paiTOed by I Haigraw.-, EDWARD BAINE S, ESQ 7:JHEP. SCiN 1 C° lOHDOK. 16S3 \ ^ 4 All 80- V- I g TOHISMAJESTY, 3 WILLIAM IV. KING OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, AND DUKE OF LANCASTER. SIRE, Emboldened by Your most gracious permission, I beg to dedicate to Your Majesty this History of that S important portion of the British dominions, of which Your Majesty is by a double title the illustrious Head. As little inclined to offer as Your Majesty, in the noble frankness of Your character, is disposed to receive, the homage of servile adulation, permit me, most gra- cious Sire, to express an ardent wish, that uninterrupted peace may be the glory of Your Majesty's reign ; that Your triumphs may consist in the achievements of Arts rather than of Arms, and in the extension of the liberties and happiness of Your Majesty's subjects, rather than in *?OfT ^ey^ IV the enlargement of dominions, already sufficiently ample to gratify every purpose of legitimate ambition. That Your Majesty may long govern a contented and loyal people, and that when in the course of nature You shall be called, by that power by whom Kings reign, to descend to the tomb of Your illustrious ancestors, the appropriate inscription upon Your monument may be — The Father of his People," — is the fervent wish of Your Majesty's Most grateful n and devoted Subject, EDWARD BAINES. ADVERTISEMENT. LANCASHIRE, so eminent in ages that are past for its baronial dignity, has, in modern times, become equally distinguished for its manufactures and commerce ; and it has long been a matter of regret, that of this great division of the kingdom there is no History at all worthy of its importance. The late venerable and learned Dr. Whitaker having written the History of one of the parishes of Lancashire, It is intended, in the volumes now announced for publication, to present to the public a History of all the Parishes, coiTCsponding in some measure with that of the parish of Whalley— less antiquarian, indeed, and it is feared less profound, but somewhat more popular, and equally accurate. In exploring the historical treasures of this County for the purposes of a late publication, the Author of this work was surprised by the vast body of information dispersed throughout its various parishes, and gratified in the highest degree by the readiness with which it was every where laid open to his inspection : thus encouraged, his views expanded beyond their original limits, and though he sat down only to write a sketch, he rose with the ambition to complete a history of his native County. The materials which he thus collected, his close and extensive connexion with the County has enabled him continually so to increase, that they form a store more rich and varied, perhaps, than is possessed by any other individual in the kingdom, on the subject of Lancashire history ; and he now submits to his readers, in a connected and condensed form, a work comprising all the valuable and curious matter which is scattered through piles of detached volumes, or locked up in the numerous unpublished pedigrees, and other MSS. in his possession, or to which he may have access. VOL. I. A vi ADVERTISEME]\T. The work he has already published,* honoured as it has been with public patronage to an extent that inspires his mind with gratitude, has, he trasts, imparted to his readers some grounds of confidence in his future labours. In his former volume, it was barely possible to glance at the stores of information contained in the public Libraries of the Kingdom; but the Manuscripts in those Libraries will now be examined with diligence and accuracy proportioned to the importance of the information they contain ; and whatever is valuable on the subject of Lancashire History in the Harleian, Cottouian, and Lansdowne collections in the British Museum, will be extracted, to enrich this publication. All the important materials relating to the County of Lan- caster, collected and arranged under the authority of the Commissioners appointed by his late Majesty, King George III. will also be extracted from the Domesday Survey of William the Conqueror, the Taxatio Ecclesiastica of P. Nicholas IV., the Testa de Nevill, the Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Hen. VIII., and the Ducatus Lancastriae, as presented in the public records of the Kingdom. The period for compiling the decen- nial census of the County having again arrived, the whole of the Lancashire returns, as made to Government in the year 1831, will be inserted in this History, with a sum- mary of the official returns of 1801, 1811, and 1821, for the purpose of exhibiting the rapid increase of the population during the present century. The Plan of the Work will embrace a general History of the County, succeeded by the history of each Hundred, in which the Parishes and Townships will follow in regular succession, according to their local connexion. The history of the regal House of Lancaster will be traced from the foundation of that House to the time when Henry IV. the son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, ascended the throne of these realms ; and while the remains of other periods are preserved, the concerns of the age in which we live will by no means be neglected. A full and comprehensive view of the rise and progress of the Manufactures and Commerce of the County, from their earliest introduction to the present time, will be taken. All the public Institutions, rendered venerable by time, or important as modern establishments, will be described ; and a complete record will be preserved of all the public Charities in each Parish and Town- ship of the County, as they existed in the 2Gth George III., with their annual produce, and the names of the benefactors and the trustees in whom they were vested, when the parliamentary return was made in that year. Connected with this subject, the interesting reports of the Commissioners acting under the authority of Parliament " for inquiring concerning Charities," so far as these reports concern the schools, • The Topographical Sketch of the County of Lancaster. ADVERTISEMENT. vii hospitals, and other benevolent institutions in the County of Lancaster, will be con- sulted, and their substance communicated. A few years ago, William Robert Whatton, Esq. F. A.S., announced a publi- cation under the title " Lancastrenses Illustres; or. Historical and Biogra- phical Memoirs of Illustrious Natives of the Palatine County of Lancaster, with Genealogical and Heraldic Observations." The materials for this undertaking were drawn from Original Records, public and private Manuscripts, General and County Histories, Heraldic Visitations, Monumental Inscriptions, &c., enriched from the collections in the British Museum, the Bodleian Library, Oxford, the University Library of Cambridge, and the Chetham Library of Manchester. Professional engagements having prevented Mr. Whatton from prosecuting his design to maturity, he has, since the original Prospectus of the present Work was announced, gene- rously transferred his ample biographical collections to the appropriate depository of the General County History, to which Work it will form a highly interesting acquisition. To the last Volume of this History will be subjoined copious indexes of places, persons, and subjects, accompanied by chronological tables, so arranged as to exhibit a regular connexion of characters and events, as they successively arise in the different parts of the County. To secure the gi-eatest authenticity, every Parish in the County has either already been visited, or will be visited by the Author in the progress of tliis work, which it is his earnest wish to render worthy to descend as a record through successive generations. The graphic Embellishments, Drawings, and Illustrations, will consist of about one hundred and twenty Views, &c. antiquarian and modern, taken by artists eminent in their profession, with a Map of the County, a Map of each Hundred, and armorial bearings of the principal Nobility and Gentry of the County ; and, to secure uniformity in the impressions, the Engravings will be executed on steel by engravers of reputation in their respective departments. Some select subjects inserted in the " Illustrations of Lancashire" will be introduced amongst the Embellishments. A complete List of Subscribers will be published as nearly as possible in the order in which the names are received. In the distribution of this Work amongst the Subscribers, the periodical mode is adopted, in order to increase the number of its patrons. The Nobility and Gentry are respectfully solicited to furnish Drawings of their Arms, Crests, &c., in order to ensure accuracy. viii ADVERTISEMENT. Public bodies, and private individuals, in possession of documents calculated to shed light upon the History of Lancashire, or to afford materials for biographical notices of the worthies of the County, are requested to allow the Author to inspect the originals, or to furnish him with copies or extracts, through the medium of Messrs. Fisher & Co. of London ; Messrs. Wales & Co. of Liverpool ; or Messrs. Clarke & Co. of Manchester, taking their receipt if necessary; and he pledges himself that all papers committed to their charge for his use shall be carefully preserved, and punctually returned. PREFACE. The labours of ten years have at length enabled tlie Author of these volumes to present to his readers the history of his native county. The baronial family desig- nated by the illustrious title of The House of Lancaster, whicli ranks amongst its early members tlie renowned John of Gaunt, has imparted a dignity to this portion of the kingdom, which will be as durable as the national records ; and the transmis- sion of the title, in the person of Henry of Lancaster, Earl of Derby and Duke of Hereford, from the ducal family of Lancaster to the Royal Family of England, serves to shed additional honour on the early history of the county. Subsequent to the Reformation, the conflicts of parties arising out of that memorable event, and, at a still later period, the wars of the Commonwealth, have rendered this county the theatre of transactions of the highest political interest ; and, in our own times, the rapid rise of commerce and manufactures in the towns of Liverpool and Manchester, with their extensive ramifications through the hun- dreds of West Derby, Salford, and Blackburn, has accumulated within a narrow space more wealth, population, and enterprise than are to be found in any other division of the kingdom, the metropolitan county of Middlesex alone excepted. That a county so circumstanced should have been so long destitute of a county history, is a matter of surprise and regret. Several attempts have been made to supply this desideratum. As early as the middle of the seventeenth century, the learned and indefatigable Dr. Kuerden announced his intention to publish a history of " the honorable Dukedom of the County of Lancaster," under the title of " Brigantia Lancastriensis Restaurata ;"* but the life of the laborious antiquary was spent in collecting the materials, and death overtook him before the first page of his publication was committed to the press. More than a century after this time, namely, in 1787, Doming Rasbotham, esq., at the instance of the magistracy acting for the hundred of Salford, himself a member of that body, undertook to write a " History of Lancashire," and collected no fewer than five volumes of notes and documents, principally written in short-hand,t in furtherance of his object ; but before the materials had assumed the form of history, sickness and death arrested his * See Vol. III. p. 461. t See Vol. III. p. 42, 43. VOL. I. b Vi PREFACE. progi'ess, and the task, undertaken with so much zeal, and under circumstances so auspicious, was left to be executed by other hands. At a still later period (in 1825) a gentleman of the name of Cony imposed upon himself the duty of produchig a " History of Lancashire ;" but owing to adverse circumstances, his work fell into disrepute, and terminated in a manner equally unsatisfactory to himself and to the public. Detached portions of our county history have been written by the Whitakers, in a manner highly creditable to theii- learning and their talents. " The History of Manchester," by the Rev. John Whitaker, has always been considered a piece of valuable topography, too imaginative, indeed, for the sobriety of history, but abound- ing with learning, and full of information ; while Dr. Thomas Dunham Whitaker's " History of the Original Parish of Whalley and the Honor of Clitheroe," and his history of that part of Lancashire comprehended within the archdeaconry of Richmond, rank the reverend and learned author amongst the most popular and eloquent of anti- quaries, as well as amongst the most prejudiced declaimers against the state of society under the system of modern manufacturing industry. The history of the " Antiqui- ties of Furness," by West, possesses distinguished merit for accuracy and laborious research. At an earlier period. Dr. Charles Leigh published " The Natural History of Lancasliire, Cheshire, and tlie Peak of Derbyshire," Avhich occupied seventeen years in the completion, though aided by doctors, proctors, and heads of colleges.* In the mention of works connected with the Jiistory of this county, it would not be proper to omit " The Portfolio of the Fragments of the History of Lancashire, by Matthew Gregson, esq.," compiled with exemplary industry, but published without arrangement. Two other works, of a more antiquarian character, not confined to Lancashire, but containing considerable portions of topographical information con- nected with the county in the sixteenth century, will be found frequently quoted in the following pages, namely, " Leland's Itinerary" and " Camden's Britannia," both of them works of high authority, at a time when kings and queens sent forth learned men to explore " distant counties," and directed that the results of their inquiries should be published for the benefit of their subjects. " Harrison's Description of the Manners and Customs of Britain in Elizabeth's Reign," is also quoted at some length ; and Stukeley, Gale, and Horsley have been frequently consulted on sub- jects relating to Roman antiquities discovered in various parts of Lancashire, and numerous passages transferred from them to these volumes. * See Leigh's History, Epistle Dedicatory. PREFACE. VU All these sources of information fall far short of a History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster ; and to supply tliis deficiency in a county to which the Author is bound by many tics, has been one of his strongly actuating motives for enaaains: in an undertaking that will stand so much in need of the candour of his readers. In the midst of numerous public and private engagements, he has devoted all his leisure for years to the compilation of this history ; and if others should derive as much pleasure from reading as he lias enjoyed in writing his history, he Avill not have raised this monument of his attachment to his native county in vain. Some errors, indeed many, are unavoidable in a work of this nature, when thousands of inquiries were to be instituted in all the great divisions of the county, and when the information as to events, families, and persons was to be obtained from so many different quarters ; but to secure the accuracy of the narrative as far as possible, every parish in the county has been visited, and many of the most intelli- gent persons in each parisli consulted upon the subjects most likely to be within their own knowledge. That the Author's health, strength, and spirits have been spared, to conduct him through labours under which others better qualified have sunk, is a cause of gi-atitude to the great Disposer of all events, in whom we live, and move, and have our being. The plan of the work is simple and inartificial. The first volume consists of the general history of the county, whicli also extends through 1 46 pages of the second volume. The history of the separate hundreds, parishes, and townships is then com- menced, and constitutes the principal part of the remaining volumes. Rising from the aboriginal state of the county in the general history, the period of the Roman occupation of Britain, and especially of the Brigantine provinces, is briefly treated. The Saxon and Danish periods succeed, terminating with the Conquest by the Normans. The Domesday Survey, so far as relates to this county, is given at length, both in the Norman Latin and by ti'anslation ; and a map, founded upon that judicial record, is presented, with the names of the manors and other places engraved according to the orthogi'aphy, and in the character, of the original manu- script, — being a new feature in county history. The possessions of the Norman barons are traced through the earls of Chester, the baronial house of the Ferrers, earls of Derby, to the Plantagenets, dukes of Lancaster, and till the possessions of the Derby family merged in the crown by the elevation of Henry IV. to the throne. In this and other portions of the work, the Record Office of the Duchy of Lancaster has been freely resorted to ; and selections from the enormous piles of documents in that office, liberally conceded by the noble chancellor, Lord Holland, through the 62 Viii PREFACE. medium of Frederick D. Danvers, esq., registrar of the council, and the late W. Minchin, esq., the clerk of the duchy court, from that invaluable depository of local and general information, serve to enrich these pages. The representative history of the county, never before systematically treated, is derived from the writs of summons, and the rolls of parliament, commencing with the original iirstitution of the House of Commons, in the reign of Henry III., and extend- ing to the passing of the Reform Bill in the reign of Wilham IV., with the excep- tion of the period of the wars of the Roses, of which the writs of summons are not in existence ; nor are the returns of the comity or borough members to be found amongst the public records of those times. The wars of the Barons, and the invasions of the Scots, undertaken against the border counties in the reigns of the Henrys and the Edwards, so far as their influence extended to the county of Lancaster, are treated at some length ; and the history of witchcraft, once so rife in Lancashire, having been traced through a period of two hundred years, is shewn to have given way before the progress of education — the best security against individual and popular superstition. The wars of the Commonwealth, which raged in Lancashire in the early periods of the contest between the Stuarts and the parliament, necessarily occupy considerable space, both in the general history of the county and in the local history of the parishes visited by this scourge ; and the information supplied from the King's Library, in the British Museum, and from the stores of this and all other topics of Lancashire history accumulated by that liberal patron of literature, Thomas Hey- wood, esq., have supplied ample materials for rendering this interesting portion of the Author's labours complete. The general history is concluded with such particulars of the rebellions of 1715 and 174.5 as regard the transactions which took place in Lancashire in those periods of alarm and agitation, and with a number of miscellaneous subjects relating to the public institutions, the charities, and the population of the county, copied fi-om the official decennial returns of 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831,. exhibiting a rapidity of numerical gi-owth unequalled in any other county in the kingdom. Having treated these subjects of a more general nature, the history of the separate Hundreds is commenced with that important manufacturing district comprehended within the hundred of Salford ; and in the parishes and townships of that division of the county, Manchester appropriately takes the lead. In writing the history of that parish, all the sources of information, published and unpublished, tbat are open to the topographer, have been carefully explored. The history of the out-townships of PREFACE. IX the parish, taken consecutively in their regular order, till the tour of the ecclesiastical limits is completed, is then treated with as much particularity as the nature of this publication would allow ; and the same course is pursued through all the hundreds and parishes of the county, as they successively come under review. In writing the History of the County of Lancaster, it became indispensably necessary to exhibit the history of that most important of all our sources of national industry — the cotton manufacture; and the Author has to ofTer his affectionate acknowledgments to his son, Mr. Edward Baines, for an original and comprehensive history — the first ever written — on that stupendous source of wealth and of employ- ment. These chapters have since been expanded by their Author into a volume, which, in addition to a wide circulation in Great Britain, and the United States of America, has received the honour of translation into the German language. The sources of information, both general and local, from which this History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster have been derived, are to be found in the Rolls of Parliament, in the Charter Rolls, in the Hundred Rolls, in the Inquisitiones Post Mortem, Escheats, and other official inquiries into landed property ; in the Taxation Rolls of EdwardL, and in the Taxation of Pope Nicholas IV., deposited in the Tower of London ; in the Domesday Book, in the Pipe Rolls, in the Bags of " Pedes Finium," (or Fines,) in the Quo Warranto Rolls in the reigns of Edw. I. II. and III., and in the Surveys of Abbeys, Monasteries and Priories, deposited in the Chapter House at Westminster; in the books of Pedigrees and Arms, and in the Visitations of the Heralds in the College of Arras; in the Records of the Presentation to Benefices, in the Ecclesiastical Court at Chester ;* in the Chartularies, Registers, and Ledgers of the Monasteries, and in the Surveys and Inquisitions of the larger and smaller religious houses in the Harleian, Cottonian, Lansdowne, and Hargrave Collections; in the Records of Pious Uses, taken before Bishop Bridgmau, in the 20th, 21st, and 22nd of James I., contained in the British Museum; and in the Charters of Grants of various kings, under the Great Seal of the Duchy of Lancas- ter, the Court Rolls of the Duchy, the Inquisitiones Post Mortem, the Presentations to Livings, the Calendar of Pleadings, and the Abstracts of Duchy Records, in the Bags and Rolls of the Duchy Courts, deposited in the Record Office of the Duchy, in Lancaster-place, London. When room could be afforded, copies of the docu- ments themsehes have generally been inserted, but, in most cases, they have been necessarily withheld, though never without a description of their contents being * Owing to the defective state of these records ia the eaily ages of the bishoprics, the returns are less perfect than might be expected. X PREFACE. given, and references attached to indicate where they are to be found by those wlio msh to consult them for purposes connected with family history, or the rights of property, or in support of municipal privileges. In addition to the advantages afforded to the Author by the public records, much valuable information has been derived from Dr. Kuerden's MSS. in the Heralds' College in London, and in the Chetham Library at Manchester ; from the Norris and Derby papers ; from the MS. Collection of Doming Rasbotham, esq., obligingly furnished by his daughter, Mrs. Gray ; from the Mancuniensis of Holliugworth ; and from the MS. History of Manchester, in possession of the Rev. Dr. Smith ; as well as from the ample MS. collections of pedigrees by Hopkiuson and Wilson, in the Leeds Library, and from the MS. entitled " Familiae Lancastrienses," compiled from the collections of sir John Byron, sir George Booth, Ralph Thoresby, John LucaS) and others in the Author's possession; but most of all is he indebted for genealogical information to the accurate and valuable MS. collection of pedigi'ees, originally compiled by Mr. Vernon, of Shackerley, for the Asshetons of Middleton, and politely furnished from the library of the late deeply -lamented lord Suffield. In the transcription of documents from the public records, and in quotations from those documents, as well as from private collections, the varying orthography of the original has been faithfully copied, as well for the purpose of preserving the fidelity of the quotation, as to sliew the changes in the spelling of names and places in different ages. Some years before the publication of this work was commenced, William Robert Whatton, esq., F.A.S., announced a biographical work, under the title of " Lan- castrenses lUustres ; or Historical and Biograpliical Memoirs of illustrious Natives of the Palatine County of Lancaster, Avith Genealogical and Heraldic Observations ;" but, professional engagements having prevented Mr. Whatton from prosecuting his design to maturity, he generously transferred his ample collections, contained in four manuscript volumes, to the appropriate depository, the general history of the county. In the progi-ess of this work through the press, literature and science were suddenly deprived by the stroke of death of this accomplished man ; but, fortunately, his biographical labours were completed before that calamity befell his family and friends. To the noblemen and gentlemen who have liberally communicated, from their pedigrees and evidences, much valuable information relating to their own and to other distinguished families in the county, the Author is deeply obliged. To the Rev. Thomas Raffles, D.D,, LL.D, the Author feels himself under great obligations. PREFACE. XI For several years this gentleman had been engaged in collecting materials for a HistoiT of the Hundred of West Derby, with the judgment and zeal for which he is distinguished. The products of all this labour he spontaneously placed in the hands of the Author of the County History, leaving him the unrestricted use of all the papers in his collections. To Thomas Binns, esq., of Liverpool, he is also indebted for the repeated inspection of his vast collection of engi'avings relating to the different hundreds of Lancashire, a collection more extensive and varied than is possessed by any other individual in the county ; as well as for the use of a number of rare books, from the perusal of which he has derived important facilities in the prosecution of his labours. A valuable original paper on the Roman roads con- verging to Wigan from the hundreds of West Derby, Salford, and Amounderness, was contributed by the Rev. Edmund Sibson, a laborious and successful antiquary ; and Nicholas Grimshaw, esq., the guild-mayor of Preston, emphatically so called, has in a variety of ways placed the Author under obligations by his contributions and his corrections, in matters connected with the history of the ancient borough of Preston. To his valued friend, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Hunter, Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London, he is indebted for many useful suggestions, as well as for a copious catalogue of the MS. works of Roger Dodsworth connected with the county of Lancaster, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. In every parisli in the county he has received numerous acts of kindness and assistance in the progress of his publica- tion, but the instances are too numerous to admit of distinct and separate acknow- ledgment. It is due to Mr. Hampson, the gentleman who has filled the luimble but con- fidential office of amanuensis to the Author for several years, to say, that his learning and research have contributed essentially to the accuracy of this publication ; and it is also due to Mr. Edwin Butterworth, who has visited all the parishes and town- ships of the couuty, without a single exception, for the purpose of collecting local information, and to verify facts already obtained, to say, that he has performed his duty with zeal, intelligence, and fidelity. The Appendix to these volumes, which follows the paiish histories, will be found to contain a variety of uiformation connected with the statistics of the County and Duchy of Lancaster ; and, amongst other matter, Abstracts of the Ecclesiastical Survey of the various parishes of the county, made by commissioners under the authority of the Lord Protector during the period of the Commonwealth, usually designated " The Oliverian Survey." These documents are found in the unpub- lished MSS. in tlie Lambeth Library, obligingly opened to the Author for transcrip- XU PREFACE. tion, by his Grace the Arclibishop of Canterbury ; to whom he is also indebted for permission to make the Abstracts of the Endowments of Vicarages in the county of Lancaster, by Dr. Ducarcl. The Engravings (upwards of two hundred,) consisting of portraits, views, maps, antiquarian subjects, and drawings of manufacturing machinery, witli which this pub- lication is adorned, by artists eminent in their profession — and the uniformity of the volumes in paper, print, and embellishments — reflect credit upon the spirited publishers ; and the vignette initial letters affixed to each chapter and parish history, from which the design is derived, display the taste of the engraver in wood, and the advanced state of that branch of the arts. Tlie pedigrees are also arranged with skill by the printer ; and the arms and crests by which these Tamily trees are surmounted, though simple in their construction, have the merit of perfect accuracy in the execution. A number of Additions and Corrections, arranged in the order of the parishes, follow the Appendix ; and a general Index of places, persons, and subjects, for the facility of reference, concludes the work. The extensive and highly respectable support which this publication has received during the long period of its progress through the press, is indicated by the number and station of the subscribers ; and the best acknowledgment that can be ofl'ered in return is the assurance that an anxious desire has existed to execute the work in every department in such a manner as to deserve that patronage which has been so liberally awarded. Leeds, December, 1836. CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Introductory Observations. — Roman name of Lancashire. — Brigantes. — Aborigines. — Druidism. — Manners and customs. — Languages. — Caesar's invasions. — Renewed invasion by the Romans. — Lancashire overrun by the Romans. — Hadrian's wall. — Roman stations in Lancashire. — Lancashire estuaries. — Roman roads in Lancashire. — Antonine's Itinerary of the Lancashire routes. — Richard of Cirencester's Itinerary. — Arrival of the Emperor Severus in the Brigantine capital. — His acts. — His death and deification. — His successors. — The goddess of the Brigantes. — Recent discovery of Roman remains at Ribchester. — Provinces and districts. — Britain finally abandoned by the Romans.— Roman institutions. — Roman remains in Lancashire. Page 1 Cljap, m, Saxon period. — State of Britain on the departure of the Romans.— Urgent application of the Britons for foreign aid. — Assistance offered by the Saxons. — They visit Britain as friends.— Remain as enemies. — Take possession of Kent. — Defeat of the Saxons at York. — Saxon ingratitude. — King Arthur. — Battles on the Douglas. — The Round Table. — Sir Tarquin. — The heptarchy. — North- umbria. — Saxon idolatry. — Introduction of Christianity. — Missionaries to Britain. — Conversion of the Northumbrians. — Restoration of churches. — Lancashire castles. — Oswald. — Archbishop Wilfrid. — Papal authority acknowledged. — Transference of the people of Furness. — Rain of blood. — Venerable Bede. — Invasion of the Danes. — Battle of Whalley. — Dissolution of the hep- tarchy. — State of Lancashire in the ninth century. — Reign of Alfred the Great. — Saxon name of Lancashire. — Early tradition of the Eagle and Child. — The tenth century. — The south of Lan- cashire in Northumbria, and not in Mercia. — Wars in Northumbria. — Lancashire not mentioned in the Saxon chronicles. — Passes under the Danish power.— Termination of the Saxon and Danish dynasties in England. — Manners and institutions of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors. Page 2.3 Cbap. iM. Conduct of the Conqueror, — Unsuccessful revolt in the north against his authority. — York superior to London {note). — Proscriptions. — Early manners. — Renewed insurrection.— City and Cathedral of York destroyed. — William marches again to the north. — Fate of Earls Morcar and Edwin. Tremendous infliction. — Royal grant. — The Conqueror's dealings with the clergy. — Domesday survey. — How formed. — The name of Lancashire not in the Domesday Book. — Perpetual use of this memorable survey.— Latin and English versions of it.— Observations of the Domesday Book. —Thanes.— Ethlings.— Aldermen.— The honor of Lancaster.— The Norman barons of Lancashire. — Their stations. — Pedigree of Roger de Poictoii, the first Norman baron of the honor. — The honor forfeited by Roger. — Conferred on Ranulf, the third earl of Chester. Page 85 VOL. I. f. XIV CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Cfiap. iw. Lands between die Ribble and Mersey. — Possessed by the earls of Chester.— Descend to the Ferrers, earls of Derby. — Earldom of Lancaster. — Thomas, earl of Lancaster. — His opposition to the royal favourite, Piers Gaviston. — To the Despensers. — Heads the barons against the king. — His fate. — His reputed miracles after death. — The king's mandate. — Marriage of his widow. — Forfeits part of her dowry. — Early manners. — Henry, earl of Lancaster. — Henry, his son. — His military renown. — Created duke of Lancaster. Chancery court of Lancaster instituted. — County made palatine. — "The good duke of Lancaster's" deeds of arms. — Holy relic. — His charities to the " black liverys." — To Whalley abbey. — To Leicester college. — His death. — His issue. — John of Gaunt. — His marriage. — His possessions. — Created duke of Lancaster. — His achievements in arms. — Obtains the grant of chancery in the duchy and palatine privileges in the county of Lancaster. — Advocates the cause of VVickliffe, " the morning star of the Reformation." — Privileges con- ceded to him at court. — Obtains a grant of treasury in the duchy of Lancaster. — Demolition of his house by the followers of Wat Tyler. — Magnanimity shewn towards and by the duke in Scot- land. — Charged with a design to usurp the throne. — His foreign wars. — E.\tension of the duchy privileges. — Espouses Catherine Swinford, his concubine. — Legitimatizes her children. — The duke's death and character. Page 121 Character of Henry Plantagenet. — His marriage, and summons to parliament by the title of the Earl of Derby. — Created duke of Hereford. — His quarrel with the duke of Norfolk. — Wager of battel. — Great preparations for the contest. — The dukes separated in the moment of the onset. — Both sentenced to banishment. — The duke of Hereford quits the country amidst the general lamentation of the people. — Elevated to the dignity of Duke of Lancaster on the death of his father, John of Gaunt. — Returns to England. — Expels Richard H. from the throne. — Elevation of the noble house of Lancaster to the royal dignity. — Allusion, on ascending the throne, to the tradition, that Edmund Crouchback was superseded by his younger brother. — Ancient tradition that John of Gaunt was a foundling. — Original letter on that subject. — Possessions of the duchy of Lancaster separated from the crown possessions. — Establishment of the duchy court. — Abolition of the duchy court of star chamber. — Augmentation of the duchy possessions. — Early archives of the duchy. — Inquisitions j90s< mortem, and pleadings in the duchy court. — Incorporation and confisca- tion of the duchy. — Act of Philip and Mary for restoring the duchy possessions. — Ancient duchy book, revenues, fees, &c. — Abolition of the feudal system. — Administration of the affairs of the duchy, and appropriation of the revenues under the Commonwealth.- — Chancellors of the duchy of Lancaster, from the creation of the duchy to the present time. — Duchy records, their nature described, and the places of their deposits stated. — Officers of the duchy, as they at present exist. — The duchy seal. — Origin and use of seals. — Ducatus Lancastrise, from the Harleian MSS. Page 159 Cftap. 1J1E. Creation of the county palatine. — Dr. Kuerden's letter on its antiquity. — Reasons for conferring the palatine privileges. — Form of legal processes in the county. — Mode of electing the sheriff. — List of sheriffs, from the earliest records to the present time.— Violation of the liberty and pro- perty of the subject. — Ancient petition to parliament. — Punishment of outlaws Prohibition of liveries. — Exigent. — Appointment of sheriff during the civil wars. — His oath. — Courts of the county palatine. — Ecclesiastical courts. — Synopsis. — Description of the various courts. — Con- templated removal of the assizes. — Ancient indictment of the high sheriff.— Inferior courts of the county palatine. — Public records of the county palatine, civil and ecclesiastical. Page 199 CONTENTS OF VOL. I. XV The antiquity of the county.-The earldom possessed by king John.-Tl>e crusades -Pm .leges granted to the honor of Lancaster in the articles of Magna Charta.-Ratiticat.on of Magna Charta. -The forest laws.-Assize of the forest at Lancaster.-King William's letter.-Abol.t.on of the ordeals of fire and water.-Grant of land between the Mersey and Ribble.-Ongin of the repre- sentative system in England.-The barons' wars, and their effect on the honors and mhentances of the house of Lancaster.-War with Wales.-Ancient Lancashire wood-cutters.-F,rst mditary summons extant, addressed to the sheriff of Lancashire.-Wages of labourers the.r uniform adaptation through successive ages to the price of table of the standards of value for six centuries.-Coals first used for fuel.-Ancient loyalty loan -Summonses of military service-Conquest of Wales.-Reference to pope Nicholas s\ alor.-Wars w,th Scot and. Lancashire newsmongers denounced.-Scotland conquered.-Renewed struggles under W.llmm Wallace and Robert Bruce.-Large drain for men and money rn Lancashn-e.-Effects of wa,.- Comm.ssion of Trailbaston.-Edward I. in Lancashire.-His death at Carhsle.-Fresh wars.- Increase of crime and misery .-Adam de Banistre takes the field aga.nst the ear of Lancaster - His fate.-Renewed wars of the barons, headed by Thomas, earl of Lancas er.-H,s late.- m.erest taken in Lancashire in the barons' wars.-Charge of aiding Thomas earl o Lancaster- Edward n. dethroned.-Placed in the custody of the earl of Lancaster -H.s cruel death.-The Testa de NeviU' analyzed, so far as regards the landed possessions .n the county of Lancaster. Cftnp. vrw. Representative history of the county of Lancaster.-Hitherto neglected.-Ancient constitution of ^; iam nts-Thedawnof parliamentary representation.-The reform parhament of Oxfonl, pauiaments. ine u.t i •'.. f j^i„,,jts of the sh re.— Constitution of the called parZiamen^am iMsanwrn.— First appointment or Knigiiis. ui I . ,• , parUarTent of Oxford.-Its acts.-First writ for the payment of members of parliament.- Op oS- g'-» to the ancient parliamentary reform. -Borough members first sent to par- Hament.-How elected.-First members for the county of Lancaster, and for . s boroughs.- First parliamentary return for Lancashire, extant.- First parliamentary wnt of summons fo. LnaLre, extant -Returns in the reign of Edward L-Number of counties, boroughs &c. then returning members. -Duration of the session of pari lament.-Frequent parliaments - Members returned for the county of Lancaster in the reign of Edward borough returns in this reign.-The high sheriff of Lancashire assumes the power to e ect members for the county.-Presentment against him for this and other offences.-Lancashire Tounty members in the reign of Edward III.-The duration of parliaments.-False return or the county made by the under sheriffs.-The king, and not the commons, decides on disputed elec- tions -Peers of parliament, temporal and spiritual.-The boroughs of Lancashire cease to return rembers.-The reason assigned.-Payment of the wages of men.bers of parhament.-Returns in he reign of Richard IL-Writ of summons, not to the sheriff, but to John of Gaunt, duke f I ancasS.-Members for the county in the reign of Henry IV.-The lack-learning parliament. Lancashire members in the reign of Henry V.-of Henry VL-Qualification of electors for kn:gi:^::^the shire fi.xed.-Cou:ty members in the reign f ^^^^^^^.J^-^^L ^"^^^^ 17 Edward IV. to 33 Henry Vlll.-County members from 1 Edwaid M. to 16 Charles I. Ihe ncient Lancashire boroughs, consisting of Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, and Wigan, resume the lecUve franchise, 1 Edward VI.-Newton and Clitheroe added to the boroughs of Lancashire- Nomination boro;ghs.-Dame Packington's nominees.-Claim of the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster to nominate members for Leicester.-Representation of Lancashire during the Com- monwel.-List of knights of the shire for the county of Lancaster, from the Restoration to the present time.-Political character of the county representation.-Alterat.ons made ,n the repre- sentation of the county and boroughs of Lancashire by the Reform Bill of 1831. Page 286 c Z xvi CONTENTS TO VOL. I. Cfjap. IX. Impoitaut period in Lancashire history. — Royal clemency towards the adherents of Thomas earl of Lancaster. — Attainder reversed. — Battle roll of Borouglibridge — Scotch invasion. — Lancashire banditti. — Redress of public grievances. — Levies in the county. — Cattle removed into the south. The invaders punished. — Subsidy in Lancashire on the marriage of the king's sister. — Talliages in the county, sliewing the relative importance of tiie principal towns. — Statute of Winton enforced in Lancashire. — Consequences in the county of renewed wars. — Splendid naval victory. Fresh levies in the county. — Flocks and herds again driven. — Signal overthrow of the Scots. — Their king made prisoner. — Pestilence. — Creation of the first duke of Lancaster. — On the origin of the title of duke. — Heavy imposts on the people of the duchy. — Impressment of ships. — Maximum of agricultural wages. — Death of the first duke of Lancaster. — His will. — His possessions.— Admi- nistration of the first duke, from the rolls of the duchy. — Renewal of the dukedom in the person of John of Gaunt. — Papal bull. — Levy of ships at Liverpool.— Non-exportation from thence. — Renewed alarm of invasion. — Parish tax. — Exchange of Richmondshire for other possessions. — The franchise of jura regalia confirmed, and extended in favour of the duke of Lancaster. — Let- ters of protection to Lancashire men — iSTo restrictions on the importation of grain in these early times. — Continuance of the royal bounty to the house of Lancaster. Page 323 €f)ap, .V. 'ijwer of the duke of Lancaster. — Lancashiremen at the coronation of Richard II. — Courts of law closed by the insurrection of Wat Tyler. — State of public morals in Lancashire. — Invasions of the Scots. — Murderof Latimer, the accuser of the duke of Lancaster. — The duke's expedition to Spain. — Submission of award. — Renewed Scotch invasion. — Larger measure in Lancashire than any other part of the kingdom. — Ancient salmon fislieries of Lancashire. — Alleged claim to the throne made by John of Gaunt for his son. — .4ccusation of the duke against sir Thomas Talbot. — Legitimation of the duke's children by Catherine Swinford. — Accession of the house of Lan- caster to the throne. — Grant of the Isle of Man, first to Henry earl of Northumberland, and after- wards to sir John Stanley, knight. — Annals of the duchy.— Charters of the duchy. — John of Gauut's illustrious descent. — His children. — Hostility of France. — Contest for the papacy. — Will of Henry IV. — Henry V. ascends the throne. — The Lollards. — Union of the county of Hereford to the duchy of Lancaster. — Battle of Agincourt. — Commissions of array. — Tiie crown jewels pledged to carry on the war —Death of Henry V.— His bequest of the duchy of Lancaster. Page 360 Cijap. XI' Scarcity of records for history during the Wars of the Roses. — Mariiage of Henry VT. — Lancaster Herald. Witchcraft. — The Lancashire alchymists, sir Edmund Trafford and sir Thomas Ashton. — Their patent. — Claims of the rival houses of York and Lancaster to the throne. — Their official pedigrees. — Wars of the Roses. — Letter from the earl of Marche and the earl of Rutland, sons of the duke of York, (with fac -simile.) — Badges of the house of Lancaster. — Declaration against lord Stanley. — State of public morals.— Unsuccessful attempt to compromise the diflTerence between the rival houses. — Henry VI. dethroned by Edward IV. — Henry seeks an asylum in Lancashire. — Taken by sir John Talbot. — Sir John's grant for this service. — Catastrophe of the Lancastrian family. — Edward V. murdered in the Tower. — Coronation of Richard HI. — Letters CONTENTS OF VOL. I. XVll patent granted by him — His warrant for seizing a rebel's land in Lancashire. — The king's jealousy towards the duke of Richmond, son-in-law of lord Stanley, extends to his lordship. — Attainder of lady Stanley, countess of Richmond. — Landing of the duke of Richmond in England. — Battle of Bosworth field. — Confiscation of Lancashire estates. — Union of the houses of York and Lancaster. — Sweating sickness. — Lambert Simnell and Perkin Warbeck, pretenders to the throne. — Fatal consequences of the civil wars to the duke of York's family (note). — Sir William Stanley accused of high treason — Condemned and executed. — Henry VIL's royal progress to Lancashire. — Letter of the countess of Derby and Richmond (fac-simile.) — Execution of Edward, earl of War- wick, the last male of the Plantagenet line. — Death of Henry VH. Page 402 The sixteenth century. — Henry VIIL ascends the throne. — Invasion of England by the Scots. — Battle of Flodden field. — The king's letter of thanks to sir Edward Stanley, &c. — Lord-lieutenants ' first appointed. — Proclamation to the sheriflT of Lancaster on the menaced Scotch invasion. — The Reformation. — Religious persecution. — Visitation of the monasteries. — Deplorable ignorance of the clergy. — Report of the commissioners on the Lancashire monasteries — Dissolution of the lesser monasteries — Original certificate of the value of certain monasteries in Lancashire. — Pro- gress of a suffragan in Lancashire. — Insurrections produced by the dissolution of the monasteries. — The pilgrimage of grace. — Letter from the king to the archbishop of York and lord Darcy. — Original warrants (fac-similes) from the king to sir Roger Bradshaw and sir Thomas Langton, knights. — Dispersion of the rebel army — Reassemble — Final dispersion. — Letter from the earl of Derby to the king, on the taking of Whalley abbey. — First draught of Henry VIII.'s letter to the earl of Sussex, on the rebellion in the north, &c. — Renewed rebellion in the north. — Execution of the abbot of Whalley, and others. — Dissolution of the larger monasteries. — First publication of the Bible in English. — Excommunication of the king. — List of Lancashire monasteries. — Their revenues administered by the duchy. — Aggregate value of the dissolved monasteries. — Bishopric of Chester, &c. erected. — List of chantries in Lancashire. — Decayed towns in Lancashire. — Privilege of sanctuary. — The king's death. Page 457 Cljap. XIM. Lancashire in the reign of Edward VI. — In the reign of queen Mary. — Lancashire martyrs: John Rogers, John Bradford, George March. — Bluster of soldiers in the county of Lancaster in Mary's reign. — Lancashire in the reign of Elizabeth. — General muster of soldiers in Lancashire, in 1559. — Ecclesiastical commission, consisting of the earl of Derby, the bishop of Chester, and others. — State of Lancashire on the appointment of the commission. — Catholic recusants. — Mary queen of Scots seeks an a«yluni in England — -Placed in confinement. — Puritan recusants. — Rebellion in the north to re-establish the Catholic religion — Suppressed. — Certificates of the levies of troops in the county of Laneasler, with autographs of a number of the principal inhabitants. — Meetings of the lieutenancy. — Original letter of Edward, earl of Derby, to tire queen. Letter of the earl of Huntington to secretary Cecil, casting suspicion on the loyalty of the earl of Derby ; proved to ill founded. Part taken by Lancashire gentlemen to liberate Mary queen of Scots. — Comparative military strength of the kingdom. — Muster of soldiers in Lancashire, in 1574. — Declaration of the ancient tenth and fifteenth within the county of Lancaster. — Queen Elizabeth's visit to Dr. Dee, the astrologer. — The Chaderton MSS. relating to the affairs of the county of Lancaster. — Original papers relalting to the Lancashire recusants. — Lancashire contribution of oxen to queen Elizabeth's xviii CONTENTS OF VOL. \. table. — Fac-simile. — MS. of the Lancashire lieutenancy. — Lancashire loyal asaociation against Mary queen of Scots and her abbettors. — Trial and execution of Mary queen of Scots. — The Spanish armada. — Letter from the queen to the earl of Derby thereon. — Preparations in Lanca- shire to resist — Destruction of. — Thanksgiving for national deliverance in Lancashire. — Memorable and fatal feud. — Atrocious abduction. Levies of troops in Lancasliire for Ireland. — Suppression of the rebellion there. — Death of queen Elizabeth. — Loyal address of Lancashire gentry to her successor James I. on his accession to the throne. Page 496 Cftap. XIV. Ancient manners and customs of the county. — The chase. — Archery. — Dress. — Buildings. — Food. — Coaches. — Progress of improvement. — Sports and pastimes. — The arts. — The laws. — King James's first progress. — Lancashire knights. — The plague. — The Gunpowder plot. — Letter to lord Monteagle. — Cecil's account of the discovery. — Fate of the conspirators. — Nevif dignity of inheritance. — Lancashire baronets. — Lancashire witches. — Dr. Dee's petition. — Seer Edward Kel- ley, the necromancer. — History of Lancashire witchcraft. — Duchess of Gloucester. — The Stanley family. — Satanic possession. — Cases of seven demoniacs in Mr. Starkie's family at Cleworth. — Dispossessed. — The conjurer hanged. — King James's daemonologie. — Witches of Pendle Forest. — Their trial. — Fate. — Salmesbury witches. — Acquitted. — Second batch of Pendle Forest witches. — The witch-finder's deposition. — Proved to be an impostor. — Examination of the Lancashire witches before the king in council. — Deposition of Ann Johnson, one of the reputed witches. — On the belief in witchcraft. — Case of a Lancashire witch in Worcestershire. — Richard Dugdale, the Lancashire demoniac. — His possession. — Dispossession. — Witchcraft exploded. — Progress of king James through Lancashire. — Sunday sports. — rThe Book of Sports. — Further honours conferred on Lancashire men. — Letter from king James to sir Richard Hoghton, with autograph. — Letter from the king's council to the earl of Derby, lord-lieuteiiant of Lancashire and Cheshire. Pwge 567 LIST OF PLATES. VOL. I. Edward Baines, Esq., M.P To face Title Antique Helmet of Bronze found at Ribchester . . . . . . . . . p. 20 Map of Lancashire, according to the Domesday Survey . 92 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster 137 Seals of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster . 192 Autographs of the Lancashire Lieutenancy in the Reign of Elizabeth ..... 518 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Cancel the original Titles, and use the separate ones, which have the words " SllllJ l3Uff)J>" added. Insert the " Preface" (Sig. b) given in the last Part, instead of the " Advertisement" originally given in Part I. In each volume, the Contents and List of Plates are immediately to precede the body of the Work. In Volume I. the original pages, 319, 320, 321, 322, in signatures 2 S and 2 T, (which were printed before the passing of the Reform Bill,) are to be cancelled, and the reprint of those pages substituted in their stead. In Vol. II. the pages wanting between Sigs. 3 D and 3 E (namely, folios 393, 394, 395, 396,) consist of Pedigrees. THE HISTORY OF LANCASHIRE. Cftap, h In'.roductory Observations. — Roman name of Lancashire. — Brigantes. — Aborigines. — Druidism. — Manners and customs. — Languages. — Caesar's invasions. — Renewed invasion by the Romans. — Lancashire overrun by the Romans. — Hadrian's waU. — Roman stations in Lancashire. — Lanca- shire estuaries. — Roman roads in Lancashire. — Antonine's Itinerary of the Lancashire routes. — Richard of Cirencester's Itinerary. — Arrival of the Emperor Severus in the Brigantian capitaL — His acts. — His death and deification. — His successors. — The goddess of the Brigantes. — Recent discovery of Roman remains at Ribchester. — Provinces and districts. — Britain finally abandoned by the Romans. — -Roman institutions. — Roman remains in Lancashire. HE County of Lanca.ster, though not particularly chap. famed for those monuments of antiquity which shed ^' a lustre on histoiy, local as well as national, is by introduc- no means destitute of ancient remains. Its dis- tinguisliing characteristics, however, consist in the extent of its commerce, the importance of its manu- factures, the nimiher and value of its modem insti- tutions, and the activity and enterprise of its abun- dant population. In tracing the liistory of such a County, it becomes the duty of the historian to describe mth accuracy the monuments bequeathed to us by our ancestors, without exhausting the patience of his readers with prolix details and controversial disquisi- tions ; which, however interesting to the antiquarian, seldom tend to any valuable result. Wliere facts are wanting, conjecture may be resorted to, in order to sup- ply the defect ; but in a portion of the kingdom where there is so much of the real history of human affairs, it would be unpardonable to spend that time in barren speculation, wliich may be so much more advantageously devoted to the concerns of the gi"eat community for whose information tliis work is intended. VOL. T. B 2 Cf)f 2>isitoii) of tht CHAP. For nearly four thousand years of the world's existence, the liistory of this County, and of this country, is almost a blank, except so far as it may be read in its geological phenomena; and it may be confidently asserted, that before the fu'st lancHng of Julius Csesar upon our shores, scarcely any tiling is known of the people who inhabited this island, or of the government and institutions under wliich they lived. There have been, it is true, certain zealous and adventurous antifiuarians, who have assigned dates much earlier than the fifty-fifth year before the bii'th of Cluist, to the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge ; the cham- pion of the antiquity of Cambridge going back to Cantaber, who, as we are told, lived 394 years before the Clmstian era; and the still bolder Oxonian dating the bii-th of his Alma Mater as far back as the fall of Troy ! The history of Britain before the Norman Conquest may be divided into foiu" portions : Fii-st, the Aborigines ; Second, the Roman period ; Thii'd, the Anglo-Saxon period ; and. Fourth, the Danish period. Each of these epochs had its distinct character, and in all of them the inhabitants of Laucashii-e took theuf share; though it is doubtful whether tliis County, even at the Conquest, had obtained its present name. Roman According to Ptolemy, the inhabitants of the country between the lofty Lanca- ridge which now separates Yorksliire from Lancashire, and the bay of Morecambe, bore the name of the Setantii, or Segantii — the dwellers in " the country of water ;" wliich district, on the second invasion of the Romans, was included in the more Brigantes. cxteusive proAiuce of the Briijantes* extending on the east side of the island from the Hmnber to the Tyne, and on the west from the Mersey to the Eden, and comprehending the five counties of Yorksliii-e, Durham, Ciunberland, Westmore- land, and Lancaslm-e. Tliis being the most powerful and populous nation in Britain, durmg the Roman sway, it is the most celebrated by the best writers, f Ahorigi- Historians ai-e generally agi-eed that the Aborigines of Britain, as Caesar calls our earliest ancestors, were a tribe of the Gauls, who emigi-ated from the Continent, and settled in this island | about a thousand years before the butli of Christ. The more probable conjecture is, as Caesar intimates, that the interior parts of Britain, to the north and to the west, and consequently Lancashire, were peopled by the earliest mhabitants, and the maritime pai'ts by * Brigantes. From the Spanish Briga, a city, or from the Belgic Brigantes, free lands, rather tlian from the French Brigands, piratical marauders. t Camden, vol. iii. p. 233. X Rich, de Cir. b. I. cap. ii. sect. 4. oes. Cotintp ^aalntint of iCanrneitrr. 3 those -who crossed over from Belgiimi, in Gaul, for the pui-pose of in\acling it, ^hap. almost all of whom had their names from the tribes whence they sprang, and, on the cessation of hostilities, remained here. Before the first invasion of the Romans, the inhabitants of tliis part of the island subsisted cliiefly by hunting; and theii- cattle gi'azed upon pastures, unencumbered by any of the artificial di\'isious whicli a state of cultivation never fails to produce. For their clothing, when the severity of the season compelled them to submit then- lunbs to such restraints, they were indebted to the skins of animals ; and their dwellings were formed by the pillars of the forest, rooted in the earth, and enclosed by interwoven branches, wldch but imperfectly served to shelter them dming the hours of repose from the conflict of the elements. Their governments, according to Diodorus Siculus, the ancient liistorian, though monarchical, were free, like those of all the Celtic nations; and theii- religion, wliich formed one part of the government, was Druidical : then- deities were furies ; hiuaan sacrifices were offered to them ; * and the eternal transmigration of souls was inculcated, and universally believed. According to Caesar,! " the Druids attend on divine offices, perform the public and private sacrifices, and explain the mysteries of religion. To them gi-eat oruidisra. niunbers of youth resort for instruction, and they are held in great honour among them, for they decide in almost all cases, public and private ; and if any crime or murder is committed, or any disputes arise about estates or bounds, they deter- mine it, and appomt rewards and punishments. If any individual or body of men refuses to abide by then- sentences, they forbid him to come to the sacrifices. Tliis is esteemed the heaviest punishment among them. The persons thus for- bidden are considered a.s impious ^TCtches, shunned by all, and then- conversation is avoided, as if for fear of bemg injiu-ed by the contagion of thefr company. They can obtain no benefit from the laws, nor ai'e they alloAved any shai-e in public honom-s. Over all these Druids presides one with supreme authority. Upoji his death the next in rank succeeds ; but if there are many equal in rank, a suc- cessor is elected by the suffrage of the rest. They sometimes dispute for the superiority by the sword. These priests, at a certain time of the year, hold a general assembly, in a consecrated place in the confines of the Carnutes, whose counhy is supposed the centre of all Gaid. Hither repair- all who have any disputes, and submit themselves to their judgments and decrees. This system of discipUne is supposed to have been planned in Britain, and thence transfen-ed to Gaul ; and, to this day, those who desii-e to acquire a more intimate knowledge of it, generally go tliither to be instructed in it. The Druids are dispensed from * Solinus. t C. Julii Caesaris Commentarii de Bello Gallico, lib. vi. cap. 13, 14. b2 4 €I)t i>i5torp of ti)t CHAP, attending on war, nor do they pay ti-ibute, like the rest of the nation ; and they ' ai-e exempted from military and all other service. Encouraged by such re- wards, and frequently of tlieu- own choice, many come to them to be instructed, or are sent by then- relatives and pai-euts. They ai'e said to leam bj^ heai-t a great number of verses, and therefore spend several years in this discipline ; nor do they think it right to coimnit what they are taught to writing, whereas, in almost every thing else of a public or private natm-e, they use the Greek charac- ters. This I suppose them to do for two reasons ; because they would not have the common people acquainted ^vith then- discipline, nor their- scholai's who leani it trust to letters more than their memory, it being a too conuuon case that per- sons who rely upon the assistance of Aniting, lay too little stress on memory. The points they cliiefly inculcate ai-e, the immortality and ti-ansmigi-ation of the soul,* which they think very conducive to inspire courage, by occasioning a con- tempt of death. They likei\ise discourse ^vith youth much about the heavenly bodies and their- motion, the size of the heaven and the eai-th, the nature of tilings, the influence and power of the immortal gods." Accorchng to Pliny ,t " the Druids (as the Gauls call their- magicians or wise men) hold notliing so sacred as the misletoe, and the ti-ee on wliich it gi-ows, provided it be an oak. They make choice of oak gi-oves in preference to all others, and perfonn no rites without oak leaves; so that they seem to have the name of Druids from thence, if we derive their- name fi-om Greek. Tliey think whatever grows on those trees is sent from heaven, and is a sign that the Deity has made choice of that tree. But as the misletoe is seldom to be met with, when found, it is fetched with great ceremony, and by aU means on the sixth day of the moon, which with them begins the months and years, and the period of thirty years, wliich they term an age ; for, at that season, the moon has sufficient influence, and is above half fidl. Tliey call tliis plant in their * The effects of this opinion are very strikingly described by Lucan, in a highly poetical apostrophe to the Druids : — ' Vobis auctoribus umbrse Non tacitas Erebi sedes, Ditisque profundi Pallida regna petunt : regit idem spiritus artus Orbs alio : longse (canitis si cognita) vitse Mors media est. Certe populos quos despicit Arctos Felices errore suo, quos ille timorum Maximus, baud urget leti metus ! Inde ruendi In ferrum mens prona viris, animaeque capaces Mortis, et ignavum rediturse parcere vitae." Lucan, Pharsal. 1. i. t Nat. Hist. xvi. c. 44. Ctrnntp ^alati'nt of I-ancasitfr. 5 own language All-heal ; and, after preparing it for the sacrifice and feast *imder chap. the tree, they bring up two wliite Lulls, whose horns have been bound for the '. — first time. The priest, habited iu wliite, mounts the tree, and, with a golden hook, cuts the misletoe, which is received in a white cloth. They then sacrifice the \'ictiins, praying the deity to render this, his gift, favourable to those to whom they distribute it. They suppose it renders any animal fruitful wliich (Wnks a decoction of it, and it is a remedy against all sorts of poison. So much does the gi'eatest pai-t of a national religion consist in trilles." The manners and customs of the ancient Britons resembled those of the Gauls. Manners They were extremely warlike, eager for slaughter, and bold and courageous in tums. battle. Dion Cassius, speaking of the Britons in the northern pait of the island, (the Brigantes,) says, " They never cultivate the land, but live on prey, hunting, and the fiiiuts of trees ; for they never touch fish, of which they have such prodi- gious plenty. They live in tents, naked, and mthout shoes; have theii* wives iu common, and maintain all theu" cliil(beu. The people shai'e the government amongst them, and they practise robbery ^\'ithout restraint. They fight in chariots, haring small fleet horses; they have also infantry, who can run very swiftly, and while they stand are very firm. Then- arms are a shield, and a short spear, on the lower part of wliich is a bell of brass, to terrify the enemy by its sound when shaken. They likewise weai' daggers. They are accustomed to brave hunger, cold, and all kinds of toil ; for they will contiuue several days up to their chins in water, and bear hunger many days. In the woods they live on bai"k and roots of tfees. They prepare a certain kind of food for all occasions, a piece of which, of the size of a bean, prevents their feeling hunger or tliirst."* Xiphihnust says, Bundinica, the British queen, " wore a gold coUai-, and was dressed in a party-coloured robe." Pliny says, " the Britons and Gauls wore a ring on then- middle finger ;" and Caesai* describes them as wearing long liair.J They wore, like the Gauls, a particular di'ess, called bracha : Quam veteres brachae Britonis pauperis.^ Like the old brachae of a needy Briton. But the description of the manners and customs of the ancient Britons, as given by CjBsar, is the most full and clear.]! " The Britons," says the Roman conqueror, " use brass money, or nou rings of a certain weight instead of it. They tliink it not * Sir Robert Sibbald supposes this to be the root of orobus, or tlie wild astragalus thalius, which has a taste like liquorice, and is called by the Highlanders, who chew it for the same purpose at present, karemyle. Scotia lUust. p. i. lib. i. c. 17 — 19. The plant meant by Sir Robert (for it is not easily identified by this description) is the heath peaseling, the orobus tuberosus of Linneeus. + LXII. Punc. : B. G. V 14. § Martial. 1| B. G. v. 12. 6 CI)t S^istorp of ti)t CHAP, right to eat hares, poultiy, or geese, though they breed them all for amusement. ' Of all the natives, the most civilized are the inhabitants of Cantium, all that country lying on the sea-coast; and the manners of this people are not very different from those of the Gauls. The inland inhabitants for the most part sow no corn, but live on milk and flesh, and for clotliing wear skins. AU the Britons stain themselves with woad, which produces a blue colour, and gives them a more horrible appearance in battle. They wear the hair of their head long, but close and bare on every part of their body, except then* head and upper lip. Tliey have their wives in common among ten or twelve of them, especially brothers with brothers, and parents with cliilch'en; but the issue by these Avives belongs to those who manied them when vu-gins. Most of them use chariots in battle. They first scour up and down on every side, throwmg their darts, creating disorder among the ranks by the teiTor of their horses and noise of theu* chariot wheels; and when they are got among the troops of horse, they leap out, and fight on foot. Meantime the charioteers retire to a little distance from the field, and place themselves in such a manner, that if the others are overpowered by the nmnber of the enemy, they may be secure to make good then- retreat. Thus they act with the agility of cavalry, and the steadiness of infantry, in battle, and become so expert by constant practice, that in declivities and precipices they can stop then.' horses on full speed, and on a sudden check and tm-n them, run along the pole, stand on the yoke, and then as quickly dart into their chariots again. They frequently retreat on purpose, and, after they have drawn our men a little way fi-om the main body, leap from their poles, and wage an unequal war on foot. Then- manner of fighting on horseback creates the same danger, both to the reti-eater and the pursuer. Add to tliis, that they never fight in bodies, but scattered and at gi-eat cUstances, and have parties in reserve supporting one another, and fresh troops ready to relieve the weary." Language. From the affinity of language, Camden contends that the Britons sprang fi-om the Germans, and the Scotch fi-om the Irish ; and though Caesar says that the Gauls had different languages, he adds, as we have seen, that it was usual for the Gauls, who wished to acquu-e greater proficiency in the Druidical mysteries, to come over to Britain to receive instruction from our Druids; and Tacitus* says, "The language of the Britons and the Gauls is not very different." Tlie Romans, in their tliirst for universal empii-e, after subduing Gaul, turned their attention towards Britain; and if any tiling can palliate the disgi-ace of a conquered country, that alleviation is to be found in the name of the conqueror, wliich ^ill Uve throughout all ages, as well in the glory of his arms, as in the fidelity of his classical Commentaries. * Vit. Agr. xi. Count)) |3alatinf of aanrastfr. 7 Nee stetit oceanus, remisque ingressa profundum CHAP. Vincendos, alio quEcsivit in oibe Britaniios. ^' Nor ocean stopped him, but with daring oar He sought new conquests on the British shore. CjBsar's owii account of the conquest, as presented in the fourth and fiftli books Csesar's iuvasion* of his " De Bello Gallico," exceeds all other descriptions, and is suhstantitdly as follows : In the summer of the 55th year before the bii'th of Christ, Caesar resolved to pass over into Britam. Having marched his army into the tenitory of the Morini, (now the French department of the Pas de Calais,) he ordered a gi'eat many ships in the neighbouring ports to attend him, for the jrarpose of undertaking the invasion. The Britons, in the mean tune, having notice of his design, came to Caesar with oifers of hostages and submission to the authority of Rome. The answer returned to these overtures was, that he should visit them in person, and he hoped they would be ready to enter into alliance with the Romans. The preliminary arrangements having been made, he weighed anchor about midnight, and about ten o'clock in the morning reached the coast of Britain, where he saw all the cHffs covered witli the British force assembled to repel the invaders. To effect a landing, the Romans were obliged to leap from then- sliips breast-liigh into the water. In their endea- vours to laud they were sti'enuously opposed by the Britons, whose chariots lined the shore, while their cavalry advanced boldly to the edge of the water, and cast theii- darts at the invaders Avith murderous eftect. Tlie Roman soldiers, sluinking from tliis unequal warfare, demurred to leap into the sea, when tlie standard-bearer of the tenth legion, having first invoked the gods for success, cried out aloud — " Follow me, fellow-soldiers, unless you will betray the Roman eagle into the hands of the enemy : for my part, I am detennined to discharge my duty to Caesar and the commonwealth." Upon tliis he jumped into the sea, and advanced with the eagle against the enemy. Excited by this heroic example, the Roman sokliers leaped promiscuously from then- sliips, and, falling upon the enemy, speedily put them to the rout. The Britons, being thus vanquished in battle, despatched ambas- sadors to Caesar, to offer hostages, and an entu-e submission to his conuuands. A peace was thus concluded four days after Cesar's arrival in Britain ; but that very night a stonn came on suddenly, and destroyed or dismantled all the conqueror's sliippiug. Consternation spread through the camp, there being no sliips left to cany back the troops, and the army was wholly without com whereon to subsist. Tliis disaster being known to the British cliiefs, who, after the battle, had repaii-ed to Caesar's camp to perform the conditions of the treaty, they confederated amongst themselves, and left the camp to ch-aw the islanders together; but Caesar, suspecting 8 €i)t fnsitorp of tftf CHAP, tlieii- design, had daily supplies of corn brought to liis camp, and by extraordinary " exeitious the fleet was repaii-ed, and soon in a condition to take the sea. During these transactions, the seventh legion being sent out to forage, according to custom, the soldiers were attacked by a strong body of the Britons placed in ambush, and only escaped destruction by the timely arrival of Caesar, who came to their relief. Meanwliile the Britons despatched messengers into all parts, to make kno^ra to their countrymen the small number of the Roman troops, and the favourable opportunity they had of making immense spoil, and freeing their country from future invasion, by storming the enemy's camp. Having by tliis means got together a great body of infantry and cavalry, they marched towards the Roman entrenchments. Caesar lost no tune in tbawing up his legions in order of battle before the camp, and, falling upon the Britons, who were not able to sustain the shock of cUsciplined troops, they were soon put to flight. The Romans, pursuing them as long as their strength would permit, made a terrible slaughter, and, setting fii-e to then- houses and Aollages a great way roimd, returned to the camp. The same day ambassadors came to Caesar to sue for peace, when Ctesar, doubling the nimiber of the hostages he had before imposed upon them, ordered them to be sent to the continent, and, not judging it prudent to winter in Britain, embarked his army and returned to Gaul.* Taught by experience, Caesar's next invasion was undertaken with a much superior force, consisting of five legions and two thousand horse, accompanied by a fleet of eight hundi-ed sail of vessels, wliich quitted Portus Ituis in the su mm er of the following year. Though a great anay of Britons had repaired to the coast, to resist the landing of the invaders, they became terrified by the vast nmnber of ships, and retired hastily to the mountains, where they liid themselves in dismay. CiBsar ha\Tng landed his army Avithout resistance, chose a proper place for Ms camp upon the coast, in which he left ten cohorts, with three huncked horse, to guard the fleet, when, after a march of about twelve hoiu's by night into the country, he came in sight of the British army, Avho, having posted themselves behind a river, with then- cavalry and chariots, attacked the invaders from their high gi-ound, to resist their passage. After a bloody conflict, the Britons were first driven into the woods, wliich were strongly barricadoed by felled trees ; but the sokhers of the seventh legion, advancing under cover of their shields, and having cast up a mound, forced the entrenclunents with little loss, and obliged the native troops to abandon the wood. The next morning Caesar was preparing to pursue the enemy ; but when he had advanced a little way, intelligence was brought liim, " that a dreadful stonn aiising on the preceding night, had fallen violently upon liis fleet, and diiven almost all the * B. G. iv. CountP ^3alatint of EanraEitrr* 9 ships on shore." Caesai-, upon this, recalled his legions and cavalry, and returned chap. to his camp, from wlieuce, after spending ten days in repairing the disaster, he 1 . retui-ued to the place where he had quitted the pursuit of the Britons. Upon Ids amval he found their numbers had heen considerably increased in the interval ; and that tlie coimnaud of tlieii- forces had, by common consent, been conferred upon Cassibelaunus, whose territories were divided from the maritime states by the Thames, a river eighty miles from the sea. The British horse, supported by their chariots, vigorously charged the Roman cavalry on then' march ; yet they were every where dispersed, and diiven back to theii- woods and hUls with great slaughter. The Romans, in then- turn, suffered considerable loss by a sally made by the enemy from the woods, and Q. Laberius Durus, a military tribune, was slain on the occasion. On tlie following day a most sanguinary and decisive engagement took place, in wliich the Britons were routed. StUl unsubdued, they stationed themselves in gi-eat numbers upon the banks of the Thames, at the only place where the river was fordable ; but the Roman cavalry succeeded in crossing the river, though notliing but then- heads were above the water, and charged the Britons with so much unpe- tuosity as to oblige them to quit the banks, and betake themselves to flight. A predatory warfare was carried on for some time against the Romans : but at length the Britons, finding further resistance hopeless, the Trinobantes, the Cenimagni, Segontiaci, Ancalites, Bibroci, and Cassi, sent ambassadors to Caesar with offers of submission ; and Cassibelaunus, discouraged by so many losses and the devastation of liis tenitory, sued for peace. Csesar, designing to pass the winter in Gaul, Csesar listened the more readily to theii" overtures, and, baring demanded hostages, and tain, appointed the yeai-ly tribute which Britain was to pay to the Romans, embai-ked his anny, and quitted the British shores never to return. A more empty conquest was scarcely ever achieved: and yet, on liis return to Rome from the conquest of Britain, Caesar dedicated a breast-plate made of British pearls, in the temple of Venus Genetrix,* and exliiluted a number of British prisoners in the theatre of tliat city. The sun of Roman glory bad now passed its meridian. Distracted by domestic wai-s, which ended in the establishment of an absolute monarchy in Rome, the conquerors bad little force to spare for the preservation of distant conquests ; the Britons were, therefore, for a long time, left to themselves, and, for nearly a century after the invasion of Caesar, they enjoyed, unmolested, then- o^vn ci^il and religious institutions. * In Britannia parvosatque decolores (uniones) nasci certum est, quoniam Divus Julius thoracem, quern V^eneri genetrici in templo ejus dicavit, ex Britannicis margaritis factum voluerit intelligi. — Plin. lib. IX. c. 35. VOL. I. c 10 Wi)t ?f)istorj) of tftf CHAP. In the intenal between the first and second invasion of Britain by the Romans, the founder of the Chiistian religion had accomplished liis divine mission, in ii A.D. 43. province of the Roman empiie, but ahnost without observation at Rome ; and, ten Renewed yeai's after his death, the Emperor Claudius sent over an ai'iny to this country, invasion * i /■ a i tii • by the Ro- mulcr the conunaud of Aulus Plautnis, the first Roman general who landed on tliis mans. ,.-,, .,. . r t ^' n T-fcT island smce the invasion of Juuus Caesar, rlautius haMiig obtained a footiuo- in Britain, Avas succeeded by Ostorius Scapula, by whom the southern part of the island was reduced to a Roman province. The Emperor Claudius considered tlie conquest of Britain of sufficient importance to call for the royal presence; and after a visit to Camelodunum (Colchester), where he received the submission of several of the native kings, he returned to Rome vrith the additional title of " Britannicus." " O'er Britain he the Roman sceptre sway'd. Him the Brigantes azure-arm'd obey'd." Extermi- Suetouius PauKnus, the successor of Ostorius, soon after the departure of the tiie emperor, embarked liis amiy, with the determination to extenninate the Druids. The island of Mona (Anglesey) being theii- chief seat, he resolved to dii-ect his operations against that place. The Britons, aware of its importance, used every means in their power to resist the landing of the enemy ; but all then- endeavours were in vain. The scene wliich followed was one of utter despaii'. " On the shore," says Tacitus, " stood a motley gi-oup of armed men, mixed with women running up and down amongst them, di-essed like furies in black gaiments, theii- hair dishevel- led, and torches iu their hands. The Druids also attended, lifting up their hands to heaven, and uttering dreadful execrations. The novelty of the sight so struck the Roman soldiers, that they stood as it were motionless, exposing themselves to the enemy's weapons, till, animated by the exhortations of the general, and encoiu-aging one another not to fear an army of women and madmen, they advanced, bore down all they met, and involved them in theii- own fu-es. The tribunals of the Druids were overtui'ued ;* gamsons were afterwards placed in the to^nTis, and the groves, sacred to then- bloody superstitions, cut down. For it was their practice to offer the blood of then- prisoners upon their altars, and to consult the gods by the entrails of men." * In the year 1702, while removing the rubbish from the remains of the chief tribunal of the Druids in Anglesey, a brass medal of our Saviour was found, on which was inscribed in Hebrew — " This is Jesus Christ, the Mediator ;" from which it is inferred, that the Christian religion had been preached here in the early part of the first century ; and it seems probable, that this medal was the property of some of its ministers, who had been condemned and sacrificed by the Druids. — Burton's Man. Ehor. b. i. p. 3. Count)) palatmr of aanrasitn* ii The exactions of the Roman procurator, and the Ucentiousness of the legionaries, chap. had produced the most inveterate hatred towards the conquerors in the south of — - — - Britain ; and, instead of the family of tlie long of the Iceni, who Avas lately deceased, belno- treated ^vith respect, BoacHcea, his ^Aidow, was ignominlously scourged, and her two daughters ravished. Driven to desperation hy then- AVTongs, the people took up arms under Boadicea,* in the absence of Suetonius, and, after driving in the outposts mth great slaughter, they stoiTued the forts, took possession of Came- lodunum, the capital of the colony, and put to death the Roman ganison. On hearing of this cHsaster, Suetonius repaii-ed by forced marches to London, then a conunercial city, but not a Roman station, ft'om whence he marched against the Britons, who, during theii- short career of victory, had put to death 70,000 of theii- enemies. A sanguinary battle now approached; Suetonius, at the head of the fourteenth legion, with the vexillai-ii of the twentieth, amounting in the whole to 10,000 men, met BoatUcea vdih her countless unchscipUned followers, and, after a desperate engagement, fought on the confines of Epping Forest, in which, as usual, discipUne prevailed over numbers, the Roman sokUers triumphed, and 80,000 Britons, without distinction of age or sex, were left dead on the field. Boadicea, finding that all was lost but her honour, and scorning to grace the triumph of tlie conqueror, terminated her life by poison. At tliis period the prmclpal and the most able commander amongst the Britons Lanca- was Venutius, of the state of the Brigantes ; and it is probable, that the progi'ess of run by the the Roman arms in the country of the Segantii (Lancasliire), was ai'rested by the sldll and valour of this native general ; but the discipUne and constancy of the Roman troops, now commanded by JuHus Agricola, the successor of Suetonius, " stiaick a panic into the state of the Brigantes, wliich," according to Tacitus, " was accounted the most numerous of the whole country, by attacking them with great force ; and after several, and some of them bloody battles, he reduced gi-eat part of Britahi by ^-ictory, or involved it in war." When Agiicola, who added to the bravery of the soldier the skill of the statesman, had alarmed the native inhabitants by his severity, he ofiered inducements to peace by liis clemency. By tliis conduct many of the states, and the Brigantes amongst the rest, which till then had stood out, gave hostages, and submitted to have a Hue of ganisons and castles (;ka^\^l round them. This was the origin of oui- Roman stations. " In order that men who, by their a.d. so. unsettled and unciAolized state, were always ready for wai-, might be accustomed to peace and inactivity by pleasure, the general privately suggested, and pubHcly cou- cm-red in erecting temples, market-places, and houses, commending those who shewed a readiness to these works, and censuring those who appeared remiss. This * Tacitus, Vit. Agr, xvi. c2 12 CI;r W^tOYV cf tftr CHAP, honourable emulation produced the effect of obligation. He applied liimself to ' instruct the sons of the cliiefs in the liberal arts, and appeared to prefer the genius of the Britons to the accomplishments of the Gauls ; inasmuch as they, who but a little time before cUsdained the language, now affected the eloquence of Rome. Tliis produced an esteem ibr the Roman di'ess, and the to(ja came into general use. By deo-rees the Britons adopted the vicious indulgences of the Romans, and the porti- coes, the baths, and the splendid banquets, entered into the number of theu* enjoy- ments. This, which they called cultivation, was in effect the appendage of slavery."* Pursuing- liis A-ictorious career, Agricola carried the terror of his arms to the remotest part of Scotland, and added Ireland to the number of his conquests. At length, ha\ing traversed the country from its southern to its northern extremity, in the short period of eight years, he returned to Rome, where the Emperor Domitian, rendered jealous, by liis renown, received him with a cold salute, and then left the conqueror of Britain, to mix with the servile crowd of the imperial court.f Without plunging into the depths of antiquarian research, it may be proper to point out the Roman stations in Lancasliire, — to trace the Roman roads wliich intersected tliis county — to glance at the institutions, secular and religious, intro- duced by imperial Rome — and to describe the infant efforts of that commercial spuit which was destined to rank Britain amongst the first of nations, and Lancasliire amongst the fost of counties. A.D. 82. From the departure of Agi-icola till the arrival of the Emperor Hadrian in A.D.117. Britain, the name of the Brigantes scarcely occurs in liistory. It appears, ho%vever, that they were subjected to the incursions of their northern neighbours, the Picts, Hadrian's and that the emperor, " after con-ecting many tilings, di-ew a wall eighty miles in """■ length, on the northern boundary of the country of the Brigantes, to confine the ' Barbarians' within the lunits of their own border.s."J Neariy a century had now elapsed since the second invasion of Britain by the Romans, and in the course of Roman that period there had risen up in Lancashire the stations^ of 3Iancunium, Man- Lancr '" CHESTER ;|| Veratinum, Warrington; Rerigonium, Ribchester ;|| Colunium, ''""'■ CoLNE ; Coccium, Blackrode ; Ad Alaunam, (the Longovicus of the Notitia,) Lancaster ; BremctonaccB, Overborough. Estuaries. The estuaries into which the rivers that Avatered these stations fell, though involved in some degree of uncertainty, from the vague and indecisive character of the Roman charts, were— The Mersey, called Belisama ; The Neb of the * Tacitus, Vit. Agricolse, xxi. t Vit. Agr. xl. t Vit. Hadriani, Scrip. Hist. Aug. p. 51. § Whitaker's History of Manchester. II The name or termination Castor, Cester, or Chester, from Castra, a camp, generally indicates a Roman station. Coinit)) |3alatn« of annrnstrn 13 Nese (Freckleton), at tlie mouth of tlie Kibble, called the Haven of the Setantii, chap. or the Setantlan Port, and The Bay of Mouecambe. '" The Lancaslm-e stations comniuiiicatcd with Isuriuni (Aldhoroiioh), and Ebora- ciim (York), the Brigantine capitals, by roads constructed by the Roman soldiery, and with other towns enumerated in the Itinerary of Antoninus, the Chorography of Ravennas, and the Description of Britain, by Richard of Cii'encester. It is conjectured that tlie principal part of the Roman roads in Britain were Roman commenced by Julius Agi-icola, to facilitate his conquests ; and an imperial general ilu'cu-'" of modern times, in devoting so much attention to the public roads, only imitated '*'""^" these ancient conquerors. Tlie four gi-and military Roman ways in Britain bear the names of Watling Street, Hennin Street, the Fosse, and Ikening or Iknild Street ; but it is only the first-mentioned of these roads that comes within the scope of tliis liistory. Each of the stations affords its antiquities : at Blackrode, the Roman roads are seen expanchng like radii from a centre ; Ribchester abounds ^\'itli remains; and Colne, Freckleton, Lancaster, Manchester, Overborough, and War- rington, wiW be found, in the progi-ess of this Avork, to exhibit in succession their antiquaiian stores, and to proclaim theii- ancient alliance with the Mistress of the World. After the lapse of sixteen centuries, the County of Lancaster still presents innunieralde remains of these celebrated roads. Four gi-eat Roman roads pass through this county — two of them from north to south, and two others from west to east. The first of the Roman routes extends fi-om Carlisle (Languvallium), in Cum- berland, to Kinderton (Condate), in Chesliire : passing through Lancaster, it advances pretty nearly due south, near Garstang and Preston, to Blackrode ; then taking the dii-ection of Walden Moor, Avhere it assumes the name of Staney-street, it advances by the Hope Hall estate, crosses the liighway from Manchester to Wan-ington, and, having passed the ford of the Irwell at the shallow wliich gives denomination to Old Trafford, proceeds tlu'ough the tillage of Stretford to the bridge over the Mersey; then pointing at Altringham, it passes along the declivity of the hills, and enters Dunbam Park ; here it takes the name of Street to Buckley HUl ; from hence it passes to Mere Tomi ; when, leanng Northwich about half a mile to the right, it takes the name of King Street, at Broken Cross, and proceeds to Kinderton, the Condate of Antoninus, now a suburb of Middlemch. The second Roman road extends from Overborough to Slack or Almondbury (Camboduniun), in Yorksliire. Tliis road passes through Ribchester, across the Ribble ; then, proceeding to the east of Blackburn, tlu-ough Ratcliffe and PrestArich over Kersall Moor, is carried by Strangeways Lane to Manchester ; traversuig that 14 mjt %ii^tor^ of t\)t CHAP, to^\^lsllip obliquely, it passes over Newton Heath, by Haigh Chapel, to the summit " of Austerlancls, where it enters Yorksliii-e, passes Knoll Hill in Saddleworth, and, crossing the Manchester and Huddersfield road at Delph, leaves Mai'sden about a mil e and a half to the south, skii'ts Golcar HUl, and attains the plot of Cam- bodunum. The tliii-d route commences at the Neb of the Nese, on the right bank of the Ribble, called by the Romans Tlie Setanlian Port, or, as we should express it, The Port of Lancashire ; tliis road ranges from west to east, and, crossing the Lancaster road, leaves Preston about a mile to the right, assuming on Fulwood Moor the name of Watling Street; hence it proceeds to Ribchester, from wliich station it passes over Longridge Fell, and then, turning to the north, traces the Hodder to its source. The fourth Roman road commences at the ford of the Mersey, near Wamngton, and passes through Barton and Eccles to Manchester ; it afterwards traverses the to^vnsllips of Moston, Chadderton, and Royton, and keeping about a quailer of a mUe to the right of Rochdale by the Oldham road, continues thi-ough Littleborough ; afterwards, mounting the British Apennines, it sweeps over Rumbles Moor, and advances to Ilkley, the Olicana of Ptolemy, where stood the temple of Verbeia, the goddess of the Wharf. Antonine's The Roman Stations in Lancashire occur in the second and the tenth routes of of Lanca- the Itiueraiy of Antoninus, and are thus arranged : — sliire Routes, Iter. II. ********* Eboracvm, LEG. VI. vie. . . York. Calcaria, M.p. IX. . . Tadcaster. Cambodvns, M.p. XX. al. XXX. . . Almondbury. Manvico, M.p. XVIII. al. XXIII. . . Manchester. CoNDATE, M.p. XVIII. . . Northwich. Deva, LEG. XX. vie. M.p. XX. . . Chester. Iter. X. From Lanchester, in the County of Durham, to Drayton, in the County of Slu'opsliire. A Glanoventa. From Lanchester. n Galava, M.p. XVIII. al. XXVIII. . . Old Town. Alone, m.p. XII. . . WJiitby Castle. Galacvm, M.p. XIX. . . Appleby. Bremetonacis, .. . M.p. XXVII. al. XXXn. . . Overborough. Coimtp IJalatint of ^mxmstti'. 15 CocciA, M.p, XX. aJ. XXV. Mancvnio, .... M.p. XVII. al. XXXIL CONDATE, M.P. XVIII. Mediolano, .... M.P. XVIII. al. XXVIII. Rihchestor. Manchester. Near Northvich. Near Drayton. CHAP. I. The Itinerary of Richard of Cirencester is more fuU, and thus exliibits tlie Riciiiudof Lancasliire Stations, with their immediate connexions, in the VI. VII. and X. ten'^"'^'^* routes : — Iter. VI. Ab Eboraco Devam usque sic. Calcaria, M.P. villi. Camboduno, ] . . M.p. XXII. al. XXXIL Mancunio, . . . M.p. XVIII. al. XXIII. FinibusMaxim^ et Flavin, m.p. XVIII. al. VI. CoNDATE, .... M.P. XVIII. al. XXIII. Deva, M.p. XVIII. From York to Chester. . Tadcaster. . Slack. . 3Ianchester. . Stratford on Mersey. . Kinderton. . Chester. Iter. VII. A Portu Sistuntiorum Eboracum usque, sic. From Freckleton(on the Kib- ble) to York. Rerigonio, m.p. XXIII. al. XIII. . . Rochester. Ad Alpes Peninos, . . m.p. VIII. al. XXIII. . . Barrens in Brouyhton. Alicana, M.p. X. . . Ilkley. Isurio, M.p. XVIII. . . Aldboronyh. Eboraco, m.p. XVI. al. XVII. . . York. Iter. X. ******** Brocavonacis, Brouyham. Ad Alaunam, m.p. XXXXVII. . . Lancaster. Coccio, M.p. XXXVI. . . Blackrode. Mancunio, m.p. XVIII. . . Manchester. Condate, M.p. XXIII. . . Kinderton. ******** Several other roads, called Vicinal-ways, are to be found in this county, but the routes above described form the four principal military coromunications. These roais generally consist of a regular pavement, formed by large boulder stones or 16 Cftf 5?istoii) of tl)t CHAP. I. Arrival of the Em- peror Se- lerus. A. D.207. Takes the field. Severus's wall. li-aoinents of rock imbedded iu gravel, and vary in width from four to fourteen yards. It is a sins^ular characteristic of the Roman roads, that they are not carried over rivers Ly bridges, but by fords, except where the rivers are impassable, and then bridges ai-e thi-o^vn over.* The terror of the Roman name, and the vigour of their arms, seemed scarcely able to keep in subjection the inhabitants of Britain, who sought every opportunity to shake off the foreign yoke. According to Herodiau, the propraetor in Britain adcb-essed a despatch to the Emperor Severus, to the eifect that " the insuiTections and inroads of the Barbarians, and the havoc they made far and near, rendered it necessary that he should either increase the Roman force in this country, or that he should come over in person." On this intimation, the emperor, though then advanced in life, and sinkiug under bodily infirmities, repaired to Britain, and established his court in Eboracum (York), the capital of the Brigantes. Having collected liis force round that city, the emperor, attended by his sons Caracalla and Geta, marched from York, at the head of a powerful army, to the North, where he drove the Caledonians witliin their fi'ontiers, and erected a stone wall witliin the vallum of Hadrian, and very nearly upon the site of that celebrated earthen rampart. Tlie loss of Roman soldiers iu tliis exj^ecUtion, according to Dion Cassius, amoimted to 50,000 men, partly by war, and pai'tly in cutting dovna. the woods, and draining the mosses, for wliich the north of England, and Lancashire in particular, is to the present day distinguished. To commemorate liis ^-ictories, Severus coined money with the inscription, VICTORIA BRITANNIC A; he also assmned the name of BRITANNICUS MAXIMUS, and gave to his son Geta the name of BRITANNICUS. His coin. Mints were established by the Romans at eleveu of their British stations, two of wliich were York and Chester; and it is probable that from these northern mints the coin Avas cii'culated over Lancasliire. No fewer than fifty different Roman coins have been found at Standish, iu tliis county, neai- the ancient Coccium, several of wliich are from dies struck by the Emperor Severus. * Galen, ix. c. 8. methodi. Countp ^galatutf of ^[anrasstfr. 17 A few years after the retui-n of Severus to York, where he hehl his court in all chap. the splendour of Roman magnificence, tlie Caledonians again took up ai-ms, and ^' penetrated beyond the wall which the conqueror had pronounced an insimnouutable bulwark. This renewed iiTuption excited the indignation of the emperor beyond all bounds ; forgetting that he was himself an invader, he commanded his legions to advance once more against the enemy, and to put the whole population, without sangui- distinction of age or sex, to the sword, as the poet has expressed it* orders. Tpoiec S" av iripwdev iivh tttoKiv wirXiCoVTO, UlavpoTtpoi • {.lijiaaav ce Kj wq vafiivi [ia^Eodai, Xpeioi ai'ayKfui], Trpo te ■Katdoiv ic, trpb yvvaiKwv. No sooner had Severus put down tliis new insuiTection, than the infii-mities of age, and the cai'es of the government, brought on a mortal disease, of wliich he died in the Brigantine capital, the city of his adoption. His last words to his sons his death, were — " I leave you, my Antonines, (a tenn of affection,) a finn and steady govern- ment, if you wUl follow my steps, and prove what you ought to be, — weak and tottering, if othenvise." — " Do every thing that conduces to each other's good." — " Cherish the sohUery, and then you may despise the rest of mankind: a thsturbed and every where disti'acted government, I found; but to you I leave it finn and quiet — even to the Britons." " I have risen from the lowest to the liighest station, and am now no better for it." Tlien calling for the urn which was to contain liis ashes, after the ossilegium (the burning of liis body), and, looking steadily upon it, he said — " Thou shalt hold what the world was not lai-ge enough to contain." After the dead body of the emperor had been consumed in the flames, his ashes were collected, and sent in a porphyrite urn to Rome, where they were deposited in the capitol, and the honour of apotheosis, or deification, was confen-ed upon him by the senate and the people. That his memory might not be lost m Britain, his devoted anny, with infinite laboui", raised tlu-ee large hills in the place where liis funeral rites were performed, in the vicinity of the city of York, which elevations bear the name of Severus's Hills, and are still very prominent.t The manner of " making a god," a.s described by Herodian|: in the case of His deifi- Severus, is extraordinary, and will yield more amusement to the reader than the '^^''°'^' object of deification could afford benefit to liis chsciples. " The ceremony," says the historian, " has a mixture of festivity and pomp. Tlie corpse is buried, like other emperors, in a sumptuous manner. But they make an effigy [of wax] as like the deceased as possible, and place it in the porch of the palace, upon a large and lofty bed of ivory covered with cloth of gold. Tliis image is of a pale complexion, and • Homer II. viii. 55. f Drake's Eboracum, book i. p. 14. X Book iv. c. 3. VOL I. D 18 ci)f lietoii) of tin CHAP, lies at full length lilce a sick person. Round the bed on each side sit, for the ^' gi-eatest part of the day, on the left hand, the whole senate in black habits; on the rio-ht, ladies whose husbands or parents are persons of distinction. None of these latter wear any gold or bracelets, but thin white hal)its, like mourners. This they do for seven days together, the physicians coining every day to the bed to visit the sick person, whom they report to grow worse and worse. At last, when they tliink he is dead, the noblest and choicest youths of equestrian and senatorian rank take up the bed on their shoulders, and carry it along the sacred way into the Old Forum, where the Roman magistrates usually resign then- authority. On both sides are built steps like staii-s, on which are placed, on one hand, a band of boys of the noblest and patrician families ; on the other, of noble women, singing hjTims in honoui- of the deceased, and dirges set to solemn and mournful measures. This being ended, they take up the bed again, and carry it out of the city into the Campus Mailius. In the widest part of this field is raised a kind of scaffold of a square fonn, and equilateral, built of nothing but vast quantities of wood in form of a house. The bed being placed in the second story, they throw over it heaps of spices and per- fumes of all lands, fnuts, herbs, and all sorts of aromatic juices. For there is no nation, city, or inchvidual, of any rank or eminence, who do not \ie with each other in making these last presents to the memory of the emperor. After a gi-eat heap of spices has been piled up, and every part of the buUding filled, the grand procession on horseback is made by the whole equestrian order round tlic structure, in certain orders, and returns in Pyrrliic measure and time. Chariots also are driven round in like order, by persons di-essed in purple, and representing all the Roman generals and emperors. This bemg ended, the successor to the empire takes a torch, and puts it to the builcUng. AU the rest immediately set fire to it, and instantly the whole, being filled mth chy combustibles and perfmnes, is in a strong blaze. Pre- sently from the highest and least story, as from a pinnacle, an eagle is let loose, and, towering up into the air Avith the flame, is supposed to convey the emperor's sold to heaven. From thenceforth the emperor is worshipped among the rest of the gods." Tlie conduct of the sons of Severus, Caracalla and Geta, shews but too clearly the necessity that was felt by then- d^nng father for m-ging upon them tiie duty of brotiierly affection and union. After tiie emperor's death, the imperial dignity was dirided between them : but Cai-acalla, aspu-ing to the undiAided power, resolved upon liis brother's death, and, on a slight pretence, caused 20,000 soldiers, whom he supposed to be in liis brother's interest, to be put to the sword. Not satisfied with tliis horrible atrocity, and familiarized to blood by the sanguinary deeds of liis deified father, he pursued his unoffending brotiier into the presence of his mother, Julia, His suc- cessors. Countp ^3alntinf of aanrajjtrr. 19 and, with his o^™ hands, pierced the unhappy prince's heart in the arms of lier who chap. gave him life.* ' After the return of Caracalla to Rome, a long and profound silence is ohserved hy a. d. 211. the Roman historians as to the affahs of Britaui; and it is not till the reign of Dioclesian, Avhen Carausius, Imuself a Briton, who, being sent by the emperor with a fleet to guai'd the Belgic coast, embraced the opportunity to pass over into tliis island, and got himself proclauned emperor at York, that any incident appertaining to the subject of tliis liistory is recorded. At a subsequent period Carausius was slain by his compeer Alectus, who imme- A. D. 207. diately assumed the purple, and bore sway in Britain, till Constantius, suruamed Chlorus, dethi-oned the usurper, and reigned in Ids stead. Constantius, having previously manied a British princess who had embraced the Cluistian religion, manifested his attachment to the doctrines of the Cross, ratlier by following its precepts than by openly avowing its faith; and on liis death, at York, the honour of tlie apotheosis, or deification, was conferred upon liim by the Roman senate. Tlie a. d. 3C6. issue of his marriage ^ith the Princess Helena, was Con- stantine, by whom he was succeeded. The inauguration of this emperor took place in the unperial city of York, the place of his buth, and the British soldiers, in Roman pay, presented then- countryman ^rith a golden ball, as a symbol of his sovereignty over the island. Upon his conversion to Christianity he placed a cross upon the ball ; and ever since this emperor's time, the globe surmounted by the cross has A. d. 341. sl||j^\^ J Iv ^^^^ used as the emblem of majesty in all the kuigdoms of ^ - Christendom. On the death of Constantme the Great, the empire was divided among liis three sons, Constantine, Constantius, and Constans. In this division Britain fell to the share of Con stantme, the eldest of the number part of the empire, Constantine invaded the tenitories of his youngest brother; in which invasion he lost liis life, and was succeeded in Britain by Constans, who thus became Emperor of the West. Constans having fallen in the -village of St. Helena, at the foot of the Pyi-enees, liis only surviving brother succeeded to the purple; and he was succeeded by Julian, in whose reign the statue of the Brigantine god- dess is supposed to have been erected. This ancient piece of Roman sculpture was * Xipliiliinis a Dione. d2 Goddess ■vT • 1 1 • of the JNot content with mS Biigantes. B RIG AKTiE S AMANDV S aRflTiXnVSlIXJMPERIOl^ 20 CI;f ??isitJ3ii) of tijf CHAP, found in the ruins of a temple in Annandale, in the year 1 732. Tlie figure is &ui)- '• posed to represent Victory, or a Panthea, adorned with the symbols of Victory and Pallas ; and the inscription, according to Roger Gale, the antiquary, may be read thus : " Briffantia sacrum Amandus Arcitectus ex imperio imperatoris Juliani.^^ The most recent, and one of the most interesting discoveries of Roman remains in Lancaslui'e, was made during the sununer of 1 796, at Ribchester, in this county, by a youth, the son of Joseph Walton, in a hollow, nine feet below the surface of the sTound, that had been made in the waste land at the side of the road leading to the church, and near the bed of the river. It is conjectured, that when these antiquities were deposited in this place, the sand was thrown amongst them to preserve them in a diy state, but they ai'e in general much defaced by the corrosive effect of sand upon copper during a period of nearly two thousand years. These antiquities were purchased by Charles Townley, Esq., of Townley Hall, in this county, fi'om the persons who found them, and they are described by that gentleman in a letter addi-essed by liim to the Rev. John Brand, secretaiy to the Society of Anti- quarians, the substance of wliicli will be found in its proper place in these volumes. Tt ^rill be sufficient to say here, that tliey consist of a helmet; a nmnber of patera; the remains of a vase; a bust of Minerva; the remains of two basins; a number of cir- cular plates ; and various other curiosities, many of wliich appear to have been appro- priated to rehgious uses. " The helmet," says Mr. Tofloiley, " deserves the particular attention of the curious as the remains of remote ages; very few ancient ones, decorated with embossed figures, have as yet appeared. The three or four which were preserved in the Museum at Portici are esteemed to be the most richly ornamented, and the best as to style of workmansliip ; but when this helmet was in its proper state, it must have been equal, at least, to those in point of decoration, and in respect to its baring a vizor unitating so exactly the hmnan features, I believe it to be the only ancient example of the kind that has yet been discovered. Tliis singularity may excite a doubt, whether such a helmet was destined for real combat, or only for the enrich- ment of occasional trophies wliich were erected in the celebration of military festi- vals, or cai-ried in procession amongst the Greeks and Romans. Tropliies of this sort are seen on various medals, \vi\h the names of the people, whose subjugation such tropliies are meant to record, inserted upon them; as for example, — DE 8ARMA- TIS — DE GERMANI8, on the medals of Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. " Tlie superior style of worlanansliip of the mask to that of the head-piece is also remarkable ; in the former, the beauty of the features, the excellent work of the I>ana "bv Ja! B^ iTiy J J'^ tl jl' ji.'A,' 'L'i ilj JtILT.5JL,i_vJIl.I . Eog« ;i:i -T? ,v -r-r-o Count!? ^3alatinf of Saiuastfr. 21 fio-ures in relief, and more particularly by the sharp edges and lines with which the chap. eye-brows, eye-lids, and lips ai-e marked, after the manner of Grecian art preced- __J ino- the Csesai's, denote it to have been executed some ages before tlic head-piece, llie coarse and heavy work of which coiTesponds with that of the artists employed in the reign of Septimius Severus, and particularly with the sculpture upon the arch of that emperor, situated near the Capitol liill at Rome. The cheek measures ten inches and a half from its junction to the scull-piece, at the top of the forehead, to its bottom, under the chin. A row of small detached locks of haii* surrounds the fore- head a little above the eyes, reacliing to the ears, wliich are well deUneated. Upon the locks of hair rests the bottom of a cUadem or tutulus, which at the centre in the fi-ont is two inches and a quarter in height, diminisliing at the extremities to one incli, and it is divided horizontally into two parts, bearing the proportionate heio-hts just mentioned.* The lower part projects before the Irigher, and repre- sents a bastion wall, separated into seven divisions by prjoecting turrets with pyra- midal tops, exceeding a little the height of tlie wall. The apertures for missile weapons of defence, are marked iu each of the tun-ets. The two aixhed doors appeal' in the middle di^^sion of tliis wall, and one arclied door in each of the exti'eme dinsions. The upper part of tlie cUadem, which recedes a little, so as to clear the top of the wall and of the tuiTets, was ornamented Avith seven embossed figures, placed under the seven arches, the abutments of wliich are heads of genii. Tlie central arch, and the figure that was witliin it, are destroyed, but the other six ai-e filled vnih a repetition of the follo^ving three gi'oupes : — A Venus, sitting upon a marine monster; before her a diaped figure Tvith wings, bearing a wi-eath and a palm branch, and behind her a triton, whose lower part terminates in tails of fish. Two serpents are represented on each side of the face, near the ears, from whence the bocUes of these reptiles surround each cheek, and are joined under the cliin. The union of various characters j-ecals the pantheic representations of the goddess Isis ; and when the accompaniments of the work are attentively considered, I am persuaded they wiU be found to represent the goddess in her generating, preserving, and destroying capacities, which primitively constituted her universal dominion, and characterized her as tlie Dea Trifomiis." Britain was soon after this period divided into two consular provinces, Maxima provinces CaBsariensis and Valeutia, and into three prsesicUal districts — Britannia Prima, Districts. Britannia Secunda, and Flavia Caesariensis.f Tliis division was probably made in " From subsequent information it is ascertained, that a Sphinx was found with these remains, which the person who discovered them, omitted to deliver to Mr. Townley, but which, it is judged, served to decoratje the top of the helmet. t Notitia. 22 U)t Sn'storj) of ti)t CHAP the reign of Valeiitinian, after the memorable victory obtained by Theodosius over the united power of the Plots and the Scots;* and Lancasliire came under the consular g-overnment of Valentia, as forming part of that province. From tills period the Roman power rapidly declined, and the empire was menaced with desolation by the continental barbarians. The inhabitants and troops that were quartered in Britain, fearing lest the Vandals should pass over the sea, and subdue them with the rest, revolted from then' obedience to Honorius, and set up one Mark, Avliom they declared emperor ; but they soon deprived liim of liis dignity and his life, placing Gratian in his room, who was a countryman of their ovm. Within four months they murdered liim also, and conferred the sovereignty upon one Constantine, not so much in respect to his courage or his quality, for he was a very inconsiderable man in the army, but in regard to his name, which they looked upon as fortunate ; hoping he would do as much as Coustantine the Great had done, who had been advanced to the imperial dignity in the same island. Tliis new prince, Britain immediately after his promotion, passed over into Gaul, and, taldng %vith him the abandoned Very flower of the British j^outh, so utterly exliausted the military force of the Ronia'ns. islaiid, that it was wholly broken, and the island left naked to her invaders.-j" Britain, being thus deprived both of the Roman soldiers and of the most vigorous part of her A.D. 418. own population, became an easy prey to the incursions of the northern invaders, the Picts and Scots, to whose inroads the County of Lancaster was peculiarly exposed. The wall of Sevenis, though it stretched across the island, and was built of solid stone, twelve feet in height and eight feet in thickness, and though it was strength- ened by fortresses well supplied ^-ith munitions of war, no longer formed a bander against the inroads of the enemy. In tliis deplorable situation the Bi-itons invited over the Saxons, to protect them against an evW that they knew, and thereby fell upon a greater that they never antici- pated. But, before proceeding to this new period of our liistory, it may be proper to take a summary survey of the Roman institutions as they existed in tliis country, and in tliis county, during the four centuries that Britain Avas subject to the Roman sway, and to glance at the remains with which some of the Lancashii-e Roman stations abound, though the details must be reserved for theii' more ajipropriate arrangement, under the respective heads in the Hundred and Parish Histories. Roman in- Tlie government of Britain, during the Roman period, was praesidial, and with the president or vicar was associated, in military matters, the Comes Britanniartim. The country was garrisoned, and the conquest principally achieved and maintained by three out of the twenty-nine Roman legions, namely, — Legio II., Legio VI., Etitutions. * Ediard, vol. iii. p. 272, 273 f Ammianus Marcellinus, lib. xxvii. c. 8. Count|) iaalatiiw of ^LanrasUr. 23 Victrix, principally statioued in the Brigantiau capital of Eboracum, and Legio XX., chap. usually called Valens Victrix.* According to Josephus, the Jewish liistorian, who Avi'ote in the first century. of the Christian era, there were four legions. His words ai-e, " Britain is surrounded by the ocean, and almost equal in extent to our world ! Yet it was reduced by the Romans, and four legions controlled such a populous islajid."t The knowledge of geooi-aphy possessed by tliis ancient historian seems scarcely more accurate than the knowledge of astronomy displayed by Caesar and Tacitus. The manufacture of woollens was introduced into England, and probably into Lancasliire, at an cariy period of the Roman conquest, and the luxury of (bess soon succeeded the painting of the body. After-ages have increased and perfected these useful fabrics, and the ancient country of the Brigantes is still the most famous of all the districts of England for this invaluable production of the loom. The religion of the Romans consisted, till after their final depai-tm-e from Britain, of the idolatry of the Pantlieon, though the light of Christianity began to dispel the mist of heathenism during the reign of Constantius Chlorus, the father of Constantino the Great. Constantius erected the first episcopal see in Britain, and the seat of that liigh dignity was at Eboracum. j Constantine not only lavoured the Clu-istian doctrine, but, to display Ins attaclmient to Cliristianity, he, stamped upon his coins the emblem of the Cross, a.d. 311. The progress of the true faith was, however, continually retarded by the wars with which this country was distracted, and it was not till a later period of British liistory that tiie great body ,of the nation could be called Christians. The lapse of sixteen centuries, during which time fifty generations of men have Roman passed over the stage of time, though it has consigned to desti'uction numberless Roman remains, has served to bring to light a gi'eat mass of antiquities in the stations of Lancashire. Hence in IMancunium, and in Ad Alaunam, we have altars, statues, coins, and medals; and in Rerigonium, a rich collection of antiquities, con- sisting of masks, helmets, and domestic utensils, serves to shew that tliis retii'ed village was once the abode of the conquerors of the world. But of these, each in its proper place. Tlie goddess of the Brigantes, being a general sulyect, will serve as a specimen of the monuments of antiquity in the general department of our liistory. In dismissing for the present the Roman period, it may be observed, that skilful Romans as were some of the Caesars, and many of their subjects, in ai-ts and in arms, they "°* ^"™" were deplorably ignorant of some of the great phenomena of nature. Hence we * A Roman legion, when full, consisted of about 6,000 infantry and 400 cavalry. t Bell. Jud. ii. c. 16. sec. 4. J Burton's Monasticon, p. 6. nomers. 24 CIk |[^i5torj) of ti)t CHAP, find Julius Csesai-, in his Commentaries, astonisliing his readers by communicating ^' a rumour, that in the Isle of Man, a few leagues from the Laucasliire coast, the nio-hts were of tliii-ty days' duration, and expressing liimself in a manner indicating his own uncertainty upon the subject. The words are, " In hoc mecho cursu est insula, qufe appellatur Mona; complm-es prseterea minores objectiB insula existi- mantur; de quibus insulis nonnulli scripserunt, dies contmuos xxx sub bruma esse noctem. Nos niliil de eis percontationibus reperiebamus, nisi certis ex aqua meu- suris breviores esse, quam in continente noctes videbamus."* Another classical author of gi-eat celebrity, wlio Avi-ote one hundred and fifty years after Caesai-, records, that it was said of the Isle of Anglesey, that the days and niglits were each of them six montlis long ]-\ Tlie Romans, in the days of their emperors, conceiving the earth to be a flat surface, imagined that night was occa- sioned by the sun retiiuig beliind high mountains. It was reserved for Copernicus to announce the rotundity of tlie globe, and for Sir Isaac Newton, a native of that island whicli in Caesar's time was the abode of savages, to calciUate, with mathe- matical jjrecision, the length of the days and nights in all parts of the world. Strange as this ignorance of the most learned of tlie Romans may soimd in modern ears, since the light of science has opened the volume of nature to the great body of mankind, and rendered them to a certain extent more learned than the ancient pliilosophers, a period was now approaching in British history, when the gloom of heathen darkness was to become still more impervious, and when the native inhabitants of Britain were to be exposed to the horrors of tliose sangui- nary contests, wliich so long existed between tlieii- northern hivaders and the Saxons. * De Bello Gallico, lib. v. c. 13. t Pliny, lib. ii. sec. 75. It is understood that the Mona of Caesar was the Isle of Man, and that of Pliny, the Isle of Anglesey. Count)) ^aalntiiif of ^Lanrasttn 25 Saxon period. — State of Britain on the departure of the Romans. — Urgent application of the Britons for foreign aid. — Assistance offered by the Saxons. — They visit Britain as friends. — Remain as enemies. — ^Take possession of Kent. — Defeat of the Saxons at York. — Saxon ingrati- tude. — King Arthur. — Battles on the Douglas. — The Round Table.— Sir Torquin.— The Heptar- chy. — Northumbria. — Saxon idolatry. — Introduction of Christianity. — Missionaries to Britain. — Conversion of the Northumbrians. — Restoration of churches. — Lancashire castles. — Oswald. — Archbishop Wilfrid. — Papal authority acknowledged. — Transference of the people of Furness. — Rain of blood. — Venerable Bede. — Invasion of the Danes. — Battle of Whalley. — Dissolution of the Heptarchy. — State of Lancashire in the ninth century. — Reign of Alfred the Great. — Saxon name of Lancashire. — Early tradition of the Eagle and Child. — The tenth century. — The south of Lancashire in Northumbria, and not in Mercia. — Wars in Northumbria. — Lancashire not mentioned in the Saxon Chronicles. — Passes under the Danish power. — Termination of the Saxon and Danish dynasties in England. — Manners and institutions of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors. HE progress in civilization made by the Britons chap. dui'ing the four hundred years that tliis county and II. tliis country were occupied by the Romans, was almost ^^j"" ''*' obliterated by the sis centuries Avliich .succeeded, of invasion fi-om Avithout, and tUscord within the island. One redeeming event served, however, to cUspel the night of heathen darkness; and the general intro- duction of Christianity, perverted and contaminated though it was by superstition and error, UTadiated the gloom of the Saxon, the Danish, and the Norman dominion. So fail' a country as Britain, suddenly abandoned by its Roman con- querors, and possessed by a people without union in the governments, and vrithout reliance upon themselves, naturally became a prize for foreign competition ; and the struggles for independence were rather the transient and convulsive efforts of despaii-, than the dauntless energies of patriotic confidence. The sliips which ti'ansported the legionaries of Rome from the shores of Britain had scarcely weighed anchor, when the invading hordes of the Scots and Picts cUslodgcd the British trooj)s from then- fortresses, and, forcing a passage through the Roman wall, penetrated into the counties of Cumberland and Lancaster, and even to* the gates of York, from whence they menaced the other parts of the island. The state of the country at that time, as described by one of the earliest British historians,* serves to shew that considerable progi-ess had been made in the arts, in conuuerce, and in agriculture ; VOL. I. * Gildas. E 26 COt W^tOV}} of t\)t CHAP, and tliat tlie people no longer painted their bodies, and depended for tlieir food on " the precarious resources of the chase. " The island of Britahi," says this sapient nduiin'^on ecclesiastic, " placed in the balance of the divine poising hand, which weigheth iu?e'o7tUe the Avhole world, at ahuost the uttermost bounds of the earth towards the south- Uomans. ^ypg^^ exteutHug itself from the soutli-west out towards the North Pole, 800 miles in length and 200 in breadth, embraced by the embowed bosoms of the ocean, with whose most spacious, and on every side impassable enclosure, she is sti-ongly defended, enriched with the mouths of noble floods, by which outlandish commodities have in times past been transported into the same, besides other rivers of lesser account ; streno-thened ^\^th eight-and-twenty cities, and some other castles, not meanly fenced with fortresses of waUs, embattled towers, gates, and buildings, (whose roofs, being raised aloft with tlu-eatening hugeness, were mighty in the aspking tops compacted,) adorned vvith her large spreading fields, pleasantly seated liills, even framed for good husbandry, which ever mastereth the ground, and mountains most convenient for the chano-eable pastures of cattle ; watered Avith clear fountains and sundry brooks, beating on the snow-wliite" sands, together with silver streams glichng forth Avith soft sounding noise, and leaving a pledge of sweet savours on bordering banks, and lakes gusliing out abundantly m cold runnhig rivers."* Tliis description of the wealth of Britain, and of its scenery, di-awn tJiirteen hundi-ed years ago, Avas doubtless appUcahle to the county of Lancaster at the time A.D. 4-18. of the departure of the Romans. " After this," continues our author, " Britain being now despoiled of all armed soldiers, and of her own brave and valorous youth, (who quitted the island along with the Romans, never returning to their homes,) and absolutely ignorant of all practice of war, was trampled many years under the feet Invaded of two Very ficrcc outlandish nations — the Scots and tlie Picts. Upon whose invasion, Picts^aud and most terrible oppression, she sent ambassadors, furnished Avith letters, to Rome, humbly beseecliing, Avith piteous prayers, the hosts of soldiers to redress lier AATong-s, and voAving AA-ith the whole power of her mind her everlasting subjection to the Roman empii'e, if they would allow their soldiers to return, and to chase aAvay their foes. These letters Avere mdicted to this puqjose, — ' Tlie Lamentations of the Urgent ' Bfitons uuto Agitixs, thrice Consul.' ' The barbarians thive us to the sea, the sea tion for ' drivcs US back to the barbarians. Thus, of tAvo lands of death, one or other must aid. " ' be our clioicc, either to be SAvallowed up by the waves, or butchered by the SAvord.' In this deplorable conthtion, no relief covdd be afibrded by the Romans ; the Goths AA'ere at theu* oaa'u gates ; and to aggi'avate the miseries of the Britons, a dreadful famine raged in the ravished country, Avhich obliged many of them to peld their necks to the yoke of the iuA'aders for a little food ; and those who had too much * Epist. of Gildas, cap. i. Countp ^3nlntine of 3Caurn£itfi% 27 constancy to submit to tliis hnmiliation were constrained to seek refuge in the moun chap. tains, or to conceal themselves in caves and thickets."* "' Repulsed by the Roman government, and without confidence in their own strength, the Britons sought assistance from the Saxons, a nation of warriors and pu-ates. The mUitary reno^vn of these people pointed them out as the most efficient of auxiliaries, wliile their ambition and their avarice made them in reality die most dangerous of allies. To avert a present danger, ambassadors were sent to the heads of then- government, and, an autUeuce ha\iag been obtained, they spoke as follows : — " Most noble Saxons — The poor and distressed Brets (Britons), outworn and exhausted by the uicursions of their enemies, hearing the fame of those victories which you have most gallantly obtained, have sent us supplicants unto you, craving that you would not deny us your help and succour. A large and spacious land we have, plentiful and abimdant in aU things, wliich we yield wholly to your coimnand. Hitherto we have lived freely under the patronage and protection of the Romans ; next unto them we know not any more powerful than yourselves, and therefore we seek for a refuge under the Avings of your valour. So that we may, by your puissance, be superior to our enemies; and whatsoever service you shall impose upon us, that we will wUUngly afrord."t To tliis urgent invitation the peers and the governors of the Saxons replied : — Assistance " Know ye, that the Saxons ■will be fast friends to the Britons, and ready at all tue'^sax-^ times to assist them in their necessity for a suitable return ; Avitli joy, therefore, embark again for your country, and make your countrymen glad with these good tidings." Tlie Saxons were confederated tribes, consisting of the Angles, (and hence The Sax- ons. Anglo-Saxons,) the Jutes, and the genuine Saxons. They were settled on the shores of the Gennan ocean, and extended fi'om the Eyder to the Rliine. The etymology of their name is involved in the obscurity of remote antiquity. Their leaders are supposed to have bequeathed the appellation to their followers." The classical historians have painted this nation with the features of terror ; the word Saxum, a rock, as an expression of unfeeling ferocity, has been thought by some to have produced the name, while Sacsesons, the sons of the Sacae ; Sasscn, a settled people; S-uess-on, or Saxon, Celtic for the waters of the river; and Saex, or Siachs, the short sword they fought with, has each found its advocates.^ The first Saxon expecUtion to England, wliich consisted of 1000 soldiers, embarked in three vessels, called Cyulce, or Kules, composed of hides,§ under the command of Hengist * Epist. of Gildas, cap. xvii. f Witichindus. X Sh. Turner's Hist, of the Anglo Saxons, vol. 1. p. 22-3. § Nennius, cap. xxviii. E 2 38 €i)t l^lStOll) of ti)t c:hap. and Horsa, the latter sening under tlie former, and botli being in the fourth ' generation from Woden, one of the princiiml gods of the Saxons. On their arrival They visit iu England, tliey were cUrected by Vortigern, the Britisli king, to march agfdnst the friends! ^' cuemj, then spread over the greatest part of the country of the Brigantes ; and on then- arrival in the neighbourhood of York, a bloody engagement took place, by winch the Picts and the Scots were driven out of Lancasliire and Yorkshire, and compelled to take refuge mthin then* own borders. The Saxon generals, disinclined to finish the campaign by a single battle, neglected to follow up this victory, and their troops remained in York and in Manchester, to recover from the fatigues of their journey, and to recruit their luimbers with fresh levies. So short-sighted are nations frequently, as well as incH^iduals, that gi-eat rejoicings took place in Britain on the expulsion of the Picts and Scots, and the Saxons were every where hailed as deliverers. Vortigern, held by the double tie of gratitude to Hengist, and love to his fascinating daughter, Rowena, became insensible to the danger that menaced his country. The poison of Saxon perfidy was poured into the royal ear, wliile he reposed on the bosom of the " blue-eyed" enchantress, and the kmg closed his eyes to those dangerous designs of ambition in liis foreign auxiliaries, which every day became more manifest to liis people. Having possession of Mancunium and Eboracum, the Saxons sent for a further supply of troops from Germany, which speedily arrived in seventeen cyulce, and were encamped in the Isle of Thanet. This measure naturally increased the suspicion of the Britons, and they expressed their (hspleasure, by refusing to provide for the fresh levies. A proclamation, conunanding them to quit the country, immediately followed, A D. 450. at which Hengist took deadly offence ; and the Saxons, Avho had come to expel invaders, now assumed themselves the character of open enemies. Further reinforcements, under the command of Octa, the son of Hengist, and Ebissa, the son Remain as of Octa, soou after arrived, and marched to the north, spreading themselves over the Brigantian districts, which were soon to assume another name. The demands of the Saxons rose with the concessions of the Britons ; and it at length became clear, that notluug short of the full possession of tliis fail' island would allay the cravings of then- ambition and cupichty. Disgusted with the blindness and effeminacy of Vorti- gern, his people drove him from his tlu'one, and Vortimer, his son, reigned in his stead. After several battles between the Britons and the Saxons, fought -with various success, in one of wliich Vortimer fell, Vortigern again ascended the tlu'one, and Hengist demanded a conference between the Saxon chiefs and the British nobility, to ai-range terms, as was alleged, for the Saxons quitting the kingdom. Tliis meet- ing took place upon the plain of Ambrij, now called Salisbury Plain. The unsus- pecting Britons came unarmed, but the perfidious Germans had each a short skeine enemies. Coimti) ^3alntinr of aanrnstm 29 concealed under liis cassock. After the conference, the horns of festivity went chap. roimd, till the spiiits of the assembly had become exliUarated, when, at the terrible exclamation of " Nemed Saxes," out rushed the Saxon weapons ; the unarmed Britons fell before the perficUous assassins, and three huncU-ed of the bravest cliiefs and tlie most elevated men of the country perished on the spot.* Well may the venerable Gildas speak of the men who could perpetrate so horrible an atrocity as ferocissimi illl nefandi nominis Saxones Deo hominibusque invisi.\ Hengist now possessed liimself of the southern part of the island, wliich he Take pos- erected into a prmcipaUty, under the designation of the Kingdom of Kent, wlule Kent. Octa and Ebissa remained settled in Northmnbria. Tlie fortunes of the Britons were partially retrieved by Aurelius Ambrosius, a Briton of Roman extraction. Under his dii-ection the military spii'it of his countrymen was roused into action, and after marching from Totness at the head of a formidable force, accompanied by Uter, his brother, siu'named Pendragon, he arrived before the gates of York, when he smumoned Octa to surrender. A council of war being called, at wliicli the question to be discussed was, whether the Saxon garrison should stand a siege ? it was deter- mined to suiTender at chscretion, and to cast themselves upon the clemency of the Britons. Tliis detei-minatiou haviug been fonned, Octa, accompanied by his princi- surrender of York. pal captains, caiTying each a chain in his hand, mth dust upon his head, presented himself to Ambrosius with tliis address, — " My gods are conquei'ed, and I doubt not but the sovereign power is iu your god, who has compelled so many noble persons to come before you in this suppliant manner : be pleased, therefore, to accept of us and this chain ; if you do not tliink us fit for yoiu- clemency, we here present ourselves ready to be fettered, and ai-e Avilling to undergo any punislmaent you shall tliinli us worthy of" Moved by this liumiliating appeal, Ambrosius granted a free pardon to the invaders, and, instead of shipping them out of the country, he assigned to them a district on tlie borders of Scotland. Ebissa, who had probably occupied Manchester while Octa was stationed in York, encom-aged by the success of his kinsman's appeal to the conqueror's clemency, came and surrendered himself in the same manner, and met with a similar reception. Tlie gi-atitude of the Saxons did not outlive theii- merciful conqueror. On the a.d. 49o. death of Ambrosius, who was succeeded by Uter the Pench-agon, Octa and Ebissa revolted, and issued from their northern retreat, by the route of Bremetonacae saxon in- (Overborough) and Coccium (Blackrode), botli wliicli places they took, as well as s'"^"'"^'^- Mancunium (Manchester) and Veratinum (Wan-ington). On then- amval before Eboracum (York), an obstinate battle took place under the walls of that city, which ended in the defeat and capture of the two ingi-ates.J * Nennius,c. xlviii. t Epist. of Gildas, c. xxiii. l Geof. Mon. Polichron, &c. 30 COt S^istori.) of ti)t ■ CHAP. II. A.D. 510. King Arthur. His mili- tary achieve- ments. The son and successor of liter, born of Lady Igi-en, Duchess of Cornwall, was the renoAvued King Arthur. Trained to arms by Ambrosius, under wliose conunis- sion he for some time fought,* and animated by the wi-ongs of the Britons, over whom lie was appointed to reign, he became himself the leader of then- wars, and hi all of them he came off conqueror. The first of his battles was fought at the mouth of the river called the Glem. The second, tliiixl, fourth, and fifth, upon another river called the Douglas, in the territory of Linuis. The sixth was on a stream which bears the name of Bassas. The seventh was in the wood of Celidon, that is, in Cat- toit Celidou. The eighth was at Castle Gunnion. The ninth at the city of Legion. The tenth on the banks of the river Ribroit. The eleventh on the luU Agned Cathregonion ; and the twelfth at Mount Badon.f The history of tliis distmguished warrior is mixed up with so much romance as to render it extremely difficult to separate truth from fiction. That part of it, however, which regards the subject of this history, is not only supported by early tradition extending through many generations, but it is also supported by the concur- rent testimony of indubitable facts. The ingenuity and research of Mr. Wliitaker, the liistorian of Manchester, has placed tliis subject in so strong and mteresting a light, in the second chapter of liis Saxon History of Manchester, that it may be quoted with advantage, Avith the exception of those passages for which the public is indebted more to the vigorous unagination of the author than to historical evidence. " The second, tliii-d, fourth, and fifth battles of Arthur are supposed to have been fought m our own county (Laucashii-e), and upon the banks of our little Douglas.J And the name of the river concurs with the ti'adition concerning Arthur, and three battles prove the notice true. On the traditionaiy scene of this engagement remained, till the year 1 770, a considerable British baiTow, popularly denominated Hasty-Knoll. It was originally a vast collection of small stones taken from the bed of the Douglas ; and gi-eat quantities had been successively carried away by the neighbouring inhabitants. Many fragments of iron had been also * Malmesbury, f. 4. t " Artur ipse dux erat bellorum, et in omnibus victor extitit. Primum bellum fuit in ostium fluniinis quod dicitur Glem. Secundum et tertium et quartum et quintum super aliud flumen, quod vocatur Duglas, quod est in regione Linuis. Sextum bellum super flumen quod vocatur Bassas. Septum bellum fuit in silva Calidonis, id est, Cattoit Celidon. Octavum fuit bellum in Castello Gun- nion. Nonumque bellum gestum est in urbe Legionis. Decimum bellum gestum est in litore fluminis quod vocatur Ribroit. Undecimum bellum fuit in monte quod dicitur Agned Cathregonion. Duodecimum fuit bellum in monte Badonis." — Historia Britonum, auctore Nennio, cap. Ixv. Ixvi. I Higden, p. 225, from Radulphus, Hodie fluvius vocatur— Dugglis, et currit sub urbe de Wigan, and Brompton, c. 11.53. Countp |3alatine of iLanrastfr* 31 occasionally discovered in it, together ^^itli remains of those military weapons which chap. tlie Britons iutei-red Avith their heroes at death. On finally levelling the harrow, '. — tliere was found a cavity, in the hungry gravel iimuediately under the stones, ahout seven feet in length, the evident grave of the British ollicer, and all filled with the loose and hlackish earth of his perished remains. At another place, near Wigan, was ' discovered, ahout the year 1741, a large collection of horse and human hones, and an amazing quantity of horse shoes, scattered over u large extent of ground — an evidence of some important hattle upon the spot. The very appellation of Wio-an is a standing memorial of more than one hattle at that place ; Wig sicmifying, in Saxon, a figlit, and Wif/-en heiug its plural. According to trathtion, the first battle fought neai- Blackrode was uncommonly hloody, and the Douglas was ci-imsoned with blood to Wigan. TracUtion and remains concui- to evince the fact, that a second battle was fought near Wigan-lane many ages before the rencoimter in tlie civil Avars. And credulity, deeply impressed with the story, not unfrequently fancies, to the present period, that it sees warriors habited in strange dresses, and hovering about the scene of slaughter. The defeated Saxons appear to have crossed the liill of Wigan, wliere another engagement or engagements ensued j and in forming the canal there, about the year 1735, the workmen discovered evident indications of a considerable battle on the gi-ound. All along the course of the channel from the termination of the Dock to the point of Pool-bridge, fi-om forty to fifty roods in length, and seven or eight yards ui breadth, they found the ground every where containing the remains of men and horses. In maldng the excavations, a large old spur, carrjdng a stem four or five inches in length, and a rowel as large as a half-crown, was dug up ; and five or six hundi'ed weight of horse-shoes were collected. The point of land on the south side of the Douglas, wliich lies inune- diately fronting the scene of the last engagement, is now denominated the Parson's meadow ; and tradition very loudly reports a battle to have been fought in it. To attack the Saxons in this situation was a bold effort ; but victory heightens the courage and mcreases the power of an army. The attack was made : it could not be sustained. The dispuited Saxons fell before the superior bravery and dauntless spirit of the Britons. " These four battles were fought upon the river Douglas, and in the region Linuis. on the In this district was the whole course of the current, from its source to its conclusion, ""^ '^^' and the words " super flumen quod vocatur Douglas, quod est in Linuis," shew the stream to have been less known than the resnon. Tliis was tlierefore consi- derable ; one of the cantreds or gi-eat cUvisions of the Sistuntian kingdom, and comprised, perhaps, the western half of south Lancashire. From its appellation of Linuis, or the Lake, it seems to have assumed the denomination from the Mere of 32 CIK 5)l5ton,> of tl)t CHAP. Marton, which was once the most considerable object witliin it, and was traversed by the Romans in canoes of a single tree * " Thus by four successive victories had Arthur subdued the great ai-my of the Saxons, which had so often beaten the Britons of the north, and then held the Sistuutii in bondage. But Lancasliire was not yet entii-ely delivered. The castles which had been previously erected there by the provincials, would naturally be garri- soned by the Saxons on their conquest of the country, and the towns and their vicinities more immecHately bridled by then- barbarous oppressors. TracHtion asserts Manchester to have been thus ciixumstanced in particular at tlus period. "f Here, in the Castle-field, according to our authority, stood the Roman castle, now occupied by the Saxon commander Sii- Torquin, who was not expelled till after two desperate attempts to carry the fortress, in wliich the Britons at length succeeded, and Torquin fell before the \dctors. The tracUtions of Lancashire still cherish and uphold the memory of Su* Torquin, the lord of the castle, and the knights of the Round Talde, many of whom fell witliiu the tyi'ant's toils, till Sir Lionell of Liones slew the sanguinary knight, and liberated his captives.| The last of Arthur's victories Avas acliieved at the battle of Badon Mount ; and Mr. Wliitaker contends, that these memorable engagements not only checked the pi-ogress of Cerdic, but anniliilated the Saxon anny, and that a long interval of repose, extending through seventy years, followed. It appears, however, from the Saxon chronicles, that CercUc ched in the year 534, " and was succeeded by his son Cynic in the government of Wessex ; and that he," in the peculiar language of these chronicles, " reigned afterwaids twenty-six winters." It is also shewn from the * Leigh's Lancashire, b. i. p. 18. f Whitaker's Manchester, voL ii. b. ii. c. 2. I The chivalrous order of the Knights of the Round Table was, according to the Vetus Ceremo- niale MSS., instituted by King Arthur and the Duke of Lancaster, and is thus mentioned by Du Cange : — " Le roy Arthur d' Angleterre et le due le Lancastre ordonnerent et fu-ent la Table Ronde, et les behours tournois, et joustes, et moult d' autres chose nobles etjugemens d' armes dont ils ordonnerent pour juger dames et damoiselles, roys d' armes et heraux." This Table is described in the romantic annals of Tristan : — " The great and skilful Merlin has exhausted all the secrets of his art in the constructing of that table. Thirteen seats were placed round it, in honour of the thirteen apostles. Twelve only of these could be filled up, and only by the bravest and truest knights. The thirteenth represented that of the execrable traitor Judas. It was called the perilous chair, ever since a rash and presumptuous Saracen had dared to set himself on it, when on a sudden the floor gave way, and the miscreant was swallowed up and consumed by devouring flames. By means of the spell, an invisible hand traced on the back of the seat the name of the candidate who deserved to fill it, and who must have proved himself superior in every respect to the companion whom he was to succeed ; otherwise, whoever presented himself was instantly repelled by an unknown force. This was the trial those brave cham- pions underwent whenever an election was become necessary, by the decease of any of the worthies. Countp ^aalatme of Sancastn-. 33 history of our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, that Ella and Ida reigned in Deua and chap. Bernicia, witliin thirteen years from the death of Arthur, and tliat the Saxon ' conquests gradually advanced, till all England was suhdued, and erected into seven soverei'ni states, under the name of the Heptarchy. The propriety of this appella- tion has heen disputed, and the term Oclarchy adopted in its stead. The difference The hep- is capahle of an easy explanation, — Northumhria heing considered one kingdom by the advocates for the Heptarchy, and two (that is, Deii-a and Bernicia,) by the supporters of the Octarchical division. The seven Idngdoms were, Sussex, Kent, Wessex, East Anglia, Essex, Mercia, and Northmnbiia. Tliis latter kingdom. Of the twelve honourable seats, that of Mourhoult, of Ireland, had remained ten years vacant. Arthur led Tristan to the empty seat. A celestial harmony was heard as he advanced, and the ambient air was sweetened by the most fragrant perfumes ; the name of Mourhoult disappeared, and that of Tristan was seen most resplendent and conspicuous. Now his modesty was put to a hard trial ; he was obliged, when seated, to detail all his achievements, which the clerks, as usual, took down." The episode of Sir Torquin, in the celebrated history of King Arthur, under the title of " La Morte d'Arthur," portrays with vrvacity the achievements of the gallant Knights of the Round Table, and, according to Mr. Whitaker, the scenery of the Castle-field, Manchester, and the surround- ing country, in the Saxon period, would answer to this description : — " Sir Lancelot of the Lake (Marton Mere), and Sir Lionell of Liones, two brothers, and Knights of King Arthur, entered a deep forest in quest of adventures, and came into a great plain within it. Here (in the usual awkwardness with which events are brought about by these ancient romances,) the former lay down to sleep under an apple-tree, and the latter guarded him. While they were thus employed, three knights rode by on full speed, pursued by a fourth ; and, as Lionell fixed his «yes upon the last, he thought that he never beheld so stout a knight, so handsome a man, or so well- accoutred a hero. This was Sir Torquin, the lord of a castle in the neighbourhood ; who, in the view of Sir Lionell, overtook the knights that he was pursuing, seized them, and bound them. Moved with generous pity at the sight, Lionell resolved to engage him. Without waking his brother, he followed Torquin, and bade him turn. He turned, overcame, and bound his challenger ; and took all four away with him to his castle. And there he stripped them of their arms and clothes, whipped them with thorns, and put them in a deep dungeon, to share the fate of the many knights that were in the same prison, and to join with them in lamentations of their misery. " In the mean while. Sir Ector de Maris, brother to Lionell and Lancelot, followed them to partake of their adventures, and came also into a great forest. There he heard, that within a mile was a castle, strong and well ditched, and by it, upon the left hand, a ford ; and that over this grew a fair tree, on the branches of whicli were hung the shields of the many gallant knights wlio had been overcome by the owner of the castle; and at the stem was a basin of copper, with a Latin inscription, which challenged any knight to strike upon it, and summon the castellans to a contest. Ector came to the place, saw the shields, recognized many that belonged to his associates of the Round Table, and particularly noticed his brother's: fired at the sight, he beat violently on the basin, and then gave his horse drink at the ford. And immediately a knight appeared on horseback behind him, and called him to come out of the water. He turned himself directly. He engaged the knight, was conquered, VOL. I. F 34 €f)t W^tov}) of tin CHAP. II. which alone concerns the subject of this liistoiy, was occasionally divided into two, under the names of Deira and Bemicia, but in its iiitegi-ality it may be exliibited thus, with the succession of its Saxon sovereign princes : — Northumberland consisted of the counties of . . . r Lancashire Yorkshire Durham Westmoreland Cumberland Northumberland, And its Kings<( are . J V Ella 11. Alkfryd ■ i Ida 12. Osred 2 ^ Adda 1.3. Kenred i Elappea 14. Oswick 3. Tlieodwald 15. Ceolulph 4. Fretnulse 16. Egbert 5. Theodrick 17. Oswalph 6. Ethelrick 18. Ediswald 7. Ethelfiid 19. Elured 8. Edwin 20. Ethelred 9. Oswald 21. Alfwald 10. Egfrid 22. Osred. This kingdom existed 379 years, dating its commencement from .547, and its desolation in 926. During the Roman period, the largest portion of this county took its name fiom the Brigautes ; but the Saxons, from its local situation to the North of the Humber, changed its designation to Nopjian Humbep Londe, or Northimiber- land. Tlie Saxon inhabitants of this kingdom were the Angles, who arrived from Anglia,* or Angloen, in Pomerania, as eai'ly as the year 449, though theii- kingdom of Noi-thumberlaud was not established till one huntb-ed years after that date. It has been conjectured, that Mercia included Deii-a, or that the country between the Mersey and the Ribble was witliin the Mercian terri- and taken prisoner by him. The brother of both these unfortunate heroes, Sir Lancelot, whom we left sleeping before in the forest adjoining to the castle, had been carried from thence by enchantment, and confined for some time. But, as soon as he was released, he went in search of Lionell, and came into the same forest, where they had so strangely parted. There, in the midst of a highway, he heard that a knight dwelt very near, who was the most redoubted champion that ever existed, and had conquered, and now kept in prison, no less than sixty-four of King Arthur's knights. He hastened to the place. He came to the ford and tree ; and he let his horse drink at the ford, and then beat upon the basin with the end of his spear. This he did so long and so heartily, that he drove the bottom out ; and yet no one answered. He then rode along the gates of the castle almost half an hour. At last he descried Sir Torquin coming upon the road with a captive knight. He advanced, and challenged him. The other gallantly accepted the challenge, defying him and all his fellowship of the Round Table. They fought. The encounter lasted no less than four hours. Lancelot at last slew his antagonist, took the keys of his castle, and released all the prisoners within it, who instantly repaired to the armourv there, and furnished themselves completely. idolatry. Countp IJalntmt of itanrastcr, 35 ton'. But the preponderance of evidence is in favour of the more generally recog- chap nized limits; namely, that the Humber and the Mersey to the south, and the Eden L_ and the T}Tie to the north, formed the Northumbrian boundary; and that when tliis kingdom was thvidcd, the kingdom of Deira consisted of the counties of Lancaster, York, Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Durham, precisely the ancient Brigantine limits, wlule Bernicia comprehended Northumberland and the south of Scotland, between the Tweed and the Frith of Forth. Tlie system of government established by our Saxon ancestors had in it the germ of Saxon freedom, if it did not always exhibit the fruits. In religion they were idolaters, and when they settled in Britain, their idols, altars, and temples soon overspread the country. They had a god for every day in the week. Tlior, or Tlmr, represented Tluirsday ; Woden confeiTed his name on Wechiesday ; Frisco presided over Friday; Seater over Saturday; and Tuyse, the tutelar god of the Dutch, conferred his name on Tuesday. The attributes of the first four of these deities corresponded with those of the Roman deities, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Saturn ; Tuyse had no parallel in the pantheon, but the Saxons had their Ermenseni, who, like Mercury, was the bestower of yai ; and Heile, a sort of Esculapius, the preserver and restorer of health. Besides these gods, the Saxons worsliipped the sun and the moon, who each conferred a name on one of the days of the week ; Sunnan on Sunday, and Monan on Monday. The people worsliipped the statiies of these gods. Thor the supreme was seated on a throne, and on either side of bun stood Woden and Frisco. Thor, according to the pre- vailing superstition, bore rule in the air, and governed the thunder, the lightning, ajid the A\'inds ; he likewise du'ected the weather, and regulated the seasons, giving plenty or inflicting famine at Ms will. Woden made war, and ministered rigour against enemies ; wlule Frisco bestowed upon mortals peace and pleasure. So gross was the Saxon superstition, and so strong their incentives to war, that they believed, if they obtained the favour of Woden by theu* valour, they should be admitted after death into liis hall, and, reposing on couches, should satiate themselves with ale from the skiUls of theu* enemies, whom they had slain in battle ! Tliis beve- rage was iu high esteem amongst them ; and Foster, to whom they sacrificed in the month of April, gave the name to Easter, by Avliich the festival of the resuiTection is designated in the Christian system. Tlie Saxon women were not allowed to contract a second marriage, and a sunilar restriction applied to the men, except those in elevated stations who were childless; for, amongst such, " to be without children was to be without reputation." The most dismal feature of their superstition was the custom which they had in war, after a successful enterprise, of selecting by lot, and sacri- ficing, one-tenth of their captives to their sanguinary gods.* In tliis spirit they * Sid. 8. f2 36 Cfte W^tov}] of ti)t CHAP, offered human sacrifices, to obtain success in battle; and Herald, a poet of ^ • tiiat name, offered up on tlie altar two of liis sons to his idols, tliat he might obtain a storm, to scatter and to destroy the Danish anuada, which had sailed against him! Christia- Before the arrival of the Saxons, Clmstiaiiity had taken root in England, and dll^ed"'™ spread its heaUiig branches over the whole laud, recommending itself even to the Roman legionaries ; but the invasion of the Saxon infidels for a time obscured, if it did not extinguish, the liglit of the gospel in Britain; and both Gildas and Bede concur in representing the Saxons, at that period, as a nation " odious both to God and man,"* the subverters of jUtars, and the enemies of the priesthood. Before Gregory, surnamed the Great, had attained the pontifical chaii-, he formed the pious design of imdertaking the conversion of the Saxon Britons. Observing in the market-place, at Rome, a number of Saxon youths exposed to sale, whom the Roman merchants in their trading voyages had bought from theii- British parents, and being struck with theu- beauty, he inquired to what country they belonged, and was told they were Angles, from the kingdom of Deu-a. Moved by the same spirit that now actuates so many of the people of England towards the heathen nations, he determined liimself to undertake a mission to Britain, to convert the heathen of that country .f Tlie popidai* favour of the monk disinclined the people to allow him to be exposed to so much danger in person ; but no sooner had he assumed the purple, than he resolved to fulfil liis benevolent design towards the Britons, and he pitched upon two Roman monks, Augustine and Paulinus, to preach the gospel in that island. * Gildas Brit. Epist. xxiii. Bede 1. i. 22. f Die quadam cum advenientibus nuper mercatoribus multa venatia in forum fuissent rollata, multique ad emendum confluxissent, et ipsum Gregorium inter alios advenisse, ac vidisse inter alia pueros venales positos, candidi corporis, ac venusti vultus, capilloruni quoque forma egregia. Quos cum aspiceret, interrogavit, ut aiunt, de qua regione vel ten-a essent allati ? dictumque est quod de Britannia insula, cujus incolse talis essent aspectus. Rursus interrogavit utrum iidem insulani, Christiani ; an paganis adhuc erroribus essent implicati? Dictumque est, quod essent pagani. At ille intimo ex corde longa trahens suspiria, Heu proh dolor; inquit, quod tam lucidi vultus homines tenebrarum auctor possidet, tantaque giatia frontis conspicui mentem ab interna gratia vacuam gestant ! Rursus ergo interrogavit, quod esset vocabulum gentis illius ? Responsum est quod Angli vocarentur. At ille bene inquit, — Nam et angelicam habent faciem, et tales angelorum in coelis decet esse coheredes. Quod, ait, habet nomen ipsa provincia, de qua isti sunt allati ? Responsum est, quod Deiri vocarentur iidem provinciales. At ille bene inquit, Deiri de ira eruti, et ad misericordiam Christi vocati. Rex provinciee illius quomodo vocatur ? Responsum est, quod Elle diceretur. At ille alludens ad nomen, ait. Alleluia laiidem Dei creatoris illis in pavtibus oportet cantari. — Bede, lib. ii. cap. 1. Count); |3nlatiuc of JCanragtfr 37 lu the yeai- 596, Augustine, at the head of about lorty niissiouaiies, embarked chap. from Italy, and landed in the Isle of Thanet. Their amval was immediately " mmounced to Ethelbert, king of Kent. Ethelbert had married Bertha, the daughter Missiona- of Caribert, Idng of Paris; and, as a condition of tliis alliance, he had stipulated that liritahi. the prmcess should enjoy the free exercise of her religion, which was Christian. The exemplary conduct of the queen had prepossessed Ethelbert in favour of the Chiistian religion, and thus paved the way for the missionaries. On hearing of then- anival, he invited them to Canterbury, his capital, and assigned them habitations in that city. Theu" holy doctrines were recommended by their pious lives ; and thek blissful views beyond the grave so much gained upon the king and upon his subjects, that they all, as with one accord, received the faith of the Cross. In 604 the neighbouring East Saxons were proselytized; in 627 the East Angles adopted the Christian faith; and in the following year the example extended to Mercia. Thus the flame spread from kingdom to kingdom, till the whole heptarchy had become Chiistian. Edwin, the king of Northumbria, one of the best and the wisest of the Saxon sovereigns, convev- having manied Ethelburga, a Christian piincess, received PauUnus inth distin- Nonhum^ guished favour ; and in the year 627 he was consecrated archbishop of the Northima- brians. Not satisfied with his own reflections, and vnth reasoning in private with liis ministers on the subject, Edwin convened all liis nobility, counsellors, and friends, to examine the gi'ounds of both religions, the Christian and the Pagan, in a solemn assembly held at York. This memorable convocation having assembled, the king announced the object of the meeting. The coifi, or chief pontitf, of Northumbria, was heard first in favour of paganism ; but the tenor of liis argument was more favourable to the Christian faith than to liis own ; and he thd not hesitate, in conclu- sion, to award to it the preference. He was followed by one of the Saxon barons, who strongly condemned the general system of heathenism, for keeping mankind in a state of darkness, shewing them neither what had preceded nor what was to follow the present state of being. In theii- views the court generally concun-ed, and the heathen pontiff', if he any longer was entitled to reproach, requested that PaiUinus would explain to the assembly the nature of the religion he professed, and the attributes of the God he worsliipped. The missionary spoke with liis usual fervour. Conviction flashed more sti-ongly than before upon the whole assembly. The king openly declared liimself a believer, and the cause of Christianity had a solemn and signal triumph. After the assembly had broken up, the pontiff", with the zeal of a proselyte, mounted a war-horse, and rode to Godmundin Gaham, in the East Riding Destnu- of YorksJm-e, where stood the great Northumbrian temple of pagan worship, laid out heathen' in vaiious courts, enclosed with several walls, containing witliin it many altai-s and '^'"'''^" idols, and attended by the first personages of the priesthood. Having cast a javelin 38 Win Sjistoii) of t])t CHAP. II. Preaching of Pauli- nus io Lanca- shire. Pfstora- tton of churches. Lanca- shire castles. at the principal iiiol, he commanded that those around liim should he tlu'own down, and the temple consigned to the flames.* Edwin now embraced the Christian religion, \vitli liis whole court ; and on Easter Sunday, in the year 627, the king and liis nobles were all baptized at York. Tlie gi-eat body of the people followed the example of their sovereign and his barons, and in one day 10,000 persons were bap- tized by Paulinus m the river Swale, since designated the Northumbrian Jordan. Christianity now became the prevailing religion. Tlie people of Lancasliire, like those of Yorkshire, embraced the ti'ue religion. The venerable Paulinus was indefatigable here, in the cUscharge of the duties of liis mission ; and the waters of the Ribble, as well as those of the Swale, were resorted to for the baptism of his converts. From that period to the present, Christianity has continued to main- tain its ascendency in the northern parts of Britain; and in 678 the South Saxons, who were the last of the states to bow down to idols, discarded their superstitious, and became the wor.shippers of the only true God. Paulinus was consecrated fii'st archbishop of York, which dignity he enjoyed " nineteen winters, two months, and twenty-one days, when he died, in the year 644." So states the Saxon Clu-onicle, but there is here an evident error, as his elevation could not take place earlier than the year 627, when Edwin was converted to Clu-istianity. The British chuixhes, wliich the Saxons had not demolished, had fallen into decay : but they were now repaired, and the heathen temples were many of them converted into places of Christian worship, with appropiiate dedications ; and the Saxon churches in London, York, and Manchester, were distinguished by the names of St. Paul, St. Peter, and St. Maiy. Tlie feasts of dedication were insti- tuted to preserve the memory of the consecration of the churches ; and these annual festivals, which commenced in the evening preceding the celebration of the dedication, were called church wakes, which have gi'adually assumed a secular chai-acter, and are now ranked amongst the village festivals of Lancashii'e. Coeval Anth the churches, a number of castles were also erected, or re-etlified ; and it is conjectured, that not fewer than twelve considerable ones arose at the south of the Ribble, Wall-ey, Wal-ton, Cliild-wall, and Win-wick, Black-stone, Seph-ton, Stan-dish, and Pcn-wortham,'|" Wig-an, Roch-dale, Middle-ton, and Beiry. These were, probably, the seats of twelve Saxon chiefs, before the institution of parishes ; and, therefore, the seats of as many parochial churches.]; Edwin sutAived his conversion only six yeai's, having faUen in a sanguinary battle, fought with Penda. the Mercian, and Cadwallan, tlie Cambrian, at Hethfield, where his whole army was put to the sword. Bede, lib. ii. cap. 14. t Domesday Book, fo. 270. j Bede, lib. ii. cap. 9. s. Countj) |3al«itine of 3Lanradtn% 30 Tlie ancient kingdom of Northumberland revived, on the death of Edwin, in the chap. . ..... . II. person of Oswald, his successor ; of which king it is said, that though his power extended to three kingdoms, " he was lowly to all, gi'acious to the poor, and houn- Oswald, tiful to strangers." Under the force of his anns, Cadwallan fell, and the flower of liis arniv perished. The victories of Oswald served but to inllanie the resentment of the pagan Penda, king of Mercia, who fought against him, and slew liini at Miifield, in the West Ritling of Yorkshii-e, according to the Saxon Clnonicles,* or, according to the venerable Bede, at WiuAvick, in the county of Lancaster. For some years, the people of Lancashire, Avith the rest of theii" fellow-subjects of the kingdom of Deira, had been in a state of constant hostility A\ith their ancient allies and neigh- bours, the people of Bernicia ; but by the mild and enlightened rule of Oswald, then- differences were reconciled, and they united in allegiance to one sovereign. A new era was now opening in the ecclesiastical liistory of this province, the introduc- elTects of which were to he felt through a long series of ages, and to influence in no monastic small degi'ee the future interests of the nation. Monastic institutions began to ["on's'^nto prevail in Northumbria, al)out the middle of the seventh century, under the fostering '''■''^'" hand of that distinguished prelate Wiufrid, sole bishop of Northumberland ; and in a few years nmnbers of monasteries and nunneries sprung up in Lancasliu'e, and other parts of the province. The practice of introducing relics into the chiu'ches belongs also to this age, and innumerable were the pilgi'images made to Rome, and to the venerable places which had been hallowed by the blood of the martyrs, to collect the remains of the saints. By the constitution of the western churches, the pope was invested with a patriarchal authority over them; but the Britons had hitherto never acknowledged the pontifical jurisdiction. He was now, however, requested to confiiin the unmunities of religious houses, which had been previously ratified by the king, and Wii-emouth was the first that received the papal confirmation. f Tlicodore, the archbishop c>f Canterbury, having long seen the necessity for Aich- affording to the people some more extensive means of religious instruction, than they AvlnWd. at that time possessed, and for dividing such of the bishoprics as were too large for the proper cUscharge of the episcopal duties, recommended to the king to convene a synod in 678, at which Egfrid and his Saxon barons were present. By tliis august assembly it was provided, by an unanimous decision, that as the number of Christians was daily increasing, new sees should be erected ; and, as ii" in anticipation of some fonnidable opposition, a declaration was appended to the decrees, to the effect, that, Avhoever presumed to violate them, should be degraded of his sacerdotal office, and excommunicated.| In virtue of these canons, the bishopric of the East Angles was * Sax. Chron. A. D. 642. + Bede, lib. i. c. 29. t Bede, lib. iv. c. 5. 40 0)r ?&!5ttiii) of tf)f CHAP. di\-i(led into two, and tlie dominions of the Mercians, wbicli lay beyond the Severn, ^^' were assi"-ned to the new see of Hereford. Wilfrid still remained the sole bishop amono-st the Northumbrians, and liis cUocese reached from the Frith of Forth to the Hiunl)er, on the east of the kingdom, and from the Frith of Clyde to the Mersey, on the west. No prelate in these early days had aggi-andized the church so much as Wilfrid. With influence almost unbounded in all parts of the kingdom, and amongst all the upper classes, from the gi-eatest to the humblest of the Saxon barons, he was enabled to procure manors and lordships for the erection and endomuents of churclies; and in liis time the precedent was first established of alienating the demesnes of the crown, to augment the revenues of the cliurch. Resembling, in many respects, an archbishop of York of more modern days, (Cardinal Wolsey,) Wilfrid was munificent and ostentatious, afTable and accomplished, ambitious and intractable, pious but proud. By one of the decrees of the synod, it was directed that the bishop- ric of this prelate should be divided into two, Deira and Bernicia, of wliich York was to be the capital of one, and Hexliam of the other. Refractory The hauglity spiiit of the prelate was wounded by this pai'tition, wliich he did AniMd. "^ not hesitate to designate as an unjust spoliation. Repairing to the court, where the Idng and the archbishop were sat in council, he required the reason why he had been deprived of his income, given by princes for pious uses, without being guilty of any offence ? To this inquiry it was replied, that the .synod had charged liim with no crime, but that they had, in vulue of their functions, and for the benefit of the church, ch^•ided his province, and should adhere to their decision ; on which he exclaimed, that " from that decision he appealed for redi-ess to Rome." This threat excited the derision of the court, fi'om its novelty and singularity. Wilfrid was not slow to execute it. He' appealed to the pope in person ; and his holiness, conceiving tliis a fit opportunity for establisliing his patriarchal power in Britain, decreed — " That Wilfrid should be restored to the possession of the bishopric he had before ; that such coadjutors as he should choose, with the consent of a synod, should be ordained by the archbishop ; that those who had been made bishops in his absence should be expelled ; and that every person who should oppose tliis sentence should be degraded, if in holy orders, but, if lapnen, or even kings, that they should be excommimicated." Tliis insolent mandate was resented by the king in full convocation, who dii-ected that the property of the archbishop should be confiscated, and his person committed to prison. In the course of these proceeduigs, a convocation of all the bishops in England was summoned ; the place of meeting was the plains of Nesterfield, between Wada and Wathe, in the county of York, wiiere tents were pitched for holding tlie assembly. Tlie archbishop of Canterbury came in person, to preside ; the king was Countj) ^3alntmt of ilanrasftcr, 41 present in council ; and the abbots assisted in gi-eat numbers. Wilfrid still refused chap. to subscribe the canons, and asked the king and the abbots, how they dared to ' oppose the papal power, and to prefer the decrees of Theodore to those of popes Agatho, Benedict, and Sergius. The convocation broke up, after a decree of inhibition against WUfrid, by wliich he was deprived of his ecclesiastical functions, and obliged to seek his personal safety in Mercia. After a contest, continued for twenty- seven years, the quarrel was terminated in a compromise, under the mediation of Eliieda, the abbess, and daughter of Elfrid, by which Wilfrid was reinstated m the see of Hexham ; but the Saxon bishops refused to admit the authority of the Roman pontiff in any affairs relating to the British churches. When the angi-y passions excited Papai au- by this conti'oversy had subsided, the pontifical claim was again advanced, and, in acknd^- the middle of the eighth century, the Roman see was authoritatively declared, in the '"^^^'^■ canons of Northumbria, to be the couit of appeal in all ecclesiastical differences. Although the Britons had lived secui'ely in Furness, relying upon the fortifica- xransfer- tions with which nature had guarded them, nothing proved uuj)reguable to the Saxon the people conquerors ; for it appears, that in the early jiai't of the reign of Egfrid, king of ness.""^ Northumberland, that monaixh " gave St. Cuthbert the land called Carthmell, and all the Britons in it."* It is recorded, in the Saxon Clu'onicle, that in the year 685 there was in Britain Rain of a bloody rain, and milk and butter were turned to blood. A similai' phenomenon is mentioned iir 734 ; and this year the moon was as if /tef were covered with blood. Bede, or Beda, a native of our kingdom of Northumbria, died tliis latter year, after venerable a life of unparalleled literary labours. This venerable ecclesiastic, who was born in the year 672,|; ranks the first in the number of eai-ly British historians, though his works are defaced by legendary tales, which serve to shew that Ms mind was not free from the superstitions Avliich for so many ages afterwards prevailed in the county of Lancaster, to an extent scarcely equalled in any other part of the kingdom. In the time of Bede, but in what exact year is not ascertained, the ecclesiastical divisions of parishes were first establishetl, and before the middle of the seventh century, and witliin twenty-five years from the conversion of the Saxon inhabitants of Northiun- bria to the Christian faith, churches were erected in the various districts of this county, to which ministers were appointed to dispense the ordinances of religion. The Saxon heptarchy was now di'aAving towards its tennination. Ambition agitated all parts of the country by its conflicts, and the face of nature seemed to sympatliize mth the general disorder. Dreadful forewarnings came over Lancashire * Camden's Brit. vol. iii. p. 380. t In the Saxon, as in most of the Oriental languages, the moon is masculine, and the sun feminine. t At Wearmouth, in the bishopric of Durham. VOL. I. G Bede. 42 €i)t W^tov\! of tl)e CHAP. II. InTasion of the Danes. Battle at Whalley. Dissolu- tion of the heptar- chy A.D. 800. and the otlier parts of the land of the Nortliuiubnans,* which excited general teiTor ainono-st the people. " Immense sheets of light were seen rusliing through the air, (qu. the aurora borealis,) accompanied by wliiilwinds, and fiery di-agons fl,>™g across the finuament. These tremendous tokens were soon followed by a great famine ; and not long after, on the sixth day before the ides of January, iu the same year, the ban-owing of heathen-men (the Danes) made lamentable havock in the chiu-ch of God." In the year 798, adds the Saxon Chronicle, " a severe battle was fought in the Northumbrian territory during Lent, on the fourth day before the nones of April, at Wlialleyj wherein Alric, the son of Herbert, was slain, and many others with liim." The sentence is cm-ious, as being the fii-st time in which the palish of Whalley is mentioned in ci^il history, and the precise tenns are these : — " An. DCCXCVIII. l^ep pa?j- mycel jepeoht on Nop^-hymbpa lanbe. on Lenjtene. on iv. non. App. xt Jipeallasje. "] Jiasp man opj^loh Alpic. fJeapb- bephcej- j-unu. *j o^pe mc'enije mib him" :• The version of Simeon of Durham, of the same event, is more explanatory : — " A. D. 798. Coujuratione facta ab interfectoribus Ethelrech regis, Wada Dux in iUa conjm'atione cum iUis belliun inivit conti'a Eardwlphum regem, in loco qui appel- latur ab AngHs BiUaugahoh, juxta Walalega, et ex utraque parte plmimis interfectis. Wada Dux cum suis in fagum versus est."t Wliile these wai's were raging in the north, Egbert, tlie son of Alcmund, king of Wessex, was preparing himself, under the tuition of Charlemagne, in liis wars against the Avarians and the Huus, on the banks of the Danube, to overrun all the kingdoms of the heptarchy, and to appropriate them to the pui-poses of his own ambition. On his return to England, having mounted the throne of his ancestors, he penetrated successively into Devouslui-e and Cornwall, and ravaged the country li'om east to west. Beornwulf, the usurper of the kingdom of INIercia, alanned by the progi'ess of Egbert's anus, and aspuing himself to general dominion, attacked the West Saxon prince, and the conflict was brought to an issue at Wilton. After a sanguinary battle, fought with great obstinacy, the laurel of victory was awarded to the pupU of Chaiiemagne, and Beormvull" fled in confusion from the field. Mercia was still further weakened by a long and sanguinary war with the East * Saxon Chron. A.D. 793. t Dr. Whitaker supposes Billange, or Billinge, to have been at that time the name of the whole ridge, extending from the mountain neai Blackburn, now bearing that appellation, to Whalley. Billangaton will, on that supposition, be the orthography of Billington, and Billongahah, or the low hill by Billinge, will leave, after cutting off the first syllable, the modern village of Langho. Of this great battle there are, however, no remains, unless a large tumulus near Hacking Hall, and in the immediate vicinity of Langho, be supposed to cover the remains of Alric, or some other chieftain amongst the slain. — History of Whallev, Book I. cap. iii. p. 31. Counti.) ^3nlntinr of annrasitn-, 43 Angliaus ; and when the two usurpers, Beornwulf and Ludecan, had destroyed then- chap. military strength, Eghert invaded Mercia,* and compelled Wiglaf, who had just ' ascended the tlu'one of that (hstracted kingdom, to take refuge in the monastery of Croyland. Through the intercession of the venerable abbot, the ditference between the two kings was reconciled, but it was that species of accoimnodation wliich corn-age and strength dictate to compromising weakness : the conditions were, that Wiglaf shoiUd still occupy the tin-one of Mercia, but that it should be in the character of the tributary vassal of Wessex. The balance of power bemg lost, the subversion of East AngUa was easily effected ; and Kent and Essex soon sunk mto the general vortex. After the conquest of Mercia, Egbert marched against Eanred, Idng of the Northiunbrians ; but this prince, feeling that resistance was hopeless, acknowledged liis superiority, and the M^hole Anglo-Saxon heptarchy merged in the kingdom of Wessex, under the sway of Egbert, the founder of the feudal system in Eng- land.! Before Egbert ascended the throne, the north-men had commenced theii- attacks upon Britain; and so eai-ly as the year 787 a small expetUtion landed at Teign- mouth, in Devoushii-e. The invaders were princi2)ally from the promontory of Denmark, the Camhrica Chersonesus of Tacitus, " at the utmost end of natui-e, and of the world," where, according to the astronomy of the times, it was supposed that the sun was heard daily at its rising and setting in the sea. In 794, a more formidable ai-mament effected a landing in Britain, and spread devastation amongst the Northumbrians, plundering the monastery of Idng Everth, at the entrance to the Wear. The resistance made to the invaders was so determined, that some of their leaders were* slain ; several of their sliips were shattered by the \dolence of a stoi-m ; and such of the invaders as escaped the fury of the waves, fell by the sword. The folloAraig year, Erdulf, the viceroy or king of Northum- bria, a.scended the throne, and was consecrated in the capital of York.]; Fom- yeai-s a.d. soo. afterwards, Northumbria was again subjected to a Danish visitation, and the imme- diate cause of this invasion is thus naiTated by our early lustorians : Osbert, the viceroy of Ethelred, having established his court and residence at York, returning one day from hunting, called at the mansion of Earl Bruern Bocard, guarchan of Cause of the sea-coast against the u'ruptions of the Danes. The earl happening to be from invasion, home, his lady, to whose beauty was joined the most engaging behaviour, enter- tained her guest with the respect and attention due to his quahty. Osbert, overcome by the sight of so much beauty, took the lady into an inner chamber, under pretence of a secret conference, in which the advancement of her lord and herself was * Ingulfus Chron. Petr. xii. t Kuerden's MS. in the Manchester College Library, 4to. p. 229. : Sax. Chron. g2 44 mn Itgtorj) of ti)t CHAP, concerned. Tlie base designs of the viceroy soon became manifest, when, not being . 1 able to effect his piii-pose by persuasion, he resorted to violence, and triumphed over her chastity. Ou the entrance of her lord, she coromunicated to liim the giievous ■wi'onf she had suffered, and so imbued his muid with resentment against the perfi- dious representative of the monarch, that he fu'st repaired to liis court at York, to complain of liis wi'ongs, and then invited Godericke, the long of Deimiark, to take possession of the country. Godericke received this invitation with great alacrity, and despatched a strong annament, under lugwar and Hubba, to Britahi. On their arrival in Nortluimbria, on the coast of Houlderness, the Danes fell upon the inhabitants mth the utmost fury, and massacred all before them, without regai'd to age, sex, or condition. Marching on to York, they took possession of that city, and slew Osbert, the tyi'ant, by whose lust his country had been involved in so much ruin. Emboldened by then- success in the north, they advanced into Norfolk, and demanded of Edmund, the king of the West Saxons, that he should sm-render liis throne. With this insolent summons he refused to comply ; on wliich a bloody battle ensued, at Thetford, which ended in the overthrow of the Saxons, and in the execution of their king, who, because he would not abjure the Cluistian faith for the eiTors of paganism, was bound to a stake, and shot by the arrows of the Danish invaders.* state of The situation of Lancaslnre, and of the other parts of Northumbria, must now have siiiie. been most deplorable : for forty years the war raged amongst them with various success ; and Ella, the governor, like Osbert, fell by the sword. Ethelred for a wliile kept the field, but at length liis life and liis power fell before the superior discipline of the Danes. In the midst of these sanguinary conflicts, the clergy, resting then- claim on the Jewish law, insisted that a tenth of tlie produce of the land belonged to the priesthood under the Christian cUspensation : this claim, though long resisted, was at length admitted by Ethelwulf, for the honour of God, and for his own everlasting salvation;! and it was further agi-eed, that the revenues of the chmxh should be exempt from the burdens of the state. Excesses The Daucs, in the fury of their warfai'e, laid waste every town and place that Danes. resisted their sway; but tlieu- especial fury was dii-ected against rehgious houses, and, amongst others, against Brachiey, Crowland, Peterborough, Ely, and Colding Low,J iu the last of wliich monasteries, Lady Ebbe and her nuns, to avoid the savage pollution of the spoilers, cut off then- own noses and upper lips, lest the attraction of theii- beauty should prove the bane of theii- honour. The exactions of the Danes * Tlie Danes, like the original Saxons, were idolaters ; their principal god was Thur, and to him they offered human sacrifices. t Saxon Chron. A.D. 854. J Stow. CotintP |3nlalinf of SLancasiUi-, 45 made upon the impoverished people, advanced from £10,000 to £40,000 a year, chap. wliicli sum in those days was considered of enormous amount. Lancashii'e, and, no douht, other parts of the island, were this year iisited by one a.d. scq. of the most ckeadlul calamities to which mankind are subject — a severe famine, and, its inevitable consequence, a mortality of cattle and of the human race.* The Famine. equalizing operations of commerce, by which the failure of the crops in one country is supplied by the superabundance of another, were then scarcely known in Britain. Agiicultiu'e was but imperfectly understood, and almost every district of the same kingdom was left to depend upon its own precarious resources. The contest between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes, in this and the neighhouiing counties, had with- di-a*vn the husbandman from his employment, and, having neglected to sow, of com'se he had nothing to reap. The consequence was, that not only many parts of these fair- regions mom-ned in want, but they were absolutely depopulated. Merci- less and slow-consuming famine devoured its wi-etched victims, and the small shai'e, wliich might have fallen to the native inhabitants, was consumed by the ruthless Danes, who, from theu- principal station in York, spread like swamis of locusts across the island, from sea to sea. Both Northiunbria and East Anglia had now fallen under the sanguinary sword of the Danish invaders, who began to aspire to the conquest of the whole island. Mercia next became the object of theii- attack, and Ethelred, king of Wessex, fell in a battle fought with the invaders at Merton. Alfred was now advanced to the tlu-one of Reign of . ^^j.. Alfred the Wessex ; but within a month of liis elevation, he was attacked and defeated at VVilton.-t" Great. A new swarm of the Danes soon after landed, under three of their princes, Guthrum, Oscital, and Amund, and proceeded into Northimabria, the favomite seat of their power. The husbandmen became the slaves of the invaders, and the thanes were made subservient to then- purposes of avarice and aggi'andizement. The noble spiiit Driven of Alfred bent beneath the storm, and, fuiding no secmity upon the throne, he with- throne. drew fi-om his elevated station, and took up liis residence m an obscui'e part of the kingdom, as a guest in the family of a swineherd. Such was liis distress, that he knew not where to turn — such his poverty, that he had no subsistence but that which he obtained by plunder, or by fishing and hunting. He wandered about in woods and marshes — sometimes m the greatest penury, sometimes with a few companions, sometimes alone. He had neither terri- tory, nor, for a time, the hope of regaining it. His occupation, while in the swine- herd's house, was of the most humble kind; and Ms historian relates, that one Sunday, when the peasant had led his herd to their usual pasture, his wife prepared her fire to make the rustic bread against liis return. Other domestic business * Asser, 20. t Saxon Chron. A. D. 871. 46 €i)t %}i^tov^ of tin CHAP. II. Re-as- cends the throne. requirino- lier attention, she committed her cakes to the care of the king, who sat furhisliino- his bow and arrow, intending to use them for tlie acquisition of food.* Alfred on Avhose mind reflections the most interesting must have been continually pressino-, forgot his allotted task, and suffered the bread to burn. The woman, irritated by liis neglect, poured out her invectives upon liim, tellhig liim that he had a o-reat capacity for food, but was too idle to prevent it from being spoiled. Alfred's lofty spirit calmly brooked this angiy reproof, and he applied liimself in future with more attention to the new and homely labour. The hospitable rustic, notwith- stancHiig the asperity of his wife's temper, obtained the favour of the kmg. By liis advice he applied liimself to learning; and Alfred, on liis return to power, acknow- ledged the obligation he had received, by elevating his host from the shepherd's crook to tlie bishop's crosier, and afterwards made him bishop of Winchester.f Tlie humi- liation of Alfred disciplined liis temper, purified his heart, and sened to enlighten liis already profound understanduig. His measures to regain his throne, and to suiTound it with its only unpregnable bulwark, the love and confidence of the people, Avere judicious and exemplary. An auspicious incident at tliis juncture occurred, to fortify liis courage; for having, in the assiuned character of a minstrel, observed the conduct of the Danes in their encampments, he suddenly assembled a strong force, and mflicted a signal overthrow upon the invaders, at EdcHngton, where the Danes were encamped. With a generosity equal to his bravery, he gave them their lives, on the condition that they should, through their leader Guthi-um, exchange paganism for Christianity. Guthrum was permitted, vfith liis follofl^ers, to colonize East Anglia, and the Northmnbrians were afterwards put under liis rule. Tlie sovereignty of Mercia, on the defeat of the Danes, fell into the power of Alfred, and, without avow- edly incorporating it Avith Wessex, he discontinued its regal honours, and constituted Ethelred his military commander, to whom he afterwards married liis daughter Ethelfleda. To fortify liis Idngdom against hostile attacks, he rebuilt the cities and castles which had been destroyed by the invaders ; but liis pruicipal care was to construct a navy for the protection of the coast, and he has ever been considered as the founder of the English marine. In Northumbria the Danes continued to govern till towards the close of Alfred's reign, when Anai'awd abandoned liis power in that kingdom, and besought the friendsliip of Alfred. The king received him hospitably ; and, to confirm the good intentions that he had formed in favour of the Clmstian faith, he became his sponsor in baptism, and Ids friend in all the relations of life. The state of learning in Lancasliire, in the ninth century, may be inferred from Alfred's OAvn declaration — " When I took the Idngdom," said he, " there were very few on the south side of the Humber, the most unproved pai't of England, who * Asser, 30. t Malmsb. p. 242. Counti) |)nlatinr of Stancasitcr. 47 could uuclerstancl their daily prayers in English, or translate a letter from the Latin, chap. I think there were not many beyond the Huniber ; they Avere so few, that I cannot ' indeed recollect one single instance on the south of the Thames, Avhen I took the state of kingdom."* The encouragement given to learning by tliis enlightened and henevo- irLanc^a- lent monarch was liiglily exemplary. His o\vn example served as a stimulus to the in'the gtii exertions of liis courtiers; and, strange as it may appear, the king instituted schools "'°'""'^' for the instruction of liis nobles in readuig and MTiting, much after the model of the institu- Lancasterian schools of the present day. His maxuns have descended to posterity. Alfred. It is recorded of him, that he chvided his time into three portions : one third of the day and night he gave to sleep and refreslunent ; one tliird to the affairs of his king- dom ; and one tliii'd to those duties wliich he considered as sacred.f To the mecha- nical arts he was a munificent patron. He invited, from all quarters, industrious and ingenious foreigners. He introduced and encouraged manufactures of all Idnds, and prompted men of acti^dty to betake themselves to navigation, to push conmierce into the most remote countries, and to acquire riches l)y propagatuig mdustry amongst their fellow-citizens. Mechanics were then so little known, that Alfred had )iot the aid either of dials, or of clocks or watches, to measure the progress of time. To supply tliis defect, he resorted to a simple exiJecHent ; liis chaplains, by liis orders, procured wax, and he ordered seventy-two denarii of it to be made into six equal candles, each candle to be twelve inches long, wliich were separately marked. These candles, successively used, lasted through the whole twenty-four hours ; and, of course, every inch marked the lapse of twenty minutes ; but sometunes the wind rusliuig in tlu'ongh the windows and doors, and the numerous chinks of the royal palace walls, or the slender covering of the tents, consumed the candles with undue celerity. To cure tliis catI, wliich confused liis calculation, he thought, skilfully and wisely, says Asser, " consilioque artificiose atque sapienter invento;" and the result of his skill and wisdom was the invention of lanterns. He found that white horn, when cut thin, became transparent, lilce glass,| and Avith this and wood, a case for a candle was admuably made. A passage in the life of Alfred serves to shew that the Christian religion had Chris- obtained a footing in IntUa as early as the ninth century; for among other of his India!'" public acts it is recorded, that he sent an embassy to the shrine of St. Thomas, in the gi-eat eastern peninsula, by Suithelm, the bishop of Shii-eburn ;§ and it is also ascer- tained that the light of the gospel had begun to sliine in China at a period equally early. The invasion of the Danes, and their predatory depredations, particularly in the county of Lancaster, and the other parts of the Idngdom of Northumbria, had ahnost destroyed the ancient poHce of the kingdom. To remedy tliis chsorganized * Alfred's Preface, p. 82. f Malmsb. p. 4.5. X Asser, p. 67. ^ Flor. Wig. 320. 48 m)t l)i^tov\> of t\)t CHAP. II. Division oftlie kingdom into Coun- ties. state of society, Alfred changed the ancient provisional diAdsions of England into counties and the distribution of these into hundreds, which were again suljdivided into tenths or titliings. Under these divisions the population of the country has been ever since ai'ranged ; and every person was du'ected to belong to some hundi'ed or tenth while every huntbed and tenth became pledged to the preservation of the public peace and security in their district, and were made answerable for the conduct of their several inhabitants. In consequence of this arrangement, every criminal accused was sure to be apprehended; and it may be supposed that in this part of the kingdom the mmiber of the lawless was at fu-st very large. A short period sufficed greatly to reduce their number ; and before the termination of the reign of Alfred, it was exult- ino-ly maintained, that a pair of golden bracelets might be exposed upon the liighway, or in the most populous of om- cities, without any danger of being stolen. So rigid and efficient a measure of police might comport with the state of society in Anglo- Saxon times, but it would be wholly incompatible 'tvith the freedom of locomotion in modern days, when, by the rapicHty of our movements, and the frequent change of place and residence, no registration would be sufficient to ascertain to what tithing we belonged. in the division of Britain into counties, the south-western portion of the Brigan- tine territory of the Romans, and of the Northumbrian kingdom of the Saxons, was named Loncaj-tep|-cype, or Lonkeshire, from the capital Loncaster, the castle on the Lone, or Luue. South Lancashire was thrided into six hundreds, wliich have since undergone some alteration. The designation of each of these hundreds was derived from the principal place in the division, in the reign of Alfred ; and those names now serve to indicate the mutations to wliich places as well as persons are exposed. The Lancaslui-e liunckeds of our Saxon ancestors were Derbei, Newtone, Walmtune (Warrington), Blackeburne, Salford, and Lailand. Of the names of the Lancashii-e titliings we have no distinct remains; but the nearest approximation to them may be found in each ten of our modern townships. Tlie Wittenagemot, or Assembly of Wise-men, as the name of the Anglo-Saxon parlia- ment imports, was an institution earlier than the days of Alii-ed ; and the earls, the prelates, the aldennen, and the great landed proprietors, of which that body consisted, were called upon to concur in these early reforms. Hitherto the administration of justice was confided to a species of provisional prefects, but in the time of Alfred the functions of these officers were divided into those of judges and sheriffs. The institution of juries belongs to the same period; and so tenacious was Alfred of the faithful discharge of the judicial office in penal judgments, that he caused forty-four justices to be executed as murderers, because they had exceeded their duty, and condemned to death unjustly the persons they Counti) ^Jalntint of ilancagUr* 49 judged.* Alfred compiled a code of laws, (the Dom-Boc) wliich he enlarged with chap. his own hand, and of which he lumself says : " lt?rnrr I, Uing ^Ifrrti. gatftrrrti ttjrsf togrtftrr. anS romman&rti iiirtny of tifou to fir iDiittrn DoUJit luijirf) our forrfatljrrs olisrnifiJ— tl)O0e tofjir!) I lifefft,— aria tljosr UJtjiri) I aiO not lifer, fij? ti}e aUOirr of my CiLlttait I ttjrrU) aeitrr. jFor J Duret not omtnrr to ert trolun in Uirittng obrr many of mi? oUm, ssincr E fenrU) not Urfjat among tfjrm toouia plraer tl)oer UjJjo stjoulU comr aftrr U0. JiJut tt)09r totjirl) I mrt Uiiti) ritfjrr of tljrlraiig of mr, mp feinsiman, or of ©ffa, feing of iMrrrta, or of iati)rH)rrf)t, tutjo toae tfjr fir^t of tf)r ISnglieJ) U3l)0 trrrioro fiaptiem— ti)O0r Ujftirf) apprarrtr to mr tfjr justrst— 5 l)abr Jjrrr roUrrtrtr, antr aliantionrO tijr otijrre. Cftrn I, aifrrlr, feing of tfjr mxc^t 5&aions, sljotorrr tl)r0r to all top aciitan, ana tijrp tDrn sain tl)at tljrp lurrr all UJilling to oflsrrtir tfjrm." Laws of Alfred, yrom Price's MSS. Amongst his other legal institutions, it is perfectly cleai- that he had none corre- sponding with our Com-t of Chancery, since it appears that he hastened the decision of causes, and allowed no delay exceeding fifteen days.f Death deprived the world of this most brilliant luminary at the age of Death fifty-two years. He was a pattern for kings in the time of extremity; a bright ^.d. ooo star in the history of mankind. Living a century after Charlemagne, he was, perhaps, a gTeater man, in a cncle happily more limited.^ Power was with liim but the servant of his reason, and the instrument of his virtue. Of the many humane ti'aits in Ms character, one is mentioned, which serves to show that our popidar Lancasliire tradition of the Eagle and Child is of the date of several centuries earlier than the time of the De Lathoms : — " One day, as Alfr-ed was Early tra- , , , Till' d'tion of hunting m a wood, he heard the cry of a httle infant m a ti'ee, and ordered Ins the Eagle huntsmen to examine the place. They ascended the branches, and found at the top, in an eagle's nest, a beautiful child (kessed in purple, with golden bracelets, the marks of nobility, on his arms. The king had liim brought down, and baptized, and well educated ; from the accident, he named the foundling Nestingum. His grand- son's daughter is stated to have been one of the laches for whom Edgar indulged an improper passion." The question here arises, if, for Edgar we may not read Oscital, the Danish prince, and thus complete the pai'aUel. Though the life of Alfred exhibited a series of indefatigable exertions, both bocUly and mental, it was literally a life of disease. The ficus molested him severely in liis cliiltlliood.§ " Quod genus infestissimi doloris etiam ab infantia habuit." This, * Mirroir des Justices, cap. ii. sec. 3. X Herder's Outlines, p. 245. t Mirroir, p. 245. % Asser, p. 4. VOL. I. H 50 Cf)t W^tov]} of tl)t CHAP. II. The tenth century. EthelBe- 'iolated the law, he confessed his crime in the presence of liis assembled army, and fined himself three huncked and sixty talents, as a punislimeut for his ofiience — the punisliment for homicide being in that age forty talents .t Surrounded as he was with courtiers and flatterers, his mind Subiime . . . . reproof might have swelled into presumption, and, like Alexander, he nught have felt more given to disposed to rank liimself amongst the gods than amongst mortals. But ^vith all his sjcophan- power, he felt that he was a mere creature, as impotent as the humblest of his subjects, when opposed to the gi-eat operations of nature, under the control of that Being, who has said to the ocean Avith effect, " Hitherto slialt thou come, but no further; and here shall thy proud Avaves be stayed." To communicate this reverential sentuneiit to those who were accustomed to off"er to liim the incense of their servile adiUation, the king ordered a chaii- to be placed on the sea- shore on the approach of the tide, and, seating liimself upon it, vntii an aii' of command he exclaimed — " Ocean ! the island on wliich I sit is mine, and thou art a part of my dominions. None of my subjects dare to resist my orders, I therefore command thee that thou ascend not my coasts, nor presume to wet the borders of my robes. Tlius far shalt thou advance, but no further." In vain the royal man- date was issued. Every wave drew nearer, till the general elevation of the waters thi-eatened to immerse the chaii- of state and its royal occupant in its iiidiscrimi- natuig embrace; when, arising from liis seat, he thus expressed the sublime sentiment wliich filled liis mind — " Let every dweller upon the earth confess, that the power of kuigs is frivolous and vain. God only is the great supreme ; let liim only be honoured with the name of Majesty, whose everlasting laws, the heavens, * Saxo 196. t Encom. Emmse, 492. VOL. I. 1 58 €i)t In'SitOl-l) of t\)t CHAP, and the eai-tli, and the sea, with all their hosts, ohey." In confonnity with this __J exalted feeling, Canute would never afterwards weai- liis crown.* Canute in The closest conuexion subsisted between Northumbria and Scotland, in the reign shire. of Canute, and even Cumberland was subject to Malcohn, the Scotch king. This division of his kingdom was inconsistent with the policy of Canute, who, after marcliing through Lancashii*e at the head of a formidable army, took possession of Cvunberland, and placed Duncan, the gi-andson of Malcolm, in possession of that province, subject to the throne of England. A.D. 1033. Cimute, by a treaty mth Richard Duke of Nonnandy, had stipulated that his Harold I. cliilih-en by Emma, the sister of that prince, should succeed to the tin-one of England; but, in violation of that engagement, he appointed Harold, sumamed Harefoot for the swiftness of his speed, as his successor, instead of Hardicanute, the son of that princess. A short and disturbed reign was terminated by the succession of Hardi- canute, wlio appointed Siwai'd, duke of Northumbria, along with God^\in, duke of Wessex, and Leofric, duke of Mercia, to put down the insui-rection wliich prevailed against his government. A.D.104]. In an age when the benefit of the right of undisturbed hereditary claims was but Edward imperfectly understood, Edward the Confessor succeeded to the throne, to tlie pre- fessor. judice of Sweyu, king of Norway, the eldest son of Canute. The EngUsh flat- tered themselves, that by the succession of Edwai-d they were delivered for ever from the dominion of the Danes, and theii" rejoicings were unbounded; but the court was soon filled with Normans, to the prejudice of the Anglo-Saxon nobility, and the language and the fashions of France v/ere very generally introduced. This circum- stance gave gi-eat offience to the native nobles, who, with God^vin at their head, supported by his three sons, Gurth, Sweyn, and Tosti, rose in rebellion against the king. Candi- On the death of duke Godwin, one of the most powerful nobles of his time, his (lutes for _ the throne, son Harold aspired to the English tlu'one, and was joined by Macbeth, an ambi- tious Scotch nobleman, who had put to death liis sovereign, Duncan king of Scotland, and usurped his tlu'oue. In the wai-s which ensued, the men of Lancasliire were deeply engaged, and Siward, duke of Northmnberland, resisted the usurper with all his force. To defeat the ambitious progi'ess of Harold, the king cast his eye towards liis kinsman, William, duke of Nonnandy, as liis successor. Tliis prince was the natural son of Robert, duke of Normandy, by Harlotta, daughter of a tanner in Falaise.f The character of the young prince qualified liim for the duties of govern- ment in the age in which he lived, and to a courage the most intrepid he added a severity the most inflexible. During a visit paid by Harold to Rouen, William * Matt, of West, p. 409. and Hen. of Hunt. p. 367. f Brompton, p. 910. Count)) ^3alnti'ne of Slaiirasitfi'. 69 disclosed to him the intentions of Edward, and prevailed upon hun, by an offer of one chap. of his daughters in maniage, and by other motives of fear and reward, to promise that '. he would support liis claims to the throne of England. Not satisfied Anth a promise, on which he had little reUauce, William required Harold to take an oath in ratification of that engagement; and, in order to give increased solemnity to the pledge, he secretly conveyed under the altar, on which Harold agreed to swear, the reliques of some of the most revered martyrs. Not>vithstanding tliis solemn engagement, which Hai'old considered as extorted, and therefore not binding, on liis return to England he resorted to every means witliiu liis power to strengthen liis influence. Eail Tosti, a tyraunical piince, the brother of Harold, who had been created duke of Northumberland, acted wdth so much cruelty and injustice in the counties of York and Lancaster, that the inhabitants, headed by the thanes, rose in rebellion against liim, and expelled him fi-om his government. Morcar and Edwin, the sons of duke Leofric, who possessed gi-eat powers in this part of the kingdom, concui-red m the insurrection; and the former, being elected duke, advanced from York with an army, collected on the north of the Mersey and of the Humber, to oppose Harold, who had, tkrough the royal favour, been appointed governor of Wessex, and who was commis- sioned by the king, on the representation of Tosti, to reduce and chastise the Northum- brians. Morcar, " advancing south with all the sliire, and with Nottinghamsliire, and Expulsion of Eflrl Derbysliii'e, and Lancashii-e,"* marched to Northampton. Here they were met by Tosti. Harold, at the head of the king's forces, and a desperate battle appeared inevitable ; but Morcar, wisliing fii'st to appeal to Harold's generosity and sense of justice, rather than to the issue of arms, represented to him that Tosti had acted with so much injustice and oppression in liis government, that the inhabitants of Yorkshu'e and of Lancasliire, with those of Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmore- Early as- land, being accustomed to the government of the law, and being determined to sup- liberty in port their bii-th-right, preferred death to slavery, and had taken the field, determined siilre." to perish rather than to submit to the iron yoke of the tyi-ant. After coimnunicating with the king, Harold abandoned the cause of his brother, and obtained a royal amnesty for the insurgents, who returned to their homes as conquerors, chiving before them all the cattle they could collect, amounting to many thousands. Morcar was fi-om this time confirmed in his government of Northumbria; and Harold, instead of consiunmating the family alliance contracted with the daughter of William of Noi-mandy, man-ied the daughter of duke Morcar. The death of Edwai-d speedily followed the suppression of the great nortliern insurrection, and his body was interred in the abbey of Westminster, " wliich he had liimself erected, to the honour of God and St. Peter, and all God's saints.| The reUgious zeal of tliis sovereign, with whom * Saxon Chron. A. D. 1065. t Saxon. Chron. ous star. 60 CIk listoi'i) of tl)e CHAP, the Saxon line of English sovereigns terminated, procured him the name of the ' Confessor; and liis love of justice induced liim to complete a code of laws from the works of Ethelbert, Ina, and Alfred, though tliose which pass under liis name were, accor(Hug to Su- Henry Spebnan, composed after liis deatli. Tliis sovereign was the first who touched for the king's e^il — a superstition wliich maintamed its hold of public credulity through six centuiies, and was not discontinued tUl the tune of the Stuarts. Harold Though, by the will of Edward, William of Normandy was appomted his successor, Harold stepped into the vacant tlu'one without hesitation, ha\-ing fii-st been cro\vned at York, where he was residing at the tune of the king's death, by Aldi'ed the ai'chbishop, nor did he quit tliis part of the kingdom till four months afterwards, when he repaired to London,* havmg been every where received in liis progi'ess Portent- ^^th the most joyous acclamation. The appearance in the heaven of a phenomenon of malign influence at this juncture, filled men's minds with apprehension. " Then was over aU England," say the Saxon Chroniclers, " such a token as no man saw before. Some men said it was the comet-star, wliich others denominated the long- haii'ed star. He appeai'ed fii'st on the eve called Litania major, tliat is, on the 8th before the calends of May, and so shone all the week." Harold's danger, however, consisted not in the heavenly, but in eartUy bodies. Earl Tosti, who had taken refuge in Flanders Avith earl Baldwin, liis father-in-law, on his expulsion from Lancasliire, collected a lai'ge fleet, and endeavoured to regain liis forfeited possession by sailing up the Humber, and penetrating into Northumbria. Finding liis power ineffectual, he associated himself %vith Hai'old Halfagar, Idng of Norway, who with 300 ships assembled in the Isle of W ight, and there remained all the summer. On the approach of autumn, Halfagar appeared off the Yorksliire coast with his uinbria." 300 sliips, and was joined by eai'l Tosti, who had replenished liis force amongst the Danish Northumbrians, and, alter entermg the Humber, they sailed up the Ouse towards York. On receiving tliia intelligence, Harold, whose anny was collected in the south, under the expectation of an invasion undertaken by the Normans, hastened to the north by forced marches. But before liis arrival, Edwin, earl of Mercia, and Morcar, earl of Northumberland, had gathered fi'om Lancasliii'e, and other parts of the earldoms, a considerable force, with the intention of repeUing the invaders. Sangui- Ou their anival at Apud Fulford, a \illage south of York, a sanguinary battle ensued, tie, Sept. in wliich the slaughter was so great, that the Norwegians traversed the marshes 2nth. invasion of North on the bocUes of the fallen,^ and in wliich Morcar and Edwin were obhged to seek safety in flight, leaving the invaders in possession of the field. After demancUng hostages and prisoners from the inhabitants of York, the " Northmen" marched to * Saxon Chron. A. D. 1066. + Snorre, p. 1.55. Ork. Saga, p. 95. Countj) ^3alatinc of Slanraeitfr. 61 Stamfordbriilge, where they were surprised by Harokl, at the head of the largest chap. force ever collected hi England. Before the battle conuneuced, a proposal was sent by Hai-eld to his brother, offering to re-mstate hun iu tlie government of Northum- bria if he would \\'itlKh-aw from the field. To Aviiich Tosti, m the insolence of his spu-it, replied, " Last winter such a message might have spared much blood ; but now what do you offer for the king my ally?' " Seven feet of gi'ound," said the Saxon general.* The die was cast. For some time the passage of the bridge was chsputed by one of the Norwegians, who, owing to the narrowness of the bridge, withstood the " Eno-lish folk,"t so that they could not pass. In vain did they aun at lum their javeluis, he still maintained his gi-ound, till a soldier came under the bridge, and pierced liim ten-ibly inwards, under the coat of mail. Tliis unpethment, which, by the operations of modern warfare, would have been speedily removed, no longer intervening, Harold marched over tlie bridge, at the head of liis anny, when a di'ead- ful slaughter ensued, both of the Norwegians and the Flemings, ui wliich was slaui Halfagar, the faii'-haired king of Norway, and Tosti, the expatriated earl of North- lunbria. The fleet of the Norwegians fell also into the hands of Harold, Avho allowed Expulsion . . . of the prince Olave, the son of Halfagar, to depai-t the kingdom, with twenty of his vessels, invaders. taking with liim the wreck of the Norwegian and Flemish army. This act of gene- rosity, as historians are accustomed to consider it, was not unmixed ^\ith policy. A still more formidable invasion was approaching, and Harold wislied to be freed from one body of his enemies before he had to encounter another. The shouts of victory were heai'd across the island, from the Humber to the Mersey ; but scarcely had those shouts subsided, before intelligence was received, that William of Normandy Landing had landed at Pevensey, at the head of 60,000 men, supported by a fleet of 3,000 sail, J the Cea'^ and was constructmg a castle at the port of Hastings. As William was landing ''"*™''" from liis sliip, he stumbled and fell. In those days of superstition, the incident was uiterpreted into an omen of disaster, but the panic was checked by an artful soldier, Sept. 28th. who raised William from the gi-ound. Seeing liis hands full of mud, he exclaimed — "Fortunate general! You have already taken England j its earth is in your liands."§ Harold received the news of William's landing without any emotions of dismay, wliile he was at dinner m liis favourite city of York. Hastening to London at the head of his anny, wliich had been the battle of Stamfordbridge, and wliich was discontented by being denied a share of the spoil, he received a mes- sage from duke William, who offered Harold liis choice of three proposals — to reign in fealty under William, wliom he had sworn to serve ; or to decide the cUspute by single combat; or to submit the cause to the arbitration of the pope: to wliich Harold * Snorre, p. 160. t Saxon Chron. J The " Roman de Row" says 696, which is more probable. | Matt, of West. p. 435. 62 U)t ?l?isitxii-p Of tl)e CHAP, replied, that the god of battles should be the ai-bitrator, and decide the differences ' between them. Yielding to the impetuosity of his o\vn temper, instead of listening to the wise counsels of his brother Gurth, he marched fi-om London without due prepai-ation, in the vain hope of surprising the Normans in the south, as he had surprised the Nonvegians in the north. Tlie night before the battle of Hastings was passed by the invaders in prepaiations and in prayer,* while the English devoted their hours to festivity and jojful anticipations. Tlie fate of England himg on the Oct. 14th. issue of the day. Before the battle commenced, WiUiam joined in the solemnity of religious worsliip, and received the sacrament at the hands of the bishop ; and to give increased effect to these solemnities, he hung round his neck the reliques on which Harold had sworn to support his claims to the English throne.f He divided his Battle of army into three bodies. In front he placed his light infantry, armed with arrows ^'"'^^' and balistae, led by Montgomery. The second division, commanded by Martel, consisted of Ms heavy-armed battalions. His cavalry, at whose head he stood in person, formed the tliird line, and were so disposed, that they sti'etched beyond the infantiy, and flanked each wing of the army. To stimulate their courage, he addressed them in words to this effect: — " Remember RoUo, the founder of your nation, and the glorious achievements of your ancestors. You have now a rich booty before you. If / become the king of England, you will be the owners of the land; vengeance and plunder are alike before you. You are to punish the peijmy of the English. They massacred om- kinsmen, the Danes and the Normans. Harold, their king, has been guilty of the basest perjury. You are to fight, not only for victory, but for life. If you are idctorious, glory and wealth are your rewards ; if you ai"e defeated, a cruel death, or hopeless captinty, await you. Escape there is none. On one side, an unknown and hostile country; on the other, the blockading sea. Would it not be a disgi'ace to be vanquished by a nation accustomed to be conquered; a nation without aiTOws, and without military warriors? Raise, sokUers, your standai'd. Let the lightning of yoiu- glory shine resplendent from the east to the west."J Still further to incite their ardour, Taillefer, a Norman minstrel, inflamed the mai-tial ardour of the men of Britany, of Normandy, and of Poictou, by singing the song of Roland and Charlemagne : " Taillefer qui mout bien chantout, Sur un cheval qui tost alout, Devant euls aloit chantant, De Kallemaigne et de RouUant, Et d' Olivier et de Vassaux Qui moururent en Rains clievaux."^ * Will, of Malms, p. 101. t Guil. Pict. p. 201 I Hen. of Hunt. p. 368. §Lanc. p. 461. Coimtj) IBalatme of ILanrasitfr. 63 The English army, chiefly iufantry, were an-aiiged by Harold in the form of a chap wedge, meant to be impenetrable. Their sliields covered their bodies ; their anns melded the battle-axe. Harold, whose corn-age was equal to his station, quitted his horse, to shai'e the danger and the glory on foot. His brothers, Gurth and Sweyn, accompa- nied him, and Ms banner, in wliich the figure of a man in combat, woven simiptuously with gold and jewels, sliining conspicuous, was planted near liim.* Tlie English, occupying the liigh gi-ound, wliich was flanked by a wood, not only received the dischai'o-e of the Norman weapons with patient valour, but returned the attack with their battle-axes and ancient weapons %\'ith so much effect, that the foot and the cavalry of Bretagne, and all the other allies of William on the left wing, gave way. Tlie impression extended along the whole line, and was increased by a rumour, that the duke had fallen. Dismay began to unnerve liis anny; and a general flight seemed about to ensue.f William, to arrest the progi-ess of the panic, and to con\ince his soldiers of his safety, rushed amongst the fugitives, and, with his helmet thrown fromliis head, exclaimed, " Behold me — I Uvej and will conquer yet, with God's assistance. What madness influences you to fly ? What way can be found for your escape ? They whom, if you choose, you may kill like cattle, are driving and desti'oying you. You fly from victory — from deatliless honour. You run upon rum and everlasting disgi'ace. If you continue to retreat, every one of you •will perish."! '^'^'^ Normans rallied, and made a desperate onset ; but the English, forming a wall of courageous soldiery, remained unbroken. William, finding all his efibrts to penetrate their ranks fruitless, resolved to hazard a feigned retreat. A body of a thousand horse were entrusted with this critical operation. Having rushed upon the EngUsh with a horrible outcry, they suddenly checked themselves, as if panic-struck, and affected a hasty flight. The English entered eagerly on tlie pursuit with apparent success ; for the Nonnans, having retired upon an excava- tion somewhat concealed, fell into then- own trap ; many of them perished, and some of the English shared the same fate. Wliile this manoeuvTe was occupying their atten- tion, the duke's main body rushed between the pursuers and the rest of then- army. Tlie English endeavoured to regain their position : the cavalry turned upon them, and, thus enclosed, many of them fell victims to the skilful movements of then- adversaries. At length they rallied and regained then- position, but, uninstructed by experience, they suffered themselves to be twice afterwards decoyed to a repetition of the same artifice. In the heat of tlie struggle, twenty Nonnans confederated to attack and carry off" the English standard. Tliis service they effected, though not without the loss of many of then- number.§ * Will, of Malm. p. 101. 1 Guild. Pict. 202. t Guild. Pict. 202. § Brompt. p. 9G0. Defeat and death of Harold. 64 €i)t S^istorp of tfte CHAP. The battle continued through the day with frequent changes of fortune. Harold ' was more distinguished for the bravery of a soldier than for the skill of a general. William united the two characters. He had tlu-ee horses killed under him. Wliile Harold lived, liis valorous countrymen seemed invincible. Feilile in expedients, the duke chrected his archers not to fire dii-ectly at the English, but to dischaa-ge their arrows vigorously upwards towards the sky. The random shafts descended into the EngUsh ranks like impetuous hail, and one of them pierced the gallant Harold in the eye,* and, penetrating the brain, terminated liis life. A furious charge of the Noi-man horse increased the disorder. Panic scattered the English, and the Normans vigorously pursued tliem tlu'ough the broken gi-ound. A part of the fugitives rallied, and, indignant at the prospect of siuTcndering their country to foreigners, they sought to renew the contest. William, perceiving that the critical moment for sealing the victory had arrived, ordered Count Eustace and liis soldiers to the attack. The duke, with a vigour and energy pecuHar to hiaiself, joined in the final conflict, and secured the victory of Hastings and the crown of England. The body of Harold was found by his mistress, EcUth, " the Lady of the Swan Neck," near those of liis two brothers, who were also slain in the battle, and was sent, at the request of liis mother, for intennent, to the monastery of Waltham, which he had founded. Extinc- The battle of Hastings terminated the Saxon dynasty in England, after a Saxon ^ continuance, with occasional inteiTuptions, of sis liimcbed yeai's. Duiing this long period the foundations of some of the most important of our public institutions were laid, and it may be interesting, even for the illustration of local liistory, shortly to advert to then* nature and origin. Saxon in- 111 the Saxou period, the mechanical arts, so closely interwoven with the interests of society, met ■with liberal encouragement : the wisest of their monarchs invited from all quarters sldlfiil and industrious foreigners ; they encoiu'aged manu- factm'es of every kind, and prompted men of activity to betake themselves to naviga- tion, and to push commerce into the most remote countries. As an indication of an approach towards a state of free traflic, and of the increase of commerce, it is mentioned, that Canute, about the year 1028, established mints for the coinage of money, in thirty-seven cities and towns of England, of wliich number the town of Manchester was one. A silver penny, coined at York about the year 630, and marked with the name of Edv\in, the Northumbrian monarch, is supposed to be the earliest specimen of coinage in tliis island, after the abdication of the Romans. Tlie king and liis barons enfrancliised the principal towns, to encourage the progress of manufactures, and Manchester was of the favoured number. * Henry of Hunt. p. 368. Will, of Malms, p. 101. line. stitutions. Coimt)) ^Palatmr of aanrastrr. 65 It must be admitted, however, that whatever progress oui- Anglo-Saxon ances- chap. tors had made in conuuerce and in manufactures, since the time of the Roman sway in Britain, this couutiy had reti-ogi-aded deplorably in the practice of the fine arts. As early as the reign of Severus, the sculpture and the painting of Rome had obtained a liigh degree of perfection ; but in the Saxon times these accom- plislunents Avere almost extinct in the island, and the coinage of Northumbria, in the reigns of Edelstan, of Harold, surnamed Harefoot, and of Edward the Confessor, as exliibited in the folloAraig specimens, serve sufficiently to prove the lamentable deterioration : — The Anglo-Saxons were divided into four classes: — men of birth — men of property freemen — and serviles. Then- money was in pounds, sliillings, and pence; twenty slullings constituted a pound, and twelve pence a slulling, as at present, with this difference, however, that twenty shillings weighed a pound troy— and hence the term pound. Guilds, or communities of mutual protection, were formed by persons engaged in trade, which sought at once to protect the interests of those branches of business, and to proAide for the members of their fraternities in sickness and old age.* Markets and fairs were pretty generally establislied ; attention was paid to agricultm-e ; and the yeoman was held in deserved estimation. Their monarchy was partly hereditary, and partly elective; and the power of their sovereigns not absolute, but limited. Their Witena-Gemot of " wise men" formed the gi-eat council of the nation, and was a body, the foundation of our parliaments, tliat at once enacted laws and administered justice. Besides the trial by jury, they had the trial by ordeal of water and of iron : by the iron ordeal, the accused carried a piece of red-hot iron, tlu-ee feet, or nine feet, according to the magnitude of the offence ; in the water ordeal, he plunged his hand into a vessel of boiling-hot water up to the wiist in some cases, and to the elbow in others ; the hand was then bound up, and sealed for thi-ee days, at the end of wliich time the bandage and seal were removed ; when, if the hand was found clean, he was pronounced innocent, if foul, guilty.f This Avas a trial, not a punishment, and it was perfonned before the priest, in the presence of two Avitnesses, after due preparation. Sometimes the party choosiug this mode of trial prepared liis own hand, to endure the fiery trial ; and * Eden on the Poor Laws. t Wilk. Leg. Inae, p. 27. VOL. I. K 66 CIk ?f)fetm-p of ti)t CHAP, sometimes probably prepared the hand of the priest, and thus induced liim to abate ' the height of the temperature. There was anotlier ordeal by water : the culprit, having a rope tied about liim, was plunged into a river two ells and a half deep; if he sunk, he was acquitted; but if he floated, being considered deficient in weight of goodness, he was condemned.* The punishments were various, and consisted of banislmieut, slavery, branding, amputation of limb, mutUation of the nose, ears, and lips, plucking out the eyes, stoning, or hanging. The trial by jury was a rational and enlightened inquiry. The Saxoas have the merit of having introduced tliis invaluable mstitution into England; and some authors contend, that it originated in the tune of Alfred, but it is certain that it was in use amongst the earUest Saxon colonists.t The trial by jury tlid not at ouce attain perfection, and it is probable that Alfred matured and perfected the institution. Originally a man was cleai'ed of an accusation, if twelve persons came forward, and swore that they behoved liim to be innocent of the alleged crime.J This was a jury in its earhest fonn. Afterwards it became necessary that twelve men, peers or equals of the litigants, should hear the evidence on both sides, and that they on then- oaths should say whether the accused was guilty or innocent. Feudal The Feodttl System rose in England during the Saxon dynasty, and for many ages exercised an influence and conti'ol over society, not only in tliis country, but over the whole of the western nations of the world. Though the system was inti'oduced into tliis country by the Anglo-Saxon, it was not tUl the Norman conquest that it received its complete consummation. In the heat of the battle of Hastings, William had promised liis followers that tlie lands of England should be theu's, if victory crowned their- eiForts ; and the possessions of eai-1 Tosti, as well as the other Saxon barons, between the Mersey and the Ribble, and to the north of the latter river, speedily became the laiights' fees of the houses of Lacie and Pictavensis. In the partition of the spoil, the most considerable share fell to the Idng. These lands became the subject of feudal tenures ; the king conferred them upon liis favourites in capite, on the condition that they should faithfully serve him in war and in peace, and on payment of a certain annual fine ; and they again granted their Lancashii'e manors to Goisfridus, WUlielmus, Tetbaldus, and others, as then- feudatories. Tliese thanes had tlieii- socmen and Adllams — in other words, then* ianners and their slaves — some holding by miUtary, and others by nistic obhgations ; but all, from the liighest to the lowest, under feudal tenures. The whole frame of society was involved in tliis comprehensive system, wliich Dr. Kuerden has, in his unpublished MS. of the History of Lancashii-e, arranged under the foUovnng heads, taldng for liis text-book Sir Henry Spehnan's Glossarium Archaiologicum : — * Textus Roffensis. f Black. Com. cap. xxiii. { Turner's Ang. Sax. iv. 337. system. CountP palatine of 2Lanra<5tn% 67 " Regal Franchises.* — The Kinpf or soueraigne Goucrnour of the Reiilm, firom chap. wliom all fi-ancliises are deriued, being the most exceleut and woitliicst part or " member of the body of the conunonwelth, next nnto God, because, as Braclon Koyai sayth, the law doth make liim a Idng, and as the head of a natural body, doth with a prouident care look about for the safety and preseruation of euery member of the same body, even so, the king being head of the coimuonwelth, doth not only cary a watclifuU eye to the preseruasion of peace and quietness at home amongst his own subjects, but also to keep them in peace and quietness from euery forreign Inuasion. " And hereupon the Law doth allow liim sufferein jurisdiction, not only through the whole land, but also to the midst of the sea, encompassing the whol retdm ; and for the same cause, the Lawes do attribut to the king all Honor, Dignity, Preroga- tive, and Pre-eminence. — Bracton, lib. ii. cap. 24. " Like^-ise, the king hath certain proper priiuleges by the canon law, that he shal only haue thos tilings wldch by the Lawes of Nature ought to be the finders, as Treasm-e troue. Wrecks of the Sea, Great fishes, as Whales, Stm-geons, &c. " And waifes, wliich are said to be the goods of another man, therefore the king, by his prerogative, shal have them. " He ought also, by the comon law, to have in his own possession, such things as by the law ought to be comon, as wild beasts, fowls that are not tame, but are made proper by possession, and taking of them as by Fowling, Hunting, or the like. " And by the law the king may enter into the grounds of any of his subjects wher- soever ther are any mynes of gold or siluer to be found, and dig the land at his pleasure for the same mines, and carry them away, for that they ai'C tilings that do only belong unto the king, for gold and siluer are tilings of most excelency that are upon the Earth ; and therefore when they are found, the law doth attribut them for their Excellency to belong unto the king as the most excellent person. " And in like manner, wild beasts of Venery, and beasts of chace and waren, being things of excellent recreation, they are meetest for the dignity of a prince for liis pastime and delight, and thence it is not lawful for any man witliin his own fee, to make any chase or pai'k, or waren, without the king's warrant so to do. " And although men may kill such wild beasts in ther wildns when they ai'e found wandering, being out of the forest park, or chase, or waren ; yet no man hath any property in them until they have kild them, for during the time of ther wildnes they are nitlUus in rebus, and they must needs be said to be in manu Domini Regis, m the king's possession. * Kuerden's MS. Manchester College Library, fo. 330. k2 68 C!)e fmtov^ of t])t CHAP. " And so in some measure, Treasure troue, waifs, esti'ays, the goods of fellons and ' fugitives, thos being out of any man's right, the thre fii'st their owners being Royal unknown, and the 2 later as confiscated, ther owners being convicted, or not daring privileges. , to justify themselues by law, when they remaui as proper escheats vnto the king as owner. " And as Countyes, Hundi-eds, Honors, wards. Gaols, chief cityes, and sea-port towns, with ther cheifest manors, these rights kings only assmned antiently, as belonging to the crown, where justice might most regularly be executed, malefactors most surely kept in custody, and the king preseriiing thereby his subjects better in peace, more nobly maintained, and keep of liis Landing. " All those great prerogatives were confinned upon our EngUsh monarch, the famous Egbert, by his subdued Heptarchy, and euer since duly and justly claimed, and enjoyed by his successors, the Saxon, Danish, and Norman Kings and Queens of England. " Hence may be obserued, whereas the king did chstribut the gi'eater fees capitaneis Regiis (royal cliiefs,) sc. to Archbyshops, Byshops, Palatines, Abbots, Abbesses, under gi-eater Francliises or privileges, wliich are cald regalia, to Dukes, Maixliions, and Earls. " And thes again may be reduced into lesser fees, when any of thos capitanei do distiibut any pari, of them to their vassals and clients with sunilar priuiledges, and thos are cald Hegij vel regis Valvasores, or capitanei. medii.* The former were cald regal chgnities, quod regis splendoris radios quosdam obtinent fruebantur olim juribus plerumque regalibus, which are called Serjantia majora, or greater Serjantyes. " But the feoda capitanea media, are thos that are granted not imechately from the prince himself, but from some of this capitanorum regis to ther clients, as from a count palatine to thcii- Barons, Valvasores, or Castellani. " And thes capitanei medij, or Valvasores, may lilvewise distribut yet smaller fees, called feoda militaria,-\^ sunply, which are neither given from the Prince, nor from any of the capitanei Regni,\ but from the medij capitanei, or Valvasores, Bai'ons, or some meaner Lords, to thefr Knights, or Valvasivi minores, and thos fees are cald feoda militum, ox feoda militaria. " Hence became various feocUsts or comites, Palatini, Vicecomites, Eails, Dukes, Heretocliij, Hundi'edarij, Holdcastellani, Titliingmeu. " Hence it appears, that it is not lawful to all to give a fee, so likewise it is not lawful for al to receive one for iguobl persons, and of seruile condition, ai-e forbidden, * Middle chiefs. f Knight's fees. X Chiefs of the kingdom. Countp ^3alatmt of itanrasitfr. 69 and, according to the manor received in Heroick Ages, to undertake military offices, chap. munera suhire militaria. " Therefore, only nohl persons wer susceptibl of receiiiing fees, wliich are esteemed much before rusticks, and iguobles being unfit, ad urma tractanda reffcndaque militiam* and in compensation of this his coi-poral seruice ther fees wer given them indued with the said priiiiledges, and so made fre a trihutis rusticis, so. Tallage and subsidyes. " But the nobilia Ula feoda (noble fees) at length were bestowed upon the Biu-gesses and ig-nobl persons nisi auspice rege, and moneys offered into the Exchecq. to obtain that liberty, becaus that accipientis personam nohilitavit, this ennobles the person of the receiuer. " "Now feodum ignobile et vulgare'\ is opposed io feodum nobile, and is properly called that which belongs ignohilibus et rusticis, adorns with no feodal priuUedges, but the name of a fee in tliis latter age, perperam auspicatum. " We call it Soccage, and some call it feodum Burgense ;\ and hence it comes about that cUuers franchises and priuUedges have been granted to corporations, together vA\h markets and fayi-es. " How Fees first Instituted.^ — The more antient Ages of the world labouring sore institu- on each syde with gi'eat warrs. Emperors, kings, and piinces, more advisedly guiding fee"." ther afTayi'es, did cUstribut and bestow whol regions, and especially thos that bordered and were exposed to the enemy, upon ther patiites and gi'eat persons they cald capitanei, not so possessing them iutii-ely might reape benefit thereby, but that being seuered into fitting portions of a fee, and each placed out stipendij nomine to several knights and soldiers, a respect being had to persons, and so such bemg cald ui)on unanimously might defend the country, having taken the oath of fealty might come to the assistance of that waning prince, and thereupon the necessity of waning brought forth the Invention of fees. " Tlie Germans brought forth the feodal rytes and customes, and propagated the same by long usage. " It was in antient time anexed to the Lord's power, that where they pleased they might take back that had been given already by them, but afterwards it was estab- lished, that it should continue to the faitlifuU for his life, but not to his cliildi'en to belong by any hereditary right. " Afterward it came to pass, that their gift held finn only for a year, yet it so pro- ceeded, that it might come to their sons, sc. to him whom the Lord was pleased to confirm the grant. * To carry arms, and to command an army. I Bought fee or tenure. t A vulgar and ignoble fee. ^ MS. fo. 130. nors. 70 C6e ??istJ3tt) of tfif CHAP. " Conrade, passing to Rome, (lid confirm it to gi-anchildren. Sons did not succeed " collateral, ultra fratres patruelles ;* but in a short time after it did extend to the next degree. — Jo Faber saith, Ducatus, Countys, Baronys, &c. were made perpetual hereditary, and nobles thereupon began to taie themselves syniames from ther chief denomination of ther fees.f f)fma- " First Institutions of 3Ianors. — 1. In the first place (the Lord) designed a fitting place for his own habitation, and to it was a messuage fit uberiores ad familiam suam alendam conscripsit fundos qui hodie terrce dominica;, cald demaine lauds. " 2. Another part he bestowed dientibus quot alere videatur milites oh siibsidium in bello, such poitions are cald feoda mihtaiia Kts' fees, but if any portion was not sufficient of itself, ad militem alendum,\ yet according to its quantity, partem pactum contribuit,\ sc. one half, one tliii'd, a fourth pt, a 100 pt, vel tantillo levior esset sumptus Domini militaris, (or so much less as the Lord's military charges were the lighter.) " 3. Tertiapartem colonis — who were called socmanni — elocat decernitque ut pro tenementorum suorum ratione frumenti vel vestis aliquid, juxta Taciturn, aut obsonii aliorumque necessariorum reddant faciantque,^ — and after he placed and sorteth out a tliird part to husbandmen, who are called socmanni, that proportionably to their tenements they should render, or cans sometliiug of fruit or gannents and victuals, and other necessaries (according to Tacitus) et preterea ad (cdes Domini et suapradia, as rustic and servile labours. They shal till the Lord's gi-ound, plow, sow, reap, cut his corn and hay, tluash, ditch, and hedg, et greges et indicta singula exe- quantur. " 4. Neither in the Interim were they forgetful of God, for they dedicated a place for the chiu'ch and priest, ut concilia volunt AgricoUs — pauperibus suis qui famdice navant opera latam fundi portionem cedit quo eorum rictus nutriantur animaUa Solent nominare.% " Tliis distribution of land, which since ut visit e domino beneficentia ejus etiam paruit voluntati, and was governed by such laws as the lord imposed, ut de Germanis Tacitus AgricoUs suis jus — huic jurisdictioni prcetorium, (as Tacitus says, in liis * Beyond brother's cousins on the fathers' side. t In no county in England do the names of the lands so much correspond with the surnames of their owners, as in Lancashire. I To support a knight. ^ He finished the portion agreed upon. II Towards their maintenance and cultivation. H As the councils will. To their poor husbandmen, who industriously laboured for their families, they granted a broad portion of ground (common) by which they might furnish food for themselves and cattle. Coiuiti? |3alatine of ^Lanrasstfi*. 71 works on tlie manners of the Germans — the pra;torium in this jurisdiction,) was chap. • II the lord's house, sometimes thereupon cal'd aula (a hall), otherwise curia tenebatur _ ejus cUcntela rebus ita postulaniibus, (a court, wluch was held on affairs hetween the lord and his tenants so reqiiii-ing it), each 3 weeks here the most, but more general sub festo anmmtiationis B.M. et St. MichaeUs, at our lady day and St. Michael, fi-om whom the coui'ts at this day are called generally. " Of the Value and various Qualities of a KnighCs Fee. — Tlie antient yearly value of a fee may be gathered from the reHef payd, for the most part were alike. " The antient relief mth us was 5lb. and afterwards, about H. 3 time, he that enjoyed 251b. in lands ought to be cald ad dignitatem militia;, (to the honor of knighthood) as then the estimation of that was set upon a knight's fee. " Yet afterwards in E, 2. 251b. and afterwards 401b. " Thos that possest an estate of 1 5lb. 37H. 3. were cald out ad militia; dignitatem,* and Ed. 201b. and in Rastal, Title, Knights, who possest 10 libratas terra, (ten librates of land) were cald to the dignity of knighthood, or to be fyned 1256. 41 H. 3. " Quantity of a Knight'' s Fee. — 1 MS. A certain book of the Abbot of Mamsbury a knight's sayth that " A vigrate of Land containeth 24 acres, " 4 \dgrates make a Hyde, and " 5 Hydes makes a knight's fee, the relief thereof lOOsh. " 2 MS. says, that, according to antient custome, "10 acres make a fardell, " 4 fardels makes a vu"gat, " 4 Vu'gats makes a Hyde, " 4 Hydes malies a knight's fee. " 3 MS. So that the Book of Mamesbury sayth 16 virgats makes a whole knight's fee, and when taxed at 6s. 4d. makes the sum of lOOsh. Therfor a knight's fee, according to the first, contauis 480 acres, and this agrees with the thii-d MS. If a vii-gate with 2d MS. be 40 acres ; but if, as the fii-st hath it, only 24 acres, it differs much from both, yet not above 484 recknd masse. " But after some time, according to the goodness of the ground, is less, and other times of larger extent for the baii-ness therof. " And ther is a respect to be had to the Lord's bounty, or parcimony, sometimes gi\Tng more sparingly, and others more profusely, as also the sendees imposed upon fees, sometimes according to the customes more easUy, other tunes ex pacto graviora. " To the honour of knia,hthood. 72 Wl)t 5]i6torj) of ti)t CHAP. " Tlie Various Parts of a Knight's Fee. — 1. Hifla or Hyde is a portion of land " wliicli is set apart for the alimony of the family, or that will yeai-ly mamtayn one plow, so that Hide is sometimes taken for a mansion, as when it is sayd in the charter of kino- Ethelbert, or about the year 845, that each 10th mansion should belong to the seruice of God.* W. of Mamsbery sayth, that to the end of the world that the 10 Hide should be to cloath and feed the poore. " 2. Taken for a family, for what Beda caldy'amiZ/a, other Authors and the Saxon Interpreters call a hyde, or hydilandes. " 3. Taken for a carucat of land sufficient yearly to maintain a plow. " Tlie quantity of a hyde is disputable, for Gervis of Tilbery says, a Hyde in its original institution did consist of 100 acres, but by W. of Mamsbery 96 acres.f " The Annals of Waverly, An. 1083. The king sent 5 of liis Justitiai-yes tlu-ough- out England to inquii-e upon oath, how many hydes, i. e. jugera, might be sufficient in each Town yearly to maintain a plow. " And the same Mathew Paris addes the same year, how many cattel might he sufficient for the village of one Hyde. " Domesday book in fine Cestreshire, (Land between the Ribble and the Mersey,) Tit. Derbei Hunched. " In the Hundi-ed of Derbei vi. carucates make a Hyde. " Regis Inee, cap. 24. by the name of Hydes, are known thos 12 portions which are reported to be given to the companions of Joseph of Aramathea in the territory of the monastery of Glastonbury. " Hydare is as much as to taxe the land by Hydes. " Hydatus is taken for land that is to be taxed by Hyde,|: " Hydage is a tribut that is gathered fi-om each Hyde. " And in paying of taxes the antient maner was to describe the kingdom by Hydes; and king Edelred, to oppose the Danes, caused each 320 hydes to send a slup, and each 8 to give a coat of male and Helmet. " W. C. (WiUiam I.) received from each Hyde, A. D. 1084, 3 sh.§ W. Rufiis from each Hyde 4sh. " H. I. for maii-yiug his daughter to the Emperor, A. D. 1110, from each Hyde 3sh. " Carucata Terrte, a carucate of land, is such a portion of land as is designed for the work of a plow, or plow land, with Math. Paris a Hyde. * The charter says, that every tenth mansion shall be devoted to the servants of God (Famulis Dei) which is a very different thing. t Not William of Malmesbury, but the Malmsb. MS. I Hidata (not hidatus) is land that is actually taxed, and hidanda, land to be taxed. § 6 solidi, or shillings. Countp ^aalatiitf of iLantasitfC* 73 " A carucate of land is sajd to be so much land as a plow can work in seasonable chap. time, containing 120 acres, yet various as the gi-oimd was more easy, or harder, or ' troublesome to be tild. " Vityata Terrce. — 3. Virgata Terrte, yapt) land, (yard land) sc. mensuree quantitas pro rations loci diversi, in some places 20, in others 24, in others 30 acres. " 4. Fer Ungate. — 10 acres makes a ferlingate. " 4 ferlingates makes a vii-gate, " 4 vii-gates makes a hyde, " 5 hydes makes a knight's fee. " Carucat. TeiTse. The Abbot of Rochester demanded against Albereda de Basin- burn 8 car. terrae and 2 bovats of land, ut jus Ecclesite, of which each carucat of land contained 8 bovats terr(B mensuratce. 27 H. 3. Rot. 1. " Rob. Constable gave his Lordship of Therlesthorpe, whereof 8 carucates makes a knight's fee. " Herbert de St. Quintin gave 3 bovats of land, whereof 48 carucates makes a knight's fee. " H. fil. Sywardi de Kerden gave 3 bovat of land in maritagio. " Rijil. Adce de Blackburn unde 16 bovats — sint cequales de forinscco. " Caruagio and Carucagio, a tribut imposed upon plows. In charters of pri\Tledges many being fi-ee from the Tributs tenned quieti a carucagio, when the R doth taxe his land by carucates. " JugumTerrcB. — 5. as much gi-ound as a yoke of joyned oxen can plow in a day. It appears that at fii'st a manor was divided into various portions sufficient for the nourishment of so many country familyes, together with the yoaks of oxen, and from thence they were cald juga, or yoaks. " Jugatio is said to be a tribut that is payd a singulis jugis. " Bouata Terr ', Chetel teneb Heleshale . Ibi . 11 . caruc trae . Valb . viii . sot. /^ Oinis ti tra geldab . 7 xv . Maner . nil reddeb nisi geld R.E. Hoc CD Derbei cu his supdictis hid reddeb regi . E. de firma . xxvi . lib 7 11 . solid . Ex his . in . hid^ eraA^ libere . quar censu pdonauit teinis qui eas teneb, Istae reddeb . iiii . lib . 7 xiiii . solid . 7 viii . denar. Ofiis isti taini habuer csuetud redde . 11 . oras denariox de unaqq^ caruc trse . 7 facieb p csuetud domos regis Countj) ^3alatine of i^anraeitn-, 99 Leuingus held Wauretreu (Way^rtkee). There ai'e two cai'ucates of land : it chap. was worth sixty-four pence. i"- Four Thanes hekl Boltclal (Bootle) as four manors. Tliere are two carucates of land : it was worth sixty-four pence. — A priest had a carucate of land helongiug to the chui-ch of Waletonc (Walton). Uctrcd held Aclietun (Ashton or Aughton). There is a carucate of land : it was worth thii'ty-two pence. Tliree Thanes held Fornehei (Formby) as three manors. There are four cai'ucates of land : it was worth ten sliillmgs. TTiree Thanes held Emuluesdel (Ainsdale). There are two carucates of land: it was worth sixty-four pence. Slcinul/'hekl Holland (Holla-nd). There are two carucates of land: it was worth sixty-four pence. Uctred hold Daltone (Dalton). There is one carucate of land : it was worth tliiity-two jjence. The same Uctred held Schelmercsdele (Skelmersdale). There is one carucate of land : it was worth thirty -two pence. The same Uctred held Literland (Litherland). Tliere is one carucate of land : it was worth tliirty-two pence. Wihert held Erengermeles (Ravens Meols). There are two carucates of land : it was worth eight shillings. Tliis land was exempt from all duties except danegeld. Five Tlianes held Otegrimele (Orrell). There is half a liide : it was worth ten shillings. Uctred held Latune (Lytiiam) with one berewick. Tliere is half a liide of land : wood one mile long and half a mile broad : it was worth ten shillnigs and eight pence. Uctred held Hirletun (Tarleton) and half of 3Ierretun (Martin). Tliere is half a liide : it was worth ten shillings and eight pence. Godeue held Mellnge (Melling). There are two carucates of land; wood one mile long, and half a mile broad : it was worth ten shillings. Uctred held Leiate (Lidiate). There are six bovates of land; wood one mile long, and two quarentens broad : it was worth sixty-four pence. Two Thanes held six bovates of land for two manors in Holand (Holland). The value was two sliillings. Uctred held Acrer (Altcar). There is half a carucate of land : it was waste. Teos held Bartiine (Barton). There is one carucate of land : it was worth tliiily-two pence. Chetel held Heleshale (Halsall). There are two carucates of land : it was worth eight shillings. AH this land was liable to pay danegeld ; and fifteen manors paid King Edward nothing but danegeld. This manor of Derhei (West Derby), with the hides above-mentioned, paid King Edward for rent twenty-six pounds two sliilluigs ; of these, three hides were exempt, the rent of wliich was granted to the thanes that held them ; these paid four pounds fourteen shillings and eight-pence. All these thanes were accustomed to pay two ores of pennies for each carucate of land : and by custom they built the king's houses with then* appurtenances, as the o2 100 CTje In'Storj) of t\)t CHAP. 7 quJE ibi ptineb sic uitti . 7 piscarias . 7 in silua haias in. 7 stabilituras . 7 qui ad hgec n ibat debeb . 11 . sot emdab. 7 postea ad op^ uenieb 7 opabat donee pfect erat. Vn^ quisq,, eoa uno die in Augusto mitteb messores suos secare segetes regis . Si non r' p . 11 . sot emdabat. /^ Siq's lib ho faceret furtu . Aut forestel aut heinfara. aut pace regis infringeb ^ xl . sot efndabat. r_ _ qui Siq's facieb sanguine aut raptu de lemina. uel|re maneb de siremot sine rationabili excusatione :' p . X . solid emdab. /^ Si de Hund remaneb . aut ii ibat ad placit ubi pposit^ jubeb :^ p . v. sot emdab. i^ Si cui jubeb in suu seruitiu ire 7 n ibatr'iiii . sot emdab. /^ Siq's de tra regis recede uoleb . dab . xl . sot 7 ibat quo uoleb. //^ Siq's tra patris sui mortui habe uoleb :' xl . solid releuabat. J^ Qui noleb r 7 tra 7 omem pecunia patris mortui rex habeb. //^ Vctred^ tenuit Crosebi 7 Chirchedele p . i . hida . 7 erat q'eta ab omi csuetud pt has . vi . pace infracta . Forestel . Heinfara. post ^ . /-, . 7 pugna quaB|sacramtu factu remaneb . 7 si constrict^ justicia si ij _ _ ppositi alicui debit solueb . 7|tminu a pposito dat n attendeb. H p . XL . sot emdab . Geldu u regis sic hoes patriee solueb. l^ In Otringemele 7 Herleshala . 7 Hiretun . erant . in • hid^e q'etfe a geldo carucatar trse . 7 a forisfactura sanguinis . 7 femine o uiolentia . Alias u csuetud reddeb oms. e isto CD Derbei ten modo dono Rog pictau hi hoes tra. Goisfrid^ . 11 . hid 7 dimid car . Roger^ . i . hid 7 dimid . Witts una hid 7 dimid . Warin^ dimid hid . Goisfrid^ . i . hid . Tetbald^ hida 7 dimid . Robert^ . 11 . car trae . Gislebt-^ . i . caruc trae. Hi hiit in diiio . iiii . car . 7 xlvi . uitt .71. radnian 7 lxii . bord. 7 II . seruos 7 in . ancitt. Int oms hnt. xxiiii . car. Silua eoj^ . in . leuu 7 dim long .71. leuu 7 dim 7 xl . ptic latit. 7 ibi . Ill . airae accipitr. Countp ^aalatmr of Sanrasiten loi villains tlid ; and at the fislieries, and at the hays and stands (the fences and stalls) chah. in the wood ; and whosoever did not attend this service when he ought was fined two ^^^' shillings, and afterwai-ds was obliged to attend and to work till the business was completed : every one of them moreover sent theii- reapers for one day in August to cut the king's com, and if he failed be was amerced in two shillings. If any freeman committed a theft, obstructed the way, enticed a servant away, or broke the king's peace, he was fined forty shillings. If any one wounded a person, or ravished a woman, or absented liimself from the shii'e mote without a reasonable excuse, he was fined ten shillings. If he absented himself fi'om the hundred court, or went not to the place of pleading dii-ected by the proper officer, he forfeited five sliillings. If he ordered a person to go upon a service, and he did not, he was fined four sliillings. If any one had a mind to withdi-aw himself from the king's land, he gave 40s. and then he was at liberty to go where he would. If any one had a mind, on the death of Ms father, to succeed to liis land, he paid a relief of forty sliillings. If he was not inclined, then the king had the land and all the money of the father deceased. Uctred held Crosebi (Crosby) and Chirchedele (Kirkdale) for one liide, and it was exempt fi'om all forfeitures but these six — breach of peace, obstructing the way, inveigling of servants, desertion after enlisting, and if the sheriff had adjudged a debt to be paid at a certain day, and the defendant did not keep the time given liim, he was to be amerced forty sliillings. As for danegeld, this they paid like other men of the country. In Otringemelc (Orrell) and Herleshahi (Hals all) anAHiretini (Evert ot^), there were tlu-ee liides exempt from paying danegeld, fine for wounding and for rape ; but they were liable to other customs. By the gi'ant of Roger de Poictou, the following men now hold the land of this manor of Derbei : — Goisfrid held two liides and half a carucate, Roger one hide and a half, William one liide and a half, Warin half a hide, Goisfrid one hide, Tetbald one liide and a half, Robert two carucates of land, Gislebert one carucate of land. These have four carucates in demesne, and forty-six villains, and one radman, and sixty-two bordars, and two bondmen and tliree bondwomen ; they have twenty- four carucates amongst them : their wood is three miles and a half long, and one mile and a half and forty perches broad ; and there are three aeries of hawks. The CHAP. IIT. 102 Wl)t M^tonj of tftr In unaqq^ hida . sua^ . vi . caruc trae. Dnium u huj^ CQ qd tenefe Rogers . ual . viii . lib . Sujv ibi m in diiio . Ill . car 7 vi . bouar . 7 un^ radman 7 vii . uitti. In Neweton . T.R.E . fuer . v . hidse. In Neweton HD. Ex his una erat in diiio . ^ccta ipsi^ CID habeb . x . caruc trse. 7 Scs Osuuold^ de ipsa uilla . 11 . caruc tre habeft q'etas p oma. Huj^ CID alia tram . xv . hoes quos drenchs uocabant p . xv . CD. teneb . sed huj^ GD bereuuich erant . 7 int oms xxx . solid reddb. Silua ibi . x . leuu Ig . 7 vi . leuu 7 11 . qrent lat . 7 ibi airse accipit. ■■y '; <, OS xluj^ HVND hoes libi pt . 11 . eraAr in ead csuetud qua hoes derberiae. 7 plus illis . II . dieb} in Augusto meteba^v in culturis regis. lUi duo habeb . v . carucat trte . 7 forisfactura sanguinis 7 feminae uiolentia passse . 7 pasnagiu suo^ hominu . Alias habeb rex. Tot hoc 5S reddeb de firma regi . x . lib . 7 x . solid. Modo sunt ibi . vi . drenghs .7 xii . uiHi 7 mi . bord . Int oms . ix . car hrit . Valet . iiii . lib . hoc dnium. In WalINTVNE HVND. rVex . E . tenuit Walintvne . cu . iii . Bereuuich . Ibi . i . hida. Ad ipsu CD ptineb . xxxiiii . drengh . 7 totid CD habeb. In quib} erant xl.ii . carucatEe tree . 7 una hida 7 dimidia. Scs Elfin teneb . i . caruc traa q'eta ab omi csuetud pt geldu. Tot CD cu HVND reddeb regi de firma . xv . lib . 11 . sot min^. Modo sunt in diiio . 11 . car . 7 viii . hoes cu . i . car. Hoes isti ten ibi tra . Roger^ . i . caruc trae . Tetbald-^ . carucat 7 dimid . Warin^ . i . car . RaduLf^ . v . car .Witts . 11 . hid 7 iiii . car ti-«. L I, 1, Adelard^ . i . hid 7 dimid caruc . Osmund^ . i . car trae. Vat hoc tot . IIII . lib 7 X . sot . Diiium uat . iii . lib 7 x . sot. ^ RT D lUfND. ex . E . tenuit Blachebvrne . Ibi . 11 . hidge In IjlACHEBVRN 7 II . caruc tree . ^ccta habeb habeb . 11 . bouatas de hac tra. f csuetud. 7 aeccta S' mari^ habeb in Wallei . 11 . caruc trae . q'etas ab omi In eod CD Silua . i . leuu Ig . 7 tntd lat . 7 ibi erat aira accipitris. Ad hoc CD uel HVND . adjaceb . xxviii . libi hoes . tenentes V . hid 7 dimid 7 xl . carucat trae j) . xxviii . Manerijs. Countj) ^3alntmf of tnnrasitrr. 103 whole is wortb eight pounds twelve shUlmgs : in each liide there are six carucates chap. of laud. " Tlie demesne of this manor, held by Roger, is worth eight pounds. Tliere are now in demesne tlu-ee ploughs, six neatherds, one rathnan, and seven villains. In Krluton Jt^unUrctt. In the time of King Edward (the Confessor) there were five liides in Neweton (Nevpton) : one of these was held in demesne. The chiuxh of tliis manor had one carucate of land : and Saint Oswald of lliis village had two carucates exempt from all taxation. Fifteen men called Drenchs held the other land of this manor for fifteen manors ; but they were here wicks of this manor, and they paid altogether tliirty shillings. Tliere is wood ten miles long, and six miles and two quarentens broad ; and there are aeries of hawks. The freemen of this hundred, except two, had the same customs as the men of Derbei: they reaped the Idug's fields two days more in August. Those two had five carucates of land, and the forfeiture for bloodshed and ravishment, and the homaa-e of theii- tenants or vassals — the king had the others. — The whole manor of Neweton paid to the king ten pounds ten shillings. There are six cbenghs, twelve villains, and four bordars : amongst them they had nine carucates or ploughs. This demesne is valued at foui* pounds. In Slffllairtiigton ?^unt»rrD. King Edward held Walintune (Warrington) with thi'ee berewicks, and there is one liide. To this manor belonged thiity-four di-enghs, and they had as many manors : m these there were forty-two carucates of land, and one liide and a half. Sainl Elfin held one carucate of land, free fi'om all custom but danegeld. Tlie whole manor and hundi-ed paid to the king for rent fifteen pounds save two shil- lings. There are now two ploughs in the demesne, and eight vassals ^\-ith one plough. The following held land there, viz. Roger one carucate of land, Tetbald one carucate and a half, Warin one carucate, Radulf five carucates, William two hides and four carucates, Adelard one hide and half a carucate, Osmund one carucate of land. The whole of this is valued at four pounds ten sliillings ; the demesne at three pounds ten shillings. Jn iJIarfefiutn ?^unDrrlr. King Edward \\e\i\. Blachehurne(Bh\CKBVR^). There are two liides and two caiTicates of land: the church had two bovates of tliis laud; and the church of St. Mary's had in Wlialley two carucates of land, free from all custom. In the same manor there is a wood one mile in length and the same in breadth, and there was an aerie of hawks. — To this manor or hundred belonged twenty-eight freemen, holding five hides and a half and forty carucates of land for twenty-eight manors adjoining. 101 Cftf 5)i6tori) of tin ^m^' Silua ibi . vi . leiiu Ig . 7 iiii . leuu lat . 7 era.v in siipdictis csuetudinib^. In eod HVND habeft rex . E . Hunnicot de . 11 . car tre . 7 Wale tune de . II . car . tr^e . 7 Peniltune de dimid hida. Tot CD cu HVND reddeb regi de firma . xxxii . lib 7 11 . solid. Hanc tra tota ded Rogerius pictauensis Rogerio de Busli. 7 Albto Greslet. 7 ibi sunt tot hoEs qui hilt, xi . car 7 dimid. quos ipsi ccesser . ee . q'etos usq^ ad . in . annos . 7 ido n appciat m. Rex . E . tenuit Salford . Ibi . in . bids. In SalfoRD HVND. 7 XII . caruc tr£E Wastae . 7 Foresta . in . leuu Ig . 7 tntd lat. 7 ibi plures haise 7 aira accipitris. [ad Salford. Radecliue teneb rex . E . p CID . Ibi . i . hida . 7 aha hid ptinefi ^ccta S' MARIE . 7 aeccta S' Michael teneb in Mamecestre. h h _. _ 'i una caruc trs . q'eta ab omi csuetud pt geld. Ad hoc CD uel HVND ptineb . xxi . bereuuicll . teneb totid taini p totid Maner . In quib} era^r . xi . hidffi 7 dimid. 7 x . caruc trae 7 dimid. Siluae ibi . ix . leuu 7 dim Ig . 7 v . leuu 7 una qrent lat. Vn^ eoa Gamel tenen' . n . hid in Recedha . habeb suas csue tudines q'etas . pter . vi . has . Furtu . Heinfare . Forestel. Pace| infracta . tminu fractu apposito stabilitu . pugna post sacramtu factu remanents . H eiiidab . xl . solid. Aliquae haru traru eraAc q'etae ab omi csuetud pt geld. 7 aliqtae a geldo su.v q'etas. Tot G5 Salford cu HVND reddeb . xxx.vii . lib 7 iiii . sol. Modo sunt in CD in dnio . n . car . 7 vin . serui . 7 n . uitt cu . i . car Valet . c . solid hoc dnium. De hac tra hui^ GD ten milites dono Rogerij pictau. Nigellus . Ill . hid . 7 dimid caruc trs . Warin^ . n . car tree. 7 alt Warin^ . i . caruc 7 dimid . Goisfrid^ .1 . caruc trae . Gamel i. If 7ix.bord'. .11 . car trae . In his sunt . in . taini . 7 xxx . uitli 7 pbr 7 x. serui . Int onis hnt . xxii . car . Valet . vii . lib. r III. Countj) palatine of 2Lanfa6tn% los There is wood six mUes long aiid foiu- broad, and there were the above-said chap. customs. In the same hundi'ed King Edward had Hunnicot (Huncote) with two caru- cates of land, Walehme (Walton) with two carucates of land, Peniltune (Pendle- ton) half a hide. The whole manor, with the hundi-ed, paid to the king for rent tliirtj-two pounds two sliillings. Roger de Poidou gave aU this land to Roger de BusU and Albert Greslet, and there are as many men who have eleven carucates and a half ; they allowed these to be exempt for three years, and therefore they are not rated. King Edward held Salford. There were thi'ee liides and twelve cai-ucates of waste land; forest thi-ee miles long and the same broad; and there are many hedges, and an aerie of hawks. Edward held Radecliue (Radcliffe) for a manor. There is one hide, and another belonging to Salford. The church of St. Mary's and the chm'cli of St. Michael's held uii)/a»teee.s7re (Manchester) one carucate of land, free from all duties or rents except danegeld. To tliis manor or hundi'ed there belonged twenty-one beremcks, wliich were held by as many thanes for as many manors ; in wliich there were eleven hides and a half and ten cai'ucates and a half of land, with wood nine miles and a half long, and five and a quarenten broad. One of these thanes, called Gamel, holding two hides of land in Recedham, (Rochdale), had them free trom all duties but the following six, viz. theft, inveigling of servants, obstinicting the king's road, breach of peace, removal of boundary, and desertion after enlisting; the fines for these offences were forty shillings. The rest of these lands were free from all customs except danegeld, and they are partly free from danegeld. The whole manor vdih tlie Imucb'ed of Salford, paid thirty-seven pounds four shillings. Tliere are now in the manor, in the demesne, two carucates and eight bondmen, and two vUlains with one carucate. Tliis demesne is valued at a hundi-ed sliillings. The knights hold the land of this manor by the gift of Roger de Poictou : Nigel three hides and half a carucate of land, Warin two cai'ucates, and another Warin one carucate and a half, Goisfrid one carucate, Gamel two cai'ucates. In these lands there are three thanes and tliirty villains, nine bordars, one priest, and ten bondmen : amongst them they had twenty-two carucates. It is valued at seven pounds. vol. I. p 106 ClK lisitoii) of t\)e ^Wr- Rex . E . tenuit Lailand . Ibi . i . hida In Lailand HVND. ' I, I, h h h 7 II . caruc trse . Silua . ii . leuu Ig .-7 una lat . 7 aira Accipitr. Ad hoc CD ptineb . xii . trae quas teneb . xii . hoes libi pro totid Maner . In his . vi . hidae . 7 viii . caruc trae. Siluae ibi . vi . leuu Ig . 7 iii . leuu 7 una qrent lat. Hoes huj^ CB 7 de Salford ii opabant p csuetud ad aula regis. ^ o neq,, metebaw in Augusto . Tantm . i . haia in silua facieb. 7 habeb sanguinis forisfactura . 7 femin« passse uiolent. De alijs csuetudinib} aliox supio^ Manerio^ era// csortes. Tot CD Lailand cu H VND reddeb de firma regi . xix . lib. 7 XVIII . solid 7 II . denar. De hac tra huj^ CD ten Girard^ hid 7 dimid . Robt^ . iii . car trae. Radulf^ . II . car tree . Roger^ . 11 . car trae . Walter^ . i . car tras. Ibi sunt . nil . radmans . pbr 7 xiiii . uifti 7 vi . bord . 7 11 . bouar. Int oms hnt . viii . car . SUua . iii . leuu Ig . 7 11 . leuu lat. 7 ibi . nil . au-« Accipitru . Valet tot . l . solid . Ex parte . e wasta. JCVex . E . tenuit Peneverdant . Ibi . 11 . car trae . 7 reddb . x . den. Modo . e ibi castellu . 7 11 . car sunt in diiio . 7 vi . burgses . 7 in. radmans . 7 viii . uitti 7 iiii . bouar . Int oms hnt . iiii . car . Ibi dimid piscaria . Silua 7 airae accipitru . sic T.R.E . Val . 111 . lib. In his . VI . HVND Derbie Neutone Walintune . Blacheburne a i, ti 7 octo Salford 7 Lailand sunt . c . qt . xx|Manerij . In q'b} sunt qt XX . hidae geld una min"^. T.R.E . ualb . cxLv . lib 7 11 . solid 7 11 . denar. Q'do Rogeii^ pictauensis de rege recepr' ualb . cxx . lib. Modo tenet Rex . 7 ht in dnio . xii . car . 7 ix . milites feudu tenentes . Int eos 7 eo^ hoes . sunt . cxv . car 7 in . boues. Diiium qd tenuit Rogeriusr' appciat . xxiii . lib 7 x . solid. Qd dedit militib}:' xx lib 7 xi . solid appciatuR. Couiitp palatine of Santasitfr. 107 In ILrj)lanti fBunttrrlr. Kinff Edward held Leyland, where he had one hide and two carucates of land, a wood two miles long and one broad, and an aerie of hawks. To this manor belonged twelve carucates of land, wliich twelve freemen held as twelve manors : in these are six hides and eight carucates: there are woods six miles long, and tliree and a quarenten broad. The men of this manor and of »S'ff//brfZ did not work as customary for the king at the haU, nor tUd they reap in August ; they only made one hedge in the wood: they were subject to fines for wounding and rajie, and had all the other customs of the other superior manors. The whole of the manor of Leyland, with the hundred, rendered to the king nineteen poimds eighteen shilliugs and two pence. Of the land in tins manor Girard holds one hide and a half, Robert three carucates, Radulph two canicates, Roger two carucates, Walter one carucate. There are foiu: radmans, a priest, and fourteen villains, and six bordars, and two neatherds : between them they have eight carucates, wood tlii'ee miles long and two miles broad, and four aeries of hawks. The whole is worth fifty shUlings — part is waste land. King Edward held Peneverdant (Penwortham), where there are two carucates of land, wliich rendered ten pence. There is now a castle there ; and there are two carucates in the demesne, six burgesses, three radmans, eight villains, and four neatherds ; between all they have four cai'ucates ; there is half a fishery, a wood, and aeries of hawks. As in the time of King Edward it is valued at three pounds. In these six hundreds, Derby, Newton, Warrington, Blackburn, Salford, and Leyland, there ai"e one hundred foui-score and eight manors, in which there are fourscore liides, save one, to be taxed. In the time of King Edward they were valued at one hundred and forty-five pounds two shillings and two pence. When Roger de Poictou received them from tlie king, they were valued at one hundi'ed and twenty pounds. The king now holds them, and has ui the demesne twelve cai'ucates, and nine knights holding: a fee : between them and their vassals there are one hundred and fifteen carucates and three oxen. The demesne wliich Roger held is valued at twenty-three pounds ten sliiUings, and what he gave to the knights at twenty pounds eleven shillings. CHAP. III. p 2 CHAH. III. 108 COt In&tOVlJ of tftf IAgemvndrenesse. * n Prestvne . comes Tosti . vi . car ad gld • Ibi ptin he trtE. II.C* i.c' l.C .ii.c' .II.C* IIII.C' VI.C' Estun . Lea . Saleuuic . Clistun . Neutime . Frecheltun . Rigbi. IIII.C' n.c' II.C* ii.c' .111.0' -II.C' .jjii.c' Chicheham . Treueles . Westbi . Pluntun . Widetun . Pies . Wartiin. .ii.c' .TI.C* .VI. VI.C' IIII.C' .\HIC' Lidun . Meretun . Latun . Staininghe . Carlentun . Biscopham. II.C' II.C VI.C' .II.C' .VI.C' III.C' Rushale . Brune . Torentun . Poltun . Singletun . Greneholf. .IIII.C' II.C' III.C' II.C I.c' I.C' Eglestun . alia Eglestun . Edelesuuic . Inscip . Sorbi , Aschebi. .I.C .II.C .II.C' .I.c' -v.c' Michelescherche . Catrehala . Clactune . Neuhuse . Pluntun. .I.c' .II.C' III.C' .I.c' .I.c' Broctun . Witingheham . Bartun . Gusansarghe . Halctun. .I.c' .I.c' III.C' .1.0' .I.c' .II.C' Trelefelt . Watelei . Chipinden . Actun . Fiscuic . Grimesarge. ii.c' ii.c .i.c* .1.C' -I.c Ribelcastre . Bileuurde . Suenesat . Fortune . Crimeles . Che vie' ii.c' .ii.c' h .iii.c' .ii.c' restanc. Rodeclif. alia Rodeclif" .tcia Rodeclif. Hameltune. ini.o' vLc* I.c' Stalmine , Pressouede . Midehope. 0ms h^ uille iacent ad Prestune . 7 iii . eccte . Ex his . xvi. a paucis incolunr . S3 quot sint habitantes ignoratur. Reliqua sunt wasta . Rog pict habuit. f6ln HALTVN . habuit comes Tosti . vi . car tr^e ad gld. I lie' lie' iC vi.o' ii.c' n Aldeclif . Tiernun . Hillun . Loncastre . Chercaloncastre. ii.c' .ii.c' mi.c' .iiii C iiii.o' IIII.C' Hotun . Neutun . Ouretun . Middeltun . Hietune . Hessam. ii.c' ii.c' -li.c' VI. c' Ii.c' VI.C Oxeneclif . Poltune . Toredholme . Schertune . Bare . Sline. liii.c' VI.O' .11.0' .II.C' ii.c' Bodeltone . Chellet . Stopeltierne . Neuhuse . Chreneforde. _ h Oms hae uillae ptin ad Haltune. CD J n WiTETVNE . tib comes Tosti . vi . car tre ad gld. II.C* vi.o' ii.c' III.C' .III.C* In Neutune . Ergune . Ghersinctune . Hotun . Cantesfelt. III.C' III.C' III.C' IIII.C' .I.c' VI.C' Irebi . Borch . Lech . Borctune . Bernulfesuuic . Inglestune. III.C' III.C' I. II.C' vi.c' Castretune . Berebrune . Sedberge . Tiernebi. Oms ha2 uillae ptin ad Witetune. * This Survey is inserted under the head Evrvicscire, fo. 301 b. and 302 a. Count)) |)alatme of Hanrasitn'. 109 ailtOUniirrnr0S*, mulcr En-vic-sdre. CHAP. In Prcstvne (Prkston) Earl Tosti had six carucates to be taxed. These lands belong thereto : — III. Estun (Ashton) two carucates ; Lea (Lea) one carucate ; Saleunic (Salwick) one carucate ; Cliston (Cliftox) two carucates ; Neuiune (Newton) two carucates ; Frecliellvti (Freckelton) four carucates; Rigbi (Ribby) six carucates. CAjc/je/mra (Kirkham) four carucates ; TreMeZes (Treales) two carucates; IFesiSi (Westby) two carucates ; Pluntun (Plumpton) two carucates; Widetun (Weeton) three carucates; Pres (Preese) two carucates ; Wartun (Warton) four carucates. Lidun (Lytham) two carucates ; Meretim (Marton) six carucates ; Latiin (Layton) six caru- cates ; Staininghe (Staining) six carucates ; Carlentun (Carlton) four carucates ; Biscopham (Bispham) eight carucates. iJ«s/mZe (Rossall) two carucates ; Brtiwe (Brining) two carucates ; Torcntun {TnonsTOn) six carucates; Poltun (Poulton) two carucates; Singletun (Singleton) six carucates; Greneholf (Greenhalgh) three carucates. Eglestun (Eccleston) four carucates ; another Eglestun (Eccleston) two carucates ; Edelesuuic (Elswick) three carucates; Inscip (Inksip) two carucates; Sorbi (Sowerby) one carucate; Aschebi (Nateby) one carucate. Michelescherche or Michael's Church, one carucate ; Catrehala (Catterall) two carucates ; Clactune (Claughton) two carucates ; Neiihuse (Newsham) one carucate ; Pluntun (Plumpton) five carucates. Brocton (Broughton) one carucate ; Witingheham (Whittingham) two carucates ; Bartun (Barton) three carucates : Gusansarghe (Goosnargh) one carucate ; Halctun (Haighton) one carucate. Trelefelt (Threlfield) one carucate ; Watelei (Whalley) one carucate ; Chipinden (Chip- ping) three carucates; ^ciun (Alston) one carucate; Fiscuic (Fishwick) one carucate ; Grime- sarge (Grimsaigh) two carucates. iJt6eZcas/re (Ribchester) two carucates ; JSi'/eirarrfe (Billsborough, two carucates ; Suenesat (Swainset) one carucate ; Fortune (Forton) one carucate ; Crimeles (Crimbles) one carucate ; Cherestanc (Garstang) six carucates ; Rodecliff (Rawcliffe) two carucates ; another Rodeclif (Rawcliffe) two carucates ; a third ditto, tliree carucates ; Hameltune (Hambleton) two carucates. Stalmine (Stalmin) four carucates ; Pressouede (Preesall) six carucates ; Midehope (Mithope or Midhope) one carucate. All these villages and three churches belong to Prestune (Preston) ; of these sixteen have few inhabitants — but how many inhabitants there may be is not known. The rest are waste. Roger de Poictou had it. In aonsaalf Vale. Manor. In Haltun (Halton) Earl Tosti had six carucates of land to be taxed. In Aldeclif {\\,viC\AYe) two carucates ; Tiernun (Thurnham) two carucates ; Hillim (Hillhaji) one carucate ; Loncastre (Lancaster) six carucates ; Chercaloncastre (Kirby'-Lancaster) two farucates. Hotun (Hutton) two carucates ; Neutun (Newton) two carucates ; Oiiretun (Overton) four carucates; Middeltun (Middleton) four carucates; //e'eZttne (Heaton) four carucates; Hessam (Heysham) four carucates. Oxeneclif (O^c^T-vv) ivio carucates; Po/^^ine (Poulton) two carucates ; Toredholme (Torris- uolme) two carucates; Schertune (Skerton) six carucates; Bare (Bare) two carucates; Sline (Sly'ne) six carucates. Bodeltone (Bolton) four carucates ; Chellet (Kellet) six carucates ; Stopeltierne (Stapleton- therne) two carucates; Neuhuse (Newsome) two carucates ; Chreneforde (CAnvFomn) two carucates. All these villages belong to Haltune (Halton.) Manor. In Witetvne (Whittington) Earl Tosti had six carucates of land to be taxed. In iVeuZttree (Newton) two carucates ; Ergune (Arum orARKHOLME) six carucates ; Ghersinc- tune (Gressingham) two carucates ; Hotun (Hutton) three carucates ; Cantesfelt (Gansfield) three carucates. /r^ii (I rebt) three carucates ; BorcA (Burrow) three carucates ; iec^ (Leck) three carucates ; (all in Lancashire.) i?orc of ti)t CHAP. Tlie oTeat baroiiial proprietors, both Saxon and Nonnan, of the " Honor of ^^^' Lancaster " were amongst the most unfortunate of theii- order. Tlie earls Morcar and Tosti had suffered the fate so common to men in exalted stations in those turbu- lent times ; and Roger de Poictou, the thii-d son of Roger de Montgomery, though endowed ^vith three hundred and ninety-eight manors, as the reward of the sei-vices rendered by his family to the Conqueror, was doomed to sun-ender them all as the price of liis rebellion. Tlie proprietors, at the time of taking the survey, had greatly increased in number, and the manners and customs of the people, as developed in the survey of the six hundi-eds between the Mersey and the Ribble, form the most valuable feature of this ancient record.* The tenure by which the thanes held the land in the hundred of Derby was — two ores of pennies for a carucate : this must have been most indulgent as far as the rent was concerned, but the obligation to build the king's houses, to attend his fisheries, to repak his fences, and to reap his Thanes, harvest, would add not a little to the pressure upon the thanes. Tliere were two classes of thanes, — the ecclesiastic, called in Saxon, Mass-Thanes, and the temporal or secular thanes. Both of these were again divided into two classes ; the greater thanes were next in rank to earls, being the king's thanes, and called Barones Regis. The inferior the Saxons called the less thanes, without any addition, as the smaller barons, such as lords of manors, the less valvasores, and freeholders. After the invasion of the Normans, many military men of that rank and appellation, endowed vfith the title of knight, were called by the name of thanes, and afterwards of milites or equites — laiights. Such was the inequality of the laws in these times, that in some disti-icts — Oirel, Halsall, and Everton, for instance — the occupiers were exempt not only from the principal tax (dane-geld), but they were exonerated fi'om the punislmaent justly due to some crimes of the greatest enormity ; wlule in other places, the oflfence of ravisliing a woman, and of the tenant absenting liimself fi"om the slure-mote or hundi'ed court, were to be punished with the same severity, viz., a fine of ten sliillings ! It appears also that there were in tliese six hundreds one luuwhed and eighty-eight manors, and that then- annual value, when Roger de Poictou received them from the king, was scarcely equal to that of a small estate in our times. The conti-ast between the nature of landed possessions in this district, in the time when the dane-geld tax was enforced in 1086, and the time when the * The appellation Christis Crofte was anciently given to this tract, and it is celebrated as a place of securitY in troublesome times, in the following metrical prophecy : — " When all England is alofte. Safe are they that are in Christis Crofte ; And where should Christis Crofte be But between Ribble and Mersey." Coiintp llalatmr of iLaiuastrr. ii3 property tax existed in 1814, is most strikiug; in the former all the lands between chap. Mersey and Ribble were valued at £120, — in the latter at £2,569.761. Allowing L_ for the tlifference in the value of money at the two periods, the statement will stand thus : — Annual value in 1086 £120, x 110 = £13,200 In 1814 2,569,761 Increased value . . £2,556,561 Of the different ranks of men mentioned in the Domesday Survey, the Bai'ons, the Thanes, the Free-men, the Radmen, the Drenches,* the Bordars, the Bond- men, and the Villains, the dissertation on Feudal Tenures, already inserted, will afford general information, while the measure of land, and the value of money, in those times, will be collected from the same source. The Saxon titles consisted of EtlUing, Duke, Earl, and Comes, but they all Titles. merged at the Conquest into the more general and comprehensive title of Norman Baron. At the head of the Capitanei Regni, or cliiefs of the realm, in the earlier of these periods, stood the Ethlings. These were noble persons of the first rank, as princes sprung from the blood royal, and were endowed accordingly Avith great fees and offices in the kingdom. Of this description was Edgar Ethling, but the Conquest deprived liim of his inheritance. Amongst the Saxons were certain magisti'ates called Aldermen. These were Aldermen. princes and governors of provinces. Earls, Presidents, Senators, Tribunes, and the like. They were of different ranks, as Aldermannus totius Anglice, (the Aldei'man of all England), in later times imagined to be capitalis Anglice Justiciarius, (chief justice of England) ; Aldermannus Regis (king's alderman), so called because he was constituted by the king, or that he exercised regal authority in the province com- mitted to his charge ; Aldermannus Comitatus (of a county), sometimes taken pro Schyreman et ipso Comite, (for the sliireman and the comes himself). The office of Alderman was to inspect the county's arms, and to raise forces witliin his jurisdiction ; to repress the refractory, and to promote public justice. The Bishops were nobles inferior in rank to Earls. By the laws of Alfred and Athelstan, the lives of the dignitaries, both in the church and state, were valued, and the rate at wloich their heads were estunated serves to show thefr relative dignity. The head of the Archbishop, the Earl, or Satrap, was valued at 15,000 thrymses; the bishop and alderman, at 8,000 ; the Belli Tmperator et summus propositus, (the conunander and chief officer of war,) or vice-comes (sheriff), at 4,000 thrymses. From which it appears that the alderman held the middle station between the earl * See Chap. iii. p. 82. VOL. I, Q 114 Ci)e 5?i£itori) of tl)f CHAP, aiij the sheriff. After the Conquest, the alderman's office grew out of use, and was superseded almost entii-ely by the sheriff. Honors were hereditable before the Conquest by earls and barons, and for the most pai't to such as were of the blood-royal ; hence the honor of Lancaster had been possessed successively by earls Tosti and Morcar. By the Norman law, honors became a feudal patrimony of any of the liigh bai'ons, generally adjoined to the principal seat of the baron. The great baron of Lancashii-e, Roger de Poictou, so called from having manied Akuodis of Poictou, ranked amongst the Capitales Bai'ones, holding immecUately from the crown. The barons who held of him were called Bai-ones Comitatus (barons of the county), and held free courts for all pleas and complaints, except those belonging to the earl's sword. Tlie ancient barons in tliefr lordships or baronies took cognizance of litigation and robberies, and employed the privileges which are called sac, soc, tol, theam, infangthef, outfangthef, feiias, et marketas.* The distinction between an honor and a manor consists principally in the much greater extent of the former, and in the courts held in each. We have already seen that a manor is composed of demesne and services, to which belong a tlu'ee weeks' Court or Berry, where the freeholders, being tenants of the manor, sit covered, and give judgment in all suits that are there pleading. But an honor has either a castle, as at Lancaster, or at least the site of a castle, or some principal house of state, consisting of demesnes and services, to wliich a number of manors and lordships, with aU their appurtenances and other regalities, are annexed. To every manor a Court Baron is attached. In an honor, an honourable Berry or Court is kept, once every year at least, and oftener if requu-ed ; at wliich court all the freeholders of aU the manors which stand united to the honor, make their appear- ance, and in which suitors do not sit, but stand bai'eheaded. Over that court should be hung a cloth of state, Avith a chair ,of state, upon whicli chair should be laid a cushion made of cloth of gold, or what is becoming and decent for a place of honour, and upon which there ought to be embroidered the arms belonging to the honor. The barons of the Honor of Lancaster, in the time of the Conqueror, are thus exliibited in Kenion's MSS, * Soc was the power of administering justice ; Sac, of hearing and determining causes and disputes, with the power of levying forfeitures or fines ; Tol, an acquittance from payment of duties or tolls in every part of the kingdom ; Theam, a royalty granted over their villain tenants, as well as over their wives, and children, and goods, to dispose of them at pleasure. Spelmau calls it, a right of trying their bondmen and serfs. Infangthef weis the privilege of trying thieves taken within their lordship ; Outfangthef, a royalty granted by the king, with power to try and punish a thief dwelling out of the baron's liberty or fee, for a theft committed out of his jurisdiction, if he be taken within it. Countj) t^alatine of Sanraster. 115 " List of Barons Cosi. Lanc. uuder Roger de Poictou. " Godefiidus, Vicecomes eius de Derby — Yardfridus, Baro de Widnes — Paganus Villers, Bai-o de Wan-intou — Albertus Grelle, Baro de Manchester — Burin, Baro de Ratcliale and Totingten — Ilbert Lacy, Baro de Clithero — War- linus Banish-e, Baro de Newton — Waninua Bushel, Baro de Penwortham — Roger de Montbegon, Baro de Hornby — William Mai-shall, Baro de Cartmel — Michael riemingus, Baro de Glaston — William de Lancaster and Robert de Fumes, Barones de Ulverston — Wil de Lancaster, Baro de Nethei-wii-esdal — Theobaldus Walter, Baro de Weeton." — N.B. Another copy says, " Tlieob. Pincerna." In tracing the bai'ony of Lancaster, we find the founder of this illustrious house to have been Ivo de Talebois, otherwise TaUlebois, otherwise Talboys, of the house of Anjou, who came over with the Conqueror, and who, in virtue of his marriage with Lucy, the sister of the Saxon earls Edwin and Morcar, seconded by the favour of liis prince, obtained a lai-ge portion of the north of Lancashii-e, and so much of Westmoreland as comes mider the designation of tlie bai'ony of Kendal. The Richmond Fee, the Marquis Fee, and the Lmnley Fee, fonned portions of tliis barony, and William, the gi-eat gi-andson of Ivo de Talebois, first caused himself, by royal license, to be called William de Lancaster and bai-on of Kendal, before the king in parliament. The descents of this famUy are thus given in Kuerden's MSS. under the head CHAP. III. Baron of the honor of Lancas- ter. BARONY OF WILLIAM DE LANCASTER. 1. John Talboys I^J Lucia J^ Rog. de Roman. 2. Ethelbert- W. de Romana. Co. Bedford. r J 4. Will, de Lanc- Ros- 5. Will, de Lanc. Girard- Albert Grelle- Aylward Chetil 1^3 3. Gilb. de Furnesio — , Reinfrid — ^ Ralph Alex. R. de Meschines — ^ Rob. — > Em. f(3?§i CO o u -o- a 0,B B nr <0 M re ■O* O! w a lU B CI o HH o ^5 2 S > w ss l-H >- H /— s > H t^ > f 2! M (> > -J !;^ PI O •^ tS o cc 3 ^ O s €*< t: n H c ffi 9& H ;t» H 2 S ;> Cfl « S3 PI E c «-»- s ^ 3 n 2 o a ^ 3 ^ td 3 1 o •< s O P3 3 H H r^ t* o ♦ < 8 y t^ a> i^ CO ^ L >■ > a? 156 o H Oh S < M H tf O ♦ ^ PS >-^ Q ^ 1 o 5< 3 X O 1^ a: o- n j; r> •< W (-♦■ > » rt f n H s? tn' o ♦I* a n o > » « o > r- ../ % ^ t-- r: ($i jo ? ?". o -^ o s o a >♦ t:^ W fO 21 p !-■ > a. n Tl PJ » ^^ 3 c s. 158 rH\i'. IV. These Descents and Alliances of the noble House of Lancaster, derived from the most correct sources, are confirmed by tlie indubitable evidence of tlie best historians, and the heraldic illustrations are amongst the earliest efforts in tliis country, of men learned in " the Antient usage of Honour commonly called Arms," of which our distinguished Herald, Sir William Dugdale, Garter Principal King of Arms, the worthy scion of a Lancastrian stock, has said : — " That these Ensigns of Honour, as are commonly call'd Arms, which of later times have been cliiefly used for distinction of families, had their original from the practice of great Commanders in War, is not imkno^vn to the learned. For certain it is, that the faces of all gi-eat military Officers, being obscured by such Hoods and Helmets as were antiently worn in times of Battel ; it was espechent, that by some other means then- persons should be notified to their friends and followers. Necessity therefore requiring it, they depicted upon their Sheilds (wliich were bom for the defence of their bocUes) as also upon theii- Surcotes of silk. Banners, Penons, (Sfc. certain Badges, tliat might make them known at a distance from each other. Of which sort those, that were most conspicuous ; viz. Crosses, Bends, Fesses, Cheve- rons, Saltiers, ^c. (all single charges) being ever held the best. " In bearing whereof (as appeareth by divers old Rolls of Arms) such order was observed, that none might assume anothers mark ; but that there should be a plain and apparent diflference in each man's Shield, Surcote, Banner, Penon, &^c. to the end, that upon any disorder the common Souldier might know his Leader, and the better repair to his succour in case of danger. " But these latter times having devised other sorts of Armour and weapons both for offence and defence, then of old were used ; those marks and Badges in Shields, Surcotes, S^c. have been for (Uvers past ages, as to any such military purpose, totally layed aside; and since meerly retained as honourary Ensigns by the Nobility and Gentry ; especially to difference themselves and theii' families from the vulgar, and one from another ; as also to distinguish the collaterals from those of the principal stock. In all wluch the Kings of Arms, in their respective Provinces, were to see due order observed." Countp ^alattnt of SLanragtrr. 159 Cftap. F. Character of Henry Plantagenet — His marriage, and summons to parliament by the title of Earl of Derby^Created duke of Hereford — His quarrel with the duke of Norfolk — Wager of Battel — Great preparations for the contest — The dukes separated in the moment of the on-set— Both sentenced to banishment — The duke of Hereford quits the country amidst the general lamenta- tion of the people. — Elevated to the dignity of duke of Lancaster on the death of his father, John of Gaunt — Returns to England — Expels Richard 11. from the throne. — Elevation of the noble House of Lancaster to the royal dignity — Allusion, on ascending the throne, to the tradi- tion, that Edmund Crouchback was superseded by his younger brother. — Ancient tradition, that John of Gaunt was a foundling — Original letter on that subject. — Possessions of the Duchy of ' Lancaster separated from the crown possessions. — Establishment of the duchy court. — Abolition of the duchy court of star chamber. — Augmentation of the duchy po.ssessions. — Early archives of the duchy. — Inquisitions post mortem, and pleadings in the duchy court. — Incorporation and confiscation of the duchy. — Act of Philip and Mary for restoring the duchy possessions. — Ancient duchy book, revenues, fees, &c. — Abolition of the feudal system. — Administration of the affairs of the duchy, and appropriation of the revenues under the Commonwealth. — Chancellors of the duchy of Lancaster, from the creation of the duchy to the present time.— Duchy records, their nature described, and the places of their deposit stated. — Officers of the duchy as they at present exist. — The duchy seal. — Origin and use of seals. — Ducatus Lancastriae, from the Harleian MSS. CHAP. V. ENRY Plantagenet, surnamed of Boliiigbroke,from the place of liis birth, was, in character, cliainctrically the reverse of his sovereign, king Richard II. His Henry talents were of a superior order ; his manners were net. ° popular, and even fascinating; and his ambition led him to aspire to a higher station than tliat of the fii-st subject in the realm, wliich his father had so long occupied. In the fourth j^ear of Uie reign of Richard II., Henry His mar- was betrothed, with the consent of the king, to Mary de Bohun, the younger daughter "^^*' and coheiress of Himiplrrey de Bohun, late earl of Essex, Hereford, and North- ampton, and herecUtary constable of England. In 1385, he was summoned to pai-liament by the title of Henry, earl of Derby. In the eleventh yeai- of the reign, Henry was engaged with the duke of Gloucester, in the combination against the 160 Cftf lisitoii) of tin CHAP, king's ministers, at which his majesty took gi-eat offence ; but Ricliard was afterwards _^J reconciled to liim, and in the 21st year of liis reign wo find the king "sitting in royal majesty, holding in liis hand a rod, and making his cousin, sir Henry of Lan- caster, earl of Derby, a duke, by the title of Duke of Hereford." Quarrel Tliis reconciliation was, however, short-lived ; a violent quan-el having arisen dillVof' between the duke of Hereford and the duke of Norfolk, which terminated in an Norfolk, j^ppgj^] to arms, the king availed himself of this opportunity, with the advice of his council, of which the duke of Lancaster, father of the duke of Hereford, was at the head, to send them both into exile. The circumstances of tliis memorable quarrel and combat, in which all England, as well as all the knights of Chi-istendom, felt the most lively interest, are related with gi-eat particularity in the following docu- ment, extracted from a MS. entitled, " The Originall of Herehawghtes," in the British Museum.* In some of the versions relating to this memorable duel, it is repre- sented, that Henry, duke of Hereford, lodged the information against Thomas, duke of Norfolk; but sir John Froissart, a contemporary wi-iter, states the matter differ- ently, and more probably, by representing, that the secret of the confidential conver- sation between the duke of Hereford and the duke of Norfolk was divulged by the latter ; and this construction is supported by the more severe sentence passed upon that duke, " because he had sowen sediciou in this realme by his woordes, whereof he could make no profe." " A Comhate to hefowglde bcUvlvt ye Duke of Hereforde and Tliomas Mowhraye, Jyrst Duke of Northefolke and 3farshall of Enylande. Cause of " Henry, Eai-le of Darbeye, (sonne of John of Gaunte, duke of Lancaster, and ^^equar- £Q^yj.^]jg |,pgQ^^gjj gonne of Edwarde y' thirde) being but a little before created Duke of Hereforde, a prudente and politiq' psonue, beganne to consider howe that Kinge Richarde, liis cousyne gerinaine did litle regard the counseile of his vncles, or other gi'aue psonnes, but did set his wille and appetite in steade of Law and Reasonne ; on a daye being in y'' compaignye of Thomas Mowhraye, firste duke of Northefolke, beganne to breake his mynde vnto liim, (rather lamentinge on the behalfe of his cousine germame the king, then for anye malice that he bare vnto bun) tellinge him, that the kinge little estemed or regarded the nobles and princes of his Realme, but that he soughte occasions (as much as in him did lye) to destroye the greater pte of them, nothinge esteeminge the blotte of honor, the damage of the weale publique, the murmuiinge of the nobility, the gi'udge of the comons, nor the wonderinge of all men, at his ATiprincely doinge, desii'ed the Duke of Northefolke, (w"'' was one * Harl. MSS. No. 6079. fo. 29—31. Countj) ^Jalatiiie of iLamneitfr. ifii of the kinges priuey counsaile, and well harde w"' him,) to aduertise ye Idnge to chap. tourue the leafe, and to take a better lesson. '. " When the Duke of Northefolke had harde his deuice at fiille, he toke it not in good parte, but rekened that he had got a praye, by w"'" he shoulde obtaine gieater fauoure of the kinge then euer he had, so at that time dissembled the matter, (as he was in deede a deepe dissembler,) and hauiuge fytte opportunitye, opened the whole matter vnto the king, and (aggi'auatinge the same to make yt appeare vnto him more hajTious,) broughte the kinge in gTeat dislikinge w"' the Dulve of Hereforde. Neueilhelesse his furye beinge somewhat appeased, he detenniiied to hear bothe ptyes indifferently, aikl called vnto liim the Duke of Lancaster, and his counsaile, and also the Dukes of Hereforde and Northefolke, and caused the accuser to reporte openly the woorde to him declarde, w'*" rehersed them againe, as he had before related them to the kinge. Wlieu Duke Henry harde the tale othermse reported then he either thought or sayde, (somwhat disquieted w* y' \aitrewthe of y' matter) besoughte y* kinge that he would not conceaue any euil opinion of him vntUl he vnderstoode more of y' matter ; and tourninge him to his accuser, declared woorde and woorde what he had saide, and shewed the cause whereupon he spake them, affirminge, that if the kinge wolde pmitte and suffer him, he wolde pue his accuser a false forger of seditious tales, by the stroke of a speare, and dynte of a sworde. The Duke of Northefolke afhnned constantly his sayeinge to be trewe, and refused not the combate. The kinge demaunded of them bothe if they wolde agi-ee betweene themselves, vf"^ they bothe refused ; and then he grauuted them the battell, and assigned them y' place to be at Coventree citye, in y' monethe of Auguste next ensueinge, wliere he caused a sumpteous theatre, and hste roiall, to be prepared. " At the daye appoynted, the 2. valiaunte dukes came to Coventree, accompaig- Prepara- nied w* y' nobles and gentries of theii-e linages, w'^'" encouraged them to y" tiiTcom- vttei-moste. At y" daye of combate and fighte, the Duke of Aumai-le that daye liighe marshall, entred into the lyste w"" a gi-eate compaignie of men, apparailed in silke sendale, embroudered w"" siluer both richly and curiouslye, euery man havinge a tipped staffe to keepe y" field in order. About the tyme of prime, came to the The com- barriers of the liste, the Duke of Hereford, mounted upon a wliite courser, barbed enter the with blewe and green velute, embroudered sompteouslye, w"" swannes and ante- loppes of goldesmithes woorke, armed at all pointes. The constal)le and marshall came to y^ barriers demaundinge of liim what he was, who answered, " I am Henrye of Lancaster, Duke of Hereforde, w'''' am come hether to doe my deuoyre againste Thomas Mowbraye, Duke of Northefolke, as a traitor vntrewe to God, the kinge. Ids realme, and me." Then incontiuente he sware vpon the Holy Evangeliste, that liis quan-el was iuste and trewe, and therupon, he desired that he myghte enter the VOL. I. y 162 Cftf 5)i5ton) of tl)r CHAP liste. Then he put vp his sworde, (w^'' before he helde naked in his hande,) and put ^- down liis -siser, and made a crosse in his foreheade, and, av"' speare in his hande, entred into y" liste, and descended from liis horse, and set him downe in a chaire of oreene velute, w'"' Avas set in a traues of greene and blewe velute, at thone ende of the liste, and there reposed himselfe, expectinge the cominge of his aduersarye. Soone after liim entred into y' field w"" greate pompe. King Ricliarde, accopaned w"' all v" pieres of liis realme ; and tliere came w* him also the Erie of St. Paule, who came in poste oute of Fraunce, to see thys challenge pformed. The kinge had aboue ten thousande men in hai-nesse, lest some fraye or tumult myghte rise amongest his nobles by parte taldnge, or quarrellinge. When the kinge was set on his stage, w'" was richely hanged, and pleasantly adourned, a kinge of ai-mes made open pclamation, pliibitinge all men, in y' kynges name, and y' high con- stable and marshalls names, vpo paine of deathe, not to enterprise, to approche any parte of y' listes, excepte suche as were appointed to order and marshall y'' fielde. Wliiche pclamation ended, another haraulde cryed, " Beholde here Henrye of Lan- caster, Duke of Hereforde appealante, w'" is entred into y' Lystes royall, to doe his deuoyi-e againste Thomas Mowbraye, Duke of Northefolke, defendante, vpon paine to be pved false and recreante." The Duke of Northefolke houered on horsebacke ; at the entrye of y' Lyste Ms horse beinge barbed wth crimson velute, embroudered w* Lyons of syluer and mulbery trees. And when he had made his othe before the constable and marshaU, that liis quarell was iuste and trewe, he entered y' fielde manfully, sayinge aloude, " God ayde him that hathe y' right;" and then he dismounted from his horse, and sate downe in his chaii'e, which was crimson velute, curtened aboute w"' wliite and red damaske. Prepare " The L. Marshall vewed theyre speares to see that they were at one equall for action. jgj-|g^-[^g^ ^^^^ deliucred thone speare liimselfe to the Duke of Hereforde, and sent thotber speare to the Duke of Northefolke by aknighte. Then y' haraulde pclaimed, that y" trauesses and cliaiers of y' champions shoulde be remoued, comaundinge them, on y' kinges behalf, to mounte on horsebacke, and to addresse themselues to y'' battayle and combate. The Duke of Hereforde was quicklye horsed, and closed his bauier, and cast his speare into y* reste, and (when ye trompet sounded) set forwardes courageouslye towai'de his enemy .6. or .7. paces. The Duke of Northe- folke was not fully set forwarde, when y° kinge caste downe his warder, and the separa- haraulde cried " Ho ! Ho !" The kinge then caused theire speares to be taken comb'a-*'^^ from them, and comaunded them to repaire vnto their chaires, where they remained .2. longe howres, wiiile y" king and his counsaile deliberately consulted, what waye was best to be taken in so waighty a case. " Then the haraulde cried Silence, and Sr John Borcye, secretary to the kinge, tants, Coimtp ^alattnf of Sanrastrr. 163 reade y^ sentence and determination of the kinge and his counsaile, in a loiige c;h.vp. roUe, pnouucinge it in this nianr. " My Lordes and masters, I intimate and notifie ' \aito you hy y" kinges ma"% and liis honorable counsayle, that Henrye of Lancas- Sentence ter, appealante, and Tliomas, Duke of Northefolke, defendante, have honorably and king. valiantly appeared here w*"" in the lists royall this daye, and haue bene ready to darraine to battaile, like .2. valiante knyghtes and hardye champions, but because y' matter is greate and waighty between those .2. greate prynces, the kinge and his counsaile haue taken this order : Firste, that Henrye, Duke of Hereforde, for diners considerations, and because he hath displeased the Idnge, shall, w"' in XV. dayes next foUowinge, depte oute of the realme, for terme of X. yeares, \v"' oute retoiu'ninge, excepte he be by the kinge repealed againe, vpony' paine of deathe." The harauld then again cryed " O Yes," and then y' secretary pnounced, " That Thomas Mow- braye, Duke of Northefolke, by thordinaunce of the kinge and liis counsaile, because he had sowen sedicion in tliis realme, by his woordes wherof he coulde make no profe, shall auoyde the realme of Englande, and dwell in Hungrye, Boeame, Pruce, or where he Idve, and neuer retourne againe into England, nor approche y' borders or confines of y' same, vpon paine of deathe, and that y'' lunge wolde stay y' pfites and reuenewes of hys landes in liis owne hand, vntill he had receaued suche somes of money as the Didie had taken vp of the kinges treasoui'er for the wages of y' garison of Callyce, w''' weare styll vnpaied." " ^Vlien these iudgementes were thus deuulged, the kinge called before liim those two exiles, and made them sweare, that thone shoulde neur come w"" in sem into place where thother was (willingely), or keepe compaignye, to go there in any forrayne regione, w'*" othe they humbly receaued, and depted fi'om y' Lystes. It was supposed that the kinge mistrusted, that if they two shoulde ioyne in one againe, and conspii'e to be reuenged againste liim, that they mighte woorke him muche trouble, and for that cause to haue deuised this othe. Then the Dulce of Northefolke (w'^'" supposed he should have been borne oute by y" kinge) repented sore of liis enterpryse, and depted sorowfuUy oute of the realme, into Almayne, and at the last came to Hungre, where (through thought and melancholy) he deceassed. The Duke of Hereforde tooke liis leave of y° kinge at Elsham, whiche there released .4. yeares of liis banislunent; and so he toke his iourneye to Callice, and so into Fraunce, where hauinge gotten estimation w"' Charles the Frenche kinge, had like (by y' helpe of y' said kinge) to have maryed thonly dawghter of John duke of Berye, vncle to the Frenche kinge, if kinge Richarde (for feare of y" miscliiefe that therby mighte ensue ^nto liis psonne, if the duke were so strongly alyed, because y' comons of Englande loued him dearely, and greatly desired Ins retourne) had not cast a stoppe in liis waye." ******* y 2 164 Cf)C jMEitori) of tf)t CHAP. V. Arrival at the French court. Becomes duke of Lancaster on his father's death. The duke s re- turn to England. The nation was highly incensed by the king's behaviour to the duke of Hereford, ivho was the darling of the principal peers, of the city of London, and of the people. Tliey held that he had committed no crime, and had been condemned without trial; that by his banishment they were deprived of their best protector; and tliey thought themselves by that event exposed to all the malice and indignation of an incensed and vincUctive tyrant. As the duke passed through the city of London on horseback, on his leaving the kingdom, he was followed by more than 40,000 people, who cried after liim, and bcAvailed his fate and their owa in the most moA'ing manner. He was accompanied on tliis occasion by trumpets and instruments of music, and with the more melting sounds of universal lamentation. The mayor of London, and others of the principal citizens, followed him to Deptford; and some accompanied liim as far as Dover, in his way to Calais. On the duke's an-ival at Paris, he was very graciously received by the court of France; where he was soon offered in maniage the only daughter of the duke of Berry, uncle of Charles VL To prevent this union, king Richard sent the earl of Salisbury, liis ambassador to the court of France, where the earl represented the duke of Hereford as a person guilty of traitorous designs against liis prince ; upon which the treaty of marriage proceeded no fai-ther. After liis departure, he received letters from his father, advising him rather to go into Castile than into Hungaay; but the duke of Lancaster becoming sick, his son continued in Paris, where the news reached him of liis father's death. The king avaihng liim self of the exile of the duke of Hereford, now become duke of Lancaster, seized the possessions of liis father, John of Gaunt, into his owa hands, and lavished them with his usual profusion upon liis favourites. Shortly after this time, the king was obliged to embarli for Ireland, to suppress a rebellion wliich had arisen in that oppressed country; and, during his absence, England fell into great distraction. In this exigency, the people of London sent for theii' favourite Henry, duke of Lan- caster, promising him their assistance, if he woidd accept of the government.* With such encouragement, and aided by the duke of Britany, he took shipping at Le Port Blanc, and landed at Ravenspur, at the mouth of the Humber, in Yorkshire, where he Avas met by a number of nobles in the north, and their followers. On liis arrival at Doncaster, he found himself at the head of a considerable army, and the common people in all places gi-eeting liis retimi with enthusiasm. The injustice practised towards him by the king, in first banishing him from the realm without proof of guilt, and then seizing upon his patrimonial inheritance, in yiolation of his letters patent, excited the intUgnation of the nation towards the oppressor, and their sympathy and enthusiasm in favour of the oppressed. His march tlirough * Froissart. Countp palatine of Xaucasftfr, 165 the country was a triumph ; every where the castles yielded to liis summons, and, chap. on liis arrival at Bristol, his forces were augmented to 60,000. To oppose this ' formidable force, the duke of York, Avho had been left viceroy of the kingdom during the king's absence, assembled an ai-my of 40,000 men at St. Alban's; but their attaclmient to the royal cause was so lukewai-m, that they attached themselves to the duke of Lancaster, on his representation that he sought not the subversion of the throne, but the recovery of liis paternal possessions, which the king had seized, on the death of liis illustrious fatlier. Tlie intelligence of tliis invasion reached the king when he was in Dublin, on wliicli he hasted back into England, and landed in Wales; whei'e, finding that he was almost totally forsaken, he went on to Conway castle, in the county of Carnarvon. The duke, on hearing of the king's arrival, miuxhed to Chester. From thence he despatched the earl of Northumberland to the king, who proposed that a parliament shoiUd be called, to remove the grievances of wliich the country complained, and particularly to arbitrate between the king and the duke of Lancaster. Richard, scarcely aware of the danger by which he was menaced, consented to Elevation an interAdew with tlie duke of Lancaster. In tliis way he became Ms prisoner, and bie house was, under various pretences of friendship and loyalty, conducted to London. To caster to give an air of justice to the lUtunate designs of the duke, he caused a parliament to dignity.* be convened under the authority of Richard, by Avliich parliament the king was declared to have forfeited Ms throne by extortion, rapine, and injustice. Being thus deposed by the suffi-ages of two estates of the realm, the throne was declared vacant, and the head of the noble house of Lancaster ascended the throne of these realms, by the stile and title of Henry IV. On receiving this dignity before the assembled parhament, the new monarch crossed liimself on the forehead, and, calling upon the name of Christ, said — " In the name of Fadlier, Son, and Holy Ghost, I Henry of Lancaster, " challenge tliis rewme of Yngland, and the croun, irith all the membres, and " the appurtenances ; als I that am descencht by riglit line of the blode, coming " fro the gude King Hemy therde, and throge that right that God of Ms grace " hath sent me, mth help of kyn, and of my frendes to recover it; the wliich " rewme was in poynt to be ondone by defaut of governance, and undoing of " the gude lawes."* A tradition had prevailed amongst the vulgar, that Edmond Crouchback, eaid of Lancaster, son of Henry III. was really the eldest brother of Edward I., but that, owing to some defonnity in Ms person, he had been supplanted in the succession by his younger brother ; and as the present duke of Lancaster inherited from Edmond ' * Knyghton, p. 2757. 166 €i)t W^tOV}} of tl)t CHAP, by liis mother, tliis genealogy constituted liiin the true heir to the throne. This Avas, ' however, a topic rather to be insinuated than dechu-ed, and the best grounds of Henry's claim wei'e the misrule of his predecessor, and the aflections of the people over whom he was himself called to govern. A similar story of John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, is told by that ancient gossip, Dame Alice Pierce,* the concubine of king Edward III., and retailed by John Stowe, the annalist, on which subject we find the following original letter, in the British Museum, (Harl.MSS. Cod. 374. DeRebus Literariis,Politicis,Domest.fol.23.) " Letter to Stowe, the Historian. " Mr. Stowe, — I hartely coiriend me vnto yow, and like well your Anuales, and gi-eat payues taken therin. My fownder is bound to yow, but that tale of Alice Peers is slannderous, and in my conscience most vntrue, nether hath Thomas Wal- singam, nor Froisard, nor any writer the same, but yow note of a nameless munck of St. Albans, and the addition to Polycrouico per nescio quern, and D. Har- pisfeld doth confute yt. The like tale that queue Pliilip should vtter in confession to B. Wikam, and B. Wikam to the Parlement, to witt, yt the duke of Lancaster was a chaingelinge ; that also is most vntrewe. And yet I know Monach^ Alban^ hath yt. In these tlu'ee poynts I must dispute wt yow, therefore provide your selfe against the next Time, for I will defend the negative in euery one ; as likewise that B. Wikam was neuer a banished man beyonde the seas. And yet some hold that he was there in banishment vij yeres, and some that he was then- but iij yers, and some yt he was the whiles in Normandy, some in Pariss, and all most vntruly ; nether can I fynde that Skipwith did euer precede to iudgment of the bannishment against him, but only to the deprivation of the temperalties of his bishopwricke. My sone, this beai'er, shall give yow a token to have me in remembrance in the premis- ses, by Your most assured friend, (Superscribed) " Thomas Martyn." " To my wel-beloved and very kind Mr. Stowe, at liis howse, beyonde London hall in London, give these." * The character of this Dame Alice Pierce, and of royal mistresses in later times, may be collected from the account given of her by Stowe himself, who says : — " at tf)t tinre tfie ISings sirSnesac inrrwsta, anti IpJigsirians trgati to Bispagrr o£ ^is vtfobcrg. alfdougli tf)c forenanitJ) iaiift, tosftficr toitb featitll, ficr Baiig1)trr, Bi& lie tj; f)tm rbcrn nigftt. • » • ijfiitg noto Bottatitflji tafem toitf) tf)c flag of Ijts fltatfi, fir 6rgan to fiabr manifest sigurs tt)ncof: tojat aiire T^icvte tfirn flifl. am man map iuflgc. altfiougfi tot srt tljnn not Dotonr in hiriting, for as soonr as Bl)f sato tljc King l)ati srt footr tuitljin Oratfis floorf, sfjc bctliouglit Ijcr of flugfit. jjft ttforr sfic tocnt Ifiat all mm miglit frrrribr tfiat stir lobrfl not tf)f litng for Jimsclfr, but foe tl)at tofiirfi teas i)is, sftc tooftc tfic rings from fiis fingers, tofiirlj for tfic rojialtir of Ijis ftlaicstir f)rc teas tDont to tocarc. Cf)uB jjttlBtng fjim surf) tfianliffl for Ijis benrfitts, eljrc bafl ftim aflicto, anO so tottfjBrciii fier srlfc from Jim." Stowe's Atinales, pp. 272, 270. Count!) ^3alatinr of ilanrasitfr. 167 To return. Heury duke of Lancaster being now seated upon the throne of chap England, the unfortunate Richard was sent to the duke's castle at Pontefract. ' Here he was detained in confinement for sonic time; but so short is the distance between the throne and the grave of a deposed monarch, that his life was speecHly terminated, either by the hand of the assassin, or the more protracted misery of famine. Richard's reign being thus teraiinated — " Post breve tempus Exiiit insigni sese diademate, sceptrum Henrico Lancastrensi regale relinquens" — his successor turned his attention to the appointment of his new officers. Tlie oflSce Appoint- of high-steward, which he possessed in right of his earldom of Leicester, derived public fi-om the Lacys, he confeiTed upon his second son, Lord Thomas, Avhose incapacity, from his non-age, was supplied by the earl of Worcester, wliile the office of chan- cellor of the duchy of Lancaster was given to John Wateringe, a divine of consi- derable influence with his royal master. Mr. Justice Blackstone, in liis Com- mentaries,* observes, that " the County Palatine, or duchy of Lancaster, was the property of Henry Bolingbroke, the son of John of Gaunt, at the time when he ^vi-ested the crown from king Richard IL and assmned the title of Idng Henry IV." But this is a mode of expression at variance with the usual accuracy of that dis- tinguished Amter's style, and would seem to imply, that the county palatine of Lancaster and the duchy of Lancaster are co-extensive, and that the terms are con- vertible. Tliis, however, is by no means the case, the county palatine being confined to the county, while the duchy of Lancaster, as we have already intimated, and as we shall speedily shew more specifically, comprehends not only the county of Lancaster, but many other portions of the kingdom. It has been justly observed by Plowden,t in the celebrated " Duchy of Lancaster Case," 4 Elizabeth, and by Sir Edward Coke,| in liis fourth Institute, that the new monarch was well aware, that " he held the duchy of Lancaster by sure and mdefeasible title, but that his title to the crown was not so assured : for that, after the decease of Richard II. the right of the crown wa.s in the heir of Lionel, duke of Clarence, second son of Edward III.; John of Gaunt, father of Hemy IV. being but the fourth son." One of his fii-st measures confers after ascending the throne was, therefore, to pass an act, sanctioned by parliament, duke of ordaining that his eldest son Henry should have and bear the name and title of on his duke of Lancaster, in addition to liis other titles ; and that neither the inheritance of liis duchy of Lancaster, or its liberties, should be changed, transferred, or diminished, through his assumption of the royal dignity ; but that they should retain their distinctive character and privileges, and be governed in like manner, as if he * Vol. i. Intro, sect. 4. p. 118. t P- 215. X p. 205. 168 Cl;f Jnstorj) of tl)c CHAP, had never attained the royal dignity* It was further dii-ected, that all ecclesiastical ^' benefices in the said duchy should be conferred by liimself and his heirs, so that the The duchy (lord) chancellor, ti'easurer, or other officers of tlie state, sliould not interfere, by from the rcasou of tliciv respective offices, with the collection or preservation, or even with crown. ^j^^ visitation, of benefices within the duchy; and that all receivers, bailiffs, and other servants of the duchy, &c. should appear before certain special auditors and ministers, and not before the treasurer and barons of the king's exchequer, and account and answer for profits and benefits of the duchy, without any interference of the treasurer and barons. * " ACT RENDERING THE INHERITANCE OF THE DUCHY OF LANCASTER INDEPENDENT OF THE POSSESSION OF THE CROWN. 1 Hen. IV. " Item fire dit seignoiir le roi, considerant coment luy Dieu tout puissant de sa grande grace luy admys en honourable estat du roy, & per tant il ne poet mesme pur certeine cause porter le nom de due de Lancastr' en son estile : Et auxi mesme fire seignour le roi, considerant coment cet honourable nom & estat de due ad este mesnez & governez moelt honourablement en honourable persone de son pier qi Dieu assoile & des pleusours ses honourable ancestres. Et veuUant sur ceo q le dit nom de due Lancastre soit continuez en honur come affiert ; de ladvis & assent des toutz les segnours espirituelx & temporelx & de les coes avauntditz ad ordeignes, q Henry son eisnex fitz ait & porte le nom de due de Lancastr' & qil soit nomez Prince de Gales, due d' Aquitaine, de Lancastr', & de Cornewaill, & count de Cestr'. Et outre ceo messme fire seign' le roy, considerant coment diverses libtees & franchises aient este gntes devant ces heures, sifen a son dit pier come as autres ses auncestres dues & countz de Lane' voet & gnte de ladvys & assent avauntditz, q mesme les libtees & franchises soient & demorgent a son dit eisnez fitz & ses heires dues de Lane', dissevez fitz de la corone d' Engleterre, qui teinent & entierment solonc leflfect & purport de les gntes avaundites; & sur ceo monstra una chartre en parlement ent fait, & la bailla a son eisnez fitz avauntdit. " Post amplissiman cartarum precedentium repetitionem & exemplificationem. Rex, nolens hereditatera suam ducatus sni Lancastr' aut libertates ejusdem, occasione assumptionis regalis status, in aliquo mutari, transferri, seu diminui ; sed eandem hereditatem, cum juribus & libertatibus suis pre- concessis, eisdem modo, forma, conditione, & statu, quibus sibi descenderunt & evenerunt, ac cum omnibus & singulis talibus libertatibus & franchesiis, &c. quibus Johannes dux Lancastr', pater regis, dum vixit, earn ad terminum vite sue habuit & tenuit, sibi & heredibus suis, in cartis predictis nomi- natis, plenari^ & integr^ conservari & continuari ; voluit & ordinavit, de assensu parliamenti quod tam ducatus suus Lancastr', quam universa alia comitat', honor', castr', maner', feoda, advocaticnes, pos- sessiones, &c. quecunque, sibi ante adoptionem dignitatis regis quatrcumque descensa, &c. sibi & dictis hered' suis, &c. remaneant ; & tali modo, & per tales ofiiciarios deducantur & gubernentur, &c. sicut remanere & gubernari deberent si ad culmen dignitatis regie assumptus non esset ; & quod talia & hujusmodi libertates, jura regalia, &c. in eisdem in omnibus habeantur & continuentur, &c. qualia & cujusmodi uti & haberi consueverunt temporibus dictorum patris sui & aliorum antecessorum suorum. Volens ulterius quod singuli tenentes de ducat', com', honor', &c. predict' libere & illese conditionis sint, tam in ingressibus post mortem antecessorum suorum quam in tenuris suis, &c. sicut esse deberent si dicta dignitas regia non accessisset. Proviso semper quod tenentes infra com' Count)) ^Jalatmr of aanradtfr. 169 Steadily pursumg the jjiiuciple here laid down, it was by a subsequent act* chap. ordained, tliat the right of succession to the duchy of Lancaster after the king's ' death, should belong to his eldest son, Henry, prince of Wales, and his heirs ; and in default of heirs to Thomas, his second son, and that the ancient rights, statutes, and customs of the duchy, should be maintained and observed inviolate. Having thus fixed the succession to the property of the duchy by all the force of legislative enactments, the next cai-e of the king was to establish a court, called the ducliy Estabiisi.- court of Lancaster, in Avliich all questions of revenue and council, affecting the duchy the'c'iuchy possessions, might be decided. This court is now held at the duchy office in West- '^"""' minster ; thence issue all patents and commissions of office or dignities, all orders and gi'ants affecting flie lunits and revenues, and all acts of authority within the duchy. It is also a court of appeal from the chancery of the county palatine of Lancaster, which court is a court of equity for matters of equity arising Avithin the county of Lancaster,"!" ^"^^ i*^ ^^^^^ ^t Preston. The record-office of the duchy of Lancaster, where the deeds are deposited, has been frequently changed : witliin living memory, Gray's-Iun, Somerset-House, and Great George's-street, has each in succession afforded them a depository ; but the office now seems permanently fixed within the precinct of the ancient ducal residence of the Savoy, in Lancaster- place, Waterloo-bridge, London, of which bridge the southern arch abuts against liis Majesty's inheritance of the duchy of Cornwall, and the northern against his inheritance of the duchy of Lancaster. The duchy chambers at Westminster, being within the precincts described in old statutes as a royal residence, the proceedings are dated before his majesty, " at his palace at Westminster," and not, as other royal acts, at the personal residence of the monarch. In tliis court he is not only presumed to be present, as in others, but to be personally acting by the advice of his chancellor, and other ministers, for the affairs of liis duchy. When that intolerable nuisance, the court of star-chamber, existed, in contra- Aboiitimi vention of the provisions of Magna Charta, which direct that no freeman shall be court of deprived of his liberty or property but by lawful judgment of liis peers, the duchy of ciiambei. palatin' Lane' hereditates suas, &c. extra manum regis prosequantur per liberationem in cancellar' regalitatis ibidem, ut est moris, &c. Voluit insuper rex, &c. quod singula beneficia ecclesiastica ad hereditatem predict' spectant' per ipsum & heredes suos predict' conferantur ; ita quod cancellar' vel thes' Anglie, vel alius officiarius regius, de coUatione vel presentatione, seu etiani de visitatione benefi- ciorum hujusmodi ratione officiorum suorum non intromittant. Voluit insuper quod omnes receptores, firmarii, ballivi, & quicunque alii ministri sui predictorum ducatus, honorum, castrorum, mane- riorum, &c. de singulis denariis & proficuis, &c. de eisdem ducat', honor', &c. provenient', coram certis specialibus auditor' & ministris, & non coram thes' & baron', socio regis, coniputent aut respon- deant; ita quod thes' & barones predict' in aliquo premissorum se non intromittant." * 8 Hen. IV. f 2 Lev. 24. VOL. ]. Z 170 Ei)t ?l)i5toii) of ti)t CHAP. V. Augmeu- tation of thediichv. Confirma- tion of former acts. Further augmen- tation of the duchy. Lancaster had also its star-chamber, antl the chaiiceUor of the duchy and council of his court, punished without law, and decreed without authority ; but tliis power was .swept away by the act 16 Car. I., which ordained, that from the 1st of August, 1641, tliis power should be aboli.shed in every court witliin the realm, and that from henceforth no couil should exercise the juristliction of star-chamber.* Two years after the succession had been settled upon prince Henry and liis heirs, the manor of Brotilby, and fee of La Haye, in the county of Lincoln, with the wardship of the castle of Lincoln, formerly in the possession of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and wliich now remained in the hands of the king, through the forfeiture of Thomas, son of Thomas, earl of Kent, was incorporated with his inheritance of Lancaster, as parcel of the duchy; and it was ordained, that it should descend to liis heirs, and that all the tenants of these possessions should be governed in the same manner, and by such officers as the other lordships and manors of the inheritance.t Soon after Henry V. ascended the throne, he confirmed the acts of his royal father with regard to the duchy of Lancaster ; and it was dii'ected, with the sanction of parliament, that all the liberties and franchises of tliis duchy should in all things be maintained and exercised for ever, according to the tenor of the charters already gi-anted-, and that the seal hitherto used in the duchy, and all matters under that seal which had hitherto been given and gi'anted, should have force, without the reclamation of the king, or his officers ; and that the seal of the duchy should be used for ever, in transacting the business of the duchy. As several honors, castles, and manors, wdiich were the inheritance of Mary, one of the daughters and heiresses of Hmnplu-ey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, whose heir the Idng was, had descended to liun by hereditary right ; the king separated all these possessions from the crown, and incorporated them with his duchy of Lancaster, appointing that they should be administered by the officers of the duchy, as they had been accustomed to be ; and that the vassals and tenants of tliis inheritance, and the resiants witliin the same, should enjoy the liberties and franchise of the duchy. He also ordained, that all ecclesiastical benefices attached to the duchy inheritance, should be conferred under the seal of the duchy without the interference of the chancellor and treasurer of England. To render tliis ordinance complete, it was further dii-ected, that all the castles, honors, and lands, which had come into possession of the king's father, Henry IV., in consequence of a grant made in the first year of his reign, as to escheats, forfeitures, and recovery, should be incorporated with the duchy, and that any other honors, castles, or manors, wliich had come by escheats, forfeitures, or recovery, should also be joined to the duchy, and that • Rot. Pari. 16 Car. p. 2. nu. 6. t Act of 10 Henry IV. Counti.) palatine of iLancastrr. i7i they should l)e ruled and governed by the officers and ministers of the duchy, chap. under the sanction of the duchy seal.* In the tliiid year of the reiern of Henry V. it was dii*ected, that two of the chief Appoint- seneschals of liis inheritance for the tune being, besides the number of guardians senes- limited by form of statutes, should act in all the counties of his kingdom, and that they should exercise their office of seneschal iu all commissions of the peace, and that no donations, pardons, or releases, whicli concerned in any manner the ducliy of Lancaster, or that emanated therefrom, should be valid, except under the seal designed for the duchy. Two other acts, the fii-st passed in the ninth year of Henry V. and the second in the first of Henry VI. annex other possessions of the Bohun family to the duchy of Lancaster. It Avas the misfortune of Henry VI. to be deeply involved in debt; and his Mortgage expectation that two Lancashire knights would remove all lus embarrassments, by duchy posses- the discovery of the philosopher's stone ! was not sufficient to prevent liis creditors sions. from urging their demands in a tone little suited to the refinement of a coui't. To satisfy these demands, he was diiven to the expedient of mortgaging for five years the revenues of the duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, and the tenns of this mort- gage, as given in the 18th Henry VI. sufficiently incUcate the importunity of the royal creditors, aud the petulancy of the king under theii' demands. " For so muclie," says this act, " as the king oure soverayn lord liaving know- liche of gi-eate mui-mour and clamour that shold be in lus roiahne of England, for nonpaiment of the dispensis of his houshold ; willing of his good grace paiement to his liege people to be made for the (Hspensis of the same houshold, gi'anteth and ordeineth, bi thassent of the lords spmtuell and temporell, and the coramones of tliis roialiue, in this present parliimient assembled, and bi auctorite of the same parle- meiit, that all the profits, issues, revenues, customes, and commodites, comynge or for to come, of all the castles, honours, manors, lordsliips, landes, tenementes, rentes, reversions, services, franchises, libertees, viewes of francjileg, hundredis, letis, courtis, and all other inheritances and possessions of the duchie of Lancaster remayuing in liis liaiide, and of the duchie of Cornewaille while the same duchie shall be in liis hande, from the fest of Seint Michell the archaugell last passed, except all fees, wages, annuyteis, reparations, and other chai-ges necessary goinge out of the same, be ordeined, applied, and emploied, to the dispensis of his said houshold, and dely- vered by the receyvours generall of the said duchies for the tyniie being, to the tresourer of liis said houshold for tlie tyme being, by indenturs, thereof betwene tliaym to be made; and that the recepours generall of the said duducs, upon theu-e accompte, allewayes shall liave allowance and discharge of theii'e payementz, made * Act 2. Henry V. 172 Cfte llistor)) of tf)t CHAP, by suche endeiitures ; and yf the same receyvours make payement in any otherwise ' than in forme aforesaid, that then tlierof they be disalowed ujion theii-e accompt. Saviuge to all the Idnge's lieges theire title, right, and interesse that they have in the siiid ducliies, or iu any parcelle therof, tliis acte notwithstandinge ; and that tliis ordinance endure to the ende of five yere next ensuinge." Officers of The reveuues of the duchy having reverted to the Idng, as duke of Lancaster, an '^ ""^ ■' act was passed in the 39 Henry VI. appointing that there should appertain to the duchy one cliief steward and one auditor in the northern parts, and one other chief steward and one other auditor in the southern parts, with one chancellor, one receiver general, and one attorney-general in and of all the duchy, with one chief steward, and one attorney-general in the county palatine of Lancaster. Wlule the mortgage existed, several new offices had been created, but by this act those offices were abolished as burdensome in fees, and unnecessary for use. Early Hitherto the archives of the duchy had been lodged in the church and priory of of the Saint Bartholomew, in West Smithfield, London, much to the annoyance of the ""^ ^ prior and liis convent. On a representation that the church had become much occupied and encumbered with " divers great chests containing the books" of the duchy of Lancaster, and that iHvine service was interrupted by the enti'ance of ministers, under colour of an exiunination of the books, and that no little disturbance was created thereby, the king du-ected that the prior and convent, and their suc- cessors, should be exonerated from the custody of the said books and documents; and the officers of the duchy were ordered to remove their chests, with then- contents, out of the priory into the tower of London, or into such other place as might be found convenient to deposit them,* Although the court of the duchy of Lancaster was instituted in the cai-ly part of the reign of Henry IV., no post mortem inquisitions are registered in this court earlier Taken than the first of Henry V. The duty of collecting and arranging the inquisitions "uthoiity*^ has been performed by the direction of his majesty's coromissioners of public records, "luchy and a list of these inquisitions is published along with a list of the pleachngs, con- Lancaster. sistiug of bUls, answers, depositions, and surveys, relating to the suits in that court, Ducatus in two volumes, entitled " Ducatus Lancastriae." Tliese volumes ai'e thus described trice. by the persons charged mth the duty of collecting and arranging the materials : " According to the returns made to the select committee of the house of com- mons in the year 1800, the INQUISITIONS POST MORTEM in tliis repository then found amounted to 2400, beginning with the first year of king Henry V. (1413,) and ending with the eighteenth year of long Charles the First, (1042.) A more recent investigation has shewn then." nmnber to * 39 Hem7 VI. Counti> |3alatint of i!.anca£itn-. 173 amount to 3569 ; wliicli it has also been found necessary to put in a better chap. state of arrangement, and to clean, repair, and bind them in volumes. The PLEADINGS consist of bills, answers, and depositions and surveys, in suits, exldbited in the duchy court, commencing Avith the first year of king Henry VII. and are continued to the present time. (Signed) " R. J- Harper, John Caley, Wm. Minchin. Dated " Office of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1823." Tlie Inquisitions and PleacUngs contain a great fund of local information; but they would, ui the most condensed form, occupy an inconveniently large space in our coimty history ; and the necessity for theii- insertion is materially dhninished since the Ducatus, thanks to the hberality of parliament, is presented to many of the pubUc Ubrai-ies in this kingdom, and is therefore easily accessible : suffice it to say, that the records, of wliich the Ducatus exlubits little more than an mdex, are to be found in the duchy record office, in London ; and theii- number, as fai* as regai'ds the county palatme of Lancaster, stands thus: Inquisitions Post Mortem, m Vol. 1 3105 In Vol. II. (Nil) . . Pleadings in Vol. 1 1594 In Vol. II 1589 3183 The hostility of the house of York to the house of Lancaster did not extend to Confirma- the revenues of the duchy, for no sooner had Edward IV. ascended the throne charters of , •' !• T ^ c T .the duchv. than he confirmed all the charters and liberties of the duchy ol Lancaster, m a manner the most ample, except that he joined the duchy inheritance to the crown.* Henry VII. not to be outstripped by a member of the rival house, • AN ACT FOR INCORPORATING AND ALSO FOR CONFISCATING THE DUCHY OF LANCASTER TO THE CROWN OF ENGLAND FOR EVER. 1 Edward IV. " It is declared and adjudged by the assent and advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and oi' the Commons, being in this present parliament, and by the authority of the same, that the same Henry, late called King Henry the Sixth, for the considerations of the great, heinous, and detestable matterl and offences before specified by him, committed against his faith and ligeance to our said liege Lord King Edward the Fourth, his true, righteous, and natural liege Lord, offended and hurt unjustly and unlawfully the Royal Majesty of our said Sovereign Lord, stand by the advice and assent con- victed and attainted of High Treason. And that it be ordained and established by the same advice, assent, and authority, that he the same Henry forfeit unto the same our Liege Lord Edward the Fourth, and to his heirs, and to the said Crown of England, all Castles, Manors, Lordships, Towns, 174 8nf)f W^tor^ of tf)e CHAP, enacted, in the first year of liis reign, that all the lauds of the duchy of Lancaster, ^' which had heen alienated from that inheritance in the reign of Edward IV. should he re-invested in the king and liis heii's for ever, as amply and largely, and in like manner, fonn, and coniUtion, separate from the crown of England, and possessions of the same, as the tkree Henries, or Edward IV. or any of them, had and held the same. Ever since the period when Henry IV. mounted the throne of England, the duchy of Lancaster has indeed always been considered by the reigning monarch as one of the richest gems in the crown, though for state purposes it has heen kept separate and distinct from the regal revenues and possessions. When the act for reo-ulating the order of wai-ds and liveries was passed, a special proviso was introduced, to guard against the royalties, liberties, and jurisdictions of the county Townships, Honours, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Fee-Farms, Knights'-Fees, Advowsons Hereditaments, and Possessions, with their appurtenances, which he or any other to his use had the third day of March last past, being of the Dutchy of Lancaster, or that were any parcel or member of the same Dutchy, or thereunto annexed or united in the first year of the reign of Henry, late called King Henry the fifth, or at any time since. And that it be ordained and established by the same advice, assent, and authority, that the same Manors, Castles, Lordships, Honours, Towns, Townships, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, Fee-Farms, Knights'-Fees, Advowsons, Hereditaments, and Possessions, with their appurtenances in England, Wales, and Calais, and the Marches thereof, make, and from the said day of March be to the said Dutchy of Lancaster corporate, and be called the Dutchy of Lan- caster. And that our said sovereign Lord King Edward the fourth have, seize, take, hold, enjoy, and inherit all the said Manors and Castles, and other the Premisses with their appurtenances, by the same name of Dutchy, from all other his inheritances separate, from the said fourth day of March, to him and to his heirs Kings of England perpetually, and that the County of Lancaster be a County Palatine : And that our Liege and Sovereign Lord King Edward the fourth and his heirs have, as parcel of the said Dutchy, the same County of Lancaster and County Palatine, and a Seal, Chancellor, Judges, and Officers for the same ; and all manner of Liberties, Customs, Laws Royal, and Franchises in the same County Palatine lawfully and rightfully used, and over that, another Seal, called the Seal of the Dutchy of Lancaster, and a Chancellor for the keeping thereof, Officers and Counsellors for the guiding and governance of the same Dutchy, and of the particular officers, ministers, tenants and inhabitants thereof, in as great, ample, and large form as Henry, calling himself Henry the fifth, at any time therein had, used, and enjoyed lawfully. And by the same authority the said officers and ministers, and also the said tenants and inhabitants of and in the same Dutchy have, use, exercise and enjoy such and all Liberties, Privileges and Customs, as the Officers, ministers, tenants and inhabitants of the same Dutchy had, used, exercised or enjoyed lawfully in the time of the same Henry, calling himself King Henry the fifth ; and that also in the same Dutchy be used, had, and occupied all such Freedoms, Liberties, Franchises, Privileges, Customs and Jurisdic- tions, as were used therein lawfully before the said fourth day of March. And the Officers, minis- ters, tenants, and inhabitants of or in the said Dutchy be entreated and demeaned according to the same Freedoms, Liberties, Franchises, Customs, Privileges and Jurisdictions, and not distrained, arcted, nor compelled to the contrary in anywise." Countj) ^alati'm of ^Lantaster. 175 palatine and the duchy of Lancaster suffering prejudice; and when Henry VIII. had chap. impaired the revenues of the duchy of Lancaster by a number of gifts, gi-ants, and sales, indemnity against the consequences of these alienations was found for the si Henry king, as duke of Lancaster, by a gi-ant from parliament of the manor of Ripon and its dependencies, in the county of York, and of the viccary, in the forest of Aslie- downe, with its rents and manors, in the county of Sussex, botli of wliich were attached to the duchy, and the revenues received and accounted for as duchy lands. 37 Hemy VIII, The example set by the father was closely and speedily imitated by his chiklien ; and in the time of Philip and Mary the duchy possessions were restored to their fonuer extent, by an act expressed in these very significant terms ; " An Act for thenlargyng of the Duchie of Lancastree. " Forasmuche as tlie Kyng and Queue our sovereigne Lorde and Ladyie, con- Act of sideling and regarding the state of the Ducliie of Lancastree, being one of the and Mary, most famous Princeliest and Stateliest peeces of our said Sovereigne Ladie the Queues auncyent Enheritance, doo pceyve and consider that the Possessions and yerely Revenues of the stiid Duchie arre and have been of late greatlye diminished, as well by reason of Sundry Giftes, Grant' and Sales, made by the late Kinges of famous memorye, Henry theight and Edoarde the Sixte, late Kings of Englande, Father and Brother to our said Sovereigne Ladie the Queues Higlmes, as also by reason of suncbie Exchainges made w"" dyvers their loving Subjectes, of Sundry Manors, Landes, Tentes, Possessions, and Hereditaments, lately belonging to tlie same Duchie ; and the Mano", Landes, Tentes, Possessions, and Hereditaments, being recey\'ed and taken in recompence of the said Exclianges, bee not annexed to the said Duchie, but been in thorder svey and governance of other Courtes and Places, so by theyr Highnes taken and receyved in Excliange ; And forasmuche also as thejT Ma"" doo niynde and intende to jn-eserve, avaunce, majTitaine, and contynue thauncient and honorable Estate of the said Ducliie ; Our said Sovereigne Lord and Ladye therfore bee pleased and contented that yt lie enacted, ordeyned, and estabUshed by their Ma"'', w'" thassent of the Lordes Spuall and Temporal!, and the Comons in tliis pnte pliament assembled, and by tliauctoritee of tlie same, That all Hono", Castels, Lordeshippes, Mauo", Landes, Tenementes, Possessions, and Hereditamentes w"'hi this Realme of Englande, w'^'" at any tyme synce the xxiij"" daye of Januarie, in the first yere of the Reigne of our said late Sovereigne Lorde Kynge Edoarde the Sixte, were prell of the Possessions of the said Duclue of Lancastre, or w'" were united and annexed to the said Duchie by aucthorite of pliament tres Paitentes or otherways, and w'"" at any time since tlie sayd xxxiij daye CHAP. 176 Cf)C ?)l£itmi) of tl)t of Jauuaiie, have beeu given, gi-anted, alyenated, bargayned, solde, exchanged, or ^- otherwayse severed from the said Duchie, by our said late Sovereigne Lorde King Edoai'dc the Sixte, or by our said Sovereigne Lady the Quene that now ys, or by oui" Sovereigne Lorde and Ladie the King and Queues Ma"" that now bee, to or w"" any pson or psons, and w''' sayd Hono", Castles, Lordshippes, Mano", Lande, Tente, and Hereditamente, since such Giftes, Grants, Alienacons, Bargaynes, Sales, Exchanges, or Severance thereof so made as is aforesaid, been, comon, or retm-ned agayn to thandes of our said late Sovereigne Lorde Kyng Edwarde the Sixte, or to thaudes of om- said Sovereigne Ladie the Quene, or to thandes of our Sovereigiie Lord and Ladie the King and Quene, or to thandes of her M"% lier heires, and successors, in Possession, Revercon, Remainder, or other ways,' and w"*" now bee or remain in thandes of our said Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King^ and Quenes Ma"'', of any estate of inheritance, shall from the time the same came^reverted agam to thandes of our said late Sovereygne Lorde Kinge Edward the Sixte, or to thaudes of our said Sovereigne Lady the Quene, or * thandes of our said Sove- reyne Lord and Ladye the Kiug and Quene, by aucthoritee and force of tliis Acte bee united and annexed for ever uuto the sayd Duchye of Lancastree, and shalbe adjudged, demed, and taken for ever for, and as peels and membres of the said Duchie of Lancastre," &c. In the following reign a systematic return was made of the fees, pri\Tleges, ^viits, and advowsons, attached to the duchy of Lancaster and its officers, a copy of wliich has been preserved, and is as follows : — ^ere liesinnetl) ti)e Mott Which is known by the name of and Treating of the Fees, Privileges, Writts, Advowsons, and other Officers that belong to the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster [about 1588]. Fees of the Dutchei/. The chancellor's fee of the £. s. d. lying in London, as much £. s. d. Dutchey 238 16 4 more as makes both theii- sa- The attorney of the Dutchey . 66 5 4 laries amount to, £76 17 3.] The auditor for the north partes 68 13 4 The sum of all the payments The auditor for the south partes 68 3 4 which are paid to all the offi- [Besides to both of them mur- cers, or allowed as salarys in rey cloth, green cloth for the dutchey, in the whole their tables and for their amount to 641 3 4 £400 1000 900 400 Cotintp ^3alatme of iLaiuastm 177 An Estimate of the Revenues of the Duchy of Lancaster, collected hy the chap. particular Receivers of the Honors belonging to the said Duchy, and yearly " paid by the Receiver-General. Revenues of the Dutchey per annum. The receiver of Cliderhow and £. s. d. The i-eceiver of Leicester . Halton, payeth to the general The receiver of Furness Receiver of the dutchy . . I7OO The receiver of Bullingbroke The receiver of Pomfrett and Augmentation of Lancaster Knasbrough, com. 69 annis . 1800 The receiver of the colledge and The receiver of Tickhull . . 500 chantry rents in the county The receiver of Piclieringleigh 350 of Stafford and Derby . . 40 The receiver of Duntanborough 80 The receiver of Tutbury, p.ann. 1500 £8600 The receiver of Longberington 80 South Division. The receiver of Higham Fe- £. s. d. The receiver of Essex and Hart- £. s. d. rars 80000 ford 1000 The receiver of Norfolk and Suf- The receiver of the marches of folk 200 Wales and Monmouth . . 100 The receiver of Sussex . . . 300 The receiver of Kilwaldid . . 100 The receiver of the south parts 1000 £4800 So that the whole receipts of the general receiver of the Dutchy, one year £. s. d. with another, amounteth to * 14,000 The receiver is to pay to the treasurer of his Majesties most £. s. d. honourable chamber 4000 And to the cofferer of his Majesties household /OOO For fees to the court officers . . 641 3 4 For expenses of the mass songs, and others, per ann. . . 100 Total disbursements . . . 11,741 3 4 So that remains communihus annis, in the custody of the general receiver, to be disposed oif according to his majesty's use, upon Mr. Chancellor, Sir Francis Walsinghamf 2258 16 8 £14,000 * It may be presumed, that the statement of Revenue this year is not equal to the average year, as the figures do not correspond with this amount. t Sir Francis Walsingham was chancellor in 1588. — See list. This fixes the period when this account was taken, or the rates affixed, concurring with the Entry of the Fees of the " Justices of the Queen's Bench." VOL. I. 2 A 178 mn ?§i6toi-p of ti)f CHAP. A Declaration of all the Forests, Chases, and Parkes, belonging to the ^" DuTCHY of Lancaster, out of Avhich the Chancellor, Attorney-General, Receiver-General, and two Auditors, are to have deer summer and winter. Iti Comit. Lancastrian. The forest of Bolland. The forest of Wiersdale. The forest of Bleasdale. Legrame parke. Mierscough parke. Toxteth parke. Quernmore parke. In Comit. Cestrice. Halton parke. In Comit. Stcvffbrdie. Yoxalward parke. Agardesley parke. Rolleiitou parke. MarchiDgton ward. Tutbury parke. Hockeley paike. Rowley parke. High Lenis parke. Hcec sunt in Comit. Derbie. High Peak forest. Shattell parke. Melbure parke Mansfield parke. Morley parke. Posterne parke. Ravensdale parke I71 Comit. Leicestri. The forest of Leicester. Castle Donnington parke. Barnes parke. New parke of Leicester. Tonley parke. Pekelton parke. In Comit. Wilts. Loxley parke. Alborne chace. Everley parke. Parks and Chases. In Hamshire, Kingsomburne parke. — ^The chace of Holt, and the parke com. Dorset.- Kirby parke, in com. Lincolniae. — Higham Ferrers, in com. Nortbamtoniae. In Comit. York. Poulfret parke. Cridlinge parke. Kepax parke. Blausby parke. Pickeringly forest. Havery parke. Billon parke. Coinsbrough parke. The old parke of Wakefield. Altafts parke. Hay parke. Acworth parke, and the New parke of Wakefield. In Comit. Sttssex. Hunsde parke. The forest of Ashdowne. Weecks parke. In Comit. Essex. The great parke of Plashey. The little parke there. Coppedhull parke. Two other parkes there are in Highester parke there. Suffolk. Eyste parke there also. In Com. Hartford. Hartingfordbury parke. Two more parkes in do. Kingslaugby parke, do. Oldney park, Buckingham- shire. Hungerford park, Berkshire. Counti? |3alatmt of 2[ancaeitn% " Fees due per Annum to these Officers. 179 Bailiffe of the manor of Salford Bailiffe of Derby wapentake Bailiffe of man' of West Derby . M' of the forest of Wiers- dale IVf of Amounderness forest The escheator of county palatine The sheriff of Lane, hath for allowance The constable of Liverpool castle The maister of Symondwood forest and keeper of Toxteth parke hath for his fees, per annum Steward of the wapentake of Derby and Salford . The receiver of the co. palat Porter of Lancaster castle Steward of Amounderness Steward of Lonsdale . Keeper of Quernmore parke M' of the forest wood of Myers- cough Maister of Wiresdale et Quern- £. s. d. 6 13 4 4 8 3 8 1 10 3 5 9 6 13 4 2 ..50 . . 6 13 4 . . 4 11 ..20 ..20 . 2 5 6 4 11 The chancellor's fee of the county palatine, per annum . The justice of the queen'' s bench for his office in county pala- tine And for dyett To another justice for his office in county palatine, and dyett too Att^ of County palatine . . . Gierke of y^ crown for county . Clerk of the common pleas . . Clerk of crown and pleas . . . Barons of the exchequer there . 3 8 40 36 13 4 13 6 8 40 6 13 4 2 2 6 4 Cryer of the sessions at Lan- caster Master of Bolland forest . . . Steward of ponds for his fee . . Receiver of Clitheroe .... Steward of Blackburn, Totting- ton, and Clederhow, for his fee Constable of Clitherow castle . The keeper and porter of the geole in the castle of Clithe- row Messenger of the dutchy . . . The keeper of the parkes' fees . Fee of the bailive of Ormskirk . Bailif of Burscough fee . . . The under steward of Ormskirk appointed by the Earl of Derby Fee of the clerk of the court there The fee of the auditor . . . The fee of the receiver per annum 16 The reward of the said receiver 13 The fee for Furness .... The baylives of Dalton's fee . . The ditto of Hawkshead's fee . The ditto of Beamond and Bol- ton Fee of all the manors pertaining to Furness monastery Fee of the receiver there . Clerk of the court there . . . Baylive of Furness liberty . . Keeper of woods in plane of Furness 2 Reward of the auditor The stipend of a clerk to serve in the chapel at Farnworth . 3 a2 d. CHAP. V. £. s. 2 6 13 4 1 15 13 4 3 6 8 10 3 8 2 2 5 8 2 2 13 4 2 1 13 4 28 16 13 6 8 6 2 2 13 4 2 10 26 13 4 20 6 13 4 4 2 6 13 4 12 10 CHAP. V. 180 CI)f i^istorp of tf)f £. s. d. £. s. d The stipend of a clerk to serve in The stipend of a clerke and the chapel at Litherpoole . . 4 17 5 school maister at Manchester, The fee of a clerk and schoole per annum 4 2 m' of Walton, per annum . 5 13 4 Clerke of Beconshawe chapell . 2 16 5 The clerk's stipend at Black- The stipend of a clerk and school- j.Q(les 44I3 master at Leyland . . . . 3 17 10 The clerk of Clitherow stipend . 3 9 1 The stipend of a clerk and scliool- The stipend of the clerk of Pa- master at Preston .... 2 diham chappel 6 19 2 Clerke and steward of Wigan . 5 The Chaplin's fee in the chap- The clerke of Crostons stipend . 3 pel of Harewood, per annum 4 6 6 The payment made unto seven The clerk in the chappel of weomen praying within the Whalley 4 8 11 late coUedge, called Knowles's The stipend of a clerke to Alms house, per annum . . 35 15 serve in the chappel of Ruf- Payd to two persons and the ford, per annum 3 2 2 surveyor thereof 5 10 18 2 10 19 9 " A Note of all the Benefices and Spiritual Living belonging to the Dutchy OF Lancaster. ('■) Comit. Berks. Henton Rectory .... In Comitat. Ebor. Methley rectory clare . . . Darrington viccaria, per ann. Ackeworth rectoria, per ann. Croston rectoria, per ann. . Slaitborne rectoria, per ann. Kirkbram with rectoria . . Ouston vicaria, per ann. Castleford rectoria, per ann. Bradford vicaria .... Berwickes of Elemitt . . . In Com. Essex. Stamford rivers rectoria . . Munden (v) Dedham {v) per ann. . . . Essex (v) per ann. . . . Longton (v) per ann. . Laugham viccaria sen rectoria for rectory- 23 7 5 25 8 11 22 1 10 u 12 18 4 7 2 n 20 13 20 33 12 4 26 13 4 12 12 10 8 18 3 8 17 -(11) for vikai'age. Gloucester. Tiberton Rectoria Hartford. Saint Andrews with St. Nicholas In Com. Lincoln. Hartringfordbury (r) . . . . Ounley (>■) clere Whittingham {?•) Hantley (c) per ann Stoopings parva (»•) .... Norcot (r) South Somersetes (r) . Bennington {11) Salt Thetby (r) Southreston (r) Morningerby [r) Thoresby (/•) In Comit Lancastrie. Pennington Don clear (r) . . Dalton {v) and clear . . . . 7 16 12 1 2 16 9 3 4 18 6 8 6 4 6 9 19 4 12 10 22 6 8 20 2 7 2 5 10 2 9 8. 4 6 9 6 17 6 8 Countp palatine of ilancasJten 181 In Com. Leicester. Hathurend {v) 12 St. Peter, Leicester {v) . . . 2 Desford (r) 2 Wliitwicke vie 9 Viccaria de pembe valet, per ann. 6 Mandeoallocke sene Mono- bon(v) 9 Swafield (r) 6 Mamelly vie. valet, per ann. . 6 Shibden (v) 9 Trunche (r) 10 Southropes (r) 6 Sydestrond (r) 5 Northrope (r) Mondesley (r) 8 In Comit. Norfolk. Themingham rector .... 6 Withrope (r) 5 Malilaske (/■) 5 Beeston {r) 16 Plumbstead (r) 5 In Comit. Northump. Inchester {v) 8 d. £. Passenham (r) 20 Preston {v) 15 Widd {v) 3 Bethome {v) clear 13 17 Millome {v) 8 Urswick {v) sunt Richmondsha 7 In Com. Stafford. Tudbury {v) 7 Rolston (r) 13 Tatenhill rectory .... 26 Wolstanton (r) 32 In Com. Suffolk. Clare (vie.) 4 Eyken (f) 6 Holmesett (v) cleare .... Stratford 13 Somersham (r) 8 Hunden (v) 7 In Co. TVilts. Poole (/•) 17 Ashley (r) 9 In Co. Westmoreland. Orton (v) 16 5 9 7 14 4 6 8 13 4 8 6 13 4 4 9 13 4 10 9 9 5 2 3 2 s. d. CHAP. ^• 4 6 10 17 4 5 8 17 4 9 6 3 9 18 8 13 4 13 4 12 5 16 4 17 4 " The valuation of some parsonages and vicarages mtliin the dutchy appeareth not in the records remaining in the dutchy office, but may be found in the office of the fii-st-fruits, where the same are best known." — Birch's MSS. From the time of queen Elizabeth to the reign of Charles II. no material change took place in the duchy court of Lancaster, with the exception of the abolition of the duchy court of star-chamber already noticed; but in the twelfth year of that monarch, the last remaining vestige of the feudal system, after having existed in tliis country for at least six hundred years, was swept* away, and with it the privileges of wards Abolition and liveries attached to the duchy of Lancaster, although those privileges had been feudal thought worthy of special protection a century before. The progi-ess of Imowledge ^^' "'"■ had burst the bonds of vassalage, and although the system introduced, or completed, by the Norman conquerors, had taken deep root, and identified itself with the whole • Rot. Pari. 12 Car. II. p. 3. nu. 4. 182 €i)t ^^I'Stoi-p of t\)t CHAP. V 16 & 17 Car. II. Chancel- lors of the Duchy. frame of society,* the tenures in capite, and knights' service, were now declared " more biii-thensome, giievous, and prejudicial to the Idugdom, than beneficial to the king," and they were, therefore, for ever abolished. During the interval between the year 1642, when the public treasmy passed into the hands of the pai'liament, and the yeai' 1660, when Charles II. obtained the royal inheritance, the revenues of the duchy of Lancaster were applied to the exigencies of the state, first under the administration of Lord Newbm-gh, and subsequently under the chancellorsliips of William Lenthall, speaker of the house of commons, John (Pre- sident) Bradshawe, Thomas Fell, and Sir Gilbert Gerard, Bart. ; the latter of whom was displaced at the Restoration by Francis lord Seymoiu-, who, as a mark of the royal favoiu-, obtained tliis lucrative appointment, for his attacliment to the House of Stuart. To facilitate the proceedings in the duchy court, an act was passed in the 16th and 17th Charles II. empowering the chancellor of the duchy to grant commissions for taking affidavits vntian the county palatine of Lancaster, and other places in the several counties of the kingdom within the survey of the duchy court, whereby the same validity was given to those affidavits, as if they had been sworn, as liitherto in the duchy chamber at Westminster, and to render these proceedings, in the incipient state, as little burthensome as possible, it was directed that the very moderate fee of twelve pence, and no more, should be received by the person empowered to take the affidavits. From the first creation of the duchy of Lancaster, in 1351, to the present time, 1831, there have been eighty-three chancellors of the duchy. The following is a complete list of those officers, obligingly furnished by the duchy office : — Chancellors of the Duchy and County Palatine of Lancaster, from the first Creation of the Dukedom in 1351, to the present time, June 1831. 34 Edward III. Sir Henry de Haydok 46 Edward III. 51 Edward III. 1 Richard II. 6 Richard II. 6 Richard H. 7 Richard II. 1 Henry IV. 1 Henry IV. Ralph de Ergham, clerk. Thomas de Thelwall, clerk Sir John de Yerborough, clerk. Sir Thomas Stanley. Sir Thomas Scarle. Sir William Okey. John de Wakering. William Burgoyne, Esq. Chancellor of Henry, first Duke of Lancaster. Bishop of Sarum. Created Chancellor of the County Palatine, 16th of April, November 10th, pro temp. November 29th , October. See vol. 1. c. 2. p. 66^84. Coiintj) ^alatint of iLnnragtrn 183 6 Henry IV. 11 Henry IV. 1 Henry V. 1 Henry VI. 2 Henry VI. 9 Henry VI. 17 Henry VI. 20 Henry VI. 26 Henry VI. 27 Henry VI. I Edward IV. II Edward IV. 17 Edward IV. 18 Edward IV. 1 Richard III. 1 Henry VII. 19 Henry Vll. 21 Henry VII. 1 Henry VOL 14 Henry VHI. 17 Henry VIII. Sir Thomas Stanley. John Springthorpe, clerk. John Woodhouse. John Woodhouse, contd. William Troutbecke, Esq. Walter Sherington, clerk. William Tresham. William Tresham. John Say, Esq. John Say, Esq. contd. Sir Richard Fowler, Kt. Sir John Say, Kt. Thomas Thwaites. Thomas Metcalfe. Sir Reginald Bray, Knt. Sir John Mordant, Knt. Sir Richard Empson, Knt. Sir Henry Marny, Knt. Sir Richard Wingfield, Knt. Sir Thomas Moore, Knt. 21 Henry VHI. Sir' William Fitzwilliams, Knt. 35 Henry VIII. 1 Edward VI. 6 Edward VI. 1 Queen Mary. 4&5 Phil. & Mary 1 Elizabeth. 10 Elizabeth. 19 Elizabeth. 32 Elizabeth. 37 Elizabeth. 43 Elizabeth. 13 James I. 14 James I. 15 James I. 6 Charles I. Feb. 10, 1644. Sir John Gage, Knt. Sir William Pagett, Knt. Sir John Gate, Knt. Sir Robert Rochester, Knt. Sir Edward Walgrave, Knt. Sir Ambrose Cave, Knt. Sir Ralph Sadler, Knt. Sir Francis Walsingham, Knt. Sir Thomas Henage, Knt. Sir Robert Cecil, Knt. Sir John Fortescue, Knt Sir Thomas Parry, Knt. and John Daccomb, Esq. Sir John Daccombe, Knt. Sir Humphrey May, Knt. Edward Lord Newburgh. William Lord Grey of Wake and William Lenthall, Esq. May 15th. March 30th. 4th April. 20tli of January. 10th of June. 16th of February. 7th of May, Chancellor for life. 3d of July, Chancellor in reversion. 1st of November. 10th of June. 16th of June. 10th of June, also Chan, of Excheq. 3rd of November. 2d of April, also Chan, of Excheq. 7th of July. 13th of September. 24th of June. 3d of October. 14th of May. 14th of April. 31st of Dec. made Chancellor of England. 3d of Nov. afterwards Earl of Southampton. 10th of May 1st of July. 7th of July. 22d of June. 16th of May. 15th of June. 7th of October. 16th of September. 27th of May. 5th of June. 23d of March. 16th of April, CHAP. V. 184 Cfte listtorp of tt)t CHAP. 1649. John Bradshawe 1st of August. ^- 1655. Thomas Fell 1659. Sir Gilbert Gerard, Bart. 14th of May. 12 Charles 11. Francis Lord Seymour. 9th of July. 16 Charles 11. Sir Thomas Ingram, Kt. 21st of July. 23 Charles 11. Sir Robert Carr, Bart. 22d of February. 34 Charles 11. Sir Thomas Chicheley, Kt. 21st of November. 1 Wm. and Mary. Robert LordWilloughby, of Ersby. 21st of March. 9 William lU. Thomas Earl of Stamford. 4th of May. 1 Queen Anne. Sir John Leveson Gower, Bart. 12th of May. 5 Queen Anne. James Earl of Derby. 10th of June. 9 Queen Anne. William Lord Berkeley, of Stratton, , 21st of September. 1 George 1. Henage, Earl of Aylesford. 6th of November. 2 George I. Richard Earl of Scarborough. 12th of March. 3 George I. Nicholas Lechemere, Esq. 19th of June. 1 Geo. 11. John Duke of Rutland. July 17th. 8 Geo. II. George Earl of Cholmondeley. May. 16 Geo. II. Richard Lord Edgecumbe. December 22nd. 34 Geo. 11. Thomas Earl of KinnouU. 27th of February. 3 Geo. 111. James Lord Strange. 13th of December. 11 Geo. 111. Thomas Lord Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon. 14th of June. 22 Geo. 111. John Lord Ashburton. 17th of April. 23 Geo. III. Edward Earl of Derby. 29th of August. 24 Geo. III. Thomas Earl of Clarendon. 31st of December. 27 Geo. III. Charles Lord Hawkesbury. 6th of September. 44 Geo. III. Thomas Lord Pelham. 11th of November. 44 Geo. 111. Lord Mulgrave. 6th of June. 45 Geo. 111. Earl of Buckinghamshire. 14th of January. 45 Geo. III. Dudley Lord Harrowby. 10th of July. 46 Geo. ni. Edward Earl of Derby. 12th of February. 47 Geo. 111. The Right Hon. Spencer Perceval. 30th of March. 62 Geo. 111. The Earl of Buckinghamshire. 25th of May. 52 Geo. III. The Right Hon. Charles Bathurst 23d of June. 4 Geo. IV. Nicholas Lord Bexley 13th of February. 9 Geo. IV. The Earl of Aberdeen, K.T. 26th of January. 9 Geo. IV. The Rt. Hon. Charles Arbuthnot 2d of June. 1 V^iUiam IV. Lord Holland 25th of November. We have thus sketched, with a rapid hand, principally from official documents, a connected and authentic liistory of tlie duchy of Lancaster, one of " the most famous, princeliest, and stateliest of inheritances." The connexion of the duchy Avith the Coiintp ^3alatmt of S.ancngtfn i85 ducal and royal House of Lancaster is too close to adinit of separation. Tliey serAe chap to illustrate and to ennoble each other, and to have exliibited them apart would ' have derogated from the tUguity of both. In each successive reign, from the period when Hemy of Bolingbroke ascended the throne of tliis kingdom, to the present time, Avith the exception of the inteiTegnam of the commonwealth, the kings of England have enjoyed the title of duke, and the revenues of the duchy of Lancaster, both of which are now in possession of om- gracious sovereign William IV., and mil descend as an inalienable inheritance to liis royal successors. The proceedings of the duchy court during a period of four huncked and thirty years, are full of interest in all the counties of the kingdom to wliich the duchy extends, but in the county palatine of Lancaster they have a peculiar claim to that distinction ; and it may tend essentially to the convenience of those who at present, or in future times, may have occasion to consult the records of that duchy, to be presented with the follo\ving authentic information, both as to then- nature, and as to their places of deposit. Ci)e Hue!)]) 3i^rcortis» " Return from the deputy Clerk of the council, and keeper of the Records in the Duchy of Lancaster, to the Committee on the Public Records of tliis Kingdom, made in vii'tue of an order from the select Committee, with an answer to the enquiry. Whether all the Records of the Duchy are open to jjublic inspection? " In obedience to your Order of the 21st February last, I herewith return answers to the several Queries put to me, with respect to the Records of this Office, under the Custody of the Clerk of the Council, and the two Auditors, to whom I, in tliis respect, act as deputy ; but beg leave at tlie same Tune to state, that such only are considered as public, and open for public Inspection, as in any wise relate to or concern Judicial Proceedings, the remainder being collected for the purpose of better managing and improving the Inheritance of his Majesty's Possessions m right of liis Duchy of Lancaster; and the Officers of the Duchy think themselves at liberty to withhold them from public Inspection, except for the purposes before mentioned, or by command of his Majesty, as Duke of Lancaster, signified by his chancellor of the Duchy. VOL. I. 2 B 186 Cfje ?^isitori) of tbe CHAP. " Tlie Answer to the Fii-st Question, is contained in the foUowino; list of Records V. 1_ in the Office of the Duchy of Lancaster : — Records. " Account of the puichase Money arising fi-om the Sale of Rents under the several acts of Parliament, — 29 Geo. III. 1 780, to tlie present time. " Awards for inclosures, in wliich the Duchy Property has been concerned, — 27 Geo. II. 1754, to the present Time. " BUls and Answers and Depositions in the Duchy Court of Lancaster, and of such as liave been transmitted from the County Palatine to be heai'd in the Duchy Court, — 1 Hen. VII. 1487, to the present Time. " Charters and Grants of various Kings imder the Great Seal, as well as of private Persons (remaining in Boxes), to the King's Sons, and to Ecclesiastical Persons, of Lands A^ithin tlie Surveys of the Duchy, — 1 King Stephen, 1135, to 10 Queen Elizabeth, 1558. " Charters and Grants in Fee Farm, some of wliich ai'e em-oUed in the Office, and others remain on Pai'chment, with the Royal Sign Manual. The original Charters of the Duchy and County Palatine to the King's Son, and Grants of Lands to Individuals of the possessions of the Duchy, — 51 Ed. III. 1377, to 1 Queen Anne, 1702. " Court Rolls of such Manors as formerly belonged to the Duchy, and have suice been granted away, and of such as are at present demised by Leases under the Duchy Seal, — 1283, to the present Time. " Decrees of the Duchy Court inrolled in Books, and some drafts with the Attorney General's Signature, — 1 Hen. VII. 1487, to the present Time. " Grants of Rents under the several Acts, to enable the Chancellor and Council to dispose of the Fee Farm and otlier Rents, and to enfranchise Copyhold Estates,— 20 Geo. III. 1780, to the present Time. " Inquisitions Post Mortem, consisting of 2,400 of various Lands and Tenements, within all the Counties in England, — 1 Hen. V. 1413, to 18 Cha. I. 1642. " Leases, Drafts, and lurolments, of such as have passed the Duchy Seal, of Land and Tenements, Parcel of the Possessions of the Duchy, — 1 Hen. VIII. 1510, to the present Time. " Ministers and Receivers Accounts of the Rents and Revenues of the Duchy, — 1135, to the present Time. " Patents of Offices granted under the Duchy Seal,— 1 Hen. VIII. 1510, to the present Time. "Presentations to Livings under the Duchy Seal^ — 1 Hen. VIII. 1510, to the present Tune. Countp ^aalatine of 2Lanrae!tn% 187 " Rentals and Particulars of Lands belonging to the Duchy, collected together in chap. Bags and Presses, and consisting of various other documents, of such Descrip- [ tions, that they cannot he comprised under one Head, registered mto Counties, Records. and in the Catalogue are the Names of places alphabetically arranged, — 51 Ed. III. 1377, to the present Time. " Reo-isters of Leases, Warrants, Grants, and other Docmnents, under Royal Signs Manual, inroUed in Books, of John Duke of Lancaster, in tlie Time of Edw. the Tliii'd, and of various Kings, relating to the Possessions of the Duchy,— 51 Edw. IIL 1377, to 8 Hen. VI. 1430. " Revenue ProceecUngs in Duchy Court inrolled in Books, — 6 Cha. I. 1630, to the present time. " Special Commissions of Sewers, and to survey estates belonging to the Duchy, — 23 Eliz. to the present Time. " Privy Seals and Bills, being the particulars prepared previous to the gi-anting any Leases or Offices under the Duchy Seal, — 1 James I. to the present Time. " The Building wherein the Records are kept is situate on the East Side of Somerset Place,* is in good Condition and Security, with respect to the Rooms where the Records are deposited ; but many of them have been obliged to be lately removed from the lower part on account of the Dry Rot, which has affected the Casement Story. As the Records yearly increase, more Room will be wanted at some future Pei-iod, for the Accommodation of them. The Office was appropriated to the use of the Duchy of Lancaster under the Act for erectuig the Buildings at Somerset House, and is therefore public Property. But tliis office was given to the Duchy in consideration of Accommodations and Concessions made by his Majesty in right of liis Duchy, from such parts of the manor of Savoy as belonged to the Duchy. " The Records, except those of very ancient Date, (wliich were, in some degi-ee, destroyed by the vennin in the late ofiice,) are in good preservation; and such as are not contained in Books are arranged in Presses, according to their Dates, tied up with paper and string, and numerically indorsed ; and in the course of every summer a person is employed to remove the Dust from them, and put new paper and string to such as want it. Tlie Books are deposited in Closets, indorsed accord- ing to their dates and Subjects. " There are correct general Indexes, Repertories, and Calendars, of all the Records in the Office, with reference to the particular Subjects wliich they contain; and as fresh Records are transmitted to the Office, they are continued to be entered in existing Calendars; and these additions are minutely attended to, without any Expense on that account being borne, by the King as Duke of Lancaster. * The Records are now removed to Lancaster-place. 2b 2 188 Cf)e W^tov)] of tfte CHAP. " Several Years ago, according to what I have been infonned, a Fii-e happened at " the Duchy's Office, Gray's Inn, by wliich accident several Records were destroyed, Henords. and some ai-e supposed to have been stolen. Some of these have been recovered from persons, wlio have voluntarily sun-endered them; and some few Indexes and Cataloanies, wliich had been made for the use of the officers who had the care of the Records; but I know of none now existing in any place, from Avhence they ai-e lOvely to be regained ; and such ample Repertories have since been made, and the Records aiTanged in such order, that they would hardly be of use if recovered. " I am employed iu the arrangements of the Records myself, and a clerk assists me in placing and replacing them, for which no Salary or allowance whatever is paid, but a fee of 8s. 6d. is chai'ged for the production of each Record, which is the sole allowance, as well for the trouble and producing them, as for arranging them and keeping them in proper preservation, and for making the Indexes, Repertories, and Calendars, and the further some of Is. is chai-ged per foUo for Copies, or \6cl. if there is any considerable difficulty arising from the Antiquity or Language of the Record. Attendance with the Records themselves is so seldom demanded, that no Fee has been regularly settied for that purpose; but if in London, a charge is made of one guinea, besides the coach-hire ; and if in the country, two guineas a day, with the travelhng chai-ges, and all other expenses, would be expected. No account has been kept of the profits derived by seai'ches for public Records, independent of those where fees have been received for other searches, firom whence any average can be taken, " The answer to the Sixth Question is, I presume, contained in the answer to the foregoing questions. " I am not apprised of any regulation that can be made, for rendering the use of the said Records more convenient for proper Inspection. " R. J. Harper. " May 8, 1800." " Deputy Clerk of tlie Council. " Several Fee Farm Rolls of this Duchy have been lately transfen-ed to this Office, from the Augmentation Office." " Return to a further Question to the Clerk of the Council and Keeper of the Records of the Duchy of Lancaster. " Query. Are there in yom- custody, as such Officer, any Calendars, or Indexes, to the Inquisitions Post Mortem mentioned in your Return to this Committee, and upon what plan are they formed — and are they in a state sufficiently coiTect for Countt) |3alatmc of aanrn^ter* 189 publication, if it should be thought to conduce to the benefit of tlie Public to have chai' the same printed?" L_ " Answer. There are, as stated in my former Return, several Inquisitions Post Records. Mortem, Traverses, and other Inquisitions of divers kinds, remaining in this Office under my care, cormuencing in the beginning of the Reign of Henry V. and finisliing 18 Charles I. amounting to nearly 24,000 in number, some of which consist of many large Skins of Parclunent put on Files, in several bundles, secured from futm-e injuries by strong covers, and to wliich there is a regular Alphabetical Index and Calendar, in one Volume, divided into the several Reigns of the Kings before mentioned, and containing the names of Persons, and all places mentioned in each Inquisition, oniittuig none that are legible. The first dii'ecting immediately to the several lands eacli person died possessed of; the other refemng to each Inquisition, in which any particular Lands are to be found. " I know of no objection to pnbHsliing the above Index, if it should be thought conducive to the public benefit; and understand it \\ill fill about 90 Pages when printed. " R. J. Harper. « June 27, 1810." " Deputy Clerk of the Council. The following is an Abstract from the public records relating to the Depositories of the Duchy of Lancaster : — DEPOSITORIES OF THE DUCHY RECORDS. Records mid other Instruments. Charters and Grants : Under the great Seal of Duchy Lands . . . Of various Kings Grants in Fee Farm, some enrolled, others not, Confirmation of privileges Copies of Charter relating to the Duchy . . Exemplification of the grant of creation of the "^ County Palatine, and creation of Duke . . 3 Patents of Offices under the Duchy seal . . Grants of Rent under Statutes . . • . . Date. th .-J nne* Stephen to Elizabetl 1135 to 1558 51 Edw. III. to Ann 2 Henry V. . . . Henry IV. to Edw. I V.^ 1 Edw. IV. • • •( I Henry Vlll. to the ^ present time. . . ^ 1780 to the presents time ' Where kept. Duchy office. Bodleian library. Ashmolean Museum. Bodleian Library. Duchy Office. Where Houlton ^ Forests, Pleas of Pleading and Decrees, by Bill and answer . . Books of decrees and orders .... Revenue Proceedings . . . . . . A few Records concerning the Duchy . . . Date. 1 Henry V. to Car. L 16 Car. [. . . . . 23 Eliz. to the present time . . 1575 . , , * Car. L 1 Jac. L to the present time . . . . 1754 to the present time . . 1510 to the present time , , 1283 to the present time 51Ed. Ul.toSH. VL 1 Hen. VHI. to the present time 51 Edw. III. to the present time Car. I and II. 1648 . . 1636 to 1640 1135 to the time . 1780 to the time . . present present Date wanting 8 Edw. III. 1 Henry VII. present time 1487 to the time . 1630 to the time . . to the^ present present Where kept. Bodleian Library. University Lib. Camb. Duchy Office. Augmentation Office. University Lib. Camb. Duchy Office. University Lib. Camb. King's Rememb. Office. Duchy Office. Auditor's Office Land Revenue. Cotmtp |3alatinf of aanfasften I9i The Seal of the Duchy of Lancaster is as ancient as the duchy itself; as is also chap. the Seal of the County Palatine. The Seal of the Duchy remains with the chancel- '. lor of the duchy at Westminster ; that of the county palatine is deposited in a chest in the county of Lancaster, under the safe custody of the keeper of the seal. All grants and leases of land, tenements, and offices, in the county palatine of 37 Hen. Lancaster, in order to render them valid, must pass under the seal of the county c. le. palatine, and no other ; and all gi-ants and leases of lands, tenements, and offices, out of the comity palatine, and within the survey of the ducliy, must pass under the seal of the duchy, and no other seal.* The custom, however, is, to seal all deeds of lands, &c. Avitliin the county palatine, mtli hoth tlie duchy and the county palatine seals, and all mthout the county, but witliin the survey of the duchy of Lancaster, A\dth the duchy seal only. These seals are essentially the same as those that have been used since tlie days of John of Gaunt, but new seals are engi-aved in eacli successive dukedom. Those at present in use are extremely splendid, and may rank amongst the first efforts of art in this department, as will be seen on reference to the annexed plate, in which they are correctly delineated. THE DUCHY SEAL Represents the King seated on his Tlu'one in Royal Robes, wearing the Collar Duchy of tlie Most Noble Order of the Garter, and the Imperial Crown. In his right hand he holds the Royal Sceptre, and his left is placed on the Orb and Cross on his left knee. On the dexter side of the Throne, on a compartment adorned with the Union Badge of the Rose, Thistle, and Shamrock, is placed a Lion sejant croAvned with the Imperial Cro^vn, and supporting between the Paws a Banner of the Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; and on the sinister side of the Tlu'one, on a lilce compartment, is a Unicorn sejant and addorsed, gorged with a Prince's Crown, and supporting a banner of the Arms of the Duchy of Lancaster, viz. Gules, 3 Lions passant guardant Or, a label of three points, each charged with three fieurs de lis. The ground of the Seal is diapered, and round it is the Royal Style, iiSiiUrlmuft Quartu0 ari gratia ISritanntarum Ilex, jFibei Btfen^ov. ) * Sir Edward Coke's Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, fo. 210. 192 CljC iJlSltOip Of ti)t CHAP. On the Reverse is an antique Shield of the Arms of the Duchy, placed in ^' hend dexter, between two Ostrich Feathers erect Ermine, each issuant from an Escrol. The Sliield is pendent by a belt from a Helmet, fi-om which flows the Lambrequin, and on the Helmet rests the Crest, being upon a Chapeau, turned up Ermine, a Lion statant guardant, gorged with a Label of three points, each charged Tvith thi-ee fleurs de lis. The Seal is cuxumscribed mth the inscription «6i0iUum Bncatm lianrastrhT. THE COUNTY PALATINE SEAL, County The ground of which is diapered, represents the King on Horseback in AiTQOur, upon Seal'"'' a Mount in base, with the right arm elevated, and branchshiug a sword. Upon the King's Helmet is placed the Crest, being on a chapeau, a Lion statant guardant. On the dexter side, under the upraised Arm, is a Rose ensigned by a Prince's Coronet. The Caparisons of the Horse are ornamented with the letter £,, ensigned with a like Coronet, and with the Royal Motto, Dieu et Mon Droit. On the Mount, near the dexter foot of the King, is a Talbot Dog courant, gorged with a coUar. The whole is cu'cumscribed ^igillum CTomitat: iJalatin: Uanrastnap. The Reverse of tliis Seal is also diapered, and bears a Shield of the Arms of the Duchy, as above described, pendant by a belt fr-om a Coronet, composed of Crosses patee and fleurs de lis, occupying the upper part of the Seal. On a Moimt, in base, are represented, on each side of the Shield, two Talbots addorsed, each collared, and supporting an Ostrich Feather issuant fi-om an Escrol, The Seal is thus cfrcumscribed, . VI. High sherili's of Lanca- shire. 12/5. 76. 77. 78. 79. 1280. 81. 82. 83. 84.- 85.. 86. 87. 88. 89. 1290. 91. 92. 1292 to 1298. 99. I 1300. 1. 2. Ramilphiis de Daker. Nichus (le Le. Henry de Lea, or, Hen. dii Lee. Gilbert de Clifton. Rog. de Lancaster. Ractus de Montjoy. Thomas Banester. Rich, de Hoghton. Thos. de Lancaster. Henry de Lea. Robert Latham and Gilbert Clifton pro eo. or, Gilbert Clifton alone. Gilbert Clifton. Robert de Leyborne. Gilbert Clifton. Roger de Lancaster. Radus Montjoy. Richard Hoghton and Rads. de Montegaudeo, or Montjoy. Idem Radulphus Montegaudeo, or Montjoy. Edmund Comes Lancaster and Richard Hoghton pro eo. Thomas Lancaster, by inheritance with Rich. Hoghton. Richard Hoghton for two years. Thos. Travers and Richard Hoghton. Thos. Travers. Edward H. 1303 ) to 'Thos. Earl of Lancaster. 1306. j 1309. Willielmus Gentyl. 10. Thos. Earl of Lancaster. 1) VRic 131 to VRichard de Bickerstath. 1320. j 21. Gilbertus South worth. Wm. le Gentyl. 23. John d' Arcy. 1328. 29. 1330. 31. 32. 1333. 34. 35. 1339. 40. 44. 45. 48. 1355. 58. 59. 13(50. 63. Edward HI. Wm. Gentyl. Joftes de Hambury. Johes de Burghton. Johes de Hambury and Galfrus de Warburton. Johes de Denon. y Robertus Foucher, others Toucher. Willielmus Clapham. ^1 1371 1375 1376 Robertus Radcliffe, of Ordsall. Stephanus Ireton. Johes le Blount. Johannes Cockayne. Ricardus Radcliffe. Willielmus Radcliffe. Johannes Ipree. Willielmus Radcliffe. Johannes Ipree, vice-sheriff, (no sheriff's name found.) Galfrus de Chetham. 175.7 76. S Richard Townley. Richard II. 1377- Richard Townley. 78. Thos. de Bobbeham. 79. Nicholas Harrington, for six years. 1385. Rads. Radcliffe, for three years. 89. Robertus Standish. 1392. Rads. Standish, miles. 93. Johannes Butler de Rawcliffe, miles, for two years more. 97. Ricardus Mollineux. HoDSE OF Lancaster. Henry IV. 1400. Thomas Gerard. 1. Johannes Butler. 4. Johannes Butler. 5. Radulfus Radcliffe. Coimti) ^3alatiue of aanrastfi*. 205 1406. 7. 1410. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 18. 19. 1420. 21. 23. 27. 29. 1441. 42. 1459. Radulfus Radcliffe, miles. Johannes Bold. Johannes Bold, miles. Radulfus Stanley, miles. Henry V. Rads. Stanley, miles, and Nicholas Longford. William Bradshaw Longford. Robertas Urswick, and Robert 7 s Robertus Lawrence. > Ricardus Radcliffe. Henry VI. Ricardus Radcliffe, for three years, > Robertus Lawrence. i Johannes Byron, Knt. Nichus Byron. House of York. Edward IV. 1462. Johannes Broughton. ^'\ Thomas Pilkington. 65. > 66. Robtus Urswick, miles. 1473. Thos. Pilkington, arm. 76. Thos. Molineux, arm. 1482. Thos. Pilkington, miles. Union of York and Lancaster. Henry VH. 1501 8, ■ > Edward Stanley, miles. ■ J House of Tudor. Henry VIII. 12. Edwardus Stanley, miles. 14. Idem, Postea Dom. Monteagle. 1520.7 o , ryj > Edwardus Stanley. 28. Alex. Osbaldeston, miles. 1532. Johes Townley, miles. 42. Thos. Southworth miles. 46. Alex. Radcliffe, miles. CHAT. VI. High sherifls of Lanca- shire. Edward VI. 47. Alexander Radcliffe, miles. Richard Radcliffe. 48. Thomas Gerrard, miles. 49. Robert Worsley, miles. T. Gerrard. 1550. Peter Legh, miles. R. Worsley, miles. 51. John Atherton, miles. Peter Leigh de Lime, mil. John Atherton. 52. Thomas Talbot, miles. 53. Thomas Gerrard, miles. Mary. 1554. Marmaduke Tunstall, mil. 55. John Atherton, miles. 56. Thomas Langton, miles. 57. Edmund Trafford, miles. 58. Thomas Gerrard, miles. Elizabeth. 59. John Talbot, Esq. 1560. Robert Worseley, Knt. 61. John Atherton, Knt. 62. John Southworth, Knt. 63. Thomas Hesketh, Knt. 64. Thomas Hoghton, Esq. 65. Edmund Trafford. 66. Richard Molineux, Knt. 67. Thomas Langton, Knt. 68. Edward Holland, Esq. 69. John Preston, Esq. of the Manor. 1570. Thomas Butler, Esq. 71. Edmund Trafford, Esq. 206 €l)t il^isitorp of ti)t CHAP. VI. High shcrifls of Lanca- shire. 1572. John Byron, Esq. 1607. 73. Richard Holland, Esq. 8. 74. William Booth, Esq. 9. 75. Francis Holt, Esq. 1610. 76. Richard Bold, Esq. 77 Robert Dalton, Esq. 11. 78. John Fleetwood, Esq. 12. 79. Ralfe Ashton, Esq. 13. 1580. Edmund Trafford, Knt. 81. John Birom, Knt. 14. 82. Richard Holland, Esq. 83. John Atherton, Esq. 15. 84. Edmund Trafford. Thomas Preston. 16. 85. Thomas Preston, Esq. Richard 17. Asheton, Esq. 18. 86. Richard Asheton, Richard Bold, 19. Esqs. 1620. 87. John Fleetwood, Esq. 88. Thomas Talbot, of Bashall, Esq. 21. 89. Richard Molineux, Knt. 22. 1590. Richard Bold, Esq. 23. 91. James Asheton, Esq. 24. 92. Edward Fitton, Esq. 93. Richard Asheton, Esq. 94. Ralph Ashton, Esq. 1625. 95. Thomas Talbot, Esq. 26. 96. Richard Holland, Esq. 27. 97. Richard Molyneux, Knt. 28. 98. Richard Asheton, Esq. 29. 99. Richard Hoghton, Knt. 1630. 1600. Robert Hesketh, Esq. 31. 1601. Cuthbert Halsall, Esq. 32. 2. Edmund Trafford, Knt. 33. House of Stu-\rt. James I. 1603 John Ireland, Esq. 4. Nicholas Moseley, Knt. 5 Ralph Barton, Esq. Rand. Barton, Esq. 6. Edmund Fleetwood, Esq. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 39. 1640. Richard Ashton, Knt. Robert Hesketh, Esq. Edmund Trafford, Knt. Roger Nowell, Esq. Roger A. Nowell, Esq. John Fleming, Esq. Cuthbert Halsall, Knt. Robert Bindloss, Esq. RobertBinloss. A. Berwick, Esq. Richard Sherborne, Esq. Rich. Sherburne, Stonyhurst. Edmund Stanley, Esq. Rowland Moseley, Esq. Robert Moseley. Edmiuul Trafford, Knt. Richard Shuttleworth, Esq. John Holt, Esq. Leonard Ashawe, Esq. Leonard Ashall, or Ashow. Edmund Moore, Esq. Gilbert Ireland, Esq. Sir George Booth, Knt. and Baronet. Sir Rafe Asheton, Baronet. Charles I. Richard (or Edward) Holland, Esq. Roger Kirkby, Esq. Sir Edward Stanley, Baronet. Edmund Ashton, Esq. Edward Rawsthorne, Esq. Thomas Hesketh, Esq. Richard Bold, Esq. Nicholas (or Richard) Townley, Esq. Rafe Ashton, Esq. Ralph Standish, Esq. Humfry Chetham, Esq. (Benefac- tor) Manchester. William Farrington, Esq. Richard Shuttleworth, Esq. Roger Kirkby, Esq. Sir Edward Stanley, Baronet. Robert Holt, Esq. or Ri. Holt. Countp ^alatutr of Sanrastrr. 207 1 64 1 . Peter Egerton , Esq. 42. John Girlington, Knt. 43. Gilbert Hoghton, Esq. 44. 45 46 47- John Bradshavv, Esq. 1648. 49. C0MM0NWEAI.TH. Gilbert Ireland, Knt. until May 1649. John Hartley, of Strangeways, gen- tleman, until December 1649. 1674. 75. 7G. 77- 78. 79. 1680. 81. 82. 83. 84. 1650. Edward Hopvvood,of Hopwood,Esq. 51. Henry Wrigley, gentleman. Cham- 1685. ber Hall. A. Wrigley. 86. 52. Alexander Barlow, of Barlow, Esq. 53. John Parker, of Entwistle, Esq. 88. 54. Peter Bold, of Bold, Esq. 1655. John Atherton, of Chowbent, Esq. 56. John Starkie, of Huntroyd, Esq. 57. Hugh Cooper, of Chorley, Esq. 1689. 58. Robert Bindloss, Esq. 1690. 59. Sir Richard Hoghton, Baronet. 91. Restoration. 92. Charles H. 93. 1660. George Chetham, Esq. 94. 61. 62. > Sir George Middleton Baronet. 95. 96. 63. J. Girlington, Esq. 97. 64. Thomas Preston, Esq. 98. 65. 66. > William Spencer, Esq. two years. 99. 67. John Arden, Esq. 1700. 68.7 Thomas Greenhalgh, Brandlesome, 69. > Esq. 1. 70. Christopher Banister, Esq. 71. Henry Slater, Knt. 72. 73. > Sir Robert Bindloss, Baronet. 1702. 3. Peter Brooks, Knt. Alexander Butterworth, Esq. Idem. Alexander Rigbj', Esq. Alexander Rigby, Esq. Idem, of Layton. Sir Roger Bradshaw, Baronet. William Johnson, Esq. of Rishton Grange. William Sjiencer. Lawrence Rosthorn, Esq. Idem. Thomas Leigh, Esq. Thomas Leigh, jun. Esq. Idem. Peter Shakerley, Esq. James II. Peter Shakerley. William Spencer, Esq. two years. Peter Shakerley. Thomas Richardson, of Rawnhead, nominated, but not sworn in. William and Mary. Jas. Birch, Esq. Peter Bold, Esq. Alexander Rigby. Alexander Rigby, Esq. Layton, Lindley. Francis Livey, Esq. Lindley. Tho- mas Rigby. Thomas Rigby, Esq. Thomas Ashurst, of Ashurst, Esq. Richard Spencer, Esq. Thomas Norris, Esq. Roger Manwaring, Esq. Wm. West, Esq. Robert Duckenfield, Esq. Thomas Rigby, of Middleton. Thomas Rigby, Esq. Hulm, of Davy Hulme. William Hulm, Esq. Anne. Roger Nowel, of Read, Esq. Peter Egerton, of Shaw, Esq, CHAP. VI. HiRh sheriffs of Lanca- shire. 208 Cf)f %}i&toiv of tfif CHAP. VI. High sheriffs of Lanca- shire. 1704. 1705. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1710. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1715. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1720. 21. 22. 23. 24. 1725. 26. 1727. 28. George Birch, of Birch Hall, Esq. 1729. Succeeded by his brother, Tho- mas Birch. 1730. Richard Spencer, of Preston, Esq. 31. Christojjher Dauntesey, of Agecroft. 32. Edmund Cole, of Lancaster and Cote. 33. Miles Sandes, of Graythwaite, Esq. Roger Kirkby (ob. this year). Sue- 34. ceeded by Alexander Hesketh. 35. Esq. Roger Parker, of Extwisle, Esq. 36. Sir Thomas Standish, of Duxbury, Bart. 37. Wm. Rawsthorne, of Preston, Esq. 38. Richard Valantine, of Preston and 39. Bentclift'e, Esq. William Farrington, of Werden, Esq. 1 740. 41. House of Brunswick. 42. 43. George I. 44. Jonathan Blackburne, of Orford, Esq. 45. Thomas Crisp, Esq. Wigan and Parbold. 46. Samuel Crooke, of Crooke, Esq. 47. Richard Norris, of Liverpool and 48. Speke, Esq. 49. Thomas Stanley, of Clithero, Esq. 1750. Robert Mavvdesley, of Mawdesley, 51. Esq. 52. Benjamin Hoghton, Esq. Benjamin Gregg,Esq. Chamber Hall. 53. Sir Edward Stanley, of Bickersteth, 54. Bart. 55. William Tatham, Esq. Over Hall. Miles Sandys, of Graithwait, Esq. 56. Edmund Hopwood, of Hopwood, 57. Esq. 58. George H. Dr. Daniel Wilson, of Dalham Tower. 59. Joseph Yates, of Peel, near Man- chester, Esq. 1760. William Greenhalgh, of Myerscough, Esq. James Chetham, of Smedley, Esq. William Leigh, of West Houghton. John Parker, of Breightmet, Esq. John Greaves, of Kilshaw, Esq. or Culchith. Dr. Bushel, of Preston, M.D. Arthur Hambleton, of Liverpool, Esq. Darcey Lever, of Alkrington, Knt. LL.D. Thos. Horton, of Chadderton, Esq. Samuel Chetham, of Castleton, Esq. Sir Ralph Asheton, of Middleton, Bart. Roger Hesketh, of Meols, Esq. Robert Diickenfield, of Manchester. Robert Bankes, of Winstanley. John Blackburne, of Orford, Esq. Robert Radcliffe, of Toxdenton,Esq. Daniel Willis, of Red Hall, Esij. (now Halstenliead.) William Shaw, of Preston, Esq. Sam. Birche, of Ardwicke, Esq. Geo. Clarke, of Hyde, Esq. Rigby Molineux, of Preston, Esq. Charles Stanley, Esq. Cross Hall. James Fenton, of Lancaster, Esq. Richard Townley, jun. of Belfield, Esq. John Bradshaw, of Manchester, Esq. Thomas Hesketh, of Rufford, Esq. Thomas Jolmson, of Manchester, Esq. James Barton, of Penwortham, Esq. James Bailey, of Withington, Esq. Robert Gibson, of Myerscough Planks, Esq. Edward Whitehead, of Claughton, Esq. Sanmel Hilton, of Pennington, Escj. Countp ^Salatuif of aanrnstfr. 209 George III. I788. I76I. Sir William Farington, of Shawe Hall, Kilt. 89. 62. Thomas Braddle, of Conishead, Esq. 1790. 63. Thomas Blackburne, of Hale, Esq. 64. Sir William Horton, of Chaderton, 91. Bart. 92. 65. John Walmesley, of Wigan, Esq. 66. Edward Gregg, of Chamber Hall, 93. Esq. 67. Alexander Butler, of Kirkland, Esq. 94. 68. Thomas Butterworth Baylej^, of Hope, Esq. 95. 69. Doming Rasbotham, of Birch House, Esq. 96. 1770. Nicholas Ashton, of Liverpool, ^. Esq. 71. Sir Ashton Lever, of Alkrington, 98. Knt. 99. 72. William Cunliffe Shaw, Esq. Pres- 1800. ton. 1. 73. Thomas Patten, Esq. Warrington. 74. Geoffrey Hornby, of Preston, Esq. 2. 1775. Sir Watts Horton, of Chadderton, Bart. 3. 76. Lawrence Rawsthorne, Preston, Esq. 4. "77 • Samuel Clowes, of Chorlton, Esq. 78. Wilson Gale Bradyall, Esq. Conis- 5. head. 6. 79. John Clayton, of Carr, Esq. or Little Harwood. 7. 1780. John Atherton, Esq. Walton Hall, Liverpool. 8. 81. John Blackburne, Esq. Orford, now 9. Hale. 82. Sir Frank Standish, Duxbury, Bart. 1810. 83. James Whalley, Esq. Clerk Hill, H. Whalley. 84. Wm. Bankes, of Winstanley, Esq. 12. 85. John Sparling, Esq. Liverpool. 13. 86. Sir John Parker Mosely, of Ancoats, Bart. 14. 87. William Bamford, of Bamford, Esq. VOL. I. 2 E Edward Falkner, of Faii-field, near cHAP. Liverpool, Esq. ^'^• William Hulton, of Hulton, Esq. High Charles Gibson, Esq. of Lancaster, of Lanca- now Quernmore. '*' James Starkie, of Heywood, Esq. William Asheton, of Cuerdale, Esq. now Downham. Thomas Townley Parker, of Cuer- den, Esq. Sir Henry Philip Hoghton, of Wal- ton, Bart. Robinson Shuttleworth, of Preston, Esq. Richard Gwillym, Bewsey, Esq. Bold Fleetwood Hesketh, of Ros- sall, Esq. John Eiitwistle, of Foxholes, Esq. Joseph Starkie, of Royton, Esq. James Ackers, of Lark Hill, Esq. Sir Thomas Dalrymple Hesketh,Bart. Rufford. Robert Gregg Hopwood, of Hop- wood, Esq. Isaac Blackburne, Esq. Thomas Lister Parker, of Brows- holme, Esq. Meyrick Bankes, of Winstanley, Esq. Le Gendre Pierce Starkie, of Hunt- royd, Esq. Richard (Cross) Legh, of Shawe Hill and Adlington, Esq. Thomas Clayton, of Carr Hall, Esq. Samuel Clowes, of Broughton, Man- chester, Esq. William Hulton, of Hulton, Esq. Sam. Chetham Hilton, of RIoston Hall, Esq. Edmund Greaves, of Culcheth, Esq. William Farington, of Shawe Hall, Esq. Lawrence Rawsthorne, Penwortham, Esq. 210 mn lisstorj) of tl)t CHAP. VI. Violation of the li- berty and property of the subject. 1815. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Le Gendre Pierce Starkie, Hunt- royd, Esq. William Townley, Townhead, Esq. Robert Townley Parlcer, of Cuerden, Esq. Joseph Feilden, Wetton House, Esq. John Walmesley, Castle Mere, Esq. Robt. Hesketh, Rossal, Esq. Tliomas Richard Gale Braddyll, Conishead Priory, Esq. James Shuttleworth, Barton Lodge, Esq. Thomas Greene, Slyne, Esq. 1824. John Entwistle, Foxholes, Esq. 25. John Hargreaves, Ormerod House, Esq. 26. James Penny Machell, Penny Bridge, Esq. 27. Chas. Gibson, Quernmore Park, Esq. 28. Edmund Hornby, Dalton Hall, Esq. 29. Henry Bold Hoghton, Bold Hall and Hoghton Tower, Esq. 1830. Peter Hesketh, Rossal Hall, Esq. 31. Peregrine Edw'' Towneley, of Towneley, Esq. The county palatine of Lancaster is parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, and the king has a seal, chancellor, and other officers, for the county palatine, and others for the duchy, both of which are managed separately from the possessions of the king.* It is one of the privileges of a county palatine, that none of its inhabitants can be summoned out of their own county, except in case of treason, or error, by any writ or process .f In the eai'ly periods of the palatine privileges in Lancashire, these distmctions of law were not so well understood as at present ; hence a number of legal harpies were in the daily habit of seizing the mhabitants and their property, and conveying them away under form of law, though they had no juristHction whatever in the county. These violent and illegal proceedings kept those parts of tlie county wherein they were practised in a coutmual ferment. Large assemblies of the people rose, to resist the intruders ; and riots, and even miu'ders, frequently ensued. So intolerable an evil called for a strong remedy, which the law had not then provided, hut in 28 Hemy VI. an act was passed, by which it was ordained, that if any " misruled" persons, under colour of law, made a distress where they had no fee, seigniory, or cause, to take such distress in the counties and seigniories in Wales, or in the duchy of Lancaster, they should be adjudged guilty of felony, and punished accordingly.;!: An ancient petition to pai'Uament from the inhabitants of this county has been preserved in the Tower of London, wherein that protection was loudly called for, wliich the legisla.ture were not slow to gi-ant: — * Plow. Com. p. 219. on the duchy of Lancaster case, so elaborately argued, by which it was decided, that a lease under the duchy seal of land, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, made by Edw. VI. in his nonage, to commence after the end of a former lease in esse, was good, and not avoidable by reason of his nonage. t Coke's 4th Institute, p. 411. I Statutes of the Realm, vol. ii. p. 356. Countp |3alatine of ilnnrastfiv 211 " Soit bailie as Sfs. vi. " To the discrete Corayns of this pseut Parliament. Please it your Tvdsdomes petition. aud liigh discrecions teuilii-ly to consicke, that diverse misgoverned persones of the Shu-es, Lordesliippes Roialx, in Walys, and of the Ducherie of Lancastre in the seid parties, dayly taken and use to take, diverse persones, goodcs and catelx in the seid Shii'es, Duchie and Lordeshippes, by the name and untke colour of distresse, where thei have noo maner Fee, Lordesliip, ne cause to take such disti'esse, but feynen accions and quarelx, to gi-eve and destrye the trewe pepiU of the seid Shii'es, Ducfiie and Lordeshippes, ayenste lawe, reason and conscience ; and the seid psones, goodes and catelx soo taken, leden and carien out of the Slm-es, Diictiie and Lorde- shippes where thei ben talven, into other diverse places in England and Walys : And oft tyme for suche disti'esse takjiig, and in resistens therof, ther is gi-ete assembles of pepill, notes, mayhemmys, and murdi'es doon aud hadde, and if it be not in hasty tyme remedyed, like to folowe therof other inconvenientise ; of the which takynges, ledynges and cariynges, there is in that partie no dewe punishment, cause wlierof the pepill of the seid parties dayly habundeth and encreseth in misgovnaunce. Tliat it please youre said high discreciouns to consicbe thees pmisses, and to praye the Kynge oure Sovereigne Lorde, by advise of liis Lordes Spuelx and Tempelx in this present Pai'liament assembled, and by auctorite of the same Pai'liament, to ordeigue and stablish ; that if eny psone take eny goodes, catelx or persons, in eny of the seid Shii'es, Duchie or Lordeshippes, and them lede or caiye into eny places out of eny of the seid Shires, DucWe or Lordeshippes, wherin thei ben taken, into eny other places, that all manner suche takynges, ledying, or carying, be hadde aud demyd Felonye; And if eny person therof be atteint in eny wyse, that he have execucion as a Felon shulde have. And that noo maner person in the seid Shii'es, Duchie or Lordesliippes, ne in no other places in Walys, arettyd, accused or endited of Felonye, in eny wise be admitted to disclajone out of the seid Sliii-e, Duchie or Lordeship, where he is soo enchted, accused or aretted. Pm-veyd alway, that noo person for distresse takyng within his Fee, or for eny maner cause wherfore distresse is lawfuU by the comyn lawe of England, by this Ordinaunce be hui'te or greved: And also purveyd, that tliis Acte be not prejudicial to eny psone Englyshe boren in Enge- lond; and that in the onour of God, and in the wey of charite. Responsio. " Le Roy s'advisera." A most extraordinary piece of legislation relating to the county palatine of Punish- 1 /• raent of Lancaster, took place four years after this, by which an act, made tor a temporary outlaws. purpose, was declared perpetual. By this act it was ordained, that if any person 212 €l)t liEftorp of tin CHAP. VI. 31 Hen. VI. .■)3 Hen. VI. Rot. pari. 7 Hen. VII. 111. 8. . Prohibi- tion of liveries. should be ovitlawed in the county palatine of Lancaster, he should forfeit such of his land and goods as were found in that county, hut in no other ;* and that this should be the extent of his punishment, however aggravated might be his offence. The effect of such a law was to encourage crime to an alarming extent, for if any " foreigner" came into the county palatine of Lancaster, and committed any treason, murder, or robbery, or made and violated any contract, the sole rech-ess for the injured party was against liis lands and effects in the county, which generally were of no value. The pernicious consequence of tliis law soon became too palpable to be endured, and, two years after it had been made " perpetual," it was repealed.-|' The defeat of this insidious measure did not prevent its repetition in the seventh year of the reign of Henry VIL when, in the absence of the " knights of the sliii-e, and otlier noble persons of the county," an act of parliament Avas obtained, at the instance, and by the influence, of a single individual, probably one of the adherents of the deposed tyrant, Richai-d, by wliich it was ordained, that persons resichng out of the county should neither be liable to process in the county of Lancaster, nor should forfeit, for their offences in the county, any goods but such as were to be found within its limits. It may easily be conceived, that no long time Avas necessaiy to discover this legislative error; and, accorcUngly, we find that, in the very same par- liament, an act was passed, which, after reciting, " That the Countie of Lancastre is and of long tyme hath byn a Countie Palantyne, made and ordeyned for gi-ete consideracion, and within the same hath byn had and used Jurisdiccion Roiall, and all things to a Countie Palantjnie belonging, in the dayes of the noble Progenitours of our Soverayn Lord the King, unto the begynnyng of this present Parliament," proceeds to enact, " that the said Countie Palatyne, and every parte of the Juris- diccion therof, be in every poynt touching all Processes, Forfaitures, and other tliinges, as large, and of like force and effecte, as it was the day next before the fii-st day of this psent Parliament, and as if the said Acte had not bin made." The wars between the rival houses of York and Lancaster stUl agitated the country. The madness of party raged with Its utmost violence, and men of fortune and influence were accustomed to equip their partisans in Uveries, and to furnish them Avith badges of distinction incUcating to wliich house they belonged. The natural consequence of this conduct was to increase the general agitation, and to embarrass the administration of the laws. It is probable also, that there were local feuds mixed up Avith these elements of general discord, wliich so far exceeded the corrective power of the police, that a law was enacted, by which it Avas declared, that no person should give liveries or badges, or retain, as their menial servants, officers, or men learned either in civil or ecclesiastical laAV, by any oath or promise, under * Stat, of the Realm, vol. ii. p. 356. t Ibid. vol. ii. p. 365. Counti) |3alatme of ^Lancasittn 213 the penalty of one luuKli-ed shillings per mouth for every person so retained, to he chap. recovered before the justices at then- usual sessions of oyer and terminer, or before ^' ' the king's justices in the counties palatine of Lancaster and Chester.* The palatine privilege had in the reign of Edw. VI. been perverted to the injury Prodama- of the inhabitants, by subjecting them to the consequences of outlawry without their aTexi-"" knowledge. As the Idng's vrnt of proclamation awarded upon an exigent ao-ainst ^'"'' any mhabitaut of Lancashii-e, in any action involving the process of outlawry, did not run in Lancasliii-e, it was necessarily sent to the sheritf of an adjoining county, and the consequence was, that many persons were outlawed without tlieii- own know- ledge. When the trade and commerce of the county began to be extended, tliis gi-ievance manifested itself so frequently, that an act was passed, whereby it was c Ed. vi. enacted, that whenever any writ or exigent fi'om the court of king's bench or common jjleas, should issue against any person residing in Lancasliire, a writ of proclamation should be awarded to the sheriff of the county palatme of Lancaster, and not to the sheriff of any adjoining county ; and that the sheriff of Lancasliii-e .should make and return the proclamation accordingly. During the civU wars between prerogative and privilege, when Charles L had the .Sheriff of nominal authority of the sovereign, but when the two houses of parliament exer- siiire dm- cised the royal functions, the powers of the duke of Lancaster, like those of the king dfn wars. of England, were assumed by the founders of the commonwealth ; and an ordinance remains upon record, by which John Bradshaw, of Bradshaw, in the county of Lan- caster, Esq. was appointed to the office of sheriff of this county, which office he held for four successive years, in contravention of tlie act of 28 Edw. IIL till the king was deposed, and until he, the sheriff of the county palatine of Lancaster, in the capa- city of president of the parliamentary tribunal, consigned his monaixh to the block. This ordinance is of the date of the 10th of February, 1644, and is thus expressed:— " The Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, do order and ordain, and " be it ordered and ordained, that William Lcnthall, Esq. Speaker of tlie House of " Commons, shall have power, and is hereby authorized to put in use the duchy " seal, for the constituting and maldng of sheriffs and justices of peace witliin the " county of Lancaster, and to issue out all writs and processes, and to do and perfonn " all acts and tilings necessary for the benefit of the said county, in as ample " manner as any Chancellor of the Duchy heretofore hath done, or ought to do; and " tliis ordinance to continue and be in force, until both houses take further order; " and whatsoever the said William I,ord Grey, of Mark, and W'" Lenthall, shall do " in pursuance hereof, they shall be saved harmlesse by both houses of pariiament : * Stat, of the Realm, vol. ii. p. 426. VI 214 €i)t ?i)i6toii> of t\)t ;hap. " and it is further ordered and ordained, that tlie officers belonging to the Duchy " Couil do prei)are a patent for to make Jolm Bradshaw, of Bradshaw, Esquu-e, " Sheiiff of the said County, who is to take the oath of Sheiiff hereinto annexed : — " THE OATH OF THE SHERIFF OF LANCASTER." " Yee shall Swear, Tliat well and ti-uly ye shall serve the King in the Office of the Sheriff of Lancaster, and do the King's profits in all things tliat helongeth you to do by way of your Office ; As much as you can or may, ye shall not respite the Kings Debts, for any gift or favoui-, where you may raise them without gi-eat gi-ievance of the Debtors : Yee shall ti-uly and rightfully treat the people of your Sheriffwick, and do right, as well to Poor as to Rich, in all that helongeth to your office ; Yee shall do no wrong unto any man for any gift or promise of goods, nor favom- nor hate: Yee shall disturb no man's Right; yee shall truly Accompt before the Auditor of the Dutchy of Lancaster ; of all them of whom yee shall any thing receive of the King's Debts : Yee shall nothing take whereby the King may loose, or whereby that Right may be tUsturbed, letted or the Kings Debts delayed : Yee shall truly retm-n, and truly serve all the Jungs Writs, as far forth as it shall be ********** m your cunnmg : Also, yee shall utterly testify and declai-e in your conscience, that the said Kings Highnesse is the onely Supream Governour of this Realm, and of all other His Highnesses Dominions and Countries, aswell in all Spuituall and Ecclesiastical things or causes, as Temporall; and that no FoiTaign Prince, Person, Prelate, State or Potentate, hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superioiity, Pre- heminency or Authority, Ecclesiasticall or Spliituall witliin tliis Realm; and there- fore yee shall truly renounce and forsake aU Forraign Jurisdictions, Power, Superio- rities, and Authorities, and shall promise, that fi-om henceforth yee shall beare Faith and true Allegiance to the said Kings Highnesse, His Heirs and Lawfull Successors ; and to your power, shall Assist and defend all JurisiUctions, Privileges, Preheminences, gi-anted or belonging to the said King's Highnesse, His Heirs and Successors, or Vnited or annexed to the Imperiall Crown of this Realm : So help you God, and by the holy Contents of this Book." " H. Elsynge, Cler. Pari. D. Com." With the restoration in 1660, the authority and the revenues of the duke of Lancaster reverted to the king. In order to secure the ducal prerogatives, and the ancient privileges of the county, a number of courts have, in the succession of ages, risen up in Lancashire, involving the jurisprudence of the county. The reason of tical courts. Count)) |3alatinc of Saiuast^n 215 these inununities, as assigned by Sir Edward Coke, is, " for that the county of Lan- chai- caster is a county palatine, and the duke," at its institution, "had jura ret/alia," or 1 royal prerogatives, within the county — " to exercise all manner of jui-isdiction, liigh, mean, and low." " This county palatine (of Lancaster) adds Sir Edward, was the youngest brother, and yet best beloved of all other, for it hath more honors, manors, and lands annexed unto it than any of the rest, by tlie house of Lancaster, and by Henry VIII. and Queen Mary, albeit tliey were descended also of the house of York, viz. from Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Edward IV." The nature of the courts in the duchy and county palatine of Lancaster, ecclesiastical, civil, and criminal, have already been exliibited in a connected form,* in combination with the other courts, which liave a concurrent jurisdiction in the county ; and it is only necessary in tliis place to repeat this information, and somewhat to amplify the details : — The Ecclesiastical Courts are. The Prerogative Court of York, -nitliin which province tliis county lies ; the Court Ectiesi.s- for the Archdeaconry of Chester ; and the Court for the Archdeaconry of Rich- mond. Probates of wUh and letters of administi-ation, of persons dying witliin the archdeacomy of Richmond, are usually granted in the ecclesiastical comt of Rich- mond, and the original wills, with the registers of other proceedings, are deposited at Lancaster, where the court for the Lancashire portion of that arclideaconry is held ; wliile the wills and letters of acbninistration, as to persons dying within the archdeaconry of Chester, must be proved in, or gi-anted by, the ecclesiastical court of Chester, held in that city, m whicli case the wills are there deposited. But dm-ing the year of triennial visitation, the jiu-isdiction of the archdeaconry of Rich- mond ceases, and the proceedings throughout tlie whole county of Lancaster are then registered at Chester. Tlie widows of mtestates, dying ^vithin the archdea- conry of Riclunond, obtain, by the custom of the province of York, sanctioned by the statute of distributions, a greater shai-e of theii- iiusbands' personal estates than that to which those ai-e entitled, by the statute, whose husbands die ^-ithin the arclidea- conry of Chester, where such custom does not prevail, Chester not being governed by any custom but by statute law. UntU the institution of the bishopric of Chester, at the period of the Reformation, Lancasliii-e lay within the dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry, and ^vills proved from this county, at that time, were deposited at Lichfield, where those ^vills now remain. The river Ribble generally forms the boimdary of ^'"'' tJie two archdeacomies— places to the North of the Ribble being in the archdeaconry of Riclunond ; and tliose to the South of that river, in the archdeaconry of Chester. Tliis definition is, however, subject to one exception ; the whole of the extensive * Baines's Lancashire, edit. 1824. vol. 1. p. 128 — 138. 32 Hen. 216 Cije ?l]i6ttii-p of tl)t CHAP, parish of Wlialley is in the archdeacomy of Chester, though the townsliip of Bow- land- with-Leagi'am, in this parish, is on the north side of the Rihble. VI. Synopsis. INFERIOR COURTS. < Of Record. The Courts of Law are, f *The High Court of Chancery. *The Exchequer. Tlie Chancery of the Duchy. The Chancery of the County Palatine. superior courts. «( *The King's Bench. *The Common Pleas at Westminster. The Common Pleas at Lancaster. Tlie Judges Commission of all manner of Pleas. The Commission of Oyer and Terminer. Cruuinal. C Sessions I" For the County and !.For Boroughs. Coroner's Court. {For the County and For Boroughs. rFor Hundreds Leets^ and (. For Manors. C Borough Coiu'ts. < Piedpoudre Courts. ' Courts of Requests. C By Justicias. \ By Replevin. (By Plaint, f By Replevin. ^ By Plaint, spyhold. Customary. r Copyhold. For Manors. < Customary. ( By Plaint. The Courts marked thus * have a general jurisdiction, and are not peculiar to this county. w •< Z V. o in CO Not of Record. Civil. County. For Hundi-eds. For Honors. (Cus Count|) palatinf of tniunsitcr. 217 The High Colrt of Chancery,* and the Court of Exchequer, chap.- VI. have coucuiTent jurisiliction in tliis county with the Chanceries of the Duchy, and the county Palatine, m all matters requiring the interference of equity to i-emedy the <-'""'•' "f defects, or mitigate the rigours, of law. But in affaii-s Avhere the authority is derived by statute, or commission from the crown, as in bankruptcy and matters of a fiscal nature, the lord chancellor has an exclusive jurisdiction, and the barons of the exchequer paramount authority. The Chancery of the Duchy of Lancaster is not a mixed court of law and equity. It has cognizance of matters of an equitable chancery nature, whether they relate to the county palatine, or to the duchy, and of all chy. questions of revenue and council, affecting the ducal i)ossessions. The proceedings in this court, as in the comi of chancery, ai-e by EngUsli bill and decree. The process is by privy seal and attachment, as in the chancery. All patents, and commissions of officers, or dignitaries, all orders, and gi-ants affecting the lands and revenues, and all similar acts of authority mthin the duchy, issue from hence. It is also a court of appeal from the chancery of the county jmlatine ; and the archive of all records aifecting the francliise. It is held at the duchy office in Westminster, from which all processes issuing out of this court are dated. The Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster is an original and independent court, as ancient as the 50th of Edward III. and the proceedings are earned on by Enghsh bill and decree. The office is at Preston, chancery and the court sits four times a year, at least ; namely, once at each assize at Lancas- {"atine. ''*' ter, and once at Preston in the interval of each assize. The process of the court is by subpcEna, attachment, attachment with proclamations, commission of rebellion, sequestration, and writ of assistance, &c.; and the general practice of the court, except in some particular cases where it is governed by its own particular rules, is similar to the practice of the high court of chancery in almost every tiling, except in despatch and expense. The chancery of Lancasliire has concurrent jurisdiction with the liigh com"t of chancery, and the court of exchequer, in all matters of equity, whether concerning lands lying witliin the palatine, or concerning transitory * The chancery is called of Chancelli, because they examine matters within places endorsed with partitions of cross-barrs ; or rather, from the chancellours cancelling or dashing out, wt cross lines lattice-wise, commissions, warrants, and decrees, passed against all law or right. They (the chancel- lors) were in England before the Conquest, and then, and now, are reputed the second persons in the Kingdom.— Fragmenta Historipolitica Miscellanea, Harl. MSS. no. 980. fo. 59. VOL. I. 2 f 218 €l)t 5}isitiDr|) of tfte CHAP, suits, its cogmzance of wliich depends on the person or lands of the defendant being ' amenable to the process of this court; but its jurisdiction is exclusive of all other courts of equity, when both the subject of the suit, and the residence of the parties litigant, are Avitlun the county, and in such case a defendant may insist on liis right to be sued in this chancery by demurrer or plea to any other equitable process. This court seems to be entirely independent of the liigh court of chancery, the latter court not assuming any jurisdiction or power over it ; for an appeal from the chan- cery of Lancashire lies to the duchy cliamber at Westminster, and from thence to the king in parliament ; and no instance can be remembered, nor any precedent adduced, when the Iiigh court of chancery has evei' in any manner attempted to interfere in the process or proceedings of the court of chancery of Lancasliii-e, or to remove the cause or matter in dispute from its jurisdiction. The court in point of fact exercises a concurrent jurisdiction with the high court of chancery m all matters of equity within the county palatine, particularly in matters of account, fraud, mistake, trusts, foreclosures, tithes, infants, partition, and specific performance of contracts and agTeements. It also interferes to restrain parties from proceeding m actions at law, and for that j^urjiose grants tlie writ of injunction. And it also issues injunctions to stay waste and trespass in cases where in-eparable mis- chief might arise, unless the parties were immediately resti-ained from doing the acts complained of. It is likewise auxiliiuy or assistant to the jurisdiction of courts of law, as by remo-ving legal impedunents to the fan- decision of a question depenchng, either by compelling a discovery wliich may enable them to decide, or by perpetuating testimony when in danger of being lost, before the matter to wliich it relates can be made the subject of judicial investigation. It also has jurisdiction, on ex-parte appU- cations, in appointing guardians for infants, and in allowing them a competent main- tenance out of their property, and in enabUng them to make conveyances of their trust, and mortgaged estates, for the benefit of the parties beneficially entitled. It also claims the care of all lunatics and itUots within the county palatine, and grants commissions in the nature of the WTit de Lunatico rel Id'tota probanda, for the purpose of inquiring into the state of mind and circumstances of the parties against whom the commission of lunacy or idiocy is prayed. And on the inquisition beiiig returned, it grants admiuistration of the persons and estates of lunatics and idiots to committees or guartUans appointed for tlie purpose, under the directions of the court. If the suit is on behalf of a private inchvidual, the bUl of complaint is addressed to the chancellor of the duchy in the name of the party complaining, and if the suit is instituted on behalf of the crown, or of those who partake of its preroga- tive, or whose rights are under its peculiar protection, as the objects of a pubhc charity, &c. the matter of complaint is offered to the cliancellor of the duchy by way Coimtp ^Jalntiitf of i!.anrns:t(i% 219 of information, in the name of the attorney general of the county palatine. The chap. proceedings ai'e afterwards carried on, except in little points of practice arising fi-oni " local circumstances, as in suits originally commenced in the high court of chancery. Although the hills are adch-essed to the chancellor of the duchy, the vice-chancellor of the county palatine is the judge of the court, and the causes and all motions and petitions are set down, and heard before him. The chancellor of the duchy, assisted hy the two judges in commission for the county palatine, sits to hear causes at West- minster, either commenced originally in the duchy chamber, or which have been transmitted there by way of appeal from the court of chancery of the county palatine. ■ All original writs within the county palatine issue from the chancery of Lanca- shire, and writs from the courts at Westminster are directed to the chancellor of the duchy, who makes out his mandate to the sheriif of the county, to execute, and return them into the chancery. Tlie officers of the court are — the chancellor of the duchy, the vice-chancellor, the registrar, examiner, and first clerk, the five cursitors and clerks in court, who are the attorneys of the court, the seal-keeper, and the messenger. The Court of King's Bench and the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster, have concurrent jurisdiction with the court of common pleas, for the county palatine Courts of of Lancaster, in almost all cases ; and will enforce their jurisdiction over personal bench ana actions, unless conusance of the cause be claimed, or the palatinate jurisdiction be p™ pleaded, or eiTor be brought, after judgment by default, mth the venue laid in Lan- cashire, and the want of an original be assigned for error. In the two first instances, the superior courts cannot refuse to allow the privilege, when properly claimed; and in the last, the want of jurisdiction becomes apparent, from the circum- stance of there being, in the chancery at Westminster, cui-sitors for the issuing of wits into every county but the counties palatine, and therefore, upon a cause of action arising in Lancashire, there is no proper officer from whom an original could have been obtained, to wan-ant the subsequent proceedings in the court at Westmin- ster. The cases where the jurisdiction of the courts above is excluded, and that of the common pleas at Lancaster must be adopted, are chiefly pleas of lands wdtliin the county; actions against corporations existing in Lancashire; or suits in wliich a defendant residing there must be aiTested for less than £20. All writs out of the courts at Westminster (except Habeas Corpus and Mittimus) are directed to the chancellor, knd not to the sheriff, in the first instance; and, where execution of them must be done by the sheriff, the chancellor issues his mandate to that officer, and, on 2f 2 common (leas. tine. 220 m)t iJlEitOll) Of tftf CHAP, recemnff liis return, certifies, in his ovra name, to the court above, that the writ lias VI. " been duly executed; and if the chancellor return, that he commanded the sheriff, and has received from him no answer, the court above will rule the sheriff to return the mandate. There is only one li-anchise in the county having the execution of writs by its own officer, viz. the Liberty of Furness, to the bailiff of which the sheriff dii-ects his precepts, and receives from him the requisite returns. The Court of Common Pleas for the County Palatine of Lancaster, Common is an original superior Court of Record at Common Law, having jurisdiction over the paia- all real actions for lands, and in all actions against coi-porations within the county, as well as over all personal actions where the defendant resides m Lancashire, although the cause of action may have ai'isen elsewhere ; but this court has no juris- diction beyond the limits of the county. The judges of this court are appointed by commission from the king, under the seal of the duchy of Lancaster, but in the name of the king, pursuant to the statute of 27 Hen. VIIL The judges, according to the present usage, are only two, being the judges appointed on the northern circuit, whose commission continues in force so long as the same judges continue to be appointed to that circuit. Its returns are on the fii'st Wednesday in every month. The office of the prothouotary is at Preston, where the records for the preceding twenty years are kept, and those for previous years are deposited at Lancaster, where the court sits every assizes before one of the two judges of the courts at Westminster who have chosen the northern circuit, and who are half-yearly commissioned, the one as the cliief justice, and the other as one of the "justices of the common pleas at Lancaster." The patent of the judges for the common pleas at Lancaster also appoints one of the judges " cliief justice, and the other', one of the justices of all manner of pleas within the county pidatine," and under this the causes sent by mittimus from the courts at Westminster ai-e tried at bar ; but as there is no clause of nisi prius in the jury process by mittimus to Lancaster (it being out of the ordinary circuit of the judges,) they camiot be assisted by a sergeant on the civil side as in other coimties. By the same commission ai-e tried at bar all pleas of the crown, whether removed by certiorari, or otherwise directed so to be tried. Tliis court is a great advantage to the commercial county of Lancaster, as well because its process for arrests to any amount reaches to all parts of the county, and may be had ^vithout the delay of sending to London, as from the celerity and excellency of its practice. A gi'eat majority of the causes now tried at Lancaster are brought in the common pleas of the county palatine, and in point of importance are equal to those sent down for trial there fi-om the courts at Westminster. In tliis court, actions may be Coimti.) ^alatint of 2Laiirnsitfn 221 brought mtliiu about three weeks from tlie time of hohliug the assizes ; and exe- chap. cution may be had after trial, as soon as the assizes tenninate, without waiting till ' the following term, which, at the siumner assizes especially, embraces a considerable period. The advantage of tliis promptitude in legal processes in Lancashu-e, has been so strongly felt, that the principle is now extended to the general law of the country ; and still furtlier improved, by an act of parliament passed in the early part of the year 1831, for the more speedy judgment and execution in actions i wiii. brought in his majesty's courts at Westminster ; and the proceedings in the court of common pleas of the county palatine of Lancaster, have been facilitated by making all writs of inquiry or damage returnable on the first Wednesday in every month, (in adcUtion to the fii'st and last days of each assize,) in lieu of being returnable, as liitherto, on any of the return days in Easter and Michaelmas terms respectively. The general official business of the court of common pleas in Lancashii-e, is transacted by the deputy of the prothonotary. The office of prothonotaiy is a patent office, in the gift of the crown, in right of the duchy of Lancaster. Jolm Crosse, Esq. is the attorney-general ; and Wm. Walton, and M. F. A. Aiuslie, Esqrs. ai'e king's counsel for the palatinate. The attorney-general for the county is an officer of this circuit, and there are also two king's counsel for the palatinate. It is not witliin the province of this work to enter into the subject of fees, and other details of legal practice, but the foUo^ving order of court, issued by the judges upwards of two hunched years ago, may sei"ve as a piece of legal lore : — " Orders made at Lanc : By S. James Altham, Bar. of Ecq. S. Edw. Bromley, Bar. of Ech. By assent of Tho. Tidsley, Attorn, of Cout. Pal. and Vicechancelor of the same, at the assizes at Lanc. 29th July. Jac. 9. " That Attorneys admonish there clients, both dwel: in the couty, to trie in the couty. " If Attura \vill not be refoiTQed, then to them in any foren court ace. to Stat. 4 H. 4. if it seeme good to the Justices. " Euery writ made by the Attorn, shall cost 2^ for euery 12'' the proton, hath. " The Atturney shall have liis fee in euery action 3' 4'' for euery assize. •' Tlie Sherif shall return at the first Distr: suff: issues upon euery Freholdi- that shall be sued, and double the same til the fi-eeholder appere to the suit. 222 Salford, West Derby, and Blackbura, which contain neai-ly nine-tenths of the inhabitants of the county ; and that, by the proposed adjournments, the saving to prosecutors and suitors, both in time and travelling expenses, would be immense. The cogency of these representations arrested the attention of the magistracy of the county, and in the report of a committee appointed by that body at their annual general sessions of the peace in 1820, which report was made in 1822, the conunittee earnestly recoimnend, that at the county assizes at Lancaster, the two judges should " both proceed upon the trial of prisoner's, and afterwards upon the trial of all cases ii'om the north of the county, as usual, and then adjourn to Preston, and there proceed with the causes from all other parts of the county." By this arrangement, the committee " estimate the saving to the county to amount to at least £10,000 a year," but they discountenance the idea of^djourning the a,ssizes to Manchester and Liverpool, and deem it to be a measure fraught " with serious inconvenience and mischief." The subject being thus brought under the consideration of the whole bench, it became necessary to pronounce a decision upon it ; aiid in a report of the magistracy, subsequently made, they negative the proposition in toto : first, because they agree %vith the committee, that it would be attended with serious inconvenience and mis- chief to adjourn the assizes to Manchester and Liverpool ; and second, because an adjournment to Preston would only shorten the distance of travelling about twenty miles, and is not estimated to save more than £10,000 a year — a consideration which they do not think sufficiently powerful to justify the adjournment of the assizes from the place where justice has been well administered for centuries past, and which is entitled to have the assize held in it by the charters of many kings. Liverpool took a strong interest hi this question, and at a public meeting of the inhabitants, held on the 11th of Apiil, 1823, at which the mayor presided, it was determmed to present a memorial to the lord liigh chancellor, the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, and the Right Hon. Robert Peel, secretary of state for the home department, urging the measure upon their consideration. To tliis memorial an answer was returned by Mr. Secretary Peel, on the 3d of March, 1824, to the effect " That the memorial relative to an adjournment of the assizes to the towns of Liver- pool and Manchester, or the neighbourhood thereof, having been fully considered, and the arguments weighed in support of that measure, with those which have been urged from several quarters against the proposed adjournments, he is dii-ected to 224 €i)t ?l?i6toi-p of tf;e CHAP, acquaint the memorialists, that the pailies memorialized are of opinion that it is not ^^" expedient for the government to take measures for adjouining the assizes from the town of Lancaster, at wliich they have been liolden for a long series of years." Subsequent efforts have been made for the attainment of this object, but hithei'to with no better success. On tliis subject, the commissioners appointed by liis majesty to inquu-e into the practice and proceedings of the supreme courts of law, in their report made to the king on the 18tli of February, 1829, say — " Tlie increased population of the county of Lancaster, amoimting to more than one mUHou of inhabitants, has augmented the business of that county to such a degi'ee as to render a subdivision of it necessary. Accordingly, a regulation has been found expedient, and has beeu established for many years past, under the authority of the judges on that circuit, by wliich the causes are divided into three separate lists, appropriated to three different portions of the county, viz.: " L Tlie three northern hundreds of Lonsdale, Amouuderness, and Blackburn. " IL The bundled of West Derby, including the town of Liverpool and the hundi-ed of Leyland. " III. Salford hundred, including Manchester. " The causes entered for trial were as follows, viz.: Last fourteen Ciicuits. Last seven Circuits. 1st List . . . 377 average 27 1st List . . . 227 average 32 2d . . . . 919 • • ■ 65|- 2d . . . . 573 . 82 3d . . . . 807 . . . 57i 3d . . . . 491 . . . 70 150 184 " Hence it is evident, that the entry of causes is on the increase; and that the number for Manchester and Salford may be taken at 65 at the least. The distances of the hundreds of West Derby and Salford fi-om Lancaster have been found incon- venient in the highest degree, not only on account of the actual nmnber of miles from Livei-pool and Manchester, and other populous towns of Lancaster, but from the incommodious approach to that place by the road to the north of Preston. The population of Liverpool and West Derby hundred, which amounts to more than 270,000 inhabitants, and, with the hundred of Leyland, to more than 300,000, and that of Manchester and Salford huncked, which also amounts to more than the latter number, makes it not only expecUent but just, towards those places, that separate assizes should be held mthin them." enor courts. CoiintL) pnlntinr of aanradtn*. 225 To promote this act of justice, it is proposed by the commissioners, that Manchester, chap. •\vith the rest of the huudi-ed of Salford, should be comprehended within an additional 1_ ciiTuit proposed to be established, to comprehend Staffordshire and Salop, the two north Welsh (Ushicts, the district of Chester, including Flintshire and the western part of Denbighsliire. But this scheme, wliich involves a strange subchvision of counties, only cures half the alleged evil, and leaves Liverpool, with the other parts of West Derby, and tlie whole of Leyland, subject to " the unjust degi'ee of inconvenience." The Courts of Inferior Jurisdiction, are either Courts, which, upon recording their judgment, can award that tlie party infi condemned shall be fined, or imprisoned, or they are Courts not of record, and, consequently, not possessing the power to make such an award. Of the fonuer class, some are more conversant in matters of criminal, and others of ci^-il nature. The Criminal Courts of Record are — the General Sessions, held, annually and quarterly. Sessions, before the justices of the peace for the county. The Annual Sessions are held in July, at Preston, and afterwards, by various adjournments, until the numerous county affairs, placed, by various statutes, under the peculiar cognizance of this court, are transacted. These ai'e annually accumulating; and the matters of county finance have now become so much the objects of magisterial care and public interest, that its sittings bear no very cUstant resemblance to those of parliament. The General Quarter Sessions are now held, according to statute, the first week after the 11th of October; the first i AViiiiam week after the 20th of December; the first week after the 31st of March; and the first week after the 24th of June, in each year. The multifarious matters under the cognizance of this court are too well known to requii'e enumeration. A very consi- derable number of barristers attend the last adjournments ; and many judicious an-angemeuts have been made, which evince the anxious desire of the magistrates to reduce, as much as possible, the time consimied, and the enonnous sums annually expended, in the prosecution of offenders. The bench have the power, and, in some cases exercise it, to effect a further saving of both, by (Uvidiug the sessions, and trying indictments and appeals in different courts at the same time ; wliich, especially in parish matters, would be a gi-eat public advantage. Similar sessions are held in the boroughs of Lancaster, Preston, Clitheroe, Boroush Wigan, and Livei-pool, before the local magistrates, agi-eeably to the respective vol. I. 2 G 220 mn ?i)i£itorj) of tin CHAP, cliarters, or to inuuemorial prescription, wliicli presupposes sucli a charter anciently ' granted, and now lost or decayed. Coroner's Another court of record of criminal judicature, is the coroner's court, rapidly assembled on the discovery of any dead body, and composed of the officer, and a jury selected by the constables of the four townships next adjoining to that spot on Avhich the corpse was first found. The name of the officer is supposed to be derived from the circumstance of Ms examination of the witnesses, and pronouncing of sentence, being in a ring or cii'cle of people assembled round the deceased, or in corona populi. He is elected by the freeholders, upon a Avrit requiring the sheriff to hold a county court for the election, and returned into chancery. In this county there are six coroners, each of Avhom has full power to act through Lancashire; but the exercise of such power is limited, by private agreement, and for mutual convenience, to the hundred or neighboui'hood of theii* respective residence. The coroner is bound by law to discharge his office in person, to come Avhen sent for, and to view the body in the presence of the jury; and if the coi-pse cainiot be found, no inquest can be held. He must also inquire of every death in prison, whether naturally or by misfortune. There are other duties attached to the office, such as the execution of process wliere the sherifT is party, or in contempt; the taking and entering of appeals of murder, rape, and robbery, &;c.; the judgment on the writs of outlawry; the inquests of ■WTeck, and treasui'e-trove ; and others of less frequent occurrence, and less public concernment, than its ordinary painful and unpleasant task : the office is of high antiquity, and great public utility, when executed according to the spirit, and for the end, of its original institution. The principal officers of the corporate boroughs are usually coroners within the precincts of their jurisdiction. The coroner is a conser- vator of the peace, at common law, virtute ojficii. Courts The remaining court of record, for the punishment of offences, is the Leet. Formerly the sheriff perambulated the county, and held his criminal court in every hundred. This was called the Torn, or Towrn; but A\]ieu the delay, inconvenience, and expense of that officer " taking a turu" tlu'ough so extensive a (hstrict became manifest, this court was made stationary in every hundi-ed, and was held, as at present, before the steward of the hundred. Ancient A singiilar instance occurs, as early as the time of Edward H., of the exactions to ment wliicli the inhabitants of Lancashire were subjected, h\ the itmerant visits of some of the high tlie ostentatious sheriffs in their periodical towrns through the county ; but to tliese grievances they cUd not tamely submit, as appears from an ancient indictment pre- sented by the grand juiy, of which the following is a translation :* — * Rot. plac. coram R. 17 Edw. 11. m. 72. sheriir. CountP |3alatinc of Snnrastcr* 227 ( The Grand Jury of the Wapentake of West Derby present chap. " LANCASTER ' . -^ ^ ,v * i tliat ' Willielinus le Gent'd,' at the time when he was sheriff, " and when he hekl his Towrn in the said Wajn'iitake, ought to have remained no longer in the Wapentake tlian three nights with tlu-ee or four horses, Avhereas he remained there at least nine days with eight liorses, to tlie oj^pression of the people ; and that he quartered himself one night at the house of ' Dns de Turbat,' and another night at the house of one ' Bobeiius de Bold,'' auotlier at the house of ' Rohcrtus de Grenlmj,' and elsewliere, according to his wUl, at tlie cost of the men of the Wapentake." For tliis offence, and for another of a more extraordinary kind, which will be exliibited in the parliamentary history of the county, the sheriff was placed in duress ; but the record goes on to say, that " the said ' Willielinus GentiV is enlarged upon the manucaption of four manucaptors." ' At the period when the comes or earls divested themselves of the charge of the counties that duly devolved upon the sheriffs, as the name shire-reeve, or bailiff of the shii'e, unports ; and, ui like manner, when tlie Inindredors ceased to govern the divisions styled humh-eds, their office was sujiplied by the steward, i.e. stede-ward, or governor of the place. This officer is one of those conservators of the peace who still remain sucli by virtue of his office. The six hundreds in Lancashire, viz. Lonsdale, Amounderness, Blackburn, Leyland, West Derby, and Salford, were anciently styled shires. Thus Leland, temp: Henry VIII. speaks of Manchester standing in Salfordslm-e ; and, in common with all the hundreds north of the Trent, they bear the synonymous name of wapentakes, from the ancient custom of the heads of families assembling armed, upon the summons of the hunch-edor, and touching his weapon, to testify their fealty. In many parts of this county, lands and manors are held by suit to the hundred leet, of which ser\'ice this was probably the sign and symbol, and such are called humh-ed lands. The leet must be held at least twice in every year, and within a month of Easter and Michaelmas, respectively. It is held before the steward of the hundred, or his deputy, and a jury impannelled by him. The amercements are limited only by the assessment of at least two men, accordino- to the measure of the fault, agi-eeably to a provision of magna cliarta. Anterior to the statues which have given to the sessions concurrent jurisdiction, its duties embraced every offence, from eaves-dropping and vagrancy, to higli treason ; but, although contrary to several very learned chcta, every statute affecting it has pre- served, and none has dhninished, its powers, Avhich are seldom called into exercise, except to abate nuisances, punish deficient measures, and appoint the high and petty constables, and other municipal officers. Its proceecHngs have two singular diarac- teristics — the entire absence of fees and lawyers. The increase of population, and the 2g2 request. 228 m)t %mtOV]y of ti)t CHAP, influence of feudal lords, gave rise to manorial leets, which were jn-anted, to obviate tlie VI. . o J '. necessity of tlie tenants of a particular manor being obliged to attend tlie torn, or general leet of the hundred, before the stewai'ds of the several lords of manors, or their deputies ; and, by custom, the leets of several manors may be held at once in some certain place within one of the manors. The Inferior Courts of Record of Civil Judicature, Boroiigii are, 1st, the Courts of Boroughs, usually held before the princii^al corporate officer, and the recorder or steward, and having jurisdiction, in personal actions, to an unlimited amount. 8uch is the Court of Passage at Liverpool, the Borough Court of Preston, and others, as numerous and as various as tlie respective charters or pre- Piedpoii- scriptions. 2nd, The Piedpoudrc Court is a court of Record, having unlimited (he court. ..... .. .. ... ».,^ jurisdiction over all contracts arising witluii a lair, before the lord or owner, or lus stewai'd or clerk of the fair. It was the lowest and most speedy court in the realm, except one now extinct, called the Court of Trail-baton, Avliere the judge Avas bound to decide whilst the bailiff drew his staff, or trailed his baton, round the room. 3rd, Courts of Almost equal to these, in the raj)id admhiistration of justice, are the Courts of Request, which the legislature has, at various periods, established in Liverjjool, Manchester, Ashton-under-Line, and Poulton in the Fylde. Under various regu- lations, and chiefly before a certain number of commissioners, assembling by rota- tion, they determine, in a summary manner, at a small expense, and without lawyers, such matters as are allowed by their respective statutes, under forty slulUngs, or five pounds. The Inferior Courts, not of Record, are all calculated for the redress of civil, and not of criminal, injuries. It has been seen that the sheriff had a court leet called tlie torn, Avliich was the criminal court of the county ; he had also his court baron or civil court, Avhich formerly tra\ elled round the county, in the same manner as the torn. The same complaint of expense, delay, County and inconvenience, attended this rotary process ; and long before the torn was localized in the hundreds, the eonntij court, or sheriffs court, became stationary in the county town, and its jurisdiction Avas limited to those suits in which the parties dwelt in several hundi'eds. In l)oth hundred and county courts, matters to any amount were originally determined, until the statute of Gloucester directed that no suits should be commenced without the king's writ, unless the cause of action did not exceed 40s. Since that time, a device has been adopted, to give the county court jurisdiction in matters above 40.s. without breach of this statute. A plaintiff sues forth out of chancery aAmt, alleging that he is clamorous for defect of right, before the Mng, and commanding the sherifT to do hun justice. This is held to be in the nature of a court. Count}) |9alntinf of laufasiten 229 commission to the sheriff to try the cause in the county court, and the defendant is i;hai'. summoned to answer the coniphiint before the sheriff, by virtue of his majesty's '. — writ of justicias. The jurisdiction under this commission is unhmited in amount, except by the faciHty of removing the suit by merely lodging a writ, Avithout security that it shall be proceeded in, when the suit is for £10 or upwards; Avliich vii-tually limits the county court to that sum. It has also unlimited juristhction in replevins of property unlawfully lUstrained, subject to the like removal. The Lancasliire county court, so far as relates to the recovery of small demands, ju'obably possesses gi'eater practice and efficiency than any other similar' court ; owing to an act of parliament,* (peculiar to the county palatine of Lancaster) prohibiting the removal of causes mthout bail, where the debt or damage is under £10, and to the excellent rules of practice since introduced, in conjunction vniii the cu'ciunstance that process may be issued at Preston, from the chancery of the duchy, at a much smaller expense, and more speedily, than it can be in orcUnary cases, where it must be had from the high court of chancery. Very much delay (incident to proceedings in county courts in general) is likewise obviated in this court, by entries being permitted to be made at the sheriff's office in the intervals between the regular monthly court days, as if they had been entered at the previous court day. Accorthng to umnemorial usage, the court has been held every Tuesday month, at Preston, but latterly, in addition to this, it has regularly adjourned its monthly sittuigs from thence to Manchester, on the Thursday following, in order to obviate the expense and loss of time incurred, through so many witnesses having to travel from that populous chstrict as far as to Preston. Of late years too, the sheriff has retained a barrister, to preside in the court, in which the number of actions commenced may be stated at from 4 to 5,000 annually: from 1 to 2,000 being for sums under 40s., but the greater proj)ortion being for sums above that amount. The Hundred Courts have concurrent jurisdiction with the county court in certain personal actions under Humhed 40s. in value, and are held from three weeks to three weeks, before the steAvard of the hundi'ed, or his deputy, and a jury, within the respective jurisdictions. One of the deputy stewards of Salford huntked is a barrister, James Norris, Es(|. of Manchester, Avho has presided for above twenty years. No suit can be removed by the del'endant, before judgment, without bad, to the satisfaction of the court ; nor by the losing party, after judgment, without similar security in double the amount of the judgment. There is in tliis county, one Honor or Superior Manor, having numerous dependent manors under it. It is the Honor of CUtheroe, the jurisdiction of which ho is very extensive. It has courts in the nature of courts leet, at which the lords of the ■• 35 Geo. III. ionor courts. 230 €i)t 5;>t6tori) of ti)t CHAP, iuferior manors owe suit; and others in the nature of copyhokl courts, for the ^^' admittance of tenants hy copy of court roll, under the various forfeited manors within the honor. Manor Thcrc are also numerous other Manors in various parts of the county ; some of which have copyhold courts, and others only courts haron for the reckess of the tenants' grievances; some have courts leet, and some kw courts for the recovery of debts and damages under 40s. held according to their- various local customs. It has been comjjlained of as a defect of the superior courts, that their sittings and offices are at too great a (hstauce fi'om the centre of business, and the mass of the population. The evil of the inferior judicatures of a civil nature is, that, owing to the restrictions upon the amount of the sums sought to be recovered, and the diminished value of money, the time of respectable juries, and professional men, are wasted upon trifling suits, wheu they might be advantageously applied to ease the superior courts of those matters whicli are too small to deserve their cognizance, and yet too gi'eat to pass remediless, save at the risk and ruin of individuals. Several unsuccessful attempts have been made to remedy both these grievances. Tlie answer to such has been, that it is dangerous to render more easy, cheap, and speedy the administration of justice, lest the people should contract a love of litigation, which would injure them more than the delay or denial of retbess. I^ccortis of tlje Couutp i^alattue* I'uiiiic The principal public records, connected Anth the jurisprudence of the county of the palatine of Lancaster, may be classed under tln-ee heads : 1 st. Those in the depart- ment of the deputy clerk of the crown at Lancaster. 2d. Those in tlie department of the prothonotary of his majesty's coiu't of common pleas for the county of Lan- caster; and, 3d. Those in the department of the register of the court of chancery of Lancashire. Soon after the appointment by his majesty of the commissioners of puljlic records, issued in virtue of a recommendatio)i of the two houses of parliament, in the year 1800, the commissioners instituted inquiries into the nature of these records, and the places of theii" deposit; and from the answers retui'ued to those inquiries it appears — In the First, That the public records, rolls, instruments, and manuscript books and the clerk papers, iu the custody of the clerk of the crown for the county palatine of Lancaster, consist of instruments and other criminal proceethngs in the crown office for the county palatine ; the records of such instruments and proceedings, and different books of entries, though not very numerous, are supposed to he all that have been pre- served. These records (except the jn-oceedings at two or three preceding assizes, of the crown Countp ^alatiiif of itancn^ter. 231 wbicli are kept in the office of the deputy clerk of the crown in Preston) are chap. deposited in the new office or room that has been filted up in Lancaster castle, lor '' the reception of these and other records of the county ; Lancaster castle beino- sup- posed to be the property of the crown, in riglit of the duchy of Lancaster. For eighty or ninety years past, the indictments, &c. are so far arranged, that any pro- ceeding inquired for, may be easily referred to ; antecedent to that period, such as have been preserved are promiscuously placed together in no regular order, but are in tolerable preservation. All tlie proceecUngs at each assizes, within the period first mentioned, ai-e entered or docketed in books, by referring to which, the proceetUnn-s in each prosecution may be known ; but there are no other indexes or cataloo-ues, except that, upon some of the older rolls, the contents are endorsed. All searches are made by or in the presence of the deputy clerk of the crown, or liis confidential clerks, who are employed in the custody and arrangements of the records, and give attendance as occasion may requii-e, without any remuneration from the public. Office copies of records are charged after the rate of eight-pence for each sheet, consisting of seventy-two words, and the usual fee upon a search is 6s. 8d. and the deputy clerk of the croA\-n charges for attending at Lancaster during the assizes, with a record, a guinea. The searches in this office are very rare, and, of course, the fees upon them very inconsiderable. Second. The public records, rolls, instruments, and manuscript books and of the papers, in the custody of the deputy prothouotary of the court of common pleas, in faiyl'""°" and for the county palatine of Lancaster, consist of fines and recoveries, records, writs, minutes, papers, and proceedings in real, personal, and mixed actions, insti- tuted in tliis court along with some few enrolments of deeds; and they are supposed to be the whole of tlie records or papers relating to tliis court since its creation. Tliese records and other documents, for a period of upwards of fiftv vears, are lodged at the office of the deputy prothouotary, which (with 'i-ie other principal law officers of this county palatine) is held at Preston, on account of its central situation. All the early records and documents are now lodged in an ancient tower or chamber within the castle of Lancaster, which has been very commodiously fitted up for their reception, at the expense of the county. The records and other dociunents are methocUcaUy arranged in separate compartments, accordhig to theii- dates, and are in general in very good preservation. There are docket rolls, or indexes, to all the records, containing the names of the parties to the fines, recoveries, and suits recorded at each assizes. As the records of tliis court are kept at a distance of twenty-two miles from the office, a person is appointed at Lancaster by the deputy prothouotary, vulgarly called citstos rotulorum, avIio is entrusted with the care of the records, &c. whose duty it is to attend every search, and to take care that everj 232 Cftr Snsitor)) of tOe CHAP, record he duly and safely restored to its proper place, for which a fee of one shilling ' is due for each king's reign into wliich a searcli is made, hesides a salary of three guineas, payable by the deputy prothonotary. But all searches are made by or in the presence of the deputy prothonotary, or liis confidential clerks, who are employed in the custody and arrangement of the records, and give attendance as occasion requires, without any salary paid by the public in respect of such custody. Accord- ing to the table of fees payable to the prothonotary, 6s. 8d. is paid on a seai'ch for each reign, and to the cust. rot. one sliilling. For an office copy for each sheet of seventy-two words, and duty, one sliilling ; and for a certificate of a copy, if required, 3s. 6d. Searches among the records kept at Lancaster are usually made dining the time of the assizes, when the prothonotary's office is held at Lancaster ; but when a search is required at any other time, the deputy prothonotary charges a reasonable extra sum for his journey and expenses. If a record is to be produced in the court at Lancaster, tlie deputy prothonotary, or his clerk, attends upon a subpoena, and charges a guinea for each attendance. If any proceeding is to ])e pro- duced elsewliere, he diarges a reasonable sum for his journey and attendance, accord- ing to cii-cumstances. The nett annual amount to the protlionotary's office of these fees, upon an average of years, after deducting the salary, &c. of the custos rotulorum, was stated in 1800 not to exceed £10, wliich siun, it is added, is barely equal to the rent of the rooms occupied by the records and public papers of the office at Preston.* Of the re- Third. The public records, &c. in the custody of the register of the court of chan- tile''^chan- ccij of the couuty palatine of Lancaster, consist of bills, answers, and otlier pleadings, cou'nt^ pa- depositions, order-books, decrees, decree-books, and otiier books for entries in causes, latine. ^^^ j ^^j^^^, yj^ttcrs instituted in that court ; and ai-e supposed to be the whole of the records or papers that have been preserved since its creation. These documents, anterior to the year 1 740, were kept in a room or chamber in the castle of Lancaster ; such as ai"e subsequent to that period are at the office of the deputy register in Preston, which is the private property of the deputy-register. The old records are deposited in an office fitted up in the early part of the present century in Lancaster castle for their reception, at the expense of the county. The bills, answers, and depositions, cSic. are upon different files, mth the respective years in which they are filed marked upon labels affixed to them; but neither these, nor the other books or proceedings, appear ever to have been well aiTanged ; many of them are much defaced, and almost, if not wholly, unintelligible. The bUls, answers, depositions, &c. have usually been indexed (or entered in a pye-book) when brought to tlie register's office to be filed : there are no indexes of the other proceedings, and many of the indexes first * Return made by William Cross, Esq. deputy prothonotary to the commissioners of Public Records. Counti) ^3alatine of 5i.anrn£(tn% 233 mentioned have been lost, and the reniamdor arc not accurate. Various circuni- chap. VI stances have caused these records or papers to be at different times removed. All L. searches in tliis office are made by, or in the presence of, the deputy register, or his Records, confidential clerks, who are employed in the custody and arrangement of the records, and give attendance as occasion requu-es, without any salaries or emoluments paid by the public. The charge for copies of proceecUngs in this office is fourpencc for each sheet, consisting of seventy-eight words ; and the usual fee for a search is 6s. 8d. ; should a search be required at Lancaster, the deputy register charges a reasonable extra sum for his journey and expenses. But owing to the ii-regodai' state of the records, few searches are made. The places of dejjosit of the records of the county palatine may be summarily stated as follows : — Records and other Instruments. Date. Where kept. County Palatine of Lancaster. Chancery : Bills, Pleadings, Depositions, Orders, and C Decrees i 1740 to 1800. Dates wanting before 1740; 1135 to 1558. Register of the County Palatine Duchy Office. Charters and grants of various kinds . . . Common Pleas : 1136 to 1558. . . Fines and Recoveries, Writs, Minutes, Pro- ceedings in Actions, and Inrolment of Deeds Geo. Ill Dates wanting . . . Prothonotary's Office, at Preston. The Records before his present Majesty's Reign Pleas of the Crown : ) Indictments and other Criminal proceedings, and Books of Entries About 50 years before y Castle, Lancaster. ) Collectanea relating to the History and Antiqui- ties thereof, made by the three Holmes . . Collection of Names of the King's Castles, Man- 1800 British Museum. sions, Parks, Forests, Chases, &c. within the survey of the Duchy of Lancaster .... Iter Forestae 8 Edward III. . . . 15 Edward III. . . 26 Henry VIII. . . University Library, Carab. Lincoln's Inn Library. King's Rememb. Office. First Fruit's Office. Nona Roll Ecclesiastical Survey (a copy) Survey of Estates therein not granted in Fee Farm 1629 Temp. Interregni. University Library, Camb Catalogue of Charters throughout England and Wales Fee Farm, Rolis of Augmentation Office. VOL. 1. 2h CHAP VI. of the ec clesiasti- cal courts. 234 Cfte ?)i^tor)) of tl)t The arcliives of tlie ecclesiastical courts, so far as they concern the county of Lancaster, are to he fountl at LicMekl, from the earliest period of their preservation Archives up to the year 1590, in the custody of the registrar of the diocese of Liclifield and Coventry; and since that period, in the custody of the deputy registrar of the diocese of Chester ; the deputy registrar of the consistory court of the archdeaconry of Rich- mond; and the deputy registrar of the five several deaneries of Amoundeniess, Copeland, Lonsdale, Kendal, and Furness. These depositories may be classed under four heads : — In the First. There are in the custody of the registrar of the diocese of Lichfield and Lkhfieid!*^ Coventry, in right of the hishop's see, original manuscripts, or episcopal registers, or acts, of the bishops of Lichfield and Coventry, from the year 1298, except that there are some chasms in several of the bishops' tunes. These registers contain acts on institutions of rectors and vicars, and some entries of appropriations of rectories and endowments of vicarages in the diocese. There ai'e also books of the judicial proceedings in causes in the court, from about the year 1450. Original Avills, and ffrants of letters of administration, from 1526 to 1590, when the ecclesiastical arclrives belonging to the diocese of Chester ceased to be kept at Lichfield. In the re- Second. There are deposited in the public episcopal registry at Chester, in ('hSe°. which diocese the county of Lancaster is situated, original wills or copies thereof proved there, from the year 1590 to the present time, and bonds given by persons administering to the effects of persons dying intestate. Sundry pleadings and pro- ceedings exhibited in causes in the consistory court of Chester, and books of the acts in the same causes. Nine folio volumes, commencing in the year 1525, containing entries of sentences of consecrations, of churches, chapels, and burial grounds, in the diocese, faculties for rebuilding and improving churches, chapels, and parsonage- houses, confirmation of seats, and other ecclesiastical commissions and faculties. Proceedings on the installations of bishops, patents of the officers of the vicar general, and official principal commissaries; rural deans, registrars, proctors, and apparitors. Three books, commencing in 1500, containing entries of presentations or institutions to ecclesiastical benefices within the (hocese. Four books, com- mencing in 1752, containing entries of institutions, licenses to curacies, orduiations, and other episcopal acts. Several books of subscriptions to the liturgy, and the articles of the church of England, by persons ordained, and clergymen admitted to benefices or cures. A volume usually called Bridgman''s Ledger, having been chiefly collected by Dr. John Bridgman, who was appointed bishop of Chester in 1619, containing copies of various appropriations, endowments, compositions, grants, agreements, leases, charters, orders by the crown, rentals of synodals, procurations, pensions, tenths, and subsidies ; patents and statutes of grammar schools. A volume Count|) ^3alatinc of ?tanra£iUr» 235 usually called GastreWs Notitia, being conipUed by Dr. Francis Gastrell, elected chap. lord bishop of Chester, in 1714, containing an account of the then population of '. — each parish, number of families, Catholics, Dissenters, families of note, patrons, wardens, schools, endowments, charities, and several other particulars of each pai-ish and chapeli-y in the diocese; entries of licenses of mai-riagc; probates of wills, and letters of administration ; names of the clergy ; church and chapel wardens ; account of exhibits at episcopal visitations, and correction books ; original presentation to benefices, and nominations to curacies and schools, and terriers and parish and chapel reoisters. There are two other registries in the archdeaconry of Riclunond, within the diocese of Chester, at Lancaster and Richmond. All the foregoing records ai-e deposited in the public episcopal registry in Chester, which is a stone building, slated, and commocHously fitted up for the safcand convenient preservation of the records and papers deposited therein. The records and papers are in general in o-ood preservation, except the most ancient part; from time or inevitable accident, They are in many parts imperfect before the year 1650, and for ten years follomng quite deficient. From that period, the ^dlls, and most of the registries and entries, are reo-ular and correct. There are complete indexes to the wills, registries, and entries of institutions, from then- commencement, except in the parts before men- tioned to be deficient. There are several manuscript volumes in the possession of the bishop of the diocese, containing a particular account of the extent and popula- tion of the diocese; number of Catholics and Dissenters, state of parsonage-houses, residence of clergy, schools, charities, and several other particidars relative to the diocese, being answers to queries addi-essed by different bishops to the clergy of the diocese. The number of parishes in the diocese of Chester was, in the year 1800, two hundi-ed and sixty-two. Third. The records, instruments, and papers, in the custody of the deputy in the registrar of the consistory court of the archdeaconry of Richmond, in the diocese of conry of Chester, consist entii'ely of original wills; bonds talven upon the issuing of letters of administration, tuition, and curation ; afiidavits and bonds relative to marriage licences; proceedings in ecclesiastical suits; enrolments of faculties for pews and galleries in churches and chapels; teniers and duplicates of parish registers; and such other matters as relate to the oflice and juriscUction of the commissary of the said archdeaconry of Richmond, but do not comprehend any record or instrument of any other nature or description. From the most ancient of the said records, to tlie year 17.50, they compromise the wills, administration and tuition bonds, which have arisen from every part of the said archdeaconry of Richmond ; but since tliat year, a division took place, and the wUls, and other papers and records not relating to such business as is usually called contentions, arising ^vitliin the five deaneries of 2h 2 Rich- 236 €ht f>MtOV}] Of tI)C CHAP. Amoundeniess, Keiulal, Copeland, Lonsdale, and Furness, part of the said ardi- '. deacouiy, are deposited in the parish chiu'ch of Lancaster, under the custody of another officer there. From the most remote period, the dujjlicates of parish regis- ters, teniers, and all other records, proceecUngs, and papers (except those of a con- tentious natui-e, and the wills, &c. of the period first before mentioned) of the five deaneries, are also deposited at Lancaster ; Avhilst all other wills, papers, and records, arising within this archdeaconry, have continued to be deposited, and remain in the registry of the consistory court at Richmond. The registry at Richmond is part of the ancient chapel, called Trinity Chapel, in the centre of the market-i^lace of the borough of Richmond, sufficiently large and commodious, and in most respects secure ; but having sevei'al dwelling-houses and shops, wherein fires are du-ectly underneath, as well as adjoining to it, it is in some measure exposed to danger. The state of preservation of the records, &c. at Richmond, is in general very good, though some few of the ancient wiUs have sufifered by the access of moisture in certain places, particularly in the corners of the roof, which are now perfectly repaii-ed ; and all increase of decay is prevented as much as possible. The wills are arranged alpha- betically in biincUes of ten years each; the terriers and paiish registers in parcels, according to the different parishes; and all the rest of the records, with sufficient regularity to answer the purposes of those who require searches to be made. There is no regular catalogue, schedule, or repertory of the records, nor any index, except of the terriers and faculties, and of such of the avtUs and administrations as have arisen mthin the present centmy, mthin the three deaneries of Riclmaond, Cat- terick, and Boroughbridge, commonly called the three Yorkshire deaneries. In the five FouRTH. The Original wills within the five deaneries of Amounderness, Cope- deaneries. " land, Lonsdale, Kendal, and Furness, within the archdeaconry of Riclunond in the diocese of Chester, preserved and kept at Lancaster, proved and approved before the worsliipful commissary (for the time being) of the said archdeaconry, or his sm-ro- gates ; or before the vicai'-general, or his surrogates respectively, since the fii'st of November, 1748, are registered, deposited, and kept in a convenient room, called the registry of the east end, of and Avitliin the parish church of Lancaster ; where ai-e also deposited all bonds taken on granting letters of administration, curation, tuition, and marriage licenses, within these five deaneries. And in the same place are also deposited and kept, copies of the parochial registers delivered in by the chmxh and chapel Avardens, \Nitlun the five deaneries at each visitation. The register, or place of deposit, is deemed very secure, and well accommodated for the keeping of the several instruments. The several A\ills and instruments are well preserved, and the wills and administration, curation, and tuition bonds, belonging to each of the said deaneries, ai-e kept separate and apart from each other ; and those of each deanery Coiinti.) |[)alatinc of tanrasttr. 237 aiTanged annually, and also decennially, in alphabetical order. Tlie bonds ou granting marriage licenses are arranged in numerical order. There are distinct alphabetical books for each of the deaneries, called " Act Books," in each of wliich are entered schedules containing a short entry of the probate of each will, and of every administration, curation, and tuition, gi-anted within each of the deaneries respectively ; to each of which act books is prefixed or amiesed an alphabetical index of contents. The following exhibits a condensed view of the places of deposit of the records, and other instrimients, connected with the ecclesiastical affairs of the county of Lancaster : — CHAl>, VI. Ecclesiastical. Records and other Instrmnents. Diocese of Chester : Installations of Bishops, Patents of Officers &c Terriers and Parish and Chapel Registers . Presentation to Benefices, Nominations to Curacies and Schools Appropriations, Endowments, Compositions, Grants, Agreements, Leases, Orders, &c. . Licenses of Marriage, Probates of Wills, and Letters of Administration Proceedings in causes, and Books of Acts of the Consistory Court Presentations and Institutions to Ecclesiastical Benefices Consecrations of Churches, Chapels, &c. and Faculties for rebuilding Churches . . . . Original Wills, or Copies of Population of Parishes, Account of ... . Richmond Archdeaconry, Consistory Court : Wills, Original Bonds on granting Letters of Administration, &c Marriage Licenses and Affidavits thereon . . Parochial Registers, copies of Act Books, containing Entries of Probates Proceedings in Suits Inrolment of Faculties for Pews, &c. . . . Terriers Duplicates of Parish Registers Date. Where kept. Bishop's Registry, Chester. Commencing 1500 . ^^^■5") to the present 1590 1714 s tmie Consistory Registry Richmond. 238 €i)t lieitoiT? of tl)r CHAP. VI. Ecclesiastical. Records and other Instruments. Wills, Original Administration, Curation, and Tuition Bonds . Act Books, containing Entries of Probates . . The earliest date — Chester Lichfield and Coventry Diocese : Ecclesiastical Survey Terriers of Rectories and Vicarages .... Registers, containing Institutions of Rectors and Vicars, Appropriation of Rectories, and Endowments of Vicarages Judicial Proceedings in Causes .... Wills and Grants 1 Administration, Letters of ^ Licenses Registers of Parishes Date. i 1748 to the present time. 1500 . . . 26 Hen. VIIL 1298 to the present time, with Chasms 1450- 15261 Where kept. 'topresenttime. 1660- Commissary Registry, Lancaster. Registry, Chester. First Fruit's Office. Bishop's Registry, Lich- field. [A number of original documents Ulustrative of the liistory of the duchy and county palatine of Lancaster, accompanied by a succinct unpublislied liistory of the duchy, from the pen of Villiers, Lord Hyde, afterwards Earl of Clarendon, here press for admission ; but as the supplemental collection is not yet complete, they must be reserved for an Appendix.] Counti? |3alntmc of ilancaeittr. 243 €im. Fur. The antiquity of the county. — The Earldom possessed by King John.— The crusades.— Privileges granted to the honor of Lancaster in the articles of Magna Charta.— Ratification of Magna Charta.— The Forest Laws.— Assize of the Forest at Lancaster.— King William's letter.— Abolition of the ordeals of fire and water.— Grant of land between Mersey and Ribble.— Origin of the representative system in England.— The Barons' Wars, and their effect on the honors and inheritances of the house of Lancaster.— War with Wales.— Ancient Lancashire wood-cutters.— First Military Summons extant addiessed to the sheriff of Lancashire.— Wages of labourers, their uniform adaptation through successive ages to the price of grain.— Chronological table of the standards of value for six centuries.— Coals first used for fuel.— Ancient loyalty loan.— Summonses of military service .-Conquest of Wales. -Reference to Pope Nicholas' Valor.-Wars with Scotland.— Lancashire newsmongers denounced.— Scotland conquered.— Renewed struggles under William Wallace and Robert Bruce.— Large drain for men and money on Lancashire.— Effectsof war.— Commission of Trailbaston.— Edward I. in Lancashire. -His death at Carlisle.— Fresh wars.— Increase of crime and misery.— Adam de Banistre takes the field against the earl of Lancaster.-Hisfate.-Renewedwars of the barons; headed by Thomas, earl of Lancaster.— His fate.— Interest taken in Lancashire in the Barons' Wars.— Charge of aiding Thomas, earl of Lancaster.— Edward II. dethroned.— Placed in the custody of the earl of Lancaster.— His cruel death.— Tlie Testa de Nevill analyzed, so far as regards the landed possessions in the county of Lancaster. Error of Selden. ESUMING the chronological order of our Mstory chap from the period at wliich it had arrived when we com menced the history of the dukes and duchy of Lan- caster, it is proper to correct an eiTor into wliich the learned Selden has fallen, when he says, " That Lancashire, till Henry III. created his youngest son Ednnmd, Crookback, carl of it, (A.D. 1266,) I think was no county ; for in one of our old year hooks a learned judge* affirms that in tliis Henry's time was the fii-st sheriff's turn held there." That sheriffs were elected for this county upwards of a century before Henry IH. ascended the throne of these realms, is already abundantly clear. In the Domesday Survey of the date of 1086, the county of Lancaster, as we have * Thorp, 17 Edward III. fol. 566. 244 ClK 5)isitori) of ti)t CHAP. VII. Early mention of Lanca- shire. already seen, and as the ancient map of the county, now presented for the first time, wUl make stUl more obvious, is surveyed as portions of the adjoining counties of Yorksliire and Chesliii'e, but it is not named in that survey; and after a diligent examination of the public records, the fii-st mention we find of the county is in the Pipe Roll in the Exchequer office, seventy-eight yeai's after that survey was com- pleted. The entry consists of a return made to the king's ti-easiuy by the sherifi", in 11 Hemy II. A. D. 1164, and the words of the record are these: — LANCASTRE. Gaufr de Valoniis redd Comp de firma de Lancast* de. cc.ti. In th. lit5a\T[t in. ij. taft. Et Quiet^ est. Id redd Comp de. lij. li. 7. xvj. s. 7. viij. d. de Ex^citu Walie, In th. xxxiiij. ti. 7. iij. s. 7. iiij. d. Et Inpdoii p l5r. R. x. Mil q fuerU in Ex'icitu cu Rege. X. ill. Et Ric Pincne. viij. in. Et Henf de Laci. v. in, Et deb. V. fii. Et Id redd Comp de Eod debito. In th. xl. s. p. Coiii Hug p Ernaldo Rufo. Et deb. ij. rii. The Pipe Rolls commence with 5 Stephen, and contaiu returns from a gi-eat munber of the sheriffs of other counties, but tlie name of Lancashire does not occur till eleven years afterwards, as will be seen from the foUo^nug enumeration of tlie first nineteen returns : — PIPE ROLLS ENTRIES. 5 Stephen. NU in Lancaster. 1 Henry II. This Roll is missing. 2 . . . Nil in Lancaster. 3 . . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7 . . 8 . . This roll is missing. 9 . . Nd in Lancaster. 10 . . 11 . . Lancaster, Memb. 6. 12 . . Lancaster, Memb. 1. 13 . . Lancaster, Memb. 5. In turgo Countj) ^3alatinr of ilanrasitn-. 245 14. . . Lancaster, Memb. 11. In turgo. chap. 15 . . . Lancaster, Memb. 9. ... 16 . . . Lancaster, Memb. .3. ... 17 . . . Lancaster, Memb. 2. ... 18 . . . Lancaster, Memb. 5. ... It is tlius manifest tbat Seklen is in eiTor, in supposing that Lancashire was " no county" till the time of Henry III. and that it had no sheriff till 1266, when Edmund Crouchback was created earl of Lancaster. The records in the office of the duchy of Lancaster are stated by Mr. Harper to be of as early a date as the first of Stephen, but those do not of course apply to the duchy, wliicli was not created till more than one hundred years afterwards ; nor have we found any traces of records so early in that depository, relating to the county of Lancaster, as even the time of the second Henry. In the Chapter House, at Westminster, there is amongst its immense circular documental stories, a bag of Lancashire fines, marked " Lancastria," in which several ancient deeds are deposited, of the date of 7 Richard I. relating to ecclesiastical affairs, and one of which, on the advowson of the church of Kirkham, in the hundred of Amounderness, and the archdeaconry of Riclmiond, will be intro- duced in its proper place in these volumes. In the reign of John, the men of Lancashire, complained that their privileges Avere infringed by Theobald Walter, who had abridged their supply of fuel, and by Roo-er Poer, who had deprived them of more than a huncb-ed acres of wood and forest land, which they had been accustomed to enjoy as pasturage: — " Lanc. ") Loquendmn cu Dno Rege de hoib} Land qui non possut ut dicut John, j ftere lifetates suas sicut p illis hendis fine fccerut in Noi-mand p Theobald Walteri, & de hoib3 de Sutton qui queruntur de Rogo le Poer qd cepit ad se injuste post mortem Hero Rs patris plusqm lOO'"" acras tam de bosco qfn de landa de Foresta Dfii Rs in quo bosco solvunt habere commune pastura." — rot 1. Abbrev. Placit. p. 24. The complaint of the men of Lancashire was made with peculiar propriety to The eaii- king John, who, though he was suniamed Sansterre, possessed the earldom and honor of honor of Lancaster, wliich were confeiTed upon him as an inheritance, wliile he was possessed ' earl of Morton, by his brother Richard I. in the excess of liis bounty. The retm-n of Morton, made by John was suitable to his character; when Richard was on his return from ^^a^ds the Holy Land, where he had been vigorously engaged in the crusades, John con- ^ingJohn. VOL. T. 2 I 246 C()t SKSitOlT? Of n)t CHAP. sj)ired with Pliilip, kiug of France, to deprive liiiu of liis throne, and thus to unite VII prematurely tlie honor of Lancaster with the croAvn of England. Tlie escape of Richard from the Austrian prison in Avhich he had been immured, alarmed the con- federated princes 5 but such was Ids indulgence toward his brother's faults, that, though Pliilip apprised John of the king's escape in these expressive terms, " Take care of yourself, the devil has broken loose," Richard was induced, on the mtercession of his mother, queen Eleanor, to restore John to liis favour ^vith tliis mild rebuke — " I forgive you ; and I hope I shall as speedily forget my injuries as you will my pardon." The The death of Richard soon after opened the way to the throne for John, who did not hesitate to assume the possession by imbruing liis hands in the blood of liis nephew Artliur. During the reign of Richard, the spuit of crusading had been at its height; not only tlie flower of the most distinguished families in Lancashire, but in every part of Cluistendom, embai-kedin these holy wars ^vith the utmost enthusiasm; and though a few splinters from the wood of the real cross were purchased by the sacrifice of more than 300,000 men, such was the excitation of the times, that a knight templai- seldom failed to rank amongst the first of public benefactors. To these wars future ages are indebted for the introduction of coats of amis, by wliich the incased knights were distinguished on the plains of Palestine, and since which time illusti'ious families have used them, to adorn their pedigrees.* Privileges When the great bulwark of British freedom. Magna Charta, was wrested from shire in kJ^g Jolm ou the field of RumijTnede, by the intrepid barons, special pri^oleges were cies of gi'anted to the honor of Lancaster by name ; and it was provided in the articles ChTte. appendent to that charter, that " if any one should hold any escheat as the honor of Walingeford, Notiugeham, Bonon, and Lankastr', and of other escheats which are in the king's hands, and are baronies, and he die, his heii* shall not give any other relief, or perform any other service, to the king, than he should perfonn to the baron; and that the king hold it in the same manner as the baron." The Charter of Forests was scarcely less appreciated in Lancasliii-e than Magna Charta. The number and extent of the forests in this county made the severity of the laws by which they were protected oppressive in the extreme, (though the rigour of the laws had already been relaxed in their favoui-,)f and the immunities conferred on the people by these memor- able charters would have unmortalized the memory of the king, had they flowed spontaneously from the royal bounty, instead of having been dictated by an imperious necessity, over which he had no control. Extorted refonns produce weakness to governments; voluntary ones, strength. This is a distinction which monaixhs should never lose sight of, and which applies with equal force in all ages. * Seep. 158. t See p. 240. Couiitp ^alatinr of ilanrasitfr* 247 The Forest Laws are of gi-eat antiquity in this country; they are of Saxon origin; chap and, like the laws of Draco, they ai'e written in Wood. A charter of forests was 1 granted hy Canute, in the year 1016, called " Tlie Charter and Constitution of The forest Forests," introduced hy tliis royal declaration : — " These are the Constitutions of " the Forest, Avliich I Canute, king, Mith the adnce of my nol)les, do make and Canute's " stablish, tliat both peace and justice may be done to all the churches of our king- " dom of England, and that every offender may suffer according to his quality, and " the manner of his offence." By this charter, four of the best freemen, (Poegened) were appointed in every pronnce of the Idngdom, to distribute justice, called " The Chief men of the Forest." There were placed, under each of these, four men of middle sort, (LcspegendJ, to take upon themselves the care and charge by day, " as well of the vert as of the venison."* Under each of these, two of the meaner sort of men, Tinemen, were appointed to take care of the vert and the venison by night. These officers were supported at the cost of the state, the first class receiving a stipend of two hundred sliillings a year, the second of sixty, and the third of fifteen each, with certain equipments and immunities. " Tlie chief men of the Forest" were clothed with royal powers, in the administi'ation of the laws of the forest. If any man offered violence to one of these chief men, if a fi-eeman, he was to lose liis fi-eedom, and all that he had; and if a villain, liis right hand was to be cut off, for the fii-st offence; for the second he suffered death, whether a fi-eeman or a slave. Offences in the forest were punished according to the manner and quahty of the offender: any freeman, either casually or wilfully chasing or hunting a beast of the forest, so that by swiftness of the course the beast pant for breath, was to forfeit ten sliillings to the king; if not a freeman, twenty; if a bondman, to lose his skin! If the beast chased be a royal beast, (a staggon), and he shall pant and be out of breath, the fi-eeman to lose his liberty for a year, the bondman for two years, and the villain to be outlawed. A fi-eeman or a bondman killing any beast of the forest, to pay double its value for the fii-st offence, the same for the second, and for the third to forfeit all that he possesses. Bishops, abbots, and barons, not to be challenged for hunting in the forests, except they kill royal beasts, and then to make restitution to the king. Every freeman to be allowed to take his own vert, or venison, in the pm-Heus of the forest, or when himting in liis own gi-ound, but he must refi-am from the king's vener}'. Freemen only to keep the dogs called gi-eyhounds, and the knees of those dogs to be cut before the chief men, unless they be removed, and kept ten nules from the bounds, of the royal forest. Vellerons, or Langerans, small dogs, as Avell as Ram- * The vert is the covert, the trees, and the herbage of the forest ; and, according to Sir Edward Coke, whatever beast of the forest is for the food of man, is venison, and therewith agreeth Virgil, describing a feast — " Implentur veteris Bacchi pinguisque ferinas." 2 i2 248 Ci)c Instorp of tf)r CHAP, hundt, might be kept without cutting their knees. If a dog became mad, and bit a '__ beast of the forest, the owner was requii-ed to make a recompense according to the the Cou queror. price of a freeman, that is, twelve times two hundred shillings; but if a royal beast was bitten by a mad dog, then the owner was to answer as for the greatest offence in the forest, namely, with his own life! Such substantially were the forest laws of Canute the Dane. No forest WiUiam the Norman, another royal Nimrod, did not relax the severity of these committed laws; but, by afforestuig large tracts of land, very much extended the field of then- shires"'" operation. Tliough the Conqueror displayed a large share of his sanguinary and rapacious character in the north, there is no reason to suppose that he deprived any man of Ins possessions, to enlarge the forests of Lancasliii-e. It is said of him, how- ever, by Mapes, perhaps with some monkish exaggeration, that in afforesting the New Forest, in Harapsliire, for the free enjoyment of the chase, " he took away much land from God and man, and converted it to the use of wild beasts, and the sport of his dogs, for which he demolished thirty-six churches, and extermmated the Retribu- inhabitants."* The retribution which followed was speedy and signal; three of the *"""■ iimnediate descendants of the gi-eat spoliator lost their lives while engaged in the chase in tliis forest, amongst whom was William Rufus, who fell by the arrow of his bow-bearer, Sii- Walter Tprell — " He draws his bow with right good-will, " The shaft, if it go true, must kill ; " Back leaps the sounding string : " Missed of the deer, the whistling reed, " A nobler prey was doomed to bleed, " No less than England's king." Forest Richard I. was much addicted to the pleasures of the chase, and, as one of the privileges ]j|gijggt favours he could bestow upon his brother John, earl of Morton, he gave bun, and^free- ^^ """^ ^^^'^ ^^^1'°' ^^*^ ^^°'^*''^' °^ Lancaster, and the royal prerogatives of forest in this holders of countv. Jolm, ha%-ing received so much from liis sovereign, felt disposed to allow the shire. knights, thanes, and freeholders of the county of Lancaster to share in the royal bounty; and for this purpose he gi-anted them a charter, whereby they and their heirs, without challenge of him and his heirs, were allowed to fell, sell, and give, at their will, thefr forest woods, without being subject to the forest regulations, and to hunt and take hares, rabbits, and all kinds of ^vild beasts, except deer, bisse (wild oxen), goats, and wild hogs, in all parts within his forests and demesne hays of the county. * Lib. de Script. Brit. 187. c. 159. Countj) palatine oC aaurasitn-, 249 Johes Comes Morton Justi? Vicecoib3 Battis Miuistris f omib} chap. fidelib} f amicis suis Francis f Anglicis qui sunt f qui venturi L_ LANCASTR' sunt sattm sciatis me concessisse f hac Carta mea confinnasse omil)3 militis f omib3 thengis f omib} libe tenetib} qui manet in foresta mea de Honore de Laucastf qd Possint nemora sua ppa assartare vende f dare f in eis lierbergiare p voluntate sua sicut in feodo suo f de eis suas voluntates face absq^ omn cahipnia mei vt fiedum nieor vt Ballior nieor concessi et eis quietancia rewardi de Foresta pretea concessi eis canes suos f venatu leporis f Vvlpis f ominii alia? bestiar (ptqm cervi f cerve f porci silvestf f laye f capriot) per totam dcam forestam ext\ dnicas hayas meas Quare volo f finnit pcipio qd omes p'dci milites tliengi et libe tenetes f ftedes sui post ipos omes p> dcas lifetates heant de me f hered. meis fere f in pace Et pliibeo ne quis Ballior meor vel aliq's alius eos inde desturbet Et p hac mea concessione dederut Michi Quingentas libf ai'genti. T. Rogo de plan Witto de Buchet, Rogo de novo Burgo Ingamo de Praeles, Jolie de NevUl David Walens Magro P. do Littelbur apud Saleford. [Extract from the Rolls of the Duchy of Lancaster, Rot. f. 12.] Tliis charter he confirmed to them in the fii-st year of his reign, before the celebrated carta de " Carta de Foresta," for ameliorating the rigours of the forest laws, was sketched ; and Ids successor, Hem-y III., confinned these franchises to the lieges of Lan- Rot. Par. 18 Edw cashu-e four years after he had signed that charter. These gi'ants, so ratified and n. 17. confirmed, were not sufficient to protect " the lieges" against the annoyance of the royal foresters, and on the 18th of Edw. II. we find them presenting a petition to the king, praying that they may enjoy their chartered privileges without molestation.* * Ex Pet. in Pari. 18 Edward II. No. 17. A.D. 1324 \ A n're Seigneur le Roi monstre ses liges de Counte de Lancaster, qe com le Roi 18 Ed II i Johan, tant com il estoit Conte de Moieton, par sa Chartre las graunta, qe eus e lour heires, sans chalenge de luy e de ses heires, lour propres Boys poient assarter, vendre, e Lancashire doner, a lour voluntez, e qe eus fuissent quitts de reward de Forest ; e ensement q 'il puissent chaser e prendre Levre, e Gupyl, e chescune manere de beste de salvagine, f'orpris Cerf, e Bisse, e Chevereil, e Pork salvage, tutes partes dedeinz sa Forest en le dit Counte, de hors ses demeynes hayes. Et puys apres, mesmes cele chartre en le primer an de son regne conferma. E ensement, le Roy Henry, 1' an de son regne trezisme, les dites Chartres recita e con- firma. Dount il prient a nre Seigneur le Roi, q 'il luy pleise celes Chartres confermer, e commander J) Bref a ces Ministres en celes parties, qe eus ne soient sur les ditz pointz grevez ne chalengez. Responsio.] Veignent en Chauncellerie, & monstrent lur Chartres & les Confermements, et le Roy se avisera. Coram Rege. 250 Cf)c S^istorp of tl)t CHAP. Tlie parks, forests, and chases* of Lancashire, in the time of the Edwards, ;_ according to the records in the duchy office, were — Wyresdale, Amoundemess, Fidlwood, Croxteth, Lonsdale, Blesdale, Symoneswood, Toxteth; Quernmore, Derbysliire, Lancaster, and inchided in the general term of the Forest of Lancaster, were the forests of Bowland, Blackbiu'nshii'e, Pendle, Trawden, Accrington, and Rossendale ; in a word, the high region on the eastern side of the county, the successive possessions of the houses of Lacy and of Lancaster. Though the " Carta de Foresta" and the " Assiza et Consuetudines Forestae," of Forest the 6th Edward I. had so far relaxed the rigour of the forest laws, as no longer to allow the life of a man to he put on a level with the life of a stag, yet assizes of forests were statedly held in this county, at wliich the Justices in Eyre north of the Trent presided, and where offences committed against " the vert and the venison" were visited with heavy penalties. The first of these ancient coimnissions we find, is in the records of the duchy of Lancaster, and the document, hitherto mipubUshed, is at once curious for its anti- quity, and interesting for its details.f FOREST ASSIZE HELD AT LANCASTER, 15 Edward I. a.d. 1286. UNDER THE JURA REGALIA OF PRINCE EDMUND, EARL OF LANCASTER. assize. Due. Rot. Placita apud Lane 1.5Edw. I. ,. 1 ,. F. 12. die lune a die Pasche in xv dies Anno r r Edwardi quinto decimo. " Coram diiis Willmo de Vesey, Thorn, de NormauA-ill " et Rico de Creppyng Justic diii Reg itimantibis ad plicita " foreste de Lane de fnsgi'ssionib} fcis in eadem foresta ab " anno Regni Reg Henr xlvij usq3 ad annu Regni ejusde " Reg Ij p quinq} annos usq5 ad temp"' quo pdca foresta " data fuit dfio Edmuudo fi-i Reg qui nue est placitata p " forestar f \ii-ida subsptos ■sidclt p." * The legal distinction between a forest and a chase is this: the latter is under the common law, the former under the forest law. t When a deer was found dead, either in the forest or in the purlieus, a kind of inquest was held, at which the Viridors acted as coroner, to ascertain the cause of its death. The swainmote, an inferior court, then sat in judgment upon the accused ; but it was only " The Justice Seat" that could inflict punishment. Coiintj) ^Jalatine of ^.ancasitfr, 251 " Fore STAR. Thorn, de Gersino-hm forestar feod f Willm de Dacre qui despon- chap. savit filiam f herede Benedti Gernet qui tuc rpris fiut forestar feod '__ f p Rogin de Lane. " ViRiDAR. Joliem de Oxclyve Adam de Brokholes lierede Rogi de Brok- holes, Joliem de Barton fil f ftedem Witti de Barton, Tliofn Bolrun fil f hedem, Radi Bolrun f p xxiiij jur loco viiidar electos f eisde adjuctos videlt Joliem de Tatlim nillite Tliom Travers, Johem Gentyl Gilbtiii de Lane clicum Robtm de Pratis, Robtm de Syngelton, Rogm de Wedacre, Robtm de Holaund, Joliem de Ryggemayden, Ad de Hocliton, juniore, WiHm de Wytingham clicum Henr le Botiller, Robtm de Eccleston, Robtm de Hudersale, Williii de Carleton, Rogm de Byllesburg, Johem de Tiinstall, Willfii fil Symois de Boulton, Rogm de Stodard, Willm de Clachton, Joheiii de Paries, Willm de Hoton, WUlm Banes, f Johem de Eston. " Presentatu est f convictu n forestar f viridai- q'' Adam de Carleton, Rogs fil Venacio . , . _ 1 ano. r H. Rogi de media Routlieclyve f Ricus fi-at ejus qui obijt ceput tres bissas cu lepar xivij. Rici le Botiller in foresta dfii Reg sup mossam de Pelyn, Anno R. R. H. xlvij" f venacoem portaverit ad domu Rogi ppoiti qui obiit Qui pdcus Adam venit coram Justic f sup hoc convict^ lifeatur jv'sone f educf de pJsona est redeptus ad j m f iiivenit sex sufficietes man de redepcoe sua f qd deceto? no forisfac in aliq" foresta diii Reg put patet in rotto manucaptor. Et pjdcus Rogus fil Rogi no venit nee phis attach fuit 33 testat est qd manct in eode com jo. p'ceptf est vie qd heat corpus ejus hie de die in die &c. Postea venit p'dcus Rogus fil Rogi cora justic f sup hoc con li. p'. f qdou} p aia R. q} paup f invenit maiiuc ut p5, &c. " Present est f con &c qd Nichus de Lee Johcs fil. S\Tnonis Jolies de Arkel- beck mortuus Rogus frat ejus Witts fil. Juliane de Heysam Walts Gernet supif redept^ Ricus fil Wltti de Hoton fuernt in foresta dfii Reg infra duicas hayas anno pdco ad malefaciend de venacoe f cepnt cervos f bissas cu arcub} sagitt f leporar qm pdci Nichis f Johes fil. Symois venerut coram Justic f sup hoc con li. p Postea venerut f sunt redepH Nicliu ad j fil f Johes fil. Symois ad xl. d. f quilt eore invenit manue ut patet &^ fsentatu est f con Sif qd pdci Nichus f alij J. m. xi. d. cepnt Lu foresta anno pdco damos f damas cu Arcub} sagitt f lepar ext'. diiicas hayas diii Reg qm pdcus Nichus venit f dicit qd bu advocac capcoem pdcor damor f damar in foresta capt ext. diiicas hayas diii Reg ut pdcm est cii mani- festu sit qd tam milites q tliengi f libe tenetes Com pdci possmt cape omiodas fera.s silvestr except cervo f bissa capriolo Porco silvesti^ f laya put contuiet". in In r. ex. xl. d. xl. d. 252 C&e %)i^tov^ of t\)t CHAP. Carta dfii. Reg quam ijde Milites f libe tenetes com pdci cofa justiciar ptiilerut ^^^' et 05 iuvcutu est ^ rotlos ultimi itinSis foreste Robti de Nevill qd p*dci milites f libe tenetes hoc ide clamavarut f tiic in respem ponebatur jo ad p sens ponir. in respeu. Et test? est qd Rogus de Arkclbek no he nee scit" nee aliquis &^ jo exig. Et pdci Witts fil. Juliane f Ricus fil. Witii no venut nee p'us &'. S3 test? est qd manet in eode Com Jo p''. vie &^ Postea venit Witts til. Juliane coram Justic f sup capcoe dcore Cernore f biss con li p' f est redeptus ad xl. d f im^eii maniic ut patet Sc"". Postea testat? est qd Ricus fil. Willi de Hoton no ht n'^ scif" &^ n" aliqs &" Jo ex' Postea veS ide Riciis apud NotjTigh coq^ f sup hoc con U p> f est redepf ad xl. d. f inuen man Henr de Kyghele f Thom Travers &'. de redempconc sua tin." This ancient document discloses pretty fully the system of forest jurisprudence. We have here the Justices in Eyre, " Justiciarii Itineiantes," north of the Trent, assisted by the Foresters of the Fee, in their ministerial capacity, for they had no judicial office. To these were added the Vmdors, who presided in the forest courts of attacluuent and swainemote, as a kind of initiative tribunal, leaving it to the judges to ratify or to annul their decisions. To complete the judicial array, there were added twenty-fom- Regardors, or jurors, knights of the forest, chosen by viilue of the king s writ, and elected, like the Viridors, by the freeholders in full county. The presentments for killing and taldng deer are in the usual style, and amounted at this assize to forty-eight in number, a few of which we have selected, as a specimen of the remainder. The most remarkable is, the plea set up by Nich. de Lee, who, in justification of his conduct, urges the chartered privileges of the knights and freeholders of Lancashire,* one of whom he doubtless was. Tliese pro- ceedings are so perfectly intelligible as to call only for one observation, and it is this, the sanguinary character of the forest laws had been gradually amehorated ever since the time of Canute, by the charters of king John, Henry IIL, and Edward I.; and, instead of expatriation and death, we find the hea^-iest punishment inflicted at this memorable assize, to consist of fine and imprisonment, and those of a very moderate nature. In a word, the forest laws, so severely condemned, were less rigorous under the Plantagenets than are the game laws of modern times. The delights of the chase were enjoyed mth a liigh zest by our ancestors; and the following vivid description of the costume and armour of an ancient forester, by Chaucer, may be supposed, without any great stretch of imagination, to have been suggested on entering upon the chase, in the Forest of Lancaster, during one of Ms visits to the bai'onial castle of liis gi-eat benefactor, John of Gaunt, whose * See John's Charter, p. 2-15. Couixtj) palatine of 2.aitra£(tei% 253 singular felicity it was, not only to have been the intrepid advocate of John de Wick- chap. liffe, the first English reformer, but also the munificent patron of Geoffrey Chaucer, L. the first English poet : — " And he was clad in Cote and Hode of Grene ; Chaucer's " A shaft of Pecocke Arwes bright and kene, tion'of'the " Under his Belt he bare full thriftily, costume of an ancient " Well coude he dresse his takel yemanly ; forester. " His Armes drooped not with Fetheres lowe, " And in his Hande he bare a mighty Bowe ; " A not-hed had he with a broune visage, " Of Wood-crafte could he well all the usage. " Upon his Arm he bare a gay Bracer, " And by his Side a Sword and a Bokeler, " A Christopher on his Brest of Silver Shene, " A Home he bare, the Baudrick was of grene, " A Forister was he sothly, as I gesse." Prol. to the Cant. Tales. The Lancaster forests, in days of yore, answer with great accuracy to the oescrip- description given by Manwood, the elaborate writer on the Forest Laws, when he forest, says — " A forest is a certaine territory of woody gi'ounds and pastures, privileged for wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase, and warren, to rest and abide in under the protection of the king, for his pleasure and recreation." The forest laws of Lan- caster and of Pickering are quoted by this authority, as the most perfect model of forest jirrisprudence. *' The earl of Lancaster," says he, " in the time of Edward IL and Edward III. had a forest in the counties of Lancaster and York, in the wliich lie did execute the forest laws as largely as any king in tliis realm did. And even at this day, (A. D. 1580,) there are no records so much followed as those which were executed by the said earl in liis forests."* In much later times we have had an English monarch cUsplaying liis solicitude for the preservation of the " vert and venison" in the forests of Lancashu'e. Tlie fol- lowing royal warrant, adtkessed to the Master Foresters, Bow-bearers, and Keepers of the Forests, Parks, and Chases, in the county palatme of Lancaster, and in other parts of the duchy, bearing the signature of king William III. and countersigned by the chancellor and the auiUtor of the duchy, will form not an inapt conclusion to the (Ugi-ession into wliich we have been betrayed, by the alluring influence of the chase : — * See " Manwood on the Forest Laws," p. 72, a work which may be consulted with advantage by those who wish to obtain more than a popular acquaintance with this subject. VOL. I. 2 K 254 €\)t l^isitorj) of tlje CHAP. VII. Due. Rot. 66. 17. (M^PCttdlSi Complaint has been made to Us that great Destruction lias been made of Our Deer m severall of Our Forre.sts, Chaces & Parks Avitliin Oiu' Duchy & County Palatine of Lancaster, and that some of you have refused to give an Account thereof. Our Royall Will and Pleasure is, that you and every of you, do from time to time, as often as it shall be requii-ed of you, give a true and just Account To Our Right Trusty and Right Well- beloved Cozen & Counsellor Thomas Eaile of Stamford, Chancellor of Our Duchy & County Palatine of Lancaster, or Chancellor for the Tune being, Of All Our Deer witliin the FoiTests, Chases & Pai'ks where you are respect- ively concerned, and of what Destruction has been made thereof. And at the Close of every Season you also give a particular and true Account what Num- ber of Our Deer have been killed, by whom, for whom, and by whose Order or Authority, and of what Stock is or shall be remaining in Our FoiTests, Chases, and Parks wherein you are concerned as aforesaid, that all abuses and ill practices may be remedied, and Our Deer better preserved for the future. And hereof you are not to faile, as you will answer the contrary at your Perill. Given at Our Court at Kensington the 23d day of December, 1697, and in the Ninth year of Our Reign. Jl ^Pu AM ■<4fA\/-vrrui^^^' Irrotulatur in Officio Auditoris Dni Regis nunc Ducat, sui Lane, in partib^. Austral Vicesimo quarto die Decembris Anno Regni dni Regis nunc Willi tertij Nono Anno y9 Domini 1697. p Jo. Bennett, And. To all Rangers, Master Forresters, Bowbearers, Keepers, &c. of all and singular Our Forrests, Chaces, or Parks in the County Palatine, or in any part or parcell of Our Duchy of Lancaster. Countp |)alatii« of Sniuasttr. 355 nr CHAl' VII. Gilbert de Lancastre (son of Reynfr') who had been placed in confinement by kin John, found it necessaiy, in order to satisfy the cupidity of the king, to deliver up his castles of Hirhull and Kii-kley;* and yet so slow was his persecutor to relax his Gilbert de severity, that it was not till two years after tliis surrender, that his prisoner was set at a.d!?2u.' liberty-t In tiie following reign this Gilbert was appointed a commissioner, on the man-iage of the king's sister to Alexander, king of Scotland. The act of Magna Charta, so recently gi-anted by John, was confirmed Ratifica- and ratified by Henry III., to whom an aid of one-fifteenth of all the moveables Ma"gna of his people was given by parliament in return for this favour, with the rcser- Hen! nif vation, that those only who paid the fifteenth should be entitled to the liberties and privileges of the charter. To give increased stability to the oblioations of tliis engagement between the king and his people, all the prelates and abbots were assembled, with burning tapers in their hands, and the great charter beino- raised in their presence, they denounced the sentence of excommunication against all who should henceforth violate this fundamental law. Then, thro^ving down their tapers on the gi'ound, they exclaimed — " May the soul of every one who incurs this sentence, so stink and corrupt in hell !" To which the king, who took part in the ceremony, added — " So help me God. I will keep these articles invio- late, as I am a man, as I am a christian, as I am a knight, and as I am a king cro^vued and anointed."')' The trial by ordeal, introduced by the Saxons, and continued through so many Abolition successive ages, to the outrage of justice, and the scandal of the nation, could now deais^of ' no longer be tolerated. The church of Rome, never prone to innovation, was the fvater.' first to protest against a standard so fallible. And accordingly we find royal letters of the reign of Henry III., addressed to the itinerant judges in the counties of Lancaster, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, the north-western circuit of that day, Pat. announcing to the judges, that, because it was not detennined previous to the opening m. .5^."Turr of the cu'cuit, what form of trial they should undergo who were charged ■with robbery, "" ' murder, arson, and the like, " since the ordeal of fire and water had been prohibited by the Roman church," it had been provided, by the king in council, that tlie judges should proceed in the folloiving manner with persons accused of these crimes : — viz. Tliat those charged with the greater crime, and to whom violent suspicion attached, should be held and safely confined m prison, but not in such a manner as to incur peril of life or limb : That persons accused of other crunes, and to whom, had it not been proliibited, the ordeal of fire and water might have been sufl[icient, should be 1 * Foedera, vol. i. p. 136. f Foedera, vol. i. p. 146. I Matt, of Paris, p. 580. 2k 2 256 CJ)f M^tov^ Of t&e CHAP, reqiiii-ed to quit tlie realm : And that those charged with minor offences shouhl be ^^'' liberated on bail. These directions, it was felt, were very vague and general ; but as they were all that the council could at the time provide, the judges were left at liberty to follow theii' own discretion, and to act according to the chelates of tlieu- consciences.* Lands be- In this reign the undisputed possession of that great mass of Lancashire pro- Mersey perty, the lands between Ribble and Mersey, was conveyed by the family of Me. ' Roger de Maresey to lord Randulf, earl of Chester, in virtue of a compact already adverted to (see p. 121.), and which is expressed in the following terms : — Circa " HiBC est couveutio facta inter dominum Ranulfum comitem Cestrise et Lin- 15 H. III." colnise, et Rogerum de Maresey; videlicet, quod cHcti comes et Rogerus tradi- derunt domino Radulfo de Bray in aequali manu quach-egenta maixas ai-genti, et chartam quam dictus Rogerus fecit dommo comiti de vencUtione et dimissione omnium terrarum suarum, quas habuit vel habere potuit inter Ribble et Mersey : • 3 HENRY III. " Rex dilectis et fidelibis suis Philippe de UUetot, & sociis suis, justiciariis itinerantibus in coniitatibus Cumberland', Westmerland', & Lancastrise, salutem. " Quia dubitatum fuit & non deterrainatum, ante inceptionis itineris vestri, quo judicio deducendi sunt illi qui rectati sunt de latrocinio, murdro, incendio & hiis similibus, cum prohibitum sit per ecclesiam Romanam judicium ignis & aquoe, provisum est a concilio nostro, ad praesens, ut, in hoc itinera vestro, sic fietde rectatis de hujusmodi excessibus. " Videlicet, quod illi, qui rectati sunt de criminibus praedictis majoribus, & de eis habeatur suspicio quod culpabiles sint de eo unde rectati sunt, de quibus etiam, licet regnum nostrum abju- rarent, adhuc suspicio esset quod posted malefacerent, teneantur in prisona nostra & salvo custo- diantur ; ita quod non incurrant periculum vitae vel membrorum occasione personae nostrse. ' Illi vero, qui mediis criminibus rectati fuerint, & quibus competeret judicium ignis vel aqua; si non esset prohibitum, & de quibus, si regnum nostrum abjurent, nulla fuerit postea mal^ faciendi suspicio, regnum nostrum abjurent. " Illi vero, qui minoribus rectati fuerint criminibus, nee de eis fuerit mali suspicio, salvos & secures plegios inveniant de fidelitate & pace nostra conservanda, & sic dimittantur in terra nostra. " Cum igitur nichil certius providerit in hac parte concilium nostr\mi ad prtesens, relinquimus discretioni vestree hunc ordinem prsedictum observandum in hoc itinera vestro, ut, qui personas homi- num, formam delicti, & ipsarum rerum veritatem meliiis cognoscere poteritis, hoc ordine, secundum discretiones & conscientias vestras, in hujusmodi procedatis. " Et in hujus rei testimonium, &c. " Teste domino P. Winton, " apud West', vicesimo sexto die Januarii, anno regni nostri tertio. " Per eundem & H. de Burgo justiciarium." Counti) palatine of Sancasitfr. 257 Ita scilicet quod Rogerus sine dilatioiie iturus est inter Ribbel ct Mersey ad depo- chap. nendum se de dicta terra, et ad Jaciendmn omnes illos (qui de ipso ibidem tenuerunt) ' liomagia sua facere dicto domino comiti, vel fidelitatem ejus ballivis loco suo consti- tutis : et etiam seisinam de Boultou cum omnibus pertinentiis dicto comiti facien- dam : Quo facto dictus Radulfus de Bray saspe-dicto comiti chartam jkm dictam reddet, et eidem Rogero dictas quadraginta marcas: Et si condngat, qudd tenentes de dictis tenuris ad hoc quod prsedictum est, domino comiti faciendum per ipsum Rogerum adesse noluerunt, saepe-dictus comes, vel ballivi sui, ipsos compellent ad hoc faciendum. Et dictus Rogerus ad sumptus domini comitis itinerabit un^ cum ballivis comitis, quousque negotium istud, secundum quod prsedictum est, fuerit con- summatum. Et ad majorem hujus rei securitatem uterque illorum prsesenti scripto, more cheii'ographi, sigillum suum apposuit. " Hiis testibus, domino Waltero abbate Cestriae, domino Willielmo de Vernon justiciavio Cestrise, Radulfo de Bray, Waltero Dayvill, Ricardo de Biron, Johanne de Lexington, Simone et Johanne, clericis." [From the Couchir Book of the Duchy Office, Lancaster Place, London, tom. i. Comitatus Laucastriae, fol. 77. nmu. 70.] Notwithstanding the ratification of Magna Charta, the nation continued much agitated, by the intrigues of the nobles witliin, and the hostility of the bordering countries from without. To meet tliis emergency, a proclamation Avas issued to the sheriflTs of the counties of Lancaster, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, ordering them to assemble all those, in their respective jurisdictions, who held of the king in cliief to the amount of a knight's fee, to be prepai-ed with horses and arms, to march with the king from Chester, on an expedition into Wales, against Llewelyn, and other rebels. The barons, in the mean time, more anxious about the redress of their own Origin of grievances, than the incursions of the Welsh, assembled in supreme council, at sent'ali've Oxford, under Simon de Mountfort, earl of Leicester, and, after insisting upon the zngUnl strict fulfilment of the ailicles of Magna Charta, demanded, that four knights should be chosen by the freeholders from each county in the kingdom, to make inquiries into the complaints of the inhabitants, and to present them at the next parhament. They also resolved, that three parliaments should be held in every year, including burgesses, as well as barons and ecclesiastical dignitaries, the two latter of whom had alone been liitherto summoned; that the sheriffs should be annually chosen in each county by the freeholders ; that the sheriffs should have no power to fine the barons; that no heii-s should be committed to the wardsliip of foreigners ; that no new war- rens or forests should be created ; nor the revenues of any counties or lumdreds let 258 CI;e f?is!torp of tfte CHAP. VII. The lia- rons' wars. A.D. 12C3. Accession of wealth and ho- nours to the house of Lancas- ter from the ba- rons' wars. to farai. Tlie king, feeling that the tendency of these extensive measures of reform was to abridge the royal power, strenuously opposed their introduction, and the matter was finally referred to the pope, by whose decision the gi-eat charter was ratified, but the ordinances of the supreme council of Oxford were annulled. The barons did not hesitate to resist the award of liis holiness by force of arms, and Robert de Ferrars, earl of Derby, was amongst the most distinguished of the insur- gents. An association was formed in the city of Worcester, consisting of the popu- lace and the leaders of the insurgents, amongst whom were eighteen of the gi'eat barons, headed by the earls of Leicester, Gloucester, and Derby, with le Despenser, the cliief justiciary. By the terms of their compact they were never to make peace with the king but by common consent, and with such securities for then- liberties and privileges as those which were contained in the convention of Oxford. A long and sanguinary civil war ensued, during which the king was taken prisoner by the barons, and obliged to ratify the obnoxious convention. Subsequently, Simon de Mountlbrt, earl of Leicester, fell in the contest, and the eaid of Derby was taken prisoner. Tliis struggle was, however, essentially conducive to the establisluuent of the public liberties, and laid the foundation of our representative system of government. The defeat of the barons elevated the house of Lancaster. Tlie forfeited title and possessions of Simon de Mountfort devolved by royal favour upon Edmund Crouchback, the second son of Henry IIL, and the estates of Robert de Ferrai-s, eai'l of Derby, were also conferred upon hmi by the king,* ^vith a grant of the possession of the county of Lancaster, but not to the prejudice of Roger de Lancastre. Llewelyn, piince of Wales, had been deeply implicated with the barons of England in theii- wai's against their sovereign, Henry HL, and when Edwai-d L ascended the throne, one of the fii"st acts of his government was, to summon the Welsh prince to do homage in person to the new king. With this mandate Llewelyn refused to comply, except upon the condition, that the king's son, and other noblemen, should be delivered to the Welsh court as hostages for his safe custody. Edward was in no temper for parley, and, accordingly, we find a summons from the king, calling upon Roger de Lancastre to attend upon liis majesty, to proceed against the Welsh, who are represented as having risen in rebellion. This royal order was followed by a writ of military simmions from the king to Edmmid, earl of Lancaster, and the sheriff of the county, announcing, that Llewelyn, son of Griffin, prince of Wales, and liis rebellious associates, had invaded the land of the lieges in the Marches, and committed murders, and other enormous damages, and commanding, that the sheriff do forthmth assemble all that are capable of bearing * See p. 124. Counti? palatine of Sancaeittr. 259 arms in the liundieds, boroughs, and market towns, of his slirievalty, to march to chap. Worcester, in the octaves of St. John the Baptist, prepared with liorses and VII. ages. The war was continued, with some intermissions, througli several successive Wai «iti, years ; and in order to clear a passage into Wales, it appears that a mandate was issued by the Idng in tlie year 1282, to the sheriff of Lancasliire, ordering liim to provide two hundred woodcutters (coupiatoribus), to cut away the wood, and thereby The Lan- to open passes into Wales. These men were to be powerful and active, and each of coupiato- them was to come provided with a large hatchet, to cut down the trees. They were '*'*" to be chosen in the presence of William de Percy, who was sent specially into the county for that purpose; and were to muster at Chester, on Satui-day on the octaves of the feast of St. Peter. For this service, the sheriff was to pay, from the Their issues of his bailiwick, into the hands of each hewer, three-pence per diem for his '^'^^'''" wages.-]" At the time when these Lancasliire husbauchuen, of extraordinary powers, were Wages of receiving thi-ee-pence a day for their labour, the price of wheat was nine-pence per g^uia"ed'by bushel, and, taking the average of wages in England for the six hundred years ^oU^UeZ following, it will be found, (unfavourable seasons apart,) that the wages of labour '" ''" have generally been in the proportion of a peck of wheat per day. In large towns the price of manufacturing labour has often been higher, and in some cases, espe- cially amongst the weavers, much lower; but as a standard, none can approach nearer than the one wliich is here suggested. Much of obscurity is thrown over liistorical and topogi-aphical works on the subject of money, for want of some standard of value to which the sums mentioned in different ages may be refeiTed. No standard will be found so uneiTing as the prices of wheat and of laboui-, wliich, on being com- • This first form of military summons extant, addressed to the sheriff of Lancashire, we present entire, as claiming a place in the antiquarian stores of the county : — " Forma de exfcitu R sum in Walt. " Edwardus Dei gfa Rex Angt Dns HyBn T; Dux Aquit dilecto f ri T, fideli suo Edmiido Com Lancastr satm. Quia Lewelinus fit Griflfini P'nceps Wallie T; complices sui rebelles nri Pras nras 1 fidelium nroj in ^tihy Marchie invaseriit T; de die in diem invadiit T; homicidia T, alia dampna enormia ibidem gpet'runt. Et idem Lewelin^ nol5 put deBet obedire, cotempsit T; cotempnit in nri p^judicium T; contemptii T; vfi T; alioj fidelium nro|i grave dapnu T; exftradacoem maifestam, p qit jam exPcitum nrm sum fecimus qd sit apd Wygorn in Octal) Sci Joliis Bapte px' futur ad rebellione dci Lewelini T, fautor suoj rep'mendam : voB mandamus qd dcis die T; loco intstis cii equis T; armis cii Servico vro nolj debito pati nofecu exinde pfiscisci in expedicoem nram cont° pdcra Lewet 1 coplices suos rebellos nros. T. me ipo apd Wind xii die Decemb anno r. f.. q'nto." Rot. Claus. 5 Ed. I. m. 12. d. in Turr. Lond. t Foedera, vol.ii. p. 611. nes, 260 Cfte 5?i«>ti3ll) of t\)t CHAP, pared in times past vnth the price of those articles in our day, wUl ahvays convey to VII . * . L. the mind some definite notion, when smus of money ai-e mentioned, of the value of those sums at the period under consideration. With tliis view, the following table, extracted from the records in the exchequer, and collated with Paris, Walsingham, Stowe, Fleetwood, and others, is constructed : — CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, SHEWING THE PRICE AT WHICH THE ARTICLES, THEREIN MENTIONED, SOLD IN THE YEARS SPECIFIED. £. S. d. Table of A.D. 1202. Wheat (rainy season) 12 per quarter. tixTelZ- 1248. Thirty-seven sheep for the King 18 4 1253. Wheat fell to 2 6 per quarter. 1256. Brewers ordered to sell three gallons of ale in the country for a penny. 12/2. A Labourer's wages OOIJ per day. A Harvest Man 2 do. 1274. A Bible in nine vols, with a Comment . . . 33 6 8 1275. Rent of the Lord Mayor's House 10 0a year. 1280. The Chancellor's Salary 40 do. 1283. An English Slave and his Family sold for .. 13 4 •' 1285. Grinding Wheat OJ per quarter. 1286. Wheat, after a great storm 16 per quarter. 1288. fell to 18 do. 1294. Wheat (a grievous famine) 10 do. Wheat, average in the 13th century, about ..060 do. 1300. Wheat and Barley 3 4 do. Oats 18 do. A Primer for the Prince of Wales, now 15 years 1 1 months old, £2 0. 1302. A Cow 060 A fat Sheep 10 A Cock or Hen . • . IJ each. 1309. A Pair of Shoes 004 1314. Prices fixed by Parliament,— A fat Ox ... 16 A Cow £0 12s. Od. A fat Hog .... £0 3s. 4d. Pair of Chickens . . £0 Os. Id. A Sheep .... 1 2 A fat Goose . . . 2i Eggs OJ per dozen. This Maxhmim increased the scarcity which it was intended to remove. The growers would not bring in provisions, and what was sold was dearer than before. The act was therefore repealed in 1315. A.D. 1315. 1326. 1338. 1342. 1347. 1348. 1357. 1360. 1379. 1385. 1390. 1407. 1414. 1482. 1495. 1547. 1562. 1576. 1576. VOL. I. Coiintp |3alatinf of Eantasttr. £. s. Salt (an unheard of price) 2 Yearly Rent of Arable Land in Kent, 3d. to . Pasture Land Meadow Land, 4d. to ... Allowance from Edward III. to 32 Students at Cambridge Wool taken by the King (a forced price) ..02 Wine King's Apothecary, a pension for life ... A year of pestilence, — a Horse 6 a fat Ox 4 a Cow 1 a Heifer Ransom of David, King of Scotland . . 100,000 of John, King of France . . 500,000 A horse for military service 10 A Master Carpenter, 4d. — his Journeyman ..00 Wine, white, 6d. ;— Red Assistant Clerk of Parliament 5 Kendal Cloth, from 3s. 4d. to 6 Wheat, average in the 14th century, about ..06 Salt A Plough Wages of a Thresher A Priest's stipend, with cure of souls .... 5 6 without 4 13 220 Draught horses for 100 Allowance to Edward the Fourth's Daughter . 1 for her eight servants 51 11 Oats 2 Wheat 6 Wheat, average in 15th century, as estimated for rent, about 7 Income of the poor churches in York ... 1 6 Wlieat conversion price 8 Ale, when Malt was 8s. per quarter .... Beef and Mutton Veal, eight pence to 1 Wlieat, average in the 16th century, about . 1 1 Labour of a husbandman per week, in the 16th century 5 2 L 261 d. CHAP. 6 a bushel. ^''' 6 per acre. 1 do. 10 do. 2 per diem. perstoneof 141b. 4 per gallon. 6 per day. 8 6 2 per day. 4 per gallon. a year. a piece. per quarter. 7i per bushel. 10 2 per day. 8 a year. 4 do. a week. 8 a year. a quarter. 8 a year. per quarter. 2 per gallon. 6 a stone. per quarter. 263 €f)t lisitort) of t])t Average Price of Wheat and Malt per quarter, at Windsor. From 1671 to 1680 . 1681 to 1690 1691 to 1700 . 1701 to 1710 . 1711 to 1720 . 1721 to 1731 . Labour of a husbandman per week, in the 17th century These prices of wheat are from the Eton Books, and are for the best grain ; the measure also is above the legal standard, so that 7-9ths of the preceding quotations will form about the average price of all England. CHAP. ^ve VII. From 1611 to 1620 1621 to 1630 1631 to 1640 1641 to 1650 1651 to 1660 1661 to 1670 £2 1 n 2 5 2 2 6 10^ 3 12 8 2 10 2 8 lOi £2 10 8i 1 19 U 2 16 lOi 2 3 2i 2 4 11 2 1 1 9 Average London Price in January:- From From Wheat. 1732 to 1740 . . £1 8 10 1741 to 1750 . . 1 5 8i 1751 to 1760 . . 1 13 3 1761 to 1770 . . 1 13 llj Average Price in Wheat. 1771 to 1775 . . £2 10 1776 to 1780 . . 1 19 1781 to 1785 . .292 1786 to 1790 . . 2 5 10 1791 to 1795 . . 2 12 11 1796 to 1800 . . 3 12 3| Barley. £0 15 \l 14 3 17 11 1 2 and Wales. Barley. £16 9 1 1 4 41 1 3 51 1 10 11 i 1 17 8 Oats £0 12 5 12 4 14 101 15 \n Oats. Labour of a husbandman per week, in the 18th century £0 16 lOj 16 6^ 16 10 17 01 1 1 1 5 2 11 AVERAGE PRICE OF WHEAT IN ENGLAND AND WALES, In each year from 1801 to 1830 inclusive , from the official returns. In 1801 . £5 18 3i In 1809 .£4 15 2 In 1817.£4 14 4i In 1825. £3 6 5^ 1802 . 3 7 4 1810 . 5 6 2i 1818 . 4 4 2i 1826 . 2 17 3f 1803 . 2 16 5i 1811 . 4 14 11 1819 . 3 13 0* 1827 . 2 16 10 1804 . 3 1 7 1812 . 6 5 6 1820 3 5 6 1828 3 11 lOf 1805 . 4 7 n 1813 . 5 8 5 1821 . 2 14 4 1829 . 3 16 10 1806 . 4 n 1814 . 3 14 Oi 1822 . 2 3 H 1830 . 3 14 6 1807 3 12 Al 1815 . 3 4 ^ 1823 2 11 9 1808 inur 0I 3 19 a hush 2 an dm a 1816 n npr wee 3 15 k. in th 5i e 19th c 1824 enturv 2 17 ■ • • 12 Countp ^3alatint of SLaufastrn 263 COINAGE. CHAP. VII. For a further illustration of the Scale of Prices in successive ages, it is necessary to show how many pounds, shillings, and pennies have been coined out of a pound troy of silver, at different times in England ; and also the degree of fineness of the standard, and the times at which the several alterations have taken place. Fine Silver Before A.D. 1300 a pound of "^ oz. dwt. standard silver contained, j 11 2 28 Edward 1 11 18 Edward III 11 20 Edward III 11 27 Edward III 11 13 Henry IV 11 4 Edward IV 11 18 Henry VIII. . . .11 34 Henry VIII 10 36 Henry VIII 6 37 Henry VIII 4 3 Edward VI 6 5 Edward VI 3 end of 1552. 6 Edw. VI. . 11 1 Mary 11 2 Elizabeth 11 43 Elizabeth 11 1300. 1344. 1346. 1353. 1412. 1464. 1527. 1543. 1545. 1546. 1549. 1551. 1551, 1553. 1560. 1601. 1816. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 9 56 George III 11 Alloy. oz. dwt 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2 6 8 6 9 19 1 18 18 18 £. s. d. 3 2 2 2 6 5 1 10 1 17 6 2 5 2 8 2 8 2 8 3 12 3 12 3 3 3 3 2 3 6 0* These Rates of English Money, except the last, are taken by Mr. Folkes, from the indentures made with the masters of the mint, and consequently may be depended upon as authentic ; the last is from the act 56 George III. cap. 68. The mines of Lancashire were yet unexplored ; and the most imj^ortant of all coai first its minerals, as constituting the principal source of its manufacturing gi-eatness, had "uei! ^ lain undisturbed in the bowels of the earth till the reign of Henry III., when coals were, for the first time, used as fuel in England. From that period to the present, the great coal fields in the south and in the centre of the county of Lancaster have continued to be worked, but the full extent of their capacity and utility were not A.D.1260. * In 1816, the pound of bullion was first coined into sixty-six shillings, of which, however, only sixty-two were issued ; four shillings being kept at the mint as a seignorage. 264 mn ^Mi^toi\) of tl)t CHAP. VII. Honour of knight- hood. Rot. Claus. r, Edw. I. rn.8. d. Turr. Lond. Rot. Fin. 21 Edw. I. m. i'5. Rot. Claus. 34 Edw. I. ni. IC. d. Commis- sions. Rot. Pat. 7 Edw. I, m. lU. shown till the middle of the eighteenth century, when the agency of steam began to be brought into general operation under the powerful geniuses of Crompton, Arkwriglit, and Watt, aided by the sldll, enterprise, and capital of Peel, and a hundred other names that might be mentioned. In the early ages of our history, the honom- of knighthood, with the military services to which it was incident under the feudal system, was often forced upon the subject, and hence we find that, in the year 1278, a writ was addi'essed to the sheriff of Lan- casliii'e, commanding him to distrain upon all persons seized of land of the value of £20 per annum, whether held of the king in capite, or of any other lord, who ought to be knights, and were not, and all such were ordered forthwitli to talve out their patent of knighthood. Fom'teen years after this, a writ was issued, wherein the qualification was raised to double the amount, and a writ, dated the 6th of February, 1292, was issued to the sheiiff of Lancasliire, along ■n'ith other sheriffs, proclaiming that all persons holding lands in fee, or of inheritance, of the value of £40 per annum, must take the order of knighthood before Cluistmas in that year. One of the pre- rogatives of the crown was to relax and to vary these services, and hence a writ, addi'essed to the sheriff of Lancashire, was issued, reciting " that the commonality of England haraig performed good services against the Welsh, the king excuses persons, not hokhng lands of the value of £100 per aunimi, from taking the order of knighthood;" but in this writ it was directed, that all holding above that amount, and not taking that order before the Nativity of the Vu-gin, are to be distrained upon. Subsequently, injunctions were addressed to the sheriff, commanding him to make extents on the lands of those who refuse to take the order of knighthood, and to hold them for the king until further orders. It must not be supposed that this honour was always declined, or that no man's ambition led liim to aspii'e to the distinction. Such a conclusion would be eiToneous ; for we find a writ to the sheriff of Lancasliire, of the date of the 6th of April, 1305, directing liim to proclaim, that aU who should become knights, and are not, must repaii- to lioudon before Whit-Sunday next, to receive that distinction, if properly qualified. While the contest continued between England and Wales, a number of public officers were appointed, called commissioners of aiTay, (arralatores,) whose duty it was to aiTay the troops engaged in the war, to preserve the peace in the midst of so much agitation, and to communicate the views and intentions of the government to the people. Roger de Mortimer, who enjoyed a large share of the royal favour, received tlie appointment of conservator of Lampaderoour, in West Whales, which appointment was amiounced by letter to the prelates and clergy, in Lancashii'e, thi-ough the medium of Reginald de Grey, the captain, in Chester and Flintsliire. The necessities of the public treasury, in 1282, obliged the king to demand an Countp |3nlatme of 2.nnr(TStfi% 265 aid by way of loan from the religious houses, and from all the merchants in the chap. kingdom, and John dc Ku'keby Avas empowered to declare certain difficult and ^^' important matters with which he was entrusted, explanatory, no doubt, of the Idng's j^Jli'ity' necessities, to the people of Lancaslm-e. SpeedOj after^^-ards, letters patent were '"''"' adch-essed to Robert de Harington, Jolm Byron, and Robert de Holland, appointintv loEdw.L them conservators of the peace, pursuant to the statute of Winton, and writs of Venire Rot Pat were issued for that purpose.* ^ ^^'■''- '• During the contest with Wales, several summonses for military seri'ice were sum- issued in Lancashire, the number of which was probably increased by its vicinity to for"f,iil. the seat of war. On the 26th of May a writ was sent to the sheriff, reciting an '"j^e '*'^' ordinance in council, Avhereby every person holding laud or rents of the value of £.30 Rot. Waii. a year, was required to provide liimself with a horse and suitable armour, and to join i" g.^'ck''" the king's forces against the Welsh, and even persons unfit for military service were Ko' ^vaii. requii-ed to find and to equip substitutes. On the 30th of July, in the same yeai-, a m- 4. docket of commission issued, empowering William de Butiller, de Werenton. to press 1,000 men, capable of bearing anns, into the king's service; from wliich, it woidd appear, that the obnoxious practice of imj)ressing men for the navy in latter times extended then to the army. The contest with Wales was now at its crisis. On the 24tli of November, a writ was addressed to the sheriff of Lancashire, requiring liiin to send all men capable of bearing arms to march against the Welsh; and Edmund, earl of Lancaster, was required to furnisli from his lands in Lancasliire 200 soldiers. Early in the following year anotlier levy was called for; and the earl, on the summons of the king, was requii-ed to repair with horse and aims to Montgomery: a similar sum- Rot. de mens to arms was also addressed to Roger de Lancastre; and to supply the necessary nEdw""!' ways and means for this vast expenditure of the government, a commission was '"' ^' issued, constituting Henry de Newark and others collectors of the levy of the 30th. The skill and perseverance of Edward, seconded by the zeal and constancy of his Conquest subjects, at length reduced the Welsh nation to the gi'eatest extremities. Llewelyn, finding all liis resources exhausted, his country almost depopulated by the length and severity of the contest, and famine rapidly completing the destruction wliich the sword had commenced, was obliged to submit to the conqueror ; and the ancient Cambrians, after having for 800 years maintained their national independence, passed under the English yoke. The title of " Prince of Wales" was now confen'ed for the first time on a " foreign prince," and the eldest son of the king of England has ever since that period borne this designation. * By the statute of Winton, (^Winchester,) passed 13 Edward I. it is, amongst a number of other important enactments, provided, that evefy hundred shall be answerable for the robberies and other offences committed within its jurisdiction. VOL. I. 2 31 266 €i)t ilK'storj) of tbe CKAP. The wars of the crusades, in which England took so large a share, had served to di'ain the treasury, and the cost of these holy contests seemed especially to helong Jfthe''"" to the church. Pope Nicholas IV. to whom, as the head of the see of Rome, the belfefices fii'st-fruits and tenths of all English henefices were payable, granted to Idng Edward I. PopefNi-*^ the tenths of tliese henefices for six years, towards defraying the expenses of the cru- cUoias. sades. In order to ascertain the full value of the livings, and ultunately to enrich the church, his holiness caused a siu'vey to he made, usually called " Pope Nicholas's Valor," wliich was completed in the province of Canterbury in 1291, and in the pro- vince of York in the following yeai', under the cUrection of the bishops of Winchester and Lincoln. This valuable and cmious document is still preserved ; and its con- tents, so far as regards the county of Lancaster, will be introduced in that depai't- ment of our work which relates to the ecclesiastical liistoiy of the county. How far this exhibition of the wealth of the church of England influenced the mind of the king, it is impossible now to ascertain; hut in tliis reign the celebrated statute of mortmain was passed, by which the clergy were prevented by law from making new acquisitions of land for the use of the church. New This county had scarcely recovered from the drain made upon its blood and treasure by the war with the neighbouring princiiJality of Wales, when it was called upon, in common with the other parts of England, to engage in another contest, still more formidable, against the combined power of Scotland and France. The causes of these long and sanguinary wars, it is not the pro^'ince of tliis liistory to investigate; but it may be observed, that the war Avith Scotland originated in a wish on the pai't of the English monarch to render that country a tributary state; and that the war* with France arose out of the failure of a negociation conducted with the court of Paris by Edmund Crouchback, earl of Lancaster, originating in a quarrel between two seamen, a Norman and an Englishman, to determine which of them should take the precedency in supplying his boat with water from a spring on the baidis of the Adour. Fresh OiT the breaking out of the war, v\Tits of military service were issued to the lIiTcI-" sheriffs, announchig that the king was about to set out for Gascony, to protect liis *'"■'''■ inheritance from the kinsr of France ; and all knip-hts, abbots, and priors, holding in Rot. Vase. . .. . . . 2iEdw.i. chief by military tenure, or serjanty, were required to meet the king at Portsmouth, Rot. Pat. to embark in this expedition. In the same year, letters patent were sent to the knights m. 2!^"^ '' ^"'^ freeholders in Lancashire, announcing that collectors were appointed, of the tenths in aid of the war : writs were issued in the early part of the folloA\ing year, to sixty-eight persons about to embark with Edmund, earl of Lancaster, to Gascony, exempting their goods from the pajanent of tliis impost, and, as a matter of precaution, orders from the Idng were issued to the sheriff of Lancashire, reciting, that through Counfj) ^3alatine of Sanra£itn% 267 some religious foreigners, as v.e\\ Normans as others, residing in this kingdom, and chap dwelling on the sea coasts, not a little danger had arisen to the safety of the state; L_ he was, therefore, commanded to cause such jiersons to remove to the interior Avithont delay, and to give up their places to religious English. The sheriffs were also conunanded further to ckaw to land all theii' sliips and hoats, wherever they might find them, in the sea or any other water, and to cause all their furniture and cargoes to he wholly removed, so that the vessels might be of no use. The commissioners for assessing and collecting the tenth and the seventh this Rot year were, " Magr. Rich, de Hoghton, clerk," and " Rad de Mansfield, clerk;" 24Ed«. i. and that the returns might be duly made, Ric'' de Hoghton and John Gentyl were earnestly requu-ed to appear in tlieii' proper persons, before the treasurer and the barons of the exchequer, on the feast of St. Nicholas ensuing, to do and execute those matters which should be mote fully explained to them ; and this they were to do as they regarded the king's honour, aiad their own loss of all things, both lands and tenements, goods and chattels, and as they M'ould avoid the king's peii^etual wrath.* Tlie exactions of the king to carry on the war became burdensome in the Importu- extreme ; the tii-st peers of the realm murmured against Ms demands upon their mands for purse, and upon theii- personal serAaces ; and to such an excess did their altercations arise, that the Idng, in requii'ing the reluctant services in Flanders of his constable, Humphrey Bohun, earl of Hereford, and one of the founders of the duchy posses- sions, exclaimed — " Sir Earl; by God, you shall either go, or hang!" was answered by the earl Avitli equal determination — " By God, sir king, I will neither go, nor hang !"t The clergy Avere not more disposed to acquiesce in the arbitraiy exactions of the liing and his ministers, than the laity ; in consequence of wliich, numbers of them were put out of the protection of the law ; but in order at once to stimulate their loyalty, and inflame their fears, Aviits were issued to John de Lancastre, and to Rot. Pat. the sheriffs, empowering them to appoint commissioners to reverse the recognizances m. 12. of such of the clergy as wished to receive the king's protection, and to arrest and imprison all those who liad promulgated excommunications and ecclesiastical censures against his ministers. * Lancastr. — R dilco t fideli suo Magro Ric de Hogliton, ctco sattem. Mandam® volS in fide "X dilecoe quib3 noB tenemini firmil; injungentes qd sitis in ppria psona vra coram Thes T; Baronibj nris de SccMo octavo die post festO Sci Niclii |)ximo futur ad ultimu, ad faciend t exequenct ea que iidem Thes T; Baron, vot5 tuc ibidem dicent T; injungent plenius ex jjte nra. Et hoc sicut honorem nrm T vrm amissionem ijium frag 1 ten bonog 1^ catallosS que in Regno nro tenetis, et indignacoem nram ppetuam vitare volGitis nuUo mode omittatis. Et fieatis ibi hoc bre. T. ft apud Scpi Edm. XV. die Nov. t Rymer's Fcedera, vol. ii. p. 783. 2G8 CfK |)i6torj) of tl)e CHAP. VII. News- mongers denoun- ced. IMarcli (if the A^'rlsli tlnoiigli Lanca- shire against the Scotch. Kot. Pat. 2.5 Edw. I. p. 2. m. Dawn of the com- mercial and ma- nufactur- ing great- ness of the county. A.D.1216. Rot. Pat. 25 Edw. I. p. 2. m. At this early period of our liistory, newspaper.? were unknown, and prosecutions against the public press had of course no existence, hut in the 25 Edwai-d I. the khig adch-essed a mandate to John de Lancastre, sheriff of the county, announcing, that his majesty had learnt, that newsmongers (" froueurs de norelles,'" as they are called,) were going about the country, sowing discord amongst the prelates, earls, and barons, as well as others of his subjects, endeavouring thereby to chsturb the pul:)lic peace, and to subvert the good order of the realm ; which said offences, the sheriffs were required to inquire into, and to take order for bringing the delinquents to justice. From enemies the Welsh had been converted into alUes ; and while the king ivas engaged in the French war, an army from Wales was appointed to march against the Scots, to carry hostilities into their country. That no interruption might be given to that force, letters were adckessed by the king to the sheriffs of Lancashire and Yorkshu-e, as well as to those of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshu-e, directing them, at their peril, to take care that all bakers and brewers should have a sufficient supply of bread and beer in the towns through which the Welsh army had to pass, on their march " against the Scottish rebels." In the course of this year, no fewer than three rates were imposed : the first, of an eighth ; the second, of a fifth ; and the tliu'd, of a ninth of the moveables of the subject ; and William de Quinton and Geoffry de Hothaui were appointed assessors and collectors for the county of York, while Rob', de Hoyland, Allan le Norreys, John Gcntyl, and Hugh de Clydcrhau, with the sheriff of the county, were appointed assessors and collectors for the county of Lancaster. To reconcile the people to these accumulated impositions, and to assuage the popular discontent, letters were addressed to the sheriff of Lancashire, and the sheriffs of the other counties, threcting them to take means for the redi'ess of public grievances, the most intolerable of which jjrobably was that of excessive taxation. At tliis time the resources of the government were principally derived from the landed possessions of the people ; but commerce and manufactures, to which in future ages the state was to stand so much indebted for its supplies, now l)egan to dawn upon the country, and the establishment of the famous commercial society of " ]\Ierchant Adventurers," with the partial introduction of the staple manufacture of woollens, both in the west and in the north of England, laid the foundation of those mighty resources, whicli we shall have occasion, in the future progress of our labours, more fully to develop, and which in modern days disthiguish the county of Lancaster from all other districts of the world. In the time of tlie Edwards of the Plantagenet line, the population of Lancashire must have been veiy considerable ; for in this year, the commissioners of array, in Count)) |3nlntinf of annra^tfr. 269 their precepts to Will, de Ormesby, the lung's justiciary, directed, that a levy of chap. tlu-ee thousand foot sokUers should he raised in Lancashire, and sent to Newcastle- 1_ upon-Tyue, by the feast of St. Nicholas, to be placed under the command of Levy of Rob', de Clili'ord, warder of the Scotch marches, adjoining to Ciunberland. The Iiiois in following year a writ was directed to John de Warren, earl of Surrey, directing him siiire to to march forthwith to Scotland, at the head of the troops raised in Lancashire and in Scotland. the neighbouring counties. The wai' %nth France having been brought to an end by the mediation of his Tiie king holiness the pope, and the peace consimamated by a double marriage, that of Edward \,;mseU at himself Avith Margaret, the sister of Philip, Idng of France, and that of the prmce of If'thrfif- Wales with Isabella, the daughter of the same monarch, the king was left at liberty Itm"^ to turn his un(Uvided attention to the conquest of Scotland ; and for the purpose of Rot. Pat. infusing fresh vigour into the operations against that country, Edmund determined m!i of tin Representative history of the county of Lancaster — Hitherto neglected. — Ancient constitution of Parhaments. — The dawn of parhanientary representation. — The reform parliament of Oxford, called parliamenlum insanwn. — First appointment of knights of the shire. — Constitution of the parliament of Oxford. — Its acts. — First writ for the payment of members of parliament. — Opposition given to the ancient parliamentary reform. — Borough members first sent to parliament. — How elected. — First members for the county of Lancaster, and for its boroughs. — First parliamentary return for Lancashire, extant. — First parliamentary writ of summons for Lancashire, extant. — Returns in the reign of Edward L — Number of counties, boroughs, &c. then returning members. — Duration of the session of parliament. — Frequent parliaments. — Members returned for the county of Lan- caster in the reign of Edward II. — Lancashire borough returns in this reign. — ^The high sheriff" of Lancashire assumes the power to elect members for the county. — Presentment against him for this and other ofTences. — Lancashire county members in the reign of Edward III. — The duration of parliaments. — False return for the county made by the under-sheriflPs. — The king, and not the com- mons, decides on disputed elections. — Peers of parliament temporal and spiritual. — The boroughs of Lancashire cease to return members. — The reason assigned. — Payment of the wages of mem- bers of parliament. — Returns in the reign of Richard II. — Writ of summons, not to the sheriff, but to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster. — Members for the county in the reign of Henry IV. — The lack-learning parliament. — Lancashire members in the reign of Henry V. — of Henry VI. — Qualification of electors for knights of the shire fixed. — County members in the reign of Edward IV. — Returns lost from 17 Edward IV. to 33 Henry VIII. — County members from 1 Edward VI. to 16 Charles I. — The ancient Lancashire boroughs, consisting of Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, and Wigan, resume the elective franchise 1 Edward VI. — Newton and Clitheroe added to the boroughs of Lancashire. — Nomination boroughs. — Dame Packington's nominees. — Claim of the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster to nominate members for Leicester. — Representation of Lancashire during the commonwealth. List of knights of the shire for the county of Lancaster, from the Restoration to the present time. Political character of the county representation. Alterations made in the representation of the county and boroughs of Lancashire by the Reform Bill of 1831. CHAP. VIII. Repre- sentative history of Lanca- shire hitherto neglected. E have now arrived at tliat period when the representative system began to prevail in the English parliament, and when this county, by its freeholders and burgesses, obtained the privilege of returning members to the senate, tharged with the duty of making known the public will in that assembly, in order to promote the interest of the gi-eat commimity for wliich it legislates. None of the English counties presents a more interesting representative his- tory than the county of Lancaster; and yet tliis subject has liitherto been either entirely neglected, or has been treated in so vague and desultory a manner, Counti.' |3alntmr of aanrnstrr. 287 as to have neither uniformity nor connexion. To supply this deficiency, much chai». . . VIII laboui- has been required in cxamiuhig and collating the public records; but L that labour has been amply rewarded by the mass of facts which these documents contain, and by the satisfaction wliich is generally found to flow from the fouutahi head of authentic information. So early as the Saxon heptarchy, a species of parliament existed, as Ave have Ancient already seen, under the designation of the Witena-Gemot, or " Council of Wise ment's. Men," by whom the laws were enacted. This assembly consisted of the comites or eaiis, the herecUtary representatives of counties, assisted by the prelates and abbots, and the tenants in capite of the crown by knight's ser^dce. Tlie disposition of such an assembly would naturally incline them to sanction the edicts of the sovereign; and it is highly probable that liis Avill generally served as theii* law. After the Conquest, the first William, and his immediate descendants, called to then* " Great Council," the Norman barons and the dignified clergy, Avith tlie mihtary tenants. This council, or " King's Court," as it Avas called, (the tenn Parliament not having then come into use,) assembled tlu-ee times in the year, namely, at Christmas, Easter, and Wliitsuntide. The barons and other tenants in chief of the king, enimierated in Domesday Book, amount to about scAcn huucbed. These persons possessed all the land of England in baronies, except that part which the king reserved in liis OAvn hands, and which was called " Terra Regis," and has since been called the " ancient demesne" of the crown. Tliese tenants in chief, per baroniam, as well the few w'ho held in socage as those Avho held by military serA^ce, composed the gi-eat council, or parlia- ment, in those times ; and Avere summoned by the king, though they had a right to attend Avithout summons. The landoAATiers of the second, thu-d, and other inferior classes, being all tenants, or vassals, of this upper class of landholders, though by free and honourable tenures, similar to those by Avhich then- lords themselves held of the king, were bound by the decisions of their upper lords. The landed interest alone was represented in the national councils; there were at that time no representa- tives, either of the cities, or boroughs, or of the trading interest, Avhich were consi- dered too insignificant to be represented in the great council.* The representation of such places was an innovation introduced iu the early part of the fourteenth century by Simon de Montfort, and the reforming barons of Ins day. It is true that these barons Avere actuated in some degi-ee by ambitious motives, The first and that then- conduct partook of the revolutionary turbulence of the age in Avhich padia-°*^ they lived; but they were the legitimate descendants of those illustrious pahiots, who rXm^ AA-rung fiom king John the charter of British freedom. Tlie reforms they introduced * Aichreologia, vol. ii. p. 310. 288 CI)f W^tov^ of tl)t CHAP, were parts of the same system; the one the natm-al efTect of the other, and both VIII. L flowing from tliat spiiit of " popular encroachment," which does not, and which ought not, to rest, till its fair claims are satisfied. In this way the dictation of the barons, and the discontents of the suhortHnate orders of society, were overcome ; and, though in an age of comparative darkness, Edward I., the " Justinian of England," whose sagacity enabled him to mark the signs of the times, did not hesitate to declare in his Wilts to the sheriffs for the return of burgesses to parliament, " that it was a most equitable rule, that that wliich concerns all should be approved of by all." The best security against undue democratical encroachment, is to be found in the conces- sion of those reasonable immunities which time and cuxumstances render necessary to the improved state of society. By this temperate extension of the popular rights, the Aisionary projects of John Ball and Wat Tyler, which soon after arose, were defeated; and the representative system of England has remained ever since essen- tially unaltered, till an enlargement of the elective franchise Avas rendered necessary b}' the altered state of society in commerce and in manufactures. That five centuries more will pass over before any new change will be required in the constitution of parliament, it would be presumptuous to declare ; but all history bears out the fact, that the best security against frequent changes is to be found in those large and liberal grants to pojjular claims, which satisfy the reasonable, and ■withcU'aw from the schemes of the visionary all the support they derive from public sympathy, when mixed up with real and generally admitted giievances. It is equally demonstrable from liistorical experience, that danger to the stability of a government never arises from timely reforms, cheerfully acquiesced in on the part of the governing powers, but that the great danger consists in a pertinacious resistance of those ameliorations. If the ancient house of Lancaster, instead of aiding the bai'ons in their efforts to establish the representative system in England, seized upon and appropriated the estates of the principal of them (the earl of Leicester and the earl of Derby,) to their own use; it must be admitted that the modern duke of Lancaster has done more, and with a better grace, than any monarch that ever swayed the British sceptre, to extend and consolidate that system. In the time of Henry III. abuses in the government had been suffered to accu- mulate, tin, according to the contemporaiy liistorians, " justice itself was banished from the realm; for the wicked devoured the righteous, the courtier the rustic, the oppressor the innocent, the fraudulent the plain man, and yet all these tilings remained unpunished. Evil counsellors wliispered into the ears of the princes, that they were not amenable to the laws. The subject was oppressed in vaiious ways, and, as if these sycophants had conspired the death of the king, and the destruction Accumu- lated abuses in the go- vernment. Count!) ^aalatint of aanrasitfr* 289 of Ms throne, they encouraged him to disregard the devotion of liis people, and to chap. incur their hatred rather than to enjoy their alfection,"* In adcUtion to tliese ^^^^' grievances, the kingdom was deeply involved in deht, and the king stood in need of fresh contrihutions to carry on liis wars, wliich the barons refused to gi-ant till the public grievances were redressed. Overwhelmed with difBcnlties, Henry issued his mandate for holding a parlia- The re- ment at Oxford. Of this parliament, so celebrated in history, and particularly in Hamenrof the representative liistory of England, it is recorded, that " the grandees of the ^^^°'"^' realm, major and minor, with horses and arms, were convened at Oxford, together June n, with the clergy, to make pro^dsion and reformation, and ordination of the realm: and '^'^' on theii- oath of fidelity were exhibited the articles, which in the said realm stood in need of coi-rection." This parliament, owing to the popular excitation under wliich it was assembled, and to all the members coming di'essed in armour, and mounted as for battle, obtained the name of parliamenium insanum ; but there was a method in their machiess, and one of their first acts was to ordain, that four knights should be chosen First ap- by each county, whose duty it should be to inquire into the giievances of the people, of 'knTghts in order that they might be redi-essed, and that they should be returned to the next shhe! parliament, to give infonnation as to the state of their respective counties, and to co-operate in enactmg such laws as might best conduce to the public good. Some approach had been made towards this state of things in the time of king John, when the knights were appointed to meet in their several counties, and to present a detail of the state of those counties to the great council ; but here they were not only to present their complaints, but, by being made a component part of the legislative body, they were to contribute from their local knowledge to the removal of those wi'ongs which it was then- duty to present. In this parliament at Oxford, twenty-four persons were elected; twelve on the Constitu- part of the king, and as many on the pail of the community, for the refonnation of p'ariia- public abuses, and the amendment of the state of the realm. Oxford. " The elected on the part of the king " Tlie elected on the part of the barons were — were — The lord bishop of London, The lord bishop of Worcester, The lord elect of Winton, Su- Simon, earl of Leicester, Sfr Henry, son of the king of Almaine, Sir- Richard, earl of Gloucester, Sii- John, earl of WaiTcnne, Su- Humplu-ey, eail of Hereford, Sii- Guy de Lesignan, Sir Roger Mareschal, * Ann. Burton, anno 1258, p. 424. VOL. r. 2 p 290 3EfK i^i^toi-j) of tftf CHAP. Sii- Wm. (le Valence, Sii- Roger de Mortimer, '^"^- Sir Jolin, earl of Wai-wick, Sii- Geoffiy Fitz-Geoflfry, Sii- John Mansel, Sir Hugh le Bigot, Friai- John de Derlinglon, Su- Richard le Grey, Tlie ab])ot of Westminster, Su- WiUiam Bardulf, Sii- Hugh de Wengham, Sii- Peter de Montfort, [The twelfth is wanting.] Sir Hugh Despenser." Their acts. Amongst a vai-iety of other decrees, the twenty-four enacted that the state of the holy church be amended ; that a justiciar be appointed for one year, to be answerable to the kino- and his council during liis term of oflSce ; that a treasurer of the exche- quer be also appointed, to render account at the end of the year ; that the chancellor shall also answer for liis trust; that sliii-e-reeves be pronded in every county, trusty persons, freeholders, and vavasors,* of property and consequence in the county, who shall faithfully and honestly ti-eat the people of the county, and render their accounts to the excliequer once every yeai- ; and that neither they, nor theii- bailiffs, take any hii-e ; that good escheators be appointed, and that they take notliing from the goods of the deceased out of the lands which ought to be in the king's hands ; that the exchange of London be amended, as well as all the other cities of the king, which had been brought to disgrace and ruin by talliages, and other extortions ; and that the household of the king and queen be amended. t Of the parliaments, they ordaiu : — " That there be tlu-ee pai-liaments in the yeai-: the fii-st, upon the octave of St. Michael ; the second, on the mon-ow of Candlemas ; the third, on the first day of June. To these three pai-liaments shall come, the counsellors elect of the king, though they be not commanded, to see the state of the realm, and to manage the common business of the realm, when there shall be need, by the command of the king." " That the community do choose twelve prode men (opulent persons), who shall go to the parliaments, and attend at other times when there shall be need, when the king or liis council shall command, to manage the business of the king, and of the realm ; and that the community hold for stable that which these twelve shall do ; and this to spare the cost of the commons. Fifteen shall be named by the earl mai-eschal, tiie earl of Wai-wick, Hugh le Bigot, and John Mansel, who are elected by the twenty-four, to name the aforesaid fifteen, who shall be of council of * Vavasors were persons who held lands by military tenure of other persons than the king. t See cap. vii. p. 257. Countj) |3alatinf of aniun^tcr. 291 tlie king ; and they shall be confirmed by them, or by the greater part of them ; and chap. they shall have power from the king to give them counsel in good faith concerning 1_ the government of the realm, and all tilings belonging to the king and kingdom ; and to amend and re(kess all things which they shall see want to be amended and redi-essed, and be over the high justiciar, and over all other persons ; and if they cannot all be present, that which the gx-eater pail shall do, shall be firm and stable." The unconstitutional power assumed, of choosing the responsible ministers of the crown — for in no other light can the functions of these " twelve prode men" be consi- dered — gi-adually fell into disuse, though the time when that authority ceased is not very accm-ately defined in liistory. In November of the same year, after the disso- lution of the memorable parliament of Oxford, writs were issued from the king's chancery to the sheriffs of England, commanding them respectively to pay First writ " reasonable wages" to the knights delegate for their journey to parliament, upon payment the affaii's touching their several counties. This is the first known writ " de e.rpensis,'" bers' cx- and it is of the same tenure as that of subsequent times, when it became essential to p^°^**" parliament to have in it the representatives of the counties, chosen by the freeholders ; but the writ for Lancasliire, issued on this occasion, is lost, and ^lith it the names of the knights returned for the county. The Idng and Ids courtiers, headed by liis brothers, and countenanced by his son opposi- ,, -iiiii 1 ''<"! giveu lidward, the heu'-apparent oi the crown, resisted, to blood, the attempts made to to the re- reform the parliament, and to redi'ess the public grievances, accomj^anied, as these of Henry attempts were, vriih measures for subverting the royal prerogative, and establisliing an aristocratical oligarchy. Tlie progi'ess of refoim in the constitution of parlia- ment was not, however, materially retarded by tliis resistance. It had always been the avowed intention of Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, and Robert de Ferrers, earl of Derby, to confine the executive power within the limits of the law, and to have all the acts of the king confirmed as well by the representatives of the county, as by the barons spiritual and temporal ;* and in the parliament of Worcester, called " Montfort's PaiUament," held in 49 Henry III., it was enacted, that each sheriff, a.d.i2C4. throughout England, shoiUd cause to be sent to the parliament two knights (not four,) elected by the fi'eeholders, with two citizens fi-om each of the cities, and two Borougii 1 niembers burgesses from each of the boroughs, throughout England. By these means, the first sent respective orders in the state had an opportunity of expressing the public will ; and mem. in an assembly so constituted, and of wliicli the lords spiritual and temporal formed a * According to Selden, there were, in 1262, one hundred and fifty temporal, and fifty spiritual barons, summoned to parliament to perform tlie service due to their tenures. 2 p 2 292 COf ?i}i£(torj) of ti)t CHAP, part, the due consideration of the public good was effectually secured.* It hap- 1_ pened, however, that in these early parliaments the expense incurred by the com- munities of the counties, cities, and boroughs, from the attendance of their members in pai'liameut, was often considered oppressive ; and hence we find, that many poor boroughs, particularly in the county of Lancaster, had no members ; the reason alleged being, that they were unable to pay their expenses, on account of their debility and poverty. Hon- The boroughs for which returns were made were principally " walled towns," held of the king in ancient demesne ; and the only places in Lancashire entitled to the privilege, if that could be considered a privilege which was felt as a 'public burden, were, Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, and Wigan. The inhabitants of the borouglis, under the feudal system, were, for the most part, villeins, either in gi'oss, or in relation to the manor in which the town stood, and belonged to some lord.f The former held houses, called burgage tenui'es, at the will of the lord, and carried on some trade, such as cai'penter, smith, butcher, baker, clothier, or tailor, and the election of members was in the inhabitants of the burgage tenures, so far as they were free agents. There were also in these boroughs, certain free inhabitants who held burgages, and were in consequence invested with the elective franchise. In incorporated cities and boroughs, the right of election was generally in the corporate body, or freemen, as they Avere called, subject to such limitations, however, as the charters imposed. When the wages of the members representing the cities or boroughs were paid out of the rates, the election was in the inhabitant householders pa^-ing those rates, and the riglit of election was hence designated " scot and lot sufii'age." The sub- lu treating the subject of the county representation from the fii'st return treated! to parliament made by the sheriff of Lancashire to the present time, the most clear and satisfactory mode will be to take the reign of each of the early kings separately, and connect with the Hsts in each reign such other liistorical matter as may be presented on the subject : and 1st. Of the parliamentaiy history of the reign of * In former times, both lords and commons sat together in one house in parliament, says Sir Edward Coke, in his 4th Institute, 23; but this is clearly a mistake, as is shewn by Sir Robert Cotton and others, and as is decidedly proved by 6 Edward III. n. 3. Pari. Rol., where it is said — " The bishops by themselves, the lords by themselves, and the commons by themselves, consulted, and advised the king touching the war with Scotland." So that in reality the early parliaments of England consisted not of one house, but of three houses. t Archeeologia, vol. ii. p. 31.5. CtiimtL) |3alatmf of Saiuasitrn 293 Edward I. CHAP. VIII. Although the return of liuights aud burgesses summoned to parliament by ■\mt, commenced as eai-ly as 49 Henry III.,* no original return made by the sheriff for a.d. 1204. this county, or for its boroughs, is found in any of the public records till 23 Edw. I. a.u. 1-295. The first return of members for this county is to the parliament at Westminster, appointed to assemble on Sunday next after the feast of St. Martin; and it First announces, that " Matthew de Redman," and " John de E^^yas," were elected for the knights for the county of Lancaster, by the consent of the whole county, who have auj'bo- full and sufficient power to do for themselves, and for the commonality of the county Lanca- " aforesaid, what our lord the king shall ordain by his coimcil. **"'*■ " That the aforesaid Matthew was guaranteed to come on the day contained in tlie writ, by Thomas, son of Thomas de Yeland ; Thomas Fitz Hall ; William Fitz Adam; and William son of Dake," (in confinnation of wliich they affix their marks, the manucaptors, or sureties, for the members not + being able, probably to write their own names) . -I- " And that the aforesaid John was guaranteed by John de Singleton, Richard de Grenel, Roger de Boulton, and Adam de Grenehulles." The sheriff's return adds, " There is no city in the county of Lancaster." Borousii It then proceeds to say, " That Lambert le Despenser and William le Despenser, ter. burgesses of Lancaster, are elected burgesses for the borough of Lancaster, in manner above said. And the aforesaid Lambert is guaranteed by Adam de le Grene and John de Overton; aud the aforesaid William is guaranteed by Tliomas Molenduiar and Hugh le Barker." That " William Fitz Paul, and Adam Russel, burgesses of Preston, are elected Borougi. for the borough of Preston in Amounderness ; and the aforesaid WilHam is guaran- ton. teed to come as above by Richard Banaster and Richard Pelle. And the aforesaid Adam is guaranteed by Henry Fitz Baldwin, and Robert Kegelpin." That " William le Teinterer, and Henry le Bocker, burgesses of Wigan, are Borough elected for the borough of Wygan in the manner above said. And they are giiai-an- teed to come by John le Preston of Wygan, Adam de Cotiler, Roger Fitz Orme, and Richard Fitz Elys." That " Adam Fitz Richai-d and Robert I inklowe, burgesses of Liverpool, ai'e Borough elected for the borough of Liverpool. And they are guai-anteed to come, in the tune pool. * Prynne."s Enlargement of his 4th Institute. 294 €i)t W^tov}} of tOe CHAP, specified iii the ^mt, by John de la More, Hugh de Molendino, William Fitz Richard, and Elias le Baxster."* Rot. Pari. There is a copy of a writ and return, in 1294, for Cumberland, and amongst the 22Edw.i. .gjjjjg retui-ned for that year are — Matthew de Redman-j and Richard de Preston, as knights of the sliii'e. First Par- The first parliamentary wi'it extant, addressed to the sheriff of Lancasliii-e, is of tory writ the date of 25 Edward I. in the Tower of London, and requires that knights only monTfor (uot citizcus and burgesses) shall be sent from this county to parliament, for the the coun- ^QQfjj.jjjj^ti(jn of Magna Charta, and the Charter of Forests. Tliis Avi-it, wliich is of the nature of a bargain between the king and his people, recites, that in relief of all » FIRST PARLIAMENTARY RETURN FOR LANCASHIRE, &c. *f " Matheus de Redman T; Johes de Ewyas Milites sunt electi pro Comitatu Lancastr per consen- Lanc. sum totius Comitatus, qui plenam '\ sufficientem potestatem pro se 1 communitate Comitatus prse- dicti habent ad faciend quod Dominus Rex de communi consilio sue ordinabit. " ^ Et prsedictus Matheus manucaptus est veniendi ad diem in brevi contentum per Thomam filium Thomse de Yelond. Thom fit Haft Wiftm filium Adae T, + Wiitm filium Dake + " uT- Et praedictus JoKes manucaptus est per Joliem de Singleton Ricm de Grenel Rogerum de Boulton T; Adam de Grenehulles." " Nulla Civitas est in Com Lancastr. Burgusde " Lambertus le Despenser T; Willms le Chaunter Burgens Lancastr electi sunt pro Burgo I'»°<=' Lancastr modo supradicto. " Et preedictus Lambertus manuc est per Adam de le Grene T, JoRem de Overton. " Et praedictus Wiftus manuc est per Thomam Molendinar T; Hugonem le Barker. Burgusde " Willius Jilius Pauli T; Adam Russel Burgenses de Preston electi sunt pro Burgo de Preston in Preston. Amounderness modo proedicto. " Et preedictus Willius manucaptus est veniendi ut supra per Ricardum Banaster T; Ricuni Pelle. " Et praedictus Adam manucaptus est per Hen? filium Baldwin! 1 RoTjtum Kegelpin. Burgusde " Willius le Teinterer T; Henr le Backer Burgenses de Wygan electi sunt pro Burgo de Wygan Wigan. modo supradicto. " Et manucapti sunt veniendi per Johannem le Prestun de Wygan , Adam le Cotiler , Rogerum filium Ormi , T; Ricum filium Elys. Burgusde " Adam ^lius Richardi '\ Robtus Pinklowe Burgenses de Liverpol e>lecti sijt pro Burgo de Liverpol. ^.yerpoZe. " Et manucapti sunt veniendi in brevi contentum per Johannem de la More , Hugonem de Molendino , Wiftm filium Rici , T; Eliam le Baxster." Petit MSS. vol. 15. fol. 88. Inner Temple Libr. t This is probably the same person that was returned for Lancashire in the following Coimti? ^anlatme of Sanraeiter. 295 the inhabitants and people of the kingdom for the eighth of all the goods of every chap. layman, and the most urgent necessity of the kingdom, the king has agi'eed to con- !_ firai the gi-eat charter of the liberties of England, and the charter of the liberties of the forest; and to grant, by letters patent, that the said levy of the eightli shall not operate to the prejudice of his people, or to the infringement of their liberties; and he commands and firmly enjoins the sheriff, that he cause to be elected, without delay, two of the most able and legal knights of the county of Lancaster, and send them mth full powers from the whole community of the said county, to liis dearest son Edward, his lieutenant in England, (the king being then abroad, engaged in the Avar with France,) on the octaves of St. Michael next ensuing, to receive the said charters and the king's letters patent for the said county.* In the parliament of 1296, no original writ for Lancasliire appears, nor is there Returns in the reicn any enrolment of writs de expensis for this county on the rolls. of Edw. i. The members returned in the parliament of 1297, were " Henricus de Kigheley" and " Henricus le Botiller," vel " Botiler." In the parliament of 1298, the return in the original writ is " Henricus de Kigheley," and " Joannes Denyes," knights of the slm-e. The parliament of the following year produces no original writ, nor any wiit de * FIRST WRIT EXTANT TO THE SHERIFF OF LANCASTER, FOR THE CONFIRMATION OF THE CHARTERS. " Edwatidus Dei gra Rex Aug! Dtis Hiba T^ Dux Aquit Vic Lancastr sattm. Quia in releva- De veni- ^..,n ,• .~. ^., .... ^'i ~ endo pro cionem omium incolaj t populi regni nn p octava omium bonog singulo^ laicofi ,p totni iciem regnu p confirma- urgentissima nuc dci regni cont" Gallicos necessitate levandas concessimus j> notj T lierecl nris con- ^j°°^ firmare T; firmiP teii fa8e magnam cartam de lifeertatib3 AngtT; cartam de liBtatib3 foreste T; concedere Carte. oiTiib3 et singulis ejusdem regni Iras nras patentes qd dee octave levacio no cedet eisde in pjudiciu Svitutem exheredacoem usu vel consuetudine in futuru tibi jJcipim® tirmiP injugentes qd sine ditone aliq* duos de j)biorib3 T; legaliorib3 militib3 com tui eligi 1 eos plenam potestatem ^ ipis T; tota coitate dci Com lientes ad Edwardii filiii nrm carissimu tenetem in Angl locu nrm venire fac ita qd sint London ad eunde filiu nrm mod oIb3 in Octat) Sci Micliis pro.xTo futuf ad ultimii carta3 g Oct. j?dicta3 p 1 1fas nras su dca concessione p ipa coitate in forma fJdicta recepturi % fcuri ulfius qd ^^^''• f) diem filiCi T; consiliu nrm ibidem j?dit ordinatum. Et hoc nullo modo omittas T; tieas hoc bi^e. is Sept. '^ *, ^j . . . 1297 T. Edwardo filio nro apud Scm Paulu, London, xv die Sept anno r. n. vicesimo qumto. " Rot. Claus. 25 Ed. I. m. 6. d. Orig. in Turn Lond." " In dorso, Elegi feci p assensu toti® Com Hens de Kigheleye T^ Henr le Botiller qui plenam potestatem Kent |iut in bri cotinef, Pleg p'dci Henr de Kigheley ven § Rogus de Boulton T: Ad de Stodlehurst, Pleg Henr le Botiler ven § AVilts fit Simonis deCanterhale Wilts Gormond de eadm." 296 CI;e 5?i^toii) of tfie CHAP. VIII. Number of places returning members. Duration of session of parlia- ment. expensls, for this county. The same observation applies to the parliaments of May, 1300 and 1305, and to the two parliaments in 1306. To the parliament of January, 1300, " Henricus de Kigheley" and " Tliomas Travers" were returned for this countyj in September, 1302, " WilUelmus de Chfton" and " Gilbertus de Singleton;" in 1304, " WilUelmus de CUfton," vel " de Clyffedone," and " Willielmus Banastre," were elected to the same honour. These retui-ns to the frequent parliaments,* in the latter part of the reign of Edward I. complete the writs for that period, so far as regards this county. During the same reign, four returns were made to parliament of members for the borough of Lancaster, two for the borough of Liverpool, five for Preston, and two for Wigan ; each of which Tvill be treated of in its proper place. The number of counties, cities, and boroughs, making returns to parliament at this time amounted to one hundred and forty-nine, t in the list of which we find ten members for Lancashii-e; namely, two for the county, and two for each of the above- named boroughs. In the 24 Henry VI. the number of members was reduced to 274, all the boroughs of Lancasliiie having then disappeared from the list, and the only members returned for this county consisting of the knights of the shire. Although these eai-ly parliaments Avere fr-equent, the period of then- sitting was of short duration. In 49 Henry HI. the pai-Hament which assembled to settle the peace of the kingdom, after the barons' wars, accomplished its duty in thirty-two days, and then dissolved; and yet this was reputed an increchble delay. The parlia- ment 28 Edwai-d I. which confinned the great charter, and made arthuU super cartas, was summoned to meet on the second Sunday in Lent, and ended the 20th day of March, on which day the writs for the knights' and burgesses' expenses were dated, malving a session of three weeks. The famous parliament at Lincoln, 28 Edward I. Avherein the king and nobles wi'ote their memorable letters to pope Boniface, claiming homage fi-om the lungs of Scotland to the kings of England, sat but ten days. The parliament of 35 Edward I. was summoned to meet at Carlisle, on the 20th of January, when the king expected cardinal Sabines ; but the cardinal not arriving, as was expected, the king prorogued this parliament by another writ, till the_ Sunday next after Mid-lent, and on Palm Sunday the parliament ended, having sat only fourteen days, whereof thi-ee were Sundays,]; it being in those times * It is evident that no fixed rule was adhered to in summoning these parliaments, except that which arose out of the king's want of either money or counsel, or both. The order of the parliament of Oxford, that three parliaments should be held in one year, does not appear ever to have been acted upon with uniformity, and this enactment was probably intended only to fix the times at which the parliaments were to assemble, till the reforms then contemplated were completed. t Prynne's Brev. Pari. t Prynne's Enlargement of his 4th Institute. Coimti) ^Jalatiiif of iLaiuassttr. 297 the general practice to assemble the pai-liameiits on the Sunday, and so far to dis- chap. regard the Sahbath, as to hold theii- sittings contmuously, without any intermission, ^"'" on that day. Edward II. No fewer than tlmly-two parliaments were held during the twenty years' reign Frequent of Edward II. There are no waits extant for Lancashu-e in eleven of that number: mentt." namely, in 1308 and 1309; in 1311; in the two parliaments of 1312, the fii-st in February and the latter in July; in the parliaments of 1313 and 1316; and m those of 1317, 1318, 1319, and 1323. Mr. Palgi-ave, in liis second volume of Parhamentary Writs and Writs of MiKtary Summons, published by chi-ection of the commissioners of public records, has given a very complete list of the returns made to parliament, by the sheriflf of Lancashu-e, during tliis reign; and from that source the follo>ving retimis, from 1307 to 1327, are derived. In 1307, it appears from the original wit for this county, that " Matheus de Members Reddeman, miles," and " Willielmus le Gentyl, miles," were returned.* foJX"' In 1311, "Thomas deBethune," vel " Bethum, miles," and " Williehnus le """''^• Gentylle," vel " Gentyl, miles," were returned to the parliament on the 8th of August. The wiit de espensis for the attendance at parliament, from the return day until the feast of St. Dionysius, together v.'iih. their chai-ges coming and returning, is tested at London, on the 11th of October. It is remarkable, that an individual, named Thomas de Bethun, or Bethom, is also returned for Westmoreland in the same parliament; and it is liighly probable, that the electors in some cases econo- mized theii- expenses, by returning the same member to represent two counties. This parliament is remarkable for the desertion of its public duty, from a cause which strikingly indicates that ancient members of parliament had much less patience than theii' successors of the present day. So exhausted were the lords, the king's * This parliament was held at Northampton, and the nature of the business there to be transacted is indicated in the following writ of summons to Thomas, earl of Lancaster : — Rot. claus. 1 Edw. II. m. 19. d. Writ docketed " De veniendo ad parliamentum Regis," addressed to " Thomas," earl of Lancaster and others. — " The King is desirous to hold a special ' Colloquium' with the Earl, the Prelates, and the Magnates of the Kingdom, concerning the celebration of the funeral of the late King his father, and also the solemnization of his own espousals and coronation. The Earl is therefore commanded, ' in fide et dilectione,' to be in person at Northampton, on the Qiiintaine of St. Michael, 13 Oct. in order to treat and advise on the said affairs with the King, and with the Prelates and Magnates of the Kingdom." — Tlie writ contains the Premunientes clause for the clergy of the diocese. Orig. in Turr. Lond. VOL. I. 2 Q 298 €l)t ?Si£iti3ri) of t\)t CHAP, counsel, the limgbts, aud the burgesses, by theii- sitting of nine weeks, tliat most ol' L them departed from parliament without license, as the wTits aud summons attest, and the remainder petitioned the king to adjourn, and tlms obtained license to return to their homes. Tlie original writ for the county of Lancaster, in the parliament of August, 1312, retm-ns " Henricus de Trafforde, miles," and " Ricardus le Moliueaux de Croseley, rmles." No enrolment of writ de expensis ajjpears on the rolls, but the entries of such writs are incomplete. " Dominus "VVillielmus de Bradeschagh, miles," and " Dominus Edmundus de Dacre, miles," are returned in the original writ of March 18, 1313. In the writ of July 8, in the same year, " Radulphus de Bykerstathe, miles," and " Willielmus de Slene, miles," are returned. No manucaptors were found by these knights. To the parKameilt of the 23d of September, in tlie same year, " Henricus de Fegliirby vei Fegherby, miles," and " Thomas de Thornton vel Thorneton, miles," are returned. The writ de expensis for " Henricus de Fegherby," and " Thomas de Thorneton," for attendance at parliament, from tlie retiu'u day, (September 23), uutU Thursday next after the feast of St. Michael (November 15) amounts to £21. 125. at the rate of four shillings each per diem, together with then- chai-ges coming and returning. In the pai-liament of Sej)tember, 1314, " Thomas Banastr', mUes," and " WUliel- mus de Slene, nules," ajjpear in the original writ, as well as in the writ de expensis. " Willielmus de Bradeshagh, miles," and " Adam de Halghton, miles," are returned, 1395, and £19. 4s., at the rate of four sliillings each per diem, as awarded to them by the writ de expensis. In the following year, "Johannes de Lancastrie," and " Willielmus de Walton," are returned on the 27th of January. " Rogerus de Pilketon, miles," and " Johannes de Pilketon, miles," aj-e returned by the original writ of 29th July, in the same year, and their chai-ges allowed at the usual rate in the writ de expensis. " Edmundus de Ne\-iir, miles," and " Johannes de Horneby, miles," are retm-ned by tlie original writ of 1318, on which it is observed, that no manucaptors were found by these knights. At tliis period an advance took place in the wages allowed to the comity members for then- services in parliament, and the allowance in the writ de expensis is five sliillings each per diem, instead of four, as liitherto. In the following year, " Willielmus de Walton, miles," and " Willielmus de Slene, miles," are returned in the origuial writ for the county ; but it is much torn and defaced, and rendered almost illegible. From some cause, the members' wages were again reduced to four sliillings each per diem. Coimtp palatine of ilanrasiter* 299 " Gilbertus clc Haydok, miles," and " Thomas de Thornton, miles," appear hi chap. the original writ, and in the writ de expensis ; but it was alleged, that they Avere L returned by WiUielmus le Gentil, the sheiiflf, on his own authority, and without the assent of the county. No original writ for this county is found for the parliament of 1321, but the names of " Johannes de Horneby, junior," and " Gilbertus de Heydok," are inserted in the writ de expensis, tested at Westminster on the 22d of August. " Edmimdus de Nerill, miles," and "Johannes de Lancastria, miles," were returned to the parliament of 1322. By this writ, the sum of one hundi-ed and seven shillings and fom-peuce is awarded to the two knights for seventeen days' attendance in parliament at York, and six days coming and returning ; Edmundus de Ne\-ille receiving sixty-nine sliillings, at the rate of three shillings per diem, and Johannes de Lancastria tliirty-eight shillings, at the rate of twenty pence per diem ; but why the latter received lower wages than the fonner for his parliamentary services is not stated. It may be presumed, however, that the surplus fourpence wliich remained after tliis inequitable division was made, was allotted to Johannes de Lancastria. In the original writs of election and proclamation for this county, in the parliament siimmoned to meet at Ripon on the 14th of November, 1322, (altered aftei-wards to York,) " Richard de Hoghton, miles," and " Gilbertus de Singilton' vel Sengilton, miles," were returned. From the writ de expensis it appears, that the original rate of wages was re-estabUshed, and the sum of £8. 8s. for fifteen days' attendance in parliament, and three days coming, and three days returning, was awarded to the kniglits. In 1324, the original writ for this county returns the names of "Edmundus de Neviir, miles," and " Gilbertus de Haidok, miles." The names of " Edmundus de Nevyir " and " Thomas de Lathum," p. iiri dies, are entered on the original pawn or docket, as knights appearing for this county. The writ de expensis dii-ects, that sixteen mai'ks for twenty days' attendance at parliament, and four days coming, and four days returning, at the rate of thi-ee sliillings and fourpence each per diem, should be paid to the knights. No reason is assigned for the substitution of the name of " Thomas de Lathum" for that of Gilbert de Haidok. " Wilhelmus de Slene, miles," and " Nicholaus le Non-ays vel Norreys, miles," appear in the original writ for this county, returned by Gilbertus de [Sothejworth, sheriff. No manucaptors were found by these Itnights. In the writ de expensis, £7. 15s. is awarded to the members for twenty-one days' attendance in parliament, and five days coming, and five days returning, at tlie rate of two sliillings and six- pence each per cUem. There is a peculiarity hi tliis original vait. Usually the 2q2 300 €l)t fiMov^ of tf)e CHAP. VIII. Lanca- shire bo- rough re- turns in this reign. The high sheriff of Lanca- shire as- sumes the power to elect members. citizens and burgesses of the county are rcquii-ed to send members ; but in this case, tlic summons is confined to knights of the shire. In 1325, " Willielmus de Bradeshaghe, miles," and " Johannes de Horneby vel Hornby," are returned. No manucaptors Avere found by these knights. In the vnit de expensis, £7. 14s. is awarded for twenty-two days' attendance in pai-liament, inchiding coming and returning ; " Willielmus de Bradeshaghe" to be paid at the rate of four shillings per diem, a knight's wages, and " Johannes de Horneby," at the rate of three shillings per diem, an inferior rate of wages. In 1326-7, " Ednmndus de Nevyll, miles," and " Ricardus de Hoghton, miles," appear in the writ of expenses, the original vn-'it not being found. The sum awarded to the two knights is £28. 8s. for seventy-one days attend- ance in parliament, coming and returning, at the rate of four sliillkigs each per diem. During tliis reign, four returns are made for the borough of Lancaster, and two for the borough of Preston, but none for either Liverpool or Wigan. The rate of wages paid to the borough members appears to have been fixed at two shillings each per diem. By an assumption of power which is scarcely to be credited, the high sheriff of the county, in 17 EdAvard II., aiTOgated to liimself, as we have already seen, the right of superseding the privileges of the electors, and returning members for the county by his own appointment. The presentation made to the grand jury of the hundred of West Derby, against this ostentatious and arbitrary sheriff, has already been referred to, but it may not be unacceptable to have the document entu'e : — Rot. Plac. cov. R. 17 Ed. II. m. 72. Present- ment against the high sheriff. LANCASTER. " The Grand Jury of the Wapeulalie of West Derby, pre- sent, That ' Willielmus le Gentil,' at the time when he was Sheriff, and when he held his Towrn in the said Wajientake, ought to have remained no longer in the Wapentake than three nights with three or four horses, whereas he remained there at least nine days with eight horses, to the oppression of the people ; and that he quartered himself one night at the house of ' Diis de Tiirbat," and another night at the house of one ' Rohcrtiis de Bold,' another at the house of ' Rohertus de Grenlay,' and elsewhere, according to his \\ill, at the cost of the men of the Wapentake. " They also present, that the said ' WUlielmus' allowed one ' Henricus fil. Roberti le fiercer,' indicted of a notorious theft, to be let out upon manucaption ; whereas he was not mainpernable according to the law ; in consequence of whicli Coiinti? ^Jalatiuf of iLanrasstrr. 301 the men of tlie Wapentake avoided maldng presentments of notorious tliieves ; and chap. that ' Henricus de Malton' did the same when lie was sheiifF. ^"^- " Tliat the said ' WilUehnus' and ' Henricus returned certain persons on inquests and jmies, without giving them warning. " Tliat the said ' Williehiius le GcntU,' when sheriff, had returned ' GiJhcrtus de Haijdol-,' and ' TJiomas de Tliornton,'' knights of the shii-c, (14 Edward II.) without the assent of the County, whereas they ought to have been elected by the County ; and had ieided twenty pounds for theii* expenses ; whereas the County could, by then- o^vn election, have found two good and sufficient men, who would have gone to Parliament for ten marks or ten pounds, and the sheriff's bailiffs levied as much for theu" own use as they had leA"ied for the knights. " Also, that ' Henricus de Malton,' when he was sheriff, had returned ' WilUehnus de Slene,' and ' Willielmus de Walton,'' as knights, (12 Edwai-d II.) in the same manner. " The said ' Willielmus GentiV is enlarged, upon the manucaption of four manucaptors." Edward III. In the fii-st parliament of Edward III. " Michael de Haverington," and " Willus Lanca- Lawi-ence, ' were returned knights of the shire for the county of Lancaster. members " Nichus le Norreys" and " Henricus de Haydock," were elected in the reigt'^of following year, and were succeeded by " Thomas de Thornton," and " John de inJ^"'' Hornby," who were succeeded in the same year by " Willus de Bradshaigh," and " Edras de Nevill." In the following year, " Nicholaus de Non-eys," and " Henry de Haydok," attended the adjourned parliament, and were succeeded by " Willus de Bradeshawe," and " Johes de Lancastria." " Willus de Saperton," and " Henry de Haydok," were their successors in the year 1330. At the election of these members the sheriff, by order of the king, pro- claimed that if any person in the county had suffered wi'ong from any of the servants of the crown, they were to come to the nest parUament, and make known their complamts. " Willus de Bradshawe," and " Oliverus de Stanesfield," were retm'ued in 1331. " Robertus de Dalton," and " Johes de Horneby," were elected in 1332, and in the same year " Adam Banastre," and " Robertus de Dalton," were returned. 302 C&e ?l}i^tori) of ti)t CHAP. VIII. Duration of parlia- ments. In 1333, " Edo.s clc Nevill," and " Johannes de Horneby," were electedj and In the MTits de expensis it appeal's, that the wages of the knights were then foui- sliillings per diem. " Robertas de Radeclyf," and " Henricus de Haydock," were returned in the follo^nng yeai", and they were succeeded in the same year by " Echuundus de Nevill," and " Robertus de Dalton." " In 1335, " Robertus de Slm-bui-n," and " Edmundus de NeviU," were elected. In 1336, " Johannes de Horneby," and " Henricus de Haydok," were returned; and in the same year " Johannes de Shii-bum," and " Henricus de Haydok." . In the following year, " Robertus de Irland," and " Henricus de Haydok," were returned, and they were succeeded in the same year by " Ricus de Hoghton," and " Edmundus de Nevill." The changes made in the county members seem at this period to have been very frequent, but whether that ai'ose from tlie fickleness of the constituents, from the inadequate payments made to the knights of the shire, or from the unproductive natui'e of parliamentary influence, and the very diminutive size of the pension list, does not appear. The return to the ^vi-it of summons, in the year 1338, contained the names of " Johannes de Hornby," and " Johannes de Clyderhowe," as knights of the shii-e, to whom, by the writ de expensis, dated at Northampton, on the 2d of August, the sum of £7. 4s. was awarded for coming to, remaining in parliament, and returning to their houses, being a payment of four sliillings each per diem for eighteen days. The writ for 1339, was issued by the guai-dian of the kingdom, and the king's council, in his majesty's absence; and the knights returned to parliament for the county of Lancaster were " Robertus de Clyderhowe," and " Henricus de Biker- stath." In the same year, " Nichus de Hulm," and " Robertus de Prestecote," were returned. " Robertus de Dalton," and " Johannes de Dalton," were returned in 1340; and in the same year " Johannes de Radecliife," and " Robertus de Radecliff," were elected, and returned to parliament, with the usual allowance of four shillings per diem. During the remainder of this reign, the parliaments continued to be held almost every year; and it is clear, from the continually varying names retimied for the county of Lancaster, that each session was a new, and not an adjourned parliament. It is equally clear, that no argument in favour of any precise duration of parliament can be founded upon the practice of these early times, seeing that there was fre- Johes de Haverington, Johes Ungton, Clatis. 17 E. III. P. 1. 771. 1. dorso. f Westminster, Monday, 15 7 1 days of Easter. J ^13. 12s. for 34 days. Claus. 17 E. III. P. 1. 711. 1. dor Niclius le Botiller, ^ Westminster, Monday after "> WiUus fil. Rob. de Radeciiff, | Octaves of Holy Trinity. 3 ^^^- ^^^- ^"'^ ^^ ^^'^'^• Claus. 18 E. III. P. 2. m. 26. Johes de Cliderhowe, C Westminster, Monday after "> Adam de Bredekirk, { Feast of Nat. Blessed Mary. > ^'^- ^^- ^°^ ^^ ^^y^' Claus. 20 E. in. P. 2. m. 14. d. „,,,,, ^ c Westminster, Monday after ^ Robt. de Plesyngton, V ^ . . ',,.,,,_ . ) R bt d Pre tcote I Domniic. day Middle Quad- K £9. 4s. for 23 days. ^ ragesima. J Claus. 22 E. III. P. 1. »». 24. d. Adam de Hoghton, C Westminster, Morrow of St. ") Johes Cokayn, ^ Hillary. ] £15. 4s. for 38 days. Claus. 22 E. III. P. 1. m. 33. doi Otto de Halsale, C Westminster, Octaves of the ^ Willus de Radeclif. { Purification. S °^^^' ^'" ^°'" ^^ ^^^' Claus. 25 E. III. Pars tinica m. 27- dorso. No writ found. C Westminster, Tuesday, Feast ") I St. Hillary. j Coimt|) |3alatine of Saiirasittn aos queutly more than one parliament in the year ; and that at other times, the assem- chap. bling of parliament was intermitted for two, three, or four yeai's. L In the 4th of Edward III. it was enacted, that parUaments should be held once a year, and oftener, if necessary. The 36 Edward VI. requu'cs a pailiameut to be held every year. By 16 Charles II. it is enacted, that pailiaments shall be trien- nial ; confirmed by 6 William and Mary ; but by 1 George I. the time of theii* continuance, if considered necessary by the king and his advisers, was rendered septennial. So that our parliamentaiy history affords all tlie precedents from three parliaments in the yeai' to one parliament in seven years. The following is a list of the members for the county of Lancaster dming the remainder of the reign of Edward III., with the date of the parliaments in which they sat, and the amount of wages they received from the county : — Members, (Knights.) Parliament at Wages. 26 E. III. CHAP. VIII. 304 Members, (Knights.) Johes de Haveryngton, Willus Careles, ("Duchy of Lane") Willus Careles, Ricus Nowell, mn l^igtorj) of tlje Parliament at C Westminster, Morrow* of "^ Wages. £4. 4s. for 21 days. ^ the Assumption. 3 Claus. 26 E. III. m. 10. d. (■Westminster, Monday after 7 I St. Matthi. Apost. 1^6. for 30 days. Claus. 27 E. III. m. 5. d. C Westminster, Monday after 7 „ „, , \ c. AT 1 IT t ^13. 12s. for 34 days. ^ St. Mark Evang. y •' Clmis. 28 E. in. m. 21. rf. Rog. de Farndon. Robt. de Horneby, Vrits ad- dressed to the duke of Lan- caster. f Westminster, Monday after 7 ,„ , 1 St. Edmm.d, Martyr. j ^^^ ^^^ ^or 19 days. Claus. 29 E. III. Pars unica, m. 3. d. „, . ,^ , .> £1. 12s. for John for 38 Westminster, Monday seven I , ^ ^ t, ^ ^ nn a ' -^ N days, and for Robt. £6. 4s. weeks after Easter. i r oi i J tor 31 days. (Addressed to the Duke.) Clam. 31 E. III. m. 19. d. John de Haveringtou, Robt. de Singleton, 1 The writs de expensis for the knights of the sliire for the county of Lancaster ai"e directed, not to the sheriff, but to the duke of Lancaster himself. The knights for the counties generally had two distinct writs, some of them for six, others for seven, and one for eight days' expenses ; but the ^\Tits for Lancashbe were issued to the duke of Lancaster himself, by the title of Duke and Duchy of Lancaster : — Members, (Knights.) Roger de Farjmgdon, Robert de Horneby, Willus de Radecly, Ricus de Tounley, Parliament, at Wages. C Westminster, Monday after 7 I Purification B.M. j ^13- 12s. for 34 days. Claus. ^2 E. in. m.3\.d. C Westminster, Sunday after 7 { Conversion of St. Paul, j <£15. 4s. for 38 days. Claus. 35 E. Ill m. 38 d. No Writ for Lancashire in ^ Westminster, 15 days of St. Prynne. I Michael. } 36 E. in. * This was called the " Great Council" for " settling the Staple" or manufacture of the kingdom, to which Lancashire sent only one member for the county, and none for its boroughs; but were such a council to be held in the present day, it is highly probable that this county would return, at least, its full complement of members. Counti? |3alatiiie of S.anrastcr. 305 At this period, a singular piece of presumption was practised in the return to parlia- chav. rnent of members for the county of Lancaster. The deputy sherifls, instead of returning L the members elected by the county, returned themselves, concealing the writ, and levy- ing the expenses, wliich they appropriated to their own use. Upon complaint made to False return made by the king, he issued two \\Tits : the first to the sheriff of Lancasliire, and the second 't'' V"***^'" <=' ' sheiifls. to the justices of the peace of the county, directing them to examine into the merits of the election, and to certify the facts to him in chancery ; in the mean time, the levying of the expenses Avas suspended tUl further orders upon these " unparalleled Avrits," as they are called by Prynne. In the writ to the sheriff, that officer is informed, that the greatest agitation exists in Lancasliire respecting the election of the knights for that county in the last parlia- ment; and his majesty, wishing to be more fully informed about the election, com- mands the sheriff to assemble tlie knights and other good men of the commons of the said county, and to make inquiiy, whether " Edrus Laurence" and " Matthew Risheton," who have been returned in the writ to parliament as knights of the said county, or other persons, were duly elected ; and if, upon deliberation and iufonna- tion, he should find them to have been elected by the common assent of the county, then to cause the said Edi-us and Matthew to have £18. 16s. for their expenses incuiTed in coming to the parliament, remaining there, and then returning; that is to say, for forty-seven days, each of the aforesaid Edrus and Laurence receiving four shillings per diem ; but if other persons have been elected knights of the said county, then the sheriff is to render information of their names under his seal, into the king's chancery, and to remit the writ to his majesty, conformably to the du-ections already given.* * " Rex vie. Lancastr. Salutem Quia super electione facta de Militibus pro Communitate Com. CI. 36. praedicti pro ultimo Pailiamento nostro in Comprsedicto venientibus maxima altercatio facta existit, f.'&\'.' "'' Nos ea de causa volentes super electione prsdicta plenius certiorari, tibi precipimus, quod habita in dorso. plenoCom. tuo super electione prsedicta cum Militibus et aliis probis hominibus de Communitate dicti Com. deliberatione et informatione diligentibus utrum, viz. Edrus Laurence & Mattheus de Risheton, qui in Brevi nostro de Parliamento prsedicto tibi directo retornati fuerunt, pro Militibus dicti Com. electi fuerint, an alii ; et si per deliberationem et informationem hujusmodi inveneris ipsos de communi assensu totius Com. prsed. pro Milit. dicti Com. electos fuisse tunc hab. fac. eisdem Edro et Matthao decern et octo lib. sexdecim solidos pro Expensis suis venieudo ad Parliamentum prsedictum, ibidem morando et exinde ad propria redeundo, videlicet, pro quadraginta et septem diebus ; utroque prsedic- tomm Edri et Laurentii* capiente per diem quatuor solidos : et si alii pro Militibus ejusdem Com. electi fuerint, tunc Nos de nominibus illorum sub sigillo tuo in Cancellaria nostra reddas certiores, hoc breve nobis remittens. Teste Rege, apud Westm. 17 Nov. ] " Per ipsum Regem." * An error, for Matthcei. VOL. I. 2 R 306 CIjc Insitorj) of ti)t CHAP. VIII. The king, and not the com- mons, de- cided upon disputed elections. Tlie king's writ to the justices is adch-essed to his beloved and faithful Godefr. Foleiamhe, and his fellow-justices of the peace, in the county of Lancaster, on the 5th of February following ; and it states roundly, that the said Edus and Matthew, who are the sheriff's lieutenants, have made a false and deceptive return ; in conse- quence of which, the jurors ai'e requii'ed to call before them, at their next session, the knights and other good men of the same county, and take diligent information and inquisition on the above premises, and to return the same into the king's chan- cery; the sheriff of Lancasliire being at the same time commanded to supersede the levy of the wages, until he shall have further dii'ections from the king in liis mandate respecting them. The result was, that the election was declai-ed void, and the sheriff's lieutenants were unseated by the king's authority. The proceedings under these memorable %vi-its, wliich were the first of the kind that were issued, serve to shew that the Idng in these early times, and not the com- mons house of parliament, examined and determined on disputed elections ; and that the king, by special wi-it issued to the sheriff, or to the justices of the peace, caused the mei-its of the elections to be inquii-ed into, and certificate to be made of their legality or illegality. But, to resume the returns of the list of members for the county : — Knights. Parliament at Wages. Adam de Hoghton, Roger de Pylkyngton, C Westm. Octaves of St. Hil- 1 „ „ , I , I £17. 4s. for 43 davs. t lary. > CI. 39 E. III. m. 31 d. Job. le Botiller, C ^^'*^^- ^^°''^''^' ^^'^ °'°^- Will. fil. Robti de Radeclyf, ) ^ Cross c < row of the Invention of the S £8. 16s. for 22 days. -i Rog. de Pylkynton, Rog. de Radeclyf, sen. Johes de Dalton, Johes de Ipre, Johes de Ipre, Ricus de Tounley, Johes de Ipre, C 7 I Westm. 1st of May. J a. 40 E. III. m. 23 d. £14. for 35 days. CI. 42 E. in. m. 14 rf. ] Westm. Octaves of Trmity. f £8. 16s. for 22 days. CI. 43 E. Ill m. 13 rf. f Westm. Monday, Feast of^ ^ ^ ,^ , ^, , 1 St.Miehael. j £l9. 12s. for 51 days. CI. Ab E. III. m. 34 rf. C Wvnton, Mondav in Octaves 7 1 of Trinity. j £4. 4s. for 21 days. CI. 45 E. Ill m. 22 rf. Knights. Nich. de Haveryntoii, Willus de Atherton, Jolies de Holcroft, Johes Bottiler, Chivaler, Rog. de Brokhols, Johes Botiller, Rog. Pilkington, County palatine of aancasiten Parliament at 307 Wages. CHAP VIII. CWestm. Morrow of All") I Souls. 1 ^6- 12b. for 33 days. CI. 46 E. III. m. 4 d. f Westni. Morrow of St. Ed- } I mund. S ^^^" ^'' '"°' ^^ '^^^''• CI. 47 E. III. m. 1 d. i Westm. Monday after St. > I Gregory. j ^^4. 8s. for 86 days. CI. 50 E. III. P. 2. m. 23 rf. f Westm. in fifteen days of "J ^ St. Hillai-y. S ^^^- ^^'- ^°' ^'^ '^''^''• CI. 51 25. ///. »«. 12 rf. In the 20 Edward III. the nmnher of the temporal peers summoned to the Peers of parliament held at Westmuister, at the head of whom stood Henry, duke of Lan- caster, amounted only to fifty-four, from wliich it may be inferred, that tlie hundred and fifty barons in parliament of 47 Henry III. mentioned by Selden, included the minor barons, at that time the only representatives of the commonality of the land; and that not by delegation, but by a common interest. The fixed number of abbots and priors to be summoned to parliament was determined in the reign of Edward III. but it will be seen by the foUowuig list, that of the twenty-six religious houses to parlia- ment, tem- poral and spiritnal. which this privilege wa.s included : — adjudged, none of the Lancashire monasteries ai'e 1. St. Albans, 2. Glastonbury, 8. Evesham, 15. Shrewsbury, 22. Malmesbury, 9. Winchelcomb, 16. Gloucester, 23. Cirencester, 3. St. Austin's, Cant. 10. Crowland, 4. Westminster, 11. BatteU, 5. St. Echnondsbury, 12. Reading, 6. Peterborough, 13. Abingdon, 7. Colchester, 14. Waltham, 17. Barchiey, 24. St. Mary, York, 18. BenetinHohn, 25. Selby, 19. Thorney, 26. Prior of St. John 20. Ramsey, of Jerusalem, first 21. Hide, baron of England. Although the boroughs of Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, and Wigan, all The bo- returned burgesses to represent them in parliament in the reign of Edward I., only Lanca- the t^vo former of these places sent members in the reign of the second Edward, cease to and so early as the ninth year of Edward III. we find the return made by the sheriff members, of the county, in answer to the parHamentary writ of summons, states that, There is not any city or borough in his baiHwick [or county]. Non est aliqua civitas neque 2k2 308 ti)t i]i£(torj) of tht CHAP, biu'o-us in Balliva mea. It is to be observed, that the writs do uot particulai-ize the ^"^" borouo-hs that are to return members, but merely requii-e tlie sheriff to return two citizens for each city, and two burgesses for each borough, within his county. In the 36 of Edward III. the sheriff, in his return, writes upon the writ. There is not any city or borough in his county from which citizens or burgesses ought, or are accustomed, to come as tliis wiit requbes.- — Et non est aliqua civitas nee aliquis Bui'gus infi-a Com : prsBilict unde Gives sen Bui'genses venii-e debent sen solent prout breve istud requiiit. Tiie rea- In the 38th of Edward III. the reason for this negative return is rendered — signed. There are not any cities or boroughs (in Lancasliire) that ought, or are wont, to come to the said parliament, on account of tlieii- debility or poverty. — Et non sunt aliqui Civitates sen Burgi infra Com : de quibus ahqui Cives sen Burgenses ad dictum Parliamentum veniie debent sen solent, propter eorum debilitatem seu paupertatem. In the following year the case is still more strongly put — There is not any city or borouo-h fi'om wliich any citizens or burgesses are able, or accustomed, to come, according to the tenure of the vnii, by reason of their debility and poverty. — Et non est aliqua Civitas seu aliquod Burgum de quibus aliqui Cives seu Burgenses venire pos- sunt seu solent secundum tenorem bre\is, propter eorum debilitatem & paupertatem. In the 2nd of Richard II., when the parliamentary writs were addressed to the duke of Lancaster, this plea of debility is not confined to the county, but is extended to the whole duchy ; and it is stated, that there are not any burgesses in the duchy of Lancaster who were accustomed to come to our lord the king's parliament, through their poverty.— Et non sunt aliqui Cives seu Burgenses in Ducatu praedict. qui ad aliquod Parliamentum venire solebant, propter eorum paupertatem. In the last year of tliis lung's reign, the plea of poverty is again reduced within the limits of the county, and it is said — ^That there are not any citizens or burgesses within the county of Lancaster, who have been accustomed in times past to come to On the any pai-liaments. Our ancestors, so far fi-om aspuing to an increase in then- boroughs, of 11™"°' were anxious, in the language of modern legislation, to merge those they had in membe^*^ sclicdule A., concciviug the cost of their borough members, though limited to the men"''*" ^'^ry moderate sum of two shillings a day during parliaments of comparatively short duration, not sufficiently repaid by the support of then- local interests. On the subject of the payment of wages to the members of parliament, considerable light is shed by a petition presented to the king in 8 Henry VI. by the commons, and Rot. Pari, which is expressod in these words — " The Commons pray, that all cities, boroughs, 8 Hen. VI. ^g^yj^g ^ud hamlcts, and the residents within them, except the lords spiritual and temporal coming to parliament, and the ecclesiastics, and those cities and boroughs Countp ^3alatinr of i^anrnsitfr. 309 wliicli fiutl citizeus or burgesses for pailiament, shall henceforth for ever contribute chap. to the expenses of the knights elected, or to be elected, to parliaments." '_ For two hundred and fifty years, that is, from the end of the thirteenth to the middle of the sixteenth century, about one hundred and twenty, or one hundi'ed and tliii-ty, cities and boroughs in England, returned members pretty constantly to parliament ; and about thirty others returned them only occasionally, amongst which were the Lancashiie boroughs, the sheriffs having taken upon themselves to dispense with the attendance of members for those boroughs, for the reasons stated in the wi-its. Tlie following petition, presented by the commons to the king m the same year, shews that the very moderate remuneration of the members was witliheld, to their impoverishment, and to the detriment of the state : — " Wliereas the Citizens and Bui'gesses elected to Parliament, have, fi"om antient time, been accustomed to have of right, for wages and expenses each day during the sitting of parliament, two shillings ; and for which wages, each of them had from antient time, and of right ought to have, their ^vrit to the sheriffs of the county where such cities or boroughs are, for them to levy and deliver to them the said wages, in the same manner as the knights of shires have had and used. And whereas these wages are now witliheld, and divers notable and wise persons, elected to Parliament, cannot attend without their utter ruin, and the national loss ; the Commons of this present Parliament pray the king to grant them tlie said wages, of two shillings each, ever}^ day, during the Session of Parliament." Prynne has preserved a register of the time allowed to members of parliament for travelling from Lancashire to certain places, when the parliaments were -held in those cities ; from which it appears, that two, and sometimes three days, were allowed for travelling to York, four days to Coventry, and five or six to London, in ordinary seasons ; but in a snow or " foul weather" eight days was the maximum allowance for travelling from hence to a parliament sitting at Westminster. It may be presumed, that these honourable and right honourable gentlemen had not, in those days, to legislate upon bills for the construction of railways. In the 7th of Henry VI. it is asserted in the shei-ifTs return, notwithstanding the fact to the contrary, that there is not any city or borough within the county of Lancaster, wliich was accustomed in times past to send any citizens or burgesses to parliament, on account of theu* poverty and want of means, and therefore no mention is made of citizens and burgesses, as appears in the indenture annexed to the writ. Similar langiiage is held in all the returns from Lancashij-e till 310 €i)t SjisitorL) of tfte CHAP. 1 Edward VI., when Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, and Wigan, resumed their ^^"- elective franchise ; and in 1 Elizabeth, Nekton and Clitheroe were added to the borouohs of the county. During the Commonwealth two returns were made by Manchester, but tliat town ceased to return members at the Restoration. Richard IL Rfturuo In the fii-st year of the reign of Richard II. the king, in his writ of summons rei"n%f for the duchy of Lancaster, addressed to John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, and kino- of Castile and Leon, after announcing that Charles of France had overrun Flanders, and was mecUtating an attack upon the English city of Calais, informed his beloved uncle, that, for the better defence of his kingdom, and of the Writs of Ano-lican church, and to afford succour to his allies, he designed to embark for TdT^^sed the continent ; and for the good government of the Idngdom while he was absent, rheviff,b'.t the duke was commanded to send from his duchy two knights from the county Oatnt""*^ palatine of Lancaster, two citizens fi-om each city, and two burgesses from Lancaster, each borough, ^-itliin the same, to parliament, having full power, from the com- mons of the duchy, to talvC the necessary measures therein. Tliis ^^rnt is preserved in the archives of the duchy of Lancaster, and the following copy is derived from that source : — Richard II D. venire facieud ad pliamentu. Anno Regalitatis Johannis Regis Castelle et Legionis Ducis Lane Com sui palatuii sexto incipiente. " R. carissimo Avunculo suo Johi Regi CasteU f legionis Duci Lancastr vel ejus Cancellar in Ducatu p^dco saltm Quia referente fama publica ad firm pvenit c^titudinalit intellectum qd Karolus advlsar nr? FranS principalis subjugata sibi maxima pai-te Fland^ que de amicitia nra existebat ad obsidend jam villam nram Cales f alia mala dampna f gvamina nob f regno nro Angt undiq3 mfereud f fieri pcurand totis virib3 se festinat omiqj diligencia machiua? nos malicie dci advlsarij firi resiste f hujusmocU obsidionem sique ibidem quod absit fieret in eventu favente dfio removere necnon cuxa recupacoem juris firi qd ad coronam f regnu Franc^ notorie optinem? ac cii'ca defen- sionem dci regni ilri f ecctie AngHcane meliorem laborai-e f intendere relevamenq} f succursum amicis f fidelil)5 nris cii-cumquaq;, fac'e f pbere cupientes de concilio f assensu qmplurm prelatorl pcum magnatu duor? militu Bmgensiu f ihcatori dci regni mi ad Consiliu nrfii ex hac causa euocator? sumus in pposito in ppria psona nra ad pai'tes tnsmar cum comitiua pdum magnatum f nobilin plurimorl manu forti Coimtj) ^3alatiue of 2.anra£(tn\ 311 volent diio pficisti Et ut hujusmocli jipositum firm filiccm sorciat csscm ac nob in chap. remotis agentib} p expedienti f uecessario regiuiiue dci regiii firi debite f)\-ideaV f L intrmi tarn iniinicis iiris Ispanu qifi alijs quibuscumqs siqiii regem m-m pdcm hostilit invadere p^sumpseimt foitit f virilit ut oportet f put maxinie invidet cordi nro resistar disposimuP de consilio f assensu pdcis die lune in tcia septimana quadia- gesime px futur quoddam pliamentu iirm apud Westfii tenere f cum Prelatis p&b} dfiis f coitate dci regni mi sup pjmissis f alijs urgentib} causis nos statum regnu f houorem iira concuentib} coUoqum here f tractatum vob igit? in fide f dilectoe quib3 nob tenemum mandamus qd de ducatu pJdico duos milites gladijs cinctos magis idoneos f discretes de qualibet ciuitate Ducatus illius duos cjuesf de quolibet Burgo duos Burgenses de discreciorib} f magis su£Bcientib5 eligi f eos ad dcos diem f locum venire fac Ita qd ijdem milites jjlenam f sufficieutem potestatejn p se f Coitate Ducatus illius f dci Cjues f Burgenses p se f coitatib3 cunctatu f Burgori pdcoi-? diuisum ad ipis lieant ad faciend f consenciend hijs que tunc ibidem de eor consilio regni inri favente dno contig'it ordinari sup negocijs antedcTs sic qd p defectu potes- tatis hujiismodi sou ppt improndam electoem militu cium aut Burgensiu pdcor' dca negocia infecta non remaneant quouis modo Et heatis ibi noia pdcor' militum cium f Burgensiu t hoc bre T R. apud Westm vij die Jauuar Anno sexto." Extract from Roll A. 6. — \Qth membrane Duchy Records. The members returned to parliament as knights of the shii'e for the county of Lancaster, in virtue of the ivTit, were " Johes Boteler" and " Nich. de Haver- yngton," who, after a session of sixty-six days, received a wi-it de expensis to the amount of £26. 8s. ; but no citizens or burgesses were returned from any city or borough of the duchy or county of Lancaster. In the 2d year of Richai'd II. " Johes Botiller, Chivaler," and " Radus de Ipre," were returned for the county of Lancaster, as appears fi-om the Roll, CI. 2 Rich. II. m. 22 d. on which Prynne observes, that the wiit in tliis roll was issued to the duke of Lancaster, and to his vicegerent, for the knights of the duchy ; that in the writ to the duke, tliis clause, tarn infra libertates quam extra, is omitted, and tliis clause of exception, (inserted in all other writs for knights' expenses in other counties,) Civitatibtis et Burgis de quibus Gives ^ Burgenses ad Parliamentum nostrum apud, S(c. venerunt, duntojcat Exceptes, because the sheriffs of Lancashu'e then and before returned, Non est aliqua Civitas vel aliquis Burgxis infra Ball, de quibus aliqui Gives vel Burgenses ad dictum Parliamentum venire debent, sen fio\eni,propter eorum debilitatem seu pauper- tarn. And in tliis very year made tliis return, Et non sunt aliqui cives vel Bur- genses in Ducatu pradicto, qui ad aliquod Parliamentum venire solebant, propter eorum paupertatem ^ debilitatem. 312 m)t ®i5tori> of t\)t CHAP. The other knights of the sliire returned for the county of Lancaster, during the ^^^^' reign of Richard II. are enumerated in tlie following list : — Knights. Parliament at Wages. Johes Botiller, Chivaler, f Westminster, Monday after Thos. Setheworth, Chivaler, (_ St. Hillary. Johi Botiller, Chivaler, y Northampton, Monday after Thos. deSuthworth, Chivaler, ^ All Saints. Will, de Athirton, Robt. de Ureewyk, ^ Westminster, Morrow of All ^ Saints. Roger dePylkynton,Chivaler, f Westminster, Morrow of St. Clifton, Johes Assheton, Robt. Usewick, Ricus de Hoghton, Robt. de Clifton, John Holcroft, (Name obliterated.) Roger de Pilkington, Thos. Gerard, I John. ^ Westminster, Monday, Oc- ^ taves of St. Michael. C Westminster, Monday, three i_ weeks of Quadragesima. ( Westminster, Monday before I All Saints. t New Sarum, Friday after I. St. Mark. Robt. Ursewick, Chivaler, C Westminster, Morrow of Will, de Tunstall, Chivaler, | St. Martin. Robt. Ursewyk, Chivaler, C Westminster, Friday after Thos. de Radecliffi, I St. Luke. Haveryngton,Chivaler ^ Robt. de Workesley, ^ Westminster, 1st October. £24. for 60 days. C1.3R. II. m. 18 f/. £19. 12s. for 49 days. CI. 4 R. II. m. 20 d. £38. 8s. for 96 days. CI. 5 i?. //. m. 22 d. £10. for 25 days. CI. 5 R. IL m. 5 d. £10. 16s. for 27 days. CI. 6 It. Up. 17 d. £10. 8s. for 36 days. CI. 6 R. II p. 2. m. 13 d. £8. 16s. for 40 days. CI. 7 R. II. m. 23 d. £16. for 40 days. CI. 7 R. II. VI. 1 d. £18. for 45 days. CI. 8 R. II 7/1. 27 d. £23. 4s.' for 58 days. CI. 9 R. IL m. 22 d. £28. for 71 days. CI. \QR. II. m. 16(/. Joh. le Botiller de Weryng ( ") ton, Chivaler, \ Westminster, Morrow of the » ^^^ ^^^ j Thos. Gerard, ( Purification, B. Mary. j 15 days. 11 R.H. Countj) |3alatinc of Sanrastfr. 313 Knights. Parliament at Asheton, "^Chiva- ^ Cantebrigge, Morrow of Nat. Job. de Crofts, j lers, \ B. Mary. Ipres, "^Chiva- ^Westminster, Monday after Job. de Asheton, 3 lers, |^ St. Hillary. Job. de Urse-ivjdv, Chivaler, ^ Westminster, Morrow of St. Job. de Croft, Chivaler, ^ Martin. Kobt. de Ursewike, Chivaler, ij Westminster, Morrow of All Robt. de Workesley, i^ Souls. Robt. de Ursewik, Chivaler, ^ Wynton, Octaves of St. Rad. de Ipre, Chivaler, |^ Hillary. Robt. deUrsewyke, Chivaler, ^Westminster, five days of Thos. Gerard, Chivaler, ^ St. Hillary. Robt. de Ursewike, Chivaler, ^ Westminster, five days of Thos. de Radeclifi", I St. Hillary. Robt. deUrsewyke, Chivaler, C Westminster, Feast of St. Ric. Molyneux, ^ Vincent. Wages. £18. 8s. for 46 days. a. 12 R. IT. m. 14 d. £22. for 56 days. CI. 13 JR. II. p. 2. m. 7 d. £30. 12s. for 34 days. ^ a. 14 R. II. m. 30 d. £1/. for 40 days. CI. 15 R. II. m. 26 d. £23. for 38 days. Cl.mR.ll.m. 19 rf. £21. for 71 days. CI. 17 R. II. m. 9 d. £12. 16s. for 32 days. CI 18 R. II. m. 6 d. CHAI'. VIII. £30. 12s. for 34 days. Cl.20R.ll. p. 2. 7,1.2 d. Job. Botiller de Weryngton, r Westminster, Monday after "J Chivaler, \ Exalt, of Cross, and ad- \ £16. 8s. for 41 CI. 21 7?. II. p. 2. m. 9 d. Rad. de Radecliff, ( journed to Salop. days. Henry IV. The ducliy of Lancaster being now united with the crown, by the duke having Members become king of England, the parliamentary writs of summons, in the first and second county in years of the reign of Henry IV. were addressed to the sheriff of Lancaster, and not of'nem^ to the duke. The members for the county returned in this reign were : — IV. Knights. Wages. Parliament at r, , ^ J TT 1 -^ /-.I • ( Westminster, Morrow of St.1 Kobt. de Ursewjk, ) Chiva- »,,.,, f „ J TT 1 . J 1 i Michael, summoned by > <£26. 16s. for / 1 days. Hen. de Hoghton, 3 lers. t u._^ j „ S Claiis. 1 Heti. IF. P.\.7n.2l.d. Richard H. VOL. I. 2S CHAP. VIII. 314 Win ijigtjjii) of ti)e Knights. Parliament at Wages. Robt. de Ursewyks, 7 Chiva- f Westminster, five days of^ > , ^ „, ,T-ii I £oi. 16s. for DO days. Nich. de Atherton, > lers. ^ St. Hillary. 3 •' Clmts.2 H.IF. P.I. m3. d. Rich, de Hoghton, ") Chiva- ^ Westminster, Morrow of St. NicdeHaverington, 3 lers. ^ Michael. •} ^27. for 69 days. Clam. 4 H. IF. m. 34. d. Rad. de Radeclyff, Chivaler, C Westminster, Morrow of St. 7 „„, ,„ ^ ^„ , ^ , ^ < „.,, > ct31. 12s. for 69 days. Robt. Lawrence, (. Hillary. 3 ^ Claus. 5 H. IF. P. m. 10. d. Jac Harryngton, | Chiva- | ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^. ^^ Rad. Staneley, 3 lers. 3 C7«i«. 6 H. IF. m. 5. d. Will. Botiller, Robt. Lawrence, I Westminster, 1st of March. ^ Adjom-ned to 16th April. ■ Adjourned to 19th June. \ £j\ . I2s. for 189 days. Adjourned to 25th Oct. i Adjourned to 22d Deer, j Claus. 8 H. IP', m. J. d. Henr Hoghton, | Chiva- > ^^^^^^^^^^^ 20th October. ^21 . 12s' for 54 days. Rad. de Staveley, 3 lers. 3 Claus. 9 //. IF. m. 8. d. The lack- To the parliament lield at Coventry in the 6th year of this monarch's reign, the pariia" sheriffs were couunanded by tlie king not to return any lawj^ers — persons learned in the law ; and hence this parliament Avas called, " The Lack-learning Parlia- ment." — Parliamentum Indoctum. Henry V. Lanca- shire members in the reign of Henry V. The fii'st return made in this reign, of the knights of the shire for Lancasliire, transmits the names of " Joh. Assheton and Joh. de Stanley, chivelers." By a striking singularity, the indenture mentions only the name of Sir* John Stanley, and entirely omits that of his colleague, stating, that Nich. Longford, knight, and all others named in the indenture after him, with unanimous consent and agreement, have made a free election, and given to John Stanley, the younger, full power to become a knight in the parliament to be held at Westminster, to answer for them- County ^alatint of aanrnstfr. 315 selves, and all theirs, and for all the commons in the county of Lancaster, in tliose chap. matters wliich, under favour of the king, shall happen to be ordained in par- liament.* The corresponding indenture is lost. In the next parliament, " Rad. de RadclifT" and " Nich. BlundcU," are returned CI.2H.V. m. 10. d. as knights of the shire for this county. 2 Henry V. Johannes de Stanley, Rohertus Lawrence, per indent. 8 Henry V. Henry de Hoghton, Radus de Stanley. Henry VL The members returned to represent the county of Lancaster in this reign Members in the were : — reign of 7 Henry VL JotiesByi'on, Rohertus fil. Roberti Laurence, knights, j:>e/-?n(/e«/. vi. 25 Henry VL Thomas Stanley, kn'. Thomas Hariington, Esq. per indent. 27 Henry VL The same persons. 28 Henry VL Thomas Stanley, Jolies Butler, knights, jyer indent. 29 Henry VI. Thomas Stanley, Thomas Harrington, knights, per indent. 33 Henry VI. Thomas Stanley, Alexander Radcliff, knights. 38 Henry VI. (At Leicester.) Richus Harrington, knight, Henry Hal.sall, j)er indent. 39 Henry VI. — — - Richd. Haryng-ton, knt., and Henry Halsall. In the 7th year of tliis king's reign, the qualification of electors for counties, Quaiifi. which had hitherto been undefined, was fixed by an act of parliament, which ordains e?ec°ors that " tlie knights shall be chosen in every county by people dwelling and residing in kni'h^s of the same county, whereof every one of them shall have land or tenement of the gxed!"'^''' value of forty slullings by the year, at the least, over and above all charges," which is explained, by an act of the 10th of the same king, to mean, freeholds of that value, A\'ithin the county for Avliich the election is to be made. Hitherto all the freeliolders, without exception, had claimed the right of voting for county members, * I HENRY V. " Heec Indentura testatur, inter Radum de Stanley V. C. Lane, ex una parte, et Nicum Longford Clihs. et omnes alios post se infra istas indentures nominat. Quiquidem Nicus et omnes alii post se unanirai concessu et assensu eligi fecerunt liberam electionem, dant Johi de Stanley, juniori, plenam potestatem pro seipsis et omnibus suis essend. Militeni in Parlianiento Domini Regis prox. tenend apud Westm. die lunse, &c. ad respondend. pro seipsis et omnibus suis et pro omnibus commiinitatibus Com. Lane, ad ea quse in dicto Parliamento favente domino ordinari con- tingeret. In cujus rei testimonium sigilla sua alternatim apposuerunt." 2s2 316 CiK ?l)i6ton) of tl)t CHAP, in consequence of which, it is alleged, gi-eat outrages had arisen, " wliereby luan- 1_ slaughter, riots, batteries, and divisions among the gentlemen and otlier people of the said counties, shall very likely arise and be, unless convenient and due remedy be provided in this behalf." From the reign of Henry VI. to the present time, no change has been judged necessary in this qualification, though the value of money has in the mean time increased tenfold. The agitation of the Idngdom at this period, arising out of the wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, seems to have given rise to a violent stretch of the royal prerogative, — the king having, of liis own authority, summoned members to parliament; and hence an act of indemnity was passed 23 Henry VI., wliich provides, " that all such knights of any county, as are returned to tlie parliament by virtue of the king's letters, without any other election, shall be good, and that no sheriff, for returning them, do incur the pains therefore provided."* Edward IV. County members in the reign of Kdw. IV. The members returned for the county of Lancaster in tliis reign were : — 7 Ed. IV. 1467. James Haryngtou, kut., and WUliam Haryngton, knt. 12 Ed. IV. 1472. Robert Harynton and John Asshton. 17 Ed. IV. 1477. George Stanley, knt., and James Haryngton, knt. From the 17th of Edward IV. to 33 Henry VIII. all the returns are lost; and in the latter year, though a parliament was held, no return for this county appears amongst the records. From that period to tlie 16th of Charles I. the writs are regular, and the following are the members returned as knights of the shire for this countv : — County members from 1 Ed. VI. to 16 Char. II. 1 Edw. VI. 7 1 Mary. 1547. 1552-3. 1553. 1 ... 1554. 1 & 2 Philip & Mai •y. 1554. 2&3 1555. 4&5 . 1557. 1 Elizabeth. 1558-9. 13 Thurst Tyldesley, Esq. — John Kechyn, Esq. Richard Houghton, (in whose place Robert Worsley, Knt. Tho. Butler, Esq. Rob. Sherborne, Knt. — John Rygmayden, Esq. Tho. Stanley, Knt. — Tho. Langton, Knt. Tho. Stanlej', Knt. — John Holcroft, Knt. Tho. Stanley, Knt. — Will. Stanley, Knt. Tho. Talbot, Knt. — John Holcroft, senr. Knt. John Atherton, Knt. — Rob. Worseley, Knt. 1563. Tho. Gerard, Knt. — John Southworth, Knt. 1571. Tho. Butler— John Radclitfe, Esq. * Sir Robert Cotton's Abridgment, p. 664. Coimtp |3nlatinf of i!.anra£>tn-. 317 14 Elizabeth 1572. 27 ... 1585. 28 ... 1586. 31 ... 1588. 35 1592. 39 ... 1597. 43 ... 1601. 1 James I. 1603. 12 ... 1614. 18 ... 1620. 21 ... 1623. 1 Charles I. 1625. 1 ... 1625. 3 ... 1628. 15 ... 1640. 16 ... 1640. John Radcliff, Esq. — Edm. Trafford, Esq. Gilbert Gerard, Knt. — Rich. Molineux. John Atherton, Esq. — Rich. Holland, Esq. Tho. Gerard, son of Sir Gilbert Gerard, Knt. — Tho. Wahiis- ley, sergeant at law. Tho. Molineux, Knt. — Tho. Gerard, jun. Knt. Ric. Houghton, Knt. — Tho. Gerrard, Knt. Rich. Houghton, Knt. — Tho. Hesketh, attorney of the Court of Wards. Rich. Molineux, Knt. — Rich. Houghton, Knt. Gilbert Houghton, Knt. — Jolni Radcliff, Knt. John Radcliff, Knt. — Gilbert Houghton, Knt. John Radcliff, Knt. — Tho. Walmisley, Knt. Rich. Molineux, Bart. — John Radcliff, Knt. Rob. Stanley, Esq. — Gilbert Houghton. Rich. Molineux, Knt. and Bart. — Ale.K. Radcliff", Knight of the Bath. Gilbert Houghton, Knt. and Bart. — Will. Farrington, Esq. Ralph Ashton, Esq.— Roger Kirby, Esq. — Rich. Houghton, Bart. CHAP. VIII. In 1.5tli of HemyVIII. Sir Thomas More, then chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, held the office of speaker of the house of commons. The learned chancellor's connexion A\dth the duchy has led to the mistake that he repre- sented the county of Lancashire in parliament, and consequently that tliis county has had the honotir to supply a member to the speaker's chair; but this is an error. In the 1st of Edward VI. writs of parliamentary summons were re-issued to Lan- caster, Preston, Liveqwol, and Wigan ; and each of these places at that period resumed, by royal authority, the elective franchise. Queen Elizabetli, in tlie first year of her majesty's reign, made a further accession to the Lancasliire boroughs, by the adtlition of Newton and Clitheroe ; and all tliese six boroughs have ever since that time regularly returned members to parliament. It appears that nomination boroughs were perfectly familiar so early as the reign of Elizabeth ; and it is probable, that both Newton and Clitlieroe have always 2)artaken of this character : but tlie most flagrant instance of the kind upon record in these early times, is to be found in a bundle of returns of parliamentary writs in the 1 1th of Queen Elizabeth, wliicli, though unconnected with the county of Lan- caster, may not inaptly be introduced in tliis place. Tlie document is in tlie cliapel of the rolls, and is expressed in the following terms : — Sir Thos. More, member for Lanca- shire, anj speaker of the house of com- The an- cient Lan- cashire borou^'hs resume the exer- cise of their elec- tive fran- chise. New ho- rou^hs. Nomina- tion bo- roughs in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 318 ClK ©ISitOll) of tftf CHAP. " To all Clnistian people to whom this present Writing shall come. I, Dame VIII. " Dorothy Packlngton, "niclow, late ■wife of Sir John Paclington, Kt., Lord Dame " and Owiier of the Town oi Aylesbury, send greeting. Know ye, Me, the said ton's no- " Dame Dorothy Packington, to have chosen, named, and appointed my trusty niinees. " and well-beloved Thomas Lichfield and George Burden, Esqrs. to be my " Burgesses of my said town of Aylsbury. And whatsoever the said Thomas " and George, Burgesses, shall do in the Service of the Queen's Highness " in that present Pai-liament, to be liolden at Westminster the Eighth Day of " 3Iay next ensuing the Date hereof, I the same Dorothy Packington, do " ratify and approve to be my own Act, as fully and wholly as if I were or " might be present there. In witness whereof to these presents, I have " set my Seal this Fourth Day of 3Iay, in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of " our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the Grace of God of England, France, " and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c." The Chan- Jn the 26th year of tliis queen's reign, a very extraordinary claim was set up to the duchy parliamentary nomination by Sir Ralph Sadler, " eques notae viitutis," ui virtue of ter claims liis office of chaucellor of the duchy of Lancaster, which was no less than the right to nomi- to nominate both the members to rejiresent the borough of Leicester in pai'liameut. bers for The accouut givcii in the archives of the borough, of this claim, and of the manner in rough of which it was disposed of, is as follows : — Leicester ,, Nov. 12, 26 Eliz. — At a coiiimou hall, the slieriflF's precept being read, and after that sii- Ralph Sadler's letter for nomination of both our burgesses, and other letters; it is agTced, that sir Ralph Sadler, knight, chancellor of the duchy of Lan- caster, shall have the nomination of one of the burgesses; who thereupon nominated Henry Skipwith, esq. ; and the other chosen was Thomas Jolmson, one of her majesty's seijeants at arms; and either of them promised to bear their own charges." On what authority the chancellor grounded his pretensions to nominate members for this borough, except that it is within the duchy of Lancaster, does not appear, nor does it appear that any similar claim was ever made by any other chancellor, either before or since. It may be inferred from the corporation record, that members began about this time to serve without wages; and, it is probable, that the practice was gi-adually discontinued, till at length it wholly ceased. Commonwealth. The following are the names of the members for the county of Lancaster, elected during the Commonwealth : — Countj) ^Jalatmt of 2Lanra£iUi% 3i9 1653. Will. West, John Sawiy, Rob. Cunliss. chap. [The name of " Praise God Barebone," occurs iu this parliament in the _ list of Loudon members.] 1654. Rich. Holland, Gilbert Ireland, Rich. Standish, Will. Ashurst. 1656. Sir Rich. Houghton, bart. Col. Gilbert Ireland, Col. Rich. Holland, Col. Rich. Sandish. 1658-9. George Book, bart. Alex. Rigby, esq. 11 Charles II.* to 2 William IV. The parliament of 1653 was a packed parliament, returned by Cromwell, the lord protector, and consisted only of one hundi-ed and twenty-one members, of whom Repre- one hundi-ed and ten were for England, five each for Scotland and Ireland, and one of Lanca- for Wales. In 1654, the right of election was again partially restored, the number of h'g the"' members being augmented to four hundred, of whom two hundi-ed and seventy were ^eXh!" chosen by the counties; the remainder were elected by London and other considerable corporations and towns, Manchester and Leeds being amongst the number. To the pai-liament of 1653, neither Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, Wigan, or Clitheroe, sent any members, but the county returned three; to those of 1654 and 1656, Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, and Wigan, sent each one member, and the county four. To thepariiament of 1658-9, Lancaster, Preston, Liverpool, Wigan, and Newton, sent two members each, and the county two; but no return was made for Clitheroe during the whole period of the Commonwealth. Though the government professed to be popular, the elective franchise was very much abridged during tliis period, and an estate of two hundred pounds value was necessary to confer the right of voting. In other respects, the elections were unobjectionable, except that all those who had carried arms against the parliament, as well as their sons, were proliibited from voting at the elections. List of the knights of the sliire for the county of Lancaster, from the Restoration to the present time : — 11 Charles II. 1660. Sir Roger Bradsliaw— Edward Stanley. 12 Charles II. 1661. The same. The same. 29 Charles 11. 1678. Peter Bold— Charles Gerrard. 32 Charles 11. 1681. Sir Charles Houghton— The same. 36 Charles II. 1685. Sir Roger Bradshaw— James Holt. 3 James II. 1688. Lord Brandon— Sir Charles Houghton. * The reign of Charles II. is dated from the death of his royal father, in 1649, in the calendars; and that chronology is adopted in this list, thougli his reign did not commence de facto till 1660. 320 Cftr il?i£(ti3ii) of ti)t CHAP. 1 William & Mary 1690. James Stanley, Ralph Ashton. VIII. 7 William III. 1695. 1698. The same, The same. The same. 10 Fitton Garrerd. .13 1701. Tlie same, Robert Bold. 14 1/02. The same. The same. 3 Anne 1705. The same. Richard Shuttleworth. 6 ... 1708. The same. The same. 8 . . . 1710. The same. The same. 11 .. . 1713. Sir John Bland, The same. 12 . . . 1714. The same. The same. 8 George I. 1722. The same. The same. 13 . .. 1727. Sir Edward Stanley, The same. 7 George II. 1734. The same. The same. 14 . .. 1741. Lord Strange. The same. 20 ... 1747. The same. The same. 27 ... 1754. The same. Peter Bold. 1 George III. 1761. The same. James Shuttleworth. 2 ... 1762. J. Smith, (Lord Strange), James Shuttleworth, Esq. 8 ... 1768. The same. Lord Arch. Hamilton. Richard L. V. Molyneux, Sir Thos. Egerton, Bart. 14 ... 1774. E. Smith, (Lord Stanley,) The same. Hon. Thomas St anley. Thomas Stanley, Esq. 20 ... 1780. The same. Sir Thomas Egerton, Bart. 24 ... 1784. The same. John Blackburn, Esq. 30 ... 1790. The same. The same. 36 ... 1796. The same. The same. 41 ... 1801. The same, The same. 42 .. 1802. The same. The same. 46 ... 1806. The same. The same. 47 ... 1807 The same. The same. 53 ... 1812. Lord Stanley, The same. 59 ... 1819. The same. The same. 1 George IV. 1820. The same. The same. 7 ... 1826. The same. The same. 1 William IV. 1830. The same. John Wilson Patten, Esq. 1 ... 1831. The same. Benjamin Heywood, Esq. Of all the Lancashire boroughs, Liverpool alone has risen into eminence; and for tliis distinction it seems indebted rather to the local advantages of its marine situation, than to its chartered privileges. Preston has at all times occupied a high station amongst the to^viis of the county ; but for several centuries it was perfectly Count)) ^^alatiue of ^Lanrndtfr. 321 stationary In its wealth and population ; and it was not till its corporate restrictions chap. were materially relaxed, that it began to increase in either. The other boroughs of the county have not undergone any material changes in the lapse of ages, Avhile a number of the other towns of Lancashii-e have been increasing within the last cen- tiuy in a ratio altogether unexampled. For many years, and, indeed, for some ages, the political character of the county I'oiiticai ITT 1 I'lr- f • • c ^ <• 1 cliaiacter representation had displayed itselt m a division oi the return of members between the of the re- Stanley family, as the head of the Whig party, and the Tory interest, of which Jolin tion of Blackburne, esq., the venerable proprietor of Hale Hall, was the organ ; but at the silire. general election in 1831, the disposition of the county in favour of the then pending Reform Bill, (of which the most conspicuous features were its disfranchising the decayed boroughs, and conferring the elective francliise on many of the popidous unrepresented towns of the country,) was so strong, that this tacit arrangement was no longer acted upon, but tAVO members were returned, both of them in favour of the new system. The alteration made by the Reform Act, in tlie representation of the county of Alteration Lancaster in parliament, is more considerable than in any other county in tlie king- presenia- dom ; the princijjle of the elective franchise being property and population, and county both property and population having increased more in this than in any other roughs of county since the representative system Avas first settled in the reign of Edward I. shTre by That "poverty and debihty" which for so long a period induced the inliabitants of lilfnlTn'ta- all the parliamentary boroughs in the county of Lancaster to suffer their elective Act'^of"'^'" rights to sink into abeyance, now no longer exist, but have given place to an amount '^*^' of wealth and population, whicli fully entitles most of those boroughs, and several other towns in the county, to send their representatives to the national councils. By the provisions of this memorable act, entitled, " An Act to amend tlie Rcpresen- Passed tation of the People in England and Wales," and the act " To settle and describe 1832. ' the Divisions of the Counties, and the Lunits of Cities and Borouglis," consequent J'assed upon it, the privilege of senchng four members to parliament as kniglits of the sliire, i832. instead of two, is conferred upon the county of Lancaster. For the convenience of the electors, the county is separated into two parts — the northern and the southern: — for the northern division, consisting of the Avhole of the hunch-eds of Lonsdale, Amounderness, Leyland, and Blackburn, the election is to be held in the borough of Lancaster ; and for the southern division, consisting of the whole of the hundreds of Salford and West Derby, the election is to be held in the town of Newton. By schedule A, of the Reform Act, the borough of Newton, in this county, is dis- franchised; and by scliedule B, the borough of Clitlieroe, instead of sending two 322 Cbe Instoii) of ti)t CHAP, members to parliament, is allowed only to return one. By schedule C, Manchester, ^'"'' Bolton, Blackburn, and Oldliam, are erected into boroughs, with the privilege of sending two members each to parliament; and by schedule D, Ashton-under-Lyne, Bury, Rochdale, Salford, and Warrington, are also created boroughs, Avith the privilege of sending one member each. The number of members sent by Lancaster, Liverpool, Preston, and Wigan, remains unaltered, so that an actual increase of two members is made to the knights of the shire, and ten members to the borough representation of the county. The Boroughs in the Northern Division are — Blackburn — which sends Two Members. Clitheroe One Member. Lancaster Two Members. Preston Two Members. The Boroughs of the Southern Division are — Ashton-under-Lyne — which sends .... One Member. Bolton-le-Moors Two Members. Bury One Member. Liverpool Two Members. Manchester Two Membei's. Oldham Two Members. Rochdale One Member. Salford One Member. Warrington One Member. Wigan Two Members.* In the early periods of the representative history of this county, the members returned for the boroughs were chosen out of the respective communities wldch they were sent to represent, namely, the merchants and other principal inhabitants ; and one gi'eat object of the recent changes in the constitution of the lower house of parliament, has been to revive this system in large, commercial, and manufacturing toivns, though it is probable tliat the principle Mill not be carried, in those places, to the extent of the entire exclusion of men of eminent talent and worth, who may possess no claim on the ground of local connexion. * The boundary of each borough of the county, as defined in the act 2 and 3 William IV. cap. 64. will he inserted in the history of that borough. £ounti) |3alcitinc of iLaurastfr. 323 Cfjap, if. Important period in Lancashire history. — Royal clemency towards the adherents of Thomas, earl of Lancaster — Attainder reversed. — Battle-roll of Boroughbridge. — Scotch invasion. — Lancashire banditti. — Redress of public grievances. — Levies in the county. — Cattle removed into the south. — The invaders punished. — Subsidy in Lancashire on the marriage of the king's sister. — Talliages in the county, shewing the relative importance of the principal towns. — Statute of Winton enforced in Lancashire. — Consequences in the county of renewed wars. — Splendid naval victory. — Fresh levies in the county. — Flocks and herds again driven. — Signal overthrow of the Scots, — Their king made prisoner. — Pestilence. — Creation of the first duke of Lancaster. — On the origin of the title of Duke. — Heavy imposts on the people of the duchy. — Impressment of ships. — Maximum of agricultural wages.— Death of the first duke of Lancaster — His will— His posses- sions. — Administration of the first duke, from the rolls of the Duchy.— Renewal of the dukedom in the person of John of Gaunt. — Papal bull. — Levy of ships at Liverpool. — Non-exportation from thence. — Renewed alarm of invasion. — Parish tax. — Exchange of Richmondshire for other possessions. — The franchise of jura regalia confirmed, and extended in favour of the duke of Lancaster. — Letters of protection to Lancashire men. — No restrictions on the importation of e:rain in these early times. — Continuance of the royal bounty to the house of Lancaster. IvE of the most spirit-stirring periods in the early chap. annals of Lancashire, is that comprehentlecl in the long reign of Ed^vard III., at which, in the order of our history, we have now arrived. In this reign, the estates of the house of Lancaster, forfeited by the defection of the head of that house, were restored and augmented; the ducal dignity was confeiTed upon Henry, the first duke of Lancaster, and the second duke created in England ; the county was erected into a palatinate jiiristUction, with jura regalia, and John of Gaunt, the chstinguished ornament of the ducal house, flourished in princely splendour in the exercise of regal functions. To add to the interest of tliis portion of our liistorr the public records of the kingdom abound with authentic materials ; and our dilBculty has arisen, not from the deficiency, but from the redundancy of those materials, which, being too copious to be published in detail, can only be 2x2 IX. Important period in Lanca- shire liis- tory. 324 €i)t il?teitJ3ri) of tl)t CHAP, presented iu selection, and often by close abridgment. An ordinary-sized volume ^^' would scarcely contain all the interesting documents belonging to the liistory of Lancashire in this reign ; and in the researches of that rich dej^ository, the office of the duchy of Lancaster, we have found extreme difficulty, as will be perceived in the course of the present chapter, in keeping within those bounds which the limits of this work necessarily prescribe. Royal cie- One of the first acts of Edward IIL, on ascending the tlu'one, was to relax the wards t'he severity of those decrees, under which Thomas earl of Lancaster, by the advice of of Thomas the viudictivc Despensers, had been doomed to the block, and the estates of the earl, Lancaster, ^s Well as of his foUowcrs, to coufiscatiou. Edmund de Ne\ill, by petition laid before the king in coimcil, humbly represented, that at the command of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, in whose service he was, he had arrayed certain persons to arrest Hugh le Despenser, and others of the counsellors of the late Idng, for which offence he had been fined one hundred marks ; of tliis fine he had paid thu-ty marks into tlie exchequer, which he prayed might be accepted in discharge of his fine, and which request the king was pleased graciously to gi-ant.* Another petition was presented by the wardens of the temporalities of the bishop of Hereford, who alleged, that in the quan-el of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, the venerable father had adhered to Roger de Mortimer, of Wygmore, and sent certain men at arms to assist in that quarrel, for which liis lands had been declai-ed forfeited, but that he now repented of liis errors, and prayed that liis possessions might be restored ; wliich prayer was also granted.f An order from his majesty in council, to the sheriff of Lancasliii'e, issued this year, directs, that the lands of Richard de Holaud, who had been engaged in the quarrel of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, against the Despensers, should be restored, and delivered into his hands ; and the king, by the assent of parhament, ordered writs to be directed to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, for releasing fi-om fines and confiscation, those who had joined Thomas, earl of Lancaster, against his majesty's deceased father, in the battle of Boroughbridge.| Reversal But the Consummation of all this clemency was in the reversal of the attainder, ."lilder!'" and the cessation of all proceedings against Thomas, earl of Lancaster, on the peti- tion of liis brother and heii-, Henry, the now earl, to whom all the estates, forfeited by his deceased brother, were restored by a special act of gi-ace, dated the 3d of March, 1328. The order of restoration of the lands, profits, castle, and honor * 1 Edw. III. p. 1. m.21. TuiT. Lond. t Ibid. m. 13. t The roll of the battle of Boroughbridge, in possession of C. W. W. Wynn, Esq., published in Division II. of the Parliamentary Writs, and Writs of Summons, (Append. 188.) serves to shew the extent of this rebellion, and the quality of the rebels. No fewer than three hundred and Coimti) IJalntmr of itanrastfr. 325 of Lancaster, to Henry, eail of Lancaster, is directed to John de Lancaster, warden or keeper of the honor of Lancaster ; Geofrey de Werhurton, sheriff of Lancaster ; Edmund de Assheby, keeper of the fees of the honor of Lancaster ; and to the various other officers of tliat honor.* As if it had been intended to propitiate the manes of the deceased earl, a brief was issued fi-om York, to Robert de Weryington, clerk, enabling hhn to collect alms in various parts of the kingdom, to defray the cost of the erection of a cliapel, to be built on the site where Thomas, eai-1 of Lancaster, had been recently beheaded. CHAP. IX. fifty barons and knights had arrayed themselves under the banners of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, in this memorable insurrection, of whom the following were killed or taken prisoners, exclusive of a great nuniljer of knights of somewhat inferior note, who were captured, and their lands confiscated by Edward II., but principally restored by his successor : — " Les nouns des g^untz mortz a Borghbrigge le Marsdy 1 le Meherdy apres la feste Saint Gre- (joire I'an du regne le Roi EDWARD fiz. au Roi EDWARD quinzisme ' q furent cotf le Roy.' " Le Comte de Hereford. " Sire William de Suleye. " Sire Rog. de Berefeld. " Sire Hug. Lovel, e treis Esquyers. " ' Sir Raiif de Elington.' " Sir Rog. Dammory, fust mort un poy devaunt a ' Tottebury.' " Banneretz priz a Borghbrigge T; aillours ' en memes el temps.' " Le Counte de Lancastre fust de ' colec' " Sire Jofm de Wylington, " Sire Gilb'. Taillebot, " Sire Phelip Davey, " Sire Robt. de Wadeville, " Sire Adl de SwylintoTi, " Sire Rog. de Clifford, " Sire Will. Touchet, " Sire Henr Tyeys, " Si? John Giffard. " Sire Earth de Bedlesm'e. " Sire John de Moubray, " Sire Waryn del Idle, " Sire Thorn. Maudyut, " ' Sir Willejiz Willi, le fiz.' " Iceux furent treynez '\ penduz ' ' de Banerez.' " 2 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 18. Turr. Lond. 326 JTIje fii^tovi] of t])t CHAP. IX. Inciir- siuns uf the Scotch into the northern counties signally punished. Lanca- shire banditti. I'rocla- mation for the redress of public "rongs. Tlie Avar witli Scotland still continued, and the incursions of the Scots exposed the inhabitants of the northern counties of England to the most severe suffering. The young king, anxious to avenge the AATongs committed upon his subjects, j^laced himself at the head of liis anny ; to increase which, he dii-ected his mandate to the commissioners of array of cavalry and infantry, in the county of Lancaster, announcing that the Scots were preparing to invade the kingdom, and ordering them to prepare with arms all the men in the county, between the ages of sixteen and sixty, to join the king at Durham.* The effect of this expedition was to free the country from the invaders, by the overtlu'ow of the Scots army ; and the death of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, ^ hich occurred on the 7th of June, 1 329, prevented any further active hostility between the two countries for some years. At tliis time the county of Lancaster was much disturbed ; large bodies of armed men assembled in the hundreds of Salford and West Derby, to the alarm of the peaceable inhabitants, and the insecurity of their property and lives. To put an end to tliis state of tilings, the king adckessed liis waiTant to the sheriff of Lanca- shire, commanding him to make public proclamation, that whoever should in future assemble in this way, would be subject to imprisonment and the loss of their anns.f This measure does not appear to have had the desired effect. It was found necessary in the following year to appoint a commission, consisting of John de Haryngton, Thomas de Lathom, Richard de Houghton, Richai'd de Kigheley, and Gilbert de Wai-burton, as guai'dians of the public peace. In the proclamation by which this commission was accompanied, it is stated, that great multitudes of vaga- bonds and others assemble illegally together, by day and by night, watcliing the passes through woods and other places, both public and private, and that these ban- ditti way-lay travellers, beating, wounding, and abusing them; Idlling some of them, maiming others, and robbing all of them of their property. The functions of the guardians of the peace were very extensive; they were no less than the powers of inquiring into offences, and of correcting and punishing the offenders at then- own discretion. While the government were punishing the outrages of the lawless, they were not unmindful of the oppressions and delinquencies practised by their own ser- vants; and hence Ave find that, in the folloAnng year, a Anit was issued by the king's authority to the sheriff of Lancaslme, reciting, that in consequence of the representation that divers oppressions and hardsliips had been inflicted on the inha- bitants by men in authority, he was to make proclamation, that whoever had sufTered oppression and hijustice, contrary to the laws and usages of the realm, should make Rot. Scot. 1 Edw. III. m. 4. Turr. Lend. t Claus. 2 Edw. III. m. 20 d. Tuir. Lond. eotmtp ^Jalatiiif of i.anra5tn% 327 known tliek grievances to the next pavliaracut, tlirough the two knights of the shire, chap. to be sent from this county to that parliament.* The county was now tlu-eatened ^rith a fresh wai-. The regency, by wliich the Fresh Scotch nation was governed during the minority of the prince, declined to recognize Lanca-" the claims of Edward Baliol, whose cause the English king had espoused, and taillage Avas levied of a fifteenth, to enable him to carry on the war, of wliich William de Denum, Thomas de Baneuburgh, and Robert de Tughole, were appointed the assessors in the northern counties of Lancashii-e, Nortluunberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland ; while Henry de Percy was appointed warden of the marches. The demands upon Lancashii'e Avere not confined to money; a levy of four hundred archers and one hunch-ed hohelers, very strong and able-bodied men, fully accoutred, were requii-ed from this county, and John de Denum, Edward Neril, and Robert de Shii-eburn, were appointed to array the levy.t At the same tune, a writ of summons was addressed to Henry, earl of Lancaster, dii-ecting him to join the king at New- castle-upon-Tyne, on the Feast of the Holy Trinity. In the mean time, the Scots forces had penetrated into the northern counties, and Removal . . . , of cattle, spread so much alarm by their homicides and devastations, that a WTit was issued to c^c. out of . . •<■! • e ^ • -x ""^ countv the sheriff of Lancasliire, announcing that the king, for the protection oi the mha- into the bitants, permitted them to Aritlubaw themselves, with their goods and cattle, out of the county into the southern parts of the Idngdom, and there to remain wherever they chose in the king's woods, forests, and pastures, during their pleasure, and to graze their cattle in the same Arithout making any payment for so doing. It Avas also announced that sunilar commands had been given to the bishop of Durham, and to the sheriffs of Northumberland, Nottingham, and Derby .J Signal and speedy vengeance was inflicted upon the Scots for this violation of The in- the English territory. The king, who Avas then at Pontefract, at the head of a again powerful army, on his Avay to the north, marched forward to Berwick, in wliich garrison the regent Douglas had fortified himself. After a protracted siege, a general battle ensued, in which Douglas Avas killed, and nearly tliirty thousand of the Scotch troops fell in the action, in which, according to Knyghton, the loss of the English amounted only to one knight, one squire, and thirteen private soldiers ! — a loss, as the liistorian Hume observes, so small as almost to be increcUble. The tailliage, or tallage, collected in tliis reign, as mentioned above, was a kind Taiiiiage . , . _ , . in Lanca- of occasional property rtax. In the 1 1 Henry III. a taiUiage Avas made m Ijancaslure, shire, which serves as a barometer by Avliich to measure the relative importance of the the reia° tive im- portance of its Clans. 4 Edw. III. m. 18 d. Turr. Lond. t Pat. 6 Edw. III. p. 3. m. IS. Turr. Lond. [^^3. " : Claus. 7 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 18. Turr. Lond. 328 Ci)f ?i?i^txirj? of ti)t CHAP, principal towns of the county, in the tliii-teenth century. Tlie impost was ■ " assessed by " Master Alexander de Dorsete and Simon de Hal," and the payments were for — Marks. s. d. Tlie town of Lancaster xiij. The town of Liverpool xj. vij. viii. The town of West Derby vij. iiii, iiij. The town of Preston xv. — vj. The tenants in theinage paid x marks to liave respite, that they might not be tailliaged.* It is remarkable that neither Manchester nor Salford are mentioned in tliis early return to liis majesty's exchequer, and that Wigan, though one of the ancient boroughs of the county, is also omitted. Subsidy On the marriage of the king's sister Alionora to the earl of Gerl*, an order was the county issued to the abbot of Furness, and to the priors of Burscough, Up-Holland, and mairiase Homby, as Well as to the abbot of Whalley and to the priors of Kertmell and king's sis- Coningsliead, requiring them to levy the subsidy on their respective houses, towards '*"■ the maritagium, an impost of early times, wliich ceased -nitli the feudal system.f This order the priests were slow to obey, in consequence of which another letter was issued by the king from Pontefract, reminding them of their neglect, and ordering them to communicate their intention to the proper authority. No further documents appear on the subject; and it may be presumed that this second application produced the desired effect. The abbot of Peterborough, in order to shew his attachment to the king, and to secure the favour of the noble family wliose influence at this time Service of prevailed in his majesty's councils, presented Edward with a splendid service of plate, ^' Lancas- amougst which was a silver gilt cup with a scuchon, on which was engi-aved the ter arms." arms of " Lancaster." Statute of The danger of invasion from the Scotch, which prevailed so fi-equently during Winton t • r t-> t • a ./ o enforced the rcigu of Eward IIL, induced that monarch to issue an order to Robert de shire. Sliireburn and Echuund de Ne-ville, directing them to enforce, in the county of Lancaster, the statute of Winton, for arming and arraying the inhabitants according to their respective estates in land. \ * " Tallagium per Magistrum Alexandrum de Dorsete & Simonem de Hal. Villata de Lankastre r. c. de xiij marcis de eodem. Villata de Liverpul r. c. de xj marcis & vijs. & viijd de eodem. Vellatade Westderby r. c. de vij marcis & vij s. & viijd de eodem. Tenentes inTheinnagio (debent) X marcas, pro habenda respectu ne talientur. Villata de Preston r. c. de xv marcis & vjd de eodem (taillagio,) with several other towns." Mag. Rot. 11 H. III. Rot. 1. a. Lankastre. t Claus. 7 Edw. Til. p. 1. m. 23. Turr. Lond. t The statute of Winton, passed 13 Edward I. requires that persons possessing fifteen pounds in land or upwards, and chattels of the value of forty marks, shall provide themselves with a halbert County |3alntinf of aanrasti^r. 329 England being again involved in war ^\-itli France, the king deterniiued to chai'. embark for the continent, partly to du-ect its operations, but principally to animate _1J__ by his presence, that extensive confederacy wliich he had organized against Philip, ReneweJ the French king. This intention was announced in Lancashire by a writ, dii'ected theu'con- to John de Haryngton, Edmund de Nevill, and Richard dc Houghton, knights, by fnLanca- which they were directed, along \rith other knights, to be in their proper persons ^elh ' " present before the king in council at Westminster, the day after Easter, to hear '*'"^^" what he had to expound to them for theu* conduct, during his absence on most urgent business, in parts across the sea," and with the further purpose of receiving instruc- tions, to preserve the peace inviolate during his absence.* Although parliaments had then been only very recently instituted upou the model of popular representa- tion, the royal influence began already to exert itself, to obtain the return of such members to the house of commons as would best secure the king's purpose, by gi-anting liim large supplies out of the public revenue ; and this appears to have been the object of Edward, in summoning these knights by the authority of Ids own writ. The parliament which was convened on the recommendation of tliis council, made a gi-aut for two years of the ninth sheaf of corn, and the ninth lamb and fleece, on then* estates ; and fi-om the burgesses, of a ninth of their moveables, at the true value. The same parliament also granted a duty of forty shillings on each sack of wool exported, on each three hundred woolfells, and on each last of leather, for the same term, declaring, however, tliat tliis grant was not to be di-a^Ti into a precedent. But in order to facilitate the supply, and to meet the king's urgent necessities, they agi"eed that he shoidd be allowed twenty thousand sacks of wool, the amount to be deducted fi'om the moveables when they were levied. Local treasuries became necessary, as deposits for the sums collected in the respective counties, and the abbot of Furness accordingly received a conunaud to pronde a suitable house in liis abbey, for " the custody of the king's pence." A writ of summons was at the same time directed to the sheriff" of Lancashu'e, ordering him to arrest the ships in the ports, and to man and equip them for action."]" With the fleet, consisting of two (haberjonem), an iron cap, a sword, a cultel, and a horse; often pounds in land, and chattels value twenty marks, a halbert, sword, and cultel ; of one hundred shillings in land, a purpoint iron cap, sword, and cultel ; of forty shillings in land, and more up to a liundred shillings, a sword, a bow, arrows, and cultel ; and he who had less than forty shillings in land, to be sworn. Persons to have arms and armour in their houses, according to the quality of their lands and goods. This sta- tute also provides, that the people of every hundred shall be answerable to the sufferers for the robberies and other offences committed in their respective hundreds. * Claus. 12 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 37. d. Turr. Lond. t Rot. Aleman. 12 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 23. Turr. Lond. VOL. I. 2 u 330 CJk S)isitxiri) of tl)t CHAP, bimcked aud forty sail, principally collected in this wav, the splendid victory of _^_J__ Sluisse was obtained hy Edward over the navy of France, in which two hunth-ed and Splendid thirty French ships were taken, and thirty thousand Frenchmen killed, alons Avith ii(ivB.I vic- tory. theii' two admirals, while the loss of the English was comparatively inconsiderable.* Fiesh le- Although this sig-nal victory had given to the navy of England a superiority Lanca" wliich it has never since lost, the alarm of invasion spread very generally, and, ^ ""^' amongst other prepai'ations made to repel the invaders, it was ordered, that fifty men at arms, tlu'ee liundred anned men, and three hundred archers, should be raised in this county, of which number, twenty-five men at arms, and one Imncked and twenty archers, were to be contributed by the following gentlemen if — Monsr Johan de Harragton, pur lui 7 v i -v. t o vt »- •> o ' L i -^ homes a armes & XL arcnrs. & son pier 3 Robt de Radeclif, V homes d' armes & XL archrs. Henry de Trafford, X homes d' armes & XL archrs. The warlike spivit of the king had involved him in hostilities both with Scotland and France ; and in the foUowmg year a writ of military simimons was issued to Gilbert de Clyderowe and to Robert de Radeclyf, ordering them to assemble the men at aims, and ai'chers, under their command, to meet the king at Carlisle, by Quadi-agesima Sunday, to repel the invasion of the Scots.J At the same time, John de Helleker, the king's receiver for Lancashu-e, was ordered to send money to Carlisle, towai-ds repairmg the fortresses of that city, and the abbot of Furness was commanded to proAide a suitable house in liis abbey for the custody of the king's pence. To the joy of the people, a proclamation was tliis year received in Lanca- sliii-e, and in the other counties of England, commanding the sheriff to publish a truce between the king and Philip de Valois, and between the English and the Scotch. Little reliance, however, appears to have been placed upon the permanent restora- tion of tranquillity, for in the following year the sheriff of Lancashire was ordered to provide one hundred bows and one thousand sheaves of arrows, for the expetUtion into France.§ This was speedily followed by another order to the sheriff, directing * Froissard, liv. i. chap. .51. f Rot. Pail. 13 Edw. III. vol. ii. p. 110. t Rolls of Pail. vol. ii. p. 110. 13 Edw. III. No. 33. ^ The price of bows is fixed in the goveniment order at one shilling each, which sum is also to be allowed for a sheaf of arrows, except when they are guarded with steel (aceratse), and then the charge js to be one shilling and twopeiice. Coiintj) ^3tilatine of Sanrasitrr. 331 him to provide a tliousaud sheaves of steel-headed arrows, and a thousand bow- chap. IX. strings. In the war with France, wliicli was speedily renewed, Henry, eail of Derby, son of the earl of Lancaster, gi-eatly distinguished himself;* and the events of this war, in wliich tlie French king was taken prisoner, shed an imperishable renown on the military character of England. For the prosecution of the contest, large lenes were raised in all the counties of the kingdom ; and an order was cUrected by the king to the sheriff of Lancasliii-e, commantUng him to make proclamation, that all barons, bannerets, knights, and esquires, in the county, within the age of sixteen and sixty, should be forthwith prepared with horses and arms, to attend the king across tlie sea, to enable him to put a speedy and successful termination to the war.f Not only the noble, but the ignoble also were embarked in this service, and the sheriff received soon after a writ of military service, commanchng him to make public proclamation, that all persons in his county who had been foimd guilty of felonies, liomicides, robberies, and other offences, and had been pardoned by the king's clemency, should pro\ide tliemselves with arms and acoutrements, and march to join the royal army on its embarkation at Portsmouth for France. Tlie Scots, under David Bruce, availing themselves of the opportunity whicli xiie flocks the absence of the English forces afforded, prepared to invade the northern counties ; of the'^" ° on which a ^vi-it was addi-essed by the king to the sheriff of Lancashire, announcing ag"in^ the danger of the country, and ordering him to make proclamation, that all the men seerpro- of the county sliould remo^•e their live stock to the forest of Galtres, in the county of ''^'^''''"■ York, where tliey might be preserved in safety, and wliere the flocks and lierds would enjoy pasturage free of c]iarge.| The king of England being engaged in the Frencli wars, aided by his son, tlie signal Black Prince, and Ijy the earl of Derby, queen Pliilippa assembled a body of onhe''™^'^ soldiers, to repel tlie Scotch invaders. This force, under the command of lord Percy, a^n,'^.'' met at Neville's Cross, with the determination to revenge the insults which liad been offered to the country, and to put an end to the violations which liad been committed upon the property of the iuliabitants. Animated, in that chivalrous age, to the higliest pitch of enthusiasm by the presence of the queen, who rode along their ranks previous to the battle, tlie English troops, though not numerically amounting to one-fourth of the number of the Scotcli, fought like lions. Tlie enemy Avas broken and chiven off the field, and fifteen thousand of them were made to bite tlie dust, amongst whom was the earl marshal of Scotland. To crown tliis niemoralile victory, David Bruce, the Scotch king, was made prisoner, and conveyed to London, along * See c. iv. p. 136. + Rot. Fiaiir. 10 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 12. Tiirr. Lond. I Claus. 19 Edw. 111. p. 2. in. 10. d. Tun. Lond, 2u 2 332 mjt ?^i£(tori) of tiit CHAP. IX. Dasid Bruce taken prisoner. Impress- ment of ships in Lanca- shire. Dreadful pestilence in the county. Tlie first diilcedom of Lancas- ter, the re- ward of splendid public services. The first creation of dukes. •nitli a number of Ids captive nobles, in triumph.* Tlie number of prisoners taken in tliis battle was so large as to fill all the prisons of Lancashire. The inhabitants, in order to relieve themselves from the burden of the support of so many prisoners, liberated a number of them, in the hope that they would return to their own country, but instead of pursuing this course, they began to commit depredations ; on which the government instituted a commission, consisting of Thomas de Latham, .John de Haryngton the younger, and Nicholas le Botiller, to make inquisition into the alleged liberations, and to announce that the persons guilty of this oflfence against the public safety would be liable to the forfeiture of life and limbs.t In order to reinstate the English navy in its former strength, after the splendid victory of Suisse, a tax somewhat resembling that attempted to he imposed by Charles L though unattended by its disastrous consequences, was levied in the sea- ports of Liverpool and Chester, under the authority of an order from the king, by wliich the collectors of the sliip-money were directed to collect the subsidy of two shillings the sack on wool, and sixpence Hie pound on moveables, for sixty large ships of war (grossis navibus de guerra,) and to deliver the money so assessed to the admiral of the fleet of those ports. A contribution was also made in Lancasliire, in favour of Echuund Baliol, king of Scotland, the nominee of Edward, king of England; and Richard Molineaux and his associates, collectors of the triennial tenths recently gi'anted to tlie king, were ordered to transmit one hundred and eighty-four pounds, in two instalments, out of the sums collected for the king's exchequer.! At this time a pestilence of the most fatal character raged in the county of Lan- caster, and indeed in all the other counties of the kingdom; and so malignant were its effects, that one-third of the inhabitants became its victims. According to Stowe, the annalist, fifty thousand persons died of tliis plague in the city of Norwich, and an equal number were interred in one bm-ial-ground in the city of London. The brilliant career pm-sued in France by Henry, earl of Lancaster and Derby, determined the king to confer upon liim a signal mark of the royal favour, by creating him duke of Lancaster.^ The origin of tliis title is thus represented by the heralds : — " The first creation of the title of duke, as chstinct from that of eai'l (for in the elder times they were oft synonymous with us) was in the eleventh year of Edward the Thud, when in parliament he conferred upon his eldest sou, being then earl of Chester, the title of duke of Cornwidl. The investiture of this fii'st duke was only by girding him with the sword, although some learned men, confounding, it seems. * Froissard, liv. i. c. 139. X 23 Edw. III. t Rot. Scot. 20 Edw. III. m. 4d. Turr. Lend. ^ 25 Edw. III. 1351. Countj,) ^alatint of XanrasJttr. 333 the ceremonies of his being afterwards made prince of Wales, with this creation into chap. the title of duke, say he was invested by a ring, a rod, and a coronet, all of which " indeed together ai-e mentioned in some patents of the following times, that seem to create the eldest sons dukes of Cornwall, as well as princes of Wales, and earls of Chester. The same investiture also, by the sword ouly, is mentioned in the creation of Henry, the first duke of Lancaster, about fourteen years after tliis first creation of the duke of Cornwall. He was created for life in parliament, and the clause of investiture, in the charter, is only nomen ducis Lancastriae, imponimus S^ ipsum de nomine ducis dicti loci, per cincturam gladii praesentiaUter investimiis ; and the county of Lancaster as a county palatine, with reference to tliat of Chester, for example of jurisdiction, is given to him as the body of liis duchy * Afterward, in 36 Edw. III. on the last day of the pailiament, Lionel, duke of Clarence, and John, duke of Lancaster, both sons to the king, were honoured with those titles, Lionel being then in Ireland ; but the other being present, had investiture by the king's girding him with a sword, and his putting him on a cap of fur, desus in cercle d'or ^ de petvs, as the roU says, that is, under a coronet of gold and stone.s." Soon after the first establishment of the duchy of Lancaster, heavy complaints Heavy ■were made by the inhabitants, in consequence of the two-fold pressure of taxation; the''peniX fii-st, for the support of the state, and, next, for the maintenance of the institutions of duchy. the duchy. To alleviate tlieix* burdens, the king addi-essed a mandate to the duke of Lancaster, or to his lieutenant and chancellor, wherein it was directed, that all general inquisitions concerning felonies and trespasses in every part of the kingdom should cease, so long as the people remained peaceable, and particularly that the people in the duchy of Lancaster, who had been impeded in their business, and reduced to great poverty, by the inquisitions made in the duchy, should no longer be burdened in this way. The duke was therefore ordered to supersede all such pro- ceedings within liis duchy, and to achninister the law in the same manner as in other parts of the kingdom. Tlie same year the king addi-essed a proclamation to all admirals, their lieutenants Further and sheriffs, appointing Roger del Wych, John Syword, John Cruys, and William Te^nTof son of Adam de Lyverpol, to ai-rest as many ships in Liverpool and Chester, and" the'ports other ports, as were necessary to convey Thomas de Roclieby, the king's justiciary shi^^e*""^^ of Ireland, into that country. ","'' •^''«'- ' •' shire. Tlie difficulty of procuring labourers in husbandry after the country had been iMaxim,,,,, so much thinned of its population by the plague, disinclined the working classes to take the usual rate of wages for then* labour, and an act was in consequence passed " to restrain the malice of servants," who insisted upon extravagant wages, • Seec. iv. p. 138. of af;ricul- tural labour. 334 Cfte S)i^tor|) of ti)t CHAP, (outrageouses loivers.) The standard of wages, fixed by this act, was that which had '^' prevailed vokmtaiily before the plague broke out, when com was tenpence a bushel, and wages fifteen pence a week. This law being in opposition to the general principle of trade, which causes the supply and the demand to regulate the price, failed iu its object, and the labourers left then- usual places of abode, to seek more profitable emplojTnent, wliich they easily found from home. The strong arm of the law was ao-ain called in, and it was enacted, that no servant should in summer go out of the tOAvn or parish where lie usually dwelt in winter, if he could obtain employment there, with an exception in favour of the labourers in the counties of Lancaster, Staflbrd, and Derby, and in the districts of Craven and the marches of Wales, who were allowed to go in the month of August, the season of harvest, to work in other counties; and persons refusing to obey this proclamation were to be put in the stocks, by the lords and stewai'ds, or, if that discipline did not prove sufiicient, they were to be sent to the next prison, and there confined for three days.* During the king's absence in France, Hemy, duke of Lancaster, was summoned to attend the council, which duty he performed with liis usual fidelity. This was Death of amongst the last public acts of tliat venerable peer; for in tlie mouth of March, in the o/La'n-*^ following year, 1361, he expired, without male heir, on wliicli liis honours and his caster. sessions. princely possessions descended to his two daughters, Maud and Blanch, whose names, however, are not even mentioned in his ^^"ill. Will of Henry, Duke of Laixcaster. His will. " En le nom del Piere, del Fitz, et del Seint Espirit. Nous Hemy, Due de Hispos- Lancastre, Comte de Derby, de Nichol, et de Leicestr', Seneschal d'Engletere, Seigneur de Bruggerak, et de Beufort, le xv jour del mois de Mai-z I'an de gi-ace mill ccc. et Ix a n're chastel de Leic' devisons et fesons n're testament en manere qe s' ensuit. Enprimes nous recommaundons et devisons n're alme a Dieu, et devisons n're corps a estre ensevellitz en I'eglise coUegiale del annimciation n're Dame de Leicestr' dautrepart le antiere on le coi-ps n're seign'r et piere qe cUeu assoile est enten-ez. Et voloms q' n're corps ne demeorge desenterrez outre troies symaynes apres le departu- del alme. Et volons q' si nous devious a Leic' que n're corps soit porte a I'eglise parocliiele le tiers jour de-\ant I'euterrement, et q' illeoq's soiont faites les divines services, tiels come appartieut, ove xxiii torches, et qe les douze torches demoergent a I'eglise et deux draps d'or ; les cureez de la dite eglise aient n're melior chivall ou les pris en noun de principal, et q' n're cori)s soit porteez d'Hleoqes tanqe a I'eglise collegial de n're Dame avant dite, et Uloqes enterrez come desus est * Claus. 33 Edw. III. m. .5 d. Tuir. Lond. Coimtj) ^Jalatmc of iLanfastrr, 335 dit; issint q'il ny ait chose voine ne de bobaunce, come des homes armeez, ne des chap. chivals couvertz, ny autres choses veines, nes une berce ove cyiik cierges, chescuue cierge de ceutz lb, et liii graimtz mortiers, et c torches entoiir les corps. Et qe cynqainte poures soient vestus, rait et cynk de blauk et xxv de blew, portaiit les ditz torches. Et voloiis q' n're Seigii'r le Roy et ma Dame le Reyne soient garniz de n're ent' rement, et Monsr' le Prince, et mes seigu'rs ses fi-eres, et madame Dame Isabell, et nos seors et nos freres lo'r seigneurs, et les auti'es grauntes de n're saunk. Et devisons cynqaunt linges por departu- es poures bosoignouses en temps environ n're enterement en manere come nous avous charge de bouche les uuz de nos executors, si tauntz des poures y soeint. Et ne volons una q' uulles costages soeint faitz le jour de n're enteiTement pour pestre les gentz del pais nes les coes de la viUe, et volons q' religionses soient bien regardez. Et volons q' si nous devious aillors qu'a Leic' q'n're corps soit menez al eglise de n're dame collegial avauntdite et illeoqes ensteiTez en manere come desus est dit. Et volons et devisons q' toute la cire et touz les di-apes d'or demoergent a la dite eglise collegial, et devisons a la chte eglise entierement n're chapele ove touz les aouruementz et touz nos reliqes. Et devisons touz nos biens, vessell d'argent, et touz lez autres moebles a aquiter noz dettes et guer doner noz poures servauutz, qe ne sount mie ungore guerdone, chescun solom lour dessert, et solom lour estat, a la disposicion de nos executors, et a perfaii-e la dite eglise collegial et touz les autres maisons devisez et ordeignez entom- la dite eglise. Et volons qe si nos executours puissent estre enfourmes en verite qe nous tenoins terre qe fuist d'autruy, et qe nous ne avoms tiel estat qe uos heires puissent de bone foi le tenir, q'il persueut a nos heires de rendre les ten-es a ceux ou a cely a queux ou a qy eles devient ou doit estre de droit. Et auxint qe si nos executours puissent estre enforme qe nous eions euz d'autri a tort, q'ils facent gTee en descharge de n're alme. E a toutes cestes choses pleniement perfaire et acumplir solom n're volunte et devys suschtz, nous ordeignouus et fesons nos executors le rev'rent piere en Dieu John evesq' de Nichol, le honorable home de seinte religion, AVilliam abbe de Leic', n're ti-eschiere soer la Dame Wak, n're tres chiere cosyne de WalkjTiton, Monsieui- Rob't la Mare, Mens' John de Boke- londe, Su-e John de Charnele, Sire Want' Power, Sinkyn Simeon, et John de Neumarche; douaunt pleine poeraeux et a chescun de eux toutes les choses suschtes pleinement perfaii-e et accomplir en la manere suscHte. Et en cas qe nuUe chose soit endoubte et nemye desclare en le dit testament, eient nos ditz executors pleine poer totes choses en mesme le testament desclai-er solom ceo q'ils senterent qesoit plus a pleisance de Dieu, al profit de n're alme, accordaunt a n're volunte et a resoun. Item nous devisons touz noz biens qe remenent outre noz dettes et outre ceo qe seiTa donez pur reward a noz servauntz, et a perfaiie n're dite eglise IX. 336 ClK l^lStJJll) Of ti)t CHAP, colleo-ial de Leic' et en eide de performii- et accomplii- les maisous qe uous avoius IX. ordeioTiez illoeqes, d'estre inys al profit de n're aliue par ^a^^s et assent de uoz ditz executors. En tesmoigne de queles choses nous avions a cest n're testament mys n're seal ensemblement ove n're signet ; escript le jour, lu, et an susditz. " Probatio dicti Testament!, 3 Kal. April, A.D. 1361, in castro Leycestr' coram Jolianne Liucoln Ep'o. " Alia probatio diet' Testament! coram D'n'm Will' mum de Witleseye, Official' Cm-' Cant'. Dat' London, 7 Idus Mali, A.D. 1361. " Regist' Islip. fol. 172. a. b. in the Arcliiepiscopal Registry at Lambeth." The extent and magnitude of the possessions of the fii'st duke of Lancaster, forming as they do the principal part of the duchy, may be in some degi-ee estimated from the following enumeration exhibited in the Inquisition Post Mortem in the records of the Tower of London, taken in 36 Edw. III. INQUISITION POST MORTEM OF THE POSSESSIONS OF THE FIRST DUKE OF LANCASTER. " In the County of Lancaster. — Lancastr' castrum & honor — Placita comitatus Lancastr' — Westderbysliire ballia — Lonesdale wapeutac' — Lancastr' atH' — Lone aqua piscar' juxta Prestwait — Overton maner' — Slyne villa — Skerton terr', &c. — Quernemore pai-cus — Wiresdale vaccar' — Blesdale vaccar' — Cakb-e vaccar' — Gris- dale vaxjcar' — ^Amimderness wapeutac' — Preston — Siugleton — Riggeby villa cum le Wray — Hydilparke — CacHlegh — Fulwode bosc' — Kylaneshalghe — Broughton — Mii-estagh parens — Wiggehalgh — Baggerburgh — Clyderhoo ca-str' — Blakebornsliire wapentac' — Ighterhall maner' — Colne maner' cum membris — Woxtou — Penhalton vill' — Chatebume vill' — Acrinton vill' — Huncotes — Haselingden vill' — PenhuU chacea— Trogden chacea — Rossendale chacea — Totinton maner' & chacea — Hod- desden bosc' — Rachedale maner' — Penwortham maner' — Widnes maner' — Ulles- Walton maner' — Eccleston y\\Y — Leylond vill'— LyverpoU castr' — Westderby maner' & Salford maner' (ut de honore de Tuttebury)- Horneby castr' & maner' — Werington maner' — Laton maner'. " In the Count 1/ of Leicester. — Leycestr' castr' & honor extent' — Frithe bosc' — Hynkeley maner' extent'— Schelton maner' extent' — Derford maner' extent' — Selby quinque visus franc' pleg' Carleton quatuor \isus franc' pleg' — Schulton duo visus franc' pleg' — Derford duo ^^sus franc' pleg' — Hynkeley duo -visus franc' pleg'. Coiintj) ^3alatiiie of tanrastfr. 337 " In the County of Dorset— Kyngeston Lacy maner'— Winteiboru Minster— cfiAi'. AVimbourne Holt cliacea— Bradbury huiidrecr — Shapwj^k mauer' — Maiden Neuton ^^' hundred'. " In the Counft/ of Southampton. — Kyngesomborne maner' — Pernholt bosc' & cliacea — La Lond bosc' — Staunden — Earle — EUeden — Huld — Pernholt — Tymbre- bury — Conipton Houghton — Siunborne Parva — Upsomborne (ter, &c.) — Stockbrigo- ^•il^ — Laugestoke maner' — Weston maner' juxta' Odiam — Herteley maner', " In the County of Wanvic." — Keiiehvorth castr' and maner' extent' — AsthuU maner' — Wotton reddit' — Waddesley, Lapwortli reddit' — Mershton Boteler — Brinkelowe (terr' & ten') — Ilmedon visus franc' pleg'. "In the County of Wiltes. — Colingborne maner' extent' — Everlee maner' extent' — ^Lavyngton maner' extent'. " In the County of i?e/7is'.— Esgarston maner' extent' — Poghele — Hungerford — Sandon — & Kentebury (terr. &c.) " In the County of DerV . — Melborne castr' & maner'. " In the County of York. — Pontefract castr' & honor cum membris viz' — Slaikeborne maner' — Bowland maner' cum foresta — Snaith villa cum soca — Pvker- ing castr' vill' & honor — Scalby maner' — Hoby maner' — Esingwald maner' — Brade- ford maner' — ^Almanby maner' — Ledes maner' — Berewyke maner' — Roundhaye maner' — Scoles maner' — Hjqjax maner' — Allerton maner' — Rothewell maner' — Altoftes maner' — Warnefield mauer' — Ackworth maner' — Elmesdale maner' — Camesale maner' — Custou' — Tanshelfe maner' — Knottingleye maner'^Boghall maner' — cum libera curia de Pontefracto — Divers terr' et ten' &c. in Maningham Barnboghe — Woodhouse — Potterton — Hillum — Saxton — Roundhay — Secroft — Tliornore — Scole — Muston — Kypax maner' — Ledeston — Allerton. — ^Ayer pisca- ria — Rothewell — Flete molend' — Wridelesford — Kildre piscaria. Divers' terr & ten, &c. Warnefeld — Crofton — Akeworth — Elmcsle — Kerkeby Mensthrop — Suthelmsale — Coteyerd — Ellerker — Camesale— Balnehoke — Hargincrofte Bernes- dale — Custon — Holnhirst — Carleton Castelford molend' — Hardewike — Knoting- ley — Beghale — Beglielker — Beghallund. ^ " Omnia jyredicta pertinent honori de Pontefriet.' " Slaykeborne in Boiiland cum forest' — Bremund pastur' — Roudon — Up Ald- ington — Maukholes — Crombewell — Holme — Baxsterhay — Browesholme — Berk- holme — Eghes — Latheringi-ime Bernardseless — Nicolshey — Wardeslegh — Hoge- king — Heigh e — Crepiugwarde — Benteley Close — Graistanley — Lekherst — Pein- leghes — Coswayne — Chipping Crosdale — Neuton — Hamerton Witton — Grimling- ton — Salley molend' — Bradeford in Bouland — Blakshelfe in Mitton — Witliikill — Smitliecrofte — Cowyke \alla pertin' soce de Snaythe — Roucliffe mora — Acre aqua VOL. I. 2 X 338 CIjc Sji6tor|) of ti)t CHAP, piscai- Pikering castr' forest' &c. cum feodis pertin' viz' — Middleton — Leves- ^^' ijaiu Finhilwode — Gotherland — Aleiutoftes — Thwaite— Lingtliwaite — Rumbald — Haretoft — Folketon maiisc' — Ednesmershe — Brumpton — Scalby — Hobye — Esing- wolde — Credeling manei'.' Divers reddit ^- repris exeunt de maner j)redict\ " In the County of Northumberland. — Duiistauburgh castr' — Staunford baronia cum membris suis vidlt, Emeldon — Dunstau — Buiton — Wanadam — Sliipplay — Crauncesti-e — Fenton — Newton super Moram & Cartington. " In the County of Huntingdon. — Huntingdon reddit' — Gomecestre reddit'. " In the County of Rutland". — Tye due lete — Casterton Magna due lete. " In the County of Northampton. — Higham Fen-ers — Raimdes vill' — Russhe- den \air — Irchestre vill' — Hegliam hundr' ut de honor e de Tuttebury — Davintre maner' — Esthaddon due lete — Helmingden — Lylleborne — Dodeford due lete — Wedonbeck ut de honore de Leycestr'. " In the County of Surrey. — Erwell ten' vocat' Hertegrave. " In the County of Middlesex. — London' mess' vocat' — Savoye cum shop' & reddit peitin'. " In the County of Lincoln. — Lincoln' comitat 14 feed' in eodem pertin' castro de Lancastr' — Retrecombe curia. " In the County of Stafford. — Novum Castrum subtus Lynam maner' castr' & burgus cum membris vidlt, Clayton vill' — Wolstanton — Sbelton vill' — mere pas- sas' — Stoke advoc' ecclie — Cliff bosc' — Bradenef terr' & ten'. " In the County of Hereford' &^ Marches of Wales. — Monemouthe castr' \ill' & domin' — Grossemont castr' — Skenfrithe terr' &c. — Album Castriun & domin' — Karakenmyn castr' — Oggemore castr' — Ebbothe maner' — Iskennin comot' — Ked- wellye dominium — Carnwathlon dominium. " In the County of Glouc ^ Marches of Wales. — Roddell maner' — Eccelowe — Minsterworthe maner' — Monemuthe castr' — Bertonterr' &c. — Blakmorles pastur' — Kedwelly castr' vill & domiuimu. " In the Counties of Gloucester, Hereford, ^ Marches of Wales. — Cai-newath- lan dominium — Lananthu- ^dll' — Kaerkennyn castr' — Iskennyn comet' — Ogemore castr' & dominium — Ebbothe maner' — Shen castr' cum Barton — Albiun castr' cum Barton — Tyburton maner' — Minsti'eworth maner' — Rodleye maner' — Monemouthe castr' & domin' — Grosmonde castr' Church. ) John Culpeper. Grants hy The Duke to William de Heglifield, in pei-petuity, 28 Acres of Land, at 14s. Rent, and Tenants to do suit at the Lord's Mill. Places. CHAP. IX. Hamelton. Perhald. Asheton in Maker- field. ^Vyndhull Manor. i.Raynhull Manor. 'Torhok Manor. WalshwittellManor. i Dalton Manor. Wright}iiton, Cophull. ''Thonieton. Laton Magna. Laton Parva. Ribleton Manor. Asheton, near Pres- ton Manor. ^Ditton, North Meyles. Maincestre. Salford Waste. Several other grants were made to persons specified, but cancelled, as the premises became leased by the duke's charter to John de Radeclif. 4. A fine of 3s. 4d. to the duke as lord for a Writ of Pone, concerning an agreement — Cicilia Orulshagh and Hugh de lues. 5. Tlie duke to Richard de Walton, the duke's approver in the parts of Blackburnshire. 344 Cfte ?I^i£itoii) Of t!)e c}jxv. " Grant of a messuage and lands in Colne and Merclesden, held by tlie ;_■ custom of the manor and castle of Clithero, and other premises in Trowden Mithum and Trowdeu Chace. Fines to the Lord for Writs. 6. " John de Radeclif, parson of the cliurch of Bury, to the duke— Half a mark for lands in Asheton-under-Lime. " Robert de Legh and Matilda his wife to the Duke — 13s. 4d. for the moiety of the manor of Flixton. " Clarissa de Bolton to the Duke — Half a mark for tenements in Newton in Makerfield and Walton in the Dale. " Robert de Legh and Matilda his wife to the Duke — 13s. 4d. for the manor of Ordeshale." This course is pursued through tliiileen other instances of fines of the like nature, paid by various persons in different places in the county palatine. De Anno 4'° Ducatus (in dorso.) Recognizances of Debts. Otho de Halsale and John de Radeclif Richard de Rixton John de Asheton ""•' "" 100 marks. John, son of Adam Su- Adam de Hoghton, de Claxton Knt. 1 7 marks. Otho de Halsale The Duke 100 marks. Grants, &c. The Duke to Geoffry de Langholt and Robert de Gikellswyk, of Tadecastre, for the Abbot and Convent of Sallay. • Licence to Alien in Mortmain Lands, in Bradeford in Bouland, held in socage by fealty and ser\dce, and as by inqmsition taken by the Duke's command. The Duke to Adam de Hoghton. Acquittance of serraig on juries, &c. ^Tlie Duke to John de Haverington of Farleton. Lease of the Manor of Horneby and its demesnes, the Castle Deer and Chace of Rebrundale, (Advowsons, &c. excepted.) The Duke to Matthew de Southeworth. Pardon of a Debt owing to the Duke's Father, Henry, Earl of Lancaster. The Duke to John de Dyneley and Heirs. Grant of Dunham Manor by Homage and Fealty, and £12, 6s. 7d. per Ann. with 2s. for the Ward of Lancaster Castle. The above are all tested at Preston. Coimti.) ^Jalntme of Eanrnsftn-* 345 The Duke to the King. chap. Precept to John Cokayn and others to levy in the Dnchy the remainder of Aid, granted hy Parliament to King Edward III. to Knight, his chlest sou, according to the King's Mandate, and also a Mandate of the Sheriff of Lancaster to assist therein. As tested at Lancaster. William do Stoldegh and Avisia de Bretargh. lurolment of a Deed of the Manor of Hyton. Tested at Preston. Pleadings at Lancaster of a similar nature to A. 2. IX. o No. 2. Other Grants, from the Ath to the Wth Henry, Duke of Lancaster, comprising 29th Edward III. 1356, and 36th Edward III. 1363. The Duke to William de Heghfeld and liis Heirs. Grant of 23 Acres of Waste in Salford, at a Rent of IP C"" reserved, As con- tained m and remainder to Thomas Strangwas. the close ° Roll. Tested by Henry de Walton, Archdeacon of Richmond, Lieutenant a. 3 a. of the Duchy of Lancaster. The Duke to Richard de Dynesargh, of Liverpool, and his Heirs. Grant of a Messuage and Appurtenances in Castle Street, Liverpool, which formerly belonged to Benedict le Stedemen, late Constable of Liverpool Castle, at 4' Rent p ann., and by Services, as the other Tenants of that Town did for theii" Messuages. The Duke to Henry le Norreys. Grant of Free Warren in Speek. The Duke to John del Monkes. Grant of the Wardship and Lands of Henry de Croft. Divers Fines to the Lord for Writs of Assize. For Lands and Tenements in Hopton, Tildesley, Ditton near Torhok, and in Chorlegh. The Duke to John de Perhurn. Letters of Protection while abroad with the Duke in the King's Service, and similar Letters of Protection to various other Persons. Among numerous other entries on the Roll ai-e various instriunents by licence, wai-rant, writ, gi-ant, or appointment, ^ddzt: For holding pleas and complaints; for keeping the statute of weights and measures; the statutes of seiTauts, ailificers, &c., VOL. I. 2 Y 346 ' €i)t |?i£itxirj) of tfje CHAP, aud the record of various fines for ^\Tits of assize, &c., and therein the Writ de L_ Conspiratioue. A Writ, diem clausit extremum, ,of the Lands of John de Rigmayden, in the Duchy of Lancaster. An ExempHfication of the Proceedings hetween Thomas de Ahnay, of the High Peake, and Thurstau de Holand, of Salfordshire, returned in the Duke's Chancery, concerning the Manor of Denton under Downeshagh. A Mandate to John Haverington and others, to equip tlie Men at Arms in the Duchy, with 300 Archers and others, to be dispatched to Newcastle-upon-TjTie, to march with the King against the Scotch. Another Mandate on behalf of the King, as to the Alienations and Possessions of Lancaster Priory, taken with other Alien Priories, by reason of the War Avith France. Appointments to the Office of Escheator, inquiries of the conduct of Bailiffs of the Wapentakes, appointment of Justices to hear and determine Trespasses within the Duchy, and Mandates to the Sheriff to assist in all such Premises. A Lease of the Herbage of Musbury Park . Grant of the Hospital of St. Leonard's at Lancaster, to be annexed to the Priory of Seton, if the Burgesses of Lancaster consented. The Appointments of Keeperships of Forests. Pardon of a Suit by the Duke for an Assault committed. Grant and Confirmation of the Advowson of Wygan Church, and Letters of Protection to various Persons, while staying with the Duke in the King's Service in the Parts of Brittany. Anno T Ducatus. Divers Fines for Writs of Assize of Lands and Tenements in Longtre, Hepay, and Dokesbury, Great Penhulton, Great Merley, Bury, Middleton, and Penhulton, in Salfordslme. Grant of Land and Turbary in Salford, and divers Fines for Premises in West- legh, Flixton, Whitton, Weryugton, Sonckey, Penlieth, Burtonwood and Laton, Great Merton, Bispham, Pynington, Bold, Lydiat, Thorneton near Sefton, Cul- cheth, TUdesley, Glasebi'ook, Bedeford, Halsale, WyndhuU, lues near Crosby, and Ines Blundell, including the Writs Post Dissesin forma Donationes, Dedimus Potes- tatem, and the Writ de Ingi'essu. A Mandate by the Duke for the King, to William de Horneby and Richard de Townley, to collect and levy the lOths and ISths A\ithin the Ducliy of Lancaster. A Pardon by the Duke of the Suit of Peace against Hugh le Machon, of Abingham, indicted for Housebreaking at Chorley. CmintL> IJalatinc of itanrasitfi-* 347 Anno 8° Ducatus. The Duke's Mandate to Justices assigned to try certain Malefactors, ag" whom the Parson of the Churcli of Wygan, and the Lord of the Town, had com- plained regarding- the hindi'ance of liis Bailiffs in the pcrfomiance of their Duties, and liis INIandate to the Sheriff of the Duchy to assist therein. Divers Fines for Writs de Conventione, &c. concerning Lands in Culcheth, Maucesti'e Manor, and the Advowsons of the Churches of Mancestre and Assheton ; Lands in Chippyn, Eggeworth Manor ; Lands in Liverpool, Penhulton in Salford- shire, Culchitli and Hyndelegh Manors, Croxteth Park, Flixton Manor, Kenyan, and the Manor of Huyton. A Grant of the Herbage of the Foss of Lancaster Castle, and of the place called Bernyard in Lancaster. An Acquittance of serving the Office of Juror, Escheator, Coroner, or Bailiff. A Release of Rent for Lands held by John Baret in Derby, Liverpool, Everton, and elsewhere witliiu the Duchy. A Pardon by the Duke to John de Etlieleston, indicted for extorting money and other oflFences, and a Pardon to William del Twjs, of Transgressions. A Lease of the Fishery in the River Ribble at Penwortham, with the Meadows there. Tested by the Duke at Preston. Anno 9" Ducatus. Appointment of Justices in Eyi-e for Pleas of the Forests. Precepts to the Sheriff to make a Proclamation for holding Sessions at Preston, and to summon Persons to attend before the Justices there. Pardons for Trespasses of Vert and Venison in Duchy Forests, and other Trespasses. Grant of Free Warren in Halsal and Rynecres. Lease of the Herbage called Veden and Mufden. Grant of a Yearly Rent of 20' to William de Liverpool, out of the Manor of West Derby. Licence to take Gorse from Toxteth Park. Pardons for Trespasses in the Duchy Forests, and in Toxteth Park. Pai-don upon Indictment for Offences against the Statutes of Servants and Labourers, i Divers Fines upon Writs for Lands in various places. 2 Y 2 CHAP. IX. 348 ClK i^isitJjrj) of ti)t CHAP. The Duke, iu behalf of Roger La Waire. Commissioners appointed to inquire IX. into the said Roger's Petition, shewing, that he held the Town of Mancestre as a Boro' and Market Town, and enjoyed certain Liberties there, and in the Manor and Hamlets, and that the Duke's Bailiffs had interfered to levy Amerciaments, &c. A Licence to Alien in Mortmain Lands in Lancaster. Grant of Lands in Salford to Thomas del Olers, and others. Grant of a Messuage in Preston escheated to Henry, earl of Lancaster, by Felony. A Mandate to the Escheator of the Duchy to interfere no further in a Chapel and Lands in Andreton, Avliich had been seized into the Duke's hands by the late Escheator, it being found by Inquisition, that the Church of Standish was endowed therewith. Anno 10™° Ducatus. The Duke to Adam de Skilpigcom. Licence to take with him a Body Guard within the Duchy of Lancaster, for the Defence and Protection of Ids Person. Pai'don to Agnes del Birches, for producing a forged Chai'ter before the Justices, in an Action concerning Tenements in Astelegh. Grant of Lands in Penhulton. Mandate to the Escheator of the Duchy for Livery of Seizin of Lands held by an Outlaw for Felony iu ChipjTi, the Duke haAing had liis Year, Day, and Waste. Mandate to Collect and Levy A^itlun the Duchy the 10th and 15th, granted by Parliament, to defray the Expences of War. Appointment of BaiHff of the Manor of Derby for Life, at two pence a day for his Wages. Appointment of Keeper of Toxteth Park for Life, mth tlie Grant of Skeryorde- rock ^itliin the Sea, to construct a Fishery there. Mandate to the Duchy Escheator to interfere no further as to Land iu Kirden, seized into the Duke's hands ujion Felony. Appointment of Keeper of Quernmore Park. Mandate to the Duchy Escheator to deliver Lands which had been seized into the Duke's hands upon the Mamage of one of the Duke's Maidens, a legal Divorce having subsequently taken place. A Pai-don upon Indictment, for catching Fish at Heton Norres. Fines for Lands iii Hunersfeld and Stalmyn. Conntp |3alatinf of HanrasJttr. 349 Grant of a Messnas^e and Lands in Salfoid, whicli came to the Duke's hands chap. ... IX. by tlie deatli of Richard de Tetlowc, who was a Bastard, and died without Heii' — .^_LL_ Remainder to Tliomas de Strangwas. Grant of Lands in Ingoll. Grant of an Escheat in Salibrd. Divers Fines for Writs de Attincta, Writs of Assize, and the Wiit de Debito. Grant of 20 Marks yearly, out of the Manor of West Derby. Grant of Wardsliip and Marriage of William de Warton. Appointment of Justices to try Malefactors for Trespasses in the Chases of Bow- land, PenhuU, Trowdcn, Rochdale, Rossendale, and Romesgrene. Grant of the Wardship and Marriage of Thomas de Haverington. Grant of Lands and Tenements in Gosenargh Escheated by Felony. Lease for 20 Years of the Foreign Wood of Myerscough. Mandate to the Duchy Escheator to interfere no further in Premises at Ribble- chester, seized into the Duke's Hands on the Felony of Roger de Allele. An Indenture of Agreenaent concerning Tenements in Romesgrene and the Towns of Penhulton and Cliderowe, between the Duke and the Abbot and Convent of Whalley. Grant of the BailiAnck of Derby WapentalvC for Life. Mandate to the Duchy Escheator not to interfere further as to Messuages and Lands in Asteley and Kyndeley, seized into the Duke's Hands by reason of the Felony of Richard de Athertou. On the back and in continuation of this Roll to the following effect. a. 3. a. ° continued. The Duke to Adam Skillingcorn. A Lease of a Place called Hoddesdone for 12 Years, at £2. 6s. 8d. per Ann. Henry Le Norres, of Speek, and others, for the Duke. Recognizance of Debts and divers other Recognizances of Debts. A Lease by the Duke to William, sou of Adam, of Ly\erpull, and More de No. 3. LtvctouU and others deLyverpull, of the Town, with all the Mills of the same Town, guishedun the hiiciv toorether with the Rents and Services, and the Passage of the Water of Merese, with of the R tl the Turbary of Toxteth Park and the stallages as therein particularized. The Instrument, as enrolled, is very obscure. It is Tested, Henry do Walton, Lieutenant of the Duchy, at Lancaster, 24th March, lltli Year of the said Duke. Mandate to John Haverington and others, to raise Soldiers, Men at Anns, and Archers, in the Wapentakes of Amounderness, Fourneys, and Lonsdale, within the Duchy, to march against the Scotch. And like Mandates to others for Derbyshii-e, 350 C&e iK^tnrj) of t\)c CHAP. Salfordsliire, Blalvcbnrnslure, and Leyloiulsliire Wapentakes, witli a distinct Man- _____ date to the Sheriff to assist. Grant of a yearly Rent of £10 to Henry Dittou out of the Lands of Tliomas Dittou. Grant of Wardship and Lands and Marriage of William the Son of Robert de Frees. The Duke's Pardon of Suit for Trespass and Hunting at Blakelegh Park. Grant of Holtefeld in Salford. Pardon of Peace to the Vicar of Kirkham Church for Mal-Adniinistration in his Office of Dean of Amouuderness. Mandates to raise 300 Archers, to accompany the Duke to Brittany, from the various Wapentakes. Grant of a Paviage for Preston, and for Customs on Merchandize in aid thereof. Admissions of Attorneys to plead in the Ducln* Courts. Justices assigned for observing the Statute of Weights and Measures. Permission to inquu-e of Lands in Hornclyx e. Grant of the Wardship of Lands of Adam de Mondesley. Paviage for the Town of Lperpull for 2 Years. Mandate to the Duchy Escheator for Livery of Seizin of Lands in Radeclif, as forfeited by Felony, the Duke having had year, day, and waste. Confirmation of a Grant of Henry, Earl of Lancaster, to William Norreys, of Lands in Derby. Writ of the Disseisin of Dokesbury Manor. The like of Lands in Chorley. Mandate to the Escheator for Laud in Fenwortham, seized for mthdraiiving of the service of a Boat over the River Ribble. Writ of the Disseisin for Lands in Ellale. Grant of the Site of Ulneswalton Manor to Richard de Hibernia, the Duke's Physician, with Liberty to be Toll free and Hoper free at the Duke's Mills. Grant of Allowance to the Town of Overton to grind Corn at the Duke's Mill at Lone. Grant of the Custody of St. Mary's Chapel at Syngleton. Pardon for Trespasses in the Duchy Forests. Pardon for Non-Appearance in Court. Justices assigned to keep the Waters, in which Salmons are caught. Justices to inquire of Stoppages in the Duchy Rivers, and chiefly tlie Ribble, to tlie injury of Fenwortham Fishery. CoimtP palatine of aanrasttr. 351 Appointments of Stewai-dsliips. chap. Pardon of a Fine pro Licentia Concordanili, as to Tenements in Mancestre. ' Inquisition and Letters Patent touching the Manor of Mancestre as a Mai-ket To^ii and Boro' with the Hamlets thereto. The Duke to Thomas de Lathum and Wife. Licence to hokl Knouselegh Park. Agreement touching the Wardship of Lands and the Mairiage of Richard de Molyneux of Sefton. Divers Letters of Protection for Persons serving the King abroad. Confirmation of a Lease of the Manor of Ahleclif to the Prior of Lan- caster. WaiTant to levy 520 Marks from the Freeholders of Quernemore Forest and the Natives of Lonsdale, as theii- portion of £1000 Fine for Trespasses against the Assize of the Forest. Several Mandates to the Escheators concerning various Lands seized. Divers Pardons for Trespasses and Assaults. Exemplification of Procee(hngs touching the Intail of tlic Manor of Bury. Tlie like as to Lands in Harewode, the Water of Hyndehurue, and Clayton on the Mores. The other Records of the Annals of the Duchy are marked A. 1. and A. 5., and are similai' in their contents to A. 1. These Rolls terminate the Records of the first Duke, who died in the year 1361, without male issue. So rich an inheritance as the dukedom of Lancaster could not remain long in Revival of abeyance. The maniage of John of Gaunt, the fourth son of the reigning monarch (jom i" the of England, to Lady Blanch, the youngest daugliter of the deceased duke, produced jo'hn of' the almost immediate revival of the title; and the subsequent death of lady Maude, ^"'"'' mtliout issue, invested duke John with the whole of those extensive possessions which the fii'st duke had left to liis children. The confidence reposed by the king- in this, liis favourite and most higldy gifted son, conferred upon liim every thing but sovereign power ; and his second marriage with Constance, the eldest daugliter of Peter the Cruel, obtained for him the title of King of Castile and Leon. In this character he obtained the i-ight to coin money, and several pieces were struck bearing his superscription. Tlie wars in wliich he was engaged have already been adverted to,* and the history of this munificent duke shortly portrayed. His claim to the tlu*one of Sicily, founded on no just pretension, produced a strong remonstrance on the pai't of liis holiness. Pope Urban V., who issued on the occasion one of those * See chap. iv. p. 145. 352 C!)c i^iistory of the CHAP. Bulls, at the bare name of wliicli piiuces and kings were accustomed to tremble. ^^' This Bull is still in-eserA^ed, tbougb divested of its seal, and is couched in the follow- ing terms : — BULLA URBANI V. FAPJE. Papal " Urbauus episcopus, servus serAorum Dei, carissi- A.D. 1367. ™^' ^^- salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. An. 41 Edw. III. " Insonuit, fili caiissime, liiis diebus, riunor impla- T cidus, incomitatu Proviuciae, ad caiissimam in Christo In Thesau" Cur filiam nostram Johannam Reginam SiciUiae Ulustrem, Recent. Scacc. pro regno SiciJliae nostram et ecclesise Romanae vas- salam, spectans, et jam usque ad nostram audientiam est perlatus, qu6d, dilectus filius, nobilis vii-, Johannes dux Lancastriae, natus tuns, intendit, comminatur, et parat se praedictum comitatum invadere : " De quo, nescientes quo jiu-e vel titulo hoc agere Aaleat, mii-amur plurimum et dolemus, maxime quia, cum olun de hoc aliqua suspicio praecessissit, quidam nun- cius tuus, ex parte tui\, litteras portans credentiae, nobis retiUit, quod hoc nequaquam permitteret fieri regia celsitudo, nisi prius praecedente requisitione legitima, et in justitiae defectu, quod nondiim noscitur esse factum. " Cum itaque memorata Regina parata sit, super omnibus, quae idem dux ab ea vellet petere, stare juri, quod etiam nos offerimus pro eadem, serenitatem tuam aflfec- tuosfe rogamus, et obsecramus in Domino, quatenus hujusmodi iuvasionem, quae omnes illas partes, Deo juvante pacificas conturbaret, multaque pericula, animarum et corporum ac renim dispendia generaret indubi^, fieri non permittas, maximfe quia prffifatus dux, tenendo A-iam istam, rationabilem, justitiam suam, si quam habeat, facilius et houorabilius consequetur. " Super quibus, eidem serenitati pleuius exponendis, dilectum filium, magistrum Johannem de Cabrespino, cauonicum Narbonensem, decretorimi doctorem, apostolicae sedis nuncium, latorem prssentium, ad tuam prajsentiam destinamus, cui super hiis, qua; tibi de prsemissis, ex parte nostra, nan-averit, fidem velis credulam adhibere. " Dat. Viterbii, vii. kal. Augusti, pontificates nostri anno quinto. " BARTHOLOM.i:U.S." (Slgillo avulso.) The inquiry upon Avhat legitimate gi-ound the duke of Lancaster founded liis pretensions to the kingdom of Sicily, he was not able to answer to the pope's nuncio, and from that time this claim seems to have been abandoned. Coiintj) ^aalatmr of ilancnsittn 353 The continental wai-s in which the English were engaged, did not prevent them chap. fi-om emharking on a crusade against Ireland, that iinfortmiate country, whicli has ^^' for so many centuries been the scene of oppression and misgovemment. In a writ, addi-essed to tlie sheriff of Lancasliire hy the king, the Irish people are characteiized as " our enemies, and rebels ;" and it is announced to the sheriff, that Lionel, duke of Clai'euce, the king's son, is on his way to Ireland, to coerce the •' rebels" into subjection, and the ports of Livei-pool and Chester are requu-ed to send sliips, pro- Levy of perly manned, to support the expedition.* That the object of this armament was Liverpool not very speedily accomplished, may be infeiTed fi-om the fact, that, two years after- against wai'ds, a proclamation was issued by the king for seizing eighty ships, of thirty tons burden and upwards, wherever they could be found, on the western coast between Bristol, in Somersetshu-e, and Funaess, in Lancashu-e, which ships were to be sent to Lyvei-pole, before the fii-st of St. Peter ad Vincula, to assist prince Lionel in caiTying on the war against Ireland. At that tune, the exports of Livei-pool were Non-ex- veiy subject to the restrictions of orders in council ; in the year 1.3G2 the bailiffs of {lomU- Liverpool, and John, duke of Lancaster, both received orders from tlie govermnent '^'''""'* to i^rohibit the exportation of provisions of various kinds, as well as of dye wares and other commochties, which prohibition extended to cloths called " worstedes," and to sea-coal, then recently discovered as an article of fuel ; and similar inter- dicts, soon after issued, extended the prohibition to horses, linen, woollen yarns, jewels, and the precious metals. Liverpool was at that period rising, though slowly, into importance; and an order was issued by the king to the admiral on the station, as well as to the sheriff of the county, and the mayor and bailiffs of the borough, to rebuild (de novo construere) a bridge over the Mersey within their lordship. The alanii of invasion was again spread with gi-eat assiduity, and the royal pro- Renewed clamations of the year 1369 dOigeutly propagated these apprehensions, in order to invasion quicken the transmission of the public supplies. Adam de Hoghton, Roger de shire. Pilkinton, WUliam de Atherton, Pachard de Radclyf, and Matthew de Rixton, com- missioners of aiTay for the county of Lancaster, were appointed, by royal mandate, to press and enj-ol four hundred archers in Lancaslm-e, to accompany John, duke of Lancaster, to Aquitaine ;t and the archbishops, bishops, abbots, priors, dukes, mar- quisses, earls, barons, and castellans, were informed, that the king liad appointed his son, the duke of Lancaster, his captain and lieutenant in " Guynes and Caleys." In the following month, the sheriff of Lancaster was commanded to an-ay, by him- self or his deputies, all men in the county capable of beaiing arms, between the ages of sixteen and sixty yeais, and to cause them to be in readiness, and properly • Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 24. Turr. Lond. t Rot. Vascon. 43 Edw. III. m. 5. Turr. Lond. VOL. I. 2 z 354 CIk listorj) of tfie CHAP, equipped, to resist the French, who tlu'eatened to invade England, to ohstnict the ^^' passage of merchants and merchandise, and to abolish the English language !* By a subsequent proclamation it was ordained, that the men at arms, Jtobelers, and archers, in the county of Lancaster, should be in complete reatliness by Palm Sunday (1370), and William de Risseby, John Blake, clerk, Matthew de Rixtou, and Richard ap Llewellin Vaughan, had confided to them the power to arrest all ships, from twelve to forty tons burthen, in the ports of LyverpuU, and all other places from thence to Chester, that port included, and to send them to the ports of Southampton and Plymouth, by Sunday next before the feast of Pentecost, with a sufficient equipment of sailors for the passage, to embark in the expedition of John, duke of Lancaster, and others in his company, going to Gascony.t Parish To prosecute all these hostile operations, the long, this year, by the authority of '^^' parliament, le\ied upon the parishes of England a tax of fifty thousand pounds, each parish being requii-ed to pay five pounds fifteen shillmgs, the gi-eater to help the less. From this return it appears, that there were then eight thousand six hundi-ed and thirty-two parishes in England, and that the contribution of Lancasliire, for its 58 parishes, was . ... £336 8 Westmoreland, 32 185 12 Cumberland, 96 556 16 Middlesex, exclusive of London, 63 parishes . . . 365 8 London, 110 parishes 638 Yorkshire, 540 3132 Exchange By an indenture, made in the following year, between the king and liis son John, mond-'' duke of Lancaster, king of Castile and Leon, the duke gi-ants to liis father the foi-'^th^r"' county, castle, town, and honor of Riclunond, in exchange for the castle, manor, and srons?" honor of Tykhill, castle and manor of High Peak, with knights' fees, together with the advowson of the churches of Steyndrop and Brannspath, the free chapels of Tyk- liill and High Peak, the church and free chapel of Marsfeld, the fiee chapel of Pevenese, the priory of Wylmyngdon, the priory of Whitiham, and the house of St. Robert of Kuaresborough, with the castle, manor, and honor of Knaresborough, the hunch-ed or wapentake of StajTicliff, in Yorkshire, and the manor of Grjnigeley and Whetebury.J At the same time, an order was issued by the king to the freemen, and all other tenants on the exchanged possessions, ordering them to obey John, dulie of Lancaster ; and sunilar orders were given by the duke " to the venerable * Rot. Vascon. 43 Edw. III. m. 3. Turr. Lond. f Rot. Franc. 44 Edw. III. m. 25. Tiirr. Lond. I Rot. Pat. 1 Rich. II. p. ). m. 11 per inspex. Turr. Lond. Countj) ^3alntmf of iCauwstn-. 355 fathers, all and singular his archhishops, bishops, and other prelates of churches, chap. and to his earls, viscounts, barons, and others, hokUng of the castle, honor, and ^' county of Richmond," announcing, that he had gi-auted to his royal father and lord the couuty of Richuiond, and commaniling, that all vassals and feodataries should perform homage, fealty, and all other ser\ices and duties to the king.* The prerogatives of jura reyalia conferred upon John of Gaunt, in liis duchy and The fran- county palatine of Lancaster, were gi'eatly enlarged by the royal bounty, by which jurTrega- he was appointed the lung's especial lieutenant and captain-general of " oiu- king- ,"',1™° '"^' dom of France," and in Aquitaine, and the parts beyond the sea.f This authority oaun t*^ Avas still further enlarged by the memorable charter, granted to the duke in the early part of the reign of his royal uncle, of which charter the following is a free translation : — POWERS GIVEN TO THE DUKE OF LANCASTER. " The king to all who shall see or hear these letters, health : Know that we, fully confiding in the understanding, loyalty, and wisdom of our dearest uncle John, by the grace of God, king of Castile and Leon, Duke of Lancaster, have made and ordained, and do make and ordain, liim, as well on the sea as in our kingdom of France and our lordship of Aquitaine, and elsewhere in all parts beyond the sea, our in parts lieutenant, principal cliieftain, and general, as well of the constable and marshal as the sea. our admirals for the time being, counts, barons, captains, knights, esquii-es, men at arms and archers, and others, of what nation, tongue, or conchtion soever they may be, present and to come, sustaimng and maintaining the war in our quarrel which we have with our adversary of France, his adherents, or allies, " Giving and committing to our said uncle and lieutenant, by the tenor of these presents, authority and plenary power of convoking and assembling the constable and marshall, admirals for the time being, counts, barons, captains, knights and esqimes, men at arms, archers, aiid others howsoever denominated, " And them to lead, together or in parts, and govern in all places, as well on the sea as by land, in whatsoever manner it shall seem good to liim for the expedition of oiu' wai's. Of coiTecting, chastising, and punisliing those persons, or any of them, as well officers as others, of whatsoever estate or condition they may be, according to the excesses and deserts, and according to the quality of the fault and the rank of the persons, whether it be high treason, or any other crime or misdemeanor, * Ex. origin, in Turr, Lond. f Rot. Franc. 47 Edw. III. m. 19. Turr. Lond. 356 C!)f iJiEitxiri) of tl)t CHAP. " Of exercising, and causing to be exercised, all manners of jurisdiction, high, '^' mean, and low, whether they be of marine or mixed empii-e, according to the laws used both by sea and laud, in such manner as we should do, if we were there present (si avant come Nous le purrons faire si nous fcurons presenles,) " Of likewise commanding, in all the places aforesaid, and of causing towns, cities, castles, and forti-esses, to be well maintained, repaired, and kept in good condition, and those castles and fortresses to be razed and demolished, or others to be erected anew, if it shall seem for the advantage and peace of us and our subjects of the parts aforesaid, " And, moreover, of taking and receiving in our name and by our authority, into our peace, grace, obedience, aiid subjection, all the cities, towns, boroughs, castles, fortresses, and places of the aforesaid parts, and their inhabitants and residents, who wish to come or return to our peace, gi-ace, obedience, and subjection, and to dismiss and pardon, in consequence of pity and mercy, all manner of misdeeds, trespasses, outrages, ai-sons, homicides, and all other manners of horrible crimes, or treasons, whether generally or specially done or committed, or for wliatsoever cause, " And also of utterly taking away and repealing all banishments and exiles, which have been or are pronovmced or published against them or any of them, " And to re-establish and restore to them all their property wliich they had or have forfeited on account of the banishments and forfeitures aforesaid, " And further, to remove the mark or note of their infamy or disgrace, and to restore them or any of them to their former estate and fame, and their possessions, places, and countries, and as entii-ely as they had in any time past, together with their antient privileges, such as they were accustomed to exercise reasonably in former times, " Of gi-anting, in heritage, or for life, or for a term of years, to those who shall have well deserved, as shall seem fit to him, towns, castles, fortresses, lands, rents, or homages, nobilities, (noblesces,) jurisdictions, droits, and all theii- antient appurtenances, " Saving the droit of any one that belongs him by power of the ordinance made on the Conquest, and those cities, castles, fortresses, lands, rents, antiently belonging to our own Domain and royal patrimony, " Of granting and presenting suitable persons to dignities, and all benefices of the Holy Church vacant, or which shall hereafter be vacant, as well to Cathedral, collegiate Churches, as to other Churches, so that they shall pertain to us, and so to act for the good government of the benefices aforesaid, and for the maintenance of their rights, so that by defect of good government, the alms of the parisliioners do not perish. Countj) ^alatint of ^Laiuasstfr, 357 " And of taking and receiving from our subjects of the parts beyond seas, chap. homage and oath of fealty, such as it behoves them to perform, _____ " And to establish seneschalls, constables, chancellors, treasurers, commanders over our castellans, captains, advocates, proctors, and all other officers and ministers, who ai'e placed by us, or oui- authority, in all the places of the said parts, who shall seem to our said uncle to be profitable for the good government of the subjects of the parts aforesaid, " And the ministers, appointed by them, or by any others, (save by us or of our authority) placed and established, to remove and oust from then- office, and to put and establish others in the place of them, or of the dead, if any should be, at the accustomed wages and fees, " And of causing and gi-anting respect to the same the officers and ministers, " Of commanding our treasurer and receiver of those parts to make the pay- ments with wliich our said uncle shall charge them as often as it shall please him, " Ordering and commancUng all the auditors of our accompts, that they make due allowance of all tlie sums, wliich shall be paid by the letters or mandates of our uncle aforesaid, " And, moreover, of puttmg and imposing contributions and impositions for the support of the wars, and to demand and require subsitUes and aids on account of the wars, of all the prelates, nobles, and commons of the cities and towns of the parts aforesaid, " And those subsicUes, impositions, and contributions, to levy and collect, " Of coining, stamping, and maldng new money of gold and silver, and other metals, when and as often as shall seem good to liim, " Of ennobUng persons not noble, " And of legitimatizing, as to heritages and all other things, bastards and all others who are born out of true matrimony, " Of creating and making scribes and notaries, of a convenient number, " Of giving such letters of safe-conduct and guard, of our banners, penons, and standards, as shall seem good to liim. " Of making truces, and treating of peace and accord Avith our enemies and rebels, then- allies and adlierents, of whatsoever estate, condition, or degi-ee they may be, " And of conciliating and pacifying on all debates, contentions, and tliscords, " And to those truces, leagues, peaces, and treaties, to affirm and assent in our name, by oath, faith, obligations, and sm-eties, to have before hand, on that treaty of peace, the accord and assent of us and our couucd. 358 €i)t 5?l IJalatinc of Sancnsitfr. 37 1 sive pertineiitibus, Habenda pro Termino Vitse suae, prout in dictis ultiiiiis Literis chap nostris, eidem Jolianui factis, plenius contiiietur, - " VoLis, sub Fide & Ligeantia vestris, districtius quo possumus, Injungiinus & Mandamus qu5d eidem Johanni, aut ejus in hac parte Attornato, Insulam, Cas- truni, Pelam & Dominium pnedicta, ac Insulas & Dominia eidem Insula? de Man pertinentia, un^ cum Regaliis, Regalitatibus, Franchesiis, & Libertatibus, ac omnibus aliis Proficuis & Commoditatibus praedictis, liberetis, &; ipsum Ula habere permittatis, juxta Tenorem dictarum ultimarum Literarum nostrarum, sibi sic ind^ confectarum ; vos ind^, contra Tenorem eorundem, nullatenus intro- mittentes ; " Volumus enim vos iudfe erga Nos exonerari. Teste Rege apud , Quarto die Octobris." " Per ipsum Regem." On tbe 6th of April, in the follomng year, the king so far extended liis bounty as to grant the Isle of Man to Sir John Stanley in perpetuity, in as full and ample a manner as it had been held by any former lord of the crown of England, per homa- gimn legium, but altering the tenure, which was now, instead of bearing the Lan- caster sword at the coronation, to pay to the king a cast of falcons at the coronation, after homage made in lieu of all demands and customs. To return from tliis digression. The annals of the duchy, during the whole period Annals of ° , . . the of the life of John of Gaunt, will at all times rank amongst the most mterestmg Duchy, records in the early history of the county palatine of Lancaster; but though they are all before us, they are much too voluminous to be inserted in detail, and can only be given in summary, with such references as may enable those who wish to consult particular documents to find them with facility. These annals being resumed from the period of the death of the first duke of Lancaster, and brought down to the demise of the last subject duke, comprehend the whole period of the history of the duchy, fi'om its creation to the time when it merged in the crown, not indeed by absolute union, for the duchy of Lancaster has always been considered a separate inheritance, but by actual possession — the kings of England and the dukes of Lancaster having been the same persons ever since the time when Henry of Bolingbroke ascended the throne, to the present day. 3 B 2 372 Cl;e i^isitoi-p of tOe CHAP. X. EXTRACT FROM CLOSE ROLL A. 6. John Duke of Lancaster — viz* 1377, 51 Edw. IIL to 1389, 12 Rich. IL From the Duchy Records in the Office of the Duchy of Lancaster. PERSONS. MATTERS. Extract from Close Roll A. 6. D'procla- niaiido. Tlie two mti'oductory instruments are as follows : — 51 Edw. in. John the Duke to Thomas de Thelwall. Also, the Duke to the Sheriff of the County. 1. John Hodelleston and Wife to the Duke. Nicholas de Syiigleton to the Duke. *Appointment of Chancellor of the Duchy and County Palatine, and delivery of the Great Seal of the Royalty. Proclamation of Pleadings of Assize, &c. Fine for Writ of Assize de Nov. Dis. 20s. paid to the Hanaper. Fine of 10s. for a Writ de Conventione. * APPOINTMENT OF CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY AND COUNTY PALATINE, &c. " cimo septimo die Apiilis, Anno Regni Regis E. rcij a conquestu Angt quin- quagesirao prime apud le Westm Johes Rex Castelle & Legionis Dux Lancastr in psencia Rofeti de Wylyngton Militis Thome de Hungjford Militis & alio? de Familia iplus Regis ibide ©senciu vidett in capella infra Mansu dci loci constructa constituit Thoma de Thelwall cticuni Cancellariu suu infra Ducatu & Comitatu Lancastrie & capto Sacro sue idem Rex magnii SigillQ suu |) regimine Regalitatis Comitatus Palatini ibidem ordinatu manu sua j)pria pfato Thome libavit juxta Officij sui debitu custodiend. " Et postmodu |yfatus Cancellar recepto eodem sigillo consignavit vidett vicesimo die Aprit extunc ^x sequente quoddam bre quod irrotulat sub hac forma. C" " Johes dei gra Rex Castelle & Legionis Dux Lancastr vie Lane Saltm Scias qd assignavim' ^ dilcos & fideles nros Willm de Skipwyth Rogju de Fulthorp & Willin de Nessefeld JustiS nros ad omia ptita nra tam Corone qm ?re assisar juratar & fitificaconu & orhioda plita in Com p'dco qua- liPcuq enMgencia & ad Comite Palatinu spectancia tenend & eisde Justifi die Lune px post festu Ascencionis Diii ^x futur ad Sessiones suas apud Lancastre hijs occbnib3 incipienct de avisamento Consiiij nri duxim' pfigend. Et ideo tibi jJcipim' qd in pleno Com tuo & alijs lonis nijcatorijs ubi expedire videris publice pclamari fa8 qd omes & singti negocia vel ptita sua cora eisdem Justi8 ^isequi volentes ibidem inPsint ad diem illu & ulPius venire fa8 tunc ibidem xxiiij de cliscrec5rib3 Iegaliorib3 & |)biorib3 hoib3 cujuslibet wapentachij sive Hundri dco Com ad faciend ultius quod ex pte nra P p'fatos Justi8 nr5s hfiint in Mandatis. Et heas ibi noTa p'dco? xxiiij & hoc bre. T. meipo apud Lancastr xx die Aprit anno Regalitatis nri Comitatus Palatini primo." Countp |3alatin(r of Sanrasitcr. 373 PERSONS. MATTERS. CHAP. X. 2. The King aiid Duke for Robert, son of Sii- John de Hanyngton, knt. 3. The King and Duke for Henry de Ferrarijs. 4. Tlie King and Duke for Walter Pedwai'dyne and others. 5. The King and Duke for William de Brottiieux Ellalle, Scotforde, Assheton, and others. 6. The King and Duke for the Duke : Adaiu de Hoghton, Keeper of Quernemore Forest. 7. The King and Duke for the Duke. 8. Various Fines paid for Writs. 9. The King and Duke for the Duke. 10. Tlie Kiug and Duke for John Boteler and Nicholas de Haveryngton. 11. Tlie Kuig Ricliard. and Duke for King 12. The King and Duke for the Prior and Convent Leicester. of St. Mary's, Mandate to Roger de Brokholes, the Extract . from Close Duke's Escheator, for delivery of RoUA. o. T T /• 1 T 1 1 • /-( • continued. Lianus lonnerly held in Lapite. Mandate to the Escheator to deliver Lands formerly held in Capite. Like Mandate for Advowsons of Churches, &c. Conyngshead Priory and Whai-ton Church. The like for delivery of a Moiety of Knights' Fee and Appurtenances in Right of Thomas de Thvreng. WaiTant to cut Timber for Repairs of Lancaster Castle. Precept to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Lancaster, and other Persons, to pro- claim prohibition against Persons con- gregating Avith an armed power to impede the Sessions at Lancaster. Writ to the Escheator to seize the Lands of Nicholas de Prestwyche. Precept to the Sheriff for pa}ing them £26. 8s. as Knights elect for the Com- monalty of the Duchy, for Expences to the Kuig's Pariia- lU couui ment. Precept for Proclamation that all Foreign Mendicant Friars within tlie Ducliy quit the Realm, accortUng to the King's Mandate. Precept to the Escheator not to interfere in the Manors and Possessions of the Abbey of St. JNIary de Pratis, during the avoidance of the Abbot's death. Here ends the first Yeai- of the Royalty on the 1st side of the Roll. 374 €l)t ^I'sitoii) Of tf)e CHAP. X. Extract from Close Roll A. 0. continued. PERSONS. MATTERS. 13 John, King of Castile, &c. for the Abbot of Furnes. Precept to the Slieriff, commanding the Executors of John Raton to pay £55. to the Abbot. 14. Fines paid to the Duke for various Writs, and attested by the Custos Regalitiitis, "William Wetherley, Vicar of Blakeburn Church. 15. The King and Duke for the Abbot Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer of Evesham. concerning the Fishery of Hoghwyk, in the River Ribble, claimed by the Abbot, and seized by the Deputy Ste- ward of the Manor of Penwortham. Mandate to the SIieriflF to Levy Aid, according to the Statute, to make his eldest Son a Knight. Letters to the Abbots of Furneys, Whal- ley, Cockersand, and other Abbots, Priors, Archdeacons, and Proctors, to offer prayers and sacrifices to God, for the success of the Expedition. Mandate to the Duke's Escheator, to seize the Lauds, &c. of Otho de Hal- sale. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer to pay his Account of Chai'ges for Parclunent, &c. Precept to tlie Sheriff to pay the Knights elected for tlie Commonalty of the Duchy £16. for their Expences in coming to Parliament at Gloucester. This ends the 2d Year of the Royalty. 2 Rich. II. The King and Duke for Alan Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer WUkeson and Wife. to enquii-e of a Messuage and Lands seized into the Duke's Hands, for the Felony of John de Leyland at Kirkeby, in Derbyshire. 22. Various Fines paid to the Duke for Writs. 16. The same for the King and Duke. 17. The same for the Dulve and other Magnates of his Retinue going abroad in the King's service. 18. The same for the Duke. 19. Tlie same for Richard de Townelay Sheriff. 20 The same for John Ralph de Ypre. Boteler and 21 Coiint{) |)alatme of ^.anrasJter. PERSONS. MATTERS. 375 23. Tlie Kins and Duke for tlie Duke. 24. The same for the Abbot of Whalley. 25. The same for the King. 26. The same for Nicholas de Haryng- ton and Rol)ert de Wiswyk. 27. The same for the Duke. 28. The same for tlie Duke. 29. The King and Duke, for John de Eccleston. 30. The same for the Abbot of Evesham Monastery. 31. The same, for the same. 32. The same for tlie Duke. Mandate to the Justices to adjourn Sessions. Mandate to the Barons to inquire of Tithes seized l)y the Escheator, as be- longing to William Talbot, an Outlaw, touching the Tithes of the Church of All Saints of Whalley, at Alnetham. Precept to the Sheriff to proclaim within the Duchy the Ordinance made as to the Goldsmith's mark. Precept to the Sheriff to pay the Knights of the Commonalty their Expences to Parliament at Westminster. Precept to tlie Sheriff to elect a Coroner in the room of Thomas de Fasakereley. Precept to elect Verderors for Derbyshire, Amounderness, and Lonsdale. Precept to the Sheriff to give Seizin of a Messuage and Lands taken by the Duke for the Felony of Robert de RaynhuU. Mandate to the Escheator to deliver Temporalities to Roger de Yatton, Abbot elect. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer, to surcease demands upon the Abbot, and to answer for the Issues according to the Award of the Great Council. Mandate to the Escheator, to seize the Lands, &c. of Sii* Thomas Bannastre, Kut. CHAP. X. Extract from Close Koli A. «. continued. Tlie end of the S"' Year of the Royalty. 33. 3 Rich. IL The King and Duke, for the Duke. Precept to the Sheriff for election of a Coroner. 376 €l)t ?^t£(torit) of m CHAP. X. Close Roll A. 6. con- tinued. PERSONS. MATTERS. 34. Tlie same, for John de Boteler and Thomas de Sonthworth. Precept to the Sheriff to pay them as kniglits for the Commonalty, £24, for Expences in coming to Parliament at Westminster. Anno Quarto Regalitatis John Duke of Lancaster. 3 Ric. II. 35. Fines paid to the Lord for "Writs. 36. The King and Duke for John de Haydock. 37. Tlie same, for John Botiller. 38. The same, for the Duke. 39. The same, for Gilbert de Gorford- syche. 40. The like, for the Tenants ofWorston Township. 41. The same, for John Botiller and Tliomas de SoutliAvorth. Precept to the Escheator, to give seizin of the Lands of WU1"\ BotUler in Laton Magna, Laton Parva, Bispham Warthebrek, and Great Merton; and Rents in Atherton, Westlegh, Py- myngton, Bolde, Lydegate, Thornton, Culcheth, Egergarth, Tildeslegh, Glassebroke, Bedford, Halsall, Ives, and WyndhuU ; Great Sonkey Manor and Werington Manor. Precept to give seizin of Lands and Mill in Burt on wood, and the Manor of Weryngton, with Advowson of the Church. Precept to seize the Lands of William Botiller. The like of John Byron. The lilie of Richard Radclif. Writ of Re-Disseisin as to the Turbaiy in Scaresbrek. Mandate to the Barons of the Exche- quer, relating to the Tenants of Wor- ston, and Pasturage of Common and the Inclosure by William Nowel. Precept to the Sheriffs to pay Knights for the Commonalty of the Duchy, £19. 12s., theii- Expences in coming to Parliam'. at Northampton. Countj) IJalatint of iLanrasUn PERSONS. MATTERS. 377 42. The King and Duke, for the Duke. 43. The same, for Jolin Radeclif. 44. The same, for Isabella Bradeshagh. Mandate to the Escheator, to seize the Lands and Tenements of Peter Gerard. The lilve of Ellen de Bu-ewayth. The like of W'\ de Bradshagh of Hagh. The like of Rich", de Caterall. The like of Gilbert de Kyghley. Tlie like of Isabella de Eton. Mandate to give Seizin of the Manor of Urdesale, 3 parts of Moiety of the Town of Flixton, Tenements in Le Hope, Shoresworth, Le Holynhed, in Tokholes, Salford, the Bailiwick of Rochdale, and I of moiety of tlie Town of Flixton. Mandate to assign Dower of Lands seized into the Duke's Hands, by reason of the minority of Thomas Bradeshagh. CHA1> X. Close Roll A. 6. con- tinued. Writs of Diem Clausit Extremum. 45. The King and Duke, for the Duke. Mandate to the Escheator, to take the Lands of John de Skerton. And the like Mandate for several others upon deaths. Writ of Post Disseisin to the Sheiiif for a Tenement in Rediche. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer to enquire of Rent of Lands in Mel- lyug, held by Henry Chaderton, as seized for Debt. 48. Fines paid for various Writs to the Duke, as acknowledged by William Horneby, Clerk of the Hanaper. Precept to the SheriflF to take William GrcnliU, an Outlaw m the King's Court within the Duchy, according to 46. The same, for Sir- Roger Pilking- ton, Knt. 47. The King and Duke, for the Abbot of Cokersand. 49. The King and Duke, for the King. the King's Mandate therem recited. VOL. I. 3 c 378 C&f Snsitorj) of tl)t CHAP. X. PERSONS. MATTERS. Close Roll 50. Tlie same, for same. A. 6. . con tinned Precept to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Livei-pool to proclaim the King's Man- date, prohibiting Exportation of Corn. Anno Sej'to 51. The King and Duke, for John de Warren. 52. The same, for William de Atherton and Robert de Urcewyk. 53. The King and Duke, for the King. 54. The King and Duke, for the King of Scotland. 55. The same, for the King of England 56. The same, for Sir Roger de Pilking- ton, Kn'. and Robert de Clifton. 57. Fines to the King and Duke for Wr Regalitatis. Mandate to the Escheator, to give Seizin of Wood Plumpton Manor, as in Fee, by Sir John Davenport, Knt. to Robert de Eton. Precept to the Sheiiff to pay the Knights of the Commonalty of the Duchy, for therr Expences to Parliament at West- minster. Precept to the Mayor and Bailiffs of Livei-pool, to proclaim the King's Man- date touching the Exportation of Com. Precept to the Sheriff, to distrain Per- sons in Liverpool possessing several Casks of Wine taken in the Port of Inchgalle by some Persons in the County of Chester, contraiy to the Truce with Scotland, and to pay 10 Marks for each Cask. Precept to the Sheiiff, to publish the King's Proclamation \\-itliin the Du- chy, relative to Chai-ters of Pai'don by the King's Subjects, (except certain Persons named, and the Men of the City of Canterbury, of the Towus of Cambridge, Bridgwater, St. Edmund's, Beverley, and Scarboro). Precept to pay the Knights elected for the Duchy Commonalty £10. for their Expences to Paiiiament at Westmin- ster, its. Cutmtj) ^Jnlntint of aanrasitn'. 379 PERSONS. MATTERS. CHAP. X. 68. The King luid Duke, for the King of England. Precept to Livei"pool, as to Exportation close Roii e r^ A. 0. con- 01 Corn. tinued. Writs of Diem Chiusit Extremura. 59. Tlie King and Duke, for the Duke. 60. The King and Duke, for the King of England. 6 1 . The same, for the Poor Fishermen in the Duchy. 62. The same, for Matilda Waryng. 63. The same, for Thomas de Knoll. 64. The King of England, for the King. 65. The King and Duke, for the King. Mandate to the Escheator, to take the Lands of Edward Lawrence, and the Land of Thomas Lathum. Precept to Liverpool as before. Precept to the Sheriff, to publish the King's Prohibition against preventing the Fishermen from setting then* Nets in the Sea, and catching Fish for their Livelihood. Writ of Re-Disseisin to the Sheriff, of a Messuage and Lauds in Chippyn. Mandate to the Barons of the Exchequer, to inquire of Lauds in Chippendale, seized into the Duke's hands on the Felony of John de Knoll, as purchased after the King's Charter of Pardon. Writ addressed to the King of CastUe and Duke of Lancaster, to cause to be elected, and to come to Parliament, 2 Knights for the Commonalty of the Duchy, and of every City 2 Citizens, and of every Boro' two Burgesses. Witness the King at Westminster, 7th January, 6 Ric. II. Precept to the Sheriff, to make Proclama- tion of the Statutes and Ordinances made in the Parliam'. of the 6"' Year of King Richard, as recited in the King's Mandate addressed to the Duke of Lancaster, or his Lieutenant. Witness the King at Lancaster, 8'" Febiy. 3c2 380 CJk Sjisitorp of tht CHAP. X. Close Roll A. 6. con- tinued. PERSONS. BIATTERS. 60. 67. The Kiug and Duke, for Margery Baunastre. The same, for the OwTiers of the Ship called Cai-ralv, To-ecked on the Duchy Coast. Writ of Post Disseisin, as to Dower ef Lands in Walton in le Dale. Precept to the Slieriff to make Proclama- tion, that all the Duke's Officers, Mi- nisters, and Tenants of the Duchy, ab- stain from taking the Goods of the said Ship, the Crew having escaped alive. Anno Septimo ReyaUtatls. Writ of Diem Clausit Extremum, upon the death of John de Kii'kby, Cliivaler. The like, upon death of David de Irland. Precept to the Sheriff to elect a Verdurer for Amoundemess, instead of Adam Bratlkiik. The like for Derbyshire, vice Richard de Aynscough. D°. to elect a Coroner for the County, vice Adam de Skylicorne. D°. to give Seizin of Lauds in Billynge, seized by King Edward for the Felony of WiUiam de FaljTigge. 74. Fines to the King and Duke for Writs. 75. The King and Duke, for Richard de Writ of Re-Disseizin concerning Lands Bareweford and Agnes, liis Wife. 76. Fines to the Kins: and Duke for Writs. 68. The King and Duke, for the Duke. 69. The same, for same. 70. The same, for same. 71. The like. 72. The lUve. 73. The same, for the Abbot of Cocker- sand. at Chorlegh. 77. The King and Duke, for the Duke. 78. The King and Duke, kington and Wii'e. 79. The same, for same. for John Pil- 80. Fines paid to the Duke for Writs. Writ of Diem Clausit, &'. dii-ected to Robert de Ursewyk, on the death of Hugh de Bradshagh. Writ de Dote Assignando directed to the Esclieator, for Margaret de Bradshagh. Writ of Diem Clausit Extremmn, upon the death of Hugh de Dacre. D°. onthedeathof Thomas deRigmay den. D°. of Thomas de Lathiun. D°. of Richard de Balderstou. County |3alatme of iLanrastrr, 381 PERSONS. MATTERS. Anno Octavo Reyalilatis. 81. The King and Duke, for the Duke- CHAP. X. Close Kull A. 5. con- tinued. 82. The same, for Adam de Prestall, of Salfordshke. 83. The same, for Johanna Rigmayden. 84. The King and Duke, for the Duke. 85. Fines paid to the King and Duke for 86. Tlie King and Duke, for the Duke. 87. The same, for John Daunport. 88. Fines paid to the King and Duke for 89. The King and Duke, for the King of England. 90. Tlie same, for the Abhot of Cocker- sand. 91. The King and Duke, for Isabella Lathum. 92. Fines paid to the King and Duke for Precept to the Sheriff for Proclamation, that all tlie Men of the Duke's retinue meet liim at Newcastle upon Tyne, to mai'ch into Scotland. Precept to the Sheriff not to put the said Adam on Juries, &'., he being deaf. Writ de Dote Assignanda, addressed to the Escheator. Writ of Diem Clausit Extremom, on the death of Matthew de Twi.siIton. of John Kekwyk, of Derby. of William Barton. Writs. Mandamus to the Escheator, upon the death of Thomas de Rigmayden. of Thomas Banaster. of Edward Banastre. Mandate to WUli;un de Horneby, Re- ceiver of the County of Lancaster, to pay the secondary Justice in the Du- chy 20 Marks, for liis Fee of 20s. for his Clerk for two last Sessions. Writs. Precept to the Slieriffto get ready tlie Men at Arms and Bomnen witliin the Duchy, to mai-ch ags* the Scotch, according to the King's Mandate. Precept to give Seizin of Lands in Bil- lynge, as seized into King Edward's Hands for the Felony of William de Falyng. Writ de Dote Assignanda, out of La- thum Manor. Writs. 382 Cfie l^i^torp of tht CHAP. X. Close Roll A. con- tinued. PERSONS. MATTERS. 93. The King and Duke, for Roger ile Fazaclvrelegh and Wife. 94. The same, for Johanna Kekewyk. 95. The same, for the Duke. Writ de Procedendo in an Assize of Novel Disseizin before the Justices, as to Tenements in Knowselegli, Child- wall, Roby, and Anlasargh. Writ de Dote Assignanda. Mandamus to the Escheator, upon the death of Tliomas de Latlium. Hie incipit Annus 96. The King and Duke, for the King and Duke. 97. The same, for the Duke. 98. Fines paid to the Lord for Writs. 99. The King and Duke, for John de Pilkyngton, Parson of the Church of Bmy. 100. The King and Duke, for the King. Nonns RegaUtatis. Writ of Diem Clausit, &'. on the death of Hemy de Dyneley. Geoflrey Workesley. Adam de Hoghton. Precept to elect a Coroner for the County of Lancaster, vice John Skilicorn, de- ceased. Writ of Re-Disseizin as to the Manors of Le Lee, Grymsargh, Hoghton, Quylton, Ravenemeles, and Wliytyng- ham, and Messuages and Lands in Lee, Goosnargh, Assheton, GrJ^ne- sargh, Quytyngham, Freldlton, Cate- rall, Hoghton, QuUton, Withenhall, Hephay, Lynesey, Plesyngton, Wrightyngton, Ravenmeles, Gold- bum, Preston, Sourby, Wliitlull in the Wodes, Walshwhittill, Eccleston, Chernock Richard, and Ribchester ; and Moieties of Chernok Richai'd Manor and Wliittill in the Wodes ; two parts of Asheton and Gosenargh Manors, and the 4'" part of CateraU and Wrightynton Manors. Mandate to the Justices to adjourn Ses- sions. Coimti) |3alatinf of lanrasitfr* PERSONS. 383 MATTERS. 101. The same, for the Duke. 102. Fmes paid to the Lord for Writs. 103. Tlie King and Duke, for Isabella Latlium. 104. Fines paid to the Lord for Writs. 105. John de Radclif to the Duke. 106. The King and Duke, for Margaret de Ines. 107. The same, for Jas. Botiller, Earl of Ormond. 108. The same, for Roger Fazackerledi. Mandate to the Escheator to seize into the Hands of the King and Duke, the Lands of Thomas Banastre in Ethels- wyk, Frccidton, Claughtou in Amound'. Billesburgh, Halghton, Syngleton Parva, Thornton le Holmes, Sowerby, Hamylton, Stalmyn, Crofton, Far- ryugton, Tliorpe, and Brethirton. hike Mandate for the Lands of Edniond Banastre in Dilworth, Broghton, Pres- ton in Amounderness, Wodeplumpton, with the More Hall and Gosenargh. Precept to the Slieriff to give Seizin of Tenements in Lathum Manor, viz'. Horskarre, Demedowe near Rughford, Robynfeld de Hojskarre, Calverliay, Watton, Ryding, and 8 Marks Rent of Freehold' in Newburgli. Recognizance for Rent of Lands in Old- am, Cliatherton, and Wytton, near Plesjaigton. Writ of Assignment of Dower to Marga- ret Bradeshagli, of a Water Mill in Westlegli, in tlie Duke's Hands by Minority of the Heir. Precept to the Escheator for Seizin of Rent of the Manor of Wethcrton, not- withstanding no Process as to proof of Age, nor his being called on the Inqui- sition taken. Mandate to the Justices of the Bench, to proceed on Novel Disseizin as to Te- nements of Sir Tliomas Lathum, Kn'. in Knowslegh, Childwall, Roby, and CHAP. X. Close Roll A. G. con- tinued. 384 ClK li^torj) of tfte CHAP. X. PERSONS. MATTERS. Extract 108. Continued. from Close Roll A. 6. continued. Anhlesaigh, and on no Acco' to give Judmi' witlio' the Duke's advice. Anno Decimo Regalitatis. 109. Fines paid to the King and Duke. 110. The King and Duke for Margaiet de Radclif. 111. The same for Robert de Barton. 112. Fines paid to the King and Duke. 11.3. The King and Duke for the Duke. Precept to the Receiver of the Duchy to pay a yearly Rent for Lands in Oklom, Chatherton, and Wittou, near Ples- iugton. Writ of Re-disseizin for Messuages and Lands in Lathum. Precept to the SheriflF to Levy £20. of the Lands of John de Radclif in Oldom, Chatherton, and Wytton, for Arrears. Witnessed by Henry, Earl of Derby, Custos of the Duchy. Anno Undecimo Regalitatis. 115. The King and Duke for William Ward. 116. The King and Duke for the Duke. 114. Fines paid to the King and Duke for Writs. Writ to Walter de Urswyk, Keeper of Lancaster Forest, to accept Bail for the said William, detained in Lancaster Castle, for a Trespass on the Forest. Writ of Diem Clausit Extremimi upon the death of Tno. de Wareyn, Thomas Strangways, Thomas Sotheworth, Richard Torbock, Thomas Holand, William Tinistall, Petronilla Banastre, Thomas Molyneux, WUliam Aghtou. Countj) ^aalatine of aaiuasiter. 386 PERSONS. MATTERS. CHAP. X. 117. The same, for same. 1 18. The same, for same. Precept to the Sheriff to elect a Coroner, Extract _-, , , _ from Close Vice ±ichvarcl Irere. 119. 120. Do. ^dce Hugli de Ines, they being both incompetent to theii- Offices. Precept to the Sheriff to elect a Verduror for Quernmore and Wyresdale, vice John Croft, made Steward of Lonsdale. The like, vice Robt. Caiincefeld, he being in Spain Avith the Duke. Fines paid to the King and Dulie for Writs. Roll A. G. continued. Ralph de Radclif, Sheriff of Lan- caster, for the King and Duke. 121. The same, for same. 122. The King and Duke, for John de Ines. Recognizance of Debt for the Sheriff to pay £80. for his Office for one Year. Like Recognizance for a faithful Account of Ids Profits. Precept to the Escheator to supersede the demand of £34. 14s. 4d. of Lands, &c. in Wytliyngton and Harewode, and other Monies, till the next Ses- sions. Anno Duodecimo Regalitatis. 123. Fines paid to the King and Duke for Writs. 124. The King and Duke, for the Duke. 125. The same, for same. 126. The same, for MUicent de Aghton. Mandate to the Justices to adjourn Ses- sions. Writs of Diem Clausit Extremum upon the death of Jno. de Haydok, Alice de Legh, .John de Nevill. Writ to the Escheator for Assignment of Dower. 127. Fines paid to the King and Duke for Writs. 128. The King and Duke for Ralph de Ne\T]l. Precept to the Escheator for Livery of seizin of the Advowson of Prescote Church, and for Payment of Relief and for Respite of Homage, till the Duke's return to England. VOL. r. 3 D 386 ClK i^lgtOll) Ot U)t CHAP. X. DUCHY OF LANCASTER. CONTINUATION OF ABSTRACT OF THE CLOSE ROLL A. 6. 1st to 12th YEAR OF THE ROYALTY OF JOHN OF GAUNT, DUKE OF LANCASTER; THE INTERIOR PART OF THE ROLL HAVING BEEN ALREADY ABSTRACTED, THE FOLLOWING ARE FROM THE SAME ROLL IN TERGO. First Year. Grantors and others. Grantees and others. Matters and Premises. A. 6. in Tergo. No. 1. Ecbnund, son of dors. Alau de Folifayt. No. 2. John de Asslieton- dors. under-Liine. No. 3. Thomas Lathum. dors. Edmund Lorence, son of John La^vi'ence, of Assh- don. John de Kirkeby. Robert de Breton, Vicar of the Church of Huyton, and Tliomas de Ryding, Chaplain. Annus Secundus. In Teryo. No. 4. xlors. Robert de shington others. Was- and For William de Horneby, Parson of the Chuixh of St. Michael-upon-Wyre. Enrolment of the Deed of Release and Quit Claun of all Right to the Manor of Folifayt, near Tadcas- ter, 50 Ed. III. The like of Lands wliich Elizabeth FoUfayt, widow, held in dower, 51 Ed.IIL Other Deeds relative to the Manor. Recognizance of the Re- ceipt of £40. in part pay- ment of a Debt of 140 Marks, 1 Ric. II. Other Deeds relating thereto. Em-ohneut of Deed by Re- lease and Quit Claim at Crossechalle, in Lathum, and all other Lands grant- ed in Lancashire, 49 Ed. III. Recognizance of Debt of £8. A" -2^" Regalitatis. County |)alatinr of Sancasiten 387 Grantors and others. Grantees and others. Matters and Premises. No. 5. Thomas de Lam- For Echnund Lorence. Recognizance of Debt, dors. plogh and others. £40. No. 6. Adam of Lancas- For Thomas Min-eson, of Recognizance of Debt, dors. ter. Lancaster. £10. No. 7. William deHeton. Ralph de Ipre and Peter Enrolment of Grant of dors. de Bobrun. Lands in Heton, Broune, Molebek, Urwike, and Lancaster. 51 Edw. III. No. 8. Richard de Massy, For John de la Pole, Jus- Recognizance of Debt of dors. Kut. tice of Chester. £5. — Witness, Henry, Earl of Derby, Custos of the Royalty. And various other Recognizances of Debts. CHAP. X. A. 6. in Teigo, continued. No. 9. dors. Annus Tertius. In Tergo. John de Pies- Hugh de Dacre, Knt. Lord of Gillesland. No. 10. dors. No. 11. dors. yngton. Enrolment of Grant of the Manors of Halton in Lonesdale, and Eccleston in Leylandshire, in Coin Lane, with all their Mem- bers and Appurtenances. 2 Rich. II. Release and Quit Claim by Feoffees. Annus Quartus. In Tergo. Various Recognizances of Debt. Annus Quintus. In Tergo. John Botiller, Knt. Hemy de Bispham and Richard de Carleton, Chaplains. 3 D 2 Enrolment of the Grant of the Manor of Great La- ton, Little Laton, Bisp- ham, and Wardebrek, Lands in Great Merton, and the wliole Lordsliip of Merton Town. 4 Rich. II. 388 CHAP. X. A. 6. in Tergo, continued. Grantors and others. ClK S)isittiri) of t\)t Grantees and others. Matters and Premises. No. 12. dors. No. 13. dors. No. 14. dors. No. 15. dors. No. 16. dors. No. 17, dors. Henry de Bisp- ham aud Rich- ard de Carleton Annus SeMus John Botiller, Knt. Alice his wife. and In Tergo. Recognizances of Debts. Robert de Was- shyngton, Roger de creley. Fasa- For William de Hornby, Parson of St. Michael- upon-Wyre, and William le Ducton. Edward de Lathnm, Henry de Scai'esbreck and others. For the King and Duke. Adam de Hogh- ton, Chiv"^, Nicholas de Har- yngton, Chiv% And Richard, son of Adam de Hoghton, Annus Oct aims. In Tergo. For WUIiam de Horneby, Parson of St. Michael- upon-Wire. Richard de Hogh- ton. No. 18. The King dors. Dnke. and For Jolm Nowell. Enrolment of Grant of the above Manors, Lands, and Lordsliip, in Fee Tail special. 4 Ric. H. Em-olment of Grant of Lands, &c. in Carleton in Amounderness, for a Rose Rent per Ann. 8 Years, and increased Rent £20 per Ann. 5 Ric. II. Memorandum of Agree- ment as to Dower of Tene- ments in Wrightiuton. Recognizance of Debt of 200 Marks, upon a sei- zure into the Duke's hands, on the death of James Botiller, Earl of Ormond. Em-olment of Grant of the Wardship of Lands of Henry de Kighley, Knt. m Lancashire and York- shii'e, and the Marriage of his Son. 7 Rich. II. Precept to the Sheriff to supersede taking the Body of John Nowell, to answer before the Justices of the Duchy for the death of John de Holden, upon Appeal of Murder. County palatine of Sanrasiter. 389 Grantors and others. Grantees and others. Matters and Premises. CHAP. X. The like. The King and William de Rigniaydcn. dors. Duke, No. 19. The King and dors. Duke, No. 20. The King and dors. Duke, No. 21. The King and dors. Duke, For Hugh, son of John de Pai't3Tigton, of Irurlham. For Adain de Hoghton and others. For Thomas Smith Nayller, of Cholle. Precept to the Sheriff to a. o. in supersede the Outlawry continued for Trespasses in the Duchy Chases. Precept to the Sheriff to supersede an Outlawry, King Richard II. having granted him pardon. Similar Writs for William Crist and John de Ley- lond, Souter, of Wigan. Precept to the Escheator to supersede Levy of Rent of 100 Marks out of Wetheton Manor. Precept to the Sheriff, to supersede Outlawry, De- fendant havdng found Bail to appear at Sessions. Annus Nonns. In Tergo. Various Recognizances of Debts and Writs de Supersedendo, addressed to the Sheriff. No. 22. dors. No. 23. dors. Annus Decimus. In Tc John de Walton. ergo. Recognizances of Debts, &c. Robert de Saureby and John de Birkeheved, Chaplains. Robert de Saureby and John de Birkeheved, ) Chaplains. John de Walton and Rosa his Wife. Enrolment of Grant of Iiands, &c. in Lancaster, Bare, and Kertraell. 9 Ric. XL Grant of the above Lands, &c. in Fee Tail, special. 390 CHAP. X. A. 0. in Tergo, continued. Grantors and others. m)t I]i^txin> of tf)f Grantees and others. Matters and Premises. No. 24. Agues Banasrte, dors. For William de Horneby, Parson of the Cliurcb of St. Micliael-upon-Wp-e. Recognizance of Debt of 500 Marks for lufeoflBment of Lands, seized into tbe Duke's bauds by tbe minority of Constance Bauastre. Annus Undecimus. In Tergo. Recoouizances of Debts and Writs de Supersedendo as to Debts. No. 25. dors. William de Dut- tou, For William Molon, Ro- bert DyrjTig, John de Cornay, and others, Chap- lains. Annus Duodechnus. In Tergo. No. 26. dors. Gilbert de Halsall and others. No. 27. 'Robert de Stan- dors, dyssh and others, For the King and Duke. For the King and Duke. Enrolment of Grant of Lands, &c. of William de Dutton in Ribchesetr, Bispham, and Northe- brok, and all his Bur- gages and Lands and Tenements in Preston, in Amounderness. 11 Rich. IL Recognizance of Debt of £700 for payment to Wil- liam de Hornby, Re- ceiver of £237. 14s. Oid. for his Account of the Time he was Sheriff. Witness, Henry, Earl of Derby, Custos of the Duchy, 12 Rich. II. Recognizance of Debt of £200 for the said Robert, to render Account of his Office of Sheriff. " From tbe 7th year of King Richai-d II. there are no Books nor Rolls extant to the 1st of Hemy IV."— £ Libro Great Ayloffe, 1692; page 159, in John of Gaunfs Chancery of the Duchy. Cotmtp ^Balntuif of aanraettiv 391 In the " Originalia Memoranda," on the Lord Treasm-er's side of the Exchequer, chap. we find the foUoAving Records relating to the county and duchy of Lancaster, from the period when the ducal house first rose into (hstiuction, to the time when the third Luncas- r TT TAT 1 ^'"'*'" duke of Lancaster ascended the throne, with the letters patent of Henry IV. and charter. Henry V. LANCASTER.— The duke of Lancaster's charter, enrolled in Memoranda 9 Edw. I.; and Records of St. Hilary 19 Edw. H. Chart, of Henry, E. of Lane, enrolled, Recs. St. Hil. 6 Edw. IH.— Roll. D. of Lane's liberty of replevying to the INIorrow of Easter Term, in Co. York— Recs. St. Mich. 26 Edw. IH. Roll. Unjust claun of Henry, late E. of Lane, duke of Lane, in Co. Derby— Recs. St. Hil. 26 Edw. IH. Roll. Charter of Duke of Lane, respecting divers liberties gi-anted to Mm in the city of London— Recs. Hil. 27 Edw. IH. Roll. Chai-ter of the D. of Lane, for receiving £40. under the Honor of the Earl of Derby and Lincoln, in equal parts, in Co. Leicester. Mich. Records 28 Edw. IH. Roll. Duke of Lancaster's claim, in Co. Leicester, Easter Recs. RoU 1. Charter of D. of Lane, in Co. Leicester, enrolled Mich. Recs. 29 Edw. HL Roll. Cognizance of Rich. Michel, sheriff of Not. and Derby, for the D. of Lane, in Co. Derby, HU. Recs. 32 Edw. IH. Roll. D. of Lane's claun in Co. Line, for workmg fines. Mich. Recs. 33 Edw. III. Roll. Charter of John, D. of Lane. Mich. Recs. 38 Edw. III. RoU 24. Charter of John Duke of Lancaster. Mich. Recs. 38 Edw. HI. 21. Record sent to the King's chancellor in the county of Lancaster. Mich. Recs. 38 Edw. III. Roll. Charter of J. D. of L. for liberties gTanted to liim. Hil. Recs. 39 Edw. III. Roll 16. D. of Lane's claim of divers sums. Mich. Recs. 42 Edw. III. Roll 20. D. of Lane's Charter, 57 Edw. III. Roll. Chai-ters of John, Kg. of Cast, and Leon, D. of Lane, enrolled Mich. Recs. 1 Ric. II. Roll 2. Charter of John, D. of Aquitaine and Lane, of liberties gi-anted to Mm by the king. Mich. Recs. 21 Ric. II. Roll 13. The Duke of Lancaster's claim of divers smns charged upon the sheriffs of the Counties of Somerset, Dorset, Lincoln, and York. Mich. Recs. 21 Ric. II. Roll 20. John Duke of Lancaster's claim of divers sums charged upon the sheriff of the County of Line. Mich. Recs. 22 Ric. II. Roll 34. 392 Cfte W^tov^ of tin CHAP. The claim of John D. of L. for divers sums. Mich. Recs. 21 Ric. II Roll 21. ^" The claim of John D. of Lane, for clivers sums upon the sheriff of Lincoln's accountant. Mich. 23 Rich. II. Roll 34. The King's Letters Patent touching the Duchy of Lane, enrolled Mich. Recs. 1 Hen. IV. Roll 14. ****** Two Letters Patent, made to John Leventhorp, under the Seal of the Duchy of Lancaster, enrolled. Mich. Recs. 1 Henr. IV. Roll 15. ****** Divers sums claimed by our Lord the King's Attorney Gen. of his Ducliy of Lane, to be placed to the same King as for his Duchy of Lane, in Co. Derby and elsewhere. Trinity Records, 5 Henr. IV. Roll 16. ****** The King's Letters under his privy seal of the Duchy of Lane, enrolled Mich. Recs. 6 Hen. V. Roll 19. The Of the illiistrious John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster, it has been observed, that illustrious he was the son of a king, the father of a king, and the uncle of a king, and could have said as much as Charles of Valois, had he been the brother of a king. His children were as follows: — By Blanch, his first Wife — His chii- Henry of Lancaster, surnamed Bolingbroke, afterwards Henry IV. of England. The first king of the Lancasterian line. Philippa of Lancaster, queen of Portugal. Elizabeth of Lancaster, duchess of Exeter. By Constance, his second Wife — Katherine of Lancaster, queen of Castile and Leon. By Catharine Svvinford, afterwards third Wife — » John Beaufort, earl of Somerset. Henry Beaufort, cardinal of St. Eusebius, and bishop of Winchester. Thomas Beaufort, duke of Exeter and earl of Dorset. Joan Beaufort, countess of Westmoreland. The reign of Henry IV. son of John of Gaunt, was short and agitated. The insurrection of the earls of Rutland, Kent, and Huntingdon, was followed by an Insurrection in Wales; and a royal proclamation, addressed to the " Chancellor of the King's County Palatine of Lancaster," announced that Owyn Glendourdy, and other rebels, had lately risen against the king in great numbers, to resist whom tlie chancellor was required to proclaim within his jurisdiction, that all knights and esquires able to bear arms in person, and archers who received annual fees from the Uren Countj; ^3alattnr of 2Lanrastfr« 393 king, should repair to Worcester by the 1st of October, to join the other levies raised chap. to put down this insurrection.* A long and sanguinary civU war ensued, in which ^" Henry had In- turns tofiglit against his English subjects, under the earl of Northum- berland, who from being his friend had become his deadly enemy; the Welsh under theii- native princes, and the Scotch under Richard III. of tliat kingdom; but by liis corn-age, sldll, and prudence, lie overcame liis enemies, and established that throne by the power of the sword, which appeared at first to have been erected upon the affections of his people. The writ to raise troops in the county of Lancaster was followed by another, adckessed to the chancellor of the duchy, commandiu"- him to proclaim that William Adherton and Edmund de Dacre were appointed to collect the reasonable aid of twenty shillings for the marriage portion of Blanche of Lan- caster, the king's eldest daughter, to die duke of Bavaria.f The wounds inflicted upon the pride of France by the conquests made in that Threat of country by the Black Prince, and the earl of Derby, son of Henry earl of Lancas- hosunty. ter, formed a never-ending source of hostility between the French and English nations ; and the duke of Orleans did not faU to avail liimself of the difiiculties by which Henry IV. was surrounded. His attacks were directed against the English castles and fortresses, both in the south and north of France, at Bourdeaux and at Calais. To prevent these possessions from falUng into the hands of the French, tlie king issued a proclamation to the chancellor of the duchy, and of the county pala- tine of Lancaster, as well as to the sheriffs of other counties, commanding him to proclaim in all proper places within his jurisdiction, that all knights, esquii-es, valets, and other persons competent for defence, having any fees or annuities, lands, tenements, gifts or grants, or other donations, held by gift of the Idng or liis progenitors, should personally appear in the king's presence at London, ^nthin fifteen days from the date of the proclamation.! These demonstrations were of themselves sufficient to preserve the English possessions without stiiking a blow; and the contest between the duke of Burgundy and the duke of Orleans, in which the king of England, in a proclamation to the chancellor of the county palatine of Lancaster, inhibited the people of England from taking any part, so much engaged the French armies, that they would not prosecute their hostility against the English cities of France.§ That the commerce of this county, in its infant state, was at this period greatly Hostile injured and impeded by the depredations of the hostile powers by wliich England tionfon was assailed, may be infen-ed from a petition to the commons house of parliament, I'^f L^iTca- from tlie inliab-itauts of Lancashire, Cheshire, and Cumberland, in which they *''''^^'^'^- * Claus. 2 Henry IV. p. 2. m. 1. d. t Fin. 3 Henry IV. m. 16. t Clans. 8 Henry IV. m. 17. d. § Claus. 13 Henry IV. m. 22. d. VOL. I. 3 E for tbe papacy 394 ClK Sn'stxirp of tin CHAP, alleo-e, that several robberies and depredations have been committed on their coast '^" by their enemies of France and Scothuid, and by tlie rebels of Wales, who have seized and taken their vessels, o^^ing, as they allege, to no achuiral or keeper of the seas beino- upon this station, to the gi-eat destruction, ruin, and oppression, of the said counties J for remedy whereof, tliey pray that protection may be afforded to them. To which petition the king replied, that an admiral should be appointed for the safe- sruard of the seas of tlie north-western coast.* Contest The contest for the papacy, Avhich at this time agitated all Christendom, was felt so strongly in England, that a proclamation was issued by the king to the sheriff of the county of Lancaster, and to other counties, whereui it was announced, that Peter de Luna, alias Benedict xiij. and Angelo Corario, alias Gregory xij. were raslJy contending for the papal cliair, and both of them being pronounced and declared notorious heretics and schismatics by the definitive sentence of the holy and universal sjaiod canonically congregated at Pisa, the most reverend father in Christ, the lord Petro de Candias, on account of his merits, was elected by the same authority to the pontificate, by the title of Alexander V., and the sheriff was com- manded to make proclamation in all places within his jurisdiction, that the said Alexander V. was the true Roman pontifex."!' The life of king Henry IV., though only in the meridian of his years, was now drawing fast to a termination. Tlie scenes through wliich he had passed in his way to the throne, and tlie disquietude vnt\i Avliich he was assailed from so many quarters, wliile in the possession of that giddy eminence, preyed upon liis constitution, and shortened his days. Had it been his fate to remain in the sufficiently elevated, but more humble station of duke of Lancaster, it is highly probable that liis life would have been more happy, and his death less early. " Heaven knows, my son, By what by-paths, and indirect crook'd ways, I met this crown ; and I myself know well. How troublesome it sat upon my head : To thee it shall descend with better quiet, Better opinion, better confirmation, For all the soil of the achievement goes With me into the earth." Sii.AKSPEARE — Henry IV. 2d Part, Act 4. Scene 4. By his wUl, which breathes a spirit of remorse, characteristic of the state of the royal mind, he bequeathed the duchy of Lancaster as an endoAAinent to his consort the queen. Tliis document forms a favourable specimen of the state of the English * Rot. Pari. 11 Henry IV. item 5-2. t Claus. 11 Henry IV. m. 31. dors. County ^aalatine of Sanrasittr. 395 language in the early ixiit of the fifteenth century, and, being of unquestionahle chap. authority, may with jiropriety be inserted here : — WILL OF HENRY IV. " In tlie name of God, Fader, and Son, and Holy Gost, tlu-e persons and ou God. I Henry, sinful wretch, be the Grace of God, Kyng of England, and of Fraunce, and Lord of Irlaud, being in myne hole niynd, mak my testament in manere and forme that sayth : First, I bequcth to Almyghty God my sinful soul, tlie whiche had never be Avorthy to be man, but tlu-ougli hys mercy and hys gi-ase, Avhich lyffe I haxe mispendyd, whereof I put me whollily in his gi'ase and his mercy, with all myn herte. And what tym hit liketh hmi of hys mercy for to tak me to hym, the body for to be beryed in tlie chii'ch of Caunterbury, aftyr the discre- cion of my cousin the Archbyshcopp of Caunterbury. And also, I tliank all my lordis and trew peple for the trewe servise that they liave done to me, and y ask hem forgiveness if I have myssentreted hem in any Avyse. And als far as they have ofFendyd me in wordis, or in dedis in any wyse, I prey God forgeve hem hit, and y do. Also y devys and ordeyn, that ther be a chauntre perpetually of twey preestis, for to sing and prey for my soul in the aforseyd chirch of Caunterbury, in soch a plase, and aftyr soch orcUnaunce, as it seemeth best to my aforseyd cousin of Caunterbury. Also y ordeyne and devise, that of my goodcHs restitution be made to all hem that y have WTonfully grevyed, or any good had of theirs without just tytle. Also I will and ordeyne, that of my gooddis all my debtes be paied in all hast possible, and that my servants be rewardyd aftyr their uede and desert of service, and in especyal Wilkin, John Warren, and William Tliorpe, gromes of my chambre. Also y will, that all those that in eny Avyse be bond in any debt that y owe in eny wise, or have undertake to any man for eny debt that y owe, or that they can dewlye shewe liit, that oil soche persons be kept harmlysse. Also I will, that all fees and wages that are not paied be paied, and in especiall to my servaunts of my houshold before eny oder. And also, that all myn annuityes, fees and donacions, granted by me before this tym, be my lettres patents, be kept and paid aftyr the effeit of the forseyd letters patents ; and jTi especiall to all hem that have bene trewe servants to me and toward me alway. Also, y will and prey my sou that he have recommendyd Thomas de la Crois, that hath well and trewly servyed me, and also in the same wyse Jacob Raysh and Halley. Also, I will that the Queue bee endowyd of the Duche of Laucastre. Also, I ysiW that all my officers, both of houshold and other, the which nedeth to have pardon of eny thing that touch here offices both of losse and oder thing, they have pardon therof in scm1)able manere, as 3e2 396 Cfie %}i$tov^ of tl)t CHAP. I of my grase liave be wont to do befor this tym. And for to execut this testament — U well and ti-uelich, for gi-ete tryst that I have on my son the Prince, y ordeyne and mak him my execntor of my testament foreseyd, kalling to him soche as him tliinkyth in his discrecion, that can and will labour to the sonnest spcde of my will, compreliended in this myn testament. And to fulill trewly all things foresaid, y charge my foresaid son upon my blessyng. Wetnessying my wel-belovyd cousins Thomas archbyshop of Caunterbury foreseyde, and Edward duke of Yorke. Tliomas bishchop of Daresme, Richard the Lord Grey my chamberlayne, John Tiptoft m}ai treasurer of Englond, Jolni Prophete wardeine of my privie seal ; Thomas Erpingliam, John Norbery, Robert Waterton, and many oder being present. " In witnessyug whereof, my privy seele be my commandment is set to tliis my testament. " lyeve at my manere of Greenwich, the xxi day of the moneth of Janver, in tlie year of Lord Mccccviii, and of our reigne the tenth." The reign of Henry V. the second British king of the Lancastrian line, presents one of the most splendid periods in the military annals of England. During this short but eventful reign, France was once more laid prostrate at the feet of her ancient rival, and the capital of that kingdom, as well as the power of its government, was held by the British monarch with a tenacity which was not relaxed even in the hour of death. At home all was tranquillity; the cabals of the court, Avhich had embittered the last days of Henry IV. were hushed by the frank and fascinating chai'acter of his once profligate son, and the scenes of domestic discontent were confined altogether to the contests between the early reformers and the church of Rome. The Loi- The first English martjT in the cause of the Lollards was William Sautre, rector of Osythes, in London, Avho was consigned to the flames in 1401, at the instance of the church, in virtue of a writ issued by Henry IV., whose father, John of Gaunt, had been the early patron and firm friend of John Wickliffe, the founder of the obnoxious sect in England. Henry V., more influenced probably by a wish to preserve the peace and harmony of his kingdom, than by any strong predilections, espoused the cause of the church of Rome; and it should appear from a royal proclamation, issued in the fii'st year of his reign to the sheriff" of the county palatine of Lancaster, that the new schismatics had spread into this county — " Those who have turned the world upside down have come here also." In this proclamation the king announced that certain preachers, not privileged by law, or licensed by the diocesan of the place, or per- mitted by the church, of the new sect of Lollards, preach in public places, contrary to the ordinances of the church, and, under colour of preaching the Avord of God, lards. Count)) |3nlntine of Sanrasttn 397 foment and disseminate discord among the people, and tlie pestiferous seed of evil chap. doctrine. For remedy of wliicli, and to protect the catholic faith, the sheriff is com- ' manded to make proclamation that no chaplain shall hold, dogmatize, preach, or defend this heresy and error, under pain of imprisonment and forfeiture of goods; and if any persons shall he found puhlicly or privately infringing these orders, l)y holding conventicles, or congregations, or receiving the preachers of the ohnoxious doctrines, or shall be really and vehemently suspected of so doing, they shall be committed to prison without delay, to remain there until they shall obey the man- dates of the diocesan in whose diocese they liaAe preached, to be certified by the diocesan himself.* The demand for reformation in the doctrine and the discipUne of the church was far too loud and too Avidely extended to be silenced by proclama- tions ; and hence we find fi-om anotlier royal mandate addressed to the chancellor of the county palatine of Lancaster in the following year, that divers of the liege subjects of the king, on the incitement and instigation " of a most cunning and subtle enemy," Lord Cob- sir John Oldcastle (lord Cobham), holding and teaching various opinions manifestly contrary and obnoxious to the catholic faith, and to sound doctrine, stood charged with wickedly imagining aAd conspiring the king's death, because he and his coun- sellors would not assent to these doctrines. The accused parties, too conscientious to plead not guilty of an offence Avhich they had actually committed, or under some other influence Avhich it is now difficult to (hscover, confessed their guilt ; and the king of his special gi-ace pardoned all the offenders, except lord Cobham, sir Thomas Talbot, knight, and ten other persons of inferior station. This pardon the chancellor was requu-ed to proclaim through the whole of his jurisdiction ; and the reformers, Avith the above exceptions, some of whom had taken refuge in the places of sanctuary — ■ Manchester and Lancaster being of that number — were allowed to plead the royal pardon before the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next ensuing.f A number of tlie Lollards forfeited their lives to the dictates of their consciences ; for it is impossible to impute to the gi-eat mass of them any sinister motive; and lord Cobliam, the most zealous and distinguished of their number, was hung up by tlie middle, upon a gallows erected in St. George's Fields, where he was consumed alive in the fire, praising God with his last breath. These terrible examples checked for a time the spread of Lollardy ; but the fires only smouldered ; and, in the reign of Henry VIII. under sanction of the king, they burst forth with a force so iii-esistible, as to destroy the whole power of the " holy Anglican mother church." At this period a large accession of wealth and power was made to the duchy of ' * Claus. 1 Hen. V. f Clans. 2 Henry V. m. 24. 398 CI)c jK'sitorp of tl)t CHAP. Lancaster, by the union of the rights and possessions of the county of Hereford to the duchy, under the sanction of the following royal ordinance : — Union of the county of Here- ford to the " Tlie Imig, hy the assent of parliament, declares, grants, and ordains, that all duchy of |],g honors, castles, hundreds, manors, lands, tenements, reversions, rents, services, Lancaster. ' ' , , , ; , , ; AD 1414, fees, advowsons, possessions, and lordships, as well witliin the kingdom of England as in parts of Wales and other places, ^rithin the king's lordships, which have descended, or shall descend inheritahly to the king, after the death of Dame Maria, one of the daughters and heiis of Humphrey de Bohun, formerly Earl of Hereford, Essex, and Northampton, and Constable of England, as to tlie son and heii- of that Dame Mary; also, that all the rights, liberties, franchises, and frank customs, to the same inheritance appertaining or regarding, be severed from the crown of England, and adjoined, annexed, luiited, and incorporated, to and vnth the said Idng's duchy of Lancaster, perpetually to remain to the same Idng, as being so adjoined, united, annexed, and incorporated; and furtlier, that all the honors, castles, hundreds, wapentakes, manors, lands, tenements, and reversions aforesaid, and all other things to the said inheritance regarding, and the vassals and tenants to it apper- taining, he also entirely enfranchised, and by the officers treated, guarded, and governed, in all respects, as possessions to the said duchy appertaining, and the vassals and tenants to the same duchy regarding, are enfranchised, treated, guarded, and governed, for ever; and this, accorchng to the form, force, and effect of the words contained in a schedule passed in this pai-liament; and by the king, with the assent of the Lords aforesaid, and the authority aforesaid, fully affiinned." Then follows an enumeration of the possessions at great length.* Scarcely had the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster proclaimed, by royal command, the truce between England and Castile and Leon, when the king of Eng- land embarked for France with an army of six thousand cavalry, and tAventy-foiir thousand foot, principally archers. After carrpng the garrison of Harfaur, and leaving a number of his troops to defend that fortress, Henry, at the head of his The battle troops, marched for Calais, but on liis way he was interrupted by a hostile army of courF. fourteen thousand cavalry and forty thousand infantry, under the command of the constable of France, and obliged to come to battle on the phiins of Agincourt. * Rot. Pari. vol. iv. p. 46. While speaking of this act, Sir Edward Coke says — " For the great roialties, liberties, privileges, immunities, quitances, and freedoms, which the duke of Lancaster had for him and his men and tenants, see Rot. Pari, die Lunse post octav. Sancti Martini an. 2 Henry V. all which are established, ratified, and continued by authority of parliament, necessary to be known by such as have any of these possessions." Fourth Institute, p. 210. Counti? ^alatmc of %m(n^tn\ 399 Here the glories of Cressy and Poictiers were renewed, and the cry of " a Derby" en \i or " an Edward," was not more piercing in the ears of the discomfited Frencli army L on those fields of EngUsh glory, than was the cry of " a Henry" on the field of Agincourt : — " Tliis note doth tell me of ten thousand French, That in the field lie slain : of princes, in this number, And nobles bearing banners, there lie dead One hundred twenty six : added to these, Of knights, esquires, and gallant gentlemen, Eight thousand and four hundred ; of the which Five hundred were but yesterday dubb'd knights : So that, in these ten thousand they have lost, There are but sixteen hundred mercenaries ; The rest are — princes, barons, lords, knights, 'squires, And gentlemen of blood and quality." Shakspeare — King Henry V. Act 4. Scene 8. The loss of the English in this memorable battle, which destroyed the military power of France, was incredibly small ; some of the contemporary authorities say, not exceeding forty men, amongst whom Avere Edward duke of York and the earl of Suffolk. That this number is much underrated cannot be doubted, and if the nature of the engagement did not establish that fact, it might be inferred from the proclama- tion to the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, issued by the king soon afterwards, for the purpose of recruiting his army, by wliich all knights, esquires, and valets, holding fees or annuities of the khig for term of years, or for hfe, were required, under forfeiture of the same, to appear in their own persons at Southampton, to cross the seas to France, an-ayed and furnislied with supplies for three mouths* Before the departure of the king for France, he instituted commissions of array Coramis- in this and the other counties of England, to take a review of all the freemen able to array. bear arms, and to didde them into companies, that they might be kept in readiness to resist aji enemy. "This," says Mr. Hmne, " was the fii'st comiuission of array wliich we meet with in English history." How a writer of so much research should have fallen into the error of supposing that there had existed in England no commission of array till the time of Henry V. it is not easy to imagine ; commis- sions of tliis nature had been instituted two centuries before, and the number of them in oi)eration in the reigns of the Edwards, in the county of Lancaster alone, it is difficult to estimate. * Claus. 4 Hen. V. m. 21. d. 400 m)t n^i'stxirj) of tin CHAP. X. The crown jewels pledged, to carry on the war. Redeem- ed. Death of Henry V. The necessities of the state had plunged the king into great pecuniary difficulties ; and although the county of Hereford, with its land revenues, had recently been added to liis hereditary possessions, he was obliged, before he could embark his troops for France, to raise supplies by pledging the crown jewels. The loans obtained in this way had been contracted for with so much precipitation, and the regalia had been so widely dispersed, that a proclamation was issued by the king to the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, Avherein it Avas announced, that certain royal jewels, of no little value, had been committed and pledged, for the greater expedition of the king's voyage lately made to France, to certain of his liege subjects retained in the expedition, for the payment of their wages, which jewels it was now proper should be restored; the chancellor was therefore com- manded to proclaim, that all persons within his jurisdiction, who had received such pledged jewels, should present them in person at the public treasury, in order that they might be redeemed ; in default whereof, the offending parties were rendered liable to forfeit all theii- goods.* The career of king Henry V. Avas as short as it was brilliant ; a mortal malady seized him at tlie age of thirty-four years, and consigned the conqueror of France to the tomb. His principal care in Ids last illness, was to provide for the secure possession of his French conquest, to his infant son, Henry VL, then but nine months old, — little suspecting, that this unfortunate child would not, in his mature yeai-s, be able to maintain even liis English possessions, and that, in his person, the Lancaster line would be pushed from tlie throne of his fathers. The Will of Henry V. bears date tlu-ee years before his mai-riage to the princess Catharine, and four years before the birth of his only son. By that Will, the royal testator bequeaths his duchy of Lancaster to liis two brothers, John duke of Bedford, and Humphrey duke of Gloucester, in these terms : — Royal Will. " I wol and pray ye forsaid feffez, yat first my dettes paiet, and plain and entiere execucion of my last wille daen, ye forsaid feffez in ye forsaid castils and manoirs of Halton and Cliderhow, and in alle othir lordships, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, services, and other possessions, in my forsaid lettres patentes, with ye forsaid castils of Halton and Clyderhow especifet, do departe as evenly as yay may in two parties egales ye same castils and lordsliips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, services, and other possessions, Avith ye said castils of Halton and Cliderhow, expresset in ye same my lettres patentes : And in as much as yai may godely, ye forsaid feffez do assigne in ye toon of ye said two par-ties, castils, lordsliips, manores, landes, tenementz, rentes, services, and other possessions, in the South costees ; and * Claus. 4 Henry V. mil. dors. Cotmtj) ^alatint of iCancasitfi. 40i in ye totliir of ye said two parties, ye said feffez do assigne castils, lordships, manoirs, chai', laudes, teuementz, rentes, services, and otliir possessions in ye North costees of ^' Yngland ; and such departison maad by ye said feffez, I wol and pray hem yet in alle ye said castils, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, services, and other posses- sions, Avith alle yaire appurtenances yat shal in ye foi-me before said be assignet in said North costees of Yngland, ye said feffez do enfeffe my brotliir John due of Beford, to have and to hold to hym and to his heii-s mals of his body comyno- :" * * * * * * * "And allso I wol and pray ye forsaid feffez, yat in alle ye forsaid castils, lordsliips, manoirs, landes, tenementz, rentes, services, and other possessions, A^-ith alle yair appurtenances yat shal in ye forme aforesaid be assignet in ye said South costees of Yngland, ye said feffez do enfeffe my brother Umfray due of Gloucestre, to have and to hold to hym and to his heirs mals of his body comyng."* J34p • This was the last Will of Henry V., but the subsequent birth of a son abrogated its principal bequests, and the whole duchy of Lancaster descended to Henry VI. VOL. I. 3 F 402 Cftc iljisitoij) of ti)t C&ap, p. Scarcity of records for history during the Wars of the Roses. — Marriage of Henry VI. — Lancaster Herald. — Witchcraft. — The Lancashire alchymists, Sir Edmund TrafTord and Sir Thomas Ashton. — Their patent. — Claims of the rival houses of York and Lancaster to the throne. — Their official pedigrees. — Wars of the Roses. — Letter from the earl of Marche and the earl of Rutland, sons of the duke of York, (with fac-simile.) — Badges of the house of Lancaster. — Declaration against Lord Stanley. — State of public morals. — Unsuccessful attempt to compromise the difference between the rival houses. — Henry VL dethroned by Edward IV. — Henry seeks an asylum in Lancashire. — ^Taken by Sir John Talbot. — Sir John's grant for this service. — Catastrophe of the Lancastrian family. — Edward V. murdered in the Tower. — Coronation of Richard III. — Letters patent granted by him. — His warrant for seizing a rebel's land in Lancashire. — The king's jealousy towards the duke of Richmond, son-in-law of Lord Stanley, extends to his lordship. — Attainder of Lady Stanley, countess of Richmond.— Landing of the duke of Richmond in England. — Battle of Bosworth field. — Confiscation of Lancashire estates. — Union of the houses of York and Lancaster. — Sweating sickness. — Lambert Simnell and Perkin Warbeck, pretenders to the throne. — Fatal consequences of the civil wars to the duke of York's family, (note.) — Sir William Stanley accused of high treason. — Condemned and executed. — Henry VII. 's royal progress to Lancashire. — Letter of the countess of Derby and Richmond, (fac-simile.) — Execution of Edward, earl of Warwick, the last male of the Plantagenet line. — Death of Henry VII. CHAP. XI. Defici- ency of public records during the wars of the roses. LTHOUGH few periods in English history afford so many materials for the pen of the general and local historian, as that comprehended in the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., during which time the wars hetween the houses of York and Lancaster raged mth so much fury ; and that of the reign of Henry VII., when these intestine hroils were happily composed by the union of the rival houses in the persons of Henry VII. and liis queen ; yet there is no time, from the reign of king Stephen, so destitute as this of authentic records. The savage and murderous contests of tlie court and of the people, appear so to have disorganized society, that the usual communications between the authorities in the provinces and the government were neglected ; or if proclamations and edicts were issued in the several counties, they perished ^vith Countj) palatine of ?LaiuaeiUr, 403 many of those to whom they were addi-essed, the usual depositories being found chap. almost entirely destitute of these documents. This paucity of official information is " the more extraordinaiy, seeing that the art of printing, tliat gi'cat engine of multi- plication, was introduced into England by WiUiam Caxton, in 1471, during the wars of the roses. Many of the conquests made in France by Henry V. were lost during the regency appointed for the government of England, in the nonage of his successor, who, in his twenty-thuxl year, contracted marriage with Margaret of Anjou, daugliter Marriage of Regnier, tituku" king of Sicily, Naples, and Jerusalem. The commanchug and Henry vi. masculine talents of Ids royal consort would, it was conceived, compensate for the weakness and effeminacy of the king ; and though she brought no possessions, the French province of the Main, then a pai*t of the English territory, was, by a seci'et treaty, ceded to Charles, her uncle, on the consummation of the royal mai-riage. By a singidar coincidence, the king had, seven years before this event, changed tlie title of " Anjou king of arms," in the English heralds' college, to that of " Lancaster king of arms ;" and in a list of new year's gifts presented by king Heralds Henry VI., in 1436, to the Lancaster herald, as well as to a person who was then created a j)ursuivant of arms, by the title of Collar, there is a silver bell each, but for Avhat purpose it is cUfficult to comprehend. Tliis list is preserved, Avith many otliers of a sunilar Idnd, in the Cottonian MSS.* in the British Museum, and the entiy refeiTed to is thus expressed : — " Item, delivd by your saide comaundefht, the erles of Warewyke and Stafford, and your chamb'leyn beyng p sent at that same tyme, that is to say, on Allehalo wen- day laste, at Merton, wlianne ye wer crowned,| ye gaf to an heraude kynge of armes afore tliat tjane called Aunyoye, and thanne at that fest lus name changed by yow and called Lancastre, j belle of sylver weyng xvj unc, and an other belle of sylver at that tyme delived to oon that Avas made pursevant, and thanne called Color, the which weyed viij unc. " W. Phelyp, Chaumblein." No sooner had the queen arrived in the English court, than she entered into all the intrigues by which it Avas agitated. The duke of Gloucester, uncle to tlie king, having become obnoxious to the predominant party, at the head of Avliich stood Cai-dinal Winchester and the dulies of Bucldngham, Somerset, and Suffolk, he was marked out as their A-ictim, The duchess of Gloucester, Eleanor, the daughter of * Cleop. F. iv. fo. 103, (Orig.) f i. e. wearing the crown. 3 F 2 404 Cf)f ?f?l£itOll> Of tl)t CHAP, lord Cobham, a lady of liauglity carriage and ambitious mind, being attached to the . prevailing superstitions of the day, was accused of the crime of witchcraft ; and it Tiie was alleged against her and her associate, Sir Roger Bolingbroke, a priest, and duchess o o J. ' ofGioii- Margery Jourdain, the witcli of Eye, tliat they had in tlieir possession a wax ("ester charged figure of the Iving, which th.ey melted by a magical dence before a slow fire, Avith witch- the intention of wasting away his force and vigour by insensible degi-ees. Tliis story partakes of the nature of the kindred superstition which prevailed a century and a half afterwards, and of whicli Fernando, earl of Derby, was the subject, if not the victim : and as we have traced the popular Lancashire tratUtion of the eagle and cliild up to the time of Alfred, we now find that the Avax figure in witchcraft takes its date at a period antecedent to the wars of the houses of York and Lancaster. The imbecile mind of Henry was sensibly afTetted by this wicked invention ; and the duchess, on being brouglit to trial, and found giiUty of the design to destroy the king and his ministers by the agency of witchcraft was sentenced to do public penance, and to suffer perpetual imjirisonment while her confederates were con- demned to death, and executed. After enduring the ignominy of her public penance, rendered peculiarly severe by the exalted station from wliich she had fallen, the Hanished ducliess was banished to the Isle of Man, where she was placed under the ward of to the Isle _ i of Mail. Sir Thomas Stanley. On her way to the place of exile, she was confined for some time, first in Leeds castle, and afterwards in the castle of Liverpool.* — Events so congenial with the imagination of our great dramatic poet, could scarcely fail to find their way into his historical plays ; and hence we find, in the second part of his Henry VL, a small stream of historical fact running through an ample meadoAv of poetic fiction, in which the duchess is exhibited and detected in the midst of these works of darkness-t After remaining in the Isle of Man some years, it would appear that this unfortmiate lady was transferred to Calais, under the ward of Sir John Steward, or, as he describes himself, "Johannes Seneschallus, miles, filius Johannis Seneschalli, aliter dicti Scot Angli." From the Will of this knight, it appears that he was a resident, and had an important command in Calais, in the mother church of which town he desires to be buried. He names John Roos as liis confessor ; bequeaths to his eldest son, Thomas, all his harness of war, and his ship, the Giace de Dieu, which his master, the duke of Bedford, had given him, together with liis lands in the marches of Calais. To Sir Thomas Criell he leaves " a ring wUh a diamond, which Eleanor Cobham, duchess of Gloucester, (fare me nliile she lived with me as my prisoner." " Wilhehni Wyrcestrii Annales Reiiini Anglicaruni, pp. 460, 461. t Shakespeare, Henry VI. part ii. act 1. scene 4. Coimtj) palatine of SanraiStfr* 405 Tlie duke of Gloucester, if possible, more unfortunate than his lady, was accused .chap. XI. of liigh ti'eason, in aspiring to the throne, and summoned to take his trial before the liigh court of parliament at Bury St. Edmond's ; but, on the eve of the investigation, Tiie fill It #*^ he was found dead in his bed, without marks of violence, though by no means f„te. without strong suspicion that he had fallen a victuu to the cruel devices of his relentless persecutors. While the duchess of Gloucester and sir Roger Bolingbroke were employed in the prosecution of their magical arts, two Lancashire knights at the head of the principal families in tlie county, were actively engaged in the equally delusive, though less criminal, science of alchjnny, and transmutation of metals — that ifjnisfatuus which has conducted so many ingenious men to their ruin. The Idng had on a former 1458. occasion commissioned three philosophers to make the precious metals, without receiving any return from them in gold and silver : his credulity, however, like that of many Aviser men, was unshaken by disappointment, and he issued a pompous grant in fa-^our of three otlier alchymists, who boasted that they could not only trans- mute the inferior metals into gold and silver, but that they could also impart to man perpetual youth, with unimpaired poAvers of mind and body, by means of a specific, called — The Mother and Queen of Medicines — The inestimable Glory — The Quint- essence, or, Tlie Elixir of Life. In favour of these tlu'ee " lovers of trutli and haters of deception," as they modestly styled themselves, Henry dispensed with the law passed by his royal grandfather,* — a very unnecessary law, against the undue multiplication of gold and silver, and empowered, not enabled, them to transmute the inferior into precious metals. This extraordinary commission had the sanction of parliament, and two out of the three commissioners were Sir Tliomas Ashton, of -piie Lan- Ashton-under-Luae, and Sir Edmund Trafford, of TrafTordj the latter of whom had ^^l^"'^ assisted at the coronation of the king, and received the honour of Knight of the Bath ""*'^- on that occasion. Tliese sages, miposing probably upon themselves as Avell as upon otliers, kept the Idng's expectations Avound up to the highest pitch, and, in the fol- lowing year, he actually informed liis people, that the hour Avas approacliing, Avhen, by the means of the stone, he should be enabled to pay off all liis debts ! It is scai'cely necessary to ajdd, that this plulosopher's stone never gave forth its expected A-irtues ; and tlie Idng's debts must have remained unpaid, had his majesty not paAvned the revenue of tlie duchy of Lancaster, to satisfy the demands of liis clamorous creditors. The patent for transmuting the inferior metals into gold and sUver was granted by the Idng to these tAVO Lancashire alchymists in the 24th year of his reign, in Avliich they Avere encouraged to prosecute their experiments, and by Avhich aU the king's servants and subjects Avere interdicted from giving them any molestation. * 5 Henry IV. c. 4. 406 €\)t i^isitorj) of tin CHAP. „ Patent to Sir Edmund Trafford and Sir Thomas Ashton, • Pat. 2. Num. 14. in Turr. Lon. " Rex omnibus ad quos &c. Salutem, — Sciatis quod cum dilecti & fidelesnostri Edmuudus de TrafTord Miles & Thomas Asliton Miles nobis per quandam supplica- tionem monstraverint quod quamns ipsi super certis metallis per ai'tem sive scien- tiam Pliilosopliiae operari vellent, metalla imperfecta de suo proprio genere transferre, et tunc ea per dictam artem sive scientiam in aurum sive argentmn perfectmn tran- substantiare ad omnimodas probationes & examiiiatioues, sicut aliquod aurum sive aro-entum in aliqua miuera crescens, expectandum, Sc indurandum, ut dicunt, niliilo- miuus certa; persona;, illis malevolentes, & malignantes, supponunt ipsos per artem illicitam operari, & sic ipsos in probatione dictae artis sive scientiae impedire & per- turbare possunt; nos, praemissa considerantes, & conclusiouem dictse operationis sive scientia; scire volentes, de Gratia nostra speciali concessimus, & Licentiam dedimus eisdem Edmundo & Thomse, & ipsorum servientibus quod ipsi artem sive scientiam prffidictam operari, & probare possint licite & impune absque impetitione nostra vel Ofiiciariorum uostrorum quorumcunque, aliqua Statuta, Acto, Ordinatione, sive Provisione in contrarium fact: ordinat: sive provis: non obstant: In cujus, &c. " Test: Rege apud West: 7 die Apr: 1446." The madness of party rage rendered the government of England indifferent to the retention of foreign possessions ; and the whole province of Bayonne, wliich had been obtained three centuries before, at the price of so much blood and treasure, was ceded to France, with as little ceremony as in modern times a gold snuff-box would be presented to a plenipotentiary. The indifference of the com-t was not shared by the people. They beheld this curtailment of their ancient possessions with that diso-ust wliich it was so well calculated to excite. The embers of discontent were easily blown into a flame by the duke of York and his adherents. And the duke of Suffolk, the favourite of the Idng, and the reputed paramour of the queen, after having been unpeached on a charge of ceding the province of the Main to Cliai-les of Anjou, without authority, and suiTendering the province of Bayonne without a struffole, was banished the kingdom. To prevent the duke, whose friends were numerous and powerful, from ever again resuming the helm of state, he was seized by a band of pii-ates, employed by his enemies on liis voyage to the Continent, and his head struck off and thrown into the sea. The popular insurrection of Jack Cade was a part of the same system of hostility towards the house of Lancaster; and the duke of York at length openly advanced his clauns to that sceptre which the feeble representative of the house of Lancaster was unable to A\-ield. Trial and execution of the king's minister. €ount|) |3alatmc of Sancasften 407 The seeds of this contest, though apparently sown in the time of king chap Edward III., may, in fact, be traced back to the tune of Henry III., wlio died a " centuiy before, leaving two sons, Edward I., and Edmund Crouchback, earl of Houses of Lancaster, the founder of that house, whose inheritance afterwards, in a fourth Lancaster, descent, fell on Blanch, married to John of Gaunt, the fourth son of Edward III., who, in right of his wife, was duke of Lancaster ; and whose son, Henry of Boling- broke, afterwards Henry IV., dethroned Richard II., pretending, amongst other tilings, that Edmund Crouchback was the elder son of Henry III., and unjustly set aside from the crown, because he was crook-backed. The crown remained, as we have seen, in the house of Lancaster, for three descents, when Richard, duke of York, descended from Edmund Langley, younger brother of John of Gaunt, made claim to the crown, by title of his grandmother, who was heii- of Lionell, duke of Clarence, elder brother of John of Gaunt. The pedigrees of these rival claimants have at all times fonned matter of discussion in English history ; and one of our best historians, Mr. Hume, has fallen into some errors on this subject ; this is the more to be wondered at, as the descents are exliibited with gi'eat clearness and perspi- cuity in the Rolls of Parliament, 1 Edward IV., No. 8, from which the following is an extract : — " FoRSOMOcn as it is notarie, openly and CA'ydently knowen, that the right noble and worthy Prynce, Henry Kyng of England the thii-de, had issue Edward his first official goten son, born at Westmynster, the xv kalende of Juyll, in the VigUle of Seint of'^Thr Marce and Marcellian, the yere of oure Lord mccxxxix : and Echnund liis secund r°J^' , ' •' ' houses of goten son, born on Saint Marcell' day, the yere of oure Lord mccxlv. The wliich y°'^ ^"^[ Edward, after the deth of the seid Kyng Henry liis Fader, entitled and called Kyng Edward the furst, had issue his furst goten Son, entitled and called, after the decesse of the same Edward the furst his Fader, Kyng Edward the secund ; which had issue the right noble and honorable Prynce Kyng Edward the tliii'd, ti'ue and undented Kyng of England and of Fraunce, and Lord of Irlond ; which Edward the tliird, had issue Edward his furst goten Son, Prynce of Wales, William Hatfeld, secund goten Son, Leonell thu'd goten Son Due of Clarence, John of Gaunt, fourth goten Son Due of Lancastr', Edmund Langley the fift goten Son Due of York, Thomas Wodestoke the sixt goten Son Due of Gloucestr', and Wilhani W\Tidesore the yii"' goten Son. And the seid Edward Prynce of Wales, Avliicli dyed in the lyf of the seid Kyng Edward the third liis Fader, had issue Richard ; wluch, after the deth of the same KjTig Edward the thii'd, as Cousyn and heii-e to hym, that is to sey, Son to the seid Edward Prynce of Wales, Son nnto the seid Kyng Edward the tliird, succeeded hym in Roiall estate and dignitee, lawfully entitled and called Kyng 408 Cftf S^lSitOtT) Of t\)t CHAP. Richard the secuud, and dyed Tvdthoute issue. William Hatfeld, the secund goten — 1_^ — Son of the seid Kyng Edward the tliii-d, dyed without issue. The seid Leonell Due of Clarence, the third goten Son of the same Kyng Edward, had issue Philip' liis oouly Daughter, and dyed ; and tlie same Philip', wedded unto Edmund Mor- tymer, Erie of Marclie, had issue hy the same Edmund, Roger Mortpner, Erie of Mai'che, iiir son and heire ; which Edmund and Philip' dyed ; the same Roger Erie of Marche had issue Edmund MortjTiier Erie of Marche, Roger, Anne, and Alianore, and dyed; and also the same Edmund and Roger, Sonnes of the forseid Roger, and the said Alianore, dyed withoute issue ; and the same Anne wedded unto Richai'd Erie of Camhrigge, the Son of the seid Edmund Langley, the lift goten Son of the seid Kyng Edward the tliird, as it is afore specifyed, had issue that right nohle and famous Pryuce, of full worthie memorie, Richard Plantagenet Due of York." Tliis official pedigree proceeds to say, that the succession to the throne remained undisturbed till the time that Henry of Bolingbroke, late earl of Derby, " Son of the seid John of Gaunt, the fourth goten Son of the seid Kyng Edward the thu-d, and yonger brother of the seid Leonell, temerously agenst rightMituess and justice, by force and armes, agenst his faith and Liegeaunce, rered were at Flynte in Wales, agenst the seid Kyng Richard, hym take and enprisoned in the Toure of London of gi'ete violence ; and the same Kyng Richard soo beyug in Prison and lyving, usm'ped and intruded upon the Roiall Power, Estate, Dignitie, Preemjnience, Possessions and Lordsliip aforeseid, takyng upon hjnn usurpously the Coroune and name of Kyng and Lord of the same Reame and Lordship ; and not therwith satisfyed or content, but more gi*evous tliyng' attemptyng, wykidly of unnaturall, unmanly, and cruell tyi'anny, the same Kyng Richard, Kyng enoynted, coroued, and consecrate, and his Liege and moost liigli Lord in the erth, agenst Godds Lawe, Mannes Liegeaunce, and otli of fidelite, with uttermost punicion attormentyng, murdred and destroied, with moost vyle, heyuous, and lamentable deth ; wherof the heavy excla- mation in the dome of every Cristen Man souudeth into Godds herying in heven, not forgoteu in the erth, specially in tliis Reame of England, which therefore hath sufFred the charge of intolerable persecution, punicion, and tribulation, wherof the lyke hath not been seen or herde in any other Cristen Reame, by any memorie or recorde ; then bejdng on lyve, the seid Edmund Mortyraer Erie of Marche, Son and heire of the seid Roger, Son and heire of the said Philip', Daughter and heire to the seid Leonell the third Son of the seid Kyng Edward the thii-d. To the which Edmund, after the decesse of the seid Kyag Richard, the right and title of the same Coroune and Lordship tlien by law, custume, and conscience, descended and belonged." County) |3alatine of aniuastcr. 409 Upon this gi-ouml, the duke of York founded his claim, hy succession, to the chap. throne of England, and was supported by a number of the most powerful nobles of " the land.* Amongst his partisans, the duke had the fortune to lunnbcr the carl of Changes War\\ick, a man of unbounded influence, combined with great decision of character, straiion. and whose future achieA'ements in this memorable quarrel obtained for him tlie name of the " king maker." The duke's first demand was for a refoim of abuses in the administration of public affairs. An alarming disease by which the king was attacked at tliis juncture, suggested the necessity of a regency ; and the duke of York, by the authority of parliament, though in contravention of the ^Hshes of tlic queen and her party, was appointed regent, under the designation of lieutenant of the kiugdom. * John Stowe, the annalist, has set up a replication against the claim of the house of York, and in favour of the house of Lancaster, which is not much known, and which is too curious to be with- held while treating on this subject. This document is contained in the Harl. MSS. Cod. 543, in the hand-writing of Stowe, and is as follows : — " Here followeth the Replication made agaynst the title and clayme by the Due of Yorke to the crowne and Realmes of england and fraunce, which that the sayd agaynst the o i j Duke of Vorke. ^^^^ claymithe by the right and title of sir lionell the third sonne of Kynge Edward the third, and by Philipe dowghter and heire to the sayd sir Lionell, whiche clayme and tytle so made may be no true nor right wyse clayme nor title duringe the lyfe of Kinge Henry the syxt and his heires lyvinge after hym as hereafter foUowinge, is more openly shewed and playnely declared. " Be it knowne to all well disposed people havynge will to vnderstond the truthe that thoughe it so were the right of the crownes of england and of fraunce might descend vnto a woman as it may not, which is sufficiently proved in the trete there of made by the old knight exiled, and alls it shuld perteyne to the Kynge of Scotts, which descended of an elder stocke by a woman L Chefe JusUce"' ^^^'^'^ ^^'"'^ Margaret dowghter of the Kynge of england, then any man now of england. clayminge the crowne of england. but yet for the more declaration of truthe it is to be had in mynd that Edward now occupienge the crowne of england by a pretensed title, sayinge he is descended there vnto by the right of a woman called dame Philipe dowghter as he saythe to sir lionell of Andewarpe elder brother to sir John of Gaunt, of whom is linially descended the very true christen prince kynge Henry the syxt. The whiche Edward hath no right to the sayd Crowne by the above sayd dame philipe. For it is playnly founde in the crownes of fraunce and of holand, that the sayd dame Philipe was conseyved in addowtry, and gotten vpon the wyffe of the above sayd leonill, by one S'' James of Audley, knight, which was steward of the Hows- hold of the above sayd wyffe of S' leonell. The whiche S'' Leonell beinge absent by the space of one yere and halfe from his wyffe before the byrthe of the sayde dame Philipe, which S'' James Audley afterward for that offence was beheded, and S' leonell, duke of Clarence, devorsed by the law from the sayd dame Philipe his wyffe. And after was wedded to the dowghter of the duke of melayne and in that contrie dyed and in Pavy is buried not far from Melayne and sawe never his first wyfe dame Philipa after with his eyne. And also she was exiled into yrland with his sayd dowghter Philipe, which Philipe had never fote of land of the dutchy of Clarence nor bare the armes of England, ne none that VOL. I. 3 G 410 €l)t ilnsitcip of tin CHAP. On the recovery of the king, the duke of York was expelled from the regency, ^'' ijut his thii'st for regal power, combined with a consciousness of the legitimacy of The duke liis lierethtary claims, fixed his wavering purpose; and Shakspeare has happily ambittous^ expressed the cogitations of the ducal claimant, at this crisis of liis destiny : — projects. " York. Now, York, or never, steel thy fearful thoughts, And change misdoubt to resolution ; Be that thou hop'st to be ; or what thou art Resign to death, it is not worth the enjoying ; Let pale-fac'd fear keep with the mean-born man, And find no harbour in a royal heart. Faster than spring-time showers, comes thought on thought ; And not a thought but thinks on dignity. My brain, more busy than the labouring spider. Weaves tedious snares to trap mine enemies. ****** I will stir up in England some black storm, Shall blow ten thousand souls to heaven or hell ; And this fell tempest shall not cease to rage Until the golden circuit on my head. Like to the glorious sun's transparent beams, Do calm the fury of this mad-bred flaw." First bat- Having levied an army in the north, the duke marched to St. Alban's, where ^'"^ ^^\, the first battle between the houses of York and Lancaster took place. In this tween the ^ houses of |)attle, wliich was foug-ht on the 12th of May, the Lancastrians sufiered a severe York and ' '^ "^ _ Lancaster, defeat, and about five thousand of their troops remahied dead upon the field, amongst whom were the duke of Somerset, the duke of Buckingham, the earls of Northumber- land and Stafford, lord Clifford, and a number of other persons of distinction. The king himself fell into the hands of the duke of York, who assumed the power of governing the state, but rather in the capacity of regent than of sovereign. descended from hir, by theyre right as they shuld have done if she had bene the dowghter of the sayd leonell, which S'' leonell whan he was ded and the writts called diem clausit extremu were sent out into all the Shires of england, they were all returned that the sayd S' leonell dyed without heire or yssue of his body lawfully begotten, where fore kynge Edward the third toke all the lands of Sir leonell into his own hands. And at a Parliament not long after declared this case above sayde vnto all his people. In the which Parliament by thadvyse of all the lords and Comons of england, he entayled the Crowne to his heires males. And for a perpetuall witnesse that his dowghters were agreed vnto the same they cam all into the open parliament in theyr mantles of estate embrowdered with tharmes of england and there openly dysclaymed and renounsed from them and theyre heirs all the right and title that they had or might of possebylite have to the Crownes of england and of fraunce. In record whereof they let of all theyr mantles there and departed out of the parliament in their shirtes. So this is a sufficient declaration that thabove remembred Edward that now occupiethe the crowne hath no right there to. Fol. 163, b. Countj) |)alatme of Kanrndtnv 411 A letter written by tlic sons of the duke of York, the earl of March, afterwards chap. V I Edward IV., and his brother Edmund, earl of Rutland, from Ludlow castle, serves to L_ shew how deeply tliese young minds were already imbued with the spirit of tlie contest j^Jj'.'f ,1,^ by which one of them Avas to be plunged into a premature grave, and the otlicr exalted ^,'J^'^j; "' to a crowTi : — " RVGHT HIEGH AND MyGHTY PrINCE, " Our most worscliipfuli and gretely redoubted Lorde and Fader, in as lowcly wyse as any sonnes can or may, we recomaunde us un to your good Lordscliip. And plaese hit yoiu* hicglmesse to witte that we have ]'eceyved your worschipfult tres yesturday by your sv'nt WilPm Cleton, ber^aig date at Yorke the xxix day of May, by the wliiche WilPm & by the relaciou of John Milewaticr we conceyve your worschipful & Aactorious spede ageniest your enemyse to ther gi'ete shame, and to us the most comfortable tydings that we desired to hei'e. Where of we thanke almyghty God of his yeste Besechyng hym hertely to geve youe that g"ce & cotitUan fortune here aftur to knowe your enemyse & to have the victory of them. And yef hit plaese your liieghnesse to luiowe of our wilfare at the makyng of tliis tre We were in good helth of bodis thonked be God, Besechyng your good & g'ciouse faderhode of your daily blessmg. And where ye comaunde us by your said tres to attende specially to our lernyng in our yong age that schulde cause us to growe to honor & worschip in our olde age, Plaese liit you liieghnesse to witte that we have attended our lernyng sith we come heder. And schall hereafter, by the whiche we trust to God your gi'aciouse Loi-deschip and good fadiirhode schall be plaesid. Also we beseche your good Lordeschip that it may plaese youe to sende us Harry Lovedeyne grome of your kechyii whos svice is to us ryght agitable And we will sende youe John Boys to wayte on your good Lordscliip. Rieght hiegh and myghty Prince our most worschipfull and gretely redoubted Lorde and Fader we beseeche Almyghty God geve youe as good lyfe and long as your owne Princely hert con best desire. Writen at your Castill of Lodelowe the iij day of Jun (1454). £\mrMc9/3- y>n<)-'«g«' his wife because she Avould not become his mistress, and took the wife of another man (Shore) as liis mistress." Warwick could not brook this insult; he complained R„p,,,, loudly of the king's conduct towards him, and associated himself with such malcon- 'v'"' '^*'^^" tents as seemed disposed to question and to overthrow the king's authority. 422 ClK Sn'EitOlT) Of ti)t CHAP. XI. Attempt to raise a rebellion in Lan- cashire against the house of York. Flight of Edward. Restora- tion of Henry. Edward's return. April 11, 1471. Battle of Barnet. Death of Warwick. The earl being joined by the duke of Clarence, they collected a number of their adherents, and marched into Lancasliire, where they importuned lord Stanley, who had married Eleonore, the earl of Warwick's sister, to embrace their cause. To tliis application lord Stanley returned a peremptory refusal, and the project of j-ising in arms to displace his royal master was for the present abandoned by the earl of Warwick. The " king-maker" was, however, of a spirit too intrepid to be diverted from his purpose by a disappointment of tliis nature ; in the month of September, in the same year, the attempt was renewed, and the eai'l and the duke, availing them- selves of the zeal of the Lancastrian pai'ty, and of the general discontent Avhich Edward's extravagance and imprudence had excited, they raised the standard of revolt in the centre of the Idngdom, supported by an army of 60,000 men. Edward hastened to encounter this formidable enemy, and the two armies approached each other near Nottingham. On tlie eve of the battle, Edward was surprised in the nio-ht by the cry of " War!" when, supposing that all was lost, he fled into Norfolk, by the advice of Ms chamberlain, and from thence escaped with difficulty to Holland. As a natural consequence of this royal panic and temporary abdication, Henry VI. was taken from the Tower, and again seated on his precarious throne, under the auspices of Clarence and Warwick, who did not fail to vest all the regal power in their o^Ti hands as regents. Tlie adlierents of the house of York followed the king's example ; and his queen, who had just been delivered of prince Edward, was amongst the fugitives. Queen Margaret, who was stUl abroad, received the intelligence of the improved prospects of her house with rapture ; but before the winds, inconstant as her o-nn;! fortune, could waft lier to the shores of England, the sun of the house of Lancaster had set, never more to rise in her family. A supply of two thousand troops having been granted by the duke of Burgundy to Edward, he returned to England, and disembarked, as Henry of BoUngbroke, earl of Derby and duke of Lancaster, had done, at Ravenspur, in Yorkshire, declaring, as that duke had done, that his object was not to challenge the throne, but merely to obtain his paternal inheritance. By one of those unaccountable anomalies, which the absence of records and the vagueness of contemporary liistory disqualify us from explainmg, Edward was allowed, by the regents, to present himself, without molestation, in considerable force before the gates of London, into which be was admitted without a struggle, and to re-ascend the throne, Henry haring, very peaceably, retired to the Tower. The battle of Barnet, fought three days after the entrance of Edward into London, in which he commanded in person, tei-minated fatally for the house of Lancaster; and Warwick himself, after having perfonned prodigies of valour as a foot soldier, when he ought to Counti.) ^3alatine of Sanrafitrr* 423 liaA'e been dii'ccting the operations of Lis ai*my as a general, was numbered amongst chap. the slain. ' Queen Margaret reached the shores of England, accompauled by her son Edward, now eighteen years of age, just in time to hear of the death of Warwick, and the defeat of liis army, but not in time to prevent that catastrophe. This lion-liearted woman seemed now to bow to her fate, and sought the privilege of sanctuary; but, being urged by Tudor, earl of Pembroke, and others of the adherents of her house, to make another effort for the throne, she marched through Devon, Somerset, and Gloucester, to Tewkesbury, daily accmnulating fi-esh forces on her route : here she Battle of Tewkes- was overtaken by king Edward, and, after a sanguinary battle, ovcrtlu'owu. The bury. queen and her son fell into the hands of the victors ; and, to consuimuate the cUsasters of the royal house, Edward of Lancaster was mm-dered, in cold blood, by Edward Catas- of York, and his sanguinary brothers, Gloucester and Clai-euce. His father, theLan- Henry VI., died suddenly, a i&w days after, in the Tower, to which place Mai-garet family. was committed as a state prisoner ; and, after remaining six years in confinement, she was ransomed by Le\vis, king of France, at the price of fifty thousand crowns. The queen survived her cajitivity fovu- years, having spent the evening of her liie in solitude and exile. The courage and energy of this extraordinary princess, were by no means inferior to those chsjdayed, in the following century, by queen Elizabeth, whose character may not be unfitly compared to that of Margaret of Anjou : had the latter lived in happier days, unencumbered by a husband wlio was fitter for the cloister than for sovereign rule, she would have held a rank no way inferior to that sustained by the conqueror of the " invincible armada." The reign of Edward, after the overthrow of the house of Lancaster, presents no subjects connected with the history of tliis county — with the exception of a fruitless expedition into France, to regain the lost conquests of England, in wliicli lord Stanley, and several Lanca- sliire knights, were engaged; but M'hich terminated in nothing better than an ostentatious display of military strength. It has been supposed, by Mr. Nicholls, the editor of a " Collection of all the King Ed- Royal Wills now known to exist," that Edward IV. died intestate ; or, at least, that win. his Will was surreptitiously destroyed diuing the usurpation of his brotlier, the duke of Gloucester : this, liowever, is an error ; a copy of tliis prince's Will, made by Rymer, is deposited in the Rolls chapel ;* by wliich document, the king directs, " that all the revenues, issues, profl5ts, and commocHties comrayng and growing of oui-e countie palatine of Lancastre, and of alle oure castelles, lordshippes, manoirs, lands, tenements, rents, and ser\-ices in the countie palatine and shii-e of Lancastre, parceU of oure said duchie of Lancastre, with then- membres and appertenances," &c. * Excerpta Historica, p. 366. 424 Cfte S^ieitoii) of tin CHAP, shall be applied " towards the marriages of our doughtres." This will is of consi- ^^' derable length, and bears date the 20th day of June, 1475. 1482. In the last year of the reign of Edward IV., a petition was presented to parlia- ment, wliicli had been promoted in the south-eastern part of Lancashii-e, where the The use of manufacture of hats has prevailed for many ages to a great extent. This document nery. scrves to date, with tolerable accuracy, the period when alarms from the consequences of improved machinery first began to manifest themselves in this county. The allegations of the petition are in these terms : — " Prayen youre Highnes the Comons of tliis present Pai'liament assembled. That whereas Huers, Bonettes and Cappes, aswele seugle as double, were wonte truly to be made, wrought, fulled and thikked by the myght and strength of men, that is to sey, with hande and fote ; and they that have so made, wrought, fulled and thikked such Huers, Bonettes, and Cappes, have well and honestly afore thys goten their lyvyng therby, and therupon kept api)rentices, servauntes, and good housholdes. It is so, that ther is a subtile mean founde noAve of late, by reason of a Fullyng Mille, wherby mo Cappes may be fulled and tliikked in one day, than by the myght and strenghe of xx men by hand and fote may be fulled and thikked, in the same day : The wliich Huers, Bonettes and Cappes, so as it is aforesaid by the said MUles fulled and thikked, ben brosed, brolcen and deceyvably wrought, and may in no wise by the mean of eny MUle be truly made, to the grete hurt of your seid Highnesse, and of all your subjetts which daily use and occupie the same, and to the utter imdoyng of suche your subjettes, as ben tlie Makers of the same Huers, Bonettes, and Cappes, and wolde and entende to lyve by the true making of the same ; Avithoute youre most giacious helpe be shewed to theiin in this behalf." The petitioners conclude A\ith a prayer, that parliament will interdict, for two years at least, the use of these fulling-mills ; to which the reply is, " Le Roy le voet." On the subject of improved machinery, by which manual labour is abridged, it may be observed, that the use of such machinery, when first introduced, is frequently an eyil, and sometimes ruinous to those engaged in the operative part of that particular branch of manufacture to which the improvement is applied : but, viewed as a public question, involving the interests of the nation, these improvements are beneficial ; and to them, combined Avitli the capital and enterprise of the middle classes, and the skill and industry of the workmen engaged in these pursuits, the manufacturing and commercial gi-eatness of this nation is to be attributed. Tlie intrigues of the court which followed on the death of Edward IV., were unbounded. The ancient nobility, with the duke of Gloucester as protector, at their Countj) ^;3nlatine of Sancnstn*. 425 head, opposed, by every ineaus in their power, the relations of the queen, who were chap. considered as aspiring upstarts ; and earl Rivers, her l)rother, su* Richard Gray, one ' of her sons, and sir Thomas Vaughan, an officer in the king's household, were, by nanfdeeds the authority of the duke, committed to Pontefract castle, for " setting variances edX'The amongst the states, to subdue and destroy the noble blood of the realm;" on which qJou.?*^ vague charge they were executed. Theii' real offence, however, consisted in stand- ''^'■• iug in the way of the duke's assumption of the crown, and no qviantity of blood was thought too large to be shed, for the purpose of removing the impechments to his elevation. Lord-chamberlain Hastings shared the same fate, for venturing to doubt, whether the protector's arm, which had been withered from his birth, Avas diseased by the sorceries of liis queen-sister and Shore's wife. Hast. " If they have done this deed, my noble lord, — Glo. If! thou protector of this damn'd strumpet, Talk'st thou to me of ifs ? Thou art a traitor — Off with his head — now, by Saint Paul I swear, I will not dine until I see the same — Level and Catesby, look that it be done ; The rest, that love me, rise, and follow me." Lord Stanley escaped with difficulty, but not without a severe contusion ; a murderous blow being levelled at his head by the ruffians introduced into the council chamber, at Gloucester's bidcUug, to seize Hastings, and liurry him away to execu- tion.* The duke had evidently fixed his eye upon the throne, and was determined to ascend it, at whatever price. To consummate liis purpose, his two nephews, iMurder of Edward V. and liis brother, Richard, duke of Yorlc, were smothered in the Tower, pHnJeT" whilst sleeping in then- bed, by three assassins, of the name of Dighton, Forest, and Slater, under the du-ection of su- James Tyrrel, a creature of the duke's ; and thus was perpetrated, for the purposes of ambition, " The most arch deed of piteous massacre That ever yet the land was guilty of." Having thus removed the obstacles in his way to power, the coronation, wliich appeared to be preparing for Edward V., was appropriated by the duke of Gloucester * According to sir William Dugdale, quoting from Stow, this catastrophe might have been avoided, if lord Hastings had given heed to a dream of lord Stanley's, on the preceding night, in which his lordship beheld a boar, Gloucester's crest, goring with his tusks Hastings and Stanley, till the blood ran about their shoulders. VOL. I. 3 I 426 Cf)c W^tory of ti)t CHAP, to Ids own pui-pose, and that of bis queen. The ceremony was of the most " splendid kind, tliat the gorgeousness of the scene might conceal the blood which tion^of contaminated the track to the throne. Lord Stanley, who had just been liberated Rich. III. £j.Qjjj ^jjg Tower, was placed in the hmniliating situation of beaiing the mace before the king, and the " Lady of Rychemond " bore the queen's train. Tlie other Lan- casliii'e peers present were, lord Grey of Wilton, and lord Morley ; and among the knights were, sir William Stanley, sir Edward Stanley, sii- Charles Pilkington, sir Rafe Asbton, and sii* WilHam Norris.* Letters Diuing the short reign of Richard ITL, a considerable number of letters patent granted by ^^rc gi'anted by the king. These documents, in Latin and in English, are jn-e- Rich. III. ggyygd ju ^vbat is styled " a very valuable book," belonging to the lord treasurer Biu-gldey in the Harleian collection in the British Museum ; and the following are their titles, so far as they relate to the county and duchy of Lancaster : — Harl. MSS. Cod. 433. [Temp. Rich. IIL] ART. 14 To John Howard, knt., the Office of Cliief Steward of the duchy of Lane. South of Trent. 21 To Henry Stafford Duke of Buckinghm the offices of constable, steward, and receiver of the castle, manor, and town of Monmouth, in S. Wales, and of all the other castles, lordships, manors, towns, &c., wliich ai'e parcels of the Duchy of Lane, in S. Wales. The duke is also appointed keeper or head forester of the forest and chace of Hodeuake, and of all the other forests and chaces being paixels of the Duchy afores"* in S. Wales. 43 To Sir Rich'' Huddlestone the office of receiver of the lordi" manors lands & tenem*' in CumberP & Lancash' which were foimerly Tho' Grey's (Mar- quis of Dorset.) 03 A Writ appoint" Guy Fairfax knt, & Milo Metcalf Chief Justiciaries of Lane. 70 Royal Letters for the advowson of the Parish church of Gayton, parcel of the Duchy of Lane. 86 Letters Pat. to Tho' Metcalfe the office of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lane. & the custody of the seal for the same office. 87 Ditto. 92 To Guy Fairfax knighte th' office of chieff Juge of Lancastre. 93 To Miles Metcalfe the office of one of the Juges at Lancastre. 94 To Thomas Molineux the office of king's Seijeant and Attorney at Lawe, in all his coirrtes within the counte palatyne of L. * Harl. MSS. 2115. f. 152. Countj) ^Jalatine of aanrasfter, 427 99 To Hemy Stafford, D. of Buck, the office of constable, stuarde, and receivour chap. of the castles maunors & toi\Ties of Mounemouthe and Kydwelly, of all ^^' castles lordshps townes &c. hi Wales, and the Marches pai-cels of the Ducliie of Lane. & thoffice of Pananster ?* Forster and Maister of the Game in all the forests and chaces of Wales and Maixhes of the same, belonging to the said Duchie. 102 To John Howard D. of Norfolke the office of chief Steward of the Duchy of Lane. South of Trent. 103 To Thomas Pylkyngtone knight, the office of Sheiiff of the county of Lane' & the county Palatme. 106 To John Dudley Esq the office of Stew"" of the Duchy within tlie counties of Berks and Southampton. 107 To Sir John le Scrop — chamberlain of the Duchy. 113 To Su" Ric'' Huddlestone receiver ut supr^. 116 To therle of Siiny the Stewardsh'' of the Ducliie. 130 To Thomas Kebell thoffice of Gencrall Attourney of the Duchie of Lane, in EngP & Wales. 171 To W. Castby thoffice of Steward of Daventre Higham Ferys Paverells Fee, &c. 177 To Adam Nelsone th office of Messagere of the Duchie, and Ushere of the councelle house ordeyned for the same. 1 78 To Ric'* Pottyere the Attorneyshp of the Duchie. 179 To therle of Surry ut supra. 276 To John Fitz Herbert the Baillieff of the newe Fraiichesie of the Duchie of Lane, in the countie of Derby. 327 " To John Due of Norfolke thoffice of chieffe Steward," as above m the Latin patent. 518 To Nicholas Gardyner tliexecutor of John Gardyner License to found a chauntrie m our Ladie church of Lane. & to mortize 12 b. of land there. 519 To Morgan Kidwelly the Stewardshp of all the lordslips of the Duchy of Lane, or otherwise belonging to the king in the co. of Dorset. 824 To Thom' L** Stanley Lord Strange many castles lordsbips and manou-s to hold by knights service whereof part of them belonged to Roger Tocot, Henry Stafford Due of Buckingham, &c. 1628 " Comission to the Lord Stanley constable of England to sease vnto the Iduges use the Manoir of Briglitmeed in the counte of Lancaster that late * This word is thus marked with the ( ? ) in the Harl. catalogue. There is no doubt of its accu- racy, and that it is the name of the officer who superintended forest-panage. 3 I 2 428 €i)t S?t£itorj) of tl)t CHAP. was of Thomas Seint Legere his rebelle. Yeven at London the 16'" day of Dec. an° primo." Several other commissions to the same to seize upon lauds belongiug to the above sir Thomas S' Leger and Henry Stafford D. of Buckinghiun, are found here. 2001 Warrant for the Maire &c. of Lane, to reteigne 20 marks of the fee finne of their towne which the king hath geven unto them. Yeven at Stoney Strat- forde y= 6'" of Nov^ a" 2''°. 2210 Letter patent from Edw 5 to Tho' Kebeele for the attorneyship of the Duchy. 2366 Fees & Wages of officers. 2377 Fees payable to officers in the Rape of Pevensey and paixel of the Duchy of Lancaster. The following is the warrant, or commission, (niunbered 1628,) from Ricliard IIL to lord Stanley, to seize the lands of sir Thomas St. Leger, who had mariied Anne, the king's eldest sister; but who had revolted against his authority, and suffered the punishment of death, in 1483. Commission for seizing the Lands of a Rebel, in Lancashire. [1 Rich. III.] The Lord "> " ^^*^'- '^'^ ^' right trusty f right welbeloued Cousin f Counsello' Stanley. ^ tlie lord Stanley, Constable of England, gi-eting. We wil and charge you and by these psentf yeue you fill auctorite f power to sease into o' handf the manoir or Lordship of Brightmede in o' Countie of Lancastre that late was of Th. Seintleger our Rebell and thisseues Rentf and Reuenues f? of from Michelmesse last passed to take f pceyue to our vse f behavf , yeuing straitly in coiiiaundement to the offics and tenauntf of the said maner or lordship and to all others our offics treue liegeaunces f subjettf that vnto you and yo"' assignees in thexecucion of the pmisses they be attending aiding fauoling f assisting as it appteineth. Yeuen at London the xvj day of Dec A° pmo. [Fol 134 b. [Ten other commissions follow the above ; or, ratlier, ten memoranda of such commissions ; addressed to *' The Lord Stanley," to seize lands and manors belong- ing to sir Thomas St. Leger and the duke of Buckingham, forfeited by rebellion, and situated in the counties of " Wilts, Warre Leuestre, Chester, Beds, Hertford, Soms, Rutland, and Oxford."] Coiinti? |3alatmr of Sanca^tfr. 429 A Warrant, or Commission. [2 Rich. III.] "A coniLSsion clii-ected to al knightf Squiers gentilmen and al Strnle°y& ^ op the kiugf siibjecttf of the Coimte of Chester. Shewyng that StrLge & ( the kmg hath deputed the lord Stanley, the lord Strannge and S'^W'^Stanley. } S' Willm Stanley to have the Rule and leding of al psones appointed to do the Idng §uice when they be warned ageinst the kyngf Rebellf Charging them ^^fore to pvyde eflfectuel attendaunce. And if any Rebellf arryue in thoos ptes pat than al pe power that they can make be redy tassist the saide lorde and knight, Vpon theii-e feithes and legeauncf fc?. Yeuen at Windesore the xiij day of Januer A° ij''°. The same > " ^ Ijke Comission to the knightf Squiers gentilmen f o? of the lorde. i Countie of Lancastre to geve their attendaunce vpon the lorde Stanley f Strannge to doo the kiuge grace 9uice ageinst his Rebellf in whatsoeu? place w'in this RojTue thay fortune tanyue, Vpon the feithe f leigeaunces. Yeuen at Westni the xiij day of Januer. A° ij"*". [Fol 201 h. Harl. MSS. Cod. 592. The first article in tliis volume is headed " Pro Ducatu Lancastrie," and consists of a patent, by wliich the king (supposed to be Edward IV., though it is not so expressed, the style being sknply " Edwardus Dei gratia," &c.) confimis to hunself and heirs, being kings of England, in perpetuity, all the liberties, privileges, customs, &c. of the county palatine and duchy of Lancaster, previously gi-anted by his ancestors, kings of England, by charters, which are here recited. This article is an Inspeximus, tested thus : — " Teste Pr apud WestiS quaito die Novembris :" Witness the Idng at West- minster, November 4. No date of the dominical or regal year. It consists of twenty-four very large folio pages. In order to reconcile lord Stanley to Richard's usurpation, he was constituted steward of Ins household, and constable of England, for life, being at the same time invested ^-ith the most noble order of the garter. All these acts of royal favour failed to extinguish the hatred wliich that nobleman bore to the tyi-ant, and to his sanguinary deeds. Of tliis, the king, whose suspicions never slumbered, was fully CHAP. XI. 430 €\)t W^tov^ oi tin CHAP. XI. George lord Strange detained as a host- age. Attainder of the countess of Rich- mond. a^ai-e ; and, that he might have the more secure hokl on the allegiance of lord Stanley, and prevent him from exciting an insurrection in Lancasliire and Cheslm-e, where his power and influence were almost unlimited, Richard insisted that George lord Strange, the son and heir of the house of Stanley, should remain in liis hands as a hostage. Tliese suspicions were increased hy the cii'cumstance of lord Stanley hanng mamed for liis second wife Margaret, the widow of Echnund earl of Rich- mond ; hy whom she had issue, Henry earl of Richmond ; the representative of the house of Lancaster. Richai-d's displeasure was subsequently marked by an act of attainder against the countess of Riclunond, in which it is set forth, that " Forasmuch as Margaret Countesse of Richmond, Mother to the Kyngs greate Rebelle & Traytour, Herry Erie of Richemond, hath of late conspii-ed, confedered, & committed high Treason agenst oure Soveraigne Lorde the King Richard the Tliird, in dyvers & sundry wyses, & in especiall in sendyng messages, writyngs & tokens to the said Henry, desiryng, procuryng, & stirryng hym by the same, to come into this Roialme, & make Wen-e agenst oure said Soveraigne Lorde ; to the whiche desyi-e, procm-yng, & stiiTjTige the said Henry applied hjm, as it appereth by experience by hym late shewed in that behalf. Also the said Countesse made chevisancez of gi-eate somes of money, as well within the Citee of London, as in other places of this Roialme to be employed to the execution of the said Treason & malicious purpose ; & also the said Countesse conspired, confedered & imagjoied the destruction of oure said Soveraigne Lord, & was assentyng, knowyng & assistyng Henry, late Duke of BuckjTigham." Tlie tyrant, of his grace and favour, as he alleges, but under the influence of his fears, as is more probable, and in consideration of the faithful services done and intended to be done by Thomas, lord Stanley, husband of the countess, remitted the gi-eat punislunent of treason — public execution. But at the same time he declared all her property forfeited to the crown, whether in fee simple, fee tail, or otherwise ; but not to the prejudice of Tliomas, lord Stanley, or any other person or persons, with the exception of the countess of Richmond. How far the charges contained in this act of attainder were founded, it is difficult at this time to detennine; but it is liiglJy probalde that a descendant of the house of Lancaster would not be an unin- terested spectator of the claims of her son to the crown, in opposition to those of a prince, whose sanguinaiy crimes had rendered him universally obnoxious. It does not appear that the countess was ever removed from Lathom house for trial, thougli it was ordered that she should be kept in ward by her lord, in private apartments, and not suffered to hold any communication with tlie king's enemies. One of the fiist acts of the next reign was to aimul this act of attainder, and fully to Coiintp palatmt of aanrasitfr, 431 reinstate the " noble i)rincess Mai-garet, countess of Richmond, in all her pos- chap. sessions."* Maro-aret, countess of Richmond, was the only daughter of John, first duke of Somerset, the gi-andson of John of Gaunt, and Catlierine Swinford, This lady had married Edmund, cai-1 of Richmond, and Henry, the present earl, was the only issue of that maniage. She had afterwards manied su- Henry Stafford, and, at his death, espoused Thomas, lord Stanley. The present earl of Richmond had long been a source of disquietude to the reigning family of the house of York, who had spared no pains to obtain possession of his person, for the purpose of administering those murderous remecHes for the cm'e of a disputed title, which they so well knew how to apply. But, by providential interposition, he sur^■ived all then- machinations, and an alliance suggested by the mai'quis of Dorset, and the bishop of Ely, between Proposal the earl of Richmond and EHzabeth, the eldest daughter of Edward IV., promised the Roses, to effect an union between the red and the wliite roses, for whicli the nation had long panted with ardent desu-e. The first attempt to accompUsh tliis olyect by the asencv of the duke of Buckingham failed, and the duke and a number of his fiiends became the victims of the premature enterprise.'!' Before the duke embarked for England, he addi-essed a letter to his friends, couched in these teims :| — " R' trusty, wor", & HoSble good Freinds & our Allyes I greet you well. Temp. Being giuen to understand yom- good deuoir & intente to aduance me to y' further- ance of my rightfuU claime, due & lineaU Inheritance of y' Crowne. And for y" just depriuing of y' Homicide & unnaturall Tyrant w'^"' now unjustly beai-s Dominion ouer you, I giue you to understand y' noe Cluistian heart can be more full of joye & gladues, then y*^ heart of me yoJ poore exiled Friend, who wUl upon y° instance of yom- sure Aduertise what powers y' will make ready, and what Captains & leaders you gett to conduct be prepared to pass ouer y" Sea w"" such forces as my Friends here are preparing for me. And if I haue such good speed and success as I wish according to your desire, I shall ever be most forward to remember, & wholly to * Rot. Pari. 1 Henry VII. vol. vi. page 286. t Amongst others, a gentleman of the name of William Colingbourne, who had been high sherifFof Wiltshire and Dorsetshire, suffered death for having written the following whimsical jeM d' esprit, in allusion to the names of the two royal favourites, Ratcliffe and Catsby, and to the crest of Lovel, which was a dog, and that of Richard, which was a boar : — " Tlie Rat, the Cat, and Lovel the dog. Rule all England under a Hog." : Har. MS. Cod. 737, fo. 2 b. 432 ■ CI)f ijistoi)) of ti)t CHAP, requite tliis jour gi-eat & most louinge kindness in my just quarrell. Yeouen under XT " our Signet, &c. " I pray you giue credence to y'' Messenger of y' he shall impart to you." Retarded in the attainment of his object by the failure of the duke Buckingham's enterprise, but by no means discouraged from pursuing it, the earl of Richmond, " England's hope," Landing embarked from Normandy with a small army of two thousand men, with which he duke" of landed at Milford Haven, where he was joined by sir Richard Rice ap Thomas, i^'E.Tg"-'"' who had been entrusted with a command in Wales by the tyrant Richard. In Ms '^"''" march into the interior of the country he Avas joined by the powerful family of Shrewsbury, as well as by sir Thomas Bourcliier and sir Walter Hungerford, and a large number of persons of inferior note. Richard, aware of the storm by which he Avas menaced, had collected a well-appointed army in Nottinghamshire, and towards this point the earl of Richmond du-ected his course. Having anived at Tamworth, he addi-essed his followers in tenns, perhaps, less poetical, but not less inspiring, than the following : — Rich. " Fellows in arms, and my most loving friends, Bruis'd underneath the yoke of tyranny. Thus far into the bowels of the land Have we march'd on without impediment ; And here receive we from our father Stanley Lines of fair comfort and encouragement. The wretched, bloody, and usurping boar. That spoil'd your summer fields, and fruitful vines, Swills your warm blood like wash, and makes his trough In your embowell'd bosoms ; this foul swine Lies now even in the centre of this isle. Near to the toun of Leicester, as we learn : From Tamworth thither is but one day's march. In God's name, cheerly on, courageous friends. To reap the harvest of perpetual peace, By this one bloody trial of sharp war." Shakspeare's Rich. III. Act V. Scene II. Richai-d, knowing that he had forfeited all claim to the confidence of his people, that the enormities he had committed for the attainment of the throne had withdrawn from him the flower of his nobility, and that those who feigned allegiance to his person and goveniment, panted for an opportunity to betray Coimti.) |3alatinr of S-anrnstm 433 and desert him, became more suspicious of liis friends than alarmed by his enemies, chap The persons of whom he entertained the gi-eatest suspicion, and those wlio had the power more than any others to decide liis fate, Avere lord Stanley, and his brother, sir William Stanley. By a policy that is only to be accounted for on the principle, tliat those princes whom Providence has marked out for ruin, he first infatuates, the king commissioned lord Stanlej' to raise an army in the counties of Lancaster and Chester. The nmnber of soldiers under the command of the Stanleys was so consi- derable, that the decision of the approaching battle, on wliich a kingdom depended, was placed in their hands. The day before the battle commenced, Richai-d maixhed to Leicester at the head of his army, and entered that town flith a countenance strongly characteristic of the gloomy state of his mind. He took up his quarters for the night at the principal inn,* and concentrated his outposts, in prepai'atiou for the approaching engagement. The dawn of the day found the two hostile armies on Bosworth field ; Richard in the command of twelve thousand men, and Richmond with about half that number. * Richard slept at the Blue Boar Inn, and the bedstead whereon he is supposed to have lain is still preserved, and its history is thus handed down : — " In the year 1613, Mrs. Clark, keeper of that inn, was robbed by her servant maid and seven men, and the relation is thus given by sir Roger Twisden, who had it from peisons of undoubted credit, who were not only inhabitants of Leicester, but saw the murderers executed : " When king Richard III. marched into Leicestershire against Henry, earl of Richmond, afterwards Henry VII. he lay at the Blue Boar Inn, in the town of Leicester, where was left a large wooden bedstead, gilded in some places, which, after his defeat and death in the battle of Bosworth, was left, either through haste, or as a thing of little value, (the bedding being all taken from it.) to the people of the house : thenceforward, this old bedstead, which was boarded at the bottom, (as the manner was in those days,) became a piece of standing furniture, and passed from tenant to tenant with the inn. In the reign of queen Elizabeth, this house was kept by one Mr. Clark, who put a bed on this bedstead ; which his wife going to make hastily, and jumbling the bedstead, a piece of gold dropped out. This excited the woman's curiosity ; she narrowly examined this antiquated piece of furniture, and, finding it had a double bottom, took off the uppermost with a chisel, upon which she discovered the space between them filled with gold, part of it coined by Richard III. and the rest of it in earlier times. Mr. Clark (her husband) concealed this piece of good fortune, though by degrees, the effects of it made it known, for he became rich from a low condition, and, in the space of a few years, mayor of the town ; and then the story of the bedstead came to be rumoured by the servants. At his death, he left his estate to his wife, who still continued to keep the mn, though she was known to be very rich; which put some wicked persons upon engaging the maid-servant to assist in robbing her. These folks, to the number of seven, lodged in her house, plundered it, and carried off some horse-loads of valuable things, and yet left a considerable quantity of valuables scattered about the floor. As for Mi's. Clark herself, who was very fat, she endeavoured to cry out for help, upon which her maid thrust her fingers down her throat, and choked her; for which fact she was burnt, and the seven men, who were her accomplices, were hanged at Leicester some time in the year 1613." VOL. I, 3 K 434 m)t |f?ieitori) of t\)t CHAP. XI. Aug. 22, 1485. Battle of Bosworth Field. loril Stanley had placed himself near the neighbouring village of Atherstone, six miles from the field of battle, with a force differently estimated by historians, but probably amounting to about five thousand men. Even now the determination which liis lordship had taken was not generally known in the conflicting armies, though the commanders, no doubt, had sagacity enough to discover that he had abandoned Richard, and was determined to support his rival to the throne. The sword suspended over the neck of lord Strange, Avho was in Richard's camp as a hostage, hung only by a haii* ; but the policy of the king suffered it not to descend, that he might still retain some hold upon the conduct of the noble father of tliis gallant youth. Addi-essing his soldiers, Richard exclaimed — " I hold the crown from you, and you must maintain it. Who is our adversary ? An unknown Welslmian ; begotten by a father less known than liimself ; and commanding a force consisting of banished vagabonds, the very scum of the earth, and of beggarly Frenchmen, come here to plunder your goods, to ravish your wives, and to murder your chilcken. When fighting with such an enemy, success is certain. When the victory is obtained, you, my followers, shall share the bounty of a generous prince. In the cause of your king, you ^411 fight like Englishmen ; and as for myself, I will never quit the field but as a conqueror." Richmond, placing himself at the head of liis camp, demanded of liis soldiers if it was not for the public weal that the tyrant to whom they were opposed should be extii-pated — a man who had destroyed his own house by the effusion of innocent blood, and defamed the mother who had given liim birth, to smooth liis way to the throne. " The hour of retribution," said he, " has now ai'rived; and God's judgment, though it has been deferred, will fall upon our adversary, who seeks, by the marriage of princess Elizabeth, to add incest to liis other crimes. You ought not to be dis- mayed by the superior numbers of the enemy; divine justice is at our side; his own friends will desert the tyrant in the hour of his extremity; and already lord Stanley has determined, with the forces under his command, to support the righteous cause. If your efforts are crowned with victory, all the confiscated possessions of the enemy shall be distributed amongst you ; but should you be defeated, you will fall into the hands of him, who, not having spared his o^^ii blood, would infallibly consign you to destruction. It is better to die with swords in your hands, than to become the victims of a relentless tyrant: of myself, I shall only say, that I am the descendant of the house of Lancaster, the glory of the kingdom they have ruled. All you can expect from a soldier, and from a commander, you shall find in me ; and all I ask of you is, to follow my example in the hour of battle." Richard, extending his ti-oops as widely as possible, to hitimidate liis enemy by XI. Coimty ^Jalatine of itanrasitfr. 435 an impression of the gi-eat strength of the army to wliich they were opposed, gave chap. the command of the vangnard to tlie duke of Norfolk and the earl of Surrey; he him- self led the centre, wliicli was guarded on the flanks by the horse, and led on by the bowmen. Richmond having placed his bo\vmen in front, under the command of the earl of Oxlbnl, gave the connuand of the right wing to sir Gilbert Talbot, and of the left to sir John Savage. The command of the horse he took upon himself, aided by liis uncle, the earl of Pembroke. Richmond having, by a successful manoeuvre, possessed hunself of a path, wliicli intersected a swamp, and thrown the glare of the sun in the face of the enemy, the battle commenced. The fii-st shock of the two armies shewed sufBciently the cUlTerent spirit by which they were aniinated. For a whOe, however, the contest hung in suspense; but the appearance of lord Stanley, the arbiter of the battle of Bosworth Field, who declared in favour of his son-in-law, decided the fate of the day. The king's forces fought mthout spii-it, and seemed more anxious to secure their own safety than to obtain victory. In tliis emergency Richard was advised to quit the field, and a horse was provided for the pm-pose ; but he had placed his all upon the issue, and he fought lUve a hero. His only remaining hope was now in the death of Richmond; and, in a desperate onset to accomplish that object, he slew sir William Brandon, the eai-l's standard-bearer, with his own hands, and, at the same moment, dismounted sir- John Cheyney. The commanders of the two armies were now on the point of coming in personal collision, an event of wliich they both seemed ambitious; but at the moment when the combat was about to take place, sir William Stanley broke uito the line vnth liis troops, and surrounded Richard, who still continued to fight with all the courage and desperation of his nature ; but at length, sinking under the superior force by which he was assailed, fell dead on the field, pierced witli innumerable wounds, and covered -nith gore. The number of the slain in the battle of Bosworth Field, like the niuribers engaged in the contest, are differently estimated; some accounts rate them as low as a thousand, and others as high as four thousand. The loss, however, fell principally upon the Yorkists, as sir William Talbot, in an account written to his friends imme- diately after the battle, says that the number of slain on the part of the eai-1 of Richmond did not exceed ten persons! The dulie of Norfolk, lord Ferrars of Chart- ley, sir Robert Ratcliffe, sir Robert Picrcy, and sir Robert Brackenbury, were all numbered ^-ith the dead; and sir William Catesby, the ready instrument of all Richard's crimes, being taken prisoner, was beheaded ^^^th several others at Leicester two days afterwards. After the battle, sir William Stanley, who, Anth his brother, had contributed so nnich to the success of the day, took the crown from the tent of Richard, and, placing it upon the head of the earl of Richmond, crowned him on the field by the title of King Henry VH. A large portion of the spoils of the field fell 3k2 436 C!)e ??is!toii) of tl)t CHAP, into the hands of sir William Stanley, and were allowed by the king's permission to ^^- enrich that gallant knight. " Richard's body being stripped naked, all tugged and torn and not so much as a clout left to cover liis shame, was trussed beliind a pur- suivant at arms like a hog or a calf; his head and arms hung on one side the horse, and his legs on the other, all besprinkled Avith mire and blood, and was so carried to Leicester." " No king," says Mr. Hutton, " was ever so degi-aded a spectacle; humanity and decency ought not to have suffered it," Mr. Carte says, " they tied a rope about liis neck, more to insult the helpless dead than to fasten hun to the horse." After lying exposed to the inspection and insults of the populace, the tyrant's body, at the end of the second day, was taken to the church of the Grey Friars, and there buried in a stone coffin."* An ancient manuscript in the British Museum relates with so much precision the part taken in those gi-eat events, by which the crown of England was finally transferred from the house of York to the house of Lancaster, by the Stanley family, and the men of Laucasliii-e, that it cannot be omitted in a history of this county. — Harl. MSS. Cod. 542. [In Stoive's writing.'] " Richard y' thu-d liis deathe by y' lord Staiiley borowyd of Henry Savyll. " when henrie erle of Richmond cam in at mylford haven, he sayd thes words, " O yngland, I am enteryd here to clayme myne heritage, Jhesu, y' dyed on good friday, and mary his mothar, send me the love of y-^ lord Stanley ho hathe maxied my mothar, it is longe sithe she saw me, I trust to Jesu, we shall mete, and our brothar syr william Stanley." [let us leve henry, and speke of Richai-d in his (Uo-nitie, f y' mysfortune y' hym befell, a ^vicked cownsell di-ew hym nye.] Tlie lord Stanley, sterne f stowte he may be callyd flowe in liis countrye, and y' was well sene at barwicke, when all y' lords of england let it be, y' castle wightly cowlde he wine, than of kynge Richard toke he leve, f set good rule amonge y' couwntie, but wicked cownsell drew Richai-d nye, thes was y= words they sayd to him , ' Ave thinke yow worke vnwitily, In england, yf ye wold contynew kynge, for bothe lord Stanley, lord strange, and y' chamberlayne the iij may bringe agaynst yow on a day, y' no lords may in england far nor nere, f y' sonns of y' mother y' are banished may caws yow short tyme to Avere * A monument was subsequently erected to his memory, with his " picture," as Sandford calls it, " ill alabaster;" and, ten years afterwards, Henry VII., on his Lancashire progress, paid £10. Is. to James Keyley for this erection, which perished with the dissolution of the monastery in the following reign. Count!.) |3nlatmc of 3!.anra£(tn\ 437 y' crowue.' Then K. Richard made owt mesengars far into y' west countrie, to chap. y' lord Stanley to repayr to hym w' spede. Tlicn y' lord Stanley bowned hpn ^^' toward Kjnig Rychard, but he fell sycke at nianchestar by y" waye as was y" wyll of god, to y' lord strange then callyd he, and sayd thes wordes to hym, ' In goodly haste boirae must ye to wyt y' will of Richard our kyng,' the tliis lord sti-ange bowiiyd hjin to ryde to kynge Richard, wlicn he cam before hym f knelyd downe, Kynge Richard sayd, ' welcome, lord strange f kynsman neare, wher is any lord in england of auusytry sliuld be so trew to hys kynge.' ther was no more of tliis to say, but to ward comandyd was he, and messengars wer made into y' west country, to y" lord Stanley, thes wcr y" words they sayd to hym : ' yow must rayse vp vndar yowr banuar to mayntayne Rycliard owr kynge, for yondar comythe Richemond ovar y" flode w' many an alyaunt owt of far contry to chalendge y" crowne of england, yow most reyse that vndar yowr bannar be, w' y" noble powere that yow may brynge, or els y' lord strange yow moste nevar se, that is in dangar of owr kynge.' In a studye still then y* lord dyd stond, and sayd ' Jesu, how may this be, I take wittes of hym y' shope both se f sande, I never delt w' traytorie. Richard is y° man y' bathe no mercye, he wolde me f myne bondage bringc, therefor agajnist hym will I be.' Another messengar came to william Stanley y' noble knyght, f sayd. ' K. Richard warethe y'^ to bring thy royall rowt, liis liope Is holy therui.' Then answeryd y' noble knyght, ' I marvayle of owr ^yng he bathe my nevyeu, my brothar's heire, a trcwar knyght is not in cristinte, he shall repent by enythyng y' I can se, tell K. Richard this, for all y" power y' he can bringe, he shall eythar fight or fie, or lose his lyfe I make a vow, I shall give hym suche a brekefast on a day as nevar knyght gave kynge, therefor byde hym aray hym f lus power for he shall ether fyght or fle or lose his lyfe.' Then y' messengar rydes to y" kynge, and saythe ' in y^ contry wher I have be, men so gi'evyd I nevar se, for y" lord strange sake y' in bale dothe lye, they say they will cawse yow to fight or flye or els to lose your lyfe,' kynge Richard smyled and swore by Jesu, when they be sembled all, I wold y* gr-et tui-ke was agaynst me w' Pretor John, f y" sowdan of Surre w' all theyr powers for all theyr manhod I wold be kynge,' he swore by Jesu f hys mothar, y' from y" towne of laucastre to shrowsberye, knyght ne squire he wold leve none alyve, f he wold deale theyr lands to his knyghtes, from y° holy heade to seyat david's land, wlieras ar castells f towers bye. ' I shall make parkes f playne fields fritlie f forest fre, they shall all repent y' evar he rose agaynst his kynge.' Then he sent out mes- sengars, bothe far f nyghe, to deuke, earle, baron, knyght, f othar in ther degi'e. part of theyr names shall yow here y' owne to Kynge Richard . The duke of northfoike, y' erle of surrey liis hejTC, y' erle of kent, y' erle of shrowsbery, 438 €l)t S]l6tOll) of tht CHAP, y' erle of uortliumbarlaud, y' erle of westmerlaiid, Robert Ryclyssc, ser Robert " o-vvtrege, ser John Huut}Tigton, f John wilnt, f John smalbv, i bryan of stepletou, ser Avilliam liis cosen, y' lord hartley, y" heii's of hartley, y^ lord Fryn # Grey, y' lord lovell chamhcrlayn of england, y' lord hughe liis cosyn, y' lord scrope of Yposall, y' lord scrope of bolton, y' lord dakers raysed y' northcontrye, y' lord owgle, y^ lord hower, y' lorde gi-aystoke, he browght a myghty many, ser John blekynson, i Raffe harehotley, f wylliuu warde, syr archehald, w' y^ good Rydley; syr nycholas nahogay was not awaye, # olyver of chasten, sir henry y' hyiid horsay, £ John y' gi-ay, ser Tliomas y' mingmnbre, f Roger Standfort, i Robart bracanberye, su- harry landiingaan, # Richard chowrlton, £ Raffe Rolle, f Thomas marcomfild, f Rogar sandyll, f xpofer ward, f william beckfort, # John cowbwi-ne, ■f Robart ploimton, f william gascoyne, i marmaduke constable, f william conyers, £ mai-tyn of y' Fee, £ Robart Gilbard, f Richar heaton, i John lothes, f william Ratclyff, f Thomas his brothar, i Willyam theyr brothar, £ xpofer y' mallyre, £ John nortou, i Thomas y' mallperay, # Raffe dakers of y' northe, £ xpofer y" morys, £ william musgrave, £ alexander haymor, £ george mortynfeild, f Thomas browghton, £ xpofer Awayne, £ Richard tempest ont of y' dale, sir- willyam his cosyn, ser Raffe of ashton, £ Roger long in arpenge, £ John pudsay, £ Robart of mydleton, ser Thomas stiyckland, ser John neA-ill of bloodfullhye, £ John adlnigton, £ Rogar hearon, ser James harryngton, ser Robart liis brothar, ser Thomas pilkylton, all thes sware kynge Richard shuld were y" cro^vne. " now shall I tell how henry of Richmond cam to y" crowne, The lorde Stanley from lathom castle upon a day bownyed he, w' knyghts f esquiers in his company, w' theyi- bannars, fearce to fyght, to mayutayn henry to be theyr Kynge. To the new castell vndar lyne this lord toke y' way w' his noble men in company e, he told them wagys the noble powere y' he dyd brynge. ser A\-illiam Stanley y' nol)le knyght from y' castell of y' holt, to the Northwyche he rode, f told his men wagis, all y' Northe Wayles y' moste parte, f y' flower of Chestar, w' he dyd brynge earlye on a Souday at morne, syr -nilliam of Stanley removyd from y' Northewiche to y" towne of stone, by then was henry come to Stafford, f a pre\-y messenge sent he to hym w' a certayn parson, that noble knyght rod to Stafford toward y" kjnige, when y' he saw y' prince in syght, he knelyd downe, f lient hym by y' hand f sayd ' I am more glade of the then all y° gold in crystentye, I trust to y' lord my father and y* that in england I shal be kynge.' then the othar sayd, ' welcom soveraygne kynge henry, chalendge thye heritage f this land, loke thow fyght f nevar flye, Remembar anothar day who dotlie for thee, yf thow be kynge, leve of y" prince tane, he came agajaie, by y* lyght of y* day, vnto y' lytle towne of stone, early on a Saturday, to lychfeld removyd old f yonge, at worsley bredge ther befome, they Countj) ^aalntiuf of i!.anrastn% 439 bad a syglit of henry y' shiikl be kynge. vnto lycbefild tbey ryde, a bairot of chai' armes came to mirabar y* company y' was w' y" knygbt, it was a goodly sygbt. — Gonnes in lycbefyld craked, glad was all y" cbevalry, y' was on benris party, througbe owt lycbefyld rydes y' knygbt, f on y^ otber syd taryes be, tyll a message cam to bjTii, and sayd ' lord Stanley is bis enemycs nye, tbey be bnt a lytle way a twyne, be will figbt w' in tbes tbre boures w' Ricbard of england called kyng.' ' Tbat wold I not, quod y" knygbt, for all y" gold in cristentie,' and toward tanwortb be toke j" way, be cam to adarstone ere nyght, Avber y*" lord Stanley lay in a dale, w' trompets, f a goodly copany all tbat nyglit tbey tbcr abode, vpon sonday they bard masse, and to a i'ajr field toke y" way, the vawai-d lord Stanley had, his brotbar syr wUliam in y' rereward, his sonne Edward in a wynge. then came prince henry, it was agoodly sygbt to se y" metynge of them, y" lorde f y' kynge, vpon a bay cowrsar was y' hynge, a lytle before y nyght. on y" moiTOW when y'' larke gan synge, kjaige henry askyd y*^ waward, of y" lord Stanley wliicbe be gi-awnted, f lent to hym iiij kuyghts to go w' b>Tn to y° vaward, Gilbert Talboct, John Savage, ser hughe percivall f ser benri Stanley, tbes arayd them to y' vaward w' y'' kynge. The lord Stanley y' second battaile bad syr ^illyam Stanley be was y'' byndermoste at y" first settyng. then they removyd to a hygbe mowntayne, and lookyng into a dale of v. myles compase they saw no sygbt for annyd men f trapped steds in iiij battayles. The dwke of norfolke avansyd Ids bannar so dyd youge erle of shrisberye f erle of Oxford.'^ the kyng Richard bad ^^j score sargents y' wer cheyned f lockyd in a row, f as many bumbards, f tbowsands of morys pyks, bagge bushes, f otb. Kyng Richard lookyd into a mowntayne bye, f saw y" bannar of y° lord Stanley, f sayd, ' fetche y' lord strange to me, or els be shall dye tliis day.' They brought y' lord vnto liis sygbt f be sayd ' for thy deathe make y' redy.' then answeryd tbat noble Imyght f sayde, ' I cry god f y" Avorld mercy, Jbesus I take to witnes y' I was nevar traytor to my kynge,' Vpon a gentelman then called be latbome was liis name, ' and evar ye come into my contrie, grete well my gentellmen f yemen, tbey bad a mastar, now have tbey none.' then he drew a rynge of bis fingar, f sayd ' gyve tliis to my ladye. yf y' fild be lost on owi- partye, take my sonne y' is mjnie beii-e, f fly into a far contryc.' Then came a knygbt to kJ^lge Ricbai-d, and sayd, ' it is liigbe tyme to loke about, loke how yowr vaward begynethe to fyght. when ye have y' father f sonne f y' yeman loke yow what deathe y' they shall dye, ye may bead all at yoA\T own will.' w' y' fortunate worde tbey counteryd togetbar full egarlye. whan y" vaward began to figbt kynge henry dyd full manfully, so dyd y*" erle of oxford, so dyd syr John Savage, ser Gilbert talbot dyd y"" lyke, ser hughe percivall also w' many otbar. Kynge Richard, in a * " The erle of Oxford was on kyng Henry's syde." 440 Cftc i?i£ittirj) of t])t CHAF. man-is dytl stand uouabred to xx. thousand f thre vndar his bannar. Syr william " Stanley remembringe y'' brekfast y' he promysyd hym, downe at a banke he hyed f set fiersly on y^ kynge, they counteryd togethar sadly y' archers let tlieyr arrows flye, they shot of goonnes, many a bannar began to show y' was on Richards party, j> w' gi'ownde wepons they joyned, then dyed many a dowghty knyght. Then to Kynge Richard ther cam a knyght, and sayd, ' I hold it tyme for ye to flye, youdar stanlay his dynts be so sore agaynst them may no man stand, her is thy hors for to ryde, an othar day ye may worshipe wyne.' he sayd ' bryng me my battayll axe in my hand, and set y° crowne of gold on my hed so hye, for by hym y' shope bothe se and sand kynge of england tliis day will I dye. one foote away I will not fle wliill brethe wyll byde my brest w' in.' as he sayd so dyd he. he lost his lyffe. on his standard then fast they did lyght. they hewyd y° cro^Tie of gold from hys hed w' dowtfuU dents his deathe was dyght. the duke of norfolke dyd flye, y^ lord surrey w' many othar mo, and boldly on here they dyd hym brynge and many a noble knyght then lost tlieyi* lyffe w' Richai'd iheyr kynge. ther was slayn syr Richard Ratclyf, one of kyng Richards cownsell, sp- william conyers, ser Robart of brackan- bery, sjt Richard of Charruigton. Amongst all othar, I remembar tow, sir william brand was y^ one of tho, kynge henrys standard he hev-yd on hye, f vaunsyd it tyll w' deaths dent he was stryken downe, sp- Richard percivall, thurleball y'' othar bight, Kynge Richards standard he kept on hyghe tyll bothe liis leggs wer cut hym fi-o yet to y" gro^Mid. he wold not let it goo wliill brethe was in his brest. then they removyd to a moiintayn hyghe, Anthe a voyce they cryed ' Kynge Henry.' the cro^nie of gold was delperyd to y' lord Stanley, and vnto kjTige henry then went he and delperyd it as to y' most worthe to were the crowne and be theyr kynge. They browght kynge Richard thethar that nyght as nakyd as evar he was borne, and in y' new- warke was he layd that many a man might se f cr." FoL 31—33 a. End of the Thus ended the wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, so far as the twJen'^the members of the house of York were concerned, in which fi-om eighty to ninety thou- YoTk'and sand Englislunen were slain. Thi-ee kings, several princes of the blood, sLxty-two Lancaster, jj^^gg^ ^^^ hundred and tliirty-nine knights, four hundi-ed and forty-one esquii-es, Conse- and six hundred and tliii-fy-eight of the gentry of the kingdom, fell in these memor- ?he wars.^ able wars.* The contest between the rival houses was not, however, an ummxed evil ; probably it was more beneficial in its remote consequences than injurious in its * " In my remembrance," says Philip de Comines, " eighty princes of the blood royal of England perished in these convulsions. Those that were spared by the sword renewed their sufferings in foreign lands. I myself saw the duke of Exeter, the king's brother-in-law, walking barefoot after the Coimti) |3alntinr of aaurasiUr. 441 immecHate effects. Up to that time, the property, as well as the power of the nation, en uv was chiefly cUvided amongst the Idng, the nobiUty, and the clergy. The gi-eat mass _ of the people of England were slaves, dependent upon the will, and the absolute pro- perty, of their lords, transferable lilce cattle, and held in nearly the same estimation. Such was their degi-adation, that the honour of hazarding their lives to settle a qnan-el between the red and the white roses was too great for tliem to enjoy: but as every lord was obliged, by a land of moral necessity, to take part in this Avidely extended contest, either on one side or the other, it became necessary for liis own safety to seek the aid of his vassals; and before those vassals could be allowed to take the field, it was necessary that they should be emancipated. In tliis way, the feudal system, introduced before the Conquest, and consolidated by tlie Conqueror, was shaken to its centre; trade and commerce hastened its downfall; villauage was virtually at an end as early as the reign of Edward VI.; and in the twelfth year of Chai-les II. the name itself was erased from the statute books. One of the first acts of lung Henry VII. was to reverse the attainders passed First acts ^^ of Htnrv against the adherents of the house of Lancaster;* this was followed by an act of con- vii. fiscation against the property of the adherents of the tyi-ant Richard, amongst whom c^^sj^fa- were sir Thomas Pilkington, sir Robert Hariington, and sir James Harrington, all of Lanca- the county of Lancaster, whose estates Avere principally awarded to the Stanley family, estates. for their services at the battle of Bosworth-field. As a further reward. Ids lordsliip was 27th Oct. created earl of Derby, elected a member of Ids majesty's privy council, and appointed a commissioner for exercising the office of lord high steward of England. At the same time an arrangement was concluded between the earl -and Ids wife, Margaret, countess of Richmond and Derby, the king's mother, in recompense of her jointure and dower, and ratified by the sanction of parliament.t A considerable augmenta- tion was made to her possessions six years afterwards, by the grant of the lordships and manors of Ambursbury and Winterbourne, in the county of Wilts, and the manors of Henxstrigge and Charlton Cauvile, in the county of Somerset, of whicli Henry VII. Avas seized, and which had been gi-anted to Henry Beaufort, then cardinal Beaufort and bishop of Winchester.]: During the short reign of Edward V., a mandate was issued from the lung to the ]^°I'J^; "f sheriff of Lancaster, ordering him to proclaim within his bailiwick, tliat those who j.;™^^ duke of Burgundy's train, and earning his bread by begging from door to door." Sir John Finn, in his preface to Original Letters, written during the reign of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III., savs, that every individual of two generations of the families of Somerset and Warwick fell on the field, or on the scaffold, as victims of those bloody contests. * Rot. Pari. 1 Hen. VII. vol. vi. p. "273. t Rot. Pari. 1 Hen. VII. vol. vi. p. 311. I Rot. Pari. 7 Hen. VII. vol. vi. p. 446. VOL. I. 3 L on men of substance. 442 CI)e i^i'gtoii) of tht CHAP XI. held land or rents of the yearly value of £40, were to come into the king's presence to receive the order of Ivnighthood ; and the sheriff was further ordered diligently to inquire after the names of those who held possessions of tliis value, and to return them into cljancery. Henry VII., in compliance with the wishes of his peojile, at length espoused the the roses, priucess Elizabctli, and thus was accomplished the union so long wished for bv an exhausted nation, between the Jiouses of York and Lancaster. Final union of Sweating! sickncs^j. 1485. S\nip- toins. Kenietlies. Hoi. VII. " We will unite the white rose with the red : — Smile, heaven, upon this fair conjunction, That long hath frown'd upon their enmity! — What traitor hears me, and says not, — Amen? England hath long been mad, and scarr'd herself; The brother blindly shed the brother's blood, The father rashly slaughter'd his own son, The son, compell'd, been butcher to the sire; All this divided York and Lancaster, Divided, in their dire division. — O, now, let Richmond and Elizabeth, The true succeeders of each royal house, By God's fair ordinance conjoin together. And let their heirs, (God, if thy will be so,) Enrich the time to come with smooth-faced peace, With smiling plenty, and fair prosperous days ! Abate tlie edge of traitors, gracious Lord, That would reduce these bloody days again. And make poor England weep in streams of blood ! Let them not live to taste this land's increase, That would with treason wound this fair land's peace! Now civil wounds are stopp'd, peace lives again ; That she may long live here, God say — Amenl" Rich. III. Act V. Scene IV. A disease hitherto unknowni, which, from its symptoms, was called the " sweating sickness," prevailed at this time in Lancasliire, and in other parts of the kingdom. Happily, the malady, wliich was most fatal, was of short duration, having made its appearance about the middle of September, and run its course before the end of October in the same year. " The complaint was a pestilent fever," says lord Verulam, " attended by a malign vapour, which flew to the heart, and seized the vital spirits; which stiiied nature to strive to send it forth by an extreme sweat. It the patient were kept in an equal temperature, botli tor clothes, fire, and drink. Coimti) |3alatme of 2Lanrasitfi% 443 moderately warm ^itli temperate cordials, whereby nature's work were neither chap. irritated by heat, nor turned back by cold, he commonly recovered, and the danger "^ " was considered as past in twentj^-four hours from the first attack. But infinite persons died suddenly of it, before the manner of the cure and attendants were known. It was conceived not to be an epidemical disease, but to proceed from a malignity in the constitution of the aii-, gathered by the precUsposition of seasons; and the speedy cessation declared as much." Fifteen yeai-s afterwards this county was piafrue iu visited by the plague, which spread extreme alarm through the country, and the shire!* king, to escape the danger of contagion, sailed with his family to Calais. This sweating sickness had so completely subsided in London, that the cere- Creation mony of the coronation, wliich had been fixed for the 30th of October, took place ° ^''"'" according to appointment ; on which occasion, only two elevations, and one new creation, were made in the peerage ; and the parties so honoured were, Jasper earl of Pembroke, the king's uncle, created duke of Bedford ; Tliomas lord Stanley, created earl of Derby ; and Edward Covertney, created eai-1 of Devon. The partiality in favour of the house of York was still felt in the north of England, and particularly in that city which gave its name to the party of the wliite rose. The The king's king, to conciliate the affections of his subjects, determined to make a progi-ess into to'Jhr^* the north of England. On his way thither, he learnt that viscount Lovel, with °'"^^' sir- Humphrey Stafford, and Thomas his brother, had quitted the sanctuary at Colchester, in wliich they had taken refuge, and were again in the field, at the head of a body of insurgents. To meet the impencUng danger, a small force was immedi- ately collected under the duke of Bedford, wliich lord Lovel, finding himself unable Level's re- to resist, he cUspersed his army, and fled into Laucashke, where he took up liis residence in secret, under the roof of sir Thomas Broughton, of Broughton, in Furness. Having remained here for some time, and arranged a secret correspond- ence with the knight, he at length embarked for Flanders, the seat of all the intrigues against the existing English dynasty, carried on under the fostering care of the duchess of Burgundy, widow of Charles the Bold. An opinion prevailed, propagated by the malcontents, that one of the sons of Edward IV., said to have been murdered in the Tower by order of his uncle, tlie duke of Gloucester, still survived ; and that his murderers, smitten with remorse when they had despatched one of the children, suffered tlie other to escape. Richard Simon, a priest, living at Oxford, had as his pupil, the son of a baker, named Lambert Lambert Simnel, of the age of about fifteen yeai's, a prepossessing youth, of princely pretender presence, wliom Simon concluded would fitly personate the young prince,* To aid throne. ** At one time he assumed the title of Edward Plantagenet, earl of Warwick, son of the late duke of Clarence ; and at another, the title of Richard, duke of York, second son of Edward IV. 3l2 444 CfK 2^i£itOll) Of t])t CHAP. XI. Lands at the Pile of Fouldrey. Rattle of Stoke- field. 6th Ji'.ne, 1487. the entei-prise, this juvenile pretender was sent over to Ireland, where he found many supporters of his claims, and Avhere he was crowned as Edward VI. ; hut liis principal friend was the duchess of Burgundy, whose hatred to the house of Lancaster was implacable, and who, though possessed of many good qualities, seemed under the restraint of no moral principle, when engaged in the subversion of the throne of Henry VII. With the aid of the duchess, by whom Sunuel was provided with two thousand troops, under the command of Martin Swart, he embarked for England hi suitable vessels, commanded by captain Thomas Gerardine, and accompanied by a large number of Irish adventurers, who seemed well inclined to forget the danger to wliich they exposed themselves, when a crown was the prize to be gained by the successful party in the contest. Simnel and his followers landed at the Pile of Foukkey, in the bay of Morecambe, in the county of Lancaster ; here he encamped on a common subsequently called Swart Moor, in Furness, where he chew together a number of adherents, charmed with the cliivalrous character of the enterprise, and, amongst others, sir Thomas Broughton, the friend and correspondent of lord Level. On the breaking up of the camp, the insurgents, under John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, marched southward through Yorkshire into Nottinghamsliire, where they were joined by lord Lovel, the devoted servant of the fallen tyi'ant, Richard III. The king, Avith his usual promptitude and decision, hastened to give the insur- gents battle ; and having been remforced by six thousand men, under the earl of Shrewsbury and lord Strange, accompanied by seventy knights and persons of distinction, the hostile army met at Stoke-field, near NcAvark. The battle, Avliich Avas fought on the south side of the vUlage, Avas fierce and obstinate, and continued for three hours, but at length A^ctory declared in favour of the Idng. All the leaders in the rebel army were killed upon the field, including the earl of Lincoln, eaid Kildare, Francis lord Lovel, Mai'tin SAvart, and su- Thomas Broughton. The number of the rebel troops slain amounted to four tliousand, and of the king's forces to about half that umuber.* Amongst the prisoners Avas the protended EdAvard * It appears difficult to account for the death of so large a number as " eighty princes of blood," said by Comines to have fallen in the wars between the houses of York and Lancaster, to which this battle may not inaptly be considered supplemental ; but that difficulty will be in a great measure removed, when the tragical history of the losses sustained in the person of one individual, Cecily, duchess of York, the widow of the first duke, who laid claim to the throne in the reign of Henry VI. is conside'-ed. This most unfortunate princess survived till 1487; and Brooke, in his " Observations illustrative of the accounts given by the ancient historical writers of the battle of Stoke-field," says, " her nephew, Humphrey, earl of Stafford, was slain at the first battle of St. Alban's, in 1455 ; his father, Humphrey Stafford, duke of Buckingham, who married her sister, Anne Neville, perished in 1460, at the battle of Northampton; her husband, Richard Plantagenet, the great duke of York, XI. Coiintj) |3alatmt of ?Lanrasitn% 445 Plautagenet, alias Lambert SLmiiel, and the Avily priest Simon, his tutor. The youtli, chai beneath the resentment of Henry, found his level as an assistant-cook in the king's kitchen, more happy, probably, than if he had worn the king's crown ; and as a reward for liis merits, he was afterwards promoted to the office of one of liis majesty's when the crown of England was almost within his grasp, and her nephew, sir Thomas Neville, (son of her brother, Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury,) were slain in the same year, at the battle of Wakefield ; her brother, the earl of Salisbury, was taken prisoner, and immediately beheaded by martial law ; and her second son, Edmund, earl of Rutland, was, at the same time, butchered in cold blood by lord Clifibrd ; her half-nephews, sir John Neville, and Ralph Neville, earl of Westmoreland, perished in 1461, the former at the skirmish of Ferrybridge, or Dintingdale, and the latter at the battle of Towton ; her nephew, sir Henry Neville, (son of her brother, George Neville, lord Latimer,) was made prisoner, and put to death, at the battle of Banbury, in 1469 ; John Tibtoft, earl of Worcester, who married her niece, Cecily, (the widow of Henry de Beauchamp, duke of Warwick,) was executed on Tower- hill, in 1470 ; her two nephews, Richard Neville, the great earl of Warwick, the " proud setter-up and puller-down of kings," and John Neville, marquis of Montague, were slain at the battle of Barnet, in 1471; Edward, prince of Wales, who married her great niece, Anne Neville, (daughter of her nephew, the earl of Warwick,) was most barbarously murdered, after the battle of Tewksbury, in the same year; her son George, duke of Clarence, was put to death in the Tower of London, in 1478, his wife, who was her great-niece, having previously died, as was supposed, by poison ; her eldest son, ' king Edward IV., abandoned a warlike and active life for pleasure and excesses, which cut him off in the prime of manhood in 1483 ; William, lord Hastings, (the ancestor of the house of Hastings, earls of Huntingdon,) who married her niece, Katherine Neville, was, a few weeks after that event, beheaded, without even the form of a trial; her two grandsons, king Edward V. and Richard, duke of York, were murdered in the Tower of London soon afterwards ; and her son-in-law, sir Thomas St. Ledger, who married her daughter, Anne Plantagenet, (by whom he had a daughter, Anne, the ancestress of the present family of Manners, dukes of Rutland,) was executed in the same year at Exeter, for treason, in joining the unsuccessful rebellion of the great duke of Buckingham ; and the duke, who was her great nephew, being deserted by his forces, and the place of his retreat discovered, was about the same time taken and beheaded ; her grandson, Edward, prince of Wales, (son of king Richard HI. and Queen Anne, her niece, through whom she naturally expected the honour of being the ancestress of a long line of English monarchs,) died in 1484 ; and the childless queen, his mother, a few months afterwards, followed him to the tomb; her youngest son, king Richard HI. an excel- lent monarch and valiant soldier, but an ambitious and wicked man, was slain at the battle of Bosworth, in 1485 ; and her grandson, John de la Pole, earl of Lincoln, perished in 1487, at the battle of Stoke. She died in 1495 ; after three princes of her body had succeeded to the crown of England, (without taking into account her grand-daughter, Elizabeth Plantagenet, queen of Henry VII.) and four had been murdered; and, by her death, was saved the additional afHiction of the loss of her grandson, Edward Plantagenet, earl of Warwick, the last male of the house of Plan- tagenet, who was doomed to imprisonment for life, and was, at length, inhumanly put to death, under the colour of a judicial proceeding, in 1499, by that cold, mean, and heartless usurper, Henry VII." As to the historical facts contained in this interesting note, they are indubitable ; but had Mr. Brooke lived in the fifteenth century, he would certainly have been a Yorkist, and a strong bias towards tlie princes and sovereigns of that house pervades his " Observations." 446 €\n ^l^isitoi-j) of ti)t CHAP. XI. Confisca- tion of sir Thomas Brougli- ton's estates. falconers. As for Siinon, he was committed to prison, and doomed to perpetual incarceration. The Idng rewarded tlie services of lord Strange hy conferring upon his father, lord Stanley, the confiscated estates of sir Thomas Broughton. " Stout Broughton, that had stood With York even from the first, there lastly gave his blood To that well-foughten field." Dravton's Poi.y-Olbion. Punish- ment of the rebels. Confirma- tion of grant to sir Wra. Stanley. Abduc- tion. " With this unhappy gentleman, the family of Broughton, which had flourished for many centuries, and had contracted alliances ^ith most of tlie principal families in these parts, was extinguished in Furness ; for Quicquid deUrant rcges plectuntur AcJiiri.''* After the hattle of Stoke, the king made another journey into the northern counties, but it was rather an itinerant circuit of justice, to try and sentence the rebels, than a royal progress. Strict inquisition was made into the conduct of the offenders, whether they had been principals or abettors in the late rebellion. Many persons were sentenced to death, and executed, but the prevailing jiunishment was by fine and confiscation, wliich spared life, but raised money — at all times the distinguishing characteristic of king Henry's policy. In the reign of Richard III. sir William Stanley became seized of certain royal demesne lands, " as a fee of the manors of Pykhill, Sessewyke, and Bedewall, the moite of the manors of Istoid, Hewlyngton, Cobham, Hem, Wrexham, Burton, Alyngton, Esclusham, Eglosecle, Ruyaban, Abynbury, Dynull, Morton Fabror', Minere, Osbaston, Sonford, Oseleston ; the moite of the castell, lordship and manor of Dynesbram; castell, lordship and town of Lyone, othenvise called the Holte, the moite of the lordship, manors and lands of Hewelyngton, Bromfeld, Yale, Wrex- ham, and Almore, with the advoAvsons of the moite of the churche of Grefford, in Wales, and marche of Wales, unto the countie of Shropshire adjoining." Tliis grant was made to the gallant knight, partly, no doubt, of the royal bounty, but not wholly so, as other manors and lands, as well as money, Avere given by liim to tlie crown on the grant being ratified to sir William. After the change of the dynasty, it became a matter of doubt, Avhether the gi'ant made by king Richai'd was of sufficient validity to confer an undisputed title; and, for the purpose of remoraig all uncertainty on the subject, an act was passed in the fourth year of the reign of Henry VII. confirming the royal grant to sir William Stanley, and to his heirs for ever.f The crime of abduction, rendered somewhat memorable in Lancashire in modern times, prevailed as early as the reign of Henry VII., and, by an act of that monarch. * West's Furness, synopsis of families, p. 210. + Rot. Pari. 4 Henry VII. vol. vi. p. 417. Coimtj) palatine of aanrastrr. 447 tlie taking and carrying away of a woman forcibly and against her will (except chap. female wards and bond-women) was made a capital offence ; parliament conceiving, '. . that tlie obtaining of a woman by force, whatever assent niigbt afterwards follow, was but a rape drawn forth in length, because the first force drew on all the rest.* The failure of the pretensions of Lambert Simnel served only to whet the inven- tion of his noble patroness, the duchess of Burgundy, who, with an assiduity and malignity that belonged to her character, got up a new tragedy, in which Perkin Perkin Warbeck, an adroit youth, the son of a renegade Jew, was to act the prmcipal part, another -,. 1 11 !!• !• pretender. The reputed father of this new pretender to tlie throne hail, it appears, been m favour Avith Edward IV. and was supposed to have surrendered his wife to the embraces of that licentious prince; so that the extraordinary resemblance which it is said young Perkin bore to Edwai'd, his godfather, was by no means mii-acu- lous. Having found this treasure, the duchess of Burgundy kept him under her tuition for a considerable time, polishing his manners up to the standard of court refinement, and instructing luui in all the particulars that it concerned Richard Plantageuet to know, regarding both his royal parents and his elder brother, and his kinsfolk; with all which it was essential that he should be perfectly acquainted, for the due acting of his princely part. To stimulate liis ambition, she set before him the glories of a crown; and assured him, that if he should even fail in his entei-prise, he should at all times find an asylum in her court. That the less suspicion might attach to the " young prince," he was sent through Portugal to Ireland, and disembarked at Cork. Here he announced Ids chums to the throne of England, and, having paved his way, as he conceived, in that country, he embarked for France, Avhere his court was attended by many of the leading persons in Paris. From thence he returned into Flanders, for the purpose, as he pretended, of jjaying a first visit to liis aunt of Burgundy. The duchess affected never to have seen him before, and scrutinized liis claims with great severity, in order to discover whether he was the real duke of York. The answers returned to her questions, which were asked in the presence of a number of persons of her court, seemed to astonish the inquu'er. She feigned to be quite transported with joy and wonder at the mira- culous deliverances of her nephew; and having given expression to her feelings, she conferred upon him the title of " The WJiite Rose of En(/la)i(f,'' ai)pointing him a guard for his royal person. Attracted by the news of this regal star, wliich had risen on the continent, sir Robert Clifford embarked for Flanders, to ascertain the identity of the young prince ; and, after having examined him with great minuteness, he wi'ote to England to say, that he knew Richard duke of York as well as he knew his own son, and this was unquestionably that prince. Tlie Idng, though a silent, was by no • Lord Verulam's history, p. 65. 448 Cl)r l^isitori) of ti)t CHAP. XI. A number of his H'lherents executed. Sir Wm. Stanley accused. Found guilty, and executed, 15 Feb. 1495. means au inactive observer of tlie drama wliicli was acting, and in wliicli lie had so deep ail interest. His inquiries at home, and his emissaries abroad, convinced him that young Wai-beck was an impostor ; and he made an earnest representation to the archduke Pliilip, by a si)ecial embassy, requiring that Perkin might be dismissed from liis court in the same manner as pirates and other impostors were treated, being accounted the common enemies of mankind. The reply to tliis application was, that the archduke had no control over the possessions of the duchess dowager, who was absolute in the lands of her dowry. The king now determined to seize several of the persons in this country, by whose aid the young pretender was partly upheld and supported. Amongst a number of others, both of the laity and clergy, sir Simon Raddiife, lord Fitzwater, sir Simon Mountford, sir Thomas Thwaites, and William Dawbigne}', were all brought to trial ; and being found guilty of conspiring to dethrone the Idng, they were sentenced to death, and beheaded. It was now ascertained that sii' Robert Clifford had been induced to embark in the king's ser^dce as a state informer. On his return to England from Flanders, he sought an audience of the king in council, and, affecting gi-eat contrition, he fell do^Mi at his sovereign's feet, and besought his forgiveness — of which he had already been assured. As a return for the royal clemency, he declared his readiness to communicate all that be knew of the parties who had been in league withWarbeck, and, amongst others, he accused sir William Stanley, the king's chamberlain, who was at that moment in the royal presence. The king received this information with amazement ! — that a man who had served him so nobly, who bad rescued him from the most iuiminent peril in the hour of battle, and who had crowned him in the field ; that a man who enjoyed by liis favour so large a fortune, and such high elevation in the state, a man allied closely with his royal master by family connexion, and to whom he had entrusted liis person, should prove a traitor, — was incredible. Clifford was requested to reconsider his charge, and Avarned of the consequences of repeating a false accusation : he persisted, however, in liis assertions, and offered to justify liis accusation, upon his soul and upon his life. The next day sir William was examined before the lords of the council ; when he neither denied, or attempted to extenuate, his giult. His reliance for pardon, it is said, rested principally upon his former services, and upon the inter- cession of his brother, the earl of Derby ; but both these hopes failed him. In about six weeks from the time when the accusation was first preferred by sii- Robert Clifford, sir William Stanley was arraigned of high treason, and, being found guilty, was condemned to suffer the utmost penalty of the law, and soon after beheaded. The specific crime charged against sir William Stanley has never been satisfactorily ascertained; but it is said, that, in a conversation with sir Robert Clifford, lie Coimtp ^alatmr of Saitrasitm 449 observed, " That if he were sure that Perkin Wavbeck was king Edward's son, he chap. wouki neAer bear anns against him." Tliis tlie judges construed into conditional '■ treason ; and the preference that the expression impUed, for tlie claims to the crown, of the house of York, over that of the house of Lancaster, stung Henry to the quick. Tlie true cause, however, of the extreme severity towards sir William Stanley was probably his wealth, as he was one of the richest subjects in England, there having been found in Ids castle of Holt forty thousand marks, exclusive of plate, jewels, and other effects ; to which is to be added, three thousand pounds a year in land. This was a temptation too alluring for a monai'ch of the king's cUspositiou to resist ; and the general opinion is, that sir William Stanley was quite as much the victim of Henry's cupifhty, as of his own alleged treason. Some disquietude, it is said, lurked in the mind of su- Wilham, whose ambition had prompted him to aspire to the vacant earldom of Chester, the ancient cUgnity of Rundle, viscount Bayeux,the Norman baron. This request having been refused, his allegiance is supposed to have been shaken ; and the king, having become suspicious that his love was turned into hate, was glad of an occasion to remove from his court and person, one to whom he was under infinite obHgation, It is by no means clear that sir Robert Clifford, the state informer, was not from Equi\ocai the beginning an emissary of the Idng, who maintained a widely extended system of of cnf- espionage, and that he did not go over to Flanders with his consent, and by liis conniv- "' ' ance. This supposition. Bacon (lord Verulam,) rejects, on the ground that su* Robert never afterwards received that degree of confidence vvitli the king which he enjoyed befoi'e he left England ; but tliis is a slender foundation on which to hazard the conjecture, seeing that spies and their employers must, in the nature of tilings, generally appear to stand in a state of alienation, if not of actual hostilit}-. The parliament, which assembled in the same year, passed an act of attainder against sir William Stanley, by wliicli all his honours, castles, manors, lordships, and other possessions, were confiscated, and forfeited to the king, and thus swept into the general mass of forfeitures which filled the royal coffers.* In the midst of all the cares of state, Henry found sufficient leisure in the sum- The king's mer, after the execution of su- William Stanley, to visit liis mother, for whom he Lanca- always cherished the most affectionate regard, and his step-father, the eaii of ^^"^' Derby, at Knowsley, and at Latham, in this county. So far was the earl from expressing any hostility towards the king on account of the recent execution of his brother, that he gave all possible effect to the royal progress, and entertauied his guest with a sumptuous hospitality, such as has seldom been witnessed hi these * Rot. Pari. 1 1 Henry VII. vol. vi. p. 503. VOL. I. 3m 450 CIk i^istxirj) of tl)t CHAP, parts. To promote tlie king's accommodation, tlie noble lord built a bridge over the " river Mersey at Warrington, for the passage of liimself and liis suite ; which bridge has been found of so much public utUity, as to afford a perpetual monument of the ■visit of Henry VII. to Lancashire. The countess of Riclrmond and Derby not only returned her son's affection, but she extended also her love to tlie queen and her chilcken ; and the following letter, written by her to Thomas Boteler, earl of Ormond, chamberlain to the queen, Avliile he was on a foreign embassy, is strongly characteristic of her maternal affection : — "My Lord Chambyrlayn,' Letter of " Y thauko you hertyly that ye lyste soo sone remebyi- me w' my glovys the teg's "oT" whyche wer rygtit good save they wer to myche for my hand, y thynke the ladyes mMd y that partyes to giet ladyes all, and acordjnig to ther gi-et astate they have gi-et personagf , as for newes her y ame seure ye shall have more seurte then y can send yow, blessed be god the kyng the quenne and alt our suet chyldryn be yn good hele, the queue hatlie be a lytytt erased, but now she ys well god be thankyd, her sykenes ys soo good as y wuld but y truste hastyly yt shaft w' godd' gi-asse whom y pray gyve yow good sped y your gi-et maters and brjaig you well and soone home, wrety at Shene the xxv. day of aprett. ^ -^Sy^tJt>-^^^^V-^^AAA^ " To my lord " The queuys chambyi'layii." The progi-ess of the Idng on his northern tour to Lancashire commenced on the 20th of June, 1495, and terminated on the 3rd of October in the same year. In the account of the " privy purse expenses of Henry VII." the chai-ges incurred on this journey ai-e enumerated with gi-eat pailicularity, and the successive stages of the royal route, both going and coming, ai-e marked Avith the king's accustomed precision, in the following terras : — "June 21. At Wicombe. 22. At Notley. 25. At Wodestok. " 28. For making the King's bonefuyer, 10". " July 1. At Cleping-norton. " 2. At Evesham. 3. At Tukesbury. 4. At Wours. "5. To Brom riding to Northamptonsliire and Ruteland with five lettres, 10' Coiintp ^alatint of aanrasftcr. 451 " 9, To a preste that Avas the King's scolemaster, £2. chap " To a tumbler opon tlie rope in rewarde, 3% 4''. "10. At Biewdeley. 12. At Ludlow. 15. At Shrewsbury. " 16. At Cumbemcre Abbey. " To an archer of th' archeduc in rewarde, £4. " 17. At Holte. 18. At Chester. " To TophflF the Juge of Ireland, £2. " 23. To John Reding for vitailling, waging of four shipps at Fowey and Pl}anouth, ^\^th 470 [men] for six weeks to be opon the sea, £350. 2\ 9''. " For his costs ricUng theder with the money, £6. 13'. 4''. " To Sii- Geffi-ey for vitadling, hiring of sliippes, liii-ing of horses, for liis olde costs, & for Ms costs now, in grosse, £42. 1 7". 4''. " To the Pycard of Chester liired for a moneth, to carry men into Ireland, £4. 13'. 2". " To a Spanyard for can-ying seventy men over into Irelande at onetyme, £10. " To William Damport for four tun of here, with the carriage and empty pipes, £4. IP. 2". " At Vaile Roiall Abbey. " To one that leped at Chestre, 6\ 8*. " For the wags of eleven pety captanes for fourteen days, every of them 9' by day, £5. 15'. 6\ (Equal to about six shillings per day at the present time.) " For their conduyt money, £1. 9'. 3\ " To the wags of 149 fotemen for fourteen days, every of them 6^. by day, £101. 10'. 6". " To their condyt money, £26. 6'. 8*. " For 142 jackets, at 1'. 6^ the pece, £13. 11*. " To fifty-five cresset men, every of them V. £2. 15'. "JM?y 28. AtWlionwick (Wiuwick). " 20. At Lathom. " To Sii- Richard Pole for 200 jacquetts, price of every pece P. 6^ £15. Husband of Margaret Plantagenet, daughter of George Duke of Clai-ence» and afterwards Countess of Salisbmy. " For the wages of 100 horsemen for fourteen days, every of them 9* by day, £52. 10'. " For their conduyt for 3 days, every of the n 9'^ by day, £11. 5'. " For the wages of 100 fotemen for fourteen days, every of them 6''. by day, £35. 3m 2 452 Cf)f ?ljlStXlip Of tl)t XI. " To swell the King's retinue. " For theii" conduyt for four clays, every of them 6''. by day, £10. " For shipping, vitailliug, and setting over the see the foresaid 200 men with an 100 horses, £13. 6'. 8\ " To the shirif awayting upon S' Sampson for the safe conduyt of the forsaid souldeours, £2. " Auff. 2. To Picard, a hen-aid of Fraunce, in rewarde, £6. 13'. 4^. " To the women that songe before the Kinge and the Queue in reward, 6'. 8''. From wliich it appeal's that the King was accompanied in this progress by the Queen. " 3. At Knowsley. " 4. At Warington. " 5. At Manchestre. " 6. At Maxfeld, 8. At Newcastell. 10. At Strafford. 11. At Lychefeld. 12. At Burton. 13. At Derby. 28. At Lughburgh. 29. At Leye. "31. To theubassador of Scotland. " For charging and discharging, wacliing and attending upon the Kinges jewels from Shene to Nottingham, £20. " Se^y. 1. At Walsted. " To the Erie of Kildare in reward, £6. 13'. 4*. " For the costs and chai'ges of the Enbassador's horses at Nottuigham and Leye, £8. 19'. l-*. "4. At Colyweston. 11. At Rekyng. "11. To James Keyley for King Richard [III.] tombe,£l0. P. " 12. At Northampton. " To David Malpas, for the reparacone done and made at Rokyngham Castell, £6. 19' 9'. " 16. AtBanbiu-y. 19. At Wodestok. " 19. For gloves and Lantory cheese, 4'. d " 25. To the Juge of Ireland in rewarde, £3. &\ 8' " 27. For five paire of gloves by Hugh Denes, P. 8''. " 29. At Newelme. " To Dr. Maye for finding of John Phelps at Oxon, £2. " 33. At Birsham. Oct. 1. At Windesor. " To the chiltken for the Kings spowres, 4'. " Oct. 3. At Shene. 16. At Westminster." Counti.) |3alatuit of 2Lanca£Jtfr, 453 During the king's i-esidence at Latham, Perkin Wai'beck having collected a chap. considerable armament, attempted a landing on the coast of Kent ; hnt this enterprise, U . like all the others in wldch he embarked, utterly failed. He next sailed for Scotland, invasions of M ar- wliere he was received with gi'eat favour by the 8cotch king. Here he told liis i^e^k. pathetic story with much effect, representing, that " one Henry Tudor, the son of Edmund Tudor, had usui-ped that tlu'one, of which he had been deprived by liis uncle, Richard of Gloucester. Henry, not content with displacing him from tlie throne, had laboured to compass his death and ruin ; the justice of his cause, however, was so manifest to his most christian majesty Charles, king of France, and to the lady duchess of Burgundy, his dear aunt, that they not only acknowledged his title to the English crown, but were ready to assist liim in obtaining it." The king so far supported the claims of his interesting young guest, that he allowed liim to take to ^ife Lady Katherine Gordon, daughter of the earl of Huntley, a lady of great beauty, and of high accomplishments. The next step was to penetrate into England by the northern borders, and to erect his standard in Northumberland. Here Perkin issued a " royal proclamation,"* inviting all loyal subjects to repair' to his standard, and holding out the most alluring promises to those who embraced his cause. All these blancHshments failed of success. Tlie people were insensible to the demand made upon their loyalty, and the expedition ended in a precipitate retreat, but not till the Scotch had plundered and laid waste the county of Northumberland. His next and final attempt was upon the coast of Cornwall, where a recent insur- rection, which terminated in the defeat of the rebels upon Blackheath, seemed to have prepared the people for his reception. The first appearance of Perkin was at Bodmin, where he was joined by about three thousand of the inhabitants of that town and the neighbouring district. Thus encouraged, he marched to the city of Exeter, which he suramoned to suiTender in the name of " Richard IV., king of England." Instead of dismay, tliis invasion excited nothing but joy and derision in the king's court. Speaking of Perkin and his followers, who were many of them persons of decayed fortune, and a number of others absolute felons, Henry said, " The king of Rake-hells has landed in the west, and I hope I shtUl have the honour of an internew with hiin." The king lost not a moment in despatcliiug the lord chamberlain, lord Brook, and sir Rice ap Thomas, with a light force, to Exeter, to relieve the city, charging them to announce that he was on liis march in person, at the head of the royal ai'my. All these preparations were rendered unnecessary by the gentry of the county having collected a force sufficient to alarm the invaders, who suddenly raised the siege of Exeter, and marched to Taunton. From this place Perkin Warbeck fled in the night, attended by about sLxty liorsemeu, to BeAvley, in the wafiili"!!. ' • Sir Robert Cotton's MSS. 454 €i)t i?is;toi|.) of tht CHAP, New Forest, where he shut liimself up for safety in the sanctuary of that place, ' alleging, that he foresaw the carnage that would ensue, and he could not endure to see the blood of his subjects spilt! Lady Katheriue Gordon, who had followed the fortunes of her husband, whom she tenderly loved, was captured at St. Michael's, in Cornwall, by the king's troops, and, being taken to comt, she was treated by the queen with gi'eat kindness, and even aifection. Her beauty was the theme of general admiration, and, being extremely fail-, the title given to her husband by the duchess of Burgundy was transferred to his lady, Avho was henceforth called " Hie ^V^nte. Rose." The pretender, Perkin, on a promise of pardon from the king, surrendered himself into liis hands. On bemg brought to London, he confessed the imposture, and became an object of scorn rather than of loyal regard. Having formed a con- spu'acy, as was alleged, with Edwai-d Plantagenet, earl of WarAvick, the eldest son of the late duke of Clarence, who had been kept a prisoner in the Tower from liis Execution iufaucy, he was brought to trial for higli treason, found guilty, and afterwards male of the executed at Tyburn. The earl of Warwick, his accomplice, was also convicted, and genets! beheaded on Tower Hill, in whom fell the last of the male line of the Plantagenets.* The king, no longer exposed to the danger of losing his throne, smrendered himself to that passion, wliich, when inordinately cherished, strengthens with age. The king's and outlives all other vices.t The sums wliich flowed into the royal coffers from the pii'ise. arbitrary exactions of Epsom and Dudley were immense j and the strictness with which the account of the king's privy purse was kept is at once amusing and instructive. In these accounts, from the year 1491 to 1505, amongst an immense number of other items of expenditure, the following appear : — - * Contemporary liistorians describe this young prince in their strong, but homely terms, as reduced to the most abject state of imbecility by his long confinement, and by his almost entire exclusion from human intercourse: " he was," says Holinshed, " a very innocent." Hall says, " being kept for fifteen years without company of men, or sight of beasts, he could not discern a goose from a capon." t Among other modes of raising money, the king had frequently recourse to subsidies ; a levy of this kind was made in 1496, when the persons appointed to be commissioners for Lancashire, along with the justices of the peace, were Edmundus Trafford Mil', Thomas Lawrence Arm' JoHes Talbot Mil', Thomas Hesketh Arm'. It is due to the king, however, to say, that he did from time to time award allowances from the revenues of the duchy of Lancaster for the relief of the public burdens, as appears by the following items in the acts of the first and eleventh years of his reign : — j^85. First, of the General Receivour of the Duchieof Lancastre . . . mm. ccciiiti. xiriis. vd. oB. j^gj First, oftheGenerallReceyvour of the Duchieof Lancastre . . . mm. ccciiiti. xiiii s. vid. o'b. Coimtj) palatine of £anrasitfr, 455 £. S. d. CHAP. Money given to Sii* Wm. Stanley at his execution .... 10 " Paid for Sir William Stanley's buryall at Syon 15 19 Paid to Simon Digby in full payment for tlie buriall of Sir Wm. Stanley 200 Paid to Robert Suthewell for horses, sadells, and other neces- sarys bought for the conveyance of my Lady Kateryn Hunt-leye, (The White Rose) 7134 Paid to my Lord Strange in reward 40 Paid to Sir Edward Stiuiley in reward 26 13 4 Paid for making of the bonefuyer 200 Paid to Sir Gilbert Talbot going on an embassade to Rome, for his costs 500 &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. Towards the close of liis reign, the king displayed great anxiety to bring a Failure of " celestial honour," as it was called, into the house of Lancaster. To accomplish to obtain this object, he sent an embassy to Rome, to importune the new pope Julias IL to honour canonize Henry VI. ; but upon what gi'ound, except that he had, when Henry VH. i^ous^of was a boy, predicted that he should one day fill tlie throne of England, it is difficult ^""^^^ *'^" to conjecture. His holiness referred the matter to certain cardinals, to take the verification of the deceased monarch's holy acts and miracles; but these were not sufficiently obvious to entitle him to the dignity of the calendar, and the negociation was abandoned in despaii'. A MS. in the Harleian Collection,* found amongst the papers of Fox the Martyrologist, entitled " De Miracnlis Beatissimi M'lUtis Xpi Henrici F;,'' con- sisting of about 150 folio closely written pages, contains an account of a vast number of reputed mii-acles performed by this monarch, of which the following may be taken as specimens. " How Richard Whytby Priest of Mount St. Michaels was long ill of a Fever, & at last mira- culously cured by journeying to the Tomb of Henry VI." [Folio 113 b.] " John called Robynson, who had been blind ten years, recovered his sight by visiting Henry's Tomb." [Folio 97 b.] " How Henry Lancaster, afflicted with Fever, was miraculously cured in three days by the appearance of that blessed Prince Henry VI. in the sky." [Folio 98.] " How a girl called Joan Knyght who was nearly kilLd with a bone sticking in her throat, and considered dead, on the by-standers invoking Henry VI. vomited the bone & was restored to health." [Folio 119 b.] • Cod. 423. 456 CfK l?l£(t0lj) of tl)t CHAP. One of the last acts of the parliament of Henry VII. was to answer a demand ^^" for two " reasonable aids;" the one for making a knight of his eldest son Arthur, Reason- now deceased, and the other for the marriage of his eldest daughter (from which marriage sprang the Stuart dynasty in England) to the king of Scotland, and also for the " gi'eat and inestimable charges" which he had incurred for tlie defence of the realm. Parliament having duly considered these demands, and being fully aware of the difficulty and discontent which would aiise from the aids being levied according to the ancient tenors of the kingdom, compounded for them by presenting the king with forty thousand pounds, towards which sum the contribution for Lancashire, and the coimnissioners employed in its collection, were as follow : — Thomas Boteler, Knyght, John Bothe, Knyght, Pears Lee, Knyght, 1 Richard Bold, Knyght, Jolm SoAvthworth, Knyght, Thomas Laurence, Knyght, William Thornborough, Esquyer, Cutberd Clyfton, Esquyer, Immense The death of the king put the usual termination to the accumulation of wealth. wealth of a jjg ^eh,'' says lord Verulam, " mostly in secret places, vnder his owne Key and keeping, at Richmond, treasui-e of store, that amounted (as by Tradition it is reported to have done) %aito the Summe of neare Eighteene hundred thousand pounds Sterling; a huge Masse oi Money, even for these tunes," From the time of Henry VII. the distinction of the Roses, as a badge of party, fell entirely into disuse. The origin of tliis distinction may be traced back to the time of John of Gaunt, whose device was a red rose, and Edmund of Langley, whose device was a white rose. " Tliese two factions," says Selden, " afterwards, as for cognizance of their descent and inclinations, were by the same flowers cUstinguished," till the wliite rose and the red were united, on the marriage of Henry VII. with the princess Elizabeth. , cccxviiiti. IIS. iiid. ob. q. Cdimti) l^Mint of ILnnrasitfr. 457 CJ)ap. ^M- The 16th century.— Henry VIII. ascends the throne.— Invasion of England by the Scots.— Battle of Flodden Field—The king's letter of thanks to sir Edward Stanley, &c.— Lord-lieutenants first appointed.— Proclamation to the sheriff of Lancaster on menaced Scotch invasion.— The Reforma- tion.— Religious persecution.— Visitation of the monasteries.— Deplorable ignorance of the clergy.— Report of the commissioners on the Lancashire monasteries.— Dissolution of the lesser monasteries.-Original certificate of the value of certain monasteries in Lancashire.- Progress of a suffragan in Lancashire.-Insurrections produced by the dissolution of the monasteries.-The pilgrimage of grace.-Letter from the king to the archbishop of York and lord Darcy.-Or.g.nal warrants (fac similes) from the king to sir Roger Bradshawe and sir Thomas Langton, kn.ghts.- Dispersion of the rebel army.-Reassemble.-Final dispersion. -Letter from the earl of Derby to the king, on the taking of Whalley abbey.-First draught of Henry Vin.'s letter to the earl of Sussex on the rebellion in the north, &c.-Renewed rebellion in the north.-Execution of the abbot of Whalley and others.-Dissolution of the larger monasteries.-First pubhcation of the Bible in En-lish.-Excommunication of the king.-List of Lancashire monasteries.-Their revenues administered by the duchy.-Aggregate value of the dissolved monasteries.-Bishopnc of Chester &c. erected.-List of chantries in Lancashire.-Decayed towns in Lancashire. -Privdege of sanctuary.— The king's death. HE skteentli century, during almost the whole of wliich period the throne of England was occupied by Henry VHI. and liis cliildren, affords abundant materials for both the general and the local history of the county of Lancaster. The reformation of the estabUshed church, by which so many of the religious institutions of the country were dissolved, and the erection of a new bishopric, in which this coimty was included, could not fail materially to affect our eccle- siastical institutions ; wliile the persecutions on account of the ever-varying religion of the state, created a degree of public excitement that has seldom had a parallel in British history. In the north, the impression produced by these memorable changes was deeper than in the south; and in Lancashii-e, where the recusants were more numerous than in any other county, both the clergy and the laity awaited the result of the contest of the rival churches of England and Rome with an anxiety fully commensurate with the unportant interests it involved. Nor VOL. I. 3 N CH\I' XII. The leth century. 458 ClK 5}i£ituii) of ti)t CHAP. XII. Henry VIII. as- cends the throne. Invasion of Eng- land by the Scots. Battle of Flodden Field. Sept. 0, 1513. were the military and naval events of this period less interesting. The battle of Flodden Field, the wars with France, the almost incessant contests with Ireland, and the menaced invasion of this country by Spain, which terminated in the destruction of the " invincible armada," filled the whole nation with military ardour; and the amj)le official correspondence between the lieutenancy in the county of Lancaster and the successive ministers of state, shews that tliis county took its full share in the great events, by which the destiny of the nation was fixed, and its independence for ever secured. No prince ever ascended the throne of England under circumstances more auspicious than those which attended the elevation of Henry VIII. At peace with foreign nations, in the enjoyment of an undisputed title to the tlu-one, Avith a treasury fuU almost to repletion, and in possession of the affections of his people, he had nothing to wish for, and nothing to dread, except the impetuosity of his own passions. His venerable gi-andmother, the countess of Richmond and Derby, had survived her son, Hemy VII., and offered her valuable council and assistance in tlie formation of the young king's cabinet, at the head of which stood the archbishop of Canterbury. The countess lived to see the hope of her old age married lo Catherine of Arragon, the " A-irgiu widow" of his deceased brother Arthur, and died soon after the consum- mation of that unhappy union. A few years served to engage the king in a war with France, and to awaken the doiTaant feelings of hostility entertained towards England by the Scottish nation. To prosecute his operations with success, James IV., king of Scotland, passed the English frontier at the head of fifty thousand men,* and menaced the adjoining shores with his invading army. To repel this formidable invasion, large levies, principally of the tenantry of the great landed proprietors, were raised in the counties of Lancaster, Chester, York, and Westmoreland, which were placed, by the dii-ection of the queen regent,t under the command of Thomas Howard, eail of Sm-rey, and which, with the addition of five thousand regular ti'oops, swelled the amount of the English ai-my to twenty-six thousand men. The earl having marched from Pontefract by the route of Bolton Castle, the two armies met on the field of Flodden, near the foot of the Cheviot Hills, on the margin of the vale of Tweed. The earl of Sun-ey, having divided his forces into two parts, confided the vanguard to the command of his son, lord Howard, the lord achuii-al; and the reai- he headed liimself Su- Edmund Howard commanded * The official account, written by the lord admiral, says eighty thousand; but numbers of these were, no doubt, the hangers-on of the army, who had accompanied their friends, to partake of their expected plunder. t The king was at that time personally engaged in the wars in France, while Catherine, emulating the example of queen Philippa, (see chap. ix. p. 331,) was left to repel the Scotch invaders. Countp palatine of aanrndtm 459 the right Aviu-, and sii- Edward Stanley the left whig of the English army. On chap. leadin^g his followers to the field, the earl exclaimed, " Now, good feUows, do like EngliSunen this day!" The right wing of the vanguard, under sir Edmund Howard, overwhelmed by a large body of Scottish spearmen, commanded by lord Home, narrowly escaped anniliilatiou by the timely anival of the Bastard Heron, ^Ndth a numerous body of outlaws, Avho maintained a dubious contest, tiU the lord Dacre, with a reserve of fifteen thousand horse, charged the spearmen, aiul put them to flight. Tlie EngUsh vanguai-d, under the lord admii-al, fought like heroes, and, after slapng the eai-ls of Enrol and Crawford, dispersed then- forces in every dii-ection. Tli'e commanders of the conflicting annies, the earl of Surrey, and the Scottish king, with the chosen waniors of theh- respective armies, were opposed to each other. James fought on foot, sun-ounded by thousands of his men, cased in armour, which resisted the ai-rows of the English archers : maixhing with a steady step towards the royal standard of England, he conceived this trophy of victory to be almost within liis grasp, and was congi-atulating himself on the glories that awaited him, when sir- Edward Stanley, leading the left wing of the EngUsh army, composed principally of the Lancasliire, Chesliire, and Yorkshire levies, defeated the earls of Argyle and Lennox, and turned the fortune of the day. The Scotch ranks, hai-assed by the murderous discharges of the archers, and the tremendous blows of the bill-men, feU into disorder ; when Stanley, seizing the moment of panic, chased them over the liill, and, wheeling to the right, led his followers against the rear of the main Scotch army under king James, and thus placed hhn between two fii-es. In vain did the gallant monarch endeavour to penetrate the hostUe ranks by wliich he was envi- roned; the moment of his destiny was at hand, and he fell a lifeless corpse upon the field, Within a spear's length of the feet of the earl of Suney. The battle, wliich begJn about five o'clock in the afternoon, terminated at night-fall, and the pursuit was continued for only four miles. On the part of the Scotch, ten thousand wairiors were slain ; amongst whom were not only the king, but his natural son, the arch- bishop of St. Andrews, with two other bishops, two abbots, twelve earls, thii-teen barons, five eldest sons of barons, and fifty other men ot distinction.* Six thousand horses were taken, with the Avhole park of the Scotch ai-tillery, and about eight thousand prisoners. The gallantry of the Lancashire men at the memorable battle of Flodden-field has, at all times, been a subject of exultation on the part of the inhabitants of tliis county. That their favourite leader, sir Edward Stanley, should have, by liis skill and courage, contributed so essentially to turn the fate of the day, and 'that those other gallant knights, sir William Molineux of Scfton, sii- Edward Norris of Speke, and sir- Richard Asshton of Middleton, should have co-operated * Lord Thomas Howard's official account. 3 N 2 460 €l)t 5?is(tor|) of ti)t CHVP. SO efl5ciently with their leader, will long be mentioued mth praise, by those who XII • . " cherish the memory of gallant deeds at arms, and combme with them the localities of the respective contingents. The records of the day are full of the achievements of the heroes of Flodden- field, which are celebrated in prose and in rhyme ; and an ancient MS. in the Harleian collection in the British Museum, f records these valiant deeds in a strain of eulogium, wliich it would be inexcusable wholly to omit. The poem is contained in nine fits, or cantos, occupying sixty-six closely wiitten quai'to pages, and opens ^ith the following ai'gument : — " Heare is the Famous historie or Songe called Floodan Field, and in it shal be " declare how whyle King Hemie the Eight was in France, the King of Scoots " called James, the Fowerth of that name, Invaided the Realme of England, And " how hee was Incountred w*^ all att a place called Branton, on Floodan HUl, By the " Earle of Surry Live Tennant Generall for the Kinge, w*^ his sonne Lord Thomas " Haworth, the great Achnii-all of England w* the Helpe of dyvers Lords & " Knights in the North Countrie, As the Lord Dakers of the North the Lord Scrope " of Bolton, w'" the most Con-agious Knight S' Edward Standley, whoe for his " prowis and valliantnes shewed att the said Battell, was made Lord Mount Eagle " as the Sequell declai'eth." " Here followeth the first Fitt." " Now will 1 cease, for to recyte Kinge Henrie afFayres, in France so wyde, And of domisticke warrs He writte W'^'' in his abcence did betyd, A fearefull field, in verce to Fraunce, I meane if that to marke yee list O Floodan Mounte, thy fearefull name Doth sore affraye, my trimblinge Fist Almightie Mars, Thou me adniitt For to discowrs, w"' soundinge prayse This Bloodie Field, this FearfuU Fight, W'^'' fought was in our fathers days. Yee Muses all," &c. « ^ » ¥ « « « " Then for the Earle of Surry hee sente, And Regente of the North him made, And bad him if the Scoots were bente The Northern Borders to Invaid, * Cod. 3526. Countj) ^aalatine of Sancasitfn 461 That he should Raise a Royall Band CHAP. XII In Yorkshire, and in Bushoppricke, '__ In Westmerland and Comberland, In Lancashire and Cheshire eake. And if thou need North vmberl and, Quoth hee theare is stronge men & stoute, W''" will not sticke if need doe stand, To fight on Horsebacke and on foote. There is the doughtie Dakers, olde Wardor of the West Marche is hee. [ Fol. 4. ] There is the Bowes of Kendale bolde •\ych fgjce will feight, and never flee. There is S'' Edward Standley stowte For Marshiall skill cleare w* out make, Of Laytham Howse, by Lyne came out Whose blood will never torne theire backe. All Lancashire will live and dy, W"* him, soe cheifly will Cheshire, For through his fathers force quoth hee. This kingdome first came to my Syre," &c. " The 5"> Fitt followeth." [ Fol. 34. ] " Now lyke a Captayne bould hee brought A band of lustie ladds elecke. Whose curious Cootts commily wrought W* dreedfuU Dragons weare bedecte. From Pennigant to Pendle Hill, From Linton and long Addingham, And all that Craven Crofts did till ; They with the lustie Cliflford came, All Stamcliffe hundred went w* him, W"" striplings strong from wharledale. And all that Hawton hills did dim, W"" Longtrele eke and litle Dale, Whose Milk Seeds fellowes Fillish breed. Well band did sounding Bow vpe bend, All such as Horton Fells had seed. On Cliffords Banner did attend, &c. [ Fol. 37. ] Next whome S"^ Wittam Pearcy prowd, Whente w* the Earle Pearcie's power, From Lancashire of lustie blood, A Thousand Souldiers stiffe in stower. Then the Earle himselfe cann vndertake Of the reareguard the regimente 1 Whom Bartons bold did bravely backe. And Southeren Souldiers seemly bente. 463 CIjC ilneitori) of tfie CHAP ' Next whome in place was nexed nere XII. Lord Scroope of Bolton, sterne and stowte, On horsebacks who had not his Peere, Nor Englisheman Scootts more did doubt, W"' him did weend all Wenstadale, From Morton vnto Moysdall More, All they that dvveld by the bankes of Smale W"' him were bent in harnes store. From wensley warrlyke weights did weend, From Bushoppdale went bowmen bold. From Coverdale to Cotterend, And all to Bydstone Cawsey cold, From Mawlerstange and Midleham, And all from Maske and Mesonbie, And all that dim the Mountayne came, Whose growne from Frost is seldome free, W"" lustie ladds and large of length, W'' dweld on Sommer water syde," &c. ******* [ Fol. 39. ] " S' Edward Stanley stiff in slower, He is the man on whome I meene, W"' him did pass a mighty power, Of Soildiers seemely to be seene. Most liner ladds on Londsdale bred, W* weapons of unwealdy weight. All such as Tatham Fells had fedd Went vnder Standleys streamer bright From Boland Billmen bold weare bound W"" such as Bretton bonkes did aide, &c. All Lancashire for the most |)te The lusty Standley stout can lead, A stock of striplings stronge of heart Brought vp from babes w"" beefe and bread. From Warton vnto Warrington, [ Fol. 40. ] From Wiggen vnto Wiresdale, From Weddecon to Waddington, From Ribchester vnto Rachdale, From Poulton to Preston w"" pikes. They w"" y' Standley howte forthe went. From Pemberton and Pillin Dikes For Battel! Bilmen bould were bent W' fellowes fearce and freshe for feight W*^'' Halton feilds did turne in foores W"' lustie ladds liuer and light From Blackborne and Bolton in y' Mdores CountP ^3(ilntinr of itanraistrr, 463 W"' children chosen fiora Cheshire CHAP. In armor bold for battle drest, ^^^' And many a gentleman and squire Weare vnder Standley streamer prest," &c. &c. The poet then naiTates the progress of the battle, and ends with celebrating the victory. Another poem in the Harleian MSS.* of a less authentic character, concludes with the following singular invocation : — " News God that was in Bethelem borne, And for vs died vppon a Tree, Save oure noble prince that wares the Crowne, And shewe his mersye on the Erie of Derby." After the battle, the victorious anny penetrated into Scotland; and Speke Hall, the seat of sii' Edward Norris, has ever since been enriched vdth tropliies of this memorable campaign, brought from the palace of the Scottish king. The English monarch, who was then in France,'!" accompanied by Henry, earl of Derby, and engaged in the great expedition in wliich Tournay was won, in the ardour of liis gratitude, on liis return to England, addressed a congratulatory letter to sii- Edward Stanley, expressed in the following terras : — " Trusty and ivell-beloved, " We greet you well, and understand as well by the report of our right trusty Letter cousin and counsellor, the duke of Norfolk, as otherwise, what acceptable service king to sir you amongst others lately chd unto us by your valiant towardnesse in the assisting of stanfey. our said cousin against our gi'eat enemy, the late king of Scots; and how courageously you, as a very lieaiiy loraig servant, acquitted yoiu'self for the overthrow of the said king, and cUstressmg of his malice and power, to our great honour and the advancing of your no little fame and praise : for wliich we have good cause to favoiu- and thank you, and so we full heartily do, and assured may you be, that we shall in such effectual wise remember your said service in any your reasonable pui'suits, as you shall have cause to think the same right well employed to your comfort and weal hereafter. " Given under our signet at our castle at Windsor, the 27th of November." • Cod. 395. t The queen, in her letter to the king, announcmg the victory of Flodden Field, says — " The victory has more honour than if he (the king) should win all the crown of France." — 1 Ellis's Original Letters, p. 88. 464 Cfte l^isitory of tOe CHAP. Similar letters, mutatis mutandis, were sent to sir William Molineux, sii- Edward ^^^' NoiTis, and sir Ricliard Ashton, and, as a stiU further mark of his majesty's gratitude, sii- Edward Stanley, who was the fifth son of Tliomas, eai-1 of Derby, was created lord Monteagle, in allusion to the family crest. The earl of Surrey was restored to the family title of duke of Norfolk, wliile liis son, lord Howard, was honoured with the title of the earl of SmTey. Wolsey, then the king's favourite minister, was created bisliop of Lincoln j and lord Herbert obtained a step in the peerage as earl of Worcester. Lords About this period, the ancient commission of an-ay, for levying and organizing nantsfirst troops ill the different counties of the kingdom, to guai'd against foreign invasion and appointed, j^j^^gg^j^ tumult, began to be superseded by a new local authority, called the lieutenancy,* at the head of which, in this county, was placed the duke of Norfolk, who was succeeded in the office by the earl of Shi-ewsbmy, and, subsequently, by Edward, eai-1 of Derby; and although not an hereditary honoui-, the office of lord lieutenant of the county palatine of Lancaster has been filled almost ever since its institution by the head of the Stanley family, • Tlie baneful connection formed by Scotland and France served again to embroil our nortliern neighbours in a fresh wai' witli England, and prepai'ations Avere made for invading the northern counties. To repel this invasion, a royal mandate was issued to the liigh sherifi" of the county of Lancaster, commanding liim to make proclamation Procia- in these Avords : " Forasmuche as the King's Highnes has learned of an intention to the 'sheH/r iuvadc England at or before the beginning of September, fonned by the Scots at the shire on^ instigation of the French king; liis gi-ace, therefore, by advice of liis counsel, charges ScotcrL all and singular his subjects, of whatsoever rank, &c. between the ages of 60 and 16, Tasion. uiiiabitants witliin the county of Lancaster, that from henceforth they, uppon oon Houi-es Warnyng, be in arred}Ties defensiblie aiTayed with Harnes and Wepyns apte & mete for the WaiTes, to attend the Earl of Shrewsbmy, his Lieutent general of the North against Scotland," Sect The Scotch, sensible at length of the injustice of being so frequently called upon to sacrifice their own peace and prosperity to foreign interests, expressed their reluc- tance to advance into England ; and Albany, the French general, under whose command the Scottish chiefs were to fight, obsernng this disinclination, concluded a truce with lord D acres, warden of the English marches, which did not, however, prevent Scotland from being entered by the earl of Surrey, at the head of his army, who ravaged Merse and Teviotdale, and burnt the town of Jedburgh. From these * 15 Rymer, 75. t Pat. 14, Hen. VIII. p. 2. m. 8. d. County ^Jnlatinr of ilanrnstrr. 465 terrible inflictions, the Scotch were glad to escape by an alliance witli England chai formation. XII. instead of France, not without a remote expectation of a contract of marriage '- between lady Maiy, heir presumptive to the throne of England, and the young Scotch monarch, at that time in his nonage. The seeds of the refonnation, which had been sown in the time of John of Gaunt, The Re- duke of Lancaster, cherished by the Lollards in succeechng ages, and occasionally moistened by their blood, attained to maturity in the time of Henry VIII. Martin Luther, a monk of the order of St. Augustine, and a professor in the university of Wittemberg, had raised the standard of reformation in Saxony, by preaching and WTiting against the indulgences gi'anted, ^^ith so laA^sh a hand, by the church of Rome ; and liis works had attracted sufficient notice to induce the king of England to enter the polemical lists against him. Henry sent Ids answer in reply to Luther to Leo X., and his holiness was so mucli gratified by its perusal, either from the strength of the argument, or the dignity of the advocate, that he rewarded the royal controversiahst with the appellation of " Defender of the Faith."* The fickleness of the king's affections induced him, soon afterwards, to put the fiiendship of the head of the church to a severe test. Doubts had been suggested, by the scrupulous, as to the legality of the king's maniage i^ith Catherine of Ai'ragon, the widow of his bro- ther ; and it wa.s held by them, that the degi-ee of consanguinity was such as to vitiate the marriage. These scruples, as Henry alleged, began to (Usturb liis own mind; and, to relieve himself from so great a burden, he ajiplied to Rome for a divorce, which Clement VII., who now filled St. Peter's chair, was inclined to grant, had not the fear of offending the emperor, Charles V., the nephew of Catherine, and who wished to espouse Mary, the queen's daughter, restrained his inclinations. Tlie unpetuosity of Henry's temper could ill brook the delay of episcopal hesitation, and the beauty of Anne Boleyn, a maid of honour to the queen, to wliom he had made an offer of his hand, induced liim to obtam, fi'om his own complpng jiarhament, a cUssolution of the mamage with Catherine. His clergy, not less obedient to the royal Avish than the laity, determined, in convocation, that an appeal to Rome was unnecessary. Tlie parliament, when it next a.ssembled, constituted the ' Defender of the Faith' the supreme head of the church, and thus dissolved the connexion between the chmxh of England and the church of Rome. A nimiber of the clergy, * King Henry's jester, finding his royal master transported with unusual joy, asked him the cause of his hilarity ; to which the king replied, that the pope had honoured him with a style more exalted than that of any of his ancestors — the title of " Defender of the Faith :" to which the fool replied, " O good Harry, let thou and I defend one another, and let the faith alone to defend itself." The copy of Henry's reply to Luther, sent by the king himself to the pope, with the royal autograph in the title-page, is preserved in the Library of the Vatican, and exhibited amongst its literary curiosities. VOL. I. 3 o 466 CfK S)lSitOll) of ti)t CHAP, and many of tlie laity, amongst whom there was probably a majority in the county of ' Lancaster, adhered to the faith of theii- fathers ; but the great body of the nation were cUsposed to go much farther than the king : they acted upon jjrinciple ; he was influenced by passion, and remained as much a fiiend to indulgences, after he had espoused the beautiful maid of honour, as he was when he first mamed her mistress. Neither the Catholics nor the Protestants satisfied liim ; in the plenitude of liis power, and to gratify his sanguinaiy temper, he inflicted the punishment of death upon persons of both persuasions, and he promoted the reformation only so far as it could be made subservient to the gratification of his voluptuousness, and as it administered to the demands of his procUgality. Religious Such is the perverting influence of religious persecution, that sii- Thomas More, tjoir*^" the mild, equitable, and enlightened chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, on liis A.D. 1534. elevation to the chancellorship of England, mflicted the torture upon James Bain- ham, a member of the Inner Temple, and finally consigned him to the flames in Smitlifield, for no other ofience, but because he followed the example of the court by favouring the doctrines of the refonnation. More himself haAing, a few years after, refused to acknowledge the king's supremacy, — saying, that it was a two-edged sword: if he was in favour of that doctrine, it would confound his soul; and if he was against it, it would destroy his body — was, for this offence, brought to trial on a charge of high treason, and, being found guilty, was beheaded on Tower Hill.* Visitation In the twenty-sixth year of the king's reign, a royal commission was issued, to nasteries? ascertain the value of all the ecclesiastical property, and the amount of all the benefices in the kingdom ; the book containing the latter of these returns is called Liber Regis, and is a beautiful manuscrij)t, transcribed, it is said, by a monk of Westminster, for the king's library. Tlie office for the receipt of tenths, or first-fruits, was instituted upon the visitation of these commissioners, whereby theDecimcB Decimorum were appomted to be paid to the king of England, instead of being paid, as hitherto, to the Pope. The report of the comixussioners forms a kind of ecclesiastical Doomsday Book.f * State Trials, I. 59. t The state of the inferior clergy in the county of Lancaster, as well as in the other parts of the province of York, was at this time most deplorable, whether considered as to their acquirements, or their stipends. According to archbishop Lee, in a letter addressed to Cromwell, " their benefices were so exile, of £-1. 5s. 6d. per annum, that no learned man would take them. Therefore they were fain to take such as were presented, so that they were of honest conversation, and could competently understand what they read, and minister sacraments. In all his diocese, he did not know twelve that could preach." The Irish clergy at the same time were in a still lower condition ; their new archbishop wrote of them to the lord privy seal — " as for their secular orders, they be in a manner as ignorant as the people, being not able to say a mass, or to pronounce the words; they not knowing what they themselves say in the Roman tongue." So in 1530, " a bird may be taught to speak with as much sense as several of them do in this country." Cointt|) l^alntine of anncaeitfr. 467 The great visitation of monasteries was commenced in tlie autumn of 1535, when chap. XII Cromwell, chancellor of the exchequer, and first secretary to the king, filled the L_ office of vicegerent and vicar-general. The visitation of the Lancashii-e monasteries was made hy Dr. Thomas Legh and Dr. Richard Laytou, and their original reports are in the Record Office of the Court of Receipt at Westminster, under the custody of the lord treasurer. The resolution to dissolve the monasteries had already been taken. The spirit in which this visitation was made, clearly indicated that the reports were meant to fonn the ground-work for the dissolution of those institutions, and the consequent appropriation of their lauds and revenues to the use of the crown. It cannot be denied that the monastic iustitutions were subject to gi'eat abuse; audtliat, under the specious appearance of devotion to God, some of the fu'st duties to man were neglected or perverted; but it must also be adirdtted, that the collecting of ex-parte evidence by stipendiary emissaries, and the making of that evidence a ground for plundering the property of tlie church, was a proceeding full of injustice, and an Report of efXample that no future age can imitate mth impunity. The questions proposed l\v mission- the royal commissioners on their Lancasliire ^ isitation were reduced to the folloA\iiig Lanca- "^ 1 1 _ shire mo- neaciS ; nasteries. 1. As to the incontinence of the heads of each monastery : 2. Tlie name of the founder: 3. The estate of the convents : 4. The superstitions practised in them: 5. The debts they had incurred: And, 6. The names of the votaries who wished to be dischai'ged from theu* vows. On which the following report was made by the commissioners : — Fdrness. TRogerus Pele, abbas, cum duabus solutis. T i- t- IJohannis Gayna, cum soluta. Incontmentia. < tt J Thomas Herneby, cum quinque fceminis. (^Thomas Settle, cimi soluta. Fundator, Dominus Rex. _c li Redditus annuus, ix . Cartemell. T i- 1- C Willehnus Pavell, cum diversis foeminis, et sex habet proles. Incontmentia. } , ' . '■ C Richardus Bakehouse, cum conjugata. Fundator, Edwai-dus Gray, haeres Comitis Cane. Redditus annuus, c '' Debet Domus XL " Superstitio. Et hie habent portionem Sanctse Crucis. 3o2 468 CfK S?i6txir|) of t\)t CHAP XII. CONISHED. Cliristoplierus Peerson, cum sex fcemiuis. Georgius Cornefurth, cum decem fceminis. Incontinentia. < Thomas Backhouse, cum soluta. Georgius Hardy, cum duahus solutis. .Thomas Heysham, cum una conjugata, et altera soluta. Nicliolaus WUlson, ■> ^ ^ ^ , . » ,. • i petunt dissolvi a rehgione. Georgius Hardy, 3 Fiuidator, Willielmus Peunyngton. Redditus annuus, c xiii. '', Superstitio. Et liic cingulum habent beats' Marise, prsegnantibus (ut putatur) Salutare. COKERSAND. Fundator Incertus. Redditus annuus, c c " Debet Domus, c '' Whalley. Fundator, Dominus Rex. Redditus annuus, y xli ". Lytham. Fundator, dominus Rex. Redditus annuus, lv '". Debet domus, xr, '". HORN'EBY. Incontinentia. Willielmus Halliday, prior, cum tribus solutis. Fundator, Dominus Montegle. Redditus annuus, xvi ^. Penwortham. Incontinentia. Richardus Hawkesbury, prior, cum duabus foeminis. Fundator, Dominus Rex. Redditus annuus, xxvii ''. Bristowgh. Incontinentia. Hugo Wodhewer, cum una foemina. Fundator, Comes Darby. Redditus annuus, lxxxx ". Counti) ^3alatinr of ilanraetrr. 169 Up-Holland. chap. -^ • . r ■ ■ XII. . ,. ( Petrus Prestcoite, prior, cum loeimms. Incontinentia, j .-. „. , C Johannes CotUmge, cum soluta. Fundator, Comes Darby. Reclilitus annuus, lxv ''. KiRSALL Cella. Fundator, Dominus Rex. Redditus annuus, ix ''. Debet domus xx marcas. Stanlowe. j,^jj„ Fundator, Dominus Rex. Iwre*' Redditus amiuus, x ''. COLLEGIUBI MaNCHESTRI^. Fundator, Thomas West, Dominus Delawer. Redditus annuus, cc ''. How far tliis deplorable picture of monastic life is faitliful, we have not the means of discovering.* So far as the great monasteries are concerned, it is at vaiiance with the declaration of an act of parliament passed in the following year, wherein it is said, " that in divers and gi-eat solemn monasteries of tliis reahn, religion is right well kept and observed." The gi-eat monastery of Furness does not appear to have been entitled to this flattering character, if the report of the visitors is to be credited ; and of Whalley, the particulai's are so few, as to convey no information on tliis head. Tlie returns of the commissioners served as an apology for dissolving the lesser oissoiu- ,.,,,. 1,. .. , . Ill i 'ion of "'^ monasteries, to wluch the king and his immster, the vicai'-general, had a strong pre- lessei disposition. In the following year, a bill Avas passed thi-ough parliament, with very little deliberation, for dissolving all monastic establishments in England, whose clear yearly income chd not exceed £200; in the preamble to wliich bill it is said, that " forasmuch as manifest sin, vitious, carnal, and abominable living, is daily used and * It is alleged by the Roman Catholics, that young men were employed to corrupt and to defame the nuns. Fuller mentions a story, upon the authority of sir William Stanley, from which it appears that two young gentlemen, under the pretence of the royal permission to visit a convent, remained there three days and three nights, where they were received with that hospitality and decorum which ought to have inspired in them nothing but gratitude ; but that, in return for these favours, they falsely accused the nuns of licentiousness ; and in that way a pretence was obtained for dissolving the convents. — Fuller's History of Abbeys, p. 315. mo- nasteries. 470 COe ijisitori) oi tlje CHAP, committed commonly in sucli little and small abbeys, priories, and other religious ^^^- houses of monks, canons, and nuns, where the congregation of such religious persons is under the number of twelve, whereby the governors of such religious houses and their convent spoil, destroy, consume, and utterly waste, as well the churches, monas- teries, priories, principal houses, fanns, granges, lands, tenements, hereditaments, as the ornaments of the churches, and their goods and chattels, to the liigh displeasure of Almighty God, slander of good reUgion, and to the great infamy of the king's liighness and the realm, if redi-ess should not be had thereof. And, albeit, all attempts at amendment have failed; so that, without such small houses be utterly suppressed, and the religious therein committed to the gi'eat and honourable monas- teries of rehgion in this realm, Avhere they may be compelled to live religiously for reformation of theii* lives, there can else be no redress or reformation on that behalf. In consideration whereof, the king's most royal majesty, daily studying and devising the increase, advancement, and exaltation of true doctrine and virtue in the said church, to the only glory and honour of God, and the total extirpation and destruction of vice and sin, having knowledge that the premacies be true, as well by the compts of his late visitations, as by sundry credable informations; considering also, that cUvers and gi'eat solemn monasteries of this realm, wherein, thanks be to God, religion is right well kept and observed, be destitute of such full numbers of religious persons as they ought and may keep, have thought good that a plain declai'atiou should be made of the premises; whereupon the lords and commons, by a gi'eat deliberation, finally be resolved, that it is and shall be more to the pleasure of Almighty God, and for the honour of this his realm, that the possessions of all such religious houses, not being spent, spoiled, and wasted for increase of maintenance of sin, shall be used and converted to better uses, and the unthrifty reHgious persons so spending the same be compelled to reform then* lives; be it therefore enacted, that his majesty shall have to himself and to his heiis for ever, all and singular monasteries, the yeai'ly value of which do not amount to £200." By this act, about three hundred and eighty communities were dissolved, and an addition of tliii'ty-two thousand a year (of the value in our money of upwards of £160,000,) was made to the royal revenue, exclusive of £100,000 in money, plate, and jewels. According to Fuller, " ten thousand persons were, by this dissolution, sent to seek their fortunes in the wide world : some had twenty shillings given them at their ejection, and a new gown, wliich needed to be of strong cloth, to last till they got another. Most were exposed to want ; and many a young nun proved an old beggar." Cotintp |3alatinc of ilanrasiUr* 471 Cokersande .... Cartmele Conyshed Burscough Hollande o .^ =:S JiS re XX s, CCiiij. Is. vij. vij"*. ob. H. s. d. CCxij. xij. X. ob. li. 9. _d. Clxi. V. ix. li. 8. d. Cxxij. V. vij. li. 8. d. Lxxviij. xij. ix. C 3 re cl. * re CCCxliij'. xvi'ij. V''. li. d. CClxxiiij. xiij.ix. ob. 9. d. CCCxxxiij. vj. iij. ob. a. d. CCCCxviij. X. x. li. 8. d. Cxxxij. ij. viij. re o X !«■ X X X 2. < X Woddf Worthe to be solde. li. B. d. Cviij. ix. viij. li. 8. d. lix. xij. viij. XX. li. 8. d. iiij. vij. xvij. iij. ob. XX. li. s. d. iiij. vj. iij. viij. li. 9. d. xviij. xviij. x. "-« re r« i-l en 3 CD (jq ' Q < X <: f :^ -^ o a -o o 1 >-<^ t^ ^ CD 50 -s o e-t- «->-. cr' ET- CD fD cr S^ 13. CD B n^ ^^ O CD ffi np K e S. CD 09 •^ o e "*> CD '^ S CD "^ B CD S O CD CC CD K o e CC CD P. 3. 2- I- o § re Si ?5 to ii^ CHAP re ^. Original ^i certificate g of value. > 2! Z a > G a re ^ s re ?'5 re ^- re Ol o CO t- in O C5 tn CD as o > GO a 472 CI)t ?§isitoii) of tfte CHAP. The following progress of a suffi-agan, entitled " Progressus Dili Suffraganij," ^^^' indicates the order in which the visitation of the Lancasliire monasteries, from the centre to the northern part of the county, was made. From the obscurity of the writing, and the manner in which the MS. is bound up with other papers in the Codex, the tran- script lias been made with considerable difficulty, and, probably, with some inaccuracy, on that account. The report is without date, but it appears to have been made about the year 1538, to CromweU, the ^dcar-geueral, by one of the visitors.* " In Couutie Lanchastre. " Walley] It to Walley in Lanckersscheer of y" cystercyencf out of one dyocesys vnder y' byschope of schestri y' wyche couet was fii-st foudyd in y" covnte of schesther in a place called Stanlow by # Johen Lascy knyght f y' was in y* yeer of our lord a. mt''c°lxxij. But aft lord Henry Lascy y' thyrd f laste yeerle off lynckoUue off y' name remouyd y™ w' y° bodyes off hys aAUcyterss Jobnes f Roger Lascy knight^ Walley outo y' was in y' yeer of our lord m'° cc° nonagesimo ^j". Vmylysa p'ore.f " Kockersand] Ir to Kockersand chanonss off y' pmonstrateucf off y" fudacon off a certeyn Heremyt namyd Hew garthe in Kyng John^ tyme. xxiiij myllys fi'o y" other. " Lanchas?] I? to Lanchas? to y^ Fryer pcheers off y^ fudacon off f Hew Haryngtone knygthe. v mylys fro y' iolpv. " Cartmelle] It to cartmelle chanonss off seynt austeyne order off y' furst fudacon off lord Wyllya Marchall yeerle of penbroke in y' yeer off our lord a mi°cc° f ij° befor hys dethe xvij zeer iij° anno Regni Johis. x mylys of y. " Connghevysched] It to connghevysched chanons off seynt austene off y' furst fudacon off gamele penygton knyght whyche fudyd y'' a place of iij or iiij chanons whyche whas in stryffe for a seasonne by reson y' the byldyd a ponne y' Grownd off lord Wyllya lanchast barown of Kyi'bykendall f ouerstonne but y'' furst fudacon. was in y" yeer off our lord A mt° Ixvij". fro y* other v. mylys. " F'nes] It to Furnees off y' cysterciencf off y' fudacon off lord Stephane y^" yeerle of bolonne befor he was kyng off jTigland ix yeers f y* xx^j yeer off y^ Reyne off Kyng Henry the furst — vt pat} p hoc seques Fournesiu fudat hie Stephanus atq-j feciidat Addens contenta membris cu vita intenta Dat Laschastrum piscem pr — q5 Wagium Anno milleno terq3 noneno. iiij miliaria a pcedente. * Hail. MSS. Codex 604. t That is, from Salley. Count}) ^Jalatmr of iLniuasitfr. 473 Copirul.l It to cowcU-c off v° cysteix'ieucp off y" furst fudiicTou off lord Ravnald chap. * _ " XII. luestclijniue y"" lord off Copland y"' was in y* yecr off our lord a. m'" — '■ — '■— c°xxxiiij° in Henrye y° furst tyme. xix niylj's fro y' for sayd place. Ite to seynt bees monkf off y' order of seyut beuet off y" fudacon off y° for sayd lord mestclijiine. V mylys fro y' other. Fol. 106. [Notes at, the End.] " In All theys we liaue been in be syd dyuersse other mo bothe in Durha byschopryke f allso early ell w' many good townf f vyllagys as wele in my lordys grace lybert as in others f y'" Jhesu p)#ue your masterschippe." [In another hand.] " Theis notes belonw vnto me Tho: Lovell. 1592." o Fol. lOS. The religious feelings, as well as tlie temporal interests, of a large body of insurrec- men were deeply involved in the suppression of the lesser monasteries, wliicli ducetfbi' measure was considered, with much justice, as the precursor of a stUl more sweeping stractlon appropriation of church property. The families of distinction, whose ancestors had nasteries! founded monasteries, or whose sons were prorided for by spiritual offices, complained of being deprived of their pati'onage and emoluments ; and the poor, for whom there was tlien no parochial pronsiou in infancy or in old age, and whose wants had been supplied at the doors of the convents, were equally loud in their complaints ; while persons under the influence of higlier motives felt shocked and outraged by the spoliation and overthrow of the altars of their fathers. The discontents of the people first broke out in acts of open rebellion in Lincolnshire, Avhere Dr. Mackrel, friar of Barlings, assuming the character of a mechanic, collected an army of twenty thousand men, of wliicli he took the lead, under the assmned name of " The Captain Cobbler." A proclamation of pardon from the king was found of sufficient force to disperse tliis irregular anny; while the doctor liimself, and a number of its other leaders, among whom was lord Hussey, Avere consigned to public execution. A more formidable insurrection immediately afterwards sprung up in the northern The pii- couuties, under the designation of the " pihjrimoge of grace,'' and Robert Aske, a gra™^.^'^" gentleman of family, residing upon his patrimonial estate at Aughtou, in the East Riding of the county of York, was placed at its head. The insun-ectionary spirit spread far and wide, from the Tweed on the north, to the Humber and the Ribble VOL. I. 3 p 474 €l)t il^istoiy of tht CHAP. Oil the east and the Avest. Tlie insurgents rendezvoused in Yorkshire, and, to _; ;_ excite the enthusiasm of their followers, and to induce the j^eople to join their ranks, a body of priests marched at their head with the banner of the cross, on which was depicted the figure of the Saviour, with the chalice and the host. Each of the soldiers wore on his sleeve, as the emblem of his holy cause, a representation of the five wounds of Christ, with the name " Jesus" marked in the centre. An oath or covenant was enjoined upon the pilgrims, by wliich they declared, " that they entered into this pilgrimage for the love of God, the preservation of the king's person and issue, the purifying the nobility, and driving away all base-born and ill councillors ; and for no particular profit of their own, nor to do displeasure to any, nor to kill any for envy ; but to take before them the cross of Christ, his faith, the restitution of the churches, and the suppression of hereticks and their opinions." Letter Having carried the town of Hull and the city of York, then- next operation was H^enry to directed against the castle of Pontefract, which was in possession of Lee, the arch- bisi.op of bishop of York, and lord Darcy, whose slumbering loyalty the king attempted to awaken by the following letter written from Northampton : — York and lord Darcy. " By the Kingf " Right trusty and wellbeloved we grete youe wel. And wheras It is comen to our knowleage ptely by yo' adStisemtf and ptely otherwise that the multitude of the traito?s and Rebelles assembled those pties haue been trayned in to their Rebel- lion be certain most false and vntrue surmyses reaportf and suggestions noysed and set furth amongf them by diSse most devilyshe and detestable psounes desuing no thing ells but a general spoyle w' tlie destruction of the sjnuple and honest people. The copie of whiche false reaport and most vntrue traiterous deuises and invencons neuer by by vs or any of r counsail thought on moche lesste thenne determynne we sonde vnto yo" lierew'. Albeit we haue in dede sent against them for then- repression in suche ter- rible sorte as all the Avorld (if t' they shall remayn in tliis rebelUon) may take example at their punish [inent]t suche mayiie Armye furnished w' ordennce and all thiiigf neces- sary as for that pposeshalbe requisite to require and pray yo"and neuertheles toCoiiiand yo" euiediatly vppon the sight herof to send Auto the said Rebelles and to declare vnto tliem that forasmoche as yo" pceyve that this rebellion hath been attempted vppon most traiterous slaunderous false and vntrue reaportf noysed setfurthe and bruted ainongf them, Yo doo vppon yo' bono"; and fidelitie toAvardf God and the pill of yo' soule assure them that all the said reaportf conteyned in the said copie sent herw' be vttcrly false and vntrue neuer spoken nor thought on by vs or any of r counsail But forged and falsely contryved by thuse divilyshe and most detestable traito's Av'out any maner of gi-ounde or occasion Avherupon to buylde the same aswel Coimti? ^cilatine of iLnnrasitn-, 475 thcrfor Lamenting- tliat vppon sncho liolit and false runis they slnild Ije prone to cHAi>. arryse and soe to offend in to haue fued your grace in my Cumpeny And can insti-uct yo' grace therof. And in thise affairs and all other accordyng to my bonden dutye I shall always during my liff as yo' true subget be redy w' liert f hand to do you suche pore fues as lyeth in my power w' asmoche obedyens as I can jTuagyn. As o' Lord god knoes who pfue your CountP ^3nlatinr of aaurnstcr. 48 1 magestye hi high hono"^ and excelleiicie. Written at my mano"^ of Latliom on all chap. sainctf Daye abowt iiij of clok after none. ' " Yo"^ most obcdyent seruaiit f suliiet « EDWARD DERBYE.* (In dorso) " To the Kingf Magestye." " My Lord of Derbye to the Kaugf higlmes certifjHing the king in what redynes he was w"' Lancasliii-e against the Rebelles in the North." The following documents cast still further light on these transactions, and serve to shew to liow great an extent the religious houses in Lancashire, and their heads, were implicated in this rebellion, one object of which was, to repossess the monks of the monasteries : — " Part of the first Draught of Henry VIII"'' Letter to the Earl of Sussex, &c., con- ceruiug the Rebellion in the North. [It seems to be of Thomas Ci-umwell's h3M^.—Harl. Ca/.]"t [The signature, under the erased endorsement, is precisely the same as that wliich appears on papers which are unquestionably in Cromwell's Avriting.] " Right trusty and wellbeloued Cousins and trusty and wellbeloued [counsellors] The king's we grete yo" wel. And lating yo" wit that havmg receyved yo'" sondry £res we doo JlJe'e'ari of right wel pceyve by the contentf of the same y*^ cii'cuspecte proceedingf and diligent endeuo'^s in the trial of our traito's and Rebelles of those ^ties and the trajTiing of the rest of r affaires there to suche frame as maye be to r satisfaction for the wliiche we geve vnto yow r most harty thankf . And to make vnto youe pticuler answers to the pticuler poiutf of y"" said £res First forasmuche as by such examynacons as yo" have sent vnto ts It appereth that Thabbot of Furnes and diuse of his monckf have not been of that truthe toward^ vs that to their cUeuties apperteyned We desii-e and pray yo" w' all the dexteritie yo" cann to deuise and excogitate to vse all the meanes to yo" possible to enserche and trye out the veray truth of their proceding(;' and w' whom they or any of them have had any IntelUgence, For we thinke veraylie that yo" shall fynde therby such matier as shall shewe the light of many things yet * Considerable intimacy seems to have existed between the earl of Derby and the king, owing, probably, to the family connection; for we find the following item in Henry's privy purse expences : ' Octobre iiij paid to henry webbe by the Kingf comaundment for to Cristene my lorde of derbye Sonne iij li vj s viij d." t Hari. MSS. Cod. 2S3. VOL. I. 3 Q Sussex. 482 mn w^toi'v oi ti)t CHAP, vnkiioweii. And r pleasure is that yo" shall vppon a further examynacon Comytt the 1_ said Abbot and suche of his Monkf as yo" shall suspecte to have been ofTendo'^s to wai'de, their to remayn tyl yo" shall vppon the signification vnto vs of such other tliingf as by yo*^ wisedome yo" shall trye out knowe further of r pleasure. Secunde we sende vnto yo" herw' certain £res according to yo'' desire for the bestowinge of the Monkf w' uj 01 uij Blankf to be directed to suche other houses as yo" sliall thinke mete, w other Mom Neutheles we thinke it necessary that yo" shall not only duely examyn them all befor yo" shall dismisse any of that sorte that shall goo to other hotises, as well for that we thinke some of the houses mentioned in yo' bUl of then- names be not wel liable to receyve their nomber set vpon them as for that the house of Gervayse is in some daunger of suppression by like offence as hathe been comytted [at or in] Whalley ; but also that yo" shall retayne John Estgate who Avoid goo to Methe, tyl we may pceyve the cause whye he shuld desire to goo more to that place thenne to any other. And as touching the rest that desire capacities if yo" shall thinke them men mete to be suffred to goo abrode, we be content yo" shall give them their Bedding and chamber stuff w' suche money as yo" shall hy yo' wisedoes thinke mete, the capacities for whom we shall send vnto yo" by the next messenger. Tliirde wheras yo" have sent vnto vs the copie of the £re Aviiten from r coushi of Norff to the lord Daixye after his first dpture from Dancaster Wliiche yo" found in the Vicar of Black Burnes chamber Forasmoche as by the same it ai>pereth that there hathe been gi-eat Intelligence amongf sucJi psonnes as were of that naughty incli- nacon entent and conspii-acye. We desire and praye yo" aswel by the straite examy- nacon of the said Vicar as by all other meanes that yo" canne possibly deuise strongly to enserche howe the said copie was conveyed thether Who was the Messenger Who was of counsel and howe many £res or writings of that sorte or any other weir in that tyme conveyed in to those pties to whom from whom and of what effect. For in the ernest folowing of this matier yo" maye doo vnto vs as highe and as acceptable #uice as canne be deuised. Finally we desire and pray yo" to sende V2)pe in sauftie vnto vs Richai'd Estgate late Monke of Salleye. Our font s"^ Arthur Darcy hathe writen that he doubtethe not to declare suche matier against him at his repa^T vnto vs as shall conveye some tilings to r knowleage whiche for r affiEiii'es shalbe very necessary to be knowen. Which thingf being ones conduced to some pfection we shall signifie r pleasure vnto yo" touchiuge the returne of r cousin of Sussex to r presence." [Indorsed] " The Mynute of the £res to my Lord of Sussexe xi"' Marcij xxviij yeare of H. 8." T. C. [Fol. 76. Countp ^3alatint of Xanrastrr. 483 « The Answer of to certain articles administered to bim toucliing the same chap. rehelUon, temp. Hen. VIII."* ^«''^- ^«^- ' " Fower artycles wher^wn was to Answere vnto touchinge the Rebellyone in the yeare of H. 8. « 1. Firste whether yo" wrott any tres to the Prior of Conished or Cartemell or to any Religeous persone. " 2. Item, wliat motyon or at whose Requeste or interpellation yo" wTott them. " 3. Item, of what tenor or forme such tres were that yo" wrotte. " 4. Item, what daye or place yo" wrott them. "1. To the firste I gi'aunte I wrott a letter to the priore of Cartemell as herafter shalbe declared but neuer to the prior of Conishid or any other Religeous pson touchinge any tliinge of the insurrection in my Ufe otherwise then is vnder- written. " 3. To the tliii-d I saye I Cannot perfectely remember the very tenor or forme of the saide letter, for I kepte no Coppye therof, but as faiTO as I canne now remember, it was of this effecte. That forasmuch as all religeouse psonnes in the North pai-tes had entered theii- houses by puttynge in of the Cofhones, and as I am enformed yo" meanynge the Prior of Cartemell bemg requu-ed so to enter doe w'drawe y"^^selfe. I tbinke yo" may safly enter and doe as other doe keepinge yo'selfe quiete for the season and to praye for tlie Kinge. And at the nexte Pai-liamente then to doe as shalbe deteiTayned, and I haue no doubte but so domge yo" may contynewe in the same w'^ the grace of god who keepinge yo" &c. And if I sawe the origenall Letteres or a Coppie therof I would truly confesse my deede. « 2. To the Second I say I wotte the sayd Letters to the Prior of Cartemell at the requeste and desire of one CoUenes baylife of Kendall, W^" Collenes at my beinge at pomfret shewed me that all the Chanones of Cai-temell Avere entered the house excepte the foolishe Prior who would not goe to them onlie for his owne profite desii-inge me to write a letter to liim to exhorte him to goe in like-ivise as his bretheren had done : And I gi-aunted him to write the same ire when I Come to yorke w'" was the morowe after the Conceptyon of our Ladye, and I defen-ed the tj-me because I would hear howe the matteres proceeded in the Communication at Donkester the meane space after that CoUines came to yorke eftesoones desiiinge the same letter. At whose onlye mocon requeste and intei-pellacon I wrot the same letter of suche effecte as is vnderwritten beinge the bouldere so to write for somuch as at my departynge fiom pomfret it was openly procla^nned as I hard saye and also * Harl. MSS. Cod. 283. 3 Q 2 484 CI)e S!t6torp of tin CHAP, at yorke when I Came there it was voyced in euevy manes mouth that the Abbeyes " sliould stand in snche maner as they were put ni vnto the nexte parleamente and after my coining liome to Kirkeby shortely after w"'in sixe dayes as I remember M' Robarte Bowes in the presence of S' Henry Gascoine kniglit and other desired me to exhorte suche of the vtiseste men as were Channones of S' Ageathes by Richemonde whom I knewe to be contente (leste they or the Country shoidd tliinke strange therat) to be put forthe of their houses by the kinges Authoritie, And to be taken in againe by the same. And so to remaine vnto the determenacon of the nexte paiieamente saing it was Conchided at the Communicacon at Dancaster it should so be. At whose de[sire] I spake to one Coke prior of the same howse to be contente w"" the premisses and lie promissed to be for liis parte, and to exhorte his * bretheren to the same ; And this manner of puttynge out and tal^ynge in was comonly spoken of to be true after our returne from Pomfret in all tliose partes asweU w"" gentlemen as other vnto the Cominge of the Duke of Norfolke in these pai'ts as farre as euer I hard of any man. " 4. To the fourthe I save I wrot the said Ires at yorke the Satordaye or Sondaye iinediatly followhige tlio Conceptyon of our lady w'^'' was vpon a fridaye w'^'' daye I departed from Pomfiet homeward, one fortenyght before the publycacon of the pardon av'^'' was published at Richemond iij myles from the place where I Tiiese dwell on a market daye beinge Saturdaye the xxiij day of December and not cMite- "'^ as I remember a letter concerniuge the insurrection I never wrot so Ihe™^- ma ex[cepte] that the tlierof large w^" was w"'in of the ""'■ firste beginninge of the Insurrectyon in Richemondslieire to the Abbot there M' Sig- geswicke M' Witham gentlemen. And I all together wrotte letteres to the Abbotte of Fountaines and other preestes for a poste horses, and one other to S' Cliris- tofer Danby knight to desire liim to Subscribe his Name to his Letter, av^'' wee receaved from him, the Coppie of w"'' letteres doe remayne yet as I suppose in Jervaux abbaye aforesaid, and from the tyme of writyiige the said letteres vnto the priore of Cartemell w^'' was w"'in two dayes after tlie conceptyon of o' Ladye as is aboue Expressed nito tliis daye I never wrotte ne sonte xiito him any letter or messuage for any thinge ne I haue hard any thiuge by worde or writynge from him at any tyme sithen." [Fol. 85. Renewed Tlic rebel amiy of the north was dispersed, but the cause of their discontent Avas in the in no degree removed. Several of the monks and others, who liad repossessed them- selves of the religious houses during the time of the insurrection, were again ejected, and a fresh rebellion broke out on the northern exti'emity of Lancashire, under Musgiave and Tilley. Tlie career of the insurgents was short and humiliating; and Counti.) |3alntinf of Sanrastfr, 485 tlieii' only military operation consisted in besieging tlie city of Carlisle, in wliicli they chap. entiiely failed. The dnke of Norfolk, having put their army to flight, made prisoners '^"' of all theii' officers, with the exception of Musgi-ave ; seventy of them were brought to trial by martial law, and, being found guilty of treason and rebellion, they were all executed on the walls of Carlisle. Similar risings took place at Hull, and in some other places; and the king, in the heat of his indignation, seemed to consider these fresh revolts as a justification for the uifi-action of the act of amnesty gi'anted by his authority at Doncaster, though many of the accused, who afterwards became sufferers, were not, and could not be, concerned in the latter rebellion. Aske, the leader of the pilgrimage of gr-ace, was tried and executed ; as were also sir Robert Constable, sir John Bulmer, sir John Percy, su- Stephen Hamilton, Nicholas Tempest, and William Lumley ; many others were thrown into prison, and most of them shared the fate of their leader. The plea of compulsion set up by lord Darcy for the surrender of Pontefi-act did not avail him, neither did his advanced age of eighty years, though many of them had been spent in the service of his country.* The inexorable monarch, after his condemnation, refused to extend to hhn the royal clemency, and he was executed on Tower HUl. " Being now satisfied witli punishing the rebels, the king published anew," says lord Herbert, " a general pardon, to which he faith- fiUly adhered; and he created a patent court of justice at York, for deciding on suits in tlie northern counties; a demand which had been made by the rebels." It appears, however, that the arm of justice Avas not yet stayed; for at the spring assizes at Lan- caster, in 1537, John Paslew, D.D., abbot of Whalley, was sentenced to death for high treason, on account of the part he had taken in the northern rebellion, and Execii- suffered the exti-eme penalty of the law on a gallows, erected in front of the house of his bii'th, in Whalley ; while William Trafford, abbot of Salley, and the prior of the same place, were executed at Lancaster, two days before, along with John Castegate and WUliam Haydocke, monks of Whalley. Adam Sudbury, abbot of Jervaux, with Ashbeed, a monk of that house, and WUliam Wold, prior of Burlington, also suffered death for the same offence. * On being led to execution, lord Darcy accused the duke of Norfolk, the commander-in-chief of the king's forces, of having encouraged the rebellion of the north ; but this charge was disregarded by the king, and seems to have had no better foundation than the anxiety of the duke to spare the lives of the rebels. Near the close of Henry's reign, the duke and his son, the earl of Surrey, fell into disgrace, owing to the intrigues of their enemies at court, and to the fickleness of the king's disposi- tion. The accomplished and lamented son perished on the scaffold; and his father was indebted for his life rather to the death of the king than to the services he had rendered to his country, by his achievements on the ocean, his gallantry in the battle of Flodden, and his still more distinguished service in dispersing an army of 40,000 men without the effusion of blood. 486 €i)t W^tov^ Of tbe CHAP. Tlie part taken by the monks in the rebellion of the north, and the encourage- ^"' ment they had given to theii- dependants and tenants to join in that insuiTection, Dissoiu- served as a reason for the dissolution of the larger monasteries, of which it had been i!rrge° mo- declared by pailiament, that " in divers of them religion was right well kept and nasteries. Q|jggj.yg(j;' This character, however, did not save them from the rapacious grasp of the spoiler ; and the sagacity wliich suggested that the dissolution of the smaller monasteries would soon be succeeded by the sequestration of the property of the laro-er establishments, was soon made manifest. A new commission, ^rith the earl of Sussex at its head, was appomted, to investigate the conduct of the existing monas- teries, and the commissioners spent nearly four years m going fi-om house to house, by turns soliciting, and by turns compelling, the heads of those houses to suiTender them, Avith their lands and revenues, into the hands of the king. Tliough these appropriations were so numerous in the reign of Henry VITT., only one original surrender of any religious house is to be found; and that is, the surrender of the abbey of Furness, in the county of Lancaster. Tliis instrument is of the date of the 9th of April, in the last year of the king's reign, from wliich it appears that the annual value of the monastery was £960, and that tlmiy monks were attached to that house. The surrender of Furness abbey will serve as a specimen of the proceedings under tliis new commission.* " All the members of the community, with the tenants and servants, were successively examined in private; and the result of a protracted inquiiy was, that, though two monks were committed to Lancaster ca.stle, notliing could be discovered to criminate either the abbot or the brotherhood. Tlie commissioners proceeded to Whalley, and a new smnmons compelled the abbot of Furness to reappear before them. A second investigation was instituted, and the result was the same. In these circumstances, says the earl, in a letter to Henry, which is still extant, ' devising with myselfe, yf one way would not serve, how and by what means the said monks myght be ryd from the said abbey, and consequently how the same might be at your gi-acious pleasur, I detennined to assay liim as of myself, whether he would be con- tented to surrender giff and gi-aunt unto (you) your heirs and assigaus the sayd monastery; which tldng so opened to the abbot farely, we found liim of a very facile and ready mynde to follow my advice in that behalf.' A deed was accordingly offered him to signi, in wliich, having acknowledged ' the misorder and evil rule both unto God and the kmg of the brethren of the said abbey,' he, in tUschai'ge of his con- science, gave and surrendered to Henry all the title and interest wliich he possessed in the monastery of Furness, its lauds and its revenues. Officers were immediately * See original papers in the British Museum, Cleop. E. iv. Ill, 244, 246. See also AVest's Furness, Appendix x. 4—7. Counti? ^3nlatmf of 2.anra£itfi% 487 despatched, to take possession in the name of the king; the commissioners followed chap. XII. mih. the abhot in their company; and in a few days the whole community ratified the deed of its superior. The liistory of Furness is the liistory of Whalley, and of the other great abbeys in the north. They were ^^sited under pretext of the late rebeUion; and, by one expecUent or other, were successively wrested from then- possessors, and transferred to the crown."* As an inducement to theii" superiors to surrender their monasteries, tempting offers of a permanent provision were made to the brotherhood; and to such as with- held their consent, either no allowance whatever was granted, or that allowance so small as to leave them in a state of abject penury.f The progi'ess of the reformation kept pace with tlie dissolution of the papal Pubiica- institutions; and in the year 1538, the scriptiu'es of the Old and New Testament BiUein' were, for the first time, printed entu-e in Enghsh, under the sanction and authority °° '" '' of the government. Pope Clement, incensed by all these acts of disobedience to the Romish church, was at length induced to issue his celebrated bull of excommunication, by which the king of England was declared an apostate, the Avhole kingdom was put under an iuterdict, his subjects were requii'ed to rise up in arms against his authority, foreign potentates were charged to make war upon liim, and he was expelled from the pale of the holy catholic church. So far were the thundei-s of the Vatican from arresting the king in liis sacrilegious Excom- career, that, in the following year, a bill was brought into the EngUsh parliament, tion of the vestuig in the crown all the moveable and unmoveable property of the monastic "'^' institutions, wliicli either had already been, or should hereafter be, suppressed, 1539. abohshed, or surrendered. The heads of the twenty-eight mitred abbeys, and the two priors of Coventry and St. John of Jerusalem, having been divested of their revenues, lost the seats which they had hitherto enjoyed in the house of peers ; but the county of Lancaster cUd not in tliis way suff"er any diminution of parUamentaiy influence, seeing that none of those highly -privileged houses were situated in this county. The abbots, masters, and priors of the religious orders in Lancashire, however, frequently received Avrits of summons to parliament; and it appears from * Lingard, IV. 256. t The pensions to the superiors varied from £266 to £6 per annum. The priors of cells received generally £13. A few whose services had merited distinction obtained £20. To the other monks were allotted pensions of six, four, or two pounds, with a small sum each as a departure fee, to provide for his immediate wants. The pensions to nuns averaged about £4. " It should, however, be observed," says Dr. Lingard, from whom we quote, " that these sums were not in reality so small as they appear, as money was, probably, at that period of ten times more value than it is now." This, however, is an over-estimate, taking the price of wheat as the criterion. 488 Cfte ?l?tgtoti) of tin CHAP, the Close Rolls, that from 49 Hemy III. to 23 Edwai'd IV. the heads of the Pre- XII ' monstratensian Abbey of Cockersand alone received upwards of one huudi'ed of these parUameutary writs. 1540. From tliis period is to be dated the dissolution of all the monastic institutions From the in the couutj of Lancaster; and the follo^ving is a concise history of theii' original Mona's- foundation, the religious orders to Avhich they were attaclied, and their estimated tica. income, according to Dugdale and to Speed, at the time of the visitations, Avliich took place in the interval between 1534 and 1540: — Lanca- " At BuRSCOUGH was a Priory of Austin, or Black Canons, founded by Robert shire mo- _ _ _ ci • nasteries. Fitz-Heury, Lord of Lathom, in the reign of Richaixl I. St. Nicholas was the tutelar saint of this house, Avliich had a prior, and five religious, and forty servants, and was endowed at the dissolution Tvitli £80. 7s. 6d. per annum, according to Dugdale; according to a second valuation, £122. 5s. 7d.; according to Mr. Speed, with £129. Is. lOd. " At CoKERHAM there was a Priory. " At Cockersand, a Premonstratensian Abbey.* Here was first a hermitage, and then an hospital for several infirm bretln-en, under the government of a prior, dedi- cated to St. Mary, and subordinate to the Abbey of Leycestre, founded, or chiefly endowed, by WUliam of Lancastre, in the time of Henry II.; but about the year 1 190, it was changed into an Abbey of Premonstratensian Canons, to wliicli there seems to have been united another abbey of the same order, which Theobald, brother to Hubert Walter, archbishop of Canterbury, some years after, built, or designed to build, at Pyliug, to the honoiu- of tlie blessed Vu-gin. The Abbey of Cockersand consisted, about tlie time of the dissolution, of twenty-two religious, and fifty-seven servants, and was then found to be worth £157. 14s. per annum, Dugd.; £228. 5s. 4d. Speed; £282. 7s. 7d. according to a second valuation. The site was granted, 35 Henry VIII., to John Kechin. " At CoNiSHED, a Priory of Austin Canons. Gabriel Pennington built, in the time of Henry II., upon the soil, and by the encouragement, of William of Lancastre, Baron of Kendale (who Avas a very great benefactor) an hospital and priory of Black Canons, to the honour of the blessed Virgin Mary ; wliich priory consisted of a prior, and seven religious, and forty-eight servants, and was valued at £124. 2s. Id. per annum. Speed; £97. Os. 2d. Dudg., which was the fii-st valuation ; but, upon a second valuation, £161. 5s. 9d. Near " At FuRNE s, a Cistertian Abbey. The monastery, begun at Tulket, A. D . 1 1 24, for the monks of Savigny, in France, was, after three year's, viz. A.D. 1 127, removed to this valley, then called Bekangesgill. Stephen, the earl of Morton and Boloigne, • This monastery, by favour of the king, outlived for a short time the general dissolution. Counti) ^3alatine of aaiirasttr. 489 (afterward king of England) was the founder of tliis abbey, which was of the Cister- chap. cian order, and commended to the patronage of the blessed Virgin Mary. It was ^^^' endowed at the dissolution Avith £805. 16s. 5d. per annimi, Dugd. ; £766. 7s. lOd. Speed. " At Up Holand, a Benedictine Priory. Here was, in the chapel of St. Tliomas the Martyr, a college or chantry, consisting of a dean and twelve secular priests, who were changed, A. D. 1319, by Walter, lord bishop of Litchfield, at the petition of sir Robert Holand, then patron, and, as I conceive, original founder, into a prior and Benedictine monks. Here were, about the time of the suppression, five religious and twenty-six servants. Tliis house was valued at £53. 3s. 4d. per annum, Dugd.; £61. 3s. 4. Speed; and at £78. 12s. according to a second valuation. It was granted 37 Henry VIII. to John Holcroft. " At HoRNEBY, a Premonstrateusian Cell.* An hospital or cell of a prior and thi'ee Premonstrateusian canons to the al)bey of Croxton, in Leicestershire, of the foundation of the ancestors of sir Thomas Stanley, lord Monteagle, to whom the site and domains of this priory (as parcel of Croxton) were granted, 36 Henry VIII. It was dedicated to St. Wilfred, and endowed with lands to the value of £26 per amium. " At Kershall or Kyrkshawe, a Cluniac Cell. King Henry II. granted, and King John, anno reg. I. confirmed, to the monastery of Nottinghamshii-e, the hermitage here, which thereupon became a small house of Cluniac monks, and a cell to that priory was gi-anted 32 Henry VIII. to Bahhvin Willoughl)y. " At Kertmel or Cartmele, a Priory of Austin's Canons, William Mares- chall, the elder earl of Pembroke, founded here A. D. 1188, a priory of regular canons of the order of St. Austin, which Avas dedicated to the blessed Virgin, and rated 26 Henry VIII. at £91. 6s. 3d. per annum, Dugd.; £124. 2s. Id. Speed; £212. lis. lOd. second valuation. Herein, about the time of the dissolution, were reckoned ten religious, and thirty-eight servants. The site of tliis monastery was gianted 32 Hemy VIII. to Thomas Holcroft. " At Lancaster, (1) an Alien Priory, earl Roger, of Poictiers, gave, A.D. 1094, the church of St. Mary, with some other lands here, to the abbey of St. Martin de Sagio, or Sees, in Normandy, whereupon a prior and five Benedictine monks were placed here, who, with three priests, two clerks and servants, made up a small monas- tery, subordinate to that foreign house, which was endowed with the yeai'ly revenue of about £80 sterling. After the dissolution of the alien priories, this, with the land thereunto belonging, was annexed by king Heniy V. or liis feoffees to the abbey of Syon, in Middlesex. * This cell was resigned before the visitation in 1535. VOL. I. 3 R 490 Win i)i6t0l|) of t\)t CHAP. " (2.) An hospital for a master chaplain and nine poor persons, whereof three to XII be lepers, was founded in tliis town by king John, while he was earl of Morton, wliich was afterward, bj Henry duke of Lancaster, annexed to the nunnery of Seton, in Cimiberland, about 30 Edward III. It was dedicated St. Leonard. " (3.) A Priory for Black Friars. Here was a house of Dominican or Black Friars, founded about 44 Henry III. by sir Hugh Harrington, Kuight, which was granted 32 Henry VIII. to Thomas Holcroft. " (4.) A Friary for Grey Friars. A Franciscan Convent near the bridge, " Lanyricjh, now Longiidge. An ancient hospital under Longridge hills, of a master and brethren, dedicated to the Vugin Mary and our Holy Saviour. " At Lythom or Lethum, Benedictine Cell. Richard Fitz-Roger, in the latter end of the reign of king Richard I. gave lands here to the church of Durham, with intent that a prior and Benedictine monks might be settled here, to the honour of St. Mary and St. Cuthbert. Its annual revenues at the suppression were worth £48. 19s. 6d. Dugd.; £53. 15s. lOd. Speed. The site, as parcel of Durham, was granted, 2 Mariae, to sir Thomas Holcroft. " At Manchester. A College,* Thomas de la Ware, clerk, some time rector of the parish church here, (having the bai'ony and estate of liis brother, Jolni Lord de la Ware, without heu-s) obtained leave of the king, 9 Henry V., to make it collegiate, to consist of a Avarden and a certain number of priests. It was dedicated to the blessed Virgin, and endowed with revenues to the yearly value of £200, or, as they were returned into the first-huits office, 26 Hemy VIII. £226. 12s. 5d. in the whole, and £213. 10s. lid. clear. Tliis college was dissolved in 1547, by king Edward VI. but re-founded, first, by queen Mary, and afterwards by queen Elizabeth, A. D. 1578, and again by king Charles I. A.D. 1636, for a warden, four fellows, two chaplains, four singing men, and four choristers, being incorporated, as they were before by queen Elizabeth, by the name of ' the Warden and Fellows of Christ Churcli, in Manchester.' " At Penwortham, a Benedictine Priory. Warine Bussel, having given the church and tithes of this place, with several other estates in tliis country, to the abbey of Evesham, in Worcestersliire, in the time of William the Conqueror, here was shortly after a priory erected, and several Benedictine monks from Evesham, placed in it. This priory was decUcated to the Virgin Mary, and rated 26 Henry VIII. at £29, 18s. 7d. jier annum, as Dugdale in one place, and £99, 5s. 3d. as he saith iu another; and at £114. 16s. 9d, per annum, as Speed, The site was granted 34 Henry VIII., to Jolm Fleetwood. • This college escaped the general dissolution, or was speedily restored. Coimtj) ^Oalatme of aanrastn% 491 " At Preston, (I.) an ancient Hospital, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, chap occurs in the Lincoln taxation, A. D. 1291. The mastership was in the gift of " the king. " (2.) A Friary, for Grey Friars. The original builder of the Grey Friars' College, on the north-^vest side of this town, was Ednmnd carl of Lancaster, son to king Henry HL The site of which was granted, 32 Henry VIH., to Thomas Holcroft. " At Warrington, a Friary for Austin Friars. At the bridge end near this town, was a priory of Augustine Friars, founded before A.D. 1370, which, 32 Henry Vni., was granted to the often-mentioned Thomas Holcroft. " At Whalley, an Abbey for Cistercians. Henry Lacy, earl of Lincoln, having given the advowson of the parish to the White Monks of Stanlawe, in Cheshire, they procured the same to be appropriated to them, whereupon, A.D. 1296, they removed theu" abbey hither, and increased the number of theii- religious to sixty. There was another removal proposed to a place called Tocstathe, by Thomas earl of Lancaster, A. D. 1316, but it seems not to have taken effect. Whalley was dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary, and, at the suppression, had revenues to the yearly value of £321. 9s. Id. Dugd.; £551. 4s. 6d. Speed. It was gi-anted to Richard Ashton and John Braddyll, 7 Edward VI. " At Wyersdale, a Cistercian Abbey. A colony of Cistercian monks from Furnes, for some tune fixed here; but about A.D. 1188, they removed over into Ireland, and founded the abbey of Wythney." The lands and revenues of the monasteries of Furness, Cartmel, Conished, The re- Burscough, and Up-Holland, were confided by parliament to the officers of the adminis- duchy of Lancaster, to be administered for the king's use.* The king also annexed iii'/duchy. to the duchy of Lancaster property of the yearly value of £796. 4s. 2^([., subject to an annual pension to chantry piiests of £126. 2s. 4d. This appropria- tion was made through the mecUum of the court of augmentation, which court was established in the year 1535, for the purpose of ordering, surveying, selUng, or letting, all manors, lands, tithes, and other property belonging to the monasteries. Tlie number of monasteries suppressed in England and Wales amounted in the Vaiue of • tliG dis- whole to six hundred and forty-five, exclusive of ninety-six colleges, two thousand solved three hundi'cd and seveuty-four chantries and free chapels, and one huucU'ed and ten teries. hospitals ;f the value of which property has been variously estimated, but, according * 32 Henry VIII. c. 20. f Camden's Brit. i. cxci. 492 €l)t ?gi£itorj) of tl)e CHAP, to the Liber Regis, it jdelded aumially £142,914. 12s. 91d.,* wliich, taken at ^"' twenty years' purchase, would produce £2,858,290; Avorth in our money £28,582,900. The revenues of the church, before the dissokition of the monasteries, is said to have equalled about one-fourth of the whole landed income of the kingdom.f According to the records in the augmentation office,J the process pursued by the commissioners, on the dissolution of each of the monasteries, was as follows : — 1st. The commis- sioners broke its seal, and assigned pensions to the members. 2nd. The plate and jewels were reserved for the king ; the furniture and goods were sold, and the money was paid into the augmentation office. 3rd, The abbot's lodgings and the offices were left standing, for the convenience of the next occupant ; the church, cloisters, and apartments for the monlvs, were stripped of the lead and every other saleable article, and then left to fall to ruins. 4th. The lands were by degi-ees alienated from the crown by gift, sale, or exchange. A revenue so immense as that yielded by the monasteries might, under juchcious application, have extinguished all the public burdens both for the support of the state and the relief of the poor, and expectations of this kind were held out to the people ;§ but they were soon undeceived ; i)auperism became more extensive than ever, and, within one year from the period of the last appropriation, a subsidy of two- tenths, and another of two-fifteenths, were demanded by the king, and gi-anted by parliament, to defray the expenses of reforming the religion of the state.|| Henry VIII., like his predecessor, was rapacious, — with tliis ilifTerence, however, that the father collected money to save, while the son amassed wealth to supply the demands of a licentious profusion. Much of the church property was disposed of to the king's favourites, by gi-ants or by indulgent sales, one of the conditions of which was, that the new proprietors of the abbey lands should keep up the ancient hospitality ; but Annual revenue of all the monastic houses classed in tlie orders. No. of Houses. Orders. Revenue. No. of Houses. Orders. Revenue. £. s. d. £. s. d. 186 ... Benedictines . . . 65,877 14 3 ... Fontevraud Nuns 825 8 6i 20 ... Cluniacs . . . 4,972 9 2A 3 ... Minoresses . . . 548 10 6 9 ... Carthusians . . . 2,947 15 4i 1 ... Bridgetines . . . 1731 8 9f 101 ... Cistercians . . . 18,691 12 6 2 ... Bonhommes . . . 859 5 11| 173 ... Austins . . . 33,027 1 11 Knights Hospitallers 5,394 6 5i 32 ... Premonstratensians 4,807 14 1 Fiiars . . . 809 11 8J- 25 ... Gilbertus . . . 2,421 13 9 t Lord Herbert, p. 396. J Burnet's Records, I, 151. § Coke's Inst. iv. 44. II Henry's enormous expenditure is easily accounted for by the fact, that his principal employment was gambling. — Privy Purse Expenses of Henry VIII. p. xxiii. Couutj) IJalatine of JLanrasttr. 493 as this was in some degree voluntary, the practice soon fell into disuse. A portion of the monastic revenues was appropriated to the advancement of religion, though much less than the Idng originally intended. His first pui-pose, as appears from documents under his own hand, was to found eighteen new hishoprics, but the number declined from time to time, till it was at last reduced to six, viz. West- minster, Oxford, Peterborougli, Bristol, Gloucester, and Chester, in the last of wliich was included Lancashire and Richmondsliire. Anciently there had been a bishop's see at Chester, but it had merged in the cUocese of Lichfield. At the same time tlie king converted fourteen abbeys and priories into cathech-al and collegiate churches, attaching to each a dean and a certain number of prebendaries, but none of these were in this county. That the endo^vments might not be too ricli, each chapter had imposed upon its ecclesiastical revenue the obligation of contributing annually to the support of the resident poor, and to the repair of the highways.* The order of the knights of St. John of Jerusalem, including the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers, after ha\-ing existed for four hunih-ed and thirty-sLx yeai's, were doomed to suppression by legislative enactment ; and the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, happily for learning in future ages, escaped, though naiTowly, the same fate. The chantries, in the monasteries and churches of tliis county, were very numei'ous at the period of the refonnation, as may be inferred from the following List of Chantries, which we find in the records of the ofiice of the duchy of Lancaster : — CHAP. xri. Bishopric of Cliester erected. 1540. 1 . Warton Ecclesia stipend, no date. 2. Kirkeby Irelath. Cantaria. 3. Leverpole Capella. 4. Liverpole Capella. 5. Eccleston. Cantar. Sefton. Cantar. Croston. Cantar. Manchester Colleg. Decimee. Manchester Decimae in Moston, Norton, Kidemanhulme, Cromeshall. Burscoughe Priory, the Manor. Ormskirke. Cantar. 12. Eccles. Cantar. 13. St. Michael's super Wyram. Cantar. 14. Manchester, Beckwith's. Cantar. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. First por- tion. 15. Manchester Colleg. Decimse de Trafford, Bundle U, Stratford and Chollerton. 16. Halsal Ecclesia. Cantar. 17. Yerleth. Parcel Monaster de Fumes. 18. Beamonde. Parcel Monaster de Fumes. 19. St. Michael's super Wyram. Cantar. 20. Manchester Colleg. Decimae. Granor de Bradford, Ardewick, and Openshaw. 21. Bailie. Cantar. in Capell infra Poch. de Mitton. Ebor. 22. Cantaria, in Lancaster. 23. Hollingfare Capella, in Warrington. 24. Standish Ecclesia. Cantar. 25. Warrington Ecclesia. Butler's Cantar. 26. Halsall Ecclesia. Cantar. Rymer, xv. 77. 494 Cl)c W^tov^ Of tl)e CHAP. XII. Decayed towns in Lanca- shire. Privilege of sanc- tuary. 27. Preston Ecclesia. Scse Marise. Cantar. 28. Ribcliester Ecclesia. Cantar. .52. Pickering Lythe pell. Maner in Com. Ebor. Windell Capell in Prescot. Cantar. 53. Beckingshaw Capella in Croston et Tene- ment in Preston, pcell. possession Colleg. novi opis Leicest. 54. Silverdale, Boston, Hest pcell. Monast. tie Cartmell. 55. Clitherow Capella, in Whalley Cantar. 56. Manchester Ecclesia, TrafFord's Chappel. Cantar. 57. Eccles Church Colleg. Jesu. The condition of the people appears to have suflfered with the suppression of the monastic institutions ; no fewer than four sepai-ate statutes were passed between the years 15-35 and 1544, setting forth lists of decayed cities and towns in different, and in almost all, pai-ts of the kingdom, wherein it is declared — " That there hath been in times past many beautiful houses in those places which are now falling into ruin," and amongst the towns mentioned in the act of 1544, are, " Lancaster, Preston, Lyi-epool, and Wigan, in Lancashire." Tlie pri^•ilege of sanctucmj was one of the e\Tls of the monastic system, though its date is anterior to the foundation of monasteries. In \irtue of tliis privilege, certain places became cities of refuge — " seats of peace" as they were called ; and the in\-iolability of these asylums in eai-ly times is sufficiently indicated by the answer of cai-dinal Boughier, when importuned by the creatures of the duke of Gloucester to bear away his ill-fated nephew, young Richard of York, from the sanctuary of Westminster : — " God in heaven forbid We should infringe the holy privilege Of blessed sanctuary ! not for all this land Would I be guilty of so deep a sin." Siiakspeare's Rich. III., Act III, Scene I. " These sanctuaries were first instituted and designed for an asylum or place of safety to such malefactors as were not guilty of any notorious crimes ; and were of gi-eat antiquity in Greece; whence they were derived to the Romans; and had perhaps then- originals from those cities of refuge appointed by Moses, by the immediate command of God himself. There were many of them in tliis kingdom before the Conquest; and they became so numerous after, and so scandalous, (divers of them having obtained protection for those that were guilty of iiigh-treason, miu-der, rape, felony, &c.) that, being complained of in parliament, 1540, immediately after the dissolution of the religious houses, the gi-eatest part of them were suppressed, and those few that remained reduced to tlieii- first institution."* Manchester was one of the places of sanctuary in the county of Lancaster ; Lancaster was another ; and * Burton's MSS. Coiintp |3alatinf of aanrastrr. 496 Chester, then called West Chester, a thii'd. When trade began to extend itself, the chap. nuisance of a harbour for tliieves and other delinquents became intolerable, and, by ^^'' an act passed 38 Henry VIII., Manchester was allowed to forego its privilege, and to transport all the refugees within its jurisdiction to Chester. The king survived the tlissolutiou of the monasteries seven years, but no event occuiTcd, in that period, of public interest in the lustory of Laucashii-e. Duiing his last sickness, he revoked his former ^ills, and ordained that, after his death, liis three children, Edward, Mary, and Elizabeth, should succeed liim in the sovereign power, the son as male heir, and the daughters in the order of primogeniture. €i)t ?^isitor|) of ti)t Cftap. mh CHAP. XIII. Edw. VI. Lancashire in the reign of Edward VI. — In the reign of queen Mary. — Lancashire martyrs: John Rogers, John Bradford, George March. — Muster of soldiers in the county of Lancaster in Mary's reign. — Lancashire in the reign of Elizabeth. — General muster of soldiers in Lancashire, in 1559. — Ecclesiastical commission, consisting of the earl of Derby, the bishop of Chester, and others. — State of Lancashire on the appointment of the commission. — Catholic recusants. — Mary queen of Scots seeks an asylum in England — Placed in confinement. — Puritan recusants. — Rebellion in the north to re-establish the Catholic religion — Suppressed. — Certificates of the levies of troops in the county of Lancaster, with autographs of a number of the principal inhabitants. — Meetings of the lieutenancy. — Original letter of Edward, earl of Derby, to the queen. — Letter of the earl of Huntington to secretary Cecil, casting suspicion on the loyalty of the earl of Derby; proved to be ill founded. — Part taken by Lancashire gentlemen to liberate Mary queen of Scots. — Comparative military strength of the kingdom. — Muster of soldiers in Lancashire, in 1574. — Declaration of the ancient tenth and fifteenth within the county of Lancaster. — Queen Elizabeth's visit to Dr. Dee, the astrologer. — The ChaderLon MSS. relating to the affairs of the county of Lancaster. — Original papers relating to the Lancashire recusants. — Lancashire contribution of oxen to queen Elizabeth's table. — Fac-simile. — MS. of the Lancashire lieutenancy. — Lancashire loyal association against Mary queen of Scots and her abettors. — Trial and execution of Mary queen of Scots. — The Spanish armada. — Letter from the queen to the earl of Derby thereon. — Preparations in Lanca- shire to resist — Destruction of. — Thanksgiving for national deliverance in Lancashire. — Memorable and fatal feud. — Atrocious abduction. — Levies of troops in Lancashire for Ireland. — Suppression of the rebellion there. — Death ot queen Elizabeth. — Loyal address of Lancashire gentry to her successor James I. on his accession to the throne. VERY year during tlie " infant reign" of Edward VI. the refoiTOation continued to advance with a steady step ; but no events of any distinguished public interest occur- red witliin this period, connected with the county pala- tine of Lancaster. In the first year of this reign, Fran- cis, earl of Shrewsbmy, was constituted lord-lieutenant of the counties of Lancaster, York, Chester, Derby, Stafford, Salop, and Nottingham, and, in the following year, he was made justice of the forests north of the Trent.* Under the inhibition of a proclamation,! issued by the lord protector, Somerset, in the name of the kuig, all places of public worship belonging to dissenters, as well Protestant as Catholic, in this and the other counties of England, were closed ; and any preacher, of whatsoever persuasion, who took upon liimself to preach in an open audience, except such as were licensed by * Lodge's Illustrations, I. p. xiv. t Dated September 23, 1548. Coimti) |3alatine oC 2Lanca£(tn-. 497 the lord protector, or by the archbishop of York, became obnoxious to tlie royal displca- chap. sure. Tlie avowed olyect of this intolerant proclamation was, " to produce an uniform '__ order throughout the realm, and to put an end to all controversies in religion." At the same time there was a board of commission formed, for ;ul\ ancing the reforma- tion, of wliich Edward, earl of Derby, was a conmiissioner. Tliis document was founded upon an act of parliament, bv which the archbishop tiic litur- of Canterbury, " with other learned and discreet bishops and divines," was directed to draw up an order of divine Avorship, called a liturgy, or book of common prayer. This duty hanng been performed to the satisfaction of the king and his parliament, it was enacted, that from the feast of Whitsunday next, all di\ine ofliccs should i54s. be performed according to the prescribed ritual, and tliat such of the clergy as should refuse to conform, or should continue to officiate in any other man- ner, should, upon conviction, be imprisoned six months, and forfeit a year's profit of their benefices ; for the second offence, forfeit all church preferment, and sulTer a year's imprisonment ; and for the third offence, suffer imprisonment during life. And all that should Amte or print any thing against this liturgy, were to be fined, for the first offence ten pounds, for the second tv/enty pounds, and for the third, forfeit all their i)roperty, wth imprisonment for life. Against tliis act, the earl of Derby, and eight of the bishops, entered their protest on the journals of the Lords. In the same arbitrary spirit, a law was made against vagabonds, whicli was Vagrancy. covertly meant to apply to mendicant priests, by whicli it was enacted, tliat any persons avIio should be found, for three days together, loitering without ivork, or without offering thcmsehes to work, or that should run away from work, and resolve to live idly, should be seized on ; and whosoever sliould present them to a justice of peace, was to have them adjudged to be slaves for two years, and they were to be marked with the letter V imprinted with a hot iron on their breast. Two years afterwards, this cruel statute was repealed, and provisions were made for relieving the sick and the impotent, and for setting such of the poor as were able, to Vim poor work ; on which law tlie celebrated statute of the 43d Elizabeth was grounded. That the earl of Derby, and several of the bishops, should have protested against Eariypar- the act of uniformity, and its impracticable provisions, which act presumptuously tar.v "ppo- assumed " to be drawn up by the aid of the Holy Ghost," could not be matter of wonder ; but why his lordship, and the earls of Rutland and Sussex, the viscount Hereford, and lords Montcagle, Sands, Wharton, and Evcrs,* should enter a pretest against an act i)assed prohibiting all simoniacjd pactions for reservation of pensions out of benefices, and the granting of advowsons while the incumbent was yet alive, it is difficult to discover, unless upon the supposition, that his lordsliip headed an oppo- * Journals of the Lords, 1552. vor,. I. 3 s CHAP. XIII. Visitation of the duchy 498 €i)t i^i'Stoii) of tlje sition alike hostile to all the measures of the existing administration, whether good or bad. The act for legalizing the marriage of the clergy passed in the same year, and was also protested against by the earl of Derby, by the earls of Shrewsbury, Rutland, and Bath, and by the lords Abergavenny, Stourton, Monteagle, Sands, Wliarton, and Evers. Edward VI., or rather the regency by which his government was directed, Mes.^''' imitating the example of his royal fatlier, instituted a visitation, by which the chan- tries of Lancashire were inspected by two lay gentlemen appointed for that purpose, and by a civilian, a divine, and a register, in order to ascertain the state of the chantries, and to apply their revenues to the king's use, to be expended, as was alleged, in the endowment of schools, the maintenance of the poor, and the erection of colleges. These visitations became general throughout the provinces of Canter- bury and York, and the suppression of chantries followed as a matter of course. Degrada- Subsequently, lord Paget, the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, was charged 'ha°iiceUor with having appropiiated large sums out of the revenues of the suppressed chantries to his own use, and mth other acts of malversation j of Avliich charges he was con- victed, on vague and unsatisfactory evidence, and fined in the enormous sum of six thousand pounds. Nor did the severity of his lordsliip's sentence end here ; he was degraded from liis rank as a knight of the order of the garter, because he was not a gentleman by descent, either from his father or his mother. His real offence, however, consisted in liis steady adherence to the fallen protector, the duke of Somerset, by which he became obnoxious to his successful uncle, the duke of Northumberland. Council of " His Majesty's Council in the Northern Parts," an institution arisuig out of the demands of the Pilgrims of Grace, for the purpose of facilitating the administration of justice, without subjecting suitors in the north to the trouble and cost of repairing to the metropolis, was organized in this reign, and the earl of Shrewsbury was appointed to the office of lord president of the council. This court, which was in some degi-ee vice-regal, consisted of a council, with the president at its head, assisted by Henry eail of Westmoreland, Henry earl of Cumberland, Cuthbert bishop of Durham, lord William Dacres of the north, John lord Conyers, Thomas lord Whar- ton, John Hind, knt., one of his majesty's justices of the common pleas, Ethuuud Moleneux, knt., sergeant-at-law, Henry Savel, knt., Pvobert Bowes, knt., Nicholas Fairfax, knt., George Conyers, knt., Leonard Becquith, knt., William Babthorp, knt., Anthony Nevill, knt., Thomas Gargrave, knt., Robert Mennell, sergeaut-at-law, Anthony Bellasis, John Rokeby, doctor of law, Robert Chaloner, Richard Morton, and Thomas Eynis, esqrs. The sum of a thousand pounds a year was granted to the lord president, for the better entertainment of himself and his council, with divers the north. Countj) ^3alattnc of Sanrasitfr. 499 revenues to the stipendiary members, who were requii'etl to be in continual attend- chap. ance upon the council, except at such times as a certificate of absence was gi'anted to !_ any of them by the lord president. The council was furnished with powers to decide cases between pliuntiffs and defendants in their bill of complaint, without replication, rejoiiuler. or other plea of delay, ^nth power and authority to punisli sucli persons, as in any thing should neglect, contemn, or disobey thcLr coimnand, or the process of the council : and all other that should speak seditious words, invent rumours, or commit such lilie offences, (not being treason,) Avhereof any inconvenience might gi'ow, by pillory, cutting the ears, wearing of papers, imprisonment, or otherwise, at their discretion ; or to assess fines, of all persons who might be convicted of any riot ; and to assess costs and damages, as well to the plaintiffs as to the defendants. And for the more certain and brief determination of causes, it was ordained, that the lord president and council should keep four general sessions or sittings in a year, each of them to continue by the space of one month, one at York, another at Hidl, the third at Newcastle, and the fourth at Durluun, withui the limits whereof the matters arising there should be ordered and decreed.* In fixing upon these places for holding the periodical sessions of the council, the convenience of the eastern, rather than of the Avestern counties of the north, seems to have been consulted ; and it is lUfficult to say, why Lancaster was not fixed upon in making the an-ange- ment, in preference to either Durham or Newcastle. That the suitors might not be oppressed with heavy bills of costs, it was dii-ected, " that no attorney should take, in one sitting or sessions, above twelve pence, nor any counsellor more than twenty pence, for one matter." Amongst the most distinguished of the king's favourites was lord Sti'ange, by Proposed whom it was suggested to Edward, that a marriage with lady Ann Seymour, thu'd ''' " " daughter of the duke of Somerset, Avould conduce to his happiness, and to the peace- ful settlement of the crown ; but this alliance was defeated by a counter-intrigue, the object of which was to obtain for the king the hand of Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of the French king. A fatal malady soon afterwards seized the young monarch, who, in his last sick- Death of !■ 1 • • /-w 1 1 /■ "'^ king. ness, was entrusted to the charms and medicines of a female empu-ic. On the 6th ot July he expired, with the reputation of liigh talents for government, had time suffered them to be fully developed. He was succeeded, after an ineffectual effort in favour of the unfortunate lady Jane Grey, the victim of the ambition of others, by liis sister, the lady Mary, only daughter of Catherine of Arragon. The reign of queen Mary is knowai in the liistory of Lancasliii'e, as it is in the Queen other parts of the kingdom of England, more by the bloody persecution wliich * Bishop Burnet's Collection of Records, booki. p. ii. No. 56. 3s2 600 €i)t listmi) of ti)t CHAP. XIII. Re-estab- nient of the Catho- lic reli- gion. Lanca- shire chantries. Lanca- shire mar- tyrs. John Rogers. stained it, tliaii by any other circiunstance. The reproach of the loss of Calais, the last remaining strongliold of England in France, is almost obliterated by the streams of blood wliich flowed to satiate an embittered mind, the abode of superstition, and the slave of priestly domination. A period of nearly three hundred years has scarcely been found sufficient to wash away these sanguinary stains from the religious com- munity to whom they attach ; though they were, the crime of the age in wliicli it was the destiny of this unhappy queen to live, and though her father and her sister, both of the reformed religion, shared her guilt in a mitigated degree. One of the first acts of queen Mary was to re-establish the Roman Catholic reli- gion in tliis kingdom as the religion of the state ; and in furtherance of that measure, the abolished chantries were restored. Tlie following list contains the names of the parish churches in Lancashire, whose chantries were restored in the first year of the queen's reign, with stipends allowed to the chantry priests, which were from £1. 10s. to £6. per annum: — Ashton-under-Line, Chddwal, Croston, (St. John and St. Trinity,) Crofton, Goosnergh, Halsall, (St. Nicholas and St. Mary's,) Holme, Kirkby, Kii'kham 2, Lancaster 2, Manchester collegiate church 7, Mawdline, St. Michael-on- WjTC, Ormskirk, Prest^vich, Rufford, Blackburn, Tarleton, Standish 2, Tunstal, Thurland Castle, Ulverstone, Walton 2, "Warrington 3, Warton, Wigan, and Wiuwick 2. During the life of her fathei', Mary had written a penitential letter, expressing her contrition for not having submitted herself to his " most just and virtuous laws," in the matter of the reformation, and putting her conscience under his royal and paternal dii-ection. The letter is preserved in the Haideian Collection.* The sub- sequent death of the king, and the possession of the royal power on the part of liis daughter, obliterated the remembrance of these solemn protestations, and she became still more fixed than before in her attaclmient to the ancient faith. Her matrimonial alliance with Philip, king of Spain, strengthened her previous partialities ; and the presence of cardinal Pole, legate of the pope, one of the most learned of the clergy, and one of the most devoted disciples of the church of Rome, conspired ta fix this attachment. An act for reviving the statutes of Richard II., Henry IV., and Henry V., against heretics (the Lollards) was hun-ied through the parliament, and gave the sanction of laAV to the executions which speedily followed. The first mai-tyr in this reign was John Rogers, one of the translators of the bible in the time of Henry VIII. jf a Lancasliire man, educated at Cambridge, and one of the first theological scholars of the age. The offence with which he was charged was that of hokUug a meeting near * Cod. 283. See also Cotton. Lib. Otho, C.X, t In the dedicatory epistle of that bible, this divine signs himself Thomas Mathevv. Countp palatine of aantagtcr. soi Bow church, in London, Avhere a minister of the name of Ross had acbninistered the chai'. communion according to the rites of the English book of service, and had 02)enly -J prayed, that God woukl either change the heart of the queen, or take her out of the world. The tribunal before which he was condemned sat on the 28th of Januaiy, 1555, and consisted of the bishops of Winchester, London, Durham, Salisbury^ Norwich, and Cai'lisle ; and sentence was passed both upon Hooper, the silenced bishop of Gloucester, and Rogers ; but the utmost severity of the law was only executed on the latter, the former having at that time been merely degraded from the order of the priesthood. Seven days after the sentence of condemnation was passed, Rogers was called f'*'^- ^• to make ready for Smithfield, where he was sentenced to be burnt at the stake for heresy. When brought to Bonner's, bishop of London, to be degraded, he asked permission to see his v.i(e, in order that he might, through her, convey his dying blessing to his ten cliildi-en ; but the request was peremptorily refused, with the insulting taunt, that he was a priest, and could not possibly have a wife. When fastened to the stake, a pardon was brought, and offered to him, on the condition that he would recant; but, \vith an intrepidity which nothing but religious principle can inspire, he rejected the proffered clemency, and assumed the crown of martyixlom. The next Lancasliire martyr executed in Smithfield was John Bradford, born at Jo''" •^ . Biailfoid. Manchester, who had in early life been a man of the world, and filled the office of secretaiy to sir John Hanington, the treasurer of Henry VHI. and Edward VI. At a subsequent period, he became a divine of exemplary piety,* of mild and diffident manners, but of a character so decided, that he did not hesitate to lay dowTi his life for the truth of that religion which he had embraced from strong conviction. To so high a pitch had religious hostility attained, that Bourn, a canon of St. Paul's, and afterwards bishop of Bath, while preaching a sermon in favour of the Catholic faith, had a dagger hurled at him by one of the congregation. From tliis violence he was happily rescued by Bradford, who assuaged the storm of popular tumult. But this was made a charge against liim; and it was alleged, that his power to allay the storm proved that he could direct the elements of which it was composed. Though a prebendary of St. Paul's, he preached much in Lancaslure, his native county, where his piety and his zeal rendered his ministry peculiarly acceptable. Being sent to the King's Bench prison, he was tried along with Dr. Taylor, for denying the doctrine of transubstantiation, or the corj^oreal presence of Christ in the sacrament, and asserting that wicked men do not partake of Christ's body in that ordinance. In * When he became religious, " he sold," says Simpson, his intimate friend, " his chains, rings, brockets, and jewels of gold, which before he used to wear, and did bestow the price of this his former vanity in the necessary relief of Christ's poor mehibers." 502 CfK t?istory of tl)f CHAP, vain was liis fear appealed to; he would admit of no tenets or practices but such as L were contained in the holy scriptures; and being found " incorrigible," he was deemed a heretic; first excommunicated, and then condemned. For some mouths he was confined in Newgate, in the hope that he Avould retract his " heretical eiTors ;" but instead of abjuring, he employed himself in promulgating them, particularly amongst liis friends in Lancasliire; and the earl of Derby, in declaiming against him in the house of lords, informed their lordships, that Bradford had done more hurt by the letters he had written wliile he was in prison, than he could have done by July, preaching, had he been at large, and at liberty to preach.* " With Bradford," says bishop Burnet, " one John Lease, an apprentice of nineteen, was led out to be burnt, who was also condemned upon his answers to the articles exhibited to him. When they came to the stake, they both fell down and prayed. Then Bradford took a faggot in his hands, and kissed it; and so likewise kissed the stake, exjiressing thereby the joy he had in his sufierings; and cried, " O England, repent, repent, beware of idolatry and false antichrist!" But the sheriff liindering hun from speaking any more, he embraced his fellow-sufferer, and prayed him to be of good comfort, for they should sup with Christ that night. His last words were, " Strait is the way, and narrow is the gate, that leadeth into eternal life, and few there he that find itr George George Marsh, a native of the parish of Dean, was the third and last Lancashire Marsh. . . martyi', who suffered in tlie reign of queen Mary. This single-minded man had been brought up as a farmer with his father, who was a Lancasliii'e yeoman, but he afterwards embraced the profession of a divine, and to his duties of a ciu'ate added those of an instructor of youth. Tlie obscurity of his station did not preserve him from persecution ; he was charged with propagating heresy, and sowing the seeds of sedition; and, finding that he had become the object of suspicion, he surrendered himself to the earl of Derby, at Latliom House. Here he underwent various * These letters breathed the most ardent spirit of piety, combined with an invincible heroism ; and, in one of them, addressed to the inhabitants of " Lancashire and Cheshire," written from his prison a short time before his martyrdom, he thus expresses himself: — " Turn unto the Lord, yet once more, I heartily beseech thee, thou Manchester, thou Ashton-under-Line, thou Bolton, Bury, Wigan, Liverpool, Mottrim, Stopport, Winsley, Eccles, Prestwich, Middleton, Radcliff, and thou city of West-Chester, where I have truly taught and preached the word of God. Turn, I say unto you all, and to all the inhabitants thereabouts; turn unto the Lord our God, and he will turn unto you; he will say unto his angel, ' It is enough, put up the sword.' And that he do this, I humbly beseech his goodness, for the precious blood sake of his dear Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Ah ! good brethren, take in good part these my last words unto every one of you. Pardon me mine offences and negligences in behaviour amongst you. The Lord of mercy pardon us all our ofl'ences, for our Saviour Jesus Christ's sake. Amen." Coimtj) |3alatme of ii.anraE(tfi\ 503 examinations,* and several attempts were made to prevail upon him to espouse chap. XIII. the Catholic laitli, but, as they all proved unsuccessful, lie was at length connnit ted hy his lordship to Lancaster castle, and confined in ii'ons with common felons. While in this situation, endeavours were made to extract from him information, wliereon to found charges against other persons in the county ; but no motives of fear or reward could induce him to endanger the lives or liberties of liis fellow- clmstians. After remaining some time in confinement at Lancaster, he was removed to Chester, and placed in the bishop's liberty. Tlie bishop's (Dr. Cote's) endeavours to " reclaim" liim having proved ineffectual, he was remanded back to prison, and, in a few days, summoned before the spiritual court, assembled in the cathedral church at Chester, where, in the presence of the mayor, the chancellor, and the principal inhabitants of tlie city, he was accused of having preached most hereti- cally and blasphemously in the parishes of Dean, Bury, and Eccles, as well as in other parishes in the bishop's diocese, not only against the pope's authority, but against the church of Rome, the holy mass, the sacraments of the altar, and the articles of the Romish faith. To these charges he modestly answered, he had preached neither heresy nor blashpemy, and that the doctrines wliich he believed and had propagated were those sanctioned by royal authority in the reign of Edward VL On the subject of the power of the pope, he did not hesitate to declare, that the bishop of Rome ought to exercise no more authority in England than the archbishop of Canterbury ought to exercise in Rome. This answer raised the bishoj) of Chester's indignation to the highest possible pitch, and the torrents of his indignation flowed out \nth so much fury, that he stigmatized his prisoner as " a most danmable, irre- claimable, and unpardonable heretic." After some further endeavour made by the chancellor to reclaim this " irreclaimable heretic," the bishop proceeded to j)ass sentence upon him, and he was consigned to the Northgate prison, where he 1555 remained tDl the 4th of April. On this memorable day, he was led to execution amidst a crowd of spectators, agitated by conflicting feelings. The scene of- this liorrible tragedy was a precinct called Spital Broughton, within the liberties of the city. After the exhibition of a conditional pardon, as was the prevailing practice, from the queen by the vice-chancellor, Mr. Vawdrey, and the refusal of the maiijT to retract his faith, the people, roused to indignation by the barbarous scene that presented itself, attempted to rescue Marsh from the hands of his sanguinary mur- derers, and sheriff Cowper, sharing the public feeling, joined in the attempt; but he * In the course of one of these examinations, Marsh gave the earl the fallowing well-deserved reproof: — " It is strange that your lordship, being of the honourable council of the late king Edward, consenting and agreeing to acts concerning faith towards God and religion, should so soon after consent to put poor men to a shameful death for embracing the same religion." 504 €\)t W^tov)) Of tfte CHAP XIII. was beaten off by the other sheriff and liis retainers. The most composed man in tlie assembly was the victim, about to be sacrificed to his principles; he exhorted the multitude to remain strong in the faith, and the faggots being lighted around him, he sun-endered his spu-it into the hands of his Redeemer. While these revolting scenes Avere acting in the north, the powers of persecution raged in the south Avith undiminished fury, and the distinguished martyi% Cranmer, Effects of archbishop of Canterbury, shared the fate of so many of his order. The effect of these sanguinary persecutions was to spread the doctrines they were meant to destroy; and it may be fairly doubted whether ever so many converts were made to the Protestant faith in the same time as during those years, when the seeds of the church were thus watered by the blood of the saints. In the early part of this reign, a muster of soldiers was made in the county pala- tine of Lancaster, from the respective hundreds, of which the follo\\dng is the abridged record, from a MS. in the possession of Thomas Biixh, the younger, armiger, of Bii-ch, temp. Eliz. persecu tion. Lancashire 0iiliUt^ JHUfiter*— Mahy, 1553. " Derby Hundred, to raise 430 men ; these were the commanders of them : — " Edward Earl of Derby, Sir Richard Molyiieux, Sir Thomas Gerrard, Sir Peers Legh, Sir John Holcroft, Sir John Atherton, Sir William Norris ; Thomas Butler, of Beiusey, George Ireland, of Hale, William Tarbock, of Tarhock, Lawrence Ireland, of Lydiate, Esquires. " Salford Hundred — 350 men. " Sir Edmund Trafford, Sir Wm. Ratcliffe, Sir Robert Longley, Sir Thomas Holt, Sir Robert Worseley; Robert Barton, Edward Holland, Ralph Ashton, Esqs. " Leyland Hundred — 170 men. "Sir Thomas Hesketh; Edward Standish, John Fleetwood, Roger Bradshaw, John Langtree, Peers Anderton, and John Wrightington, Esqs. " Amounderness Hundred — 300 men. " Sir Thomas Hesketh, Sir Richard Houghton ; George Brown, John Kitclien, Richard Barton, William Wetbie, and Wm. Barton, Esqs. " Blackburn Hundred — 400 men. " Sir Richard Shireburn, Sir Thomas Langton, Sir Thomas Talbot, Sir John South- worth; John Townley, Thomas Catterall, John Osbolston, Jolin Talbot, Esqs. " Lonsdale Hundred — 350 men. " The lord Monteagle, Sir Marmaduke Tunstall Thomas Carus, George Middleton, Thomas Bradley, Hugh Dicconson, and Oliver Middleton, Esqs. County |3alatinc of aanrnsitcr. 505 The Parish of Ormskirk, men 28 Tlie Parish of North Meols . 9 The Parish of Aiighton . .12 The Parish of Altcar ... 9 The Parish of Hallsall . . 28 ' Hundred of West J Uerby. CHAP. The Parish of Sefton . . 30 . 36 The Parish of Leigh . . The Parish of Warrington . 36 . 25 XIII. The Parish of Walton The Parish of Wigan . 52 The Parish of Childwell . . 27 The Parish of Prescot . 67 The Parish of Huyton . . 16 The Parish of Winwick . 34 " The Hundred op Leyland. The Parishes of Leyland . 36 Brindle Parish, cum v Ua . 14 Parochia de Eccleston . . 19 The Parish of Croston . . 36 Parochia de Chorley et vill. 9 Penwortham Parish . . . 17 " The Hundred of Amounderness. Warton . 6 Pulton 3 Elston and Huddersall . 5 Carleton . . 8 Weton . 3 Goosenargh . 7 Hardhome c Clifton . 8 Threleye 6 Much Singleton . . 7 Much Eccleston . 5 Houghton . 5 Whittington . 5 Clifton . 6 Little Eccleston and Larbreke 6 Haighton . ■ 5 Bispham and Norbrek e . 5 Upper Rawcliffe and Tornecard 1 Elson .... . 2 Scalnew and Straynow re . 7 Little Singleton and Grange . 5 Fryswicke . . 3 Freckleton . 5 Westbye and Pkimbton . 8 Grymsa^vre and Unkefall . 5 Thilston . . 8 Rigby and Wraye . 8 Ribbleton . . 3 Warton . 4 Elliswicke . . 5 Lea .... . 3 Newton and Scales . 3 Kelmyne and Brininge . . 5 Plumpton . . 11 Ashton, Inghill, and C ottom 3 Kirkham . 3 BiUesburghe 6 Out Rawcliffe . . 4 Wassed . 1 Barton's Newisame . 2 Thornton . . 8 Lithum . 5 Parish of Garstang . 45 Layton and Warbrick . 8 i< The Hundred of Blackburn e. The Parish of Blackbu m . 113 The Parish of Ribchester . 20 Rossendall Forest 36 The Parish of Whallej . 175 Pendle Forest . ' The Hundred of Lonsd 36 ale Cockeram . 8 Leisham .... 2 Carnford . • . 3 Ellall . 11 Overton 2 Marton . 6 Wiersdale . 6 Middleton 2 Silverdale . 2 Wiremore . . 4 Hayton and Oxcliffe 4 Healand . . 4 Turnhani . . 4 Halton and Aughton 5 Hutton . 3 Ashton and Stodley . 2 Sline and Heste 2 Dalton . 3 Scotford . . 7 Bolton 6 Gressingham 2 Buke and Alkelefe . . 3 Nether Kellet . 5 Whittington 5 Lancaster . . 7 Over Kellet 5 Newton I Skerton . 2 Conpyne Wray . 1 Docker 1 Taisholme, Pulton, anc Bare 4 Barwicke . 3 Tunstall . 1 VOL. I. 3t 506 Cftf lisstorp of ti)t CHAP. Camffeild . . . 1 Bayliwicke of Millhwaye 8 Pennington 3 XIII. Barrow . 3 Ditto of Colton 8 Torwarbboth 7 Loeke . 2 Ditto of Grisdale 7 Hamlet of Cromston . 4 Irebie . 1 Ditto of Smithwick 10 Doversdale Brougliton 7 Thatum . . 4 Ditto of Clayfe 7 Much Land 27 Hornbye . . 7 Dalton in Furness 21 Broughton cum Membris, Claughton . 2 Bardsay . . . . 2 with Township of Cart- Caton . 5 Kirkby Irelith . 8 mall . . . . 16 Lanckewicke 5 Cartmell, Holcar, and Alith- Furness. Norland and Egton Ulverston 13 waite . . . . 15 Baylivvicke of Ha wshead . 17 Osmunderly 4 " Salford Hundred, no particular returns." Loss of Calais. Scotch invasion. Foul' years afterwards, when England had become involved in that war which expelled her from the continent of Europe, a royal proclamation was issued by the king and queen to Nicholas, archbishop of York, chancellor of England, commanding him to cause commissions to be issued under the great seal to the justices of the peace and sheriffs of the counties of Lancaster, Suffolk, and Norfolk, with full powers to array, inspect, and exercise all men at arms, and men capable of bearing arms, as well archers as horse and foot men, so that from the present time, and in time to come, they might be arrayed in arms ready to serve then- country.* All this pre- pai'ation was unavailing; a siege of eight days, under the dulve of Guise, rendered the French masters of Calais, a fortress which it had cost the conquerors of Cressy eleven months to acquii'c, and wliich, for two hundred years, had been held by this country as the key to the dominions of the French king. Soon after the fall of Calais, the Scots, influenced by French councils, began once more to move on their borders, and to threaten the northern counties of Eng- land with invasion. At this juncture, the earl of Derby, as lord lieutenant of the counties palatine of Lancaster and of Chester, addressed a despatch to the earl of Shi'ewsbury, lord president of the north, apprising liis lordship of the measures that had been taken to array the levies in Lancashire and in Cheshire against " the Scottish doings," of the munber of the forces, and of the captains by whom they were to be commanded. The despatch is of the date of the 29th of September, 1557, and the following are the — " Capteyns in the County of Lancaster. " Sir- Richard Molynexe, K. or liis son & heire; a feeble man himself, cc • " S' Thom"s Gei-i-ard, K cc * Pat. 3 and 4. Phil, and Mary, p. 5. ni. 11 dors. Countj) ^palatine of 3lanrasttr» 507 « S^ Thom"s Talbot, K cc chap. " S' Richard Hoglitoii, K. not liable himself, but A\ill furnish an liable L Gent, to be Capteyn: Bycause he is not liable to goo himself doth furnish but c « S' Thom"s Hesketh, & others vath lijnn c " S' ThonV's Langton, L. S'^ WiH"m Noressc, L. neyther of them hable, but will furnislie an liable Capteyn c " S' Wiir'm Radclif, or his son and heire Alex^ who is a hansome Gent. & S' John Atherton joened w' him c " Fraunc"s Tunstall, & others c " S' John Holcroft, or his son and heire — Richard Asheton of Mydd, & others c " It"m, The rest appopited in Lancasliier be of my retynnue, " Edw". Derby." Disappointed in all her hopes, Mary's spirits sunk under her accumulated disas- Death of ters, and at the age of forty-two years she descended childless to the gi-ave, leaving jiary. the throne to the possession of her sister Elizabeth, whose masculine habits and dis- cruninatmg mind much better fitted her to wield a sceptre. Tlie death of queen Mary, on the 17th of November, 1558, found the lady Elizabeth I •/ . ascends Elizabeth, now become queen of England, at Hatfield; and a suimnons was unme- the throne. diately sent by the queen's council to the marquis of Winchester, the earl of Shrews- bury, the earl of Derby, and other noblemen, requiring them to repair tliither, to conduct the queen to Loudon. Amongst the nobles assembled to perform this first act of loyal duty, were the duke of Norfolk, lords Audley and Merley, lord Dacres of the north, lord Monteagle, lord Vaux, lord Wharton, and many others. In par- liament, the annunciation of Elizabeth by the archbishop of York Avas hailed with acclamation, and the general cry of " God save queen Elizabeth," not merely from the courtiers, but also from the patriots, gave promise that a new and more happy era had already coimnenced. Tlie state religion was soon destined to undergo another change ; but instead of The state ^ 1 ^ c V religion beins: rapid and violent, it was conducted with gi-eat prudence ; and that the leeluigs again O 1 . . , . • 1 changed. of the Catholics miglit not be outraged by a sudden transition, the queen retained a number of her Catholic ministers, taldiig care to have a sufficient nmnber of the reformed faith, to overrule their deliberations. To further the si-eat work of ecclesiastical reform, the queen set on foot a royal Royal " . . • • 1 J* visitation. A-isitation throughout England, and appointed commissioners to Aisit each diocese, whose business it was to inquire into the late persecutions ; to ascertain what -nTongs 3t 2 508 COf i}isitori) of ti)t CHAP. XIII. June 24, 1559. Commis- sioners for the north. The queen's dislike to political sermons. Oath of suprema- cy. hatl been doue ; what blood had been shed ; and who were the persecutors. They were further directed to minister the oath of recognition, and to enjoin the new book of ser\ice, which was to come into general use on the festival of John the Baptist. Another of their duties was, to examine such as were imprisoned and in bonds for religion, though they had ah-eady been condemned, and to liberate them from prison. Tlie commissioners for the north were, Francis earl of Shrewsbury, president of tlie council in the north, Edward earl of Derby, Thomas eai"l of Northumberland, lord warden of the East and Middle Marches, Thomas lord Evers, Henry Percy, Thomas GaigTave, James Crofts, Henry Gates, knts., Edwin Sandys, D.D., Henry Har- vey, LL.D., Richard Bowes, George Brown, Christopher Escot, and Richard Kingsmel, esqrs. The northern visitation connnenced at St. Mary's, Nottingham, on the 22nd of August, and was continued tliroughout the dioceses of Lincoln, York, Chester, and Durham. The commissioners received the complaints of many clergymen, who had been ejected from their livings during the last reign for being manied ; and in almost all cases they were restored. Dr. Sandys, one of the visitors for tlie northern parts, preached against the primacy of the pope ; he also endeavoured to prepare the clergy to take the oath of supremacy to the queen, which was required of them, and to which most of them conformed, though in Lancashire there Avere many who declined to take the oatli, and who stanclily supported .the doctrine of the real presence in the sacrament. In these tunes of religious and political excitement, the clergy were natm'ally prone to mix up secular subjects in their discourses, and to convey to the royal ear, when occasion presented itself, the views of the preachers on the administration of government. This species of preaching, a certain great man at court (probably Lord Burghley) writing to Dr. Chaderton, afterwards bishop of Chester, thought proper to rebuke. " The queenes majestie," saith he, " doeth mislike that those who preach before her should enter into matters properlie appertaining to matter of government :" they were therefore required to abstain from such preacliing ; not that her majesty wished to close her ears against the advice of those who were moved to desne amendment in tilings properly belonging to herself, but, on the contrary, was willing to hear any that should, either by speech or Aviiting, impart tlieir senti- ments, but she cUd not wish to be lectured in public, nor to have the afl'airs of government animadverted upon before the vulgar.* It having been enacted, that the oath of supremacy should be taken to the queen, her majesty issued a proclamation to su' Ambrose Cave, knt., chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, dated at Westminster, on the 23rd of May, 1559, directing, * Chaderton's MS. fo. 32 a. Peck's Desid. Cur. p. 83. Coiinti) palatine of ILanra^tn*. soo that this oath shoukl be taken throughout liis jurisdiction, both by ihc clergy and chap. laity.* At the same time she clu-ccted, that all the chantries should conform them- _J L selves to the practice of her own chapel, and in Uiat (though much of popish ceremony was retained) she forbade that the host should be elevated, and com- manded that the Lord's prayer, the creed, and the gospels should be read in the vulgar tongue. In the following year, a number of new bisliops were consecrated, amongst whom Avere Edward Scrambler, D.l)., for Peterborough j and James Pilkington, B.D., both Lancasliire men, and both firm adherents of the reformed religion. Soon after his inauguration, Dr. Pilldngton preached before the queen, at Greenwich, on the mission of a fanatic, from the county of Lancaster, of the name of EUys, calling himself Elias : the bishop of London had, however, so little regard for the northern prophet, and his " warning voice," that he ordered liim three days afterwai-ds to be put in the pillory in Cheapside, from whence he was committed to Bridewell, Avhere he soon after died.f The bishopric of Chester liaving become vacant, the queen issued her mandate 3 Eiiz. to the chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, announcing, that the dean and chapter, with her majesty's license, had elected William Downham to be theii- bishop and ^'"'^ pastor, and commanding the chancellor to cause to be delivered up without delay, the temporalities belonging to the episcopal see %vithin his baUiwick, together \\ith the issues and profits thereof, from the feast of St. Michael the archangel. That the nation might be put in a jiosture of defence, a muster of troops was ordered in the several counties of the kingdom ; and the following is the (General iHuster, in famiarie 15594 CERTIFIED WITHIN y' CoUNTY of Lan?. Blackeburne Hundred iiij. vij. harnised men, c. vnhaniised men iiij. vj. c. Amoundernes Hundred ij. xiij. harnised, c. vnharnised iij. Ixix. c. Londesdall Hundred iij. Ivj harnised, vnharnised cxiiij. Pi^f 1 Eliz. m. 32. dors. f Stiype's Ann. of y« Reformation. I. 506. t Had. MSS. Cod. 1926. fo. 4 b. 510 Clje ?^isitoii) of tbt X X E Hundred iiij viiliai'iiised xxij. CHAP, .?.^ xiir. Leylonde Hundred iiij. harnised, C. XI. Saleforde Hundred iij. iiij. xiiij. harnised, c. vuharnised vj. xlix. c._ West Derby iiij. lix. harnised, vnharuised iiij. xiij. Suma Tottis of harnised men, c. M. ix. xix. Suiiia Tottis of vnharnised men, M.M.'^ Ixxiij. HoUinsMorth says, "there was a sore sicknesse" in Lancashire" in 1565, which was probably some remains of the plague contracted by the English army at New- haven, in 1562; at which time, Stowe avers, that 17,404 persons cHed in London alone in one year. Decline of Although the progress of the reformation was rapid in many parts of the king- formed re- dom, in the county of Lancaster it was retrograde. The Catholics multiplied ; the Lanca-° mass was usually performed ; priests were harboured ; the book of common prayer, and the service of the church established by law, were laid aside ; many of the churches were shut up ; and the cures were unsupplied, unless by the ejected Catholic priests. This was thought the more extraordinary, as the queen had iusti- Ecciesias- tutcd an ccclesiastical commission, with the bishop of the diocese at its head, for the tical com- . „ ,. . rri • i mission, promotion 01 religion, lo stimulate the zeal of the prelate, the queen addressed to him 1567. a letter of remonstrance, couched in her usual tone of decision, reminding him of his Royal re- duty, and requiring of him its more vigUant performance. " We tliink it," says the bish- the queen, " not unknown, how, for the good opinion we conceived of yoiu- former "''■ service, we admitted you to be bishop of tlie chocese, but now, upon crechble reports of disorders and contempts, especially in the county of Lancaster, we find great lack in you. In which matter of late we write to you, and other our commissioners joined with you, to cause certain suspected persons to be apprehended, ivTitiug at the same time to our right trusty and well beloved the earl of Der])y, for the aid of you in that behalf. Since which time, and before the delivery of the said letters to the earl of Derby, we be duly infonned that the said earl hath, upon small motions made to him, caused such persons as have been required to be apprehended, and hath shewn himself therein, according to our assured expectation, very faithful and Counti) palatine of Sancastn-, sii careful of our ser\dce."* In conclusion, the bishop is required to make personal chap. visitation, by repairing to the most remote parts of his diocese, and especially into Lancashire, and to see to it, that the churches be provided Avith honest men and leai-ned curates, and that there be no more cause to blame hhn for his inattention and neglect. At a subsequent period, the lords of the councU WTote to the bishop, complaining that many persons in the counties of Lancaster and Chester absented themselves habitually from church, and from places of public prayer, and requesting that the bishop would take measures to enforce their attendance. To this intimation his lordship re^jlied, tliat he had made diligent inquisition into the matter of com- plaint, that some of the gentry and others had promised to be more conformable in future, but that others had disregarded his achnonitions, and that he had enclosed a list certifying the names of those who remained obstinate, and of those who promised to conform."!' The zeal of the earl of Derby in favour of the reformed faith, so warmly eulogized by the queen, was the zeal of a convert, and therefore perhaps the more lively. In the last reign, his lordship embraced the cause of popery, and the committal of the intrepid George Marsh to that dungeon from which he was liberated only to be con- ducted to the stake, serves to shew that sudden changes in religious faith were not confined to priests, but that they were extended to nobles, and to a certain extent pervaded the Avhole people. In the county of Lancaster there was more of consistency than in other parts of the kingdom ; and this is a principle which excites resj^ect, even though it should be a consistency in error. Tlie queen's admonitions to the bishop, as the head of the ecclesiastical commis- sion, produced an immediate effect. The bishop entered upon his visitation with all convenient despatch ; many of the popish recusants, as they were called, were detected in plots to subvert the established religion, and to substitute their own in its stead ; and the county was engaged in a land of religious warfare, which is described with considerable animation, and probably with as much accuracy as can be expected, by an author having a strong bias towards the Protestant cause :| — " And first," says our author, " to give some account of the Bishop's Visitation. Descrip- "Which proved thus, according to the Relation he made of it himself to tlie Secretary s'ta?e°of''^ in a Letter to liim, dated Nov. 1, 1568, ' That he had the last Summer Aisited his ^i)"^ ^'t whole Diocess, Avhich was of Length above six score MUes ; and had found the *'^'^ '""^* People very tractable ; and no where more than in the farthest Parts bordering upon Scotland. Where as he said, he had the most gentle Entertainment of the Wor- sliipful to his gi-eat Comfort. That his Journey was very painful by reason of • Pap. Office, Strype's, Ann. I. 544-5. t Harl. MSS. Cod. 286. fo. 28 t Strype's Ann. I. 546-552. Bhire. 512 Cf)e itji'story of tlje CHAP, the extreme heat ; and if he had not received great Courtesy of the Gentlemen, he L_ must have left the most of liis Horses by the way : Such Drought was never seen in those Parts.' Commis- " The Bishop also now sent up, by one of his Servants, a true Copy of all such poi'ronthe Orders as he, and the rest of his Associates, in the Queen's Commission Ecclesias- Lan^ca- tical, had taken with the Gentlemen of Lancashire. Who, (one only excepted, whose Name was John Westby,) with most humble Submissions and like Thanks unto the Queen's Majesty, and to her Honourable Council, received the same ; Promising, that from thenceforth they would live in such sort, that they would never hereafter give occasion of Offence in any tiling concerning their bounden Duty, as well towards Religion, as then- Allegiance towards theii- Prince. But notwithstanding their Promises, the Commissioners bound every of them in Recognizances in the simi of an Hundi"ed Marks for their Appearances from time to time, as appeai'ed in the abovesaid Orders, And certain Punishments infhcted upon some of them had done so much good in the Country, that the Bishop hoped he should never be troubled again with the lil^e. " Nowel, Dean of S. Paul's, London, was a Lancashire man, and was now down in that Country. Who with his continual preaching in tUvers Places in the County, had brought many obstinate and wilful People unto Conformity and Obe- dience, and had gotten great Commendation and Praise (as he was most worthy) even of those that had been gi-eat Enemies to liis Religion. " But now to set down particularly what had been detected and discovered among these Lancashire Papists, and the Negligence, or Lothness of the Bisliop, to prosecute them. Information was brought into the Bishop by one Mr. Glasier, a Commissioner, and another named Edmund Ashton, that gi-eat Confederacies were then In Lancashire. And that sunchy Papists were there lurking, Avho had stiiTed divers Gentlemen to then.' Faction, and sworn them together, not to come to the Church in the Service time, now set forth by the Queen's Authority, nor to receive the Communion, nor to hear Sermons ; but to maintain the Mass and Papistry. And after this Information, Glasier advised the Bishop to go to the Earl of Darby, and to execute the Commission in Lancashire ; or else it could not be holpen but many Church Doors must be shut up, and the Curates hindered to serve as it was appointed to be used in the Church. And that this Confederacy was so great, that it would gTowe to a Commotion, or Rebellion. The Bishop hereupon sent for those Offenders by Precept, but declmed to go yet to execute the Commission in Lancashire. " Again, Sir Edward Fytton informed the Bishop, that Mr. Edmund Trafford spake of these Matters before to liim as a Commissioner, for to have redi-ess thereof. Coimti) |3alatu« of ^.anrasittr, 613 Wliereupoii Mr. Gerrnrd said, that it' the Bishop would not go to Wygan iu Lancu- chap. shire, or such like Place, and sit to execute the Commission, aud move the Earl 1 of Darby to be there, (who had assured them he would sit and assist,) he knew that a Commotion would ensue ; and that he knew their Determination was thereunto. For that his Kinsman and Alliance to his Remembrance (naming IMr. Wcsthy) had told him. He would wiUlnyly lose his Blood in these 3Iatters. Also he said furtlier, tliat from Warrington all along the Sea Coasts in Lancashire, the Gentlemen (except Mr. Butler) were of the Faction, and withdrew themselves from Religion ; as Mr. Ireland, Su" W'"- Norris, and many others more. So that there was such a Likelihood of a Rebellion or Commotion speedily, that for his Part, if the Bishop would not go to execute the Commission in Lancashire, he would himself within twelve Days inform the Privy Council. And yet he had desired the Bishop to deliver the Commission unto him, and Fytton to execute : but the Bishop refused, saying, he would send for the Offenders. But afterward, the Bishop and Gerrard signed Precepts for divers Papistical Priests and some Gentlemen, to appear before the Commissioners concerning the Premisses. " Again, one Edmund Holme made tliis Discovery ; That there was a Letter \ratten from Dr. Saunders [Nicolas Saunders] to Sii* Richard MoUneux and Sir William Noi-ris ; the Copy of which Letter was ready to be shewed. The Contents of it, as it seems, were, to exhort them to own the Pope supreme Head of the Church ; and that they should swear his Supremacy, and Obedience to him, before some Priest or Priests appointed by his Authority ; who should also absolve them that had taken any Oath to the Queen as supreme, or gone to Church and heai-d Common Prayer. Hereupon Sir Richard 3Iolineux did make a vow unto one Noi-rice, otherwise called Butcher, othermse called Fisher, of Formeby ; and unto one Peyle, otherwise called Pyclc, (who reported that he had tlie Pope's Authority,) that he would do all things according to the Words of the said Letter. And so did receive Absolution at Pyck's hand ; And he did vow to the said Pyck, that he would take the Pope to be the supreme Head of the Church. And the said 3Iolineux's Daughters, Jane, Alice, and Anne, and liis son John, made the like Vow as their Father had done. And then tliey took a Corporal Oath on a Book. Aud so did John Mollin of the Wodde, and Robert Blundel of Inse, and Richard Blundel of Christby, and Sir TJiomas Williamson, and Sir John Dervoyne, and John William- son. These were some of those Popish Gentlemen of Lancashire ; and these were their Doings. But the Commission Ecclesiastical, roundly managed, had pretty well reduced them, as we heard before. " In what Form the Submission ran, to wliich these Popish Gentlemen sub- scribed, before they made their Peace, I know not. But I find this Year one Fonn VOL. I. 3 u 514 CIjc ?t)is;tnri) of tl)t CHAP. XIII. Mary, queen of Scots. 15C8. Conimen- dam. offered to Sii- John Soitthvorth, of these Parts, (who had entertained Priests, and absented from the Church,) by order of the Privy Council ; whidi was as followeth ; — ". Whereas I, Sir John Southworth, Knt., forgetting my Duty towards God and the Queen's " Majesty, in not considering my due Obedience for the Observation of the Ecclesiastical Laws and " Orders of this Realm, had received into my House and Company, and there relieved certain Priests "who have not only refused the Ministry, but also in my hearing have spoken against the present " State of Religion, established by her Majesty and the States of her Realm in Parliament, and have " also otherwise misbehaved myself in not resorting to my Parish Church at Common Prayer, nor " receiving the Holy Communion so often times as I ought to have done. " I do now, by these Presents, most humbly and unfeignedly submit myself to her Majesty, " and am heartily sorry for mine Offence in this Behalf, both towards God and her Majesty. And " do further promise to her Majesty from henceforth, to obey all her Majesty's Authority in all Matters " of Religion and Orders Ecclesiastical ; and to behave myself therein as becometh a good, humble. " and obedient Subject ; and shall not impugn any of the said Laws and Ordinances by any open " Speech, or by Writing, or Act of mine own ; nor willingly suffer any such in my Company to " offend, whom I may reasonably let, or disallow: Nor shall assist, maintain, relieve, or comfort any " Person living out of this Realm, being known to be an Offender against the said Laws and Orders " now established for godly Religion, as is aforesaid. And in this doing, I firmly trust to have her " Majesty my gracious and good Lady, as hitherto I, and all other her Subjects, have marvellously " tasted of her Mercy and Goodness." " But this knight refused to subscribe the submission, any further than in that point of maintaining no more those disordered persons." Mary, queen of Scots, having at this time been expelled from her throne by her subjects, under the authority of the earl of Murray, regent of the kingdom of Scot- land, sought an asylimi in England ; but before she could be admitted to the court, it became necessary that she should justify herself fi"om the charge of having been accessory to the murder of her husband. In this she failed ; indeed, her agents refused to proceed with the investigation, when the evidence of lier guilt became conclusive ; and, instead of being admitted to the court of Elizabeth, she was ever after kept as her prisoner, fii'st in Bolton castle, afterwards at the castle of Sheffield, then at Tutbury, and finally at the castle of Fotheringhay. Several of Mary's adherents now fled out of England from Lancasliire, and other parts of the kingdom, and it was discovered in the course of this year, that sums of money were sent to them from hence, to promote the invasion of England, and to re-establish the ancient religion. The recently created bishopric of Chester Avas amongst the lowest of the livings in the English chiu-ch, not exceeding iu value three huncbed and fifty pounds a year; and yet such was the ho.spitality at this time kept up by the bishops, that Dr. Down- ham, in his application to the queen for the extension of his commendam, repre- Count|) ^3alatin« of aanraster, 515 sented, that he supported every day, in virtue of his office, " forty persons, yong chai'. and old, besides comers and goers."* '_ The bias of the queen's inind was towai-ds the ancient rehgion, with, all its forms The and ceremonies, so far as was consistent with that supremacy whicli she claimed as bias!" " the head of the church ; and though the real presence was denied by the reformed church, she openly thanked one of her preachers for a sennon he had preached in favour of that doctrine. f Celibacy in the ministers of religion was always newed by her with favour ; and all the influence of her favourite minister, Cecil, was neces - saiy, to prevent her from interchcting the marriage of the clergy. While this was the disposition of the queen, several of her ministers conceived that the reform in the religion of the state was by no means sufficiently radical; and not only CecU, but Leicester, Knolles, Bedford, and Walsingham, favoured the Puritans, who derived The Pmi- their origin from those exiled ministers that, during the reign of queen Mary, had imbibed the opinions of Calvin, the reformer of Geneva. Tlieir historianj describes the Puritans as objecting to the assumed supremacy of the bishops, and the jurisdic- tion of the ecclesiastical court ; to the fi-equent repetition of the Lord's prayer in the liturgy, to the responses of the people, and to the reading of the apocryphal lessons ; to the sign of the cross, in the administration of baptism ; and to the ring, and the terms of the conti'act, in maniage; to the observance of the festivals in the calendar, the chaunt of the psalms, and the use of musical instruments in the cathedral services ; and, above all, to the habits, " the very livery of the beast," enjoined to be worn by the ministers during the celebration of divine services. Dean Nowell, one of the queen's cliaplains, so celebrated for his preacliing in Lancashire, his native county, was understood to favour the puritanical doctrines, wliich was probably one of the causes of his popularity in tliis county ; and when, in a sennon preached before his royal mistress, he spoke disparagingly of the sign of the cross, she called aloud to him in the congregation, and ordered liim " to quit that ungodly discussion, and to return to his text." From this period, through a succession of ages, the county of Lancaster con- Lasting tinned much divided on subjects of religion and politics; the Catholics assuming tlie in the""^ high church, and the monarchical principles, and the Puritans the low church, and Lam:aster democratic principles, Avliile the established church held the balance between the two, anrpoTi!" by turns favouring the former or the latter, as best accorded with the objects and '"'"■ views of the existing government ; and not unfrequently restraining, and even perse- cuting both. In no county in the kingdom have the distinctions been so marked as * Bishop Dovvnham's Letter to the Secretary of State, 1568. f Heylem, p. 124, I Neal's History of the Puritans, c. iv. v. 3 u 2 516 €l)t i}i£!torp of tiK CHAP. XIII. Rebellion in the north. ill Laucashii-e, and in none will tliis observation be i'ound so unerring an index ■whereby to account for the local feuds, and for the party animosities. Several of the leachng families of the north, anxious to re-establish the Catholic relioion, and to place Mary, queen of Scots, on the throne of England, entered into a conspu'acy for tliis purpose, at the head of wlucli stood the earls of Northumbei'- land and Westmoreland. One of their first objects was to liberate Mary from her confinement in Tutbury castle, and su- Thomas and sii- Edward Stanley, sons of the earl of Derby, along with sir Thomas Gerrard, and other Lancasliii-e gentlemen, favoured the enterprise. In furtherance of this object, the eai'ls of Northmnberland and Westmoreland put forth the following proclamation : — " The DECLARACON of the Earles at y^ RISING in y"^ NORTH. " Wee Thomas Earle of Northumberland, & Charles Earle of Westmland, y' Queenes ti'ue & faithfuU sub", to all y' came of y' old & Catholiq3 Rehgion, know ye y* wee w"" many other well disposed persons as well of y" NobUitie as others, have promised our Faith to y*^ Furtherance of this our good meaning. Forasmuch as diners disordered & euUl disposed persons about the Qu' Ma'^" liaue by theyr subtill & crafty deaUngs to aduance themselues, ouercome in this Realme y^ true & Catholicke Religion towardes God, & by the same abused y" Queene, chsordered y Realme, and now lastly seeke and procure the destruccon of y' NobiHty : Wee therefore haue gathered our selues together to resist by force, & the rather by the helpe of God & you good people, to see redi'ess of these things amiss, w"" y* restormg of all ancyent customs Schbertyes to Gods Church, and this noble Realme; least if wee should not doe it our selves, wee might bee reformed by strangers, to y" great hazai-d of y" state of this our country, whereunto wee are all bounde. " God sane y' Queene." [Harl. 3ISS. Cod. 787. fo. 10 b.] Nov. 27, 1569. Earl of Derby's loyalty. The influence of the leaders of the insm-rection, and the attachment of the people to the Catholic faith, di-ew together an army of four thousand foot and six hundred horse. To strengthen their force, the earls of Westmoreland and Northumberland addi'essed a letter to the earl of Derby, requesting him to join theu" standard, and to procure for them such aid and assistance as his lordship coidd collect, in " all parts of his terrytoryes, to effect then" honorable and gotUy entei-prises."* Seven days before the date of this despatch, the eai'l of Derby had received a commission from the queen, appointing liim lord-lieutenant of the county of Lan- * Burghley's State Papers, i. 564. Countp palatine of 2.anca£(tn% 517 caster; and, instead of listemn ". .V ^j- .•■\ ^\. J-- :',•( t..> -A'...,, ptO^^iH^^^ (7^fy,^^^^^^JL£^ ^ -^',Ot^ft. •'^'/- / ^=^^vL-V^twvr^ ^fa -^^^^ c^^ /^,:>^^l^ -i^^jfe-^^ ^^>: f ^ -rT^.A. ^^..-^h^n^a/^ ^{u^^ :> c <^»-» c^-^?H^-/" FISHER. SON, fe C? LONDON. 3832. Countj? palatine of 3!.ancasitn% 521 Bromlev, and Dr. Wilson, to expostulate with her on her intended clandestine chap. marriage with the duke of Norfolk, on her concurrence in the northern rebellion, on _ the encouragement she had given to Spain to invade England, and on the part she had taken in procuring the pope's bull of excommunication against Elizabeth, and particularly upon allo^ving her friends abroad to give to her the title of " Mary Queen of England." These charges Mary denied, and justified herself either by repelling the allegations, or by casting tlie blame on others over whom she had no control.* The queen was by no means satisfied with these apologies ; and the temper of parliament, as expressed in the application for the immediate trial and execution of Mary, shewed that a storm was gathering, by which that unfortunate princess was speedily to be overwhelmed. The evidence of the bishop of Ross, exhibited in the Burghley State Papers,i" shews that Mary was, as early as the year 1571, in negocia- tion with the ambassadors of both France and Spain, for her escape from Sheffield castle to the continent, and that she was aided in her design by several Lancashii-e gentlemen. The bishop says — the queen wrote a letter by a little priest of RoUes- ton's, that su" Thomas Stanley, sir Thomas Gen'ard, and Rolleston, desired a " cifre for her, and that they oflrid to convey her away, and willed this examiuate to ax the duke (of Norfolk's) opinion herin." He furtlier says, that Hall told him, that if the queen would get two men landed in Lancasliii'e, sir* Thomas Stanley and sir Edward Stanley, along with sii* Thomas Gerrard and Rolleston,|; would assist her escape to France or Flanders, and that the whole country would rise in her I'avour. The death of Edward, the munificent earl of Derby, with whom, says Camden, " the glory of hospitality hath in a manner beene layd asleepe," took place at Lathom house, on the 24th of Fel)ruary, in the year 1573 ; and he was succeeded in his title and estates by lord Strange, a nobleman honoured vdih the special favour of queen Elizabeth, and for whose family she entertained the highest regard.^ The progress of public improvement in the county of Lancaster appears to have been slow up to the time of Ehzabeth, as may be collected from an expression con- tained in a petition from dean Nowel, the founder of the free-school of Middleton, for the better encouragement of leai-ning and true Christianity, who, in speaking of the people, designates them as " the inhabitants of the rude country of Lancashii'e." During this reign, the military strength of the kingdom was taken -nitli great accuracy, and the following — • Camden, p. 442. + Vol. ii. p. 20, and 112. t Sir Thomas Stanley, sir Thomas Gerrard, and Rolleston, were apprehended, and committed to the Tower as State prisoners. — Lord Burghley' s Papers, II. 771. § Burghley's State Papers, II. 184. VOL. I. 3 X 522 €i)t ??i£(tori) of tlje CHAP. XIII. ,7~ MILITARY MUSTER, Blilitary strength of doni. Taken by Order of Government, and made in the Year 1574, serves to shew the Strength, while it indicates the Population, oj" each County. ARTIFICERS ARMED SELECTED DEMI- LIGHT COUNTIES. ABLE MEN. AND MEN. MEN. PYONEERS. LAUNCES. HORSE. 1 Cambridgeshire . 1080 50 19 22 Cornwall 6600 • • • • 400 Isle of Ely 600 • • • • 140 .... ^ ^ 66 Derbyshire 4000 500 .... « • 66 Devonshire 10000 Exon 500 500 1000 Sussex 6099 799 600 900 11 150 Lincolne 6111 716 800 1385 12 125 Somerset 6800 600 .... .... 20 160 Hertford 2934 2828 330 1552 25 Worcester 1850 1850 Norfolk 8460 4132 2065 .... 28 184 Essex 1902 4264 • • • • ■ • • ■ 64 139 Salop , . 3044 1369 24 120 2 53 Wilts 5334 2357 590 207 66 94 Leicester 1260 400 400 800 4 66 Oxon 6470 1232 480 291 2 9 66 73 Middlesex Dorset 6407 2448 50 11 Surrey 6000 1800 • • . ■ • > • • 96 Bucks 7253 • • ■ • 500 ■ a ■ ■ 12 28 Berks 1720 1720 .... 335 14 88 Kent 8960 6000 780 880 15 787 Bedford ■ • • • .... • ■ > • 8 12 Stafford 1500 562 100 • • ■ • 7 44 Lichfield 80 46 30 Lancaster 6000 3600 .... 600 12 90 Hants 5889 5889 596 1238 4 180 Southampton . . . 495 420 Winton , . 90 66 Yorkshire 40187 7160 2000 3794 8 172 Warwick 300 978 • • ■ • 300 16 90 Cheshire 3600 1057 60 189 Herefordshire . . . 3812 1004 473 • • 68 Anglesey 372 • • • • , 4 Flint 500 500 , 50 Denbigh 1000 400 , 50 Moutg-omery . . . . " 1000 400 47 Merioneth 700 300 , 8 Glamorgan Summa totalis . . 600 200 • 30 158509 55597 11365 13105 429 3037 Couittj) ^3alatint of ilamasiter. 623 From this table it appears, tliat Lancashire at this time ranked amongst the first chap. counties of the kingdom in military strength, and that in number of able-bodied ^'"' men it was only exceeded by Cornwall, Devonshire, Sussex, Somerset, Norfolk, Oxford, Dorset, Kent, Yorkshire, and probably Middlesex, of which the return is only partially given. The population of Yorkshire, when compared with Lanca- shire, was then in the proportion of nearly seven to one, though now the population of the two counties is so nearly equal, that the difference is scarcely perceptible. Of the other counties, Lancasliire exceeds the highest of them, except the meh'opo- litan county of Middlesex.* MUSTER OF SOLDIERS IN THE COUNTY OF LANCASTER IN 1574. [Had. MS. Cod. 1926.] " The nubers of Dymylances, horses, geldings for lighte horsemen, armo', muncon f weapons putt in ReadjTies w"'in the County of Lane, aswell by fox'ce of the statute as graunted of good Will, by pswacon of the Cofnyssyores of the geniall mvsters. And of the pticular names and S'names of them w"'' doe furnishe, liaue f keepe the same for her Ma"" S'vyce w"'' were Certifyed vnto her ho : privie Counsell, conioyned w"" the geroall musters by force of the firste and Seconde Comissions of the saidde mvsters the monthe of Auguste A" xyj'^ Eliz. Reginse." I^un&rrti "at Drilipe. Henrie Earle of Derbye furnished : — Dymylaunces (therof iii. to be horses) vi ; light horsemen fur- nished X ; Corsletts xl ; Pykes xl ; Plate cotes and almon ryvetts xl ; long boes xxx ; Sheffe of arroes xxx ; Steele cappes xxx ; Black billes xx ; Calivers xx; Murrens xx. Sir Thomas Standley, Knt. to furnishe : — Geldinges for lighte horsemen ii ; Corseletts iii ; Pyks iii ; Almon revetts iii ; Calivers iii ; Morrians iii ; Long boes iii ; Sheflfe arroes iii ; Steele cappes iii. Sir Thomas Gerrard, Knt. to furnishe : — Dymylaunce i ; Light horsemene ii ; Corseletts x ; Coates of Plate x ; Pykes x ; Long boes viii ; Sheffe of arrowes viii ; Calivers iii ; Morrians iii. Richard Bolde, Esq. to furnishe — Dimilaunce i; Light horses ii ; Corseletts iii; Coates of Plate iii ; Pykes iii ; Long boes iri ; Sheffe of arrowes iii ; Steele cappes iii ; Calivers ii ; Marians ii. Thomas Butler, Esq. to furnishe : — Lighte horsemen ii ; Corseletts iii ; Coates of plate, or almone revetts iii ; Pykes iii ; Long boes iii ; Seefe arrowes iii ; Steele cappes iii ; Calivers iii ; Morrians iiii. * By the population returns of 1831 the numbers stand thus : — Inhabitants of Yorkshire 1,371,296. 1 Middlesex 1,358,541. Lancashire 1,336.854. 3x2 524 ClK ?i?is(tori) of tlje CHAP. Sir John Holcrofte, Knt. to furnishe: — Lighte horsemen i; Corseletts i; Coates of Plate ii; Pyks ii; '*"'''■ Longe bowes ii; Sheflfe of anowes ii; Steele cappes ii; Calivers i; Morriens i. George Ireland, Esq. to furnishe: — Lighte horsemen ii; Corslelts ii; Coates of plate ii; Fykes ii; Longe boes ii; ShefTe of arrowes ii ; Steele Cappes ii; Calliveri; Morrian i. Henrie Halsall, Esq. to furnishe : — Dymylaunce i ; Lighte horses ii ; Corsletts iii ; Pyks iii ; Long boes iii ; ShefFe arrowes iii ; Calivers ii ; Morrians ii. Roger Bradshawe, Esq. to furnishe : — Lighte horsemen i ; Corsletts ii ; Almon ryvetts ii ; Pyks ii ; Long boes ii ; ShefTe arrowes ii ; Steele cappes ii ; Callivers i ; Morrian i. Edward Tyldesley, Esq. to furnishe: — Light horsemen i ; and the rest as Roger Bradshawe dothe furnishe in all points. Edw. Scaresbricke, Ar. In all things the lyke, savinge that he is chardged with almayne ryvetts or plate coats. William Gerrard, Esq. In lyke to Mr. Scaresbricke. Edward Norrys, Esq. Richard Massye, Esq. Peter Stanley, Esq. Henry Ecclesby, Esq. John Byron, Esq. the same as Wm. Gerrard, Esq. John Moore, Esq. to furnishe : — Light horse i ; Corselett i ; Pyke i ; Morriane i. Richard Blundell, Esq. John Kylshawe, Esq. the same as John Moore, Esq. Barnabie Kytchen, to furnishe : — Almayne ryvetts i ; Pyke i ; Longe boe i ; Sheffe arrowes i ; Steel cappe i ; Calliver i ; Morriane i. John Bolde, Esq. Bartholomewe Hesketh, the same as Barnabie Kytchen, Esq. Mr. Langton de Loe, to furnishe : — Light horse i ; Corslette i ; Pyke i ; Morriane i. Adam Hawarden, to furnishe : — Light horse i. Richard Ormestone, to furnishe : — Light horse i. Edmund Hulme, (of Male,) to furnishe : — Light horse i. Thomas Asshton, to furnishe : — Almayne ryvetts or coate plate i ; Pyke i; Longe bowe i ; Sheefe arrowes i ; Steele cappe i ; Caliver i ; Morriane i. J. Mollyneuxe, of Mellinge, GefFraye Holcrofte, Robert Blundell, of Ince, Thomas Lancaster, John Rysley, the same as Thomas Asshton. Hamlet Dytchfield, to furnishe : — Coate of plate i ; Pyke i ; Long bowe i ; SchefTe arrowes i ; Blacke bill i ; Morriane i. Humfrey Winstanley, to furnishe : — Coate plate i ; Pyke i ; Long bowe i ; SchefFe arrowes i ; Steele cap i ; Blacke bill i ; Morriane i. John Bretherton, Thomas Mollineux, John Ashton, Thomas Abrahame, Fraunces Bolde, Richard Ettonhead, Roberte Fazeakerley, William Ashehurste, Lambert Tildesley, John Crosse, and Elice Kigheley, the same as Humfrey Winstanley. Nicholas Fleetecrofte, to furnishe : — Coate plate i ; Longe bowe i ; ShefFe arrowes i ; Scull bill i. Richard Hollande to furnishe in lyke sort. William Nayler, James Lea, William MoUineuxe, Adam Bolton, Richard Boulde, Richard Hawarde, Rawffe Sekerston, Roberte Corbette, and Richard Mosse, the same as Nicholas Fleetecrofte. Summary for the Hundred of Derbye. ShefFe [of] Arrowes . Dymilaunces iij ix Light horses iij . . xxxix Corslettes Ixxxv Almayne Ryvettes or plate coates cxviij Pykes cxj Longe Bowes . cvj Steele cappes or sculles Calivers Murrians Billes nij . X hiij Ixxj xlv Countj) palatine of aancasiter. 525 ittjunHrrli of Urylonae. chap. XIII. Sir Thomas Hesketh, Knt. to furnishe: — Dymylaunce i; Light horsemen ii ; Corseletts iii ; Almayne ■ ryvetts or coates plate iii ; Pykes iii ; Long bowes iii ; Sheffe arrowes iii ; Steele cappes iii ; Harquebutts ii ; Murians or salletts ii. Edward Standishe, Esq. to furnishe : — Light horses ii; Corseletts ii; Almayne ryvetts or coats plate ii; Pykes ii; Long bowes ii; ShefFe arrowes ii; Steele cappes ii; Calivers i; Morrione i. Willm. Farington, Esq. for goods to furnishe: — Light horse i; Hargabut i; Longe bowe i; Sheffe arrowes i. Thomas Standish, Esq. pro terr. to furnishe lyke Mr. Farington. Richard Lathome, Ar. to furnishe: — Light horse i. Thomas Ashall, Robert Charnocke, Richard Ashton, to furnish same as Mr. Lathome. Henry Banester, Ar. to furnishe : — Light horse i ; Hargabut i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arrowes i ; Scull i. John Adlington to furnishe: — Light horse i; Harquebut i; Long bowe i ; Sheffe arrowes i; Scull i. Peter Farington, Vx John Charnock, Wm. Chorley, John Wrightington, Gilbert Langtree, Edward Worthington, Laurence Worthington, to furnishe the same as John Adlington. Willm. Stopford, to furnishe: — Coate plate i; Longe bowe i; Sheffe arrowes i; Scull i. John Butler to furnishe: — Long bowe i; Sheffe arrowes i; Scull i; Bill i. And the following the same as John Butler: — Thomas Stanynawght, George Norres, Richard Todde, Richard Jevum, Rich. Hoghe, John Clayton, Tho. Solome, Wm. Tarleton, John Stones, John Stewerson, John Lightfbote, Wm. Forshawe, Edmunde Parker, Willm. Tayler, Henry Farington, Rich. Foreste, Robert Cowdrye, Henry Sherdley, Rawffe Caterall, Thomas Sharrocke, Thomas Gellibronde, Alexander Brerde, Roberte Farington, Wm. Cowper, Oliver Garstange, John Guerdon, Robert Mollyneux, Edward Hodgson, Richard Withrill, Laur. Garstange, Gilberte Howghton, James Browne, Thomas Dickonson, Laur. Finche, Vx Thurston Hesketh, John Wakefielde, Seth Forester, James Tompson, Thomas Chisnall, Laur. Night- gall, Vx Roberte Charnocke, Richard Nelson, James Prescote, Rich. Tompson, Robert Forster, John Lawe, Roger Brodhurste. Summary for the Hundred of Leylonde. Dymylaunces Light horses .... Corselettes .... Cotes of Plate, Brigund" or Almaine Ryvettes .... Pykes .... j Stronge Boes . xj Sheffes of Arrowes V Steele cappes or seniles Culivers xiiij Morians xiiij Billes . Ixx Ixx Ixx X X xlix Sir Rich. Shirburne, Knt. to furnishe : — Dymylaunce i ; Lighte horsemen ii ; Corseletts iii ; Coates of plate iii; Pykes iii Long boes iii; Sheffe arrowes iii; Steele cappes iii; Calivers ii; Murrians ii. John Towneley, Esq. to furnishe: — Dymilaunce i; Lighte horses ii ; Corsletts ii ; Coates of plate ii ; Pykes ii; Long boes ii ; Sheffe of arrowes ii ; Steele cappes ii ; Caliver i ; Morrian i. Sir J. SowthwOrth, Knt to furnishe : — Light horses ii ; Corsletts ii ; Coates of plate ii ; Pyks ii ; Long bowes ii ; Sheffe of arrowes ii ; Steele cappes ii; Caliver i; Morrione i. 526 Cfte W^tov^ ot tt)t CHAP. XIII. John Osbaldeston, Esq. to furnishe same as Sir John Sowthworth, saving he is chardged with almaine ryvetts or cotts of plate, and this is the wholle difference. Thomas Caterall, Esq. to furnishe: — Lighte Horse i; Harquebut i ; Longe bowe i; Sheffe of arrowes i; Scull i. Thomas Nowell, Esq. to furnishe the same as Mr. Caterall. Richarde Ashton, Esq. to furnishe : — Lighte horse i ; Corsletts ii ; Coates of plate ii ; Pykes ii ; Long bowes ii; Sheffe of arrowes ii ; Steele cappes ii; Caliver i; Morrione i. John Talbot, Esq. to furnishe the same as Mr. Ashton, saving he is not chardged with any Steele cappes. Nicholas Banestar, Ar. to furnishe : — Lighte horse. John Rishworth, Ar. to furnishe : — Lighte horse. Richard Grymeshawe, Ar. to furnishe :^Coate of plate i ; Long bowe i ; Sheffe of arrowes i ; Caliver i ; Scull i; Billi. Thomas Walmysley, Ar. John Braddill, Ar. Henrie Towneley, Thomas Aynsworth, Nicholas Parker, to furnishe the same as Mr. Grymeshawe. Alex. Howghton, Gent, to furnishe : — Corslette i ; Cote of plate i ; Pyke i ; Long bowe i ; Sheffe of arrowes i; Steele cappe i; Caliver i ; Morrione i. Roger Nowell, Esq. to furnishe: — Coate of plate i; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arrowes i; Caliver i ; Scull i; Bill i. William Barecrofte, Henrie Banester, Thomas Watson, Ilvan Heydocke, Edward Starkie, Robert Moreton, Olin Birtwisill, John Greenacre, Nicholas Hancocke, to furnishe the same as Mr. Nowell. Thomas Astley to furnishe : — Cote plate i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arrowes i ; Steele cappe i ; bill i. Thomas Whittacre, George Shuttleworth, Fraunces Garsyde, to furnishe same as Mr. Astley. Robert Smithe, to furnishe : — Long bowe i; Sheffe arrowes i ; Scull i ; Bill i. John Ashowe, Nicholas Robinson, George Seller, Nicholas Halstidd, Wm. Langton, Bryan Parker, Laurence Whitacre, John Ormrode, Rawffe Haworth, Richard Cunlyffe, Rich. Parker, Wm. Barker, Adam Bolton, George Talbot, Thomas Lassell, Thomas Isherwoodde, Richard Haber- iame, Wm. Starkye, Rich. Harrison, Rich. Crounlowe, Tho. Honghim, Rich. Shawe, Rich. Bawden, Alexander Lyvesaye, William Churchlowe, Rawffe Talbotte, Edwarde Carter, Rich. Woodde, Tho. Holliday, Roger Nowell, Hughe Shuttleworth, Hughe Halsted, Henry Speake, Tho. Enot, Henrie Shawe, Peter Armerode, Thomas Walmysley, Thomas Dewhurst, Olin Ormerode, John Nuttall, Gilberte Rishton, Nicholas Cunliff, Henrie Barecrofte, Laur. Blakey, John Hargreue, James Fieldes, James Hartley, Thomas Ellys, Thurston Baron, Roberte Caruen, George Elston, Barnarde Townley, Oliver Halsted, John Seller, John Pastlowe, John Whittacre, John Aspinall, Roberte Cunliff, Richard Charneley, Geffrey Ryshton, Roberte Seede, Thurstone Tompson, Richard Bawden, Tho. Osbaldeston, John Holden, Gyles Whitacre, Richard Tatter- sall, Roberte Smithe, Nicholas Duckesburie, William Merser, to furnishe in everie respect the same as Robert Smithe. The following is the Summary for the Hundred of Blackeburne. Dnnilaunces ij Sheffe of arr. CXlJ Light Horses . . . . xiij Steele cappes . cix Corslettes xiiij Calivers xxvj Cotes of Plate or Almaine Ryvettes xxxiiij Morrians xxvij Pykes Large boes xiiij cxij BiUes XX iiij . x Coiintp ^alatuw of ILantasitn-* 527 fl^un&rrti of amounaernr^^. John Rigmaiden, Esq. to fumishe: — Lighte horse i; Corsletts ii; Coates plate ii ; Pyks ii ; Long boes ii ; Sheffe arrowes ii ; Steele cappes ii; Caliver i ; Morrione i. Cuthberte Clifton, Esq. to fumishe: — Light horse i; Coate plate i; Pyke i; Long bowes ii ; SheflF arrowes ii; Steele cappes ii; Caliver i ; Morrione i. John Westbie, Thomas Barton, Wm. Skillicome, to fumishe the same as Mr. Clyfton. Richard Traves, to fumishe: — Coate plate i; Longe bowe i; sheffe arr. i ; sculls ii; Caliver i; Mor- rione i ; Bill i. James Massey, George Alane, to fumishe the same as Richard Travers. Robert Mageall to fumishe : — Coate plate i ; Long bowe i ; Sheff arr. i ; sculls ; Bill i. Thomas Ricson to fumishe the same as Robert Mageall. Wm. Hodgkinson, to fumishe: — Coate plate i; Pyke i; Long bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i; Scull i ; Mor- rione i ; Bill i. William Banester, Thomas Breres, Roger Hodgkinson, Laur. Walles, to fur. the same as Wm. Hodg- kinson doth. William Hesketh to furnishe of good will: — Caliver i ; Morriane i. Robert Plesington, Thomas Whyttingham, Wm. Singleton, John Veale, Evan Heydocke, William Burrell, to fur. the same as Wm. Hesketh doth. Henrie Kygley, to furnishe: — Coate plate i; Long bowe i; Sheffe arr. i. Scull i. Summary for the Hundred of Amoundernes. CHAP. XIII. Dimylaunces i Sheff arr. xxij Light horses V Steele Cappes xxvij Corselettes ■J Calivers XV Cotes of Plate or Almaine Ryvettes xvij Murrions XX Pykes xi Billes X Long bowes xxij l^ttntirrti of %ont^Xit\\. Wm. Lord Monteagle, to furnishe: — Dimilaunces (thereof one to be an horse) ii ; Lighte Horsemen iii ; Corseletts xx ; Cots of plate or almayne ryvetts xx; Pyks xx ; Long bowes xv ; Sheffe of arrowes xv ; Steele cappes xv ; Calivers vi ; Morrians vi. Roberte Dalton, Esq. to furnishe : — Dimilaunce i ; Light horse i ; Corseletts i ; Coats of plate or almayne ryvetts ii ; Pyks iii ; Longe bowes iii ; Sheffe arrowes iii ; Steele capes iii ; Caliver i ; Morrione i. Francis Tunstall, Esq. to furnishe : — Light horses ii ; Corsletts ii ; Coate plate or briged ii ; Long bowes ii ; Sheffe arrowes ii; Sculles ii ; Pyks ii ; Morryans ii ; Caliver i. George Middleton, Esq. Roger Kirbie, Esq. to fumishe same as Francis Tunstall, Esq. William Fleminge, to furnishe : — Lighte horse i ; Corselette i ; Coate plate i ; Pyke i ; Long bowes ii; Sheffs of arr. ii ; Sculls ii ; Caliver i. Thomas Carus, to furnishe : — Lighte horse i; Corslette i; Coate plate i; Pyke i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Calliver i ; Morrione i. Robert Byndlowes, to furnishe same as Thomas Carus. Thomas Curwen, a lighte horse furnished. 628 CfK ?^lSittlll) Of tl)t CHAP. XIII. Wm. Thornborowe, a light horse furnished. Gabriell Crofte, to furnishe : — Corslette i ; Steele coate i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheff arr. i ; Scull i ; Caliver i ; Morrione i. Nicholas Brudsey, to furnishe ;— Coate plate i; Longe bowe i; Sheffe arr. i; Pyke i; Steele cappe i; Caliver i; Morrione i. George Sowthworth, to furnishe :— Coate plate i ; Longe bowe i ; Shefte arr. i ; Scull i ; Caliver i ; Morrione i. James Ambrose, Wm. Redman, Marmaducke Blackburne, Anthonie Knype, Thomas Stanfilde, same as Geo. Sowthworth. John Preston, Esq. to furnishe : — Light horse i ; Corseletts ii ; Steele coats ii ; Fyks ii ; Longe bowes ii ; ShefFe arr. ii ; Steele cappes ii ; Caliver i ; Morryane i. Frauncis Tunstall, to furnishe:— Coate plate i; Longe bowe i; Sheffe arr. i ; Steele cappe i ; Cali- ver i ; Morrione i. Nicholas Hudleston, Richard Curwen, Rich. Redman, to fur. same as Francis Tunstall. Edwarde Northe, to furnishe :— Coate plate i ; Long bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Steele cappe i. John Tompson, Robert Banz, Jun. John Gibson, Tho. Parker, Mr. Newton, of Whittingham, Thomas Parker, to fur. same as Edward Corthe. John Calvert, to furnishe :— Long bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Scull i ; Bill i. Richard Reder, Christopher Skerrowe, Richard Hynde, Elenor Singlet, Laur. Parkinson, Christopher Thornton, John Proctor, Geffray Batson, Thomas Widder, W". Thornton, Christopher Battye, to fur. the same as John Calverte. Summary for the Hundred of Lonesdall. Dimilaunces . "J Sheffes Arrowes Light horses . xvij Steele Cappes Corselettes xxxiij Calivers Coates of Plate or Almaine Ryvetts lij Morryans Pykes XXXV BiUes Long bowes Ivij Ivij XXV XXX xiij i^untrwa tit S'alforU. Edmunde Trafford, Esq. to furnishe: — Dimilaunce i; Light horses ii ; Corseletts x; Coates of plate X ; Pyks x ; Longe bowes viii ; Sheffes arr. viii ; Steele cappes viii ; Calivers iii ; Morrians iii. John Radcliffe, Esq. to furnishe : — Dimilaunce i ; Lighte horses ii ; Corseletts iii ; Coates plate iii ; Pykes iii ; Longe bowes iii ; Sheffes Arr. iii ; Steele cappes iii ; Calivers ii ; Morrians ii. Robte Barton, Esq. to furnishe :— Light horses ii ; Corseletts ii ; Almaine ryvetts or plate cots ii ; Pykes ii ; Long bowes ii ; Sheffe arr. ii ; Steele capps ii ; Caliver i ; Morrione i. Richarde Hollande, Ar., Fraunce Holt, Ar., John Bothe, Ar. to furnishe same as Mr. Barton. Edmund Prestwich, Ar. a light horse furnished. Christopher Anderton, Roberte Worsley, Edward Rawstome, to furnish same as Mr. Preste- wiche. Charles Holte, Ar. to furnishe :— Lighte horse i ; Caliver i ; Morriane i ; Coate of plate i. CHAP. County |3alntinc of aaiunstcr. 529 Edmunde Asshton, Ar. to furnishe : — Light horse i ; Calivcr i ; Morriane i. Willm. Hylton, Ar., James Browne, Ar., Rawffe Ashton, Ar., T. Greenehalghe, Ar., Alex. Barlowe, XIII. Ar., to furnishe same as Mr. Ashton. John Orrell, Esq., to furnishe : — Light horse i ; Corslette i; Pyke i; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Morriane i ; Harq. i ; Scull i. George Halghe, to furnishe :— Coate of plate i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Steele cappe i ; Bill i. James Bradshawe, Allen Hilton, Edmund Hey wood, Roger Browne, Richard Leaver, Greorge Longworth, to furnish same as George Halghe. Bradshawe, of Bradshawe, in lyke, and a caliver furnished. Alexander Warde, W"". HoUande, Thomas Massie, Robert Holte, Charles RadclifFe, Edw". Butter- worth, Cuthbte. Scolefeld, Arthure Asshton, Tho. Lees, James Asshton, George Gregorie, Ellys Aynsworth, Tho. Crompton, same as Bradshawe. George Pylkington, to furnishe : — Corslette i ; Caliver i ; Morriane i. James Hulme, to furnishe : — Coate plate i ; Long bowe i ; Sheffe arrowes i ; Steele cappe i ; Caliver i ; Morryan i ; Bill i. Richard Radcliffe to furnish the same as James Hulme. Thomas Chatterton to furnishe :— Coate plate i ; Long bowes ii ; Sheffe arr. ii ; Sculles ii ; Caliver i ; Murriane i ; Bill i. Dame Eliz. Byron to furnishe : — Coate plate i ; Longe bowes ii ; Sheffe arr. ii ; Sculles ii ; Bill i ; Morriane i. Willm. Tatton, Ar. to fur : — Corslette i ; Caliver i ; Murriane i ; Longe bowe i; Sheffe arr. i ; Stele cappe i ; Bill i. Adam Hill to furnishe -.—Coate plate i ; Long bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Steele cappe ; Bill ii. Thomas Asshton, to furnishe :— Coate plate i; Long bowe i; Sheffe arrowes i ; Steele cappe i ; Caliver i ; Murriane i; Bill i. Morrys Asshton to fur. same as Thomas Asshton. W"!. Ratcliffe, to furnishe : — Coate plate i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Caliver i ; Steele cappe i ; Bill i. Laur. Tetlowe, W™. Hyde, Roberte Hyde, Rawffe Holme, Thomas Byron, Roberte Holme, Thomas Willotte, Alexander Rigbie, to fur. same as W™. Ratcliffe. John Sharpies, to furnish : — Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arrowes i ; Steele cappe i ; Bill i. John Marten, John Bradshawe, Edward Hopkinson, William Browne, Hughe Westmonghe, Edmund Brodhurste, Roger Hyndley, George Lathome, Tho. Valentyne, John Parre, Otes Hollande, Edmund Sceadie, Henrie Tonge, Robert Hodge, John Nowell, Rawffe Cowoppe, James Ander- ton, John Roberte, Rich. Meadowcrofte, Tho. Aynsworthe, Edmund Taylor, Roberte Barlowe, John Wrighte, Richarde Livesaye, Huane Worthington, Thomas Buckley, Robert Haworthe, Edmunde Whyteheade, John Chadwicke, Henrie Sledge, Ellis Chadwicke, Robert Butterworth, Peter Heywoodd, Roger Houlte, W". Bamforde, Thomas Barlowe, Vx Edward Symond, Roger Laye, Francis Barlowe, Thurston Hayner, Robert Blagnley, Anthonie Elcocke, Tliomas Birche, Edwarde Saddell, Robert Skelmesden, Thomas Nicholson, Frauncis Pendleton, Humfrey Hough- ton, W". Blagnley, George Birche, George Prowdlove, George Hollande, Laur. Robynson, Nicholas Moseley, to fur. same as John Sharpies. Adame Hill, to furnishe : — Coate plate i ; Longe bowe i ; Sheffe arr. i ; Bill i. James Guillame, James Chetame, Edward Holme, to fur. same as Adame Hill. VOL. I. 3 Y 530 Cfte i^isituri) of tt)e CHAP. The Towne of Manchester were contented of good will to fur. and have in ready nes ; ^^^^' Pyks vi ; Curriers ii ; Morrians ii. -Corseletts vi ; Summary for the Hundred of Salford. Dimilaunces 'J SheflPes of Arrowes Light Horses . xxiiij Steele Cappes . Corselettes XXX Calivers Coats of Plate or Almaine Ryvettes Iviij Morrians Fykes xxviij Billes Long bowes Cxviij Cxviij Cxxiij xxxiij xxxv Ixxxxvij Sum of all the Furniture w"'in the Countie of Lane] appearethe here vnder written. Dimilaunces Light Horses Corselettes Coates of Plate cr Almaine Ryvettes Pykes Lan8 \ Long bowes Shefies of Arrowes . Steele Caps Calivers Morrians Billes xvuj. Cviij. Clix. XX. CCiiij. xiij. C. XX. iiij. iiij. x. C. XX. iiij. iiij. x. C. XX. iiij. iiij. x. Clxiij. Clxxiij . CCClxv Men furnished by the Statute and of good will the nijber of ni CCxxx''^. [Fromfol. 5 tofol. 19 a.] A Certificate of a geiJall Muster taken w'l'in the coiitie of Lane, in August aforesaid A" xvj'° Eliz. Reginse wherin was certifyed on and besyde the m. CC. xxx. men furnished by force C. C. XX. of the Statute for Armo" the nQb' of mm iij. Ixxv. able men furnished by the cuntrey iiij. iiij. Ixxv. c. And also the niaber of mm. iiij. xv. able men to serue her Ma*'* and w'^'' be vnarmed. Hundred de Derbye. Archers, being able men furnished by the cCtreye w"' bowes, arrowes, f Steele cappes, sword f dagger ,. .. .. ., .. ^Cxl. Bill men beinge able men fur. by the Cuntrey w* Jacke, sallette, bill, ^ sworde and dagger .. .. .. ., .. .. ^'llJ•xxlx Archers beinge able men vnfurJ . . . . . . . . . . q^I c. V. Ixix. Bill men beinge able men vnfurj C. XX. ^V. iij. iiij. X y Couiitp palatine of Eanrastcr, 531 Hundred of Leylande. CHAP. XIII. } Archers beinge able men. fur. by the Cuntrey w"" bowes, Arrowes, Steele cappes, sword f dagger . . . . . . . . . . 5 '" f /-.ri; . Bill men beinge able men fur. by the Cuntrey w"" Jacke, Sallet, bill, ^qq 4 sword f dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . •' S Archers beinge able men vnfur. . • . . . . . . . . xl ^ Cxxx Bill men beinge vnfurnished . . . . . . . . . . . . Ixxxx 3 Hundred of Blackeborne. Archers beinge able men fur. by the Countrey w"" bowes, arrowes, Steele"^ cappes, sword f dagger 5 ^''^"' | iij. Ixxv Bill men, beinge able men fur. by the Cutrey w"- Jacke, sallet, bill, "^ > sworde f dagger . . . . . . . . • • • • • • 3 Archers beinge able men vnfur. . . . . . • • • • • xx -^ ^ .9.: .. Jiiij. xxij Bill men being able vnfur. .. .. .. •• •• •• uij. ij. J Hundred de Lonesdall. Archers beinge able men fur. by the Cuntrey w"> bowe, arrowes, Steele"^ cappe, sword f dagger 3 ^'■' >iiH. Ivj Bill men beinge able fur. by the cuntrey w'" Jacke, sallett, bill, sword "^ jy ^^-- ^ f dagger . . • . . . . • • • • • • • • • J Archers beinge able men vnfurnished Ixxvj ^.p- ^ Bill men beinge able vnfurj . . . . • • • • • • • • CClxvij ) Hundred de Amoundernes. Archers beinge able men fur. by the countrey w'^ bowes, arrowes, Steele "^ cappe, sword ^ dagger .. .. .. •• •• " S fm Bill men beinge fur. by the cuntreye w'!" Jacke, sallette, bill, sword f^ >CClx dagger . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • 3 Archers beinge able vnfur. . . . . • • . • • • • • Cxx ^^- , . c. J V. Ixxix Bill men beinge able vnfur. '"J- ^'^ J Hundred de Salforde Archers being able men fur. w"> y' ciitrey w'h bowes, arr. Steele cappe, "^ sworde and dagger .. .. .. .. •• •• 3 J?.-. ,■•• Bill men beinge able fur. by the cutrey w"> Jacke, sallet, bill, sworde ")?.■ j??.- ^jjj. j"'" '"• e das-ffer . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . 3 :xii ") 9/. ?. i. ix 3 f dagger Archers beinge able vnfur. . , . . . . . . . . . . Ixx c. ' ?"J- '"> J Bill men beinge able vnfur. . . . , . . . . . . . . iij- c. , Sum tottis of the men fur. w'*" Armes at the chardges of the Cuntrey m. m. iij. Ixxv. " \ Sum tottis of the able men f beinge vnarmed certifyed in this gefiall ") .p.-. .=?.• I ». o JO i.m. m. nij. nij. XV. mvster . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • 3 c. ' Vnd that there was certifyed Also of Laborers or Pyoffls vnarmed . . vj. [Fol. 20.] 3 Y 2 632 CiK ?t?i5tori) of tftc CHAP. XIII. Ancient Tenth and Fifteenth. In the same year that these returns were made, a declaration was promulgated of the ancient tenth and fifteenth chargeable throughout the county, of which the following is a summary: — [Harl. MS. Cod. 1926.] " A Declaracon of the Ancient Tenthe and xv"" chargeable av*'' in the contie of Lane, w"' a note also of the Deduccons sett dowiie by S' Peter Leiglie and S' Peter Gerrard K'", Thomas Kighley, Esq' and others ComissionSs for the same Deduccons by utue and force of a Comission to them directed in the xxv"" yeare of the Raigne of Kinge Henrye the vj"", w"' a noate also of the Remaine f Declaracon of the certen x"' f xv"" nowe payable f chardgeable throwghe everie hundreth and pte of the saidde Coiitie of Lane [xij Eliz. Reginae.] Summary. Leylonde Hundrethe Blackeborne Salforde Derbye Hundred Amoundernes Louesdall Hundi'eth Deduccons. Remaind' d. 4 £. s. 36 X 48 8 6 48 9 4 125 8 7 66 17 50 18 2 £. S- d. 5 17 8 11 3 6 15 18 19 1 16 8 8 12 3 10 £. s. d. 30 12 8 37 5 6 41 14 4 106 9 6 49 17 8 39 4 " Sum of the Auncient x'" f x"'" w"' in the countie of Lan? as the same is before pticlerly sett downe f expressedde amoviteth vnto the som of ..... " Wlierof there was deducted by force of a Comission vnder the great Seale of Englaude du'ected to the Comission's before named bearinge date as before, the soiii of . " And so Remayneth payable to the Queens Ma''' for a Tenth f xv"' w"' in the said coutie of Lane, the soiTi of . ccc Lxxvj" xj' xj"* ob. Ixxj'' vij^ 3'' ob. cccv'' 3' Aiij'' " While these financial arrangements were proceechng, the county was much agitated by religious feuds; and the ministers of rehgion were not only threatened with, but actually exposed to, the dagger of the assassin.* The queen at this time, and indeed from the period of her coronation, manifested much regai-d for the arts of that celebrated astrologer, Dr. Dee, afterwards warden * Warden Herle's letter to the lord treasurer on the wrongs of Manchester College, 1574. Coimtp IJalntme of iCanrasitfr. 533 of the collegiate church of Manchester, whicli living lie procured of her majesty's chai XIII. grace and favour. The doctor had hcen patronized by her royal brother, Edward VI. ; but Elizabeth, more munificent, at least iu her promises, assured him, that where Edward had " given him a crown, she would give him a noble." The queen, in her condescension, frequently visited the astrologer at his house at Mortlake ; and as he was employed to determine what would be the most fortunate day for her coronation, and to counteract the ill effects wliich it was apprehended would befall her, fi-om a waxen image of her majesty, stuck full of pins, having been picked up in Lincoln's Inn Fields, it is not improbable that the " vu'gin queen" consulted the doctor, as other virgins in humbler stations consult " wise men," upon the subject of her matrimonial projects. The voluminous correspondence of Dr. Chaderton, bishop of Chester, preserved Tiie . Chaderton by Mr. Peck, m Ins " Desiderata Curiosa, extending from tlie year 1580 to mss. 1586, details with considerable minuteness the pi'oceedings of the ecclesiastical com- mission in the county of Lancaster during that period, and the object of wliich Ecciesi- commission was to prevent the inhabitants from degenerating again into popery, as commis- well as to punish those recusants, particularly of the leading families, who refused to adhere to the reformed religion. These objects are stated in the following " Letter from the Lords of the Queen's Council to Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntington, [Lord President of the North.]* " 1. After our right liartie comendatioiis unto youre good lordship. " 2. Upon notice given unto her Majestie of the falling awaie in matters of reli- gion in sundry of her subjects of good qualitie & others within the countie of Lan- caster; for the avoiding of further inconveniences like to grow thereof, yf speedye redresse be not had, shce hath thouglit meete at this present to gi-aunt out the eccle- siastical! commission for the diocesse of Chester, directed to our verie good lords, the lord archbishoppe of that province, the earl of Darbie, your lordsliip, the lord bishoppe of Chester, and others; whereby you are auctorized to proceed with the saide paities soe fallen away for the reducinge of them to conformitie, or to punishe them accordiuge to such direction as you shall receive by the saide commission waiTanted by the lawes of the realnie : " 3. And forasmuch as this infection, the longer it shall be suffered to reigiie the more yt will be spred & become dangerous; therefore yt behoveth that all expedition be used in the execution of the said commission ; which, being prescntlye sent to the earle of Dai'bie, her majesties pleasure is, * Pock's Desid. Cur. p. 85. 534 €l)t iJlEitXIll) Of ti)t CHAP. " 4. That youre lordsliip, with the saide eaile of Darhie & bishoppe of Chester, _1 L doe forthwitli consider & take order for the time & place of your fii-ste meetinge ; & thereof to geve knolege unto the rest of the commissioners, that they may he readie to meete & assist you at the time & place to be appointed. " 5. And as tliis defection is principallie hegunne by sundrye principal! gentle- men of that countie, by whom the meaner sort of people ai-e ledd & seduced; soe it is thought meter that in thexecution of the commission you begin first with the best of the said recusants. For that we suppose, tliat the inferior people will thereby the soner be reclaymed & brought to obedience; which, in oure opinions, wiQ be not a little furthered, yf you shall, at the place of youre assemblies, cause some learned minister to preach and instruct the saide people, duringe the time of youre staye in those places. 6. And soe referinge the care and consederation of all other thinges that maye appertaine to the furtherance of this her majesties service to the good consideration of you the Commissioners, wee bid you right hai'teUe farewell. From the court at Nonesuch, the x, of June 1580. T. Bromley, Cane. A. Warwicke, Clu'. Hatton, "VV. Burgheley, F. Bedford, James Crofte, E. Lincoln, Ro. Lecester, Fra. Walsingham, J. Sussex, Henry Huusdon, Tho. Wilson. " To our verie good lord the eai'le of Himtington." June 29, This dospatch is followed by two others ; the first of which dii'ects that no ques- tion, whether this ecclesiastical commission supersedes the former, shall prevent them from proceeding with theii- duty; and the latter dii'ects that the penalties against the July 3. recusants for not coming to church shall be advanced, and that the chief of their number shall be imprisoned in Halton castle, in the county of Chester, with the diet to be allowed them after the manner of the Fleet prison in London. July 15. The next communication from the lords of the council signifies, that the queen having gi-auted the fines laid upon certain popish recusants in Lancashire to Mr. Nicholas Annesley, and he having been obliged to take out a distringas on then- lands and goods, the commissioners are to see that the said distringas is duly exe- cuted by the sheriff, and the forfeitures paid to Mr. Annesley. July Ti. This is followed by a letter from lord Burghley to Dr. Chaderton, touching the ill state of Lancashii-e at the time when the high commission first repaired thither, in wliich it is announced, that the queen has sent a letter of thanks to the earl of Derby, for liis zeal in endeavouring to reform the county : liis lordship, at the same time. Countj) ^3alatinr of ilaiungtrr. 535 expresses his wish to obtain a proper person to wliom he may entrust the care of the chai>. tenants of Manchester college ; and after giving the bishop hopes that liis fii'st fruits _ L may be remitted, he gives him tliis statesman-like advice as to his behaviour, both to great men and to poor: — " And nowe, good my lorde, that you are once entered into the way of refonnation, remember S. Paul, tempestivi, intempestivh. Somewhere you must be as a fatlier, somewhere [as] a lord. For so the diversitie of your flocke Avill reqmre. With the meanest sort, courtesie will serve more than argument 3 with the higher sort, auctoritie is a match." From a subsequent despatch from the lords of the council to the bishop of Chester, July 20. it appears that the people m Laucasliii'e had much disputing about the bread of the holy sacrament — vdiether it should be common bread or of the wafer land ; on wliicli point theii" lordships decided, that the communicants in each parish should use that which they liked best, till the parhament had taken further order in the matter : to the parhament was also refeiTed the question, whether fairs and mai-kets should be continued on the sabbath days, or they should be discontinued. In a letter from sir JuK 31. Francis Walsingham to the bishop of Chester, the quesn's resolution was commu- nicated to deal with the recusants, and it was at the same time stated, that good preachers were wanted in Lancasliire. In a despatch, of the 29th of September, from the queen to the bishop of Chester, his lordship and the dean and chapter are requii-ed to furnish out three light horsemen for Ireland; and, at the same time, the rectors of Wigan, WinAvick, and Middleton are required by the council to furnish out three more Ught horsemen, being each one. Two following despatches reqiiu"ed that certi- Nov. 12. ficates of the recusants should be returned from Lancasliire, if not as perfect as pos- sible, yet as perfect as they can be made. The prevaihng evil of young gentlemen being educated abroad in popish countries is dwelt upon, and divers gentlemen in the diocese are requii-ed to be called before the bishop, and to give bonds for calling their chilch-en home in tlu'ee months. In a communication fi'om Edwin Sandys, lord archbishop of York, to William Chaderton, lord bishop of Chester, an account is given of an " exercise" lately held in Yorkshire, probably on account of the gi-eat earthquake of the 6thof Apiil, 1580. In the following year, the prosecutions against the popish recusants were still usi. more strongly pressed by the lords of the council ; and sii- John Southworth, lady Egerton, James Labourne, esq., John Townley, esq., sir Thomas Hesketh, the lady of Mr. Bartholomew Hesketh, Campion the Jesuit, James Aspden, John Baxter, Richard a priest, William Wickliffe, and Richai-d Massey, ai'e mentioned as of that number; all of whom were placed in confinement, and subjected, as the coiTespon- dence sufficiently indicates, to heavy penalties and to personal privations. As is usual in times like these, pretenders to supernatural gifts were abroad in the county: 536 €i)( W^tov^ of tl)t CHAP, aiid one Elizabeth Ortou made no small stir by two feigned visions wliicli she pre- L tended to have had, and accounts of which Avere spread abroad amongst the Cathohcs July 22. and otlier ignorant people, to abuse the vulgar, and unsettle the minds of the well- aflfected. This unfortunate giid was pubhcly wliipped, in order to extort from her a confession; and the experiment at first succeeded; but she afterwaixls retracted her declaration made before the bisliops and the other ecclesiastical commissioners : that confession was, however, thought too valuable to be lost, and, notwithstanding her retractation, it Avas publicly read in the parish church, and in other places where the fame of her Aisions had been divulged. In addition to Halton castle, in the county of Chester, the new Fleet at Manchester was used as a prison for the recusants ; and sir John Southworth was kept in confinement there, under the wardship of Mr. Worsley, an active public officer. Dec. 7. In the course of tliis correspondence, the lord president of the north commends the design of the bishop of Chester to live at Manchester, and wishes him to set up a lecture there, to commence every morning at six o'clock, and every evening at seven o'clock. Notwithstanding all this A-igOance, the lords of the council still comj^lained Dec. 14. to Mr. Richard Holland, high sheriff of the county, that though an act had been passed in the last session of parliament for all recusants to be proceeded against at the quarter-sessions, yet nothing Avas done in Lancasliire ; and they requii-ed the justices of the peace to meet, and cause the rural deans, ministers, and churchwardens to pre- sent aU such recusants upon oath at the next quarter-sessions, or, in case of neglect, to retiu'n the names of all absent justices, and other defaulters, to tlie privy council.* Amongst the most distinguished of the recusants was father Edmund Campion, tlie Jesuit, already mentioned,! who, after having passed through the counties of York * The parliament of January, 1581, declared the crime of absolving or withdrawing others from the established religion high treason, and adjudged that the penalty of saying mass should be increased to two hundred marks and one year's imprisonment; of hearing mass, to one hundred marks, and imprisonment for the same period ; that the fine for absence from church should be £20 a lunar month ; and if extended to a year, the offender to find two sureties for his future good behaviour in £200 each; and, to prevent the concealment of priests as tutors or schoolmasters in private families, every person acting in such capacity, without the approbation of the ordinary, was liable to a year's imprisonment, and the person who employed him to a fine of £10 per month. — 23 Eliz. c. 1 . Koxii + ^ letter from Campion to the privy council, offering to avow and to prove his Catholic religion MSS. by disputation, before the doctors and masters of both universities, concludes in a strain worthy of an ancient martyr : " If," says he, " these my offers be refused, and my endeavours can take no place; and I, having run thousands of miles to do you good, shall be rewarded with rigor, I have no more to say, but to recommend your case and mine to Almighty God, the searcher of hearts, who send us of his grace, and set us at accord, before the day of payment. To the end at last we may be friends in heaven, where all injuries shall be forgotten." Coimtp ^3alatinr of aanragtfr. 537 and Lancaster, disseminating the Catholic doctrines, was appi-ehended in London, chap. and committed to the Tower, wliere, by tlic ojieration of the rack, lie was brouglit to L divulge the names of the jiersons by whom he had been entertained, and in which number the following inhabitants of Lancashii-e appear: — " Talbot of , Esq.; Thomas Southworth, Gent.; Bartholomew Hesketh, Gent.; Mrs. Allen, WidoAv; Richard Hawghton, of the Park, Gent.; Westby, Gent.; Rygmaiden, Gent." It further appeared, that he was in these places between Easter and Whit- suntide last past; and that during that time he resided in Lancashire, at Mr. Tal])ot's, and Mr. Southworth's. On the ISth of November, Campion was brought to triid in London, along with seven other persons, before sir Christopher Wray, the lord chief justice, charged with conspiring the death of the queen's majesty, the overthrow of the religion now professed in England, and the subversion of the state. On the trial a letter was produced, written by Campion, the prisoner, to a person of the name of isgi. Pound, a Catholic, in which the writer said, " It gTieveth me much to have offended the Catholic cause so liighly, as to confess the names of some gentlemen and friends, in whose houses I have been entertained : yet in this I gi-eatly cherish and comfort myself, that I never discovered any secrets there declared, and that I will not, come rack, come rope." Though the prisoners, particularly Campion, defended themselves with gi-eat ability, they were all found guilty, and the Jesuit, along with three of his fellow-prisoners, namely, Thomas Cotton, Robert Johnson, and Luke Finley, were executed.* The lords of the council, in a despatch to Henry Stanley, earl of Derby, and William Chaderton, lord bishop of Chester, thanked them in the queen's name for theii- brisk proceedings against the recusants, and desii-ed them to go on; thanking them also for removing such as were piisoncrs at Chester to the new Fleet, in Sal- ford, and expressing their sorrow that priests were lurking about the country under the name of schoolmasters, whom they wished to have apprehended, and brought to punishment. In another despatch from the archbishop of York to the bishop of Chester, the bishop is required to reform Mr. Wigington, a young puritanical minister, or, if that is not practicable, to prevent liini from preaching in liis diocese. The expense of supporting the recusant prisoners could not be defrayed out of the monthly forfeitures levied in the diocese on the recusants, and therefore the collection * According to the " Theatrum Crudelitatis Hsereticonim in Anglia," there were executed of priests and others of the popish religion, in queen EUzabeth's reign, from 1.570 to 1587, thirty-one priests and thirteen laymen. In Henry VIII. 's reign, from 1535 to 1543, according to the same authority, there were executed fifty-two priests, including one cardinal, nine abbots, and three priors ; besides thirty-two Franciscans, that died in several prisons ; in addition to which, there were six laics, one of whom was sir Thomas More, late lord chancellor, and another the countess of Salisbury. VOL. r. 3 z 538 €l)t ?^l£iti3rp Of tin CHAP, of eio-ht pence per week in every parish, allowed by the statute of the 14 Eliz. for ^^^ '_ the relief of other poor prisoners, was ordered by the lords of the council to be con- june 24, verted to this use, and letters were written to the earl of Derby, the bishop of Chester, 1582 and the justices of the peace in Cheshii'e and Lancasliire, to give orders for that col- lection to be made forthwith. It was also ordered, that su' Edmond TrafTord, the late sheriff of Chester, should pay the sum of one hundred marks, levied by way of fine in his shrievalty on James Laborne, esq. a recusant, to Robert Worsley, keeper of the new Fleet, in Manchester, for the diet and other charges of the priests, and other poor June 30. rccusauts m that prison. To save charges, sir Francis Walsingham, in a letter to the earl of Derby, requested that the most inoffensive poor recusants, as women and such like, might be discharged upon their own bonds. The collection of tliis parish assess- ment, though amounting to only eight pence weekly for each parish, appears to have been attended with gi-eat difficulty; to obAiate which, Mr. Worsley ti-ansmitted a pro- Dec. 3. posal to government, wherein he offered, if he might have a year's collection before- hand, to erect a general workhouse for the Avhole county of Lancaster, there being then none in existence. This scheme the lords of the council strongly approved, and recommended that Mr. Worsley's proi)osal should be acceded to, both in Lancashire and in Cheshire ; but the undertaldng seems to have failed. 1583. Lord Burgldey, and the other lords of the council, in a letter to the earl of Derby and the bishop of Chester, thanked them in the queen's name, for the pains they had taken in the examination of James Labourne, a layman, about whom they had ordered the queen's council to consider how far he might be punished for his lewd speeches, wliich punislunent speedily ensued. Labourne, baling been brought to trial, was convicted and executed, on a charge of having conspired to subvert the queen's government, and to overturn the religion of the state. The lords of the council, though not disposed entii'ely to liberate either sii" John Southworth, or John Feb. 22. Townley, esq., fi-om their confinement in the Fleet at Manchester, submitted to the earl of Derby and the bishop of Chester whether they might not relax the severity of their imprisonment. The expense of the prison establisluuent in Manchester at July 6. this time was so considerable, that Mr. Worsley brought in a bill for the diet of six- teen recusants to the amount of six hundred and fifty pounds, which neither the fines, which were very large, nor the collections of eight pence per week from the parish, which were very small, and deemed to be illegal, were equal to pay. The justices of Lancashire, therefore, made an offer of a year's contribution to meet this 7 Oct expense, which example the lords of the council m-ged the justices of Chesliii'e to imitate. At this time many Jesuits and other priests were abroad in the county of Lancaster, the antidote for which pest, the lord-president of the council of the north conceived, was best to be found in zealous protestant preachers, and, in particular. Counti) |3alatinr of tanrastrr. 539 he hoped a good one wovihl be placed at Preston, wliicli, being a central part of the cuw county, it was desirable should be well supplied. '_ At the same time, archbishop Sandys composed a monitory letter, ATliich he addressed to Dr. Chaderton, and the other bishops of his province, urging them to take the sword and armour of tlie Spirit, to defeat the common enemy, and to defend the fmth even to blood and death. Tlie fibres of superstition had, he said, taken deep root in the land ; to tliese he urged them to ai)p]y the sharp sickle of God's word, to build up the walls of Jerusalem, and with all earnestness to shake down the cruelty and tyranny of Anticlnist, to check the stubborn and contentious enemies of the church Avith a rod of iron, and to I'estrain them from infecting the sound with their leprosy.* An obscure letter, from sir Francis Walsingham to the earl of Derby, commuui- Nov. so. cated the fact, that Mr. Cartwriglit, a puritan minister, and a number of popish recusants, were in Lancashire, for remedy of which he recommended good preacliers. In this letter it is stated, that Somerville entertained the disloyal intention of assassi- nating the queen, and that, in order to avert the consequences of liis treason, he had feigned himself to be mad, but it appeared on examination, that he was not labouring under any mental chstraction. The parocliial weekly collection, though yiehUng little revenue, was still pressed on by the lords of the council ; and those gentlemen who opposed it, especially Mr. Bold, were ordered to be sent up to London, to enter into recognizances, to Dec. 2. appear before the council, as well as those who subscribed their names both for it and against it, and those who promised to join ^rith the earl of Derby and the bishop of Chester, but yet forsook them. Ferdinand Stanley, lord Strange, in order to shew his zeal in the prosecution of recusants, addressed a letter of congratulation to Dec. lo. the bishop of Chester, on the good opinion entertained of his behaviour by the lords of her majesty's council, and also on the good opinion they entertained of liis father, the earl of Derby. As a further act of grace to sir John Soutliworth, the lords of the council 23 Feb. . 1584 adcU-essed a letter to the earl of Derby, the bishop of Chester, sir Jolni BvTon, and sii- Edmund Tratford, signifying their wish, that sir John might, at the instance of his son, have the liberty of certam walks which he had formerly been per- mitted to take, but which Mr. Worsley had refused to gi'ant lum, on account of sir John not being present at the saying of grace, and refusing to read the bible. By Marcii 22. another despatch, permission was gi'anted to Mr. To^^niley, a prisoner for religion, at Manchester, to repair to London for medical advice, at the request of dean Nowel, Mr. To^Tiley's brother-in-law. In a succeeding despatch to the eai'l of Derby and w^ircb 22. * Libr. Gonv. & Caius Col. 3 z 2 540 €l)t l^lStOl'l) Of ti)t CHAP, the bishop of Chester, the lords of the council signify, that tjiere being several popish — L_ priests, now prisoners at Manchester, for perverting the queen's sul)jects from their allegiance, it is thought good that they should be tried for the same, //* terrorem, at the next assizes ; and that lay gentlemen recusants, their p^risoners, be made to pay for their diet, or be put upon prison allowance. The zeal of the council against Maj 2. the recusants was not confined to one sex ; for, in a letter addressed by sir Francis Walsingham to the bishop of Chester, liis lordship is desired to cause Mr. Bartholo- mew Hesketh's wife, a busy recusant, to be apprehended. He is also desired to inquire into the reason why " sir John Southworth is minded to disinherit his son," and to take care to prevent his so doing. Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, in a June 5. letter to the bishop, expresses his approval of the recognizance of sir Tliomas Hes- keth ; and intimates his intention shortly to visit liis cousin, the earl of Derby. It appears, that some apology was thought necessary to be made by her majesty's council to the ecclesiastical commissioners for the removal of sir John Southworth and Mr. Townley from Manchester to London ; their lordships therefore stated to the earl of Derby and the bishop of Chester, that these gentlemen, having paid their fines according to the late statute, could not any longer remain justly committed, and moreover, that they would do less mischief in London than in Lancasliire ; but that if the commissioners thought it absolutely necessary for the ends of good policy, or for their own sake, they should be sent back to Manchester. To turn the disloyalty of the subject to the advantage of the state, the lords of the council wrote to the sheriffs and justices of Lancashire, requiring the recusant gentlemen in that county to set forth certain horsemen for the queen's service, or, in lieu thereof, to pay a composition in money of twenty-four pounds for every horseman : and the queen, whose zeal for the military service was not less active than that of her ministers, addressed a letter to the sheriff of Lancashire, ordering liim to levy two hundred foot-men in that county for the Irish service, without parade ; the said men to be ready at three days' warning, to march under Edmund Trafford, esq., whom she had appointed to be their captain, all furnished with cali^ ers, corslets, bows, and halberts, to which were afterwards added, swords, daggers, doublets, hose, and cassocks. June 25, In a letter from the lords of the council to Ferchnaud Stanley, lord Strange, the bishop of Chester, and the justices of Lancasliire and Cheshire, it is signified, that several libels having been formally published against the queen, and now a vile book, [Leicester's Commonwealth] against Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, the queen cannot forbear rebuking some for their gi-eat slackness in not suppressing the former libels, and requiring them to be more diligent in taking care of tliis last ; both the queen and they knowing the eai"l of Leicester to be clear of the aspersions contained in it. County palatine of iLancasJten 541 Tlie last public letter in the series of the Chaderton MSS. is from the queen to the bishop of Chester, signifying that her majesty, being resolved to assist the Hollanders against the king of Spain mth a thousand horse, besides foot, and the clergy, in case the Idug of Spain should prevail, being in as gi'eat danger as herself, she had thought good that they should pro\ide some of the said horse, or allow twenty-five pounds for each horse and furniture to buy them abroad ; the l)isliop of Chester, and his clergy in particular, to fit out as many horse as directed in the following schedule, sent witli the queen's letter : — SCHEDULE. CHAP. XIII. Jan. 'li, 158(i. 1 . The bishoppe iii. 2. The deane i. 3. The chapter ii. 4. Edward Fleetwood, parson of Wigan. i. 5. John Caldwell, parson of Wyn- wicke ii. 6. Edward Ashton, parson of Mid- dleton i. 7. John Nutter, prebendarie parson of Seston, of Aughton, and Be- bington 8 . R' Gerrard, prebendarie in South- well, and parson of Stopport in Cheshire u. xui. recusant papers, Lanca- shire. In the Harleian collection of manuscripts* in the British Museum, we find a Original number of original papers relating to " recusants and other religious criminals," from wliich are made the following extracts relating to the county of Lancaster : — PAPERS RELATING TO RECUSANTS AND OTHER RELIGIOUS CRIMINALS. (Originals.) This ys the names of all the bishopes doctors pristes that were prisoners in the flyte 'or Fo. 76. religion synse the fyrste yere of the raygne of quene Elizabethe ano dom. 1558. [There are 18 entries on this paper; of which the I?"' is MC Pryswytch g6tellma th' 16 gut.] • of Deseber 1562.] [Fol. 7 b. Persons to be sought after. [The names of these persons are written under each other in one column, and opposite most of the names are remarks stating the quality and condition of the person, his haunts, &c. The follow- ing appear to be Lancashire gentlemen, but there are no remarks:] The Sonne of S'' Ths. Gerrard. Bouth, gen" Stanley, gen" [The above seem to have been suspected of implication in Babbington's Plot ; for under one remark is written " whereof the Suauntf of Babington can further shewe."] Cod. 360. 542 CI)e ?^is!torp of ti)t CHAP. 10 Sep. 1586. XIII. ^ Collection of sondry persons as well Preestf as other ill affected to y' State. N.B. There is no Lancashire gentleman under this head, but in the two following, which are lists of names, and styled in the Catalogue, " Advertisements touching others," and " discovering more of the same Gang," there are these — M"' Charnock of Ashby M-- Hilton of Hilton Park S'" John Ratclyffe, a daungerous Temporiser Burton, a Freest remayning w"" the wyfe of S^ Thomas Gerott's base sonne, being a fleming borne, and a very great harborer of the ill affected gent, in those ptf : she remayneth for the most pte at Checkerbent in the house of Ralfe Holme, a Recusant M'' Standishe of Standishe Fo. 14. M'' Haughton, of Haughton Tower Henry Davys, sometyme very inward w"' Shelley. Names of such as are detected for receiptinge of Priestf, Seminaries, ^8. in the Countie of Lancast. This appeareth by the /' Jane Eyves of Fishiwicke widowe receipte the Sr Evan Banister an old pnltm' of Rafe S'^iant j Prieste Churchwarden of Wal- J S'' Richard Banister an old Prieste is receipted att the howse of one ton in ledait ' Carter nere to Runcorn bote This appeareth by the ^ q^^ ^^^^^ jj^^j^ j^i(,i^ard receipted att M' Rigmadens of Weddicar by pflmt of y' Vicar of < ■^ •' ) reporte Garstange I. This appeareth by the r ^ ^ , ,,■ i-oii i.- „ „ ^ ■" , \ One Duckson an oulde priest contynueth in Samlesburye by comon pnStm' of Law : ccker .{ ^ c Tj -1 u ) Reporte sworneman of Brihilt C This appeareth by the ^ pffitm's of the Curate \ Ro'bte Woodroof a seminarie Priest receipted att the house of Jenet of Burneley and the ) Woodroof of Bancktopp in the .pishe of Burneley within this halfe yeare, Churchewarden of the I by comon reporte Churche v. This appeareth by the r John Lawe a seminarie priest receipted in diflse ptes of Lancashire pn!tm' of the Vicar of I as speciallie in the fishes of Ormeskirke Preston Blackborne f Whaley (. Whalley 1: Henry Fairehurst of Winstanley yeoman 2: Thomas Oriell of Winstanley yeoman 3: Thomas Berchall of Billinge yeoman 4: James Winstanley of Billinge yeoman 5: John Roby of Orrell yeoman 6: Henrie Laithewaite of the Medowes gent. 7: John Culchethe of Abram gent. 8: 9: Myles Gerrerde of luce esquire f his wyfe r Coimtp palatine of iLaiwasten 543 This appeareth by pfftm"' of the |)son of Wigan This appeareth by the pn!tm'<^ of the Curate of Chippin This appeareth by the piitemt of the Vicar of Deane This appeareth by the pfltem''^ of the Curate of Sephton Tliis appeareth by the pn!tem*= of the Vicar of Kirkhatn This also appearethe by the pn!tem'<' of the Vicar of Kirkeham These Persons are piJted (by greate and Comon fame f reporte) to be receipto" of Priestf hereafter named, vz. Bell: Burton: Mydleton Alex: Gerrerde brother to Miles Gerrerdc of Innce esquier James Foorde sonne to Alex Fourdc of Swindley gent : John Gardner brother to Rotste GardfJ of Aspull gent : Alex : Markelande sonne to Mathewe nijkelande of Wigan. Pilkington borne in Standishe ^jishe Worthington borne in the same Parishe Stopforthe ) Guile a Prieste receipted att the howse of James Dewhurst of Chippin ^ by the reporte of John Salesburie of Chippin ) Dyverse Priestf harbored att the howse of Ralphe Holme of Checker- ( bente } James Darwen a seminarie prieste receipted att the howse of Richard (^ Blundell of Crosbye esq"^ by comon reporte /- Richard Cadocke a seminarie priest also Deiv. Tytmouse conusante \ in the Companie of twoo wydowes, vz. M"». Alice Clyfton f M«^ Jane \ Clyfton aboute the first of October last 1580 by the reporte of James {^ Burie r Rychard Brittaine a prieste receypted in the howse of Wiltm Bennet J of Westlye about the beginninge of June last from whence younge J M"' Norrice of Speake conveighed the said Brettaine to the Speaks as C the said Bennet hath reported CHAP. XIII. The said Brittaine remayneth now att the howse of Mr. Norrice of the Speake as appearethe by the depowtion of John Osbaldston (by coiiion reporte) This appeareth by the ptern'o of Tho: Sher- ples. Fo. 32 b. f James Cowpe" a seminarie prieste receipted releived and mainteined att the Lodge of S"^ John Sowthworthe in Samlesburie Parke by M' Tho : Sowthworthe, one of the younger sonnes of the said S'' John And att the howse of John Warde dwellinge in Samblesburie Parke syde. And the said Prieste sayeth Masse att the said Lodge and att the said Wardf howse. Whether resorte, M'' Sowthworthe, M"' An Sowthworthe, John Walmesley servante to S" John Sowthworthe, Tho. Sowthworthe dwellinge in the Parke, John Gerrerde, Svante to S"' John Sowthworthe, John Sin- gleton, John Wrighte, James Sherples iunior, John Warde of Sambles- burie, John Warde of Medler theldcr, Henrie Potter of Medler, John Gouldon of Winwicke, Thomas Gouldon of the same, Ro'bte Anderton of Samblesburie and John Sherples of Stanleyhurst in Samblesburie. 544 COe W^tOY^ of tl)t CHAP. XIII. This appeareth by the pffltemt of Tho. Sher- ples. This also appearethe by the pnJtem' of Tho. Sherples. Att the howse of WlHm Charnocke of Fulwoode gent, was a Masse donne on o'' Ladle day in lente last by one Evan Bannister and these |)sons were att yt, Wiftm Harrison of Fulwoode and his wife, Richard Harrison f his wife, James Sudale of Haighton, Thomas Sudale and his wiefe, George Berley and his wife, Jeffraye Wirdowe of Owes Walston ^ and his wyefe. Att the howse of James Sherples in Samblesburie was a Masse donne on Candlemas day by one Henrie Dueson also Harrie Duckesson. And these psons were att yt V3 : John Sherples of Stanleyhurst in Samblesburie and his wyef and his sonne Thomas and his daughter An and Rodger Sherples and his wyef f Richarde Sherples and the wyef of Harrie Sher- ples and the wiefe of Hughe Welchman and Thomas Harrisson and the wief of Thomas Welchman thelder The wyef of John Chitonie Robte Blackehay Thomas Duckesson of Houghton James Duckeson The wyef of Harrie Bonne. Att the Lodge in Samblesburie Farke there be masses daylie and Seminaries dyffse Resorte thither as James Cowpe, Harrisson Bell and such like, The like vnlawfull meet- Fo. 33. ing^ are made daylie att the howse of John Warde by the Parke syde of Samblesburie all wiche matters, masses, Resorte to Masses, receiptinge of Seminaries wilbe J ustifyed by Mr. Adam Sowtheworthe Thomas Sherples and John Osbaldston. " Dioc of Chester. Com Lau8 "j Cuthfete Clifton Ar. Amoundernes VJohn Westone ar. Deanry. I Alexander Houghton gen Leonard Houghton and his wief M"' Burton Vid. Thomas Burton her sonne Wm. Skellicorne gen and his wief Brigett Browne Vid Garge Clarkson gen John Hothersall gen Thomas Dicconson gen. Obstinate Willm. Hesketh gen. George Walton gen Thomas Coston and his wief Wm. Hardock Junior and his wief Wm. Easton gen John Singleton gen George Houghton gen. James Eues Richard Eues George Butlo'' John Hothersall Husbandman Thomas Walmesley Rogerson Vid. and her children Robte Midgeall gen Conformable Arthur Houghton gen vx. George Sothwortlie gen. George Copell gent and his wief Thomas Cowell Thomas Cradon Blagburne Deanry John Sothworth knight and the ladie his wief Thomas Sothworth his sonne and heire Com Lane Blagburne Deanry ! John Sothworth gen sonne to John Sothworth k. Anne Sothworth his doughter Dorothie Sothworth his sister John Talbott ar. John Townley ar. and his wief County IJalatiuf of a.ancasitn% 546 Tbo: Catlierall ar. and liis wief Henrie Lowe J unior m^garet Lowe Vid. 01)stinate James Hargreues Lucie Townlie John Yate sonne to John Town- ley, ar. EUm Bannister vx- Robte Banes- ter gen Anne Townley vx"^ Henrie Townley gen Jenet Paslowe vx' Frauncis Pas- lowe gen John Rishton gen John Rishton Husbandman Ran! Ferrand Ri8 Wodde Ri8 Hinley * » « Wm. Rishton gen and his wief Conformable Ellen Rishton vid. Gillet Rishton gen and his wief Lun. Whittacre gen Warrington Deanry Hamlet Holcrofte gen and his wief Dame rnjgaret Atherton Vid. Tho : Mollinex gen Matthewe Trauys John Mollinex schalerffi Obstinate Elizabeth Hesketh Vid. Eiiz. Sutton Vid. Eliz. Kighley gone Stanley Vid and Anne her doughter One Bineston her §unt [servant] Wm. Fletcher Kat. ni^sh vx' Hemfv. IVlTshre Henrie Richardson Conformable Edward Chawner Manchester Deanery W"" Hulton de -Pkear and his wief obstinate Several names follow, belonging to the county of Chester, after which are — ] Com Lan8 Item t John Sothworth knight + Cuthbert Easton Esquier t John Talbott esquier t John Townley esquier t Thom Caterall esquier t Alexander Houghton gent t Thomas Mollinex gen t John Hothersall gen t Matthewe Travis Yoman Com Ces? John Whitmor esquier W"" Houghe esquier CHAP. XIII. " Of all the rest theis xij* are mo' opinions of longest obstinacy against Religion and yf by yo'' LL. good wisdomes theye cold be reclaymed we think the other wold as well foUowe their good example in embrasinge the Queues Ma'« most godly ^cedinge as they haue followed their evill example in contemprisinge their dutie in that behalf. ■ [Indorsed] Feb. 9th [or 7th] 1575. In the EHzabetliaii age, when taxation had not attained its present perfection, the couutie.s Avere called upon to supply their monarch Avith the substantial viands vor,. T. There are only eleven names here. 4 A 546 Ciie S^istori,) of tf)f CHAP. XIII. Lanca- shire con- tribution of oxen to queen Eli- zabetli's table. Jan. 10, 1.582. which graced even the breakfast table of her majesty.* The county of Lancaster, by an agi-eement entered into at Wigan by the earl of Derby, the bishop of Chester, the lord Strange, and a number of the justices of the peace there assembled, com- pounded on behalf of the inhabitants of the county, for the provision of oxen and other cattle, for her majesty's household ; and sir Richard Sliiiburn, and Alexander Rigby, esq., on their resort to London during the ensuing term, were authorized to ratify the agi-eement \vith " Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Controwler, and Mr. Cofferer," with whom it was agi'eed, that the county of Lancaster should yearly yield for that purpose forty great oxen, at fifty-three shillings and fourpence apiece, to be deli- * EXPENCES OF QUEEN ELIZABETH'S TABLE. The Queenes Majesty's booke signed with her hand. The Queenes Majesty's dyett, as she hath bene daylye servid. Cheate and mancheate . Ale and bare .... Wine, 1 pt. . Flesh for Pottage. Mutton for the pott, 3 st. . Longe bones, 2 st. Ise bones, 2 st. Chines of Beafe, 1 st. . Short bones, 2 st. . Chines of beafe, 1 st. Connyes, 2 st. . Butter, 6 dish Breakfast. 6d. 3^d. 7d. 18d. 6d. 2d. 16d. 4d. 14d. 8d. 6d. Cheate and mancheate, 8 Ale and bere, 6 g. . . Wine, 1 p. Flesh for Pottage. Mutton for the pott, 4 st. Long bones, 4 st. Ise bones, 3 st. . Chines of beef, 1 st. . Chines of Mutton, 2st. . Short bones, 1 st. Chines of veal, 3st. Chickens for grewell, 2 Veale, 2 st Summa . . .8s. 6id. (rather 7s. Sjd.) Surcharged . . .5s. 5d. Chines of beafe, 1 . Butter, 2 lb. Summa 8d. 104d. 7d. 2s. 12d. 3d. 16d. 2 s. 2d. 6d. 7d. 2s. 16d. 8d. 13s. lUd. Coimtp IJalatint of iLanrasttr. 547 verecl at licr majesty's pasture at Crestow. Tliis gi-avc matter being adjusted, the chap. following? awai'd was made from each hundred, iu ratification whereof the under- L signed affix their hands :- x\j" x^ xvj" x', Derbye huncketh . . xxvj'' Amouudernes Louesdall .... Salford XAJ" x^ Blackborn xvj'' x'. Leylond huncb'eth . . viij'' >C" Yf the soiTi sliall coni to more or lesse, the same to be increased or abated after this rate. Richard Shirbui'ue. John Byron. Jolui Radclifle. Richard Brereton. Richard Holland. H. Derbie. W. Cestr. Fer. Straunge. W". Faringtou. James Asshton. Edw. Tyldesley. Richard Asshton. Xpifer Andertou. Robert Worsley. Robert Langton, Tho. Eccleston. Nicholas Banester. John Bradley. For the Provicon of Oxen for the Queenes Ma"" Household. These contributions, which were reduced to a money charge, having subsequently fallen into arrear, a purveyor was sent down by government to execute the commis- sion, by seizing the oxen in the county ; but the earl of Derby, aided by his trea- surer, took order for enforcing the payment of the composition, and, in any case where the money could not be had, the commissioners were directed to take in lieu thereof, " for her ma'° provison. Bacon, and suche lyke thinges."* The exactions of these purveyors " for her majesty's houshold and stables" had become so noto- rious, that in the year 1590 a commission was instituted in Lancashii'e, to investi- gate these delinquencies, and to certify the same to the queen's government. A manuscript book of correspondence, relating to the heutenancy of the county Lie„fe. of Lancaster, from the yeai- 1582 to the end of queen Elizabeth's reign, is deposited l^'^^ in the Harleian collection in the British Museum,* and serves to shew with how much diligence the affaii's of the queen were administered during that period. These documents, though many of them highly interesting, and calculated to shed much light upon the early history of tlie county, are too voluminous to be comprised in the limits of a county history, and can therefore only be interwoven into the general • Codex 1926. 4 A 2 vice. 548 COe M&tov^ of tl)t CHAP, liistory in abstract. In folio 54 of this manuscript, a despatch appears from the lords L of the council, signed, Tho. Bromley, Cauc. F. Bedford Wm. Burghley E. Lyncoln Chr. Hatton F. Walsingham R. Leicester J. Crofte R. Sadler W. Myldmaye Lanca- addressed " to the justices of the peace inhabiting Avithin the liundred of Salford," shire _ _ . . . ■, . levies for apprising them that her majesty's service in Ireland requu'es to be supplied with fifty ty's ser- soldicrs fi-om tliis county, and du-ecting that the levdes be made, so that the men may be at Livei-pool, ready to embark on the 15th of December, prepared with such arms and accouti'eraents as are necessary for then* complete equipment, or that the sums necessary for that purpose be forthcoming. The number of men to be provided from the respective hundreds in the following quotas: — " Men to be made fourthe of theis hundrethes followinge Derbie hundrethe x men f an half Amoundernes vij men Lonesdall ix men f an half Leylond iiij men f an half Salford ixmen — xxxviij" viijs Sufii 1." Blackburn ix men f an half On the receipt of tliis mandate, a letter was addressed by " Ric Holland, Vic" from Heaton House, summoning sii- Edmund TralTord, and the other justices of the county, to meet at Ormsldrk, on Saturday 1st of December, to take the necessary order for carrying her majesty's commands into effect.* This series of official documents illustrates the con-espondence contained in the Chaderton MS. and here we find the proceedings adopted against the i-ecusants, as detailed in a despatch of the 20th of June, wherein the sheriff and justices of the county of Lancaster are directed to proceed against the principal offenders, forbearing for the present to prosecute those of the meaner sort, but to call before them, at their quarter-sessions, recusants, being of the quality of gentlemen and upwards, and ladies and gentlewomen widows, and to take bonds and securities of them for their personal appearance at the next assizes for the county of Lancaster, that couAdction and judgment may ensue. To guard against remissness in the discharge of this duty, they are warned to take care to answer her majesty's expectations, and the trust com- mitted unto them, seeing that the judges of assize have received directions to examine and take account of then* doings, and to report the same in writing to the council. In the following year her majesty's service in Ireland required that Lancashire, instead of fifty, should send two hundi-ed able-bodied men to that country, to be in * Cod. 1926, fo. 72 b. Coimtj) |]alatint of aanra£(tfi% 549 readiness to meet at Chester, on the 10th ol September, to embark from thence for chap. Ireland.* To obviate a complaint that had beeii made to the queen and her council, '__ to the effect that the men, when placed under the command of strangers, were not treated with " that love and care" that appertained to them, her majesty by her letters recommended that they should be placed under the son of sir Edmund Traf- ford, and that they should be furnished with " swords and daggers, and lil^ewise con- venient doublets and hose, and also a cassocke, or some motley or other sadd gi-eene colour or russette." The hundred of Salford furnished one-fourtli of the whole number, and the letter of sir Thomas Preston, siunmoning the levy to muster at Preston, requii'ed that they should come provided with weapons as follows: — " xx Av"' Calius. X w"" Corseletts f pykes. x w"' bowes f aiTowes. f x w"' halberdes or good blacke billes." The urgency of the occasion is strongly indicated by the super- scription of the letter, which runs thus: — " A. DeUu this Lre to the next justice of peace of the hundrethe aforesaidde and he to breake it oppe f aff" the pvsall tlierof to be sente from one justice to another that no delaye be in the service w"'in contayned." In the years 1585-6, the county was visited by a famine, and by a murrain amongst Famine, cattle, which were felt with great severity in tlie north ; and her majesty, in her royal solicitude, directed the lords of the council to address a letter to the sheriff and justices of the peace in the counties of Lancaster and Chester,!" I'equiring that the gentry of those counties should strictly abstain from killing and eating flesh in the time of Lent, and other prohibited days, not only from the effect that the absti- nence of their own families would produce, but from the benefit of the example amongst those of a meaner sort. These orders were addressed to the sheriff of Lan- cashii-e by the lords of the queen's council, and were generally diffused throughout the county. The violation of the sabbath liad long been complained of in the county of Lan- On the ob- caster, and one of the objects of the ecclesiastical commission sent do^^ni by queen of the sab- Elizabeth into this county, was to remedy these enormities. For the same purpose Lam!" a letter was promulgated by the magistrates of the county, signed by Jo. Byron Ric. Shu-born Edm. Trafforde Nicholas Banester James Asshton Bryan pker Ric. Brereton Ric. Asshton Edm. Hopwood Th. Talbotte John Bradshawe Alex. Rigbie Robte Worsley Tho. Talbot J. Wrightiugton Edm. Fleetewoode. * Harl. MSS. Cod. 1926, fo. 103, b. t A letter of similar import addressed by the queen to the sheriff of Lancashire is contained in the Chaderton MS. shire. 550 Cfte 5?is(turi) of tftr CHAP. The complaint was, that the sahbatli was profaned by " Wakes, fayres, mkettf, XIII. bayrebayts, bull baits, Ales, Maygames, Resortlnge to Alehouses in tyme of devyne ser\ice, pypiuge and dauneinge, huntinge f all maner of vnlaw" gamynge." For reformation whereof, it was ordered to give in charge at the quarter-sessions to all mayors, baiUffs, and constables, as well as to other civil officers, churchwardens, &c., to suppress by all lawful means the said chsorders of the sabbath, and to pre- sent the offenders at the quarter-sessions, that they might be dealt with for the same according to law. It was also directed, that the minstrels, bearwards, and all such disorderly persons, should be immediately apprehended, and brought before the justices of the peace, and punished at then* discretion; that the churchwardens should be enjoined to present at the sessions all those that neglected to attend divine service upon the sabbath day, that they might be indicted, and fined in the penalty of twelve pence for every offence ; that the number of alehouses should be abridged, that the alesellers should utter a full quart of ale for a penny, and none of any less size, and that they should sell no ale, or other victuals, in time of divine service; that none should sell ale without a license; that the magistrates should be enjoined not to grant any ale license, but in public sessions ; and that they should examine the officers of the church and of the commonwealth, to learn whether they made due presentment at the quarter-sessions, of all bastards born, or remaining within then- several precincts ; and that thereupon a strict course should be taken for the due punishment of the reputed parents, according to the statute ; as also for the convenient keeping and relief of the infants.* This rigid moral discipline was much complained of by some of the gentry, and still more by the labouring classes ; and when, at a subsequent period, khig James, in his progress, visited the county of Lancaster, he not only rescinded the orders, but he founded upon that act his book of sabbath sports, the consequence of which was felt for succeeding ages ; but of this, more in its proper place. Early The plots against the queen, and against the established Protestant church of Lanca- ^ , _ siiire loyal England, botli foreign and domestic, awakened in the nation a spirit of fervent associa- iii • • /• t • tion. loyalty ; and an association of Lancashii-e gentlemen, on the model of the earl of Leicester's association, was formed, for the defence of queen Elizabeth, against the machinations of Mary, queen of Scots, and the other enemies of the state. In the declaration promulgated by this association,! the doctrine of the divine right of kings aud queens is strongly insisted upon, and the associators pledged themselves, in the most solemn manner, to defend the queen against all her enemies, foreign and domestic ; in confirmation of which, they took a solemn oath upon the holy Evange- lists, and in witness whereof they affixed their hands and seals as follows : — * Harl. MS. Cod. 1926. fol. 80. + Hail. MSS. Cod. 2219. Countj) ^alatmr of 2Lanra£itn% 551 Hen. Derby W. Cestren Fer. Stranghe Rychard Sherburne John Radclyffe Thomas Houghton Edward Butler Rychard Ashton Edward Norres Thomas Holcroft Edward Osbaldeston Rychard Holland Rychard Boolde Edward Scaresbrecke Thomas Hesketh John Holcroft Richard Mollineux Rauffe Ashton Robt. Langton Myles Gerrard Willm. More Adam Langhe Robt. Charnocke Richard Ormeston WiUm. Holton William Thorneborowe Edward Stanley Edmund Chaderton Gilbt Langtree John Croft Thomas Leighe Edward Braddle John Wrightington Edward Rawstorne James Browne Barnabie Kilchin Edward Halsall Edward Tildisley Henry Stanley, senior Willm. Farrington Henrye Stanley John Byrome Wilni. Massye Edward Tarbucke Peter Stanley Thomas Talbott John Bradley John Culcheth John Rysliley George Ireland Charles Holt Thomas Goodlowe Thomas Morley Thomas Ashton Alexander Barlowe Fraunces Holt James Ashton Henry Eccleston Alexander Rigbye James Anderton Barth. Hesketh Lawrence Ireland Thomas Lathome John Grenalghe Henry Banest' Nycholas Banest' Thomas Lancaster Rychard Eltonheade Robt. Holt Edward Chaderton Frances Tunstall Willm. Skillicorne Edmund Prestwiche John Singleton Henrye Butler Thomas Brockholes John Massye William Redman Alen Holton Willm. Kirbye William RadclyfFe Edward Worthington Thomas Woofall CHAR XIII. Upon this declaration, an act of parliament was formed, by which, after reciting Act found- that sundry wicked plots had lately been devised and laid, as well in foreign parts as mthin this realm, to the great endangering of her majesty's royal person, and for the utter ruin and suljversion of the commonwealth, ordained, that if at any time, after the end of the present session of parliament, any open invasion or rebellion should be had or made of her majesty's dominions, or any act attempted leading to the hurt of her majesty's royal person, by or for any person that shall or may pretend title to the crown of this realm, or if any thing be compassed or imagined tending to the hurt of her majesty's royal person, by any person, or with the privity of any person tliat shall or may pretend title to the crown, then, by her majesty's commission uudei' her great seal, the lords and others of her majesty's privy council, and such other lonls of parliament, to be named by her majesty, as Avith the said privy council shall come up to the number of twenty-four at the least, shall, by virtue of this act, have authority to examine all such offences, and thereupon to give sentence or judgment as upon proof shall appear to them meet. Mary, queen of Scots, had long been a prisoner in England; and it requii-ed no Maij, sagacity to perceive, that this act was passed specially to bring her and her adherents scou""^ to trial before a new species of tribunal. The occasion was not long wantuig. Babmgton's conspiracy, formed in tlie year 1586, which had for its object to assas- 552 €i)t itstxifj) of tin CHAP, sinate Elizabeth, and to elevate Mary to the throne of England, followed so speedily L upon the passing of the new act, as to raise the surmise that the plot had been ai-ranged to promote the interest of Mary's enemies, rather than to advance her cause. Babington, under the influence of that enthusiastic spirit which at this time existed against the queen of England, not only in the courts of Rome, Madrid, and Paris, but also amongst many of her Catholic subjects, found little difficulty in organizing a band of assassins, animated by the persuasion, that they should render service both to God and man, if success attended their efforts; and confidently assured, that if they failed, and fell victims to the enterprise, a crown of martyi'dom awaited them. At the head of these fanatics stood John Savage, a man of desperate courage, who wished to monopolize the glory of despatching the heretical queen; next in order followed Babington himself, and he had associated with him Barnwel, a man of noble family in Ireland; Cliarnock, a gentleman of Lancashire; and Abington, whose father had been cofferer to the queen's household. Walsingham, the queen's secretaiy, whose vigilance never slept, and who had engaged Maud, a Catholic priest, and a pai'ty in the plot, as his spy, became perfectly acquainted with all the proceedings of the conspirators ; and when the proofs against Mary had sufficiently accumulated, Her trial, she was arraigned and brought to trial, charged Avitli having, with others, compassed I586." the queen's death, and tlie subversion of the established religion of the realm. To the indictment, which was delivered to her by the lord chancellor Bromley, and lord la Warre, she at first declined to plead, allegmg, that she was herself a sovereigni princess in her own right, and that she was not subject to the laws of England, Avhere she had sought an asylum, but liad for years been detained a prisoner. After much hesita- tion, she consented at length to plead, and declared lierself not guilty. Amongst the forty commissioners appointed, under the authority of the great seal, to sit in judgment in this case, were sir Thomas Bromley, (lord chancellor,) the earl of Shrewsbury, the earl of Derby, lord Grey de Wilton, and sir Raljjh Sadler, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, witli sir Christopher Wray, the lord chief justice, and four other judges. The correspondence of Babington and Mary, carried on in cipher, and proved by her secretaries Nau and Curie, was laid before the commissioners, from Avhich it appeared, that Babington had informed her of the designs laid for a foreign invasion, the plan of an insurrection at home, the scheme for her deliverance, and the conspi- racy for assassinating queen Elizabeth, by " six noble gentlemen," all of them his private friends ; who, from the zeal which they owed to a Catholic church and her majesty's service, would undertake the tragical deed. To this, Mary replied, that she approved highly of the design, that the gentlemen might expect all the rewards which it would be in her power to confer, and that the death of Elizabeth was a necessary circumstance, before any attempts were made either for her own Countj) ^aalatiuf of aancagUn 553 deliverance, or lor an insurrection.* It was also proved, that she had allowed chap. cardinal Allen, a native of Lancashire, but long resident in Rome, to treat her as L Queen of England, and that she bad kept up a correspondence with lord Paget, for the purpose of inducing the Spaniards to invade this kingdom. It was further proved, tliat cardinal AUen, and Parsons, the Jesuit, had negociated by lier orders, at Rome, the conditions of the transfer of the English crown to the king of Spain, and of disinheriting her heretical son, James VI. of Scotland. The trial, as might have been expected, terminated in the conviction of Mary ; Convic- and on sentence of death being passed upon her, the queen of England hesitated long whether to inflict the utmost sentence of the law, or to extend the ro^-al clemency to her unfortunate kinswoman ; but the importxmity of parliament, and probably the queen's own secret inclinations, at length decided that Mary should be executed ; and the earl of Shi'ewsbury, the earl of Kent, the earl of Derby, and the earl of Cumberland, attended by two executioners, were sent down to Fotheringhay, charged with the melancholy duty of seeing the sentence of the law carried into effect. Maiy received the fatal intelligence without dismay, and suffered witli a Execu- degi'ee of heroism which proved that she considered herself rather as a martyr to the Feb. s, holy Catholic religion, than as a traitor to the state. **^^' While these ti-ansactions were pending, the alarm of Spanish invasion spread Alarm of through the kingdom ; in a letter from the earl of Derby, as lord-lieutenant of the invasion county of Lancaster, to the deputy-lieutenants, they were warned that advices had been received from sundry parts beyond the seas, of foreign forces assembled to invade this realm, and it was the special command of her majesty, that order should be taken in every part of the county, that the principal inhabitants should furnish themselves, without delay, with armour and weapons, and take cai'e that all theii- tenants and followers be also provided, and in readiness to repel the common enemy. By another despatch from his lordship, of the same date, addressed to the justices of the county, they are charged to provide then- proper quota of horsemen, to be ready at the shortest notice, to resist the invaders. At this critical period, it became esseutial that the magistracy of the county The Lan- CiisiiirG should be sound and well affected ; and although the earl of Derby, in his confiding commis- temper, did not conceive any material change to be necessary, the lord-treasurci", peace new on the suggestion of the Rev. Edward Fleetwood, rector of Wigan, and others, caused a new commission to be issued, in which the names of several fresh magis- trates were introduced, and a considerable number of those who were thought favour-able to the recusants, omitted. Tlie consequence was, that at the summer assize in 1587, no fewer than six hundred recusants were presented on oath, eighty- * State Trials, vol. 1. p. 123. VOL, I. 4 B 554 CJk i^tsitxiri) of tht CHAP, seven of whom were indicted, and a notification was made of twenty-one vagrant '^'"' priests usually received in Lancasliire, and twenty-five notorious houses of receipt for them.* The puritans, though pursued with rigour, had hecome extremely ohnoxious to the high-church party, and the works against the prelacy, clandestinely issued from the press in IManchester at tliis period, under the assumed name of Martin Marprelate, tended to aggravate the difference, and to excite the animosity of the queen and her court. The ambition of Philip, Idng of Spain, and his anxiety again to introduce the Roman Catholic religion into England, liad involved the two countries in active liostility, and preparations had for some time been making, by the Spanish govern- ment, to invade this country. In the midst of these preparations and alanns, tlie queen of England and the king of Spain contemplated the negociation of a peace ; and the earl of Derby, lord Cobham, sir James Croft, and others, were appointed commissioners on the part of England, to meet certain Spanish commissioners at Bourbourg, near Calais. The negociations continued for some time, but without any relaxation on the part of Philip for attack, or of Elizabeth for defence. The The In- haughty Spaniard, having at length become impatient, ordered the " Invincible Armada. Armada," by which presumptuous name his fleet was cUstuiguished, to prepare for sea ; and although Santa Crux, by whom the fleet was commanded, objected to the danger of navigating a narrow and tempestuous sea, without the possession of a single harbour capable of afforcUng shelter ; and the duke of Panna, the commander of the Spanish land-forces, Avished to reduce the port of Flushing previously to the departure of tlie expedition ; their prudent counsel was rejected, as was also the advice of sir William Stanley, who had devoted himself to the Spanish cause, and had sacrificed his patriotism and his integrity by the sale of Deventer, and tlie transfer of its garrison to the enemy.t The preparations of Spain were beyond all former example, and the invading fleet consisted of seventy-two galliasers and gal- lions, forty-seven second-rate sliips of war, and eleven pmnaces, carrying two thousand eight hundred and forty-three pieces of ordnance, eight thousand and ninety-four seamen, and eighteen thousand six hundi-ed ' and fifty-eight soldiers ; Piepara- while the English fleet, by which tliis immense armament was to be resisted, con- England sisted only of thirty-four ships of war, and a numbei- of vessels principally furnished klce.' by opulent individuals and by communities, but by no means equal, in weight or appointment, to those to which they were to be opposed. In this emergency, the queen issued a proclamation to Henry earl of Derby, as lord-lieutenant of the * See leUer of Edward Fleetwood, dated 7th September, in. Cotton MSS. t The advice of sir William was to take possession of Ireland, as a preliminary measure for the conquest of England. tion in ncii- shire. Cointtp |3alatinc of 3!.anrast^i-» 555 county of Lancaster, urging his lordship, and the county over which he presided, hy chap. every consideration of social and doin(\stic security, to call forth the uuitcd energies __! L. of the county, in common with the country in general, to resist the meditated attack upon the throne and the altars of their country. This proclamation is still pre- served,* and is expressed in the following energetic terms : — " By the Queene. " Right trustie f welbeloved cozen f counsellour wee greete you well. The " Wliereas hertofore vpon the Adutisem" from tyme to Tyme f from sundrie prociama- places of the gTeatte pparatious of foraine forces w"' a full Intencon to invade this Lanca- o'' Realm and other oure dominions, wee gave oure direccons vnto you for the pparmge of o' S'iectC w"'in yo'' Livetenancy to he in readynes f defence againste anie attempt that mighte he made against vs f oure Realm ; w'^'' oure direccons wee fynde soe well pformed, as wee cannot but recejxe great contentm' therby, bothe in respecte of youre carefuU proceedinge therin f also of the greatte willingiies of oure people in genSall to the Accomplishm' of that whervnto they were Required Shewinge therby theire gi-eatte Love f Loyaltie towardes vs, w"'' we Accepte most thankfully at theii'e hands, acknowledginge o'selves Infinitelie l^ounde to almightie god in that it hath pleased him to blesse vs w'" soe lovinge f dutifull subiectes. Soe would wee have you make it knoweii vnto them. For as niuche as we fynde the same Inten- con not only of invadinge but of makinge a conqueste alsoe of this oure Realm, nowe constantlie moore f moore detectedd f confirmed as a matter fully resohcd on (an Armye alreadie beinge putt to the seas for that purpose.) Althoughe wee dowbte not but by godf goodnes the same shall proove frustrate, Avee have therfore thought meete to will f require you furthw"' wi"' as muche convenient speede as you may to call together - at some convenient place or places the beste sorte of gent, nuhr yo' Livetenancie, f to declare vnto them that consid'inge theis gi-eat pparacons f threateuinges nowe burste out in accon vpon the seaes tendinge to a pposed conqueste ; wherein eiiie mans pticuler estate is in the highest degree to beTutched in respecte of cuntrey, Libertie, wyfFe, cliildren, landf, lyffe, and that w"*" is especially to be regarded for the pser- vacon of the true f syncere Religion of Christe, wee doe looke that the moste pte of them should have vjion this instant extraordinarie occacon a lardger proporcon of furniture bothe for horsemen f footemcn, but especially horsemen, then liath bene certlfyed. Therby to be in theire beste strengtlie against anie Attempt whatsoeu, f to be imployed bothe about our owne pson f otherwyse as they shall have knoAvledge geven them. The nuber of w'''' lardger proporcon as soone as you shall knoAve wee • Had. MSS. Cod. 1296. fo. 68 b. 4b2 556 €\)t ?SlS!tOl1) Of tin CHAP, require you to signify to o' privy coiisell. And hervnto as wee doubt not but by yo' '— good indeavo" tbey ^Ailbe the rather conformable soe alsoe wee assure o' self that almightie god will soe blesse theis theire loyall Hartes borne towardf vs theire lov- inge souaigne C their naturall cuntrey, that all the Attempt? of anie enemyes what- soeu shalbe made voide f fi'ustrate to theire Confusion, youre comfortes and godf highe glorie. Geven vnder oure Signet at oure mauer of Greenewiche the xviij"' of June 1588, in the xxx yeare of o' Raigne. " To oure right Trustie and right welbeloued Cozen f Counselloure therle of Derby Livetenate of o'' Coiities of Chest'' f Lane. And in his Absence to o' right trustie C welbeloued the L. Strange." Similar proclamations were sent to the lords-lieutenant in all the other shii'es, and the country was animated to a degree of enthusiasm never before witnessed. Lanca- The beacons in every part of the county were ordered by a mandate from Ferdinando, beacons, lord Strange, to be kept in continual readiness; and it appears, from a note of taxa- tion in the archives of the hundred of Salford, that the following charges were made for watching the beacon at Rivington Pike, from the 10th of July to tlie 30th of September, 1588: — Manchester divicon 3" 8" x** ob "i Middleton divicon 46' x"* oh "i Bolton divicon xl x^ x** ob "^ Sum v" ix' iiij'' Amongst the precautionary measures for the defence of the kingdom was one of considerable rigour, which the necessity of the times seemed to suggest. A letter was addressed to the earl of Derby and the other lords-lieutenant of counties, and commissioners of musters, requiring, that because the enemy made his boast that he should have assistance of the Catholic subjects of this land, that all the horses belonging to the recusants should be seized, and committed to the custody of some AveU-affected gentlemen, their neighbours, that tlieir serrices might be used if there should be occasion ; and in the mean time, that they should be kept and maintained at the charge of the owners, to be restored again when the danger was past. This document recommends that cai-e should be taken of the beacons, and tliat persons who spread false rumours and reports should be arrested and committed to prison ; and that assistance should be given to the clergy, whose special province it was to find out a certain number of horse and foot, who were to meet for the guard and defence of her majesty's person, because it might fall out that they should stand in need of men to ride tlieir horses and to wear their armour. Amongst other places mentioned for the landing of the invading army was the Pile of Fouldrey, in the county of Lancaster, the place where Martin Swart landed Countj) |3alatint of Haiirndter. 557 with Perldn Wavbeck, in the reign of Henry VII. ; and tlie reason of this conjecture chap. was, that it was the hest harbour for kirge shipping in all the western coast of Eng land, that the deputy-steward of the Pile was Thomas Preston, a Catholic, and that Dr. Allen, who was born at no great distance, and had infected the inhabitants witii his tenets, was Ukely to cUrect the attention of the Spaniards to this harbour.* Tlie magisti-ates, gentry, and freeholders of the county were required to meet lord Strang^ at Preston, on the 13th of July, in order to complete the preparations for the defence of the country j and in the mandate issued by liis lordship, in virtue of orders from the queen, the very significant words are used of " fayle not at youre vttermost peril." By means of these vigorous preparations, a force was collected of one hunch-ed and one thousand and forty men, trained and untrained, in tlie (hfferent divisions of the kingdom, including tlm-teen thousand eight hundred and tliirty-one pioneers, lances, light horse, and petronells, of which Lancashire and Cheshire furnished the foUovving numbers: — " An Abstract of the Certificates returned fi-om the Leiuftenants of the able, trayned, and furneshed men, in the seuerall Countis: vpon Letters from the Lordes reduced into bandes vnder Captaines, and howe tliey were sourted, w' weapons in Aprill an° dom 1588:— Warre 1588 I Traind Lancastre vn I trained Men 1170 Cheshire Trained vn Trained 2189 siiott 700 Cat ^ 420 Cat I 39 music Corslets Bows Bills 300 80 20 Launces 20 Light horse 50 The provisione of thesej-jg ^^^ Certefied 2 Counties >z<- 500 80 80 Launces 30 Light horse 50 " The Abstracte of the nombers of everie sorte of the armed men in the Countis throughe y' Kingdom, taken an" 1588: — Countis Able men Armed Trained vntrained Pioners Launces Ligln- liors Petronels Lanckeshire 0000 1170 I 1170 I 0000 I 0000 64 265 000 Cheshire 0000 2189 2189 0000 0000 020 050 091 * Lansdiwne MSS. Cod. 56. endorsed " touchinge a place called the Pille, in Lancashire, a dangerous place for Landinge." 558 CiK ?^tSitOlJ) Of tfte CHAP. In tlie midst of these preparations, the Spanish armada sailed from the Taaus, XTII. ... o ' — '— and, after encountering A-arious disasters, entered the English channel, and formed Sailing in the shape of a crescent, the horns of wliich lay some miles asunder. Tlie sight of the T • 1 , • armada, was gi'and bejoud conception; hut the events which soon after followed were infinitely more gratifying.* The command of the English fleet had been confided to lord Howard, of Effingham, the lord high admiral, whose want of naval skill was supplied by the earl of Cumberland, and the lords Henry Seymour, Thomas Howard, and Edmund Sheffield, Avith sir William Winter, sir Francis Drake, sir Robert Southwell, sir John Hawkins, sir Henry Palmer, su- Martin Furbusher, sir George Reeston, and others. By this able council, the plan of operations was determined upon ; and Arrives in before the Spanish fleet had been two hours arrayed in order of battle, the cannonade lish Chan- was Commenced by the English with a spii-it wliich shewed that the determination existed to save England, or, if she was to fall, to let her fleet be the fu'st sacrifice. A succession of engagements took place, in all of Avhicli, though none of them deci- Beaten sive, the advantage was on the side of England, till the finishing blow was given by off. a masterly manoeuvre, practised on the 29th of July. On that memorable night, the sea on a sudden became illuminated by the appearance of eight vessels in flames, drifting rapidly in the direction of the armada, wliich was then moored off" Calais. A loud cry of horror burst from the Sj)aniards on the appearance of these engines of desti'uction ; and in the midst of the panic they cut their cables, and ran out to sea, infUcting upon each other more damage than they had liitherto received from their intrepid enemies. The fire-sliips burnt harmlessly on the edge of the beach, but a furious gale blowing from the west, the armada was dispersed along the coast from Totally Ostend to Calais, and the guns of the British fleet completed what the skill of their defeated manoeu\Tes and the fury of the elenlents had begun. The want of ammunition com- pelled the English admiral to return to port; otherwise the Spanish fleet would have been anniliilated. The shores of Scotland and Ireland, in Avhich direction the enemy steered, Avere covered AA-ith the AATCcks of their vessels, and streAA^l AA^th the dead bodies of theii* mariners ; and Avhen tlie duke of Medina, the successor of Santa Crux, terminated his unfortunate voyage in the port of St. Andero, he acknoAvledged the loss of thu'ty ships of the largest class, and 10,000 men. The English nation was filled Avith exultation by tliis signal deliverance, and most memoi"able victory. The expressions of thankfulness were not confined to the * From a manuscript in the Harleian Coll. Cod. 286, it would appear that the first notice of the sailing of the armada from Spain was communicated to the government by Homfrstye Brooke, a Liver- pool merchant; but the dates do not correspond with the official details, and we are unable to reconcile them. The document, however, is curious, and as such will be inserted in the West Derby Hundred history, under the head of Liverpool. Couuti> ^3nlatinc of aanrastfr. 559 heroes by whom it was acliieved, but rose to tliat Being, without whose providential chap. xiu. aid all their efforts must have been in vain. Tlie nation, wisliing to bear in pei-pe- tual memory " this signal deliverance from the malice, force, and cruelty of their Thanks- enemies," celebrated a general thanksgiving by royal proclamation, which was Lanca- announced to the county of Lancaster by the earl of Derby in the following terras : — victory. " After my verie hartie coiiiendacons. Whereas I am creadiblie Infounned isss*. that it hathe pleased god to contynue liis goodnes towardf our pryncc, Churche, f Thank«- Cunti'ey as in the late outhrowe of o' Enemies taken vpon the costf of Irelande yt