping them with a knife. Six were used for the game, four of them being spotted on one side, and blank on the opposite, and the other two striped or checked on one side, and left blank on the other. These spots and stripes w r ere made on the stones by means of a small iron instrument which they used to paint buffalo robes with. The iron was heated, and the spots and stripes then seared or burned in the stone. The Indians used a wooden bowl, small and light, for shaking the dice, and never threw them out of the bowl. To play the game, they sat on the ground in a circle, and a blanket, or robe, \vas doubled up and placed in the middle of the ring the bowl containing six dice, being placed on the folded blanket. The stakes usually were two or four silver earrings, put up by those who engaged in the game, and the sport commenced by some one of the players seizing the edge of the bowl with his thumb outside &nd the ends of his forefingers inside the rim, and, raising it ai. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 219 inch or so, bumped it down on the folded blanket three or four times, causing the light plum-stones to jump around in the most .-ively manner. After the player had shaken the bowl thoroughly, he sat down and allowed the stones to settle on the bottom, and then they were counted, thus : if all the spotted and striped sides were uppermost, the player won, unless some one else tied him. If he threw four spotted ones, it was the same as four aces in cards, in the game of bluif ; but if he threw three spotted and two striped ones, it was equivalent to a full hand of bluff, and so on, the only difference being, that wben all the spotted and striped sides were turned up, it showed a higher hand than four aces, and when all the blank sides were turned up it showed a flush that ranked next to the highest hand, and above the four aces. During the game there was considerable quarreling between a couple of old men, who were proverbial throughout the vil lage for their cross, crabbed natures, but, aside from using their tongues very freely in ridiculing and maligning each other, nothing more serious occurred. Each repeatedly referred to me as a responsible arbitrator in the cause at dispute, but I pleaded utter ignorance of the game, and, therefore, inability of judging. For this, I did not fail to get my share of their abuse, for having lived so long among as respectable a tribe as the Santee Sioux, and not knowing the celebrated plum-stone game. I took all their abuse good-naturedly, as I knew no one in the village ever minded any thing these two old boobies said. While they played dice, the squaws sat by smoking and laughing at each one's losses. Presently, all but one were dead broke ; the game stopped, and, good nature being once more restored, all joined in a smoke. As the day advanced, and evening came on, the atmosphere became more endurable, 220 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. and conversation became lively. One of the young men asked me to tell a story, and all joined in the request, urging so hard, that I agreed to do so, provided one of the old men svould, in return, favor us by telling some old story of the San- tees who had lived before the present generation. I knew the old men in almost every tribe were full of such stories, and they were always agreeable. I inquired what I should tell them, whether of some other Indian tribe, or of the white people? "Of the whites," they all at once replied. My supper was now ready, and, inviting those present to join with me in eating a limited number of dishes, I ordered served some coffee, dried elk meat and corn, boiled together, for which I had to thank the good missionary of the tribe. The invitation was accepted by all, and supper was brought outside the teepee whore we were sitting. After the meal was finished, and another smoke indulged in, one of the young men said, "Now for the story. " I seated myself, and, in as concise a manner as possible, related to my auditors the history of the discovery of America; the sailing of Columbus; his trials and reverses; his landing in triumph ; his meeting with the first Indians OK the Atlantic coast, and the growth of the present nation ; wind ing up with a description of Washington, his battles, and the success of the struggle for independence. When I had con cluded, I read the interest betrayed in my narrative by the upturned faces of my audience, which had augmented in num bers to some fifteen or twenty persons, and among whom was x the old medicine man of the tribe. The pompous old fool, to show his wisdom, said, as soon as I had done, " Me know him, Washi'ton ; me see him, Wash i ? ton, heap o' times. Him good man, Washi'ton. No tell urn lie. One little lie no tell urn ! " All acquiesced in this statement, and " How'd " in an BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 221 assenting manner at the end of each sentence. I then told them of Washington's boyhood; the old story of the apple tree ; the heroic truthfulness of the young first President, and his father's pride in his honest boy. To all this the Indian', repeatedly assented, by saying, " How ! " as if they all knew of the circumstances quite as well as I did. I soon found, however, a solution of this enigma, by learning from the mis sionary that he had brought several Sabbath-school books up with him, among them a condensed history of George Wash ington. He occasionally loaned these books to such as took care of them, and he said that several San tees could speak, read, and write English in a very good manner. To these persons he loaned books, and the contents were, very nat urally, told to the balance of the tribe by the fortunate readers. Tliey always lisjiened with avidity to the tales of the readers When I had finished my story, night had fallen over us, and the stars were coming out, one by one, illuminating the sky with their tiny spangles of diamonds. A large circle of dusky, quiet, red men were seated in front of my lodge, waiting to catch the words of the old man, who was about to begin his story. It was an expectant crowd, and every noise was hushed save the soughing of the night winds among the tops of the stately cottouwoods that overshadowed our camp. The 'quick rush of the Missouri broke with a hollow sound on the shore, as it sped toward the south to meet the Mississippi, and bear up the great white trafficking ships of the white men. Here, i'ar away from the haunts of civilization, the river's waters were as clear as crystal, and no noise or bustle disturbed the calm and tranquil scene. 092 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXXI. THE OLD MAN'S STORY HIS GRANDFATHER'S TALE EARLY HISTORY OK THH SIOUX NATION THEIR POWER AND GLORY FIRST VISIT OF THE WHITH MAN HIS GUN DESCRIBED ASTONISHMENT OF THE INDIANS AT ITS POWER THE COUNCIL THE WHITE MAN ALLOWED TO REMAIN THE BUFFALO HUNT HOW THE WHITE MAN KILLED GAME ALARM OF THE BUFFALO AT THE NOISE OF HIS GUN - THE BUFFALO ALL RUN AWAY ANOTHER COUNCIL THE WHITE MAN SENTENCED TO DEATH DEATH OF THE SQUAW DEATH OP THE WHITE MAN - HIS PREDICTION - DIVISION OF THE TUIBE - WHERE THB BANDS WENT THE BRULE, OGALLALLA, SANTEE, AND YANKTON SIOUX. fire had gone out, and the ashes were knocked from the bowl ; leaving the sacred pipe lying upon his blanket which he had folded and laid upon the ground, the old, gray- headed warrior got upon his feet, in the center of the circle, and began his story. I managed to get as near to him as possible, in order that I might not lose a word of what he said." The old man seemed to feel sorrowful, as he looked at the ground near his feet for a few moments, evidently trying to recall to memory events of many years gone by. Then, raising his head, and looking around upon his hearers, he spoke : " Many years ago, many moons, many winter's snows, and summer's grasses have come and gone, and many a Santee warrior has come into the world, and, after a brilliant and noble life, left it again. Many a parent and child have been BEI.DEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 222 carried to the grave, since the men lived of whom my father's father told me when I was a boy, and of whom I will now tell you. You see my hair is gray, but it was not so when my father's father told me this story, of things that happened when he was young. In those days the Sioux all lived to gether, and were a large and powerful tribe. They were then one nation of brave warriors, feared by- all the tribes, who sought their favor, and neglected no opportunity to cement a friendship with the most powerful band, that owned hunting- grounds for hundreds and hundreds of miles in every direction. No tribe ever dared to insult or provoke them to battle; no other tribe dared to trespass on their hunting-grounds; no other tribe ever owned such beautiful and accomplished women, such upright and brave warriors, as the Dakotas. They were rich in ponies and silver earrings, their herds covered 'the valleys of the great rivers, their teepees were as white and numerous as the snow-flakes in winter, and every stream and grove was peopled by them. If any other tribe had occasion to go to war with their neighbors, they first courted the coun tenance and favor of the Dakotas, and,, if they obtained it, they were sure of winning a victory, sometimes without any apparent resistance from their enemies, who had been informed that the Dakotas favored the other side. Times then were not as they now are. When a foreign chief's embassy called upon the Dakotas, to ask for permission to fight on their grounds, or to ask for assistance in the battle they premeditated, their speeches were heard by upright and honest men, who would never recognize a war for plunder or gain, and who never refused assistance to the injured or oppressed of other nations. Thus they were loved, feared, and respected by all, and the decision of the Sioux chiefs, in every case, was irrevocable law. 224 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. So there was but little war, and year after year the tribes in creased in numbers, and the warriors lived to great old age, and died, some over a hundred years old. Time went on, and one day a stranger was brought into the village, whose face was white, his hair brown, and his eyes the color of his hair. This man's whole body was white, and he could not understand ua .when we spoke to him, nor could we understand him, though he talked and made a noise Vith his mouth, and sometimes laughed. He had been found ou the high prairies, walking alone, and had a bow without any strings to it, and the arrows he used were very little, but heavy and round. He fired off his bow, and it so frightened our people that several squaws dropped to the earth, stunned by the noise which the arrow made in the air. This bow would shoot one of the little arrows many steps distant, and send it through the stoutest shields of buffalo hide that our warriors owned. The white warrior could also shoot very straight, and never missed what he aimed at. So, many of our people revered this white man, who they believed had been sent to show them how to make and shoot with the strange bows that made a noise. Some, however, said he was a bad man, and used the Great Spirit's thunder in his bow, that he had no right to do so, and if the man was to be allowed to live in the village among our people, we would be visited by great calamities. These were for im mediately driving him away from our teepees, and not allow ing him to return. The council-house drum was beatenj and the chiefs called to deliberate the question whether we would keep the white man or send him away. After a whole day and night's consultation, it was decided that the man should gtay in the village, and so it was. He had been called in dur ing the council, and laid his bow down on the ground, when it BEKDEN: THE AVHITE CHIEF. 22 was with great fear and reluctance taken up and examined by one of the boldest of the warriors, who said it was made of iron, and was very heavy, and nob a bow, but a hollow rod The chief then motioned to the man to fix it ready to fire, but not to fire it. He did so, and all saw, what they had not bo- fore observed, that the white warrior first put some black, shining sand in the iron, and then put a little iron ball in the end of the rod, which he forced down with a long stick. This stick he drew out of a case under the hollow iron, and put one end of it on the ball and then pressed with all his might on the other, until the ball was pushed to the lower end of the hollow. Next he withdrew the stick, and put it back in the case, and then he took rap the iron and put some of the black sand in a little cup on the side of it, and covered up the sand with a flat, crooked piece, which was fast to the iron. Just behind this crooked iron was another one, in which was fast ened a flat piece of stone, which was made to strike fire when the man pulled on a little- wire under the hollow iron. When ever this stone made fire, the same noise was heard, and fire and smoke came out of the end of the iron. None could see the little iron ball as it went to the mark, and some who watched, said that the ball struck the tree before the fire came out of the iron. " So the man stayed and was given a teepee, and he soon mar ried a squaw, and was suffered to live with us for several moons, until the hunting moons came, when the tribes were to go out to kill and dry their winter's meat. The buifalo ranged all around, near at hand, and every season yielded the necessary amount of food for the great tribe on whose hunting-grounda the buffalo could not be counted, so great was their number. A day's journey from the village always took our people into 20 226 BELDEN: THE WHITE OHIEP. the midst of the buffalo country, and, pitching their teepees, men and women set to work, and in a few days' time had pre pared sufficient fat and buffalo to last them until the next season came. " The hunting moon was now at hand, and all the villag* was active, preparing to go out upon the hunt. Among others was the white man, with his hollow iron. He had learned to talk our language, and could now speak and understand every thing. He was also well liked by nearly every one, and was especially a favorite with the young women, who constantly envied the white man's squaw her position. Some of those who had predicted calamities if the white man was permitted to live among them, though they never abused him, never had any thing to do with him, but held themselves aloof and kept their peace, though they did not like him. " So all went to the hunting-grounds, and there it was ob served that the white man's hollow iron would bring down a buffalo at the distance of two arrow flights, twice as far off as the best warrior of the tribe could shoot an arrow, and where J sometimes it took a dozen arrows to kill a buffalo, the white man always shot but once and killed him dead in his tracks. In two days' time a sufficient number of buffalo had been killed to last the tribe the season, and many of our people now thought the white man and his hollow iron were gifts from the Great Spirit, sent to make them more powerful as a tribe, and render them invincible in war against other nations. "All the following year the white man lived with the Dakotas, but when the buffalo season came again, and the tribe made preparations to go out upon the annual hunt, the parties of warriors who had always been sent out in advance a day or (.wo, to see where the buffalo cows were feeding (because they BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. are better and more tender meat than the bulls), came back and brought tidings that, no buffalo could be found. When this was made known in the village, the warriors were derided and scoffed at, as being lazy, good-for-nothing fellows, who had not taken the trouble to go far enough, and they were sent back again by the chief, together with several other young men. After several days' absence, they returned, and brought back the same intelligence. Great was now the consternation in the village, and starvation stared all in the face. It was remem bered, that when the white man had shot his hollow iron, the buffalo jumped and bounded with surprise and fear at the thunder of the noise, and immediately ran away. But a short time was necessary to convince every one that the white man's hollow iron had driven off all the buffalo, which had always before been easily found. Now, also, were the predictions of xialamity remembered, and the council was again called. While the chiefs were debating in the council-house, the warriors and women of the tribe rent the air with their lamentations, so that their shrieks reached the ears of the -chiefs in the council-house, and urged them to prompt action. It was determined that the white man was an evil spirit, who had used the Great Spirit's thunder to scare away the buffalo. All knew they did not fear a mounted warrior of the Dakotas, but turned and fought with hoof and horn, while arrows in great numbers pierced their sides, but when the white man fired his gun they made off. It was, therefore, solemnly declared, that the Great Spirit was offended at the killing of buffalo with stolen thunder, and the council decided that the white man's blood should be offered up as an atonement for the sin of the tribe in eating the meat which had been killed by the hollow iron. " The' white man sat in kis lodge apparently unconscious of 228 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. what was going on without, until he heard voices crying, ' White man ! White man ! come out ! ' He then got up, and came to the door, when, as soon as he was observed, a dozen arrows were fired at him. Just as the bows were bent to send the arrows again, the white man's squaw, ' An-pe-tu- Sa-pa-U-we-a' (black day woman), threw herself before him, and fell pierced by a dozen shafts. The white man ran inside the teepee, got his hollow iron, and coming back to the door, shot at the medicine man, who stood way off by the council- house, and he immediately fell dead, not even uttering a single word. The white man then pushed down another ball, and called out to the. warriors, l Go away ! or I will have to kill you all ! Go away ! ' Most of the warriors went away, and pres ently the white man came outside, carrying the hollow iron in his hand. His face was white as snow, and he said he was very angry. He took up the body of the dead squaw, and putting her face close to his, held it there several moments, then placing her body on his shoulder, he started toward the river bank. He walked fast, occasionally turning around to see if any one followed him. When he had gone some distance, no one thinking of running to certain death by following him, the leader of those who had predicted evil from the white man, raised his voice and demanded his death. 'Do you not see him going off? He has killed the old medicine man ! He is currying off one of our women ! Why do you stand staring at him? after him, all of you ! Kill him!' he cried. 'Yes, kill him ! ' all shouted, as they ran after the white man, who saw them coming, and made every effort to gain the water** edge, where he had a canoe hidden in the willows, and in which he hoped to escape, if he could but reach it unharmed. His pursuers, however, were too numerous and swift. They BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 220 were not loaded down with a burden as lie was, and so ran faster. Soon they neared him, when he gently laid the squaw on the grass, and raising his hollow iron, pointed it at the crowd, lie held the iron aimed, but did not fire. Many ran away, and all stopped and stood looking at him, when he said ; ' Why do you follow me ? Have I stolen your ponies, or taken any thing from you, that you should seek my life?' * Yes, you are a thief, though you never stole from us,' an swered the chief, who disliked him, ' you have not stolen from us, but you have stolen from the Great Spirit, and for this you must die ! ' ' What is it I have stolen from the Great Spirit ? ' inquired the white man. * You have stolen his thunder, and used it to scare away our game,' replied the chief. The white man laughed, but suddenly becoming serious, said, ' You are all a pack of fools, and I swear by the Great Spirit, that I have never done what you accuse me of. Do you see this poor girt ? She was of your people, and I loved her with all my heart, yet you have killed her. For this, the Great Spirit will one day thin your tribe; he will punish you with diseases, hunger, and degradation. Your tribe will decline in glory day by day, and my people will take away your hunting-grounds, and drive your game beyond the setting sun ; then you will be poor in num bers, and weak-hearted. Now, let me go back to my people, and before I go, let me bury the poor girl, who has given up her life for me, and when I have done it, I will leave you, and never come near you any more.' When he had spoken, the chief urged the warriors to shoot together, and fill him with arrows ; at the same time declaring his words were lies, in tended to frighten them from doing their duty. No one obeyed him and the chief, becoming angry, snatched a bow and arrow from the nearest warrior, saying. ( I will kill him ! ' and ini- 14 230 .BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. mediately placed an arrow upon the bow-string, but as he sought to bend it, a loud noise came from the hollow iron, and the bow dropped from his hands, the chief fell forward on his face and died without uttering so much as a groan. In an instant twenty arrows were shot at the white man, and several of them struck him, and stuck in his flesh. But he did not mind them, and, stooping, picked up the dead girl, and ran toward the river. He soon disappeared from sight under the bank, and in a few minutes more was seen jumping from stone to stone, at the very edge of the great falls. He had dropped the hollow iron over the falls, and now carried the dead girl in his arms. He leaped along until he suddenly came to a wide gorge, over which the water had washed for many centuries, wearing a passage in the solid rocks. Could he but once get upon the other side of this gorge, the white man knew he would be out of reach of the arrows of his pursuers. He looked first at the water, then at the angry crowd on the shore, and holding up the body of the dead girl, cried out, 'You see her? She and I will come to see you again, and you will know us, when your spirit is broken, and your hearts fail you under great oppression. Then disease and death will appall you, and you will die/ So saying, he threw the girl in the river, and im mediately jumped in after her. For a few moments he was seen to struggle, and then floated down and passed over the falls. The Indians searched for the bodies, but they never were found. " After this, the tribe sent out runners in every direction to nee if they could find game, but all were unsuccessful. All in the village were in a starving condition, when an old chief, assembling his band, started in search of new hunting-grounds, Baying, if he found game he would send back word to the rest, BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 231 and they might come and join him. Accordingly, he left the village with his party and traveled to the westward, toward (he mountains. Por many days no tidings reached the vil lage of the chief and his party, and the small game and corn beginning to give out, it was determined to send another party to find the firct. This was done, and the village rested, until the time came when the last party should return, or send tidings of their success. Days and weeks passed, and as no messenger reached the village, all began to mourn the absent as lost. " The tribe at length moved farther west to the great river, and here, finding game, built a village and remained. " A year passed, and there were still no tidings of the two lost bands. At the end of another year, fears of starvation having subsided, and prosperity being restored in the village, it was determined to send out a third party to try, if possible, and obtain tidings of the absent bands. They were accordingly sent, and returned at the end of half a year, with the intelli gence, that they could not find or even hear of them. " For many years the tribe lived along the river, hunting and warring with other nations, who were angry, because the Sioux had come to their country to live, without so much as asking their permission. The small-pox broke out in the tribe, and carried off many of the people. Then, it had hardly left them, before the warriors quarreled among themselves upon the subject of moving to the mountains, and the tribe dividing, half of them went to the mountains, and the other half remained. " So the white man's prediction came true ; disease, quarrels, and starvation had split and divided the nation, until its num bers and strength were so reduced, the warriors had no heart t* go to war. 232 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. " After many years, the tribe was visited by many white men, who all came armed with hollow N irons, killed our people, and drove away our game. From them we learned to use the hollow iron, and our young men traded for some to hunt with, as well as to use in war. But since the day the white man was drowned, the tribe has slowly been decreasing in power and glory, until now, it is but the wreck of what it once was. " The lost tribes were, after a Jong time, heard from ; they had learned to speak another language, and though we could under stand them, yet our languages were very different. " The first party, after leaving the village, had gone toward the setting sun, and meeting with no considerable quantities of game, had traveled on until they came to the mountains ; they learned from a tribe they found there, that on the west side they would find plenty of game, and accordingly they started to cross he chain. The women and children could not travel very fast, and by the time they reached the middle of the mountains, they found so much time had been consumed on the road that their provisions would soon run out. They pushed along, however, through snow and ice, and at length their eyes were gladdened by coming upon a deep-seated, green, and fertile plain, where streams meandered through pleasant vales, and where the deer and elk were in numerous herds. Here they pitched their vil lage, and lived for a long time, none being so hardy as to feel inclined to risk finding their way back through the mountains. So the tribe grew up, and, in course of time, began imper ceptibly to make changes in the language they spoke. "The second band traveled toward the mountains, but did not attempt to cross them, having kept to the southward along their foot, until they came to a broad stream, very shallow, and full of treacherous sands, and they saw great herds of BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 233 buffalo feeding upon its banks. Here the tribe stopped, and, as the first party had done, built a village, and finding every thing conducive to their comfort, contented themselves to live in peace, and the band was raised from the small numbers to a great multitude. " Their language was also changed in the course of time, and was different from either the original tongue, or that spoken by the band which had gone across the mountains. "The half of the tribe which had moved to the mountains, after the small-pox had decimated the village, were also com pelled to change their language. " All these bands, though once strong, powerful tribes, through division and contentions, disease, and the white man's poisons, have become suddenly weak, and are constantly at war to defend themselves, or gain sufficient ground upon which to live and hunt. " Thus the white man's prediction has been fulfilled, and hun ger and disease have made us weak as women. We have often looked to see if the white man and the dead girl were beside us, but though we have never seen them, we have seen the effects of what he of the hollow iron, prophesied. We murdered a woman of our own race, and then murdered him who came to aid us ; so none of his people, who have come among us since, have been kind, but all are angry, and avenge his death. " This was my father's father's story, as he told it to me, and when he had done telling it, he cautioned me to' try and be friendly with the white men, for they were powerful, and could do me and my people much harm." The old man ended his tale, and sat down for a moment, with his head between his hands; then silently taking up his pipe and blanket, he moved away toward his teepee, and the 21 234 JiELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. rest of his audience, one by one, followed his example without saying a word. It was very late, and I went into my lodge, and rolling myself in my blankets, lay down to sleep and dream of the four bands that had become so separated and divided. I followed them over again, through their superstitions and wanderings, and saw clearly their reasons for attacking the white man. Though my sleep was not refreshing, to my delight I awoke, in the morning, to find my squaw had not been filled with arrows on my account, but had cooked a kettle of elk and corn, upon which she was regaling herself, and I soon joined her. I have since discovered that the party which went over the mountains, were the JBrule Sioux those who went to seek them, and built a village on the Platte River, the Ogallalla Sioux the band that disagreed and went to the mountains, the Santee Sioux, and the other half of the band, that remained on the river, the Yankton Sioux. These four bands comprise the four great divisions of the Dakota, or Sioux nation, as it is now known. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 235 CHAPTER XXXII. INDIAN PASTIMES JUGGLERS AND MOUNTEBANKS CURIOSITY OF THE SAVAGES THE GUN TEICK CATCHING BULLETS A DANGEROUS TRICK THE TRIUMPH- ' ANT JUGGLER A JUGGLER OUT-JUGGLED FIRING A GUN WITH ASHES THE TRICK SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED ASTONISHMENT OF THE INDIANS HOW IT WAS DONE THROWING THE PONY A FAILURE THE OWNER THROWS THE PONY TO SHOW HOW IT WAS DONE END OF AN INDIAN SHOW. WHILE in the Indian camp, I witnessed many strange feats of strength and dexterity practiced by the young warriors, who, when not engaged in the chase or on the war path, were constantly exercising their muscles. In a large circle of squaws, children, and old men, were seated about twenty warriors, witnessing the performances of four young men. First, let me tell you, that any tricks of a marvelous nature, such as practiced by mountebanks or jug glers, tire always very attractive to 'Indians, who will sit for hours quietly, wondering how this or that thing is done. One of the young men presently took a single-barreled shot-gun, of the flint-lock pattern, and, pouring down powder, held up a bullet, and, apparently, placed it in the muzzle; then, with a rammer, pushed the ball down, as it seemed, to the bottom of the barrel ; he next primed it, and gave it to a bystander, who was known to be a good shot, and requested him to shoot at his breast. The warrior at first hesitated, saying he might kill 236 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. him, but, on being urged, the man suddenly jumped up, seized the gun, aud fired it at the juggler's breast. All expected to see him** fall, but he stood perfectly still, as he did before this shot was fired, and very coolly took the bullet out of his mouth, saying, as he showed it to all around him, " You are a poor shot, my friend ; you see I have caught it. " This feat brought forth loud cheers of approval from his audience, much to. the chagrin of the warrior who had failed to hit the juggler. I said, "That is well clone; but why do you use powder?" He inquired, " Can you do as I have done without using powder?" "Of course," I replied. He immediately handed me the gun, and I stepped into the ring, and gave it to several old men to examine, aud see if it was loaded. They blew down the barrel, thoroughly testing the emptiness of the arm. While they were examining it, I took the opportunity to pour a little powder into my left hand, over which I closed my fingers tightly, and, as the gun was handed back, I seized it by the muzzle with my left hand, allowing the powder to run down unperceived, while, at the same time, I stooped to the ground, and called their attention to my right hand, with which, having first opened the fingers, I seized a handful of ashes that laid on the ground where an old fire had gone out. I then held the ashes to the muzzle, and slowly poured the whole down the barrel. " Shoot that if you can, " said the juggler, in an exultant manner. I struck the gun several hard blows near the lock, to jolt some powder into the pan, and, raising -the hammer, pulled the trigger, when a loud report followed, throwing a cloud of ashes all around. The surprise of the savages was very great, and, bowing, I retired as a juggler while my credit was good. The juggler then performed several very good feats with bullets, successfully shifting them BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. from one to the other of three or four moccasins placed ationt a foot apart. This was well done, no one seeing how it could possibly be accomplished without detection. Several young men next carried each other around the circle by a small belt placed about the waist, and which they seized with their teeth One powerful warrior, who wore a small belt, took a heavily- built man in his arms, and lifted him off the ground, holding him thus while a third Indian seized the belt in his mouth, and carried both men around the ring. This brought forth loud applause from the spectators, and, indeed, it was merited. Presently, a little pony, stout and sturdy, was led into the ring, and its owner offered to give him to any one who would throw him down and hold him long enough to put on the bridle. This, I thought, was a chance for me, and I walked into the ring to try if 1 could throw him. I tried hard several times, but was finally compelled to give it up and retire, amid loud cheers and laughter from the lookers-on. Two or three warriors attempted to throw the pony, the little fellow standing quiet all the time, and never biting or kicking, as I had at first expected he would do. The owner of the animal, a light, active Indian, then came forward and said he would throw him, and actually did so, by seizing him by the fore legs, and raising his fore parts as high as three feet from the ground, then pulled him suddenly forward, and, quickly pushing him backward with a sidling motion, he fell on his back, and was instantly pinned to the ground by the agile Indian, who placed his knee on the animal's neck, and held him quiet until the bridle was put on and adjusted. He then allowed him to .:ise to his feet, and, leaping nimbly on his back, he galloped off. This ended the performances for one day. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXXIII. t nsrr TO THE MISSIONARY HIS ANXIETY FOR MY WELFARE A p TO GO HOME, OR BECOME A MISSIONARY I RESPECTFULLY DECLINE A VISIT TO .AN INDIAN SCHOOL SINGULAR METHOD OF TEACHING THE CHILDREN THE OBJECT OF IT PROMISE TO VISIT .THE MISSIONARY OFTEN FRENCH PETE, THE TRADER VISIT TO HIS STO&l^-I RELATE TO HIM MY HISTORY, AND HE TELLS ME A STORY. 1" WAS invited to visit the missionary, and upon going up -*- io the Mission House, was cordially welcomed by the good man, who took me to his rude study, where we conversed for several hours. The burthen of his discourse seemed to be the expression of a desire that I should renounce my Indian mode of Jiving, and either go back to my people again, or go into some business which would have for its object, the conversion of the savages to white men's ways. I pleaded my inability to handle such affairs as they should be, and stated, my present object in living among them was, to learn their language, man ners, habits, and customs, as well as to have some little ex perience of wild life. He finally dropped the subject, and presently asked, if I would like to visit the natives' school. I eagerly accepted his offer, and together we went to the banks of the creek, near which was a rude corral, with a shed over part of it, under which were seated, on the ground, some twenty" little Indian boys and girls. In their midst stood a BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 239 tall young Indian with a book in his hand, and I noticed that all the children had books. When recitation began, none of the children got up to their feet, but remained sitting, the teacher walking slowly around among his pupils, asking ques tions of this one, and that one, indiscriminately. Their books were printed in Washington by the Indian Bureau, and the letters were in Roman type, on ordinary printing paper. But all the words were spelled in the original Sioux language, and no English words were used at all. The recitations were altogether in Sioux. This surprised me very much, and I in quired, why they did not teach the children English? and what was the object of teaching them what every child of any Indian tribe learns from infancy, by hearing it from its parents ? The missionary explained, that they quickly learned to read and pronounce words of their own language, and that religious books were printed in the Sioux tongue, which were intended to be read by these same pupils, who were now just taught the meaning of these Roman hieroglyphics, that they might know them when they were again seen in religious works. This was one of the plans, he said, for conversion of the Indians. After listening to the proceedings of a Sioux school for over an hour, we walked back to the village, and while passing by the trader's store, I was warmly censured for neglecting of late my visits to the good man. Leaving the missionary to go to his home, I talked a little while with the trader, whom I had found to be quite an intelligent man, who knew many legends, and had had many adventures among the Sioux, which he said he would " trade," or exchange, for some narra tions of mine. The proposition pleased me, and I -said I would come down in the evening when he had closed the store, and we would have a talk in the back room, where we often sat. 240 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. The trader acquiesced, and asked me to bring tlie old man along who had been talking in front of my lodge the night before, "for," said he, "as I was coming up from the river, 1 heard part of his story, which was very interesting, but could not stay to hear it out." I promised I would bring the old man, and hurried home as fast as I could, for it was growing late, and I was very hungry. After supper, I went to the old man's teepee, but he would not then go with me to the trader's store, promising, however, he would be over by and by. So I walked over alone. I was shown into the back room, where many bales of beaver skins were stacked against the walls, and in a corner was spread a thick bed of buffalo robes. Throwing down a couple of beaver bales for seats, I sat down upon one of them and explained the cause of the old Indian's absence. My friend Pete (or French Pete), as the trader was called, had a good-looking squaw, who came to him, and he told her something in an undertone, when she left the room, an'd pres ently returned with a bottle of ginger wine " medicine," as Pete called it and we both took a dram. Then, as my friend cut off some tobacco, to mix with willow-bark for a smoke, he asked me to tell him how I came to live with the Santees, and where I had come from. I complied with his request; told him of my history and of the Pawnee raid ; after which, 1 lit my pipe, and settled myself to hear the trader's story. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 211 CHAPTER XXXIV. TEK TRADER'S STORY ST. PAUL IN EARLY TIMES FAILURE OF THE INDIAN TRADE PANIC AMONG THE INDIAN TRADERS OFF FOR THE SAVAGE TRIBES PURCHASING INDIAN GOODS FORT RANDALL MEETING WITH THE LA FROMBE BROTHERS WHAT THEY SAID CAMPING IN THE OLD RANCHE STRANGE VOICES A FRONTIER SUPPER SINGULAR NOISES THE ALARM A HEAD ABOVE THE WALL WAITING FOB THE ENEMY IMAGINED SECURITY INTERVIEWING THE SAVAGES DEATH OF THE MAN ON THE WALL PREP ARATIONS FOR THE BATTLE THE INDIAN WAR-WHOOP. " T WAS living up in St. Paul (Minnesota), about six *- years ago/' he began, " and the Indians having gone elsewhere to do their trading that season, business was very dull. " St. Paul, at that time, was only a big trading post, and but few settlers had moved there. The Indian trade was the life of the place, and one season's failure in this trade cause?! quite a panic among the traders, many of whom had put every cent of cash they could get into large stocks of goods, on which they expected to double their money. Their disappoint ment was very great, therefore, and several of them boxed up their stores and moved back east, while others sold out for what they could get, fully believing that the Indian trade at St. Paul was at an end. Whole stocks of goods were sacrificed at small figures, and I concluded to give up my situation as clerk in a trader's store, and with what cash I had saved up, buy some 2 12 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. goods and go where the Indians lived. This I did ; and having three ponies already, I purchased another, to be paid for when I returned, and loading my stock of blankets, squaw-cloth, beads, paint, looking-glasses, hawk-bells, wampum, necklaces, shells, brass wire, and sheet silver, started for the Missouri River country. I got along well enough until I reached the Yankton village (near where Fort Randall now stands), and -did a little trading there, after which I started up the river, when I met, on the second day's journey, two of the La Frombe boys, and as I knew them both well, when they were with their brother, Frank La Frombe, a trader at St. Paul, I was, of course, glad to meet them, and they were ,also glad to see me again. They were going down to Sioux City, on no particular business, and I tried to get them to go along with me, but they said that the Sioux and they were not on very good terms, and they had concluded to stay away from them, lest they might have trouble. I endeavored to ascertain the cause of the ill- feeling between the boys and the Sioux, but both of them kept very mum, and would not tell me. Presently, I changed the subject, and began asking them for information which might enable me to easily find the Indian villages. By the time we got through talking, it was getting on toward night, and Baptiste, one of the boys, said we had better go back for about a mile and a half, on the road they had just come, where we should find an old log shanty, built by a man named Bremer, some two or three years before, and in which we could all pass the night. I would find, they said, four walls to inclose my ponies for safety, and a good fire-place to cook in. So Baptiste, Louis ; and myself, moved leisurely along the road, conversing all the way, until we reached the old house. By this time it was dark : 30 dark, that if the boys had not known exactly where the BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 24* house stood, we might have passed within a few feet of it and not seen it. " I tied ray ponies' lariats all together, and allowed them to feed just outside the building. The boys hunted around foi sticks to build a fire with, and had soon raked together an arm-load of weeds and brush. We found no fire-place, how ever, and had to tramp down the weeds for three or four feet inside the house to make sufficient room to build our fire. "Soon a bright blaze rewarded our efforts, and leading the ponies up to the door, one at a time, I unloaded them, and laid my packs down inside the house. Then hoppling their feet, 1 let them get some more grass before tying them up foi the night. I now went inside to get something to eat, and found the La Frombe boys had the hind-quarter of an ante lope on one of their saddles, and as I had some coffee, a little sugar, and some Indian bread, we soon -made a hearty meal. I ate fast and got through as quickly as I could. The La Frombes were but half done eating when I finished, and then sat waiting for the bone of one of the antelope quarters to roast a little more for Baptiste. Presently, as I was busy untying the hopples, and bringing my own and the boys' ponies inside, I thought I heard some one talking out on the prairie, a hundred or a hundred and fifty yards distant. I was just untying the hopples on the last pony, when I again heard voices distinctly, and I raised up to my feet and listened, but hearing nothing more, concluded I had been mistaken, and went into the house with the ponies. I did not say any thing to the boys about having heard the voices, for fear it might turn out to be a false alarm, and I would get laughed at. Lighting my pipe, I drew the buckle of my belt a little tighter, and went to the opening, which had once been a door-place, and, leaning against the wall, 244 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. smoked and listened. Tlie La Frorabes were still eating awa) and conversing to each other, and I began to think of what harm could attend us, even if Indians were in the vicinity, for they were not at war with the whites, and I had heard lately of no depredations being committed by them. P'shaw ! there was nothing to fear after all,' I said to myself, ' but might they not be around trying to steal stock?' "Here was food for my thoughts, and I was busily turning the matter over, when I noticed a sudden cessation of the conversation between the La Frombe boys. Each sat by the fire, their mouths open, their eyes half closed, and appa rently listening to sounds outside. In a moment more, Louis La Frombe got up very cautiously, and carefully avoiding to break any of the tall weeds as he stepped, went to the corner farthest from the fire, where all our rifles were, and quietly removing his own from the stack, came back to the fire, and spoke a few words to Baptiste, who got up and went for his rifle. I now had my suspicions aroused, and mo tioned for Baptiste to bring my gun with him, which he did. "When he got to the door, where I was still standing, my ears stretched to catch any sound that might betray the existence of an enemy outside. Baptiste whispered to me, and asked if I had heard it. ' Heard what?' I inquired. 'Some one talking out side the wall, on the side opposite the door,' Baptiste replied. * Louis heard it,' he added, ' but when I listened, I could n't hear any thing but the sucking of your pipe.' I led Baptiste over to where Louis was, and told both of them what I had heard myself. 'They've followed us, Baptiste!' said Louis. ' let us put something in the doorway, for they 've found us, pure as we live, and we must fight.' In a few minutes, we had arranged my packs, and the saddles, so as to form a tolerable BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 245 barricade in the door, and each of us arranged our arms and ammunition so as to have them at hand in case of sudden need. Then we waited in silence for something to transpire. After we had been quietly watching and listening for a long time/ and the fire had gone down until the blaze died out, and the coals only remained gleaming in the ashes, I began to feel more easy, and to believe that the night breeze which rustled the tall weeds around the old house, had made the noise imagined by all of us to be human voices. So I took out my pipe, cut some tobacco, and filling it, went to the fire to get a light. Going back to the boys, who sat leaning against the wall, their guns in their hands, I said, ' Louis, what did you mean, when you said awhile ago, that the Indians had found you out, and had followed you?' 'We had a little difficulty with some Santees about two days ngo, and Baptiste killed a girl by acci dent, while shooting at a warrior, who was the brother of Baptiste's squaw/ he replied. He then said, ' The warrior and Baptiste had a quarrel about a pony trade, and the wind-up of the affair was, each tried to killed the other, the Indian firing first, missed Baptiste, who, instead of taking steady aim, as he had plenty of time to do, jerked up his gun, and fired at the fellow, missing him, and hitting a girl in the throat, killing her almost instantly/ ' That 's the whole of it, and the cause of our traveling eastwarcfy added Baptiste. "'The confounded brutes are after us, or I thought they were only a little while ago/ said Louis. " f Well, it 's a tough piece of business, boys/ said I, ' and I am surprised at Baptiste using his rifle to settle a quarrel about such an affair as a pony trade/ " 'Oh, this is not the first time his hot-headedness has got us both into trouble/ said Louis; 'he had to get on a bender 15 246 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. down at Sioux City last fall, when we went with the Sioux U do some trading, and Baptiste quarreled with a white man, and drew his revolver and shot him four times, killing him dead. The man also shot Baptiste through the leg, and he was laid up for two months from it.' "'Boys/ said I, 'one thing is clear: you and I have been mistaken about hearing voices outside, for if there had been any Indians close, we would have heard from them an hour ago. Let us spread out our blankets and lie down, then we can listen, and all stay awake as long as we want, or take turns in watching.' This was readily agreed to, and still keeping our guns with us, laid down on our backs, with our coats doubled up under our heads for pillows. We lay thus for over an hour, when suddenly, I thought I saw something like a bunch of grass waving near the corner of the "wall, on the side of the house opposite the door. There was no roof on the house, only the walls being left standing. So we laid under the sky. I watched the corner very closely, where I thought I had seen the grass move, and in a minute saw the same thing again; this time I made it out against the sky to be a bunch of feathers. Slowly it rose above the wall, and then a head covered with long 1 , black, shining hair, appeared, peering cautiously down inside the old house to see if we were there. "After a moment's survey of our quarters, the head as slowly and silently withdrew. 'Did you see that?' I whispered to Baptiste, who laid near me. 'Yes,' he replied, 'only let it come up there again ! ' He raised the muzzle of his rifle, for the purpose of having it ready for instant use, when the head should appear ; but Louis seized the barrel, and told Baptiste to hold up, and not to shoot too quickly, or he might repent it. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 247 I told the boys that ' as we are now positive our fears are not without foundation, and that, beyond a doubt, the Indians are around us in large numbers, as they would not start on the trail of two such men as the La Frombe brothers; without having superio: numbers and arms, so as to ensure their success, I will go outside and try to find out what they are after, and see if talking can not send them off'.' " ' It will be of no use, I can tell you,' said Baptiste, ' they are after me, and will do their utmost to get me. All your ponies and stock would not tempt them to leave us alone.' " ' I will try it anyhow,' I said, ' only I want you to promise not to use your rifle until I first see what can be done.' Louis and Baptiste both agreed to this, and, leaning my rifle against the door within easy reach, I put my two revolvers in uiy beltj and jumping over the barricade, I called out: " ' SiouxJ my friends.' " ' What is it ? ' answered two voices. "'I wish to- talk with you in peace, and find out why you are here, and what you want; I have left my gun in the house and do not want to shoot you, or have you shoot me. Will you talk with me ? ' " ' We do not know you. You have a strange voice ; yet, you speak our language. What do they call you ? ' " ' I am a trader from the big trading place in Minnesota, and am on my way to visit your people to trade with them. I have four ponies loaded with fine goods/' I replied. " ( We are your friends ; and, if you are ours, you must pack up your ponies and go on your road to the village, which is only two days' travel. We want you to leave the men inside of the house, for we have been hunting them for two days, and aave now just found them.' 248 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. "'I am an old friend of theirs and their brother, and would wish to know why you are after them.' " ( They killed one of our tribe, and we come for revenge. We must kill them ; will you go on toward the village to night, or remain with them and be killed? If you start now, you will be safe ; but, if you stay, you will die, for there are twenty-two of us, and we declare we will kill all we find in the house, after the fight begins/ " ' If I give you a blanket apiece, and some presents, will you leave us and go away ? ' I asked. "'No, we want the men, and do not care for ponies or presents,' the speaker replied. "'Don't talk with the durned skunks any longer, Pete,' said Baptiste, ' come inside, or what would be better for you, tell them you will go on to their tillage to-night, and go. Louis and I can either clean them out, or get away from them before morning.' I refused to entertain the proposition of going on, and leaving them to fight their enemies alone, and immediately told the Sioux, that ' I had traveled a long way to visit them, and had always been friendly with all other branches of their tribe, but I could not think of leaving my own countrymen to fight such an unequal battle, when I might aid them by remaining.' I said, I would rather lose every thing I possessed, than shoot one Indian, yet, if they would attack the two men, I would stay and assist them. I had just concluded this reply, when 'crash,' went a rifle inside the building, and I heard the heavy thud of a body dropping on the ground, below the corner where I had seen the head peering over the wall. Quickly I leaped over the barricade, and gained the inside of the building, where Bap tiste was engaged hastily reloading his rifle, having just BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 249 ,dded one more to his long list of notches on the stick. I eized my trusty rifle, and placed myself beside Louis, who vas guarding the door. There was now a great jabbering ,mong the Indians, who were carrying away their dead com- ade; then, after a few moments' silence, the most unearthly r ells, which ever met human ears, arose in the still midnight ir. 250 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXXV THK ATTACK THE REPULSE FIRING THE PRAIRIE .jfKENGTHEISINO OU1 WORKS LOUIS IS WOUNDED A BROADSIDE AT THE INDIANS GOOD EFFECT* OF A DOUBLE-BARRELED GUN" A TRUCE CARRYING OFF THE DEAD INDIA? " STRATEGY ALL READY AGAIN RENEWAL OF THE BATTLE TOMAHAWKED DEATH OF BAPTISTS ESCAPE OF LOUIS RETURN TO CONSCIOUSNESS KIND NESS OF THE INDIANS al JOIN THE TRIBE AND GET BACK MY GOODS TRAD ING IN THB INDIAN CAMP THE PROFITS OFF TO ST. LOUIS FOR MORD GOODS END OF THE TRADER'S STORY. " A MOMENT of painful silence succeeded the yell of tlu -^^- savages, and then we could hear their suppressed breath ing, as the red devils crawled under the old walls of the shanty. I held a position on the left of the doorway, where I could have an opportunity of seeing any one who approached from the right, and Louis remained on the right side, where he could command the left of the doorway. While we were straining our eyes and ears to hear every sound, Baptiste suddenly fired, and shot another Indian from the top of the old wall, where he had climbed. We heard the body drop with a thud outside, where the first had fallen. The noise of voices, all talking together, and much excited, as on the previous occasion, waa heard, and we felt that a great struggle was at hand. " For about a minute not a sound was heard, not even the breathing of the villains outside the walls. Suddenly the ky BELDEX: THE WHITE OHIEF. 251 grew red with the light of burning prairie grass, which had been heaped up around the old building, not with the intention 3t roasting us out, for that was impossible, but to make a light, so the savages could see where to attack to the best ad vantage. They also wished to prevent us from seeing where ;hey kept themselves outside the blazing circle. Had they not ittacked us immediately, the fire would have been to oilr ad vantage, for we could see and have time to strengthen the bar- *icade. " With a small hatchet, which I carried with me for camp use, md a butcher-knife, I dug up sufficient earth to fill one of the :racks in the door, and had almost done working at it, when a ihower of arrows came rattling over the top of the barricade nto the shanty, several of which struck the ponies, causing mite a panic among them. We had no time to trouble about ,he ponies, however, for, while I watched the door, Baptiste tied i piece of calico around Louis's leg, an arrow having slightly rvounded him, just below the knee. His wound was not dan gerous or painful, but bled profusely. While Baptiste was ying on the bandage, I saw several savages leap over the smoldering fire near the building, and rush in a body at our Barricade. I quickly called to the boys to come on, and we aised our guns, and, taking deliberate aim Baptiste at those MI the left, Louis at those on the right, and myself at the cen- ;er of the yelling mass we fired. The boys each got hia nan, and my old double-barreled rifle knocked down one In- Kan dead, and badly wounded two more. I still had a load .11 reserve, but not long, for, believing our guns to be empty, ;hey came yelling on with bows and hatchets in their hands. E quickly fired again, and five of them were badly wounded by my second shot. In alarm and astonishment, they 252 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. way, evidently having never seen or felt the effects of a double barreled gun before. " They were now so weak in force, and so badly demoralized, that they waved a blanket, and called out: 'No fire again little while.' This was a truce we were not sorry to accept, hoping they would, in a short time, go away. I told the boys to grant their request, and soon saw the dark shadows busily engaged dragging off the dead and wounded, who lay in front of the building. I called out, and asked them to tell us when they were ready to begin again, that we were now impatient to have a good fight, and wished them to hurry, as it was only amusement for us. The answer to my request was, that they would notify us when they were ready, or, as they expressed it, ' Good ! tell you by and by.' The dusky forms were seen flitting now and then in front of us, and stealthily moving over the ground, as if searching for some article they had dropped during the advance upon the building. AVhile we were quietly watching these shadows, one of them called out, ' Ready ? ' ' Yes ! ' I answered. ' Well, all right/ he said ; and just as we laid our guns over the barricade to repulse them from the front, where the speaker stood, a dozen big savages dropped from the top of the wall into the house, and rushed upon us before we had time to take our rifles off the barricade. Smash! crash! bang! went the heavy rifle butts, and over rolled the warriors, one after another, until five laid on the ground, where the frightened ponies kicked and tramped them so badly that two were killed outright. The rest of the party, who were outside, now dashed over the door barricade, and then some one from behind knocked me down with a hatchet. I must have been unconscious for several hours, for, when I recovered, the moon was up very high; and it had uot BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 255 yet begun to rise when the fight was going on. I found my self lying on a buffalo robe outside the old building, and sev eral Indians squatting on the ground about ten feet distant, dividing my goods and trinkets, which they had found inside the ranche. One of the Indians saw me turn over, or, perhaps, heard me groan, as I endeavored to turn my head in the direction they were, for he said : ' 'Merican man, he awake ; what shall we do now ? ' A low conversation was held among them, which I could not hear, when presently a warrior came to me, and said : ' Brother, you have acted very foolishly in helping those two bad men against us. You have been nearly killed, and would have been killed outright, only that we knew the two bad men had cast a spell on you, and you could not help doing what you did. Are you very sick ? ' " * No,' I replied ; ' where are the Frombes ? ' " ' There is one of them/ said the warrior, pointing to poor Baptiste, whose body dangled from the wall, over which he had been hung with his own lariat. His head looked white on the top, in the moonlight, and I knew it was because the scalp had been removed. ' The other one got away/ continued the warrior, l but he can not escape, for good hunters are after him; and we are waiting here until they return. He was badly wounded before he got on his pony, so badly, that if any one had noticed him in time, we could have caught him before he mounted/ " ' What are you going to do with me?' I inquired. "'You told us you were going to our village/ he answered; 1 and you can go with us.' " But what is the use of my going to the village, when you have taken away all my goods?' 256 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. " 'If you will join our tribe, and help us fight our enemies, we will give you back every thing we have taken.' " ' I will do it/ I said, 'if you do not 'ask me to fight my own people.' " ' We will not ask that of you/ the warrior answered, as he brought me my ponies, and assisted me to pack my tilings on the saddles. Then, bringing me my double-barreled gun, he stooped down and tied up my head with a piece of tanned elk-skin, and bound some cooling leaves over the wound, which made me feel quite comfortable. "In about half an hour we heard a shout, apparently a long distance to the westward, and the Indians with whom I had been conversing answered it, and then hurriedly directed me to ' mount and come on.' All jumped on their ponies, and, get ting behind my pack animals, whipped them into a fast pace. We soon came upon the party who had been pursuing Louis, ind I saw that the leader, a petty chief, held in his hand Louis's rifle. I was sure he had killed him, but could not account for he absence of the pony he had rode. My fears were soon set at rest, however, by the chief telling my Indian friend that Louis had swam the river on his pony, and had shot at them just before he went into the water's edge, and then dropped his rifle, which they had fished out. They said they fired some twenty arrows at Louis as he swam beside his pony, but they could not tell whether he was struck or not, as they did not see any one coming out on the other bank of the river, but admitted it was too dark to see him, even if he had emerged. " I felt thankful for Louis's escape, but discreetly said noth ing. We now tramped along about a mile further, and then halted and encamped for the night. While we were lying BELDEX : THE WHITE CHIEF. 257 around the fire, and I was asleep, an Indian came and shook me, and said: ' Why do you groan and make such a noise?' I told him I did not know I had done so, as I was asleep, and that my wounded head was probably the cause of it. He said, 'Your wounds are nothing look at those six warriors over there! they are every one worse hurt than yourself, yet they do not groan or make such a fuss; we can not sleep.' I got up and went to one of the Indians who was awake, and who was the same one I had hurt with the buckshot of my double-barreled gun. Presently all awoke, and I asked one of them if I could do any thing for him. He said he wanted water, and I immediately brought him some. They all drank prodigiously, their wounds making them feverish and thirsty. "Next morning, we moved out early, and by night reached the village. I bought a teepee, and put my goods up for trade, ajid, in a short time, sold out, at good prices, all I had. I then went to Sioux City, where I got on a steamboat, and hur ried to St. Louis for more goods. I found Indian trading very profitable, and ever since then I have engaged in it, more or less, among the different tribes. " About a year ago, while at old Fort Pierre, on the west side of the Missouri, I met Louis La Frombe, and found him well and hearty. He said he had been badly wounded, and, after fording the river, in which he received an arrow in the shoulder, the shaft remaining in for two days, he had laiu down on the opposite bank, utterly exhausted and helpless. He fell asleep, and his pony strayed off a mile or two, putting him to a great deal of trouble to find him; but he finally succeeded, and moved up the river to the fort, where the traders had ex tracted the arrow and attended him until his wounds were 23 258 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. healed. They had to keep him concealed all the time, how ever, for fear the Sioux, who came there occasionally, would find him." Thus ended the trader's story, with which I was much pleased; and, after tasting the "medicine" again, and having a HttJe conversation about his goods, prospects in trade, und other matters, we parted for the night. EELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 259 CHAPTER XXXVI. TRADITIONS O* THE SIOUX NATION-^THEIR ORIGIN AND EARLY BISTORT, %I TOLD BY THEMSELVES DIVISION OF THE ASSINIBOINES FROM THE SIOUX THE LOTE OF A FAITHLESS WOMAN CAUSES WAR. evening I had a long conversation with some old men of the tribe, during which the missionary was present, about the Sioux and Santees. I learned that they had, as far back as the oldest warrior could remember, been a separate band. Their forefathers had told them they originally lived in Minnesota ; but they could not tell me any thing beyond that, and believed they had always lived there. This idea has some foundation in the word Minnesota, which is a Sioux word, meaning " minne," water, " sota," bleared or turbid, L e., tur bid water. This I readily ascertained from knowing' that the word " blear-eyed," or, as the Sioux call it, " an eye with troubled water," is, in their language, " ees-ta " (eye) " so-to " (bleared or turbid), that is, " blear-eyed." The Sioux never call themselves Sioux, but Da-ko-ta. The term Sioux is a mere nickname given them many years ago by the first white men that came among them, who were French men.* The language they speak is called " La-co-ta," a word * The name of Sioux that we give to these Indians is entirely of our own making, or, rather, it is the last two syllables of the name Nadouea- aioux, as many nations call them. (Extract from letter of Charlevoix, in 1721. See Neill's History of Minnesota, page 51.) 2GO BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. of their own. the " la " being substituted for " da " to distin guish the word man from language. The word Da-ko-ta, b) which they prefer to be called, signifies " allied, or joined to gether in love," and is the same as our motto, E pluribus A writer of a mission history, published over two hundred years ago, says : " For sixty leagues from the extremity of the upper lake, toward sunset, and, as it were, in the center of tlie western nations, they have all united their forces by a general league." The Da-ko-tas, as far back as we have any record of them up to the present time, d"re called Soos, Scioux, and Sioux. For many hundred years the Indians of Lake Superior were at war with the Dakotas, and when they speak of them they call them the Na-do-way Sioux, which, in Ojiboway lan guage, means " enemy." From this we have the derivation for Sioux. I also learned from the missionary, who had made the origin and early life of the Sioux nation his study, that from a very early period the tribe had been divided into three great nations or bands the I-san-ya-ti, or the 'Is-sa-ti, the name of one of the lakes where they lived. The principal band of the Is-sa-tis was the M'de-wa-kan-ton-wan, pronounced " Meddy-waw- kawn-twawn." The second great baud was the "I-hank-ton- wan," or Yankton. They formerly lived north of the Minne sota Hiver, and are now on the eastern banks of the Missouri River, near Fort Randall, D. T. The third band was the "Ti- ton-wans," who lived farther west than the I-hank-ton- wans. This tribe was sometimes called the " Tin-ton-wans," a corrup tion of the original name. The pronunciation of the name is Tee--t\vawons. In the last great band is embraced the bands known as Santees, Ogallalas, and Brules, who never appear BEKDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 261 in sight of emigrants' wagons on the prairies, but their hearts fill with painful apprehensions. North of the Dakotas, on Lake of the Woods, winch is con nected with Lake Superior, are the Assiniboines. They were once a band of the Sioux nation, and speak the language at this day. An old San- tee said he remembered a story, which had been handed down for many generations in his tribe, relating to the Assini boines. According to this tradition, they are Sioux, and had always been, but the whites called them by another name. The following was given as the cause o f their separation from the main Sioux tribe : A young warrior loved the wife of another warrior, and whenever the latter was absent from home the young man went to the warrior's teepee, and talked to his squaw. She began to like him; and they enjoyed each other's company for many days, till at last the warrior, having noticed unmistakable signs of the faithlessness of his wife, threatened her with instant denth unless she dismissed her lover. He then went to the council house ; and, as soon as he had gone, the guilty woman hurried to her lover's lodge, and acquainted him with all that 262 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. bad passed. While she still talked to him the husbaud came into the tent for his squaw ; and a quarrel ensued between the young man and the warrior. They came to blows; which were soon exchanged for weapons; and the husband met his Heath at the hands of the young man. The husband's relations, among whom was his aged lather, went to get the body of the warrior, which still lay in the youi>g man's lodge, where it had fallen ; and, on the way to the teepee, the father's party were met by some friends of the young man, and a fight en sued, in which three of the guilty man's friends were killed. The father then went back, and raised a party of sixty warri ors, who declared war against the seducer and his friends. Several battles were fought; and the whole tribe finally joined in the war, the sides being almost equal in numbers. The af fair ended in a revolt upon the part of the seducer and his adherents, who in time became a separate people, and are now called the Assiniboines. So ended the tradition, which is th story of another woman who caused a war. BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 263 CHAPTER XXXVII. FHK IN l/i >N SWEAT-LODGE HOW IT IS BUILT MANNER OF USING IT BO 1 THE IK..IANS TREAT THEIR SICK OLD MEN AND WOMEN OP NO ACCOUNT INDIAN SCIENCE OF MEDICINE I GET SICK THE MISSIONARY'S MEDICINE I GROW WORSE ANXIETY OF MY SQUAW SHE CONSULTS WITH THE OLD MED ICINE MAN WHAT THEY DID A STUBBORN DOCTOR AND WIFE I AM TO BB KILLED OB CUR'ED TERRIBLE SWEAT i FAINT FROM EXHAUSTION THEY TRY TO DROWN ME RAPID RECOVERY WONDERFUL BENEFICIAL EFFECTS OF *H SWEAT-BATH OASES IN WHICH THE SWEAT-BATH IS NEVER USED. ON many occasions, when traveling over the Indian coun try, I found old deserted camps, in nearly every one of which, where the Indians had staid any time, were the skeleton or bent poles of the sweat lodges. These were not peculiar to any tribe, but alike in the camps of Arrapahoes, Cheyennes, Pawnees, and Sioux. A description of this curious institution will not be out of place. Unlike any other teepee, it is made of stout willows, two and three inches in thickness, which are bent, and both ends pushed into the ground firmly. When all the poles are thus set, they are in the shape of a large wire rat- trap. This Ixlge is only about four feet high, and is covered with good elk or buffalo hide, devoid of holes or open seam?. The circumference of the lodge at its base is usually eighteen feet. When the canvas or hide covering is well stretched over it, the edges next the ground are firmly held to the earth by large heavy stones. On the inside of the lodge the ground is 16 264 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. smoothed, and in the center a hole is dug for a fire-place, in which some ten or twelve large stones are always kept in readi ness should any person need a sudden sweat. If the science of medicine is not known, or there is no med icine "man present with the band, the Indians are very solici tons and superstitious about their sick. The Sioux are well /ersed in anatomy, but the great secret of the causes and effects of circulation of the blood is not known among any of these Indians. All they know is, that it is essential to life that the blood should be kept in the body. This they have discovered from simple causes, such as seeing persons bleed to death from wounds, or becoming weak from some slight accident, causing little or no pain. They know that when they kill. an enemy, unless he is shot through the heart or brain, he generally lives till his blood is all gone, when he dies, but why, they can not tell. The young people who get sick are well taken care of, in nearly every instance, but the old men and women are often neglected, because, whenever they have any thing ailing them, the people of the tribe think it is sinful to try and cure them. They say whenever the Great Spirit calls for an aged person, "whose days have been long on the earth, they should go." So they allow nature, in such cases, k> take its course. If the aged person gets well, it is all right, but if he dies, it is all the same. To effect a cure for many maladies, the Indians prac tice what is known as the "steaming process." The sick person is stripped, taken into the tent just described, and the opening or door firmly closed, to exclude all air. A fire is then built in the middle of the lodge, and a dozen stones heated as hot as they can be made. "Water is next poured on these stones, whicn creates a great deal of vapor. The sick person is kept in BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 265 the lodge until the vapor subsides, when he is taken oiit com pletely exhausted, and repeatedly plunged into cold water. This is done as quickly as possible after taking the patient from the sweat-house. The sweat-house is always built near the banks of a body of cold water, so that the patient may not be subjected to the air but a moment or two before being soused. I became very unwell, one day, from the effects of the hot weather and tepid water we always had to drink, having been used to the water of the Missouri River, which is tolerably cold. I kept in my teepee all day, and ate but little. But the following night I had a violent attack of pain in my stomach, and I sent my squaw, about one o'clock in the morning, to the missionary's, to see if he had any laudanum or cathartics. She returned with a small phial of laudanum, of which I took pretty large doses. My pain was relieved for about an hour, but re turned again. All the next day I experienced violent pains, and I suppose they would have killed me had not my solicitous squaw gone over to the old medicine man and told him of my condition. He came into the teepee with the squaw, and, not heeding my remonstrances, they gathered up the corners of the robe I was lying on and started off with me. I abused the squaw and medicine man outrageously, and promised the squaw a geod thrashing when I should get well ; but the old medicine man, who seemed to be used to cross pa tients, only said, " He very sick ; he be better by and by. We Bweat him heap." So, not minding my ravings and abuse, they carried me to the sweat-lodge and laid me down on the ground, when the squaw left me and went into a teepee, and brought out a burning stick, which she carried into the little house built close under the banks of the river. I saw smoke issuing from the crevices, and p-esently the medicine man was told all was in 266 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. readiness. The squaw then went with a sheet-iron kettle to the river, and returned with it full of water. She set the bucket down by the little house, and, at the direction of the old man brought a long lariat, which he tied around my body under the arms. After this, he and the squaw completely stripped me and, holding to the lariat, the old man said, " Get up now, if you can." I tried, but I was too weak to rise. He and the squaw then pulled me to my feet, and, lifting me off the ground, carried me into the sweat-house. Here they placed me on my feet again, the old man holding me up while the squaw spread out a buffalo robe on the ground. I was next laid down on the robe, close by the fire, and as soon as this was accomplished, the old man received the kettle of cold water from the squaw, and poured it on the hot stones, which hissed and fumed until a dense vapor and smoke filled the place. The old man hastily retired, and the opening in the lodge by which I had entered was securely closed from the outside. The hissing and sputtering of the water upon the stones was any thing but pleasant to me, and in a little while I could scarcely breathe, so dense was the steam, and the great drops of perspi ration oozed from' every pore; then my whole body began to grow clammy with moisture, and I called out to the old man, whom I heard walking around the outside of the lodge, shak ing a couple of rattling gourds, that I had enough of it, and to take me out or I should die. He paid no attention to my cries, and I began to believe I really should die, so I called the squaw to help me, but she would not answer me. Then I lost all consciousness, for how long I know not, but I was revived by experiencing a drowning sensation, and in a moment felt myself raised to the surface of the water by means of the rope BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 267 around my body, one end of which the old man, who was stand ing on the trunk of a cottonwood tree, held in his hands. With wonderful rapidity I felt myself reviving and my for mer strength returning, and, after receiving one or two extra douches, I struck out for the shore. I was seized at the bank by the old fellow, who helped me out, and he and the squaw began a series of heavy rubbing with a buffalo-skin towel, which almost curried the hide off my back and ribs. After being completely dried, I put on my limited wardrobe, and, singularly enough, felt all right ; in fact, as well as if I had never expe rienced a day's sickness in my whole life. * I have many times since seen the sweat remedy employed for nearly all the diseases the Indians have, and in most instances it relieved the sufferer. The exceptions where the weat-bath is not used, is where the person is dying, or a warrior has been wounded ir battle. 268 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XXXVIII. XIQHT SCENES IN AN INDIAN VILLAGE CHANTS OF THE MEDICINE MBN SMOKING, STORY TELLING, AND DANCING WILD YOUNG MEN A STOKY TELL ING PEOPLE GOOD LISTENERS PRESERVATION OF HISTORICAL EVENTS AMONG THE SIOUX REMARKABLE CORRECTNESS OF THEIR NARRATIVES WHAT NIEL SAYS ABOUT THEM WAR SONGS DEEDS OF THE FOREFATHERS WHAT THg YOUNG MEN ARE TAUGHT INDIAN GIRLS THEIR COQUETRY CHILDHOOD OP THE INDIAN GIRL HER MARRIED LIFE ONE OF SLAVERY THE WAR PATH CONSECRATION OF ANIMALS WAR AND CHASE DANCES. IF you strolled through an Indian village at night, you would be sure to hear the unearthly chanting of the med icine man endeavoring to exorcise some spirit from a sick man; or you would see a group lounging about, whiffing, out of their sacred red-stone pipes, the smoke of red willow bark. A common sight, too, is that of young men sneaking around a lodge, and waiting for the lodge fire to cease blazing before they perpetrate some deed of mischief. You would also hear a low, wild drumming, and observe a group of men naked, with the exception of a girdle about their loins, and daubed with vermilion, engaged in some of the grotesque and exciting dances of the nation, and others, again, praying for the suc cess of the expedition which they proposed making on the morrow. Again would be seen and heard the groups of story tellers, BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 269 and the occasional song sung by the hearers at the end of each narrative. , The Sioux are the greatest people in the world for story telling, and their attention, when others are telling stories, ia quite as remarkable as their colloquial powers. Some of their tales and legends are very beautiful, and many of them are marvelous. 1 shall find occasion to repeat a few of them in another part of this work. As before related, the manner in which historical events and traditionary legends are preserved among the Indians, is by their old men retaining the facts in their memory ; and occa sionally in the cool evenings of summer, when the people are lying around their villages, without having any hunt- ting or warfare on their hands, telling them to listening groups. The Indians are possessed of peculiarly retentive memories, and are always respectful and attentive listeners to the narra tives of their old men. A tale once heard is remembered by the hearers for years, and, in like manner, is handed down by them to another generation. Thus, events of many centuries are transmitted to posterity, and all the facts are remarkably well preserved, and, what is still more wonderful, are nar rated without comparatively any change from the original version. , x As Ngil, the historian, says, " You might enter a Da kota village at midnight, and you would be almost sure to see some few huddled around the fire of a teepee, listen ing to the tale of an old warrior who has often been en gaged in bloody conflicts with their old and present enemies, the whites;" or you might hear some legendary tale of deeds and events of the forefathers of the nation, who lived 270 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. several hundred years before white men were known to tlu Indians. The earliest songs to which an Indian boy listens are those of war, and his delight is in hearing, during the long sum mer evenings, stories of bloodshed, and the deeds his forefathers did before he was born. As soon as the child begins to walk about, if a male, he is, as has already been said, furnished with a little bow and some blunt-headed arrows, which are the only playthings he is allowed. The little girls are early instructed in the art of paint ing their faces, ornamenting their ears with rings, their necks with beads, and their little moccasins with porcupine quills. They soon become adepts in the art of coquetry, and cause many a bashful youth to rue the day of his birth. The days of her childhood are the only happy or pleasant days the Indian girl ever knows. As soon as she is wedded to a warrior, her life of toil and drudgery begins, which ends only at her grave. This subject will be treated of more fully in a subsequent chapter. With the boy it is quite different. The first thing he is taught, as being truly noble and manly, s taking a scalp, and he is eager until it is done. At the age of sixteen he is frequently on the war path. When his friends think he has arrived at the proper age to go to war, he is pre sented with weapons, one giving him a bow, another arrows, another a knife, and still another a horse. He makes his own war-club. He then consecrates certain animals, or parts of animals, which he vows never to eat until he has slain an en emy. After he has killed one enemy, he is at liberty to eat a certain portion of the animal from which he agreed to abstain. If he kills another enemy, the prohibition is taken off another BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 271 part, until finally, by deeds of bravery, he has emancipated himself from his oath. Before young men go out on a war party, they endeavor to propitiate their patron deity by a feast, music, and dancing. During the night, before they are to start, they perform the " Shield Dance," and follow the wild performance by ftastingj drumming, dancing, and singing, interspersed with fierce shrieki and yells. 272 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIE^. CHAPTER XXXIX. A SIOUX DOCTOR DERIVATION OF THE TERM MEDICINE MAN SUPERSTITIOH ABOUT TAILS SUCKING DISEASE OUT OF A PATIENT SENDING FOR THE DOC TOR WAR PROPHETS FUNNY WAY OF VISITING A PATIENT SYMBOLS AND CHARMS CASTING THE BAD SPIRIT OUT OF A SICK MAN A WATER-CURE THE IMAGE SHOOTING THE IMAGE PERILOUS POSTURE OF A WOMAN BCRYIXO ' THE IMAGE WA-KAN TON-KA ANOTHER KIND OF INDIAN DOCTOR THB PROPHETS THEIR FUNCTIONS AND EGOTISM RECEPTION OF WAR PARTIES PAINTING AND DYEING SCALPS DANCING THE SCALPS HOW THE CERE MONY IS PERFORMED GOURD-RATTLES A MISTAKEN THEORY ABOUT SCALP DANCING WHAT BECOMES OF THE SCALP AFTER IT IS DANCED HOW THE WARRIOR WEARS IT- THE EAGLE' S FEATHER WITH A RED SPOT THE RED AND BLACK HAND THE MEDICINE MEN OF THE M ? DEWANKANTON- WAN TRIBE FREEMASONRY OF THE OANKTAHEE IMITATION OF A MEDICINE MAN A SEVERE ORDEAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CEREMONY CHANTS OF THE MEDICINE MEN THEIR TRANSLATION AN ABSURD CONCEIT WHAT A MEDI CINE BAG IS MADE OUT OF THE CONTENTS OF ONE EXPOSED. UNTIL the past few years, the Sioux, whenever any sick ness happened, believed they were possessed by the spirit of some snake, bird, or animal. The Crow story of the super stitious of that tribe, as narrated in this book, shows that, if the Sioux have in time come to banish such erroneous beliefs about tniinals, insects, and reptiles, taking possession of people's bodies, the Crows still hang to it, and hence, their superstition about " tails " of animals, which are said, and believed, to in habit the stomach. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF 273 The medicine men of the Sioux are supposed to have unlim ited strength and suction power of the mouth, so that by sucking, alone, they can draw away the evil spirit from the sick man, and thus cure him. Before going any farther, it will, however, be best to explain what kind of fellow the Sioux medicine man is. Any thing mysterious and wonderful, or for which he can not account, is always called Wii-cafi, or Wa-kah, (medicine). The early French explorers called a doctor " medicin" and all Indians have thereby called their doctors " medicine men," or Wa-ka, Pa-zhir-ta, We-chii-sa (spirit medicine man). "A medicine man " means, then, in the broadest Indian sense, " a doctor " who calls to his aid charms and incantations to cure the sick. The medicine men are divided into conjurers, or spirit doctors, and war prophets. These latter are greatly feared by all the tribes. They have some very curious customs and ceremonies, which to me seemed ridiculous, but my good sense and knowledge of what was best for me, never allowed me to witness any of their freaks of foolishness, except with a grave countenance, and apparent respect and confidence in the power and ability of the medicine man to do whatever he wished. I have seen several cases of sickness under the hands of medicine men, and a description here of the general mode of procedure may not be uninteresting. The doctor is always to be found seated in the medicine lodge, unless attending a feast, or dance, or when out of an evening walking for his health. As he never sends around his "bills for professional services," he must receive his fees in advance. Some one is sent to notify him that he is wanted, and the request is accompained by a present of a pony, blanket, 24 274 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. or something useful and valuable, for dress or ornament. Tht messenger sometimes has a gourd-rattle, which he shakes at the medicine man's door till he comes out ; again he takes a pipe, lights it, goes into the medicine man's lodge, and hands him the pipe ; then sits down in front of him, and rocking back ward and forward, cries and groans, as though he were sick. Again, the messenger strips himself to his breech-cloth and moccasins, and carries the gourd-rattle in his hand. On en tering the lodge, he shakes the rattle vigorously, walks up to the medicine man, and unceremoniously kicks him. He then jumps for the door, and having gained the outside, shakes his rattle and runs for the sick person's teepee as fast as he can the medicine man following close after him. If the medicine man overtakes the messenger in his chase, and kicks him, the doctor is at liberty to return to his teepee without having seen the sick person, even if the messenger is overtaken within a few feet of the sick man's door. The sick person then sends another messenger, and so keeps on sending runners, with presents, until one is fast enough to outrun the medicine man and reach the sick lodge first. As soon as the messenger beats the doctor to the sick man's teepee, the ghysician enters, but, before going into the teepee, he strips himself, and wears only his breech-cloth and moccasins. He now sends to his lodge, where, in front of* the. doorway outside, hangs a large rattle of the kind just mentioned, only this one is covered with painted heiroglyphics, and ornamented with eagle's feathers at the handle. The rattle, or gourd, with the drum, medicine shield, and box containing roots, teeth, bear's and other animal's claws, hangs on a pole outside the door of every medi cine lodge in an Indian village. The rattle is brought to the sick man's teepee, and the doctor begins to shake it, aueen unfortunate in some way. 278 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. The medicine men, in the M'dewankantonwan tribe, have a sort of freemasonry among them, of which they are the founders, and this tribe is the only one of all the many tribes that can initiate a warrior to the mysteries, superstitions, be liefs, and rites, which all real medicine men are supposed to possess. In addition to their many other secret ceremonies, the M'dewankantonkas initiate a candidate for the honors of " M. D." as follows : The candidate is first introduced to the cliief medicine men by participating in " the medicine dance." This dance is said to have been instituted by Oanktahee, the patron of all medicine men. The editor of the " Dakota Friend," says truly, in his description of the dance : " When a member is to be received into this society, it is his duty to take a hot bath, four days in succession." In the mean time, some of the elders of the society instruct him in the mysteries of the medicine and Wam-noo-hah (shell in the throat). He is also provided with a dish (Wajate) and spoon. On the side of the dish, is sometimes carved the head of some voracious animal, in which resides the spirit of "Eo-yah " (an abbreviation for " Glutton God "). This dish is always carried by its owner to the medicine feast, and it is his duty, ordina rily, to eat all which is served up in it. "Gray Iron" (a noted chief of former times), had a dish, which was given him at the time of his initiation, on the bottom of which was carved a bear, complete. The candidate is instructed with what paints, and in what manner, he shall paint himself, which must always be the same, when he appears in the dance. There is supernatural Virtue in this paint, and the manner in which it is applied; and those who have not been furnished with a better, by the regular war prophets, into battle BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 279 "as a life-preserver. The bag contains, besides the claws of animals, the " Toanwan " (influence or power), with which they can, it is believed, inflict painful diseases and death on whomsoever they choose. The candidate being thus duly prepared for initiation, and having made the necessary offerings for the benefit of the institution, on the evening of the day previous to the dance, a lodge is prepared, and from ten to twenty of its more sub stantial members pass the night in singing, dancing, and feasting. In the morning, the tent is opened for the dance. After a few appropriate ceremonies, preliminary to the grand operation, the candidate takes his place on a pile of blankets which he has contributed for the occasion, and is naked, except the breech-cloth and moccasins, duly painted and prepared for the mysterious operation. An elder having been stationed in the rear of the novice, the master of the ceremonies, with his knee and hip-joints bent to an angle of about forty-five degrees, advances, in an unsteady, unnatural step, with his bag (containing medicine) in his hand, uttering, " Heeu ! Heen ! Heen ! " with great energy, and rais ing the bag near a painted spot on the breast of the candidate, gives the discharge, the person stationed in the rear gives him a push forward at the same instant, and as he falls headlong, throws the blankets over him. Then, while the dancers gather around him and chant, the master throws off the covering, and, chewing a piece o? the bone of the Oanktahee, spirts over him, and he revives and resumes a sitting posture. All then return to their seats except the master; he approaches, and, making indescribable noises, pats upon the breast of the novice, till the latter, in agonizing throes, throws up the wamha (or shell), which falls from his mouth upon the bag which had been, pre- 17 280 BELDEIS: THE WHITE CHIEF. viously spread before him for that purpose. Life being now completely restored, and with the mysterious shell in his open hand, the new-made member passes around and exhibits it to all the members and to the wondering bystanders, and the cere monies of the initiation are closed. The dance continues, interspersed with harmlessly shooting each other, smoking, and refreshments, till they h?ve danced to the music of four sets of singers. Besides vocal music, they make use of the drum and gourd-shell rattle. The following chants, which are used in the dance, will best exhibit the character of this mysterious initiation of the Oanktahee : " Wa-du-la o-n'a me-ca-ga, W'a-du-la o-n'a me-ca-ga, Nim-ne ya-ta e-te wa-can de magti Ton-ka ixdan. n. " Ton-ka ixdan pe-gi-hob-ta Wa-ca me-c'a-ga, He we-ca-ke. Min-ne ya-ta o-i-cii-ga w'a-ka ke magu ye, Ton-ka ixdan e-te ke u-win-ta wo, Wa-hoo-to-pa yu-ha e-te u-win-ta wo." (Translation.) " He created it for me inclosed in red down, He created it for me inclosed in red down, He in the water with a mysterious visage gave me this, My grandfather. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 281 n. " My grandfather created for me mysterious medicine, That is true. The mysterious being in the water gave it to me ; Stretch out your hand before the face of my grandfather, Having a quadruped* stretch out your hand before him.'* The medicine-bag is made of the skin of an otter, fox, 01 some other animal of long shape sometimes a skunk skin, containing certain articles held sacred.f * Quadruped is the only word we caa substitute for " WE-hoo-to-pa,'' which is " four " (to-pa) " legs " (Wa-hoo). f A warrior, leaving the village to go on a perilous hunting trip, left hia pouch with a friend of the writer. The owner having died, he retained it, and being at his teepee one day, it was at my request opened. The con tents were some dried mud, a dead beetle, a few roots, and a scrap of an old letter, which he had probably picked up near some old fort. 25 282 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XL. OLD INDIAN DEEDS RASCALITY OF WHITE MEN JONATHAN CARVER'S DEED- HOW THE INDIANS ARE CHEATED OUT OF THEIR LANDS INDIAN SIGNATURES DEEDS AND CONVEYANCES TO DUCHARME CHEAP LANDS BITTER RECOLLEC TIONS WHY THE SIOUX ARE DISTRUSTFUL OF THE WHITE MEN. AS, no doubt, nearly all the readers of these pages are ig norant of the modus operandi by which an Indian sale or transfer of land is made, and as I have been at considera ble trouble to collect every thing novel or entertaining about Indians for this book, I will here insert some verbatim copies of deeds made long igo by the savages to certain white persons. That rare old historian, Neill, has given us much that is curi ous, but he has by no means covered the ground; and what I give will at least have the merit of being new. The following is a true copy of the great Carver deed, over which Congress wrangled for months in 1806, and which they finally decided to be a valid conveyance : CARVER DEED. To Jonathan Carver, a chief under the most mighty and potent George the Third, King of the English, and other na tions, the fame of whose courageous warriors has reached our ears, and has been more fully told us by our good brother Jonathan aforesaid, whom we rejoice to see come among us BELDEN: THi; WHITE CHIEF. % 28'i and bring us good news from his country, We, chiefs tjf the Nandowissies, who have hereto set our seals, do, by these presents, for ourselves and heirs forever, in return for the many presents, and other good services done by the said Jona than to ourselves and allies, give, grant, and convey to him, the said Jonathan, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the whole of a certain tract or territory of land bounded as fol lows (viz.): From the Fall of St. Anthony, running on the 3ast banks of the Mississippi, nearly south-east, as far as the south end of Lake Pepin, where the Chippeway River joins the Mississippi, and from thence eastward five days' travel, accounting twenty English miles per day, and from thence north six days' travel, at twenty English miles per day, and Prom thence again to the Falls of St. Anthony, on a direct, straight line. We do, for ourselves, heirs, and assigns forever, *ive unto the said Jonathan, his heirs and assigns forever, all the said lands, with all the trees, rocks, and rivers therein, re serving for ourselves and heirs the sole liberty of hunting and fishing on land not planted or improved by the said Jonathan, :iis heirs and assigns; to which we have affixed our respective seals, at the Great Cave, May the first, one thousand seven Hundred and sixty-seven. HAW-NO-PATC-JA-TIN. ^ His Mark. O-TOH-TON-GOOM-LISH-E-AW. Hia Mark, 284 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. In order to show in what way, and for what consideration or price, Indian titles and claims were procured by the early French traders and settlers in the north-west of Wisconsin, the following extract is made from the records of Brown County, of that State (Record-book B, pp. 110, 111): (No. 1.) En mille sept cent quatre vingt treize, trouvent present Wa- bisipine et le Tabac noir, lesquels ont voluntairement abandonnez et ce'de'z a Monsieur Dominique Ducharme, depuis le haut de portage de Cacalin jusque du bout de le Prairie d'enbas, sur quarante arpens de profondeur; et sur 1'autre cot6 vis & vis le dit portage, quatre arpens de large, sur trent de profondeur. Lesquels vendeurs se sont trouves contents, et satisfaits pour deux barrils de Rum. Enfois de quois, ils ont faits leur marques le vieux Wabisipine etant aveugle, les Tremoins ont fait sa marque pour lui. J. HARRISON, i LAMBERT MACAULAY, / Tremoin8 > Marque de Wabisipine. Marqne du Tabac noir. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 285 (No. 2.) Des serveuants aiant reclaims droit qu'ils avoient aussi dans le Portage, ont vendties aussi leurs pretensions, et guarranti de touts troubles. Out acceptur pour leur part, cinque galons de Rum, lesquels se sont trouve's contents et satisfaits. En foia de quois ont fait leur marques. J. HARRISON, Tremoin. L'AIGLB. PE CA MEa X-"\ J SON FILS. CHE MES. \ . j^- ^\ BITTE. \^ L'EGLEET. ( ITT I I '"H LE CASTRE. (No. 3.) Ratlfie" au' Portage du Cacalin 1'Annfee de notre Seigneur mil sept cent quatre vingt seize; le 31me jour de Juillet, en mil cep cent quatre vingt dix sept pour parte du portage une barrille ram. AOUT 8. En mil cep cent quatre vingt dix huit, un barrille de rum mele pour contenter les filles souscritant. JUILLET 16. Et en quatre vingt dix neuf un barrille de rum meles d mt 286 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. tines pour contenter les differan entre eux. Lesquels se SOD trouve comptcmps et satisfaite. D. DUCUARMB. CASTOR LB TABA NOIR WACHITTE. WABISIPINE. LB BUEUR. D'L'AIGLE. [Translation of the above Deeds and Entrie*.] (No. 1.) In one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, are found present Wabisipine and the Black Tobacco, who have volunta rily given up and ceded to Mr. Dominique Ducharme from the head of the portage of Kakalin to the end of the prairie below, by forty arpens in depth; and on the other side,. opposite the said portage, four arpens wide, by thirty in depth. The said vendors are contented and satisfied for two barrels of Rum. In faith of which, they have made their marks. The old Wabisi pine being blind, the witnesses have made his mark for him. J. HARRISON, i LAMBERT MACAULAY,/ mt Mark of the Wabisipine of the attribute of the Kagle. Mark of the Black Tobacco. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 287 >- (No. 2.) The undersigned, having claimed a right which they also Lave in the portage, have also sold their claims, and warranted from all troubles. They have accepted, for their part, five gal lons of Rum, with which they find themselves content and sat isfied. In faith of which, they have made their marks. J. HARRISON, Witness. THE EAGLE. PE CA MES. HIS SON. CHE MES. BUTE. THE EAGLET. THE BEAVER, - (No. 3.) Ratified at the Portage of the Kakalin, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six ; the 31st day of July, in one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, on account of the portage, one barrel of rum. AUGUST 8. In one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, one barrel of rum, mixed, to content the sons subscribing. JULY 16. And in ninety-nine, one barrel of rum, mixed a me sines, to settle the difference between them, with which they find them selves content and satisfied THE EAGLE. THE BLACK TOBACCO. D. DUCHARME. WACHITTE. THE BEAVER. WABISIPINE. THE DRINKER. 288 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF Land .was cheap in those days, and the Indians of the Sioux tribe often sold theirs for a mere trifle such as a keg of pow der, or a few gallons of whisky. These swindles afterward caused great dissatisfaction, and the rascality of the whites was remembered against them even to the third and fourth genera tion. So well has the history of these transactions been pre served, that the Sioux yet know all about them, and, to this day, speak bitterly of the folly of their fathers in allowing the white men to cheat them out of their ancient hunting-grounds. It is this that causes the Sioux to be suspicious of the whites, and to always sign treaties with the greatest reluctance. BELIXEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 289 CHAPTER XLI. HOW THE INDIANS COMPUTE TIME NO MONTHS IN THEIR YEARS NUMBER AND DESIGNATION OP THEIR MOONS - A SUPERSTITION ABOUT THE EVIL SPIRITS EATING THE MOON UP HOW THE GREAT SPIRIT REPLACES IT THE SIOUX ALPHABET PRONDNCIATION OF THE LETTERS THE DOG DANCE WHY IT IS SELDOM PERFORMED MANNER OF PERFORMING THE CEREMONY EATING RAW DOG - WHAT PART THE SQUAWS GET IN WHOSE HONOR DOG DANCES ARE MADE THE FISH DANCE ORIGIN OF THE CEREMONY THE SIOUX CHIEF - A SINGULAR DREAM MODE OF CONDUCTING THE FISH DANCE NO ONE BUT , CHIEFS ENTITLED TO SO GREAT AN HONOR. Indians compute their time very much as white men do, only they use moons instead of months to designate the seasons, each moon answering to some month in our cal endar. The word " we " in the Indian tongue always means " moon," though it is often transposed in their sentences.* I. JANUARY. We-ter'-i " The Hard Moon." IL FEBRUARY. We-ca-ta-we' " The Raccoon Moon." III. MARCH. Ees-ta'-we-c'a'ya-za'we "Sore-Eye Moon." * Many Indians add one moon to every twelve, which they call the "lost moon." A day is a "sleep," and half a day mid-noon, which ia in dicated by pointing at the sky over one's head. 290 BEIJ5EN : THE WHITE CHIEF. IV. APRIL. MS-gflV-ka-de-we " The Moon in which the wild geese Iny eggs." Also called Wo-ca-da-we, and sometimes Wa-to'pa-pe-we " The Moon when the streams are navigable again." V. MAT. Wo-ju-'pe-we " The Planting Moon. \ VI. JUNE. Wa-jus-te-ca-sa-we " The Moon when the strawberries are red. VII. JULY. Ca-pa-s'a-pa-we or Wa-su'-pa-we " The Moon when chokeberries are ripe," or " The Moon when the geese shed feathers." VIII. AUGUST. Wa-su'-to-we "The Harvest Moon." IX. SEPTEMBER. Psinh-na-ke-tu-we " The Moon when rice is laid up to dry." X. OCTOBER. We-w'a-ju-pe or W'a-zn'-pe-we " The rice-drying Moon." XI. NOVEMBER. Ta-ke'-u-ra-we " The deer-killing Moon," XII. DECEMBER. Ta-he'-ca-psu-we " The Deer Moon. 1 ' The Indians believe that when the moon is full evil spirits begin nibbling at it, to put out its light, and eat a portion e*ach night until it is all gone. Then the Great Spirit, who will not permit them to take advantage of the darkness and go about the earth doing mischief, makes a new moon, working on it every night until it is completed, when he leaves it and goes to sleep. No sooner is he gone than the bad spirits return and eat it up again. The savages think all evil deeds are com mitted in the dark of the moon, and that it is a good time to go upon any prowling or stealing expedition. They generally will not start on the war path in the dark of the moon, but BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 291 ^ , time their departure so as to arrive in the country of the eiiemy between moons. I will here introduce brief accounts of two curious ceremo nies, caLed respectively the Dog Dance and the Fish Dance. The dog dance is seldom performed, most Indians thinking fc'X) much of their dogs to give them up for a feast. The dance begins as on ordinary occasions, when suddenly some one throws a clog into the middle of the crowd of dancers, and be fore the unfortunate animal can make his escape, he is toma hawked, cut open, his liver and heart taken out and tied to the pole round which the Indians dance. The dancers now hop around very lively, the mouth of each watering for a bite of the delicious morsel hanging against the pole. After three circles have been accomplished about the pole, the highest in authority among the dancers steps up to it, and, without touching the body with his hands, seizes a mouth ful of the liver and then takes his place in the circle. After the dancers have described another round, the next warrior in rank comes up, and in like rnannei? takes his mouth ful of dog, aud so on until all have had a bite of liver, when the squaws come in for the heart, which they eat in the same man ner. Should any person be generous enough to throw in an other dog, the operation is repeated. Tlwre is no special meaning or importance attached to thia feast on ordinary occasions, but it is often performed at wed dings, and when unexpected arrivals occur. The people then dance to demonstrate their high esteem for the new comers, or to show good-will for the warrior and his bride. The bride groom, or the person in whose honor the dance is held, is ex pected to contribute two or three dogs for the feast, and the dam ing is kept up as long as the supply lasts. The capacity 292 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. s of an Indian stomach for dog meat is as infinite as it is wonderful. The jPisA Dance. A Sioux chief was very sick, and the med icine men could not cure him, when one night, while the hot- wind (fever) was upon him, he dreamed that a spirit told him, if he would make a feast of raw fish, he would live until the young cranes were grown. So he summoned his warriors, related to them what had happened, and they all agreed to make a ceremony and assist the chief in eating his raw fish. After one or two days spent in the sweat-house and in danc ing the " Shield Dance," a tent .was prepared, with the door set toward the east. A long fence of willow bushes was then built from one side of the door, around a considerable space to the other side of the door, and within the inclosure was planted a bush for each person who was to participate in the dance. Nests were next built in the bushes, and early in the morning of the day on which the feast was to take place, the master informed two warriors where the fish were to be caught, how many, and of what kind. These persons went out, and as the chief desired, brought in two pike, each about one foot in length, which they had speared in the river. The chief then painted the pike with vermilion, and orna mented their bellies and lower jaws with strips of wild-goose down dyed red, and when complete they were laid on some willows in the center of the inclosure, where they were left to dry. Near the fish were a number of birch-bark dishes filled with sweetened water, and the implements of war belonging to the participators were placed in the tent. When all was in readiness, the dancers, who were almost naked, fantastically painted, and ornamented with down dyed red, yellow, black, and white, formed in four ranks, and commenced to sing, BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 293 each rank in its turn accompanying the song witn drum u\d rattles. The drums are used by only the fourth rank, the first, sec ond, and third ranks being singers. The dancers rest when each rank has had a turn and ceased singing. Presently the fourth rank begins to sing, the drums beat furiously, the dancers leap, yell, and make frightful contortions of the face and body, acting as much like demons as possible. Suddenly the music changes, the dancers dash at the fish, and tear them 'with their teeth, eating the head, body, and entrails. Then they swallow some mouthftils of the sweetened water, and each, taking one of the large bones of the fish which are left, deposit them in the nests made in the bushes, and the feast is ended. The Indians allege that the chief in whose honor this dance was instituted lived until the cranes had become full-grown birds, and then he died. Since then this feast is only prepared for a chief who can not be cured of his sickness by the medi cine men. A medicine man, however, if he is a chief also, may have the benefit of a fish dance, but no one else except chiefs are entitled to so great an honor. The feasts and dances of the Indians are so near alike that I do not deem it necessary to repeat the same details for each, and will hereafter only describe them generally, when I have occasion to refer to them at all. 294 BELDEST: THE WHITE CHIEF. ! CHAPTER XLII. x MO-TONGA'S SADDLE HOW IT WAS MADE MY ANXIETY TO POSSESS IT 80A REFUSES TO SELL IT EFFORTS TO GET MY SQUAWS TO MAKE ME > SADDLE THB RESULT MA-TO-SCA*S GUN THE GUN COVER HOW IT WAS MADE. HAPPENING into the teepee of Ma-to-sdi (White Bear), one day, I saw one of his squaws working on a piece of red cloth, garnishing it in a most tasteful manner with cut- glass beads of different colors. Not knowing what the cloth could be used for, being of a different shape from any thing I had before seen, I inquired, and was told it was a saddle skirt. The squaw had almost completed it, and I asked her who it was for, when she told me it was a present for her husband. She promised to bring it to my teepee when it was completed, and let me see it, and three days afterward she brought it for my inspection. The Indian saddle was made of buckskin, having no frame, but being simply a pad of doubled soft leather, stuffed with antelope hair. The skirts were long, very beautiful, and ornamented with fringe. This saddle was only used for riding on important occasions, and was fastened to tke pony's back aia-u>-sca'8 Saddle. by a girth or band of rawhide three BELPEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 205 inches broad, which was attached to the buckskin pad. No buckles were used. A strong buckskin string fastened tha girth to the pads. There were no stirrups, but soft loops for Ma-to-sca's Saddle. the feet. I tried to purchase this beautiful horse gear of White Bear, but, he said, as it was a present from his squaw, he did not like to part with it. I asked my squaws if they thought they could make me one like it, and offered to give them each a new dress of squaw cloth if they would do so; but they told me frankly it was " heap o' work," and they did not know how to lay off the patterns. Each of them, however, made me a present of a pair of dancing moccasins, finely beaded, with little brass hawk bells attached to the instep, and a magnificent pair of beaded leggings, so I felt compelled to give them the new dresses. White Bear's saddle had a crupper made of buffalo hide tanned soft, over which was laid blue squaw cloth liancl- 18 296 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. soinely beaded and embroidered, and to the end of which was attached long buckskin fringe. His bridle was made much in the same fashion as those used by the whites, only that, in place of being leather it was rawhide covered with red cloth, and ornamented with diamond-shaped silver pieces, two of which were placed on each side of the cheek pieces, and t\vo on the brow and nose-band. There was no throat-latch, and I believe I have never seen any used by the Indians. The bit was a straight- armed curb of Spanish pattern, and ornamented at the ex tremities of the curb by pendant - chains about nve inches long, to which was attached a silver plate. This swung back and forth, glittering in the sun as the pony galloped. The bridle alone was valued at thirty dollars, and, together with the saddle, would have cost sixty-five dollars. White Bear was fifty-five years of age, and a great dandy, and very vain of his dress and ornaments. Though maimed, he was always anxious to appear to advantage in the eyes of the women. Gnn Case. Tie carried a gun of great length, and seemed to think a deal of it. This gun was protected from rain and dampness by a gaudy cover made of tanned elk hide, gorgeously beaded, and ornamented with fringe cut from buckskin. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 297 He always carried his gun across the pummel of the saddle when riding, and the fringe was so long it hung down on each side in front of the rider's knees. These gun cases I have seen many times among the Sioux, but had never seen eo fine a one as Ma-to-sca's. 26 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XLIII. tHE OLD MAN HIS AGE A SINGULAR PERSON A JOVIAL PARTY YOUNG MEN ' AND WOMEN GIVING THE OLD MAN HIS LAST SMOKE WHAT THE SQUAW SAID ABOUT HIM DEATH OF THE OLD MAN. JHAD often observed in the teepee of a good-natured old squaw, whom I used to visit almost every day, a warrior, whose hair was silvery white, and who was so old that no one in the village knew his age. Several of the Indians told me he was more than a hundred years old, and I would have guessed him to be over that age, so venerable was his appear ance. He was a paralytic, and always lay in the same posi tion when I entered the teepee. He never looked at me or any person in the lodge, and seemed barely alive. He could not so much as move a finger, and always lay stretched out on his back, being fed and attended by his daughter, who was the old squaw I have just mentioned. No one seemed to pay any attention to him, every one mak ing the casual inquiry of " How is the old man to-day ? " and the answer invariably was, " About as yesterday." Nothing could disturb "the poor old fellow. Young, boisterous girls and squaws would laugh, scream, and cut up pranks in the lodge, but the^old man never heeded them. He was very tall, over six feet high, I should think, but was a mere skeleton, his skin and bones being yellow and transparent. He eagerly BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 299 sucked at a pipe whenever any of the company were good enough to present the end of the stem to his withered lips; but he never spoke or thanked them for what he seemed to relish 00 much ; indeed, I believe he was never heard to speak, though he could talk when he wished to do so. One evening some four or five girls and a couple of young warriors were with me at the old woman's lodge, and all were laughing and enjoying themselves ; some of the girls quizzing the young men as to whom they liked best among the females of the village, and the warriors retorting by joking the girls. All were noisy and boisterous, never heeding the old man, who lay in one corner of the lodge. They had been laughing heartily at a remark made by the old woman, when I hap pened to look over to where the old man was lying, and tak ing pity on him, I turned to one of the young men, and asked him to let me have his pipe and kinnikinnick, and I would give the old fellow a smoke. He handed me the pipe and to bacco, and while I was cutting off some to fill the bowl, one of the young men remarked, " I gave him a smoke a few minutes ago, and he can not be very bad off." The old wo man spoke up hastily, and said : " He 'd smoke all the time if some one would hold a pipe, bother on him ! " I filled the pipe and passed it to the young men to give -them a few puffs first, as courtesy demanded, then held it to the old man's lips, saying: "Father, here is the pipe, smoke in peace." He deigned no reply, but drew in one or tw long puffs, and I saw his lips moving as if he *vas praying. I smoked the pipe a little to keep it lit, and put it to the old man's lips again and again, but noticed that he did not press the stem, nor draw away the smoke. Supposing he did not want to smoke any more I went back to the company, and remarked, "We will 300 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. Lave to finish this pipe, for the old man does not seem to want any more." The old woman said : " You put the stem in his lips and he '11 smoke any time." I replied he had smoked at first, but the last time I offered him the pipe he did not draw away any smoke. I also told them of his moving his lips as if in prayer ; and, having aroused the curiosity of all, we went over to the old man's bed, and his daughter, lifting up his hand, said: "He is dead." He was, indeed, dead, having passed away without a struggle while he had been smoking. . This singular as well as unfortunate man was much rever enced in the village ; and the old woman told me he had been lying as I saw him for fifteen years, having apparently lost the use of his limbs through age. She put his yean it one hun dred and eight. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 301 CHAPTER XLIV. BIOUX WOMEX- -THEIR LIFE POLYGAMY AMONG THE SIOUX PRICE 3F WIVES-- COURTING A SIOUX GIRL THE BRIDE GOING TO THE GROOM BUYING A WHOLE FAMILY TO GET A WIFE WHAT CONSTITUTES AN ACCOMPLISHED IN DIAN WIFE LABORS OF A SIOUX MOTHER SEVERE TREATMENT OF INDIAN WOMEN AN EXAMPLE OF INDIAN CRUELTY SUICIDE AMONG THE INDIANS. AS before stated in these pages, the happy days of a Sioux woman is her childhood. When she arrives at the age of puberty she is sold to a warrior for his wife, and then her life of hardship commences. No matter how kind or loving her husband may be, his quality as a warrior, and his superiority as a man, will not permit him to depart from the old mles of the tribe, which marks the weaker sex as the hewers, of wood and drawers of water. All that is unusual for a white woman to do, the Indian wife must do. She cuts wood, butchers, dries meat, and waits on her liege lord. The Sioux are notorious polygamists, and a war* for obtains his wife or, more generally, another wife 'by a piactice as old as the Book of Genesis, that of purchase. When a young man courts a girl, and (which he seldom does) gets her to love him, he then obtains her consent, and buys her from her parents. As a rule, when a warrior wants a wife, or an additional wife, he announces the fact to his friends, and "begs them to use their influence to procure him one. When she is found, he is 302 BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. notified of the fact, and he then goes to her lodge to see her, the girl, in most cases, being ignorant of the object of his visit. She generally, however, has a suspicion, for every girl, after arriving at the age of maturity, is constantly expecting some one to come for her. After the warrior has seen his future wife, he leaves the lodge, and, if he is satisfied with her, takes an early opportunity to consult her parents, when the price to be paid for her is agreed upon. If all is satisfactory, the* girl is then notified she has bee: a sold, and is, thereafter, to be con sidered the wife of so and EC. She immediately packs up her little keepsakes and trinkets, and, without exhibiting any emo tion, such as is common to white girls, leaves her home, and goes to the lodge of her master. On entering his teepee, where he is waiting for her, he orders her to sit down on a blanket, folded up for a seat and laid on the floor, and, if she obeys, she thereby acknowledges him as her husband, and henceforth be comes his willing slave. I have read somewhere that the an cestors of many of the first families of Virginia purchased their wives from a London company for one hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco; but the Sioux pays a higher price for his wives, and takes more of them. The usual price for an Indian girl is an American horse, or its equivalent, two ponies, four or eight blankets indeed, any thing amounting in value to one hundred dollars. A warrior sometimes falls in love with sever*! sisters, and, in that case, buys the whole family. I once knew a young man who bad about a dozen horses he had captured at different times from the enemy, and who fell desperately in love with a girl of nine teen. She loved him in return, but said she could not bear to leave her tribe, and go to the Santee village, unless her two sisters, aged respectively fifteen and seventeen, went with her. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 808 Determined to have his sweetheart, the next time the warrior visited the Yankton village he took several ponies with him, and bought all three of the girls from their parents, giving rive ponies for them. A squaw wife can be sold by her hus band to any one who wishes to buy her, but at a greatly re duced price. Thirty or forty dollars is considered a large sum for a second-hand wife. The squaws are valued by the middle- aged men only for their strength and ability to work, and no account whatever is taken of personal beauty. The girls are always adepts in the art of beading and porcupine-quill em broidering, and this is often of great assistance in selling them, as most Indians like to have accomplished wives. Well indeed does the Sioux woman deserve the sympathy of every tender heart, for, from the day of her marriage until her death, she leads a most wretched life. They are more than the hewers of wood and drawers of water, for they are the servants of serv ants. On a winter day the Sioux mother is often obliged to travel eight or ten miles, and carry her lodge, camp-kettle, ax. child, and several small dogs on her back and head. * Arriving late in the afternoon at the appointed place of camping, she clears the snow off the ground where the teepee is to be erected, and then, in the nearest grove, cuts down some poles twelve or fourteen feet in length, which she forms into a skeleton, or frame-work, for the teepee cover ; she next unstraps her packs, unfolds the teepee, and brings the bottom part to the base of the poles, where she pins it fast to the earth with little wooden pins cut for the purpose. She next obtains a long pole, fastens the small end of the * Young puppies are treated as tenderly as children, and, in faot, often inhabit the same wicker baskets with the children. 304 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. teepee cloth to it, then raises it up around the poles, pushing it to the top, and stretching the cloth as tight as possible without pulling the pins out at the bottom. The two edges of the teepee cloth are then drawn around the poles until they meet, when a seam is formed by sewing it with little wooden pins. This seam extends from the bottom to the top of the cover. She next goes inside the teepee, takes each pole in turn, and, raising it, pushes the butt end out as far toward the center of the lodge as the cloth will admit. When it is perfectly taut, she makes a small opening at the top for smoke to escape. This done, she rolls her baby in a robe, and leaves it in the teepee while she goes to the timber for wood. Presently she returns with about one-fourth of a cord on her back, builds a fire, and then goes for water. The camp-kettle is put on, and while it boils she cuts the meat and prepares sup per. By the time the meat is done her husband arrives, jumps off his pony, goes in and sits down to rest or eat, while his wife takes off the pony's saddle and bridle, and pickets him out to graze. When supper is over she gets an ax and cuts a bundle of wood for the night. This done, if she receives no further orders from her husband, she nourishes her child, and sits down silent and tired to doze away an hour or two until her master goes to sleep, when, having assured herself that he is asleep, she folds her babe to her bosom, and, drawing her blankets around her, lies down for a few hours' repose, only to /vake to repeat her round of toil on the morrow. The Sioux wife is subject to all the whims and caprices of her husband, and woe be to her if he is a bad-tempered man. So severe is their treatment of women, a happy female face is hardly ever seen- in the Sioux nation, and the few met with belong to single women. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 305 Often they become callous, and take a beating much as a horse or ox does; but sometimes one of the more spirited women rebels against the cruel treatment of her husband, and resorts to suicide to put an end to her sufferings. An incident occurred some years ago at a lodge which was pitched at the mouth of the St. Croix Kiver, which will serve to show the desperation to which Indian women are sometimes driven. A warrior was continually drunk whenever he could get any liquor, and he was seldom without it, often keeping a keg m his lodge. Whenever he drank he was very abusive to his wife, often beating her and her children unmercifully. One day he went hunting, and, while he was gone, the poor woman hid the keg of liquor, and upon his return he could not find it. He demanded to know where it was, but she refused to tell him, when he beat her cruelly, and so distressed was she that she went to a grove of timber near by and hung herself with a lariat rope. Suicide is very common among Indian women, and con sidering the treatment they receive, it is a wonder there is not more of it. 27 306 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XLY. FROM THE WAR STARTLING INTELLIGENCE WHAT THE INDIAN BUS NER SAID DETERMINE TO JOIN THE UNION ARMY PACK UP AND LEAV* FOR THE STATES ARRIVAL AT FORT RANDALL PART WITH MY SQUAWS THEIR RETURN TO THEIR TRIBE REACH OMAHA JOIN THE FIRST NEBRASKA CAVALRY COL. BROWN'S EXPEDITION HOSTILE SIOUX CAMPING ON TUB EEPUBLICAN THE SIOUX DEFEAT LIEUT. MURIE AFTER THE INDIANS OUR CAMP ON THE SOLOMON A BUFFALO BULL IN CAMP HE KILLS TWO HORSES DEATH OF THE BUFFALO EATING DEAR BEEF WHAT COL. BROWN SAID. "\"TE had heard occasionally of the great war being waged ' * for the Union, but had received no very definite in formation until one evening, an Indian, who had been far down the Missouri, at one of the forts, camo into camp, and brought the intelligence that the rebels were gaining victory after victory, and that all the soldiers were leaving the plains and going east to help fight the rebels. The Indian also said the Government was going to raise volunteer troops on the border to replace the regular soldiers who were going east, and many Omaha, Winnebago, and Pawnee Indians were joining the whites at the forts. I can not describe how these tidings affected me. I could not sleep, and all night long walked up and down the camp. Next morning my mind was thoroughly made up to return to the east and help fight for the Union. Ordering my squaws tp pack up the lodge, we at once set BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 307 out down the Missouri. After many days patient journeying we arrived at Fort Randall, and there, bidding my squaws good-by, I left them to make their way with my property to their tribe, which was not far distant, while I continued my journey alone to Omaha. On arriving at Omaha I learned a mounted regiment wati being fitted out for service on the frontier, and presenting my- * self, was duly enrolled a soldier of the United States army in the First Nebraska Cavalry. The Indians, under the cele brated Sioux chief. Spotted Tail, had become very troublesome, and our regiment was ordered to join the expedition of Col. Brown, then rendezvousing near North Platte, on the Platte River. The expedition consisted of the First Nebraska Cav alry, Twelfth Missouri Cavalry, and a detachment of the Sec ond United States, and Seventh Iowa Cavalry Col. Brown, the senior officer, commanding the whole force. The snow was quite deep on the plains, and knowing that the hostile Indians, who were then encamped on the Repub lican .River, were encumbered by their villages, women, and children, it was thought to be a favorable time to strike them a severe blow. There were many Indians in our command, among others a large body of Pawnee scouts. Early in Janu ary the expedition left the Platte River, and marched south ward toward the Republican. When we reached the river a depot of supplies was established and named "Camp Wheaton," after the general then commanding the department of the Platte. This done, the scouting began, and we were ready for war. Nor were we long kept waiting, for Lieut. James Murie, who marched out to Short Nose Creek with a party of scouts, was suddenly attacked by a large body of Sioux, and six of his men wounded. Col. Brown considered this an nu- 308 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. fortunate affair, inasmuch as the Indians, having learned by it the presence of troops in their country, would be on the alert, and, in all probability, at once clear out with their villages. He determined, if it were possible, still to surprise them, and ordered the command immediately into the saddle. We pushed hard for Solomon's Fork, a great resort for the savages, but arrived only in time to find their camps deserted and the In dians all gone. One evening, as we were encamped on the banks of the Solomon, a huge buffalo bull suddenly appeared on the bluff overlooking the camp, and gazed in wonder at a sight so un usual to his eyes. In a moment a dozen guns were ready to fire, but as the beast came down the narrow ravine washed by the rains in the bluff, all waited until he should emerge on the open plain near the river. Then a lively skirmish was opened on him, and he turned and quickly disappeared again in the gulch. Several of the soldiers ran up one of the narrow water courses, hoping to get a shot at him as he emerged on the open prairie. What was their surprise to meet him coming down. He ran up one ravine, and being half crazed by his wounds, had, on reaching the prairie, turned into the one in which the soldiers were. As soon as he saw him, the soldier in front called out to those behind him to run, but they, not under standing the nature of the danger, continued to block up the passage. The bull could barely force his great body between the high and narrow banks; but before all the soldiers could gst out of the ravine, he was upon them, and trampled two of them under his feet, not hurting them much, but frightening them terribly. As the beast came out again on the open bank of the river a score of soldiers, who had run over from the camp with their guns, gave him a dozen balls. Still he did THE WHITE CHIEF. 309 not fall, but, dashing through the brush, entered the cavalry camo, and running up to a large gray horse that was tied to a tree, lifted the poor brute on his horns and threw him into the air. The horse was completely disemboweled, and dropped down dead. The buifalo next plunged his horns into a fine bay horse, the property of an officer in the Seventh .Iowa Cav alry, and the poor fellow groaned with pain until the hills re sounded. Exhausted by his exertions and wounds, the bull laid down carefully by the side of the horse, as if afraid of hurting himself, and in a moment rolled over dead. We skinned and dressed him, and carried the meat into camp for our suppers ; but it was dearly bought beef, at the expense of the lives of two noble horses; and Col. Brown notified us he wished no further contracts closed on such expensive terms. 310 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XLVI. flFE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD ADVENTURE OF SEKGKAXT9 HILE8 \Xlj ROLLA A DANGEROUS ENTERPRISE NELSON AND I HUNT FOR AN INDIAN VILLAGE PERILOUS POSITION THE DISCOVERY THE FLIGHT AN INDIAN TRAIL A RACE FOR LIFE SAFE RETURN TO CAMP SERGEANT HILEs's STORY DEATH OF ROLLA CORRALLED IN A SNOW DRIFT A NARROW ESCAPE A LONG WALK ALL RIGHT ONCE MORE. \T7~HILE we lay encamped at the depot of supplies, on the Republican, Colonel Brown called for volunteer scouts, stating he would give a purse of five hundred dollars to any one who would discover a village of Indians and lead the com mand to the spot. This glittering prize dazzled the eyes of many a soldier, but few had the courage to undertake so haz ardous an enterprise. Sergeant Hiles, of the First Nebraska, and Sergeant Rolla, of the Seventh Iowa, came forward and said they would go upon the expedition provided they could go alone. Both were shrewd, sharp men, and Colonel Brown readily gave his consent, well knowing that in scouting, where the object is not to fight, but to gain information and keep concealed, the fewer men in the party the better their chances of escape. On the day after Hiles and Rolla had left camp, Nelson, who had come down and joined the army as a guide, proposed tc me that we should go out and hunt an adventure. My old love Df Indian life was upon me, and I joyfully accepted his prop- BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 31 J asitfon. I applied to Colonel Brown for permission to set out at once, but he declined to grant my request, on the ground that it was not necessary or proper for an officer to engage in such an enterprise. I, however, coaxed the colonel a little, and he finally told me I might go. Packing several days supplies on a mule, as soon as it was dark Nelson and I started, he leading the mule, and I driving him from behind. We traveled over to the Little Beaver, then up the stream for some distance, when we crossed over and camped on Little Beaver. Here we expected to find In dian signs, but were disappointed. We rested for a short time, and then traveled down the Beaver until opposite Short Nose Creek, when we crossed the divide and camped on that stream. Two days later we pushed on to Cedar Creek, and then crossed over to Prairie Dog Creek. We had traveled only at night, hiding away all day in the brush that lined the creeks, and keeping a sharp lookout for Indians. So far we had seen no Indian signs, and began to despair of finding any, when one morning, jjust as I was lighting the fire to cook our breakfast, I heard several shots fired, apparently four or five miles up the creek. Nelson run out on the bluif, and, applying his ear to the ground, said he could distinctly hear the reports of many rifles. We could not imagine what this meant, and withdrew into the bluifs to " make it out," as the old trappers gay. Nelson was the first speaker, and he gave it as his opinion that Colonel Brown, who had told us before leaving camp he would soon start for the Solomon, had set out earlier than he expected, and was now crossing above us. I set my compass, and, finding we were nearly on the line where Brown would cross, readily fell in with Nelson's reasoning. So sure was X 19 312 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. that the guns we had heard were Colonel Brown's soldiers out hunting, that I proposed we should saddle up and go to them This move came near proving fatal to us, as will presently ap pear. We rode boldly up the stream, in broad daylight, some five miles, when, not finding any trail, I began to express my gurprise at the long distance we had heard the reports of the guns, but Nelson told me it was no uncommon thing, when snow was on the ground, to hear a rifle shot ten to twenty miles along a creek bottom, and, incredible as this may seem, I found out afterward it was nevertheless true. We rode on about five miles further, when suddenly Nelson halted, and, pointing to an object a long distance ahead, said he believed it was a horseman. We lost no time in getting into the bluffs, where we could observe what went on without being seen, and soon saw an animal coming rapidly down the creek bottom. As it drew near, we discovered it to be a horse, evi dently much frightened, and flying from pursuers. The horse galloped past, but stopped half a mile below us and quietly went to grazing, every now and then raising his head and look ing up the creek, as if he expected to see some enemy following him. We lay for several hours momentarily expecting to see a body of Indians coming down the creek, but none came, and at noon Nelson said I should watch, and he would crawl down the creek and see if he could discover any thing from the horse. I saw Nelson approach quite near the animal, and heard him calling it, when, to my surprise, it came up to him and followed him into the bluffs. The horse was the one Sergeant Hiles had ridden from the camp a few days previous, and was well known to Nelson and me as a superb animal, named " Selim." It did not take us long to come to the conclusion that Hiles and Holla had been attacked, and that the firing we had heard BELDEX: THE WHITE CHIEF. 313 iu the morning was done by Indians. From the fact that Hiles'a horse had no saddle on when found, we concluded he had been in the hands of the Indians, and probably broken, away from them, and we doubted not that at least Hiles was dead. Fearing the savages would come down upon us next, we lost no time in getting down the creek. We soon passed where we had encamped the night before, and, finding the fire till burn ing, put it out, and, covering up the ashes, pushed on for sev eral miles and camped among the bluffs. Nelson carried up several logs from the creek, with which to make a barricade in case of attack, and, Nelson taking the first watch, I laid down to sleep, without fire or sMpper, except a. piece of raw pork. At nine o'clock I arose to watch, and soon after midnight, the moon coming up bright and clear, I awoke Nelson, and suggested to him we would saddle up and cross over to Cedar Creek, 'for I had a strong presentiment that some misfortune would befall us if we remained longer where we were. It is not a little singular, but true, that man has a wonderful instinct, and can nearly always divine coming trouble or danger. This instinct in the frontiersman, of course, is wonderfully developed by the perilous life he leads; but, call it presentiment or what you will, this instinct exists in every beast of the field, as well as in the human breast, and he who follows it can have no safer guide. Several times have I saved my life by obeying the dictates of that silent monitor within, which told me to go, and yet gave no reason for my going. We had not ridden far when we came upon *a heavy Indian trail, and found it not more than four or five hours old. The tracks showed some fifty ponies, and all going in the direction of the Republican. We were now convinced that Holla had escaped and the Indians were pursuing him. Following on 314 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. the trail for some distance, until we came to a bare spot on the bluff where our horses would leave no tracks in the snow, we turned to the left, and, whipping up the ponies, struck out foi a forced march. We knew the Indians might return at any moment, and if they should find our trail they would follow us like blood-hounds. All night long we pushed on, halting only at sunrise tc eal a bite and give our poor ponies a few mouthfuls of grass. Again we were off, and throughout the day whipped and spurred along our animals as rapidly as possible. At night we halted for two hours to rest, and then mounted the saddle once more. On the fifth day we met a company of cavalry that had been sent out by Col. Brown to look for us, and with them we returned to camp. We learned from the cavalrymen that Sergeant Hiles had been attacked by Indians, and Sergeant Holla had been killed. Hiles, though he had lost his horse, had managed to work his way back to camp on foot, where -he had arrived the morning they left camp, nearly starved. We had gone much out of our way to escape the Indians who had followed Hiles; but since we had succeeded in avoiding them and sav ing our scalps, we did not care a fig for our long and tiresome journey. Sergeant Hiles related to me his adventures after leaving camp, and I will here repeat them as a sequel to my own. Ho said : " Holla and I traveled several days, and finally pulled up on Prairie Dog Creek. We had seen no Indians, and were be coming careless, believing there were none in the country. One morning just about day-break I built a fire, and while Holla and I were warming ourselves we were fired upon by some forty Indians. Rolla fell, pierced through the heart, and died BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 315 instantly. How I escaped I know not, for the balls whistled all around me, knocking up the fire, and even piercing my clothing, yet I was not so much as scratched. " I ran to my horse, which was saddled and tied near by, and flinging myself on his back, dashed across the prairies. The Indians followed, whooping and yelling like devils, and although their ponies ran well, they could not overtake my swift-footed Selirn. I had got well ahead of them, and was congratulating myself on my escape from a terrible death, when suddenly Selim fell headlong into a ravirte that was filled with drifted snow. It was in vain I tried to extricate him; the more he struggled the deeper he sank. Knowing the Indians would be up in a few minutes, I cut the saddle- girths with my knife, that the horse might be freer in his movements, and then, bidding 'him lie still, I took my pistols and burrowed into the snow beside him. After I had dug down a little way, I struck off in the drift, and worked my way along it toward the valley. I had not tunneled far before I heard the Indians cornfhg, and, pushing up my head, I cut a small hole in the crust of the snow, so I could peep out. As the savages came up they began to yell, and Selim, making a great bound, leaped upon the solid earth at the edge of the ra vine, and dragging himself out of the drift, 'galloped furiously across the prairies. Oh ! how I wished then I was on his back, for I knew the noble fellow would soon bear me out of reach of all danger. " The Indians divided, part of them going up the ravine and crossing over to pursue Selim, while the rest dismounted to look for his rider. They carefully examined the ground all around to find my trail, but not finding any they returned and searched up and down the ravine for me. Two or three times 316 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. they punched in the snow near me, and once an Indian passed within a few feet of my hole. Great drops of perspiration stood on my forehead, and every moment I expected to be dis covered, dragged out, and scalped, but I remained perfectly still, grasping my pistols, and determined to sell my life aa dearly as possible, and make it cost the red-skins at least three of their number. " After awhile the Indians got tired searching for me, and drew off to consult. I saw the party that had gone in pursuit of "Selim rejoin their companions, and I was not a little gratified to observe they did not bring back my gal lant steed with them, from which I knew he had made his escape. " The Indians mounted and rode down the ravine, examin ing every inch of ground for my trail. As I saw them move off hope once more revived in my breast; but in an hour they came back and again searched the drift. At last, however, they went off without finding me, and I lay down to rest, so exhausted was I, from watching and excitement, that I could not stand. I knew I did not dare to sleep, for it was very cold, and a stupor would come upon me. All that day and night and the next day I lay in the drift, for I knew the In dians were watching it. "On the second night, as soon as it was dark, I crawled out, and worked my way to the foot of the ravine. At first I was so stiff and numb I could hardly move hand or foot, but as I crawled along the blood began to warm up, and soon I was able to walk. I crept cautiously along the bluffs until I had cleared the ravine, and then, striking out on the open prairie, steered to the northward. Fortunately, the first day out I shot an antelope and got some raw meat, which kept me BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 317 from starving. In two days and a half I reached the camp, nearly dead from fatigue and hunger, and was thoroughly glad to be at home in my tent once more with a whole scalp on my head." We had not found an Indian village, and none of us got the $500, but we had all had a glorious adventure, and that to a frontiersman is better than money. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER XLVII. HUNTING WILD TURKEYS ON THE MEDICINE THE LOST TRAIL - WAITING KOH THE COMMAND - BAG A FINE ELK HUNTING FOR THB TRAIL - TWO INDIANS WE CAMP OUT AN ADVENTURE WITH WOLVES CAYOTES AND BUFFALO WOLVES NINE DEAD WOLVES THE FATAL LEAP A BUSY NIGHT - ON THB MARCH THE TRAIL LOST - CAMP OUT AGAIN MORE WOLVES CANNIBALS STRIKING FOR HOME THE OAMP FOUND - IN MY OWN TENT PLEASANT RE FLECTIONS AND REST. * we lay in camp on Medicine Creek, Colonel Brown sent for me, and ordered me to look up and map the country. I was detached as a topographical engineer, and this order, relieved me from all company duty, and en abled me to go wherever I pleased, which was not a little grat ifying to one so fond of rambling about. Packing my traps on my pony one day, I set out down the Medicine ahead of the command, intending to hunt wild tur keys until near night, and then rejoin the command before it went into camp. The creek bottom was alive with turkeys, the cold weather having driven them to take shelter among the bushes that lined the creek. I had not gone far when a dense fog arose, shutting out all objects, even at the distance of a few feet. It was a bad day for hunting, but presently as I rcxle along I heard a turkey gobble close by, and, dismounting, I crept through the bushes and peered into the fog as well as I BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 319 could. I saw several dark objects, and drawing up my double- barreled shot-gun, fired at them. Hardly had the noise of the explosion died away, when I heard a great flopping in the bushes, and on going up to it found a large turkey making hia last kicks. I picked him up and was about to turn away, when I saw another fine old gobbler desperately wounded, but trying to crawl off. I ran after him, but he hopped along so fast I was obliged to give him the contents of my other barrel to keep him from getting away into the thick brush. I had now two fine turkeys, and, as the day was bad, de termined to go no ftirther, but ascend the bluffs and wait for the command. I went out on the prairie, and made a diligent search for the old trail, but, as it was covered some seven inches deep with snow, I could not find it. Knowing the command would pass near the creek, I went back to hunt, thinking I would go up after it had passed, strike the trail, and follow it into camp. I had not gone far down the creek when I ran into a fine elk, and knocked him over with my Henry pifle. I cut off the choice pieces, and, packing them on my pony, cnce more set out to find the trail. I knew the command had not passed, and ascended the highest point on the bluff, straining my eyes to see if I could not discover it moving. I waited several hours, but not finding it, I concluded it had not marched by the old trail, but struck straight across the country. I now moved up the creek, determined to keep along its bank until I came to the old camp, and then follow the trail. I had not gone far when I came upon two Indians who belonged to my company, and who were also looking for the command. Night was coming on, the wind rising, and the air growing bitter cold, so I said to the Indians we would go down th 320 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. creek where there was plenty of dry wood, and make a night camp. They readily assented, and we set out, arriving at a fine grove just before dark. While one of the Indians gathered wood, the other one and I cleared away the snow to make a place for our camp. The snow in the bottom was nearly three feet deep, and when we had bared the ground a high wall was piled up all around us. The wood was soon brought, and a bright fire blazing. After warming ourselves we opened a passage through the snow for a short distance, and, clearing another spot, led our horses into this most perishable of stafeles. Our next care was to get them some cottonwood limbs to eat, * and then we gathered small dry limbs and made a bedstead of them on which to spread our blankets. Piling on more wood until the fire roared and cracked, we sat down in the heat of the blaze, feeling quite comfortable, except that we were desperately hungry. Some coals were raked out, the neck of the elk cut off and spitted on a stick to roast. When it was done we divided it, and, sprinkling it with a little pepper and salt from our haversacks, had as savory and wholesome a repast as any epicure might desire. After supper, hearing the cayotes howl ing in the woods below, I had the Indians bring in my saddle, to which was strapped the elk meat, and, cutting the limb off a tree close by the fire, we lifted the saddle astride of the stump so high up that the wolves could not reach it. All being now * The Indians often feed their horses on cottonwood limbs. Officers on the plains give their horses cottonwood to eat when they can get no feed or grass, and say the bark of the cottonwood is almost as nutritious as hay. A horse will chew up limbs as thick as a man's thumb, and in wintertime eat the bark off every cottonwood tree he can reach EDITOR. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 321 in readiness for the night, we filled our pipes and sat down to smoke and talk. At nine o'clock the Indians replenished the fire, and, feeling eleepy, I wrapped myself in my blankets and lay down to rest. I soon fell asleep, and slept well until near midnight, when I was awakened by the snapping and snarling of the wolves near the fire. The wood had burned down to a bed of coals, and gave but a faint light, but I could see a dozen pair of red eyes glaring at me over the edge of the snow-bank. The Indians were sound asleep, and, knowing they were very tired, I did not awake them, but got my gun, and, wrapping myself in my blankets, sat up by the fire to watch the varmints and warm my feet. Presently I heard a long wild howl down in the woods, and knew by the " whirr-ree, whirr-ree " in it that it proceeded from the throat of the dreaded buffalo wolf, qr Kosh-6-nee, of the prairies. There was another howl, then another, and another, and, finally, a loud chorus of a dozen. Instantly silence fell among the cayotes, and they began to scatter. For it time all was quiet, and I had begun to doze, when suddenly the coals flew all over me, and I opened my eyes just in time to see a great gray wolf spring out of the fire and bound up the snow-bank. I leaped to my feet and peered into the dark ness, where I could see scores of dark shadows moving about, and a black cluster gathered under my saddle. I called the In dians, who quietly and nimbly jumped to their feet, and came forward armed with their revolvers. I told them what had happened, and that we were surrounded by a large pack of gray wolves. We had no fear for ourselves, but felt uneasy lest they might attack our horses, who were pawing and snorting with alarm. I spoke to them kindly, and they immediately became quiet. At the suggestion of the Indians I brought 28 322 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. forward my revolvers, and we all sat down to watch the var> mints, and see what they would do. In a few minutes, a pair of fiery, red eyes, looked down at us from the snow-bank ; then, another and another pair, until there were a dozen. We sat perfectly still, and presently one great gray wolf gathered himself, and made a leap for the elk- meat on the saddle. He nearly touched it with his nose, but failed to secure the coveted prize, and fell headlong into the fire. We fired two shots into him, and he lay still until one of the Indians pulled him out to keep his hair from burning and making a disagreeable smell. In about five minutes, another wolf leaped at the elk-meat and fell at our feet. We dispatched him as we had done the first one, and then threw him across the body of his dead brother. So we kept on firing until we had killed eighty wolves, when, tired of killing the brutes with pistols, I brought out my double-barreled shot gun, and load ing each barrel with nine buck-shot, waited until they were gathered thick under the tree on which hung my meat, and then let them have it. Every discharge caused some to tumble down, and sent the rest scampering and howling to the rear. Presently they became more wary, and I had to fire at them at long range. The Indians now went out and gathered some dry limbs, and we kindled up a bright fire. Next we threw the car casses of the nine dead wolves, that were in our camp, over the snow-bank, and knowing that the beasts -would not come near our bright fire, two of us lay down to sleep, while the third remained up to watch and keep the fire burning. The cayotes now returned, and with unearthly yells, attacked their dead betters, snapping, snarling, and quarreling over their BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 32J carcasses as they tore the flesh and craunched the bones of the lead wolves: We rose at daylight, and, through the dim light, could see the cayotes trotting off to the swamp, while near the camp lay heads, legs, and piles of cleanly licked bones, all that was left of the gray wolves we had killed. After breakfast, we set out to find the command, striking across the country, expecting to come upon the trail. We traveled all day, however, and saw no trail. At night we camped out again, and were scarcely in camp, when we again heard the wolves howling all around us. They had follow r ed us all day, no doubt expecting another repast, such as had been served to them the night before. We, however, kept a bright fire burning, and no gray wolves came about; so the cayotes were disappointed, and vented their disappointment all night long in the most dismal howls I ever heard. At times, it seemed as though there were five hundred of them, and join ing their voices in chorus, they would send up a volume of sound that resembled the roar of a tempest, or the discordant singing of a vast. multitude of people. While we cooked breakfast, a strong picket of wolvei watched all around the camp, feasting their greedy eyes from a distance on my elk-meat. When we started from camp, a hun dred or more of them followed us, often coming quite close to the pack-pony, and biting and quarreling about the elk that was never to be their meat. When we halted, they would halt, and sitting down, loll out their red tongues and lick the snow. At length, I took my shot-gun, and loading the barrels, fired into the thickest of the pack. Two or three were wounded, and no sooner did their companions discover that they were bleeding and disabled, than they fell upon 324 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. them, tore them to pieces, and devoured every morsel of theii flesh. I had seen men who would do the same thing with their fellows, but until I witnessed the contrary with my own eyes, I had supposed this practice was confined to the superior brute creation. The third day out, finding no trace of the command, we concluded to go back to the Medicine and seek the old camp, from which place we could take the trail and follow up until we came upon it. We reached the Medicine at sun-down, and there, to our satisfaction, found the troops still in camp, where we had left them, they not having marched in consequence of the cold and foggy weather. I was soon in my own tent and sound asleep, being thoroughly worn out with '.he exposure and fatigue of my long journoy. BEJJ>EN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 325 CHAPTER XLVIII. HUNTING MY PONY ON THE PRAIRIE CAUGHT BY INDIANS HOW I FOOLED THEM WAYLAYING THE STAGE-COACH A NICE OCCUPATION FOR A UNITED STATES OFFICER A DISAPPOINTMENT TO THE INDIANS, BUT NOT TO ME THH INDIANS BECOME IMPATIENT AND LEAVE LEFT BEHIND RUNNING TO THH RANCHE THE COACH ITS CONDITION THE ATTACK THE RESULT SAFE AT THE RANCHE. T WAS sent down from Camp Cottonwood (now Fort -- McPherson), with thirty men, to Oilman's Ranche, fifteen miles east of Cottonwood on the Platte, where I was to re main, guard the ranche, and furnish guards to Ben Holliday's overland stage coaches. In those days, Oilman's was an important place, and in earlier times, had been a great trading point for the Sioux. Two or three trails led from the Repub lican to this place, and every winter the Sioux had come in with their ponies loaded down with buffalo, beaver, elk, and deer skins, which they exchanged with the traders at Oilman's. War had, however, put a stop to these peaceful pursuits ; still the Sioux could not give up the habit of traveling these favorite trails. The ponies often come in from the Republican, not now laden with furs and robes, but each bearing a load of beastiality called a Sioux warrior. The overland coaches offered a great temptation to the cupidity and vices of the Sioux, and they were not slow to avail themselves of any opportunity to attack 326 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. them. The coaches carrier! the mails and much treasure, and if the savages could now and then succeed in capturing one, they got money, jewels, scalps, horses, and not uufrequently white women, as a reward for their enterprise. Troops were stationed in small squads at every station, about ten miles apart, and they rode from station to station on (he top of all coaches, holding their guns ever ready for action. It was not pleasant, this sitting perched up on top of a coach, riding through dark ravines and tall grass, in which savages were ever lurking. Generally, the first fire from the Indians killed one or two horses, and tumbled a soldier or two off" the top of the coach. This setting one's self up as a sort of target, was a disagreeable and dangerous duty, but the soldiers per formed it without murmuring. My squad had to ride up to Cottonwool, and down to the station below, where they waited for the next coach going the other way and returned by it to their post at Gilman's. All the other stations were guarded in like manner; so it happened that every coach carried some soldiers. One evening I found my pony missing, and thinking he had strayed off but a short distance, I buckled on my revolvers and went out to look for him. I had not intended to go far, but not finding him, I walked on, and on, until I found myself some four miles from the ranche. Alarmed at my indiscretion, for I knew the country was full of Indians, I hastily set out to return, and as it was now growing dark, I determined to go up a ravine that led to the post by a nearer route than the trail. I had got nearly to the end of the ravine, where the stage-road crossed it, and was about to turn out into the road when, on looking up the bank, I saw on the crest of the slope, some dark objects. At first, I thought they were ponies, for they were KELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 327 moving on all fours, and directly toward the road. I ran up the bank, and had not gone more than ten yards, when I heard voices, and looking round, saw within a dozen steps of me, five or six Indians lying on the grass, and talking in low tones. The} had noticed me, but evidently thought I was one of their own number. Divining the situation in a moment, I walked carelessly on until near the crest of the hill, where I suddenly came upon a dozen more Indians, crawling along on their hands and knees. One of them gruffly ordered me down, and I am sure I lost no time in dropping into the grass. Crawling care fully along, for I knew it would not do to stop, I still managed to keep a good way behind and off to one side. We at last reached the road, and the Indians, gun in hand, took up their position in the long grass close by the road-side. I knew the up-coach would be due at the station in half an hour, and I now found myself in the unpleasant position of waylaying one of the very coaches I had been sent to guard. Perhaps, one of my own soldiers coming up on the coach would kill me, and then what would people say? how would my presence with the Indians be explained? and how would it sound to have the newspapers publish, far and near, that an officer of the United States army had deserted his post, joined the Indians, and attacked a stage-coach ? However, there was no help for it, and I lay still waiting for developments. It was now time for the coach, and we watched the road with straining eyes. Two or three times I thought I heard the rumbling of the wheels, and a tremor seized me, but it was only the wind rustling the tall grass. An hour went by, and still no coach, when the Indians, becoming uneasy one who seemed to be the leader of the expedition, rose up, and motioning the others to follow him started off down the hill toward the. ravine. I made a motion 20 328 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. as if getting up, and seeing the Indians backs turned, dropped flat on my face and lay perfectly still. Slowly their footsteps faded away, and raising my head, I saw them mount their ponies and disappear over the neighboring hill, as if going down the road to meet the coach. As soon as they were out of sight, I sprang up and ran as "ast as I could to the ranehe when, relating what had happened, I started with some soldiers and citizens down the road to meet the stage. We had not gone far when we heard it coming up, and on reaching it, found it had been attacked by Indians a few miles below, one passenger killed and two severely wounded. The coach had but three horses, one having been killed in the fight. The Indians had dashed at the coach mounted, hoping to kill the horses, and thus cut off all means of retreat or flight, but they had only succeeded in killing one horse, when the passengers and soldiers had driven them off, compelling them to carry two of their number with them, dead or desperately wounded. I was more careful after that, when I went out hunting ponies, and never tried again to waylay a coach with Indians. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF 32J CHAPTER XLIX. TWO SIOUX WARRIORS AT OILMANS RANOHE MY PET INDIANS WAR DANCES AND SONGS THE ENTRAPPED OGALLALAS ESCAPE OF THB WARRIOR AND PONIES MORE DANCING AN UNPLEASANT REQUEST THE REFUSAL - WHAT CAME OF IT SPRINGER'S ADVICE FATE OF THE TWO SIOUX THEIR HEROISM AND ENDURANCE TERRIBLE BARBARITY OF SAVAGES WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY ABOUT IT. AMONG the soldiers stationed at Oilman's Ranche, were a number of Omaha and Winnebago Indians, who belonged to my company, in the First Nebraska Cavalry. I had done jill I could to teach them the ways of civilization, but despite my instructions, and their utmost endeavors to give over their wild and barbarous practices, every now and then old habits would become too strong upon them to be borne, and they would in dulge in the savage customs of their youth. At such times they would throw aside their uniforms, and, wrapping a blanket about them, sing and dance for hours. One evening they were in a particularly jolly mood, and hav ing obtained permission to have a dance, went out in front of the building, and for want of a better scalp-pole, assembled around one of the telegraph poles. One fellow pounded lustily en a piece of leather nailed over the mouth of a keg, while the others hopped around in a circle, first upon sue leg, then the 29 330 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. other, shaking oyster-cans over their heads, that had been filled with pebbles, and keeping time to the rude music, with a sort of guttural song. Now it would be low and slow, and the dancers barely move, then, increasing in volume and rapidity, it would become wild and vociferous, the dancers walking very fast, much as the negroes do in their " walk-arounds." We had had all manner of dances and songs, and enough drumming and howling to have made any one -tired, still the Indians seemed only warming up to their work. The savage frenzy was upon them, and I let them alone until near midnight. Their own songs and dances becoming tiresome, I asked them to give me some Sioux songs, for I had been thinking all the evening of the village up the Missouri and my squaws. The Indians im mediately struck up a Sioux war song, accompanying it with the war dance. All the Indian songs and dances are terminated with a jump, and a sort of wild yell or whoop. When they had danced the Sioux war song, and ended it with the usual whoop, what was our surprise to hear the cry answered back at no great distance, out on the prairie. At first I thought it was the echo, but Springer, a half-breed Indian, assured me what I had heard was the cry of other Indians. To satisfy myself, I bade the Indians repeat the song and dance, and this time, sure enough, when it was ended the whoop was answered quite near the ranche. I went inside, lest my uniform could be seen, and telling Springer to continue the dance, I went to a back window and looked out, in the direction from which the sound appeared to 6ome. The moon was just rising, and I could distinctly see three Indian warriors sitting on their ponies, within a few hundred rces of the house. They seemed to be intently wtahing BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 33 ^ what was going on, and were by no means certain as to thf character of the performers or performance. At a glance, 1 made them out to be our deadly enemies, the Ogallala Sioux, and determined to catch them. I quickly called Springer, and bid him kindle a small fire, and tell the Indians to strike up the death song and scalp dance of the Sioux. This, as I ex pected, at once re-assured the strange warriors, and, riding up quite close, they asked Springer, who was not dancing, and who had purposely put himself in their way, " What are you dancing for ? '' "Dancing- the scalps of four white soldiers we have filled," replied Springer. "How did you kill them," inquired the foremost Indian warrior. " You see," said Springer, who, being part Sioux, spoke the language perfectly, " we were coming down from the Neobarrah, and going over to the Republican to see Spotted Tail and our friends the Ogallalas, when some soldiers fired on us here, and seeing there were but four of them, we attacked and killed them all. They are now lying dead inside," added Springer; " come, get down and help dance their scalps." Two of the warriors immediately dismounted, giving their ponies to the third one to hold, who remained mounted. Springer seemed to take no notice of this, but leading the warriors up to the dance, joined in with them, the other Indians making rjaom in the circle for the new-comers. When the dance was ended, Springer said, " Come, let us bring out the scalps," and turning to the two Indians, inquired, " Will you look at the bodies ? " About half the Indians had already gone into the ranch e, under pretense of getting the scalps, and 332 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. the two Sioux walked in with Springer, apparently without suspicion that any thing was wrong. As soon as they had crossed the threshold the door was closed behind them, and two burly Oinahas placed their backs against it. I f was entirely dark in the ranche, and Springer proceeded to strike a light. When the blaze of the dry grass flared up it revealed every thing in the room, and there stood the two Sioux, surrounded by Omahas, and a dozen revolvers leveled at theii heads. . Never shall I forget the yell of rage and terror they set up, when they found they were entrapped. The Sroux warrior outside, who was holding the ponies, heard it, and plunging his heels into the sides of his pony, made off as fast as he could. Notwithstanding my men fired a dozen shots at him, he got off safely, and carried away with him all three of the ponies. The two Sioux in the ranche were bound hand and foot, and laid in one corner of the room ; then my Indians returned to the telegraph pole to finish their dance. Feeling tired, I lay down and feel asleep. Near morning I was awakened by most unearthly yells, and looking out, saw my Indians leaping, dancing, and yelling around the telegraph pole, where they now had a large fire burning. Presently Springer came in and said the Indians wanted the prisoners. I told him they could not have them, and that in the morning I would send them to Col. Brown, at McPherson, as was my duty. Springer, who was a non commissioned officer, communicated this message to the Indians, when the yelling and howling redoubled. In a short time Springer came in again, and said he could do nothing with the BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. v Indians, and that they were determined to have the at the same time advising me to give them up. I again refused, when the Indians rushed into the ranche, and, seizing the prisoners, dragged them out. Seeing they were frenzied 1 made no resistance, but followed them closely, keeping con- sealed, however. The} took the Sioux to an island on the Platte, below the ranche, and there, tying them to a tree, gathered a pile of wood and set it on fire. Then they thrust faggots against the naked bodies of the prisoners, stuck their knives into their legs, arms, and finally into their bowels. They next cut off their ears and noses, and then their hands, after which they scalped and dis- embowled them. The Sioux uttered not a complaint, but en dured all their sufferings with that stoicism for which the Indian is so justly celebrated, and which belongs to no other race in the world. Sick at heart, I crept back to the ranche and went to bed, leaving the Indians engaged in a furious scalp dance, and whirling the bloody scalps of the Sioux over their heads, with long poles to which they had them fastened. Next morning, when I awoke, I found .the Indians wrapped in their blankets, and lying asleep all around me. The excite ment of the night had passed off, and brought its corresponding depression. They were very docile and stupid, and it was with some difficulty I could arouse them for the duties of the day. I asked several of them what had become of the Sioux prisoners, but could get no other answer than, " Guess him must have got away." I was sorely tempted to report the affair to the commanding officer at Fort McPherson, and have the Indians punished, but 336 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. believing it would do more good in the end to be silent, I said nothing about it. After all, the Omahas and Winnebagoes had treated the Sioux just as the Sioux would have treated them, had they been captured, and so, it being a matter altogether among savages, I let it rest where it belonged. BELDEX : THE WHITE CHIEF. 337 CHAPTER L. GUARDING JACK MORROW'S RANCHE AN ADVENTURE WITH WOOD-HAUIERS CAMPAIGNING ALONG THE PLATTE MY INDIAN SOLDIERS HOW WE OPENED THE "STABLE WHAT THE WOOD-HAULERS SAID ABOUT IT A SURPRISE SAD ATTEMPT AT JOKING FIXING UP JACK MORROW'S PROPERTY OFF FOE OMAHA. WAS for a time, in 1865, on duty at Fort Cottonwood, -*- Nebraska, as adjutant of my regiment, the First Nebraska Vol. Cavalry, when the scarcity of officers at the post made it necessary for the commanding officer to detail me, with thirty Indian soldiers, to proceed to, and garrison Jack Morrow's ranche, twelve miles west of the fort, on the south side of the Platte River. The Sioux were very hostile then, and it was an ordinary occurrence for ranches to be burned and the owners killed. Morrow's ranche, unlike the little, low, adobe ranches every where seen, was a large three-story building, with out-buildings adjacent, and a fine large stable for stock, the whole being well surrounded by a commodious stockade of cedar palisades, set deep in the ground, and projecting to the height of about ten or twelve feet above the surface. Upon arriving at the ranche, late at night, my usually noisy Indians were quietly sleeping in the huge ox- wagons, which had been provided for transportation. I found the front of the 338 BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. ranche lit up by fires built between the stockade and the build ings on a narrow strip of ground, serving for a front yard. J had been informed by the commanding officer at Cotton wood, that Mr. Morrow was not living at his ranche, but was away, Blast, and the object in sending me there was to prevent thfc Indians from burning so valuable a property. I was not pre pared to find a party encamped at the ranche, and not knowing but that they might be Indiana^ waiting in so favorable a spot to waylay travelers or emigrants passing the road in front of the stockade, I told my drivers to halt their teams, and, quietly awakening my Indians, I bade them be in readiness to rush up if I should give them a signal by yelling, but to remain in the wagons until I called them, and to make no noise. I then quietly rode forward to reconnoiter, and as the stockade timbers were set very close together, I had to crawl up to the loop-holes cut in the timbers to see what was going on inside. Standing on the ground, and holding my pony's nose with my hand to keep him quiet, I stood on my tip-toes, and could see, through one of the loop'-holes, a curious sight, but one natural enough on the frontier. Grouped around three small fires, built close to the front of the ranche, sat some ten or twelve browned and weather-beaten men, whose hair hung to their shoulders, and each one of whom wore a slouched hat, a pair of revolvers, and a good stout knife, the inseparable companions of a western prairie man. All were intent on eating supper of fried bacon, slapjacks, and coffee. They had no guard, doubtless feeling secure in their number and means of defense, against any Indian attack that might be made. " Hello ! " I shouted, " have you got supper enough for one more ? " " Yes. if you are white or red ; but if black, no,'* was answered back, with an invitation " to show " myself. J BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 339 led the pony across the narrow trench which ran around the stockade, and, mounting him, rode into the yard. As I ap proached the party I overheard remarks, such as, "An army cuss;" "One of those little stuck-up officers/' But not ap pearing to have heard them, I got down, and asked what party they were. " Wood-haulers/' they replied ; " taking building logs down the road ; " followed by " Who are you, and where are you going this late at night ? " I told them who I was, and that I had now finished my journey, as I intended to stop there. I was immediately informed in a curt manner that they guessed it was rather " mixed" about staying there, if I had any stock along, for the stables were full, and the ranche, too; and they had no room for any additional people or stock. I told them that I had two teams standing outside, and that it was my intention to put the mules and my pony in the stable ; and if there was no room there, I should make room by turning out some of their animals. To this I was plainly told that I could neither turn a mule out or put an animal in, nor could I remain at the ranche, which they had occupied for their own quarters, Jack Morrow having left and gone East, probably never to return. They said they were a little stronger in num bers than myself and my two drivers, and I must move on or they would make me. I told them that I was a United States officer, acting under orders, and that it would be an easy matter for me to ride back to Cottonwood and get men enough to enforce my orders unless they submitted. Several of the rough-look ing fellows said that they each carried good revolvers, and that it was an easy matter to stop me if I attempted to return to Cottonwood, and swore they would do so. I remained quiet for a moment, and the leader of the party, looking at me, asked: " What are you going to do about it?" "I am going BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. to open the stables and put my animals in shelter," I replied, at the same time mounting my pony and riding out to the stables, a short distance in front of which stood my teams. Several of the frontiersmen got up, and, without saying a word, walked to the stables, and went up close to the doors. I or dered the teamsters to drive to the stables, unharness from the heavy ox-wagons, place their teams inside, r and if they could not find vacant stalls enough, to untie and turn loose mules to empty the required number for my teams. The teamsters obeyed by driving up, and when they had dismounted and were about to unhitch from the wagons, one of the wood-haulers at the stable door said : " You can save yourself the trouble, mis ter, of unhitching them mules, for you aint agoing to put them in this stable; and the first man that attempts it I'll fix." " Suppose I wish to open that door and put up my teams," said I, "without any trouble; wouldn't it be better for all of us ? " " You go to h 1 ! " he replied ; and added, " you won't get in this stable ; that 's settled." " I '11 see about that!" and yelling Turn out! Turn out! in the Indian lan guage, my soldiers jumped from the canvas-covered wagons, yelling like demons, and brandishing their carbines and re volvers in a threatening manner. Never were men so taken back as the wood-haulers. They were sure we were Sioux, and started to run, but I called them back. Not a word was then spoken while my Indians led the mules, that were now un hitched, into the stables. Leaving the teamsters to feed and water their animals, I turned my pony over to an Omaha, to unsaddle, and marched my soldiers up to the house, of which I took possession. The roughs changed their tune, and tried to laugh the. matter off, saying they knew all the time the wagons were full of sol- BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 34 1 diers, and they only wanted to see if I had " nerve." I told them they could leave their teams in the stables, as my team sters told me there was room enough yet remaining for all the mules, but that in the morning they must leave. At early light they were off, not, however, before I had found out the names of the leaders of the gang. The doors of the house had been taken off the hinges, and the framed pine used to sleep and chop meat on, all being marked with gashes chopped in them with axes. The windows were also broken, the glass and sashes gone, and the building as much damaged as if In dians had been there a month. I did all I could to save the property scattered over the grounds, and remained at the ranche some weeks, until an order came for me to go to OmaLa as a witness before the United States Court. 342 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER LI. MASSACRE OF COTTONWOOD CANON THE SCURVY AMONG THE TROOPS LACK Of ANTI-SCORBUTICS THEY ARRIVE AT LAST T1IE DOCTOR'S ADVICE THE PLUM GROVE CAPTAIN MITCHELL'S PARTY THE INDIAN ATTACK ESCAPE OF WISE DEATH OF BENTZ A RACE FOR LIFE CORRALLED UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENTS PERILOUS POSITION OF CAPTAIN MITCHELL SPOTTED TAIL DIS COVERY OF ANDERSON A DESPERATE BATTLE DEATH OF ANDERSON IN DIAN BARBARITY MASSACRE OF THE SICK MEN THE ESCAPE AND PURSUIT A BOOTLESS CHASE. "VTTHILE the troops lay at Camp Cottonwood, now Fort McPherson, the scurvy broke out among the men and caused terrible suffering. There were no anti-scorbutics nearer than Leavenworth, Kansas, which could be had for issue to troops, and before these could be received, the disease increased to an alarming extent. At last, however, the remedies arrived, and the men began rapidly to convalesce. The doctor advised them to eat wild fruit and berries, and to take plenty of exer cise in the open air. There was a plum grove about four miles from the camp, and as this wild fruit was very wholesome, the sick men went out nearly every day to gather it. One morning, Captain Mitchell, of the Seventh Iowa Cav alry, procured an ambulance, and, taking with him a drivei named Anderson, an orderly named Cramer, and seven hos pital patients, started for the plum grove. They arrived at th BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 343 first grove about ten o'clock, and, finding that most of the plums had been gathered, drove on to another grove some three miles farther up the cafion. They were now about seven miles from camp, too far to be safe, but, as no Indians had been seen lately in the country, they did not feel uneasy. At the upper grove they found two soldiers of the First Nebraska Cavalry, named Bentz and Wise, who had been sent out by the quarter master to look for stray mules, and they had stopped to gather some plums. As both these men were well armed, Captain MiHiell attached them to his party, and felt perfectly secure. Bentz and went up the canon a little way, and while eating fruit were suddenly fired on from the bushes by almost a dozen Indians. At the first volley, Bentz had his belt cut away by a ball, and lost his revolver. The soldiers turned to fly, but, as they galloped off, another ball entered Bentz's side, desperately wounding him. They now rode down the cafion, hoping to rejoin Captain Mitchell's party, but soon saw a body of Indians riding down the bluff ahead of them, evidently with the design of cutting them off. Wise told Bentz to ride hard, at the same time handing him one of his revolvers, to defend liimself in case of emergency. Bentz was very feeble and dizzy, so much so, indeed, that he could barely sit in the saddle. Wise was mounted on a superb horse belonging to Lieutenant Cutler, which he had taken out to exercise, and, seeing that the Indians would head them off, and that Bentz, who was riding an old mule, could not keep up, he gave the powerful brute rein, and shot down the cafion like an arrow. He passed the inter vening Indians in safety, just as three of them dashed out of a pocket in the bluff and cut off poor Bentz. ^A ise saw Beutz knocked from his "mule, and, knowing it 344 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. was useless to try to save him, left him to his fate, and thought only of saving his own life. He rode hard for Captain Mitchell, who was not far distant, but before he could reach him another party of Sioux headed him off, and he turned and rode up the bluffs to the flat lands. The Indians pursued him, and made every effort to kill or capture him, but his fine horse bore him out of every danger. Three times he was cut off from the camp, but, by taking a wide circuit, he managed to ride around the Indians, and at last succeeded in reaching the high road above the camp. As many settlers lived on this road, the In dians did not venture to follow him along it, and he was soon safely housed in the log-cabin of a frontiersman, and relating his adventures. Meanwhile Captain Mitchell, having seen the fate of Bentz and escape of Wise, made haste to assemble his party, and, lifting those who were too weak to climb into the wagon, they set off for the camp. Mitchell and Anderson were the only two of the party who had arms, but they assured the sick men they would defend them to the last. Anderson took the lines and drove, while Mitchell seated himself in the rear end of the ambulance, with a Henry rifle to keep off the Indians. They had not gone far before they came upon a large force of warriors drawn up across the caflon, to cut off their retreat. The bluffs were very steep and high on both sides of them, and ('scape seemed impossible, nevertheless Mitchell ordered Ander son to run his team at the right hand bluff and try and ascend it. The spirited animals dashed up the steep bank and drew the wagon nearly half way up, when one of the wheelers balked and nearly overturned the wagon. .A loud yell from the sav ages, at this moment, so frightened the horses that they sprang forward, and before the*y could appreciate it they were over the BEKDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 347 oluff on the level prairie, and flying toward the camp at the tate of ten miles an hour. They now began to hope, but had only gone as far as the first plum'grcve when they saw the Indians circling around them, and once more getting between them and the post. Still they hoped that some soldiers might be in the first grove gathering \i urns, or that Wise had reached the post and given the alarm, so that help would soon come to them. Captain Mitchell fired his rifle once or twice, to attract the attention of any persons who might be in the plum grove, but there was no response, and Anderson drove rapidly on. The Indians now began to close in upon the ambulance from all sides. They would ride swiftly by a few yards distant, and, swinging themselves behind the neck and shoulders of their ponies, fire arrows or balls into the wagon. Two of the sick men had already been wounded, and Captain Mitchell, finding it impossible to defend them while the ambulance was in motion, the shaking continually destroying his aim, ordered Ander son to drive to the top of a hill near by, and they would fight it out with the red-skins. Cramer now took the lines, when, either through fear or because he did not believe in the policy of stopping, he kept straight on. Captain Mitchell twice or dered Cramer to pull up, but, as he paid no attention, he told Anderson .to take the lines from him. In attempting to obey the captain's order, Anderson lost his footing and fell out of the wagon. The captain now sprang forward, put his foot on the brake to lock the wheels, when a sudden lurch of the wagon caused him to lose his balance, and he fell headlong on the prairie. Fortunately, he alighted near a deep gully, where the water had cut out the bank, and, rolling himself into it, he looked out and saw Anderson crawling into a bunch of bushes 21 348 BJ-JLDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. near by. When these accidents happened, the ambulance had just crossed the crest of a little hill, and, as the Indians had not come over it yet, they did not see either of the men fall from the wagon. The captain had only two revolvers, but Ander son's gun, a Spencer rifle, had been thrown out with him, and he picked it up and took it into the bushes. In a few moments the Indians came up, riding very fast, and the main body crossed the ravine near where Captain Mitchell lay. Some of them jumped their horses directly over the spot where he was concealed, but in a few moments they were gone, and soon had disappeared behind the neighboring divide, leaving the captain and Anderson to their own reflec tions. What to do was the next question. That the Indians would overtake the ambulance, kill all its occupants, and re turn, the captain had not a doubt. He determined to go down the ravine, and, calling to Anderson to follow, started off. He had already crawled some distance when, hearing the clatter of horses' hoofs, he peeped over the edge of his cover, and saw about seventy-five Indians riding directly up to where he was concealed. Giving himself up for lost he laid down, drawing his revolvers and preparing them for action, for he was de termined not to let. the savages have his scalp without making a desperate resistance. The warriors came up, and, dismount ing within thirty yards of him, began a lively conversation. The chief walked up close to the brink of the ravine, and almost within arm's length of the captain, and stood gazing on the ground. Mitchell now saw the chief was blind of an eye ami wore a spotted head-dress; and he knew by these marks he was none other than the celebrated Sioux warrior, Spotted Tail. On making this discovery the captain leveled both his revolver? nt the chief's brtast, and was fully determined to fire. He BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF 3 1& believed that the loss of five captains would be a small matter, if by their death they could secure the destruction of the great leader of the Sioux. Just as he was about to pull the triggers i loud shout from the warriors caused Spotted Tail to start for ward and run rapidly up the hill. The ponies were led down the ravine and the warriors scattered in all directions, seeking cover. One of them ensconced himself in the ravine not more than thirty feet from Mitchell. Raising his head so he coulo gee out, the captain endeavored to ascertain what caused all the excitement among the Indians. At first he had thought he was discovered, then that re-enforcements from the fort had arrived, and a battle was about to begin ; but now he saw Anderson was discovered. "When the captain had started down the ravine Anderson had followed him, and just emerged from the bushes when the Indians suddenly came up. He had dropped on thf. ground, and endeavored to roll himself back among the sage brush, when an Indian saw him and gave the alarm. The warriors, not knowing how many white men might be in the brush, with their usual caution, had immediately sought cover. A hot fire was opened on Anderson's position, and tit first he did not respond at all. A warrior, more bold or indiscreet than the rest, ventured to go closer to the bushes, when a small puff of white smoke was seen to rise, a loud report rang out on the air, and the warrior fell, pierced through the heart. A yell of rage resounded over the hills, and three more Indians ran toward Anderson's cover. Three reports followed each other in rapid succession, and the three Indians bit the dust. There was now a general charge on Anderson, but he fired so fast and true that the Indians fell back, carrying with them two more of their number. The captain now felt it his duty to help Anderson, and was 350 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. i aoout to open fire with his revolvers, when Anderson, who, n: doubt, expected as much, yelled three or four times, saying, in a soi c, of cry, " My arm is broken ; keep quiet ; can't work the Spencer any more." The brave fellow no doubt intended this as a warning to the captain not to discover himself by firing, and he reluctantly accepted the admonition and kept quiet. A rush bv some thirty warriors was now made on Ander son, and, notwithstanding his disabled condition, he managed to kill three more Indians before he was taken. He was over powered, however, dragged out of the bushes, and scalped in full sight of the captain. He fought to the last, and compelled them to kill him to save their own lives. Nothing could exceed the rage of the Indians, and especially old Spotted Tail, as he saw the body of warrior after warrior carried down the hill, until nine dead Indians were laid beside Anderson. In his grief for the loss of his braves, the old chief kicked the corpse of poor Anderson, and the other Indians, coming up, stuck kuives into it. Then they rolled it over, cut nine gashes in his back, one for each warrior he had killed, and stabbed it nine times. Next, they drove a stake in the eye, drew it out, and filling the hole with powder, blew his skull to pieces. In a few minutes after the death of Anderson, a mounted party was seen coming over the hills, and about thirty warriors rode up to Spotted Tail, and reported that they had captured the ambulance and killed all who were in it. They exhibited to Spotted Tail the scalps of all Captain Mitchell's late com panions, except that of Cramer. The ambulance horses were brought back, each carrying a greasy mass of brutality, known down east as a " noble red man." Lira few moments the warriors had their dead comrades se curely strapped to ponies, and, mounting their own, set out ' BELDEN : THE WHITE CHIEF. 351 toward the Eepublican. As soon as they were out of sight, and it became dark, Captain Mitchell started for the camp, where he arrived about 10 o'clock, and told the story of the " Cotton wood Massacre/' as I have here related it. Early the next morning I was sent out with a strong force tc pursue and, if possible, overtake and punish the Indians. For two days I followed them hard, and, .on the evening of the second day, came upon a small party as they were crossing a stream, but, in attempting to charge them, they scattered over the prairie and were soon lost in the darkness. The trail now divided in every direction, and it would have been impossible to follow it unless each soldier had pursued some half a dozen warriors, when it is not likely he would have returned. So we turned back, and marched for Cottonwood. The bodies of the dead had been brought in and buried, and every thing had been found just as Captain Mitchell had stated. ' Private Wise was severely censured for not immediately go ing to the camp and giving the alarm, but he said he had no idea the wagon and its sick men had ever left the caflon, for there were at least one hundred and fifty warriors around it when he came away, so he thought he might as well rest until morning before bearing such dismal news as he had to commu nicate to his fellow-soldiers. 352 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. CHAPTER LII. CAPTAIN HANCOCK'S ADVENTURE WITH THE stoux THE STAGE COACH ATTACK- DEATH OF CINNAMON A WESTERN STAGE DRIVER WHAT HE DID WHEN THE COACH WAS ATTACKED THE DEAD HORSE A PREDICAMENT AMPUTA TION OF A LEG HOW TO FIGHT SIOUX INDIANS OFF FOR THE RANCHE A FUNERAL PROCESSION ARRIVAL AT OILMAN'S ALL ABOARD OFF AGAIN BURIAL OF CINNAMON RECOVERY OP THE WOUNDED THE SIOUX TRAIL THE SIGNS WHERE THEY WENT. ~ CURING the time when we were guarding Ben Holliday'a -*~s stage coaches, and when attacks on them were of fre quent occurrence, I had an adventure which I think is worth relating. I was at one of the lower ranches, and the Indiana were very troublesome. Our guards were nearly all sick or wounded, and the coaches had to go out insufficiently pro tected. One evening the coach was late, and, as to be behind time was a sure sign that something was wrong, we all felt very uneasy. The drivers made it a rule to get from one station to another on time, and if they did not arrive parties were imme diately started out to the next ranche, ten miles below, to see what the matter was, the stations being all eight, ten, and twelve miles apart. On the particular evening in question, I had got tired wait- BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 353 ing, and gone over to the stable-keeper to see if we had not better take the change horses, go down the road, and try if we could not find the coacL. It was due at the 1 station at 8:30 P. M , and it was now ten, so I was confident it had been at tacked or had broken down. While we were talking, the sen tinel on the outpost, whose business it was to look out for the stage and give notice of its approach, signaled the coach was coming. We all ran down the road to meet it, and soon saw it coming slowly along with three horses instead of four, and the driver driving very slowly, as if he were going to a funert' or hauling wounded. W r hen we came up to the coach we learned that he was in deed both conveying a corpse and wounded. On the arrival of the party at the ranche, Captain Hancock, who was a pas senger, related to me all that had happened, and I repeat the story as it fell from his lips. " We were, " said the captain, " driving along smartly in the bottom, about four miles below, when, just as we crossed a little ravine, some twenty Indians jumped up out of the long grass and fired on us. The first volley killed Mr. Cinnamon, a telegraph operator, who was a passenger, and was on his way from Plum Creek to some point up the river. He was riding on the box with the driver at the time when he received the fatal shot, and the driver caught his body just as it was falling forward off the coach on the rear horses. He put Cinna moil's corpse in the front boot among the mail bags, where it row is. " The first fire had also killed our nigh wheeler, and, as ihe ooach was going pretty fast at the time, the horse was dragged A considerable distance, and his hind leg becoming fast be tween the spokes of the fore-wheel, his body was drawn up 81 354 BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. against the bed of the coach, and all further progress com pk'tely blocked. "The driver 'took it very coolly, first swearing fearfully al ine Indians, toward whom he cracked his whip repeatedly, as if flaying their naked backs, and then, having vented his pleen, he quietly descended from his box and stripped the arness off the dead horse. " Meanwhile the Indians had been circling around us, firing into the coach every few minutes, and I had got under- the wagon with my clerks, the better to be protected and to fire at the Indians, who could be seen best from the ground, as they moved against the horizon. " The driver tried in vain to extricate the leg of the dead horse from the wheel, but it was firmly wedged in, and after uniting my strength to his I found it necessary to take my knife and amputate the leg at the knee-joint. The body was at length removed, and, mounting the box, the driver bid us get in, and we were off once more. One of the clerks had been severely wounded, and, as his wound was quite painful, we had to drive very slowly ; so we were late getting in. " While the captain was talking the driver came to the door to say the coach was waiting, for on the plains stages stop not for accidents or dead men. I bade my friend good-night, hoping he would not again be interrupted on his journey by the red bkins, and, the driver cracking his whip, the four fresh bays bounded forward at a gallop, and soon carried the coach out of sight of the valley. Next day we buried poor Cinnamon, and sent the wounded Euan to McPherson, where he could have medical attendance. and we were pleased to learn he speedily recovered. BELDEN: THE WHITE CHIEF. 355 I rode down to where the coach had been attacked, and saw the dead horse and the ravine from which the Indians had sprung. The fight had evidently been a sharp one. and I could see by the trail that the savages had followed the coach nearly to the ranche, and then struck across toward the Republican, g never stopping, in all probability, until they reached it, ninety miles distant.