QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE HOLT-RENFREW FURS are known throughout Canada and the United States for superior quality, matchless workmanship and advanced styles. Those women who are recognized as discriminating in their choice of wearing apparel invariably wear Holt-Renfrew Furs. iioU,r^njrew& Co. 405 St. Catherine Street West - Montreal Also at Toronto — Quebec — WJnnJpeji. ^ , UCSB LIBRARy fi "^1 4-^5^) TOUR BOOK II MAGNIFICENT HUDSON SEAL COATS self trimmed or trimmed with contrasting Furs — Natural Greenland Blue Foxes — Silver Foxes — Black Foxes — Cross Foxes — Hudson's Bay Sables — Ermine and Russian Sables — and a multitude of Fur Capes, Coatees, Scarfs, Sets and Muffs, 7/0 405 St. Catherine Street West - Montreal Also at Toronto — Quebec — -Winnipeg QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Reduce Your Tire Cost— ^ Louder mileage reduces the cost of tires. Goodyear policy is aimed to benefit the motorist and to g,We him a tire that will reduce tire cost rather than a cheap tire having no wearing qualities. The Goodj'ear Cord Tire has proven its ability to give longer mileage — it decreases the cost of maintainance. It is not a cheap tire in price, but it gives greater mileage at a lower cost-per-mile. The construction of the Goodyear Cord Tire provides for this remarkable service — layer upon layer of strong cords are each embedded in a cushion of rubber. The Goodyear Cord Tire is more flexible, gives greater riding comfort, and helps conserve oil and gasoline, and lessens car depreciation. All these go to make up the tire that costs lower per mile. Goodyear Cord Tires are popular amongst car owners who realize tire value. A Goodyear Service Station will be found along almost everj' road in the Dominion — the next time you see the Good- year Service emblem stop and learn of the value of the Goodvear Cord Tire. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Go. of Canada, Limited TOUR BOOK IV C> STORAGE BATTERY iTi SERVICE STATION Coturrlsbt regUUred, 191S AT YOUR SERVICE STORAGE BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED BATTERIES RENTED TO KEEP YOU RUNNING. LIGHTING, STARTING AND IGNI- TION SYSTEMS OVERHAULED WILLARD BATTERIES FOR ALL CARS ALWAYS IN STOCK. FEHR BROS. AND LITTLE Main 2648 172 BLEURY ST., MONTREAL. IMPERIAL GARAGE Mance St., just above Slierbooke St., (Near all hotels) Telephones: EAST 4150-4232 OPFN DAY and NIGHT I'KIVATK LOCKERS SKHVK K A M> SATISFACTION FIREPROOF ACCOMMODATION FOR 200 CARS JOS. H. LESAGE, MANAGER oils; GASOLINE, ACCESSORIES, VULCANIZING, TIRE REPAIRS. QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE HOW TO USE THE TOUR BOOK THIS book has been so arranged and indexed that all information it contains can readily be found. Only two abbreviations have been used, "S.O." indicating that the route is straight on, and "R.R." meaning railroad. The skeleton chart on Vlli and IX pages show the various routes that are detailed, the arrows pointing the dir- ection in which the routes read and the numbers on them indicate the Route Number which is at the head of each tour and which run in conse- cutive numerical order in the book. The index of routes gives the same information in another form, while the general index of cities towns and villages shows the page on which routes touching those places may be found, and which may not be named in the route heading or in the skele- ton chart. For example, if a tourist wishes to go to Lavaltrie, he will, if he knows it is on the Montreal-Quebec route look up the number of that route on the skeleton chart or in the route index. Then he will turn to the route number indicated and find the running directions to reach that town. If he is unacquainted with its location he will look up Lavaltrie in the general index of Cities, Towns, Villages, etc. and ascertain the page on which it appears and there find the route leading to it. i Comment se servir du I Manuel de TAutomobiliste CE livre a ete prepare et indexe de maniere que toutes les informa- tions qu'il contient puissent etre trouvees facilement et rapide- ment. *ll n'y est employe que deux abreviations: "S.O." indiquant que la route va droit en avant, et: "R.R." indiquant un chemin de fer. La carte schema montre toutes les routes qui sont donnees en detail, les fleches indiquant la direction dans laquelle la route est decrite, et le nu- mero correspond au numero qui est en tete de chaque description de route et ces descriptions se suivent par ordre numerique dans ce volume. L'in- dex des routes donne la meme information d'une autre maniere, alors que I'index general des villes et villages montre la page oCi sont mentionnees des routes conduisant a cette place et qui ne sont peut-etre pas mention- nees dans la carte schema ou dans la route principale. Par exemple, si un touriste desire se rendre a Lavaltrie, il devra, s'il sait que cette place se trouve sur la route Montreal-Quebec, regarder au numero de cette route sur la carte schema, ou consulter I'index des routes. Ensuite il consultera le numero indique de la route qui le conduira jusqu'a I'endroit desire., S'il ne connait pas cette localite, il consultera I'index des villes et villages, au mot Lavaltrie, et a la page indiquee, il trouvera la route qui y conduit. TOUK B(JOK VI VII QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE i ( ■^' u4 7y^//-> Wo/^T/f W/f/LE From New York, Boston or other Eastern points througli the beautiful Adirondacks to- Monircal- iheCity of old French Life Roads and scenery that are not excelled in America Ask for our route cards at- Albaiiy, Lake George, Elizabethtown. Saraiiac Lake, Lake Placid .11 %*■ 4r^^^*^ .TEl CM*M|>|.1|I| rairweatheps Limited FURRIERS & SKIN MERCHANTS TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPIOG QUEBEC TABLE DES MATIERES COMMENT SE SERVIR DU MANUEL DE L'AUTO- MOBILISTE Page CARTES. Schema des routes VIII-IX Montr6al et ses alentours XXXIV La province de Qu6bec 44a, 52a, 124a Route Montr§aI-Qu6bec 37 La province d'Ontario XXXVU INDEX Index des routes par ordre num^rique 247 Index des cit6s, villes et villages 251 Index des hdtels et garages 262 Index des annonceurs 264 INFORMATIONS GENERALES. Table d 'acceleration 238 Le Club Automobile du Canada XXX-XXXII Le Club Automobile de Qu6bec 48 Horaire des traverses Longueuil 239 Avant-propos XVI Reglements des douanes — Canada XXXVIII Reglements des douanes — Etats-Unis XLII Ports d 'entree de douanes, province de Qu6bec, Ontario et Etats-Unis XLV Montreal, points int6ressants XLVI 1 1 Le Pare Mont-Royal 122 Lois de circulation, sommaire, province de Quebec. . XXII Lois de circulation des v6hicules automobiles, som- maire, province d'Ontario XXIV Lois d 'immigration des Etats-Unis 241 Quebec ville, points interessants 50 Quebec province, sommaire fiistorique XIX Quebec province, lois de chasse et de pSche 244 Reglements de la circulation, ville de Montreal. . XXV-XXVIII Etats-Unis, reciprocite de licences pour vehicules a moteur XXV READ HOW TO USE TOUR BOOK ON PAGE V THE MJMBERS ISDWATE THE ROUTE NUMBERS OF THE M.MS ROUTES BETWEEN' IMPORTANT CESTRES. THE ARROW POISTS THE DIRECTION IX WHIVH THE ROUTE RE A IIS. ri XI AUTOxMOBILE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page HOW TO USE THE QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE TOUR BOOK V MAPS. Skeleton of Routes VIII-IX Montreal and vicinity XXXIV Montreal-Quebec Highway 37 Province of Quebec 44a, 52a, 124a Province of Ontario XXXVIa INDEXES. Index of routes in numerical order 247 Index of Cities, Towns and Villages, etc 251 I ndex of Hotels and Garages 262 I ndex of General Advertising 264 GENERAL INFORMATION. Acceleration Table 238 Automobile Club of Canada XXX-XXXI-79-126 Customs Regulations — Canada XXXVII Customs Regulations — United States XL Customs Ports of Entry, Province of Quebec, Ontario, and United States XLV Foreword XV I mmigration Laws — United States 240 Longueuil Ferry Timetable 239 Montreal Points of interest XLVI I Motor Vehicle Laws, summary, Province of Quebec . . XXI Motor Vehicle Laws, summary, Province of Ontario . . XXIII Mount Royal Park 122 Quebec Automobile Club 48 QuebiBC City, Points of interest 49 Quebec Province, Historical Sketch of XVI I Quebec Province, Fish and Game laws 242 Traffic Regulations, City of Montreal XXV-XXVI United States, reciprocity in motor licenses XXV TOUR BOOK XII k%,-t AT EITHER END OF THE MONTREAL - QUEBEC Highway a f comfortable high- class hotel awaits you. The excel- lence of location, cuisine and ser- vice will prove a fitting finish to a magnificent trip. TARIFFS Place Viger Hotel, Montreal : Room without bath $1.50 per day and up. Room with bath $2.50 per day and up. Chateau Frontenac, Quebec : Room without bath $2.00 per day and up. Room with bath $3.00 per day and up. \j F. L. HUTCHINSON. Manager in Chief of Hotels CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Montreal, Que. XIII QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Mappin &Webb J_ 1. CANADA LIMITED PEARLS, DIAMONDS, GOLDWARE, SILVERWARE, LEATHER, ETC. FACTORIES: SHEFFIELD, LONDON, MONTREAL. ♦»♦ BRANCHES: LONDON, SHEFFIELD, PARIS, ROME, NICE, BIARRITZ, LAUSANNE, JOHANNESBURG, RIO DE JANEIRO, BUENOS AIRES, SAO PAULO. YOU TOUR — WHY ? The natural presumption and undoubtedly the correct one is, because you wish to see and become acquainted with other things apart from your own sphere of life. These tours also carry with them memories permanently recorded in those little articles called : SOUVENIRS A souvenir may of course take the form of a Spoon, Jewel Box, Enamelware or any article of this descrip- tion, and we would ask you to kindly inspect our Stock, which we feel sure will interest you. DIAMONDS Of the Mappin quality are such as you would be interested in, being absolutely perfect in every respect. MONTREAL 353 ST. CATHERINE ST. WEST, CORNER VICTORIA. TOUR BOOK XIV r E QUEBEC aple Leaj^ THIRD ANNUAL EDITION ENGLISH FRENCH PUBLISHED BY GEO. A. MCNAMEE 909 NEW BIRKS BUILDING - MONTREAL TELEPHONE UPTOWN 2671 UNDER THE EXCLUSIVE OFFICIAL AUSPICES OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF CANADA. AND ENDORSATION OF THE CANADIAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. Copyright. Canada, 1919. by George A. McNamee. Montreal. PRICE $2.00 XV QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE i |~| FOREWORD |"| i HEREWITH is presented the third annual edition of the Quebec Automobile Tour Book. Quebec covers an area equal to about one-fourth of that of the United States and, while a large section of it still awaits the settler, yet it has more improved highways of a permanent type within its bound- aries than all other provinces of Canada together. Over 2,200 miles of roads have been permanently improved either by the Provincial Gov- ernment or by the municipal authorities. These radiate from the two big centres of population — Montreal and Quebec — and provide means of communication with all sections, opening up to the tourist the incom- parable grandeur of the mountains, the beauties of the valleys and lakes, the charming scenery of the rivers and the multitude of places of historic interest with which Quebec abounds. The hunting and fishing are known throughout the North American continent, but so far there has been a lack of information on how to reach the manifold attractions of the province. The tourist has a strong desire to become better acquainted with Quebec. This is shown by the ever increasing number of inquiries made of the Automobile Club of Canada for information relative to routes, points of interest, accommodation and other details of interest. But the absence of any official guide book has robbed the public of the full fruits of Quebec's progressive policy of road improvement, which at a cost of over $20,000,000 has provided hundreds of miles of highways, the equal of any on the Continent. The compilation of the Tour Book, under the auspices of the Automobile Club of Canada, has been undertaken to remedy this. Its publication will make Quebec more widely known, not only to the thousands of visitors from across the border, but to residents of the province itself. The Tour Book is in two sections. The first gives details regarding the "Maple Leaf Tours," and the routes to other places of scenic or his- toric interest together with full information as to road conditions, accom- modation and the like. The tours are so arranged that on reaching the two main centres the visitor may enjoy either half day or whole day trips, or else make week-end tours over excellent roads. The Tour Book also contains, in concise form, extracts of the laws governing the operation of motor vehicles in Quebec, details regarding automobile license reciprocity between the Province of Quebec and the United States, and the special customs regulations which enable visitors to remain thirty days in Canada without having to take out a bond. A' great deal of other valuable information is also given. The intention has been to make the Tour Book an invaluable companion to every visitor. TOUR BOOK XVI j |***| Avant-rropos |***| j 4.1^.4. 4...«....«,.—.,.^„<«.u.—...— ..—...,«-...— ..—0^0.— ...—...-«„_,4. •i»«->-4' Nous avons done I'honneur de presenter la troisieme edition du Manuel de Tautomobiiiste de Quebec. Quebec a une superficie d'un quart de celle des Etats-Unis; et bien qu'une grande superficie soit encore inculte et attende le colon, il a dans ses limites plus de bonnes routes permanentes que toutes les autres provinces canadiennes reunies. On y trouve plus de 2,000 de chemins ameliores soit par le gouvernement federal, soit par les muni- cipalites. Ces routes rayonnent de deux grands centres, Montreal et Quebec, et fournissent des communications avec toutes les sections, permettant au touriste de contempler tour a tour incomparable gran- deur des montagnes, les beautees des vallees et des lacs, les paysages charmants ou les rivieres coulent au milieu de mille endroits historiques dont Quebec abonde. La reputation de cette province pour la peche et la chasse est fameuse par tout le continent nord americain, mais on ne salt guere comment atteindre ces multiples attractions de ce pays enchanteur. Le touriste desire naturellement mieux connaitre Quebec. C'est ce que nous constatons tous les jours par les nombreuses demandes d'in- formation qui sont adressees a TAutomobile Club du Canada; informa- tions concernant les routes, les points interessants, I'accommodation, et autres details. Mais le manque d'un guide officiel a prive le public des fruits de la politique progressive de Quebec en fait de voirie, poli- tique qui, au cout de $20,000,000 a donne des centaines de milles de che- mins comparables aux plus beaux du continent. C'est pour remedier a cela qu'a ete entreprise la compilation de ce manual, sous les auspices de I'Automobile Club of Canada, et avec le patronage de la Canadian Automobile Association. Sa publication fera mieux connattre Quebec non seulement des milliers de visiteurs qui lui viennent de I'autre cote de la frontiere, mais meme de ses propres habitants. Ce manuel est divise en deux sections. La premiere donne les de- tails des "Maple Leaf Tours" et des routes conduisant a divers autres endroits celebres au point de vue scenique ou historique, donnant toutes les informations sur les routes a suivre, I'accommodation, etc. Ces pro- menades sont tracees de maniere a permettre au touriste, quand il arrive aux deux principaux centres, de faire des courses d'une demi journee ou d'une journee entiere, ou de faire des courses de fin de semaine, sur d'excellentes routes. Le manuel contient aussi, sous une forme concise, des extraits des lois de la province de Quebec reglant la circulation des vehicules auto- mobiles, des details touchant la reciprocite des licences entre la province de Quebec et les Etats-Unis, et les reglements speciaux des douanes qui permettent aux visiteurs de rester trente jours au Canada sans don- ner de cautionnement. 11 donne aussi beaucoup d'autres informations precieuses. Le but propose a ete de faire de ce manuel un precieux compagnon pour chaque visiteur. XVII QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE I HISTORICAL SKETCH | I OF THE = j I PROVINCE OF QUEBEC j I I As the oldest province in Canada, and the cradle of Canadian history, the Province of Quebec teems with historical interest. About its older settlements, now vibrating with the current of present day business and enterprise, still cling much of the romantic interest of New France. Along the length of the River St. Lawrence from Gaspe to Montreal one may still trace the historical legends that make the pages of Parkman's history read like a romantic novel. The province of Quebec covers an area of 703,653 square miles or 450,337,761 acres, and six times larger than the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The population of the province is over 2,300,000, and there is still an Indian population in reservations of nearly 13,000. The first explorations of the province of Quebec were made by Jacques Cartier, the French navigator, in 1535, a year after his first landing at the head of Gaspe Bay, when he planted a cross bearing the arms of France, and took possession of the country in the names of Christ and of France. On his voyage of discovery he ascended the St. Lawrence river as far as the Indian village of Hochelaga, now Montreal. The city of Quebec, originally the site of an Indian village, was founded by Samuel de Champlain, a later explorer, in 1608. The following year Champlain made an expedition to the lake that now bears his name, and had there his first encounter with the warlike Iroquois Indians, putting them to flight with the magical firearms of the white man. In 1610 Champlain carried out another campaign against the Iroquois on the Richelieu River, and in 1615 he was wounded during a third battle with the Indians near the Great Lakes. The first schools in Tadousac and Three Rivers were established by the Recollet Fathers, newly arrived from France, in 1615. Fort St. Louis at Quebec, was built in 1620. The town of Three Rivers was founded in 1634 by de la Violette. The Island of Montreal, on which the present day metropolis of Canada is situated, was granted to one M. de Lauzon by the French King in 1636, and seven years later Montreal was founded by M. de Maisonneuve. Its original name was Ville Marie. Fort Richelieu, near the present town of Sorel, was built in the same year. It was burned by the Indians in 1647, and the following year saw terrible massacres by the Iroquois at St. Joseph, St. Ignace, St. Louis and St. John. The great teaching order, the Congregation of Notre Dame, was founded at Montreal by Marguerite Bourgeoys in 1653, while the heroic Jeanne Mance founded the Hotel Dieu of Montreal four years later. In the year 1660 occurred one of the most thrilling incidents in early Canadian history whenDollard and sixteen other young Frenchmen TOUR BOOK XVIII met the warriors of the Iroquois at the Long Sault, above Montreal, and inflicted upon them such heavy losses that the tribes went home without destroying the young colonies of Montreal, Quebec and Three Rivers. The Island of Montreal became the property of the Sulpician Fathers in 1664. Lachine, near Montreal, was founded in 1666. Two years later the Seminary of Quebec was founded by Mgr. de Laval. The Grey Nuns convent in Montreal was established in 1747 by Madame d'Youville. Quebec passed into the hands of the English in 1759 when Wolfe defeated Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham, now a national park. Levis, the French General succeeding Montcalm, held out for a year before capitulating. In 1775 there was an American invasion of Canada and General Montgomery was defeated and slain before Quebec. There was a later invasion of Quebec from the American side in 1812 when de Salaberry defeated the invaders at Chateauguay. In 1814 the Americans were again driven back at Lacolle. McGill University was founded in 181 1. The excavation of the Lachine Canal was begun in 1821 and the Montreal General Hospital was founded the following year. The first railway in Canada, running between Laprairie and St. John's, was inaugurated in 1836. Bishop's College, Lennoxville, was founded in 1843. In 1847 occurred the typhus epidemic among the Irish immigrants in Montreal, in which 13,800 died. A great stone was erected in memory of the victims near Victoria Bridge This bridge was inaugurated in 1860. The Canadian Pacific Railway was opened to traffic in 1872, while in 1876 a branch of Laval University was established in Montreal. The Better Roads policy of the Quebec Government was inaugurated in 1907, and the following year the Tercentenary of the foundation of Quebec was celebrated, representatives of all civilized nations taking part. In the year 1912 an act was passed providing for the abolition of toll bridges in the province. The same year the Government was author- ized, by special act, to borrow $10,000,000 for road improvements. In 1914 the Valcartier Camp was established near Quebec for the training of the first Canadian Expeditionary Force of 33,000 men, which left for England on September 24 of that year, in the ensuing years many thousands more of Canadian soldiers have been enrolled and sent overseas, while millions of dollars worth of munitions of war have been manufactured, the major portion of which was despatched from the great commercial metropolis of Montreal. XIX QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE HM«.* PRECIS HISTORIQUEj i DE LA - i I PROVINCE DE QUEBEC I LA province de Quebec, la plus vieille des provinces canadiennes, est le berceau de I'histoire du Canada et fourmille de points in- teressants au point de vue historique. Dans ses premiers etablissements, animes aujourd'hui par I'industrie et I'activite du siecle, SB trouve encore la marque du charme romantique de la Nouvelle France. Sur toute la longueur du St-Laurent, depuis Gaspe jusqu'a Montreal, se voient encore les traces de ces legendes historiques que Parkman a decrites comme dans un roman. La province de Quebec a une superficie de 703,653 milles carres, ou 450,337,761 acres, ou six fois la superficie du Royaume-Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande. La population de la province depasse 2,300,000 avec, sur les reserves indiennes, une population indigene de pres de 13,000. Les premieres explorations de Quebec ont ete faites par Jacques Car- tier, un navigateur frangais. En 1535, il debarqua a la tete de la baie de Gaspe ou il planta une croix portant les armes de France, et prit posses- sion du pays au nom du Christ et du roi de France. Dans un voyage de decouverte, il remonta le St-Laurent jusqu'a un village d'indigenes nomme Hochelaga, maintenant Montreal. La ville de Quebec, autre- fois le site d'un village indigene, fut fondee par Champlain, un autre explorateur, en 1608. L'annee suivante, Champlain fit une incursion jusqu'au lac qui porte aujourd'hui son nom, et la, pour la premiere fois, 11 rencontra les guerriers Iroquois qui prirent la fuite devant les armes a feu des blancs. En 1610, Champlain fit une autre expedition centre les Iroquois, sur la riviere Richelieu, et en 1615, il fut blesse au cours d'une troisieme bataille avec les sauvages, pres des grands lacs. Les premieres ecoles de Tadoussac et de Trois-Rivieres furent etablies par les Peres Recollets, arrives de France en 1615. Le Fort St-Louis de Quebec, fut bati en 1620. La ville de Trois-Rivieres fut fondee par de la Violette, en 1634. L'ile de Montreal, aujourd'hui le site de la metropole du Canada, fut concedee par le roi de France a un monsieur de Lauzon, en 1636 et sept ans plus tard, monsieur de Maisonneuve y fondait Ville Marie, maintenant Montreal. Le fort Richelieu, pres du site actuel de la ville de Sorel, fut fonde la meme annee. II fut brule par les sauvages en 1647, et l'annee suivante vit les terribles massacres de St-Joseph, St-lgnace, St-Louis et St- Jean, par les Iroquois. La Congregation Notre-Dame, cette grande com- munaute enseignante, fut fondee en 1653, a Montreal,, par Marguerite Bourgeoys, et I'Hotel-Dieu fut fonde quatre ans plus tard par I'heroTque Jeanne Mance. En 1660 se produisit I'incident le plus emouvant de rhistoire de la Nouvelle-France, quand Dollard et seize autres jeunes TOUR BOOK XX Frangais allerent au devant des Iroquois, au Long Sault et leur inflige- rent de si lourdes pertes que ies hordes sauvages retournerent dans leur pays sans s'attaquer a Montreal, Quebec et Trois-Rivieres. L'lle de Montreal devint la propriete des Sulpiciens en 1664. Lachine, au sud de Montreal, fut fonde en 1666. Deux ans plus tard Mgr de Laval fondait le Seminaire de Quebec. La communaute des Soeurs Grises de Montreal fut fondee en 1747 par madame d'Youville. Quebec passa aux mains des Anglais en 1759 apres la defaite de Mont- calm par Wolfe, sur Ies Plaines d'Abraham, maintenant pare national. Levis, le general frangais qui succeda a Montcalm, resista un an avant de capituler. En 1775, le Canada a ete envahi par Ies Americains et Montgomery, leur chef, trouva la defaite et la mort sous Ies falaises de Quebec. II y eut une autre invasion par Ies Americains, en 1812, quand de Salaberry defit Ies envahisseurs a Chateauguay. En 1814, Ies Ame- ricains etaient encore repousses a Lacolle. L'Universite McGill fut fondee en 1811. L'excavation du canal Lachine fut commencee en 1821 et I'Hopital General fut fonde I'annee suivante. Le premier chemin de fer du Canada, allant de Laprairie a St-Jean. fut inaugure en 1836. L'Universite Bishop, de Lennoxville, fut fondee en 1843. En 1847 survint I'epidemie de cholera qui fit 13,800 victimes parmi Ies immigrants iriandais. Un monument forme d'une enorme pierre, leur fut erige pres du pont Victoria. Ce pont lui-meme fut inaugure en 1860. Le chemin de fer Pacifique Canadien fut ouvert au trafic en 1872, et en 1876 une succursale de I'Universite Laval etait etablie a Montreal. C'est en 1907 que le gouvernement de Quebec a inaugure sa politique des bons chemins, et I'annee suivante se celebrait le troisieme centenaire de la fondation de Quebec, celebration a laquelle etaient representees toutes Ies nations civilisees. En 1912, la legislature a adopte une loi pour I'abolition des barrieres de peage dans toute la province. La meme annee, le gouvernement se faisait autoriser a emprunter $10,000,000 pour I'amelioration des chemins. En 1914 etait etabli le camp de Val- cartier, pres de Quebec, pour I'entrainement des 33,000 soldats compo- sant la premiere force expeditionnaire canadienne, qui s'est embarquee pour I'Angleterre le 24 septembre de la meme annee. Au cours des trois annees qui ont suivi des milliers de Canadiens se sont enroles et ont ete envoyes au dela des mers, alors que le Canada fabriquait des munitions pour des millions de dollars, et que la plus grande partie de ces munitions etaient expediees de la grande metropole commerciale, Montreal. XXI QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE j Province of Quebec | I ^=- MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS ^=^ | REGISTRATION, Annual.— March 1st each year. Montreal Office, Dame East, Cor. St. Gabriel, and 909 New Birks BIdg. FEE. — 70 cents per horsepower or any fraction thereof. New formula for rating. After 1st of September of any year, fee is one-half of regis- tration fee fixed for the year. Transfer Registration fee $1.00. OWNER'S OR OPERATOR'S LICENSE.— $5.00 annual, March 1st, each year. CHAUFFEURS' LICENSE.— $5.00 annual, March 1st each year. With first license Chauffeur must pass examination. Examiner's fee $3.00. Photographs required. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS.— Fee $5.00 annually for regis- tration certificate for each make of car. Number plates $1.00 per set. NUMBER PLATES. — To be carried front and rear, supplied by Gov- ernment at 50 cents each, illuminated at night. In case of sale, exchange or disposal of car number plates must be removed. LIGHTS. — Two white in front, one red in rear, from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. HEADLIGHTS. — To be lowered within the lighted boundaries of Cities, Towns and Villages; or when meeting other cars or vehicles on the highways. NON-RESIDENTS. — Non-residents having no regular place of abode or place of business in this Province exempt, both as regards registration of car and operating license fees for three calendar months. Provided car is registered in home State or Province, and like exemption is granted motorists of the Province of Quebec. SPEED. — Reasonable and proper, not exceeding in any event 16 miles an hour within a City, Town or Village, and 25 miles an hour elsewhere; 8 miles an hour at bridges, steep descents, sharp turns and crossings. Street Cars. — Illegal to pass to the left of Street cars, unless on a single track line where the position of the track makes it impossible to do otherwise. Motor Vehicles must not pass standing street cars while passengers are getting on or off. KEEP TO THE RIGHT. — All motor vehicles wherever possible must keep to the right side of the road. PENALTIES FOR INFRACTIONS OF THE SPEED LAW.— Mini- mum, 1st offence $10.00, 2nd Offence, $25.00, 3rd Offence, $50.00. Maximum in all cases, $200.00. TOUR BOOK XXII + „ . ♦ I PROVINCE de QUEBEC j LOIS CONCERNANT LES VEHICULES j I AUTOMOBILES j 4. . . . 4* ENREGISTREMENT, Annuel. — ler de mars, chaque annee. Bureau rue Notre-Dame Est, Coin St-Gabriel, et 909 IMouvel Edifice Birks. HONORAIRE. — 70 cents par cheval-vapeur ou fraction de cheval- vapeur nouvelle formule de taux. Apres le ler septembre de chaque annee, le taux de I'enregistrement est la moitie de I'honoraire pour I'annee. Honoraire de transfert d'enregistrement, $1.00. LICENCE DE PROPRIETAIRE OU DE CHAUFFEUR— $5.00 par annee, ler mars de chaque annee. Le chauffeur doit passer un examen pour sa premiere licence. Honoraire d'examen $3.00. Photographie exigee. MANUFACTURIERS ET MARCHAIMDS.— Honoraire de $5.00 par annee pour le certificat d'enregistrement de chaque marque de voiture. Plaques portant le numero de la licence, $1.00 la paire. PLAQUES NUMEROTEES.— Elles doivent etre portees en avant et en arriere; elles sont fournies par le gouvernement, au prix de 50 cents chaque. Elles doivent etre eclairees le soir. LUMIERES. — Deux blanches en avant; une rouge en arriere depuis une heure apres le coucher du soleil jusqu'a une heure avant le lever du soleil. LAMPES DE FRONT. — Elles doivent etre baissees dans les limites des parties eclairees des villes et villages, ou a la rencontre d'autres voitures sur la grande route. NON-RESIDANTS. — Les non-residants qui n'ont aucune place d'af- faires dans cette province, sont exempts de I'enregistrement de leur voiture et de la licence de circulation pour trois mois, a la condition que leur voiture soit enregistree dans I'etat ou la province de leur residence et que cet etat ou cette province accorde le meme privilege aux automo- bilistes de la province de Quebec. VITESSE. — Doit etre raisonnable et ne jamais exceder 16 milles a I'heure dans les villes et villages, et 25 milles a I'heure partout ailleurs; 8 milles a I'heure sur les ponts, les descentes rapides, les courbes et les traverses. TRAMWAYS. — II est defendu de passer a gauche des tramways, excepte quand la voie est simple et que sa position ne permet pas de passer a droite. Les vehicules ne doivent pas depasser un tramway quand les voyageurs y montent ou en descendent. RESTEZ A DROITE. — Tous les vehicules automobiles doivent se tenir a droite du chemin partout ou la chose est possible. PENALITES POUR INFRACTIONS A LA LOI DE LA VITESSE.- Minimum, lere offense, $10.00; 2ieme offense, $25.00; 3ieme offense, $50.00. Maximum, dans tous les cas, $200.00. XXIII QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE ♦• j Province of Ontario ( ^=^. MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS ^^^^^ REGISTRATION. — Provincial Secretary, Toronto. Annual. Expires Dec. 31st each year. If car is sold purchaser can have registration transferred. DRIVER'S LICENSE.— $2.00; renewal, annual, $1.00. Application must be endorsed by a member of Ontario Motor League, who acts as examiner, and local chief constable. None required by owner or those not driving for hire, pay or gain. REGISTRATION FEES.— (1) For the registration of Motor Vehicles except as hereinafter specified of 25 H.P. or less, $10.00. More than 25 H.P. and up to 35, $15.00. More than 35 H.P. and up to 50, $25.00. More than 50 H.P., $30.00. (2j For the registration of motor vehicles driven by electricity stored in the cars themselves, with the exception- of commercial vehicles or motortrucks, $10.00. (3) For every commercial vehicle used solely as such and every motor truck having a carrying capacity of 2 tons and less, $10.00 per car; over 2 tons, $5.00 per ton or fraction thereof. (4) For registration of every motorcycle, $3.00. For registration applied for during period beginning with the 1st day of Sept- ember and ending on the 31st day of December in any year, one-half the foregoing fees. (5) For transfer of permit on change of ownership, $2.00. NUMBERS. — Front and rear, five inches high; rear illuminated; supplied by Province. Duplicate of marker (in case of loss) $1.00. LIGHTS. — Two white lights on front, after dusk and before dawn. Spot lights prohibited. NON-RESIDENTS. — Exempt if other Provinces of Canada extend similar privileges, provided registered in home Province. Ontario now has reciprocal arrangements for the interchange of motor vehicle privi- leges with the following States for a period of thirty days: Kentucky, New York, Maine, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Vermont, Connec- ticut, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey (15 days), Indiana, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Missouri, Iowa and Tennessee. SPEED. — 15 miles an hour in cities, towns or villages, 20 miles an hour in open country; careful at all times. Motor car not to be driven past standing street cars while passengers are getting on or off. PENALTIES. -Not exceeding $10.00 for first offence, or $20.00 for second offence, or $30.00 for third offence, or $50.00 for any subsequent offence, except where special penalties are provided by the Act. TOUR BOOK XXIV I PROVINCE d'ONTARIO j LOIS CONCERNANT LES VEHICULES I AUTOMOBILES ENREGISTREMENT.— Secretariat de la Province, Toronto. An- nuellement: expirant le 31 decembre de chaque annee. Si la voiture est vendue, Tenregistrement est transferable a I'acheteur. LICENCE DE CHAUFFEUR.— $2.00; renouvellement, $1.00 par annee. L'application doit etre endossee par un membre de I'Gntario Motor League, qui agit comme examinateur, avec le chef de police de la localite. Aucune licence n'est exigee du proprietaire de la voiture ou de toute personne qui ne conduit pas pour en faire son gain ou son pro- fit. Honoraires d'enregistrement. — Pour Tenregistrement des vehi- cules automobiles, sauf dans les cas ci-dessous specifies, de 25 chevaux- vapeur, ou moins, $10.00. Plus que 25 chevaux-vapeur et moins que 35, $15.00. Plus que 35 chevaux-vapeur, et jusqu'a 50, $25.00. Plus que 50 chevaux-vapeur, $30.00. (2) Pour I'enregistrement de vehi- cules mus a I'electricite emmagasinee dans les voitures memes, excepte pour les voitures commerciales, $10.00. (3) Pour toute voiture commer- ciale employee exclusivement comme telle, et ayant une capacite de 2 tonnes, ou moins, $10.00; au-dessus de 2 tonnes, $5.00 par tonne ou fraction de tonne. (4j Enregistrement de motocyclette, $3.00. Pour enregistrement a partir du ler septembre jusqu'au 31 decembre, la moitie des honoraires ci-dessus. (5) Pour transport de permis ou chan- gement de proprietaire, $2.00. NUMEROS. — En avant et en arriere; chiffres de cinq pouces de hau- teur; le numero d'en arriere doit etre eclaire. En cas de perte, on peut se procurer des doubles numeros, a raison de $1.00 la plaque. LUMIERES. — Deux blanches en avant, apres le coucher et avant le lever du soleil. "Spot light" defendu. NON-RESIDANTS. — Exempts de tout honoraire s'ils sont de pro- vinces accordant la reciprocite a Ontario, a la condition qu'ils soient enregistres dans leur province. Les residants des Etats-Unis, dont les etats accordent le meme privilege aux residants de I'Ontario, ont une extension de 30 jours. VITESSE — 15 milles a I'heure dans les villes et villages et 20 milles. a la campagne; attention tout le temps. Les voitures automobiles ne doivent pas depasser un tramway arrete dont les passagers montent ou descendent. PENALITES. — Pas plus que $10.00 pour la premiere offense; $20.00 pour la seconde, $30.00 pour la troisieme et $50.00 pour toute autre offense subsequente, excepte dans les cas ou il y a des penalites speciales. XXV QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE RECIPROCITY IN MOTOR LICENSES IN THE UNITED STATES Canadian Motorists who intend touring in the United States will be interested in the following table which lists the courtesies extended by each state to visitors. RECIPROCITE DE LICENCES D'AUTOMOBILES AUX ETATS-UNIS. Les automobilistes Canadians qui ont I'intention de faire des courses a travers les Etats-Unis seront certainement interesses a la lecture du tableau suivant montrant ce qu'ils doivent attendre de chacun des Etats de rUnion Americaine Alabama — Reciprocal. Arizona — 6 months. Arkansas — Reciprocal. California — 90 days. Colorado — 90 days. Connecticut — 30 days. District of Columbia — Reciprocal. Delaware — Reciprocal. Florida — 30 days. Georgia — 30 days. Idaho — Reciprocal. Illinois — 60 days. Indiana — 60 days. Iowa — Reciprocal. Kansas — 30 days. Kentucky — Reciprocal. Louisiana — Reciprocal. Maine — 30 days. Maryland — Two periods of 7 days. Massachusetts — 30 days. Michigan — 90 days. Minnesota — 30 days. Mississippi — 60 days. Missouri — 20 days. Montana — Reciprocal. Nebraska — 30 days. Nevada — 30 days. New Hampshire — 20 days. New Jersey — 15 days. New Mexico — 60 days. New York — Reciprocal. North Carolina — 15 days. North Dakota — Reciprocal. Ohio — Reciprocal. Oklahoma — Reciprocal. Oregon — 30 days. Pennsylvania — Reciprocal. Rhode Island — 10 days. South Carolina — Reciprocal. South Dakota — Reciprocal. Tennessee — No requirements for tourists. Texas — Reciprocal. Utah — 30 days. Vermont — Reciprocal. Virginia — Two periods of 7 days. Washington — 90 days. West Virginia — Reciprocal. Wisconsin — Reciprocal. Wyoming — 90 days. CITY OF MONTREAL ONE WAY STREETS. — It U forbidden to drive from the south-west to the north-east any vehicles, whatsoever, bicycles or autocycles. (a) On that part of St. James Street, situated between Notre- Dame and McGill Streets: (b) On St. Sacrameot Street. Article 3. — It is forbidden to drive from the north-east to the south-west any vehicles what- soever, bicycles or autocycles: (a) On Fortification Lane: (b) On that part of Notre-Dame Street, situated between McGill and St. James Street; (c) On that part of St. Paul Street, situated between St. Lawrence Boule%'ard and McGlil Street; (d) On Lemoine Street; (e) On Hospital Street: (f) On RecoUet Street. Article 4. — It is forbidden to drive from the north-west to the south-east, any vehicles what- soever, bicycles or autocycles: (a) On St. Helen Street; (b) On St. Francois Xavier Street: (c) On UoUard Street. Article 5. — It Is forbidden to drive from the south-east to the north-west, any vehicles what- soever, bicycles or autocycles: (a) On St. Sulplce Street: (b) On Caliierea Street: (c) On Port Street: (d) On St. John Street; (e) On St. Alexis Street: (0 On St. Xtcbolas Street; (g) On Normand Street. TOUR BOOK XXVI STREET TRAFFIC REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF MONTREAL (A new set of regulations may be put in force during 1919) SECT. 1. — A vehicle, except when passing a vehicle ahead, shall keep as near the right-hand curb as possible. SECT. 2. — A vehicle meeting another shall pass on the right. SECT. 3. — A vehicle overtaking another shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle and not pull over to the right until entirely clear of it. SECT. 4. — On an avenue or street divided by a parkway or walk, vehicles shall keep to the right of such division. SECT. 5. — A vehicle turning into another street to the right shall turn the corner at the right-hand curb of said street. Thus : I I I 1 r SECT. 6. — A vehicle turning into another street to the left shall turn around the centre of intersection of the two streets and keep to the right of the street into which it turns. mus: I L A/o^ fhts way: j [. 1\r SECT. 1. — A vehicle crossing from one side of the street to the other shall do so: Thus XXVII QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE /K?A fhis way > /^or rhis tyayi \ SECT. 7a. — Every driver of a vehicle desiring to stop, take another direction or turn the corner of any street shall signal his intention so to do to the drivers of the vehicles in the rear, by raising his arm to the height of his shoulder. SECT. 8. — No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb except on cab and express wagon stands. SECT. 9. — No vehicle, unless to allow another vehicle or pedes- trians to cross its path, shall stop in any street, or public place, except, near the right-hand curb thereof and so as not to obstruct a crossing. SECT. 10. — No vehicle shall back in any street to take another direc- tion. SECT. 11. — The vehicles of the Police, Fire and Water Departments, Mail Vehicles and Ambulances shall have right of way over all other vehicles. SECT. 12. — The driver of a vehicle, on the approach of any apparatus of the Fire Department, shall bring his vehicle to a standstill as near the right-hand curb as possible. SECT. 13. — Vehicles going in a northerly or southerly direction shall have the right of way over vehicles going in a westerly or easterly direc- tion. SECT. 14. — Drivers of vehicles shall stop whenever required to do so by any member of the Police force, either verbally or by a signal with the hand, and they shall obey his orders and comply with the directions which he may give them in the interest of good order, of traffic, and of public security. SECT.. 14a. — Every driver of a vehicle going in the same direction as a street car shall, when such car stops, also stop his vehicle at a distance of at least ten (10) feet from said car, and shall keep such vehicle at a standstill until the said car has been again set in motion. SECT. 15. — Every person offending against any of the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to a fine, with or without costs, and in default of immediate payment of said fine with or without costs, as the case may be, to an imprisonment, the amount of said fine and the term of imprison- ment to be fixed l)y the Recorder's Court of the City of Montreal at its discretion, but such fine shall not exceed forty dollars, and the imprison- ment shall not be for a longer period than two calendar months; the said imprisonment, however, to cease at any time before the expiration of the term fixed by the said Recorder's Court upon payment of the said fine, or fine and costs, as the case may be, and if the infraction is repeated,- such repetition shall, day by day, constitute, upon summons or arrest, a separate offence. TOUR BOOK XXVIII REGLEMENTS CONCERNANT LA CIRCULATION DES VOITURES POUR LA CITE DE MONTREAL Une nouvelle serie de reglements pourra etre mise en vigueur durant 1919. SEC. 1. — Une voiture, excepte quand elle en depassera une autre, longera aussi pres que possible le trottoir a droite de la rue. . SEC. 2. — Une voiture qui en rencontrera une autre passera a droite. SEC. 3. — Une voiture depassant une autre, ira a gauche de cette dernidre et ne se dirigera pas a droite avant qu'elle soit bien en avant de I'autre. SEC. 4. — Sur une avenue ou rue divisee par un pare ou promenade, les voitures tiendront le cote droit du pare ou promenade. SEC. 5. — Une voiture tournant a droite d'une rue a une autre, longera le trottoir a droite de la rue ou elle se dirige. Com me ceci\ | I SEC. 6. — Une voiture tournant a gauche d'une rue a une autre, se dirigera au centre de I'intersection des deux rues et longera le trottoir a droite de la rue ou elle se dirige. Com fire CQci: I |_ Pd3 conirJS cvci- | [_ t^r SEC. 7. — Une voiture qui traversera d'un cote de la rue a I'autre, le fera comme suit: Comm -^^mmS^ ' %m^ »v 1 O'l^^wi ■■-■- ^ W^'^i:- : ; "■ . GUARD AT ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PENITENTIARY. Page 17 ROUTE 6 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE FOR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE against the risks of FlKK, TllKFT, KXPI.OSION, SkI,F-I<;MTIC)N :illd Tkans- POKTATION, Inilutiins^ LIABILITY, PKOPEKTY-DaMAGE and Collision, at the Lowest Rates obtainable, APPLY TO A. H. SHOREY, >Linagek. THE E. A. WHITEHEAD COMPANY LIMITED MAIN 469 609 LEMis Building, M Ai^N 409 JVI O N T R E A L NOTE "A" OPTIONAL ENTRANCE TO CITY. 0.0 Leave Cor. Lajeunesse St. and proceed along Gouin Boulevard, and follow river road. 1.7 BORDEAUX STATION, railroad crossing. 2.7 Pass Monkland Boulevard on left. 3.2 C ARTIER VILLE, electric railway station on left. 3.3 4 corners, turn square left. 5.6 Turn to left. 5.7 Cross electric railway tracks (6.1 optional detour via right and left turn on to St. Laurent Ave.) 6.2 Turn to right on to St. Laurent Ave. 6.5 ST. LAURENT, Parish church on left. 6.9 Railroad crossing. 7.3 Okl ToUgate, Cross Liesse Road, right leads to Dorval. 8.3 Old Tollgate, turn left along Cote des Neiges Road. 7.5 Bear to right. 8.6 Railroad crossing, (9.4 take road on left St. Cathe- rine Road, for Outremont and Montreal Annex). 9.9 Cross St. Marj^'s road, and electric tracks and bear left along Cote des Neiges road. n.6 Keep to right and down Guy St. 12.0 MONTREAL, Intersection of Guy and St. Cathe- rine Sts. A Vfttre voiture doit etre huilee convenablement. L'huile Wolf's Head est meilleure pour cela que toute autre- THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO., LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 18 TOUR BOOK . ROUTE 7 Route 7 — He Jesus Tour. 38.8 m. Via Pont Viau, Laval des Kapides, Bord a Plouffe, Laval sur le Lao, St. Martin and St. Laurent. ROAD SURFACE: Asphalt and granite blocks to City limits, fair macadam through Pont Viau followed by improved highway to end of island. Narrow country earth road for two miles followed by a short stretch of poor stone road, then good macadam to St. Martin and Bord a PloufTe. Good macadam through Cartiervilie Ward, and St. Laurent till city limits are reached where macadam is liadly worn. Good surface through Outremont and asphalt to centre of city. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: Leaving Pont Viau the route follows the south shore of lie Jesus in a westerly direction affording many pretty views liefore the road turns inland at Bord a PIoufTe for a short distance. This route passes to the south of St. Dorothee and circles the western end of the island through a typical country lane, till a stone road is reached, when it turns south towards St. Martin, through well cultivated farms, and back to Bord a Plouffe. After crossing the Lachapelle bridge there is a pretty run through Cartiervilie, and along the old turnpike trust roads of St. Laurent, passing the College of that name just before entering the city limits followed bj- an interesting drive through the residential city of Outremont. For running direction from Hotel Section of City follow Route 6 page 15 and reset odometer at 7.5. Via Pont Viau, Laval des Rapides, Bord-a-Plouffe, Laval sur le Lac, St- Martin et St-Laurent. CHAUSSEE: Asphalte et blocs de granit jusqu'aux limites de la ville, bon macadam jusqu'au pont Viau et chemin moderne jusqu'a I'extremite de I'lle. Chemin etroit en terre sur une longueur de deux milles, un petit bout de mauvais chemin en pierre et ensuite du bon macadam jusqu'a St-Martln et Bord a Plouffe. Apres avoir traverse le pont Lachapelle, il y a une excellente course a travers Cartiervilie et les chemins a bameres de St-Laurent, passant en face du college de ce nom et penetrant en ville apres une interessante tournee a travers les belles residences d'Outremont. Macadam use dans St-Laurent, bonne chauss§e dans Outremont et asphalte dans les limites de la ville. DESCRIPTION: Du pont Viau, la route suit la rive de I'Ue Jesus allant vers I'ouest, feconde en points de ^'ue pittorescjues, penetre dans les terres a Bord a Plouffe, passe au sud de Ste-Dorothee contourne I'extremite ouest de I'ile, et arrive a un chemin de pierre qui se dirige au sud, vers St-Martin, et a travers de belles terres en culture, retourne a Bord a Plouffe. Apres avoir passe le pont Lachapelle, il y a une belle course dans Cartiervilie et St-Laurent et Outremont, Pour la direction a suivre de la section des hdtels de la ville, voir la route 6, page 15. Mileage 0.0 PONT VIAU. Square left immediately after crossing bridge following North shore of Back River. 1.3 Cross R.R. LAVAL DES RAPIDES Station on right. 1.4 Post Office on left. 3.0 End of road curve right. BORD A PLOUFFE. (Road on left to Cartiervilie Bridge). Your Magneto may require adjusting — Call at our store, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St. Montreal. Page 19 ROUTE 7 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE THI lEDIlBURQH **>V HERE ALL TOURISTS MEET" Breakfasts — Luncheons — Afternoon Teas, Dinners — After Tlieatre Suppers. A LA CARTE SERVICE: 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT 436 ST. CATHERINE ST. WEST, near Peel St. ( A(ljc>ii)iiik> Loom's TlK-ntrf 3.5 Four corners S.O. Hotel Laval on right. (Road on right leads to St. Martin, St. Rose and St. Eustache). 7.2 S.O. (Road on right leads to St. Dorothee of which church spire can be seen at top of hill). 7.9 Down grade. 9.3 Curve left under R.R. and immediately right. 9.6 LAVAL SUR LE LAC. 9.7 Road on left for G. Deschamps ferry to He Bizard, from which there is a bridge to St. Genevieve. 9.8 Turn right at fork. 10.5 Left curve. 10.7 Keep to right at fork, this being Western Extremity of He Jesus. (Road on left leads to river bank, where bridge is being built across to small island). 11.0 Sharp right curve, caution. 11.1 CROSS R.R. Road very narrow. 12.7 Four corners turn square right. (Square left leads to St. Eustache and straight ahead to St. Rose). 13.7 At end of road turn square left. (Right hand road at 14.1 optional for trip via St. Dorothee). 15.5 Curve to right. 16.0 Sharp right and left turn. 17.1 At end of road square left. (Right hand road leads to St. Dorothee). 18.9 VILLAGE of ST. MARTIN. Parish church on right. 19.1 Four corners, square right. (Left hand road leads to St. Rose and straight ahead to Cap St. Martin). 19.3 Left turn and immediatelv right. L'huile Wolf's Head et la graisse Wolf's Head ajoiiteraient des annees d'existence a voire voiture. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO.. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine. Montreal. Page 20 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 7 20.6 Four corners square left. BORD A PLOUFFE. 21.0 Fork, keep to right. (Left hand road leads to Laval des Rapides and Pont Viau). 21.3 CROSS Lachapelle Bridge. (Likely to be closed for repairs, in 1919 if so reverse and take road at 21.0 and proceed S.O. to Pont Viau). 21.5 Fork, keep to left. 21.7 Four corners S.O. crossing Gouin Boulevard, Cartier- ville ward. 22.3 Limits of Cartierville Ward, Parish of St. Laurent. 22.5 Under R.R. arch. 23.8 End of road square left. 23.9 Caution, Cross electric car tracks. 24.2 Square right along Grande Allee de Florence. 24.4 Four corners S.O. 24.6 St. Laurent College in view on left. 24.8 Square left opposite electric car station marked "Grand Trunk". 25.0 At end of road square right and immediately across R.R. 25.4 Four corners, S.O. (Liesse Road on right to Dorval. Road on left optional road to Montreal via Rockland Ave., Outremont). 25.5 Mount Royal Race Course on right. 26.3 End of road square left, through old tollgate. 26.5 Curve right. 26.6 Across R.R. through Cote des Neiges. 27.3 Square left along Cote St. Catherine Road (City of Montreal). 28.1 Limits CITY OF OUTREMONT. 28.5 Convent du Saint Nom de Marie on right. 28.6 City Hall, Outremont on left. 29.1 Fork, keep to right, leaving car tracks on left. 29.6 Jog slightly left into Mount Royal Avenue. 29.7 Intersection of Mount Royal and Park Avenue. 29.9 Mount Royal Incline Railway Station on right. 30.5 Square right along Sherbrooke St. 31.0 Square left down Peel St., crossing St. Catherine St. at 31.2. 31.3 DOMINION SQUARE, Intersection of Dorchester St. Eveready Batteries will give you most economical service. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St, Antoine St. Montreal, Page 21 ROUTE 8 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 8 — Three Islands Tour. 50.8 m. Via Lac-liine, St. Laurent, Cartierville, Bord a PloiifTe, Laval Sur le Lac and He Bizard. KOAD SURFACE: Good asphalt through Verdun and worn macadam thru La Salle, with excollent pavement through Larhine. I'oor road till Junction with Liesse road then fair to good macadam to ("artiervllle and Western section of He Jesus, where we cross by ferry to He Bizaril on which are good country roads. After leaving island good macadam from St. (ienevieve to city. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: This is a half-day or day's trip along the north shore of the St. Lanrence river; passing the Lachine Rapids and the steamer wharf for Caughnawaga, (the Indian Reservation), through Lachine and along the shore of I^ake St. Louis; afterwards cutting across into the Liesse road to St. Laurent, leaving Dorval race course to the left and passing Mount Royal race course just before entering St. I^aurent, passing the college, and proceeding through Cartierville, lea\-ing the Island of Montreal: and crossing the Back River to He Jesus, proceeding in a westerly direction to the end of the island. There is a quaint ferrj' across to He Bizard, a picturesque picnic island and the tour is completed 'by crossing the bridge to St. Genevieve and returning to the city either via Cartierville or St. Anne de Bellevue, as indicated in the tour of the western section of the Island of Montreal. Via Lachine, St-Laurent, Cartierville, Bord a Plouffe, Laval sur le Lac et rile Bizard. CHAUSSEE: Asphalte dans Verdun, macadam dans LaSalle et un excellent pavage jusqu'a Lachine. Mauvaise route jusqu'i la jonction avec le chemin de Llesse et assez bon macadam jusqu'a Cartierville et la section ouest de I'He Jesus. La traverse a I'lle Bizard se fait en chaland. Les chemins de I'ile sont bons, en macadam depuis Ste-Genevieve jusqu'a la ville. DESCRIPTION: C''est un tour d'une demi-journee ou d'une journee le long de la rive nord du fieuve St-Laurent; passant les rapides de Lachine et le quai du traversier de CaughnavN'aga, (reserve sauvage) ; traversant Lachine, longeant le lac St-Louis, et par le chemin de Liesse, se rendant a St-Laurent, passant la piste de Dorval a gauche et passant la piste Mont Royal immediatement avant d'entrer dans St-I^aurent, passant le college, traversant Cartierville, traversant la riviere des Prairies pour atteindre Tile Jesus, allanta I'ouest jusqu'a I'extre- mite de I'ile. II y a un traversier original qui conduit a I'ile Bizard, une lie pitto- resque magnifique pour un pique-nique. Le tour se termine par la traversee du pont a Ste-Genevieve et le retour a la ville, soit par Cartierville ou Ste-Anne de Bellevue, tel qu'indiqu6 pour le tour de la section ouest de la I'ile de Montreal. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Mctoria Square, Queen Victoria Monument on right, proceed west on St. James Street, turning left at 0.2 on Inspector Street, and square right with car tracks along Notre Dame St., 0.3. 0.6 Square left down ]\IcCord Street with tracks, turning square right at 0.9 opposite church, through Gal- lery Square, over Wellington Bridge 1.0, and along Wellington street. 1.2 Four corners S.O. (Left leads to Victoria Bridge). An Eveready Non Sulphating Storage Battery will eliminate most of your battery troubles. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 64-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 22 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 8 AUTOMOBILISTS Will find at BALMORAL BLOCK, 338 Notre Dame St West, Near mcghi st. MONTREAL, Can. A Complete Assortment of VALISES FOR AUTOMOBILES, LEGGINGS FOR CHAUFFEUR AND FOOTMAN RUGS IN WOOL. LINEN AND RUBBER Exhibition of exclusive designs in Grips, Valises, Suit Cases, Travelling Bags, all the latest styles in our Show Rooms. LAMONTAGNE LIMITED Sole distributors of PARTRIDGE TIRES and TUBES, etc. for the Province of Quebec. 1.6 Under pass R.R. through subway, and at 2.3, cross bridge over cit}' aqueduct, entering limits of VER- DUN. Grand Trunk Boating Club on left. 2.6 Bear left at prominent fork along La Salle street. 4.0 Caution, sharp right curve. 4.2 Ferry on left for La Tortue. 4.7 Verdun Asylum for Insane on right. 5.2 Limits TOWN OF LA SALLE. 5.8 Power plant ^Montreal Light Heat and Power Co. on left. 7.5 LACHINE RAPIDS, Post Office and Half Way House on left. 8.0 Entrance new aqueduct from River St. Lawrence for city water supply. 9.3 Proceed under R.R. HIGHLANDS STATION on right, C.P.R. Bridge over St. Lawrence on left. Caughnawaga Indian Reservation on further side of river. 9.5 TOWN OF LA SALLE. Town Hall on right. Page 23 ROUTE 8 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 9.9 Limits CITY OF LACHINE. 10.0 Four corners S.O. across Canal Bridges, and at 10.1 turn square left along St. Joseph Street, shore of Lake St. Louis, passing Convent on right at 10.4 and Municipal Hall on right at 10.7 and Post Office on left just beyond. 11.2 Lachine station on left, also wharf for Caughnawaga Indian Reservation ferr}^ and ferry for Steamer shooting Lachine Rapids. Cross R.R. and at 11.9 bear left, passing Stony Point station, terminus of Montreal Tramways on right. 12.4 SUMMERLEA Post Office, Parish of Lachine on right, also Lachine Boating Club headquarters. 12.6 Turn right on 55th Avenue, signpost St. Laurent, crossing R.R., Dixie Railway Station on left, at 12.9, and crossing two sets of R.R. at 13.2, caution. 14.1 End of road, square right along Liesse road and S.O. (Turn square left for Dorval Jockey Club at 15.2, and cross C.P.R. and Grand Trunk railways, several sets of rails, caution, reaching end of road at 15.9, turning square left for Lachine, and square right for St. Anne de Bellevue). 17.5 Cross R.R. and electric car tracks at 18.1, Mount Royal Jockey Club on right. 18.4 Four corners square left along St. Laurent road. 18.9 Square left down St. Philippe St., (opposite St. Laurent College). 19.1 End of road square right opposite College Platform, along Grande Allee de Florence. 19.3 ST LAURENT Post Office on right. 19.5 End of road square left, caution, cross suburban electric line at 19.8. 21.1 Four corners S.O. and under R.R 21.5 Limits of CARTIERVILLE Vn richaud Wasco installe dans voire garage en elitninera toiites les terreurs de I'hiver. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE Co.. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 24 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 8 22.0 Four corners S.O. Cartierville Hotel on left, crossing Cartierville bridge with caution. (Bridge may be closed for repairs. Use route 2 page 6 to St. Genevieve). At end of bridge bear to right, and at 10.4 bear left along Boulevard Levesque. (Road on right leads to Pont Viau). 23.0 BORD A PLOUFFE, Post Office on left. Keep S.O. at four corners 23.2 (Avoid right hand road, which leads to St. Dorothee at 26.9). 29.0 Curve left under R.R. and then bear right through LAVAL SUR LE LAC at 29.4. Keep S.O. and at 29.5 keep to right at fork, turning square left at 29.6 for ILE BIZARD FERRY. Fare 40 cents. On leaving ferry turn square left, and again at 32.2, Crossing Pont de He Bizard into ST GENEVIEVE at 32.0 and at end of road, 32.8 Turn square left for CARTIERVILLE and MONT- REAL, (Square right for St. Anne de Bellevue fol- low^ing Route No. 2). 35.9 Cross R.R. at ROXBORO, and at 37.8 make sharp left curve, followed by sharp right curve at 38.2, passing limits of SARAGUAY at 38.8 and entering Cartierville, passing Castellani's Hotel at 40.5. 41.2 CARTIERVILLE, Four corners square right for Montreal following Route No. 7 page 21 reset odo- meter at 21.7. TOM MOORE'S OLD COTTAGE, STE. ANNE DE BELLEVUE. Munissez voire garage d'un lavoir et n'oubliez pas d'y mettre un rechaud Wasco. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 25 ROUTE 9 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 9 — Montreal to Farnham and Newport. 103.2 m. Via C'lianibly, Marieville, St. Angele, St. Brigide, Knowlton and Xorth Troy. ROAD SURFACE: Good macadam to Rirhclieu, worn to Marieville, good macadam to limits of St. Angele, then clay and sand (not recommended in wet weather) to Farnham. Balance clay and sand with good macadam thru most villages. For reverse route from F'arnham see page 113. Via C'hambly, Marieville, Ste-Ang^le, Ste-Brigide, Knowlt«n et Xorth Troy. ClIAL'SSEE: Bon macadam jusqu'a Richelieu, use jusqu'a Marieville; bon macadam jusqu'aux limites de Ste-Angele, et fond d'argile et de sable, (pas recommandable en temps de pluie) jusqu'a Farnham. Lp reste de la route est en sable et argile, macadam dans la plupart des villas^es. Pour route en sens inverse h partir de Farnham, voir page 113. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Queen Victoria monument on right. Proceed West on St. James Street, turning square left at 0.2 down Inspector St. with car track, and immediately right at 0.3 following car tracks along Notre Dame street, Bonaventure Station, G.T.R. Depot bej'ond on right at 0.4. 0.5 Turn square left down ^Murray street, turning to right at 0.8 on Smith Street, proceeding diagonally left across car tracks and up to Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal, passing small park in Gallery Square on left. At four corners 1.2 turn square left along Bridge street, passing Monument to Plague Victims on right, (1.8). 1.9 Victoria Bridge. Toll 25 cents for car and driver passengers five cents each way. 3.2 End of bridge, give up tickets, and proceed down grade to 3.3. then turning square left under railway arch and across electric car tracks (caution). Then S.O. though ST. LAMBERT. 3.8 Semi-circle to right down Victoria Avenue, one block beyond, turn square left at 3.9., along Desaulniers Boulevard and S.O. crossing car track at 4.2 and reaching limits of town at 4.7. Observe caution at 4.8 where there is sharp "S" curve into Washington Avenue, MONTREAL SOUTH and also at 5.8 where there is sharp left turn, while at 5.9 there is a sharp right turn at end of road, on meeting electric suburban tracks. At this point are the limits of LONGUEUIL, with concrete road though town, the road curving to the right at 6.4 with car tracks, and immediately left at end of street, then S. O. to end of road, turning square right at 6.7 on to the Chambly road. Cross R. R. at 6.8. Leaving concrete at 7.1 proceed though Parish of Longueuil on good macadam to ST. HUBERT, crossing R.R. at 10.7 with depot on left, and S.O. through the village, passing Church on left at 1L2. On left can be seen the St. Bruno mountains, (Road on left leading to St. Bruno at 13.4). Page 26 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 9 17.4 Through covered bridge, crossing Montreal River, (Road on left just before crossing bridge leads to Beloeil). 18.1 CHAMBLY BASIN, with the De Salaberry monu- ment on right at 18.5, Post Office just beyond converging of three roads. Proceed S.O. passing Albani Villa, the residence built by Madam Albani the noted singer, on right at 18.6 and Grand Hotel on left at 18.8. 18.9 Cross Canal Bridge to left, and proceed through CHAMBLY CANTON. At 19.1 is road on left leading to Fort Chambly, (visitors admitted) and another one at 19.3. where is also the Fresh Air Fund Home for Montreal children. At 19.6 Bal- moral Hotel on right. 20.2 Turn square left over long iron bridge across Richelieu river. (Road S.O. before crossing bridge leads to St. Johns and Rouses' Point). 20.4 At end of bridge square right through RICHELIEU following river, crossing under R.R. at 20.6. 20.9 Curve left away from river, crossing suburban elec- tric line at 21.8. 24.2 Opposite wayside shrine turn left over small iron bridge. 25.1 At end of road square right, and immediately left at next four corners opposite Post Office on right at 25.2, along Dupont St. 25.3 MARIEVILLE, after crossing bridge (Dupont St.) turn square right on good macadam. 26.0 Cross R.R. 26.2 Cross small bridge and again at 26.3. 26.6 Cross R.R. and again at 28.8. 29.1 Four corners, square left following macadam thru VILLAGE OF ST. ANGELE bearing to right at end of Village leaving macadam. 32.2 Turn left on meeting telephone wires and S.O. (Right hand road leads to St. Johns). 35.0 Village of ST. BRIGIDE, Parish church on right. 35.1 Cross small bridge. 38.4 Cross R.R. A set of extra bulbs may save you from a serious accident, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 27 ROUTE 9 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 38.9 Left over R.R. 39.7 Cross R.R. and proceed S.O. thl-u Main St. 40.4 FARNHAM, City Hall on right. Proceed S.O. following telephone wires, crossing R.R. at 41.0. (For Martin's Hotel turn square right at City Hall, passing Fire Hall on left and to right again at R.R. to Martin's Hotel 41.0.) 41.4 Cross R.R. and keep to left. 42.0 Keep to right and avoid connecting road at 42.5 crossing R.R. again at 42.8. 43.5 Semi-circle to right and cross R.R. at 45.4. 46.1 Avoid connecting road. 48.2 FARNHAM CENTRE. Keep to right at fork with telephone wires. Green Mountains now in view. 53.0 Keep to right and parallel R.R. crossing R.R. at 53.2. 54.2 Keep left and semi-circle left over iron bridge. 54.3 COWANSVILLE, 4 corners turn square right, V)ank on left. Good macadam road through Village. 56.0 SWEETSBURG. Sweetsburg House on left. 56.3 Turn left and pass brick house on right, sharp descent just beyond. 58.8 OILMAN 4 corners, left turn with wires, creamery just ahead on left. 65.4 Fork— optional entrance to VILLAGE OF KNOWL- TON, this route takes the left. 66.1 Cross small bridge, gasoline on right at G3.5. 66.6 Cross R.R. Station on left. Park on right. Maca- dam road through Village. 66.8 Lake View Hotel on left. 67.0 4 corners. Turn square right down grade and across small bridge. 67.2 4 corners, turn square left. Pettes Memorial on left. Straight ahead, avoid connecting road on left at 69.7. 70.7 Caution, sharp curves and grades. 71.1 Fork, take road to left. Sharp "S" turns 72.1. 73.5 Bolton Pass, caution, curve at 74.6. M'onder-Mi»t conserve tottjours une apparence neuve a votre roiture. THE CAS.\DIA\ FAIRBA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 28 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 9 76.8 SOUTH BOLTON, 4 corners, turn square right Post Office just ahead on left. 78.1 Fork — keep to right, semi-circle and up incline. 78.6 Fork — keep to right and up incline. 85.1 VILLAGE OF M ANSON VILLE, Hotel on left, Customs House on further left hand corner, straight ahead. (This route being via North Tro}', Tourists will report to Canadian Customs at Mansonville Station). 87.3 Keep left over bridge. 88.0 At end of bridge, turn right to MANSONVILLE STATION and report to Customs 88.1. Turn back and proceed straight paralleling R.R. 89.5 International Boundary Line Canada and United States. 90.3 NORTH TROY, Station on left. (Report to U.S. Customs), straight ahead through Village. 90.6 Right turn. 90.7 Turn left and down grade through covered bridge. 91.4 Rear left over R.R. and follow telephone wires, 91.7 Cross R.R. 92.0 Fork — keep to left with heavy wires, cross R.R. again at 93.7, and through covered bridge at 94.4 and avoid connecting road just beyond. 95.3 Through covered bridge. 96.9 NEWPORT CENTRE, 4 corners proceed straight ahead under R.R., avoiding connecting roads on either side just beyond. 98.5 Fork — take road on left. Caution curve and incline. 101.5 Fork— optional entrance to NEWPORT. This route follows left curve via Pleasant St. to 102.1, then left on 3rd St. and to right at fork along ]\Iain St. 103.1 Post Office NEWPORT, VT., on right. 103.2 Newport House on right, Raj'mond House just beyond after crossing R.R. Van Speedmeters wilt give you reliable and accurate speed, and mileage information at all times. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 29 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE -«tHette> KNOWN THE WORLD OVER GILLETTEA^^^ Safety Razor "That Feels Good!" As a start for the day's work or for the evening's pleasure, the first essential is a clean shave. The shaving mirror of the Gillette owner reflects a happy smile as the lather disappears, taking with it the beard. The fmgers caressing the chin confirm the verdict of the mirror — not a hair left standing in the field of action! YOU should own a Gillette, so that you, too, could say after each shave, "My! That feels good". $5.00 the Set Page 30 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 10 ACCESSORIES When It's anything for an auto- mobile, see us. AVe serve the best people because we ^Ive the best service. DEALERS:— Write for No. 9 Catalog. *plE|^(EW!Ay©|^@I@l^§yiPPLY @* (LA CIE RENAUD D'ACCESSOIRES D'AUTOMOBILES) 326, St. Catherine St. East. MONTREAL s^MAPLl Limp TOPa^^ Route 10 — Montreal to Three Rivers. 92.2 m. Via Maisonneuve, Laval de Montreal, St. Paul rErmite, L'Assomption, Berthierville, Louiseville, Yamachlche and Pointe du Lac. ROAD SURFACE: Pavement to end of Island with exception of Craig and Notre Dame Sts. Montreal which are poor in places. Asphalt macadam or concrete for balance of journey. An optional route out of city with better roads and scenery is contained in route No. 3, page 8 to mileage 19.0 where connection with Route No. 10 is made. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: This forms part of new transprovincial highway from Montreal to Quebec and is full of variety from beginning to end. Leaving Montreal and on reaching Notre Dame St. we follow the shore to the end of the Island where we cross to the mainland proceeding inland away from the St. Law- rence as far as L'Assomptlon where we turn towards the river and follow in close proximity all the way to Three Rivers. Quaint villages, typical habitant dwellings, and the numerous wayside shrines along the highway are features of the journey. For reverse route see page 55. Via Maisonneuve, Laval de Montreal, St-Paul I'Ermite, L'Assomptlon, Berthierville, Louiseville, Yamachiche et Pointe du Lac. CHAUSSEE: Pavage jusqu'a I'extremite de I'ile, excepte les rues Notre-Dame et Craig dans Montreal, qui sont en mauvais etat. Macadam en asphalte ou beton le reste de la route. Une meilleure route pour sortir de la ville avec meilleurs chemins et plus belle vue est indiquee dans la route No. 3, page 8, au mills 19.0 oil elle rejoint la route No. 10. DESCRIPTION: C'est une partie de la grande route trans-Provinciale de Montreal a Quebec et elle est partout interessante et variee. Partant de Mon- treal par la rue Notre-Dame, elle suit le fleuve St-Laurent jusqu'a I'extremite de rtle et s'avance dans les terres jusqu'^ I'Assoniption ou elle retourne vers le fleuve qu'elle cotoie tout le temps jusqu'a Trois-Rivieres. Des villages rustiques, des habitations originates, des habitants typiques et les nombreuses eglises Ic long de la route sont avec le paysage les principaux attraits de cette route. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 55. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Place Viger Depot and Hotel on right S.O. East along Craig Street. 0.8 Slight Jog right into Notre Dame St., and follow to end of Island. On left is Old City Prison. Pase 31 ROUTE 10 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE IHE WORLD FAMED CADILUi; CAR SERVICE — SATISFACTION Motorists will find everything they require at our establish- ment. We carry at all times a large stock of Automobile Accessories, including Specialties for Ford and Chevrolet cars. Our Tires are all of the finest quality. Sizes to fit all cars. We shall be glad to have you visit us and see the excellent facilities we have for serving you. If you have not received our new Catalogue, a postal will bring you one by return mail. CADILLAC MOTORS LIMITED SALES ROOM ACCESSORY DEPT. 7 Park Ave. 11 Park Ave. East 7120 East 7873 1.1 Longueuil Ferry on right (Poupart St.). 1.3 Dominion Textile Works on right, and also at 2.1, 2.3 Maisonneuve limits. 2.5 St. Lawrence Sugar Refineries on Right. 2.6 Ferry to King Edward Park. 2.7 CITY OF MAISONNEUVE. Fire Station on right, 3.2 Canadian Vickers Ltd. works on Right. Enter Mercier ward (City of Montreal). 3.4 Under R.R. 3.9 Montreal Locomotive Works on left. 4.5 Dominion Amusement Park on right. 5.2 Hospice St. Jean de Dieu on left. 5.3 Longue Pointe Parish Church on right. (Formerly old parish of Longue Pointe, now incorporated in Mercier Ward, City of Montreal). 6.2 Cross car tracks and also at 6.5. Mettez un rechaud dans voire voiture et ajoutez a voire contort. THE CANADIAX FAiRBA\KS-MOKSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Ponl, Quebec. Page 32 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 10 CUTTEN & FOSTER MANUFACTURERS OF Auto Tops, Seat Covers, Dust Envelopes, Motor Boat Tops, Cushions, Etc. :: :: :: :: :: 5 Park Ave. Montreal, Que. TEL. EAST 6690 7.0 Canada Cement Works on left. 7.3 Cross R.R. Siding. 7.8 Imperial Oil Go's refineries on left. 7.9 Cross car tracks. 8.4 Club Champetre on right. (Visitors admitted). MONTREAL EAST. 8.7 Limits of Pointe aux Trembles. 9.1 POINT AUX TREMBLES, City Hall on left. 9.7 Limits Municipality of LAVAL DE MONTREAL. 12.9 Cross R.R. 13.0 S.O. (Road on left leads to Riviere des Prairies and Sault au Recollet). 13.2 Cross electric car tracks. 13.3 Turn square right. (At 13.5 continue S.O. for Bureau's Hotel at 13.8). 13.5 Proceed under R.R. arch and immediately turn square left over iron bridge, crossing He Bourdon, and over a second long iron bridge to the main land at 14.4. 14.5 Bear right across R.R. and through village of CHARLEMAGNE. 15.6 St. Paul I'Ermite limits. 17.1 Parish church ST. PAUL L'ERMITE on left. 19.0 Limits of L'ASSOMPTION. 22.8 Turn square left along Notre Dame St. 22.9 Four corners, turn square right along L'Ange Gardien Boulevard. A Gasoline Primer, or Vacuum System, will help you up a long hill, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St.. Quebec. Page 33 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE "ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE" ABILITY, WILLINGNESS and a DEFINITE POLICY DISTIN- GUISH PACKARD SERVICE CARS and TRUCKS SALES ROOMS and SERVICE STATION IHE COMEI MOTOR COIPANY LIMITED 307 University Street, MONTREAL LARGEST and BEST SERVICE EQUIPMENT IN CANADA. Page 34 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 10 PACKARD TRAVEL SERVICE JOSEPH BERGERON, Proprietor PHONE : M'ESTMOUNT 4537 TWIN-SIX TOURING CARS LIMOUSI NES A ND TAXIS Lon^ distance out of toM-n trips a specialty POLITE DRIVERS REASONABLE RATES 23.6 Cross Iron Bridge over L'Assomption River. 23.7 At end of road square right (Road on left leads to Joliette about 12 miles distant, unimproved, may be macadamized late in 1919). 23.9 Four corners S.O. 26.3 At end of road square left through ST. SULPICE. 26.6 Caution left and right curves. 27.6 ST. SULPICE, Church on left. 31.6 Over small wooden bridge. 31.9 Right curve. 33.2 LAVALTRIE, Parish Church on left. 38.9 LANORAIE, ruins of Parish Church on left. 46.6 Through covered bridge. 47.1 BERTHIERVILLE, concrete road. 47.5 Berthierville Park on left. 47.8 C.P.R. Depot on left. (Ferry on right to Sorel. Fare 50 cents. Motors S3. Runs at 11.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. daily except Sundays). 47.9 Manoir de Berthier on left. 48.1 Square left. 48.2 Four corners square right. 48.4 Through covered bridge. 50.2 Caution, sharp left curve. 51.5 Square right through covered bridge and imme- diately square left. 51.7 Cross R.R. ST. CUTHBERT station on right. 53.1 Bear slightlj^ to right. Un service complet de surete Fyr Fyter pent voiis saiiver la vie a volts et A d'autres. THE CA.\ADIA\ FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue dii Pont, Quebec. Page 35 ROUTE 10 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Service Station First-Class Garage and Machine Shop Specially Adapted for Quick Repairs on FORD Cars. Full Line of FORD PARTS, accessories. Tires and Auto Supplies Always in Stock. :-: JOS. BONHOMME, Limited ^ay Zu'-Tias 200 GUY ST., - MONTREAL Night Uptown 8429 53.3 End of road curve to right. 55.4 ST. VIATEUR, Parish Church on right. 58.3 ST. BARTHELEMI. Church on right. 64.5 At fork bear left over iron bridge through village of MASKINONGE. 65.3 Cross R.R. 65.6 Sharp left curve. 66.4 Cross R.R. and again at G8.0. 68.3 Cross small iron bridge and S.O. avoiding left hand road. 68.6 LOUISEVILLE, Hotel Lafieur on left. 68.8 Cross iron bridge and immediateh' turn square left along Riviere du Loup. 69.2 Cross R.R. 72.3 Limits of Yamachiche. 73.7 Cross R.R. 74.6 Four corners sharp curve left and through village of YAMACHICHE. 75.3 Four corners S.O. 75.4 Sharp right and left curves. 75.9 Cross R.R. 76.1 Bear right over bridge. 76.8 Cross wooden bridge. 77.3 Cross R.R. 77.8 Sharp left curve. 79.2 Cross R.R. Voire garage deirait etre eqiiipe de fafon a poitioir y faire toutea les petites reparations, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, (iuebec. Page 30 TOUR BOOK THE ROAD OF SERVICE LEGARE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY CO. Limited 61-69 St. Valier St., QUEBEC When you travel iiv Quebec Province, you will appreciate \our service. '^rAf^^ '^^/, 'ce THREE RIVERS We are distributors FOR CHEVROLET ESSEX HUDSON FRANKLIN SANATORIUM SPRINGS HOTEL We carry en hand a most com- plete stock of parts and acces- sories--our expert mechanics are at your disposal, so, if you own a car of the above mentioned makes, "you travel in safety". LEGARE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY CO. HEAD OFFICE - lit AMHERST ST. LIMITED SERVICE DEPARTMENT 375-77-79 ONTARIO STREET EAST Page 37 (^LKBE(^ ALTOMOHILE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL BOAT TRIPS Make the Saj^uenay trip this year. You can start your trip at Niagara I'alls, at Toronto, at Rochester or at Montreal. Make it a two-week trip, or take any part of it. Between Toronto and Montreal you will encounter the ever-changing, ever glorious scenery of the 1000 Islands, — and the exciting experience of "shooting the river rapids". Later comes Quebec, the city quaint and beautiful. Visit the miracle-working shrine of St. Anne do Beauprc. The lx)ats touch at Murray Bay and Tadousac, where the traveller will find up-to-date Canada Steamship Lines Hotels. All this you get as part of the trip we call 'Niagara to the Sea". TAKE YOUR CAR FOR A BOAT TRIP Special accomodation for motorists. You may take your car on board at Rochester, Buffalo or Toronto ; sail down through the 1000 Islands to Montreal and from there use your car for a tour on the King Edward Highway to New York and other points. Or you may prefer to motor to Montreal. There you could leave your car and board one of our fine steamers for a trip up the Saguenay. You will find such a trip distinctly worth while. For information, write John F. Pierce, Assistant Passenger Traffic Ma- nager, Victoria Square, Montreal. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES LIMITED ViimliS TOUR BOOK ROUTE 10 WHILE IN THREE RIVERS OR PASSING THROUGH DO NOT FORGET TO STOP AT ^THE RED CORNER'' WHERE YOU WILL FIND ALL LATEST MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS, CANADIAN AND AMERICAN DAILY PAPERS. ALSO BEST LINES OF CIGARS, TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, ETC. LAMOTHE & HEBERT 130 Notre Dame St. Three Rivers. Que. Opposite Post Office Bell Tel. 284 80.5 End of road curve right; 80.6 Avoid left hand road and cross R.R. at 81.0. 83.5 POINTE DU LAC, Parish church on left. 84.1 Cross Little Sahara Desert. 91.6 Cross R.R. siding and proceed along Notre Dame St. 91.9 Four corners S.O. (Ferry for St. Angele on right at Foot of Desforges St. left leads to Dufresne's Hotel). 92.2 THREE RIVERS. Four corners. Notre Dame and Bonaventure Sts. Sacred Heart Monument on right. Sanatorium Springs Hotel, Laviolette St. C. O. Baptist Garage. SANATORIUM SPRINGS HOTEL THREE RIVERS, QUE. An Ideal Health and Rest Resort. Famous Mineral Springs. | "A HOME ON THE ROAD" j RATES American Plan . - - _ $3.50 Per Day and Upwards ? European Plan _ . . . $ 1 .50 Per Day and Upwards I SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO AUTOMOBILE PARTIES | Telephone ahead at our Expense for Meals or Accommodation. | 1 Page 39 MEALS SERVED 6 A. M. UNflL 10 P. M. ROUTE 11 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Mclaughlin STUDEBAKER FEDERAL TRUCKS C. O. BAPTIST AUTOMOBILES and SUPPLIES. Three Rivers. P.Q. BRANCH No. 2 OPPOSITE SACRED HEART. Garage Open Day and Night Space for 75 cars. Five gallon Bowser Pump, Vulcanizing, Repairs, Six Mechanics, Acces- sories, Special attention given to Tourists. All information required given with pleasure. Batteries charged. Route 11 — Three Rivers to Quebec. 79.6 m. Via Cap de la Madeleine, Champlain, Batiscan, Grondines, Portneuf, Cap Sante and St. Augustin. ROAD SURFACE: Several miles of concrete, balance good asphalt ma- cadam. From St. Augustln to Quebec city limits is being reconstructed with asphaltic concrete pavement. This work together with the work of resurfacing the entire highway with a bituminous wearing surface will be executed by the highways departments so as to give a minimum of inconvenience to the users of the highwaj-. Good pavement through Battlefields Park to centre of city. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: A charming run over rolling country with many beautiful river \-iews. The villages are spread along the highway so that the route looks like one continuous straggling line of houses, which cluster round the fine churches, which are a feature of each parish. The route runs along the St. Lawrence for the major portion of the distance, passing several large mills which are worth a vnsit. Typical French Canadian houses are encountered and elaborate wayside shrines are very numerous. For reverse route see page 51. Via Cap de la Madeleine, Champlain, Batiscan, Grondines, Portneuf, Cap Sant£ et St-Augustin. CHAUSSEE: Plusieurs milles en beton; le reste en bon macadam en asphalte . De 8t-Augustln jusqu'aux limites de la ville de Quebec, on est b. terminer le pavage en b^ton asphalts. Ce travail, de meme que celui de la pose d'une couche • bitimiineuse sur toute la route va otre fait par le dcpartement de la voiric avec toutes les mesures neccssaircs pour incommodcr la circulation le moins possible. Bon pavage dans Ic Pare des Champs de Bataille et le centre de la ville. Page 40 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 11 DESCRIPTION: Une charmante course k travers un pays ondule. coupe de belles rivieres et de cites pittoresques. Les villages s'echeloiinent le long de la route de sorte que la route est une suite interminable d'habitations, avec des groupements autour des eglises, qui indiquent des paroisses. La route suit pies- que tout le temps le St-Laurent et passe plusieurs gros moulins ciui meritent -une visite. On y voit de nombreuses habitations typiques canadiennes-francaises et les 6glises sont tres interessantes, et tres nombreuses. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 51. Mileage. 0.0 THREE RIVERS, Sacred Heart Monument on right, just bevoncl turn square left along Laviolette St. 0.1 Sanatorium Hotel on left. 0.2 Court House on right. 0.7 Four corners, square right along St. Maurice St. fol- lowing car tracks. 0.8 Wabasso Cotton Mills on left. Also Notre Dame Church. 0.9 R.R. tracks. 1.1 Canada Iron Foundries on right. 1.2 Cross iron bridge over St. Maurice river. 1.6 Over electric tracks and immediately across second long iron bridge. 1.8 Sharp right turn, on concrete road through CAP DE LA MADELEINE. (S.O. leads to Shawinigan Falls). 2.2 Cross R.R. 2.3 Sharp right and left curves. Wayagamack Pulp and Paper Mills over river on right at 2.5. 3.9 Cross two sets of R.R. tracks. 12.3 Village of CHAMPLAIN. 12.6 Parish Church on left. 13.2 Left at fork, following good road. 15.5 Cross iron bridge and then left. 18.8 BATISCAN, Parish Church on left. 19.2 Wharf on right for Montreal and Quebec steamers. 19.4 Hotel Batiscan on left. Keep to right, road on left leads to station. 20.4 Keep to left through timber yard. 20.5 End of road turn right on to Parish Ferrj^ crossing Batiscan River. Fare 25 cents. On leaving ferry turn square right up incline. 24.4 Sharp right turn along concrete through ST. ANNE DE LA PERADE. 24.6 Up incline over iron bridge, then right curve across second iron bridge. Toll 25c crossing St. Anne Marie Bridge. Opposite church, turn square right at 24.8. 31.9 Limits of GRONDINES. 33.1 Parish church on right. 33.5 Up incline. Page 41 ROUTE 11 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE igl M M — ^ ^ M I - I ■ ^ I — I I II . _. l|| DONNACONA INN DONNACONA, P.Q. Situated on a Bluff overlooking the St. Lawrence River. 30 Miles West of Quebec on the Montreal-Quebec Highway. Mrs. M. E. FLOYD, - - - - Manageress. 36.4 Sharp curve left and steep descent semi circling over bridge and curving right up steep grade through DESCHAMBAULT, passing Post office on right at 37.7. 38.4 Sharp left and right curve over bridge. Caution. 39.9 Keep to left, passing Hotel Deschambault. 41.1 Cross R.E. 43.0 PORTNEUF Village. 43.5 Station on right. 43.7 Down grade and immediately right over bridge and up incline. 44.4 Up incline. 48.3 Village of CAP SANTE. 48.6 Keep to right up incline. Church on left. 48.9 Keep to right at reverse forks. 50.3 Bear left across new iron bridge, Donnacona Pulp & Paper Mills on right. 51.0 DONNACONA, Hotel on right. 52.6 LES ECUREUILS, Church on right. Long up urade. 55.5 POINT AUX TREMBLES WEST, Post office on right. 58.9 NEUVILLE, Parish Church on left. 62.2 Sharp left and right curves. 65.7 ST. AUGUSTIN, Parish Church on right. 66.8 Limits Old Turnpike Trust road. 69.0 Cross R.R. 71.3 LORETTE STATION on left. Turn square right along Suede road. 72.4 Cross R.R. 73.1 Cross R.R. 73.9 End of road turn square left along St. Foye road, passing ruins of St. Foye church on right at 74.2. 75.8 Belmont cemetery on left. 76.2 Old Toll Gate. 76.4 Convent Notre Dame de Bellevue. 77.5 Monument aux Braves. Turn square right into Battlefields Park, and along Avenue aux Braves. Page 42 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 11 IN THE HEART OF THINGS TAKE YOUR MEALS AT TBI liJISiiT:lfl#M C^Pl 46 ST JOHN STREET _.__--- Phone 7915 MANHATTAN CAFE 120 ST JOHN STREET Phone 5993 The most centrally situated. All modern Conveniences. First class cuisine and service. All goods direct from our farm. A Select resort for Lady Tourists Special Orchestra on Sundays and Holidays. Also only a few minutes to Auto Garage :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: " ■■ " Canada Food Board Licences No. 10-8427 ~ No. 10-1290 77.9 Square left along St. Louis Road and Grande Allee. 79.2 Provincial Parliament Buildings on left. 79.3 Through St. Louis Gate. Garrison Club on right_ 79.6 QUEBEC, Place d'Armes Square. Chateau Frontenac Hotel. Marathon Cafe, Campbell's New Frontenac Garage, 45 St. Louis St. New Frontenac Garage 45 and 47 St. Louis St., - QUEBEC TELEPHONE No. 211 MODERN CONVENIENCES Nearest to all Hotels, only one block West of Chateau Frontenac Hotel. For several years at same location, and has been the home of American tourists cars from every State in the Union. FREE AIR, GASOLINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES, ALSO VULCANIZING AND ACCESSORIES. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE P. CAMPBELL, Frank J. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Manager. Page 43 ROUTE 12 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 12 — Three Rivers to Shawinigan Falls. 20.6 m. via St. Louis de France. ROAD SURFACE: Under construction. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: The major portion of the trip is through the woods and sugar bush. There is little to be seen until arrival at Shawinigan Falls, where there are several fine views of the river and dam. For reverse route see page 46. Via St-Louis de France CHAL'SSEE: En voic de construction. DESCRIPTION: La plus grande partie de ce tour est i travers la foret et les crablieres. Peu de choses k voir, excepte a I'approche de Shawinigan oii il y a de belles vues des chutes et des ecluses. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 46. Mileage. 0.0 THREE RIVERS. Sacred Heart INIonument on right, just beyond turn square left on Laviolette Street. 0.1 Sanatorium on left. 0.2 Court House on right. 0.7 Four corners square right along St. ^Maurice St. fol- lowing car tracks. 0.8 Wabasso Cotton Mills on left. Also Notre Dame Church. 0.9 R.R. Tracks. 1.1 Canada Iron Foundries on right. 1.2 Cross iron bridge over St. Maurice River. 1.6 Cross electric tracks and immediateh' acros.s second long iron bridge. 1.8 Leave concrete and proceed S.O. on sand. (Right hand road leads to Quebec). 1.9 Square left. 2.3 Keep to right at fork, following telephone wires all the way. 2.7 Keep to left at fork. (Road on right leads to St. ]\Iaurice through the woods). 3.1 R.R. Crossing. 4.6 Keep to left. (Road on right also leads to St. Maurice). 5.4 End of road square right. 5.7 Turn square left. 6.1 Over wooden bridge. A Pitll-U-Out will save you many dollars in gelling out of a bad hole, TUE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St.. Quebec. Page 44 Ordinary fraieUed Roads shotrn fii/s===.Ma,n travel/ed Highways^ ., .Main improved Highways, . Bar THREE RIVERS & LAURENT ♦ f SHCrr N?4 MONTREAL - NORTHERN NEW YORK AND VERMONT DISTRICTS Pago 44a r ^wy THREE RIVERS & LAURENTIAN MOUNTAIN DISTRICT Sheet N93. IAN MOUNTAIN DISTRICT TOUR BOOK ROUTE 12 APPROACHIXG SHAWIXIGAX FALLS. 7.0 St. Louis de France Church on left. Four corners S.O. (Road on right leads to St. Tite). 7.7 Sharp right curve. 7.8 Sharp left curve. 8.5 Four corners S.O. (Road on right to St. Maurice). 9.2 Avoid road on right. 9.3 Sharp right turn and immediately left. 10.1 Four corners S.O. 11.1 Caution sharp left turn and immediately right. 11.9 End of road square left. (Road on right leads to, Mont Carmel). 12.6 Turn square right and S.O. 12.9 Right and left curves over bridge. 13.1 Caution sharp descent. 13.4 Cross bridge over Hidden River (Riviere Cachce) and immediately up steep incline. 14.2 Four corners S.O. 14.9 Square right. 15.1 Square left. 15.5 Over bridge and up sharp incline. Dea tubes de graisse, des coupes de graisse et d'huile, des mesures, etc., rous aideront a maintenir votre voiture en meilleur etat de lubrification. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 45 ROUTES 12-13 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 15.8 Descent to bridge and then up incline. 16.3 Right curve. 16.6 Turn right and immediately left. 16.9 Sharp descent over Vjridge and up steep incline. 17.4 Four corners square right. 17.5 Turn square left. 18.1 Square right. Caution long steep descent. 18.2 Sharp left and continue descent. 18.4 Turn left at end of road. 18.6 Turn right over iron bridge; curve right and imme- diately left through timber yard of Belgo Pulp and Paper Co. 18.9 Cross R.R. 19.1 Square right over long iron bridge. 19.3 Bear right through town of SHAWINIGAN FALLS, main street. 19.6 Square left, passing city hall on right. 19.7 Trudel's Garage on left. 20.1 Sharp to left at top of hill. 20.3 Shawinigan Cotton Mills on right. 20.6 Turn right to Cascade Hotel on left. Route 13 — Shawinigan Falls to Three Rivers. 19.6 m. Via St. Louis de France. For reverse route and description of tour see page 44. Via St-Louis de France. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 44. Mileage. 0.0 SHAWINIGAN FALLS. Leave Cascade Hotel on left, immediately turn left down steep hill. 0.1 Turn left and at bottom of incline bear right. 0.2 Post Office on left. 0.3 Turn right, and then left curve over bridge at 0.4 crossing St. Maurice river, curve left and through timber yard. 0.7 Cross R.R. and curve left. Protegez voire auto et repolissez-le avec la peintitre el le vernia Norweaco. THE CANADI.W FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO, LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont. Quebec. Page 46 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 13 1.0 Over bridge. 1.2 Curve right and up steep hill — Almaville Hill. 1.5 Curve left. 2.1 At end of road square right. 2.2 Square left. 2.7 Steep grade and over bridge. 2.9 Sharp right and immediately sharp left turn. 4.1 Down grade over bridge and up incline. 4.5 Sharp right turn. 4.7 Sharp left turn. 5.3 Four corners S.O. 6.1 CAUTION, down steep hill across bridge over Hidden River and up steep incline. 7.0 Square left at end of road. 7.7 Square right. 8.4 Sharp left turn and immediately right. 9.5 Four corners S.O. 10.3 Sharp right and then left turn. 11.1 Four corners S.O. 11.8 Sharp right turn and then immediately sharp left. 12.6 Four corners S.O. St. Louis de France Church on right. (Road on left leads to St. Tite). 13.5 Cross small wooden bridge. 13.9 End of road turn right. 14.2 Turn left. 16.0 Down grade. 16.5 Cross R.R. 17.3 Sharp descent and left curve. 17.8 Turn right. 17.9 Cross iron bridge over St. Maurice River. 18.0 Cross electric tracks up incline to 18.2 Second long iron bridge over St. Maurice river. 18.7 Cross R.R. tracks. 18.9 Xotre Dame Church on right. 19.0 Four corners square left and along Laviolette street. 19.5 Sanatorium Hotel on right. 19.6 THREE RIVERS. Monument of Sacred Heart on turning square right at St. Pierre St. and junction of Bonaventure and Xotre Dame streets. Sanatorium Springs Hotel, Laviolette St. C. O. Baptist Garage. Banish the dirty oil lights — Install Type H Genolite Electric System. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St., Quebec. Page 47 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Quebec Automobile Club Secretary's Office - - - - 409 Quebec Railway Building. Honorary Patrons: Sir Lomer Gouin, Prime Minister of Quebec. Honorary President .------ Sir George Garneau. Honorary Vice-Presidents His Honor Mayor Lavigueur. Hon. L. A. Taschereau. Hon. W.G. Mitchell. Hon. J. A. Tessier. President -------- Hon. Frank Carrel. Vice-President ------ Auguste Pion. Secretary-Treasurer - - . - Lionel C. Beaupre. Legal Advisor George Parent, M.P. Board of Directors: J. H. Fortier. J. de R. Tessier. A. Chateauvert. Dr. V. Martin. Dr. P. Picard. L. H. Gaudry. W. J. Brunet. Edgar Clement. C. Kirouac. A. E. Pfeiffer. Dr H. Gauvin. Eug. Julien. J. de Varennes. F. J. Campbell. M. Monoghan. TOURING INFORMATION Advice as to road conditions, routes, hotels and garages should be obtained before starting on a motor trip. Complete informa- tion of this character is available only at the Club's Office, room 409, Quebec Railway Bldg. Phone: 5798. INFORMATION AUX TOURISTES Pour informations sur la condition des chemins, les routes a suivre, les hotels et les garages, s'adresser au bureau du secretaire, chambre 409, edifice du Quebec Railway. Telephone 5798. Withdrawal of Regulations requiring Permits for Temporary Absence from Canada. The Dominion Government regulation whereby all males between the ages of 18 and 45 years desiring to visit outside of Canada were obliged to obtain a Canadian Immigration Department Certificate, has now been rescinded, but all persons visiting the United States are advised to take with them some official document, such as a birth certificate, which would serve as a means of identification should the latter be requested by the Boundary Immigration Inspectors of either country. Page 48 TOUR BOOK I aQUEBECffl \ \ THE CITY EVER PICTURESQUE 1 QUEBEC is possibly the most picturesque city in North America. Standing on a great promontory formed by the confluence of the St. Lawrence and the St. Charles rivers, it is unexampled for magnificence of position on this continent. The boldness of its site, its stirring and romantic history and its old World quaintness all combine to make it a city of exceptional charm. It was founded by Samuel de Champlain in 1608 and the celebration of its tercentenary in 1908 brought many thousands of visitors from all parts of the world. It was the capital of Canada in the days of the old French regime, and it is now the capital of the Province of Quebec and a city of close on to 100,000 inhabitants. There are really two cities to be seen in Quebec, one the Lower Town, the quaint old French city of the seventeenth century, nestling at the foot of the Citadel, and the other the Upper Town, the modern Quebec, spreading up the hill and consisting of modern shops and fine residences. The famous Plains of Abraham, on which was decided the fate of the country in the great battle on September 13, 1759, when Canada passed from France to Great Britain, and in which both Montcalm and Wolfe were killed, has been preserved for all time by the construction of Battle- fields Park, at the foot of the Grand Allee of which is the Monument aux Braves, with unsurpassed views in all directions. The Citadel and the world-famous boardwalk on Dufferin Terrace, the Laval University, the Basilica, the Bishop's Palace, the Ursuline Convent, the Houses of Parliament and many other historic buildings are found within a small radius in this picturesque city, making it one popular with visitors from all parts of the world. Many fine tours can be undertaken from Quebec which has good hotel and garage accommodation. At the foot of the cliff runs quaint old Champlain Street, through which on December 31, 1775, General Richard Montgomery endeavored to lead an attack of American forces on the city, but met his death at a place close by, marked with a wooden sign: "Here Montgomery fell, 31st December 1775." The English Cathedral is erected close to the spot where Jacques Cartier first assembled his followers in 1535, while the Champlain Monument stands on the site of the famous old castle of St. Louis. Near the terrace is the granite monument erected to Wolfe and Montcalm in 1828, while the Grand Battery which extends from Mountain Hill to Palace Gate, with its row of heavy guns commanding the noble river flowing below, is also a picturesque sight. Pa«e49 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE iBJQUEBEC ml I La ville pittoresque en tout temps I i I QUEBEC est peut-etre la ville la plus pittoresque de rAmerique du Nord. Situee sur un haut promontoire forme par la confluence du St-Laurent et de la riviere St-Charles, sa position est unique en munificence. L'originalite de son site, son histoire emouvante et ses apparences du vieux monde en font une ville d'un charme exception- nel. Elle fut fondee par Samuel de Champlain en 1608 et la celebra- tion de son tricentenaire, en 1908 a attire des milliers de visiteurs de toutes les parties de I'univers. C'etait la capitale du Canada sous le vieux regime francais. C'est aujourd'hui la capitale de la province de Quebec et sa population est de 100,000. II y a reellement deux villes a voir dans Quebec; la basse-ville qui est la vieille ville francaise du dix-septieme siecle, abritee au pied de la citadelle, et la haute-ville, le Quebec moderne dominant la falaise ou se trouvent les grands magasins et les residences princieres. Les fameuses plaines d'Abraham, sur lesquelles se decida I'avenir du Canada, lors de la grande bataille du 13 septembre 1759, quand le pays passa de la France a I'Angleterre et ou Wolfe et Montcalm per- dirent tous deux la vie, ont ete conservees pour I'histoire. On en a fait le Pare des Champs de Bataille, qui se trouve au pied de la Grande Allee, avec le monument des Braves. La vue est feerique de tous les cotes. La citadelle et la fameuse promenade de la terrasse Dufferin rUniversite Laval, la Basiiique, le Palais Cardinalice, le couvent des Ursulines, les edifices du parlement et plusieurs aufres edifices histo- riques sont tous dans un court rayon, rendant la ville tres interessante aux nombreux visiteurs qui y viennent de toutes les parties du monde. On peut faire de Quebec plusieurs tours d'automobiles. Les hotels et les garages sont excellents. Au pied de la falaise est la petite rue Champlain, par laquelle le 31 decembre, Montgomery dirigea une attaque des Americains contre la ville et ou il trouva la mort a I'endroit marque de inscription : "Here Montgomery fell, 31st December, 1775", La cathedrale anglaise est tout pres de I'endroit ou Jacques-Cartier hiverna en 1535 et le monument Champlain est sur le site de I'ancien Chateau St-Louis. Pres de la terrasse est le monument en granit erige a Wolfe et Montcalm en 1828. La grande Batterie, qui s'etend de la Cote cie la Montagne jusqu'a la Porte du Palais, avec sa rangee de gros canons commandant le fleuve est aussi un coup d'peil tres pittoresque. Page 50 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 14 "Qualite et Service". Souvenez-vous que nous avons toujours en main un assortiment complet d'accessoires d'Automo- bile et que nous donnons a nos clients une prompte attention. Catalogue sur demande. H. W. Petrie of Montreal Limited Accessoires d'Automobile. 327 rue St- Jacques, Montreal. ii M^PLi LiAF rmmm ii Route 14 — Quebec to Three Rivers. 79.6 m. Via St. Augustin, Cap Sante, Portneuf, Grondines, Batiscan, Chaniplain and Cap de la Madeleine. For reverse route and description of tour see page 10. Via St-Augustin, Cap Sante, Portneuf, Grondines, Batiscan, Chaniplain et Cap de la Madeleine. Pour description de la meme route en sens inverse, voir page iO. Mileage. 0.0 QUEBEC, Place d'Armes Square, straight out St. Louis St. and Grand Allee. 0.3 Garrison Club on left. Through St. Louis Gate. 0.4 Provincial Parliament Buildings on right. 0.5 Drill Hall on left and old Ross Rifle Factorj^ also on left just beyond. 1.2 Leave car tracks and keep S.O. St. Louis road. 1.7 Square right up short incline and then down grade and along Avenue aux Braves. 1.9 Cross car tracks. 2.1 At foot of hill opposite Monument aux Braves, turn square left along St. Foye road. 3.2 Convent Notre Dame de Bellevue on left. 3.4 Old Toll Gate. Take an Eveready Daylo Flashlight with you. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 106-108 Du Pont St., Quebec, Page 51 ROUTE 14 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE WE SPECIALIZE: In electrical repairs on AUTOMOBILES, MOTOR-BOATS, MOTOR-CYCLES, AEROPLANES, GAS ENGINES, Etc. Specially Equipped Factory and Trained Employees Spare parts for all popular makes of Magnetos. Starting and Lighting Systems, Horns, Accumula- tors and Speedometers. OFFICIAL SERVICE STATION For Bosch. Eisemann. Simms. Mea. Splitdorf, Dixie, C.A.V., Berling. Webster. MAGNETOS. — VVestinghouse. Cray & Davis, Simms-Huff & Bosch- Rushmore. Lighting & Starting Systems. Atwater-Kent Ignition, Gould Storage Battery, Norma Bearings. Klaxon Horns. Van- Sicklen & Jones Speedometers. International Electric Company, 97, BLEURY ST. Tei. Main 3101 & 3989. MONTREAL, Que. 3.8 Belmont cemeteiy on right. . 5.4 ST. FOYE, ruins of Church on left. 5.7 Square right down Suede road. 6.5 Cross R.R. and again at 7.2. 8.2 Square left, passing LORETTE station on right. 10.1 Over wooden bridge. 10.6 Cross R.R. 11.6 The new Quebec Bridge can be seen on the left in the distance. 12.8 End of Turnpike Trust Road. 13.7 ST AUGUSTIN, Parish Church on left. 17.0 Keep left at fork. 17.2 Caution. Sharp left and right curves. 18.7 Parish of NEUVILLE. 20.6 Post Office on left. 24.1 Post Office POINT AUX TREMBLES WEST on left. 26.8 Left at fork and down grade to 27.0 LES ECUREUILS, Parish Church on left. 28.6 DONNACONA, Hotel on left. 28.8 Straight on across new iron bridge. 30.7 Keep to left at fork, down grade. Les lunettes en micalite sont absolument ti I'epreure du feu, extremement ligeres et confor tables. THE C.W.XDl.W FAIRBA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. I'age 52 SHERBROOKI QUEBEC DISTRICT SHCer M» S Vagc 52» SHERBROOKE DISTRICT C H tr^) f..AH > I (iMf~ Quebec Automobile Tour Book MAP OF MAIN PART OF THE Province of Quebec AND PORTION OF Eastern Ontario. Scal«* of Alili's VEFEREFCE Apill, 1919. *"* ^ w * aJtowm f/M9 .—...^ . CotupitH *V 4r9^ br »t U^—mf amtdtrim... EWINC, LOVEIACC, It TftEUBLAY '^*' MtRtrOHO ^^^^1 Ci^,-*»r3 » L*>^ 5»rn/»n ""^ ::|;~ LotbuUert ^ ^^^^ Sf-MT,, MOHrRCAL. *tt^ mfkwm/t _______ •^•-AoMs Ji*a*^«H ..X X 3hee:t N9 6 E DISTRICT TOUR BOOK ROUTE 14 OX THE MONTREAL -QUEBEC HIGHWAY, NEAR THREE RI\ Ek^ 30.8 Down steep grade. 31.0 CAP SANTE, Church on left. 32.6 Down long grade. 34.7 Incline. 35.1 Down grade. 35.8 Cross iron bridge and immediately left, keeping to right at fork. 36.0 PORTNEUF, Parish church on left. 36.1 Station on left. 38.5 Cross R.R. 39.4 Incline with left curve. 39.7 DESCHAMBAULT, Hotel on right. 39.8 Church on left. 41.1 Over small bridge, semi circle to left and then to right and S.O. 41.8 Up incline. 42.8 Sharp right curve down grade. An extra tire is a necessity in touring — -.4 Demountable Rim set, is the height of convenience, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St., Quebec. Page 53 ROUTE 14 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 43.0 Caution. Left curve over narrow iron l)ridge, then up steep incline. 44.3 GRONDINES, Post Office on left. 46.5 Grondines, Parish Church on left. 47.7 Limits of Grondincs, Keep to left at fork. 54.8 Turn square left opposite ST. ANNE DE LA PERADE Parish church, crossing St. Anne Marie Bridge, toll 25 cents. 55.0 Curve left over second iron bridge on to concrete. 55.2 End of road sharp left turn. 58.7 Turn square left down sharp grade with right and left jog over two wooden bridges to 59.0 Parish Ferrj- across River Batiscan. Toll 25 cents. 59.1 Incline and sharp left turn through timber yard. 59.3 Curve right, on to macadam road at 59.6. 60.4 Wharf on left for steamers to ^lontreal and Quebec. 60.8 BATISCAN, Parish Church on right. 64.1 Turn right over iron bridge. 66.7 Manoir Champlain on right. 67.0 CHAMPLAIN, Parish church on right. 73.4 Caution down grade and left curve over wooden bridge. 75.7 Cross R.R. and again at 75.8, station on right of latter. 76.0 Four corners S.O. Parish church of CAP DE LA MADELEINE on left. 77.8 End of road turn left. 77.9 Cross iron bridge into Three Rivers. 78.0 Cross electric tracks up incline to 78.2 Long iron bridge crossing St. ^laurice river. 78.7 Cross R.R. tracks. 78.9 Xotre Dame Church on right. 79.0 Four corners, square left by Fire station and along Laviolette street. 79.5 Sanatorium Hotel on right. 79.6 THREE RIVERS. :\Ionument of Sacred Heart on turning square right at St. Pierre Street and junction of Bonaventure and Xotre Dame streets. Sanatorium Springs Hotel, Laviolette St. C. O. Baptist Garage. A Tire Gauge tells you when you have the right amount of air in your tires. THE CASADIAN FAIRBASKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 54 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 15 'Quality and Service" Automobile Supplies. Automobile Accessories. Remember that we carry at all times a most complete stock of Supplies and Accessories, and give our customers prompt attention with no waiting. Catalogue on request. H. W. Petrie of Montreal Limited 327 St. James St., Montreal. ^^M^PLl Ll^P TOOR SrJ Route 15 — Three Rivers to Montreal. 93.1 m. Via Pointe du Lae, Yamachiche, Louiserille, Berthierville, L'Assoniption, St. Paul I'Ermlte, Laval de Montreal and Maisonneuve. For reverse route and description of tour see page 31. Via Pointe du Lae, Yamachiche, Louiseville, Berthierville, L'Assomption, St-Paul rErmite, Laval de Montreal et Maisonneuve. Mileage. 0.0 0.1 0.6 8.2 8.5 8.7 11.3 11.7 12.9 14.3 14.5 14.9 15.4 16.1 16.3 16.7 Pour route et description en sens inverse, voir page 31. Sacred Heart Monument and Proceed West on Xotre Dame THREE RIVERS Post Office on left street. Four corners S.O. (square right along Desforges St. leads to Dufresne's Hotel, and also to exhibition grounds, which are S.O. for five blocks then sharp right up incline and over bridge. Left leads to Ferry to St. Angele). Cross R.R. Cross Little Sahara Desert. Village of POINTE DU LAC. Parish Church on right S.O. Cross R.R. Curve left at fork. Cross R.R. Sharp curve right. Sharp curve left. Cross R.R. Cross wooden bridge. Bear left over bridge. Cross R.R. Turn sharp riaht and immediatelv left curve through YAMACHICHE. Page 55 ROUTE 15 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE ''THERE I S A R EASON^^ DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CAR WAS THE ONLY ONE OF ITS CLASS APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES WAR DEPARTMENT MONTREAL MOTOR SALES 120 SHERBROOKE ST. WEST Phone East 3398 16.9 Post Office on left. 17.6 Sharp semi circle to right. 18.5 Cross R.R. 19.9 Avoid right hand road. 20.5 Right curve. 23.0 Cross R.R. LOUISEVILLE station on right. " 23.4 End of road square right over iron bridge. 23.6 Louiseville Post Office on left. 23.9 Cross small iron bridge. 24.2 Cross R.R. and again at 25.8. 26.4 Sharp curve right. 26.9 Cross R.R. 27.6 MASKINONGE. Hotel de Temperance. 27.7 Cross iron bridge and curve right, and left at fork. 30.4 Cross wooden bridge. 32.9 Caution, curve to right. 34.0 ST. BARTHELEMI, Parish Church on right. Caution, sharp right curve. 36.8 ST. VIATEUR, Parish church on right. 38.9 Caution sharp left curve. 39.1 Keep to left at fork. 40.5 Cross R.R. ST. CUTHBERT station on left. 40.7 Square right through covered bridge and immediately square left. 41.0 Caution right curve over small bridge. 42.0 Square right turn. 43.8 Through covered bridge. 44.0 At end of road square left. 44.2 Turn square right. 44.3 Manoir Berthier. Village of BERTHIERVILLE. 44.5 Raihvav Station on right. (Ferry on left to Sorel Fare 50 cents Motors $3 Runs at 11.30 a.m. and 5" l).m. daily except Sundays). Page 56 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 15 . ASK FOR COGHLINS' SPRINGS 'MADE IN CANADA" Spring manufacturers since 1872 B. J. Coghlin Co., Limited MONTREAL. 45.7 Through covered bridge. 49.1 Cross wooden bridge. 51.4 Left curve. 53.3 LANORAIE, ruins of Parish church on right. 59.0 LAVALTRIE, Parish church on right. 59.3 Post office on right. 60.4 Sharp left turn down grade. 64.6 ST. SULPICE, Parish church on right. 65.6 Right and left curve. 65.9 End of road square right. 68.6 Square left and cross iron bridge. Enter Village of L'ASSOMPTION. 69.3 Four corners square left, leaving Boulevard L'Ange Gardien, turning down Notre Dame Street. 69.4 Post office on right. 69.5 At end of road square right and follow along shore of L'Assomption river. Faites de notre magasin vos guartiers generaux pour service, reparations et accessoires d'auto. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 57 ROUTE 15 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 73.2 ST. PAUL L'ERMITE. 75.2 Parish church on right. 76.8 Enter limits of CHARLEMAGNE. 77.6 Bear right at fork. 77.8 Cross R.R. then under R.R. and immediately left up approach to bridge. 77.9 Cross iron bridge spanning river and across He Bourdon. 78.5 Cross second long iron bridge on to Island of Mont- real. 78.8 End of road square right. (For Bureau's Hotel, turn square left.) 78.9 Tuin square left antl S.O. through municipality of LAVAL DE MONTREAL. 79.0 Cross electric car tracks. 79.2 S.O. (Macadam road on right leads to Riviere des Prairies and Sault au RecoUet and is also an optional entrance via the Northern section of ^Montreal. See Route 4, page 10 mileage 13.0. 79.3 Cross R.R. 82.5 POINT AUX TREMBLES limits. 83.1 Town Hall on right. 83.6 Limits of MONTREAL EAST. 83.9 Club Champetre on left. 84.4 Cross R.R. siding and again at 85.0. 85.2 Limits of Mercier ward, City of Montreal (formerly Longue Pointe). 85.7 Cross car tracks and again at 86.0. 86.9 Longue Pointe Church on left. 87.1 Hospice St. Jean de Dieu on right. 87.7 Dominion Amusement Park on left. Caution, Car tracks. 88.3 Cross R.R. siding. 88.9 Under R.R. Bridge. 89.1 Enter citv of MAISONNEUVE. Canadian Vickers Ltd. on left. 89.7 King Edward Park ferry on left. 89.9 Limits City of Maisonncuve and City of Montreal. 90.9 Cross bridge over C.P.R. Tracks. 91.0 ^lontreal Tramway sheds, several tracks, caution. 91.1 Longueuil ferry on left (Poupart St.) 91.4 At fork, opposite old City Prison bear right along Craig St. 92.2 Place Yiger Depot and Hotel on left. En VOU8 mettant en route aaturez-vous «i voire equipement d' acceasoirea eat complet. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 58 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 15 Wl NNIPEG, MONTREAL. EASILY CARRIED Under seat Cushion. The most up-to- date. THE DOMINION E ROPE CO. LIMITED TORONTO 92.5 Champ de Mars, with City Hall and Court House on left. 92.7 Intersection of St. Lawrence Boulevard, dividing eastern and western limits of city of Montreal. 93.0 Intersection of Bleury St. extending on the right to Park Avenue and Mount Roj'al Park. 93.1 MONTREAL, Victoria Square, Queen Victoria Monument on left. Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St. West and Atwater- The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Catherine St. West. Imperial Garage, Mance St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. limousines' TOURIWOCAPS Put a Jack in your box — without it you cannot change a tire on the road. THE CA\ADIA\ FAIRBA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 59 ROUTE 16 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE £fl ARLl LIAF TOUR'5 Route 16 — Quebec to Ste. Anne de Beaupre and St. Joachim. 29.5 m. via Montmorency Falls. ROAD SURFACE: Old turnpike road after leaving city limits, to be im- proved in 1919, then good macadam to end of tour. DESCRIPTION OF TOL*R: This district is rich in hjstory, for both Mont- calm and Wolfe have associations with it. Leaving the city and going through LlmoUou, the tourist takes the la Canardlere road. To the right is Malzerets, a large farm established by the Quebec Seminary 200 years ago. Just beyond is the new Ci^•ic hospital and opposite the Beauport Lunatic Asylum. Beau- port was once the headquarters of Montcalm in 1759. and throe miles beyond is Kent House, which was built as Haldimand House by General Haldimand in 1780, but derives its present name from the fact that the Duke of Kent, father of Queen Victoria, occupied it from 1791 to 1794. It stands in pleasant grounds in which is a menagerie and various amusements. From the grounds is obtained a splendid view of the Montmorency Falls which are 265 feet high and 150 feet wide. The route crosses the river and passes within a short distance of the farmhouse where Wolf lay sick for two weeks and wrote his famous despatch to Pitt in 1759. A fine view of Isle d'Orleans is obtainable for the major portion of the tour. After passing through L'Ange Gardien the next parish is Chateau Richer, so named from an old Indian trader. St. Anne de Beaupre is the most famous pilgrimage in America and is ^•isited annually by thousands of pilgrims, especially on Ste. Anne's Day, .July 26th. The new church contains relics of Ste. Anne, and a very large number of crutches, sticks, and surgical appliances left by by pilgrims cured of their infirmities. The Scala Sancta, the monasteries of the Franciscans and Redemptoristines Xuns and the famous cyclorama of the Holy Land are near by. The treasurj' of relics is open daily and include the first statue of Ste. Anne brought from France by Mgr de Laval in 1661, a collection box used in 166.3, Mass vest- ments made and given by Ann of Austria, mother of Louis XIV, and a Ciberium used for 200 years. On leaving St. Anne's the route passes by Grande Riviere and a good wholesome meal can be ontained at Martel's Inn. St. Joachim is partly owned by the Quebec Seminarj- and its farms supply their city college. At the end of the road is Cap Tourmente, 1900 feet high from which a fine view of the St. I^awrence is obtainable. For reverse route see page 64. Via les Chfltes Montmorency CHAUSSEE: En sortant de la \ille, ancien chemin a barriere, ensuite, bon macadam pour le reste du tour. DESCRIPTION: Ce district est riche en souvenirs historiques, car Mont- calm et Wolfe y ont tous deux passe. En sortant de la ville, le touriste passe a travf-rs LImoilou et prend le chemin de la Canardldre. A droite se trouve Malzerets, une grande ferme etablie par le Seminaire de Quebec, il y a deux cents ans. Un i^eu plus loin se trouve le nouvel hopital civique de Quebec et en face, I'asile des alienes de Beauport. En 1759, Montcalm avait ses quartiers-gene- raux a Beauport: trois milles plus loin se trouve le Kent House, connu d'abord sous le nom de Haldimand House, parce qu'il fut bati par le general Haldimand, en 1780, mais qui tient son nom actuel du due de Kent, le pere de la reine Victo- ria qui I'habita de 1791 h 1794. II se trouve au milieu d'un magnifique pare rempli d'amusements et possedant une magnifique menagerie. De ce pare on a une belle vue des chtites Montmorency qui ont une hauteur de 265 picds sur une largeur de 150 pieds. La route traverse la riviere un peu plus haut et passe en face de la maison ou Wolfe passa deux semaincs, malade, et dou il ecrivit son fameux message a Pitt, en 1759. Sur la grande longueur de la route, on a une belle vue de I'lle d'Orl6ans. Apres la paroisse de I'Ange Gardien se trouve le village de Chateau Richer, uinsi nomme d'apres im vieux traiteur. Ste-Anne de Beaupr^ est le pelcrinagc le plus fameux d'Amerique. Chaque annce. il est visi- ble par des milliers de pelerins, plus particulierement le jour de la fete de Sainte Anne, le 26 juillet. La nouvelle basilique contient une relique de la sainte et un grand nombre d'ex-voto, consistant en bcquilles, Cannes, appareils, etc., laiss^s par des pelerins gu6ris de lours infirmit^s. La Scala Sancta, les monasteres des Franciscains et des R6demptoristes et le grand Cyclorama de la Torre Sainte se trouvent tout pres. Le tr^sor des roliques est ouvert tous les jours et comprend la premiere statue de Sainte Anne achet6e en France par Mgr de Laval, en 1661, Page 60 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 16 Mileage. 0.0 MONTMORENCY FALLS P. Q. line aumoniere qui etait en usage en 1663, des vetements saccrdotaux donnes par Anne d'Autriche, mere de Louis XIV et un ciboire en usage depuis deux cents ans. De Ste-Anne, la route passe par Grande Riviere et en passant on pent se pro- curer un repas reconfortant a I'hotel, Martcl. St-Joachim, la paroisse suivante est en partie la propriete du Seminaire de Quebec, les fermes approvisionnant ['institution de la ville. Au bout de la route se trouve le Cap Tourmente, haut de 1900 pieds qui comniande une magnifique vue du St-Laurent. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 64 QUEBEC, Place D'Armes square on left, Cham- plain Monument on right. Proceed down grade on Dufort Street with car tracks, passing Post Office on right, turning square left with tracks along Buade street, and turning square right round the Basilica, and immediately left on De la Fabrique St., passing City Hall on left, and curving left on St. John Street at 0.3, passing through St. John's Gate at 0.5 and Auditorium Theatre on Right. Im- mediately after turn right on des Glacis street and left on D'Aiguillon street at 0.6, turning dia- gonally right with car tracks on Cote d'Abraham. Page Gl k ROUTE 16 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 1.0 Turn square right down grade on de la Couronne street, keeping S.O. at four corners, headquarters of Quelx'c Automobile C'luli on left in Quebec Rail- way Building. 1.3 Cross R. R. and bear left of Panet street at 1.4 passing Hospice St. Charles on right, and turning square right at 1.5 along Dorchester street following car track. 1.6 Turn square right on Fourth street and proceed over Drouin Bridge across St. Charles river into LIMOILOU. 1.9 Turn square left on Third Avenue, and at 2.0 turn to right on la Canardiere road, crossing R.R. at 2.4. 3.4 City Hospital on right and Beauport Asylum on left just beyond. 3.6 Limits of Beauport. 4.4 Bear right down grade, crossing R.R. at 4.5 and immediateh' turning left passing Old Beauport Brewery on right. 5.2 BEAUPORT, Church beyond on right. Away on the right the Isle d'Orlcans in the centre of the St. Lawrence is in good view. 6.8 Limits of St. Louis de Courville. 7.4 ST. LOUIS DE COURVILLE, church on left. Curve to right. 7.7 Fork. Bear to left for St. Anne de Beaupre. (Take road on right for Kent House, reaching MONTMO- RENCY FALLS at 7.9). During the past few years many new attractions have been added to the Duke of Kent grounds, and comprises a collection of Canadian live animals, consisting of beaver, otter, silver foxes, buffaloes, black bear, polar bear, elk and many other interest- ing specimens. These are all the property of Holt, Renfrew and Co., Ltd, Quebec. 7.8 Quebec Golf Club links on left. 8.1 Sharp descent, caution at sharp light turn over bridge across Montmorency River. 10.2 L'Ange Gardien limits. 11.0 Caution sharp descent, and curve sharp left round L'ANGE GARDIEN church. 13.0 Caution sharp descent. 14.0 CHATEAU RICHER. At 14.5 caution sharp left curve. 16.3 SAULT A LA PUCE. At 16.5 sharp curve to right and at 17.0 make sharp left curve with caution over R.R. Page 62 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 16 HOTEL REGINA Tourists wishing to make a stay at Ste. Anne de Beaupre will find the Regina most satisfactory in every respect. Commands a full view of the River St. Lawrence and surroundings, and is near the wharf, the depot and the Basilica. Mr. Frs. Simard, the manager, is always on the Qui Vive to make his guests comfortable and his table is first class in every detail. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Special attention given to automobile parties 17.2 Sault a la Puce, Post Office on right. 19.9 Cross R.R. 20.1 Limits of ST. ANNE DE BEAUPRE. Cross R.R. at 21.3. 22.0 Post Office on right. (Turn square right for Regina Hotel and C3'clorama). 22.1 Shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre. On the hill is the Dominican Convent. Just beyond is the site of the first church, built in 1662, and beside it is the Scala Sancta, to the church on the hill top. The convent of the Francescaine Sisters on the left at 22.2. 22.5 Academy St. Joseph on right. 24.6 Road on left leads to St. Ferreol and Murray Bay, Although the trip to Murray Bay (about 40 miles distant) cannot be recommended on account of the narrow and unimproved earth roads and ex;ccedingly steep hills, nevertheless several motorists have made the trip last year. The construction of a good road th/u this district is one for consideration in the immediate future. 24.7 :Marters Inn on left. 24.8 GRAND RIVIERE VILLAGE, turn right across Pont Taschereau-Parcnt over St. Anne River, and bear right, crossing R.R. at 24.9, making sharp left curve at 25.0. 26.7 Parish of ST. JOACHIM. Parish Church down road on right at 26.8. 28.8 Post Office CAP TOURMENTE. 29.0 Road on right to Quebec Seminary property. 29.3 End of road square left. 29.5 Seminary Farm on left. End of improved road. Beyond to left is Cap Tourmente, 1,900 feet high. Footpath leads to Chapel on summit. Page 63 ROUTE 17 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE MIDI w i mmm ^^mmm Route 17 — St. Joachim and Ste Anne de Beaupre to Quebec. 29.5 m. via Montmorency Falls. For reverse route and description of tour see page 60. Via les Chutes Montmorency Pour la meme route en sens inverse, et description voir page 60. Mileage. 0.0 Quebec Seminary Farm on right also CAP TOUR- MENTE, 1,900 feet high. 0.2 Turn square right, passing at 0.5, road on left to Quebec Seminary property and at 0.7 Cap Tour- mente Post Office on right. 2.7 ST. JOACHIM. (Road on left leads to parish church). 4.5 Sharp curve right, crossing R.R. at 4.6 and bearing to left across Pont Taschereau-Parent over St. Anne River into GRAND RIVIERE VILLAGE at 4.7. 4.8 Martel's Inn on right. 4.9 Road on right to St. Ferreol and Murray Bay. (Impassable). 7.0 ST. ANNE DE BEAUPRE. Academy St. Joseph on left 7.3 Francescaine Convent on right. Just beyond Scala Sancta, leading to Church on hill top, and adjoining site of first church, built 1662. Bej'ond on hill is Dominican Convent, and on left at 7.4 SHRINE OF ST. ANNE DE BEAUPRE. 7.5 Road on left leads to Cyclorama and Regina Hotel, Post Office on left. 8.2 Cross R.R. and at 9.4 reach limits of St. Anne de Beaupre, passing small post office on right. 9.6 Cross R.R. 12.3 SAULT A LA PUCE Post Office on left. 12.5 Cross R.R. and make sharp right curve with caution, making left curve at 12.9 and 15.0 Caution sharp right curve. 15.5 CHATEAU RICHER. 16.4 Sharp incline. 18.4 Curve sharp right round L'ANGE GARDIEN church, and up incline. 19.3 Limits of L'Ange Gardien parish. Take a blow out patch and quick repair out/it with you, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 106-108 Du Pont St., Quebec. Page 64 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 17 21.3 Cross bridge over Montmorenc}' River, curve left and up sharp incline. 21.7 Quebec Golf Club links on right. 21.8 Bear right (Left hand road to KENT HOUSE, and MONTMORENCY FALLS 22.0). 22. 1 Curve to left, passing ST. LOUIS DE COURVILLE, church on right. 22.7 Limits of St. Louis de Courville. 24.3 BEAUPORT, church on left beyond. 25.0 Turn right after passing old Beauport Brewery, and cross R.R., proceeding up grade and bearing left at 25. L 25.9 Limits of Beauport. 26.1 Beauport Asylum on right, and City Hospital on left. 27.1 Cross R.R. and proceed along La Canardiere road, turning left at 27.5 into Third Avenue, and turning right along Fourth at 27.6, proceeding over Drouin Bridge across St. Charles River. 27.9 Turn square left into Dorchester street, and follow car track, turning square left at 28.0 by St. Charles Hospital into Panet street and at 28.1 into de la Couronne street, crossing R.R. at 28.2 and proceeding straight on, at four corners, (Headquarters Quebec Automobile Club, in Quebec Railway Building on further right hand corner). Proceed up grade and at 28.5, turn square left along Cote D'Abraham, turning diagonally left at 28.9 on D'Aiguillon street, and then right on des Glacis street, immediately after turning left on St. John street, passing Auditorium Theatre on left and through St. John's Gate at 29.0, curving to right at 29.2 into De La Fabrique St., passing Citj^ Hall on right, and bearing left round the Basilica along Buade street, and at 29.4 turn right on Dufort St., passing Post Office on left, and proceeding up grade. 29.5 QUEBEC, Place d'Armes Square on right, Champlain ^Monument on left. Chateau Frontenac Hotel. Marathon Cafe, Campbell's New Frontenac Garage, 45 St. Louis St. Vn "Piill-V-Out" rolls economisera pltisieurs piastres en vous sortant d'une mauvaise orniere. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO, LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 65 ROUTE 18 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE ^^HAPLK LIAF T@Ui III Route 18 — Quebec to Jackman and Lake Parlin. 115.0 m. via Levis, St. Maxime de Scott, St. Joseph, BeauceviUe, St. George and Armstrong. ROAD SIJRFACE: Macadam and new Kravel road, except on the hills in I^vls, where there is loose stone and poor macadam. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: The route leads from the Champlain Monument to Lower Town and then across the ferry to Levis, where one climbs the hill and on to the St. Henri road, where there is a toil gate. The route is within ^aew of the Chaudiere River for over forty five miles, and affords many scenic views. The gravel road is in splendid condition and the travelling is very comfortable. There are several railway crossings and sharp curves to which attention should be paid. For reverse route see page 69. Via L^vis, St-Maxime de Scott, St-Josepli, BeauceviUe, St-George et Armstrong. CHAUSSEE: Macadam et chemin gravele neuf excepte dans les cotes de Levis oil le macadam est en mauvais etat. DESCRIPTION: La route part du monument Champlain, passe par la basse-ville et mene ensuite k la traverse de Levis ou Ton gravit la falaise pour arriver a St-Henri ou se trouve une barriere de peage. La route commande la vue de la riviere Cliaudiere sur une longueur de quarante-cinq milles et fait voir de tres beaux paysages. Le chemin de gravois est en tres belle condition, et la pro- menade est tres confortable. II y a beaucoup de traverses de chemins de fer et de courbes raides auxquelles il faut faire grandement attention. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 69 ■Mileage. 0.0 QUEBEC, Champlain Monument on right, Place D 'Amies square on left. Proceed down Grade on Dufort street, passing Post Office and opposite Bishop's Palace turn sharp to right at 0.1 by Laval Monument down Mountain Hill, crossing electric line (caution). At end of street 0.3 turn right along Dalhousie street, and at 0.4 turn left to Levis Ferry, fare 25 cents for car and driver, passengers 5 cents. Proceed straight out from ferry. 0.5 At end of street, turn right by Post Office along Commercial street LEVIS and at 0.6, turn left up de Passage Hill and at 0.8 turn right up steep hill, Shaw St. 1.0 Four corners S. O. crossing electric car lines. 1.1 End of road turn right on St. George St. 1.4 Turn left on St. Henri Road. 1.8 Toll gate, toll 15 cents. 3.5 Caution sharp right curve. Wettinghouse Air Springs make your trip as comfortable as an Air Ship. THE CASADIA.y FAIRBAXKS-MOKSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St.. Quebec. Page 66 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 18 LEVIS - JACKMAN HIGHWAY 3.9 Fork, keep to left. 5.6 ST. LOUIS DE PINTENDRE. 7.5 CARRIER STATION on right, Post Office on left. Cross R.R. 10.5 ST. HENRI, Parish church on left. Imniediately opposite turn to right and cross iron bridge over Chaudiere River. (Levis-Jackman Highway). 12.4 Avoid right hand road. 12.7 Turn square right. 15.0 Keep to left at fork. 17.4 Cross R.R. 23.9 ST. MAXIME DE SCOTT. 24.0 End of road square left, following Chaudiere River for next 40 miles. 24.2 S.O. Scott Bridge on right, Pulp Mills on left. 24.6 Railway station on left. 29.1 ST. MARIE. Garage and Hotel on right. 29.4 Parish church on left. 31.5 Cross R.R. 35.6 VALLEY JUNCTION. 40.6 Turn right and immediately left 40.7. ST. JOSEPH, Hotel Lessard on right. (Recommended). 40.8 . Church on left. (Road on right opposite church leads to Thetford Mines and Sherbrooke). 44.1 Post Office on left. 46.4 Keep to left at fork. Cross R.R. at 48.1. 49.3 Limits of Beauceville. 50.1 BEAUCEVILLE, Post Office on left. 50.2 Central Hotel on left. Page 67 ROUTE 18 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 51.0 Limits of Beauceville. 51.3 Caution sharp left curve and across R.R. at 51.4. Danger. 53.2 Limits of St. George. 54.3 Sharp left curve and cross R.R. Caution danger. 54.5 TOUFFE DE PAIN. 58.6 Cross bridge and keep to left at fork through VIL- LAGE OF ST. GEORGE. 59.6 Four corners S.O. 61.4 St. George Post Office on left. 68.4 ST. COME, Parish church on right 68.6. 72.2 Keep to right at fork. 76.9 ARMSTRONG POST OFFICE on left. (Road on right to St. Theophile). 77.0 CANADIAN CUSTOMS on right. All motorists must stop and report. Follow straight on thru woods, passing Line House international boundary' Canada and United States at 87.7, following main road into 102.5 JACKMAN, Me. U.S. Customs on left. All motor- ists must stop and report. 103.6 Cross R.R. Jackman Station on left. 106.7 Up grade and S.O. thru woods. 115.0 LAKE PARLIN, Me. Lake Parlin House and Camps JACKMAN, MAINE Are situated on Lake Parlin, 12 miles south of Jackman,. 115 miles from Quebec on the main thoroughfare to Portland. Excel- lent service. A desirable stopping place for automobile tourists. Excellent trout fishing. Gasoline and oil supplies. Rooms with baths. H. P. McKENNEY, Proprietor. Page 68 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 19 Route 19 — Lake Parlin and Jackman to Quebec. 115.0 m. Via Armstrong, Beauceville, St. Joseph and Levis. For reverse route and description of tour see page 66. Via Armstrong, Beaucevilie, St-Josepli de Levis et Levis. Pour route en sens inverse et description, voir page 66. Mileage. 0.0 LAKE PARLIN, Me., S.O. 11.4 Cross R.R. Jackman Station on right. 12.5 JACKMAN, Me., U.S. Customs on right, all motor- ists must stop and report. Follow main road thru woods crossing international boundary line house at 27.3 reaching. 38.0 ARMSTRONG, Canadian Customs on left. All motorists must stop and report. 46.4 ST. COME, Church on left, also Post Office just beyond. 54.2 Avoid left hand road. 55.4 Keep to left at fork. 55.5 ST. GEORGE, Four-corners S.O. 56.4 Caution, right curve and over bridge. 60.7 Curve left over bridge. 63.6 Caution, down grade, cross R.R. and sharp curve to right. 64.8 BEAUCEVILLE, Central Hotel on right. 66.9 Curve right and over R.R. 68.0 Keep to right at fork, and up grade. 74.1 ST. JOSEPH, (Court House). 74.2 S.O. (Road on left to Sherbrooke over bridge imme- diately opposite church). 74.4 Hotel Lessard on left. Turn square right and immediately sharp left. ^ 78.7 VALLEY JUNCTION. 79.1 Caution, sharp down grade. 79.3 Four-corners S.O. Post Office on left, church on right just beyond. Put a heater in your car for added comfort, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St., Quebec. Page 69 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE AT EITHER END OF THE MONTREAL - QUEBEC f-iighway a comfortable high- class hotel awaits you. The excel- lence of location, cuisine and ser- vice will prove a fitting finish to a magnificent trip. TARIFFS Place Viger Hotel, Montreal : Room without bath $1.50 per day and up. Room with bath $2.50 per day and up. Chateau Frontenac, Quebec : Room without bath $2.00 per day and up. Room with bath $3.00 per day and up. F. L. HUTCHINSON. Manager in Chief of Hotels CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Montreal, Que. Pagr 70 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 19 83.5 Cross R.R. 84.8 Cross bridge into St. Marie. 86.3 ST.MARIE, Parish Church on right. 87.2 Pulp Mills on right. 90.7 Bridge on left. 91.1 ST. MAXIME DE SCOTT, church on left. 97.6 Cross R.R. 100.0 S.O. (Road on left leads to St. Isidore). 102.2 End of road turn left. 102.6 ST. HENRI, Post Office on left. 104.4 Cross Chaudiere River, and opposite St. Henri Parish church turn square left. 104.6 Keep to right at fork. 107.4 Cross R.R. CARRIER STATION on left. Post Office on right. 109.4 ST. LOUIS DE PINTENDRE. 111.4 Proceed up grade and bear left. 113.5 Turn square right along St. George St. 113.8 Turn left on Shaw street and proceed with caution down steep grade. 114.0 Four corners proceed S.O. crossing electric car track. 114.2 End of road square left, and immediately sharp curve right down grade and along Commercial street LEVIS. 114.5 Square left to Ferrj^ fare 25 cents for car and driver, passengers 5 cents; on leaving ferry turn right along Dalhousie street. 114.6 Turn left up Mountain Hill, and at top 114.9. keep to left by Laval Monument, Bishop's Palace on right, pass Post Office on left and proceed up Dufort street. 115.0 QUEBEC, Champlain Monument on left. Place d' Amies on right. Chateau Frontenac Hotel- Marathon Cafe, Campbell's New Frontenac Garage, 45 St. Louis St. L'n amoTceur a gazoUne oit ttn systeme Vacuum vous aidera dans une tongue cote THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 71 ROUTE 20 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 20 — Quebec to Notre Dame des Laurentides. 53.5 m. Returning via Tewkesbury and V'alcartier Camp. ROAD SURFACE: Good macadam for 15 miles then narrow sandy and clay roads with soft sand hills, and very steep descent after Tewkesbury. Road impassable in or after wet weather. Macadam through portion of Valcartier Camp, then graded sand and macadam, rough in places. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: A picturesque trip which in fine weather is most enjoyable, the drive through the woods and along by the riverside being full of charm. Connection with Lake St. Charles and Lake St. Joseph can be made from this route. Valcartier Camp where the first Canadian Expe- ditionarv Force of 33,000 men was trained in 1914, and many thousands of other gallant troops in 1915, 1916 and 1917. For reverse tour and Valcartier Camp direct see page 75. Follow directions contained in route 16, pages 61 and 62 to 1.6. Retour par Tewksbury et le camp de Valcartier. CHACSSEE: Bon macadam sur un parcours de quinze milles, ensuite un etroit chemin de sable et d'argile et sable mouvant dans les cotes. Chemin im- praticable en temps de pluie ou apres la pluie. Macadam dans une partie de Valcartier, ensuite sable et macadam, tres mauvais par endroits. DESCRIPTION: Une promenade pittoresque et tres agreable quand le temps est beau, a travers le bois et le long de la riviere sur tout le parcours. Par cette route on peut aussi se rendre au Lac St-Charles et au Lac St-Joseph. C'est au camp de Valcartier que les 33,000 hommes de la premiere force expedition- naire canadienne ont ete entraines et que des milliers de soldats ont ete entraines en 1915, 1916 et 1917. Pour revenir directement de Valcartier, voir page 75. Suivre les directions contenues dans la route 16, page 61, 62, a 1.6. Mileage. 1.8 After crossing bridge turn square left along First Avenue along bank of St, Charles river, passing St. Francois d'Assizes Hospital at 2.4 and road to Exhibition Grounds on left at 2.6, crossing wooden bridge at 2.7. 2.9 Cross R.R. and at 4.1, curve up grade over R.R. entering limits of Charlesbourg. 5.0 CHARLESBOURG, Church on Right. (Road on left leads to Loretteville, 3 miles). 8.3 Fork, keep to left just beyond church. 9.0 Road on left leads to Little Beauport, 6 miles. At end of road turn right on to Macadam road of Xotre Dame des Laurentides, crossing bridge at 9.8. 10.0 NOTRE DAME DES LAURENTIDES, church on left. (^Licadani Road on left leads to Lake St. Charles, 6 miles; meals at Mrs. Verret's boarding house.) Insist upon inland Piston Kings for your engine. THE CANADIA.X FAIRBASKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 106-108 Du Pont St.. Quebec. Page 72 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 20 15.6 Cross R.R. and thru STONEHAM MILLS. End of good macadam. Keep to left at fork by church at 15.7 and at 16.8 keep to right at fork. 18.1 Avoid connecting road on left. 19.9 Three Lakes on left. 20.3 Ascend steep hill. 21.7 End of road square left, passing Post Office. (Road on right leads to Tewkesbury Village). 22.3 Church on left. 24.3 Caution, steep descent. 27.3 Caution, sharp descent. 32.5 End of road turn sharp right opposite church Val- cartier Village, proceeding downgrade and bearing left at fork. (Road on right leads to Lorette). 32.7 At foot of hill turn left and ascend sandj- hill Enter- ing at 33.0 Limits of VALCARTIER TRAINING CAMP. 33.4 Keep to left at fork. 35.0 On to macadam road in centre of camp. 36.0 Keep to right at fork for headquarters of comman- dant. 36.4 Four corners S.O. ^Military headquarters on right. (Road on right leads to Lake St. Joseph, 7 miles). 36.6 Cross four sets of R.R. 36.8 End of road square left. Road on right to station. (End of Macadam on to graded sand). 36.9 Cross R.R. 38.7 Cross R.R. and at 38.8 reach limits of Camp. 41.8 Keep to right at fork. 43.0 End of road square left. 44.1 Turn square right. 44.4 S.O. (Road on left leads to village). 47.4 S.O. (Road on right leads to Indian Lorette). 47.6 (Road on left leads to Little River Road). Les Saules post office on left. 49.7 Cross R.R. 50.0 French Remount Depot. Camp Millerand on left. 50.3 Limits of Quebec City. 50.5 St. Charles Cemetery on left. Debarrassez-vous des lampes a huile sale. — Adoptez itn systeme electrique Disco ou Genolite. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Pase 73 ROUTE 20 gl'EBEC AUTOMOBILE I STORAGE BAnEflYl REPARATION de systemes d'ignition et de demarrage, —NOTRE SPECIALITE.— Outillage Special. Guvriers Experts. PIECES de RECHANGE POUR LES SYSTEMES LES PLUS EN USAGE AGENCE POUR LA REPARATION ET LA VENTE DES APPAREILS CI-DESSOUS : MAGNETOS Bosch, Eisemann, Simmg, Mea, Splitdorf, Dixie, C. A. V., Berling, Webster. SYSTEMES DE DEMARRAGE ET D'ECLAI- RAGE Westinghouse, Gray & Davis, Simms- Huff & Bosch-Rushmore. IGNITION ATWATER-KENT, Accumulateurs GOULD, Roulements a billes NORMA, Sirenes KLAXON, Indicateurs de vitesse VAN-SICKLEN & JONES. Cie Internationale d'Electrlclte, 97, RUE BLEURY Tel. Main 3101 et 3989. MONTREAL, Que. 50.7 Enter St. Yalier street, and at 51.3, four corners keep S.O. passing St. Sauveur church on right and at 51.7 St. Peter Market on right. 51.9 Keep S.O. leaving car tracks on left, and at 52.0. Cross Boulevard Langelier. 52.4 Turn left on Arago St. and keep to right at fork up Cote d' Abraham. 52.8 Turn left on D'Aiguillon street, and at end of road turn square right on des Glacis St. 52.9 Turn square left on St. John street, passing through St. John's gate, and at 53.1, bear to right up de la Fabrique street, passing City Hall on right and curv- ing to left round the Basilica on to Buade street, turning at 53.4, square right up Dufort street, passing Post Office on left, and proceeding up grade. 53.5 QUEBEC, Champlain ^Monument on left and Place d'Armes square on right. Grease Guns, Grease and Oil Cups, Oil Cans, measures, etc.-, will help^you to keep your car better lubricated. THE CASADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 106-108 Du Pont St.. Quebec. Page 74 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 21 Route 21 — Quebec to Valcartier and Tewkesbury. 53.5 m. Returning via Notre Dame de Laurentides and Charlesbourg. (Not recommended during wet weather). For reverse route and description of tour see page 73. Retour par Notre-Dame des Laurentides et Charlesbourg. (Pas recommandable par un temps humide). Pour la meme route en sens inverse, et description, voir page 72. Mileage. 0.0 Quebec. Champlain Monument on right, Place d 'Alines Square on left, Proceed down Dufort street with car tracks, turning sharp left opposite Post Office at 0.1. and proceeding along Buade Street curving to right round Basilica, then left on de la Fabrique street, passing City Hall on left. At 0.3 curve left on St. John Street, passing through St John Gate at 0.5 and at 0.6, turn right on des Glacis street, and left on D'Aiguillon street, turning right with car tracks on Cote d'Abraham at 0.7. Keep S. O. on Argo street, and at 1.1. turn right into St. Valier street, crossing Boulevard Langelier at 1.5. and S.O. at 1.6, passing St. Peter market at 1.8 and at four corners S.O. at 2.2. 3.0 St. Charles Cemetery on right. 3.2 Limits of Quebec City. 3.5 French Remount Depot, Camp Millerand on right. 3.8 Cross R.R. 5.9 LES SAULES POST OFFICE ON RIGHT. Road on right leads to Little River. 6.1 S.O. (Road on left leads to Indian Lorette). 9.1 S.O. (Road on right leads to Loretteville). 9.4 Turn square left. 10.5 Turn square right and S.O. 14.7 Limits of VALCARTIER training camp. 14.8 Cross R.R. and again at 16.6. 16.7 End of graded sand on to Macadam Road. Turn square right. (Road on left to station). At 16.9 cross four sets of R.R. 17.1 Four corners S. 0. Military headquarters on left. (Road on left leads to Lake St. Joseph 7 miles). Your garage should be equipped to handle all small repairs. THE CAXADIAN FAiRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 Du Pont St., Quebec. Page 75 ROUTE 21 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 18.5 End of Macadam road, on to sand. 20.5 Limits of Valcartier Camp. 20.7 Descend sandy hill and turn right at 20.8 up hill, avoiding left hand road in center of hill, and at top 21.0 turn sharp left opposite Valcartier village church. 26.1 Sharp ascent, and also at 29.1. 31.2 Church on right. 31.8 Turn right, passing Post Office. (Road on left leads to TEWKESBURY VILLAGE). 33.1 Sharp descent, caution. 33.6 Three Lakes on right. 35.4 Avoid connecting road on right. 37.8 Bear to right at church, and at 37.9 Cross R.R., STONEHAM MILLS. 43.5 NOTRE DAME DES LAURENTIDES. Church on right. (Road on right leads to Lake St. Charles. 6 miles). 43.7 Cross small bridge on to Macadam road, and at next turning take road on left. (At 44.5 road on right leads to Little Beauport, 6 miles). 45.2 Bear to right just before reaching church. 48.5 CHARLESBOURG, Church on left. (Road on right to Loretteville and also Valcartier Camp.) 49.4 Cross R.R. and also at 50.6, and at 50.9, cross wooden bridge, passing road to Exhibition grounds on right at 50.9, St. Trangois d'Assises Hospital at 51.1, and turning to right at end of First Avenue at 51.7. follow- ing route No. 17 page 65 from 27.6 back to City. OLD LOG COTT.-VGES ATIST. JOSEPH DU LAC. Protect and replace your Auto finish irith Soriceaco Paints and larnish. THK CA\AniA\ FAntttA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 108-106 I)u Pont St., Quebec. Page 76 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 22 Route 22 — Quebec to Fraserville (Riviere du Loup). 120.5 m. Via Levis, Montmagny and St. Anne de la Pocatiere. ROAD SURFACE: Good macadam between Levis and Beaumont and in most villages otherwise roads are fair. This trip is not recommended after heavy rains. Via Levis, Montmagny et Ste-Anne de ia Pocatiere. CHAUSSEE: Bon macadam entre L6vis et Beaumont et dans la plupart des villages; ailleurs les chemins ne sont pas vilains. Ce voyage n'est pas recom- mandable apres une forte i^luie. Mileage. 0.0 QUEBEC. Champlain monument on right, Place d' Amies on left. 0.1 Archbishop Palace on left. Turn sharp right around Laval Monument, down Mountain Hill, cross St Peter St. 0.3 Turn right along Dalhousie St. 0.4 Turn left to Quebec & Levis ferrj-. (Fare 25 cents for car and chauffeur, 5 cents per passenger). 0.4 LEVIS, straight out from ferry, 0.5 Turn left on Commercial St., straight on following trol- ley to the end of the line, passing through BIEN- VILLE, LAUZON, ST. JOSEPH DE LEVIS, with Davies Ship Building Plant and the Lauzon and Levis Dry Docks on left. 9.6 BEAUMONT. 15.6 ST. MICHEL. 18.5 Turn right and left across iron bridge. 20.4 ST. VALIER. 22.5 Turn sharp right with road across small bridge, and sharp left with road up-grade; just beyond, square right with road. 23.2 Turn square left with wires. 26.1 BERTHIER. 35.7 MONTMAGNY. Just after passing church turn right across iron bridge and left across another iron bridge. Prenez avec vous une lanterne electrique Daylo Eveready. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 77 ROUTE 22 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 36.3 Cross track and keep right fork with wires. 42.3 CAP ST. IGNACE. Take left fork at church. 50.1 L'ISLET. Church on left. 53.4 TROIS-SAUMONS. Post Office on left. 53.7 Lumber yard on left. Turn right going up steep but .short grade, then first left across small wooden bridge, and left down grade. 58.6 At church bear right. 58.7 ST. JEAN PORT JOLI. 61.9 Church of ST. ROCH. Turn right at church, and at fork just beyond, keep left. 68.6 ST. ROCH DES AULNAIES. Cross bridge and keep right. 73.4 Take right fork with main wires. 74.9 STE. ANNE DE LA POCATIERE. At end of road turn left, going towards church, and at church turn right. 76.7 Cross bridge and keep left at fork. 79.3 Keep right at fork with poles. 79.6 ST. PACOME. Cross R. R. and pass road on right. 80.6 End of road; turn right, then left. 80.7 Turn left with road. 80.8 Turn left on private road. 81.0 End of road, turn right across wooden bridge. 81.3 End of road. Up grade and turn left, meeting poles. 81.8 Curve left with road. Then right. 81.9 Turn right. 85.7 ST. PHILIPPE DE NERI. 91.6 Turn right. 91.8 ST. PASCAL. Church on left. 91.9 Turn left. 97.8 STE. HELENE. 103.4 Turn left and right. 106.0 ST. ALEXANDRE. At 4 corners turn left down steep hill across R.R. tracks. 106.7 Turn left and right. 108.2 Turn left and right. 108.3 Cross small bridge. 109.2 Turn right. 114.3 NOTRE DAME DU PORTAGE. 120.5 FRASERVILLE, (Riviere du Loup), Lefran^ois Garage. Prenez nrec voim iin etjuipenient d'entplatres en can d'l'clatenients et pour reparations rapides. THE C.4AMD/.4.V FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106.108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 78 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 23 Route 23 — Fraserville, P.Q- (Riviere du Loup) to Edmundston, N. B. 76.4 m. Via Whitworth Station and Cabano. ROAD SURFACE: Under construction. (Information furnislied by courtesy of Quebec Automobile Club). 0.0 FRASERVILLE, south from Riviere du Loup Station, cross R.R. 3.3. 11.3 Pass lake on left. 13.6 Cross R.R. 14.5 WHITWORTH STATION. 14.8 Cross R.R. 17.3 Cross R.R. 18.9 Pass under R.R. 24.0 Village church on right. 39.1 CABANO VILLAGE. 45.6 Cloutier's hotel. 49.5 Leave Temiscouata lake shore. 54.9 Cross brook. 55.0 Pass small church on right. 63.1 Cross R.R. 66.4 Cross R.R. pass thru small town. 70.5 Through covered bridge and follow main road to 76.4 EDMUNDSTON, N.B. The Automobile Club of Canada QP Offers an advantageous arrange- ment covering all classes of Automobile Insurance :: :: :: db Un pneu extra est line necessite en voyage. — Un service pour demonter les roues est de la plus grande utilite. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO.. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 79 ROUTE 24 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE TOP COVERS SEAT COVERS CANADIAN AUTO TOP CO. 982 St. Catherine St. West. Montreal. CURTAINS RADIATOR COVERS All orders quickly and carefully executed. PHONE UP 2165. Route 24 — Montreal to Sherbrooke. 98.7 m. via Chambly, Marieville, Rougemont, Granby, Waterloo, Orford Lake, Magog and Rock Forest. ROAD SURFACE: Granite blocks and asphalt within city limits, poor pavement on Bridge street, to be improved in 1919, asphalt through St. Lambert, concrete through Longueull, good macadam thru Chambly Basin, Chambly Canton and Richelieu, worn macadam to Marieville. One and a half mile of clay road followed by poor sand. From Rougemont on good graded gravel or sand to Granby. Rough macadam to Waterloo and beyond, with improved roads at Eastman and Orford Lake and through Bolton Forest will fair dirt road to Magog. From here to near Sherbrooke a mixture of clay dirt and gravel impassable in wet weather. Good macadam into Sherbrooke, City streets poor. This route is recommended in dry weather only. Reconstruction of whole route may be undertaken in 1919. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: This is one of the most picturesque tours in the Province, for the tourist follows a winding route alongside rivers, under the sha- dow of mountains, over the top of them, through miles of forest glades and around beautiful lakes, giving a variety of views which are unequalled. At Chambly Basin is the de Salaberry Monument erected to perpetuate the defeat of an Amer- ican force at Chateauguay in 1813 and just beyond is the residence built by Madame Albani for her parents. In Chambly Canton is the ancient fort built in 1709 to replace the wooden fort of 1665 with its many historic relics. It formed one of the chief bases for the troops of Carleton and Burgoyne. The St. Bruno, Rougemont and other mountains are in view during the early portion of the run, and at Rougemont the Government experimental fruit farms are to be seen. Granby, Waterloo and Magog are flourishing towns with good accommodation and many industries. From Magog there is an alternative route via Katevale and North Hatley, around a portion of Lake MassawippI, and on to the new Sherbrooke-Newport highway, which is six miles longer, but better road. Orford Lake, Little Magog Lake, Lake Memphremagog, and the Magog River are all places of scenic interest. For reverse route see page 91. Via Chambly, Marieville, Rougemont, Granby, Waterloo, Lac Orford, Magog et Rock Forest. CHAUSSEE: Blocs de granit et asphalte dans les limites de la ville; mauvais pavage rue Bridge; sera am61ior6 en 1919; asphalte dans St-Lambert, b6ton jusqu'ii Longueull, bon macadam dans Chambly Bassin, Chambly Canton et Richelieu; macadam us6 jusqu'a Marieville. Un mille et demi de chemin de glaisc suivi de sable. De Rougemont a Granby bon chemin de gravaer ou de sable. Macadam rocailleux jusqu'ii Waterloo ct chemins de terre am61iores i\ Eastman, Lac Orford ct Bolton Forest et d'assez bons chemins de terre jusqu'Jl Magog. De Ih jusqu'^ Sherbrooke, un m61ange de boue et de glaise impassable en temps de pluie. Bon macadam dans Sherbrooke. Les rues de la ville sont d6fectueuses. Route recommandable par un temps sec seulement. II est possible que cette route soit reconstruite en 1919. Page 80 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 24 DESCRIPTION: C'est un des tours les plus pittoresques dans la province de Quebec. La route sinueuse suit des rivieres, contourne des montagnes, en gravit quelques-uns, traverse des milles de forets, longe des lacs offrant une va- riety sans pareille. A Chambly Bassin se trouve un monument erige pour rap- peler la defaite des Americains k Chateauguay, en 1813; tout pres du monument se voit la maison que Madame Albani a fait construire pour ses parents. A Cham- bly Canton se trouve le vieux fort construit en 1709, construit pour remplacer le fort en hois de 1665, avec une infinite de reliques historiques. Ce fort fut une des principales bases de Carleton, et de Burgoyne. Les montagnes de St-Bruno et de Rougemont sont visibles dans la premiere partie du voyage. A Rouge- mont se trouve une ferme experimentale du gouvernement s'occupant de la cul- ture des fruits. Granby, Waterloo et Magog sont des yilles florissantes ayant beaucoup d'industries et offrant de bonnes accommodations. De Magog 11 y a deux routes, au choix, par Katevale et North Hatley, contournant une partie du lac Massawippi et passant par une partie de la nouvelle route Sherbrooke- Newport, de six milles plus longue; mais la chaussce est meilleure. Le lac Orford, le petit lac Magog le lac Memphremagog et la riviere Magog offrcnt beaucoup de points de vue interessants. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 91. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Queen Victoria monument on right. Proceed West on St. James Street, turning square left at 0.2 down Inspector St. with car track, and immediately right at 0.3 following car tracks along Notre Dame street, Bonaventure Station, G.T.R. Depot beyond on right at 0.4. 0.5 Turn square left down Murray street, turning to right at 0.8 on Smith Street, proceeding diagonally left across car tracks and up to Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal, passing small park in Gallery Square on left. At four corners 1.2 turn square left along Bridge street, passing Monument to Plague Victims on right, 1.8. 1.9 Victoria Bridge. Toll 25 cents for car and driver, passengers five cents each way. 3.2 End of bridge, give up tickets, and proceed down grade to 3.3. then turning square left under railway arch and across electric car tracks (caution). Then S.O. through ST. LAMBERT. 3.8 Semi-circle to right down Victoria Avenue, one block beyond, turn square left at 3.9, along Desaulniers Boulevard and S.O. crossing car track at 4.2 and reaching limits of town at 4.7. Observe caution at 4.8 where there is sharp "S" curve into Washington Avenue, MONTREAL SOUTH and also at 5.8 where there is sharp left turn, while at 5.9 there is a sharp right turn at end of road, on meeting electric suburban tracks. At this point are the limits of LONGUEUIL, with concrete road through town, the road curving to the right at 6.4 with car tracks, and immediately left at end of street, then S. O. to end of road, turning square right at 6.7 on to the Chambly road. Cross R. R. at 6.8. Leaving concrete at 7.1 proceed through Parish of Longueuil on good macadam to ST. HUBERT, crossing R.R. at 10.7 with depot on left, and 6.0. Page 81 ROUTE 24 gUEBEC AUTOMOBILE through the village, passing Church on left at 11.2. On left can be seen the St. Bruno mountains, (Road on left leading to St. Bruno at 13.4). 17.4 Through covered bridge, crossing Montreal River, (Road on left just before bridge leads to Beloeil). 18.1 CHAMBLY BASIN, with the De Salaberry monu- ment on right at 18.5, Post Office just bej^ond converging of three roads. Proceed S.O. passing Albani Villa, the residence built by Madam Albani the noted singer, on right at 18.6 and Grand Hotel on left at 18.8. 18.9 Cross Canal Bridge to left, and proceed through CHAMBLY CANTON. At 19.1 there is a road on left leading to Fort Chambly, (visitors admitted) and another one at 19.3, where is also the Fresh Air Fund Home for Montreal children. At 19.6 Bal- moral Hotel on right. 20.2 Turn square left over long iron bridge across Richelieu river. (Road S.O. before crossing bridge leads to St. Johns and Rouses' Point). 20.4 At end of bridge square right through RICHELIEU following river, crossing under R.R. at 20.6. 20.9 Curve left away from river, crossing suburban elec- tric line at 21.8. 24.2 Opposite wayside shrine turn left over small iron bridge, entering at 25.0 Village of MARIEVILLE. 25.1 At end of road square right, and immediately left at next four corners opposite Post Office 25.2, and proceed down Dupont street, crossing small bridge at 25.3. At end of road turn square left along Marieville street (Road to right leads to Farnham and Newport). 25.5 Turn right on Poulin street, passing Palais de Jus- tice on left. 25.6 Make left jog and immediately right at end of road. Rougcmont mountains in view on left. Make our stores your Headquarters for Service and Auto Accessories, THE CAXADIAN FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. \ 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 82 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 24 27.5 At end of road curve right, and just beyond left over small wooden culvert 27.6 with telegraph wires, crossing iron bridge at 27.7. 30.2 At end of road square right. 30.4 Limits of village of ROUGEMONT. Government P^xperimental Fruit farm on left (visitors admitted). 30.7 Four corners S.O. (Road to left leads to St. Hya- cinthe 15 miles). Central Vermont Station on right. 31.1 Church on Left (at 3L3, road on left also leads to St. Hj^acinthe). 31.4 Cross R.R. Limits of municipality. 33.3 Bear left with heavy telephone wires, avoiding right hand road. 34.0 Village of ST. CESAIRE. 34.2 At end of road opposite Post Office turn square left, passing Hotel Robidoux on left and at next four corners 34.3 turn square right down grade and im- mediatel}^ left with sharp curve and across iron bridge over Yamaska river. 34.5 Four corners S.O. paralleling electric suburban line, turning left with tracks at 36.5 and proceed to ABBOTSFORD, passing station on right at 39.9, crossing railwav and electric tracks, and again at 40.1. 40.3 Four corners square right. (Road S.O. leads to St. Pie, 6 miles). Abbotsford mountain in view on left. 40.6 Church on left and Abbotsford House on right, Up long grade. 47.7 Cross electric tracks and proceed along Main street of GRANBY, passing Church on right at 48.2, Windsor Hotel on left at 48.6. 48.7 Turn square right down grade over iron bridge, (Mountain St.), crossing R.R. and immediately turn left at four corners along Denison Avenue, passing R.R. depot on left. (Road S.O. at 4 corners leads to West ShefTord, Knowlton, Brome, Sutton and Richford). 50.9 Fork, keep to right, and proceed with caution down grade at 51.2, crossing R.R. at 51.3 and bridge at 51.9, ascending long grade at 53.1. 56.0 Keep to left at fork and S.O. at four corners 56.2, traversing rough down grade at 56.7, and then up incline, avoiding left hand road at 57.0. Wonder. Mist keeps your car always looking like new, THE CANADIAN FAIRBAyKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St,. Montreal, Page 83 ROUTE 24 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 59.4 End of road square right into WATERLOO, entering on Nortli street, passing Brook's House on right, 59.5 proceeding over concrete bridge, and passing Canada Hotel on right at 59.9. 60.0 Four corners S.O. Church on right. (Connecting road on right leads to West Shefford). 60.3 .Square left across R.R. passing city park on right, curving tO right at end of park and immediately left at 60.5, crossing R.R. at 60.6 and keeping to right at fork following heavy wires. 61.9 At end of road square right through FROST VIL- LAGE, passing Post Office on left, at 62.2. 62.8 Sharp curve to left at fork and up long grade to top of Macdoiiald Hill, descending other side to village of SOUTH STUKELY. 65.6 At irregular four corners keep to right, passing at 66.1 SOUTH STUKELY Post Office on left and American House on right, and keeping S.O. at four corners. (Road on right leads to Knowlton, 9 miles). 66.6 Under R.R. curve left, and proceed S.O., passing road on right at 67.9 which leads to St. Etienne de Bolton, 23/2 miles, and crossing R.R. at 68.4 and, again at 69.1. 69.8 EASTRAY Junction station on left. Cross R.R. at 70.5 and enter Village of EASTMAN, passing East- man House on right, and church on right at 71.0. (Road on right opposite leads to Bolton Centre, 8 miles, Mansonville 19 miles, and jMillington, 8 miles.) 71.2 Eastman station on right. 71.7 Church on left. Also Silver Lake. (Road on left leads to North Stukely, 123^2 miles). (Road on right to Millington, 6 miles). 72.7 BOLTON FOREST, (Road on left leads to Oxford Lake station). 73.7 ORFORD LAKE on left, road winding round higher end, crossing R.R. at 74.7 (Delaire platform),, and up incline and across R.R. at 75.9. Vne jauge A pneut voiis (lira (jttand rttits avez le roliinie d'air reqiiis dans los pnetif THE CA\ADiA\ FAIRBA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine. Montreal. PageS-4 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 24 76.2 MILLETTA STATION on left, turn square left under R.K., caution, and proceed S.O. up incline at 77.2, over bridge at 77.4, across R.R. at 77.9, S.O. at four corners 78.6, and across wooden bridge over river at 79.3, coming in full view of Lake Memphre- magog at 79.7 on right, and crossing R.R. at 79.8, with Magog station on right. 79.9 Keep right at fork through main street of MAGOG, passing Post Office on left at 80.2 also fire station and Union Hotel and Garage on left just beyond 80.4. See Route 25 page 86 for longer but better route from Magog to Sherbrooke via Katevale and North Hatley. 80.5 Turn left, and proceed one block, turning square right at 80.7 down St. Patrick street, crossing R.R. at 81.0, and following heavy transmission wires and River Magog. Pass under heavy wires at 82.6 and at 84.0 curve left over R.R. and Immediately right. Lake Magog on the right. 86.2 Shanks siding, and 88.5 Scaswan station on right. 88.9 Curve right and. over wooden bridge, passing road at 89.2 which leads to Lake Park. 90.1 Fork keep to right, leaving telephone wires. (Road S.O. is old road to Sherbrooke, joining new road later on). Proceed past cemetery on left at 90.2, passing ROCK FOREST station on right at 9L4, crossing R.R. at 91.5. 91.7 Four corners turn square left, passing Rock Forest church on right, crossing R.R. at 92.1, at 92.8 and also at 93.8, and meeting reverse fork where old road joins highway at 94.9. 97.9 Descend long grade into Sherbrooke, entering by King street, crossing bridge at 98.1 and railroad at 98.3. 98.7 SHERBROOKE, King and Wellington Sts. The New Sherbrooke House, King Street. The Motor Mart Garage, Wellington Street. Page 85 ROUTE 25 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 25 — Magog to Sherbrooke. Via Katevale and North Ilatles. KOAD Sl'RFACK: Chndfd dirt road, generally in good condition; loose stone and sand on two hills. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: Some splendid views of the Townships are obtainable from the top of the hill at Katevale, and also by the golf links at North Hatle}', a populous and prettily situated summer resort on the shores of Lake Massawippi. This route to Sherbrooke although several miles longer is preferable to the more direct route, on account of better road conditions. For reverse route see page 96. Via Katevale et North Hatley. CHAUSSEE: Chemin de terre battue generalement en bonne condition; pierre libre et sable dans deux coteaux. DESCRIPTION: On a de splendides ^'ues des Cantons de I'Est du sommet de la coUine de Katevale de meme que des terrains de golf a North Hatley, une place d'ete tres populaire sur le bord du lac Massawlppl. Cette route h Sher- brooke quoique de plusieurs milles plus longue est preferable parce rjue la ehaussee est meilleure. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 96. Mileage. 0.0 MAGOG. Union Hotel on left, proceed east on Main street, crossing wooden bridge over Magog River 0.3 and again at 0.8, passing Dominion Textile Plant on the right, and proceeding up long incline. 3.9 Sharp right curve. 4.3 Avoid right hand road which leads to Ayer's Cliff and immediately ascend long hill. 5.1 End of road square left through KATEVALE. (Road on right also leads to Ayer's Cliff). 5.3 Avoid right hand road and pass church on right, keeping to right at fork 5.4. (Road on left leads to Sherbrooke via St. Catherines, about fifteen miles.) 5.5 Curve right over Avooden bridge at 7.9, passing golf course on right overlooking Lake Massawippi. 8.4 Reverse fork leads to Golf Club House. 9.4 NORTH HATLEY. Keep to right at fork, and cross R.R. at 9.5, crossing bridge immediately and turning left up steep hill, continue S.O. till 1L4, turning square left, where road joins Newport — Sher- brooke highway. Advance odometer to 27.5 and proceed according to directions given in Route No. 27 page 90. Quartiers fieneraiix pour Accessoires d' Autos. THE CASADIAS FAIRBANKS-MORSE Co.. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine. Montreal. Page 86 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 26 if M^PLl ^mp TOU^^ Route 26 — Sherbrooke to Newport, Vt. 40.3 m. Via I.«nnoxvine, Waterville, Massawippi, Stanstead, Rock Island, Derby Line and Derby Centre. ROAD SURFACE: Poor macadam to City limits, then six miles of Bituminous macadam followed by excellent gravel to Rocic Island, balance bituminous macadam. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: A splendid highway but caution should be given to several sharp curves and covered bridges. A variety of scenery; the views of Lake Massawippi being particurlarly good. Canadian Customs at Rock Island and U.S. Customs at Derby Line. For reverse route see page 89. Via Lennoxville, Waterville, Jassawippi, Stanstead, Rock Island, Derby Line et Derby Centre. CHAUSSEE: Macadam defectueux dans les limites de la ville; cnsuite, macadam bitumineux pendant six milles; bon gravier jusqu'a Rock Island; le reste en macadam bitumineux. DESCRIPTION: Une magnifique route, mais il faut faire attention aux courbes nombreuses et rapides et aux ponts couverts. Paysage varie. Les vues sur le lac Massawlppi sont tres belles. Bureau des douanes canadiennes a Rock Island, des douanes americaines a Derby Line. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 89. Mileage. 0.0 SHERBROOKE. Leave Corner of King and Wel- lington streets, proceed south along Wellington St. with car line, passing Sherbrooke ^lotor Mart (Garage) on right. 0.7 Under R.R. following macadam road, entering on Bituminous top at 1.1, the city limits. St. Francis river on left. 1.8 Caution, sharp curve to right under R.R. 2.3 Limits of LENNOXVILLE, passing Lennoxville House on left at 2.8, also G.T.R. station on left, with church on right. 2.9 Four corners S.O. College House on left, opposite Post Office. (Road to left leads to Bishop's College). 3.2 Fork, keep to right, passing limits of Lennoxville at 3.5., and crossing R.R. at 4.0. 4.1 Caution sharp curve to left through covered liridge followed by sharp right curve. 5.2 Fork, keep to right, caution sharp curves, left and right till 5.6. 6.6 Fork, keep to left. (Road on right leads to Hatley, old road, and Cableton Nickel Co. plant). See that your tool box contains a practical set of tools, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Anloine St., Montreal. Page 87 ROUTE 26 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 7.5 r'aution. Dangerous railway crossing, line hidden l)y enil)ankinent. 9.3 Village of WATERVILLE. 9.5 Cross R.R., and make sharp descent through covered l)ridge at 9.7, immediately after turn square right and cross railway siding at 9.8. 10.1 Fork keep to left, and S.O., making sharp descent at 12.6 and S.O. (Road on right to North Hatley at 12.8, see route No. 29, page 96). 13.8 Fork, keep to right with wires, getting in view of Lake Massawippi on right at 15.6. (At 18.9 S.O. road on left leads to East Hatley). 19.2 Village of MASSAWIPPI, Post Office on left. Keep right at fork over bridge and left at fork just beyond, making sharp descent at 21.4 over bridge and ascend curving incline. Keep S.O. at 21.7, road on left leading to Coaticook, also at 22.0 where road on right leads to Ayer's Cliff, two miles. 25.9 Village of CASSVILLE, church on right. 27.2 Sharp ascent with caution for curve, and sharp descent with curves at 28.0. Woodbine tea rooms on right at 29.3. 30.3 Limits of Stanstead. S.O. (Reverse fork leads to Coaticook). 31.4 STANSTEAD, Post Office, Stanstead College on left at 31.8. 32.0 Limits of ROCK ISLAND, avoid right hand road and make sharp descent passing Gilmore Inn at 32.1. 32.2 Canadian Customs on left. All motorists must stop and report, before crossing Bissonette Bridge, in centre of which is International boundary line. 32.3 DERBY LINE, Post Office on right. 32.4 L'nited States Customs adjoining Derby Line Hotel, all motorists must stop and report. 32.5 Proceed S.O. avoiding right hand road, making sharp descents at 32.3 and 34.3. 35.6 Village of DERBY CENTRE. 36.0 Turn square right. (Road S.O. leads to West Char- leston). 37.5 Irregular four corners S.O. with heavy wires, avoiding forks on either side. 39.4 ■ WEST DERBY, Post Office on right. 39.7 At end of road square left, paralleling railroad, cros- sing bridge at 40.1, Raymond House on left, turn right across R.R. at 40.2 with depot on right, and Newport House on left. Proceed up Vlain street, with Newport Garage on right and Post Office and Court House on left at 40.3 NEWPORT. I*age 88 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 27 mm ^^■^PLl LlAP T©PR Route 27 — Newport, Vt. to Sherbrooke. 40.3 m. Via Derby Centre, Derby Line, Roel{ Island, Stanstead, Massawippi, Waterville and Lennoxville. For reverse route and description of tour see page 87. Via Derby Centre, Derby Line, Rock Island, Stanstead, Massawippi, Waterville et Lennowille. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 87. Mileage. 0.0 NEWPORT, Post Office on right, proceed down grade, passing Newport House on right at 0.1, crossing R.R. at 0.2 and turning immediateh' square left, opposite Raymond House, cross bridge and S.O. paralleling railroad. 0.6 Fork, turn square right up incline, passing Lindsay Garage on right at 0.8. 0.9 WEST DERBY, Post office on left, church on right. West Derby Hotel on left. 1.1 Fork, keep to left up incline and S.O. avoiding right hand road at 3.5. 4.3 End of road turn left. (Road on right leads to West Charleston). 5.0 Keep to right at fork. 8.0 DERBY LINE, United States Customs on left, adjoining Derby Line House, all motorists must stop and report. 8.1 Avoid right hand road, and proceed down grade crossing Bissonette Bridge, and International bound- ary line in centre. 8.2 ROCK ISLAND, Canadian Customs on right, all motorists must stop and report. Proceed S.O. up incline, passing Gilmore Inn on right. 8.7 Village of STANSTEAD, Church on left, Red Cross Garden tea rooms on right. 9.4 Fork, keep to left. (Road on right leads to Coaticook) . 11.1 Woodbine Tea Rooms on left. Avoid left hand road at fork just beyond. 12.5 Fork, keep to left, making long descent at 12.9, Lake Massawippi ahead in distance. Cold weather accessories increase the driving season of your car, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montteal. Page 89 ROUTE 27 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 13.1 r'aution, dangerous curve in centre of hill. 14.6 CASSVILLE Village, Church on left. 18.3 S.O. (Road on left leads to Ayers Cliff, two miles,) Cross wooden bridge at 18.5 making sharp descent at 18.8 with sharp left curve. 21.0 VILLAGE OF MASSAWIPPI, sharp right turn down incline and across bridge and immediately left up incline, avoiding right hand road at 21.4, and turning sharp left at 26.4, with caution. 27.5 S.O. (Road on left leads to North Hatley, 1.8 miles, see Route Xo. 29, page 96.) 29.0 Keep to right at fork, avoiding old road on left. 30.5 Down grade into WATERVILLE, turn left over tracks through covered bridge at 30.6 and S.O, crossing R.R. at 30.8, avoiding right hand road at 31.1 which leads to Coaticook. 31.5 Keep to left at fork, and use caution at 32.7 bad curve to left and across hidden R.R. tracks. Bitu- minous top road at 32.8. Caution right curve down incline at 33.0 over bridge, and also at 36.2 at left curve through covered bridge, with sharp right curve at end. Cross R.R. at 36.3 and enter at 36.9 Limits of LENNOXVILLE, keeping S.O. at four corners, 37.4 with College House on right, also road to Bishop's College. Post Office on right, Lennoxville House on right at 37.5, also G.T.R. Station, with Church on left. 38.5 Dangerous curve to right under R.R. arch with left curve on other side up incline. Limits of Lennox- ville terminate at 39.2. Proceed under R.R. at 39.6 along Wellington street, passing Sherbrooke Motor ]\Iart on left, just before coming to corner of King and Wellington streets. 40.3 SHERBROOKE. The \ew Sherbrooke House, King Street. The Motor Mart Garage, Wellington Street. Pour charger lea batteries et reparer lea pneita, a'adreaaer d THE CA\ADIA\ FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO.. LIMITED, 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 90 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 28 ACCESSOIRES Quand il s'a^it D'AcCESSOIltHS, voyez-iious. Nous scrvons la meil- leure cHentMc parcc que nous don- nons Ic lueillcur service. Demandez notre catalojtuc No 9. |^(Eii^^y©|^@i@i^§yp>PLY @, I LA CIE RENAUD DACCESSOIRES D'AUTOMOBILESi 326, rue Ste-Catherine Est. MONTREAL Route 28 — Sherbrooke to Montreal. 98.7 m. Via Rock Forest, Magog, Orford Lake, Waterloo, Granby, Rougemont, Marieville and Chambly. For reverse route and description of tour see page 80. See Route 29 page 96, for better but longer route to Magog via North Hatley and Katevale. Via Rock Forest, Magog, Lac Orford, Waterloo, Granby, Rougemont, Marieville et Chambly. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 80. Voir route 29, page 96, pour une route meilleure mais plus longue, de Sherbrooke a Magog, par Nroth Hatley et Katevale. Mileage. 0.0 SHERBROOKE, King and Wellington Sts, as- cending long steep hill, (King St.), proceeding S.O. at four corners 0.4, crossing R.R. tracks, and over iron bridge at 0.5, following along by the Magog river. 3.3 Avoid right hand road, and also at 3.8, where old road from Sherbrooke to Magog branches off on right. 4.9 Curve to left and cross R.R., also crossing tracks at 5.9 and 6.6. 6.9 ROCK FOREST Village. Church on left. 7.0 Four corners, turn square right by Post Office, crossing double R.R. tracks at 7.2, and turning left at 8.6 where old highway joins. 9.5 S.O. (Road on left leads to Lake Park). 10.2 Fork, keep to left, leaving telegraph wires. Seaswan station just beyond on left. 14.7 Turn left over R.R. and immediately right, then S.O. crossing wooden bridge at 15.5 and entering MAGOG at 17.5 on St. Patrick street, crossing R.R. at 17.7 Page 91 ROUTE 28 gUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 18.0 Four corners turn square left, and proceed one block, turning square right at end of road 18.1 into Main St. passing Union Hotel on right at 18.2. 18.5 Four corners S.O. (Road on left leads to Battles House, one-tenth of mile over R.R. and across river bridge. Road opposite Battles House leads to Avers Cliff). 18.6 Avoid left hand road, and cross R.R. at 18.9, Magog station on left. Proceed along shore of Lake Mem- phremagog, over wooden bridge at 19.3, keeping S.O. at four corners 20.0, crossing R.R. at 20.7 and over wooden bridge at 21.3. 22.4 Under R.R. arch and immediately right, past MIL- LETTA Station on right, crossing R.R. at 22.7 and over small wooden bridge at 22.9. 23.9 Cross R.R. Delaire Platform on right, and proceed along shore of Orford Lake, avoiding left hand road at 24.3. L.D. Telephone office Orford Lake on left at 25.0. Avoid right hand road at 26.0 and proceed through BOLTON FOREST to 26.9 VILLAGE OF EASTMAN, church on right. (Road on left opposite leads to Millington and on right to North Stukely). 27.5 Cross R.R. Eastman House on left. (Road on left leads to Bolton Centre, 8 miles; Mansonville, 19 miles, and Millington, 8 miles). 27.7 Over wooden bridge. (Road on right to Lawrence- ville). 28.1 Curve left and across R.R., also at 29.5 and 30.3. Keep S.O. at 30.7, where road on left leads to St. Etienne de Bolton, 2}^ miles. 32.0 Caution, sharp right curve under R.R. 32.5 Four corners S.O. SOUTH STUKELY. Post Office and American House on left. 33.0 Irregular four corners, bear left with heavj' tele- graph wires, crossing wooden bridge at 33.2 and 33.3 and up long grade, (Macdonald Hill), with sharp descent other side. Continuing S.O. at 34.9 (Left hand road leads to Knowlton, 8 miles). 35.9 Keep to right at fork, and proceed to FROST VILLAGE, at 36.4, passing church on left and post office at 36.5 on right. Page 92 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 28 36.7 Turn square left and at 36.9 cross wooden bridge- avoiding left hand road at 37.5 and crossing K.R. at 38.1. 38.2 Bear to right round park, crossing R.R. at 38.3 and then turn square right down Main street, WATERLOO, passing church on left at 38.7, Canada Hotel, on left 38.8, over concrete bridge at 39.1, passing Brook House on left. 39.2 Turn square left on North street and S.O. avoiding left hand road at 39.3. 41.4 Curve left over small wooden bridge, and at 41.7, four corners continue S.O., and again at 42.5. 46.8 Turn left over bridge and then right with telegraph poles, crossing wooden bridge at 47.2 and R.R. at 47.5. 50.0 Four corners, turn square right and into town of GRANBY, passing Windsor Hotel on right at 50.1. Parish Church on left at 50.5. 51.0 Cross electric tracks, passing Granb}^ Hippodrome on left, avoiding right hand road at 51.6 and also* at 53.7. Cross wooden bridge at 54.2. 58.1 ABBOTSFORD, church on right, Abbotsford House- on left. 58.4 Four corners proceed diagonallj^ left. (Road om right leads to St. Pie, 6 miles). 58.6 Cross electric car tracks, and again at 58.8, and then cross R.R. with Abbotsford Station on left. 60.2 Four corners S.O. (Road on right also leads to St. Pie, 6 miles). 62.0 Cross iron bridge and at 62.2 make sharp right curve with caution and over wooden bridge. 64.2 Keep to left at fork and S.O. over iron bridge at 64.3, turning sharp right with caution at 64.4 and immediately after left, through VILLAGE ST. CESAIRE turning square right around Hotel Robi- doux on right. 65.4 Avoid left hand road, and proceed S.O. over wooden bridge at 65.6. 67.3 Enter Village of ROUGEMONT, station on left crossing R.R. and proceeding S.O., passing at 67.4 road on right to St. Hyacinthe 15 miles, and church on right at 67.7. 68.0 Four corners S.O. (Road on right also leads to St. Hyacinthe, and on left to Central Vermont Ry. depot). Les Velocimetres Van vous donneront la Vitesse correcte et exacte, et le nombre de milles parcouriis en tout temps. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 93 ROUTE 28 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 68.4 Limits of ROUGEMONT. 68.5 Turn sciuarc left, and S.O. crossing concrete bridge at 71.0. 71.2 End of road turn right and immediately left at 71.3. 73.1 Turn square left and immediately right curve into MARIEVILLE, on Poulin street, passing Palais de Justice on right just before next turn. 73.3 Four corners turn square left along Marieville St. 73.4 Turn square right and over small iron bridge up Dupont street, turning square right at next four corners 73.5 (opposite Post Office) and immediately left at next corner along Chambly St. and S.O. 74.4 Cross bridge and jog slightly right with wires, passing wayside shrine on left. Cross electric suburban line at 76.9. 77.8 Turn square right. (Road on left leads to Iberville 12 miles). 78.1 Under R.R. through village of RICHELIEU. 78.3 Square left over long iron bridge crossing Richelieu River. 78.5 At end of bridge square right through CHAMBLY CANTON. (Road on left leads to St. Johns, 12 miles) . 78.8 Four corners S.O., passing Balmoral Hotel on left at 79.1. 79.4 Road on right leads to Fort Chambly (visitors admitted) and Fresh Air Fund Home, also road on right at 79.6 leads to the Fort. 79.8 Cross canal bridge and bear slightlv right through CHAMBLY BASIN, passing Grand Hotel on right at 79.9, and Albani Villa on left, built by the noted singer for her parents at 80.1. 80.2 Post office on right, and immediately after take centre of three roads, passing De Salaberry !Monu- ment on left. 81.2 Through covered bridge and S.O. (Right hand road leads to Beloeil). 87.5 ST. HUBERT, parish church on right, post office on left. 88.1 Cross R.R. 91.7 Limits of Town of LONGUEUIL. Proceed S.O. on concrete, crossing R.R. at 91.9. 92.0 Turn square left, and at 92.3 make sharp right curve with caution, and sharp left curve at 92.4, passing road to Canada Steamship ferrv (optional to Notre Dame St. Montreal) at 92.5. I'n service de bulbes extra vous evitera de graves accidents THE CANADI.W FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. S4-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 94 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 28 92.8 Turn sharp left over tracks on asphalt, leaving suburban line, and make sharp right curve with caution at 93.0 and through MONTREAL SOUTH. 93.8 Caution, sharp right and then left curve into Town of ST. LAMBERT, crossing car tracks at 94.1 into Desaulniers Boulevard. 94.8 End of road square right on Victoria Avenue. 95.0 Curve left along river front by old Cannon. 95.4 Cross car tracks, and under R.R. making sharp right turn immediately, with caution, up incline to Victoria Bridge. 95.6 VICTORIA BRIDGE. Fare 25 cents for car and chauffeur, passengers 5 cents each waj'. 96.9 End of bridge, give up tickets, and proceed S.O, crossing R.R. at 97.0, bearing left across R.R. by Plague monument along Bridge St. with car tracks, crossing several R.R. tracks between 97.4 and 97.5. 97.6 Four corners, turn square right along Wellington street, following car tracks across Wellington Canal bridge. 97.8 Keep to left of playground in Gallery Square, cros- sing car tracks at McCord St., passing church on left, along Smith street, turning to left at end of street 97.9 and along Murray St. 98.2 At end street turn square right into Notre Dame street with car tracks, passing Bonaventure depot bej^ond on left at 98.3. 98.4 Street intersection. Turn left along Inspector street, (just past fire station on left) and at 98.5 square right on to St. James St., proceeding S.O. to Victoria Square. 98.7 MONTREAL, Queen Victoria Monument on left at McGill St. Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Catherine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine West and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Mance St. just above Sherbrooke. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. LIMOUSINES TOURIMOCAPS Page 95 ROUTE 29 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE CUTTEN & FOSTER MANUFACTURERS OF Auto Tops, Seat Covers, Dust Envelopes, Motor Boat Tops, Cushions, Etc. :: :: :: :: :: 5 Park Ave. Montreal, Que. TEL. EAST 6690 Route 29 — Sherbrooke to Magog. Follow route 27 page 87 to 12.8. Mileage 12.8 Turn square right and proceed S.O., descending with caution hill at 14.4 into NORTH HATLEY and turn- ing square right at 14.6, over bridge, crossing R.R. at 14.7 and proceed along shore of Lake Massawippi, bearing to left at fork just bej'ond, and proceeding S.O. 15.3 Avoid right hand road, and keep to left at fork 15.4. 15.7 Keep to right at fork, road on left being private road to Golf Club. 16.3 Cross wooden bridge and proceed up incline, avoiding left hand road at 17.5. 18.8 Village of KATE VALE, church on left. Avoid left hand road at 18.9. 19.0 Turn square right down long hill. (Road S.O. leads to Ayer's Cliff.) 19.8 S.O. (Road on left also leads to Ayer's Cliff.) 20.2 Sharp left curve. Cross wooden bridge at 23.3. into MAGOG, proceeding up incline over second bridge by large Dam, and along Main Street, passing Opera House on right at 24.1 and Union Hotel on right at 24.2. To continue to ^Montreal reset odometer at 18.2 and proceed according to Route 28, page 92. Page 96 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 30 Route 30 — Granby to Knowlton and Sutton. 31.5 m. Via West Shefford and Brome Lake. no AD SURFACE: Good sand road to West Shefford, then rough dirt to Brome Lake, fine macadam to Knowlton and new gravel road to Sutton. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: Leaving Granby through an avenue of trees there is open country for some distance and good views of the Shefford and Brome Mountains. The run to Knowlton is over a typical country road with over- hanging trees, and Brome Lake is one of the most picturesque and beautifully situated lakes in the province. This is a popular summer resort and there are many fine estates with miniature parks and magnificent flower gardens passed on the way to Knowlton, from which there is a broad new highway to Sutton. For reverse route see page 99. Via Shefford Ouest et le Lac Brome. CHAUSSEE: Bon chemin de sable jusqu'a Shefford Ouest, ensuite chemin boueux jusqu'au lac Brome; beau chemin de macadam jusqu'a Knowlton et chemin de gravier tout neuf jusqu'a Sutton. DESCRIPTION: Depart de Granby sur une belle avenue ombragee; en rase campagne pendant quelque temps, avec une superbe vue des mOntagnes Shefford et Brome. La course a Knowlton se fait par un chemin original bien ombrage et le lac Brome est une des plus jolies nappes d'eau de la province. C'est une place d'ete tres populaire. II y a de jolies habitations avec des pares en miniature et de plantureux jardins aux abords de Knowlton; de la un chemin neuf jusqu'a Sutton. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 99. Mileage. 0.0 GRANBY. Four corners, Intersection of Denison Avenue and Mountain Street after crossing bridge, Proceed S.O. up Mountain street, turning to right at 0.8, and avoiding left hand road at 1.6, and keeping S.O. at four corners 3.1. (Road on left also leads to West Shefford, and is mile and half shorter, but not so good). 4.7 Four corners, S.O. 5.4 Sharp turn left, followed by sharp right curve at 5.9, and over wooden bridge at 6.6. 6.9 Sharp left turn (road on right leads to Adamsville and Farnham). 8.0 WEST SHEFFORD. Four corners S.O. (Road on right to R.R. depot, and on left to Granby). 8.1 Parish Church on left. 8.2 Keep to right at fork by cemetery. (Left hand road leads to Waterloo). Cross R.R. at 8.7 and avoid left hand road at 9.4, proceeding up long grade and keeping to left at fork 9.9. At 11.2 down grade and over bridge. A Wasco Heater attached to your garage will eliminate all the terrors of winter weather- THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 97 ROUTE 30 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 11.4 Irregular four corners S.O. and down grade over y^ridge at 11.8 avoiding right hand road at 12.4. 13.2 Avoid left hand road which leads to Waterloo, (5 miles). 14.4 Four corners S.O. and over wooden bridge, avoiding left hand road at 14.9, and using caution at left curve at 15.6. 15.8 Over bridge and immediately right turn. 16.0 Four corners S.O. (Road on right to Bondville, 3 miles. Road on left to Foster, 1 mile and Waterloo, 4 miles). Foster church spire in view on left. 16.9 ftROME LAKE on right. Atlas House, refresh- ments on left. Descend hill and cross wooden bridge at 17.7. crossing another bridge at 18.4 and bear right. Bear left over R.R. at 18.9 and make left and right curve at 19.4. 20.2 CONFERENCE STATION on right. 20.9 KNOWLTON. Four corners, Post Office on left. Proceed S.O. crossing two bridges at 21.0. 21.1 Four corners square right, passing Robinson's Hotel on right and Church on right at 21.4, crossing R.R. at 21.9. 23.3 Four corners, turn left, (S.O. leads to COWANS- VILLE) making sharp descent at 23.9. 24.4 Cross concrete bridge and turn left. 24.9 Turn right, leaving BROME VILLAGE on left and immediately left turn 25.0 and S.O. crossing river bridge, at 26.1 and across R.R. 28.1 Caution in crossing R.R. 28.4 ENLAUGRA Station on right. End of road turn square right over R.R. crossing small wooden bridge at 28.5. 28.7 Four corners square left, crossing R.R. at 29.7 again at 30.3 and also at 31.0. 31.3 SUTTON. Four corners S.O. turn square right at end of road 31.4, passing church on left and arriv- ing at Mountain View House, at end of road at 31.5. Si voire carburateur a besoin d'ajuslement, venez a notre magasin- THE CASADtAX FAlRBAXKS-AfORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Anloine, Montreal. Page 98 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 31 Route 31 — Sutton to Granby. 31.5 m. Via Knowlton, Brome Lake and West Shefford. For reverse route and description of tour see page 97. Via Knowlton, Lac Brome et West Shefford. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 97. Mileage. 0.0 SUTTON. Mountain View House on right, take left hand Street immediately opposite, turn left again at 0.1, pass church and proceed S.O. at four corners 0.2, crossing R.R. at 0.5, 1.2 and 1.8. 2.8 End of road square right, cross bridge at 3.0, and R.R. at 3.1, turning immediately left past ENLAU- GRA Station on left. 3.4 Caution in crossing R.R. 4.9 Four corners S.O. cross R.R. 5.4 and immediately over concrete bridge. 6.5 End of road square right up incline and immediately left at 6.6, leaving BROME VILLAGE. 7.1 Turn square right and cross two small concrete bridges. 8.2 Four corners turn right. (Road on left leads to Cowansville). 9.2 Avoid left hand road and cross R.R. at 9.6. 9.8 Limits of KNOWLTON VILLAGE, passing church on left at 10.1, and avoiding connecting road on left at 10.2. 10.4 Square left at Robinson's Hotel, over two bridges and up incline. 10.6 Four corners S.O. Post Office on right hand corner. 11.3 CONFERENCE STATION on left. 12.0 Caution "S" curves. 12.6 Cross R.R. and at 13.1 cross bridge, keeping to left and avoiding right hand road. Cross wooden bridge at 13.7. BROME LAKE on left. A box of assorted nuts or screws may save you a weary walk to the nearest garage THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 99 ROUTE 31 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 14.5 Caution. Sharp descent and curves over wooden l)ridgc and up incline to Atlas House, refreshments, on right. 15.1 Caution sharp right curve. 15.5 Four corners S.O. (Foster village on road to right). 15.7 Sharp curve left over wooden bridge and another sharp right curve at 15.8. Cross wooden bridge at 17.1 and S.O. at four corners. 18.3 Avoid connecting road on right and avoid left hand road at 19.1, crossing wooden bridge at 19.6. 20.1 Four corners S.O. and across wooden bridge at 20.2, keeping to right at fork at 20.4 and avoiding left hand road at 22.1, crossing R.R. at 22.8 and bearing to left by cemetery at 23.1. 23.4 Church on right. 23.5 Village of WEST SHEFFORD, four corners S.O. (Road on left to station and on right to Granb}' via poor road 1}4 miles shorter). 23.6 Post office on left, also Shefford House. 24.5 Turn square right, crossing wooden bridge at 24.9. 25.6 End of road square left. 26.1 End of road square right, keeping S.O. at four corners 26.8 28.4 Four corners S.O. (Road on right optional route from West Shefford.) 29.9 Avoid right hand road. 30.7 Square left at end of road and down grade. 31.5 GRANB Y, proceed down Mountain Street to junc- tion with Denison Av. For Montreal proceed S.O. over bridge, bearing to left at 31.6 and resetting odo- meter on reaching Windsor Hotel on right at 50.1, then following Route No. 28 page 93 Sherbrooke to Montreal, 48.6 miles distant. Keep your car tuned up to its icork. Only a few tools are necessary. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 100 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 32 Route 32 — Montreal to Rouses Point. 53.0 m. Via Chambly, St. Johns and LaeoIIe Junction (Internationai Iligliway). ROAD SURFACE: After crossing Victoria Bridge bitulithic, concrete and good macadam to Cliambly Basin. Good macadam along by Canal to St. Johns. Clay and sand to Rouses Point, recommended in dry weather only. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: Although road conditions are poor after passing St. Johns this tour is regarded by many as one of the most enjoyable for it not only provides pretty river and canal scenery, along by the Richelieu, but is through a portion of country which is rich in historic interest to both Canadians and residents of the United States. Chambly Fort built in 1709 was the scene of many a battle and contains many relics, St. Johns was at one time of (consider- able importance as a fortified post commanding the line of approach by the Cham- plain Vallej' and one of the chief bases of supply in the campaign 1776-7. For reverse route see page 108. Via Chambly, St- Jean, Jonction Lacolle (Route Internationale). CHAUSSEE: Bithulitic apres le pont Victoria; beton et bon macadam jusqu'a Chambly Bassin. Bon macadam le long du canal jusqu'a St-Jean. Argile et sable jusqu'a Rouses Point recommandable seulement par un temps sec. DESCRIPTION: Bien que la route ne soit pas bonne apres avoir passe St-Jean, ce tour est considere comme un des plus agreables parce qu'il ne deroule pas seulement les beautes du paysage le long de la riviere Richelieu, mais aussi parce qu'il montre un territoire qui est riche en souvenirs historiques, tant aux Canadiens qu'aux Americains. Le fort Chambly, bati en 1709 a va. bien des batailles et contient beaucoup de reliques. St-Jean fut longtemps considere comme place forte importante, commandant la ligne d'approche par la vallee du lac Champlain, et etant une des bases d'appro\asionnement dans la campagne de 1776-7. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 108. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL. Victoria square, Queen Victoria Monument on right, proceed west along St. James Street, turning to left at 0.2 Inspector street, and at 0.3 turn diagonally right following car tracks along Notre Dame Street. 0.5 Turn square left along Murray street and square right at 0.8 Smith Street, crossing car tracks and passing Galleiy square on left to Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal. 1.1 Four corners square left along Bridge street, passing Plague monument on right and crossing R.R. at 1.7. 1.9 VICTORIA BRIDGE, toll 25 cents for car and driver, passengers 5c each way. I'os pneiis devraient etre remplis d'air d une pression convenable. Venez & notre Station d'Air Gratuit. THE CANADIAX FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 101 ROUTE 32 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE MOTORISTS WILL FIND THE WINDSOR HOTEL ST. JOHNS, P.Q. CANADA. A good stopping place on the picturesque Richelieu River, between Montreal and Rouse's Point. Arrange your week end tour so as to give us a visit Reasonable rates. Modern Appointments. Spacious Grounds. Convenient garage facilities. Special Attention Given to MOTOR PARTIES A. N. GOLDEN, Proprietor. Long Distance Phone No. 32. ST. JOHN. P.Q. 3.2 End of bridge give up tickets, and proceed to end of road, turning square left under R.R. arch. Caution, cross electric suburban car line, entering municipality of ST. LAMBERT. 3.8 Semi circle to right along Victoria Avenue by old cannon, and square left along Desaulniers Boule- vard one block bevond at 3.9., entering limits of MONTREAL SOUTH at 4.7. 5.8 Caution, sharp left turn, and at end of road 5.9 turn square right with caution, entering LONGUEUIL limits on concrete, with electric suburban car tracks, and turning square right at 6.4. with tracks, and left just beyond. 6.7 End of road square right on to Chambly road, crossing R.R. at 6.8. and reaching end of concrete at 7.1 on to macadam. 10.6 ST. HUBERT, cross R.R. St. Hubert station on left at 10.7. 11.2 St. Hubert parish church on left. Post Office on right 13.4 Road on left leads to St. Bruno, St. Basile le Grand, St. Hyacinths and Richmond. Page 102 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 32 18.5 CHAMBLY BASIN. Irregular four corners, De Salaberry Monument on right, keep S.O. passing Post Office at 18.6 on right and Grand Hotel on left at 18.9. Cross Canal bridge and S.O. through CHAMBLY CANTON. 19.1 Road to Fort Chambly on left, also at 19.4. (Visitors admitted). 20.2 Keep S.O. (Road over long bridge to left leads to Richeheu, Marieville and Sherbrooke). 20.4 Under R.R. following along banks of Richelieu River. 22.7 Square right leaving river and crossing Chambly Canal, then immediatelj^ left along Federal Govern- ment highway to St. Johns. 27.5 Avoid connecting road on right which leads to St. Luke and La Prairie. 29.7 Limits of ST. JOHNS. Keep left at fork 29.9 and under R.R. at 30.0. 30.2 (For IBERVILLE square left along St. James St. across new free Gouin Bridge). 30.3 Windsor Hotel, St. Johns on right. 30.5 Four corners square right, bearing left over tracks and then diagonally right opposite Park, passing station on right, and at 30.7 Barracks on left. 31.1 Avoid left hand road. Limits of St. John. 31.9 Cross wooden bridge. 37.6 S.O. (Road on right leads to Lacadie and St. Jacques le Mineur). 41.3 Avoid right hand road. 41.9 ST. PAUL, ILE AUX NOIX, Hotel on right, also parish church just bej'ond. 42.0 Avoid left hand road. 42.4 (Road on right leads to Stotsville.) 44.8 Avoid right hand road. 47.4 Road on right leads to LacoUe Village and King Edward Highway'. 47.5 Four corners S.O. (Road on left leads to Alburgh). 47.8 Keep to right at fork, cross R.R. LACOLLE STA- TION, Custom house on left. All motorists must stop and report. On Sunday's 50 cents is charged for registration. Other days free. 47.9 Cross R.R. and at four corners 49.5 keep S.O. crossing R.R. at 51.8 and entering into New York State. Use caution crossing bridge at 52.3, and avoid left hand road at 52.6. Cross R.R. at 52.8. station on right, and proceed to Myers Building on right, where all motorists must report to United States Customs. 53.0 ROUSES POINT, Holland House on left. The Holland House. Hotel Montgomery. Marnes Inn. Page 103 ROUTE 33 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE CYLINDERS. RE-GROUND. PISTONS, PISTON RINGS, WRIST-PINS, GEARS, SHAFTS. AND PARTS TO ORDER. L. DeJEAN 492 LAGAUCHETIERE ST. W. Telephone Main 7385. (Near Windsor St.) Route 33 — Rouses Point to Montreal. 44.0 m. Via LacoIIe Village, Xapiervllle, St. Philippe and La Prairie (King Edward) Highway). ROAD SL'RFACE: Good macadam with asphaltic binder, excepting temp- orarj- plank road at La Prairie alongside of Federal Government dyke, which is being reconstructed. Portion of highway will be resurfaced early in 1918 to com- plete work. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: The King Edward Highway pro^-ides a fine entrance to the Metropolis for tourists from New York and other States and is also a popular route for local tourists. It passes through many villages rich in historic interest, and crosses the first steam railroad built in Canada ( 1836) from La Prairie to St. Johns. For reverse route see page 159. Via Lacolle, Napierville, St-Philippe et Laprairie, (Route Edouard VII). CHAL'SSEE: Bon macadam asphalte, excepte une partie recouverte en madriers, le long de la digue du gouvernement a Laprairie. Une partie de la route sera renouvelee et completee de bonne heure en 1918. DESCRIPTION: Le boulevard Edouard VII donne aux touristes de New York et dcs autres EtatS une belle entree dans la m^tropole canadienne; il est, egalemcnt populaire avec les automobilistes locaux. II passe k travers plusieurs villages riches en souvenirs historiques et traverse le premier chemin de fer cons- truit au Canada, (1836) entre Laprairie et St-Jean. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 159. Mileage. 0.0 ROUSES POINT, United States Customs on left Holland House on right. East on main street and immediatelj' square left. (Road S.O. leads to St. Johns, Chambly, and Montreal via Old Inter- national Highway). 0.3 Hotel Montgomery on left. Cross R.R., Station on right. 0.5 Four corners turn square right and cross R.R. 1.5 Caution sharp left turn and along road paralleling international boundarj-. 2.6 End of road square right, crossing boundary and entering Canada on King Edward Highwaj*. Page 104 TOUR BOOK The material used by the Quebec Provincial Government for their completed King Edward Highway, connecting Montreal with Rouse's Point, N. Y., (37i miles). After three years service this same material FLUXPHALTE is being supplied for the Quebec-Montreal Highway for a distance of 1 50 miles. Repeat Orders four times the size means Satisfactory Results. When properly applied, on a suitable road surface, nothing can be compared with it: try some. The illustration' below is taken from the annual report of the Minister of Roads, Quebec. :-: Application of Fluxphate on King Edward Road by means ot Pressure Distributor. The Asphalt & Supply Company, Limited Sole Canadian Agents for the Mexican Eagle Oil Compary, Limited. 103-107 Board of Trade Building, MONTREAL Page 105 ROUTE 33 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 4.9 ODELTOWN, Church on left. 7.1 Cross K.R. LACOLLE STATION on right, and proceed through village. (Road on right at 7.2 leads to LacoUe Jet. and Clarenceville). 7.6 LACOLLE, CANADIAN CUSTOMS on left. All motorists must stop and report. 9.4 Cross R.R. 15.4 NAPIERVILLE. King Edward Hotel on right at 15.6, over concrete bridge at 15.8, crossing R.R. at 16.2. 17.8 DOUGLAS CORNERS, Slow down for sharp right turn. 19.2 Cross R.R., and at 21.9 irregular four corners, keep to right. 23. 4 ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR, sharp left curve, and at 26.0 turn left over concrete bridge and im- mediately right. 29.1 ST. PHILIPPE. Cross R.R. at 29.2, station on left. Parish church on left at 29.4. Keep slightly to right over bridge at 30.2 and bear to left over bridge at 31.4, crossing rails of the first steam rail- road in Canada at 33.1. 34.5 Cross R.R. into LAPRAIRIE, passing parish church on right at 35.1 turning square right at 35.2 and immediately after square left. 35.3 At end of road square right on to plank road paral- leling Federal Government dj'ke road in course of construction. 39.8 Sharp turn right along shore of St. Lawrence, passing Country Club on right at 39.9 and entering limits of ST. LAMBERT at 40.5. 40.6 Turn square left up incline to VICTORIA BRIDGE. Toll 25 cents, car and driver, passengers 5 cents each. Dana le cat tie danger "Sonnez Sparton" — Tenez rotre sir^ne tottjours prete- THE CA\ADiA.\ FAlRBA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 106 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 33 42.1 At end of bridge give up tickets, and proceed past Plague Monument on left at 42.3, and along Bridge street. 42.8 Four corners square right along Wellington street, and over Canal bridge at 43.0, keeping slighth^ to left, passing Gallery square on right, cross car lines on McCord St. along Smith street and left turn along Murray street at 43.1. 43.4 End of street square right along Notre Dame street, passing close to G. T. R. Bonaventure Depot on left at 43.5. (For Queens Hotel, Windsor Hotel and Ritz Carlton, turn square left b}^ Depot). 43.6 Turn square left along Inspector street, and at 43.7 square right along St. James street, reaching 44.0 MONTREAL, Victoria Square. Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, -436 St. Catherine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St., West and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Mance St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. LIMOUSINES TOUmNO CAPS GASOLINE OILS TIRES and TUBES EVERYTHING THE MOTORIST NEEDS AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES COMPANY, LIMITED 28A VICTORIA STREET, - MONTREAL PHONE: UPTOWN 7476 Rex Spark Plugs Open Evenings Page 107 ROUTE 34 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 34 — Rouses Point to Montreal. 52.9 m. Via St. Johns and C'hambly (International Highway). For reverse route and description of tour see page 101. Via St-Jean et Chambly (Chemin International). Pour la mdme route en sens inverse, et description, voir page 101 Mileage. 0.0 ROUSES POINT. Customs House on left, Myers Building. Holland House opposite. S.O. 0.1 Cross R.R. and avoid right hand road at 0.3, using caution in crossing bridge at 0.6. Cross R.R. and International boundary at 1.1. 3.4 Four corners S.O. Cross R.R. at 5.0. 5.1 LACOLLE JUNCTION, Station, Canadian Customs on right. All motorists must stop and report. Registration free, except Sundays, when charge of 50 cents is made. Cross R.R. and S.O. 5.4 Irregular four corners S.O. Road on right leads to Alburgh and Clarenceville. 5.5 Road on left leads to Lacolle Village and King Edward Highway. 8.1 Avoid left hand road.- 10.5 Road on left leads to Stotsville. 11.0 ST. PAUL, ILE AUX NOIX. Parish Church on left, also hotel. 11.6 Avoid left hand road. 15.3 S.O. (Road on left leads to Lacadie and St. Jacques le Mineur). Cross wooden bridge at 21.0. Enter limits of St. Johns, end of clay road. 22.2 ST. JOHNS Barracks on right, just beyond, bear right at three corners, cross R.R. immediately square right and to left one block beyond and through City of St. Johns. 22.5 Windsor Hotel on left, (just beyond on right is new free Gouin Bridge to Iberville). I'fjur car must be properly lubricated. Wolf'8 Head Oil trill do the work better than any other. THE CANADIA.W FAIRBANKS-.MORSE CO. LI.MITED. 84-98 St. Anloine St.. Montreal. Page 108 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 34 KING EDWARD HIGHWAY 22.9 Under R.R., bearing to right just beyond at City limits 23.2. Avoid connecting road on left at 25.4 which leads to St. Luke and La Prairie. Proceed along Federal Government highway bordering Canal and at 30.2 turn square right across Canal bridge and immediately left, proceeding along the bank of the Richelieu River, passing under R.R. arch at 32.5. 32.7 S.O. (Bridge on right leads to Richelieu, Marieville and Sherbrooke). 33.5 CHAMBLY CANTON. (Road on right leads to Fort Chambly (visitors admitted) and to Montreal Fresh Air Fund Home for children). At 33.8 is another road on right to the Fort. Cross canal bridge into CHAMBLY BASIN and bear right, passing Grand Hotel on right at 34.0 and Post Office on left at 34.3. Des batteries Eveready vous donneront un service economique^ THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE Co.. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 109 ROUTE 34 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 34.4 Take center of three roads, passing Dc Salaberry Monument on left. 35.4 Proceed through covered bridge, (Road on right leads to BelaMl). 41.7 ST. HUBERT, Parish Church on right. Post Office on left. Cross R.R. with station on right at 42.2. 45.8 Enter limits of LONGUEUIL, with concrete high- way. Cross R.R. at 46.1 and turn square left at 46.2. At 46.4 turn right and just beyond square left with tracks. 47.0 Limits of Longueuil. Turn square left across electric su])urban line making sharp right turn at 47.1 with caution, and proceed through MONTREAL SOUTH. 48.2 Limits of ST. LAMBERT. Proceed along Desaul- niers Boulevard, and at 49.0 Turn square right into Victoria Avenue, turning square left at 49.1 by old cannon along river St. Lawrence shore, crossing electric suburban car lines with caution, under R.R. arch, and immediately turn sharp right up approach to VICTORIA BRIDGE at 49.7. Toll 25 cents for car and driver- passengers five cents each. 51.0 End of Bridge, give up tickets, and proceed S.O. crossing R.R. at 51.2 and Plague Monument just beyond on left. Bear slightly left along Bridge street, turning square right along Wellington St. at four corners 51.8, and over Wellington Bridge across Lachine Canal, keeping to left away from car tracks by Gallery Square, crossing car tracks into Smith street and at 52.1 turn left along Murray street. 52.4 Turn square right along Notre Dame street, (Bona- venture Station beyond on left). 52.6 Just beyond fire hall on left, turn left along Inspector St., and one block bej'ond square right along Notre Dame street. 52.9 MONTREAL. Victoria Square. Queen Victoria Monument on left. Place VIger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Kitz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drununond .Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Catherine St. West. Forum (Parage, St. Catherine St., West and .\twater Ave. imperial (iarage, Mance St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont (>arage, Laurior A^■o. and Durooher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. Page 110 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 35 Route 35 — St. Johns to Farnham. 18.0 m. Via Iberville, St. Gregoire and St. Brigide. ROAD SURFACE: Good to St. Brigide, balance sand and Clay, some stretches worn macadam, not recommended after heavy rain. For reverse route see page 112. Via Iberviile, St-Gregoire et Ste-Briglde. CHALJSSEE: Sable et argile; quelques bouts en macadam use; pas recomman- dable apres de fortes pluies. Pour meme route en sens inverse, voir page 112. Mileage. 0.0 ST. JOHNS; Leave Richelieu Street and proceed down St. James, crossing Gouin free bridge over Richelieu River. 0.3 IBERVILLE, turn left (Napier St.), on leaving bridge, and to right into Stevenson St., (0.4), Parish Church on right. 0.8 Cross R.R. also at (LO) and (LI), Q. M. & S. Ry. Station (Iberville Jet.) on left. 1.2 Turn left over railroad tracks and immediately to right crossing railroad again and follow telephone wires to Farnham. 1.7 Left and right jog. 2.3 AVayside shrine, at connecting road, turn left, and immediately right. 3.3 Turn left at connecting road. 4.0 Small bridge. 4.1 Turn to right. 5.7 4 corners — turn to right — Blacksmith shop on right. 5.9 ST. GREGOIRE (Mt. Johnson), Parish Church on left. 6.0 Keep to left at fork. 6.9 Turn to left. 9.0 Jog left and right. 9.3 Bear right. 9.7 Curve slightly to right before reaching 4 corners, thence straight ahead following telephone wires. 12.5 Village of ST. BRIGIDE, Parish Church on right. 12.6 Cross small bridge. 16.0 Cross R.R. 16.5 Turn left over R.R. then to right. 17.3 Cross R. R. tracks and proceed straight ahead through Main Street of Village. 18.0 " City Hall, FARNHAM— Gasoline at L. Choquette's Hardware Store, Main Street. Turn to right at City Hall, passing Fire Hall on left, and to right again at railroad station to Martin's Hotel, 18.3. Page 111 ROUTE 36 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 36 — Farnham to St. Johns. 18.0 m. via St. Brieidc, St. (iregolre and Iberville. ROAD SURFACE : Saiul and clay with stretches of worn macadam to St. Brigide not recommended after heavT rain. Balance good. For reverse route see page 111. Via Ste-Brlglde, St-Gr#goire et Iberville. CHAUSSEE: Sable et argile; quelques bouts de macadam use. Pas recom- mandable apres de fortes pluies. Pour meme route en sens inverse, voir page 111. M ileage. 0.0 Leave City Hall, Main St. FARNHAM, and proceed west following telephone wires. 0.6 Cross R.R. 0.8 Keep to left at Fork. 1.3 Turn left over R.R. thence to right. 1.9 Bear right. 2.0 Cross R.R. 5.2 Small bridge, ST. BRIGIDE, Parish Church just beyond on left. 8.2 4 corners — straight ahead bearing slighth' to left after passing cross road. 8.7 Bear left. 9.0 Jog right and left. 11.1 Turn to right. 12.1 ST. GREGOIRE (Mt. Johnson), Parish Church on right. 12.3 4 corners, turn to left. Blacksmith shop on left. 13.9 Turn to left. 14.0 Small bridge. 14.7 Turn to right at connecting road. 15.6 Turn to left and immediately to right at Waj'side shrine. 16.3 Jog right and left. 16.7 On approaching irregular 4 corners, bear left over railroad tracks and then to right (Stevenson street) — Q. M. & S. Ry. Station just bej^ond on right at 17.2. 17.6 IBERVILLE, Parish church turn left into Napier St., and to right at 17.8, crossing Gouin bridge over Richelieu River. 18.0 Richelieu and St. James streets ST. JOHNS. Windsor Hotel, Richelieu St. 'Qualite et Service". La devise de notre departement d'accessoires d'automobile est de donner a nos clients une prompte et delicate attention. Catalogue sur demande. H. W. Petrie of Montreal Limited Accessoires d'Automobile. 327 rue St-Jacques, MontreaL Page 112 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 37 Route 37 — Farnham to Montreal. 40.4 m. Via St. Briglde, St. Angele, Marieville and Chambly. ROAD SITIFACE: Clay and sand to St. Angele, not recommended in wet weather, good macadam to Marieville, worn to Riclielieu, balance good macadam. For reverse route see page 26. Via Ste-Brigide, St-Ang61e, Marieville et Cliambly. CHAUSSEE: Sable et glaise jusqu'a Ste-Angele, pas recommandable en temps de pluie; bon macadam jusqu'a Marieville, macadam us6 k Richelieu; le reste bon macadam. Meme route en sens inverse, voir page 26. Mileage. 0.0 FARNHAM, Leave City Hall, Main St. and proceed S.O. 0.6 Cross R.R. 0.8 Keep to left at fork. 1.3 Left over R.R. 2.0 Cross R.R. 5.2 Cross small bridge. 5.4 ST. BRIGIDE, Parish church on left. 8.2 Turn square right, leaving telephone wires and, S.O. On meeting macadam curve left and thru Village of St. Angele and S.O. 11.5 Four corners, turn square right. 11.8 Cross R.R. also at 14.0. 14.3 Cross small bridge and again at 14.4. 14.5 Cross R.R. 15.2 MARIEVILLE, square left across bridge (Dupont St.). Reset odometer at 73.5 and follow route 28 page 94 to Montreal. FAUCHER & FiLS — DEALERS IN — Automobile Accessories, Top Covering, Trimmings, Carpets, Auto Spring Steel, Nuts, Lockwashers, Etc. Importatfeurs d'Accessoires d'Automobiles, Etoffes a Couverture, Bourrure, Tapis, Acier a Ressort, Ecrous, Etc. TELEPHONE Nos 362 ^a° 368 CRAIG ^JIIt MAIN 576 MONTREAL Page 113 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE PASCO \A/ I R E NA/ M Northern Electric Timer Elevator for FORD CARS KLAXON WARNING SIGNALS "Never out" back-up Light Chevrolet Ignition Lock Speedometer and Dash Board For a FORD ASK YOUR DEALER TO DEMONSTRATE THESE LINES Northertj Electric Company LIMITED Montreal Toronto Regina Halifax London Calgary Ottawa Winnipeg Vancouver Our house nearest you will be glad to send you literature upon receipt of postal. CURTIS TIRE PUMPS LECTROFLATORS for Private Garage & Premier Vulcanizing Outfits Mayo Hand Tire Pumps Northern Six Dry Batteries The Northern "Sure-Spark" Bat tery "Titan" Storage Batteries and Storage Battery Supplies and parts for all makes. CORBIX-BROWN SPEEDOMETERS r\ (X O TIRES Page 114 d TOUR BOOK ROUTE 38 Route 38 — Montreal to Richmond. 93.3 m. via St. Lambert, Longueuil, St. Bruno, Beloeil, St. Hllalre, St. Hyaclnthe, St. Dominique, Actonvale, Soutli Durham and I'Irerton. ROAD SURFACE: Stone block pavement within city limits, and after crossing ferry concrete through Longueuil, followed by good macadam along Chambly road to Sabourin road which is the turning, just beyond St. Hubert to St. Bruno. Fair to good macadam to Beloeil. After crossing ferry good macadam and graded sand and clay which is poor tlu-ough St. Madeleine but good until three miles from St. Hyaeinthe where deeply rutted clay roads are encountered impassable in wet weather. In St. Hyaeinthe partly good macadam with worn stone road tlirough to St. Dominique then good graded sand or ma- cadam to Actonvale. After lea\'ing the town there is six miles of fairly deep sand vnth rock projections, and then good graded sand or macadam to Rich- mond. DESCRIPTION OF TOITR: This tour embraces many of the most popular summer mountain resorts and river resorts in this section of the Province. The fine air of the St. Bruno mountain, and the cooling breezes of the Richelieu River make the drive a very pleasant one. while the tour round the base of Beloeil Mountain (1600 ft) and through a typical cheese and creamerj' district to St. Hyaeinthe, a progressive town -with good hotels and garage ser^•ice, is full of interest. There is a double ferry at Beloeil, and a toll gate after getting on to the St. Dominique road, and most of the tour is over good graded sand which makes very comfortable and enjoyable travelling. For reverse route see page 119. Via St-Lambert, Longueuil, St-Bruno, Beloeil, St-Hilaire, St-Hyacinthe, St-Dominique, Actonvale, South Durham et Ulverton. CHAUSSEE: Pavee en blocs de pierre dans les limites de la ville; beton dans Longueuil; bon macadam sur le chemin de Chambly et le chemin Sabourin oil est le tournant, juste a un niUle de St-Hubert. Assez bon macadam jusqifa Beloeil excepte deux milles et demi de glaise. Apres la traverse, bon macadam, mauvais chemin d'argile et sable dans Ste-Madeleine mais bon ensuite jusqu'a trois milles de St-Hyacinthe oil il y a des ornieres dans I'argile, impassables en temps de pluie. Dans St-Hyacinthe, partie en macadam et partie en pierre usee jusqu'a St-Dominique, puis bonne route jusqu'a Actonvale. En quittant cette place, six milles de sable mou et rocailleux, ensuite bon sable dur et maca- dam jusqu'a Richmond. DESCRIPTION: Ce tour comprend les places d'eau et d'ete de la province. L'air pur de la montagne de St-Bruno et la brise fraiche du Richelieu embellis- sent la promenade alors que la ceinture de la montagne de Beloeil, (1600 pieds) et le spectacle du developpement de I'industrie laitiere dans ce district sont tres interessants. II y a deux traversiers a Beloeil, une barriere de peage a St-Domi- nique. La plus grande partie du chemin est en bon sable et rend la promenade agr^able. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 119. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL. Place Viger Depot and Hotel on right. Proceed east on Craig Street, passing street to Sohmer Park on right at 0.4, and curving right into Notre Dame street at 0.8 opposite old City prison. 1.0 Park on right and just beyond turn square right down Poupart St. and bear left under arch to 1.2 LONGUEUIL FERRY, Fare 25 cents for car and driver, passengers, 5c each. On leaving ferry pro- ceed S.O. 1.5 End of road square left along St. Charles St., LON- GUEUIL. Page 115 ROUTE 38 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 2.0 Turn square right by church on to Chambly Road, (passing at 2.3, road on right leading to St. Lambert), and crossing II. R. just beyond. Concrete ends at 2.7 then macadam. 5.8 ST. HUBERT village. Cross R.R. at 6.2, St. Hubert station on left. 6.7 Post office on right. Parish church on left. Two miles bej'ond church at 8.9 Turn square left along Montee Sabourin. Cross small bridge at 9.7, turning square right at end of road 10.3 and immediately left over small bridge on to good macadam at 10.4. 11.7 Turn square right just before reaching R.R. and proceed paralleling tracks. (For St. Bruno, see note "A".) 12.3 Sharp left curve and immediately after turn square left at end of road. 12.8 Avoid connecting road on left to St. Bruno. 13.5 Turn square right, making sharp left curve at 13.9, and a sharp right curve at 14.1, bearing to left at 14.3. 14.8 Avoid road on right. 15.5 ST. BASILE LE GRAND, church on left. Proceed S.O. at irregular four corners, road on left leading to St. Bruno, and on right to Chambly. 15.9 , Cross R.R., reaching end of macadam at 17.9 and crossing wooden bridge at 18.3. 19.0 Four corners square right passing creamery on right and wayside shrine. 20.1 Four corners S.O., under R.R. arch at 21.0 turning square left at end of road at 21.1 crossing R.R. siding at 21.2 and into BELOEIL, following along shore of Richelieu River. 22.4 Turn right to Ferry across to St. Hilaire, (Joseph Burelle), fare 25 cents car and passengers. There is another ferry beyond at 23.1. (L. Benoit), same fare. At night one ferrj-man remains on either side of the river. 22.5 After leaving ferry turn square left and through ST. HILAIRE, passing church on right at 23.1 and other ferrv road on left. Wolf's Head Oil and Grease will add years to the life of your car. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKSytORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page IIG TOUR BOOK ROUTE 38 24.4 Turn square right. (Road S.O. leads to St. Charles). 25.4 End of road sharp left, (reverse fork), and again square left at end of road 26.5, avoiding connecting roads on either side at 26.9. 28.0 End of road sharp right turn, crossing R.R. at 29.2 and immediately turn square left, paralleling .R.R. and crossing bridge over stream at 30.1. 30.7 ST. MADELEINE station on left, proceed S.O. passing church on left at 30.9. Avoid left hand road at 31.6, crossing R.R. at 35.4. 36.4 At end of road square left along river shore, passing over wooden bridge at 38.2, turning square right at 38.8. 39.7 ST. HYACINTHE, entering on Girouard St. passing Notre Dame Church on left at 40.4 and post office on right at 40.5. Turn right at 40.6 down St. Denis St., passing Canada Hotel on left at 40.7, crossing Market and turning left on St. Antoine St. at 40.8. Ottawa Hotel on right corner. 40.9 Square right down Concord St., passing garage on right at 41.1 and crossing long bridge at 41.2 through the VILLAGE OF ST. JOSEPH 41.5. End of road square left curving to right, just beyond crossing R.R. at 41.6, ST. HYACINTHE STATION on left, and bearing left just beyond. 42.0 Proceed S.O. (road on left leads to St. Rosalie). 45.4 Enter limits of ST. DOMINIQUE, up sharp hill, passing monument on left at 45.6. 46.2 Turn square left. (Road S.O. leads to village). 47.2 Sharp right curve and then sharp left at 47.3., cross- ing bridge at 51.8 and immediately after R.R. with, BRITANNIA MILLS STATION on right. 52.5 End of road square right by shrine, crossing R.R. at 53.1. 53.7 Square left and proceed through ST. LIBOIRE, crossing R.R. with station on right at 54.5 and church on right at 54.9. 55.2 End of road square left. 55.3 Four corners square right, and at 56.1 caution at sharp right and left turns, proceeding over wooden bridge at 56.4. 56.8 Four corners square right. 58.9 Sharp left turn paralleling railroad, crossing R.R. siding at 59.2 and into ST. EPHREM D'UPTON. 59.4 Four corners S.O. (Road on left leads to St. Helene de Bagot). 59.5 End of road square left and immediatel}^ right across river bridge, paralleling R.R. and over bridge at 60.3 on to sand road, making sharp right curve over R.R. at 61.4. 61.8 End of road square left. Page 117 ROUTE 38 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 65.5 Four corners square left. (Road on right leads to Koxton Falls). 65.7 iMid of road square right, keeping to right at fork in ACTONVALE at 65.8, and keeping S.O. at 66.0, crossing R.R. at 66.1 with station on left. At. 66.5 curve right and at 66.6 keep left at fork with wires, proceeding through deep sand. (Avoid connecting road on left at 72.1 leading to Danby, and right hand road at 72.6.) 73.0 Cross iron bridge over river and pass wayside shrine, making right and left curve at 73.2. 74.2 Turn square left, and keep S.O. at four corners 75.3. 76.1 Square right paralleling R.R. and enter at 77.4 SOUTH DURHAM, keeping S.O. at irregular four corners, and passing R.R. station on left at 77.8. 78.9 Turn square left over railway bridge, and keep S.O. at four corners 79.9, avoiding right hand road at 80.4 and also left hand road at 81.7, keeping to right at 81.9. 82.6 Fork, keep to left, and at 82.9 left curve. 83.2 End of road turn right, passing school house, and avoiding left hand road at 83.5, keeping S.O. at four corners 84.5. 85.8 End of road square right, passing through covered bridge at 85.9. 86.2 ULVERTON, church on left. Avoid connecting road on right and also connecting road at 86.6, making sharp left curve at 86.8. (Avoid road on right at 88.0 which leads to Lisgar). 90.2 S.O. 90.9 Cross R.R. passing old ^Montreal IMail road on right at 91.1. Avoiding right hand road at 91.5, entering LOWER MELBOURNE, turning square left at four corners 93.0, crossing Mackenzie Bridge over River St. Francis, at 93.1. 93.3 RICHMOND, four corners. Road on left leads to Post Office, and Custom House at 93.4. crossing R.R. at 93.7 and reaching BRUNSWICK HOTEL on right and station on left at 93.9. For Danville proceed straight ahead at 4 corners (93.3) 12 miles distant. Note "A". 11.7 Cross R.R. 12.7 Four corners. Village of ST. BRUNO.— Straight on leads to St. Bruno Mountain, one of the most scenic drives in the Province over good roads, square left to ST. HUBERT (not recommen- ded) square right for ST. BASILE LE GRAND. Page 118 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 39 Route 39 — Richmond to Montreal. 93.3 m. via Lower Melbourne, Ulverton, South Durham, Actonvale, St. Ilyacinthe, St. Hilaire, Beloeil, St. Bruno and Longueuil. For reverse route and description of tour see page 115. Via Lower Melbourne, Ulverton, South Durham, Actonvale, St-II> acinthe, St-Hilaire, Beloeil, St-Bruno et Longueuil. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 115 Mileage. 0.0 RICHMOND. Four corners, S.O. over long iron bridge (Mackenzie bridge) across St. Francis River turning square right at four corners 0.3 through LOWER MELBOURNE, avoiding left hand road at 1.8 and also at 2.2, crossing R.R. at 2.4. 3.1 (Left hand road leads to South Durham but not recommended), Keep S.O. 5.3 Avoid left hand road to Lisgar, making sharp right curve at 6.5 and avoiding left hand connecting road at 6.7. 7.1 Church on right, VILLAGE OF ULVERTON, avoid left hand road. 7.4 Through covered bridge, turning square left at 7.5. (Road S.O. leading to Drummondville and L'Avenir). 8.8 Four corners S.O. Avoid right hand road at 9.8. 10.1 Square left just by school house, making sharp right curve at 10.3 and keeping to right at fork 10.7, avoiding right hand road at 11.4 and also at 11.6, also left hand road at 12.9 leading to Lisgar. 13.4 Four corners, S.O. cross railway bridge at 14.4 and turn square right at end of road, passing SOUTH DURHAM STATION on right at 15.5. 15.9 SOUTH DURHAM VILLAGE, irregular four corn- ers S.O. 17.2 Square left leaving R.R., keeping S.O. at four corners 17.9. 19.1 End of road square right, using caution at right and left curves at 20.0, and crossing iron l)ridgc at 20.3. Avoid connecting road to Danby at 21.1. Votre magneto pent avoir besoin d'etre ajuste. Venez a notre Station de Service, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine. Montreal. Page 119 ROUTE 39 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 26.5 York, keep to right, and cross R.R. at 27.2 into ACTONVALE, passing reverse fork to village at 27.4 and turning square left at 27.5. At next four corners 27.7. turn square right. (Road S.O. leading to Roxton Falls). Avoid connecting road at 28.3 and use caution at sharp right curve 31.5, crossing R.R. at 31.8 and turning immediately left, crossing over bridge at 33.0 and another at 33.7. 33.8 Turn square left and immediatelv right at fork and S.O. at four corners through ST." EPHREM D'UP- TON, crossing R.R. at 34.0 and making sharp right curve at 34.3. 36.5 Four corners square left, cross wooden bridge at 36.9, and make sharp right and left turn at 37.2. 38.0 Four corners square left, and just beyond at 38.1 square right through ST. LIBOIRE, passing church on left at 38.4 and crossing R.R. at 38.8, station on left. 39.5 End of road square right, crossing R.R. at 40.2 and turning square left at wayside shrine at 40.8. 41.5 BRITANNIA MILLS station on left, cross R.R. making sharp right and left curve at 46.0. 47.1 End of road square right, passing monument in ST. DOMINIQUE parish at 47.7. 51.3 Left at fork, just beyond old Toll gate. (Road on right leads to St. Rosalie). 51.7 At end of road curve right, passing ST. HYACIN- THE STATION on right and crossing R.R. just beA'ond. 51.8 Bear left and immediatelv after right turn into ST. JOSEPH village/ crossing over bridge at 52.1 into ST. HYACINTHE along Concord St., passing garage on left at 52.2. 52.4 Square left along St. Antoine street, turning square right at 52.5 at intersecting streets, Ottawa Hotel on left corner, past market place, and at end of street bear left 52.6 and immediately right up St. Denis street, passing Canada Hotel on right hand corner. 52.7 Turn square left along Girouard street, opposite park, passing church on right and post office on left at 52.8, and proceeding along bank of Yamaska river. Equip your Oarage with a Washer, and don't forget a M'asco Heater, THE CASADiAX FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine. St., Montreal. Page 120 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 39 54.4 End of road square left, and at 56.9 square left again, crossing R.R. and wooden bridge at 57.9. 62.4 ST. MADELEINE, church on right. 62.6 Turn square left paralleling R.R. leaving station on right, and crossing bridge at 63.2. 64.1 Square right at end of road and immediately cross R.R., making sharp left turn by creamery at 65.2. Avoid left hand connecting roads at 66.4. 66.8 Turn square right, and avoid left hand road at 67.0, turning sharp right at 67.8. 69.9 Turn square left following shore of Richelieu river. (Road on right leads to St. Charles). 70.2 ST. HILAIRE, church on left. Turn sharp right to ferr}^ L. Benoit, crossing to Beloeil, Fare 25 cents. There is another ferry at 70.9, one ferryman staying on each side of the river at night for convenience of tourists. 70.2 On leaving ferrj'- turn square left through BELOEIL, passing other ferry at 70.9. Avoid right hand road at 71.9 and proceed under R.R., passing station on right at 72.0, crossing R.R. at 72.1. 72.2 Turn square right, passing under R.R. again at 72.3 and keeping S.O. at four corners at 73.2. 74.3 Four corners square left, passing wayside shrine on right and immediately after turning left, across wooden bridge at 75.0. 77.5 Cross R.R. passing ST. BASILE LE GRAND STATION on right, and keeping S.O. at irregular four corners, passing church on right, and avoiding connecting road on left at 78.5. 79.0 Right curve, followed by left curve at 79.2 and another sharp right curve at 79.4. 79.9 End of road square left. Keep S.O. at 80.6. (Road on right leading to St. Bruno village across railway bridge) . 81.1 Square right, curving to left at 81.6 paralleling R.R. 81.7 End of road square left, ST. BRUNO STATION being on right. 83.0 Over bridge, turning right and immediatelv square left. Un accuniulateur Eveready, non sulphate, eliminera presque tons les troubles venant de votre batterie. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antolne, Montreal. Page 121 ROUTE 39 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 83.7 Cross wooden bridge. 84.5 End of road turn square right along Chambly road, passing 86.6 ST. HUBERT, Parish church on right, post office on left, crossing R.R. at 87.1, station on right. 90.7 Enter Town of LONGUEUIL, caution R.R. crossing at 91.0, keep S.O. 91.3 Turn square left by Longueuil Parish Church and along St. Charles street. 91.5 Keep to right with car tracks bj' small park. 91.9 Irregular four corners turn square right to Canada Steamship Co. Ferry. On leaving ferrj' turn square left under arch and up hill with right-curve turning square left along Xotre Dame street. 92.5 Bear right at fork opposite old city prison into Craig street. 93.3 MONTREAL. Place Viger Depot and Hotel on left. Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz -Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Catherine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine West and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Mance St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. I)i\on Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. LIMOUSINES TDUWNO CAPS MOUNT ROYAL PARK Motor Cars are not allowed to traverse any of the roads in Mount Royal Park, under the penalty of a FINE. ■ Motorists should be on the lookout for sign boards located at roads entering the Park. LE PARC MONT-ROYAL II est defendu aux automobiles sous peine d'amende de penetrer dans le pare Mont Royal. Les automobilistes doivent prendre note des enseignes sur les routes, conduisant au pare. Page 122 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 40 Route 40 — Montreal to Ste. Agathe des Monts. 61.3 m. via St. Rose, St. Therese, St. Monique, St. Jerome, Shawbrldge, Piedmont, St. Adele and Val Morin. ROAD SURFACE: Good pavement to the city limits, concrete to St. Rose, then good macadam. Fairly rough sand and clay road to St. Monique then good graded sand to Shawbrldge, with stretches of deep sand after passing St. Monique La Chapelle and Leconda. After Shawbrldge narrow and rough stone road with sharp curves and sandy grades, while after Mont Rolland there is sharp hill with deep sand, followed by sandy or old stone road to St. Agathe. The trip beyond St. Therese, is not recommended in or immediately after wet weather. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: This tour takes between four and five hours to cover owin? to the nature of the roads, but is well worth the time on a fine summers da.v, for the scenery is magnificent. The gradual climb into the famous Lauren- tian Mountains, and the splendid views of the North or Devil River in the valleys between the purple-tinted hills make the tour one of perpetual enjoyment, despite the fact that careful driving is necessary over the narrow sandy roads. There is a fine lake at St. Agathe and a beautiful drive "Tour du Lac" around the shore, while there is good fishing, boating and bathing to be had, as well as invigorating air and hotel accommodation. For reverse route see page 131. Via Ste-Rose, Ste-Therese, Ste-:Monique, St-Jerome, Shawbrldge, Pied- mont, Ste-Adele et Val Morin. CHAUSSEE: Bon pave jusqu'aux limites de la A-ille; beton jusqu'a Ste- Rose. Chemin assez rude de sable et argile jusqu'a Ste-Monique et bon chemin de sable jusqu'a Shawbrldge et certains bouts de sable mouvant apres Ste-Monique, LaChapelle et Leconda. Apres Shawbridge, chemin etroit et rocailleux avec courbes rapides et cotes sablonneuses. Apres Mont Rolland, une cote raide avec sable profond, suivie par un vieux chemin de sable jusqu'a Ste-Agathe. Le voyage apres Ste-Therese n'est pas recommandable pendant ou apres un temps pluvieux. DESCRIPTION: Ce tour prend de quatre a cinq heures vu la nature des chemins, mais il en vaut la peine par un beau jour d'ete. parce ciue le paysage y est tres beau. La montee graduelle dans les fameuses Montagues Laurentides, les sinuosites de la ri\-iere du Nord et de la riviere du Diable serpentant sur le fond rouge des flancs des montagnes rendent la promenade toujours agreable, en depit du fait que le conducteur doit toujours etre tres attentif. II y a im beau lac a Ste-Agathe, et le tour du lac est une belle promenade. II y a aussi peche, canotage, natation et bons hotels. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 131. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Mile End Depot C.P.R. on right, junction of Bernard and St. Lawrence boulevard, proceed north, passing under subway at 0.1. 0.8 S.A.A.A. grounds on right. 2.1 Four corners S.O. crossing Cremazie road. 3.7 Four corners Gouin Boulevard, turn square right on macadam. 4.1 Four corners square left on Lajeunesse St. to 4.2 PONT VIAU, crossing Back River, on the northern section of the St. Lawrence River to Jesus Island. 4.4 Four corners S.O. on concrete, keeping to left at fork at 4.7. up grade and turning square left at end of road and square right just beyond at 4.8. 6.5 BELANGER VILLAGE, S.O. (Road on left leads to St. Martin and St. Dorothee). Page 123 ROUTE 40 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 7.3 GAP ST. MARTIN village, Post office, S.O. caution crossing K.K. at 7.4. 8.3 Four corners ST. ELZEAR S.O. Post Office on right. 8.9 End of road square right and immediately square left at 9.0. 10.5 End of road square left, crossing R.R. at 11.2. 12.0 ST. ROSE, (reverse fork on right leads to station), Parish church on right at 12.5. 12.8 Turn square right at four corners Tempe- rance Hotel. (Road on left leads to St. Martin and S.O. to St. EustaChe). 13.0 Cross Belair Bridge, toll 25c., turning square right at end of bridge at 13.3, then curving left. 13.9 End of road square left. (Road on right leads to Terrebonne) and just beyond at 14.4 Turn square right. 16.0 ST. THERESE, crossing four sets of R.R. tracks, Station on right. 16.4 End of road diagonally left along Bazil street, turning square right on Church St. just beyond passing post office on left and church on right. 16.5 Turn square left, passing under R.R. at 16.9. (Avoid road on right at 18.5 which leads to St. Marie Anne). 19.9 Cross wooden bridge and also R.R. at 20.0. 20.4 Turn square right, crossing R.R. at 20.7, avoiding left hand road at 22.5, and at 23.1 opposite waj'side shrine take left hand road. 24.2 Avoid left hand road and pass through VILLAGE OF ST. MONIQUE, turning square right at 24.6, just before reaching church. Caution, sharp curves at 25.1. 29.6 End of road square left through deep sand, crossing R.R. at 30.3 and turning square right at end of road at 30.5. 30.8 Sharp left turn over bridge and immediately sharp right, crossing R.R. at 31.1. 31.7 End of road square left, crossing R.R. at 32.0 and passing through ST. JEROME, bearing right at fork at 32.3, and keeping to left at fork at 32.6 by general store along Labelle St. Passing hotels Des- chambeau, Belgrove and Victoria on right, and small park at 33.0, with church at rear Micalite Goggles are absolutely fireproof, extremely light and comfortable. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-9S St. Antoine St.. .Montreal. Page 124 rrnuTT- — :t7— : — _ ,-^— a^j i if 5um/]U)il 7 1 / ^«J/ VI L L E N E U WE J^ ( \' (^ Jmf^^'''^'^Tj. 1} /rM(|ra:b ^Wlayl, ^"-^^ rf -V-l '11 l^^^^/\iy^^'-'^%^~ DENffO ' 1 'Ma f' i \\y\ i^^^^^^S&ff'^ --%^ ^^^^ \£l«ilii£\ W E^tV/U EAST! ^J^£^..JAfi^ WAKCri ^L. ^*^^X^ tT.... "■"W^^^^k:£j "/V^^^^ N/ ^*^5«» 7i^^2 ^^t£leii Almonil Hp 1*\, (SISJSe / / "^v/v^ X *'*' ^^^^^ ^K^burn'tMine BUG l|^ C H ^rr"^c.&£^jjfet^Mfc| ,^^^ -"■^ W'f"W* 1 ' ^ ^av J Hi"""%;^ ^^^li ' 1 '1 ftyinsBWillfi^^^*^ V \ in"'' ' ^T^^F-S-Hi'^ ^P^/ i%"'Hp\.Trafrso >-jrA °(|-*is»^^^^^^^5^ p u "^^ ^fr==^3sEff •BTTyjEgTS* ^ ^^^^^^ L^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^S^ffi^Jss* b^^Xf ^^^^^^^^:^^w^^^^^^%^^^^ ^ "iz^S^^ n^te^^l^ ^ ^^^^^^^^B r \ ^^ ^^-W\ y^s^v^^iS^^^^^^^^^^^^ 'ifSxS^ SgS^; p^o^^ l^^^j)'' "'.' V^^!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^::^^^ ^^^ \ cw\a ^^^^jt^^^s^^X^^^^^^^^!^^^^^ ^m r^^g r^W^^fe"^ jT^F^^^S *-^^«\nvrv^*iwiife^ "^JT^^ "^^^^ J ->ffO\ \/-^ iyj^^-V\'!^--^'^^^5~ 1^*^^ ^^S^'*^ ^>^Sy^^^]^p^^3^ '^^^^=' <^XM|VJw |3v<^ \ \ \ '^fc^^^^r^si^H^^%'v'^''S8^ xiwC' |n JTlS- 3^y\^^^ N^^^^;; ^^^^^^^^-;^^ ^ jif ^^jV^ V^t3, Jga4A^ ^i^^^j js -^^OtA V""'*'^ Jb'y^^C^ -V-^T^'X^^^^^V^VA.-'''''^ ji^\J^^ \7\^ A^® r^ v^^^^^^^^<^^^/^ ^vJl^A^ big^jA .^jJr^.^-^^'^A^c^^*^^'^ ^^^''\'\\TX S 1 J^ IR ..if^ \ \ ^/^^l^^V'^^'i^ ,^:^!V^l^CvW"li)iiMiS^^'\^ ./X ^ f \>^ \>^^^i^^S ^ ^^^^S^^^S ^ 3j[ \^^^&S\?'j^^\&oJ^ 'T^StaaiC'^X^^^^i^ ^'X^b ^^V'\U^^^Jh5\ ^^'^jr^S^xX^CX'^?^ ^^P, TiJftKjIxrj^CoiW,^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^P 1^ ^A^^^^x 'x^}s^\ ^g ^^^^^^^^& \ ^ G K, 5^i/> w^^^i^^^^\r''c^^^^''^wMr^ MtfN^L^ r j.^c fe'^^^^ =^\^3 rt;^w^^^^^^*(i<«ion X yj/\ x^^S'^L^ /C /^ 3uJw>i^DS, m(f&^^ ^^^^^^^^f-v^T^^ \^^-J|vZ^ ^/'u^^^^ ^aV^^ ^^A/J/ y jfv/^^R'?^'^ c/lr^ ^^^^^^^^ S JriMi^^^ Ordinary trave.'fed /foods shown fhus , M:>,n frj^^^Uorl H,^hL»,:)y^^ Af=„v, improved H/ghnays^ ^ EASTERN ONTARIO & NORT _f SHCSTNfl. STE. AGATHE AND LAURENTIAN MOUNTAIN DISTRICT i'»b' i-"^ Q:> EASTERN ONTARIO & NORTHERN NEW YORK DISTRICT Bc'^e'- CL'5*cm f^ousez^ X Scale of Sheet N0 2. HERN NEW YORK DISTRICT TOUR BOOK ROUTE 40 34.1 Four corners S.O. crossing R.R. at 35.0 and turning square left with wires at 35.1 through LECONDA, POST OFFICE at left corner. 35.4 Cross R.R. and just beyond (Sign Wilson's Falls) turn square right, crossing R.R. at 35.8 and over saddleback bridge at 36.8, crossing R.R. again at 37.7. 39.8 LESAGE VILLAGE, church on right, post office just beyond on left 40.0. Lesage Hotel on right. 40.2 Caution down grade with sharp curve under R.R. then curve sharp right over narrow bridge at foot and up steep hill. 40.4 Cross R.R. and into SHAWBRIDGE. 40.7 Children's Hebrew Fresh Air Home on left. Avoid right hand road at 40.9 and keep to left at fork at 41.0 down steep grade and over river bridge. 41.2 End of road square right, making sharp left curve at 41.8 up steep hill, avoiding left hand road at 42.6 and crossing R.R. at 43.1. 43.3 Sharp down grade, keeping to left at fork and across bridge at 43.5. 44.2 Ascend steep sand}^ hill. 44.6 PIEDMONT VILLAGE. Post office on right. 44.7 End of road square right, (avoiding right hand road at 44.9 to station), crossing bridge at 45.8 and making sharp right turn at foot of hill, ascending sharp grade at 46.3, with sharp left curve. fl ^ Majak HKix J'' 4^ M mmM H ^v '^^^^^HHil^^&i^i ■1 ■ ^^^1 ^H ^ujbS^^^^v^^^^^ ■ — »- ■ i^l H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^■CV'^'-*''^!**^ . 4te^ i.-'* ^^^^H HH i^^ ^^jtm li ■ii« i^^«r'«r^^l§'j||fl ■■f MP ■ ^ 1 ^^^^^^^^^^Hj^^^S ^•- : ,f5P Ifc «»»*i ^K^^*"^ - i£&; .' r-. :5s Tt , f» ( lIN the LAURENTIANS — NEAR MONT HOLLAND, QUE. Page 125 ROUTE 40 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 47.1 Square iifj;ht by wayside shrine, down grade at 47.3 and through covered bridge at 48.3, keeping to left up incline under aqueduct and through VILLAGE OF MONT ROLLAND, passing Post Office at 48.7. 48.8 (Opposite ST. ADELE STATION, turn left up incline and then down grade crossing river again through covered bridge, bearing to right up deep sandy grade at 49.2. 49.8 End of road turn left and immediately after right into ST. ADELE. 50.0 Turn square right opposite blacksmith's shop and immediately left, making sharp left curve at 50.1. 50.9 End of road bear right down grade and over bridge. 51.8 Keep to right at fork with wires, and avoid right hand road at 54.2. 54.6 VAL MORIN. Post Office on right. Turn square right and at 54.7 make sharp left curve over river bridge and then immediateh^ turn left at end of road, crossing small bridge at 55.4. 57.0 BELISLES MILLS. Turn square left crossing R.R. at 57.1, and bear left paralleling track, crossing R.R. at 58.1 and again at 58.9. 59.2 PREFONTAINE, Post Office on right. Bear left over R.R. at 59.3 and at end of road 60.1 turn square right. (Road on left just bej'ond leads to Trout Lake). 61.0 ST. AGATHE DES MONTS, church on left, turning square right at 61.2 and S.O. to Post Office at junction of St. Vincent St. and Tour de Lac, 61.3. The AUTOMOBILE CLUB of CANADA devotes its energy towards street and highway improve- ment. Are you a club member? De» reaaorta d air Weatinghouae voiia rendront le voyage confortable comme en avion. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 126 TOUR BOOK CANADA CEMENT CONCRETE rOR PgRMAMCMCC >Shall we have gasoline, ivasii on soft r 0(1(1. s or gasoline saving on hard roads ? More Miles per Gallon on Concrete How niiifh uioie mileage per gallon i-s obtainable on the smooth, hard surface of concrete than on other type of road ? For the answer to that question, the Portland Cement Association have conducted careful expei'iments. using five 2-ton trucks for the test. It was found that these trucks averaged 5.78 miles per gallon on an ordinary earth road, 9.39 over good gravel, 9.48 on fair bituminous macadam. 9.88 ovei- fair Ijiick, 11. 44 over extra good brick, and 11.78 ovei- concrete. It was found that the gasoline consumed per mile on earth roads was 24^ ^ of that used on Concrete. Page 127 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE CANADA CEMENT rOR PERMAMCMCE Upper View- Concrete Roaa at St Rose Village, P. Q. Lower View Concrete Road at Napierville, P.Q. The **Puir' in Pounds per ton THE Good Roads Bureau of the C^alifornia State Automobile Association have found by tests the savins; to l)e effected in fuel, by providing Highways of Concrete. These tests are summarized as follows: — Over a level, unsurfaced Concrete Road . 27 . Gravel Road, good condition, level 78.2 Earth Road, fine dust, level 92. Earth Road Stiff Mud on Top. firm un- derneath, level 218. Loose gravel, not padded down, new road, level 263 . Page 128 TOUK BOOK CANADA CEMENT CONCRETE rOR PCRMAMCNCe Upper View- Main street in Montmagny huili of Con- crete. Lower View — Shows Con- crete section of Quebec High- way. Of Vital Interest to every Motorist OWNERS of motor cars are more directly interested in the extension of our system of Concrete Highways than any other class of individuals in Canada. Every motorist can help — every one can aid in bringing nearer the day when all our main Highways shall be of Concrete. Constant agita- tion is the only thing that will hasten this happy consummation. So do your part in spreading a knowledge of the facts about concrete. Tell your fellow motorists and everyone you meet that Concrete is equally well adapted both to motor and horsedrawn vehicles. Motor trucks and automobiles find Concrete the ideal pave- ment. It is skid proof even in wet weather. There is no tire-slipping, forward or sidewise — no waste power in traction. Page J 29 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 5gunHE r/fH05 //5 OOO OOO - //O 000 000 /OS 000 000 / 00 000 000 S5000 000 so 000 000 85 000 000 &0000 000 75 000 000 70 000 000 65 000 000 60 000 000 55 000 000 50 000 000 ^5 000 000 -^0 000 000 55 000 000 60 000 000 25 000 000 ZO 000 000 /5 000 000 JO 000 000 5 000 000 — -- ,; ~l J 1 ) h / 1 ' i / / / / i 1 C ) / 1 / 1 ^J t^«^ c.-j r:.r^ 309 1 1 r I909 I9/0 1911 I9IZ The Popularity of Concrete *nr^HE abovo "Table" shows the total "yardagfe" 1 of concrete paving laid in the United States •*■ from the year 1909 to the year 191S inclusive. It also indicates the number of yards of concrete lanes, concrete streets and concrete roads constructed in each year. From a total surface of a few square yartls in 19()9, the amount of concrete paving has grown to a total of li;i million yards at the end of 19I.S. All over America the pavements now under construc- tion and planned include such a projjortion of con- crete as to indicate a strong tentlency toward saner road-building programs and a general realization of the fact that (\increte makes the type of road that will not be torn l)y cither fast-inox ititr \ehicles or hea\il> la- halfway up the wooded hill, covered with a gilt dome and reached by a "Route de Calvaire." The Lake of Two Mountains is passed on the right, and as the road is winding there are many delightful river ^•iews. Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion, is the residence of the Governor General and is di\-ided into an upper and lower town by the Rideau Canal, connecting it with Kingston. The Parliament Buildings are situated on Parliament Hill, the central building now being in process of reconstruction after having been destroyed by fire. Sparks street is the chief retail business street with the best shops. Ottawa was chosen as the capital in 1858. Rideau Fails and Chaudiere Falls are worthy of a visit as also the Museum and National Art Gallery. For reverse route see page 142. Via Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Vaudreuil, Como, Hudson, Rigaud, Pointe Fortune, Hawkesbury, Alfred, Wendover, Cumberland et Rockland. CHAUSSEE: Asphalte et bon macadam jusqu'a Ste-Anne de Bellevue. Sur I'Ue Perrot, bon chemin de pierre, excepte tin bout de deux milles traversant rile pour aller au traversier de Vaudreuil, qui n"est pas recommandable en temps de pluie. Bon macadam jusqu'a Pointe Fortune, ensuite chemin inegal d'argile avec huit milles de sable jusqu'a Ottawa, excepte un bout de macadam neuf entre Hawsbury et I'Orignal, et les neuf milles de chemin a barriere entre St- Jean d'Orleans et Ottawa. Apres Pointe Fortune, impassable apres la pluie. DESCRIPTION: Un voyage d'une journee dans un tres beau paysage. La route commence a I'extremite ouest de I'lle de Montreal. On se rend a I'ile Perrot par traversier et apres avoir pris la terre ferme, on longe la riviere Ottawa, passant par plusieurs belles places d'ete. A Rigaud, il y a un petit sanctuaire dans le flanc de la montagne que domine un dome dore, et qu'on at- teint par la route du Calvaire. Le lac des Deux Montagues est a droite, et le long de la route il y a plusieurs belles vues sur la riviere Ottawa, la capitale du Canada, est la residence du gouverneur-general et est di^-ise en deux parties par le canal Rideau qui communique avec Kingston. Le principal attrait est dans les edifices du parlement sur tme logere hautetir; I'edifice central est actuel- lement en reconstruction, ayant ete detruit par le feti. La rue Sparks est la prin- cipale artere commerciale. Ottawa a ete choisie comme capitale en 1S5S. Les chtites Rideau et les chutes Chaudiere aussi bien ciue le Musee National Vic- toria meritent une visite. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 142. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL. Dominion Square. Windsor Hotel on left, proceed Xorth on Peel St., to Sherbrooke St. 0.4 End of street turn square left along Sherbrooke St.^ passing Art Gallery on right at 0.6. 1.2 Boundary City of ^Montreal and City of Westmount. 1.7 Fork — Keep to left of .small park with electric tracks. 2.0 Westmount Park on left, also Victoria Hall. 2.5 Claremont Avenue turn square left. Page 135 \ ROUTE 42 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 2.7 At end of street square right along Western Avenue. 2.9 Boulevard Decarie, turn square left and under R.R. just beyond at 3.0 (Crowlej^ Ave) turn square right. 3.1 End of Avenue turn square right and immediately left along Western Avenue again, then S.O. 4.7 Thornhill Hotel on left. 5.3 At MONTREAL WEST Town Hall, bear left down grade. 5.6 Cross R.R. 5.9 At Fourth Avenue, turn square right through town of ST. PIERRE AUX LIENS. (Optional to proceed S.O. across overhead bridge to Lachine). 6.1 End of Avenue turn square left along Des Erables St. 6.4 Bear right and proceed under narrow railway arch, with caution and sound horn. 6.9 Left curve into CITY OF LACHINE along Second Avenue. 7.2 Four corners straight ahead, crossing R.R. and electric car tracks. 7.5 End of Avenue, square right crossing R.R. at 7.6. 7.8 Curve slightly right avoiding left hand road across Canal bridge. 8.1 Lachine Convent on right. LAKE ST. LOUIS on left. 8.9 Cross R.R. (Lachine Wharf Station on left, landing for steamers shooting Lachine Rapids). 9.6 Bear left along shore road. 10.0 Village of SUMMERLEA. 10.4 Enter limits TOWN OF DORVAL. 10.7 DIXIE, Golf Links on right. 11.6 Liesse Road on right leads to Dorval Jockey Club and St. Laurent. 12.6 Forest and Stream Club on left. 13.3 Avoid right hand road. 13.4 Village of STRATHMORE. 14.0 Village of VALOIS. 14.1 Chateau St. Louis on right. 16.3 Village of POINTE CLAIRE. 16.8 Limits of BEACONSFIELD, l)ear diagonally right along new inland Boulevard. 17.4 Four corners S.O. 19.2 Four corners S.O. t'n tenant propre/t et en parfait ordre les valves dii nioteiir vous epargnerez de la gazoline- TUE CASADI.W FAIRBASKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 41 rue Bank, Oltaica, Onl. Page 136 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 42 20.0 Caution, Sharp curve to left. 20.1 End of road turn to right and S.O. 21.1 Town Hall BAIE D'URFE on left. 22.5 ]\IcDonald Agricultural College on right. (Visitors admitted) . 22.8 ST. ANNE DE BELLEVUE, New Clarendon Hotel on right. (Just beyond on left is I. Pilon's ferry to He Perrot, also Raymond's ferrv, single fare 75c return $1.00. Telephone No. 26. St. Anne de Belle- vue). 23.0 On leaving ferry turn right, and up incline (do not cross R.R.) turn left at 23.6, and square right at 23.9. Bruisi Village. (Road S.O. leads around the Island). 26.1 At end of road, turn square left and thru VILLAGE OF BENCOURT, Lafleche's ferry at 26.4 and La- londe's Ferry at 27.7. Fare 75 cents one way, •SI return. This route follows latter ferry. 27.8 At end of road leaving ferry turn square right, passing landing of Lafleche's ferry at 29.0 and proceed thru DORION. H Lafleche's ferry is taken advance odometer to 29.0 at this point for correct reading of route given. 29.7 Keep to left at fork and square left at end of road, crossing two sets of R.R. with Vaudreuil station on right at 29.8. 30.9 VAUDREUIL. Parish Church on left. 32.5 Keep to right at fork along shore of Lake of Two Mountains (square right leads to He Cadieux). making sharp left turn at 34.6. 35.0 Limits of Como. Avoid right hand road at 35.7 and also left hand road at 36.3. 36.8 VILLAGE OF COMO, Post Office. Cross R.R. at 37.9. 38.4 HUDSON, church on left. 38.5 Chateau de Lac on right. 39.2 HUDSON HEIGHTS, Post Office on right, and church on right at 39.6, limits at 39.8. Cross R.R. at 40.1. 42.5 CHOISY, 44.4 Cross R.R. and enter Village of DRAGON. Post office on left at 44.5. Cross bridge at 44.8. 46.2 Limits of RIGAUD. Hotel Rigaud on left at 46.6. At 46.7 end of road opposite Post Office, turn square left and just beyond at 46.8 proceed square right down grade over bridge bearing slightly to right and then up grade. Take an extra set of Bethlehem Spark Plugs with you. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 41 Bank St., Ottawa. Ont, Page 137 ROUTE 42 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 46.9 Turn square right at end of road, crossing R.R. at 47.1 and turning square left at 47.2, avoiding left hand road at 49.3 and making sharp right curve at 51.6. At end of road 52.2 turn square left. 54.4 POINT FORTUNE, Cottage Hotel on left. (Ferry to Carillon on right). 54.5 Post Office on left. Boundary line Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. 54.7 Point Fortune Church on left. Curve right at fork 56.0. 59.1 CHUTE AU BLONDEAU, Post Office on left, and Central Hotel at 59.2, with Parish Church on left at 59.4. Cross bridge at 61.6 and thru Village of LITTLE RIDEAU. 65.6 HAWKESBURY. Proceed under R.R. at 66.0 and immediately left, passing church on left at 66. .3 and railway station on right at 66.4. Post Office on right at 66.5, also Royal Hotel on left, and King Edward Hotel on right at 66.6. 66.8 Bear right at end of village crossing Iron bridge and R.R. at 67.3, Riordon Pulp and Paper ]\Iills on right. 71.3 L'ORIGNAL. Hotel on left, church on right. 71.4 At end of road turn square left and immediately right at next road junction, crossing R.R. at 71.7. 72.1 Turn right with telephone wires, making sharp left curve at 72.8, and sharp right curve at 73.1. 75.9 L'ANGE GARDIEN. 77.6 At end of road turn square left with wires, and at 77.9 turn diagonally right. 78.7 Cross wooden bridge and up sharp incline, keeping S.O. at four corners at 81.0. 81.5 ALFRED, Post Office on right. Church on left at 81.6. Keep S.O. at four corners at 82.8 and at end of road 84.6 turn square right. 84.7 Turn left, leaving telephone wires, meeting wires again at 85.6. 86.8 Down grade and curve to left into PLANTAGENET, cross iron bridge at 87.4. Cross small bridge and turn square right passing blacksmith shop on right. 89.8 Keep to right at fork, and at 91.4 avoid connecting road. Proceed under R.R. at 91.8 and avoid con- necting road on left at 92.5. 94.5 WENDOVER, church on left, and Post Office on right at 94.6. 96.1 Left over R.R. then right, and at '96.8 right over R.R. and immediately left. At 97.3 there is sharp descent to bridge, and another sharp descent over wooden bridge at 98.9. Cross R.R. at 99.1 and at 99.7 avoid connecting road on right. 100.9 CLARENCE POINT. Page 138 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 42 The Chateau Laurier OTTAWA. ONT. Situated in the heart of the capital of the Dominion of Canada. 1 16 miles west of Montreal. One of the fin- est hotels on the American Con- tinent. 350 Rooms. European Plan. Rates $2.50 and up. It appeals to the refined. ANGUS GORDON, Resident Manager. 101.3 Keep to right at fork, and at 101.9 avoid left hand road. 103.5 EAST ROCKLAND, Russell House on left. 105.2 Caution R.R. After crossing iron bridge avoid left hand road, and at 105.6 keep to right over rail- waA' and then left, crossing R.R. at 107.5. 108.1 Keep to right at fork and over bridge. 110.4 CUMBERLAND, Commercial Hotel on left. 114.4 Avoid connecting road on left. 116.8 ST. JOSEPH D'ORLEANS. Cross R.R. at 119.7. 119.8 Ottawa, Montreal and Russel Consolidated Road Co. Toll 25c. 123.5 EASTVIEW, church on right. Town Hall on left at 124.2. Cross R.R. at 124.3. 124.5 Cross Cummings Bridges. Post Office on left, and enter Ottawa via Rideau street, 'passing Cha- teau Laurier on right and Union Station on left at 125.8 reaching Post Office just beyond at 125.9 OTTAWA. The Chateau Laurier, opposite Union Depot. Bussell Hotel, Elgin and Sparks Sts. Alexandra Hotel, Bank and Gilmour Sts. Windsor Hotel, Metcalfe and Albert Sts. Ottawa Car Co. Garage, Albert St. Pink & Blaeliburn Garage, Sparks Street. Page 139 ROUTE 43 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 43 — Ottawa to Prescott. 56.5 m. Via South Gloucester, Reid's Mills, Kemptville, Spencerville and Domville. RO.\D Sl'RF'ACE: Good city pavement followed by good macadam for eight miles, over toll road, then five miles old stone road, remainder sand except four miles macadam and concrete at Kemptville, and fair macadam entering Prescott. Reconstruction work may start in 1919. DESCRIPTIOX OF TOUR: A flat countrj^ devoted to the manufacture of cheese, and to ajrriciilture. It forms part of the best route from the Federal capital to Montreal, via Prescott, across the ferrj' to Ogdensburg, then to Malone and Rouses Point. For reverse route see page 192. Via South Gloucester, Reid's Mills; Kemptville, Spencerville et Domville. t'HAl'SSEE: Bon pavage de \-ille suivi de bon macadam sur une distance de huit milles, dans le chemin de peage; cinq milles de \'ieux chemin en pierre, le reste en sable excepte cinq milles de macadam et de beton en arrivant a Kempt- ville, et dassez bon macadam en entrant a Prescott. Le travail de reconstruc- tion doit conimencer en 1919. DESCRIPTION: Un terrain plat consacre principalement k I'agriculture et I'industrie laitiere. C'est une partie de la meilleure route d'Ottawa a Mont- real, ^^a Prescott, en prenant le bateau-passeur pour Ogdensburg, et passant par Malone et Rouses Point. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 192. Mileage. 0.0 OTTAWA, Post Office on right. Proceed along Sparks Street, passing Russell Hotel on left. At 0.4 turn square left along Bank street, and under R.R. at 1.3, passing Lansdowne Park at 2.0. Cross Canal Bridge at 2.2 and bridge over Rideau River at 2.7. 2.8 Toll gate, Ottawa and Gloucester Road Co. Toll 30 cents. 3.3 Cross R.R. 8.1 Toll Gate. 11.7 SOUTH GLOUCESTER, church. 13.3 GREELEY. Keep to right at fork along sand road, turning square right at end of road, 13.4, on to Prescott Road and at 13.8, four corners, square left. Take right curve at 15.0 and left curve at 15.1, and sharp right curve at 16.4. At end of road 16.9 turn square left. 18.2 DAWSON, church on right. Keep S.O. at four corners 18.4, and also at irregular four corners 20.8. 22.9 WEST OSGOOD. Four corners S.O. 24.9 REID'S MILLS. Church on right. At end of road turn square right, avoiding left hand road at 25.0. and turning square left at 25.4. I'n extincteitr Fyr Fyler dans rotre coiture rous (pargnera 15^'c d'assurance. THE CA\ADIA.\ FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 41 rue Bank, Otlaica, Ont. Page 140 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 43 26.1 Four corners turn square right with caution. At 27.9, end of road turn square left and immediately right, keeping straight ahead at four corners 29.5. 30.1 Keep to left at fork, making left curve at 31.7, and turning square right at 32.2. Avoid right hand road at 32.9, and cross R.R. at 33.1, passing Domi- nion Concrete Co. works at 33.2. 33.4 At end of road KEMPTVILLE, turn square left, crossing R.R. at 33.9. Avoid left hand road at 34.1. •At 34.7 cross bridge over R.R. and keep straight on at four corners at 35.5. and also at 36.4. 37.4 Avoid connecting road on right and at 38.4, four corners keep S.O. 38.6 MILLAR'S CORNERS, keep S.O. 40.2 End of road square right, avoiding right hand road at 40.4. 42.8 GROVETON. Four corners S.O., also at 44.4 and 45.8. 46.0 SPENCERVILLE, Church on left. 46.1 Hotel Spencerville and just beyond turn right by Johnson Hotel, passing church at 46.2 and also at 46.3. 47.2 Cross R.R. Spencerville station on right. Town limits. 48.4 Prominent fork left turn, crossing bridge over stream at 48.7 and keeping S.O. at four corners 48.9 and 51.3. 52.4 DOMVILLE, Church on right. Four corners, keep S.O. 55.7 TOWN OF PRESCOTT, limits and exhibition grounds on left. 56.0 Cross R.R. and proceed along Edward street. 56.4 End of road square right along Front street, passing P.O. on left. 56.5 Opposite Merchants Bank turn square left to Cana- dian Customs House and Ogdensburg Ferry 56.6. Motorists must stop and report to Customs. Fare SI. for autos, 10c each for passengers. Boat runs from 6 a.m. till midnight, every hour. Dealers everywhere carry a full line of C. F. M. Supplies, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 41 Bank St.. Ottawa, Ont- Page 141 ROUTE 44 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 44 — Ottawa to Montreal. 125.9 m. via St. Joseph d'Orleans, Cumberland, Wendover, Alfred, L'Ange Ciardien, Hawkesbiiry, Point Fortune, Klgaud, Hudson Heights, Vau- dreull and St. Anne de Bellevue. For reverse route and description see page 135. Via St-Joseph d'Orleans, Cumberland, Wendover, Alfred, L'Ange Gardien, Polnte Fortune, RIgaud, Hudson Heights, Vaudreull et Ste-Anne de Bellevue. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 135, Mileage. 0.0 OTTAWA, Post Office on left, proceed down grade passing Chateau Laurier on left and straight out Rideau St. 1.4 Cross Cummings Bridges, Post Office on right, proceed over R.R. at 1.6. 1.7 EASTVIEW, Town hall on right, and church on left at 2.4. 6.1 Toll gate, toll 25 cents. Cross R.R. at 6.2. 9.1 ST. JOSEPH D'ORLEANS, church. Avoid con- necting road on right at 11.5. 15.5 CUMBERLAND. Hotel on right. Cross bridge at 17.8 and bear to left, crossing R.R. at 18.4 and bearing to right and over R.R. 20.3 Avoid right hand road and cross iron bridge. Proceed with caution over R.R. crossing at 20.7. 21.5 EAST ROCKLAND. Church on left at 21.6. avoid right hand road at 24.0 and bear left at 24.6. 25.0 CLARENCE POINT. Avoid left hand road at 26.2, cross R.R. at 26.8 and wooden bridge at 27.0, crossing second bridge at 28.5. 29.1 Turn right and over R.R., then immediately left, and at 29.8 turn left over R.R. and immediately right. 31.3 WENDOVER, Post Office on left. Church on right at .31.4. Avoid connecting road on right at 33.4 and proceed under R.R. at 34.1, bearing left at 36.1. 38.5 Turn left and cross small bridge opposite black- smith shop on left. Cross iron bridge at 38.6, bearing to right at 39.0, and up grade. Master Vibrator, Spark Coil or Ignition System, will solve your Ignition troubles. THE CANADtAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO, LIMITED, 41 Bank St., Ottawa. Ont. Page 142 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 44 41.2 Turn square right and proceed with telephone wires, turning square left at 41.3 and keeping S.O. at 43.1. 44.3 ALFRED. Church on right. Post office on left at 44.4. 44.9 S.O. at four corners and at 47.1 make sharp descent across wooden bridge. 48.0 Turn diagonally left and square right at 48.3. 50.0 L'ANGE GARDIEN. At 52.8 make sharp left curve and at 53.1 sharp right curve, turning left at 53.8 and crossing R.R. at 54.2. Turn left at next road junction and at 54.5 turn square right. 54.6 L'ORIGNAL. Hotel on right, church on left. At 58.6 pass Riordon Pulp and Paper Mills on left and cross R.R., crossing iron bridge at 59.1 and bearing left into 59.3 HAWKESBURY. King Edward Hotel on left Post Office on left at 59.4, R.R. station on left at 59.5, and church on right at 59.6. Passing under R.R. at 59.9. 64.3 Cross bridge at 66.5 and enter CHUTE AU BLON- DEAU, passing parish church on right, also Post Office on right at 66.8. 71.2 Boundary line between provinces of Ontario and Quebec at Post Office. 71.4 POINT FORTUNE. Church on right. 71.5 Ferry on left connecting with North Shore route to Montreal via Ste. Therese. Cottage Hotel on right. 73.7 . Turn square right and at 74.3 make sharp left curve Avoid right hand road at 76.6 and turn square right at 78.7, crossing R.R. at 78.8 and turning square left at 79.0. 79.1 RIGAUD, Cross bridge and up grade, passing Post Office at 79.2 and Hotel Rigaud on right at 79.3. 81.4 VILLAGE OF DRAGON. Post Office on right. 83.4 CHOISY. Cross R.R. at 85.8. 86.3 HUDSON HEIGHTS. Church on left. Post Of- fice on left at 86.7. 87.4 Chateau de Lac on left. Soyez sur d'avoir un extincteur Fyr Fyter dans votre voiture, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 41 rue Bank, Ottawa, Ont' Page 143 ROUTE 44 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 87.5 HUDSON. Church on right. Cross R.R. at 88.0. 89.1 COMO. Post Office on right. Avoid right hand road at 89.6 and left hand road at 90.2. 91.3 Sharp right turn and bear to left at 93.4. 95.0 VAUDREUIL. Parish church on right. Cross two sets of R.R. with station on left at 91.6, immediately square right. 96.9 Lafleche's Ferry for He Perrot, on left. (Lalonde's ferry at 98.1), Fare 75 cents, or SI return. Taking latter ferry turn left, on leaving ferry passing La- fleche's ferry at 99.5. 99.8 Turn square right, and at 102.0 turn square left, turning to right at 102.3, down incline to Pilon's Ferry at 102.9. 102.9 ST. ANNE DE BELLEVUE. On leaving Pilon's ferry bear right, passing at 103.1 New Clarendon Hotel on left. 103.4 Macdonald College on left. 104.8 BAIE D'URFE, Town Hall on right. 105.8 Square left. 105.9 Sharp curve right. 106.7 Four corners S.O. 108.5 Four corners S.O. 109.1 BEACONSFIELD Town Limits, bear left. 109.6 POINTE CLAIRE, Hotel on right. 111.8 Chateau St. Louis on left. 111.9 VALOIS, SO. 112.5 STRATHMORE, SO. 113.3 Forest and Stream Club on right. 114.3 Liesse Road on left leads to Dorval Jockey Club and St. Laurent. 115.2 DIXIE, Golf Links on left. 115.5 DORVAL, Town Limits. 115.9 SUMMERLEA, SO. 116.3 Bear to right. 117.0 Cross R.R. Lachine Wharf Station on right. Landing for steamers shooting Lachine Rapids. 117.8 LACHINE, Convent on left. Lake St. Louis on right. 118.1 Curve slightly left, (Right hand road across Canal Bridge leads to Montreal via La Salle, Verdun, etc). An Edison Storage Battery will stop all battery troubles. THE CANADIAS FAIRBA\KS-.\tORSE CO. LIMITED, 41 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. Page 144 I TOUR BOOK ROUTE 44 118.3 Cross R.R. and at 118.4 Turn square left. (S.O. is optional route to Montreal West). 118.7 Cross R.R. and electric car tracks and keep S.O. at four corners. 119.0 Right curve, limits of Town of Lachine. 119.4 Right curve under narrow bridge, proceed with caution and sound horn, then bear left. 119.8 Square right turn. 120.0 ST. PIERRE AUX LIENS, Turn square left. 120.3 Cross R.R. and up grade. 120.6 MONTREAL WEST, Town Hall on left bear right. 121.2 Thornhill Hotel on right. S.O. along Upper Lachine Road, becoming Western Avenue. 122.8 Turn right along Prudhomme Avenue and imme- diately left along Crowley Avenue. 122.9 Turn square left along Decarie Boulevard. 123.0 Under R.R. and turn right along Western Avenue.. 123.2 Turn square left, Claremont Avenue. 123.4 Turn square right, Sherbrooke Street. 123.9 Westmount Park. Victoria Hall on right. 124.7 Boundary Westmount and Montreal. 125.3 Montreal Art Gallery on left. 125.5 Turn square right down Peel street, keeping S.O. at four corners (St. Catherine street). 125.9 MONTREAL. Dominion square. Intersection of Dorchester St. PMONE yp 4600 Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Catherine St. East. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St. W., and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Manoe St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. Pour lea voitures Ford, employez t'huile White Star. C'est la aeule huile recommandee par la compagnie Ford. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE Co., LIMITED, 41 rue Bank, Ottawa, Ont. Page 145 ROUTE 45 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 45 — Montreal to Ottawa. 118.6 m. (North Shore Route) Via St. Eustaohe, St. Benoit, St. Andrews, Carillon, Pointe Fortune and liankesbury. ROAD SURFACE: First sixteen miles fair to good macadam, balance with few exceptions, not recommended in wet weather. Excellent scenery. For better route to Pt. Fortune, see page IS-ii and page 215 for optional route to St. Eustaohe via better roads. For reverse route see page 147. Via St-Eustache, St-Benoit, St-.\ndre, Carillon, Pointe Fortune, et Havtkesbury. CHAUSSEE: Les premiers seize milles en assez bon macadam, le reste, sauf quelques exceptions, n'est pas recommandable par temps de pluie. Magnifique paysage. Pour une meilleure route a Pointe Fortune, voir page 135. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 147. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, St. Catherine and Guy Sts., proceed north on Guy St. Curve to left at 0.6 Cote des Xeiges Road, up incline and straight ahead, passing Cote des Xeiges Cemeter\- on right at 1.7. Bear slighth' to left at 2.0 and cross electric tracks and Queen ^Mary's Road at 2.2 and straight ahead. 3.4 Railroad crossing. 3.5 Turn to left. 3.7 Turn to right and pass through old tollgate. 4.6 Four corners straight ahead. Cross R.R. at 5.0. 5.2 ST. LAURENT, College on right, opposite which turn square left along St. Philippe St. 5.4 Square right along Grand Allee de Florence and square left at 5.8. Caution, Cross electric tracks, G.2. 6.3 Turn square right. 8.5 CARTIERVILLE, 4-corners, S.O. and cross Lacha- pelle bridge. 9.0 BORD A PLOUFFE. 9.1 Proceed diagonally left. 9.7 4-corners, turn square right by Hotel. 11.0 At end of road turn square left and immediateh' square right. 11.2 4-corners, turn square left. (S.O. leads to St. Rose square right to Cap St. Martin). 11.4 ST. MARTIN, Parish church on left. 13.2 Turn square right. 16.9 Turn square right, and straight ahead at 4-corners 17.9. En faisant usage de ruts accessoires pour nettoyage rous pouvez entretenir beaucoiip plus facileriient voire coiture en bonne et douce forme. THE CASADIAS FAIRBASKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 41 rue Hank. Ottawa, Ont. Page 14t) I TOUR BOOK ROUTES 45-46 18.7 Cross wooden bridge over ]\Iille Isles River (toll 25c.) 19.0 Turn square left, passing ST. EUSTACHE parish church on left at 19.1. Opposite church turn square right. 19.6 4-corners, turn square left and cross small wooden bridge at 19.7 and turn square right immediately after crossing. 22.1 VILLAGE OF GRANDE FRENIERE. 24.0 VILLAGE OF PETIT BRULE. Avoid connecting road at 24.5. 27.0 Keep to right at Fork, and cross small bridge at 27.6. At end of road turn square left and cross Can. Northern, right of way at 29.9. 30.0 ST. BENOIT. Avoid connecting roads at 30.2 and 31.8. 34.6 Sharp down grade. 35.0 At end of road (opposite wayside shrine) turn square right. Lake of Two Mountains now in view on left. 36.5 ST. PLACIDE. 40.0 Steep incline. Cross small iron bridge at 44.4 and straight ahead at 4-corners just bej'ond. 44.5 ST. ANDREWS. 44.8 Bear left, and left over large iron bridge at 45.0 proceeding straight ahead at center of three roads just beyond 45.1. 45.8 Turn square right passing church at corner on left. 47.1 CARILLON, turn left down to ferry landing (hotel on left hand corner) and signal for ferry to POINT FORTUNE, fare 75c. For Ottawa re-set odometer at 54.4 and follow route 42 page 138. Route 46 — Ottawa to Montreal. 118.6 m. Via Hawkesbiiry, Pt. Fortune, Carillon, St. Andrews, St. Benoit and St. Eustache. For reverse route and description of tour see page 146. Follow route 44 to 71.2 and re-set odometer. Via Hawkesbury, Pointe Fortune, Carillon, St-Andre, St-Benoit et St-Eustache. Pour la mcme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 146. Mileage. 74.1 POINT FORTUNE, Turn square left to Ferry Landing, immediately after passing general store on left. Cross Ottawa River (Ferry charge 75c.) to CARILLON, up incline and turn square right, at Hotel on right 74.3. Page 147 ROUTE 46 gUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 75.4 At Church on right, turn square left. 76.2 Keep to right over large Iron Bridge and turn right. 76.8 ST. ANDREWS, 4-corners straight ahead, and cross small iron bridge at 76.9 and down grade. 84.9 ST. PLACIDE. 86.1 Turn square left, opposite wayside shrine, and up grade at 86.8, avoiding connecting roads at 89.5 and 91.1. 91.2 ST. BENOIT. 91.3 Cross C.N. Ry., right of way and turn square right at 93.5, straight ahead over C. N. Ry., right of way and cross small bridge at 93.6. 94.1 Keep to left. 96.6 Avoid connecting road and pass through VILLAGE OF PETIT BRULE 97.3. 99.2 VILLAGE OF GRANDE FRENIERE. 101.4 Turn left and over small bridge, and thence square right at irregular 4-corners just beyond 101.5. 102.0 At end of road opposite ST. EUSTACHE Parish Church, turn square left, (see page 217 for better . route into Montreal), and thence square right at 102.1. 102.2 Cross wooden bridge spanning ]Mille Isles River (toll 25c.). 103.2 4-corners, straight ahead. 104.2 Turn square left at end of road. 104.7 Avoid connecting road on right. 107.8 At end of road turn square left. 109.7 ST. MARTIN, Parish Church on right. 109.9 4-corners square right. 110.1 At end of road, turn square left, and square right at next road just beyond. 111.4 Turn square left. 112.0 BORD A PLOUFFE. 112.2 Fork keep to right. 112.3 Cross Lachapelle bridge. 112.8 CARTIERVILLE, 4-corners, straight ahead. 115.0 End of road square left. 115.1 Caution, Cross Electric Railway, and turn square right at 115.4 along Grande Allee de Florence. 116.0 Square left opposite Electric car station marked "Grand Trunk", and at end of road 116.2 square right and cross R.R. An engine Tire Pump will save you many weary hours pumping up your tires. THE CANADIAN FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St., .Montreal. Page 14S TOUR BOOK ROUTE 46 116.6 Four corners, at Eace Course S.O. (See Note A for return via Outremont) . 117.6 Pass old toll gate and immediately square left.' 117.8 Turn square right and cross R.R. at 117.9. 119.1 Queen IMarj^'s road, straight ahead over electric tracks and bear to left along Cote des Neiges Road passing Cote des Xeiges Cemetery on left at 119.6. Straight ahead over hill and down grade curving to right at 120.7 and into Guy Street. 121.3 MONTREAL, Intersection of St. Catherine and Guy Sts. Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 4.36 St. Catherine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St. W., and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Mance St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. LIMOUSINES TOUPIMO CAPS Note "A". 0.0 4-corners, at Race Course, square left along Liesse Road, and just beyond 0.1. (From 0.1 to 0.8 is likely to be under construction in 1919, if so proceed S.O. from 0.1 along Liesse Road, turning square right along Rockland Ave., at 1.4)., turn diagonally right, leaving phone wires, at fork along Graham Road, thru Tunnel City properties (sand roads). 0.8 Square left and immediately curve right. 1.1 Crossing R.R. and just bej'ond turn square right, slight curve to right at 1.3, and curve diagonally left awa}' from tunnel entrance. 2.0 4-Corners, take road to right (Rockland Ave.), crossing R.R. double set of tracks at 2.2 jbj^ Outre- mont Freight sheds, and S.O. 2.9 City Hall, OUTREMONT, square left for City. 3.5 S.O. on St. Catherine Road, away from car track. 3.8 Left along Mt. Royal Ave. 3.9 Park Ave. Pour couvertures de siege, paillassons, livres et autres accessoires d'auto voyez THE CANADIA\ FAIRBA\KS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 149 ROUTE 47 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Hotels VERMONT and VAN NESS BURLINGTON, Vt. The Ideal Hotels for Motorists HOTEL VERMONT, American Plan, the largest and most modern hotel in Vermont. Fireproof Construction. Appoint- ments first class in all details. No inside rooms. Roof garden with magnificent views of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains Unexcelled table and service. HOTEL VAN NESS, European Plan. Modern and up-to-date and noted for its very comfortable appointments and Home-like atmosphere. A la carte service in a beautiful Roof Garden over- looking Lake Champlain. First class cuisine and service. Club breakfasts. Dancing every night. New Fireproof Garage in connection with both hotels UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT MAX L. POWELL, Proprietor. JOHN HARDING, Manager. Route 47 — Montreal to Burlington. 105.7 m. via King Edward Highway to Rouses Point, Chazy Landing Ferry, St. Anne's Camp and tlie North and South Hero Islands. ROAD SmFACE: Macadam and gravel in good condition. DESCRIPTION OF TOL'R: Over the King Edward Highway to Rouses Point, and then along the shore of Lake Champlain to Chazy Landing. After crossing on the new steam ferry capacity 15 touring cars — propelled by 2 Sterling Motors 110 h.p. the tourist reaches St. Anne's Camp, where Champlain landed in July 1609, and Avhere the French built Fort St. Anne in 1666. This is now a shrine of St. Anne, and the fourteen stations of the cross mark the sites of old houses built within the fortifications. The famous Isle La Motte was the gate- way to the country and many warlike expeditions passed through here, while famous men like Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase, and Bishop John Carroll visited it in 1776. Many Presidents of the United States have ^-isited the site of the old fort, and the piers of Brooklyn Bridge, X.Y., and of Victoria Bridge. Montreal were quarried from the black marble quarry here. North Hero and South Hero are famous beauty spots and there is good hotel accommodation there and at Grand Isle and Burlington. Follow route 49 giving running directions from Montreal to Rouses Point, page 159. For reverse route see page 155. Page L50 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 47 Via le boulevard Edouard VII jusqira Rouses Point, C'hazy Landing, St. Anne's Camp, et les iles Hero. CHAUSSEE: Macadam et gravier en bonne condition. DESCRIPTION: On suit le boulevard Edouard VU jusciu u Rouses Point et de la le lac Champlain jusqu'a Chazy Landing. Le bateau-passeur pent prendre quinze automobiles; il est md par deux moteurs Sterling cle 110 chcvaux. Le touriste debarque a St. Anne's Camp oil Champlain est delwrque en 1609, et ou les Fraucais batircnt le fort Ste-Anne en 1606. Cost maintenant une chapelle et les quatorze stations du chemin de la Croix marciuent oil se trouvaicnt les quatorze maisons a I'interieur du fort. La fanieuse lie de La Motte etait la clef du pays et plusieurs expeditions guerrieres y passerent. Parmi les hommes celebres qui y ont sejourne en 1776 sont Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Chase et I'eveque John Carroll. Plusieurs presidents des Etats-Unis ont visite cet empla- cement du vieux fort. Les piliers du pont de Brooklyn et ceux du pont Victoria de Montreal, sont de pierre provenant des carrieres de cette ilc. North Hero et South Hero sont deux Iles dignes de mention par la beaute du site. Bon accom- modation aux hotels, de meme qu'a Grand Isle et Burlington. Suivez la route 49 donnant la direction de Montreal a Rouses Point, page 159. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 155. Mileage. 0.0 ROUSES POINT; Post Office and Custom House oa right. F.W. ]\l3'ers & Co. (Holland House on the left). Straight through village along shore of Lake Cham- plain, curving right at 3.8, crossing R.R. at station 4.7. 5.0 COOPERSVILLE, P.O. 4-corners, turn left crossing draw bridge. Follow macadam to 6.8 4 — corners, turn left, following macadam. Cross R.R. at station 9.5. 9.9 CHAZY; 3-corners at top of slight grade. Church on right, turn left on macadam. (See sign board on the right in the turn ''3m. to Chazj^ Landing Ferry"). 12.8 End of road, lake shore, turn left and at 13.0 turn right on CHAZY LANDING FERRY DOCK. Boat runs on signal, during hours of daylight. Fare, car and driver $L00, passengers 25c each, children free; maximum charge $2.00. At top of bank where ferry lands turn sharp left on good gravel road along shore of ISLE LA MOTTE, YT. SEE OPTIONAL ROUTE NOTE "A". 13.7 Brightview Cottage on right. 13.9 ST. ANNE'S CAMP. 14.1 This' was the landing place of Samuel de Champlain July 2, 3 and 4, 1609; and the site of Old Fort Sainte Anne built bj^ the French in 1666. 14.4 Turn on right-hand road, up-grade. 14.5 Monument on right; bear right. 15.3 End of road, turn left. Engine Valves kept clean and properly ground will save you gasoline, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 151 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE CfiAZy LANDING AUTOMOBILE FERRy W. N. SWEET, Owner - - Chazy, N.Y. CHAZY LANDING TO NEW YORK ISLE La MOTTE VERMONT Connecting the great Trunk Highways of New England with New- York State and Canada via Lake Champlain. Direct route between BurHngton and all New England points and Plattsburg, Montreal, Adirondacks, Malone, Potsdam, Ogdensburg, Thousand Islands and western points. He in service a fine, large, new boat, that will carry fifteen touring cars. Runs on signal during hours of daylight. A tour of the Islands of Lake Champlain can be had via this route. This is considered by tourists one of the beauty spots of the world. SCHEDULE OF RATES 1st. Automobile, one way, $1.00 for car and driver. 25c for each passenger. Total charge not to exceed $2.00. 2nd. Trip tickets issued in books of six, on sale at the Ferry. Price of books, $6.00. Good until used. Each ticket is good for passage one way for automobile, driver and passengers. Srd. Motorcycles, 75c for machine and owner. If special trip is made, 25c for each extra passenger. If carried upon the trip with other vehicles or passengers, 50c for each machine and driver, 25c for each passenger. Page 152 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 47 Cross stone fill and draw bridge onto Alburgh Tongue. 16.3 3-corners; turn right, passing a small cemetery on the left, follow along lake shore. Avoid left hand road 16.7 and 16.8. 18.0 3-corners bej'ond slight grade. Turn sharp left around house. 19.0 Cross R.R. at Isle La Motte Station on left. 19.3 End of road, turn right. 19.4 Turn left across long iron bridge onto North Hero Island. 19.7 Turn right around house, follow lake shore. 21.7 End of road at lake shore; turn right along shore. 25.3 NORTH HERO P. O. on right. Straight through along shore. (North Hero is the county seat of Grand Isle County and is a natural beauty spot.) Avoid right turn 25.9. 28.8 Cross long iron bridge over the Gut. 29.3 End of road, turn right with poles. Avoid road at 30.8. 32.1 GRAND ISLE. 4-corners, straight through. (The left-hand road leads to Island Villa). Follow fine gravel road and cross R.R. at 36.4. 37.8 SOUTH HERO P.O. 37.9 End of road, turn left across R.R. at station. 38.5 4-corners, straight through. (South Hero Inn on the right, one of the beauty spots, good accommoda- tion). 39.5 End of road, turn right, crossing Sand Bar, unto the mainland. This road is narrow, watch for "turn- out" when about to meet vehicles. 41.4 Cross SAND BAR BRIDGE. (This bridge is very narrow; be careful about approaching vehicles). Built ia 1829 SOUIH HERO INN The Gem of the Island JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR— SOUTH HERO, Vt. On the "White Mountains" route. Page 153 ROUTE 47 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 43.7 Fork, farmhouse on left; turn right. Curve left 44.9 and right 45.3, cros.sing long iron bridge. Curve left up-grade 45.4. 45.7 4-corners, proceed straight through. 45.9 Curve right and 46.0 curve left. 47.5 End of road at brick chimney, turn right. Curve right at 48.2. 50.5 Turn right. 50.6 Fork, bear right. 51.9 End of road, turn left along shore of Mallett's Ba3\ 52.9 Bear left and then right. 53.4 Bear right. 54.7 Bear left. 55.3 Left-hand road, turn left with gravel. 56.2 End of road, turn left. 56.3 4-corners, turn right. 56.9 Curve right and then left. 57.3 Curve left and cross covered bridge, curving sharp right up-grade, onto macadam. 57.9 Curve left. 59.1 Follow trolley tracks along Xorth Ave. 60.7 Keep straight ahead where tracks turn left. 60.9 End of Ave. at park, turn left. 61.0 Turn right around park. 61.1 Stone water-trough on right, turn left on Pearl St. 61.3 Turn right on St. Paul St. 61.7 BURLINGTON; Main & St. Paul Sts. (Xew Sher- wood). Note "A" OPTIONAL ROUTE Where ferrv lands proceed straight ahead, up-grade 13.9 4-corners, turn left. ISLE LA MOTTE P.O. on right. Isle La Motte is noted for its fine fruit. Lunch obtainable at the Hill House. 14.8 Bear left. 15.5 Straight ahead, avoiding left turn. Reset odometer, to 15.3. Prenez tin service extra de hoiigiet d'allitmage Bethlehem arec roitg THE CANADIAy FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO.. LIMITED, 84-98 rue Sl-Antoine. Montreal. Page 154 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 48 CIAL G FDRD CARS We carry the most complete assortment of accessories and parts for Ford cars. We invite your correspondence. DEALERS:— WRITE FOR No. 9 CATALOG. "piE^i(f^^y(S)(^@l@i^§yppLY @« (LA CIE RENAUD D'ACCESSOIRES DAUTOMOBILES 326, St. Catherine St. East. MONTREAL Route 48 — Burlington to Montreal. 105.7 m. Via the Hero Islands, Grand Isle, Chazy Landing Ferry, Kouses Point and the King Edward Highway. For reverse route and description of tour see page 150. Via les lies Hero, Grand Isle, Chazy Landing, Rouses Point et le boulevard Edouard VII. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 150. Mileage. 0.0 BURLINGTON. Leave Main and St. Paul Sts. start north on St. Paul St. (New Sherwood). 0.3 Pearl St., turn left. 0.5 End of street, stone water-trough ahead, turn right and the next left around park. 0.7 Turn right on North Ave. Avoid right-hand road at Fork. 0.9 Join troUej' from right, and follow tracks. 2.5 Fork, keep to left. 3.7 Stone water-trough in fork, bear right with macadam. 4.2 Through covered bridge, now gravel road. 5.2 4-corners, turn left with gravel. (See guide board in the turn on the right, "Chaz}' Landing Ferry 42m.") 5.4 Right-hand road, turn right with gravel. 6.3 End of road, turn right along shore of Mallett's Bay. Avoid left-hand road 6.9. 8.2 Fork, bear left. (See guide board in turn on the right "Chazy Landing Ferry 39m.") 9.6 Right-hand road, turn right. 11.0 Left-hand road, turn left up-grade. 11.1 Keep straight ahead, avoiding right-hand road. 14.1 Left-hand road at brick chimnev A set of Weed Chains in your tool box is a necessity. THE CANADIAN FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO, LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 155 ROUTE 48 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 15.5 Curve right. 15.8 4-corners; straight through. 16.3 Turn sharp right and cross long iron bridge; curving left and then right. 17.9 Curve left and cross Sand Bar. This road is narrow, watch for "turn-out" when about to meet vehicles. 20.2 Cross SAND BAR BRIDGE. (This bridge is very narrow; be careful about approaching vehicles). 22.1 Left-hand road; turn left. 23.1 SOUTH HERO; 4-corners. Straight through. (South Hero Inn on the left, good accommodation.) 23.7 3-corners, just beyond R.R. crossing at South Hero Station, turn right. 25.2 Keep slightly to the right across R.R. 29.5 GRAND ISLE; 4-corners, straight through. (Right hand road leads to Island Villa). 32.3 Fork; bear left with poles. 32.6 Cross long iron bridge onto North Hero Island. 33.7 Avoid left hand road. 36.2" NORTH HERO. Straight through. (North Hero is the county seat of Grand Isle County and is a natural beauty spot). 36.5 Fork, bear right. 36.9 Turn left. 38.8 Avoid left fork. 39.9 Left-hand road, turn sharp left. 41.9 Left-hand road, turn sharp left across long iron bridge onto Alburgh Tongue. 42.2 End of road; turn square right. 42.3 Left-hand road, turn left. 42.6 Cross R.R. at Isle La Motte Station. 43.6 End of road on shore of lake; turn sharp right around house. Avoid right forks at 44.8 and 44.9. 45.3 .3-corners; turn left across fill onto Isle La JNIotte. 46.4 Right-hand road, turn square right. SEE OPTIONAL ROUTE NOTE "A". 47.3 Pind of road at monument, turn left along shore. 47.4 This was the landing place of Samuel de Champlain July 2, 3, and 4, 1609; and the site of old Fort Sainte Anne built bv the French in 1666. Les marchancia de partout tiennent line ligne complete d'accessoirea C. F. M. THE C.WADIAX FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 8-t-9>i rue St-Anloine. Montreal. Page 1.56 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 48 47.6 ST. ANNE'S CAMP on the left. Follow along lake shore to 48.7 End of road, turn sharp right onto CHAZY LAND- ING FERRY DOCK. Boat runs on signal during the hours of daylight. Fare, ear and driver SI. 00, passengers 25c. each, children free; maximum charge $2.00. Straight out from ferry landing turning first left at 48.8. 48.9 Right-hand road, turn right onto macadam. 50.4 Avoid fork at left, follow macadam. 51.4 Avoid fork at right, follow macadam. 51.8 CHAZY, N.Y. End of road, brick church ahead, turn square right. Cross R.R. at 52.2. Follow macadam to 54.9 4-corners; turn right. Follow macadam to 56.7 COOPERS VILLE. 4-corners just beyond draw- bridge over Big Chaz}- River, turn square right. 57.0 Cross R.R. at station. 57.9 Curve left along lake shore. Follow macadam straight to 61.7 ROUSES POINT; (Holland House on the right). Post Office, Custom House, F.W. Myers & Co., Custom House Brokers, on the left. All motorists must stop and report. Follow route 58 page 179 for running directions over King Edward Highway to ^lontreal. Place Viger Hotel, Yiger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Catherine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St. W., and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Mance St., just above .Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. LIMOUSINES TOUPlMqCAPS Note "A" OPTIONAL ROUTE. 46.4 Avoid right turn and proceed straight ahead. 47.1 Bear right. 48.0 ISLE LA MOTTE P.O. on left; 4-corners. turn right. (Isle La ]\Iotte is noted for its fine 'fruit. Lunch obtainable at the Hill House). 49.0 Straight down the bank onto the CHAZY LANDING FERRY DOCK. Reset odometer to 48.7. Page 1.57 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Lee Tires Five Thousand (5,000) Miles guarantee against Puncture. Five Thousand guaranteed Miles of motoring free from that bugbear: "Shall we have tire trouble?" The Lee Pneumatic Puncture Proof Tire since its manufacture in Canada, bears a price which makes its use an economy. To be obtained by motorists from all reputable garages and dealers. Veedol Veedol is called "The Lubricant that resists heat". Think carefully just what that phrase means — there are lubricants which do not resist heat and are con- sequently cheaper to buy. But for use, for service, and for its effect within the cylinders of the internal combustion engine of auto- mobile, motorboator aeroplane, Veedol isthe cheapest lubricant that can be obtained. The cost of a cylinder oil is to be measured by its lubricating value andonthis basis Veedol is the choice of the experienced Motorist. SPECIALISTS IN AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT John Mii-len & Son, Limited MONTREAL TORONTO Page lob TOUR BOOK ROUTE 49 Accessoires de Ford Nous avons I'assortiiinnit le plus coniplot d'accossoires de Ford '^^^^iy ainsi que de pieces de rechanjje. ^" Deniandez notre Catalogue No 9 li [^lE(i^ayiO)[^@I@(R 3yp>!p>LY (@), LA CIE RENAUD DACCESSOIRES D' AUTOMOBILES) 326, rue Ste-Catherine Est. MONTREAL Route 49 — Montreal to Plattsburg. 69.4 m. For reverse route and description of tour see page 177. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 177. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Victoria square. Queen Victoria Monument on right, West on St. James street turning left down Inspector street at 0.2 and right along Notre Dame street with car tracks at 0.3, turning square left down ^Murray Street 0.5, and to right along Smith street, across Gallery Square to Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal. 1.2 Four corners. Turn square left on Bridge Street, passing Plague ^lonument on right at 1.7. 1.9 VICTORIA BRIDGE, Toll 25c. for car and driver, 5 cents each person. At end of Bridge 3.3. give up toll tickets, and at 3.4 turn square right, passing Country Club on left at 4.1, and turning square left on King Edward Highway at 4.2. THE WITHERILL HOTEL | PLATTSBURG, N.Y. j ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN I 1 A delightful day's trip from Montreal over splendid roads. I This hotel has been rebuilt and improved by new fire-proof addition, | elevator, a new Grill room opened this year and Garage • in connection. f WM. H. HOWELL, - Prop. | Page 159 ROUTE 49 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 8.7 LA PRAIRIE. End of dyke road, square left, and immediately after square right, turning left again at 8.8. passing church on left, and crossing R.R. at 9.5 and Kempton Park Racecourse at 9.9 on right. 10.6 Curve to right and at 10.9 cross first railroad built in Canada running from La Prairie to St. Johns, P.Q. 14.5 ST. PHILIPPE, church on right, and at 14.8 cross R.R. (station on right). 18.0 Curve left over concrete bridge and then right. 20.6 ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR turn square right, (Road on left leads to St. John), 22.1 Irregular four corners bear left, crossing R.R. at 24.8. 26.1 DOUGLAS CORNERS. Caution sharp curve to left. Cross R.R. at 27.7, curving to right over con- crete bridge at 28.1 and enter at 28.3 NAPIERVILLE, passing King Edward Hotel on left. 34.5 Cross R.R. 36.3 LACOLLE. Canadian Customs on right. All motorists must stop and report. 36.7 Road on left leads to Swanton, Alburg and Cla- renceville. 36.8 Cross R.R. 39.0 ODELTOWN, Church on" right. Keep to right at fork 39.5. 41.2 End of King Edward Highway. International Boundary U.S. and Canada. Turn square left along State road, making sharp right curve at 42.4. crossing R.R. at 43.4, and immediately after at four corners turn left, crossing R.R. at 43.6, passing Hotel Montgomerv on right, and turning square right at 43.9 into ROUSES POINT. 44.0 Myers Building on right. U.S. Customs. All motorists must stop and report. Holland House on left. S.O. I TOURISTS from CANADA to the UNITED STATES | I must report at U.S. Custom House, Rouse's Point, N.Y. f I I I OPPOSITE I I HOLLAND HOLSE i I Rooms with bath. Telephone in Rooms. I 1 Best of service and food. Garage connected. I I Good bass fishing. Open all the year. | i AFTERNOON TEA. — ICE CREAM PARLOR. |. I J. O. GOYETTE. Prop. C. L. GILLICK. Mgr. I Page 160 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 49 MODERN FIREPROOF HOTEL CHAMPLAIN AND COTTAGES Bluff Point, Clinton Co., X. Y. Fronting on Lake Champlain American Plan Located on the Empire Tou rs JOSEPH p. GREAVES, Manager 44.7 48.8 49.4 52.2 53.6 54.1 59.7 63.2 65.1 65.3 68.1 68.4 69.4 S.O. Following shore road. (Road on right leads to Champlain). Cross R.R. at 48.5 and at four corners 48.7 turn left across iron bridge. COOPERSVILLE. Turn left across small bridge, and then square right, crossing another small bridge at 50.6 and left at next four corners. ^liner's Farm. Cross R.R. at 53.2. CHAZY. Church on right. (Road on left leads to Chazy Landing ferry) bear right at fork just beyond. Cross R.R. and at four corners 59.0 turn square right crossing R.R. at 59.4 station on right. WEST CHAZY. Four corners turn left. BEEKMANTOWN. Four corners turn left and at 63.5 use caution at right curve. EAST BEEKMANTOWN. Culver Hill ^Monument on right. Curve left and immediately turn square right. Turn square left Bailey Ave. and at 68.7, turn square right along ]Montcalm Ave. and at 69.1 on meeting trolley turn left on Cornelia St. and square right on ]\Iargaret St. PLATTSBURG, ^^largaret and Bridge Streets. The Witherlll Hotel, Margaret Street. Hannan & Henry Garage, Margaret Street. Hotel Champlain, Bluff Point. A Fyr Fyter Extinguisher on your car will save 15''^ of your insurance. THE CAyADIA\ FAIRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 161 ROUTE 50 (^'EBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 50 -Plattsburg to Lake George. 121.9 m. Via BlufT Point, Ausable Chasm, Keesville, Elizabethtown and Schroon Lake, with nptionai routes via Peru and Lewis. ROAD SURFACE: All state macadaiu. For reverse route see page 174. Via BlufT Point, Ausable Chasm, Keesville, Elizabethtown et Schroon Lalie, avec routes via Peru ou Lewis, au choix. CHAl'SSEE: Tout en macadam des routes nationales. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 174. Mileage. 0.0 PLATTSBURG. From Cornelia St. south on Mar- garet St., turn left into Bridge St., 0.1, cross bridge and turn right into Charlotte St., 0.2, at Govern- ment Reservation left fork 1.0, cross railroad 2.6, through BLUFF POINT, 3.5. Hotel Champlain on left. Cross railroad 8.6, cross bridge 10.4, cross rail- road 13.0, turn right at AUSABLE CHASM 13.1. (For Port Kent turn left). Down hill, turn right across bridge 13.4, cross railroad at station 13.6, pass church in DEER'S HEAD INN and COTTAGES ELIZABETHTOWN, New York. An up-to-date hotel for people who desire the best, Steam heat, fireplaces and private baths with every two rooms in main house. Newly furnished. New Dining Room extension and Grill. American and European plan. Open air sleeping porches. Six Acres of attractive flower and vegetable gardens. 1 iiic orchestra. Dancing every evening. Fine cuisine. New Garage, fireproof construction, fully equipped, competent mechanic. Emergency car. Information Bureau. Official Hotel for all Touring Clubs. Finest Golf Course in the mountains. Fine Tennis Courts. Season May-November. Annex open entire year. Express and Telegraph office and long distance Telephone. BENJAMIN F. STETSON, Proprietor. Page 102 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 50 Modern FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL Fireprocf LAKE GEORGE. N. Y. Conducted on European Plan Exclusively. Concrete Garage. CHARLES A. DOUGLASS. Manager. 15.0 KEESEVILLE. Bear right 15.3, right fork 20.8, thru CLINTONVILLE 21.3. Cross railroad 25.1, cross railroad 25.3, cross railroad 25.6, end of road turn left across railroad and long bridge in AUSABLE FORKS 26.8. Follow main road along river thru JAY 32.7. Turn left across bridge in UPPER JAY 36.3. Bear right 36.4, cross bridge and bear left at hotel in KEENE -42.6. Cross bridge and turn left in KEENE CENTRE 44.6. Cross bridge 52.0, cross bridge and bear right 52.5, bear right across bridge 53.7, right fork 54.0, turn left 54.5, end of road opposite Deer's Head Inn turn right in. TOURISTS WILL FIND THE ELIZABETHTOWN, N. Y. U. S. A. A good stopping place situated in the heart of the picturesque Adirondacks. Five hours ride^from Montreal; arrange your week end tour so as to give us a visit. :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: First class board. Reasonable rates. All modern improvements. Running spring Water. Golf, Tennis and Fishing. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Open from May 1st to Dec. 1st. Special atten- tion given to Motor parties. :: :: :: :: :: H. J. FRIGON. Proprietor. Long Distance Phone, 63 W. ELIZABETHTOWN, N.Y. Page 163 ROUTE 50-51 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 55.0 ELIZABETHTOWN. Straight on thru NEW RUSSIA 58.8. Pass road on left 74.0. (To Port Henry). Cross bridge in NORTH HUDSON 74.1. Straight on thru SCHROON RIVER 76.6. Pass road on left 82.9. (To Ticonderoga). Straight on thru. 85.5 SCHROON LAKE. The New Leland House. Straight on thru SOUTH SCHROON 88.6 and POTTERSVILLE 94.9. End of road turn left 99.8. (For Long Lake turn right). End of road at hotel turn right in CHESTERTOWN 103.7. Straight on thru WARRENSBURG 115.7. Cross bridge 116.6, pass road on left 121.4. (To Sagamore) straight on to Court House in 121.9 LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. Fort William Henry Hotel. Route 51 — Lake George to Albany. 72.0 m. Via Luzerne, Saratoga and Latham Corners, with optional routes via Glens Falls and Troy. ROAD SURFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 172. Via Luzerne, Saratoga, et Latham Corners, avec le cholx entre Glens Falls et Troy. CHAL'SSEE: Route nationale macadamisec. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 1<2. Mileage. 0.0 LAKE GEORGE. (Note A— For Saratoga via Glens Falls.) Go south on main road, bear right 0.2, cross trolley 1.2, turn right under trolley 1.6, follow main road, across bridge and bear right 8.4. turn right 11.9, cross bridge 12.2, turn right 12.4, cross bridge 12.5, turn left 12.8, under railroad and turn right across bridge in For Seat Covers, Matting, Books, and other Auto Supplies, see THE CANADIAS FAIRBASKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 164 i TOUR BOOK ROUTE 51 13.0 LUZERNE. Follow main road at monument turn right in CORINTH. Left fork 18.4, left fork, 18.6, cross railroad 18.7, cross bridge 20.3. cross railroad, straight on 20.7, left fork 22.4, cross bridge 25.1, caution — under railroad and bear right 25.6, bear left 25.7, cross bridge 28.9, cross railroad 29.4, bear left 29.8, cross bridge 30.1, bear right 32.3, Cross railroad 32.6, straight on into Church St., turn right into Broadway 32.8, to 33.0 SARATOGA. '^United States Hotel." "Ketchums Garage." Straight on across bridge 36.5, thru cross roads 38.0, caution-curve 38.1, thru cross roads 39.2, at hotel bear left 40.9, bear left 42.7. Cross bridge 42.9, follow main road; across railroad into Saratoga Ave., 48.9, at end of street turn right 49.1, follow trolley thru 49.5 MECHANICSVILLE. M.G. Moon Garage. Cau- tion-curve 50.7, cross railroad 50.8 and 51.7, cross trollej" 53.1, cross railroad 53.3, cross trolley 55.2 and 55.4. Cross railroad 57.5, follow trolley 3rd St., turn right in WATERFORD 58.0. (Note B.— For Albany via Troy.) Turn right, across bridge 58.1, bear left across bridge 58.3, cross bridge into Saratoga Ave., 59.5, turn right and across railroad 59.8, thru cross roads at 59.9 COHOES. Kennedys Garage. Cross bridge and bear left 60.0, at once turn right under railroad and at station bear left, turn right into Younglove Ave., 60.2, turn left into Walnut St., 60.6, one block turn right into Columbia St., following trolley straight on, leave trolley 60.9, at three corners bear left 61.6, cross bridge 62.1, at once bear right on macadam, caution-turn left 63.3, straight on cross trolley in 64.4 LATHAM CORNERS. Follow main road thru NEWTONVILLE 66.2, and LOUDONVILLE 68.0. Down hill, turn right into parkway 69.6, over rail- road 70.0, bear left, bear right into Northern Blvd., turn left into Washington Ave., 71.0, follow trolley pass State Capitol, bear right into State St., to Pearl St., in Le Vibrateur Master et la bobine dii systeme d'allumage oil d'ignition mettront fin a tons vos troubles resultant de I'ignition. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue Sl-Antpine, Montreal. Page 165 ROUTE 51 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 72.0 ALBANY. N.Y. The Ten Eyck. Albany Garage. Note A— lor SARATOGA via GLENS FALLS. At 0.0 LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. From Court House, go south on main road, follow trolley, cross trolley 0.9, 2.1 and 7.8, straight on thru 9.0 GLENS FALLS. Rockwell House. Glens Falls Auto Co., Just beyond park right fork 9.1, follow trolley, across canal and bridge over Hudson River 9.4. Straight on thru SOUTH GLENS FALLS. turn right 10.0, follow macadam thru WILTON 20.5. Bear left across trolley, cross trolley 25.2, cross railroad into Maple Ave., 27.8, turn right, one block turn left into Broadwaj^ 28.2, four blocks to Congress Sq., in 28.7 SARATOGA, N.Y. (Connect Main route, mileage 33.0) Note B.— For ALBANY via TROY. At 58.0 WATERFORD. Turn left, straight on over rail- road 58.1, cross bridge over Hudson River 58.2, turn right into 2nd Ave., 58.4, turn left into 1st Ave., 60.9, at church turn left into 5th Ave., turn right into Rensselear St., 61.7, turn left into 5th Ave., 61.8, turn right into Broadway 62.6, at monument bear left in 62.8 TROY. Rensselear Inn, Troy Auto Exchange. Straight on, turn right into River St., across bridge over Hudson River 62.9, cross railroad 63.6, follow main road to 66.1 LATHAM CORNERS. (Turn left, and connect main route, mileage 64.6). To replace that worn bearing, ask for an S. K. F. Ball Hearing that will run even if the axle is bent. THE CANADIA.W FAIliBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 St. Antoine St., Montreal. Page 166 TOUR BOOK The Showing new addition opened in 1917. Ten Eyck ALBANY, N. Y. A. H. RENNIE, Manager. These palatial hotels are thoroughly modern and fireproof and conducted entirely on the European plan. Under the direction of FREDERIC W. ROCKWELL Both Hotels on Empire Tours Th( Onondaga SYRACUSE, N.Y. j0^ PROCTOR C. WELCH, Manager. Page 167 ROUTE 52 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 52— Albany to Poughkeepsie. 75.7 m. via Stiiyvesant Falls, Hudson and Rhineberk. ROAD SURFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 171. Via Stuyvesant Falls, Hudson et Rhinebeok. C'HAUSSEE: Route nationale muradamisee. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 171. Mileage. 0.0 ALBANY. From State St., south on Pearl St., follow trolley, turn left into Westerlo St., 0.4, turn right into Broadway 0.7, two blocks, turn left, across bridge over Hudson River, end of bridge turn right into Broadway in RENSSELAER 1.1. Two blocks, turn left, follow trolley on Columbia St., .cross trolley 1.5, over railroad 1.7 and 1.9 caution- cross railroad 2.8, straight on thru EAST GREEN- BUSH 5.6. Left fork in SCHODACK CENTRE 7.5. Cross two bridges 8.2, right fork 8.7. (For Pittsfield left fork). Caution-under railroad 14.4, left fork 17.6, turn right before railroad in VALATIE 18.8. Pass green in KINDERHOOK 20.5. Bear left 22.0, cross railroad 22.7, right fork in 23.7 STUYVESANT FALLS. Bear left 24.2, bear right down hill 27.2, cross bridge 27.5, bear right 27.7, straight on thru STOTTVILLE 29.6. Left fork 29.9, over railroad 32.3, pass water-trough 32.5. Straight on Prospect Ave., bear left into Worth Ave., in 33.4 HUDSON. At large barn turn left 36.0, right fork 38.9 Straight on thru LIVINGSTON 41.5 BLUE STORES 44.8 and CLERMONT 46.6. Bear right in UPPER RED HOOK 51.1. Straight on thru RED HOOK 53.9. Cross railroad 54.5, follow main road thru RHINEBECK 59.3. Bear left 59.7, thru STATTSBURG 65.3 and HYDE PARK 69.4. Over railroad 74.5, under railroad 75.2, straight on Washington St., turn left into Main St. one block to City Hall in 75.7 POUGHKEEPSIE. Page 168 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 53 Route 53 — Poughkeepsie to New York. 73.8 m. Via Fishidll, Peekskill, Ossining, Tarrytown and Yonkers. ROAD SURFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 170. Via Fishkill, Peekskill, Ossining, Tarrytown et Yonkers. CHAUSSEE: Route Rationale macadamisee. Four la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 170. Mileage. 0.0 POUGHKEEPSIE. From Main St. south on Market St., follow trolley, at monument left fork with trolley 0.2, right fork leaving trolley 4.9, turn right 5.7, follow trolley, turn left across bridge 7.7 up hill, at green bear left in WAPPINGERS FALLS 8.0. Follow macadam, at cemetery turn left into Main St. in 12.8 FISHKILL VILLAGE. Straight on, across rail- road 13.1, cross bridge 13.2, left fork 18.9. (For Cold Spring right fork 3.0 miles). Thru crossroads 20.5 and 24.7, end of road turn left 27.2, across bridge at ANNSVILLE 30.7. Cross bridge 31.0, at water-trough bear right 31.8, cross Main St., in 32.0 PEEKSKILL. (For Lake Mahopac turn left.) Straight on Division St., follow trolle}-, turn right with trolley into South St. 32.1. (For Yorktown straight on and first turn left.) Turn left into Washington St., 32.4, turn right with trolley 33.7, turn left 34.0, under railroad 34.3, bear left thru BUCHANAN 34.7. and MONTROSE 35.3. Over railroad 36.4, thru OSCAWANNA 37.5. Right fork 39.2, thru CROTON 39.7 and HARMON 40.8. Cross bridge 41.3, caution-at school sharp turn right 41.9, cross bridge 43.3, straight on High- land Ave., pass hotel in 43.6 OSSINING. At water-trough left fork at second water-trough left fork 44.5, pass church in SCAR- BORO 45.5. Under arch 46.6, cross bridge 48.7, at church bear right 49.1. Pass Central Ave., on right 49.6. Cross Main St. in 49.7 TARRYTOWN. Straight on. pass road on left 50.6. Follow main road thru IRVINGTON 52.3. At church bear right in 54.0 DOBBS FERRY. (For Ardsley sharp turn left.) Straight on, left fork 55.5. cross trolley 55.8, follow main road, bear right thru Gettys Square in 60.3 YONKERS.' Straigh on Broadway up hi pass road on right 61.7. Cross bridge 64.8, thru cross- roads 65.9. Straight on Broadway to Columbus Circle. 73.8 NEW YORK. Page 169 ROUTE 54 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 54 — New York to Poughkeepsie. 73.8 m. Via Yonkers, Tarrj town, Ossining, Pcekskill and Fishkill. ROAI) SURFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 169. Via Yonkers, Tarrytown, Peekskill et Fislikill. CHAUSSEE: Route nationalc macadamiseo. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 169. Mileage. 0.0 NEW YORK. Columbus Circle North on Broad- way, bear left 6.2, bear left 7.5, bear left 7.7, cross bridge 9.0, bear left 12.9, bear left thru Gettys Square in 13.5 YONKERS. Straight on Broadway, shortly bear right up hill, pass Saegkill Golf Club 16.5, left fork 17.0, cross trolley 18.0, bear right 18.3, bear right 19.1, at church right fork in 19.8 DOBBS FERRY. Straight on thru IRVINGTON 21.5. Pass road on right 23.3, cross main St, in 24.1 TARRYTOWN. Straight on, at church left fork 24.7, cross bridge 25.1, pass cemetery- on right 25.6, under arch 27.2, pass church in SCARBORO 28.3. Straight on into Highland Ave., at Bank bear left in 30.2 OSSINING. Cross bridge 30.5, up hill, bear left 30.8, "CAUTION" at school sharp turn left 31.9, cross bridge 32.4, thru HARMON and Straight on thru CROTON 34.1. Bear left up hill 34.6, left fork at OSCAWANNA 36.3. Over Railroad 37.4, at school bear left in MONTROSE 38.5. Follow trolley, bear right at BUCHANAN 39.1. Under Railroad 39.5, turn right with trolle}- 39.8, end of road turn left 40.1, turn right into South St., 41.4, turn left into Division St. 41.7, straight on across Main St., in 41.8 PEEKSKILL. Straight on, at water-trough left fork leave trolley 42.0, cross bridge 42.8, cross bridge at ANNSVILLE 43.1. Turn right 46.6. Straight on thru crossroads 48.9, and 53.1, cross bridge 60.6, cross railroad 60.7, thru FISHKILL VILLAGE 60.8. At cemetery turn right 61.0, at green bear right into Main St., in WAPPINGERS FALLS 65.8, cross bridge 66.1, follow trolley, turn left leaving trollej' 68.1, follow trolley 68.9, at fountain bear right into Market St., to j\Iain St. in 73.8 POUGHKEEPSIE. Page 170 1 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 55 Route 55 — Poughkeepsie to Albany. 76.1 m. Via Rhinebeok, Hudson and Stuyvesant Falls. ROAD SURFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 168. Via Rhinebeck, Hudson et Stuyvesant Falls. CHAUSSEE: Route nationalo macadamisec. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 168. Mileage. 0.0 POUGHKEEPSIE. From City Hall go on Main St., one block turn right into Washington St., follow trolley, under Railroad 0.5, follow maca- dam thru HYDiE PARK 6.3. and STATTSBURG 10.3. Bear left 12.7, bear left 15.6, thru cross- roads in 16.5 RHINEBECK. Right fork 16.9, cross railroad 21.3, thru RED HOOK 21.9, cross bridge 23.1, left fork in UPPER RED HOOK 24.6. Straight on thru CLERMONT 29.0 and BLUE STORES 31.1. Bear right 34.0, thru LIVINGSTON 34.4. Left fork 37.1, cross railroad twice 41.4, straight on Worth Ave., to Warren St., in 42.5 HUDSON. Turn right into Prospect Ave., two blocks, bear right with trolley 42.8, next turn left with trolley 42.9, pass water-trough 43.0. Over railroad 43.2, right fork 43.6, bear left leaving macadam in outskirts of STOTTVILLE 45.9, right fork 46.9. Turn right 47.6, turn right across bridge 47.9, bear left cross bridge and railroad at STOCK- PORT 48.1. Bear right 49.4, bear left thru 51.3 STUYVESANT FALLS. Cross bridge 51.6, cross railroad 51.7, bear right 51.9, right fork 52.6, cross railroad 53.1, pass green in KINDERHOOK 55.3, Cross railroad 55.9, turn left in VALATIE 57.0. "Caution" Under railroad 61.5, bear left 67.4, cross two bridges 67.9, bear right thru SCHODACK CEN- TER 68.6. Straight on thru EAST GREEN- BUSH 70.5, cross railroad 73.3, over railroads 74.2, 74.4, turn right into Broadway in RENSSELAER 74.8. Turn left across bridge over Hudson River 75.0, at once turn right 75.3, turn left into Westerlo St., 75.4, turn right into Pearl St., 75.7. Straight on to State St., in 76.1 ALBANY. Page 171 ROUTE 56 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 56 — Albany to Lake George. 72.0 m. Via Latham Corners, Saratoga and liUzerne, with optionai routes via Troy and Ciiens Falls. ROAD Sl'RFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 164. Via Latham Corners, Saratoga et Luzerne, avec choix entre Troy et Glens Falls. CHAL'SSEE: Route nationale macadamisee. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 164. Mileage. 0.0 ALBANY. From Pearl and State Sts., go west on State St., turn right and bear left pass Capitol into Washington Ave., follow trolley turn right into Northern Boulevard, leave troUej^ 0.9. Straight on macadam across bridge, turn left 1.6, bear right over Railroad 1.9, second turn left 2.4, follow main road thru LOUDONVILLE 4.7, NEWTONVILLE 5.8, and 7.7 LATHAM CORNERS. (Note A.— For Waterford via Troy.) Straight on turn right 8.8, bear left 10.0, at once cross bridge, bear right into Columbia St., 10.5, turn left into Walnut St., 11.4, one block turn right into Younglove Ave., at station, bear left 11.8, at once bear right under Railroad and turn left down hill, bear right across bridge 12.0, straight on thru 12.1 COHOES. Cross railroad 12.2, first turn left into Saratoga Ave., cross bridge and follow trollej^ 12.5, cross bridge and bear right 13.7, cross bridge 13.9, turn left into 3rd St., follow trolley in WATERFORD 14.0. Cross railroad 14.5, cross trolley 16.6 and 16.8, cross railroad 18.7, shortly cross trolley, cross railroad 20.3 and 21.2. CAUTION-curve 21.3, straight on Main St., to 22.5 MECHANICSVILLE. Straight on, at sign turn left into Saratoga Ave., 22.9, cross railroad 23.1, follow main road; cross bridge 29.1, at hotel right fork 31.1, straight on thru crossroads 32.8. Caution- curve 33.9, thru crossroads 34.0, cross bridge 35.5. Straight on Broadway to Congress Sq., in 39.0 SARATOGA. (Note B— For Lake George via Glens Falls.) Straight on, turn left into Church St. 39.2, cross railroad 39.4, cross bridge 41.9, cross railroad 42.6, cross bridge 43.1. CAUTION-turn' Page 172 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 56 left under railroad 46.4, cross bridge 46.9, follow main road, bear right 49.6, straight on 51.3, cross railroad and bridge 51.7, cross railroad 53.3, at monument turn left in CORINTH 53.8. Caution — Cross bridge and turn left under railroad 59.0 turn right 59.2, cross bridge 59.5, turn left in 59.6 LUZERNE. Cross bridge and right fork up hill 59.9, turn left 60.1, bear left cross bridge 63.6, follow main road under trolley, turn left 70.4, cross trolley 70.8, to 72.0 LAKE GEORGE. Fort William Henry Hotel. Note A.— For WATERFORD via TROY. At 7.7 LATHAM CORNERS. Turn right, follow main road thru WATERVLIET 10.6, cross bridge Hudson River 11.1, turn left into River St., in 11.2 TROY. At monument bear right into Broadway, turn left into 5th Ave., 11.4, turn right Rensselaer St., one block turn left into 6th Ave., Straight on, becoming 5th Ave., turn left into 24th St., turn right follow trolley into 2nd Ave., turn left, follow trolley, cross bridge over Hudson River, cross rail- road to Broad and 3rd Sts., in 16.2 WATERFORD. (Connect main route, mileage 14.0.) Note B— For SARATOGA to LAKE GEORGE via GLENS FALLS. At 39.0 SARATOGA. Straight on, at P.O. turn right one block turn left into Maple Ave., cross railroad 39.8, right fork cross trolley 42.4, follow main rood, cross trolley and bear right at WILTON 46.8. Follow main road and trollev 57.0, thru SOUTH GLENS FALLS 57.9, cross^ bridge over Hudson River and canal, up hill to monument in 58.4 GLENS FALLS. Straight on follow trolley, cross trolley 59.7, leave trolle}' 60.0, cross trolley 65.5 and 66.6 to 67.6 LAKE GEORGE. Page 173 ROUTE 57 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 57 — Lake George to Plattsburg. 121.9 m. via Schroon Lake, Elizabethtown, Keeseville, Ausable Chasm and Bluff Point, with optional routes via Lewis and Peru. KOAI) SmFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see page 162. Via Schroon Lake, F^lizabethtown, Keeseville, Ausable Chasm et Bluff Point, avec choix entre Lewis et Peru. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale en macadam. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 163. Mileage. 0.0 LAKE GEORGE. From Court House north on macadam, left fork 0.5, cross bridge 5.3, straight on thru WARREXSBURG 6.2. At hotel turn left in CHESTERTOWN 18.2. (For Brant Lake straight on). Bear right 18.5. (For Friends Lake turn left.) Turn right 22.1. (For Long Lake straight on). At hotel right fork in POTTERS- VILLE 27.0. Follow main road along west side of Schroon Lake, thru SOUTH SCHROON 33.3 and 36.4 SCHROON LAKE. The New Leland House. Pass road on right 39.0. straight on thru SCHROON RIVER 45.3. Cross bridge 47.8, pass road on right in NORTH HUDSON 47.9. Follow macadam thru NEW RUSSIA 63.1, At Deer's Head Inn turn square left in 66.9 ELIZABETHTOWN. (Note A— For Keeseville direct). End of road turn right 67.4, bear left 67.9, cross bridge 68.2, at once bear left along creek, left • fork cross bridge 69.4, cross bridge 69.9, turn right in KEENE CENTER 77.3. Cross bridge, right fork along river in 79.3 KEENE. (For Lake Placid via Cascade Lakes straight on across bridge). Cross bridge, bear left, cross covered bridge in UPPER JAY 85.5. At P.O. turn right 85.6. Straight on along river thru JAY 89.2. Bear right and left in "AUSABLE FORKS 94.8. Cross bridge and railroad 95.1, at once turn right along railroad and river, cross railroads 96.3, 96.6 and 96.8. Left fork at CLIN- TONVILLE 100.6. Right fork 106.3, bear left 106.6, straight on at stone church in 106.9 KEESEVILLE. (Note B— For Plattsburg via Peru). Cross railroad at station 108.3, cross bridge 108.5, at once turn left up hill, turn left at AUSABLE CHASM 108.8. (For Port Kent bear right). Cross railroad 108.9, cross bridge 111.5, cross railroad 113.3, thru BLUFF POINT 118.4. Cross railroad 119.3, pass Government Reservation on right 120.9, left fork into Charlotte St., 121.5, turn left across ])ridge 121.7, turn right into Margaret St., to Cor- nelia St.. in 121.9 PLATTSBURG. Page 174 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 57 Note A— ELIZABETHTOWN direct. At to KEESEVILLE 66.9 ELIZABETHTOWN. At hotels straight on, jog right and left, across bridge 67.2. (For Westport turn right just before Bridge). Cross bridge 67.5, turn left across bridge 67.8, left fork 69.8, thru LEWIS 71.7. Straight on thru DEERHEAD 77.1. Bear left 85.4, straight on Front St., turn left into Main St., 88.5, cross bridge and at once at Church in 88.7 KEESEVILLE. (Connect main route, mileage 106.9). Note B— KEESEVILLE to PLATTSBURG via PERU. At 106.9 KEESEVILLE. At church straight on, cross rail- road 112.7, cross bridge thru PERU 112.8. Cross bridge 117.7, cross railroad 119.5. left fork into South Catherine St., 120.7, cross bridge 121.6, straight on to Cornelia St., in 122.5 PLATTSBURG. (For Montreal turn left into Cornelia St.). WE SPECIALIZE: In electrical repairs on AUTOMOBILES, MOTOR-BOATS, MOTOR-CYCLES, AEROPLANES, GAS ENGINES, Etc. Specially Equipped Factory and Trained Employees Spare parts for all popular makes of Magnetos. Starting and Ligfiting Systems, Horns, Accumula- tors and Speedometers. OFFICIAL SERVICE STATION For Bosch. Eisemann, Simms, Mea, Splitdorf, Dixie, C.A.V., Berling. Webster. MAGNETOS. — Westinghouse, Cray «c Davis. Simms-Huff & Bosch-Rushmore, Lighting & Starting Systems. Atwater-Kent Ignition. Gould Storage Battery, Norma Bearings. Klaxon Horns. Van- Sicklen & Jones Speedometers. International Electric Company, 97, BLEURY ST. Tel. Main 3101 & 3989. MONTREAL, Que. Page 1/5 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE The Queens Hotel Montreal's Favorite Hotel Absolutely Fireproof. Rooms with Private Bath. Elaborate Cuisine. Perfect Appoint- ments. Centrally located to reach all points of interest, being opposite Grand Trunk Station and close to Windsor Station. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Every Comfort and Luxury for Business Men and Tourists RATES: S3. 5 UP ''AMERICAN" plan $1.50 UP -EUROPEAN" plan D. RAYMOND, Managing-Director. Page 176 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 58 TEL. UP 2600 MANAGER: WEST 4126 GEO. F. LUM OPERATING THE Forum Garage ST. CATHERINE ST. WEST, - (Corner Atwater Avenue ) MONTREAL TOURIST ACCOMODATION A SPECIALTY OILS, GAZOLINE, ACCESSORIES. VULCANIZING, ALL REPAIRS & MACHINE SHOP. Capacity: 150 Cars Free Air OPEN DAY AND NIGHT ^^MAPLl LIAP TOUK ii Route 58 — Plattsburg to Montreal. 69.6 m. Via Chazy, Rouses Point and Laeolle. ROAD SLTRFACE: Good macadam with dustless surface throughout. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: The route is through Beekmantonn and West Chazy and past the famous Miner's Farm, skirting the shore of Lalie Champlain to Rouses Point and the King Edward highway to Montreal. For reverse route see page 159. Via Chazy, Rouses Point et Lacolle. CHAUSSEE: Bon macadam avec surface sans poussiere. DESCRIPTION: La route passe par Beelcmantown et West (hazy, passe devant la fameuse ferme Miner, contourne la rive du lac Champlain jusqu'a Rouses Point et suit le boulevard Edouard VII jusqu'a Montreal. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 159. Mileage. 0.0 PLATTSBURG, Bridge and Margaret streets, pro- ceed along Margaret street, turning left at 0.1 up Cornelia street, and at 0.4 turning right on Mont- calm. 0.8 Turn square left at end of road on Bailey Avenue,, and at 1.1, end of road turn square right, turning square left at 1.4 and then immediately curving right. Page 177 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Your trip to MONTREAL should include a visit to CANADA'S NATIONAL GIFT HOUSE Partial interior view of the Birks Montreal Store, Diamond Alcrt'hants TORONTO Ryrie Bros., Limited in affiliation. Goldsmiths Silversmiths MONTREAL OTTAWA WINNIPEG VANCOUVER PHILLIPS SQUARE —Showing the King Edward monument. The Birks Buildings, Montreal. N.B. The Offices of the Automobile Club of Canada are situated in the New Birks Building — to the left. Pago 17S TOUR BOOK ROUTE 58 OUTREMONT GARAGE (FIREPROOF) LAURIER AVE, (2 blocks west of Park Ave.) Storage by the day or month. Repairs of all kinds. Vul canizing. Best quality Gasoline, Oils & Accessories. Open All Night. In case of break down of any kind, telephone ROCKLAND 2 648 4.2 Culver Hill Monument on left. 4.4 EAST BEEKMANTOWN. 5.0 Keep to left at fork and use caution at left curve at 6.0. 6.3 BEEKMANTOWN. turn right and then curve right, keeping left at fork at 8.6. 9.8 WEST CHAZY. Four corners turn square right, crossing R.R. at 10.1 and turning to left at irregular four corners at 10.5, crossing R.R. again at 15.4. 15.9 CHAZY, church on left. (Road on right to Chazy landing ferry for Burlington). 16.3 Cross R.R. at 17.3 thru Miner's Farm. 18.9 Turn right and across small bridge, and at 20.0 end of road, turn left across small bridge and then right. 20.7 COOPERSVILLE. Proceed across iron bridge and at four corners turn to right. Cross R.R. at 21.0. 24.8 S.O. (Road on left leads to Champlain). 25.6 ROUSES POINT. Customs Office on left in Myers Building, all motorists must stop and report Opposite is Holland House. Page 179 ROUTE 58 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE THI ■DIUBURQH -M II E R E ALL TOURISTS MEET" Breakfasts — Luncheons — Afternoon Teas, Dinners — After Tlieatre Suppers. A LA CARTE SERVICE: 8 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT 436 ST. CATHERINE ST. M EST, near Peel St. (Adjoining Loeu's Theatre) 25.7 Turn square left, passing Hotel Montgomery on left at 25.9 and crossing R.R., turning square right at 26.1 and crossing R.R. at 26.2. 27.1 Turn square left paralleling boundary, and proceed to end of road 28.2, there turning square right across Boundary line on to King Edward Highway. 30.5 ODELTOWN. Church on left. 32.7 Cross R.R. 33.2 LACOLLE VILLAGE. Canadian Customs on left, all motorists must stop and report. 35.0 Cross R.R. 41.0 NAPIERVILLE. King Edward Hotel on right at 41.3. Cross R.R. at 41.8. 43.4 DOUGLAS CORNERS. Caution, turn sharp right, and at 44.8 cross R.R. 47.5 Irregular four corners, keep to right. 49.0 ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR. Turn square left. 51.6 Turn diagonally left across concrete bridge, and at 54.8 cross R.R. 55.1 ST. PHILIPPE, Parish Church on left. 55.8 Curve right over bridge, and at 57.0 curve left over bridge. At 58.7 cross first railroad built in Canada. 58.9 Curve left on St. John's Road crossing R.R. at 60.1. 60.7 LA PRAIRIE, Church on right, just beyond turn right and immediately left. 60.9 Turn right along Plank Road. 65.4 At end of road curve right along banks of St. Law- rence River into TOWN OF ST. LAMBERT, passing Country Club on right. Page 180 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 58 IMPERIAL GARAGE Glance St., just above Shorbookc St., (Near all hotels) Telephones: EAST 4150-4232 OPEN DAY and NIGHT PVHHHHi ' f'^ ""^f? wK^mmm^ :^3Hll iBB^ m ■— ■" 1 H 1 ^ PRIVATE LOCKERS SERVICE AND SATISFACTION FIREPROOF ACCOMMODATION FOR 200 CARS JOS. H. LESAGE, MANAGER OILS, GASOLINE, ACCESSORIES, VULCANIZING, TIRE REPAIRS. 66.3 Turn left to VICTORIA BRIDGE. Toll auto and driver 25c, passengers 5c. 67.6 At end of bridge give up toll tickets, and proceed passing Plague monument on left and bearing to left along Bridge St., turning to right at 4 corners (Wellington street), crossing Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal and curving slightly to left, across Gallery square, past church and along Smith street, turning square left on Murray street and proceeding to Notre Dame street, turning right at 69.1 and left on Inspector at 69.3, and right along St. James St., 69.4. 69.6 MONTREAL, Victoria Square, Queen Victoria Monument on left. LIMOUSINES TOUPINO CAPS Place Viger Hotel, Viger Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. RItz-Carlton Hotel, Sherbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 4.36 St. Catherine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St. W. and Atwater Ave. Imperial Garage, Mance St., just above Sherbrooke St. Outremont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulcanizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. Page 181 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Automobile tourists are always welcome at 2:a ^atrir's office — our automobile editor will be pleased to give to all information on touring in the Province of Quebec. IN THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC MONTREAL DAILY EVENING NEWSPAPER IS THE SUPREME AUTOMOBILE MEDIUM. La Patrie BuiLDiNt; "BEST EQl IPPED NEWSPAPER" MONTREAL During the 1918 Automobile Show week and in previous years IGa J^alrtP carried more automobile advertising than any other French paper of this city. Page 182 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 59 Route 59 — Montreal to Malone. 95.5 m. Via Rouses Point, Cliamplain, Ellenburg Corners and Chateaugay. ROAD SLTtFACE: Bituminous macadam. DESCRIPTION OF TOt*R: River and lake sccncrj- as well as mountain views. Good hotel and garage accommodation at Rouses Point and Malone. For reverse route see page 193, 196. Via Rouses Point, Chaniplain, Ellenburg Corners et Cliateaugay. CHAUSSEE: Macadam bitumineux. DESCRIPTION: Vues de la riviere, du lac et dcs montagnes. Bons hotels et bons garages a Rouses Point et a Malone. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 193, 196. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Victoria square. Queen Victoria Monument on right, West on St. James street, turning left down Inspector street at 0.2 and right along Notre Dame street with car tracks at 0.3, turning square left down Murray- Street 0.5, and to right along Smith street, across Gallery Square to Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal. 1.2 Four corners. Turn square left on Bridge Street, passing Plague ^Monument on right at 1.7. 1:9 VICTORIA BRIDGE, Toll 25c for car and driver, 5 cents each person. At end of Bridge 3.3, give up toll tickets, and at 3.4 turn square right, passing Countrj^ Club on left at 4.1, and turning square left on King Edward Highway at 4.2. 8.7 LA PRAIRIE. End of dyke road, square left, and immediately after square right, turning left again at 8.8. passing church on left, and crossing R.R. at 9.5 and Kempton Park Racecourse at 9.9 on right. 10.6 Curve to right and at 10.9 cross first railroad built in Canada running from La Prairie to St. Johns, P.Q. 14.5 ST. PHILIPPE, church on right, and at 14.8 cross R.R. (station on right). 18.0 Curve left over concrete bridge and then right. 20.6 ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR turn square right. (Road on left leads to St. John). 22.1 Irregular four corners bear left, crossing R.R. at 24.8. Page 183 ROUTE 59 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE FOR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE against the risks of FiKE, Theft, Explosion, Self-Igmtion and Tkans- POKTATION, includinjii LIABILITY, PkOPEKTY-DaMAGE and Collision, at the Lowest Rates obtainable. Apply to A. H. SHOREY, Manager. THE E. A. WHITEHEAD COMPANY LIMITED MAIN 469 609 LEWIS BUILDING, M aTn 409 MONTREAL 26.1 DOUGLAS CORNERS. Caution sharp curve to left. Cross R.R. at 27.7, curving to right over con- crete bridge at 28.1 and enter at 28.3 NAPIERVILLE, passing King Edward Hotel on left. 34.5 Cross R.R. 36.3 LACOLLE. Canadian Customs on right. All moto- rists must stop and report. 36.7 Road on left leads to Swanton, Alburg and Cla- renceville. 36.8 Cross R.R. 39.0 ODELTOWN, Church on right. Keep to right at fork 39.5. 4L2 End of King Edward Highway. International Boundary U.S. and Canada. Turn square left along State road, making sharp right curve at 42.4, crossing R.R. at 43.4, and immediately after at four corners turn left, crossing R.R. at 43.6, passing Hotel Montgomery on right, and turning square right at 43.9, into ROUSES POINT. 44.0 Myers Building on right. U.S. Customs. All motorists must stop and report. Holland House on left. S.O. 44.7 Turn square right. (Road S.O. leads to Platts- burg). Cross R.R. at 45.4, and bear left at 48,6 over bridge and immediately right by Champlain Hotel through VILLAGE OF CHAMPLAIN. Page 184 I TOUR BOOK Hotel Flanagan MALONE, N. Y. 'On the International Tour' LEADING HOTEL of the NORTH COUNTRY 120 rooms. 50 baths. Hot and cold running water in every room. GRILL SERVICE HEADQUARTERS FOR AUTOMOBILISTS FIRE PROOF GARAGE IN CONNECTION FLANAGAN HOTEL CO. PROPS. Page 185 ROUTE 59 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 48.8 Cross bridge, and avoid left hand road at 49.0, turn to left at 49.2, and proceed on new State road, crossing R.R. at 50.1. 51.8 PERRY'S MILLS, Post Office on left. Keep to left at fork 52.1, crossing R.R. at 53.0 and bearing right at 53.8. 56.4 Keep to right at reverse fork, and to left at fork 56.6. 57.0 End of road square right through MOOERS, (square left leads to Plattsburg), crossing R.R. at 59.1 and passing post office on right just beyond. Avoid right hand road at 59.7, bearing left at 60.0 and over bridge, keeping to right at fork, and crossing R.R. at 60.3, passing Union Cemetery on right at 61.0. 68.8. ELLENBURG DEPOT. Four corners S.O., passing Post Office 68.9 and under R.R. at 69.3. 71.1 ELLENBURG CORNERS. At 71.3 bear right awa}' from bridge, passing Post Office on left, and at 75.3 keep to right at fork. At 80.1 cross bridge and proceed up grade, turning right under R.R. at 82.1 and then left, making sharp descent at 83.2 over bridge and up grade. 83.5 CHATEAUGAY, church on left and Post Office on right at 83.6. 83.7 Four corners S.O. Keep to left at fork 84.2 and down grade proceeding with caution over bridge at 84.4 past GROVE MILLS. 84.7 At irregular five corners bear to left. (New State Road which is straight on into ^Malone to be opened early in 1919). Crossing over R.R. bridge at 85.2, and turning right under R.R. at 87.0 and then left. 88.6 BURKE, Post Office. Four corners S.O., passing over bridge at 88.7 and up grade, crossing R.R. at 89.2 and over iron bridge at 92.3, crossing R.R. at 94.6, and passing Franklin County Fair Grounds and racetrack on left entering ]\Iain St. 95.5 MALONE, N.Y. :\rain and Elm streets, ^lonu- ment and Flanagan's Hotel and Garage on right. Hotel Flanagan, Main and Elm Sts. Eldridge and Mason («arage, Main .^t.. adjoining Flanagan's Hotel. Page 186 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 60 Route 60 — Malone to Plattsburg. 105.3 m. Via Lake Meacham, Paul Smiths, Saranac Lalie, Lalie Placid, Wilmington Notch, Jay and Ausable Chasm. ROAD SURFACE: State or county highways, bituminous macadam or gravel treated with oil, generally in good condition, worn in places. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: This forms part of one of the most enjoyable week end tours possible to take from Montreal. The scenery of the forests, the multitude of lakes of all sizes, and the beauties of Wilmington Notch and Ausable Chasm and other places attract thousands of visitor every year, while a chain of good hotels throughout the tour caters to their needs. For reverse route see page 199. Via Lac Meacham, Paul Smiths, Saranac Lake, Lac Placide, Wilmington. Notch, Jay et Ausable Chasm. CHAUSSEE: Routes nationales, ou chemins de comte, macadam biturai- neuxou gravier traite a I'huile, generalement en bonne condition; use en quelques endroits. DESCRIPTION: C'est la partie d'un des plus beaux voyages de fin de se- maine que Ton puisse faire de Montreal. La foret, les lacs de toutes grandeurs, les beautes de Wilmington Notch et Ausable Chasm, et autres attractions, attirent des milliers de visiteurs chaque annee. II y a de bons hotels tout le long de la route. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 199. Mileage. 0.0 MALONE, Main and Elm streets. ^Monument on right, proceed south along Main street, and immediately turn diagonally left at Harrison Place 0.1, keeping sharp left at next turning into Duane St. and S.O. 3.2 WHIPPLEVILLE, Post Office on left. Proceed along by Salmon River, passing over Sheppard's Bridge at 5.2 and keeping to right at fork 7.4, pro- ceed up steep grade, and over CHASM Fx\LLS at 7.7, bearing right at 8.3, across bridge over dam and then curving left. VOSBURQ'S GARAGE W. R. VOSBURG, Prop. This is a new 40 Car Garage, fireproof in construction and is built to anticipate every need and wish of the Tourist for many seasons to come. :: :: :: :: :: ALL ACCESSORIES IN STOCK 11 River Street SARANAC LAKE, N.Y. Page 187 ROUTE 60 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE ADIRONDACKS, SARANAC LAKE, N.Y. RIVERSIDE INN The Leading Hotel in the Town Open All the Year. 75 Rooms. 50 with Private Bath. Elevator. 3=aaabl HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORISTS Fireproof Garage adjoining Hotel American Plan. PINE & CORBETT, Inc. 10.0 Bend of the River. 12.0 STUDLEY HILL, long up grade. 14.3 Keep to right at fork by cemeter3\ 14.5 Caution, sharp right curve. At 15.3 bear right, passing through DUANE CENTRE at 16.6 and turn- ing left by hotel. At 17.2 use caution in making sharp descent, and also in descending Coldbrook Hill at 19.7. 22.6 CLEAR POND on left. 23.0 S.O. (Bear left for LAKE MEACHAM and Hotel. half a mile). 28.1 McCOLLOMS, Hotel on left, also Post Office. 29.2 Chain Pond. 31.0 Mountain Pond on Left. 32.7 Barnum Pond on Kight. 33.7 Osgood Lake on left. 34.4 Four corners S.O. Page 188 I TOUR BOOK STEVENS HOUSE LAKE PLziCID, N.Y. Adirondack Mountains On the new " INTERNATIONAL TOUR" A select and restricted resort in the very center of the famous Adirondack Mountains, catering to those who desire and deserve the best. Beautiful new state roads all the way from Montreal to Lake Placid via Rouses Point and Plattsburg. We have one of the finest golf courses in the mountains right on the hotel grounds. Also fine tennis courts. We own and control our own fire- proof garage accommodating 100 cars. Hotel accommodates 400 guests. American plan, also A-la-Carte Grill. Fine Orchestra. Dancing every evening both in main ballroom and grill. Fine trout and bass fishing in the nearby streams and lakes. Always wire in advance for accommo- dations. Stevens Hotel Company Inc. PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED 1877 Page ISSa QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Adirondacks ''Paul Smith's" On the new "INTERNATIONAL TOUR" Hotel, Casino, Cottage and Housekeeping Camp Life along the St. Regis and Osgood Chain of Lakes. GOLF TENNIS EXCELLENT MOTORING Capacity 500 rooms >vlth bath — Steam Heat Electric light and telephone — Electric Elevator AdDRKSS: Paul Smith's Hotel Co., Paul Smith's N. Y. Page 188b TOUR BOOK ROUTE 60 34.6 At fork bear left, passing St. John's Church. (For PAUL SMITHS Hotel on Lower St. Regis Lake, con- necting with Lake Spitfire and Upper St. Regis Lake, bear right at fork 34.6 and proceed one fifth of a mile). 38.0 Cross R.R. Gabriels station, and at 39.7 turn to right, road on left leading to Loon Lake via Bloomingdale. See Route No. 85, page 229. 41.8 S.O. Road on right to Saranac Inn. 44.5 Cross R.R. and Peck's Corners and pass Colby Lake on right. 45.7 Cross R.R. into VILLAGE OF SARANAC LAKE again at 45.9, passing St. Regis Hotel on left at and 46.3, crossing bridge over Saranac River at 46.4, and turning to left by Riverside Inn and Garage at 46.6. (Road straight on leads to Algonquin Hotel and Lower Saranac Lake). 46.7 Lake Flower on right. Keep to right at fork over small bridge at 47.1 and cross R.R. at 48.5, making sharp curve to left at 49.2, passing Raybrook Sana- torium on left at 49.8, and White Face Mountain Inn on left at 54.6. 55.1 Use caution in curve over bridge, and enter LAKE PLACID VILLAGE at 55.3, passing Stevens House on left at 55.7, overlooking Lake Placid and Mirror Lake. 55.8 At end of road square right through lower part of Village, passing Grand View Hotel on right at 56.2. 56.5 S.O. (Road on left leads to Lake Placid Club. One mile). 56.7 At four corners keep S.O., passing the golf links at 57.4 and cross iron bridge at 59.8. 63.0 WILMINGTON NOTCH. Keep to left at fork 66.4. (Road on right leads to Upper Jay). Use caution at left curve over narrow bridge at 66.6, followed by right curve. 68.4 Four corners square right into WILMINGTON, crossing river bridge at 68.7, and passing New Whiteface Mountain Hotel on right at 68.8. At four corners keep S.O. 73.4 JAY. Four corners, square left. Reset odometer at 89.2 and follow route 57 page 174 to Plattsburg. The WltherillJHotel Margaret Street, Plattsburg. Hannati & Henry Garage, Margaret Street, Plattsburg. Hotel Chaniplain, Bluff. Point. Page 189 ROUTE 61 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 61 — Malone to Ogdensburg. 68.5 m. Via North Bangor, Molra and Canton. ROAD SURFACE: State road. For reverse route and description of tour see page 191. Via Nortli Bangor, Moira et Canton. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale. Pour direction inverse et description, voir page 191. Mileage. 0.0 MALONE, Monument on right, junction Main and Elm streets. S.O. Main street 0.8 Limits of Malone. 4.8 Four corners S.O 5.4 NORTH BANGOR, church on right, limits of vil- lage at 5.6 Cross R.R. at 10.0. 10.7 BRUSHTON, Church Cross R.R. at ILO and ])ridge at 11.1 keeping S.O at four corners 12.8. 12.9 MOIRA. Cross R.R. at 13.0 and bridge at 1.3.5. 18.2 LAWRENCEVILLE. Cross bridge. 19.3 Prominent four corners. Turn square left. 24.0 Turn square I'ight. 24.1 NICHOLVILLE. Post Office on right. Bear right past provision store and left at four corners down- grade. Cross iron bridge at 24.3 and ascend steep hill with "S" curves, passing limits of village at 24.5. 26.4 HOPKINTON. Post Office and church on right at 2G.6. At 33.2 sharp ascent, and over bridge across river at 34.3, with sharp right curve and up grade immediately after. 38.7 POTSDAM. Keep to left of drinking fountain at 39.8 and turn left on Elm street at 40.0, turning right on Market street into ^Nlain street. 40.1 Cross two iron bridges and R.R. at 40.4, proceeding over R.R. bridge at 41.1 47.3 Limits of town of Potsdam. Cross R.R. at 48.9. (avoid left hand road at 49.7, leading to Pierremont). Cross R.R. at 50.6. 50.8 CANTON. Town hall. American House on left at 50.9. 61.3 FLACKVILLE. Four corners S.O 62.0 Avoid right hand road which leads to Lisbon, 5 miles. 64.8 Right turn with caution. 68.0 Turn right onto brick pavement, State street. To reach Custom House and ferry for Prescott turn left after passing Park and Monument and then right on Isal)ella St. 68.5 OGDENSBURG. State and Ford Sts. Page 190 I TOUR BOOK ROUTE 62 Route 62 — Ogdensburg to Malone. 68.5 m. Via Canton, Potsdam, Lawrenceville and North Bangor. ROAD SURFACE: State macadam, bituminous surface. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: An enjoyable drive over splendid roads, with good \'iews of mountain scenery en route. Part of best route between Ottawa and Montreal. For reverse route see page 190. Via Canton, Potsdam, LawTenceville et North Bangor CHAUSSEE: Route nationale de macadam bitumineux. DESCRIPTION: Une belle promenade sur de beaux chemins dans un paysage de montagnes. Fait partie de la route entre Ottawa et Montreal. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 190. Mileage. OGDENSBURG, On leaving Custom House turn square left and one block beyond turn square right past Monument and Park, • reaching centre of town corner of Ford and State streets. 0.0 Ford and State streets, proceed South on State street on brick pavement, turning to left at 0.5 and making left turn at 3.7 with caution. At 6.5 avoid left hand road which leads to Lisbon 5 miles. 7.2 FLx\CKVILLE. Four corners S.O. 17.5 Cross concrete and iron bridge. 17.6 CANTON. American House. Town Hall at 17.7. Keep S.O. through IMain street, crossing R.R. at 17.9. 18.8 Fork, keep to left. (Road on right leads to Pierre- mont). Cross R.R. at 19.6 and S.O. Cross R.R. bridge at 27.4 and another R.R. at 28.1 and two iron bridges. 28.4 POTSDAM, ISIain and Market streets. Turn left on INIarket street, and at 28.5 turn right on Elm Street, keeping to right of drinking fountain at 28.7, reaching the limits of the town at 29.8. 34.0 Caution down grade and sharp left curve over bridge across river at 34.2, also caution sharp descent at 35.1. 41.9 HOPKINTON, church, passing Post Office on left at 42.1. 44.0 Keep to left at fork and through NICHOLVILLE, descending steep hill with ''S" Curves and over iron bridge at 44.2. 44.4 Steep incline bearing right at four corners and to left past provision store, passing Xicholville Post Office on left. 44.5 Turn square left. 49.2 Prominent four corners turn square right at sign- post marked "Malone". 50.3 LAWRENCEVILLE. Cross iron bridge, and also at 55.0. Cross R.R. at 55.5. Page 191 ROUTES 62-63 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 55.6 MOIRA, proceed through village and at. four corners 55.7 keep S.O. crossing bridge at 57.4 and R.R, at 57.8 BRUSHTON, church. Cross R.R. at 58.5. 62.9 Limits of NORTH BANGOR. Church on left at 03.1. At four corners 03.7 keep S.O. and entering at 67.7 Limits of MALONE, passing down Main street. (At 68.3 is road on right to Saranac Lake). 68.5 Flanagan's Hotel and Garage, opposite Monument on left, junction ]\Iain and Elm streets. Hotel Flanagan, Main and Elm Sts. Eldridge and Mason Garage, Main St., adjoining Flanagan's Hotel. Route 63 — Prescott to Ottawa. 56.5 m. Via Speneerville and KemptvUle. For reverse route and description of tour see page 140. Via Speneerville et Kemptville. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 140. Mileage. 0.0 PRESCOTT, Customs House, turn square right opposite ^lerchants' Bank and at 0.1 turn square left along Edward St., passing Post Office on right. Cross R.R. at 0.5 and reach limits of Prescott at 0.8, passing Exhibition Grounds on right. 4.1 DOMVILLE, Church on left. Four corners S.O. 5.2 Four corners S.O. also at 7.6. crossing bridge over stream at 7.8 and bearing to right at 8.L 9.3 SPENCERVILLE, Station on left. Cross R.R. and pass churches at 10.2 and 10.3. Turn left by Johnson Hotel passing the Hotel Speneerville at 10.4 and church on right at 10.5. Keep S.O. at four corners at 10.7 and 12.1. 13.7 GROVETON, Four corners S.O. Avoid left hand road at 16.1 and turn square left at 16.3. 17.9 MILLAR'S CORNERS, S.O. and also at four corners 18.1, avoiding left hand road at 19.1 S.O. at four corners 20.1 and at 21.0, crossing R.R. bridge at 21.8. Avoid right hand road at 22.4 and cross R.R. at 22.6. turning scjuarc right at 23.1 KEMPTVILLE. Dominion Concrete Corn- pan v's works at 23.3 Cross R.R. at 23.4 and avoid left hand road at 23.6. 24.3 Turn square left and at 24.8 make right curve, also at 26.4. 27.0 S.O. at four corners, and at 28.5 turn left and imme- diately right. 30.4 Four corners, turn square left with caution, and at 31.1 turn square right, avoiding right hand road at 31.5. Page 192 TOUR BOOK ROUTES 63-64 31.6 Turn square left and thru REID'S MILLS, passing church on left. 33.6 WEST OSGOODE, four corners S.O. 35.7 Irregular fouj- corners S.O. and also at 38.1. 38.3 DAWSON, church on left. 39.6 Turn square right and make sharp left curve at 40.1 and left curve at 41.4. 42.7 Four corners, square right. At 43.1 turn square left. 43.2 GREELEY. 44.8 SOUTH GLOUCESTER, church. 48.4 Ottawa and Gloucester Road Companj- toll gate. Toll 30 cents. 53.2 Cross R.R. 53.7 Toll gate. 53.8 Cross Billings bridge over Rideau River, and at 54.3 cross Rideau Canal and along Bank St., passing Lansdowne Park, on right at 54.5, and proceed under R.R. at 55.2. 56.1 Turn square right into Sparks street, passing Russell Hotel on right at 56.4. 56.5 OTTAWA, Post Office on left. The Chateau Laurler, opposite Union Depot. Russell Hotel, Elgin and Sparks Sts. Alexandra Hotel, Bank and Gilmour Sts. Windsor Hotel, Metcalfe and Albert Sts. Ottawa Car Co. Garage, Albert St. Pink & Blackburn Garage, Sparks Street. Route 64 — Malone to Rouses Point. 51.9 m. Via Chateaugay, Ellenburg Corners, Mooers, and Champlain. ROAD SURFACE: Worn waterbound macadam to Chateaugay on present route, new highway under construction. Balance good macadam. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: Varied country in good state of cultivation. For reverse route see page 183. Via Chateaugay, Ellenburg Corners, Mooers et Champlain. CHAUSSEE: Macadam a I'eau un peu use jusqu'a Chateaugay. Nouveau chemin en construction. Le reste en bon macadam. DESCRIPTION: Paj'sage varie et bonne culture. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 183. Mileage. 0.0 MALONE, Main and Elm streets, Flanagan's Hotel on left. (Make enquiiy: after June 1st pro- ceed S.O. Elm Street to Chateaugay- over new highway). Proceed north on Main street, passing Franklin County Fair Gro\nids on right at 0.7. Cross R.R. at 1.0, keeping S.O. at four corners 1.8. and across bridge at 3.3 and R.R. at 6.4. Page 193 ROUTE 64 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 6.9 Down sradc over iron bridge and up grade into BURKE, passing church at 7.1 and keeping S.O. at four corners 7.4. 8.6 Turn right under R.R. bridge and immediately left, crossing over R.R. bridge at 10.5. 10.9 Irregular five corners turn right. 11.0 Caution down grade over bridge through, Grove Mills 11.2, up grade and by Thayer Corners, keeping to right at 11.4. 11.9 CHATEAUGAY, Four corners S.O. Post Office' on left at 12.0. Cross bridge at 12.3 and proceed up grade, bearing right under R.R. at 13.5 and then left. 15.5 Caution, sharp descent over bridge. 24.3 ELLENBURG CORNERS. Bear left away from bridge. 26.4 ELLENBURG DEPOT, proceed under R.R., passing Post Office at 26.8, crossing bridge and keeping S.O. at four corners. 34.8 Union Cemetery on left. Cross R.R. at 35.5, and at 35.7 cross river bridge and immediately after turn right. 38.6 MOOERS. Post Office on left. Cross R.R. and at next four corners 38.7 turn scjuare left, (Road S.O. leads to Plattsburg). 39.4 Bear left at fork, and also left again at fork 42.0, crossing R.R. at 42.8. 44.0 PERRY'S MILLS, turn left along river crossing R.R. at 45.7. 46.6 At end of road square right, crossing bridge at 47.0. 47.1 CHAMPLAIN. Bear left opposite Champlain Hotel across bridge turning to right at 47.2 by garage, and S.O. crossing R.R. at 50.4. 51.1 At end of road square left. (Road on right leads to Chazy and Plattsburg). 51.9 ROUSES POINT, Holland House on right. Myers Building, U.S. Customs on left where all motorists must stop and report. The Holland House. Hotel ^lontgomery. Marncs Inn. Page 194 TOUR BOOK CANADA'S LEADING HOTEL 44 TLhc XMinb&ov" Dominion Square MONTREAL European Plan Exclusively. 700 Rooms. 450 with Bath. Tariff: $2.00 per day upwards. The location of "The Windsor" is unsurpassed for beauty and convenience. OFFICIAL HEADQUARTERS: Automobile Club of America. American Automobile Association. Automobile Club of Canada. Automobile Trade Association. New York State Automobile Association. The ideal Hotel for Motor Tourists. Garage in connection. JOHN DAVIDSON. Manager. Page 195 ROUTE 65 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 65 — Rouses Point to Montreal. 44.0 m. via Naplervllle, St. Philippe and La Prairie (King Edward Highway) ROAD SURFACE: Bitiminous macadam. For reverse route see page 183. Via Naplervllle, St-Phlllppe et La Prairie (Boulevard Edouard vn) CHArSSEE: Bon macadam. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 183. Mileage. 0.0 ROUSES POINT, United States Customs on left. Holland House on right. East on main street and immediately square left. (Road S.O. leads to St. Johns, Chambly, and Montreal via Old International Highway). 0.3 Hotel Montgomerj' on left. Cross R.R., Station on right. 0.5 Four corners turn square right and cross R.R. 1.5 Caution sharp left turn and along road paralleling international boundary, 2.6 End of road square right, crossing boundary, and entering Canada on King Edward Highway. 4.9 ODELTOWN, Church on left. 7.1 Cross R.R. ^LACOLLE STATION on right, and proceed through village. (Road on right at 7.2 leads to Lacolle Jet. and Clarenceville). 7.6 CANADIAN CUSTOMS on left. All motorists must stop and report. 9.4 Cross R.R. 15.4 NAPIERVILLE. King Edward Hotel on right at 15.6, over concrete bridge at 15.8, crossing R.R. at 16.2. 17.8 DOUGLAS CORNERS, Slow down for sharp right turn. 19.2 Cross R.R., and at 21.9 irregular four corners, keep to right. 23.4 ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR, sharp left curve, and at 26.0 turn left over concrete bridge and im- mediately right. 29.1 ST. PHILIPPE. Cross R.R. at 29.2, station on left. Parish church on left at 29.4, Keep slightly to right over bridge at 30.2 and bear to left over, bridge at 31.4, crossing rails of the first steam rail- road in Canada at 33.1. Page 196 TOUR BOOK D QUEBEC The Picturesque Province THE QUAINT OLD LAND WITH MODERN ROADS DO NOT MISS QUEBEC, A MOST INTERESTING PIECE OF TOURING COUNTRY. OOCIOOOOO TAKE A DRIVE from Rouse's Point to Mont- real; 38 miles of macadam mostly carpetted with asphalt. TAKE A DRIVE from Montreal to Quebec. 180 miles of macadam partly carpetted with asphalt or l)uilt of concrete or asphaltic concrete. TAKE A DRIVE from Levis to Jackman (Maine). A first class gravel road (95 miles on the Canadian Side) maintained by the Gov- ernment. TAKE A DRIVE from Sherbrooke to Derby Line (Vt.) 30 miles of a good gravel road main- tained by the Government. All information about road improvement obtained from Hon. J. A. TESSIER, Minister of Roads, Parliament Buildings, Quebec. Page 197 ROUTE 65 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE TIRE SERVICE STATION. 1' TELEPHONE UP 3500 DAY and NIGHT — Complete line of Tires, Tube and Auto Accessories. All repairs carefully and quickly executed. ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. MOHAWK wmmmi TIRES DIXON VULCANIZING & AUTO SUPPLY CO., Reg'd 4 PARK AVENUE, 'i^^ri^Zi^r' Telephone Up 3500 MONTREAL. 34.5 Cross R.R. into LAPRAIRIE, passing parish church on right at 35.1 turning square right at 35.2 and immediatel}' after square left. 35.3 At end of road square right on to plank road paral- leling Federal Government dyke road in course of construction. 39.8 Sharp turn right along shore of St. Lawrence, passing Country Club on right at 39.9 and entering limits of ST. LAMBERT at 40.0. 40.6 Turn square left up incline to VICTORIA BRIDGE. Toll 25 cents, car and driver, passengers 5 cents each. 42.1 At end of bridge give up tickets, and proceed past Plague Monument on left at 42.3, and along Bridge street. 42.8 Four corners square right along Wellington street and over Canal bridge at 43.0, keeping slightly to left passing Gallery square on right, cross car lines on McCord St. along Smith street and left turn along Murray street at 43.1. 43.4 End of street square right along Notre Dame street, passing close to G.T.R. Bonaventure Depot on left at 43.5. (For Queens Hotel, Windsor Hotel and Ritz-Carlton, turn square left by Depot). 43.6 Turn square left along Inspector street, and at 43.7 square right along St. James street, reaching 44.0 MONTREAL, Victoria Square. LIMOUSIMKS TDURIWQCAPS Page 198 Place VlRcr Hotel, \ifieT Square. Queen's Hotel, opposite G.T.R. Depot. Kitz-C'arlton Hotel, ."^herbrooke and Drummond Sts. Windsor Hotel, Dominion Square. The Edinburgh Cafe, 436 St. Cathrine St. West. Forum Garage, St. Catherine St. \V. and Atwater Ave. imperial (iarage, Manoc St , just above Sherbrooke St. Outreniont Garage, Laurier Ave. and Durocher St. Dixon Vulranizing and Supply Co., 4 Park Ave. 1 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 66 Route 66 — Plattsburg to Malone. 105.3 m. via Jay, Saranac Lake, Lake Placid and Paul Smiths. For reverse route and description of tour see page 187. Via Jay, Saranac Lake, lac Placide et Paul Smittis. Pour mgnie route en sens inverse et description, voir page 187. Mileage. 0.0 PLATTSBURG, Bridge and Margaret Sts., down Bridge St., turning to right at 0.2, crossing R.R. at 0,5. Plattsburg Military Camp and barracks on left at 1.4, Pass through Cliff Haven, crossing R.R. at 2.7, and electric car track at 3.1. 3.5 BLUFF POINT. Champlain Hotel on left. Proceed along shore of Lake Champlain crossing R.R. at 8.5 and bridge at 8.7, making a left turn at 8.9 and another at 9.9, crossing bridge at 10.3 and R.R. at 12.8. 13.0 Turn right (road on left leads to Port Kent). 13.2 AUSABLE CHASM, proceed down grade, crossing R.R. at 13.4 and 14.1. 14.9 KEESEVILLE. Four corners, S.O. 21.0 CLINTONVILLE. Four corners S.O. Cross R.R. at 24.5, 24.8 and at 25.0 then bearing left over bridge at 26.2. 26.5 AUSABLE FORKS. 31.9 JAY. Turn square right, and proceed S.O. at four corners at 36.5, passing New Whiteface Mountain Hotel on left, and crossing river bridge at 36.6 into WILMINGTON. 36.9 Four corners square left. 38.7 Caution right curve over narrow bridge. (Avoid left hand road at 38.9 which leads to Upper Jay). 42.3 WILMINGTON NOTCH. 45.5 Cross iron bridge and proceed past golf links at 47.9, keeping S.O. at four corners at 48.6. (Road on right 48.8 leads to Lake Placid Club, 1 mile). 49.1 LAKE PLACID, Grand View Hotel on right, and at 49.5 turn square left and up grade. 49.6 Stevens House on right, between Lake Placid and . Mirror Lake. Be sure to have a Fyr Fyter Fire Extinguisher on your car. THE CANADIA.X FAiRBAXKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 199 ROUTE 66 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 50.0 End of Lake Placid Village, use caution in crossing bridge at 50.2. 51.7 White Face Mountain Inn on right, and Raybrook Sanatorium on right at 55.5. Sharp curve to right at 56.1 and cross R.R. at 56.8. Cross small bridge at 58.2. 58.5 Lake Flower on left. Enter SARANAC VILLAGE. 58.7 Riverside Inn and Garage on left. Turn to right. (Road to left leads to Algonquin Hotel and Lower Saranac Lake). Cross bridge over Saranac River at 59.8, passing St. Regis Hotel on right at 59.0 and cross R.R. at 59.4 and 59.6. 60.8 Peck's Corners. Cross R.R. and pass Colby Lake on left. 63.5 Keep S.O. road on left to Saranac Inn. 65.6 Turn to left. (Road on right leads to Loon Lake via Bloomingdale). 67.3 Cross R.R., Gabriel's station. 70.7 At fork bear right. (Road to left leads to PAUL SMITH'S Hotel, on Lower St. Regis Lake, con- necting with Lake Spitfire and Upper St. Regis Lake one fifth of a mile). 70.9 Four corners S.O., passing Osgood Lake on right at 7L6, Barnum Pond on left at 72.6, Mountain Pond on right at 74.3. Chain Pond at 76.1. 77.2 McCOLLOMS, Hotel on right, also Post Office. 82.3 Keep S.O. (For Lake Meacham and Hotel turn right Y2 mile). 82.7 Clear Pond on right. 84.6 Long ascent, Coldbrook Hill. 88.7 DUANE CENTRE. Turn right by hotel, and at 90.0 bear left. Use caution at 90.8 with sharp left curve. At 91.0 keep S.O. 92.7 STUDLEY HILL, Long down grade. 95.8 Bend of the River. 97.0 Curve right over Dam and then bear to left, passing over Chasm Falls at 97.6, down steep grade, crossing Shepherd's Bridge at 100.1, along by the Salmon River. 102.1 WHIPPLEVILLE, Post Office on right. 105.0 Enter Malone by Duane street, turning right at 105.2, and bearing to right along Harrison place into Main street. 105.3 MALONE, Soldiers Monument on left, Junction Main and Elm streets. Hotel Flanagan, Main and Elm Sts. Eldridee and Mason Ciarage, Main St., adjoining I-'lanagan's Hotel Page 200 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 67 Route 67 — Albany to Utica. 95.0 m. ROAD SURFACE: State Road. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale. For reverse route see page 'iOS. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse, voir page 308. Mileage. 0.0 ALBANY, State and Pearl Streets go northwest on State Street up steep hill, curving right in front of Capitol grounds and next left into Washington, Avenue. 0.7 Small park in fork, bear right into Central Avenue, direct macadam with trolley. 3.7 Under railroad bridge. 13.0 On pavement into 15.0 SCHENECTADY, State Street at railroad viaduct Straight on under railroad bridge and across canal bridge. 15.4 End of street, turn square right on Washington Avenue. Cross long iron bridge. (^Mohawk River, toll 10c). 15.8 End of bridge, turn left with trolley. 16.6 Thru village of SCOTIA. 19.2 Cross railroad. 19.5 High speed trolley crossing. Caution. 20.1 High speed troUej- crossing. Caution. 22.6 Curve right over railroad and immediately left on dirt road along railroad. 27.3 Under railroad bridge and join trolley into East Main Street. 30.8 AMSTERDAM, :\Iain and Market Streets. Turn sharp right on Market Street and left into Spring Street. 32.7 Bear left into Guy Park Avenue. 33.8 Left curve over concrete trolley bridge (Caution) and immediately right beyond. 36.1 Three corners, bear left on ]\Lain road TRIBES HILL. 41.5 FONDA, Railroad station on left. 41.7 Fork, bear left, leaving trolley and cross iron bridge and railroad. 46.8 Pass YOST'S STATION. 52.9 PALATINE BRIDGE, Post Office on left. 55.8 NELLISTON, Straight ahead thru. 61.7 ST. JOHNSVILLE, Post Office on right. 65.1 Straight on thru covered bridge. Page 201 ROUTE 67 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE KING EDWARD HIGHWAY— ROUSES POINT TO MONTREAL. 70.4 Under railroad bridge and sharp right curve beyond. Caution. Go under two railroad bridges. 71.6 Up grade into 72.2 LITTLE FALLS, Main and Ann Streets. Straight thru with trolley on Main Street. 73.4 Keep right, trolley goes left and cross trollej' several times. 79.4 HERKIMER, Main and Albany Streets. Station on left, turn square right on Main Street. 79.7 End of street, turn left on German Street. 82.1 On the left ILION STATION. 92.6 Thru WEST SCHUYLER. 93.6 Cross road DEERFIELD. Turn square left with trolley, crossing iron bridge over ]\Iohawk River, railroad bridge and canal. 95.0 UTICA, Genesee and Bleecker Streets. Utica Hotel. Lafayette and Seneca Streets. Page 2f)2 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 68 Route 68 — Utica to Syracuse. 49.7 m. ROAD SURFACE: State road. For reverse route see page 208. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 208. ^tileage. 0.0 UTICA, Genesee, Bleecker and Lafaj-ette Streets, go south west on Genesee street with trolley. 1.8 Railroad crossing. 3.0 NEW HARTFORD STATION, Railroad crossing. 3.5 At irregular cross road turn diagonal!}- right with trolley. 4.5 Railroad crossing and immediately turn left with macadam. 6.4 Fork, bear right. 8.1 End of road, turn left, across railroad KIRKLAND STATION. 16.5 Thru VERNON. 18.7 Railroad crossing. 19.5 Sharp left turn under railroad bridge. Caution. 19.6 At once turn right again. 20.0 Under railroad bridge. 20.5 Sharp left curve over railroad bridge. Caution. 20.6 At three corners, curve right, past boulder on left. 21.7 ONEIDA CASTLE, Railroad crossing. 21.8 Take left fork where trolley turns right. 25.0 Outskirts of WAMPSVILLE. 27.4 CANASTOTA, Cross railroad at outskirts. 33.2 At five corners, turn square left into 33.8 CHITTENANGO. 33.9 At fork with stone water trough keep right. 34.9 Five corners turn right with the travel. 37.2 MYCENAE, turn right with macadam. 41.3 Turn right across canal bridge immediatelv curving left with macadam MANLIUS CENTER. 42.0 At fork, curve left. 43.0 Curve right over railroad bridge. 45.0 Turn right under railroad bridge into 45.1 EAST SYRACUSE, Meeting trolley turn left along railroad. 46.3 Over railroad bridge, following trolley into James Street. 49.5 Railroad crossing. 49.7 SYRACUSE, Clinton Square and Monument. To Onondaga Hotel — East Jefferson and Warren Streets. Page 203 ROUTE 69 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 69 — Syracuse to Auburn. 25.4 m. K<)AI> SIRFACE: State road. For reverse route see page 209. CHAl'SSEE: Route nationale. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 209. Mileage. 0.0 SYRACUSE, Clinton Square north side of monu- ment, go west on Genesee Street, with trolley. 0.2 Railroad Crossing. 0.4 Trolley leaves to left. 1.5 Join trolley from left, go under railroad bridge and cross canal. 1.6 Bear right with trolley, keeping straight ahead where tracks turn riglit. Cross railroad and trollej- still Genesee Street. 7.2 Down steep hill. Caution. 8.1 CAMILLUS, Post Office on left. 8.3 Sharp right curve around ])riok church. Caution. 8.4 Up steep hill. 15.3 Straight thru ELBRIDGE. 20.4 At cross road, turn left SENNETT. 21.4 Up grade over railroad bridge into Grant Avenue. Caution. 24.6 At six corners, turn diagonally left across trolley into Lewis Street. 24.9 End of street, meeting trolley turn right on Genesee Street. 25.2 Curve left with trolley, crossing railroad. 25.4 AUBURN, State and Genesee Streets. Paero 204 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 70 Route 70 — Auburn to Buffalo. 129.2 m. ROAD SURFACE: State road. For reverse route see page 208. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale. Pour la mcme route en sens inverse, voir page 208. Mileage. 0.0 AUBURN, Osborne Hotel and go up State Street. 0.1 Turn right on Clark Street. 0.7 Railroad crossing three times. Depot on left. 1.8 Railroad crossing. 4.4 Railroad crossing. 7.3 At cross road, turn right with the macadam. Wires "both sides of road. 7.8 End of road, turn left with the macadam. 7.9 Fork, go right with the macadam. 9.7 Cross Free bridge over canal and inlet and along through the swamps. 11.7 Turn left; wires on right. 12.3 Red brick school house on left and cross road. 14.5 Railroad crossing. 14.7 End of road, turn right. SENECA FALLS, Stanton House on right. And along with the trolley. 16.2 Over trolley crossing. 18.3 Cross road. WATERLOO. Turn left leaving trolley Cross bridges and railroad. 18.7 Turn right. 23.3 End of road, turn right on Lake St. 25.6 Turn left on Exchange St. 25.8 Turn right on Seneca St., GENEVA. 25.9 End of street, turn sharp left on ]\Lain St. 26.1 Curve left into Park Place. 26.2 Turn right into Washington St. 27.0 End of street, turn left. (Stone wall on the right), and take first turn right. 27.5 School house on left. 29.1 Railroad crossing. 30.4 School house on right, cemetery on left. 32.2 Under railroad bridge, FLINT. 40.2 Canandaigua Lake on left. 40.8 Railroad and trolley crossings, and bear right on brick pavement. Main St. 41.6 CANANDAIGUA, Flannigan's Famous Sea Food Restaurant on right. 42.0 Railroad crossing and pass Court House on right. 42.8 At cross road, turn left on Buffalo St.; Entreprise Cash Grocery on left at turn. Page 205 ROUTE 70 gUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 43.0 Railroad crossing. 43.1 Kailroad crossing. 43.3 Fork, bear right; Main wires both sides of road. 45.5 Pass fork on left. 45.9 Kailroad crossing. 47.7 Cross bridge over creek. 47.8 School house on right. 49.9 HOLCOMB, Railroad crossing. 50.6 Fork, go right E. BLOOMFIELD. 51.2 Pass fork on right. 55.7 Rural cemetery on right. 56.0 Cross road W. BLOOMFIELD. 56.6 Pass fork on right. 57.0 End of road, go right. Cross bridge? over creek and up hill. 58.4 School house on right. 59.1 Railroad crossing; Lima depot on right. 59.4 Pass fork on right, going up grade. 59.9 Cross road LIMA. 64.7 Cross road; White Horse Tavern on left, EAST AVON. 66.8 Half Circle Park and along down hill AVON. 67.0 Railroad crossing; Avon depot on right. 67.5 Cross bridge over Genesee River. 68.6 Railroad crossing. 71.3 Pass fork on left. 72.1 Pass fork on right. 73.1 St. Columbus Cemetery on the right. 73.5 Railroad crossing. 73.7 CALEDONIA, At :Monument go left. 74.5 Standpipe on right. 75.3 Railroad crossing. 75.8 Railroad crossing. 77.4 LIME ROCK. 78.6 Grave yard on right. 80.6 Cross bridge over creek LE ROY. 81.0 Pass fork on left, leaving town. 81.3 Railroad crossing. 83.0 Cross road; stone school house on right. 84.3 Railroad crossing. 84.8 Cross road; town hall on left STAFFORD. 87.8 Cross bridge over railroad. 88.9 Railroad crossing. Page 206 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 70 89.4 Railroad crossing. 90.5 Richmond Hotel on left, BATAVIA. 91.7 Genesee County Agricultural Park on right. And fork at once, keep left; right fork goes to Oakfield. 97.0 Cross road. EAST PEMBROKE. 99.8 Railroad crossing. 103.6 Cross bridge over creek PEMBROKE. 106.8 Grant Club of Akron, 1872, pole on right. 111.4 Railroad crossing, CLARENCE. At top of hill, leaving Village, Countrv Club of the Automobile Club of Buffalo, on the^left. 113.3 Railroad crossing. 119.4 Mansion House on left WILLI AMSVILLE. 119.9 Under railroad bridge. 121.4 Cross road SNYDER. 122.4 Cross road EGGERTSVILLE. 123.2 On asphalt pavement — Buffalo City Line, Main St.. 124.1 Under two railroad bridges. 125.1 Over railroad bridge. 129.2 BUFFALO, Iroquois Hotel on left. :Main St. Hotel Iroquois o E o b FIRE PROOF UJ < OS o X BLJ IM. Y Page 207 ROUTE 71 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 71 — Buffalo to Albany. 298.6 m. Via Batavia, Caledonia, Geneva, Syracuse and L'tica. ROAD StUFACE: All state macadam. For reverse route see pages 201 to 207. Via Batavia, Caledonia, Geneva, Syracuse et L'tica. CHAL'SSEE: Route nationale macadamisee. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir pages 201 et 207. Mileage. 0.0 BUFFALO, Iroquois Hotel on right. Go north on Main St. with trolley. 9.9 Pass Williamsville. 17.9 Cross R.R. at CLARENCE. 25.6 PEMBROKE. 32.3 EAST PEMBROKE. 38.6 BATAVIA. ^lain St. Fork bear LEFT still on IMain St. 39.8 Fork keep RIGHT. Cross bridge and go thru. STAFFORD. 48.6 LE ROY. 55.7 CALEDONIA. 4 corners, turn RIGHT. 58.8 Fork keep LEFT with macadam. 62.7 AVON. Turn RIGHT then LEFT around park. Turn LEFT and RIGHT into direct road. 64.8 EAST AVON. 4 corners, turn RIGHT. LIMA. 78.4 Fork bear RIGHT thru EAST BLOOMFIELD. 86.4 4 corners, turn RIGHT on Pearl St. 86.5 Turn LEFT on Chapin St. 86.9 CANANDAIGUA. 87.8 Fork near Lake bear LEFT. Go under R.R. at Flint. 101.1 End of road turn LEFT and next RIGHT. 102.6 End of street curve RIGHT and then LEFT. 102.8 Turn LEFT into Main St. 102.9 5 corners, turn RIGHT on Seneca St. 103.1 GENEVA. Turn LEFT on Exchange St. 103.4 Turn RIGHT on Lake St. 105.7 Left-hand road turn LEFT. 105.9 Fork bear LEFT, crossing R.R. 110.2 4 corners, turn LEFT. Page 208 TOUU BOOK RQUTE 71 WATERLOO. 4 corners, turn KIGHT. SENECA FALLS. Straight ahead one block. Turn LEFT on Cayuga St. Fork bear RIGHT. End of road turn RIGHT. 4 corners, turn LEFT. Fork bear RIGHT. Cross R.R. to Clark St. Turn RIGHT on State St. AUBURN. Turn LEFT on Genesee St. Turn left on Fulton St. Turn RIGHT on Grant Ave. SENNETT. 4 corners, turn RIGHT thru. ELBRIDGE. CAMILLUS. Straight on to W. Genesee St. SYRACUSE. Go East along canal bearing LEFT into James St. Cross bridge. EAST SYRACUSE. Turn RIGHT over bridge. 159.0 End of road turn LEFT, taking LEFT fork with macadam. Curve RIGHT over canal bridge. MANLIUS CENTER. End of road turn LEFT. 165.8 End of road turn RIGHT. 166.8 MYCENAE. End of road, turn LEFT. 170.0 5 corners, turn LEFT into. 170.2 CHITTENANGO. 5 corners, turn RIGHT. 179.7 Go thru outskirts of Wampsville. 182.3 Cross R.R. at Oneida Castle. 183.4 3 corners, curve LEFT over bridge. 184.4 End of road turn LEFT, then RIGHT. Go thru '-y':'' 187.5 VERNON. 195.9 Cross R.R. at Kirkland Sta., turning RIGHT. Page 209 ROUTE 71 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 200.5 4 corners, turn LEFT. Cross R.R. coming in on Genesee St. 204.0 UTICA. Go East on Blcecker St. 206.4 Turn LEFT on Turner St. End of street turn RIGHT, following along Canal to 213.6 FRANKFORT. Straight thru. 215.1 Cross bridge over Canal, bearing LEFT with trolley 216.1 ILION. Straight thru. 217.7 MOHAWK. Straight thru. 218.3 Turn LEFT under R.R. 219.2 4 corners, turn LEFT. 219.3 HERKIMER. Turn RIGHT on Albany St. 226.1 Fork keep LEFT on W. Main St. 226.4 LITTLE FALLS. Straight thru, coming in on Main St. 232.7 ST. JOHNSVILLE. Straight thru on Main St., avoiding left fork. 242.6 NELLISTON. 245.2 PALATINE BRIDGE. Straight thru on main road. 251.8 Cross R.R. into 257.1 FONDA. Straight thru. 262.5 TRIBES HILL. 3 corners, curve RIGHT. 264.6 CAUTION for left turn, immediately RIGHT. 265.8 Fork bear RIGHT on W. Main St. 268.8 AMSTERDAM. Straight thru. 271.3 Go under R.R. Turn RIGHT and immediately LEFT. Fork keep RIGHT, curving LEFT. 282.3 SCOTIA. Turn RIGHT across bridge into Washington St. 283.2 Turn LEFT on State St. 283.6 SCHENECTADY. Straight thru. 283.8 Bear LEFT into Central Ave. Keep straight ahead into Washington Ave. 298.3 Turn RIGHT with trolley. 298.6 ALBANY, State & Pearl Sts. Page 210 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 72 Route 72— Buffalo to Niagara Falls, N.Y. 26.5 m. Via Buffalo-Niagara Falls Boulevard. ROAD SURFACE: All state Road. For reverse route see page 213. Via le boulevard Buffalo — Niagara Falls. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale. Pour la mdine route en sens inverse, voir page 213. Mileage. 0.0 BUFFALO. From Lafayette Square on right, business center; go north on Main Street. 2.9 Carnival Court on right. 4.0 Cross bridge over railroad. 5.0 Under two railroad bridges. 5.6 Pass Kenilworth Avenue on left, which will shortly be the entrance to the boulevard. 5.7 Turn left on Homeworth Avenue. Kenilworth Hotel on left; entrance to County House on right. 5.9 Sharp curve left and then sharp right onto brick pavement, Kenilworth Race Track on left. 7.4 Cross road. 8.9 Cross road. 9.5 Railroad crossing. 10.5 Cross road and cross bridge over creek. 10.6 Railroad crossing and along over bridge over creek. 10.9 Slight curve to left and along with creek on left. 11.3 Slight curve right. 11.6 Very sharp left curve over bridge over creek. Danger. 11.8 End of road, verj^ sharp curve right and along with creek on right. (Left road goes to Tonawanda). 12.5 Through MARTINSVILLE. 12.9 Very sharp left curve. Danger. 13.1 Pass fork on right. You will need a Windshield Cleaner, uae the Trico Universal THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 41 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. Page 21] ROUTE 72 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 13.2 Trolley crossing Martinsville, Station on left. 13.6 Railroad crossing, WURLITZER. 13.9 Cemetery on right. 14.5 Wheatfield school house (1887) District No. 3 on left. 15.2 Cross road. 15.4 Pass fork on left. 15.9 Curve left. 16.4 Cemetery on right. 16.6 Cross road school house on left. ST. JOHNSBURG. (Right road leads to Sanbon, Pekin, AVilson and Olcott; left road leads to Tonawanda). 17.3 Road on left. 17.9 Cross road and curve right. 18.1 Sharp curve left. 18.7 Sharp curve right; cross road and curve left. 20.1 Sharp left and right curve. Caution. 20.4 Sharp left and right curve. Caution. 20.7 Curve left and cross bridge over creek and keep right. 20.8 Sharp curve left, passing fork on right. 21.1 Cross road (right road goes to Lewiston), (Left road to LaSalle). ' 21.7 Curve right. 22.8 Niagara Falls City Line. 22.9 Railroad crossing. 23.4 Cross road; (Left road goes to Echota). 24.1 Trolley crossing and along with trollej^ on Pine Avenue. 24.8 Trolley crossing. 25.4 Cross bridge over railroad. 25.7 Turn left with trolley on Main Street. 26.0 Curve left with trolley on Second Street. 26.2 Railroad crossing. Danger. 26.3 Turn right on Falls Street. (N. Y. C. Depot on left at turn). 26.5 NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. International Hotel on left. Page 212 i I TOUR BOOK ROUTE 73 Route 73— Niagara Falls, N.Y. to Buffalo. 26.5 m. Via Niagara Falls-Buffalo Boulevard. ROAD SURFACE: All state Road. For reverse route see page 211. Via le boulevard Niagara Falls — Buffalo. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 211. Mileage. ♦ 0.0 NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. , Leave International Hotel Go east two blocks on Falls Street and turn left on Second Street; N. Y. C. Depot on right at turn. 0.3 Railroad crossings. Danger. 0.5 Turn right with trolley line on Main Street, brick pavement. 0.8 Turn right with trolley line on Pine Avenue. 1.0 Cross bridge over railroad. 1.3 High School on right. 1.7 Trolley crossing. 2.5 Cross trolley (trolley line ends here). 2.7 Curve right. 3.1 Cross road. 3.6 Railroad crossing. Danger. 3.7 Niagara Falls City Line. 4.7 Sharp curve left. 5.4 Cross road; right road leads to LaSalle, left road to Lewiston. 5.6 Sharp curve right, then left over bridge over creek and along with creek on right. 6.0 Sharp left curve, then right. 6.3 Curve left, then right. 7.6 Very sharp right curve, passing left fork. 7.7 Very sharp left curve, passing road on right. 8.2 Sharp right curve. 8.6 Curve sharp left and cross road. 9.9 Cross road. ST. JOHNSBURG. Right hand road to Tonawanda; left road leads to Sanborn, Pekin, Wilson and Olcott. 10.0 Cemeterj' on left. 10.3 Road on left. 10.5 Sharp right curve. 11.3 Cross road and curve right. 12.0 Wheatfield District No. 3 School house on right. 12.7 Rue Road on right. Page 213 ROUTE 73 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 12.8 Railroad crossing. WURLITZER. 13.2 Trolley crossing; Martinsville Station on right. 13.5 Sharp right curve. Danger. 13.9 Through MARTINSVILLE. 14.6 Very sharp left curve. Danger. (Straight road goes to Tonawanda). And cross bridge over Tonawanda Creek and curve sharp right. Danger. 14.9 And along with creek on right. 15.5 Curve right. 15.9 Railroad crossing and cross bridge over creek. 17.0 Railroad crossing. 20.3 Kenilworth Race track on right. 20.5 End of brick; very sharp left curve and then sharp right. Danger. 20.8 End of road; turn right on Main Street. 21.5 Under railroad bridge and cross railroad. Danger. 22.6 Cross bridge over railroad. 23.6 Carnival Court on left. 26.5 BUFFALO, Lafayette Square on left. Dunlop Tires Meet Every Wish No matter for what reason you choose your auto- mobile this year, you will make your selection of DUNLOP TIRES "Traction," "Special," "Clipper," "Ribbed" or "Plain," for one reason — the testimony on every hand that they meet every wish in the motorist's mind: ECONOMY, EFFICIENCY, MILEAGE. OUNLOP IIRE S RUBBER GOODS CO, LIMITED 291-3-5 CRAIG STREET WEST - - MONTREAL. 213 ST. JOHN STREET, QUEBEC. Page 214 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 74 Uptown 8317. CENTRAL SERVICE STATION 517 Phillips Square, MONTREAL. Tires Tubes, Automobile Accessories, Gasoline and Oils. Tire Repairs and Vulcanizing a Specialty. All Makes of Batteries charged, repaired tested and stored. Distilled water supplied customers free. Free Air. Route 74— Montreal to Oka, F.Q. 39.4 m. Via Pont Vlau, St. Rose, St. Eustache and St. Joseph. ROAD SURFACE: Asphalt to city limits, and after crossing Pont Vlau, concrete all the way to St. Rose. Good macadam thru St. Eustache and St. Joseph, last nine miles dirt and sand to be completed in 1919. DESCRIPTION OF TOITR: One of the most pleasant and scenic short trips out of Montreal, with excellent views of Lake of Two Mountains. The Trappist Monastery and Farms assure an interesting stop over. The visiting hours are 9 to 11 A.M. and 2 to 4 P.M. Meals are served at 5.30 A.M., noon, and at 6 P.M., excepting on Sundaj-s when the evening meal is served at 5.30 P.M. Males only are admitted. For reverse route see page 217. Via Pont Viau, Ste-Rose, St-Eustache et St-Joseph. CHAUSSEE: Asphalte jusqu'aux limites de la ville. Apres le Pont Viau, beton jusqu'a Ste-Rose. Bon macadam dans St-Eustache et St-Joseph. Les derniers quelques milles en terre doivent etre ameliores en 1918. DESCRIPTION: Une des courses courtes des plus agreables, abondante en belles vues du Lac des Deu\ Montagues. La ferme et le monastere des Trap- pistes valent un arret. Les heures de visite sont de 9 ^ 11 I'avant-midi et de 2 a 4 I'apres-midi. Les repas sont servis k 5.30 A.M., le midi et a 6 hrs P.M., excepte le dimanche, alors que le souper est servi a 5.30 P.M. Les hommes seulement sont admis. Pour la meme route en sens inverse, voir page 217. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Dominion Square, Windsor Hotel on left proceed north to 0.3 Sherbrooke street, turn square right. 0.8 Park Avenue, turn square left and S.O. 1.4 Mount Royal Park, Incline Railway to top of Mountain on left. 1.6 Monument to Sir George Etienne Cartier on left. 1.8 Street Intersection. Square right along Mount Royal Avenue. 2.1 Street Intersection. Square left along St. Lawrence Boulevard. 3.0 S.O. (Mile End Depot C.P.R. on right). 3.1 Under pass R.R. 3.8 Shamrock Amateur Athletic Association grounds on right. Page 215 ROUTE 74 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 5.1 CROSS Crcmazic Road. 6.7 SQUARP: right on Gouin Boulevard. 7.1 Four Corners square left along Lajeunesse St. 7.3 Pont Viau over Back River, crossing to He Jesus. 7.5 Village of PONT VIAU S.O. on concrete road to St. Rose. 7.8 Keep to left at fork, up incline and turn square left and immediately curve right, following con- crete road. 9.6 BELANGER VILLAGE. S.O. (Road on left leads to village of St. ]\Iartin). 10.2 S.O. (Road on right leads to St. Francois de Sales). 10.3 CAP ST. MARTIN. Caution. Down grade cross- ing R.R. at bottom of Hill. 11.4 ST. ELZEAR, Four corners S.O. (Road on right also leads to St. Francois de Sales). 12.0 Caution. End of road square right, and imme- diatel}' left. (Road on left also leads to St. Rose, not recommended). 13.6 End of road square left. 14.3 CROSS R.R. Main line. 14.8 Sharp curve and down grade. 15.1 Reverse Fork on right leads to St. Rose Station. 15.6 VILLAGE OF StI ROSE, Parish Church on right. 15.9 Four corners, turn square right down grade. 16.0 CROSS long wooden bridge over Mille lies river, connecting He Jesus and the main land. Toll gate at further side of Belair bridge, charge 2oc. for automobiles. 16.4 Right and left jog. 16.6 Turn left and across bridge at 16.7. 17.0 End of road square left and S.O. 17.6 S.O. (Right hand road leads to St. Therese). 21.8 S.O. (Right hand road leads to St. Augustin and St. Scholastique, first mile only macadamized). 23.0 Enter limits of St. Eustache, toll bridge on left at 23.1. 23.2 Opposite Parish Church turn square right and S.O. 23.8 Irregular 4-corners, turn square left across small })ridge and immediately square right, curving to right 28.0 Cross R.R. and up grade. 28.5 Square left (important turning), leaving heavy phone wires. 30.5 Curve to left. 31.2 ST. JOSEPH DU LAC. Turn square right up grade (just before reaching Parish Church). 34.0 End of road, square left. 36.0 Turn square right by Trappist ^lonastery, up grade (deep sand) and thru Village of OKA, curving slightly to right at 39.0 and square left at 4-corners 39.3,. by Hotel Oka. 39.4 OKA. Parish church on left also Ferry Landing. Page 210 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 75 Eslablished '^r MONTREAL AUTO LIVERY CO. Arthur Goudron, Prop. 10 CARS Packard Touring and Limousine Automobiles FOR HIRE DAY & NIGHT Office and Garage: 184 Berri St. Automobiles Repaired Sold Exchanged UNIFORMED DRIVERS Tel. Bell East 4363 Route 75 — Oka to Montreal. 39.4 m. For description of tour and reverse route see page 215. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir page 215. Mileage. 0.0 OKA, Ferry landing, church on right. 0.1 4-corners, square right thru Village bearing slightly to left just beyond (0.2), (deep sand). 3.4 Take left hand road opposite Trappist Creamery (S.O. also leads to St. Eustache over unimproved roads). 5.4 Square right. 8.4 ST. JOSEPH DU LAC. Square left. 8.9 Bear right at fork. 10.9 End of road square right. 11.4 Cross R.R. 11.8 Avoid left hand road. 15.5 Curve left at fork and across iron bridge and square right at irregular 4-corners 15.6 immediately after crossing, and S.O. thru ST. EUSTACHE. 16.1 Turn square left opposite Parish Church and S.O. (At 16.2 turn square right for optional return route from this point, crossing Belair Bridge, leading to He Jesus and follow route No. 46, to the City. The road conditions however are not wholly improved). Mettez un Voltametre sur votre tablier aux instruments et rendez-voua compte de I'etat de votre batterie. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS- MORSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 rue St-Antoine. Montreal. Page 217 ROUTE 75 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 22.4 Turn square right. (Koad S.O. leads to Rosemere and Terrebonne). 22.7 Cross bridge and turn right just beyond at 22.8 making a right and left jog at 22.9. 23.2 Cross Belair Bridge, Toll 25 cents leaving main land for He Jesus over long wooden bridge. 23.5 Four corners, square left by Temperance Hotel, through ST. ROSE, passing church on left at 23.8 and avoiding left hand road to station at 24.3, Bear right at fork at 24.7 and cross R.R. at 25.1. 25.8 Turn square right. 27.3 End of road square right, and immediateh'- square left. 28.1 ST. ELZEAR, Post office on left. Four corners S.O. crossing R.R. at 29.1 and through CAP ST. MARTIN village. 29.8 BELANGER village, Post Office on left. (Road on right to St. Martin). 31.5 End of road square left, and just beyond turn square right down grade through PONT VIAU and across bridge over Back River at 31.9 on to Island of Montreal. At end of bridge 32.1 proceed along Lajeunesse street, turning square right at four corners at 32.2 (see note "A" optional entrance to City, page 18) and along Gouin Boulevard and square left at 32.6 along St. Lawrence Boulevard. 36.3 Mile End Depot on left, proceed S.O. 37.2 Mount Royal Ave., turn square right. 37.5 Park Ave., turn square left, passing Statue of Sir George Etienne Cartier and Mount Royal Park Incline Railway station just beyond at 37.9. 38,5 Sherbrooke street, turn square right and a few blocks beyond turn square left at 39.1 down Peel St., cross- ing St. Catherine St. at 39.3. 39.4 MONTREAL, Dominion Square, intersection of Dorchester St. Your car can be kept clean and sweet most easily by use of our cleaning supplies. THE CA\ADIA\ FAlKBA\KS-MOKSE CO. LIMITED. 84-98 St. Antoine St.. Montreal. Page 218 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 76 Route 76 — Montreal to Phillipsburg 61.6 m. via La Prairie, LacoUe, Clarenceville and Pike River. ROAD SURFACE: Macadam to Lacoile, also between Noyan and Cla- renceville, balance impassable during wet weather and early part of season. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: A rather interesting and pleasant journey in dry weather, with excellent views at Mlssisquoi. Phillipsburg at the termina- tion of the trip is a well known summer resort, with good hotel accommodation. From here one may go across the border via Hlghgate Springs to Swanton over good dry weather roads, beyond which there is a good road into St. Albans, and from St. Albans to Montreal the tourist can make the return via two at- tractive routes contained in the Tour Book. Tla La Prairie, Lacoile, Clarenceville et Pike River. CHAUSSEE: Macadam jusqu'k Lacoile, aussi entre Noyan et Clarence- ville; le reste est impossible en temps pluvieux ou au debut de la saison. DESCRIPTION: Un voyage interessant et agreable par un temps sec, don- nant un coin de belles ^naes de Mlssisquoi. Phillipsburg h la fin de cette tour- n6e, est une place d'6te tres achalandee, possedant de bons hotels. De Ik il est possible de traverser la frontiere par Hlghgate Springs et Swanton quand les chemins sont sees, et les chemins sont ensuite bons jusqu'a St- Albans et le tou- riste peut revenir h, Montreal par deux routes differentes indiquees dans ce li-\Te. Mileage. 0.0 MONTREAL, Victoria square. Queen Victoria Monument on right, West on St. James street, turning left down Inspector street at 0.2 and right along Notre Dame street with car tracks at 0.3, turning square left down Murray Street 0.5, and to right along Smith street, across Gallery Square to Wellington Bridge over Lachine Canal. 1.2 Four corners. Turn square left on Bridge Street, passing Plague Monument on right at 1.7. 1.9 VICTORIA BRIDGE, Toll 25c for car and driver, 5 cents each person. At end of Bridge 3.3, give up toll tickets, and at 3.-1 turn square right, passing Country Club on left at 4.1, bearing left at 4.2. 8.7 LA PRAIRIE. End of dyke road, square left, and immediately after square right, turning left again at 8.8. passing church on left, and crossing R.R. at 9.5 and Kempton Park Racecourse at 9.9 on right. 10.6 Curve to right and at 10.9 cross first railroad built in Canada running between La Prairie and St, Johns, P.Q. 14.5 ST. PHILIPPE, church on right, and at 14.8, caution, cross R.R. (station on right). 18.0 Curve left over concrete bridge and then right. 20.6 ST. JACQUES LE MINEUR, Caution, sharp right turn. (Road on left leads to St. John). 22.1 Irregular four corners bear left, crossing R.R. at 24.8. 26.1 DOUGLAS CORNERS. Caution sharp curve to left. Cross R.R. at 27.7, curving to right over con- crete bridge at 28.1 and enter at Page 219 ROUTE 76 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 28.3 NAPIERVILLE, passing King Edward Hotel on left. 34.5 Cross R.H. 36.3 LACOLLE. Canadian Customs on right. (All mo- torists must stop and report). Take left hand road opposite Customs House. 37.5 Fork, keep to right with telegraph poles. 37.9 K.R. crossing. 38.3 At end of road (International Highwaj-) turn right and cross small iron bridge. 38.4 At 4-corners turn square left. 38.6 Cross wooden bridge over Richelieu River. (Toll oOc). 39.8 Turn left. 39.9 Turn square right. 40.7 End of road, VILLAGE OF NOYAN, turn square right. 40.9 Turn square left. 42.9 R.R. Crossing, CLARENCEVILLE. 43.4 4-corners, S.O. 47.9 . Turn square left. Lake Missisquoi now in view. 49.3 Fork, keep to right. 50.3 Curve to left. 50.5 Fork, keep to left. 53.7 At end of road turn left. 54.9 End of road turn right. 55.3 PIKE RIVER, turn square right and through co- vered bridge. 55.4 Take center of three roads opposite church. Left hand road leads to Bedford, 4 miles. 57.5 Left at fork. 58.4 4-corners, S.O. 59.8 R.R. Crossing. 61.6 PHILLIPSBURG. Alissisquoi House. L'ne pompe a air actionnee par maleur voits sauvera beaucoup d'heurea ennuyeusea d ponxper voa pneua. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED, 84-98 rue St-Antoine, Montreal. Page 220 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 77 Route 77 — Burlington to Malone. 104.9 m. Via Hero Islands, Chazy Landing Ferry, Mooers and Chateaugay. For reverse route and description of tour see page 'i'i'i. Follow route Xo. 48 page 155 to 51.8 m., and proceed via follow- ing running directions. Via les lies Hero, Chazy Landing, Mooers et Chateauguay. Pour la menie route en sens inverse, voir page 223.° Mileage. 51.8 CHAZY, N.Y. End of road, brick church ahead; turn right. Cross iron bridge over Little Chazy River. 52.1 Left-hand road, turn left across R.R. Bear a little right and left 52.3. 53.9 3-corners; turn right and at next left-hand road at 54.0, turn left. Follow gravel across R.R. 57.5. 58.0 SCIOTA. 4-corners; turn right on macadam. 62.7 End of road, turn left crossing long iron bridge over Big Chazy River into 63.0 MOOERS. Straight through on macadam, cross- ing R.R. 65.9 MOOERS FORKS. End of road, turn right cross- . ing R.R. 66.3 4-corners; turn left and cross bridge over English River at 67.8. 70.8 CANNONS CORNERS. Turn left, crossing En- glish River. 73.8 End of road; turn right; 76.8 ELLENBURG. 4-corners; straight through cross- ing iron bridge and under R.R. bridge. 79.5 ELLENBURG CORNERS. Turn right. 90.8 Turn right under R.R. and next left. Cross iron bridge 91.9. 92.4 CHATEAUGAY. 4-corners; straight through. 93.0 Fork; bear left, crossing iron bridge at 93.2. 93.5 5-corners; turn left, (after June 1st proceed S.O. on new state road), over R.R. bridge at 93.9. 94.8 End of road, bear right, under R.R. bridge at 95.9. 97.5 BURKE. Straight through, crossing iron bridge at 97.6. Cross R.R. at 98.2. 104.8 MALONE. :\rain Street, PubHc Square and Monu- ment . 105.0 Flanagan Hotel. Page 221 ROUTE 78 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 78 — Malone to Burlington. 104.9 m. via Chateaugay, Mooers, Chazy I..anding Ferry and Hero Islands. ROAD CONDITIONS: Tourist should ascertain if new state road between Malone and Chateaugay is open for traffic as the road via Burke is somewhat worn and rutty. Beyond is State Macadam to Chazy Landing Ferry. Thru the Islands to Burlington there are good macadam and gravel roads, excepting a mile and a half of clay in the vicinity of Sand Bar Bridge, to be improved. For reverse route see page 221. Via Chateauguay, Mooers, Chazy Landing et les lies Hero. CHALSSEE: Le touriste de\Ta s'informer si la nouvelle route nationale entre Malone et Chateauguay est ouverte au traffic, parce que la route par Burke est usee et saboteuse. II y a ensuite une route nationale en macadam jusqu'^ Chazy Landing. Dans les iles et jusqu'a Burlington, bons chemins en macadam ou gravier, excepte un mille et demi dans le voisinage de Sand Bar Bridge. Pour la meme route en sens Inverse voir page 221. Mileage. 0.0 0.1 7.4 11.4 12.5 14.1 25.4 28.1 31.1 34.1 39.0 41.9 42.2 46.9 47.4 50.9 52.8 53.1 55.0 MALONE. Leave Flanagan Hotel. Start east on Main Street. Public square and Monument. Pass Fair Grounds, crossing R.R. and crossing R.R. again at 6.7 and iron bridge at 7.3. Proceed straight to BURKE, bear right under R.R. at 9.0 and over R.R. at ILO. 5-corners; bear right, crossing iron bridge at n.7. CHATEAUGAY. 4-corners; straight through. Turn right under R.R. and next left. ELLENBURG CORNERS. Bear left away from bridge, under R.R. bridge at 27.2 and across iron bridge 28.0. ELLENBURG, cross bridge 28.9. Turn left, cross iron bridge at 31.3. CANNONS CORNERS; school on right, turn right. Bear right, crossing R.R. MOOERS FORKS. Turn left along Big Chazy River. MOOERS. Straight through crossing R.R. Bear right crossing long iron bridge at 42.1. Turn right. Cross R.R. at 42.4. 4-corners; turn left on gravel road. SCIOTA; cross R.R. and follow direct road, avoiding forks. End of road; turn right, and at 3-corners, turn left. Bear right, then left and cross R.R. at 52.6. End of road, turn sharp right, crossing iron bridge over Little Chazy River. CHAZY. Turn left at top of slight grade, brick church on right. End of road, lake shore, turn left and at 55.2 turn right on CHAZY LANDING FERRY DOCK. Boat runs on signal, during hours of daylight. Fare, car and driver 81.00, passengers 25c each, children free; maximum charge S2.00. Reset Odometer at 12.8 and follow route 47, page 151 to 104.9 ^L Burlington. New Sherwood House. Page 222 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 79 PIERCE-ARROW Passenger Cars and Trucks 2 AND 5 TONS SALES ROOM AND SERVICE STATION 15 PARK AVENUE CO.,L TELEPHONE EAST 4260 MONTREAL, P.Q. Route 79— Montreal, P.Q. to St. Albans, Vt. 79.1 m. Via Rouses Point, Chazy Landing Ferry, Isle La Motte, Alburg Tongue, Alburg Centre and Swanton. ROAD CONDITIONS: Good state. road to Chazy, slightly worn to the landing, on leaving ferry at Isle La Motte fair sand for a couple of miles via Sliore road — (somewhat better via optional road). Followed by excellent graded sand and gravel roads all the way to St. Albans. DESCRIPTION OF TOLTt: Excellent lake views on reaching Isle La Motte, fine fruit orchards, well kept farms. Follow route No. 47 Page 150 to 16.3. ' For reverse route see page 224. Via Rouses Point, Chazy Landing, He La Motte, Alburg Tongue, Alburg Centre et Swanton. CHAUSSEE: Bon chemin d'Etat jusqu'a Chazy, un peu use dans le voisinage de la traverse, bon sable en debarquant sur I'ile La Motte, en suivant la route de la greve suivie par un bon chemin de sable et gravier jusqu'a St-AIbans. DESCRIPTION: Belles viies du lac, beaux vergers et belles fermcs. Pour la meme route en sens inverse voir page 224. Mileage. 16.3 3-corners, turn left, (see sign board marked ''Swanton Ferry"). 18.0 Fork, bear to right by brick house and immediately square right just beyond. 19.3 Curve to left. 20.0 Bear right and cross R.R. and at end of road (20.1) turn square left. (Square right leads to Burlington). Page 223 ROUTES 79-80 (^IKHKC AUTOMOBILE 21.1 3-C'ornei',s. Albuif:; contro, take right hand road. 21.3 ("urve to right ahjiig Lake shore. 21.4 Sliarj) h'ft turn dcnvn grade to Lewis-Rockwell I'errv, operating across Lake Chaniplain between Alburg Centre and Hogg Island, auto and driver •SLOO, passengers 10c. each. Runs on signal, capa- city five cars — time consumed 20 minutes. On leaving ferrv proceed up grade and S.O. on Hogg Island. 22.2 S.O. (Left hand road leads to Blairs Ferry another connection for S wanton). 22.6 Bear left. 24.5 Cross small bridge onto main land. 25.2 S.O. (Right hand road is shore road to St. Albans). 26.6 Cross R.R. 26.7 SW ANTON, bear left thru village and square right at next street intersection, across iron bridge pro- ceeding up grade and to left of City Park, (27.0) Pick up electric track and follow^ all the way to St. Albans, entering on ]Main St. 35.1 ST. ALBANS, VT. :\Iain and Bank Streets, at Park. Turn square left one half block for "Tavern Inn" and Garage. Route 80— St. Albans, Vt., to Montreal, P.Q. 79.1 m. Via Swanton, Albur$>; Center. Alburg Tongue, Isle La Motte and Chazy Landing Ferry and Rouses Point. For reverse route and desfription <»f tour see route 79 page 223. Via Swanton, .4lburg Centre, Alburg Tongue, lie La Motte, Chazy Landing et Rouses Point. Pour la menie route en sens inverse et description, voir route 79, page 223. MileaKC. 0.0 ST. ALBANS, VT. At Bank St., north end of Park on right, proceed S.O. along Main St., following electric track all the wav to Swanton, curving to left at fork 1.4. 8.1 SWANTON, at Park and termination of electric line, bear slightly to left down grade across iron l)rid»e, and at S.3 street intersection turn square left, and one block*l)eyond 8.4 turn square right and S.O. crossing R.R. at 8.5. 9.9 S.O., (left hand road is shore road to St. Albans). 10.6 Cross small bridge onto Hogg Island. 12.5 l^ear right. 12.9 S.O. (Right hand load leads to Blairs Ferrv at East Alburg.) Page 224 I TOUR BOOK ROUTES 80-81 13.6 Down grade to Lewis-Rockwell feny, connecting Hogg Island and Alburg Centre, auto and driver, $1.00, passengers 10c. each. — Runs on signal — capa- city five cars. Time consumed in crossing, 20 mi- nutes. On leaving ferrj- proceed up grade and bear to right 13.7, curving to left away from Lake shore at 13.8. 14.0 ALBURG CENTRE, at prominent, 3-corners, take left-hand road 15.0 Turn square right (S.O. leads to Burlington), cross- ing R.R. and bear left just beyond at 15.1. 15.8 Curve to right. 17.0 Turn square left, passing brick house in center of fork on right. 18.8 3-corners, take right hand road, and reset odometer at 45.3, and follow Route No. 48 page 156, to Rouses Point and Route 33, Rouses Point to Montreal. Route 81— Malone, N.Y., to Trout River, P.Q. 10.6 m. Via Constable. ROAD CONDITIONS: State macadam. Via Constable. CHAUSSEE: Route nationale en macadam. Mileage. 0.0 MALONE, Elm St., Flanagan Hotel on left. Soldiers' monument on right. Cross R.R. 0.4 Turn left on Constable, St., Sign board "Montreal". 5.4 Limits Town of Constable. 5.5 Irregular 4-corners, proceed S.O. and just beyond at 5.6 bear to right around general store and S.O. 5.8 Bear left and across R.R. 7.2 Cross iron bridge and bear right. 10.2 3-corners, church on right, bear right with State Road. 10.5 U.S. Customs on right. (All motorists must stop and report.) 10.6 Canadian Customs on left. (All motorists must stop and report.) Page 225^ ROUTE 82 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 82 — Fraserville (Riviere du Loup, en bas) to Metis Beach and Matane, P.Q- 129.6 m. Via Cacouna, Rimouski, and Metis Beach. ROAD CONDITIONS: First five miles good, then poor, becoming bad thru Trols Pistoles, St. Simon and St. Fabien, improving thru Bic and Rlmousiii. Excellent beach road from here to Grand Metis. This trip is recommended in dry weather only. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: Splendid river \-iews. (Courtesy of Mr. A. F. C. Ross, Montreal). Via Cacouna, Rimousld et Metis Beacli. CHAUSSEE: Cinq milles bon, ensuite pau^TC, pour devenir reellement vilain dans Trois Pistoles et St-Simon et St-Fabien, s'ameliorant dans Bic et Rimousld. Beau chemin de greve jusqu'a Grand Metis. Recommandable par un temps sec seulement. DESCRIPTION: Belles vues du fleuve. Mileage. 0.0 RIVIERE DU LOUP, (Fraserville), S.O. past Pt. Hotel. 4.4 CACOUNA, take beach road past St. Lawrence Hall; (or preferably turn right towards R.R. Station two miles distant and then to left, shorter and better). S.O. 17.9 ISLE VERTE, Church on left, S. 0. to 23.4 Ascend long steep hill. 24.7 Cross R.R. bridge to 25.7 Long steep dangerous hill. S.O. cross bridge thru Tobin, P.O. on right and immediately up another steep dangerous hill, crossing R.R. spur half way up. (\Yorst hills on whole trip). 28.5 TROIS PISTOLES, S.O. 28.8 Cross small bridge at end of village. 29.9 Cross bridge, and S.O. 33.2 Cross R.R. 33.3 Short steep descent and at 33.9 Cross bridge. 37.2 ST. SIMON, Church on left, S.O. 39.5 Cross R.R. 44.5 Cross R.R. 46.1 Cross R.R. 47.1 S.O. under R.R. 47.7 ST. FABIEN, Church on right. 51.7 Down steep hill wdth turn. 52.2 Cross bridge over river. t'n accumulateur Edison mettra fin a tons lea troubles venant de la batterie. fllE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO. LIMITED. 106-108 rue du Pont, Quebec. Page 226 TOUR BOOK ROUTE 82 52.5 52.6 52.7 53.1 53.8 54.5 54.8 57.1 57.5 59.6 62.7 64.1 66.7 66.8 67.6 68.7 69.8 73.6 73.7 78.2 87.1 92.7 100.5 129.6 Ascend hill. Cross bridge over river. Cross R.R. Cross R.R. Down long hill. S.O. Down another hill. Go up hill and S.O. to BIG, turn right on street just before station and cross R.R. Cross bridge and up hill. Cross small bridge, S.O. down hill. SACRE COEUR, Church on right. Cross R.R. Cross bridge, take left hand road. RIMOUSKI, Church on left. Cross wooden bridge to shore road. Cross R.R., leading to wharf. ST. ANNE, Church on right, S.O. Take Shore road. STE. LUCE, Church on left. STE. FLAVIE, S.O. past Church, to GRAND METIS, cross bridge, S.O. past. Turriff Hotel, S.O. to LITTLE METIS, SO. to SANDY BAY, SO. to RIVIERE BLANC, SO. to MATANE, P.O. OLD FRENXH CANADIAN COTTAGE. CARTIERVILLE. Page 227 ROUTES 83-84 (QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 83 — Quebec City to Quebec Bridge (Neilsonvillej. 8.5 m. ROAD CONDITIONS: First 4 miles good, balance unimproved earth road. CHAL'SSEE: Los quatre premiers milles sont bons; le reste est un chemin dc terre sans ameliorations. Mileage. 0.0 QUEBEC. Place D'Armes Square, straight out St. Louis St. and Grande Allee. 0.3 Thru St. Louis Gate. 0.4 Provincial Parliament Buildings on right. 1.2 Leave car tracks and keep S.O. St. Louis Road, passing on the left "Spencerwood" the residence of the Lieutenant Governor. 3.2 Termination of Trolley on right. 4.0 Turn square left, steep descent (Sillery Hillj, curving to right past Parish Church on right and S.O. along shore road. 8.5 NEILSONVILLE. Quebec Bridge in full view. From this point for connection with the Montreal, Quebec Highway, tourist should take the centre of three roads leading out of the Village as far as the St. Louis Road, where left hand turn is made and the next right hand road to the Church at St. Foye where left hand turn is made on to the Quebec, Montreal Highway. Route 84 — Quebec Bridge (Neilsonville) to Quebec. 8.5 m. For reverse route and description of tour see above. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description, voir en haut. Mileage. 0.0 NEILSONVILLE. St. Lawrence River on right, proceed S.O. passing Parish Church on left, curving left up Sillery Hill, and at 4.5 turn square right pick- ing up trollej^ on left at 5.3. Continue S.O. along St. Louis Road, crossing car tracks at 7.3 now Grande Allee. 8.2 Thru St. Louis Gate. 8.5 QUEBEC. Place D'Armes Square and Champlain Monument. Page 228 TOUR BOOK ROUTES 85-86 Route 85 — MalonetoLoon Lake (Franklin Co.)N.Y. 55.6 m. Via Paul Smiths and Itloomingdale. ROAD CONDITIONS : State road to limits of Blooniingdale, balance mostly worn county road. Last mile into Loon Lake graded dirt. Long easy grades. DESCRIPTION OF TOUR: The objective of this journey is Loon Lake and the exclusive Hotel by that name, managed by Mrs. Mary Chase. The lake is one of the most beautiful in the Adirondacks and the route leading to it af- fords the motorist unexcelled mountain scenery. Accommodation should be arranged in advance. Members of the Automobile Club of Canada and affili- ated Clubs will be furnished with letters of introduction upon rcciuest. For reverse route see below. CHAUSSEE: Chemins d'Etat jusqu'aux limites de Blooniingdale, le reste chemin de terre use. Le dernier mille dans Loon Lake est en terre battue. Les pentes sont longues et douces. DESCRIPTION: Le terme de ce voyage c'est le Lac Loon et I'hotcl Loon Lake tenu par Mme Mary Chase. Le lac est un des plus beaux des Adirondacks et la route y conduisant fourmille de beaux coups d'ceil dans les montagnes. II faut retenir son accommodation d'avance. Rur demande, des lettrcs d'introduc- tion sont donnees aux membres de TAutomobile Club of Canada ct aux membrcs des clubs affilies. Pour la nieme route en sens inverse et description, voyez route 86. Mileage. Follow route 60 page 187 to 39.7. 39.7 Prominent fork, bear left. 40.4 Bear right with state road. 41.5 Cross R.R. Blooniingdale Station on left. 42.7 Limits of Bloomingdale. 43.1 End of road turn square right. 43.2 BLOOMINGDALE, 4-corners at Post Office, turn square left (S.O. leads to Saranac Lake 6.0 Miles). 44.4 Take left hand road. 46.3 VERMONTVILLE, P.O. on left. 51.6 End of road, square right. 52.5 Bear left. 54.5 Bear left up-grade (right hand road will shorth^ be new State road to Plattsburg, via Goldsmith and Clayburg). 55.6 LOON LAKE, Hotel on left. Route 86 — Loon Lake to Bloomingdale, N. Y. 12.4 m. For reverse route and description of tour see route .*>5. Pour la meme route en sens inverse et description voyez route 85. Mileage. 0.0 LOON LAKE, Hotel on right, S.O. bearing to right, and down grade. 1.1 Irregular 4-corners S.O. 3.1 Bear right. 4.0 Square left. Page 229 ROUTES 86-87 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE 9.3 VERMONTVILLE, P.O., on right. 11.2 Keep to lif^ht. 12.4 BLOOM INGDALE, 4-corners, (For Saranac Lake turn square left and proceed S.O. for 6 miles arriving at Pine St. and Bloomingdale Ave. at 18 .4. Follow route 60, page 189 for Plattsburg). 12.4 BLOOMINGDALE, 4-corners, (For Paul Smiths, turn square right, turning square left thru village at 12.5, crossing R.E. at 14.1, curving to right at 15.9, cross R.R. Gabriels Station at 18.2, turning left into Paul Smiths at 21.0. Follow route 66, page 200 to Malone). Route 87— St. Albans to Burlington Vt. 31.9 m. ROAD CONDITIONS: Good gravel. CHAL'SSEE: Bon grav-ier. Mileage. 0.0 ST. ALBANS, Bank & Main Sts., Park on left, proceed S.O. 2.3 Under R.R. 6.0 GEORGIA, 4-corners, S.O., P.O. on right. 6.2 Fork, bear left up-grade. 7.3 Bear right. 11.5 Long down grade. 12.2 MILTON, At hotel bear left down grade and cross, bridge, and just beyond to right of Soldiers Monu- ment and S.O. 12.8 Cross R.R. 13.4 Bear right. 17.2 Keep to left. 17.7 S.O. (right hand road is route 48, Burlington to Montreal). Reset Odometer to 47.5 and follow route No. 47 to Burlington, Vt. ADDENDA ROUTE 5 page 13 Connection for St. Martin — 2}4 miles unimproved, balance good macadam. 0.0 4-corners, turn square left. 1.3 Right and left jog. 2.0 Turn square right and square left at 2.2, coming on to new macadam at 2.7. 3.1 4-corners, S.O. 3.7 f^nd of road turn left and next right at 3.8. 4.6 4-corners. ST. MARTIN, (S.O. for Cartierville and. Pont ^'iau, square left for Cap St. Martin and Con- crete road. Square right for St. Dorothee). Page 2.30 TOUR BOOK ROUTES 88— 88a Route 88 — Longueuil to Sorel and Levis. 168.4 m. REPORT AM> GEXERAL DESCRIPTIOX: Leaving the Parish Church on the right at the Chambly Road proceed east along the shore. There is worn ma- cadam for two miles followed by a good macadam • road to Boucherville, from the limits of Boucherville there is 2J^ miles of earth road, fair, going in dry weather, with a first class macadam road thru Varennes. From the limits of Varennes to Vercheres there is a well maintained clay road. Good macadam thru the village of Vercheres. From the limits of Vercheres on to Contrecoeur is clay. Between Contrecoeur and Sorel there are .3 miles of well dragged sand, the balance being a sand rut, which is fairly good travelling. The distance between Longueuil and Sorel 43 miles is a very picturesque journey, as the road follows the shore of the St. Lawrence River all the way. From Sorel ferry connection may be made to Berthier on the Montreal-Quebec Highway, as travelling on the South Shore between Sorel and Levis is not recommended. Strong representations have been made to the P^o^'incial Government for the construction of an improved road between Longueuil and Levis, and it is anti- cipated that this work will be started at an early date. DESCRIPTIOX: En laissant I'eglise paroissiale a droite, sur le chemin de Chambly, dirigez-vous a Test en suivant la riWere. II y a deux milles de vieux macadam; le chemin est ensuite bon jusqu'a Boucherville. Des limites de Boucherville il j' a 2 milles et demi de chemin de terre assez passable par un temps sec, et un bon macadam dans Varennes. De Varennes a Verchferes un chemin de glaise bien entretenu. Bon macadam dans Verchferes. Des limites de Vercheres jusqu'a Contrecoeur, glaise. Entre Contrecoeur et Sorel, trois milles de bon chemin en sable, le reste est en ornieres. La distance de Longueuil a Sorel est de 43 milles, e'est une promenade tres pittoresque parce que le chemin suit toujours le fleuve. De Sorel on peut traverser k Ber- thier et prendre la grande route Montreal-Quebec parce que le trajet par terre de Sorel a L^vis n'est pas recommandable. De fortes • representations ont ete faites au gouvernement sur la necessite d'une bonne route entre Longueuil et Levis et il est probable qu'elle sera com- mencee sous peu. Route 88a — To Abenakis Springs via St. Ours. 61.0 m. Leave Longueuil Ferry and follow Bank of St. Lawrence River all the way to three miles beyond Village of Contrecoeur. Mileage. 38.0 Take first right hand turn to St. Roch ferry over Richelieu River to St. Ours. (Charge 25c. j. 41.0 Leaving ferry take first turn to left at top of hill out of Village. 41.2 First right hand turn, then first left hand turn. S.O. taking first and second left hand turns into Village of St. Victoire. Sharp right hand turn in Village at Page 231 ROUTE 88a (^KHKC AUTOMOBILK Abenakis Springs Hotel ABENAKIS SPRINGS, P. Q. SEASON: JUNE 15th to SEPTEMBER 15th. Mgk^r'^A^^j^^jJ^: # OO H^^ra^^ '^^K^HH^P^^L' ^^^M A popular summer wKuB^^ i ^'is^n^^^^^i^^HB Resort, with ^^Ki^^nH^^^I home comforts at moderate WKS^^¥^WSKSKSmK^t^m rates. M^^mMMM Sixty-five miles PJP^^j!m^^^^^^^|||^^^^^hP from Montreal. Tc v::'^Wc|SiM^j^MiEI3^^rS^>i^»B^felBl£: ^■^^*'!fti?.s^8B«7st^^ ^ OO BOATING, BATHING, TENNI S, FISHING. For full information communicate with Long distance telephone. W. E. WATT, Managing Director. Maisoii Pension, S.O. to left hand and first right hand turns about two acres apart, then first left hand sharp turn at Red School House on the right, thence about four miles on grass covered road through Villages of St. Rol^ert end of road. 54.0 Take right hand turn over wooden bridge. S.O. to 55.0 Turn sharp right over RR. crossing, Cheese-factory on loft. S.O. to Yamaska River Bank at. 58.0 Avoiding left hand turn: Blacksmith shop on right, following bank of Yamaska River into Yamaska Village; after passing church take first roatl to the left leading to Ferry (charge 25c.). After leaving ferry take first left hand turn down the river bearing to Right over iron ])ridge avoiding left hand turn at 61.0 Then S.O. to Abenakis Springs Hotel at 65.0. N.B. — A new set of running directions to this well known resort will be compiled early in the Season, and will be available on application to all users of the "TOUR BOOK". Pag.' 2.3 la TOUR BOOK ROUTE 89 Route 89 — Syracuse to Malone. 190.2 m. ROAD COXDITIOXS: AU State Macadam. C'HAl'SSEE: Route nationale en macadam. Mileage. 0.0 SYRACUSE. South Salina and James Sts.. cross bridge (Erie Canal), follow trolley, cross R.K. and Oswega Canal. 1.5 Turn right, follow trolley, Wolf Street. cro>s City Line onto Cicero Plank road and follow to 9.3 CICERO, S.O. 13.9 BREWERTON, Cross bridge (Oswega Riverj at head of Oneida Lake; S.O. main road thru 17.9 CENTRAL SQUARE, SO. 23.7 HASTINGS, SO. 26.9 COLOSSE, SO. 32.7 UNION SQUARE, SO. 38.8 PULASKI, At the end of road turn left. cro:^':. bridge Salmon River; just bevond at end of road turn right (at Park), and S.O. 44.7 SANDY CREEK, cross bridge, and S.O. at watering- trough. 47.9 Cross R.R. 49.7 MANNSVILLE, SO. 51.4 PIERREPONT MANOR, Cross bridge, turn right at fork. 54.4 Thru covered bridge. 54.6 Turn right, and follow wires, at end of road turn left, and cross bridge into 57.1 ADAMS, S.O. thru town and up hill into 60.8 ADAMS CENTER, S.O. thru town keeping to right at fountain. 69.5 Bear left into WATERTOWN CENTER, and SO. Washington St., 70.7 WATERTOWN, N.Y., follow trolley north over R.R. cross River and follow macadam. 79.6 PAMELIA, follow macadam. 89.4 THRESIA, follow macadam to right (left leads to Alexandria Bay and Ogdensburg via Redwood). 100.9 ANTWERP. Turn left in Village, following maca- dam thru Summerville, Gouverneur, Richville, De- Kalb, DeKalb Junction, and Canton to 150.2 POTSDAM. ISLarket and Elm Sts. Reset odometer at 28.5 and follow route No. (32, page 191 to MALONE, N.Y. Page 232 ROUTE 90 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE I Arg^@ ^oi Inug FRYEBURG, M A I N E . Good Table, Pure Spring Water, Clean Comfortable Rooms. Tourists Given Special Atteniion About half way from Mt. Wash- ington to Poland Spring just off State Road. OPEN ALL THE YEAR TRANSIENT HOUSE Apply for Rates. Mrs. F. W. THOMS, Proprietor. Route 90 — Burlington to Waterbury, Vt. and Fryeburg, Me. 150.0 m. ROAD CONDITIONS: Good gravel. CHAUSSEE: Mileage. 0.0 4.4 8.0 11.2 13.0 16.4 19.3 25.0 26.1 33.0 39.0 49.0 57.0 66.0 69.0 76.0 91.0 96.0 101.0 111.0 113.0 140.0 150.0 Pagf 233 Bon gravois BURLINGTON, St. Paul St., at Main, straight out Main St. Right at fork. WILLISTON, S.O. Turn to right. RICHMOND, SO. JONESVILLE, S.O. BOLTON, SO. Bear right. WATERBURY, VT. Waterbury Inn. Middlesex. Montpelier. Plainfield. Marshfield. West Danville. Danville. St. Johnsbury. Waterford, Vt. Littleton, N.H. Bethlehem. Bretton Woods. Crawford. North Conway. Fryeburg, Me. Argue Not Inn. TOUR BOOK XLXHaterbur^ ITnn OPEN THE ENTIRE YEAR Waterbury , Vermont W. F. and M. D. Davis, Owners and Managers. On the direct route from Montreal to the White Mount- ains and the Maine Coast. Miles From 7 " "The Long Trail" over the Green Mountains. 9 " Camel's Hump, 4,088 ft. above sea level. 19 " Mount Mansfield, 4,454 ft. above sea level. 17 " Smugglers Notch, a wonderful chasm. 30 " Burlington. 98 " Plattsburg — via S. Hero. 55 " Plattsburg — (by boat, 2 hours from Burlington). 48 " St. Johnsbury. 85 " Bretton Woods. Miles -rom 97 " Crawford Notch. 83 " Profile House 86 " The Flume. 125 " Dixville Notch. 185 " Portland, Me. 164 " Poland Springs. 73 " Bethlehem. 74 " White River Jet 200 " Old orchard, Me 68 " Littleton, N.H. 128 " Manchester, Vt. 130 " Walpole, N.H. 85 " Hyde Manor 80 " Brandon. 95 " Rutland. 214 " Boston. 131 " Montreal. 320 " New York. Rooms singly or ensuite — with or without bath or with running water. ELECTRIC ELEVATOR. The management solicits inquiries and will cheerfully answer all questions relative to the Inn and Waterhury. Paj?.' 23:3a ROUTE 91 QUEBEC AUTOMOBILE Route 91 —Toronto to Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Ont. 82.9 m. Koud Conditions: Good city p.ivomeut. Concrete to Hamilton, balance gravfl. CIIAl'SSEE: Bon gravier. Milea^'e. 0.0 TORONTO. Kinsaiul YongeSts.,C.P.Ky. Bldg. on left West on King Street, S.O. 3.0 Sunnyside Station. Bear left over iron bridge and follow Lakeshore road to the Humber River. 5.1 Cross bridge over Humber. Straight ahead on To- ronto-Hamilton Highway. 6.0 Cross bridge over ^Nlimico Creek. 8.2 Through NEW TORONTO. 9.6 LONG BRANCH entrance on left. 10.3 Cross bridge over Etobicoke Creek. 13.7 Cross bridge over Credit River at PORT CREDIT. 15.3 LORNE PARK, store on corner. 16.0 Blue Dragon Inn. Curve left (17.1) and then right (18.2). 22.1 OAKVILLE. (Village Inn to left). 23.0 Cross bridge over Oakville Creek. 26.6 BRONTE town line. 32.6 BURLINGTON town line. 34.0 Turn left over dangerous R.R. crossings on to maca- dam road, passing Brant House, (34.1) on right. Cross R.R.'s at 34.5 and 34.9 and over Pier bridges, (35.5). 38.0 R.R. crossing. Road to right goes to Hamilton. See Note "A" 39.9 Sharp turn to right, under R.R. viaduct at (40.4). 40.7 At four corners turn left, and keep straight ahead, crossing R.R. (45.8). Continue through cross roads, and at 46.5 turn right, down hill, and turn left on to Stone Road at 46.7 WINONA. Cross R.R.'s at 48.4 and 48.8 and 50.1. 50.7 Curve left, then right (50.8), over radial and through village of GRIMSBY. Bad hill (54.2) and R.R.'s at 54.3 and 54.9. 55.2 BEAMSVILLE, town limit. Pn