I{e46 :^EVENSONIANA UC-NRLF B 3 33E D7D CATALOGUE NO. 64 I^NiPJaiti^ #^ WALTER M. HILL 831 MARSHALL FIELD BUILDING 22 E. WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO BEACH OF FALESA/ .'7 / Diiiu) th i Narvai- 'tft-d -aSuaih S? ' < rTMtt^^ i THE BOTTLE IMl ■> \ .9 KOBERT LOUIS STEN'EXJSO^y "<' CASSELL & COMPANY/ Limited/ , V [aIX Ui'lUT^ KKSEHVt!'.] A Mm See No. 94 Robert Louis Stevehson Catalogue of a Remarkable Collection of First Editions, Association and Presentation Copies of the Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson, together with a Number of Most Interesting Original Manuscripts Autograph Letters, Literary Memo- randa, and Corrected Proof Sheets Number 64 1916 Walter M. Hill 831 Marshall Field Building 22 E. Washington Street Chicago THE TORCH PRESS CEDAR RAPIDS IOWA IN MEMORIAM These to his memory. May the age arriving, As ours recall That bravest heart, that gay and gallant striving That laureled pall! Blithe and rare spirit! we who later linger. By bleaker seas. Sigh for the touch of the magician's finger, His golden keys. — Austin Dobson INTRODUCTORY NOTE THE latest or most youthful member of the noble fraternity of collectors needs no introduction to Robert Louis Stevenson. Of all the romancers who have followed in the footsteps of the great Sir Wal- ter, Stevenson is the one most likely to escape obliv- ion. ''By beauty of style, by fertility of invention, and by the firmness of the lines of character, Stevenson in Treasure Island lifted a boy's book into the category of books for all ages. He demonstrated at the same time that romance was not dead, and that even com- mercially beauty might be as profitable as ugliness.'' Having won the heart of the boy, the capture of that of the man followed easily. Adulation ad nauseam has been bestowed on Stevenson by unreasoning admirers; denunciation without measure has been heaped upon him by those who have been maddened by the excesses of his idolaters. But through all these oscillations of unreasoned praise and unmerited blame, the heart of the average man and boy has in- stinctively gone out to the very human personality of R. L. S., and has been moved and thrilled by the gentleness, the sweet persuasiveness, the fire, the cour- age, and the power of his various writings, imagina- tive, critical, and autobiographical. Stevenson's achievements are remarkable in bulk as well as in quality. ''The days of his years were not threescore years and ten, but only forty-four; and [ 5 ] W A L. T E R M . HILL - - CHICAGO almost aii the time he was fighting against physical weakness and disease. It is astonishing that in so short a time, amidst such difficulties, notwithstanding his fastidiousness of taste, he contrived to write the twenty-eight volumes of the Edinburgh edition. They are in every sense his best monument; they en- able us best to understand how the owner of that frail body 'laid him down with a will.' " So, on personal grounds as well as on his merits as a man of letters, Stevenson remains and will long remain one of the most arresting figures in modern English literature. And as such, every line from his pen, every child of his brain will continue to be loved and sought for by those hierophants of letters and custodians of its sacred relics — the collectors of original manuscripts and first editions. Two-thirds of the titles herein offered came from the library of Sir Sidney Colvin who, when retiring some years ago from the position of Keeper of Prints in the British Museum, sold privately a considerable portion of his literary and artistic gatherings. The Stevensoniana in the material thus disposed of was purchased en bloc by Mr. Hill in London in the sum- mer of 1 91 3. As is well known, Sir Sidney Colvin was the lifelong friend of Stevenson, and the trusted adviser to whom Stevenson often turned for counsel in many things both personal and literary. The books, manuscripts, letters, and other pieces of Stev- ensoniana which he possessed came to him in the natural course of this intimacy, a fact which must always surround them with a special element of at- traction and associational interest. Many of them [ 6 ] INTRODUCTORY NOTE here make their first appearance in the book world; this is, so to say, their bibliographical debut. Historically and literally the catalogue will, it is thought, be a genuine contribution to Stevensonian bibliography, and it should take an honorable place beside the standard works of Col. Prideaux and the catalogues of the Williamson and Widener collec- tions. The quality of uniqueness attaches to a score of the books and manuscripts listed. Their acquisi- tion would enrich the finest of existing collections without exception. The collector who has only just begun to form his collection or the one who has an already established gathering of ^'Stevensons" will alike find here unmatchable copies of the more com- mon titles or the great rarities, proof issues, associa- tion and presentation copies, rough drafts and finish- ed compositions in Tusitala's own handwriting. No attempt need be made here to recapitulate the names of all the gems and nuggets offered in the en- suing pages. They there speak for themselves, they tell their own story to the discerning eye and the ex- perienced intelligence. One alone may be singled out for Dibdinesque eulogy. That is, of course, the proof-copy, corrected and revised in Stevenson's own hand. The Beach of Falesd. Nowhere may its like be found. What collection has a printed Stevenson surpassing it in bibliographical, associational, or ro- mantic interest? It is a crown jewel, a Koh-i-nur among Stevensoniana, a prize that the monarchs of the book world might fittingly strive for in regal com- petition. Readers of the Vailima Letters will remember The [ 7 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Beach as one of Stevenson's favorites among his writings. The origin and progress of the story from his first conception of it until its final publication in book form may readily be followed in the pages of his delightful correspondence. "The idea of it," he says, "just shot through me like a bullet in one of my moments of awe, alone in that tragic jungle." The Letters reveal what infinite pains he took in its com- position and writing, how often he rewrote or revised large sections of the story, how it haunted his im- agination, and with what confidence he felt it to be one of the best things he had ever done. This won- derful proof-copy shows with what painstaking care he hovered over each word and toiled over the mi- nutest punctuation mark right up to the moment it left his hands in far-away Samoa and w^ent on its way to London to Colvin and its final printing. The little brochure entitled Unique (No. 95) gives a complete descriptive list of the hundred or more changes made by Stevenson in the proof of The Beach. The curious in such things will find it a de- lightful occupation to compare them with the cor- rected text of the story as it appears in Island Nights' Entertainynents. Such an exercise will bring them very close to the author's charming personality. All present signs point to the continued popularity of Stevenson in the world of book collecting. In spite of the disturbed conditions arising out of the Great War, there has been no appreciable falling ofif in the demand for really desirable Stevensoniana. If anything, there has been during the past tAvo years, increased competition with steadily rising prices for [ 8 ] INTRODUCTORY NOTE fine association or presentation copies of Stevenson's books and for his autograph letters and other original manuscripts. This catalogue now goes out to collectors in the hope that numerous collections may be strengthened through the addition of many of its treasures; and the bookseller takes a pardonable pride in having had under his hand so rich a series of memorials of a favorite author and in offering so splendid a nucleus for a great library of Stevensoniana. This introductory note may fittingly close with a quotation from that statesman and booklover, Augus- tine Birrell, who has so often written fine things about fine books: ''Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one. Each volume then, however lightly a stranger's eye may roam from shelf to shelf, has its own individuality, a history of its own. You remem- ber where you got it, and how much you gave for it; and your word may safely be taken for the first of these facts, but not for the second. The man who has a library of his own collection is able to contemplate himself objectively, and is justified in believing in his own existence. No other man but he would have made precisely such a combination as his. Had he been in any single respect different from what he is, his library, as it exists, never would have existed. Therefore, surely he may exclaim, as in the gloam- ing he contemplates the backs of his loved ones, 'They are mine, and I am theirs.'" [ 9 ] The Pentland Rising THE PENTLAND RISING. A Page of History. 1666. ^A cloud of witnesses ly here, Who for Christ's interest did appear.' Inscription on Battle- field at Rullion Green. Edinburgh: Andrew El- liot, 17 Princes Street. 1866. $100.00 First Edition. 8vo, pp. 22. Original green paper wrappers. Widener, No. i ; Prideaux, No. i, p. 112; Williamson, No. i. Stevenson's first publication. "I was at Heriot Row in 1866 from the 29th October to 23rd November, and Louis was busy altering the Pentland Rising then to please his father. He had made a story of it, and by so doing, had, in his father's opinion, spoiled it. It was printed not long after in a small edition, and Mr. Stevenson very soon bought all the copies in, as far as was possible." — Miss Jane Balfour. The Charity Bazaar THE CHARITY BAZAAR: An Allegorical Dia- logue, [n. d. (1868)]. $150.00 The First Edition. 4to, pp. 4. With silk wrapper and full levant pull-off case. Printed on ribbed paper. Signed on p. 4 with the Author's initials in his autograph. Widener, No. 2; Prideaux, No. 2, p. 113; Williamson, No. 2. The Charity Bazaar consists of a humorous dialogue, the "per- sons" being "The Ingenious Public," "His Wife," and "The Tout." [ II ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 3 A MEDLEY. Contributed for the Benefit of the Gentlewomen's Association. November, MDCCC- XCIX. $2.50 The First Edition. Small 4to, pp. 102. Original crimson buckram boards with white vellum back, uncut. Frontispiece by Walter Crane. Widener, No. 3; Prideaux, No. 15, p. 146. Comprising Papers, Poems, etc., written with few exceptions by their respective authors for this volume, including The Charity Bazaar, by R. L. Stevenson, and other contributions by Canon Rawnsley, Allan Monkhouse, etc. The Edinburgh University Magazine 4 THE EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY MAGA- ZINE. 1871. $150.00 Numbers I-IV (all published), January to April, 1871 ; published by E. & S. Livingston, 57 South Bridge, Edinburgh. 8vo. The four numbers complete in the original paper wrappers. Stevenson's contributions will be found as follows: No. I. College Papers, No. i. Edinburgh Students in 1824. No. n. College Papers, No. 2. The Modern Student Con- sidered Generally. The Philosophy of Umbrellas. No. ni. College Papers, No. 3. Debating Societies. An Old Scotch Gardener. No. IV. The Philosophy of Nomenclature. Widener, No. 4; Prideaux, Nos. 1-6, pp. 153, 154; Williamson, No. 3. The Thermal Influence of Forests 5 ON THE THERMAL INFLUENCE OF FOR- ESTS. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Esq. From the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, [ 12 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Vol. VIII., 1872-73. Edinburgh: Printed by Neill and Company. MDCCCLXXIII. $30.00 Second separate impression. 8vo, pp. 14. Original blue cover as issued. Widener, No. 7; Prideaux, No. 4, p. 115; Williamson, No. 5. Exceedingly rare, only a very small number were privately printed for distribution among close friends. Review of ''Lord Lytton's Fables in Song" 6 REVIEW^ OF ''LORD LYTTON'S FABLES IN SONG" (the original Article from "Fortnightly Review") 1873; Proofs (on two sheets large 4to), of Article in "The Book Buyer" describing the set of his works presented by Stevenson to Dr. Trudeau, with the full set of the "Nonsense dedications" ; "The Character of Dogs," the original article from "Eng- lish Illustrated Magazine." 1884. "Extra" Sup- plement to the "Samoa Times," on the Death of Stevenson. Apparently a "proof," on one sheet 4to, printed on one side only. $2.50 Prideaux, No. 11, p. 157. A Magnificent Literary Letter 7 A MOST IMPORTANT and lengthy A. L. S. to Sir Sidney Colvin, written on monogrammed paper. 6 pp., 8vo. Swanston. (June or July, 1874). Signed in full. $200.00 Respecting a scheme, afterwards abandoned, for a collected volume of "Essays on the Enjoyment of the World," and includ- ing a draft of the suggested title for same; also concerning a tract he proposed writing anonymously addressed to the clergy of Scotland; and as to his "fables." "What is new with you? There is nothing new with me: [ 13 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Knox and his females begin to get out of restraint altogether; the subject expands so damnably, I know not where to cut it ofiF. I have another paper for the Ptfl. [Portfolio] on the stocks: a sequel to the two others; also, that is to say, a word in season as to aesthetic contentment and a hint to the careless to look around them for disregarded pleasures. Seeley wrote to me asking me *to propose' something: I suppose he means — well, I suppose I don't know what he means. But I shall write to him . . . say- ing that my writing is more a matter of God's disposition than of man's proposal. . . Twelve or twent\^ such essays, some of them mainly ethical and expository, put together in a little book with narrow print in each page, antique, vine leaves about, and the following title: XII (OR XX) ESSAYS ON THE ENJOYMENT OF THE WORLD By Robert Louis Stevenson (A motto in italics) Publisher. Place and date. "Of course the page is here foreshortened but you know the class of old book I have in my head. I smack my lips; would it not be nice! I am going to launch on Scotch ecclesiastical affairs, in a tract addressed to the Clerg\': in which doctrinal matters being laid aside, I contend simply that they should be just and dignified men at a certain crisis: this for the honour of humanity. Its authorship must, of course, be secret or the publication would be useless. You shall have a copy, of course, and may God help you to understand it. *T have done no more to my fables. I find I must let things take their time. I am constant to my schemes; but I must work at them fitfully as the humour moves." Colvin in his new and enlarged edition of his Letters of Steven- son publishes this letter and makes the following comment thereon : "Of the projects here mentioned, that of the little book of es- says on the enjoyment of the world never took shape, nor were those contributions towards it which he printed in the Portfolio [ 14 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON ever re-published until after the writer's death. The Appeal to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland was printed in 1874, pub- lished as a pamphlet in February, 1875, and attracted, I believe, no attention whatever. The 'fables' must have been some of the earliest numbers of the series continued at odd times till near the date of his death and published posthumously; I do not know which, but should guess. The House of Eld, Yellow Paint, and perhaps those in the vein of Celtic mystery, The Touchstone, The Poor Thing, The Song of To-morrow." An Inland Voyage 8 AN INLAND VOYAGE. By Robert Louis Stev- enson. "Thus sang they in the English boat." Mar- vell. (Publishers' device). London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., I, Paternoster Square. 1878. $70.00 First edition, crown 8vo. Original pictorial cloth, uncut. Frontispiece by Walter Crane. Widener, No. 10; Prideaux, No. i, p. 3; Williamson, No. 7. The First Edition of Stevenson's first book. Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes 9 EDINBURGH: PICTURESQUE NOTES. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of "An Inland Voy- age." With Etchings by A. Brunet-Debaines. From Drawings by S. Bough, R. S. A., and W. E. Lockhart, R. S. A. And Vignettes by Hector Chal- mers and R. Kent Thomas. Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, 54 Fleet Street. London. MDCCC- LXXIX. $75.00 First Edition, folio, 39 pp. Original ornamental blue cloth, gilt edges. There are six full- page etchings by Alfred Brunet-Debaines and tw^elve vignettes. Widener, No. 1 1 ; Prideaux, No. 2, p. 5 ; Williamson, No. 9. [ 15 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 10 EDINBURGH PICTURESQUE NOTES by Robert Louis Stevenson. Author of An Inland Voy- age, Treasure Island, Etc. New Edition. (Woodcut view of Princes Street, Edinburgh). London: See- ley & Co., Essex Street, Strand. 1889. $3.00 New Edition, small 8vo. Original red cloth boards, leather back, gilt top, uncut. With illustrations. Widener, No. 12; not in Prideaux; Williamson, No. 66. Travels with a Donkey 11 TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY IN THE CE- VENNES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Pub- lishers' device). London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., i Paternoster Square. 1879. $75.00 First edition, crown 8vo. Original cloth, uncut. Frontispiece by Walter Crane. Widener, No. 14; Prideaux, No. 3, p. 7; Williamson, No. 8. iia TRAVELS WITH A DONKEY IN THE CE- VENNES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Pub- lishers' device). London, C. Kegan Paul & Co., i Paternoster Square, 1879. $175.00 The First Edition. Post Svo. Original dark green cloth boards, uncut. Presentation copy from the Author's Mother with inscription "M. S. Stevenson with much love from M. I. Stevenson June 1879," in her autograph. [ 16 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON The Story of a Lie 12 THE STORY OF A LIE. By Robert Louis Stev- enson. London: Hayley & Jackson, Little Queen St., W. C. 1882. $100.00 The First Edition in book form, known as the copyright issue. 8vo, pp. 80. Original sheets, sewn, uncut. Widener, No. 16; Prideaux, No. 6, p. 15; Williamson, No. 29. Not mentioned by Mr. Slater in his most useful book. Early Editions. Priced in a London Catalogue £21-10-0 ($107.50). ^'The Story of a Lie is one of the most uncommon of Steven- son's pieces. The book was prepared for publication in 1882, but was withdrawn at the last moment, and the entire impression de- stroyed. Very few sets of the sheets were preserved." The foregoing is the note appended by Mr. Wise to his entry of the book in the catalogue of his own library of bibliophilists' rarities. Extremely rare. The Story of a Lie was prepared for issue in 1882, but, in consequence of a dispute which arose with the pro- posed publishers upon the question of Copyright, the project was abandoned, and the book withdrawn before publication. The work was never ''made up," and the few copies that have sur- vived are merely such sets of the sheets as chanced to have been preserved by the publishers and printers. — Prideaux's Bibliogra- phy of R. L. S. 13 THE STORY OF A LIE AND OTHER TALES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Boston: Herbert B. Turner & Co., 1904. $1.25 Crown 8vo. Cloth, gilt top, uncut and unopened. [ 17 ] WA LT E R M. HILL CHICAGO 38 DEACON BRODIE, OR [act the road to silence now. Let them once get tattling in their parlours, and it 's death to me. For I 'm in a cruel corner now. I 'm down, and I shall get my kicking soon and soon enough. I began it in the lust of life, in a hey-day of mystery and adventure. I felt it great to be a bolder, craftier rogue than the drowsy citizen that called himself my fellow-man. It was meat p . and drink to know him in the hollow of my hand, r-^^Tp* • '^ hoarding that I and mine might squander, pinching that we might wax fat. It was in the laughter of my heart that I tip-toed into his greasy privacy. I forced the strong-box at his ear while he sprawled beside his wife. He was my butt, my ape, my jumping-jack. — And now O fool, fool ! Duped by such knaves as are a shame to knavery, crime's rabble, hell's tatterdemalions ! Shorn to the quick ! Rooked to my vitals ! And I must tliieve for my daily bread like any crawling black- guard in the gutter, ^^nd my sister — there 's where it pricks ! It wouldn't greatly matter if she were no better than myself But nOf^MHHhiiS not she \ And yet — and yet— if we were all a bit alike — why, there's what I would call a family. She would be just as happy — look at me ! And one more light w qiH ^ — ^ ^^ iJ O BRODIE, MARY. ~^!^^ **^ UhK^ {tapping without). U.y&^l'Jl^ . Can I come in. Will ? ?CU"J'0..wv^^>-" lv4^ BRODIE. 1—^-^ O yes, come in— come in ! (Mary enters,) I wanted v*c^H)-W ^Q ^g quiet, but it doesn't matter, I see. You women tJjAjr^LAJLS are all the same. O no, Will, they 're not all so happy, and they *re not VX^ CtAAA,c^ all Brodies. But I '11 be a wom^n in one thing. For I've ^feZTi^t;:^ Facsimile page from No. 14 WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Deacon Brodie 14 DEACON BRODIE, OR, THE DOUBLE LIFE. A Melodrama, Founded on Facts in Four Acts and Ten Tableaux. By Robert Louis Stevenson and William Ernest Henley. MDCCCLXXX. En- tered at Stationers' Hall. All Rights Reserved. $700.00 First Edition. 8vo, pp. 98. Original printed paper covers. Widener, No. 17; Prideaux, No. 4, p. 8; Williamson, No. 62. A most interesting Stevenson association number, since it con- tains numerous important manuscript changes, corrections, and marginalia in Stevenson's handwriting. Accompanying this copy are some duplicate sheets which also contain manuscript changes and corrections. 15 DEACON BRODIE, OR THE DOUBLE LIFE: A Melodrama, Founded on Facts in Four Acts and Ten Tableaux. By Robert Louis Stevenson and William Ernest Henley. MDCCCLXXX. En- tered at Stationers' Hall. All Rights Reserved. $100.00 Earliest Printed Edition (wanting pp. 3-6, being Act I, Scene I and commencement of Scene 2). Small 8vo. Original printed paper covers. Mr. Henley's copy, with his autograph signature on cover. 16 DEACON BRODIE OR THE DOUBLE LIFE. A Melodrama in Five Acts and Eight Tableaux. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Steven- son. Edinburgh University Press: T. and A. Con- [ 19 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO stable. Printers to her Majesty. MDCCCLXXX- VIII. $200.00 Revised edition. First edition with the revised text. Crown 8vo, pp. 88. Original cream colored stiff paper wrappers, uncut, in a full le- vant pull-off case by Riviere. The front cover is lettered: *'No. To be returned to W. E. Henley, i Merton Place, Chiswick, London W." (Printer's ornament). Deacon Brodie or The Double Life. For Private Circulation Only. Widener, No. 18; Prideaux, p. 9; Williamson, No. 62. This Edition was printed in a very small impression, merely to secure copyright. ViRGINIBUS PUERISQUE 17 VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE. And Other Pa- pers. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London: C. Kegan Paul & Co., i, Pater- noster Square, 1881. $60.00 First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original orange-colored cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. 22; Prideaux, No. 5, p. 11; Williamson, No. 13. Dedicated to W. E. Henley. Exceptionally fine copy, now very scarce. 18 VIRGINIBUS PUERISQUE AND OTHER PAPERS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. With twelve Illustrations in Color after Designs by Nor- man Wilkinson. London: Published for the Flor- ence Press by Chatto & Windus, 1910. $15.00 The First Edition. Large 8vo. Boards, cloth backs, paper labels, gilt top, uncut. With 12 Il- lustrations in color after designs by Norman Wilkinson. Beautifully printed by the Florence Press. Of this edition [ 20 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON printed on Aldwych handmade paper, 250 copies have been print- ed of which 235 are for sale. To F. J. S. WITH THE Original MS. i8a TO F. J. S. Davos, April 3, 1881. $1,150.00 The First Edition. 8vo, pp. i. A leaflet of one 8vo. page, on which is printed a poem of four stanzas of four lines each. It is signed at the end, **R. L. S." In line 3, stanza 2, Stevenson has corrected with ink the word "full" to "fill." The poem was written in memory of F. A. Sitwell, and is addressed to his mother. Only a few copies were printed. With this is the original manuscript on one page folio, the manuscript being beautifully preserved with a specially written title page, etc., folio, full morocco extra, with an extra cloth case by Sangorski and Sutclif^e. Widener, No. 24; Prideaux, No. 7, p. 118; Williamson, No. 22. Familiar Studies of Men and Books 19 FAMILIAR STUDIES OF MEN AND BOOKS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1882. $25.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original sage green cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. 25; Prideaux, No. 7, p. 15; Williamson, No. 27. 20 FAMILIAR STUDIES OF MEN AND BOOKS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1882. $9.00 The Large Paper Edition. 4to. Original white buckram boards, uncut. Printed on handmade paper. Only 100 Copies of this Large Paper Edition have been printed. Widener, No. 26; Prideaux, p. 17. [ 21 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO New Arabian Nights 21 NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). In Two Vol- umes. Vol. I (Vol. II). London: Chatto & Win- dus, Piccadilly, 1882. (The right of translation is reserved.) $150.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original sage-green cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. 27; Prideaux, No. 8, p. 17; Williamson, No. 28. "He never wrote anything more consummate in their kind than the New Arabian Nights.'' — Wm. Archer. 22 NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). In Two Vol- umes. Vol. I (Vol. II). London: Chatto & Win- dus, Piccadilly, 1882. $15.00 Second Edition. Crown 8vo. Original sage-green cloth boards, uncut. Prideaux, p. 18. The note on p. (ix) which runs as follows: "I must prefix a word of thanks to the gentleman who condescended to borrow the gist of one of my stories and even to honour it with the ad- dition of his signature. This mark of appreciation emboldened me to make the present collection. — R. L. S." This note will be found in the first and second editions of New Arabian Nights which were published in two volumes. — Prideaux. 23 THE SUICIDE CLUB AND THE RAJAH'S DIAMOND. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Pub- lishers' device). A New Edition. With 8 illustra- tions by W. J. Hennessy. London: Chatto & Win- dus, 1897. $2.50 Crown 8vo. Original blue cloth boards, uncut. Illustrated. [ 22 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Black Canyon 24 NOTICE TODAY IS PUBLISHED by S. L. Os- bourne & Co. Illustrated. Black Canyon, or Wild Adventures in the Far West. An Instructive and amusing Tale written by Samuel Lloyd Osbourne. Price 6d. Opinions of the Press: Although Black Canyon is rather shorter than ordinary for that kind of a story, it is an excellent work. We cordially recommend it to our readers. — Weekly Messenger. S. L. Osbourne's New Work (Black Canyon) is splendidly illustrated, in the story, the characters are bold and striking. It reflects the highest honor on its writer. — Morning Call. A very remarkable work. Every page produces an effect. The end is as singular as the beginning. I never saw such a work before. — R. L. Stevenson. Davos-Platz, [n. d. (1882)]. $60.00 The First Edition. A single i2mo sheet. Widener, No. 31; Prideaux, p. 118; Williamson, No. 14. Extremely rare. Moral Emblems 25 (Cut ^^A Peak in Darien"). STEVENSON'S MORAL EMBLEMS. Edition de Luxe: 5 full- page Illustrations. Price 9 Pence. The above spec- imen cut, illustrates a new departure in the business of Osbourne & Co. Wood engraving, designed and executed by Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson and printed under the Personal supervision of Mr. Osbourne, [23 ] WA LT E R M. HILL CHICAGO now form a branch ot (sic) their business. Davos- Platz, [n. d. (1882)]. $60.00 The First Edition. A single i2mo sheet with the above printed on the recto, with woodcut at top. Widener, No. 35; Prideaux, p. 121; Williamson, No. 16. Extremely scarce and difficult to find. Stevenson's Koral Emblaais* Edition de Luxe: 5 full-page Illustrations. Price 9 PENCE. The atoTe speciman cut, illustrates a new departure in the busiiieea of OSBOUBNE A Co, Wood engraving, designed and executed ty Mr. & Mrs. Stevenson and printed tinder the PERSONAL supenrision of Mr. Osbourne, now form a branch ot their business. See No. 25 [ 24 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON 26 ADVERTISEMENT of '^Stevenson's Moral Em- blems. Edition de Luxe." Printed at the Davos- Platz Press, "under the personal supervision of Mr. Osbourne." (n. d.). $200.00 First edition. i2mo, i sheet. From the Collection of Sir Sidney Colvin, who said that it is "almost unique." 27 MORAL EMBLEMS. A Collection of Cuts and Verses. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Author of The Blue Scalper, Travels with a Donkey, Treasure Island, Not I, etc. Printers: S. L. Osbourne & Com- pany. Davos-Platz. [n. d. (1882)]. $185.00 The First Edition. 24mo, pp. 12. Sewed, as issued. On the verso of each plate is a cut. An especially interesting copy, having on title page in Steven- son's writing the word "Reserved." Widener, 34; Prideaux, No. 10, p. 120; Williamson, No. 17. 28 MORAL EMBLEMS. A Second Collection of Cuts and Verses. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Au- thor of Latter-day Arabian Nights. Travels with a Donkey, Not I, etc. Printers: S. L. Osbourne & Company. Davos-Platz. [n. d. (1882)]. $175.00 The First Edition. 24mo, pp. 12. Sewed, as issued. With a crude woodcut occupying the verso, and verses on the recto of each leaf. Widener, No. 36; Prideaux, No. 11, p. 121 ; Williamson, No. 19. These Davos-Platz pamphlets are among the rarest of the Au- thor's productions. Only a very small number were issued, and [ 25 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO these only for the Author's own amusement to distribute among his friends. The first mention of these trifles occurs in a letter from Stevenson to Henley, dated from Davos, March, 1882, in which Stevenson writes: "Now that I illustrate my own books I can always offer you a situation in our house — S. L. Osbourne and Co. As an Author gets a halfpenny a copy of verses, and an artist a penny a cut, perhaps a proof-reader might get several pounds a year." 29 (FLEURON). Today is published by S. L. Os- bourne & Co., A Second Collection of Moral Em- blems. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Edition de Luxe, tall paper, (extra fine), first impression. Price 10 pence. Popular Edition, for the Million, small paper, cuts slightly worn, a great bargain, 8 pence. Notice!!! A literary curiosity. Part of the M. S. of 'Black Canyon.' Price is. 6d. Apply to Samuel Osbourne & Co., Buol Chalet (Villa Stein) . Davos. (Shield of Arms of Scotland). [Davos-Platz, n. d. (1882)]. $50.00 The First Edition. A single i2mo leaflet, with above printed on the recto. Widener, No. 37; Prideaux, p. 122; Williamson, No. 18. The Graver and the Pen 30 THE GRAVER & THE PEN, or Scenes from Na- ture with Appropriate Verses by Robert Louis Stev- enson author of 'The New Arabian Nights,' 'Moral Emblems,' 'Not I,' 'Treasure Island,' etc. Illustrat- ed. Edinburgh, S. L. Osbourne & Company, No. 17 Heriot Row. (It was only by the kindness of Mr. Crerar of Kingussie that we are able to issue [26 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON this little work — having allowed us to print with his own press when ours was broken). $175.00 The First Edition, Published in 1882. i6mo, pp. 24. Original gray paper wrappers, with title, The Graver ^ The Pen, printed in red ink on the front cover. With five illustrations. Widener, No. 43; Prideaux, No. 14, p. 123; Williamson, No. 25. JOB PRINTERS. As our Printiug-Press was broken recently, we were unable to do any printing at all. But we have the Pre€S meiided now so that we shall be able to do almost every kind of Job Printing. UNSOUCITEO TESTrMOHIALS* T. Sterenson Esq. RR.G.S. RdE Clark. It is $ifine and heautifully finished piece of printing. S.L.OSBOUENE&Com< pany print very well. Pirogrammes, tickets, letter-heads, address or business cards, Small circulars^ etc. will be printed at the shortest notice. Apply to S. L. OSBOITRNE & COMPANY, The CHALET. (BUOL.) DAVOS-PIATZ See No. 31 Davos-Platz Advertisement Job Printing 31 S. L. OSBOURNE & CO. JOB PRINTERS. As our Printing-Press was broken recently, we were un- [ 27 ] WA LT E R M. HILL CHICAGO able to do any printing at all. But we have the Press mended now so that we shall be able to do al- most every kind of Job Printing. Unsolicited Tes- timonials. T. Stevenson Esq. F. R. G. S. It is a fine and beautifully finished piece of printing. R. & R. Clark. S. L. Osbourne & Company print very well. (Hand) Programmes, tickets, letter-heads, address or business cards, Small circulars, etc., will be printed at the shortest notice. Apply to — S. L. Osbourne & Company, The Chalet. (BuoL). [Da- vos-Platz, n. d.]. $60.00 The First Edition. A single i2mo, leaflet, with above printed on the recto. See No. 32 Two Proof Illustrations of Woodcuts 32 TWO PROOF ILLUSTRATIONS OF WOOD- CUTS. One of two figures and a tree, and the other [ 28 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON of one figure and a boat, etc. Printed at Davos- Platz, n. d. $60.00 Probably unique. See No. 32 Original Pen and Pencil Drawn Map ORIGINAL PEN AND PENCIL DRAWN MAP, with MS. descriptions of Military Operations for the Army of tin Soldiers, employed during the Kriegspiel games played between Stevenson and his step-son Mr. Lloyd Osbourne. (188-). $500.00 The First Edition. See Widener Catalogue, No. 40, or Prideaux, p. 122, for "A Mar- tial Elegy for Some Dead Soldiers," the first two lines of which are: *'For certain soldiers lately dead Our reverent dirge shall here be said." This amusement begun at Davos was often revived, even in the latter days of Samoa; and was quite as earnestly played as if even Von Moltke were expected to criticise it. The Silverado Squatters THE SILVERADO SQUATTERS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London: [ 29 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, 1883. (All rights re- served). $16.00 First edition, first issue, crown 8vo. Original sage-green cloth boards. Frontispiece. Widener, No. 49; Prideaux, No. 9, p. 23; Williamson, No. 31. The Child's Garden of Verses 35 ^'LOOKING GLASS RIVER," (the Original MS. with two Unpublished Verses) ; and '^Armies in the Fire," (the original MS. containing three of the five Original Verses, and one Unpublished Verse). Both these poems were written for The Child's Garden of Verses. In addition there is a third poem of four verses, commencing: ''Light foot and tight foot And green grass spread Early in the Morning But hope is on ahead." These do not seem to have been published, and on the reverse are some ''poems in the making." All in Stevenson's autograph on 3 sheets, two on 4to and one foolscap folio. Neatly mounted and bound by Riviere in full dark green levant morocco, gilt edges. $1,500.00 36 A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES By Rob- ert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London Longmans, Green, and Co. 1885. All rights re- served. $40.00 The First Published Edition. i2mo, pp. 104. Original peacock-blue cloth boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 51; Prideaux, No. 14, p. 33; Williamson, No. 37. [ 30 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON 37 A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. London : John Lane, The Bodley Head. New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896. Copyright 1895, by Charles Scribner's Sons. $5.00 First illustrated Edition. Crown 8vo. Original green pictorial gilt cloth boards, uncut and unopened. Widener, No. 53 ; Prideaux, p. 37. "They look ghastly in the cold light of print; but there is something nice in the little ragged regiment after all; the black- guards seem to me to smile; to have a kind of childish, treble note that sounds in my ears freshly; no song, if you will, but a child's voice." — R. L. S. to Edmund Gosse. 38 A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Charles Robinson. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1896. Copyright 1895, by Charles Scribner's Sons. $10.00 The First Illustrated Edition. Large Paper. 8vo. Original red buckram boards, paper label, gilt top, uncut. I of 150 copies printed on Japanese vellum. Presentation copy from the publisher to Sidney Colvin, with in- scription on fly-leaf: "Sidney Colvin, Esq. With kind regards from John Lane." Widener, No. 53 ; Prideaux, p. 38. These copies were bound in uniform style with the Edinburgh Edition of The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, with the cloth covers of the ordinary edition employed as end leaves. 39 A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES. Robert Louis Stevenson. With Illustrations by Jessie Will- cox Smith. Longmans, Green, and Co. London [ 31 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Charles Scribner's Sons New York. MCMV. $2.00 4to. Original blue cloth boards, pictorial front cover, gilt top, uncut. With full-page colored plates and a large number of cuts. Sure to win the enthusiastic approval of all young people. 40 A CHILD'S GARLAND OF SONGS Gathered from A Child's Garden of Verses. By Robert Louis Stevenson And Set to Music by C. Villiers Stanford, Op. 30. London: Longmans, Green, & Co., and New York: 15 East i6th Street. 1892. All Rights Reserved. $2.50 Thin 4to. Original decorated bright red cloth boards, yellow^ edges. Widener, No. 55 ; Prideaux, p. 37. 41 Both Notations. R. L. Stevenson's SONGS FOR CHILDREN. Set to Music by Edith Swepstone. London: J. Curwen & Sons, 8 & 9 Warwick Lane, E. C. Copyright, U. S. A., 1897, By J. Curwen & Sons. Price One Shilling. $2.50 Music folio. Pictorial paper cover. Eight pretty head-pieces by Mildred Einra. Treasure Island 42 TREASURE ISLAND. By Robert Louis Steven- son. (Ornamental line). Cassell & Company, Lim- ited: London, Paris & New York. (All Rights Re- served.) 1883. $30.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original blue cloth boards. From Sidney Colvin's Library with his name written on the half title in his autograph. Widener, No. 57; Prideaux, No. 11, pp. 25; Williamson, No. 32. [ 32 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON *'Its reception reads like a fairy tale. Statesmen and judges and all sorts of staid and sober men became boys once more, sit- ting up long after bedtime to read their new book. The story goes that Mr. Gladstone got a glimpse of it at a colleague's house, and spent the next day hunting over London for a second hand copy." — Life i. 211. Across the Plains 43 LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE. July and August, 1883. $5.00 Two numbers, 8vo. Original wrappers. Widener, No. 59; Prideaux, No. 76, p. 173. Across the Plains, by Stevenson, will be found on pp. 285-304 (July) and 372-386 (August). 44 ACROSS THE PLAINS WITH OTHER MEM- ORIES AND ESSAYS. By Robert Louis Steven- son. (Publishers' device). London : Chatto & Win- dus, Piccadilly, 1892. $6.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram, boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 69; Prideaux, No. 33, p. 74; Williamson, No. 76. 45 ACROSS THE PLAINS WITH OTHER MEM- ORIES AND ESSAYS. By Robert Louis Steven- son. (Publishers' device) . London : Chatto & Win- dus, Piccadilly 1892. $9.00 Large Paper Edition. 4to. Original white buckram boards, untrimmed edges as issued, print- ed on hand-made paper. Widener, No. 61, Prideaux, p. 75. Only 100 copies of this Large Paper Edition have been printed. [ 33 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Admiral Guinea 46 ADMIRAL GUINEA. A Melodrama in Four Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh For Private Circulation Only. 1884. $500.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 64. Original stiff cream-colored stamped paper wrappers, uncut, in full brown levant pull-off case by Riviere. The front cover reads : "No... To be Returned to W. E. Henley, 51 Richmond Gar- dens, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. Admiral Guinea For Private Circulation Only." On the title page is inscribed in Stevenson's autograph : "Sidney Colvin from the Author, 29/10/84," and the cover is initialed: "W. E. H." Widener, No. 63; Prideaux, No. 10, p. 24; Williamson, No. 33. This is one of a very small number printed for copyright pur- poses, and was not published until 1892. 47 ADMIRAL GUINEA. A Melodrama in Four Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh For Private Circulation Only. 1884. $200.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 64. Original stiff-cream colored stamped paper wrappers, uncut. Widener, No. 63; Prideaux, No. 10, p. 24; Williamson, No. 33. Beau Austin, Admiral Guinea, Macaire, Deacon Brodie 48 BEAU AUSTIN : A Play in Four Acts. By Wil- liam Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed By R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. For Private Circulation Only, 1884. [ 34 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON ADMIRAL GUINEA. A Melodrama in Four Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh, For Private Circulation Only. 1884. MACAIRE. A Melodramatic Farce in Three Acts. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Steven- son. Printed by R. & R. Clark, Edinburgh. For Private Circulation Only. 1885. DEACON BRODIE OR THE DOUBLE LIFE. A Melodrama in Five Acts and Eight Tableaux. By William Ernest Henley and Robert Louis Stevenson. Edinburgh University Press: T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty. MDCCCLXXXVIII. $450.00 All First Editions. Crown 8vo. The four plays bound in one volume, in full crimson morocco, gilt edges. The Body Snatcher 49 Price Sixpence. Pall Mall Christmas "Extra" R. Louis Stevenson's The Body Snatcher. (Illustra- tions) Twenty Guinea Prizes. For Particulars See Contents. Office, 2 Northumberland Street, Strand, London, W. C. 1884. All rights reserved. $30.00 First of all Editions. Extracted from the Pall Mall Christmas Number. Stevenson's story occupies pp. 3-13. Crown 8vo. Front cover, original orange-colored paper wrapper, with cut and title-page as above. With tw^o slight corrections by Robert Louis Stevenson in the text. Widener, No. 66; Prideaux, No. i, p. 131; Williamson, No. 12. ^^The Body Snatcher was written in June, i88i, at Kinnaird [ 35 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Cottage, Pittochry, and was originally intended to form one of a series of tales of terror, or as Stevenson called them, 'crawlers,' which had been planned in collaboration with Mrs. Stevenson, and were to be brought out under the title of The Black Man and Other Tales.'' — Prideaux. Prince Otto 50 PRINCE OTTO A Romance. By Robert Louis Stevenson (Publishers' device). London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly 1885 (The Right of Trans- lation is reserved). $50.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original sage-green cloth, uncut as issued. Widener, No. 67; Prideaux, No. 13, p. 30. Good clean copy, now extremely difficult to secure. Perhaps on no product of his genius did Stevenson bestow more criticism than upon Prince Otto. "It is queer, and a little, little bit free, and some of the parties are immoral — and the whole thing is not a romance, nor yet a comedy: nor yet a romantic comedy, but a kind of preparation of some of the Elements of all three in a glass jar." — Letters I, 270. 51 R. L. STEVENSON LE ROMAN DU PRINCE OTHON Traduit de L' Anglais par Egerton Castle. London John Lane The Bodley Head 1896. $8.00 The First French Translation. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. With etched frontispiece. Widener, No. 68 ; Prideaux, p. 32. More New Arabian Nights 52 MORE NEW ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Dyna- miter. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London [ 36 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Longmans, Green, and Co. 1885. All rights re- served. $4.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Half calf, gilt top, uncut with the original pale green wrappers bound in. Widener, No. 75; Prideaux, No. 15, p. 38; Williamson, No. 38. Original Autograph Manuscripts of Five Imaginary Dispatches 53 THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANU- SCRIPTS OF FIVE IMAGINARY DIS- PATCHES, written in a humorous style, and con- tained on 5J4 PP-) 4to, circa 1885. Handsomely bound together with a decorative title-page and full transcripts of all the Dispatches, in full red levant, lettered on side and front, by Messrs. Sangorski and Sutclifife. $500.00 A most delightful volume, containing five highly-amusing Imag- inary Dispatches, a tribute to Stevenson's never failing fund of humor, for they were written at a period when, according to one biographer, he "lived the life of an invalid, vainly seeking relief by change of place." The dispatches purport to come from H. M. Stanley in Leo- poldville. The King of the Cannibal Islands, The American Pirates' Trade Union, and others. A few extracts will show their extreme interest and originality : From H. M. Stanley, Leopoldville : ". . . . The river preserves are in a flourishing condition; never has the number of crocodiles seemed so great, and the water- boas leave nothing to be desired — except flight, and I may safely say that the forests are doing quite as well. In fact we have been forced to appoint an aged gorilla to the post of Inspector of Woods and Forests, as our own men never turn up. ... I have tried my best to carry out the Great Scheme of a native Parliament, but [ 37 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO as every M. P. has perished in the attempt to reach us, I am afraid we must give it up at present. . . . The right honourable representative of East Soudan has arrived after a five years' jour- ney, but as we have had several General Elections since then, I don't know whether he is an M. P. now." Etc. Banzaboo, Cannibal Islands: '*.... Six months ago we were expecting a batch of mis- sionaries sent out to convert us to Civilization. They succeeded admirably; w^e were soon able to prefer the morning cocktail to the old-fashioned mint julep. ... A month after the generous strangers had departed down our throats, a new ship hove in sight." Etc., etc. The American Pirates' Trade Union: *A largely-attended meeting of this flourishing and influential association was held last night. Mr. H. . . . in the Chair. . . . 'Ladies and Gentlemen, The liberties of our land are being inter- fered w^ith. The Greedy Britisher, envious of our cuteness, wishes to secure our birthright ... he says, in a disgusting and insult- ing manner, that if we want books we must pay for 'em.' . . . The Chairman, overcome by his feelings and half a dozen cock- tails, then sat down." Etc., etc. Important Stevenson Letter 54 AN EXTRAORDINARY A. L. S. (with two ficti- tious signatures) addressed to his cousin, Robert A. M. Stevenson, 2 pp., folio. (Skerryvore, Bourne- mouth, July, 1886.) $175.00 A very long and extraordinary letter, written in a jocular and very free and easy manner to his cousin, on his attempts at music; also describing a practical joke he had perpetrated and referring to the financial success of his Kidnapped. About this time Stevenson was very much taken up with trying to learn something of the theory and practice of music, and spent much of his time "pickling," as he called it, in an elementary manner on the piano. He even tried his hand in an experimental way at composition, and had sent one of his attempts for criticism [ 38 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON to his cousin, Mr. R. A. M. Stevenson, who was better versed in the art. "There may be hidden fifths, and if there are it shows how dam spontaneous the thing was. I could tinker and tic-tac-toe on a piece of paper, but scorned the fact with a Threnody, which was poured forth like blood and water on the groaning organ. If your heart (which was what I addressed) remained unmoved, let us refer to the affair no more. . . . 'T come to this City to-morrow as ever was; thence to Parrys gilded balls, or vice versa. The mind is in my case shrunk to the size and sp. gr. of an aged Spanish filbert. O I am so jolly silly. I think pickling a pernicious habit: it was perhaps pickling that undermined Donald Dinny of caberous and scaberous mem- ory. . . . All my other works (of which there are many) are either arranged (by R. L. Stevenson) for the manly and melodi- ous forefinger, or else prolonged and melancholy croppers. I find one strange difference of opinion that what is written forte, I am in nine cases out of 12, impelled to play piano; this is an odd in- version of Henley's state; for H. the letter p. exists not; it puzzles me very much, for song the art of the piano shows most in p.p. and above all in p.p. and presto passages. But Henley's instinct is the forte, forte en grande. I find one can get a notion of music very nicely. I have been pickling deeply in the magic flute; and have arranged La dove prende, almost to the end, for two melodi- ous forefingers. I am next going to score the really nobler Col- omba o tortorella for the same instruments. "This day is published The works of Ludwig van Beethoven arranged and wiederdurchgearbeiteted for two melodious forefingers by Sir, Your obedient servant Pimperley Stipple. "I yesterday sent Sam by parcel post at great expense, an empty [ 39 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO match box, an empty cigarette-paper book, a bell from a cat's collar, an iron kitchen spoon, and a piece of coal speeding towards the Silly isles; I hope he will find them useful, By that, and my telegram with prepaid answer to yourself, you may judge of my spiritual state. THE FINANCES HAVE MUCH BRIGHT- ENED, AND IF KIDNAPPED KEEPS ON AS IT HAS BE- GUN, I MAY BE SOLVENT. . . ." UNWIN'S ANNUAL: Markheim 55 UNWIN'S ANNUAL, 1886. The Broken Shaft Tales in Mid-Ocean Edited by Henry Norman ^Whimsies of wantons and stories of dread, To make the stout-hearted look under the bed.' Landor. Lon- don. T. Fisher Unwin 26 Paternoster Square 1886. $7.50 The First Edition. 4to. Original gray-green pictorial paper wrappers. With two illus- trations by Harold Copping. Widener, No. 77; Prideaux, No. 2, p. 132; Williamson, No. 41. This contains a short story, Markheim (pp. 27-40), by Robert Louis Stevenson, with an illustration. Dr. Jekyll AND Mr. Hyde 56 STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE By Robert Louis Stevenson (Publishers' device). London Longmans, Green, and Co. 1886. All rights reserved. $20.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original salmon-colored cloth. Widener, No. 78; Prideaux, No. 17, p. 42; Williamson, No. 42. ''Jekyll is a dreadful thing, I own; but the only thing I feel dreadful about is that damned old business of the war in the mem- bers. This time it came out; I hope it will stay in, in future." — R. L. S. to J. A. Symonds. A copy sold at the Brayton Ives Sale for $25.00. [ 40] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON 56a STRANGE CASE OF DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publish- ers' device). London, Longmans, Green, and Co., 1886. All rights reserved. $350.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original cloth (back cover missing), preserved in a full morocco case w^ith an extra cloth case. With inscription on half title in pencil in the autograph of R. L. Stevenson: "S. L. Osbourne Jan. i, 1886 from the decrepid Au- thor." Widener No. 78; Prideaux, No. 17, p. 42; Williamson, No. 42. From the Lloyd Osbourne sale. Kidnapped 57 KIDNAPPED Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour In the Year 1751: How he was Kidnapped and Cast away; his Sufferings in a Desert Isle; his Journey in the Wild Highlands; his Ac- quaintance with Alan Breck Stewart and other no- torious Highland Jacobites; with all that he Suffered at the hands of his Uncle, Ebenezer Balfour of Shaws, falsely so-called: Written by Himself, and now set forth. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Cassell & Company, Limited: MDCCCLXXXVI. (All Rights Reserved.) $7.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original bright blue cloth boards, uncut. Folding map. Widener, No. 83 ; Prideaux, p. 44 ; Williamson, No. 44. In answer to a straight question Stevenson once said that his favourite among his books was Kidnapped. "I began it partly as a pot-boiler, and suddenly it moved, David and Alan stepped out from the canvas, and I found I was in another world." [ 41 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Some College Memories 58 SOME COLLEGE MEMORIES By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Vignette portrait of Professor Kelland). Edinburgh: Printed for Members of the Univer- sity Union Committee 1886. $40.00 The First Separate Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 18. Original gray paper wrappers, with title reproduced on the front cover, entirely uncut. Widener, No. 85; Prideaux, No. 19, p. 47; Williamson, No. 46. This little volume is of considerable scarcity. Issued in thick gray hand-made paper wrappers, with the title-page reproduced upon the front. The New Amphion 59 MOVIT AMPHION LAPIDES CANENDO. The New Amphion Being the Book of the Edin- burgh University Union Fancy Fair, in which are contained Sundry artistick, instructive, and diverting matters, all now made publick for the first time. (University Press mark). Edinburgh Imprinted at the University Press by T. and A. Constable, Print- ers to Her Majesty the Queen. 1886. $5.00 The First Edition. i6mo. Original ornamental gilt parchment boards, red edges, with the original silk ties. There are sixteen inserted illustrations which are printed on Japanese vellum. Widener, No. 86; Prideaux, No. 3, p. 133; Williamson, No. 45. The Merry Men 60 THE MERRY MEN and Other Tales and Fables. By Robert Louis Stevenson (Publishers' device). [42 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON London Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly 1887 (The right of translation is reserved). $12.50 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original decorated peacock-blue cloth boards. Widener, No. 88 ; Prideaux, No. 20, p. 49 ; Williamson, No. 58. "The Merry Men was always one of his favourites. . . It was, as he puts it, *a fantasia, or vision of the sea,' and was de- signed to express the feeling of the West Coast of Scotland as he conceived it in accordance with the memories of his engineering days, especially the weeks spent upon the island of Earraid." — Life i, 189. Thomas Stevenson, Civil Engineer 61 THOMAS STEVENSON, Civil Engineer By Robert Louis Stevenson 1887 Printed for Private Distribution. $100.00 The First Separate Edition. Small 8vo, pp. 20. Original pale blue paper wrappers, lettered ''Thomas Stevenson. (1818-1887)," within a heavy ruled frame, on front cover. Widener, No. 89; Prideaux, No. 21, p. 50; Williamson, No. 53. Memories and Portraits 62 MEMORIES & PORTRAITS By Robert Louis Stevenson (Publishers' device). London Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly 1887 All Rights Reserved. $8.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 90; Prideaux, No. 22, p. 51; Williamson, No. 51. Underwoods 63 UNDERWOODS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly 1887. $350.00 [ 43 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark green cloth boards, uncut. Inscribed on the front fly-leaf in the Author's Autograph: "Dear Dr. Ruedi, You can read one line in the dedication, and remember, Yours sincerely, R. L. S." Beneath this is the impressed stamp. Dr. C. Ruedi. Widener, No. 92; Prideaux, No. 23, p. 53; Williamson, No. 55. After travels in search of health among the Alpine heights, Davoz-Platz, and the pine-woods of Bournemouth, Stevenson pens a grateful dedication of this volume to those members of the medical profession who have brought him "Comfort and Help," mentioning no fewer than ten of them by name. The one line which he indicates in his inscription runs thus: "To Dr. Karl Ruedi of Davos, the good genius of the English in his frosty mountains." A LowDEN Sabbath Morn 64 A LOWDEN SABBATH MORN. By Robert Louis Stevenson Illustrated by A. S. Boyd. Lon- don Chatto & Windus 1898. $12.50 The First Separate Edition. Square 8vo. Original pictorial gilt cloth, gilt top, uncut. Inscribed on fly-leaf: "To Sidney Colvin Esq. With the kind regards of the Illustrator 31st March 1898. A. S. Boyd." Widener, No. 95 ; Prideaux, p. 57. A Lowden Sabbath Morn appeared first in "The Scottish Church" for April, 1887, then in "Underwoods," Part II, p. 89, etc., 1887. [44] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON TiCONDEROGA 65 TICONDEROGA. By Robert Louis Stevenson Printed for the author by R. & R. Clark Edinburgh 1887. $80.00 The First Published Edition. 4to, pp. 28. Original cream-colored Japanese vellum paper boards, uncut. Widener, No. 96; Prideaux, No. 24, p. 57; Williamson, No. 54. Only fifty copies of this book were printed and were privately distributed in accordance with the Author's instructions. No copies were offered for sale. Papers of Fleeming Jenkin 66 PAPERS LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, &c. By the late Fleeming Jenkin, F.R.S., LL.D. Professor of Engineering in the University of Edinburgh. Ed- ited by Sidney Colvin, M.A., and J. A. Ewing, F.R. S. With a Memoir by Robert Louis Stevenson. In Two Volumes. Vol. I. London Longmans, Green, and Co. and New York: 15 East i6th Street 1887. All rights reserved. $25.00 The First Edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo. Original dark crimson cloth boards, uncut. Illustrations. Widener, No. 100; Prideaux, No. 8, p. 139; Williamson, No. 49. 67 MEMOIRS OF FLEEMING JENKIN By Rob- ert Louis Stevenson. Longmans, Green, and Co. 39 Paternoster Row, London, New York, Bombay, and Calcutta. 191 2. $3.00 The First English Edition in separate form. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Portrait. [ 45 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Speculum Universitatis 68 SPECULUM UNIVERSITATIS Alma Mater's Mirror. Edited by Thomas Spencer Baynes and Lewis Campbell, Professors in the University Saint Andrews. 1887. Printed by T. & A. Constable, at the Edinburgh University Press. 1887. $6.00 The First Edition. Square i2mo. Original ornamental vellum, orange edges, as issued. With eight inserted illustrations. Widener, No. loi ; Prideaux, No. 6, p. 137; Williamson, No. 47. Stevenson's article, The House Beautiful, occupies pp. 3, 4. Voluntaries 69 VOLUNTARIES FOR AN EAST LONDON HOSPITAL By The Earl of Lytton, Bishop of Bedford, E. M. Abdy- Williams, T. Ashe, C. Ches- ton, Mrs. W. K. Clifford, Austin Dobson, Arthur Gaye, A. Egmont Hake, T. Gordon Hake, Mrs. Heckford, W. E. Henley, May Kendall, Andrew Lang, Walter Pollock, F. Mabel Robinson, Edward Rose, Clement Scott, 370, Oxford Street, W. 1887 (All Rights Reserved). $6.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original blue-green cloth boards, gilt top, uncut. Frontispiece. Widener, No. 102; Prideaux, No. 7, p. 138; Williamson, No. 56. Stevenson's Ad Matrem first appeared in this collection. Among other contributors to it were Austin Dobson, Andrew Lang, Henley, and the Earl of Lytton. The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche 70 THE MOST PLEASANT AND DELECTABLE TALE OF THE MARRIAGE OF CUPID AND PSYCHE. Done into English by William Adling- [ 46 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON ton of University College in Oxford. With a Dis- course on the Fable by Andrew Lang, late of Merton College In Oxford. London, M.D.CCCLXXXVII. Published by David Nutt, in the Strand. $375.00 Crown 8vo. Original Japanese vellum paper wrappers, with cut, uncut and unopened as issued, enclosed in a full red levant pull-off case by Riviere. Etched frontispiece and another etching. Copy of Unique Interest having inserted the original Autograph Manuscript of several of the Prefatory Poems contributed by noted Authors, as follows: (I) Stevenson (Robert Louis) : The Verses addressed by him to Andrew Lang and consisting of seventeen lines in blank verse and occupying one full 8vo page. Signed in full at end and commences: "Robert Louis Stevenson" "To Master Andrew Lang, on his re editing of (here the name) You that are much a fisher in the pool" etc. Lang has drawn his pen through the words "(Here the name)" and written in red "Cupid and Psyche" (II) Kendall (May) : The Poem by her entitled The New Psyche consisting of four verses of four lines each and commen- "Whither goes thou elate In thy rich array?" etc. (III) Mackail (J. W.) : Verses entitled Cupid and Psyche, consisting of four verses of eight lines each, commencing "Once in a City of old Lived a King and Queen." (IV) Locker- Lampson (F.) : Lines entitled The Cupid of Today — two verses of 6 lines each, commencing "The good old classic mind delights." The printed book is fully described by Prideaux in his Steven- son s Bibliography (pp. 135-7). He there makes a special note [ 47 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO concerning R. L. S.'s contribution which he states will only be found in one copy of the edition, as it was rigidly suppressed be- fore the book was published. The Original Manuscript of this important cancelled contribution is therefore of the highest interest. Group of Unpublished Autogr^^ph Letters of Rob- ert Louis Stevenson, 1887- 1888 71 SERIES OF AUTOGRAPH fully signed Letters with the autograph addressed envelopes, all ad- dressed to J. T. Mowbray Esq., W.S., the lawyer of the Stevenson family, (i) I p. 8vo, with fly-leaf and envelope. **I have the sorrow to tell you that my father passed away this morning without having regained consciousness or apparently suf- fered any pain. My mother as yet bears up bravely." Docketted ^'recd. 8 May 1887" (2) I p. 4to, with fly-leaf, and envelope. Lithograph- ed form of invitation to the funeral. Full signature in Autograph. Docketted ^'Recd 10 May 1887." (3) ip. i2mo, with fly-leaf, and envelope (note-pa- per with crest). Docketted ''Received. 9 May 1887" (Proposing to hold meeting of Trustees, &c.) (4) ip. i2mo, with fly-leaf, and envelope, n. d. "I find I shall not be able to leave the house today, but I sup- pose the meeting can go on very well without me." &c. Not docketted. (5) I p. i2mo, with fly-leaf and envelope. Signature cut out ''17 Heriot Row, May 10 88" (error in date). [ 48 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Docketted ''lo May 1887" (As to meeting of Trustees to be held after funeral.) (6) 2pp. i2mo, with the envelope. "17 Heriot Row, "May 17th 1887. "Will you kindly announce to Cunningham her annuity? We think she would enjoy it better in a lawyer's communication. "My mother is rather hard up for money. I suppose some could be got soon, could it not? Can you tell me how much my father inherited from my uncle Robert? Also do you by any chance remember the names of the battles at which my uncle was present. It is unfortunate we should both be laid up, as it re- duces us to these roundabout communications." &c. (7) i/^PP- Svo, with the envelope. "i7j Heriot Row, "May 20th 1887 "My mother bids me say that she will be ready for the valuation by the beginning of the week. . . . What steps must we take to get the plate from the bank? ... the sooner we can' get all this put in train the sooner I shall be able to get away from a climate which suits me but imperfectly." &c. (8) ip. 8vo, with fly-leaf, and the envelope, n. d. (En- closes keys of plate chest and receipt.) "I have to thank you for the contract." Docketted ^^Recd. 23 May 1887." (9) 3PP- 8vo (closely written). "17, Heriot Row, "May 26th 1887. "My dear Mr. Mowbray, "I have been puzzling my lay head over the will, with the usual result to laymen, considerable confusion, and I shall be much obliged if you will explain a few points to me." Three points connected with his father's will, and his [ 49 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO mother's settlement are put following, for explana- tion; after which he proceeds: "My life, perhaps you do not know, is of the most insecure; in a very different sense from the conventional, I may die at any mo- ment, and I shall not be really at peace until I have made the necessary provisions for these whom I should leave behind me. "Perhaps I should tell you that my mother and I are entirely agreed as to the terms of the joint will, should that be really ad- visable; and my disposition, should I make one singly, would be to the same effect. ... a man in my state of health is bound to make sure and that quickly." &c. A large envelope, docketted "Reed 26 May," is evi- dently the one for this letter. (10) I p. 8vo, with the envelope. ^ ^ ^ ' ^ "17 Heriot Row, "May 28th. 1887. "Many thanks for your letter. I think you misunderstood me, I do not care for a copy of the will, but I want to have another look at it at once." &c. (11) 2j^pp. 8vo, with the envelope. "Saranac Lake Adirondacks Mts. N. Y." &c. n. d. "I have asked that my last volume shall be forwarded to you so that you may have in a permanent shape my little memorial to my father. I do not know if Robert Hunter was a friend of yours; if so, you will find a sketch of him on pp. 177-183. ... It is my purpose to write a sketch of my family. You are one of the few who can help me. If without trouble to yourself, you could write down or dictate any random memories of my grandfather and my uncles; or failing that, if you have any papers you could place at my disposal, you would do me a service in a very serious sense." (&c. at length.) Docketted "Reed. 26 Dec. 87." (12) 3pp. 8vo, wanting the envelope. "Saranac Lake" &c. . . "Feb. 26th 1888." After propos- [ 50] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON ing that Charles Baxter shall take charge of money matters, to spare Mr. Mowbray trouble: "I have fair accounts to give of our party; my mother, w^ho is about to go down to Boston for a day or two's change has felt the cold a little but seems now more acclimated. As for myself I detest but I believe I benefit by our incredible weather. "I trust you may be able to find something about my grand- father, my father, and my uncles ; any old letters with the smallest tincture of familiarity that you may chance to have preserved, I should like well to see and would willingly pay to have copied; and for any reminiscences (as I wrote you before) I should be most grateful," &c. (13) 2pp. 8vo, with the envelope. "17 Heriot Row 25th May 1887." Relates to the House in Castle Street, etc. "I shall let you have the will in a few days. I trust you are keeping fairly well; as for me, I go on from one Catarrh to an- other, which must be my excuse for troubling you with such con- tinued letters." After perusing this group of letters, it is certain that the reader will agree that it is of singular interest; revealing the writer under the bereavement which can only come once in a life-time: the loss of his father. While the letters were written to a lawyer, and mainly on business matters, that lawyer was also a friend of the family; and in Stevenson's letters there is reading between the lines. To the best of my belief none of them has been pub- lished: at any rate not one is given in ^'Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to his Family and Friends," the two volumes edited by Sir Sidney Colvin and published in 1899. Price for the collection $1,400.00 [ 51 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO The Black Arrow 72 THE BLACK ARROW: A Tale of the Two Roses By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of "Treasure Island," ''Kidnapped," &c. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne. 1888. $6.00 The First English Edition. Crown 8vo. Original bright scarlet cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. 104; Prideaux, No. 26, p. 60; Williamson, No. 61. The Master of Ballantrae ^1, THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE, A Winter's Tale. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of ''Kid- napped," "Treasure Island," etc., etc., etc. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne. 1889. (All Rights Reserved). $100.00 The First Published English Edition. Crown 8vo. Original decorated bright red cloth boards, uncut. "From the author" (in print) signed in autograph : "R. L. Stevenson." The copy presented to his friend Sir Sidney Colvin, and with that gentleman's autograph on the half-title. Widener, No. 107; Prideaux, p. 64; Williamson, No. 64. "I am on the jump with a new stor>' which has bewitched me — I doubt it may bewitch no one else. It is called The Master of Ballantrae — pronounce Ballantray. If it is not good, well, mine will be the fault, for I believe it is a good tale." — R. L. S. 73a THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE. A Win- ter's Tale. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of "Kidnapped," "Treasure Island," &c., &c., &c. Cas- [ 52 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON sell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, New York & Melbourne, 1889. (All rights reserved). $7.00 The First Published English Edition. Crown 8vo. Original decorated bright red cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. 107; Prideaux, p. 64; Williamson, No. 64. The Wrong Box 74 THE WRONG BOX. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Author of ''Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," etc., and Lloyd Osbourne. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889. $6.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. no; Prideaux, No. 29, p. 67; Williamson, No. 68. Father Damien 75 With Mr. R. L. Stevenson's Compliments. FATH- ER DAMIEN: An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu from Robert Louis Steven- son. Sydney. 1890. $150.00 The First Privately Printed Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 32. Stitched as issued. Widener, No. 113; Prideaux, No. 31, p. 70; Williamson, No. 71. First Privately Printed Edition, a pamphlet of 32 pages printed at Sydney, N. S. W., was privately issued by the author in the way of presentation copies to his friends and acquaintances. It is only right to state (concerning this white-hot splendour of indignation), on the authority of Sir B. Cusack-Smith, that Ste- venson said, only a month or so before his death, that he regretted having written this pamphlet more than anything else he had ever written. [ 53 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 76 FATHER DAMIEN. An Open Letter to the Reverend Doctor Hyde of Honolulu from Robert Louis Stevenson. (Printers' device). Edinburgh: Privately Printed. 1890. $50.00 The Second Privately Printed Edition. Royal 8vo, pp. 30. Original white Japanese vellum boards, with yellow silk ties. In- laid Is a portrait of Father Damien, with this label, "Presentation portrait, not to be bound In." Widener, No. 114; Prideaux, p. 71; Williamson, No. 72. This, the Second Privately Printed Edition, was strictly limited to thirty copies printed on Japanese paper, for subscribers only. Of the thirty copies printed, only eighteen were offered for sale. 77 FATHER DAMIEN. An Open Letter to the Reverend Doctor Hyde of Honolulu from Robert Louis Stevenson. (Ornament). London, Chatto and Windus, 214 Piccadilly, 1890. $3.00 The First Published Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 32. Original dark brown paper wrappers, uncut. Widener, No. 115; Prideaux, p. 72; Williamson, No. 73. Reprinted from The Scots Observer. The South Seas 78 IN THE SOUTH SEAS. Being an Account of Experiences and Observations in the Marquesas, Paumotus and Gilbert Islands in the course of two cruises, on the Yacht '^Casco" (1888) and the Schoon- er "Equator" (1889). By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London: Chatto and Win- dus. 1900. $6.00 The First English Published Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 119; Prideaux, p. 69. [ 54 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Galley Proof of In the South Seas 79 TEN TWO-FOOT LENGTHS OF GALLEY- PROOF of his book, 'In the South Seas," as it ap- peared in "The New York Sun," in 1891 ; not pub- lished in Gt. Britain until the "Edinburgh Edition" of the "Complete Works" appeared. 1891. $1,000.00 The first appearance of this important work as it was not pub- lished in Great Britain until two or three years later when it ap- peared in the Edinburgh Edition of his works. These galley sheets are very fully corrected, and there are sev- eral additions in autograph as well as passages to be deleted, which are no less interesting. 80 THE PAGES OF "The New York Sun" for May 24, Sept. 6, 13 and 20 which contain the Contribu- tions of Stevenson to those Issues of the paper of his Serial "The South Seas," being chapters 14, and 48- 51, occupying (including 8 woodcuts), 13J4 col- umns, 4 folios. New York, 1891. $5.00 Ballads 81 BALLADS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Pub- lishers' device). London: Chatto & Windus, Pic- cadilly, 1890. $500.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original black buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Inscribed upon Stevenson's card, which is, in the manner of a book-plate, affixed inside the front cover: "Offered by liberal [Robert Louis Stevenson, Skerry vore.] to dear little Sidney Colvin." The words not within the brackets are in Stevenson's autograph. [55 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 82 BALLADS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Pub- lishers' device). London: Chatto and Windus, Pic- cadilly, 1890. $6.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original black buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 120; Prideaux, No. 32, p. 72; Williamson, No. 69. 83 BALLADS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Pub- lishers' device). London: Chatto and Windus, Pic- cadilly, 1890. $9.00 Large Paper Edition. 4to. Original white buckram boards, uncut. Printed on hand-made paper. Widener, No. 121 ; Prideaux, p. 72. Only 100 copies of this Large Paper Edition have been printed. The Wrecker 84 THE WRECKER. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. Illustrated by William Hole and W. L. Metcalf. Cassell & Company, Limited: London, Paris, and Melbourne. 1892. (All Rights Reserved). $6.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original cloth boards, uncut. Illustrated by William Hole and W. L. Metcalf. Widener, No. 124; Prideaux, No. 34, p. 76; Williamson, No. 80. "As' for The Wrecker, it's a machine, you know — don't expect aught else — a machine, and a police machine ; but I believe the end is one of the most genuine butcheries in literature. . . . Our criminals are a most pleasing crew, and leave the deck with scarce a stain upon their character." — R. L. S. to Henry James. A Footnote to History 85 A FOOTNOTE TO HISTORY. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. By Robert Louis Stevenson. [ 56 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Arma Nondum inexpiatis uncta cruoribus, Pericu- losae plenum opus aleae, Tractas et incedis per ignes Suppositos cineri doloso. Cassell & Company, Lim- ited: London, Paris & Melbourne. 1892. (All Rights Reserved). $15.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark green buckram boards, uncut. Widener, No. 125; Prideaux, No. 35, p. 78; Williamson, No. 77. Three Plays 86 THREE PLAYS. By W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin, Admiral Guinea. (Ornament). London: Published by David Nutt in the Strand, 1892. $5.00 The First Collected Edition of the Three Plays. Crown 8vo. Original green cloth boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 127; Prideaux, No. 36, p. 78; Williamson, No. 78. 87 THREE PLAYS. By W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson. Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin, Admiral Guinea. (Ornament). London: Published by David Nutt in the Strand, 1892. $40.00 The First Collected Edition. 8vo. Original vellum, uncut. Special issue on Japanese vellum paper. One of 30 copies. An Object of Pity 88 AN OBJECT OF PITY; OR, THE MAN HAG- GARD. A Romance. By Many Competent Hands. Imprinted at Amsterdam. $150.00 [ 57 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO The First Edition. Printed at Sydney in 1892. Crown 8vo, pp. 76. Original parchment wrappers, gilt edges as issued, with "An Ob- ject of Pity" printed in gold across the front cover. Widener, No. 130; Prideaux, No. 11, p. 141 ; Williamson, No. 81. "Called by Mr. Gosse 'the most unattainable of all R. L. S.'s productions.' This was a series of short stories more or less con- nected, written by Stevenson and his friends in Samoa in 1892. It was privately printed, in a very small number, Mr. Gosse says, T think only thirty-five,' by Lady Jersey, one of the authors." — Hamerton's "Stevensoniana." 1903. 89 THE WORKS OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN- SON. An Object of Pity. (Printers' device). Edinburgh. 25 copies privately printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to Her Majesty. 1898. $100.00 The First Edinburgh Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 68. Japanese paper sheets, enclosed in the original white cardboard case, with the original white paper label on the back. With three colored facsimiles of sketches by Isobel Strong. Widener, No. 131; Prideaux, p. 142. Twenty-five copies, all told, were printed, only six of them in this luxurious format of which this is No. 3. The whole of Tusitalas Epicj The Samoa, is included in the book, a portion below the illustration at p. xii, and the remainder forming an introduction to Chap. II (p. 30). The very interest- ing Introduction by Lady Jersey details the circumstances under which the work was composed and as regards this special edition adds that "Mr. Blaikie, on behalf of Messrs. Constable, now gen- erously proposes to present to the writers and a few of their per- sonal friends, a private reprint of the booklet, in the form of the Edinburgh Edition." 90 AN OBJECT OF PITY OR THE MAN HAG- GARD. By Robert Louis Stevenson and five of his [ 58 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON friends. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company. 1900. $2.50 The First American Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 68. Original gray paper boards, uncut, with the original white paper label. Widener, No. 132; Prideaux, p. 143. Only no copies printed. War in Samoa 91 WAR IN SAMOA. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London. Reprinted from The Pali Mall Gazette. September, 1893. $3500 The First Published Edition. Crown Svo, pp. 28. Original bright red paper wrappers, with title on front cover. Widener, No. 133; Prideaux, No. 37, p. 80; Williamson, No. 84. A grand picture of semi-savage life, tempered with a dash of Western civilization. Of Samoan Interest 92 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MUSICAL MAN- USCRIPT Signed of his Composition entitled ^^Nights of Vailima." Consisting of some twenty lines on 2 pp., 4to. Hinged in a sunk mount, and with a title-page, bound in full red levant morocco, gilt edges, lettered on front and back. $160.00 Entirely In the composer's hand, and signed by him at the com- mencement "R. L. S." Stevenson, who was of some ability as a musician, dedicates this composition to Vailima, the name of his Samoan estate, the scene of many of his later and finest works, several of which were inspired by his recent Pacific voyages and experiences, and some by the memories and associations of Scot- land, the power of which seemed only intensified by exile, his strength of mind rising to the greatest heights notwithstanding his physical weaknesses. [ 59 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO From Samoa 93 A. L. S. TO EGAN MEW, ESQ. i page, 8vo. Vailima Plantation, 7th July, 1892. With address- ed envelope bearing Samoan postage stamp and post- marks, also a very fine impression of his wax seal. $85.00 A most interesting item of Stevenson-Samoain interest. The letter is signed in full, and reads: "I have to thank you very much for sending me your article, which came duly to hand and afforded me amusement." The Beach of Falesa. Unique Proof Copy with Author's MS. Corrections 94 THE BEACH OF FALESA, Being the Narrative of a South Sea Trader, and The Bottle Imp. By Robert Louis Stevenson, Author of ^'Treasure Is- land," ^'Kidnapped," etc. Cassell & Company, Lim- ited: London, Paris & Melbourne. 1892. (All Rights Reserved). $3,250.00 Proof copy, crown 8vo. In the original dark green buckram, uncut, enclosed in a full dark brown levant spring case by Riviere. With twenty illustrations and map. This appears never to have been published until 1893, when the above title, after having been corrected in minor particulars, was altogether cancelled, and a new one substituted, under which it appeared as: Island Nights' Entertainments, consisting of The Beach of Falesa and the Isle of Voices By Robert Louis Steven- son. This corrected title is pinned inside the book, and is in the auto- graph of Sidney Colvin, and in the text of the book, besides many alterations in punctuation, there are several important verbal sub- stitutions to the tw^o leading stories. The Isle of Voices does [ 60] •ried liira on sliip was full of Haoles-T^^;w1ilfce^^^'ho had been to visit the volcano, as their custom is ; and the midst was crowded with Klanakas, and the fore- part with wild bulls from Hiio and horses from Kau ; but Keawe sat apart from all in his sor- row, and vvatY- W*««i *- ^ wA^llLM^a*«Ct. . Pfc. t^e tJtCi, tyv Jrl .. f ' A Ci[ Uil 'twM C^a^MM. . KtJit bVtX« U>A4*^^ lA^ >A% ; ««%»' a^ aJUL ^iUaamM t^ VAHwrnibV ; w«. jJT C Imam. K t . M . H Mi- yTL ' ^ '^Ui,:* w*^ tt *-«t-^— Al^M-JL M«*JJ? ,' V JM* Ik-v See No. 98 WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO The Ebb-Tide 98 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT. Clean ''Copy" ready for Press, of the entire Chapter X of The Ebb-Tide, entitled, 'The Open Door." 9 folio leaves, with author's final corrections, in very excellent state. $1,000.00 This is an unbroken chapter of great interest and value. It would be superfluous to comment at length upon its supreme at- tractiveness to the Stevenson collector. 99 THE EBB-TIDE. A Trio and Quartette. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. "There is a tide in the affairs of men." London, William Heinemann. MDCCCXCIV. $5.00 The First English Edition. Crown 8vo. Original light-copper colored imitation silk boards, uncut. Widener, No. 136; Prideaux, No. 40, p. 86; Williamson, No. 85. 100 THE EBB-TIDE. A Trio & Quartette. By Rob- ert Louis Stevenson & Lloyd Osbourne. "There is a tide in the affairs of men." (Publishers' device in red). Stone & Kimball, Chicago & Cambridge, MDCCCXCIV. $3.00 The First American Edition. i2mo. Original decorated green cloth boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 137 ; Williamson, No. 86. Unpublished MS loi THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH UNPUB- LISHED MS. of an unfinished story of Scotch life, entitled 'The Go-Between," extending to 12 folio pages, and written at Samoa, 1893-4. Handsomely [ 64 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON bound in full levant morocco (with typed transcript inserted) and lettered on side and back. $550.00 This most interesting original MS. story, one of the very last which Stevenson put his hand to, and which he never lived to complete, is referred to by him in a letter he wrote to his friend Sidney Colvin, in May, 1893. Stevenson says: "Then there's the Go-Between, which is not impossible altogether." The manuscript comprises the first two chapters, but has in addi- tion the headings for eleven chapters, also two full pages of prefa- tory remarks. The story is a Scotch boy's romance, and judging from these first two chapters, would have equalled if not eclipsed Kidnapped for interest. The Chapter headings given by Stevenson are: "i. — An Angel's Visit. "2. — ^Another. "3. — An Errand given. "4. — Anchentinny. "5. — Capture and Examination — Francis the liar. "6. — Francis the Go-between. "7. — The Go-between speaks for himself. "8. — ^A quarrel — well, Fve nothing to lose or gain now, and FU ever do my duty. "9. — Result of the Go-Between — ^Jimsie intervening. "10. — ^Anchentinny again. — Thrashed by the same person who wrote the letter. . . . "II. —The Lea-head." The MS. is in Stevenson's characteristic hand, with numerous autographic corrections by him in the text, and a full typed tran- script extending to as many as 20 folio pages has been made and bound up with it. The Idler: My First Book 102 THE IDLER, August, 1894. $1.50 8vo. Original paper wrappers. Widener, No. 138. [ 65 ] WA LTERM. HILL - - CHICAGO Pp. 3-1 1 are occupied by Stevenson's article My First Book, which is illustrated by A. S. Boyd. The author refers to Treas- ure Island, his first novel. My First Book 103 MY FIRST BOOK. The Experiences of Walter Besant, James Payn, W. Clark Russell, Grant Allen, Hall Caine, Geroge R. Sims, Rudyard Kipling, A. Conan Doyle, M. E. Braddon, F. W. Robinson, H. Rider Haggard, R. M. Ballantyne, L Zangwill, Morley Roberts, David Christie Murray, Marie Corelli, Jerome K. Jerome, John Strange Winter, Bret Harte, ''Q," Robert Buchanan, Robert Louis Stevenson. With an Introduction by Jerome K. Je- rome and 185 illustrations. London: Chatto & Win- dus, Piccadilly, 1894. $5.00 The First Edition. Large 8vo. Original light blue buckram boards, uncut. Widener, No. 139; Prideaux, No. 12, p. 143 ; Williamson, No. 88. Edinburgh Edition 104 COMPLETE WORKS, LETTERS, LIFE, AND STEVENSONIANA, comprising his Romances, Tales and Fantasies, South Sea Yarns, Travels and Excursions, Juvenilia, Lay Morals, Prayers, Moral Emblems, and Miscellanies. 28 vols.; also his Let- ters to His Family and Friends, edited by Sidney Colvin, 2 vols. ; his Life by Graham Balfour, 2 vols. ; and Stevensoniana, by J. A. Hammerton, i vol.; to- tal 33 vols. Edinburgh: 1 894-1901. $450.00 The Edinburgh Edition. 8vo. In the original dark red art linen binding, with paper labels. [ 66 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Beautifully printed in large type on choice paper by T. & A. Con- stable. This splendid Edition De Luxe is the most coveted edition of Stevenson's works, and at the same time one of the rarest of mod- ern books. In the matter of type, form, and paper the volumes are all that could be desired, and the whole set presents upon the shelf a series of volumes stately, dignified, in perfect harmony with the many brilliant flowers of literature which they enshrine, and such a series as every enthusiastic admirer of Stevenson regards with pride. Only 1035 sets were printed, all of which were ab- sorbed by subscription, and the few copies which have changed hands have commanded high prices. The volumes are illustrated with portraits, maps, and facsimiles taken off on Japanese vellum, and the rare Davoz-Platz, and other brochures, are reproduced in exact facsimile of the originals. It will be noticed that this set has Stevenson's Letters and Life, published independently of the works, but in uniformity with them, both being First Editions, with the cancelled end-papers. It has also the volume of Steven- soniana. Vailima Letters 105 VAILIMA LETTERS. Being Correspondence addressed by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Col- vin, November, 1890-October, 1894. London: Me- thuen and Co., 36 Essex Street 1895. $5.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original terra-cotta colored buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 142. 106 VAILIMA LETTERS. Being Correspondence Addressed by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Col- vin November 1890-October 1894. London: Me- thuen and Co. 36 Essex Street 1895. $10.00 Large Paper Copy. 8vo. [ 67 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Original terra-cotta-colored buckram boards, paper label, gilt top, uncut. With three portraits. Large Paper Copy, limited to 125 copies. The Amateur Emigrant 107 THE AMATEUR EMIGRANT. From the Clyde to Sandy Hook. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Chi- cago, Stone and Kimball, MDCCCXCV. $2.00 The First American Edition. i2mo. Original light green buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 144; Williamson, No. 90. "Here and there, I fancy, you will laugh as you read it; but it seems to me rather a clever book than anything else; the book of a man, that is, who has paid a great deal of attention to contem- porary life, and not through the newspapers." — R. L. S. to Sidney Colvin. Weir of Hermiston 108 WEIR OF HERMISTON. An Unfinished Ro- mance by Robert Louis Stevenson. (Fleuron in red.) London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1896. $5.00 The First Published Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 149; Prideaux, p. 92. "The love scenes in Weir of Hermiston are almost unsurpass- able. The world which does not care about fragments, will not often read Weir of Hermiston^ but for artists it will remain a monument." — Stephen Gwynn. Songs of Travel 109 SONGS OF TRAVEL AND OTHER VERSES by Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). [ 68 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON London: Chatto and Windus, Piccadilly, 1896. $6.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 88. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 150; Prideaux, No. 44, p. 93; Williamson, No. loi. Familiar Epistle no FAMILIAR EPISTLE IN VERSE AND PROSE. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Printed for Private Distribution. 1896. $25.00 The First Edition. Small 8vo, pp. 20. Original cream-colored Japanese vellum boards, uncut. Only 27 copies were printed. Widener, No. 151 ; Prideaux, No. 45, p. 96; Williamson, No. 96. A Mountain Town in France 11 1 A MOUNTAIN TOWN IN FRANCE. A Frag- ment by Robert Louis Stevenson. With Five Illus- trations by the Author. (Ornament). John Lane: The Bodley Head. New York and London, 1896. $7.50 The First Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 46. Original gray paper wrappers, uncut. Widener, No. 152; Prideaux, No. 46, p. 97; Williamson, No. 100. St. Ives 112 ST. IVES. Being The Adventures of a French Prisoner in England. By Robert Louis Stevenson. London, William Heinemann, 1898. $4.00 The First English Edition. Crown 8vo. Original slate colored cloth boards, uncut. Widener, No. 156; Prideaux, No. 47, p. 98; Williamson, No. 105. [ 69 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Birthday Book 113 THE STEVENSON BIRTHDAY BOOK. Thoughts and Aphorisms. For every day in the Year, from the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson. London: Marcus Ward & Co., Limited. Belfast, New York, & Sydney. MDCCCXCVIL $2.00 The First Edition. i6mo. Original light blue cloth boards. Widener, No. 157; Prideaux, No. i, p. 251. Aes Triplex 114 AES TRIPLEX. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed For The American Subscribers to The Stev- enson Memorial. MDCCCXCVIII. $30.00 8vo, pp. 28. Original white parchment wrappers, uncut. Beautiful portrait before letters, on Japanese paper, and facsimile of his signature. Signed in autograph: "Charles Fairchild Chn" (Chairman). Widener, No. 159; Williamson, No. 108. "This Copy, printed for Sidney Colvin, is one of an edition, lim- ited to one hundred and sixty, printed for the American subscrib- ers of ten dollars or more to the Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial Fund." 115 AES TRIPLEX. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Ornament). New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901. $1.00 i2mo. Original boards, uncut and unopened. [ 70] WRITINGS OF R. L, STEVENSON Three Short Poems ii6 THREE SHORT POEMS by Robert Louis Stev- enson. London, Printed for Private Distribution only. 1898. $25.00 The First Edition. Small 8vo, pp. 26. Original cream-colored Japanese paper boards, uncut. With a facsimile from the MS. Widener, No. 160; Prideaux, No. 48, p. 99; Williamson, No. 109. This is No, 3 of thirty copies printed. 117 THREE SHORT POEMS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Printer's device). Chicago, 1902. $2.50 8vo, pp. unnumbered. Original brown-colored boards, uncut. With facsimiles. Large Paper Copy of which only 150 copies have been printed at the "Old Dominion Shop." These verses were written by Mr. Stevenson about 1873 and presented to an intimate friend, from whom the original manuscripts were obtained. Thirty copies of the poems were printed during 1898 by the owner of the manu- scripts, but not distributed, the publication being unauthorized. The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson 118 THE LETTERS of Robert Louis Stevenson to his Family and Friends selected and edited with Notes and Introductions by Sidney Colvin. Volume L London, Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, 1899. $25.00 The First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Original crimson buckram boards, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Two portraits and a facsimile of a letter. Widener, No. 161; Prideaux, No. 49, p. lOO; Williamson, No. III. [ 71 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 119 THE LETTERS of Robert Louis Stevenson. Ed- ited by Sidney Colvin. A New Edition. Rear- ranged in Four Volumes With 150 New Letters, Vol. I, 1868-1880; (Vol II, 1880-1887; VoL III, 1887- 1891; VoL IV, 1891-1894). Methuen & Co., Ltd., 36 Essex Street, W. C. London. Four volumes. $15.00 4 vols., i2mo. New half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. With portrait of Stevenson in each volume. Widener, No. 162. A Stevenson Medley 120 A STEVENSON MEDLEY. (Vignette). Chat- to and Windus, 1899. $12.00 The First Edition. 8vo, pp. 52. Original binding, half morocco and cloth sides, gilt top, uncut. Portrait of Stevenson. Inserted at the end are a number of fac- similes, with numerous woodcuts, printed from the original wood blocks, 2 facsimiles of MS., etc. Widener, No. 166; Prideaux, No. 50, p. 106. Only 300 copies printed. The above volume contains impressions of the various "Davos Press" productions (playful verses and woodcuts, including in addition some never hitherto published), also two Moral Tales arising out of these productions; further the Charity Bazaar, Lighthouse Verses, 2 Technical Papers contributed to Edinburgh Scientific Societies, an Ethical Fragment (hitherto unpublished), Reflexions and Remarks on Human Life, The Ideal House, and the hitherto unpublished Preface to the Master of Ballantrae. The publishers having undertaken that no future impression shall be issued, the above volume, containing as it does the very rarest and most inaccessible of Stevenson's writings, will always be of permanent interest. [ 72 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON The Morality of the Profession of Letters 121 THE MORALITY OF THE PROFESSION OF LETTERS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Print- ers' device in red). Gouverneur. New York, Brothers of the Book. MDCCCXCIX. $2.50 The First Separate Edition. 32mo, pp. 52. Original black buckram boards, uncut. Printed on handmade paper. Widener, No. 167. Limited to 299 copies. A very interesting essay originally pub- lished in The Fortnightly Review for April, 1881, and has not appeared otherwise in book form except in Stevenson's Collected Works. A Stevenson first edition. A Christmas Sermon 122 A CHRISTMAS SERMON. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Vignette) . New York, Charles Scrib- ner's Sons, 1900. $5.00 The First Separate Edition. i2mo, pp. 26. Original dark blue paper boards, uncut. Widener, No. 169. Tales and Fantasies 123 TALES AND FANTASIES. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). London, Chatto & Windus, 1905. $5.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original blue buckram boardsy gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 173. [ 73 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Essays of Travel 124 ESSAYS OF TRAVEL. By Robert Louis Steven- son. (Publishers' device). London, Chatto & Windus, 1905. $3.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 174. Essays in the Art of Writing 125 ESSAYS IN THE ART OF WRITING. By Rob- ert Louis Stevenson. (Publishers' device). Lon- don, Chatto & Windus, 1905. $3.00 Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 175. The Pentland Edition 126 WORKS. London, 1906. $150.00 The Pentland Edition. 20 vols., 8vo. Original blue buckram boards, gilt lettered, uncut. Comprising: Vol. I. An Inland Voyage. Vol. 4. The New Arabian Travels with a Donkey. A Nights. The Story of a Lie. Mountain Town in France: Vol. 5. Treasure Island. Will Picturesque Notes. o' the Mill. The Treasure Vol. 2. The Amateur Emi- of Franchard. grant: Old and New. Pacific Vol. 6. Strange Case of Dr. Capitals. The Silverado Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Squatters. Virginibus Puer- Thrawn Janet. The Merry isque; and other Papers. Men. More New Arabian Vol. 3. Familiar Studies of Nights. The Dynamiter. Men and Books. The Body- Vol. 7. Prince Otto. The Snatcher. Wrong Box. [ 74 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Vol. 8. The Black Arrow. Markheim. The Misadven- tures of John Nicholson. Vol. 9. Memories and Por- traits. Memoirs of Fleeming Jenkin, F.R.S., LL.D. Vol. 10. Kidnapped. Catriona, Part I. Vol. II. Catriona, Part II. The Master of Ballantrae. Vol. 12. The Wrecker. Writ- ten in Collaboration with Lloyd Osbourne. Vol. 13. A Child's Garden of Verses. Underwoods. Bal- lads. Songs of Travel. Ad- ditional Poems. Vol. 14. Deacon Brodie. Beau Austin. Admiral Guinea. Macaire. Vol. 15. Records of a Family of Engineers. Additional Memories and Portraits. Later Essays. Lay Morals. Prayers Written for Use at Vaillma. Vol. 16. A Footnote to His- tory. Island Nights' Enter- tainments. Olalla. Heather- cat. Vol. 17. In the South Seas. Letters from Samoa. Vol. 18. The Ebb Tide. Weir of Hermiston. The Great North Road. The Young Chevalier. Vol. 19. Saint Ives. Vol. 20. Juvenilia, and other Papers. Fables. The Davos Press. The Sea Fogs 127 THE SEA FOGS. By Robert Louis Stevenson with an Introduction by Thomas Rutherford Bacon. The Photogravure Frontispiece after a Painting by Albertine Randall Wheelan (ornament). Paul El- der and Company. San Francisco and New York (1907). $3.50 The First Edition. i2mo, pp. 24. Original boards, vellum back, gilt top, uncut. Printed upon Fabrlano handmade paper. Of this edition 1,000 copies have been printed. The typography designed by J. H. Nash. [ 75 ] WA LT E R M. HILL CHICAGO Lay Morals 128 LAY MORALS AND OTHER PAPERS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Printers' device) . Lon- don, Chatto & Windus, 191 1. $4.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. The Swanston Edition 129 WORKS COMPLETE, vv^ith an introduction by Andrew Lang. London, 1911-1912. $75.00 The Swanston Edition. 25 vols., crown 8vo. In the original red buckram, gilt tops, uncut. Elegantly printed on laid paper, with a frontispiece to each volume. Comprises : Vol. I. Introduction by An- Vol. 6. Treasure Island. Will o' the Mill. The Treasure of Franchard. Vol. 7. Prince Ootto. The Wrong Box. Vol. 8. The Black Arrow. Markheim. Vol. 9. Memories and Por- traits. Memoirs of Fleeming Jenkin. Vol. 10. The Misfortunes of John Nicholson. Kidnapped. Vol. II. Catriona. Vol. 12. The Master of Bal- lantrae. Vol. 13. The Wrecker. Vol. 14. A Child's Garden of Verses. Underwoods. Bal- lads. Songs of Travel. Ad- ditional Poems. drew Lang. An Inland Voy- age. Travels with a Donkey. A Mountain Town in France. Edinburgh : Picturesque Notes. Vol. 2. The Amateur Emi- grant. The Old and New Pacific Capitals. The Silver- ado Squatters. Virginibus Puerisque. Vol. 3. Familiar Studies in Men and Books. The Body Snatcher. Vol. 4. New Arabian Nights, and Other Papers. Vol. 5. More New Arabian Nights. The Dynamiter. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Thrawn Janet. [ 76 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON Vol. 15. Deacon Brodie. Beau Vol. 19. The Ebb Tide. Weir Austin. Admiral Guinea. of Hermiston. Macaire. Vol. 20. St. Ives. Vol. 16. Records of a Family y^j .^^ r^^^ g^^^^ ^^ ^ Lj^^ of Engmeers. Additional y^^ ^^^^^ ^/^^^ qI^^^^ Memories and Portraits. Heathercat. The Great Later Essays. Lay Morals. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ n^^^ Y^^^g Prayers Written for Family Chevalier. Fables. Use at Vailima. ,, , , .,. , ^ , ^r ^ AT- TT- Vol. 22. Juvenilia, and Other Vol. 17. A Footnote to His- _ *'_,_' _ Papers. The Davos Press. Vol. 23. The Letters, I-VL 17. tory. Island Nights' Enter- tainments. Vol. 18. In the South Seas. Vol. 24. Ditto, VII-X. Leters from Samoa. Vol. 25. Ditto, XI-XIV. Limited to 2,060 sets. The Swanston is the most comprehensive edition of Stevenson's Works yet published. For the first time in any Collected Edition there appear the Vailima Letters and the Letters of Stevenson to his Family and Friends with many additional Letters, as revised and rearranged by Sir Sidney Colvin; and there is also included in In the South Seas some new matter now first published, and in Vol. XXV an Index of Titles. Records of a Family of Engineers 130 RECORDS OF A FAMILY OF ENGINEERS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (Printers' device). London, Chatto & Windus, 1912. $3-5o The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original dark blue buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. The Hanging Judge 131 THE HANGING JUDGE. A Drama in Three Acts and Six Tableaux. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van De Grift Stevenson. With an In- [ 77 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO troduction by Edmund Gosse, C. B. London : Print- ed for Private Circulation, 1914. $icx).oo The First Edition. Small 8vo, pp. 104. In the original tan colored boards, uncut and unopened. The edition is limited to thirty copies privately printed by Thomas J. Wise. Letters to Charles Baxter 132 LETTERS TO CHARLES BAXTER. By Rob- ert Louis Stevenson. (1915). $30.00 The First Edition. Small 4to, pp. 8, and wrapper (with title repeated ) . Original red paper wrappers. One of 20 copies. Numbered and signed by Clement Shorter, privately printed for distribution among his friends. Letters to an Editor 133 LETTERS TO AN EDITOR. By Robert Louis Stevenson. (1915). $30.00 The First Edition. Small 4to, pp. Original paper wrappers. One of 25 copies printed by Clement Shorter for private cir- culation among his friends. [ 78 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS, UNDATED Unpublished A. L. S. 134 AN UNPUBLISHED A. L. S. 'Margaret to "My dear - Louisa. 3 pp., 8vo, La Soli- Bob." tude. $175.00 A fine letter, written in his characteristic style. In it he refers to his health, mentions that he has finished a novel (probably Silverado Squatters) and that he has just read Monte Cristo for the third time. He signs the letter in full, and then adds a lengthy postscript in pencil (the letter itself is in ink). It is be- lieved that the letter has never been published. ( Margaret, "My dear < Louisa, I Bob. **A good new year to all three, just, I hope in the right order. I have been ill in my customary manner. Garder le silence et la repos, for about a week ; and my return to the duties of life is over- whelmed with letters. This is my ninth this morning! Hence it will not be long. I have at last finished a novel, and am well paid for it. If I keep well, I should drive my chaise yet — donkey chaise, bien entendu. "I have just reread Monte Cristo third time. Tis horrid fun; but as soon as the treasure is found becomes — well — powerful rot. "Ever yours, "Robert Louis Stevenson. "My wife on reading this looks up with wonder, and having her French foot foremost, inquires Go ay, Margaret? Oo instead of key — a trifle. Margaret, ay I'onfong, ke je dee aytonmong de ma fam, or as Low used to phrase it, mong petty fam. Jooay voo ose eschck? Say le sool playseer doo mond. Gon bon partee fay passy too lay soleeseitzood dom de rian nettay. Jay cree tray faseelmong le Frongsay kong je me met com voo voyay la trongs- lecterassheong ay shows faceel a poo d'aksong appry dooz lessong. [ 79 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO Poor kwaw me pa Tongsaynway d'appry la maytodd Stevenson? Mind extinct. 9 letters, four business!" Original Manuscript Poem 135 ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT OF A POEM. ''A Portrait." i page, 4to. Five stanzas of four lines each. $250.00 This poem is a character description, the only one of its kind among Stevenson's poems. The story of it is known: A book fell into Stevenson's hands which so thoroughly annoyed and disgusted him that he immedi- ately sat down and wrote these verses. They are unique as being perhaps the only bitter stanzas he ever penned. "I am 'the smiler with the knife,' The bittener upon the garbage, I — Dear Heaven, with such a rancid life, Were it not better far to die?" Unpublished Verses 136 THIRTY-FIVE lines of Rhymed Verse. Written upon the reverse of a List of 27 numbered Titles of so many of his poems, indicating the order in which they should be printed. Foolscap folio, i leaf. $350.00 Extract : "See, rather, London on thy bridge, The pale battalions [sic] trample by, Resolved to slay, resigned to die. Count, rather, all the maimed and dead In the unfraternal roar of tread." 137 SEVEN PAGES OF ORIGINAL AUTO- GRAPH MANUSCRIPT, containing varying schemes for the arrangement of his poems, as he [ 80] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON thought of their appearance in a Collected Edition. Foolscap folio. $400.00 These have great interest, as they belong to his Samoan days, two pages being headed Vailima, while a third bears the mourn- ful title: Posthumous Verses. Original Autograph Manuscript Never Printed 138 FOURTEEN lines quarto of matter relating to the Family of Stevenson. The writer in this sheet jots down particulars connected with the name, as early as 1508, with the laudable wish, so nationally char- acteristic, to trace his own ancestry; he combines an honesty quite as common with the Scot, and does not claim what he cannot prove his right to. $75.00 139 ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT of his Poem, '^A Mile and a Bittock," consisting of seven verses of 4 lines each, on i page, folio, n. d. $275.00 The MS. of one of his famous Underwoods Poems. It is written in the Scotch dialect and differs slightly from the printed text. "A mile an' a bittock, a mile or twa, Abiine the burn, ayant the law, Davie an' Donal' an' Cherlie an' a' An' the miine was shinin' clearly! "Ane went hame wi' the ither, and then The ither went hame wi' the ither two men. An' baith wud return him the service again, An' the mune was shinin' clearly! "The clocks were chappin' in house an' ha', Eleeven, twal, and ane an' twa; [ 81 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO An' the Guidman's face was turnt to the wa' An' the miine was shinin' clearly! "A wind got up frae affa the sea, It blew the stars as dear's could be, It blew in the e'en of a' o' the three, An' the miine was shinin' clearly!" Etc. 140 MANUSCRIPT NOTES on Knox's ^'Godly Let- ter." Autograph MS. Three pages, small oblong 4to. Being notes and comments on Knox's ''Godly Letter." 1553. $35.00 Rare and interesting. [ 83 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON STEVENSONIANA 141 A BOOK OF VERSES. By William Ernest Hen- ley. (Vignette). London: Published by David Nutt in the Strand. 1888. $25.00 Edition de Luxe. 8vo. Original white vellum boards, gilt top, uncut, with paper label. Etched title vignette (in brown) of "The Old Edinburgh In- firmary" on India paper. Inscribed on fly-leaf in Author's autograph : "Sidney Colvin from his friend W. E. H. 29/6/88," and with the beautiful book-plate of the recipient. Widener, No. 178; Prideaux, No. i, p. 266. Only 20 copies printed of which the above is No. 3. The poem relative to Stevenson entitled Apparition is on page 41 ; and a poem To R. L, S. on page 89. 142 ESSAYS IN LITTLE. By Andrew Lang. Lon- don: Henry and Co., Bouverie Street, E. C. 1891. $1.50 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original brown cloth boards. Widener, No. 180; Prideaux, No. 3, p. 266. 143 OBJECTS OF PITY; or Self and Company. By A Gentleman of Quality. Imprinted at Amster- dam. $25.00 Square i2mo, p. 56. Original white parchment wrappers, gilt edges. Widener, No. 181. Although Stevenson himself had nothing to do with this parody of An Object of Pity (see No. 88 of this Catalogue), it is a title which should be found in every collection which pretends to be approximately complete. [ 83 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 144 A LETTER to Mr. Stevenson's Friends. ''I have been waiting for you these many years. Give me your hand, and welcome." For private circulation. MDCCCXCIV. $40.00 The First Edition. i2mo, pp. 38. Full brown limp morocco. Formerly in the possession of Mr. James Dick, confidential clerk and manager to R. L. Stevenson's father, Thomas Stevenson. Widener, No. 182; Prideaux, No. 2, p. 258. The pamphlet was privately printed in Samoa and describes the death of Stevenson, gives letters from friends, etc., and is a valua- ble memorial of the great; writer. 145 THE CHAP BOOK. Vol. 5, No. 3. Contains: A Winter's Walk in Garrick and Galloway, by R. L. Stevenson. Vol. 2, No. 8: R. L. S. — Some Edin- burgh Notes. Eve Blantyre Simpson. Portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson; Portrait of Stevenson's Father. No. VI : A Shelf of Stevenson. Charles T. Copeland. Vol. HI, Nos. 2 and 3: Contains: Macaire — A Melodramatic Farce in Three Acts. Acts I and H. Robert Louis Stevenson and Wil- liam Ernest Henley. Macaire — A Melodramatic Farce in Three Acts. Act HI. Robert Louis Stevenson and William Ernest Henley. Together 5 numbers, i2mo. Original paper wrappers, uncut. Chicago: H. S. Stone & Company, 1894-96. $4.00 146 IN STEVENSON'S SAMOA. By Marie Eraser. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 15 Waterloo Place, 1895. (All rights reserved). $2.00 The First Edition. Small 8vo. Original strawberry-colored cloth boards, uncut. Frontispiece. Widener, No. 184; Prideaux, No. 4, p. 250. [ 84 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON 147 THE HOME AND EARLY HAUNTS OF ROB- ERT LOUIS STEVENSON. By Margaret Ar- mour. With twelve illustrations in photogravure in- cluding new portrait by W. Brown MacDougall. (Publishers' device). Edinburgh, Riverside Press, W. H. White & Co., 1895. $2.00 The First Edition. i2mo, pp. 100. Original crimson cloth boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 185; Prideaux, No. 5, p. 260. 148 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. An Elegy and Other Poems Mainly Personal. By Richard Le Gal- lienne. (Etched portrait of Stevenson). London, John Lane, MDCCCXCV. Boston, Copeland & Day. $5.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo, pp. 100. Original blue cloth boards, uncut. Presentation copy to George L. Fenwick from Jno Gallienne, the Author's father. Widener, No. 186; Prideaux, No. 5, p. 267. 149 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. A Study. By A. B. with A Prelude & A Postlude. By L. L G. (Large ornamental device in red, with motto, "Sicvt Lilivm Inter Spinas") . Boston. Issued for private distribution. Copeland and Day, MDCCCXCV. $2.00 The First Edition. 8vo, pp. 46. Original blue paper boards, uncut, with white paper label. Widener, No. 188. 250 copies only done. The authors were both American kdies — Miss Alice Brown, and Miss Louise Imogen Guiney. [ 8s ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 150 CRITICAL KIT-KATS. By Edmund Gosse. Hon. M. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. (Publish- ers' device). London, William Heinemann, 1896. $4.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original red buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 189; Prideaux, No. 6, p. 267. The beautiful appreciation of Stevenson may be found on pp. 275-302. 151 STUDIES IN TWO LITERATURES. By Ar- thur Symons. Leonard, Smithers Royal Arcade: Old Bond Street. London W., 1897. $18.00 The First Edition. Svo. Newly bound by Riviere in half olive green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 191; Prideaux, No. 7, p. 267. Fine copy, very scarce. The article on Robert Louis Stevenson comprises pp. 241-247. 152 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. By L. Cope Cornford. William Blackwood and Sons. Edin- burgh and London, MDCCCXCIX. All rights re- served. 75 cents i2mo. Original blue buckram boards. Widener, No. 194; Prideaux, No. 8, p. 261. 153 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. A Life Study in Criticism. By H. Bellyse Baildon. (Publishers' device). With Two Portraits. London, Chatto & Windus, 1901. $3.00 Crow^n 8vo. Original black buckram boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener,. No. 195; Prideaux, No. 9, p. 262. [ 86 ] WRITINGS OF R. L. STEVENSON 154 CATALOGUE of A Collection of the Books of Robert Louis Stevenson. In the Library of George M. Williamson. Grand View on Hudson. (Print- ers' device). The Marion Press. Jamaica, Queens- borough, New- York, 1901. $5.00 Large 8vo, pp. 100, all unnumbered. Original crimson cloth boards. Illustrated. Widener, No. 197; Prideaux,. No. 10, p. 262. No. Ill of 125 copies printed. 155 THE LIFE OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN- SON. By Graham Balfour. In Two Volumes. London, Methuen and Co., 36 Essex Street, 1901. $10.00 The First Edition. 8vo. Original crimson buckram boards, gilt tops, uncut with the yellow paper label. Illustrated. Widener, No. 198; Prideaux, No. 16, p. 146. 156 A TALK ABOUT ROBERT LOUIS STEVEN- SON. Being a Lecture delivered to the Brother- hood at Ancoats on November loth, 1901. Private- ly printed at Westminster, 1901. $5.00 Crown 8vo, pp. 43. Original brown paper wrappers, uncut. Inserted is an A. L. S., from the Author begging Mrs. Sitwell (a friend to whom many of Stevenson's letters were written) to accept the pamphlet of which only fifty copies had been printed. The fly leaf is also inscribed to this lady: "To Mrs. Sitwell from the compiler of these quotations. Oct. 1902." Mrs. Sitwell is now Mrs. Sidney Colvin. This book is by Sir Robert A. Hudson. [ 87 ] WALTER M. HILL - - CHICAGO 157 MEMORIES OF VAILIMA. By Isobel Strong and Lloyd Osbourne, with illustrations from photo- graphs. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York, 1902. $3.00 The First Edition. Crown 8vo. Original crimson cloth boards, gilt top, uncut. Widener, No. 201; Prideaux, No. 18, p. 149. The First Editions contain Verses written in 1892 by Robert Louis Stevenson. The English Edition was not published until 1903. 158 STEVENSONIANA. Edited by J. A. Hammer- ton. (Publisher's device). A. Wessells Company, New York. London, Grant Richards, 48 Leicester Square. 1903. $5.00 8vo. Original crimson buckram boards, gilt top, with the white paper label. Portrait and two interesting views associated with R. L. S. Widener, No. 203. Ver)^ full of interesting matter from various sources. 159 A BIBLIOGRAPHY of the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson by Colonel W. F. Prideaux. C. S. I. London, Frank Rollings, 7 Great Turnstile, Hol- born. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903. $15.00 The First Edition. 8vo. Original crimson buckram boards, gilt top, uncut, with the origin- al paper label. With ten illustrations, the frontispiece being a portrait of Stevenson. Widener, No. 204. Very scarce. Uniform with the Edinburgh Edition of Steven- son's Works. [ 88 ] ,it 4 -^ 520122 UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY