-rreermooa, c hakespere ' s handwriting. Shakspere's Handwriting By Sir George Greenwood Price 2/- Net M LONDON : JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD, W. NEW YORK: JOHN LANE COMPANY, MCMXX, TR-atcf). ta f 1 taflB OttUitlke ^m'l^k SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING BY THE SAME AUTHOR. THE SHAKESPEARE PROBLEM RESTATED. IN RE SHAKESPEARE BEECHING V. GREENWOOD THE VINDICATORS OF SHAKE- SPEARE IS THERE A SHAKESPEARE PROBLEM ? SIR SIDNEY LEE'S NEW EDN. OF A LIFE OF Wm. SHAKE- SPEARE THE BODLEY HEAD Printed by Fox, Jones & Co., High. Street, Oxford. No. I. THE NAME SHAKSPERE AS PRINTED IN GERMAN From the ^' Dresdmr Aiisiigir" o/ April 3, igio NO. 2. THK ITKST WILL SICNATTRE /■V-ow ■■ B,7s7i',//'s Mnlom:" I'ol. 2, f>. bar ^9' \tu^ No. T.. Till-: •• WALLACK SI(;\ ATI' KI-: ■^^^^Si^^?l^ ' WSSsmm^^S^^.' No. 4. rilK nilKlJ WILL SIG.NATUUK Shakspere's Handwriting By Sir George Greenwood LONDON : JOHN LANE, THE BODLEY HEAD, W. NEW YORK ; JOHN LANE COMPANY, MCMXX ' ^ SANTA BAliBAKA & 11 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING. Everybody knows the saying, attributed to a certain judge of the mid- Victorian period, to the effect that the unveracious might be divided into " hars, damned liars, and expert witnesses." This was, of course, a saying more jocular than judicial, but, like many another exaggerated statement, it has, nevertheless, a substratum of truth. To illustrate, for example, the untrustworthiness of expert witnesses, I need only refer to a case which was tried at the Law Courts while I was practising at the Bar. At that time the two great " experts " whose services were constantly requisitioned in cases of disputed handwriting, were Messrs. Inglis & Netherclift, and, in the particular case referred to, one of these great men was engaged on behalf of the plaintiff and the other on behalf of the defendant. The trial took place before a Judge and Jury, when the two handwriting experts went into the box in support of their respective clients, and each, with equal positiveness, pledged his reputation in support of diametrically opposite opinions ; where- upon the Judge directed the Jury that they should leave the " expert evidence " altogether out of consideration. What are we to say then, when we find experts in high places — none other than the " paleographers " and " graphonomists " of the present day — differing widely among themselves .'' Are we to follow the example of the Judge and put the " expert evidence " altogether out of our consideration ? That can hardly be done where the subject-matter for examination is one of such great literary importance as that of " Shakespeare's handwriting," and yet it is clear, when there is such difference of opinion among the learned, that we cannot adopt the advice of the school boy who translated " experto crede " by the words " trust the expert " ! What, then, can the poor ordinary mortal do ? He can only examine these different opinions, together with the subject-matter of the inquiry, and, making use of such reason, and judgment, and experience as he possesses, endeavour to arrive at a conclusion for himself. 6 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING Now at the present moment this absorbing question is agitating the minds of all Shakespearian scholars and students : Have we at last found one of Shakespeare's manuscripts, meaning thereby certain sheets of paper bearing words written by the same hand as that which wrote the six signatures which have hitherto been believed to be the only examples of Shakespeare's writing ? That is, of course, an intensely interesting question. One of Shakespeare's manuscripts ! A thing which everybody has longed for! What would not a lover of Shakespeare give to behold with his own eyes a page of Shakespeare's own undoubted writing! And if it can be p)roven that the sheets in question have been written on by the same hand as that which penned the signatures, then those poor deluded persons who doubt, nay, disbelieve, that Shak- spere of Stratford was indeed the author of the plays and poems of Shakespeare, are for ever put to silence. Obviously, therefore, every good and orthodox Shakespearian must ardently desire to believe, and to proclaim unto the world, that these pages are really and truly, and beyond a doubt, the longed-for Shakespearian manuscripts. Now let me state the point at issue more definitely. There is, among the Harleian MSS. at the British Museum, an old manuscript play of " Sir Thomas More," the greater part of which is said to be in the handwriting of Anthony Munday. This work is something of an olla podrida. It is composed of twenty paper leaves, of which thirteen, we are told, are in Anthony Munda\-'s autograph. " The rest (seven leaves, together with two small sheets originally pasted down to two pages of the original MS., but now lifted from them) are contributions by five different hands." ^ Two of these leaves contain an " addition " which certain experts, or " paleographers," maintain to be in the same handwriting as that C'f the " Shakespeare " signatures. That is the question which I propose to examine, but before doing so I think it will be useful to consider the evidence which the handwriting experts generally have placed before the world concerning not only these and other signatures • Shakespeare' s Handwriting. By Sir Edward Maunde Thompson, G.C.B. (1916). p. 30. SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING 7 purporting to be by Shakspere of Stratford, but also concerning the competence or otherwise of his father and mother in this matter of handwriting. [That John and Mary Shakspere, William's father and mother, both made use of marks in lieu of signatures is indisputable, sup- ported as it is by documentary evidence.^ \ It was, accordingly, an accepted fact among reasonable men that, as Mr. Halliwell- Phillipps wrote of William Shakspere, " Both his parents were absolutely illiterate." That, however, did not satisfy some of the orthodox, who perceived that this fact somewhat helped the case of those who entertained doubts concerning the " Stratfordian " authorship of the plays and poems of Shakespeare. Thus Sir Sidney Lee wrote, in the illustrated Library Edition of his Life of William Shakespeare, published in 1899 (Preface, p. xii.) : " The sceptics base their destructive criticism on few grounds that merit respect. The only position with the smallest pretensions to con- sideration which they have hitherto held rests on the assumption that Shakespeare's father and near kinsmen and kinswomen were illiterate and brainless peasants." I pause here to remark that this is an overstatement. " The sceptics " certainly made a point of the facts that neither Shakspere's father nor mother could write, and that some of their kinsmen and kinswomen, including their grand-daughters, Judith and Susanna, Shakspere's children, were similarly illiterate, but I am not aware that any " sceptic " has con- tended that any of these persons could be properly described as " brainless." In fact, this epithet seems to be gratuitously thrown in by Sir Sidney Lee in order to prejudice the " sceptical " case. Then Sir Sidney continues the passage I have quoted by the following important statement :-\" Good ground is here offered for the belief that the poet's father wielded a practised pen."^ And, further, at p. 5 of the same edition, he wrote of Shakspere's father : i " When attesting documents he occasionally made his mark, but there is evidence in the Stratford archives that he could write with facility."^ ^ See facsimiles of the marks of John and Mary Sliakspere when they executed a deed in 1579, and of John Shakspere in 1564, in HaUiwcU- PhilHpp's Outlines. Vol. I., pp. 38 and 40 (6th Edn., 1886). See also Vol. II.. p. 13, for another facsimile of John Shakspere's mark. 8 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING iHere, then, it seemed, was a remarkable thing indeed. Here was a man who " could write with facility," and yet who deliberately preferred to make his mark, not only " when attesting documents," but also when executing deeds! And that, too, in an age when to be able to write one's name was something to be proud of in a Httle provincial town, and in the class to which Shakspere's family belonged. Moreover, Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps had told us that persons who could write their names were not in the habit of appearing as " marksmen," which, indeed, seemed to be a statement in full accordance with the probabilities of the case. " There is no reasonable pretence," wrote this distinguished Shakespearian authority, " for assuming that in the time of John Shakespeare, whatever might have been the case at earlier periods, it was the practice for marks to be used by those who were capable of signing their names. No instance of the kind has been discovered among the numerous records of his era that are preserved at Stratford- upon-Avon, while even a few rare examples in other districts, if such are to be found, would be insufficient to countenance a theory that he was able to write. All the known evidences point in the opposite direction, and it should be observed that in common with many other of his illiterate contemporaries he did not always adhere to the same kind of symbol, at one time contenting himself with a rudely-shaped cross, and at another delineating a fairly good representation of a pair of dividers." ^ In the face of all this'^ir Sidney Lee told us of John Shakespeare that "when attesting documents he occasionally made his mark," thereby implying that generally he did not make his mark, but signed with his own handwriting. ■.It was noticed, however, that Sir Sidney did not indulge us with any examples from " the evidence in the Stratford archives " that John Shakespeare " could write with facility," or, indeed, at all. It was with great expectations, therefore, that we awaited the new edition of his Life of William Shakespeare, published in 1915, thinking to find there the desired proof of this interesting allegation. But, alas, we were doomed to disappointment. The promised proof has " melted into air, into thin air." We now read of John » Outlines (6th Edn.), Vol. II., p. 369. SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING 9 Shakespeare, " when attesting documents he, like many of his educated neighbours, made his mark, and there is no unquestioned specimen of his handwriting in the Stratford archives " \(p. 6). " Like many of his educated neighbours " ! What is the meaning of this ? Obviously the words are inserted in order to suggest that many " educated " persons of Stratford-upon-Avon, contem- porary with John Shakspere, although they were able to write, and, doubtless, " with facility," yet preferred to use their " marks " in lieu of signatures, and, therefore, that it may be presumed that John Shakespeare also was an " educated " person, who was wont to " attest documents " by a rough cross, or by the representation of a " pair of dividers," only because he preferred to do so ; albeit there is "no unquestioned specimen of his handwriting in the Stratford archives," or anywhere else! But where is the evidence that any " educated " persons at Stratford or elsewhere at that time chose to substitute " marks " for the signatures which they were able to make ? There is, I trow, no such evidence. In fact, the whole of this talk about John Shakspere's supposed ability to write is vain and profitless, and it is a relief to turn from such allegations, which seem to me not a little disingenuous, to Sir Edward Maunde Thompson's direct statement, viz. ; "Neither of the poet's {i e., Shakspere's) parents appears to have been able to write at all ; they simply made their marks in execution of deeds." ^ Let us hope, then, that we shall now hear no more about the suggestion that John Shakespeare was both a " marksman " and an educated man — save the mark] Concerning William Shakspere's daughters there is no question at all. He who, according to the orthodox faith, wrote " There is no darkness but ignorance," left his second daughter entirely in that darkness, and his elder daughter was in very much the same case. ("Of Shakespeare's two surviving children," writes Sir E. Maunde Thompson, " the eldest, Susanna Hall, wrote a painfully formed signature, which was probably the most she was capable of doing with the pen ; the second, Judith Quiney, \ye conclude, could not write at all, for she signed with a mark." ^ ) 1 Shakespeare's England (1916), Vol. I., p. 294. * Shakespeare's England, ubi supra. 10 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING So much, then, for William Shakespeare's father, mother, and two daughters. They were all illiterate.^ Let us now consider the case of William Shakspere himself. Now there are said to be six authentic signatures of William Shak.spere — one of them very much abbreviated — which are known to us. But not long ago there was yet another which was pro- nounced undoubtedly genuine by the most eminent " paleographer " of the time. It may be well to say a word concerning it, for it shows, in a very interesting manner, how these " paleographers " and " graphono- mists " are apt to differ amongst themselves. There is in the British Museum a copy of Florio's translation of Montaigne's Essays (1603) bearing the alleged autograph, " Willm Shakspere." This was purchased for the Museum in 1837 by Sir Frederick Madden, then Keeper of the Manuscripts, for the sum of ;f 140. Sir Frederick, who was the greatest authority of his day on ancient handwriting, vouched for the authenticity of this autograph, and Charles Knight, who gives a facsimile of it in his Pictorial Shakspere, pronounces it the "undoubted signature" of William Shakspere.^ Sir Edward Maunde Thompson, however, who was Director and Principal Librarian of the British Museum from 1888 to 1909, has pronounced it an " undoubted forgery " ! Here, then, is an instructive controversy. Here is a case of Inglis v. Netherclift once more. The most eminent paleographer of yesterday vouches for the authenticity of an alleged " Shakspere " signature, which he pronounces undoubtedly genuine, while the most eminent paleographer of to-da}' tells us that the same signature is an un- ^ His only son had died in his twelfth year. Whethei he had any education or not is not known. 2 Knight's Pictorial Shakspere (Virtue & Co.), Comedies. Vol. I., p. 3 and p. 78. It is remarkable that Dr. Charles William Wallace speaks of this copy of Florio's Montaigne's Essays as bearing on the flyleaf the name "William Shakespeare" (sic)\ He says the authenticity of the signature " is still an open question." See Harper's Magazine, March, 1910, p. 504. Mr. Israel Gollancz also in his preface to The Tempest (" Temple Classics " Edition), states that " Shakespeare's own copy of this work (Florio's Montaigne), with his autograph, is among the treasures of the British Museum." SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING 11 doubted forgery ! Which of the two are we to believe ? We are told to trust to " authority." But when " authority " is divided against itself, what are we to do ? Have we any course open to us, as reasonable men, but to decide for ourselves according to the best of our judgment ? But we have yet another little difference between " paleo- graphers " and " graphonomists " to notice. The American Professor, Charles William Wallace, Ph.D., who obtained such notoriety by his I^ew Shakespeare Discoveries, writes as follows concerning Shakespeare's signatures : " One other signature deserves to be added to this list. It is the abbreviated * Wm. Sh* ' in a copy of Ovid's Metamorphoses, now owned by the Bodleian Library. On the cover page fronting the signature is the statement, ' This little Booke of Ovid was given to me by W. Hall who sayd it was once Will : Shaksperes TN 1682.' . . . The recipient's memorandum of presentation in 1682 is unanimously agreed to be genuine. It has been questioned whether some of the numerous forgers, seeing that, had not forged Shakespeare's signa- ture to fit the notice. But all paleographers icho have examined it declare it gent tine." ^ Alas, what says Sir E. Maunde Thompson ? After dismissing the signature in Florio's Montaigne as a forgery, he proceeds, " Nor is it possible to give a higher character to the signature (' Wm. Sh".') in the Aldine Ovid's Metamorphoses, 1502, in the Bodleian Library. This again is a forgery." ^ So much for Pro- fessor Wallace's, " All paleographers who have examined it " ! And Professor Wallace himself is, I believe, a " paleographer " or " graphonomist " ! All this is perplexing to the poor anxious inquirer who can aspire to neither of these high-sounding epithets. ^ Harper's Magazine, ubi supra, pp. 504, 505. (My italics). 2 See Shakespeare's England, Vol. I., p. 308, note. Sir Sidney Lee says of this very abbreviated signature that " experts have declared, on grounds which deserve attention," that it is " a genuine autograph of the poet " {Life of William Shakespeare. 1915, p. 21). How the " experts " could undertake to say this, unless guided by divine inspiration, it is difficult to guess, for, obviously, an " e.xpert " forger would have had little difficulty in writing " Wm. Sh*." in such a way as to deceive the very elect, especially as the strong inclination of all the faithful would be to believe in its authentiticy. 12 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING And now let us come to William Shakspere's own signatures, assuming that such indeed they be. Let us take them in order of date, omitting, however, for the moment the very abbreviated signature discovered by Professor Wallace. (1) In the Guildhall Library is a deed by which one Henry Walker conveyed a house in Blackfriars to " William Shakespeare " and Trustees. This deed bears date March 10th, 1613. It is signed, if we are to trust the paleographers, " William Shaksper," though it requires a very strong microscope to find the " r ", which Sir Edward Maunde Thompson tells us was added as "an after thought." ^ (2) In the British Museum is a mortgage-deed of the same pro- perty, bearing date March 11th, 1613, and signed " Wm. Shakspe," according to the same high authority. Now in each of these two deeds Shakspere has placed his signature on the parchment label to which the seal is attached. "It is evident," writes Sir E. Maunde Thompson, " that he imagined, as a layman might imagine, that he was obliged, in each case, to confine his signature within the bounds of the parchment label which is inserted in the foot of the deed to carry the seal, and not to allow it to run over on to the parchment of the deed itself." This may, of course, be the true explanation, though it is not a little difficult to conceive that " Shakespeare," who had so much knowledge of law and legal procedure, should, in the year 1613, have laboured ^ Shakespeare's Handwriting, p. G. Since this was in type I have, through the courtesy of the Guildhall Librarian, examined the original signature very closely, and I confidently assert there is no " r " in it, microscopic or otherwise. There is, indeed, a tiny ini< mark just on the edge of the tab, after the " e," and if anyone chooses to say that the signatory intended to add an " r," whether as "an afterthought " or otherwise, he is of course at liberty to do so, but there is no evidence of it. Some distance above the " e " there is a very faint, wavy line, which Sir E. Maunde Thompson (p. 4), denotes by a a straight line just above the " e," which it certainly is not, though it may possibly be intended for a mark of abbreviation. The signature is not " Shaksper," but " Shakspe." If any reader doubts this let him examine the signature for himself in the Guildhall Library. But the matter does not seem to me of much importance. It is clear an3'how that the signatory had no thought of writing " Shakespeare." SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING 13 under such a delusion ! ^ Moreover, the essentials to the validity of a deed are sealing and delivery, so that ii was not really necessary for Shakspere to sign at all, either the Purchase Deed or the Mortgage, and, as a fact, the deeds themselves do not purport to be signed, but only to have been " sealed and delivered," as the practice was, and as the law required. There is, however, a rather important fact to be borne in mind with regard to the sealing of these deeds. Shakspere had, appar- ently, no seal of his own, neither, indeed, had William Johnson, who, as one of Shakspere's " nominal partners or trustees," as Sir Sidney Lee calls them,^ also executed both the purchase-deed and the mortgage ; wherefore the seal of Henry Lawrence, clerk to Robert Andrews, the law scriviner, who drew the deeds and who was one of the witnesses, was made use of to supply the deficiency in both cases. But this seal bore the initials of Henry Lawrence. " The great dramatist," writes Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps, " to the disappointment of posterity, impressed the wax of both his labels with the initials H.L. instead of those of his own name." ^ What was there, then, to identify this seal as Shakspere's seal pro hac vice if he had not signed his name above it ? It is possible, therefore, that he imagined the seal and the label to which it was attached to be so much one that he ought to confine his signature to the latter, though, I repeat, it seems passing strange that the signatory, if he was indeed " the great dramatist," who had such wide know- ledge of law and legal practice, should have such an idea in his mind! In the case of William Johnson, who als(j made use of Henry Lawrence's seal, and who similarly confined his signature (which identified this same seal as his also for the purposes of the deed) 1 Further, there was a lawyer present, or, at any rate, the scrivener who drew up the deeds, and was there to attest them, and who would be able to instruct Shakspere as to where his signature should be, as is done at the present time. 2 " By a legal device Shakespeare made his ownership a joint tenancy, associating with himself three merely nominal partners, or trustees, viz. : William Johnson, citizen and vintner of London, John Jackson and John H-^mnage of London, gentlemen." Lije (1915), p. 459. ^Outlines, 6th Edn.. Vol. I., p. 221. 14 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING within the limits of the label, it is not so strange, for he was but a vintner. On the other hand, John Jackson, who signed the deed, but did not seal it, wrote his name freely across the label, some letters of his signature appearing on the parchment on each side thereof. But, after all, there seems to be very little point in all this dis- cussion concerning the confinement of Shakspere's signature to the tab above the seal. It appears to have been a very general custom so to confine the signature, though it was not legally necessary so to do, and nothing, I think, can be fairly argued from the fact that Shakspere followed that custom. ^ With regard to the mortgage signature, Sir E. Maunde Thompson writes as follows : "No doubt, having in his mind the difficulty he had had on the previous day in keeping strictly to the label of the purchase deed, he [Shakspere] now made sure of not trans- gressing by forming each of the letters of his surname deliberately and separately (except the a and k, which are linked) and by modifying their shapes from the usual cursive to a restrained and formally set character." Now that the real reason for the difference of the hand- writing in the signature of the mortgage deed from that of the signature to the purchase deed was due to the alleged fact that Shakspere had in his mind the difficulty he had had in confining his signature to the label of the purchase deed, appears to me an altogether doubtful proposition, but, however that may be, it is, I venture to say, extremely improbable that there was any "previous day," as Sir E. Maunde Thompson assumes. In other words, I have little or no doubt that the conveyance and the mortgage were executed on the same day. We must remember that Shakepere left nearly half the purchase money of the house on mortgage. Now what is the practice when the vendor of a house agrees to accept part of the purchase money 1 Possibly it might be in a witness's mind that if the seal were to be cut away from the deed at any time, his name, if his signature were confined to the label, would go with it. SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING 15 in cash and to leave the rest on mortgage ? Naturally, the vendor is not content to execute the conveyance of his property and to hand it to the purchaser's solicitor, until he has received not only that part of the purchase money that is to be paid in cash, but also the mortgage deed duly executed by the purchaser. The vendor therefore executes the conveyance and hands it to his solicitor, only to come into effect when the purchaser has fulfilled these conditions. The purchaser then executes the mortgage, and it is dated one day after the conveyance. It is then handed to the vendor's solicitor, together with the cash due, and not till then does the purchaser's solicitor receive the conveyance. The purchaser must, of course, have had the house, or land, conve^'ed to him before he is in a position to mortgage it, wherefore the conveyance is dated one da}/ prior to the mortgage, but as a fact both conveyance and mortgage are executed on the same day. That is the common practice at the present time, and I apprehend it was the practice in Shakespeare's time also. If so — and we can hardly doubt that it was so — these two peculiar signatures were written on the same day. Moreover, even apart from the fact that the practice is as I have described it, is it not a priori improbable that the parties should have taken the trouble and incurred the expense of meeting on one day to execute the conveyance, and on the next to execute a mortgage of the same property, when both transactions might so easily have been done at one sitting ? Mr. Halliwell-Phillipps, I may add, was, of course, aM-are of the practice in these cases. He writes, concerning the Blackfriars house, " The conveyance deeds of this house bear the date of March the 10th, 1613, but in all probability they were not executed until the following day and at the same time that the mortgage was effected." ^ * Work cited, uhi supra. The original deed of conveyance prepared for the purchaser, which was in the HaUiwcll-PhiUipps' collection, was sold in 1897 to a gentleman in America. This deed was sealed only by Shakspere. I'he counterpart, signed and sealed by Shakspere, and prepared for the vendor, is the document which is in the Guildhall Library. 16 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING And now let the reader examine these two signatures more closeh'. As Sir E. Maunde Thompson points out, there is a great difference between them, so much so, indeed, that some critics have found it difficult to beUeve that they could have been written b\' the same man on two consecutive days, and still more difficult to believe that they could have been written bj' the same man on the same day. It is true that the name " Shakspere," or, rather, the abbreviation of it, is commenced with the same German or old English " S " which was in such common use at that period, and which Shakspere, if we may judge from the signatures which are said to be his, habitually made use of,^ and the small .ractice so to do, although, certainly, not legally necessary. We must bear in mind here also that there was no legal necessity for Shakspere's signature to be attached to the deed at all, the law requiring " sealing and delivery " only. The above hypothesis would also account for the extra- ordinary difference between the signatures of the purchase deed and of the mortgage. With regard to the " Wallace " signature, it is impossible not to notice the large ink-spot under the letter s, and it has been already suggested by some that the witness held his pen there to acknowledge the abbreviated signature written for him by another — the Court official or law-scrivener — as one is apt, at the present time, to hold one's pen when acknowledging one's " act and deed." The practice of the old Court of Requests, about which we know nothing, must have been very loose in allowing an abbreviated signature at all, and there seems no insurmountable difficulty in conceiving that SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING 35 Shakspere's deposition, in answer to interrogatories was authenti- cated in tliis way. Certainly I should have expected that the official or scrivener, would have written a better hand, but this objection IS removed if we subscribe to Sir E. M. Thompson's pronouncement that the signature, though " written carelessly," shows " remarkable freedom and facility." It may, of course, be argued that Shakspere sometimes employed the scrivener's " ornamental dot " and sometimes omitted it. Sii E. M. Thompson writes that the style of Shakspere's hand, " as shown by his signatures, was that of the ordinary scri\'ener or copyist of the time " (p. 38j, and Mr. Richard Simpson had previously said the same. No doubt these critics had remarked the " orna- mental dot " in some of the alleged Shakspere signatures, but they omit to refer us to otlier lay-writings, or signatures, in which this mark of the scrivener (besides the character of the writing) may be found. ^ At any rate, whatever may be thought of my suggestion with regard to the Blackfriars purchase deed signature, and the " Wallace " signature, I remain fully convinced that the words " By me William " of the third Will signature were not written by the same hand as penned the following scrawl which stands for the surname. Shakspere, it may be here added, must have had a large number of business transactions at Stratford, but not one of his signatures has come down to us except those already mentioned — an unfor- tunate, and, surely, a rather remarkable fact! And now, what is the conclusion of the whole matter ? We have seen how little faith is to be placed in the paleographers. The paleographer of to-day disagrees with the paleographer of yesterday, and the paleographers of to-day disagree amongst themselves. They are unable even to agree as to how a recently-discovered signature of Shakspere, which is supposed to show that he was " capable of writing in fluent style," and which is alleged to be " the key of this leading factor of the problem," is to be read. Now, as I have already said, I am not a " paleographer," and I certainly do not propose to make any attempt to follow Sir E. Maunde Thompson's minute examination of the forms and con- ^ "Shakespeare" does not appear to have used it in the Harleian MS.! 36 SHAKSPERE'S HANDWRITING. struction of the letters of those depressing hieroglyphics known as " Shakespeare's signatures," or his comparison thereof with the letters found in the " Harleian Addition." He "who undertakes to explain to others the identity of this hand with that hand," writes this paleographer, " may be qualified, riot to force his opinion upon them, but to guide them how to look at things in a way which he has found by study to be the right way to reveal to im- trained eyes points of evidence in tlie documents under examination, which, without such guidance, might escape them. When he has done this his task is accomplished, and he leaves it to them to decide whether his conclusions are just." Good. I have read Sii' E. Maunde Thompson's work, and done my best to follow his arguments, and I have arrived at the convic- tion that his " conclusions," so far from being " just," are but the baseless fabric of a dream. I am convinced that if this were an ordinary case of the comparison of handwriting, no reasonable man would think of asserting that the " Harleian Addition " was written b}' the same hand as that which wrote the " Shakespeare signatures." It was only the passionate longing to find some " Shakespearian " manuscript which could have suggested such an idea, an idea as fantastic as any that the " Baconians " have ever promulgated. It is only the eyes of those who ardently desire to believe that will see — or imagine that they see — an}' characteristic, common to the two handwritings affording a scintilla of evidence of their identity. The wish has been once more father to the thought. That which has been seen by the believers has been seen by the eyes of faith and not of reason. It is a fond thing vainly invented. But those who wish to believe, will, of course, believe.* ^ I would refer the reader to the facsimile of Richard Ouiney's letter to Shakspere, set forth in Shakespeare's England, Vol. I., after p. 294. I verilj' believe that if writing of that character were to be found in an anonymous play of the period, and of fairly good quality as a drama, not only would it be ascribed to Shakspere, but that a better case might be made out for it than for the " Harleian Addition." It is, of course, possible that this addition may have been written by " Shakespeare," but if so the less " Shakspere "he! UNIVERf^TTY OF CAUFORNIA SANTA BARBARA SHELF BINDER Z^ Syracuse, N. Y. ^ Stockton, Calif. 3 1205 03058 6745 A A 001 403 064 7