ML DcF5 UC-NRLF B 4 337 bbS GRAND OPERA LIBRETTOS |: ITALIAN AND ENGLISH TEXT AND MUSIC OF THE PRINCIPAL AIRS LA FAVORITA (THE FAVORITE) BY DONIZETTI /L JO. OHVERDITSON COMPANY BOSTON iCHAS'H'DITSONfiCSrM iLMft m m -^ ^^^' LYON & HEAT Chicago ^' OPERA SCORES All the vocal scores have English text together with the foreign text men- tioned below. Unless otherwise specified, these books are bound in paper. Prices include postage. GRAND OPERAS AIDA. Giuseppe Verdi 1.50 In four acts. Italian text BOHEMIAN GIRL Michael W. Balfe 1.50 In three acts CARMEN Georges Bizet 2,00 In four acts. French text CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA ..Pietro Mascagni 1.50 In one act. Italian text FAUST Charles Gounod 1.50 In five acts. French text T.ATTMF. „ LéoDelibes 2.00 In three acts MARITANA William Vincent Wallace 2.00 In three acts MIGNON Ambroise Thomas ;?.oo In three acts. Italian text SAMSON AND DELILAH In three acts Camille Saint-Saèns 2.00 TROVATORE, IL Giuseppe Verdi 1.00 In four acts. Italian text LIGHT OPERAS BELLS OF CORNEVILLE, THE; or, THE CHIMES OF NORMANDY In three acts Robert Planquette BILLEE TAYLOR ; or, THE REWARD OF VIRTUE Edward Solomon In two acts BOCCACCIO ; or, THE PRINCE OF PALERMO Franz von Suppé In three acts DOCTOR OF ALCANTARA, THE In two acts Julius Eichberg FATINITZA Franz von Suppé In three acts. German and Italian text ' LITTLE DUKE, THE Charles Lecocq In three acts 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 MARTHA Friedrich von Flotow 1.50 In four acts. German and Italian text MASCOT, THE Edmond Audran 1.00 In three acts MUSKETEERS, THE Louis Varney 1.00 In two acts OLIVETTE Edmond Audran 1.00 In three acts PINAFORE, H. M. S. ; or, THE LASS THAT LOVED A SAILOR Sir Arthur Sullivan 1.00 In two acts SORCERER, THE Sir Arthur Sullivan 1.00 In two acts STRADELLA ...Friedrich von Flotow 1.00 In three acts Send for Descriptive Circular P — Oratorios, Cantatas, Operas and Operettas. ® «< OLIVER DITSON COMPANY ® ® DONIZGTTrS L^ OPERA LA FAVORITA CONTAimirO THM [TALIAN TEXT, WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION AVD C^t llusk of all t||e principi ^iri Boston: OLIVER DITSON COMPANY New York: CHAS. H. DITSON & CO. Chicago: LYON ^ HEALY Copyright, 18(1(1, lr> (>i,i\Kii Drrsox vt Co. (■o|)yright, l.^ss, by Olivki; J)ns(,x ^^' Co. MUSIC LIBRARY University of California Berkeley ( ( I I — o^ ' — - r>K,A.:B^.A.Tis FBiisoisr-iB. ALPHONSO XI. King of Castile. BARITONE FERDINAND. A young Novice of the Convent of St. James of Compostella. Afterwards an Officer. TENUR. DON GAS PAR. The King's Minister. TENOR BALTHAZAR. Superior of the Convent of 8t. James. BASS. LEONORA DI GU SMANN. SOPRANO INEZ. Her Confidante. SOPBAHa Ooortiers» Guards, Monks, Attendants, Ao. THE Acnua M «urrosiD to ta« plack ik castilx, about thb tkab 1S40 517 ARGUMENT. Ferdinand, a norice in the Convent of St. James di Com- postella, has seen and fallen in love with Leonora, tlie mis- tress of Alfonso, King of Castile, without knowing either her name or quality. The intensity of his passion causes him to renounce his noviciate to seek out the object of his love. Balthazar, the Superior of the Convent, releases him reluctantly from his obligations, and tells him, as he turns away from the peaceful shades of the cloister, that he will return, disappointed and heart-broken Ferdinand, how- ever, heeds him not. He drops the sombre habiliments of the Convent, and succeeds in gaining access to Leonora, who lives in splendor upon the island of St. Leon. His love is returned by Leonora, but she is very careful not to let him learn her name and the position she holds, but rather wishing to live unblemished in his memory, she resigns the pleasure of enjoying the first pure affection which she has experienced, procures a commission in the army for Ferdinand, and bids him to fly her. Ferdinand, who sees the way to glory open before liim and thinks he may yet show himself worthy of the hand of his beloved one, whom he supposes to be a lady of rank, eagerly seizes upon this, and depart* full of bright hopes. There is on the court of King Alfonso, a strong party who condemn the illicit passion of the King, so openly avowed and shown, who have stirred up the Papal throne against the King. The Pope sends a Bull to Balthazar, in which this zealous priest is authorized to pronounce the interdict on the King if tlie latter refuses to dismiss his favorite from the Court and restore his legitimate wife to her rights. Balthazar appears with this commission before the King. Alfonso is first inclined to refuse obedience to the papa; summons; but as his followers stand aghast at the ttireatened interdiction, he wavers. Balthazar gives him time till the moiTOw, and yet withholds his anathema. Al tnis juncture Ferdinand appears at court, returning from the war, in which he has highly distinguished him- self, in fact, by his valor, has saved the kingdom from ruin. Alfonzo asks him to name the prize which he demands for his services. Ferdinand claims the hand of Leonora. The King, who immediately becomes aware that there exists a mutual feeldng between these two persons, gives his assent with reluctatice, as he loved ho' rf.-arly, and had just now oearly risked the wrath of the Pope foi her sake. Leonora, who does not wish to be taken for any better than she is. despatches her faithful servant Inez to her lover, la in (one him of her past history. But Gaspar, the minister of the King, who was but too glad to see the papal thunderbolts guarded off in this manner, kept close watcli over Leonora, intercepted her messenger, and committed her to safe- keeping. This happening just before the c(msummation of the nuptial rites, Leono.a had no means of knowing what had befallen her messenger, but suffered herself to be given away in marriage by the King to Ferdinand, believ- ing him to know all. When, however, Ferdinand returns from court, the as- sembled nobles taunt him, hint that his honor has been stained, and exasperate him to the utmost. Even Baltha- zar, who just now enters, recoils from his favorite pupil when he learns that he is the husband of Leonora. Now for the first time the truth is told to the bridegroom. Fer- dinand believing himself to be the victim of a base conspir- acy of the King and his mistress, awaits them, as they return from the Cathedral, renounces all his honors, breaks his sword, and hurling defiance at the conscienoi smitteu King and curses on the crest-fallen Leonora, retires with Balthazar, to return once more and forever to the cloister. When Ferdinand has left, Leonora finds out how her honest designs have been frustrated by the artful Don Gaspar. Cast oflf by the King, despised by him whom she loves, she has no desire but to die. But first she must obtain Ferdinand's forgiveness. Disguising herself in the habiliments of ^ novice, she starts on her pilgrimage to the Convent of St. James. She arrives there during the ceremonies by which Ferdinand's entry into the order o< monks is celebrated. She obtains admission on the plea of wanting clerical advice. Exhausted and heart-broken, she sinks down at the foot of a cross in the court yard. Thither repairs also Ferdinand, after the rites have been adminis- tered to him, still living with all his thoughts in the world which he has but just forsaken. He recognizes Leonora. His first impulse is to flee her, but she detains him, exon- erates herself from all blame, and asks his forgiveness. After a brief strugg'e all his love returns; he would fly with her; but it is too late. The hand of death is upon her. She expires in his arms, blessed in the thought of his love. Frantic with grief, Ferdinand throws hitoself down near his adored one, and is here found by the monks, ai thev return trom church. LA FAVORITA (THE FAVORITE.^ ATTO I. I- NANDO. Coro. O santo ricetto, Securi il tuo petto, La nostra preghiera Leviamo al signor. L' ajuto divino Qui cerca, qui spera Fedel pellegiino, Con vivo fervor ! (/ Monaci nel Tempio; ad esazione di BakUuaare e Ferdinando. SCENA II. — Baldassake e Febdinahdo. Bai. Ne con essi pregar vuoi tu ? Fer. Noi posso ! Bai. Corapres' io dunque del tuo cor le pene ■• Dio più non basta a te ! Fer. Picesto il vero ! In quest' ora solenne Che un voto eterno me all' aitar congiunge, Mal mio grado uno sguardo ai ben terrestri Getto d' amore e di dolor ! Bai. Prosegui ! Fer. All' ara che del santo Jacopo serra le reliquie estreme, Agli angeli progea prego fervente, Quando 1' un d' essi mi appari repente I Bai. Parla, figlinol I ACT I. SCENE I. — Interior of a Monastery, with Gallrr^ leadittf to the Tempie. Enter Monks, followed by Balthazar and Fhrdi- NAND. Chorus. Shrine melancholy, To thine altar holy. Far from earthly folly, Humbly we repair. Pilgrims lowly kneeling. Hearts devout revealing, Ev'ry secret feeling : Hear, on high, our prayer ! \The Monks enter the Temple ; Balthazar and Ferdinand remain. SCENE II.— Balthazar and Ferdinand. Bai. To join the rites, goest not thou, my son 1 Fer. Father, no ! Bai. What means that troubled look 1 quickly this grief disclose ! Distracted are thy thoughts ! Fer. Truly thou say'st, my father. While at yon shrine I bend, this heart, perfidioas, iurns To dreams of earthly bliss, fond desires, mad affec- tions ! Bai. Horror ! Fer. 'Neath yon dome, in devotion lowly kneeling, 'Mid holy pilgrims wrapp'd in solemn invocation — Lost, absorb'd — ail my soul with radiant spirits dwelt, When :i form, brighter still, burst at once on these eyes ! Bai. Speak ! Oh, my .son ! UNA VERGINEI UN ANGEL DI DIO— A VISION! A SPIRIT OF BEAUTY! Solo. Ferdinand. Larghetto. Bpeme, un ter-ro-re un di - si - o, Sce-se all' al-ma, e di giò-ja l'empi - è! Ah, mio pa - dre! com' oet-ful, lias! of my dv - tv All trembling l'kriU'd.aU tremblimj [ thriU'd with delight ! Yes, mj/ fa -ther I J LA FAVORITA F^ e ra bella, e • ra bella M'ha involato la pa-ce del cori M'ha in-vo - la • to la pa-ce del but raniiot teli, but cannot tell O'er my heart what cast thia gpdl ! Ah, what o'er my heart cast thi$ cori Vol - go a! nume la mente, ma quel la Alio sguardo presen-te ra'è ogtior— Alio sguardo presente ir'^ ognor $pea! Ah, though humbly imploring, vain control. For the alone— j/es, alone— Yes, she alone possess'd uy loulf Fer. L' onda santa le porsi, e mia mano » Di quell' an;r*?l la taano scontrò — Questo chiostro, per impeto insano, Pari a tetra prigion mi sembrò. A' suoi giuri quest' alma rubella. Un conforto ricerca al signor, E gemente 1' imploro, ma qu« Allo sguardo presente m' è nella ognor E fia vero, son desto o veneggio ? Tn il sostegno, 1' onor della fé 1 Che me spento sull' inclito seggio Dei sederti e succedere a me Padre ! lo 1' amo Non sai tu clie all' augusta tiara Dei regnanti io scettro piegò ? Che mia mano congiunge o separa < Che 1' Iberia a mia voce tremo ? Padre ! Io 1' amo Ma, rispondi, chi è dessa la bella Che sì facil trionra di te ' La sua patria, i congiunti ' favella : Il suo nome, il suo rango qual è * Fer. [Con passiotie.] Io 'l ijinoro, ma 1' amo ! Vanne dunque frenetico, insano Lungi reca il [irofano tuo pie Ah ! del nume la vindice mano Non ricada tremenda su te ^ Cura luce, soave conforto, Deh tu ogiia jìropizia su me, Tu mi salva, tu guidami al porto, Tu sorreggi 1' errante mio pie ! [Con emozione.] La perfidia, il tradimento, Te, mio figlio, assalirà : Fia tua vita un rio tormento. Il dolor con te vivrà ! Forse, in grembo al flutto infido, Un sospiro udrassi un dì ; Fia del naufrago che il lido Va cercando che fuggì ! Io parto, o padre mio, mi benedecì Vanne dunque frenetico, insano. Lungi reca il profano tuo pie : Ah ! del nume, la vindice mano Non ricada tremenda su te ! Cara luce soave con forto Deh tu veglia propizia tu me. Tu mi salva tu guidami al porto Tu sorreggi ferrante mio pie. I Ferdinando esce, e da lungi tende te braccia a Baldas- sare, che rivolqe la faccia asciugandosi una lagrima, ed Ttra nclln Canl>f/h Fer. Bai. Fer. Bai Bai. Fer. Bai. Fer. Bai. bW Bei. Oh, fearful, deadly sin ! Fer. In passing through the crowded cloister, This hand her hand was doom'd to touch — Then I fell ! Triumph, Fiend of Malice I 'Twas ecstacy ! I own it such. Oh, despair ! My vows broken past all restoring — I love where I should hate ; Yet 1 cannot curse my fate. Tho' fervent thus imploring — vain control ' She, she alone usurps my soul ! Bai Ah, my son, my life's latest solace, Thine innocence rescue thee still ! Thou, thou who shouldst be my successor, And all ray solemn duties fill Fer Ah, father ! I love her ! Bai Know'st thou that to the august tiara E'en those must bow who wield the sceptre? That I can join and disunite ? That Iberia trembles at the sound of my voice ♦ Fer. Ah, tatlier! I love her! Bai. This woman, wretched one ! oh, knowest thou Who has lur'd thee thus to shame ? Knowest thou her, for wliom thy holiest vow Is forfeit ^ Her rank — her name 7 Fer. I know her not ; but I love her ! Bai. Begone ! begone ! too profane ! Fly these cloisters Far, far from hence ! — avoid my sight, Ere this heart, which thou'st most offended. Sear'd by thy baseness, hate thee quite ' Fer Yes, ador'd one ! this heart's dearest idol ! For thee I will break cv'ry tie ! To thee all my soul 1 surrender — At thy dear feet content to die ! Bai. I With emotion. \ Beware ! I)eware ! Oh, hear me speak ! But despair in yon world you seek : On the troubled ocean of life, I tremble at thy future strife. Lost, wreck'd, when from thee life's dreams sever, - In death's waves, when e'en hope forsake, — When repose for thee can beam never. Die ! Perdition thy soul o'ertake ! Fer Forgive me! Father, I go. Bai Henntrar. Leo. Ah . che il fato è a int .severo I Fer. Chi sei tu ^ Leo. Noi dimandar. Fer. Tacerò — ma pria rispondi Se possente è in te 1' amor ; Tuo destin col mio confondi, Spo.-io tuo mi stringi al cor. Leo. Il vorrei, ma noi poss' io. Fer Che mai sento ! oh mio terror Un istante, oh cruda fato ! Sventurato, appien mi fé ! Leo. Ah ! d' un Dio vendicator Il furor — piombò su me, I Mostrandogli jioi una /tergainma. A te pensando ognor lo spirto amante, Di queste cifre ti volea far dono, ma giura— Ma dubbio il cor. Far. El)ben ? On his way soft odors shower — Jasmin sweet, and orange flower : Ev'ry ravish'd sense o'erpow'r — Perfume breathe from shore to shore! SCENE IV.— ^ Boat arrives at the shore, in which u Ferdinand, with a bandage over his eyes. The Nymph> assist him to bind, aud remove the bandage. Fer. [To the Maiden who assists him in descending from fA» boat.] Love's messenger ! so young, yet how discreet ! Who, from the time when first I set my feet Upon these borders, hast been most silent — Wherefore thus blindfold still mine eyes '' I The Damsels turn aside, making signs that they must m» answer. Speak ! tell me tiie mystery ! [To Inet I implore thee ! Thy lady, so gentle and lovely. What motive, say, hath she for this disguise 1 Her name declare ! Inez. [Laughingly.] No; impossible! pray, forbear' Fer. Is it. Then, so dreadful ? Inez. That alone from my lady's lips. Lo ! she is near ' You may, perchance, hear I [Leonora enters, an Inez motions the Girts to rttirt SCENE V. — Ferdinand and Leonora. Fer. Lovely being! form enchanting ! Once again on thee I gaze — My soul, still basking in thy rays. Thrills with rapture, love's own granting. For thee I have defied rebuke, disgrace — Scorn'd each sorrow. Leo Thy ardent love, yes, this bosom well knows With pity I beheld, and at my bidding They so oft have brought thee to this place Fer. To bliss supreme ! £«0. Or, perchance, Destruction ! Fer. For pity's sake, disclose to me This peril threatening us ! At thy feet its full tide pouring, Ev'ry ill I'll brave for thee ! Leo. Ah, fate unhappy, mv heart thus controlling ' Fer. Who art thou ? Leo. Ask me not ! Fer. I obey ; yet, one word — but one ! If thy heart tenderly to this incline, My future life oh share ! Oh, say thou'lt be mine ! Leo. Ah, wretched fate ! it cannot be ! Fer. What hear I ? O terror ! Thy meaning, so fearful, in mercy unfold ! Leo. Ah ! the wrath of an avenging God Now t a crj of jog- Great Heav'n ! This distinction Unsought for, undreamt of ! Yes, this rank. This title, this high honor ! I'm Caotain ! O Lady, to a warrior You've iransform'd your lover I LO LA FAVORITA. SI, CHE UN TUO SOLO ACCEN'Kì—i'AME, THY VOICE INSPIRING. Solo. Ferdinìimd. Marziale. ^i^fiif^SiÉ^ìiiSfgieigi^^ii Si, che nn tuo so-lo ac - cen - to, Fame, (hy voice in - tpir - ing, La vo - ce eg-li è d'un Di - o, L'a-mor che in pet-to io sen-to io, A< ■ Now my ho - som fir - irig. This heart's best de - sii - ing, — To ^^^^^si^^^^m^^^^^^u cen-de il mio va - lori Ho dol-ce in cor la spe - me, Se il tuo cam - pion 8on i - o, seek with thee FU rove! War's tro - phies at • tain - ing, Bright hon - - ors main-tain - ing, Che My ^^m^^m^^^^MMi^^mÉ^mm^ noi viv re-mo in - sie - me Be - a - ti nell' a-mor! Ho dol-ce in cor la spe - me. Se il tuo campion son $oul true re - - main-ing To glo - ry and to love ! Vic • to-ry at - tain-ing. Bright hon • or main- mtmMMmwi^m^Mmimm^Mm tain • ing. che noi vio - re-mo in - sie - me, Be - a - ti— si, be - a - ti nell' My soul true re - main - ing To glo - ry— yes, to glo • ry and mori love I Addio terrcn diletto Cui noto è il mio destili. Tornare a te prometto Cinto d' alloii il crin ! Si ! che un tuo solo accento, ecc. FINE dell' ATT« primo. ATTO [I. SCENA I. — GaUeriu aperta attrai rso ,'.< (juale ti scucprono i Giardini e il Palazzo d' Alcazar. Il Re; Don Gasi are. // He.. Giardini d' Alcazur, de' Mauri Regi Delizie ascose, oh ! quanto Alla vosir' omln-a riandar ni' è grato I sogni dell' amore Onde s' inebria il cor ! iiaa. Del viiitu il tetto S' aspetta al viiicilor : per voi la F de Trionfa ud Ismael fugge e paventa U Ite. Sì, di Marocco i Regi E di Granata iiisiem, vider la lum. A Tarifa crollar. (ias. Fu tua la gloria. // Re. Ah! non è ver: fu di Fernando, il prode Nuovo guerrier, che un giorno sol fé' noto ! Che rannodò l'armata, Salvando il suo signor : ogg' io l' attendo Ih Siviglia, e innunzi a tutti II suo valore d' onorar desio. [Entra un Messagiero. (io*. Del Pastor sommo or giunse Un alto messagger. Il Re. [Da sè.\ Ugnor più grave Ornai divien suo scettro. [A un cenno del Re, Don Gaspare rispettosamente »' in- china, e parte. Then farewell, dearest lady. For tliee each strife I'll meet, And gather endless laurels, To place them at thy feet ! Yes ! fame thy voice, &c. END OF ACT I. ACT II. SCENE I. — Gallery overlooking the Gardens of the Palaa of the Alcazar. King. Gas. Kin;/. Gas. Kiuq. Enter the King and Don Gaspar. Gardens of Alcazar, of Moorish Kings Delicious retreat ! Oh, how. Lost in thy sylvan shades This dream of love Completely fills my heart 1 This palace now to thee a conqueror s right assigns Thro' thee the Spa'.iiards triumph : Trembling foes (lo thee homage. Yes, the united Kings of Grenada and Morocco, Beheld the proud crescent laid low At Tariffa. To thee, oh sire, the glory ! To me — no : Ferdinand ! He the glory deserves : it was his arm won the battle! "Twas he inspir'd our men — his valor sav'd his country. I await him at Seville, Where, before my assembled court, I intend To load, to o'erwhelm him with honors. [An Attendant enter* They announce, sir-',, a message From the Monk. Ba.thazar. [To himself.] ( f his mandates I !Ve(iutnt Feel the weight too heavy. \Makes a sign to Don "Caspar, wiu> bows u LA FAVORITA. 11 SlJENA II. — // Ri solo, c/iiardando dietro Don Gaspare, che si allontana. Ma de' malvagi in van sul capo mio Sventure impreca il rio livore : e a Roma Congiunto io lo discerno ! Per te, mifi vita, affronterei 1' Avemo ! ^C'ENE ÌI.— T%e King alone, watching the defxirture of Dea Caspar. Yes, all these sycophants, who devour'd are by envy, Of thee jealous alike, daily seek, Leonora, To separate our loves ; but fruitless the attempt. Thou alone, Leonora, shalt still reign mistress here ! VIEN, LEONORA, APPIEDI TZ/OZ-LE ONORA, FROM THEE NEVER. LaT^heilo. Solo Alfohso. len, Le - o - no - ra, a' pie - di tu - - oi Ser - to « «no- . Hn n „«- ;i di tu from thee nev Ser - to Could sog - lio this fond heart, il cor, il this fond heart. l^i*-- ti do - na ! est, sev - er I WMÉ^f^^^'^^Ès^ Ah I se ama-re il Be tu puoi, Mai del don si pen - ti - • rà ^ol my throne and my home Fd fly for ev - ■ - . ■ . er' Che per sog-lio, che per soglio e per co - ro - na, GU n-man la tu - a bel taf Ere from thee, from thee an ex . ile I would bel Yes, ere from thee an ex • ile bel De 'ne - mi - ci! Tuoi lo sdegno, Le - • no - ral Ah, nev-er l no,. Tuoi lo sdegno, Djg te, sa - pro heart be true per te Dis - fi - dar to me, ru die fl • der Sa • prò per no, nev -eri If but Ay i=^-$=?^:i^^[ Se ti cessi e 1' alma e il regno. Io per gli altri ancor son Re. De" miei di compagna io voglio Farti o bella innanzi al Ciel, Al mio tianco unita in soglio, Al mio fianco nell' avel ! {Andando verso Don Gaspare che appare in /ondo, il Re gli dice. Per la festa previeni Tutta la corte. [Don Gaspare parte. SCENA IH.—// Re, Leonora, ed Inez. /^eo. \Aparte a Inez.] Ebben, così si narra. Inez. E il pròde vincitor. Leo. Egli, Fernando ! A lui la gloria, oh Ciel ! a me l' infamia ! [// Re fa cenno ad [nez di ritirarsi, poi s' avvicina a Leonora. IL Re. Ah ! Leo lora, il guardo Si mesto a che piegar ? Lieta mi credi Se a te d' accanto Io sono ? Il cor non vedi ! Quando le soglie paterne varcai, Debil fanciulla delusa nel cor, Giunta qui teco divider sperai Talanro offerto di sposo all' amor ! li He. I Con tenerezza . \ Taci ! f40. sa - •• prò per te! ve» die far theel To thee I resign my life, my kingdom. To others only I shall be king henceforth. With thee for a companion I shall enjoj All the transports of heaven. And life will be A dream of bliss. [As the song is concluded, Don Gaspar re-enters, and As King, addressing him, says: To the fete here, " Now invite all the court. [Don Gaspar goes out. SCENE III.— TAe King, Leonora, and Inez Leo. [Apart to Inez.] Is it so ? speak they truly ? Inez. He hath return'd, with deathless laurels crown'd. Leo. Oh, Ferdinand ! thine, thine the glorv ! While, ah ! for me, dishonor ! [ The King makes a sign to Inez to retire, and then kt addresses Leonora. King. Leonora, speak : why bend Thine eyes, love, to "the ground ? Did these dim eyes seek aught but sadness. Oh, 'twere madness ! When from the balls of my father yon bore me, A poor simple maid, betVay'd, deceiv'd, Alas ! beneath these domes, I bop'd, confirm'd Would be those vows so sworn, and so belicT'd King. [ With tender remorse.] No more 1 Leo. la LA FAVORITA, Leo. Si, Alfouso, traviata, avvilita, M' hai tolto il padre, 1' onore, la fé ! Tacita, e sola, dal mondo schernita, Fra 1' ombre ascosa la bella è del Re. Il Re, In questo suolo, a lusingar tua cura. Regna il piacer, la via sparsa è di fior Se intorno a te piìi bella appar natura, Ahi ! donde avvien che tanto è il tuo dolor 1 Leo. In questo suol s'ammanta la sventura Di gemme, d' oro e di leggiadri fior Ma vede il Cielo la mortai mia cura. Se ride il labro, disperato è il cor. // Re. Ma di tue doglie la cagion primiera ? Leo. Ah ! taci, indamo tu la chiedi a me. Soffri che lungi da tua corte io pera ! n Re. A ogni uom vo' noto 1' amor mio per te. Alfin vedrai se questo cor t' adora. Leo. E vii Leonora, troppo grande è il Re. n Re. [Aparte.] Ah ! V alto ardor che nutro in petto In lei divien steril e affetto ! Non v' ha destin del suo miglior, Fur grave oh Dio ! lo pesa in cor ! Leo. [Aparte.] Ah ! 1' alto ardor che nutro in petto In me divien soave affetto : Ma splende invan, come fulgor, Di tomba oh Dio ! nel muto orror ! Il Re. Poni tregua al dolor : siedi regina Della festa che amore a te destina. SCENA IV.— Il Re, Leonora: Six/nan e Uame df/Ia Corte; Pagi/i e Guardie. I Signori e la Dame s' avanzano ed inchinano il Re. Questi conduce Leonora per mano ai posti ove segano fier presiedere alla festa. — / Signori si schierano ai lati. Al punto in cui la festa è per incominciare, Don Gasparb entra agita- tissimo. Gas. Ah, Sire ! // Re. Che mai fu ? Gat. [A mezza foce.] Tua fede intera Al suddito fedele ognor negasti Ebben, lei che colmasti Di fortuna e di gloria, il suo sovrano In segreto tradia. n Re. Tu menti ! Gas. Un schiavo Questo foglio recato avea per ess» Ad Inez confidente, A quest' Inez — I Rimette una lettera nelle man* del Re. Il labro mio non mente. fi Re. [Allontanando col gesto i Cortigiani. \ No, possibil non è ! [Poi a [jcxnurra ponendole soft' occhi la Chi scriverti osa E parlarti d' amor ! Leo. [Aveyido riconosciuto il carattere. ) Un uom che adoro ! [l Re. Oh tradimento ! — il nome ? fjeo. Ah, pria la morte, che appagar tuo desire ! II Re. Forse i tormenti 1' otterranno ! Leo. Ah, sire ! SCENA V. — Baldassarb seguito da un Monaco, che parta una pergamena col Sigillo Panale. — All' arriixi di Baldassare si manifesta una grande agitazione fra gli assistenti Il Re. Qual tumulto ! chi ardisce Inoltrar 1 Bai. Io son quello, io eon che Tir» Oi t' aanuozio del Ciel < Leo. Yes, Alfonso, thou'st degraded aiul deiei*'d nie ' Thou'st taken my father, my honor, my faith. Silent and alone, shunned by the world. Live I in the dark : the mistress of the King King. In this abode, to lure thy cares away Reigns delicious peace ; sweet flowers Do homage to thee, fnirer than they, And yet dark grief corrodes thy heait. Leo. Vainly glitter these jewels. Vainly bloom tlic^e flowers around me. God knows my afHictions ! E'en if the lip may smile, the heart is weeping King. But tell me the first cause of your grief. Leo. King. Leo, Ah ! ask not to know it. Permit me, Sire, to leave this court ! No man can love thee more than I ; Thou slialt see how ray heart adores thee ! I dare not look so high as thee. King. [Apart.] Oh, love ! soft love ! her bosom fillinK. With sweet response each fibre thrilling. Inspire her heart ! or, wrapp'd in gloom. Burns here thy flame, as in a tomb ! Leo. [Apart.] Oh, love, alas ! this bosom filling, With secret woe each fibre thrilling. Consume, unseen, 'mid deepest gloom. As burns the death-lamp in a tomb ! King. Chase away this gloom ; enjoy the feasts Spread 'round thee by my tender love. SCF^NF; IV — yVie iC»i_(/, Leonora ; Lorrds and Ijodiea > the Court ; Pages and Guards. The Ijords and Ladies advance, and respectively salutf ifi- King. The King takes Leonora by the hand, and seats her on the dais overlooking the fete. — The Noblemen grou/ around. — As the fé te is about to commence, Don Gaspah enters in much agitation. Gas. Ah, Sire ! King. Speak — what wouldst ' Gas. [In an under tone.] Thou didst believe not What thy most faithful servant tohl thee ; But, Sire, even she, whom thou hast loaded With gold and honor, e'en she Betrays her sov'reign secretly. King. 'Tis false! Gas [Handing a letter to the King.] A slave Gave this to her confidante, Inez. Let her deny it ! My lip lieth not, my King. King. [Making signs to the Courtiers to retire.] Ah no ! it cannot be possible ! [l^uming hastily to Leonora, and shotviitg her the lettm Who's he that dares address thee ■? And write, too, of love ? Leo. [Recognizing the writing.] Ah, spare me ! I adore him ! KÌ7ig. Speak, speak at once ! — his name ? Leo. Ask not his name ! I reveal that — oh, never ! King. The torture yet may wring it from thy heart ! Leo. Ah, sire ! SCENFj v. — Enter Balthazar, accompanied by a Monk wlio luis a parchment in his hand with the Papal Seal 'tt tarhed. — The arrival of Balthazar occasions gr^al uri» ei nation. King. What means this tumult ? Who dare Intrude here 1 Bai. I have come to proclaim The wrath of Heaven upon thee I LA FAVORITA. 18 // Re. Veglio ! che parli 1 Bai Re di Casti^lia, a te del Pastor sommo Reco e il voler di Dio. Ove al dover t' opponi, Il labro mio pronunzia L' anatema fatai che gli empi atterra // Re. Ben so qual alto dessi Rispetto al capo della Fé, ma oolio Tu mai non prender che il tuo Re son io Bai. Si, per la scaltra e abbietta Che del tuo amor s' ammanta, a vii ripudio Dannar vuoi la regina. n Re. Io sì, '1 volea. Tutti. O, Ciel ! n Re. E sacro è il mio voler ! la fronte Omar della corona. D' altra donna mi piacque, e qual si fosse Questa regal mia cura. Giudice ali 'opre il Re son io. King. What wonldst thou ? speak ! Bai. King of Castile! hear the commands of (3od Through his holiness the Pope ! Dare not oppose thee. Or my lips will pronounce Th' anathema which destroys thee. Kinff. Full well I know the respect which I owe To the head of our church ; but thou Shouldst not forget that I am King. Bf^I. Shame and disgrace is hidden Beneath the love thou professest ! [self And from thy lawful queen thou hast divorc'd thy King. I know ; I will it so. Cho. Oh, Heaven ! King. My will is sacred ! On my brow Rests the royal diadem ! This other lady I shall wed, and whoever Doubts my right shall feel The anger of a monarch 1 AH PAl^NTA IL FUROR— DO YOU NOT CALL THE WRATH. Balthazar. Larghetto Ah paven-ta il fu - ror d'un Di - o ven - di-ca— to - re. su rei scende ter paven Do you not call tl\p mrath of Ood, the a-venying up - on thee . scende ter For it vis-it-eth le s egli è pa - ce al tu - pm. bly Those who not bow tf> his will. Tu l'or - ren - di pro - eel - le af- Has - ten, pac ■ i • fy Heaven, O- fron - ti scon-si glia-to, ma gia I'es - tre - mo fa - to mi mac bedient to his com-mand-mentt, Be - fore the curse de - scend -eth, Which o eia il tuo de- ver you now im- 'mÉ^^^tm*^'^'- ma gia I'es-tre - mo fa - to mi nac - - - eia si mi nac-cia il tuo de - stin. Ere the curse he de - scend-ina Which now threatening - ly o - ver thee im-pend» Leo. Io gelo di terror, E sovra il mesto cor L' ira terribil scende Del crudo mio destia. Fra la procelle orrende Vacilla il cor turbato, E vede estremo fato Sorger dappresso alfin. R Re. Agli atti ed al furor Che gli arde in mezzo al cor Fiero il rimorso scende Entro il mio petto alfin. Ma le procelle orrende No mi vedran cangiato : Tu trema sconsigliato Sul nero tuo dcstin tino». \ Io gelo di terror, Core ; E sovra il mesto cor L' ira terribil scende Del barbaro destili. Bai. Voi tutti che m'udite, L'adultera fuggite ; Questa malnata femmina Ha malede'ta il ciel ! R Re. Ab Leonora ! Leo. I tremble with fear To the inmost of my heart, Lest this terrible blow Should crush my fondest hopet. In this sudden tempest Wavers my troubled spirit ; I dare not ask me What my sorry fete will be ! King. In the midst of my anger At such audacious proceedings, I feel remorse with bitter pangs Seize my inmost heart. Still this sudden tempest Shall not bend me nor break me ; Calm thee, my Leonora, Bright is thy destiny. Gas Sf I We're trembling with fear Cho. \ To the inmost of our heart.s, Lest he will call down upon himself This awful decree ! Bai. All ye that hear me Shun the adulteress ; Avoid the outcast : Accurs'd of Heav'n is sht King. Ah, Leonora I 14: LA FAVORITA. Tutti Uo Bai. fi core tlRe. Bai. Oh Dio ! Ch' io mora \ Ah ! fuggite. Ho agli occhi un vel. \^Con yùrore.] E con qual dritto ? In nome Del gran gerarca, maledetti entrambi Sian, se doman gii stolti Non fian per sempre separati e sciolti. // Re. Ah ! che diss'egli ? quel labro infiammato Di rovesciare il mio soglio ha tentato ! Il petto m'arde tremendo disdegno, Pur la vendetta non scende del Re. Ah ! pria eh' Io ceda, perisca il mio regno, Lo .«cettro, il brando s'infranga con me. Leo. Ah ! che diss'egli ! quel labro infiammato Me dalla terra, dal cielo ha scacciato ; Muta quest'alma non nutre uu disegno, Ne la vendetta reclama del Re ! Amor, vergogna m' invade e disdegno ; Morte deh ! scendi propizia su me. iw'is. I Ah ! che diss' egli ? quel labro infiammato Caro. S Face di guerra qui in mezzo ha gittate! Il petto gli arde tremendo disdegno, Pur la vendetta non scende del Re ! Sia quest' infame bandita dal Regno, Sia maledetto chi asilo le die' ! [Prendendo dalle mani del Monaco, le pergamena e «ptie- yandola agli occhi degli assistenti. Tutti aidono genufleàti.] Lo stemma è questo del Pastor supremo. Dio di vendetta decreto ha scagliato, Di Gezzabelle rinnovisi il fato ; Quest' empia donna, a infame disegno, Indarno spera vendetta dal Re. Tutti fuggite, e del ciclo lo sdegno. Tutti invocate sovr' essa con me. GU tltii. Ah ! che diss' egli ? ecc. ecc. [Leonora fugge nelV estrema confusione, le mani la fronte. — Quadro. FINE dell' atto SECONDO. WouIq 1 were dead ! Bai ATTO III. SCENA l.— Una .Sala nel Palazzo rT ""nuir. Fernando, solo. A lei son presso alfìn . partiva ignoto E reido vincitor ! Mentre in sua corte M' appella il Re, d' amor più che d' orgogli Mi freme in petto il cor ! Colei, che tanto Adoro, qui soggiorna : E a conoscerla alfìn 1' alma ritoma. Il Re! [ Vedendo avvicinarsi il Re, n ritira. SCENA II. — Fernando in dis/jarte, il Re che entra senza vederlo, Don Gaspare, che seg te il (Ai» Qual fora di quell' empio il fato? e. Ri I Senza ascoltarlo parla tra sè.[ l)'un Monaco alle fole. Ceder duiKjue dovrò? Gas. Ma ii Re giustizia a se ricusa. n Re. Leonora inoltri : Inez, «■omplice sua, prigion rattieni. ' l)on Gas CHI 'e «' i rich ina ed esce, il Se msargendo Fer. Cho. O Hoaven ! Leo. Bai. Flee from her. Cho. Let us begone. King. [To Balthazar.] And by what right this ? Bai. In the name Of the great Highpriest : be malediction Upon both of you, if by to-morrow's dawn You are not forever separated from her. King. What hath he said ? Sure with frenzy he's raging; Scorn in his breast, all its fury is waging ; And no respect for my rank him assuaging. I seeic as nought, that should command as King ! Rather m~ sceptre shall this proud hand surrender, Or from my brow here, my diadem I'll fling. Leo. Oh, fearful sound ! awful curse ! nought assuaging, O'er me, unhappy, what dark fate is raging ! Oh, could they know how this torn heart they wring Their wrath defies e'en the King ! I hence must fly ! here, shame and grief waging- - Ope, earth, and o'er me thy mountains fling. Gas. ^ l Oh, dreadful curse ! from on high it is given. Cho. S Hence, let that lost one this moment be drive». Else, soon, these walls asunder will be riven. And vengeance on our heads ever bring. Let refuge none to her footsteps be given, Fell remorse her heart sting ! Bai. [ Taking from the hands of a Monk a parchment with a seal, which he unfolds to their eges.] This is the decree of the Holy Father! Heav'n itself has dictated it, And seai'd the fate of this Jezabel, Of this impious woman, given to sin and evil. And no King's earthly power can save her. All ye here, flee her ! Or beware Of the wrath of Heaven ! Cho. Oh, dreadful curse ! &c. &c. [Leonora goes off' in dismay, hiding her face w her hama Tableau. ' END OF ACT II. SCENE ACT III. -A Saioon in the Palace of Alcatita: Ferdinand, alone. Near thee, once more, Leonora ! Fame's wreath that binds my brow I at thy feet will throw. Encircl'd here, this heart would wear thee. Its brightest guerdon still — Dear spell 'gainst every ill ! Yes, 'mid the battle, heic did this bosom wear thee. My life's preserving charm, in peril near me ! Lo ! the King ! ( C^ oliserving the King he rrtirr» SCENE II. — Not cbserving Ferdinand, the King etiter» ;•» siveig, followed hg Don Gahpar. Gas. Hast decided thy will, gracious sire ' King. [Aside, not heeding Don Gaspar.] To the Monk's angry threat'nings Tins heart is forc'd to yield ! Dread sir! your judgment ever right is. Hence : bid Leonora come before us ; Inez, her accomplice, conduct to prison. I Exit Don Gaspar. — The King lees Fe dittami Gas. I King. i LA FAVORITA. 16 Fer. Il Re. Fer nne. Sei tu, mio nome tutelar, ti deve La sua salvezza il Re. L'nmhita «gloria mi fé' contento appien De' tuoi sudori, Io stesso il vo', la ricompensa or chiedi. All' accento del Re t' affida e credi. Sire, soldato misero, Per nobil dama amor m'accende il petto, E i miei trionfi io deggio, La mai gloria al suo amor, questa ti chieggio. Sia fua, la noma ? Fer. [ Vendendo venir Leonora.] Ah si, costei s' appella, Vedila, la più bella ! n Re. [Stupefatto.] Leonora! SCENA III. — // medesimi ; Leonora. Leo. [Aparte.] O Ciel ! 1' amante ! ne comparirgle innante ! H Re. [Freddamente a Leonora. ] Ei del suo cor la brama, Ch' ei t'ama, or mi svelò. Leo. \Da sé.] Quel guardo m'agghiaccò! [l Re. Potria piombar su te, jioi che il tacer t'alletta. La collera del Re coli' alta sua vendetta ! [S' arresta, e poi ripiglia più freddamente. Fernando, a te la mano desia di sposo offrir. Leo. Oh che di tu ? n Re. Il sovrano a lui ti dona. Leo. Fer. O Cielo ! // Re. Doman tu dei partir ! [ Volgendosi a Leonora con un po' di malcontento e tris- tezza. la't thon, my liberator ! Ah ! Thy King his crown owes to thee. Fer. Sire, with glory I'm repaid ! King. Say, for thy valor, what recompense, What honor can requite thee ? Oh, ask it of thy King, tis thine this hour . Fer. Sire ! tlio' but a poor soldier. With my wliole heart I love a noble lady : To her alone I owe my glory, my renown — Her hand is all I crave ! King. It is thine ! Speak ! who is she ? Fer. [Gazing at r^eonora, who enters.] In thy presence 9Ba blossoms, the flower of this palace ! King. [Stupified.] Leonora! SCENE HI.— The same ; Leonora. Leo. [Apart.] Ah, he there ! must I sink, disgrac'd, before him ? King. [Coldly to T^eonora, pointing to Ferdinand.] Madam, thy lover, most adoring, Through me his passion nutv conveys. Leo. [Apart.] Alas ! what means tnat angry gaze ? King. On thee, who me deceiv'd, thy guilty secret keeping, Another king, ere now, had been his vengeance hean ing ; [Pauses, and then covtinves eoldli, But, scarce a moment since, lie demanded thy hanu Oh, what say you 1 He has ask'd thee for his wife. Leo. King. Leo. 1 Fer. j King. Oh, Heaven ! To-morrow fly this land ! [Addressing Leonora bitterly and coUUif. A TANTO AMOR^TROV FLOW'R BELOV'D. Solo. Alfonso. ra il tuo in hope's gar - den da; Quand' ei fe ish'd, With sighs and -^— 1> — Dol - ce la spe - me del suo cor se- morn, Fad'st from my breast, thine ev' - ry beau • ty =:^=zr.;:^z:^zHt=H ^--^:r^- conda, Ch'ei mai non debba ma - le-dir tua fé, Ch'ei mai non debba mai non deb - ba ma - le - dir tua fé. perish'd, And in thy stead a - lone hath left a thorn. And in thy stead a - lone, a - lone hath left, hath left a thorn. Leo. Ì Se inganno o sogno é questo — a me s'asconda — Fer. ( Per sempre il ver che rischiarar mi de ! // Re. Entro un' ora, il sacro rito Fia compito. O mio signor ! A' tuoi pie' col sangue mio. Or vogl'io — clonarti il cor ! Ed il giuro. [Piano a Leonora.] Ei fia serbato. Se ingannato — Io fu da te ; Vendicarsi appien sa il Re. [Il Re esce xnducenoo aero Fernando. Fer. Leo fi Re Leo. i Fer. \ King. Fer. 'Tis some delirium, sure — a hopeless dream - That thus my fond heart enchants ! Within an hour, the church's rices In wedlock's bonds shall bind you. Oh, most noble lord ! At your feet I fall. And vow eternal gratitude ! And so do I King. [Aside to Leonora.] And faithful will you be * Youi- base deceit to me I now forgive ; [Exeunt the King and Ferdinand Leo. SCENA IV.— Lbovora sola, coda sopra un divano. SCENE IV.— Leonora aloK.c, and taking her seat on a (cucA Fia dunque vero ? O ciel ! desso ! Fernando ! Lr JDOso di Leonora ! No ; my ears but deceive ! What le '> T>elusion ! he wed with Leonora 16 LA FAVORITA. Tatto mei dice, e dubbin l'alma è ancora, Air inattesa gioja ! oh Dio ! sposarlo, Oh mia vergogna estrema ! In dote al prode, Recare il disonor ! no, mai ! dovesse Esecrarmi — fuggir, saprà in brev' ora. Chi sia la donna che cotanto adora ! E'cn though all pronounce it, This heart with doubt still tlnobbing. In so much bliss can scarce believe ; Oh, if before the altar, Confiding, he would prove mine, eternal — No, no, disiionor ! him I'll ne'er deceive : All he shall know — the wretched, blighted victim, To whom his noble truth he'd give J CantMU. 0, MIO FERNANDO— DEAR FERDINAND. Air. Leonora. Ì5Ìlg^lSL^l^-Ìli:pPl^lil3^g I O, mio Fer - nan - do, del - la ter - ra il tro - no — A pes - se - der - ti. Dear Fer - di - nand, were mine this earth's whole trea - sure — Mine, too, each star, Fer - di - nand, were mine this earth's whole trea - sure — Mine, too, each star, each i do - na - toil cor: Ma pu - ro Ta - mor, mio co • me il per- do - no, of yon blue heav'n : Each star a world, To pur - chase thee one plea - sure, |^^'^-feEÌi^S^p-^?^s^*-ì:=§^3^ Ì Dan-na-to ahi las - sa All, all at once, at once dis - pe - ra-to or - ror! bp this fond hand were giv'n ! W ver fia no -to. All should be thine. ^^mmiMmnmimi^^^m :^|f=»-pji===r e in tuo dis - pre - gio estre-rao ; save my poor name de - gra - ded ; La pe • na au-rom-mi, che maggior And thin! should be, too, my lif^s lat - de'I Ahi. sigh! AM. Se il gius-to tuo di8-deg - no al - lor fla sce-mo, Pi - om - bi, Gran Di-o, la fol - gor But ere I give to thee a fame o'er - sha-ded, And thou deceive, TU die; and thou, and tua su me tua, su me! Tu-o dis-dc^' no al-lor fla see -mo, Pi - om-bi, gran Dio la fol - goF "taa so thou de-ceive, de-ceive, I'll diel Urei give thee a fame o'er- sha-ded, and thou, and thou de - ceive, FU mei Tu - o dis-deg-no al - lor fia see - mo, Pi - om bi, gran Dio la fol - gor tu - a su me die ,' Ere I give thee a fame o'er - sha - ded, and thou de ■ ceive, and thou de-ceive, Fll dif ! Sn crudeli, e chi v' arresta ! Scritto è in cielo il mio dolor I Su venite, eli' è una fèsta, Sparsa l'aria sia di fior ! Già la tomba a me s'appresta, E coperta in negro ve) Sia la trista fidanzata Che, rejetta, disperata.. Non avrà perdono in ciel. SCENA V.— Entra Ikbc. Leo. Inez ? Tnez. Fia ver ' Fernando, a te consorte t Oh, death ! Where art thou ? come ! I call thee ! await thee ! Approach ! lead to the tomb. O'er tills brow pale cypress twine, Roses are too bright and glowing— O'er this face a dark veil throwing , Tears, for smiles, be sadly flowing- Deck with sable plumes the shrine : Yes, I'll die, my shame avowing. Ere, despis'd, I will he thine ! SCENE V .—Enter IsBZ. /tutz. Lady dear, is't true he comes to wed thee ? LA FAVORITA. 17 Uo. A me 1 che parli ! la crndel fortuna Tanta gioja al mio cor no, non serbava. Va di Fernando in traccia, e a lui disvela Ch' io fu del Re lamante. Ah ! s'egli m' abbandona. Né un lamento darò, ma, se a Dio pari Greneroso perdona Postrata ognor servirlo, Amarlo, benedirlo Fia poco ancor ! per lui son presta a morte Così gli parla ; almen eh' ei sappia il vero E per me primo il sappia. {Leommn parte. Inez. Ad obberdirti Il zelo mio risponda : Io corro. [S' incammina. SCENA VI. -Don Gaspare che entra per la dritta con la Prima Cameriera. Gas. [Ad Inez.] Arresta: D' Alfonso ordin sovrano T'impon che tosto a me prig' on ti rendi. Dessa tu dèi seguir. [aez. \Turbatu.] Dio ci difendi ! [Don Gaspare conduce Inez verso la Prima Cameriera, che la mena seco. SCENA YIL.—Don Gaspare, tutta la Corte, poi U Rt,e Fernando. Coro. Già nell' augusta cella Di cui la vòlta splende, Voce soave appella Gli sposi al sacro aitar. Regni in que' petti eterno L'amor ciie sì li accende, Ed il favor superno Di gioje spanda un mar. Fernando entrando col Re. Per. Il Re. Ah ! che da tanta gioja Inebriato è il cor ! Sogno avverato. Insperato favor ! Poss' Io del pari Ir de' più grandi al fianco. A ognun fia noto Quant' io t' onori : o tu che mi salvasti, Tu vincitor de' Mauri, di Zamora Conte e Marchese di Montreal t' eleggo. [Fernando fa un gesto di torprsaa. Quest 'ordin t' abbi ancora. [Staccandosi una collana che gli scendeva sul petto, e met- tendola al collo di Fernando, che pone im ginocchi-) a terra. Gas. [A voce bassa ai Signori che lo circondano Ebben, che par\-i 1 l Signori. Il Re son generosi ! Gas. Il prezzo è questo Dell'onta e dell' infamia. ( Siqiwri. E dunque vero L' imen ? Gas. Il Re gli unisce. Insiem si conciliaro, e il patto indegno Del pontefice dee frenar lo sdegno. l Signori. Ma vien Leonora ! •.his. Oh ! la novella illustre ! Leo. He wod me, no ; honor and love repel it ' Ah ! for me no such hright fortune, blessing, or ie light. Go thou lo h'TO. and say men call me Favorite ot the Kiuj, Say from my home I torn was — young, betrayed, unconscious ! Innocent and deceived ! Then should Ferdinand still seek my hand — Still would wed me — I his slave will become ; and who my love shall chide 1 Deception's veil envelop'd not the bride. Go, tell my shame, Then to me his dread answer come proclaim. Inez. Dearest lady, on me rely. [Exit Leonora I'll quickly away ! f Going SCENE Yl.— Enter Don Gaspab, with Gvards. Gas. [To Inez.\ Hold, I pray ! The King's word hath ordain'd me Thee to aiTest : pardon, thou must constrain'd be , I but fulfil my duty — away ! Inez. Alas ! oh, fatal delay ! [Don Gaspar puts Inez in the custody of the Soldien, who take Iter away. SCENE VII.— Z>on Caspar ; aU the Courtiers ; King and Ferdinand. Chorus — of Courtiers and Don Gaspab. Soon kneeling in the chapel, Affection deep requiting, At the altar, hearts uniting. The sacred bonds aro tied The brave triumphant solaier. Repaid for every danger. To strife is now a stranger, Beside his lovely bride. then tht Enter Ferdinand and the King. Fer. King. Ah ! what boundless joy ! With rapture this heart is beating. These noble lords, soon to accord their greeting To my new-worn honors : the equal, hence alloy I Thus to prove to my court How much thy deeds I honor — Spain glory owes to thee ! The Moorish foe thou conquer'dst — Count of Zamora be : [Ferdinand starts with siirimt And Marquis Montreal : These be thy titles. [Putting round his neck a rich chain, 4rc. The Nobie» looking on with envy. Gas. [Apart, to the Nobles around him.] To this what say ye. Lords ? Nobles. His majesty is kind. Gas. But will honor dispel the shame of her he ciarriw ' Nobles. To her wedded : can it be ? Gas. The King this match design'd. Subtle, compact of shame ! to awaken Each honest wrath, 'tis fated. Nobles. Behold Leonora ! Gob. Marchioness, just created. 18 LA FAVORITA. SCENA Vili. — I Medesimi. Leonora entra pallida, ves- tita di bianco e circondata da aìame dame. Vedandoìa, TI Re esce con dolore- Leo. [Da se.\ Io mio sorreggo appena ! [Accorqendosi che Fernando la guarda con amore. Oh ciel ! <^li sguardi Senza rancor mi volge ! il mio messaggio Inez recava, ei mi perdona : oh sorte ! Fer. [Avvicinandosele.] L'ara è presta o gentil. Leo. Gran Dio ! Fer. Ta tremi ? Leo. Ah ! si, di gioja. Fer. Meco vieni, e d' uno sposo al fianco ti sostieni. Gas. \Ai Signori.] Oh infame ! [Fernando esce conducendo Leonora per mano. Le Dame e una parte di Signori il tegiiono. SCENA IX. — Don GaspÀrb e una parte di Signori. Gas. Oh viltade ! obbrolirie insano ' Coro. Questo è troppo in mia fé' ! Gas. Di consorte offrir la mano. Coro. Alla bella del Re ! Gas. Mortai di sangue abbietto ! "~ Coro Senza fama ed onor ! Gas. Marchese il Re l'ha detto. Coro. E sarà Prence ancor. Gas. D'Alcantara l'onore a lui fu dato. E dei tesori. Coro. Un rango ed un poter. Tutti. Di sue virtudi e del suo cor bennato Pagar fu dritto il vago avventurier. [Ritornano i Signori usciti dal corteggio : gli altri vanno ad incontrarli, e pare dimandino ragguagli cerimonia. Il matrimonia è fatto. — Tutti mani/estano la loro indignazione. Coro. Si tenti almen, se il nostro spregio ei sfida, Che al vile orgoglio mai la sorte arrida : Che alcun di noi non cerchi il suo favor, Ch' egli abbia sol compagno il disonor I SCENA X.— Fernando. F*r. [Velia massima gioja.] Per me, del ciel propizio Si dispiega il favor — ah ! la mia gioja Dividete voi pur ; niecco esultate Di si lieto destin : ella è pur mia Questa donna adorato : avvi ad un core Beu più grande nel dite. Gas. Signori. [Freddamente.] Avvi, l'onore. Fer. L'onor ! sua nohil fiamma A me fu sacra ognora, e dalla culla Io la toglieva in dote, e tutti i beni, Che posseder m' è dato, D' sessa son fumo al paro. ;^' [ Un ve n'ha eh' è per te pensier più caro Fer. Che diceste ? Dell' ingiuria Vo' ragion — nò, m* ingannai — Deh parlate, io ve ne supplico, Qua le destre, amici — Tutti. [Ritirando le mani.] Ah ! mal E questo nome augusto, In avvenir. Marchese, Piìi non s udrà per noi SCENE Vili.— J^nf«r Leonora, aNEZ, and Ladies — Leo- nora in a b'-idal dress, but pale and dejerted. As she titer», the King goes out mournfully. Leo. [Aside.^ Ah ! how my footsteps fahcr I [Observing Ferdinand, who contemplates her «rj'A locks oj love.\ Although through Inez he knows all, What dream of joy is this ? Fer. [Coming forward.] Is she not beautiful ' Leo. Oh, Heaven ! Fer. Tremblest thou ^ Leo. 'Tis with bliss. Fer. Bless'd with a husband's love, ev'ry fear from thee Gas. will fly! To the Lords.] Oh, infamy ! [Exit Ferdinand, leading Leonora by the hand SCENE IX.— Don Gaspar and Chorus Gas. Lo ! what shameful proceeding ! Cho. It is too much, by our faith ! Gas. To offer to her his hand ! Cho. To the mistress of the king ! Gas. Of common blood by birth ! Cho Without fame or honor ! Gas. A Marquis the King has made him ! Cho. Yes, he will yet be a prince ! Gas. Of Alcantara, the order he has received. And treasures plenty. Cho. With rank and distinction. All. With his kindness and good heart, The King has gilded an adventurer. f The Lords who left with the procession return, ana si^ nify that the nuptials have been peifwmed. — Ali man if est indignation. Cho. So, let us all, pride of birth, rank, consulting, Return his looks with scorn the most insulting ; Let not one smile his courteous bow repay : Silence and sneers — contempt — and turn away. Yes ! yes ! Fer. [ Gas. Cho. Fer. SCENE X.— Ferdinand. With much joy.] On me doth fortune golden beams o'ermeasure ! Ah, noble lords, come share with me this joy ! She, she is mine ! Oh, what delight ! nought can our bliss destroy. Leonora ! my own one ! reigns on earth brighter treasure — pray answer ! [Coldly.] Yes, honor! Honor ! its noble laws to me were ever sacrer* : My soul its light imbib'd with reason's life. Not all I now possess — e'en my wife ! Nought earthly, can equal saintly honor. 7^' i But yet ^^ might judge there are things you mort prize. Fer. What mean ye, sirs ? such words forbear ! If insult thou intend'st, beware ! But no, I heard not right : pray understana, I do entreat ye I pardon, sirs — Nay, thy hand. [To Don Gaspar and the rest Gas. I [Refusing their hands.] Cho. ) Thy title comprehend, noble Marquis — Not all thy honors grand, Can our respect, great sir, command LA FAVORITA, 19 Per. \t*rmwnpendo.] Gli atti pei-versi Fian lavati col sangue. Futti. Ebben, si versi. Fer. Andiam. [TuHi SCENA XI.— 7 Medesimi: Baldassabe. Bai. Dove correte ? Di quel cieco furor gì' impeti stolti Sospendatfi o Cristiani. Fer. [Accorrento a lui.] Oli ! Baldassare ! Bai. Figlio ! [Serrandolo tra U sue braccia Gas. [Ironico.] Li sposo di Leonora! Bai. [Sciogliendosi dalle braccia di Fernando respingendolo.] Oh, Dio ! Fer. Ma che mai fa ? Bai. Deh taci ! Tu sei disonorato ! Fer. Oh ! come, oh ! quando Il mio nome macchiai ? Tutti. La destra or dando alla bella del Re ! Fer. [Annientato.] Alla bella del Re ! [Poi con gran fòrza. Che ! Leonora ! l'inferno arde sul capo mio ! Bai. Tu l'ignoravi ? Fer. [Con furore crescente.] Alla bella del' Re ! Bai. Figlio ! fW. D lor sangue è a me dovuto. Bai. [Guardano furore di scena.] Arrestati; alcun giunge. Fer. Io qui li attendo. Bai. Fuggi. Fer. Ah no, vendetta adesso Io ve ! Bai. Fernando, figlio mio ! Fer. Padre mi lascia, ora in me parla Iddio. Coro. Qual furore in quell' aspetto ! Il Re ! SCENA xn.- Fer. Il Re. Lee. Bai ■T Medesimi. Il Re, clw tiene Lbonora mano. Sire, Io ti deggio — Mia fortuna, mia vita, Di conte il nome, Ogni splendor novello, Dovizie, dignità, Beni supremi, Che l'uom desia, ma, Tu volesti — oh Dio I Darli al prezzo crudel Dell' onor mio ! Oh ciel ! di quell' alma Il puro candor Perduto ha la calma, Si cangia in furor, L'oltraggio che scende Sul capo d'un Re, Immobil mi rende, Tremente mi fé' Un giuro dell' alma M' ha' spento il candor, A rendermi in calma, Ritorni l'onor. Le pene che intende Rivolger su me, Ricadan tremende Sul capo del Re. Oh, ciel ! di quell' alma Il f nro candor Perduto ha la calma Si cangia in furor. L'oltraggio che scende Sul capo d'un Re, Immobil mi rende, Tremente mi fé'. Frr. [Impetuously.] Ah ! for this language dearly shalt thon pay ! Ay ! even with thy life — Q,' > Enough ! come on sir, pray ! AH. Away ! Away ! [About to rush off SCENE XI.— Enter Balthazar. Bai. Hold ! forbear This blind imtemp'rate fury ! Yield to my bidding — I say forbear ! Fer. [Rushing to him.] Ah, Balthazar ! Bai. Ferdinand! [They embrace. Gas. [Ironically.] Leonora's bridegroom ! Bai. [Starting from the embrace of Ferdinand, and repelling him.] Oh, scandal ! Fer. What is my iault ? Bai. They would thy name dishonor. Fer. In what have I my Name disgrac'd, declare ! All. In wedding her ! the King's favorite, sir, there ! Fer. I Thunderstruck.] The favorite of the King ! [ With great emotion What! Leonora ! — Oh, my brain ! Bed. Didst thou not know ? Fer. [ With increasing fury.] The King's favorite, she ! Bai. My son ! Fer. With their blood shall they pay for this ! Bai. Arrest thee ! They're coming. Fer. I shall attend them. Bed. Fly ! Fer. Ah no ! I will have my vengeance first ! Bai. Ferdinand ! my son ! Fer. Father, do not thwart me ! thro' me speaks Hearen ! Cho. What fury in his looks ! Lo ! the King I SCENE XU.— Enter the King, leading Leonora, followed by Ladies, ^c. Fer. Sire, to you I owe My fortune, my life. The rank of a count, All this splendor, new to me. Wealth, dignity. All those supreme gifts Which man aspires to. But thou hast will'd — oh Heav'n That I should buy them At the cruel price of my honor ! King. Oh Heaven ! The pure candor Of his noble soul Hath forsaken its calmness. And rages in fury. My dishonorable deed Thus thrust into my face. Carries a tenfold punishment With it to my heart. Lm. He has sacritic'd his love. And risk'd his kingly honor, To gratify my wishes And insure my happiness. Why should Fernando's wrath Now venge itself on him. And I, poor criminal, Stand by unharm'd Ì Btd. O Heaven ! The pure candor Of his noble soul Hath forsaken its calmness. And rages in fury ! This outrage devised In the head of a King Renders me stupefied, And shakes my faith in the migntj ; UJO LA Favorita Jl He. Or sa, Feraando, ascoltami A er. n tatto è a me svelato. Leo. Ei non sapra mio fato ! Ftr. Manto d infamia a tessermi. Il Re. [Sdegato.] Marchese! Fer. Io tal non sono : Ogni pregiato dono Saprà calcar mio pie'. [ Volgendosi ai Signori che lo circondano e che lo hanno prima insultato. Signori, a onor tornatemi • Bersaglio della sorte, Io vado incontro a morte, E il solo nome ognor Avrò del genitor. Leo. \Nel maggior smarrimento. | Inez, rispondi ov' è ! [Piano a Don Gcupare. Gas. [Piano a Leonora.] Inez, racchiusa in carcere ! Leo. [Annientata.] Or tutto è noto a me. Fer. [Distaccaiidosi dal collo l'ordine.] Quest' ordin venerato. Prezzo d'infamia, io rendo • Il brando profanato. De tuoi neiiiicial ciglio Tanto finor tremendo. Lo spezzo — e sai perchè * — Sol perchè tu sei Re Maledetta e l'ore e il giorno Che in me eiidde un tanto scorno ; Che compenso a' miei sudori Mi gittasti infamia ed òr : Serba, serba i tuoi tesori, Lascia solo a me l'onor. lì Re. Troppo, ah ! troppo, In questo giorno Cadde in me d' altraggio e scorno : Trema, ingrato, i miei dolori Tu raddoppi e il mio furor ! La vendetta che tu implori, Nel rimorso è del mio cor. Leo. Grazia, o sire ! in questo giorno Su noi cadde infausto scorno ! [A Fernando. Nobil' alma, i tuoi furori Sono strali pel mio cor. La vendetta che tu implori. Ben l'avrai ma m' odi ancor. Bai. Re, sul capo in questo giorno Ti ricadde e danno e scorno : Del tuo manto agli splendori Pur commisto è il disonor ! Vieni o figlio, tuoi dolori Calma implora dal signor ! (tos. I Su noi cadde in questo giorno ^oro. ) Il rimorso e inseim lo scorno : Lo spergiammo, e d' alti onori Degno è assai quel nobil cor. Vanne, o prode, e a' tuoi dolori Calma implora dal signor. [Mwimento genercde. — Fermindo esce seguito da Baldaa- sare ; i Signori rispettosamente aprono le loro JUe per lasciarlo passare, e s' inchinano innanzi i lui. wivB dbll' atto tbbso King. Stay ! hear me, Ferdinand ! Fer. Ali now I know too late, sire. Leo. Ah ! knew he not before ? [Sutprised, aakit Fer. Yes, I alone was chosen to be thy dupe. King. [With anger.] Marquis ! Fer. [Starting.] That name I scorn — resign. With every gift of thine ; And serve thy cause no more. [ Turns towards the Nobles who had in-w/terf Aim Kind Lords, to your respect, oh, restore tie : A dark shade hover'd o'er me: My shame knew I not. Pardon ! be all forgot. I depart now for ever. Leo. Inez ! Inez ! Gas. [Aside to Leonora.] Inez is a prisoner ! Leo. [Overwhelmed.] Ah! then all explain'dis! Fer. [Detaching his collar.] Oh, cruel sir, take this badge — Of disgrace 'tis the trophy I I give it back ; And this sword, too, which, in battle, [Drawing his stcord Zeal for thee ne'er did lack. At thy feet I fling, Thus, broken, mighty King I Tyrant ! I disdain thine anger — All thy threats my soul defies ; No ; I'lfbe thy slave no longer — Hateful art thou in these eyes. By the woe that thou hast given, By the wrong to Heav'n that cries. By her heart that thou hast broken — Tyrant, yes, I thee despise. King. [Furiously.] Ah ! no more my rage forbearing. Hence ! fly ! to other lands repairing. Ho ! for this insulting daring, [Calling See that the foul traitor dies ! Leo. Ah ! pardon, sire ! in pity spare him ! Think conflicting passions tear him. Lo ! from reason's path they bear him — On me let thy anger fall : Once more to thy favor rear him — Vengeance ! — I'll sustain it all. Bai. [To the King.] Peril o'er thy throne is falling- Better thoii for mercy calling, Than with impious threat appalling. Come ! and breathe repentant sighs ! Cho. Alas ! poor Leonora ! All must pity now thy doom ; And that thee we so insulted, Ferdinand, the truly brave. We regret, and pardon crave ! [General movement. — Exit Ferdinand, Jblloiml by Bai thazar ; the Nobles making a passage for ihem, omi saluting them as they pass. BHD OF ACT III LA FAVORITA ai ATTO IV SCENA I.— // Chiostro del Convento. — A dritta, il Portico della Chiesa — In fàccia una gran Coree, sopra uno zoccolo di Manno — Qua e la delle Tombe, e delle Corei di legno — n di nascente rischiara Solain'nte la parte scoperta del Chi- ostro— I primi piani sono a„ ottenebrati per l'ombre get- tate dai muri dell Chiesa. Bald AS8 ARE, Religiosi. — Alcuni Religiosi sono prostrati appiè della Croce — altri, da lungi, scavano le loro tombe, e ad in- tervalli ripetono. Coro. [A Fernando.] Scaviam l'asilo ove il dolore ha tregua Bai. ì Splendor più belle — in ciel le stelle ! C'oro. ( De penitenti il puro cor, Lungi del mondo dalle procelle, Al nume ascenda con vivo ardor. [/ Religiosi si allontanano attraverso le arcate del Chios- tro: Apellegrini entrano nella Cappella. Un solo Religiosi i rimasto in piedi, immobile, col voUo nas- costo tra le mani ; e Fernando. SCENA II. — Fernando e Baldassarb Bai. O fratel mio, fra poco Un giuramento eterno Alla terra t' invola e ti congiunge Eternamente al cielo. 'Vr. Allor che la bufèra Del mondo io scelsit, il porto Abbandonando, ben dicesti, " O figlio, Tu riderai ": mi vedi ! Tomo a cercar la pace E 1' oblio che qui dà la morte. bai. E vero. Su, coraggio, Fernando- Se Dio t' appella, a lui pensar sol dei Giurato appena il santo voto, è posta, Fra te e i pensier del mondo, Una tomba che porta oblio profondo. Fer Mi lasci ! Bai. Inoltra al tempio. Uu novizio me attende : in questa notte Ei qui giungeva, misero ed infermo Il mio soccorso chiede. Fer. Giovine ancora ! Bai. Neil' età più verde, Abbattuto, tremante, egli ornai vide L'ultimo giorno ! Fer. Ah ! sì, la deglia uccide. [Baldassare prende Fernando per le mani, come per rtmù- gorime il coraggio, poi parte. SCENA III.— Fernando, «oi). Favorita del Re ! Qual nero abisso ! Qual Mai traina infernal, la gloria mia Avvolse in un istante F ogni speme troncò del core amante ! ACT IV. SCENE l.—The Cloisters of a Convent.— On the right, tht I Portico of the Chwch — In front, a large Cross, fixed in a Stone Block — In various places, Tombs and Wooden Crosses — The Ris^'ng Sun lights only those parts of tlit Cloisters which are in vieio — The foreground obscured by the shadows of the Convent Walls. Balthazar, Pilgrims, Monks, Sf-c. — Some of the Monks pros- trate themselves at the Cross — others, in the distance, are dig ging their graves, joining at intervals in the Chorus. Cho. [To Ferdinand.] We prepare a heaven, where there is no grief. Bai. ) Look at the stars' heav'nly splendor above ! Cho. ) Up to them penitent prayers Of a purified soul ascend, And carry back peace and happiness ! iThe Pilgrims enter the Chapel as Balthazar tumn t( address Ferdinand, who kneels before the Cross, hit face buried in his hands SCENE II.— Ferdisawd and Aaltbazak. Bai. An instant more, my brother, And a parting vow From this vain world will tear thee, And bid thee care defy. Fer This dwelling when I fled, Well didst thou say to me, " Thou \vilt return ": it is so— here am 1 1 To seek that peace undying, Far from sorrow flying, When in the quiet grave I lie. Bai. Courage, my Ferdinand ! Think but thou'lt still be happy — By thy griefs o'ercome. ftfae* Yes, thy mind once resolv'd, 'twixt the world and Yawneth the tomb. Fer, Stay ; do not quit me ! Bai. I go into the chapel to console A trembling novice, who arriv'd here this hoar, Dejected, iho' of years tender : He imploreth my aid. Fer. One so young ! JBal. A mere child — fragile flower, Drooping low, by the storm early riven. I go to speak of comfort. Fer. Ah, yes, go ! Grief e'er destroyeth qaicklv. [Balthazar takes Ferdinand by the hand, as tf to cheti him, and goes off. SCENE III.— Ferdinand, alone. Mistress of the King ! Oh, direful day ! In what a snare infernal is all my glory Now engulph'd ! and from my heart All hope of love shut out for ever • SPIRTO GENTII^SPinn OF LIGHT. Solo. Ferdinand. :faE^S^:P Spir - to gen - til ne so gni mie Soir - it of light. So fond - ly antri brìi - las - ti un dì ma ti per - de - i Once heav'n-ly bright. But now de - vart-ed • idi) LA FAVORITA i dal cor men - ti - ta ape - me lar - ve d'amor lar - ve d'araoi oy ia fied Thou didst a - wak en, Love's hope is dead. Love's hope is dec lar - ve d'amor. A te d'ac-can - to del se - ni - - - to Love's hope is dead ! For thee I spurned Each bond inost ho pianto la pa - tria il ciel.... don-na sle - al in tan - to a - mo turned, To trust thee sole - ly ! Eus-er than fair, So false thou hast spo :27=- fu li gite in - 8ie-me ' — 1 im foriak-en,- co - re d'on • ta mor-tal ahi-mèi ahi -me I Spir - to j^en - til broken With shame and deepair ! Ah me! Ah me! Ah! Spir - it of light, re scor - da - va fl ly, From heav'n e'en re sag nastl il ken My heart i$ ne 80 - gni mie - 1 So fond - ly court-ed, brìi - las-ti un - di ma ti per - de - i fug - gi dal cor men - ti - ta ape - me lar - ve d'»-mor Once heav'nly bright, But now de-part-ed: All joy is fled Thou didst a - wak ■ en. Love's hope is dead ! lar - ve d'a-nior fug - liite in Love's hope is dead! I am for Hie tak lar - - ve d'a - mor Love'S'tm,.... hope is dead! sie-me lar - ve d'a-mor fug - gite in-siem fug-gite in - siem lar - ve d'a - mor*>«> sak-en. Love's Iwpe is dead! Love' shape is dead. I am for sak - en Love' shape is dead!-'-- SCENA IV.— Fernando, Baldassare, Religiosi. Ba . Ehlieu, sei presto ? /'«. padre all' ara santa ti segno io già. Da . Deh vieni ; e voglia Iddio Rivelarsi al tuo core. \ Baldassare e Fernando entrano nella Ca//pella, i Reli- giosi li seguono in silenzio. LEONORA comparisce sotto r libito d' un Novizio, si pane innanzi al por- tico della Chiesa, cercando distinguere le sembianze del Religiosi, che pissano col capo abbassato sotto i coppttcci. SCENA V. — Leonora, sola. Peniaiiilo, ali ! dciv' egli è ? di questo chiostro Egli abita le mura ! in tale aminanto T' offendo, o Dio, ma fa che insino a lui Mi fia dato inoltrar : dal rio dolore Oh ! come affranta io sono ! Presso a morir, della mia vita il dono Prend , gran Dio, ma di Fernando al piede Deh ! m' ottieni il perdon t. SCENE IV. — Ferdinand, Balthazak, and Monies. Bai. Art thou ready ? — Come. Fer. Oh, father, to tiie sacred fane I will follow thee. Bai. Come, then ; and may Heaven To thee reveal itself. [Baltliazur and Ferdinand enter t/ie Chapel, the Monks following in silence. Leonora appears in (lie habit of " Novice, and places herself before the entrance of the Church, scrutinizing tlie faces of the Monks, as they pass with their cowls over their heads. SCENE V. — Leonora, alone. My Ferdinand ! art thou not here ? Tiiis sacred cloister is still the home tiiou woald'ji he seeking. 1 cannot die contented, without to thee, love, f -1 speaking. Ah, helov'd one ! why dosr not appear' With trembling feet, oli, Ferdinand, I seek thee ; My heart scarce beats ; I feel I cannot live. I ask forgiveness, e'er my torn soul forsake me, — Say, but dear Ferdinand, oh, say but thou'it forgive LA FAVORITA. 33 CoKO— di Religiosi nella Chiesa. Che te, r Eterno (H suo grazie imprima Voto d' un' alma m santa prece assorta ! i to. Che ascolto ? un voto ciie dall' ara sorge i E vola al cielo. Coro Udite voi del monte sulla cima Voce dell' angelo che salute appor'.a '\ Lee. Oh ! qual sarà quest' alma Che si toglie alla terra ? ter. Io mi consacro al culto tuo, signor ! Vieni, e d' un raggio illumina il mio cor. Leu. E desso, è desso ! Perduto al mondo ! egli ritorna a Dio ! Fuggiam da queste soglie — ohimè ! noi posso ! La morte il cor ra' agghiaccia ! [ Cadf spossata ai piedi della Croce. SCENA VI. — Leonora; Fernando. Fer. [Esce agitato dalla Chiesa \ I voti miei Fur pronunziati ! e, mal mio grado, io sento Terror segreto in 1' agitato spirto. Io fuggi dall' altare. //eo. [Tentando levarsi] Oh, Dio ! qual ftena ! Qual freddo ! ohimè ! Fer. [Guardando intorno.] Che ascolto ? Un infelice al suol ! [Avvicinandosi.] Deh ! ti rincora. Leo. E desso ! Fer. [Rinculando con orrore.] Oli, Dio ! Leo. [Supplichevole.] Non maledetto ! Chobus — of Monks in the Church. May ev'ry good blessing upon thee shower, And in thy heart the light of mercy pour. Leo. What hear I ? Pious vows \yhich from the altar Fly towards Heaven. Cho. ( Oulsid(\ I Hear you from yon mountain's summit An angel's voice, which bringeth greeting? Leo. Ah, whose is this soul Which tears itself from the earth? Fer. [Outside.] To thy service I consecrate myself, O Lonl Come, shed Tliy rays into my heart. Leo. 'Tis he, P^crnando ! Lost to the world, he's fled to God ! Oh ! let me quit this spot — alas ! I cannot ! With deathly chillness congeals my heart ! [Falls at the foot of the Crafts SCENE VI. — Leonora; Ferdinand. Fer. [Entering from the Church iti an agitated state.] My vow? I have pronounc'd ; yet, in spite of me, I feel A secret terror in my agitated spirit. I've flown from the altar. Leo. [Implorinqly.] Oh, God ! what pain ! These chills ! xVlas ! Fer. [Looking around.] What do I hear ? A suffering wretch ! Ah ! let me aid him ! Leo. 'Tis he ! Fer. [Recoiling vnth horror.] Oh, Heaven 1 Leo. Forgiveness I entreat ! AH! VA T'INVOLA— H^^SE, CLOISTERS FLY. Solo. Fbbdinakd. Allegro. Ìg^ g= Epi^E£g4g=gÌ^gg ^^^S l=É^;{: Ahi va, fin vo-la These clots - ters fiy! e ques - ta ter oh, fiy for ev - ral - er! pie'l Fa che io tranquil - lo scen-da sot - ter - ri here! A -way land lei these eyes, ah, nei? - e Più non pro - fa - ni il rio tao What cru - el star hath Ut thee V- Non ma - le - det - to al par di Be - hold that fa - tal beau - ty ^m^^^mm^si^^m^m^^^ tei Non ma - le - det near l Nev - er that fa • par di te ! - ly be-hoìd 1 Nel - le A - way! sa way ! le il Re fa - pel - la, hence to thy pal - ace ; :g=g=S^=#"-|:^T^^^-~~^T-^=f^=:^T~ p=»=P -|= Iti; see! D'o - ro e d'in - fa • mia, D'o He doth in - vite thee— His ro e d in - fa - i yild • ed crown pri - rà;— Al fi- thy brow; — Love lik* k*-. an- co suo sa - rai pili bel - la: Tuo nome in - fa-me ognor sa - rà! Al fi - an - co gao sarai più his can a • lone de - light thee : Qo, tempt-er, ere I curse thee — go ! Love like his now a ■ lone d«- bel - la, Tuo tuo no - me in Uiihls Ilìee; Qo, thou false one! -. — ^ — p — 1 — ^— -?-- p-^t:_: ::zf _^__^_^. fa me! in - fa - me, Oo, thou tempt - er. Tuo no - me in - fa-me og- Thou Umpt - er, ere r ^4 LA F A V O R I ']' A m^^m^m^m^E^ nor sa - rà, Tao, tuo no - me in - fa - - - me og - nor sa - Ai cut$e thee ere I curse thee; Thou tempt ■ er, yo, thou tempt er, got Leo. Infra i ghiacci, le rupi, i sterpi, i sassi, Ognor pregando, al chiostro tuo mi trassi. Ftr. tu che m' ingannasti. Che pretendi da me ? ito. D' ambo sul capo un solo error ricade. Seperai che il nero arcano a te svelato Inez avesse e il tuo per lon sperai. Credimi, non si mente sul!' orlo della tomba. Infino a te, Fernando, Non giunse il messo, e fu celato il vero. O Ciel ! Fernando, il tuo perdono io spero. Leo. A sigli at every step, I have sought this holy dwell ii'g; My soul is pierced with grief — my heart sadly swell ing ! Fer. Oh, cause of all my pain, Why com'st thou here again ? Leo. Oh, lielieve me, I die ! I meant not to deceive thee ; Methought that Inez had to thee the truth reveal'd, Had told my story all : wrong me not ! I nought conceal'd. I swear 'tis true ! thy blessing give, ere the tomb re ceive me. By these tears — on my knees — oh, believe me I Oh, Ferdinand, in pity, Crush not my only hope ! CLEMENTE AL PAR DI Z)/0— DEAR FERDINAND, THIS HEART IS BREAKING. Solo. Leonora Larghetto. , Cle-men - te al par di Di - o f Oh' og-gi ac-cog - liea tu - a fe', Mi - ra lo Dear Fer-di-nand, this heart is break - ing I To my sad fate com - pas • sion show, And, ne'er the pen- :ik»ri^:*5-:t5l stra • zo mi - o, Ab - bi pietà, pie-tk di me! D'on-ta fatal, fatal seg - na • ta Null' t - tent for - sak-ing. Oh ! let thy breast with mer-cy glow I I ask but to my grave to car • ry Thy al - tra spe-me ho in sen, sweet for-giveness of the past. Che di mo rir, mo-rir be Nor care I then how soon they a - ta 6m - ry tuo per - do - no al One whose joy hath throbb'd its men! Al ne-ro af-fan-no, al mio tor - men - to Al - fin pie - tà ti par - li al cor! Ah, last! Nor care I then how soon they bu - ry One whose joy hath thrubb'd its last! Ah, iàifeil^i^^=^l^^^-p Al - fin pie - ta pie Yes! one whose }oy hath tk ti par-li al cor, FS BIS par - li al throbb'd, hath throbb'd its last ; throbb'd its Fer Leo. Fer. Leo. A queir affanno, a quell' accento Sente ahimè ! stemprarsi il cor ! giusto Dio su me discendi. Rendi all' alma il suo vigor. A tanto duolo se non t' arrendi, Io morrò più trista ancor. Addio, fuggir mi lacia. Disarma il tuo furor. Ah! di mai cruda ainliascia' Pietà del mio dolor. Al mio duolo, al mio spaveuto Di confortò un solo accento ! Fer. Leo. Her tears, her voice, my soul subduing ; Tumults arise in every vein ; Fly, tempter ! turn mV not iigain ! Thy spell is broken past renewing. Nay, hear my voice, once, once so loved • Death's chill hand is Iictp —pressing on my Farewell ! I hence must fly ! Ah, do not spurn nic ; Have compassion willi tlie bitter pangs That suffocate my heart ; liast thou not a word of comfort For my despairing soul* LA FAVORITA, '25 Fa. Fer. Lee. Fer. tea. Per tuo padre ei fia concesso, Per la morte a cui son presso, Fa men crudo il mìo dolore, Per l'amor de' lieti dì. Giusto cielo ! il mio furore Come foglio inaridì ! Tua mertede alfìn mi dona, O mi spingi nell' avel. \GitUindosi Ah I Leonora ! Iddio perdona. E tu dunque '? Io t' amo 1 Oh, ciel ! l' pitdi di lui. F«r. Leo. Fer. Leo. Fer. Leo. Grant it to me for tli/ father's sake, — Kindly remembering the love you liore in- The hand of death is upon me : Wouldst thou let me die without a kindly word • Just heaven ! Rekindling in my heart Is all the love I once bore her. Show me mercy, Ferdinand, Or trample me beneath thy feet ! [ Throwinff herself prostrate be/ore rum Ah! Leonora! Heaven forgiveth. Not thou 1 I love thee ! Oh, Heaven! VIENI AH! VIENI— .ÌOY 61 CE MORE FILLS MY BREAST. Air. Ferdinand. Moderato.^ 3 . -x' pi . f — f — -f^ — ^ T^~ I ^ — f Vie - - ni, ah! vie -~ - - ni, Io m'ab-ban - do no; Al - la gio - ja che m'in- Jo]/, joy once mare fills my breast ! Thro' each pulse now 'tis flow iuy ; Near to thee, dearest. Del mio cor Now my soul la - to io vo' tfiee, dear - est. >ol 8or-ge all' a - 7vel Ah, ye» I I hear a ÌE^Ì^|ÉÌZÌ^2 Si te - ro seek - ing- La tua vi - ta, il tuo; There our hearts can re - joice ; La tua TI - ta il tuo gioir» Ahi th4sre our hearts can re joice! Leo. h er f^eo. Leo Fer. Leo. Fer. Leo. Fer. E fia vero ? io m' abbandono Alla gioja che m' inebria ! Del suo cor m' è reso il trono, Pago appieno è il mio desir. Ma risponder noa sa V anima \A Fernando. A tua voce, al tuo pensiero ? Deh nascondi a) mondo intero La mia vita, il mio morir. Fuggiam, fiaggiamo insieme. Ah ! taci, è vana speme. [De Religiosi nella Chiesa.] Che te l'Eterno di suo grazie imprima Voto d'un' alma in sonta prece assorta I Quel concento odi tu 1 Fuggiamo. E il cielo che ti parla. Fuggiamo : in te riposto Mio fato è sol, deh ! vien. Pensa a' tuoi voti. Or più forte è l'amor : per possederai! Io tutto affronterò, la terra e il cielo. Leo. Fer. Leo. Fer. Leo. I Fer. Is it then true ì I abandon myself To the joy which fills me with ecstasy I have regained mj place in his heart ; My fondest wish has been granted. Ah, why cannot my soul respond To thy "beloved voice, to thy consoling words ! But to the world ever dark must remain The course of my life, this blissful death. Come, let us fly ! Let's fly together ! Ah ! Forbearthce I 'Tis'an idle hope ! \ Of Monks outside.] May the Eternal in his mercy listen To his servants, in prayer united ! Hear'st thou that chant ? Let's fly! It is Heaven which claims thee! Fly with me ! In thee reposeth My fate, my faith ! Come, hence ! Think of thy vows ! What are they to my love •• To possesi thee I would brave earth and Heaven. ae LA FAVORITA Uo. Fer. Leo. Fer. Leo. Fer. [Sententlo mancarsi srmjtre più. | Ah ! del nume il favor, dal nero nltisso Ecco ti salva, addio ! poter supremo Ti risparniia un delitto, ah ! di mia sorte Io non mi lagno. Iddio, Fernando, il vuole Dell' onta — alfin ti lavo. Colla morte. Fuggiam. E vano, è vano ! O ciel ! I^eonora ' Io muojo jicrdonata. Fernando ! e sou, beata, òltra la tonaba Riuniti sarein, addio ! \ Muore. Leonora ! Al soccorso ! al soccorso ' E la mia voce Che ti richiaiua, i lumi ancor dischiudi, [Piegandosi sul cadavere. Son IO, son io tuo sposo ! ah ! tutto è indarno ! SCENA ULTIMA. — Leonora distesa tn terra — Fek- NANDO. — Baldassake, che esce della Chiesa seyuito dai Religiosi. Fer. Oh ! padre ! è dessa ! Mira, Leonora ' Bai. Oh! che vegg'io ! Silenzio! [Si avvicina a Leonora, ed abbassa il caupiuxto nu dt lei capelli sparsi. Poi volgendosi ai Religiosi. Più non è ! Spento è il novizio. Le vostre preci a lui fratelli ! [Tutti « prottrcuto. Ftr. Dio 1 diman la stessa prece anch'io 1 />». Fer. Leo. Fer. /jeo [Nearly overcome bv weaknrss.i May the grace of God .^ave you From this dark abyss ! Farewell! The supreme* «ng Has granted me one more delight, and I complain ùot Of my fate. Heaven, my Ferdinand, hath will'd it so I leave thee — free of shame — by my death Let us fly ! It is too late, too late ! What say you, Leonora ? I die, assured of thy forgiveness. Unstained I enter the tomb. We shall be reunited, Ferdinand ! Farewell ! [She die* Leonora ! Help I Help ! li is thy Ferdinand's voice Which tìills thee ' Open thine eves once more ! [Kneels over the corp» It IS I, Ferdinand !-^It is in vain I SCENE THE LAST. — Leonora on the fround — Ferdi NANU. — Hai.thazak, followed by Monks, enters f mm iht Churclt. Fer Oh father ! 'tis she ! 'Tis she, Leonora I Bat. What do I see ! Hush thee ! ' I llf u/i/ironclies Leonora, and draws the cowi over hei disili celled hair. \ The novice is no more. His breath has fled. Pray for his soul, my brethren I [All knee» Fm By to-morrow my soul too will want your prayert ! sum «■]». 1 — > Standc ird Op era Li bi rettos All librettos have English text. Additional texts are indicated by Italic letters, as follows : /, Italian; G German F French, Those marked with (*) contain no music and are 15 cents a copy. All the others have the music of the principal airs and are 25 cents each. A- -G Title Text Composer Title Text Composer Africaine, L' /. Giacomo Meyerbeer Don Giovanni /. W.A. Mozart Aida I. Giuseppe Verdi Don Pasquale /. Gaetano Donizetti *Amico Fritz, L' (Friend *Dorothy Alfred Cellier Fritz) I. Pietro Mascagni Elisire d'amore, I ' /. Gaetano Donizetti Armide F. C. W. vott Gliick *Erminie /. Edward Jakobowski Ballo in Maschera, Un Emani /. Giuseppe Verdi (The Masked Ball) I. Giuseppe Verdi Etoile du Nord, L' (The Barbe-Bleue (Blue Star of the North) /. Giacomo Meyerbeer Beard) F. 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The triumphs of the singer are reflected in her book. -THE MUSICIAN My Favorite Songs By GERALDINE FARRAR Low Voice High Voice CThis gifted singer shows her musical training by the preponderance of Geiman songs in the collec- tion she has brought together The various numbers have been sought out with indefatigable zeal, largely from treasures of song buried '^r neglected in the works ol great wiiters, and are therefore, in many ways, new to the average teachei or singer. Songs from other lands, such as Russia and Scandi- navia are also mcluded. The book contains a biographical sketch, portraits, a striking portrait on the cameo plate paper cover, in the engraver's best art. Miss Farrar's selection evidences a most eclectic and at the same time impeccable musical taste. -MUSICAL COURIER The Most Attractive Volume of Folksongs Ever Published My Favorite Songs By MARCELLA SEMBRICH Low Voice High Voice CMarcella Sembrich was the first among great singers to reveal the treasures of folksong, and her knowledge of these gems from many lands is most extensive. In this volume she has collected those which her experience proved were grateful to the singer and pleasing to her audiences. These are the folksongs which Marcella Sembrich has sung so often in her concerts that the seal of public approval is stamped upon them all.— MUSICAL COURIER. it- \z \r : Z \ - High Voice My Favorite Songs By ALMA GLUCK Low Voice CNo contemporary lecital-singer has a larger following of charmed listeners than Mme. Gluck, and her excellent choice of songs plays a vital part in her success. The numbers included in this volume she has gathered from many sources; but ihey all serve to display the suave lyricism, the delicate nuances, and the arch humor of her captivating art. Portraits and an introduction from the pen of the singer complete the attractive features of the book. Singers will do well to avail themselves of this rare selection of songs, with which the favorite singer has largely won her popularity - THE MUSICIAN s j Oliver Ditson Company, 179 Tremont Street, Boston | Lyon & Healy, Chicago : Chas. H. Dltson & Co., New York Order of your Local Dealtr Standard Opera Librettos All librettos have English text. Additional texts are indicated by Italic letters, as follows: /, Italian; G, German; F, French. Those marked with (*) contain no music and are 15 cents a copy. All the others have the music of the principal airs and are 25 cents each. G— Z Title Grand Duchess of Gerolstein, The •Hamlet Jewess, The Kfinigin von Saba (Queen of Sheba) Lakmé Lily of Killamey, The Linda di Chamounix ♦Little Duke, The Lohengrin do. ♦Lovely Galatea, The Lucia di Lammennoor Lucrezia Borgia ♦Madame Favart Manon Maritana' Marriage of Figaro Martha ♦Mascot, The Meistersinger, Die (The Mastersingers) Mefistofele Merry Wives of Windsor, The Mignon Mikado, The ♦Musketeers, The ♦Nanon Norma ♦OUvette Orpheus Text F. Composer Jacques Offenbach Ambroise Thomas I. Jacques F. Halévy G. Karl Goldmark I. Leo Delibes Sir Jules Benedict I. Gaetano Donizetti Charles Lecocq G. Richard Wagner I. do. Franz von Suppé I. Gaetano Donizetti /. do. Jacques Offenbach F. Jules Massenet Wm. Vincent Wallace I. W. A. Mozart I. Friedrich von Flotow Edmond Audran G. Richard Wagner /. Arrigo Boito Otto Nicolai I. Ambroise Thomas Sir Arthur S. Sullivan Louis Varney Richard Genée J, Vincenzo Bellini Edmon d A udran C, W, von Gluck Title Test OteUo /. Pagliacci, I /. Parsifal G. Pinafore (H.M.S.) Prophète, Le Puritani, I Rheingold, Das (The Rhinegold) Rigoletto Robert le Diable Romeo et Julietta Romeo e Giulietta Samson et Dalila Semiramide Siegfried ♦Sleeping Queen, The Sonnambula, La ♦Sorcerer, The ♦Spectre Knight, The ♦Stradella Tannhauser Traviata, La Tristan xmd Isolde Trovatore, Il Ugonotti, Gli (The Huguenots) Verkaufte Braut, Die (The Bartered Bride) Walkiire, Die William Tell Zauberflote, Die (The Magic Flute) G. Composer Giuseppe Vérdi R. Leoncavallo Richard Wagner Sir Arthur S. Sullivan I. Giacomo Meyerbeer I. Vincenzo Bellini G, Richard Wagner J. Giuseppe Verdi /. Giacomo Meyerbeer F. Charles Gounod I. do. F. Camille Saint-Saens /. Gioacchino A. Rossini G. Richard Wagner Michael Wm. Balje I, Vincenzo Bellini Sir Arthur S. Sullivan Alfred Cellier Friedrich von Flotow G. Richard Wagner I. Giuseppe Verdi G. Richard Wagner /, Giuseppe Verdi L Giacomo Meyerbeer G. Friedrich Smetana G. Richard Wagner I. Gioacchino A. Rossini W. A. Mozart ® ® OLIVER DITSON COMPANY ® ® ! Son^s from the^lDperas | Edited by H} «. KREHBIEL Bound in paper^^ehth back, $i.j5 each, postpaid In full clothi^ilt, . , . ^^.00 each, postpaid In these volumes^^ THE MUSICIANS LIBRARY the editor has presented in chroi?$^ògical order the most famous arias from operas of every school. Beginning with songs from the earliest Italian productions, a comprehensive view of operatic development is given by well-chosen examples from German, French, and later Italian works, down to con- temporary musical drama. H Each song or aria is given in its original key with the original text, and a faithful and singable English translation. HEach volume contains an interesting preface by Mr. Krehbiel with historic, descriptive and interpretative notes on each song. H^ Portraits of the most noted composers represented are given in each volume. €[ Size of each volume, 9J^x I2>^ inches. Soprano Son^s from the Operas Contains twenty-three numbers by nineteen composers. The music covers 188 pages, the prefatory matter 25 pages. Portraits are given of Beethoven, Bellini, Gluck, Gounod, Meyerbeer, Mozart, Rossini, Verdi and Weber. Mezzo-Soprano Son^s from the Operas Contains thirty numbers by twenty-five composers. The music covers 186 pages, the prefatory matter 29 pages. Portraits are given of Auber, Bizet, Donizetti, Handel, Massenet, Saint-Saens, Spontini, Thomas and Wagner. Alto Son^s from the Operas Contains twenty-nine numbers by twenty-two composers. The music covers 176 pages, the prefatory matter 20 pages. Portraits are given of Glinka, Gluck, Handel, LuUy, Meyerbeer, Purcell, Rossini, Thomas and Verdi. Tenor Son^s from the Operas Contains twenty-nine numbers by twenty-one composers. The music covers 192 pages, the prefatory matter 27 pages. Portraits are given of Beethoven, Bizet, Gluck, Gounod, Mascagni, Massenet, Verdi, Wagner and Weber. Baritone and Bass Son^s from the Operas Contains twenty-seven numbers by twenty-four composers. The music covers 188 pages, the prefatory matter 20 pages. Portraits are given of Bellini, Bizet, Cheru- bini, Gounod, Halévy, Handel, Mozart, Ponchielli and Tchaikovsky. =S=t '=tl II ■ ■ 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED MUSIC LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JUN 1 1 1967 uCT 2 107; APR i J 1073 JUN 871973 SEP 11973 ^ ^ h^m OCT 1 5 1999 LD 21A-10m-5,'65 (F4308slO)476 General Library University of Californis Berkeley ML50.D6.F3 1( C037528262 U C^ BERKELEY LIBRARIES CD37SEfiEbE DATE DUE Music Library University of California at Berkeley n