UC-NRLF $B Mfi3 DT5 GENERAL CATALOGUE OP UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINAEY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK 1836—1908 COMPILED BY Rev. CHARLES RIPLEY GILLETT, '80 librarian and general secretary op the association of the alumni 700 Park Avenue, New York 1S08'. : ?<: Founded, January 18, 1836. Instruction Commenced, December 5, 1836. First Public Anniversary, July 11, 1838. University Place Building Opened, December 12, 1838. Incorporated, March 17, 1839. Park Avenue Buildings Occupied, September 19, 1884. Dedication Exercises, December 9, 1884. .^- BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PRESIDENTS. Accessit. Exit. 1836 *Rev. THOMAS McAULEY, D.D., LL.D 1840 1840 *RICHARD TOWNLEY HAINES 1840 1840 *Rev. SAMUEL HANSON COX, D.D., LL.D 1841 1841 *RICHARD TOWNLEY HAINES , 1870 1870 *CHARLES BUTLER, LL.D 1897 1898 JOHN CROSBY BROWN VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1836 *ZECHARIAH LEWIS 1840 1841 *CHARLES BUTLER, LL.D 1870 1870 *NORMAN WHITE 1882 1882 *WILLIAM EARL DODGE 1883 1883 JOHN CROSBY BROWN 1898 1898 *DANIEL WILLIS JAMES 1907 1907 *MORRIS KETCHAM JESUP 1908 1908 ROBERT CURTIS OGDEN, LL.D RECORDERS. 1836 *Rev. ERSKINE MASON, D.D 1841 1841 *Rev. HENRY AUGUSTUS ROWLAND, D.D ; . 1843 1843 *Rev. JAMES WOODS McLANE, D.D 1864 1864 *Rev. EDWIN FRANCIS HATFIELD, D.D 1874 1874 *EZRA MUNSON KINGSLEY 1903 1903 • WILLIAM MORGAN KINGSLEY ,' TREASURERS. 1836 *WILLIAM MILLS HALSTED 1845 1845 *ANTHONY POST HALSEY 1863 1863 *Rev. JOSEPH STEELE GALLAGHER 1874 1874 *EZRA MUNSON KINGSLEY 1900 1900 *CHARLES TAYLOR KISSAM 1905 1905 CLINTON BEECHER PRICE iii 279337 i v GENERAL CATALOGUE DIRECTORS. Accessit. Exit. 1836 *Eev. THOMAS McAULEY, D.D., LL.D 1845 1836 *Eev. HENEY WHITE, D.D 1840 1836 *Eev. THOMAS HAEVEY SKINNER, D.D., LL.D 1848 1836 *Rev. WILLIAM PATTON, D.D 1849 1836 *Rev. ERSKINE MASON, D.D 1851 1836 *Rev. ICHABOD SMITH SPENCER, D.D 1849 n 1836 *Rev. ABSALOM PETERS, D.D 1842 1836 *Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS, D.D., LL.D 1880 1836 *Rev. ELIJAH PORTER BARROWS, D.D 1837 1836 *Rev. HENRY AUGUSTUS ROWLAND, D.D 1845 1836 *ZECARIAH LEWIS 1840 1836 *MICAH BALDWIN 1845 1836 *CHARLES BUTLER, LL.D 1897 1836 *JOHN NITCHIE 1838 1836 "LEONARD CORNING 1842 1836 *ABIJAH FISHER 1859 1S36 *WILLIAM MILLS HALSTED 1851 1836 *CALEB OLIVER HALSTED 1860 1836 *FISHER HOWE 1871 1836 *RICHARD TOWNLEY HAINES 1870 1836 *JOSEPH OTIS 1844 1836 *PELATIAH PEEIT 1857 1836 *CORNELIUS BAKEE 1840 1836 *KNOWLES TAYLOR 1842 1837 *Rev. DAVID MAGIE, D.D 1840 1837 *Rev. NATHANAEL EMMONS JOHNSON 1844 1837 *Rev. ANSEL DOAN EDDY, D.D 1856 1837 *Rev. SELAH BURR TREAT, D.D 1843 1837 *Rev. SAMUEL HANSON COX, D.D., LL.D 1873 1838 *ANSON GREENE PHELPS .'. . 1853 1840 *REV. ALBERT BARNES, D.D., LL.D 1870 1841 *Eev. ASA DODGE SMITH, D.D., LL.D 1864 1841 *DAVID LEAVITT '. 1846 1841 *ANTHONY POST HALSEY 1863 1842 *JAMES COLTON BLISS, M.D 1855 1842 *Rev. JAMES WOODS McLANE, D.D 1864 1844 *Rev. WILLIAM BEALE LEWIS 1849 1844 *TREADWELL KE)TCHAM 1850 GENERAL CATALOGUE v Accessit. Exit. 1844 *CYRUS PUTNAM SMITH, Esq 1848 1844 *Rev. HORATIO NELSON BRINSMADE, D.D 1851 1845 *Rev. EBENEZER CHEEVER 1846 1846 *REV. EDWIN FRANCIS HATFIELD, D.D 1883 1846 *Rev. SAMUEL WARE FISHER, D.D., LL.D 1848 1846 *DAVID HOADLEY , 1873 1847 *FRANCIS PEOPLES SCHOALS 1850 1848 »JOHN CENTER BALDWIN 1870 1848 *Rev. JONATHAN BAILEY CONDIT, D.D 1851 1848 *Rev. JOSEPH CLAY STILES, D.D 1852 1849 *Rev. CHARLES HENRY READ, D.D 1850 1849 *Rev. SAMUEL THAYER SPEAR, D.D 1860 1850 *Rev. JONATHAN FRENCH STEARNS, D.D 1889 1850 *Rev. WALTER HILLARD BIDWELL 1857 1851 *JOHN ALFRED DAVENPORT 1855 1851 *JASPER CORNING 1852 1852 *Rev. GEORGE LEWIS PRENTISS, D.D 1873 1852 *Rev. JOSEPH FEWSMITH, D.D 1888 1852 *Rev. ARTEMAS AUGUSTUS WOOD, D.D 1860 1852 *Rev. ALFRED ELDERKIN CAMPBELL, D.D 1859 1852 *JAMES BOORMAN . .*. 1866 1852 *ANSON GREEN PHELPS, Jr 1858 1855 *WALTER SCOTT GRIFFITH 1870 1856 *HON. WILLIAM EARL DODGE 1883 1856 *Rev. JAMES PATRIOT WILSON, D.D 1889 1856 *ALFRED CHARLES POST, M.D., LL.D 1886 1857 *NORMAN WHITE 1882 1857 *Rev. JOEL PARKER, D.D 1869 1859 *Rev. WALTER CLARKE, D.D 1861 1859 *SALEM HOWE WALES 1867 1860 *Rev. JOHN JENKINS, D.D., LL.D 1863 1860 *WILLIAM AGUR BOOTH 1895 1860 *Rev. CHARLES SEYMOUR ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D 1869 1860 *JOSEPH HOWLAND 1874 1861 *Rev. ROBERT RUSSELL BOOTH, D.D., LL.D 1892 1863 *Rev. JOSEPH STEELE GALLAGHER 1876 1863 *HANSON KELLY CORNING 1878 1864 *Rev. SAMUEL THAYER SPEAR, D.D 1869 1864 Rev. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.... 1881 1866 JOHN CROSBY BROWN .'. v i GENEEAL CATALOGUE Accesslt. Exit. 1867 *DANIEL WILLIS JAMES 1907 1868 *Eev. JOSEPH TUTTLE DUE YEA, D.D 1874 1869 *Rev. JOHN HALL, D.D., LL.D 1892 1869 *Eev. JAMES OEMSBEE MUREAY, D.D., LL.D 1882 1870 *WINTHEOP SAEGENT GILMAN 1875 1870 *HENEY DAY, Esq 1893 1870 *JOHN TAYLOE JOHNSTON, LL.D 1893 1871 Eev. HEEEICK JOHNSON, D.D., LL.D 1873 1872 *DAVID HUNTEE McALPIN 1901 1873 Eev. MAEVIN EICHAEDSON VINCENT, D.D 1887 1873 *Eev. WILLIAM MILLEE PAXTON, D.D., LL.D 1883 1874 *Eev. ZEPHANIAH MOOEE HUMPHEEY, D.D 1875 1874 *EZEA MUNSON KINGSLEY 1903 1875 *Eev. HENEY DAELING, D.D, LL.D 18S1 1875 *ALEXANDEE VAN EENSSELAEE 1878 1875 Eev. CHAELES ANDEEWS DICKEY, D.D 1892 1876 *HENEY IVISON 1884 1878 Eev. WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKEE, D.D 1883 1878 *GEOEGE WILLIAM LANE 1883 1879 *AETHUE BEOWN GEAVES 1882 1880 Eev. EESKINE NOEMAN WHITE, D.D 1892 1880 *Eev. EOSWELL DWIGHT HITCHCOCK, D.D., LL.D 1887 1881 *Eev. JAMES DUNCAN WILSON, D.D 1888 1881 Eev. CHAELES HENEY PAEKHUEST, D.D., LL.D 1883 *Rev. CHAELES CUTHBEET HALL, D.D., LL.D 1908 1883 *WILLIAM EAEL DODGE, Jr 1903 1883 *MOEEIS KETCHAM JESUP 1908 1884 Eev. EDWAED LOED CLAEK, D.D 1893 1884 *HEBEE EEGINALD BISHOP 1890 1886 *Eev. CHAELES WASHINGTON BAIED, D.D 1887 1886 *WILLIAM ALMY WHEELOCK 3905 1887 Eev. STEPHEN WINCHESTEE DANA, D.D 1887 WILLIAM WAENEE HOPPIN, Jr 1895 1887 EEV. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.... 1897 1888 Eev. DAVID EUDDACH FEAZEE, D.D 1888 Eev. JOHN McCLELLAN HOLMES, D.D 1899 1889 Eev. JAMES HALL McILVAINE, D.D 1895 1890 Eev. JAMES MEEKEE LUDLOW, D.D., L.H.D 1890 Eev. WILTON MEELE SMITH, D.D 1893 *HENEY DEUEY NOYES, M.D 1900 GENERAL CATALOGUE v ii Accesslt. Exit. 1893 Rev. LEWIS LAMPMAN, D.D 1893 Rev. JOHN BALCOM SHAW, D.D 1905 1893 GEORGE HENRY SOUTHARD 1895 HENRY MORRISON FLAGLER 1902 1894 *Rev. THOMAS ALEXANDER NELSON, D.D 1906 1894 Rev. ANSON PHELPS ATTERBURY, D.D 1894 Rev. WILLIAM FORCE WHITAKER, D.D 1897 ROBERT CURTIS OGDEN, LL.D 1897 Rev. ANTHONY HARRISON EVANS, D.D 1898 *DA VID BRINKERHOFF IVISON 1903 1900 Rev. SAMUEL MUNCE HAMILTON, D.D 1901 WLLLIAM MORGAN KINGSLEY 1903 FRANCIS LYMAN HINES 1903 EDWIN MUHLENBERG BULKLEY 1903 Rev. WILLIAM ROGERS RICHARDS, D.D 1903 JOHN MEIGS, PH.D 1907 WILLIAM HAWXHURST WHEELOCK 1908 Rev. JOSEPH DUNN BURRELL, D.D 1908 Rev. HENRY MARTYN SANDERS, D.D 1908 SETH LOW, LL.D 1908 ARTHUR CURTISS JAMES 1908 THATCHER MAGOUN BROWN 1908 Rev. FRANCIS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., D.Litt FINANCIAL AGENTS. 1839 *Rev. GIDEON NOBLE JUDD, D.D 1841 1841 *Rev. TIMOTHY W. LESTER 1842 1842 *Rev. ABSALOM PETERS, D.D 1842 1843 *Rev. LUBIM BURTON LOCKWOOD 1850 1850 *Rev. GEORGE FRANKLIN WISWELL, D.D 1852 1852 *Rev. JOSEPH STEELE GALLAGHER 1862 1864 »Rev. EDWIN FRANCIS HATFIELD, D.D 1865 1870 *Rev. EDWIN FRANCIS HATFIELD, D.D 1872 viii GENERAL CATALOGUE FACULTY. PRESIDENTS. AcCQBSit* Exit 1836 *EEV. THOMAS McAULEY, D.D., LL.D 1840 1840 *EEV. JOEL PARKER, D.D 1842 1873 *Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS, D.D., LL.D 1880 1880 *Rev. ROSWELL DWIGHT HITCHCOCK, D.D., LL.D 1887 1887 Rev. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.... 1897 1897 *Rev. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., LL.D 1908 1908 Rev. FRANCIS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., D.Litt REGISTRARS. 1908 Rev. CHARLES RIPLEY GILLETT, D.D., L.H.D PROFESSORS. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. 1836 *Rev. HENRY WHITE, D.D 1850 1851 *Rev. JAMES PATRIOT WILSON, D.D 1853 1854 *Rev. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D 1874 1874 *Rev. WM. GREENOUGH THAYER SHEDD, D.D., LL.D 1890 1891 *Rev. JOHN HOPKINS WORCESTER, Jb., D.D... 1893 1898 Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY [EMERITUS]. 1890 *Rev. WM. GREENOUGH THAYER SHEDD, D.D., LL.D 1892 PASTORAL THEOLOGY. 1836 *REV. THOMAS McAULEY, D.D., LL.D 1840 SACRED LITERATURE. 1837 *Rev. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D 1863 1863 *Rev. WM. GREENOUGH THAYER SHEDD, D.D., LL.D 1874 1874 *Rev. PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D., LL.D , . 1887 1887 Rev. MARVIN RICHARDSON VINCENT, D.D SACRED RHETORIC. 1840 *Rev. JOEL PARKER, D.D 1842 1873 *Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS, D.D., LL.D 1880 1881 Rev. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D... . 1904 GENERAL CATALOGUE j x Acceaait. SACRED RHETORIC [EMERITUS]. Kxlt 1904 Rev. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.... SACRED RHETORIC, PASTORAL THEOLOGY, AND CHURCH GOVERNMENT. 1848 *Rev. THOMAS HARVEY SKINNER, D.D., LL.D . 1871 CHURCH HISTORY. 1850 *REV. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D 1854 1855 *Rev. ROSWELL DWIGHT HITCHCOCK, D.D., LL.D 1887 1887 *REV. PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D., LL.D. 1893 1893 Rev. ARTHUR CUSHMAN McGIFFERT, Ph.D., D.D THEOLOGICAL CYCLOPEDIA AND CHRISTIAN SYMBOLISM. 1870 *Rev. PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D., LL.D 1873 HEBREW AND THE COGNATE LANGUAGES. 1873 *Rev. PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D., LL.D 1874 1875 Rev. CHARLES AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D 1890 1890 Rev. FRANCIS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., D.Litt PASTORAL THEOLOGY, CHURCH POLITY, AND MISSION WORK. 1873 *Rev. GEORGE LEWIS PRENTISS, D.D 1897 1897 *Rev. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., LL.D 1903 PASTORAL THEOLOGY [EMERITUS]. 1897 *REV. GEORGE LEWIS PRENTISS, D.D 1903 APOLOGETICS [EMERITUS]. 1874 *REV. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D 1877 BIBLICAL THEOLOGY. 1890 Rev. CHARLES AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D 1904 1905 Rev. JAMES EVERETT FRAME, M.A SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY [PROVISIONAL]. 1895 Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D 1898 PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF RELIGION. 1899 Rev. GEORGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D CHRISTIAN ETHICS. 1899 Rev. THOMAS CUMING HALL, D.D x GENERAL CATALOGUE HOMILETICS. Accessit. Exit. 1904 *Eev. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., LL.D 1908 THEOLOGICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND SYMBOLICS [GRADUATE]. 1904 Rev. CHARLES. AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D., D.Litt PRACTICAL THEOLOGY [GRADUATE]. 1906 Rev. HUGH BLACK, M.A BIBLICAL PHILOLOGY [ASSOCIATE]. 1881 Rev. FRANCIS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., D.Litt 1890 1905 Rev. JULIUS AUGUST BEWER, Ph.D OLD TESTAMENT LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [ASSOCIATE]. 1899 Rev. CHARLES PROSPER FAGNANI, D.D NEW TESTAMENT DEPARTMENT [ASSOCIATE]. 1903 Rev. JAMES EVERETT FRAME, M.A 1904 THEOLOGY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT [ASSOCIATE]. 1904 Rev. JAMES EVERETT FRAME, M.A 1905 NEW TESTAMENT DEPARTMENT [ASSISTANT]. 1900 Rev. JAMES EVERETT FRAME, M.A 1903 BIBLICAL PHILOLOGY [ASSISTANT]. 1904 Rev. JULIUS AUGUST BEWER, Ph.D 1905 HOMILETICS [ASSISTANT]. 1904 Rev. HENRY SLOANE COFFIN, D.D 1905 CHURCH HISTORY [ASSISTANT]. 1905 Rev. WILLIAM WALKER ROCKWELL, S.T.B., Lic.Th INSTRUCTORS. SACRED LITERATURE. 1836 *Rev. GEORGE BUSH 1837 1837 *Rev. EBENEZER BURGESS 1838 1838 *ROBERT BRIDGES PATTON, Ph.D 1839 1838 *ISAAC NORDHEIMER, Ph.D 1842 1843 *WILLIAM WADDEN TURNER 1852 1852 *Rev. THERON HOLBROOK HAWKS, D.D 1853 1853 *Rev. CHARLES SEELY DUNNING, D.D 1857 GENERAL CATALOGUE x i Accesslt Exit. 1857 Rev. ELIAS RIGGS, D.D., LL.D 1858 1858 *HENRY HAMILTON HADLEY, A.M 1864 1864 Rev. CHARLES CASEY STARBUCK 1865 1865 *Rev. CORNELIUS VAN ALEN VAN DYCK, M.D., D.D 1867 1867 Rev. JOHN DE WITT, D.D 1868 1867 Rev. GEORGE WILLIAM SHELDON, L.H.D 1873 1S69 *Rev. ELIJAH PORTER BARROWS, D.D 1870 1873 Rev. EDWARD READ BURKHALTER, D.D 1874 CHURCH HISTORY. 1847 *Rev. LUTHER HALSEY, D.D 1850 1853 *Rev. THERON HOLBROOK HAWKS, D.D 1854 1869 *Rev. PHILIP SCHAFF, D.D., LL.D 1870 1892 Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN, A.M 1893 1908 HAROLD HARRISON TRYON, M.A., B.D SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. 1869 *Rev. WM. GREENOUGH THAYER SHEDD, D.D., LL.D 1870 1893 Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D 1805 PASTORAL THEOLOGY. 1871 *Rev. GEORGE LEWIS PRENTISS, D.D 1873 CHURCH POLITY. 1871 *Rev. WILLIAM ADAMS, D.D., LL.D 1372 SACRED RHETORIC. 1847 *Rev. GEORGE SHEPARD, D.D 1848 1871 *Rev. WILLIAM MILLER PAXTON, D.D 1873 1880 *Rev. JAMES MASON HOPPIN, D.D 1881 BIBLICAL PHILOLOGY. 1879 Rev. FRANCIS BROWN, A.M 1881 1890 Rev. OWEN HAMILTON GATES, Ph.D 1892 1892 Rev. CHARLES PROSPER FAGNANI, D.D 1899 PROPEDEUTICS. 1893 Rev. CHARLES RIPLEY GILLETT, D.D., L.H.D APOLOGETICS. 1895 Rev. JOHN WINTHROP PLATNER, D.D 1896 NEW TESTAMENT DEPARTMENT. 1897 Rev. JAMES EVERETT FRAME, M.A 1900 l f J0G Rev. RALPH HALL FERRIS, M.A., B.D 1907 xii GENERAL CATALOGUE Accessit. Exit. 1907 PHILIP LOUIS SCHENCK, M.A., B.D 1908 1908 HAROLD HARRISON TRYON, M.A., B.D EXTENSION" COURSES FOR LAY STUDENTS. 1901 Rev. RICHARD MORSE HODGE, D.D 1907 ENGLISH BIBLE FOR LAY WORKERS. 1901 Rev. WILLIAM DANA STREET, B.D 1903 LECTURERS. APOLOGETICS. 1896 Rev. GEORGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D 1898 PASTORAL THEOLOGY. 1904 Rev. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D.... PRACTICAL THEOLOGY. 1905 Rev. HUGH BLACK, M.A 1906 HOMILETICS. 1905 Rev. HENRY SLOANE COFFIN, D.D 1906 Rev. ARTHUR STEPHEN HOYT, D.D 1907 APPLIED CHRISTIANITY. 1905 REV. GAYLORD STARIN WHITE, M.A BAPTIST PRINCIPLES AND POLITY. 1906 Rev. EDWARD JUDSON, D.D 1908 1908 Rev. HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK, B.D SACRED MUSIC. 1838 *ABNER JONES 1840 1845 *EDWARD HOWE, Jb 1852 1852 GEORGE FREDERICK ROOT 1855 1854 *LOWELL MASON, D.M 1855 1875 THEODORE E. PERKINS 1876 1886 REINHOLD LUDWIG HERMAN 1890 1890 GERRIT SMITH, Mus. Doc ELOCUTION. 1865 STEPHEN G. PEABODY 1866 1866 MARK BAILEY, M.A 1875 1876 CHARLES ROBERTS, Jr., A.M., LL.B 1903 1908 FRANCIS CARMODY, B.A., LL.B GENERAL CATALOGUE XJii Accessit SUPERINTENDENT OP MISSION WORK. ^ 1887 Rev. ADOLPHUS FREDERICK SCHAUFFLER, D.D 1893 DIRECTOR OP STUDENT CHRISTIAN WORK. 1901 Rev. GAYLORD STARIN WHITE, M.A LIBRARIANS. 1839 *Rev. HERMANN BOKUM 1841 1841 *Rev. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D 1850 1850 *Rev. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D 1876 1876 Rev. CHARLES AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D., D.Litt 1883 1883 Rev. CHARLES RIPLEY GILLETT, D.D, L.H.D 1908 ACTING LIBRARIAN. 1908 Rev. WILLIAM WALKER ROCKWELL, S.T.B., Lic.Th LECTURESHIPS. I. THE MORSE FOUNDATION. 1866 *Prof. ARNOLD GUYOT, Ph.D., LL.D. " The First Chapter of Genesis." 1869 *Prof. ARNOLD GUYOT, Ph.D., LL.D. " Man Primaeval." 1875 *Pbin. JOHN WILLIAM DAWSON, LL.D., F.R.S. " The Relation of Science to Revelation." 1878 *Rev. Prof. PAUL ANSEL CHADBOURNE, M.D., D.D, LL.D. " Instinct in Animals and Men." 1880 *Rev. Prof. HENRY CALDERWOOD, LL.D. " The Relations of Science and Religion." 1887 *Prof. JOSIAH PARSONS COOKE, LL.D. " The Credentials of Science the Warrant of Faith." 1894 Rev. WILLIAM ELLIOT GRIFFIS, D.D. " The Religions of Japan." 1895 Prof. JOHN MASON TYLER. " The Whence and the Whither of Man." 1898 *Rev. JOHN HENRY BARROWS, D.D. " The Christian Conquest of Asia: Observations and Studies of Religions in the Orient." 1900 Prof. WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE, Ph.D., L.H.D. " Church and State During the French Revolution." xiv GENERAL CATALOGUE A.CC6SSlt 1902 Rev. Pees. WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER, D.D., LL.D. " Modern Christianity." 1904 Rev. Prof. WILLIAM SANDAY, D.D., LL.D. " The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel." II. THE ELY FOUNDATION. 1867 *Rev. ALBERT BARNES, D.D., LL.D. " The Evidences of Christianity in the Nineteenth Century." 1871 *Rev. Pkes. JAMES McCOSH, D.D., LL.D. " Christianity and Positivism." 1874 *Rev. Prof. ANDREW PRESTON PEABODY, D.D., LL.D. " Comparative Evidences of Science and Christianity." 1877 *Rev. Prof. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D. (Ill health prevented the delivery of this course.) 1879 *Rev. RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D.D., LL.D. " The Divine Origin of Christianity: Indicated by its Historical Effects." 1883 *Prof. GEORGE SYLVESTER MORRIS, Ph.D. " Philosophy and Christianity." 1886 *Rev. Prof. ALEXANDER BALMAIN BRUCE, D.D. " The Miraculous Element in the Gospels." 1890 *Rev. Prof. LEWIS FRENCH STEARNS, D.D. " The Evidence of Christian Experience." 1891 *Rev. FRANK FIELD ELLINWOOD, D.D. " The Conflict of Christianity with the Great Non-Chris- tian Religions of the World." 1892 Rev. Prin. ANDREW MARTIN FAIRBAIRN, D.D. " The Place of Christ in Modern Theology." 1897 Rev. Prof. HENRY PRESERVED SMITH, D.D. " The Bible and Islam." 1899 Rev. THOMAS CUMING HALL, D.D. " The Social Significance of the Evangelical Revival in England." 1903 FREDERICK JONES BLISS, Ph.D. " The Exploration of Syria and Palestine." 1907 Rev. Prof. FRANCIS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., D.Litt. " The Relations of Israel with Babylonia and Assyria." GENERAL CATALOGUE XV III. THE PARKER FOUNDATION. Accesatt. 1871 *WILLARD PARKER, M.D., LL.D. " Physical and Mental Hygiene." 1872 JAMES WOODS McLANE, M.D. " Physical Health." 1873 DANIEL McMARTIN STIMSON, M.D. " Physiology of Nutrition." 1874 DANIEL McMARTIN STIMSON, M.D. " Physiology of Nutrition." 1875 DAVID TILDEN BROWN, M.D. " Relations of Morbid Conditions of Body and Mind to Religious Experience." 1876 ISAAC RAY, M.D. " Mental Hygiene with Special Reference to Pastoral Functions." 1877 SAMUEL GLASGOW ARMOR, M.D., LL.D. " Health in its Relation to Mental Habits and Religious Experience." 1878 *WILLARD PARKER, Jr., M.D. " What to eat and how to eat it." 1879 *DANIEL BENNETT ST. JOHN ROOSA, M.D. "The Maintenance of Health." 1880 *GOUVERNEUR MATHER SMITH, M.D. " Hygiene." 1884 *Prof. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, M.D. " Health and the Gymnasium." 1886 *WILLARD PARKER, M.D. " Health and Healthful Living." 1888 *CLARENCE EDWIN BEEBE, M.D. " The Throat." 1889 *WILLIAM BLAIKIE, Esq. " How to get Strong." 1890 *HENRY DRURY NOYES, M.D. "The Eye." 1892 MOSES ALLEN STARR, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Sc.D. " The Brain and the Nervous System." xv i GENERAL CATALOGUE Accesslt. 1893 ALBERT HENRY BUCK, M.D. " The Ear." 1897 JOHN SHAW BILLINGS, M.D. " Contagious Diseases." 1900 DAVID HUNTER McALPIN, M.D. " Hygiene, Personal and Public." 1903 CHESTER IRVING FISHER, M.D. " Physical and Mental Hygiene." 1905 ROBERT NEWTON WILLSON, M.D. " The Social Evil in America." IV. SPECIAL COURSES. 1868 *Rev. RUFUS ANDERSON, D.D., LL.D. " Missions." 1875 *Rev. RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D.D., LL.D. " The Method of Preparation for Preaching." 1875 *Rev. JOHN HALL, D.D., LL.D. " Preaching." 1875 *HON. WILLIAM STRONG, LL.D. " Relation of Civil Law to Ecclesiastical Polity, Prop- erty, and Discipline." 1876 *Rev. WILLIAM MACKERGO TAYLOR, D.D., LL.D. " Theme and Range of the Pulpit." 1876 *Rev. JOHN HALL, D.D., LL.D. " Catechetics." 1876 *Hon. HOOPER CUMMING VAN VORST, LL.D. " The Relations of the Civil Law to Ecclesiastical Polity." 1876 *Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D. " Hymnology." 1876 *Rev. CHARLES SEYMOUR ROBINSON, D.D. " Sabbath Schools and Bible Classes." 1877 *Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D. " The Spiritual Training of Christian Churches." 1878 *Hon. THEODORE WILLIAM DWIGHT, LL.D. " The Relations of Civil Law to Ecclesiastical Affairs." GENERAL CATALOGUE xv ji Accessit. 1879 *Hon. ENOCH LEWIS FANCHER, LL.D. " The Relations of Civil Law to Ecclesiastical Affairs." (lectubes on sociology.) 1886 *Prof. RICHARD MAYO-SMITH, Ph.D. " Social Problems." 1886 Prof. ARTHUR TWINING HADLEY, M.A. " Railroads." 1886 Rev. HENRY MITCHELL MacCRACKEN, D.D., LL.D. " Money." 1886 *Pbop. GEORGE BENTON NEWCOMB, Ph.D. " Theories of Property." 1886 Prof. JAMES LAURENCE LAUGHLIN, Ph.D. " Political Economy and Christianity." (lectures on practical religion.) 1896 *DWIGHT LYMAN MOODY. " How to Reach Non-Church Goers." 1896 Rev. BENJAMIN FAY MILLS. " The Evangelism of the Twentieth Century." 1896 *Rev. Prin. GEORGE MONRO GRANT, D.D. " Practical Teaching." 1896 Rev. FRANK WAKELEY GUNSAULUS, D.D. " What Ought a Church to do Without Becoming an In- stitutional Church? " 1896 Rev. WILLIAM HAY MACDOWALL HUNTER AITKIN. « " Winning Souls." (lectures on church unity.) 1896 *Rev. Prof. CHARLES WOODRUFF SHIELDS, D.D. " The General Principles of Church Unity." 1896 Rev. Pres. ELISHA BENJAMIN ANDREWS, D.D., LL.D. " The Sin of Schism." 1896 Rt. Rev. HENRY CODMAN POTTER, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L. " The Chicago-Lambeth Articles." 1896 *Rev. JOHN FLETCHER HURST, D.D., LL.D. " Irenic Movements since the Reformation." 1896 Rev. AMORY HOWE BRADFORD, D.D. " The Unity of the Spirit a World-wide Necessity.'' xviii GENEKAL CATALOGUE Accessit (lectures on christian worship.) 1896 *Rev. CHARLES CUTHBEET HALL, D.D. " The Principles of Christian Worship." 1896 Rev. Prof. ALEXANDER VIETS GRISWOLD ALLEN, D.D. " Primitive Christian Liturgies." 1896 *Rev. Prof. EGBERT COFFIN SMYTH, D.D. " The Greek Liturgies." 1896 Rev. Prof. HENRY EYSTER JACOBS, D.D., LL.D. " The Lutheran Liturgies." 1896 Rev. Prof. WILLIAM RUPP, D.D. " The Liturgies of the Reformed Churches." 1896 Rev. WILLIAM REED HUNTINGTON, D.D. " The Book of Common Prayer." 1896 Rev. Prin. ALLAN POLLOCK, D.D. " The Book of Common Order and the Director}' for Wor- ship." 1896 Rev. GEORGE DANA BOARDMAN, D.D., LL.D. " Worship in Non-Liturgical Churches." 1896 *Rev. CHARLES COMFORT TIFFANY, D.D. " The Roman Liturgies." 1896 Rev. Pres. THOMAS SAMUEL HASTINGS, D.D., LL.D., L.H.D. " The Ideal of Christian Worship." (lectures on practical religion.) 1897 Rev. PHILIP STAFFORD MOXOM, D.D. " Personal Righteousness." 1897 Rev. Pres. WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER, D.D., LL.D. " Social Righteousness." 1897 *WILLIAM ALLEN BUTLER, LL.D. " Commercial Righteousness." 1897 Rt. Rev. HENRY YATES SATTERLEE, D.D., LL.D. " Ecclesiastical Righteousness." 1897 Rev. CHARLES HENRY PARKHURST, D.D. " Civic Righteousness." 1898 Prof. WILLIAM KNIGHT, LL.D. " Wordsworth " and " Coleridge." GENERAL CATALOGUE x j x Accessit. 1898 GENERAL WILLIAM BOOTH. Address to Students and Ministers. 1898 Rev. Prof. CASPAR RENE GREGORY, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. " Advance in New Testament Criticism in the Present Century." 1899 Rev. Prin. STEWART DINGWALL FORDYCE SALMOND, D.D. " The Sunday-school Movement " and " Guilds and Young People's Societies in Scotland." 1899 Rev. Prin. ALEXANDER STEWART, D.D. " Immortality from an Apologetic Point of View." 1899 GEORGE JAMES BAYLES, Ph.D. " The Legal Aspects of Ecclesiastical Institutions." 1900 Prof. JAMES RENDEL HARRIS, Litt.D., LL.D. " The Principles and Methods of Textual Criticism Il- lustrated from a Particular Group of New Tes- tament Manuscripts." 1901 Rev. Prof. MARCUS DODS, D.D. Address to Students and Ministers. 1901 Rev. Prof. CASPAR RENE GREGORY, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D. " Modern Social Movements in Germany." 1901 Rev. Prin. STEWART DINGWALL FORDYCE SALMOND, D.D. " The Theology of the Nineteenth Century and Its Movements, Especially in Great Britain." 1901 Rev. DAVID WILLIAM FORREST, D.D. " The Authority of Christ: Its Sphere and Nature." 1902 Rev. W. GARRETT HORDER. " The Evolution of Modern Hymnody." 1903 Rev. Prof. GEORGE ADAM SMITH, D.D. " The Prophet Jeremiah." 1903 Rev. Prof. GEORGE TRUMBULL LADD, D.D., LL.D. " The Pastor as a Student." 1903 Rev. CHARLES LEMUEL THOMPSON, D.D. " The. Evangelization of America." 1903 ROBERT ELIOT SPEER. " Missionary Aspects of Great Movements." 1904 Rev. Prof. ADOLF HARNACK, Ph.D., D.D. " Der historische Jesus und die Christologie." xx GENEEAL CATALOGUE 1905 Rev. WILLIAM ALEXANDER PARSONS MARTIN, D.D., LL.D. " The Opening of China " and " Campaign in Central China with Viceroy Chang." 1905 PATTERSON DUBOIS. " The Place of Justice in Education." 1905 WILFRED THOMPSON GRENFELL, M.D. " Medical Missions among Arctic Fishermen." 1905 Pbof. SAMUEL SATTHIANADHAN, M.A., LL.D. (Cantab), " Indian Philosophical Systems as Related to Chris- tianity." 1905 *Hon. PONAMBALAM RAMANATHAN, K.C., C.M.G. " Soul Culture in India." 1905 Rev. Pbof. WILLIAM IMBRIE, D.D. " Notable Events in the History of the Church of Christ in Japan." 1906 Rev. Prof. HENRY WOODWARD HULBERT, D.D. " The Russian Church " and " The Evangelization of Russia." 1906 Rev. WILLIAM L. WATKINSON, D.D., LL.D. " The Doctrine of Sin and the Doctrine of Redemption in the Light of Modern Thought." 1907 Rev. JOHN OMAN, D.Phil. " The Authority of Christ." 1907 Rev. Prin. PETER TAYLOR FORSYTH, D.D. " The Preacher and his Age." 1907 Rev. Pbof. GEORG WOBBERMIN, Ph.D., D.D. " The Present State of Theology in Germany." V. SPECIAL SERMONS. (the holy spirit.) 1898 Rev. Prof. WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE, D.D. " The Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Holy Trinity." 1898 Rev. NEWMAN SMYTH, D.D. " The Work of the Holy Spirit in .Man Apart from the Church." 1899 Rev. Pres. WILLIAM DeWITT HYDE, D.D., LL.D. " The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Creation and Government of the World." GENERAL CATALOGUE xxi Accessit. 1899 Rev. Pees. HENRY ANSON BUTTZ, D.D., LL.D. " The Holy Spirit's Advent at Pentecost." 1899 Rev. DEAN GEORGE HODGES, D.D. "The Holy Spirit Dwelling in the Church." 1899 Rev. SAMUEL MUNCE HAMILTON, D.D. " The Holy Spirit and Holy Scripture." 1899 Rev. GEORGE ALEXANDER, D.D. " The Work of the Holy Spirit in Regeneration." 1899 Rev. THEODORE THORNTON MUNGER, D.D. " The Holy Spirit Dwelling in the Christian." 1899 Rev. WILLIAM REED HUNTINGTON, D.D. " The Holy Spirit the Guide into Truth." 1899 Rev. ALEXANDER McKENZIE, D.D. " The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit." (the doctrine of salvation.) 1903 Rev. Prof. GEORGE FOOT MOORE, D.D. " Conceptions of Salvation in the Ethnic Faiths." 1903 Rev. Prof. HENRY PRESERVED SMITH, D.D. " Salvation According to the Old Testament." 1903 Rev. Prof. FRANK CHAMBERLIN PORTER, D.D. " The Teachings of Jesus Concerning Salvation." 1903 Rev. Prof. MARVIN RICHARDSON VINCENT, D.D. " The Teachings of the Apostles Concerning Salvation." 1903 Rev. Prof. JOHN WINTHROP PLATNER, D.D. " Salvation According to Catholics and Reformers." 1903 Rev. Prof. ARTHUR CUSHMAN McGIFFERT, Ph.D., D.D. " Modern exceptions of Salvation." 1903 Rev. Prof. WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE, D.D. " The Christian Doctrine of Salvation." 1903 Rev. Prof. BORDEN PARKER BOWNE, LL.D. " Salvation and Belief." 1903 Rev. WILLIAM ROGERS RICHARDS, D.D. " Salvation and Conduct." 1903 Rev. WILLIAM REED HUNTINGTON, D.D. " Salvation and the Church." X xii GENERAL CATALOGUE Accessit. 1903 Rev. Prof. FRANCIS GREENWOOD PEABODY, D.D. " Salvation and Society." 1903 Rev. Prof. GEORGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D. " Salvation and Christian Missions." 1903 Rev. Prof. THOMAS CUMING HALL, D.D. " The Final Consummation." (THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD OF TO-DAY.) 1904 Rev. WILLIAM NEWTON CLARKE, D.D. " The Church as a Divine Institution." 1904 Rev. Dean GEORGE HODGES, D.D. " The Church as a Human Organization." 1904 Rev. PROF. BORDEN PARKER BOWNE, LL.D. " The Church and the Kingdom of God." 1904 Rev. Prof. JAMES STEVENSON RIGGS, D.D. " The Church and the Sacraments." 1904 Rev. Prof. EDWARD CALDWELL MOORE, Ph.D., D.D. " The Church and Public Worship." 1904 Rev. Pres. WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER, D.D., LL.D. " The Teaching Function of the Church." 1904 Rev. Pres. JOHN FRANKLIN GOUCHER, D.D., LL.D. " The Church and the Family." 1904 Prof. GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, Litt.D., LL.D. " The Church and the Individual." 1904 Rt. Rev. HENRY CODMAN POTTER, D.D., LL.D. " The Church and Society." 1904 Rev. Pres. HENRY HOPKINS, D.D., LL.D. " The Church and other Organizations for Service." 1904 Rev. Prof. CHARLES WOODRUFF SHIELDS, D.D., LL.D. " The Unity of the Church." 1904 *Rev. Pres. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., LL.D. " The Church and the Christianization of the World. (the unity of the faith.) 1905 Rev. EDWARD JUDSON, D.D. " Christian Fellowship on Earth." GENERAL CATALOGUE xx iii Accessit. 1905 Rev. HENRY SYLVESTER NASH, D.D. " The Revelation through the Written Word." 1905 *Rev. Prof. GEORGE BARKER STEVENS, D.D., LL.D. " The Righteousness of God." 1905 Rev. Prof. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN, PhD., D.D. " Christ as the Manifestation of the Father." 1905 Rev. LYMAN ABBOTT, D.D., LL.D. " Christ as the Example of Moral Goodness." 1905 Rev. Prof. HENRY SLOANE COFFIN, M.A., B.D. " Christ as the Suffering Saviour." 1905 Rev. Pres. WILLIAM HENRY BLACK, D.D., LL.D. " Christ as the Risen Lord." 1905 Rev. Pres. GEORGE HARRIS, D.D., LL.D. "The Spirit that Quickeneth." 1905 Rev. Prof. EDWARD INCREASE BOSWORTH, D.D. " The Forgiveness of Sins." 1905 Rev. Pres. GEORGE EDMANDS MERRILL, D.D. " Prayer Considered as Worship and as Intercession." 1905 Rev. Prin. JOSEPH MAX HARK, D.D. " The Inward Witness of Christian Experience." 1905 Rev. Chan. JAMES ROSCOE DAY, D.D., LL.D. " The Christian Life of Active Service." 1905 *Rev. Pres. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., LL.D. " The Redeemed Life after Death." 1905 Rev. Prof. GEORGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D. " The Universal Message of Salvation." 1905 Rev. Pres. ALEXANDER VAN VRANKEN RAYMOND, D.D., LL.D. " The Glory that Shall Be." (the christian doctrine of faith.) 1906 Rev. Prin. ANDREW MARTIN FAIRBAIRN, D.D., Litt.D., LL.D. " Faith and Reason." " Faith and Grace." 1906 Prof. GEORGE ALBERT COE, PH.D. " Faith and Science." xxiv GENERAL CATALOGUE Accessit. 1906 Rev. Pbof. HINCKLEY GILBERT MITCHELL, Ph.D., S.T.D. " Faith and Biblical Criticism." 1906 Prof. GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, Litt.D., LL.D. "Faith and Ethics." 1906 *Rev. Pres. CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL, D.D., LL.D. " Faith and the Study of Religions." 1906 Rev. Prin. ROBERT ALEXANDER FALCONER, D.Litt., LL.D. " Faith and Character." 1906 Rev. Prof. ALEXANDER VIETS GRISWOLD ALLEN, D.D. "Faith and Tradition." 1906 Rev. Pres. WILLIAM HERBERT PERRY FAUNCE, D.D., LL.D. " Faith and Formula." 1906 Rt. Rev. FREDERICK COURTNEY, D.D. " Faith and Ministry." 1906 Rev. ARCTURUS CONRAD, D.D. " The Inspirations of Faith." 1906 Rev. Prof. HENRY ANGUS ALEXANDER KENNEDY, D.Sc. " The Risks of Faith." 1906 Rev. Pres. MELANCTHON WOOLSEY STRYKER, D.D., LL.D. " The Fruits of Faith." 1906 Rev. WILLIAM ROGERS RICHARDS, D.D. " The Outlook of Faith." (THE PERSON AND WORK OF CHRIST.) 1907 Rev. Prof. JAMES EVERETT FRAME. " The Primitive Teaching." 1907 Rev. Prof. MARVIN RICHARDSON VINCENT, D.D. " The Pauline and the Johannine Teachings." 1907 Rev. Prof. WILLIAM WALKER ROCKWELL, S.T.B., Lic.Th. " The Ancient and Medieval Conceptions." 1907 Rev. Prof. ARTHUR CUSHMAN McGIFFERT, Ph.D., D.D. " The Reformation and Modern Conceptions." 1907 Rev. Prof. FRANCIS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., D.Litt. " The Preparation in Israel." 1907 Rev. Prof. JULIUS AUGUST BEWER, Ph.D. " The Prophet of Nazareth." GENERAL CATALOGUE XXV Accessit. 1907 Rev. Prof. HUGH BLACK, M.A. "The Victor Over Temptation." 1907 Rev. Prof. EDWARD JUDSON, D.D. "The Great Physician." 1907 Rev. Pbof. CHARLES PROSPERO FAGNANI, D.D. " The Friend of Sinners." 1907 Rev. HENRY SLOANE COFFIN, D.D. "The Suffering Saviour." 1907 Rev. Pbof. WILLIAM ADAMS BROWN, Ph.D., D.D. "The Risen Lord." 1907 Rev. Pbof. ARTHUR STEPHEN HOYT, D.D. "The Perfect Man." 1907 Rev. Pbof. CHARLES AUGUSTUS BRIGGS, D.D., D.Litt. " The Son of God." 1907 Rev. Pbof. THOMAS CUMING HALL, D.D. "The Christ of To-Day." 1907 Rev. Pbof. GEORGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D. " Christ and the Founders of Other Religions." (THE KINGDOM OF GOD: THE SOCIAL MESSAGE OF CHRISTIANITY.) 1908 Rev. Pres. ISAAC CONRAD KETLER, Ph.D., D.D. " The World's Need of a Social Gospel." 1908 Rev. HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK, B.D. " The Social Message of the Prophets to their Own Day." 1908 Rev. JAMES HARDY ROPES, D.D. " The Kingdom of God as a Messianic Hope." 1908 Rev. Prof. JAMES EVERETT FRAME, M.A. "The Old and the New in Jesus' Gospel." 1908 Rev. Prof. MARVIN RICHARDSON VINCENT, D.D. " The Church and the Kingdom in the Preaching of Paul." 1908 Rev. Prof. ARTHUR CUSHMAN McGIFFERT, Ph.D., D.D. " The Social Message of the Protestant Reformation." 1908 Rev. Prof. GEORGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D. " The Kingdom of God and the Missionary Problem." xxv i GENEEAL CATALOGUE Accessit. 1908 Rev. Pkof. BOEDEN PAEKEE BOWNE, LL.D. " The Kingdom of God in Modern Eeligious Thought." 1908 Eev. Prin. JOSEPH MAX HAEK, D.D. " The Message of Christianity to the Family." 1908 Prin. BOOKEE TALIAFEEEO WASHINGTON, LL.D. " The Kingdom of God and the Eace Problem." 1908 Eev. Prof. THOMAS CUMING HALL, D.D. " The Kingdom of God and Civil Government." 1908 Eev. ALBEET PAEKEE FITCH, B.D. "The Kingdom of God and Social Ethics." 1908 Eev. Pres. WILLIAM HENEY BLACK, D.D. " The Kingdom of God and the Sectarian Problem." VI. THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. (UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS.) 1897 Rev. Prof. THOMAS KELLY CHEYNE, D.D. " Phases of Jewish Eeligious Life After the Exile." 1898 Prof. KAKL BUDDE, D.D. " The Eeligion of Israel from the Earliest Times to the Exile." 1904 Prof. GEOEG STEINDOEFF, Ph.D. " The Eeligion of Ancient Egypt." 1905 Eev. Prof. GEOEGE WILLIAM KNOX, D.D., LL.D. " The Development of Eeligion in Japan." 1907 Prof. MAUEICE BLOOMFIELD, LL.D. " The Eeligion of the Veda, the Ancient Eeligion of India." STUDENTS. 1837. •LAMBERT, Amos Bordman; b, Wakefield (South-Reading), Mass, Jn 6, 1810; UNY, 34; PTS, 34-5; UTS, 36-7; ord (Presb, Troy), Nv 2, 37; pas, Salem, Wash. Co, NY, 37-65; pas, Hoosic Falls, NY, 66-7; wc, Salem, NY, 67; ss, South-Hartford, NY, 67-73; ss (Cong), Rupert, Vt, 73-84; oc s, Salem, NY, 84-93; d, do, Nv 29, 93. DD, UNY, 54. 1838. •BELDEN, Henry; b, Greenfield, Ct, Ap 9, 1813; UC, 35; AndTS, 35-6; PTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; ord (Presb, North River) My 2, 39; ss, Gowanus (LI) NY, 38; pas, Marlborough, NY, 39-40; ss, New Windsor, NY, 40-1; ss, Washingtonville (Blooming Grove), NY, 41-4; pas (Cong), Boonton, NJ, 44-6; pas, Washingtonville, NY, 46-52; pas (Free Cong), NY City, 52-6; cm, Brooklyn, NY, 56-66; wc, New-Providence, NJ, 66-8; pas, Parkville (LI), NY, 68-71; ev, do, 71-4; wc & inv, do, 74-84; d, NY City, Jn 24, 84. ♦BROWN, Samuel Robbins; b, Ellington, Ct, Jn 16, 1810; YC, 32; Prof, D & DI, NYCity, 32-5; Col TS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 14, 38; fm, Canton, China, 38-47; wc, NYCity, 47-9; tea, Rome, NY, 49-51; pas (RD), Owasco Outlet, NY, 51-9; fm, Kanagawa, Japan, 59-63; fm, Yokohama, Japan, 63-7; U States, 67-9; fm, Nagasaki, Japan, 69-79; d, Monson, Mass, Jn 20, 80. DD, UNY, 67. *MEGIE, Burtis Cunningham; b, NYCity, Dc 4, 1813; UNY, 35; AndTS, 35-6; PTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; ord ev (Presb, North River), Oc 31, 38; ss, New-Paltz, NY, 38-9; ss & pas, Dover, NJ, 39-76; pas, Pleasant Grove, NJ, 76-88; supt publ sch & ss, Welch Ch, Dover, NJ, 88-90; d, do, Jn 12, 90. DD, UNY, 75. •PELOUBET, Alexander Olympus; b, Hudson, NY, My 28, 1810; UNY, 35; AubTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; ord (Cong Asso NY), My 15, 39; ss. Mount Hope, NY, 39-40; ss (Presb), Unionville and Westtown, NY, 40-5; ss, Lloyd, NY, 46-9; pas, Circleville, NY, 50-8; ss, Stanhope, NJ, 58; pas, Cairo, NY, 60-5; pas, Mecklenburg, NY, 65-71; pas, Five Cor- ners, NY, 71-3; pas, Mecklenburg, NY, 73-91; hr, do, 91-7; d, do, Mr 8, 97. • *•>*•} • * \ V • •?**? " - 2 1£3S 1839. *WARD, Thomas Sydenham; b, Bloomfield, NJ, Oc 23, 1811; UNY, 35; AubTS, 35-7; UTS, 37-8; ord (Presb), 39; pas, Hanover, NJ, 39-42; wc, Bloomfield, NJ, 43; ss, Sparta, NJ, 44-6; wc, Bloomfield, NJ, 46- 51; pas, Carbondale, Pa, 51-64; d, do, Fb 13, 64. *WOOD, George Ingersoll; b, Stamford, Ct, My 20, 1814; YC, 33; YTS, 35-6; UTS, 36-8; ord (Presb) My 18, 40; pas, Washington, DC, 40-1; pas (Cong), West-Hartford, Ct, 41-4; ss, North-Branford, Ct, 44-50; pas. Ellington, Ct, 50-4; ss, North-Branford, Ct, 55-8; pas, Guilford, Ct, 58-67; ss, St Cloud, Minn, 67-9; wc, Ellington, Ct, 69-91; do, Wash- ington, DC, 91-9; d, do, Ja 9,99. 6. •COLTON, Aaron Merrick, b, Georgia, Vt, Ag 25, 1809; YC, 35; AndTS, 35-7; UTS, 37-8; AndTS, 38; res lie, AndTS, 38-40; ord (Cong), Jn 10, 40; pas, Amherst, Mass, 40-52; pas, E Hampton, Mass, 53-80; pas emer, do, 80-95; d, do, Ap 30, 95. •KELLOGG, Eobert Ransom; b, Hudson, NY, My 18, 1813; UNY, 35; Aub TS, 35-6; UTS, 37-8; ord (Presb) Dc 5, 38; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 39; pas, Borneo, Mich, 40-8; pas, Detroit, Mich, 48-53; d sec, A&FCU, De- troit, Mich, 53-5; pas, Leroy, NY, 55-7; pas, Lima, NY, 57-9; wc, Eliz- abeth, NJ, 60; pas, Milford, Pa, 61-6; d, do, Sp 25, 66. •TOWNSEND, James Benjamin; b, Hebron, NY, Ag 8, 1810; UC, 35; tea, Castleton, Vt, 35-6; AubTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; ord (Presb), Sp, 39; tea, Knoxville, Tenn, 39-40; ss, Goochland Co, Va, 42-3; ss, Paris and Flor- ida, Mo, 43-4; pas, St Louis, Mo, 44-50; pas, Cincinnati, O, 50-2; wc, do, 54; wc, St Louis, Mo, 52-7; wc, Bloomington, 111, 57-65; d, do, Ja 27, 65. 3. 1839. ♦ANGIER, Luther Horn; b. Southboro', Mass, Ja 26, 1810; AC, 33; tea, NY City, 33-6; UTS, 36-9; ord (Presb Buffalo), Mar 4, 40; pas, Buffalo, NY, 40-5; ss, Port Gibson, Miss, 47-8; ss, Medford, Mass, 48-50; pas (Cong) , Concord, Mass, 50-8; pas, South-Maiden, Mass, 59-61; ss, Sand- wich, Mass, 63-4; ss & pas, Rockport, Mass, 64-8; ss, Edgartown, Mass, 68-9; ss, Litchfield, NH, 70-1; pas (Presb), South-Boston, Mass, 71-3; pas, Parkersburgh, WVa, 75; ss, Nantucket, Mass, 77-8; ss, Hol- brook, Mass, 79-80; ss, Easton, Mass, 80-1; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 81-2; ss, Darien, Ct, 82-3; ss, So Norwalk, Ct, 83-4; ss (Presb), Westchester, NY, 84; ss, Conway, Mass, 84-5; pas (Cong) Turners Falls, Mass, 85- 8; ss (Pr) Holyoke, Mass, 90-1; res, Boston, Mass, 91-8; d, do, Mr 28, 98. 1839. 3 ♦BELDEN, William; b, Weston, Ct, Ag 20, 1811; UC, 35; UTS, 36-9; res lie, 39-40; ord (Presb), 40; pas, Newark, NJ, 40-2; ss, Milford, Pa, 43-4; tea, NY City, 45-72; d, Dover, NJ, Jn 18, 74. •BOND, William Bush; b, West-Brookfield, Mass, Ja 12, 1815; AC, 35; LTS, 36-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Mr 18, 40; pas, Lee, Mass, 40-6; pas, St Johnsbury, Vt, 47-58; wc, do 59-61; do, Easthampton, Mass, 61-5; ss, Palmer (Thorndike), Mass, 65-69; wc, Chicago, 111, 69-72; pas, New-Braintree, Mass, 72-9; wc, Lake Forest, 111, 79-94; d, New Canaan, Ct, Sp 15, 94. •CARY, Josiah Addison; b, West-Brookfield, Mass, Mar 29, 1813; AC, 32; UTS, 36-9; res lie, 39-43; ord (Presb), My 13, 44; prof, D&D Inst, NYCity, 32-51; ss (ED), do, 51; prin, D & DI, Columbus, O, 51-2; d, do, Ag 7, 52. ♦CHAMBERLAIN, Charles; b, Holliston, Mass, Oc 4, 1813; BU, 36; And TS, 36-7; UTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Jul 8, 42; HM, Ohio & Ind, 39-41; pas, Berkley, Mass, 42-4; ss, Freetown, Mass, 45-7; ss, Mendon, Mass, 47-50; pas, Auburn, Mass, 50-3; pas, Ashford, Ct, 53-7; pas, Eastford, Ct, 58-67; ss, Oxford, Ct, 67-9; ss, Bedding, Ct, 69-71; ss, Burlington, Ct, 71-4; ss, E-Granby, Ct, 74-81; d, do, Mr 30, 81. *COE, Philemon Elmer; b, NY City, Jn 20, 1815; CNJ, 34; PTS, 34-6; UTS, 38-9; ord (Ep), Jn 30, 43; rec, Hammondsport, NY, 44; HM, Medina & Royalton, NY, 45-50; HM, Stafford, NY, 50-1; rec, Plain field & Scotch Plains, NJ, 51-9; rec, Westfield, NJ, 59-73; d, do, Dc 20, 73. •CONKLING, Cornelius Stadge; b, Northport (LI), NY, Jl 31, 1810; UC, 36; UTS, 36-9; res lie, 39-40; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Mr 7, 40; pas, Boonton, NJ, 40-4; ss, West-Milford, NJ, 44-6; pas, Mt Pleasant, NJ, 46-70; supt pub instr, Frenchtown, NJ, 70-6; oc s, Stockton, NJ, 76-88; d, do, Fb 26, 88. *EVANS, James Samuel; b, Bristol, Pa, Sp 25, 1817; UNY, 36; UTS, 36-9; res lie, 40-1; ord (Presb), Jn 12, 44; tea, NYCity, 39-43; pas, Middletown (LI), NY, 44-9; pas, Setauket (LI), NY, 50-68; ss, Ches- ter, NJ, 70-71; sm, Brooklyn, NY, 71-4; pm, do, 74-5; pas, Newark (Woodside), NJ, 76-80; wc, 81-3; hr, Setauket (LI), NY, 84-5; d, do, Oc 6, 85. DD, UNY, 57. •FISHER, Samuel Ware; b, Morristown, NJ, Ap 5, 1814; YC, 35; PTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-9; ord (Presb), Ap 39; pas, W Bloomfield, NJ, 39-43; pas, Albany, NY, 43-6; pas, Cincinnati, O, 47-58; prest, HC, Clinton, NY, 58-66; pas, Utica, NY, 66-74; d, College Hill, O, Ja 18, 74. Mod Gen Assem, 57; DD, MiU, 52; LLD, UNY, 66. •GULICK, Alexander; b, NY City, Ap 9, 1814; RC, 33-5; PTS, 36-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Presb, Miami), My 10, 40; pas, Mt. Pleasant, Greenville & Union, O, 40-3; pas (RD), Woodstock, NY, 45-55; pas, W Hurley, NY, 4 1839. 55-64; pas (Presb), Bridgeville, Del, 64-7; pas, Jasper, NY, 67-73; wc, Woodstock, NY, 74-84; d, do, Ap 1, 84. *HALL, John Goodman; b, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 16, 1816; UNY, 36; UTS, 36-9; ord (Cong, Berkshire Asso), Oc 29, 39; ss, New-Lebanon, NY, 39-42; pas, S Egremont, Mass, 42-50; pas, Cherry Valley, NY, 50-7; pas (RD), Fort Plain, NY, 57-63; ss (Cong), Ravenna, O, 64-73; wc, Cleveland, O, 73-1900; d, do, Ja 30, 00. DD, UNY, 79. *HILDRETH, James; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 19, 1813; UTS, 37-9; US Army, 39-40; ord (Presb), Mr 10, 40; pas, Haverstraw, NY, 40-7; ss, Dav- enport, la, 48-50; d, Savannah, 111, Jl 20, 51. ♦HOLTON, Isaac Farwell; b, Westminster, Vt, Ag 30, 1812; AC, 36; UTS, 37-9; ord (Presb), My 1, 60; HM, McDonough, Adams & Pike Co, 111, 40-4; prin, Natchez, Miss, 44-5; trav, N Granada, SA, 45-7; prof, NYC, 48-52; trav in S America, 52-4; lect, CNJ, 54-5; ss, Meredith Village, NH, 55-6; prof, MC, 56-7; ss, Lawrence & Chemung, 111, 58-61; ss, Al- den, 111, 61-3; ss, Hill's Grove, 111, 63-5; ed, Boston, Mass, 65-7; lit, Boston, Mass, 67-74; d, Everett, Mass, Ja 25, 74. *JUDD, James Shepherd; b, Cambridge, NY, 1810; 01, 37; UTS, 37-9; ss, Bridgewater, NY, 40; inv, Warrensburgh, NY, 40-5; d, do, Ja 8, 45. *KENMORE, Charles; b, Newton Ards, Ireland, 1816; OI, 37; UTS, 37-9; ord (Cong), 41; ss, Kendall & Carlton, NY, 41-2; ss, Churchville, NY, 42-3; ss, Holland & Colden, NY, 46-8; ss, Milton, NY, 48-9; ss, Coving- ton & Blossburgh, Pa, 49-50; ss, Andover, NY, 51-3; ss, Rose, NY, 54-5; ss, Weston, NY, 55-6; ss, Dyersville, Io, 57; ss, Mt Vernon, 111, 57-8; inv, Monticello, Miss, 58-9; tea, Madison, Miss, Greensburgh, La, Fort Gaines, Ga; prof, Tallahassee, Fla, 59-71; d, Hornellsville, NY, Jn 15, 71. *LORD, Jeremiah Skidmore; b, Jamaica (LI), NY, My 10, 1812; UNY, 36; UTS, 36-9; ord (RD), Ag 20, 39; res grad, 39-40; pas, Montville, NJ, 39-43; pas, Griggstown, NJ, 43-7; pas, NYCity (Harlem), 48-69; d, do, Ap 2, 69. DD, UNY, 59. ♦MEGIE, Daniel Elston; b, NY City, Fb 9, 1808; UTS, 36-9; res lie, 39-40; ord (Presb), Nv, 17, 40; pas, Succasunna, NJ, 40-4; pas, Boonton, NJ, 44-72; wc, Boonton, NJ, 72-80; d, do, My 16, 80. *RILEY, Benjamin Gilbert; b, Middlefield, NY, Ag 7, 1810; WmsC, 34; AndTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-9; ord (Presb), Fb 26, 40; pas, Hartwick, NY, 39-42; pas, Livonia, NY, 43-55; tea, Lima, NY, 55-6; ss, Horseheads, NY, 56-7; ss, Lodi, Wis, 57-63; ss, Berlin, Wis, 63-4; sm, Lodi, Wis, 64-76; wc, do, 76-84; d, Prairie du Sac, Wis, Sp 12, 84. *SAXTON, Joseph Addison; b, Tolland, Ct, Nv 27, 1810; UNY, 35; YTS, 36-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Presb, LI), Jn 7, 43; ss, Marlboro, Mass, 40; ss, Harrisonburgh, Va, 40; ss, Ware, Mass, 41; ss, Ashburnham, Mass, 42; 1839. 5 pas, Green port (LI), NY, 43-5; ss, New-River, Parish of Ascension, La, 45-50; ss, Plymouth, Ct, 50; pas (Cong), New-Hartford, Ct, 51-3; ss, NY City, 53; ss, Fire-Place (LI), NY, 54; tea, NY City, 54-6; ss, New- Preston, Ct, 56-7; ss, Brookfield, Ct, 58; ss, Fitchville, Ct, 59; tea, Nor- wich Town, Ct, 59-67; tea, NYCity, 67-70; ag, do, 71; prof, UNY, do, 71-4; prof, Cooper Union, do, 67-1902; d, do, Fb 10, 02. •SNYDER, Peter; b, Schoharie, NY, Oc 18, 1814; UC, 36; PTS, 36-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Presb), Oc 15, 40; ss, Whippany, NJ, 40-2; ss, New-Ro- chelle, NY, 42-4; pas, Cairo, NY, 44-8; pas, Watertown, NY, 48-63; d, do, Dc 13, 63. •WARRINER, Francis; b, Springfield, Mass, Nv 20, 1804; AC, 30; YTS, 35-6; UTS, 39; res lie, 39-40; ord (Cong), Oc 26, 41; pas, Chester, Mass, 41-7; wc, Waterford, Vt, 48-54; pas, do, 54-60; ss, Chester Cen- tre, Mass, 60-2; tea, US Navy, 62-5; d, Chester, Mass, Ap 22, 66. 21. •FARWELL, John Edward; b, Ashby, Mass, Dc 9, 1809; AC, 36; AndTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; AndTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Oc 30, 39; oc s, var places, 39-42; ss, Castine, Me, 42-3; pas, Rochester, NH, 43-52; ss, St Johns- bury, Vt, Meredith Village, and Pelham, NH, 52-8; d, Fitchburg, Mass, Dc 24, 58. *FAY, Barnabas Maynard; b, Berlin, Mass, Jl 27, 1806; YC, 33; prof, D& DI, NY City, 33-8; UTS, 36-8; ord (Cong), My 20, 40; pas, Hardwick, Mass, 40-3; tea, Durham, Ct, 43-4; pas, Wilmington, Mass, 45-50; prof, Blind Asylum, Indianapolis, Ind, 50-4; prof, D&DI, Flint, Mich, 54-64; banker, Saginaw, Mich, 64-9; wc, Saratoga Springs, NY, and New Ha- ven, Ct, 69-84; d, Washington, DC, Mr 8, 85. *FOX, Jared Ware; b, Sherburne, NY, Dc 5, 1810; OI, 37; UTS, 37-8; ord (Cong), Oc, 39; ss, Adams Basin, NY, 38; ss, Chili, NY, 40-4; ss, Stone Church, NY, 44-7; ss, Sherburne, NY, 47-50; ss, Preble, NY, 50-3; ss, Churchville, NY, 53-5; ss, Walworth, NY, 55-60, and ss, LeRoy, NY, 58-60; ss, Ridgeway, Kan, 60-8, and ss, Burlingame, Kan, 61-8; hm, Ridgeway, Kan, 68-74; wc, do, 74-98; d, do, Mr 2, 98. •GREENOUGH, Jeremiah Jay; b, Bradford, Mass, Nv 18, 1807; DC, 28; AndTS, 35-6; UTS, 36-8; tea, NY City, 39-60; d, Great Barrington, Mass, Jl 18, 60. •HAVEN, Joseph; b, Dennis, Mass, Ja 4, 1816; AC, 35; UTS, 36-7; AndTS, 37-9; ord (Cong), Nv 6, 39; pas, Ashland (Unionville) , Mass, 39-46; pas, Brookline, Mass, 46-50; prof, AC, Amherst, Mass, 51-8; prof, CTS, Chicago, HI, 58-70; Europe and the East, 70; lect and prof, Chicago U, 71-4; d, do, My 23, 74. DD, MaC, 59, & AC, 62; LLD, KenC, 72. •HUNTINGTON, Jedediah Vincent; b, NY City, Ja 20, 1815; UNY, 35; UTS, 36-7; ord (Ep), Fb 24, 42; ss, Middlebury, Vt, 42; trav, Europe, •6 1839-1840. 42-8; ss, NY City, 48; ed (EC), Baltimore, Md, & St Louis, Mo, 49-56; lit, NY City, 56-61; d, Pau, France, Mar 10, 62. MD, UPa, 38. ♦MOSELEY, Samuel; b, Westfleld, Mass, Ap 21, 1809; YC, 36; YTS, 36-7; UTS, 37-8; YTS, 38-9; ss, Ticonderoga, NY, 40-1; ss, Burlington, Ct, 42-3; ss, Middle-Haddam, Ct, 44-5; d, Hartford, Ct, Dc 9, 45. •SHACKFORD, Charles Chauncy; b, Portsmouth, NH, Sp, 26, 1815; HarC, 35; UTS, 37-8; AndTS, 39-40; ord (Cong), My 19, 41; pas, South Bos- ton, Mass, 41-3; WC, Burlington, Io, 44-6; pas (Unit), Lynn, Mass, 46-65; tea, Boston, Mass, 65-71; prof (rhetoric & oratory), CornU, Ithaca, NY, 71-86; prof emer, do, 86-91; d, Brookline, Mass, Dc 24, 91. *TAYLOR, Ransom; b, Smithfield, RI, 1807; UNY, 35; prof, D&DI, NY City, 35-7; UTS, 36-8; d, Augusta, Ga, Fb 4, 38. 9. 1840. *BO YD, Erasmus James; b, Hartwick, NY, Dc 1, 1815; HC, 37; LTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-40; ord (Presb), Nv 3, 42; ss&pas, Brooklyn, Mich, 40-50; prof&pres, Y Lad Coll Ins, Monroe, Mich, 50-79; ss, do, 79-80; ss&paa e, Laramie City, Wy T, 80-1; d, do, Nv 24, 81. *BUSH, Charles Peck; b, Brighton, NY, Nv 11, 1813; YTS, 37-9; UTS, 39-40; res lie, 40-1; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 15, 41; pas, NYCity, 41-5; pas (Cong), Norwich, Ct, 46-56; ed&ss, Chicago, 111, 56-7; pas (Presb), Beloit, Wis, 57-9; d sec, ATS of B, NYCity, 60-3; d sec, ABCFM (Cong), Rochester, NY, 63-71; gen ag, ABCFM, NYCity, 71-80; d, Albany, NY, Fb 22, 80. DD, HC, 67. *DICKINSON, Edmund Fowler; b, Granby, Mass, Oc 3, 1812; UC, 37; AndTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-40; res lie, 40-1; ord (Cong, Grand River Asso), My 17, 43; ss, Conneaut, O, 43-54; cm, Chicago, 111, 54-89; d, do, Ja 3. 89. *DUFFIELD, George; b, Carlisle, Pa, Sp 12, 1816; YC, 37; UTS, 37-40; ord (Presb), Dc 27, 40; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 40-7; pas, Bloomfield, NJ, 47-52; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 52-61; pas, Adrian, Mich, 61-5; pas, Galesburgh, 111, 65-9; pas, Saginaw City, Mich, 69-73; ev, Ann Arbor, Mich, 74-6; pas e, Lansing Mich, 76-9; wc, do, 79-83; ev, Detroit, Mich, 83-88; d, Bloomfield, NJ, Jl 6, 88. DD, KC, 72. *FITCH, Chester; b, Berkshire Co, Mass, Fb 14, 1808; WmsC, 34; UTS, 37-40; ord (Cong), Ja 27, 41; pas, New-Marlboro', Mass, 41-52; pas, Binghamton, NY, 53-8; pas (Presb), NYork Mills, NY, 58-68; ss, Rock- ford, 111, 68-71; wc, do, 72-4; hr, do, 75-90; d, do, Ap 11, 90. •LEONARD, Josiah; b, Kingsboro', NY, Ap 15,1816; UC, 37; UTS, 37-40; ord (Presb), Oc, 40; pas, Mexicoville, NY, 40-2; pas, Oswego, NY, 42-5; 1840. 7 pas, Delhi, NY, 45-8; pas, Maiden, NY, 48-56; pas, Fulton, 111, 56-71; ss, Clinton, Io, 72-80; d, do, Fb 22, 80. •LORD, Francis Edmund; b, East-Haddam, Ct, Jl, 1811; UC, 37; PTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-40; ord (Presb, Geneva), Sp 27, 42; ss, Evans, NY, 41-2; pas, Walworth, NY, 42-5; ss&pas, Wayne, O, 45-51; pas (Cong), Olivet, Mich, 52-4; d, do, Jl 15, 54. *SLAUSON, Hiram; b, Greenville, NY, Dc 5, 1810; UC, 37; UTS, 37-40; ord (Cong), Sp 17, 40; pas, East-Whitehall, NY, 40-2; pas (RD), North- umberland, NY, 43-53; pas, Port Jervis, NY, 53-7; pas (Cong), Union- ville, Ct, 57-8; ss, E-Whitehall, NY, 58-62; pas (ED), New-Salem & Clarksville, NY, 62-6; ss (Presb), Spencertown, NY, 66-9; inv&wc, Whitehall, NY, 69-91; d, do, Dc 5, 91. ♦SMITH, James M; b, Jamaica (LI), NY, 1810; MD, NYU, 32; PTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-40; ord (Presb, Dane, Wis), ss, Grand Spring, Wis, 49-50; wc, do, 51-4; d, do, 54. •TYLER, George Palmer; b, Brattleboro, Vt, Dc 10, 1809; YC, 36; UTS, 37-40; res lie, 40-1; ord (Presb), Jn 2, 41; pas, Lowville, NY, 41-53; pas (Cong), Brattleboro, Vt, 53-69; ss, Lansingburgh, NY, 69-75; ss, Troy, NY, 75-82; pas (Presb, Olivet), Lansingburgh, NY, 82-91; pas emer, do, 91-6; d, do, Ja 18, 96. DD, MC, 64. •WALDO, Edmund Freeman; b, Prattsburgh, NY, Jn 21, 1811; AC, 37; UTS, 37-40; ord (Presb), Fb, 42; pas, Huron, NY, 41-5; ss, Allegan, Mich, 45-9; ss, Wayland, Mich, 49-52; ss, Dowagiac, Mich, 52-6; ss, Rochester, Mich, 56-7; ss, Palmyra, Wis, 57-8; ss, Jefferson, Wis, 58- 63; ss, Pardeeville, Wis, 63-4; ss, Linden, Mich, 65-71; ss, Tawas City, Mich, 71-4; ss, Linden, Mich, 75; ss, Huron, NY, 75-80; ss&hr, Way- land, Mich, 80-7; wc, Three Rivers, Mich, 87-8; hr, Harbor Spgs, Mich, 88-93; d, do, Ja, 16, 93. •WOODWORTH, Francis Chandler; b, Colchester, Ct, Fb 12, 1813; 01, 37; UTS, 37-40; ord (Cong), Oc 28, 40; pas, Fair-Haven, Vt, 40-2; pas, S-Norwalk, Ct, 42-4; ed, NYCity, 45-59; d, do, Jn 5, 59. 12. •BARTLETT, David Ely; b, E-Windsor, Ct, Sp 29, 1805; YC, 28; tea, D&DI, Hartford, Ct, 28-32; do, NYCity, 32-8; UTS, 37-8; prin, D&DI, Va, 38-40; prof, D&DI, NYCity, 41-52; tea, Poughkeepsie, NY, 54-60; prof, D&DI, Hartford, Ct, 60-79; d, do, Nv 29, 79. •CLARK, Elias; b, Orange, Ct, Jl 12, 1814; UC, 38; UTS, 38-9; YTS, 39-40; ord (Cong), Ja 7, 51; ss, Franklin, O, 49-50; pas, Egremont, Mass, 51-7; ss, Rochester, Minn, 57-60; ss, Bellevue, Io, 61-4; ss, Ottumwa, Io, 64-6; d, W-Salem, Wis, Oc 29, 66. 8 1840. *CKAWF0RD, Robert; b, Paisley, Scotland, Nv 24, 1804; WmsC, 36; PTS, 36-7; tut, WmsC, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; res lie, 39-40; ord (Cong), Ag 20, 40; pas, N-Adams, Mass, 40-55; pas (Presb), Crookville, Pa, 55-7; pas (Cong), Deerfield, Mass, 58-82; pas emer, do, 82-96; res, Clinton, Ct, 82-96; d, do, Oc 26, 96. DD, JC, 58. *HALL, William; b, NYCity, Mar 16, 1812; UNY, 35; UTS, 39-40; ss, Onondaga, NY, 40-1; ord (Cong), Ja 20, 48; pas, Ludlow, Mass, 48-9; ss, Milton, NY, 49-51; ss, Austinburg, O, 56-8; ss, Oakland, NY, 58-9; ss, Java&Eden, NY, 62-5; wc, Jamestown, NY, & Elizabeth, NJ, 65-75; wc, NYCity, 75-89; d, do, Nv 10, 89. *HANKS, Stedman Wright; b, Mansfield, Ct, Sp 6, 1811; AC, 37; YTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Mar 20, 40; pas, Lowell, Mass, 40-53; d sec, ASFS & Boston Seamen's Friend Soc, Boston, Mass, 53-89; d, Clifton (Swampscott), Mass, Ag 23, 89. *HAWLEY, Edwin H; b, Carlisle, NY, Oc, 1811; UC, 38; UTS, 38-9; NTI, 39-40; ord (Bap), 41; pas, Bedford, O, 41 — ; d, Painesville, O, 62. *LOOMIS, Henry Haines; b, Cooperstown, NY, Ap 28, 1813; UC, 37; TTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; YTS, 39-40; ss, Fulton, NY, 40-1; d, do, Sp 23, 41. ♦LOOMIS, Hezekiah Howard; b, Cooperstown, NY, Ap 28, 1813; UC, 37; TTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; YTS, 39-40; ss, Lockport, NY, 40-1; d, Cazenovia, NY, Ja 6, 42. *McLEAN, Charles Backus; b, Simsbury, Ct, Ag 23, 1815; YC, 36; tea, N-Stamford, Ct, 36-7; AndTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Fb 7, 44; ss&pas, Collinsville, Ct, 43-66; wc, Wethersfield, Ct, 66-73; d, do, Oc 29, 73. *MEIGS, Matthew; b, Albany, NY, Fb 5, 1812; UC, 36; UTS, 37-9; prof, UM, 39-43; ord (Presb), Oc 13, 42; ss, Pontiac, Mich, 43-4; tea, Win- chester, Va, 44-6; prof, DelC, 46-50; pres, do, 50-1; tea, Pottstown, Pa, 51-68, 71-6; wc, do, 76-89; d, do, Oc 10, 89. PhD, LafC, 68. ♦MILLS, Robert Curtis; b, NYCity, Fb 6, 1819; UNY, 37; UTS, 37-40; NTI, 40; res lie, UTS, 40-1; ord (Bap), Mar 17, 42; pas, Colchester, Ct, 41-5; pas, Chicopee Falls, Mass, 45-8; pas, Salem, Mass, 48-76; cor sec, NoBapEdSoc, 79-91; d, Newton-Centre, Mass, Ja 21, 96. DD, BU, 61. ♦MONTGOMERY, Alexander; b, Westfield, NY, Jl 24, 1808; AC, 37; AndTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Jl 23, 39; pas (Presb), Maysville, NY, 39-41; prin, Westfield, NY, 41-6; pas, Beaver Dam, Wis, 46-50; ag, ATS, Chicago, 111, 50-5; d sec, ABCFM, Beloit, Wis, 55-7; wc, do, 57-9; d, do, Fb 18, 59. •RICHARDS, Jonas De Forest; b, Hartford, Vt, Dc 28, 1809; DC, 36; tut, MaC, 36-7; LTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; AndTS, 39-40; ord (Cong), My 28, 1840-1841. 9 41; pas, Charlestown, NH, 41-51; pas, Chester, Vt, 53-7; ss, Weathers- field, Vt, 57-62; wc, Monroe, Mich, 63-6; ss, Weathersfield, Vt, 66-7; mem of Senate, Ala, 68-72; prof, Ala State Univ, 69-72; d, Mobile, Ala, Dc 2, 72. LLD, DC, 65. •SCHUYLER, George Washington; b, Stillwater, NY, Fb 2, 1810; CCNY, 37; UTS, 37-8; druggist, Ithaca, NY, 38-88; treas, NY State, 64-5; supt bank dep, NY, 66-70; mem Leg, NY, 74-5; auditor, NY Canal dep, 76- 80; trustee, CornU, 66-88; treas, do, 65-73; d, Ithaca, NY, Fb 1, 88. ♦SMITH, Jackson; b, Middletown, NJ, Mar 5, 1816; UNY, 36; UTS, 36-8, 39-40; NTI, 40; ord (Bap), 40; pas, Lyons' Farm, NJ, 41-5; pas, Penn's Neck, NJ, 46-8; d, Middletown, NJ, Ap 8, 50. ♦WOOD, James Washington; b, Florida, NY, Oc 25, 1813; LafC, 37; UTS, 37-9; ord (Presb), Dc 11, 39; pas, Deckertown, NJ, 39-45; pas, Chester, NY, 45-62; wc, Easton, Pa, 62-5; pas, Allentown, Pa, 65-84; d, do, My 5, 84. 16. 1841. ♦BARNES, Erastus Smith; b, Gouverneur, NY, Sp 26, 1810; AC, 38; UTS, 38-41; ord (Presb, Watertown), Sp 29, 41; pas, Martinsburgh, NY, 41-7; pas, Chazy, NY, 47-51; pas, Boonville, NY, 51-6; ss, Lyon Falls & Port Leyden, NY, 56-9; pas, Lenox, NY, 59-60; ss (Cong), Munns- ville, NY, 60-9; ss, Austinburgh, O, 69-71; ss, Monroeville, O, 71-2; ss, Unionville & N-Madison, O, 72-6; ss (Presb), Poynette & Lowville, Wis, 75-9; ss, Columbus, Wis, 78-82; ev, do, 82-9; do, Manasses, Va, 89-92; d, do, Fb 26, 92. ♦BRAGG, Jesse Kendall; b, Royalston, Mass, Oc 11, 1811; AC, 38; UTS, 38-41; ord (Cong), Oc 19, 42; ss, Yorktown, NY, 41-2; pas, Middle- boro' (Lakeville), Mass, 42-52; pas, Brookfield, Mass, 52-60; ss, Sand- wich, Mass, 61-2; ss, Harrisville, NH, 62; ed, Boston, Mass, 62-4; wc, do, 64-8; ss&pas, Norfolk, Mass, 68-73; wc; 73-4; d, do, Jn 14, 74. ♦CHAPMAN, John Liddel; b, Ash Grove, n Clones, Ireland, Fb 27, 1812; UTS, 38-41; res lie, do, 41-2; ord (RD, CI Bergen), Nv 16, 42; pas, Clinton ville (Irvington), NJ, 42-9; prin, Chapman Howe Inst, do, 49- 61; ss, Irving, Kan, 64-8; ss, Troy, Kan, 69-71; prof (Bibl Theol, Lay College of Tabernacle Church), Brooklyn, NY, 72-9; res, Irvington, NJ, 79-91; d, do, Jl 27, 91. ♦DALE, Hervey Smith; b, Danvers, Mass, 1812; BU, 34; inst, Granville, 34-5; UTS. 38-41; ord (Bap), 41; pas, Newport, O, 41-51; pas, Lebanon, O, 52-6; ag, WBEdSoc, Cincinnati, O, 56-7; d, do, My 27, 57. 10 1841. *DAVIS, Josiah Gardner; b, Concord, Mass, Fb 23, 1815; YC, 36; AndTS, 38-9; UTS, 39-41; ord (Cong), My 22, 44; pas, Amherst, NH, 44-80; wc, do, 80-94; d, do, Mar 14, 94. DD, DC, 66. *GEMMEL, George; b, Stamford, NY, Sp 3, 1812; 01, 38; UTS, 38-41; ord (Cong), Ja 6, 42; ss, Buffalo Grove & Grand Detour, 111, 41-3; ss, By- ron, Dl, 43-56; ss, Spring Grove, Io, 56-9; hm, Quasqueton, Io, and vicinity, 59-64; d, do, Jl 11, 64. *GRANDIN, James Lyne Seabury; b, Papakating, NJ, Ap 17, 1804; UTS, 38-41; ord (ME), Ag 29, 47; ss, Angelica, NY, 41-2; tea&ss, Honeoye Falls, NY, 42-3; ss, Westfield, Pa, 43-4; ss, Tioga & Lawrenceville, Pa, 44-5; pas, Southport & Jackson, NY, 45-6; pas, Springfield, Pa, 46-8; pas, Loyalsock, Pa, 48-50; pas, Bethel, NY, 50-1; pas, Henrietta, NY, 51-2; pas, Canadice, NY, 52-4; pas, Groveland, NY, 54-5; pas, Ridge, NY, 55-7; pas, Coke's Chapel & Bristol, NY, 57-8; pas, Springwater, NY, 58-60; pas, Enfield, NY, 60-2; pas, Orange, NY, 62-3; pas, Bald- win, NY, 63-5; pas, Merchantville, NY, 65-6; superan, Elmira, NY, 66-71; ag, do, Am Peace Soc, 71-86; res, do, 86-91; d, do, Ap 21, 91. ♦HICKOK, Milo Judson; b, New-Haven, Vt, Ag 22, 1809; MC, 35; prof, DelC, 35-8; UTS, 38-41; tut, MC, 40; ord (Cong), My 4, 42; tut, MaC &pas, Harmar, O, 42-4; ss (Presb), Utica, NY, 44-5; pas, Rochester, NY, 45-54; ss, Montreal, CE, 54-5; pas, Scranton, Pa, 55-68; inv, Mari- etta, O, 68-73; d, do, Jl 19, 73. DD, CNJ, 61. *JESSUP, Silas; b, Palmyra, NY, My 23, 1813; WabC, 38; UTS, 38-41; ord (Presb), My, 45; ss, Oregon City, 111, 42-3; ss, Albany, 111, 43-6; ss, Elkhorn Grove, 111, 46-56; ss, E-Paw Paw, 111, 55-7; inv, Rockton, 111, 58-74; do, Polo, 111, 74-6; do, Rockton, 111, 76-84; d, do, Jl 15, 84. •JOHNSON, John Mills; b, Morristown, NJ, Jl 27, 1815; CNJ, 35; UTS, 38-41; ord (Presb, 2d NY), Oc 19, 41; ss&pas, Hanover, NJ, 41-9; ag, ATS, 49; inv, Morristown, NJ, 49-55; pas, Hanover, NJ, 55-68; ss, Vandalia, 111, 68-72; pas, Neoga, 111, 73-87; ss, Casey, Greenup & New- Hope, 111, 88-9; wc, Neoga, 111, 90-1; hr, do, 92-7; d, do, Ja 20, 97. *LESTER, Timothy W; b, Marlborough, NY, Oc 19, 1810; UTS, 38-41; fin ag, UTS, vicinity of NYCity, 41-2; d, Chester, NY, Ap 5, 42. *LIEBENAU, Michael Frederick; b, NYCity, Mar 1, 1813; UNY, 39; UTS, 38-41; ord (Presb, No River), Oc 28, 41; pas, New-Paltz Landing (now Highland), NY, 41-6; pas, Paterson, NJ, 46-50; pas, Highland, NY, 50-67; pas (RD), Dashville Falls, NY, 67-8; ss&pas, Rosendale, NY, 68-76; ss, Bloomingdale, NY*, 76-83; pas emer, Rosendale, NY, 83-4; wc, Kingston, NY, 84-91; d, do, Ja 13, 91. *MANDELL, William Andrew; b, Hardwick, Mass, Jl 13, 1811; AC, 38; UTS, 38-41; ord (Presb), Ap 21, 42; pas, Bridgeton, NJ, 42-4; cm, 1841. 11 Philadelphia, Pa, 44-5; pas, Dartmouth, Mass, 46-55; pas, Lunenburgh, Mass, 56-65; wc, do, 65-8; ins ag, Boston, Mass, 68-1901; d, No-Cam- bridge, Mass, Sp 9, 02. •McCHAIN, James; b, NYCity, Fb 4, 1819; YC, 38; UTS, 38-41; ord (Presb), Ja 18, 43; pas, Franklin, NY, 43-5; pas, Abingdon, Va, 46-69; d. do, Mar 1, 69. *MERWIN, Miles Tomlinson: b, Milford, Ct, Jn 15, 1802; YC, 28; tea, New-Haven, Ct, NYCity, & Brooklyn, NY, 28-39; UTS, 39-41; PTS, 41-2; ord (Presb, Erie), Jn 24, 46; ss, Erie Co, Pa, 42-5; pas, Irvine, & ss, Sugar Grove, Pa, 45-9; pas&ss, Clearfield, Pike & Bradford, Pa, 49- 54; ss, Toms River, NJ, 54-5; wc, Marianna, Fla, 55-7; wc, New-Haven, Ct, 57-8; wc&ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 58-63; d, New-Haven, Ct, Ap 13, 65. *MONILAWS, George; b, NYCity, Dc 16, 1813; UC, 39; UTS, 39-41; ord (Presb), Ap 10, 42; ss, Somers, NY, 42-5; ss, Apalachicola, Fla, 46-7; pas, Somers, NY, 47-8; d, do, Ap 6, 48. *MYERS, Joseph Henry; b, Waterford, NY, Oc 29, 1817; UVt, 37; UTS, 38-41; ord (Cong), Oc 5, 43; ss&pas, E-Poultney, Vt, 42-6; pas (Presb), Knoxville, Tenn, 46-51; prof (Anc & Mod Lang), UET, 49-51; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 52-7; pas, Plainfield, NJ, 57-9; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 59-61; tea, Monticello, Miss, 61-4; tea, Savannah, Ga, 64-5; tea, Bergen Point, NJ, 65-6; ss, Milton, NY, 68-76; pas, Fernandina, Fla, 76-81; Miss Presb of St Johns, Fla, 81; tea, Florence, Fla, 82; ss, Fernandina (1st Ch), Fla, 83; wc, Picolata, Fla, 84; ss, Green Cove Spgs, Fla, 85-7; wc, Washington, DC, 87-90; d, do, Nv 10, 90. DD, UVt, 58. •ROCKWELL, Joel Edson; b, Salisbury, Vt, My 4, 1816; AC, 37; UTS, 37-8, 39-41; ord (Presb, Columbia), Oc 13, 41; pas, Valatie, NY, 41-7; pas, Wilmington, Del, 47-51; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 51-68; pas, Edge- water (SI), NY, 68-82; d, do, Jl 29, 82. DD, JefC, 59. *TROTTER, Alexander; b, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sp 5, 1810; OC, 38; UTS, 39-41; ord (Presb, Marshall), Jl 11, 43; ss, Drummondtown, Va, 41-2; ss, Jackson & Albion, Mich, 42-3; ss, Battle Creek, Mich, 44-6; ag, APS, 47-50; pas, Hunter, NY, 50-5; pas, Centreville, NY, 55-8; pas, Living- ston ville, NY, 58-63; ss, Vassar, Mich, 63-6; ed, do, 69-87; hr, do, 88- 97; d, do, Jn 7, 97. *WINSLOW, Horace; b, Enfield, Mass, My 18, 1814; HC, 39; AubTS, 38-40; UTS, 40-1; ord (Presb, N-River), My 25, 42; pas, New-Windsor, NY, 42-3; pas, Lansingburgh, NY, 43-5; pas (Cong), Rockville, Ct, 45-52; pas, New-Britain, Ct, 52-8; pas, Great Barrington, Mass, 58-62; ch, USArmy, 62; pas, Binghamton, NY, 63-8; pas, Willimantic, Ct, 69-81; wc, Simsbury, Ct, 81-3; pas, Providence, RI, 83-5; temp sup, various places, 85-1905; res, Weatogue, Ct; d, do, Mr 6, 1905. 20. 12 1841. •ATKINSON, Robert; b, Ballina, Ireland, 1813; MD, Dublin, 33; UTS, 38-40; AndTS, 40-1; ss, Taunton, Mass, 41-2; d, NYCity, Jn, 42. *BOKUM, Hermann; b, Konigsberg, Prussia, Ja 2, 1807; Ger tea, HarC, 35-8; UTS, 38-40; ord (Ger Ref, Lebanon CI), My 18, 44; pas, Columbia & Marietta, Pa, 43-5; tea, Cincinnati, O, 49-54; ev, Knoxville, Tenn, 54- 61; ch, USArmy, 62-5; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 65-7; commis immigr, Knoxville, Tenn, 67-9; ev, Atlanta, Ga, 69-72; cm&lit, Philadelphia, Pa, 73-8; d, Germantown, Pa, Ag 5, 78. *DODD, Moses Woodruff; b, Bloomfield, NJ, Nv 11, 1814; CNJ, 37; PTS, 37-8; UTS, 38-9; publ, NYCity, 39-99; d, do, Ap 8, 99. ♦DRUMMOND, James; b, Bristol, Me, Ap 15, 1815; BC, 36; tea, Newcastle, Me, 36-8; UTS, 38-9; BTS, 39-41; ord (Cong), Oc 12, 42; ss&pas, Lew- iston Falls, Me, 42-58; pas, Springfield, Mass, 58-61; d, Lynn, Mass, Nv 29, 61. ♦FIELD, Justin; b, Northfield, Mass, Ap 10, 1816; AC, 35; UTS, 38-9; AndTS, 39-40; ord (Ep) dea, Ja 6, 42; wc, Roxbury, Mass, 43-5; rec, Stockbridge, Mass, 46-50; rec, Great Barrington, Mass, 50-2; rec, Med- ford, Mass, 52-62; rec, Lenox, Mass, 62-90; trav Europe, 90-3; res, W-Newton, Mass; d, do, Mr 5, 93. ♦FOSTER, Stephen Symonds; b, Canterbury, NH, Nv 17, 1809; DC, 38; UTS, 38-9; anti-slav & temp lect, 39-81; d, Worcester, Mass, Sp 7, 81. *HAMMOND, Henry Laurens; b, Smyrna, NY, Fb 14, 1815; OC, 38; UTS, 39-40; AndTS, 40-1; ord (Cong), Dc 8, 41; ss, Kingston, Mass, 41-2; ss (Presb), Homer, Mich, 42-4; ss (Cong), Detroit (1st Ch), Mich, 44-7; ss, Morrisville, NY, 48-50; pas, Grand Rapids, Mich, 51-6; ag&ed (Congregational Herald), Chicago, 111, 57-61; ss, Princeton, 111, 61-2; treas&gen ag, CTS, Chicago, 111, 62-72; wc, do, 72-90; do, Evanston, 111, 90-3; d, do, Mr 3, 93. ♦HAND, William Augustus Meigs; b, Berlin, Ct, 1817; WU, 36; studied law, 36-7; UTS, 38-9; d, Cromwell, Ct, My 17, 39. ♦HENDERSON, James Sebastian Hamilton; b, Frederick Co, Md, Sp 26, 1815; UTS, 38-40; PTS, 40-1; ord (Presb, Nashville), Dc 18, 41; ss, Smyrna, Tenn, 41-3; ss, Augusta, Ky, 43-52; ss&pas, Big Spring, Pa, 52-62; wc, Middlebrook, Md, 63; ss, Neelsville, Md, 63-82; d, do, Ag 17, 82. ♦HOOVER, Thomas David; b, Washington, DC, 1817; CnC, 38; UTS, 38- 40; PTS, 40-1; ord ev (Presb, Winchester), Ap 18, 42; ss&pas, Har- per's Ferry, Va, 41-5; tea, Darien, Ga, 45-9; wc, NYCity, 50-2; tea, Princeton, NJ, 53-7; pas, Cranbury, NJ, 57-67; d. Cincinnati, O, My 22, 67. ♦KELLOGG, Charles; b, Hudson, NY, Mr 31, 1816; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-40; AndTS, 40-1; ord (Cong), Nv 10, 41; ss, Richmond, Mich, 41-6; ss, 1841. 13 Almont, Mich, 46-56; Judge of probate, do, 57-62; banker, Detroit, Mich, 62-8; res, do, 68-97; d, do, Mr 14, 97. ♦McLOUD, Anson; b, Hartland, Ct, Jn 22, 1813; YC, 38; UTS, 39-40; AndTS, 40-1; ord (Cong), Dc 8, 41; pas, Topsfield, Mass, 41-69; ss, Madison, NY, 70; ss, Barkhamsted, Ct, 71; mem Mass legis, 72; sch supt&libr, Topsfield, Mass, 73-83; d, do, Fb 21, 83. ♦MARSHALL, Jonathan Bryant; b, Milford, Ct, Jl 9, 1817; AC, 38; UTS, 38-9; tea, Waterbury & Watertown, Ct, New-Rochelle, NY, Maiden, NY, Milford, Ct, Miller's Place (LI), NY, 39-61; d, Milford, Ct, Jn 30, 61. *MAYNARD, Joshua Leland; b, Montville, Ct, Nv 21, 1813; UTS, 39-40; ord (Cong), Ja 14, 41; pas, Cornwall, Ct, 41-52; pas, E-Douglas, Mass, 52-64; pas, Plainfield, Ct, 63-4; pas, Williston, Vt, 65-73; d, do, Ap 24, 73. ♦NORTON, Oliver William; b, Canandaigua, NY, Dc 9, 1812; UTS, 38-9; ord (Cong), Nv 10, 40; ss, Angelica, NY, 39-40; ss, Castile, NY, 40-2; ss (Presb), Rockford, 111, 40-4; ss, Roscoe, 111, 44; ss, Sycamore, 111, 47; ss, Jefferson, Wis, 48-9; cm, NYCity, 50; ss, Ashville, NY, 51; ss, Stan- hope, NJ, 52-3; ss, Ararat & Gibson, Pa, 54-6; ss, Springfield, Pa, 59- 60; ss, Brooklyn, Mich, 62-5; ss, Somerset, Mich, 65-7; wc, Litchfield, Mich, 68-73; d, Quincy, 111, Oc 27, 73. *OAKLEY, Charles Moses; b, NYCity, Jl 2, 1815; UTS, 38-9; ord (Presb, NY), Oc 25, 42; ss, Nyack, NY, 41-2; pas, Millville, NJ, 43-6; pas, Port Richmond,- Pa, 46-7; pas, Fox Hill, NJ, 47-51; pas, N-Germantown, NJ, 47-51; ss, Melville (LI), NY, 53-66; ss, Amagansett (LI), NY, 67-80; d, Northport (LI), NY, Fb 16, 82. *PECK, Whitman; b, Greenwich, Ct, My 16, 1815; YC, 38; UTS, 38-40; AndTS, 40-1; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Oc 23, 44; ss, Erving & S-Orange, Mass, 41-2; ss, Gustavus, O, 42-3; pas, Genoa, NY, 44-9; ss, Auburn, Mass, 49-50; ss, N-Branford, Ct, 51-5; wc&tea, Greenwich, Ct, 56-8; tea, Newark, Del, 59-61; tea, Ridgefield, Ct, 62-4; tea, Fishkill, NY, 65-8; tea, New-Haven, Ct, 69-77; sec&treas Asso Charities, New-Haven, Ct, 78; cm, do, 79; wc, do, 79-82; wc, Chester, Mass, 83-9; do, Po'keep- sie, NY, 89-94; d, Po'keepsie, NY, Nv 19, 94. *PERRYMAN, John Dejournette; b, White Co, Tenn, 1811; NU, 35; UTS, 38-40; tea, Nashville, Tenn, 40-7; claim ag, Washington, DC; deceased. •SPENCER, Franklin Augustus; b, Westmoreland, NY, Dc 24, 1811; 01, 38; UTS, 38-40; ord (Presb, Utica), Jn 8, 42; ss (Cong), Westmore- land, NY, 41-50; pas, do, 50-3; pas, New-Hartford, Ct, 53-63; pas, Terry- ville, Ct, 63-5; ss (Presb), Fulton, NY, 65; sec, NY State Temp Soc, 65-9; ev, Clinton, NY, 69-84; ss, Hector, NY, 81-4; d, Clinton, NY, Nv 26, 84. •UPHAM, Francis William; b, Rochester, NH, Sp 10, 1817; BC, 37; UTS, 38-41; lit, NYCity, 41-95; d, do, Oc 17, 1895. LLD, UC, 68. 14 1841-1842. tVERY, Lorin; b, Danville, Vt, 1813; UNY, 38; UTS, 38-9; tea, NY City. 21. 1842. •AIKEN, James; b, Goffstown, NH, Nv 14, 1810; DC, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Cong), Ag 30, 43; pas, Hollis, NH, 43-8; pas, Gloucester, Mass, 48-52; pas, Putney, Vt, 54-8; pas, Hanover, Mass, 59-70; ss, North-Carver, Mass, 70; ss, Dracut, Mass, 71-2; wc, Charlestown, Mass, 72-3; ss, North-Falmouth, Mass, 74-6; ss, Fairlee, Vt, 76-9; wc, Haverhill, NH, 79-85; d, do, Fb 1, 85. *BKUEN, James MacWhorter; b, Newark, NJ, Jl 30, 1818; UPa, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, New-Brunswick), Jl 1, 45; ss, New-Brunswick, NJ, 44-5; pas, New-Windsor, NY, 45-8; wc, Newark, NJ, 48-9; ss&pas (RD), Clintonville (Irvington), NJ, 49-52; wc&ev, Irvington, NJ, 52-4; ss, Middleville, NJ; ev, Irvington, NJ, 72-81; d, Clayton, NJ, Ja 29, 81. •BULKLEY, Charles Henry Augustus; b, Charleston, SC, Dc 22, 1819; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, Newark), Dc 17, 42; pas, New- Brunswick, NJ, 42-3; hm, Janesville, Wis, 43-5; pas, Mt Morris, NY, 47-50; ss (RD), Ithaca, NY, 50-2; ss (Cong), Winsted, Ct, 53-8; ss, Paterson, NJ, 59-61; ch, USArmy, 61-3; pas, Owego, NY, 65-7; ch, YMCA, Brooklyn, NY, 67-8; pas (Presb), Malone, NY, 68-75; prof, Boston, Mass, 75-6; pas, Port Henry, NY, 76-81; prof, HowU, Wash- ington, DC, 81-90; res, Washington, DC, 90-3; d, do, Fb 2, 93. DD, HowU, 80. •BURKE, Abel Benjamin; b, Woodstock, Ct, Fb 13, 1816; DC, 38; UTS, 39-42; ss, Jacksonville, Fla, 42-6; tea, Alexandria, Ga, 46-7; d, do, My 11, 47. •CHAPIN, Aaron Lucius; b, Hartford, Ct, Fb 6, 1817; YC, 37; tea, Balti- more, Md, 37-8; prof, D&DI, NY, & stud, UTS, 39-43; ord (Presb), Ja 24, 44; pas, Milwaukee, Wis, 44-50; prest, BelC, Beloit, Wis, 50-86; pres emer & pi of, do, 86-92; d, do, Jl 22, 92. DD, WmsC, 53. LLD, Regents of Univ NY. 82. •DIVER, Charles Frederick; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Dc 15, 1812; JefC, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, Phila 3d), Oc 22, 44; pas, Providence, Pa, 44-7; ss, Hublersburgh & Spring Mills, Pa, 47-51; pas, Waterford, Pa, 51-2; pas, Cedarville, NJ, 52-61; wc, do, 61-2; ch, Philadelphia, Pa, 62-84; d, do, Oc 14, 84. •EATON, Horace; b, Sutton, NH, Oc 7, 1810; DC, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 21, 43; pas (6th it), NYCity, 43-9; pas, Palmyra, NY, 49-79; ss, Marion, NY, 79-83; d, Palmyra, NY, Oc 21, 83. DD, DC, 69. 1842. 15 •GILLETTE, Charles; b, Halifax, Vt, Oc 17, 1813; AC, 39; UTS, 39-42; res lie, 42-3; ord (Presb, Troy), Jn 26, 45; ss&pas, Granville, NY, 44-7; ss, Huntingdon, NY, 47-8; pas, Fort Covington, NY, 48-58; ss, Milford, NY, 58-70; ss, Westford, NY, 70-1; ss&pas (Cong), Mannsville, NY, 71-4; ss (Presb), Redcreek, NY, 74-6; ev&wc, Rochester, NY, 76-87; d, do, Dc 9, 87. •GOLDSMITH, Benjamin Moore; b, Mattituck (LI), NY, Fb 16, 1817; UNY, 38; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, Chemung), Fb 25, 45; ss, Southport, NY, 42-5; pas, do, 45-9; ss, Bellona, NY, 49-52; pas, do, 52-85; d, do, Ag 9, 85. DD, HC, 80. •HOPPER, Edward; b, NYCity, Fb 17, 1816; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, Columbia), Oc, 43; pas, Greenville, NY, 42-51; pas, Sag Harbor (LI), NY, 52-63; ss, Plainfield, NJ, 64-8; pas, NYCity, 69-88; d, do, Ap 23, 88. DD, LafC, 71. •HOYT, Willard Minor; b, Walton, NY, Dc 9, 1812; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, Chenango), Fb 9, 43; pas, Nineveh, NY, 42-66; pas, Chau- mont, NY, 66-8; ss, Middleton, Wis, 68-84, and ss, Verona, Wis, 74-80, and ss, Mt Horeb, Wis, 77-84; wc, Martinsburgh, NY, 84-92; d, do, Ja 1, 92. •KENDALL, Charles; b, Westminster, Mass, Fb 19, 1813; AC, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Cong), Ja 24, 44; pas, Bernard ston, Mass, 42-54; tea, Mer- cersburgh, Va, 55; ss, Royalston, Mass, 55-6; ss, Petersham, Mass, 56-9; ss, Auburn, Mass, 59-66; ss, Windham, NY, 66-73; d, do, Mr 19, 73. •MCLAUGHLIN, Daniel Decius Tompkins; b, NYCity, Oc 18, 1812; YC, 34; UTS, 39-42; tea, NYCity, 34-43; ord (Presb, NY 3d), Ap 16, 46; ss, New-Windsor, NY, 44; ss, Somers, NY, 45-6, 48-56; pas (Cong), Sharon, Ct, 58-65; wc, do, 65; pas, Morris, Ct, 66-71; ss, Monterey, Mass, 73-5; ss, Torrington, Ct, 75-6; ss, Litchfield Sta, Ct, 76-8; ch, Litchfield Co Jail, Ct, 77-95; d, do, My 26, 95. •PATTON, William Weston; b, NYCity, Oc 19, 1821; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Cong), Ja 18, 43; pas, Boston, Mass, 43-5; pas, Hartford, Ct, 46-57; pas, Chicago, 111, 57-67; ed (Advance), do, 66-74; lect, CTS&OTS, 74-7; pres, HowU, Washington, DC, 77-89; d, Westfield, NJ, Dc 31, 89. DD, IAU, 62. LLD, NYU, 82. •PECKHAM, Joseph; b, Bolton, Mass, Ap 23, 1816; AC, 37; AndTS, 37-8; tea, Atkinson, NH, 38-9; UTS, 39-42; ord (Cong), Nv 30, 42; pas, Kingston, Mass, 42-56; wc, Cannon Falls, Minn, 56-8; ss, Plymouth, Mass, 59; ss, Kingston, Mass, 59-76; inv, do, 76-84; d, do, My 17, 84. •RAY, John Wainwright; b, Norwich, NY, Ap 13, 1813; AC, 39; UTS, 39- 40; AubTS, 40-1; UTS, 41-2; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 16, 42; pas, Glenn's Falls, NY, 42-5; ss, Norwich, Ct, 45-6; as sec, AES, NYCity, 46-7; ss, Oswego, NY, 47-8; pas, Clyde, NY, 48-9; ag, ATS, S-Ala, 49- 16 1842. 51; ss, Kalamazoo, Mich, 51-2; ss, Dansville, NY, 52-3; pas, Rockville, Ct, 53-4; ss, E-Avon & Perry, NY, 55-7; ed, Aurora, 111, 58-60; do, Quincy, 111, 60-1; Dep Int & Cor, Washington, DC, 61-4; rec (Ep), Tecumseh & Coldwater, Mich, 65-9; rec, Westfield & Wellsville, NY, 69-73; ins, Rochester, NY, 73-5; ag, do, 75-83; Dep Int, Washington, DC, 83-93. Res, Rochester, NY, 93-6; res, Washington, DC, 97-1905; d, do, Jl 7, 05. •ROBINSON, Moses; b, Burlington, Vt, Ap 26, 1815: MC, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb), Jn 22, 43; ss, Livonia, Ind, 43-4; ss, Brownston, Ind, 44-5; ss, Westfield, O, 45-7; pas, Enosburgh, Vt, 47-51; ss, Newport, Vt, 51-4; ss, Iowa City, Io, 55; ss, Waterloo, Io, 55-6; ss, Steamboat Rock, Io, 56-65; d, do, Sp 2, 65. *ROSENKRANS, Cyrus Egbert; b, Wallpack, NJ, Mr 12, 1809; AC, 37; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb), Fb 16, 43; pas, Troy, Wis, 42-4; ss, E-Troy, Wis, 44-9; pas, Columbus, Wis, 49-59; ss, Otsego & Hampden, Wis, 59-60; d, Columbus, Wis, Fb 8, 61. *ROSENKRANS, Joseph; b, Wallpack, NJ, Nv 13, 1812; UC, 39; UTS, 39- 42; ord (Presb, Albany), Fb 15, 43; pas, Bethlehem, NY, 43-5; ss, Newport, NY, 45-8; ss, Dunnsville, NY, 49-51; ss, Martinsburgh, NY, 51-3; pas, Onondaga Valley, NY, 52-6; pas, Romulus, NY, 56-61; ss, Onondaga Valley, NY, 61-3; d, do, Jn 19, 63. ♦SCHERMERHORN, Henry Ostrander; b, Prattsville, NY, Jn 20, 1815; UTS, 39-42; res lie, 42-4; ord (Presb), Ja 8, 45; ss&pas, Ticonderoga, NY, 44-7; tea, NYCity, 47-9; pas (Cong), do, 49-54; d, Utica, NY, Sp 23, 54. *SEELY, Raymond Hoyt; b, Norwalk, Ct, Fb 19, 1812; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-42; res lie, 42-3; ord (Cong), Jl 5, 43; pas, Bristol, Ct, 43-9; pas, Springfield, Mass, 49-58; ch, Paris, France, 58-60; pas, Haverhill, Mass, 60-85; d, do, Sp 8, 85. DD, UNY, 64. ♦SEYMOUR, Henry; b, Hadley, Mass, Oc 20, 1816; AC, 38; tea, Honesdale, Pa, 38-9; UTS, 39-42; ord (Cong), Mr 1, 43; pas, Deerfield, Mass, 43-9; pas, E-Hawley, Mass, 49-66; mem Mass legis, 65; wc, E-Hawley, Mass, 66-70; pas, do, 70-90; wc, do, 90-4; d, do, Ja 30, 94. *VAIL, Stephen Montfort; b, Union-Vale, NY, 1817; BC, 38; UTS, 39-42; ord (ME), My, 46; pas, Fishkill, NY, 42-4; pas, Sharon, Ct, 44-6; pas, Pine Plains, NY, 46-7; prin, Pennington, NJ, 47-9; prof, Bib Inst, Con- cord, NH, 49-68; consul, Ludwigshafen, Bavaria, 69-74; pas (ME), Gifford's Sta (SI), NY, 74; superan, Pleasant Plains (SI), NY, 74-80; d, Jersey City, NJ, Nv 26, 80. DD, GC,' 56. *WHITE, Samuel Jessup; b, Durham, NY, Mr 7, 1815; WmsC, 39; UTS, 39-42; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 9, 42; ss, Yorktown, NY, 42-3; pas, Franklin, NY, 43-51; ss, Cannonsville, NY, 52-60; pas, Gilbertsville, 1842. 17 NY, 60-8; pas, Walton, NY, 68-75; pas (Cong), Cornwall, Ct, 75-83; hr Walton, NY, 83-1908; d, do, Fb 27, 08. DD, WmsC, 74. 25. •BEEBE, Abijah Pratt; b, Jackson, NY, 1813; 01,-37; UTS, 39-40; ord (Presb, Utica), My 2, 43; ss&pas, Oriskany, NY, 42-5; inv, NY Mills, NY, 45-8; do, Elgin, 111, 48-9; d, Home, NY, Sp 6, 49. *BROWN, Allen Henry; b, NYCity, Sp 23, 1820; UNY, 36-8; CC, 39; UTS, 39-40; PTS, 40-2; post g, do, 42-3; ord (Presb.W- Jersey), Ja 5, 48; ag, ATS, 44-6; ss, May's Landing, NJ, 47-60; pm, Absecom, NJ, 60-74; sm, Camden, NJ, 74-86; pm, do, 86-1900; wc, Atlantic City, NJ, 00-5; wc, Montclair, NJ, 05-7; d, do, Nv 5, 07. DD, PrinU, 05. *CHALKER, Eichard Abraham; b, Say brook, Ct, Nv 16, 1817; UTS, 39-40; ord (ME), Jn 15, 44; ss, Amenia, NY, 40-1; ss, Johnsville, NY, 41-2; pas, Hyde Park & Milan, NY, 42-3; pas, Farmington, Ct, 43-4; pas, Hyde Park, NY, 44-6; pas, Sing Sing, NY, 46-8; pas, Peekskill, NY, 48-50; pas, Saugerties, NY, 50-1; pas, NYCity, 51-3; pas, Po'keepsie, NY 53-4; pas, Kingston, NY, 54-6; pas, Chester, NY, 56-7; pas, New- Brunswick, NJ, 57-9; pas, Bordentown, NJ, 59-61; pas, Salem, NJ, 61-3; pas, Pennington, NJ, 63-5; pas, Mount Holly, NJ, 65-7; pas, Camden, NJ, 67-70; pas, Bed Bank, N J, 70-3; pas, New-Brunswick, N J, 73-5; pas, Lambertville, NJ, 75-8; pas, Trenton, NJ, 78-80; retired, Kondout, NY, 80-7; d, do, Ap 30, 87. *DEYOE, Ephraim; b, Austerlitz, NY, Dc 18, 1814; UC, 39; UTS, 39-40; ord (Ev Lu, NY State Ministerium) , Sp 19, 43; ss, Woodstock, NY, 42-3; pas, Ghent, NY, 43-6; pas, German Valley, NJ, 46-58; pas, Saddle River, NJ, 58-67; pas, Ramsey s, NJ, 67-79; oc s, do, 79-99; d, do, Fb 22, 99. *FISHER, James Pinkerton; b, Londonderry, NH, Ja 1, 1813; UC, 39; UTS, 39-41; ord (Presb, Albany), Sp 18, 45; tea, Philadelphia, Pa & ag, ATS, 41-5; ss (RD), Glen, NY, 45-6; ss (Presb), W-Galway, NY, 46-7; ag, ABCFM, Schenectady, NY, 47-51; ss&pas, Johnstown, NY, 51-60; ss, Buffalo, NY, 61-2; ag, USCC, Washington, DC, 63-5; d, Little Britain, NY, Ag 30. 65. •FULLER, Ashbel; b, Kent, Ct, Jl 26, 1817; UC, 38; UTS, 39-40; tea, Kent, Ct, 40-73; d, do, Ja 4, 73. *GORHAM, William Osmyn; b, Hardwich, Mass, Sp 19, 1814; AC. 38; UTS, 39; law, Northampton, Mass, 45-55; ord (Ep), Nv 21, 58; rec, Newark, NY, 57-9; rec, Warsaw, NY, 59-62; ss, various places in Mass, 62-6; manuf, Barre, Mass, 66-9; ed, Athol, Mass, 69; d, do, Nv 7, 69. *HAYES, Alonzo; b, Barrington, NH, Ag 10, 1810; DC, 39; tea, Washing- ton, DC, 39-40; UTS, 40-1; AndTS, 41-2; ord (Cong), My 24, 43; pas, 18 1842. W-Barnstable, Mass, 43-50; ss&pas, Dublin, NH, 50-3; agric, Alexandria Co, Va, 53-7; d, Hall's Cross Roads, Va, Jl 15, 57. *HOTCHKISS, William P; b, Hartford, Ct, 1818; 01, 39; UTS, 39-40; AubTS, 40-1; ord (Cong), My 11, 43; ss, Concord, Mich, 41-3; ss, Cen- terville, Mich, 43-4; inv, 43-61; d, S Francisco, Cal. ♦JERVIS, Timothy Bloomfield; b, Eome, NY, Fb 20, 1809; UTS, 40-1; AubTS, 41-2; UTS, 42-3; ord (Presb, Oswego), Jl 12, 43; ss, Oriskany, NY, 44-5; ss, Unadilla, NY, 45-6; pas, Richfield-Spgs, NY, 47-53; ss, Oakfield, NY, 53-5; ss, Newport, NY, 56-9; ss, Oriskany, NY, 59-64; ss, Burr Oak, Mich, 65-6; ss, Pine Island, Minn, 66-9; wc&colp, Wood- bridge, NJ, 69-72; pas, Wells, Columbia & N- Wells (Aspinwall), NY, 72-6; hr, Elmira, NY, 76-87; d, Borne, NY, Ag 7, 87. | JONES, William M; b, Catskill, NY, 1803; MD, 28; UTS, 41. ♦LANE, John Wickliffe; b, Homer, NY, My 7, 1815; UTS, 39-40; ord (Presb, Angelica), Jn 26, 49; ss, Wilson, NY, 42-4; ss, Olean, NY, 47- 50; ss, Corfu (Pembroke), NY, 50-3; ss, Centerville, NY, 53-69; ss, Bushford, NY, 69-81; d, do, Dc 25, 81. LINDSAY, John Wesley; b, Barre, Vt, Ag 20, 1820; WU, 40; UTS, 40-2; ord (ME), My 15, 46; ss, New-Paltz & Plattekill, NY, 43-4; pas, Troy, NY, 45; pas, Lenox, Mass, 45-6; tut, WU, Middletown, Ct, 47-8; prof, WU, do, 48-60; pas (30th st), NYCity, 60-2; do (18th st), do, 64-5; prest, GC, Lima, NY, 65-8; prof, Boston Univ, & TS, 68-84; prof emer, do, 84—. P elder, Boston, 84-8; do, No-Boston, 88-94; res, W-Newton, Mass. STD, WU, 63. # ♦LITTLE JOHN, Gilbert Hamilton; b, Herkimer Co, NY, 1815; 01, 39; UTS, 40-1; trade, Whitesboro, NY; do, NYCity; r r supt, Cleveland, O; do, 111, 54-9; do (SoPac), 59-87; d, Berkeley, Cal, Oc 21, 87. *LORD, Charles Eliphalet; b, Portsmouth, NH, Fb 11, 1817; DC, 38; tea, S-Berwick, Me, 38-9; do, Kingston, NC, 39-40; UTS, 39-41; YTS, 41-2; AubTS, 42-3; ord (Presb, St Joseph), My 8, 44; pas, Niles, Mich, 44-7; ss, Evansville, Ind, 48-9; ss (Cong), Stratham & New-Market, NH, 50-2; ss, Westbrook, Me; 52-3; ss, C Elizth, Me, 53-6; pas, Mt Vernon, NH, 57-61; coll pas, S-Eastcn, Mass, 63-7; pas, Chester, Vt, 67-9; ss (Presb), Beverly, NJ, 69-70; wc, Boston, Mass, 70-3; prof, Lay Coll, Brooklyn, NY, 73-4; ss, Boston, Mass, 74-5; ss, Pelham Manor, NY, 75-6; prof, Brooklyn, NY, 76-85; wc, Newburyport, Mass, 86-1902; d, do, Fb 19, 02. DD, UET, 73. ♦LYMAN, Chester Smith; b, Manchester, Ct, Ja 13, 1814; YC, 37; tea, Ellington, Ct, 38-9; UTS, 39-40; YTS, 40-2; ord (Cong), Fb 15, 43; pas, New-Britain, Ct, 43-5; inv&tea, Sand Islds, 45-7; surv, Cal, 47-50; lit, New-Haven, Ct, 50-8; prof (SSS), YC, New-Haven, Ct, 58-90; d, do, \ Ja 29, 90. 1842. 19 *MARTIN, William Mulford; b, Eahway, NJ, Jn 29, 1813; CNJ, 33-6; UNY, 37; UTS, 39-41; prin, H School, Brooklyn, NY, 42-52; ord (Presb, NY), Ap 3, 52; pas, Woodbridge, NJ, 52-63; ss, Columbia, Cal, 63-4; ss, Vir- ginia City, Nev, 64-7; ch, YMCA, Brooklyn, NY, 68-77; prof, Lay Col, do, 77-8; sec&supt, City Mis & Tr Soc, do, 78-86; ag, Am Mis Soc, NY, 87-8; do, Charity Org Soc, 86-96; res, San Francisco, Cal, 96-8; d, do, ' Sp 4, 98. •PENNELL, Joseph; b, Brunswick, Me, Sp 7, 1812; BC, 39; UTS, 39; chemist, S-Norwalk, Ct; d, do, Sp 3, 68. "PERKINS, Frederick Trenck; b, Sanbornton, NH, Ag 16, 1811; YC, 39; UTS, 39-40; YTS, 40-2; ord (Cong), Ja 11, 43; pas, E-Cambridge, Mass, 43-51; pas, Manchester, Ct, 51-6; pas, Williamsburgh, Mass, 57-60; pas, Galesburgh, 111, 60-8; ss (Warburton Chapel), Hartford, Ct, 70-2; ss, Naugatuck, Ct, 72-5; ss, Tilton & Northfield, NH, 75-84; WO, Bur- lington, Vt, 84-93; d, do, My 2, 93. *PETTINGELL, John Hancock; b, Manchester, Vt, My 11, 1815; YC, 37; prof, D&DI, NYCity, 38-43; UTS, 39-41; ord (Cong), Dc 6, 43; ss, S-Dennis, Mass, 43-8 ; pas, Saybrook, Ct, 48-52; d sec, ABCFM, Albany, NY, 53-60; trav, Europe & Asia, 56-7; pas, Saxon ville, Mass, 60-3; pas, Westbrook, Ct, 63-6; sea ch, Antwerp, Belgium, 66-72; lit, NYCity, 72-6; do, Philadelphia, Pa, 76-86; do, New Haven, Ct, 86-7; d, do, Fb 27, 87. *PHELPS, Zenas Montague; b, Westhampton, Mass, Jl 19, 1811; WmsC, 39; UTS, 39-41; tea, Harwinton, Ct, 41-4; tea, Yellow Springs, O, 45-9; tea, Sing Sing, NY, 50-7; tea, Riverdale, NY, 58-63; res, Amherst, Mass, 63-72: d, do, Jl 4, 72. ♦PRATT, Almon Bradley; b, N-Cornwall, Ct, Jn 3, 1812; UTS, 39-41; ord (Cong), Ap 13, 52; ss, Genesee & Vienna, Mich, 51-65; ss, Flint, Mich, 67-9; tea, Berea, Ky, 69-73; ss, Camp Creek, Neb, 73-5; d, do, Dc 28, 75. *REID, John Morrison; b, NYCity, My 30, 1820; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-41; ord (ME), My 15, 46; ss, Wolcotville, Ct, 44-6; pas, Bakerville, Ct, 46-7; pas, Jamaica (LI), NY, 47-9; pas, Birmingham, Ct, 49-51; pas, Middle- town, Ct, 51-2; tut, WU, Middletown, Ct, 52-3; pas, NYCity, 53-5; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 55-7; pas, Bridgeport & Fairfield, Ct, 57-8; prest, GC, 58-64; ed (West Chr Adv), Cincinnati, O, 64-8; ed (No West Chr Adv), Chicago, 111, 68-72; cor sec, Miss Soc, ME Ch, NYCity, 72-88; hon sec, do, 88-96; d, do, My 16, 96. DD, UNY, 58. LLD, SU, 81. *SMITH, James Champlain; b. Middleville (LI), NY, Mr 17, 1S10; UTS, 39- 41; ord (Presb, Long Island), Dc 21, 41; ss, Cutchogue (LI), NY, 42-5; ss&pas, Pompey Centre, NY, 45-51; ss, Oran, NY, 51-2; ss, Oneida Lake, NY, 52-6; pas, Summer Hill, NY, 56-60; ss, Red Creek, NY, 60-4; ss, Romulus, NY, 64-8; ss, Newfield, NY, 68-74; ss, Marathon & Texas Valley, NY, 75-6; d, Marathon, NY, Mr 24, 76. 20 1842-1843. *SPOONER, Erastus Carter; b, Brandon, Vt, Jl 18, 1815; MC, 39; UTS, 39-41; tea, Brandon, Vt, 41; d, do, Dc 11, 41. *STEAD, Benjamin Franklin; b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Fb 22, 1815; UNY, 41; UTS, 39-41; ord (Presb, Phila 2d), Fb 22, 42; pas, Philadelphia (Brides- burgh), Pa, 42-52; pas, Astoria (LI), NY, 52-79; d, do, Fb 15, 79. DD, UNY, 65. *STONE, Andrew Leete; b, Oxford, Ct, Nv 25, 1815; YC, 37; tea, Uxbridge, Mass, 37-8; prof, D&DI, NYCity, 38-41; UTS, 39-41; sec, ASSU, Phila- delphia, Pa, 42-4; ord (Cong), Sp 3, 44; pas, Middletown, Ct, 44-9; pas (Park st), Boston, Mass, 49-66; pas, San Francisco, Cal, 66-81; pas emer, do, 81-92; d, do, Ja 17, 92. DD, AC, 61. *STRONG, Edward; b, Somers, Ct, Oc 25, 1813; YC, 38; UTS, 39-40; tut, YC, 40-2; ord (Cong), Dc 14, 42; pas, New-Haven, Ct, 42-62; ss, Kala- mazoo, Mich, 63; pas, Pittsfield, Mass, 64-71; pas, Boston (W-Rox- bury), Mass, 72-82; wc, do, 82-7; do, Pittsfield, Mass, 87-98; d, do, Dc 13, 98. DD, HC, 64. *VAN NOSTRAND, Jacob; b, NYCity, Fb 27, 1814; UNY, 38; UTS, 39-41; prof, D&DI, NYCity, 38-57 & 76; prest, D&DI, Austin, Tex, 57-76; d, NYCity, Nv 29, 79. *WHEELER, Hiram; b, Jefferson, NY, 1808; UC, 40; UTS, 39-40; ord (Ev Lu); pas, Churchtown, NY, 42-7; pas, Woodstock, NY, 48-50; ss, Waterloo, NY, 50; pas, Livingston Manor, NY, 51-8; pas, Sharon, NY, 58-61; pas, W- Amsterdam, NY, 61-6; pas, Woodstock, NY, 68-70; ag, Orange Co (NY) Bib Soc, 70-2; inv, Poughkeepsie, NY, 72-84; d, do, Ja 26, 84. *WRIGHT, Ephraim Munroe; b, Northampton, Mass, Jl 24, 1813; WmsC, 39; UTS, 39; YTS, 40-1; tea, Easthampton, Mass, 44-8; m of Mass leg, 48-9; Custom House, Boston, 49-53; sec of State, Mass, 53-5; ord (Cong), Jl 3, 61; pas, Bethlehem, Ct, 61-6; ss, Terry ville, Ct, 65-70; tea, Easthampton, Mass, 70-2; trav, S-Amer, 72-3; res, Lee Centre & Chicago, 111, 73-8; d, Northampton, Mass, My 17, 78. * YOUNG, Abraham Teator; b, Carlisle, NY, My 10, 1806; UC, 39; UTS, 39-40; PTS, 40-2; ord (Presb, Wyoming), Sp 20, 43; pas, E-Aurora, NY, 43-7; ss, Warsaw, NY, 47-50; ss, E-Bethany, NY, 51-7; ss, Char- lotte, NY, 57-9; pas, Sackett's Harbor, NY, 59-64; ss, Oak's Corners, NY, 64-76; cm&ss, Williamsport, Pa, 78-88; wc, Cleveland, O, 89-93; d, do, Nv 24, 93. 32. 1843. *BULL, Richard Harrison; b, NYCity, Sp 28, 1817; UNY, 39; UTS, 39-41, 42-3; tea, NYCity, 43-54; sec&actuary, Eagle Fire Ins Co, 47-8; sec, NY Sav Bank, 59-67; prest, do, 68-83; prof, UNY, do, 54-85; prof emer, do, 85-92; d, NYCity, Ja 31, 92. PhD, NYU, 85. 1843. 21 •CLIFT, William Avery; b, Griswold, Ct, Sp 12, 1817; AC, 39; UTS, 40-3; ord (Cong), Dc 18, 44; pas, Stonington, Ct, 44-64; ag, NYCity, 64-7; ed&oc s, do, 67-9; ss&pas, Stonington (Mystic Bridge), Ct, 69-78; oc s, do, 78-81; ss&pas, Hadlyme, Ct, 81-90; d, do, Dc 9, 90. *DOUBLEDAY, William Thomas; b, Binghamton, NY, Mr 28, 1818; AC, 34-6; YC, 38; UTS, 39-41, 42-3; ord (Presb, Cortland), Mr 3, 47; ss, Bainbridge, NY, 43-5; ss, Truxton, NY, 46-9; ss, Gilbertsville, NY, 50-60; pas, Delhi, NY, 60-3; pas (Cong), Goshen, Ct, 63-71; wc&inv, Vineland, NJ, 71-8; oc s, Binghamton, NY, 78-90; wc, do, 90-1907; d, do, Jl 13, 07. ELLIOT, Henry Bond; b, Woodstock, NY, Jn 21, 1823; UNY, 40; UTS, 40-2; AndTS, 42-3; UTS, 43; ord (Presb, 2d Phila), My 24, 44; pas, Alexandria, NJ, 44; pas (Cong), Waterbury, Ct, 45-51; ss, Springfield, Mass, 52-4; pas (New Engl), Brooklyn, NY, 54-5; pas, Stamford, Ct, 56-8; pas, Columbus, O, 58-60; wc, Brooklyn, NY, 61-3; wc, NYCity, 63-5; U S com, O, 61-5; ss (Presb), Poughkeepsie, NY, 65-6; ss (Cong), New-Canaan, Ct, 66-9; ss, Litchfield, Ct, 70-3; ss, Stonington, Ct, 74-8; wc, do, 79; ss (Presb), Middletown, O, 80-2; ss (Cong), Cincinnati, O, 82-4; pas (Presb), Troy, O, 84-6; ss (Allen st), NYCity, 87-9, 93-5; hr, Summit, NJ, 95-9; hr, NYCity, 99—. DD, UNY, 76. I *ELMER, Nathaniel; b, Wantage, NJ, Ja 31, 1816; UC, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Presb, Hudson), Oc 24, 44; ss, Stanhope, NJ, 43-4; pas, Circleville, NY, 45-7; ss, Factory ville, NY, 48-50; ss, Waverly, NY, 51-7; pas, E-Manlius, NY, 57-8; pas, E-Avon, NY, 58-62; ss, Stone Church, NY, 62-6; wc, Leroy, NY, 66-7; wc, Deckertown, NJ, 67-8; ss, Middletown, NY, 68-70; ss, Belmont, NY, 70-4; ss, Emporium, Pa, 74-6; wc, Middle- town, NY, 76-84; d, do, Jl 11, 84. *HALL, Samuel Haight; b, Geneva, NY, My 15, 1819; UC, 37; stud law, Cleveland, O, 37-40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Presb, Marshall), Ja 29, 45; ss, Tallmadge, O, 44; pas, Marshall, Mich, 45-53; pas, Syracuse, NY, 53-6; pas, Owego, NY, 56-64; com, ABS&USCC, N Orleans, La, 64-5; sec, ASFS, NYCity, 65-88; res, Newark, NJ, 88-90; d, do, Oc 10, 90. DD, IngU, 61. *KEER, George; b, Carrickfergus, Ireland, Dc 18, 1812; WmsC, 39; UTS, 40-3; ord (Presb Columbia), Sp 18, 44; pas (RD), Conesville, NY, 44-6; prin, Acad, Franklin, NY, 46-60; prest, State Ag Coll, Ovid, NY, 61; prin, Acad, Watertown, NY, 62-5; do, Cooperstown, NY, 65-7; d, do, Mr 27, 67. LLD, HC, 52. •LATHAM, Henry Dearing; b, Newburgh, NY, Sp 30, 1812; UTS, 40-3; ord (ME), My 19, 47; ss, Essex, Ct, 43-4; ss, Fair Haven, Ct, 45; ss, Madi- son, Ct, 46-7; pas, Riverhead (LI), NY, 48; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 49-53; pas, W. Granby, Ct, 54-5; pas, Colebrook River, Ct, 56-7; pas, Westport, Ct, 58-9; pas, Windsor Locks, Ct, 60-1; pas, Essex, Ct, 62-3; pas, North- 22 1843. port (LI), NY, 64-6; pas, Rockville Centre (LI), NY, 67; pas, Milford, Ct, 68-9; wc, 70; pas, Madison, Ct, 71; pas, N Wilton, Ct, 72; pas, New Town, Ct, 73; pas, Higganum, Ct, 74-5; pas, Rocky Hill, Ct, 76; pas, Madison, Ct, 77; ss, do, 78-80; wc, do, 81-96; d, do, Ag 25, 96. •LEWIS, John; b, Walpole, Mass, Jl 19, 1817; DC, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Cong), My 6, 44; ss, Fairplay & New-Diggings, Wis, 43-4; ss, New- Diggings, Wis, 45-7; pas (Presb), Platteville, Wis, 48-60; d, do, Sp 2, 60. •MUDGE, Thomas Hicks; b, Orrington, Me, Sp, 27, 1815; WU..40; NTT, 40-2; UTS, 42-3; ord (ME), Ap 30, 47; pas, Brookfield, Mass, 43-4; pas, Leominster, Mass, 44-6; pas, Grafton (Farmansville), Mass, 46-8; pas, Weston, Mass, 48-50; pas, Natick & Needham, Mass, 50-1; pas, S. Had- ley Falls, Mass, 51-2; pas, Spencer, Mass, 52-3; pas, Walpole, Mass, 53-5; pas, Eockbottom, Mass, 55-6; tea, Ellington, Ct, 56-7; prof, McKC, Lebanon, 111, 57-8; pas, Waterloo, 111, 58; pas, St Louis, Mo, 59- 60; pas, Ironton, Mo, 60-1; pas, Independence, Mo, 61-2; pas, Manhat- tan, Kan, 61-2; prof, Baker Univ, Baldwin City, Mo, 62; d, do, Jl 24, 62. •NEEDHAM, George Francis; b, Boston, Mass, Fb 7, 1816; WU, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Wes Meth). Ap 26, 46; ss, Providence, RI, 43; pas, Athol & Needham, Mass, 44; pas, Buff alo, NY, 45 ; pas, East Solon, NY, 46; inv, Kalamazoo, Mich, 47-50; tea, Rochester, NY, 50-7; trade, Buffalo, NY, 58-61; ch, Sanitary Com, Wash, DC, 61-2; clerk, US Treas Dep, do, 63- 85; res, Chicago, 111, 85-95; d, do, 95. •OTIS, Orin Fowler; b, Colchester, Ct, My 8, 1811; YC, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Cong), Mr 11, 47; ss & pas, Chepachet, RI, 44-64; cm, Providence, RI, 65-83; d, do, Fb 11, 83. •PITCHER, Samuel L; b, Phila, Pa, 1817; CNJ, 40; UTS, 40-3; ss, Spring- field X Roads, Pa, 43-4; d, do, 44. •PLATT, William King; b, NYCity, Ag 17, 1817; UC, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 13,44; pas, Milton, NY, 44-7; ss, Orangeville, NY, 47-9 ; ss, Sweden, NY, 49-55; ss, Fairport, NY, 55-7; pas, Somers, NY, 57-64; pas, Hector, NY, 64-8; oc s & inv, Ludlowville, NY, 69-80; d, do, Oc 30, 80. PORTER, William; b, Lee, Mass, Ja 10, 1820; WmsC, 39; AndTS, 40-1; UTS, 41-3; ord (Cong), Ag 25, 47; wc & inv, Florida & Georgia, 43-50; tea, Marietta, O, 50-2; prof, BelC, Beloit, Wis, 52-1906; prof emer, do, 06—. DD, WmsC, 82. •RANKIN, Edward Erastus; b, Newark, NJ, My 15, 1820; YC, 40; UTS, 40- 3; ord (Presb, Elizabethtown), Ap 23, 44; pas, Springfield, NJ, 44-50; pas, NYCity, 50-63; ss, Newark, NJ, 63-5; pas (Cong), Fairfield, Ct, 66- 79; ev (Presb), Newark, NJ, 81-9; d, do, Jl 22, 89. DD, RC, 63. •ROCKWOOD, Lubim Burton; b, Wilton, NH, Ap 8, 1816; DC, 39; AndTS, 40-1; UTS, 41-3; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ap 18, 45; fin ag, UTS, 43-50; 1843. 23 coll pas (Cong), Rocky Hill, Ct, 50-8; d sec, ATS (of NY), Boston, Mass, 59-72; d, do, My 7, 72. ♦SCHERMERHORN, John William; b, Prattsville, NY, Ja 26, 1812; UC, 36; UTS, 39-41, 42-3; res lie, 43-4; tea, NYCity, 44-52; we, NYCity, 53-87; d, do, Jl 28, 87. *SCUDDER, Henry Martyn; b, Panditeripo, Ceylon, Fb 5, 1822; UNY, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 12, 43; ss, New Rochelle, NY, 43-4; fm (ABCFM)), Madura, India, 44-6; do, Madras, India, 46-50; fm (RD), Arcot, India, 50-7, 60-3; in America, 57-60; pas (RD, Grand St), Jersey City, NJ, 64-5; pas (Howard Presb), San Francisco, Cal, 65-71; pas (Central Cong), Brooklyn, NY, 71-83; pas (Plymouth), Chicago, HI, 83-7; indep mis, Japan, 87-9; wc, Pasadena, Cal, 89-90; do, Chicago, HI, 90-2; do, Winchester, Mass, 92-5; d, do, Jn 4, 95. MD, UNY, 53; DD, RC, 59. ♦SHEPHERD, Thomas James; b, Clarke Co, Va, Ap 25, 1818; CnC, 39; UTS, 40-3; ord (Presb, DC), Oc 5, 43; pas, Lisbon, Md, 43-52; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 52-81; pas emer, do, 81-98; d, Glenwood, Md, Dc 1, 98. DD, CnC, 65. *SKINNER, Thomas Harvey; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 6, 1820; UNY, 40; UTS, 40-2; AndTS, 42-3; UTS, 43; ord (Presb, Newark), Dc 8, 43; pas, Paterson, NJ, 43-6; pas, NYCity, 46-55; pas, Honesdale, Pa; 56-9; pas (RD), Stapleton (SI), NY, 59-68; pas (Presb), Fort Wayne, Ind, 68-71; pas (Second), Cincinnati, O, 71-81; prof (Theol), TSNW (McCormick), 81-92; d, do, Ja 4, 92. DD, CNJ, 67. *STODDARD, Judson Burr; b, Pawlet, Vt, My 9, 1813; UC, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Cong), My 16, 44; ss, Yorktown, NY, 43-4; pas, Sherman, Ct, 44- 54; inv, 54-5; pas, S Windsor, Ct, 55-63; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 63; ss (Presb), Croton Falls, NY, 63-5; ss (Cong), So Meriden, Ct, 65-8; pas, Essex (Centrebrook), Ct, 69-75; wc, do, 75-7; do, Cheshire, Ct, 77-95; d, do, Fb 7, 95. ♦UTTER, George Benjamin; b, Plainfield, NY, Fb 4, 1819; 01, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (7th Day Bap), Jn 5, 43; ed, NYCity, 44-61; ed, Westerly, RI, 61-92; d, do, Ag 28, 92. ♦WHITTLESEY, Eliphalet; b, Salisbury, Ct, Jl 13, 1816; WmsC, 40; UTS, 40-3; ord (Cong, Litchfield No Consoc), Sp 27, 43; fm, Hana, Maui, S. Islds, 44-54; inv & oc s, Salisbury, Ct, 54-5; do, Saratoga Spgs, NY, 55- 7; do, Salisbury, Ct, 57-61 ; do, Hammonton, NJ, 61-5; do, Elwood, NJ, 65-7; do, Edina, Mo, 67-9; do, Elwood, NJ, 69-89; d, do, Sp 1, 89. 24. ♦ALLEN, John Boyd; b, Sturbridge, Mass, Oc 12, 1813; UC, 40; UTS, 40-1; TIC, 41-3; ord (Presb, Pennsylvania), Ap 9, 45; ss, Covington & Mans- field, Pa, 45-9; ss, Austenburgh, O, 49-50; pas, Gustavus, O, 50-6; pas, 24 1843. Brooklyn, O, 56-67; also, ss, Parma, 0, 56-9, and Rockport, O, 59-67; wc, Cleveland, 0, 67-70; pas, Clinton, Mo, 70-4; hr, Rockport and Brooklyn Village, O, 75-93; d, Brooklyn Village, O, Dc 1, 93. •BAGNALL, William Rhodes; b, Boston, Mass, Jl 17, 1819; WU, 40; UTS, 40-2; ord (ME), Ap 30, 47; tut, WU, 42-6; ss, Walpole, Mass, 44-5; pas, Northampton, Mass, 46-7; prin, Acad, E Greenwich, RI, 47-9; pas, Hol- liston, Mass, 49-50; pas, Southbridge, Mass, 50-2; pas, Shrewsbury, Mass, 52-4; pas, Maiden, Mass, 54-6; pas, Charlestown, Mass, 56-8; pas, Boston, Mass, 58-9; pas, Chelsea, Mass, 59-60; manuf & mer, Maiden, Mass; d, Middletown, Ct, Ag 3, 92. •BARTLETT, Joseph; b, Salisbury, NH, Ja 26, 1816; DC, 35; tea, Andover, Mass, 36-7; tutor, DC, 38-41; AndTS, 40-1; UTS, 41-2; AndTS, 42-3; ord (Cong), Oc 7, 47; ss, Waterville, Me, 46-7; pas, Buxton, Me, 47-67; wc, Andover, Mass, 67-8; ss, So New Market, NH, 69-77; wc, Gorham, Me, 78-82; d, do, Ag 12, 82. •BLAKE, Horace Thompson; b, Worcester, Mass, My 9, 1812; AC, 38; UTS, 40-1; d, Worthington, Mass, Jn 2, 41. ♦GRANT, John Mason; b, Litchfield, Ct, Jn 14, 1817; YC, 39; YTS, 39-42; UTS, 42-3; med, NY, 42-3; tea, ag & rev officer; d, Clearwater Harbor, Fla, Nv 3, 78. *HUBBS, Isaac George; b, Long Island, NY, 1813; CNJ, 40; UTS, 40-1; tea, NYCity, 41-62; ag, AMA, New Orleans, La, 63-5; tea, NYCity, 65- 73; d, do, Fb, 73. fLEE, Joseph T; b, Charleston, SC, 1811; ChC, 30; UTS, 40-1. ♦McCARER, William Henderson; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Dc 20, 1813; JefC, 38; UTS, 40-2; ord (Presb, Philadelphia), Oc 5, 43; pas, W-Nantmeal, Pa, 43-9; ss&pas, Evansville, Ind, 49-68; sec, A&FCU, 68-74; pas, Evansville, Ind, 74-80; d, do, Fb 9, 80. *MORANGE, James Pierre; b, Montreal, Can, 1818; UC, 40; UTS, 40-1; law, NYCity, 41-7; d, do, Ja 14, 47. *OSBORN, Thomas Gilbert; b, Riverhead (LI), NY, Oc 15, 1820; WU, 40; UTS, 41; law student, HarC, 41-3; ord (ME), Jn 21, 48; ss, South- ampton (LI), NY, 44-5; pas, Bridgehampton (LI), NY, 46-7; pas, Patchogue (LI), NY, 48-9; wc, Riverhead (LI), NY, 50; pas, Birming- ham, Ct, 51-2; pas, Bridgeport, Ct, 53-4; pas, Waterbury, Ct, 55-6; pas, NYCity, 57-60; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 61; pas, New-Haven, Ct, 62-3; p elder, Bridgeport, Ct, 64; wc, Riverhead (LI), NY, 65-6; pas, River- head (LI), NY, 67-9; p elder, Bridgeport, Ct, 69-72; do, Long Island, So Dist, 72-3; pas, Port Chester, NY, 73-4; wc, Norwalk, Ct, 75-6; pas, Riverhead (LI), NY, 77-9; wc, Norwalk, Ct, 80-88; d, do, Fb 27, 88. •PINGRY, John Francis; b, Newburyport, Mass, Sp 26, 1818; DC, 36; UTS, 40-1; ord (Presb, No River), Jn 28, 42; pas, Fishkill, NY, 42-6; 1843-1844. 25 tea, do, 46-53; tea&pas, Newark (Roseville), NJ, 53-60 j prin, Eliza- beth, NJ, 61-92; d, do, Fb 16, 94. PhD, CNJ, 68. •RIGHTER, Harris; b, Pine Plains, NY, My 14, 1810; UC, 31; UTS, 40-1; ord (Cong), Sp 28, 42; pas, S-Middletown, NY, 42-6; wc, Oyster Bay (LI), NY, 47-53; wc, Newark, NJ, 53-5; d, do, Ap 2, 55. •ROBBINS, Alden Burrill; b, Salem, Mass, Fb 18, 1817; AC, 39; AndTS, 40-1; UTS, 41-2; AndTS, 42-3; ord (Cong), Sp 20, 43; ss&pas, Mus- catine, la, 43-91; pas emer, do, 91-6; d, do, Dc 27, 96. DD, AC, 68. •ROGERS, Ambrose Spencer; b, Cornwall, Ct, My 21, 1815; UC, 40; UTS, 40-1; tea, Cornwall, Ct, 47-60; do, New-Milford, Ct, 60-76; res, do, 76- 82; d, Middletown, Ct, Fb 20, 82. SALTER, William; b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 17, 1821; UNY, 40; UTS, 40-2; AndTS, 42-3; ord (Cong, Denmark Asso), Nv 5, 43; hm, Maquoketa, la, 43-6; pas, Burlington, Io, 46 — . DD, IoU, 64. *SCHORY, Peter; b, Berne, Switz, Mr 4, 1809; CNJ, 40; UTS, 40-1; AndTS, 41-3; ord (GR, Lebanon CI), My 19, 44; pas, New-Holland & New- Providence, Pa, 43-8; pas, Upper & Lower Mt Bethel, Pa, 49-54; pas, Lancaster, O, 56-61; wc, do, 61-1903; d, do, My 1, 03. *SUNDERLAND, Byron; b, Shoreham, Vt, Nv 22, 1819; MC, 38; UTS, 41-3; ord (Presb, Genessee), Nv 13, 43; pas, Batavia, NY, 43-51; ss (Park), Syracuse, NY, 51-2; pas (First), Washington, DC, 53-1901; d, Catskill, NY, Jn 30, 01. Ch, U S Senate, 61-4; do, 73-9; ch, A&FCU, Paris, France, 64-5. DD, MC, 55. •THOMPSON, William Austin; b, Holland, Mass, Mr 28, 1811; UNY, 40; UTS, 40-2; YTS, 42-3; ord (Cong, Denmark Asso), Nv 5, 43; ss, Troy, Bloomfield & Fox, Io, 43-5; ss, Fairfield, Io, 45-50; ss, Port Byron, 50-2; drowned, Mendocia Slough, 111, My 3, 52. •UPHAM, Albert Gallatin; b, Rochester, NH, Jl 10, 1819; BC, 40; UTS, 40-1; MD, Vt Med Acad, 42; prof, do, Castleton, Vt, 42-4; studied med, Paris, France, 42-4; phys, Boston, Mass, 44-7; d, do, Jn 16, 47. •VAN CLEEF, George Stayley; b, NYCity, Jn 28, 1817; CC, 37; UTS, 40-2; AndTS, 42-3; res lie, 44-5; ss, Sandy Hill, NY, 45; ss, Bridport, Vt, 46; insane, 46-63; d, NYCity, Nv 29, 63. 20. 1844. •ALLEN, Samuel Howe; b, Belchertown, Mass, Fb 20, 1819; AC, 41; UTS, 41-4; ord (Cong), Ap 22, 46; pas, Windsor Locks, Ct, 46-62; wc, do, 62-80; ord (Cath Apost), Oc 25, 77; Bp (do), oc, 82; wc, Hartford, Ct, 82-99; d, do, Jl 19, 99. 26 1844. ♦BARROWS, George Washington; b, Bridport, Vt, Fb 22, 1817; UTS, 41-4; ord (Cong), Ja 28, 45; pas, Salisbury, "Vt, 45-64; pas, Elizabethtown, NY, 63-81; d, do, Sp 26, 81. ♦BONNE Y, Elijah Hayward; b, Hadley, Mass, Nv 4, 1816; AC, 39; UTS, 41-4; ord (Cong), Fb 25, 47; ss, N-Bennington, Vt, 45-6; ss&pas, Pawlet, Vt, 46-53; ss, Bellows Falls, Vt, 53-4; ss, Plainfield, Mass, 54-5; ss (Presb), Albion, NY, 55; pas, Vernon Centre, NY, 55-72; ss, Lenox, NY, 72-5; ss, Somerset, NY, 76-8; ss, Clarkson, NY, 78-82; d, do, Jn 26, 82. ♦DAVIS, George Atherton; b, Lunenbnrgh, Vt, Ja 3, 1813; DC, 38; tea, Md, 39-41; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ap 26, 45; ss&pas (Salem & Pole Green), Hanover CH, Va, 43-6; d, do, Oc 9, 46. ♦FOSTER, William Cowper; b, Hanover, NH, Jl 8, 1815; DC, 41; UTS, 41-4; res lie, YTS, 44-5; ord (Cong), Oc 13, 47; ss, Exeter, NH, 44-5; ss, Westboro', Mass, 46-7; pas, Cuyahoga Falls, O, 47-9; pas, Boston, Mass, 49-52; pas, Lawrence, Mass, 52-7; ss, Chicago, 111, 57-8; ss&pas, Becket, Mass, 60-3; ev, Hampden Co, Mass, 63-9; ss, Percival, Io, 69-72; wc, Middletown, Ct, 73-97; d, do, Oc 31, 97. ♦GILLETT, Ezra Hall; b, Colchester, Ct, Jl 5, 1823; YC, 41; UTS, 41-4; res lie, 44-5; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ap 16, 45; pas, Harlem, NY, 45-70; prof (Polit Sci), UNY, NYCity, 70-5; d, do, Sp 2, 75. DD, HC, 64. ♦HAWLEY, Charles; b, Catskill, NY, Ag 19, 1819; WmsC, 40; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ja 29, 45; pas, New-Rochelle, NY, 45-8; pas, Lyons, NY, 48-57; pas, Auburn, NY, 57-85; d, do, Nv 26, 85. DD, HC, 61. ♦HOWLAND, Harrison Otis; b, W-Brookfield, Mass, Ja 25, 1813; AC, 41; UTS, 41-4; res lie, 44-5; ord (Presb, Columbia), Dc 23, 46; pas, Ash- land, NY, 46-50; ss&pas (Cong), Warner, NH, 53-7; pas, Chester, NH, 57-62; pas (Presb), Girard, Pa, 64-8; ss, Ellington, NY, 69-72; d, Kinderhook, NY, Fb 13, 72. ♦HOYT, James; b, Greenfield, NY, Oc 7, 1817; UC, 40; UTS, 41-4; res lie, 44-5; ord (Presb), Ap 12, 46; ss, Harlem, NY, 44; ss, Stanwich, Ct, 45; pas, Tuskegee, Ala, 46-9; pres, Talladega, Ala, 49-53; ss (Cong), Stamford, Ct, 53-5; ss, New-London, Ct, 55; pas (Presb), Orange, NJ, 56-66; d, do, Dc 16, 66. *HOYT, Zerah Taylor; b, Greenfield, NY, Dc 3, 1812; UC, 40; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Kalamazoo), Fb 17, 46; ss, White Plains, NY, 44; ss, W-Greenfield, NY, 44-5; ss, Stanwich, Ct, 45; hm, Hastings, Mich, 45-55; ss, S-Greenfield, NY, 55-93; hr, Saratoga, NY, 93-1901; d, do, Ag 29, 01. ♦JUDD r Frederick Frelinghuysen ; b, Bloomfield, NJ, My 18, 1821; CNJ, 39; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Rockaway), My 18, 59; tea, Berkshire, NY, 1844. 27 47-59; pas, Parsippany, NJ, 59-63; ss, Catskill, NY, 63-4; ss, Hunter, NY, 65-9; ss, Port Henry, NY, 70-3; inv, do, 73-8; ss, Jewett, NY, 79- 82; wc, Hunter, NY, 83-5; d, Poughkeepsie, NY, Oc 6, 85. •LAWRENCE, Amos Edward; b, Geneseo, NY, Jn 25, 1812; YC, 40; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, LI), Jn 25, 48; elk, AHMS, NYCity, 44-8; pas, Cut- chogue (LI) NY, 48-51; pas (Cong), Southbury, Ct, 51-60; pas, Lan- caster, Mass, 60-5; wc, Coldwater, Mich, 65-6; ss, Housatonic, Mass, 66-9; ss, South. Lee, Mass, 70-1; ss, Stockbridge, Mass, 73-4; wc, New- ton Centre, Mass, 74-97; d, do, Nv 23, 97. •LOCKE, Nathaniel Clark; b, Salem, NJ, Jn 1, 1816; MC, 38; tea, Loundes- boro, Vt, 38-41; UTS, 41, 2-4; ord (Presb, Hanover), Oc 13, 45; hm, East- ville, Va, 44-6; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 47-50; pas, Hempstead (LI), NY, 52-60; d, do, Jl 21, 62. DD, U Ala, 58. •PARKER, Samuel Junius; b, Danby, NY, My 8, 1819; YC, 37-9; AC, 41; UTS, 41-4; ss (Presb), Ramapo, NY, 45-6; ss, Geneva, NY, 46-7; ss, Clyde, NY, 47-8; ss (Cong), Volney, NY, 49; ss (Presb), Ramapo, NY, & med stu, NYCity, 49-51; physician, Nunda, NY, 51-2; business & med stu, NYCity, 52-5; phys & ch, Mobile, Ala, 55-7; phys, Ithaca, NY, 57-98; d, do, Ja 30, 98. MD, NYMedC, 55. •VAIL, Edward John; b, Smithtown (LI), NY, 1811; UNY, 41; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Onondaga), Fb 23, 48; ss, Oriskany, NY, 45-6; wc, Brook- lyn, NY, 46-7; ss, Jamesville, NY, 47-8; pas, Babylon (LI), NY, 48-51; Uniontown, Cal, 52-4; wc, San Francisco, Cal, 54-7; wc, Crescent City, Cal, 57-61; wc, San Francisco, Cal, 61-76; d, do, Nv 22, 76. *WALDO, Levi Fay; b, Prattsburgh, NY, Ja 28, 1817; UC, 40; UTS, 41-4: ord (Cong), Jl 9, 44; pas, Poughkeepsie, NY, 44-54; pas, N-Brookfield, Mass, 54-6; prin, Kewanee, 111, 56-7; pas, Buda & Milo, 111, 58-9; pas, Lasalle, 111, 59-61; pas&prin, Allegan, Mich, 61-5; pas, Lowell, Mich, 65-6; pas, Quincy, 111, 66-8; pas, Oneida, 111, 68-70; pas, Beardstown, 111, 70-2; pas, Lowell, Mich, 72-4; pas, Pentwater, Mich, 74-5; pas, Frankfort, Mich, 75-7; ss, Shelby, Mich, 77-8; pas, Cannon, Mich, 78- 81; pas, Alpine & Walker, Mich, 81-2; pas, Shelby, Mich, 83-5; pas, Pentwater, Mich, 85-8; pas&ss, Hersey, Mich, 88-94; res, Canon City, Col, 95-1904; d, do, Dc 19, 04. •WARD, John; b, Bloomfield, NJ, Ap 16, 1817; UNY, 41; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Jn 3, 45; pas, Stanhope, NJ, 45-8; wc, Bloomfield, NJ, 48-9; pas, Clyde, NY, 49-55; ag, ATS, Utica, NY, 55-7; wc, Phila- delphia, Pa, 57-8; pas, do, 58-60; wc, Newark, NJ, 60-2; pas, Freedom Plains, NY, 63-7; wc, Bloomfield, NJ, 68-72; pas, Montgomery, NY, 73-5; wc, Bloomfield, NJ, 75-82; wc, Glenridge, NJ, 83-95; hr, do, 95-9: d, do, Ap 22, 99. •WHARTON, Charles Dabney; b, Richmond, Va, 1818; UVa, 39; UTS, 41-4; ss, Leesville, Va, 44-5; d, do, 45. 28 1844. •WILLARD, Livingston; b, Albany, NY, Ag 7, 1816; UC, 42; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Albany), Dc 3, 44; ss&pas, Galway, NY, 44-7; ss, Haver- straw, NY, 48-9; wc, NYCity, 50; ss, do, 51; pas (Cong), N-Stamford, Ct, 52-6; pas (Presb), Sparta, NJ, 56-60; pas, Port Jervis, NY, 60-2; ss, Sparta, NJ, 62-3; pas, Marshall, Mich, 63-9; wc, Yonkers, NY, 70-2; wc, NYCity, 72-94; d, Greenwich, Ct, Fb 28, 94. *WISWELL, George Franklin; b, Whitehall, NY, My 29, 1820; MC, 37-9; UTS, 41-4; ord (Presb, Long Island), Jn 18, 45; pas, Southold (LI), NY, 45-51; fin sec, UTS, 50-2; pas (Second), Peekskill, NY, 53-6; pas (Central), Wilmington, Del, 56-67; pas, Philadelphia (Green Hill), Pa, 67-85; inv, Philadelphia, Pa, 85-92; d, Washington, DC, Jl 14, 92. DD, HC. 66. 20. •BARSTOW, Ephraim Tucker; b, Jewett City, Ct, Sp 12, 1814; YC, 41; UTS, 41-2; d, Rochester, NY, My 21, 45. •FANNING, James; b, Franklinville (LI), NY, 1817; UC, 40; UTS, 41-2; tea, NYCity, 43-63; d, do, Mr 9, 63. •FLETCHER, Patterson; b, Harrisonburgh, Va, Mr 18, 1816; WashCVa, 40; UTS, 41-3; ord ev (Presb, Winchester), Ap, 44; ev, Elk Branch, Jeff Co, Va, 44-51; pas, do, 51-7; ss, Middleburgh, Va, 57-9; pas, Rich- mond, Va, 59-65; ss, Olivet, Va, 65-7; pas, Loch Willow, Augusta Co, Va, 67-74; ss, Lebanon, Va, 74-5; ev, Beverly, W-Va, 76; ev, do, Tygarts Valley & Mingo Flats, W-Va, 77-8; pas, Clarksbury, W-Va, 77-83; ev, Broadway, Va, 83-92; d, do, Ja 9, 92. •FRENCH, William Clark; b, Livonia, NY, Jn 3, 1818; KenC, 41; UTS, 41-3; ord (Ep), Dc 25, 46; rec, Granville, O, 46-50; rec, Delaware, O, 50-2; rec, Worthington, 0, 52-4; rec, Ironton, O, 54-8; rec, Oberlin, O, 58-73; as min (St Paul's), Cleveland, O, 74-87; ed (Stand of the Cross), 68-92; as min (Grace), Philadelphia, Pa, 89-92; d, do, Ag 17, 93. DD, KenC, 75. •FRENCH, William T; b, Culpepper Co, Va, 1814; UTS, 42. •HATHAWAY, Thomas E wing; b, Homer, NY, 1811; HC, 41; UTS, 41; tea, NYCity & Chicago, 111, 42-50; d, do, Jn 13, 50. •HICKOK, Henry; b, Bethel, Ct, Ja 10, 1819; UTS, 41-3; ord (ME), Ag 29, 47; pas, Starkey & Barrington, NY, 43-4; pas, Lockport, NY, 44-5; pas, Brockport, NY, 45-6; pas, Penfield, NY, 46-7; fm, Fuh Chau, China, 47-9; pas, Palmyra, NY, 49-51; pas, Elmira, NY, 51-3; pas, Rochester, NY, 53-4; pas, Elmira, NY, 54-6; ss (Presb), Wampsville, NY, 56-9; ss, Vernon, NY, 59-63; ss, Sackett's Harbor, NY, 65-82; wc&inv, E-Watertown, NY, 82-3; ss (Cong), Rutland, NY, 83-9; wc, E-Watertown, NY, 89-1908; d, do, Ap 15, 08. 1844-1845. 29 *KEDZIE, John Hume; b, Bovina, NY, Sp 8, 1815; OC, 41; UTS, 42-3; YTS, 43-4; law, Chicago, 111, 47-1903; d, Evanston, 111, Ap 9, 03. PhD, UC, 89. *LANE, Saurin Eliot; b, Townsend, Vt, Ag 21, 1821; UC, 39-41; UTS, 41-3; ord (Presb, Albany), Oc 22, 45; pas, Galway, NY, 47-62; pas, Carmel, NY, 63-9; S-Carolina, 69-73; ss, Point Pleasant, W-Va, 74-8; ss, E- Marshfield, Mass, 82-3; wc, S-Framingham, Mass, 83-7; ev, Auburn- dale, Mass, 88; do, S-Boston, Mass, 89-91; do, Littleton, Mass, 92-6; hr, Boston, Mass, 97-9; hr, Littleton, Mass, 99-1904; d, do, Nv -8, 04. DD, . •McKINNEY, Sabin; b, Binghamton, NY, Mr 7, 1816; AC, 41; UTS, 41-2; AubTS, 42-3; ord (Presb, Tioga), Ap 16, 45; ss, Bath, NY, 44-5; ss, Greenwich, NY, 45-7 ; pas, Fredonia, NY, 47-51; ss, Franklin, Pa, 52-4; ag, A&FCU, E-Bloomfield, NY, 54-5; pas, Bergen, NY, 55-7; inv&mer, Binghamton, NY, 57-96; d, do, Jl 10, 96. •PARSONS, Benjamin Franklin; b, Wiscasset, Me, Jn 21, 1820; BC, 41; UTS, 41-2; BTS, 44-6; ord (Cong), Ja 25, 47; ss, Watertown, 111, 46-7; ss&pas, Waukegan, 111, 47-52; pas, Dover, NH, 53-61; pas, Nashua, NH, 61-7; ss, Boston, Mass, 68-9; wc, Derry, NH, 69-73; ss, Woonsocket, EI, 74-6; ss, Webster, Mass, 76-80; wc, Derry, NH, 80-96; d, do, Fb 3, 96. •PORTER, William Henry; b, Rye, NH, Sp 19, 1817; YC, 41; UTS, 41-2; YTS, 42-3; ord (Cong), Oc 29, 45; pas, Litchfield, NH, 45-9; wc, Cam- bridge, Mass, 51-61; elk, Custom Hse, Boston, 54-7; d, Roxbury, Mass, My 26, 61. •SEELY, Abraham T; b, Milford, Pa, 1815; UC, 41; UTS, 41-2. •TENNEY, Ephraim; b, Dummerston, Vt, Nv 12, 1813; WmsC, 41; UTS, 41-2; d, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 8, 42. ♦TOMPKINS, James N; b, 1818; UNY, 39; UTS, 41; d, NYCity. f •WILLOUGHBY, Henry Washington; b, Hollis, NH, Dc 21, 1816; AC, 37- 40; UTS, 41; tea, Telfair Co, Ga, 42-53; JefMedC, 53; phys, Hollis, NH, 53-90; as surg, 1st U S Colored Troops, 64; d, Hollis, NH, Mr 8, 91. 16. 1845. •ABBOTT, Jacob Jackson; b, Groton, Vt, Jl 17, 1813; DC, 39; tea, Missis- sippi, 39-41; tut, DC, 41-3; UTS, 43-5; ord (Cong), Ag 27, 45; pas, Ben- nington, Vt, 45-7; ag, ATS, Car & Ga, 47-8; ss, Hollis, NH, 48-9; pas, Uxbridge, Mass, 50-62; USCC, Washington, DC, 63-5; pas, Yarmouth, Me, 65-75; wc, do, 75-8; d, New-Haven, Ct, Dc 3, 78. DD, BC, 74. 30 1845. •BAILEY, Samuel Wordsworth; b, Little Compton, RI, Jl 28, 1810; YC, 39; UTS, 44-5; ord (Cong), My, 49; ss, Waymart & Prompton, Pa, 47; ss, Pittsburgh, Pa, 47-8; ss, W-Springfield, Mass, 48-9; ss, Cold Spring, NY, 51-3; ss, NYCity, 55-7; cm, do, 57-60; wc, do, 60-70; wc, Boston, Mass, 71-5; wc, NYCity, 76-91; d, do, Ap 17, 91. •CLARK, Frederick Gorham; b, Waterbury, Ct, Dc 13, 1819; UNY, 42; UTS, 45; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Dc 29, 45; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 45-6; pas, Astoria (LI), NY, 46-52; pas, NYCity, 52-67; pas (Cong), Greenwich, Ct, 67-71; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 74-5; wc, NYCity, 75-7; pas (Presb), Troy, NY, 78-86; Brooklyn, NY, 86; d, do, Nv 18, 86. DD, UNY, 64. •EVANS, Rees Cadwgan; b, London, Eng, Ja 23, 1815; JefC, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Niagara), Ja 8, 46; pas, Lewiston, NY, 46; ss, Phila- delphia, Pa, 47-8; miss (Ep), Tuscarora, Pa, 48; cm, do, 48-53; rec, Doylestown, Pa, 54-5; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 55-65; rec, do, 65-72; miss, Gloucester, NJ, 73-6; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 76-82; miss, Beverly, NJ, 82-9; as min (St Paul's), Camden, NJ, 89-92; d, do, Jn 30, 92. •FISH, Henry Clay; b, Halifax, Vt, Ja 27, 1820; UTS, 42-5; ord (Bap), Jn 26, 45; pas, Somerville, NJ, 45-50; pas, Newark, NJ, 50-77; d, do, Oc 2, 77. DD, UR, 58. •FORREST, William, Jr; b, NYCity, Oc 21, 1821; CC, 40; UTS, 42-5; res lie, PTS, 45-6; tea, NY, 46-8; ss, Milford, Pa, 48-9; tea, NYCity, 49-56; d. do, Fb 29, 56. •HILL, Timothy; b, Mason, NH, Jn 30, 1819; DC, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, St Louis), Oc 22, 46; ss, St Charles, Mo, 46-51; ss, St Louis, Mo, 52-61; sm, do, 60-1; ss, Rosamond, 111, 61-2; ss, Shelby ville, 111, 63-5; ss, Kansas City, Mo, 65-8; d sec, Bd of Home Miss, Kansas City, Mo, 68-87; d, do, My 21, 87. DD, HighU, 73. •HOWE, Edward; b, Portland, Me, Mr 8, 1820; BC, 41; UTS, 42-5; tea of music, UTS, 45-52; do, NYCity, 42—. Organist (Church of the Mes- siah), 56-79; do (Bethany Presb Church), 79-1900; d, do, Nv 2, 00. •HOWELL, Horatio Stockton; b, Ewing, NJ, Ag 14, 1820; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Phila 3d), Ja 15, 46; pas, E-Whiteland, Pa, 46-9; pas, Elkton, Md, 49-53; ss, Del Water Gap, Pa, 53-61; ch, U S Army, 61-3; killed, Gettysburg, Pa, Jl 1, 63. •HOWLAND, William Ware; b, W-Brookfield, Mass, Fb 25, 1817; AC, 41; UTS, 42-5; ord (Cong), Oc 14, 45; fm, Jafna, Ceylon, 46-92; d, do, Ag 26, 92. •HURLBUT, Samuel; b, Charlotte, Vt, Nv 26, 1816; MC, 39; tea, Castle- ton, Vt, 39-42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Cong), Jn 2, 47; ss, Lodi, NJ, 45-6; ss&pas, New-Haven, Vt, 46-56; d, do, Dc 2, 56. 1845. 31 •LESTRADE, Joseph Paul; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 22, 1817; UPa, 41; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ag 26, 48; ss, Mispillion, Del, & Den- ton & Goldsboro, Md, 46-7; tem s, Pole Green & Salem, Va, 48; hm, Bed- ford Co, Va, 48-50; cm, NYCity, 50-5; pas, Hunter, NY, 55-60; cm, NY City, 60-8; ev, do, 68-78; hm (Freedmen), Sumter, SC, 78-82; hm&tea, Elmwoood, NC, 82-4; oc s, NYCity, 84-9; do, Bloomfield, NJ, 89-96; d, do, Jn 16, 96. •McKEE, Joseph; b, Ireland, 1805; BelfC, 29; UTS, 44-5; ord (Presb, No- River), My 25, 48; tea, NYCity, 45-7; ss, do, 47-8; pas, Peekskill, NY, 48-51; pas (RD), NYCity, 52-8; tea, do, 59; tea, Newark, NJ, 60-3; d, do, Ag 10, 63. •MEGIE, William Hull; b, NYCity, Sp 13, 1817; UNY, 39; tea, 40-3; UTS, 43-5; ord (Presb, Oswego), Jn 25, 50; ss, Meadville Presby, Pa, 45-6; ss (Cong), N-Stamford, Ct, 46-9; ss (Presb), Williamstown, NY, 50; ss, Sparta, NJ, 51; ss, W-Milford, NJ, 52-5; ss, Junius, NY, 55-66; ss, W-Fayette, NY, 66-9; ss, Newfoundland, NJ, 69-74; ss, Paterson, NJ, 75; tea, Jersey City, NJ, 76-80; d, Brooklyn, NY, My 31, 80. •OSBORN, Henry; b, Cairo, NY, My 18, 1821; WmsC, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Columbia), Nv 12, 46; ss, Tallahassee, Fla, 45-6; pas, Hunter, NY, 46-9; tea, Windsor, NY, 49-51; ss, New-Milford, Pa, 52-6; tea, Elmira, NY, 56-7; tea, Chester, NY, 58-9; ss, Circleville, NY, 59-66; ss, Decatur, O, 66-70; wc, Leavenworth, Kan, 71-3; ss, Tonganoxie, Kan, 73-82; hr, do, 83-6; do, Lawrence, Kan, 87-93; d, do, Jl 26, 93. •OSBORN, Henry Stafford; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ag 17, 1823; UPa, 41; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ap 9, 48; ss, Coventry, RI, 45-6; pas, Hanover CH, Va, 46-9; pas, Richmond, Va, 49-53 ; pas, Liberty, Va, 53-8; ss, Salem, Va, 58-9; pas, Belvidere, NJ, 59-66; prof (mining & metallurgy), LafC, Easton, Pa, 66-70; prof (chemistry, MiU), Oxford, O, 70-3; ss, Millville, O, 71-4; res, Oxford, O, 70-93; do, NYCity, 93-4; d, do, Fb 3, 94. LLD, LafC, 64. •PACKARD, Noah Ford; b, Abingdon, Mass, 1815; BU, 42; UTS, 42-5; ss, Cranston, RI, 45-6; ss, Stanwich, Ct, 46; ss, New Orleans, La, 46-7; d, do, Sp 3, 47. *PEABODY, Charles; b, Newport, NH, Nv 8, 1816; DC, 39; tea, Concord, NH, & New-Bedford, Mass, 39-42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Cong), Sp 8, 45; d sec, ATS, St Louis, Mo, 45-73; supt, Soldiers' Home, do, 61-4; d sec & supt of colportage, ATS, Chicago, HI, 73-84; do, St Louis, Mo, 84-7; res, Pasadena, Cal, 92-1903; d, do, Nv 25, 03. •PHELPS, Winthrop Henry; b, Albany, NY, Mr 1, 1818; UNY, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Columbia), Fb 9, 48; ss (Cong), Greenfield, NY, 45-6; ss (Presb), Hillsdale, NY, 46-9; pas (Cong), Stockbridge (Curtisville), Mass, 49-54; pas, Monterey, Mass, 54-61; ss, Riverton, Ct, 61-3; ch, 32 1845. U S Army, 63-5; wc&oc s, S-Egremont, Mass, 66-82; do, NYCity, 82-5; d, do, Dc 15, 85. •POTTER, Samuel Sandford; b, New- Providence, NJ, Sp 25, 1814; UNY, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Columbia), Jn 27, 46; ss, Ashland, NY, 45-7; ss (Sixth), Newark, NJ, 47-50; pas, Lawrenceburgh, Ind, 50-6; tea, Glendale (Fern Col), O, 56-61; ss&ch, U S Army, New- Albany, Ind, 61-5; tea, Centreville (Col Inst), Ind, 67-70; gen ag & cor (Herald & Presb), Cincinnati, O, 70-99; d, do, Ja 22, 99. *RELYEA, Benjamin J; b, Plattekill, NY, Sp 11, 1819; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Logansport), My 27, 46; ss, Delphi & Pittsburgh, Ind, 45-7; ss (Cong), N-Scituate, RI, 48-50; pas, Pall River, Mass, 50-6; ss&ed, Brooklyn, NY, 57-61; pas, Westport (Green's Farms), Ct, 61-88; ss, Long Ridge, Ct, 90-3; res, Glenbrook, Ct, 93-1901; d, do, My 5, 01. *RICH, Alonzo Berry; b, Grand Isle, Vt, Nv 10, 1814; UVt, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Fb 18, 46; ss, Mt Pleasant, NJ, 45; pas, Deck- ertown, NJ, 46-7; pas (Cong), Stanwich, Ct, 48-52; pas, Beverly, Mass, 52-67; d sec, Coll & Theo Soc, West, 67-70; pas, W-Lebanon, NH, 71- 80; tea, Short Hills, NJ, 82-1904; d, EOrange, NJ, Ja 2, 04. DD, UVt, 68. •SMITH, Socrates; b, Henniker, NH, Jn 16, 1814; DC, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Illinois), Nv 23, 45; ss, Beardstown, 111, 45-6; ss, Panther Creek, 111, 46-9; tea, Greenville, 111, 50-3; hm, Jersey ville, HI, 53-5; ss, Troy, 111, 55-9; wc, Greenville, 111, 59-69; d, do, 69. •STARKWEATHER, Frederick Merrick; b, Northampton, Mass, Sp 5, 1820; AC, 41; UTS, 42-5; ss, Springfield, NJ, 46; ss, Chester, Mass, 47; wc, Northampton, Mass, 48-9; tea, Baltimore, Md, 50; d, North- ampton, Mass, Mr 13, 51. •WELLS, Rufus Porter; b, Whately, Mass, Fb 4, 1818; AC, 42; TIC, 42-3; UTS, 43-5; ord (Presb, Holston), Sp 26, 46; ss&pas, Jonesborough, Tenn, 45-62; ss, Prairie du Sac, Wis, 63-4; ss, Thorntown & Bethel, Ind, 64-5; ss, Knoxville, Tenn, 65-6; ss, Gilbertville, Mass, 66-9; pas, Southampton, Mass, 69-74; ss, Mason, NH, 74-7; d, Norton, Mass, My 25, 77. •WELLS, Shepard; b, Crown Point, NY, Ap 13, 1818; IC, 40; UTS, 40-1, 43-5; ord (Cong), Sp, 45; d sec, ATS, Columbia, Tenn, 45-60; ag, USCC, 61-2; do, St Louis, Mo, 62-5; prest, YMCA, St Louis, Mo, 65-70; ev, St Louis, Mo, 70-7; d, do, Jl 5, 77. 26. •ARMSBY, Lauren; b, Northbridge, Mass, Ja 16, 1817; AC, 42; UTS, 42-3; AndTS, 43-5; ord (Cong), My 27, 46; ss, Waterville, Me, 45; pas, Chester, NH, 46-56; pas, Faribault, Minn, 56-65; ch, U S Army, 63-5; 1845. 33 ss, Candia, NH, 65-70; ss, Mound City, Kan, 70-3; ss, Council Grove, Kan, 73-1900; res, do, 00-4; d, do, Mr 2, 04. *AKTHUE, Thomas Simmons; b, Old Granby, SC, Nv 10, 1819; RMC, 41; UTS, 42-4; ord (Ep) deacon, Mr 19, 46; priest, Jn 20, 47; rec, Green- ville, SC, 46-66; susp, 67-72; law, Greenville, Union, Columbia, & Lex- ington, SC, & agric, near Columbia, SC; res, Bryson City, NC; d, Ashe- ville, NC, Jn 22, 1904. *BABCOCK, Joseph H; b, Dover, NH, 1821; UTS, 43-4; ord (Presb, Fort Wayne), 45; ss, Portland, Ind, 45-7; ss, New-Corydon, Ind, 47-8; d, do, Mr 15, 48. ♦BARROWS, Simon; b, Monson, Mass, Ap 28, 1811; DC, 42; UTS, 42-3; tea, New-Bedford, Mass, 45-6; tea, Dorchester, Mass, 46-51; lit, Athol, Mass, 52-3; ord (Cong), Ja 11, 55; pas, Tipton, 111, 55-6; ag, Davenport, Io, 56-66; ss, Quincy, Io, 67-70; ss, Weeping Water, Neb, 70-4; ss&pas, Osceola, Neb, 74-9; ss, Newland & Ulysses, Neb, 79-82; wc, Neligh, Neb, 82-90; d, do, Ja 12, 90. ♦CROMWELL, John; b, NYCity, Dc 22, 1820; UNY, 42; UTS, 42-4; tea, NYCity, 44-6; ss (Presb), Wilmington, O, 46; d, do, Oc 5, 46. ♦DARLING, Henry; b, Reading, Pa, Dc 27, 1824; AC, 42; UTS, 42-3; Aub TS, 43-5; ord (Presb, Columbia), Dc 30, 47; pas, Hudson, NY, 46-53; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 53-61; inv, do, 61-3; pas (Fourth), Albany, NY, 64-81; pres, HC, Clinton, NY, 81-91; d, do, Ap 20, 91. DD, UC, 60; LLD, LafC, 81, & HC, 81. ♦DORLAND, Luke; b, Wooster, 0, Fb 11, 1815; MC, 41; UTS, 42-3; PTS, 43-5; ord (Presb, Richland), Sp 8, 47; hm, Jackson & Clay Co, Mo, 45-6; pas, Ontario & Lexington, O, 46-55; ss, Mt Salem & Eagle Creek, O, 55-60; ss, Columbia City, Ind, 60-2; ss, Belleville & Waterford, O, 62-6; ss, Northfield, O, 66-7; ss&tea, Concord, NC, 67-70; founder & pres, ScoS, do, 70-87; founder & prin, Dorland Inst, Hot Spgs, NC, 87- 94; res, do, 87-97; d, Springfield, 111, Nv 22, 97. DD, LafC, 84. *DUFFIELD, Divie Bethune; b, Carlisle, Pa, Ag 29, 1821; studied law, YC, 42; UTS, 42-3; law, Detroit, Mich, 44-91; d, do, Mr 12, 91. AB, YC, 57. ♦EATON, Samuel Witt; b, Framingham, Mass, Dc 25, 1820; YC, 42; UTS, 42-3; YTS, 43-5; AndTS, 45-6; ord (Cong, Mineral Point Conv), Ja 28, 48; ss, Montgomery, Mass, 45; ss, Lancaster & Big Platte, Wis, 47-56, 59-86; pas, Roscoe, 111, 86-1902; res, Beloit, Wis, 02-4; do, Newton High- lands, Mass, 04-5; d, do, Fb 9, 05. ch (7th Wis Vol), U S Army, 62-5. DD, BelC, 83. *FISHER, Samuel Ware; b, Westhampton, Mass, Dc 14, 1817; WmsC, 41; UTS, 42-3; tea, Quincy, Mass, 45-7; tea, Claverack, NY, 48; tea, S-Deer- 34 1845. field, Mass, 49-50; tea, Westhampton, Mass, 50-4; tea, Huntington, Mass, 54-82; tea, Springfield, Mass, 82-4; d, do, Ja 6, 84. *FEOST, Daniel Delavan; b, Carmel, NY, Sp 26, 1812; WmsC, 40; tea, Austerlitz, NY, 40-2; UTS, 42-4; ord (Cong), Dc 29, 47; pas, Redding, Ct, 47-56; pas, W-Stockbridge, Mass, 57-62; ss, New-Fairfield, Ct, 62-5; ss, Litchfield, Mich, 65-73; ss, Le Mars, Io, 73-5; ss* Fairfax, To, 75-9; wc, Danbury, Ct, 80-4; ss, Ridgebury, Ct, 84-6; wc, Olivet, Mich, 86-93; d, do, Dc 22, 93. *HOPPIN, James Mason; b, Providence, RI, Ja 17, 1820; YC, 40; UTS, 42-4; AndTS, 44-5; UB, 46-7; ord (Cong), Mr 27, 50; pas, Salem, Mass, 50-9; prof (homiletics), YC, New-Haven Ct, 61-9; do (art), do, 79-1906. d, do, Nv 15, 06. DD, KC, 70. LEAVITT, William Solomon; b, Putney, Vt, Ja 26, 1822; YC, 40; UTS, 42-4; ord (Cong), Dc 3, 45; pas, Newton, Mass, 45-53; pas (Presb), Hudson, NY, 53-67; pas (Cong), Northampton, Mass, 67-81; wc, NY City, 81-1900; res, Northampton, Mass, 00 — . *LTNDSLEY, Aaron Ladner; b, Troy, NY, Mr 4, 1817; UTS, 42-4; PTS, 44-5; ord (Presb, Wisconsin), My 8, 46; pas, Waukesha, Wis, 46-51; hm, Ozaukee, Wis, 51-2; pas, S-Salem, NY, 52-68; pas, Portland, Ore, 68-86; prof, SFTS, 86-91; d, Portland, Ore, Ag 12, 91. DD, UNY, 68. •LITTLE, James; b, Middletown, NY, Nv 3, 1818; WmsC, 41; UTS, 42-3; ss, New-Milford, Pa, 43-4; agric & trade, Middletown, NY, 44-86; res, do, 86-97; d, do, My 27, 97. *LIVINGSTON, Henry Gilbert; b, Coxsackie, NY, Fb 3, 1821; WmsC, 40; UTS, 42-4; ord (Presb, Bedford), Ag 20, 45; ss&pas, Carmel, NY, 44-9; pas (RD), Philadelphia, Pa, 49-54; prin, Carmel, NY, 54-5; d, Carmel, NY, Ja 27, 55. *LOW, Charles French; b, Concord, NH, Ja 14, 1819; DC, 42; UTS, 42-3; AndTS, 43-5; studied law, Concord, NH, 45-6; do, NYCity, 46-7; U S Army, 47-9; law, Jamestown, Cal, & other places; drowned near Titusville, Fla, Ja 16, 74. *OTTINGER, William; b, Springfield, Pa, Ap 12, 1812; JefC, 41; UTS, 42-4; ord (Presb, 3d Phila), Oc 8, 45; ss, Fairton & Cedarville, NJ, 44; ss, Unionville, Pa, 45; ss, Monument, Mass, 46-7; ss, Opequan & Cedar Creek, Va, 47-9; ss, Unadilla & Otego, NY, 50; ss, Mt Kean & Edin- borough, Pa, 51; ss, Belle Valley, Pa, 52; ss, Titusville & Cherry Tree, Pa, 53-4; tea, Kossuth, Io, 55-6; tea, Grandview, Io, 57; ss, Swedes' Point & Boonsboro, Io, 58; tea, Millington, Md, 60; tea, Newark, Del, 61; tea, Germantown, Pa, 61-74; wc, do, 74-90; d, do, Ja 23, 90. ♦PAGE, William Wallace; b, Albany, NY, Jl, 1818; UC, 42; UTS, 42-3; AubTS, 49-51; ord (Cong), 54; ss, Scipio, NY, 51-2; ss, Union Springs, 1845-1846. 35 NY, 52-3; pas, Kent, Ct, 53-4; ss, Ridgebury, Ct, 56-7; ss, Rough Creek, Va, 58-9; ss, Guilderland, NY, 62-5; ss, Troy, NY, 65-7; wc, Troy, NY, 67-71; d, do, Dc 30, 71. •PARMLY, Wheelock Hendee; b, Braintree, Vt, Jl 27, 1816; CC, 42; UTS, 42-3; HTS, 43-4; ord (Bap), Ap 19, 46; as pas, Clinton, La, 45-7; pas, Shelbourne Falls, Mass, 47-50; pas, Burlington, NJ, 50-4; pas (First), Jersey City, NJ, 54-90; pas emer, do, 90-4; d, do, Ag 1, 94. DD, MU, 67. ♦PHILLIPS, Benjamin Thomas; b, NYCity, Ja 9, 1820; CNJ, 42; UTS, 42-3; PTS, 43-4; ord (Presb, W-Jersey), Dc 18, 44; pas, May's Landing, NJ, 44-5; hm&ss, NYCity, 46-7; pas, Rondout, NY, 47-61; ch, U S Army, Newburgh, NY, 61-5; cm (Howard Mis), NYCity, 65-6; supt, Home, Philadelphia, Pa, 66-73; ss, Windham, NY, 74-6; pas, Man- chester, NJ, 76-91; hr, do, 91-2; d, do, My 23, 92. . *PIERSON, Nathaniel Edwards; b, Madison, NJ, Ja 7, 1814; WmsC, 41; UTS, 42-4; ord (Cong), Jl 11, 44; ss, N-Stamford, Ct, 44-5; ss, Sparta, NJ, 46-50; pas (Presb), Unionville, NY, 50-7; pas, Horseheads, NY, 57-61;. ch, U S Army, 62; pas, Ridgebury, NY, 63-9; pas, Escanaba, Mich, 69-72; d, do, My 19, 72. ♦RICHARDS, Charles; b, Darien, Ct, Dc 9, 1814; UC, 41; AndTS, 41-2; UTS, 43-4; AubTS, 44-5; ord (Presb, Ontario), My 25, 47; ss, Lakevilie, NY, 45-9; ss, Hector, NY, 49-51; ss, Rensselaerville, NY, 51-5; ss, Mon-. roeville, O, 55-8; ss, Maumee City, O, 58-68; ss, Pardeeville, Wis, 68-73; hr, S-Toledo, O, 73-86; do, Thompson, O, 86-7; do, Hampden, 0, 87-90; d, do, Ag 29, 90. *TERRETT, John Cotton; b, Stonington, Ct, Jl 5, 1809; WmsC, 33; UTS, 42-5; ord (Cong), Ag 13, 45; ss, S-Middletown, NY, 45-6; tea, NYCity, 47-51; trade & agric, Sharon, Ct, 47-85; d, do, Sp 6, 85. •YOUNG, John R; b, Marlboro, NY, Oc 17, 1820; UC, 42; UTS, 42-5; ord (Presb, Chemung), Jn, 47; pas, Phelps, NY, 47-9; ss, Painted Post, NY, 49-52; ss, Baldwinsville, NY, 52-6; ss, Cortland, NY, 56-7; ss, Keeseville, NY, 57-8; pas, Plattsburgh, NY, 58-63; wc, Mamaroneck, NY, 63-5; wc, Newport, RI, 65-6; pas, Greenbush, NY, 66-8; ss, Albany, NY, 68-70; ss, Clyde, NY, 71-3; ss, Newark, NY, 73-4; ss, Tecumseh, Mich, 74-6; wc, Albany, NY, 76-9; d, do, Jl 30, 79. 25. 1846. *BRANTLY, Edwin Theodore; b, near Brooklyn, Conecuh Co, Ala, Sp 13, 1820; UET, 43; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, W-Tenn), My 19, 49; ss, Lewis- burg, Tenn, 49; ss, Giles Co, Tenn, 49-51; ss, Rutherford & Wilson Cos, Tenn, 51-6; ss, Greenville, Tenn, 57-61; tea&ss, Cherry Valley, Wilson Co, Tenn, 62-73; ss, Nashville, Tenn, 74-86-91 ; ss, Tellahoma & 36 1846. Dechard, Tenn, 91-3; pas (Benavi), Nashville, Tenn, 93-1901; d, do, Jn 10, 01. BRUEN, Edward Baldwin; b, Newark, NJ, Jl 17, 1823; UPa, 42; PTS, 43-5; UTS, 45-6; ord (Presb, Phila), Jn 25, 48; ev, Philadelphia, Pa, 46-8; pas (Southwark), do, 48-58; ss (South st), do, 58-60; ev, do. 60-74; pas (Atonement), do, 74 — . COWLES, Augustus Woodruff; b, Geneva, NY, Jl 12, 1819; UC, 41; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, Rochester), Fb 16, 47; pas, Brockport, NY, 47-56; pres, Fem Coll, Elmira, NY, 56-99; pres emer, do, 99 — . DD, IngU, 58; LLD, HC, 87. ♦DEMPSEY, William; b, Amenia, NY, 1819; UTS, 43-6; res lie, 46-7; tea, WRC, 47-50; ord (Cong), 52; ss, Plymouth, O, 50; ss (Cong), Chester, O, 51; pas, do, 52-6; ss, Middlebury, O, 57-63; ss, Medina, O, 63-4; d, do, My 18, 64. *DURGIN, Charles Currier; b, Gilmanton, NH, Ag 5, 1815; GilTS, 43-4; UTS, 45-6; ss, Somers, NY, 46; res lie, 47-8; ss, Allendale, RI, 48-9; wc, Gilmanton, NH, 49-51; ss, Hillsboro Centre, NH, 51-2; ss, Epsom, NH, 52; wc, Manchester, NH, 52-6; d, do, Nv 21, 56. *FREEMAN, Amasa Stetson; b, Boston, Mass, Oc 6, 1823; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ap 14, 47; ss&pas, Haverstraw, NY, 46-98; d, do, Ap 27, 98. DD, UNY, 78. . ♦GORDON, Matthew Davidson; b, Blantyre, Scotland, Dc 10, 1812; MC, 40; ag, 40-2; UTS, 42-3; tut, MC, 43-4; UTS, 44-6; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Oc 7, 46; ch&warden, Sing Sing, NY, 46-8; ss, Cairo, NY, 48-9; pas, Hollis, NH, 49-52; prin, Groton, Mass, 51-2; tea, Barhamville, SC, 52-3; d, Hoosick Falls, NY, Ag 21, 53. ♦GUERNSEY, Alfred Hudson; b, Brandon, Vt, My 12, 1824; OI, 40; UTS, 41-3, 45-6; lit&ed, NYCity. ♦HASTINGS, Eurotas Parmelee; b, Clinton, NY, Ap 17, 1821; HC, 42; UTS, 43-6; ord (Cong), Oc 6, 46; fm, Batticotta, Ceylon, 47-57; fm, Manepy, Ceylon, 58-72 ; pres, Jaffna College, Ceylon, 72-89 ; d, Manopy, Ceylon, Jl 31, 90. DD, HC, 82. ♦JONES, Samuel James; b, Cynwyl, Wales, Ja, 1813; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, Scioto), 52; ss, Cincinnati, O, 46-52; ss, Oakhill, O, 52-4; ss, Oakhill & Madison, O, 54-6; ss, Bangor, Wis, 57-9; ss, Wesley ville, Pa, 61-2; wc, in transitu, 62-72; tea, Wis; wc&agric, Nikimi, Wis, 78- 92; hr, Milwaukee, Wis (Downer Home), 92-3; do (Prot Home), do, 93-8; d, do, My 21, 98. LEEDS, Samuel Penniman; b, NYCity, Nv 15, 1824; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-6; res lie, 46-7; ev, Norwich, Ct, & res lie, YTS, 47-8; ord (Cong), Jn 18, 1846. 37 51; ss&pas, Cuyahoga Falls, O, 49-55; as min (First Presb), Phila- delphia, Pa, 55-7; ev (Spring), NYCity, New-Haven (College st), & Stamford, Ct, 57-60; ss&pas (Cong), Hanover, NH (DC Ch), 60-1900; pas emer, do, 00 — . DD, DC, 70. •LINDSLEY, Charles Edmond; b, Middlebury, Vt, Ap 12, 1818; MaC, 40; LTS, 42-4; UTS, 45-6; res lie, 46-8; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jn 28, 50; ss&pas, New-Rochelle, NY, 49-59; ss&pas (Cong), Southport, Ct, 59- 69; ss, New-Eochelle, NY, 69-71; wc, do, 71-3; tea, Pelham, NY, 73-8; wc&oc s, New-Rochelle, NY, 78-97; d, do, My 25, 97. DD, MaC, 80. *MARTIN, Joseph Hamilton; b, Jeff Co, Tenn, Ag 11, 1825; UET, 43; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, Richland), Oc 24, 48; sea ch, New-Orleans, La, 46-8; pas, Huntsville, Ala, 48-9; wc, Madisonville, Tenn, 49-51; ss, Knoxville, Tenn, 51-64; ss, York Co, SC, 64-7; ss, Wytheville, Va, 67-9; ss, Mossy Creek, and vicinity, Tenn, 69-73; pas, Atlanta, Ga, 73-82; wc, Georgetown, Ky, 82-7; d, do, Fb 4, 87. DD, UET, 78. *McGREGOR, Edwin R; b, NYCity; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, No River), Jl 16, 48; ss, Poughkeepsie, NY, 46-8; pas, Wappinger's Falls, NY, 48-9; ed&sec, ASMCJ, NYCity, 49-54; ss (RD), do, 55; wc, Steubenville, O, 56; pas, New-Lisbon, O, 56-7; deposed, 58. *MEEK, John Blackburn; b, Knox Co, Tenn, Sp 24, 1821; MvC, 45; UTS, 44-6; ord (Presb, Kingston), Ap 27, 47; ss&pas, Athens, Tenn, 46-8; d, do, Oc 18, 48. *MEEKER, David Clark; b, Newark, NJ, Fb 21, 1819; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb), Jn 29, 47; ss, Plynumth, Ind, 46-8; ss, Lima, Ind, 48-50; pas, Fairton, NJ, 50-5; ss, Darby, Pa, 55-7; ss, N-Hardiston, NJ, 57-60; pas, W-Nantmeal, Pa, 60-8; pas, Dauphin, Pa, 68-80; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 80-1; d, do, Fb 18, 81. *PATTON, Jacob Harris; b, Fayette City, Pa, My 20, 1812; JeffC, 39; prin, Guyandotte, W-Va, 39-40; tut, NU, 40-3; UTS, 43-6; tea&lit, NYCity, 46-1903; d, do, Nv 24, 03. PhD, W&JC, 88. *PECK, John; b, Greenwich, Ct, Jl 30, 1814; WRC, 42; WRTS, 43-5; UTS, 45-6; ord (Presb, Salem), Ja 14, 48; hm, Greenville, Ind, 46-51; hm, Momence & Rockville, 111, 52-5; ss, Marathon, NY, 56-69; ss, Traverse des Sioux, Minn, 60-5; ag, Paterson, NJ, 66-8; d, do, Nv 24, 68. ♦RICHARDS, William Lyman; b, Lahaina, Maui, SI, Dc 3, 1823; JeffC, 41; tea, Woodington, Va, 41-2; UTS, 43-6; res lie, 46-7; ord (Presb, Brook- lyn), Oc 14, 47; fm, Fuh Chau, China, 48-51; d, at sea, near St Helena, So Atl, Jn 5, 51. ♦RUTHERFORD, Collingwood; b, Newcastle on Tyne, Eng, Ag 21, 1817; WU, 35-6; law, 36-7; tea, 37-43; UTS, 43-6; ord (ME), dea, My 24, 53; 38 1846. eld, My 21, 55; pas, Princeton, NJ, 47-8; pas, Rockaway, NJ, 48-9; prin, Hempstead (LI), NY, 49-53; pas, Southampton (LI), NY, 53-5; pas, New-Hartford, Ct, 55-6; pas, E-Granby, Ct, 56-8; pas, W-Suffield, Ct, 58-9; pas, Haddam, Ct, 59-60; pas, Westbrook, Ct, 60-1; tea, Ford- ham, NY, 61-8; agric, near Holla, Mo, 68-70; prin, Quasqueton, Io, 70-2; prin (pri sch), NYCity, 72-85. *TODD, Charles Noyes; b, Rowley, Mass, Oc 25, 1812; AC, 39; tea, Balti- more, Md, 39-40; UTS, 41-3, 45-6; tea, NYCity, 40-4; res lie, AndTS, 46-7; ss, E-Haverhill, Mass, 47-8; tea, Rowley, Mass, 48-9; prin, Hones- dale, Pa, 49-54; prin, Indianapolis, Ind, 54-61; book trade, do, 63-73; lit, do, 75-88; d, do, Sp 3, 88. *TORREY, David; b, Bethany, Pa, Nv 13, 1818; AC, 43; AndTS, 43-4; UTS, 44-6; tut, AC, 46-7; ord (Presb, Delaware), Ja 29, 50; pas, Delhi, NY, 49-60; pas, Ithaca, NY, 60-4; pas e, Ann Arbor, Mich, 65-6; wc, Honesdale, Pa, 66-9; pas, Cazenovia, NY, 69-80; wc, do, 80-94; d, do, Sp 29, 94. DD, HC, 62. *TUTHILL, George Miller; b, Wading River (LI), NY, Oc 31, 1818; AC, 39; UTS, 43-6; ord (Presb, St Louis), Ap 22, 47; ss, St Louis, Mo, 47-9; ss, Monticello, 111, 49-51; ss, Kalamazoo, Mich, 51; pas (Cong), St Clair, Mich, 51-8; ss, Pontiac, Mich, 58-64; pas, Ashtabula, O, 64-7; ss, St John's, Mich, 61-71; dis supt, ABS, Kalamazoo, Mich, 71-83; d, do, My 9, 83. *WILLCOX, William Henry; b, NYCity, Ja 28, 1821; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-6; res lie, 48-9; ord (Cong), Mr 5, 51; ss, Norwich, Ct, 46-8; ss (Elm- wood), Providence, RI, 50-2; pas, Kennebunk, Me, 52-7; pas, Reading, Mass, 57-79; wc, Maiden, Mass, 79-1904; pres, Cong Educa Soc (Boston), 94-1904; d, do, Dc 15, 04. DD, IC, 79; LLD, DruC, 80. 24. *ATTERBURY, John Guest; b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 7, 1811; YC, 31; law, NYCity, 33-7; do, Detroit, Mich, 37-43; UTS, 43-4; ord (Presb, De- troit), Jl 23, 45; pas, Flint, Mich, 45-51; pas, New-Albany, Ind, 51-66; sec, Presb Ed Com, NYCity, 68-70; pas, Detroit, Mich, 72-4; ev&wc, do, 74-87; d, do, Ag 26, 87. DD, MaC, 63. *BARROWS, William; b, New-Braintree, Mass, Sp 19, 1815; AC, 40; tea, St Louis & Va, 40-3; UTS, 43-5; ord (Cong), Sp 4, 45; pas, Norton, Mass, 45-50; pas, Grantville (Wellesly Hills), Mass, 50-5; pas, Reading, Mass, 56-69; sec, Cong Pub Soc, Boston, Mass, 69-73; sec, Mass HM Soc, do, 73-80; wc, Reading, Mass, 80-91; d, Cataumet, Mass, Sp 9, 91. DD. AC. 67 *BREED, William Pratt; b, Greenbush, NY, Ag 23, 1816; UNY, 43; UTS, 43-4; PTS, 44-6; ord (Presb, Steubenville) , Dc 15, 47; pas, Steuben- 1846. 39 ville, O, 47-56; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 56-89; d, do, Fb 27, 89. DD, UNY, 64. *GILES, James Jennison; b, Gloversville, NY, Ja 9, 1816; UC, 43; UTS, 43-4; PTS, 44-6; d, Kingsboro, NY, Oc 10, 46. *GOODWIN, Henry Martyn; b, Hartford, Ct, Jn 8, 1820; YC, 40; UTS, 43-5; YTS, 45-6; res lie, AndTS, 48-9; ord (Cong), Fb 14, 51; pas, Rockford, 111, 50-72; Europe, 72-4; prof (Eng lit), OIC & asso pas, Olivet, Mich, 75-87; res, do, 87-93; d, Williamstown, Mass, Mr 3, 93. DD, OIC, 77. *HODGMAN, Edwin Ruthven; b, Camden, Me, Oc 21, 1819; DC, 43; AndTS, 43-4; UTS, 44-5; AndTS, 45-6; ord (Cong), My 17, 49; ss, No- Belfast, Me, 46; ss, Orford East, NH, 48-50; ss&pas, Lunenburg, Mass, 51-5; pas, Lynnfield, Mass, 56-8; wc, Townsend, Mass, 58-9; ss, West- ford, Mass, 59-64; oc s, W-Chelmsford, Mass, 65-70; ag, Burlington, Vt, 69; wc, Westford, Mass, 70-82; do, Mason, NH, 82-4; do, Townsend, Mass, 84-1900; d, do, Jn 1, 00. *KELLEY, John Smith; b, Middletown, Ct, Jn 26, 1821; YC, 40; tea, Had- dam, Ct, 40-1; tut, WU, 41-3; UTS, 43-4; d, NYCity, Dc 29, 44. *McHARG, Charles King; b, Albany, NY, Mr 18, 1823; UC, 42; UTS, 43-5; YTS, 45-6; ord (Presb, Otsego), Fb 27, 49; ss, Clarkson, NY, 46-8; pas, Cooperstown NY, 48-50; pas, Syracuse, NY, 50-1; ss, Fly Creek, NY, 52-4; pas, Irvington, NY, 54-64; pas, Cooperstown, NY, 65-70; ss, Fly Creek, NY, 71-98; hr, Cooperstown, NY, 99-1903; d, do, Jl 31, 03. *MATTHEWS, William Henry; b, Powhatan Co, Va, Ap 29, 1816; UTS, 44-5; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ap 13, 46; hm, Franklin Co, Va, 45-7; ss& pas, Leesville & Otter, Va, 47-70; hm&oc s, Eoanoke Presbytery, 70- 98; d, Chatham, Va, Nv 14, 98. *PARKER, Charles Carroll; b, Underhill, Vt, Sp 26, 1814; UVt, 41; tea, Burlington, Vt, 41-3; UTS, 43-4; tea, Burlington, Vt, 44-7; ord (Cong), Oc 4, 48; pas, Tinmouth, Vt, 48-54; ss&pas, Waterbury, Vt, 54-67; ss, Buxton Centre, Me, 67-8; pas, Gorham, Me, 68-71; pas (Presb), Parsip- pany, NJ, 72-80; d, do, Fb 15, 80. DD, UVt, 69. *PIERCE, Nehemiah Pruden; b, Enfield, Ct, Ag 28, 1817; AC, 42; UTS, 43-5; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Ap 30, 46; ss, Whippany, NJ, 45-50; pas (RD), Brooklyn, NY, 51-75; wc&inv, Warren, Mass, 75-80; d, do, Ap 11, 70. DD, RC, 71. *PITKIN, Solomon Dwight; b, Ellington, Ct, Jn 20, 1822; AC, 43; UTS, 43-5; YTS, 45-6; ord (Presb, Mineral Point Cong Conv), Oc 8, 47; ss, New-Diggings & Benton, Wis, 47-8; ss&pas, Battle Creek, Mich, 49-57; trade, Kansas City, Mo, 57-8; d, Woodbridge, NJ, Sp 30, 58. ♦POTTER, Ludlow Day; b, New-Providence, NJ, Ja 3, 1823; CNJ, 41; UTS, 43-4; PTS, 44-6; ord (Presb, White Water), Nv 12, 48; tea, Plainfield, 40 1846-1847. NJ, 41-3; do, Pennington, NJ, 46-7; ss, Brookville & Bath, Ind, 47-50; pas, Brookville & Matamora, Ind, 50-3; prin, Dunlapsville, Ind, 53-5; prof, G1C, Glendale, O, 56-65; prest, do, 65-1900; d, do, Sp 27, 00. DD, HanC, 73. *PRATT, Francis Greenleaf; b, Middleboro, Mass, Ja 30, 1821; AC, 40; tea, New-Bedford, Mass, 40-2; do, BridgeWater, Mass, 42-3; UTS, 43-5; AndTS, 45-6; res lie, do, 46-7; ord (Cong), Oc 19, 49*, pas, S-Malden (Everett), Mass, 49-57; ss, Peace Dale, EI, 60-1; wc&lit, E-Middleboro, Mass, 62-91; d, do, Ag 17, 91. *SCHENCK, Addison Van Court; b, New-Brunswick, NJ, Sp 21, 1821; CNJ, 43; UTS, 43-4; PTS, 44-6; ord (Presb, Upper Missouri), Jn 28, 50; ss&pas, Lexington, Mo, 49-54; tea, do, 54-6; pas, St Joseph, Mo, 56-8; ss, St Charles, Mo, 57-60; prest, Fern Coll, do, 57-62; prof, WtmC, Ful- ton, Mo, 63-6; pas, Bedford, Pa, 66-8; pas, Manayunk, Pa, 68-70; pas (Kenderton), Philadelphia, Pa, 70-9; sec, Presb Hist Soc, Philadelphia, Pa, 80-2; pas, Marinette, Wis, 82-7; oc s, Madison, Wis, 87-91; hr, do, 92-1903; d, do, Ja 8, 03. DD. *SHATTUCK, Cortlandt Willkins; b, Groton, Mass, Sp 23, 1816; DC, 40; tea, at South, 40-3; UTS, 43-6; AndTS, 46; ss, Charlestown, Mass, 46; d, Groton, Mass, Oc 13, 47. tSTEVENSON, Andrew J; b, Scotland, 1816; EpTS, 43-4; UTS, 44-5. Re- turned to Scotland. * WALKER, John Adam; b, Lenox, Mass, Ja 7, 1821; WmsC, 40; AndTS, 42-3; UTS, 43-4; tut, WmsC, 44-5; UTS, 45-6; law, Lenox, Mass, 48-53; do, Pittsfield, Mass, 53-64; d, do, My 24, 64. 18. 1847. *AIKMAN, Robert; b, NYCity, Jn 29, 1816; YC, 43; UTS, 44-7; ord (Cong), Nv 11, 47; ss, Washingtonville, RI, 47-50; as pas (Presb, First), Troy, NY, 50-2; pas (Third), Elizabeth, NJ, 52-69; pas, Madison, NJ, 69-94; pas emer, do, 94-1900; d, do, My 12, 1900. DD, CNJ, 75. *ALLER, Nathan Stigers; b, Clinton, NJ, Jl 22, 1819; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 3d Philadelphia), My 11, 48; ss, Jeffersonville, Pa, 47-50; pas (Ger Ref), Pleasantville, Pa, 50-71; pas (Presb), Mount Pleasant, NJ, 71- 81; ss, Frenchtown & Kingwood, NJ, 82-3; ss, Barnegat & Forked River, NJ, 83-4; ev, Frenchtown, NJ, 84-5; d, do, Jl 4, 85. •ANDERSON, Robert Campbell; b, n HSC, Prince Edward Co, Va, Mr 16, 1823; HSC, 43; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Hanover), Oc 17, 52; ss, Ap- pomattox, Va, 47-9; tea&ss, Campbell CH, Va, 49-53; ss, Martinsville, Va, 53-94; pas, do, 94-5; hr. do, 95-9; d, do, Nv 8, 99. 1847. 41 *ANGIER, Marshall Bullard; b, Southborough, Mass, Mr 22, 1819; YC, 44; UTS, 44-7; res lie, PTS, 48; ord (Cong), Jn 8, 53; ss, Worcester, Mass, 48; ss, Orange, Mass, 48-51; ss&pas, Hopkinton, NH, 51-60; pas, Dor- chester, Mass, 60-3; pas, Sturbridge, Mass, 63-8; pas, Haydenville, Mass, 68-73; pas, Ipswich, Mass, 73-8; pas, Foxborough, Mass, 78-82; oc s, various places; res, Newburyport, Mass, 82-91; ss, N-Granville, NY, 91-2; do (Presb), Preble, NY, 92; do, Windsor, NY, 93-4; d, do, Fb 25, 94. *BOWEN, George; b, Middlebury, Vt, Ap 30, 1816; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, NY), Jl 4, 47; fm (ABCFM), Bombay, India, 47-55; ind fm, do, 55-72; fm (ME), do, 72-88; ed (Bombay Guardian), 54-88; also sec, Belig Tract Soc, do; d, do, Fb 5, 88. •BULKLEY, Edwin Adolphus; b, Charleston, SC, Ja 25, 1826; YC, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Oc 11, 47; pas (Cong), Geneva, NY, 47-50; pas, Groton, Mass, 50-64; pas (Presb), Plattsburgh, NY, 64-78; pas, Rutherford, NJ, 78-98; pas emer, do, 99-1907; res, NYCity; d, do, Mr 25, 07. DD, UVt, 68. •CAMP, Charles Whittlesey; b, New-Preston, Ct, Oc 7, 1821; YC, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Cong), Ja 28, 48; ss, Genesee & Palmyra, Wis, 47-8; ss, Genesee, Wis, 48-53; pas, Sheboygan, Wis, 53-64; pas, Fond du Lac, Wis, 64-8; pas, Waukesha, Wis, 68-92; pas, Hartford, Wis, 92-5; wc, Waukesha, Wis, 95-6; wc, Sierre Madre, Cal, 96-1902; d, do, My 8, 02. DD, BelC, 93. •COCHRAN, Joseph Gallup; b, Springville, NY, Fb 5, 1817; AC, 42; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Buffalo), Jn 10, 47; fm, Seir, Persia, 47-65; U States, 65-7; fm, Seir, Persia, 67-71; d, Oroomiah, do, Nv 2, 71. •CRAIGHEAD, James Geddes; b, near Carlisle, Pa, Mr 5, 1823; DelC, 44; UTS, 44«7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Oc 11, 47; ss, Watertown, Wis, 47-9; pas, Northumberland, Pa, 50-4; wc, NYCity, 54-5; pas e, Ovid, NY, 55; ed (NY Evang), NYCity, 56-70; inv&trav, 70-6; sec, Presb His Soc, Philadelphia, Pa, 76-8; dean&prof, T Dep, HowU, Washington, DC, 79-91; lit, do, 91-5; d, NYCity, Ap 28, 95. DD, MvC, 71. •CUMMINGS, Seneca; b, Antrim, NH, My 16, 1817; DC, 44; LTS, 44-6; UTS, 46-7; ord (Cong), Sp 30, 47; fm, Fuh Chau, China, 48-55; U States, 55-6; d, New-Ipswich, NH, Ag 12, 56. •DASHIELL, Alfred Henry; b, Elk Ridge, Md, Ja 9, 1824; DelC, 43; LTS, 43-4; UTS, 45-7; ord (Presb, St Louis), Dc 20, 47; ss, Rock Hill, Mo, 47-9; wc, NYCity, 49-50; pas (Cong), Stockbridge, Mass, 50-60; ss, do (Curtisville), 60-3; ch, U S Army, 63-5; pas (Presb), Lakewood, NJ, 67-88; Synhm, do, 88-1902; res, do, 02-8; d, do, Fb 15, 08. DD, RuthC, 91. 42 1847. *DUNNING, Halsey; b, Wantage, NJ, Jl 3, 1818; UNY, 42; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 17, 47; ch, Sing Sing, NY, 47; ss, Richmond, Va, 48-54; pas, Baltimore, Md, 54-69; d, do, Ja 11, 69. *DURNETT, William R; b, Montreal, Can, Ja 15, 1817; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Wilmington), Oc 13, 47; pas, Delaware City, Del, 47-51; ss, Cedarville, NJ, 51-2; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 52-4; d, Craneville, NJ, Sp 10, 54. *D WIGHT, Samuel Goodrich; b, Northampton, Mass, Ja 18, 1815; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 17, 47; fm&tea, Molokai, S Islds, 47-70; demitted. *FORD, Joshua Edwards; b, Ogdensburgh, NY, Ag 3, 1825; WmsC, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Sp 26, 47; fm, Aleppo, Syria, 48-54; fm, Beirut, Syria, 55-8; fm, Sidon, Syria, 58-65; U States, 65-6; d, Geneseo, 111, Ap 3, 66. *FREEMAN, Amzi Whitefield; b, S-Orange, NJ, Jn 10, 1821; CNJ, 43; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Crawfordsville), Sp 26, 49; ss&pas, Covington, Ind, 47-52; ss, Fort Wayne, Ind, 52-4; ss&pas, Aurora, Ind, 54-83; wc, do, 83-5; ss, Petersburg, Ind, 85-93; hr, St Joseph, Mo, 93-1900; d, do, Nv 11, 00. GRAY, Robert; b, Richmond, Va, Jn 6, 1819; UVa (2 yrs); UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ag 25, 48; ss, Franklin Co, Va, 47-57; pas, Woodstock, Va, 57-9; wc, do, 59-66; pas, New-Dublin, Va, 66-72; wc, do, 72-3; ss, Spring Hill, Tenn, 73-8; pas, Gallatin, Tenn, 79-88; ss, Triune Ch, Williamson Co, Tenn, 88-92; wc, do, 92-6; ss, Grayson, Va, 96-1901; res, Dublin, Va, 01—. *KIMBALL, James Monroe; b, Eastport, Me, Mr 19, 1822; UNY, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ap 9, 48; pas, Portsmouth, Va, 47-9; d, Washington, DC, Mr 2, 49. *KINNEY, Henry; b, Amenia, NY, Oc 1, 1816; YC, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, No River), Sp 6, 47; fm, Hawaii, S Islds, 47-54; d, Sonora, Cal, Sp 24, 54. *McLEAN, James McGready; b, Green (now Hale) Co, Ala, Fb 13, 1821; MiC, 45; UTS, 44-6, 46-7; ord (Presb, Lexington, S), Jl 11, 48; ss, Marion, Miss, 47-8; ss, Lexington, Miss, 48-51; ss, Greenwood, Miss, 51-3; ss&pas, Mobile, Ala, 53-63; tea&ev, Fayetteville, Ala, 63-9; pas, Oxford & Marble Spgs, Ala, 69-89; wc, do, 89-90; d, do, Ap 7, 90. ♦MATHEWS, Henry; b, Bloomsburgh, Md, Nv 25, 1824; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, DC), 48; ss, Ann Arundel Co, Md, 47-8; pas, Woodstock, Md, 48-51; wc, Baltimore, Md, 51-2; pas, Sheperdstown, Va, 53-65; pas, Elkton, Md, 65-71; pas, Randallstown, Md, 72-4; tea, Mathews' Store, Md, 74-6; ag, Md Tract Soc, 76-82; wc, Baltimore, Md, 82-7; d, Glen- wood, Md, Jl 16, 87. 1847. 43 *MILLS, Cyrus Taggart; b, Paris, NY, My 14, 1819; WmsC, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Fb 2, 48; fm, Batticotta, Ceylon, India, 49-55; ss, Berkshire, NY, 56-8; prest, Oahu Coll, S Islds, 60-4; wc, Ware, Mass, 64-5; ag, ABCFM, San Francisco, Cal, 65; prin, Brooklyn, Cal, 65-84; d, do, Ap 20, 84. DD, WmsC, 70. *OLMSTEAD, William; b, Colchester, Ct, Ja 5, 1821; TIC, 44-5; UTS, 45-7; ord (Cong), Ap 11, 49; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 47-8; ss, Mason Village, NH, 48-51; d, Colchester, Ct, Jn 6, 51. *PARKER, Henry Elijah; b, Keene, NH, Ap 17, 1821; DC, 41; tea, Hart- ford, Ct, 42-3; tut, DC, 43-4; UTS, 44-7; ord (Cong), Mr 13, 49; ss, Eastport, Me, 47-50; ss&pas, Concord, NH, 50-66; ch, 2d NH Vol, 61-2; prof (Latin), DC, Hanover, NH, 66-91; res, Boston, Mass, 91-6; d, do, Nv 7, 96. DD, DC, 77. *PARISH, Thomas H; b, Gallatin, Tenn, Fb 16, 1826; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Shiloh), 47; ss, Gallatin, Tenn, 47-9; d, do, 49. *PETERS, Benjamin Franklin; b, near Ninety Six, SC, Sp 3, 1818; UAla, 36-7; UVa, 38-9; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Louisiana), Dc, 53; ss, Homes & McKemie, Va, 47-8; inv, tea, oc s, SC, 49-50; ss, Homer & Mindon, La, 51-4; ss, Keachei, Bethel, Zion, Ebenezer & Good Hope, La, 55-8; ss, Livingston & Bethel, Ala, 58-9; dm, Fayetteville, Ala, 60-5; wc, tea, oc s, do, 66-71; supt educ, do, 72-9; ss, Oxford, Elizabeth, Eppes. Lauderdale, Toomsuba, De Kalb, & Bloomfield, Miss, 80-87; ss, Plaque- mine & Atchafalaga, La, 88-91; ss, Pisgah, Salem, Leakesville, Miss, 92-3; inv&oc s, Porterville, Miss, 94-1903; d, Fayette, Ala, Nv 3, 03. *SAILOR, John; b, Carlisle, Pa, Nv 2, 1823; DiC, 41-4; LTS, 44-5; UTS, 45-7; ord (Presb, Pennsylvania), Jn 28, 48; ss, Nelson, Pa, 47-9; ss, Campbell, NY, 49-50; pas, Warren, Pa, 50-5; pas, Mich City, Ind, 55-63; ch, State Prison, do, 61-3; pas, Niles, Mich, 63-5; pas, Allegan, Mich, 65-75; pas (Cong), do, 75-80; pas, Saugatuck, Mich, 80-3; pas, Alpine & Walker, Mich, 83-93; pas, Douglas, Mich, 93-5; pas, Ada, Mich, 95-7; res, Saugatuck, Mich, 98-1902; res, Cedar Rapids, la, 02-7; d, do, Ap 5, 07. ♦SMITH, Matson Meier; b, NYCity, Ap 4, 1826; CC, 43; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Geneva), Oc 23, 49; pas, Ovid, NY, 49-50; pas (Cong), Brook- line, Mass, 51-9; pas, Bridgeport, Ct, 59-65; ord (Ep) dea, Mr 6, 66, pr, Ap 20, 66; rec, Newark, NJ, 66-71; rec, Hartford, Ct, 72-6; prof, Ep Div School, Philadelphia, Pa, 76-88; d, do, Mr 25, 87. DD, CC, 63. *TAYLOR, George Ira; b, Northumberland, NY, Ag 25, 1823; UC, 43; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Troy), Nv 14, 49; ss, Schroon & W-Moriah, NY, 48-9; pas, Sandy Hill, NY, 49-51; pas, Charlton, NY, 52-4; ss, Winchester, Miss, 54-6; ss, Lawrenceburgh, Ind, 56-65; ss, Middletown, O, 65-7; pas, Malta, NY, 68-74; pas (RD), Watervliet, NY, 74-91; res, New- ark, NJ, 91-9; res, Brooklyn, NY, 1900-5; d, do, Oc 12, 05. 44 1847; ♦TAYLOR, Townsend Elijah; b, La Grange, NY, Jl 18, 1818; MC, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, No River), Jl 7, 47; sea ch, Lahaina, S Islds, 47-52; pas, Honolulu, S Islds, 53-5; wc, do, 55-7; sea ch, Kailua, S Islds, 58-9; ss, Honolulu, S Islds, 59-6*0; ss, Columbia, Cal, 60-2; ss, Petaluma, Cal, 62-5; d sec, PCHM, San Francisco, Cal, 65-7; wc, Oakland, Cal, 67-70; ss, San Buenaventura, Cal, 70; ss, San Rafael, Cal, 71-4; ss, Oakland, Cal, 74; ss, San Buenaventura, Cal, 75-7; ss, Ojai, Cal, 77-83; d, Nord- hoff, Cal, Fb 12, 83. *UHLER, George; b, Carlisle, Pa, Ag 7, 1813; UNY, 44; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ap 17, 47; ss, Bloomingdale, NY, 47-8; ss, Centreville, RI, 48-9; pas (Cong), Greenville, RI, 49-52; ss, Harrisville, RI, 52-4; pas, Curtisville, Mass, 55-64; wc, do, 64-9; d, do, Mr 14, 69. ♦WEED, Thomas Allen; b, N-Stamford, Ct, Oc 15, 1817; OC, 43; UTS, 44-7; ord (Presb, Oswego), Jn 8, 48; pas, Mexico, NY, 47-70; ss&pas, Wheat- land, NY, 70-82; d, do, Jn 28, 82. ♦WOOD, William; b, Henniker, NH, Dc 2, 1818; DC, 42; tea, S-Weare, NH, 42; tea, Peru, NY, 43-4; UTS, 44-7; ord (Cong), Jl 8, 47; fm, Satara, Ind, 47-72; wc, Madison, Ct, 72-3; wc&oc s, N-Branford, Ct, 73-87; d, Hartford, Ct, Fb 22, 87. *ZIELIE, John J; b, Schoharie, NY, Sp 4, 1819; UC, 44; UTS, 44-7; d, Schoharie, NY, Sp, 47. *ZIVLEY, John Henry; b, Shelby ville, Tenn, Oc 29, 1824; LTS, 44-5; UTS, 45-7; ord (Presb, No Alabama), Ap 21, 48; ss, Midway, Ky, 47-9; pas, Huntsville, Ala, 49-52; ev, Austin, Tex, 53-81; pas, San Saba, Tex, 81-5; pm (Cent Tex), San Angelo & Ballinger, Tex, 85-8; pas, Tullahoma, Tenn, 88-90; pas, Colorado, Tex, 90-6; pas, Big Springs, Tex, 96-1901; wc, do, 00-1; inv, Coleman, 01-3; inv, Marlin, Tex, 03-5; d, do, Fb 12, 05. DD, AustinC, 98. 35. ♦CASWELL, Enoch Haskin; b, Middletown, Vt, Mr 25, 1818; MC, 43; tea, Bridport, Vt, 43-4; AndTS, 44-5; UTS, 45-6; AndTS, 46-7; ord (Cong), Jn 28, 48; pas, Salisbury, NH, 48-9; ss, Stockbridge, Vt, 49-50; ss, Barnet, "Vt, 51-4; tea, Bristol, NH, 56; ss, Loudon, NH, 56-7; ss, Hook- set, NH, 58-60; ss, Bennington, NH, 61-3; d, do, Nv 11, 63. *CONANT, Samuel Mills; b, Brandon, Vt, Nv 22, 1820; MC, 44; UTS, 44-5;' tea, Brooklyn, NY, 46-8; law, Brandon, Vt, 49-55; d, do, Sp 25, 55. *DENISON, Jesse Wood; b, Berne, NY, Ap 9, 1818; UC, 44; UTS, 44-5; NWBTS, 45-6; ord (Bap), Jn 17, 46; pas, Up Alton, 111, 46-7; pas, Rock Island, 111, 47-51; tea, do, 51-3; pas, Brimfield, 111, 53-4; tea, Carrollton & Keokuk, 111, 54-5; pas, Denison, Io, 56-63; mem Io legis, 59-61; trade, Denison, Io, 61-81; d, do, 81. 1847. 45 *DER SAHAGIAN, Hohannes; b, Constantinople, Turk, 1808; UTS, 44-5; ord (Cong), My 16, 49; pas, Ada Bazar, Turk, 49; pas, Scutari & Nicomedia, "Turk, 49-65; d, Nicomedia, Turk, Ap, 65. *DOE, Walter Price; b, Wilton, NY, Mr 30, 1813; UC, 44; UTS, 44-6; AndTS, 46-7; ord (Cong), Nv 10, 47; ss, Greenville, EI, 47-9; ss (RD), Gansevoort (LI), NY, 51-3; ss (Cong), Mendon, Mass, 54-5; ss, W- Stockbridge, Mass, 55-6; wc, Providence, RI, 56; ss, Moreau, NY, 56-7; ss, Rehoboth, Mass, 57-9; wc, Providence, RI, NYCity & Saratoga, NY, 59-87; d, Providence, RI, Dc 15, 87. *HOLBROOK, David Ambler; b, Whitesboro, NY, Ja 8, 1820; HC, 44; UTS, 44-6; tut, HC, 46-50; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 50-2; tea, Clinton, NY, 52-65; tea, Adams, NY, 65; tea, Sing Sing, NY, 66-98; d, do, Dc 21, 98. PhD, HC, 71. *KIMBALL, George Washington; b, Eastport, Me, Mr 19, 1822; UNY, 44; UTS, 44-6; U S Consul, St Helena, S Atl, 48-60; d, do, Jn 19, 60. *MANN, Joseph Rich; b, NYCity, Ja 17, 1822; CC, 39; UTS, 44-5; PTS, 45-7; ord (Presb, 2d NY), Oc 22, 48; cm (Manhattanville), NYCity, 47-8; pas, NYCity (Inwood), 48-58; ss, NYCity (84th st), 59-61; pas, Princeton, NJ, 61-4; inv, do, 64-7; pas, Kingston, NJ, 67-73; hr, Prince- ton, NJ, 73-9; do, NYCity, 79-91; d, do, Oc 13, 91. DD, CNJ, 62. *MARSH, Samuel Dexter; b, Ware, Mass, Nv 28, 1817; YC, 44; UTS, 44-6; YTS, 46-7; ord (Cong), Sp 9, 47; fm, Umlazi, S Afr, 48-53; d, Itafamasi, S Afr, Dc 11, 53. *MORSE, John Hoar; b, Andover, Vt, 1821; UVt, 42; UTS, 44; d, NYCity, Nv 19, 44. tOSGOOD, Edward Warren (Sherburne); b, Springfield, Mass, Jl 25, 1823; AC, 44; UTS, 44-5; banker; res, San Francisco, Cal, Jamaica Plains, Mass, Germany, Boston, Mass. *PARRTNSON, Royal; b, Columbia, NH, Nv 8, 1815; DC, 42; UTS, 44-6; AndTS, 46-7; ord (Cong), Oc 18, 48; ss&pas, Cape Elizabeth, Me, 47- 51; ss, Windham, Vt, 52-5; pas, W-Falmouth, Me, 55-7; ss, Sandwich, NH, 58-61; ss&pas, Hartford, Vt, 61-3; ss, Randolph, Vt, 63-4; ch, U S Army, 64-5; ss, N-Brookfield, Vt, 65-6; ss, Milton, Vt, 66-9; ss, Tem- ple, NH, 70-2; wc (clerk Pension Office), Washington, DC, 72-82; d, do, Dc 22, 82. *PECK, William Stedman; b, Greensboro, Ala, Dc 29, 1822; YC, 43; UTS, 44-6; ord (Presb, Tuscaloosa), Jn 25, 48; pas, Livingston, Ala, 48-9; d, Rome, Ga, Sp 10, 49. *PIXLEY, Martin Shaw; b, Plainfield, Mass, Jn 26, 1820; WmsC, 44; UTS, 44-6; tea, DelC, 46-7; d, Plainfield, Mass, Sp 29, 48. 46 1847-1848. *ROOF, Gerrit Lansing; b, Canajoharie, NY, Sp 8, 1811; UC, 31; law, 33- 45; UTS, 45; ord (ED, CI Montgomery), Dc 1, 46; pas, Glen & Auries- ville, NY, 46-50; pas, Port Jackson, NY, 50-5; pas, W-Troy, NY, 54-65; pas (Presb), Lowville, NY, 65-79; oc s&hr, Troy, NY, 79-91; d, do, Jl 15, 91. DD, UC, 79. 15. 1848. *ABKAHAM, Andrew; b, Florida, NY, Oc 12, 1818; UC, 44; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 13, 48; fm, Mapumulo, S Afr, 49-74; U States, 74-5; fm, Mapumulo, S Afr, 75-8; d, do, Sp 13, 78. *ATKINSON, Charles Moody; b, Newburyport, Mass, Jn 17, 1819; AC, 44; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, S-Lexington), Fb, 49; prin, Greenfield, Mass, 44-5; ss, Grenada, Miss, 48-9; ss, Carrollton & Greenwood, Miss, 49-52; syn ag, Clinton, Miss, 52; ss, Canton, Miss, 53-68; ss, Concord & Cam- den, Miss, 68-9; ss, Shengalo, Winona, Hopewell & W-Station (Vaiden), Miss; 69-71; ev (Presb, Cen Miss), 72-4; ss, Durant, Miss, 74-8; ev (Presb, New-Orleans), Teche Co, La, 78-1906; d, Centreville, La, Nv 4, 06. DD, KgC, 75; mod, United Synod Presb Ch, U S, 60. *BEST, Jacob; b, Livingston, NY, Fb 3, 1823; WmsC, 44; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Dc 6, 48; fm, Gaboon, W Afr, 49-61 ; ss&pas, Prompton & Waymart, Pa, 64-75; ss, Brooklyn, Pa, 75-95; hr, Coventry, NY, 95- 98; d, do, Ap 16, 98. fCARNES, John D; b, NYCity, 1816; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong), 50; ss, Bidgefield & Napoleon, O, 48-9; ss, Algonac, Mich, 50. *CLARK, George; b, Lenox, Mass, Ap 24, 1822; WmsC, 43; tea, Tallahas- see, Fla, 43-5; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, St Louis), 49; pas, St Louis, Mo, 48-9; tea, Tallahassee, Fla, 49-50; d, do, Dc 24, 50. *CRANE, Oliver; b W-Bloomfield, NJ, Jl 12, 1822; YC, 45; AndTS, 45-7; UTS, 47-8; ord (Presb, Newark), Jn 18, 48; fm, Broosa, Turk, 49-50; fm, Aintab, Syria, 51-3; pas, Huron, NY, 54-7; pas, Waverly, NY, 57- 60; fm, Adrianople, Turk, 60-3; pas, Carbondale, Pa, 64-70; fm, Ain- tab, Turk, 74; wc, Morristown, NJ, 74-80; ss, Stirling, NJ, 80-4; oc s, Morristown, NJ, 84-91; trav, 91; hr, Boston, Mass, 91-6; d, do, Nv 29, 96. MD, Ec Med Coll, NY, 67. DD, WoosU, 80. LLD, WestmC (Mo), 89. ♦CUTLER, James Perrine; b, Morristown, NJ, Oc 24, 1823; YC, 43; law stud, 44; UTS, 45-8; insane asyl, Trenton, NJ, 49-51; d, do, Sp 25, 51. ♦DICKINSON, Richard Salter Storrs; b, Longmeadow, Mass, Ap 3, 1824; AC, 44; AubTS, 45-7; UTS, 47-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Mr 28, 49; pas, NYCity, 49-51; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 53-5; ch, A&FCU, Paris, France, 56; d, Edinburgh, Scotl, Ag 28, 56. 1848. 47 •DILLEY, Alexander Burritt; b, Hanover, Pa, Mr 17, 1823; WmsC, 43; UTS, 43-4, 45-8; ord (Cong), Fb, 50; pas, Bentonsport, Io, 49-51; ss, Bangor, NY, 52-64; ch (106th NY), U S Army, 64-5; ss, Rodman, NY, 66-72; wc, Watertown, NY, 73-5; ss, Greene, NY, 75-8; ss, Candor, NY, 78-84; hm, Titus ville & Lake Worth, Fla, 84-90; wc, Denver, Col, 90-3; d, do, Sp 29. 93. •DODD, Edward Mills; b, Bloomfield, NJ, Jn 22, 1824; CNJ, 44; tea, 44-5; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, Newark), Jn 18, 48; fm, Salonica, Turk, 49-52; U States, 52-5; fm, Smyrna, Turk, 55-63; fm, Marsovan, Turk, 63-5; d, do, Ag 19, 65. *DOUGLAS, John Waldo; b, Trenton, NY, Ap 14, 1818; YC, 40; UTS, 44-6, 47-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 29, 48; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 48-9; ss, San Jose, Cal, 49-50; hm, Los Angeles, Cal, 51-2; ed, San Francisco, Cal, 52-5; wc, San Francisco, Cal, 56-7; wc, Ithaca, NY, 58-60; wc, Trenton, NY, 61-83; d, No-Lake, NY, Sp 24, 83. *DOWNS, Charles Algernon; b, S-Norwalk, Ct, My 21, 1823; UNY, 45; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong), My 1, 49; pas, Lebanon, NH, 49-73; ss, Han- over, NH, 80-1905; res, Lebanon, NH, 73-1906; d, do, Sp 20, 06. (CYB.) •DULLES, John Welsh; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 4, 1823; YC, 44; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, 4th Philadelphia), Oc 2, 48; fm, Madras, India, 48- 53; sec, ASSU, Philadelphia, Pa, 53-7; sec, PPC, do, 57-70; ed sec, PBPub, do, 70-87; d, do, Ap 13, 87. DD, CNJ, 72. ♦DWINELL, Israel Edson; b,Calais, Vt, Oc 24, 1820; UVt, 43; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong), Nv 22, 49; ss, Bock Island, 111, 48-9; ss&c pas, Salem, Mass, 49-63; ss&pas, Sacramento, Cal, 63-83; prof (homiletics & past theol), PacTS, Oakland, Cal, 84-90; d, do, Jn 7, 90. DD, UVt, 64. *EARLE, Cornelius; b, NYCity, Jl 11, 1823; UNY, 45; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, Wilmington), Dc 7, 48; pas, Unionville, Pa, 48-52; pas, Cata- sauqua, Pa, 52-1900; hr, Easton, Pa, 00-2; d, do, Fb 18, 02. DD, LafC, 87. *HALLOCK, Luther Calvin; b, Smithtown (LI), NY, My 23, 1818; AubTS, 45-6; UTS, 46-8; ord (Cong, Long Island Consoc), Dc 8, 48; ss, Wad- ing River (LI), NY, 47-52; cm, Charleston, SC, 52-3; hm, St John's Isld, SC, 54-5; ss, Comae (LI), NY, 56-7; ss, New-Village (LI), NY, 57-8; inv, Rocky Point & Wading River (LI), NY, 58-70; do, Miller's Place, do, 71-88; d, Rocky Point, NY, Jl 31, 88. *KING, Rufus; b, Freehold, NY, Ap 13, 1821; UC, 44; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong, Essex No Assoc), 50; ss, Newport & Deerfield, NY, 48-9; pas, Amesbury, Mass, 50-3; pas (Presb), Jamestown, NY, 55-60; inv, do, 60-3; tea, do, 63-7; ss, Chatfield, Minn, 68-9; tea, Warren, Pa, 71-2; do, Almond, NY, 72-3; do, Kingston, NY, 75-6; ss (Presb), Windham, NY, 75; tea, Chatham, NY, 76-80; pas (Cong), Lowell, Vt, 80-9; pas Presb), Cairo, NY, 89-1900; hr, do, 00-1; d, do, Ja 14, 01. 48 1848. *LUM, Samuel Young; b, New-Providence, NJ, My 6, 1821; OC, 41-4; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong-), Nv 19, 51; trav in Cal & Mex, 48-50; pas, Mid- dletown, NY, 51-4; ss (Plymouth), Lawrence, Kan, 54-7; ag, do, AHMS, Kan, 57-60; ss, Kenwake & Wakamsa, Kan, 60-1; ss, Eehoboth, Mass, 61-4; inv, Madison, NY, 64; ss, Groton, NY, 64-7; ss, Lodi, NJ, 67-9; supt, ABS, Lawrence, Kan, 69-74; ss, Mannsville, NY, 74-8: pas, New- Fairfield, Ct, 78-83; ss, Point Pleasant, NJ, 84-7; ss, Long Ridge, Ct, 87-9; ss, Mays Landing, N J, 89-94; ss, New-Gretna, NJ, 95; d, Ruther- ford, NJ, Oc 1, 95. *MARBLE, William Horace; b, Winchester, NH, Fb 13, 1822; GilTS, 45-6: UTS, 46-8; ord (Cong, Monadnock Asso), Sp 3, 50; ss, Winchester, NH, 48-9; ss, Chesterfield, NH, 49-51; ss&pas (Presb), Columbus, O, 51-6; ss&pas (Cong), Oshkosh, Wis, 56-62; ch, U S Army, 62-3; ss, Waupun, Wis, 63-5; ss, Waterloo, Io, 65-8; ss, Prairie du Chien, Wis, 69-70; ss, Grundy Centre, Io, 72-4; ss, Boulder, Col, 83-4; ss, Keene, NH, 84; wc, Holland, Io, 85; ss, Fayetteville (Newfane), Vt, 85-7; wc, Holland, Io, 87-8; do, N-Guilford, Vt, 89; pas, Wallace, Kan, 89-97; also pas, Macon, Kan, 94-97; wc, Boulder, Colo, 97-1903; d, do, Sp 15, 03. (CYB.) *MURDOCH, David; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Mr 22, 1823; UC, 45; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong, Litchfield So Asso), Sp 18, 50; pas, New-Milford, Ct, 50-69; pas (Third), New-Haven, Ct, 69-74; wc, do, 74-6; pas (Presb), Ballston ' Spa, NY, 76-81; pas, Peekskill, NY, 81-5; wc, Pelhamville, NY, 90-3; do, Peekskill, NY, 87-9 & 94-9; d, do, Mr 11, 99. DD, UC, 67. *PARKER, Charles; b, New-Haven, Ct, Jl 16, 1815; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong), Nv 5, 48; ss, Pleasant Valley, W, NY, 48-50; ss, NYCity, 50-1; ss, W- Hoboken, NJ, 51-4; ss&pas (RD), Hoboken, NJ, 54-7; pas, Bergen Point, NJ, 57-60; ss (Presb), Irving, Kan, 61-5; oc s, Irving, Kan, 65- 73; pas (RD), Hoboken, NJ, 74-8; wc, Brooklyn, NY, 78-88; d, do, My 24. 88. *PARKINS, Alexander Hamilton; b, Winchester, Va, Oc 1, 1825; DelC, 45; UTS, 45-8; ed, Berry ville, Va, 49-61; Conf Army, 61; d, Manassas, Va, Ag 6, 61. *PARSONS, Justin Wright; b, Westhampton, Mass, Ap 26, 1824; WmsC, 45; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Dc 26, 49; fm, Thessalonica, Turk, 50-4; fm, Smyrna, Asia, 54-7; fm, Baghchijik, Turk, 57-60; fm, Nicomedia, Asia, 61-80; d, near Ismid, Asiat Turk, Ag 4, 80. DD, WmsC, 80. *PIERSON, Hamilton Wilcox; b, Bergen, NY, Sp 22, 1817; UC, 43; ag, ATS, Va, 43-5; UTS, 45-8; inv, trav, 48-9; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 13, 53; ag, ABS, Hayti, W-Ind, 49-50; inv, lit &' trav, 50-3; ag, ABS, Louisville, Ky, 53-8; prest, CumbC, Princeton, Ky, 58-61; ag, ATS, Washington, DC, 61-2; sec, USCC, Toledo, O, & tea in Va & Ga, 63-9; inv, trav & lect, 70-5; inv, Cal, 75-6; inv, lit & trav, 77-85; State librarian, Colum- bus, O, 85-6; wc, Bergen, NY, 86-8; d, do, Sp 7, 88. DD, UC, 60. 1848. 49 *SAWYEK, Samuel; b, Goshen, NY, Jn 20, 1823; CNJ, 42; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, Holston), Sp 29, 49; ss, Rogersville, Tenn, 48-57; prof (CaldC), do, 56-7; ss&prest, Ind Coll, Marion, Ind, 57-61; ch, U S Army, 61-4; ag, PCHM, Knoxville, Tenn, 64-6; ag, MvC, 66-8; ss, Chillicothe & Wheeling, Mo, 68-72; ss, E-St Louis, 111, 72-3; pas, Pleasant Grove, NJ, 73-6; ss, Schooley's Mt, NJ, 77; ss&ev, Muncie Presb, Ind, 78-80; ss, Marinette, Wis, 81-2; ss, Thornton, Ind, 83-8; ss (Olive st), Indian- apolis, Ind, 89-91; ed, do (Western Endeavorer), 95-6; hr, do, 94 — . Sec, Bldg & Loan As of Ind, do, 96-1902; d, do, My 23, 1902. STEONG, Stephen Chester; b, Northampton, Mass, Ja 22, 1824; WmsC, 45; UTS, 45-8; ord (Cong), Ap 12, 54; pas, Southampton, Mass, 54-9; pas, Gorham, Me, 60-7; ss, S-Natick, Mass, 68-71; wc, do, 71-91; res, Wellesley, Mass, 91 — . *SWALLOW, Joseph Emerson; b, Nashua, NH, Ap 21, 1817; DC, 43; tea, 43-5; AndTS, 45-6; UTS, 46-8; ord (Cong), Jl 18, 48; pas, Greenport, NY, 48-50; pas, Wilmington, Mass, 51-6; pas, Nantucket, Mass, 56-8; ss, Stoneham, Mass, 58-9; pas, Southampton, Mass, 59-62; ss, Burling- ton, Mass, 63-7; pas, Groton, Ct, 67-70; ss, S-Canaan, Ct, 70-3; ss, Alford, Mass, 73-6; wc, do, 76-81; pas, Edgartown, Mass, '81-3; pas, Somesville, Me, 83-7; ss, Windsor, Mass, 87-9; d, do, Dc 17, 89. *WALSWORTH, Edward Brown; b, Cleveland, O, Sp 29, 1819; UC, 44; AubTS, 45-7; UTS, 47-8; ord (Presb, Ontario), Sp 27, 48; pas, E-Avon, NY, 48-52; pas, Marysville, Cal, 52-61; ss, Oakland, Cal, 61-4; prest, Pacific Fern Coll, do, 64-72; pas, Albion, NY, 73-82; wc, Leroy, NY, 82-5; chan, IngU (3 yrs); ss&pas, Livonia, NY, 86-92; d, do, Fb 3, 92. DD, IngU, 67. WILLEY, Samuel Hopkins; b, Campton, NH, Mr 11, 1821; DC, 45; UTS, 45-8; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Nv 30, 48; hm, Monterey, Cal, 48-50; pas (Howard), San Francisco, Cal, 50-62; v prest, CalC, Oakland, Cal, 62-70; pas (Cong), Santa Cruz, Cal, 70-80; pas, Benieia, Cal, 80-9; prest (Van Ness Sem), San Francisco, Cal, 89-96; res, Berkeley, Cal, 96—. DD, DC, 75. 29. ♦BROWNING, Joseph Whiting; b, Belpre, O, Oc 8, 1820; MaC, 44; LTS, 45-6; UTS, 46-7; d, NYCity, Ap 9, 47. *CRAWFORD, William Anderson; b, Woodstock, Va, Fb 20, 1825; DelC, 44; UTS, 45-6; ord (Presb, Winchester), Mr 20, 58; prin, Woodstock, Va, 48-53; prof, DelC, 54-8; ss, Chantilly, & ev, Fairfax Co, Va, 58-61; ss&ev, Frederick Co, Va, 61-5; pas e, Opequon, Va, 66-84; res, Kerns- town, Va, 61-1908; d, do, Ja 12, 08. . *DEUEL, Silas Wilber; b, Duanesburgh, NY, Ja 25, 1822; UC, 45; UTS, 45-6; d, Esperance, NY, Ja 27, 48. 50 1848-1849. *FOWLER, Francis; b, Stockbridge, Mass, Fb 2, 1822; UVt, 43; UTS, 45-6; tea, NYCity, 46-51; tea, Stockbridge, Mass, 51-2; as ed (Tribune), Chicago, 111, 52-3; tea, Milton, Mass, 54-7; tea, Worcester, Mass, 57-8; tea, NYCity, 58-9; tea, Auburn, NY, 61-2; chf elk (Sanitary Com), Washington, DC, 62-5; ed dept (Times), NYCity, 65-6; prof (Eng lit), Pa Agric Col, 67-8; examiner, Patent Office, Washington, DC, 69-1902; d, do, Dc 27, 02. *GILMAN, Edward Whiting; b, Norwich, Ct, Fb 11, 1823; YC, 43; UTS, 45-7; YTS, 47-8; ord (Cong), Dc 4, 49; tut, YC, 47-9; pas, Lockport, NY, 49-56; pas, Cambridgeport, Mass, 56-8; pas, Bangor, Me, 59-63; pas, Stonington, Ct, 64-71; sec, ABS, NYCity, 71-1900; d, Flushing, NY, Dc 4, 00. DD, YC, 74. *McNEILL, James Hipkins; b, Fayetteville, NC, My 23, 1825; DelC, 44; UTS, 45-7; PTS, 47-8; ord (Presb, Fayetteville), My 5, 49; ss&pas, Pittsboro, NC, 48-53; sec, ABS, NYCity, 53-61; ed, Fayetteville, NC, 61-3; Conf Army, 63-5; killed, Petersburgh, Va, Mr 31, 65. *RANDALL, Silas Goodyear; b, Weybridge, Yt, Jl 26, 1819; MC, 45; UTS, 45-6; AndTS, 46-8; ord (Presb, Champlain), Fb 6, 50; ss, Eoscoe, 111, 48-50; ss, Essex, NY, 50-2; inv, Elgin, Mich, 53-4; do, Bockford, 111, 54; do, Chicago, 111, 55; do, Bockford, 111, 56-69; inventor, Providence, BI, 69-86; res, Greene, NY, 86-93; res, Worcester, Mass, 94; res, Provi- dence, EI, 94-1902; d, do, Nv 19, 02. *TYLEB, William Ebenezer; b, S-Wey mouth, Mass, Ap 20, 1822; AC, 44; UTS, 45-7; ed, Northampton, Mass, 47-8; YTS, 48-9; tea, D&DI, Co- lumbus, O, 53-60; real estate, Boston, Mass, 67-79; ed, do, 79-83; d, Newton, Mass, Oc 26, 1904. ♦WHITEHEAD, John Elias; b, NYCity, Nv 13, 1823; EC, 44; UTS, 45; tea, NYCity, 45-50; prin, do, 50-91; d, do, Fb 22, 92. MD, CollP&S, NYCity, 64; AM, EC, 46. 9. 1849. AIRMAN, William; b, NYCity, Ag 12, 1824; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Newark). Dc 26, 49; pas (6th), Newark, NJ. 49-57; pas (Han- over), Wilmington, Del, 57-68; pas (Spring st), NYCity, 69-72; pas (Westminster), Detroit, Mich, 72-7; pas, Aurora, NY, 77-81; pas (First), Atlantic City, NJ, 83-94; wc, do, 94—. DD, UNY, 69. *BEAYTON, Isaac Henry; b, Deerfield, NY, Nv 29, 1821; HC, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ja 18, 50; ss&pas, San Jose, Cal, 50-3; ag, San Francisco, Cal, 53-4; ed, do, 54-60; prof, CalC, Oakland, Cal, 60-9; d, Neveda City, Cal, Ap 12, 69. ♦CAMPBELL, Eobert; b, De Kalb, Remper Co, Miss, 1822; MiC, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Newton), 52; ss& tea, Calvary, Miss, 49-51; ss, Monti- 1849. 51 cello, Miss, 51-3; ss&tea, Trinity, La, 53-6; tea, Westville, Miss, 56-7; tea&ss, Hazelhurst, Miss, 57-60; d, do, Ap 8, 60. *CHAPIN, Nathan Colton; b, Hartford, Ct, Sp 20, 1823; YC, 44; UTS, 46-9; ord (Cong), Nv 2, 51; ss, Milwaukee, Wis, 49-51; ss, Watertown, Wis, 51-3; ss, Kenosha, Wis, 54-7; pas, La Crosse, Wis, 57-71; ss, Fari- bault, Wis, 72-4; pas, Rochester, Minn, 74-7; wc, do, 77-82; do, Minne- apolis, Minn, 82-92; d, do, Dc 11, 92. *CHILDS, Alexander Crocker; b, Nantucket, Mass, Ag 31, 1823; YC, 45; UTS, 46-9; ord (Cong), My 18, 53; ss, Elizabeth, 111, 49-50; ss, Oswego, 111, 50-1; ss&pas, E-Falmouth, Mass, 52-5; pas, Amesbury, Mass, 56-8; ss, Rehoboth, 60-2; ss, Chatham, Mass, 62-5; ss, Wenham, Mass, 67-8; pas, W-Charleston, Vt, 69-72; ss, Sharon, Vt, 72-4; ss, Orfordville, NH, 75-7; ss, S-Newmarket, NH, 77-9; ss, W-Gloucester, Mass, 80-5; do, Hanson, Mass, 85-8; pas, Lyndeboro, NH, 88-90; wc, Worcester, Mass, 90-6; d, do, Ap 13, 96. *COAN, George Whitefield; b, Bergen, NY, Dc 30, 1817; WmsC, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Genesee), Jn 6, 49; fm, Oroomiah, Persia, 49-62; U States, 62-4; fm, Oroomiah, Persia, 64-74; res, Niles, Mich, 74-6; do, Wooster, O, 78-9; d, do, Dc 21, 79. •PANNING, Charles; b, NYCity, Jl 22, 1822; UNY, 45; UTS, 46-9; res lie, YTS, 49-50; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 23, 50; pas, Belvidere, 111, 50-2; trade, NYCity, 53-83; d, do, Ap 24, 83. *FINCH, Horace Westbrook; b, Finchville, NY, Mr 21, 1821; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Cong), Sp, 52; ss, Danby, Vt, 49-52; ss, E- Whitehall, NY, 52-6; ss, Spencertown, NY, 56-7; ss, Canton, NY, 57-8; pas (RD), Greenport, NY, 57-60; wc&agric, Whitehall, NY, 60-73; hr, do, 74-99; d, do, Ja 19, 99. *FOLSOM, George De Forest; b, Bucksport, Me, Jl 26, 1822; YC, 45; YTS, 46-7; UTS, 47-9; ord (Cong), Jl 16, 50; pas (Presb), Elbridge, NY, 50-2; pas (Eastern Cong), NYCity, 53-4; pas (Olivet), Springfield, Mass, 55-60; pas, Fair Haven, Ct, 61-8; ss, Northford, Ct, 69-79; ss, San Mateo, Cal, 79-82; ss, Westminster, Cal, 82-3; fruit grower & oc s, Tustin City, Cal, 83-5; wc, San Francisco, Cal, 85-95; d, Stockton, Cal, Nv 8, 95. •FORCE, Charles Hedges; b, Morristown, NJ, Oc 22, 1S23; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Nv 22, 49; ss (Cong), Central Falls, RI, 49-50; ss (Presb), Unadilla, NY, 51-5; ss&pas, S-Ottawa, 111, 56-67; ss, Farm Ridge, 111, 68; ss, Waltham, 111, 69; inv, Ottawa, 111, 69-92; d, do, My 1, 92. *HARMON, Fisk; b, Bennington, Vt, Fb 12, 1813; UTS, 45-6, 47-9; ord (Presb, Troy), Jl 9, 50; ss (Cong), Hebron, NY, 49-51; ss, Fall River, Mass, 52; ag, NYCity, 53; ss (Presb), Pittstown & Johnson ville, NY, 52 1849. 53-4; ss, Lisbon, Wis, 54-6; ss, Panora, Io, 56-8; pas, Swede Point, Io, 58-65; wc, do, 65-85; wc, Bennington, Vt, 86-8; ss, Williamstown, Mass, 89; wc, Bennington, Vt, 90-1900; d, Brattleboro, Vt, Sp 27, 00. *HERVEY, George Winfred; b, S-Durham, NY, Nv 28, 1821; CnC, 47; NTT, 46-7; UTS, 47-9; ord (Bap), Ap 9, 50; pas, Cromwell (Upper Middle- town), Ct, 51-5; pas, Hudson, NY, 56-60; pas, Canton, Mass, 61-4; ed (ATS), NYCity, 65-6; lit&oc s, do, 67-93; pas, Tariff ville, Ct, 93-6; we&oc s, NYCity, 96-1908; d, do, My 20, 08. *HOLT, Edmund Dyer; b, Fairfax, Vt, Sp 20, 1818; AC, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Galena), My 28, 50; ss, Rock Island, 111, 49-52; pas, Mont- rose, Io, 52-6; ss, Cnatfield, Minn, 56-65; d, do, Jn 11, 65. *HOLYOKE, William Edward; b, Marietta, O, Sp 19, 1821; KC, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Cong), Dc 18, 52; ss&pas, Farmington, 111, 51-4; pas, Elgin, 111, 54-8; ss&pas, Polo, 111, 58-65; ss, Bunker Hill, 111, 65-8; pas, Chi- cago, 111, 68-74; oc s, do, 74-7; ss, Byron, 111, 77-8; ss, Maiden & Dover, 111, 78-80; ss, Neponset, 111, 80-1; ss, Cable, 111, 81-4; wc, Ashton, 111, 84-7; ss, W-Burlington, Io, 88; pas, Bensonport, Io, 89-90; wc, W- Burlington, Io, 90-3; wc, Chicago, 111, 93-1903; d, do, Dc 15, 03. DD, KC, 97. *HOOD, Jacob Augustine; b, Marblehead, Mass, My 5, 1822; DC, 44; tea, Buffalo, NY, 44-6; UTS, 46-9; ord (Cong), Ja 2, 50; pas, Middleton, Mass, 50-4; pas, Pittsfield, NH, 54-62; ss, Loudon, NH, 62-7; pas (Presb), Maroa, 111, 67-75; pas, Schuyler & Columbus, Neb, 75-8; pas, Schuyler, Neb, 78-89; d, do, Jl 9, 90. *LIVINGSTONE, Charles; b, Blantyre, Scotl; OC, 45; OTS, 46-7; UTS, 47-9; ord (Cong), Oc 15, 51; ss, Williston, Vt, 49-51; pas, Plympton, Mass, 51-5; ss, Metapoisett, Mass, 55-9; explorer, E Afr, 59-65; Scotl, 66-71; Brit Consul, Fernando Po, W Afr, 72-4; 2 d, do, 74. *LYONS, Jonathan; b, Armagh, Irel, Mr 19, 1816; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Hanover), Oc 5, 50; hm, Salem, Va, 50; ss, Athens, Tenn, 51; ag, ABS, Madison ville, Tenn, 52-4; do, Greenville, Tenn, 54-7; do, Benton, Tenn, 57; ss&pas, Jeffersonville, Va, 57-65; ss, Tazewell CH, Va, 66-76; d, do, Jn 12, 76. *MARSH, Dwight Whitney; b, Dalton, Mass, Nv 5, 1823; WmsC, 42; AndTS, 42-3; UTS, 47-9; ord (Cong-, Berkshire Asso), Oc 2, 49; tea, St Louis, Mo, 43-7; fm, Mosul, Turk, 50-60; ss, Hinsdale, Mass, 61-2; prin, Rochester, NY, 62-7; pas, Godfrey, 111, 67-8; prin, Rochester, NY, 68-9; pas, Whitney's Point, NY, 69-71; pas, Owego, NY, 71-6; pas, Amherst, Mass, 76-8; pas, Hayden ville, Mass, 78-82; wc, Amherst, Mass, 82-96; d, do, Jn 18, 96. DD, WmsC, 75. *MORTON, James; b, Loudon, Scotl, Fb 7, 1818; YC, 45; UTS, 47-9; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ja 12, 51; ss, Turin, NY, 50-4; ss, Del City, Del, 54-9; 1849. 53 ss, NYCity, 60-1; ss, Tremont, NY, 61-3; ss, Galesburgh, 111, 64; trade, NYCity, 65-8; ss, Stanhope, NJ, 68-70; trade, NYCity, 70-6; Europe, 77-8; wc, NYCity, 78-94; d, London, Eng, Ag 22, 94. *NAFF, Isaac Newton; b, Franklin Co, Va, Oc 6, 1817; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, New-River, now Abingdon), Jn 8, 51; ss, Eastville, Va, 49-50; ss, Jeffersonville, Va, 50-7; pas, Draper's Valley, Va, 57-73; also pas, New-Dublin, Va, 58-65; & Bell Spg, Va, 65-75; pas, Dublin, Va, 73-96; res, do, 96-1900; d, do, Mr 12, 00. ♦NOYES, Gurdon Wheeler; b, Stonington, Ct, Ag 13, 1818; AC, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Hanover), Dc 19, 49; pas, Portsmouth, Va, 49-51; pas (Cong), Cornwall, Vt, 52-4; ss&as pas, New-Haven, Ct, 54-8; pas, do, 58-61; pas, Fair Haven, Ct, 61-9; pas, Woodbury, Ct, 69-79; ss, Stony Creek, Ct, 81-7; d, New-Haven, Ct, Ap 28, 87. *PEET, Isaac Lewis; b, Hartford, Ct, Dc 4, 1824; YC, 45; UTS, 46-9; prof & v prin, D&DI, NYCity, 52-67; prin, do, 67-92; prin emer, do, 92-8; d, do, Dc 27, 98. LLD, CC, 72. •SMITH, Israel Bryant; b, Huntington (LI), NY, Sp 12, 1822; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jl 12, 51; ss, E-Hampton (LI), NY, 49-50; ss, Fresh Pond (LI), NY, 51-6; ss, Mt Pleasant & Uniondale, Pa, 57-60; ss, Northport (LI), NY, 60-72; ss, Greenlawn (LI), NY, 72-5; d, do, Jl 6, 78. *ULYAT, William Clarke; b, Lutton, Lincolnshire, Eng, Ja 15, 1823; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Bap), Ag 15, 50; ss, Damascus, Pa, 50; pas, Princeton, NJ, 50-2; pas&ed (Chr Review, 56), Norwalk, Ct, 52-6; pas, Hudson, NY, 58-61; ag, Freed Aid Soc, NY & Ct, 63-4; ed&oc s, NYCity, Norwalk, Ct, & Princeton, NJ, 62-70; ed & lit, Princeton, NJ, 71-1905; AsLibr, PTS, 84-1901; d, do, Dc 19, 05. ♦WHITNEY, Joseph Clinton; b, Springfield, Vt, Ap 14, 1818; OC, 45; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Minnesota), My 28, 50; ss, Stillwater, Minn, 49-53; pas (First), Minneapolis, Minn, 53-7; ss, Forest City, Minn, 58-61; U S Army, 62-5; trade, Minneapolis, Minn, 66-96; d, do, My 1, 96. 25. *BABB, Clement Edwin; b, Pittston, Pa, Ag 19, 1821; DiC, 40; UTS, 46-7; LTS, 47-9; ord (Presb, Indianapolis), Oc 10, 48; pas (Second), Indian- apolis, Ind, 48-52; ed (Herald & Presbyter), Cincinnati, O, 53-73; ch, 22d Ohio Vol, 61-2; pas, College Hill, O, 64-5; ed, San Jose, Cal, 73-4; do, Oakland, Cal, 74-6; do, San Francisco, Cal, 76-9; ed (Occident), 76-86; do, San Jose, Cal, 79-1906; d, do, Ja 7, 06. DD, MaC, 70. *BEARDSLEY, Bronson Burton; b, Trumbull, Ct, Sp 8, 1817; trade, Bridge- port, Ct, 35-45; UTS, 46-7; ord (Cong), Oc 8, 50; ss, White Plains, NY, 49-50; hm, Arkansas, 50-1; cm, Hartford, Ct, 52-3; ss, Shirley, Mass, 54 1849. 53-9; cm, Hartford, Ct, 59-60; inv&oc s, Bridgeport, Ct, 60-99; d, do, Nv 24, 98. AB, YC, 51. ♦BURR, Jonathan Kelsey; b, Middletown, Ct, Sp 21, 1825; WU, 45; UTS, 46-7; ord (ME), Ap 12, 52; ss, Rome & Wantage, NJ, 48-9; ss, Milford, NJ, 49-51; pas, Orange, NJ, 51-3; pas, Burlington, NJ, 53-5; pas, Hoboken, NJ, 55-7; pas, Trenton, NJ, 57-8; pas, Newark, NJ, 58-60; pas, Orange, NJ, 60-2; pas, Paterson, NJ, 62-4; pas, Hoboken, N J, 64-7; pas, Newark, NJ, 67-70; pas, Morristown, NJ, 70-3; pas, Hoboken, NJ, 73-6; pas, Madison, NJ, 76; pas, Montclair, NJ, 77-8; superan, 79-81; d, Trenton, NJ, Ap 24, 82. DD, WU, 72. BUTLER, James Glentworth; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ag 3, 1821; UTS, 46-7; YTS, 47-9; res* lie, do, 49-50; ord (Presb, Phila 3d), Dc 2, 52; pas, W-Philadelphia, Pa, 52-68; sec, A&FCU, NYCity, 68-71; pas, Brooklyn (ED), NY, 71-3; bibl lit, Brooklyn, NY, 74-1904; do, Boonton, NJ, 04—. DD, HC, 64. ♦CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph Charles; b, New-Garden, Pa, Oc 4, 1826; DelC, 44; UTS, 46; d, NYCity, Nv 9, 46. *COON, Henry Perrin; b, Taghkanick, NY, Sp 22, 1822; WmsC, 44; UTS, 46-7; PTS, 47; MD, UPa, 49; phys, Syracuse, NY, 50-3; do, San Francisco & Menlo Park, Cal, 53-84; d, San Francisco, Cal, Dc 4, 84. ♦DUNMORE, George Washington; b, Rush, Pa, Oc 5, 1820; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-8; BTS, 48-9; ord (Cong), Fb 21, 50; fm, Aintab, Syria, 51; fm, Diarbekr, Turk, 51-4; fm, Arabkir, Turk, 54-5; fm, Kharpoot, Turk, 55-7; fm, Erzroom, Turk, 58-60; ch (1st Wis Cav), U S' Army, 61-2; killed in battle, St Anguille Creek, Ark, Ag 3, 62. ♦GOODRICH, Ezra W; b, Whitesboro, NY, 1822; UC, 46; UTS, 46-9; res, Whitesboro, NY, 49-84; d, do, 84. ♦HENSHAW, Marshall; b, Bethany, Pa, Oc 3, 1820; AC, 45; UTS, 46-7; tut, AC, 47-9; prin, Derry, NH, 49-53; prin, Byfield, Mass, 53-9; prof, RC, 59-63; prin, Williston Sem, E-Hampton, Mass, 63-74; inv, Newton, Mass, 76-80; lect, AC, 80-91; res, do, 91-1900; d, do, Dc 12, 00. LLD, UNY, 63; DD, AC, 72. ♦HOWARD, John; b, Richmond, Va, 1819; UTS, 46-9; ord (Presb, Han- over), Oc 15, 53; ss, Richmond, Va, 49-53; ss, Pr Edward CH, Va, 54-5; ss, Woodstock, Va, 55-6; d, do, Fb 27, 57. ♦HUMPHREY, Zephaniah Moore; b, Amherst, Mass, Ag 30, 1824; AC, 43; UTS, 46-7; AndTS, 47-9; ord (Presb, Milwaukee Conv), Oc 9, 50; ss, Milwaukee, Wis, 49-50; pas, Racine, Wis, 50-6; pas (Plymouth Cong), Milwaukee, Wis, 56-9; pas (First Presb), Chicago, 111, 59-68; pas (Cal- vary), Philadelphia, Pa, 68-75; prof (Ch Hist & Pol), LTS, Cincinnati, O, 75-81; d, do, Nv 13, 81. DD, UChic, 64; mod, Gen Assem Presb Ch, USA, 71. 1849. 55 *HUMPHKEYS, Richard G E; b, Dublin, Irel, Ag 17, 1821; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-9; ord (Cong), 52; ss (Presb), Cairo, NY, 51-2; wc, NYCity, 53-69; d, do, Sp 26, 69. *JESSUP, Lewis; b, Minisink, NY, My 30, 1821; WmsC, 39-41; UTS, 46-8; BTS, 48-9; ord (Cong), Nv 19, 51; pas, Northfield, Ct, 51-4; pas, S- Glastenbury, Ct, 55-6; pas, Millbury, Mass, 56-61; ss, Lisbon, Ct, 62-6; ss, S-Adams, Mass, 67-71; ss, New-Haven, NY, 72-4; ss, La Fayette, NY, 75-8; ss, Riga, NY, 79-83; ss, Rushville, NY, 83-4; ss, New-Haven, NY, 84-5; ss (Presb), Diller, Neb, 85-6; wc, Julesburg, Col, 86-7; ss, Hubbell, Neb, 87-8 & 89-90; wc, Holyoke, Col, 88-9; ss, Humboldt, Neb, 90-3; ss, Diller, Neb, 93-6; d, do, Fb 5, 96. •MCNEILL, George; b, Fayetteville, NC, Sp 4, 1827; DelC, 46; UTS, 46-7; PTS, 47-9; ord (Presb, Fayetteville), Jl 12, 50; ss, Ashboro, NC, 49-54; ss, Washington, NC, 54-5; prin, Osceola, Fla, 55-6; prin, Fayetteville, NC, 56-7; ed (NC Presb), do, 57-61; d, do, Ag 18, 61. *MARSH, John Tallmadge; b, Haddam, Ct, Dc 17, 1825; YC, 45; UTS, 46-7; AndTS, 48-50; ord (Cong), Sp 14, 53; hm, Galena, 111, 51-2; ss, Rock Island, 111, 52-3; pas, Peoria, 111, 53-5; ss, Roscoe, Io, 55-6; ss, Fort Howard, Wis, 56-8; ss, Sheboygan Falls, Wis, 58-60; ss, Hartland, Wis, 60-2; ss, New-Lisbon & Quincy, Wis, 62-3; U S Army, 63-6; ss, Harpersfield, NY, 67-71; pas, New-Haven, NY, 71-2; ss, Black Creek, NY, 73-4; ss, Crown Point, NY, 74-7; ss, Lisle, NY, 77-9; ss, Barry ville & Eldred, NY, 79-80; ss, Millerton, NY, 80-1; ss, Colfax, WT, 81-3; ss, Etna Springs, Cal, 83-4; d, do, Mr 21, 84. MOCKBRIDGE, Emmons Thompson; b, Newark, NJ, Dc 17, 1825; WmsC, 46; UTS, 46-7; ord (Plymouth Breth), Philadelphia, 1877; prof (Gk & Heb), Philadelphia Script Knowl Soc, 57—?; pres, Phila Med Mis, 93—. mer, Philadelphia, Pa, 48 — . *NITCHIE, Henry Abeel; b, NYCity, Ag 13, 1817; UTS, 46-7; not ord; d, NYCity, Ja 17, 70. tPARKHURST, Austin N; b, NYCity, 1822; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-7. tPHELPS, John Chester; b, Hebron, Ct, Oc 13, 1814; MC, 34; UTS, 46-8; MU, 49; CovTS, 49-50; tea, Jacksonville, Miss, 51-2; ColTS, 53-5; ord (Bap), Nv, 55; pas, Society Hill, SC, 55-62; wc, Columbia, SC, 62-5; wc, Ga, 65-6; LTS, 67-8; ss (Presb), Rodney, Miss, 69-70; ss, Maryville, Tenn, 71-2; wc, 72-4; ss, Orange, Tex, 74-8. *ROBINSON, John Joseph; b, Washington, Ga, Ja 16, 1822; UET, 45; UTS, 46-8; ord (Presb, Union), Sp 14, 49; ss, Athens, Tenn, 51-2; prof, MvC, Maryville, Tenn, 52-6; ss, Midway, Ky, 56-7; prest, MvC, 57-61; ss, Rogersville, Tenn, 62-4; ss, Eufaula, Ala, 67-80; pas, Roswell, Ga, 82-90; ss, Jacksonville, Fla, 90-92; inv, Atlanta, Ga, 93-4; d, do, Nv 8, 94. DD, MvC, — . 56 1849-1850. *SILC0X, William Lyman; b, Paterson, NJ, Fb 28, 1820; WmsC, 44; UTS, 46-8; d, NYCity, Ap 6, 48. ♦WILLIAMSON, Joseph Gilliard; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 17, 1824; DelC, 46; UTS, 46-8; PTS, 48-9; ord (Presb, 4th Philadelphia), Nv 21, 49; pas, Bethlehem, NJ, 49-99; hr, Sidney, NJ, 1900-3; hr, Plainfield, NJ, 04-6; d, do, Jl 19, 06. (MGA.) 22. 1850. *BACHELEK, Francis Eben Meriam; b, Douglas, Mass, Jl 8, 1818; BU, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), My 16, 54; ss&pas, Brooklyn, NY, 51-7; pas, Patchogue (LI), NY, 58-9; ss, Killingly (Dayville), Ct, 59-62; \vc, Lebanon, Ct, 62-3; pas, Sparta, NJ, 64-70; ss (Cong), Killingly (Day- ville), Ct, 71-8; ss, Woodstock, Ct, 78-87; d, do, Ap 1, 87. *BRADSHAW, John; b, Osnabruck, Ont, Can, Nv 10, 1811; MC, 39; tea, Addison Co, Vt, 39-41; tea, Ft Covington, NY, 41-3; tea, Ogdensburgh, NY, 43-8; UTS, 49-50; ord (Presb, Champlain), Oc 29, 51; ss, Elizabeth- town, NY, 50-3; pas, Crown Point, NY, 53-66; ag, NYCity, 66-8; ss, Middlebury, Vt, 69; ss, Mooers, NY, 69-71; pas (Cong), Chicago, 111, 71-5; tea, do, 75-7; ss, De Kalb, 111, 77-81; ss, Glencoe, Minn, 81-3; ss, Mazeppa, Minn, 83-7; wc, Galesburg, 111, 88; do, Ann Arbor, Mich, 89- 99; d, do, Jl 8, 99. *CONDIT, Uzal Wade; b, Wentworth, NY, Ag 18, 1815; WmsC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Oc 24, 50; pas, Lynnfleld Centre, Mass, 50-5; pas, Deerfield, NH, 55-62; pas, Salisbury, NH, 64-9; ss, Swedesborough, NJ, 69-70; ss (Presb), Osceola, Pa, 70-2; pas, Jacksonville (Lick Bun & Hublersburg), Pa, 72-4; ss, Clarksville, NJ, 78-81; ss, Mannsfield, NJ. 82-3; tea & lit, Easton, Pa, 78-95; ss, Clarksville, NJ, 85-9; wc & hr, Easton, Pa, 96-1902; d, do, Sp 19, 02. (MGA.) PhD, MvC, 89. *DENISON, Andrew Clark; b, Hampton, Ct, Jn 27, 1822; YC, 47; TIC, 47-9; UTS, 49-50; res lie, YTS, 50-1; ord (Cong), Mr 4, 51; c pas, Leicester, Mass, 51-6; tea, Boston, Mass, 56-8; ss, Westchester, Ct, 58- 61; pas, Portland, Ct, 61-7; tea, Charlotte, NC, 68; ss, Middlefield, Ct, 68-90; d, do, Oc 11, 90. *EDDY, William Woodbridge; b, Penn Yan, NY, Dc 18, 1825; WmsC, 45; UTS, 47-50; res lie, 50-1; ord (Presb, Newark), Sp 18, 51; fm, Aleppo, Syria, 51-4; fm, Sidon, Syria, 54-74; in U S A, 60-3, 74-5; fm, Beirut, Syria, 75-1900; d, do, Ja 29, 00. DD, CNJ, 74. ♦EVEREST, Asa Elmore; b, Peru, NY, Dc 28, 1820; MC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Sp 8, 50; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 50-2; tea, Peru, NY, 53-6; ss (Cong), Mooers, NY, 57-64; ch, U S Army, 65; wc, Peru, NY, 65-6; ss (Presb), Sparland, 111, 66-7; ss, Eidgefield, 111, 67-8; ss, Homewood, 1850. 57 111, 68-9; pas, Ludlow, 111, 69-77; pas (Cong), Belle Plaine, Io, 77-9; prin, do, 80; ag, ABS, Grinnell, Io, 81-94; wc, Council Bluffs, Io, 94-9; d, do, Ap 20, 99. *G00DMAN, Stephen Sydney; b, NYCity, Ja 1, 1822; UNY, 47; UTS, 47- 50; ord (Presb, Troy), Jn 25, 51; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 51-2; ss, Oriskany, NY, 52-4; pas, Milford, NY, 54-8; ss, Unadilla, NY, 58-66; pas, W-Mil- ford, NJ, 66-79; oc s, do, 79-80; d, do, Dc 16, 80. *HALL, Richard; b, New-Ipswich, NH, Ag 6, 1817; DC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Ag 8, 50; ss, Pt Douglas, Minn, 50-6; ag, AHMS, St Paul, Minn, 56-74; sec, Belief Soc, St Paul, Minn, 83-93; res, do, 93-1907; d, do, Ap 1, 07. *HARVEY, Wheelock Nye; b, Jamestown, NY, Ap 15, 1825; UNY, 44; UTS, 47-50; "ord (Cong), My 18, 53; pas, Bethel, Ct, 53-8; pas, Milford, Ct, 58-62; pas, Wilton, Ct, 62-7; mer, NYCity, 68-87; res, Portland, Ct, 87-9; d, do, Ja 8, 89. i *HAWKES, John; b, Deerfield, Mass, Ja 22, 1823; AC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Crawfordsville), Ag 28, 51; ss, Montezuma & Newport, Ind, 50-3; ss, Montezuma & Toronto, Ind, 54-6; ss, Kirtland, O, 56-7; pm (Crawfordsville Presb), 57-61; ss, Perrysville, Ind, 58-9; ss, Rock- ville, Ind, 59-66; ss, Brazil & New-Bethel, Ind, 66-7; ss, Putnam ville & New-Bethel, Ind, 67-77; ss, do, & Clinton, Ind, 70-3; ss, Bethel, Darlington & Dover, Ind, 74-5; ss, Putnamville & Parkersburgh, Ind, 75-6; ss, Bockfield, Bock Creek & Parkersburgh, Ind, 76-7; ss, Rock- field, Rock Creek & Lexington, Ind, 77-9; ss, Lexington, Ind, 79-80; pm, various places, 80-3; ss, Elizaville, Judson & Toronto, Ind, 83-4; ev, Rockville, Ind, 85-7; hr, do, 88-91; d, do, Mr 1, 91. *HUGHSON, Simeon Spafford; b, Chester, NJ, Mr 27, 1823; OC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Ag 20, 50; ss, Walworth, NY, 50-1; ss (Presb), Madison, NJ, 51-2; ss (Cong), Penn Yan, NY, 52-4; pas, Rushville, NY, 55-64; oc s, Newark, NJ, 65-74; ss, Patchogue (LI), NY, 74-7; ss, S-Boston, Mass, 78-83; ss, Jersey City Heights, NJ, 84-5; ss, Say ville, NY, 85-7; pas (Orient av), Brooklyn, NY, 88-9; res, Newark, NJ, 90-1; d, do, Mr 22, 91. *LOCKWOOD, William Herbert; b, NYCity, Sp 2, 1824; UNY, 47; UTS. 47-50; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), 50; ss&pas, Coventry ville, NY, 52-7; ss, Lowville, NY, 57-64; ss, Eau Claire, Wis, 64-90; hr, do, 90-7; d, do. Ag 22, 97. *McELROY, Hugh Sneed; b, Lebanon, Ky, Jl 26, 1828; CrC, 47; UTS, 47- 50; ord (Presb, Harmony), Oc, 50; ss, Midway, Ky, 50-5; ss, McAfee, Ky, 55; ss&pas, Detroit, Mich, 55-7; d, do, Dc 24, 57. MYERS, Peter Jacob Harter; b, Frankfort, NY, Jl 22, 1821; MC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Champlain), Nv, 50; ss, Clintonville & Ausable 58 1850. Forks, NY, 50-2; ss, Middlebury, Vt, 52-3; ss, Luzerne, NY, 53; pas, Haverstraw, NY, 54-9; cm, Brooklyn, NY, 60-5; ss, Dandridge, Tenn, 65-7; cm, Brooklyn, NY, 68-73; wc, do, 73-7; ss, Chazy, NY, 77-94; hr, do, 94-1907; hr, Madison, Wis, 07—. *PAGE, Emery Harkness; b, Baltimore, Vt, Ag 25, 1818; BU, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Bap), Nv 2, 53; pas, Charlestown, Mass, 53-7; pas (Second), St Louis, Mo, 57-9; pas (Greenwood), Brooklyn, NY, 59-64; pas, Hud- son, Mass, 64-6; pas, Milford, Mass, 66-8; pas, Ayer, Mass, 68-70; pas, Madison, Wis, 70-2; pas, Berlin, Wis, 72-81; pas, Osage, Io, 81-3; d, Minneapolis, Minn, My 5, 88. PHRANER, Wilson; b, Jamaica (LI), NY, Ag 29, 1822; UNY, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, 2d NY), Oc 28, 51; pas, Sing Sing, NY, 51-86; prest, Elmira Col, 89-90; in service, Presb Mis Bds, 85 — . asso pas (Munn Ave), E-Orange, NJ, 1900—. DD, UNY, 78. *PIERCE, Epaminondas James; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 24, 1823; DC, 45; law student, Philadelphia, Pa, 45-6; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Phila- delphia 4th), Ap 20, 51; fm, Gaboon, W Afr, 51-60; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 60-3; ss, Del Water Gap, Pa, 63-5; ss, W-Philadelphia, Pa, 65-6; ss, Del Water Gap, Pa, 66-9; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 70-1; pas, Farming- dale, NJ, 71-92; d, do, Mr 13, 92. *REID, Lewis Hubbard; b, Charlestown, NH, Mr 2, 1825; YC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Onondaga), Dc 4, 50; pas, Fayetteville, NY, 50-61; pas, Syracuse, NY, 61-8; pas (Eighth), Chicago, 111, 68-74; ss (Cong), No-Canaan, Ct, 74-80; ss, Salisbury, Ct, 81-4; asso prin, Lakeville, Ct, 84-8; do, Hartford, Ct, 88-95; d, do, Jl 8, 95. DD, UNC, 90. *RHEA, Samuel Andley; b, Blountville, Tenn, Ja 23, 1827; UET, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Holston), Fb 2, 51; fm, Gawar, Persia,51-8; fm, Seir, Persia, 58-9; U States, 59-60; fm, Seir, Persia, 60-1; fm, Oroomiah, Persia, 61-5; d, near do, Sp 2, 65. RICE, George Gaby; b, Enosburgh, Vt, Sp 22, 1819; UVt, 45; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Ja 29, 51; ss, Fairfield, Io, 50-1; ss, Council Bluffs & Onawa, Io, 51-9; ss, Hiawatha & Albany, Kan, 59-67; wc, Council Bluffs, Io, 67—. *RUGGLES, Henry Edwin; b, Newbury, Vt, Nv 27, 1822; DC, 45; tea, Lynddn, Vt, 45-6; tea, Hoosic Falls, NY, 46-8; UTS, 48-50; cm, NYCity, 50; ss, St Louis, Mo, 51; ord (Presb, St Louis), Ap 13, 51; pas, St Charles, Mo, 51-2; pas (Cong), Eaton Village, NY, 53-6; d, Newbury, Vt, Dc 24, 56. *SECCOMBE, Charles; b, Salem, Mass, Jn 10, 1817; DC, 47; UTS, 48-50; ord (Cong), Ag 8, 50; ss&pas, Falls of St Anthony, Minn, 50-66; ag, Northfield, Minn, 66-7; ss, Zumbrota, Minn, 67-8; prof, Northfield, Minn, 68-70; ss, Francestown, NH, 71-3; hm&pas, Strahmburgh, Neb, 1850. 59 73-81; hm&pas, Springfield, S-Dak, 81-98; also ss, Running Water, S- Dak, 87-98; \vc, Springfield, SD, 99-1900; d, do, Mr 4, 00. (CYB.) *SHERRILL, Franklin Goldthwaite; b, Homer, NY, Nv 1, 1826; UNY, 46; UTS, 46-7, 48-50; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 13, 50; ss, Ceresco & Ripon, Wis, 50-3; ss (Cong), Caledonia & Oak Creek, Wis, 53-8; ss, Fulton, Wis, 58-61; ss, Oak Creek, Wis, 61-4; wc, Milwaukee, Wis, 64-5; ss, Richmond, Mass, 65-7; ss, California, Mo, 67-76; ss, White City, Kan, 76-9; ss, Carbondale, Kan, 79-82; ss, Louisville, Kan, 82-3; d, do, Ja 15, 84. *SMITH, Edwin Graham; b, Williamstown, Vt, Mr 20, 1821; KC, 46; LTS, 47-9; UTS, 49-50; ord (Cong), Nv 7, 50; ss, Dover, 111, 50-6; ss, Tre- mont & Morton, 111, 57-65; ag&supt, ABS, Morrison, 111, 65-87; do, Princeton, 111, 87-98; res, do, 98-1906; d, do, Mr. 22, 06. DD, KC, 97. tSTEINER, Nahum Ignace; b, Bohemia, Ag 6, 1829; UTS, 47-50; ag, ASMCJ, NYCity, 50-4; miss, London, Eng, 55-6; miss, NYCity, 56 — . *STONE, Seth Bradley; b, Madison, Ct, Sp 30, 1817; YC, 42; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), 50; fm, Ifafa, Zulu, S Afr, 51-75; U States, 75-7; d, NYCity, Ja 27, 77. *STRONG, Guy Chandler; b, Pawlet, Vt, Ja 22, 1822; MC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Nv 23, 53; ss, Moira, NY, 50-4; ss, E-Poultney, Vt, 54-6; ss, Grandville, Mich, 56-60; ss, Sharon, Mich, 60-5; ss, Ceresco, Mich, 66-7; ss, S-Boston, Mich, 67-73; ss, Oakalla, 111, 73-6; ss, Paxton, 111, 76-8; ss, Winslow, 111, 78-80; wc, do, 80-2; wc, Paxton, 111, 82-91; d, Arvada, Col, Fb 7, 91. TITUS, Wicks Smith; b, Victory, NY, Jn 23, 1820; UC, 48; UTS, 48-50; ord (ME), Jn 4, 54; pas, Bergen, NJ, 51; ss, Milltown, NJ, 52; tea, Pennington, NJ, 53; tea, Fulton, NY, 54; pas, Ogdensburg, NY, 54-6; pas, Canton, NY, 57; pas, Watertown, NY, 57-9; pas, Camden, NY, 59-61; pas, Weedsport, NY, 61-3; pas, Mexico, NY, 63-4; pas, Geddes, NY, 64-5; pas, Lowville, NY, 65-7; pas, Wolcott, NY, 67-9; pas, Hamil- ton, NY, 69-71; pas, Vernon, NY, 71-2; pas, Winfield, NY, 72-4; pas, Ames & Sprout Brook, NY, 74-7; pas, Cleveland, NY, 77-9; pas, Central Square, NY, 79-80; superan, 80-2; pas, Deansville, NY, 82-5; pas, Verona, NY, 85-8; pas, Remsen, NY, 88-90; superan&oc s, Syracuse, NY, 90—. *WALKER, James; b, Deerfield, NY, Ap 14, 1820; AC, 44; UTS, 47-50; ord (Presb, Galena), Ap 20, 53; ss, Waynesville & Granville, 111, 50-1; ss, Garden Plain, Clyde & Unionville, 111, 51-8; ss, Eckford & Tekonsha, Mich, 58-69; ss&pas, Pewamo, Mich, 69-74; ss, Greenwood, Mich, 74- 81; ev, Detroit, Mich, 81-90; wc, do, 91-4; d, do, Jl 14, 93. *WARREN, James Henry; b, Ontanagon, Mich, Sp 7, 1819; KC, 47; UTS, 47-50; ord (Cong), Sp 8, 50; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 50-1; pas, Nevada GO 1850. City, Cal, 51-8; ed (Pacific), San Francisco, Cal, 58-62; ss, San Mateo, Cal, 62-4; supt, AHMS, San Francisco, Cal, 64-91; res, do, 91-1905; d, do, Fb 9, 05. (Registrar, Cong Assoc of Cal, 52-96.) DD, KC, 74. 30. *ADAMS, Charles Luther; b, Lysander, NY, 1820; HC, 47; UTS, 47-8; AubTS, 48-50; ord (Presb, Onondaga), Oc 10, 50; ss, Neenah, Wis, 50-2; d, Paris, Wis, Oc 23, 52. *BENTON, John Eliot; b, Guilford, Ct, Oc 25, 1820; UNY, 47; UTS, 47-9; YTS, 49-50; ss (Sullivan st), NYCity, 50-2; ss, Shasta, Cal, 52-3; ss (Mission Dolores), San Francisco, Cal, 53-9; ss, Folsom, Cal, 59-66; ss, Dutch Flat, Cal, 67-9; oc s & ed (Daily Transcript), Oakland, Cal, 69- 88; postmaster, do, 71-7; oc s, do, 69-88; d, do, Fb 18, 88. Mem Cal legis, 61-2, 65-6. *BRACE, Charles Loring; b, Litchfield, Ct, Jn 19, 1826; YC, 46; YTS, 47-8; UTS, 48-9; Europe, 50-2; sec, CAS, NYCity, 53-90; d, Campfer, Switzer- land, Ag 11, 90. * JOHNSON," Edwin; b, Plymouth, Ct, Dc 1, 1826; YC, 46; UTS, 47-9; YTS, 49-50; ord (Cong), Jn 6, 51; ss, Milford, Ct, 50-1; pas, Jackson- ville, Dl, 51-9; pas, Boston, Mass, 59-61; pas, Bangor, Me, 61-5 ; ss&pas, Baltimore, Md, 65-9; pas, Bridgeport, Ct, 70-6; wc, do & NYCity, 76- 83; d, NYCity, Dc 25, 83. *KLINK, Nathaniel Baker; b, New-Scotland, NY, Fb 25, 1823; UC, 47; UTS, 47-8; PTS, 48-50; ord (Presb, Albany), Fb 13, 54; ss, Oneida Valley, NY, 51-2; ss, W-Galway, NY, 52-3; pas, Ballston Spa, NY, 53-5; pas, Fairmount, NJ, 55-9; ss, Sacramento, Cal, 60-1; ss, Vallejo, Cal, 62-83; ss, Santa Paula, Cal, 83-4; ev, Vacaville, Cal, 84-5; ss&pe, Bed- ding & Anderson, Cal, 86-90; ss, W-Berkeley, Cal, 90-2; wc, do, 92; ss, Clements, Cal, 92-5; d, San Francisco, Cal, My 13, 95. tMEACHAM, John H; b, Albany, NY, 1826; UC, 47; UTS, 47-8; tea; Buffalo, NY, 48—. *MORGAN, Homer Bartlett; b, Watertown, NY, My 31, 1827; HC, 47; UTS, 47-8; tea, 48-9; AubTS, 49-51; ord (Presb, Watertown), Jl 9, 51; fm, Salonica, Turk, 52-3; fm, Smyrna, Asia, 53-6; fm, Antioch, Syria, 57-65; d, Smyrna, Asia, Ag 26, 65. *PLANT, Alfred; b, Clinton, Mass, Mr 2, 1821; YC, 47; UTS, 47-8; YTS, 48-50; oc s, St Louis, Mo, Keosauqua, la, & Collinsville, 111, 50-4; agric & mer, St Louis & Webster Groves, Mo, 54-1907; d, Webster Groves, Mo, Dc 28, 07. *POTTER, Aaron; b, Ft Edward, NY, Ap 9, 1820; UC, 42; UTS, 47-8; HTS, 48-50; ord (Bap), Ja 23, 51; pas, Albion, Mich, 51-4; pas, Clarks- ton, Mich, 54-6; pas, Centreville, Mich, 56-8; ss, Lake Port & Three 1850-1851. 61 Rivers, Mich, 58-9; pas, Sheboygan, Wis, 59-61; pas, Lamartine, Wis, 61-2; ag, A&FBS, in N-West, 62-8; steward, Indust Univ, Champaign, 111, €8-9; books, Urbana, 111, 69; res, Champaign, 111, 69-73; d, do, 0c 22, 73. *PRIEST, Josiah Addison; b, Albany, NY, Ap 28, 1822; HC, 47; UTS, 47-8; AubTS, 49-51; ord (Presb, Otsego), Jn 25, 51; pas, Cooperstown, NY, 51-5; pas, Homer, NY, 55-8; pas, Montclair, NJ, 58-61; Europe, 61-2; ss, Cooperstown, NY, 63-4; pas, Gloversville, NY, 64-8; pas, E-Quincy, 111, 68-75; pas, Newton, NJ, 75-80; Europe, 80-2; wc, Montclair, NJ, 83-4; pas (Westminster), Cincinnati, O, 84-9; wc, Mont- clair, NJ, 89-93; d, do, Mr 11, 93. DD, HC, 72. *ROBB, Edward Clark; b, Gallatin, Tenn, 1820; NU, 41; phys, Sumner Co, Tenn, 42-7; UTS, 47-8; PTS, 48; phys, Clarksville, Tenn, 48-73; d, near La Payette, Ky, Nv 29, 73. *ROUSE, Thomas Henderson; b, Pittstown, NY, Fb 17, 1820; WmsC, 47; TIC, 47-9; UTS, 49-50; TIC, 50; ord (Cong), Jn 18, 54; ss, Feeding Hills, Mass, 50; ss&pas, Pequonnock, Ct, 50-6; pas, Jamestown, NY, 56-62; tea (Mills Acad), Benicia, Cal, 63-4; ss, San Mateo, Cal, 64-72; ss, Macawao, Maui, HI, 72-9; ss, Belleview, Fla, 85-99; d, do, Mr 30, 99. *SMITH, Henry Russell; b, Morris, NY, Dc 27, 1822; UC, 44; UTS, 47-8; PTS, 48-9; ord (Presb, Winchester), Ap 27, 50; ss, Leesburgh, Va, 49- 67; ss&prest (Fem Sem), Huntsville, Ala, 67-74; ss, Walnut Grove & Beaver Creek, Wash Co, Va, 74-8; ss, Oxford, Va, 78-84; ev, Lexington Presb, do, 84-96; ss, Clarkburg, W-Va, etc, 85-6; ss, Middlebrook, Va (Shemariah), 87-91; ss, Mill Gap (Beulah & Stony Run), Va, 92-5; ss, Sharp's Wharf (Milden), Va, 96; d, do, Ag 19, 96. *TROWBRIDGE, James Hewit; b, Plattsburgh, NY, My 27, 1820; MC, 47; UTS, 47-9; YTS, 49-50; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Nv, 50; pas, Haver- straw, NY, 50-4; pas, Marshall, Mich, 54-6; pas, Dubuque, Io, 56-62; pas, Chicago, 111, 62-5; wc, Chicago, 111, 65; sec, PCHM, Chicago, 111, 65-70; wc&ed (Interior), Riverside, Chicago, 111, 70-3; ss, do, 74-85; d, do, Ja 9, 87. *WARDLAW, William; b, Fayetteville, Tenn, Nv 26, 1823; JaC, 46; UTS, 47-8; d, Shelby ville, Tenn, Ja 19, 49. 15. 1851. *BARKER, William Pratt; b, S-Wales, NY, Fb 18, 1822; UNY, 48; UTS, 48-51; Med Coll, NY, 51-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 4, 53; fm, Ahmed- nagar, India, 53-8; fm, Khokar, India, 58-63; fm, Pimplus, India, 63-5; U States, 66-71; fm, Rutnagiri, India, 72-6; fm, Cattaraugus & Tona- wanda Reservation, NY, 77-80; hm, Carbon, WyT, 81-2; d, Ogden, Utah, Ja 18, 82. 62 1851. •BOND, Daniel; b, Adams, NY, Sp 1, 1826; HC, 48; AubTS, 48-50; UTS V 50-1; res lie, 51-2; ord (Presb, No Kiver), Jn 29, 52; pas, Peekskill, NY, 52; d, do, Ag 20, 52. CLARKE, Edgar Warner; b, Milton, NY, My 29, 1825; WmsC, 48; UTS, 48-51; ord (Cong), Dc 9, 52; ss&pas, No-Evans, NY, 52-6; pas (Presb), Medina, NY, 56-61; prin, Milton, NY, 62-9; pas e, Canterbury, NY, 69-72; pas e (Cong), Sterling, 111, 72-3; prin, Rich view, 111, 74-80; prest, Irvington Col, 111, 80-5; pas (Presb), Pana, 111, 85-94; pas emer, do, 94—. DD, B1U, 94. *CORWIN, Eli; b, Walkill, NY, Oc 30, 1824; WmsC, 48; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 22, 51; sea ch, San Francisco, Cal, 51-2; pas, Saa Jose, Cal, 52-8; pas, Honolulu, S Islds, 58-68; act pres, Oahu Col, do, 59-60; pas (Second), Oakland, Cal, 68-9; do (Green st), San Francisco, Cal, 69-72; asso manager, Mills Sem, & fin ag, PacTS, 70-2; pas (Cong), Jamestown, NY, 72-5; pas (First), Jacksonville, 111, 75-80; pas (Presb), Racine, Wis, 80-8; fin sec, CTS, 88-91; res, Chicago, 111, 89-99; d, do, Ag 19, 99. DD, WmsC, 73. *GANO, Lewis; b, Bethlehem, NJ, 1821; UTS, 48-51; res lie, 51-2; ord (Presb, Troy), Mr 7, 55; tea, Woodstock, Ct, 51; trav, Europe, 51-2; ss, Bethlehem, NJ, 52-3; pas, Whitehall, NY, 54-6; ss, Davenport, Io, 56-7; ss, Albany, 111, 57-8; wc, Chicago, 111, 58-9; deposed, Jn 29, 60; law, 61-5; stocks, NYCity, 65 — ; trade, Brooklyn, NY, 84—; d, — . *GROUT, Admatha; b, Newfane, Vt, Fb 19, 1817; DC, 45; tea, Vt & Md, 45-8; UTS, 48-51; inv, W-Brattleboro, Vt, 51-5; inv, Osawatomie, Kan, 55; d, do, Sp 6, 55. HASTINGS, Thomas Samuel; b, Utica, NY, Ag 28, 1827; HC, 48; UTS, 48- 51; res lie, 51-2; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jl 7, 52; pas, Mendham, NJ, 52-6; pas (West), NYCity, 56-82; prof (Sac Rhet), UTS (pres, Faculty, 87- 97), 82-1904; prof emer & lect (Past Theol), do, 04—. DD, UNY, 65; LLD, CNJ, 88; LHD, HC, 97. HAWKS, Theron Holbrook; b, Charlemont, Mass, Oc 24, 1821; WmsC, 44; UTS, 48-51; res lie, 51-2; ord (Cong), Mr 7, 55; pas, W-Springfield, Mass, 55-61; pas (Presb), Cleveland, O, 61-7; pas (Cong), Marietta, O, 69-83; wc, Northampton, Mass, 83-4; do, Springfield, Mass, 84 — . DD, WmsC, 64. *LEDOUX, Louis Palemon; b, Opelousas, La, Jn 8, 1822; AC, 48; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 22, 51; ss, Newport, Ky, 52; pas, Mon- roe, Mich, 53-5; pas, Richmond, Va, 55-8; pas&tea, Cornwall Landing, NY, 58-65-75; tea, do, 75-85; d, do, Sp 30, 85. DD, IndU, 61. *LILLY, Arunah Hall; b, Castle Creek, NY, Mr 15, 1819; WmsC, 48; UTS, 48-9; AubTS, 49-50; UTS, 50-1; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Oc 10, 51; ss, Craneville, NJ, 51-3; ss, Centreville, NY, 53-5; ss, Sherman, NY, 55-6; 1851. 63 pas, Silver Creek, NY, 56-9; ss, E-Palmyra, NY, 59-70; ss, Marysville, Kan, 71; ss&pas, Troy, Kan, 71-5; d, do, Ag 15, 75. ♦PHELPS, Samuel Wallace; b, Ridgefield, Ct, Sp 10, 1820; UNY, 48; UTS, 48-51; ord (Cong), Jn 28, 54; hm, NW, 111, 51-2; ss, Lee Centre, 111, 52-68; ins ag, Chicago, 111, 69-70; wc, Anaboy, 111, 70-1; res, Lombard, 111, 71-6; ag, AMA, Chicago, 111, 71-3; wc, do, 76-80; agric, Greenbrier, Tenn, 80-1905; d, do, Ja 1, 05. ROE, Sanford Washburn; b, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 22, 1826; UNY, 47; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, Catskill), Ag 18, 52; ss, N-Bergen, NJ, 51-2; pas, Cairo, NY, 52-60; pas, Jamestown, NY, 60-6; pas (RD), Germantown, NY, 66-8; wc, do, 68-9; pas, Middleburgh, NY, 70-6; pas, Lebanon, NJ, 76-83; ss (Presb), Cairo, NY, 83-9; pas (RD), Plattekill, NY, 92-1903; res, Cairo, NY, 03—. DD, UNY, 73. *ROSS, Edward Frederick; b, NYCity, Fb 12, 1826; UC, 48; AndTS, 48- 50; UTS, 50-1; ord (Cong), Sp 26, 51; pas, Morrisania, NY, 51-4; wc, Poughkeepsie, NY, 54-5; d, Pleasant Valley, NY, Fb 22, 55. ROWELL, Joseph; b, Cornish, NH, Ap 22, 1820; YC, 48; UTS, 48-51; ord (Cong), Oc 12, 51; sea ch, Panama, U S Colom, 52-6; do, Aspinwall, U S C, 56-8; pas (Mariners), San Francisco, Cal, 58 — ♦SINCLAIR, James; b, Lakeville, NY, 1823; UNY, 48; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 13, 51; ss&pas, Cutchogue (LI), NY, 51-61; ss, Boiling Spring, NJ, 61-2; ss, Croton Falls, NY, 62-4; wc, Harlem, NY, 64-5; pas, Smithtown Branch (LI), NY, 65-82; d, do, Fb 6, 83. *SUTPHEN, Joseph Walworth; b, Sweden, NY, Fb 14, 1825; HC, 47; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, Buffalo), Nv 7, 51; fm, Marsovan, Turk, 51-2; d, do, Oc 9, 52. *WALSWORTH, Lyman Wesley; b, Adams, NY, Mr 13, 1821; OC, 48; OTS, 48-9; UTS, 49-51; ord (ME), My 13, 55; ss, Lattintown, NY, 51-2; ss, Deposit, NY, 52-4; pas, Newburgh, NY, 54-6; pas, Dobbs' Ferry, NY, 56-8; pas, Pine Plains, NY, 58-60; pas, Marlboro & Lattintown, NY, 60-2; pas, Hillsdale, NY, 62-4; pas, Lee, Mass, 64-7; pas, Great Barrington, Mass, 67-70; pas, Dobbs' Ferry, NY, 70-3; pas, Hancock, NY, 73-6; pas, Delhi, NY, 76-9; pas, Hobart, NY, 79-80; pas, Lake Mahopac, NY, 80-3; trav, Europe, 83-5; superan, Sing Sing, NY, 85-8; d, Bocobel, NY, Dc 2, 88. WHITAKER, Epher; b, Fairfield, NJ, Mr 27, 1820; DelC, 47; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, Long Island), Sp 10, 51; pas, Southold (LI), NY, 51-91; pas emer, do, 92—. DD, DelC, 77; mod, Syn NY&NJ, 60; do, Syn Long Isl, 71; st elk, Presb LI, 56—. ♦WOLFE, Aaron Roberts; b, Mendham, NJ, Sp 6, 1821; WmsC, 44; UTS, 44-5; tea, Leon Co, Fla, 45-8, 51-3; UTS, 48-51; ord (Presb, Fla), Nv, 04 1851. 53; prin, Tallahassee, Fla, & ss, Iamonia, Fla, 53-5; tea, NYCity, 55-8; ss, Parsippany, NJ, 58-9; prin, Montclair, NJ, 59-72; wc, do, 72-9; hr, do, 79-1902; d, do, Oc 7, 02. 19. *ARNOLD, Austin; b, Haddam, Ct, My 28, 1821; YC, 48; UTS, 48-9; law, San Francisco, Cal, 49-50; d, do, Ag 15, 50. *BARRETT, Myron; b, No-East, NY, Sp 9, 1816; YC, 44; tea, Columbus, O, 44-8; UTS, 48-50; PTS, 50-1; ord (Presb, Detroit), Mr 9, 52; ss, Pon- tiac, Mich, 51-2; ss, Detroit, Mich, 52-3; pas, Newton, NJ, 54-9; ss, Stroudsburgh, NJ, 60-1; ss, New-Haven, Ct, 63-4; ss, White Plains, NY, 65; wc, Newton, NJ, 65-6; ss, Andover, NJ, 67-8; oc s, Newton, NJ, 69-76; d, do, My 8, 76. *BLAKELY, Jacob Edgerton; b, Pawlet, Vt, Jn 9, 1820; MC, 44; tea, 44-8; UTS, 48-9; AubTS, 49-51; ord (Cong), Mr 9, 53; pas, E-Pultney, Vt, 53-4; d, do, My 6, 54. *BUCK, Charles Duryee; b, Knox, NY, Ag 24, 1826; WmsC, 45; UTS, 48-9; ord (ED, So Clas of NY), My 14, 51; pas, Peekskill, NY, 51-71; pas, Hoboken, NJ, 71-4; ss (Presb), Weehawken, NJ, 74-7; pas (RD), Mid- dletown, NJ, 77-93; d, do, My 26, 93. DD, EC, 83. *DAY, Matthias; b, Mansfield, O, My 11, 1824; OC, 48; UTS, 48-9; ed, Mans- field, O, 50-6; manuf, do, 56-73; inventor (electric lights), do, 74-5; res, Oberlin, O, 75-82; ed, do, 76-9; res, Manfield, O, 82-1904; d, do, Mr 4, 04. -GOODWIN, Hannibal; b, Ulysses, NY, Ap 21, 1823; UC, 48; UTS, 48-9; GenTS, 49-51; ord (Ep), Jn 29, 51; rec, Bordentown, NJ, 51-3; rec (St Paul's), Newark, NJ, 54-8; rec (Trinity), Trenton, NJ, 59-61; rec, Napa, Cal, 61-4; rec (Grace), San Francisco, Cal, 64-8; rec (Hse of Prayer), Newark, NJ, 68-88; ss (St Pauls), do, 89-90; do (Christ), do, 91-2; do, Perth Amboy, 94-5; res, Newark, NJ, 95-1900; d, do, Dc 31, 00. *GREENE, William Brooks; b, Nantucket, Mass, Nv 8, 1823; YC, 45; UTS, 48-9; YTS, 49-50; AndTS, 50-1; ord (Cong), Nv 15, 55; tea, Mil- ford & Wethersfield, Ct, & Middleport, NY, 45-8; ss, Sterling, Mass, 51-2; do, Andover, Mass, 53-4; pas, Waterville, Me, 55-8; ss, Needham, Mass, 59-73; ss, Scituate, Mass, 73-9; ss&wc, Needham, Mass, 79-82; ss, Dighton, Mass, 82-7 ; res, Needham, Mass, 87-95; d, do, Sp 11, 95. HOWE, Francis Augustine; b, Pepperell, Mass, Ap 20, 1827; AC, 48; UTS, 48-9; CollP&S, NYCity, 1 year; med dep, HarC, 2 years; MD, HarC, 54; physician, Pepperell, Mass, 54-7; do, Newburyport, Mass, 57 — . *KEYES, Richard Goodell; b, Watertown, NY, Ja 6, 1826; HC, 48; UTS, 48-9; AubTS, 49-51; ord (Cong), Sp 29, 52; ss (Presb), Ripley, NY, 51; 1851-1852. Go do, Westford, NY, 53-4; ss, Painted Post, NY, 54-6; ss, Dexter & Brownsville, NY, 57-60; ss, Evans Mills, NY, 61; ss, Burrville, NY, 63-4; wc, Watertown, NY, 65-1904; d, do, Dc 9, 04. LYON, Daniel Brayton; b, Edinburgh, NY, Fb 24, 1820; UC, 47; UTS, 48-9; AubTS, 49-51; ord (Ep) deacon, Oc 8, 51; hm, Saginaw, Mich, 52-3; rec, Battle Creek, Mich, 53-7; hm, Ionia, Mich, 59-63; hm, Kipon, Wis, 64-7; supt sch, Fon du Lac Co, Wis, 67-72; agric&lumber, Meril- lon, Wis, 72-90; wc, Minneapolis, Minn, 90 — . ♦NOYES, Daniel Temple; b, Boston, Mass, Ap 20, 1824; YC, 47; UTS, 48-9; AndTS, 49-51; ord (Cong), Fb 16, 53; pas, Dorchester, Mass, 53-5; ss, Prairie du Sac, Wis, 55-8; ss, Spring Green, Wis, 58-61; lieut, U S Army (6th Wis), 61-2; killed, Corinth, Miss, Oc 4, 62. ♦OLMSTED, Alexander Fisher; b, Chapel Hill, NC, Dc 20, 1822; YC, 44; YTS, 46-7; UTS, 48-9; as prof, UAla, 49; phil dep, YC, 49, 51-3; d, New-Haven, Ct, My 5, 53. *PEATT, Andrew Tully; b, Black Rock, NY, Fb 22, 1826; YC, 47; UTS, 48-50; YTS, 50-1; MD, CollP&S, NY, 52; ord (Cong), Ag 8, 52; fm, Aintab, Syria, 53-8; fm, Aleppo, Syria, 58-60; fm, Antioch, Syria, 61-2; fm, Aleppo, Syria, 62-3; fm, Marash, Syria, 63-8; ed, Constantinople, Turk, 68-72; d, do, Dc 5, 72. *SOULE, George; b, Willington, Ct, Oc 12, 1823; AC, 47; tea, 47-8; TIC, 48-9; UTS, 49-50; TIC, 50-1; ord (Cong), Oc 18, 55; ss, Ashford, Ct, 51-2; ss&pas, Hampton, Ct, 53-67; d, do, Oc 4, 67. WILLCOX, Giles Buckingham; b, NYCity, Ag 7, 1826; YC, 48; UTS, 48-9; YTS, 49-50; AndTS, 50-1; ord (Cong), Jn 15, 53; pas, Fitchburgh, Mass, 53-6; pas, Lawrence, Mass, 56-9; pas, New-London, Ct, 59-69; pas, Jersey City, NJ, 69-75; pas, Stamford, Ct, 75-9; prof (Past Theol), CTS, Chicago, 111, 79-96; prof (Cong Hist & Polity), do, 96-1900; prof emer, do, 00—. DD, DruC, — ; & NYU, 81. 15. 1852. *BAILEY, John William; b, Marlboro, NY, Mr 26, 1822; WmsC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Peoria & Knox), Dc 9, 52; pas (Second), Gales- burgh, 111, 52-7; prof, KC, do, 57-63; pas (Second), Bloomington, 111, 64-7; prof (Theol) & prest, B1U, Carlinville, 111, 67-76; wc&ag, LFU, 76-8; pas, Sparta, 111, 78-80; pas (First), Columbus, 0, 80-3; wc, Cam- bridge City, Io, 83; wc, Meriden, Kans, 84; ss, Meriden, Nortonville, Lowemont, Eossville, Pleasant Ridge, & Wamego, Kan, 84-96; wc, Topeka, Kan, 96-1906; d, do, Oc 29, 06. DD, WmsC, 69. ♦BAIRD, Charles Washington; b, Princeton, NJ, Ag 28, 1828; UNY, 48; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, New-Brunswick), Oc 4, 53; ch, Rome, It, 52-4; 6& 1852. ag, A&FCU, NYCity, 54-5; wc, do, 55-9; pas (RD), S-Brooklyn, NY, 59-61; pas (Presb), Eye, NY, 61-87; d, do, Fb 10, 87. DD, UNY, 76. *BALL, Jasper Newton; b, Hebron, NH, Ap 19, 1826; DC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Cong), Jn 30, 1853; fm, Cesarea, Syria, 53-6; fm, Yozgat, Turk, 56-61; ss (Presb), Oconto, Wis, 62-4; fm, Adrianople, Turk, 64-9; d, Grand Rapids, Wis, Mr 9, 70. *CORNING, James Leonard; b, Albany, NY, Ag 21, 1828; UNY, 49; UTS, 49-50; YTS, 50-1; UTS, 51-2; ord (Cong), Jn 22, 52; ss, Quinebaug, Ct, 52-3; pas (Presb), Stamford, Ct, 53-6; pas, Buffalo, NY, 57-60; pas, Milwaukee, Wis, 60-1; ss (Cong), Woodstock, Ct, 61-2; pas, Pough- keepsie, NY, 63-9; wc, Vevey, Switzerland, 69-80; lect (Art), VassarC & Chautauqua Univ, 80-5; pas, Terre Haute, Ind, 85-7; pas (Unit), Camden, NJ, 87-9; res, Munich, Germany, and Brooklyn, NY, 89-1903; d, Munich, Sp 1, 03. U S V-Consul, do, 91-8. *D0ANE, Edward Toppin; b, Staten Island, NY, My 30, 1820; IC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, NY 3d), Fb 26, 54; fm, Ebon Isld, Micronesia, & Caroline Group, 53-75 & 80-90; fm, Kobe, Japan, 75-7; in U S A, 63-5 & 77-9; d, Honolulu, HI, My 15, 90. *DUNNING, Charles Seely; b, Walkill, NY, Ja 31, 1827; WmsC, 48; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Delaware), Nv 8, 58; ss, Binghamton, NY, 52-3; instr (Sac Lit), UTS, 53-7; pas, Franklin, NY, 58-61; pas, Honesdale, Pa, 61-80; ss, Kingston, Pa, 81-4; inv, Metuchen, NJ, 84-5; d, do, Jn 1, 85. DD, LafC, 71. ♦DUNNING, Homer Northrop; b, Brookfield, Ct, Jl 17, 1827; YC, 48; UTS, 49-52; ord (Cong), Dc 2, 52; pas, Gloversville, NY, 52-65; pas, S-Nor- walk, Ct, 66-83; ss, Darien, Ct, 83-5; tea&oc s, S-Norwalk, Ct, 85-97; d, do, Mr 27, 97. *HART, Levi Wells; b, New-Britain, Ct, Jn 7, 1825; YC, 46; tea, Walling- ford, Ct, 46-9; UTS, 49-52; tea, Yonkers, NY, 52; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 52-6; prof, New-Britain, Ct, 56; tea (College Gram Sch), Brooklyn, NY, 57-99; d, Ramsey, NJ, Fb 22, 99. ♦HUDSON, Thomas Davis; b, near Radford, Pulaski Co, Va, Ag 8, 1824; WCVa, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, New River), Jl 30, 53; ss, New- bern, Va, 53-5; d, Wythe Co, Va, Jl 15, 55. ♦LAMAR, Thomas Jefferson; b, Jefferson Co, Tenn, Nv 21, 1826; MvC, 48; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Lexington, Mo), My 1, 54; hm, Platte Co, Mo, 52-5; tea, Savannah, Mo, 55-7; prof, MvC, 57-61; ss, Blount Co, Tenn, 61-85; prof, MvC, Mary ville, Tenn, 66-87; d, do, Mr 20, 87. ♦MURPHY, Elijah Douglas; b, Potsdam, NY, Fb 1, 1818; UNY, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, 4th NY), My 4, 53; cm, Brooklyn, NY, 53-4; ss (Cong), Centrebrook, Ct, 54-5; ss, Indian Orchard, Mass, 56-8; pas, 1852. 67 Avon, Ct, 58-64; U S C Com, 64; pas (Presb), NYCity (Port Soc Ch), 64-88; inv, Montclair, NJ, 88-90; d, do, Ag 14, 90. DD, MvC, 83. ♦MUSSEY, Charles Frederick; b, Hanover, NH, Ja 26, 1826; DC, 48; LTS, 48-9; AndTS, 49-50; stud, Hanover, NH, 50-1; UTS, 51-2; Halle, Ger- many, 52-3; ord (Cong), Mr 26, 54; ss, McConnellsville, O, 54-5; pas (Presb), Westfield, NY, 55-61; pas, Batavia, NY, 61-9; pas, Blue Rap- ids, Kan, 70-6; ag, HighU, 76-7; ss, Leavenworth, Kan, 77-80; ss, Westwood, O, 81-99; hr, Denver, Col, 1900-3; d, do, Ap 3, 03. (MGA.) DD, HighU, 75. NEWTON, Oscar; b, Madison Co, Miss, Nv 19, 1830; MiC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Clinton), Ag 2, 58; tea, Jackson, Miss, 52-6; tea, Summit, Miss, 57-9; tea, Crystal Springs, Miss, 60 — . *PEET, Edward; b, Hartford, Ct, My 28, 1826; UNY, 47; UTS, 49-52; prof, D&DI, NYCity, 48-62; d, do, Ja 27, 62. ♦RICHARDSON, Edgar Morrison; b, Camden Co, NC, Ja 12, 1828; MiC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, So Lexington), Ja, 53; ss, Grenada, Miss, 52-68; pas (Third), Memphis, Tenn, 68-91, & sec, Bd Educ Presb Ch U S, 79-97; d, Memphis, Tenn, Jn 30, 97. DD, KgC, 82. *RICHARDSON, James Monroe; b, Carroll Co, Miss, 1829; MiC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Newton), 53; ss, Marion, Miss, 52-8; tea, Enter- prise, Miss, 58-60; ss, Flower's Place, Miss, 60-1; Conf Army, 62-4; killed in battle, Atlanta, Ga, 64. SEYMOUE, John Alonzo; b, Ridgefield (now N-Monroeville) , O, Jn 21, 1827; AC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Portage), Ja 2, 55; ss&pas, Kent, O, 52-6; ss&pas (Cong), S-Glastenbury, Ct, 56-62; pas, Enfield, Mass, 62-7; d sec, ATS, Cleveland, O, 67-71; d supt, PBPub, do, 71-82; ss (Presb), Parma, O, 82-6; ss, Independence, O, 86-8; ss, Streetsboro, O, 88-94; hr, E-Cleveland, O, 94-1900; hr, Winthrop, Mass, 00—. *SMITH, James Redfield; b, Stamford, NY, Jl 15, 1819; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Galena), My 4, 53; ss, Edgington, 111, 53-4; ss, Elizabeth, 111, 54-62; wc, Pleasant Valley, 111, 63-5; ss, Elizabeth, 111, 65-7; ss, Wins- low, 111, 67-9; wc, Pleasant Valley & Freeport, 111, 69-72; ss, Elizabeth, 111, 73-8; wc & colp, PBPub, Pleasant Valley, 111, 78-82; ss (Oakville), Pleasant Valley, 111, 83-5; oc s, do, 86-7; hr, do, 88-1901; d, do, Nv 25, 01. SMITH, William Spooner; b, Leverett, Mass, Jl 10, 1821; AC, 48; UTS, 49-52; ord (Cong), Ap 27, 54; ss, Prompton & Bethany, Pa, 52-3; pas (Union), NYCity, 54-6; ss, Stratham, NH, 57-8; pas, Guilford, Ct, 59- 65; wc, Needham (Grantville), Mass, 65-72; wc & lit, Newton (Auburn- dale), Mass, 72-1900; res, Worcester, Mass, 00 — . STODDARD, Elijah Woodward; b, Coventry ville, NY, Ap 23, 1820; AC, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jl 11, 52; ss, Hawley, Pa, 52-5; pas, J*' 08 1852. Amenia, NY, 55-60; pas, Angelica, NY, 60-4; pas, Succasunna, NJ, 64—. DD, MvC, 80. *TINDALL, George Phillips; b, Lawrenceville, NJ, Ap 29, 1822; UM, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Presb, Dayton), Ap 27, 53; pas (3d st), Dayton, O, 53-7; pas (Second), Indianapolis, Ind, 57-63; pas, Ypsilanti, Mich, 63- 75; pas, Flint, Mich, 75-81; prin, Placerville, Cal, 81-9; pas (14th st), Sacramento, Cal, 89-93; d, do, Sp 8, 94. *WILLIAMS, Frederick Whitney; b, Kingston, NJ, Jl 22, 1829; UNY, 49; UTS, 49-52; ord (Cong), Fb 8, 54; pas, New-Canaan, Ct, 54-61; trav, Europe, 61; ss, Orient (LI), NY, 62; ss, Black Eock, Ct, 63-70; Europe, 71-5; d, Rome, Italy, Ap 3, 75. 22. CUMBERLAND, William Wildman; b, Lawrenceville, Pa, Sp 17, 1821; MaC, 46; UTS, 49-51; not ord; mechan & invent, Jersey City, NJ; d, New-Albany Ind, Fb 17, 61. *DICKINSON, William Cowper; b, Long Meadow, Mass, Ja 26, 1827; AC, 48; tea, Monson, Mass, 48-9; UTS, 49-51; tut, AC, 51-2; AndTS, 52-3; ord (Cong), Ap 12, 54; pas, Middleboro, Mass, 54-6; ss (Hanover, Presb), Wilmington, Del, 56; ss, Gloucester, Mass, 56-7; pas, Kenosha, Wis, 58-9; pas (First, Presb), & prof, LFU, Lake Forest, 111, 59-67; ss (Calvary), Chicago, 111, 68; pas (Cong), Battle Creek, Mich, 70-2; pas (Second, Presb), La Fayette, Ind, 72-82; pas, College Hill, O, 84-7; oc s, Evanston, 111, 87-96; hr, do, 96-9; d, do, Mr 12, 99. DD, WabC, 76. *EDSON, Henry Kingman; b, Hadley, Mass, Oc 5, 1822; AC, 44; prin, Had- ley, Mass, 44-9; UTS, 49; AndTS, 50-1; TIC, 51-2; ord (Cong), Ap 25, 81; ss, Westhampton, Mass, 52; prin, Denmark, Io, 52-79; Europe, 78-9; prof (Pedagogy), IaC, 79-92; res, Grinnell, Io, 92-1906; d, do, Mr 13, 06. *HATCH, Junius Loring; b, Hopkinton, NH, My 1, 1825; AC, 49; UTS, 49-50; YTS, 50-1; ord (Cong), Ja 26, 54; ss, Gloucester, Mass, 54-6; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 56; ss, Hingham, Mass, 56-8; tea, Brooklyn & NY City, 58-9; ss, Dighton, Mansfield, & Westboro, Mass; ss (Unit), Con- cord, NH, 64-5; ag, NYCity, 70-1; ed, Boston, Mass, 72; tea, Santa Clara, Cal, 74-6; prin, Colma, Cal, 76-80; elk Custom House, San Fran- cisco, Cal, 80-90; commr of immigra, do, 90-4; res, San Jose & Oak- land, Cal, 94-1903; d, Fruitville, Cal, Ja 26, 03. *HEDGES, Henry Condict; b, Newark, NJ, My 10, 1828; YC, 48; UTS, 49-50; trade, NYCity, 51-9; d, Newark, NJ, Fb 25, 59. *HILL, Isaac Newton; b, New-Paltz, NY, My 19, 1828; MU, 49; UTS, 49- 50; ord (Bap), Sp 10, 50; pas, Cross River, NY, 50-2; pas, Dover Plains, NY, 52-4; pas, Albany, NY, 54-6; pas, Bridgeport, Ct, 56-7; pas, Eliza- 1852. 09 beth, NJ, 57-9; pas, New-Market, NJ, 59-65; pas, Jersey ville, 111, 65- 71; pas, Macomb, 111, 71-3; pas, S-Dover, NY, 73-80; pas&prin, Clin- ton, NJ, 80-5; tea (Prep Dept, LU, now BucknellU), 85-7; pas, Ledge- wood, NJ, 87-92; tea, Danbury, Ct, 92-4; d, do, Mr 25, 94. ♦HOWARD, James Barber; b, Pittsfield, Mass, Nv 18, 1827; WmsC, 49; UTS, 49-50; AndTS, 51-2; ord (Cong), Dc 12, 54; pas, Eockport, Me, 54-5; d, Pittsfield, Mass, Ja 16, 56. ♦HURLBUT, Joseph, Jr; b, NYCity, Fb 19, 1828; YC, 49; UTS, 49-50; tut, BelC, Beloit, Wis, 50-1; AndTS, 51-2; tut, YC, New-Haven, Ct, 52-4; d, Paris, France, Jl 4, 55. ♦JUDD, John Frelinghuysen; b, Bloomfield, NJ, Nv, 1825; UNY, 44; tea, 44-9; UTS, 49-50; tea, Berkshire, NY, 50-2; inv, do, 52-9; d, do, Fb 12, 59. *McNULTY, John; b, Killalla, Irel, Jn 29, 1829; BelfC, 49; NbgTS, 49-50; UTS, 50-1; PTS, 51-2; ord (Presb, Milwaukee), Fb 24, 54; ss, Donald- son, Pa, 52-3; hm, Richmond City, Wis, 53-4; ss, Dekorra, Wis, 54-61; d, do, My 15, 61. *NEWBANKS, John; b, Chazy, NY, Ag 30, 1824; WmsC, 49; UTS, 49-50; AubTS, 50-2; ord (Presb, Troy), Jn 29, 53; pas, Chester, NY, 53-4; lun asylum, Utica, NY, 55-9; Renss Co Lun Asylum (Marshall In- firmary), Troy, NY, 59-93; d, do, Ag 29, 93. *NORTH, Josiah Wilcox; b, Berlin, Ct, Fb 10, 1827; HC, 48; UTS, 49-50; YTS, 50-2; ord (Cong), Sp 22, 52; ss, Geneseo, 111, 52-4; ss, Como, 111, 55-6;. wc, Middletown, Ct, 56-68; insane, do, 68-82; d, do, Dc 13, 82. PATRICK, Henry Johnson; b, Warren, Mass, Sp 20, 1827; AC, 48; UTS, 49-51; AndTS, 52-3; ord (Cong), Nv 16, 54; pas, Bedford, Mass, 54-60; pas, W-Newton, Mass, 60-94; pas emer, do, 94 — . DD, AC, 90. ♦PECK, Thomas Ruggles Gold; b, Whitesboro, NY, Fb 28, 1831; YC, 48; UTS, 49-51; trav, Europe, 52-3; as ed, NYCity, 53-4; ord (RD, CI, NY), Ap 18, 54; pas, Richmond (SI), NY, 54-9; pas, Charleston, SC, 59-64; pas, Hastings-upon-Hudson, NY, 65-82; pas (Presb), Waterville, NY, 82-92; pas, Pt Jefferson, NY, 94-1905; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 18, 05. ♦SLOAN, Isaac Oliver; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 15, 1821; JefC, 42; UTS, 49-50; ord (Presb, Hanover), Mr 12, 57; ss, New-Kent Co, Va, 52-6; pas, Talleysville, Va, 56-61; post ch, U S Army, 61-5; ss, Marine, Minn, 67-9; pas, Belle Plaine, Minn, 69-74; ss, Bismarck, ND, 74-8; wc, Phila- delphia, Pa, 78; ss, Mandan, ND, 79-84; wc, do, 85; ss, do, & Glencoe, ND, 86-93; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 94-5; hr, do, 96-9; d, do, Oc 27, 99. ♦THAYER, David Haven; b, Heath, Mass, My 21, 1825; UC, 49; UTS, 49- 50; YTS, 50-2; ord (Cong), Ja 5, 53; pas, Mt Carmel, Ct, 53-66; pas, E-Windsor, Ct, 66-78; pas (Irvingite), Enfield, Ct, 78-82; d, do, Sp 19, 82. 70 1852-1853. *TOLLES, Cornelius Williams; b, Newark, N J, 1828; CNJ, 48; UTS, 49-51; lit, Newark, N J, 51-61; U S Army, 61-4 ; d, of wounds, near Winchester, Va, Nv 7, 64. WOODHULL, George Spafford; b, NYCity, Jl 25, 1829; UNY, 48; UTS, 49-50; PTS, 50-2; ord (Presb, W-Jersey), My 18, 53; ss&pas, Point Pleasant, W-Va, 53-61; ch, U S Army, 61-4; ss (Cong), Tinmouth, Vt, 65-8; ss, Cambridge, Wis, 69-71; prin, Flemington, NJ, 71-4; pas (Presb), Marinette, Wis, 75-83; ss, E-Saginaw, Mich, 83-8; pas, Mar- lette, & ss, Flynn, Mich, 89-92; ev, E-Saginaw, Mich, 93-9; hr, Sag- inaw, Mich, 1900-7; ag, St Bd Cor & Char, do, 05-7; hr, Detroit, Mich, 07—. DD, NYU, 89. 18. 1853. *ADAMS, Carson Wilson; b, Wilmington, Del, Nv 29, 1825; DC, 50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 26, 53; pas, Pole Green & Salem Chh, Va, 54-7; pas, Thompson ville, Ct, 57-69; ss, Mahopac Falls, NY, 69-71; pas, Waterville, NY, 71-4; pas, NYCity (W-Farms), 75-9; engaged in the work of an ev, 79-87; d, London, Eng, Ag 28, 87. DD, MvC, 78. *BARTLETT, Peter Mason; b, Salisbury, Ct, Fb 6, 1820; WmsC, 50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong), Ag, 53; ag, ATS, S-W-Ohio, Cincinnati, O, 53-4; pas (Presb), Circleville, O, 54-7; pas, Lansingburgh, NY, 58-60; ss, Flush- ing (LI), NY, 60-2; ch (NY Mounted Pines), U S Army, 62-4; pas, Windsor Locks, Ct, 66-9; prest & prof (Phil & Theol), MvC, Mary ville, Tenn, 69-87; wc, do, 87-1901; d, do, Oc 22, 1901. DD, DC, 72; LLD, B1U, 94. •BOING, Elias Levi; b, NYCity, Oc 31, 1824; UNY, 50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Sp 1, 53; fm, Choctaws, Ind Ter, 53-5; ss (Cong), Almont, Mich, 55-6; ss (Presb), Durham, NY, 56-64; pas, Angelica, NY, 64-8; ag, PCCE, 68-9; fin ag, MvC, 69-71; pas, Federalsburgh, Md, 71-9; pas, Durham, NY, 79-85; inv, Green Village, NJ, 85-92; d, do, Oc 27, 92. *BRODT, John Henry; b, Troy, NY, Jl 2, 1827; UTS, 50-3; res lie, 53-4; ord (Presb, Troy), Jn 29, 54; hm&ss, Columbia, Cal, 54-5; ed, San Francisco, Cal, 56; ss (Cong), Petaluma, Cal, 58-62; ss (Presb), Mary- ville, Cal, 62-4; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 64; ss, Salem, NY, 65-7; pas (Cong), Brooklyn, NY, 67-72; wc, Dansville, NY, 73-5; d, do, Sp 8, 75. CRAWFORD, Levi Parsons; b, Lincoln Co, Tenn, My 20, 1823; IC, 48; tut, IC, 48-50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jn 23, 53; ag, ASSU, 111, 53-6; pas, Sandwich & Somonauk, 111, 56-65; ch, U S Army, 62; pas, Somonauk, 111, 65-70; pas, Lincoln, 111, 70-8; ss, Farmer City, Mansfield & Towanda, 111, 78-82; ss, Pasadena, Cal, 82-4; ss, Pomona, Cal, 85; ss, San Pedro, Cal, 86; ss, Lamanda Park, Cal, 89-90; ss, New- hall, Cal, 92; ev&wc, Pasadena, Cal, 86 — . 1853. 71 *DUNN, Richard Chapman; b, Augusta, Ga, Sp 6, 1821; KC, 47; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong), Mr 19, 54; ss, Dewitt & Jamesville, NY, 53-4; ss, Peoria, 111, 54; pas, Toulon, 111, 55-67; ss, Oneida, 111, 67-8; d, do, My 24, 68. •GOODELL, Edwin; b, Westminster, Vt, Jl 19, 1824; DC, 50; UTS, 50-3; res lie, 53-4; ord (Cong), Jn 12, 54; fm, Smyrna, Asia, 54-5; inv, Hart- ford, Vt, 55-6; inv, Birmingham & Bloomfield, Mich, 56-63; d, Bloom- field, Mich, Sp 29, 63. •GOULD, George Henry; b, Oakham, Mass, Fb 20, 1827; AC, 50; UTS, 50-1; AndTS, 51-2; UTS, 52-3; ord (Cong), Nv 16, 62; ss, Waukegan, Wis, 53; ss, Kenosha, Wis, 54; ev, 55-6; trav, Europe, 57; ev, 58-62; ss, Springfield, Mass, 62-4; pas, Hartford, Ct, 64-70; ss, Worcester, Mass, 72-6; ss, do, 78-80; wc, do, 80-99; d, do, My 8, 99. DD, AC, 70. •HAZEN, Timothy Allyn; b, W-Springfield, Mass, Jn 24, 1826; WmsC, 49; TIC, 51-2; UTS, 52-3; ord (Cong), Oc 11, 54; tea, Lenox, Mass, 49-51; 53-4; pas, Dal ton, Mass, 54-9; ss, Broad brook, Ct, 59-63; pas, S-Egre- mont, Mass, 63-9; pas, Housatonic, Mass, 69-72; pas, Goshen, Ct, 72- 83; ss, Curtisville, Mass, 83-9; wc, Gt Barrington, Mass, 89-94; do, Springfield, Mass, 94-1905; d, do, Jl 15, 05. *JESUP, Henry Griswold; b, Westport, Ct, Ja 23, 1826; YC, 47; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong, Fairfield W Asso), Ap 26, 54; pas, Stanwich, Ct, 53-62; inv, Minnesota, 62-3; do, Amherst, Mass, 63-76; prof (Nat Hist and Bot) DC, Hanover, NH, 77-99; d, do, Jn 15, 03. *LOCKWOOD, Vernette Le Boy; b, Eochester, NY, Dc 12, 1825; KC, 50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong), Dc 29, 53; ss, Galena, 111, 53; pas, Granville, 111, 54-9; pas (Presb), Bahway, NJ, 59-64; ev, Brooklyn, NY, 64-5; pas, Durham, NY, 65-9; pas, NY Mills, NY, 69-75; ss, Hillsdale, Mich, 75-80; ss, Ann Arbor, Mich, 80-5; oc s & inv, Bloomfield, NJ, 85-90; hr, do, 90-1903; d, do, Jl 10, 03. DD, HC, 77. LOOMIS, Samuel; b, Twinsburgh, O, Fb 8, 1829; WRC, 49; tea, Richfield, NY, 49-50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, Pataskala), Sp 22, 57; ag, ATS, Athens, Ga, 53-4; temp s (Cong), Cuyahoga Falls, O, 54-5; oc s, Grin- nell, Io, 55-7; ss, Roseville & New-Lexington, O, 57-8; pas, Rensselaer- ville, NY, 59-63; pas, Vineland, NJ, 63-5; hm&tea, Chester, SC, 66-92; wc, Tryon City, NC, 93 — . Res, San Francisco, Cal. t •MARTIN, Charles Finney; b, Rome, NY, Dc 12, 1826; KC, 46; tea, Lis- bon, 111, 46-50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong), Jn 25, 54; fm (AMA) to Copts, Cairo, Egypt, 54-8; pas, Peru, 111, 59-63; d sec, ATS (of Boston), Nash- ville, Tenn, 63-4; d, do, Fb 7, 64. •MAYO, Warren; b, Guilford, NY, Nv 1, 1825; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, Delaware), Ja 4, 54; ss, Stamford, NY, 53-8; ss, Minneola, Kan, 58-9; ss, Ludlow, Mass, 60-2; pas, Danby, NY, 62-6; pas, Lodi, Wis, 66-72; 72 1853. pas, Baxter Springs, Kan, 72-7; ss, Girard, Kan, 77-80; ss, Mankato, Kan, 80-92; pas, Rocky Ford, Col, 92-1900; pas, emer, do, 00-05; d, do, My 5, 05. *McCAMPBELL, John; b, Dandridge, Tenn, Oc 29, 1825; MvC, 49; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, Tennessee), Jn 26, 53; ss, Auburn, Miss, 53-7; ss, Lexington, Miss, 57-72; ch, Conf Army, 63-5; pas, Monroe, La, 72-4; pas, Grenada, Miss, 74-8; d, Canton, Miss, Sp 15, 78. DD, KgC, 75. McMAHON, James John; b, Tyrone, Irel, Dc 10, 1825; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Dc 4, 53; pas (Duval st), Richmond, Va, 53-9; pas, Marion, Va, 59-64; wc, N-Haverstraw, NY, 64-6; pas, Stony Point, NY, and (First), Haverstraw, NY, 66-76; pas, Haverstraw, NY, 76-97; temp sup, do, 1902 — . Res, W-Haverstraw, NY. PEFFERS, Aaron Burr; b, NYCity, Jn 27, 1826; UNY, 50; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong, E-Fairfield Consoc), My 28, 55; pas, New-Fairfield, Ct, 55-8; ss (Presb), Carlton Centre, NY, 58-60; pas (Cong), Epsom, NH, 60-5; pas, N-Wrentham, Mass, 65-8; pas, Schodack, NY, 69-73; ss, Dracut, Mass, 74-5; pas, Barkhamsted, Ct, 77-80; pas, Hillsborough, NH, 81-4; pas, Peru, Vt, 84-8; pas, W-Hawley, Mass, 88-92; pas, Douglas, Mass, 92-6; wc, Stoneham, Mass, 96 — . *REID, John; b, Edinburgh, Scotl, Ap 29, 1820; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, L Island), Ap 19, 54; pas, Franklinville (LI), NY, 53-60; pas, New- Haven, NY, 61-7; pas, Angelica, NY, 67-74; ss, Youngstown, NY, 74- 83; ss, Pike, NY, 83-6; ss, Clarkson, NY, 89-90; wc, Warsaw, NY, 87-8, 91-7; d, do, Ja 2, 97. *ROY, Joseph Edwin; b, Martinsburgh, O, Fb 7, 1827; KC, 48; UTS, 50-3; ord (Cong), Oc 15, 53; pas, Brimfield, 111, 53-5; pas (Plymouth), Chi- cago, 111, 55-60; d sec, AHMS, Chicago, 111, 60-78; ag, AMA, Atlanta, Ga, 78-85; do, Chicago, 111, 85-1908; d, do, Mr 4, 08. DD, KC, 70. *SWIFT, Alfred Brown; b, St Albans, Vt, Sp 3, 1827; UVt, 47; UTS, 49-51, 52-3; ord (Presb, Troy), Ja 7, 55; pas, Middle Granville, NY, 55-61; ss (Cong), Enosburgh, Vt, 61-84; d, do, My 2, 84. *UHLFELDER, Sigismund; b, Linkersheim, Bavaria, Sp 28, 1818; OkC, 48; UTS, 50-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 20, 53; ss, Lower Liberty, O, 53-5; ss, Marine, 111, 56-7; ss, Westfleld, Wis, 57-9; ss, Sherill's Mount, Io, 59*62; book trade, NYCity, 62-84; d, do, Jn 26, 84. WHITE, Theodore Frelinghuysen; b, NYCity, Jl 11, 1830; UNY, 49; UTS, 49-50, 51-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ja 4, 54; ss, Greenville, NY, 53-6; pas, Mendham, NJ, 56-60; ss, NYCity, 60-1; ev, Jersey City, NJ, 61-3; pas, Delhi, NY, 63-5; pas, Ithaca, NY, 65-77; ev, Morristown, NJ, 77-83; pas, Summit, NJ, 83-1902; pas, emer, do, 03—. DD, MvC, 71. 22. 1853-1854. 73 fASH, Joseph R; b, Philadelphia, Pa, 1827; DelC, 49; UTS, 50-1; ord (Bap); pas, Terre Haute, Ind. *BENT, Joseph Avery; b, Middlebury, Vt, Ap 22, 1823; MC, 45; prin, Union Co, Ind, 45-7; prin, Ac Dep, KC, Galesburg, 111, 47-9; tut, MC, 49-50; UTS, 50-1; AndTS, 51-3; ord (Cong), Nv 1, 54; ss, Stowe, Vt, 53-4; pas, Cornwall, Vt, 54-6; ss&tea„ Hoyleton, 111, 57-66; prof, WhC, Wheaton, 111, 66-71; ag, Kan, 71-6; coloniz ag & agric, Neb, Tex & Cal, 76-1906; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ja 18, 06. •CALDWELL, George Aiken; b, near Newmarket, Tenn, Fb 10, 1825; MvC; UTS, 50-1; ord (Presb, Union), Ag 28, 52; ss&pas, Athens, Tenn, 52- 65; ch, Conf Army, 63-5; pas, Bristol, Tenn, 65-93; wc, do, 93 — ; d, Jl 2, 96. DD, KgC, .91. •COLLINS, Charles Jewett; b, Wilkesbarre, Pa, Jn 25, 1825; WmsC, 45; UTS, 50; PTS, 51-4; prin, Wilkesbarre, Pa, 55-6; ord (Presb, North- umberland), Dc 31, 56; pas, Danville, Pa, 57-65; supt, P Schools, Wilkesbarre, Pa, 65-74; prin, Coll Prep School, Princeton, NJ, 74-80; prin, Rye, NY, 80-4; ev, NYCity, 84-1906; d, do, Mr 19, 06. •HOPKINS, Judson Hawley; b, NYCity, Sp 29, 1830; RC, 50; UTS, 50-1; PTS, 51-3; ord (Presb, No River), Dc 19, 60; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 53-4; wc, Ravenswood (LI), NY, 54-9; pas, Newburgh, NY, 60-4; wc, Ravens- wood (LI), NY, 65-70; sm, do, 70-2; wc, do, 72-92; hr, Rye, NY, 92-7; d, do, Jl 11, 97. •SHAW, Francis N; b, Foxboro, Mass, Ja 10, 1824; AndTS, 50-1; UTS, 51; d, Washington, DC, Mr 8, 54. •SILBER, William Beinhauer; b, NYCity, Nv 22, 1826; WU, 50; UTS, 50-1; ord (ME), Sp 2, 72; prof, CCNY, 51-70; pres, Coll, Albion, Mich, 70-1; prin, Detroit, Mich, 71-3; do, NYCity, 73-1906; d, do, My 5, 06. PhD, NYU, 68; MD, Detroit Horn Coll, 73; LLD, IWU, 74. •TRAVER, Allen; b, Claverack, NY, Dc 11, 1826; PaC, 51; HkS, 51-2; UTS, 52; AubTS, 53-4; ord (Ev Lu, Hartwick Synod), Sp 5, 54; ss (Presb), La Fayette, NY, 55-7; ss, Ludlowville, NY, 57-61; ss, Belmont, NY, 61-3; pas, Corfu, NY, 65-8; pas, Middle Granville, NY, 68-71; pas, Wampsville, NY, 73-6; pas, Dresden, NY, 76-8; ed, Rochester, NY, 78- 84; pas, Junius, NY, 84-5; wc, Rochester,' NY, 85-9; d, do, Jl 17, 87. 8. 1854. •BEEBEE, Albert Graham; b, Hartwick, NY, Jl 3, 1826; AC, 50; UTS, 51-2; AndTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, Chenango), Jn 20, 54; fm, Marash, Turk, 54-9; pas, Pleasant Mount & Unionville, Pa, 60-2; ss, Hancock, NY, 62-3; pas, Manitowoc, Wis, 64-5; ss, Geneva, 111, 65-7; 74 1854. wc, Chicago, 111, 68-9; wc, Lombard, 111, 69-70; ss, Spring Lake, Mich, 70-2; ss, Milford, NY, 73-4; ss, E-Worcester, NY, 74-6; ss, Stephen- town, NY, 77-8; wc, Pittsfield, Mass, 79; ss (Cong), Curtisville, Mass, 80-4; ss, Middlefield, Mass, 84-6; ss, Southwick, Mass, 86-7; wc, Spring- field, Mass, 88-92; pas, Warwick, Mass, 93-4; pas, W-Hawley, Mass, 94-6; res, Springfield, Mass, 96-9; d, NYCity, Dc 5, 99. CALDWELL, William Edward; b, Charlestown, Mass, Jn 6, 1825; KC, 48- 51; UTS, 51-4; ord (Cong, Barnstable Conf), Fb 10, 63; ss (Presb), De Witt, NY, 54-6; inv, 57-61; ss (Cong), S-Wellfleet, Mass, 62-5; ss, Lodi, Mich, 66-71; ss, Somerset, Mich, 71-4; ss, Clio, Mich, 74-6; ss, Pentwater, Mich, 76-80; ss, Rockford, Mich, 80-1; ch (Hse of Correct, Ionia, Miss, 81-3; ss, Onondaga, Mich, 83-4; ss (Presb), Saline, Mich, 84-90; ss, Whittaker, Mich, 90-8; res, Ann Arbor, Mich, 90 — . *CARROLL, James Monroe; b, Arcadia, NY, Ap 21, 1828; AC, 47-50; WU, 51; UTS, 51-4; tea, E-Greenwich, HI, 54-7; ord (ME), Ap 2, 59; pas, Providence, EI, 57-8; pas, Westville, Ct, 59-60; pas, Bloomfield, Ct, 61-2; pas, NYCity, 63; pas, New-Canaan, Ct, 64-6; pas, Bridgeport, Ct, 67-9; pas, Mt Vernon, NY, 70-2; pas, Mianus, NY, 73; pas, New- Canaan, NY, 74-6; pas, Ansonia, Ct, 77; pas, Westville, Ct, 78-9; pas, do, & Bethany, Ct, 80; pas, Forestville, Ct, 81-3; pas, Port Washington (LI), NY, 84; pas, Westport, Ct, 85-6; pas, Milford, Ct, 87-9; pas, Georgetown, Ct, 90-2; pas, Darien, Ct, 93-5; pas, New-Eochelle, NY, 96-7; superan, N-Haven, Ct, 97-1901; d, do, Dc 5, 01. *COLLINS, Varnum Daniel; b, Brockport, NY, My 13, 1827; WabC, 50; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 17, 55; fm, Rio Janeiro, B, 55-6; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 56-7; ag, ABS, S-America, 58-60; ss, Washington, DC, 60-4; agr ag-, U S Gov, China, 64-5; wc, London, Eng, 66-91; wc, Princeton, NJ, 92-3; wc, Washington, DC, 94-1900; d, do, Ja 9, 00. *CONE, Luther Hart; b, Bristol, Ct, Fb 19, 1824; YC, 47; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ap 5, 55; hm, Indian Orchard, Mass, 54-5; ss&pas (Third Cong), Chicopee, Mass, 56-67; pas (Olivet), Springfield, Mass, 67-1900; wc, New Haven, Ct, 00-6; d, do, Ap 7, 06. DUDLEY, LaFayette; b, Bath, NY, Jl 2, 1825; AC, 51; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, Iowa City), Fb 8, 57; tea, Davenport, Io, 54-5; pas, Cedar Eapids, Io, 56-9; ss, Atalissa, Io, 59-61; tea, Bath, NY, 62-4; tea, Corn- wall, Ct, 65-76; ev, do, 76-8; ss, Freeman, Sharon, & Bethel, Mo, 78-80; ss, Lyndon, Kan, 80-1; ss, Big Creek, Kan, 81-2; ss, Hartford & Elmen- daro, Kan, 82-3; ev, Hartford, Kan, 83-94; ev, Toledo, O, 95-7; ev, Longmont, Col, 98; hr, Plattville, Wis, 99—. (MGA.) . *EAGLETON, George Ewing; b, Murfreesboro, Tenn, Dc 31, 1831; UU, 51; SWTS, 51-3; UTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, Newton), Ap 8, 55; ss, Macon & Cooksville, Miss, 55-6; ss, Kichland & Cornersville, Tenn, 56-7; ss, Swan Creek & Petersburgh, Tenn, 57-61; ch, Conf Army, 61-3; ss, New-Market, Tenn, 63-4; ss, Concord, NC, 65-8; pas, Mt Holly, Ark, 1854. 75 68-78; prin, Ouachita, Ark, 78-84; ss, Ladonia & Cooper, Tex, 84-99; d, do, Ap 12, 99. FREAK, Walter;* b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Ag 16, 1828; YC, 51; UTS, 51-2; AndTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; post grad, YTS, 54-5; ord (Presb, Ithaca), Oc 17, 55; ss, Iowa City, Cal, 55-6; pas e, Placerville, Cal, 56-61; pas e (Cong), Grass Valley, Cal, 62-4; pas, Santa Cruz, Cal, 64-70; pas, Hono- lulu, HI, 70-81; pas e, Oakland, Cal, 82-7; State sec, Cong Ch Bldg Soc, San Francisco, Cal, 88-91; gen ag (ABCFM), Pacific Coast, 92-1904; res, Oakland, Cal. ♦HASKELL, Thomas Nelson; b, Mina, Chautauqua Co, NY, Ja 20, 1826; MiU, 51; UTS, 51-2; AndTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, DC), Fb 7, 55; pas, Washington, DC, 54-8; pas (Cong), E-Boston, Mass, 58-62; pas (Presb), E-Boston, Mass, 62-6; prof, UW, 67-9; pas (Cong), Aurora, 111, 69-73; lit, Denver, Col, 73-1906; d, do, Ag 6, 06. LHD, MiU, 96. •KARR, William Stevens; b, Newark, NJ, Ja 9, 1829; AC, 51; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Sp 26, 54; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 54-67; pas (Cong), Chicopee, Mass, 67-8; pas, Keene, NH, 68-72; pas, Cambridge, Mass, 73-6; prof, TIC, Hartford, Ct, 76-88; d, do, Mr 4, 88. DD, AC, 76. ♦KELLOGG, Martin; b, Vernon, Ct, Mr 15, 1828; YC, 50; UTS, 51-2; AndTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; res lie, YTS, 54-5; ord (Cong), Oc 2, 55; ss, Shasta, Cal, 55-7; pas, Grass Valley, Cal, 57-60; prof, CalC, Oakland, Cal, 60-9; prof, UCal, Berkeley, Cal, 69-93; acting pres, do, 90-3; pres, do, 93-9; prof, do, 99-1903; d, do, Ag 26, 1903. LLD, YC, 93. ♦LARKIN, Ethan Pendleton; b, Westerly, RI, Sp 20, 1828; OC, 52; UTS, 51-4; ord (7th D Bap), My 28, 54; prin, Shiloh, NY, 48-51; prof (Latin), AlfU, 54-7; prin, Milwaukee, Wis, 57-61; trade, Peru, S-Am, 61-71; prof (Lat & Gk), AlfU, 73-6; do (Nat Hist), do, 76-87; d, do, Ag 23, 87. PhD, AlfU, 82. •LEO, Patrick J; b, Ireland, 1827; UTS, 51-4; ord (Ep), 58; ag, A&FCU, Boston, Mass, 54-7; rec, Annsdown, Irel, 58-64; d, do, Oc, 64. *LOUNSBURY, Henry Axtell; b, Ovid, NY, Oc 26, 1827; UC, 49; AubTS, 51-3; UTS, 53-4; ord (Cong), Fb 13, 56; pas, Seabrook, NH, 56-7; ss, Beverly, Mass, 58-9; ss, Wilton, Me, 60-2; ss, Richmond, Me, 62-4; ss, Barnstable (Hyannis), Mass, 66-9; wc, Boston, Mass, 69-70; ss, Shirley Village, Mass, 70-7; wc, Boston, Mass, 78-82; ss, Mid Granville, NY, 82-3; wc, do, 84; wc, San Diego, Cal, 85; wc, San Francisco, Cal, 86-7; ss (Memorial), do, 88-9; wc, do, 90-8; d, do, Oc 4, 98. *LUDDEN, Waldo Whitney; b, Williamsburg, Mass, Ap 2, 1827; WmsC, 51; UTS, 51-4; ss, Magnolia, To, 56 ; tea&ss, do, 57; US Army, 62-5; agric, Ord, Valley Co, Neb, 65-86; fruit grower, Beaumont, Cal, 86-1904; d, do, Nv 10, 04. ♦LYONS, Jerre Lorenzo; b, Montrose, Pa, Ap 18, 1824; WmsC, 51; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, Montrose), Nv 9, 54; fm, Beirut, Syria, 55-6; fm, 76 1854. Tripoli, Syria, 56-61; fm, Sidon, Syria, 61-3; inv, S-Berwick, Me, 65- 71; inv, Montrose, Pa, 71; supt & d sec, ABS, Jacksonville, Fla, 72-86; pas e, Waldo, Hawthorn, & Palmer, Fla, 86-8; d, ^Jacksonville, Fla, Mr 1,88. DD, MvC, 87. McELROY, William Thomas; b, near Lebanon, Ky, Dc 29, 1829; CrC, 50; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, Providence, Ky), Sp 30, 54; ss, New-Providence, Ky, 54-7; ss, Paris, Ky, 57-60; pas, Maysville, Ky, 60-2; ss (Walnut st), Louisville, Ky, 62-8; pas (Westminster), do, 68-70; ev, do, 70-2; ss, Perry ville, Ky, 72-80; ev, Louisville, Ky, 80-93; pas, Lee's Summit, Mo, 93-5; pas, Woodlawn, Ala, 95-7; ss, Winchester, Ky, 99-1901; wc, do, 02-3; ss & pas (Broad St), Mobile, Ala, 04—. (MGA.) *MERRIMAN, William Edward; b, Hinsdale, Mass, Oc 20, 1825; WmsC, 50; UTS, 51-4; ord (Cong), Ja 13, 57; ss&pas, Batavia, 111, 54-7-60; ss, Green Bay, Wis, 61-3; prest, RipC, Ripon, Wis, 63-79; wc, Provi- dence, RI, 80; wc, Portland, Me, 81; pas, Somerville, Mass, 82-7; oc s & lit, Boston, Mass, 89-92; d, do, Ag 1, 92. DD, WmsC, 74. MOSELEY, John Watkins; b, Fredericktown, Mo, Nv 14, 1828; LTS, 51-3; UTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, Clinton), My, 54; hm, Oneida Co, NY, 54; hm, Deerfield, La, 55-6; hm, Richland, La, 56-7; hm, Deerfield, La, 57-8; ss, Delhi, La, 60-3; ss, Shreveport, La, 63-5; tea, in Va, 65-9; ss, Enon, Miss, 69-74; ss, Garlandsville, Miss, 74-80; ss, Blooxnfleld & DeKalb, Miss, 80-6; ss, Ellisville, La, 87; ss, Vernal & Salem, Miss, 88; ss, Delhi, Union & Oak Ridge, La, 89; ss, Ready ville, Woodbury, Porter- field & Cripple Creek, Tenn, 89-91; ev, Hamburg, Calvary & Pine Prairie, Ark, 91; ss, Johnsville & Wilmot, Ark, 91 — . Addr, Ham- burg, Ark. *OVERTON, Floyd; b, Holtsville, NY, Nv 6, 1822; AC, 51; UTS, 51-4; ss, Elmwood, 111, 54-5; d, do, Ag 22, 55. *RICHARDSON, Sanford; b, near Zanesville, O, Mr 10, 1825; KC, 46; tea & colp, 111, 46-51; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, Peoria & Knox), Jn 25, 54; fm (ABCFM), Erzroom, Turk, 54-6; fm, Arabkir, Turk, 56-65; USA, 65; fm, Broosa, Turk, 66-79; inv, Boston, Mass, 80; do, St Johnsbury, Vt, 81-2; do, Cazenovia, 111, 82-6; d, do, Fb 2, 86. *SEYMOUR, Ova Hoyt; b, Syracuse, NY, Sp 14, 1826; UM, 47-50; UC, 51; UTS, 51-4; ord (Presb, Delaware), Jn 13, 55; pas, Deposit, NY, 54-7; pas, Cortland, NY, 57-63; ch (157th NY Vol), U S Army, 63-5; wc, Cortland, NY, 65; pas, Hammondsport, NY, 65-9; pas, Trumansburgh, NY, 69-77; pas, Onondaga Valley, NY, 77-80; pas, Port Byron, NY, 80-4; wc, Auburn & Syracuse, NY, 84-9; d, Syracuse, NY, Sp 8, 89. *SKINNER, Thomas Edward; b, Harvey's Neck, NC, Ap 29, 1825; UNC, 47; UTS, 51-4; ord (Bap), My 20, 54; pas, Petersburgh, Va, 54-5; pas (First), Raleigh, NC, 55-67; pas (First), Nashville, Tenn, 67-70; pas, Columbus, Ga, 70-2; pas, Athens, Ga, 72-5; pas, Macon, Ga, 75-9; pas, 1854. 77 Raleigh, NC, 79-86; prof (Theol), Shaw Univ, do, 87-90; wc, do, 90- 1905; d, do, Ap 6, 05. DD, Furman Univ, Tenn, 66. STARBUCK, Charles Casey; b, Boston, Mass, Dc 4, 1827; OC, 49; OTS, 51-2; UTS, 52-4; ord (Cong), Oc 11, 55; fm (AMA), Jamaica, WI, 55- 61; tea, NYCity, 61-4; instr (Gk), AndTS, 64-5; do (Hebr), UTS, 65-6; fm, Jamaica, WI, 66-71; tea, Berea, Ky, 71-2; pas, Wittemberg, Io, 73-4; pas, Columbus and Genoa, Neb, 74-9; pas, Claridon, O, 79-83; wc & lit, Andover, Mass, 83 — . ♦ZELIE, John Sheridan; b, Franklin, NY, Oc 27, 1824; AC, 51; BTS, 51-3; UTS, 53-4; ord (Cong), My 20, 55; ss, Mokelumne Hill, Cal, 55-7; ss, Santa Cruz, Cal, 57-60; ss, Redwood City, Cal, 61-3; ss, Princeton, Mass, 64-6; d, do, Ag 21, 66. 25. •BASSETT, William Elliott; b, Derby, Ct, My 24, 1829; YC, 50; UTS, 51-2; YTS, 52-4; res lie, do, 54-5; ord (Cong), Oc 14, 56; pas, Central Village, Ct, 56-9; wc, Andover, Mass, 60-1; ss, N-Manchester, Ct, 61-3; ss&pas, Warren, Ct, 63-75; wc, New-Haven, Ct, 75-9; ss, Bethlehem, Ct, 79-81; pas, N-Canaan, Ct, 81; d, Norfolk, Ct, Nv 6, 81. *BOLTON, James; b, Doe Run, Pa, Dc 26, 1826; UC, 51; UTS, 51-3; ord (RD), My 3, 56; pas, Fordham, NY, 56-65; pas, Colt's Neck, NJ, 65-78; wc, do, 78-82; pas, Greenville, NY, 82-4; pas, West Farms, NY, 84-8; pas, Lodi, NJ, 88-90; pas, Stanton, NJ, 90-5; wc, Roycefield, NJ, 95- 1900; res, Millstone, NJ, 00-5; d, do, Oc 4, 05. BOURNE, Theodore; b, Mt Pleasant, NY, Mr 2, 1822; UTS, 51-3; gen ag, AFCU, West NY, 55; prin, Staten Island, NY, 56-8; sec, Af Civ Soc, NYCity, 58-60; sec, do, London, Eng, 60; ag, AMA, & sec, Freedm Mis Aid Comm, London, Eng, 70-1; sec, Soc Prevent Crime, NY, 77; ag, Peter Cooper Inst, Limestone Springs, SC, 78-80; res, Bloomfield, NJ, 80-90; res, Glen Ridge, NJ, 90—. *CADY, Chauncey Marvin; b, Westport, NY, My 16, 1824; UM, 51; UTS, 51-3; ed & pub of music, NYCity, 51-60; do, Chicago, 111, 56-77; do, NYCity, 77-80; ag, Atlanta, Ga, 80-9; d, Asheville, NC, Jn 16, 89. CHAPIN, Henry Barton; b, Rochester, NY, Sp 14, 1827; YC, 47; UTS, 51-2; PTS, 52-4; ord (Presb, NY), Oc 29, 54; cm, NYCity, 54-6; pas (Second), Steubenville, O, 56-8; pas (Third), Trenton, NJ, 58-66; ss (Bloomingdale), NYCity, 69-72; do (Canal st), do, 74-6; rec sec, U S Evang Alliance, 71 — . prin, NYCity, 67-1907; chap, Pres Home, do, 00—. (Chap gen, Order of Cincinnati, 05—.) PhD, CNJ, 68; DD, CNJ, 91. ♦JOHNSTON, James; b, Borden town, NJ, 1818; UTS, 51-3; d, NYCity, Ag 15, 53. 78 1854-1855. MARCUSSON, Jacob William; b, Odessa, Russia, Jl 11, 1826; WmsC, 52; TIC, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; TIC, 54; ord (Cong), Ja 23, 55; fm, Salonica, Turk, 55-8; fm, Constantinople, Turk, 58-62; ss (Presb), Lockport, NY, 63-5; hm, Cincinnati, 0, 65-7; hm, Gosport, NY, 67-8; pas, Lyn- donville, NY, 68-78; pas, Barre Centre, NY, 78-9; ss, Holley, NY, 79- 81; ev, Chicago, 111, 82-4; ss, Waunakee, Wis, 84; ss, Wausau, Wis, 85; ss, Amberg, Wis, 91; wc, Chicago, 111, 86-90; Europe, 92-3; supt (Chic Hebr Miss), Chicago, 111, 94-6; pas, do, 96-8; hr, LaGrange, 111, 99—. *MARSH, Sidney Harper; b, Hampden Sidney Col, Prince Edward Co, Va, Ag 29, 1825; UVt, 46; tea, 46-51; UTS, 51-2; ord (Cong), My 1, 53; ag, Soc Prom Coll Edu, Oregon, 53-4; prest, PU, Forest Grove, Ore, 54-77; d, do, Fb 2, 79. DD, UVt, 62. ♦MURDOCH, Alexander Vernon; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Oc 23, 1828; UC, 45; UTS, 51-3; PTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, Chemung), Fb 25, 57; ss, Madison, NY, 57-8; ch, U S Army, 61-3; lawyer, Elmira, NY, 76-86; d, do, Oc 25, 86. 9. 1855. *BARRETT, Charles Henry; b, Camden, Me, Fb 4, 1821; YC, 52; UTS, 52-5; sea captain, 56-76; res, Oakland, Cal, 76-80; do, Santa Cruz, Cal, 80-4; Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NY, 84-1900; d, do, Oc 7, 00. BOOTH, Albert; b, Springfield, Mass, Ag 22, 1825; YC, 50; UTS, 52-3; TIC, 53-4; UTS, 54-5; ord (ME), Ap 18, 59; ss, Darien, Ct, 55-6; ss, Westchester, NY, 57-8; pas, Litchfield, Ct, 59-60; pas, Seymour, Ct, 61; pas, Freeport & Bethel (LI), NY, 62-3; pas, Rockville Centre (LI), NY, 64-5; pas, Whitestone (LI), NY, 66-7; pas, Woodbury, Ct, 68; pas, Roxbury, Ct, 69-70; pas, New-Milford, Ct, 71-3; pas, W-Granby, Ct, 74; pas, Bloomfield, Ct, 75-6; pas, Milford, Ct, 77-8; pas, Cheshire, Ct, 79- 80; pas, Berlin & Kensington, Ct, 81; pas, Easton, Ct, 82-4; pas, Rox- bury, Ct, 85-6; pas, Unionville, Ct, 87; pas, N-Canton, Ct, 88-90; pas, N- Wilton, Ct, 91-3; superan, Bridgeport, Ct, 94 — . ♦BUCKLAND, Rabbi Joseph Wales; b, Deerfield, NY, Dc 16, 1829; UC, 50; UTS, 53-5; ord (Bap), Jn 21, 55; pas, NYCity, 55-6; pas, Sing Sing, NY, 57-64; pas, NYCity, 64-9; prof, Theo Sem, Rochester, NY, 69-77; d, do, Ja 30, 77. *BURNHAM, Edwin Otway; b, Ghent, Ky, Sp 24, 1824; HC, 52; AubTS, 52; UTS, 52-5; tea, Pennington, NJ, 55-6; ord (Cong), Jl 18, 58; ss, Colum- bus, Io, 56-7; ss, Wilton, Minn, 57-61; ss, Tivoli, Minn, 61-71; inv, Cali- fornia, 71-3; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ag 1, 73. BUTLER, Wentworth Sanborn; b, S-Deerfield, NH, Sp 30, 1826; DC, 48; BTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-5; Librarian, Soc Lib, NYCity, 57-97; libr emer, do, 97—. 1855. 79 ♦CRANE, Edward Pay son; b, Jefferson, NY, Mr 6, 1832; UNY, 51; UTS, 51-2, 53-5; ord (Presb, NY), Nv 14, 55; pas, Rockland Lake, NY, 55-7; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 57-9; ss, Palatka, Fla, 59-65; prof, WtU, Pitts- burgh, Pa, 65-80; pas, California, Pa, 81-3; inv, Rutherford, NJ, 83-7; U S Consul, Stuttgart, Germ, 87-90; do, Hanover, Germ, 93-7; res, Sewickley, Pa, 97-1905; d, Tallahassee, Fla, Mr 20, 05. •CRITTENDEN, Samuel Worcester; b, N-Adams, Mass, Fb 22, 1824; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Bedford), Ap 29, 56; pas, Carmel, Gilead, NY, 56-7; pas, Clifton (SI), NY, 58-9; pas, Darby, Pa, 62-5; ag, PPC, Philadelphia, Pa, 65-70; sec, A&FCU, NYCity, 71-2; ag, Philadelphia, Pa, 73-82; hr, do, 82-4; d, do, Mr 1, 84. *DE LONG, Ira Odell; b, Pleasant Valley, NY, Sp 2, 1824; AubTS, 52-4; UTS, 54-5; res lie, 58-9; ord (Presb, Ontario), Jn 24, 63; ss, Hornells- ville, NY, 59-63; ss, Macedon, NY, 63-4; ss, Honeoye Falls, NY, 64-8; d, Macedon, NY, My 30, 68. ♦DUNN, Ambrose; b, Erie, Pa, Ja 18, 1828; AC, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Erie), Jn 23, 57; pas, Fairview & Manchester, Pa, 57-70; ss, Green- wood, Ind, 70-80; ss, Southport. Ind, 80-3; wc&hr, Indianapolis, Ind, 83-1902; d, do, Ap 6, 02. ♦DWIGHT, James Harrison; b, Malta, near Sicily, Oc 9, 1830; YC, 52; UTS, 52-5; res lie, 55-7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), My 24, 57; tea, Newark, NJ, 55-7; pas, Cherry Valley, NY, 57-8; ss&pas, Englewood, NJ, 59- 67; ch, U S Army, 61-3; wc, Englewood, NJ, 67-72; d, do, Dc 2, 72. ♦EGBERT, James Chidester; b, NYCity, NY, Oc 17, 1826; UNY, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 13, 55; pas, W-Hoboken, NJ, 55-1904; d, do, Mr 19, 04. DD, UNY, 89. ♦FITCH, Albert; b, Boardman, O, Ag 19, 1825; WRC, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Cong), Mr 18, 57; ss, Greenport (LI), NY, 56-7; ss, Orient (LI), NY, 57-62; ch, NYCity, 62-3; wc, do, 63-7; pas, W-Williamsfield, O, 67-72; pas, Elmwood, 111, 72-3; pas, Irvington, Neb, 73-5; pas, Lone Tree (Central City), Neb, 75-81; ss, Chapman, Neb, 79-81; wc, Central City, Neb, 82-1902; d, do, Ag 6, 02. ♦HARRINGTON, Alfred Loomis; b, Smithville, NY, Nv 27, 1824; IC, 49; tut, do, 49-52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Schuyler), Ap 20, 56; ss (Cong), Peru, 111, 55-9; agric, Tonica, 111, 60-75; do, Quincy, 111, 75-83; res, Pawnee City, Neb, 83-1904; d, do, My 3, 04. JESSUP, Henry Harris; b, Montrose, Pa, Ap 19, 1832; YC, 51; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Montrose), Nv 1, 55; fm, Tripoli, Syria, 56-60; fm, Beirut, Syria, 60—. DD, CNJ, 65; Mod, Gen Assem, 79. ♦McKEAN, John; b, Magharascullion, Irel, My 4, 1830; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Clarion), Dc 3, 56; pas, Perry, Pa, 56-60; ss, Emlenton & Mt 80 1855. Vernon, Pa, 60-4; ss, Perry, Pa, 65-6; ss, Mill Creek & Mt Pleasant, Pa, 67-8; ss, Olathe, Kan, 68-74; pas, Little Valley, Pa, 74-8; ss, Mid Tus- carora, Pa, 78; ss, Bethel, Pa, 79-80; ev, Lewistown, Pa, 80-2; ev, Grant, Kan, 83-98; d, do, Sp 25, 98. NEWBERRY, Edwin Dyer; b, Augusta, NY, Mr 11, 1827; CIU, 52; AubTS, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Phila 3d), Ap 14, 56; pas (Olivet), Philadel- phia, Pa, 56-62; pas, Ionia, Mich 62-8; ss Atco NJ 68-72; pas Haddon- fleld, NJ, 72-8; ss, Philadelphia, Pa, 78-82; pas, do, 82-6; ss, Wilmington, Del, 86-9; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 90-3; Phila Sabbath Assoc, 94-5; pas, Ashland, Md, 95-1902; pas emer, do, 02—. Bes, Baltimore, Md. *PLUMLEY, Gardiner Spring; b, Washington, DC, Ag 11, 1827; YC, 50; UTS, 52-5; ord (First Presb, NY), Nv 11, 55; ss&pas, NYCity (Bloom- ingdale), 55-7; pas, Metuchen, NJ, 58-75; pas (North, ED), NYCity, 76-8; pas (Calvary Chap, Five Points), do, 78-83; pas (Cong), Green- field Hill, Ct, 83-94; d, NYCity, Fb 21, 94. DD, YC, 90. *POETER, Timothy Hopkins; b, Waterbury, Ct, Fb 16, 1826; YC, 48; tea, Easton, Ct, 48; UTS, 52-5; tea, Astoria (LI), NY, 55-60; prof, PeoC, Havana, NY, 60-4; banker, NYCity, 66-1901; d, Stamford, Ct, Ja 1, 01. ROBERTS, Belville; b, Warwick, Pa, Sp 29, 1827; UM, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Harmony), Ap 20, 56; ss, Hickman, Ky, 56-8; ss, Stillwater, NY, 58-60; pas, Rochester, NY, 61-5; pas, Freeport, 111, 65-8; inv, 69; ss, Wheeling, Va, 70-1; ss, Norristown, Pa, 71-2; pas, do, 72-9; ss&pas, Port Kennedy, Pa, 80-92; hr, Norristown, Pa, 92—. *ROOT, James Pierce; b, Tompkinsville, NY, Mr 19, 1829; UTS, 52-5; ord (Cong), Ap 16, 56; hm, College Point (LI), NY, 55-6; sec, CAS, Brook- lyn, NY, 57; pas, N-Walton, NY, 57-60; ss, N- Woodstock, Ct, 61; pas, Providence (Elmwood), RI, 61-6; pas, Perry Centre, NY, 66-76; pas, Pettaconset, Providence, RI, 76-9; mis&ag, RI Bib Soc, do, 79-87; d, do, Dc 26, 87. *SEYMOUR, Bela Newton; b, E-Granville, Mass, Mr 25, 1829; WmsC, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Cong), Jn 20, 55; ss, Oroville, Cal, 56-9; ss, Campton- ville, Cal, 59-60; ss (Presb), Alvarado & Centreville, Cal, 61-5; pas (Cong), Hay ward's, Cal, 65-72; ss, Walpole, Mass, 73-4; ss, New-Ips- wich, NH, 74-9; ss, Vernon, Ct, 79-83; ss, Huntington, Ct, S3-7; pas (Fifth), Washington, DC, 87-93; wc, do, 93-1903; d, do, Fb 27, 03. *STRATTON, Edward; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 22, 1830; UC, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Catskill), Jn 11, 56; ss, Newark, NJ, 55-6; pas, Ashland, NY, 56-60; pas, Greenport (LI), NY, 60-70; pas, Port Jefferson (LI), NY, 70-1; inv, Toms River, NJ, 71-2; ss, Fayetteville, NY, 72-3; pas, Greenbush, NY, 73-84; pas, Greenville, NY, 84-92; pas, Valatie, NY, 92- 1900; hr, do, 1901; hr, Middletown, Ct, 02-3; d, do, Ag 9, 03. (MGA.) *TAFT, Don Carlos; b, Swanzey, NH, Jn 19, 1827; AC, 52; UTS, 52-5;. ord (Cong), My 7, 55; tea&ss, Elmwood, 111, 55; tea, do, 55-62; acting 1855. 81 prof, PU, Forest Grove, Ore, 62-3; tea, Elmwood, 111, 64-5; prin, Meta- mora, 111, 65-7; prin, Minonk, 111, 67-71; prof (Geol & Zool), 111 In- dustrial Univ (UI11), Champaign, 111, 71-83; Europe, 82; banker, Han- over, Kan, 83-93; res, Chicago, 111, 93-4; do, Hanover, Kan, 94-7; do, Chicago, 97-1907; d, do, Ap 1, 07. ♦TROWBRIDGE, Tillman Conkling; b, Troy, Mich, Ja 28, 1831; UM, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Nv 15, 55; fm, Constantinople, Turk, 56-74; U S, 74-6; fm, Constantinople, Turk, 76-7; pres, CTC, Aintab, Turk, 77-88; d, Marash, Turk, Jl 20, 88. LLD, 01C, 79. ♦WRIGHT, Allen; b, Miss, Nv 26, 1826; UC, 52; UTS, 52-5; ord (Presb, Indian), 55; fm, Armstrong Academy, Choc Nation, Ind Ter, 55-9; fm, Boggy Depot, Choc Nation, 59-85; d, do, Dc 2, 85. 25. ♦ANDERSON, Samuel Thomas; b, Wilson Co, Tenn, Jn 17, 1826; CuU, 51; UTS, 52-3; ord (C Presb, Oxford), Ag, 54; ev, 53-4; prof, Chapel Hill Coll, Texas, 111, 54-8; prof, UC, Miss, 58-9; prof, UC, 111, 59-60; prest, Mo Fern Col, 60-4; pas, Waynesburgh, Pa, 64-6; pas, Lebanon, O, 66-8; pas (Cong), Napoli, NY, 69-72; fm (U Presb, Scotland), 72-7; prof, TrU, 77-83; inv, Los Angeles, Cal, 83-4; prof, TrU, 84-5; arboricult, Santa Paula, Cal, 85-90; wc, Los Angeles, Cal, 90-3; d, do, Ap 5, 93. DD, WayC, 64. ARMSTRONG, Joseph Rogers; b, Rogersville, Tenn, Ap 9, 1827; MaC, 52; LTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; LTS, 54-5; ord (Presb, Palmyra), Oc, 56; ss, W-Ely, Mo, 56-7; tea, Kirkwood, Mo, 59-61; tea&ss, Carrollton, 111, 61-9; tea&ss, Kirkwood, Mo, 69-71; ss, De Soto, Mo, 71-7; ss, Walnut Grove & Trenton, 111, 77-82; ss, Rock Hill, Mo, 83-95; wc, Kirkwood, Mo, 95—. ♦BRIGGS, Marvin; b, No-Castle, NY, Mr 11, 1827; UNY, 52; UTS, 52-3; inv, 53-4; tea, Fauquier Co, Va, 54-7; UVa, 57-8; PTS, 58-60; cm (Univ PI Ch), NYCity, 60-3; ev (Va), U S Army, 63-5; mer, NYCity, 65-1901; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 24, 01. ♦BUCKNER, John Alexander; b, Covington, Ky, Ag 15, 1832; CrC, 52; PTS, 52-4; UTS, 55; cotton planter, Illawara, Carroll Parish, La, 56- 1903; d, do, Oc 22, 03. ♦CLEVELAND, William Neal; b, Windham, Ct, Ap 7, 1832; HC, 51; UTS, 52-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Ja, 56; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 56-8; ss, Southampton (LI), NY, 59-63; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 64-7; pas (Cong), Eaton, NY, 67-76; ss (Presb), Forestport & Alder Creek, NY, 78-89; pas, Chaumont, NY, 89-95; wc, do, 96; wc, Cleveland, O, 97-8; wc, Toledo, O, 99-1905; d, Columbus, O, Ja 15, 06. (MGA.) 82 1855. ♦DARLINGTON, Newton W; b, W-Newton, O, My 17, 1826; WabC, 52; UTS, 52-3; ord (ME), Mr 1, 63; pas, Ludlow, Ky, 58-9; pas, Maysville, Ky, 59-60; pas, Augusta, Ky, 61-2 ; pas, Covington, Ky, 62-3; pas, New- port, Ky, 63-5; pas, Falmouth, Ky, 66-7; p elder, Maysville, Ky, 68-71; p elder, Covington, Ky, 72-5; pas, do, 76; pas, Manchester, O, 77; pas, Laurel, O, 78-9; pas, Bowersville, O, 80; pas, Marshall, O, 81; pas, Martinsville, O, 82; pas, Cincinnati, O, 83; pas, do, 84-5; oc s, W- Union, O, 85-98; d, do, Mr 18, 98. *HUNTEK, Henry Thomas; b, NYCity, Dc 12, 1833; UNY, 52; UTS, 52-4; tea, NYCity, 58-60; prin, Stockbridge, Mass, 62-4; do, Bath, Me, 67-8; UTS, 70-1, 73-4; ord (Presb, NY), Dc 5, 76; ss, Williston, Vt, 74; ss, Hartland, Vt, 75; pas, NYCity, 76-80; ss, Broadalbin, NY, 82-4; Eu- rope, 84-5; ev, NYCity, 85; McAll Mis, Paris, France, 86-1902; d, Cor- seaux, Switz, Ap 12, 02. fMARGOT, David; b, NYCity, 1830; UTS, 52-4; ord (Ep), Mr 6, 60; dea- con, NYCity, 59; wc, do, 60; rec, S-Orange, NJ, 61; as min, Morristown, NJ, & miss, Dover, NJ, 62; Europe, 63; rec, Rondout, NY, 64-5; wc, NYCity, 66-7; do, Elizabeth City, NC, 69; deposed, Jl 8, 69. *MORROW, Cornelius Wortendyke LaFayette; b, Paterson, NJ, Ag 16, 1824; WU, 47; tea, Newark, NJ, 49-50; UTS, 52-3; manuf, Paterson, NJ, 50-69; do, Brooklyn, NY, 69-85; res, Huntington, NY, 85-95; d, do, Fb 24. 95. *ROBINSON, Charles Seymour; b, Bennington, Vt, Mr 31, 1829; WmsC, 49; UTS, 52-3; PTS, 53-5; ord (Presb, Troy), Jn 13, 55; pas, Troy, NY, 55-60; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 60-8; pas, Am Chapel, Paris, France, 68-71; pas (Memorial), NYCity, 71-87; ed, do, 88; pas (1st Union), do, 89; wc, do, 90; pas (13th st), do, 91; ev, do, 92; pas (NY), do, 93-8; wc, do, 98-9; d, do, Fb 1, 99. DD, HC, 66; LLD, LafC, 85. *SMITH, Edward Parmelee; b, S-Britain, Ct, Jn 3, 1827; YC, 49; tea, Mobile, Ala, 49-52; YTS, 52-3; UTS, 53-4; AndTS, 54-5; ord (Cong), Jn 11, 56; pas, Pepperell, Mass, 56-62; ag&field sec, USCC, Philadel- phia, Pa, 62-6; field sec, AMA, 66-71; Indian ag, Minnesota, 71-3; US Com of Ind Affairs, Washington, DC, 73-6; prest, HowU, do, 76; d, Accra, W-Afr, Jn 15, 76. SWIFT, Henry Martyn; b, Bennington, Vt, Mr 22, 1832; WmsC, 51; UTS, 52-4; ord (Cong), Ag 28, 58; ss, Lamoille, 111, 58-9; ev, Bennington, Vt, 59-62; ss (Presb), Milford, Mich, 62-74; ev, Detroit, Mich, 74-5; ev, Fenton, Mich, 75-1906; hr, do, 07. *VAN DEURSEN, Russell Dudley; b, Richmond, Va, Mr 5, 1832; HSC, 52; UTS, 52-3; civil engineer, Ohio, 54-60; ord (Presb, Cincinnati), Ag 29, 61; ss, Gallipolis, O, 61; ch, U S Army, 61-2; ss, Gallipolis, O, 62-7; pas, Shelby ville, 111, 67-71; pas, Paris, 111, 71-84; wc, do, 84-7; d, Eu- reka Spgs, Ark, Ja 21, 87. DD, B1U, 80. 1855-1856. 83 •WEIGHT, Wesley Pratt; b, Pompey, NY, Ap 12, 1828; VicC, 46; UTS, 52-3; Concord Bib In, 53-5; ord (M), 55; prof, EvTS, Evanston, 111, 55-9; prof, Wes Fern Coll, Hamilton, Can, 61-81; retired, Los Angeles, Cal, 82-93; d, do, Jl 2, 93. 14. 1856. ♦ARMSTRONG, Chester Solon; b, Parishville, NY, Sp 4, 1826; UM, 52; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, Marshall), Nv 6, 56; pas, Lansing, Mich, 56-65; ch, U S Army, 64-5; pas, Lansing, Mich, 65-9; pas, Alton, 111, 69-80; sm, So 111, 80-2; sm, 111, 82-7; pas, Jackson, Mich, 87-90; d, Battle Creek, Mich, Nv 12, 90. DD, HiC, 76. *BONAR, James Blair; b, New-Abbey, Scotl, My 21, 1826; WabC, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Mr 18, 57; ss, Peekskill, NY, 56-7; pas, Montreal, Can, 57-69; pas (Cong), New-Milford, Ct, 70-83; pas (Presb), Marquette, Mich, 83-5; inv&hr, do, 85-97; hr, E-Orange, NJ, 98-1901; hr, Louisville, Ky, 02-5; d, do, Mr 24, 05. (MGA.) *BROWN, Alonzo; b, Ossipee, NH, My 25, 1826; DC, 50; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 5, 56; pas, Clifton (SI), NY, 56-7; tea, NYCity, 53- 72; d, do, Nv 21, 72. *BRUNDAGE, Israel; b, Greenfield, Pa, Ag 24, 1828; AC, 54; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, Montrose), Oc 7, 56; ss, Prompton & Waymart, Pa, 56-64; do, Kirkwood, NY, 64-5; ss, Conkling, NY, 66-7; ss (Cong), Paxton, 111, 67-74; pas (Presb), Rochelle, 111, 74-85; pas, Chetopa, Kan, 85-90; d, do, My 13, 90. *COFFING, Jackson Green; b, Redstone, Pa, Sp 21, 1824; MaC, 53; UTS, 53-6; res lie, 56-7; ord (Cong), Nv 9, 56; fm, Aintab, Turk, 57-61; fm, Hadjin & Adana, Turk, 61-2; killed by assassins, Alexandretta, Turk, Mr 26, 62. *CUSHMAN, John Paine; b, Troy, NY, Ja 19, 1830; UC, 51; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, Albany), My 29, 60; pas, Sand Lake, NY, 60-2; pas (Cong), Brighton, Mass, 63-6; ss, Granby, Mass, 67-70; pas, Royalston, Mass, 70-2; wc, Troy, NY, 72-84; pas, Castine, Me, 84-1901; d, do, Fb 5, 01. *HARDING, Charles; b, Whately, Mass, Nv 21, 1826; YC, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Cong, Franklin Co Asso), Jl 3, 56; fm, Bombay, India, 57-62, 69- 75; fm, Sholapur, India, 62-8 & 76-99; d, do, Oc 29, 99. *HURD, Edwin Lucius; b, Castile, NY, Dc 22, 1824; EC, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, Schuyler), Ap 8, 57; ss&pas, Augusta, 111, 57-69; pas, Sandwich. Ill, 69-72; pas, Highland Park, 111, 72-7; prof, B1U, Carlin- ville, 111, 78-9; pres, do, 80-91; pas, Tuscola, 111, 91-9; d, do, Ap 25, 99. DD, KC, 72. •HURLBUT, Everett Beman; b, Rochester, Vt, Oc 9, 1830; KC, 52; AndTS, 53-4; UTS, 54-6; res lie, AndTS, 56-7; ord (Cong), Nv 1, 58; ss, Fon- 84 1856. tanelle, Neb, 58-63; ss, Elkhorn City, Neb, 63-6; ss, Eapillion, Neb, 66-70; wc, Omaha, Neb, 71-4; ss, Hayward, Cal, 75-6; wc, Omaha, Neb, 77-9; d, do, Sp 24, 79. KALOPOTHAKES, Michael Demetrius; b, Areopolis, Laconia, Greece, Dc 17, 1825; UA (MD), 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ap 26, 57; ed&fm, Athens, Greece, 58; ag, Brit & For Bible Soc, 59-1904: res, do, 04—. *McLEAN, Alexander; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Oc 1, 1833; HC, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Cong, Consoc Fairfield West), Ja 21, 57; pas, Fairfield, Ct, 57-66; pas (Presb), Buffalo, NY, 66-74; sec, ABS, NYCity, 74-98; d, do, Mr 19, 98. DD, HC, 74. ♦PARSONS, James Harvey; b, Franklin, NY, Ap 21, 1826; WmsC, 52; UTS, 53-6; res lie, 56-7; ord (Presb, Pennsylvania), 60; ss, Rensse- laerville, NY, 57-8; ss, Coudersport, NY, 59-62; inv, 63-8; ss, Otego, NY, 69-70; inv&wc, Franklin, NY, 71-5; hr, do, 75-84; d, do, Sp 24, 84. *RTGGS, Herman Camp; b, Groton, NY, Oc 2, 1832; UNY, 52; UTS, 53-6; res lie, 56-7; ord (Presb), Jn 14, 57; ss, St Catharine's, CW, 57-9; pas, Potsdam, NY, 60-7; pas (Cong), St Albans, Vt, 67-71; pas, Rutherford Park, NJ, 71-6; pas (St Peter's), Rochester, NY, 76-85; pas (First Cong), Binghamton, NY, 86-90; ss (South), Rochester, NY, 92-6; pas (St Peter's), do, 96-1902; d, do, Ag 6, 02. DD, B1U, 81. *TUCKER, George Livermore; b, Newbury, Vt, Sp 19, 1827; BelC, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Cong), Ap 2, 57; ss, Whippany, NJ, 56; ss, NYCity, 56-7; ss, Fox Lake, Wis, 57-60; ss, Trempeleau, Wis, 60-5; ss (Presb), Brigh- ton, 111, 65-8; oc s, agric & inv, Quindaro, Kan, 69-1904; d, do, Ag 3, 04. *TUPPER, Henry Martyn; b, Hardwick, Mass, Jn 10, 1830; YC, 50; UTS, 51-2, 54-6; res lie, 56-7; tea, IC, Jacksonville, 111, 52-4; ord (Cong), Oc 12, 59; tea, Jacksonville, 111, 58; tea, Griggsville, 111, 58-9; pas, Waverly, 111, 59-71; pas, Ontario, 111, 72-85; pas (Joy Prairie), Con- cord, 111, 85-97; ss, Ormond, Fla, 97-1900; d, do, Sp 12, 00. ♦WALLACE, Charles Clark; b, NYCity, Jn 3, 1832; UNY, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 4, 56; pas, Tremont, NY, 56-60; pas, Perth Amboy, NJ, 60-4; pas, Placerville, Cal, 64-8; pas, Watertown, NY, 68- 70; pas, Mahopac Falls, NY, 70-80; pas, Newbury port, Mass, 80-8; inv, Fla, 88-9; d, Westfleld, NJ, Dc 22, 89; DD, Rutgers Female Col, NYCity, 81. WHITE, George Hills; b, Harrisburg, Pa, Dc 29, 1830; WabC, 52; UTS, 53-6; ord (Presb, Indianapolis), Nv 2, 56; fm (ABCFM), Aintab, N- Syria, 57; do, Oorfa, W-Asia, 57-9; fm, Marash, W-Asia, 59-63; wc, Chester, Vt, 64-5; ss, Weathersfield, Vt, 66-8; ss, Brookfield, Vt, 68; ss, Sharon, Vt, 70-2; ss, Chester Centre, Io, 72-86; wc, Grinnell, Io, 86 — . 1856. 85 •WHITFORD, William Clarke; b, W-Edmeston, NY, My 5, 1828; prin, Shiloh, NJ, 51-3; UC, 53; UTS, 53-6; ord (7th D Bap), Ap 13, 56; pas, Milton, Wis, 56-9; prin, Milton, Wis, 58- 67; ss, Stoughton, Wis, 63-4; prest, Milton Col, do, 67-1902; Mem Wis legis, 68; St Sup Publ Instr, Wis, 78-82; pas, Milton, Wis, 93-1902; d, do, My 20, 02. DD, B1U, 83. •WILLETT, Marinus; b, NYCity, Oc 10, 1826; WmsC, 46; UTS, 53-6; ord (Cong), My 19, 58; ss, Port Chester, NY, 56-7; pas, Black Rock, Ct, 58- 61; cm (Presb), NYCity, 62-8; ch of Pub Institutions, do, 68-81; d, Portchester, NY, Fb 23, 81. 19. *ALLISON, Robert Coates; b, Cedar Springs, Pa, Fb 2, 1823; AC, 53; UTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, Harrisburg), Jn 3, 60; prin, Mifflinburg, Pa, 55-7; prof (Eng lit, ment & mor phil), PaAgC, 59-60; ss, Tionesta, Pa, 61-3; ss, Lafayette, NY, 64-6; wc, Greensboro', Md, 66-9; pas, Port Penn, Del, 69-71; ss, Scipio, NY, 71-6; ss, Otisco, NY, 76-9; ss, Scipio, NY, 79-82; ss (Cong), Hubbardton, Vt, 82-6; d, do, My 20, 86. *BAIRD, Henry Martyn; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ja 17, 1832; UNY, 50; UA, 51-2; UTS, 53-5; PTS, 55-6; res grad, do, 56-9, & tut, CNJ, 55-9; ord (Presb, NY), Ap 19, 66; prof (Greek), UNY, NYCity, 59-1902; prof emer, do, 02-6; d, Yonkers, NY, Nv 11, 06. PhD, CNJ, 67; DD, EC, 77; LLD, CNJ, 82; LHD, PrinU, 96. *BATES, Erastus Newton; b, Plainfield, Mass, Fb 29, 1828; WmsC, 53; UTS, 53-4; Minn State Constitu Conv, 57; mem Minn senate, 58-9; U S Army, 60-5; mem 111 legisl, 66; state (111) treas, 68; law, Chicago, 111, & Cleveland, O, 69-98; d, Minneapolis, Minn, My 29, 98. *BENJAMIN, Theodore Hiram; b, Bethel, Ct, Mr 11, 1827; AC, 52; AndTS, 53-4; UTS, 54-5; d, Bethel, Ct, Sp 11, 55. *DADA, William Burt; b, Otisco, NY, Oc 8, 1827; HC, 53; AubTS, 53-4; UTS, 54-5; AubTS, 55-6; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Jl 1, 56; ss, Skaneateles, NY, 56-8; pas (Cong), Jackson, Mich, 58-60; ss, Minneapolis, Minn, 60-1; ss, Little Falls, Minn, 61-2; ss&pas (Cong), Clear Water, Minn, 62-6; ss, Lake City, Minn, 66-72; ss (Pres), E-Palmyra, NY, 72-82; ss (Cong), Stanton, Neb, 82-7; ss, Watervliet, Mich, 87-92; ss, Otisco, NY, 95-1901; wc, Onondaga Valley, NY, 02-4; d, Syracuse, NY, Mr 14, 05. (MGA.) *FORD, Francis Fenelon; b, Newark Valley, NY, Nv 27, 1827; HC, 51; UTS, 53-4; PTS, 54-6; ord (Presb, Genesee)), Oc 5, 57; ss, Leroy, NY, 57-8; ss, Danville, NY, 58-9; ss, Newark, NJ, 63-4; pas (Cong), Kala- mazoo, Mich, 65-7; wc, Marshall, Mich, 68-70; pas, Lewiston, Me, 71-2; pas, Charlestown, Mass, 72-4; inv&wc, Madison, Wis, 75-85; d, Kansas City, Mo, Ja 26, 86. 86 1856. ♦FRENCH, Edward Warner; b, Barre, Vt, Ag 23, 1829; WmsC, 52; UTS, 53-4; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ja 15, 57; ss&pas, Berg-en, Jersey City, NJ, 56-85; d, do, Fb 4, 85. DD, WmsC, 76. *FRENCH, Justus Clement; b, Barre, Vt, My 3, 1832; WmsC, 53; UTS, 54-5, 56; ord (Cong, NY & Bklyn Asso), Mr 5, 57; pas (Central), Brook- lyn, NY, 57-70; pas (Westminster Presb), do, 71-7; oc s, do, 77-8; pas (Park), Newark, NJ, 79-99; d, do, Fb 14, 99. DD, WmsC, 75. fHALE, James Riley; b, Orwell, Vt, Jn 14, 1823; AndTS, 53-4; UTS, 54-5; ord (Cong), Ap, 58; ss, De Kalb & Massena, NY; tea, York, Pa; cor- poral, U S Navy, 61-5; trade, Charlestown, Mass, & do, Portsmouth, NH. ♦HARRISON, Thomas; b, Barby, Engl, Sp 21, 1825; KC, 53; UTS, 53-4; ss (Cong), Lafayette & Galva, 111, 54; stud law, Chicago, 111, 54-7; law, Galesburg, 111, 57-62; Co A, 77th 111 Vol, 62-5; treas, Knox Co, 111, 65-7; law & agric, Independence, Kan, 69-84; co judge, Montgomery Co, Kan, 84-94; d, Independence, Kan, My 13, 94. *HART, Theodore Henry; b, Hartford, NY, Ja 6, 1831; HC, 52; UTS, 53-4; trade, Canandaigua, NY; d, Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 12, 61. ♦HARTLEY, Isaac Smith son; b, NYCity, Sp 27, 1830; UNY, 52; UTS, 53-4; AndTS, 54-6; res lie, 57-8; ord (RD, So CI, NY), My 8, 64; pas (Union), NYCity, 64-9; pas (Second), Philadelphia, Pa, 70-1; pas (Christ), Utica, NY, 71-89; ord (Ep), dea, Dc 21, 90; pr, My 28, 91; rec (Ep), Gt Bar- rington, Mass, 91-9; d, do, Jl 3, 99. DD, RC, 73. *HASKELL, Matthew Wood; b, Hardwick, Mass, Jl 7, 1827; AC, 53; UTS, 53-4, 55-6; d, Amherst, Mass, Nv 25, 56. HILL, Charles Jenkins; b, Portland, Me, Fb 2, 1830; WmsC, 52; UTS, 53-4; AndTS, 54-6; ord (Cong), Ja 28, 57; pas, Nashua, NH, 57-64; ss, Glovers- ville, NY, 65-8; pas (Presb), Whitehall, NY, 68-72; pas (Cong), Derby (Ansonia), Ct, 72-5; pas, Middletown, Ct, 75-83; wc, NYCity, 83-5; pas, Stonington, Ct, 85-97; oc sup, Orange, Va, 97 — . ♦HOWARD, Joseph Dana; b, Limerick, Me, Jl 15, 1833; BC, 52; UTS, 53-4; law, Portland, Me, 55-7; lit, NYCity, 58-72; d, do, Ja 15, 72. ♦HYDE, Charles McEwen; b, NYCity, Jn 8, 1832; WmsC, 52; UTS, 53-4; tea, Sheffield, Mass, 54-9; PTS, 59-60; ord (Cong), Ag 19, 62; ss, Goshen, Ct, 60-1; pas, Brimfield, Mass, 62-70; pas, Haverhill, Mass, 70-5; fm (No Pac Mis Inst), Honolulu, Haw Isl, 77-99; d, do, Oc 13, 99. DD, WmsC, 72. ♦LILLY, Henry Martyn; b, Columbus, NY, Ja 4, 1831; BelC, 53; UTS, 53-4; studied medicine, Ann Arbor, Mich, 56-9; phys, Fond du Lac, Wis, 59-70; phys, U S Army, 61-5; d, Fond du Lac, Wis, Nv 28, 70. MD, UM, 59. 1856-1857. 87 •McMURRAN, John William; b, Jeff Co, Va, Ap 20, 1830; UC, 52; UTS, 54-5; ord (Presb, Winchester), My 13,. 57; ss, Fairfax CH, Va, 55-6; ss&pas, Pine View, Fauquier Co, Va, 56-65; pas, Morrisville, Va, 65-7; d, do, Ag 17, 67. •MILES, Edward Clarkson; b, Sharon, Ct, Oc 2, 1831; UNY, 49; UTS, 53-4; AndTS, 54-6; ord (Cong), Jn 28, 60; pas, Stratham, NH, 60-4; wc, do, 64-6; ss, W-Falmouth, Me, 66-9; assis to cor sec, ABCFM, NYCity, 69- 71; wc, Montclair, NJ, 71-1905; d, do, Ap 6, 05. •MORGAN, Hamilton; b, Aurora, NY, Jl 21, 1823; UTS, 53-4; bus, Syra- cuse, NY, 54-6; do, Brooklyn, NY, 56-62; d, Tiskilwa, 111, My 28, 62. fNORTON, Charles Herman; b, Mr 23, 1833; UPa, 53; UTS, 53-4; trade, NYCity. POMEROY, Charles Rhodes; b, Way bridge, Vt, Jn 15, 1830; WU, 53; UTS, 53-4; ord (ME), Oc 11, 68; tea, Ft Edward, NY, 54-5; prin, Greenwich, NY, 55-6; prin, Cooperstown, NY, 56-7; prin, Rochester, NY, 57-9; prin, Lima, NY, 59-60; ss (Cong), Greenwich, NY, 60-3; ss (ME), Springville, NY, 63-5; ss, Batavia, NY, 65-7; ss, Chariton, Io, 67-8; pas, Des Moines, Io, 68-70; pas, Iowa City, Io, 70-3; pres, State Norm Sch, Emporia, Kan, 73-81; pres, Callanan Col, Des Moines, Io, 78-86; pas, Seattle, Wash, 91-5; dean (Col Lib Arts), Puget Sound Univ, Tacoma, Wash, 95-8; supernum, 99-1903; superann, 04 — . Res, Chautauqua, Wash. (MAC.) DD, Simpson Centenary Col, 76. ♦POTTER, Hiram; b, Steuben Co, NY, My 16, 1831; HC, 52; UTS, 53-4; ed (Home Jnl), 54-5; as ed, Milwaukee, Wis, 56-64; U S Direct Tax Commr, NC, 64-7; do & state printer, Tallahassee, Fla, 68; collector of cus- toms, Pensacola, Fla, 69-77; Fla State senator (Pensacola Dist), 72; orange grower, Eustis, Fla, 70-90; drugs, Chattanooga, Tenn, 90-9; d, do, Ja 5, 99. • •SMITH, Henry Augustus; b, Palatine, NY, My 28, 1828; WmsC, 53; UTS, 53-5; ord (Presb, 3d Phila), Nv 4, 58; pas e, Philadelphia, Pa, 58-64; pas, W-Philadelphia (Mantua), Pa, 64-82; inv, do, 82-3; d, do, Mr 7, 83. •WHITE, William Carter; b, Owego, NY, Ap 29, 1832; WabC, 52; UTS, 53-4; PTS, 54-6; ord (Presb, Genesee Valley), Jl 24, 60; ss, Cuba, NY, 60-8; prof, WabC, Crawfordsville, Ind, 64-85; wc, Los Angeles, Cal, 86-7; hr, La Crescenta, Cal, 88-98; d, do, Oc 22, 98. 25. 1857. ANDERSON, Joseph; b, Nigg, Ross-shire, Scotl, Dc 16, 1836; NYA, 54; UTS, 54-7; res lie, 57-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Nv 8, 58; ss&pas (Cong), Stamford, Ct, 58-61; pas, Norwalk, Ct, 61-4; ss, Bath, Me, 64-5; pas, Waterbury, Ct, 65-1905; pas em, do, 1905 — . Res, Woodmont, Ct. STD, YC, 78. 88 185?. *BLAKELY, Quincy; b, Pawlet, Vt, Sp 17, 1824; UVt, 54; UTS, 54-7; ord (Cong), Fb 16, 59; ss&pae, Rodman, NY, 58-63; pas, Campton, NH, 64-88; ss, Marlboro, NH, 88-90; pas, Wakefield, NH, 90-1; d, do, Fb 25, 92. *BYINGTON, Theodore Linn; b, Johnsonburg, NJ, Mr 15, 1831; CNJ, 49; law, 50-4; UTS, 54-7; res lie, 57-8; ord (Cong), Jn 4, 58; fm, Adrian- ople, Turk, 58-60; fm (Presb), Eski Zagra, Turk, 60-8; pas, Newton, NJ, 69-74; fm, Constantinople, Turk, 74-85; res, Philadelphia, Pa, & Springfield, Mass, 85-8; d, Philadelphia, Pa, Jn 18, 88. DD, CNJ, 78. ♦CHESTER, Edward; b, NYCity, Jl 12, 1828; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), My 31, 57; ss, Manhattanville, NY, 57-8; fm, Tirupuvanum, India, 59-61; fm, Madras, India, 61-2; fm, Madura, India, 62-3; fm, Dindigul, India, 63; fm, Madura, India, 64-5; do, Dindigul, India, 65-1902; d, Madura, India, Mr 27, 02. MD — . *COBB, Oliver Ellsworth; b, NYCity, Mr 21, 1833; YC, 53; UTS, 54-7; ord (RD, CI Poughkeepsie), Sp 1, 57; pas, Adriance (Hopewell), NY, 57-72; pas, Flushing (LI), NY, 72-89; wc, Tarry town, NY, 90-1; d, do, Sp. 23, 91. DICKSON, James Milligan; b, Ryegate, Vt, Fb 6, 1831; DC, 53; tea, Staten Island, NY, 53-4; tea, Haverstraw, NY, 54; UTS, 54-7; ord (Ref Presb, NY), Nv 18, 57; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 57-62; pas (Sixth, Presb), Newark, NJ, 62-9; pas, Montgomery, NY, 69-83; pas (RD, 34th st), NYCity, 83-9; pas (Pilgrim Cong), Providence, RI, 89-94; pas (E-NY, RD), Brooklyn, NY, 94-1903; ss, No- Yakima, Wash, 05—. DD, DruC, 84. *DWIGHT, William Buck; b, Constantinople, Turk, My 22, 1833; Yc, 54; UTS, 54-7; res lie, YTS, 57-9; prin, Englewood, NJ, 60-5; prin, W- Point, NY, 67-70; ss (ME), do, 69-70; asso prin & ed (Conn Sch Jnl, 72-5), New-Britain, Ct, 70-8; prof (Nat Hist), Vassar Col, Poughkeep- sie, NY, 78-1906; d, Cottage City, Mass, Ag 29, 06. BS, YSS, 59. *HAZELTINE, Henry Martyn; b, Jamestown, NY, Ag 28, 1831; WmsC, 52; UTS, 54-7; ord (Cong), Ja 20, 60; pas, Sherman, NY, 60-8; ss (Presb), Perry, NY, 68-70; ss (Cong), Henrietta, NY, 71; pas (Presb), N-Salem, NY, 72-6; ss (Cong), W-Stockbridge, Mass, 76-83; ss, Monroe, Ct, 84- 88; ss, Oxford, Ct, 88-92; wc, do, 93; do, Jamestown, NY, 94-9; d, do, Mr 15, 99. *HEBARD, George Diah Alonzo; b, Brookfield, Vt, Sp 6, 1831; DC, 54; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, Iowa City), Sp 22, 58; ss, Clayville, NY, 57; ss, Clinton, Io, 57-61; ss, Iowa City, 61-6; ss (Cong), Iowa City, Io, 66-9; ss, Oskaloosa, Io, 69-70; . d, do, Dc 14, 70. *HELMER, Charles Downes; b, Canajoharie, NY, Nv 18, 1827; YC, 52; tea, D&DI, NYCity, 53-4; UTS, 54-7; trav, Europe, 57-9; ord (Cong), Sp 13, 59; ss, Hartford, Ct, 59; pas (Plymouth), Milwaukee, Wis, 59-65; 1857. 89 inv, NY City, 65-6; pas (Cong), Chicago, 111, 66-75; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 76-8; d, Lockport, NY, Ap 28, 79. DD, BelC, 75. HOLLOWAY, Charles Hoover; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ag 16, 1831; AC, 54; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, Catskill), Sp 27, 57; ss, Rensselaerville, NY, 57; prof, AshCI, 58; ss, Ashland, NY, 59-61; pas, Shelter Isld, NY, 61-4; tea, Randolph, NY, 64-5; tea, Middletown, Del, 65-7; tea, Cortland, NY, 67; tea, Cromwell, Ct, 68; ss, N-Salem, NY, 68-72; ss, Toms River, N J, 72-3; prin, Newark, Del, 73-8; tea, do, 78-81; wc, do, 82-4; hr, do, 85-6; do, Philadelphia, Pa, 87—. *HORTON, Carlton S; b, Palmyra, NY, Jn 12, 1832; WmsC, 54; UTS, 54-7; inv, Madeira Isld, 58-64; d, Buffalo, NY, Dc 13, 64. *LAURIE, Inglis; b, Edinburgh, Scotl, Sp 5, 1825; IC, 54; UTS, 54-7; res lie, NWTS, 57-8; ag, ASSU, S-W-Minn, 61-4 & 77; colp, PBPub, Minn, 69; inv, Owatonna, Minn, 64-90; d, do, Dc 15, 90. *LOOMIS, Chauncy Luke; b, Barkhamsted, Ct, Ap 21, 1819; WRC, 46; UTS, 56-7; res lie, do, 57-9; fm, Corisco, W-Afr, 59-61; res, Middle- town, Ct, 62-94; d, do, Ja 13, 94. MD, — . *PAYSON, Charles Henry; b, Leominster, Mass, Sp 28, 1831; AC, 52; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Nv 25, 60; ch mis, NYCity, 57-77; d, do, Ja 24, 77. SAWYER, Rollin Augustus; b, Sawyerville, Quebec, Jl 13, 1830; WRC, 51; prin, Granville, O, 51-4; UTS, 54-7; res lie, 57-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Fb 17, 58; pas, Yonkers, NY, 58-62; pas, Newark, O, 62-6; pas, Dayton, O, 66-70; pas, Irvington, NY, 70-9; wc, New-Haven, Ct, 79-81; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 81-5; pas, Carmel, NY, 85-8; wc&lit, Pocantico Hills. NY, 88-91; ss, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, 91-3; lit, lect, BloomTS, & ss, Montclair, NJ, 93—. DD, WRC, 72. SUTTON, Joseph Ford; b, Hardyston, NJ, Jl 15, 1827; RC, 52; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Dc 8, 57; ss, Hanover, NJ, 57-8; pas, Parsipan- ny, NJ, 58-61; ch, U S Army, 62; ag, USCC, 63-4; ss, Howell, Mich, 64-5; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 65-73; ed, do, 74-8: wc, do, 78-85; pas (Murray Hill), NYCity, 85-7; wc, do, 87-1905; do, Orange, NJ, 05—. DD, MvC, 83. ♦THOMPSON, Lewis; b, Volney, NY, Ap 25, 1830; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Jn 9, 57; pas, Whippany, NJ, 57-69; ed, Bricksburgh, NJ, 69-71; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 71-3; d, do, Ap 19, 73. THOMSON, William; b, Kilmarnock, Scotl, Jn 2, 1832; UPa, 54; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, Pennsylvania), Ap 27, 58; ss, Blossburgh, Pa, 57-9; ss, Tamaqua, Pa, 60-8; pas, Duncannon, Pa, 68-73; pas, Stewartsville, NJ, 73-1907; hr, Easton, Pa, 07—. WALKER, Avery Skinner; b, Union Square, NY, Oc 15, 1829; OC, 54; UTS, 54-7; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 24, 57; ss (Cong), Lodi, NJ, 57-60; 90 1857. pas, Rockville, Ct, 60-4; pas, Dover, NH, 64-8; pas, Fair Haven, Mass, 68-71; pas (Presb), Gloversville, NY, 71-7; pas (Cong-), Spencer, Mass, 77-87; pas (Presb), Canton, NY, 88-94; pas (Cong), Needham, Mass, 95-8; ss, Wellesley Hills, Mass, 99-1901; ss, Henniker, NH, 01-2; hr, Wellesley Hills, Mass, 02—. DD, DruC, 83. WHITE, Erskine Norman; b, NYCity, My 31, 1833; YC, 54; UTS, 54-7; stud, Halle, Germ, 57-8; ord (ED, CI NY), Jn 9, 59; pas, Richmond (SI), NY, 59-62; pas (Presb), New-Rochelle, NY, 62-8; pas (West- minster), Buffalo, NY, 68-74; pas (W 23d st), NYCity, 74-86; cor sec, Bd Ch Erec, Presb Ch, USA, do, 86—. DD, UNY, 74. 21. BARTLETT, William Alvin; b, Binghamton, NY, Dc 4, 1832; HC, 52; UTS, 54-6; ord (Cong), Mr 4, 58; pas, Owego, NY, 57-8; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 58-68; pas, Chicago, 111, 68-76; pas (Presb), Indianapolis, Ind, 76-82; pas, Washington, DC, 82-94; Europe, 94-5; hr, 94 — ; res, New York Mills, NY. DD. HC. 77. •ELLIS, John Millott; b.Jaffrey, NH, Mr 27, 1831; OC, 51; UTS, 55-6; OTS, 56-7; ord (Cong), Oc 17, 66; prof (Greek), OC, Oberlin. O, 58-66; do (Ment & Moral Phil), do, 66-94, & ss, do, 68-74, & 82-94; d, Chicago, 111, Mr 29, 94. •EVANS, Enoch Kraig; b, Shawangunk, NY, My 27, 1821; AC, 53; UTS, 53-4; PTS, 54; tea, various grades, 54-67; tea, Jersey ville, 111, 67-77; tea, Bentonville, Ark, 77-8; Neosho, Mo, 78; ss, Lebanon, Mo, 78-9; d, Jerseyville, 111, Dc 18, 79. •GARDNER, Theodore Adolphus; b, Pownal, Vt, Fb 25, 1830; WmsC, 53; UTS, 54-5; ord (RD, CI Saratoga), Ap 16, 62; ss, Manhattanville, NY, 55; ss&pas, Buskirk's Bridge, NY, 61-2; pas, Tiossiock, NY, 62-7; ss (Cong), Orient (LI), NY, 67-71; ss, Pontiac, 111, 72; ss, Faribault, Minn, 73-4; ss, Monroe, Wis, 75-6; ss, Winnebago, 111, 77-9; d, Fari- bault, Minn, Ja 22, 80. •GIBSON, John; b, Ryegate, Vt, Jn 1, 1830; UC, 53; UTS, 54-5; ord (Presb, Iowa City), Ap 24, 59; ss, Galena, 111, 58-9; ss, Wheatland, Io, 59; wc, Washington, Io, 60-8; d, Ryegate, Vt, Mr 8, 68. •HAYES, Charles Gordon; b, Washington, Ct, Ja 20, 1830; YC, 51; tea, Bennington, Vt, 52-4; UTS, 54; law, NYCity, 55-7; do, Litchfield, Ct, 57; do, Rock Isld, 111, 58-9; do, Muscatine, Io, 59-78; d, Des Moines, Io, Ap 8, 78. •HUBBARD, Joseph Welton; b, Geneseo, NY, My 11, 1827; HC, 50; UTS, 54-5; PTS, 55-7; ord (Presb, W- Jersey), Ag 5, 57; pas, Bridgeton, NJ, 57-65; pas, Cape Isld, NJ, 65-8; ss, Le Roy, NY, 68-70; pas, Dayton, NJ, 70-5; prest, Northern 111 Col, Fulton, 111, 75-7; pas (Cong), De- 1857-1858. 01 Witt, Io, 77-9; ss, Wilton, Io, 79-83; ss, Knoxville, Io, 83-9; pas, Me- chanicsville, Io, 89-96; ss (Linn Grove), Mt Vernon, Io, 96-9; hr, do, 99-1907; d, do, Sp 29, 07. DD, BVC and LenC, 06. JOHNSON, Lyman Huggins; b, Marion, NY, Ja 1, 1829; UTS, 54-6; ord (Cong), Fb, 57; ss, Elkhorn, Wis, 56-9; ss, Rockford, 111, 59-61; ss, Rockton, 111, 61-3; ss, Galena, 111, 63-5; inv & ev (undenom), Beloit, Wis, 65-6; ss, Udina, 111,- 66-7; do & ed, Toledo, O, 68-1904; do, Bos- ton, Mass, 04 — . ♦MASON, Rufus Osgood; b, E-Sullivan, NH, Ja 22, 1830; DC, 54; UTS, 54-6; tea, Cleveland, O, 56-7; MD, CollP&S, NY, 59; phys, NYCity, 59-61; ass surg, U S N, 61-4; NYCity, 65-1903; d, NYCity, Jn 5, 03. •QUICK, James; b, Koyal Oak, Mich, Ag 26, 1829; UM, 54; UTS, 54-6; ord (Presb, Peoria & Knox), Ap 12, 57; hm, Albany, 111, 56-7; fm, Pandi- tcripo, Jaffna, Ceylon, 58-68; wc, Birmingham, Mich, 70-1; ss, Reading & Hull, Mich, 71-2; ss, Blissfield, Mich, 72-4; ss, Bryan, O, 74-8; ss, Hicksville, O, 79-81; ss, Pemberville, O, 82-5; ss&hm, Kingston, Tenn, 85-6; inv, 86-9; d, Pomona, Cal, Jn 16, 89. *SPRAGUE, Daniel Jay; b, Hampstead, Ct, Mr 11, 1831; AC, 52; UTS, 54-5; com agency, NYCity, 56-78; res, do, 78-88; d, do, Ja 20, 88. *THOMAS, James Dun lap; b, Washington, DC, Dc 13, 1833; DelC, 54; UTS, 54-6; ord (Presb, Hanover), Ap 19, 59; ss, Lisbon, Md, 56-9; pas, Holmes & Makemie, Va, 59-69; pas, Wythevill^, Va, 69-81; pres, Rog- ersville, Tenn, 81-3; ss, Rushville, Ind, 83-6; ev (White Water Presb, Ind), 86-9; ev (Montgom Presb, Va), 89-91; pas (Springfield & Har- mony), Sykesville, Md, 91-7; pas, Berryville, Md, 98; d, Shenandoah June, Va, Ag 25, 98. *UGLOW, James; b, NYCity, 1827; WU, 43-4; UNY, 47; CollP&S, 49-51; drugs, NYCity, 50-3; UTS, 54-7; phys, NYCity, 58-64; d, Beaufort, SC, Mr 27, 65. MD, CollP&S, 51. WARD, Bradish Calvin; b, St Charles, 111, 1826; JefC, 52; UTS, 54-5; ord (Cong), Ap 8, 60; tea, St Charles, 111, 57-9; ss, Geneseo, 111, 60-2; ss, Waukegan, 111, 63-4; ch, U S Army, 64-5; wc, NYCity, 65; ss, Harwich, Mass, 73-5; res, Mechanicsville, Io, 75-1903; res, Gueda Spgs, Kan, 1903—. 14. 1858. ADAMS, William Wisner; b, Painesville, O, Ag 15, 1831; WmsC, 55; UTS, 55-8; ord (Cong), Ja 26, 60; ss (Presb), Burlington, Io, 58-9; ss (Cong), Como, 111, 59-60; ss (Presb), Beloit, Wis, 61-3; pas (Cong). Fall River, Mass, 64—. DD, WmsS, 73. 92 1858. *BAKEK, John Ezekiel; b, Schaghticoke, NY, Oc 29, 1831; WmsC, 53; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, Genesee Valley), Jl 19, 59; pas, Arkport & Burns, NY, 59-62; ss, Cuba, NY, 63-4; ss, Mid Granville, NY, 65-7; ss, Honeoye Falls, NY, 68-9; ss, Gates, NY, 70; ch of pub institutions (Monroe Co Penitentiary), Rochester, NY, 70-94; d, do, Ap 13, 94. *BARTLETT, William Frederick Vincent; b, Portland, Me, Ag 20, 1831; YC, 53; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, Mississippi), Dc 26, 64; tea, Natchez, Miss, 58-63; ch, Port Hudson, La, 63; S3, New-Orleans, La, 64-5; ss, Concord, NH, 65-7; trav, Europe, 67-9; prof, Oakland Coll, Miss, 70-4; pas, Lexington, Ky, 75-1900; pas emer, do, 01-3; d, do, Ap 15, 03. DD, CentU, 76. *BROWN, Edmund Woodward; b, Burdett, NY, Nv 3, 1831; YC, 55; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, Geneva), Ja 9, 61; ss (Cong), S-Cornwall, Ct, 58; ss (Presb), Alexandria, Va, 58-9; ss, W-Dresden, NY, 60-5; pm&sm, Whitesboro, NY, 65-7; ss, Carthage, NY, 67-9; ss, N-Bergen, NY, 69- 70; ss (Cong), Wellsville, NY, 71-4; ss (Presb), Burdett (Peach Orchard), NY, 74-8; ss, W-Dresden, NY, 79-82; ev, Ithaca, NY, 82-5; ss, Marathon, NY, 86-8; ss, Burdett, NY, 89-94; wc, do, 95; ed, Palo Alto, Cal, 96-1902; d, San Francisco, Cal, My 29, 02. *BUSHNELL, Lafayette; b, Henry Co, Mo, 1825; UTS, 55-8. CASE, Francis William; b, Whitewater, Wis, 1830; BelC, 55; UTS, 55-8; tea, NYCity, 58-9; agric, Whitewater, Wis, 59; trade, Chicago, 111; do, Madison, Wis. CLARK, Edson Lyman;* b, E-Hampton, Mass, Ap 1, 1827; YC, 53; UTS, 56-8; ord (Cong), Nv 30, 59; pas, Dalton, Mass, 58-67; ss, N-Branford, Ct, 67-77; ss, Southampton, Mass, 77-86; ss, Norwich Hill, Mass, 86-7; ss, Charlemont, Mass, 89-92; ss, Peru, Mass, 93-98; res, Dalton, Mass, 98—. CLYMER, John Matthews; b, Jefferson Co, Va, Mr 29, 1831; DelC, 55; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, New-River), Nv 28, 58; ss, Marion, Va, 58-9; pas, Woodstock, Va, 59-71; pas, Keyser & Piedmont, W-Va, 71-89; pas, Hancock, Md, 89-1901; ss, Ashburn, Va, 01—. *DICKERMAN, George Arba; b, Hamden, Ct, Jl 31, 1830; YC, 55; UTS, 55-8; res lie, YTS, 59-60; ss, Canaan, Ct, 60-1; wc, Canaan, Ct, 61-4; ss, St Charles, 111, 69-70; bus, Chicago, 111, 71-99; d, do, Ja 5, 99. *DORMAN, Lester Morse; b, Hamden, Ct, Nv 5, 1829; YC, 54; UTS, 55-8; ord (Cong), Jn 6, 60; ss, Winsted, Ct, 59-60; pas, Manchester, Ct, 60- 70; ord (Ep) dea, Fb 10, 72, pr, Dc 19, 73; miss & as rec (Ep), NYCity, 71-8; lit, Brooklyn, NY, 78-90; d, do, Dc 7, 90. *FITCH, David; b, Boardman, O, Oc 15, 1828; WRC, 55; UTS, 55-8; res lie, 58-9; tea, Flushing (LI), NY, 58-60; ss, Franklinville (LI), NY, 61; sup, Port Royal, SC, 62; bus & lit, NYCity, 62-1901; res, Brooklyn, NY; d, do, Sp 5, 01. 1858. 93 GREENE, Joseph Kingsbury; b, Auburn, Me, Ap 10, 1834; BC, 55; UTS, 55-8; ord (Cong), Nv 10, 58; fm, Nicomedia, Turk, 59-62; fm, Broosa, Turk, 62-8; fm, Manissa, Turk, 71-2; fm, Constantinople, Turk, 72 — . ed, do, 72-84; in U S A, 68, 84, 94. DD, BC, 84. *HALEY, Charles Thomas; b, NYCity, Oc 10, 1833; CNJ, 53; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, Newark), Oc 31, 60; pas, Newark (Roseville Ave), NJ, 60- 1903; d, do, Mr 13, 03. DD, CentreC, 89. HARRIS, John Kellogg; b, Ticonderoga, NY, Fb 16, 1832; WmsC, 52; UTS, 54-6, 57-8; ord (Presb, Lexington, Va), My 19, 59; ss&pas, New- Monmouth, Va, 58-61; ch, Conf Army, 62-5; ss, Amherst, Va, 65-9; tea&ss, Harrodsburgh, Ky, 69-72; ev&ss, Floyd CH, Va, 72-82; ss, Red Cloud, Neb, 82-4; ss, Scotia, Neb, 84-9; ss&tea, Floyd CH, Va, 89—. *HOYT, James Seymour; b, New-Canaan, Ct, Ap 18, 1830; YC, 51; UTS, 55-8; ord (Cong), My 26, 58; pas, Port Huron, Mich, 58-76; pas, Cam- bridgeport, Mass, 76-83; wc, 83-4; ss, Keokuk, Io, 85-90; d, do, Mr 4, 90. DD. 01C. 76. JESSUP, Samuel; b, Florida, NY, My 23, 1833; CNJ, 54; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, Hudson), My 3, 59; ss (Cong), Berkshire, NY, 59; ss (Presb), Amity, NY, 60; ss&pas, Danville, NY, 60-72; pas, Oneida, NY, 72-1902; pas emer, do, 02—. DD, HC, 87; Mod Syn NY, 89. KNOUSE, William Henry; b, NYCity, Oc 15, 1829; UNY, 51; UTS, 53-4, 55-8; ord (Cong), My 4, 59; pas, N-Greenwich, Ct, 59-63; pas, Cut- chogue (LI), NY, 63-70; pas, Deep River (Saybrook), Ct, 70-1901; res, do, 01—. ' *NOYES, George' Clement; b, Landaff, NH, Ag 4, 1833; IC, 55; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, St Joseph), Oc 19, 59; tea, Jacksonville, 111, 58-9; pas, La Porte, Ind, 59-68; pas, Evanston, 111, 68-89; d, do, Ja 14, S9. DD, NWU, 75. *OPDYKE, Sylvester Hill; b, Everittstown, NJ, Jn 22, 1828; WU, 53; UTS, 54-6, 57-8; ord (ME), Ap 6, 62; ss, Bloomfield, NJ, 58-60; ss, Clinton, NJ, 60-2; pas, Flemington, NJ, 62-4; pas, Rahway, NJ, 64-5; pas, Elizabethport, NJ, 65-7; pas, Tottenville (SI), NY, 67-9; pas Nyack, NY, 69-71; pas, Newark, NJ, 71-3; p elder, Newark, 73-7; do, Mariners Harbor (SI), NY, 77-80; do, Newton, NJ, 80; d, do, Oc 21, 80. *PAGE, William Laertes; b, Sangerfield, NY, Ag 30, 1830; HC, 54; UTS, 55-8; ord (Presb, Geneva), Jl 12, 59; ss, Phelps, NY, 58-62; ss (Cong), Grand Rapids, Mich, 63; ss (Presb), Wolcott, NY, 64-79; wc, Rochester, NY, 79-84; ss, Ontario, NY, 84-6; ss, Williamson, NY, 86-95; wc, Rochester, NY, 95-1901; d, do, Dc 20, 01. POWELL, Edward Pay son; b, Clinton, NY, My 9, 1833; HC, 53; UTS, 54-6, 57-8; tut, HC, 56-7; ord (Cong, Detroit Assoc), Oc 29, 61; ss, Deans- ville, NY, 58-61; pas (Plymouth), Adrian, Mich, 61-71; pas, St Louis, 94 1858. Mo, 71-3; ed (Globe Democrat), do, 73-4; pas (Unit), Chicago, 111, 74-7; pas (Indep), Utica, NY, 80-6; ed (New Unity), Chicago, 111, 94-6; lit, Clinton, NY, 86—. STOWELL, Alexander David; b, Caroline Centre, NY, Ja 7, 1827; YC, 53; UTS, 55-8; ord (Cong, New-Haven, W Cons), Nv 17, 58; pas, Wood- bridge, Ct, 58-60; ss, E-Granville, Mass, 60-3; ss, Southampton, Mass, 63-5; pas, Wilbraham, Mass, 65-7; pas, Muskegon, Mich, 70-2; ss, W-Groton, NY, 73-7; pas, Nichols, NY, 77-80; ss, Eichford & Harford, NY, 81-2; ss, Elmira, NY, 82-4; wc, Newark Valley, NY, 84-9; wc, Binghamton, NY, 89—. •VAN DERLIP, George Mairs; b, Argyle, NY, Jn 20, 1823; UEdin, 49-50; UNY, 51; RTS, 52-3; UTS, 55-8; trade, NYCity, 58-71; sec, SS dept, Bap Pub Soc, NYCity, 71-84; lit & tem sup (Bap), various places, vicinity of NYCity, 84-1903; d, Brooklyn, NY, Ag 1, 03. ♦WILLIAMSON, Eobert Henry; b, Liverpool, Engl, My 2, 1829; WmsC, 53; EpTS, 55-7; UTS, 57-8; ss (Presb), Dodgeville, Wis, 58-9; ss, Bock- ford, 111, 60-4; ord (Ep), dea, Sp 12, 65, pr, My 27, 66; rec (Ep), Wilkes- barre, Pa, 65-6; deposed, Ap 9, 73; MD, Rush Med Col, Chicago, 111, 77; d, Chillicothe, Mo, My 19, 84. 24. *BENTON, Orlando Newton; b, Franklin, NY, Ja 29, 1827; UTS, 55-6; ord (Presb, Tioga), Nv 18, 57; SSm, Lynchburg, Va, 56-7; ss&pas, Apalachin, NY, 58-61; ch, U S Army, 61-2; killed in battle, Newbern, NC, Mr 14, 62. *BORDWELL, Daniel Newcomb; b, Lenox, NY, Mr 4, 1828; OC, 52; tut, OC, 53-7; UTS, 55-6; OTS, 56-8; ord (Cong), Jn 6, 59; ss&pas, Le Claire, Io, 58-60; ss, Lansing, Io, 60-2; ch, U S Army (27th Iowa), 62-4; ss, Charles City, Io, 64-8; ss, Kalamazoo, Mich, 69-72; ss, Olivet, Mich, 73-6; ss, Webster City, Io, 76-9; ss, Golden Prairie, Io, 79-83; ss, Cass, Io, 83-8; d, Madison, Neb, Sp 24, 88. DD, HiC, 71. BROWN, Horatio Woodward; b, Buffalo, NY, Jl 27, 1833; YC 54; UTS, 55-6; tut, YC, 56-9; ord (Cong), Ja 17, 59; ss, Ripon, Wis, 59-60; Eu- rope, 60-2; pas (Presb), Lyons, NY, 63-6; pas, Brockport, NY, 67-71; pas, Williamsport, Pa, 71-84; wc, Wooster, O, 84-6; hr, do, 86 — . *CUTLER, Carroll; b, Windham, NH, Ja 31, 1829; YC, 54; UTS, 55-6; YTS & tut, YC, 56-8; UB & UHalle, Europe, 58-9; res lie, YC, 59-60; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Dc 17, 73; prof (Intel Phil & Rhet), WRC, Hud- son, O, 60-71; prest, WRC, do, 71-82; prest, Adelbert C of WRU, Cleve- land, O, 82-6, & prest, WRU, 84-6; prof, do, 86-9; prof (Theol & Ch Govt), Biddle U, Charlotte, NC, 89-91; prof, do, Talladega Col (Ala), 91-4; d, do, Ja 25, 94. DD, MaC, 72. 1858. 95 •DICKINSON, William Eastman; b, N-Amherst, Mass, Jn 11, 1832; AC, 55; UTS, 55-7; AndTS, 57-8; ord (Cong-, Barnstable Co Conf), Dc 19, 60; ss, E-Orleans, Mass, 60-2; ss, Sprague, Ct, 63-5; ss, Montville, Ct, 65-8; pas, Canton, Mass, 68-70; pas, Walpole, NH, 70-6; pas, Chicopee, Mass, 76-87; ss, Fitzwilliam, NH, 87-91; res, Amherst, Mass, 91-1905; d, do, Mr 15, 05. ♦DRAPER, Gideon; b, Manchester, NY, Jn 22, 1828; DC, 49; studied law, Ballston, NY, 50; studied, Berlin, etc, Europe, 51-4; UTS, 56-7; ord (ME), My 12, 61; ss, Salisbury, Ct, 57-9; ss, Rhinebeck, NY, 59-61; pas, Sheffield, Mass, 61-3; pas, White Plains, NY, 63-5; prof, GC, Lima, NY, 65-6; pas, Garrison's, NY, 66-7 ; pas, Tuckahoe, NY, 67-70; pas, Carmel, NY, 70-2; pas, Am Union Ch, Geneva, Switz, 72-3; Europe, 72-5; pas, Coxsackie, NY, 76-9; pas, Tarry town, NY, 79-80; pas, Washington Hts, NYCity, 80-3; pas, Gt Barrington, Mass, 83-5; pas, W-London, Engl, 85; inv, NYCity & Washington, 85-7; d, Yokohama, Japan, Dc 8, 89. DD, SU, 81. *EVANS, John Gomer; b, River Head, NY, Nv 7, 1829; UM, 54; UTS, 55-6; U S Army (4th Ohio Vol), 61-4; ed, Chicago, 111, & Winona, Minn, 68- 80; clerk, Pension Office, Washington, DC, 80-90; d, do, Ja 16, 90. FRANKLIN, Morris Julius; b, Prussia, Ja 14, 1831; UC, 55; UTS, 55-7; MD, NYU, 58; cm of ASMCJ, 57-61; surg, U S Army, 62-4; phys & drug, NYCity, 65-84; indep med mis, Jerusalem, Palestine, 84 — . Pres, Hebr Chr Asso, do. *HALL, Joshua Beers; b, Madrid, NY, Jl 11, 1826; UVt, 53; UTS, 55-7; AubTS, 57-8; ord (Presb, Onondaga),. Fb 8, 59; pas, Lysander, NY, 59-64; pas, Pittstown & Johnson ville, NY, 64-7; ss (Olivet), Lansing- burgh, NY, 67-9; ss, Elk Rapids, Mich, 70-9; inv, Oviatt, Mich, 79-86; ss, Taymouth, Mich, 86; ss (Oneida), Grand Ledge, Mich, 86-93; wc, Traverse City, Mich, 93-7; hr, do, 98-1904; d, do, Nv 29, 04. (MGA.) HAMNER, James Garland; b, Baltimore, Md, Nv 13, 1836; WmsC, 55; UTS, 55-7; ord (Presb, DC), Nv 1, 59; pas, Milford, Del, 60-3; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 64-9; pas, Salisbury, Md, 69-72; s ev, Baltimore, Md, 72-4; pas, Waterville, NY, 74-5; pas, Parkersburgh, W-Va, 75-84; ev, Baltimore, Md, 84-6; pas, Lamington, NJ, 86-96; ev, Newark, NJ, 96-9; pas, Manassas, Va, 99 — . DD, MaC, 80. HOOPER, Thomas Williamson; b, Hanover Co, Va, Nv 2, 1832; HSC, 55; UTS, 55; UTSVa, 56-7; ord (Presb, Hanover), Fb, 58; pas, Pole Green & Salem Chh, Va, 58-63; pas, Liberty Chh, Va, & ch, Conf Army, 63-5; pas, Christiansburgh, Va, 65-70; pas, Lynchburg, Va, 70-6; pas, Selma, Ala, 76-88; pas, Christiansburg, Va, 88-1907; inv, Culpeper, Va, 07—. DD, RoC, 76. KING, Albert Barnes; b, Morristown, NJ, Ja 29, 1828 ; CNJ, 55; UTS, 55-6; PTS, 57-8; ord (Presb, Monmouth), Oc 22, 61; ss, NYCity, 58-60; pas, 96 1858. Red Bank, NJ, 61-2; ss (ED), Gilboa, NY, 62-3; pas (Presb), Wyoming, Pa, 63-72; ss, Charlotte, NY, 72-5; ss, New-Providence, NJ, 78-81; ss, Clarkesville, NJ, 82-3; ss, Yaphank, NY, 84-6; ev, NYCity, 86-7; sec, Internat Med Miss Soc, do, 87-8; ev, do, 89 — . McCONAUGHY, Nathaniel; b, near Blairsville, Pa, Oc 11, 1825; WRC, 52; tea, Winchester, Tenn, 53-5; UTS, 55-7; PTS, 57-8; ord (Presb, W-Jer- sey), Jn 12, 60; ss&pas, Millville, NJ, 58-66; ss, Swedesboro, NJ, 66-8; ss, Elwood, NJ, 68-72; CE, NJ & Pa, 72-83; do, NYCity, 83—. *McMUERAN, Robert Lowry; b, Frederick Co, Va, My 7, 1835; UC, 55; UTS, 55-7; ord (Presb, Winchester), Oc 21, 60; pas, Shepherdstown, Va, 60-5; pas, Culpepper, Va, 66-70; pas, Springfield (Sykesville), Md, 70-6; pas, Mt Washington, Md, 77-86; pas, Portsmouth, Va, 87-92; d, do, Sp 18, 92. MILLER, George Alpha; b, Andover, Ct, Mr 3, 1831; WmsC, 55; UTS, 55-7; TIC, 58-9; ord (Cong), Nv 29, 59; pas, Burlington, Ct, 59-62; ss, Broad- albin, NY, 63-4; ss, Harrisville, NY, 64-7; ss, Pt Leyden, NY, 67-71; ss, La Fayette, NY, 71-4; wc, Syracuse, NY, 74-82; pas, Moriah, NY, 82-4; pas, Richford, NY, 84-6; pas, Bozrah, Ct, 86-91; wc, Syracuse, NY, 92—. *NOTT, Charles Dekay; b, Norman Vale, NY, Sp 12, 1833; UC, 54; UTS, 55-6; NBTS, 56-8; ord (RD, CI Montgomery), Oc 25, 59; pas, Mohawk, NY, 59-64; pas (Presb), Manchester, NJ, 64-5; ss&pas, Urbana, 111, 66-9; ss, Kansas City, Mo, 70-1; pas, St Louis, Mo, 71-3; pas, Daven- port, Io, 73-80; pas, Washington, NJ, 80-93; wc, NYCity, 94-1904; d, do, My 18, 04. DD, UC, 74. *POST, Henry Albertson; b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 2, 1835; NYA, 55; UTS, 55-6; PTS, 56-8; ord (Presb, Troy), Ja 10, 60; ss, Warrensburgh, NY, 60-1; d, do, Nv 12, 61 RICE, Edwin Wilbur; b, Gloversville (Kingsboro), NY, Jl 24, 1831; UC, 54; UTS, 55-7; ord (Presb & Cong Conv Wisconsin), Sp 5, 60; tea, Brook- lyn, NY, 57-8; SSm, La Crosse, Wis, 59-60; do, St Louis, Mo, 61; do, La Crosse, Wis, 61-4; sup, ASSU, Milwaukee, Wis, 64-70; as sec & ed, ASSU, Philadelphia, Pa, 71-7; ed, periodicals, ASSU, do, 78-9; ed publ, do, do, 79—. DD, UC, 84. *RICHARDSON, George Poindexter; b, Warren Co, Miss, Fb 15, 1833; UMi, 55; UTS, 55-6; ord (Presb, Lexington South), 57; ss, Middleton, Miss, 57-8; ss, Carrollton, Miss, 59-60; tea, Grenada, Miss, 61-9; tea&ss, Garner Station & New-Hope, Miss, 70-4; tea, Corsicana, Tex, 74-9; ss, Waxahachie, Tex, 79-86; d, do, Mr 28, 86. TYLER, Charles Mellen; b, Limington, Me, Ja 8, 1831; YC, 55; UTS, 55-6; ord (Cong), Ap 22, 57; pas, Galesburg, 111, 57-8; pas, Natick, Mass, 1858-1859. 97 58-67; U S Army, 64-5; pas (South), Chicago, 111, 67-72; pas (RD), Ithaca, NY, 72-91; prof (Hist & Phil of Relig, & Chr Ethics), CornU, Ithaca, NY, 91-1903; prof emer, do, 03—. DD, YU, 93. 20. 1859. *ACKER, Henry Jacob; b, Catskill, NY, Nv 19, 1833; WmsC, 55; UTS, 55-7, 58-9; ord (Cong), Jn 23, 59; ss, Greenport (LI), NY, 59-60; pas (Presb), Amity, NY, 61-5; ch, U S Army, 63-5; d sec, ATS, New-Britain, Ct, 65-6; as sec, ATS, NYCity, 67-9; pas, Pleasant Valley, NY, 69-72; ss, Brainerd, NY, 72-3; d, Brainerd, NY, Ja 1, 74. *BELL, Goodloe Bowman; b, Reading, Pa, Jn 14, 1832; YC, 52; UTS, 56-9; ord (Fourth Presb, Philadelphia), Oc 18, 59; ss, Manhattanville, NY, 59; ss, Hardiston, NJ, 59-65; wc, Elizabeth, NJ, 65-7; ss, Raniapo, NY, 67-70; pas (Seventh), NYCity, 71-4; pas (RD), Napanock, NY, 74-81; pas (Presb), Amenia, NY, 81-93; wc, Washington, DC, 93-4; d, Balti- more, Md, Jn 5, 94. *BISSELL, Edwin Cone; b, Schoharie, NY, Mr 2, 1832; AC, 55; tea, East- hampton, Mass, 55-6; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Sp 21, 59; pas, West- hampton, Mass, 59-64; pas, San Francisco, Cal, 64-9; ss, Honolulu, Oahu, 69-70; pas, Winchester, Mass, 71-3; fm, Innsbruck, Austria, 74-9; prof, TIC, Hartford, Ct, 81-92; prof (Hebrew), McCTS, Chicago, 111, 92-4; d, do, Ap 9, 94. DD, AC, 74. BRUSH, Jesse; b, Huntington (LI), NY, Jn 11, 1830; UNY, 54; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, Montrose), Nv 2, 59; pas, Susquehanna, Pa, 59-61; ss, West- hampton, Mass, 62-3; ch, U S Army, 63-5; pas (Cong), Vernon, Ct, 65-7; pas, N-Cornwall, Ct, 67-73; pas, Berlin, Ct, 73-6; wc, Brooklyn, NY, 76; ss (Cong), Stamford, Ct, 76-80; ord (Ep) dea, Jl 17, 80, pr, Jl 16, 81; rec, Saybrook, Ct, 81-8; rec, Maryville, NY, 88-93; rec (St Peter's), Buffalo, NY, 93-6; ch (Church Home), do, 96—. DD, NYU, 1904. CLARK, Walter Halsey; b, Milton, NY, Jl 2, 1832; WmsC, 54; AubTS, 56-8; UTS, 58-9; ord (Presb, No River), Jn 30, 59; fm, Gaboon, W-Afr, 59-61; fm, Corisco, W-Afr, 61-9; ss, Ponca, Neb, 70-1; ss, Elk Valley, Neb, 72-4; ss, Daily Branch, Neb, 74-8; tea, Silver Ridge, Neb, 78-87; do, as treas & sec, PkC, Parkville, Mo, 87 — . fDOUGLASS, Eugene; b, NYCity, 1835; NYA, 54; UTS, 56-9; HeidU, Germ, 59-62; U S Army (44th NY Inf), 62-4; 2d Lieut & Capt, 47th NY Inf, 64-5; phys, NYCity, 82-90. *EARLE, William Willard; b, W-Troy, NY, Ag 31, 1830; AC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, Clinton), Ja 29, 60; ss, Canton, Miss, 59-60; ss, Syca- more, 111, 60-1; d, Worcester, Mass, Ap 26, 61. ERDMAN, William Jacob; b, Allentown, Pa, Ap 28, 1834; HC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb), Ap 11, 60; ss, St Catharines, Can, 59-60; ss, St Paul, 98 1859. Minn, 60-1; pas, Fayetteville, NY, 61-7; ch, U S Army, 64-5; pas, Ann Arbor, Mich, 67-70; ss, Fort Wayne, Ind, 70-4; ss, Jamestown, NY, 74-5; ss, Chicago, 111, 75-8; ss, Jamestown, NY, 78-82; ev, do, 82-5; ss (Olivet), Boston, Mass, 86-8; ev, Asheville, NC, 88-94; ev & Bible tea, Germantown, Pa, 94 — . DD, MiU, 92. *GOODWIN, Edward Payson; b, Rome, NY, Jl 31, 1832; AC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong-), Nv 10, 59; ss, Burke, Vt, 59-60; pas (First), Columbus, O, 60-7; pas (First), Chicago, 111, 68-1900; d, do, Fb 15, 01. DD, WRC, 67, & AC, 68. *GRIGGS, Charles Edwin; b, Pomfret, Ct, Jl 21, 1827; AC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ss, S-Coventry, Ct, 59; ss, Stafford, Ct, 61; ss, Hampton, Ct, 62; ss, Windham, Ct, 65; Scotland, 66; ss, Eastford, Ct, 67; ss, Hampton, Ct, 68 & 70; ss, Willington, Ct, 71-2; ss, Abington, Ct, 73; os&tea, Chaplin, Ct, 73-8; ss, Hampton, Ct, 78-9; tea, Chaplin, Ct, 79-83; ss, Scotland, Ct, 83-4; tea, Chaplin, Ct, 84-7; mem Ct legisl, 87-8; wc, Hartford, Ct, 88-91; d, do, Ag 12, 91. HAYDN, Hiram Collins; b, Pompey, NY, Dc 11, 1831; AC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Ja 16, 62; ss, Montville, Ct, 59-61; pas, W-Meriden, Ct, 62-6; ss, St Johnsbury, Vt, 66; pas, Painesville, O, 66-71; ss St Louis, Mo, 71-2; pas (Presb), Cleveland, O, 72-80; dist sec, ABCFM, NYCity, 80-4; pas (First Presb), Cleveland, O, 84—. DD, WoosU, 75; LLD, AC & MaC, 89; prest, WRU, 87-90; v-prest & prof (OT), Col for Women, WRU. *HOLMES, Theodore James; b, Utica, NY, Ap 26, 1833; YC, 53; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong, Winooski Asso), Nv 22, 59; hm, Richmond, Vt, 59-61; pas, E-Hartford, Ct, 61-72; priv 21st Ct Inf (3 mos); ch, 1st Ct Cavalry (1 year); pas, Brooklyn, NY, 72-4; pas, Baltimore, Md, 75-83; pas, New- ton, Mass, 83-93; pas, Hopkinton, Mass, 93-8; wc, Portsmouth, NH, 99- 1901; ss, Richmond, Vt, 02-3; wc, Concord, NH, 04-6; d, do, Dc 4, 06. (CYB.) *KENDRICK, William; b (McKee), Cynthiana, Ky, Sp 1, 1824; OC, — ; UTS, 58-9; ord (Cong), 57; hm, Kentucky, 59-60; ss, Montrose, Io, 60; ss, Leon & Decatur, Io, 62-3; ss, Sharon, 111, 64-5; ag, ABS, Iowa, 66-8; ss, Moulton, Io, 68-72; ss, Gallatin, Mo, 73; ss, Rock Creek, Mineral Point & Williamsburg, Kan, 74-9; ss, Waverly, Rock Creek & Big Creek, Kan, 80; wc, 81-2; ss, Ashton & Rosebank, Kan, 83; ss, Que- nemo & Maxson, Kan, 84-5; ev, Waverly, Kan, 85-8; ss, Purcell, IT, 88-91; wc, Wichita, Kan, 91-3; d, do, Jn 4, 93. *KIMBALL, Henry DeLaker; b, Augusta, NY, 1828; YC, 52; UTS, 52-3, 57-9; ord (Cong), Mr 19, 62; ss, N-Woburn, Mass, 60-1; pas, Sandwich, Mass, 62-3; ss, NYCity, 63-4; sec, CUA, NYCity, 64—; cm (City Hall Mis), NYCity, 81-90; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 5, 90. *KIMBALL, John; b, Barton, Vt, Oc 10, 1831; DC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Oc 4, 61; ss, NYCity, 59-60; ss, Grass Valley, Cal, 61-2; ss, 1859. 99 San Francisco, Cal, 62-3; ch, U S Army, 63-5; supt of Col Schools, Washington, DC, 65-9; ag, AMA, & ss, Oakland, Cal, 69-71; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 71-3; ss, Chicago, 111, 73-4; ss, Santa Barbara, Cal, 74; ss, Eedwood, Cal, 74-5; cm, San Francisco, Cal, 75-6; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 76-7; cm, San Francisco, Cal, 77-9; ed (Pacific), do, 79-97; also ss, W-Oakland, Cal, 81-3; & ss (Olivet), San Francisco, Cal, 86-8; d, do, Jl 2, 97. *KNOX, Charles Eugene; b, Knoxboro, NY, Dc 27, 1833; HC, 56; AubTS, 56-7; UTS, 57-9; tut, HC, 59-60; ord (Presb, Newark), Jn 8, 64; pas e (ED), Utica, NY, 60-2; ss, Oswego, NY, 62-3; ss, Morristown, NJ, 63-4; pas (Presb), Bloomfield, NJ, 64-73; prest, Germ Theo School, do, 73- 1900; d, Pt Pleasant, NJ, Ap 30, 00. DD, CNJ, 74. •LEFTWICH, James Turner; b, Liberty, Va, Ja 3, 1835; CNJ, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, Winchester, NS), Nv 13, 59; pas, Alexandria, Va, 59-69; pas (Central), Atlanta, Ga, 70-9; pas (First), Baltimore, Md, 79-93; wc, do, 93-7; d, Atlanta, Ga, Fb 25, 97. DD, W&LU, 74. LINSLEY, Joel; b, Cornwall, Vt, Nv 27, 1827; AC, 52-6; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Ap 1, 60; ss, Hillsboro, 111, 60-1; ss, Manlius, NY, 61-2; agric, Millville, NY, & Culpeper CH, Va, 63—. Res, Bennings, DC. t LITTLE, James Andrew; b, NYCity, Jl 20, 1837; CCNY, 54; UTS, 56-9; post g, do, 59-61; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jl 21, 61; ss (RD), Canastota, NY, 61-3; ss (Cong), Paterson, NJ, 63-4; pas (Presb), Perth Amboy, NJ, 64-8; ss, Ferndale, Pa, 71-97, & ss (Cong), Ironton, Pa, 77-97; pas, Hokendauqua, Pa, 69—. DD, LafC, 87. McCALLIE, Thomas Hooke; b, Washington, Tenn, Ag 1, 1837; BtC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, Kingston), Sp 29, 59; ss. Bethesda & Lebanon Chhs, Miss, 59; ss, Cleveland, Tenn, 60-2; pas (First), Chattanooga, Tenn, 62-73; pm (Knoxville Presb), 74-80; ss, Concord, Tenn, 74-82; ss&pas, Missionary Ridge, Tenn, 83 — . DD, KgC, 81. Address, Chatta- nooga, Tenn. McCULLY, Charles Gardiner; b, NYCity, Dc 29, 1832; YC, 53; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Jl 17, 60; pas, Milltown, St Stephen, NB, 60-6; pas, Hallo- well, Me, 66-76; pas, Calais, Me, 76—. *MARDEN, Augustus Leander; b, Easton, Mass, Nv 9, 1830; DC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), My 30, 61; ss, Cabot, Vt, 59-60; ss&pas, Piermont, NH, 59-82; d, do, Ap 24, 82. •MATTHEWS, James Thomas; b, Boston, Mass, Mr 14, 1830; YC, 54; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, Hudson), Nv 28, 59; ss, Port Jervis, NY, 59-60; ss, Kenosha, Wis, 60-4; wc, Chicago, 111, 64-5; pas, do, 65-6; ev, do, 67-94; hr, Evanston, 111, 94-8; d, do, Jl 20, 98. •MITCHELL, Arthur; b, Hudson, NY, Ag 13, 1835; WmsC, 53; tut, LafC, Easton, Pa, 53-6; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, 4th NY), My 9, 59; pas (Third), Richmond, Va, 59-61; pas (Second), Morristown, NJ, 61-8; 100 1859. pas (First), Chicago, 111, 69-80; pas (First), Cleveland, O, 80-4; cor sec, Presb Bd For Mis, NYCity, 84-93; d, Saratoga, NY, Ap 24, 93. DD, WmsC, 75. *PIERSON, George; b, Orange, NJ, Fb 24, 1835; CNJ, 53; civ eng (Mich So RR), Mich, 53-4; tea, Mt Holly, NJ, 54-5; do, Montclair, NJ, 55-6; UTS> 56-9; ss (Cong), Waitsfield, Vt, 59-60; inv, E-Orange, NJ, 60-95; d, do, Dc 16, 95. *RUSSELL, Charles Henry; b, Stratford, Ct, Oc 23, 1827; UTS, 56-9; ss, Williamsport, Md, 59-61; U S Army (Col 1st Md Cav), 62-4; trade, Bridgeport, Ct, 64-95; d, do, Fb 26, 95. *SMITH, William Augustus; b, Rutland, Vt, Sp 1, 1834; MaC, 53; tut, DenU, Granville, O, 53-5; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), My 14, 61; ss, Cole- raine, Mass, 59-60; pas, Rockland, Me, 61-3; ss, Coventry, NY, 63-4; ss, Rushville, NY, 65; ss, Hamilton, NY, 65-7; ss, Ann Arbor, Mich, 68; ss&pas, Morris, 111, 69-73; ss, Seneca Falls, NY, 74-5; ss, Morris- ville, NY, 75-7; wc, Rochester, NY, 77-9; d, do, Nv 20, 79. *SNOWDEN, Robert Bayard; b, NYCity, Nv 21, 1833; WmsC, 54; UTS, 54-5, 56-9; res lie, 60-1; ord (Cong), My 1, 61; ss, Montville, Ct, 61-3; ss, Ludlow, Vt, 64-5; pas, Nevada City, Cal, 65-7; pas, Redwood, Cal, 67-9; ss, Honolulu, HI, 69-70; pas, Darien, Ct, 72-5; ord (Ep) dea, Mr 12, 76, pr, Ja 14, 77; rec (Ep), Fort Hamilton (LI), NY, 76-91; do (St Jude's), Brooklyn, NY, 90-1901; also rec (Ch Holy Spirit), do, 86-9; d, do, Mr 9, 01. STODDARD, Charles Augustus; b, Boston, Mass, My 28, 1833; WmsC, 54; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, 2d NY), Sp 18, 59; pas, NYCity (Washington Heights), 59-83; ed (Observer), NYCity, 83—. DD, WmsC, 71. *TAYLOR, James Henry; b, Ballston Spa, NY, Ja 3, 1829; BC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Nv 2, 59; pas, New-Rochelle, NY, 59-62; ss (Cong), Eastport, Me, 62-3; pas (Presb), Orange, NJ, 63-8; pas, Lake Forest, 111, 68-75; prof (Engl Lit), LFU, do, 75-6; pas, Rome, NY, 76-99; res, Clinton, NY, 99-1907; d, do, Oc 13, 07. DD, HC, 79. *WINSHIP, Charles Finney; b, New-Hartford, NY, Ap 21, 1826; KC, 53; UTS, 57-9; ord (Cong), Sp 27, 59; fm, Mendi Mission, W-Afr, 60-3; U States, 63-5; d, Princeton, 111, J] 1, 65. WOLCOTT, John Milton; b, W-Springfield, Mass, Nv 20, 1830; YC, 54; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Fb 20, 61; pas, S-Britain, Ct, 61-5; pas, Eliza- bethport, NJ, 65-8; ss, New-Haven, Ct, 68-9; pas, Cheshire, Ct, 69-76; pas, Saugerties, NY, 76-80; wc, Orange, NJ, 81; pas, Morrisville, NY, 82-4; ss (Presb), Piffard, NY, 84-7; ss, Prattsburgh, NY, 87-9; ss, Redfield, NY, 89-92; pas, Smithville Flats, NY, 92-5; wc, do, 95-9; wc, Greene, NY, 99 — . *WOODIN, Simeon Foster; b, Green River, NY, My 11, 1833; WmsC, 55; UTS, 56-9; ord (Presb, NY 4th), Jn 19, 59; fm, Foochow, China, 60-70; 1859. 101 U States, 70-2, 83-5; fm, Foochow, China, 72-83, 85-95; d, Amenia, NY, Jn 28, 96. WYCKOFF, James Dunham; b, Ashland, O, Sp 11, 1832; KC, 56; UTS, 56-9; ord (Cong), Oc 25, 59; hm, Eosefleld, Lehigh, Maquon, Middle Grove, & Union Town, 111, 59-61; pas, Rosefield & Lehigh, 111, 61-4; ag Chn Com, Cairo, 111, 64-5; pas, Rosefield, Lehigh, & Abingdon, 111, 66; pas, Altona, 111, 67-9; pas, Roseville, 111, 69-77; pas, Beardstown, 111, 77-80; pas, Avon, 111, 80-2; State ev, 111 HMS, Galesburg, 111, 82-93; pas, Wheaton, 111, 93-6; ev, do, 97-1900; ss, Wheaton, 111, 00-1; ss, Elm- wood, 111, 02-3; ev, do, 03-4; ss (Plymouth), Peoria, 111, 04; pas, Stark, 111, 05—. 34. f ALEXANDER, Gottfried Edward; b, Constance, Baden, 1831; LTS, 56-7; UTS, 57-8. ♦ATKINSON, Robert;- b, Toronto, Canada, Ag 24, 1829; MU, 56; MTS, 56-7; UTS, 57-8; ord (Bap), Sp 2, 58; pas (North), Newark, NJ, 58-68; prest (trustees), OttawaU, Ottawa, Kan, 69-70; treas, do, 68-74; sec, do, 68- 80; trustee, 74-83, 90-99; also sec, Kan Bap Min Edu Soc, 92-9; d, do, Ja 16, 99. ♦AMBROSE, Thomas Lyford; b, Ossipee, NH, Jn 19, 1829; BC, 56; UTS, 56-7; AndTS, 57-8; ord (Cong), Jl 21, 58; fm, Oroomiah, Persia, 58-62; ch, 12th NH Vol, U S Army, 62-4; d, of wounds, Ft Monroe, Va, Ag 19, 64. *BLAKE, Daniel Hoyt; b, Sutton, Vt, 1829; KC, 56; UTS, 56-8; ord (Cong), Jn 9, 59; ss, Mendota, 111, 59-60; ss, Fond du Lac, Wis, 60-1; pas, Princeton, 111, 62-4; ag, AMA, Hilton Head, SC, 64-5; ss, Spencer- port, NY, 65-7; d, Stamford, Ct, Ap 6, 69. COBB, Henry Nitehie; b, NYCity, Nv 15, 1834; YC, 55; UTS, 56-7; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 16, 60; fm (ABCFM), Oroomiah, Persia, 60-3; inv, Tarrytown, NY, 63-5; pas (RD), Millbrook, NY, 66-81; inv, 81-2; cor sec, Bd For Mis (RD), NYCity, 82—. DD, RC, 78. HAIRE, John Pursel; b, Elizabethtown, O, Ap 26, 1831; WmsC, 55; LTS, 56-7; AndTS, 58; UTS, 58-9; ord (Presb, Madison), Ap 10, 61; ss, Elizabethtown, Berea, & Cleves, O, 60-1; ss, Aurora, Ind, 61-2; prin, Pub School, do, 62-3; inv, Elizabethtown, O, 63-9; ss&prin, Fox Lake, Wis, 70-3; prof (Latin), RipC, Ripon, Wis, 73-5; prin, Janesville, Wis, 75-81; books, NYCity, 81-9; do, ag (Wis & Min), 89-96; do, Chicago, 111, 96—. HALLOCK, William Allen; b, Plainfield, Mass, Ag 27, 1832; AC, 55; YTS, 56-7; UTS, 57-8; TIC, 58-9; ord (Cong), Oc 24, 60; pas, Gilead, Ct, 60-4; ss, Kiantone, NY, 66-9; ss, Jamestown, NY, 72-4; pas, Bloom- field, Ct, 75-87; wc, Jamestown, NY, 87 — . Res, Dorado, Porto Rico, 05—. 102 1859. •HOUGH, Jesse Winegar; b, Groton, NY, Nv 26, 1832; YC, 53; UTS, 56-8; YTS, 58; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Mr 13, 59; ch m, NYCity, 58-60; pas (Cong), Williston, Vt, 60-5; pas (Presb), Saginaw City, Mich, 65-8; pas (Cong), Jackson, Mich, 68-72; pas, Santa Barbara, Cal, 72-9; pas, Jackson, Mich, 79-85; pas, Amer Chap, Paris, France, 85-8; ss (Monti- ceto Ch), Santa Barbara, Cal, 88-90; wc, do, 90-5; d, do, Oc 29, 95. DD, IoC, 77. *HUBBELL, Henry Lynes; b, Wilton, Ct, Jn 24, 1831; YC, 54; UTS, 56-7; AndTS, 57-9; res lie, do, 59-60; ord (Cong), Ap 24, 61; pas, Amherst, Mass, 61-6; ss (Unionville), Farmington, Ct, 66-8; Europe & East, 68; pas, Ann Arbor, Mich, 69-76; wc, Amherst, Mass, 78-9; pas, James- town, NY, 80-6; ss, Austin, Tex, 86-9; pres (Lake Charles Col), Lake Charles, La, 90-9; wc, Detroit, Mich, 1900-1; wc, NYCity, 02-8; d, do, Fb 28, 08. (CYB.) DD, GaleU, 82. •McARTHUR, Henry Gilderoy; b, Porter, NY, Mr 25, 1834; KC, 56; UTS, 56-8; CTS, 58-9; ord (Cong), Ag 10, 59; ss, McGregor, Io, 59-61; ss, Neenah, Wis, 61-3; ss, Oshkosh, Wis, 63-5; ss, Griggsville, 111, 66-71; ss, Geneseo, 111, 72-5; wc, Beloit, Wis, 75-80; ss, Ft Atkinson, Wis, 80-3; wc, Beloit, Wis, 83-9; ss, Rockton, 111, 89-91; wc, Ft Atkinson, Wis, 91-5; d, do, Fb 20, 95. DD, Whitman Col, 80. McCORD, Robert Deeper; b, Bethel, 111, Ag 7, 1830; BelC, 52-3; IC, 56; UTS, 56-7; LTS, 57-9; ord (Cong, Mineral Point Conv, Wis), Sp 4, 61; ss, New-Berlin, 111, 60; pas, Lincoln, 111, 61-6; pas, Toulon, 111, 67-78; pas, New- Windsor, 111, 79-82; pas e, Lyonsville, 111, 82-6; pas, Sheffield, 111, 86-92; ss, Lake View, Io, 92-4; ss, Silver Creek & Keck, Io, 94-5; retired, Lake City, Io, 95 — . MILLS, John Lawrence; b, Norfolk, Ct, Sp 18, 1832; YC, 55; UTS, 56-8; tut, YC, 58-61; ss, Seymour, Ct, 62-4; prof (Latin), Marietta Coll, O, 65-81; business, Marietta, O, 81 — . *OWEN, David; b, Wales, 1828; BelC, 56; UTS, 56; d, NYCity, Nv, 56. *PENFIELD, Thornton Bigelow; b, Alden, NY, Oc 2, 1834; OC, 56; UTS, 56-8; ord (Cong), Fb 2, 59; fm, Brainerd, Jamaica, WI, 59-66; fm, Madura, India, 66-71; d, do, Ag 19, 71. •ROBINSON, George Chester; b, Hartwick, NY, Ag 9, 1833; YC, 56; UTS, 56; ss (ME, First Place), Brooklyn, NY, 57-8; ss (Union & Wesley Chap), Cincinnati, O, 58-62; inv, Europe, 62; d, Wellsboro, Pa, Sp 21, 63. •SMITH, Horace Payson; b, Salem, Mass, Mr 15, 1831; AC, 54; tea, Rich- mond, Va, 54-6; UTS, 56-7; tea, Richmond, Va, 58-9; ord (Presb, Piedmont), Ap 23, 60; pas, Piedmont, Va, 60-7; tea, Rocky Mount & Floyd, Franklin Co, Va, 67-9; prin, Huntsville, Ala, 69-73; pas, Tus- cumbia, Ala, 73-7; d, do, Mr 12, 77. tSQUIRE, William Wood; b, Montreal, Can, 1836; QC, 54; UTS, 56-7; ord (Wes) ; ss, — , CE, 58—. 1859-1860. 103 ♦THOMPSON, Amherst Lord; b, Peru, Mass, Ap 16, 1834; AC, 56; UTS, 56-7; AndTS, 57-9; ord (Cong), Fb 2, 60; ss, Ansonia, Ct, 59-60; fm, Oroomiah, Persia, 60; d, Seir, Persia, Ag 25, 60. ♦UNDERHILL, John Winn; b, Ipswich, Mass, Ap 21, 1829; AC, 54; UTS, 56-7; AndTS, 57-9; ord (Cong), Oc 5, 59; pas, N-Amherst, Mass, 59-62; d, do, Oc 17, 62. WARD, William Hayes; b, Abington, Mass, Jn 25, 1835; AC, 56; UTS, 56-7; tut, BelC, 57-8; AndTS, 58-9; ord (Cong), Ja 8, 60; ss&pas, Oskaloosa, Kan, 59-61; tea, East-Hampton, Mass, 61; tea, Utica, NY, 63-5; prof, RipC, Ripon, Wis, 65-7; asso ed (Independent), 68-71; su- perint ed, do, 71-96; ed in chief, do, NYCity, 96—. DD, UNY, & CNJ, 73; LLD, AC, 85. 20. 1860. *ALLEN, Edwin; b, Barton, Vt, Mr 10, 1833; GC (now SU), 57; LTS, 57-9; UTS, 59-60; ord (Presb, Rochester), Jn 11, 62; ss, Parma Centre, NY, 62-6; ss, Edwardsburgh, Mich, 66-8; ss, Stone Chh, NY, 68-72; ss, Byron, NY, 73-84; ss, Holley, NY, 84-9; ss, Clarence, NY, 89-94; d, do, My 23, 94. *BAIRD, John Francis; b, York, Pa, Ag 24, 1835; UTS, 57-60; ss (Presb), Cedarville, NJ, 60-3; d, York, Pa, Ap 5, 63. "BALDWIN, Elijah Clark; b, Milford, Ct, Dc 4, 1832; UTS, 57-60; ord (Cong, Fairfield E Consoc), Sp 5, 60; pas, Bethel, Ct, 60-5; pas, Bran- ford, Ct, 65-78; oc s & ed, New-Haven t Ct, 79-82; ss, Cheshire, Ct, 82-90; d, do, Ap 27, 90. BALLANTINE, Henry Watkins; b, Prince Edward Co, Va, Nv 6, 1838; IndU, 56; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Salem), Ja 9, 61; ss (Baldwin Ch), Terre Haute, Ind, 61-2; fm (ABCFM), Mahratta Mission, India, 63-5; pas (Presb), Marietta, O, 65-9; prof (Latin), IndU, 70; pas, Bloom- field, NJ, 74-94; pas (Cong, First), Baltimore, Md, 94-9; hr, Nyack, NY, 99-1906; do, E-Orange, NJ, 07—. DD, NYU, 91. BEARD, Augustus Field; b, Norwalk, Ct, My 11, 1833; YC, 57; AubTS, 57-8; UTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), My 24, 60; ss, Cape Elizabeth, Me, 60-2; pas, Bath, Me, 62-9; pas (Plymouth), Syracuse, NY, 69-83; pas, Amer Ch, Paris, France, 83-6; cor sec, AMA, NYCity, 86—. DD, SU, 75. *BIRD, Frederic Mayer; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Jn 28, 1838; UPa, 57; HkTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; ord (Lu, NY Ministerium), Sp 3, 61; pas, Rhine- beck, NY, 60-2; ch, U S Army, 62-3; pas, W-Philadelphia, Pa, 65-6; pas, Valatie, NY, 66-8; ord (Ep) dea, Oc 25, 68, pr, Jn 18, 69; rec (Ep), Shamokin, Pa, 69-70; rec, Spotswood, NJ, 70-4; rec, Indianapolis, Ind, 74. ss, Hightstown, NJ, 75-6; mis, Ausable Forks, NY, 77; rec, Iowa City, Io, 77-8; rec, Waterloo, Io, 79-81; ch & prof, LehU, S-Beth- 104 1860. lehem, Pa, 81-6; ed (Lippincott's Mag 1 ), 93-8; Act ch, LehU, 96. lit, do, 87-1908; d, do, Ap 2, 08. *BRIDGMAN, Henry Martyn; b, Westhampton, Mass, Ja 8, 1830; AC, 57; TIC, 57-8; UTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), Jn 27, 60; fm, Ifumi, S-Afr, 61-9; do, Umzumbi, Zulu, S-Afr, 69-96; d, do, Ag 29, 96. In U S A, 67-8, 85. BURBANK, Lysander Tower; b, Fitzwilliam, NH, Nv 24, 1828; WmsC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Cong), Jn 14, 60; fm, Bitlis, Assyria, 60-70; ss, Hern- don, Va, 70-80; pas (Presb), Georgetown, Neb, 80-5; ev & wc, do, 86-9; ss, Gandy, Dorp Valley & Garfield, Neb, 90; ev, Georgetown, Neb, 91-2; wc, Denver, Col, 93-6; pas e, Byers, Col, 96-7; pas, Fresno, Cal, 97-9; ev, do & Salem, Ore, 99—. Bes, Fresno, Cal. CHABLIER, Elisee; b, Valdrome, France, Mr 21, 1830; Col de France; UTS, 57-60; ord (Cong), Nv 2, 62; ch, 119th NY Vol, 62-3; Capt. 157th NY Vol, 63-4; tea, Newark, NJ, 65-8; prin, NYCity, 68-76; mis (McAll Mis), Paris, France, 78-9; do (Plym Breth), in Brittany, France, 79- 93; res, Lausanne, Switz, 93-4; Germany, 94-5; Geneva & Lausanne, Switz, 96-1904; Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 04 — . CLARK, Asahel Lewis; b, Amherst, Mass, Jl 25, 1832; AC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Montrose), Jn 11, 61; pas, Scranton (Hyde Park), Pa, 61- 71; pas, Greenport (LI), NY, 71-6; ss, Elizabeth, NJ, 76-9; pas, Florida, NY, 79-84; pas, Simsbury, Ct, 84-9; pas, Kingston, RI, 89-1900; ss, Weybridge, Vt, & Springfield, Mass, 00-3; ss, Cedar Grove, NJ, 03- 5; res, Montclair, NJ, 05 — . COBB, Elisha Greene; b, Canterbury, Ct, My 2, 1831; AC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, No River), Jn 20, 60; pas (Second), Peekskill, NY, 60-6; pas (Cong), Florence, Mass, 66-1901; res, Northampton, Mass, 01 — . *COLLINS, Alfred Somers; b, NYCity, Sp 1, 1838; UNY, 57; UTS, 57-60; res lie, 60-1; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 23, 61; ss, Albany, NY, 63; ss, Andover, NJ, 64; wc, Brooklyn (ED), NY, 65-70. DODGE, David Stuart; b, NYCity, Sp 22, 1836; YC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 16, 64; pres, BdHMis, 99—. DD, YU, 99. FAIRBANK, John Bernard; b, Oakham, Mass, Sp 6, 1831; IC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Cong), Oc 24, 60; ss, Marengo, 111, 60-1; ss, Monroe, Wis, 62-3; ss, Fox Lake, Wis, 64-5; pas, St Joseph, Mich, 66-70; ss, Ft Wayne, Ind, 70-5; pas, Farmington, 111, 75-9; ss, Spring Valley, Minn, 80-2; ss, Marshall, Minn, 83-4; & Clifton, Minn, 82-4; ss, Ortonville, Minn, 84-6; pas, Morris, Minn, 86-9; ss, Waverly, 111, 89-96; ss, Godfrey, 111, 97-1901; res, Jacksonville, 111, 01—. DD, IC, 95. *FORBES, John McLachlan; b, NYCity, Mr 8, 1837; NYA, 54; UTS, 57-60; tea, NYCity, 60-2; tea, Rahway, NJ, 62-4; tea, NYCity, 64-70; prin, do, 70-9; d, Elizabeth, NJ, Sp 8, 79. 1860. 105 *GATES, Lorenzo Martel; b, Honeoye Falls, NY, Nv 27, 1829; UM, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Columbia), Sp 25, 60; pas, Hillsdale, NY, 60-2; ss, Lowell & Arlington, Wis, 62-3; pas, Columbus, Wis, 63-4; ss (Cong), Eoscoe, 111, 64-6; ss (Presb), Lena, 111, 66-8; ss, S-Ottawa, 111, 68-75; ss, Plato, 111, 75-7; oc s, New-Albany, Ind, 77-82; pas, Lena, 111, 82-4; ss, do, 86-90; oc s, do, 90-1907; d, do, Mr 31, 07. •GRAY, George Seaman; b, NYCity, Jl 10, 1835; YC, 57; AubTS, 57-9; UTS, 59-60; ss, Westbrook (Portland), Me, 60-2; ss, Englewood, NJ, 62-3; tea, do, 63-6; bus, Cincinnati, O, 66-85; d, do, Ag 26, 85. *GRIFFES, James Alpheus; b, Fleming, NY, My 4, 1832; UM, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Washtenaw), Nv 21, 60; ss, Salem, Mich, 59, & 60-1; ss, Howell, Mich, 61-3; ss, Salina, Saginaw & Carrollton, Mich, 63-5; ss, New-Market, Bethesda & Strawberry Plains, Tenn, 65-7; ss, Straw- berry Plains & Hopewell, Tenn, 67-9; pm, Union & Kingston, Tenn, 69-72; ss, Beatrice, Neb, 72-3; ss, Kearney & Hastings, Neb, 73-4; ss, Hastings, Neb, 74-6; pas, Marysville, N-Maryville & Deer Creek, Kan, 76-8; ss, Irving & Leghorn, Kan, 78-82; wc, Irving, Kan, 82-3; ss, Fairmount, Neb, 83-4; ss, Clifton, Kan, 84-6; ss, Hoxie, Kan, 86-8; ss, Coleman & Calkinsville, Mich, 88-9; ss, Hardy & Buskin, Neb, 89-91; ss, Shelton, Neb, 91-3; ss, Oxford, Orleans & Osco, Neb, 93-4; ss, Opelousas & Lafayette, La, 95; ss, Braidentown, Fla, 96; wc, Opelousas, La, 97-8; wc, Braidentown, Fla, 99; hr, do, 1900-7; d, do, Fb 1, 07. (MGA.) * JONES, Norman; b, Washington CH, O, Nv 28, 1832; DC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Miami), Ap 13, 64; ss, Yellow Springs, O, 61-4; ch, U S Army, 64-5; hm, Washington CH, O, 65-8; pas, N-Fork & Union, O, 68-72; pas, Decatur, Ind, 72-8; ss, Bluff ton, Ind, 78-80; ss, N-Fork, O, 80-4; pm (Pres Chillicothe), 85-7; hm, Washington, O, 87-90; ss, New- market, O, 90-4; ss, New-Peterburg, O, 95-6; wc, Washington, O, 96-8; hr, Ambler, Pa, 99-1904; d, do, Ja 11, 04. (MGA.) "McMONAGLE, John Hamilton; b, Campsey Glen, Scot, Mr 28, 1830; KC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Cong, Wash Co Asso), Ag 22, 60; ss, Cooper, Me, 59-60; pas, E-Machias, Me, 60-1; ss (Presb), Placerville, Cal, 61-3; ch, U S Army, Presidio, San Francisco, Cal, 64-5; hm, San Francisco, Cal, 65-6; pas, do, 67-70; ss, Newburyport, Mass, 70-1; pas, Manayunk, Pa, 71-8; phys, Philadelphia, Pa, 78-86; d, do, Ja 30, 86. MD, JMedC, 78. *MAGEE, Irving; b, Bed Hook, NY, Jl 24, 1831; WmsC, 57; HkS, 58; UTS, 59-60; ord (Lu, NY Ministerium), Sp 6, 60; pas, Valatie, NY, 60-5; pas, Baltimore, Md, 65-8; pas, Chambersburgh, Pa, 68-9; pas, Dayton, O, 69-72; pas, Albany, NY, 72-82; pas (Presb), Eondout, NY, 82-9; ss, Wappingers Falls, NY, 89-94; wc, Valatie, NY, 95-1900; d, do, Nv 8, 00. DD, WittC, 72. *MAXWELL, John Allen; b, NYCity, Dc 29, J833; UNY, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Newark), Sp 27, 60; pas, S-Orange, NJ, 60-71; pas, Hazle- 106 1860. ton, Pa, 71-4; pas, Bridgeton, NJ, 74-81; pas, Titusville, Pa, 81-7; pas, Danbury, Ct, 87-90; d, do, Nv 27, 90. DD, LafC, 84. MILLARD, Nelson; b, Delhi, NY, Oc 2, 1834; UC, 53; tut, UC, 54-8; PTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; trav & stud, Europe, 60-1; ord (Presb, Newark), My 13, 62; pas, Montclair, NJ, 62-7; ss, Chicago, 111, 67-8; pas, Peeks- kill, NY, 69-72; pas, Syracuse, NY, 72-84; pas (Cong), Norwich, Ct, 84-7; pas (Presb), Rochester, NY, 87-1900; res, do, 00—. DD, UC, 74. MOORE, Alexander Davis; b, Washington City, DC, Ja 21, 1836; CnC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Harrisburg), Oc 21, 60; pas, Dauphin, Pa, 60-8; pas, Northumberland, Pa, 68-76; pas, Bethlehem, Pa, 76-91; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 91-3; pas, Moores, Pa, 93-1901; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 01-7; hr, do, 07—. *NEWCOMB, George Benton; b, Allegheny, Pa, Nv 24, 1835; ColC, 52-4; WmsC, 56; UTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), Oc 15, 61; pas, Bloomfield, Ct, 61-6; ss, Wolcottville, Ct, 66-9; ss, New-Haven, Ct, 69-79; prof (Ment &MorPhil),CCNY, NYCity, 79-95; d, Attleboro, Mass, Oc 14, 95. PhD, WmsC, 82. *PEASE, Edmund Morris; b, Granby, Mass, Dc 6, 1828; AC, 54; UTS, 56-7; tut, AC, 57-8; UTS, 58-60; surgeon, U S Army, 62-6; phys, Springfield, Mass, & NYCity, 66-77; ord (Cong), My 9, 77; med miss (ABCFM), Kusaie, Micronesia, 77-81; prin & tea, Mis Sch, do, 81-94; res, Clare- mont, Cal, 94-1906; d, do, Nv 28, 06. MD, CollP&S, 62. PIERSON, Arthur Tappan; b, NYCity, Mr 6, 1837; HC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 13, 60; ss (Cong), W-Winsted, Ct, 60; pas, Binghamton, NY, 60-3; ss, Norwalk, Ct, & Troy, NY, 63; pas (Presb), Waterford, NY, 63-9; pas (Second), Detroit, Mich, 69-82; pas, Indian- apolis, Ind, 82-3; pas (Bethany), Philadelphia, Pa, 83-9; ss (Metrop Temple), London, Eng, 91-3; ev (Bap), Brooklyn, NY, 93—. DD, KC, 74. SKINNER, James Avery; b, Union Square, NY, Nv 15, 1835; HC, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ap 13, 61; tut, HC, 60-2; ag, NYCity, 62-3; ss, Santa Clara, Cal, 63-5; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 65; pas, Stockton, Cal, 65-8; ss, Cleveland, O, 70-3; pas, do, 73-5; d supt, PBPub, Syracuse, NY, 75-80; ag, do, 80-3; ss, E-Palmyra, NY, 83-4; pas, Youngstown, NY, 84-6; ss, Clarence, NY, 87-8; ord (Ep dea), Oc 28, 88, (priest) Sp 21, 89; as min (St Luke's), Rochester, NY, 88-9; rec (Good Shepherd), do, 89-90; rec, Brockport, NY, 90-5; Libr Dept Pub Instr NY, Albany, 95-1901; act min (St. Thomas), Brooklyn, NY, 02-4; do (St Johns), Yonkers, NY, 04-5; gen mis, Bronx, NYCity, 05 — . *TAYLOR, David Houston; b, Granby, Ct, Ap 18, 1832; UM, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Saginaw), Ja 9, 61; ss, Saginaw City, Mich, 60-5; ss, Ontonagon (LS), Mich, 65-7; ss, Lapeer, Mich, 68-73; ss, Fenton, Mich, 73-80; ss, Dearborn, Mich, 81-4; ss, E-Nankin, Mich, 84-5; d, Ann Arbor, Mich, Sp 11, 85. 1860. 107 WHITMAN, John Seymour; b, Williamstown, Mass, Nv 7, 1833; WmsC, 54; UTS, 55-6; AubTS, 57-8; UTS, 59-60; ord (Cong), Sp 4, 61; ss, Rochester, Minn, 61-2; ss, Charlemont, Mass, 63-5; wc, Williamstown, Mass, 65-6; pas, Sprague, Ct, 66-9; wc, Williamstown, Mass, 69-70; ss, Lyndon, Vt, 71-5; ss, Berea, O, 76-7; ss, Chatham, O, 77-83; ss, Canfield, O, 83-90; pas (Presb), Venango, Pa, 90-5; wc, Metuchen, NJ, 95-1900; do, NYCity, 00—. *WRAGE, Hermann Dietrich; b, Flensburg, Schleswig-Hol stein, Europe, My 1, 1831; UNY, 57; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 10, 61; ch m, Yonkers, NY, 61; ch, U S Army, 61-2; tea & as prof, NYCity, 62-74; pas (Lu), Brooklyn, NY, 74-82; d, Flatbush (LI), My 2, 82. 31. *BEALS, David; b, Charlemont, Mass, Ja 28, 1829; AC, 57; TIC, 57-8; UTS, 58-9; TIC, 59-60; ord (Cong), Jn 10, 63; ss&pas, Hartland, Ct, 61-5; ss, Southwick, Mass, 65-8; d, do, Sp 28, 68. *BEEKMAN, John Stottoff; b, Middlebush, NJ, Oc 19, 1833; CNJ, 57; UTS, 57-8; PTS, 58-60; ord (Presb, Peoria), Jn 10, 63; ss, Livingston, Ala, 60-1; pas, Farmington, 111, 63-6; pas, French Grove, 111, 66-9; ss & hm, Paola, Kan, 70; pas (RD), Somerset, NJ, 71-4; pas (Presb), Amwell, NJ, 75-8; ev, Princeton, NJ, 78-81; do, NYCity, 81-3; hm, Crescent City, Fla, 84-6; ord (Ep) dea, My 7, 87, pr, Mr 28, 88; hm, So Fla, Daytona, Fla, 86. Federal Point, Fla, 86-8; hm, Green Cove Spgs, Fla, 88-9; hm, Gainsville & Sanford, Fla, 89-90; mis, New- Smyrna, Fla, 90-6; do, Crescent City, Fla, 96; oc s, Seabreeze, Fla, 97- 1901; d, do, Jl 11, 01. *BERRY, Philip; b, Hackensack, NJ, Fb 16, 1837; RC, 57; UTS, 57-8; NBTS, 58-60; ord (RD Clas. Mich), Jn 21, 60; pas, Grand Rapids, Mich, 60-1; pas, Scotia, NY, 61-3; fm, Sidon, Syria, 63-5; pas&tea, Athens, Pa, 65-72; pas (Bap), Sutton, Mass, 72-5; pas, Belchertown, Mass, 75-7; pas, Three Rivers & Palmer, Mass, 77-8; ed (National Bap- tist), Philadelphia, Pa, 78-83; pas, Southampton, Pa, 83-8; res, Dan- ville, Pa, 88-9; d, do, Ag 23, 89. BISBEE, Charles Goodrich; b, Plainfield, Mass, Dc 24, 1827; OC, 57; OTS, 57-8; UTS, 58-9; OTS, 59-60; ord (Cong), Sp 10, 61; ss, Alpena, Mich, 60-5; prin, Monroeville, O, 66; ss, Fontenelle, Neb, 66-7; prin, Neb Univ, 68-9; supt pub instr, 69-74; ss, Fontenelle, Neb, 74-5; ss, Syra- cuse, Neb, 75-6; oc s & tea, Fontenelle, Neb, 76-8; do, Lincoln, Neb, 78 — . Addr, Arlington, Neb. CRAWFORD, William; b, Barre, Mass, Ja 3, 1835; AC, 57; UTS, 57-8; AndTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), My 2, 61; ss, Clearwater, Minn, 60-2; ss, Danvers Centre, Mass, 62-3; ss, Central City, Col, 63-8; pas (Presb), Green Bay, Wis, 69-80; wc, 80-1; ss (Cong), Washington, Ct, 82-3; 108 1860. ss, Sparta, Wis, 83-1900; ss, Mazomanie, Wis, 00-5; wc, do, 05 : 6; ss, do, 06—. DD, AC, 79. *DECHANT, George Benson; b, Pottsgrove, Pa, Jn 24, 1827; UTS, 57-9; MTS, 59-60; ord (Ger Eef, CI E Penn), Jl, 60; pas, Hamilton, Pa, 60- 72; pas, Catawissa, Pa, 72-95; d, do, Sp 19, 95. *DENNY, Alfred Nelson; b, Bond Co, 111, Dc 7, 1830; IC, 54; UTS, 57-9; ord (Presb, Hillboro'), Sp 16, 60; ss, Mason, 111, 60-3; ss, Nashville, 111, 63-4; ss, Moro, 111, 64-8; d, do, Sp 29, 68. *DYE, Charles Brockway; b, Broadalbin, NY, Nv 7, 1828; YC, 57; UTS, 57-9; res grad, YTS, 60-1; ord (Cong, Litchfield No Assoc), Oc 26, 59; pas, Torrington, Ct, 59-60; pas (Presb), Romulus, NY, 61-2; U S Navy, 63-4; ss, W-Suffield, Ct, 64-5; ss, N-Vineland, NJ, 66-8; ss, New-Fair- field, Ct, 68-71; os, Patterson, NY, 71-80; pas e, Mayfield, NY, 80-2; oc s, Westfield, Mass, 82-93; res, Springfield, Mass, 93-1907; d, do, Ja 9, 07. *FAY, Alonzo Goodrich; b, Cazenovia, NY, Ag 7, 1834; UTS, 57-8; ss (Circular), Charleston, SC, 58-9; stud law, Syracuse, NY, 59-62; law, NYCity, 63-93; d, Chicago, 111, Oc 9, 93. *HUTCHINS, Alexander; b, Peekskill, NY, Ja 22, 1835; Wms, 57; UTS, 57-8; MD, Coll Med, NY, 60; phys, Brooklyn, NY, 60-1906; d, do, Jl 30, 06. HUTTON, Mancius Holmes; b, NYCity, Oc 13, 37; UNY, 57; UTS, 57-9; NBTS, 59-60; res lie, UTS, 61-2; ord (RD, CI Westchester), Jn 15, 64; pas, Mt Vernon, NY, 64-79; pas, New-Brunswick, NJ, 79—. DD, RC, 79; pres, Gen Syn Ref Ch, 86; pres, Bd For Mis, 96—. *KIDDER, Wenham; b, NYCity, Ag 21, 1834; UNY, 57; UTS, 57-9; ord (Bap), Oc 7, 59; pas, Huntingdon, Pa, 59-60; pas, Warriors Mark & Spruce Creek, Pa, 60-1; pas, Spring & Greenville, Pa, 61-5; pas, Al- liance, O, 65-6; pas, Georgetown, Pa, 66-7; pas, Newtown, O, 67-8; supt, Children's Home, Cincinnati, O, 68-9; pas, Wilmington, O, 69-70; pas, Washington CH, O, 70-2; d, do, Oc 4, 72. *McVICKAR, Peter; b, L'Etang, N-B, Jn 15, 1829; BelC, 56; UTS, 57-8; AndTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), My 29, 61; pas (First), Topeka, Kan, 61-6; State Supt of Pub Ins, do, 66-71; prest, Washburn Coll, do, 71-96; pres emer, do, 96-1903; d, do, Jn 5, 03. DD, BelC, 71. MIX, Eldridge; b, Atwater, O, Ja 15, 1833; WmsC, 54; UTS, 57-9; AndTS, 59-60; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Dc 6, 60; ss, NYCity, 60-1; pas (Cong), Burlington, Vt, 62-7; pas (Presb), Orange, NJ, 67-81; pas (Cong), Fall River, Mass, 82-90; ss, Wellesley, Mass, 90-2; supply, various places, 92-5; supt (City Mis Soc), Worcester, Mass, 95—. DD, CNJ, 78. PEARSON, James Bayles; b, NYCity, Sp 26, 1829; WU, 51; tea, E-Hart- ford, Ct, 52; tea, Flushing (LI), NY, 53-4; prin, Fall River, Mass, 55-7; 1860-1861. 109 UTS, 58-9; tea, NYCity, 59; ord (Cong), Nv 14, 60; pas, Winsted, Ct, 60-2; ss, Plymouth (Thomaston), Ct, 63-5; life ins & stocks, NYCity, 66-73; supt & v-pres, Life Ins Co, Newark, NJ, 73 — . ROBERTS, Edward; b, Carnarvonshire, Wales, Dc 21, 1829; UC, 57; UTS, 57-8; tea of s music, NYCity, 59-63; ed (Musical Pioneer), do, 63-5; do (Music Teacher), Dalton, Ga, 89 — . bus, San Diego, Cal. t *SAILER, Randolph; b, Woodbury, NJ, My 24, 1833; UPa, 57; UTS, 57-9; ag, ASSU, 59; eyes failed; trade, Philadelphia, Pa, 60-9; d, do, Ja 22, 69. *SEYMOUR, Erastus; b, Palmyra, NY, Nv 18, 1830; UNY, 55-7; UTS, 57-60; ord (Presb, Hudson), Ap 24, 62; ss&pas, Cochecton, NY, 60-3; ch, Brooklyn, NY, 64-6; ch miss (Dry Dock Mis & Emanuel Chap), NYCity, 66-91; d, do, Ap 13, 91. MD, UNYMed C, 78. ♦WALTON, Robert Hall; b, Hartford, Ct, Mr 13, 1833; DelC, 54; UTS, 57-8; ord (Presb, Winchester), Oc 22, 60; ss, Broadway, Va, 60-2; res, Cassville, Ga, 63-76; demitted, Mr 11, 70; d, Kingston, Ga, Ap 2, 76. WATERMAN, Alfred Tileston; b, Providence, RI, Dc 13, 1832; YC, 55; UTS, 57-8; PTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), Nv 9, 64; pas, Middletown (West- field), Ct, 64-9; pas, Kensington, Ct, 69-74; ss, Monroe, Ct, 75; ss, Marshall, Mich, 76-7; ss, Fort Scott, Kan, 77-8; ss, Grand Blanc, Mich, 78-82; ss, E-Tawas, Mich, 82-4; ss, Ovid, Mich, 84-6; ss, Charlevoix, Mich, 86-7; ss, Onekama, Mich, 87; ss, Bancroft, Mich, 87-91; ss, Hart- ford, Mich, 91-3; ss, Baldwin, Mich, 93-5; ss (Indep), do, 95-7; ss, Nash- ville, Mich, 97-9; wc, Washington, DC, 1900 — . *WELLS, Nathan Dana; b, Northfield, NH, Jl 17, 1831; YC, 57; UTS, 57-8; tea, Phil Acad, Andover, Mass, 58-60; law, NYCity, 60-93; do, Brook- lyn, NY, 93-1902; d, Haverhill, Mass, Oc 30, 02. *WETHERBY, Charles; b, Walpole, NH, Jl 10, 1833; MC, 56; UTS, 59; ord (Cong), Sp 1, 59; pas, N-Cornwall, Ct, 59-66; pas, W- Winsted, Ct, 66-71; pas, Nashua, NH, 71-9; pas, Clinton, Mass, 79-84; ss&pas, Mil- ford, Mass, 84-7; d, Nashua, NH, My 29, 87. 22. 1861. *ADAMS, Frederic Henry; b, London, Eng, Jn 22, 1833; UNY, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ap 25, 65; ss, Constantia, NY, 61-4; ss, Marquette (LS), Mich, 65-7; ss, Saline, Mich, 67-9; ss, Wilson, NY, 70-5; pas (Cong), New-Hartford, Ct, 75-88; pas, River Point, RI, 88-99; d, do, Fb 6, 99. ADAMSON, William Swan; b, Dundee, Scotl, Sp 5, 1832; NYCentralCol, 58; AubTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Sp 17, 61; ss, Greene, NY, 61-2; ch, USCC, New-Orleans, La, 63; ss, Torrington, Ct, 63-6; ss, An- 110 1861. sonia, Ct, 66-7; stud, HeidU, & prof, Bruchsal, Germany, 67-8; ss, An- sonia, Ct, 69-72; res grad, HarU, 72-3; ord (Ep) dea, Ja 25, 74, pr, Dc 20, 74; rec (St Thomas), Ravenswood (LI), NY, 74-9; rec (St. Paul's), Philadelphia, Pa, 79-86; rec (Immanuel), Geneva, Switz, 86-94; rec (Holy Spirit), Nice, France, 94 — . Dean, Convoc Amer Chs in Europe, 1907. *ADDY, William; b, Montreal, Can, Ag 11, 1836; UC, 57; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 23, 61; ss, Windham, NY, 61-6; pas, Franklin, NY, 66-9; pas, Marietta, O, 69-91; d, do, Dc 21, 91. DD, WoosU, 79. BEALE, James Hervey; b, Tuscarora Valley, Pa, Mr 17, 1834; DelC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 3d Phila), Ja 29, 62; ch, U S Army, 61-4; ss, Christiana, Del, 65-7; pas (Kensington), Philadelphia, Pa, 67 — . BOS WELL, James Iverson; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 3, 1837; DiC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (ME) dea, Mr 26, 65; eld, Mr 24, 67; ss, Westfield, NJ, 61-3; ss, Warren Co, NJ, 63-5; pas, Somerville, NJ, 65-6; pas, Elizabeth, NJ, 67-9; pas, Newark, NJ, 70-2 ; pas, Newton, NJ, 73-6; pas, Bound Brook, NJ, 76-9; pas, Montclair, NJ, 79-80; pas, Paterson, NJ, 81-4; pas, Jersey City, NJ, 84-7; pas, Nyack, NY, 87-90; pas, Madison, NJ, 90-3; pas, S-Orange, NJ, 93-5; pas, Englewood, NJ, 95-8; pas, High Bridge, NJ, 99-1900; pas, Verona, NJ, 01-2; res, Ocean Grove, NJ, 03—. DD, DiC, 88. *CALDWELL, Isaac Nelson; b, New-Market, Tenn, 1836; MvC, 58; UTS, 58-61; E-Tenn, 61-4; NC, 65; d, — , 186—. CARLILE, Samuel; b, Middletown Point, NJ, Ag 7, 1833; UNY, 55; UTS, 56-7; studied law, 57-9; UTS, 59-61; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 20, 66; ss&wc, NYCity, 61-5; ss&pas, Brooklyn (ED), NY, 66-70; wc, do, 70-2; ss&pas e, Evansville, Ind, 72-5; ev, NYCity, 76-8; pas, Valatie, NY, 78-82; pas, Paterson, NJ, 83-91; pas, Newton, NJ, 92-1902; res, Brook- lyn, NY, 02—. DD, CrC, 89. *CHAPIN, Lyman Dwight; b, Jewett, NY, Sp 18, 1836; AC, 58; UTS, 58- 61; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jl 6, 62; fm (N-China Mis, ABCFM), Tientsin, China, 63-7; fm, Tung-Chow, China, 67-83; wc, Los Angeles, Cal, 83- 94; d, do, Jn 29, 94. *CLAEK, Royal Washburn; b, Amherst, Mass, Ap 28, 1834; AC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ss&tea, Amherst, Mass, 61-70; inv, do, 70-9; d, do, Mr 28, 79. *COLEMAN, James William; b, Amity, NY, Jn 8, 1833; CNJ, 56; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Mr 6, 64; ss&pas, Darien, Ct, 62-73; pas e, New-Haven, Ct, 73-4; ev, NYCity, 74-5; pas e, Jacksonville, Fla, 75-6; wc, do, 77; ss&pas e, Davenport, Io, 78-80; ss, Amity, NY, 82; pas, Deckertown, NJ, 83-6; wc, Hoboken, NJ, 87-8; wc, Keyport, NJ, 89- 91; d, Noroton, Ct, Oc 4, 91. CURTIS, Smith; b, Sherburne, NY, Dc 21, 1834; UC, 58; PTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Ja 16, 62; ss (Presb), Fostoria, O, 62-3; ev&tea, do, 1861. Ill 63-4; tea, Georgetown, Pa, 66-72; elk, Ins Dep of Pa, Harrisburg, Pa, 74-9; ed, Beaver, Pa, 73 & 80—. ERDMAN, Albert; b, Allentown, Pa, Oc 28, 1838; HC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 4th Philadelphia), Sp 29, 62; ss (Cong), Deansville, NY, 61-2; ch (146th NY Vol), U S Army, 62-3; pas (Presb), Clinton, NY, 64-9; pas (South), Morristown, NJ, 69-1907; pas emer, do, 07 — . DD, HC, 81. FORD, Henry Thornton; b, Newark Valley, NY, My 12, 1832; WmsC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 4th Philadelphia), Jl 26, 66; ss, Newark, NJ, 62-3; ss, Rocky Hill, Ct, 63-6; pas, Norristown, Pa, 66-75; wc, Adrian, Mich, 76-7; ev, Philadelphia, Pa, 77-80; wc, dc, 80-4; pas (Claremont), Jersey City Hts, NJ, 85-7; wc, Kansas City, Mo, 87 — . *GAYLORD, William Luther; b, Woodstock, Ct, Oc 14, 1831; TIC, 57-8; UTS, 58-9, 60-1; ord (Cong), Sp 14, 60; pas, Fitzwilliam, NH, 60-7; pas, Nashua, NH, 68-70; pas, W-Meriden, Ct, 70-5; pas, Chicopee, Mass, 76-82; d, do, Dc 26, 82. AM, DC, 67. •HASTINGS, Henry; b, Windham, Vt, Sp 27, 1833; AC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Cong), Jn 11, 62; ss, E-Machias, Me, 62-3; d, Townsend, Vt, Ja 19, 63. HOPWOOD, Isaiah Bardsley; b, Bredbury, Cheshire, Eng, Nv. 6, 1831; UNY, 59; AubTS, 59-60; UTS, 60-1; ord (Presb, Chenango), Jl 15, 61; "pas, Coventry, NY, 61-3; ss, Oxford Furnace, NJ, 63-5; ss, Parkville (LI), NY, 66-7; pas, Paterson, NJ, 67-74; pas (Calvary), Newark, NJ, 74—. DD, UNY, 92. JESSUP, Samuel; b, Montrose, Pa, Dc 21, 1833; YC, 56-8; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, Montrose), Sp 10, 61; ch (6th Pa Reserve Corps), U S Army, 61-2; fm, Sidon, Syria, 63; do, Tripoli, 63-6; do, Sidon, 66-8; do, Tripoli, 68-83; do, Beirut, 83-9, 91-6; ed (Mis Press), do, 84-9; instr, do, 83-4, 95; as sec, Bd For Mis, NYCity, 89-90; fm, Sidon, Syria, 96—. Prin, Gerard Inst, do, 1903—. DD, CNJ, 91. •JOHNSON, Alonzo Peck; b, Somers, Ct, My 18, 1832; UTS, 57-8, 59-61; ord (Cong), Jn 5, 62; ss, Newark, NJ, 61-2; ss, Char lemon t, Mass, 62-3; hm, U S Army, 63-4; ss, Alton, NH, 64-5; pas, Waukesha, Wis, 65-6; ss (Presb), Pontiac, 111, 67-9; ss, E-Saginaw, Mich, 69-73; ss, Elmore, O, 75-7; ss, Pembroke, NY, 77-80; pas, Cold Spring, NJ, 80-5; pas (Cong), Bellevue, O, 85-9; ss (Presb), Perrysburg, O, 89-1901; d, do, Ag 25, 02. *KRUGER, Theodore; b, Strassburg, Germ, Ja 5, 1827; Prot Gymn Strassb, — ; Evang Mis Sem, Paris, 45-6; UTS, 58-61; ch, U S Army, 61-3; U S Vice Consul, Strassburg, Germ, 67-71; do, Kehl, Baden, 86- 98; d, Strassburg, Germ, Jl 2, 1906. •MCLAUGHLIN, James; b, Hudson, O, Oc 25, 1829; IC, 57; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, San Jose), Oc 8, 61; ss&tea, Red Bluff, Cal, 61-7; wc, Rio Vista, Cal, 67-8; ss, Gilroy, Cal, 68-70; d, do, Ag 17, 70. 112 1861. NOBLE, Franklin; b, Washington, DC, Ag 25, 1837; WmsC, 56; UTS, 58- 61; ord (Presb, Huron), Ap 30, 62; ss&pas (First), Sandusky, O, 61-4; pas (Cong), Torringford, Ct, 65-6; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 66-74; staff ed (Amer Cycl), NYCity, 72-6; pas (Presb), Hempstead (LI), NY, 75-80; Europe, 80-1; ss (Sixth), Washington, DC, 81-2; pas (Cong), E-Sag- inaw, Mich, 83-9; pas (South), Grand Rapids, Mich, 89-91; ss, Short Hills, NJ, 92-3; ss, Nutley, NJ, 93; staff ed (Standard Diet), NYCity, 92-3; do (Living Topics Cycl), 93-4; do (Treasury), 94—. ss, Falls Church, Va, 1901—. DD, OIC, 89. *PARMELEE, Moses Payson; b, Westford, Vt, My 4, 1834; UVt, 55; UTS, 58-61; ord (Cong), Jl 2, 61; ch, U S Army, 61-2; fm, Erzeroom, Turk, 63-82; fm, Trebizond, Turk, 82-1902; d, Beirut, Syria, Oc 4, 02. MD, Long Isl Med Hosp, 71. PHCENIX, Sidney; b, Chicopee, Mass, Ag 29, 1829; YC, 50; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, St Paul), Oc 23, 84; ss, Roxbury & Richmond, Vt, 62; agric, Rochester, NY, 63-5; do, Vineland, NJ, 65-73; trade, Lake City, Minn, 73-5; ss, Brown's Valley & Royal ton, Minn, 84; ss, Cumberland & Barron, Wis, 84-8; ss, Le Roy, Minn, 88-90; wc, Cumberland, Wis, 90-3; agric, Baraboo, Wis, 94-6; hr, Minneapolis, Minn, 96 — . POST, George Edward; b, NYCity, Dc 17, 1838; CCNY, 54; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jn 5, 61; ch, U S Army, 61-3; fm, Tripoli, Syria, 63-8; prof, Beirut, Syria, 68—. MD, UNY, 60; LLD, UNY, 01 & UAber- deen, 06. REEVE, John Bunyan; b, Mattituck (LI), NY, Oc 29, 1831; NY Central Col, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, 4th Phila), Jn 5, 61; pas (Lombard st), Philadelphia, Pa, 61-71; prof (Howard Univ), Washington, DC, 71-5; pas (do), Philadelphia, Pa, 75—. DD, LU, 70. *RILEY, Isaac; b, NYCity, Fb 2, 1835; YC, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, Wilmington), Mr 5, 62; pas, Middletown, & ss, Chesapeake City & Drawyer's, Del, 61-4; pas, Pottsville, Pa, 64-7; as pas, Newark, NJ, 67-8; pas, (RD), NYCity, 68-75; pas (Presb), Buffalo, NY, 75-8; d, do, Oc 23, 78. ROBERTSON, James Douglas; b, Kelso on Tweed, Scotl, My 2, 1832; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, Newark), Sp 16, 62; ss (Cong), Danbury, Ct, 61-5; ss (Presb), Amenia, NY, 65-6; Europe, 66-7; U S Consul, Valencia, Spain, 67-8; miss to Freedmen, Bluff ton, SC, 68-85; sch commr, Beau- fort Co, SC, 70-2; m of leg, SC (chrman, Com on Edu), 72-6; prin, Bluff ton, SC, 76-84; rec, Ithaca, NY, 85-92; hm (Presb), Austin, Pa, 94-5; hm, Galeston, Pa, 95-7; ss, Grand Island, NY, 97-9; ss (Cong), Millville, NY, 99-1900; wc, 00—. Addr, 21 Terrace, Buffalo, NY. ROGERS, Edson; b, WTiitney's Point, NY, My 22, 1833; YC, 57; UTS, 58- 61; YTS, 61-2; ord (Cong), Oc 21, 62; ss & oc s, Cincinnatus, NY, 62—. also, prin, do, 78-82; Co Sch Commis, do, 82-5. 1861. 113 •SABIN, Levi Parsons; b, Strongsville, 0, Oc 14, 1832; DC, 56; tea, Free- dom, O, 56; do, Middlebury, O, 57; do, Portsmouth, O, 57-8; UTS, 58- 61; ord (Cong-, Winnebago Distr Convention), Mr 4, 63; ss, New- London, Wis, 62-3; ss, Stockbridge, Wis, 63-4; U S Army, 64-5; ss, College Hill, O, 65; pas (Presb), Ellicottville, NY, 65-8; pas, Central College, O, 68-71; ss, Chesaning, Mich, 71-2; ss, AuSable, Mich, 72-3; d, Columbus, O, Nv 10, 73. ♦SCOVILLE, Samuel; b, N-Cornwall, Ct, Dc 21, 1834; YC, 57; AubTS, 58; AndTS, 58-9; UTS, 60-1; ord (Cong, Susquehanna Assoc), Sp 17, 61; ss, Norwich, NY, 61-79; ss, Stamford, Ct, 79-98; ss, Vineland, NJ, 99- 1901; as pas (Plymouth), Brooklyn, NY, 1901-2; d, Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 15, 02. *SHARP, Charles Wheeler; b, Newtown, Ct, Ja 2, 1832; YC, 59; UTS, 59- 61; res lie, YTS, 61-2; ord (Cong), Jn 28, 65; ss, Hancock, NY, 64-5; pas, Greene, NY, 65-7; tea & supt sch, 67-80; d, Boston, Mass, Dc, 13, 80. STARK, James Worthington; b, Colchester, Ct, Mr 4, 1833; UM, 58; UTS, 58-61; ord (Presb, Wabash), Jn 1, 62; ss, Danville, 111, 61-4; ss, Jeffer- son, Wis, 64-5; ss, Berlin, Wis, 65-6; ss, Centralia, 111, 66-71; pas, Bloomfield, Io, 71-3; ss, Jersey ville, 111, 73-82; ev&ss, Santa Fe, NM, 83-4; pas, E-Trinidad, Col, 84-91; ss, Allerton & Lineville, Io, 91-3; .ss, Bloomfield & Shunam, Io, 93-1903; ev, Los Angeles, Cal, 03 — . (MGA.) *TOLMAN, George Burder; b, Greensboro, Vt, Jl 24, 1832; UVt, 56; UTS, 56-8, 60-1; ord (Cong), Jl 10, 62; m of leg, Greensboro, Vt, 61-2; pas, Sheldon, Vt, 62-71; ss, Brookfield, Vt, 71-80; pas, Santa Barbara, Cal, 80-1; wc, do, 81-3; d, do, Sp 3, 83. ♦WATSON, John Pillsbury; b, Gilford, NH, Nv 22, 1826; BC, 56; BTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-61; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 22, 62; tea, Salisbury, Ct, 61-2; ss, E-Putnam, Ct, 62-6; tea, Hopewell, Pa, 66-7; ss, Chanceford, Pa, 67-8; ss, Leverett, Mass, 68-71; ss, Shutesbury, Mass, 71-3; miss, E-Leverett, Mass, 71-4; ss, Windsor, Ct, 75; ev, Leverett, Mass, 75-83; ag (PBPub), Boston, Mass, 84-7; d, Laconia, NH, Ja 22, 87. *WYCKOFF, Samuel; b, Crawford Co, Pa, Dc 11, 1829; A1C, 58; UTS, 58- 61; ord (Presb, Meadville), Sp 11, 61; ss, Cherry Tree & Kerr's Hill, Pa, 61; ss, Titusville, Pa, 62; pas, Peoria, 111, 63-5; pas, Knoxville, 111, 65-71; pas e, Peru, Ind, 71-5; pas e, Portage, Wis, 75-9; ss, Lake City, Minn, 79-82; ss, Minneapolis, Minn, 82-4; ev, La Crosse, Wis, 84-5; ev, Coleridge, Neb, 85-7; ss, do, & Emerson, Neb, 87-8; ss, Grand Isl- and, Neb, 88-9; ev, do, 89-90; wc, La Crosse, Wis, 90-6; d, Madison, Wis, Ap 24, 97. 35. *BIXBY, Joseph Perry; b, Thompson, Ct, Ja 28, 1833; WmsC, 58; UTS, 58-60; AndTS, 60-1; ord (Cong), Ap 30, 62; ss, Milford, Mass, 61-2; 114 1861. pas (Cong), Boston, Mass, 62-4; pas (Presb), do, 64-6; pas (Cong), S-Dedham (now Norwood), Mass, 66-78; pas, Revere, Mass, 79-92; pres (Lay College), do, 79-1906; as pas (Col Ch), do, 92-1906; d, Los An- geles, Cal, Ap 18, 06. CALKINS, Wolcott; b, Corning, NY, Jn 10, 1831; YC, 56; UTS, 59-60; UHal, 60-2; ord (Cong), Oc 22, 62; pas (First), Hartford, Ct, 62-4; pas (Presb, Calvary), Philadelphia, Pa, 64-6; pas (North), Buffalo, NY, 66-80; pas (Cong, Eliot), Newton, Mass, 80-95; ss (Clyde), Kansas City, Mo, 96-7; oc s & lit, Newton Center, Mass, 97—. DD, HC, 77. *CAMP, Samuel Abial; b, Charlotte, NY, Oc 30, 1836; HC, 58; UTS, 58-60; trav, Europe, 60-1; d, Kanawha, WVa, Ap 15, 62. *CARROLL, George Eyerson; b, Oxford, Can W, Mr 13, 1831; UM, 55-8; UTS, 58-60; ord (Presb, Iowa Valley), Dc 16, 60; ss, Maysville, Io, 60; pas, Wyoming, Io, 61-8; ch, U S Army, 64; p & sm, Io, 68-75; ss. St Augustine, Fla, 75-6; ss, Waterloo, Io, 76-7; ss, Sac City, Io, 77-80; ss, Logan, Io, 81-4; pas, Wyoming, Io, 84-91; Europe, 91-2; wc, Cedar Rapids, 92-4; hr, do, 94-5; d, do, Dc 10, 95. CLARK, Isaac; b, Canterbury, Ct, Jn 30, 1833; YC, 56; UTS, 58-9; AndTS, 59-61; ord (Presb, Chemung), Nv 12, 61; pas, Elmira, NY, 61-8; pas (Cong), Aurora, 111, 68-72; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 72-4; pas (Presb), Rondout, NY, 74-82; pas (Cong), Northampton, Mass, 82-91; prof (HowU), Washington, DC, 91—. DD, HowU, 94. DRENNAN, Manuel Jacob; b, Plymouth, O, Sp 25, 1833; OC, 57; UTS, 58-60; UHal, 60-1; ord (Presb, Madison), Oc 26, 66; ss (Cong), Wind- ham, Ct, 62-3; ss, Shelburne Falls, Mass, 63-4; lit & ed, NYCity, 64-6; pas (2d Presb), Madison, Ind, 66-71; prof, HanC, Hanover, Ind, 72-4; tea & ed, NYCity, 74-80; instr, HarvC, Cambridge, Mass, 80-3; prof, VassarC, Poughkeepsie, NY, 83-94; we, NYCity, 94-99; res, Evanston, 111, 99—. EDSON, Hanford Abram; b, Scottsville, NY, Mr 14, 1837; WmsC, 55; UTS, 58-60; UHal, 60-1; ord (Presb, Niagara), Oc 28, 62; tea, Geneseo, NY, 61-2; ss, Niagara Falls, NY, 62-4; pas (2d), Indianapolis, Ind, 64-73; pas (Memorial), do, 73-93; wc, do, 93—. DD, HanC, 74. ELLSWORTH, Alfred Augustus; b, Bath, Me, Jl 12, 1832; AC, 58; UTS, 58-9; AndTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Sp 4, 62; pas, Milford, Mass, 62-5; ss, Newbern, NC, 65-7; pas, Weymouth, Mass, 67-71; ss, Waterloo, Io, 71-6; pas, Galesburg, 111, 76-85; pas (First), Braintree, Mass, 85-99; ss, Southern Pines, NC, 1904; ss, Quincy, Mass, 05-6; res, do, 99 — . *GEROULD, Samuel Lankton; b, Alstead, NH, Jl 11, 1834; DC, 58; UTS, 58-60; ord (Cong), Oc 2, 61; ss&pas, Stoddard, NH, 60-8; U S Army, 62-5; ss&pas, Goffstown, NH, 68-86; pas, Hollis, NH, 86-1906; d, do, My 22, 06. DD, DC, 97. 1861. 115 *GOODALE, Alvin Banister; b, Potsdam, NY, My 22, 1829; AC, 58; UTS, 58-60; studied med, 58-60; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Fb 5, 60; fm, Marash, Asia, 61-5; ss, Belle Plaine, Minn, 65-7; pres, Parsons Coll, Cedar Rapids, Io, 67-9; pas, Marshalltown, Io, 69-73; pas, Cedar Falls, Io, 73-8; ss, Wyoming, Io, 78-82; pas, Trenton, Mo, 83-5; ss, Mirabile, Lin- coln & Kingston, Mo, 85-6; ss, Palmyra, Kan, 86-8; ss, Baldwin & Black Jack, Kan, 88-93; \vc, Pomona, Cal, 94-1907; d, do, Ja 9, 07. MD, NYMedC, 60. HAMMOND, Edward Pay son; b, Ellington, Ct, Sp 1, 1831; WmsC, 58; UTS, 58-9; Free Ch Col, Edinburgh, 60-1; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ja 2, 63; ev, Vernon, Ct, 63-91; do, Hartford, Ct, 91—. *HAYWOOD, Charles Henry, b, Amsterdam, NY, Nv 2, 1829; WmsC, 51; UTS, 58; tea, Sand Lake, Binghamton & Canandaigua, NY, & Balti- more, Md, 61-73; insane, Utica, NY, 73-92; d, do, Ap 12, 92. ♦HOLLAND, George William; b, Churchville, Va, Jl 16, 1838; BoC, 57; GTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; GTS, 60-1; ord (Lu So Conf, Evang Synod, Va), Dc 4, 64; pas, Harrisonburgh, Va, 60-1; Conf Army, 61-2; prof, BoC, 63-7; pas, Harrisonburgh, Va, 67-72; pas, Pomaria, SC, 73-4; prof, New- berry Coll, Newberry, SC, 74-7; pres, do, 77-95; d, do, Sp 30, 95. PhD, EoC, 84; DD, SoCaCol, 88. KLOSS, Daniel; b, Beavertown, Pa, Mr 18, 1830; UM, 58; GTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; ord (Lu, Syn Cent Pa), My 5, 61; ss&pas, New-Berlin, Pa, 60-71; pas, Lykens, Pa, 71-7; pas (Cong), Highland, Kan, 77-90; prof (HighU), do, 80-90; pas, Tempe, Ariz, 91-1900; pas emer, do, 00—. DD, HighU, 84. *LOBDELL, Francis; b, Danbury, Ct, Mr 26, 1835; AC, 58; UTS, 58-9; ord (Cong, Litchfield No Consoc), Nv 3, 59; pas, Warren, Ct, 59-63; pas (South), Bridgeport, Ct, 63-5; ord (Ep) dea, Ag 31, 65, pr, Nv 19, 65; rec, Cincinnati, O, 65-9; rec (St Paul's), New-Haven, Ct, 69-79; rec (St Andrew's, Harlem), NYCity, 79-87; rec (Trinity), Buffalo, NY, 87-99; Archdeacon of Buffalo, 94-99; d, do, Oc 26, 99. STD, HobC, 81; LLD, HobC, 94. LYONS, Curtis Jerre; b, Waimea, Hawaii, Jn 27, 1833; WmsC, 58; UTS, 58-60; Hawaiian Gov't Survey, 72 — . Res, Honolulu, HI. *NICHOLS, Thomas; b, Yonkers, NY, Fb 5, 1838; CNJ, 56; UTS, 58-60; AndTS, 60-1; ord (Presb, Hudson), Mr 11, 63; pas, Chester, NY, 63-71; pas (RD), Queens (LI), NY, 71-5; pas (Presb), New-Brunswick, NJ, 75-9; pas, W-Pittston, Pa, 80-9; pas, Milford, Pa, 90-1901; d, German- town, Pa, Oc 16, 01. NORTHROP, Henry Davenport; b, Poultney, NY, Mr 10, 1836; AC, 57; UTS, 58-9; ord (Cong), Oc 22, 60; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 60-2; pas, Lon- don, Eng, 63-7; pas (Presb), NYCity, 68-74; pas (Cong), Hartford, Ct, 74-9; pas (Presb, N-Tenth st), Philadelphia, Pa, 81-6; pas, Ridley Park, Pa, 87-91; ed, Philadelphia, Pa, 92—. 116 1861-1862. OSBOBN, Frederick Webster; b, Newark, NJ, Fb 19, 1834; YC, 55; tea, Stamford, Ct, 55-8; UTS, 58-60; AndTS, 60-1; ss, Wolcottville, Ct, 62; tea, Hartford, Ct, 63-5; prin, Brooklyn, NY, 65-73; tea (Adelphi Acad), Brooklyn, NY, 73-96; prof (Adelphi Col), do, 96—. PINNEO, Samuel Lyman; b, Goshen, Ct, Sp 21, 1835; YC, 56; UTS, 57-8, 59; trade, St Louis, Mo, 60-72; do, NYCity, 72 — . Kes, Newark, NJ. SPALDING, George Burley; b, Montpelier, Vt, Ag 11, 1835; UVt, 56; UTS, 58-60; AndTS, 60-1; ord (Cong), Oc 5, 61; pas, Vergennes, Vt, 61-4; pas, Hartford, Ct, 64-9; pas, Dover, NH, 69-83; pas, Manchester, NH, 83-5; pas (Presb), Syracuse, NY, 85—. DD, DC, 78; LLD, SU, 94. DD, UVt, 04. •TAYLOR, John Coleman; b, Benton, NY, Fb 28, 1833; UC, 58; AubTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; AndTS, 60-1; ord (Presb, Rochester), Fb 11, 62; pas, Sweden, NY, 62-5; ss, Chattanooga, Tenn, 65; ss, Corry, Pa, 65-7; ss, St Louis, Mo, 67; ss&pas (Cong), Groton, NY, 67-71; ss, Milwaukee, Wis, 72-4; ss&pas (Presb), Cuba, NY, 75-83; ss (Fifth), Kansas City, Mo, 84-6; ss&pas (Hill Mem), do, 87-94; ss, Eldorado Springs, Mo, 95-6; ev, Kansas City, Mo, 97-1904; d, do, Fb 26, 04. *TOWER, James Edwin; b, Granby, Mass, Jn 10, 1834; AC, 58; UTS, 58- 60; AndTS, 60-1; ss, N-Brookfield, Mass, 62; d, Groton, Mass, Ag 18, 62. 23. 1862. •ALRICH, William Augustus; b, Wilmington, Del, Ap 23, 1836; WnC, 55; UTS, 59-62; ord (Ep), Mr 4, 67; ss, S-Washington, Vt, 61; tea, Silver Spring, Md, 63-4; ch, Conf Army, 64-5; rec, Fairfax CH, Va, 67-9; rec, Hanover Co, Va, 69-74; rec, Pittsylvania CH, Va, 76-83; rec, Franklin, Va, 84-5; rec, Newport, Del, 85-8; rec, Perryman, Md, 90-1901; res, Baltimore, Md, 01-3; d, do, Mr 25, 03. *BAKEE, Alvin; b, LaFayette, NY, Ja 12, 1829; HC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, No Eiver), Sp 3, 62; ss, Cornwall, NY, 62-4; ss, Otisco, NY, 65-7; ss, Lakeville, NY, 68-70; ss, Huron, O, 71-3; ss, Green Springs, O, 73-5; ss, Oakland, Cal,. 76-83; d, San Lorenzo, Cal, Dc 31, 83. *BERGER, Martin Luther; b, Mellenville, NY, Ag 12, 1839; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (BD, CI New-Brunswick), Jn 10, 63; pas, E-Millstone, NJ, 63-5; pas, Fishkill, NY, 65-8; Syracuse, NY, 68-75; pas (Presb), San Francisco, Cal, 75-80; ss, Hillsdale, NY, 81-3; representative sec, McAll Mis in France, 83-6; prof (Theol), Straight Univ, New-Orleans, La, 87-9; pas (Cong, Park), Cleveland, O, 91-5; trav, Europe, U S, & East, 95-6; res, Cleveland, O, 96-9; res, Oakland, Cal, 1900-06; d, do, Fb 6, 06. (CYB.) DD, StraightU, 87. 1862. 117 *BIRGE, Lewis Mead; b, Vienna, O, Ag 9, 1833; WEC, 57; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Oc 5, 62; ch, U S Army, 62-5; res grad, UTS, NY City, 65; ss, Charlestown, O, 65; wc, Hudson, O, 66; ag, Burlington, NJ, 66-8; cm, Paterson, NJ, 69-71; ss, Grand Rapids, Mich, 71-3; d, do, My 10, 73. *BRADBURY, Ziba Nichols; b, Sparta, NJ, Mr 24, 1830; YC, 56; UTS, 59- 62; ord (Presb, Steuben), Ja 14, 63; ss, Howard, NY, 62-6; ss, Pul- teney, NY, 67-72; pas, Howard, NY, 72-6; pas, Pulteney, NY, 76-89; ss, Almond, NY, 89-91; ss, Howard, NY, 91-3; d, do, Ap 4, 93. *BURCHARD, Whiting Cyrus; b, Cambridge, Pa, Ja 21, 1835; A1C, 58; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Mead ville), Sp 29, 62; ss, Cherry Tree & Sun- ville, Pa, 62-7; pas, Rushville, 111, 68-72; ss, Petroleum Centre, Pa, 72-4; pas, Allegheny, Pa, 74-89; d, do, My 24, 89. *CLAPP, William Thompson; b, Hudson, O, Ap 12, 1838; WRC, 57; UTS, 59-62; ord (Cong), Dc 16, 64; ss, Edinburgh, O, 64-5; d, do, Mr 18, 65. *DANA, Malcolm McGregor; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 4, 1838; AC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Ap 19, 63; ss (Cong), Winsted, Ct, 62-4; pas (Second), Norwich, Ct, 64-74; pas (Park), Norwich, Ct, 74-8; pas (Plymouth), St Paul, Minn, 78-88; pas (Kirk st), Lowell, Mass, 89-94; res, Brooklyn, NY, 94-7; d, do, Jl 26, 97. DD, MC, 77. EASTMAN, William Reed; b, NYCity, Oc 19, 1835; YC, 54; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Oc 12, 62; ch, U S Army, 62-4; ss (Cong), Grant- ville, Mass, 64-5; ss&pas, Plantsville, Ct, 65-76; ss&pas, Sufiield, Ct, 76-9; pas, S-Framingham, Mass, 80-8; ag (HowU), Washington, DC, 88-90; inspector, publ libraries, NY, & as, NY State Lib, Albany, NY, 91-1906; chief, Exten Div, NYState Ed Dpt, do, 06—. EDWARDS, John Harrington; b, Acton, Mass, Sp 21, 1834; BelC, 58; UTS, 59-62; ord (Cong), Fb 3, 63; ss&pas, W-Lebanon, NH, 62-71; pas (Presb), Tidioute, Pa, 71-3; Europe, 73-5; ev, Erie, Pa, 78-82; ss, Minneapolis, Minn, 82-3; ss, Erie, Pa, 83-6; oc s & ev, NYCity, 86-1901; res, Brooklyn, NY, 02—. DD, BelC, 93. *EVERTS, Josiah Gold; b, Havana, NY, Dc 11, 1834; UC, 60; UTS, 60-2; d, Havana, NY, My 23, 63. ♦FOSTER, Bentley Stephen; b, Montrose, Pa, Mr 23, 1832; WmsC, 57; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Montrose), Jl 12, 65; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 64-5; ss, Franklin, Pa, 65-6; ss, Archbald, Pa, 66-7; pas, Dunmore, Pa, 67- 73; pas, Andover, NJ, 74-5; ss, Nunda, NY, 76-9; ss, Springville, NX", 80; ev, Buffalo, NY, 81; ss, Au Sable & Oscoda, Mich, 82; pas e, Mor- rice, Mich, 83-4; tern sup, Mays Landing, NJ, 85; pas, S-Amboy, NJ, 85-94; pas e, Clarkson, NY, 95-7; res, Philadelphia, Pa, 97-9; d, do, Oc 8, 99. GARDNER, Edward Payson; b, Buffalo, NY, Fb 2, 1838; AC, 58; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Otsego), Fb 11, 63; ss&pas, Cherry Valley, NY, 118 1862. 62-7; pas, Hoboken, NJ, 67-71; pas, Cleveland, O, 72-6; ss, Buffalo, NY, 77; do (Payson Mem Cong), Portland, Me, 78-9; ss, E-Orange, NJ, 79; ss (Cong), Fairport, NY, 80-3; pas (Presb), Medina, NY, 83-6; pas, Appleton, Wis, 86-91; pas, Chatham, NJ, 91-1904; pas, Chester, NJ, 04—. DD, GaleC, 00. HALL, John Quincy; b, Norwalk, O, Jn 10, 1837; AC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Franklin), Sp 1, 63; ss, Mt Gilead & Ashley, O, 62-3; ss (Cong), Darlington, Wis, 63-5; ss (Presb), Taylor's Falls, Minn, & St Croix Falls, Wis, 66-71; pas, Michigan City, Ind, 71-87; pas, Warsaw, Ind, 87-93; pas, Russell, Io, 93-8; pas, Garden Grove, Io, 98-1904; res, Redlands, Cal, 04-7; asso pas, do, 07 — . *HALSEY, Samuel Pierson; b, Avon, NY, Ag 11, 1834; UM, 54-5; law, NYCity, 55-8; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Jl 8, 62; pas, Rockaway, NJ, 62-5; pas, Stamford, Ct, 65-7; pas (Franklin av), Brooklyn, NY, 68-83; oc s, do, 83-5; pas (Duryea Ch), do, 85-92; ev, do, 92-5; d, do, Ja 6, 95. *HUGHES, Thomas White; b, St Charles, Mo, Dc 18, 1831; MvC, 59; UTS, 59-62; cm, NYCity, 62-4; as sup & ed (Little Wanderers), Boston, Mass, 64-9; res, Abingdon, Va, 69-73; ev&tea, do, 72-3; prin&pas, Tay- lorsville, Tenn, 73-7; do, Friendship, Va, 77-88; ed&prin, Glade Springs, Va, 88-1900; ed, Abingdon, Va, 00-3; res, Glade Springs, Va, 03-7; d, Roanoke, Va, Fb 9, 07. *JUDSON, Elnathan; b, Maulmain, Burmah, India, Jl 15, 1838; BU, 59; UTS, 59-62; insane, Somerville, Mass, 64-74; do, Worcester, Mass, 74- 96; recovered; res, Worcester, Mass, 96-7; d, do, Fb 8, 97. *KIMBALL, Charles Cotton; b, Newport, NH, My 20, 1834; BelC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Sp 11, 63; ss, New-Hartford, NY, 63-4; ss, Leroy, NY, 64-7; pas (1st Presb), Erie, Pa, 67-71; pas (Centr), do, 71-8; pas (Second), Kansas City, Mo, 78-81; ev, Boston, Mass, 81-4; pas (Cong), Bennington, Vt, 84-7; prin, mgr & pas, Sch of Lit & Lang, Boston, Mass, 87-91; oc s, Utica, NY, 91-3; do, Mt Holly, NJ, 93-6; do, NYCity & N-Rochelle, NY, 96-1905; d, White Plains, NY, My 26, 05. DD, BelC, 78; LLD, Rutherford Coll, 95. *KIRBY, William Wallace; b, Roslyn (LI), NY, Jn 12, 1830; UC, 55; tea, Washingtonville, NY, & Manhasset, NY, 55-9; PTS, 59-60; UTS, 60-2; ss, Roslyn (LI), NY, 71-2; os, do, 62-71; bus, NYCity; res, Roslyn (LI), NY, 72-1901; d, do, Oc 14, 01. LEONARD, Delavan Levant; b, Lockport, NY, Jl 20, 1834; HC, 59; UTS, 59-62; res lie, 62-3; ord (Cong, Litchfield So Assoc), Jn 8, 63; ss, Wash- ington (New-Preston Hill), Ct, 63-5; ss, Darlington, Wis, 65-70; ss, Normal, 111, 70-4; ss, Hannibal, Mo, 74-5; pas, Northfield, Minn, 75-81; supt, AHMS, Utah, Idaho & Montana, 81-7; pas, Bellevue, O, 88-92; lit, ed, sec (O H Mis Soc), Oberlin, O, 92-6; pas, Sheffield & S-Lorain, O, 96-8; pas, Burton, O, 1901-2; sec, Ohio Ch Hist Soc, 93-02; asso ed, Mis Rev, 92—. res, Oberlin, O. DD, CarlC, 95. 1862. 119 *LONG, John Elbert; b, Unity, O, Sp 7, 1832; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Harrisburg), Sp 4, 64; ss, Hublersburg & Spring Mills, Pa, 62-9; ss, Truxton, NY, 70-3; ss, Preble, NY, 74-8; ss, Akron, NY, 79; ss, Ithaca, Emerson & Lafayette, Mich, 80-6; ss, Ithaca & Lafayette, Mich, 80-8; ss, Ithaca, Mich, 80-95; wc, do, 96-1907; d, do, My 18, 07. MURDOCH, Samuel; b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ap 2, 1828; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 14, 65; tea, Bloomfield, NJ, 62-3; ss, Cochec- ton, NY, 63-4; ss&pas, Craneville, NJ, 64-7; ss, Felton, Del, 67-73; ss (Cong), Guilford Centre, NY, 73-6; ss (Presb), Vienna & Levens- ville, Va, 76-80; pas, Cochecton, & ss, Damascus, NY, 80-7; ss, Oak's Corners, NY, 87-93; ss, Wright's Corners, NY, 93-6; wc & oc s, Tunk- hannock, Pa, 96-1901; hr, do, 02—. *PENLAND, Alfred Marion; b, Vanceville, NC, Nv 14, 1833; MvC, 59; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, NY), Ap 7, 72; tea, NYCity, 62-5; tea, New-Brighton (SI), NY, 66-9; ss, Asheville, NC, 69-74; ss, Reem's Creek, NC, 74; ss, do, & Wells, NC, 75 ; ss, Reem's Creek, College Hill & Davidson's River, NC, 76-86; ss, Reem's Creek & Davidson's River, NC, 87; tea&ss, do, 88-94; tea&ss, Beech, NC, 95-8; d, do, Nv 26, 98. ♦RHODES, John Thurston; b, Flatbush (LI), NY, Sp 7, 1828; UTS, 59-62; - tea, Flatbush (LI), NY, 62-5; d, Milton, NY, My 28, 66. *RULIFFSON, Albert Gleason; b, Gilboa, NY, Ap 1, 1833; Albany State Norm Sch, 56; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Oc 12, 62; cm, NYCity, 62-4; sm, Minneapolis, Minn, 64-70; sec (Memorial Fund), Chicago, 111, 70-2; cm, NYCity, 72-95; inv, Perth Amboy, NJ, 96-7; d, do, My 2, 97. RUSSELL, Robert Condit; b, Rossville, NY, Ja 30, 1835; UTS, 59-62; ord (Ep) dea, Dc 20, 65, priest, Fb 8, 67; ss (Cong), Bristol, Me, 62-4; rec, Marietta, Pa, 65-9; rec, N-Salem, NY, 69—. ♦SHATTUCK, Amos Franklin; b, Hollis, NH, Jl 9, 1832; AC, 59; UTS. 59-62; ord (Cong), Jn 3, 68; ss, Charlestown, NH, 63-4; ss, Surry, NH, 64-6; ss, Durham, Me, 68-9; ss, Worcester, Vt, 70-1; wc, Hollis, NH, 72-84; insane, Concord & Goffstown, NH, 84-95; d, Goffstown, NH, Nv 27, 95. SHAW, Charles Dannelly; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Dc 17, 1834; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Newark), Nv 5, 62; pas (Second), Paterson, NJ, 62-7; pas (Central), Wilmington, Del, 67-72; pas (Second), Springfield, 111, 72-4; pas (Second), Paterson, NJ, 74—. DD, UNY, 81. STRONG, James Woodward; b,Brownington, Vt, Sp 29, 1833; BelC, 58; UTS, 59-62; ord (Cong), Sp 28, 62; ss, Brodhead, Wis, 62-4; ss&pas, Faribault, Minn, 65-70; pres&prof, Carleton Coll, Northfield, Minn, 70-1903; pres em, do, 03—. DD, BelC, 71; LLD, U1C, 96. ♦TANNER, Elias Fitch; b, DeKalb, NY, Oc 22, 1833; HC, 54-6; WmsC, 58; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, Milwaukee), My 3, 64; ss, Pardeeville, Wis, 120 1862. 62-4; ss, Barton, Wis, 65-7; ss, Grand Ledge, Mich, 67-9; ss, La Salle, Mich, 70-3; ss, California, Mich, 73-6; ss, Delta, O, 76-8; ss, Spring- port, Mich, 78-83; agric, Oneida, Mich, 83-91; res, Tallapoosa, Ga, 94-9; d, do, Dc 7, 99. THKESHEB, James Nelson; b, Stafford, Ct, Oc 20, 1834; AC, 59; UTS, 59- 62; ord (Bap), My 5, 63; ss, St Cloud, Minn, 63-4; pas, Fair Haven, Minn, 64-74; ss, Granville, O, 74-80; ss, Bochester, Minn, 80-82; wc, Stafford, Ct, 82-3; do, Amherst, Mass, 83-4; do, Bridgeport, Ct, 84 — . *TYSON, Ira Charles; b, Whitemarsh, Pa, Mr 3, 1830; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, No Biver), Oc 7, 62; pas, Hughsonville, NY, 62-9; pas, Bed- ford, NH, 69-79; ss&pas, Londonderry, NH, 79-83; pas, Jersey ville, 111, 83-96; ss, Shawneetown, 111, 97-1900; wc, Pueblo, Col, 00-1; d, do, Jl 22, 01. DD, B1U, 89. *WILSON, James Duncan; b, Spring Mills, Pa, Ap 3, 1836; AC, 58; UTS, 59-62; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jl 1, 63; ss&pas, NYCity, 62-88; d, do, My 12, 88. DD, AC, 79. 33. ALEXANDEB, James McKinney; b, Waioli, Kauai, H Islds, Ja 29, 1835; WmsC, 58; UTS, 59-60; ord (Presb, San Jose), Jn 11, 65; ss, San Leandro, Cal, 64-9; ss, Centreville & Alvarado, Cal, 70-2; fm, Makawao, Maui, H Islds, 73-4; indep mis, Maui, 74-84; wc, do, 84-7; wc, Oak- land, Cal, 87—. *AVERY, Eugene Henry; b, Sherburne, NY, My 15^ 1837; BelC, 58; UTS, 59-61; Europe, 61-2; ord (Cong), Ap 22, 63; ss, Eoscoe, 111, 63-4; pas (Presb), Warren, HI, 64-70; pas, Sioux City, Io, 70-81; pas, Vinton, Io, 81-99; pas (Westm), San Francisco, Cal, 1900-2; pas, Pleasanton, Cal, 03-7; d, do, Ap 11, 07. (MGA.) DD, ParsC, 95. *BOWE, Daniel; b, Agawam, Mass, Ja 13, 1833; YC, 59; UTS, 59-60; AndTS, 60-2; U S ag, Port Boyal, SC, 62; d, NYCity, Oc 30, 62. BBISCOE, John Peter; b, Washington Co, Va, Ja 15, 1832; MvC, 59; UTS, 59-61; ord (Presb, Holston), Sp, 61; ss, Blountville, Tenn, 61-78; ss, Beaver Creek & Walnut Grove, Va, 78-86; ss, Bristol, Tenn (Island Mill, Bluff City, Holston, etc), 87-95; wc, do, 97 — . *CHAMBERLAIN, George Whitehill; b, Waterford, Pa, Ag 13, 1839; DelC, 57; UTS, 59-61; PTS, 66-7; ord (Presb, Bio de Janeiro), Jl 8, 66; Bib Col & ev, Bio Janeiro & S Paulo, SA, 62-6; ss (First Pr Ch), Bio de Janeiro, Brazil, 68-9; pas (First), S Paulo, Braz, 69-87; ed (Imprensa Evangelica) & Direc Amer Sch Evang, Syh of Braz, 88-92; pas (First), Bahia, Braz, 92-5; ev, Feira, Braz, 96-1902; d, do, Ja 31, 02. *COFFEY, George Henry; b, Mullingar, Ireland, Ag 15, 1835; YC, 59; UTS, 59-60; ord (Cong), Ja 22, 62; ss, Morrisania, NY, 60-1; ss. Saugerties, NY, 61-4; pas, Jackson, Mich, 65-8; law, NYCity, & Hacken- sack, NJ, 69-85; d, Trenton, NJ, My 31, 85. 1862. 121 ♦CROCKER, Rufus Choate; b, Londonderry, NH, Ag 16, 1834; KC, 57; UTS, 59-61; U S Army, 61-4; bus, Maroa, 111, 65-70; do, Decatur, 111, 70-81; do, Pittsburg, Pa, 81-2; d, do, My 12, 82. ♦DEARBORN, Sylvanus Sanborn; b, Northfield, NH, Sp 15, 1830; DC, 55; tea, Acton, NH, 55; tea, Princeton, 111, 56-7; stud law, Tilton, NH, & Princeton, 111; law, Northfield, NH, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; EpTS, 02-4; ord (Ep), Dc 18, 64; rec, Clermont, NY, 65; Europe, 66; d, NYCity, Ja 8, 67. *DE FOREST, Henry Swift; b, S-Edmeston, NY, Mr 17, 1833; YC, 57; YTS, 57-8; tut, BelC, 58-60; UTS, 60-1; tut, YC, 61-3; ord (Cong), Ag 2, 63; ch (11th Ct Vol), U S Army, 63-5; ss, Des Moines, lo, 66-70; res lie, AndTS, 71; pas, Council Bluffs, lo, 72-6; ss, Waterloo, lo, 77-8; fin sec, IaC, 78-9; prof, Talladega, Ala, 80-3; pres, do, 83-96; d, do, Ja 27, 96. DD, BelC, 81. ♦DUDLEY, Daniel Bliss; b, Lebanon, NH, Dc 25, 1833; DC, 56; tea, La Grange, Ga, & Abbeville, Ala, 56-9; UTS, 59-60; studied law, Albany, NY, 60-2; (as clerk, Vt Hse Rep, 62; asso ed, Windsor, Vt, 63-8; War Dept, Washington, DC, 63-4); law, NYCity, 64-84; Europe, 67-8; weigher, NY Custom Hse, 69-70; d, NYCity, Ap 24, 84. ♦DUDLEY, Horace Franklin; b, Hanover, NH, Ja 31, 1832; DC, 59; UTS, 59-60; AubTS, 60-2; ord (Cong), Sp 6, 65; ss, S-Trenton, NY, 62-5; ss, Paris, NY, 65-7; ss, Morrisville, NY, 67-73; pas, Warsaw, NY, 73- 84; d, do, My 4, 84. EVANS, Daniel Henry; b, Ripley, O, Ap 16, 1838; MU, 59; AITS, 59-60; UTS, 60-1; AndTS, 61-2; ord (Presb, Monroe), Ap 16, 63; ss, Bliss- field & Palmyra, Mich, 62-5; pas, Grand Haven, Mich, 65-9; ss, Pitts- burg, Pa, 69; pas (First), Youngstown, O, 70-1900; pas (Memorial), do, 04—. DD, WoosU, 86; LLD, Richmond Col, 96. ♦EVEREST, Charles Hall; b, New-Lebanon, NY, Fb 14, 1837; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Dc 30, 61; pas, Owego, NY, 61-5; pas, Brook- lyn, NY, 65-77; pas, Chicago, 111, 77-82; trav, 82-3; ss, Norwalk, Ct, 83-4; ss, Meriden, Ct, 84-5; pas (First), Newark, NJ, 85-7; pas, E- Orange, N J, 90-9; wc, NYCity, 1900-8; d, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 12,08. (CYB.) EWING, Flavius Lyle; b, Farmington, Tenn, Ag 3, 1838; MvC, 59; UTS, 59-61; ord (Presb, No Ala), Ap 5, 62; ss, Lynnville & Petersburg, Tenn, 62-3; ss, Bethberei & Richland, Tenn, 63-4; ss, Richland, Tenn, 65; ss, Pulaski, Tenn, 66-70; trav, Europe and the East, 70; ss, Huntsville, Ala, 71; ss, Talladega* Ala, 71-2; pas, do, 72-84; ss, Covington, Tenn, 85; pas, do, 85-96; res, Ripley, Tenn, 96-1901; ss, Pierce & Union City, Tenn, 01-4, & ss, New Hope, Tenn, 01-2; ss, Tiptonville, Tenn, 03-4; ss, White Haven, Tenn, 06, & ss, Germantown, Tenn, 05 — . DD. SWPU, 91. ♦GUILD, Rufus Barnard; b, W-Halifax, Vt, Jl 25, 1831; KC, 58; UTS, 59- 60, 61; prin, Galesburgh, 111, 60-2; CTS, 62-4; ord (Cong), Nv 4, 64; 122 1862. pas, Galva, 111, 64-78; ss, Seneca, Kan, 78-81; ss, Roseville, 111, 81-3; ss, Sterling, Kan, 83-8; d, do, Dc 31, 88. GULICK, John Thomas; b, Waimea, Kauai, Haw Isl, Mr 13, 1832; UNY, 54-5; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Ag 22, 64; fm, Peking, China, 64-5; fm, Kalgan, N-China, 65-71; England &DSA, 71-2; fm, Kalgan, 72-5; fm, Kobe, Japan, 75-82; fm, Osaka, Japan, 82-99; res, Oberlin, 0, 1900-5; Oakland, Cal, 05-6; Honolulu, HI, 06—. PhD, AdelbC, 89; MA, WmsC, 89; ScD, OC, 05. HOPKINS, Henry; b, Williamstown, Mass, Nv 30, 1837; WmsC, 58; UTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Sp 23, 61; Hosp ch, U S Army, 61-3; U S Vols, 63-5; pas, Westfield, Mass, 66-80; pas (First), Kansas City, Mo, 80-1902; pres, WmsC, Williamstown, Mass, 02-8. DD, WmsC, 87; LLD, AC, 02, MaC, 02. *HUBBELL, James Wakeman; b, Wilton, Ct, Mr 29, 1835; YC, 57; tea, Stamford & Norfolk, Ct, 57-9; UTS, 59-60; AndTS, 61-3; ord (Cong), Sp 21, 64; ss, Plainville, Ct, 63-4; pas, Milford, Ct, 64-9; pas (College st), New-Haven, Ct, 69-76; ss, Portsmouth, NH, 77-9; pas, Danbury, Ct, 79-86; ss, Mansfield, O, 86-96; d, do, My 19, 96. DD, MaC, 90. MARSH, Joseph Walker; b, Burlington, Vt, Mr 22, 1836; UVt, 57; UTS, 59-60; tea, Knowlton, Sherbrooke & Granby, Quebec, Canada, 60-7; prof, PacU, Forest Grove, Ore, 67-1907; prof emer, do, 07—. PhD, PacU, 83. MILLER, Victor; b, Clearspring, Md, Oc 24, 1834; PaC, 58; GTS, 58-9; UTS, 59-60; GTS, 60-1; ord (Lu, Synod, Md), Sp 2, 62; pas (New- Wilmington), Fayetteville, Pa, 62-71; tea, Washington Co, Md, 73-5; prin, Mechanicstown, Md, 75-6; tea, Washington Co, Md, 76-81; pas, Leitersburg, Md, 81 — . MOORE, William Enos Boise; b, Agawam, Mass, Ap 22, 1831; AC, 58; UTS, 59-60; AndTS, 60-2; ord (Cong), Oc 4, 65; ss, Tolland, Mass, 62-3; ss, Barnstable (Centreville), Mass, 63-4; ss, Montgomery, Mass, 64-5; ss, Huntington, Mass, 65-7; ss&pas, Bolton, Ct, 67-78; ss, W-Stafford, Ct, 79-82; ss, E-Haddam (Millington), Ct, 82-5; ss, N-Madison, Ct, 85- 95; ss, E-Hartland, Ct, 96-1903; oc sup, Scotland, Ct, 03—. *PRESTON, Marcus North; b, Gowanda, NY, Jl 1, 1835; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-60; AubTS, 60-2; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Oc 2, 62; pas, Skaneateles, NY, 62-84; pas, Bath, NY, 84-96; pas (Cong), Hinsdale, 111, 96-1900; ss, Grossdale, 111, 00-3; res, Hinsdale, 111, 03-4; d, do, Dc 24, 04. (CYB.) *RILEY, Justin Gamaliel; b, Rochester, NY, Jn 14, 1834; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-61; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 62-7; agric, Washingtonville, NY, 67-73; d, do, Mr 5, 73. *SAWYER, Leicester Jotham; b, New-Haven, Ct, Dc 19, 1837; HC, 59; UTS, 59-61; YTS, 62; U S Army, 62-3; ord (Cong), Ja 24, 64; pas, Sheboy- gan, Wis, 64-5; ss, Mantorville, Minn, 65-8; ss, Burlingame, Kan, 68- 1862-1863. 123 75; ss (Presb), Whitesboro, NY, 77-89; pas, Amsterdam, NY, 89-99; ss (Cong), Eden, Fla, 00-1; wc, Tibballs, Fla, 02-5; d, Oswego, NY, Jl 20, 06. (CYB.) STEVENS, Moody, Adoniram; b, Bedford, NH, Pb 7, 1828; UTS, 59-61; ord (Cong), Sp 9, 62; ch (2d NY Vol), U S Army, 61; ss, Plympton, Mass, 62-4; ss, Bellows Falls, Vt, 64-7; ss, Ashburnham, Mass, 67-9; pas, Cohasset, Mass, 71-7; ss, Woodstock, 111, 77-9; wc, Minneapolis, Minn, 80; ss, Anoka, Minn, 81-4; ss, Saxonsville, Mass, 84-90; ss, Princeton, Minn, 92-3; ss (Mizpah), W-Minneapolis, Minn, 94-7; res. Minneapolis, Minn, 92-1903; oc sup, Milford, NH, 1903—. *STOUTENBURGH, William Jackson; b, Macedonia, Pa, Sp 20, 1833; WmsC, 58; AubTS, 59-60; UTS, 60-1; ord (Presb, Lyons), Sp 17, 61; pas, NYCity, 61-4; pas (Cong), Allen's Grove, Wis, 64-6; ss (Presb), Manitowoc, Wis, 66-8; ss, Tecumseh, Mich, 68-74; ss, Birmingham, Mich, 74-6; ss, Lapeer, Mich, 76-9; ev, S-Haven, Mich, 79-80; ss, Wilmington, 111, 80-2; ss, Afton, Io, 82-4; ev&ed, Marlette, Mich, 84-7; d, do, Sp 23, 87. THURBEK, Edward Gerrish; b, Monroe, Mich, My 28, 1836; UM, 57; UTS, 59-61; AndTS, 61-2; ord (Cong, Mendon Assoc), Oc 29, 62; ss, Walpole, Mass, 62-3; pas, do, 63-70; pas (Presb), Syracuse, NY, 70-89; pas, Amer Ch, Paris, France, 89-1904; res, NYCity, 04—. DD, HC, 82. TWICHELL, Joseph Hopkins; b, Southington, Ct, My 27, 1838; YC, 59; UTS, 59-61; AndTS, 64-5; ord (Cong), Ja 30, 63; ch, U S Army, 61-4; pas, Hartford, Ct, 65 — . *WRIGHT, William Janes; b, Weybridge, Vt, Ag 3, 1831; UC, 57; UTS, 59- 60; PTS, 60-2; ord (Presb, New-Brunswick), Jn 20, 63; ch, U S Army, 63-5; pas, Ringoes, NJ, 66-8; pas, Pomeroy, O, 68-71; tea, Philadelphia, Pa, 72-3; ss, Wellsburgh, W-Va, 74-5; prof, WilsonC, Chambersburgh, Pa, 76-7; wc, Carlisle, Pa, 78; ev, Cape May, N J, 79; pas, Morris Plains, NJ, 81-3; wc, Hyannis Port, Mass, 84-7; prof (Metaphysics), WestmC (Mo), Fulton, Mo, 87-1903; d, do, Fb 26, 03. PhD, UC, 76; LLD, WestmC, 82; DD, ShurC, 90. 29. 1863. BERRY, Charles Treat; b, Dover, NJ, Mr 18, 1838; CNJ, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Newark), Mr 17, 63; ss, Newark, NJ, 63; pas, Valatie, NY, 63-9; pas, Caldwell, NJ, 69-94; wc, Brooklyn, NY, 94-8; ss (Glenmore Ave), do, 98-1903; as pas (Central), do, 03—. *BISHOP, Albert Castle; b, Warrensburgh, NY, Sp 12, 1840; UNY, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 15, 64; ss, Warrensburgh, NY, 63-5; pas, Sand Lake, NY, 65-75; pas, W-Troy, NY, 75-9; ss, Unadilla, NY, 79-87; pas (Cong), Keeseville, NY, 87-1904; d, do, Ap 19, 04. 1*4 1863. BOYNTON, George Mills; b, Brooklyn, NY, My 13, 1837; YC, 58; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Oc 28, 63; pas, Riverdale, NY, 63-7; pas (Cong), Guilford, Ct, 63-72; pas, Newark. NJ, 72-80; pas (Jamaica Plains Central), Boston, Mass, 80-8; sec, Cong SS & Pub Soc, Boston, Mass, 88-1904; mis sec, do, 05—. DD, MC, 88. BKOWN, Frederick Adolphus Miller; b, NYCity, Sp 27, 1835; UC, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 15, 64; ss&pas, Parsippany, NJ, 63-6; pas, Delhi, NY, 66-82; pas, Little Falls, NY, 82-7; pas (Second Kef), Poughkeepsie, NY, 87-9; pas (First Presb), New-Haven, Ct, 90 — . DD, UC, 88. CHAPIN, George Farnsworth; b, Newport, NH, My 26, 1836; AC, 60; UTS, 60-3; res lie, 63-4; ord (Presb, Kansas), Ap 15, 66; tea, NY, 63-5; ss & pas, Lawrence, Kan, 65-8; ss, Irving, Kan, 69-72; ss (Cong), Brim- field, Mass, 72-3; ss, Alstead & Langdon, NH, 73-83; ss, Saxton's River & Cambridgeport, Vt, 83-93; ss, Saxton's River, Vt, 83 — . CLARK, William Hendee; b, Hudson, O, Ap 11, 1837; WRC, 59; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Columbia), Ja 6, 64; pas, Spencertown, NY, 64-5; ch mis (Collegiate Ref D), NYCity, 65-72; pas (RD), Paterson, NJ, 72-81; pas, Nyack, NY, 81-6; pas (2d Ref), Philadelphia, Pa, 86-91; pas (Presb), Bay City, Mich, 91-6; pas (Immanuel), Detroit, Mich, 96-1903; wc, do, 03—. DD, WRU, 84. CRANE, Henry Josiah; b, Middletown, NY, Jn 27, 1836; UNY, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Montrose), Sp 7, 63; ss, Wysox, Pa, 63-70; pas, Hunter, NY, 71-5; ss, Gibson, Pa, 75-8; pas, Nicholson, Pa, 79-88; ss, Mt Pleasant & Uniondale, Pa, 88-90; ss, Uniondale, Pa, 90-1903; ss, Gibson, Pa, 03-6; hr, Scotia, NY, 06—. FALKNER, Bishop; b, Market Harboro', Leicester, Eng, Ap 4, 1834; UTS, 60-3; ord (Cong), Ja 25, 65; ord (Ep), Sp 21, 78; ss&pas (Mediator), Brooklyn, NY, 63-78; as min (Ep, Christ), do, 78-81; rec (Intercession), Washington Hts, NYCity, 81-3; rec (St Mark's), Orange, NJ, 84-91; rec (Christ), Bay Ridge, NY, 91—. • FINCH, James Byron; b, Southampton, Mass, Dc 29, 1832; AC, 62; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 5, 63; ss, Orient (LI), NY, 63-5; ss, Nebraska City, Neb, 65-7; pas, Hempstead (LI), NY, 67-75; wc, Orient (LI), NY, 75-6; tea & agric, do, 76-9; ss, Amagansett (LI), NY, 79- 1903; pas, emer, do, 03—. DD, FklnC, 99. *GRANT, Henry Marty n; b, Oroomiah, Persia, Jn 3, 1836; HC, ; AubTS, 60-2; UTS, 62-3; ord (Cong), Nv 17, 63; pas, N-Canaan, Ct, 63-6; hm, Savannah, Ga, 66; pas, Webster Grove, Mo, 66-70; ss, Smyrna, NY, 70-1; ss (Presb), Sterling, NJ, 71-6; pas, New-Providence, NJ, 77-9; pas (Central Cong), Middleboro', Mass, 79-88; pas (Circular), Charles- ton, SC, 88-98; wc, do, 99; wc, Eau Claire, Wis, 1900-2; d, do, Fb 13, 02. (CYB.) 1863. , 125 HILL, Ellsworth Jerome; b, Leroy, NY, Dc 1, 1833; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Chicago), Ap 26, 64; ss, Thornton Station (now Homewood), 111, 63-6; ss, Will, 111, 66-8; inv, Preston, Minn, 68-9; do, Kankakee, 111, 69-70; tea, do, 70-4; tea, Englewood, 111, 74-88; priv tea & lit, Chicago, 111, 88- 1907; hr, do, 07—. ♦HOUGH, Joel Jackson; b, Groton, NY, Ap 3, 1835; YC, 59; UTS, 61-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ap 20, 64; ss, Cannonsville, NY, 63-7; pas (Cong), Franklin, NY, 67-73; pas, Danbury, Ct, 73-9; pas, Antwerp, NY, 79-85; pas, Berkshire, NY, 85-96; wc, do, 97; d, do, Sp 24, 97. DD, WhitC, 94. McVEY, John; b, Glasgow, Scotland, Fb 22, 1837; UNY, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Dc 17, 63; ss (Eleventh), NYCity, 63-4; pas, New- Lebanon, NY, 64-72; pas (First), Dayton, O, 72-4; pas (North), Bing- hamton, NY, 75-1905, pas emer, do, 05—. DD, NYU, 94. ♦MARTIN, William Wisner; b, Rahway, NJ, Dc 18, 1837; YC, 60; UTS, 60-1; AndTS, 61-2; UTS, 62-3; ord (Presb, Sierra Nevada), Jn 18, 63; ss, Sonora, Cal, 63-4; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 64; pas, San Jose, Cal, 65; d, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 16, 65. *MEACHAM, John Henry; b, Springville, Pa, Nv 16, 1823; UC, 52; tea, Hanover CH, Va, 52-3; AlexTS, 53-4; ag, ASSU, Va, 54; UTS, Va, 55-7; col, ATS, & ag, NC & Va, 57-61; UTS, 61-3; Del, USCC, 63-4; cm, NY City, 64-6; agric & tea, Springville, NY, 67-85; colp, Fla, 85-8; d, Cot- tondale, Fla, Ag 16, 88. *MERRIAM, Edwin Elisha; b, Mason, NH, Ag 3, 1836; AC, 58; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Montrose), Ag 3, 64; pas, Salem, Pa, 64-5; d, do, Fb 17, 65. *MERWIN, Almon Baxter; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 25, 1835; YC, 57; UTS, 57, 59-60; PTS, 60-1; UTS, 62-3; tut, D&DI, NYCity, 63-5; miss supt, ASSU, N-Iowa, 65-6; prof (Lat), High Sch, Newark, NJ, 66-85; res, do, & Brooklyn, NY, 85-1907; d, Wolfeboro, NH, Ja 22, 07. *MORTON, William Dwight; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 8, 1837; UC, 57; UTS, 60-3; ord (Cong), Jn 29, 64; pas, Huntington, Ct, 64-9; ss, Chester, Ct, 69-77; ss, S-Coventry, Ct, 77-80; d, do, Jl 8, 81. *NESBITT, Alexander; b, NYCity, Ja 14, 1842; NYA, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Sp 17, 63; pas, Tremont, NY, 63-75; d, do, Ja 7, 75. QUICK, Abram Jay; b, S-Branch, NJ, Mr 11, 1832; WmsC, 60; UTS, 60-3; 'ord (Cong, No Berkshire Assoc), Mr 7, 64; ss, Richmond, Mass, 63-4; pas, Seymour, Ct, 65-7; ss (Presb), Cannonsville, NY, 67-70; ss, Lenox & Wampsville, NY, 70-2; ss, Amboy, NY, 72-5; ss (Cong), Rochester, NH, 75-81; ss, Hillsboro' Bridge, NH, 81-3; ss, Plainfield, Ct, 83-7; ss, S-Coventry, Ct, 87-91; pas, Ludlow, Mass, 91-7; wc, Baltimore, Md, 97- 1903; wc, Pottsville, Pa, 03—. RICH, Adoniram Judson; b, Cooper, Me, Dc 6, 1834; ColbC, 59-61; NTI, 61-2; UTS, 63; ord (Cong), Mr 30, 64; pas, Dorchester, Mass, 63-7; 126 1863. pas, Westminster, Mass, 67-70; pas (Unit), Brookfield, Mass, 70-9; pas, Hyde Park, Mass, 79-83; pas, Pall Kiver, Mass, 83-90; pas, Milford, NH, 90-9; pas, Dighton, Mass, 99—. ♦RICHARDS, Leonard Eldro; b, Chester, O, Ag 7, 1831; OWU, 59; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Elyria), Sp 15, 63; ss (RD), Moresville & S-Gilboa, NY, 63-4; pas (Presb), Stamford, NY, 64-1903; d, do, Mr 29, 03. *RICHARDSON, Robert Hugh; b, Liberty, Va, Mr 13, 1834; UTS, 60-3; cm, NYCity, 63; d, do, Oc 6, 63. *SHAW, Ezra Davis; b, McLean, NY, Ag 10, 1831; MaC, 60; UTS, 60-3; ord (Presb, Athens), Ag 10, 64; ss, Wilkesville, O, 63-4; ss, Middle- port, O, 64-5; ss, Jackson, O, 65-6; tea, Barlow, O, 66-7; ss, Shiloh, Gilead & Franklin, Ind, 67-9; ss (Cong), Summer Hill, NY, 69-72; pas (Presb), Victory, NY, 72-5; tea, Moravia, NY, 75-8; d, do, Fb 12, 78. *TORREY, John Paine; b, Burlington, Vt, Ja 21, 1838; UVt, 58; UTS, 60-3; d, Beverly, Mass, Jl 22, 63. WALKER, John; b, Exeter, Me, Ja 1, 1833; AC, 58; UTS, 59-60, 61-3; ss, Cooper, Me, 62; tea, NYCity & Troy, NY, 63-70; res, Exeter & Bangor, Me, 70-1907; res, Portland, Me, 07—. •WILLIAMS, William White; b, Tuscaloosa, Ala, Ja 2, 1838; WmsC, 59; UTS, 59-60, 61-3; res lie, 63-4; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 14, 65; temp ag, Philadelphia, Pa, 65-6; insane, Wards Isl, NYCity, 67 93; d, do, My 24, 93. 27. BACHMAN, Jonathan Waverly; b, Kingsport, Tenn, Oc 9, 1837; E&HC. 56-7; UTS, 60-1; Conf Army, 62-4; ord (Presb, Holston), Sp 11, 64; ch, Conf Army, 64-5; ss, Rogersville & New-Providence, Tenn, 65-73; pas, Chattanooga, Tenn, 73 — . DD, CentU, 84. BACHMAN, Nathan; b, Kingsport, Tenn, Dc 13, 1832; E&HC, 57; UTS, 60-1; ord (Presb, Holston), Ap 11, 63; ss, Kingsport, Tenn, 63-7; ss, Knoxville, Tenn, 67-78; ev, Jonesboro', Tenn, 78-82; ev, Atlanta, Ga, 83; ev, Jonesboro', Tenn, 84-7; do, Knoxville, Tenn, 88-92; do, Sweet- water, Tenn, 93—. DD, SWPU, 89. *BOARDMAN, Moses Bradford; b, Francestown, NH, My 25, 1833; AC, 60; UTS, 60-2; AndTS, 62-3; ord (Cong), Oc 1, 63; pas, Lynnfield Centre, Mass, 63-70; pas, Brimfield, Mass, 70-3; wc, do, 73-5; wc, Harwinton, Ct, 75-9; wc, New-Britain, Ct, 79-83; as pas (First), do, 83-92; wc, do, 92-1905; as pas, do, 05-7; d, do, Sp 22, 07. BRODHEAD, Harry; b, White Lake, NY, Jl 2, 1837; YC, 59; UTS, 60-1; LLB, CC, 64; law, NYCity, & Aiken, SC, 64—. DUNHAM, Samuel; b, Southington, Ct, Fb 8, 1835; YC, 60; UTS, 60-2; AndTS, 62-3; ord (Cong), Oc 4, 64; ss&pas, W-Brookfield, Mass, 63 1863. 187 70; pas, Norwalk, Ct, 70-2; pas (West Presb), Binghamton, NY, 73- 1902; pas emer, do, 02 — . pas (Floral Ave), do, 06 — . *EASTON, Charles; b, Wellsville, NY, Jl 3, 1833; YC, 59; tea, Memphis, Tenn, 59-60; UTS, 60-1; inv, Black River Falls, Wis, 61-2; do, Wells- ville, NY, 62-3; d, do, Ap 5, 63. fEDDY, David Eowe; b, Palmyra, NY, Ap 13, 1835; UC, 60; UTS, 60-1; ord (Presb, Bloomington) , Ap 27, 61; ss, Wenona, 111, 61-2; ss&pas, Belvidere, 111, 62-72; ss&pas e, Flint, Mich, 73-5; ss, Brockport, NY, 75-89; ss, Dunkirk, NY, 90-4; demitted, Nv 22, 94. *HASELTON, William Augustus; b, Bellows' Falls, Vt, Jl 27, 1834; DC, 58; UTS, 60-1; AndTS, 61-2; inv, Riverdale, NY, & Pittsburg, Pa, 62-4; d, Swissvale, Pa, Ag 13, 64. *HYDE, Henry Francis; b, Killingly, Ct, Dc 22, 1834; AC, 59; UTS, 60-1; TIC, 61-3; ord (Cong, Tolland Assoc), Jn 1, 64; pas, W- Woodstock, Ct, 64-7; pas, Pomfret, Ct, 67-72; pas, Rockville, Ct, 72-80; d, do, My 28, 80. LEYBURN, George Lacon; b, Mane, Laconia, Greece, My 21, 1839; WCVa (now W&JC), 59; UTS, 60-1; UTS Va, 65-7; ord (Presb, Winchester), Nv 13, 67; Conf, S Army, 61-5; pas (London St), Winchester, Va, 67- 75; fm, Athens, Greece, 75-8; pas, Lexington, Mo, 78-89; pas, Boon- ville, Mo, 89-96; pas, Newbern, NC, 96-1900; sup, Home Mis, Syn Mo, 00-4; pas, Lexington, NC, 05—. DD, WestmC, 86. *McALLISTER, David; b, NYCity, Ag 25, 1835; UC, 60; AITS (Ref Pr), 60-1, 62-3; UTS, 61-2; ord (Ref Presb, NY), Dc 16, 63; pas, Walton, NY, 63-71, 75-83; sec (Nat Ref Assoc), NYCity, 71-5; prof (Polit Sci), Geneva Coll, Beaver Falls, Pa, 83-7; pas (8th St), Pittsburg, Pa, 87- 1907; ed (Christian Statesman), Philadelphia, Pa, 67-91; ed (Christian Reformer), Allegheny, Pa, 92-6; ed (Christian Statesman), Pittsburg, Pa, 96-1902; d, do, Jn 13, 1907. DD, Muskingum Coll, 84; LLD, FklnC, 84. *MACY, William Carpenter; b, Hudson, NY, Nv 10, 1832; UC, 60; UTS, 60-1; tea, W-Bloomfield, NY, 61-3; tut, UC, 63-5; adj prof (Gk), UC, Schenectady, NY, 65-6; tea (Eng Lit), NYCity, 67-99; d, E-Windham, NY, Jl 4, 99. MATTHEWS, Israel Griffiths; b, Glenwood, Md, Dc 31, 1838; Lynchburg Coll (Va, 2 yrs); UTS, 60-1; tea (Blenheim Inst), Harford Co, Md, 76-82; bus (Md Steel Co), Sparrowspoint, Md, & do (Pa Steel Co), Steel- ton, Pa, 90 — . ♦MERRICK, Lucius Lathrop; b, Monson, Mass, Jn 8, 1829; AC, 60; TIC, 60-1; UTS, 61-2; U S Army, 62-4; died of wounds, Bermuda Hundred, Va, Oc 7, 64. 128 1863. MILLER, Samuel; b, Augusta, NY, Nv 1, 1829; HC, 60; UTS, 60-1; AubTS, 61-3; ord (Cong, Oneida Assoc), Ja 13, 64; ss, Eaton, NY, 63-7; ss, Sherburne, NY, 67-74; ss, Deansville, NY, 75-8; ss, Pitcher, NY, 78-83; ss, Deansville, NY, 83-94; ss&oc s, Sherburne, NY, 94-5; ss, Eaton, NY, 95-6; pas, Pitcher, NY, 96—. Res, Sherburne, NY. NEWPORT, Reece Marshall; b, Sharpsburgh, Pa, My 29, 1838; MaC, 60; UTS, 60-1; U S Army, 61-6; mer, Cincinnati, O, 66-70; supt ins co, Philadelphia, Pa, 70-2; as treas, auditor, & gen land ag (No Pac RR), St Paul, Minn, 72-82; banker & real est, do, 92 — . POND, Theodore Strong; b, Clinton, NY, Sp 13, 1838; HC, 60; UTS, 60-1; AndTS, 61-3; tea, NYCity, 63-4; trav, Europe, 64-6. 66-7; ord (Cong), Ag 29, 67; ss, William's Bridge, NY, 66; pas, Middlefield, Ct, 67-8; fm, Mardin, E-Turk, 68-73; fm, Sidon, Syria, 73-6; fm, Abeih, Syria, 76-89; USA, 89-91; fm, Barranquilla, Colomb, S-Amer, 91-6; USA, 96-7; fm, Caracas, Venez, 97—. (U S A, 06-7.) *RAND, Edward Augustus; b, Portsmouth, NH, Ap 5, 1837; BC, 57; UTS, 61-2; BTS, 62-3; USCC, 63; ord (Cong), Mr 2, 65; ss&pas, Amesbury, Mass, 64-7; pas,. S-Boston, Mass, 67-76; ss, Franklin, Mass, 76-9; ord (Ep), Jl 7, 80; min in chge, Hyde Park, Mass, 80-2; mis, Concord, Mass, 82-6; rec, Watertown, Mass, 83-1903; & rec, Belmont, Mass; d, Boston, Mass, Oc 6, 03. *ROSE, William Wilberforce; b, Honesdale, Pa, Jl 17, 1837; B1C, 59; UTS, 60-2; ord (Cong, Hampshire W Assoc), Dc 24, 62; ss, Chesterfield, Mass, 62-4; ss, Omaha, Neb, 65-7; pas, Pittsfield, HI, 67-75; ss, Har- vard, 111, 75-7; pas, Pittsfield, 111, 77-87; pas, Fort Atkinson, Wis, 87- 97; d, do, Oc 2, 97. SEVERANCE, Milton Leonard; b, Middlebury, Vt, Oc 14, 1830; MC, 59; UTS, 60-2; AndTS, 62-3; ord (Cong), Fb 17, 64; ss&pas, Boscawen, NH, 63-8; pas, Orwell, Vt, 69-81; ag, MC, 81-2; prin, Manchester, Vt, 82-7; pas, Bennington, Vt, 87-98; bus, Burlington, Vt, 98-1906; pas, Lowell, Vt, 07—. *SMITH, Edward Clarence; b, Palatine, NY, My 13, 1835 ; WmsC. 56; UTS, 60-2; tea & prin (Rugby Acad), Philadelphia, Pa, 62-89; d, Walling- ford, Pa, Nv 30, 89. *SMITH, Judson; b, Middlefield, Mass, Jn 28, 1837; AC, 59; OTS, 60-1; UTS, 62-3; OTS, 63; tut, OC, Oberlin, O, 63-4; tea, Williston, Mass, 64-6; ord (Cong), Oc 16, 66; prof (Latin), OC, Oberlin, O, 66-70; prof (Ch Hist), OTS, do, 70-84; lect (Mod Hist), OC, do, 75-84; lect (Hist), Painesville, O, 79-84; pas (Second), Oberlin, O, 70-6; ss, Elyria, O, 71-2; do, Ashtabula, O, 73; do, Sandusky, O, 74; for sec (ABCFM), Boston, Mass, 84-1906; d, do, Jn 29, 06. DD, AC, 77. 1863-1864. 1*9 •STILES, Edmund Root; b, Clarksfield, 0, Jl 12, 1835; OC, 59; OTS, 60-2; UTS, 62-3; OTS, 63; ord (Cong), Fb 2, 64; ss, Brighton, O, 63-4; ss, Lowell, Mich, 65-6; ss&pas, Manchester, Io, 67-77; ss, Hancock, Mien, 77-80; d, do, Ja 13, 81. 23. 1864. ANDREWS, Edwin Norton; b, New-Britain, Ct, Sp 1, 1832; AC, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Cong), Ja 4, 64; ch (2d NJ Cav), U S Army, Memphis, Tenn, 64-5; wc, New-Britain, Ct, 65; pas, Canaan, Ct, 65-7; pas, Kansas City, Mo, 67-9; pas, Crystal Lake, 111, 69-75; pas, St Charles, 111, 75-8; bus, Chicago, 111, 79-86; pas, Hartford, Wis, 86-91; ss, Ripon, Wis, 92; ss, Wilmette, 111, 92; pas, Peshtigo, Wis, 93-1900; pas, Woodworth, Wis, 00-2; res, Columbia, SC, 03-6; res, Chicago, 111, 07—. BRIGGS, Charles Augustus; b, NYCity, Ja 15, 1841; UVa, 57-60; UTS, 61-3; mer, NYCity, 63-6; student, UB, 66-9; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Jn 30, 70; pas, Roselle, NJ, 70-4; prof (Hebr & Cogn Lang), UTS, NY City, 74-91; prof (Bibl Theol), do, 91-1904; Grad prof (Th Encyc & Symb), do, 04—. DD, CNJ, 75; UEdin, 84; WmsC, 94; DLitt, UOxf, 01. ♦BUCKLEY, Charles Waldron; b, Unadilla, NY, Fb 18, 1835; BelC, 60; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Dc 17, 63; ch, U S Army, Montgomery, Ala, 64; ag, Freedmen's Bureau, Montgomery, Ala, 65-6; State Supt Edu, do, 66-8; mem Congress (2d Dist Ala), 68-73; law, Montgomery, Ala, 74-1906; d, do, Dc 4, 06. ♦ELLIOT, Lester Hall; b, Croydon, NH, Ag 1, 1835; UVt, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Cong), My 2, 66; ss, Colchester, Vt, 64-5; ss&pas, Winooski, Vt, 65-72; ss, Bradford, Vt, 73-80; ss, Keeseville, NY, 81-4; sec, Vt Bib Soc, Waterbury, Vt, 84-1907; d, do, Jl 20, 07. FRAZER, David Ruddach; b, Baltimore, Md, Jl 10, 1837; CNJ, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, Dist Col), Mr 8, 65; pas, Clifton (SI), NY, 65-7; pas, Hudson, NY, 67-72; pas, Buffalo, NY, 72-80; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 80-3; pas, Newark, NJ, 83—. DD, CNJ, 80. ♦GILES, Walter Harris; b, Rockport, Mass, Oc 26, 1837; AC, 61; PTS, 61-2; UTS, 62-4; ord (Cong), Ag 26, 64; fm, Cesarea, W-Turk, 65-7; d, Constantinople, Turk, My 21, 67. ♦GRIFFIN, George Hermon; b, NYCity, My 13, 1839; YC, 60; UTS, 61-4; ord (Cong), Jn 22, 65; pas, Milford, Ct, 65-85; New Eng sec, ASSU, Springfield, Mass, 85-93; oc s, do, 93-4; d, do, Sp 9, 94. HETRICK, Andrew Jackson; b, Hetrick's, Pa, Jl 5, 1837; CNJ, 60; UTS, 61-4; ord (Cong), Sp 14, 65; ss&pas, Westport, Ct, 64-72; ss, Preston, Ct, 72-5; ss, Canterbury, Ct, 76-9; tea, Kansas City, Mo, 79-80; ev, do, 80-3; wc, Lawrence, Kan, 83-5; prin, Pennsburg, Pa, 85-7; ss, Villisca, 130 1864. Io, 88-90;; ss, Cassopolis, Mich, 90-2; ss (Cong), Canterbury, Ct, 93-8; cm, Norwich, Ct, 98-1907; probation officer, do, 03-7; ss, Mohegan, Ct, 99-06; ev, Canterbury, Ct, 07—. *HOUGHTON, John Cephas; b, Harvard, Mass, Dc 26, 1836; AC, 61; BTS, 61-2; PTS, 62-3; UTS, 63-4; ag, Boston, Mass, 66-7; ord (Cong), Ja 15, 68; pas, Morrisville, Vt, 68-9; pas, Coventry, Vt, 69-70; pas, Island Pond, Vt, 70-2; pas, Greenwich, Ct, 72-3; pas, Benson, Vt, 75-8; pas, Cornwall, Vt, 78-83; pas, Interlachen, Fla, 84; wc, Middlebury, Vt, 85; pas, Prescott, Ariz, 86-8; pas, Weybridge, Vt, 88-91; wc, Middlebury, Vt, 91-1900; d, do, Nv 18, 00. *JONES, Martin Parkinson; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Jl 29, 1832; UPa, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, 3d Philadelphia), Ap 12, 66; ss, Paoli, Pa, 64-5; pas, Chester City, Pa, 65-8; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 69-71; ss, Concordia, Kan, 72-4; wc, Grand Bapids, Mich, 75-9; demitted, 79; d, Cleveland, O, Jl 3, 83. KINGSBUBY, Oliver Addison; b, NYCity, Ag 20, 1839; YC, 60; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, Chicago), Dc 11, 66; ss (Cong), Mid Haddam, Ct, 65-6; pas (Presb), Joliet, 111, 66-9; pas, Wappinger's Falls, NY, 70-3; ss, Corona (LI), NY, 74-7; ed, ATS, NYCity, 73-87; ed (lllus Chr Weekly), do, 87-9; pas (Presb), New-Hartford, NY, 91—. st elk, Presb, Utica, 1904—. *MABSHALL, Thomas; b, E-Weare, NH, Ap 4, 1831; DC, 57; tea, Wilson Sem, NC, 57-60; do, Stantonsburg Acad, NC, 60-1; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Dc 18, 64; ss&pas, Mankato, Minn, 65-9; pas (High st), St Louis, Mo, 69-72; pas (Glasgow av), St Louis, Mo, 73-81; syn mis, Mo, 81-8; trav around world, 88-9; field sec, Bd For Mis Pr Ch USA, Chicago, 111, 90-1903; d, Olney, OkT, Dc 14, 03. DD, GaleC, 91. MEBBIAM, George Franklin; b, Mason, NH, Oc 20, 1836; AC, 61; PTS, 61-2; UTS, 62-4; ord (Cong), Mr 9, 65; ss, New-Ispwich, NH, 83-91; ss, Musoso, NH, 92-3; ss, New-Ipswich, NH, 96-7; ss&pas (Mason), Greenville, NH, 64-99; res, Mt Kisco, NY, 99—. mem NH leg, 73-5; NH Const Conv, 90; Mod NH Cong Gen Asso, 94. *NEWELL, William Whiting, Jr; b, Boston, Mass, Ag 23, 1839; UNY, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Sp 25, 64; ss, Cooperstown, NY, 64-5; pas, Wappinger's Falls, NY, 65-8; pas, Monroe, Mich, 69-71; pas, NYCity, 71-4; pas, Newburyport, Mass, 74-81; ev (McAll Mis), Paris, France, 81-93; ord (Ep), Ap 4, 93; min (St Luke's), Paris, France, 93-4; d, do, Ja 23, 94. PAYSON, Edward Phillips; b, Lyme, Ct, Mr 16, 1840; YC, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Fb 22, 64; ch, U S Army, 64-5; ss, Manhattan- ville, NY, 65-6; ss (Grace Chap), NYCity, 66-7; pas (Cong), Kent, Ct, 67-70; pas (Presb, 1st Union), NYCity, 70-5; pas (Cong), (Derby) Ansonia, Ct, 75-86; pas (Presb, Canal st), NYCity, 86-94; pas, Mont- clair, NJ, 94—. 1864. 131 SHERWOOD, Nathan Manning; b, Fishkill, NY, Fb 17, 1839; NBTS, 61-2; UTS, 62-4; ord (Presb, Connecticut), My 10, 65; pas, Patterson, NY, 65-8; ss (ED), Cold Spring, NY, 68-9; pas (Presb), Elmira, NY, 69-75; ss, Washington ville, NY, 75-85; pas, Jersey City, NJ, 85-92; temp s & pas (RD), Linden, NJ, 93-1905; res, Jersey City, NJ, 85-1907; do, NYCity, 07—. STEIN, John Philip; b, Ann ville, Pa, Jn 11, 1836; FMC, 61; MTS, 61-3; UTS, 63-4; ord (GR, CI Lebanon), Jl 25, 64; pas, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, 64-71; pas, Pottsville, Pa, 71-82; pas (St John's), W-Philadelphia, Pa, 82-3; pas, Millersville, Pa, 84-92 ; pas, Reading, Pa, 92— . SCI, East- ern Synod Ref Ch, 81—. do, Gen Syn, do, 96—. DD, F&MC, 1900. *TORREY, Henry Augustus Pearson; b, Beverly, Mass, Ja 8, 1837; UVt, 58; UTS, 61-4; ord (Cong), My 3, 65; pas, Vergennes, Vt, 65-8; prof (Ment & Mor Phil), UVt, Burlington, Vt, 68-1902; d, Beverly, Mass, Sp 20, 02. LLD, UVt, 96. ♦WILLIAMS, Horace Roberts; b, Farmington, Ct, Fb 20, 1835; AC, 60; UTS, 61-4; ord (Cong), My 5, 64; ss, Almont, Mich, 64-80; ss, Vermont- ville, Mich, 80-6; ss, Clinton, Mich, 86-93; ss, Richmond, Mich, 93-6; wc, Port Huron, Mich, 97-1900; res, Indianapolis, Ind, 00-3; res, Terre Haute, Ind, 03-6; d, do, Dc 31, 06. WILSON, Charles Ent; b, Holmdel, NJ, Mr 30, 1841; MU, 61; UTS, 61-4; ord (Bap), Dc, 65; ss, Seville, NJ, 64-5; pas, Cape May, NJ, 65-7; ch m (Mt Pleasant Mis), Newark, NJ, 67-9; pas, Cape Island, NJ, 69-71; law, NYCity, 77—. WISNER, Christian; b, Hopfau, Wurtemburg, Ger, Nv 10, 1836; UTS, 61-4; ord (Presb, Newark), Ap 19, 64; pas, Bloomfield & Orange, NJ, 64-7; hm, Garden City, Lake Crystal & Madelia, Minn, 68-71 ; hm, New-Ulm, Home & Eden, Minn, 71-3; ss, Chicago, 111, 73-6; pas (Ger Ref), Upper Sandusky, O, 76-81; pas, New-Philadelphia, O, 81-7; pas, Indianapolis, Ind, 87-9; pas, Galian, O, 89-91; pas, Crothersville & Sellersburg, Ind, 91-8; pas, Washburn & Metamora, 111, 99-1901; pas, Indianapolis, Ind, 01-5; res, do, 05 — . WOODBURY, Frank Porter; b, Beverly, Mass, Mr 18, 1839; WmsC, 61; UTS, 61-2; AndTS, 62-3; UTS, 63-4; ord (Cong), Ja 13, 64; ss&prof, 01C, Olivet, Mich, 64-6; pas, Meriden, NH, 66-7; pas, Flint, Mich, 67-70; pas (Second), Rockford, 111, 70-88; pas (Second), Minneapolis, Minn, 88-90; cor sec (AMA), NYCity, 90-1905; prof, HowU, Washington, DC, 05—. DD, IC, 82. 22. BECKER, John Henry; b, Half moon, Saratoga Co, NY, Dc 25, 1836; UC, 61; UTS, 61-2; inv, Cohoes, NY, 62-5; bus, Elgin, HI, 65—. ♦BUTLER, Samuel Russell; b, Northampton, Mass, Jl 21, 1837; WmsC, 58; AndTS, 58-9; UTS, 62-4; ord (Cong, Montreal), Sp 10, 66; miss, Cari- 132 1864. bou Isl, Labrador, 66-70; ss, Leeds, Mass, 70-1; ss, Hutchinson, Minn, 72-3; ss, Washington, Me, 73; miss, Labrador, 73-80; wc, Northamp- ton, Mass, 80-5; ss, Mill Eiver (New-Marlboro), Mass, 85-93; d, Clifton Springs, NY, Mr 25, 93. • CLIZBE, Jay; b, Amsterdam, NY, Jn 16, 1836; UC, 61; UTS, 61-2; AndTS, 62-4; ord (Cong), Ap 5, 65; pas, Amherst, Mass, 65-7; ss, E-Minne- apolis, Minn, 67-8; ss, Marshall, Mich, 70-1; ss&pas, Newark Valley, NY, 72-87; inv, Amherst, Mass, 87-9; pas, Turner's Falls, Mass, 89-90; ss, Deerfield, Mass, 90; ss, Paw Paw, Mich, 91; ss (Presb), Mason, Mich, 92-7; prof (Bibl Lit), AlmC, Alma, Mich, 97—. DEAL, Lemuel Jacob; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Fb 24, 1842; UPa, 60; UTS, 61-3; MD, JMedC, 65; as surg, U S Army, New-Orleans, La, 64-6; prof (Chem), Wagner Inst of Sci, Philadelphia, Pa, 66-74, & 76-7; prof (Chem), Mo Med C, St Louis, Mo, 74-5; phys & prof, Pa Col Phar- macy, Philadelphia, Pa, 77 — . PhD, Wagn Inst, 67. *DENISON, Daniel; b, Hampton, Ct, Sp 4, 1838; YC, 60; UTS, 61-2- AndTS, 62-4; ag, USCC, 64-5; ord (Cong), Dc 30, 73; pas, Middle Had- dam, Ct, 73-85; ss, Hampton, Ct, 85-9; res, Pomfret, Ct, 89-95; d, do, Jl 7, 95. GOODRICH, Chauncey; b, Hinsdale, Mass, Jn 4, 1836; WmsC, 61; UTS, 61-2; AndTS, 62-4; ord (Cong), Sp 21, 64; fm, Peking, N-China, 65-71; fm, Yiicho, China, 71-3; fm, Tungcho, China, 73-1905; dean (Union Theol Col), Peking, China, 05—. DD, WmsC, 91. HARWOOD, James Haswell; b, Bennington, Vt, Sp 9, 1837; WmsC, 60; UTS, 61-2; tea, 62-3; ord (Cong), Ja 28, 63; ss, Crystal Lake, 111, 62-6; pas, Chicago, 111, 66-8; pas, Springfield, Mo, 68-77; pas, St Louis, Mo, 77-80; supt hm, do, 80-4; pas, Brookfield, Mo, 85-7; wc, San Diego, Cal, 87-8; wc, Santa Anna, Cal, 89; ss, Buena Park, Cal, 90-1; wc, Orange, Cal, 91-2; ss, Compton, Cal, 93-4; wc, do, 95; wc, Los Angeles, Cal, 96—. DD, DruC, 79. HAY, Samuel Cox; b, Geneva, NJ, Oc 1, 1836; HC, 59-60; UTS, 61-3; NWTS, 64-5; p grad, do, 65; ord (Presb, Rockaway), Dc 8, 63; ss, Woodstock, 111, 65-6; ss, Apalachin, NY, 66-7; ss (Cong), Crystal Lake, 111, 67-8; ss, Carondolet, Mo, 68-9; ss, Kirkwood, Mo, 69-70; pas, Woodstock, 111, 70-4; ss, Perth Amboy, NJ, 74-5; S3 (Cong), Crystal Lake, 111, ,75-7; wc, Woodstock, 111, 77-8; ss, Depere, Wis, 78-82; ag, ABS, 82-3; ss&pas (Presb), Woodstock, 111, 83—. HUTCHINS, Robert Grosvenor; b, W-Killingly, Ct, Ap 25, 1838; WmsC, 61; UTS, 61-2; AndTS, 62-4; ord (Cong), Jn 13, 66; ss, Fitchburg, Mass, 64-6; pas, E-Brooklyn, NY, 66-72; pas, Columbus, O, 72-82; pas (Plymouth), Minneapolis, Minn, 82-6; pas (Second), Oberlin, O, 86-8; pas (First), Los Angeles, Cal, 88-95; pas (Presb, Woodland av), Cleve- land, O, 96-8; pas, Fostoria, O, 99-1902; supt (Ch Exten, pres), Brook- lyn, NY, 03-4; pas (RD, Kent St), do, 05—. (MGA & GS.) DD, MaC, 77. 1864. 133 KITTREDGE, Josiah Edwards; b, Boston, Mass, Oc 12, 1836; YC, 60; tea, Montclair, NJ, 60-1; UTS, 61; AndTS, 62-4; res lie, do, 64-5; Europe & the East, 66-7; stud, Paris, France, & Heidelberg-, Germany, 67-8; ord (Cong), Mr 10, 69; pas, Glastonbury, Ct, 69-73; Europe & the East, do, 73-6; pas (Amer Union Ch), Florence, Italy, 74-6; pas (Presb), Geneseo, NY, 77-1906; mis tour, Orient, 07; res, Eochester, NY, 06 — . DD, UNY, 84. •MIGHILL, Nathaniel; b, Rowley, Mass, Ag 25, 1839; AC, 60; UTS, 61-2; AndTS, 62-4; tut, AC, 64; ord (Cong), Sp 29, 64; pas, E-Cambridge, Mass, 64-7; pas, Brattleboro, Vt, 67-75; pas, Worcester, Mass, 75-7; d, Grantville, Mass, Fb 3, 78. ♦NICHOLS, Henry Franklin Clough; b, Kingston, NH, Fb 9, 1833; WmsC, 59; UTS, 61-2; AndTS, 62-4; tea, Canton, NY, 59-61; USCC, 64-5; ss, Norfolk & Raynorville, NY, 66-7; lumber trade, New-Lisbon, Wis, 67-88; iron trade, Superior, Wis, 88-90; d, do, Jn 4, 90. Mem Wis Legis, 72, 73, 79. *PEASE, Thomas Huntington; b, Albany, NY, Dc 3, 1837; UVt, 57; UTS, 60, 62, 63; tea, 61; tea, W-Chester, Pa, & Fairfield, Ct, 63; tea, Sand Lake, NY, & Stockbrklge, Mass, 63-4; law student, Detroit, Mich, 64-6; journalist, do, 66-8; do, NYCity, 68-77; law, Chicago, 111, 79-1900; d, do, Dc 15, 00. *PECK, Aaron; b, Orange, NJ, Jn 7, 1836; CNJ, 57; UTS, 61-4; prd (Presb, Cleveland & Portage), My S, 66; d sec, ASSU, & hm, Cleveland, O, 64-7; pas, Perth Amboy, NJ, 69-78; pas, Brooklyn, ED (LI), NY, 78-81; wc, Perth Amboy, NJ, 82-3; do, NYCity, 84-1901; d, do, Jl 3, 01. RICHARDS, Charles Herbert; b, Meriden, NH, Mr 18, 1839; YC, 60; UTS, 61-2, 63-4; AndTS, 64-5; tea (Kimball Union Acad), Meriden, NH, 60-1, 62-3; ord (Cong), Jl 16, 66; USCC, 63-4; pas, Kokomo, Ind, 66-7; pas (First), Madison, Wis, 67-90; pas (Central), Philadelphia, Pa, 90- 1903; sec, Ch Bldg Soc, NYCity, 03—. DD, BelC, 82. ROBERT, Joseph Thomas, Jr; b, Robertville, SC, Ag 7, 1835; UTS, 62-3; lit, Chicago, 111; ord (Cong), 79; ss, Wayne, 111, 87-9; ss, Shenandoah, Io, 90-2; ss, Victor, Io, 92-4; ss, Angola, Ind, 94-5; prin (Robert Sch Parliamentary Law), Chicago, 111, 96-1903; ss, Salem, Io, 03-6; wc, Denison, Io, 06—. (CYB.) *SCHOONMAKER, Sylvester Franklin; b, Albany, NY, Nv 5, 1836; YC, 61; UTS, 61-2; ord (Cong), Ag 3, 62; ch (34th NY Vol), U S Army, 63-4; bus, NYCity, 64-6; Europe, 66-8; name changed to Sidney Fortescue Shelbourne, 66; inventor & contractor, NYCity, 68-83; pres (NY Elec- tric Lines Co), NYCity, 83-7; d, do, Nv 9, 87. SMITH, William Thayer; b, NYCity, Mr 30, 1839; YC, 60; PTS, 61-2; UTS, 62-3; inv, Hanover, NH, 64-72; instr, DC, do, 72-4; stud, Med Dep, do, 74-8; UNY, Med Dep, 78-9; phys, Hanover, NH, 78 — . & asso 134 1864-1865. prof, Med Dep, DC, do, 83-5; prof (Physiol), do, 85-1907; prof (Clin Surg), do, 07—. dean, do, 96—. LLD, DC, 97. *THORNE, William Henry; b, England, Fb 12, 1838; UTS, 61-3; ord (Presb, Philadelphia 4th), Jn 7, 64; pas, Allentown, Pa, 64-5; pas, Darby, Pa, 66-8; name " stricken from roll," Ap 14, 69; ss (Unit), Wil- mington, Del, 72; lit, ed & lect, Philadelphia, Pa, etc, 72-1907; d, 07. *UHL, Erskine; b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Ap 12, 1841; UNY, 60; UTS, 61-3; inv, 63-71; sec, YMCA, Poughkeepsie, NY, 72-5; office sec, Internat Com of YMCA, NYCity, 75-1907; d, do, Jn 4, 07. 20. 1865. *BEAED, William Henry; b, Norton, Mass, Ap 1, 1836; UTS, 62-5; res lie. AndTS, 66; ord (Cong), Nv 19, 67; ss, Freedom, Me, 66-9; ss, Harwich. Mass, 69-71; ss, Wilton, Me, 72; ss, S-Killingly, Ct, 73-96; d, do, Oc 2, 96. *BILLINGS, Alpheus Whitney; b, Lansing, Mich, My 29, 1836; WmsC, 61; UTS. 62-5; ag, ATS, Lansing, Mich, 65; do, Illinois; books, Ottawa, 111 (76); ag, Omaha, Neb (93); NYCity, 97-1901; d, do, Ja 18, 01. BLAKELY, Zerah Franklin; b, n Wilkesville, O, My 31, 1838; WabC, 62; UTS, 62-5; res lie, LTS, Cincinnati, O, 65-6; ord (Presb, Kansas), Nv 5, 66; ss, Savannah, Mo, 66; ss, Salina & Solomon City, Kan, 66-7; bus, Ellsworth, Kan, 67-8; do, White Cloud, Kan, 68-84; do, Livingston Co, NY, 84-6; colp & cm, Oil City, Pa, 86-9; ss, Parkston & Union Center, SD, 89-90; ss, Hurley, SD, 90-1; ss, Beulah & Howell, SD, 91-3; ss, Rossville, Io, 94; ss, Comillardville & Little Biver, Wis, 95-6; ss, Oconto, Wis, 97; ss, Belleville, Wis, 98; ev, Milwaukee, Wis, 99; ss, Mayville, Wis, 1900; ss & pas, New Salem, ND, 01-6; wc, do, 07—. (MGA.) BUENETT, Elijah Levings; b, De Kalb, NY, Dc 30, 1839; UVt, 62; UTS, 62-5; ord (Presb, Philadelphia 3d), Ja 31, 67; ss, Coleraine, Mass, 65-6; pas, Philadelphia (Mantua), Pa, 66-7; pas, Rock Island, 111, 68-70; Eu- rope, 70-1; pas, Florida, NY, 72-4; pas, Washington, Ind, 74-6; tea, NYCity, 76-84; tea, Montrose, Pa, 84-6; ss, Binghamton, NY, 86-8; ss (Cong), Maine, NY, 88-92; ss (Presb), Healdsburg, Cal, 92-4; ss, Men- docino, Cal, 94-6; ev, San Francisco, Cal, 96; ss, San Lorenzo, Cal, 97- 9; ev, Oakland, Cal, 99-1900; ev, Santa Rosa, Cal, 00-1; ev, Berkeley, Cal, 01-3; ss, Tonopah, Nev, 03-4; res, Berkeley, Cal, 04 — . CRANE, John Jay; b, Schaghticoke Point, NY, Ag 21, 1841; UNY, 61; UTS, 62-5; ord (Presb, Lyons), Jn 25, 67; pas, Rose Valley, NY, 67-9; pas&ss, Stanhope, NJ, 70-90; pas, Pleasant Plains, NY, 91-3; ss, Heu- velton, NY, 94-1904; ss, Plessis, NY, 05-7; ss, Laurens, NY, 07—. 1865. 135 *DANIELSON, Joseph; b, W-Killingly (now Danielson), Ct, Ap 20, 1835; WmsC, 61; UTS, 61-2, 63-5; ord (Cong), Ag 9, 65; pas, Westbrook (Saccarappa), Me, 65-9; pas, Saugerties, NY, 69-77; pas, Southbridge, Mass, 77-88; pas, Windsor Locks, Ct, 88-90; pas, Southington, Ct, 90-6; wc, do, 97-8; d, do, Fb 20, 98. *DAVIS, James Wilson; b, Montpelier, Vt, Oc 2, 1837; UVt, 62; UTS, 62-5; tea, Shrewsbury, NJ, 65-71; tea, NYCity (Harlem), 71-80; res, NYCity, 80-91; bus, do, 91-1907; d, do, Dc 20, 07. DEAN, Benjamin Angier; b, Shrewsbury, Mass, Nv 4, 1838; AC, 62; PTS, 62-4; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 65-6; ord (Cong), Jl 20, 66; ss, Zumbrota, Minn, 66-7; ss, Monticello, Minn, 67-9; ss, Garnavillo, Io, 69-71; ss, Sibley, Io, 72-8; ss, Clarksville, Neb, 78-9; ss, Exeter, Neb, 79-83; pas, Meriden, NH, 83-6; ss, Harrisville & Nelson, NH, 86-8; ss, Brentwood, NH, 88-91; ss, Medford, Mass, 91-5; ss, Colebrook, Ct, 95-1901; ss (Presb), So-Wales, NY, 01-3; ss (Cong), No-Hyde Park, Vt, 03-6; ss, Vershire, Vt, 06—. DE WITT, John; b, Harrisburg, Pa, Oc 10, 1842; CNJ, 61; PTS, 61-3, 64; UTS, 64-5; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 9, 65; pas, Irvington, NY, 65-9; pas (Cong, Central), Boston, Mass, 69-76; pas (Presb, Tenth), Phila- delphia, Pa, 76-82; prof (Ch Hist), LTS, Cincinnati, O, 82-8; prof (Apolog), McCTS, Chicago, 111, 88-92; prof (Ch Hist), PTS, Princeton, NJ, 92—. DD, CNJ, 77; LLD, HanC, 88. *FOX, Daniel Worden; b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 5, 1838; AC, 62; UTS, 62-5; ord (Cong), Ag 15, 65; pas, Newton, Ct, 65-7; pas, S-Royalton, Vt, 68- 70; pas (Presb), Flanders, NJ, 70-84; wc, Lyndhurst, NJ, 84-6; tea, Hampton, Va, 87-9; pas, Warrensburg, NY, 90-2; ss, Kockingham, NC, 92-5; ss, Lumberton, NC, 95-7; ss, Red Spgs & Antioch, NC, 97-8; ss, Red Springs, NC, 98-9; res, Pinehurst, NC; d, Walpole, NH, Ag 6, 07. HALL, Elliot Chapin; b, Jamestown, NY, Ap 29, 1838; YC, 62; YTS, 62-4; UTS, 64-5; ord (Cong), Jn 13, 66; ss, Farmington, Pa, 65-7; ss, Otto, NY, 67-9; ss, Kiantone, NY, 69-79; wc&oc s, Jamestown, NY, 79—. Regist, WNY Cong Asso, 66—. HAMMOND, James Bartlett; b, Boston, Mass, Ap 23, 1839; UVt, 61; UTS, 61-3, 63-5; stud, UHalle, 65-6; lit, NYCity, 69-70; tea, Dedham, Mass, &NYCity, 70-4; inventor (Typewriter); pres, NYCity, 83—. ♦JAMES, William Albert; b, Pomfret, Ct, Mr 4, 1833; WmsC, 62; UTS, 62-5; ord (Cong), My 1, 67; pas, Chelsea, Vt, 67-70; ss, N-Woodstock, Ct, 71-5; pas, Marysville, O, 75-8; ss, Marshall, Mich, 78-80; wc&inv, Minneapolis, Minn, 80-5; ss, Lakewood & Afton, Minn, 85-7; wc, San Diego & Los Angeles, 87-92; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ja 14, 92. KEYES, Russell Melzo; b, Conneaut, O, ^ c 22, 1837; BelC, 61; UTS, 62-5; ord (Cong), Ag 5, 65; ss, Conneaut, O, 65-78; ss, Chardon, O, 78-9; wc, do, 79-80; ss, Ludington, Mich, 81-6; ss, Portland, Mich, 87-90; 136 1865. oc s, Huron, SD, 90-8; (ss, Lake Preston, SD, 96-8.) Res, Ludington, Mich, 98—. KIEHLE, David Litchard; b, Dansville, NY, Fb 7, 1837; HC, 61; UTS, 62-5; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 8, 65; ss, Preston, Minn, 65-75; prin, State Normal Schoool, St Cloud, Minn, 75-81; State Sup Pub Inst, St Paul, Minn, 81-93; prof (Pedagogy), UMinn, 93-1902; ss, Preston, Minn, 05—. LLD, HC, 89. MOORE, Nathaniel Schuyler; b, NYCity, Fb 16, 1839; YC, 61; AndTS, 62-3; UTS, 63-5; AndTS, 65-6; ord (Cong), Nv 11, 68; ss, Port Penn, Del, 68; ss, Westford, NY, 68-70; ss, Gilmanton Iron Works, NH, 70-4; ss, Norway, Me, 74; ss, Westport, Mass, 75; hm, Clintonville, Wis, 76; ss, Hancock, NH, 77; ss, W- Yarmouth, Mass, 78; ss, Colebrook, NH, 79; ss, Pawlet, Vt, 80-2; ss, Boylston Centre, Mass, 82-$; ss, Rayn- ham, Mass, 83-4; ss, E-Granville, Mass, 85^6; pas, Storrs, Ct, 89-90; res&oc s, Winsted, Ct, 86-1901; pas, Crown Point, NY, 01-4; ss, West- field & Troy, Vt, 04-5; pas, Newfane, Vt, 05—. NOBLE, Mason; b, NYCity, Sp 12, 1842; CnC, 58-9; WmsC, 62; UTS, 62-5; res lie, AndTS, 65-6; ord (Cong), Dc 29, 69; ss, Canaan, Ct, 66-8; ss& pas, Sheffield, Mass, 68-81; wc, Canaan, Ct, 81-3; do, Roxbury, Mass, 84; prof (Greek) & College pas, Talladega, Ala, 84-6; ss, Wilmington, NC, 86-7; hm, S-Lake Weir & Mannfield, Fla, 87-91; pas, Lake Helen, Fla, 92—. PERRY, Cyrus Murdock; b, Holden, Mass, Oc 5, 1839; AC, 62; UTS, 62-5; ord (Cong), Mr 28, 65; ch, U S Army, 65; ss, N-Gage, NY, 66-8; pas, Jordan, NY, 68-72; ss, Southwick, Mass, 73-7; ss, Pembroke, NH, 77-9; ss, W-Concord, NH, 79-82; ss, Slatersville, RI, 82-8; ss, S-Brewer & E-Orrington, Me, 88-91; ss, Keene Valley, NY, 91-8; ss, Bolton, Ct, ROBERT, James Alexander; b, Robertville, SC, Oc 9, 1838; BU, 1 yr, UM, 3 yrs; NTI, 62-4; UTS, 64-5; student, Berlin, Prussia & Athens, Greece, 66-7; prof, Vassar Coll, Poughkeepsie, NY, 67-9; prof, Burling- ton Univ, Iowa, 69-70; lawyer, Ashland, Neb, 70-3; pres, Cooper Ins, Dayton, O, 73-86; bus, 86-1907; res, Los Angeles, Cal, 07—. AM, YC, 67; PhD, DenU, 84. *SELDEN, Silas Richards; b, NYCity, Dc 26, 1822; YC, 45; UTS, 62-5; elk, Pacific Bank, NYCity, 56-1905; d, Summitville, NY, Jn 24, 05. *SNOW, Richard Van Wycke; b, Troy, NY, Oc 16, 1841; MU, 63; MTS, 63-4; UTS, 65; ord (Bap), Jn 19, 66; pas, Hamilton, O, 66-8; d, Orange, NJ, Jn 25, 68. *STOCKWELL, Austin Parsons; b, Hadley, Mass, Dc 2, 1837; AC, 62; UTS, 62-5; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 14, 65; pas, Pleasant Plains, NY, 65-9; as pas (RD), Millbrook, NY, 69-72; pas, Gravesend (LI), NY, 72-87; ; supt schh, CAS, NYCity, 88-93; pas (RD, Greenwood Hts), Brooklyn, NY (& supt, Howard Miss, NYCity), 93-9; d, do, Ny 21, 00. 1865. 137 "THURSTON, Thomas Gairdner; b, Kailua, Haw Isl, My 9, 1836; YC, 62; UTS, 62-5; ord (Cong), Oc 21, 66; pas, Wailuku, H Islds, 66-8; ss, Grass Valley, Cal, 69-72; ss, Hay ward's, Cal, 72-4; tea, Taylorsville, NC, 74-7; ss, Taylorsville, Wilkesboro & Hickory, NC, 75-83; pas, Taylorsville & Hickory, NC, 83-8; d, do, Fb 22, 84. 23. CLARKE, Samuel Taylor; b, Canterbury, Ct, Jn 16, 1843; HC, 62; UTS, 62-4; ord (Presb, Detroit), Jl 1, 66; pas, Detroit, Mich, 65-9; pas, Owego, NY, 69-75; ss, Elmira, NY, 75-81; wc. do, 82; ev, Owego, NY, 83; ss, Aurora, NY, 83-4; wc, Owego, NY, 85; ev, Buffalo, NY, 86-8; ss, Portville, NY, 90-1903; ss, Mt Morris, NY, 03—. (MGA.) COE, Edward Benton; b, Milford, Ct, Jn 11, 1842; YC, 62; UTS, 62-3; prof (Mod Lang), YC, New-Haven, Ct, 64-79; ord (RD, CI NY), Oc 2, 79; pas (Collegiate), NYCity, 79—. DD, RC, 81; STD, YU, 85; LLD, RC, 93. DENNISTON, James Otis; b, Washingtonville, NY, Dc 14, 1835; YC, 56; UTS, 61-2 & 63-5; U S Army, 62-3; Europe, 66; ord (RD, CI Pough- keepsie), Jl 4, 67; ss, Tioronda, NY, 67-8; pas (Presb), Matawan, NJ, 69-70; pas, Erie, Pa, 71-2; ss, Kingston, NY, 73-5; pas, Wappinger's Falls, NY, 77-83; pas, Newburgh, NY, 84-5; pas, Cooperstown, NY, 85-95; pas,*State College, Pa, 96-1906; res, NYCity, 06—. FAIRBANKS, Francis Joel; b, Ashburnham, Mass, Sp 8, 1835; tea, Ash- burnham, Ashby, Gardner & Templeton, Mass, 53-61; do, Jersey City, NJ, 63; AC, 62; PTS, 62-3; UTS, 63-4; ord (Cong), Ag 31, 64; pas, Westminster, Vt, 64-71; ss, Ayer, Mass, 72-4; ss, Paxton, Mass, 74-7; ss, W-Boylston, Mass, 77-85; ss, Seymour, Ct, 85-6; pas (Second), Am- herst, Mass, 86-93; wc, do, 93; pas, Royalton, Mass, 93 — . FRANCIS, Samuel Augustus Koch; b, Bramfieldville, Pa, Ap 14, 1837; PC, 62; UTS, 62-3; GTS, 63-4; ord (Lu, W-Pa Synod), Sp 5, 64; pas (Trinity), Philadelphia, Pa, 64-6; pas, Petersburg, Pa, 66-7; pas (Trin- ity), Philadelphia, Pa, 67 — . FRENCH, John Abbott; b, Boscawen, NH, Mr 28, 1840; WmsC, 62; UTS, 62-4; travel, 64; ord (Presb, Long Island), Ap 15, 66; ss (Cong), Flushing (LI), NY, 66-8; pas (Presb), Morristown, NJ, 68-77; pas (4th, Presb), Chicago, 111, 77-80; ss (Cong), Flushing (LI), NY, 81-8; pas, do, 88-1901; wc, do, 01-4; hr (Presb), do, 05—. (CYB & MGA.) DD, WmsC, 91. FRISBEE, Edward Selah; b, Meredith, NY, Fb 2, 1837; AC, 60; UTS, 62-3; tea, Williston Sem, Easthampton, Mass, 60-2; prin, Amherst, Mass, 63-7; prin, Northampton, Mass, 67-72; prin, Binghamton, NY, 72-5; pres, WellsC, Aurora, NY, 75-94; exam & inspec, Regent's Off, Albany, NY, 96-1904; res, do, 04—. DD, AC, 78. 138 1865-1866. ♦MELLIS, Silas Harvey; b, Brooklyn, NY, My 6, 1834; UNY, 62; UTS, 62-4; AndTS, 64-5; ord (Cong), Ja 17, 66; ss, Empire City, Col, 65-6; d, Central City, Col, My 25, 66. *PAGE, Lansford Stuart; b, Sangerfield, NY, Fb 21, 1837; HC, 62; UTS, 62-3; d, Avon, NY, Ag 9, 63. PARSONS, Eben Burt; b, Pittsfleld, Mass, Mr 3, 1835; WmsC, 59; UTS, 62-4; AubTS, 64-5; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ap 11, 65; ch, U S Army, 65; hm, Turin & Constableville, NY, 65-7; ss, Sanquoit, NY, 67-8; pas, Bald- winsville, NY, 68-88; sec, WmsC, Williamstown, Mass, 88—. DD, MvC, 81. SCHULTZ, James Andrew; b, Fairview Village, Pa, Oc 13, 1836; F&MC, 62; UTS, 62-3; MTS, 63-4; UTS, 64; ord (GE, Zion CI), Ag 2, 65; pas, Landisburg, Pa, 65-7; pas, SchafEerstown, Pa, 71-3; pas, Reading, Pa, 73-4; ss, Minersville, Pa, 75-7; wc, Shultzville, Colbrookdale, Royers, & Fort Penna, Pa, 78-98; Min Home, Myerstown, Pa, 98; ins asyl, Har- risburg, Pa, 99 — . ♦STANLEY, Charles Herbert; b, Beverly, Mass, My 24, 1838; DC, 59; tea, Pembroke, NH, 59-60; tea, Gilmanton, NH, 61-2; UTS, 62-4; d, Beverly, Mass, Jn 8, 64. ♦UNDERWOOD, Henry Beman; b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Dc 25, 1839; WmsC, 62; UTS, 62-3; AndTS, 63-5; ord (Cong), Ja 19, 66; ss, Ringwood, 111, 65-7; ss, E-Long Meadow, Mass, 67-8; ss, Marlborough, NH, 69; ss, Baxter Springs, Kan, 69-70; ss, Hillsboro Bridge, NH, 71-3; ss, Algona, Io, 73-5; d, do, Sp 2, 75. ♦VAN AKEN, Gulick; b, NYCity, Ap 22, 1840; PTS, 62-3; UTS, 63-4; ord (Presb, Philadelphia 4th), Oc 16, 64; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 64-7; pas (RD), Freehold, NJ, 67-71; pas, E-Kingston, NY, 71-2; d, Montclair, NJ, Oc 20, 72. ♦WILLIAMS, Charles Henry Somers; b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Oc 7, 1836; UC, 56; UTS, 63-4; ord (Cong), Ja 16, 68; pas, Concord, Mass, 68-70; law, Boston, Mass, 71; do, NYCity & Poughkeepsie, NY, 72-80; d, do, 80. ♦WRIGHT, Charles Coe; b, Hudson, O, Ja 30, 1840; WRC, 61; UTS, 62-3; d, NYCity, Fb 15, 63. 16. 1866. ♦BALDWIN, Charles Hume; b, Windsor, Mass, Mr 11, 1838; WmsC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, No River), Ap 30, 67; pas, Peekskill, NY, 67-9; pas, Johnstown, NY, 69-73; pas (Euclid av), Cleveland, O, 73-4; Eu- rope, 74-5; pas (Cong), Medford, Mass, 75-81; pas (Presb), Amster- dam, NY, 81-97; temp sup, Des Moines, la, 97-9; d, Beaman, la, Nv 26, 99. DD, UC, 90. 1866. 139 BALDWIN, Charles Winterfield; b, Bunker Hill, Md, Mr 23, 1840; YC, 61: YTS, 64-5; UTS, 65-6; ord (ME) dea, Mr 8, 68, eld, Mr 6, 70; pas, Severn, Md, 66-8; pas, By land, Washington, DC, 68-70; pas, West- minster, Md, 70-2; pas, Hereford, Md, 72-3; pas, E-Baltimore, Md, 73-4; pas (Bennett Mem), do, 74-6; pas, Patapsco, Md, 76-9; pas (Hunt- ingdon av), Baltimore, Md, 79-82; pas, Cumberland, Md, 82-5; pas (Union), Washington, DC, 85-7; pas, Byland, do, 87-90; pas (Wesley Chap), do, 90-1; sec, Amer (Meth) Univ, do, 91-4; pas (Wesley Chap), do, 94-7; p eld (W-Balt Dist), 97-1903; sup (City Mis & Ext Soc), Bal- timore, Md, 03 — . BOGUE, Horace Publius Virgilius; b, Clinton, NY, Dc 18, 1842; HC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, Buffalo), Jl 25, 66; as pas (RD), Fishkill, NY, 66; tut, HC, Clinton, NY, 66-7; ss, Potsdam, NY, 67-9; pas (Cong), Vergennes, Vt, 69-72; wc, Buffalo, NY, 72 T 4; ss (Presb), E-Avon, NY, 74-6; ss&pas, Avon, NY, 76-97; ss, Rochester, NY, 98-9; pas elect, Al- liance, Neb, 99—. DD, HC, 94. *BORCHERS, Ernest Fillion; b, Berlin, Prussia, Ag 23, 1839; UTS, 63-6; ord (Cong), Ja 14, 69; ss, Mechanic Falls, Me, 66-7; ss, Oxford, Me, 67-8; ss&pas, N-Bridgton, Me, 68-71; ss, Lake View, NJ, 71-2; ss, N-Yarmouth, Me, 73-7; ss, Barrington, NH, 77-83; wc, Taylor, Col, 84; wc, Durant, Io, 85; do, Norwich, Mass, 86; ss, Alton. NH, 86-8; wc, Berlin, Germ, 89-91; do, Philadelphia, Pa, 92; oc s & tea (Unit), do, 92-9; do (Eth Cult), 99-1906; d, do, Ja 25, 06. *COOPER, Henry; b, Allegheny Co, Pa, Fb 24, 1837; UR, 63; LTS, 63-4; UTS, 64-6; ord (Presb, 4th NY), My 11, 66; ss, Blue Earth City, Minn, 66-7; ss, Rochester, Ind, 68; ss, Mt Pleasant, Pa, 69; pas, McConnels- ville, O, 70-2; pas, Neshannock Falls, Pa. 72-6; ss, Marion, NY, 77-9; ss, Suspension Bridge (Niagara Trails), NY, 80-3; ss, Bowling Green, O, 84-5; ss, Edinboro, Pa, 85-7; ss, Clifton, O, 88-9; ss, Utica, O, 90; ss, Harrisburg, 111, 91-3; ss, Mt Vernon, 111, 94-5; pas, Hubbard, O, 96- 8; ev, do, 99; wc, McConnelsville, O, 1900; ss, Winfield (& Wyoma & Baden), W-Va, 01-3; d, do, Jn 19, 03. (MGA.) *CROWTHER, Thomas; b, Bridlington, Yorkshire, Eng, Jl 7, 1840; NYA, 58; tea, NYCity, 58-63; PTS, 63-4; UTS, 64-6; ord (Cong), Ag 7, 67; ss&pas, Southfield, Mass, 67-70; pas, Mill River, Mass, 71-2; pas, Pitts- field, Mass, 72-5; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 75-7; d, Williamsburg (LI), NY, Oc 10, 77. DANA, Stephen Winchester; b, Canaan, NY, Nv 17, 1840: WmsC, 61; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, 4th Philadelphia), Ap 11, 67; pas, Belvidere, Pa, 66-8; pas (Walnut st), W-Philadelphia, Pa, 68—. DD, WmsC, 80. *DAXNER, Edgar Van Hamm; b, Logan, O, Sp 15, 1842; BelC, 60; UTS, 63-6; ord (Cong), Ja 3, 67; pas, Cuyahoga Falls, O, 67-89: d, do, Mr 25, 89. DUNNING, William Arnott; b, Middletown, NY, Mr 24, 1840; WmsC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, Montrose), Sp 12, 66; pas, Conklin, NY, 66-8; 140 1866. pas, Williamsport, Pa, 68-9; pas, Franklin, NY, 69-78; pas, Honesdale, Pa, 79-81; pas, Virden, 111, 81-7; pas, Gilbertsville, NY, 87-95; wc, do, 96; ev, Binghamton, NY, 97 — . *EVANS, David Williams; b, Caermarthen, S-Wales, Sp 21, 1839; BelC, 62; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Sp 12, 66; ss, Galena, 111, 66; ss, Sauk Centre, Minn, 67-8; ss, Sparland, 111, 69-70; ss, Mononk, 111, 71; pas, Mineral Point, Wis, 72-4; ss, Chippewa Falls, Wis, 75; ss, Urbana, 111, 76-7; pas, Litchfield, 111, 78-80; pas, Eushville, 111, 81; d, do, Dc 10, 81. *FELTCH, Joseph Haskell; b, Newburyport, Mass, My 20, 1837; WmsC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Cong), Jn 29, 67; pas, Cummington, Mass, 67-70; d, do, Ja 19, 70. *GAYLORD, Joseph Fitch; b, Norfolk, Ct, Nv 4, 1836; YC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Cong), Nv 7, 67; ss, Torringford, Ct, 67-9; pas, Worthington, Mass, 69-73; ss, Manistee, Mich, 73-8; wc, do, 79; pas, Barre, Mass, 79- 1900; res, Worcester, Mass, 00-5; d, do, Ap 10, 05. (CYB.) GIDMAN, Eichard Henry; b, Stamford, Eng, Sp 14, 1840; WU, 63; tea, Manchester, Ct, 63-4; UTS, 64-6; ord (Cong), Ag 27, 67; pas, Bangor, NY, 67-9; pas, Lisle, NY, 69-71; pas, Morris, Ct, 72-5; pas, N-Madison, Ct, 76-84; pas, Preston, Ct, 84-1906; res, Eockville, Ct, 06—. *GEIEVE, David Graham; b, Linwood, n Glasgow, Scotland, Sp 14, 1837; UTS, 64-6; ord (Presb, 4th NY), My 11, 66; hm, Brownsville, Tex, 66; d, do, Dc 3, 66. *HEBBICK, Alanson Currier; b, Sedgwick, Me, My 17, 1834; ColbU, 57; UTS, 63-6; prin, Hebron Acad, 61-3, 66-71; ord (Bap), Oc 15, 72; pas, Canton, Me, 71-6; pas, Freeport, Me, 76-84; pas (Calvary), Sacramento, Cal, 84-91; pas (First), do, 92-4; pas, Oak Park, Cal, 94-1900; res, Sacramento, Cal, 00-1; d, do, Dc 20, 01. Chap, Cal Legis, 91-2. *HOLMES, Hamilton Bishop; b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Ag 31, 1841; UNY, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, No River), Nv 13, 67; pas, Kingston, NY, 67-72; sec, U S Naval Asyl, Philadelphia, Pa, 73-6; pas, Moriches (LI), NY, 77-92; res, Yaphank, NY, 92-7; d, Longwood, LI, My 6, 97. *LAMSON, Ansel; b, Pittsburgh, Pa, Jl 29, 1834; HarC, 58; UTS, 63-6; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 66-8; d, NYCity, Ap 12, 68. LAWRENCE, William Appleton; b, Pepperell, Mass, Oc 26, 1834; AC, 61; PTS, 61-2; USC Comm, 62-4; UTS, 64-6; ord (Cong, Middlesex No Asso), Jl 6, 66; sec, CAS, Brooklyn, NY, 66-73; trade, NYCity, 73-6; manuf, Waterville, Y, 76-1901; chem (Continental Rubber Co), NYCity, 01—. *LEAVENS, Philo French; b, Berkshire, Vt, Nv 19, 1838; UVt, 61; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, Newark), Ja 17, 68; ss&pas, Passaic, NJ, 67-1904; d, do, Dc 26, 04. DD, UVt, 88. 1866. 141 McQUESTEN, Rockwood; b, Plymouth, NH, Sp 29, 1839; CC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, 3d NY), My 11, 66; ss, LeSueur, Minn, 66-71; pas, Winona, Minn, 71-7; pas, Waterloo, Io, 77-80; prin, Minneapolis, Minn, 80-1; ss, Grand Forks, Dak, 81-2; pas (Fifth), Minneapolis, Minn, 82-5; pas, Fall River. Mass, 85-8; pas, Glen Cove, NY, 88-95; fin agt, U S Church Army, 95-6; pas, Ravenswood, (LI), NY, 96-1903; pas (RD), Annandale, NJ, 03—. PhD, NYU, 93. MARTIN, Daniel Strobel; b, NYCity, Jn 30, 1842; UNY, 63; UTS, 63-6; prof (Geol & Nat Hist), Rutgers Fern Coll, NYCity, 67-95; do, New Rutgers Inst, NYCity, 95-8; N Y Regents Exam, 82-7; curator, Bklyn Inst Mus, 94-8; prof (Geol), Pres Col for Women, Columbia, SC, 98-05; hon curator (Dept of Geol), Museum, Charleston, SC, 06 — . PhD, Regents Univ State NY, 78. MASON, James Gilbert; b, Jonesboro, E-Tenn, Oc 31, 1841; WmsC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jl 1, 66; pas, Woodhaven (LI), NY, 66-7; pas, Jonesboro, Tenn, 67-72; pas (North), Washington, DC, 72-5; trav, Orient, 75-6; pas, Metuchen, NJ, 77 — . DD, MvC, 84. ♦MITCHELL, Samuel Swain; b, Hudson, NY, Sp 8, 1840; WmsC, 63; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, Newark), Oc 3, 66; fm, Abeih, Syria, 66-8; ss, Jeffer- son, Wis, 69-70; Germany, 70-4; artist, Newton Centre, Mass, 75; do, Europe & U S A, 76-1904; d, NYCity, Dc 7, 04. *MORGAN, David Starrett; b,' Johnson, Vt, Ja 24, 1835; UC, 60; AubTS, 63-4; UTS, 60-2; AndTS, 64-5; UTS, 65-6; ord (Cong), Jn 26, 67; pas, Worthington, Mass, 67-9; ss (Presb), Montello, Wis, 69-70; ss, West- field, Wis, 70-2; pas, La Porte City, Io, 72-5; inv, 75-9; d, do, Ja 10, 79. PARK, Andrew Jackson; b, S-Ryegate, Vt, Jl 22, 1834; UNY, 63; UTS. 63-6; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ap 22, 66; miss, Brownsville, Tex, 66-8; miss, Northern Mexico, 68-72; pas (RD), Jersey City, NJ, 72-8; mis pas, NYCity, 78-82; ss (Cong), Weston, Ct, 82-8; pas, Huntington, Ct, 88- 99; wc, do, 99-1901; ss, Exeter, Ct, 01 — . Res, Leonards Bridge, Ct. *STEELE, Thomas Clark; b, Pittsburg, Pa, My 5, 1838; YC, 63; WTS, 63-4; UTS, 64-6; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jn 20, 71; ss&pas. White Plains, NY, 71-3; tea, New-Rochelle, NY, 74-6; d, Pittsburg, Pa, Mr 29, 77. ♦THOMPSON, Lewis Olson; b, Bergen, Norway, Mr 13, 1839; BelC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, Minnesota), Ja 28, 69; prof, NWU, Watertown, Wis, 6G-8; ss, Belle Plaine, Minn, 68-9; pres, NWU, Watertown, Wis, 69-72; ag, Indianapolis, Ind, 72-3; ss, Cottage Grove, Wis, 73-5; pas, Peoria, 111, 76-82; pas, Henry, 111, 82-4; drowned, do, Jl 16, 84. VAN NORDEN, Charles; b, NYCity, Oc 10, 1843; HC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Cong), Dc 19, 66; pas, New-Orleans, La, 66-7; pas, Beverly, Mass, 68-73; pas, St Albans, Vt, 73-83; pas (North st), Springfield, Mass, 83-6; ss, Chicopee Centre, Mass, 87; pres, Elmira Coll, Elinira, NY, 142 1866. 90-3; wc, Auburn, Cal, 93-6; do, Sacramento, Cal, 97-05; do, E-Auburn, Cal, 06—. (CYB.) DD, NYU, 87; LLD, HC, 92. *WALD0, Theron Lindsey; b, Prattsburg, NY, Dc 2, 1839; HC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Presb, Saginaw), Ap 15, 68; ss, Carrollton, Mich, 66-7; ss, Midland City, Mich, 67-9; ss, Big Rapids, Mich, 69-71; ss, Manchester, Mich, 71-3; ss, Pulteney, NY, 73-6; ss, Painted Post, NY, 76-80; ss, Stone Church, NY, 80-6; ss, E-Pembroke, NY, 86-91; wc, Prattsburg, NY, 91-5; ss, Barre Centre, NY, 95-1900; ev, Buffalo, NY, 01; ev, Prattsburg, NY, 02-3; d, do, Oc 15, 03. (MGA.) WATSON, Charles Chaplin; b, Gilford, NH, Sp 25, 1835; BC, 63; UTS, 63-6; ord (Cong), Jl 11, 67; pas, Dover, NH, 67-71; pas, Hinsdale, NH, 71-7; pas, Wareham, Mass, 77-87; pas, Lynn, Mass, 89-94; ss, Hamilton, Mass, 1905-6; wc, do, 94-1905, 07—. WELLS, Edward Phineas; b, Salisbury, Ct, Mr 4, 1834; WmsC, 64; UTS, 64-6; ord (Presb, Chicago), Ap 15, 66; ss (Cong), E-Machias, Me, 66-7; ss, Williamstown, Mass, 67-8; pas (Presb), Denver, Col, 68-75; pas, Chicago, 111, 75-8; pas, Mechanicsville, Io, 78-82; pas (23d av), Denver, Col, 82-7; wc, do, 87-92; sec, Westminster Univ, do, 93-5; sec, Presb League, Chicago, 111, 96-7; sec, Denver, Col, 97; ss, Cheyenne, Wyo, 97-8; hr, 1900—. Ees, Pittsburg, Pa. WEIGHT, John; b, Wilmington, Del, Nv 20, 1836; UC, 63; PTS, 63-5; UTS, 65-6; ord (Ep), Jn 20, 67; as min & ch min, Philadelphia, Pa, 66-9; rec, Bay City, Mich, 69-74; rec (St Matthew's), Boston, Mass, 74-87; rec (St Paul's), St Paul, Minn, 87—. DD, UC, 92; LLD, IC, 1905. 32. ADAMS, Edwin Augustus; b, Franklin, Mass, Oc 21, 1837; AC, 61; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 67-8; ord (Cong), Sp 3, 68; pas, N-Manchester, Ct, 68-72; fm (ABCFM), Prague, Bohemia, 73-82; ss, Northborough, Mass, 82-4; cm (Bohemian, City Mission), Chicago, 111, 84-8; pas (do, Bethle- hem), do, 88—. DD, IC, 91, & KC, 91. *COIT, Charles Woolsey; b, New-Rochelle, NY, Dc 14, 1840; YC, 62; UTS, 63-5; tea & law stud, NYCity, 65-8; law, Grand Rapids, Mich, 69-76; real estate, do, 76-?; d, Milford, Ct, Oc 23, 1901. HACKLE Y, Simeon; b, Plainfield, NY, Mr 6, 1833; HC, 53; UTS, 63-4; mer, San Francisco, Cal; res, Berkeley, Cal. *HAMLEN, Chauncey Lewis; b, Cleveland, O, Nv 2, 1840; WRC, 63; UTS, 63-4; AndTS, 64-6; ord (Cong), Jl 2, 67; ss, Louisiana, Mo, 66-8; ss, Brooklyn, O, 68-71; ss, Aurora, O, 72-80; ss, Collinwood, O, 80-7; wc, do, 88; pas, Vermilion, O, 88-93; pas (Presb), Bloomingburgh, O, 93- 9; pas (Third), Chillicothe, O, 1900-4; d, do, Fb 8, 04. (MGA.) 1866-1867. 143 HAYT, Samuel Augustus, Jr; b, Fishkill, NY, Jn 13, 1841; CNJ, 63; PTS, 63-4; UTS, 64-5; UBerl, 65-6; ord (RD, CI Albany), Oc 30, 67; ev, Al- bany, NY, 67-8; pas (Presb), Belvidere, NJ, 68-70; pas, Ballston Spa, NY, 70-7; pas (Stone St), Watertown, NY, 77-98; pas (Mayflower), Indianapolis, Ind, 98-9; libr (Flower Mem Lib), Watertown, NY, 99 — . DD, NYU, 86. •HOSFORD, Frederick; b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 18, 1841; UNY, 62; PTS, 62-3; West Indies, 63-4; UTS, 65-6; d, NYCity, Fb 7, 66. •HUGHITT, Emmons Johnson; b, Genoa, NY, Jl 28, 1840; AC, 63; AubTS, 63-4; UTS, 64; d, NYCity, Oc 28, 64. •PAINE, Bernard; b, E-Randolph, Mass, Sp 21, 1834; DC, 63; UTS, 63-4; AndTS, 64-6; ord (Cong), Jn 6, 67; pas, New-Bedford, Mass, 67-71; pas, Foxborough, Mass, 71-7; wc, Boston, Mass, 78-9; wc, W-Barn- stable, Mass, 80; ss, Sandwich, Mass, 80-4; wc, do, 85; ss, Old Say- brook, Ct, 85-94; d, do, Jn 11, 94. PERRY, David Brainerd; b, Worcester, Mass, Mr 7, 1839; YC, 63; PTS, 63-4; UTS, 64-5; YTS, 65-7; ord (Cong, Blue Valley Assoc), Jl 11, 72; tut, YC, 65-7, 70-1; ss, Aurora, Sutton & Harvard, Neb, 72; tea, Crete, Neb, 72-3; prof, Doane Coll, do, 73-81; pres, do, 81—. DD, YU, 98. PHIPPS, William Hamilton; b, Paxton, Mass, Jl 3, 1841; AC, 62; prin, Leicester, Mass, 62-3; UTS, 63-4; AndTS, 64-6; ord (Cong), Ag 29, 66; ss, Empire City, Col, 66-9; ss, N-Beverly, Mass, 69-70; ss, Southville, Mass, 70-1; ss, E-Woorlstock, Ct, 71-3; ss, Poquonnock, Ct, 73-8; ss, Prospect, Ct, 78-1906; res, Waterbury, Ct, 06 — . TELLER, Henry Ludlow; b, York Town, NY, Ag 23, 1838; UC, 62; UTS, 62-3, 64-5; ord (Cong), My 15, 66; pas, N-Stamford, Ct, 66-8; pas (Presb), Plainfield, NJ, 68-70; pas, Amsterdam, NY, 70-80; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 25, 81, pr, Fb 9, 82; rec (Ep), Duanesburgh, NY, 81-3; rec, Morris, NY, 83-5; rec, Syracuse, NY, 86-90; pas (Presb), Ballston Spa, NY, 93-1903; ss, Remsenburg, NY, 04—. WILDER, Charles Nelson; b, Gardner, Mass, Ag 10, 1837; UVt, 63; UTS, 63-5; ord (Presb, Champlain), Sp 13, 66; pas, Essex, NY, 66-81; pas, Champaign, 111, 81-1902; pas (Windsor Park), Chicago, 111, 05—. DD, B1U, 89. 12. 1867. ANDRUS, Alpheus Newell; b, NYCity, Jl 17, 1843; WmsC, 64; UTS, 64-7; res lie, do, 67-8; ord (Presb, No River), Fb 23, 68; fm (ABCFM), Mardin, Turk, 68—. *BELDEN, William Henry; b, Newark, NJ, Ag 3, 1841; YC, 63; UTS, 63-5, 66-7; res lie, do, 67-8; ord (Presb, Newton), My 2, 72; journ, NYCity, 65-6, 67-72; pas, Branchville, NJ, 72-7; pas, Scranton, Pa, 77-9; fm 144 1867. (ABCFM), Constantinople, Turk, 79-81; pas (Presb), Bridgeton, NJ, 83-90; pas (Cong), Bristol, Ct, 90-1; wc, Oxford, NJ, 92; wc, Clifton Spgs, NY, 93-6; d, do, Jl 31, 96. BOND, Lewis, Jr; b, Plainfield, NJ, Oc 18, 1839; CNJ, 64; UTS, 64-7; res lie, do, 67-8; ord (Presb, NY), Mr 10, 68; fm (ABCFM), Eski Zaghra, Turk, 68-77; USA, 77-9; fm, Philippopolis, E-Roumelia, 79-82; fm, Monastir, Turk, 82-1904; wc, Plainfield, NJ, 05; wc, Philadelphia, Pa, 06—. (MGA.) *BOOTH, Henry Matthias; b, NYCity, Oc 3, 1843; WmsC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Sp 19, 67; pas, Englewood, NJ, 67-91; trav, 91-3; pres & prof (Pract Theol), AubTS, 93-9; d, do, Mr 18, 99. DD, WmsC, 80; LLD, WmsC, 95. *BROWN, Christopher Rush; b, NYCity, Fb 20, 1840; WTS, 63-4; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, NY), My 21, 68; ss, New-Haven, Ct, 68; ss, Troy, NY, 69-70; ss, Melrose, NY, 71; pas, Newtown (LI), NY, 74-7; wc, NYCity, Newark, NJ, & Corona (LI), NY, 77-1907; d, Corona, NY, Oc 9, 07. CURTIS, Edward Harvey; b, Madison, Ind, My 4, 1843; KC, 63; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, Knox), Ap 29, 68; ss, Lacon, 111, 67-71; ss, Geneseo, 111, 71-3; ss, Waukegan, 111, 73-9; ss, Georgetown, Col, 79-80; ss, La Porte, Ind, 81; ss, Jacksonville, Fla, 81-2; ss, Peoria, 111, 82; pas, Lincoln, Neb, 83-95; pas (Woodlawn Park), Chicago, 111, 95—. DD, KC, 87. CUTLER, William Alonzo; b, Alton, 111, Nv 28, 1843; IC, 64; CTS, 64-5; UTS, 65-7; ord (Cong, Madison Dist Conv), Jn 10, 68; ss, Bridgewater, Vt, 67; ss, Oak Grove, Wis, 68; ss, Holly, Mich, 69; ss, Little Falls, Minn, 70-4; ss, Dallas City, 111, 75-8; ss, Monticello, Minn, 78; ss, Fairmount, Minn, 79; ss, Brodhead, Wis, 80-1; ss, Clear Lake, Io, 82; ss, Newton, 111, 83; ss, Kansas, 111, 84-5; ss, Knightstown, Ind, 86-8; ss, Richmond, Ind, 88; pas, Charlestown, Ind, 89-92; pas, Sullivan, Ind, 93-5; ss, Carlile, Ind, 97-1902; pas (Berean), Milwaukee, Wis, 03-7; pm, do, 07 — . DANNER, Julius LeMoyne; b, Logan, O, Sp 15, 1842; BelC, 63; UTS, 64-7; ord (Cong, NY & Bklyn Asso), Sp 11, 67; pas, Fort Lee, NJ, 67-9; pas (RD), NYCity, 69-71; pas (Presb), E-Orange, NJ, 71-9; ss, Peekskill, NY, 80-1; pas (RD), Paterson, NJ, 81-91; pas (Presb), Stillwater, Minn, 92-7; pas (First), Albert Lea, Minn, 97-1904; hr, E-Orange, NJ, 04—. DD, MacalC, 1901. GRIFFIN, Edward Herrick; b, Williamstown, Mass, Nv 18, 1843; WmsC. 62; PTS, 63-4, 65-6; UTS, 66-7; ord (Cong), Fb 6, 68; pas (First), Bur- lington, Vt, 68-72; prof (Latin), WmsC, Williamstown, Mass, 72-81; prof (Rhet), do, 81-6; prof (Intel & Mor Phil), do, 86-9; prof (Hist of Phil) & dean (Coll Faculty), JHU, Baltimore, Md, 89—. DD, AC, 80; LLD, CNJ, 88, & WmsC, 1905. 1867. 145 *HARSEN, John Pease; b, NYCity, My 16, 1844; NYA, 64; UTS, 64-7; AndTS, 67-8; ord (Presb, Watertown), Fb 13, 68; ss, Martinsburgh, NY, 67-8; pas, Pleasanton, Kan, 69-71; pas, Wichita, Kan, 71-9; pas, Nanticoke, Pa, 80-5; pas, Kingston, Pa, 85-7; d, do, Sp 25, 86. HUTTON, William; b, Castlebar, Co Mayo, Irel. Ap 16, 1838; HC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, 4th Philadelphia), Oc 27, 67; pas (Greenwich st), Philadelphia, Pa, 67—. DD, HC, 90. JENKINS, Hennon Dutilh; b, Columbus, O, Ja 14, 1842; HC, 64; AubTS, 64-5; UTS, 65-7; ord (Presb, Chicago), Sp 21, 68; pas, Joliet, 111, 68- 73; pas, Freeport, 111, 73-89; pas, Sioux City, Io, 89-95; pas (Second), Kansas City, Mo, 95-1900; ed, Chicago, & pas, Riverside, 111, 00 — . DD, BelC, 81. ♦KINGSBURY, Charles Augustus; b, Newton, Mass, Nv 16, 1839: WmsC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Cong), Nv 14, 72; ss (Presb), Saginaw City, Mich, 67; ss (Cong), Hanover, Mass, 69-70; pas, Marion, Mass, 72-7; ss&pas, W-Winfield, NY, 80-6; wc, Newton Centre, Mass, 70-80 & 86-8; do, Kedlands, Cal, 88-93; d, do, Nv 23, 93. LAMPE, Joseph Joachim; b, Ratjendorf, Holstein, Germany, My 19, 1837; KC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, NY), Oc 27, 67; ch miss, NYCity, 67- 88; pas (Christ Ch), NYCity, 88-95; prof (O T Lang & Lit), OmTS, 95—. DD, KC, 89; PhD, UNY, 90. LOCKE, William Edwin; b, New-Ipswich, NH, Ag 14, 1837; AC, 64; UTS, 64-7; res lie, do, 67-8; ord (Cong), Mr 15, 68; fm, Samokov, Bulgaria, 68-79; USA, 79-80; fm, Samokov, Bulgaria, 80-5; fm, Monastir, Maced, 85-6; fm, Philippopolis, Bulgaria, 86-92; res, Westmoreland, NH, 92-4; ss, E-Alstead, NH, 94-1900; res, Wellesley, Mass, 00—. MORSE, Richard Cary; b, Hudson, NY, Sp 19, 1841; YC, 62; UTS, 65-6; PTS, 66-7; UTS, 67; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Dc 21, 68; ed, NYCity, 67- 72; gen sec, Internat Com, YMCA of No Amer, do, 72 — . *POWELL, Isaac Piatt; b, Clinton, NY, My 7, 1838; HC, 60; UTS, 61-2, 65-7; U S Army, 62-5; ord (Cong), Oc 28, 68; pas, N-Canaan, Ct, 69-75; inv, Grand Rapids, Mich, 75-1903; d, do, Mr 18, 03. *REID, William Henry; b, Johnstown, NY, Jn 5, 1839; UC, 64; PTS, 64-5; UTS, 65-7; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 20, 67, pr, Dc 6, 67; as min (St Ann's), Brooklyn, NY, 68; rec (Mediator), do, 69-74; rec (Ref Ep, Incarna- tion), do, 74-86; rec (Atonement), do, 76; rec (Reconciliation), do, 76-83; inv & oc s, Stapleton (SI), NY, 84-5, 87-8; ss (Presb), Melvern, Maxon & Kedron, Kan, 86; d, Cairo, Egypt, Dc 26, 88. *RUSSELL, Frank; b, Marion, NY, My 19, 1840; AdC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Cong), My 15, 67; pas (Plymouth), Philadelphia, Pa, 67-8; pas (Park), Brooklyn, NY, 68-74; pas, Kalamazoo, Mich, 74-8; pas, Mansfield, O, 78-86; sec, Ev Alii for U S, 83-93; pas (Second), Bridgeport, Ct, 93- 1901; trus (Cong Ch Bldg Soc), Hartford, Ct, 02, NYCity, 03; ss&pas, Meadville, Pa, 04-5; d, do, Jl 22, 05. (CYB.) DD, DruC, 87. 146 1867. SHELDON, George William; b, Summerville, SC, Ja 28, 1843; CNJ, 63; UTS, 63-5; PTS, 66; UTS, 67; tut, CNJ, 65-7; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), My 5, 70; instr (Hebrew), UTS, 67-73; lit, Europe & NYCity, 73-86; ag (of Appleton & Co), London, Eng, 91-1903; res, Summit, NJ, 03 — . LHD, CNJ, 96. STEBBINS, Henry Hamlin; b, NYCity, Jn 3, 1839; YC, 62; tea, Irvington, NJ, 62-4; do, NYCity, 65; UTS, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; UTS, 67; ord (Presb, NY), Oc 8, 67; pas, Riverdale, NY, 67-73; pas, Oswego, NY, 74-88; pas (Central), Rochester, NY, 88-1904; res, do, 04—. DD, HC, 83. *TALLMADGE, Leander Allen; b, Parsippany, NJ, Oc 31, 1832; YC, 55; UTS, 59-61, 66-7; tea, Deckertown, NJ, 55-9, 61-3; tea, Elizabeth, NJ, 64-6; tea, Jersey City, NJ, 67-71; tea, Elizabeth, NJ, 71-8; tea, Mor- ristown, NJ, 78-1905; d, Chicago, 111, Nv 17, 05. AM, YC, 69. TEEL, William Henry; b, NYCity, Nv 13, 1843; HC, 63; UTS, 64-7; ord (Cong, Litchfield No Asso), Oc 28, 68; ss, S-Canaan, Ct, 68-70; wc, Newark (Woodside), NJ, 70; ss, Gloucester (Lanesville), Mass, 71-5; Europe, 76; ss, Berkley, Mass, 77-8; pas, Belmont, Mass, 78-83; ss, Walpole, NH, 84-9; pas, Wethersfield, Ct, 89-95; ss, Wells, Me, 96-9; ss, Vernon Centre, Ct, 1900-5; oc s & lit, Jamaica Plain, Mass, 05 — . TODD, Elbert S; b, Adrian, Mich, Fb 8, 1845; AdC, 64; GBI, 64-6; UTS, 66-7; ord (ME), Ap 10, 67; fm, Kiukiong, China, 67-9; pas, Martinez, Cal, 69-70; pas (Bush st), San Francisco, Cal, 70-2; pas, San Jose, Cal, 72-5; pas (Grace), San Francisco, Cal, 76-7; pas, Napa, Cal, 77-80; pas, Oakland, Cal, 80-3; pas (61st st), NYCity, 83-6; pas (Grace), Baltimore, Md, 86-91; pas (Hamline), Washington, DC, 91-6; pas (Strowbridge), Baltimore, Md, 96-1900; pas, Frederick, Md, 01-4; super- num, do, 05—. (MEC.) DD, Grant Univ, Tenn, 88. TRACY, Charles Chapin; b, E-Smithfield, Pa, Oc 31, 1838; WmsC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Presb, 3d N Y), Jl 17, 67; fm (ABCFM), Marsovan, Turk, Asia, 67-78; fm, Constantinople, Turk, 70-2; fm, Marsovan, Turk, 72-5; inv, USA, 75-8; fm, Marsovan, Turk, 78-86; pres, Ana- tolia Col, do, 86—. DD, WmsC, 94. WARD, Earl Johnson; b, Duxbury, Vt, Oc 9, 1836; UVt, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Cong), Mr 11, 68; ss&pas, Grafton, Vt, 67-84; ss, Interlachen, Fla, 84; ss, Hyde Park, Vt, 84-91; oc s, St Johnsbury, Vt, 91-7; temp sup, Berlin, Vt, 91; do, Claremont, NH, 98-9; res, Meredith, NH, 1900—. * WRIGHT, Albert Orville; b, Rome, NY, Jn 23, 1842; BelC, 64; UTS, 64-7; ord (Cong, Madison Dist Conv), Nv 20, 67; pas, Waterloo, Wis, 67-70; pas, New-Lisbon, Wis, 70-5; County Supt Schh, do, 71-3; prin, Wis FemColl, & ss, Fox Lake, Wis, 75-80; sec, Wis State Bd of Charities & Reform, Madison, Wis, 80-91; mod, Wis Cong Conv, 92; pres, Nat Conf Char & Correc, 96; Inspec Charities, 95-6; Superv of Indian Sch, 98- 1905; d, Madison, Wis, Jn 19, 05. 1867. 147 WRIGHT, Edward Bingham; b, Hudson, 0, My 11, 1838; WRC, 59; UTS, 61-2; U S Army, 62-5; UTS, 65-7; ord (Preeb, Minnesota), Sp 28, 67; ss&pas, Stillwater, Minn, 67-72; pas (First), Austin, Tex, 72—. DD, WRC, 76. 28. ABBOTT, Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson; b, Concord, NH, Sp 20, 1841; DC, 63; UTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord (Cong), My 6, 68; pas, Meriden, NH, 68-72; Germany, 73; pas, Newport, NH, 74-84; pas, Cedar Rapids, Io, 84-8; pas, Sierra Madre, Cal, 88-98; pas, Chula Vista, Cal, 98-1905; pas (Logan Hts), San Diego, Cal, 05 — . ♦BANCROFT, Cecil Franklin Patch; b, New-Ipswich, NH, Nv 25, 1839; DC, 60; prin, Mt Vernon, NH, 60-4; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 65-7; ord (Cong), My 1, 67; prin, Lookout Mt, Tenn, 67-72; stud, Halle, Germ, 72-3; prin (Phillips Acad), Andover, Mass, 73-1901; d, do, Oc 4, 01. PhD, U State of NY, 74; LHD, WmsC, 91; LLD, YU, 92. BLAUVELT, Cornelius Ryckman; b, NYCity, My 6, 1843; UNY, 64; PTS, 64-6; UTS, 66-7; ord (RD, So CI Long Island), My 6, 68; pas, E-New- York, 68-74; pas (East), Newark, NJ, 74-6; ed (Christian Intelli- gencer), NYCity, 77-80: pas, Hyde Park, NY, 80-3; wc, Nyack, NY, 83—. cor sec, Soc Comp Relig, 90—. PhD, UNY, 91. BRIANT, Samuel Ingersoll; b, Beverly, Mass, Jl 28, 1839; YC, 58-9; UVt, 63; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 65-7; ord (Cong), Ap 22, 68; pas, Sharon, Mass, 68-74; pas, Hartford, Vt, 75-89; pas, N-Chelmsford, Mass, 89-98; res, Westboro, Mass, 98 — . BRUSH, Wilbur Fisk; b, NYCity, Dc 6, 1839; CCNY, 53-5; UTS, 64-6; ord (ME), Ap 10, 70; ss, N-Canaan, Ct, 66; ss, Charlotte ville, NY, 67; ss, Franklin, NY, 68-9; pas, Coxsackie, NY, 70-2; pas, Ellenville, NY, 73-4; pas, Fishkill Village, NY, 75-6; pas, Pine Plains, NY, 77-9; pas, Marlboro, NY, 80; pas, Red Hook, NY, 81-3; pas, Chatham, NY, 84-6; pas, Katonah, NY, 87-90; pas, Cold Spring, NY, 91-3; pas (44th st), NYCity, 94-8; pas, Goshen, NY, 99-1900; pas, Woodlawn, NY, 01-5; pas, Rhinebeck, NY, 06—. BPh, IllWeslU, 86; DD, ShenandoahC, 02. BYINGTON, George Phelps; b, Hinesburg, Vt, Ag 17, 1838; UVt, 63; UTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord (Cong), Mr 11, 68; pas^ Benson, Vt, 67-9; pas, Westford, Vt, 69-83; pas, Castleton, Vt, 83-7; pas, Shoreham, Vt, 87-90; pas, E-Hardwick, Vt, 90-9; pas, Westport, Mass, 99-1904; res, Ballardvale, Mass, 04 — . *CONDICT, Walter; b, Morristown, NJ, Mr 21, 1841; WmsC, 62; UTS, 64-6; PTS, 66-7; ord (Presb, Passaic), Sp 3, 68; pas, Newark, NJ, 68- 72; pas, Little Falls, NY, 73-5; ss, Jamestown, NY, 75-80; pas, Red Wing, Minn, 80-4; pas, Southampton (LI), NY, 84-8; d, Jersey City, NJ, Oc 24, 88. 148 1867. DALY, James Alexander; b, Munstereven, Ireland, Ap 11, 1838; CalC, 64; UTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord (Cong), Mr 17, 68; ss, Stockton, Cal, 68- 70; ss, Williamsport, Pa, 70-2; ss, Painesville, O, 72-6; ss, Wellington, 0,77-84; wc, Cleveland, O, 84-5; wc, Rochester, NY, 85-96; wc, Muncie, Ind, 96-7; wc, Rochester, NY, 98—. (CYB.) DAVENPORT, John Gaylord; b, Wilton, Ct, Nv 24, 1840; WmsC, 63; UTS, 64-5; tut, WmsC, 65-7; ord (Cong), Jl 1, 68; pas (Park st), Bridgeport, Ct, 68-81; pas, Waterbury, Ct, 81—. DD, WmsC, 93. DOUGHERTY, M Angelo; b, NYCity, My 15, 1844; NYA, 64; UTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord (Bap), Jn 15, 69; pas, Great Falls, NH, 69-70; res lie, Andover, Mass, 70-1; pas, Boston, Mass, 71-8; ss (Cong), W-New- bury, Mass, 78-83; ss, Baldwinville (Templeton) & Groton, Mass, 83-5; Monroe Coll of Oratory, Boston, Mass, 85-7; pas (First), Terre Haute, Ind, 87-9; ss (Presb), Racine, Wis, ss, Denver, Col, & ss (Plymouth Cong), Portland, Ore, 89-95; p grad, AndTS, 95; wc, Cambridge, Mass, 96-7; pas, Canton, Mass, 97 — . Res, Cambridge, Mass. GREGORY, Lewis; b, Wilton, Ct, Jn 17, 1842; YC, 64; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 66-8; ord (Cong), Oc 15, 68; pas, W-Amesbury (now Merrimac), Mass, 68-75; pas, Lincoln, Neb, 75-98; pres (Amer Sav Bk), do, 1900 — . LANM AN, Joseph; b, Norwich, Ct, Ap 9, 1840; YC, 64; UTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord (Presb, Londonderry), Jn 2, 68; pas, Windham, NH, 68-72; pas, Lynn, Mass, 72-3; pas (Cong), Westhampton, Mass, 73-6; ss, Woodland, Cal, 76-7; ss (Presb), Taylor's Falls, Minn, 80-3; ss&pas (Bethlehem Presb), Minneapolis, Minn, 83-8; Europe, 88-9; pas (First), Newark, O, 90-2; pas, Princeton, Ky, 93-8; pas, St James, Minn, 99 — . PhD, WoosU, 99. MAY, Alonzo Martin; b, Allegany Co, NY, Mr 20, 1838; BelC, 64; UTS, 64-6; ord (Ep), My 30, 69; miss, Waukon, Io, 67-9; rec, do, 69-74; ed (Standard), do, 74-1901; retired, do, 01—. *MORRIS, George Sylvester; b, Norwich, Vt, Nv 15, 1840; DC, 61; tea, Roy- al ton, Vt, 61-2; U S Army, 62-3; tut, DC, 63-4; UTS, 64-6; stud, Berlin & Halle, Germany, 66-8; prof (Mod Lang), UM, Ann Arbor, Mich, 70- 80; lect, JHU, 78-85; prof (Ethics, etc), UM, Ann Arbor, Mich, 81-9; d, do, Mr 23, 89. PhD, UM, 81. *PALMER, Charles Myron; b, Orford, NH, Ja 16, 1837; DC, 62; tea, Brim- field, Mass, 62-4; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 65-7; ord (Cong), Dc 8, 68; ss& pas, Harrisville, NH, 67-71; ss, Cornish, NH, 71-3; pas, Mcriden, NH, 73-81; ss, Saratoga, Cal, 81-2; ss, Westminster, Mass, 83-91; ss, Sharon, Vt, 93-7; wc, Stoddard, NH, 97-9; d, do, Sp 4, 99. PETERS, John Wesley; b, Lancaster, O, Oc 4, 1842; OWU, 64; UTS, 64-6; EvTS, 66; ord (ME), Ag 28, 70; ss, Georgetown, O, 66-7; ss (Cong), Columbia, O, 67-8; pas (ME), Mt Auburn, O, 68-70; pas, Win- ton Place, O, 70-3; pas, Zanesville, O, 73-6; pas, Athens, O, 76-7; pas, Portsmouth, O, 77-80; pas, London, O, 80-3; pas, Washington CH, O, 1867-1868. 149 83-6; pas, Newark, O, 86-7; pas, Lockland & Wyoming-, O, 87-90; pas, Avondale, O, 90-3; pas, Hamilton, O, 93-8; pas, Springfield, O, 98-1904; pas (Clifton), Cincinnati, O, 04—. DD, GBI, 68. SULLIVAN, Edwin Ruthven; b, Zanesville, O, Fb 11, 1844; OWU, 64; UTS, 64-6; Concord TS (NH), 66-7; ord (ME), Oc, 67; ss, Byfield, Mass, 68; ss, Alexandria, O, 69; ed & publ, Zanesville, O, 69-92; real estate, Pitts- burg, Pa, 92 — . TENNEY, Henry Martyn; b, Hanover, NH, My 16, 1841; AC, 64; UTS, 64-5; AndTS, 65-7; ord (Cong), Oc 21, 68; ss&pas, Dorchester, Boston, Mass, 67-70; pas, Winona, Minn, 70-5; pas, Steubenville, O, 75-80; pas (First), Cleveland, O, 80-9; pas (Second), Oberlin, O, 89 — . DD, AC, 89. *THOMAS, DeWitt Hurd; b, Metuchen, NJ, Oc 20, 1841; WmsC, 64; UTS, 64; d, NYCity, Dc 1, 64. *WTLLCOX, Monson Alva; b, Bainbridge (now Afton), NY, Ag 12, 1841; MU, 62; NTT, 64-5; UTS, 65-6; ord (Bap), Ap 25, 67; pas (First), Burlington, Vt, 67-81; pas (West), Oswego, NY, 81-7; pres, KalC, 87- 91; pas (First), Holyoke, Mass, 92-1902; d, do, Nv 14, 02. DD, ColU, 85. WILLIAMS, Moseley Hooker; b, Farmington, Ct, Dc 23, 1839; YC, 64; UTS, 64-6; AndTS, 66-7; ord (Cong), Mr 26, 68; ss&pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 67-9; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 69-70; pas, Portland, Me, 70-3; ss, Ger- man town, Philadelphia, Pa, 77-9, 81-2; lit, Philadelphia, Pa, 74-8; asso ed, ASSU, do, 79—. PhD, TempC, 99. *WINSLOW, Kenelm; b, Boston, Mass, Jn 15, 1843; UTS, 64-5; Europe, 65-6; d, Paris, France, Oc 24, 67. 22. 1868. BEEMAN, Henry Austin; b, Dresden, O, Ag 15, 1838; MaC, 65; LTS, 65-7; UTS, 67-8; ord (Presb, Pataskala), Nv 11, 68; ss&pas, Roseville, Unity & New-Lexington, O, 66-71, & ss, Uniontown, O, 68-71; pas, Unity & New-Lexington, & ss, Oakfield, O, 71-3; pas, Unity & New-Lex- ington, O, 73-92, & ss, Roseville & Uniontown, O, 73-91; ss, Osceola, Io, 93-4; oc s, New-Lexington, O, 95 — . BISSELL, Allen Page; b, Au Sable Forks, NY, Sp 15, 1835; UVt, 58; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Mankato), Oc 18, 68; pas, Blue Earth City, Minn, 68-71; pas, Menominee, Wis, 71-2; instr, B1U, Carlinville, 111, 72-4; prof, do, 74-6; prof, LTS, 76-7; ss, Delhi, O, 77-82; stud, ULeip, 82-4; ss&pas, Shelter Island (LI), NY, 84-9; wc, 89-90; ss, Port Henry, NY, 90-1; prof (Hebrew), Biddle Univ, Charlotte, NC, 91-1901; wc, 01-3; ss, Harriman, Tenn, 03-4; ss, Chattanooga, Tenn, 04; ss, Ironton, O, 04-5; ss, W-Union, O, 05—. DD, UVt, 84; PhD, ULeip, 84. 150 1868. *BLANCHARD, Charles Pinckney; b, Richmond, Ind, Mr 13, 1843; YC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; ss, Garnett, Kan, 68-9; ss (Cong), W-Brookfield, Mass, 69-70; wc, ev & inv, do, 71-95; d, do, Ja 12, 95. BROWN, Josiah Johnson; b, Newark, NJ, Ag 29, 1839; RC, 60; NETS, 65-6; UTS, 66-8; ord (Presb, Osage), Oc 4, 68; hm, Clinton, Mo, 68-9; ss, Independence, Kan, 69-70; bus, Newark, NJ, 70-2; bus, Toledo, O, 72-83; res, Newark, NJ, 83—. law, do, 88—. *BROWN, Thomas Jefferson; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Jl 23, 1840; YC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Philadelphia 3d), Jn 9, 68; pas (Logan Sq), Philadelphia, Pa, 68-71; pas (Westminster), Utica, NY, 71-1904; d, do, Jl 31, 04. DD, HC, 81. CASKEY, Toliaferro Franklin; b, Darke Co, O, Ag 29, 1838; YC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 30, 67, pr, Ja 19, 68; mis & as min (Holy Trinity) & rec (Mediator), NYCity, 68-71; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 72-3; rec, Williams- port, Pa, 73-7; rec, Southport, Ct, 77-80; rec, Honesdale, Pa, 80-2; rec, S-Bethlehem, Pa, 94-5; rec, Dresden, Saxony, 84-94 & 95-1901; ss, Waterbury, Ct, & Matteawan, NY, 01-3; do, Brooklyn, NY, 04; rec (Holy Comf), Baltimore, Md, 06-7; rec, Danville, 111, 07—. DD, StJohnsC, Annapolis, Md, 07. CHAPMAN, Joseph Stanley; b, Irasburgh, Vt, Ja 18, 1838; DC, 65; UTS, 65; LTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-8; ord (Presb, St Paul), Ja 28, 69; ss, Le Roy, Minn, 69-70; tea, NY & Bklyn, NY, 70-1; prin, Chester, Vt, 71-4; agric, do, 74-91; bus, Harriman, Tenn, 91 — . Res, Birmingham, Ala, 1905. f CLARK, Allen; b, Whitehall, NY, Oc 12, 1841; WU, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong), My 2, 68; pas, Seymour, Ct, 68-9; pas, Wilton, Io, 69-70; ed, Davenport, Io,.71-2; Whitehall, NY, 73-4; ss, Bridgeport, Ct, 74-80; wc, Seymour, Ct, 80; pas, Bradford, Vt, 80-4; ss, Manchester, Vt, 84-6; pas, Nebraska City, Neb, 86-9; ed, do, 89; pas, Lewis, Ellsworth & Bear Grove, Io, 89-92; pas, Ottumwa, Io, 93-5; pas, Agency & Oak Ridge, Io, 95-8; pas, Cass Lake & Farris, Minn, 99-1900; pas, Brainerd, Minn, 00-2; ss, Remidje, Minn, 03; ss, Lake Itasca, Minn, 04-5; ss, Manvel, ND, 05. Addr, Grand Forks, ND. (CYB.) CORNELL, Howard; b, W T ilton, NY, Sp 10, 1840; UC, 65; AubTS, 65-6; UTS, 66-8; ord (Presb, Syracuse), Mr 17, 74; ss, Wading River (LI), NY, 70; ss&pas, Constantia, NY, 71-6; ss, Nichols, NY, 76-9; ss, Orwell, Pa, 79-84; ss, E-Palmyra, NY, 85-92; ss, Seneca Castle, NY, 94-1905; pas (Stephentown), Garfield, NY, 05 — . DEMERIT, John Pushee; b, Montpelier, Vt, My 21, 1836; UVt, 61; 2d Lieut, 29 Wis Inf Vol, 62-5; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong), My 31, 70; ss, Al- bany, Vt, 68-71; ss, Pawlet, Vt, 71-3; wc, S-Meriden, Ct, 73-4; ss, Williamstown, Vt, 75-80; ss, Brookfield, Vt, 80-1; ss, Castleton, Vt, 82-3; ss, Bath, NH, 83-6; ss, Hooksett, NH, 86-90; wc, do, & Exeter, NH, 91-3; ss, Tunbridge, Vt, 94-6; res, Exeter, NH, 97; ss, Tam worth, NH, 98-1900; oc s, Exeter, NH, 00—. 1868. 151 *ELMER, Oscar Henry; b, Unionville, NY, Ag 27, 1844; HC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, St Paul), Ja 28, 69; ss, Sauk Centre, Minn, 68-71; ss, Moor- head, Minn, 71-81; pas, do, 81-6; pas, Crookston, Minn, 86-93; pas (Knox, & ss, Warrendale), St Paul, Minn, 93-1901; ev, do, 02-4; d, do, Ag 15, 04. (MGA.) ♦GARDNER, Theodore Yale; b, Cleveland, O, Dc 23, 1840; WRC, 64; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; ss&pas, Fort Scott, Kan, 68-71; ss&pas, Lawrence, Kan, 71-4; ss, Streetsboro, O, 74-6; pas (Cong), Hudson, O, 76-85; field sec (Cong Educ Soc), Elyria, 0, etc, 85-95; pas (Presb), Glenville, O, 95-7; wc, Cleveland, O, 97-1900; d, do, Fb 11, 00. GAYLORD, Willis Clark; b, Utica, NY, Ag 12, 1840; UR, 65; RTS, 65-7; UTS, 67-8; ord (Presb, Ontario), Oc 6, 68; pas, Union Corners, NY, 68-70; ss, Ossian, NY, 70-1; ss, Arkport, Canaseraga & Burns, NY, 71-2; ss, Franklinville, NY, 72-3; oc s, Rochester, NY, 73-4; ss, Gates, NY, 74-5; oc s, Rochester, NY, 75-7; ss, Union Corners, NY, 77; ev, Rochester, NY, 77—. GREENE, Joseph Milton; b, Smithtown (LI), NY, Ag 11, 1842; CNJ, 65; PTS, 65-6 & 66; UTS, 67 & 67-8; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 12, 68; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 68-73; pas, West New-Brighton (SI), NY, 72-81; fm (City of Mexico), S-Mexico, 81-9; pas, Fort Dodge, Io, 93-9; fm, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 99-1901; supt, Presb Miss, Cuba, 01 — . Res, Havana, Cuba. DD, LFU, 86. GRISWOLD, John Valentine; b, Gibraltar, Mich, Ap 13, 1837; UC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Hudson), Jn 16, 68; pas, Washingtonville, NY, 68-71; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 71-2; pas, Port Jefferson (LI), NY, 72-6; pas, Eagle Mills, NY, 76-80; pas, Tekamah, Neb, 80-3 ; pas, Central City, Neb, 83-5; ss, St Edward, Neb, 86; ss, Columbus, Neb, 87-91; ss, Blue Springs, Neb, 91-2; wc, & hr, San Diego, Cal, 92-1905; do, San Fran- cisco, Cal, 05-8; do, Las Vegas, NM, 08 — . HAMLIN, Cyrus; b, Boston, Mass, Dc 24, 1843; WabC, 62-5; UTS, 66-8; ord (Cong), Oc 29, 68; pas, Bellows Falls, Vt, 68-74; ss, Brooklyn, NY, 74-7; pas e, Council Bluffs, Io, 77-84; ss, Oak Park, 111, 84; pas (First), Beloit, Wis, 85-95; wc, Brooklyn, NY, 96; dean, Tougaloo Univ, Tou- galoo, Miss, 96—. DD, BelC, 94. HASCALL, Theodorus Bailey; b, Malone, NY, Jl 9, 1841; WmsC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), 69; pm, Plattsburgh, NY, 68-9; ss & cm, Brooklyn, NY, 69-71; ss, Winnebago City, Minn, 71-2; pas, Cassopolis, Mich, 72-3; ss (Cong), Romeo, Mich, 73-4; wc, San Jose, Cal, 75-6; v-consul, Honolulu, S Islds, 76-7; v-prin, do, 78-84; tea, Elizabeth, NJ, 85-6; prin, Rutherford, NJ, 86-94; demitted, pres, Jersey City, Ap 20, 97; prof, Newark, NJ, 94—. PhD, UNY, 93. *HOPKINS, David; b, Tartua-Kelly, Ireland, Mr 4, 1839; UNY, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Ja 9, 69; ss&pas, New-Rochelle, NY, 68-9; d, Tartua-Kelly, Ireland, Nv 1, 69. 152 1868. JESSUP, Theodore Frelinghuysen; b, Florida, NY, Oc 10, 1841; HC, 64; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; ss, Kansas City, Mo, 68; pas, Garnett, Kan, 69-70; tea, Troy, NY, 71-3; pas, Au Sable Grove, 111, 73-87; pas, Boonville, NY, 88—. JOHNSON, Cyrus Augustus; b, Middletown, Ct, My 11, 1838; WU, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Bap), Jl, 68; pas, Cohoes, NY, 68-9; trav, Europe & East, 69-70; pas, Whitehall, NY, 71-3; pas, Greenwich, NY, 73-8; pas, Granville, NY, 78-82; pas, Batavia, NY, 82-1905; pas emer, do, 05—. KERSHAW, John; b, Paterson, NJ, My 14, 1842; UTS, 65-8; ord (RD, CI Passaic), Jl 1, 73; prin, Passaic, NJ, 68-73; pas, Brookdale, NJ, 73- 80; prof, ColC, Leadville, Col, 80-1; ss (Presb), do, 81; pas (Cong), Bound Brook, NJ, 81-5; pres, Tillotson Inst, Austin, Tex, 85-6; supt mis, Tenn Mts, 86-7; pas (Atlantic Av Ch), Brooklyn, NY, 87-94; pas (Bethany Mem), NYCity, 94-6; ss, Woodhaven, NY, 98-9; pas, New- Plymouth, Ida, 1902-4; ss (Presb), Cuba, Mo, 05; ss (Union), Sugar Grove, Pa, 06; pas (Cong), Braddock, Pa, 06 — . *LEWIS, James; b, Hamden, NY, My 23, 1836; AC, 61; Capt, Lt-Col & Col, 144th NY Vol, U S Army, 62-5; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; pas, Humboldt, Kan, 68-75; pas, Howell, Mich, 75-82; pas (Cen- tral), Joliet, 111, 82-99; d, do, Oc 28, 99. DD, B1U, 91. LYMAN, Albert Josiah; b, Williston, Vt, Dc 24, 1845; NWTS, 65-6; UTS, 66-8; res lie, YTS, 68-9; ord (Cong), Sp 7, 70; ss&pas, Milford, Ct, 69- 73; pas (South), Brooklyn, NY, 74—. DD, AC, 91. McCREERY, Charles Henry; b, Mt Morris, NY, Fb 23, 1838; UM, 60; UTS, 61-2; U S Army, 62-5; as com, Freed Bureau, Columbia, SC, 65; UTS, 66-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; pas, Chetopa, Kan, 68-86; pres, do, 86; wc & ss, do, 87-9; do, Wichita, Kan, 90-1 ; do, Minneapolis & St Paul, Minn, 92-3; res, Northfield, Minn, 94—. ss, Dundas & For- est, Minn, 94-7; ss, Dundas, Minn, 03 — . *McDUFFEE, Samuel Valentine; b, Keene, Vt, Ja 9, 1835; U S Army (Sig- nal Corps), 62-5; BTS, 65-7; UTS, 67-8; ord (Cong), My 12, 69; ss, Wayne, Io, 68-9; ss, Acworth, NH, 69-70; ss, Barton, Vt, 70-3; ss, Fish- erville, NH, 73-5; ss, Ludlow Centre, Mass, 74-82; ss, Brimneld, Mass, 82-4; ss, Orange City, Fla, 84-90; ss, Thetford, Vt, 90-8; res, Spring- field, Mass, 98-1904; d, do, Fb 28, 04. *McNEIL, Benjamin Franklin; b, Genoa, NY, Ap 4, 1827; UTS, 66-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; ss, Wathena, 111, 68; ss, Beatrice, Neb, 68- 71; ss, Fairbury & Alexander, Neb, 71-2; ss, Union Grove, 111, 73-4; ed, Newark, NJ, 76-7 ; cm, NYCity, 77; ss, do, 77-8; ed, Rochester, NY, 78-80; ss, do, 80-2; ed, Utica & Albany, NY, 83-6; d, Adams, Mass, Nv 26, 87. *MARTIN, George Washington; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ag 17, 1839; HC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong), Jn 25, 68; pas, Saugerties, NY, 68-9; pas (Presb), Schaghticoke, NY, 69-71; inv & wc, Denver, Col, 71-2; d, do, Jn 2, 72. 1868. 153 MILLER, Benjamin Franklin; b, Holley, NY, Fb 21, 1839; HC, 62; UTS, 65-8; GenTS, 68-9; ord (Ep), Fb 28, 69; as min (Anthon Mem), NY City, 68-9; rec, Millbrook, NY, 69-76; trav & inv, 76-82; rec, Honeoye Falls, NY, 82-4; rec, Stafford, NY, 84-7; rec, Logansport, Ind, 87-91; rec, Tower, Minn, 91-3; rec, Appleton, Minn, 93-4; rec, Schenevus, NY, 94-5; rec, Clyde, NY, 95-7; rec, Bradford, NY, 97—. NOBLE, George Pleasants; b, NYCity, Ja 4, 1845; WmsC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jl 26, 68; ss (RD), Brooklyn, NY, 68-9; pas (Presb), Weehawken, NJ, 69-71; pas, Maiden, NY, 71-7; pas, Corn- wall, NY, 78-90; pas, Mendham, NJ, 90-1901; ss&pas, Carmel, NY, 03-7—. *PATON, Thomas; b, Scotland, Oc 26. 1837; UTS, 65-8; inv, 68-9; d, NYCity, Ap 19, 69. PICK, Bernhard; b, Kempen, Posen, Prussia, Dc 19, 1842; stud, UBreslau & UB; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, NY), Ap 8, CS; pas, NYCity, 68-9; pas, N-Buffalo, NY, 69-70; pas, Syracuse, NY, 70-4; pas, Rochester, NY, 74-81; pas (Luth), Allegheny, Pa, 81-95; pas, Albany, NY, 95-1903; oc sup & lit, NYCity, 03-5; pas, Newark, NJ, 05—. PhD, NYU, 76; DD, PaC, 93. POMEROY, Edward Noyes; b, Yarmouth, Me, Ap 6, 1836; U S Vols, 62-5; DC, 55-6; BC, 56-7; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong, Ontario Asso), Nv 11, 68; ss, Riga, NY, 68-9; ss, Bergen, NY, 69-73; pas, W-Springfield, Mass, 73-7; pas, Marion, Mass, 77-81; pas, Taunton, Mass, 82-8; res, Welles- ley, Mass, 88 — . RUST, Richard Hubbard; b, Ellington, Ct, Sp 5, 1842; WU, 65; tea, Cin- cinnati, O, 65-6; UTS, 66-8; ord (ME), Ap, 68; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 68-9; trav, Europe, 70; pas, Sag Harbor (LI), NY, 71-2; pas, New- Britain, Ct, 73-6; pas, Greenwich, Ct, 76-7; pas, Fall River, Mass, 77- 80; pres, OWU, Cincinnati, O, 80-2; pas, Dayton, O, 82-5; pas, Spring- field, O, 85-90; pas, Ann Arbor, Mich, 90-1; pres, Cincin Wesl Coll, Cincinnati, O, 91-3; pas, Mt Auburn, do, 93-4; pres eld, Cincinnati Dist, O, 94-1900; pas (Clifton), Cincinnati, O, 00-2; pas, Xenia, O, 02-6; res, Avondale, Cincinnati, O. DD, OWU, 80. •STODDARD, Samuel Augustus: b, Coventry. NY, Ap 20, 1835; AC, 62; U S Army, 62-5; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Kansas), Oc 4, 68; ss, Stan- hope, NJ, 67; ss, Holton, Kan, 68-70; ss&pas, Independence, Kan, 70-4; ss, Fort Gibson, Ind Ter, 74-80; ss, Muskogee, Ind Ter, 80-3; wc, Colorado Spgs, Col, 83-5; wc, Beloit, Wis, 85-6; d, Bainbridge, NY, Nv 24, S6. STRA.TTON, James Patterson; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 24, 1839; HC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, Catskill), Jn 11, 68; pas, Maiden, NY, 68-70; pas, Mexico, NY. 70-7; pas, Crawfordsville, Ind, 77-83; pas, Circleville, O, 83-96; pas, Tiffin, O, 97-1906; oc s, Ridgewood, NJ, 06—. DD, WabC, 81. 154 1868. *TEAL, John William; b, Rhinebeck, NY, Ap 14, 1839; YC, 64; UTS, 65-8; ord (Presb, No River), Sp 17, 68; pas, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY, 68-78; pas (Germantown), Philadelphia, Pa, 78-86; pas (Westminster), Eliza- beth, NJ, 86-94; d, do, Jn 30, 94. DD, LafC, 84. ♦THOMSON, John; b, Maryston, Scotland, Ap 15, 3838; UM, 65; UTS, 65-8: ord (Cong), Sp 22, 69; ss, Swampscott, Mass, 68-70; pas, S-Ab- ington, Mass, 71-6; d, do, Nv 7, 76. *TORREY, Watson Willard; b, Groton, Mass, Mr 24, 1842; WmsC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong), Ap 30, 68; pas, Sherman, Ct, 68-9; pas, Iowa Falls, Io, 69; d, Groton, Mass, Oc 4, 69. WENNER, George Unangst; b, Bethlehem, Pa, My 17, 1844; YC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Lu, Syn NY), Oc 19, 68; pas, NYCity, 68—. DD, PaC, 88. WESTERFIELD, William, Jr; b, NYCity, Ag 21, 1844; NYA, 64; UTS, 65-8; stud, Halle & Tubingen, Germany, 68-9; ord (Cong), Oc 10, 71; pas, Morrisania, NY, 71-4; Europe, 75; ss (RD), Jersey City, NJ, 76-85; wc, do, 86; do, NYCity, 87-8; ss (Hamilton Grange), do, 89-90; wc, do, 91—. WICKS, Emerson George; b, Charlton, NY, Ja 22, 1845; UC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong, No Asso Minn), Oc 2, 72; ss, Glencoe, Minn, 72-4; ss, Wabasha, Minn, 74-5; ss, Coventry, NY, 76-8; ss, Sweden, NY, 79-84; ss, Oak Hill, Fla, 84-8; pas, Sand Lake, NY, 88-91; ss (Presb), Sweden, NY, 91-6; wc, Saratoga, NY, 97—. WOLCOTT, William Henry; b, Shoreham, Vt, Mr 29, 1843; MC, 64; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong), My 11, 70; ss, W T adham's Mills, NY, 70-3; ss, Dudley, Mass, 73-80; ss, E-Taunton, Mass, 80-5; ss, Ontario, Cal, 85-8; ss. S-Riverside, Cal, 88-91; wc, Moreno, Cal, 91-6; pas, do & Alessandro. Ca 1 96-1902; wc, Claremont, Cal, 02-5; wc, Long Beach, Cal, 05 — . WRIGHT, Walter Eugene Colburn; b, Whitehall, NY, Oc 26, 1843; OC, 65; UTS, 65-8; ord (Cong), Oc 1, 68; pas (Plymouth), Philadelphia, Pa, 68-74; ch of school, Munich, Germany, 74-5; pas, Danvers, Mass, 75- 82; prof (Nat Sci), Berea Col, Berea, Ky, 82-90; field supt, AMA, 90-2; sec, do, Cleveland, O, 92-5; prof (Chr Evid & Appl'd Christianity), OIC, Olivet, Mich, 95-1904; prof (Social Sci, & Chr Eth), do, 04—. DD, OC & OIC, 94. 43. ALLEN, Salmon Merritt; b, Rochester, NY, Ja 7, 1842; BelC, 65; UTS, 65-6; law, Allen's Grove, Wis, 67-75; law, Lawrence, Kan, 75-88; lit, Seattle, Wash; comdt (Soldr Home), Orting, Wash; real est, Seattle, Wash, f BELLOWS, Russell Nevins; b, NYCity, Ap 12, 1842; HarC, 65; UTS, 65-6; ord (Unit), Nv 24, 72; ss, Walpole, NH, 68-9; ss, NYCity, 69-70; ed, 1868. 155 do, 71-4; ss, Washington, DC, 74-5; ss (Fourth), NYCity, 75-8; ed, lit & oc sup, do, 78—. *BRADLEY, Leonard Abram; b, New-Haven, Ct, Mr 14, 1833; YC, 55; stud law,.New-Haven, Ct, 55-6, & NYCity, 56-8; law, NYCity, 58-65; UTS, 65-6; law, NYCity, 66-98; d, N-Haven, Ct, Ap 18, 98. CLARK, Albert Warren; b, Georgia, Vt, Jn 27, 1842; Serg, 12th Vt Vol, US Army, 62-3; UVt, 65; UTS, 65-7; TIC, 67-8; ord (Cong), Nv 19, 68; pas, Gilead, Ct, 68-72; fm (ABCFM), Prague, Bohemia, 72—. DD, UVt, 93. D'OOGE, Martin Luther; b, Zonnemaire, Netherlands, Jl 17, 1839; UM, 62; UTS, 65-6; ord (Cong, Jackson Conf), Oc 19, 78; prof (Greek), UM, Ann Arbor, Mich. 67—. PhD, ULeipzig, 72; LLD, UM, 91; DLitt, EC, 1901. GRAY, George Dickman; b, NYCity, Fb 14, 1844; AC, 65; UTS, 65-6; inin e, California, 66-9; do, Nevada, 69-70; bookkeeper, San Francisco, Cal, 71-80; bus, do, 80 — . Res, Oakland, Cal. *GULICK, Thomas Lafon; b, Kauai, Hawaiian Islds, Ap 10, 1839; WmsC, 65; UTS, 65-7; AndTS, 67-8; ord (Cong, My 15, 70; cm, NYCity, 68-9; ss (Presb), Montreal, Can, 70; r r mis, Chicago, 111, 71; fm, Santander, Madrid & Saragossa, Spain, 73-83; ag, ABS, Cuba, 83-4; hm, Las Vegas, NM, 85; pas (Cong), Maui, Haw Islds, 86-93; rep sec, McAll Asso, 94-6; as supt & ch, Presb Home, Devon, Pa, 96-1904; d, Kijabi, Brit E Afr, Ja 15, 04. *PIERCE, Nehemiah; b, Londonderry, Vt, Nv 5, 1837; UVt, 65; UTS, 65-6; ord (Bap), Ap 25, 66; pas, Bellows Falls, Vt, 66-71; pas, Spring- field, 111, 71-3; d, do, Mr 25, 73. PIERSON, Israel Coriell: b, Westfield, NJ, Ag 22, 1843; UNY, 65; UTS, 65-6; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 65-6; actuary (Wash'n Life Ins Co), NYCity, 67—. PhD, UNY, 90. *SAVAGE, Frederick Bolton; b, Montreal, Can, Ap 30, 1844; WmsC, 65; UTS, 65-7; ord (Presb, Winona), Jn 12, 72; ss, Lanesboro, Minn, 71-2; ss&pas, Cooperstown, NY, 73-5; pas (Union), Newburgh, NY, 78-1902; wc, do, 02-5; d, Cooperstown, NY, Sp 29, 05. DD, UC, 84. SCHERMERHORN, Martin Kellogg; b, Durham, NY, Mr 20, 1841; WmsC, 65: UTS, 65-7; ord (Presb, No River), Jl 19, 67; pas, Amenia, NY, 67-70; pas (Unit), Boston, Mass, 71-6; pas, Buffalo, NY, 76-9; pas, Newport, RI, 79-84; ord (Ep), Mr 25, 86; rec, Tarrytown-on-Hudson, NY, 84-90; rec, Arlington, Boston, Mass, 90-8; pas emer (Channing Memo), Newport, RI; lit, lect & oc sup, Poughkeepsie, NY, & Cam- bridge, Mass, 98 — . SHERMAN, Lewis; b, W-Rupert, Vt, Nv 25, 1843; UC, 65; UTS, 65-7; MD, Med Dep, UNY, 70; phys, Milwaukee, Wis, 70—. *SHOREY, Lyman Munson; b, Industry, Me, Oc 29, 1836; Harv Law Sch, 64; UTS, 65-6; HarDS, 66-7; bus, NYCity, 67-89; d, do, Dc 29, 89. 156 1868-1869. SMITH, Mortimer; b, Austerlitz, NY, Jl 7, 1842; UC, 65: UTS, 65-7; LTS, 67-8; ord (Cong, Miami Conf), Fb 25, 68; ss, Canfield, O, 70-1; ss, Wilton, Io, 72-4; U S Gov Surv, Dak Ter, 75-6; ss, Pierce City, Mo, 77-8; ss, Cameron, Mo, 79-80; ss, Byron, 111, 80-2; ss, Shopiere, Wis, 83-5; ss, Bloomington, Wis, 85-7; wc, Byron, 111, 87; pas (RD), Ger- mantown, NY, 87-95; res, do, 95-7; oc sup, Saugertics, NY, 97 — . tSOMEEVILLE, Robert John; b, Ireland, Fb 14, 1838; UEdinb, 60; UTS, 65-6; returned to Ireland. THOMPSON, Frank; b, NYCity, Dc 14, 1835; WmsC, 65; UTS, 65-6; ord (Cong), Nv 12, 68; fm, Sandw Islds, 68-75; pas, Windham, Ct, 75-81; pas, Wilton, Ct, 81-3; ch, Valparaiso, Chili, 83 — . *THOMSON, Everett Burbridge; b, Crawfordsville, Ind, Dc 6, 1843; WabC, 64; LTS, 65-7; UTS, 67-8; ord (Presb, Crawfordsville), Fb 25, 68; ss, Peru & Wabash, Ind, 68-71; pas, Piqua, O, 71-81; pas, Crawfordsville, Ind, 83-98; cm, do, 98-9; d, do, Ag 10, 99. DD, WabC, 95. *WESTGATE, George Lewis; b, Fall River, Mass, Ap 12, 1844; WU, 65; UTS, 65-7; ord (ME), Mr 20, 70; ss, Phenix, EI, 67-70; pas, Bristol, EI, 70-1; pas, Providence, EI, 71-4; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 74-6; pas, Middletown, Ct, 76-9; pas, Lowell, Mass, 79-80; prof (Polit Sci), WU, Middletown, Ct, 80-6; d, Norfolk, Ct, Jn 28, 96. *WILDEE, Theodore; b, Chester, O, Dc 29, 1837; OC, 65; OTS, 65; UTS, 66-7; OTS, 67-8; prof (Math), EipC, Eipon, Wis, 67-70; d, do, Mr 8, 71. WILLIAMS, Edward Moore; b, Chicago, 111, Nv 15, 1841; YC, 64; UTS, 65-6; AndTS, 66-7; CTS, 67-8; ord (Cong), Fb 25, 69; ss, Austin, Minn, 69-70; pas, Faribault, Minn, 70-3; pas, Minneapolis, Minn, 75-81; pas, Northfield, Minn, 82-9; pas, Groton, Ct, 92-4; pas, Yankton, SD, 94-99; res, Oak Park, 111, 99—. DD, CarlC, 95. 20. 1869. *ALLIS, John Mather; b, Danville, P Quebec, Can, Dc 15, 1839; CNJ, 66; UTS, 66-9; ord (Presb, Albany), Mr 1, 70; ss, Albany, NY, 69-71; pas, Lansing, Mich, 71-5; ss, Anaheim, Orange, Tustin City, & Santa Ana, Cal, 74-6; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 76-80; ss, Youngstown, O, 80-1; ss, Lafayette, Ind, 81-3; fm, Santiago, Chili, 83-99; d, Valparaiso, Chili, Jl 16, 99. DD, CNJ, 91. BAYNE, John Strawn; b, Lacon, 111, Ja 18, 1842; WmsC, 65; UTS, 66-9; ord (Cong, W-Fairfield Cons), My 18, 69; pas, Stanwich, Ct, 69-72; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 73-5; pas, Portland, Ct, 75-87; pas, Hadley, Mass, 87-93; pas, La Salle, 111, 93-8; pas, Mendon, 111, 98-1903; pas, Lockport, 111, 03-5; pas, Elmwood, 111, 05-7; pas, Holdredge, Neb, 07 — . *BELKNAP, Henry; b, E-Barnard, Vt, My 29, 1840; UVt, 66; UTS, 66-9; d, Galesburg, 111, Jl 3, 70. 1869. 157 BELL, Robert Caird; b, Dumfries-shire, Scotl, Mr 7, 1841; UNY, 06; YTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (Cong), Nv 3, 69; pas, Bethel, Ct, 69-72; pas, Orange, Mass, 72-5; ss, Darien, Ct, 75-7; ss&pas, Mt Carmel, Ct, 77-81; ss, Broad Brook, Ct, 81-5; ss, E-Longmeadow, Mass, 85-91; ss, Granby, Mass, 92 — . ♦BRAYTON, George; b, Western, NY, Ja 8, 1844; AC, 60; UTS, 66-7; PTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jn 29, 69; pas, Norwood, NJ, 69-72; pas, Newark, NJ, 72-3; d, Utica, NY, Jn 9, 73. COLLIN, Henry Park; b, Benton, NY, Jl 26, 1843; YC, 65; UTS, 66-9; ord (Cong), Nv 25, 69; ss, Seymour, Ct, 69-70; trav & stud, Europe, 71-2; ss (Presb), Oxford, NY, 73-7; ss, Coldwater, Mich, 78-80; pas, do, 80-90; pas (Indep), do, 90-1905; ss (Presb), Bronson, Mich, 05—. & ss, Mattison, Mich, 06 — . COWAN, Perez Dickinson; b, Knoxville, Tenn, Dc 26, 1843; AC, 66; UTS, 66-7; PTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Ap 8, 69; ss, Rogers- ville & New-Market, Tenn, 69-72; pres, Fem Coll, Rogersville, Tenn, 71-2; ss, Jonesborough, Tenn, 72-7; pas (Cong), Wellesley, Mass, 78- 90; pas (Presb), Canastota, NY, 92-1900; res, Summit, NJ, 06—. ♦DARLING, Timothy Grenville; b, Nassau, NP, Bahamas, Oc 5, 1842; WmsC, 64; PTS, 60-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Presb, Albany), Jn 18, 73; as min, Baltimore, Md, 70-3; pas, Schenectady, NY, 73-87; prof (Sac Rhet & Past Theol), AubTS, 87-90; prof (Chr Theol), do, 90-1906; d, do, Fb 3, 00. DD, WmsC, 79. *DEAN, Amos Hammond; b, Albany, NY, Jn 16, 1843; HC, 64; U S Army (3d NY L Art), 64-5; UTS, 65-7, 68-9; ord (Presb, Albany), My 16, 69; pas (Sixth), Albany, NY, 69-73; pas (Central), Joliet, 111, 73-82; pas, Monmouth, 111, 82-1902; ss, Eureka Spgs, Ark, 02-3; d, do, Fb 12, 03. ♦DUDLEY, Myron Samuel; b, Peru, Vt, Fb 20, 1837; WmsC, 63; AndTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (Cong), Sp 28, 71; ss, Otego, NY, 69-70; ss, Peacham, Vt, 71-4; pas, Cromwell, Ct, 74-85; pas, N-Wilbraham, Mass, 80-9; pas, Nantucket, Mass, 89-97; lit, Boston, Mass, 98-1901; ss, New- ington, NH, 02-5; d, do, Nv 17, 05. ♦EDWARDS, George Lysander; b, Middletown, Ct, Fb 25, 1839; WU, 63; tea, Stamford, Ct, 03-4; tea, NYCity, 64; UTS, 66-9; ord (Cong, LI Consoc), Dc 23, 69; pas, Jamesport, NY, 69-71; ss (Presb), Katonah, NY, 71-2; pas (Cong), Baiting Hollow (LI), NY, 72-4; wc, do, 74; ss, S-Granville, NY, 75; pas, Windsor, Mass, 76-8; ss, Black Creek, NY, 79; pas, Westchester, Ct, 80-1; lit, Hartford, Ct, 81-2; pas, Bingham, Me, 82-3; pas (ME), Marlborough, Ct, 84; pas (Cong), Millington, Ct, 85-90; wc,' Colchester, Ct, 97-1905; d, do, Dc 3, 05. FERGUSON, James Alexander; b, Oswegatchie, NY, My 32, 1843; HC, 65; PTS, 65-6; UTS, 67-9; ord (Presb, Rockaway), My 18, 09; ss, Morris- town, NY, 66-7; tea (Polytechnic), Brooklyn, NY, 67-8; ss, Manhattan- ville, NY, 68-9; pas, Hanover, NJ, 69—. DD, Nat Univ, 111, 93, & Fer- guson & Williams, SC, 1905. 158 1869. FULLER, Homer Taylor; b, Lempster, NH, Nv 15, 1838; DC, 64; tea, Fredonia, NY, 64-7; AndTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Cong, Winnebago Assoc), Ja 19, 70; ss, Peshtigo, Wis, 69-71; prin, St Johnsbury, Vt, 71-82; pres^( Polytechnic), Worcester, Mass, 82-94; pres (DruC), Spring- field, Mo, 94-1905; res, Fredonia, NY, 05—. PhD, DC, 80; DD, IoC, 98; LLD, DruC, 1905. GALE, Sullivan French; b, Plainfield, Vt, Fb 11, 1842; UVt, 64; UTS, 66-9; ord (Cong), Jn 23, 69; pas, New-Marlboro, Mass, 69-76; pas, Appleton, Wis, 76-81; pas, Romeo, Mich, 81-3; ss&supt, AHMS, Jack- sonville, Fla, 83-1906; pas, Mt Dora, Fla, 07—. DD, KC, 02. GARRETSON, Ferdinand Van Derveer; b, New-Brunswick, NJ, Dc 10, 1839; YC, 66; YTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (Presb, NY), Oc 23, 71; pas, NYCity, 71-3; pas (Cong), Ellsworth, Me, 73-6; ev, Bangor, Me, 76-7; pas, Pennacook & Boscawen, NH, 78-81; pas, Franconia, NH, 81-9; pas, NYCity, 89-91; pas (Presb), Kent, Ellensburg & Buckley, Wash, 91-6; pas (Cong), N-Pownal, Vt, 96-1901; pas (Presb), Kelso & Castle Rock, Wash, 01-5; pas, Franconia, NH, 06 — . GIDDINGS, William; b, Great Barrington, Mass, Jn 26, 1839; WmsC, 66; UTS, 66-9; ord (Cong, No Platte Asso, Neb), My 1, 71; ss, Shelby & Whitehall, Mich, 70; ss, Saunders Co, Neb, 70-3; wc, Wahoo, Neb, 73-6; wc, Gt Barrington, Mass, 76 — . GRAVES, George Augustus; b, Salisbury, Vt, Mr 15, 1840; WU, 65; tea, Jonesville, NY, 65-6; tea, Carmel, NY, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (ME), Ap 9, 71; pas, Parkville (LI), NY, 69-72; Europe, 71; pas, Norwalk, Ct, 72-3; pas, Bridgehampton (LI), NY, 73-5; pas, Litchfield, Ct, 75-7; pas, Mianus, Ct, 77-80; pas, New-Canaan, Ct, 80-3; pas, Greenport (LI), NY, 83-4; pas, Port Jefferson (LI), NY, 84-5; pas, Essex, Ct, 85-7; pas, Windsor, Ct, 87-9; pas, Middlebury, Ct, 89-91; pas, Kensington, Ct, 91-2; field sec, Prohibition State (Ct) Com, 92-4; investment secur- ities, 94 — . Res, New-Britain, Ct. HENDRIX, Eugene Russell; b, Fayette, Mo, My 17, 1847; WU, 67; UTS, 67-9; ord (ME), Sp 11, 70; pas, Leavenworth, Kan, 69-70; pas, Macon, Mo, 70-2; pas, St Joseph, Mo, 72-6; around the world, 76-7; pas, Glas- gow, Mo, 77-8; pres, CentC, Fayette, Mo, 78-86; bp, MECh, So, 86—. res, Kansas City, Mo. DD, EmC, 78; LLD, UMo & UNC, 88, W&LU, 92. HUTCHINSON, Merrill Nathaniel; b, Dalton, NH, Fb 2, 1835; UTS, 66-9; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Dc 12, 69; ss, Irvington, NY, 69-70; cm, NYCity, 70-1; pas e, Dunnellen, NJ, 71-2; fm, Mexico City, Mex, 72-80; deposed. KEYSER, Sylvanus Gedney; b, NYCity, Oc 21, 1845; UNY, 66; UTS, 66-9; ord (ME), Ap 6, 73; pas, Hillside & Rhinecliffe, NY, 69-72; pas, Modena, NY, 72-4; pas, Sugar Loaf, NY, 74-7; pas, Cornwall, NY, 77-80; pas, Highland, NY, 80-1; pas, Plattekill, NY, 81-3; pas, Mahopac, NY, 83-5; pas, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 85-6; pas, Franklin, NY, 86-9; pas, Delhi, NY, 89-92; pas, Hunter, NY, 92-5; pas, Golden's Bridge, NY, 95-9; pas, Gt 1869. 159 Barrington, Mass, 99-1903; pas, Hartsdale, NY, 03-7; pas, Athens, NY, 07-8; pas, Banksville & Armonk, NY, 08 — . ♦KINGSBURY, Howard; b, NYCity, Fb 3, 1842; YC, 63; tut, Irvington, NY, 63-5; do, Berlin & Dresden, Ger, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (Presb, 3d NY), Jn 20, 69; ss, Carlisle, Pa, 69; ss, Rome, NY. 70; pas, Newark, O, 71-7; pas (Cong), Amherst, Mass, 77-8; d, do, Sp 28, 78. MARTYN (William), Carlos; b, NYCity, Dc 15, 1841; UTS, 67-9; ord (Cong), Jn 25, 69; pas (Pilgrim), St Louis, Mo, 69-71; pas, Portsmouth, NH, 71-6; pas (34th st RD), NYCity, 76-83; pas (Bloomingdale RD), do, 83-90; pas (First), Newark, NJ, 90-2; pas (Sixth, Presb), Chicago, 111, 92-4; lect, lit & oc s, Chicago, 111, 94-1905; pas, Noroton, Ct, 06—. DD, . NORTHRUP, George Egbert; b, Stanford, NY, Sp 30, 1829; GBI (NWU), 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (Wcs Meth, Rochester Ann Conf), Sp 30, 66; ch m (Covenant, Presb), NYCity, 68-9; ch m, do (Phelps), 70; ss (Waldberg), Rockland Lake, NY, 71-2; pas, do, 72-6; ss, Cochecton, NY, & Damascus, Pa, 76-7; ss, Damascus, Pa, 78; ss, Waymart & Prompton, Pa, 79; ss, Afton, NY, 80-1; pas (Cong), Chapman City & Sutphen's Mills, Kan, 82-3; pas, Dover & Eskridge, Kan, 84-5; pas, Lenora & Wakeman, Kan, 86; ss (Presb), Kingston, Mo, 87; pas (Cong),Brownton & Stewart, Minn, 88; pas, Campbell & Breckenridge, Minn, 89-90; pas, Fosston & Mcintosh, Minn, 91-2; pas, Merritt, Bi- wabic & McKinley, Minn, 92-6; pas, Bel view, Minn, 96-7; wc, do, 97-8; oc s, Standish, Mich, 98-1905; do, & lit, Bay City, Mich, 05—. OLNEY, Alfonso Rosolphe; b, Speed ville, NY, Nv 20, 1842; UC, 67; UTS, 67-9; ord (Presb, Dubuque), Sp 26, 69; ss, Waterloo, Io, 69-70; ss, Janesville, Io, 70-4; ss, Addison, NY, 75-81; pas, Ballston Spa, NY, 81-93; pas (Jermain Mem), Watervliet, NY, 93—. DD, UC, 92. REMICK, Ninian Beall; b, Williamsport, Md, Fb 14, 1844; CNJ, 66; PTS, 66-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Presb, Troy), Oc 30, 69; pas, Troy, NY, 69-90; pas (North), Geneva, NY, 90-1907; res, Pine Hill, NY, 07—. DD, CNJ, 88. RIGGS, Edward; b, Constantinople, Turkey, Jn 30, 1844; CNJ, 65; UTS, 67-9; ord (Presb, 4th NY), Jn 13, 69; fm, Sivas, Turkey, Asia, 69-76; do, Marsovan, Turkey, 76—. (in USA, 85-6, 99-1900). DD, PrinU, 01. ♦ROBERTSON, James; b, Dull, Appin, Perthshire, Scotland, Ap 24, 1839; UCT, 66; PTS, 66-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Presb, Paris, Can), Nv 18, 69; pas, Norwich, Windham & E-Oxford, Can, 69-75; pas, Winnipeg, Can, 75-91; lect (Ment & Mor Phil), Manitoba, Col, 75-91; supt mis, Presb Ch Canada, Winnipeg, Can, 91-1902; d, Toronto, Can, Ja 4, 02. DD, PresC, 86; Mod Gen As, Pr Ch, Can, 95. ROSE, Henry Terbell; b, Centreville, NY, My 1, 1843; BelC, 66; UTS, 66-9; ord (Cong), My 30, 70; ss, Lombard, 111, 70-2; pas (Presb), Grand 160 1869. Haven, Mich, 72-5; pas (Plymouth Cong), Milwaukee, Wis, 75-82; pas, Lowell, Mass, 82-92; pas (First), Northampton, Mass, 92—. DD, BelC, 1900. ROSSITER, Stealy Bales; b, Berne, NY, My 22, 1842; UC, 65; UTS, 65-6, 67-9; ord (Presb, Albany), My 16, 69; pas (Cong), Elizabethport, NJ, 69-73; pas (North Presb), NYCity, 73-1901; sec, McAll Asso, do, 01-4; pas (First), Manila, PI, 04—. DD, UC, 86. SHAW, Alexander; b, Aberdeen, Scotland, My 19, 1839; UTS, 66-9; ord (RD, So CI of Bergen), Jn 28, 69; miss, W-End, N J, 69-70; miss, Jersey City, NJ, 70-2; miss, Brooklyn, NY, 72-6; ch m (Colleg RD), NYCity, 76-9; ch m (King st Presb), 79-81; ss (RD), Guttenburg, NJ, 81-5; pas (First), LI City, NY, 85—. SWIFT, Isaac; b, Geneva, NY, Nv 24, 1845; UTS, 66-9; ord (Presb, Sag- inaw), Sp 14, 70; ss&pas, Midland City, Mich, 69-72; ss, Oakfield, NY, 72-7; ss, Akron, NY, 77-8; pas, E-Syracuse, NY, 78—. *SWINNEY, Lucius Romain; b, Bridgeton, NJ, Dc 23, 1837; UTS, 66-9; ord (7th D Bap), Oc 13, 69; pas, Alfred, NY, 69-77; prof (Hebrew), AlfU, do, 70-6; pas, Lost Creek, W-Va, 77-86; pas, De Ruyter, NY, 86- 1905; d, do, Mr 23, 05. WHITCOMB, Cyrus Baxter; b, Otisco, NY, Jl 2, 1839; HTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; res lie, do, 69-70; ord (Cong), Oc 14, 74; ss, Somers, NY, 69-70; ss, Bethany, Ct, 71-2; ss, Derby, Ct, 72-3; ss, Chester, Mass, 74-5; ss & pas, Shelburne Falls, Mass, 76-7; ss, Birmingham, Ct, 77-80; ss&pas, Donegal & Mount Joy, Pa, 80-3 ; wc, Derby, Ct, 83-6 ; do, Chester, Mass, 86-7; law, New-Haven, Ct, 87-95; do, NYCity, 95—. res, Brooklyn, NY, BL, StUIo, 85. *WHITNEY, Henry Otis; b, Williston, Vt, Dc 26, 1840; YC, 66; YTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-9; ord (Cong), Jl 20, 69; ss, Elko, Nev, 69-70; d, do, Mr 1, 70. *WILLIAMS, Thomas Rudolph; b, Darien, NY, Mr 15, 1826; AlfU, 53; ord (7th D Bap), Jn 30, 61; pas, Westerly, RI, 61-3; prof, AlfU, 63-6; UTS, 66-9; pas, Plainfield, NJ, 66-71; prof (Bibl Lang & Lit), AlfU, Alfred, NY, 71-93; d, do, Mr 5, 93. DD, MiltonC, 74. WILLISTON, Martin Luther; b, Attleboro, Mass, Mr 20, 1843; AC, 64; AndTS, 66-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Cong, NY & Bklyn Asso), Mr 3, 70; ss & pas, Flushing (LI), NY, 69-72; pas, Galesburgh, 111, 72-6; pas, Jamestown, NY, 76-9; Europe, 79-81; prof (Hist), CarlC, 81-2; pas, Davenport, Io, 82-8; pas, Elmhurst, 111, 88-96; pas, Attleboro Falls, Mass, 97-8; pas, Barrington, RI, 99—. WOOD, George Warren, Jr; b, Bebek, Turk, Ja 1, 1844; HC, 65; UTS, 66-9; ord (Presb, Saginaw), Ap 11, 72; ss, Au Sable, Mich, 71-2; .ss, Charle- voix, Mich, 72-6; col, ABS, do, 77-9; fm, Fort Peck Agency, Montana, 79-89; ed, Boyne, Mich, 91-2; ed, Mackinaw, Mich, 92; ss, Lakefield, 1869. 161 Mich, 92-3; wc, Mackinaw, Mich, 93-1903; ss, Blackbird Hills, Neb, 03; res, Fairhope, Ala, 03 — . 37. BEDIENT, John Amos; b, Smithville, NY, Ag 21, 1839; OC, 66; OTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-8; OTS, 68-9; ord (Cong), Nv 29, 69; ss, Litchfield, O, 68; pas, Montgomery, Ala, 69-70; pas, Greenwood, Mo, 70-5; U S Army, 64; pas (Indep Ch), St Louis, Mo, 76-86; do, Minneapolis, Minn, 86-95; do, Los Angeles, Cal, 95 — . COYLE, John; b, Duckenfield, n Manchester, Eng, Jn 6, 1839; UTS, 66-8; NYUMedC, 67-9; ord (ME) dea, Mr 27, 70, eld, Mr 17, 72; ss, Grace Church, Staten Island, NY, 70-2; pas, Englewood, NJ, 72-3; pas, New- ark, NJ, 73-5; pas, San Francisco, Cal, 75-8; pas, Nevada City, Cal, 78-9; pas, Stockton, Cal, 79-82; pas, Napa City, Cal, 82-4; pas, Oakland, Cal, 84-7; pas, Napa, Cal, 87-92; pas, Alameda, Cal, 92-3; pres elder, San Francisco Dist, 93-7; pas (Trinity), Berkeley, Cal, 97-9; pres eld, Oakland Dist, 1900-6; res, Alameda, Cal, 06 — . MD, Univ Med Sch, NY, 69; DD, Napa Coll, 92. FAIRCHILD, Charles Grandison; b, Birmingham, Mich, Sp 10, 1843; OC, 66; UTS, 66-7; OTS, 67-9; prof, State Norm Sch, Trenton, NJ, 69-71; prof, BerC, Berea, Ky, 71-82; fin sec, OC, 82-93; pres, Rollins Coll, Win- ter Park, Fla, 93-5; cm, Cincinnati, O, 95-8; fin sec, HTS, Hartford, Ct, 99-1901; bus, New Britain, Ct, 02-3; insp, Bldg Dept, Bd of Educa, NYCity, 04—. GULICK, Theodore Weld; b, at sea, between Kawai & Oahu, Sandw Islds, My 8, 1837; Oahu Col, 2 yrs; UTS, 66-7; ord (Chr & Mis Alii), Ap 2, 98; oc s, vicinity of NY; do & dentist, Honolulu, Sandw Islds; do, Los Angeles, Cal; tea, & dent, Kobe & Yokohama, Japan; sup (Chr & Mis Alii), Japan, 93-7; pas (Union), Glyndon, Minn, 1902-4; ss (Presb), Oronoco, Minn, 05-6; pas (Cong), Clarissa, Minn, 06-7; pas (Union), Hill City, Minn, 07—. HINCKS, Edward Young; b, Bucksport, Me, Ag 13, 1844; YC, 66; UTS, 66-7; AndTS, 68-70; ord (Cong), Oc 18, 70; pas (State st), Portland, Me, 70-81; Germany, 81-2; prof (Bib Theol), AndTS, 83—. DD, YC, 85. *HOSKINS, Robert; b, Bennington, Vt, My 7, 1843; WmsC, 66; UTS, 66-7; ord (ME) dea, Ap, 67, eld, Mr 17, 72; fm, Bijnour, India, 68-9; fm, Budaon, India, 70-5; United States, 76; fm, Budaon, India, 77-85; U S A, 86; fm, Shahjahanpore, India, 87-9; fm, Cawnpore, India, 90-5 (U S A, 96-7), 97-1903; d, do, Sp 22, 03. PhD, BostU, 86. HUNT, Theodore Whitefield; b, Metuchen, NJ, Fb 19, 1844; CNJ, 65; UTS, 66-8; PTS, 68-9; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Ap 17, 78; tut, CNJ, 68-71; study, Europe, 71; adj prof, CNJ, Princeton, NJ, 73-82; proi (Rhet & Eng Lang), CNJ, 82—. PhD, LafC, 81; LHD, RC, 90. 162 1869. *MEERWEIN, Otto; b, Berlin, Germany, Ja 19, 1840; UB, 62; UTS, 67-8; ord (G Ref, CI Philadelphia), Ap 6, 68; pas (Fifth), Kensington, Pa, 68-70; mis (Luth, St Michaels, Richmond), Philadelphia, Pa, 70-4; pas (St Michaels), Wheeling, W-Va, 74-85; pas, Parkersburg, W-Va, 85-91; d, do, My 31, 91. MILFORD, Mark Lane; b, Attica, Ind, Ja 12, 1844; WabC, 64; LTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-8; ord (Presb, Athens), 69; ss, Logan, O, 70-1; pas, Seymour, Ind, 72-4; pas, Delta, O, 74-6; wc, Attica, Ind, 76; ss, do, 77; pas, Petersburgh, Ind, 78-82; ss, Palmyra, Neb, 82-3; wc, do, 84; ss, Firth, Neb, 85; ss, Palmyra, Neb, 86-7; ss, Tamora & Staplehurst, Neb, 88-9; ss, Kenesaw, Neb, 90; wc & hr, Bennett, Neb, 91-7; do, Lincoln, Neb, 97-9; hr, Columbus, O, 1900-1; hr, Linden Hts, O, 02—. (MGA.) MILNER, Duncan Chambers; b, Mt Pleasant, O, Mr 10, 1841; W&JC, 66; UTS, 66-8; ord (Presb, Osage), Oc 4, 68; ss, Osceola, Mo, 68-71; ss, Kan- sas City, Mo, 71-5; pas, Ottawa, Kan, 75-82; pas e, Atchison, Kan, 82-7; pas, Manhattan, Kan, 87-92; pas (Armour Mis), Chicago, 111, 93-8; pas (Central), Joliet, 111, 99-1905; ss (Logan Sq), Chicago, 111, 05—. DD, Col of Emporia, 88. *MORRIS, William Forman; b, Vinton Falls, NJ, Dc 10, 1843; WU, 67; UTS, 67-8; DrTS, 68-9; ord (ME), dea, 69; ss, Bricksburgh, NJ, 69- 70; d, Vinton Falls, NJ, Jn 23, 70. *OGLE, John, Jr; b, Stapleton (SI), NY, Mr 1, 1840; UNY, 66; UTS, 66-9; d, Stapleton (SI), NY, Ap 17, 69. ♦ROSENTHAL, Richard Sigismund; b, Potsdam, Prussia, Mr 27, 1844; ULeip, 62-5; UTS, 66-8; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Ap 29, 68; pas, Orange, NJ, 68-71; lit, NYCity, 71-6; tea (Acad For Lang), Berlin, Germ, 76-80; tut (Imper family), Vienna, Aust, 80-2; tea, lit, NYCity, 82-1903; d, do, Fb 14, 03. PhD, ULeip, 65. fSHAPLEIGH, Horace Sylvester; b, Lebanon, Me, Mr 11, 1844; AndTS, 66-8; UTS, 68-9; ord (Cong), Dc 8, 69; pas, S-Egremont, Mass, 69-71; inv, 72-5; ss, Essex Junction, Vt, 75; inv, Atlantic City, NJ, 76. STIMSON, Henry Albert; b, NYCity, Sp 28, 1842; YC, 65; UTS, 66-7; AndTS, 67-9; ord (Cong), My 25, 70; ss&pas (Plymouth), Minneapolis, Minn, 69-80; pas, Worcester, Mass, 80-6; pas (Pilgrim), St Louis, Mo, 86-93; pas (B'way Tabernacle), NYCity, 93-6; pas (Manhattan), NY City, 96—. DD, RipC, 85; YC, 93. *WILLIAMS, Samuel Denton; b, Mineola (LI), NY, Jn 23, 1844; UNY, 66; UTS, 66-8; d, Mineola (LI), NY, Oc 5, 68. WILSON, John Nesbit; b, Salem, O, Oc 22, 1841; WRC, 66; WTS, 66-8; UTS, 68-9; WTS, 69; ord (Presb, New-Lisbon), Ap 25, 69; ss, Blairs- town, Io, 69-71; ss, Anamosa, Io, 71-4; ag, Hopkinton, Io, 74-5; ss, Newton, Io, 75-6; wc, do, 77; ss, Middle Sandy, O, 78-9; pas e, do, 79- 1869-1870. 163 81; pas, Salineville, 0, & ss, Monroeville, O, 81-90; v-pres, MCMS & TCo, Cleveland, O, 90-2; sec & gen mgr, OCM & MCo, do, 92—. ss (Streetsboro) & (Independence, 1901-4), Cleveland, O, 97—. 17. 1870. ADAMS, James Alonzo; b, Ashland, O, My 21, 1842; KC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ss (Cong), Marshfield, Mo, 70-1; prof, Straight U, New-Orleans, La, 73-7; ord (Cong), Dc 3, 80; pas, St Louis, Mo, 80-6; ss (Millard av), Chicago, 111, 87-9; pas (Warren av), do, 89-95; ed (Advance), do, 87 — . BAKER, George Stuart; b, Medford, Mass, Jl 29, 1838; UTS, 67-70; ord (Ep), Dc 18, 70; ch, St Luke's Hospital, NYCity, 69-70; as min, Roches- ter, NY, 70-5; rec, Batavia, NY, 75-7; pas&supt, St Luke's Hospital, NYCity, 77-1900; pas & supt emer, do, 00—. DD, GrisC, 92. *BECKWITH, William Wallace; b, Watertown, NY, Ag 13, 1830; UTS, 66-8, 69-70; d, Utica, NY, Jn, 70. *BICKFORD, Edward Gibbs; b, Honeoye Falls, NY, Jl 27, 1844; GenC, 67; AubTS, 67-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Mr 5, 72; ss&pas, Chaumont, NY, 71-4; mis prof, Marash, Turk, Asia, 74-7; d, do, Oc 16, 77. BROWN, John Halleck; b, Shawnee, Pa, My 17, 1843; CNJ, 63-6; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, Otsego), Sp 27, 70; pas, Worcester, NY, 70-2; ss, Canisteo, NY, 72-9; ss, Shawnee, Pa, 79-84; pas, Tunkhannock, Pa, 84-92; ocs& ag, ABS, New-Haven, Ct, 92-1901; pas, Mt Olive, NJ, 01—. Res, Budds Lake, NJ. BROWN, William Fisk; b, Beloit, Wis, Mr 18, 1845; BelC, 66; UnPS, 67-8; UTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Milwaukee), My 3, 71; ss, Black River Falls, Wis, 71-3; pas, May wood, 111, 74-5; ss, Beaver Dam, Wis, 75-8; ss, Baraboo, Wis, 78; ss (Cong), Evansville, Wis, 79-80; ss&pas (Presb), Janesville, Wis, 80-93; ev, Beloit, Wis, 93-4; sm, Home Mis, Wis, 94-5; ss, Superior, Wis, 95-6; ev, Beloit, Wis, 96 — . DD, Gale Coll, Wis, 90. BURKHALTER, Edward Read; b, NYCity, Dc 21, 1844; CNJ, 62; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, Westchester), Oc 26, 70; pas, New-Rochelle, NY, 70-6; pas, Cedar Rapids, Io, 76—. DD, LenC, 84, & CNJ, 95; LLD, CoeC, 1906. BURRELL, David James; b, Mt Pleasant, Pa, Ag 1, 1844; YC, 67; NWTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Chicago), Ap 9, 72; ev&pas, Chicago, 111, 71-6; pas, Dubuque, Io, 76-87; pas (Westminster), Minneapolis, Minn, 87-91; pas (Colleg RD), NYCity, 91—. sup (Presb), Elberon, NJ, 99—. act prof (Homiletics), PTS, 1902—. DD, ParsC, 83; LLD, HopeC, 1900. CROSBY, Arthur; b, New-Brunswick, N J, Ap 10, 1847 ; RC, 68; UTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, NY), Oc 24, 70; ch mis (Grace), NYCity, 69-71; pas (Cong), 164 1870. Kent, Ct, 71-3; pas (Second Presb), Brooklyn, NY, 73-84; pas, San Rafael, Cal, 84-93; prin (Mil Acad), do, 91—. DD, W&JC, 1900. CURTIS, Walter Wells; b, Unionville, SC, Oc 1, 1845; BelC, 66; UTS, 67-70; ord (Cong), Mr 20, 72; ss, Huntly, 111, 71-3; pas, N- Walton & W-Brook, NY, 74-5; pas, N- Walton, NY, 74-83; ss, W-Stockbridge, Mass, 83—. *CURTISS, Samuel Ives; b, Union, Ct, Fb 5, 1844; AC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 8, 74; ch mis, NYCity, 69-72; stud, Bonn, Ger- many, 72-3; ss (Amer Chapel) & stud, Leipzig, Germany, 73-8; prof (Bib Lit), CTS, Chicago, 111, 78-9; prof (O T Lit & Interp), do, 79- 1904; d, do, Sp 22, 04. PhD, Lpz Univ, 76; Lie Theol, UB, 78; DD, IoC, 78, & AC, 83. E ASTON, Peter Zaccheus; b, NYCity, My 30, 1846; NYA, 65; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, NY), Ap 28, 72; ss, Comae (LI), NY, 70-1; fm, Tabriz, Persia, 72-1901, 03-4; fm, St Peterburg, Rus, 05-6; fm, Tiflis, Rus, 07—. (MGA.) (U S A, 93-6, 1902-3.) FISHER, Edward William; b, Cincinnati, O, Ap 5, 1836; UTS, 67-70; res lie, do, 70-1; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Ap 9, 74; ss, Pleasant Plains, NY, 70-1; ev, Fort Lee, NJ, 71-2; ev, North NY, 72-3; ss, Oswegatchie, NY, 73-5; ss (Cong), Parishville, NY, 75-8; ss, Richford, NY, 78-80; ss, Eldred & Barryville, NY, 80-3; ss (Presb), Bristol & Cross Roads, O, 83-7; ss, Rehoboth, Elizabeth, Laconia & Sharon, Ind, 88-91; wc, Nevin, Ind, 91-2; wc, Corydon, Ind, 92—. GRUMMON, Daniel Neil; b, Newark, NJ, Fb 20, 1844; CNJ, 65; UTS, 67- 70; ord (Presb, Binghamton), Nv 11, 73; ss, Otego, NY, 71-2; pas, Bainbridge, NY, 73-92; ss (Ross Mem), Binghamton, NY, 92 — . *HALL, Russell Thaddeus; b, Richmond, Vt, Oc 6, 1844; OC, 65; UTS, 67- 70; ord (Cong), Sp 8, 70; pas, Pittsford, Vt, 70-9; pas, Mt Vernon, O, 79-85; pas, Tavares, Fla, 85-7; pas (Union), Jacksonville, Fla, 87-92; pas (Second), Greenwich, Ct, 92-7; pas, New Britain, Ct, 97-1905; d, do, Ag 9, 05. DD, OC, 94. HELFRICH, Nicholas C; b, Crawford Co, O, Fb 9, 1837; IbC, 63; tea, Butler Co, O, 63-4; tea, IbC, 65-8; ss, Nevada, O, 68; ss, Martinsburgh, O, 68-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, Zanesville), Nv 3, 70; pas, New-Con- cord, 0, 70-5; ss, Bristol & Deerfield, O, 76; pas, Newton Falls, O, 77-8; pas, Hayesville, O, 79-82; pas, Weston, O, 82-90; pas, Plymouth, O, 91-3; pas (W-Broad st), Columbus, O, 93-9; res, oc sup, do, 99 — . *HOLLISTER, Martin Foster; b, Danby, NY, Oc 6, 1837; HC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, Newark), Jn 3, 70; pas, Newark, NJ, 70-84; d sec, ATS, N-West, Chicago, 111, 85; treas, ChicTS, 85-89; d, Enfield Centre, NY, Jl 31, 89. KNOWLES, James Foster; b, Riverhead (LI), NY, Ag 31, 1837; UC, 68; UTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Lansing), Nv 1, 70; ss, Grand Ledge, Mich, 70-1; ss, S-Bend, Ind, 71-3; ss, E-Nassau, NY, 73-4; ss, Corvalis, Ore, 1870. 165 75-6; ss, E-Nassau, NY, 76-8; ss, Boise City, Idaho, 78-80; ss, Ogden, Utah, 80-4; ss, Warrensburgh, NY, 84-8; ss, Rising Sun, Ind, 88-92; ss, Shawneetown, 111, 93-6; ss, Carmel, 111, 97; ss, Equality & Friends- ville, 111, 98-1902; ss, Metropolis, 111, 02-5; pas, Rush City, Minn, 05-7; pas, Pulteney, NY, 07—. LAMPMAN, Lewis; b, Coxsackie, NY, Fb 5, 1843; YC, 66; UTS, 66-8, 69-70; ord (Presb, Nassau), Nv 10, 70; pas, Jamaica (LI), NY, 70-88; pas (High st), Newark, NJ, 88-1906; res, Coxsackie, NY, 06—. DD, UNY, 93. *LOCKWOOD, George Augustus; b, Clinton, Mich, Dc 28, 1843; YC, 66; UTS, 67-70; ord (Cong), Nv 26, 70; ss, Oxford, Me, 70-9; pas, Kenne- bunk, Me, 79-99; pas, Ossipee, NH, 99-1901; d, do, Sp 20, 01. LYMAN, Payson Williston; b, Easthampton, Mass, Fb 28, 1842; AC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Cong), My 10, 71; pas, Belchertown, Mass, 71-87; pas (Fowler), Fall River, Mass, 89 — . McCALLA, Albert; b, Bloomington, Ind, Dc 1, 1846; MonC, 67; NWTS, 68-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, Chicago), Jn 30, 70; ss, Liberty ville, 111, 69; ss, Monsey, NY, 69-70; pas, Emporia, Kan, 70-2; inv & trav, 73; ev & oc s, 73-5; prof, ParsC, Fairfield, Io, 75-86; prof, LFU, 86-8; ss, S-Pasadena, Cal, 88-9; ss, Porterville & Piano, Cal, 89-90; prin, Mer- ced, Cal, 90-3; tea, Chicago, 111, 93-4; life ins ag, do, 94-1901; bus, do, 01—. PhD, MonC, 84. *McLAIN, Henry Zwingli; b, Ripley, O, Nv 16, 1846; WabC, 67; UTS, 67- 70; ss (Presb), Paola, Kan, 70-1; stud, Germany, 71-2; tut, WabC, Crawfordsville, Ind, 73-4; as prof, do, 74-6; prof (Greek), do, 76-1907; d, do, Ja 6, 07. ♦MARSHALL, James; b, Glasgow, Scotland, Ap 13, 1842; NYA, 63; UTS, 63-4, 67-70; res lie, do, 70-1; ord (Cong), Dc 10, 71; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 71-3; pas, Acworth, NH, 74-7; ss, Troy, NH, 77-8; d, do, Mr 5, 78. METEER, James Harrison; b, Sharpsburgh, Ky, Nv 16, 1833; WabC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, NY), Ag 7, 70; ch mis (Columbia st), NYCity, 70-2; hm, Parsons, Kan, 72-4; ss, Brazil, Ind, 74-7; ss&pas, Sullivan, Ind, 77-89; ss, Crawfordsville, Ind, 89-90; supt, Govt Indian Sch, Sisse- ton Reserv, SD, 90-1; supt, do, Pine Ridge, SD, 91-3; supt, do, Quapaw Res, Ind Ter, 93-4; hm, Richfield, Utah, 94—. MYERS, Alfred Edwards; b, NYCity, Dc 29, 1844; WmsC, 66; NBTS, 66-7; PTS, 68-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (RD, CI LI, So), Oc 9, 70; ch mis (Bethany), Brooklyn, NY, 70-1; Europe, 71-2; pas, Bronxville, NY, 73-6; pas, Owasco, NY, 77-9; pas (Presb), do, 79-85; pas, Syracuse, NY, 85-92; as pas (Colleg Ref), NYCity, 92—. OSTRANDER, Luther Allen; b, Franklinville, NY, Jl 14, 1843; HC, 65; tut, Robert Coll, Constantinople, Turk, 65-7; CTS, 67-8; AubTS, 68-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, Dubuque), Nv 1, 71; pas (Second), Dubuque, Io, 71-6; pas, Owego, NY, 76-82; pas, Lyons, NY, 82—. DD, HC, 90. 166 1870. *PKATT, Elizur Hull; b, Durham, NY, Ag 10, 1842; WmsC, 67; AubTS, 67-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), My 3, 71; ss, Cape Vin- cent, NY, 71-6; wc, Washington, DC, 76-7; ed, Baltimore, Md, 77-9; do, NYCity, 79-82; do, Watertown, NY, 82-3; d, Durham, NY, Jl 4, 83. *REID, Joseph Howard; b, Bruce, Mich, Dc 21, 1842; UM, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, Topeka), Nv 6, 70; pas, Manhattan, Kan, 70-5; ss, Vassar, Mich, 75-7; d, do, Sp 11, 77. *KICE, Henry Houghton; b, Middlebury, Vt, Ja 26, 1847; WRC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, Huron), Oc 6, 70; ss, Parma, O, 69; pas, Norwalk, O, 70-4; pas (Westminster), Sacramento, Cal, 75-86; pas (Union st), Oakland, Cal, 86-95; pas, Pomona, Cal, 95-1900; d, Paris, France, Jl 20, 00. RIGGS, Alexander Brown; b, Portsmouth, O, Jn 21, 1842; MaC, 59-61; JeffC, 63; law, Nashville, Tenn, & Pittsburg, Pa, 63-7; AubTS, 67-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (RD, CI Montgomery), Dc 1, 70; ss&pas, Fort Plain, NY, 70-6; pas (Presb), Waterford, NY, 76-90; pas (Seventh), Cincin- nati, O, 91-2; Instr (N T Exeg & Introd), LTS, 94-7; prof, do, 97—. DD, W & JC, 88; LLD, W & JC, 1902. RODGERS, James; b, Hammond, NY, Oc 9, 1840; HC, 65; PTS, 67-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Jn 21, 71; ss, Hammond, NY, 70-3; ss, Wilmar, Minn, 73-5; ss, Farmington, Minn, 75-87; tea, do, 87-90; ss, Farmington, Vermilion & Empire, Minn, 90 — . •. SIMPSON, Charles; b, Ithaca, NY, Ja 26, 1839; HC, 66; UTS, 67-70; ord (Presb, Ithaca), My 17, 70; ss, Addison, NY, 70-2; ss, Pike, NY, 73-5; ss, Lansing, Mich, 75-6; pas, Sherman, NY, 76-96; wc, Oberlin, O, 96-8; ss (Cong), Chatham, O, 98-1905; wc, Honolulu, HI, 05-7; wc, Detroit, Mich, 07—. SMITH, Arthur Henderson; b, Vernon, Ct, Jl 18, 1845; BelC, 67; AndTS, 67-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (Cong), My 29, 72; ss, Ann Arbor, Mich, 70; med stud, NYCity, 70-1; fm, Tientsin, China, 72-82; do, Shantung Province, China, 82-1906; mis at large, 06—. DD, BelC, 94; LLD, WhitmC, 06. Addr, Pang Chuang, China. *STRONG, John Jay; b, Warrensville, O, Sp 1, 1838; OC, 66; OTS, 66-7; UTS, 67-8, 69-70; ord (Cong), Oc 23, 70; pas, Talladega, Ala, 70-2; tea, Leech Lake, Minn, 72-3; miss, ASSU, Talladega, Ala, 73-80; do, Calera, Ala, 80-1; do, Centreville, Ala, 81-2; do, Columbiana, Ala, 82-7; ss, Randolph, Vt, 87-8; ss, Peshtigo, Wis, 88-9; ss, Copemish, Mich, 90-1; Sunday Sch work, Bad Axe, Mich, 92-5; d, do, Jl 6, 95. *TERRY, Cassius Marcellus; b, Clymer, NY, Jl 21, 1845; AC, 67; UTS, 67-70; ord (Cong), Nv 3, 71; ss&pas, New-Bedford, Mass, 70-2; ss&pas, St Paul, Minn, 72-7; ss, St Augustine, Fla, 77-8; ss, Minneapolis, Minn, 78-9; geol surv, Minn, 79; as, Laboratory St Univ, Minneapolis, Minn, 79-80; as, St Geolog, Minn, 80-1; d, Minneapolis, Minn, Ag 18, 81. 1870. 167 WILLIAMS, Richard Richardson; b, Waterford, Ireland, Sp 19, 1843; UTS, 68-70; ord (RD, CI Montgomery), My 25, 70; pas, Canajoharie, NY, 70-83; wc, NYCity, 83-5; do, Brooklyn, NY, 85-1907; do, Glen Ridge, NJ, 07—. WITTMEYER, Alfred Victor; b, Sarre Union, Trance, Ja 17, 1847; UTS, 67-70; study, Paris, Prance, 70-1; prof, do, 71-6; ed, NYCity, 78-9; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 8, 79; pr, Mr 13, 80; min & rec (French Ep, St Esprit), NYCity, 79—. 38. *BARROWS, John Henry; b, Medina, Mich, Jl 11, 1847; 01C, 67; YTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-9; AndTS, 74-5; ord (Cong), Ap 29, 75; ss, Springfield, 111, 72-3; pas, Lawrence, Mass, 75-80; pas e, Boston, Mass, 80-1 ; pas (First Presb), Chicago, 111, 81-96; lect, Chic Univ (Barrows Lectureship), 96- 9; pres, OC, Oberlin, O, 99-1902; d, do, Jn 3, 02. DD, LFU, 82. ♦BARROWS, Walter Manning; b, Franklin, Mich, Ap 12, 1846; OIC, 67; YTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-9; AndTS, 72-3; ord (Cong), Nv 1, 71; ss, Arvonia, Kan, 69-70; ss, N-Topeka, Kan, 70-1; ss, Marshall, Mich, 71-2; pas, Salt Lake, Utah, 73-81; sec, AHMS, NYCity, 82-8; pas (Second), Rock- ford, 111, 88-98; pas, Greenwich, Ct, 98-9; d, do, Ag 10, 99. DD, OIC, 83. *BEER, Robert Carl; b, Gebhardshain, Rhine-Prussia, My 8, 1842; UBonn, 65; UTS, 68-9; ord (Lu Syn, NY), Oc 25, 69; ss, Thomsonville, NY, 69-70; pas (St Jacobus), Baltimore, Md, 70-6; tea, do, 76-91; foreign ed (Sun), do, 91-1904; d, do, Dc 27, 04. PhD, UBonn, 65. BISHOP, Gilbert Livingston; b, Astoria (LI), NY, My 1, 1845; YC, 66; UTS, 67-9; DS, 69-70; ord (Ep), Jn 24, 70; as min, Philadelphia, Pa, 70-1; rec, do (Hestonville), 71-6; rec, W-Whiteland, Pa, 76-9; as min, Philadelphia (German town), Pa, 79-81; rec, Binghamton, NY, 81-5; rec, Kelton, & Kennett Sq, Pa, 85-8; mis, Paoli, Pa, 88-96; mis, dioc NJ, 98-1900; mis, Paulsboro, Mullica Hill, & Mantua, NJ, 00—. Res, Philadelphia, Pa. *BROWN, John; b, Kyles-of-Bute, Scotl, Ap 8, 1843; UG, 64; UTS, 67-9; ord (Presb, San Francisco), Oc 10, 69; ss, San Francisco, Cal, 70-1; ss, Elko, Nev, 71-2; pas, Vienna & Lewensville, Va, 73-5; pas, Washing- ton, DC, 76; pas, Jacksboro', Tex, 77-9; ss, do, Lost Valley & Gertrude, Tex, 79; ss, do & New-Cambria, Tex, 79-80; ss, Abilene, Bosque & Belle Plain, Tex, 80-1; ss, Fort Grrffin, Tex, 81-2; ss, Camp Cooper, Tex, 82-3; ss, Albany, Tex, 84-7; ss&pas (Westm), Fall River, Mass, 88-94; ev, do, 95-8; res, Scotland, 1900-2; d, Colontraine, Scotl, Fb 9,02. (MSyNY.) CALKINS, Lyman Darrow; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 13, 1845; WmsC, 67; UTS, 67-8; PTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Northumberland), Nv 21, 71; pas, Muncy, Pa, 71-3; pas (Cong), W-Springfield, Mass, 73-83; pas (Presb), m 1870. S-Salem, NY, 83-6; pas (Trinity), Brooklyn, NY, 86-9; pas, Far Rock- away, NY, 90-1901; ss (Ref Ep, Grace), Brooklyn, NY, 02-3; ss (Recon- ciliation), do, 03-6; ss (Presb), Newtown, NY, 06; ss, Bay Ridge, NY, 06-7; oc sup, Brooklyn, NY, 07—. DD, EmpC, 00. CROSS, Roselle Theodore; b, Richville, NY, Ag 21, 1844; OC, 67; UTS, 67-8; OTS, 69; ord (Cong), Nv 4, 69; prin, Oberlin, O, 69-74; ss, Ham- ilton, NY, 74-6; pas, Colorado Spgs, Col, 76-81; pas (Third), Denver, Col, 81-9; pas (Fremont av), Minneapolis, Minn, 89-93; pas, York, Neb, 93-1903; pas, Eugene, Ore, 03-4; pas (So-Bway), Denver, Col, 04-7; pas, Fort Collins, Col, 08—. DD, OC, 98, & YorkC, Neb, 02. DODD, Ira Seymour; b, Bloomfield, NJ, Mr 2, 1842; YC, 67; PTS, 67-8; UTS, 68-9; PTS, 69-70; ord (Presb, Newark), My 11, 70; ss&pas, Garnett, Kan, 70-2; pas, Winnebago City, Minn, 72-81; pas, Riverdale, NY, 82— FISHER, William Phineas; b, Gait, Ont, Nv 17, 1843; AC, 66; UTS, 67-9; stud, Berlin, Germany, 69-70; do, Halle, 70; do, Tubingen, 70-1; ord (Cong), Fb 2, 73; pas e (Presb), Norwood, NJ, 72-3; ss (Cong), Rocky Hill, Ct, 73-7; pas, Brunswick, Me, 79-90; wc, do, 90-1905 do, Andover, Mass, 06—. FOWLER, William Coutant; b, Newburgh, NY, Ag 19, 1839; UTS, 67-8; DrTS, 68-70; ord (ME) dea, Ap 11, 70, eld, Ap 14, 72; pas, Esopus, NY, 70-1; pas, Stockport, NY, 71-4; ord (RD, CI Rensselaer), My 26, 74; pas, Stuyvesant Falls, NY, 74-80; law, Fargo, ND, 81-3; ord (Cong), Oc 9, 83*, ss (Cong), Carrington, ND, 83-4; ss, do & New-Rockford, ND, 84-5; ss, Livingston, Mont, 85-94; ss, Genesee, Idaho, & Union- town, Wash, 94-1900, 03-6; ss, Nome, Alaska, 01-3; wc, Genesee, Ida, 07—. (CYB.) *GALLATIN, Albert Horatio; b, NYCity, Mr 7, 1839; UNY, 59; UTS, 67-8; prof, Norwich Univ, Norwich, Vt; lect, Rensselaer Poly tech Inst, Troy, NY; prof, Cooper Union, NYCity; prof, Rutgers Fern C, do; prof, UNY, do, 82-90; res, NYCity, 90-1902; d, do, Mr 25, 02. *GATES, William Henry; b, Oberlin, O, Jn 2, 1845; OC, 67; UTS, 67-8; ss, Philadelphia, NY, 68; d, New-London, O, Oc 18, 68. *HARRAH, Charles Clarke; b, Hopedale, O, Ja 6, 1841; Wittemb'g Coll (Io), 58-63; GrisC, 64-5; IoC, 65-7; UTS, 67-9; CTS, 69-70; ord (Cong), Ag 3, 70; ss, Monroe, Io, 70-1; ss&pas, Brookfield, Mo, 71-6; pas, Monroe, Io, 76-8; pas, Galva, 111, 78-89; pas (Plymouth), Peoria, 111, 89-90; pas, Newton, Io, 90-6; pas emer, do, 97-1900; ss (Greenwood), Des Moines, Io, 98-1901; d, Galva, 111, Ap 18, 03. (CYB.) LEMERT, George Wilson; b, Dresden, O, Sp 30, 1839; MaC, 63; LTS, 64; UTS, 67-8; trade, Dresden, O, 68-93; res, Columbus, O, 93— . *POST, Edmund Hurlburd; b, Logansport, Ind, Ag 6, 1845: WabC, 66; UTS, 67-8; LTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Logansport), Ap 16, 71; ss, Lake 1870. 169 Prairie, Ind, 70-2; ss, Santa Clara. Cal. 72-5: ss. Danville, Ind, 75-7; ss, Brownsbm-g, Ind, 77-9; ss, State Line, Jnd. 79-81; ss. Goodland, Ind, 81-3; ss, Brimfield, 111, 83-4; pas, Oneida, III, 84-5; ss, St Andrews, Fla, 86-90; d, do, Ja 4, 90. *PEIOR, Isaac Raper; b, Delaware, O, Jl 22, 1840; AdC, 64; UTS, 67-70; ord (Cong), My 19, 72: tea & YMCA, NYCity, 70-3; ss, Rehoboth, Mass, 73-7; pas, Kingston, RI, 77-9; hm, Alma, Kan,$79-80; hm, Fredonia, Kan, 80-2; hm, Grand Bend, Kan, 82-5; hm, Park City, Utah, 85-7; pas, Provincetown, Mass, 88-90; pas, Marshfleld, Mass, 90-1; ss, Jack- sonville, Fla, 92; ss (Bap), Plymouth, Fla, 92-3; hm (Cong), Fort Pierre, ' SD, 93-4; hm, Bryant, SD, 94-5; hm, Columbia, SD, 95-8; wc, Redfield, SD, 98-9; d, do, Mar 3, 99. *PUTNAM, Douglas Perkins; b, Jersey, O, Fb 8, 1844; WabC, 67; UTS, 67-8; LTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Portsmouth), Sp 15, 70; as pas, Portsmouth, O, 70-1; pas, Monroe, Mich, 71-81; pas, Springfield, Mo, 81-7; pas, Logansport, Ind, 87-99; pas, Princeton, Ind, 1900-4; prof (Homil & Past Theol), LTS, Cincinnati, O, 04-5; d, do, Mr 25, 05. (MGA.) DD, DruC, 86. SPELLMEYER, Henry; b, Bronx Village, NY, Nv 25, 1847; UNY, 66; UTS, 67-9; ord (ME), Mr 26, 71; ss, Stapleton (SI), NY, 69-72; ss& pas, Bloomfield, NJ, 72-5; pas, Newark, NJ, 75-8; pas, Elizabeth, NJ, 78-81; pas (Trinity), Jersey City, NJ, 81-4; pas (Central), Newark, NJ, 84-7; pas (Calvary), E-Orange, NJ, 87-92; pas (Central), Newark, NJ, 92-7; pas (Roseville), do, 97-1904; Bp (ME), 04—. Res, Cincin- nati, O. DD, SU, 82; LLD, NYU, 1905. TODD, James Edward; b, Clarksfield, O, Fb 11, 1846; OC, 67; UTS, 67-9; OTS, 69-70; ss, Amherst, O, 69-70; prof (Nat Sci), Tabor Coll, Io, 71- 92; also as prof (Geol & Nat Hist), BelC, Beloit, Wis, 81-3; & as geol- ogist, U S Geol Surv, 81-90; as geol, Mo Geol Surv, 91-3; do, Minn, 92-3; State Geol, SD, 93-1903; prof (Geol), USD, Vermilion, SD, 92- 1903; as prof (Geol & Mineral), UKan, Lawrence, Kan, 07 — . TYNG, Morris Ashhurst; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Dc 29, 1841; WmsC, 61; UTS, 67-9; ord (Ep), Mr 18, 70; as min (St George's), NYCity, 68-70; prof, Theol Sem, Gambier, O, 70-3; ch mis (St George's Ch), NYCity, 74-6; law, do & Decatur, Ala, 76—. Res, Summit, NJ. LLB, CC, 63. VAN DYCK, Edward Abbott; b, Beirut, Syria, Mr 31, 1846; UTS, 67-9; interpreter, Am Consulate, Beirut, Syria; do, & Amer V-Consul, Cairo, Egypt, 77-84; interpreter to British army in Soudan, 84-5; tea (Egy Govt Schools) & lit, Cairo, Egy, 85—. *WRIGHT, Albert Allen; b, Oberlin, O, Ap 27, 1846; OC, 65; UTS, 67-8; OTS, 68-70; prof, BerC, Berea, Ky, 70-3; S of Mines, CC, NYCity, 73-5; prof (Geol & Zool), OC, Oberlin, O, 74-1905; d, do, Ap 2, 05. 170 1870-1871. WRIGHT, Cassius Eugene; b, Morgan, O, Dc 11, 1844; OC, 67; UTS, 67-8; OTS, 68-70; ord (Cong), Fb 3, 71; ss&pas, Norwalk, O, 70-4; pas, Austin, Minn, 74-98; res, Washington, DC, 99—. DD, OC, 95. 23. 1871. *ALEXY, Gustavus ATbertus; b, Rosenau, Austria, My 21, 1833; UMilan, 67; UTS, 68-71; res lie, do, 71-2; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 16, 72; im, Barcelona, Spain, 72-4; cm, NYCity, 74-80; d, do, Ja 29, 80. 1AYERS, Walter Howard; b, Canterbury, NH, Ap 26, 1845; DC, 68; UTS, 68-71; ord (Cong), Jl 16, 72; ss, Bethel, Me, 71; ss, Winooski, Vt, 72; ss, Castleton, Vt, 73-4; pas, Lebanon, NH, 74-5; Europe, 75-7; ss, Hudson, Wis, 77-8; ss, La Salle, 111, 79-81; ev & ss, Chicago, 111, 81-4; ss, Albert Lea, Minn, 84-5 ;• ev, Chicago, 111, 85-7; pas (Second), Bel- videre, NJ, 88-90; ss, Downsville, NY, 90-1; ss, Lebanon, Mo, 93-4; ord (Ep) dea, Ja 22, 95; ch (St Luke's Hosp), Chicago, 111, 96; min in ohg, Ardmore, Ind Ter, 97; deposed, Oc 28, 97. BRADBURY, Henry Chase; b, Williamsport, Pa, Ag 15, 1844; AC, 66; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, Columbia), Dc 12, 71; ch mis, NYCity, 70-1; ss, Lindsey, Kan, 72; ss, do & Minneapolis, Kan, 72-4; ss, Minneapolis, Lincoln Centre & Bennington, Kan, 74-6; ss, Lincoln Centre & Vesper, Kan, 76-80; ss, Vesper, Kan, 80-2; ss, do, Blue Stem & Saltville, Kan, 82-3; ss, Vesper, Blue Stem & Bashan, Kan, 83-4; ss, Blue Stem, Bashan & Saltville, Kan, 84-6; ss, Lincoln Centre, Kan (& stations), 86-1900; ss & hm, Sjdvan Grove, Vesper & Spring Valley, Kan, 01 — . Addr, Lincoln, Kan. BRUEN, James de Hart; b, New-Windsor, NY, Dc 17, 1847; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), My 11, 71; tea, NYCity, 70-1; pas, Summit, NJ, 71-9; pas. Clayton, NJ, 79-84: pas, Belvidere, NJ, 84—. AM, WmsC, 71. CARY, William Brackett; b, Cherry Valley, NY, Ag 8, 1841; CCNY, 2 yrs; U S Army (5th NY Cav), 61-5; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, Topeka), Nv 27, 71; pas, Solomon City, Kan, 71-5; pas (Cong), Old Lyme, Ct, 76-83; pas, N-Stonington, Ct, 84-99; res, Windsor, Ct, 1900—. CHAMBERS, Theodore Frelinghuysen; b, Raritan, NJ, My 14, 1849; CCNY, 68; UTS, 68-71; ord (RD, CI Passaic), Oc 23, 72; tea, NYCity, 71-2; pas, Oakland, NJ, 72-6; pas (Presb), Deckertown (Wantage), NJ, 76- 83; wc, do, 83; pas, Sparta, NJ, 84-7; pas, German Valley, NJ, 87-97; ev, Plainfield, NJ, 97; ss (Mine Hill & Berkshire Valley), Dover, NJ. 98 — . also ss, Luxemburg, NJ, 1901 — . CLARK, Edward Pryor; b, Mercer, Pa, Ag 10, 1847; A1C, 67; UTS, 68- 71; ord (Presb, Erie), Ag 3, 71; ss, Port Austin, Mich, 71-6; ss, Case- ville, Mich, 76-7; pas, Vassar, Mich, 77-85; ss, Homer, Mich, 85-7; pas, 1871. 171 Union City, Pa, 87-94; pas, S-Lyon, Mich, 94-1906; pas, Dearborn & E-Nankin, Mich, 06—. CUMMING, William James; b, NYCity, Jl 22, 1847; CCNY, 67; UTS, 68-71; tea, Norwalk, Ct, 72-3; tea, NYCity, 74-5; ord (Presb, Westchester), Ag 8, 76; ss&pas, Yorktown, NY, 76—. DAVENPORT, Silas Augustus; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 27, 1846; YC, 68; PTS, 68-70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Ap 19, 71; med mis, Ningpo, China, 73-4; pas, Port Carbon, Pa, 75-7; pas, Landisburg, Pa, 78-81; pas, Mid Tuscarora, Pa, 81-4; pas, Baltimore, Md, 84-9; ss, Del-Mar, Cal, .89-90; pas, Mid & Low Tuscarora, Pa, 90-8. Addr, Spruce Hill, Pa. MD, CollP&S, 73. GORDON, John; b, Pittsburg, Pa, Mr 10, 1850; WtU, 66; AubTS, 68-70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Presb, Columbia), Mr 26, 72; pas, Rensselaerville, NY, 71-9; pas, Lincoln, Neb, 80-2; ss&pas (Fourth), Pittsburg, Pa, 84-6; pas (Westminster), Omaha, Neb, 87-97; prof (Eccl Hist), OmTS, 91-9; prof (Hist), TabC, 1900-1; pres, do, 01-3; pres, HowU, 03-6; res. Rensselaerville, NY, 06—. DD, WtU, 89. HALL, Granville Stanley; b, Ashneld, Mass, Fb 1, 1846; WmsC, 67; UTS, 67-8, 70-1; stud, UB & Bonn, Germany, 69-70; prof, AntC, Yellow Springs, O, 72-6; inst, HarC, 76-8; stud, ULeip & B, Germany, <& Lon- don, Eng, 78-81; lect, HarC & JHU, 81-4; prof, JHU, Baltimore, Md, 81-9; pres, Clark Univ, Worcester, Mass, 89—. PhD, HarC, 78; LLD, DM, 88, WmsC, 89, & JHU, 1905; ed, Am Jnl Psychol, 87—. ed, Peda- gog Sem, 92 — . Am Jnl Relig Psych, 04 — . HAMILTON, Henry Harrison; b, Chester, Mass, Fb 1, 1842; AC, 68; UTS, 68-71; post g, AndTS, 71-2; ord (Cong), Sp 1, 72; pas, Westford, Mass, 72-7; pas, Hinsdale, NH, 77-87; oc s & mem Bd Educ, Lexington, Mass, 87-97; pas (Second), York, Me, 1903—. ♦HAMLIN, Teunis Slingerland; b, Glenville, NY, My 31, 1847; UC, 67; tea. Ypsilanti, Mich, 67-8; prin, Detroit, Mich, 68; NBTS, 68-9; UTS, 69- 71; ord (Presb, Troy), Sp 28, 71; pas, Troy (Woodside), NY, 71-84; pas (Mt Auburn), Cincinnati, O, 84-6; pas (Covenant), Washington, DC, 86-1907; d, NYCity, Ap 7, 07. DD, UC, 86. HARDIN, Oscar Joshua; b, Newton, NJ, Sp 30, 1845; LafC, 68; UTS, 68- 71; ord (Presb, Newton), Oc 10, 71; fm, Tripoli, Syria, 71-88; fm, prin & prof, Sug-ul-Gharb, Mt Lebanon, Syria; fm, Abieh, Syria, 89 — i, HARTMAN, Aaron Stewart; b, Gettysburg, Pa, Dc 19, 1845; PaC, 68; GTS, 68-9; UTS, 69-71; ord (Ev Lu, Synod NY), Oc 30, 71; pas, Ghent, NY, 71-3; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 73-5; pas, Chambersburgh, Pa, 75-89; sec, Bd H Mis, 89—. res, Baltimore, Md. DD, WittC, 93. HOAR, William John; b (Greenwood), Belleville, Pa, Fb 11, 1845; CNJ, 67; PTS, 67-70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Presb, St Paul), Fb 14, 72; ss, Wilmar & Diamond Lake, Minn, 71-2; hm, Port Townsend, Wash, 73-4; pas, Cedar Grove, Pa, 75—. addr, E-Earl, Pa. 172 1871. HOUSE, John Henry; b, Painesville, O, My 29, 1845; WRC, 68^. UTS, 68- 71; ord (Cong), Sp 22, 71; ss, Garretsville, O, 71-2; fm, Eski Zaghra, Turk, Europe, 72-4; prof & director (Amer Coll & Theol Inst), Samo- kov, Bulgaria, 74-91; ed, Constantinople, 91-2; fm, Salonica, Turk, 94 — . pres (Thessalonica Agr & Indust Inst), do, 1904 — . DD, AdC, 86. JOHNSON, Frank Alonzo; b, Boston, Mass, Ap 26, 1845; HC, 68; UTS, 68- 71; ord (NJ Cong Asso), Oc 3, 71; pas, Lodi, NJ, 71-5; pas, Chester, NJ, 75-89; pas, New-Milford, Ct, 89-1907; res, do, 07—. *LEWIS, Edwin Rufus; b, Madison, Ind, Ap 2, 1839; AC, 61; U S Army, 61-4; phys, Amherst, Mass, 67-8; UTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, NY), Nv 7, 70; f m & prof, Beirut, Syria, 70-82; prof, WabC, 84-8; phys, Indian- apolis, Ind, 83-4, 88-1907; d, do, Ja 31, 07. MD, HarC, 67. t McELROY, Patrick Daniel; b, Mr 17, 1843; U Salamanca, Spain, 69; UTS, 70-1. MANN, Matthew Grant; b, Wuertemberg, Germany, Fb 1, 1842; UNY, 69; UTS, 63-4, 67-8, 69-71; UB & Tueb, 71-2; ord (Presb, Newark), Ap 17, 73; ss & miss, Eugene City, Ore, 73-4; ss, Astoria & Clatsop Plains, Ore, 74-6; supt inst & miss, Puyallup Ind Reserv, WashT, 76-93; ss & miss, Chehalis & Nisqually (Indian) Chh, Sumner, WashT, 93-5; S S m, Walla Walla, Presb, 95-9; pas, Lewiston, Id, 1900—. NOBLE, Charles; b, NYCity, Dc 3, 1847; WmsC, 66; UTS, 68-71; UB, 71-2; ord (Cong), Dc 17, 73; pas, Franklin, NY, 73-6; inv, Europe, 76-7; hm (Freedmen), Montgomery, Ala, 77-8; wc, 78-80; ss (Presb), Hyatts- ville, Md, 80-1; pas (Cong), Woodbridge, NJ, 81-8; pas, Charles City, Io, 88-93; prof (Eng Lang & Rhet), IoC, Grinnell, Ho, 93—. DD, IoC, 1907. *OTIS, Isaac Newton; b, Richland, Mich, Ap 1, 1845; UM, 67; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, Kalamazoo), Jn 6, 71; ss, Paw Paw, Mich, 71-2; ss&pas, Stillwater, Minn, 72-7; pas, Valmont, Col, 79-80; d, do, Oc 29, 80. *PARSONS, Willard; b, Franklin, NY, Sp 8, 1842; UTS, 68-71; ord (Cong), My 12, 72; ch mis, Brooklyn, NY, 71-3; ss (Presb), Sherman, Pa, 73-7; manager, Tribune Fresh Air Fund, NYCity, 78-1907; d, Franklin, NY, Sp 27, 07. PAYSON, George Shipman; b, Harpersfield, NY, Sp 11, 1845; YC, 66; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 8, 74; ss&pas (Mt Washington), Inwood, NYCity, 74—. DD, NYU, 99. . PLATTS, Lewis Alexander; b, Chapman's Creek, O, Fb 21, 1840; AlfU, 66; UTS, 68-71; ord (7th D Bap), Jl 25, 66; ss&pas, Nile, NY, 66-8; pas, New-Market, NJ, 68-76; pas, Westerly, RI, 76-82; ed & ag, 7 th D Bap Publ House, Alfred Centre, NY, 82-92; prof (Ch Hist, Homilectics & Past Theol), AlfU, 92-6; pas, Milton, Wis, 96— . DD, AlfU, 86. 1871. 173 *SNYDEE, George Niver; b, Honesdale, Pa, Mr 27, 1844; HC, 68; UTS, 68-71; ord (RD, CI Westchester), Jn 13, 71; ss, Elmsford, NY, 71-2; ss, White Plains, NY, 72; d, do, Nv 2, 72. SNYDER, William Henry; b, Lewisburgh, Pa, Ja 16, 1842; UC, 68; UTS, 68-71; res lie, do, 71-2; ord (Presb, Topeka), Nv 17, 73; ss (Cong), Chicago, 111, 72-3; ss&pas (Presb), Abilene, Kan, 73-83; ss, George- town, Col, 83-5; ss, Canon City, Col, 85-7; pas, Creston, Io, 87-93; ss, Missouri Valley, Io, 93-1901; wc, So-Haven, Mich, 01 — . ♦WELCH, Josiah; b, Holiday's Cove, WVa, Sp 2, 1842; W&JC, 68; PTS, 68-70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Presb, Steubenville), Sp 4, 71; ss&pas, Salt Lake City, Utah, 71-7; d, Uhrichsville, 0, Mr 18, 77. WINNE, Christian Willard; b, Shandaken, NY, Fb 5, 1838; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, Mankato), Oc 13, 71; ss, St James, Minn, 71-4; ss, Absecon, NJ, 74-7; ss, Tuckahoe, NJ, 77-9; ss, Cedarville, NJ, 79-83; pas, Bell- more (LI), NY, 84-5; pas, Tyrone & Pine Grove, NY, 86-91; ss, New- field, NY, 93-5; wc, do, 96-8; wc, Montour Falls, NY, 99-1904; Nat Home, Danville, 111, 05 — . *WOOD, Frank Alphonso; b, Meriden, NH, Fb 10, 1845; UNY, 67; UTS, 68-71; ord (Presb, Westchester), Oc 24, 71; fm, Sidon, Zahleh & Abeih, Syria, 71-8; d, Abeih, Syria, Jl 20, 78. •WORCESTER, John Hopkins, Jr; b,St Johnsbury, Vt, Ap 2, 1845; UVt, 65; UTS, 67-9, 70-1; Europe, 69-70; prof (Eng Lit), UVt, 70-1; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Ja 10, 72; pas, S-Orange, NJ, 72-83; pas (Sixth), Chicago, 111, 83-91; prof (Syst Theol), UTS, 91-3; d, Lake- wood, NJ, Fb 5, 93. DD, UVt, 85. 32. BICKFORD, Levi Francis; b, Hartford, Ind, Ja 9, 1840; OC, 68; CTS, 68-9; OTS, 69-70; UTS, 70-1; OTS, 71; ord (Cong), Ja 16, 72; ss, Allegan, Mich, 71-3; ss, LaMoille, 111, 74-9; ss, Rootstown, O, 79-83; ss, Pontiac, Mich, 83-5; ss, Lebanon, Mo, 85-8; ss, Westminster, Cal, 88-90; prof, Daniel Baker Coll, Brownwood, Tex, 90-4; pas (Presb), Poplar Bluff, Mo, 94-8; prin (Col Inst), Glen Rose, Tex, 98-1900; res grad, OTS, 00-1; pas, Kidder, Mo, 01-3; prin (Union Acad), Anna, 111, 03-4; oc sup & miss, Oberlin, O, 04-7; do (Highland Park), Los Angeles, Cal, 07 — . PhD, TrU, 93. BROWN, Justus Newton; b, Ripley, O, My 23, 1844; OC, 67; OTS, 68-9; UTS, 69-70; OTS, 70-1; AndTS, 75-6; ord (Cong), Oc 23, 70; ed, Ober- lin, O, 71-3; inst, Talladega, Ala, 74-5; ss, Wilton, NH, 76-8; pas, Charlotte, Mich, 78-81; pas, Owatonna, Minn, 81-9; ed (NW Congrega- tionalist), Minneapolis, Minn, 90-4; ed (The Kingdom), do, 94; pas, Paola, Kan, 95-8; prof, Gordon Acad, Salt Lake City, Utah, 98-1900; wc, Cleveland, O, 00-3; pas, Eliot, Me, 03 — . 174 1871. BURDICK, Charles Alexander; b, Lincklaen, NY, Dc 5, 1829; AlfU, 67; AlfTS, 67-9; UTS, 69-70; ord (7th D Bap), Dc 18, 59; pas, Genesee, NY, 59-61; pas, Welton, Io, 61-4; pas, Berlin, Wis, 64-5; pas, Rockville, RI, 67-9; pas, Mystic Bridge, Ct, 69-70; hm, WVa, 70-4; tea, Salem & Lost Creek, WVa, 74-6, & pas, Lost Creek, WVa, 75-7; hm, 7th D Bap Mis Soc, West NY & Pa, 77-81; pas, Friendship, NY, 81-7; pas, Farina, 111, 87—. BURR, Almon Whitney; b, Strongsville, O, Ja 18, 1845; OC, 68; UTS, 68-9; OTS, 69-71; tut, OC, 70-4; AndTS, 74-5; ord (Cong), Jl 27, 75; prin, Hallowell, Me, 75-83; prin, Acad, & prof (Pedag), BelC, Beloit, Wis, 84-1907; prof (Pedag), do, 07—. *COBLEIGH, Nelson Farr; b, Littleton, NH, Oc 12, 1844; AC, 68; UTS, 68-70; ord (Cong), Ag 16, 71; ss&pas, Marshfield, Vt, 70-7; ss, Mac- Indoe's Falls (Barnet), Vt, 77-82; ss, Walla Walla, Wash Ter, 82-3; ev & ag, ACU, E-Wash & Ore, 83-7; d, Walla Walla, Wash, Nv 26, 87. *COLLINS, Charles Terry; b, Hartford, Ct, Oc 14, 1845; YC, 67; UTS, 68-9; AndTS, 69-71; ord (Presb, NY), Dc 21, 71; ch mis, NYCity, 71-4; pas (Cong), Cleveland, O, 74-83; d, Yonkers, NY, Dc 21, 83. DARWIN, Charles Carlyle; b, Paris, Tenn, Ja 27, 1848; OC, 68; UTS, 68-9; OTS, 69-70; lit & ed, NYCity, 70-2; prof (Hebrew), HowU, 72; libn, Smithsonian Lib'y (Library of Congress), 72-82; libr, U S Geol Survey, 82-1902; libr, Bureau of Ethnol, Smithsonian Inst, Washington, DC, 82-94; res, Washington, DC. *FLICHTNER, George Frederick; b, Union, Me, My 11, 1847; AC, 67; UTS, 68-71; ord (Ep), Ja 12, 72; cur, NYCity, 69-72; rec (St Barnabas), Newark, NJ, 72-84; sec, Domest Mis, NYCity, 83-6; ed (Churchman), NY, 86-8; rec (St Paul's), Englewood, NJ, 88-1904; d, Ipswich, Mass, Jl 25, 05. FRASER, John Gaius; b, Ferrisburgh, Vt, Oc 6, 1846; OC, 67; UTS, 68-9; OTS, 69-71; ord (Cong), Oc 11, 71; pas, E-Toledo, O, 71-8; pas, Madi- son, O, 78-87; sec, OHMSoc, Cleveland, O, 87-1904; pas, Huntsburg, O, 05—. DD, MaC, 89. FRENCH, Herman Augustus; b, Granville, 111, Jl 3, 1845; OC, 68; UTS, 68-9; OTS, 69-71; ord (Cong), My, 73; ss&pas, Milford, Neb, 72-83; ss&pas, Greenwood, Neb, 83-90; ed (Neb Cong News), 80 — . res, Lin- coln, Neb. GILSON, Samuel Smith; b, New-Derry, Pa, Oc 28, 1843; W&JC, 66; tea, Eldersridge, Pa, 66-7; WTS, 68-70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Presb, Louisville). Oc 14, 72; ss, Garrison's, NY, 71; prof, Warren Coll, Ky, 71-2; ss&pas, Bowling Green, Ky, 72-4; pas, Uniontown, Pa, 74-9; Europe, 79; pas, Dennison, O, 80-3; as ed (Herald & Presbyter), Cincinnati, O, 83-90; as ed (Presb Banner), Pittsburg, Pa, 90-1900; prin (E-Liberty Acad), do, 91-9; lit, Pittsburg, Pa, 1900—. DD, W&JC, 93. 1871. m JOHNSON, Alfred Van Cleve; b, NYCity, Jn 10, 1847; UNY, 67; UTS, 69- 70; YTS, 68-9, 70-1; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Nv 6, 73; pas, Chatham, NJ, 73-7; Europe, 77-9; pas e, Parsippany, NJ, 80; wc, Chatham, NJ, Bennington, Vt, Groton & Lyme, Ct, 81-9; res, Yon- kers, NY, 89-1900; res, Monsey, NY, 00—. fKOPF, John H; b, Oc 22, 1846; UTS, 68-71; ord, 79; ss, Madrid, NY, 74; ss (Cong), Canterbury, Ct, 81-3; ss, Gilead, Ct, 84-5; elk, NYCity. LOVE, John, Jr; b, NYCity, My 5, 1847; UK, 68; UTS, 68-70; HamTS, 70; ord (Bap), Ag 5, 70; ss, Peekskill, NY, 69-70; pas, NYCity, 70-2; pas, Albany, NY, 72-5; pas, Chelsea, Mass, 75-S3; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 83-97; instr, Bap Training Sch, 92-7; prof (Past Theol), Temple Coll, Philadelphia, 94-6; pas, Asbury Park, NJ, 1902-5; pas (Tenth), Philadelphia, Pa, 06—. DD, Temple Coll, 96. MARSHALL, Clifton Gregory; b, Franklin, NH, My 1. 1844; WRC, 67; UTS, 68-9; tea music, NYCity, 71—. •ROBERTSON, Benjamin Christopher; b, Harpeth Hall, Tenn, Jn 5, 1846; AC, 68; UTS, 68-70; ord (Presb, Fla), 70; ss, Coudersport, Pa, 70; pas e, Palatka, Fla, 70-2; d, Tallahassee, Fla, Fb 7, 72. ROWLEY, Charles Henry; b, Moriah, NY, My 7, 1842; MC, 68; UTS, 68-9; AndTS, 69-71; ord (Cong), Fb 23, 81; ss, Sheldon, Vt, 72-5; ss, Pots- dam, NY, 75-8; ed, do, 78-9; ss, Westford, Mass, 80-90; ss, Townsend, Mass, 90-7; wc, do, 97-9; ss, Harwich, Mass, 99-1904; wc, Richville, Ct, 05; ss, No-Craftsbury, Vt, 05—. (CYB.) SCHAUFFLER, Adolphus Frederick; b, Constantinople, Turk, Nv 7, 1845; WmsC, 67; UTS, 68-9; AndTS, 69-71; ord (Cong), Sp 13, 71; ss, Brookfield, Mass, 71-2; ch mis & pas (NYCity Mission), NYCity, 72-87; supt, do, 87—. DD, NYU, 87. *SHOARDS, Joseph Franklin; b, NYCity, Ja 1, 1845; MU, 68; UTS, 69-70; HamTS, 70; sec, Am Bap HM Soc, NYCity, 72-7; d, do, Jn 28, 78. THOMAS, Moses Bross; b, Barry ville, NY, Jn 18, 1845; WmsC, 67; AndTS, 67; UTS, 68-9; study, Williamstown, Mass, 69-71; ord (Presb, Nassau), My 9, 72; pas, Islip (LI), NY, 72-8; tea, Westfield, Mass, 78-9; ss, Amenia, NY, 79-81; pas (RD), Fishkill, NY, 81-8; prof (Bibl Lit), LFU, Lake Forest, 111, 88—. DD, IC, 1903. WOOD, Franklin Parker; b, Enfield, NH, Nv 24, 1844; DC, 68; UTS, 68-70; AndTS, 70-1; res grad, UTS, 07-8; ord (Cong), Jl 24, 71; ss&pas, Acton, Mass, 71-84; supt (pub sc'hs), do, 72-82; pas, S-Acton, Mass, 90-1; res, Acton, Mass, 84 — . WOODRUFF, Henry Collins; b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 16, 1845; YC, 68; UTS, 68-9; AndTS, 69-71; ord (Cong), Fb 16, 73; ss (Presb), Northport (LI), 176 1871-1872. NY, 72-81; pas (Cong), Black Rock, Ct, 81-97; pres, For SS Asso of Amer, Brooklyn, NY, 97—. 22. 1872. AUSTIN, Charles Baldrey; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ja 20, 1848; HC, 68; UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, Steuben), Nv 14, 72; pas, Cohocton, NY, 72-6; ss, New York Mills, NY, 76-83; pas e, Bismark, Dak, 83-8; pas, Lewisburg, Pa, 88-93; ev, Detroit, Mich, 94-6; ss (Beckwith Memo), Cleveland, O, 96-7; pas (Vance Memo), Wheeling, W-Va, 97-1903; ev, Haddonfield, NJ, 03-5; pas, Toms River, NJ, 05—. DD, LafC, 98. BAILEY, Turner Smith; b, Bloomingville, Erie Co, O, Ap 19, 1841; IoU, 69; NWTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Dubuque), Ap 24, 72; ss& pas, Farley, Io, 71-6; pas, Pataskala, O, 76-8; ss&pas, Carroll, lo, 78-9- 82; sm, Iowa, 83-98; pas, Salem & Tranquility, Io, 98-1903; hr, Cedar Rapids, Io, 03—. DD, CoeC, 90. BAKER, Francis Marion; b, Oak Hall, Pa, Nv 17, 1839; LU, 69; UTS, 69- 72; ord (Evang Asso, Cent Pa Conf), dea, Mr 11, 74, eld, Mr 5, 76; ss, Port Treverton, Pa, 72-3; ss, Newport, Pa, 73-4; prin & prof, New- Berlin, Pa, 74-9; ss, Cannonsville, NY, 79-81; ss (Presb), Hicksville & Lost Creek, O, 82-4; pas, Dauphin, Pa, 84-99; oc sup, do, 99-1902; stenogr, PODept, RDDivis, Washington, DC, 02-6; res, Dauphin, Pa, 07—. BALLANTINE, William Gay; b, Washington, DC, Dc 7, 1848; MaC, 68; UTS, 69-72; ord (Cong), Ag 20, 80; prof, RipC, Ripon, Wis, 74-6; as prof, IndU, 76-8; prof (Greek & Hebr), OTS, 78-80; prof (O T Lang & Lit), do, 80-91; pres, OC, do, 91-6; Europe & East, 96-7; tea, Spring- field, Mass, 98—. DD, MaC, 85; LLD, WRU, 91. BO WEN, Marcellus; b, Marion, O, Ap 6, 1846; YC, 66; UTS, 68-9, 70-2; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Oc 24, 72; pas, Springfield, NJ, 72-4; fm, Manisa, n Smyrna, Turk, Asia, 74-84; tea, Hartford, Ct, 85-8; ag, ABS, Constantinople, Turk, 88—. DD, WoosU, 1904. BUNSTEIN, Henry Levan; b, Easton, Pa, Ag 18, 1844; LafC, 64; UTS, 70-2; ord (Presb, Philadelphia), Fb 25, 73; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 73-6; pas, Beech Creek, Pa, 77-80; pas, Milford, Del, 80—. CHALMERS, William Inverarity; b, NYCity, Oc 14, 1850; CCNY, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (Cong, LI Consoc), Oc 22, 72; ss&pas, Riverhead (LI), NY, 72-1900; res, do, 00—. CHAPMAN, Chalmers Durand; b, Irvington, NJ, Ap 14, 1845; UNY, 66; NYU, law sch, 68; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Oc, 73; pas, Mt Olive, NJ, 72-5; Europe, 76-7; ord (Ep) dea, Sp 30, 77, pr, Nv 2, 78; min & rec (Ep), Greenville, NJ, 77-96; mis, Brevard, Bowmans Bluff & Cashier Valley, NC, 96-8; mis, Brevard & Cashiers, NC, 96- 1907; mis & min, Brevard, 1896—. 1872. 17? DES ISLETS, Colbert Mousseau; b, Dayton, Pa, Dc 25, 1845; CNJ, 69; PTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), My 22, 72; pas, Hamilton, Pa, 72-4; supt schools, Leon, Io, 74-80; prof, Io State U, 80-2; prof, Bellevue C, 82-6; prin, Canonsburg, Pa, 89-92; prof (Latin), WtU, Pittsburg, Pa, 92—. PhD, CornU, 74. "DONALDSON, James Franklin; b, NYCity, Ap 22, 1844; CCNY, 67; UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, Lansing), Oc 18, 75; ss (Cong), E-Arlington, Vt, 72-3; ss (Presb), Chazy, NY, 73-4; ss, Eckford, Mich, 74-6; we, Jewell City, Kan, 77; ss, White Eock City, Kan, 78-80; d, do, Ag 31, 80. FISHER, Samuel Van Santvoord; b, Schenectady, NY, Ap 27, 1845; OC, 68; UTS, 69-72; ord (Cong), Dc 3, 74; pas, Menasha, Wis, 74-82; pas, Minneapolis, Minn, 82-95; supt, Scandinavian Dept, Cong HM Soc, 95-1907. Addr, Minneapolis, Minn. DD, HC, 89. *FOOTE, Lewis Kay; b, South New-Berlin, NY, Mr 29, 1844; HC, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, NY), My 21, 72; ch mis, NYCity, 72-3; pas (Throop av), Brooklyn, NY, 73-1905; d, do, Dc 19, 05. DD, HC, 89. GEDDES, Clarence; b, Lewisburg, Pa, Nv 2, 1841; LU, 58-60; JMedC, 61-4; as surg, U S Hosp, Germantown, Pa, 64-5; UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Jl 16, 73; pas, Tenafly, NJ, 73-81; pas, Astoria, NY, 82- 90; pas, Centre Moriches, NY, 93—. MD, JMedC, 64. HARVEY, Edward Howlett; b, Cazenovia, NY, Fb 11, 1845; KalC, 69; NWTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Ap 30, 72; pas, W- Summit, NJ, 72-4; ss&pas, Albion, Mich, 74-8; trav, Europe & U S A, 78-9; pas (Cong), Centreville, Mass, 79; pas (Presb), Holly, Mich, 80-1; pas (Cong), Augusta, Mich, 82-6; trav, Europe, 86; ss (Presb), Brod- head, Wis, 87-8; ss, Paw Paw, Mich, 88-90; U S Pension ag, Detroit, Mich, 90-4; trav & study, 94 — . Addr, Paw Paw, Mich. JULIEN, Matthew Can tine; b, NYCity, Fb 21, 1849; CCNY, 69; UTS, 69- 72; ord (Cong), Dc 11, 72; pas, New-Bedford, Mass, 72—. MARTS, William Gosser; b, Oakland Cross-Roads, Pa, My 9, 1841; KC, 65-9; YTS, 69-70; UTS, 70-2; ord (Cong), Oc 22, 72; ss, Mt Pleasant, Io, 72-3; CTS, 73; ss, Chillicothe, Mo, 73; miss, Raleigh, NC, 74-5; miss, Talladega, Ala, 76; miss, Charleston, SC, 76-8; ss, Cambridge, Pa, 80-2; ss, do, & Riceville, Pa, 81-2; ss, Angola, NY, 82-5; ss (ME), Hanover, 111, 85-6; ag, Am Med Mis Soc, 87; ss, Reeds Corners, NY, 88-90; cm, Washington, DC, 90-5; ss, Clarksfield & Brighton, O, 95-6; ss, Clarksfield, O, 96-7; ss, Ellington, NY, 99-1902; ss, Paris, NY, 02; ss, Brainerd, Minn, 02-3; ss, E-Aurora, NY, 04; ss, Godfrey & Mel- ville, 111, 05-6; ss, Alexander, O, 06-7; ss (Meth Prot), Liberty & Cor- inth, O, 07; ss, Turnersville, O, 07-8; ss, Jamestown, Pa, 08 — . Addr, Oberlin, O. *MILTON, George Raymond; b, Pawlet, Eng, My 4, 1840; OC, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (Cong), Ja 18, 76; ss, Jonesville, Mich, 73-4; ss, St Cloud, Minn, 75-6; ss, Geneva, 111, 76-80; ss, Allegan, Mich, 80-1; wc, Detroit, 178 1872. Mich, 81-2; ss, Winnebago, 111, 82-5 ; wc, Hastings, Neb, 86; pas, Elgin, 111, 87-91; wc, do, 91-2; d, do, Jl 23, 92. *NEWELL, George Baldwin; b, Montgomery, NY, Ap 12, 1847; UNY, 69; UTS, 69-72; ss, Atlantic City, NJ, 72; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 72-3; law, NYCity, 75-94; trav, Europe & East, 94-7; res, Madison, NJ; d, Paris, France, Ap 20, 1907. LLB, CC Law Sch, 75; MA, NYU, 81. NEWHALL, Charles Stedman; b, Boston, Mass, Oc 4, 1843; AC, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (Cong), Dc 11, 72; pas, Oriskany Falls, NY, 72-4; ss (Presb), Oceanic, NJ, 74-9; trav, 79; ss (Cong), Postville, Io, 80-2; ss, Tipton, Io, 82-4; wc, Plainfield, NJ, 84-5; ss (Presb), Keeseville, NY, 85-7; ss, Pt Pleasant, N J, 87-8; wc, do, 88; do, Asbury Park, NJ, 89-90; prof, Brownwood, Tex, 90-3; hm, McAlester, IT, 94-6; res, San Bernardino & Kedlands, Cal, 97-8; res, Berkeley, Cal, 99— . OLNEY, Eugene Castle; b, Weedsport, NY, Fb 14, 1844; HiC, 67; prin, Manchester, Mich, 67-9; UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, Monroe), Sp 25, 72: ss, Quincy, Mich, 72-4; ss (Cong), Grand Bapids, Mich, 74-6: ss, Trav- erse City, Mich, 76-7; ss, Grand Eapids, Mich, 77-80; wc, 80-1; pas (Presb), Newton, NJ, 81-2; pas (Cong), Middletown, NY, 82-7; inv & wc, 87-90; ss (ED), Wynantskill, NY, 90-2; pas (Cong), Homer, NY, 92-4; wc & inv, 94-6; ss (ED), Wynantskill, NY, 96-7. f PAEEY, Samuel; b, Lambertville, NJ, Mr 29, 1845; YC, 68; PTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Ap 30, 73; pas, Pluckamin, NJ, 73- 1906; res, Somerville, NJ, 06 — . EEDPATH, John; b, Burnside, Scotland, Jn 17, 1842; Bap Col, Kalamazoo, Mich, 65-7; UM, 68: UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, Grand Eapids), Sp 25, 72; ss, Clam Lake, Mich, 72-5; ss, Petoskey, Mich, 75-7; ss, Big Eapids, Mich, 77-8; ss, Boyne Falls, Boyne City, Mich, 78-92; SSm, Petoskey Presb, 92-1904; ss, Omena, Cross Village, Alinson & Conway, Mich, 04 — . Ees, Petoskey, Mich. SCAEEITT, William Eussell; b, Alton, 111, Jl 14, 1846; AC, 69; UTS, 69- 72; Europe, 72; ss, St Louis, Mo, 73-4; res lie, WTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Topeka), Ap 11, 77; pas, Olathe, Kan, 77-80; pas, Wamego, Kan, 81-4; stud, Amherst, Mass, 84-5; pas (Cong), Marshalltown, Io, 85-9; ss, Morgan Park, 111, 90-2; ss (Longwood), Chicago, 111, 92-4; ss (Second), do, 95-6; wc, do, & ss, Auburn, NY, 97-1900; ord (PE), dea, Ja 6, 00; pr, Jn 13, 00; as min, St Louis, Mo, 02-3; min, do, 04-5; rec, Bridge- water, Mass, 05 — . DD, LaneU, Kan, 80. SCHLAGEE, Adelbert Jay; b, Jewett, NY, Jn 28, 1846; HC, 69; UTS, 69- 72; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), Nv 20, 72; pas, Pleasant Mount & Union- dale, Pa, 72-5; ss, Scran ton, Pa, 75-6; prof, GerTS, Dubuque, Io, 78-88; res, Binghamton, NY, 88 — . SEXTON, Thomas Lawrence; b, Poland, O, Mr 29, 1839; W&JC, 69; NWTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Troy), My 9, 72; pas (Westminster), 1872. 179 Troy, NY, 72-5; pas, New-London, Io, 75-80; also ss, Middletown, Io, 79-80; pas, Kossuth, Io, 80-2; pas, Seward, Neb, 82-6; sm&supt mis, Synod of Neb, 86—. DD, LenoxC, 86. Addr, Lincoln, Neb. SMART, David (Lyle) Colquhoun; b, Charlemont, Ireland, My 7, 1841; BTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; UEdin, 73-4; ord (Ep Ch Scotl), Edinb, pas, Edinb, Scotl, 75-84; Diocesan Ch, 84-6; vie (Ch of Eng), Keelby, Eng, Ja 1, 86-9; do, Milborne St Andrew, Eng, 89-1907; vie, Blackfordby & Smisby, Eng, 07 — . *STEARNS, Lewis French; b, Newburyport, Mass, Mr 10, 1847; CNJ, 67; PTS, 69-70; UB & ULeip, 70-1; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Oc 14, 73; pas, Norwood, NJ, 73-6; prof, Albion Col, Albion, Mich, 76-9; prof (Theol), BTS, 80-92; d, do, Fb 9, 92. DD, CNJ, 81. *TABOR, Rodney Lewis; b, Quincy, Mass, Sp 21, 1845; WmsC, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (Cong), Jl 3, 72; ss&pas, W-Hartland, Ct, 72-4; ss&pas (Presb), Alameda, Cal, 74-85; d, do, Dc 22, 85. ♦TETLEY, Josiah; b, Bolton, Eng, Dc 5, 1839; UTS, 69-72; ord (ME), Ap 8, 77; ss, Callicoon, NY, 72-3; ss, Shavertown, NY, 74-5; pas, Greenfield, NY, 76; pas, Grahamsville, NY, 77-8; pas, Kerhonkson, NY, 79-81; pas, Mongaup Valley, NY, 82-4; pas, Bloomingburg, NY", 85-6; pas, Kenoza Lake, NY, 87-91; pas, Stone Ridge, NY, 92-3; pas, Dormans- ville, NY, 94-5; d, do, Ap 9, 95. THOMPSON, James Marshall; b, Carlisle, Ind, Ag 29, 1845; HanC, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (Presb, NY), My 23, 72; ch mis, NYCity, 72-3; ss&pas, W-Philadelphia (Mantua), Pa, 74-82; ss (Bloomfield), Pittsburg, Pa, 82-4; fm, Callao, Peru, 84-6; pas, E-Oakland, Cal, 87-91; ss, Modesto, Cal, 93-4; ed (Occident), San Francisco, Cal, 95-8; miss, No-Yakima, Wash, 98—. WHALLON, Edward Pay son; b, Putnamville, Ind, Mr 30, 1849; HanC, 68; NWTS, 68-70; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Winona), Ap 25, 71; ss, Kasson, Minn, 70-1; pas, Liberty, Ind, 72-8; pas, Vincennes, Ind, 78-87; ed (Chat Work), 86-8; pas (Fourth), Indianapolis, Ind, 87-91; ed (Herald & Presbyter), Cincinnati, O, 91 — . also ss, Ludlow, Ky, 92-4; ss (Sixth), Cincinnati, O, 94-5; ss (Elmwood PI), do, 98-1905. PhD, WoosU, 85; DD, do, 92. WHITEHEAD, Joseph Henry; b, NYCity, Oc 18, 1847; WmsC, 69; UTS, 69-72; ord (RD, CI Passaic), Jl 23, 72; pas, Pompton Plains, NJ, 72-84: pas (Presb), E-Orange, NJ, 84-5; pas (RD, North), Passaic, NJ, 86- 1905; pas, Wortendyke, NJ, 05 — . Addr, Ridgewood, NJ. *WHITFORD, Oscar; Ubertro; b, Plainfield, NY, My 12, 1837; AlfU, 63; AlfTS, 69-70; UTS, 70-2; ord (7th D Bap), Sp 22, 72; ss&pas, Farina, 111, 72-7; pas, Walworth, Wis, 77-82; gen mis for No-West, Chicago. Ill, 82-4; pas, Westerly, RI, 84-91; gen mis (No-W), Milton, Wis, 91-3; 180 1872. cor sec (7th Bap Mis Soc), Westerly, EI, 93-1905; d, Andover, NY, Oc 28, 05. DD, MiltC, 93. 33. FITCH, Charles Newton; b, Geneva, O, Ja 25, 1846; OC, 69; UTS, 69-70; YTS, 70-2; ord (Cong), My 12, 74; pas, No-Cornwall, Ct, 74-81; ss, Norwalk, O, 81-2; pas, Wauseon, O, 82-4; pas, Spencerport, NY, 85-9; supt, Cong SS & Publ Soc, Col, 89-97; pas, Milbank, SD, 97-1901; pas, So-Kaukauna, Wis, 01-4; ss, Laingsburg, Mich, 04-5; pas, No-Cornwall, Ct, 05—. JOHNSTON, John Boyd; b, Hillsboro, O, Ap 4, 1848; MiU, 68; LTS, 69-70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Presb, Chillicothe), Dc 30, 73; ss, Hillsboro, O, 72-3; pas, McArthur & Hamden, O, 73-4; wc, Hillsboro, O, 75-6; pas (Cong), Edgewood, 111, 76-7; ss, Hillsboro, O, 78-81; pas, Thawville & Roberts, 111, 81-3; pas (Storrs), Cincinnati, O, 83-6; pas, Mine La Motte, Mo, 86-7; pas (Olive Branch), St Louis, Mo, 87-90; pas, Malta, 111, 90-6; pas, Atkinson, 111, 96-1900; pas, Wataga, 111, 00-5; ss, Danvers, 111, 05-6; ss, Kirkland, 111, 06-7; ss, Crystal Lake, 111, 07—. "JONES, Chester Winthrop; b, Galva, 111, Mr 17, 1845; KC, 69; UTS, 69-71; d. Galva, 111, My 4, 72. LADOR, Charles Ami; b, St Croix, Vaud, Switz, Jn 17, 1842; Lausanne Col, 62; UTS, 69-71; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 6, 81; tea&prof, Easthamp- ton, Mass, 71-81; pas, Pertuis, Vaucluse, S-France (Ev Soc of Geneva), 81-4; delegate of do to U S, 84-5; prof (French), Polytechnic Inst, Brooklyn, NY, 85-1907; prof emer, do, 07 — . pas (French Evang), Woodhaven, NY, 87—. *MURRAY, Thomas, Chalmers; b, Elizabeth, NJ, Fb 18, 1850; WmsC, 69; UTS, 69-71; PTS, 71-2; Halle, Ger, 72-3; Gottingen, Ger, 73-5; as prof , JHU, Baltimore, Md, 76-9; d, do, Mr 20, 79. OGILVIE, Charles Benjamin; b, Muscatine, Io, Ja 14, 1845; CNJ, 67; NWTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; NWTS, 72; law, Muscatine, Io, 73—. OVIATT, Samuel N; b, Milford, Ct, Sp 17, 1844; UTS, 69-70; trade, Mil- ford, Ct, 70—. *PARMELEE, Howard Royce; b, Twinsburg, O, Mr 18, 1846; WRC, 69; LTS, 69-70; UTS, 70-1; LTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Ap 10, 73; ss, Hampden & McArthur, O, 72-3; ss (Cong), Mesopotamia, O, 73-7; ss, Edinburg, O, 77-82; wc, Kirby, Dak, 83; d, Twinsburg, O, Jn 14, 83. *PILCHER, Leander William; b, Jackson, Mich, Ag 2, 1848; OWU, 67; prin, Pontiac, Mich, 67-9; UTS, 69-70 & 74-5; BosTS, 75-6; ord (ME), Ag 18, 70; fm, Peking, China, 70-4 & 76-8; fm, Tien Tsin, China, 78-84; USA, Brooklyn, NY, 84-5; fm, Peking, China, 85-93; d, do, Nv 24, 93. STARES, Henry Alanson; b, Troy, NY, Ag 6, 1846; WU, 69; UTS, 69-71; BosTS, 71-2; ord (ME) dea, Ap 19, 74, eld, Ap 16, 76; ss&pas, Schaghti- 1872-1873. 181 coke, NY, 72-5; ss, Gloversville, NY, 75-7; pas, Chatham & Maiden, NY, 77-9; pas, Williamstown, Mass, 79-81; pas, Ft Edward, NY, 81-4; supern, Troy, NY, 84-5; pas (First), Albany, NY, 85-8; pas, Hoosick Falls, NY, 88-9; pas, Burlington, Vt, 89-92; pas, Middletown, Ct, 92-4; supernum & trav, Europe, 94-6; lect (Ethics & Evidences), WU, 96- 1900; fin sec, WU (XX Cent Movement), 00-1; supernum, 02-6; super- ann, 07—. Ees, Montclair, NJ. DD, WU, 90. WAITE, Henry Eandall; b, Copenhagen, NY, Dc 16, 1846; HC, 68; UTS, 69-70; ord (Cong, Black River Consoc), Oc 7, 72; pas, Amer Ch, Rome, Italy, 72-5; ed, New-Haven, Ct, 75-6; ed (Internat Rev), NYCity, 76-7; pas (Presb), Pelham Manor, NY, 77-81; U S Census (Relig & Educ Dep), Washington, DC, 80-4; ed, lit & sec, Boston, Mass, 84-6; ed (Civics), NY, 86-9; ss (Cong), Pelhamville, NY, 87-9; pas (Trinity), Brooklyn, NY, 90-3; pres (Amer Inst of Civics), 85—. Res, Orange, NJ. PhD, SU, 76. WINTERS, David; b, Co Monaghan, Ireland, Ja 4, 1842; KC, Ont, 68; PTS, 69-71; UTS, 71-2; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Ap 30, 72; pas, Paterson, NJ, 72-4; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 74-81; pas, Olean, NY, 81-4; pas (Sec- ond), Williamsport, Pa, 84-9; pas (First), Wichita, Kan, 89-95; pas, Charleston, W-Va, 96-8; pas, Middletown, NY, 98-1902; ev, 02-4; pas (Darby First), Glenolden, Pa, 05—. LLD, GaleC, 00. WOODS, Robert McEwen; b, Enfield, Mass, Ja 24, 1847; AC, 69; UTS, 69-70; AndTS, 70-1; ord (Cong), Nv 21, 77; tea, Amherst, Mass, 71-3; trav, Europe & East, 73-4; NHTS, 74-5; ss&pas, Hatfield, Mass, 76—. (Trav, India, 96-7.) DD, AC, 1906. YOUNG, Claiborne Addison; b, Boone Co, Ind, My 29, 1843; WabC, 69; UTS, 69-70; HarDS, 70-1; ord (Unit), Sp 25, 90; ss (Cong), Freedom, Me, 70; tea, Greenwood, SC, 71-5; tea, Spencer (Acad), IndT, 75; s's, Mendon, Mass, 90; pas (Unit), Lancaster, NH, 90-3; pas, Norton, Mass, 93-6; oc s, Canton, Mass, 96-1904; res, Lafayette, Ind, 05 — . (UYB.) 14. 1873. *BAGLEY, Francis Herbert; b, Boston, Mass, Ja 16, 1840; HC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Buffalo), My 20, 73; pas (RD), Greenburgh, NY, 73-5; os, New-Brighton (SI), NY, 75-6; os, River Vale, NJ, 76-8; d, New-Brighton (SI), NY, Jl 15, 78. *BAIRD, Isaac; b, Onslow, N Scotia, Ag 22, 1841; Presb Sem, Truro, NS, 59-62; DalC, 68-9; PTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; ord (Presb, Westchester), Mr 3, 73; fm, Odanah, Wis, 73-84; hm, Crystal Falls, Mich, 84-5; ss& pas, Ripon, Wis, 85-7; pas, New-Mills, NB, Canada, 87-91; ss, Tem- pleton, Cal, 91-8; pas, Cayucos, & ss, Moro, Cal, 99-1902; pas, Walnut Creek, & ss, Concord, Cal, 03-4; d, Walnut Creek, Cal, Nv 10, 04. (MGA.) 182 1873. BALDWIN, John Albert; b, Detroit, Mich, Jn 27, 1847; UM, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Cong), Oc 14, 75; pas, New-Baltimore, Mich, 75-7; tern sup (Presb), Plymouth, Mich, 78-9; inv & bus, Detroit, Mich, 81-7; trav, 87-8; res, Engle, NM, 88-90; fruit ranch & oc sup, Los Gatos, Cal, 90—. BARTHOLOMEW, William Melancthon; b, Valparaiso, Ind, Ap 7, 1845; CNJ, 70; NWTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; ULeip, Ger, 73-5; ord (Presb, Chi- cago), Ap 29, 78; ss&pas, Arlington Heights, 111, 75-83; pas e, Des Moines, Io, 83-94; oc s, Valparaiso, Ind, 94 — . BAYLEY, Frank Tappan; b, Boston, Mass, Ag 19, 1846; BC, 67-9; UTS, 69-70, 71-3; ord (Cong), Sp 3, 73; pas, Canandaigua, NY, 73-8; pas (Presb, Westminster), Detroit, Mich, 78-83; pas (Cong), Portland, Me, 83-91; pas (Plymouth), Denver, Col, 91—. DD, ColoC, 97. BUSHNELL, Albert; b, Salisbury, Ct, Sp 30, 1847; WmsC, 68; UTS, 70-3; ord (Cong), Dc 5, 73; pas (Leavitt st), Chicago, 111, 73-6; pas, Sterling, 111, 76-9; pas, Geneseo, 111, 79-89; pas (Tabernacle), St Joseph, Mo, 89-99; pas (Clyde), Kansas City, Mo, 1900-5; supt, Anti-Saloon League, do, 05—. DD, PkC & DruC, 95. CONEY, Archibald Alexander; b, Princetown, NY, Jl 4, 1844; UTS, 70-3; inv, W-Milton, NY, 73-8; do, Canajoharie, NY, 78—. DANIELS, Charles Herbert; b, Lyme, NH, Jl 6, 1847; AC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Cong), Nv 20, 73; pas, Montague, Mass, 73-7; pas (Vine st), Cin- cinnati, O, 77-83; pas (Second), Portland, Me, 83-8; d sec, ABCFM, NYCity, 88-93; cor sec, do, Boston, Mass, 93-1903; pas (Grace), So- Framingham, Mass, 03 — . DD, AC, 92. DAVENPORT, Henry Adolphus; AC, 70; UTS, 60-70, 71-3; ord (Cong. Fairfield W. Consoc), Jn 18, 73; ch mis, NYCity, 73-8; pas (Presb, First), Bridgeport, Ct, 78-1907; pas (Presb, Independent), do, 07 — . EMERSON, Brown Hopkins; b, Frayer, Chester Co, Pa, Ag 30, 1843; YC, 63-4; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Hudson), Sp 30, 73; ss, Ridgebury, NY, 73-5; ss, Litchfield, NH, 75-8; cm&tea, Philadelphia, Pa, 79—. *EMMONS, Amzi Babbitt; b, Chester, NJ, Nv 9, 1846; AC, 69; UTS, 69-71, 72-3; ord (Cong), Oc 28, 73; ss, Stratton, Vt, 73-4; ss, Jamaica, Vt, 74-7; pas, Oxford, Mass, 77-82; d, Morristown, NJ, Ja 18, 82. FINDLEY, William Luther; b, New-Wilmington, Pa, Ag 23, 1843; WestmC, 65; PTS, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; law, NYCity, 73—. FLETCHER, Donald; b, Coburg, Ont, Sp 29, 1849; KC, Ont, 70; NWTS, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jl 22, 73; pas (Bethany), NYCity, 73-5; pas, Northville, Mich, 75-6; ss, Chicago, 111, 76-9; inv & mer, Denver, Col, 79 — . Demitted (Presb, Chicago), Oc 1, 88. FORD, William Howard; b, Lebanon, NY, Sp 12, 1848; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Nassau), Jn 17, 73; pas (RD), Fort Miller & Northumberland, NY, 75-7; pas, Northumberland, NY, 77-80; pas (Presb), New-Scot- 1873. 183 land, NY, 80-2; pas e, Matawan, NJ, 82-3; pas (RD, Middle), Brooklyn, NY, 83-7; pas, Bushwick, do, 87-91; wc (Presb), Brooklyn, NY, 91-4; ed, NYCity, 94—. Demitted, Fb 3, 95. t GELSTON, Joseph Mills; b, Rushville, NY, Jn 27, 1847; UM, 69; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Detroit), Oc 21, 73; pas, Plymouth, Mich, 73-5; pas, Pontiac, Mich, 75-88; pas, Ann Arbor, Mich, 88—. DD, WoosU, 1904. GILLIS, John; b, Orwell, Prince Edward Island, Mr 20, 1839; BelC, 66-8; MonC, 69-70; NWTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; ord (Presb, NY), Ap 28, 73; fm, Wewoka, IndT, 73-4; pas; Knock, Scotl, 75-7; pas, Appin, Scotl, 77-83; pas, Eldon, Ont, 83-9; pas, Paisley, Ont, 89-93; pas, Dundas, PEI, 93-6; pas, Murray Harbor, North, PEI, 97-1901; pas, Dominion City, Man, Can, 01-7; pas, Strathalbyn, PEI, 07 — . Addr, Springton, PEI. *HALL, Robert Beals; b, Ash field, Mass, Dc 30, 1845; WmsC, 70; UTS, 71-3; ord (Cong), Nv 13, 73; pas, Wolfeborough, NH, 73-5; pas, Cam- bridgeport, Mass, 75-6; d, do, Nv 2, 76. HAMILTON, Edgar Augustus; b, Hamilton's Settlement, Wis, Mr 8, 1842; OC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Newton), Oc 28, 73; pas, Deckertown, NJ, 73-83; ss, Springfield, Mo, 84-93; pas, Deckertown, NJ, 93—. HOADLEY, James Hart; b, Collinsville, NY, Fb 28, 1847; HC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, NY), My 3, 73; ch mis (Faith), NYCity, 73-83; pas (Faith), do, 83-1900; pas (13th St), do, 00—. DD, HC, 91. HOWLAND, Samuel Whittlesey; b, Jaffna, Ceylon, Mr 4, 1848; AC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Cong), My 7, 73; fm, Jaffna, Ceylon, 73-97; pres, Jaffna Col, 89-97; prof (Theol), do, 89-92; pas (RD, Vermilye Ch), NYCity, 97-1900; prof, Talladega Col, Ala, 00-3; prof (Theol & Gk), AtlanU, Atlanta, Ga, 03—. DD, A.C, 90. *HUNT, Myron Winslow; b, Madras, India, Dc 5, 1846; AC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Cong), Jn 26. 73; fm, Pautingfoo, China, 73-6: wc, Norwalk, O, «fc Cuthbert, Ga, 76-8; ss, Centralia, Kan, 78-9; MD, Mo Med C, St Louis, Mo, 79-80; phys, Falls City, Neb, 80-1; d, do, Ag 10, 81. JACKSON, Samuel Macauley; b, NYCity, Jn 19, 1851; CCNY, 70; PTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; Europe, 73-5; ord (Presb, Jersey City), My 30, 76; pas, Norwood, NJ, 76-80; lit, NYCity, 80—. Prof (Ch Hist), NYU, 95—. LLD, W&LU, 92; DD, UNY, 93. JESTER, Thomas Darlington; b, Dilworthtown, Pa, Nv 17, 1842; HC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Chester), Ja 15, 74; ss&pas (Elwyn), Middle- town, Pa, 73-89; pas, Lansdowne, Pa, 89-92; pas, Millerton, NY, 92-8; pas, Pleasant Plains, NY, 98 — . *JONES, Caleb Enoch; b, W-Philadelphia, Pa, Mr 8, 1846; OU, 67-9; CrC, 69-71; DTS, 71-2; UTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Highland), Ap 23, 74; ss, Belleville & Scotch Plains, Kan, 73-5; Europe, 75-6; ss, New-Paris & 184 1873. Camden, O, 77-9; pas, Seven Mile & Jacksonburg, O, 78-82; pas, Tus- cola, 111., 82-4; ss&pas e, Kissimmee, Fla, 84-8; pas e, S-Pittsburg, Tenn, 89-91; ss, Sherman Hts & Sale Creek, Tenn, 92-3; ss, Lakeland & Punta Gordo, Fla, 94-8; ss, Lakeland & Winter Haven, FJa, 99; ss & pas e, Bartow, Fla, 1900-3; ss (So-Asso), Sandford, Fla, 03-5; wc, Kissim- mee, Fla, 05-7; d, do, Ap 26, 07. JUNOR, Kenneth Frank; b, London, Ont, Ag 31, 1846; UCT, 67-9; KC, Ont, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Halifax), Nv 30, 73; pas, Hamilton, Bermuda, 73-7 ; f m, Formosa, China, 77-82 ; stud med, UMedC, NYCity , 82-6; pas (DeWitt Mem), NYCity, 86-95; pas (RD, 34th st Colleg), do, 95-8; phys, Brooklyn, NY, 98—. MD, UMedC, 86. KIRKLAND, James; b, Richland, Mich, Jl 30, 1845; CorU, 69; UTS, 70-3; tea, various places, 73-90; ord (Presb, Kalamazoo), Jn 24, 90; pas, Edwardsburg, Mich, 90-4; ss, Yale, Mich, 94-7; wc, Port Huron, Mich, 98; ss (North), Kalamazoo, Mich, 99-1901; wc, Kalamazoo, Mich, 02 — . (MGA.) *LYON, Appleton Park; b, Springfield, Pa, Jn 12, 1840; AC, 70; UTS, 70-3; tea, NYCity, 73-1901; d, Mt Vernon, NY, Nv 27, 01. *MILLS, Eugene Russell; b, Chaumont, NY, Jn 19, 1841; WabC, 70; LTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; ord (Presb, Cedar Rapids), Nv 6, 73; pas, Lyons, Io, 73-9; pas, Nevada, Io, 79-83; ss, Nordhoff, Cal, 83-6; ss, Santa Paula, Cal, 86-8; ss, Redlands, Cal, 88-90; ss, San Pedro, Cal, 90-3; wc, 93-4; ss, Toluca, Cal, 94-5; ss, Glendale, Cal, 95-9; d, do, Ap 25, 99. *PLESTED, William; b, Chatham, Ont, Dc 16, 1842; NWU, 70; UTS, 70-3; ch mis, NYCity, 73-8; ss (Cong), Shenandoah, Io, 79-80; wc, do, 81; trade, land att'y & pension ag, Trinidad, Col, 81-93; d, do, Jl 1, 93. SCHELL, James Perry; b, Iowa City, Io, Ja 29, 1845; IoU, 70; NWTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; ord (Presb,. Iowa City), Ap 16, 73; ss, Alta City, Utah, 73-4; pas e, Woodburn & Russell, Io, 74-5 ; ss, Scott & W-Branch, Io, 75-9; ss, Kirkville & Eddyville, Io, J79-80; hm, Euclid, Angus & Tamarac, Minn, 80-6; pas e, Bathgate & Hamilton, ND, 86-90; ss, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 90-2; pas e & ss, Drayton, ND, 92-6; ss, Conway, Edinburgh, Medford, & Ransey's Grove, ND, 96-1900; ss, Norwood, ND, & Stations, 00-1; ss, Cogswell, ND, & Stations, 01-3; ss, Evarts & Java, SD, 03-4; ss, Eureka & Pollock, SD, 04-5; pas e, Bisbee & Ege- land, ND, 06-7; pas, Rolla & St. John, ND, 07—. SHEELEY, Homer; b, Millersburgh, O, Ja 11, 1841; MiU, 70; DTS, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; res lie, WTS, 73-4; ord (Presb, Wooster), Jn 10, 74; pas, Perryville, Loudonville & Clear Fork, O, 74-5; ss, Lake Prairie, Ind, 77-80; ss, Pleasant Run, O, 80-4; ss, Williamsburgh & Monterey, O, 84-5; ss, Two Ridges & Cross Creek, O, 85-7; pas, Island Creek, O, 87- 92; pas, Irondale, O, 92-5; ss, Bergholz, O, 96; ev, do, 97—. (MGA.) *SHULER, Laurens Tillou; b, Amsterdam, NY, Sp 2, 1849; UC, — ; UTS, 69-71, 72-3; ord (Presb, Newton), Oc 28, 73; pas, Wantage, NJ, 73-5; 1873. 185 trav, Europe & East, 76; ss, West Town, NY, 76-81; pas (Westm), Paterson, NJ, 81-5; ins, Newark, NJ, 85-95; d, do, Ja 6, 95. fSINCLAIR, Angus; b, Quebec, Canada, My 28, 1842; UCT, 70; KC, Ont, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; tea, Canada, 73-5; tea, Windsor, Ont, 76—. SWIFT, William Henry; b, Geneva, NY, Fb 2, 1848; AC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), My 7, 74; pas, Wilkesbarre, Pa, 74-84; pas, Honesdale, Pa, 84—. DD, LafC, 1902. TALBOT, John Wesley; b, Pleasant Hill, Mo, Oc 8, 1841; HanC, 70; DTS, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Neosho), Ap 24, 78; ss, Wadesburgh, Mo, 73-5; agric, Pleasant Hill, Mo, 75-6; ss, Dawn & Coloina, Mo, 76-7; ss, Uniontown, Kan, 77-9; ss, Walnut, Kan, 77-81; ss, Glendale, Kan, 81-5; ss, Auburn, Kan, 85-8; s», Caney, Kan, 89"; ss, Herndon, Kan, 90; ss, Downs &Rose Valley, Kan, 90-1; ss, Rose Valley, Covert & Kill Creek, Kan, 91-2; ss, Dillon, Hope & Union, Kan, 92-4; ss, Culver, Kan, 94-7; ss, Geneseo, Kan, 97-8; ss, Scoti, Kan, 98-1900; ss, Madison, Kan, 00-1; ss, Dwight, Kan, 02-3; ss, Bow Creek & Pleasant Hill, Kan, 05-6; ss, Pleasant Hill, Kan, 06 — . +TEMBROOK, Isaac Bucklew; b, Newark, NJ, Mr 18, 1836; LinU (Pa), 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Newark), Nv 12, 73; joined Asso Bapt Ch. THOMAS, William Davy; b, Carmarthen, Wales, Ja 5, 1844; CNJ, 70; PTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; stud, UB & ULeip, 74-6; ss, Amer Ch, Berlin, Germany, 74-5; ord (Presb, Topeka), Ap 30, 76; ss&pas (Westminster), Leavenworth, Kan, 76-7; pas e, Winona, Minn, 77-80; pas, La Crosse, Wis, 80-90; supt mis (Syn Wis), La Crosse, Wis, "90-1903; pres, do, 03—. PhD, UB, 76; DD, GaleC, 93. TITSWORTH, Judson; b, Shiloh, NJ, Oc 23, 1845; AC, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Cong), Jn 3, 73; pas, Westfield, Mass, 73-8; pas, Chelsea, Mass, 78-83; pas (Plymouth), Milwaukee, Wis, 83—. DD, BelC, 84. *WADE, Matthew; b, Ross, O, Oc 18, 1848; MiU, 70; UTS, 70-3; ord (Presb, Dayton), Jn 8, 75; ss, Perry, Kan, 74-5; ss, Holton, Kan, 75-7; d, do, Ap 24, 77. tWOOD, Charles Augustus; b, Chicago, 111, Ag 13, 1835; UVa, 54; NWTS, 70-2; UTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Chicago), Jl 9, 73; ev, Silver City, N-Mex, 73-5; ss, Liberty ville, N-Mex, 76; wc, Kan, 80-3; ranche, Neb, S3 — . 40. AYRES, Thomas Nelson; b, Sing Sing, NY, Mr 20, 1848; KC, 70; UTS, 70-1; NaTS, 71-2; ord (Ep), Jn 1, 73; ss, Bryan, Tex, 73; rec, Corpus Christi, Tex, 74-5; rec, Luling, Tex, 76-7; rec, Brownsville, Tex, 78-80; as min (St Luke's), Baltimore, Md, 81-2; rec (Saviour's), do, 82-3; rec, Stone Ridge, NY, 84; mis, Miss, 85; rec, Vicksburg, Miss, 86; rec, Lincoln, 111, 87-8; rec, Bay St Louis, & mis in Miss, 89-95; St Joseph's 186 1873. Monastery, La, 96; ord (RC), 96; priest (St Peter's & Paul's), New- Orleans, La, 97' — ; pr, Kenner, La, . f *CANFIELD, Charles Keeler; b, Stevensville, Pa, Mr 16, 1843; LafC, 70; UTS, 70-2; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), Nv 26, 72; pas&prin, Beaumont, Pa, 72-7; prin, Orangeville, Pa, 77-82; pas, do, 77-88; pas, S-Ryegate, Vt, 88-91; d, do, Mr 18, 91. GILLETTE, Clark Bateman; b, Victor, NY, Mr 25, 1845; UC, 70; UTS, 70-2; AubTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Northumberland), Oc 22, 73; pas, Emporium, Pa, 73-5; ss, Milwaukee, Wis, 75; ss, Campbelltown, NY, 76; post g, LTS, 76-7; ss, Elba, NY, 77-81; pas, Nelson, Pa, 81-5; pas, Parker City, Pa, 85-6; pas (Franklin st), Elmira, NY, 87-8; wc&oc s, do, 89-91; pas, Homewood & Glenwood, 111, 92-3; oc s&tea, Harvey, 111, 94-5; ev&tea, Chicago, 111, 95— . PhD, GaleC, 99. HADDEN, Jacob Winans; b, Rahway, NJ, My 16, 1844; BelC, 70; UTS, 70-1; ord (Cong), Jn 17, 85; r r sec, YMCA, Scranton, Pa, 81-3; do, Amboy, 111, 83-4; pas, Alma, Neb, 83-4; ss, Freewater, Maline, Macon & Alpine, Neb, 84-5; pas, Wilcox, Neb, 86-8; pas, Upland, Neb, 88-90; pas, Riverton, Neb, 90-1; pas, Springview, Neb, 91-3; pas, Big Spring, Wis, 93-6; pas, Steuben, Wis (2 stations), 96-7; pas, Spring Green, Wis, 97-1901; pas, Bruce, Wis, 01-6; pas, Keystone, Wis, 06-7. JONES, Charles Joshua Ketcham; b, Franklin, NJ, Jl 12, 1845; RC, 70; UTS, 70-2; ord (Cong), Ap 2, 73; ss&pas, Orient (LI), NY, 72-4; ss (Warren Mem), Brooklyn, NY, 74-5; ss, Nantucket, Mass, 75-6; pas, New-Bedford, Mass, 77-8; as pas (First), San Francisco, Cal, 79; pas (Unit Messiah), Louisville, Ky, 79-83, 85-98; pas (Unity), Los Angeles, Cal, 98-1904; direc (Study Research), Public Liby, do, 05—. LITTLE, Charles Harvey; b, Madison, Ind, Sp 20, 1848; WabC, 70; UTS, 70-1; LTS, 71-3; ord (Presb, White Water), Ap 7, 74; ss, Lawrence- burgh, Ind, 73-5; pas, College Hill, O, 75-7; pas, New-Albany, Ind, 77-80; pas, Danville, 111, 80-93; vice-pres, Coates Col, Terre Haute, Ind, 93-5; ss, Connersville, Ind, 95-8; pas (First) j Tacoma, Wash, 98-1902; wc, 02-7. DD, WabC, 91. *NEWTON, Benjamin Franklin; b, Swanton, Vt, Oc 20, 1841; HiC, 70; UTS, 70-2; EpTS, 72-3; ord (Ep), Jn 14, 73; rec, Ipswich, Mass, 73-8; rec, Texarkana, Tex, 78-82; rec (Good Shepherd), St Louis, Mo, 82-1905; d, do, Nv 2, 05. RAY, Edward Chittenden; b, Rochester, NY, Oc 12, 1849; HC, 70; UTS, 70; RTS, 70-2; AubTS (selected studies), 72-3; ord (Presb, Utica), Jn 19, 74; pas, Vernon Centre, NY, 73-5; pas, Elizabeth, NJ, 75-81; pas, Hyde Park, 111, 81-7; pas, Topeka, Kan, 87-91; sec, Bd Aid for Coll & Acad, Chicago, 111, 91-1904; off sec & as treas, College Bd, NYCity, 04—. DD, KC, 88. ♦STERLING, George; b, New-Milford, Ct, Jl 27, 1842; AC, 70; UTS, 70-2; AndTS, 72-3; ord (Cong), Dc 8, 74; ss, W-Stockbridge Centre, Mass, 1873-1874. 187 72; ss, Gratton, Smyrna & Wayland, Mich, 72-5; ss, Staceyville, Io, 75-6; ss, Lenora, Minn, 76-8; ss, Higganum, Ct, 78-80; ss, Templeton, Ct, 80-1; pas, Milton, NH, 81-4; pas, Glover, Vt, 84-8; ss, No-Hyde Park, Vt, 88-9; pas, Dunbarton, NH, 89-92; ss, Berkley, Mass, 92-4; ss, Manomet (Plymouth), Mass, 94-7; ss, Windsor, Mass, 97-1901; d, do, Nv 26, 01. SUPLEE, Thomas Danly; b, W-Philadelphia, Pa, Ap 17, 1846; CNJ, 70; UTS, 70-1; PTS, 71-2; PEDS, Philadelphia, Pa, 72-3; mis (Ep), Coop- ersville, Pa, 73-6; mis, Union, NY, 76; tea, Faribault, Minn, 76-7; prof (St Augustine Coll), Benicia, Cal, 77-9; prin, Tivoli, NY, 79-82; prin, Gambier, O, 82-5; prin & lay reader, Lakewood, NJ, 85-90; tea, NYCity, 90-5; res, Yonkers, NY, 95—. TENNEY, Albert Francis; b, S-Braintree, Mass, Jl 24, 1847; AC, 69; tea, Philadelphia, Pa, 69-70; UTS, 70-2; tea, Wilmington, Del, 72-3; tea, Sing Sing, NY, 73-82; ord (Ep), Dc 22, 82; rec, Sing Sing, NY, 82-4; rec, Madison, NJ, 84-7; as min (St Ann's), Brooklyn, NY, 87-93; rec, Pelham Manor, NY, 93—. Also instr (Elocu), BerkDS, 95—. do, GenTS, 1903—. 11. 1874. *ALLISON, Charles Elmer; b, Florida, NY, Jl 21, 1847; HC, 70; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Westchester), Ap 30, 79; ch mis (Day spring), Yonkers, NY, 74-9; pas (Dayspring), do, 79-1908; d, do, Ja 2, 08. DD, HC, 98. •BEEKMAN, Abraham J; b, S-Branch, NJ, Oc 21, 1838; UTS, 70-2, 73-4; ord (RD, CI Illinois), Nv 4, 74; ss, Norris, 111, 74-5; ss, Shokan & Shandaken, NY, 76-82; inv, Matawan, NJ, 82-4; do, S-Branch, NJ, 85-7; do, Allentown, NJ, 88-92; d, Elwood, NJ, Ap 4, 92. BRYANT, James Paul; b, North East, NY, Mr 25, 1839; UC, 70; UTS, 70-2, 73-4; ord (Presb, Miramichi, NB), Sp 1, 74; pas, Bachellersville, NY, 77-81; ss, Galway & W-Galway, NY, 81-8; oc s, Andover, Mass, 88-91; do, New-Haven, Ct, 91-5; do, Albany, NY, 95-8; pas e, Renssel- aerville, NY, 98-1900; inv, 00-6; pas e (Ref), Westerlo, NY, 06—. BURNHAM, Theodore Frelinghuysen; b, Deckertown, NJ, Ag 31, 1845; UNY, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Nassau), My 28, 74; pas, Freeport (LI), NY, 74-8; pas, S-Amenia, NY, 78-90; ss, Millerton, NY, 90-2; pas, Vallejo, Cal, 92—. ed (Occident), San Francisco, Cal, 98-1900; supt, Naval Union, Mare Island, do, 93 — . CRANE, Charles Dodd; b, W-Bloomfield, NJ, Fb 12, 1849; CNJ, 69; UTS, 71-4; ord (Cong), Jn 11, 74; ss, Clinton & Benton, Me, 73; pas, Clinton, Me, 74-5; ss, Waterville, Me, 75-7; ss, S-Paris, Me, 77-81; ss, Hampden, Me, 81-3; pas (Presb, Wickliffe), Newark, NJ, 83-4; pas (Cong), New- castle, Me, 84-94; pas, Machias, Me, 94-1900; pas, Yarmouth, Me, 00-3; field sec, Me Chr Endeav Union, 03 — . Addr, Waterville, Me. 188 1874. CUMINGS, Elbert Wilmot; b, Palmyra, NY, Nv 8, 1847; HC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Lyons), My 3, 76; ss, Fairville, NY, 75-7; ss, W-Fay- ette, NY, 77-81; ss, Elba, NY, 81-9; pas e, Barre, Vt, 89-96; also ss, Graniteville, Vt, 90-5; ed & publ, Barre, Vt, 96—. DE CAMP, Allen Ford; b. Charlottesburgh, NJ, Fb 9, 1848; WmsC, 71; AubTS, 72, 72-3; UTS, 73-4; ord (Presb, Winnebago), Dc, 74; ss&pas, Shawano, Wis, 74-6; ss (Cong), S-Egremont, Mass, 77-83; pas (Presb, Wash Hts), NYCity, 83-5; pas (Lake St), Elmira, NY, 89-99; ss, North- port, NY, 1902-5; ss, Wrights, Cal, 06—. *DONALD, Elijah Winchester; b, Andover, Mass, Jl 31, 1848; AC, 69; PEDS, 71; UTS, 72-4; ord (Ep), Oc 17, 75; as min & rec (Intercession), NYCity, 75-82; rec (Ascension), do, 82-92; rec (Trinity), Boston, Mass, 92-1904; d, Ipswich, Mass, Ag 6, 04. DD, AC, 86. FORD, James Tooker; b, Madura, India, Ag 3, 1848; WmsC, 71; AubTS, 71-2; UTS, 72-4; ord (Presb, Wisconsin River), Jn 6, 76; ss, Oxford, Wis, 74-7; ss, Black River Falls, Wis, 77-8; ss, Maiden Rock, Wis, 78- 81; ss, Oxford, Wis, 81-4; ss, Waukegan, 111, 84; ss, Williamsburg, Ky, 85-6; ss, Elwood, 111, 86-7; ss, Du Page, 111, 87-92; pas, Merrill, Wis, 92-5; ss, Greenwood, Wis, 95-8; ss, Warren, 111, 98-1902; ss, Cedarville, 111, 02-4; ss, Arlington Hts, 111, 04—. *FOWLER, John Kennedy; b, Covington, NY, Sp 22, 1848; UR, 70; UTS, 70-1, 72-4; ord (Presb, Rochester), Nv 10, 74; pas, Caledonia, NY, 74-7; pas, Rockford, 111, 78-84; ss, El Paso, Tex, 84-5; pas (Second), Cedar Rapids, Io, 85-95; ss (Central), Los Angeles, Cal, 95-7; pas, Clinton, Io, 97-1903; pas, La Crosse, Wis, 03-8; d, do, Fb 11, 08. DD, LenC, 89. GERHARD, James Abraham; b, Host, Pa, Sp 7, 1849; F&MC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Kearney), Ja 3, 77; ss&pas, No-Platte, Neb, 76-81; pas e, Hamburg, Io, 81-3; pas, Maryville, Mo, 83-90; pas e, Joplin, Mo, 90-6; ss, Galena, Kan, 96-8; pas e, Litchfield, 111, 98-1902; inv, do, 03; ss, Butler, 111, 04; wc, St Louis, Mo, 05—, *GUTELIUS, Fisher; b, Mifflinburgh, Pa, Jl 17, 1845; LafC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Rochester), Jl 5, 74; pas, Moscow, NY, 74-1906; d, Rochester, NY, Jl 30, 06. HAINES, Matthias Loring; b, Aurora, Ind, My 4, 1850; WabC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (RD, No CI, LI), My 27, 74; pas, Astoria (LI), NY, 74-85; pas (Presb, First), Indianapolis, Ind, 85 — . DD, WabC, 87. HALE, John Philetus; b, Milwaukee, Wis, Ag 23, 1850; BelC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Oc 13, 74; ss&pas, Jersey City (Clare- mont), NJ, 74-80; pas, Fond du Lac, Wis, 81-6; pas (Kenwood), Chi- cago, 111, 86-98; pas (Second), Lafayette, Ind, 98—. DD, BelC, 96. HOOD, Edward Cleeves; b, Lawrenceville, Pa, Ap 21, 1848; CNJ, 68; AndTS, 69-70; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Jersey City), My 5, 74; ev, Pas- saic, N J, 74-5; ss (Cong), Hingham, Mass, 75-82; pas, W-Medford, 1874. 189 Mass, 82-9; Europe, 89-90; wc, Cambridge, Mass, 90-2; ss, Wrentham, Mass, 92-8; manufac, res, Higham, Mass, 98-1902; res, Wellesley Hills, Mass, 02—. *HORNBROOKE, Francis Bickford; b, Wheeling, W-Va, My 7, 1849; OU, 70; HarDS, 71-3; UTS, 73-4; HarDS, 76-7; ord (Cong), Ag 27, 74; pas, E-Hampton, Ct, 74-6; pas (Unit), Weston, Mass, 76-9; pas (Channing), Newton, Mass, 79-1900; d, do, Dc 5, 03. BD, HarDS, 77. KIEHLE, Araos Augustus; b, Dansville, NY, Mr 22, 1847; HC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, St Paul), Oc 21, 74; pas (Franklin av), Minneapolis, Minn, 74-8; pas, Stillwater, Minn, 78-81; pas (Calvary), Milwaukee, Wis, 81-1907; prof (Sociol), & asso prof (Engl Lit), Carroll Coll, Wau- kesha, Wis, 07—. DD, GaleC, 90. LE AM AN, Charles; b, Leaman Place, Pa, Sp 3, 1845; CNJ, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Philadelphia), Jn 17, 74; fm, Shanghai & Nanking, China, 74-8; fm, Hangchow, China, 78-9; fm, Shanghai, China, 79-81; fm, Nanking, China, 81 — . *LINNELL, Edward Payson; b, Granville, O, Ap 18, 1846; HC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Oc 8, 74; pas, German Valley, NJ, 74-82; hm, Miles City, Mont, 82-6; d, Bozeraan, Mont, ,11 23, 86. LYNCH, William St Augustine; b, Baltimore, Md, Mr 31, 1853; LinU, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), My 5, 74; pas, Elizabeth, NJ, 74-6; ss, Troy, NY, 76-9; pas, Pittsburg, Pa, 79-84; pas (Cong), Springfield, Mass, 84-7; pas (Presb), Newark, NJ, 87-97; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 98-9; tea (Manual Tr Sch), Washingtonville, NY, 1900-3; pas (Afr ME), New-Haven, Ct, 03-7; pas, Norwalk, Ct, 07—. *MACBETH, William Chalmers; b, NYCity, Dc 25, 1852; WashC (Md), — ; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), My 5, 74; pas, Elizabeth, NJ, 74-6; ss, Troy, NY, 76-9; pas, Pittsburg, Pa, 79-84; pas (Cong), Springfield, 83; ss, Middlefield, NY, 83 — ; ss, Curwensville, Pa, 85-6; pas, Eipley, NY, 87-9; pas, Coventry, NY, 90-3; pas e, Springfield, Pa, 94; pas, Harbor Creek, & ss, E-Greene, Pa, 95-6; pas e, Duncansville, Pa, 97-8; wc, Erie, Pa, 99-1905; d, Harbor Creek, Pa, Fb 27, 06. (MGA.) MATTHEWS, William Freeman; b, Bethel, Vt, Oc 31, 1849; UM, 70; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb), Dc 20, 74; ch mis, NYCity, 74-7; ss, Beading, Mich, 77-8; UB, 78-9; ss, Manchester, Mich, 79-81; ss, Auburn, Ind, 81-2; ss, Bluffton, Ind, 82-5; ss, Pipestone & Woodstock, Minn, 86; pas e, Parkville, Mo, 87; wc, Kansas City, Mo, 88; pas, Cottonwood Falls, Kan, 89-90; pas e, Burlingame, & ss, Union, Kan, 91; ev, Kansas City, Kan, 92-8; ss, Pine City, Minn, 06—. *McKECHNIE, Duncan Livingston; b, Cheltenham, Ont, My 31, 1842; UCT, 71; KC, Ont, 71-2; UTS, 72-4; ord (Presb), Sp 28, 75; pas, Bothwell, Ont, 75-82; pas, Mattawa, Can, 82-95; d, do, Mr 8, 95. 190 1874. MILLER, John Calvin; b, Apple Creek, O, Sp 12, 1844; WoosU, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Neosho), Jn 30, 74; pas,. Garrett, & ss, Sugar "Valley & Reader, Kan, 74-8; pas (Second), Topeka, Kan, 78-85; pas, Winfleld, Kan, 85-95; pas, Newton, Kan, 95-8; pres (Empor Col), Emporia, Kan, 99-1905; pas, Osborne, Kan, 06—. DD, WoosU, 93. MORSE, Oliver Cromwell; b, NYCity, Sp 18, 1847; YC, 68; UTS, 68-9; UB, 69-70; ULeip, 70-1; PTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-4; ord (Presb, St Law- rence), Jn 18, 85; ss (Cong), Greenport (LI), NY, 74-5; tut, Orange, NJ, 75-6; gen sec, YMCA, Schenectady, NY, 76-8; do, Washington, DC, 78-81; do, Cleveland, O, 81-4; YMCA, NYCity, 84; ss (Presb), Watertpwn, NY, 85-6; sec, NY State, YMCA, 86-7; cor sec, Internat YMCA Training Sch, Springfield, Mass, 87-98; v-pres, Rollins Col, Winter Park, Fla, 98-1904; v-pres, Bible Teachers' Training School, NYCity, 04-5; exec sec, Bible League of No Amer, NYCity, 05 — . DD, Rollins, Col. NICKERSON, Norman Ferdinand; b, South-East, NY, Nv 26, 1836; law, 62-5; tea, NYCity, 65-73; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Oc 7, 75; pas, Evans' Mills (Le Ray), NY, 75-7; ss, Hughsonville, NY, 77-8; ss, Maiden, NY, 78-81; pas (RD), Prattsville, NY, 81-5; pas, Glenville, NY, 85-91; hm, Centreville City, SD, 91-6; hm, Britton, Mich, 96-1900; ss (Presb), New-Rochester & Dunbridge, O, 00-1; ss, Fayette, O, 01-2; ss, Olena, O, 02-3; pres ev (Maumee), 04-5; ss, Erie, Mich, & hm (Presb, Monroe), 05 — . PERRY, William D; b, Perryville, Md, Nv 1, 1844; AC, 70; Sorbonne, Paris, 72-3; UTS, 70-2, 73-4; ord (RD, No CI, LI), Ja 25, 75; ch m (Presb), NYCity, 74; pas (RD), E-St John's, Laurel Hill & Long Island City, NY, 74-5; prin, Hudson, NY, 75-82; pas, Greenport (Col Co), NY, 82-6; pas (North), Brooklyn, NY, 86-90; cm, do, 91-3; pas (Bushwick), do, 94-5; ss (Bedford), do, 95-6; ss (Anderson Mem), NYCity, 97-8; lay reader (Christ, PE), Brooklyn, NY, 1900-1; ord (Ep), deacon, Dc 21, 01; as min (Christ), do, 01-3; do (Grace), NYCity, 03-6; bus, NYCity, 06—. ♦STONE, Mellen David; b, Chester, Vt, Jn 7, 1848; DC, 70; UTS, 70-1; HTS, 71-2; UTS, 73-4; ss, Windham, Vt, 74-5; hm, New-Mexico, 75; inv & wc, Windham, Vt, 75-6; d, Syracuse, NY, Jn 8, 76. *STROH, Charles Robert; b, Manheim, Germany, Ja 7, 1850; UTS, 71-4; GenTS, 75-6; ord (Ep) dea, Jl 2, 76, pr, My 27, 77; rec, Durant, Io, 76-80; rec, Decorah, Io, 80-2; wc, Gainesville, Fla, 82-3; rec, Water- town, SD, 83-7; hm, Santee Agency, Neb, 87-93; d, do, Ag 21, 93. WALLER, David Jewett, Jr; b, Bloomsburg, Pa, Jn 17, 1846; LafC, 70; tut, do, 70-1; PTS, 71-2; UTS, 72-4; ord (Presb, Phila Cen), Nv 30, 74; pas, Philadelphia, 74-6; pas e, Orangeville, Rohrsburg & Raven Creek, Pa, 76-7; prin, Pa State Norm Sch, Bloomsburg, Pa, 77-90; State Supt Publ Instr, 90-3; prin (State Norm Sch), Indiana, Pa, 93-1906; prin 1874. 191 (State Norm Sch), Bloomsburg, Pa, 06—. PhD, LafC, 80; DD, UrsC, 92. •WELLS, John Lester; b, Pomeroy, 0, Ja 13, 1846; MaC, 71; UTS, 71-4; ord (Presb, Athens), Sp 15, 74; ch mis & pas (Bethany), Newark, NJ, 74-91; asso pas (Tabernacle Cong), Jersey City, NJ, 91-7; d, Stillwater, NY, Ag 29, 97. •WILKINSON, Robert Henry; b, Enniskillen, Ireland, Mr 23, 1844; CC, 72; UTS, 70-1, 72-4; ord (Cong, Fairfield W Asso), Ag 25, 74; pas, No-Stamford, Ct, 74-5; pas (Presb), Hackensack, NJ, 76-9; ss, Upper Aquebogue (LI), NY, 80-3; pas, Hunter, NY, 83-9; d, do, Fb 22, 89. 32. ♦BARTON, Luther; b, Dayton, NJ, Fb 9, 1850; RC, 70; UTS, 71-4; tea, NYCity, 74-6; d, Delaware Water Gap, Pa, Ag 11, 76. ♦CHRISTIE, Thomas McCulloch; b, Shubenacadie, N Scotia, Mr 14, 1848; DalC, 70; Presb Theol Col, N Scotia, 70-1; UTS, 71-3; ord (Presb, Lunenburg & Yarmouth), Oc 30, 73; fm, Trinidad, W-Ind, 74-83; ss, So-Cal, 83-4; inv, 84-5; d, Kelseyville, Cal, Oc 3, 85. CLARK, John Holley; b, Lyons, NY, Fb 21, 1850; UC, 70; UTS, 71-2; prin, Lyons, NY, 78-87; supt of sch, Flushing, NY, 87-91; dean (Sch of Social Economics), NYCity, 91-7; prin (HSch), Flushing, NY, 97—. ♦CRAWFORD, Gideon Stebbins White; b, Knoxville, Tenn, Ag 20, 1849; MvC, 71; UTS, 71-3; LTS, 73-4; ord (Presb), Ap 15, 75; prof (Math), MvC, Maryville, Tenn, 75-82; State Supt Publ Sch, Tenn, 82-3; prof, MvC, Maryville, Tenn, 83-91; d, do, Fb 3, 91. CROUSE, Meigs Velpeau; b, Dayton, Ind, Ag 8, 1851; WabC, 71; UTS, 71-2; LTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Dayton), Nv 2, 75; ss&pas, Franklin, O, 75-81; supt (Children's Home), Cincinnati, O, 82 — . GOODELL, Henry Martyn; b, Darien, NY, Oc 20, 1846; UM, 71; CTS, 71-2; UTS, 72-3; CTS, 73-4; ord (Cong), Oc, 76; tea, Kankakee, 111, 75-6; ss (Cong), Cannon & Cannonsburgh, Mich, 76-7; ss, Newaygo, Mich, 77-9; trav, Orient, 79-80; ss, Desplaines, 111, 80-2; ss, Blair, Neb, 82-4; ss, Wahoo, Neb, 84-6; pas (Presb), do, 86-8; ss, Salem, Neb, 88- 90; ss&pres (Pres Col of So-W), Del Norte, Col, 90-2; ss (Presb), Kissimmee, Fla, 93-5; ss, Titusville, Fla, 95-7; ss, Crystal River & Dunnellon, Fla, 93-5; ss, Kalida, O, 99-1900; ss, Eufaula, Ala, 01; wc, Pasadena, Cal, 02 — . HALL, Charles Lemon; b, Winchester, Eng, Sp 18, 1847; CCNY, 66; UTS, 71-2; AndTS, 72-4; ord (Cong), Fb 22, 76; hm, Springfield, Dak, 74-6; fm (ABCFM), Fort Berthold, ND, 76-82; hm, do (AMA), 82-7; pas, Elbowoods, ND, 87—. 192 1874. *HILL, Joshua Asbury; b, Washington, DC, Nv 29, 1846; LinU, 71; UTS, 71-3; HTS, 75; ord (Presb), Nv 2, 73; pas, Macon, Ga, 73-4; pas, Hart- ford, Ct, 74-7; d, Washington, DC, Dc 11, 78. LEONARD, Joseph Hampton; b,Kossuth, Io, Ap 13, 1847; BurlU, Burling- ton, Io, 68-70; ChicTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-2; as pas & pas (Ch of Christ), lona, NJ, 72—. *LILLIE, Ralph Wardlaw; b, Toronto, Canada, My 8, 1841; UTS, 71-3; ss (Cong), Henrietta, NY, 74-5; bus (various places); d, Chicago, 111, Oc 1, 88. MICHAEL, George; b, Shawnee, Pa, Mr 15, 1843; PaC, 71; UTS, 71-2; YTS, 72-4; ord (Cong), Jl 8, 74; Tun, Stanton, Mich, 74-5; hm, Milton Mills, NH, 75-6; pas, Freeport, Me, 76-8; pas (Presb), Preble, NY, 78-9; hm (Cong), Moriah, NY, 79-81; ss, Alfred, Me, 81-5; ss, Greeley, Col, 85-7; ss, Manitou, Col, 87-90; ss, Burlington, Kan, 91-4; ss, Neills- ville, Wis, 94-6; ss, Detroit City, Minn, 96-8; wc, Halstad, Minn, 99; ss, Walker, Minn, 1900—. (CYB.) *MILLARD, Watson Birchard; b, Dexter, Mich, Sp 13, 1848; UM, 71; CTS, 71-2; UTS, 72-3; CTS, 73-4; ord (Cong), Jn 18, 74; pas (Plymouth), St Louis, Mo, 74-5; ss, Memphis, Tenn, 75-7; pas, Dundee, 111, 77-83; pas, Blue Island, 111, 83-6; pas, St Clair, Mich, 86-92; pas (Bethany), St Paul, Minn, 93-4; pas (Plymouth), do, 94-7; pas, Port Huron, Mich, 98-9; pas, Geneva, 111, 99-1902; pas, Hancock, Mich, 03-5; d, do, Ja 3, 05. (CYB.) ROCHE, Spencer Summerfield; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ja 22, 1849; CC, 70; UTS, 71-3; GenTS, 73-4; ord (Ep) dea, My 31, 74, pr, Dc 19, 75; as min, Brooklyn, NY, 74-5; rec (St Mark's), do, 75 — . Exam Chapl, Diocese Brooklyn. DD, TrC, 1901. SAMSON, Thomas Smallwood; b, Washington, DC, Oc 26, 1845; CnC, 64; UTS, 71-3; NTI, 73-5; ord (Bap), Ap 24, 73; pas, Newton, Mass, 73-80; pas (Calvary), New-Haven, Ct, 80-7; pas (Del av), Buffalo, NY, 87-92; pas, Portland, Me, 93-8; pas (First), Germantown, Phila, Pa, 99 — . DD, GeoWashU, Wash, DC, 1904. SCOTT, Walter; b, Sing Sing, NY, Nv 29, 1846; UC, 68; UTS, 72-3; tea, Sing Sing, NY, 73-6; ord (Bap), Nv 9, 76; pas, So-New-Berlin, NY, 76-80; pas (Alex Av), North NY, NYCity, 80-9; prin, Suffield, Ct, 89- 96; educ sec & ed, Boston (W-Somerville), Mass, 97 — . SCOTT, Walter Quincy; b, Dayton, O, Dc 19, 1845; LafC, 69; UTS, 72-3; ord (Presb, Phila Central), Fb 15, 74; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 74-8; prof, WoosU, 78-80; pres, OU, 81-3; prin, Exeter, NH, 84-9; pas (First), Albany, NY, 91-2; ev, do & NY, 93-4; ev, Moscow, Pa, 95-6; pas, Elm- hurst, Pa, 9-6-1900; wc, Bloomfield, NJ, 00—. (MGA.) DD, LafC, 81. *VANCE, Edward Dunn; b, Fairview, Pa, Sp 3, 1846; WRC, 71; UTS, 71-3; LTS, 73-4; ord (Presb, Mahoning), Dc 16, 74; pas, Kinsman, O, 74-91; 1874-1875. 193 wc, Washington, DC, 91-5; cm, Erie, Pa, 96-8; wc, Worcester, Mass, 1900-5; d, No- Warren, Pa, Jl 28, 05. (MGA.) 17. 1875. BEERY, Franklin Pease; b, Dover, N J, Fb 26, 1846; CNJ, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Emporia), Oc 2, 77; inv, Experiment Mills, Pa, 75-6; do, Dover, NJ, 76-7; ss, Little Dutch & New-Salem, Kan, 77-8; ss&pas, Wellington, Kan, 78-81; ss, Salem, Ore, 81-4; pas, Wyandotte (now Kansas City), Kan, 84-94; pas e, Maryville, Mo, 94-8; ss, Cheyenne, Wyo, 99-1900; pas (Highland Park), Los Angeles, Cal, 00-7; pas (Olivet), do. 07—. DD, MonC, 02. BOLTON, James Gray; b, Lismoyle, near Kilrea, Co Derry, Ireland, Mr 17, 1849; LafC, 68-71; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Philadelphia), Jn 28, 75; ch mis (Hope), Philadelphia, Pa, 75-91; pas (Hope), do, 91 — . DD, LafC, 95. BROOKS, Walter Augustus; b, Le Roy, NY, Ag 2, 1849; UM, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, New-Brunswick), Oc 14, 75; pas (Prospect st), Tren- ton, NJ, 75-1905; lit ("Presbyterian"), do, 06—. DD, LafC, 93. ♦CAMPBELL, David Henshey; b,, Davidsburgh, Pa, Jl 28, 1846; LafC, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Huntingdon), Jn 17, 75; pas, Ansonville (Fruit Hill), Pa, 75-84; pas, Mt Union, Shirley sburg & Mapleton, Pa, 84-92; pas, Mt Union, Newton, Hamilton & Mapleton, Pa, 92-1901; d, Mt Union, Pa, Ja 31, 01. DD, LafC, 97. CATE, Charles Neal; b, Reading, Mass, Ja 24, 1849; Boston Sch for Min- istry, 68-9; HarDS, 69-70; UTS, 72-5; ord (Cong, Windham Co Asso), Ag 18, 75; ss, North & East Woodstock, Ct, 75-7; ss (Presb), Sidney, Neb, 77-8; ss, Nebraska City, Neb, 78-9; ss, Columbus, Neb, 79-81; ss, Fairmount, Neb, 81-3; pas, Frankfort, Kan, 83-7; pas, Paola, Kan, 87-91; pas, Sparta, 111, 91-1901; ss (34th St Bnch, Memo Pr),' Brooklyn, NY, 04-6; ss (Immanuel), Yonkers, NY, 01-4, 06—. CHOATE, Washington; b, Essex, Mass, Ja 17, 1846; AC, 70; UTS, 73-5; ord (Cong), Sp 29, 75; pas, Manchester, NH, 75-7; inv, Salem, Mass, 78; tea, NYCity & Brooklyn, NY, 79; ss&pas (Presb), Irvington, NY, 80-8; pas (Cong), Greenwich, Ct, 88-91; cor sec, Cong HMS, NYCity, 91-1907; treas, do, 07—. DD, AC, 92. COWAN, John; b, Parkesburgh, Pa, Mr 26, 1848; LafC, 71; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Chester), My 25, 75; ss (Cong), Essex & Williston, Vt, 75-6; ss, Essex & Essex Junction, Vt, 76-84; pas, Chester, Vt, 85-8; pas, S-Deerfield, Mass, 88-97; pas, Southampton, Mass, 97-1905; pas, Lyme, NH, 05—. "DANIELS, Allen Gatch; b, Urbana, O, Ag 9, 1850; UWoos, 72; UTS, 72-5; post g, AubTS, 83-4; ord (Presb, Belief ontaine), Ap 14, 75; tea, Santa 194 1875.: Fe, NMex, 75; pas, Humboldt, Kan, 76-7; inv, Lodi, 0, 77; pas, Lyn- donville, NY, 78-83; pas, Ellicottville, NY, 84-5; res, Oakland, Cal, 85-6; ss, Ojai, Cal, 86-9; inv & hr, Nordhoff, Cal, 89-93; d, do, Mr 30, 93. EASTMAN, John Huse; b, Sandy Hill, NY, Ag 23, 1849; AC, 69; UTS r 72-5; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jl 8, 75; prof, KC, 69-72; pas, Katonah, NY, 75-95; pas (First), Pottsville, Pa, 95—. DD, AC, 99. FERGUSON, Daniel Araunah; b, n Ogdensburg, NY, Jl 10, 1850; HC, 71; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Fb 24, 76; ss&pas, Hammond, NY, 75—. DD, HC, 1905. *FRENCH, Willison Bowers; b, Delaware, O, Mr 17, 1850; KenC, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 23, 75, pr, Jn 28, 76; rec, Wooster, O, 76-9, & rec, Berea, O, 80-7; as min, Wayne, Pa, 90; as ed (Standard of the Cross, & Church Standard), 79-92; rec (St Paul's), Aramingo, Phila- delphia, Pa, 91-3; d, do, Ag 6, 93. FRIZZELL, William; b, Co Tyrone, Ireland, Ap 30, 1844; KC, Ont, 71; do, Theo Dep, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; res lie, do, 75-6; ord (Presb, Toronto), Ap 4, 78; cm, NYCity, 75-6 & 76-7; Europe, 76; ss, Queensville, Ont. 77-8; pas, Newmarket, Ont, 78-82; pas (Queen St), Toronto, Ont, 82- 1907; res, Eedlands, Cal, 07—. *FULTON, Edwin Finney; b, Philadelphia, Pa, My 16, 1846; UPa, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Westminster), Oc 12, 75; pas, Gap, Pa, 75-6; d, do, Dc 7, 76. GARDNER, John Scoon; b, Harlingen, NJ, Nv 1, 1850; CNJ, 71; UTS, 72-5; ord (RD, CI Schoharie),. Ag 23, 76; ss (Presb), Morris Plains, NJ, 75-6; pas (RD), Middleburgh, NY, 76-80; as pas & pas, Harlingen, NJ, 80-3; pas (Flatlands), Brooklyn, NY, 83—. GARRETSON, George Rem; b, Jersey City, NJ, My 21, 1850; RC, 70; NBTS, 70-1; UTS, 71-2; Europe, 72-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (RD, No CI LI), Dc 1, 75; pas, Long Island City & Laurel Hill (LI), NY, 75-7; wc, NY City, 77; pas, Hyde Park, NY, 78-80; wc, NYCity, 80-3; pas (Presb), Mattituck (LI), NY, 83-7; pas (Claremont), Jersey City, NJ, 87-1900; oc sup, Summit, NJ, 00-4; bus, NYCity, 04-6; ss, Laurel, NY, 06 — . GIBBS, Joseph Franklin; b, Blanford, Mass, Ja 7, 1845; St Norm Sch, Westfield, Mass, 68; OTS, 72-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (Cong), Dc 11, 75; os, Griffin's Mills, NY, 75-6; ss, E-Hamburgh, NY, 76-7; wc, Agawam & Boston, Mass, 77-8; tern sup, E-Hamburgh & Griffin's Mills, NY, 78-9; wc, Agawam, Mass, 79-80; pas (Unit), Greeley, Col, 80-5; stock, do, 85-95; optician, Fort Collins, Colo, 95 — . GOOD, James Isaac; b, York, Pa, Dc 31, 1850; LafC, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (GR, Zion Classis), Jn 16, 75; pas, York, Pa, 75-7; pas (Heidelberg), Philadelphia, Pa, 77-90; prof (Ch Hist), UrsC, 90-3; prof (Dogmat), do, 93-7; pas (Calvary), Reading, Pa, 90-1905; prof (Ref Ch Hist, &c), CentralTS, Tiffin, O, 07—. DD, UrsC, 87. 1875. 195 GOUELEY, John Cranford; b, Cochrans Mills, Pa, Mr 14, 1849; W&JC. 72; WTS, 72-4; UTS, 74-5; os, Murray sville, Pa, 75-6; ss, Cameron & Lathrop, Mo, 76-7; wc, Delmont, Pa, 77-9; ord (ME), Oc 16, 81; pas, Saltsburg, Pa, 80-3; pas, Gallitzin, Pa, 83-6; pas, Venetia, Pa, 86-8; pas, Port Perry, Pa, 88-9; pas, Pittsburg, Pa, 89-90; pas, Circleville, Pa, 90-2; prin & ss (Presb), Murraysville, Pa, 92-4; pas, Ellwood City, Pa, 94-7; pas, Windham, Minn, 97-1902; ss, Stark & Waldo, Fla, 03; ss, Stirling, Kan, 03-6; ev, West Plain, Mo, 07—. GRANGER, Henry Chapin; b, Great Barrington, Mass, Dc 21, 1847; UM, 71; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Chicago), Ap 11, 77; ss (Cong), Mill River, Mass, 75-6; ss (Union), do, 77-84; pas (Presb), Englewood, 111, 84-9; ord (Ep) dea, Dc 21, 89, pr, Jn 1, 90; rec, Dixon, 111, 89-97; ss, Sterling, 111, 97; as min (St Peter's), Chicago, 111, & (St Matthew's Mis), Evans- ton, 111, 97-1906; res, Evanston, 111, 06—. HANNA, Lyman Edwin; b, Lodi, O, Jl 5, 1847; WRC, 72; AubTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; ord (Presb, Monroe), Sp 20, 75; ss, Clayton & Dover, Mich, 75-6; ss, Bergen, NY, 77-9; ss, Corfu, NY, 79-82; hm, Steele, Dak, 82-3; hm, Livingston, Mont, 83-4; pas, Wickes, Mont, 84-6; ss, Butte City, Mont, 86-7; ev, do, 88-9; ss, Lexington, O, S9; ss, Canton, O, 90-2; pa?, Homeworth, O, 93-8; pas, Bloomville, O, 98-1902; pas, Middle Point, O, 03-5; ss, Matthews, Ind, 06 — . HEGEMAN, James Winthrop; b, Nyack, NY, Mr 18, 1852; CNJ, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (RD, CI Monmouth), My 13, 75; ss, Eganville & Lake Dori, Can, 75; pas (Presb), Wausau, Wis, 75-81; ss, Superior, Wis, 81-2; oc s, various places, 83; pas (Franklin av), Brooklyn, NY, 84-92; asso pas (Madison av), NYCity, 92; ord (PE) dea, Fb 9, 93, pr, Mr 24, 94: rec, Riverdale, NYCity, 93-1901; rec, Ballston Spa, NY, 03—. PhD, UNY, 91. JOHNSON, Arthur; b, Newark, NJ, Jl 22, 1848; CNJ, 72; PTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), My 8, 77; ss, Nanticoke, Wanamie & Shickshinny, Pa, 75-8; pas, Shickshinny, Pa, 78-84; pas (RD, Sec- ond), Hackensack, NJ, 84 — . EEYSER, Calvin; b, Bellaire, O, Ja 30, 1846; AC, 71; UTS, 71-5; ord (Cong), Dc 28, 75; pas (Third), Fall River, Mass, 75-83; wc, Wollas- ton Hts, Mass, 83-4; ss&pas, Alden, NY, 84-6; pas, S-Egremont, Mass, 86-90; pas, Dighton, Mass, 90-2; wc, Concord, Mass, 92-4; pas, Solon, Me, 95-6; Wc, Concord, Mass, 96-7; pas, Goshen, Mass, 98 — . LODER, Achilles Lysander; b, S- Whitehall, Pa, Mr 10, 1848; CNJ, 72; PTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), My 8, 77; hm, Queensville, Ont, 75; ss, Prescott, Wis, 75; hm, Milwaukee, Wis, 76; pas, Plains, Pa, 76-9; hm, St Paul, Neb, 79-81; hm, Gunnison, Col, 81-3; p grad, UTS, 83-4; ss, Sanford, Fla, 84-6; pas (Second), Potts- ville, Pa, 87-9; pas (Cong), Norwood, Mass, 89-94; oc s «fe lit, Hyde Park, Mass, 94-7; ss, Clarendon, Mass, 97-1900; ss, Thetford, Vt, 01-5; trav around the world, 06-7; ss, Arlington, Wash, 07 — . 196 1875. *McCLELLAND, Brainard Taylor; b, Mt Jackson, Pa, Fb 11, 1845; OC, 69; OTS, 72-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (Presb, Austin), Ap 14, 76; ss&pas, Brown- wood, Tex, 76-92; pres (Daniel Baker Coll), do, 90-1901; d, do, Mr, 10, 01. DD, SWPU, 97. MCDONALD, Clinton Donald; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Jn 17, 1842; KC, Ont, 68- 70; Toronto Univ, 70-2; KC, TS, Ont, 72-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (Presb, London), Nv 23, 75; ss&pas, Point Edward, Ont, 75-7; pas, Thorold, Ont, 77-89; pas, Kildonan, Manitoba, 89-92; pas, Grafton, ND, 92-1907; hr, Seattle, Wash, 07—. BD, KCOnt, 76; PhD, ChicU, 90. MEANS, Stewart; b, Steubenville, O, Ag 4, 1852; KenC, 69-72; UTS, 72-5; CamTS, 75-6; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 23, 75, pr, Dc 17, 76; rec, Bayonne, NJ, 76-9; rec, Middletown, O, 79-81; as min (St Ann's), Brooklyn, NY, 82-3; rec (St John's), New-Haven, Ct, 83—. DD, TrC, 04, & YU, 04. PETEESON, Walter Scott; b, Canoga, NY, Dc 20, 1848; HC, 72; UTS,. 72-5; ord (Presb, Geneva), Sp 22, 75; ss, Brandt, Pa, 75-8; hra, Swan Lake & Lincoln Co, Dak, & Beloit, Io, 78-80; hm, Huron, Dak, 80-1; pm, S-Dakota, 81-4; sm, Huron, Dak, 84-5; fin ag, Pierre Univ, Pierre, Dak, 85-6; hm, Bapid City, SD, 86-9; pm (Black Hills Presby), 89-91; bus, 91-3; hm, Lead, SD, 93-6; ss, do, 96-9; pas, Nanticoke, Pa, 1900-6; pas, Hawley, Pa, 06 — . PITTENGEE, Isaac McKendree; b, Mansfield, O, Nv 14, 1843; BaldU, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Jn 9, 75; pas, Brecksville, 0, 75-9; ord (Ep) dea, Oc 26, 79; pr, My 6, 80; as min (Ep), Cleveland, O, 79-80; rec, Zanesville, O, 80-9; rec, Glen Cove, NY, 90-1; rec, Ealeigh, NC, 92—. DD, UNC, 94. *BAMSDELL, Charles Benjamin; b, NYCity, Jn 12, 1843; YC, 72; PTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; ord (Presb, Washington City), Dc 13, 75; pas (North), Washington, DC, 75-1906; d, do, Jn 4, 06. DD, NWC, 95. EUSTON, William Otis; b, NYCity, Dc 6, 1852; CCNY, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Oc 5, 75; pas, Fairmount, NJ, 75-7; ss&pas, W-Union, Io, 77-86; pas, Dubuque, Io, 86-1903; prof (Sacr Lang & Lit), GerTS, do, 03—. pres, do, 04—. DD, LenC, 86; LLD, LenC, 07. SMITH, George Nicolj b, Auchterarclee, Scotland, Jl 29, 1848; HobC, 72; UTS, 72-3; Edinburgh, Scotland, 73-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (Presb, Colo- rado), My 12, 76; ss, Canon City & Eosita, Col, 75-7; ss, Ouray, Col, 77-9; supt sch & tea, do, 79-82; ss, Canoga, NY, 83-6; ord (Ep) dea, Sp 23, 92; min, Van Etten, NY, 92-3; do (St Andrew's), Utica, NY, 94; " non-parochial," do, 95 — . STAVES, Daniel; b, Dayton, O, Ja 30, 1845; NNSO, 65-8; HTS, 71-2; UTS, 72-5; ord (Cong), Fb 19, 75; fm, Cesarea, Turk, 75-80; ss, Medford, Minn, 80-2; pas, Greeley, Col, S2-5; pas, E-Portland, Ore, 85-8; pas, Forest Grove, Ore, 88-90; wc, do, 91-3; pas, Astoria, Ore, 93-6; fin sec, PU, Forest Grove, Ore, 96-7; pas, Hillside, Gaston & Greenville, Ore, 98-1901; ev, 01-2; ss, Forest Grove, Ore, 02-5; as pas (First), Portland, Ore, 05—. 1875. 107 STEARNS, Charles Cummings; b, Lunenberg, Vt, Dc 10, 1850; YC, 72: UTS, 72-5; ord (Cong), Sp 20, 75; fm, Manisa, Turk, Asia, 75-8; prof, Doane Col, Crete, Neb, 79-80; wc & stud, W-Hartford, Ct, 80-5; tea, Hartford, Ct, 85-92; asso prof (Archaeol), HTS, 93-4; lect (do), do, 95-7; tea, do, 98-1906; prin (Prep Dep), & prof (Bib Lit), PomC, Clare- mont, Cal, 06—. (CYB.) AM, YC, 79. STEWART, Alexander Campbell; b, Sand Hill, Ont, Nv 24, 1846; KC, Ont, 69-72; KC, TS, Ont, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; ord (Presb), Oc 13, 75; pas, No-Gower, Ont, 75-7; pas, Mcintosh & Belmore, Ont, 77-1904; wc, Toronto, Can, 05—. (MGA.) TALBOT, Howard Araunah; b, Claridon, O, Ja 26, 1848; YC, 72; UTS, 72-5; ord (Presb, NY), My 4, 75; ch mis (Covenant), NYCity, 75-81; ss&pas, Merrill, Wis, 81-9; pas, De Pere, Wis, 89—. TERRY, Roderick; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 1, 1849; YC, 70; AndTS, 70-2; UTS, 74-5; ord (Presb, Westchester), Nv 9, 75; pas, Peekskill, NY, 75-9; wc, NYCity, 79-81; ss&pas (RD), NYCity, 81-1903; wc, do, 04— (MGS.) DD, CNJ, 82. WASHBURN, Henry Homer; b, Boston, Mass, Fb 17, 1839; BU, 55-6; UTS, 72-5; ord (Ref Ep) dea, Ja 9, 76, (Ep) pr, Dc 21, 80; rec (Cummins Mem), Baltimore, Md, 76-9; as min (Ep, St Mary's), Brooklyn, NY, 81-3; rec (St Barnabas), do, 83-8; rec, Oyster Bay, NY, 88—. *WEITZEL, Charles Theodore; b, Buchau, Wurtemberg, Ger, My 12, 1847; YC, 69; ULeip & Bonn, 72-3; UTS, 74-5; ord (Cong), Ap 18, 76; ss& pas, Norwich Town, Ct, 75-85; ss, Santa Barbara, Cal, 85-93; wc, Nor- wich, Ct, 93-4; as pas (Plymouth), Brooklyn, NY, 94-6; d, do, Dc 20, 96. WILLIAMSON, James DeLong; b, Cleveland, O, Mr 12, 1849; WRC, 70; AndTS, 72-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (Presb, Huron), Oc 26, 75; ss&pas, Nor- walk, O, 75-84; pas, Warren, O, 85-8; pas (Beckwith Mem). Cleveland, O, 88-1901; (Europe, etc, 96-7;) wc, Cleveland, O, 01—. DD, WoosU, 02. WOOLLEY, Daniel Morris; b, Long Branch, NJ, Ag 1, 1850; DiC, 2 yrs, UTS, 71-4, 74-5; ord (Cong), Fb 17, 80; ss (Presb), Cairo, NY, 75-6; ss, Palmyra, Wis, 76; inv, Long Branch, NJ, 77; ss (Cong), Two Rivers, Wis, 77-9; ss (Cong & Presb), Harvard, 111, 79-80; ss (Presb), do, 80-1; cm, Chicago, 111, 81; wc & med stud, Brooklyn, NY, 81-5; phys, Brook- lyn, 85—. Demitted, Ap 20, 85. MD, Univ Med Col, 85. 41. ABBOTT, Albert Franklin; b, Hillsborough, NH, Dc 15, 1847; MC, 72; YTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-4; tea, Mich, Mo, Io & Col, 74-84; MD, MedC, Keo- kuk, Io, 78; agric, Colorado, 80-7; phys, Littleton, Col, 88-90; phys, Denver, Col, 90-8; do, Ward, Col, 99-1901; fruit ranch, Loveland, Col, 01-7; res, Leadville, Col, 07—. 198 1875. BURTON, Theodore Elijah; b, Grinnell, Io, Dc 20, 1850; OC, 72; UTS, 72-3; law, Cleveland, O, 73—. CARNER, Albert Bigelow; b, Buffalo, NY, Ja 12, 1847; CNJ, 68; UTS, 71-2, 73; tea, NYCity, 68-74, 75-6, & Germantown, NY, 74-5; prof (Math), York Colleg Inst, York, Pa, 76—. *FREEMAN, John Conger; b, Haverstraw, NY, Mr 1, 1851; UNY, 72; PTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-4; d, Haverstraw, NY, Ja 11, 75. *HALL, Charles Cuthbert; b, NYCity, Sp 3, 1852; WmsC, 72; UTS, 72-4; Presb Coll, London, Eng, 74-5; ord (Presb, No River), Dc 2, 75; pas, Newburgh, NY, 75-7; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 77-97; pres faculty, & prof (Pract Theol), UTS, 97-1904; do, & prof (Homil), do, 04-8; d, do, Mr 25, 08. Barrows Lect, UChic, India & East, 1902-3, 06-7. DD, UNY, 90, & HarU, 97; LLD, UC, 1905. ♦HAMILTON, Thomas James; b, Bristol, Pa, Sp 1, 1849; UTS, 70-1, 73-4; d, Plainfield, NJ, Mr 1, 84. *HANNA, John Andrew; b, Rising Sun, Ind, Fb 19, 1848; NNSO, 69; HTS, 71-3; UTS, 74-5; ord (Cong), Oc 15, 75; ss&pas, Thompson, Ct, 75-9; pas, New-Haven, Ct, 79-80; d, Bristol, Vt, Jl 30, 80. KLINE, Robert H; b, Troxelville, Pa, Sp 5, 1844; PaC, 71; UTS, 71-2, 73-4; PhTS, 74-5; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 17, 75, pr, Dc 5, 76; rec, Pioche, Nev, 75-6; rec, Vallejo, Cal, 76-7; rec, Pioche, Nev, 77-9; rec, Napa, Cal, 79-81; rec, Ashland, Pa, 81-5; rec, Allentown, Pa, 85 — . MAGUIRE, Hugh; b, Easky, Sligo Co, Ireland. Ap 26, 1846; KenC, 71; UTS, 71-2, 73-4; ord (Presb, Ottawa), Dc 8, 74; hm, Aylwin, Can, 74-6; pas, Wakefield, Can, 76-81; pas, Toms River, NJ, 81-2; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 9, 82, pr, Nv 18, 83; rec (Ep), Baltimore, Md, 83; rec, Brooklyn, NY, 84-92; min (Ch of Messiah), NYCity, 92-6; ch (City Hosp & Penitenti- ary), Blackwell's Island, NYCity, 96-7; ch (Peniten & Workhse), do, 97-1902; wc, Brooklyn, NY, 02—. *MITCHELL, Louis Henry; b, Baltimore, Md, Fb 8, 1846; UW, 72; UTS, 72-3; NWTS, 73-4; ord (Presb, Freeport), Oc 14, 74; ss, Cedarville & Rock Run, 111, 73-8; ss, Portage, Wis, 78-81; ss, Stapleton (SI), NY, 82; ss, Manchester, Io, 82-4; pas, Blue Earth City, Minn, 84-9; pas, Rochester, Minn, 89-94; pas e, S-Chicago, 111, 94-6; ev, Chicago, 111, 97-8; ss, Herscher & Buckingham, 111, 99; ss&ev, Pasadena, Cal, 1901- 4; d, Chicago, 111, Nv 17, 04. (MGA.) DD, WoosU, 93. PRYSE, William Stratton; b, Canfield, O, Ap 26, 1849; WabC, 71; UTS, 72-3; LTS, 73-5; ord (Presb, St Paul), Oc 21, 75; ss, Belle Plaine & Jordan, Minn, 75-7; ss, Manchester, Io, 77-8; ss, Brooklyn, Mich, 79- 82; pas, Richland, Mich, 82-5; pas (First), Crawfordsville, Ind, 85-7; pas, Cleves, O, 87-91; pas, Carlinville, 111, 91-5; pas, W-Salem, Wis, 96-7; ss, Knoxville, Tenn, 97-8; ss, Humboldt, Neb, 99-1900; ss, Shaw- 1875-1876. 199 neetown, 111, 01-2; prin&ss, Princeton, Ky, 02-3; ss, Steeleville, 111, 04-6; ss, Carpinteria, Cal, 07—. DD, B1U, 94. STALL, Sylvanus; b, Elizaville, NY, Oc 18, 1847; PaC, 72; UTS, 72-3; GTS, 73-4; ord (Luth, Hartwick Synod), Nv 18, 74; pas, Cobleskill, NY, 74-7; pas, Martin's Creek, Pa, 77-80; pas, Lancaster, Pa, 80-7; pas, Baltimore, Md, 88-91; asso ed (Lutheran Observer), Philadelphia, Pa, 91 — . DD, PaC, 93. SWOPE, Luther Albert; b, Littlestown, Pa, Dc 3, 1842; PaC, 64-7; MuhlC, 68; UTS, 72-3; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 73-4; tea, Tarry town, NY, 74-6: tea, Irvington, NY, 76-7; tea, No-Granville, NY, 77-80; tea, Sing Sing, NY, 80-5; tea, Cambridge, Mass, 85; tea & trav, US& Europe, 85—. Addr, Hanover, Pa. *TALLMADGE, William Henry; b, Pultney, NY, Jn 13, 1845; CorU, 71; AubTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-4; SFTS, 74-5; ord (Presb, Sacramento), Fb 6, 76; ss, Woodbridge & Elk Grove, Cal, 75-9; d, Elk Grove, Cal, Fb 24, 80. THOMAS, William Howell; b, Swansea, S-Wales, Jn 27, 1849; UTS, 71-2, 73-4; ord (Cong), Ap 76; pas, Northville (LI), NY, 76-8; Europe, 78; pas (First), Kalamazoo, Mich, 79-80; pas (First), Leavenworth, Kan, 81-4; pas (New-Engl), Brooklyn, NY, 84-90; ord (Ep) dea, My 24, 91, pr, Ja 3, 92; as min (St Mark's), & min (St Michael's), Brooklyn, NY, & trav, 91-3; rec, Ionia, Mich, 93-1903; wc, Detroit, Mich, 03; rec, Trenton, Wyandotte, & Gross Isle, Mich, 04—. DD, AdrC, 90. TIBBALS, Charles Austin; b, W-Suffield, Ct, Dc 11, 1850; YC, 72; UTS, 72-4; tea, Cumberland, Md, 74; ss (ME), Norwalk, Ct, 75-6; ss, Sey- mour, Ct, 76; ord (Ep) dea, Dc 23, 77, pr, Ap 25, 78; rec, Baltimore, Md, 77-8; rec, Red Bank, NJ, 78-81; rec (St Peter's), Brooklyn, NY, 81-6; rec, Vincentown, NJ, 86-8; rec, Trenton, NJ, 88-91; rec, New- Windsor, NY, 91-5; rec, Warwick, NY, 95-9; rec, Marlborough, NY, 99-1904; rec, Norwood, NJ, 06-8$ rec, Clinton, Ct, 08—. . ♦WEIGHT, Joseph Harrison; b, Mullagreenan, Irel, Jl 19, 1849; UC, 73; UTS, 72-4; NbgTS, 74-5; ord (U Presb, Delaware), My 25, 75; pas, Davenport, NY, 75-9; pas, Philadelphia, Pa, 79-80; pas, Xenia, O, 81-9; d, do, Mr 20, 89. 17. 1876. BENSON, Enoch; b, Bridgeton, NJ, Sp 30, 1849; LafC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Omaha), Nv 1, 76; ss, No-Bend & Maple Creek, Neb, 76; ss&pas e, Seward, Neb, 77-80; pas e, do, & ss, Maryville, Neb, 81-2; supt publ instr, Seward Co, Neb, 82-4; ss, Seward & Tamora, Neb, 83; ss, Seward & Goshen, Neb, 84-5; ss, Goshen, Neb, 85-7; pas, Brooklyn, Io, 87—. PhD, ParsC, 90. BROWNSON, Sidney James; b, St Lawrence, NY, Ja 8, 1845; B1U, 73; LTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, New-Albany), Sp 15, 76; pas, Scipio 200 1876. & Oak Grove, Ind, 76-8; ss, Pleasant, Jefferson, Smyrna & Monroe, Ind, 78-80; pas, Rossville & Sedalia, Ind, 80-1; ss, llockfield & Rock Creek, Ind, 81-3; ss, Union & Bethel, Ind, 83-5; dism, Pres, Crawfords- ville, to So Kan Conf, ME, Ap, 85. BRUEN, Arthur Newell; b, Rockaway, NJ, Oc 29, 1850; CNJ, 72; PTS, 73-4; UTS, 74-6; ord (Presb, Steuben), Sp 12, 77; ss, Jasper & Hedges- ville, NY, 76-9; ss, Hedgesville, Woodhull & Elk Creek, NY, 79-80; ss, Hedgesville & Elk Creek, NY, 80-3; wc, Jasper, NY, 83—. *BRYAN, Edward; b, Port Chester, NY, Nv 18, 1851; LafC, 71; WTS, 72-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Clarion), Dc 5, 76; pas, St Petersburgh, Pa, 76-9; pas e, Atlantic City, N J, 80-2; pas, Bradford, Pa, 82-9; oc s, Den- ver, Col, 91-3; pas (Bethany), Milwaukee, Wis, 93-8; pas, Harrison, NY, 1900-2; pas (Boro' Park), Brooklyn, NY, 03-6; d, do, Mr 31, 06. (MGA.) BURNS, Charles Edward; b, Duncannon, Pa, Ag 13, 1846; LafC, 73; tut (Gk), do, 73-4; UTS, 74-6; ord (Presb, Newton), Nv 13, 76; pas, Beem- erville, NJ, 76-8; pas, Manayunk, Philadelphia, Pa, 78-1903; pas, Bristol, Pa, 03—. DD, LafC, 98. CLARK, George Larkin; b, Tewksbury, Mass, Ag 19, 1849; AC, 72; YTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Cong), Dc 22, 76; pas, Shelburne, Mass, 76-84; pas, Westerly, RI, 84-8; pas, Farmington, Ct, 88-99; ss, Wethersfield, Ct, 1900—. COOK, William Wynkoop; b, Richbow, Pa, Nv 21, 1843; RC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (RD, CI Phila), My 9, 76; pas (Fourth), Philadelphia, Pa, 76-81; pas (ME), Westside, Io, 81-4; pas, Sheldon, Io, 84-5; pas, Rockwell City, Io, 85-7; pas, Onawa, Io, 87-8; pas, Aurelia, Io, 88-9; pas, Hull, Io, 89-91; supernum, 91-4; pas, Peterson, Io, 94-5; pas, Bancroft, Io, 95-7; res, Rolla, Mo, 97—. # EARNSHAW, Joseph Westby; b, Ravenfield, Yorkshire, Eng, Ja 9, 1846; UTS, 73-6; ch mis (Grace), NYCity, 75-6; ord (Presb, Long Island), Ag 2, 76; pas, Greenport (LI), NY, 76-86; pas, Lowville, NY, 86-96; oc sup, lect, lit, do, 96 — . FORD, George Alfred; b, Aleppo, Syria, My 30, 1851; WmsC, 72; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Hudson), Nv 13, 76; ss, Ramapo, NY, 76-80; fm, Sidon, Syria, 80-94; supt, Gerard Inst, do, 94—. DD, WmsC, 94. GELSTON, Henry Wise well; b, Rushville, NY, Mr 18, 1850; UM, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Detroit), Oc 24, 76; pas, Northville, Mich, 76-84; ss &pas, DeLand, Fla, 85-1900; pas (First), Kalamazoo, Mich, 01 — . *HART, John Milton; b, W-Cornwall, Ct, Jn 5, 1845; YC, 67; YTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Cong), Dc 11, 78; pas, Wenham, Mass, 78-9; wc, do & San Francisco, Cal, 79-93; d, San Jose, Cal, Jl 24, 93. *HAWLEY, Giles Parmelee; b, Potsdam, NY, Jl 13, 1848; MC, 68-70; UC, 71; UTS, 74-6; tea, Ft Plain, NY, 72; tea, Potsdam, NY, 73; tea, Syra- 1876. 201 cuse, NY, 74; ord (Presb, Albany), Oc 15, 76; pas, Saratoga, NY, 76-81; Europe, 81; ev, Saratoga, NY, 82; pas, Mechanicsville, NY, 83-4; act- ing prof, UC, Schenectady, NY, 84-5; d, Albany, NY, Ap 23, 85. HILLMAN, James Wilson; b, W-Saugerties, NY, Mr 4, 1853; UNY, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Nv 3, 76; pas, Morris Plains, NJ, 76-8; ss, French Grove, 111, 78-9; ss, Mineville, NY, 79-82; oc s, Brooklyn, NY, 82-3; ss, DeKalb & DeKalb Junction, NY, 83-5; oc s, Brooklyn, NY, 85-6; ss, Cape Vincent, NY, 86-91; pas, Mattituck, NY, 91-4; post ch, U S Army, Ft Thomas, Ky, 94; do, Ft Reno, OkT, 94-8; do (10th Infantry), Tampa, Fla, Santiago, Cuba, & Montauk, NY, 98; do (21st Inf), Plattsburg, NY, 98-9; do (43d Vol), Luzon, Samar & Leyte, PI, 99 T 1901; regim chapl (16th Inf), No-Luzon, 01-2; do, Ft McPherson, Ga, 02-5; do, Manila, PI, 05-7; do, Ft Crook, Neb, 07—. HOYT, James Howard; b, Saratoga, NY, Jl 13, 1847; UC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (RD, CI Westchester), Jn 28, 76; pas, Greenburgh, NY, 76-9; pas (Presb), Bedford, NY, 79-91; pas (Cong), New-Canaan, Ct, 91—. DD, UC, 1901. HUTCHINS, John; b, Portsmouth, Eng, Jn 20, 1848; UW, 73; WTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (IID, CI Westchester), Nv 28, 76; pas, Bronxville, NY, 76-82; pas, Ellenville, NY, 82-7; pas, Brighton Hts, New-Brighton, NY, 87-92; pas (Middle Colleg), NYCity, 92-5; pas (Cong), Litchfield, Ct, 95—. KELLOGG, Henry Martin; b, New-Boston, NH, Ap 2, 1851; DC, 73; PTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, W- Jersey ), Ap 18, 78; ss (Cong), No-Had- ley, Mass, 76-7; pas (Presb), Atlantic City, NJ, 77-80; pas (Cong), Francestown, NH, 80-2; pas, Greenwich, Ct, 82-6; pas, Lebanon, Ct, 86-92; pas, Wolcott, Ct, 92-7; ss, t Olcott (Hartford), Vt, 97-1900; pas, Mclndoes' Falls, Vt, 00-2; pas, Ekonk (Voluntown), Ct, 02-8; Moosup, Ct, 08—. LLOYD, John Thomas; b, Melin-y-Wig, No- Wales, Ag 15, 1850; UTS, 74-6; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 12, 76; pas, Brooklyn (Green Point), NY, 76. Dism to Presb, Manchester, Eng, Ja 14, 78. McBKIDE, Samuel; b, Tandragee, Ireland, Nv 5, 1847; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Newark), Jn 17, 77; ch mis, Newark, NJ, 76-7; pas, McKees- port, Pa, 77-80; ev, do, 80; pas (C Presb), Pittsburg, Pa, 81-4; Europe, 84-7; pas (Bap, Centennial), Brooklyn, NY, 87-91; ev, do, 91-2'; inv, do, 92-7; pas (Memo), Brooklyn, NY, 98-1901; sec, Amer Bap H M Soc, 01—. Ees, Brooklyn, NY. DD, WayC, 81. *McNINCH, Thomas; b, Turbotville, Pa, Ag 6, 1843; LafC, 73; PTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Huntingdon), Oc 21, 78; ss, Jacksonville, Pa, 76-7; pas, Shellsburgh & Mann's Choice, Pa, 78-82; ss, St Clairsville, Pa, 79; ss, Hitchcock & Northville, Dak, 82-4; ss, Hitchcock & Cran- don, Dak, 84-9; ss, Kimball, SD, 89-90; d, do, Ag 28, 90. 202 1876. MALLARY, Raymond DeWitt; b, Fulton, NY, Sp 28, 1851; AC, 72; UTS, 73-6; ord (Cong), Oc 12, 76; pas, Williamsport, Pa, 76-8; ss (Wood- ward av), Detroit, Mich, 78-9; wc, 79-80; pas, Lenox, Mass, 80-9; tut, lit & oc s, do, 89-1900; pas, Housatonic, Mass, 00 — . DD, HowU, 96. *MAPES, Eugene Luzette; b, Florida, NY, Ja 17, 1847; UC, 73; UTS, 73-6; prin, NY Juvenile Asyl, NYCity, 76-9; ch m, do, 79-80; prin, do, 80-2; stud, ULeip, 82-5; res, Goshen, NY, 85-6; ord (Presb, Hudson), Ap 27, 86; ss&pas, Washingtonville, NY, 86-8; pas (First), Carlisle, Pa, 88- 92; d, do, Jn 23, 92. DD, DiC, 91. MILLER, Henry Goodell; b, Hartford, Ct, Ag 11, 1848; UFreib, 69-71; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Solomon), Ap 29,77; ss, Minneapolis, Kan, 76-7; ss, Ellsworth & Fort Harker, Kan, 77-8; ch mis (Cong), NYCity, 78- 81; pas, Valley Spgs, Dak, 81-3, & ss, Luverne & Clinton, Minn, 81-3; tea&ev, Kansas City, Mo, 83-8; tea, Halifax Co, Va, 89-92; pas, San Louis Obispo, Cal, 93-4; pas (Camp Mem), NYCity, 94-1901; pas, White Oaks, NM, 01-2; pas, Jerome, Ariz, 02 — . NIMS, Granville Webster; b, Roxbury, NH, Jl 17, 1848; AC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Cong), Oc 4, 77; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 77-9; stud, UB, 79-81; pas, Walton, NY, 81—. POWELL, Henry Alanson; b, Chatham, NY, Sp 13, 1851; UC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (RD, No-Cl LI), Jn 29, 76; pas, Old Bushwick (LI), NY, 76-83; pas (Cong, Lee av), Brooklyn (LI), NY, 83-91; law, NYCity, 91—. RICHARDS, George Jermain Ely; b, Hector, NY, Sp 11, 1849; WRC, 72; tut, do, 72-3; PTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Wisconsin River), Oc 10, 76; ss, Richland Centre, Wis, 76-7; ss, Delmar, Elwood & Lost Nation, Io, 77-81; pas, Gallipolis, O, 82-5; pas, Murdock & Goshen, O, 85-91; ss, Greenville, 111, 91-1900; pas, Kirkwood, 111, 00-4; pas, Mt Carmel, 111, 04—. SANDERS, Henry Martyn; b, NYCity, Nv 20, 1849; YC, 72; UTS, 73-6; ord (Bap), Sp 28, 76; pas, Yonkers, NY, 76-81; pas (Central), NYCity, 82-8; pas (Madison Av), do, 88-1901; wc, do, 01—. DD, RU, 91. SCHAFF, David Schley; b, Mercersburg, Pa, Oc 17, 1852; YC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Kearney), Oc 28, 77; pas e, Baltimore, Md, 76; pas, Hastings, Neb, 77-81; as ed, NYCity, 81-3; pas, Kansas City, Mo, 83-8; trav, Europe & East, 88-9; pas, Jacksonville, 111, 90-7; prof (Ch Hist), LTS, Cincinnati, O, 97-1903; prof (Ch Hist), WTS, Allegheny, Pa, 03—. DD, IC, 91. SMITH, George Henry; b, Waplode, near Moulton Chapel, Eng, Ap 16, 1849; NWU, 74; UTS, 74-6; ord (ME) dea, Ap 9, 76, eld, Ap 6, 79; pas, NY City (Harlem), 76-9; pas, Irvington, NY, 79-80; around the world, 80-1; pas, Napanock, NY, 81-2; pas, Hancock, NY, 82-4; pas, Deposit, NY, 84-5; pas, Newburgh, NY, 85-8; pas, Sing Sing, NY, 89-90; pas, Golden's Bridge, NY, 90-4; pas, Sheffield, Mass, 94-6; pas, Saugerties, NY, 96-1900; pas, Highland, NY, 01-2; pas, Great Barrington, Mass, 03—. DD, NWU, 06. 1876. 203 STANLEY, Frederick Jonte; b, Nashville, Tenn, Dc 27, 1848; WabC, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, St Paul), Dc 21, 76; ss, Bloomington, Minn, 76-7; hm, Jordan & Belle Plaine, Minn, 77-9; pas, Golden, Col, 79-81; pas, Leadville, Col, 81-4; pas, Charleston, W-Va, 84-6; post g, UTS, 86-7; ss, Blauvelt, NY, 87-9; prof (Okuma Univ), Tokyo, Japan, 89-93; lect, Philadelphia, Pa, etc, 93-6; pas (Presb, First), Atlantic City, NJ, 97-1904; gen sec, ASU, NYCity, 04—. LHD, OkumaU, 92; DD, WashC. 96. "STEWART, David Fay; b, York, NY, Jl 16, 1848; UR, 72; UTS, 72-4, 75-6; tem sup, Groton, NH, 73; do, Rockport, Me, 74; inv, Hamilton, Minn, & Santa Barbara, Cal, 76-9; d, Hamilton, Minn, Oc 13, 79. "SYMINGTON, Charles; b, Baltimore, Md, Oc 17, 1848; WTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Nassau), Ja 29, 78; pas, Roslyn (LI), NY, 78-9; ss (Cong), Suffield, Ct, 79-83; pas, Litchfield, Ct, 83-94; d, do, Sp 6, 94. WARD, Samuel Lawrence; b, Oneida Lake, NY, Fb 21, 1850; WabC, 73; PTS, 73-4; UTS, 74-6; ord (Presb, Logansport), Ag 6, 76; fm, Tabriz, Persia, 76-84; tea, Pasadena, Cal, 84-5; ss, Glen dale, Cal, 85; fm. Tabriz, Persia, 86-7; do, Teheran, Persia, 87-95, & 96-7; ss, North- field, O, 98-1900; pas, Wickliffe, O, 00-4; pas, Glendale, Cal, 05—. (In U S A, 95-6.) DD, WabC, 04. WHITAKER, William Force; b, Southold (LI), NY, My 6, 1853; UPa, 73; UTS, 73-6; ord (Presb, Long Island), Nv 1, 76; ss, Bridgehampton (LI), NY, 76-7; pas (St Cloud), Orange, NJ, 77-94; pas (First), Albany, NY, 94-1907; pas (First), Elizabeth, NJ, 07—. DD, UC, 99. WILLIAMS, Edgar La Mar; b, Bucyrus, O, Nv 7, 1848; NWChrU, Indian- apolis, Ind (3 yrs); NWTS, 73-5; UTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Indianapolis), Jn 7, 76; pas, Indianola, Ind, 76-7; ss, Newton, Io, 77-8; ss&pas, Albia, to, 78-82; pas e, Hastings, Neb, 82; pas, Geneseo, 111, 82-6; pas, Rochelle, 111, 86-90; Syn ev, 111, 90-2; pas (Grace), Peoria, 111, 92-5; ev, Peoria, 111, 95-1904; syn supt, 111, 04—. Addr, Peoria, 111. DD, LenC, 06. ZARAPHONITHES, Anastasios Diamandes; b, Andros, Gr Archipelago, Eu- rope, Ap, 1844; WhC, 73; UTS, 73-6; stud med, LIColl, Brooklyn, NY, 76-8; ord (Bap), 1877; med mis, Andros, Greece, 78-82; do, Smyrna, 82-4; do, Andros, 84-7; stud dentistry, DentC, NYCity, 87-8; trav. USA, 88-92; med mis, Andros, 92-7; do, Syra, Greece, 97-1900; supt. YMCA, & mis, Athens, Greece, 00-3; med mis, Andros, 03; cm (Greeks), NYCity, 03-4; tea&mis (do, 2d Av Bapt Ch), NYCity, 04—. 35. BOTTOME, William McDonald; b, Meriden, Ct, Oc 8, 1852; DiC, 73; UTS, 73-5; ord (Ch of Eng), Dc 19, 75; cur, Manningham, Bradford, Eng, 76-7; cur, Chertsey, Surrey, 77-9; cur, Rochester, Kent, 80-4; vicar, 204 1876. Fawley (Wantage), Berks, Eng, 84-7; do, Over Stowey, Somerset, 87- 90; rec (Grace), Jamaica, NY, 91-6; wc, London, Eng, 97 — . ♦BOYD, John; b, Belfast, Ireland, 1842; UTS, 73-4; cm, NYCity, 72-4; ord (Presb, Westminster), Dc 1, 74; pas, Little Britain, Pa, 74-6; ss (Cong), Sayville (LI), NY, 76-9; ss (Presb), S-Ryegate, Vt, 80-1; cm & ev, Brooklyn, NY, 81-93; d, do, Sp 24, 93. DEXTER, Newton; b, Albany, NY, Mr 3, 1850; UC, 73; UTS, 73; YTS, 74-6; ord (Ep), Mr 3, 76; rec, Kinderhook, NY, 76-7; rec, Coxsackie, NY, 78-80; deposed Nv 25, 81; journ, Albany, NY, 80-1900; ed, N- Haven, Ct, 00—. HALL, Lyman Bronson; b, Richmond, Vt, Ag 10, 1852; OC, 72; OTS, 72-3; UTS, 73-5; HarDS, 76-7; OTS, 77-8; ord (Cong), Oc 13, 81; ss, Pitts- field, O, 77-8; tut, OC, 78-83; as prof (Gk & Lat), do, Oberlin, O, 83-8; prof (Latin), do, 88-99; prof (Hist), do, 99—. HALL, Thomas Alonzo; b, Richmond, Vt, Dc 24, 1849; OC, 72; OTS, 72-3; UTS, 73; inv, Homestead, Mich, & Pittsford, Vt, 74-5; ag, Sutherland Falls, Vt, 76-7; ag, Boston, Mass, 77-81; manager, Chicago, 111, 81-6; mining interests, NM, S6-8; real est manag, Chicago, 111, 88 — . fHATCH, George William; b, Nv 16, 1833; MD, UNY, 62; UTS, 73-4. HISCOX, Henry Orne; b, Norwich, Ct, Jl 1, 1849; CCNY, 69; RTS, 73-4; UTS, 74-5; ord (Bap), Dc 9, 75; pas, Sioux City, Io, 75-8; pas, Kings- ton, NY, 78-80; pas (23d st), NYCity, 80-4; pas, Troy, NY, 84-92; pas, Maiden, Mass, 92-1903; pas (Calvary), Albany, NY, 03—. DD, ColbU, 00. HOYT, Henry Nelson; b, Meridian, NY, Sp 28, 1848; OIC, 73; UTS, 73-4; HarDS, 74-5; YTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Kalamazoo), My 2, 76; ss, De- catur, Mich, 76-7; ss (Cong), Hampden, Me, 77-9; ss (Presb), Tekon- sha, Mich, 79-82; pas (Cong), Charles City, Io, 83-6; pas, Oak Park, 111, 86-94; pas, Sacramento, Cal, 94-8; pas, Hyde Park, Mass, 98 — . DD, OIC, 89. JONES, Emory Harris; b, Windham, Vt, Ag 11, 1848; DC, 73; UTS, 73-4; inv & agric, Windham, Vt, 74 — . McINTYRE, Daniel Caswell; b, Duart, Ont, My 31, 1845; AlbC (VicU), 68-72; PTS, 73-4; UTS, 74-5; Free Coll, Edinburgh, Scotl, 75-6; ord (Presb, Hamilton), Sp 3, 78; pas, Beamsville, Ont, Can, 78—. PhD, IWU, 87. McLANAHAN, Samuel; b, near Green Castle, Pa, Fb 12, 1853; CNJ, 73; UTS, 73-5; PTS, 75-6; ord (Presb, Carlisle), Jn 19, 77; ss&pas, Waynes- boro', Pa, 76-80; pas (La Fayette Sq), Baltimore, Md, 80-93; pas, Law- renceville, NJ, 95 — . PADDOCK, Edward Anson; b, Wanwatosa, Wis, Mr 29, 1843; OC, 72; UTS, 73-5; OTS, 75-6; ord (Cong), Nv 20, 76; pas, S-Haven, Mich, 76- 1876-1877. 205 80; ss, Leadville, Col, 80-1; ss, Aspen, Col, 81-2; ss, Providence, 111, 82-6; State ev & gen mis, 111, 86-8; ss, Denver, Col, 88-92; ss, Weiser, Idaho, 92-5; tea, Weiser Acad, do, 95-8; pres, Idaho Indust Inst, do, 98—. 12. 1877. ♦ALEXANDER, Thomas Theron; b, Mt Horeb, Tenn, Oc 8, 1850; MvC, 73; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Union), Sp 22, 77; fm, Tokyo, Japan, 77-82; fm, Osaka, Japan, 82-93; fm (prof Theol in the Meiji Gakuin), Tokyo, Japan, 93-1901; do, Honolulu, HI, 01-2; d, do, Nv 17, 02. DD, MvC, 94. ALLEN, Frank Houghton; b, Boston, Mass, Jl 17, 1852; AC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Boston), Oc 16, 79; pas, New-Boston, NH, 79-82; pas (Cong), Shrewsbury, Mass, 82-8; pas (Pilgrim), Milwaukee, Wis, 88-91; pas (First), Atchison, Kan, 91-5; pas (First), Albuquerque, NM, 95-1900; ss, Topeka, Kan, 00-1; ss (Highland), Boston, Mass, 01; pas (Presb), Sag Harbor, NY, 02-7. tANDERSON, William; b, Augher, Ireland, Nv 18, 1835; UTS, 74-7. Re- turned to Ireland. BENTON, Charles William; b? Tolland, Ct, Ja 20, 1852; YC, 74; YTS, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; prin, Mattapoisett, Mass, 77-9; tea, Boston, Mass, 79-80; prof (French), UMinn, Minneapolis, Minn, 80—. LittD, WtU, 97. BRADY, John Green; b, NYCity, Jn 15, 1848; YC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, NY), Fb 4, 78; hm, Sitka, Alaska, 77-9; indep hm & trade, do, 79-97; Governor, Alaska, do, 97-1906; bus, Sitka, Alaska, 07—. BRANSBY, Charles; b, Bogota, U S Col, SA, Ag 7, 1848; LafC, 71-4; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Potosi), Ap 20, 79; ss, De Soto & Ironton, Mo, 78-9; ss, Kinsley, Kan, 79-81; hm (Spanish), Los Angeles, Cal, 82-5; ss, San Gorgonia, Cal, 86; tea & prof, Los Angeles, Cal, 87-1901; prof, Berke- ley, Cal, 02-6; wc, Melrose, Cal, 07—. (MGA.) LittD, LafC, 03. BROWN, Francis; b, Hanover, NH, Dc 26, 1849; DC, 70; tea, Pittsburg, Pa, 70-2; tut, DC, 72-4; UTS, 74-7; Fellow, UTS, Berlin, Germany, 77-9; ord (Presb, NY), Mr 20, 82; instruc (Bib Phil), UTS, 79-81; asso prof, do, 81-91; prof (Hebr & Cognates), do, 91 — . dir (Amer Sch Orien St & Research), Jerusalem, Palestine, 07-8. PhD, HC, 84; DD, DC, 84, DD, YU, 94, UGlas, 1901; LLD, DC, 01; DLitt, UOxf, 01. DAHLMANN, Abraham Emil; b, Buffalo, NY, Ap 25, 1853; UrsC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Ger Ref, CI NY), Mr 18, 77; pas (Emanuel), Brooklyn, NY, 77-81; pas (St John), Lancaster, Pa, 81-3; pas (St Paul), Phila- delphia, Pa, 83-93; pas (Zion), Buffalo, NY, 93—. *DAVIS, William Henry; b, Chelsea, Vt, Ap 23, 1852; DC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Cong), Jl 5, 77; pas, Beverly, Mass, 77-84; pas (First), Detroit, Mich, 84-96; pas (Eliot), Newton, Mass, 96-1905; d, Clifton Spgs, NY, Jn 7, 05. DD, OIC, 90. 206 1877. DONALDSON, John Barnett; b, Bluff ton, Ind, Ja 9, 1852; WabC, 74; WTS, 74-5; UTS, 75-7; ord (Presb, So Oregon), Oc 5, 77; hm, Ash- land, Ore, 77-8; pas, Hastings, Minn, 78-87; pas (Fifth), Minneapolis, Minn, 87-96; ed (North & West), Minneapolis, Minn, 86-98; pas, Daven- port, Io, 96-1907; lit, Chicago, 111, 07-8; pas, La Porte, Ind, 08—. DD, WabC, 87. DUNLAP, Samuel Palmer; b, Galesburg, 111, Ja 20, 1849; KC, 73; YTS, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; ord (Cong), Oc 30, 77; pas (North), Topeka, Kan, 77-83; ss, Hannibal, Mo, 83-6; pas, Springfield, O, 87-96; pas, May- wood, 111, 96-1900; wc, Chicago, 111, 01—. (CYB.) ELMORE, Edgar Alonzo; b, New-Market, Tenn, Ap 4, 1852; MvC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, NY), My 15, 77; ch m (Adams Mem), NYCity, 77-84; prof, MvC, Maryville, Tenn, 84-8; also ss, New-Market, Tenn, 84-6; ss (Fourth), Knoxville, Tenn, 86-8; pas, do, 88-1900; pas (Sec- ond), Chattanooga, Tenn, 00—. DD, MvC, 94. FORBES, Jesse Franklin; b, Hartford, Ct, Dc 19, 1847; AC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Cong), My 1, 78; pas, Warren, Mass, 78-85; pas (Adams Mem), NYCity, 85—. PhD, UNY, 94; DD, BelvC, 1906. FOSTER, Edward Powell; b, Bloom Furnace, O, Oc 5, 1853; MaC, 74; YTS, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Emporia), Oc 2, 77; ss, Florence, Kan, 77-80; stud, Berlin & Leipzig, Germany, 80-1; ss, Caldwell, Kan, 81-2; ss, Florence, Kan, 82; pas&prof (PkC), Parkville, Mo, 83-6; pas (Cong), Cincinnati, O, 86-90; publ&ed (Cincinnatian), Cincinnati, O, 90—. FOSTER, Robert Verreil; b, Wilson Co, Tenn, Ag 12, 1845; CumbU, 70; do, T Dep, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; ord (Cumb Presb, Lebanon), Ap 18, 79; prof (Heb & N T Gk), Th Dep, CumbU, Lebanon, Tenn, 77-93; prof (Syst Theol), do, 93—. DD, TrU, 84; LLD ,W&JC, 1906. GRIFFIS, William Elliot; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Sp 17, 1843; RC, 69; NBTS, 70-1; prof (Imp Univ Japan), Tokyo, 71-4; UTS, 75-7; ord (RD, CI Schenectady), My 31, 77; pas (First), Schenectady, NY, 77-86; prof (MentSci), UC, 83-4; pas (Shawmut), Boston, Mass, 86-93; pas (First), Ithaca, NY, 93-1903; lit, do, 03—. DD, UC, 86; LHD, RC, 00. HOLMAN, William Henry; b, Newton, Mass, Jn 19, 1852; HarC, 75; UTS, 75-7; ord (Cong, Fairfield W Conso), Jn 12, 78; pas, Southport, Ct, 77—. JEFFERSON, Henry Bridges; b, London, Eng, Fb 6, 1849; NWU, 2 yrs; T Dep, B1U, 74-5; UTS, 75-7; ord (Ep) dea, Dc 28, 78, pr, Dc 19, 79; min, Yantic, Ct, 78-80; rec, Fairmount, Minn, 80-2; rec, Ionia, Mich, 83-5; rec, Sandy Hook, Ct, 85-9; rec, Lancaster, NY, 89-94; rec, Alma, Mich, 94-1901; rec, Fremont, Neb, 02; rec, Braidentown, Fla, 03-5; vie, Washington, Ga, 06—. (WCA.) *KREMER, Leighton George; b, Lebanon, Pa, Ja 13, 1852; UrsC, 75; UrsC, T Dep, 75; UTS, 75-7; ord (Ger Ref, Lebanon CI), Jn 3, 77; as min, 1877. 207 Lebanon, Pa, 77-8; pas, Hagerstown, Md, 78-87; pas, Spring City, Pa, 88-90; d, do, Ag 26, 90. LEIBERT, Morris William; b, Bethlehem, Pa, Ag 22, 1855; MorC, 70-3; do, TS, 73-5; UTS, 76-7; ord (Morav), Ap 15, 77; tea, Nazareth, Pa, 75-6; ch pas, NYCity, 77-85; pas, Bethlehem, Pa, 85-1901; Member, Provincial Elders' Conference, Moravian Ch, 93-8, 03 — . pas, NYCity, 01—. DD, NYU, 04. LORD, Herbert Gardiner; b, Boston, Mass, Mr 29, 1849; AC, 71; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Buffalo), Fb 28, 78; pas (West Side), Buffalo, NY, 77-94; prof (Philos), Sch of Pedagogy, Univ Buffalo, do, 95-1900; prof (Philos), CU, NYCity, 00—. AM, AC, 00. MARQUAND, Allan; b, NYCity, Dc 10, 1853; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; Fellow, JHU, 78-80; tut, CNJ, 81-2; inst, do, 82-3; prof (Hist of Art), do, 83—. PhD, JHU, 80; LHD, HopeC, 85. MAY, Thomas J; b, Scipio, Ind, Fb 6, 1845; U S Army, 61-4; tea, Harts- ville, Ind, 67-70; HanC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, NY), My 15, 77; ch m, NYCity, 77-82; ss, Vancouver, WashT, 82-5; ss, Wichita, Kan, 85-9; ss, Helena, Mont, 89-92; pm, Kansas City, Mo, 92-5; ss, Fairview & Lone Oak, Mo, 95-6; ss, Creighton & Centreville, Mo, 97; ss, Fair- view & Sharon, Mo, 98; ev, Kansas City, Mo, 99-1904; wc, do, 05 — . (MGA.) MOORE, George Foot; b, West-Chester, Pa, Oc 15, 1851; YC, 72; tea, New- Haven, Ct, 72-3; do, Columbus, O, 73-4; do, Lancaster, O, 74-5; UTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Columbus), Fb 8, 78; ss, Bloomingburgh, O, 77-8; pas, Zanesville, O, 78-83; prof (Hebrew Lang & Lit), AndTS, 83-1901; lect (Hist of Relig), do, 93-01; pres, do, 99-01; prof (Hist of Relig), HarU, Cambridge, Mass, 01—. DD, MaC, 85, & YU, 97; LLD, WRU, 03, & HarU, 06. ♦NELSON, Thomas Alexander; b, Montreal, Can, Mr 18, 1843; AsbU, 66-7; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Sp 26, 77; pas (Memorial), Brook- lyn, NY, 77-99; ss (Second), do, 1903-4; wc, do, 00-1, 05-6; d, do, Jn 16, 06. DD, UNY, 87. fNICHOLAS, Walter Douglas; b, Mendham, NJ, Dc 12, 1851; CNJ, 74; PTS, 74-5; UTS, 75-7; ord (Presb, Phila Cent), My 10, 77; pas (Tem- ple), Philadelphia, Pa, 77-80; pas (First), Albany, NY, 80-90; wc, San Francisco, Cal, 90-4; pas, Palo Alto, Cal, 94-7; dropped from roll of Presbytery, Ap 3, 1907. PATTON, William Alexander; b, St Johns, NB, Mr 17, 1847; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Philadelphia No), Oc 22, 78; hm, Wellington, Kan, 77; ch m, Philadelphia, Pa, 78; pas, do (Roxburg), 78-81; pas, Doyles- town, Pa, 81-90; pas, Wayne, Pa, 90—. DD, JC, 91. ♦PIERCE, John Owen; b, Carthage, Ind, Oc 15, 1845; WestmC, 73; PTS, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Chillicothe), Jl 24, 77; pas, Chillicothe, 208 1877. O, 77-80; pas, Frankfort, O, 80-9; also ss, Mona, O, 80-2, & ss, Green- land, O, 84-9; ss, Wilmington, O, 89-93; ss (St Clair av), Columbus, O, 93-1902; d, do, Jn 5, 02. POCOCK, William Melanchthon; b, Hayesville, O, Mr 17, 1850; UWoos, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Wooster), Jn 12, 77; ss, El Dorado, Kan. 77-80; pas, Waverly & Rock Creek, Kan, 80-90; pas, Clinton, Mo, 90-5; ev, Mansfield, O, 95-7; ss, Iberia, O, 97-1904; pas, Seven Mile, O, 04—. RANKIN, Isaac Ogden; b, NYCity, Nv 22, 1852; CNJ, 73; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Albany), Jl 21, 80; ss, Greenfield Hill, Ct, 78-9; pas, Nassau & E-Nassau, NY, 80-3; pas, Gloversville, NY, 83-92; ss, Milton, NY, 94-5; asso ed'(Congregationalist), Boston, Mass, 96 — . RICHARDS, Charles Lewis; b, Schenectady, NY, Sp 3, 1851; WRC, 74; PTS, 74-5; UTS, 75-7; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Jn 13, 77; ss, Bozeman, Mont, 77-83; ss, Benton, Mont, 83; ss, Superior, Wis, 83-5; pas, Negaunee, Mich, 85-8; pas, Newberry, Mich, 88-91; pas, Baraboo, Wis, 91-1900; pas, Kilbourn, Wis, 00-5; pas, Poynette, Wis, 05—. ROMMEL, William Cooper; b, Elizabeth, NJ, Dc 1, 1846; CNJ, 68; PTS, 69-72; UTS, 76-7; ord ev (Presb, Elizabeth), Jn 20, 72; tea, Elizabeth, NJ, 68-9; tut, CNJ, 71-2; hm, Helena, Mont, 72-6; pas (Gaston), Phila- delphia, Pa, 77-96; temp sup, various churches in NJ & Pa, 96 — . Res, Philadelphia, Pa. SARGENT, Benjamin Farrington; b, Hopkinton, NH, Mr 21, 1853; HC, 73; CTS, 73-4; AubTS, 74-5; UTS, 76-7; prin, Pompey Hill, NY, 75-6; ord (Cong, Cent E Asso Illinois), Jn 22, 77; pas, Paxton, 111, 77-80; pas, Grand Rapids, Mich, 80-90; ss, Trinidad, Col, 90-1; pas, Fresno, Cal, 91-2; pas, Santa Rosa, Cal, 93-6; pas, Petaluma, Cal, 96-9; pas, Berke- ley, Cal, 99-1904; pas (Olivet), San Francisco, Cal, 1894—. SCHOLL, Henry Truax; b, Rhinebeck, NY, My 31, 1851; WmsC, 73; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Champlain), Fb 19, 78; ss, Chateaugay, NY, 77-9; ss, Milford, NY, 79-80; ss&pas, Lawrenceville, Pa, 81-5; ss, Springfield, NY, 85-91; ss, Big Flats, NY, 91-7; miss, E-Cofning, NY, 97-9; pas, Junius, NY, 99-1907; pas, E-Palmyra, NY, 07—. SCOFIELD, Edward, Jr; b, Batavia, O, Ap 2, 1848; WabC, 70; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Omaha), Sp 20, 77; ss, Fremont, Neb, 77-80; inv, Europe, 80-2; ss, Edinburg, Ind, 82-3; pas, E-Newark, NJ, 83-90; ch min, Trenton, NJ, 90-1; pas, Cape May, NJ, 91-3; pas e, Taunton, Mass, 93-6; ss, Mooers, NY, 96-9; pas, Durham, NY, 1901-3; temp s, various, 03-5; ss, Congers, NY, 05 — . SCOTT, Thomas Smith; b, Enon Valley, Pa, Nv 9, 1849; WRC, 74; AubTS, 74-6; UTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Mahoning), Sp 26, 77; ss, Collamer, O, 77-9; pas, Rockf ord, 111, 79-85; ss (Second), Knoxville, Tenn, 85-7; pas, "Vincennes, Ind, 77-96; pas, Middletown, O, 96-1900; pas, New Albany, Ind, 00-5; pas, Marengo, 111, 05—. DD, HanC, 95. 1877. 209 SCUDDER, John Lewis; b, Walla januggar, Madras Pres, India, Dc 5, 1853; YC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Cong, Worcester Cent Asso), Dc 26, 77; pas, Shrewsbury, Mass, 77-82; pas, Minneapolis, Minn, 82-6; pas (First), Jersey City, NJ, 86 — . manager, People's Palace, do. SNYDER, Thomas; b, Berlin, Ont, Can, Sp 26, 1848; UT, — ; HarDS, 74-5; UTS, 75-7; post g, YTS, 77-8; ord (Luth, NY Ministerium), Ag 4, 78; pas, Liverpool, NY, 78-9; prof, NWU, Watertown, Wis, 79-84; pas (St John, St Paul, St Matthew & Emmanuel), Welland, Ont, Can, 84-8; pas (St Peter), Preston, Ont, Can, 88-95; also pas (St Matthew), Wel- land, Ont, Can, 84 — . also pas (Pilgrim's), Niagara Falls, NY, 1905 — . Stud, Univ Munich (PhD), 93-4; MA, SyrU, 85; PhD, SyrU, 87; DD (Exam), PresC, 95; MD, Jefferson Med Col, 98; MD, QU, 99. fSTEARNS, George Milton; b, Concord, NH, Ap 12, 1852; YC, 74; UTS, 74-7; tea, NYCity, 77-8; prof (Greek), WashbC, Topeka, Kan, 78-83; — . STEVENS, William Coit; b, Parma, O, Ag 24, 1853; BelC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Red River), Nv 2, 79; ss, Bismark, Dak, 79-82; ss, Los Angeles, Cal, 83-7; pas, do, 87-90; pas (Gosp Tabern, undenom), do, 92- 7; supt, Chr Alii, Pacific Coast, 97-1901; prin (NY Mis Training Inst), Nyack, NY, 01—. *TITSWORTH, Wardner Carpenter; b, Shiloh, NJ, Oc 3, 1848; AC, 70; UTS, 72-3, 75-7; ord (7th D Bap), My 31, 77; pas, Farina, 111, 77-81; pas, Ashaway, RI, 81-3; pas, Alfred Centre, NY, 83-7, 88-90; prof (Latin), AlfU, do, 88; inv, Sisco, Fla, 90-2; d, Dunellen, NJ, Ap 24, 92. TRACY, James Edward; b, Pasumalai, So-India, Jl 4, 1850; WmsC, 74; CTS, 74-5; UTS, 75-7; ord ev (Cong), Jn 27, 77; fm, Tirupuvanam, India, 77-82; fm, Tirumangalam, India, 82-9; furlough, in U S A, 89- 91; fm, Periakulam, India, 92—. DD, WmsC, 96. WALLACE, George Henry; b, St Catharines, Ont, Can, Ap 17, 1849; HC, 74; UTS, 74-7; ord (Presb, Hudson), Oc 3, 77; pas, Nyack, NY, 77-81; pas, Manchester, Mich, 83-6; pas, Plymouth, Mich, 86-95; res, NY City, 96-1900; pas, Wappingers Falls, NY, 00-6; res, NYCity, 06—. WILLIAMSON, Joseph Gilliard, Jr; b, Sidney, NJ, Mr 9, 1852; LafC, 73; UTS, 75-7; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Sp 19, 78; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 78-85; pas (Jeff av), Detroit, Mich, 85-8; pas, Hazleton, Pa, 89-96; law, NYCity, 97—. WINN, Thomas Clay; b, Flemington, Liberty Co, Ga, Jn 29, 1851; AC, 73; TSNW, 73-4; UTS, 75-7; ord (Presb, Peoria), Sp 19, 77; fm, Yokohama. Japan, 77-9; fm, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan, 79-98; fm, Osaka, Japan, 98-1906; fm, Dalny, Manchu, 06—. 45. AMENT, William Scott; b, Owosso, Mich, Sp 14, 1851; OC, 73; UTS, 74-6; AndTS, 76-7; ord (Cong, Genesee Conf), Ag 28, 77; fm, Peking, No- 210 1877. China, 77-85; pas, Medina, O, 85-8; fm, Peking, China, 88 — . Ed (No- China Church News), do, 91-6. DD, OC, 97. BROOKS, George Wolcott; b, Middlebury, Vt, Jl 2, 1852; MC, 73; UTS, 74-5; AndTS, 75-7; ord (Cong), Oc X0, 77; pas, Woonsocket, RI, 77-83; ss, Charlestown, Mass, 83-90; pas, Dorchester, Boston, Mass, 90 — CAMPBELL, James; b, No-Monagan, Can, Oc 31, 1846; UT, 73; KCOnt, 75; UTS, 74-5, 76-7; UEdin, 75-6; ord (Presb, Colorado), Oc 10, 80; ev, Canada, 77-80; hm, Col & Utah, 80-1 ss, Tahama, Cal, 82-3; ev, So Cal, 83-4; hm, Windsor & Fulton, Cal, 84-6; do, San Francisco, Cal, 87-8; hm (Cong), Falls City, Cal, 88-9; chap (Sailors' Home), San Francisco, Cal, 89-90; indep mis, do, 90 — . Res, E-Oakland, Cal. CEOCO, Alfred Henry; b, Holmesville, O, Oc 7, 1847; CNJ, 74; UTS, 74-6; SFTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Benicia), Nv 14, 77; ss, Davisville, Cal, 77-81; pas (14th St), Sacramento, Cal, 82-3; ss, Sonora, Cal, 83-1904; ss, Brawley, Cal, 04 — . & ss, El Centro, Cal, 05 — . CROTHERS, Samuel McChord; b, Oswego, 111, Jn 7, 1857; CNJ, 74; UTS, 74-7; HarDS, 81-2; ord (Presb, Dayton), Ja 9, 77; ss, Eureka, Nev, 77-8; hm, Gold Hill, Nev, 78; ss, Santa Barbara, Cal, 79-81; stud, HarDS, 81-2; pas (Unit), Brattleboro, Vt, 82-6; pas (Unity), St Paul, Minn, 86-94; pas (First), Cambridge, Mass, 94—. DD, HarU, 96; LitD, StLawrU, 1902. DEEMS, Edward Mark; b, Greensboro, NC, Ap 22, 1852; CNJ, 74; UTS, 74-6; PTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Colorado), Oc 28, 77; pas, Longmont, Col, 77-9; Europe, 79; ss, NYCity (Westminster), 79; do (Ch Strangers), do, 80; pas, do (Westminster), 80-90; pas (First), Hornell, NY, 90—. PhD, UNY, 93; DD, AlfU, 1904. GROSS, Louis Jeremiah; b, Farmer Village, NY, Sp 15, 1847; MU, 74; UTS, 74-5; ord (Bap), Mr 7, 76; pas, Romulus, NY, 76-81; pas, Wilson, NY, 82-7; pas, Barker (formerly W-Somerset), NY, 87 — . LEYDA, James Emory; b, Dunningsville, Pa, Ja 18, 1848; W&JC, 74; WTS, 74-5; UTS, 75-6; WTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Clarion), Nv 8, 77; pas, Perry & Worthville, Pa, 77-9; pas, Worthington & West Glade Run, Pa, 79-84; ss&pas, Ellsworth, Kan, 84-9; ss, W-Plain, Mo, 89-94; pres (W-Plains Col) & ss, do, 92-3; ss, Fairfax, Mo, 94-6; ss, Jonesboro, Ark, 96-1904; ss, Monument, Colo, 05-7; ss, Ellsworth, Pa, 07—. McMEEN, William Harry; b, Springfield, O, Jn 10, 1854; UWoos, 72; UTS, 74-5; PTS, 75-7; ord, ev (Presb, Colorado), My 9, 78; ss, Beatrice, Neb, 78-9; ss, Frederick City, Md, 80-1; pas, Milford Centre, O, 82-5; ss, Bainbridge, Ga, 85-6; prof, Charlotte, NC, 86-90; ss, Covington & Beth- any, Ga, 90-1; wc, Riceville, Ga, 92; ss, Tampa, Fla, 93; tea, do, 94-5; trav for health, & oc sup, various places, 96-1904; tea, Selma, Ala, 05-6; trav, 07 — . Addr, Columbia, SC. *ROSS, James Henry; b, Troy, NY, Ag 21, 1851; CNJ, 74; UTS, 74-5; PTS, 76-7; ord (Cong), Fb 22, 78; pas, Newburyport, Mass, 78-82; oc s, 1877-18T8. 211 various places, 82-3; AndTS, 84; pas, S-Norwalk, Ct, 84-8; pas (First), Somerville, Mass, 88-94; wc, do, 95; wc, Roxbury, Mass, 96-7; ed, Cambridge, Mass, 98-1907; d, Clifton Spgs, NY, Dc 7, 07. TYLER, John Mason; b, Amherst, Mass, My 18, 1851; AC, 73; UTS, 74-6; stud, Gottingen, Ger, 76-8; do, Leipzig, do, 78-9; inst (Biology), AC, 79-82; prof, do, 82—. PhD, ColgU, 88. WALLACE, Cornelius Royal; b, Boston, Mass, Oc 27, 1845; YC, 74; UTS, 74; ss (Cong), Woodstock, NH, 74; ss, Lagoda, Ind, 75; tea, NYCity, 75 — . Res, Yonkers, NY. WARRENDER, Samuel Robert; b, Stapleton (SI), NY, Jn 13, 1845; LafC, 74; UTS, 74-6; LTS, 76-7; ord (Presb, Toronto), Sp 18, 78; hm (Toronto Presb), 78-9; pas, St Ann's & Wellandport, Can, 79-83; ss, Conklingville, NY, 83-4; inv & oc s, Smithville, Ont, Can, 84-6; ss, Junius, NY, 86; ss, Bellona, NY, 87; ss, S- Wales, NY, 87-90; ss, Otego, NY, 90-6; ss, Somerset, NY, 96; ss, Brookfield, NY, 97-1901; ss, An- cram Lead Mines, NY, 01 — . WATT, John Carruthers; b, Xenia, O, Oc 27, 1852; WoosU, 74; WTS, 74-5; UTS, 75-6; KC, Ont, 77-8; ord (Presb, Zanesville), My 6, 79; hm, Mono Centre, Ont, 76-7; pas, Utica, O, 78-81; pas, Findlay, O, 81-5; pas (Fifth), Cincinnati, O, 85-9; pas (First), Columbus, O, 89-1904; ss, Bahia Honda, Cuba, 05—. (MGA.) DD, UWoos, 92. 14. 1878. *AVERILL, James Olney; b, Pomfret, Ct, Fb 6, 1848; AC, 70; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Jn 17, 79; ss, Flushing (LI), NY, 78-81; pas (Presb), Rockaway, NJ, 81-6; d, do, Dc 16, 86. BALLANTINE, John Winthrop; b, Norwalk, O, Dc 21, 1851; AC, 74; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Mr 18, 79; pas (Union), Taunton, Mass, 79-81; pas (Pilgrim), Dorchester, Mass, 82-8; pas, Ridgefield, Ct, 88-1900; res, Hartford, Ct, 00-4; pas (Second), Huntington, Mass, 04-7; pas, W-Staf- ford, Ct, 07—. BIERY, Benjamin Franklin; b, Orefield, Lehigh Co, Pa, Ja 23, 1854; F&MC, 75; UTS, 75-8; tea, Putnam Co., O, 80-9; tea & prin, Bluff ton, O, 89-94; tea & supt of pub sch, Bluffton, O, 94-1900; ed & publ, do, 00—. •BLACK, Silas Wright; b, Rossville, Ind, Jl 27, 1848; HanC, 75; DTS, 75-7; UTS, 77-8; ss (Presb), Edmonton & Munfordville, Ky, 78; d, Reming- ton, Ind, Mr 24, 79. CHILD, Frank Samuel; b, Exeter, NY, Mr 20, 1854; HC, 75; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Fb 27, 79; pas, Sound Beach (Greenwich), Ct, 78-81; inv & lit, Leonardsville, NY, 81-4; ss, New-Preston, Ct, 84-8; pas, Fairfield, Ct, 88—. DD, ElonC, NC, 96, & HC, 97; LHD, AlfU, 1904. 212 1878. *COOK, Norman Philip; b, Blackmail, Mich, Ag 21, 1850; UM, 75; UTS, 75-8; ord (Evang Adventist), Nv 6, 78; pas, Providence, EI, 78-89; pas, Chelsea, Mass, 89-94; pas & instr (Bible Training Sch), Mendota, 111, 94-6; prin (Theol Dept), Mendota Col, do, 96-9; d, do, Nv 21, 99. DAY, Thomas Watson; b, Athens, NY, Jl 26, 1850; HC, 75; UTS, 75-8; res, Athens, NY, 78 — . (books). EMEKSON, Samuel Franklin; b, Norwich, Vt, Ag 26, 1850; YC, 72; UTS, 75-8; fellow, UTS, Tubingen, Ger, 78-9; do, Berlin, 79-80; prof (Greek & Mod Lang), UVt, Burlington, Vt, 81-9; prof (Hist), do, 89—. PhD, AC, 85. ENOS, Edgar Ai; b, Grafton, NY, Dc 20, 1846; HC, 74; tea, Brooklyn, NY, 74-5; UTS, 75-8; ord (Ep) dea, My 23, 80, pr, Ja 12, 82; as min (Heavenly Best), NYCity, 79-80; prof (Hasbrouck Inst), Jersey City, NJ, 79-80; min, Larchmont Manor, NY, 80-1; rec, Towanda, Pa, 81-5; rec, Bridge- port, Ct, 85-7; rec (St Paul's), Troy, NY, 87—. DD, St Stephens C, 92. *FAULKNER, William Earl; b, Pittstown, NY, My 15, 1848; UC, 73; UTS, 75-8; ord (Presb, Albany), Fb 25, 79; ss, E-Nassau, NY, 78-9; pas, No-Bethlehem, NY, 80-5; pas (RD), Westerloo, NY, 85-6; ss, Napanock, NY, 86-8; pas, Wyckoff, NJ, 88-92; pas (Presb), Mountain Top, Pa, 92-5; pas, Yellow Frame, NJ, 95-7; wc, Newton, NJ, 97; d, Paterson, NJ, Jn 9, 97. *FIELD, Richard Edgar; b, Clinton, NJ, Oc 28, 1851; CNJ, 74; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Jn 12, 78; pas, Brooklyn, NY, 78-80; pas (Capital av), Denver, Col, 81-5; pas, Cheyenne, Wyo, 85-91; d, do, My 13, 91. FLINT, Joseph Raimond; b, Braintree, Vt, Nv 16, 1848; DC, 75; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Sp 10, 79; ss, Londonderry & Weston, Vt, 78-9; pas, Weston, Vt, 79-82; hm, Junction City & Bois d'Arc, Mo, 82-3; ss, Heath, Mass, 84-5; ss, Windsor, Mass, 85-7; ss, W-Tisbury, Mass, 87-9; ss, Dayville, Ct, 89-91; ss, Orford & Orfordville, NH, 91-5; ss, Harpers- field, NY, 95-8; res, Stamford, NY. GULICK, Hervey; b, Mt Bethel, Pa, Mr 26, 1847; LafC, 68; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Nv 5, 79; pas, Hancock, NH, 78-92; pas, Charlotte, Vt, 92—. HILL, Robert William; b, NYCity, Nv 13, 1847; UTS, 75-8; ord ev (Presb, NY), My 14, 78; ss, Salem, Ore, 78-81; sm (Columbia), 81-7; sm (Ind Ter), 87-94; ev, Muskogee, IT, 94-7; insp, State Bd of Charities, Al- bany, NY, 97-1904; supt, do, 04-5; sec, do, 06—. DD, UO, 84, *KNOX, Edward Marvin; b, Knoxburgh, NY, Oc 16, 1850; HC, 74; AubTS, 75-7; UTS, 77-8; ord ev (Presb, Kearney), Ap 12, 79; ss, Nelson, Su- perior & Henrietta, Neb, 78-81; hm, Malad City, Idaho, 82-6; ss, Ar- buckle, Cal, 86-7; hm&ss, Kaysville, Utah, 88-98; res, So Cal, 98-1907; d, Los Angeles, Cal, Ag 20, 07. LAKE, Edward Warren; b, Pleasant Mount, Pa, Fb 20, 1851; UTS, 75-8; ord ev (Presb, Binghamton), Ap 29, 79; ss, Whitney's Point, NY, 78- 1878. 213 84, & ss (Cong), Lisle, NY, 78-81; ss (Presb), Union, NY, 84-6; oc s, Binghamton, NY, 86—. LORD, William Rogers; b, Boston, Mass, My 6, 1847; AC, 75; UTS, 75-8; ord (Presb, Westchester), Ap 30, 79; pas, Riverdale, NY, 79-81; ss (Cong), Wollaston, Mass, 82-5; tea, do, 85-7; pas (Harrison Sq), Bos- ton, Mass, 87-95; pas (Unity), St Paul, Minn, 95-7; ss, Baltimore, Md, 98-9; pas, Portland, Ore, 99-1901; pas, Rockland, Mass, 02-7. LOUX, Edward; b, NYCity, My 22, 1847; UNY (2 yrs); UTS, 75-8; ord (Bap), Jn 3, 79; pas, Imlaystown, NJ, 79-82; ss, NYCity, 82-3; oc s, do, 83-4; pas, Greenport (LI), NY, 84-6; ss, Carmel, NY, 87-8; oc s, NYCity, 88-9; ss, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 89-90; pas, do, 90-3; oc s & ev, NYCity, 93—. McCASLIN, David Serril; b, Oskaloosa, Io, My 24, 1853; HanC, 75; UTS, 75-8; ord (Presb, Muncie), Nv 13, 78; pas, Muncie, Ind, 78-83; ss, Pullman, 111, 83-5; pas, Huron, SD, 85-90; pas (Bethlehem), Minne- apolis, Minn, 90-5; ss, Bozeman, Mont, 95-6; pas (Second), Cedar Rapids, Io, 96-9; sm, Iowa, 99-1901; pas, Hoopeston, 111, 01-6; pas evang, Presb, St Paul, 07—. Addr, St Paul, Minn. DD, HanC, 94. MATTICE, Richard Bortle; b, Albany, NY, Dc 10, 1850; CollP&S (3 yrs); UTS, 75-8; ord (Presb, Hudson), My 19, 80; ss&pas, Stony Point, NY, 78-80; ss, Croton Falls, NY, 80-4; ss, Starke, Fla, 84-90; ss (Throggs Neck), Westchester, NYCity, 90—. MEYER, William; b, n Highland, Kan, Mr 7, 1849; WittC, 75; UTS, 75-8; ord ev (Presb, Dayton), My 29, 78; hm, Phoenix, Arizona, 78-81; ss, Grant City, Mo, 81-6; temp s, Oelwein, Io, 86-7; pas, Edina, Mo, & ss, Green City, 87-91; temp s, Norman, OkT, 91; ss, Tecumseh, Rock Creek, Shawnee & Dale, OkT, 92-7; ss, Herron & Westminster, Okla, 97-1902; pm, 02-6; supt, Indian chs, 07 — . Res, Tecumseh, Okla. *MILLER, Elias Smith; b, Vernon, Ind, Mr 15, 1846; HanC, 73; UTS, 75-8; ord (Presb, Neosfao), Oc 18, 78; pas, Iola, Kan, 78-86; pas, Crown Point, Ind, 86-9; pas, Minneapolis, Kan, 89-91; ss, Brookville, Ind, 91-2; pas, Greenwood, Ind, 92-9; ss, Montpelier, Ind, 1900-1; ss, Judson & Rus- selville, Ind, 02-3.; ss, Salem, Ind, 04-5; d, do, Ja 1, 05. (MGA.) MOENCH, Charles Lewis; b, Lititz, Pa, Fb 20, 1855; MorC, 73; MorTS, 73-5; UTS, 77-8; ord (Mor), My 19, 78; tea, Nazareth, Pa, 75-7; pas, Blairstown, Io, 78-81; pas, Hopedale, Pa, 81-6; pas (Second), Phila- delphia, Pa, 86-9; pas, Lititz, Pa, 89-1901; pas (First), Philadelphia, Pa, 01—. Bishop, 98. DD, MorC, 07. MOTT, Henry Elliott; b, Brockport, NY, Oc 17, 1852; CNJ, 74; AubTS, 75-6; UTS, 76-8; ord (Presb, Lansing), Nv 12, 78; ss, Albion, Mich, 78-81; pas (Cong), Augusta, Me, 81-2; ss, Newburyport, Mass, 83-7; pas (Presb), Dubuque, Io, 88-93; pas (Central), Buffalo, NY, 94-1900; pas (Westm), Elizabeth, NJ, 00—. DD, PrinU, 00. 214 1878. KORTHROP, Charles Addison; b, Ridgefield, Ct, Mr 21, 1850; YC, 72; UTS, 75-8; ord (Cong), Oc 2, 78; ss&pas, Georgetown, Ct, 78-80; ss, Litchfield, Mich, 80-2; pas, Jewett City, Ct, 83-5; pas, Norwich Town, Ct, 85-94; mis sec (Cong Nat Council), 94-6; ag, AMA, 96 — . Res, Norwich, Ct. PAYSON, George Hubbard; b, New-Hartford, NY, Ja 5, 1852; HC, 73; prin, Peterboro', NY, 73-5; UTS, 75-8; ord (Presb, Nassau), Ap 21, 81; tea & oc s, NYCity, 78-9; Europe, 79-80; pas, Roslyn (LI), NY, 80-2; pas Newtown (LI), NY, 82-90; pas, Rahway, NJ, 90-1904; ss, New- Brunswick, NJ, 04-5; pas (Ref), Paterson, NJ, 05-6; prof (Ethics Peking, China, 95-6; ss, E-Fairfield, Vt, 97-8; pas, Westmore, Vt, 98- 1902; ss, Jericho, Vt, 02-4; pas, W-Lebanon, NH, 04-6; ss, Hartland, Vt, 06—. GBAY, Charles Oliver; b, Heuvelton, NY, Jn 3, 1867; HC, 90; UTS. 91-4: ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Ap 11, 93; prin, Heuvelton, NY, 90-1; ss. S-Centreville, NY, 93; pas, Smithtown Branch, NY, 94-1903; pas, Marshall, NC, 03-7; pas, Asheville, NC, 07—. HELMING, Oscar Clemens; b, Franklin, Wis, Ja 17, 1867; ButU, 88; UTS, 91-4; ord (Cong), Oc 24, 94; pas, Island Pond, Vt, 94-5; pas (First), Atchison, Kan, 55-9; pas. (North), Indianapolis, Ind, 99-1903; pas, Nut- ley, N J, 03-6; pas (University), Chicago, 111, 07 — . HEBBON, Eobert Howard; b, Cadiz, O, Ag 1, 1866; WoosU, 91; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, NY), My 8, 94; min (Bethmore Home), Tenafly, NJ, 93-8; pas, Nyack, NY, 98—. HYDE, Frederick Smith; b, Lyme, Ct, Oc 3, 1866; AC, 88; instr (Engl), SyrC, Beirut, Syria, 88-92; UTS, 92-4; ord (Cong), Dc 26, 94; pas, Groton, Ct, 94-1907; prof (Hist & Engl), YMCA Training Sch, Spring- field, Mass, 07—. IBBOTSON, Joseph Darling, Jr; b, Binghamton, NY, Sp 25, 1869; HC, 90; UTS, 91-4; UB, Germany, 94-5; ord (Presb, Utica), Ja 22, 96; as libr, HC, 90-1; stud, UB & UHal, 94-5; as prof (Engl Lit) & instr (Hebr), HC, Clinton, NY, 95—. KOHOUT, Joseph Alois; b, Jenstein, Bohemia, Jl 9, 1863; OTS, 91-3; UTS, 93-4; ord (Presb, Madison), Sp 19, 94; ss, Cobb & Muscoda, Wis, 94-5; ss&pas, Cuba, Kan, 95-1905; mis pas, St Clair, Pa, 05 — . KOUKOL, Alois Bohuslav; b, Kostelec, Bohemia, Sp 21, 1869; Vysoke Myto (Bohemia), 88; stud (College Americ), Louvain, Belg, 88-90; UPrag, 90-1; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, Milwaukee), Oc 22, 94; hm, Melnik, Wis, 94-5; ss&hm, Peckville, Pa, 95-9; pas (Mor Br), Nelsonville, Tex, 99- 1903; pas as (Presb, Bohem), NYCity, 04-6; sec (Slav Immigr Soc), do, 06—. NILES, Edward; b, York, Pa, Sp 18, 1868; WmsC, 91; UTS, 91-4; ord (BD, CI Kingston), Jl 11, 94; pas, Gardiner, NY, 94-8; as min (Colleg, Middle), NYCity, 98-1901; pas (So-Bushwick), Brooklyn, NY, 01—. ' OKAMOTO, Toshiyuki; b, Katsuno, Shigaken, Japan, Sp 28, 1870; Meiji Gakuin, 91; LTS, 91-2; UTS, 92-4; ord (Cong), My 16, 94; stud med, WBU, 94"-7; MD, WEU, 97; stnd med, Gratz, Aust, 97-8; phys, Yoko- hama, & insur, Tokyo, Japan, 98 — . PEBBY, Edward Bussell; b, Evansville, Ind, Mr 14, 1867; LinU, 91; UTS, 91-4; post g, do, 94-5; ord (Presb, Lehigh), Dc 22, 96; ss, Port Chester, NY, 94-5; pas, S-Bethlehem, Pa, 96-7; pas, Sound Beach, Ct, 98-1902; pas, Williamsbridge, NYCity, 02 — . PIEBSON, Louis Arnold; b, Newark, NY, Sp 12, 1870; WmsC, 91; UTS, 91-4; post g, do, 94-5 ; ord (Presb, Lyons), Sp 19, 94; ss, Northampton, 1894. 301 NY, 95-6; stud & trav, Europe, 96-7; ss, Tuscarora, NY, 97-1900; ss, Castile, NY, 00—. ROBINSON, Joseph Haswell; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 11, 1868; CNJ, 91; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 19, 95; ss (Wickliffe), Newark, NJ, 94-6; pas, Pelham Manor, NY, 96-1902; pas, White Plains, NY, 02—. ROGERS, George Hoffman; b, Palmyra, NY, Dc 13, 1868; UVt, 89; UTS, 91-4; sec (YMCA), Bradford, Pa, 94; tut & tea, NYCity, 95—. ROTENBACH, Louis Oscar; b, NYCity, Nv 11, 1863; NYU, 91; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 4, 94; pas, Stony Point, NY, 94-1904; pas (Bethany), Brooklyn, NY, 04—. *SCHILLER, William; b, Blucina, Moravia, Fb 23, 1872; KolinC (Bo- hemia), 91; UTS, 91-4; post g, 94-5; ord (Presb, NY), My 12, 95; hm pas, Cleburne, Kan, 95-7; pas (Bohem), Saratoga, Io, 98-1900; pas (Bohem), Hopkins, Minn, 01-4; d, do, Fb 21, 04. (MGA.) SHEARMAN, Thomas Gaskell, Jr; b, Brooklyn, NY, My 13, 1868; YU, 89; UTS, 91-4; ord (Cong), Jn 7, 94; as pas, Montclair, NJ, 94-5; pas (Auburn St), Paterson, NJ, 95-7; CU (LLB), 1900; law, NYCity, 00—. Res, Brooklyn, NY. SHERAJAN, Gregory Avac; b, Marash, Turkey, Sp 23, 1862; CTC, 88; PTS, 91-2; UTS, 92-4; lie (Presb, NY), My 7, 94; ord (Presb, Boston), Dc 17, 1906; tea (Gram Sch 34), NYCity, 94-8; bus, do, 98-1904; do, Boston, Mass, 04-5, & ss (Cong), New-Ipswich, NH, 04-5; pas, W- Barnstable, Mass, 06 — . SMITH, Thomas William; b, Jacksonville, 111, Dc 8, 1865; IC, 87; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, Springfield), Jl 1, 94; ss&pas (St Nicholas Av), NY City, 94—. DD, I11C, 08. *THOMPKINS, Pierce Butler; b, Parksville, SC, Ap 15, 1864; LinU (Pa), 91; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, NY), My 8, 94; pas (St James), NYCity, 94-1902; d, Aiken, SC, Mr 18, 02. VERNON, Ambrose White; b, NYCity, Oc 13, 1870; CNJ, 91; UTS, 91-4; fellow, UTS, UB, Berlin, Germany, 94-6; ord (Cong), Nv 5, 96; pas, Hiawatha, Kan, 96-9; pas, E-Orange, NJ, 99-1904; pas, Ch of Christ at Dartmouth Col, & prof (Bibl Lit), DC, Hanover, NH, 04-7; prof (Pract Theol), YTS, New-Haven, Ct, 07—. DD, DC, 07. WAGNER, Horace Tyson; b, Zieglerville, Pa, Jn 19, 1867; UrsC, 91; UTS, 91-4; ord (Cong), Jn 19, 94; fm, Guadalajara, Mex, 94; fm, Parral, Mex, 95; fm, Cuidad Guerrero, Chihuahua, Mex, 95-8; fm, Hermo- sillo, Sonora, Mex, 98 — . WILSON, Warren Hugh; b, Tidioute, Pa, My 1, 1867; OC, 90; UTS, 91-4; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 17, 94; ss, Quaker Hill, NY, 94-9; pas (Arlington Av), Brooklyn, NY, 99—. PhD, CU, 1908. 32.. 302 1894. BANKS, Talcott Miner; b, Englewood, NJ, Ap 12, 1868; WmsC, 90; UTS, 91-2; mer, NYCity, 92-5; res, Williamstown, Mass, 1905—. BRYANT, Robert Collins; b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 13, 1870; LafC, 91; UTS, 91-3; AubTS, 93-4; ord (Presb, Binghamton), Jn 4, 95; pas (Floral av), Binghamton, NY, 95-8; ss (Cong), Lisbon, NH, 99-1901; pas (Chr Union Indep), Rockford, 111, 01-7; wc, Chicago, 111, 08 — . CAMP, Edward Chapin; b, Springfield, Mass, My 18, 1865; AC, 89; UTS, 91-2; AndTS, 92-4; ord (Cong), Oc 10, 94; pas, Worthington, Mass, 94- 9; pas, Whitman, Mass, 99-1906; pas (Phillip's), Watertown, Mass, 06—. ELDER, Robert; b, NYCity, Ag 1, 1870; CCNY, 91; UTS, 91-2; "UChic, 92-3; RTS, 93-4; ord (Bap), Jn 7, 94; pas, Westerly, RI, 94-6; wc, NYCity, 97; pas, Catskill, NY, 98-1901; pas, Wilmington, O, 02-6; pas, Alma, Mich, 06 — . FRY, Robert Hope; b, Louisiana, Mo, Nv 9, 1865; LinU, 90; UTS, 91-2; CuTS, 95-6; ord (C Presb, Salt River), Mr 27, 90; ss, Edinburg, 111, 92; pas, Alton, 111, 92-5; pas, La Plata, Mo, 96-8; pas (Main St), Carthage, Mo, 98-1901; pas (West-Side), Logansport, Ind, 01-5; pres (People's Univ), Olympia, Wash, 05 — . HIESTER, Anselm Vinet; b, Annville, Pa, Nv 27, 1866; LVC (BS), 87; F&MC, 89; UTS, 91-2; LaneTS, 92-4; as prof, F&MC, 92-6; fellow (Polit Sci), CU, NYCity, 96-8; ord (Ger Ref, CI of Lancaster), Fb 26, 1905; prof (Polit & Soc Sci), F&MC, Lancaster, Pa, 98—. JENNINGS, William Mason; b, Indianapolis, Ind, My 1, 1865; WabC, 90; UTS, 91-2; WTS, 92-4; ord (Presb, Winona), Jl 17, 94; pas, Kasson, Minn, 94-5; ss, New-Castle, Ind, 95-9; pas, Brookings, SD, 99-1906; ss, Marion, Io, 06—. DD, WabC, 07. JOHNSON, William Hallock; b, NYCity, Dc 3, 1865; CNJ, 88; UTS, 91; PTS, 94-6; post g, do, 96-7; ord (Presb, Westchester), Sp 1, 97; instr (N T Lit & Exeg), DTS, & (Ment & Mor Sci), CrC, Danville, Ky, 97- 1901; res grad, UTS, 01-2; prof (Gk & N T Lit), Lincoln University, Pa, 03—. KEIGWIN, Albert Edwin; b, Lyons, la, Jl 21, 1868; CNJ, 91; UTS, 91-3; ord (Presb, New-Castle), My 11, 93; ev, 94; pas, Millville, NJ, 95- 1900; pas (Park), Newark, NJ, 00-4; pas (West End), NYCity, 04—. DD, LafC, 06. KOSOWER, Jacob Samuel; b, Galicin, Austria, Ja 2, 1868; Calvin Col, 91; UTS, 91-2; UrsTS, 92-3; ord (Ger Ref), Sp 15, 93; pas, Stone Creek, O, 93-6; pas, Glenville, O, 97-1902; pas (Immanuel), Baltimore, Md, 03-7; supt (Bethesda Deaconess Home & Germ Hosp), Cleveland, O, 08 — . ♦LESTER, James Crawford; b, Pulaski, Tenn, Mr 29, 1865; AC, 90; YTS, 91-2; UTS, 92-4; d, Axton, NY, Jl 14, 94. 1894. 303 McGILVRAY, Henry; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Jn 14, 1864; UG, 89; PresTC (London), 89-90; UTS, 92-3; AubTS, 93-4; ord (Presb, Boston), Oc 3, 94; ss, Dresden, NY, 94; ss&pas (First), Portland, Me, 94-8; pas, White Lake, NY, 99-1902; pas, Brownsburg, Pa, 02-3; pas, Pittstown, NJ, 03—. MARTYN, Fermin Ferrer; b, St Louis, Mo, Jn 25, 1870; CC, 89-91; UTS, 91-2; Div Sch ChicU, 92-3; ord (RD, CI Bergen), Nv 8, 93; pas (Engl Neighborhood), Ridgefield, NJ, 93-5; lit & lect, 95—. Res, NYCity. MEAD, George Whitefield; b, Norwalk, O, My 27, 1865; OC, 91; PTS, 91-2; UTS, 92-4; post g, do, 94-5; ord (Presb, Huron), Ap 13, 94; as pas (Madison Av), NYCity, 94-8; pas, Newport, RI, 98-1906; pas, Wilkins- burg, Pa, 06—. PhD, HbgUO, 03. MONTGOMERY, Lorenzo Newton; b, Morgan Co, Mo, Jl 10, 1861; CuU, 88; CuTS, 88-90; UTS, 92-3; ord (C Presb, Lebanon), Ap 21, 89; pas, Punxsutawney, Pa, 90-2; pas, Danville, 111, 93-6; pas, Jackson Centre, Pa, 96-8; pas, Louisiana, Mo, 99-1906; pas e (Presb), do, 07—. (MGA.) NOSS, Christopher; b, Huntington, Ind, Sp 23, 1869; F&MC, 88; LancTS, 91-2, 93-4; UTS, 92-3; UB, 94-5; ord (Ger Ref, Syn of Potomac), Oc 23, 95; fm, Sendai, Japan, 96-1903; prof (Syst Theol), LanTS, 04—. DD, FrMC, 07. OAKES, Chandler Albon; b, Chester, Pa, Jn 10, 1865; LafC, 91; UTS, 91-3; ord (Presb, New-Castle), My 11, 93; pas as (Tabernacle), Brooklyn, NY, 92-4; pas (RD), Kingston, NY, 94-7; law, do, & NYCity, 97—. PhD, Taylor Univ, Ft Wayne, Ind, 93. PRENTICE, Sartell; b, Albany, NY, Sp 30, 1867; LFU, 88-9; AC, 91; McCTS, 91-3; UTS, 93-4; ord (RD, CI Raritan), Nv 24, 94; pas, Potters- ville, NJ, 94-7; pas (Presb, 5th Av), Newark, NJ, 98-1904; pas (RD), Xvack, NY, 04—. STUART, Albert Emerson; b, Franklin, NY, Nv 9, 1866; HC, 91; UTS, 91-2; PTS, 94-6; ord (Presb, Phila No), My 28, 96; tea, Media, Pa, 92-3; tea (Gk), New-Brunswick, NJ. 93-4; pas (Oak Lane), Phila- delphia, Pa, 96-1900; pas (Chanceford), Woodbine, Pa, 00—. TRUSLOW, Arthur; b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 2, 1868; AC, 89; UTS, 91; And TS, 93-6; ord (Cong), Sp 30, 96; ss&pas, Winthrop, Mass, 96-9; pas, Hingham Centre, Mass, 99-1901; sec (Centr, YMCA), Baltimore, Md, 01-2; sec (Greenpoint, YMCA), Brooklyn, NY, 02-5; real est, NYCity, 05—. Res, Brooklyn, NY. *UTIKAL, Otokar; b, Sysa, Bohemia, Oc 31, 1867; KolinC (Bohemia), 89; ThSem, Vienna, Aust; UTS, 93-4; stud, Rush Med Col, Chicago, 111, 94-5; ss (Bohem, Ref), Hopkins, Minn, 97; d, do, Jn 16, 97. 304 1894-1895. WALKER, John Jairus; b, Warren, Mass, My 17, 1868; AC, 89; UTS, 91-2; AndTS, 92-4; ord (Cong), Dc 11, 94; pas as, Providence, RI, 94-6; pas, Yarmouth, Mass, 97-1901; pas, Westboro, Mass, 01 — . 22. 1895. ABBOTT, Edward Johnson; b, NYCity, Jn 15, 1870; NYU, 90-2; UTS, 92-5; ord (Cong-, Essex Asso), Jn 28, 95; pas (Cong & Presb), Wad- ham's Mills, NY, 95-8; pas (Presb), Corinth, NY, 99-1904; pas, Stony Pt, NY, 05-6; name dropped, Pr Hudson, Nv 20, 06; stud med, Albany, NY, 06—. (MGA.) ALLAN, George; b, Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotl, My 4, 1861; UTS, 91, 93-5; ord (Presb, No-River), Dc 18, 95; pas, Milton, NY, 95-1901; ss & pas, Highland, NY, 03—. ALLEN, Eli Nelson; b, Westfield, Ind, Jn 24, 1867; MoVC, 92; CuTS, 92-4; UTS, 94-5; ord (C Presb, Ozark), Oc 5, 91; pas (First), Kansas City, Mo, 95-1903; pas (Presb, Hawthorne Park), Portland, Ore, 03—. ALLER, Nathan Shaw; b, Pleasantville, Pa, Nv 18, 1868; LafC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Cong), Sp 19, 95; pas, Bridgewater, NY, 95-9; pas, Carth- age, NY, 99-1903; pas, Bridgewater, NY, 03—. ARNOLD, William Rosenzweig; b, Beirut, Syria, Nv 14, 1872; OWU, 92; UTS, 92-5; fellow (Semitic Lang), CC, 95-6; curator, Metrop Mus of Art, NYCity, 96-8; lect (O T Lit), AndTS, 1902-3; ord (Cong), Jn 8, 03; prof (Heb Lang & Lit), AndTS, Andover, Mass, 03—. PhD, CC, 96. BABBITT, Will Albert; b, Keeseville, NY, Jn 25, 1869; UVt, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jn 25, 95; pas, Katonah, NY, 95-1900; pas (First, Cong), Ashtabula, O, 00-5; pas, Lockport, NY, 06—. BALDWIN, Albert Dorrance; b, Newark, NJ, Fb 4, 1866; RC, 92; UTS, 92-5; pas as (Presb), Shrewsbury, NJ, 95-6; bus, Newark, NJ, 96—. BARTA, Alois; b, Caslav, Bohemia, Jl 28, 1874; KolinC, Bohemia, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, NY), My 12, 95; ss, Weston, Neb, 95-6; stud, Chic Univ, 96-1900; pas, Saratoga, Io, 00-6; prof (GerTS), Dubuque, Io, 06—. tBLEWITT, Charles James; b, NYCity, Sp 26, 1873; CC, 92; PTS, 92-3; UTS, 93-5. Res, NYCity. BRIDGES, John Jay; b, Ghent, Ky, Fb 11, 1871: HanC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Ja 28, 96; ss, Warrensburgh, NY, 96-7; oc s, Newark, NJ, 97-8; pas (Fewsmith Mem), do, 98-1906; ord (Ep), Jn 1, 07; rec, Arlington, NJ, 07—. COYLE, Thomas; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 17, 1869; AC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Puget Sound), Sp 11, 95; hm, Wenatchee & Mission, Wash, 95; 1895. 305 pas, Everett, Wash, 95-1902; hm, Alaska, 02-4; pas, Westhampton, NY, 05—. DOBIAS, Jaroslav William; b, Bukovka, Bohemia, Ap 2, 1874; KolinC (Bohemia), 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, NY), My 12, 95; ss&pas, Tabor, Minn, 95-9; pas, Omaha, Neb, 99-1905; ss, So-Omaha, Neb, 00-5; ed (Bohem, ATS), NYCity, 05-7; supt (Slavic Dept, ATS), do, 07—. FLETCHER, Orville Theodore; b, Mt Pleasant, Wayne Co, Pa, Ja 12, 1869; HC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Jersey City), My 1, 96; ss, Weehawken, NJ, 94-6; pas (RD), Altamont, NY,. 96-1904; pas (Presb, Broad Av), Binghamton, NY, 04-7. FRAME, James Everett; b, Boston, Mass, Mr 24, 1868; HarU, 91; UTS, 92-5; fellow, do, UB & UGott, Germany, 95-7; ord (Presb, Boston), Jn 6, 98; instr (N T Dept), UTS, 97-1901; as prof, do, 01-3; asso prof, do, 03-4; asso prof (Theol of N T), 04-5; prof (Bibl Theol), 05—. GARY, Hugh Timberlake; b, Rising Sun, Ind, Jl 28, 1866; WabC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Wellsborough), Dc 11, 95; pas as, Irvington, NY, 94-5; ss, Austin, Pa, 95-8; pas (First), Lafayette, Ind, 98-1907; pas, Marion, Ind, 07 — . GREENE, Winthrop Benton; b, Cambridge, Mass, Fb 19, 1869; WmsC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Cong), Nv 12, 95; pas, Pomfret, Ct, 95-1904; pas (Olivet), Bridgeport, Ct, 04-7; as pas (Presb, Second), Philadelphia, Pa, 07—. HIGGONS, John Axford; b, NYCity, Fb 16, 1863; UTS, 91-2, 93-5; ord (Presb, W-Jersey), Jl 16, 97; pas, Ocean City, NJ, 97-8; pas (Cen- tral), Newark, NJ, 98-1900; ev, 02-4; pas (Cong, Central), Chelsea, Boston, Mass, 04 — . HUMPHRIES, Romilly Francis; b, NYCity, Nv 28, 1869; TrC, 92; Epis Div Sch, Cambridge, Mass, 92-3; UTS, 93-5; ord (Ep), Dc 23, 94; min, Staten Island, NY, 94-5; res (St Paul's), NYCity, 95-1900; rec, So- Norwalk, Ct, 00-6; rec (St Peter's), Baltimore, Md, 06—. HUNSICKER, James Abner Pennepacker; b, Limerick, Montgomery Co, Pa, Ja 10, 1868; UrsC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Ger Ref, CI Iowa), Mr 17, 97; ss, Tipton, Io, 96-1900; prin, Gratersford, Pa, 00-1; ss, Marion, Ind, 01-2; pas, Fairview, Kan, 02 — . KELLOGG, Frederick Brigham; b, Claremont, NH, Jl 9, 1867; BostU, 89- 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Cong), Ja 14, 96; ss, Mt Vernon (Hts) & Pelham, NY, 96-1901; pas, Waterbury, Vt, 01—. KIRWAN, Francis William; b, NYCity, Fb 1, 1865; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Binghamton), Oc 3, 95; ss&pas, Cannonsville, NY, 95-1900; ord (PE) dea, Nv 15, 01; pr, Nv 13, 02; rec, Deposit, NY, 01-2; rec, Franklin, NY, 02-4; rec, Fort Plain, NY, 04-6; cur (Grace), Elizabeth, NJ, . 06—. 306 1895. LOCKE, Richard Earle; b, Waterloo, Ind, Mr 16, 1868; DPU, 91; BosTS, 91-4; UTS, 94-5; ord (Cong), Dc 11, 94; ss (Old Colony Chap), Boston, Mass, 92-4; ch mis (Cuyler), Brooklyn, NY, 95-6; trav, Europe, 96-7; pas (Wickliffe), Newark, NJ, 97-1901; pas (Redeemer), German- town, Pa, 01-3; pas (Calvary), Buffalo, NY, 03—. MACINTOSH, John Alexander; b, Halifax, Nov Sco, Ap 11, 1868; * DalC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Sp 16, 95; pas (Knox), Jersey City, NJ, 95-7; ss&pas (Cong-, First), Malone, NY, 97—. OWEN, Thomas Newton; b, Utica, NY, Nv 15, 1866; HC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Cong, Hudson River Asso), Fb 15, 97; instr (Theology), Talladega TS, Ala, 95-6; pas (Clinton Av), Albany, NY, 97-8; pas (Cong), Bris- tol, RI, 98—. PATTON, Matthew; b, York, Pa, Oc 4, 1870; UPa, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Phila), Jn 5,95; pas (Cong), Sound Beach, Ct, 95-9; pas (Stan- wich), Greenwich, Ct, 99 — . ROCKWELL, George Willard; b, Delevan, Wis, Ag 9, 1867; ColgU, 90-2; UTS, 92-5; ord (Bap), Oc 11, 95; ss, New-Durham, NJ, 92-3; pas, Westkill & Lexington, NY, 95-8; pas, Cobleskill, NY, 98-1901; pas, Catskill, NY, 01-6; pas (Memorial), Troy, NY, 06—. SCHAUL, Ulysses Simpson; b, Sedalia, Mo, Ja 10, 1867; UPa, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (RD, CI Saratoga), Jl 19, 95; pas, Easton, NY, 95-8; pas, Wynantskill, NY, 98-1905; pas, Niagara Falls, NY, 06—. SCHMIDT, Henry; b, Salzberg, Hesse-Na§sa,u, Germany, Fb 28, 1865; Cal- vin Col, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Ger Ref, Erie CI), Jl 2, 95; pas (Third). Cleveland, O, 95 — . SEEM, Samuel Hartzel; b, Bath, Pa, Oc 24, 1871; LafC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Ger Ref, CI Philadelphia), Jn 13, 95; pas, Phcenixville, Pa, 95-8; pas (Presb), Huntington, NY, 98—. STORNER, George; b, NYCity, Dc 15, 1863; Mt Hermon (Mass), 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Erie), Sp 12, 95; ss&pas, Bradford, Pa, 95-1901; pas, Franklinville, NY, 02--. WALLACE, Duncan; b,Six Mile, Ala, Jl 16, 1869; CuU, 92; CuTS, 92-4; UTS, 94-5; ord (C Presb, Alabama), Ag 24, 95; pas, Walla Walla, Wash, 95-1900; pas, Fresno, Cal, 00—. WEMPLE, Jeremiah Van Derpool; b, Duanesburgh, NY, Dc 3, 1868; UC, 92; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, Albany), Jl 1, 96; pas, Ballston Centre, NY, 96-1904; pas (Sixth), Albany, NY, 04—. WHITTEMORE, Norman Clark; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jn 7, 1870; YU, 92; UTS, 92-5; post g, YTS, 95-6; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jl 12, 96; fm, Pyeng Yang, Korea, 96-1901; fm, Syen Chyun, Korea, 01—. 33. 1895. 30? tBURNETT, William; b, Dunmore, Scotl, Nv 22, 1865; CoeC, 92; UTS, 92-4; ss (Presb), Delmar & El wood, Io, 96; res, Sioux City, Io. BYINGTON, Stephen Tracy; b, Benson, Vt, Dc 20, 1868; UVt, 91; UTS, 92-3; OTS, 94; tea, Eddy town, NY, 93-4; tea, Bordentown, NJ, 95; tea, Flushing, NY, 95-6; tea, Belvidere, NJ, 96-8; tea, Cornwall, NY, 98-9; ss (Cong), Sherburne, Vt, 1900; lit (Ginn & Co), E-Cambridge, Mass, 01 — . CAMERON, Donald; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Jn 12, 1857; UG, 79; UTS, 92-3; ord (Cong), Oc 12, 93; pas, Carthage, SD, 93-4; CTS, 95-6; YTS, 96-7; ss, Centre Harbor, NH, 98-9; ss, Lakeside, Wash, 1905-6; wc, Astoria, Ore, 07—. (CYB.) CHICHESTER, Edward Louis; b, Rochester, NY, Mr 27, 1856; UTS, 92-5; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 19, 95; supt (Goodwill Chap), NYCity, 91-5; ss, Unadilla, NY, 95-8; pas, Quaker Hill, NY, 1900-6; as chap, Hamp Inst, Hampton, Va, 06 — . DOBSON, Frederick Fee; b, BrOylesville, Tenn, Dc 27, 1869; WashC, 92; UTS, 92-3; PTS, 93-5; ord (Presb, Sequoyah), Jn 25, 95; hm, Fort Gibson, Ind Ter, 95-7; pas, College Corner, O, 97-1904; pas, Farming- ton, 111, 04-7; pas e, Elwood, Ind, 07 — . EDDY, Sherwood; b, Leavenworth, Kan, Ja 19, 1871; YU, 91; UTS, 9^-4; PTS, 95-6; trav sec, stud Vol Movement, 94-5; lie (Cong, N-Haven Asso), Oc 6, 96; fm (Internat Com, YMCA), Madras, India, 96-1900; stud (Tamil), 00-2; trav sec (Int Com, YMCA), So-India, 02—. Addr, Madras, India. HILL, William Alexander; b, Belfast, Irel, Oc 1, 1866; QC (Belfast), 90-2, 93-4; UTS, 92-3; RoyU (BA), 96; Assem Col, Belfast, Irel, 95-8; lie (Pr Ch Irel, Belfast Presb), My 31, 98; ord (Ards, Presb), Dc 1, 98; pas (Hamilton Rd), Bangor, Co Down, Irel, 98 — . JONES, Richard Morgan; b, Rhynny, S-Wales, Ap 20, 1863; UTS, 92-3; ord (Cong), Jl 1, 89; pas, Old Forge, Pa, 89-91; ss, Coaldale, Pa, 91; pas (Cherry Flats), Charlestown, Pa, 91-2; pas, Waterville, NY, 94-5; pas, Richville, NY, 96-7; wc, Rome, NY, 98; wc, Old Forge, Pa, 99; ss, Alder Creek, NY, 1900-2; wc, do, 03-4; wc, Scranton, Pa, 05-7; pas (Presb), Ravensdale, Wash, 08—. (CYB.) LINDSAY, Alexander Hynd; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Ap 25, 1870; MvC, 89-92; UTS, 92-3; DanTS, 93-5; ord (Presb, Transylvania), Sp 3, 95; ss, Hyden, Ky, 95; pas, Greensburg, Ky, 95-9; pas, Flemingsburg, Ky, 1900-7; pas (Cong), Franklin, NY, 08—. LUCE, Henry Winters; b, Scranton, Pa, Sp 24, 1868; YU, 92; UTS, 92-4; PTS, 96-7; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), My 20, 97; trav sec, Students' Vol Movement, 94-5; fm (prof, Shantung Union Col), Wei Hsien, Shantung Prov, China, 97 — . 308 1895. ' MacMILLAN, Uriah Watson; b, Jackson Centre, Pa, Jl 7, 1866; WayC, 91; PTS, 92-3; UTS, 93-4; WTS, 94-5; ord (C Presb, Pennsylvania), Sp 17, 91; ss, Windy Gap, Pa, 91-2; pas, McKeesport, Pa, 94-7; pas, Louis- ville, Ky, 97-1906; pas (Hazelwood), Pittsburg, Pa, 06—. MASON, Clarence William; b, Vernon Centre, NY, Mr 11, 1868; HC, 92; UTS, 92-4; McCTS, 94-5; ord (Cong, Oneida, Chenango & Delaware Asso), Dc 11, 95; pas, Deansboro, NY, 95-1903; pas, Port Leyden, NY, 04—. *PHILLIPS, Philip, Jr; b, Marion, O, Mr 22, 1870; OWU, 90; UTS, 92-4; ord (Ep) dea, Ap 28, 95, pr, Oc 15, 96; min, NYCity, 94-6; rec, Bowling Green, Ky, 96-8; d, Delaware, O, Ag 10, 98. *PITKIN, George Frederick; b, Palmyra, NY, Dc 18, 1864; UVt, 92;' UTS, 92-4; d, NYCity, My 31, 94. RANCK, Henry Haverstick; b, Lancaster, Pa, Jl 24, 1868; F&MC, 92; UTS, 92-3; LanTS, 93-5; post g, do, 95-6; ord (Ger Ref, CI Carlisle), Dc 5, 96; libr, LanTS, 94-5; ss, Greencastle, Pa, 95; pas, Mechanicsburg, Pa, 96-9; pas (St John's), Lebanon, Pa, 99-1901; pas St Andrew's), Reading, Pa, 01 — . REED, Horatio Roop; b, Westfleld, NJ, My 13, 1871; CC (SM), 90-1; UTS, 92-3; CamTS, 93-4; lit (Rev of Reviews), NYCity, 94-1906; do (Ridg- way's), do, 06-7; adv mgr (Red Book Corp), Chicago, 111, 07; do (Colliers), NYCity, 08—. SWARTZ, Herman Frank; b, Carlisle, Pa, My 12, 1871; PaC, 91; UTS, 92-3; HTS, 93-5; fellow, do, stud, Europe, 95-8; ord (Cong), Jl 27, 98; pas, Mansfield, Mass, 98-1900; pas, E-Cleveland, O, 01-7; ss, Webster Grove, Mo, 07—. (CYB.) TATLOCK, William; b, S-Adams, Mass, Sp 4, 1865; WmsC, 84-8; UTS, 89-90, 93; tea, 90-3, 93-5; AubTS, 95-7; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Oc 4, 97; ss, Montour Falls, NY, 97; pas, Saranac Lake, NY, 97-1902; tea (Hill Sch), Pottstown, Pa, 02-3; as pas (Second), Philadelphia, Pa, 03-5; pas, Jeffersonville, Pa, 07 — . THOMAS, James Bishop; b, Petaluma, Cal, Mr 21, 1871; RC, 92; UTS, 92-3; CamTS, 93-5; ord (Ep) dea, Jn 19, 95, pr, My 14, 96; min & rec, Cohasset, & min, Hingham, Mass, 95-8; stud, UB & UHal, 98-1901; cur (St Michael's), NYCity, 01-2; Cath of St John the Divine, do, 02-3; cur (Trinity), New-Haven, Ct, 03-6; cur, Stamford, Ct, 06-7; rec (St Andrew's), Rochester, NY, 07 — . WATERMAN, Warren Gookin; b, Southport, Ct, Sp 3, 1872; YU, 92; UTS, 92-4; trav around world, 94-5; tea, Southport, Ct, 95-6; tea (Civ Govt & Nat Sci), Fisk Univ, 96-8; as prof (Nat Sci), do, 99-1902; prof (Phys & Geol), do, Nashville, Tenn, 03—. WATKINS, Frederick Hiram; b, Pompey, NY, Ag 23, 1866; SU, 92; UTS, 92-3; AubTS, 93-5; ord (Presb, Syracuse), My 21, 95; pas, Parish & 1895-1896. 309 Hastings, NY, 95-6; ss, Brandt, Pa, 96-1901; pas, Wyoming, Pa, 01-3; pas, Gilbertsville, NY, 03 — . WHITE, Charles Dunning; b, Ithaca, NY, Nv 5, 1868; CNJ, 91; UTS, 92-3; trav, 93-4; linguistic stud, Europe, 95-1902; US diplom service, Sec Amer Lega, Hague, Holland, 04 — . WHITE, John Campbell; b, Wooster, O, Mr 31, 1870; WoosU, 90; XTS, 92-3; UTS, 93; coll sec, Internat Com, YMCA, 90-1; trav sec, Stud Vol Movement, 91-2; gen sec, YMCA, Calcutta, Ind, 93-1903; sec (UP, Ways & Means Com), 03-5; sec (Men's Movement), 06-7; sec (Lay- men's Mis Movement), 07 — . bus, NYCity. •WOOD, George Franklin; b, Franklin, Del Co, NY, Ap 7, 1867; HC, 92; UTS, 92-3; d, NYCity, Fb 3, 93. 24. 1896. ASHWORTH, Robert Archibald; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Jl 26, 1871; CC, 92; UTS, 93-6; ord (Bap), My 27, 97; ss, Minerva, NY, 96-8; pas, Bridge- ton, NJ, 98-1900; pas (First), Meriden, Ct, 00—. BAINTON, Henry Watterson; b, NYCity, Oc 5, 1863; CC, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Oc 21, 96; as pas, Rutherford, NJ* 96-1900; pas (Cong), River Edge, NJ, 00-2; pm (Presb, Cheyenne), 02 — . Res, Thermopolis, Wyo. BAWDEN, William Henry; b, NYCity, Ja 27, 1868; CC, 93; res grad, do, 93-6; UTS, 93-6; YU, 1902-3; ord (Bap), Jn 2, 96; as libr, CC, 90-4, 95-6; pas (North), Port Chester, NY, 96-1900; supt, Anti-Saloon League, Binghamton, NY, 00-1; pas (Olivet), New-Haven, Ct, 01-5; pas, Bridgetoh, Ct, 05 — . BLAIR, John Allen; b, Crawfordsville, Ind, Mr 21, 1873; WabC, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Vincennes), Nv 27, 96; pas (Washington av), Terre Haute, Ind, 96-9; pas, Paris, 111, 99-1906; pas (Falling Spring), Cham- bersburg, Pa, 06 — . BRAUER, George; b, Newark, NJ, Fb 20, 1871; CC, 95-6; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Newark), My 10, 96; stud, UB, 96-8; pas as (Memorial), Newark, NJ, 98-1901; hm, Adirondack Mis (Presb, Champlain), 01-2; ev, Gen Assem Com Ev Work, 03; as pas (Rutgers), NYCity, 03-4; pas, Setauket (LI), NY, 04—. BRONSON, Oliver Hart; b, Hartford, Ct, Mr 26, 1870; YU, 92; UTS, 93-6; tea, Nordhoff, Cal, 92-3; stud, Berlin, Germ, 96-7; ord (Cong), Ja 25, 98; as pas (Pilgrim), Cleveland, O, 97-9; pas, Simsbury, Ct, 99-1907; asso min (Allen St, Presb), NYCity, 07—. CADWALLADER, Starr; b, Howard, NY, Jn 11, 1869; HC, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Utica), Oc 3, 96; headworker, Goodrich Soc Settlem, 310 1896. Cleveland, O, 96-1903; direc schs, do, 02-5; sec, Cleveland Seh of Art, do, 05—. CORKEY, James Sloan; b, Londonderry, Irel, Mr 4, 1870; R1U (Magee Col), 92-3; LenC, 1903; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Fargo), Jn 23, 96; pas, Courtenay, ND, 96-8; pas, Preston, Minn, 98-1902; pas, Jefferson, Io, 02-7; pas, Winterset, Io, 07 — . CORSER, Harry Prosper; b, Portage, NY, Ap 13, 1864; LafC, 85; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Arizona), Ap 3, 97; tea, 85-93; pas, Flagstaff, Ariz, 96-8; temp sup (Derry), Washingtonville, Pa, 98-9; mis, Wrangell, Alaska, 99-1904; ord (Ch of Engl) dea, Ja 15, 07, pr, Nv 1, Qlurec, Wrangell, Alaska, 06 — . EARN SHAW, Albert Frost; b, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Eng, Ag 1, 1870; CNJ, 92; UTS, 93-6; stud, Amer Clas Sch, Rome, Italy, 96-7; ord (Cong), Oc 24, 98; ss&pas (Cong), Phillips, Me, 97-1901; as pas (High St), Portland, Me, 01-4; pas, Chelmsford, Mass, 04 — . FERRIS, George Hooper; b, Lamartine, Wis, Jn 5, 1867; BU, 91; UTS, 93-6; ord (Hudson River Cent Bap Asso), Ap 24, 96; pas, Tarrytown, NY,. 96-9; pas (Calvary), New-Haven, Ct, 99-1905; pas (First), Phila- delphia, Pa, 05—. DD, BU, 07. FRASURE, Charles Andrew; b, Vernon Centre, NY, Ag 9, 1865; HC, 92; CTS, 92-3; UTS, 93-4, 95-6; ord (Cong), Ag 26, 96; tea, Sherburne, NY, 86; ss (Cong), Paris, NY, 91-2; ss, Oak Lawn, 111, 93; pas, West- moreland, NY, 96-9; ss, Bridgewater, NY, 1900-1; wc, Sherburne, NY, 02—. (CYB.) FUESS, Frederick William; b, Waterville, NY, Fb 22, 1871; WmsC, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Utica), Nv 4, 96; pas (Wyckoff Hts), Brooklyn, NY, 96-8; pas (Faith), Watertown, NY, 96-1906; pas (First), Bald- winsville, NY, 06—. GOLDSBURY, Royal Sweetser; b, Davenport, Io, Jl 24, 1867; CNJ, 91; CTS, 92-4; UTS, 95-6; ss (Cong), Brooklyn, NY, 96; bus, NYCity & Philadelphia, Pa, 96-9; do (NW MutLAs Co), NYCity, 99—. HAAGEN, Henry Claus van; b, Collegeville, Pa, Ap 21, 1872; Mission Hse Coll (Wis), 92; UTS, 93-6; ord (Ger Ref, CI NY), Oc 29, 96; pas, Holy- oke, Mass, 96; ss (RD), New-Salem, NY, 97-8; ss, Clifton, NJ, 98-9; ss, Rosendale, NY, 99-1901; ss, Stuyvesant Falls, NY, 02-4; pas, Cambridge, Vt, 05-7; pas (Cong), Hinesburg, Vt, 07 — . HAAS, Gustav; ' b, Tuebingen, Wiirtemberg, Germany, Nv 3, 1864; UTS, 93-6; ord (Bap, Hampden Asso), My 18, 96; pas, Bakers Mills, NY, 96-7; pas, Hagedorn's Mills, NY, 07-8; bus, NYCity, 98-1902; Chr Sci Pract, do, 03-6; do, Springfield, Mass, 06—. HUTCHINS, William James; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jl 5, 1871; YU, 92; OTS, 93-5; UTS, 95-6; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 16, 96; pas as (1st Cong), Los Angeles, Cal, 92-3; instr (Lat & Gk), Oberlin (Acad), O, 93-5; t 1896. 311 sb, Clear Lake, Wis, 95; ss&pas (Presb, Bedford), Brooklyn, NY, 96- 1907; prof (Homil), OTS, Oberlin, O, 07—. KILBOURN, Chalmers; b, Ferris, Tex, Nv 14, 1866; TrU, 93; CuTS, 93-5; UTS, 95-6; ord (C Presb, Red Oak), Sp 8, 92; ss, Martinsville, Ind, 94; ss, Ferris, Tex, 95; pas, Paris, Tenn, 96-7; pas, Tehaucana, Tex, 97- 1900; pas, Garland, Tex, 00-2; pas, Hereford & Canyon City, Tex, 02-4; pas, Durant, IT, 04-6; pas, Eogers, Ark, 06 — . KILBOUBN, Henry Jennings; b, Lanark, HI, Jl 24, 1864; UVt, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Cong, Franklin & Grand Isle Asso), Nv 12, 96; ss (Presb), Axton, NY, 95; pas (Cong), Alburg Spgs, Vt, 96-9; pas, Bradford, Vt, 99-1907; pas, Everett, Mass, 07 — . KYLE, Henry Zophar; b, Coytesville, NJ, Jn 15, 1870; UTS, 92-4, 95-6; ss (Presb), Stark, NY, 96; ss, Lordville, NY, 97; organist, Coytes- ville, NJ. LANDIS, William David; b, Memphis, Tenn, Nv 20, 1872; CuU, 93; CuTS, 93-5; UTS, 95-6; ord (C Presb, Elk), Oc 1, 93; ss, Gurley, Ala, 94; ss, Waverly, Tenn, 95; pas, Princeton, Ind, 96-1901; pas (Westlake, Presb), Los Angeles, Cal, 01 — . LEWIS, Henry; b, NYCity, Jl 24, 1871; NYU, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Cong), Sp 22, 96; pas, Schroon Lake, 96-8; ss, River Edge, NJ, 1902-7; rec sec & ed, Am Tr Soc, NYCity, 98—. PhD, NYU, 96. McCORD, William Edgar; b, Rosamond, 111, Sp 19, 1858; B1U, 82; prin, Litchfield, 111, 82-3; do, Jacksonville, 111, 83-6; instr, B1U, 86-7; tea (Packard's Bus Col), NYCity, 87-91; prin, Peoria, 111, 91-3; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Mattoon), 98; (PE) dea, Fb 24, 1902; pr, Nv 30, 03; headworker (UTS), Union Settlement, NYCity, 95-1901; cur (St Paul Cathed), Cincinnati, A, 01-3; cur (St George's), NYCity, 03-6; rec, Bayside, NY, 06—. MERRILL, Robert Dodge; b, Newburyport, Mass, Nv 6, 1871; RC, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Nassau), Jn 23, 96; pas, Brentwood, & ss, Commack, NY, 96-1905; pas, Babylon, NY, 05—. METZLER, Carl Paul; b, Sonneberg, Germany, 1869; Sonneberg Gymn, 86; DTS, 93-5; UTS, 95-6; stud, U Neuchatel, 96; wc, Sonneberg, Germ, 97; ord (Presb, Portland), Jl 13, 1901; tea, Scotland, SD, 99; pas, Tillamook, Ore. 1900-2; fm, Tengchow, China, 03-4; pas e, New- Providence, NJ, 05-7; res, Sonneberg, Germ, 07-8. NICHOLAS, George Demetrius; b, Aidin, Asia Minor, Dc 13, 1859; Smyrna College, 77; UTS, 92-4, 95-6; bus, NYCity, 96—. *PITKIN, Horace Tracy; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 28, 1869; YU, 92; UTS, 92-4, 95-6; ord (Cong), Oc 9, 96; fm, Paoting-fu, China, 96-1900; killed by Boxers, do, Jl 1, 00. 312 1896. PRATT, Nathaniel Miller; b, Montpelier, Vt, Sp 22, 1868; UVt, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Cong, Manhat Asso), Dc 15, 96; pas (Bethany), NYCity, 96-1901; pas, Monson, Mass, 01-6; pas (Plymouth), Cleveland, O, 06—. EANKIN, James Henry; b, Madison, Ind, Dc 12, 1863; UMinn, 92-3; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jn 23, 96; pas, Bedford, NY, 96-1902; • pas, Conneaut, O, 02 — . SEELEY, Frank Barrows; b, Richfield Spgs, NY, My 10, 1872; MC, 93; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Otsego), Ap 29, 96; ss, Margaretville, NY, 96- 8; pas (ED, Fair St), Kingston, NY, 98—. SIMMONS, James Dickinson; b, Hagerstown, Md, Fb 12, 1874; LafC, 93; PTS, 93-5; UTS, 95-6; post g, do, 96-7; ord (PE) dea, Jn 10, 99; pr, Jn 10, 1900; rec, York, Pa, 08—. SMITH, James Franklin; b, Gadsden, Tenn, Dc 24, 1868; BethC (Tenn), 92; CuTS, 93-5; UTS, 95-6; ord (C Presb, Obion), Mr 14, 92; ss, York- ville, Tenn, 92-3; ss, Dyer, Tenn, 94; ss, Greenfield, Tenn, 95; pas, Dallas, Tex, 96—. STEELE, Frederic Todd; b, Rossville, 111, Ja 19, 1871; WabC, 92; UTS, 93-6; ord (Presb, Hudson), Sp 22, 96; ss (Allen St), NYCity, 96-7; ss & pas ((Mt Olivet), Brooklyn, NY, 98-9—. TWEEDY, Henry Hallam; b, Binghamton, NY, Ag 5, 1868; YU, 91; UTS, 93-6; fellow, UTS, Berlin, Germ, 96-8; ord (Cong), Nv 30, 98; pas (Plymouth), Utica, NY, 98-1903; pas (South), Bridgeport, Ct, 03—. 34. ABBOTT, Ernest Hamlin; b, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY, Ap 18, 1870; HarU, 93; UTS, 93-5; AndTS, 95-6; ord (Cong), Jn 8, 96; pas, Fryeburg, Me, 96-1902; ed staff (Outlook), NYCity, 02—. BAZATA, Benjamin Vaclav; b, Blatna, Bohemia, Sp 28, 1867; Bloomf Ac, 91-2; NYU, 92-3; UTS, 93-5; SFTS, 95-6; ord (Presb, Los An- geles), Jn 28, 97; pas, Alhambra, Cal, 97-1905; pas, Maui, HI, 05-7. BLOICE, John Alfred Dellorn; b, St Kitts, W Ind, Nv 5, 1863; Livingston Col, 87; BosTS, 87-8; UTS, 93-4; Ref Ep TS, Philadelphia, 94-5; ord (Afr ME, Zion), Nv 4, 88; pas, Baltimore, Md, 88-90; pas, Paterson, NJ, 90-4; pas, Camden, NJ, 94-7; pas, Atlantic City, NJ, 97—. (re- moved to West Indies), f FLANDERS, Walter Benjamin; b, Franklin, NH, Fb 3, 1863; DC, 84-6; AntC, 93; UTS, 93-4; ord (Rockingham Christian Conf), Nv 3, 87; pas, York, Me, 87-91; pas, Amesbury, Mass, 91-3; pas (Evangel), Brooklyn, NY, 93-4; pas, New-Bedford, Mass, 94-1905; pas, Fall River, Mass, 05—. 1896. 313 •JOHNSON, Byron Strathmore; b, Carrituck Co, NC, Sp 7, 1869; LinU (Pa), 93; UTS, 93-5; d, NYCity, Oc 28, 95. KLAPUS, Frank; b, Sudice, Moravia, My 22, 1873; KolinC (Bohemia), 93; UTS, 93-4; McCTS, 94-6; ord (Presb, Milwaukee), My 10, 96; pas (Ref'd Ch), Prelouc, Bohem. LIENKAEMPEK, William Gustave; b, Lowell, Wis, Oc 15, 1871; MisHC, 90; TS, do, 90-3; UTS, 93-5; ord (Ger Eef, CI Sheboygan), Jn 25, 93; pas, Timothy, Wis, 95-1900; ss (St John's Mis), Buffalo, NY*, 00; ss (First), Denver, Col, 01; pas, Jeffersonville, Ind, 01-4; wc, Lafay- ette, Ind, 04-5; pas, New-Philadelphia, O, 05 — . MOLNAR, Charles Vladimir; b, Javornik, Moravia, Jn 8, 1870; Gymn, Uh Hradiste, Morav & NTS (Acad Dept), 91-3; UTS, 93-4; McCTS, 94-6; ord (Ger Bef, CI Illinois), My 17, 96; pas (Bohem & Morav Ch), Chicago, 111, 96-1900; pas (Presb, Bohem Breth), do, 01-6; pas (Slo- vak), Braddock, Pa, 06—. REGNEMER, William; b, Kralupy, Bohemia, Nv 1, 1870; NTS (Acad); UTS, 93-4; OmTS, 94-7; ord (Presb, Redstone), Jn 25, 1900; tea, Burwell, Neb, 97-1900; hm (Slavonic), Connellsville, Pa, 00-3; pas, Mingo June, O, 03 — . •REOCH, David McDonald; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ag 11, 1865; UTS, 93-4, 94; fm (Yng People's For Mis Soc), Zaila, E-Africa, 95-6; d, do, My 23, 96. RILEY, Isaac Woodbridge; b, NYCity, My 20, 1869; YU, 92; UTS, 93-5; YTS, 95-6; do, YU, 96-7; instr (Engl), NYU, 97-8; pas as (Westmin- ster, Presb), Buffalo, NY, 98-9; res grad, YU, 99-1902; prof (Philos), UNBrunsw, Fredericton, NB, 02-4; lect (Philos), JHU, Baltimore, Md, 04-7; ed, NYCity, 07—. BD, YU, 96; PhD, YU, 02. •SANDERS, Joseph Hawkins; b, Ghent, Ky, Fb 28, 1870; HanC, 93; UTS, 93-4, 94; bus, NYCity, 95; res, Rock Point, Ore; d, San Diego, Cal, Ja 30, 99. SASAO, Kumetaro; b, Shimonoseki, Japan, Fb 25, 1871; MeiG, 92; CU, 95-6; AubTS, 92-5; res grad, UTS, 95-6; UB, 96-7; UHall, 97-8; UBonn, 98-9; prof (Theol & Philos), TohG, Sendai, Japan, 1900—. PhD, UBonn, 99. TADA, Shiroshi; b, Yango, Japan, Ag 26, 1867; Meiji Gakuin, 92; UTS, 94-6; ord (Ger Ref), , — ; pas, Kakuda, Miyagi, Japan. WELKER, Harvey Alexander; b, Red Hill, Pa, Jl 1, 1869; UrsC, 93; UTS, 93-5; AubTS, 95-6; ord (GR, CI Wyoming), Ja 6, 97; mis, Pittston, Pa, 96-9; pas, Bluff ton, Ind, 99—. tWEST, Francis Frederick; b, Liverpool, Eng, Jn 11, 1861; Greenwich RN College, Eng, 83; engineer, Brit Navy, 83-8; bus, Brooklyn, NY, 88-93; UTS, 93-4, 94; lect & sec (Y People's For Mis Soc), NYCity, 95-7. 314 18961897. •WOODRUFF, Ellis Robert; b, Morristown, NJ, Ag 27, 1868; RC, 93; UTS, 93-5; d, NYCity, Jn 5, 95. 17. 1897. BARRETT, Sidney Hall; b, Orange, NJ, Fb 4, 1873; CCNY, 94; UTS, 94-7; ord (Cong), Nv 3, 97; pas, S-Coventry, Ct, 97-9; pas (Presb), White- fetone, NY, 99-1901; pas (Smithfield), Queens Sta, Jamaica, NY, 01—. BEALE, Joseph Robert; b, Pamplins City, Appom Co, Va, Oc 13, 1869; LafC, 93; tea, Cain, Pa, 93-4; UTS, 94-7; ord (RD, CI Schoharie), • My 20, 1901; ss (Presb), Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, 97-8; pas (RD), No-Blenheim & Breakabeen, NY, 1901-3; ss, Bushkill, Pa, 03-6; hm & pas e, Valentine, Neb, 06 — . BLUHM, Conrad; b, Cleveland, O, My 11, 1867; UCol, 94; UTS, 94-7; ord (RD, CI Bergen), Jl 13, 97; ss (Presb), Woodridge & Moonachie, NJ, 95-7; pas (RD, First), Hoboken, NJ, 97-1902; SS Mis, Colo & Wyo, 02-3; pas, La Junta, Col, 03 — . BRIGGS, Emilie Grace; b, Berlin, Germany, My 8, 1867; UTS, 95-7; tea (NY Training Sch for Deaconesses), NYCity, 96—. BD, UTS, 97. CALDWELL, Robert Templemon; b, Danville, Ky, Jn 19, 1864; CentreC, 89; CuTS, 89-91; UTS, 96-7; ord (C Presb, Lebanon), Mr 27, 91; pas, Girard, 111, 91-3; prof (Lat & Gk), LinU, 93-4; pas, Bethany, 111, 94-6; pas, Macon, Mo, 97 — . FERRIS, Walter Rockwood; b, NYCity, Ja 22, 1869; CNJ, 94; AubTS, 94-5; UTS, 95-7; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 9, 97; pas, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, 97-1902; pas (First), Middletown, NY, 02-8; pas (Park), Syra- cuse, NY, 08—. BD, UTS, 97. HAMLIN, Henry Fritz; b, Warren Co, NJ, Ag 3, 1872; LafC, 94; UTS, 94-7; trav, Europe, 97-8; ord (Presb, Hudson), Sp 20, 98; pas, Con- gers, NY, 98-1900; pas (RD), Hyde Park, NY, 00-7; pas, Watervliet, NY, 07—. HILDRETH, Homer Wesley; b, NYCity, Ag 24, 1871; BTS, 94-5; UTS 95-7; ord (Cong), Jn 16, 97; pas, Albany, Vt, 97-9; pas, Rochester, Vt, 99-1906; pas, Prospect, Ct, 06—. JACKSON, Robert Lyon; b, Lake Crystal, Minn, Jl 28, 1872; UMinn, 94; UTS, 94-7; res grad, do (BD), 1904-5; ord (Presb, Westchester), Ap 19, 98; ss, Greenwich, Ct, 97-1900; pas, Winona, Minn, 01-4; pas (Han- over), Wilmington, Del, 06—. (MGA.) KROM, Asbury; b, Oxford, O, Oc 31, 1869; MiU, 92; UTS, 94-7; ord (RD, CI Bergen), , 98; ss (Presb, Westminster), Houston, Tex, 97; ss (RD), Bergen Point, NJ, 98-1901; fellow, HarU, 00-1; pas (Cong, Beneficent), Providence, RI, 01—. BD, UTS, 97. 1897. 315 McDONALD, James Walton; b, Franklin, Tenn, Fb 21, 1869; CuU, 93; CuTS, 94-6; UTS, 96-7; ord (Cumb Presb, Elk), Oc 5, 94; pas, Logans- port, Ind, 97-1900; pas, Decatur, 111, 01 — . MUZZEY, David Saville; b, Lexington, Mass, Oc 9, 1870; HarC, 93; tea (Math), RobertC, Constantinople, Turkey, 93-4; UTS, 94-7; fellow, do, Berlin, Germ, 97-9; tea (Lat & Gk), Eth Cult Sell, NYCity, 1900-3; direct (Hist), do, 04—. BD, UTS, 97; PhD, CU, 07. PRESTON, Thomas James; b, Jefferson, Tex, My 2, 1872; TrU, 93; CuTS, 93-5; UTS, 96-7; res grad, do (BD), 1905-6; ord (Cumb Presb, Tehua- cana), Dc 2, 92; fm, Ichang, China, 97-1900; do, Hangkow, China, 01; do, Changteh, Hunan, China, 02—. (MGA.) KAINE, James Watt; b, London, Eng, My 2, 1869; Kan Agr Col, 91-2; OC, 93; OTS, 94-5, 95-6; UChic, 96; UTS, 96-7; ord (Cong), Fb 8, 98; instr (Engl), OC, 92-3; as prof (Elocution), do, 93-5; pas, Dayton, O, 97-1900; pas, Litchfield, O, 00-2; pas, Cortland, NY, 02-3; pas, River- head, NY, 03-6; prof (Engl Lit), BerC, Berea, Ky, 06—. BD, UTS, 97. RICHARDSON, Willard Samuel; b, Woburn, Mass, Jl 30, 1866; BU, 94; UTS (BD), 94-7; ord (Bap), Ja 28, 98; as pas (Fifth Av), NYCity, 98-1906; act pas, do, 06-7; headworker, W-Side Neighborhood Hse, 02-4, 06—. ST JOHN, Edward Emerson; b, Salem, Ind, My 26, 1868; WabC, 90; UTS, 94-7; post g, GenTS, 97-8; res as (Holy Sepulchre), NYCity, 97-8; agric, Salem, Ind. SHEPARD, Frank Robert; UTS, 95-7. SIGAFOOS, Orville Lincoln; b, Upper Black's Eddy, Buck Co, Pa, Jn 21, 1872; LafC, 94; UTS, 94-7; ord (RD, CI Westchester), Jn 14, 97; pas, Hastings-on-Hudson, 97-1904; pas, Pompton Plains, NJ, 04 — . SPENCER, William Sawyer; b, Derby, Vt, Ag 8, 1870; BostU, 93; UTS, (BD), 94-7; ord (MB), dea & eld, Ja 23, 98; prin (Meth Inst), Puebla, Mex, 97-1903; bus, 03—. Res, Rochester, NY. STEPHENS, John Walter; b, Honey Grove, Tex, Oc 5, 1868; TrU, 93; CuTS, 94-6; UTS, 96-7; post g, do, 97-8; ord (C Presb, Tehuacana), Dc 1, 92; ss, McKinney, Tex, 98; ss, Abilene, Tex, 99; bus, Denver, Col, 1900-6; do, NYCity, 06—. TESTA, Stefano Louis; b, Carovilli, Italy, My 27, 1872; BloomTS, Col Dept, 92-3; UTS, 93-7; ord (Cong, Manhattan), My 29, 99; pas as (Broome St), NYCity, 97-9; cm (City Mis Soc), Brooklyn, NY, 99—. pas (Presb, Fklin Av), Brooklyn, NY, 07—. supt (Ital Dept), ATS, 07—. THEODORE, John Toros (name changed from TOROSYAN, Hovhannes Toros); b, Marash, Turk, Ap 28, 1872; CTC, 87-8; tea, Zeitun, Turk, 88-9; stud & tea, St Paul Inst, Tarsus, 89-93; CCNY, 93-4; UTS, 94-7; 316; 1897. post g, do, 97-8; ord (Cong), Jn 1, 99; pas, Hawley, Mass, 99-1902; pas, Centreville, Mass, 02 — . THOMPSON, John Henry; b, Pella, Io, Fb 20, 1873; RC, 94; NBTS, 94-5; UTS, 95-7; pas as (Presb), Irvington, NY, 96-8; bus, NYCity, 98- 1901; do, N-Haven, Ct, 01-4; do, Detroit, Mich, 04—. BD, UTS, 97. TOLEMAN, Charles Blackburst; b, Little Britain, NY, Ap 11, 1871; MC, 94; UTS, 94-7; ord (Presb, No-River), Oc 11, 97; pas as, Glens Falls, NY, 97-8; pas (Bethel Ch), Newburg, NY, 98-9; pas, Pocahontas, Io, 99- 1900; pas,- Sterling,' Mass, 00—. TOPPING, Charles Henry; b, Cedar Mills, Minn, Oc 10, 1872; UMinn, 94; UTS, 94-7; stud law, NYU (LLB), 97-9; law, NYCity, 99—. WALZ, Ernest Louis, Jr; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 31, 1867; UTS, 93-7; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Oc 6, 97; ss, Riceville & Brittain's Cove, NC, 97-9; cm (City Park Branch), Brooklyn, NY, 99-1900; cm (Sea & Land), NYCity, 00-1; pas, Plainfield, Vt, 01-3; pas (Green St Cong), San Francisco, Cal, 03 — . WATSON, Charles G; b, Lebanon, O, Jn 3, 1864; Nat Norm Univ, Lebanon, 0,87; CuTS.,87-9; UTS, 96-7; ord (C Presb, Lebanon), Ap 2l, 89; pas, Springfield, 111, 89-91; pas, Sullivan, 111, 91-6; pas (First), Columbus, O, 97-1905; pm, Columbus Presb, 05-7; pas, Herrin, 111, 07—. WILLIAMS, William Ellis; b, Carnarvon, North Wales, Mr 16, 1869; LFU, 94; UTS, 94-7; ord (Presb, Troy), Ap 18, 98; ss, Warrensburgh, NY, 98-9; pas, Coventry, NY, 99-1902; pas, Nichols, NY, 02-6; ev & lect, NYCity, 06—. WRIGHT, Alfred John; b, Springfield, 111, Mr 28, 1870; WRU, 94; UTS, 94-7; ord (Presb, Nassau), Jn 8, 97; pas, Oceanside (LI), NY, 97-1903; pas (Memo), E-Mauch Chunk, Pa, 03-5; ss (Lakewood), Cleveland, O, 05—. BD, UTS, 97. 29. * ADAMS, George Samuel; b, near Morganton, NC, Nv 6, 1868; LivC, 91-2; UTS, 94-6; HowU, 96-7. BAKER, George Henry; b, Enosburgh, Vt, Ja 24, 1870; UVt, 92; UTS, 94-5; AndTS, 95-7; ord (Cong), Dc 15, 97; ss, Westford, Vt, 97-1901; ss, Armour, SD, 01-2; ss, Townshend, Vt, 02-6; ed, do, 06-7; bk cashier, Lowry, SD, 07—. *BARTLETT, Ernest Merrill; b, Warner, NH, Jl 29, 1870; AC, 94; UTS, 94-6; AndTS, 96-7; ord (Cong), Oc 19, 97; pas (Rockdale), North- bridge, Mass, 97-1900; pas, Kingston, Mass, 00-4; pas, Madison, Wis, 04-5; d, do, Ja 18, 05. BRUSH, Walter Franklin; b, Rye, NY, Sp 27, 1864; HarU, 88; UTS (Spec), 94-7; HarDS, 97; CamTS, 97; tea (Hist), & philanthrop work, NYCity, 97—. 1897. 317 *COOLIBGE, Leander; b, Natick, Mass, Jl 21, 1869; HarC, 94; UTS, 94-5; YTS, 95-7; d, Liberty, NY, Ja 27, 99. DUDLEY, Carl Hermon; b, Augusta, NY, Mr 6, 1870; HC, 92; UTS, 94-5; AubTS, 95-7; ord (Presb, Wellsboro), Jn 29, 97; as prof (Rhet & Orat), HC, 98-1900; pas, Port Allegany, Pa, 00 — . *DUTCHER, Norman Herbert; b, St Albans, Vt, Jl 7, 1870; WmsC, 94; UTS, 94-5; AndTS, 95-7; ord (Cong), Sp 14, 97; pas, Vergennes, Vt, 97-8; d, Saranac Lake, Nv 28, 98. FISH, Azel Hull; b, Cedar Rapids, Io, Mr 20, 1865; UCal, 82-3; bus, 84-92; IoC, 94-5; UTS, 95-7; pas as (First Presb), Oakland, Cal, 92-4; ord (Presb, Nassau), Ap 11, 98; ss&pas, Islip (LI), NY, 97-8—. *FOX, George James; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 28, 1869; UPa, 94; UTS, 94-6, 96; ord (Bap, Reading Asso), Jn 8, 97; pas (First), Easton, Pa, 97-9; d, do, My 4, 99. GESSLER, Theodore Arthur; b, Elizabeth, NJ, Mr 23, 1873; NYU, 94; UTS, 94-6; UChic, 96-7; post g (Semitics), do, 97-8; bus, NYCity, 98—. BD, UChic, 97. GRISWOLD, Lawrence William; b, Worthington, O, Fb 29, 1872; OSU, 92; UTS, 94-5; real est, NYCity, 95—. HENRY, John; b, New-Market, Tenn, Jn 2, 1870; MvC, 93; UTS, 94-5; AubTS, 95-7; ord (Presb, Kingston), Sp 28, 97; ss (Park pi), Chatta- nooga, Tenn, 97 — . St elk, Kingston Pby, 97 — . HOLMES, William Trumbull; b, NYCity, Nv 29, 1865; OC, 92; HarU, 94; UTS, 94-6; AndTS, 96-7; ord (Cong), Jn 23, 97; tea (Latin), Oberlin, O, 92-3; as pas (Central), Providence, RI, 97-1901; pas, Watertown, Ct, 01—. HOSTETTER, Henry Burns; b, Ladoga, Ind, Jn 11, 1867; WabC, 94; UTS, 94-5; PTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Crawfordsville), Sp 22, 98; pas, Boswell & Oxford, Ind, 98-1903; pas (Westm), So-Bend, Ind, 03—. MacCRACKEN, John Henry; b, Rochester, Vt, Sp 30, 1875; NYU, 94; UTS, 94-5; UHal, 95-6; instr (Philosophy), NYU, 96-9; as prof, do, 99; pres&prof, WestmC, Fulton, Mo, 99-1903; syndic&prof, NYU, NY City, 03—. PhD, UHal, 99; LLD, WestmC, Mo, 03. Addr, University Hts, NYCity. MARSH, Arba John; b, Clymer, NY, Nv 17, 1870; BatesC, 94; UTS, 94-6; Div Sch, UChic, 96-7; ord (Free Bap, Chemung Quar Meeting), Oc 21, 97; pas, Elmira Hts, NY, 97-9; pas, Poland, NY, 99-1902; pas, Lynn, Mass, 02-6; pas, Auburn, Me, 06—. BD, ChicU, 97. MOORE, Ernest Carroll; b, Youngstown, O, Jl 20, 1871; ONU, 92; law, do (LLB), 92-4; UTS, 94-5; CC (AM), 96; tea, TougalooU, Tougaloo, Mis, 95-6; UChic, 96-8; inst, UCal, 98-1903; asso prof (Educa), do, Berkeley, Cal, 03—. PhD, UChic, 98. 318 1897-1898. NOETON, Milton James; b, Berlin Hts, O, Oc 16, 1867; OC, 94; UTS, 94-6; CTS, 96-7; ord (Cong), Oc 16, 97; pas, Grandin, Mo, 97-9; pas (Im- manuel), St Louis, Mo, 99-1903; pas, Berlin Hts, O, 03-6; pas, Three Oaks, Mich, 03 — . SCOFIELD, Albert Bennett; b, Pound Ridge, NY, Dc 27, 1867; UTS, 94-5; AubTS, 95-7; ord (Cong), Mr 13, 98; pas, E-Smithfield, Pa, 97-1903; ss (Presb), Tioga, Pa, 03-4; inv, 04-6; pas, E-Smithfield, Pa, 06—. *SWIFT, Frederick Joel; b, Paine's Hollow, NY, Mr 19, 1862; HC, 85; UTS, 89-91, 95-7; bus, NYCity, 91-5; res, Brooklyn, NY; d, Nyack, NY, Oc 21, 1907. TOWER, William Hogarth; b, Brooklyn. NY, Fb 1, 1871; CNJ, 94; PTS, 94-5; UTS, 95-7; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 19, 97; pas as (Central), Brooklyn, NY, 96-8; pas, S-Framingham, Mass, 98-1905; pas, Milton- on-Hudson, NY, 05-7; bus & oc s, NYCity, 07 — . Bes, Montclair, NJ. TRAVIS, Alonzo Ferdinand; b, Natick, Mass, Mr 9, 1871; HarC, 94; UTS, 94-5; HTS, 95-7; ord (Cong), Oc 27, 98; pas, Vernon Centre, Ct, 98- 1900; pas, Kensington, Ct, 00-4; pas, Hopkinton, Mass, 04 — . TUTHILL, William Bodle; b, Goshen, NY, Oc 7, 1867; ColbU, 94; UTS, 94-5; HTS, 95-7; ord (Cong), Oc 26, 97; pas, Kensington, Ct, 97-9; pas, E-Hartford, Ct, 99-1907; pas, Leominster, Mass, 07 — . WARREN, Rawson; b, Oil City, Pa, Dc 2, 1867; LSU, 94; UTS, 94-7; GenTS, 97-8; 1st Lieut, 5th Caval, U S Army, Ft Wingate, NM. 24. 1898. BALDWIN, Harold; b, Kirksville, Mo, Fb 4, 1868; DrakeU, 93; UTS, 95-8; ord (Disc), Jn — , 92; pas, San Angelo, Tex, 98-9; pas, Kingston, Mo, 1903; prin (Pub Sch), Jacksboro, Tex, 04-5; ed (Sentinel), Sabinal, Tex, 07—. BATMAN, Levi Gordon; b, Bedford, Ind, My 16, 1869; IndU, 95; UTS, 95- 8; ord (Disc), Jl 28, 98; pas, Mansfield, O, 98-1903; pas (First), Phila- delphia, Pa, 03 — . BEBB, William Bennett; b, Portage, Wis, Nv 22, 1867; UMinn, 87-90; (LLB) do, 92; (LLM) do, 93; law, Minneapolis, Minn, 92-4; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, NY), My 2, 1900; pas as (Univ PI), NYCity, 96-03; pas e (Univ Hts), do, 03-4; ss, Auburn, Wash, 04-5"; law, Seattle, Wash, 06—. BEWER, Julius August; b, Ratingen, Germ, Ag 28, 1877; Gymn Diissel- dorf, 95; UTS (BD), 95-8; tut & res grad, do, 98-9; fellow, do, 99- 1901; ord (Cong), Ja 30, 06; prof (O T Lang & Lit), OTS, 02-4; as prof (Bibl Philol), UTS, 04-5; asso prof, do, NYCity, 05—. PhD, CU, 00. 1898. 319 BBUNDAGE, Henry Eber; b, Candor, NY, Nv 4, 1867; LLB, VandU, 88; law, Brooklyn, NY, 89-95; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Oc 10, 99; pas (Dundee), Passaic, NJ, 99-1902; pas, Saratoga, Wyo, 02-3; pas (Mountview Boul), Denver, Col, 03 — . BUTLEB, Willis Howard; b, Bangor, Me, Oc 3, 1873; PU, 95; UTS (BD), 95-8; ord (Cong), Nv 21, 98; pas (First), Williamstown, Mass, 98- 1903; pas (Edwards), Northampton, Mass, 03 — . CLIFTON, Samuel Tilden; b, Easton, Pa, Ap 30, 1874; LafC, 94; UTS, 95-8; ord (BD, CI Orange), Jl 21, 98; pas, Wurtsboro, NY, 97-1900; pas (Second), Coxsackie, NY, 00—. PhD, CU, 99. COE, Henry Dingee; b, NYCity, Dc 17, 1872; ColP&S (MD), 95; CrozTS, 95-6; UTS, 96-8; ord (Bap), Oc 25, 98; pas, Edgartown, Mass, 98-1901; pas, Bichmond Hill, NY, 01—. CUTLEB, Frederick Morse; b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ap 23, 1874; CC, 95; UTS, (BD), 95-8; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Jn 9, 98; pas (Cong), Armour, SD, 99-1901; pas, Ashland, Mass, 01-3; pas, Edgartown, Mass, 03-7; pas, Hudson, Mass, 08 — . * DICKEY, Charles Lee; b, Protemus, Tenn, Dc 24, 1864; CuU, 95; CuTS, 95-7; UTS, 97-8; ord (C Presb, Obion), Sp 9, 95; ss, Piano, Tex, 98- 1905; ss, Paducah, Ky, 05-6; pas, McKinney, Tex, 06—. PhD, WayC, EMHOFF, Elmer Ellsworth; b, Shannondale, Pa, Jl 12, 1868; WoosU, 92; UTS (BD), 95-8; ord (Ger Kef, CI St Paul), My 29, 98; ss, Sharps- ville, Pa, 98-9; pas, Des Moines, Io, 99-1905; pas, York, Pa, 05—. FL1NN, Edward Morton; b, Tunnelton, Ind, Ag 3, 1866; DrakeU, 90-4; (BA) do, 1900; UTS, 95-8; ord (Disc), Jn 6, 00; min, Haverhill, Mass, 98-1900; min, Grant City, Mo, 01; min, Hopkins, Mo, 02-3; min, Tekoa, Wash, 03-4; min, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 04-5; min, Tekoa, Wash, 06; min, Colfax, Wash, 07; min, Lewiston, Ida, 08 — . FRY, John Cole Ellis; b, Washington, Ind, Oc 3, 1875; WabC, 95; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Vincennes), Ap 18, 99; ss, Mt Vernon, Ind, 98-9; pas, do, 99-1902; pas, Sullivan, Ind, 02-4; pas, Bisbee, Ariz, 05 — . HENDERSON, Arthur Weldon; b, Lebanon, Mo, Sp 20, 1870; PHC, 88; CuTS, 95-7; UTS, 97-8; ord (C Presb, Lebanon), Ap 16, 97; pas, La Plata, Mo, 98-1901; pas (Presb), Canon City, Col, 01—. HOLDEN, Louis Halsey; b, Newark, NJ, Ag 7, 1873; YU, 95; CU (AM), 97; UTS (BD), 95-8; ord (Presb, Utica), Nv 9, 98; as pas, Oneida, NY, 98-9; as pas, Waterbury, Ct, 1900-4; pas (RD). Utica, NY, 04—. PhD, YU, 03. LAWRENCE, Charles Lorenzo; b, Ludlow, Vt, Sp 20, 1869; NBTS, 95-7; UTS, 97-8; ord (BD, CI Newark), Jn 17, 98; pas. High Bridge, NJ, 99-1901; pas, Irvington, NJ, 02-3; journ, Los Angeles, Cal, 04 — . (MGS.) 320 1898. LAYSON, William Humboldt; b, Gravelly Ford, Utah, Ag 10, 1860; Pacific MethC, 80; SFTS, 95-7; UTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Los Angeles), Ap 13, 99; ss, Corinth, NY, 98; ss, Santa Ana, Cal, 98-1900; as pas (Im- manuel), Los Ang-eles, Cal, 01; as Atty Gen, Cal, 01-5; ss, Sandusky, O, 05; ss, Astoria, Ore, 05; ss (Cong, Third), San Francisco, Cal, 05-6; ss (Park), So-Berkeley, Cal, 06; ss (Presb, Grace), do, 06-7. DCL, StChasC, Mo, 87; LLD, Centr Norm, Ky, 01. LYON, Willard Crosby; b, Racine, Wis, Ja 29, 1871; UMinn (BS), 95; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Fargo), Jn 29, 98; pas, La Moure, ND, 98- 1903; pas, Casselton, ND, 03—. MELICK, David Bartine; b, Peapack, NJ, My 13, 1872; YU, 95; UTS, 95- 8; NY Law Sch (LLB), 1901; law, NYCity, 01—. MIKSOVSKY, Joseph; b, Kostelni Lhota, Bohemia, My 30, 1875; Roud- nice Gymn, 94; UTS, 94-8; ord (Presb, Highland), Ap 12, 99; pas, Cuba, Kan, 99—. MITCHELL, Charles Baird; b, Rye, NY, Ap 17, 1873; SSC, 93-5; UTS, 95-8. PENTZ, Julius Wilhelm; b, Ranzig, near Beeskow, Germ, Jl 11, 1869; Gymn Frankfurt a-O, 80-5; CarlC, 88-9; bus, Newark, NJ, & Brook- lyn, NY, 89-95; UTS, 95-8; ord (Cong, No-NJ Conf), Dc 21, 98; ss, Paris, NY, 98-1900; bus&ed, NYCity, 00—. RAUSCHER, John Charles; b, Corona, NY, Mr 1, 1873; UTS, 95-8; ord (RD, No Clas LI), Ja 11, 99; pas, Astoria, NYCity, 98—. REINHOLD, Franklin Peters; b, Circleville, O, Ap 23, 1868; AdelC, 95; UTS (BD), 95-8; ord (Cong, Hampden Asso), Jl 26, 98; pas (Grace), Holyoke, Mass, 98-1901; pas, Windsor Locks, Ct, 02-4; pas (Presb), Warren, O, 04 — . SCHOLEY, Charles Herbert; b, Cleveland, O, Dc 11, 1871; AdelC, 95; UTS (BD), 95-8; NewC & UEd, Edinburgh, Scotl, 99-1900; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Ap 13, 98; pas as (City Park), Brooklyn, NY, 98-9; ss (E-Harlem), NYCity, 01-6; pas e, E-Aurora, NY, 06-7; bus manag, NYCity, 07-8; pas, Freeport (LI), NY, 08—. SCHROEDER, Detlef Heinrich; b, Hohenfelde, near Kiel, Germ, Jn 18, 1867; IWU, 95; UTS (BD), 95-8; res grad, do, 98-9; ss (Germ ME), Big Springs, Neb, 99-1900; libr as, UTS, NYCity, 01—. SEWALL, Charles Grenville; b, Newark, NY. Ag 4, 1872; WmsC, 93; UTS (BD), 94-6, 97-8; UB, 96-7; ord (Presb, Rochester), Jn 17, 98; as pas (Third), Rochester, NY, 98-1900; pas, Rome, NY, 00-7; pas (State St), Albany, NY, 07—. SMITH, Gerald Birney; b, Middlefield, Mass, My 3, 1868; BU, 91; tea, Oberlin, O, 91-2; tea, Worcester, Mass, 92-5; UTS (BD), 95-8; fellow, UTS, 98-1900; ord (Bap), Nv 23, 02; inst (Syst Theol), UChic, 00-4; as prof, do, 04-6; asso prof, do, 06 — . 1898. 321 STOCKWELL, Frederick Emerson; b, Providence, BI, Ja 23, 1868; BU, 90; CU (MA), 99; UTS (BD), 94-6, 97-8; trav around world, 96-7; ord (Cong), My 23, 98; pas as (Presb, West End), NYCity, 98-9; pas, Beverly, NJ, 1900-7; pas (First), Newburg, NY, 07—. STBEET, William Dana; b, Lynn, Mass, Ja 9, 1874; CC, 95; UTS, 95-8; ord (BD, CI NY), Nv 16, 98; inst (Eng Bible, Layworkers), UTS, 1901-3; as pas (Madison Av), NYCity, 98-1901; pas, White Plains, NY, 01—. TOBOSSIAN, Bedros Beuben; b, Diarbekir, Armenia, Ag 20, 1871; DLT, 95; UTS, 95-8; supt (Armen Union Settlem), W-Hoboken, NJ, 98- 1902; res, do, 02—. WABNEB, Charles Henry; b, Eosemund, 111, Ja 5, 1872; B1U, 95; UTS, 95-8; settlem work, NYCity, etc, 98—. supt, Clark Hse, NYCity. *WEETZ, Bichard Frederick; b, Shamrock, Pa, Ap 21, 1873; DiC, 95; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Holston), Jn 1, 99; pas, Johnson City, Tenn, 99-1900; pas, Greeneville, Tenn, 01-2; ev, Tamaqua, Pa, 03; pas, do, 04-5; d, So-Bethlehem, Pa, Ja 13, 06. (MGA.) WTLCOMB, Chester James; b, Chester, NH, Ag 27, 1869; HarU, 95; UTS, 95-8; ord (Bap), Jn 22, 98; pas, Greeneville, NH, 00-3, & ss, New-Ipswich, NH, 00-3; tea, NYCity & Brooklyn, NY, 04-5; prin (Acad), Mercer, Pa, 05-7; stud, Leipzig, Germ, 07 — . WILSON, David Logan; b, NYCity, Fb 3, 1874; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 6, 98; ss, Litchfield, Neb, 98; pas, Ft Fairfield, Me, 99-1904; pas, Belfast, Me, 04 — . 35. BAHBET, James Lincoln; b, Poughkeepsie, NY, Oc 4, 1872; WU, 95; UTS, 95-6; tea, NYCity & Staten Island, NY, 96-8; tea, Wilmington, Del, 98-1900; tea, NYCity, 01-5; elk (Census Bur), Washington, DC, 05—. BEEBS, Way land Lewis; b, Montana, N J, Dc 15, 1867; BU, 95; UTS, 95-6; ord (Unit), My 20, 96; pas, Union Spgs, NY, 96-8; pas, Trenton, NJ, 98-1901; pas, St John, NB, 01-4; pas, Gouverneur, NY, 04-7; pas, Youngstown, O, & New-Castle, Pa, 07 — . BBADFOBD, Charles Clay; b, Knockadoo, Co Derry, Irel, Sp 21, 1870; QC, Belf, 95; PTS, 95-6; UTS, 96-7; PTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Boulder), Nv 3, 99; ss, Burrton, Kan, 98-1901; pas, Horner, Mich, 01-4; pas, Garland & Pittsfield, Pa, 04—. CHIPP, William De Groff; b, Kingston, NY, Sp 5, 1869; UB, 94-5; UTS, 95-7; BTS, 97-8; ord (Bap), Fb 19, 95; ss, Bosendale, NY, 94-5; pas, Bidgefield Park, NJ, 95-7; pas, Bluff ton, Ind, 98-9; ag, NY Anti- Saloon League, 1900-2; ins, Buffalo, NY, 02—. 322 1898. CLAFLIN, Edward Scott; b, Cleveland, 0, Sp 18, 1872; AdelC, 95; UTS, 95-7; AubTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Ap 16, 99; as pas, E-Cleve- land, O, 99; pas, Belmont, NY, 00-5; pas, Gates, NY, 05—. COOPER, Clayton Sedgwick; b, Henderson, NY, My 24, 1869; BU, 94; UTS, 94-7; RTS, 97-8; CU (AM), 1907; ord (Bap), Sp 29 7 98; pas (Washington St), Lynn, Mass, 98-1902; sec (Bible Study Dept, Int Com YMCA), NYCity, 02—. *DAVIDSON, George Palmeter; b, Cold Brook, NS, Sp 22, 1866; AubTS, 94-7; res grad (BD), UTS, 97-8; d, Manila, PI, Jn — , 1901. DAVIS, Asher Archibald; b, Mt Hope, Ala, Sp 14, 1865; TrU, 89-93; UTS, 95-6; ord (C Presb, Tehuacana), Dc 1, 93; ss, Tehuacana & Wortham, Tex, 96—. FRANCIS, Jay Gottwals; b, Oaks, Pa, Ja 13, 1870; UrsC, 91; UTS, 95-6; UrsTS (BD), 96-7; ord (Germ Bap), Jn 1, 1905; ss, Green Tree & Royersford, Pa, 99; pas, Reading, Pa, 01-6; pas, Lebanon, Pa, 07 — . HOGAN, Giles Hastings; b, Eaglesville, Tenn, Mr 13, 1869; CuU, 94; CuTS, 94-6; UTS, 97; ord (C Presb, Elk), Ap 26, 91; pas, Water Valley, Miss, 96-1901; pas, Fayetteville, Tenn, 01-6; pas, Waxahackie, Tex, 06 — . LAURIE, James Anderson, Jr; b, Leroy, Wis, Ap 30, 1871; OreSU, 94; CU, 97; UTS, 95-7; AubTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Puget Sound), Oc 17, 98; pas (Fairhaven), Bellingham, Wash, 98-1905; pas, Hoquiam, Wash, 05—. LOBENSTINE, Edwin Carlyle; b, Leavenworth, Kan, Ja 18, 1872; YU, 95; UTS, 95-7; AubTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Ap 26, 98; fm, Nan- king, China, 98-1901; fm, Hwai Yuen, China, 01—. LOWDEN, John William; b, Pictou, NS, Ja 31, 1864; QCOnt, 86-9; Aub TS, 94-7; res grad, UTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Binghamton), Nv 1, 96; ss, Afton, NY, 96-7; ss, Union ville, NY, 98-9; pas, Pleasant Grove, NJ, 99-1906; pas, Cold Spring, NJ, 06—. MORRIS, Du Bois Schauck; b, NYCity, Sp 20, 1873; CNJ, 93; UTS, 95-7; AubTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Ap 26, 98; fm, Nanking, China, 98-1901; fm, Hwai Yuen, China, 01—. PALMER, Samuel Gilmore; b, Prattsburg, NY, Mr 3, 1870; HC, 95; UTS, 95-7; AubTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Geneva), My 11, 98; ss (Wyckoff Hts), Brooklyn, NY, 98-1902; ss, Springport & Union Springs, NY, 02-7; ss, Collamer, NY, 07 — . PODIN, Carl; b, Ermes, Walk, Livonia, Russia, My 26, 1872; London Mis Training Home, 91-3; UTS, 95-8; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Ap 31, 99; cm (Mariners'), NYCity, 94-8; min (Seamen's Inst), Brooklyn, NY, 99-1906; as min (Seamen's Ch Inst), NYCity, 06—. POTTER, Rockwell Harmon; b, Glenville, NY, Oc 1, 1874; UC, 95; YTS, 95-6; UTS, 96-7; CTS (BD), 97-8; ord (RD, CI No-LI), Jl 14, 98; pas, 1898-1899. 323 Flushing (LI), NY, 98-1900; pas (Cong, First), Hartford, Ct, 00—. DD, UC, 07. REED, Albert Merriman; b, Port Byron, NY, Mr 14, 1870; YC, 91; UTS, 95-6; law, Albany, NY, 96—. RICHARDS, James Harris; b, Stamford, NY, Mr 1, 1873; YU, 95; UTS, 95-6; LLB, NYLawSch, 98; law, NYCity, 98—. STARK, Ferdinand; b, Winona, Minn, Dc 22, 1874; MorC (2 yrs); UTS, 95-6; bus, Tompkinsville (SI), NY, 96—. STEWART, Calvin Wilfred, Jr; b, Coleraine, Pa, Ap 9, 1871; WhitwC, 95; UTS, 95-7; tea, WhitwC, 98-9; ag, Feder of Chs, NYCity, 1900; as headworker, Univ Settlem, do, 01-4; bus, Tacoma, Wash, 05 — . THOMAS, William Otis; b, Freeport, 111, Ag 9, 1865; DrakeU, 95; UTS, 95-7; HirC, 97; UChic, 99; ord (Disc), Nv 18, 91; ss, Cincinnati, O, 98; min, Waukegan, 111, 1900-3; min, Kansas City, Mo, 04 — . VICKER, Hedley Albert; b, Milborne Port, Eng, My 20, 1867; MC, 95; UTS, 95-7; AubTS, 97-8; ord (Presb, Cayuga), Jn 10, 98; pas, Sennett, NY, 98-1903; ss&pas, Grangeville, Idaho, 03-6; ss, Nez Perce, Idaho, 07; pas, College Place, Wash, 07 — . WORLEY, John Cobb; b, Mt Hope, Mo, Ap 21, 1872; MoVC, 94; pres, Clinton Acad, Mo, 94-5; UTS, 95-7; ord (C Presb, Lexington),' Ap 6, 95; pas, Independence, Mo, 97-9; fm, Tsu, Shingu, & Yamada, Japan, 99-1904; pas (Immanuel, Presb), Colorado Spgs, Col, 06 — . 24. 1899. *BROKAW, William Hall; b, Newburgh, NY, Ja 16, 1874; YC, 96; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (PE) dea, Ja 7, 1900; pr, My 20, 00; min in ch, Brownsville, Tex, 99-1900; mis, San Antonio, Tex, 01; d, NYCity, Jl 13, 02. BRUEN, Henry Munro; b, Summit, NJ, Oc 26, 1874; PrinU, 96; UTS, 96- 9; ord (Presb, Newton), My 17, 99; fm, Taiku, Korea, 99—. (U S A, 1907-8.) CARY, Joseph Pate; b, Solomon, Kan, Oc 13, 1872; LafC, 96; UTS, 96-9; ord (Cong), 99; ss, Rosalia, Wash, 99-1900; ss, Madrone, Wash, 00-3; wc, do, 03; wc, Winslow, & bus, Dewey, Wash, 04 — . COCHRAN, James Blair; b, Mendham, NJ, Dc 27, 1874; PrinU, 96; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Ap 26, 99; fm, Nanking, China, 99-1902; fm, Hwai Yuan, China, 02—. (U S A, 07-8.) CONNOLLY, Charles Parker; b, Warren, O, My 1, 1869; DiC, 95; UTS (BD), 97-9; ord (Cong), Ap 20, 1900; sup, Pocantico Hills, NY, 97-9; pas, Hiawatha, Kan, 99-1905; pas, Leavenworth, Kan, 05 — . 324 1899. DURHAM, Plato Tracy; b, Shelby, NC, Sp 10, 1873; TrCNC, 95; YTS, 95-6; UTS, 97-9; UOxf, 1901-2; ord (ME, So), Nv — , 03; prof (Bibl Lit), TrCNC, 99-1905; pas, Charlotte, NC, 05—. FITCH, Wells Hubert; b, Oneida, NY, Ap 24, 1874; CC, 96; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Cong), Nv 22, 99; pas (First), Atchison, Kan, 99-1902; pas, Jamesport, NY, 02-4; pas, Riverhead (LI), NY, 04 — . FRENCH, Calvin Hiram; b, No-Bangor, NY, Jn 16, 1872; UVt, 94; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Cong), Jn 21, 1900; pas (Bethel Br, Plym Ch), Brooklyn, NY, 99-1901; pas (Sprague Chap), Albany, NY, 01-5; pas, Ilion, NY, 05—. GARABEDIAN, Hohanes Barkev; b, Harpoot, Turkey, in Asia, Sp 25, 1858; EuphC, 80; HTS, 86-7; UTS (BD), 97-9; res grad, do, 1902-7; ord, (Cong), Sp 18, 88; pas (Armen, Evang), NYCity, 1902-8; pas, Osceola, NY, 08—. HOOLE, William Henry; b, Buffalo, NY, Sp 2, 1871; PrinU, 93-6; UTS, 96-9; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Ap 16, 1900; ss, Stark & Wick, NY, 99-1900; ss, So- Wales, NY, 00-1; ss, Culbertson, Mont, 02-4; ss, Whitefish, Mont, 04-5^, pas, do, 05-7; ss, Coulee City, Wash, 07—. HUGHES, Walter Lincoln; b, NYCity, Fb 15, 1868; ColgU (PhB), 96; UTS, 96-9; ord (LI Bapt Asso), Nv 12, 1900; pas, Sloansville, NY, 0L-3; pas, Hartwick, NY, 03-5; pas, Franklin, NY, 05 — . LERCH, George Lewis; b, Benton, NY, Jl 27, 1869; HC, 96; UTS, 96-9; ord (Presb, Geneva), Jn 7, 99; as pas (Westm), Buffalo, NY, 99-1901; bus, do, 01—. (MGA.) McCONKEY, Henry Alexander; b, Peach Bottom, Pa, Nv 2, 1867; PrinU, 90; UTS, 96-9; tea, NYCity, 99—. MADDOX, Aaron Wager; b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 10, 1873; CU, 96; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Cong), Ap 26, 1900; ss (Martense Mis), Brooklyn, NY, 99-1900; pas as (Lewis Av), do, 00; pas (Presb), Tupper Lake, NY, 02—. also ss, Piercefield, NY, 04 — . & ss (Undenom), Moody, NY, 07—. Addr, Faust, NY. MERRIAM, George Ernest; b, Greenville, NH, My 4, 1873; AC, 96; UTS, 96-9; ord (Presb, Westchester), Jn 27, 99; pas, Mt Kisco, NY, 99- 1906; pas (14th St), NYCity, 06—. MOHR, Charles Adam; b, Macungie, Pa, My 29, 1869; F&MC, 92-6; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Cong), , 1901; ss, Ft Recovery, O, 01-3; settlm wk, NYCity, 99-1901, 03-5; ss, Marblehead, O, 05-6; ss, Silverton, Col, 06—. (CYB.) tOPHEIM, Endre Martin; b, Nasoparesk, Norway, My 16, 1866; UChris- tiania, 86; UTS, 96-9. OTTARSON, Willard Francis; b, Lansingburgh, NY, Ja 23, 1867; NYU, 96; UTS, 96-9; res grad, 99-1900; ord (ME) dea, Ap 4, 98; eld, Ap 6, 1902; ss (56th St), NYCity, 97-1901; pas, Dobbs Ferry, NY, 01-2; pas, 1899. 325 Garrisons, NY, 02-3; ss, Millbrook, NY, 03; cm (Presb, Hall Memo), NYCity, 03-7; pas (Cong, Bethany), do, 07—. PETERS, Frederick Augustus; b, Hanover, Germ, Ja 27, 1875; CC, 96; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (PE) dea, Jn 5, 98; pr, Jn 9, 1907; min, Monroe, NY, 99-1900; prof (German, Manual TrHSch), NYCity, 00—. cur (Chap of Intercession), do, 07 — . RUSSELL, James Elmer; b, Morristown, NY, Nv 6, 1872; AC, 96; Aub TS, 96-8; UTS (BD), 98-9; ord (Presb, St Lawrence), Jl 27, 99; tea (Mills Inst), Honolulu, HI, 99-1901; pas, Cape Vincent, NY, 01-5; pas, Chittenango, NY, 05—. SMITH, Charles Ellis; b, Detroit, Mich, Ag 13, 1872; CornU, 96; UTS, 96-9; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Ap 14, 99; hm, Glenwood Spgs, Col, 99-1900; pas, Palo Alto, Cal, 00-4; pas (West Side), Englewood, NJ, 05—. STEELE, David McConnell; b, New-Alexandria, Pa, Jn 11, 1873; WoosU, 95; CU (MA), 99; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (PE) dea, Jn 9, 99; pr, Jn 10, 1900; prin, Bedford, Ind, 95-6; as rec (Holy Trin), Brooklyn, NY, 99-1901; do (St Bartholomew), NYCity, 01-4; rec (St Luke & Epiph- any), Philadelphia, Pa, 04 — . TURNER, Edward Bates; b, Corning, Io, Fb 5, 1875; PrinU, 96; AubTS, 96-8; UTS, 98-9; ord (Presb, Corning), Ag 1, 99; tea, Honolulu, HI, 1900-1; pas, Kohala, HI, 02-4; as pas (Central Union), Honolulu, HI, 05-7; pas (Foreign Ch), Paia, Maui, HI, 07—. WEBSTER, Frank Montrose; b, Pittsford, Mich, Nv 6, 1867; HiC, 94; do (AM), 97; HiTS (BD), 96-8; UTS, 98-9; ord (Free Bap), Mr 25, 91; ss, Zorra, Ont, Can, 91-2; ss, E-Rome, Mich, 93-4; pas, Lansing, Mich, 94-6; ss, Locust, Mich, 96-8; pas, Elmira Hts, NY 99-1904; pas, Ban- gor, Mich, 04-7 ;pas, Whiting, Idaho, 07 — . WIERS, Edgar Swann; b, Meadville, Pa, My 15, 1873; AdelC, 95; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Unit), Jn 28, 1900; pas, Billerica, Mass, 00-6; pas, Montclair, NJ, 06 — . WRIGHT, Edward Richard; b, Bellevue, O, Ag 8, 1872; AdelC, 96; UTS (BD), 96-9; ord (Presb, Cleveland), Ap 14, 99; as pas (North), Cleveland, O, 99-1900; asso pas, do, 00-1; pas, Willoughby, O, 01-4; pas, Collinwood, O, 04—. 26. BARBER, Frank William; b, Stay ton, Wis, Sp 21, 1869; UWis (LB), 95; UTS, 96-8; UChic, 98-9, 1900-2; FreeChC, Edin, 99-1900; pas (Disc), Mystic, Io, 02-3; pas, What Cheer, Io, 03-4; pas, Lodi & Williams, Cal, 04-5; pas, Morgan Hill, Cal, 05—. BIGELOW, Frank Hoffnagle; b, NYCity, Jn 10, 1873; MC, 94; UTS, 96-8; EpDS, 98-9; ord (PE) dea, Jl 2, 99; pr, Jn 10, 1900; rec, Natick, Mass, 99-1903; rec, Stamford, Ct, 03—. 326 1899. CLYDE, John Peet; b, Wancoma, lo, Sp 18, 1869; IoC (PhB), 94; YTS (BD), 96-7, 98-9; UTS, 97-8; ord (Cong), Jn 20, 99; pas, Dunlap, lo, 99-1901; pas, Eldora, lo, 01-3; pas, Muscatine, lo, 03-5; pas, Water- town, SD, 05—. COX, Sydney Herbert; b, Richmond, Surrey, Eng, Mr 30, 1869; UTS, 96- 7; ord (Cong), Nv 9, 97; pas as (People's Ch), NYCity, 95-7; as pas (Tabernacle), Jersey City, NJ, 97-8; pas (Lee Av), Brooklyn, NY, 98-1901; pas (Bethany), NYCity, 01-7; pas (Evangel), Brooklyn, NY, 07—. CROSS, Sydney Robert; b, Hackney, London, Eng, Dc 5, 1864; UTS, 96- 8; ord (PE) dea, Jn 10, 1900; pr, Jn 2, 01; as min (All Angels), NY City, 01-6; rec, Westfield, NJ, 06—. DAVENPORT, William Edwards; b, Stamford, Ct, Ag 31, 1862; UTS, 95-7; lie (NY&NJAssoCong), 98; founder & headworker, Ital Settlem Soc), Brooklyn, NY, 1901—. DIVINIA, Samuel Thomas; b, Caldwell Co, Mo, Sp 7, 1871; MoVC, 96; UTS, 96-7, 97; ord (Cum Presb, Platte), Ag 3, 93; pas, Butler, Mo, 99-1902; ss, Mt Bethel & stat'ns, Mo, 03—. Addr, St Joseph, Mo, RFD2. (MGA.) DILL, Edmund Munro; b, Rawdon, NS, Nv 23, 1855; DalC, 84; PresTC, 87; res grad (BD), UTS, 98-9; ord (Can Presb, Truro), Nv 8, 87; pas, Parrsboro, PEI, 87-93; pas, Summerside, PEI, 94-8; pas, Wolfville, NS, 1900-6; pas (Presb, U S A), Mason City, 111, 07—. PhD, — . (MGA.) DOGGETT, Walton Hall; b, Utica, NY, Ag 30, 1867; UWyo, 93-4; CU (spec), 97-9; GenTS, 95-7; UTS, 97-9; ord (PE) dea, Jn 13, 97; pr, Dc 27, 99; rec, Broken Bow, Neb, 1900-2; rec (St Luke's & Angels'), Los Angeles, Cal, 02-3; rec (Epiphany), do, 04-7; rec, Durango, Cal, 07—. FLETT, George Custer; b, Somers, Wis, Sp 5, 1863; UWis (LLB), 93; HTS, 96-7; UTS, 97-8; McTS, 98-9; ord (Presb, Springfield), Ap 13, 99; pas, Farmingdale, 111, 99-1904; pas (Westm), Gladstone, Mich, 04—. FRASER, John Keir Geddie; b, Alberton, PEI, Ag 31, 1864; DalC, 89; PresC, 91; res grad, UTS (BD), 98-9; ord (Can Presb, PEI), Ag 26, 91; pas, Alberton, PEI, 91-8. HAMILTON, William Ball; b, NYCity, Nv 8, 1854; UTS, 96-9; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Oc 10, 99; pas (Hope), Elizabeth, NJ, 99—. HAMLIN, Christopher Robert; b, Constantinople, Turkey, Oc 11, 1870; BosU, 93; CC (AM), 94; UTS, 96-8; YTS, 98-9; ord (Cong), Oc 22, 99; pas, Canton Centre, Ct, 99-1902; pas, Lincoln, Neb, 02-4; ss, Keese- ville, NY, 04-5; pas, Hillsboro Bridge, NH, 05-7; HTS, 07-8; tern s, Dayville & Williamsville, Ct, 07-8. 1899. 327 HEDGES, William; b, Sag Harbor, NY, Jn 21, 1851; YC, 74; YTS (BD), 75-8; res grad, UTS, 98-9; ord (Presb, II), Oc 1, 79; ss, Mattituck, NY, 79-82; pas (Cong), Jamesport, NY, 82-93; ss&pas, Harwinton, Ct, 93-8; pas, Wading River, NY, 99-1901; pas, Colebrook, Ct, 01—. HOOD, Edmund Lyman; b, Ravenna, O, Ag 18, 1858; UMinn, 77-80; YTS (BD), 82-5; OxfU, 85-6; UCal, 95-8, (MA), 96, fellow, 97; NYU (PhD), 98-9; UTS, res grad, 98-9; ord (Cong), Ag 18, 85; ss (Pilgrim), Knox- ville, Tenn, 86-7; sup (Cong, HMS), NM & Ariz, 87-95; sup (New- West Ed Com in SW), 89-95; pas, Aquebogue, NY, 99-1904; pas (Union), Jacksonville, Fla, 04-5; pres, Atlanta Th Sem, Atlanta, Ga, 05—. HOWIE, John Lloyd; b, Harrison, NC, Ap 3, 1875; UTS, 96-8; CTS, 98-9; ord (Cong), Jn 29, 99; pas, Cambridge, 111, 99-1902; pas, Wyanet, 111, 02-5; ed (Banner), Cleveland, O, 05-6; pas, Olney, 111, 06—. KERR, George Gibson; b, near Carmichaels, Pa, Oc 25, 1871; WayC, 96; UTS, 96-8; WTS, 98-9; ord (CPresb, Penn), Sp 7, 98; pas, Pleasant View, Pa, 99-1903; sm, Penn, 03-4; pas (Presb), Charleroi, Pa, 04—. LLOYD, Thomas Jay; b, Orange, NJ, Jn 27, 1867; YC, 90; UTS, 96-8; res, Bloomingburgh, NY. RANKIN, Benjamin Houston; b, Jefferson City, Tenn, Jl 28, 1873; Wash CTenn, 96; UTS, 96-8; WTS, 98-9; ord (Presb, St Clairsville), Oc 18, 99; pas, Woodsfield, O, 99-1901; pas (Bethany Chap), Elizabeth, NJ, 01-6; sec, YMCA, do, 06-7; pas (Immanuel), Evansville, Ind, 07 — : ." RATZELL, Joseph Perry; b, Earlington, Pa, Ap 16, 1873; F&MC, 96; UTS, 96-8; LanTS, 98-9; ord (Cong), Jn 19, 1900; pas, Orland, Ind, 00-1; pas (Covenant), Indianapolis, Ind, 01-3; pas, Cambridge, Neb, 03-5; pas, Eureka, Cal, 05 — . REED, Robert Franklin; b, Cherry ville, Pa, Oc 29, 1872; F&MC, 96; LanTS, 96-7, 98-9; UTS, 97-8; ord (Ger Ref, Lancaster CI), Fb 15, 1900; pas (Zwingli), Harrisburg, Pa, 00-4; pas, Freemansburgh, Pa, 04—. SPOER, Hans Henry; b, Crefeld, Germ, Ag 1, 1873; Crefeld Realsch, 90; BloomTS, 93-4; NYU (AM), 98; (PhD), do, 99; NBTS (BD), 98; res grad, UTS, 98-9, 1902; stud, AmerSchArchaeol, Jerusalem, Palest (fel- low, 03-4), 02—. STEWART, Albert Cross; b, Coleraine, Pa, , ; WhitwC, 96; UTS, 96-8; res, Tacoma, Wash. WAITE, Alexander; b, Reynoldsville, Pa, Jl 7, 1872; WayC, 96; UTS, 96; ord (Presb, Clarion), Jl 12, 99; fm, Petchaburee, Siam, 1900; fm, Cheung, Siam, 01-2; fm, Ichow, China, 03; fm, Chining Chow, China, 04-7; hm, Salmon, Idaho, 07—. (MGA.) WHITAKER, Charles Hurlbut; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Dc 7, 1862; PrinU, 87; PTS, 87-90; res grad (BD), UTS, 97-9; ord (Presb, Westm), Ap 328 1899-1900. 8, 90; pas, West Grove & Avondale, Pa, 90-3; pas (RD, Lower Wal- pack), Bushkill, Pa, 94-1901; pas (First Presb), Bordentown, Pa, 01—. 25. 1900. jCARTER, John Pillsbury; b, Concord, NH, Oc 24, 1872; ColgU, 96; HamTS, 97-9; UTS, 99-1900; ord (Bap), Sp 26, 00; pas, Cornwall, NY, 00-2; ord (PE) dea, Nv 2, 02; pr, My 14, 05; cur (Grace Chap), NY City, 03-4; min, Llano, Tex, 05-7; deposed, Ja 15, 08. CLARK, William Francis; b, Meriden, Ct, My 26, 1871; YU, 97; YTS, 97- 9; UTS (BD), 99-1900; res grad, do, 00-1, 05-7; ord (Bap, Abington Asso), Oc 28, 01; ss, Waverly, Pa, 01-3; pas, Point Pleasant, NJ, 03—. CLAYTON, Francis Treadway; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jl 3, 1875; NYU, 96; PTS, 96-7; UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Presb, Rochester), My 10, 00; as pas, Rochester, NY, 00-3; pas (Cong, First), Williamstown, Mass, 03—. COFFIN, Henry Sloane; b, NYCity, Ja 5, 1877; YU, 97; New-Col & UEdinb, 97-9; UTS (BD), 99-1900; res grad, do, 00-1 ; ord (Presb, NY), My 2, 00; pas (Bedford), NYCity, 00-5; as prof (Homil), UTS, 04—. pas (Madison Av), NYCity, 05—. DD, NYU, 06. COOLEY, Leroy Clark, Jr; b, Po'keepsie, NY, Ag 27, 1875; PrinU, 97; New-Col, Edinb, & Mansf, Oxford, Eng, 97-8; UTS (BD), 98-1900; ord (Presb, No-River), Sp 25, 00; as chap & instr, Hampt Inst, Hamp- ton, Va, 00-2; pas, Rowley, Cono Centre, & Walker, Io, 02 — . COOPER, John Wallace; b, Allegheny, Pa, Oc 9, 1872; WestmC, 96; UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Presb, Dubuque), Jl 2, 01; pas, Lansing, Io, 01-3; pas, Bellaire, O, 03-6; pas, Bedford, NY, 06—. PhD, WestmC, 03. *DEMERITT, Laurell Wesley; b, Brooklyn, NY, Oc 25, 1875; NYU, 97; UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 8, 00; pas as (Second), Albany, NY, 00; d, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 1, 01. PhD, NYU, 00. DOBBS, John Francis; b, Liberty Corner, NJ, Jl 2, 1870; LafC, 97; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), My 22, 00; ss&pas (RD, Mott Haven), NYCity, 98—. EDWARDS, George Nelson; b, Baiting Hollow (LI), NY, Nv 29, 1872; WU, 93; HarU, 94; YTS, 96-7; HarDS, 98-9; UTS, 99-1900; ord (Cong), Fb 12, 01; ss, Westford, Ct, 97-8; pas, Jewett City, Ct, 01-5; pas, Port Angeles, Cal, 05-7; as pas (Plymouth), Seattle, Wash, 07—. FIELD, Elliot; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Sp 27, 1875; HavC, 97; UTS, 97- 1900; ord (Presb, Westchester), Oc 30, 01; ss, Trout Run & Bodine, Pa, 01-2; pas, Felton & Harrington, Del, 03-5; fid sec, NYChrEndeav 1900. 329 Un, Binghamton, NY, 05; as pas (Munn Av), E-Orange, NJ, 05-6: ss, Oakfield, NY, 06—. FOX, Haughton Kost; b, Winchester, 111, Nv 8, 1871; AdC, 95; AubTS, 97-8; UTS (BD), 98-1900; ord (Meth Prot, No-Ill Conf), Sp 16, 00; pres (Getting Sem), La Harpe, 111, 00-2; bus, 02-6; ss (Presb), Te- cumseh. Mich, 06-7; pas, Covington, Ind, 07 — . GATES, Carl Martel; b, Warner, NH, Jl 15, 1875; AC, 97; UTS (BD), 97- 1900; fellow, do, Berlin, Germ, 00-2; ord (Cong), Ap 6, 03; as pas (Presb), Dover, NJ, 03-4; pas (Cong), Saco, Me, 04 — . GORDON, George Andrew; b, Worcester, Mass, Oc 28, 1873; BU, 95; UTS (BD), 97-1900; res grad, do, 00-1; ord (Cong, Wore Cent Asso), Jn 4, 01; pas as (B'way Tab), NYCity, 00-3; pas, Southbridge, Mass, 04 — . GROEZINGER, Christian; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Nv 3, 1871; UTS (BD), 97-1900; res grad, do, 00-1; ord (Cong), Dc 17, 01; pas, Hill, NH, 01- 4; pas, Bristol, NH, 04-5; pas, Wareham, Mass, 05 — . HESS, Louis Edwin; b, Stone Church, Pa, Ja 26, 1878; RevereC, 94-5; I11C, 95-7; CU, 1900-2; CrozTS, 97-9; UTS, 99-1900; ord. (Presb, Ot- sego), Nv 20, 03; as pas (First), 02-3; pas, E-Meredith, NY, 03-6; ord (PE), Mr. 17, 08; min in chg, Otego, NY, 07-8; cur, Glens Falls, NY, & reo, So Glens Falls, NY, 08—. HINO, Masumi; b, Jinmachi, Yamagata-ken, Japan, Ja 12, 1874; Dosh- isha (Col), 94; do (Sem), 97; ColU (MA), 1900; UTS (BD), 97-1900; res grad, do, 00-1; ord (Jap Cong), Oc 24, 04; prof (Phil Relig), Doshisha Th Sem, Kyoto, Japan, 01-4; asso dean, do, 04-7; registrar, do, 07—. IRVING, Robert Edward Lee; b, Blanco Co, Tex, Sp 12, 1866; TrU, 92; CU (MA), 98-1901; CuTS (BD), 93-5; UTS (BD), 98-1900; res grad, do, 00-1; ord (CuPresb, Guadaloupe), Jl 11, 91; pas, Alvarado, Tex, 92-3; pas, Tyler, Tex, 95-8; ss (Presb, E-Harlem), NYCity, 99-1901; pas (CPr), Punxsutawney, Pa, 01-7; pas (Presb), Gainesville, Tex, 07—. JONES, Thomas Jesse; b, Llanfachraeth, Wales, Ag 4, 1873; W&LU, 90- 1; CU (MA), 99; do (PhD), 1904; MaC, 97; UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Presb, Athens), Sp 8, 04; act headworker (Univ Settlm), NYCity, 01-2; asso chap & dir soc wk (Hampton Inst), Hampton, Va, 02 — . PhD, CU, 04. KARNELL, Aimer William; b, Elkhart, Ind, Oc 3, 1873; Mt Her, 97; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Oc 12, 00; pas (Conn. Farms), Union, NJ, 00—. KIRKES, Leonidas Cicero; b, Cassandra, Ga, Fb 28, 1866; CuU, 92; CuTS, 93-4; UTS (BD), 99-1900; ord (CuPresb, Georgia), Oc 1, 87; ss, Lebanon, Tenn, 93; pas, Corsjcana, Tex, 94-9; pres, TrU, Waxahachie, Tex, 1902-4; pas, Amorillo, Tex, 04—. 330 1900. KUNZ, William Eberhart; b, Covington, Ky, Dc 17, 1866; HastC, 97; OmTS, 97-9; UTS, 99-1900; ord (Presb, Niobrara), Nv 21, 00; ss, Wakefield, Neb, 00-2; ss (Cong-), Oakland, Io, 02-3; ss (So-B'way), Denver, Col, 03-4; mis, Neb, 04-5; ss, Ida Grove, Io, 05-7; pas e, Leon, Io, 07—. LAUFER, Calvin Weiss; b, Brodheadsville, Pa, Ap 6, 1874 F&MC, 97; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Presb, NY), De 10, 00; pas (RD, Steinway), LI City, 00-5; pas (Presb, First), West-Hoboken, NJ, 05 — . McCOMAS, Henry Clay; b, Baltimore, Md, Dc 21, 1875; JHU, 97; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Cong), Oc 26, 00; pas, No-Attelboro, Mass, 00-3; pas, Cadillac, Mich, 03-7; stud, HarU, 07—. MCGREGOR, Robert Gardner; b, Glasgow, Scotl, Nv 30, 1870; HC, 97; UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Presb, Utica), My 7, 00; tea (Hill Sch), Pottstown, Pa, 00-1; pas (St Cloud), Orange, NJ, 01-6; pas (No Av), New-Rochelle, NY, 06—. MARSHALL, Benjamin Tinkham; b, Boston, Mass, Ag 12, 1872; DC, 97: UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Cong, Suffolk So Asso), My 10, 00; ss&pas (Presb),' Scarborough, NY, 00-6; pas (First), New-Rochelle, NY, 06— MOLDENHAWER, Julius Valdemar; b, Tavastehus, Finland, Mr 11, 1877; SWPU, 97; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Presb, Otsego), Jl 18, 00; pas, Margaretville, NY, 00-2; pas,. Salem, NY, 02-5; pas (Second), Albany, NY, 05—. PRATT, John Rice; b, Milford, NY, Jl 21, 1870; NYU, 98; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Cong), Jn 24, 02; asso pas (Waverly), Jersey City, NJ, 02-4; pas, Verona, NJ, 04 — . TOMPKINS, Willard Jay; b, Stapleton (SI), NY, Ag 17, 1876; NYU, 97; UTS (BD), 97-1900; tea, Fishkill-on-Hudson, NY, 00-1; bus & oc s, NYCity, 01—. Res, Stapleton (SI), NY. TSILKA, Gregory Marko; b, Monastir, Macedonia, Oc 22, 1872; Amer Col Theol Inst, 95; UTS, 97-1900; fm (ABCFM), Kortcha, Albania, Eur Turkey, 00—. WALCOTT, Gregory Dexter; b, Lincoln, RI, Ag 29, 1869; BU, 97; CU (MA), 99; (PhD), 1904; UTS (BD), 97-1900; UBonn&UB, 00-1; pas as (Cong, Central), Providence, RI, 01-3; ss, Saylesville, RI, 03-4; prof (Gk & Lat), B1U, 04-5; prof (Gk & Philos), & dean, do, 05-7; prof (Philos & Psychol), Hamline Univ, St Paul, Minn, 07—. WATKINS, Arthur Charles; b, Sandy Creek, NY, Nv 30, 1873; JHU, 95; YTS, 97-9; UTS (BD), 99-1900; res grad, 00-1; ord (Bap), Ag 13, 95; pas, Hannibal, NY, 95-6; pas (Second), Auburn, NY, 96-7; pas (Presb), Woodhaven, NY, 1900-4; dir (Univ Press), Sewanee, Tenn, 04-6; res, Brooklyn, NY, 07—. 1900. 331 WEIR, William Nicholas; b, Carmel, NY, Fb 14, 1873; And Acad, 95; UTS, 96-1900; res grad, do, 00-1; do (BD), 02; CC, 00-1; ord (PE) dea, Fb 3, 07; min, Kent Isl, Md, 07 — . WOOD, Ernest Wetherill; b, Flushing, NY, Mr 21, 1877; CC, 95-7; UTS, 97-1900; BerkDS (BD), 06-7; ord (PE) dea, Dc 21, 02; pr, Mr 1, 04; lay read, Woodlawn, NY, 01-2; cur, Paterson, NJ, & vie, Little Falls, NJ, 03-4; pr in chg (All Saints), Boston, Mass, 05; vie, Southboro, Mass, 05 — . WYCKOFF, Albert Clarke; b, Germantown, NY, Oc 27, 1874; UC, 97; UTS (BD), 97-1900; ord (Presb, Columbia), Oc 23, 00; pas, Valatie, NY, 00-6; pas (RD), Castleton-on-Hudson, NY, 06—. 34. BRIGGS, Howard Appleton Munson; b, Schaghticoke, NY, My 22, 1870; WmsC, 97; UTS, 97-1901; ord (Cong), Dc 4, 00; pas (Waverly), Jersey City, NJ, 00—. BROOKMAN, Donald Mayo; b, London, Eng, Ap 4, 1874; OccC, 95; McCTS, 95-6;UTS, 98-9; EpDS (BD), 99-1900; ord (PE) dea, Jl 1, 00; pr, Fb 14, 01; mis, Grays Harbor, Wash, 00-1; as rec (St. George's), NYCity, 01-2; rec, Dayton, O, 02-4; rec, Hanford, Cal, 04-5; rec, Palo Alto, Cal, 05-7; gen mis, Ariz; res, Phoenix, Ariz, 07 — . BROWN, Herbert Hopkins; b, Shortsville, NY, Mr 29, 1873; LafC, 94-5; UC, 97; UTS, 97-9; McCTS, 1901-2; ord (Presb, Winnebago), Ap 15, 03; ss, Florence, Wis, 02-3; ss, Astoria, Ore, 04-5; pas, Grants Pass, Ore, 05; pas, Marshfield, Ore, 06 — . DAVENPORT, Frederick Morgan; b, Salem, Mass, Ag 27, 1866; WU, 89; UTS, 97-8, 99; CU, 1901-4; ord (ME) dea, Ap — , 93; eld, Ap 11, 97; pas, Yonkers, NY, 93-7; pas, Kingston, NY, 99-1901; prof (Polit Sci), HC, Clinton, NY, 04—. PhD, CU, 05. ERDMAN, Paul; b, Morristown, NJ, Mr 10, 1873; PrinU, 94; UTS, 97-8; PTS, 98-1900; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Ap 11, 00; fm, Sidon, Syria, 00-5; fm, Tripoli, Syria, 05-7; fm, Zahleh, Syria, 07—. *FAIRCHILD, Paul Dean; b, Berea, Ky, Jn 11, 1874; OC, 92-4, 96-7; UTS, 97-8; HTS, 98-1900; ss (Cong), Trinidad, Col, 00-1; bus, NYCity, 01- 5; d, near Montreal, Can, 05. GIFFIN, Mortimer Powell; b, Cairo, NY, Ag 15, 1869; DrTS, 95-8; res grad, UTS, 98-1900; ord (ME, NYEConf) dea, Ap 9, 99; eld, Ap 8, 06; ss, Bayside, NY, 98; ss (Goodsell), Brooklyn, NY, 99; ss (Borough Park), do, 1900; supern, 01-3; ss (Westchester), NYCity, 04; pas (South), Middletown, Ct, 05-6; pas, Shelton, Ct, 07—. GREENWAY, Walter Burton; b, Broylesville, Tenn, Ag 18, 1876; Wash CTenn, 97; UTS, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ord (Presb, Newark), Jn 21, 00; pas (Elizabeth Av), Newark, NJ, 00-5; pas (Westminster), Jersey City, NJ, 05—. 332 1900. HARRIS, Herbert Staley; b, Rochester, NY, Mr 31, 1874; PrinU, 97; UTS, 97-9, 99; ord (Presb, Rochester), Ap 10, 00; as pas (Fourth), NYCity, 00-1; fm, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, 01 — . HELLIWELL, Charles; b, Buttershaw, near Bradford, Yorkshire, Engl, My 31, 1859; CNJ, 86; UTS, 96-7, 98-9; WTS, 1900-1; ord (Cong), Ag 6, 90; pas, Park Ridge, NJ, 90-7; pas (CPresb), Old Concord, Pa, 97-1901; pas (Presb), Mannington, W-Va, 01-6; pas (Ind Presb), Bellaire, O, 06—. HENRY, Frank Edmonds; b, Emmetsburg, Io, Oc 12, 1873; IoC, 92-6; CTS, 97; UTS, 98; CTS, 98-1900; ord (Cong), Sp 25, 00; pas (Sara- toga), Omaha, Neb, 00-5; ss, Syracuse, Neb, 05; pas, Garner, Io, 06—. HOWLAND, Murray Shipley; b, Wilmington, Del, Nv 22, 1874; YU, 97; AubTS, 97-9; UTS, 99-1900; ord (Presb, New Castle), Jn 18, 00; as pas (West End), NYCity, 00-2; pas (South), Syracuse, NY, 02—. JELLIFFE, William Raymond; b, NYCity, Jl 1, 1875; CCNY, 89-90; UTS, 97-1900; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 7, 00; as&ss (Sea & Land), NYCity, 00-5; asso pas (Cong, Central), Boston, Mass, 06-8; do (Pres, Mad Av), NYCity, 08—. JESCHKE, Harry; b, New-Britain, Ct, Mr 25, 1873; AdelC, 95; CU (MA), 98; UTS, 97-8, 98; ord (Unit), My 3, 99; pas, Hackensack, NJ, 98- 1902; pas, Mt Pleasant, Mich, 02-4; publ, Ft Wayne, Ind, 04—. *KUCHUKOFF, Lazarus Constantine; b, Barsko, Macedonia, Ap, 20, 1869; AC, 97; UTS, 97; AubTS, 98-9; d, NYCity, My 30, 99. KELLMAYER, Egidius; b, Kirweiler, Bavaria, Mr 15, 1874; BloomTS (Acad), 97; UTS, 97-8; PTS, 98-1902; ord (Presb, W-Jersey), My 12, 04; ss&pas, Cedarville, NJ, 02-5; pas, Titusville, NJ, 05 — . LEARY, Lewis Gaston; b, Elizabeth, NJ, Ag 3, 1877; RC (BS), 97; UTS, 97-9; McCTS, 99-1900, 03-4; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), Jn 5, 00; tut, SyrPC, Beirut, 00-3; ss&pas, Blauvelt, NY, 04-7; pas, Pelham Manor, NY, 07—. MACDONALD, William Joseph; b, Arnprior, Ont, Can, Jn 13, 1873; TorU, 95; UTS, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ord (Presb, Boston), Jn 7, 00; pas, Hyde Park, Mass, 00-4; pas (RD, South), Brooklyn, NY, 04—. McMILLAN, Homer; b, Cedarville, O, Dc 20, 1873; CedC, 97; UTS, 97-8; NBTS, 98-1900; ord (RD, CI Bergen), Oc 5, 00; pas, Bogota, NJ, 00-2; pas e (Presb, Bethany), Los Angeles, Cal, 04; pas (So-Pr), Buford, Ga, 04-6; asso sec, HMCom, Pr Ch US, 06—. Res, Atlanta, Ga. OAKSFORD, John Milton; b, Worcester, Engl, Ja 6, 1866; ColgU, 93-6; UR, 97; UTS, 97-8; CrozTS, 98-1900; ord (Bap), Oc 22, 00; pas (Borough Park), Brooklyn, NY, 00-2; pas, Indian Lake, NY, 02-3; 1900. 333 pas, Sanborn, NY, 03-4; ord (PE) dea, Dc 24, 05; pr, Dc 23, 06; cur (St Luke's), NYCity, 05—. PECK, George Williams, Jr; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ap 25, 1874; CornU (PbJB), 97; UTS, 97-9; CrozTS, 99-1900; ord (Bap, E-NJ Asso), Jl 5, 00; pas (Lower Dublin, Bustleton), Philadelphia, Pa, 00-5; pas (Lin- den), Camden, NJ, 05 — . RICHMOND, Louis Oscar; b, Ottawa, Kan, Mr 2, 1876; AdelC (PhB), 97; UTS, 97-8; AubTS, 98-1900; ord (Presb, Cleveland), My 9, 00; pas, Ironton, O, 00-7; pas, Shelbyville, Ind, 07 — . SANDT, Jacob Henry; b, Easton, Pa, Fb 2, 1872; LafC, 97; UTS, 97-8; MtATS, 98-1900; ord (Ev Luth Min Pa), Jn 11, 00; pas, Lebanon, Pa, 00—. SAUERBRUNN, Louis Frederick; b, Brooklyn, NY, Jl 6, 1877; BloomTS, (Acad), 93-7; UTS, 97-8; PTS, 98-9; ord (RD, CI No LI), Nv 12, 1901; pas (German), Newtown, NY, 01-4; pas, Glen, NY, 05; pas, Ghent, NY, 06—. STIRES, Willard Daniel; b, Washington, NJ, Ja 6, 1868; LafC, 97; UTS, 97-8; McCTS, 98-9; ord (Presb, Fargo), Ap — , 1900; pas, Hillsboro, ND, 99-1902; pas, Tracy, Minn, 02-7; vie (PE), Dundas & Le Sueur Center, Minn, 07 — . STOFLET, James Peter; b, Stockertown, Pa, Dc 13, 1871; LafC, 97; UTS, 97-9; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Oc 11, 1900; pas, Woodbridge, NJ, 00-1; pas (RD, Free), Jersey City, NJ, 02-3; pas (Park), do, 04—. MGA & GS.) STUCHELL, William Torrence; b, Pittsburg, Pa, Ap 11, 1872; HarC, 94; UTS, 97-9; PTS, 99-1900; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Jl 2, 00; pas (Claremont), Jersey City, NJ, 00-3; pas (Second), Rahway, NJ, 03—. TAYLOR, John Prentice; b, Warwick, NY, My 20, 1873; NYU, 96; UTS, 97; DrTS, 98; ord (ME) dea, Ap 10,99; eld, Ap 6,1902; min, Pleasant Valley, NY, 98-9; min, Glenville, NY, 1900; pas, Morris Hts, NYCity, 01; pas, W-Pleasantville, NY, 02-4; pas, Tuckahoe, NY, 05; tea, Pleasantville, NY, 06-7; pas (Presb), Pt Pleasant, NJ, 07—. TIBBALS, Edward Lester; b, NYCity, Ap 10, 1871; PTS,, 95-7, 97; UTS, 98-1900; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 23, 00; ss&pas (Homecrest), Brooklyn, NY, 00—. VAN WAGONER, Charles Davis; b, Rivervale, NJ, Jl 5, 1876; BloomTS (Acad), 97; UTS, 97-9; AubTS, 99-1900; ord (Presb, Mankato), Nv 13, 00; ss, Woodstock, Minn, 00-3; ss, Russell, Minn, 03-5; ss (Nor- wich Corners), Sanquoit, NY, 05 — . 334 1900-1901. VEACH, Robert Wells; b, New-Castle, Pa, 0c 5, 1871; WestmC, 96; Aub TS, 97-8, 99-1900; UTS, 98-9; ord (Presb, Rochester), Jn 24, 1900; pas (Mt Hor), Rochester, NY, 00—. 31. 1901. BARD, Henry Erwin; b, Crawfordsville, Ind, Ag 22, 1867; WabC, 94; CU (AM), 1907; TeaC (M Pd), 07; UTS, 98-1901; inst (Latin), WabC, 94- 5; inst, Adams, NY, 95-6; prin, do, 96-8; div supt sch, Phil Isl, 1901- 6; stud, CU, 07-8. BARROWS, Alfred Edward; b, Rantoul, 111, My 12, 1872; HastC, 97; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Ap 28, 01; inst, SyrC, 01-4; pas, Homer, 111, 04—. BURD, Charles Gillette; b, NYCity, Fb 10, 1875; AC, 98; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Presb, Buffalo), Ap 15, 02; as pas (Westm), Buffalo, NY, 01-3; tea, Pottstown, Pa, 03-4; pas, Endeavor, Pa, 04-5; tea, Auburn, NY, 05-7; inst, AubTS, 05-7; as pas (Cong), Pittsfield, Mass, 07—. • CHURCHMAN, Arthur Brewer; b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 28, 1877; UTS, 98- 1901; res grad, do (BD), 02-3; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 13, 01; ss, Rutherford, NJ, 99-1901; ss, Wallington, NJ, 01-2; as pas (RD, Madi- son Av), NYCity, 02-4; pas (Bethany), do, 04—. COCKS, Orrin Giddings; b, Augusta, Mich, My 12, 1877; UC, 98; UTS (BD), 98-1901; ord (Presb, Troy), Ap 18, 01; as pas (Central), Brook- lyn, NY, 01-2; as pas (Sea & Land), NYCity, 02-4; asso pas, do, 04-6; ss, do, 06 — . CONANT, Fred Rufus; b, Southbridge, Mass, Jl 24, 1875; AC, 98; UTS (BD), 98-1901; res grad, do, 01-2; ord (Cong), Ag 25, 01; sec (E Side Home Settlem), NYCity, 02-5; sec (People's Inst), do, 06—. DUCK, Elkanah Maximilian; b, Spring Mills, Pa, Ag 21, 1872; GetC, 97; UTS (BD), 98-1901; fellow, do, Berlin, Germ, 01-3; ord (Cong, Litchfield Assoc), Ja 18, 04; pas (RD), Rosendale, NY, 03-5; pas, Montville, NJ, 05 — . GILCHRIST, Neil Alexander; b, Marquette, Mich, My 20, 1868; UMich, 96; UTS (BD), 98-1901; ord (Presb, Duluth), Dc 13, 01; pas, Carlton, Minn, 01-3; ch pas (Hope), Minneapolis, Minn, 04; pm, (Adams Pres.) Minn, 04-8; pas, Thief Raver Falls, Minn, 08—. Res, Crooks- ton, Minn. HARVEY, Andrew Edward; b, Detroit, Mich, Fb 2, 1875; PrinU, 98; UTS (BD), 98-1901; res grad, do, 01-2; lie (Presb, Westchester), Ap 16, 01; temp s, Pocantico Hills, NY, 00-1; stud, UB & Marb, & trav, 02-6; inst (Mediev Hist), LSU, Palo Alto, Cal, 07-8. PhD, UMarb, 06. HOWARD, John Kimbrough; b, Monroe Co, Tenn, Sp 23, 1873; TrU, 96; CuTS (BD), 99; UTS, 1900-1; ord (Cumb Presb, Pease River), Ag 1901. 335 28, 98; ss, Corsicana, Tex, 99-1900; ss, Jackson, Term, 01-4; ss, Gar- field, Wash, 05—. HOWARD, Lawrence Riggs; b, Glencoe, 111, Oc 26, 1875; WmsC, 98; UTS (BD), 98-1901; ord (Cong), Jn 9, 01; pas as, Providence, RI, 01; pas (Presb, Hope), Plainfield, NJ, 01—. HOYT, John William, Jr; b, Jersey City, NJ, Jl 1, 1872; NYU, 99; UTS, 98-1901; do (BD), 03; ord (RD, CI Westchester), Ap 22, 1902; ag, Fed of Chs, NYCity, 01-5; ch min (Faith & Bethany, Presb), Washington, DC, 05-7; ev, Philadelphia, Pa, 07; ss, Blauvelt, NY, 08—. KRIBS, Herbert Guy; b, Trempealeau, Wis, Ja 23, 1870; OC, 98; UTS, 98-1901; do (BD), 04; ord (Cong), Jn 10, 01; dir (Phelps Mis), NY City, 01-3; stud, UPa, 04-8; temp sup, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa, 03—. LUNN, George Richard; b, Lenox, Io, Jn 23, 1873; OmU, 97; PTS, 97-8; UTS (BD), 99-1901; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Oc 27, 01; asso pas (Lafayette Av), Brooklyn, NY, 01-4; pas (RD, First), Schenectady, NY, 04—. DD, UC, 05. MCINTOSH, James; b, Port Hill, PEI, Fb 6, 1866; McGC, 92-4; ManU, 96; UTS (BD), 98-1901; ord (Presb, Waterloo), Oc 27, 02; pas, Tama, Io, 02-4; temp sup, Victoria, Tex, 04; pas (Walbrook), Baltimore, Md, 05—. MARSHALL, William Jones; b, State Line, Ind, Sp 2, 1861; NYU, 1900; NTI, 96-8; UTS, 1900-1; supt (Bost Tech Inst of), Newark, NJ, 01—. MOHR, Albert Gustav; b, NYCity, Fb 7, 1877; CCNY, 95; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Cong, Lamoille Conf), Ja 29, 02; pas, Cambridge, Vt, 01-4; UHal, etc, 04-5; pas (Borough Park), Brooklyn, NY, 05-8; res, Bronx, NYCity, 08—. NEWMAN, Fred Beebe; b, Plainfield, NJ, Ag 2, 1870; WmsC, 98; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Presb, New-Brunswick), Jl 10, 01; pas, East-Trenton, NJ, 01—. PLEVY, Max Hermann; b, Warsaw, Poland, Ja 19, 1872; Crete (Neb) Germ Pro-Sem'y, 92-4; UTS, 97-1901; books, NYCity, 01—. ROWELL, George Pay son; b, Franklin, NY, My 2, 1872; WmsC, 98; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Cong), Sp 14, 01; ss, Corinth, Vt, 01-4; ss, Glover, Vt, 04-5; ss, Hampton, NH, 05 — . SEARS, Charles Hatch; b, Preble, NY, Nv 21, 1870; ColgU, 98; CU (MA), 1900; UTS (BD), 98-1901; res grad, do, 01-2; ord (Bap), My 23, 02; as pas (Judson Memo), NYCity, 01-4; pas (Creston Av), do, 03-6; act sup & cor sec, NYCity Bap Mis Soc, 04-5; sup & cor sec, do, NY City, 06—. VAN ORDEN, Archibald Stark, Jr; b, NYCity, Sp 21, 1874; NYU, 99; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Presb, Monmouth), My 13, 02; pas as (Sea & Land), NYCity, 01-2; pas, Farmingdale, NJ, 02—. 336 1901. WARE, Edward Twichell; b, Atlanta, Ga, Mr 24, 1874; YU, 97; UTS, 98- 1901; ord (Cong, Hartford Asso), Sp 20, 01; chap, AtlantaU, 01-7; pres, do, Atlanta, Ga, 07 — . WESLEY, Thomas Dammes; b, NYCity, Mr 6, 1873; BU, 98; RTS, 98-9; UTS (BD), 99-1901; res grad, 01-2; ord (Bap), Ap 6, 02; ss&pas, Hasbrouck Hts, NJ, 01-3; ss&pas, Westwood, NJ, 02-4; tea, do, 04-5; ss, Eastwood, NJ, 03-4; prin, Livingston, NJ, 04-5; prin, Oradell, NJ, 05-6; ss, Etna (Union), NJ, 04-6; ss (Presb), Pluckamin, NJ, 06—. WHITE, Lynn Townsend; b, Knoxville, Tenn, Jl 12, 1876; UTenn, 97; TSemKy, 97-8; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Presb, Sacramento), Ap 18, 03; pas as (Warren Mem), Louisville, Ky, 01-2; ss&pas, Fall River Mills, Cal, 03-6; sup (Ch Ext, Presb, San Francisco), 06 — . Res, San Fran- cisco, Cal. WILLIAMS, James Mickel; b, Sangerfield, NY, Jn 22, 1876; BU, 98; UTS (BD), 98-1901; fellow (Sociol), CU, 02-3; sociol wk, various places, 03-7; prof (Econ), Sch Lib Arts & Sci, NYCity, 06—. lect (Econ & Sociol), VassarC, Po'keepsie, NY, 07 — . WYMAN, Arthur James; b, Westville, NY, Ja 9, 1874; AC, 98; UTS (BD), 98-1901; ord (Cong), Jn 20, 01; ss (Edgehill), Spuyten Duyvil, NYCity, 01-5; pas (Presb, First), Troy, NY, 05—. 27. CHASE, John Hildreth; b, Atlanta, Ga, Oc 25, 1874; AC, 96; CU (MA), 1900; UTS, 98-1901; Univ Settl, NYCity, 01-2; Maxwell Hse Settl, Brooklyn, NY, 02-6; Goodrich Hse Settl, Cleveland, O, 06-8; Philadel- phia, Pa, 08—. CHOBOT, Godfrey; b, NYCity, Jn 3, 1877; NYU, 95-8; UTS, 98-1901; ord Presb, Utica), Jn 18, 01; ss, Forestport, NY, 01-3; pas, Turin, NY, 03-7; pas, Whitesboro, NY, 07 — . DANFORTH, Ralph Emerson; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 1, 1877; WmsC, 96-8; UTS, 98-9; ord (Cong, Windham Co Asso), My 9, 1901; pas, Newfane, Vt, 01-2; pas, Wadhams Mills & Lewis, NY, 03-5; pas, New- town, Ct, 05-7; stud, UMich, 07—. DEAN, Arthur James; b, Clinton, Kan, Ja 28, 1870; PkC, 98; UTS, 98- 1900; AubTS, 00-1; ord (Presb, Utica), Jn 18, 01; pas (Olivet), Utica, NY, 01—. FOWLER, Augustus McDonald, Jr; b, NYCity, Dc 21, 1864; NYU (LLB), 94; UTS, 98-1902; ord (Bap), My 29, 02; pas, Corinth, NY, 02—. FRENZEN, Wilhelm; b, Rheydt, Germ, Ap 9, 1866; Gladbach Gym, 89; BarmenSem, 89; res grad, UTS, 1900-1; ord (Preuss Landkir), Aug 6, 89; pas, Perry, 111, 89-92; pas, E-St Louis, 111, 92-6; pas, Irvington, NY, 97-1900; pas, Mt Vernon, NY, 01—. 1901-1902. 337 HESSELGEAVE, Charles Everett; b, Oswegatchie, NY, Oc 12, 1868; MC, 93; NYU (MA), 99; DrTS (BD), 97-1900; res grad, UTS, 00-1; ord (Cong), Jn 12, 01; prin, Beeman, Vt, 93-4; prin & supt sen, Sidney, NY, 94-7; ss&pas, Chatham, NJ, 98-01—. JOHNSON, Frank Poole; b, Woburn, Mass, Nv 30, 1870; AC, 93; UTS, 98-9; ord (PE) dea, Ap 17, 1904; pr, Ag 14, 04; as min (Chr Ch Cathed), New-Orleans, La, 03-4; rec (St Andrew's), do, 05-6; as rec (St Paul's), Boston, Mass, 06—. LOCKWOOD, George Requa; b, Montclair, NJ, Ja 12, 1874; IoC, 99; UTS, 98-1900; YTS, 00-1; ord (Cong), Dc 5, 01; pas, Castine, Me, 01-3; pas, Glenolden, Pa, 03 — . McALPIN, Edwin Augustus, Jr; b, Ossining, NY, Jl 29, 1874; PrinU, 98; UTS, 98-1901; ord (Presb, Westchester), Oc 30, 01; as headw, Union Settlem, NYCity, 02-3; as pas, Binghamton, NY, 03-5; pas (Babcock Mem), Baltimore, Md, 05 — . MATTHEWS, William Henry; b, London, Engl, Oc 31, 1873; WmsC, 98; UTS, 98-1901; as headworker, Union Settlem, NYCity, 01-2; pas as (RD, Mad Av), do, 02; headworker (Kingsley Hse), Pittsburg, Pa, 02—. TOMLINSON, Fred William; b, Wales Centre, NY, My 24, 1872; ColgU, 98; HamTS, 98-9, 1900-1; UTS, 99-1900; ord (Bap), Jl 11, 01; pas, Madison, NY, 01—. 12. 1902. BATES, Charles Dyer; b, Boonsboro, Ark, Ag 9, 1867; UArk, 90-4; CU (AM), 1903; CuTS (BD), 94-7; UTS (BD), 1900-2; ord (CumbPresb, Arkansas), Oc 10, 96; pas, Woodburn, Ky, 97-1900; ss, Austin, Tex, 02-3; ss, Hutto, Tex, 03-4; ss, Cushing, Okla, 04-7; pas, Oklahoma City, Okla, 07—. BILLIG, Clinton Ambrose; b, Forreston, 111, Nv 17, 1875; OWU, 98; CU (AM), 1902; CTS, 99-1900; UTS, 00-2; ord (Cong, Cent 111 Asso), Mr 3, 03; pas as (Plym), Brooklyn, NY, 00-2; pas, Normal, 111, 02-4; pas (First), Fort Scott, Kan, 04-5; pas, Little Falls, Minn, 06 — . BLACK, Robert Franklin; b, Washington, Ct, Ag 27, 1870; UWis, 96-7; RedfC, 98; CTS, 99-1901; UTS (BD), 01-2; ord (Cong), Sp 11, 02; fm, Davao, Mindanao, PI, 02 — . COLLIER, Theodore Frelinghuysen; b, Montville, NJ, Jl 9, 1874; HC, 94; UTS, 99-1902; fellow, do, UB & UParis, 02-4; fellow (Hist), CornU, 04-5; inst (Hist), WmsC, 05-7; as prof, do, Williamstown, Mass, 07 — . PhD, CornU, 06. CROCKER, Herbert Gould; b, Emporia, Kan, Jn 15, 1876; WashbC, 97; CU (AM), 02; CTS, 99-1900; UTS, 00-2; ord (Cong), Sp 11, 02; pas 338 1902. (Hillside), Omaha, Neb, 02-3; pas (Plym), Binghamton, NY, 03- 6; as pas (Lewis Av), Brooklyn, NY, 06-7; pas as (Plym), Brooklyn, NY, 07— DEAN, Lee Maltbie; b, Falls Village, Ct, My 16, 1875; YU, 96; AndTS, 99-1901; UTS, 01-2; ord (Cong), Oc 16, 02; pas, N-Brookfield, Mass, 02-3; pas, Westbrook, Me, 04-7; res, NYCity, 07—. GALLAUDET Herbert Draper; b, Washington, DC, Sp 12, 1876; YU, 98; NewCol, Edinb, 98-9; UTS (BD), 99-1900, 01-2; ord (Presb, Washing- ton City), Dc 6, 03; sec, YMCA, UVa, Charlottesville, Va, 00-1; tea, Marquette, Mich, 02-3; ss; Allanstand, NC, 03-6; asso min (Cong, Central), Boston, Mass, 07 — . GATES, William Bishop; b, Warsaw, NY, Sp 14, 1875; AC, 97; UTS (BD), 99-1902; ord (Presb, Washington), Dc 28, 02; as min (West- End), NYCity, 02-6; pas (Wells Mem), Brooklyn, NY, 06—. HAGER, Charles Stephen; b, So-Deerfield, Mass, Ja 4, 1873; AC, 98; UTS (BD), 99-1902; ord (Cong, Lamoille Asso), Jl 31, 02; pas, Hyde Park, Vt, 02-5; pas (First), Albany, NY, 05—. HAYES, Samuel Perkins; b, Baldwinsville, NY, Dc 17, 1874; AC, 96; UTS (BD), 99-1902; CU (AM), 02; asso prof (Psych), Mt Holyoke Col, Mass, 06—. PhD, CornU, 06. LITTLEBRANDT, William Henry; b, Yonkers, NY, Nv 12, 1874; WU, 99; UTS, 99-1902; ord (ME) dea, Mr 14, 01; eld, Mr 9, 05; ss, Pine Bush, NY, 02-3; bus, Yonkers, NY, 03-4; ss, Ancram, NY, 04-6; ss, Carmel, NY, 06-7; lay reader (Good Shepherd), Brooklyn, NY, 07—. MONTGOMERY, William Henry; b, Salina, Ont, Can, Dc 19, 1871; QC Ont, 1905; UTS (BD), 99-1902; res grad, do, 02-3; ord (Can Presb, Kingston), My 21, 03; ss, De Grasse, NY, 03-4; ss, Benson Mines, Star Lake, & Newton Falls, NY, 04-5; ss, Copper Cliff, Ont, Can, 06; ss, Victoria Mines, Ont, Can, 07 — . *NOLL, Vincent; b, Majovka, Bohemia, Nv 1, 1875; NYU, 99; UTS, 99- 1902; d, do, My 13, 02. PERSONS, Frederick Torrel; b, Sandisfield, Mass, Fb 2, 1869; YU, 94; CU (AM), 1902; UTS, 99-1902; ord (Cong), My 5, 03; asso pas (United), N-Haven, Ct, 02-4; pas, Woodbridge, Ct, 04—. SENFTNER, Alexis Eugene; b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 3, 1878; CU, 99; do (AM), 1902; UTS (BD), 99-1902; lie (Presb, NY), Jn 9, 02; prin, NY City, 02—. & inst (Latin), CCNY, 06—. PhD, NYU, 04. SHIPHERD, Theodore Merrell; b, Elmhurst, 111, Ag 30, 1875; WmsC, 99; UTS, 99-1902; ord (RD, CI Greene), Oc 27, 02; pas, Coxsackie, NY, 02-4; pas (Cong, Belleville Av), Newark, NJ, 04—. SMETANKA, Jaroslav; b, Horni, Krupa, Bohemia, Sp 19, 1881; KolG, 99; CU (MA), 1904; UTS (BD), 99-1902; res grad, 02-5; ss (Presb), 1902. 339 Tabor, Minn, 05; sec (Austr Immig Home), Baltimore, Md, 05-7; interp, US Immig Service, do, 07 — . SMITH, Bevier; b, Ellenville, NY, Jl 30, 77; HC, 99; UTS, 99-1902; organ- ist, Woodhaven, NY, 01-4; do (First, RD), Schenectady, NY, 04-5; do, (Spring St Pr), NYCity, 06-7; do (St Nicholas Av Pr), do, 07-8; do, Orange, NJ, 08—. SWERTFAGER, George Albert; b, Utica, NY, Ap 6, 1871; AC, 97; And TS, 99-1901; UTS, 01-2; ord (Cong), Dc 16, 02; as pas, Rutland, Vt, 02-3; pas, Morris, 111, 03-5; pas, Dodge Center, Minn, 05-6; pas, Princeton, Minn, 07 — . VAN AKEN, Elbert Wayland; b, Pittsford, Mich, Dc 5, 1873; HiC, 99; HiTS (BD), 1901; UTS, 01-2; res grad (BD), 02-3; ord (Fr Bap), Ap 7, 99; pres, ParO, Winnebago, Minn, 1903 — . WHITE, Bouck; b, Middleburg, NY, Oc 20, 1874; HarU, 96; BosTS, 98- 9; UTS, 99-1902; ord (Cong), Jl 1, 04; ss, Clayton, NY, 04-7; pas as (Lewis Av), Brooklyn, NY, 07 — . pres (Civic Press), NYCity, 07 — . WILDEY, Irving Depew; b, Albany, NY, Dc 21, 1877; WmsC, 99; UTS (BD), 99-1902; ord (Presb, Albany), Jn 17, 02; pas, Cold Spring, NY, 02-7; pas (Good Will), NYCity, 07—. WRIGHT, Harrison King; b, E-Davenport, NY, Jn 29, 1877; UC, 99; CU (MA), 1901; UTS (BD), 99-1902; ord (Presb, Elizabeth), My 27, 02; fm, Ningpo, China, 02 — . prin (Presb Acad), do, 04 — . 23. *BAUSMAN, Clarence Garrecht; b, Lancaster, Pa, Dc 14, 1874; F&MC, 94; UTS, 99-1902; d, Philadelphia, Pa, Oc 8, 02. FILIPI, Bohdan; b, Malcin, Bohemia, Jl 4, 1880; Kolin Gym, 99; UTS, 99-1900; WTS, 00-2; ord (Presb, Allegheny), Jn 10, 02; cm (Bohe- mian), Allegheny, Pa, 00-4; cm, Union town, Pa, 04-6; pas (Bo- hemian), Omaha, Neb, 06 — . FLINCHBAUGH, Frederick Lincoln; b, York, Pa, Nv 14, 1874; WU, 99; BosTS, 99-1900; UTS, 00-1; Ep DS (BD), 01-2; ord (PE) dea, Ja 22, 03; pr, Jl 26, 03; as min (St Stephen), Wilkes Barre, Pa, 02-4; rec, Salem, NJ, 04-6; vie (Calvary), Wilkes Barre, Pa, 06—. HARDING, Frederick Charles; b, Fordingbridge, Engl, Fb 28, 1873; High Sch, London, 89; UTS, 99-1902; ord (ME) dea, Ap 8, 00; eld, Ap 6, 02; pas, Central Valley, NY, 00-2; pas, Sloatsburg, NY, 02—. HILL, Daniel Webster; b, Gams Hill, Dinwiddie Co, Va, Fb 22, 1863; VaNorm & Col Inst, Peterburg, 98; YDS, 98; NTI, 99-1901; res grad, UTS, 01-2; ord (Bap), Jn 15, 01; cm, NYCity, 02; field sec (Colored Bap Mis Conv), NY, 02-3; fin sec (Howard Col Orph Asy), Brooklyn, NY, 03-4; pas, Jamaica, NY, 04-5; ss, Norwich, Ct, 05; pas (Mt Lebanon), Brooklyn, NY, 06 — . 340 1902-1903. INOUYE, Orio; b, Iyo, Japan, Dc 19, 1863; MeiGSem, 93; res grad, UTS, 1901-2; ord (No-Presb, Japan), Jn — , 90. *MATHEWSON, Alexander; b, Kirkcaldy, Scotl, Ag 29, 1866; UTS, 98, 98-9, 99; ord (Bap), My 29, 1900; pas (East-End), Brooklyn, NY, 00- 5; d, do, Ag 7, 06. NASON, George Frank; b, Kirksville, Mo, Mr 20, 1867; No-Mo Norm Sch (MPed), 87; CuTS, 94-7; Cu (AM), 1903; UTS, res grad (BD), 01-2 ord (CuPresb, Kirksville), Fb 23, 93; pas, Bowling Green, Mo, 92-4 pas, Franklin, Ky, 94-1902; pas (Presb, No-Av), N-Rochelle, NY, 02-6 pas (First), Wilmington, Del, 06 — . SHAVER, Elmer Clifton; b, near Crawfordsville, Ind, Sp 21, 1867; WabC (spec), 93-5; PTS, 95-8; res grad, UTS, 1901-2, 05-8; do, PTS, 03-4; ord (Presb, Crawfordsville), Nv 10, 98; pas as (NY Av), Washing- ton, DC, 98-1901; pas&tea (Agric Inst), Winona Lake, Ind, 02-3; as pas (Park), NYCity, 04—. SIMONDS, Royal Ambrose; b, Eagle Lake, Minn, Jn 15, 1874; GrantU, Athens, Tenn, 95; GarBI (BD), 1900; res grad, UTS, 01-2; ord (ME, Holston Conf) dea, Sp 26, 97; eld, Oc 18, 99; prin, Ellijoy, Ga, 95-6; ss, Rockwood, Tenn, 96-7; ss, Dutton, 111, 97-8; pas, So-Pittsburg, Tenn, 1900-1; pas, Cold Spring Harbor, NY, 01-2; pas (St James), Chattanooga, Tenn, 02-4; prof (NTExeg), Sch of Theol, UChat, Chattanooga, Tenn, 04 — . THOMPSON, Fen wick Williams; b, Ponds, Pictou Co, NS, My 21, 59; DalC, 91; PresTC (BD), 93; res grad, UTS, 1901-2; ord (Presb, Hali- fax), My 5, 92; hm, Labrador, 92-3; pas, Upper Musquodoboit, NS, 94-1901; pas, Bridgewater, NS, 02—. (MGA.) TSUYUMU, Bunji; b, Amaki Kojima, Okayama-ken, Japan, Ja 4, 1866; Dosh, 88; do, Theol Dept, 91; res grad, UTS, 1901-3; ord (Kumiyai Hyogo Bukwai), Ap — , 92; pas, Himeji, Hyogoken, Japan, 91-4; pas, Imabari, Yehimeken, Japan, 95 — . WALKER, William Walter; b, Palakta, Fla, Dc 17, 1876; LinU (Pa), 97; LinUTS, 97-1900; UTS, 00-2; ord (Presb, Chester), Ap 19, 00; ss, Camden, SC, 02-3; ss, Rome, Ga, 05 — . (MGA.) WOLFF, Julius Francis; b, Newark, NJ, Oc 5, 1878; PrinU, 96-8, 98; UTS, .99-1903; ord (Presb, Newark), Jl 29, 02; cm (Park), Newark, NJ, 02-4; pas, Meridale, NY, 04—. ZOLL, Joseph; b, Ipava, 111, Oc 8, 1869; MacalC, 93; WTS, 93-6; res grad, McCTS, 1900-1; do, UTS, 01-2; ord (Presb, Red River), Ap 6, 98; ss, Grandin, ND, 96; demitted, Ap 19, 1904; res, NYCity. 15. 1903. CAPRON, Harold Stearns; b, Phenix, RI, Sp 15, 1878; BU, 1900; UTS, 00-3; ord (Cong, Asso RI), My 29, 03; pas (St Luke's), Elmira, NY, 03-6; pas (South), Rochester, NY, 06—. 1903. 341 CLARK, Alden Hyde; b, Minneapolis, Minn, Jn 26, 1878; AC, 1900; UTS (BD), 01-3; res grad, 03-4; ord (Cong), My 25, 04; fm (Marathi), Ahmednagar, India, 04-7; fm&prin (Boys' Sch), Valada, Ind, 07 — . COBB, Edward Scribner; b, Medfield, Mass, Ag 24, 1878; AC, 1900; UTS, 00-3; res grad (BD), 03-4; ord (Cong), Sp 29, 04; fm, Niigata, Japan, 04—. *DER STEPANIANTZ, Enoch Avedis; b, Alexandronol, Russia, Jn — , 1868; EuphC, 91; UTS, 1900-3; res grad, do (BD), 03-4; inv, NYCity, Bridgeport, Ct, & Los Angeles, Cal, 04-7; d, NYCity, Ja 10, 07. DIEHL, Frank; b, Holt, Mich, Nv 9, 1873; UMich, 1900; HTS, 00-2; UTS, 02-3; res grad (BD), 03-7; ord (Cong), Ja 23, 08; pas (Presb), Oce- anic, NJ, 08—. DUNN, Alexander; b, Aberdeen, Scotl, Dc 27, 1873; ManC, 96; ManCTS, 95-6, 97-8; PrinU & PTS, 96-7; UTS (BD), 1902-3; ord (Can Presb, Winnepeg), Oc 9, 98; mis, W-Canada, 1903-4; pas, Fernie, BrCol, 04- 5; pas, Calgary, Alberta, Can, 05-7; fm, Indore, Cent India, 08 — . FIELD, Frank Edson; b, Maiden, 111, Oc 23, 1872; WestC, 99; YU, 1900; CU (MA), 03; UTS (BD), 00-3; res grad, 03-4; ord (Presb, Brook- lyn), Jl 16, 04; fm, Wei Hsien, Shantung, China, 05-7; fm, Tsining, do, 07—. FITCH, Albert Parker; b, Boston, Mass, Mr 6, 1877; HarU, 1900; UTS (BD), 00-3; ord (Cong, Suffolk So Conf), Ap 9, 03; pas, Flushing, NY, 03-5; pas (Mt Vernon), Boston, Mass, 05 — . GAGE, Brownell; b, Astoria, NY, Ap 14, 1874; YC, 98; UTS, 99-1903; fm, (Yale Mis), & tea (Yale Col in China), Changsha, Hunan, China, 04—. GILLESPIE, James Packard; b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 9, 1875; CU, 1905; UTS, 99-1900, 02-3, SFTS, 00-1; res grad, UTS (BD), 03-4, 06-7; ord (Presb, Westchester), My 21, 07; pas, Yorktown, NY, 07—. GLEYSTEEN, William Henry; b, Alton, Io, Jl 17, 1876; UMich, 97; UTS (BD), 1900-3; res grad, 03-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jl 16, 04; fm, Peking, China, 04 — . HAWK, Samuel Duckworth; b, Milford, NJ, Nv 26, 1867; LafC, 1900; UTS, 00-3; ord (NJ Chris Conf), My 17, 03; pas, Newark, NY, 03-4; wc, Darby, Pa, 05 — . HENDERSON, Ira Wemmell; b, Brooklyn, NY, Mr 2, 1878; HC (PhB), 1900; UTS, 00-3; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Ap 1, 04; pas (West Av), Buffalo, NY, 04-6; pas (Irving Sq), Brooklyn, NY, 06—. IVERACH, David; b, Halkirk, Scotl, Sp 8, 1871; ManC, 99; do, Th Dept, 99-1900, 01-2; UTS (BD), 02-3; ord (Can Pr, Prince Albert), Jl 7, 03; hm, Rosthern, Sask, Can, 03; hm,' Springfield, Manitoba, Can, 03-4; pas, do, 05 — . 342 1903. LANG, David; b, Rodgersville, Ont, Can, Jl 7, 1873; ManC, 97; do (MA), 1900; do, Th Dept, 97-9; NewCol, Edin, 1900-1; UTS (BD), 02-3; ord (Can Pr, St John), My 31, 04; ss, Bedford, NY, 03-4; pas (St An- drew's), St John, NB, 04—. LANGDON, Stephen Herbert; b, Ida, Mich, My 8, 1873; UMich, 98; do (AM), 99; UTS (BD), 1900-3; res grad, do, 03-4; UParis, 04-5; UB& ULeip, 05-7; ord (PE) dea, Nv 22, 05; prof (Assyr & Semit Philol), UOxf, Oxford, Engl, 08—. LEE, George Francis; b, Brooklyn, NY, Dc 19, 1872; NYU, 1901; UTS, 00-3; res grad (BD), 06-7; ord (Presb, Long Isl), Jn 16, 05; ss, Slate Hill, NY, 03-4; ss, Manorville, NY, 04-5; ss (Oceanside), Brooklyn, NY, 05-7; ss, Norwood, NJ, 07; ev, Brooklyn, NY, 07—. LEE, Theodore Storrs; b, Cleveland, O, My 23, 1873; AC, 1900; UTS, 00- 3; ord (Cong, Manhattan Asso), Oc 20, 03; fm (Marathi Mis), Wai, Satara, India, 03 — . LIVINGSTON, William Lee; b, Louisville, Ga, Sp 9, 1864; CuU, 98; CuTS (BD), 98-1900; UTS, 02-3; ord (CuPresb, Talladega), Oc 2, 93; ss, Henderson, Ky, 03-5; pas, Seymour, Tex, 05-7; pas, Dalhart, Tex, 07—. McCALLUM, John Archibald; b, Brewer's Mills, Ont, Can, Fb 2, 1874; QU, 99; UTS (BD), 1900-3; ord (Presb, Hudson), Sp 29, 03; pas, Washington ville, NY, 03-7; pas, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa, 07—. McCLINCHIE, Uriah, Jr; b, NYCity, Jl 17, 1880; NYU, 97-1900; UTS, 00- 3; ord (RD, CI Newark), Jl 9, 03; ss, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, NY, 02-3; pas, Irvington, Newark, NJ, 03 — . MANGANO, Antonio; b, Acri, Italy, Dc 7, 1869; BU, 99; CU (MA), 1903; UTS (BD), 00-3; ord (Bap), My 3, 04; Ital mis, AmBapHMSoc, & pas (Ital), Brooklyn, NY, 04-7; prof (Ital Dept, ColgU, ThSem), Brooklyn, NY, 07—. MARSH, George Levi; b, Ezki Zaghra, Bulgaria, Nv 9, 1875; IoC, 98; CTS, 98-1900; UTS, 01, 03; ord (Cong), Dc 8, 03; pas, Valley Junc- tion, Io, 03-5; pas, Alden, Io, 05-6; pas, Paso Robles, Cal, 06 — . PARK, Sterling; b, West, Tex, Jn 21, 1867; TrU, 95; CuTS (BD), 96-8; UTS, 1902-3; ord (CuPresb, Chickasaw), Oc 28, 98; pas, Norman, Okla, 98-1902; pas, Jacksonville, Tex, 03-7; pas (Presb), Brown- wood, Tex, 07 — . PRITCHARD, Arthur Osborn; b, Newport, RI, Ap 2, 1876; BU (PhB), 1900; CU (MA), 05; UTS, 00-3; ord (Cong), Jn 4, 03; asso pas (Scarsdale), White Plains, NY, 03—. Res, Scarsdale, NY. SHAW, Charles Franklin; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ja 24, 1869; HarU, 1901; UTS, 01-3; res grad (BD), 03-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 28, 03; pas (First), Rahway, NJ, 04 — . 1903. 343 SMITH, Henry Wilds; b, Jonesboro, Tenn, Ja 13, 1876; PrinU, 1900; UTS, 00-3; res grad, 03-4; ord (Cong, So-Berkshire Asso), Ja 23, 05; pas, Lee, Mass, 05-6; wc, do, 06 — . SWIFT, Fletcher Harper; b, NYCity, My 20, 1876; DC, 98; UTS (BD), 1900-3; CU (AM), 04, (PhD), 05; as (Hist Educ), Teachers Col, CU, 04-5; as prof (Educa), UWash, 05-7; as prof (Hist Educa), UMinn, Minneapolis, Minn, 07 — . TAYLOR, Henry Leroy; b, Hamburg, NY, Dc 5, 1875; CornU, 98; grad sch (Philos), do, 98-1900; UTS (BD), 00-3; fellow, UTS, UHal, 03-4; UB, 04-5; res grad UChic (MA), 06-7; ord (PE) dea, Ja 27, 07; pr, Sp 26, 07; instr (Ch Hist), Chr Inst, CTS, Chicago, 111, 05-6; lay reader (St Edmund's), do, 06-7; as min (Emmanuel), Boston, Mass, & instr (Hist & Relig of Hebrews), CamTS, Cambridge, Mass, 07 — . THOMPSON, Wesley Dee; b, Deport, Tex, Dc 15, 1876; CuU, 97; CuTS, 97-1900; UTS, 02-3; ord (CuPresb, Red River), Jl 9, 00; pas, Terrell, Tex, 00-2; ss (Cong), Port Chester, NY, 03-5; pas (ME, So), Dallas, Tex, 05—. THORPE, Walter; b, Newark-on-Trent, Engl, Dc 5, 1875; BTS, 99-1902; UTS, 02-3; ord (Cong, No-NJ Asso), Ap 14, 03; pas (First), Eliza- beth, NJ, 03-6; pas, Wallingford, Vt, 06—. TINKER, Wellington Hutchinson; b, Norwood, Mass, My 21, 1876; AC, 99; UTS (BD), 1900-3; as sec, Intercolleg, YMCA, NYCity, 02-6; sec, do, 06—. TRAVIS, Thomas; b, Gee Cross, Cheshire, Engl, Jn 18, 1875; HarU, 97- 8; WU, 1900; PTS, 00; UTS (BD), 00-3; res grad, 03-4; NYU (PhD), 04-7; ord (Cong, Conf No-NJ), Oc 27, 04; pas (Pilgrim), Montclair, NJ, 04—. VAUTHIER, Leon Paul Frederic; b, Beaucourt, France, Jl 10, 1876; FAC, 1900; YTS, 00-2; UTS, 02-3; ord (Cong), Dc 5, 05; tea, FAC, 03-4; ss, Plainfield & Hawley, Mass, 04-5; ss (St John French), Haverhill, Mass, 05-6; tea (Mem Sch), Tabriz, Persia, 06—. WALENTA, Max John Henry; b, Timothy, Wis, Jl 15, 1879; MisHC, 1900; UTS, 00-3; ord (Ger Ref), Jn 11, 03; pas (St Lucas), Brooklyn, NY, 03-7. WESTCOTT, Henry Russell, Jr; b, Bath-on-Hudson, NY, My 23, 1878; ColgU, 1900; UTS, 00-3; ord (Bap), Fb 9, 04; pas, Brewster, NY, 03—. WHITING, John Clapp; b, New-Market, NJ, Ag 17, 1875; AC, 94-95; UTS (BD), 98-1902, 03-4; ord (Cong, Manhat Asso), Jn 15, 03; pas (Claremont Park), Bronx, NYCity, 04—. WILLIAMS, Daniel Jenkins; b, Genesee, Wis, Dc 22, 1874; UWis, 99; UTS (BD), 1900-3; res grad, 03-4; do, Mansf & Christ Ch Col, Ox- • 344 1903. lord, Engl, 04-5; ord (Welsh Presb Syn of Wis), Jn 13, 06; pas, Arbor Vitae, Wis, 05-7; pas, Columbus, O, 07 — . YOUNG, David King, Jr; b, Clinton, Tenn, Dc 16, 1872; UTenn (BS), 99; CU (MA), 1903; UTS, 99-1903; ord (Cong), Ag 20, 05; ss (ME, So), Logan, W-Va, 04-5; pas (Cong), Portsmouth, Va, 05 — . YOUNG, Frederick Pentz; b, NYCity, Ag 2, 1874; AC, 1900; UTS, 00-3; ord (Cong, Manhat Asso), My 28, 03; asso pas (Pilgrims), Brooklyn, NY, 03-7; pas (RD, Bay Ridge), Brooklyn, NY, 08—. 40. ABURATANI, Jirochichi; b, Izumi, Japan, Ja 4, 1871; Dosh, 92; do, Th Dept, 95; res grad, UTS, 1902-6; CU, 02-8; ord (Ch of Christ in Japan), My 4, 00; pas (Shijo Kumiai), Tokyo, Japan, 95-1902. *BRIDENBAUGH, Paul Samuel; b, Berlin, Pa, Fb 6, 1880; F&MC, 1900; UTS, 00-1; LancTS, 01-3; grad stud, HarDS (STB), 03-4; lie (GR, CI Reading), Jn 1, 03; temp s (Second), Reading, Pa, 04; d, do, Ag 31, 04. BROWN, Samuel Robert; b, Waltersburg, Pa, Dc 6, 1876; PrinU, 1900; AubTS, 00-1; UTS, 01-2; PTS, 02-3; ord (Presb, Rochester), Jl 14, 03; pas, Groveland, NY, 03-6; pas, Orwell, O, 06—. BUCHANAN, James; b, Baillieston, Lanark, Scotl, Jl 1, 1862; UTS, 1900- 3; ord (Bap), Ja 26, 03; cm, NYCity, 98-1902; pas (Prospect Pk), Brooklyn, NY, 02-4; sec of mis (Bapt Council), Richmond, Va, 04-6; gen sec (Asso Char), do, 06 — . DAVIS, Reuben Lincoln; b, Mills, Meigs Co, Tenn, Jl 8, 1865; BTS, 97-8; NTI, 98-9; UTS, 1900-1; addr, Spring City, Tenn, RFD. FLINN, Victor Gause; b, Wilmington, Del, Ap 11, 1868; MorC, 96-7; MorTS (BD), 1900; res grad, UTS, 02-8; ord (Mor) dea, Oc 13, 01; pres, My 22, 06; pas (Third), NYCity, 01—. GILMOUR, George; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Jn 7, 1872; WU, 98; PrinU, 99; UTS, 1900-2; YTS (BD), 02-3; ord (Cong), Dc 27, 04; as pas, Rut- land, Vt, 03-5; we, do, 05-7; pas (People's Ch), Seattle, Wash, 07—. GOODSON, Columbus Polk; b, Jacksonville, Tex, Mr 1, 1872; TrU, 96; CuTS (BD), 1900; CU, 02-3; res grad, UTS, 02-3; ord (CPresb, Trin- ity), Jl 19, 96; ss, Valley View, Tex, 96-7; pas (First), Austin, Tex, 1900-2; pas (Presb, King's Highway), St Louis, Mo, 03-8; pas (First), Highland Park, Chicago, 111, 08 — . HERMSTAEDT, Conrad Edmund; b, Gotha, Germ, Ja 5, 1877; MorC, 98; MorTS (BD), 1900; res grad, UTS, 02-6; ord (Mor) dea, Jl 8, 00; pres, Nv,15, 03; pas (Second), NYCity, 00—. JOHNSON, Franklin, Jr; b, Newark, NJ, Sp 1, 1873; UChic, 95; CU (AM), 98; UTS, 1900-1. f 1903-1904. 345 JOSEPH, Oscar Loos; b, Colombo, Ceylon, Sp 24, 1873; RoyCol, Ceylon, 89; DrTS (BD), 1902; res grad, UTS, 02-4, (BD), 03; ord (ME), Ap 5, 03; eld, Ap 9, 05; ss, Cranford, NJ, 02-3; ss, Finesville, NJ, 03-4; ss, Gladstone, NJ, 05-6; pas, Caldwell, NJ, 06 — . MILLER, Charles Clark; b, Errol, Perthshire, Scotl, Ap 12, 1867; PrinU, 1900; UTS, 00-2; YTS, 02-3. t RANCK, Clayton Haverstick ; b, Lancaster, Pa, Ja 14, 1876; F&MC, 98; UTS, 1900-1; LancTS, 01-3; ord (Ger Ref, CI Mercersburg), Fb 21, 04; pas (Acad), Mercersburg, Pa, 04-5; pas (Third), Baltimore, Md, 05—. SEELEY, Boudinot, Jr; b, San Francisco, Cal, Ag 2, 1877; WmsC, 1900; UTS, 00-2; PTS, 02-3; ord (Presb, New-Castle), Oc 20, 03; pas (East Lake), Wilmington, Del, 03-5; ss (Wakefield), German town, Phila- delphia, Pa, 06-7; pas, do, 07 — . *TUHOLSKI, Paul Alexander; b, Erie, Pa, Oc 13, 1877; UR, 99; UTS, 1900-1, 01; d, do, Ja 9, 02. WEIDNER, David Trout; b, Birdsboro, Pa, Fb 28, 1876; NYU, 1901; UTS, 00-1; GenTS, 01-3; ord (PE) dea, Jn 7, 03; pr, My 29, 04; rec, Steinway, NY, 04-5; as min, Mauch Chunk, Pa, 05-7; min, Scranton, Pa, 07—. (WCA.) YOSHIOKA, Seimei; b, Kuyama, Matsuyama mura, Kitatakaki gun, Japan, My 4, 1873; ChinzeiCol, Nagasaki, Japan, 94; AoyG, 94-7; DrTS, 1901-2; CU, 02-4; res grad, UTS, 02-4; ord (ME), Mr 17, 01; pas (Japanese Ch), Portland, Ore, 04-5; pas, do, Seattle, Wash, 04 — . 17. 1904. BAKER, Ezra Flavius; b, Morganstown, Ky, Mr 18, 1869; MoVC, 98; CuTS, 98-1901; CU (MA), 03-7; UTS, 03-4; res grad (BD), 04-7; ord (CuPresb, New-Lebanon), Ag 27, 01; ss, Harrison ville, Mo, 01-3; stud, CU (MA), 03-7; do, 07-8. BARBEE, Henry Nesbit; b, Horn Lake, Miss, Dc 5, 1870; CuU (LLB), 93; CuTS (BD), 98; UTS, 1903-4; ord (CuPresb, Memphis), Ap 18, 98; pas, Athens, Ala, 98-1903; pas, Covington, O, 04-7; pas, Memphis, Tenn, 07—. BROWN, Fred Le Roy; b, Troy, NY, Jl 10, 1877; WmsC, 99; HarU (MA), 1901; UTS (BD), 01-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jl 15, 04; pas, Wood- haven, NY, 04 — . CARTER, Ray Frederic; b, Annapolis, NS, Ag 16, 1875; BNC, 98; UTS, 1901-4; ord (Cong), Jn 28, 04; pas, Southington, Ct, 04 — . 346 1904. CRAIG, David Anderson; b, Spring Valley, NJ, Sp 30, 1874; NYU, 1902; UTS, 01-4; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Ap 26, 04; ss, Rutherford, NJ, 04-5; pas, Parsippany, NJ, 05 — . DUSHAW, Amos Isaac; b, Mogilev, Russia, Ja 1, 1877; RedfC (PhB), 1901; UTS, 01-4; BD, do, 07; ord (Presb, NY), Fb 11, 07; ss (So- Park Chap), Newark, NJ, 04-5; pas (CanPr), Red Deer, Alb, Can, 07-8; c m, London, Engl, 08 — . EGGLESTON, Gurdon Henry; b, German, NY, Sp 2, 1878; HC, 1900; UTS (BD), 00-2, 03-4; ord (RD, So CI Bergen), Jn 20, 04; pas (Green- ville), Jersey City, NJ, 04-7; pas (Presb, Greene Av), Brooklyn, NY, 07—. FERRIS, Ralph Hall; b, Kolhapur, India, Dc 10, 1880; WoosU, 1901; CU (MA), 04-6; UTS (BD), 01-4; fellow, do, 04-6; ord (Presb, West- chester), Ja 17, 06; inst (Bibl Phil), UTS, 06-7; ss (Cong), Closter, NJ, 05-7; act prof (NT Lit & Interp) & registrar, CTS, Chicago, 111, 07—. FOSDICK, Harry Emerson; b, Buffalo, NY, My 24, 1878; ColgU, 1900; HamTS, 00-1; UTS (BD), 01-2, 03-4; res grad, do, 06-7; ord (Bap), Nv 18, 03; pas, Montclair, NJ, 04—. GILLIN, John Lewis; b, Hudson, Io, Oc 12, 1871; IoC, 95; UTS (BD), 1901-4; res grad, 04-5; CU (PhD), 01-6; ord (Breth), Ja 16, 94; pas, Waterloo, Io, 95-1901; prof, AshlandCol, Ashland, O, 05-6; pres, do, 06—. HUGHES, George Edward; b, La Grange, Ind, Sp 28, 1877; WabC, 1900; CU, 04-5; UTS, 00-4; pas as (Cong, Manhattan), NYCity, 06-8. HUME, Robert Ernest; b, Ahmednagar, India, Mr 20, 1877; YU, 98, (MA), 1900; do (PhD), 01; UTS (BD), 01-2, 03-4; ord (Cong, N- Haven Asso), My 23, 05; fm (tea, Theol Sem), Ahmednagar, Bombay Presb, India, 07 — . HUNTER, Forest Preston; b, Townville, Pa, My 8, 1871; ColgU, 1901; UTS (BD), 01-4; ord (Bap), Ja 17, 05; asso pas, Mt Vernon, NY, 04- 6; pas (West-Side), Mt Vernon, NY, 06—. KERNEN, Henry Arthur; b, Covington, Ky, Mr 8, 1880; OWU, 1901; UTS, 01-4; ord (Presb, Westchester), My 4, 04; fm, Sangli, India, 04-6; fm, Ratnagiri, India, 06-8. KLASS, Carl Noetling; b, Indianapolis, Ind, Sp 28, 1875; WabC, 1901; UTS, 01-4; ord (Presb, Indianapolis), Ag 16, 04; ss, Tonopah, Nev, 04—. LOGAN, John Hubbard; b, Pike Co, Ala, Dc 16, 1876; MerU, 1900; CU (MA), 03-4; NTI, 00-1; ChicU, 02-3; UTS, 03-4; ord (Bap), My 15, 98; stud, Italy, Germany, & France, 04-7; asso prof (ChHist), Ham TS, Hamilton, NY, 07—. 1904. 347 LONSDALE, William James; b, Syracuse, NY, Ap 10, 1875; HC, 1901; AubTS, 01-2; UTS, 02-4; ord (RD, CI Montgomery), Oc 4, 04; pas, Fonda, NY, 04—. MACKINTOSH, Peter Duncan; b, West-Bay, NS, My 15, 1874; DalU, 00, (MA) 01; HalTS, 01-2; UTS (BD), 02-4; ord (Cong), Oc 5, 05; pas, Cedar Grove, NJ, 05—. MAIN, Charles Ogg; b, Rexton, NB, Fb 20, 1876 > DalU, 1901; CU (MA), 02-4; HalTS, 01-2; UTS (BD), 02-4; ord (Can Presb, Calgary), Jl 8, 04; ss, Priddis, Alb, Can, 04-5; ss, White Horse, Yukon, 05-6; pas, Cranbrook, Brit Col, 07— MAY, John Joseph; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 1, 1879; ConcC, Hawthorne, NY, 92-6; do (Milw), 97; UTS, 99-1902; ord (Ev, Luth, Mo Syn), Nv 23, 02; mis, Sheepshead Bay, NY, 02-4; pas, Alexandria, Va, 04 — . ♦MERRETT, George Power; b, Twickenham Ferry, Engl, Ag 9, 1873; WmsC, 1900; UTS, 00-4; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 19, 04; pas (Mor- risania), NYCity, 04-6; d, do, Oc 8, 06. PECORINI, Alberto; b, Venice, Italy, Fb 2, 1881; Roy Lye, Rome, 1900; UnRome, 00-2; ME Th Sch, do, 89-1902; UTS (BD), 02-4; ord (Cong), Dc 10, 03; ss (Ital), Brooklyn, NY, 03-4; prof (Ital), Amer Internat Col, Springfield, Mass, 04 — . RAAB, Irving Tomlinson; b, Flint, Mich, .Dc 17, 1875; UMich, 1900; HTS, 01-3; UTS, 03-4; ord (Presb, Detroit), Fb 28, 05; pas, Saline, Mich, 05-6; pas, Cashmere, Wash, 06 — . RICHARDS, James Austin; b, Andover, Mass, Mr 27, 1878; HarU, 1900; UTS, 01-4; ord (Cong), My 26, 04; as pas (Presb), Bedford Park, NYCity, 04-5; pas (Cong, United), Newport, RI, 05—. SADLER, Alfred John; b, Drybrook, Glo'stershire, Engl, Ja 10, 1875; AC, 1900; fellow, do, Oxford, Engl, 00-1; UTS, 01-4; ord (Presb, Otsego), Oc 21, 04; pas, Stamford, NY, 04—. SHRIVER, William Payne; b, Lebanon Church, Pa, Sp 21, 1872; JHU, 1901; WTS, 01-2; UTS, 02-4; ord (Presb, Baltimore), My 12, 04; ss& pas (Northminster), NYCity, 04 — . SNOOK, John Henry; b, Mt Vernon, Mich, My 6, 1874; UMich, 1901; UTS (BD), 01-4; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Dc 11, 04; sec, Intercol Br, YMCA, NYCity, 04-5; ss, Grand Marais, Mich, 05-7; sec, YMCA, UMich, Ann Arbor, Mich, 07 — . TRYON, Harold Harrison; b, Germantown, Pa, Nv 27, 1877; UPa, 1900; CU (MA), 05; UTS, 01-4; res grad, do (BD), 05-6; fellow, UTS, 06-8; BU & HeidU, 06-7; stud, Amer Sch, Jerusalem, Palestine, 07-8; inst (Bib Philol & Ch Hist), UTS, 08-9. VAN OEVEREN, Adrien; b, St Phillipland, Holland, Jn 24, 1865; HopeC, 92-6; NWU, 96-7; McCTS, 97-8, 98; UTS, 1902-4; ord (Presb, Brook- 348 1904. lyn), Sp 27, 04; pas, Slate Hill, NY, 04-6; pas, Livingston Manor, NY* 06—. 29. ABBE, Harry Allen Grant; b, Hartford, Ct, Ag 8, 1870; YC, 92; HTS, (BD), 97-1900; res grad, UTS, 03-4; ord (Cong), Ap 29, 02; ss, Fort Payne, Ala, 00-1; pas, Nyack, NY, 01-4; pas, Stowe, Vt, 05—. BRUEN, Norman Jay; b, Summit, NJ, Jn 27, 1877; LafC, 1901; UTS, 01-2; bus, Seattle, Wash, 02—. CECIL, John Kindel; b, Muncie, Ind, Jn 27, 1873; DPU, 97; DrTS (BD), 1903; res grad, UTS, 03-4; ord (ME) dea, Ap 8, 00; eld, Ap 11, 05; pas, Fort Wayne, Ind, 05-6; pas, Bluff ton, Ind, 06 — . CORWIN, Euphemia Kipp; b, Paramus, NJ, Jn 26, 1863; Mt Hoi, 81-2; NYStLibSch (BLS), 94-6; UTS, 1901-2; BerC (PhB), 04-5; tea, Xo- Plainfield, NJ, 82-6; cataloger, Pub Lib, Utica, NY, 96-7; lib as, UTS, 97-1901; libr, BerC, Berea, Ky, 03—. DUTCHER, Eva Olive; b, Brooklyn, NY, Fb 15, 1880; BarC (BA), 98- 1900, 01-2; Bryn MawrC, 00-1; tea, Idaho Ind Inst, Weiser, Idaho, 03-4; instr, Mt Hoi, 04-7; asso prof (Bib Lit), do, South-Hadley, Mass, 07 — . EDWARDS, Franklin Boyd;, b, Lisle, NY, My 5, 1876; WmsC, 1900; UTS, 01-4; ord (Cong,.Bklyn-Manhat Conf), My 20, 04; as pas (Tompkins Av), Brooklyn, NY, 04-5; as pas (South), do, 05-7; jun pas, do, Brooklyn, NY, 08—. pres, Bklyn SS Union, 05—. FAUX, William Milnes; b, Bloomsburg, Pa, Jn 18, 1870; BU, 97; UTS, 1901-2; RTS, 02-4; ord (Bap), Ap 19, 00; pas, Butler, NJ, 00-2; pas, Sheridan, Wyo, 04-7. FLEMING, Daniel Johnson; b, Xenia, O, Ja 30, 1877; WoosU, 98; CU (MA), 01-3; UChic (MSc), 03-4; UTS, 01-3; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 24, 03; fm (prof, Forman Chr Col), Lahore, India, 04—. HOWARD, Allen Leslie; b, Bond Head, Ont, Can, Sp 10, 1873; UT, 1901; UTS, 01-2; ManC, TS, 02-3; KC, Ont, 03-4; ord (CanPresb, Hamilton), Jl 14, 03; pas, Cayuga, Ont, Can, 03-7; pas, Kemptville, Ont, Can, 07—. *ICHIMURA, Takema; b, Takaoka, Koehi, Japan, My 3, 1868; TohG, 93; do, Th Dept, 96; res grad, UTS, 1903-4; ord (Ch of Christ in Japan), Ap 11, 03; d, NYCity, Nv 11, 04. ISHIKAWA, Wasuke; b, Toyo Oka, Saitama, Japan, Jn 5, 1862; Saitama Norm Col, 84; AoyG, Th Dept, 91; res grad, UTS, 1903-6; ord (ME) dea, 93; eld, 95; prof (HSch), Matsuyama, Japan, 84-5; prin (Angl- Jap Sch), Nara, Japan, 86-7; pas (Kanda), Tokyo, Japan, 91-5; pas, Sendai, Japan, 95-6; pas, Hon jo, Japan, 96-9; prof, AoyG, 99-1900; pas, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, 00-3; pas Kamakura, Japan, 07 — . 1904-1905. 349 KASHIWAI, En; b, Tosa, Kochi, Japan, Jn 26, 1870; Dosh, 92; MeiG, 92-4; tea, do, 94-1903; res grad, UTS, 03r4, 04; ord (Ch of Christ in Japan), My 30, 03; prof (ChHist) & dean, Shin Gakusha, Tokyo, Japan, 05 — . LOTZ, John Henry; b, Carrollton, O, Dc 2, 1872; WmsC, 98; UTS, 1901- 4; headworker (Alta Soc Settl), Cleveland, O, 04 — . McCLEMENT, Thomas Bullinger; b, Ballyholbert, Irel, Sp 8, 1867; SFTS (Engl), 88-91; WestmC, 1901-2; UNoD, 02; CU, 03-6; UTS, 03-6; ord (Presb, Puget Sound), Sp 30, 01; trans to Presb, Sydney, Australia; hm, do, 07 — . McLEOD, Robert George; b, NYCity, Fb 5, 1875; 1ft Her, 96-7, 97; UTS, 1900-2, 02; ord (Presb, Huntingdon), Jn 14, 05; ss, Craig, Neb, 03-4; pas, W-Belleville, Pa, 04-6; pas, E-Meredith, NY, 07—. MANSHIP, Winfield Scott; b, Honey brook, Pa, Fb 4, 1861; WU, 86; YTS (BD), 89; res grad, UTS, 1903-6; ord (ME) dea, Mr 5, 91; eld, Ap 9, 93; ss, Centre Moriches, NY, 89-93; pas, Bridgeport, Ct, 93-5; stud, UBerl & Halle, 95; pas, So-Meriden, Ct, 96-1901; pas, Unionville, Ct, 01-3; pas, Floral Park, NY, 03-6; pas, Middlefield, Ct, 06-8; pas, Cheshire, Ct, 08—. METCALF, Paul Harlan; b, Elyria, O, Jn 25, 1867; OC (PhB), 89; CTS, 90-1; OTS, 91-2; UTS, 1903; ord (Cong), Oc 4, 00; as pas (Plym), Des Moines, Io, 93-8; sec, YMCA, So-Bend, Ind, 99; as pas, Elyria, O, 99-1901; do (Park), Grand Rapids, Mich, 01-2; dir, relig wk, YMCA, St Paul, Minn, 02-5; warden, Cheerful Home Settl, Quincy, 111, 05—. NELSON, Aubrey Percy; b, Jersey City, NJ, Mr 20, 1880; UChic, 1902; Th Dept, do, 01-3; CU (MA), 04; UTS, 03-4; res grad, do, 04-5; res grad, GenTS, 06-8; ord (PE), Jn 14, 08; as (Christ Presb), NYCity, 05-6; lay reader (Ep, All Angels), do, 06-7; do (St. Matthew's), NY City, 07—. SMYTH, George Hugh, Jr; b, NYCity, Jl 11, 1876; NYU (spec), 98; UTS, 1900-4; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Fb 5, 05; pas as (Munn Av), E-Orange, NJ, 04-5; as pas (Cong, Second), Holyoke, Mass, 05 — . WILSON, Wilbur Fisk; b, Rochester, NY, My 13, 1871; NWU, 96; UTS, 1901-2; fm, Central China Mis, 96—. also pas, No-Nanking Circuit, 99- 01; prof (Engl), Nanking Univ, Nanking, China, 96-05; do & proctor, do, 06; do, v pres & dean, do, 07 — . 20. 1905. CLAYTON, Alfred Samuel; b, Uion, NY, Dc 8, 1876; WU, 1901; UTS, 02-5; ord (ME) dea, Ap 5, 08; ss, Tuxedo Park, NY, 05—. COLLINS, Charles Moore; b, Vermont, 111, Jl 7, 1868; LinU, 94; CuUTS, 96-8; UTS, 1904-5; res grad, do, 05-7; ord (CuPresb, Rushville), Ag 31, 94; mis pas, Aguascalientes, Mexico, 98-9; pas, Ardmore, Ind 350 1905. Ter, 1900-3; ss, Tyler, Tex, 03-4; ss (Cong, B'way), Flushing, NY, 05-6; ss (RD), Steinway, NY, 06—. JONES, Walter Cutler; b, Akron, O, Oc 9, 1879; AdelC, 1901; UTS, 02-5; ord (Presb, Mahoning), Jl 12, 05; ss, Waterville, Wash, 05—. JOSEPH, Isya; b, Kabei, Diarbaker, Turkey in Asia, Nv 25, 1872; Mardin HS; MardinTS, 90; CU (AB & AM), 1903-7; UTS, 02-5; res grad, do (BD), 05-7; fellow (Semitics), HarU, 07-8. PhD, do, 08. KNOX, Raymond Collyer; b, Fishkill-on-Hudson, NY, Ap 21, 1876; CU, 1902-4; UTS, 02-5; do (BD), 07; fellow, do, UBerl, 05-6; OxfU, 06-7; ord (PE) dea, Jn 18, 05; pr, My 26, 07; as min (All Souls'), NYCity, 07-8; chap, CU, NYCity, 08—. MacGREGOR, Charles Peter; b, St Andrews, Que, Can, Jl 6, 1871; McMU, 99; UTS, 1902-5; res grad, do (BD), 06-7; ord (Bap), Mr 11. 95; pas, Chilliwark, BrCol, 94-6; pas, Markham, Ont, Can, 97-9; pas, Bayonne, NJ, 1900-5; asso pas (Calvary), NYCity, 05 — . McVICKER, Harvey Grant; b, Quaker City, O, Do 29, 1863; WayC, 94; CuTS (BD), 94-6; CU (MA), 1905; UTS, 04-6; ord (CuPresb, Musk- ingum), Sp 9, 1890; pas, Maxwell, Io, 96-8; pas, Dunbar, Neb, 98- 1902; pas, West-Union, O, 02-4; ss (Presb), Virginia, 111, 06—. MILLER, Lucius Hopkins; b, Roselle, NJ, Sp 25, 1876; PrinU, 97; do (MA), 99; instr (Engl & Bible), SyrC, 99-1902; as prin (Prep Dept, do), Beirut, Syria, 00-2; UTS, 02-5; as prof (Bibl Instr), PrinU, Princeton, NJ, 05 — . NATSCH, Henry; b, So-Manchester, Ct, Ap 21, 1874; BU, 1902; UTS, 02- 5; ord (Presb, Hudson), Oc 9, 05; pas, Liberty, NY, 05 — . WEAR, Frank Lucian; b, Verona, Miss, Mr 16, 1874; TrU, 99; CuTS (BD), 99-1902; UTS, 04-5; ord (CuPresb, Birmingham), Jn 10, 01; ss, Ensley, Ala, 02-4; pas (Presb), Denton, Tex, 05 — . WEBSTER, Emery Douglas; b, Warsaw, NY, Fb 25, 1879; HC, 1902; UTS, 02-5; ord (Presb, Genesee), Ap 18, 05; as pas (First), Morris- town, NJ, 05-7; pas, Suffern, NY, 07—. YAEGER, Edward John; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ag 4, 1876; CHS, 95; Sch Pedag, do, 99; UTS, 1902-5; res grad, do, 05-6; ord (Cong), Dc 5, 06; pas (First), Weymouth, Mass, 06 — . ZIEGEL, Anthony Frederick; b, near Boonville, Mo, Nv 3, 1876; MoVC, 1900; CuTS, 02-4; UTS, 04-5; ord (CuPresb, Springfield), Oc 3, 01; ss, Pleasant Hope, Mo, 01-3; ss, Cookeville, Tenn, 02-4; pas (Presb), Danville, 111, 05—. 13. ADAMS, Edward Bradford; b, Westport, Ct, Jl 28, 1878; YU, 1901; CU (MA). 05; YTS (BD), 01-4; res grad, UTS, 04-5; ord (Cong, Fair- field W Consoc), Mr 27, 07; pas, Ramona, Cal, 07—. 1905. 351 BACHMAN, Robert, Jr; b, Fayetteville, NY, Jn 14, 1877; PrinU, 99; PTS, 1900-2; UTS, 03-4; social worker (St Barthol Hse), NYCity, 06- 7; Chrystie St Hse, do, 07—. BLACKWOOD, Irvin Aiken; b, Freeport, O, Ja 14, 1869; GenCPa, 94; do (MA), 95; PTS, 97-8; AITS, 98-1900; res grad, UTS, 04-6; ord (Ref Presb, NY), Nv 1, 00; prof (Gk), AmityC, College Spgs, Io, 94-97; pas (Fourth), NYCity, 1900-6; pas, Evans, Col, 07—. CAMPBELL, Herbert Grant; b, Hale, Io, Dc 15, 1869; CorC (PhB), 96; CU (MA), 1902; UTS, 02-3; ord (ME) dea, Oc 11, 96; eld, Sp 30, 1900; ss, Akron, Io, 97-8; ss, Sheldon, Io, 99-1901; v pres & prof (Philos), MorningsideC, Sioux City, Io, 04-7; prof (Philos & Psych), do, 07—. COALE, James Johnson; b, Arch Spring, Pa, My 25, 1879; PrinU (BS), 1901; UTS, 02-5; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Nv 2, 05; as pas (Rut- gersR), NYCity, 05-6; pas, White Sulphur Spgs, Mont, 06-8. COPELAND, John; b, Banbridge, Co Down, Irel, Ag 1, 1867; R1U, 88-90; QueC & AssemC, Belfast, 90-1; PrinU (MA), 1903; UMinn (PhD), 03; PTS, 91-4; res grad, UTS (BD), 1904-5; ord (Presb, Phila), My 14, 94; ss, Kasson & Ashland, Minn, 95-6; pas (East), St Paul, Minn, 96-1904; ss, Cornwall, NY, 06—. DUNNING, Harry Slauson; b, Middletown, NY, Jl 17, 1869; CNJ, 92; HTS, 93-6; res grad, UTS, 1904-5; ord (Presb, Lackawanna), Sp 22, 96; inst (Engl), LehU, 92-3; pas, Forty Fort, Pa, 96-9; pas, Corry, Pa, 1900-4; pas, Port Jefferson, NY, 05—. GRAY, John Alexander; b, Inverness, Scotl, My 1, 1874; ManC, 96-7; UTS, 1900-1, 03; ord (Cong), Jn 8, 02; ss (Wood Mem), NYCity, 99-1903; pas, Orient, NY, 04—. GRINTON, George William; b, NYCity, Sp 23, 1865; UTS, 1903, 03-5; ord (ME) dea, Ap 3, 98; eld, Ap 6, 1902; ss, Rifton, NY, 96-8; pas, Grahamville, NY, 99; pas, Phillipsport, NY, 1900; pas (Janes), NY City, 01-4; pas (Grace), Newburgh, NY, 05 — . HAYNES, Rowland; b, Worcester, Mass, Jl 30, 1878; WmsC, 1902; UTS, 02-4, 05-6; fellow (Psy of Relig), ClkU, 04-5; as (Philos), CU, 05-6; asso, do, UChic, 06-7; instr (Psych), UMinn, Minneapolis, Minn, 07—. HIKARU, Kotaro; b, Kokura, Japan, Jn 4, 1865; MeiG, 89; AubTS (spec), 1903-4; UTS, 04; ord (Ch Chr, Jap), Jl 30, 93; ss, Shiznoka, Japan, 89-93; pas, Otaru, Kokkaido, Japan, 93 — . HUTCHINGS, DeWitt Vermilye; b, Orange, NJ, Ag 18, 1879; PrinU, 1901; NBTS, 02-3; UTS, 03-4; stud, BalliolC, Oxford, Engl, 05-6; res, En- glewood, NJ, 04 — . 352 1905-1906. KAWAI, Kamesuke; b, Kaminoyama, Japan, Fb 29, 1866; AoyG, 85-7; MeiG, 90; do, Th Dept, 90-1; res grad, UTS, 1904-6; ord (Ch Chr, Jap), Ap 25, 97; ss, Omori, Shimosa, Japan, 92-4; fm, Formosa, 94-6; pas, Taihoku, Formosa, 96 — . KELLINGTON, Herbert Edgar; b, Trowbridge, Ont, Can, Fb 18, 1872; VicU, 1900; do (MA), 03; do, Th Dept, 97-1900; res grad, UTS, 04-5; ord (ME, Can), Jn 10, 00; pas, London, Ont, Can, 01; pas, Fargo, Ont, Can, 02-4; ss (Cong), Howells, NY, 05—. LASH, James Hamilton; b, Pleasant Hill, O, Jn 18, 1872; HiC, 1900; HiTS (BD), 00-3; UTS, 04; ord (Free Bap), Nv 10, 01; pas, Winne- bago City, Minn, 03-5; pas (Cong), Rialto, Cal, 05 — . LICHTENBERGER, James P; b, Decatur, 111, Jn 10, 1870; EurC, 93; HirC (AM), 1902; grad stud, CU, 03-8; UTS, 04-5; pas (Disc), Can- ton, 111, 96-9; pas, Buffalo, NY, 99-1902; pas, NYCity, 02—. LUCAS, William Palmer; b, Allahabad, India, Ja 27, 1880; WoosU, 1900; UTS, 02; WRU, Med Dept, 02-5; Charity Hosp, do, 05-7; phys, Cleve- land, O, 07—. McJUNKIN, John Howard; b, Washington, Io, My 2, 1869; ParsC (MA), 90; McCTS, 90-3; stud, UEdin & Free Ch Col, 97-8, 1903-4; res grad, UTS, 04-5; ord (Presb, Iowa City), Dc 4, 93; ss&hm, Ruskin & Oak, Neb, 93-4; ss, Missoula, Mont, 94-9; ss, Eugene, Ore, 99; ss, Butte, Mont, 1900; ss, Anaconda, Mont, 01; ss, Hamilton, Mont, 02; oc sup, Missoula & Corvallis, Mont, 04 — . RYDER, William Harper, Jr; b, Woodsfield, O, Jl 30, 1879; AdelC, 1902; UTS, 02-4; ord (Univ), Mr 26, 06; pas (All Souls'), Minneapolis, Minn, 05 — . STIANSEN, Peder; b, Risor, Norway, Sp 15, 1879; UChic (Norw Dept), 1902; do, res grad, 02-3; res grad, UTS, 04-5; ord (Norw-Dan Bap), My 11, 03; mis&pas, Brooklyn, NY, 03—. TAJIMA, Susumu; b, Isobe, Tumma, Japan, Dc 7, 1875; MeiG, 95; do, Theol Dept, 99; AubTS, 1904; res grad (BD), UTS, 04-6; ord (Presb, Tokyo), Ap 29, 07; pas (Takanawa), Tokyo, Japan, 07 — . YAGGY, Samuel Edward; b, Waterloo, Io, Sp 18, 1871; CornC, 95; DrTS (BD), 1904; CU, 04.-5; res grad, UTS, 04-6; ord (ME) dea, Oc 10, 97; eld, Oc 8, 99; ss, Coldwater, Io, 95; ss, Allison, Io, 96-7; ss, Waterloo Circuit, Io, 98; pas, Elkader, Io, 99; pas, Urbana, Io, 1900; pas (St Paul), Waterloo, Io, 06-7; pas, Lamont, Io, 07—. 22. 1906. ABBOTT, Alexander Hewes; b, Watertown, Mass, Mr 15, 1880; BU, 1903; UTS, 03-6; ord (Bap), Sp 6, 07; pas, Narberth, Pa, 07—. 1906. 353 BALDWIN, Burton John; b, Woodbridge, Ct, Ap 5, 1875; WU, 1902; YU, 03; CU, 04-6, 07-8; YTS, 03-4; UTS, 04-6; res grad, do (BD), 07-8; tut, NYCity, 06-7. BALLIS, Eugene Albert; b, St Louis, Mo, Dc 25, 1876; HanC, 99; SFTS, 99-1901; UTS, 05-6; ord (Presb, Otsego), Oc 30, 06; pas, E-Spring- field, NY, 06—. CHAPPELL, Will Charles; b, Cambria, Mich, Mr 6, 1878; HiC, 1902; Hi TS, 02-4; UTS, 04-6; res grad, do (BD), 06-7; ord (FBap), Jn 17, 06; pas, Danville, NH, 07 — . CHURCH, Alfred Clarence; b, Hillsdale, Mich, Oc 11, 1876; HiC, 96-8, 1901-3; HITS (BD), 03; UTS, 04-6; ord (FBap), Oc 2, 98; pas (Bap), Ridgefield Park, NJ, 05—. CORBETT, Charles Hodge; b, Chefoo, China, Nv 20, 1881; WoosU, 1901; OTS, 03-4; UTS, 04-6; BD, do, 07; ord (Presb, Westchester), Oc 2, 06; as pas (Ch of Son of Man, Union Settl), NYCity, 06—. DICKINSON, Walter Byron; b, Plymouth, Ind, Oc 19, 1878; WabC, 1902; UTS, 03-6; ord (Cong), My 19, 06; asso pas, White Plains, NY, 06—. DUFFIELD, John Reginald; b, Darlington, Engl, Ja 18, 1882; MC, 1902; UTS, 03-6; ord (RD, CI Po'keepsie), Jn 19, 06; pas, Fishkill, NY, 06—. EDWARDS, Richard Henry; b, Lisle, NY, Oc 22, 1877; YU, 1901; (MA) do, 02; YTS, 02-3; UTS, 04-6; ord (Cong), Ag 24, 06; univ pas, UWis, Madison, Wis, 06 — . ELMORE, Carl Hopkins; b, Maryville, Tenn, My 13, 1878; MvC, 98; PrinU, 1900; UTS, 03-6; NewC, 07; UMar, 07; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Sp 25, 06; as pas (Cong), Briarcliff, NY, 06-7; pas, do, 08—. GARVIN, Joseph Laurell; b, Mt Vernon, O, Oc 8, 1874; HirC, 1900; CU (MA), 05-7; UTS, 01-3, 05-6; res grad, do (BD), 06-7; pas (Disc), Youngstown, O, 03-5; pas (First), Seattle, Wash, 08 — . HANDY, Frederick Jackson; b, NYCity, Jn 21, 1870; NYU (PhB), 96; UTS, 1903-6; ord (ME) dea, Mr 27, 98; eld, Ap 1, 1900; tea (Lat & Gk), Morgan Col, Baltimore, Md, 96-1900; pas, Salem, NJ, 00-3; pas St John's), Newark, NJ, 03-7; pas (Asbury), Atlantic City, NJ, 07—. HANSCOM, Frank Irving; b, Sheepscot, Me, Jl 24, 1879; BTS, 1903-5; UTS, 05-6; ord (Cong), Oc 30, 06; pas, Rockford, Io, 06—. HEEBNER, Harvey Kraus; b, Worcester, Pa, Fb 18, 1877; OC, 1903; OTS, 03-4; UTS, 04-6; ord (Schwenkf), Sp 23, 06; ss&pas (First), Phila- delphia, Pa, 05 — . HOFFMAN, James Julius; b, Oostburg, Wis, Jn 12, 1881; HopeC, 99- 1900; AdelC, 03; UTS (BD), 03-6; ord (RD, CI Oklahoma), Ja 16, 07; as pas, Colony, Okla, 06-7; pas, Arapahoe, Okla, 07 — . 354 1906. HOOPER, Charles Thomas, Jr; b, NYCity, Mr 16, 1882; CCNY, 1902; UTS, 03-6; res, NYCity, 06—. JANEWAY, Frank Latimer, 2d; b, New-Brunswick, NJ, Jl 21, 1880; PrinU, 1901; do (MA), 03; UTS, 03-6; BD, do, 08; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Sp 23, 06; as pas (Ch of Christ in DC), Hanover, NH, 06-7; act pas, do, 07-8. JOHNSTON, Louis Harold; b, Chicago, 111, Ja 24, 1875; UMinn (spec), 1900-2; HTS, 03-4; UTS, 04-6; ord (Cong), Mr 28, 05; ss, Stillwater, Minn, 00-3; pas (Ocean Av), Brooklyn, NY, 03—. MacLANE, Donald Bradford; b, New-Haven, Ct, Ja 19, 1882; YU, 1903; UTS (BD), 03-6; ord (Cong), Jl 12, 06; as pas (Presb, Sea & Land), NYCity, 06-8; pas (Cong), Taftville, Ct, 08—. PEARCE, Henry Arthur; b, Stonington, Ct, Oc 28, 1879; UC, 1903; UTS (BD), 03-6; ord (Cong), Sp 18, 06; pas, Savannah, NY, 06—. ROBERTS, George, Jr; b, Hartford, Ct, Nv 3, 1880; YU, 1903; UTS, 03-6; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Nv 2, 06; ss, Teaneck, NJ, 06—. Addr, Englewood, NJ. SCHROCK, Perry Frederick; b, Orrville, O, Nv 3, 1877; BerC (BLit), 1902; UTS, 03-6; ord (Cong), Jn 6, 06; pas, Deer Park, Wash, 06—. SHEPHERD, Robert Lincoln; b, near Dwight, 111, Oc 29, 1866; MoVC, 97; CuTS, 97-9; CU, 1905-7; UTS, 05-6; res grad, do, 06-7; ord (Cu Presb, Kirksville), Jn 6, 99; pas, Sedalia, Mo, 99-1901; prof (Philos), MoVC, 01-5; temp s (RD), College Pt, NYCity, 05-7; prof (Bib Lit & Sociol), MoVC, Marshall, Mo, 07—. SHERMAN, Richard Eli; b, Independence, Mo, Nv 10, 1871; MoVC, 1900; CuTS (BD), 00-3; CU (MA), 07; UTS, 05-6; res grad, do (BD), 06-7; ord (CuPresb, Lexington), Oc 3, 01; ss, La Plata, Mo, 03-5; pas (Presb), Joplin, Mo, 07 — . SIMRTN, Robert Louis; b, Poplar Ridge, NY, My 10, 1879; HavC, 1903; UTS (BD), 03-6; "recorded" (Friend), Ag 2, 05; fm (Engl Friends Mis), Chung-King, W-China, 06 — . TAMBLYN, Albert Terry; b, Liberty, NY, Fb 24, 1879; ColgU, 1903; UTS, 03-6; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Jl 1, 06; pas (Cong, Bed- ford Park), NYCity, 07—. TAMBLYN, George Olver; b, River Head (LI), NY, Jl 31, 1877; ColgU, 1903; UTS, 03-6; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Jn 14, 06; pas, Leonia, NJ, 06—. TROUSDALE, Otis Murphey; b, McCains, Tenn, Nv 16, 1874; CuU, 1901; do ((LLB), 04; do (BD), 04; UTS, 05-6; PTS, 06-7; ord (CuPresb, Columbia), Ap 23, 04; ss (Arrington St), Nashville, Tenn, 03-5; ss (Cong), Manasquan, NJ, 05-7; pas (Presb, Odell Av), Marshall, Mo, 07—. 1906. 355 VAZAKAS, Alexander Aristides; b, Monastir, Macedonia, Mr 18, 1874; TabC, 92-4; NYU, 1904; UTS, 03-6; res grad, do, 06; tea, NYCity, 06—. WILKINSON, William John; b, No-Stamford, Ct, Nv 29, 1875; W&MC, 1902; PTS, 02-3, 04-5; UTS, 04, 05-6; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 26, 07; pas, Pottstown, Pa, 07—. 30. BAYNE, John Julian; b, Portland, Ct, Mr 7, 1877; IC, 1900; CTS (BD), 00-3; res grad, UTS, 05-6; ord (Cong), Jl 7, 03; pas, Geddes, SD, 03-5; pas, Joplin, Mo, 06 — . BOYNTON, Charles Luther; b, Townshend, Mass, Jn 8, 1881; PomC, 1901; UTS, 03-4, 05-6; ord (Bap), My 24, 06; college sec, YMCA, Kan, 01-3; office sec, stud dept, Int Com YMCA, 03-6; sec, gen com, YMCA, China & Korea, Shanghai, China, 06—. BRAUCHEE, Howard Solomon; b, Lockport, NY, Jl 19, 1881; CornU, 1903; UTS, 03-5; gen sec (Asso Char), Portland, Me, 05—. DAVENPORT, Harry; b, NYCity, My 17, 1876; WU, 1900; PTS, 00-3; res grad, UTS, 05-6; ord (Presb, Utica), Nv 22, 04; pas, Westernville, NY, 03-5; ss (Cong), Bridgeport, Ct, 07—. DAVIE, Charles Nelson; b, Hyde Park, Mass, My 26, 1860; SCW, 95; BTS, 97; res grad, UTS, 05, 05-6; ord (Cong), My 24, 98; ss, Cran- berry Isles, Me, 97-1904; ss, W-Dresden, Me, 06-7; pas, No-Bridgton & Harrison, Me, 07 — . JORGENSEN, Theodore; b, Nysted, Denmark, Mr 5, 1873; WestC (PhB), 1900; UTS, 03-5, 06; ord (Cong), Ag 14, 06; pas, Newman Grove, Neb, 06—. LOUX, Dubois Henry; b, New-Richmond, O, Oc 31, 1867; WoosU, 92; do (PhD), 97; McCTS, 92-5; res grad, UTS (BD), 1905, 05-6; ord (Presb, Chicago), Ap 26, 95; pas, Campbell Park, Chicago, 111, 95-8; pas (Crerar Chap), do, 98-1901; pas (Bethany), Fort Wayne, Ind, & state supt, jun & intermed Chr Endeav, Ind, 01-5; dir, Bible study, & min (B'way Tabern), NYCity, 06— . McCOY, Rollin Delos; b, Gerlaw, 111, Sp 18, 1878; EurC, 1903; UTS, 03-4; ord (Disc), Ag 28, 04; fm & tea (Bible Col), Tokyo, Japan, 04—. MacDONALD, John James; b, Blue Mountain, NS, Jl 25, 1874; Chr Inst, Stanfordville, NY, 94-5; UTS, 1903-6; ord (Cong), Sp 9, 96; ss, Lin- coln, Vt, 96-8; ss, Sudbury, Vt, 98-9; ss, Berlin, Vt, 99-1902; ss (Ch of Our Father), Brooklyn, NY, 06—. McLEOD, Fraser Lochland; b, Middle River, Cape Breton, Ja 13, 1876; PrinU, 1904; PTS, 03-4, 05-6; UTS, 04-5; ord (Presb, New-Castle), My 15, 06; pas (Green Hill), Wilmington, Del, 06—. 356 1906-1907. OASTLER, David; b, Dundee, Scotl, My 14, 1868; BelvC, 92; OmTS, 92-5; res grad, UTS, 1905-6; ord (Presb, Omaha), Ap 18, 95; ss, Rushville & Gordon, Neb, 95-7; pas, Gordon, Neb, 97-1900; pas, Parker, SD, 00-6; pas, Harrison, NY, 06 — . SULLIVAN, Joseph; b, Dingle, Irel, Mr 17, 1864; UR, 92; RTS, 92-5; CU, 1905-6; res grad, UTS, 05-6; ord (Bap), Oc 15, 86; pas (Fourth), Paterson, NJ, 96-1906; pas, Brantford, Can, 06-07; pas (Olivet), Mon- treal, Can, 08 — . UCHIDA, Shigeji; b, Tukuyama, Bingo, Japan, Nv 14, 1871; Dosh, 85-9; Trin Div Sch, Osaka, 92; res grad, UTS, 1905-6; lay worker (Ch Engl), Osaka, 92-5; ev, Gifu & Toyohashi, Japan, 95-8; sup (Ch Mis Soc), Osaka, Japan, 99-1905; trav, England, etc, 0.6 — . WARREN, Bertram Albert; b, Birmingham, Engl, Sp 20, 1878; BU, 1901; HTS, 01-3; CTS (BD), 03-4; res grad, UTS, 05-6; ord (Cong), Jl 1, 04; pas, Winnebago, 111, 04-5; as min & min (Presb, City Park), Brooklyn, NY, 05-6; pas (Union), Quaker Hill, NY, 06—. YANO, Isaburo; b, Imabari, Iyo, Japan, Dc 7, 1875; TohG, 92-7; do, Th Sem, 97-1900; res grad, UTS, 05-6; do, PTS, 06-8; lie (Chr Ch, Japan), Sp —,00; ev, Sakata, Japan, 00-2; ev, Kakuda, Japan, 02-5. 15. 1907. BRANCH, Samuel Joseph; b, Farmville, Va, Ja 17, 1878; LinU, Pa, 1902; TS, do (STB), 02-5; UTS (BD), 05-7; ord (ME), Mr 27, 06; ss, White Plains, NY, 05-6; inst (Psych & Bib Lit), Kittrell Col, Kittrell, NC, 07—. DARBY, William Lambert; b, Evansville, Ind, Nv 29, 1875; CuU, 95; Cu TS (BD), 95-8; UTS (BD), 1906-7; ord (CuPresb, Lebanon), Mr 15, 98; pas, Kirksville, Mo, 98-1906; pas (Presb), Astoria, NYCity, 06—. DEMCOTT, Orey Mason; b, Westfield, NY, Ag 3, 1871; KeuC, 1903; RTS, 04-5; UTS (BD), 05-7; ord (FBap), Jl 13, 98; pas, Lake View, Pa, 96-8; pas, Bliss, NY, 98; pas, Middlesex, NY, 99-1903; pas, Batavia, NY, 03-5; as pas, Brooklyn, NY, 05-6; ss (Presb), Wood Ridge, NJ, 06-8; ss (Tatawa chap), Paterson, NJ, 08 — . DIETRICH, Emil; b, Scotland, SD, Mr 7, 1877; YanktC, 1902; CTS, 03-5; UTS (BD), 06-7; ord (Cong, Mo Riv Asso), Oc 2, 05; pas, Glen Ullin, ND, 07—. FISHER, Charles Henry; b, York, Pa, Ap 25, 1880; LVC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; as sec, Harlem Branch, YMCA, NYCity, 07-8; do, West Side Branch, do, 08 — . FRAME, Murray Scott; b, Hudson, Wis, Nv 4, 1881; WoosU, 1901; instr (Math), Forman Chr Col, Lahore, India, 01-4; UTS (BD), 04-7; fel- low, do, 07-9; Jerusalem, Palestine, 07-8. 1907. 35? GAPP, John Walter; b, Egg Harbor City, NJ, Mr 14, 1882; MorC, 1904; MorTS (BD), 06; UTS (BD), 06-7; ord (Presb, Columbia), Ap 28, 08; ss, Jewett, NY, 07 — . GILBEKT, Matthew William; b, Mechanicsville, SC, Jl 25, 1862; ColgU, 87; UTS (BD), 1904-7; ord (Bap), Ag 6, 1882; pas, Nashville, Tenn, 87-90; pas (Bethel), Jacksonville, Fla, 90-1; prin. Live Oak, Fla, 91-2; prin, Jacksonville, Fla, 92-4; pas (First Afr Bap), Savannah, Ga, 94-6; prof (Colored St Col of SC), Orangeburg, SC, 96-8; pas, Charles- ton, SC, 98-1902; prof (Benedict Col), Columbia, SC, 02-4; pas (Mt Olivet), NYCity, 04—. DD, Guadaloupe Col, 96. HENRY, James McClure; b, Canton, China, Dc 2, 1880; WoosU, 1901; UTS (BD), 04-7; res grad, do, 07-8; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Ap 17, 07; inst (Biol), AlmaC,. 01-2; tea, Mills Inst, Honolulu, HI, 02-4; ss (Cong), Closter, NJ, 07-8; ss (Presb, Peck Mem), Washington, DC, 08-9. HERRING, John Peabody; b, Haverhill, Mass, Jn 30, 1882; BU, 1904; RTS, 04-5; UTS (BD), 05-7; ss (Cong), Redmond, Wash, 07—. HOLLISTER, Joseph Hillman; b, Troy, NY, Mr 22, 1882; WmsC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (Presb, Columbia), Nv 6, 07; ss, Velatie, NY, 07—. HOPE, Arthur Harold; b, Warrington, Engl, Dc 12, 1873; OC, 1904; OTS, 04-5; UTS (BD), 05-7; pas as (Cong), Middletown, Ct, 07-8. HULBERT, Gustavus Adolphus; b, Brookside, NJ, Mr 29, 1876; LafC, 1904; UTS, 04-7; ord (Cong), Jn 19, 07; pas, Nutley, NJ, 07—. JESSUP, Royal Nesmith; b, Brooklyn, NY, Nv 9, 1881; BU, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (Bap, LI Asso), Nv 29, 07; pas (Second), Troy, NY, 07—. JORDAN, Henry Nelson; b, Nile, NY, Oc 8, 1870; AlfU, 1903; AlfTS, 02- 4; UTS, 04-7; ord (7th D Bap), My 1, 04; pas, Scio, NY, 00-3; pas, Hartsville, NY, 03-4; pas (Piscataway), New-Market, NJ, 04 — . LOWTHER, Edgar Allan; b, Knight, O, Oc 25, 1881; SU, 1902; UTb (BD), 04-7; ord (ME) dea, Ap 10, 04; eld, Ap 8, 06; pas, Fishkill, NY, 04-5; asso pas (Wash Sq), NYCity, 06-8; pas (St Stephens), NY City, 08—. LUCAS, Edmund De Long; b, Etawah, W-Prov, India, Sp 21, 1882; WoosU, 1903; UTS (BD), 04-7; res grad, do, 07-8; ord (Presb, NY), Nv 3, 07; fm, Lahore, India, 08 — . LYNDE, Charles Ensign; b, Des Moines, Io, Jl 6, 1869; IoC, 96; CTS, 96-7; UTS (BD), 1905-7; ord (Cong), Mr 3, 08; ss&pas, Manchester, Io, 07—. MCDONALD, Juett Noble; b, McDaniels, Ky, My 21, 1879; CentU (BL), 1901; UMich, 01-2; UTS (BD), 03-8; ord (Presb, Springfield), My 16, 07; chap (Presb, Hosp), NYCity, 07-8. 358 1907. MARTIN, Daniel Sylvester; b, Bloomfield, Io, Dc 28, 1880; MoVC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (Presb, Nassau), Jn 11, 06; pas, Hutto, Tex, 07—. MILLEE, Robert Sanford; b, Croton Falls, NY, Ag 15, 1881; NYU, 1905; UTS, 04-7; res, White Plains, NY. MILLER, William James Harvey; b, NYCity, Ap 7, 1883; MtHer, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (RD, N CI LI), Nv 29, 07; pas, Winfield (LI), NY, 07—. ODELL, Arthur Lee; b, Excelsior Spring, Mo, Nv 12, 1877; MoVC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (CPresb, Platte), Ag 23, 05; pas (Madison Sq), San Antonio, Tex, 07 — . ROBINSON, Benjamin Willard; b, Philadelphia, Pa, My 29, 1883; ChicU, 1900; do (PhD), 04; CU (PhD), 06; UTS (BD), 04-7; fellow, Amer Sch, Jerusalem, Palestine, 07-8. SCHENK, Philip Louis; b, Ann Arbor, Mich, Sp 10, 1879; UMich, 1902; do (MA), 04; UTS (BD), 04-7; inst (N T Dept), do, 07-8. SINCLAIR, William; b, Pulteneytown, Seotl, My 10, 1874; PrinU, 1904; HTS, 04-6; UTS (BD), 06-7; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), Jn 26, 07; asso pas (RD), Bambalapitiya, Colombo, Ceylon, 07 — . SMART, Wyatt Aiken; b, Newberry, SC, Oc 22, 1883; VandU, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ss (ME So, Trinity), Lynchburg, Va, 07—. SNEED, Glen Lawson; b, McKinney, Tex, Ap 7, 1876; TrU, 1904; CU (MA), 07; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (CuPresb, Dallas), Oc 15, 03; ss (Presb), Norwood, NJ, 05-7; pas (Tenth St), Dallas, Tex, 07—. SOPER, Willard Philander; b, Verona, NY, Ag 14, 1882; HC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (Presb, Utica), Oc 1, 07; as pas (Central), Brooklyn, NY, 07—. STAUB, Albert William; b, Titusville, Pa, Sp 28, 1880; OC, 1904; CU (MA), 07; UTS (BD), 04-6, 07; OTS, 06; ord (Cong), Mr 3, 08; trav sec, Stu Vol Movement, US & Can, 07-8. *STEEN, Robert Service; b, Wysox, Bradford Co, Pa, My 5, 1880; PrinU, 1901; tea, Syr Prot Col, 01-4; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (Presb, Morris & Orange), Sp 30, 07; pas (Hillside), Orange, NJ, 07-8; d, do, Ap 18, 08. WILSON, Alfred James; b, Liverpool, Engl, Ap 17, 1881; Sch of Evan (LB), 1903; UChic (Th Dept), 03; UTS (BD), 04-7; ord (Disc), Ap 14, 02; pas, Walpole, NH, 07—. 32. EMLEN, John Thompson; b, Philadelphia, Pa., Dc 28, 1878; HaverC, 1900; UPa (BS), 02-4; UTS, 04-5; relig & philanthr worker for Negroes. Res, Germantown, Pa. 1907. 359 GAGE, Harry Morehouse; b, Franklin, 0, Oc 15, 1879; WoosU, 1900; fel- low (philos), CU (MA), 03-4; UTS, 04-5; prof (Philos), HuC, Huron, SD, 00-3; prof (philos), ParsC, Fairfield, Io, 05—. GATES, Way land Dunn; b, Scranton, Pa, Ap 18, 1883; HiC, 1903; RTS (BD), 03-6; res grad, UTS, 06-7; ord (Bap), Jn 26, 06; fm, Hanyang, China, 07 — . HOMANS, Eockland Tyng; b, Manhasset, NY, Ap 13, 1872; NYU, 90-1; CU, 91-3; GenTS, 93-6; UTS (BD), 1906-7; ord (PE) dea, My 31, 96; pr, Jn 5, 98; as min (St Matthew's), NYCity, 96-1900; rec, White- stone, NY, 00-4; as min (Incarnation), NYCity, 04 — . KAWANAKA, Kannosuke; b, Toba, Shima, Japan, Oe 5, 1877; TohG, 97- 9; do, Th Dept, 99-1902; PacTS (BD), 03-6; res grad, UTS, 06-7; do, YTS, 07-8; ss, Yamagata, Japan, 02-3. KNAPP, Ezra Charles; b, Blissfield, Mich, Dc 26, 1877; UMich, 1902; HTS, 04-5; UTS, 05-6; CTS, 06-7; lect (SS Administr), CTS, 07-8; as pas (Cong, Union Park), Chicago, 111, 07-8. LANG, William Gordon; b, Brockville, Ont, Can, Ja 22, 1878; TrinU, 1904; UTS, 04-5; ord (CuPresb, Amarillo), Ap 2, 04; ss, Frederick, Okla, 05; ss (Presb), Snyder, Okla, 05-6; ss, Chickasha, IT, 06—. LELAND, Dean Richmond; b, Lockport, NY, Ag 23, 1866; HC, 89; PTS, 90-3; res grad, UTS, 06-7; ord (Presb, Niagara), Dc 7, 93; pas (Sec- ond), Lockport, NY, 93-7; pas (Tyler PI), St Louis, Mo, 97-1903; instr (Hist & Bible), Milit Acad, Peekskill, NY, 07—. LOBINGIER, John Leslie; b, Chicago, 111, Ja 1, 1884; NYU, 1905; UTS, 04-5; Col of Bible, Lexington, Ky, 05-7; ord (Disc), Jn 5, 07; pas, California, Ky, 06-7; as pas (Magnolia Av), Los Angeles, Cal, 07 — . LOOMIS, Frank Denman; b, Pemberville, O, Dc 14, 1880; OWU, 1904; UTS, 04-5; sec (Children's Soc), Newark, NJ, 06—. O'DOWD, Denis Herbert; b, Porth, Wales, Oc 14, 1881; NYU, 1905; UTS, 04-5; GenTS, 05-7; ord (PE) dea, My 26, 07, pr, Jn 14, 08; as min (Bronx Parish Hse), NYCity, 07—. MacLEOD, William Theophilus; b, Orwell Cove, PEI, Oc 24, 1868; Pr of Wales C, 88; AubTS, 94-7; res grad, UTS (BD), 06-7; ord (Presb, Boston), Oc 5, 98; ss, Corinth, NY, 97-8; ss, Brockton, Mass, 98-9; lect, Pacific Coast, 99-1902; pas, Rugby, ND, 02-4; pas, Fosston, Minn, 04-6; lect, 07—. Addr, Orwell Cove, PEI. PARKER, Archibald Fraser; b, NYCity, Fb 18, 1865; CU, 1906-7; NBTS, 97-1900; res grad, UTS (BD), 06-8; ord (Presb, Jersey City), Jn 29, 00; ss, Rutherford, NJ, 00-1; pas, Monroe, NY, 01-6; ss (RD, Fort Wash- ington), NYCity, 07—. PLEASANT, Ellis Eugene; b, Robinson, 111, Ja 19, 1876; UnCC, 1900; OTS (BD), 03-6; res grad, UTS, 06-7; ord (Cong), Nv 20, 07; pas, Lakota, ND, 07—. 360 1907-1908. SCHAEFER, Frederick William; b, NYCity, Ag 28, 1880; NYU (LLB), 1901; do (AB), 05; UTS, 04-5; law, NYCity, 05—. SCOTT, Daniel Newton; b, Seymoursville, W-Va, Dc 3, 1869; OttU, 94; UnBibS (Un Breth), 94-6; MsCTS, 1903-5; res grad, UTS, 06-7; ord (UBreth), Mr 22, 03; ss, Muscatine, Io, 02-3; ss, Vinton, Io, 03-4; ss, Morley, Io, 04; pas (Presb), Williamsburg, Io, 05-6; pas, Grafton, ND, 07—. WADA, Rinkuma; b, Asa Gori Yamaguchi-ken, Japan, Dc 1, 1870; Tokyo ImpU, 98; UTS, 1904-5; tea (Engl, Acad; philos, Colleg Dept, Doshisha), Kyoto, Japan, 00-1; dean (Acad, do), 01-4; dean (Colleg Dept, do), 03-4; dean (Girls' Sch, do), 05-7; prof (Philos, Colleg Dept, do), Kyoto, Japan, 07 — . WALKER, Olney Kinkead; b, Connectionville, Io, My 27, 1882; CoeC, 1903; PrinU (MA), 05; PTS, 03-6; res grad, UTS, 06-7; Europe, 07—. 18. 1908. ALLISON, George Deacon; b, Brooklyn, NY, Ja 23, 1885; BU (PhB), 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Bap), Jn 5, 08. ANDERSON, Thomas Bertram; b, Dellin, NY, Ag 30, 1878; YU, 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Presb, Champlain), 08; ss, Paul Smiths, NY, 08— . BE ALE, Arthur Stanley; b, Rockville Centre (LI), NY, Fb 19, 1881; HarU, 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Cong), My 22, 08. BRUCE, Walter Joseph; b, White's Creek, Tenn, Oc 4, 1870; CumbU, 95; CuTS (BD), 99; UTS (BD), 1907-8; ord (Cum Presb, Lebanon), Oc — , 96; ss, Pulaski, Tenn, 02-3; ss, Holdenville, IT, 03-7; ss (Presb), Tompkins Cove, NY, 07—. COTTON, Edward Howe; b, Boston, Mass, Nv 3, 1880; ColbC, 1905; NTI, 05-7; UTS, 07-8. CURRIE, John W; b, Nottawa, Ont, Can, Ag 9, 1873; TorU, 1906; KCOnt, 04-7; UTS (BD), 07-8. DALLAS, John Thomson; b, Waterbury, Ct, Ap 15, 1880; YU, 1904; UTS, 04-5, 06-8; ord (PE) dea, Jn 3, 08; rec as (Ep), Waterbury, Ct, 08—. DAVIS, Robert; b, Harwichport, Mass, Jl 29, 1881; DC, 1903; HarDS, 04-5; UTS, 06-8; ord (Cong), Ap 23, 08; as pas (Presb, Brick), NYCity, 08—. DENNETT, Tyler; b, Spencer, Wis, Jn 13, 1883; WmsC, 04; UTS, 05-8; pas as (Covenant), Washington, DC, 08 — . DERBYSHIRE, Arthur James; b, Lawrence, Mass, Dc 10, 1882; AC, 1905; UTS, 05-8; ord (Cong), Jn — , 08; pas (Washington), Beverly, Mass, 08—. 1908. 361 ELMORE, Robert Bartlett; b, Maryville, Tenn, Ag 25, 1880; MvC, 1900; PrinU, 01; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 15, 08; fm (Inst Ingles). Santiago, Chile, 08 — . FALCONER, Robert Crawford; b, Hamilton, O, Fb 16, 1882; DC, 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8. FIELD, Robert Hieinbothem; b, Brooklyn, NY, Sp 3, 1883; Bklyn Poly- tech Inst, 1903-5; UTS, 05-8; ord (Presb, Nassau), Sp 12, 07; pas (First), Flushing-, NY, 07—. FRITZ, Rayman Forest; b, Rittman, O, Ja 22, 1878; WRU, 04; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Cong), Jl 9, 08; pas, Brier Hill, NY, 08—. GILKEY, Charles Whitney; b, Watertown, Mass, Jl 3, 1882; HarU, 1903, (MA), do, 04: UTS (BD), 05-8; fellow, do, 08-10; UB, 08-9. GREGORY, Russell Stanley; b, Salem, NY, Sp 16, 1881; WmsC, 1905; UTS, 05-8; ord (Presb, NY), Jn 27, 08; pas as (Sea & Land), NYCity, 08—. HOFFMEIER, Edgar Franklin; b, Everett, Pa, Jl 6, 1879; F&MC, 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8. HOYT, Sarah Fenton; b, NYCity, Mr 4, 1885; BarC, 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8. KRENEK, Joseph: b, Kundratice, Moravia, Nove Mesto, 1903; ProtTS, Vienna, 06; UTS (BD), 07-8; ord (Presb, Bait), My 17, 08; pas (Bo- hem), Baltimoi'e, Md, 08 — . MacARTHUR, Kenneth Cauldwell; b, NYCity, Oc 6, 1882; HarU, 1905, (MA), do, 05; HarDS, 04-5; UTS (BD), 06-8; ord (Bap), My 17, 08; pas, Tremont, NYCity, 08 — . MAYNARD, Harrison Alberto; b, Muscotah, Kan, Nv 24, 1878; WashbC, 1904; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Cong), My 27, 08; fm, Bitlis, E-Turkey, 08—. MOMIKURA, Sakusuke; b, Kiroshima, Japan, Fb 28, 1879; UCal, 1902-4; YDS, 04-5; UTS, 05-8. MURTFELDT, Frank Woolley; b, Newburgh, NY, Jl 4, 1883; HarU, 1905; UTS (BD), 05-8; ord (Cong), My 4, 08; as pas (Presb, First), Utica, NY, 08—. PATTERSON, Frank Melvin; b, Carmichaels, Pa, Jl 25, 1880; WaynC, 1905; YDS, 05-7; UTS (BD), 07-8. PERRY, William Frederick; b, Stewartsville, Mo, Fb 28, 1866; MoVC, 92; CuTS (BD), 94-6; UTS (BD), 1907-8; ord (CuPresb, Platte), Fb 16, 93; pas, Watson & Agency, Mo, 92-4; pas, Fairfax, Mo, 96-9; pas, In- dependence, Mo. 99-07; pas (Presb), Pleasantville, NY, 07 — . RANDOLPH, Joseph Drane; b, Franklin, Ky, Ag 21, 1883; Ky WeslC, 1904; VandU. TS. 05-7; UTS, 07-8. 362 1908. SATTERWHITE, Benjamin Offut; b, Louisville, Ky, Sp 8, 1880; Print!, 1904; UTS, 04-8; ord (Presb, Brooklyn), My 31, 08; ss (Bedford Park), NYCity, 08—. SHIMADZU, Misaki; b, Yonezawa, Uzen, Japan, My 2, 1877; Angl-JapC, Tokyo, 93-6; do, TS, 97-1901; pas as, Kofu, Japan, 01-4; mis, Riverside, Cal, 04-5; UChic, TS, 05-7; UTS (BD), 07-8; em (Jap), Chicago, 111, 08—. SMITH, Gilbert Harmer; b, Newton, NC, Dc 23, 1883; TrCNC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-6, 07-8. SMITH, James Hardin; b, Concord, Tenn, Sp 2, 1880; HiwasseeC (BS), 1900; CuTS (BD), 03-6; UTS (BD), 07-8; ord (CuPresb, Knoxville), Ap 1, 94; pas, W-Nashville, Tenn, 04-5; pas (Presb); Bradford, O, 06- 7; pas as (Univ PI), NYCity, 08—. TODD, Joseph Clinton; b, Sturgeon, Mo, Mr 28, 1879; MoVC, 1901; CU (MA), 08; UTS, 05-8; ord (Disc), Jl 13, 02; tea, Marshall, Mo, 01-4; pas, Boonville, Mo, 02-3; pas, Monroe City, Mo, 04-5; pas (Presb), Brentwood, NY, 06—. TOMIO, Tomeo; b, Kuwana, Ise, Japan, Ap 6, 1879; MeiG, 1904; UTS, 05-8. WICKS, Robert Russell; b, Utica, NY, Jn 3, 1882; HC, 1904; UTS (BD), 04-6, 07-8; ord (Presb, Morris&Orange), Jn 3, 08; pas (Arlington Av), E-Orange, NJ, 08—. YOKOTA, Teiji; b, Hokodate, Hokkaido, Japan, My 30, 1882; MeiG, 1900; CCNY, 03-4; UTS (BD), 05-8. 34. FORSTER, Charles; b, Birkenhead, Engl, Sp 24, 1878; Sch of Evang, Kimberline, Ky, 1903; UTS, 05-6; ord (Disc), My — , 01. FREEMAN, Daniel Roy; b, Rockwood, Ont, Can, Fb 14, 1882; WU, 1905; UTS, 05-7; ord (Unit), Sp 30, 07; pas (Third), Dorchester, Boston, Mass, 07 — . GENTRY, Richard White; b, Columbia, Mo, Ag 17, 1881; UMo, 1905; UTS, 05-6; UChic, 06; ord (Disc), Mr — , 05; act prof (Old Test), BibleC, Columbia, Mo, 07-8; asso pas (First), Chicago, 111, 08 — . LARSEN, George; b, Risor, Norway, Dc 23, 1877; NYU, 1906; UTS, 05-6; bus, NYCity, 06—. LEWIS, John Wythe; b, Louisville, Ky, Mr 24, 1881; WestmC, 99-1902; NYU, 04-5; UTS, 05-6; PrinTS, 06-8. McBRIDE, Arthur Andrews; b, Ja 30, 1878; UMich (BS), 19Q0; law, do, 01-2; AndTS, 04-7; fellow, do, 07-9; res grad, UTS, 07-8. 1908. 303 McMICHAEL, James; b, Rockford, 111, My 10, 1878; OccC, 1906; SFTS, 05-6; YDS, 06-7; UTS, 07; res, Winnebago, 111, 08—. MANN, George Eugene; b, Manville, RI, Mr 9, 1877; BatesC, 1906; BTS, 00-3; BatesC, DS (BD), 03-6; res grad, UTS, 07-8; ord (Cong), Oc 30, 06. MARSHALL, Thomas Franklin; b, Albion, Io, Ja 7, 1871; LFU, 94; McCTS, 94-6; DTS, 97-8; CU (MA), 1907-8; UTS (BD), 07-8; ord (Presb, Palmyra), Sp 22, 98; ss & pas e, Ironton, Mo, 99-02; ss, Lin- ton, Ind, 03-4; ss, Jerseyville, 111, 05-6; dean, LindenwoodC, StCharles, Mo, 06-7. NASMITH, Augustus Inglesbe; b, Massena, NY, Fb 18, 1884; ColgU, 1904; HamTS, 04-7j res grad, UTS, 07-8. PARSON, Artley Beeber; b, Washington, DC, Ja 27, 1880; HarU, 1903; UTS, 05-7; ord (Cong, RIAsso), Dc 20, 07; pas (EvCong), Providence, RI, 07—. PORTER, Lucius Chapin; b, Tientsin, China, Oc 31, 1880; BelC, 1901; YTS (BD), 03-6; fellow, do, 06-7; res grad, UTS, 07-8; ord (Cong), My 22, 08. PRIDE, Ora Lee; b, Hamersville, O, Ag 31, 1871; AntC, 1905; UCin (MA), 05-7; LTS, 05-7; res grad, UTS (BD), 07-8; ord (Chris, So O Conf), Oc 27, 95; pas (Pres, Clifford), Cincinnati, O, 08—. ROBERTS, Harry Baldwin; b, Cincinnati, O, Ap 11, 1879; CentreC, 1900: PrinU (MA), 00; LTS, 00-1; PrinTS, 01-3; res grad (BD), UTS, 07-8; ord (Presb, Nassau), Jn 1, 03; pas, Oceanside, NY, 03-5; pas (Borough Park), Brooklyn, NY, 06—. SOLOMONIDES, John Joseph; b, Smyrna, Asia Minor, Mr, 1866; UA (MD), 94; UTS, 1905-7; ord (Gk Orth), Ap — , 04. SWIFT, George Hiram; b, Philadelphia, Pa, Ja 2, 1877; CHS, 94; UPa, 98; CrozTS, 98-1901; UChic (MA), 01-2; UTS (BD), 07-8; ord (Bap), Ja 20,03; pas, Fulton, Mo, 03-7; pas (Allegheny Av), Philadelphia Pa, 08—. 17. COMPILER'S NOTE The utmost care has been taken to obtain accurate information at first hand from the alumni themselves in the compilation of these records. In some cases this has not been possible, and then recourse has been had to annual ecclesiastical records, such as the Minutes of Presbyterian General Assemblies, and the Year-Books of the Congre- gational, Baptist, Episcopal, and other churches. In some cases similar catalogues of other institutions have been employed. The endeavor has been made to make note of the source of the data when taken from these publications. The compiler is also indebted to a great number of Stated Clerks of Presbyteries and similar bodies, who have replied with unfailing courtesy. To them he would express his obligations. Sometimes extended correspondence has been required to establish a single date, often three or four letters, and sometimes a dozen. The extent of the undertaking may be judged by the fact that it has re- quired the preparation of between three and four thousand circulars and letters, and the receipt, perusal, and compilation of an equal number of replies. Where so large an amount of detail is involved it is idle to expect that no mistakes have crept in, but it is hoped that their number is not disproportionately great. For corrections and supplementary facts the compiler will be much obliged. In three cases the details have been omitted by special request. The size of the book has been kept down as much as possible by the use of abbreviations, the omission of superfluous punctuation, and the printing of arbitrary abbreviations solid. The omission of the first two figures in the year-numbers will cause no confusion. The names of the months have also been cut, but the names of places have been given in full, except where compounded with one of the points of the compass. The names of States are given in their usual shortened forms. A single year-number after the name of a college, indicates the year of graduation, and where the degree received is not otherwise noted, the degree of B.A. is to be understood. Where a continuous date is given after the name of a college, it indicates the period of attendance, without graduation or a degree. In the case of seminaries, however, 365 366 COMPILER'S NOTE this method of marking attendance usually includes graduation: those in the first alphabet under a given year being graduates of this sem- inary; those in the second, having taken only a partial course or a graduate year here. A dash followed by a period, at the end of a given record, signifies that the relation indicated continued at the time when the compiler's work was done. In the record of ordination the attempt has been made to include the name of the ordaining Presbytery or Classis. Ordination by Council has not been more closely specified. The following table shows the totals in the alumni-body: Graduates, holding the diploma of the Seminary 2,161 Partial and Graduate Students 1,271 Total number of matriculated students 3,432 Supposed to be living 2,149 Deceased or unknown 1,283 ABBREVIATIONS. I. Literary and Theological Institutions. AC. AdC. AdelC. AgC. A1C. AITS. AlbC. AlbLC. AlexTS. AlfU. AlfTS. AlmC. AndTS. AntC. AoyG. AsC. AsbU. AshCI. AubTS. BC. BNC. BVC. BTS. BU. BUTS. BalU. BarC. BatesC. BelC. BelfC. BelvC. BelvMC. BerC. BerkDS. BethC. BethC(T) Biblns. B1TT. BloomTS. BonC. BosTS. BosU. BtC. BncC. ButU. CB. CC. CCNY. CHS. CNJ. OTC. CTS. CU. Amherst College ; Amherst. Mass. Adrian College ; Adrian. Mich. Adelbert College of Western Reserve University; Cleveland, O. Agricultural College. Allegheny College : Allegheny, Pa. Allegheny Theol. Sem.; Allegheny, Pa. Albert College : Belleville, Ont. Albert Lea College: Albert Lea, Minn. Alexandria Theol. Sem.; Alexandria. Va. Alfred University ; Alfred Centre, N. Y. Alfred Theol. Sem. ; Alfred Centre, N. Y. Alma College ; Alma, Mich. Andover Theol. Sem.; Andover, Mass. Antioch College ; Yellow Springs, O. Aoyama Gakuin ; Tokyo, Japan. Assembly's College. Asbury University; Greencastle, Ind. Ashland Collegiate Institute; Ashland, N. Y. A Auburn Theol. Sem.; Auburn, N. Y. Bowdoin College : Brunswick, Me. Bible Normal College; Hartford, Ct. Buena Vista College ; Iowa. Bangor Theol. Sem.; Bangor, Me. Brown University ; Providence, R. I. Baptist Union Theol. Sem.; Morgan Park, III. Now Divinity School of University of Chicago. Baldwin University ; Berea, O. Barnard College ; N. Y. City. Bates College ; Lewiston, Me. Beloit College : Beloit, Wis. Belfast College ; Belfast, Ireland. Bellevue College ; Bellevue, Neb. Bellevue Medical College ; N. Y. City. Berea College; Berea, Ky. Berkeley Divinity School; Middletown, Ct. Bethel College; Rr.RRelville, Ky. Bethel College; McKenzie, Tenn. Biblical Institute. Blackburn University; Carlinville, 111. Bloomfield Theol. Sem.; Blooinfield, N.J. Bonaventura College. Boston Theol. Sem.; Boston, Mass. Boston University ; Boston, Mass. Burritt College; Srencer, Tenn. Bucknell College (University) ; Lewis- burg. Pa. Butler University; Indianapolis, Ind. College of the Bible ; Lexington, Ky. Columbia College ; New York City. College of the City of New York. Central High School ; Philadelphia. Pa. College of New Jersey ; Princeton, N. J. (PrinU. after 18%.) Central Turkey College; Aintab. Tur- key. Chicago Theol. Sem.; Chicago. 111. Columbia University ; New York City. CalC. College of California. See UCal. CaldC. Caldwell College, Rogersville, Tenn. CamTS. Cambridge Theol. Sem. ; Cambridge, Mass. CarC. Carthage College ; Carthage, 111. CarlC. Carleton College ; Northfield, Minn. CedC. Cedarville College ; Cedarvillo, O. CentC. Central College ; Payette, Mo. CentU. Central Univ. ; Richmond, Ky. CentreC. Centre College ; Danville, Ky. C1U. Cleveland Univ. ; Cleveland, O. ClkU. Clark Univ. ; Worcester, Mass. CnC. Columbian College; Washington, D. C. CoeC. Coe College: Cedar Rapids, Io. ColTS. Columbia Theol. Sena. : Columbia, S. C. ColbU. Colby Univ. ; Waterville, Me. ColgU. Colgate Univ. ; Hamilton, N. Y. Collf&S. College of Physicians and Surgeons; N. Y. City. ColoC. Colorado College; Colorado Springs, Col. ConcCMilw. Concordia College; Milwaukee, Wis. CorC. Cornell College ; Io. CornU. Cornell Univ.; Ithaca, N. Y. CovTS. Covington Theol. Sem.; Covington, Ky. CrC. Centre College ; Danville, Ky. CrozTS. Crozer Theol. Sem.; Chester, Pa. CuU. Cumberland Univ.; Lebanon, Tenn. CuTS. Cumberland Theol. Sem. ; Lebanon, Tenn. CumbC. Cumberland College ; Ky. DC. Dartmouth College ; Hanover, N. H. D&DI. Deaf and Dumb Institute. DLL Delaware Literary Institute ; Franklin, N. Y. DPU. DePauw Univ. ; Greencastle. Ind. DS. Divinity School (Ep.); Philadelphia, Pa. DTS. Danville Theol. Sem. ; Danville, Ky. DalC. Dalhonsie College ; Halifax, N. S. DavC. Davidson College: Mecklenbnrgh Co., N. C. DelC. Delaware College ; Newark, Del. DenU. Denison Univ. Granville, O. DiC. Dickinson College ; Carlisle, Pa. Dosh. Doshisha ; Kyoto, Japan. DrakeU. Drake University : Des Moines, la. DrTS. Drew Theol. Sem. ; Madison, N. J. DruC. Drury College ; Springfield, Mo. E1S1HC. Emory and Henry College ; Emory, Wash. Co., Vn. EmC. Emery College ; Oxford, Ga. EmpC. Emporia College; Emporia, Kan. EpDS. Episcopal Divinity School ; Cambridge, Mass. ErskC. Erskine College : Due West, S. C. HuphC. Euphrates College. EurC. Eureka College ; Eureka, 111. KvTS. Evanston Theol. Sem. ; Evanston, 111. FAC. French American College; Springfield, Mass. F&MC. Franklin and Marshall College ; Lan- caster, Pa. FklnC. ' Franklin College: Franklin, Ind. FrankC. Franklin College ; New Athens, O. 367 368 ABBREVIATIONS GBI. Garret Biblical Inst. ; Evanston, 111. LivC. GC. Genesee College : Lima, N. Y. MO. GTS. Gettysburg Theol. Sem.; Gettysburg, MTS. Pa. MaC. GalesvU. Galesville TTniv. ; Galesville, Wis. MacalC. GenC. Geneva College; West Geneva, O. McCTS. GenCPa. Geneva College ; Beaver Falls, Pa. McCC. GenTS. General Theol. Sem. (Ep.); N. Y. City. McKC. GerTS. German Theol. Sem. ; Dubuque, lo. McMU. GetC. Gettysburg College; Gettysburg, Pa. MadU. GUTS. Gilmanton Theol. Sem. ; Deny, N. H. GrisC. Griswold College ; Davenport, lo. ManU. GrovCC. Grove City College ; Grove City. Pa. MeadTS. HC. Hamilton College; Clinton, N. Y. MeiG. HSC. Hampden Sidney College ; Va. MerU. HTS. Hartford Theol. Sem. ; Hartford, Ct. MercC. See TIC. MiC. HalTS. Halifax Theol. Sem.; Halifax, N. S. MiU. HamTS. Hamilton Theol. Sem.; Hamilton, N. Y. MisHC. Now the Sem. of Colgate Univ. MonC. HanC. Hanover College ; Hanover, Ind. MorC. HarC. Harvard College ; Cambridge. Mass. MorTS. HarDS. Harvard Divinity Sch. ; Cambridge, MoVC. Mass. MtATS. HastC. Hastings College; Hastings. Neb. HavC. Haverford College; Haverford, Pa. MtHol. HbgUO. Heidelberg University ; Tiffin, O. HeidU. Heidelberg University; Heidelberg, MtUC. Germany. MvC. HiC. Hillsdale College : Hillsdale, Mich. NBTS. HiTS. Hillsdale Theological Seminary ; Hills- dale, Mich. NHTS. HighU. Highland University ; Highland, Kan. NNSO. HirC. Hiram College; Hiram, O. NNUniv. HkTS. Hartwick Seminary; Hartwick Semi- NTI. nary, N. Y. HobC. Hobart College ; Geneva, N. Y. NTS. HopcC. Hope College ; Hope, Mich. HowU. Howard University; Washington, D. C. NU. HuC. Huron College ; Huron, S. D. NWC. IAU. Indiana Asbury Univ. ; Greencastle, Ind. See AsbU. NWBTS. IC. Illinois College: Jacksonville. 111. NWTS. IWU. Iowa Wesleyan University ; Mt. Pleas- ant, lo. NWU. IbC. Iberia College ; O. See OOC. I11WU. Illinois Wesleyan University. NYA. IndU. Indiana University: Bloomington. Ind. IngU. Ingham University ; Le Roy, N. Y. NYMedC IoC. Iowa College ; Grinnell. Io. NYU. IoU. Iowa University . Iowa City, lo. NewC. JC. Jefferson College ; Washington, Pa. OC. See W & ,1C. OCC. JMedC. Jefferson Med. Col. • Philadelphia, Pa. OI. JHU. Johns Hopkins Univ. : Baltimore. Md. ONU. JaC. Jackson Collpge : Columbia. Tenn. OSU. KC. Knox College; Galesburg. 111. OTS. KCOnt. Knox College ; Toronto, Ont., Canada. OU. KU. Kentucky Univ. ; Lexington, Ky. OWU. , KalC. Kaliimnzoo College : Kalamazoo, Mich. KenC. Kenyon College ; Gambier. O. OccC. KeuC. Keuka College. N. Y. OkC. KgC. King College; Bristol, Tenn. 01C. KolG. Kolin Gymnasium ; Kolin, Bohemia. OmTS. LFC. Lafayette Col'ege ; Fast on, Pa. OniU. LFU. Lake Forest Univ. : Lake Forest. 111. OreSU. LICH. Long Island City Hospital; Brookhn, OttU. N. Y. PC. LSU. Leland Stanford Jr. University; Palo PRDS. Alto, Cal. PT8. LTS. Lane Theol. Sem. ; Cincinnati, O. PHC. LU. Lewisbnrg Univ. : Lewisburg, Pa. LVC. Lebanon Valley College; Annville. Ta. PU. LaC. Louisiana College : Baton Konge, La. PaC. LafC. Lafayette College; Easton, Fa. PacTS. LancTS. Lancaster Theol. Sem. : Lancaster, Pa. PnrC. LawrU. Lawrence Univ. : Appleron. Wis. ParsO. LehU. Lehigh University ; So. Bethlehem. Ta. Pcni C. LenC. Lenox Coll. (Inst.) ; Hopkintoi'. Io. PkC. LinU. Lincoln University ; Lincoln. 111. PomC. LinU(Pa) Lincoln University; Chestnut Level, Pa. PresC. Livingstone College, N. C. Middlebui-y College ; Middlebury, Vt. Madison Theol. Sem. See HamTS. Marietta College ; Marietta, O. Macalester College ; St. Paul, Minn. McCormick Theol. Sem. ; Chicago, 111. McGill College : Montreal, Can. McKendree College ; Lebanon, 111. McMaster University ; Toronto, Can. Madison University ; Hamilton, N. Y. (now Colgate University). Manitoba College ; Winnipeg, Can. Meadville Theological Seminary; Pa. Meiji Gakuin ; Tokyo, Japan. Mercer University ; Macon, Ga. Mercersburg College; Mercersburg, Pa. Mississippi College; Clinton. Miss. Miami University ; Oxford, O. Mission House College ; Franklin, Wis. Monmouth College ; Monmouth, 111. Moravian College ; Bethlehem. Pa. Moravian Theol. Sem. ; Bethlehem, Pa. Missouri Valley College ; Marshall. Mo. Mt. Airy Luth. Sem.; Mt. Airy, Phila- delphia, Pa. Mt. Holyoke Seminary; So. Hadley, Mjisb. Mt. Union College ; Mt. Union, O. Maryville College ; Maryville, Tenn. New Brunswick Theol. Sem. ; New Brunswick, N. J. See YTS. National Normal School ; Lebanon, O. National Normal Univ. ; ditto. Newion Theol. Institution ; Newton Centre, Mass. Newark German Theol. Sem. : Bloom- field, N. J. Nashville University ; Nashville. Tenn. New Windsor College ; New Windsor, Md. North-western Baptist Theol. Sem. North-western Theol. Sem. ; Chicago, 111. See McCTS. North-western University ; Evanston, 111. New York Free Academy : N. Y. City. See CONY. New York Medical College ; N. Y. City. New York University ; N. Y. City. New College; Edinburgh, Scotland. Oberlin College: Oberlin, O. Ohio Centenary Col. : Iberia, 0. Oneida Institute ; Whitesboro 1 , N. Y. Ohio Normal University; Ada, O. Ohio State University : Columbus, O. Oberlin Theo. Sem. ; Oberlin. O. Ohio University : Columbus, O. Ohio Wesleyan University ; Delaware, O. Occidental College ; Los Angeles, Cal. Oakland College: Rodney, Miss. Olivet College ; Olivet, Mich. Omaha Theol. Sem. : Omaha, Neb. Omaha University ; Omaha, Neb. Oregon State University : Eugene, Ore. Otterbein University ; Westerville, O. People's College ; Havana, N. Y. See DS. Princeton Theol. Sem.; Princeton, N. J. Pleasant Hope College ; Pleasant Hope, Mo. Pacific University : Forest Grove, Ore. Pennsylvania College : Gettysburg, Pa. Pacific Theol. Sem. ; Oakland, Cal. Parker College ; Winnebago. Minn. Farsons College: Fairfield, Io. Penn College ; Oskaloosn. Io. Park College ; ParkviHe. Mo. Pomona College : Ciaremont, Cal. Presbyterian College : Montreal, Can. ABBREVIATIONS 369 PresTC. Presbyterian Theol. Col.: Halifax, N. S. PrinTJ. Princeton University : Princeton, N. J. (see CNJ before 1896). QC. Quebec College ; Quebec, Can. E. QCOnt. Queens College : Kingston, Ont., Can. QU. Queens University : ditto. RC. Rutgers College : New Brunswick, N. J. RFC. Rutgers Female College : N. Y. City. RMC. Randolph Macon College ; Ashland, Vfl. RTS. Rochester Theol. Sena. ; Rochester, N.Y. RipC. Ripon College ; Ripon, Wis. RIXT. Royal University ; Dublin, Ireland. RoC. Roanoke College: Salem. Va. SBTS. Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. ; Louis- ville, Ky. SCO. Simpson Centenary Col.: Indianola, Io. SCW. School for Christian Workers; Spiing- fleld, Mass. (now BNC). SFTS. San Francisco Theol. Sem. ; San An- selmo, Cal. SSC. St. Stephen's College : Annandale, N. Y. S3S. . Sheffield Scientific School (YC); New Haven, Ct. SU. Syracuse University : Syracuse, N. Y. SWPU. Sonth - western Presb. University ; Clnrksville, Tenn. SWTS. So. West Theol. Sem.; Maryville. Tenn. ScoS. Scotia Seminary ; Concord. N. C. ShnrC. Shurtleff College ; Upper Alton, 111. StUC. State University of California ; Berke- ley, Cal. SeeUCal. StUIo. State University of Iowa ; Iowa City, Io. See IoU. SvrC. Syrian Prot. College; Beirut, Syria. TIC. Theol. Inst, of Connecticut; Hartford, Ct. See HTS. TSNW. Theological Semina-y of the North- west. See McCTS. TTS. Troy Theol. Sem. : Troy, N. Y. TabC. Tabor College : Tabor, Io. TohG. Tohoku Gaknin ; Sendai, Japan. TorU. Toronto University ; Ont., Can. TrC. Trinity College ; Hartford, Ct. TrCNC. Trinity College ; Durham. N. C. TrU. Trinity University: Tehuacana. Tex. UA. University of Athens ; Athens, Greece. UAla. University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa, Ala. UB. University of Berlin ; Berlin. Prussia. UBonn. University of Bonn : Bonn, Germany. UBuf. University of Buffalo; N. Y. UC. Union College (Univers ty) ; Schenec- tady, N. Y. UCT. University College ; Toronto, Ont. UCal. University of Califoi nia : Berkeley, Cal. UChic. University of Chicago : Chicago, 111. UCin. Univercity of Cincinnati : O. UKT. University of East Tennessee ; Knox- ville. Tenn. UEdin. University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh, Scotland. UFreib. University of Freiburg ; Germany. UG. University of Glasgow ; Glasgow, Scot- land. UGies. University of Giessen : Germany. UG.lt. University of GOttingen : Germany. U-Hal. University of Halle : Germany. TJ 1 11. University of Illinois; Urbana, 111. UKan. University of Kansas ; Lawrence, Kan. ULeip. University of Leipzig ; Leipzig, Ger- many. ULew. University of Lewisbnrg. See LU. UM. University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, Mich. UMar. University of Marburg: Germany. UMedC. University Medical College ; N. Y. City. UMi. University of Mississippi ; Oxford, Miss. UMinn. University of Minnesota; Minneapolis, Minn. UMo. University of Missouri ; Columbia, Mo. UNC. University of N. Carolina ; Chapel Hill, N. C. UNY. University of the City of New York. UO. University of Oregon ; Eugene, Ore. UOxf. University of Oxford ; England. UPa. University of Pennsylvania ; W. Phila- delphia, Pa. UR. University of Rochester; Rochester, N. Y. US. University of Strassburg : Germany. USCal. University of So. California; Univer- sity, Cal. USCar. University of So. Carolina; Columbia, S. C. USD. Universityof So. Dak.;V rmillion, S.D. USNY. Regents of the University of State of New York ; Albany, N. Y. UT. University of Toronto ; Ontario. See also UCT. UTS. Union Theol. Sem. ; N. Y. City. UTSVa. Union Theol. Sem. : Richmond, Va. UU. Union University; Murfreesboro', Tenn. UVa. University of Virginia ; Albemarle Co., Va. UVt. University of Vermont ; Burlington, Vt. UW. University of Wisconsin ; Madison, Wis. UnBibS. Union Bibl. Sem. : Dayton, O. UnCC. Union Christian College. UnPS. Union Park Seminary ; Chicago, 111. UrsC. Ursinus College ; Freelnnd, Pa. VandU. Vanderbilt University; Nashville, Tenn. VicC. Victoria College ; Cobourg. Ont., Can. VicU. Victoria University; Toronto, Canada. W&JC. Washington & Jefferson College; Wash- ington, Pa. See JC. W&LU. Washington & Lee University ; Lexing- ton, Va. W&MC. William and Mary College. WRC. Western Reserve College ; Cleveland, 0. (formerly Hudson. 0.1. WRU. Western Reserve University ; Cleve- land, O. WTS. Western Theol. Sem.; Allegheny, Pa. WU. Wesleyan University ; Middletown. Ct. WabC. Wabash College : Crawfordsville, Ind. WashCTenn. Washington College ; Tenn. WashCVa. Washington College. See W&LU. WashbC. Washburn College ; Topeka, Kan. WayC. Waynesburg College ; Waynesburg, Pa. WeslC. Wesleyan College. WestC. Western College ; Toledo. Io. WestfC. Westfield College: Westfield. HI. WestmC. Westminster College; New Wilmington, Pa. WestmC(Mo.). Westminster College: Fulton, Mo. WhC. Wheaton College ; Wheaton, 111. WhitC. Whitman College; Walla Walla, Wash. WhitwC. Whitworth College ; Seattle. Wash. WilC. Wilmington College; Wilmington. O. WittC. Wittenberg College : Springfield. O. WmsC. Williams College: Williamstown. Mass. WnC. Washington College. See W&JC. WoosU. Wooster University ; Wooster, O. WtU. Western University ; Pittsburg, Pa. XO. Xenia College : Xenia, O. XTS. Xenia Theol. Sem.; Xenia, O. YC. Yale College : New Haven, Ct. YSS. Yale Scientific School. See SSS. YTS. Yale Theol. Sem.; New Haven, Ct. YU. Yale University ; New Haven, Ct. YanktO. Yankton College ; Yankton, S. D. 370 ABBREVIATIONS II. Societies and Corporations. ABCFM. American Board of Commission- CAS. ers for Foreign Missions. CUA. ABS. American Bible Society. Cot & Th Soc. AES. American Education Society. A&FBS. . American and Foreign Bible So- Nat Ref Asso. ciety. PBPnb. A&FCTJ. American and Foreign Christian PCCE. Union. AHMS. American Home Missionary So- PCHM. ciety. AMA. American Missionary Association. Presb Ed Com. APS. American Protestant Society. ASFS. American Seamen's Friend So- Presb His Soc. ciety. PPC. ASMCJ. American Society for Meliorating the Condition of the Jews. USCC. ASSU. American Sunday School Union. ATS. American Tract Society. US Com O. ATS of B. American Tract Society of WB Ed S. Boston. Children's Aid Society. Christian Union Association. Collegiate and Theological So- ciety. National Reform Association. Presb. Board of Publication. Presb. Committee on Church Erection. Presb. Committee on Home Mis- sions. Presbyterian Education Com- mittee. Pres'byterian Historical Society. Presbyterian Publication Com- mittee. United States Christian Commis- sion. U. S. Commissary Office. Western Baptist Education So- ciety. III. Miscellaneous. AB. Bachelor of Arts (honorary). inv. AM. Master of Arts. jour, ac dep. Academic Department. lect. adj prof. Adjunct Professor. >, i LHD. ag. Agent. LLD. agric. Agricultural Pursuits. Lie. as com. Assistant Commissioner. '. lit. as min. Assistant Minister. LittD. as pas. Associate Pastor. Lu. as prof. Assistant Prof. M E. asso prof. Associate Professor. • MAC. as sec. Assistant Secretary. MG-A. as surg. Assistant Surgeon. i MGS. BD. Bachelor of Divinity. manuf . BL. Bachelor of Laws. m of leg. BS. Bachelor of Science. med mis. Bap. Baptist. mer. CE. Civil Engineer. min. CYB. Congregational Year Books. min e. cm. City Missionary. min in ch. c pas. Colleague Pastor. mis, miss, ch. Chaplain. miss supt. ch min. Chapel Minister. mod. ch mis. Chapel Missionary. N. ch pas. Chapel Pastor. ' N. No. chan. Chancellor. osorocs. colp. Colporteur. ord. colp ts. Colporteur of Tract Society. PE. com trav. Commercial Traveller. pus. Cong. Congregational. pas as. cor. Newspaper Correspondent. pas e. cor sec. Corresponding Secretary. pas emer. cur. Curate. , PhD. DD. Doctor of Divinity. phil dep. dm. District Missionary. phys, d sec. District Secretary. p elder, d supt. District Superintendent. pm. Disc. Disciples of Christ. Presb. ed. Editor. 1 pn'st. Ep. Episcopalian. prin. ev. Evangelist. prof. Ev. Lu. Evangelical Lutheran. prot miss. fm. Foreign Missionary. publ. Ger Ref. Reformed Church in U. S. (German). r r sup. Gen Ass. General Assembly. rec. Ger tea. German Teacher. Ref. hm. Home Missionary. RD. hr. Honorably Retired. Ref Ep. hort. Horticulturist. res erad. Ind Meth. Independent Methodist. res lie. Invalid. Journalist. Lecturer. Litterarum Humaniorum Doctor. -» Doctor of Laws. Licentiate, or licensed. Literary Pursuits. Doctor of Letters. Lutheran. Methodist Episcopal. Minutes Methodist Annual Conferences. Minutes of General Assembly. Minutes of General Synod. Manufacturer. Member of Legislature. Medical Missionary. Merchant. Minister. Mining Engineer. Minister in Charge. Missionary. Missionary Superintendent. Moderator. New (in names of places). North (in names of places). Occasional Supply. Ordained. Protestant Episcopal. Pastor. Pastor's Assistant. Pastor Elect. Pastor Emeritus. Doctor of Philosophy. Philosophical Department. Physician. Presiding Elder. , Presbyterial Missionary. Presbyterian. President. Principal. Professor. Protestant Missionary. Publisher. Railroad Superintendent. Rector. Reformed (Dutch), RD. Reformed Church in America. Reformed Episcopal. Resident Oraduate. Resident Licentiate. ABBREVIATIONS 371 RC. Roman Catholic. supt. s ev. Synodical Evangelist. Biirv. sm. Synodical Missionary. tea. R8. Stated Supply. temp ag. SSAg. Sunday school Agent. tern sup. S S dep. Sunday-school Department. trav. SSm. Sundny-Rchool Missionary. tut. STD. Sacrae Theologiae Doctor. Unit. SVM. Student Volunteer Movement. Univ. sea ch. Seamen's Chaplain. USag. sec. Secretary. U S com. soc lib. Society Library. Wes. 8oc settl. Social Settlement. \v c. superan. Superannuated. WCA. Superintendent. Surveyor. Teacher. Temperance Agent. Temporary Supply. Travelling. Tutor. Unitarian. Universalist. United States Agent. United States Commissioner. Wesleyan. Without charge. Whittaker's Churchman's Almanac. INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS. Figures refer to the class in which graduation occurred. When preceded by "p" (partial course), or "g" (graduate student), the reference is to the second alphabetical list in each year's record of classes. The asterisk has its usual significance. The obelus in the Catalogue denotes those who are unknown. Abbey, 'Robert Easton 82 Abbot, Justin Edwards 79 Abbott, Albert Franklin p75 Abbott, Alexander Hewes 06 Abbott, Edward Johnson 95 Abbott, Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson . . p67 Abbott, Ernest Hamlin p96 Abbott, * Jacob Jackson 45 Abraham, * Andrew 48 Abrabamson, John Edward 91 Acker, *Henry Jacob 59 Adams, 'Carson Wilson 53 Adams, 'Charles Luther p50 Adams, Edwin Augustus p66 Adams, 'Frederic Henry 61 Adams, 'George Samuel p97 Adams, James Alonzo 70 Adams, William Wisner 58 Adamson, William Swan 61 Addy, 'William 61 Adriance, Edward Humphrey 87 Aiken, 'James 42 Aikman, 'Robert 47 Aikman, William 49 Alexander, Albert Jacob 93 Alexander, Franklin McLain 91 Alexander, Gottfried Edward p59 Alexander, James McKinney p62 Alexander, John McKnitt 90 Alexander, 'Thomas Theron 77 Alexander, William John p80 Alexy, 'Gustavus Albertus 71 Allan, George 95 Allen, Charles Jeremiah 92 Allen, 'Edwin 60 Allen, Eli Nelson 95 Allen, Frank Houghton 77 Allen, 'John Boyd p43 Allen, John Stevenson 85 Allen, Ralph Porter p90 Allen, Salmon Merritt p68 Allen, 'Samuel Howe 44 Allen, Theodore Hand 83 Aller, Nathan Shaw 95 Aller, 'Nathan Stigers 47 Allis, 'John Mather 69 Allison, 'Charles Elmer 74 Allison, George Deacon 08 Allison, Matthew Gay 90 Allison, 'Robert Coates p56 Alrich, 'William Augustus 62 Ambrose, 'Thomas Lyford p59 Ament, William Scott p77 Anderson, John Irvine 87 Anderson, Joseph 57 Anderson, 'Robert Campbell 47 Anderson, 'Samuel Gilmore 84 Anderson, 'Samuel Thomas p55 Anderson, Thomas Alexander 87 Anderson, Thomas Bertram 08 Anderson, William 77 Andrews, Edwin Norton 64 Andrews, Herbert Marston 79 Andrews, James Wadsworth p88 Andrus, Alpheus Newell 67 Angier, 'Luther Horn 39 Angier, 'Marshall Bullard 47 Armsby, 'Lauren p45 Armstrong 'Chester Solon 56 Armstrong, Elliott Chidsey 86 Armstrong, Frank Elmer 87 Armstrong, Joseph Rogers p55 Arnold, 'Austin p51 Arnold, William Rosenzweig 95 Arthur, 'Thomas Simmons p45 Ash, Joseph R p53 Ash worth, Robert Archibald 96 Atkinson, 'Charles Moody 48 Atkinson, 'Robert p41 Atkinson, 'Robert p59 Atkisson, Robert Virgil 81 Atterbury, Anson Phelps 79 Atterbury, 'John Guest p46 Augur, Charles Baker 92 Austin, Charles Baldrey 72 Averill, 'James Olney 78 Avery, 'Eugene Henry p62 Ayers, Walter Howard 71 Ayres, Thomas Nelson t p73 Babasinian, Simeon Hoohannes ....p83 Babb, 'Clement Edwin p49 Babbitt, Will Albert 95 Babcock, 'Joseph H p45 Bacheler, 'Francis Eben Meriam ....50 Bachman, Jonathan Waverly p63 Bachman, Nathan p63 Bachman, Robert, Jr p05 Backus, Jay Bayard p78 Baer, John Berger 87 Bagley, 'Francis Herbert 73 Bagnall, 'William Rhodes p43 Bahret, James Lincoln p98 Bailey, Franklin Corydon 86 Bailey, 'John William 52 Bailey, 'Samuel Wordsworth 45 Bailey, Turner Smith 72 Bailie, Joseph 90 Bainton, Henry Watterson 96 Baird, 'Charles Washington 52 Baird, 'Henry Martyn p56 Baird, 'Isaac 73 Baird, 'John Francis 60 Baker, * Alvin 62 Baker, Ezra Flavius 04 373 374 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Baker, Francis Marion 72 Baker, George Henry p97 Baker, George Stuart 70 Baker, * John Ezekiel 58 Baldwin, Albert Dorrance 95 Baldwin, Burton John 06 Baldwin, "Charles Hume 66 Baldwin, Charles Winterfleld 66 Baldwin, *Elijah Clark 60 Baldwin, Fritz Walter p82 Baldwin, Harold 98 Baldwin, John Albert 73 Baldwin, Ralph Howard 91 Ball, * Jasper Newton 52 Ballagh, Robert p79 Ballantine, Henry Watkins 60 Ballantine, John Wlnthrop 78 Ballantine, William Gay 72 Ballard, Frank Otis p78 Ballis, Eugene Albert 06 Bancroft, 'Cecil Franklin Patch ...p67 Banks, Talcott Miner p94 Barbee, Henry Nesbit 04 Barber, Frank William p99 Bard, Henry Erwin 01 Barker, * William Pratt 51 Barnes, *Erastus Smith 41 Barnes, William Smith 84 Barney, Lewis Wyckliffe 88 Barr, William Alexander 79 Barrett, 'Charles Henry 55 Barrett, *Frank Frelinghuysen 80 Barrett, * Myron p51 Barrett, Sidney Hall 97 Barrows, Alfred Edward 01 Barrows, "George Washington 44 Barrows, *John Henry p70 Barrows, * Walter Manning p70 Barrows, * Simon p45 Barrows, * William p46 Barstow, *Ephraim Tucker p44 Barta, Alois 95 Bartholomew, Wm. Melanchthon 73 Bartlett, *David Ely p40 Bartlett, *Ernest Merrill p97 Bartlett, *Joseph p43 Bartlett, "Peter Mason 53 Bartlett, William Alvin p57 Bartlett, * William Frederick Vincent. 58 Barton, "Luther p74 Bassett, * Wm. Elliott p54 Bates, Charles Dyer 02 Bates, *Erastus Newton p56 Batman, Levi Gordon 98 Baum, Oliver S 87 Bausman, *Clarence Garrecht p02 Bawden, William Henry 96 Bayley, Fxank Tappan 73 Bayne, John Julian g06 Bayne, John Strawn 69 Bazata, Vaclav p96 Beach, Allen Edwards p90 Beale, Arthur Stanley 08 Beale, James Hervey 61 Beale, Joseph Robert 97 Beals, "David . . ... p60 Beard, Augustus Field 60 Beard, "Robert Johnston 81 Beard, * William Henry 65 Beardsley, *Bronson Burton p49 Beattie, Andrew 88 Beattie, Thomas Cumming p82 Beatty, Henry Townsend 90 Bebb, William Bennett 98 Becker, John Henry p64 Beckwith, Edgar 88 Beckwith, "Frank Armstrong p81 Beckwith, *William Wallace 70 Bedient, John Amos p69 Beebe, * Abijah Pratt p42 Beebe, *Albert Graham 54 Beebe, Frederick Griswold 91 Beekman, * Abraham J 74 Beekman, * John Stottoff p60 Beeman, Henry Austin 68 Beer, "-Robert Carl p70 Beers, Wayland Lewis p98 Belden, "Henry 38 Belden, * William 39 Belden, * William Henry 67 Belian, Manoog Hagop 94 Belknap, "Henry 69 Bell, Elmer Ellsworth 83 Bell, "Goodloe Bowman 59 Bell, John Vernon 81 Bell, Robert Caird 69 Bellows, Russell Nevins p68 Benham, DeWitt Miles 87 Benjamin, "Theodore Hiram p56 Bennett, William Russell 93 Benson, Enoch 76 Bent, "Joseph Avery p53 Bent, Ruf us Howard p81 Bente, Christopher Henry 87 Benton, Charles William 77 Benton, Edwin Austin p86 Benton, "John Eliot p50 Benton, "Orlando Newton p58 Bergen, Abram Green 87 Bergen, George 90 Bergen, John Tallmadge 86 Berger, "Martin Luther 62 Berneike, Johannes Gerhardt 87 Berry, Charles Treat 63 Berry, Franklin Pease 75 Berry, "Philip p60 Best, "Jacob 48 Bewer, Julius Augustus 98 Bickenbach, Augustus Richard 83 Bickford, "Edward Gibbs 70 Bickford, Levi Francis p71 Biery, Benjamin Frank 78 Bigelow, Frank Hoffnagel p99 Bigler, Barton B p90 Billig, Clinton Ambrose 02 Billings, * Alpheus Whitney 65 Billingsley, John Alver 80 Birchby, Henry Gough 84 Bird, Albert Allen 87 Bird, "Frederic Mayer 60 Birge, "Lewis Meade 62 Birnie Douglas Putnam p85 Bisbee, Charles Goodrich p60 Bishop, "Albert Castle 63 Bishop, Gilbert Livingston p70 Bishop, Samuel Henry 91 Bissell, Allen Page 68 Bissell, "Edwin Cone 59 Bixby, "Joseph Perry p61 Black, Robert Franklin 02 Black, "Silas Wright 78 Blair, John Allen 96 Blake, "Daniel Hoyt pot) Blake, "Horace Thompson p43 Blakely, "Jacob Edgerton p51 Blakely, "Quincy 57 Blakely, "Zerah Franklin 65 Blanchard, "Charles Pinckney G8 Blauvelt, Cornelius Ryckman p67 Blewitt, Charles James 95 Bliss, Frederick Jones 8 1 Bliss, Howard Sweetser 87 Bloice, John Alfred Dellorn pit*; Bluhm, Conrad 97 Boardman, "Moses Bradford p63 Bogue, Horace Publius Virgilius ....66 Boing, "Ellas Levi 53 Bokum, "Hermann p41 Bolton, "James p54 Bolton, James Gray 75 Bonar, "James Blair 56 Bond, "Daniel 51 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 375 Bond, Lewis, Jr 67 Bond, * William Bush 39 Bone, Winstead Paine 88 Bonflls, Ellsworth 89 Bonner, Oliver Young 87 Bonner, * William p92 Bonney, *Elijah Hayward 44 Booth, Albert 55 Booth, * Henry Matthias 67 Borchers, *Ernest Fillion GO Borden, George Webster 84 Bordwell, *David Newcomb p58 Bossard, Guido 86 Boswell, James Iverson 61 Bottome, Wm. McDonald 76 Boughton, Thomas Blatchford 85 Bourne, Theodore p54 Bouton, Frank Russ p89 Bowe, *Daniel p62 Bowen, *George 47 Bowen, Marcellus 72 Boyd, * Erasmus James 40 Boyd, * John p76 Boynton, Charles Luther p06 Boynton, George Mills 63 Brace, ^Charles Loring p50 Bradbury, Henry Chase 71 Bradbury, *Ziba Nichols 62 Bradford, Charles Clay p98 Bradford, Herbert Andrew p92 Bradley, *Leonard Abram p68 Bradshaw, * John 50 Brady, John Green 77 Bragg, * Jesse Kendall 41 Brainerd, Edward Rankin 82 Branch, Samuel Joseph 07 Brandenburg, Frederick David p87 Bransby, Charles 77 Brantley, * Edwin Theodore 46 Braucher, Howard Solomon p06 Brauer, George 96 Brayton, *George 69 Bray ton, * Isaac Henry 49 Breed, * William Pratt .p46 Bren, Josef p91 Brenizer, John Luther p93 Briant, Samuel Ingersoll p67 Bridenbaugh, *Paul Samuel p03 Bridges, John Jay 95 Bridges, Thomas Reed 91 Bridgman, * Henry Martyn 60 Briggs, Chas. Augustus 64 Briggs, Emilie Grace 97 Briggs, Howard Appleton Munson . . pOO Briggs, * Marvin p55 Briscoe John Peter p62 Broady, William Cowan 87 Brockinton, James Scriven p84 Brodhead, Harry pt>3 Brodie, James Fairbairn 81 Brodt, * John Henry 53 Brokaw, * William Hall 99 Bronk, Mitchell p90 Bronson, Charles Eli 84 Bronson, Oliver Hart 96 Brookman, Donald Mayo pOt Brooks, George Wolcott p77 Brooks, Jesse Wendell 84 Brooks, Walter Augustus 75 Brown, * Allen Henry p42 Brown, * Alonzo 56 Brown, Andrew Christy 80 Brown, Charles Rufus 79 Brown, "Christopher Rush 67 Brown, * Edmund Woodward 58 Brown, Edwin 79 Brown, Francis 77 Brown, Fred LeRoy 04 Brown, Frederick Adolphus Miller... 63 Brown, Henry Matthias 93 Brown, Herbert Hopkins pOO Brown, Horatio Woodward p58 Brown, * John p70 Brown, John Edward 85 Brown, John Halleck 70 Brown, Josiah Johnson 68 Brown, Justus Newton p71 Brown, * Samuel Robbins 38 Brown, Samuel Robert p03 Brown, "Thomas Jefferson 68 Brown, Walter Ingalls p82 Brown, William Adams 90 Brown, William Fisk 70 Brown, William Martin 80 Browning, * Joseph Whiting p48 Brownson, Sidney James 76 Bruce, Walter Joseph 08 Bruce, William Paterson 87 Bruen, Arthur Newell 76 Bruen, Edward Baldwin 46 Bruen, Henry Munro 99 Bruen, James De Hart 71 Bruen, * James MacWhorter 42 Bruen, Norman Jay p04 Brundage, Henry Eber 98 Brundage, *Israel 56 Brush, Jesse 59 Brush, Wilbur Fisk p67 Bryan, *Edward 76 Bryant, James Paul 74 Bryant, Robert Collins p94 Buchanan, Andrew Blake p88 Buchanan, *Duncan McLennan . ...p89 Buchanan, James p03 Buchanan, *John Alfred p79 Buchanan, Walter Duncan 83 Buck, ""Charles Duryee p51 Buckland, * Rabbi Jos. Wales 55 Buckley, *Charles Waldron 64 Buckner, * John Alexander p55 Bulkley, "Charles Henry Augustus ..42 Bulkley, *Edwin Adolphus 47 Bull, "Richard Harrison 43 Bullard, Charles Bulkley 82 Bunker, Dalzell Adelbert 86 Bunstein, Henry Levan 72 Burbank, Lysander Tower 60 Burchard, *Whiting Cyrus 62 Burd, Charles Gillette 01 Bnrdick, Charles Alexander p71 Burke, *Abel Benjamin :42 Burkhalter, Edward Read 70 Burnett, Elijah Levings 65 Burnett, William p95 Burnham, *Edwin Otway 55 Burnham, Theodore Frelinghuysen ... 74 Burns, Charles Edward 76 Burr, Almon Whitney p71 Bucr, *Everett Doughty p87 Burr, * Jona. Kelsey p49 Burrell, David James 70 Burrell, Joseph Dunn 84 Burrell, Luther Albertus p80 Burrill, George Henry 84 Burton, Theodore Elijah :p75 Bush, *CharIes Peck 40 Bushnell, Albert 73 Bushnell, Henry Allen 82 Bushnell, "Lafayette '.'58 Butler, Charles Henry 87 Butler, James Glentworth p49 Butler, John Henry 85 Butler, *Samuel Russell p64 Butler, Wentworth Sanborn 55 Butler, Willis Howard 98 Byington, George Phelps p67 Byington, Stephen Tracy p95 Byington, 'Theodore Linn 57 Cadwallader, Starr 96 Cady, *Chauncey Marvin p54 Calbreath, John Soliss p90 Caldwell, *George Aiken p53 376 INDEX OF GKADUATES AND OTHEK STUDENTS Caldwell, *Isaac Nelson 61 Caldwell, Robert Templemon 97 Caldwell, William Edward 54 Calhoun, "Charles William p78 Calkins, Lyman Darrow p70 Calkins, Wolcott p61 Calvert, John Betts 79 Cameron, Donald p0~> Camp, * Charles Whittlesey 47 Camp, Edwin Chapin p94 Camp, *Samuel Abial p61 Campbell, "Charles Danforth 93 Campbell, *David Henshey 75 Campbell, Herbert Grant p05 Campbell, James p77 Campbell, James Oscar 83 Campbell, *Robert 49 Campbell, William Richard 86 Canfleld, "Charles Keeler p73 Capron, Harold Stearns 03 Carhart, Charles Lyman 89 Carlile, Samuel <>1 Carmichael, Orton Hoffman 93 Carner, Albert Bigelow p5£ Carnes, John D 48 Carroll, "George Ryerson P»i Carroll, "James Monroe f>4 Carson, Frank Martin 85 Carson, Robert p870 Gallaudet, Herbert Draper ....02 Gallaway, Joshua Bacon 80 Gano, "Lewis 51 Gapp, John Walter 07 Garabedian, Hohannes Barkev ...... .99 Gardiner, Harry Norman 82 Gardner, Edward Payson 62 Gardner, Henry 83 Gardner, John Scoon 75 Gardner, "Theo. Adolphus .' 'p57 Gardner, "Theodore Yale ..... 68 Garretson, Ferdinand Van Derveer. . 69 Garretson, George Rem 75 Garvin, James Ellsworth p 92 Garvin, James Francis 84 Garvin, Joseph Laurel .06 Gary, Hugh Timberlake 95 Gassauer, Julius 86 Gates, Carl Martel 00 Gates, Errett ' " 94 Gates, "Lorenzo Martel .60 Gates, Owen Hamilton .... 'so Gates, "William Henrv ' * " n70 Gates, "Winthrop pV," 380 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Gaylord, Frank Augustus 81 Gaylord, * Joseph Fitch 66 Gaylord, * William Luther 61 Gaylord, Willis Clark 68 Geddes, Clarence 72 Gelston, Henry Wisewell 76 Gelston, Joseph Mills 73 Gemmel, *George 41 Gentry, Richard White p08 George, John Oliver 86 Gerhard, James Abraham 74 Gerould, *Samuel Lankton p61 Gessler, Theodore Arthur p97 Gibbs, Joseph Franklin 75 Gibson, * John . p57 Giddings, William 69 Gidman, Richard Henry 66 Giffen, John 93 Gilbert, George Holley 83 Gilbert, Matthew William 07 Gilbert, William Sylvester 89 Gilchrist, Edward Powers p92 Gilchrist, Neil Alexander 01 Giles, * James Jennison p46 Giles, * Walter Harris 64 Giles, William Warren 85 Gilfillan, Joel Scobey 81 Gilkey, Charles Whitney 08 Gill, Charles Otis 94 Gilland, James Wesley 80 Gillespie, James Packard 03 Gillett, Charles Ripley 80 Gillett, *Ezra Hall 44 Gillette, *Charles 42 Gillette, Clark Bateman p73 Gillin, John Lewis 04 Gillis, John 73 Gilman, *I^dward Whiting p48 Gilmore, George William 86 Gilmour, George p03 Gilson, Samuel Smith p71 Gist, William Wesley p78 Gleason, Herbert Wendell p81 Gleysteen, William Henry 03 Goebel. Lewis 81 Goff, Herman Arthur 91 Golden, Henry George 88 Goldsbury, Royal Sweetser 96 Goldsmith, *Benjamin Moore 42 Good, James Isaac 75 Goodale, *Alvin Banister p61 Goodell, *Edwin 53 Goodell, Henry Martyn p74 Goodknlght, James Lincoln 79 Goodman, * Stephen Sydney 50 Goodrich, Chauncey p64 Goodrich, Chauncey William 91 Goodrich, *Ezra W p49 Goodwin, *Edward Payson 59 Goodwin, Frank Judson 88 Goodwin, *Hannibal p5l Goodwin, *Henry Martyn p46 Gordon, John 71 Gordon, George Andrew 00 Gordon, *Matt. Davidson 46 Gorham, * William Osmyn p42 Gould, *George Henry 53 Gourley, John Cranf ord 75 Grace, James Newell 89 Grafton, Walter Morgan 91 Graham, Ralph Laurie Erskine ....p93 Grandin, * James Lyne Seabury 41 Granger, Henry Chapin 75 Grant, * Henry Martyn 63 Grant, *John Mason p43 Grant, William Daniel 87 Graves, George Augustus 69 Gray, Charles Oliver 94 Gray, George Dickman pfi8 Gray, *George Seaman 60 Gray, John Alexander p05 Gray, Robert 47 Gray. William Herbert p78 Green, James Preston p89 Greene, Joseph Kingsbury 58 Greene, Joseph Milton 68 Greene, * William Brooks p51 Greene, Winthrop Benton 95 Greenleaf, Jonathan 86 Greenough, * Jeremiah Jay p39 Greenway, Walter Burton pOO Gregory, Lewis p67 Gregory, Russell Stanley 08 Griess, *Samuel 89 Grieve, *David Graham 66 Griffes, * James Alpheus 60 Griffin, Edward Herrick 67 Griffin, *George Hermon 64 Griffis, William Elliot 77 Griggs, *Charles Edwin 59 Griuton, George William p05 Griswold, Hervey DeWitt 88 Griswold, John Valentine 68 Griswold, Lawrence William p97 Groezinger, Christian 00 Gross, Louis Jeremiah p77 Grout, *Admatha 51 Grube, Christian Howard 92 Grummon, Daniel Neil 70 Guenther, *John Charles 80 Guernsey, * Alfred Hudson 46 Guild, *Rufus Barnard p62 Guille, B. Frank 92 Gulick, * Alexander 39 Gulick, Edward Leeds 87 Gulick, Hervey 78 Gulick, John Thomas p62 Gulick, Sidney Lewis 86 Gulick, Theodore Weld p69 Gulick, *Thomas Lafon p68 Gutelius, *Fisher . 74 Haagen, Henry Claus van 96 Haas, Gustav 96 Hackley, Simeon p66 Hadden, Jacob Winans p73 Hager, Charles Stephen 02 Haines, Charles Willard p83 Haines, Francis Stoddard 83 Haines, Matthias Loring 74 Haire, John Pursel p59 Halbert, Homer Valmore p84 Hale, James Riley p56 Hale, John Philetus 74 Haley, *Charles Thomas 58 Hall, *Charles Cuthbert p75 Hall, Charles Lemon p74 Hall, Elliot Chapin 65 Hall, Granville Stanley 71 Hall, James p88 Hall, *John Goodman 39 Hall, John Quincy 62 Hall, * Joshua Beers p58 Hall, Lyman Bronson p76 Hall, *Richard 50 Hall, *Robert Beals 73 Hall, *Russell Thaddeus 70 Hall, *Samuel Haight 43 Hall, Thomas Alonzo p76 Hall, Thomas Cuming 82 Hall, * William p40 Hallock, *Adney Winslow 89 Hallock, * Luther Calvin 48 Hallock, William Allen p59 Halsey, *Samuel Pierson 62 Hamilton, Edgar Augustus 73 Hamilton, Henry Harrison 71 Hamilton, *Hiram Philetus 79 Hamilton, ""Thomas James p75 Hamilton, William Ball p99 Hamlen, * Chauncey Lewis p66 Hamlin, Christopher Robert p99 Hamlin, Cyrus 68 INDEX OF GKADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 381 Hamlin, Henry Fritz 97 Hamlin, *Teunis Slingerland 71 Hammond, Edward Payson p61 Hammond, * Henry Laurens p41 Hammond, James Bartlett 65 Hamner, James Garland p58 Hamner, James Garland, Jr 85 Hand, * Alfred Chapman 88 Hand, * William Aug. Meigs p41 Handy, Frederick Jackson 06 Hanks, 'Stedman Wright p40 Hanna, *John Andrew p75 Manna, Lyman Edwin 75 Hannum, William Hamilton 90 Hanscom, Frank Irving 06 Hapeman. Henry Jerome p88 Hardin, Oscar Joshua 71 Harding, 'Charles 56 Harding, Frederick Charles p02 Hare, Calvin Aurand 82 Hare, James Madison p88 Harmon, *Fisk 49 Harrah, *CharIes Clarke p70 Harrington, *Alfred Loomis 55 Harris, Henry Richard p83 Harris, Herbert Staley pOO Harris, John Kellogg 58 Harris, Theodore Winfleld 87 Harrison, *Thomas p56 Harsen, * John Pease 67 Harshaw, William Rosborough 86 Hart, * John Milton 76 Hart, *Levi Wells 52 Hart, *Theo. Henry p56 Hartley, 'Isaac Smithson p56 Hartman, Aaron Stewart 71 Harvey, Andrew Edward 01 Harvey, Edward Howlett 72 Harvey, 'Wheelock Nye 50 Harwood, James Haswell p64 Hascall, Thcodorus Bailey 68 Haselton, *Wm. Augustus p(i.'{ Haskell, 'Matthew Wood p56 Haskell, *Thomas Nelson 54 Hastie, * James Lockhart, Jr p88 Hastings, *Eurotas I'armelee 46 Hastings, *Henry 61 Hastings, Thomas Samuel 51 Hastings, William Walter 91 Hatch, *Azel 80 Hatch, George Baptiste 86 Hatch, George William p76 Hatch, * Julius Loriug p52 Hathaway, 'Thomas Ewing p44 Haven, * Joseph p39 Havens, *Charles Ezekiel 81 Hawk, Samuel Duckworth 03 Hawkes, James Woods 80 Hawkes, * John 50 Hawkins, John Andrew p81 Hawks, Theron Holbrook "..51 Hawley, 'Charles 44 Hawley, 'Edwin H p40 Hawley, *Giles Parmelee 76 Hay, Robert Lamont p90 Hay, Samuel Cox p64 Haydn, Hiram Collins 59 Hayes, * Alonzo p42 Hayes, 'Charles Gordon p57 Hayes, John Newton 82 Hayes, Samuel Perkins 02 Hayner, * James Frederick 93 Haynes, Edward Chalmers p81 Haynes. Rowland pU5 Hays, Frank Harper 82 Hayt, Samuel Augustus, Jr !p6G Haywood, 'Charles Henry p61 Hazeltine. *Henry Martyn 57 Hazen. *Timothy Allvn 58 Hebard, *George Diah Alonzo r.7 Hedges, *Henry Condict p52 Hedges, William g99 Heebner, Harvey Krauss r . . .06 Hegeman, James Winthrop 75 Heibert, Frank B 89 Helfrich, Nicholas C 70 Helliwell, Charles pOO Helmer, "Charles Downes 57 Helming, Oscar Clemens 94 Hembree, Charles Carleton 80 Henderson, Arthur Weldon 98 Henderson, Ira Wemmell 03 Henderson, *Jas. Sebastian Hamilton. p41 Hendrix, Eugene Russell 69 Henkell, William Emory 89 Henry, Frank Edmonds pOO Henry, Harry Houston 79 Henry, James McClure 07 Henry, James Robert 93 Henry, John p97 Henry, Silas Edward 92 Henshaw, 'Marshall p49 Hermstaedt, Conrad Edmond g03 Herrick, *Alanson Currier 66 Herri ck, David Scudder 93 Herring, Charles Edward 86 Herring, John Peabody 07 Herron, Robert Howard 94 Hertzog, George Nathan 93 Hervey, *George Winfred 49 Hess, Louis Edwin 00 Hesselgrave, Charles Everett gOl Hetrick, Andrew Jackson 64 Hickok, *Henry p44 Hickok, *Milo Judson 41 HIester, Anselm Vinet p94 Higgons, John Axford 95 Hikaru. Kotaro g05 Hildreth, Homer Wesley 97 Hildreth, * James 39 Hill, Charles Jenkins p56 Hill, Daniel Webster g02 Hill, Ellsworth Jerome 63 Hill, 'Isaac Newton p52 Hill, John Boynton 87 Hill, John Withrow 89 Hill, 'Joshua Asbury p74 Hill, Robert William 78 Hill, 'Timothy 45 Hill, William Alexander p95 Hill. AVilliam Bancroft 86 Hillier, Harry Waffington 89 Hillman, James Wilson 76 Hincks, Edward Young p69 Hindman, William Murphy p85 Hino, Masumi 00 Hiscox, Henry Orne p76 Hoadley, James Hart 73 Hoar, William John 71 Hobart, John Brown 88 Hodgman, 'Edwin Ruthven p46 I-Ioff, William Moore '. p78 Hoffman, James Julius 06 Hoffmeier, Edgar Franklin 08 Hogan, Giles Hastings p98 Holbrook. 'David Ambler p47 llolden, Louis Halsey 98 Holdridge, 'Earl Ansel p80 Ilol'and, 'George William p61 Hollister. Joseph ■Hillman 07 Hollister, 'Martin - 'Foster 70 HoIIoway. Charles Hoover 57 Holman, William Henry 77 Holmes, 'Hamilton Bishop 66 Holmes, James Edward p87 Holmes, 'Theodore James 59 Ho'mes, William Trumbull p97 Holt. 'Edmund Dyer 49 Ilolton, 'Isaac Farwell 39 Ilolyoke, 'William Edward 49 Unmans, Rockland Tyng g07 Hoid, Edmund Lyman g99 382 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Hood, Edward Cleeves . . .74 Hood, * Jacob Augustine .... . .49 Hooker, George Ellsworth p90 Hoole, William Henry J9 Hooper, Charles Thomas, Jr'.**, ~*6 Hooper, Thomas Williamson"''.' . »8 Hoover, *Thomas David 11 Hope, Arthur Harold 07 Hope, *John Henry ... .92 Hopkins, *David ' 68 Hopkins, Henry p62 Hopkins, 'Judson Hawley p53 Hopkins, William Herman 89 Hoppaugh, William 87 Hopper, * Edward 42 Hoppin, * James Mason p45 Hopwood, Isaiah Bardsley T 61 Hornbrook, * Francis Bickford 74 Horr, George Edwin, Jr p79 Horton, 'Carlton S 57 Hosford, 'Frederick p66 Hoskins, Franklin Evans 88 Hoskins, *Robert p69 Hostetler, Harvey 84 Hostetter, Henry Burns p97 Hotchkiss, 'William P p42 Hough, * Jesse Winegar p59 Hough, * Joel Jackson 63 Houghton, *John Cephas 64 House, John Henry 71 Howard, Allen Leslie p04 Howard, * James Barber p52 Howard, * John p49 Howard, John Kimbrough 01 Howard, 'Joseph Dana p56 Howard, Lawrence Riggs 01 Howard, * Samuel King p78 Howe, *Edward 45 Howe, Francis Augustine p51 Howell, *Horatio Stockton 45 Howell, William Moses p79 Howie, John Lloyd p99 Howland, ""Harrison Otis 44 Howland, Murray Shipley p00 Howland, Samuel Whittlesey 73 Howland, *William Ware 45 Hoyt, Charles Edward 87 Hoyt, Henry Nelson p76 Hoyt, * James 44 Hoyt, James Howard 76 Hoyt, * James Seymour 58 Hoyt, John William, Jr 01 Hoyt, Sarah Fenton 08 Hoyt, *Willard Minor 42 Hoyt, *Zerah Taylor 44 Hubbard, * Joseph Welton p57 Hubbell, *Henry Lynes p59 Hubbell, * James Wakeman p62 Hubbert, James Monroe 79 Hubbs, * Isaac George p43 Hudnut, William Herbert 90 Hudson, *Thomas Davis 52 Hughes, George Edward 04 Hughes, *Thomas White 62 Hughes, Walter Lincoln 99 Hughitt, 'Emmons Johnson p66 Hughson, *Simeon Spafford 50 Hulbert, Gustavus Adolphus 07 Hulbert, Homer Bezaleel p87 Hulbert, Henry Woodward 85 Hulbert, Jay Munsell p9i Hume, Robert E 04 Humphrey, 'Zephaniah Moore p49 Humphreys, * Richard G. E p49 Humphries, Romilly Francis 95 Hunsicker, Jas. Abner Pennepacker . . 95 Hunt, Eugene Freeman 84 Hunt, George Edwin p92 Hunt, *Myron Winslow 73 Hunt, Theo. Whitefleld p69 Hunter, Aaron Burtis 79 Hunter, David Moore 80 Hunter, Forrest Preston 04 Hunter, *Henry Thomas p55 Hunter, James 92 Hunter, * James D p81 Hunter, William Armstrong p80 Huntington, 'Jedediah Vincent . ...p39 Hurd, Edwin Gale p86 Hurd, *Edwin Lucius 56 Hurlbut, 'Everett Beman 56 Hurlbut, 'Joseph, Jr p52 Hurlbut, 'Samuel 45 Hutchings, Dewitt Vermilye p05 Hutchins, 'Alexander p60 Hutchins, John 76 Hutchins, Robert Grosvenor p64 Hutchins, William James 96 Hutchinson, David William 83 Hutchinson, Franklin 81 Hutchinson, Merrill Nathaniel 69 Hutchison, John p87 Hutton, Mancius Holmes p60 Hutton, William 67 Hyde, 'Charles McEwen p56 Hyde, Frank Breed p88 Hyde, Frederick Smith 94 Hyde, 'Henry Francis p63 Hyde, William DeWitt p82 Hynson, Nathan Dushane 93 Ibbotson, Joseph Darling, Jr 94 Ichimura, 'Takema g04 Illman, George Fletcher 89 Illman, Robert Ingram Brown 88 Ingersoll, 'Edwards Piatt p86 Ingham, John Albertson 92 Inouye, Orio g02 Irving, Robert Edward Lee 00 Irwin, John p79 Ishikawa, Wasuke g04 Iverach, David 03 Jackson, Robert Lyon 97 Jackson, Samuel Macauley 73 Jacobs, Walter Ballou p85 Jacot, 'Herman Louis 90 James, 'William Albert 65 Janeway, Frank Latimer, 2d 06 Jefferson, Henry Bridges 77 Jeffery, Franklin Ellsworth p90 Jelliffe, William Raymond pOO Jenkins, Hermon Dutilh 67 Jenanyan, 'Harootune Stephanos ...87 Jennings, William Mason p94 Jervis, 'Timothy Bloomfield p42 Jeschke, Henry p00 Jessup, Henry Harris 55 Jessup, 'Lewis p49 Jessup, Royal Nesmith 07 Jessup, Samuel 58 Jessup, Samuel 61 Jessup, 'Silas 41 Jessup, Theodore Frelinghuysen .... 68 Jester, Thomas Darlington 73 Jesup, 'Henry Griswold 53 Johnson, Alfred Van Cleve p71 Johnson, 'Alonzo Peck 61 Johnson, Arthur 75 Johnson, 'Byron Strathmore p96 Johnson, Cyrus Augustus 68 Johnson, 'Edwin p50 Johnson, Frank Alonzo 71 Johnson, Frank Poole pOl Johnson, Franklin. Jr p03 Johnson, 'John Mills 41 Johnson, Lyman Huggins p57 Johnson, 'Wilbur Hutebins p78 Johnson, William Hallock p94 Johnston, Fred 79 Johnston, John Boyd p72 Johnston, 'James p54 Johnston, Louis Harold 06 Jones, 'Caleb Enoch 73 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 383 Jones, Charles Arthur 88 Jones, Charles Harris 85 Jones, Charles Joshua Ketcham .... p73 Jones, 'Chester VVlnthrop p72 Jones, Emory Harris p76 Jones, John Russell 92 Jones, *Martiu Parkinson 64 Jones, * Norman 60 Jones, Richard Morgan p95 Jones, * Samuel James 46 Jones, Thomas Jesse 00 Jones Thomas John 91 Jones, Walter Cutler . . . : 05 Jones, William M p42 Jordan, Louis Henry 79 Jorgenson, Theodore p06 Joseph, Isya 05 Joseph, Oscar Loos g03 Judd, 'Frederick Frelinghuysen 44 Judd, 'James Shepherd 39 Judd, 'John Frelinghuysen p52 Judson, 'Elnathan 62 Judson, Junius Herbert 79 Julien, Matthew Cantine 72 Junor, Kenneth Frank 73 Kalopothakes, Michael Demetrius .... 56 Karnell, Aimer William 00 Karr, 'William Stevens 54 Kashiwai, En g04 Kauffman, Samuel Sylvester 87 Kawai, Kamesuke g05 Kawanaka, Kannosuke g07 Kedzie, 'John Hume p44 Keeley, Horace Clinton 87 Kelgwin, Albert Edwin p94 Keller, John William 91 Kelley, 'John Smith p46 Kellington, Herbert Edgar g05 Kellogg, 'Charles p41 Kellogg, Frederick Brigham 95 Kellogg, Henry Martin 76 Kellogg, 'Martin 54 Kellogg, 'Robert Ransom p38 Kendall, 'Charles 42 Kendall, Daniel Read p82 Kendrick, 'William 59 Kenmore, 'Charles 39 Kent, Robert James 80 Kephart, William Howard 89 Kernen, Henry Arthur 04 Kerr, Alexander James p82 Kerr, Frank Melville 91 Kerr, 'George 43 Kerr, George Gibson p99 Kershaw, John 68 Keyes, 'Richard Goodell p51 Keyes, Russell Melzo 05 Keyser, Calvin 75 Keyser, Sylvanus Gedney 69 Kidder, * Wenham p60 Kiehle, Amos Augustus 74 Kiehle, David Litchard 65 Kilbourn, Chalmers 96 Kilbourn, Henry Jennings 96 Kimball, 'Charles Cotton 62 Kimball, 'George Washington p47 Kimball, 'Henry De Laker 59 Kimball, 'James Monroe 47 Kimball. 'John 59 King, Albert Barnes p58 King, 'James Foster 83 King, John Scott 90 King, Robert Augustus 89 King, 'Rufus 48 King, William Robert 92 Kingsbury, 'Charles Augustus 67 Kingsbury, 'Howard 69 Kingsbury, Oliver Addison 64 Kinney, 'Henry 47 Kirby, 'William Wallace "62 Kirkes, Leonidas Cicero 00 Klrklr* .■'•' James 73 Kirkv William Arnot 93 Kb 'rank William 95 Ki T osiah Edwards p64 Kl '"Frank p96 Kk. 'arl Noetllng 04 Kli obert H p75 Klin's ; * Nathaniel Baker p50 Kloss, Daniel ! p61 Knapp, Ezra Charles p07 Knouse, William Henry 58 Knowles, James Foster 70 Knox, 'Charles Eugene 59 Knox, 'Edward Marvin 78 Knox, George p79 Knox, John^ Calvin p93 Knox, Raymond Collyer 05 Knox, Taber 86 Knox, Thomas 92 Kocian, 'Oldrich Emanuel 93 Kohout, Joseph Alois 94 Kopf, John H p71 Koukol, Alois Bohuslav 94 Kosower, Jacob Samuel p94 Kremer, 'Leighton George 77 Krenek, Joseph 08 Kribs, Herbert Guy 01 Krom, Asbury 97 Kruger, 'Theodore 61 Kuchukoff, 'Lazarus Constantine . . . pOO Kuebler, Charles Rudolph 91 Kumagai, 'Komanosuke 92 Kumler, Luther Melanchthon 79 Kunz, William Eberhard 00 Kvle, Henry Zophar 96 Ladd, John Savillian 80 Lador, Charles Ami p72 Lake, Edward Warren 78 Lamar, 'Thomas Jefferson 52 Lambert, 'Amos Bordman 37 Lambert, Irvin Clay p87 Lampe, Joseph Joachim 67 Lampman, Lewis 70 Lamson, 'Ansel 66 Landis, William David .96 Landon, Warren Hall 79 Lane, 'John Wickliffe p42 Lane, 'Saurin Eliot p44 Lang, David 03 Lang, William Gordon p07 Langdon, Stephen Herbert 03 1 . an man, Joseph p67 Larkin, 'Ethan Pendleton 54 Larsen, George p08 Lash, James Hamilton p06 Latham, 'Henry Dearing 43 Laufer, Calvin Weiss 00 Laughlin, James William 82 Laughlln, 'Robert Johnson 81 Laughman, 'Ira Jones p86 Laurie, 'Inglis 57 Laurie, James Anderson, Jr p98 Lawrence, 'Amos Edward 44 Lawrence, Charles Lorenzo 98 Lawrence, William Appleton 66 Lawson, George Benedict p91 Lawyer, F'ranklin Pierce p87 Layson, William Humboldt 98 Leaman, Charles 74 Leard, 'Thomas W p79 Leary, Lewis Gaston p00 Leavens, 'Philo French 66 Leavitt, William Solomon p45 Ledoux, 'Louis Palemon 51 Lee, Edward Trumbull 82 Lee, George Francis ' 03 Lee, Joseph T p43 Lee, Theodore 85 Lee, Theodore Storrs 03 Leeds, Samuel Pennlman 46 384 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Leftwich, * James Turner 59 Leibert, Morris William 77 Leland, Dean Richmond g07 Leland, Hervey De" Loss 88 Lemert, George Wilson p70 Leo, 'Patrick J 54 Leonard, Delavan Levant 62 Leonard, Joseph Hampton p74 Leonard, * Joslah 40 Lerch, Charles Henry p86 Lerch, George Lewis 99 Lester, * James Crawford p94 Lester, *Timothy W 41 Lestrade, * Joseph Paul 45 Leverett, Theodore Lockwood 92 Lewis, Alexander 90 Lewis, *Edwin Rufus 71 Lewis, Henry ». 96 Lewis, Henry Augustus 80 Lewis, * James 68 Lewis, * John 43 Lewis, John Wythe p08 Lewis, William Martin 81 Lewy, Emil 88 Leyburn, George Lacon p63 Leyda, James Emory p77 Lichtenberger, James P p05 Liebenau, *Michael Frederick 41 Lienkaemper, William Gustave . ...p96 Liggett, George Armstrong 92 Liles, Edwin Hart p93 Lillie, *Ralph Wardlaw p74 Lilly, *Araunah Hall 51 Lilly, *Henry Martyn p56 Lindsay, Alexander Hynd p95 Lindsay, John Wesley p42 Lindsey, Edwin James p89 Lindsley, * Aaron Ladner p45 Lindsley, *Charles Edmond 46 Linnell, *Edward Payson 74 Linsley, Joel 59 Lippincott, Charles Augustus p90 Liston, Robert Todd 79 Littebrandt, William Henry 02 Little, Charles Harvey p73 Little, * James p45 Little, James Andrew 59 Littlefield, Milton Smith, Jr 92 Littlejohn, 'Gilbert Hamilton p42 Livermore, Leander Elliott p79 Livingston, ""Henry Gilbert p45 Livingston, William Lee 03 Livingstone, *Charles 49 Lloyd, Edward Jehoiachim 93 Lloyd, John Thomas 76 Lloyd, Thomas Jay p99 Lobdell, ""Francis p61 Lobenstine, Edwin Carlyle p98 Lobingier, John Leslie p07 Lockard, Earl Tubbs 83 Locke, George William gOl Locke, 'Nathaniel Clark 44 Locke, Richard Earle 95 Locke, William Edwin 67 Lockwood, * George Augustus 70 Lockwood, George Requa 01 Lockwood, *Vernette Le Roy 53 Lockwood, * William Herbert 50 Loder, Achilles Lysander 75 Logan, Alexander Pemberton p87 Logan, John Hubbard 04 Long, Curtis Edward p84 Long, Edwin Wack 80 Long, John Dietrich 83 Long, * John Elbert 62 Long, William Stokes 82 Longfellow, Charles Holbrook p89 Lonsdale, William James 04 Loomis, *Chauncey Luke 57 Loomis, Frank Denman p07 Loomis, *Henry Haines p40 Loomis, *Hezekiah Howard p40 Loomis, Samuel 53 Lord, *Charles Eliphalet p42 Lord, Edwin Lynde 83 Lord, * Francis Edmund 40 Lord, Herbert Gardiner 77 Lord, * Jeremiah Skidmore 39 Lord, Rivington David 83 Lord, William Rogers 78 Lorenz, Daniel Edward 89 Losa, Vaclav 91 Lott, Leonard Walter 79 Lotz, John Henry p04 Loughlen, Milo Birdette 92 Lounsberry, *Henry Axtell 54 Loux, Dubois Henry g06 Loux, Edward 78 Love, John, Jr p71 Lovell, John Goodman 90 Low, *Charles French p45 Lowden, John William g98 Lowther, Edgar Allen 07 Lucas, Edmund DeLong 07 Lucas, William Palmer p05 Luce, Fred Leander 87 Luce, Harry Winters p95 Lucky, Christian Theophilus 85 Ludden, * Waldo Whitney 54 Ludlow, Arthur Clyde 87 Lum, *Samuel Young 48 Lunn, George Richard 01 Lusk, Davis William 80 Lyman, Albert Josiah 68 Lyman, ""Chester Smith . p42 Lyman, Payson Wil liston 70 Lynch, William Augustine 74 Lynd, *Robert Themistocles p92 Lynde, Charles Ensign 07 Lynn, *John Fleming 89 Lyon, * Appleton Park 73 Lyon, Daniel Brayton p51 Lyon, Willard Crosby 98 Lyons, Curtis Jerre p61 Lyons, * Jerre Lorenzo 54 Lyons, * Jonathan 49 Lyttle, Eugene William p82 McAfee, Cleland Boyd 88 McAfee, Howard Bailey p85 McAfee, Joseph Ernest p92 McAllister, *David p63 McAlpin, Edwin Augustus, Jr pOl McAltioner, William Tullus p87 McArthur, *Henry Gilderoy p59 MacArthur, Kenneth Cauldwell 08 Macbeth, ""William Chalmers 74 McBride, Arthur Andrews p08 McBride, Robert Irwin 93 McBride, Samuel 76 McCalla, Albert 70 McCallie, Thomas Hooke 59 McCallum, John Archibald 03 McCampbell, *John 53 McCarer, * William Henderson p43 McCartney, Ernest Leopold p92 McCarty, Charles Chester 86 McCaslin, David Serril 78 McCauley, Albert Clark 84 McCauley, Harry Weber . .' p91 MacCauley, Hugh Bournonville 81 McChain, * James 41 McClelland, ""Brainard Taylor 75 McClelland, Thomas p80 McClelland, Thomas Calvin 92 McClement, Thomas Bullinger g04 McClenaghan, Samuel Harvey 91 McClinchie, Uriah. Jr .03 MacClintock, William Darnall p86 McClure, James Kent 85 McCIusky, Frederick William p92 MacColl, John Augustus 82 McComas, Henry Clay 00 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 385 McConaughy, James p83 McConaughy, Nathaniel p58 McConkey, Henry Alexander 99 McConnell, James Ell 87 MeCord, Robert Leeper p69 McCord, William Edgar 96 McCoy, Kollln Delos p06 McCracken, John Henry p97 McCreery, Charles Henry 68 McCullagh, Joseph Hamilton p80 McCully, Charles Gardiner 59 McDermid, Duncan 86 MacDonald, Arthur 83 McDonald, Charles Henry 89 McDonald, Clinton Donald 75 McDonald, James Walton 97 McDonald, John James p06 McDonald, Juett Noble 07 MacDonald, William Joseph pOO McDowell, Oswell Gifford 84 McDuffee, * Samuel Valentine 68 McElroy, *Hugh Sneed 50 McElroy, Patrick Daniel 71 McElroy, William Reed p89 McElroy, William Thomas 54 McElveen, William Thomas 90 McEwen, Henry Theodore 81 McFeeters, James Baird Js6 McGiffert, Arthur Cushman 85 McGilvray, Henry p94 MacGregor, Charles Peter 05 McGregor, *Edwin R 46 McGregor, Robert Gardner 00 McIIarg, 'Charles King p46 McHenry, Howard Preston p92 Mclnnis, Joseph • p99 Macintosh, James 01 Mcintosh, John Alexander 95 Mclntyre, Daniel Caswell p76 McJunkin, John Howard g05 McKay, Robert Gordon 87 McKean, * John 55 McKechnie, * Duncan Livingston ....74 McKee, * Joseph 45 McKelvey, Joseph Orr 93 McKinney, Alexander Harris 86 McKinney, *Sabin p44 Mackintosh, Peter Duncan 04 McKittrick, William James 79 McLachlan, Alexander 87 McLain, *Henry Zwinglt 70 McLaDahan, Samuel p76 MacLane, Donald Bradford 06 McLaren, Archibald 84 McLaren, *Charles David 82 McLaughlin, *Dan'l Decius Tompkins. 42 McLaughlin, * James 61 McLaury, Edward Arthur p81 McLean, * Alexander 56 McLean, *Charles Backus p40 McLean, * James McGready 47 MacLeod, Fraser Lochland p06 McLeod, Robert George p04 McLoud, * Anson p41 McMahon, James John 53 McMeen, William Harry p77 McMichael, James p08 McMillan, Arthur Chase 89 McMillan, Homer p00 McMillan, Peter 81 McMillan, Uriah Watson '.'. !p95 McMonagle, *John Hamilton 60 McMurdy, David Benjamin 83 McMurran, *John William p56 McMurran, 'Robert Lowry p58 McMurray, David Adams 93 McNaughton. James 87 McNees, Willis Smith iS9 McNeil. *Benjamin Franklin 68 McNeill, Allan Benjamin 93 McNeill, *George p49 McNeill, *James Hipklns p48 McNinch, *Thomas 76 McNulty, *John p52 McQueen, Peter 90 McQuesten, Rockwood 66 McRae, Farquhar David 90 McVey, John 63 McVicar, *Peter p60 McVicker, Harvey Grant 05 McWilliams, James Adam p85 Macy, * William Carpenter p63 Maddox, Aaron Wager 99 Magee, *Irving 60 Magee, Robert George p93 Magowan, *John Hall 83 Maguire, Hugh p75 Main, Charles Ogg 04 Major, William Alexander p87 Mallary, Raymond DeWitt 76 Mandell, * William Andrew 41 Mangano, Antonio 03 Mann, George Eugene g08 Mann, * Joseph Rich p47 Mann, Matthew Grant 71 Mannhardt, Ernst Gunther 90 Manship, Winfield Scott g04 Mapes, * Eugene Luzette ...76 Marble, * William Horace 48 Marcusson, Jacob William p54 Maiden, * Augustus Leander 59 Margot, David p55 Marks, Rufus Bicknell 85 Mailing, * Arthur Wodehouse p81 Marquand, Allan 77 Marsh, Arba John p97 Marsh, *D wight Whitney 49 Marsh, George Levi 03 Marsh, *John Talmadge p49 Marsh, Joseph Walker p62 Marsh, * Samuel Dexter p47 Marsh, *Sidney Harper p54 Marshall, *Benjamin p78 Marshall, Benjamin Tinkham 00 Marshall, Clifton Gregory p71 Marshall, Hugh Calvin p79 Marshall, * James 70 Marshall, * Jonathan Bryant p41 Marshall, Thomas 64 Marshall, Thomas Franklin g08 Marshall, William Jones 01 Martin, *Charles Finney 53 Martin, Daniel Hoffman 84 Martin, Daniel Strobel 66 Martin, Daniel Sylvester Ot Martin, Ernest Douglas . . . . , p92 Martin, *George Burnam p80 Martin, *George Washington 68 Martin, George Washington 79 Martin, John Campbell p88 Martin, * Joseph Hamilton 46 Martin. *William Mulford p42 Martin, *William Wisner 63 Marts, William Gosser 72 Marty, *Ivan Matthias p82 Marty n, Fermin Ferrer p94 Martyn, (William) Carlos 69 Mason, Alfred DeWitt p80 Mason, Clarence William p95 Mason, Edgar Cooper p90 Mason, James Gilbert 66 Mason, *Rufus Osgood p57 Mathews, * Henry 47 Mathewson, * Alexander p02 Matthews, Israel Griffiths p63 Matthews, * James Thomas 59 Matthews, William Freeman 74 Matthews, * William Henrv p46 Matthews, William Henry pOl Mattice, Richard Bortle .78 Maxwell, Irving 87 Maxwell. *John Allen 60 386 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS May, Alonzo Martin p67 May, John Joseph p02 May, Thomas J 77 Maynard, Harrison Alberto 08 Maynard, * Joshua Leland p41 Mayo, * Warren 53 Meacham, John H p50 Meacham, *John Henry 63 Mead, George Whitefleld p94 Means, Stewart 75 Meek, *John Blackburn 46 Meeker, * David Clark 46 Meerwein. *Otto p69 Megie, *Burtls Cunningham 38 Megie, *Daniel Elston 39 Megie, * William Hull 45 Meier-Smith, Matson. See Smith. Meigs, * Matthew p40 Melick, David Bartine 98 Mellis, * Silas Harvey p65 Meredith, * Irving Samuel 91 Merrett, *George Power 04 Merriam, *Edwin Elisha 63 Merriam, George Ernest 99 Merriam, George Franklin 64 Merrick, *Lucius Lathrop p63 Merrifield. Irving Newton p92 Merrill, Robert Dodge 96 Merrill, William Pierson 90 Merriman. * William Edward 54 Merritt, William Carter, Jr p82 Merwin, *Almon Baxter 63 Merwin, *Miles Tomlinson 41 Metcalf, John Milton Putnam 88 Metcalf, Paul Harlan p04 Meteer, James Harrison 70 Metzler, Carl Paul 96 Meyer, William 78 Michael. George p74 Middleditch, Robert Henry p88 Middleton, Edwin 80 Mighill. * Nathaniel p64 Miksovsky, Joseph 98 Miles, Albert Raymond 90 Miles, *Edward Clarkson p56 Miles, Robert Harrison Parker 92 Milford, Mark Lane p69 Millar, Samuel p92 Millard, Nelson 60 Millard, *Watson Birchard p74 Miller, Benjamin Franklin 68 Miller, Charles Hinton p84 Miller, *Elias Smith 78 Miller, Frank Prentice 87 Miller, Franklin Jonathan 92 Miller, Frederick Scheibler 92 Miller, George Alpha p58 Miller, George David 92 Miller, Henry' Goodell 76 Miller, Henry Keller 92 Miller, James Alexander 91 Miller, John Calvin 74 Miller, Lucius Hopkins 05 Miller, Robert Sanford 07 Miller, Rufus Wilder p86 Miller, Samuel p63 Miller, Thomas Common 89 Miller, Victor p62 Miller, William James Harvey 07 Mills, *Cyrus Taggart 47 Mills, *Eugene Russell 73 Mills, Frank Vandermulin p82 Mills, John Lawrence p59 Mills, John Nelson 82 Mills, *Robert Curtis p40 Milner, Duncan Chambers p69 Milton, *George Raymond 72 Mitchell, * Arthur 59 Mitchell, Charles Baird 98 Mitchell, Edwin Knox 84 Mitchell, James Lee 87 Mitchell, *Louis Henry p75 Mitchell. *Samuel Swain 66 Mix, Eldridge p60 Mockridge, Emmons Thompson .... p49 Moench, Charles Lewis 78 Moffett, Thomas Clinton p93 Mohr, Albert Gustav . . 01 Mohr, Charles Adam 99 Moldenhauer, Julius Valdemar 00 Molnar, Charles Vladimir p96 Momikura, Sakusuke 08 Monilaws, *George 41 Montgomery, * Alexander p40 Montgomery, Lorenzo Newton p94 Montgomery, William Henry 02 Moore, Alexander Davis 60 Moore, Edward Caldwell 84 Moore, Ernest Carroll p97 Moore, George Foot 77 Moore, Henry McKnight p93 Moore, Nathaniel Schuyler 65 Moore, William Enos Bois p62 Moorhead, Max Wood p92 Morange, * James Pierre p43 Morgan, *David Starrett 66 Morgan, *Hamilton p56 Morgan, * Homer Bartlett p50 Morris, DeBois Schauck p98 Morris, * George Sylvester p67 Morris, *William Forman p69 Morrison, Albert Alexander p87 Morrison, Caldwell 92 Morrow, Cornelius Wortendyke 79 Morrow, *Cornelius Wortendyke Lafay- ette p55 Morse, Edward Percival 86 Morse, * John Hoar p47 Morse, Oliver Cromwell 74 Morse, Richard Cary 67 Morton, Asa Henry p88 Morton, * James 49 Morton, Thomas 89 Morton, * William Dwight 63 Moseley, John Watkins 54 Moseley, * Samuel p39 Mosler, Watson James 86 Mott, Henry Elliott 78 Moyer, Samuel Buhler 93 Mudge, *Thomas Hicks 43 Munro, John Josiah 80 Murdoch, * Alexander Vernon p54 Murdoch, *David 48 Murdoch, Samuel 62 Murgatroyd, Edwin Robert 83 Murphy, *Elijah Douglas 52 Murray, *Thomas Chalmers p72 Murray, Walter Brown p93 Murtfeldt, Frank Woolley 08 Mussey, *Charles Frederick 52 Mussey, William Osgood p92 Muzzey, David Seville 97 Myers, Alfred Edwards 70 Myers, * Joseph Henry 41 Myers, Peter Jacob Harter 50 Naff, *Isaac Newton 49 Nasmith, Augustus Inglesbe g08 Nason, George Frank g02 Natsch, Henry 05 Needham, *George Francis 43 Neilson Samuel Black 79 Nelson, Aubrey Percy p04 Nelson, Emory Alden p82 Nelson, *Thomas Alexander 77 Nesblt, * Alexander 63 Newbanks, * John p52 Newberry, Edwin Dyer 55 Newcomb, *George Benton 60 Newell, *George Baldwin 72 Newell, George Kennedy 90 Newell. * William Whiting, Jr 64 Newhall, Charles Stedman 72 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 387 Newman, Arthur 79 Newman, Fred Beebe 01 Newman, George Nathan p93 Newman, John Grant 93 Newport, Reece Marshall p63 Newton, Alexander 87 Newton, Benjamin Franklin p73 Newton, Oscar 52 Newton, Walter Russell p87 Nicholas, George Demetrius 96 Nicholas, Walter Douglas 77 Nichols, *Henry Franklin Clough . .p64 Nichols, John Thomas p90 Nichols, *Thomas p61 Nichols, Thomas McBride 89 Nickerson, Charles Sparrow 87 Nickerson, Norman Ferdinand 74 Niles, Edward 94 Nims, Granville Webster 76 Nitchie, * Henry Abeel p49 Noble, Charles 71 Noble, Charles Pleasants 68 Noble, Franklin 61 Noble, Mason 65 Noll, "Vincent 02 Norris, James Avery p8o North, "Josiah Wilcox p52 Northrop, Charles Addison 78 Northrop, Henry Davenport p61 Northrup, George Egzert 69 Norton, Charles Herman p56 Norton, Milton James p97 Norton, "Oliver William p41 Noss, Christopher p94 Nott, "Charles Dekay p58 Noyes, Charles Lothrop p80 Noyes, "Daniel Temple p51 Noyes, *George Clement 58 Noyes, "Gurdon Wheeler 49 Noyes, William Horace p87 Nutting, Wallace p89 Nyce, Harry p88 Oakes, Chandler Albon p94 Oakley, 'Charles Moses p41 Oaksford, John Milton pOO Oastler, David . g06 O'Brien. Alexander Niel 90 Odell, Arthur Lee 07 O'Dowd, Denis Herbert p07 Ogden, Rollo 80 Ogilvie, Charles Benjamin p72 Ogle, * John, Jr p69 Oglevee, Jesse Adams Baricklow .... 85 Okamoto, Toshiyuki 94 Oliver, William John 81 Olmstead, Charles 83 Olmstead, *William 47 Olmstead. * Alexander Fisher p51 Olney, Alfonso Rosolphe 69 Olney, Eugene Castle 72 Opdyke, 'Sylvester Hill 58 Opheim, Endre Martin 99 Osborn, Frederick Webster p61 Osborn, *Henry 45 Osborn, *Henry Stafford 45 Osborn, "Thomas Gilbert p43 Osgood. Edward Warren p47 Ostrander, Luther Allen 70 Otis, *Isaac Newton 71 Otis, *Orin Fowler 43 Ottarson, Wlllard Francis 99 Ottinger, *William p45 Overton, Daniel Hawkins 91 Overton, *Floyd 54 Oviatt, Samuel N p72 Owen, *David p59 Owen, David Elwin p97 Oxley. Malcolm Stewart p81 Packard. *Noah Ford 45 Paddock, Edward Anson p76 Page, *Emery Harkness 50 Page, *Lansford Stuart p65 Page, * William Laertes 58 Page, *William Wallace p45 Paine, *Bernard p66 Palmer, Charles Myron p67 Palmer, Frank p80 Palmer, Frank Nelson p86 Palmer, James 90 Palmer, Samuel Gilmore p98 Palmer, Samuel Sterling p90 Parish, *Thomas H 47 Park, Andrew Jackson 66 Park, Charles 88 Park, "Clearfield p79 Park, Sterling 03 Parker, Archibald Fraser g07 Parker, *Charles 48 Parker, *Charles Carroll p46 Parker, "Henry Elijah 47 Parker, "Samuel Junius 44 Farkhurst, Austin N p49 Parkins, "Alexander Hamilton 48 Parkinson, "Royal p47 Parliman, Benjamin Franklin p87 Parmelee, "Howard Royce p72 Parmelee, "Moses Payson 61 Parmly, "Wheelock Hendee p45 Parry, Samuel 72 Parson, Artley Beeber p08 Parsons, "Benjamin Franklin p44 Parsons, Dwight Levi p91 Parsons, Eben Burt p65 Parsons, Edward Lambe 92 Parsons, "James Harvey 56 Parsons, "Justin Wright 48 Parsons, Philip Archie p07 Parsons, "Wlllard 71 Partch, Arthur W 93 Paton, "Thomas 68 Patrick, Henry Johnston p52 Patterson, Frank Melvin 08 Patton, "Jacob Harris 46 Patton, Joseph Galloway 86 Patton, Matthew 95 Patton, William Alexander 77 Patton, "William Weston 42 Paull, George Alfred p82 Paxton, James Dunlop p83 Payson, "Charles Henry 57 Payson, Edward Phillips 64 Payson, George Hubbard 78 Payson, George Shipman 71 Peabody, "Charles . . 45 Peabody, Ward Cheney 87 Pearce, Henry Arthur 06 Pearson, James Bayles p60 Pease, "Edmund Morris 60 Pease, "Thomas Huntington p64 Peck, "Aaron p64 Peck, George Clarke p92 Peck, George Williams, Jr pOO Peck, "John 46 Peck, "Solon Eugene 80 Peck, "Thomas Ruggles Gold p52 Peck, "Whitman p41 Peck, William Jay 81 Peck. "William Stedman p47 Peckham, "Joseph 42 Pecorini, Alberto 04 Peet, "Edward 52 Peet, "Isaac Lewis 49 Peffers, Aaron Burr 53 Peloubet, "Alex. Olympus 38 Pelton, DeWitt Lincoln 92 Penfleld, Thornton Bancroft 03 Penfield, "Thornton Bigelow p59 Penland, "Alfred Marion 62 Penman, John Simpson 87 Pennell, "Joseph p42 Penniman. Andrew Ogden 82 Pentz, Julius Wilhelm 98 388 INDEX OF GKADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Perkins, *Frederick Trenck p42 Perry, Cyrus Murdock 65 Perry, David Brainerd p6G Perry, Edward Russell 94 Perry, William D 74 Perry, William Frederick 08 Perryman, *John Dejournette p41 Persons, Frederick Torrel 02 Persons, Silas Edward 85 Peters, *Benjamin Franklin 47 Peters, Frederick Augustus 00 Peters, John Wesley p67 Peterson. Walter Scott 75 Petrie, William Everett 90 Pettingell. *John Hancock p42 Pfaus, Albert 93 Phelps, John Chester p49 Phelps, *Samuel Wallace 51 Phelps, *Winthrop Henry 45 Phelps, *Zenas Montague p42 Phillips, *Alonzo Barnett 93 Phillips, *Beniamin Thomas p45 Phillips, David Celdron 78 Phillips, *Philip, Jr p95 Philputt, James Millard 88 Phipps, William Hamilton p66 Phoenix, Sidney 61 Phraner, Wilson 50 Pick, Bernhard 68 Pierce, *Epaminonades James 50 Pierce, *John Owen 77 Pierce, *Nehemiah p68 Pierce, *Nehemiah Pruden p46 Pierson, Arthur Tappan 60 Pierson, *George 59 Pierson, 'Hamilton Wilcox 48 Pierson, Israel Coriell p68 Pierson, Louis Arnold ." 94 Pierson, *Nathaniel Edwards p45 Pike, Clarence p83 Pilcher, *Leander William p72 Pingry, *John Francis p43 Pinneo, Samuel Lyman p61 Piper, Henry Hildreth p70 Pisek, Vincent 83 Pitcher, *Samuel L 43 Pitkin, *George Frederick p95 Pitkin, * Horace Tracv 96 Pitkin, *Solomon Dwight 46 Pittenger. Isaac McKendree 75 Pixley, *Martin Shaw p47 Plack, George Wehn p82 Plant, *Alfred p50 Platner, John Winthrop 93 Piatt, * William King 43 Platts, Lewis Alexander 71 Pleasant, Ellis Eugene g07 Plested, * William 73 Plevy, Max Hermann 01 Plumley, *Gardiner Spring 55 Pococke. Wm. Melanchthon 77 Podin, Carl p98 Pokorny, Francis 91 Polhemus, Isaac Heyer 79 Pomeroy, Charles Rhodes p56 Pomeroy, Edward Noyes 68 Pomeroy, John Breckinridge 80 Pond, *Milton Goslee 84 Pond, Theodore Strong p63 Porter, Edwin Collins pS4 Porter, *Elbert Stothoff 83 Porter, Henry Axtell 83 Porter, Lucius Chapin g08 Porter, Robert Granville p84 Porter, *Timothy Hopkins 55 Porter, William 43 Porter, * William Henry p44 Post, *Edmund Hurlburd p70 Post, George Edward 61 Post, *Henry Albertson p58 Potter, * Aaron p50 Potter, *Hiram p56 Potter, *Ludlow Day p46 Potter, Rockwell Harmon p98 Potter, * Samuel Sandford 45 Powell, Edward Payson 58 Powell Henry Alanson 76 Powell, *Isaac Piatt 67 Powell, William Alfred 79 Pratt, *Almon Bradley p42 Pratt, * Andrew Tully p51 Pratt, Edward 79 Pratt, *Elizur Hull 70 Pratt, *Francls Greenleaf p46 Pratt, John Rice 00 Pratt, Nathaniel Miller 96 Pratt, Wm. Woodbury 82 Prentice, Sartell, Jr p94 Pressey, Edwin Sidney 88 Preston, *Marcus North p62 Preston. Thomas James 97 Price, Cyrus Alexander 89 Prichard, Evan Rowland p82 Pride, Ora Lee g08 Priest, *Josiah Addison p50 Prior, *Isaac Raper p70 Pritchard. Arthur Osborn 03 Provine. William Alexander pOl Pryse, Wm. Stratton p75 Purmort, Charles Hiram 78 Putnam, *Douglas Perkins p70 Putnam, Glenn Howard 81 Putnam, Holden Adelmore p92 Queen, Sylvanus Rockefeller p79 Quick, Abram Jay 63 Quick, * James p57 Raab, Irving Tomlinson 04 Rain, James Watt 97 Ramsdell, *Charles Benjamin 75 Ranck, Clayton Haverstick p03 Ranck, Henry Haverstick p95 Rand. *Edward Augustus p63 Randall, * Silas Goodyear p48 Randolph. Joseph Drane 08 Rankin, Benjamin Houston p99 Rankin, *Edward Erastus 43 Rankin, Isaac Ogden 77 Rankin, James Henry 96 Rankin, John Joseph p80 Ratzell, Joseph Perry p99 Rauch. Oswil Henry Edwin 92 Rauscher, John Charles 98 Ray, Edward Chittenden p73 Ray, *John Wainwright 42 Reasoner, Royal Froman p88 Redmond, Daniel 92 Redpath. John 72 Reece, Eli p93 Reed, Albert Merriman p98 Reed, Harry Wilfred p83 Reed, Horatio Roop p95 Reed, Orville, Jr p81 Reed. Robert Franklin p99 Reeve, John Bunyan 61 Reeves. *Thomas A 78 Regnemr, William p96 Reid. Gilbert 82 Reid, James p78 Reid, *.Tohn 53 Reid. *.Tohn Morrison p42 Reid, * Joseph Howard 70 Reid. *Lewis Hubbard 50 Reid. *William Henry 67 Reinhart, Jacob Albert 91 Reinhold. Franklin Peters 98 Relvea, 'Benjamin J 45 Remick. Ninian Beall : 69 Renshaw, William Eagleton 84 Reoch, Adam 90 Rpoch, *David McDonald p96 Rhea, *Samuel Andlev 50 Rhodes, *John Thurston 62 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 389 Rice, Edwin Wilbur p58 Rice, George Gaby 50 Rice, Harris G 80 Rice, Harry Vernon p79 Rice, *Henry Houghton 70 Rich, Adonlram Judson 63 Rich, *Alonzo Berry 45 Richards, *Charles p45 Richards, Charles Herbert p64 Richards, Charles Lewis 77 Richards, George Jermain Ely 76 Richards, James Austin 04 Richards, James Harris p98 Richards, * Jonas De Forest p40 Richards, Leonard Burbank p91 Richards, "Leonard Eldro 63 Richards, * William Lyman 46 Richardson, *Edgar -Morrison 52 Richardson, *George Poindexter .... p58 Richardson, * James Monroe 52 Richardson, John Burton .80 Richardson, *Robert Hugh 63 Richardson, 'Sanford 54 Richardson, Willard Samuel 97 Richmond, Louis Oscar pOO Riggs, Alexander Brown 70 Riggs, Edward 69 Riggs, *Herman Camp 56 Riggs. James Forsyth 78 Righter, *Harris p43 Righter, Stephen Ward 93 Riley, 'Benjamin Gilbert 39 Riley, *Isaac 61 Rilev, Isaac Woodbridge p96 Riley, 'Justin Gamaliel p62 Robb, *Edward Clark p50 Robbins, *Alden Burrill p43 Robert, James Alexander 65 Robert, Joseph Thomas, Jr p64 Roberts, Belville 55 Roberts, Edward p60 Roberts, George, Jr 06 Roberts, Harry Baldwin g08 Roberts, 'William Henry 87 Robertson, 'Benjamin Christopher. . .p71 Robertson, 'James 69 Robertson, James Douglas 61 Robinson, Benjamin Willard 07 Robinson, 'Charles Seymour p55 Robinson, Edward Abbot 83 Robinson, 'George Chester p59 Robinson, 'John Joseph p4!i Robinson, Joseph Haswell .94 Robinson, 'Moses 42 Robinson, Richard Arthur 85 Roche, Spencer Summerfleld p47 Rockwell, George Willard 95 Rockwell, 'Joel Edson 41 Rockwood, 'Lubim Burton 43 Rodger, James George 84 Rodgers, James 70 Rodgers, William Thomas 92 Roe, Sanford Washburn 51 Roe, William Edgar 86 Rogers, 'Ambrose Spencer p43 Rogers, Arthur Guinness p78 Rogers, Edson 61 Rogers, Edwin Everett 81 Rogers, George Hoffman 94 Rogers, Henry Martyn p79 Rogers, James Elcana 82 Rohrabaugh, Daniel Henry 91 Rominger, Henry Virgil 78 Rommel, William Cooper 77 Roof, 'Gerrlt Lansing p47 Root, 'James Pierce 55 Root, Theophllus Huntington p90 Rose, Henry Terbell 69 Rose, 'William Wilberforce p63 Rosenkrans, 'Cyrus Egbert 42 Rosenkrans, 'Joseph 42 Rosenthal, 'Richard Sigismund p69 Ross, 'Edward Frederick 51 Ross. 'James Henry p77 Rossiter, Stealy Bales 69 Rotenbach. Louis Oscar 94 Rouse, Clarence William 90 Rouse, 'Thomas Henderson p50 Rowell, George Payson 01 Rowell, Joseph 51 Rowell, 'Morse 90 Rowley, Charles Henry p71 Roy, 'Joseph Edwin 53 Rovee, George Monroe 78 Rudolph, Walter Scott 82 Ruggles, 'Henry Edwin 50 Ruliffson, 'Albert Gleason 62 Rundall, Herbert Ranson 81 Rundus, Frank p92 Runk, Edward Johnson 82 Rusk, Thomas Alexander 85 Russel, James Gallaher p91 Russell, 'Charles Henry 59 Russell, 'Frank 67 Russell, James Elmer 99 Russell, Robert Condit 62 Russell, 'Sldner Hogan 85 Rust. Richard Hubbard 68 Ruston, William Otis 75 Rutan, Fred Newman 87 Rutherford, Charles 89 Rutherford. 'Collingwood 46 Ryder, William Harper, Jr p05 Sabin, 'Levi Parsons 61 Sadler, Alfred John 04- Sailer, 'Randolph p60 Sailor, 'John 47 St. John, Edward Emerson 97 Salter, William p43 Samson, Thomas Smallwood p74 Sanders, Henry Martyn 76 Sanders, 'Joseph Hawkins p96 Sandt, Jacob Henry pOO Sangree, Henry Hudson 83 Sargent, Benj. Farrington 77 Sassaman, Horace Daniel 81 Sasao, Kumetaro .g96 Satterwhite, Benjamin 08 Sauerbrunn. Louis Fred pOO Saunders, Earl Perry p86 Savage, 'Frederick Bolton p68 Sawyer, 'Leicester Jotham p62 Sawyer, Rollin Alger 86 Sawyer, Rollin Augustus 57 Sawyer, 'Samuel 48 Sawyer, 'Stowe p83 Saxton, 'Joseph Addison 39 Scarritt, William Russell 72 Schaefer, Frederick William p07 Schaff, David Schley 76 Schauffler, Adolphus Frederick p71 Schaul, Ulysses Simpson 95 Schell, James Perry 73 S«henck, 'Addison Van Court p46 Schenk, Philip Louis 07 Schermerhorn, 'Henry Ostrander ...42 Schermerhorn, 'John William 43 Schermerhorn. Martin Kellogg p68 Schiller, 'William 94 Schlager, Adelbert Jay 72 Schmidt, Henry 95 Scholey, Charles Herbert 98 Scholl, Henry Truax 77 Schoonmaker. 'Sylvester Franklin. . .p64 Schory, 'Peter p43 Schrock, Percy Frederick 06 Schroeder. Detlef Heinrlch 98 Schultz, James Andrews p65 Schuyler, 'George Washington p40 Schwab, Laurence Henry p81 Schwarz, Henry Louis Philip August, Jr 93 390 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Scofield, Albert Bennett p97 Scofield, Edward, Jr 77 Scofield, William Henry 88 Scott, Daniel Newton g07 Scott, Harry Omar 80 Scott, John Frederick 85 Scott, Thomas Smith 77 Scott, Walter p74 Scott, Walter Quincy p74 Scott, Willard 78 Scoville, Frank Churchill 78 Scoville, *Samuel 61 Scudder, Doremus • . p83 Scudder, *Henry Martyn 43 Scudder, John Lewis 77 Sears, Charles Hatch 01 Seccombe, *Charles 50 Sedgwick, Arthur Henry 90 Seeley, Boudinot, Jr p03 Seeley, Frank Barrows 96 Seely, * Abraham T p44 Seely, *Raymond Hoyt 42 Seelye, * James Witherell p84 Seem, Samuel Hartzel 95 Selden, *Silas Richards 65 Semple, Eugene Payson 78 Senftner, Alexis Eugene 02 Sentz, James Edward 89 Service, Robert John 82 Severance. Milton Leonard p63 Sewall, Charles Grenville 98 Sexton, Thomas Lawrence 72 Sexton, * Wilson Davidson 81 Seymour, *Bela Newton 55 Seymour, *Erastus p60 Seymour, *Henry 42 Seymour, John Alonzo 52 Seymour, *Ova Hoyt 54 Shackford, *Charles Chaunoy p39 Shapleigh, Horace Sylvester p69 Sharp, *Charles Wheeler 61 Shattuck, *Amos Franklin 62 Shattuck. *Cortlandt Willkins p46 Shaver, Elmer Clifton g02 Shaw, Alexander 69 Shaw, Charles Dannelly 62 Shaw, Charles Franklin 03 Shaw, *Fzra Davis 63 Shaw, ""Francis N p53 Shaw, *Harvey .82 Shaw, John Alexander 87 Shaw, John Balcom 88 Shaw, Willie Herbert 80 Shearman. Thomas Gaskell, Jr 94 Shedd. John Myers p80 Sheeley, Homer 73 Sheldon, George William 67 Shepard. Frank Robert 97 Shepherd, Robert Lincoln 06 Shepherd, »Thomas James 43 Sheppard, John Franklin 81 Sherajan, Gregory Avac 94 Sherrill, * Franklin Goldthwaite 50 Sherman, Lewis p68 Sherman. Richard Eli 06 Sherwood, Nathan Manning 64 Shields, George William .85 Shields. Harvey Milton 93 Shimadzu, Misaki 08 Shipherd, Theodore Merrell 02 Shoards, * Joseph Franklin p71 Shorey, * Lyman Munson p68 Shriver, William Payne 04 Shuler, *Laurens Tillou 73 Sigafoos, Orville Lincoln 97 Silber, *Wm. Beinhauer p53 Silcox, *William Lyman p49 Simkin, Robert Louis 06 Simmons, James Dickinson 96 Simonds, Royal Ambrose g02 Simonton, James Matthew 79 Simms, Samuel 87 Simpson, Charles ' 70 Simpson, Louis R p93 Sinclair, Angus 73 Sinclair, * James 51 Sinclair, William 07 Skillman, Willis Bishop 80 Skinner, James Avery 60 Skinner, Norman Newton 86 Skinner, *Thomas Edward 54 Skinner, ""Thomas Harvey 43 Slauson, *Hiram 40 Sloan, *Isaac Oliver p52 Smart, David (Lyle) Colquhoun ....72 Smart, Isaac Chipman 85 Smart, Wyatt Aiken 07 Smetanka, Jaroslav 02 Smith, Arthur Henderson 70 Smith, Bevier 02 Smith, *Charles Alvin 91 Smith, Charles Ellis 99 Smith, David Garrett 92 Smith, *Edward Clarence p63 Smith, *Edward Parmelee p55 Smith, *Edwin Graham 50 Smith, Frank Hyatt p90 Smith, George Henry 76 Smith, George Nicol 75 Smith, Gerald Birney 98 Smith, Gilbert Harmer 08 Smith, *Henry Augustus p56 Smith, Henry Goodwin 84 Smith, *Henry Russel p50 Smith, Henry Wilds 03 Smith, ""Horace Payson p59 Smith, ""Israel Bryant 49 Smith, * Jackson p40 Smith, * James Champlain p42 Smith, James Franklin 96 Smith, James Hardin 08 Smith, *James M 40 Smith, ""James Redfield 52 Smith, * Judson p63 Smith, Justin Harvey p82 Smith. ""Matson Meier 47 Smith, Mortimer p68 Smith, Otis Alexander p87 Smith, ""Socrates 45 Smith, Thomas William 94 Smith, *Wm. Augustus 59 Smith, William Denison . .81 Smith, William Spooner 52 Smith. William Thayer p64 Smyth. George Hugh, Jr p04 Snedeker, Charles Henry 83 Sneed, Glen Lawson 07 Snook, John Henry 04 Snow, *Rich. Van Wycke 65 Snowden. *Robert Bayard 59 Snyder, Frank Lovelace 90 Snyder, *George Niver 71 Snyder, Joseph Gould 89 Snyder, ""Peter 39 Snyder, Peter Miles 78 Snyder, Thomas 77 Snyder, William Henry 71 Solomonides, John Joseph p08 Somerville. Robert John p68 Soper, Willard Philander 07 Soule, ""George p51 Soule. Sherrod 88 Spalding, George Burleigh p61 Spaulding, Arthur 93 Speers. Joseph 92 Spellmeyer. Henry . . p70 Spencer, *Franklin Augustus p41 Spencer, William Sawyer 97 Spoer, Hans Henry sr00 Spooner, ""Erastus Carter d42 Sprague. ""Daniel Jav p57 Squire, William Wood p59 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 391 Stall. Sylvanus p"5 Stanley, *Charles Herbert p65 Stanley, Frederick Jonte 76 Stanley. *Hiram Miner p84 Starbuck, Charles Casey 54 Stark, Ferdinand p98 Stark, James Worthington 61 Starks, Henry Alanson p72 Starkweather, * Frederick Merrick... 45 Staub, Albert William 07 Stauffer, Samuel l'haon 92 Staver. Daniel 75 Stead, *Benjamin Franklin p42 Stearly, Wilson Reiff p90 Stearns, Charles Cummings 75 Stearns, George Milton 77 Stearns, *Lewis French 72 Stearns, Raymond Hoyt 83 Stebbins, Henry Hamlin 67 Stecker, Daniel 93 Steele, David McConnell 99 Steele, Frederick Todd 96 Steele, *Thomas Clark 66 Steen, * Robert Service 07 Stein, John Philip 64 Steiner, Xahum Ignace 50 Stephens, John Vant p87 Stephens, John Walter 97 Sterling, *George p73 Stevens, Charles Haley 81 Stevens, Moody Adoniram p62 Stevens. William Colt 77 Stevenson, Alex. Russell p80 Stevenson, Andrew J p46 Stevenson, *Halsey Bidwell p81 Stevenson, Thomas John p86 Stevenson, William Patton p85 Stewart, Albert Cross p99 Stewart, Alex. Campbell 75 Stewart. Calvin Wilfred, Jr p98 Stewart. *David Fay 76 Stiansen, Peder g05 Stiles. *Edmund Root p63 Stimson, Henry Albert p69 Stires. Willard Daniel pOO Stiver, Samuel Luther 78 Stockwell, * Austin Parsons 65 Stockwell, Frederick Emerson 98 Stoddard, Charles Augustus 59 Stoddard, Elijah Woodward 52 Stoddard, *Judson Burr 43 Stoddard, *Samuel Augustus 68 Stoltz, Frank Foster 82 Stone. * Andrew Leete p42 Stone, *Mellen David 74 Stone. *Seth Bradley 50 Stoops, James Porter p90 Stoops, John Dashiell g03 Stonier, George 95 Stoutenburgh. * William Jackson . . . p62 Stover. Charles Bunstein 84 Stowell, Alexander David 58 Stratton, *Edward 55 Stratton, James Patterson 68 Strauss, Thomas Chalmers 81 Street, William Dana 98 Stroh, *Charles Robert 74 Stroh, Grant p92 Strong, *Edward p42 Strong, *Guy Chandler 50 Strong, James Woodward 62 Strong, *John Jay 70 Strong, Stephen Chester 48 Stuart. Albert Emerson p94 Stubblebine. William Henry p92 Stuchell, William Torrence pOO Sullivan, * Andrew Jackson 78 Sullivan, Edwin Ruthven p67 Sullivan, Joseph g06 Sunderland, *Byron p43 Suplee, Thomas Danly p73 Sutphen, * Joseph Walworth 51 Sutphen, Paul Frederick p80 Sutton, Joseph Ford 5" Swallow, 'Joseph Emerson 48 Swan, Thomas William p87 Swan, William Lenville 80 Swartz, Hermann Frank p95 Swertf ager, George Albert 02 Swift, *Alfred Brown .53 Swift. Benjamin 93 Swift, Clarence Franklin 86 Swift, Fletcher Harper 03 Swift, * Frederick Joel p97 Swift, George Hiram p08 Swift, Henry Martyn p55 Swift, Isaac 69 Swift. William Henry 73 Swinney, * Lucius Romain 69 Swope, Luther Albert p75 Symington, *Charles 76 Tabor, *Rodney Lewis 72 Tada, Shiroshi g96 Taft. *Don Carlos 55 Tajima, Susumu g05 Talbot, Howard Araunah 75 Talbot, John Wesley 73 Talcott. Frederick 92 Tallmadge, *Leander Allen 67 Tallmadge. * William Henry p75 Talmage, Frank DeWitt 93 Tamblyn, Albert Terry 06 Tamblyn, George Olver 06 Tanner, *Elias Fitch 62 Tatlock, W T illiam p95 Taylor, *David Houston 60 Taylor, Frank Ellsworth 93 Taylor, George Ira 47 Taylor, Harry Leroy 03 Taylor, * James Henry 59 Taylor, John Bascom 80 Taylor, *John Coleman p61 Taylor, John Prentice pOO Taylor, *Ransom p39 Taylor, Robert Hays 89 Taylor, * Samuel Furman 79 Taylor, *Townsend Elijah 47 Taylor. * William Howard p81 Teal, * John William 68 Teel, William Henry 67 Teller, Henry Ludlow p66 Tembrook, Isaac Bucklew 73 Tenney, Albert Francis p73 Tenney, *Ephraim . . p44 Tenney, Henry Martyn p67 Tenney, Leonard Baker 81 Tercy, John R 90 Terrett, *John Cotton p45 Terry, *Cassius Marcellus 70 Terry, Roderick 75 Testa, Stefano Louis 97 Tetley, * Josiah 72 Tewell, "Joseph Riley 91 Thacher. William Earned 91 Thatcher, Oliver Joseph 85 Thayer, * David Haven p52 Thaver, William Greenough p89 Thomas, *DeWitt Hurd p67 Thomas, James Bishop p95 Thomas, * James Dunlap p57 Thomas, John Martin 93 Thomas, Moses Bross p71 Thomas, *Thomas Bennett 88 Thomas, Welling Even p79 Thomas, William Davy 73 Thomas, William Howell p75 Thomas, William Otis p98 Thomas. William Price p90 Thompkins, *Pierce Butler 94 Thompson, * Amherst Lord p59 Thompson, Fenwick Williams g02 Thompson, Frank p68 392 INDEX OF GEADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Thompson, Isaac Meigs Bragg 80 Thompson, James Marshall 72 Thompson, John Henry 97 Thompson, *Lewis 57 Thompson, *Lewis Olson 66 Thompson, Wesley Dee 03 Thompson, * William Austin p43 Thomson, *Everitt Burbridge p68 Thomson, *John 68 Thomson, Joseph Clark 78 Thomson, Robert 81 Thomson, *Robert James 84 Thomson, William 57 Thorne, * William Henry p64 Thorpe, Walter 03 Thresher, James Nelson 62 Thurber, Edward Gerrish p62 Thurston, *Thomas Gairdner 65 Tibbals, Charles Austin p75 Tibballs, Edward Lester pOO Tindall, *George Phillips 52 Tinker, Wellington Hutchinson 03 Titsworth, Adoniram Judson 73 Titsworth, *Wardner Carpenter 77 Titus, Wicks Smith 50 Todd, *Charles Noyes 46 Todd, Elbert S 67 Todd, Henry Albert . . . p83 Todd, James Edward p70 Todd, Joseph Clinton 08 Toleman, Charles Blackhurst 97 Tolles, "Cornelius Wm p52 Tolman, *George Burder 61 Tomio, Tomeo 08 Tomlinson, Fred William pOl Tompkins, Edwards Staats de Grote.p84 Tompkins, * James N p44 Tompkins, Willard Jay 00 Topping, Charles Henry 97 Torossian, Bedros Reuben 98 Torosyan, Hovhannes Toros 97 Torrey, *David 46 Torrey, *Henry Augustus Pearson ..64 Torrey, * John Paine 63 Torrey, * Watson Willard 68 Tower, * James Edwin p61 Tower, William Hogarth p97 Townsend, *Jas. Benjamin p38 Tracy, Charles Chapin 67 Tracy, James Edward 77 Traver, * Allen p53 Travis, Alonzo Ferdinand p97 Travis, Thomas 03 Trick, Albert Henry p82 Trotter, * Alexander 41 Trousdale, Otis Murphy 06 Trowbridge, * James Hewit p50 Trowbridge, *Tillman Conkling 55 Truslow, Arthur p94 Truslow, John Hamilton 80 Tryon, Harold Harrison 04 Tsilka, Gregory Marko 00 Tsuyumu, Bunjl g02 Tucker, * George Livermore 56 Tuholski, *Paul Alexander p03 Tupper, *Henry Martyn 56 Turner, Edward Bates 99 Turner, Herbert Barclay 78 Tuthill, *George Miller 46 Tuthill. William Bodle p97 Tweedv, Henry Hallam 96 Twitchell, Joseph Hopkins p62 Tyler, Charles Mellen p58 Tyler, *George Palmer 40 Tyler, John Mason p77 Tyler, *Wm. Ebenezer p48 Tyng, Morris Ashhurst p70 Tyson, *Ira Charles 62 Uchida, Shigeji g06 Uglow, * James p57 Uhl, *Erskine p64 Uhler. *George 47 Uhlf elder, *Sigismund 53 Ulyat, 'William Clark 49 Underbill, *John Winn p59 Underwood, * Henry Beman p65 Updike, Hartley Titus 86 Upham, *Albert Gallatin p43 Upham, * Francis William p41 Utikal, *Otokar p94 Utter, *George Benjamin 43 Vail, *Edward John . 44 Vail, 'Stephen Montfort .' 42 Van Aken, Elbert Wayland 02 Van Aken, *Gulick p65 Vance. * Edward Dunn p74 Van Cleef, *George Stayley p43 Vanderbeek, Henry Conrad 90 Vanderbilt, Edgar 79 Van Derlip, *George Mairs 58 Van Deursen, *Russell Dudley p55 Van Deusen, *Albert 79 Van Dyck, Edward Abbott p70 Van Dyck, Ezekiel Deyo 83 Van Norden, Charles 66 Van Norden, Theodore Langdon .... p93 Van Nostrand, * Jacob p42 Van Oeveren, Adrien 04 Van Orden, Archibald Stark, Jr 01 Van Slyke. * Frederick Myers 78 Van Wagoner, Charles Davis pOO Vauthier, Leon Paul Frederic 03, Vazakas. Alexander Aristides 06' Veach, Robert Wells pOO Vernon, Ambrose White 94 Very, Lorin p4l Vicker, Hedley Albert p98 Vincent, Harry Gratton Guinness. . .p88 Wade. *Matthew 73 Wagner, Horace Tyson 94 Waite, Alexander p99 Waite, Henry Randall p72 Walcott, Gregory Dexter 00 Waldo, * Edmund Freeman 40 Waldo, *Levi Fay 44 Waldo, *Theron Linsley 66 Walenta, Max John Henry 03 Walker, Avery Skinner 57 Walker, Charles Astor 86 Walker, * James 50 Walker, John 63 Walker, *John Adam p46 Walker, John Jairus . . . p94 Walker, Olnev Kinkead g07 Walker, William Walter p02 Wallace, *Charles Clark 56 Wallace, Cornelius Royal p77 Wallace, Duncan 95 Wallace, George Henry 77 Wallace, William 88 Waller, Charles DeVane 86 Waller, David Jewett, Jr 74 Walsworth, *Edward Brown 48 Walsworth, *Lyman Wesley 51 Walton. *Robert Hall p60 Walz. Ernest Louis 97 Ward. Bradish Calvin p57 Ward, Earl Johnson 67 Ward, Herbert Dickinson p88 Ward. *John 44 Ward, Samuel Lawrence 76 Ward, *Thos. Sydenham 38 Ward. William Hayes p59 Wardlaw, * William p50 Ware. Edward Twichell 01 Warren, Edward p82 Warren, Bertram Albert g06 Warren, Charles Henry 98 Warren, Harry Marsh p91 Warren. * James Henry 50 Warren, Rawson p97 Warrender, Samuel, Robert p77 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS 393 Warriner, 'Francis .'?'.> Washburn, George Youngs p80 Washburn, Henry Homer 75 Washburn, *Philip p85 W T aterman, Alfred Tileston p60 Waterman, Warren Gookin p95 Watkins, Arthur Charles 00 Watkins, Frederick Hiram p95 Watson, Charles Chaplin 66 Watson, Charles G 97 Watson, John Gilchrist p87 Watson. *John Pillsbury 61 Watt, John Carruthers p77 Watters, Phil. Melanchthon 85 Watters, Thomas 88 Wear. Frank Lucian 05 Webster, Emery Douglas 05 Webster, Frank Montrose 99 Webster, George Sidney 82 Weed. 'Thomas Allen 47 Weeks, Frank Milton 87 Weidner. David Trout p03 Weir, William Figley p89 Weir, William Nicholas 00 Weitzel, "Charles Theodore 75 Welch, 'Josiah 71 Welcher, Manfred Philester 80 Welker, Harvey Alexander p96 Weller, William Webster 88 Wells, David Collin p85 Wells, Edward Phineas 66 Wells, * James Dwight p80 Wells, * John Lester 74 W'ells, *Nathan Dana p60 Wells, *Rufus Porter 45 W T ells, *Shepard 45 Wemple, Jeremiah Vanderpool 95 W T endell, Frederick Charles Herman.. 92 Wenner, George Unangst 68 Wenrick, Geo. Washington Sheesley. .82 Wertz, *Richard Frederick 98 Wesley, Thomas Dammes 01 West, Francis Frederick p96 Westcott. Henrv Russell. Jr 03 Westerfield. William, Jr 68 Westgate, *George Lewis p68 Wetherby, *Charles p60 Whaling, Thornton p82 Whallon, Edward Payson 72 Wharton, * Charles Dabney 44 Wheeler, *Hiram p42 Wheeler, Wilmot Henry p84 Whitaker, Charles Hurlbut g99 Whitaker, Epher 51 Whitaker. William Force 76 Whitcomb, Cyrus Baxter 69 White, Bouck 02 White, Charles Dunning p95 White, *Elliot Farnsworth p93 White, Erskine Norman 57 White, Gaylord Starin 90 White, George Abner 90 White, George Hills 56 White, Henrv Rennyson . . . , 91 White, Irving Elisha 80 White, John Campbell p95 White, Lynn Townsend 01 W T hite, Robert Rombout 92 White, * Samuel Jessup 42 White, Stanley 87 White, Theodore Frelinghuysen 53 White, * Wellington Jervis 80 White, * William Carter p56 Whitehead, *John Ellas p48 Whitehead, Joseph Henry 72 Whitford, * Oscar Ubertro 72 Whitford, William Calvin 92 Whitford, *William Clarke 56 Whiting, John Clapp 03 Whitman, John Seymour 60 Whitney, 'Henry Otis 69 Whitney, * Joseph Clinton 49 Whittemore, Norman Clark 95 Whittlesev, *Eliphalet * . . .43 Wick. Robert Ken- 86 Wicks, Emerson George 68 Wicks, Robert Russell 08 \\'i(»rs. Edgar Swann 99 Wilber, Henry Peachey 88 Wilcomb. Chester James 98 Wild, Levi 86 Wilder, Charles Nelson p66 Wilder, Robert Parmelee 91 Wilder, 'Theodore p68 Wildey, Irving Depew 02 Wiley, Edward Carroll , p89 Wilkinson, 'Robert Henry 74 Wilkinson, William John 06 Willard, 'Livingston 44 Willcox, Giles Buckingham p51 Willcox, 'Monson Alva p67 Willcox, 'William Henry 46 Willett, 'Marinus 56 Willey, Samuel Hopkins 48 Williams, 'Charles 92 Williams, 'Charles Henry Somers ..p65 Williams, Daniel Jenkins 03 Williams, Edgar La Mar 76 Williams, Edward Moore p68 Williams, 'Frederick Whitney 52 Williams, 'Horace Bobbins 64 Williams, James Michel 01 Williams. Moseley Hooker p67 Williams, 'John Loy p85 Williams, 'Orville Dewey p82 Williams, Rich. Richardson 7(> Williams, 'Samuel Denton p69 Williams. Thomas Rudolph 69 Williams. William Ellis 97 Williams, 'William White 63 Williamson. Albert Barnes p87 Williamson, James DeLong 75 Williamson, 'John Fremont 81 Williamson, 'Joseph Gilliard p49 Williamson. Joseph Gilliard, Jr 77 Williamson, Robert Henry 58 Willingham. George David 85 Willis, Squire Turner 93 Williston. Martin Luther 69 Willoughby, 'Henry Washington ...p44 Wilson, Alfred James 07 Wilson, Charles Ent 64 Wilson, Clarence Hall 87 Wilson, David Logan 98 Wilson, Edward B p84 Wilson, 'James Duncan 62 Wilson, John Nesbit p69 Wilson, Warren Hugh 94 Wilson. Wilbur Fisk p04 Winn, Thomas Clay 77 Winne, Christian Willard 71 Winship, 'Charles Finney 59 Winslow, 'Horace 41 Winslow, 'Kenelm p67 Winters, David p72 Wishard, Luther Deloraine p80 Wisner, Christian 64 Wiswell, 'George Franklin 44 Wittmeyer, Alfred Victor 70 Wolcott, John Milton 59 W r olcott, William Henry 69 Wolfe, 'Aaron Roberts 51 Wolfe, Austin Dickinson 90 Wolff. Julius F'rancls p02 Wood. Charles Augustus 73 Wood. Ernest Wetheriil 00 Wood, 'Frank Alphonso 71 W T ood. Franklin Parker . .' p71 Wood, 'George Franklin p95 W T ood, 'George Ingersoll 38 Wood. George Warren, Jr 69 W T ood. 'James Washington p40 394 INDEX OF GRADUATES AND OTHER STUDENTS Wood, Josiah Alonzo 84 Wood, *William .47 Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene. 92 Woodbridge. ♦John Eliot . .p7!» Woodbury, Frank Porter 64 Woodhull, George Spafford p52 Woodin, ♦Simeon Foster 59 Woodruff, * Ellis Robert p96 Woodruff, Frank Edward 81 Woodruff, George Catlin 88 Woodruff, Henry Collins p71 Woods, Robert McEwen p72 Woodworth, *Francis Chandler 40 Woolley, Daniel Morris 75 Woolworth, William Sage p90 Worcester, *John Hopkins, Jr 71 Worley, John Cobb p9K Wrage, ■♦Hermann Dietrich 60 Wright, * Albert Allen p70 Wright, *Albert Orville 67 Wright, Alfred John !>7 Wright, *Allen 55 Wright, Cassius Eugene p70 Wright, *Charles Coe p6;> Wright, Edward Bingham 67 Wright, Edward Richard 9!) Wright, *Ephraim Munro p42 Wright, Frank Hall 85 Wright, Harrison King 02 Wright, John 66 WrightT, ♦Joseph Harrison p75 Wright, Walter Eugene Colburn 68 Wright, ♦Wesley Pratt p55 Wright, Wiley Kimball 82 Wright, ♦William Janes p62 Wyckoff, Albert Clark 00 Wyckoff, John Dunham 59 Wyckoff, ♦Samuel 61 Wylie, David Gourley 83 Wyman, Arthur James 01 Wynkoop, Asa . . . 92 Yaeger, Edward John 05 Yaggy, Samuel Edward g05 Yaho, Isaburo g06 Yeoraans. William Moodie 92 Yokota, Teiji 08 Yoshioka, Seimei g03 Young, ♦Abraham Teator p42 Young, Charles Alexander p93 Young, Claiborne Addison p72 Young, David King, Jr _. ... .03 Young, Frederick Pentz 03 Young, James Scott 89 Young, John R p45 Young, Samuel Edward 89 Young. William Stewart 83 Zaraphonithes, Anastasios Diamandes.76 Zeigel, Anthony Frederick 05 Zelie, ♦John Sheridan 54 Zelie, John Sheridan p90 Zielie, ♦John J 47 Zimmei-mann, Andrew Shuman 84 Zivley. ♦John Henry 47 Zoll, Joseph g02 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. 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