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/CT OF 1920.
The Cuniir.ins bill, S.290o, was introduced
;^ug.23 (calendar day, Sept. 2) 1919. S. 3288, sub-
stituted for £.2906, v/as reported by the Senate Com-
mittee on interstate commerce, Oct .22 (calendar day,
Oct. 23) 1919. On Dec. 20 the Senate passed the Esch
.bill (H.R. 10453) which had been amended by substitut-
ing for its provisions those of S.32S8, The CoiJ-
ferencs committee of House and Senate reported on
H.R. 10453, Feb. 18, and the act was approved Feb. 28,
Part I, ... Texts of bill and committee
Part II. ... ComTient .
Each part has been arranged chronqlogically.
Undated comments or the bill have been
placed at the end of Part II.
December 16, 1920 »
Ci'mmins bill, . ,
/c.-orth, '/. 1.!.
Gray, C, R.
Glider son , C. "/,
Grosscup, P. S.
B,. R. U.
Hamilton , F. L.
Barkley, /. V/.
Hammond, J. H.
Barnum, B. L.
Harding, y. G.
Binkerd, R. 3.
Harnach, J. W.
Klair. J, P.
41 , 46 . 49
Harris, G. B,
bledsoe, S. T.
!!awes, R, S.
Bon s al , S .
Hay den , C.
Borl^ir.d, "' . P.
Henry, C. L
Bruce, W. C.
Hines, "'. D,
Br y ail, "/.. J.
Holland, pseud.
Bucklard, E. G.
Huebner, G. G.
Burke, 'V. J*
Hughes C. r.
Hyde, D.
Calkins, R- M.
C/iandler, W. H.
Johnson, f . B.
Chase, / . E.
Johnston, F.
Chenery, W. L.
Chilae, C. E.
Jono*. W,U,»
ClarK, E. £,
Collir.s, B. /.
Kelley, C. M.
Connors, W. T.
Kellogg, F. B.
2, 3, 19
Cook, W. W.
Kelly, R. E»
Cowan, S. H.
Kingsley, D. P.
20, 21
Cummins, /, B,
Kitchin, C.
CurtiB, C,
La Follette, R. M*
Cuyler, T. D. 6,'
Latouche, G.de P.
Lenroot, I, L»
Lisman, F, J.
Davis, P. V.
Lodge, H. C.
Dial, N. B.
Loomis, E. E,
Drew, W.
Lovett, R. Si
Dunn, S, 0.
Luce, G. W,
Elliott, 11.
Mc/doo, W. G.
Ellis, ^V.
McKellar, K.
2, 20
Erb, N.
5. 7
Kagnusson, L.
Esch, J. J.
Ilarily, B. M.
Evans, H.
Marsh /\, R,
Mason, S, C._
France, J. I-
Mason, "'. E."
R*elinghuy3en , J.
Morawetz , V,
Fritch, L. C,
Morris, R.
Frost, S.
Morton, E, H.
Myers, H. L.
Gadsby, M. A.
O'irtnftr, K. K.
Nixon, L.
Geddes, E.
Gompers, S.
Olmstead, A, S,
Parmentier, J.
Cti;....in3 bill. . .
frdex of names p, 2.
ratter 3 cr.,
Pexl, H. C.
Pellorin de Latouche
G. de
Plurr.b, G. S.
Poiiidexter, M,
Pornerene, A.
Post, G. /.
Prouty, C. /.
Pulley n, J. J.
Rando'iDh, C. F.
P.ea, S.
Heavis, C. F.
Rich, F. J.
Richardsor. , P. F.
Robinson, J, T.
Rohling, K,
Root, F.
Russell, C. F»
Sakolski, A. M,
Sangster, R, D,
Shaw, W. ,". .
She; a, T.
Sims, T. 1?'.
Sisson, F, H.
Smith, /* , E,
Smith, H»
Spwyyr, J,
Spring, S.
Stone, '»/. S,
Strother, F,
Thor.aG, C. S.
Toid, '...
Uri-ur*^. oiv n. ■•
Vn'-ider'.:; '
''* -.dwvort: , . '
'^•^.I'v., J.. -
•^alsh, D, I.
Warfield^ ;^. D.
li^faterraar:, R.
'if'atkins, S.
^Aiatson, J. E.
3, 4
Webster, J. S.
Wilfley, X. P.
Willard, D.
V/illiar.is, J. S,
Williams, N. C,
Wilson, W.
'Vinslow, S. F,
Well, M,
Wood, 7. H,
30, 4C
Wcodlock, T. F.
8, 38
15,17, :^9.
Taft, w. H,
Thorn, /. P.
Bureau of
December 16, 19, '■-
P/pril 15,1920] 12 mime. p. 4"
Spring, SarTiUel,
A key to the railroad bill. Transportation act 1920 at a glance.
[Boston] Financial publishing co;npany, cl920,
broadside. 8°
Cummins, ;ilbert B.
/Amendment of inter-state commerce law, •
(Congressional record, v.58 :4867-93;Sept. 2, 1919)
Speech, after introducing railroad bill, (S.2906)
Questions by other senators, pp. 4&90-92,.,
Senator Robinson's remarks, pp. 4892-93...
Pomerene, Ptlee,
y>mendment of inter-state commerce Im.
(Congressional record;, v.58 ;4903-04; Sept. 2, 1919)
Discussion of provisions of Cummins bills,
Cummins bill provides for division of excess earnings. Leaves determination
of reasonable return for each carrier to discretion of Commission., ,
C7all street journal, September 3, 1919, p.l,col.4,p.6,col.3-4)
Provides for Federal incorporation of roads. Measures submitted to Senate
interstate commerce committee...
(Journal of commerce, September 3, 1919, p.l.col.l)
Journal of commerce. [Editorial]
Defects of railroad plan,
(Journal of ccmmerce, September 4, 1919, p. 6, col. 1)
Cummins bill, ., ■
?t. n. -5~
Underwood, Oscar W.
Relation of labor and capital. Speech. ..in the Senate of the United
States... September 4, 1919, [V/ashington, Govt, print, off., 1919] 8 p.
8'^, On the labor provisions of the Cummins bill.
Erb, l.'ewmanc
Newman Erb says Cummins plan threatens small roads. Cannot live
without change in division of through rates and substantial credit
support ,
(Wall st -eet journal, Sept. 5, 1919, p. 13, col. 5)
Says Cummins bill is a com.promise measure. Railroad president believes
document v/as drawn with purpose of meeting all exigencies,
(Wall street journal, Sept. 5, 1919, p. 9, col. 2)
Walker, Ro'i^erts.
Walker thinks Cummins bill admirable start. Will furnish good basis
for discussion...
(Wall street journal Sept, 5, 1919, p,9,col,2)
Wall street journal. [Editorial]
The Cummins bill,
(Wail street journal, Sept. 5, 1919, p. 1, col, 2)
Cummins bill for return of railroads to owners.
(Commercial and financial chronicle, v.. 109:938-39; Sept .6, 1919)
English railroads and ours. Financial London's comment on some provisions
of the Cummirs bill. What the "City" thinks of y^merican labor
policy and of our securities. Dilemma in which British railroads
find themselves. Government's move for economy and v/hat may come
of it,
(New York evening post, Financisil section. Sept, 6, 1919, p,l,col,4)
Railroads at odds over Cummins bill. Strong lines oppose plans of un-
profitable roads. Officials expect many changes in conference of
Esch and Cummins measures. Railway executives continue discussion,
(Journal of commerce, September 6, 1919, p, 5, col. 5)
,....The profit-sharing fallacy.
(Railway review, v.65 ;345-46 ;Sept, 6, 1919)
...Comment on phases of Cummins bill...
Brief analysis of bill, p, 339-340.
Railway reviev/, [Editorial]
f bill with "soire guts,"
(Railway review, v.65 : 344-45; Sept, 6, 1919)
Traffic world. [Editorial]
The Cummins bill.
(Traffic world, v. 24:509-510, 554;Sept. 6, 1919)
Cuir:.:alns bill. ..
■.>t, Ti. -6-
Cummins railroad operation bill is presented to Senate. Many saliert
features cf Boston chamber's plan represented in measure prepared cy
Senate subcommittee.
(Current affairs LEostonji v.lO; Sept ember 8,1919, p.14,19)'.
Holland., (Pseud.)
Holland's letter. How the Cumrnins bill wjll recorcile labor. Threo
exanples of workerc' x epresentaticn on committees,
(Wall street journ^J., September 8, 1919, p. 2, col. 3)
Cummins bill contains soir.e unworkable clauses. Preparation of ne.v rate,
schedules within thirty days of end of Federal Control impossible.
Provisions for funding of railroad debt to government would create
obstacles to prompt rehabilitation of corporate credit.
(7/all street journal, Sept. 9,1919, p. 11, col .1-2)
Cuyler, Thonas De'Vitt.
[^Letter to Senate Comniittee on interstate coiriinerce arguing against
seotior 6 of the Cuiroiins bill] Sept. 9, 1919. [Hew Yorkn9l9jC8]p.8*
Reprinted; Railway review, v.65 -.386-87 ;Sept .13,1919,
Philadelphia inquirer. [Editorial] ,
'''ill not give up the strike weapon-
(Philadelphia inquirer. September 9, 1919, p. 10, col. 2)
'J'/arren S. Stone's statements in regard to anti-strike provisions
in the Curmins bill.
R. R, heads cor.fer on Cummins bill. Object to holding profits at fixed
Committee of railway executives discuss amendments and frame state-
ment on Senate measure- See faults in plan.
(Journal cf commerce, September 9, 1919, p. 3, col. 3)
Cumrr.ins, /. B,
Criticism of the Cummins railroad bill.
(New York times, Sept. 10, 1919)
Letter to the editor.
Morawetz , Victor.
Criticisms cf the Ci&mins railroad bill. Provisions do not furnish a
clear or definite or v/orkable standard for fixing rates.
(New York times, September 10,1919, p.lO)
Traffic news. [Editorial]
Private rule of roads, plan in Cummins bill.
(Traffic news, v.l2:September 10, 1919, p. 3)
/ssociati -n of railway executives.
[Circular letter, Sept.. .1919 in regard to "fair return" provisions in
Cummins bill, (S.2906)] 8 unnum, p. 8"
Letter to Interstate commerce committee ii eluded.
Signed by T.DeV'itt Cuyler, chairman.
Reprinted; Railway age, v. 67 ; 500 ; Sept .12,1919.
Cunin.ins billr..
!-t. II. -7-
/ssociatior. of railway executives.
[Press notice] September 11, 1919.
4 mime. p. f° Incli^des letter of Chairman Cuyler to Senate coJTJnittee
on Interstate commerce, dated September 9, 1919, arguing against CL-mmins
Reprinted; Wall street journal, Sept. 12, 1919, p. 9, col. 3)
Brief outline of Cumnins railroad bill.
Strikes to be prohibited.
(Manufacturers' news, v,16 ;9;Sept.ll,1919.)
Lenroot, I. L.
Road unification urged by Lenroot, Bankruptcy peril shown. Opposes
Plumb and Cummins plans.
(Washington post, September 11, 1919, p. 10)
Statement before House corrmittee on interstate and foreign
R. R, heads oppose profit limitation. Letter attacks feature of Cummins
bill. Coital could not be attracted for needed developments, says
New York association. See fallacy in stand of bondholders.
(Journal of commerce, Sept. 11, 1919, p. 5, col. 4)
Journal of commerce. [Editorial]
The judgment of i.\ailway experts-.
(Journal of coirwerce, September 12, 1919, p. 5, col. 2).
Opposition to clause in Cumrdns bill limiting earnings.
Railway age. [Editorial]
The Cummirs bill's proposed limitation of railway profits,
(Railway age, v.67. 493-494;3ept. 12,1919)
The Cummxns cure for our railroad distress.
(Literary digest, v,62; Sept, 13, 1919, p.9-ll)
Illustrated with cartoons,
Erb, Newman.
Newman Erb on the Cummins bill..
(Railway review, v.65 : 376 ; Sept ember 13,1919)
Nation. ^Editorial]
Cumm.ins versus Plumb.
(Nation, v.l09;361;Sept. 13, 1919)
Plumb plan league.
Rail unions in ultimatum on strike ban. Cummins law is declared to
"Spell revolution" in hot protest signed by fourteen organizations.
Right to walk out held to be inherent...
(New York tribune, Sept ember 14,1919, p.l)
Reprint of a statement issued by the Plumb plan league and signed
by the heads of fourteen railroad employes' organizations.
CurT'inins bill . ..
Ft. n. -&-
Speyor, James,
Cr3ait of the railroad?. Senator Cummins' proposals from the ntanJ-
point of the investors.
(New York times, September 14, 1919, Section 3, p-2)
Support for Curmins bill may eliminate speculation. Wall street reverses
position on proposed railroqd legislation* which may make regulacion«
Interstate comrnorco trusted to name fair rates.
(Springfield republican, Scptt>mber 14, 1919, p.l?.)
Einkerd, Robirt Studebaker,
Should the government appropriate the so-called excess earnings of
railroad ctmpanies? By Robert S. Binkerd. .^New York, 1919] 4 p. 8°
"Reprinted from the /r^nalsst v.l4i326 ;Sept a5,1919," A 20-491
Country's second industry waits for reconstruction, Dim.inished prospect
for inportant railroad legislation this year discourages corporation
officers. Steam Transportation, representing 40 °/o of nations'
invested capital outside of agriculture, deprived of normal purchas~
ing and employing power. Government and conpanies both helpless.
(Wall street journal, September 15,1919, p, 6, col, 4)
Legal aspects of Cummins bill.
(Boston transcript, September 15, 1919, p. 10)
Lenroot, Irving L.
Lenroot criticises Cummins R. R. bill, ?'isconsin senator says it is
impractical and harmful in its provisions to security owners-
(Wall street journal, September 15,1919, p,8,col,5)
Statement made public by Citi ens' national railroads league...
Wall street journal. [EditorialJ
Disintegrating unionism.
(Wail street journal, Sept. 17, 1919, p.l, col. 2)
Hughes, Charles Evans.
Constitutionality of the proposal in Senate bill 2906 (65th Cong., 1st.
sess.) to take from a carrier a part of its earnings on laiwful
rates. Opinion. ..September 19,1919. [Washington, D,C., 1919]
cover-title, 18 p. 8°
Abstract: Wall street journal, Sept. 30, 1919, p.l3,col.2;
Journal of commerce, September 30, 1919, p, 3, col. 2)
Labor leaders object to anti-strike legislation,
(Railway age, v.67;553;September 19, 1919)
Railway age. [Euitori ilj
The fatal defect of t.e Cummins bUi.
(Railw-iy age, v.,-.7 :541-12 ;Sept . 19,1919)
Wall street journal. LEditori.ilj
The "Right" to jaralyze.
(Wall street journal, Sept. 20, 1919, p.l,coi.2-3)
Curnr;dns bill.. .
/tl-w;ta.CGa.J Const itution.CEditorial3
The Cunimins bill.
(;i.tlanta Constitution, September 21, 1919, p. 4)
Johnson, flha Boardnan.
...Incentive to railway progress. QJew York, Railway business
association, 1919. j 2 p. 8°
Letter to Chairman Cummins, Senate interstate corriirierce coiriRittee
dated September 22, 1919, regarding provisions of S.2906.
Abstract in, Kew York times, Sept. 24,1919, p. 24; Ne*-? York sun,
Sept. 24,1919, p.l2i Tfail St. jojrnal. Sept. 25,1919, p.B.col.l.
Clevelai.d. Chamber of commerce.
Remedial railroad legislation; report of the Tra'nsportati on committee,
in which the Committee on legislation concurs. Printed by order of
the Boardi Ij of directors, the Cleveland Chamber of commerce.
CCleveland?l9193 15 p. 3°. Dated Sept. 24, 1919.
Boston transcript. [Editorial]
The attack on the Cummins bill.
(Boston transcript, Sept. 2b, 1919, Section 2, p.l4,col.3)
Philadelphia inquirer [Editorial]
The prohibition of railroad strikes.
(Philadelphia inquirer, Sept. 25, 1919, p.l2,col.2}
Springfield republican. [Editorial]
[yntistrike provisions and private ownership,]
(Springfield republican, Sept. 25, 1919, p. 8)
Wall street journal. [Editorial]
Unionism and the Cummins bill,
(''fall street journal, Sept. 25, 1919, p.l,col.2)
Boston post. [Editorial]
The right to strike.
(Boston post, September 26,1919, p.l,col.2)
Labor makes protest against the Cummins bill. Plumb hints at a French
revolution unless his plan is adopted. Samuel Gompers and Warren
S. Stone testify.
(Railway age, v. 67; 622-6 24 {September 26,1919)
Railv/dy age. [Editorial]
The plight of a short line railroad...
(Railway age, v.67:605-606; Sept. 26, 1919)
Georgia midland.
Rsiilway age. [Editorial]
'''fhat is a strike?
(Railway age, v,67; 606; Sept. 26,1919)
Curanir.s bill...
Pt. 2. -10-
Republicar. publicity association,.
. ../nti-strike clause approved. Washington, September 26,1919, ] 's.'ma.
1, f°. For general publication. For release. . .Sept. 27, 1919„
Economic world, [Editor ialj
The point of weakness in the Cummins railroad bill.
(Economic world, n.s. v.l8 :435-36 ;Sept . 27,1919)
Outlook for railways under private ownership,
(New York evening post, Bankers' convention supplement, Sept, 27,1919,
p. 5-6)
Thorn, /Ifred P.
/rnendments suggested for the Cummins bill. Memorandum,. .filed with the
Senate committee.
(Railway review, v,65: 453-4-58; Sept, 27, 1919)
Woodlock, Thomas F. *
The fatal defect of the Cummins bill.
(The Review, v. 1:425-426; Septembe.^ 27, 1919)
See objections to r, r, consolidation,
(Journal of commerce. Sept, 30, 1919, p,4,col«4)
Railroad trainman. [Editorialj
Compulsory arbitration for railway disputes legal.
(Railroad trainman, v.36;753-54;0ctober, 1919)
.....The Cummins bill to regulate commerce..
(Railroad trainman, v.36 :750- 53; Oct. 1919)
Republican publicity association.
The keynote to prosperity, ^ashirgton, October ,1919,
1 mime 1, f**
Our tran^ortation system; necessity for the, anti-strike clause
in the Cummins railroad bill,
Cummins railroad bill would condemn workers to involuntary servitude.
Provision for making strikes illegal is paramount feature of proposed
Congressional legislation,
(Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginemen*s magazine, Oct,
1,1919, p. 9-10)
lliB, "'illiam.
Uniform railroad rates and uniform income return,
(The Street, v.l,0otober 1, 1919, p, 5, 23-25)
Provisions of the Cummins bill.
nummins bill,..
?t. 2. -11-
Rea, Sanuel.
Our railro>^ problem; hc.v to settle it effectually in th-^i publj
interest; address. . .before the Savings bank seoticn cf the ^rr.'iii'-.an
bankers' association, StXouis, Mo., October 1st, 1919. [Phila-
delphia? 1S19] 29 p. 8°
Abstract in; New York times, October S** , 1919. p. 12;
Journal of conmerce, Cot, 2, 1119, p. J, col. 1.
Wall street journal. LEditoriai]
Confiscating reasonable rates,
(Wall street journal, Oct. 2, 1919, p. 1, col. 2-3)
Journal of commerce, [Editoriaij
Defects of the railroad plan.
(Journal of commerce, Oct. 3, 1919, p, 6, col. 3)
Basis established for R.R. income. Minimum of 5 per cent of value of
(Journal of commerce, Oct, 4, 1919, p. 4, col, 1)
National association of owners of railroad securities.
Opinion of advisory counsel as to the power of Congress to regulate
excess earnings of railroads over and above a fair and reasonable
return on their property. [Baltimore, Md., 1919] 18 p. B**
Dated Oct. 4, 1919.
Sigried by Forney Johnston, Elihu Root and others.
/Abstract in; N.Y .World, Oct. 6, 1919, p. 12, col. 1 ; in N.Y .Times, Oct. 7,
1919, p. 18; Journal of commerce,Oct .7,1919,p.4, col.5,p.8,col .lr-2,
with editorial comment, p. 8.
Proposed traffic clause disasterous.
(Journal of commerce, Oct. 4, 1919, p. 8, col. 3-4)
G.WJjuce attacks Cummins bill for amendment of Long-and-short-
Thorn, /. P.
Thorn riddles Cummins bill,.
(Traffic world, v. 34: 77B-82;0ct.4,1919)
Statement before House committee.
Traffic world. [Editorial]
Light begins to dav/n.
(Traffic world, v. 24:757-58 ;October 4,1919)
1,0. Commissi oner E.E.Clark's statement on Cummins bill.
Journal of commerce, [Editorial]
"Fixing" of railroad rates,
(Journal of commerce, Oct, 6,1919, p. 6, col, 3)
Gurjuir.s billo..
r+. . ■:. "12- .
Philadelphia inciuirsr [Editorial]
R^alroad strikes and involuntary servitude.
(Philadelphia inquirer, Oct. 6, 1919, p.l0;2)
Comment on 'Samuel Gompers tejtlmony beforo the House coirjiiit':e<
on interstate ana foreign conimerce.
Wall street journal. [Editor ial]
Progress in railroad legislation.
(''/all street journal, October 6, 19.19, p,l,col.2)
The Cummins bill.
(Congressional record, daily edition, v.58:6«76-6878;October 7,1919)
Extract from Dallas morning nevvs.
Merchants association of New York.
Report of Committee on transportation, October 9, 1919. 12 mime. p. 4°
Abstract; New York sun, October 21, 1919, p. 6.
St. Paul common strong on road's good outlook. Passage of Cummins bill«
with the recent amendment, would practically guarantee 1 i^ fo on common...
(V/all street journal; Oct. 9, 1919, p. 2, col. 2) j K
Dunn, Samuel 0.
Can the railroad problem be solved? / \
(St.Louis railv/ay club. Proceedings, v. 24; 105-116 ;October 10,1919)
Discussion, p. 116-120, ^ \
May let raiLroaas earn above 6 p.c. Senate "'committee adapts new plan 1^
tentatively. Provisions of Warburg plan now form b^sis
(Journal of commerce, Oct. 10, 1919, p. 4, col. 4)
Amendment to the Cummins bill.
(Railway review, v.65:b37 ;Oct .11,1919)
Provision for a fixed minimum rate return of 5 l/s ^ fn ,
Cunmins bill amendments said to improve the measure. Senate caamittee
still with-holda text of changes in ratemaking section said to have
been agreed upon.
(Wall street journal, Oct. 13,1919 ,p-3 , col. 3)
Barkers recanting on railroad plans. Find that support of profit-sharing
phases of bill is not v/hat they want. Instance of too quick
(V.'all street journal, Oct. 15, 1919, p. 10, col. 2)
The Cummins bill for the control of the railways and its cardinal weakness.
(Engineering and contracting, v,52:4S5-26 ;0ct.l5,l9l9)
Discusses the anti-strike and excess earnings provisions.
' rr,mi r? bi] 1 ;, . .
^vans, Iienry.
[P.ates, earnings and the Cunmins bill.] New York, 1919 1 p- '■
Circular letter dated Qr.toher 15.1919.
• ;\b5tract in; Journal of conmer-ce. Or:t.?0,1919, p. 3;
Commercial and financi-J chrDni::ie., v.iC'r' •.1'j79 ;Oct .?5 , .1 '.'- '
Lism^n, F, J-
[Letter to Hon. Albert P. Currjnrns en r:re.-''5n* r-il-oai legislpt.iri
'and the propossd b-lA ''/o retur""; O.^t .7 5 .191: . •■ type, p, ^'^
oub-oommittee to anend CumiTiins railroad fcjiiu, .pother rjub-coirmi + tr,-^ >
take up financial condition of railro^^ds and ascertain gcvprmir -it.
('.Vail street journal, Golf. 16, 1919, p.6,col-4)
"■'alx street journal. [EditorialJ
Cummins bill airtendments.
(Wall street journal, Oct, 17, 1919, p.l,ccl.2)
Magazine of V/all street .[Editorial j
The Outlook- Position of the rails- What is a "fair return"?- Defects
of Cummins bill...
(Magazine of Wall street, v-24;i095-1097 ;Oct .18 , 1919)
Nev.' Haven should profit by fixed return on value. Provision of b-1 /?. '^ /o
on estimatea valuation of f451 ,000,000, 'A-ith, other incotne wc-uld
leave about 4.90 "/o on C'157 ,117 ,900 stock.
(Wall street journal, October 18, 1919, p. 6, col. 2)
New York tribune, [Editorial]
The veto on railroad strikes.
(New York tribune, October 20, 1919, p. 8)
Calkins, R, M.
Thinks excess earnings belong to shipper. View of R.M, Calkins of
St. Paul road on disposition of excess under Cummins bill, liope
measure passed will bear legal test.
(V/all street journal, Oct. 21, 1919, p. 2, col. 3)
One more sign of the times.
(Boston transcript, October 21, 1919, p. 12, col. 5)
The vote of the Senate committee on interstate- commer ce approvii-p;
the anti-strike provision of the Cummins railroad bill.
From Chicago news.
To halt Canadian 'cut rate' practice. Interstate commerce bill amendments
(Journal of commerce, October 21, 1919, p. 5, col. 6)
Proposed ariendments to the Cumr.ir.s and Esch-Pomerene bills.
The /nti-strike clause. V/hy this provision in Cummins bill is justified...
(Boston transcripf, Oct. 25, 1919, p.l)
Cummins railroad bill as perfected by Senate committee reported to Senate.
(Commercial and financial chronicle, v. 109 ;1577-78 jOct .25,1919)
Cummins bill.. .
Pt. II. -14-
Journal of commerce. [Editorial]
Collision in railioaa act ion*
(Journal of comir.orce, Oct, 25,19x9, peC- ., co". .?)
Conflict between House and Senate bjl'.; .
A New railroad bill. How the revised propoo-zln «ijrm?,ttrd to the Seriot-
this week compare with the or:.g\nal bill..
(New York eaening post, Finnnoicol sor-^Aor., C:;t, ',>i, 1919, p.l,.:
Big R.R. debate is about tc opgn< Cuvnr-,'£ bill is oxpcctod to force .--:j?,.
(Journal of commerce, Oct, L7. 1919, p«o>ci>T,4)
Journal of commerceo [Editorial.]
What if the Cummins bill is pOt off?
(Journal of commerce, Oct. 27, 1919, p. 6, col. 3)
Cunanins bill to create new bocird. Plan to vest great financial power in
few men,
(Journal of coalimerce, Oct. 28, 1919, p.I.col.S)
Davis, Pierpont V.
The forgotten partner in the railway business; address. ..before the
Traffic club of New-York, October 28th, 1919.
(Traffic club bulletin, v.2,no.li5-8 ;Nov.l919)
Says men would defy strike law. Shea warns Congress of danger of revolu-
(Journal of commerce, Oct. 28, 1919, p. 5, col. 2)
Senate may rush Cummins bill. May precade treaty if latter is delayed,
(Journal of commerce, October 28,1&19, p. 1, col. 2)
Confident /American industry is safe. Leaders unshaken in optimism by
disputes with labor unions. Brokers prepare to extend...
(Wall street journal, October 29,1919, p.l3,col.3)
Journal of commerce [Editorial]
Financing railroads,
(Journal of conrjnerce, Oct, 29,1919, p,6;3)
Shopmen protest two railroad bills. Representatives of 400,000 shopmen
threaten to walk out when Cummins measure reaches second reading..,
(New York world, October 29, 1919, p. 3)
Serious defects in new railroad rate plan,
(Journal of commerce, October 30, 1919, p. 3, col, 2-3)
Cummins bill would handcuff workers through board of five,
(Railway condictor, v.36;592-93;Nov.l919)
Cummins bill...
Pt. II. -15-
Cummins vs. Plumb; ^/hat the bills mean, .
(Locomotive engineers' journal, v.53;832; November, 1919)
Discussion of Cummins bill,
(National city bank. Bulletin. Nov. 1919, p. 6-7)
The Railroads and the Cummins bill.
(/meric-an industries, v.20:18-19;Novembsr, 1919)
Order strike vote on anti-strike clause,
(Wall street journal, Nov, 1, 1919, p,5jCol.5y
In Cummins bill...
Railway review, £Editorial3
The need of anti-strike legislation,
(Railway review, v,65 :650-52 jNovember 1, 1919)
Traffic world. [Editorial]
Pt'ospectsi forvli^-ie? airioCi'. ' > -"^ • • -
(• ^^ '■ Vi'Cii ■',■
(Traffic world v. 24:887-988 ; Nov. 1, 1919-)
New England roads returns far under 5-1/2 ®/o. Even with freight rate
increase of 24 *'/o the Cummins bill adjustment would not be met,
(Wall street journal, Nov, 3, 1919, p. 3, col. 4)
Warfield, S. Davies.
/ letter to Frank /. Munsey . ..This letter points out the significance
of Section 6 of the Cummins bill as essential to the preservation
of the railway transportation system of this country and of
private ownership. JNovember 3, 1919, Baltimore, Md. .National
association of owners of railroad securities [1919J 11 p. 4°
/Abstract in; New York sun, November 5, 1919.
Cummins railroad bill,
(Wall street journal answers to inquirers section, Nov, 4, 1919,
p, 2, col. 4)
Wall street journal. [Editorial]
/nti-strike legislation.
(Wall street journal, November 4, 1919, p,l,col,2)
Journal of commerce. [Editorial]
The return on railroad CE4)ital,
(Journal of cccmerce, November 5, 1919, p, 6, col. 2-8)
Railroad ccantrol will not be continued, but compensation plan is to be
(Journal of commerce, November 6, 1919, p. 1, col, 4)
i «-a« l09*d»-
Cummins biil. . .
Pt. II. -16-
Wall street journal [Editorial]
Return of the railroads.
(Wall street journal, November 7, 1919, p. 1, col. 2-3)
Harvey's weekly. [Editorial]
Legislation by strikes.
(Harvey's weekly, v, 2, November 8, p. 4)
Chase, A. E.
Cummins bill analyzed. Importance of consolidation of railroac'^^ *o
bondholders generally overlooked. Book values of properties "'".o be,
used until valuation of properties is completed...
(New York times, November 9, 1919, section 8, p.l)
Efforts to avoid the greatest strike of all; wide spread public sentiment
against radicals who threaten general tie-up in connection with
proposal to pass eunanins railroad bill...
(New York times, November 9, 1919, section 8, p.l)
Wall street journal, [Editorial]
Anti-strike legislation.
(Wall street journal, Nov. 10, 1919, p.l,col.2)
Webster, J. Stanley.
The railroad bill. Speech. ..in the House of representatives, Tuesday,
November 11, 1919. [Washington, Govt.print.of f .,1919] 8 p. 8°
Burke, William J.
Speeches ... in the House of representatives, Nov, 12 and 14,1919,
protesting against restricting rights of railroad employees, and
defending /merican working people. Wadiington, 1919. 8 p. 8°
How shall the railways be returned to their owners?
(Outlook, Nov. 12, 1919, p. 295-296)
Journal of commerce. [Editorial]
Cummins-Esch difference.
(Journal of commerce, November 12, 1919, p. 6, col. 3-4)
Plans to pay the railroads. What Cummins and Esch- bills would do.
(Journal of commerce, November 14, 1919, p.l, col. 3-4)
Journal of commerce. [Editorial]
Stopping railroad strikes-
(Journal of commerce, November 15,1919, p. 4, col. 3)
National industrial traffic league..
Report on Cummins bill...
(Traffic world, v.24; 1113-1115 jNovember 15,1919)
By special committee, C.E.Cbilde, chairman.
Cummins bill...
?t. II. - 17-
Shea, Timothy,
The present railroad labor problem. Train service employes* hours cf
work excessive and wages inadequate and far below pre-war standards.
Transportation industry should be kept under government control until
Plumb plan principles can be applied. ..*nti-strike legislation out-
come of conspiracy to reduce workers rendered helpless by it...
(Brotherhood of locomotive firemen and enginernen' s- magaz ine, v,67,
Dec. 1, 1919, p. 9-11)
Address before conference of Public ownership league of /America,
Chicago, Nov, 15, 1919.
Also in Public ov/nership conference, Chicago, 1919, Procdedings,
p. 119-27.
Stone, Warren S.
An analysis of the pending bills for the return of the railroads to
private ownership and v/hat they mean, especially the Cummins and
Esch bill.
(in Public ownership conference, Chicago, Nov, 15-17,1919. Proceed-
ings, p. 98-109)
Waterman, Richard.
The House and Senate railroad bills; a digest and comparison prepared
November 17, 1919. . .Wash mgton, D, C., 1919. Broadside f
Supplement to the Nation's business for December, 1919,
Cummins bill (S.3288) and Esch bill (H.R. 10453)
Journal of commerce [Editorial]
The Esch railway bill.
(Journal of conmerce Nov. 19, 1919 p. 6.^2)
Railv/ay age. [Editorial]
Needed railroad development and the Cummins bill.
(Railway age, v.67;676-677 ;Oct, 3, issued Nov. 19,1919)
Warfield, S. Davies.
Address before the 39th annual meeting of the Academy of political
science in the City of New York, Frid^, November 21,1919, .."Pending
Congressional legislation' as affecting owners of railroad securities"
...Baltimore, Md., National association of owners of railroad
securities [1919] 11 p. 8^
V/ith discussion of Section 6 of the Cummins bill.
Abstract; Commercial & financial chronicle, v. 109 ; 2^-44-2045;
Nov.29,1919^ Railway review, v.65;801-803 jNovember 29, 1919.
Reprinted in; Academy of political science. Proceedings, v.8,
Jan. 1920, p.l20-129.
Journal of commerce [Editorial]
Railway blockade in Congress.
(Journal of commerce, Nov. 22, 1919, p. 4, col. 3)
CBiranins bill, ..
Pt. II. -18-
Railroaci legislation.
(Traffic world, v. 24: 1173-1174 ;Nov. 22, 1919)
Esch and Cummins bills in respective Houses of Gongress.
Journal of commerce. []EditorialJ
Railv/ay labor attitude.
(Journal of commerce, November 24, 1919, p.6,col.2-3)
Railway age. [Editorialj
The extraordinary railv/ay labor conditions,
(Railway ags, v.67 :725-26 ;Oct .10, issued Nov. 26, 1919)
Connors, 'Villi am T,
What does five and one-half per cent on invested capital mean to the
railroads? V/hat the Cummins bill provides- the Esch bill- the
property investment of the roads- how common stocks would benefit.
(Magazine of Wall street, v,35: November 29, 1919, p. 25-26)
/nderson, George W,
Our railroad problem.. .Boston, L. H. Lane, printer [1919]
cover -title, 18 p. 8°
Reprint from ftlantic monthly, v.l24:846-59 ;Dec.l919.
Grosscup, Peter S.
Our old /merican freedom.
(North /merican review, v.2lO;739-753 {December, 1919)
Discussion of Plumb bill, Cummins bill and labor situation..
Congress to open to-day;railroad problems fir'st. Esch and Cummins bills on the
Senate Calendar, Debate likely to last for months.
(Journal of commerce, December 1, 1919, p,l, col. 1-2, p. 2, col. 2)
W5oll, Matthew,
Will N. Hays advised on labor questions. Chairman, Republican national
committee answered by Matthew Woll. [n, p., 1919] 1 galley sheet.
Reprinted; New York times, Dec. 1, 1919; Railway age , v.67 ;821 ;
Oct. 24, issued Dec. 3, 1919.
Vhat the Cummins bill is not.
(Wall street journal, December 3, 1919, p. 1, col. 2-3)
Reply to V/oll's statement in regard to six per cent return.
Cloture waits in railroad debate,
(Journal of commerce, December 4, 1919, p. 1, col. 6)
Cummins, /. B,
Speech on railroad bill in Senate, December 2,3,4,1919.
(Congressional record (Dnily edition) Dec.4,1919,p.ll8-148)
Reprir.ted, abridged in /icademy of political science. Proceedings,
v.8,Ja2:.1920, p. 6-27.
Cunmins bill...
Pt.II. -19-
Journal of ccnunerce. [Editoriai]
Railroad return should not be hurried.
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 5, 1919, p. 6, col. 2-3)
Kellogg, Frank B.
Railroid control ... Speech .,, in the Senate of the United States.,.
December 5 and 6 (legislative day of Thursday, December 4,), 1919.
LWashington, Govt.prir;t .of f . ,1919] 25 p. 4°
/t head of title; Congressional record. 66th Conp.rees. ?.d soosion.
On S. 3288.
/Iso in Congressional record, d=)ily ed,, Dec. 9,1919, p. 325-49;
Abstract in Wall St. journal, Dec.B,1919,p.ll :l-2.
Pellerin de Latouche, G de.
Reorganisation du regime des chemins de fer aux Etats-Unis;6tude des
tendances actuelles; documentation recueillie par G.de Pellerin de
Latouche ... assist^ de Jean Parmentier. ..Paris, Imprimeri©
administrative centrale, 1919, 22 p. 3 1. 8° Dated Dec. 5, 1919.
Pomerene, /tlee,
...Strikes and government, '^..^Jew York? 1919] 15 p. 8°
"/n address delivered at the thirteenth annual meeting of the
Association of life insurance presidents at New York, December 5,1919,"
"The Cummins bill": p. 13-15. A19-1518
Railroad bill taken up in Senate.
(Railway age, v.67 ;920;Novemher 7, issued December 8, 1919)
LaFollette, Robert M.
Why the government should retain the railroads; speech... in the Senate
of the United States... December 9-13, 1919. [Was hir.gton?191'i] 16 p. 8"
On the Cummins bill,
/bstract in Journal of commerce, Dec, 12, 1919, p. 1, col. 1-2;
Railway conductor, v.37 ;109~26;Mar.l920y
The Senate discusses the railroad bill. Various amendments have been
offered, but comparatively little progress has been made.
(Railway age, v.67 ;967-6B;Hcv .14, issued Dec. 9, 1919)
Cummins railroad bill nearly passed.
(Journal of commerce, December 10, 1919, p. 5, col. 6)
Lovett , Robert Scott,
Railroad legislation as developed up to date. December 10, 1919,,.
[New York! 1919] 24 p. S* A19-1517
The Escfa and Cummins bills.
Abstract in; Traffic world, v.24:1328-30;Dec,13,1919; Wall St.
Joi;rncil Dec.11,1919, p. 2, col. 4.
Cuir-mins bill . . .
Pt. II. -20-
New amendments to Cummins bill. Senator Jones seeks to protect water linea.
(Journal of corrmerce, Dec.10,1919, p.9,col.l)
To discuss inland water line policy. National rivers and harbors Congress x,o
meet, /mendments to Cummins railroad bill,
(Journal of commerce, December 10, 1919, p. 5, col. 2)
Unequal railroad revenues.
(Wall street journal, Dec.10,1919, p.l,col,2-3)
Cummins railroad bill encounters opposition. Senators La Follette and
McKellar speak against it; Senators show little interest,
(Railway age, v,67; 1151-1152;: Dec. 12, 1919)
France, Joseph Irw.'in.
Railroad control. [Amendment to S,- 3288]
(Congressional record, v.59;470-71; December 12,1919)
McKellar, Kenneth,
Railroad control. ^Speech in Senate, December 12,1919]
(Congressional record, v,59 :470-83';Dec.l2,1919)
Entire speech on Dec. 11 and 12, 1919.
/bstract in Journal of commerce, Dec.l2,1919,p.l, col,l-2.
Manufacturers of New Jersey urge Cummins r.r. bill,
(Journal of commerce, December 12, 1919, p. 5, col, 3)
To stop Canadian rail rate cutting. Qjones amendment to Cummins billj
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 12, 1919, p. 3, col. 6)
/Amendments to be offered to the Cummins bill.
(Railway review, v.65;894-95;December 13,1919)
Journal of commerce. ^Editorial]
Solving the railroad problem,. CPermanent legislation not likely for
a long time, 3
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 13,1919, p,4,col,l-2)
Some ideas on pending railroad legislation,
(Railway review, v.65:882-883;December 13, 1919)
Wall street journal.
Strong and weak roads.
(Wall street journal, Dec, 13,1919, p,l,col.2)
Letter from Darwin P. Kingslay taking exception to Wall st.
Journal's statement that under Cummins bill profits of strong
roads would go to weak.
Wall street journal maintains its position.
• ,)
CuinnJnE bill...
Pt. II. -21-
Hartshor:ie & Battelj.e ,
The ne'-v railroai legislation and r.-iilroad securiti'es, with special
reference to the Chicago, Rock Island* Pacific railway. Ne'jv Yort ,
Hartshorno * Battelle [19197] 14 p, 1 1. S" / 20-462
Dated Dec.lb,1919.
Lenroot, Irving L,
Railroad control. Speech... in the Senate of the United States,
Monday, Dec. 15, (legislative day of Friday, Dec.l2)l919. -^
(Congressional record, daily ed., Dec, 16,1919, p. 720-32)
It'erchants" associati on of New York.
Railroad bill is approved in its main features. The MerchaJ'^ta*
. association states its attitude upon the legislation now pending
before Congress...
(Greater New Xork, v.8,Deceir,ber 15,1919, p. 5-7)
/Abstract in Journal oi commerce, Dec. 15, 1919 , p. 3. col. 5.
Johnston, Forney.
Johnston defends the Cunjuins bill [Letter to Wall st. Journall
(Wall street journal, 3ec.l6,191S, p. 7:3-4)
Railroad bill must pass to avoid huge disaster. Cummins. . .urges gravity
of crisis upon Senate.
(Journal of commerce, December 16,1919, p.l.col.l)
Journal of commerce. [Editorial J
A muddled railroad policy,
(Journal of commerce, Dec, 17, 1919, p. 4, col.l)
Comment on policy as stated by Senator Cummins...
National association of owners of railroad securities:
R statement to the public, . .December 17, 1919.
[n,p.,1919] 1 1. f°
Provisions of Section 6 of the Cummins bill indispensable.
Signed: Darwin P. Xingsley [and others] subccnnmittee. . .
/ccompanied by editorial from the New York Tribune, Dec, 18, 1919.
U, S, May retain roads until /pril. Senate poil shows 55 favor Cummins bill,
(Journal of coniraerce, Dec, 17, 1919, p. 3:3)
New York tribune [Editorial]
The poor railv/ay owners. [Nei* York, 1919] 1 1. 4'"
From the New York tribu/\e, Dec. 18, 1919,
On the rate-making and anti-strike provisions of the Cummins bill,
Thomas, C. G.
[Speech in Senate on labor provisions of Cummins bill, Dec. 18, 1919]
(Cong. Record. (Daily ed. ) Dec, 18, 1919, p. 802-09)
Cummins bill...
Pt.II. -22-
Undenvood, 0. W. ^
[Speech in Senate on labor provisions of Cummins bill, Dec. 18,1919j
(Cong. Record. (Daily ed) Dec. 18, 1919, p. 797-802)
Wall street journal [Editor ial3
Section 6, and its outlook, Saya provision is communistic; reply to
statement of "National association of owners of weak railroad
(Wall street journal, Dec, 18, 1919, p. 1:2)
Walsh, David I.
The anti-strike provisions of the Railroad (Cummins) bill; speeches
...in the United States Senate, Thursday, December 18, 1919, and
Friday, December 19, 1919. Washington, 1919. Tv •' ' ':■■•■• •.->»! ^-l^^. 16 p,8°
Williams, John Sharp
[Remarks in Senate on labor provisions of Cummins bill, Dec.18,19193
(Cong. Record daily ed. Dec, 18,1919, p.809-ll)
To get railroad bill out of Senate, Move by leaders made to expedite
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 19, 1919, p.l:4)
Wall street journal [Editorial]
Railroading under Section 6, [Diecutive committee meeting, U.P.
System in 1925 to consider "disast circus prosperity threatening the
road, "3
(Wall St. journal, Dec. 19, 1919, p.l:2)
Wilfley, Xenophon P.
Cummins bill for the re-adjustment of the railroad problem.
(St.Louis railway club. Official proceedings, v.24;168-81;Dec.l9,1919)
Cuyler, Thomas DeV/itt.
What the railroads need. [New York, 1919?3 2 p. port, 4°
"From the Independent, Dec. 20, 1919"
Reprinted in Railway review, v, 66:178-79 ;Jan. 31, 1920;Comraercial 4
financial chronicle, v. 110:136 ;Jan, 10, 1920.
LaFollette, R. M.
Speech in Senate on railroad control, Dec. 20, 1919,
(Cong. Record, daily ed. Jan. 26, 1920, p, 2197-2213)
Railway review [Editorial]
Judge Lovett's criticisms of pending railroad bills..
(Railway review, v.65;926-928 jDecember 20, 1919)
Wall St. journal [Editor ial3
What "speculation" had done,
(Wall St. journal, Dec. 20, 1919, p,l:2)
n Btst
y C i. • -. ' 1
Cummins bill...
Pt. II. -23-
Wall Street journal, [Editorial]
f^ resulting trust. [Section 6 of Cummins bill]
(Wail Street journal Dec, 22, 1919, p.l;2-3)
Conference on railroad bills. Deliberations on Esch-Cummins measure begin.
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 24, 1919, p. 5:1)
Earnings limitations under Cummins bill. How principal railroads would
fare. ..
(Wall St. journal, Des. 24, 1919, p. 6 -.3)
Association of railway executives.
Memorandum on Section 6 of H.R. 10453 a* it appears in the amendment of
the Serflte and rule of rate-making. Thomas De'Vitt Cuyler, Chairman.
/Ifred P. Thorn, coun»-3lJVashington, D. C, Dec. 26,1919.
Cover-title, 26 p. 4°
Abstract in Railw»y age, v. 68: 185-91 ; Jan. 9, 1920,
Cummins railroad bill passed by Senate. Sent to conference with Esch bill-
President fixes March 1 for return of railroads,
(Railway age, v.67;l249-l255; December 26, 1919)
President's proclamation reprinted, p, 1255,
National industrial council.
Labor provisions of tne railroad bill in conference...
(Railway review, v. 6$; 61-63 ; Jan .10,1920)
From bulletin, issued Dec. 26,1919, and approved by the National
association of lianuf acturers,
fn aid to righteousness.
• (Wall street journal^ Dec. 27, 1919, p. 2:1)
/>nti-strike clause threat, Patterson of International lAtchinist Union
says 600,000 men woi4cl -.uit...
(Wall St. Journal, r»c, 27, 1919, p,8:5)
B., R, M,
/* hold-up on the railroads.
(Independent, v,100;i277-278 jDecember 27,1919)
Journal of commerce, [Editorial]
Labor in "quasi public service"
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 27, 1919, p. 4:1-2)
Le Projet de loi Cummins ^ur les chemins de fer tel qu'il se presente au ■-
sortir des deliberations du comit^ senatorial.
(Journal des transports, 42D.yr :691-694-,Dec.27 ,1919)
With translations of various remarks of Mr. Cummins.
Railroad machinists vote U> strike if Congress passes anti-strike law,
(Journal of commerce, Dec. 27, 1919, p. 1:1-2)
• >
Jjiririns bill...
hi. :t. -24-
Richardson, P. F.
...Protest against passage of Cummins and Esch bills in letters
addressed to Senator Cummins and Congressmari Esch, . .fChicat.^ ^«■^J^lO ,!'>'•'
[4] p. 4°
Caption title.
fit head of title: /merjc.^n federation of railroad workers.
JohriRt.on. Torney
[Letter to W^jT Rt. ^ Journal on its article of Dflcrrnbor 24, •Earn j. :,?•>
limitations under Cummins 15111 'J
(Wall street journal, Dec. 30, 1919, p. 11:3)
Says statement and table were incorrect.
National shippers' conference, Chicago, 1919,
/ memorial by the National shippers' conference to the Joint conference
committee of the Congress of the United States having under con-
sideration pending railroad legislation. Chi'cago, Barnard & Miller
print [1920] 22 p. 8° ^ 20-176
Conference held Dec. 30, 1919.
/■bstract in; Journal of corrmerce, Jan. 9, 1920, p.4;5. ■
R'dilroad workers register formal opposition to anti-strike legislation.
Cummins bill considered by brotherhood chiefs, Gompers formulates r, r.
workers' views.
(Journal of commerce, Dec, 30, 1919, p.lil-2)
Western Pacific railroad under Cummins bill.
Earnings could reach ^5.50 share on common before feeling penalties of
(Wall street journal Dec. 30, 1919, p. 3:2)
Plines conference with road employes postponed.. .T. Dewitt Cuyler...
appealed to House and Senate conferees, ..to eliminate provision...
which requires excess profits to be turned into a fund for the benefit
of small needy roads.
\ (Wall Street journal, Dec. 31, 1919, p.9:5)
\ /■
Nation»^l r^ers and harbors congress*
Rdilrbad bills compared as to waterway provisions.
(iWBulletin, no. 1, Jan. 1920, p. 10-16)
Shea, Timothy,
Pending railway legislation.
(Academy of political science." Proceedings, v.S", Jan. 1920,p.l56-l64)
Waterman, Richard,
The House and Senate railroad bills.
(/^cademy of political science. Proceedings, v.S, Jan.l920,p,66-69)
f ,.'.
'JuiTii'ins bill. ,.
rt, TI. -25-
'-^CurriiTiino railroad bill in conference...
(Locanotive firemen and enginemen's magazine, v,68il-5;Jan.l,v..f^^ .
Railroad legislation still in uncertain state.
Conferees face many difficulties in reconciling Fsch and Cummins
bills but action is expected by liiarch 1.
(Railway age, v»6R ;l36-l40;January 8, 1920)
Railway age. [Editorial]
The plain duty of Congress,
(Railway age, v. 68; 4-6;Janu^y 2, 1920)
Underwood, Oscar W.
Labor, finance, and the public interest; the railroad bill adopted
by the Senate on December 20, 1919. Speech, ..before the Chamber of
commerce and the general public, Birmingham, /la., January 2, 1920...
Washington, 1920. 16 p. 8®
Printed in the Congressional record, Jan. 10, 1920, v, 59, p. 1371,
Abstract an jRail'J^ay age, v.68 ;239-344;Jan.l6,i920}
Cummins railroad bill passed by Senate. Conference on proposed legislation.
(Commercial & financial chronicle. v.llO ;45-46 ; Jan.3,1920)
Nation. [.Editorial J
The railway muddle,
(Nation, v, 110:345; January 3. 1920)
President proclamms return of the railroads.
Federal control to be relinquished March 1, 1920, and necessary
legislation expected ir: tne meantime,
(Railway review, v,66 ;14-16 ;Jan.3,1920)
Railway labor opposes anti-strike legislation.
(Railway review, v.66 ;16 : jan.3,1920. )
Thom, /Alfred Pembroke,
Prelimin,ary memorandum in respect to the Senate bill and the House bill,
relating to railroad regulation, now in conference between the two
houses... ^yashington, D. C, Jan. 3, 1920. 36,26 p. 4°
",5ppendix. Section 6 of H.R, 10453 as it appears in the amendment
of the Senate and rule of rate-making," signed; T.De^itt Cuyler,
chairman. Alfred P. Thom, counsel, 26 p. ' 20-182-.
Reprinted in R iilway age, v.68;196-204; Jan.9 ,1920,
Union railway machinists will strike if Congress passes the Cummins anti-
strike bill. Vote was taken last month.
(Commercial & financial chronicle, v.llO;46;Jgn,3,1920)
Wall Street journal, [Editorial]
Subsidizing the unfit.
(Wall St. journal. Jar. 3, 1920, p. 1:2)
■ jnca\'.y\i b:'..\.'. . - .
} D . i i . - 26-
Ha..iriond, Jn.vn Ilerry,
otateiTwrt. . ..Tiada e.t rr.eetmg of /^Bsociation r,f rcilv.^y er'-ocu': i v .,
V/p.shingt c«i, D , C. , January 5, 19<:0, ? 1, 4*^
AmenoLr.ent -^-o 3ec'';ion 6 or? thps C^mrcir.c, bill, 1 1 er i . ^i..-
Johnston, Forney.
Ljmi'oini^ incomes cf strung; r •lilroaio.. .Dorena'i oc -'^cti-.n v U v.
Senator Cuirjnms' bill.
CVall Street jou^r.:.!, Jtri., 5. 19<,0, Pol."::.})
f/'lso reply by V/glj. at^ journal^
National association of railv'^y Lnd utilities carraissioners,
Memoraiadum to the Conference cosrciittee on House bill 10'1-33Cl3
entitled "/n /ct to prjvide 'or the termin-ation of federal control of
railroads... Washington , D, C. press of B :n.i^darrs[1920]
; cover-title, iv, 3;-i ;p . C"
"The bill referred to here.\n is as printed on December 20,1919,
under order of th'? Senate.'' Dated Jan. 6, 1920.
Railway business association,
. ..Gate chi SCI on railway legislation. ..[New York, Jan. 7, 1920]
Folder (S p.) 8° (Form C 196)
Reprinted in Railway review, v.66 :l38-39 ; Jan.24,1920.
State rates not to be automaLically reinstated.
Senator Curaains holds that under his present bill rates would remain
in force until cnanged by competent authority.
("'all St. journal, J.an. 7, ^920. p. 2:3)
Equitable trust company of New York.
/nalyses of the Fsch and Cummins railroad bills... New York city,
The Equitable trust company of New York, Jnn. 8, 1920 [4] p, f°
Journai. cf commerce [Editorial]
Section six controversy.
(Journal of commerce. Jar. 8, 1920, p.6;3)
/National grange.
Favors Cuiwnins bill. State grange masters would retain anti-strike
(Journal of corrjnerce, Jan. 9, 1920, p. 4:4-5)
Labor officials demand continuance of railroad control and oppose anti-
strike law.
(Commercial & financial chronicle, v.llO :132; Jan-lO,1920)
Railroaa bill conferees to write new guaranty clause. Will extend federal
compensation six months from March 1 and also protect roads from
deficit resulting from federal control.
(Wall street journal, Jan. IC, 1920, p. 10:3)
Curanins bill , , .
Pt. II, -27-
Nation^l association of owners of r-iilroad securities.-
H. R. 10453, Senate amendment, section 6, the rule of rate rakv;
and its adaptation of the rate structure "to the circumstaniei o.'
the different roads" (C.B.& Q. R.R. v. Iowa, 94 U.S. 155) ^'^i^U b"
National association of owners of railroad securities to mennr-.nctft
of Thomas DeWitt Cuyler, chairman, and Alfred P. Thorn, counsel >
filed with Senate and House conferees. ..January 12, 192.0, Balt^mo-o,
Md., National association of owners of railroad securities C-*' ""'■-.' •^'' P"^
Signed; Forney Johnston, and concurred in by ethers of aa^icary
counsel. A 20--','^3
Reply to memorandum of the .Association of r^ilw?_y executives,
dated December 26, 1919.
Extracts in Railway age, v. 68: 299-300; Jan. 23, 1920.
/^ Associated industries of Indianapolis.
Business men protest railroaa union threats,
(Railway review, v-66: 137-138 ; January 24, 1920)
Circular letter, dated January 14, 1920.
Commission may have to estimate r.r, investment. Gurrmins bill would
require value of properties of carrier companies as basis foe' new rate
(Wall street journal, Jan. 14» 1920, p.4;4)
Conferees be^in debate on section 6 of Cummins bill. House members,.,
for its elimination, ..Rock Island joins minority,
(Wall street journal, Jan. 14, 1S20, p. 6:3)
Manufacturers' associations favor Cuirciina bill,
(Railway age, v. 68:325; January 23, 1920)
Statement, presented Jan. 14, by delegation representing
manufacturers' associations in various states.
Cuyler, Thomas DeWitt.
...Railroad legislation pending before Congress. New York [1920^ 1 l»i°
Press statement.
Address at the annual dinner of the Buffalo Chamber of
commerce, Jan. 15, 1920.
Printed in Pere Marquette Magazine, v. 12, Feb. 1920. p.11-12,
Taft, William Howard.
Reasonable standard for nates provided by Senate railway bill, says
Taft. Change would restore confidence in roads and invite investments,
he thinks, . .
(Washington post, January 15, 1920)
Taft, William Howard.
The Senate bill to restore the railroads. An analysis of the Cummins-
Kellog measure as it went to conference.
(Boston transcript, Jan. 15, 1920, p. 12)
•jT* Tovfl'^ p.rfQt*'"
ivd-tii a9ti
Curcnins bill...
?t. II. '28*
L^odd, Laurence,
Protests of workers make politicians wobbly in support of Tt:-. .
railroad bill.
(Locomotive firemen and enginemen's magazine, v.&8 ;19-20;Jan.iL,i' -i:^',
Watson, James E.
Against clause to Cummins bill. ..Says it would be taking money '.-.'■
one person to give it to another*
(Wai.l Street journal Jan. 15, 1920, p.3il)
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railway ccmpany.
Pending legislation. New York, Jan. 16, 1920. [3] p. 4°
Letter to the stockholders, signed; Charles Hayden presideiit.
Reprinted in; Railway review, v. 66:191-92; Jan. 31, 1920.,
Journal of commerce, [j'ditorial]
Adjustment of railroad profit,
(Journal of commerce, Jan. 16, 1920, p.6;3-4)
Says railroad systems may be too large. Officer...
Warns against evils of bureaucratic management,..
(Wall street journal, Jan. 16, 1920, p.lO:l)
Shippers oppose provisions of Cummins railroad bill,
(Railway age, v. 68: 256; Jan. 16, 1920)
^' Taft, William Howard,
Taft Bays Esch bill fails to meet need of radical change in railway
control. Declares measure provides no means of dealing effectively
with recalcitrant unions. Former President defends anti-strike
clause of Cummins bill as necessary to protect public,,.
(V/ashington post, Jan. 16, 1920)
Wall Street journal [Editorial3
A trade vote. [Sen. Watson's vote for sec. 6 of Cummins bill as a
trade to help the anti-strike feature]
(Wall Street journal, Ja. 16, 1920, p.l;3)
Intrastate rates not restored by the Cummins bill,
(Railway review, v. 66 :101 -102; January 17, 1920)
Statement by Senator Cummins, suggestions by State commissions,
Limitation of railroad earnings meets strong opposition,
(Railway review, v. 66: 97-98 ;January 17,1920)
Progress of railroad legislation in Washington-
(Commercial & financial chronicle, v, 110:213 jJan. 17, 1920)
If - -J
iti en
J; /
• > •
"'-,"'.". St-eet journal. [Editorial] > . ' '
Of iRiverse.! appj.i cation. fOn section 6 of .Glintfrii.':b">^5li'li'.:;.--,
statement of Carman F, Randolphs
(Wall street jot.rnal, Jan. 17, 192% P-l^Z).
Chandler, W. H,
[better to Chairman Clark of the Interstate coaiAzri^e ccTmio.;
section 47 -B of the Currmina bill] January 19, 19 ^J»
2 mime. p. 4"
Chandler, W.H.
[Letter to F.T.Bentley, re section 47 -B :f the Cnrmir:^ b:.ll]
January 19, 1920. Z mind, p. 4°
Railway 'acecutivec association, /t its meeting on Friday [Jan.lSJ
[Conference on railroad legislation.!
(Wail street journal, Jan. 19, 1920, p.9:5)
Smith, Hoke.
The railroad legislation. Speech... at the annual meeting of the
/tlanta freight bureau, Jan. 19,
(Railroad herald, v.24: 16-19;February 1920)
abstract in; /tlanta constitution, January 20, 1920 j
Wall Street journal [Editorial]
Crossing the scent. [Sec. 6 of Cummins bill]
(V^all street journal, Jan. 19, 1920, p.l-.g)
Huebner, Grover G.
Pending railroad legislation.
(Journal of the Engineers' club of Philadelphia, v. 37-7;284-e9i
July 1920)
'>ddress, Jan. 20, 1920, at tne Engineers' club of Philadelphia,
Journal of commerce, [Editorial]
The heart of tne Cummins bill.
(Journal of commerce, Jan. 20, 1920. p. 5:3)
[Rock Island's advocacy of sec. 6 of Cummins bill]
Poindexter, Miles.
High lights in Senatot Poindexter 's Providence speech in support of
tne anti-strike legislation in the railroad bill.
8 typew. p. 4°
Speech of Jan. 20, 192o.
Cummins, /Ibert B.
Cummins stands for section 6 of his bill.
(Wall Street journal, Jan. 21, 1920, p. 7:2)
.,v»..:i:. ; £ bill. ..
F4. :i. -30-
iJf.;-verwood, Oscar V/,
Urderwoo-J for R. P.. law. Urges measure on line of Cuntnin^ t .':.
Eastern shore banquet. U. 5. must assure earnings.. ..
(Baltimore sun, Jan. 22, 1920, p. 20.)
Speech at the annual banquet of the Eastern shcre socie'..
Baltimore, Jan. 21, 1920^
Wall Street journal [Edi'tor ial]
If this la.v IS enacted [Section 6, Cummins b:.llj
(Wall street journal, Jar.. 21, l'-.20, p,l:2)
Wadsworth, James W», jr.
[Letter to G. H. Sines, vice-president of the Brotherhood of r :, ;
trainmen, in regard to railrocd legislation, Jan. 22, 1920]
3 typew. p. 4°
Conference co.Tiniittee still far from agreement on railro'd billv
(Railway age, v. 68 :291-292 ; January 23, 1920)
V^ill Street journal [Editorial]
A guar^jfity in name only, [comment on interview of Senator Cummins in
Wal3. Street journal]
(V/all street journal, Jan. 23, 1S20 p»l: ccl.2, ;2:col»2)
Railway review [Editorial]
Division of "excess earnings,"
(Railway review, v.66 :l46-47 ;Jan.24,1920)
W.all Street journal [Editorial]
A premium on incompetence. [Comment on Sen. Cummins' interview in
Boston News Bureau]
(Wall Street journal, Jan. 24, 1920, p. 1:2) «
New York (State) Governor (/.E.Smith)
[Communication to the legislature, January 26, 1920, re Cummins and
Esch bills with letters from L.Nixon, public service ccmmissioner
for the 1st ai strict and from the Public service comnission for the
2d district] 5 miire, p. f°
Sisson, Frarjcis H.
The public's stake in the railro ii problem.. 6 mime. p. 4®
Address before tho Traffic club of New York, Jan. 27,1920.
Abstract m Railway age, v,6a;430-3l ;Feb.6 ,1920.
Clark, E. E.
Clark, of ICC, favors fixed return to roads. Ranking ccmmissioner
indorses Section 6 of pending Cummins bill. Holds 5-1/2 per cent,
fair. ..
(Baltimore sun, Jan. 28,1920, p.l.col.l)
Ou.T.Tnns bill, . .
Ft . •! I . -31-
■"illard, Daniel
Daniel '"illard endorses tho fixed return plan-
(Railway review, v.65 ;254-55,Feb, 14,1920)
From an interview, given, Jan. 28, 1920, to tv^o V^/aubin^il ^<.
correspondent of the Baltimore Sun.
Also in, Ccmmercial & financial chronicle, v .JiA'):C->2Q;Ff;\ ;.'C.
Sl^tsat Timothy,
C'ornpulfioi y tirT;.j.tr atiun 0)
/nti-strike clause eliminated from Esch-Cummins railroad bill. Special
interests turn their attention to financial features of proposed
legislation for return of roads to private operation...
(Bro-^heKhood cf Locomotive firemen & Engipemen's magazine, v.68;
'Mo ; Feb .15, 19 20)
Barnum, R. L,
Fyture of railroads discussed by Barnum, Many problems confront
roads to be returned in two weeks. Protective legislation reviewed
and corrjTiented upon.
(/Atlanta constitution, Feb. 15, 1920, p. 13 A)
/ . ,•
CuiTL-r. u'« bij.l...
Pt. ,T. -34-
Tf '.. ",e riiembers of tne Congress of the United Stateo. ''-fashington , i"-
February 17, 1920. 8 numb 4. 4°
Caption title-
Signed by W. S. Stone, of the Brotherhood ot locomotive enginoe:T,,
and the officers of twelve other railroad organizations.
Dew, Jones L co , r^ilro^d comment attracts, [Rate of return in Cumr:;'^ -^
Esch bill J
("'all St. journal, Feb. 19, 1920, p.4i2)
V'at erm an , R i chard *
Developing a national transportation system.
(/issociated general contractors of /"merica, bulletin, v..\l;Mar,l'i.-,0.
/Address before the Railroad and public works contractors
division of the National corference on construction of the
/. G. C, Feb. 19, 1920.
Journal of commerce, [Editorial J
Solution of the railway problem. [Transportation act, 1920]
(Journal of commerce, Feb, 20, 1S20, p-4:l-2)
[Sakolski, /. M.]
Provisional fin 1 draft of railroad bill as reported by the Conference
committee, February 16, 1920, February 20, 1920. 1 mime p. f°
^all Street journal, [Editorial J
Railroaa labor's misunderstanding, [in regard to guaranty of earnings
of roads]
(Wall street journal, Feb, 20, 1920, p.l;2)
Barkley, /Iben W.
The return of the railroads. Speech.. .in the House of representatives,
Saturday. Feb. 21, 1920. [Washington Govt, print, off., 1920^ 16 p.8°
/bstract in; Commercial & financial chronicle, v. 110:732;
Feb. 21,1920; Searchlight, v. 4, March 1, 1920, p. 5.
Commercial * financial chronicle [Editorial]
The till for the return cf the railroads to private control.
(Commercial ft financial chronicle, v. 110: 695-96 ;Feb. 21, 1920)
Hines, 'Walker D.
// Director-general of railroads. Hines and the l^or provisions cf the
y railroad bill,
(Conmercial & finmcial chronicle, v. 110; 823-24;Feb. 28,1920)
Letter to /i, W. Barkley, Feb. 21, 1920.
Marsh, Arthur Richmond.
The earnings of the railroads under the Cummin s-Esch bill.
(Economic world, n.s.v.i9 ;255-56 ;Feb .21,1920)
Cumri^.ins b^ll . . .
MaTson, V/illiam E.
E>:*,ensic)n ol remarks ... in the House of representatives, fat,-.-.!;,
February T-ls 102O.
(In His CoiTipulary military trainir^. [washingt on, 1920] 4 p, ^-4;
Railroad return bill completed in conference,
(Comnercial & financial chronicle, v,:iO ?1^ ;Fc"- . M, 1520}
The railway bill.. Ratemaking provisions of the propo'tjed Icf-v, and ." ;
popular nisconceptions - Ps to a "gMhT'antoe'' - '>'T 1 o?i~iirg£.' :. ■■
(New York evening post. Financiail section, Feb. 21, 1920, p.l-?.)
Sims, Thetus W..
The railroad bill-conference report. Speech... in the House of
representatives, February 21, 1920. Wa^. ington, 1920. 16 p. 8''
Thorn, /Ifred Pembroke,
Report of Alfred P. Thorn, generil counsel of the Association of
railway executives, on tiie railroad bill as agreed upon in ccnferenca.
February 21, 1920. [New York? 1920] cover-title, 28 p. 4° A 20-1252
2d prirt. 28 p. 4°
Traffic world. [JCdi torialj
The new rate-making rule.
(Traffic -vorld, v. 25; 317-318 ;February 21, 1920)
Railroads tor the week. " .
(street, v.2 ; 226 ; February 23, 1920)
Financial effects of the railroad laiw.etc.
Loorais, 2. E.
[statement mdde in connection with the railroad bill] 2 typew. p. 4°
Printed in Journal of conrimerce, Feb. 24, 1920, p-8,col.5.
Pennsylvania railroad system.
For the information of the public. Feb. 24, 1920. 1 typew. p. 4°
Statement of Sanuel Rea on the railroad bill.
Railway business association..
...The Cummins-Esch act. [New York, Feb. 24, 1920] 8 p. 8°
(Bulletin to members. Form C.-2f^0)
With statement by y^lba B. Johnson.
"]/ Journal of commerce, [Editorial]
P mistake for labor unions. [Seeking to control legislation]
(Jourr.al of commerce, Feb. 25,1920. p. 6:2-3)
Ne'.i' Republic. [Editorial]
The raix\56ay crisis postponed,
(New Republic, v. 21; 372-74 ;February 25, 1920)
CunL-nins bill . ..
Pt. II. -36-
Outlook. [.Editorial]
A railway strike averted,
(Outlook, V.124; 313-314 jFebruary 25, 1920)
//Railroad brotherhoods..
[Letter to the President, February 25, 1920, requesting him to '3t,n
the Transportation act] [Washington, 1920] [4] p. 4°
Bonsai, Stephen
Nationalization of railroads m 18 months is predictodu Rotum -f
lines to their owners on March 1, or with provisions carried in bill
before President it held, will hasten permanent government cortrol.
(Baltimore sun, Feb. 26, 1920, p. 5)
Clark, Dodge & co. Mev/ York.
The railroaas under the Cummiiis-Esch act. New York, Clark, Dodge & co.
[Feb. 26, 1920] 7 p. f
Journ -d of commerce [Editorial]
Judicial test for railway service..
(Journal of commerce Feb. 26, 1920, p.6;l-2)
Moody's investors service, New York,
/..Meaning of the railroad .bill. New York, 1920. [4] p. 4° (Moody's
investment iettas, no. i»697. Feb. 26, 1920)
Wall street journal [Editorial]
Relief for the railroads,
O'/all street journal, Feb. 26, 1920, p. 1:2)
Esch-COmmins bill passed by Senate and House. Feport on measure for
return of roacis and their regulation* adopted by large majorities,
(Railway age, v.68 ;6l9-627 ;Feb. 27, 1920)
Illustrated with cartoons from various newspapers.
Journal of commerce [Editorial]
Is a veto of the rail bill possible?
(Journal of commerce, Feb. 27, 1920, p. 4:4)
VXabor leaders fight the Esch-Cummins bill. Congressmen resent apparent
attempt to dictate to them. Subordinate officials go on record.
(Railway age, v.68 ;639-641iFeb. 27,1920)
Wall street journal* [Editorial]
Will the labor unions sue?
(Wall street journal, Feb. 27, 1920, p. 1:2)
l/Chenery , Willi am L.
Labor and the railroads,
(Survey, v. 43; 638-41 {February 28, 1920)
Cuirir.ins bill, .,
Pt. II. -37-
Natioral farm organizations ask President Wilson to approve the Gun.;.ir.s-
Esch bill.
(Commercial & financial chronicle, v.llO;823 iFeb„28,1920)
The New railroad law.
(Literary digest, v. 64-, February 28, 1920, p. 16-17)
Illustrated withcartoons.
Railroad unions petition president Wilson to veto the C'uTiniins-Esch „■..] ,
Farmers council and others tni the Fsch-Cunimins bill,
(Search ligrtt, v, 4, March 1, 1920, p. 14-15)
Plumb Glenn E.
A special privilege rr.easure„
(Searchlight, v. 4, March 1, 1920, p. 13-14)
Searchlight [Editorial]
Cost to the public.
(Searchlight, v. 4, March 1, j920, p-b)
Searchlight [Editorial]
Legaliz ing watered stock,
(Searchlight, v. 4, March 1, 1920, p. 4-5)
U. S. Interstate comma-ce corrmission'..
Interstate coirmerce corrmission interprets transportation act.
(Railway age, v.68 ;683-84;March 5, 1920)
Statenient on March 1, 1920, re rate sections,
U. S. President, 1913-(Wilson)
(^Letter to Association of railway executives ±r\ regard to representa'
tion on Wages Board. . .JMarch 1, 1920. Washington, D. C, 1920.
1 mime. p. f
Summarized, together with letter to brotherhoods, in Philadelphia
inquirer, March 3, 1920, p. 1,4.
New Republic. [Editorial]
The "return" of the railrogds.
(New Republic, v. 22, March 3, 1920, p.6-0)
Guaranty trust company of New York.
Financial and business conditions in the United States. New York,
March 5, 1920. 4 p. 4®
Transportation act, 1920; p. 1-2.
President Vl'ilson signs bill for return of railroads to private ownership,.
(Commercial & fin.gncial chronicle, v. 110: 929 ;Mar.6,1920)
"'ith reprint of proclamation issued Feb. 28, 1920.
Railroads returned to private ownership. President Wilson signs the
raiiro id bij.1 and Federal crntrol was ended March 1,
(Railway review, v. 66: 363-64; Maa ch 6, ,1920)
Statements by T. De"'itt Cuyler and A.B.Johnson.
Railway review. [Editorial]
Broadened scope of the Interstate commerce commission.
(Railway review, v. 66; 382-83 ;March 6, 1920)
Under transportation act , 1920.
Speyer, James.
James Speyer on New railroad legislation.
(Commercial « financial chronicle, v.llO; 933',I.Iar. 6,1920)
. ••.•, i
I , .4
Cummins bill...
Pt. II. -39-
Traff ic world [Editorial]
The attitude of labor.
(Traffic world, v. 25: 4l9;March 6, 1920)
When Senator Cummins was express clerk on the CM, & St. P.
(Railway review, v.66 ;38l;March 5, 1920)
Reawakening of public interest in railroad securities-
Credit revives as the propertief5 are returned to the owners v bi
conservative managers declare the future of the roads lies wit:, tl.c
interpretation of the new lav/ by the Intcrptate coirinerce coirimi&:- ion
which must abandon its prev/ar attitude,
(Annalist, v.l5 ;339.,366 ;March 8, 1920)
Frost, Stanley.
Railmen strive to erase public as pay factor. Leaders believe they
can do better with roads if tnird party is eliminated from settlement
demands. Hopes in next Congress. Changes in sentiments of present
members laid to propaganda by farmers,
(New Y ork ir ibune , March 9, 1920, p. 4, col. 2-3)
Lovett , Robert S.
Lovett predicts railway lav test. Union Pacific chairman thinks
seizure of excess earnings will cause suit .. .Operators do not believe
co/TiTiission will recoup some roads at others' expense.
(New York times, March 9, 1920, p. 20)
Sakolski, Aaron Morton,
...The present railroad situation (the old conditions and the new law)
...[New York, Bankers statistics corporation, 1920] 6 p. f°
Cation title, /t head of title; Bankers statistics corporation.
New fork, N.Y. Weekly service, Mirch 9th, 1920, Two sections:-
section t.vo. vol, 1, no. 21, .A 20-473
Abstract in Commercial & financial chronicle, v. 110:1142-43;
Mar. 20, 1920.
National association of owners of railroad securities.
Report of S. Davies War field, president, to the committees of the
National association of cmners of railroid securities in respect to
the legislation incident to the return and regulation of the rail-
roads. Transportation act of 1920. B.altimore, Md, , National associa-
tion of owners of rai^ro id securities, March 11, 1920. 33 p.4<*», ..
"/ letter to His Excellency, President 'Voodrow Wilson, dated
February 26, 1920;p.[19]-24.
"Correspondence between the chairman of the Association of rail-
way executives and the president of the National association
of ovv-ners of railroai securities in respect to conferences";
I. C. C. to begin hearings March 22 on provisions of railroad act.
Question of freight rate advance.
(Commercial & financial c.:;roi.icle , v. 110: 1042;Mir. 13, 1920)
1 C ■T') ■
■mmins bill,
"/bat to i ope iron tr.e r -alroads.
(Lit:, a V aiGGst, v.64 :i.1-:rch 13, 1920, ii-lo)
Ilj-u^trateu v-ith cartoon: Ih-J rrodifral'e retur-'.
' ■ ifi, .^ movo!.- r.t -o GuuirnjKS-Ksch lav/.-
(L-"^-. '■■!'/(; ' ■' -r -^ V Pmcn ■ .C! m-'^-.a-ar ^ -. , .■•■ :,
Freem-^n. [Ed, i t or i ai J
Ti-.e Railways.
•(Freeni-ir., ,vi- :4; .., i',:!20)
Corn: . :. t on T; .i.bj-ort.'i, i ."; .^^t ' "^ ,
Jour.', =il of commerce [T'dn. orialj
Task of r.-iilway restoration..
(Joi-irril of con'imerc'j, Mar. i'7 , -9^20, p.8;2-3)
Taf t , '-■'iilidT. Howard.
Mr. Taft reviews the r-iilroid act.
(Boston Transcript, March 18, 1520, p. 12)
Crovj.sy, James D., & co. ,
Market letter. March 19th, 1920. 4 p. 4"
Railways and government valuation, Cummins-Esch lav,', etc.
Railway age [Editorial J
"P^verythxr.g fixed but the rates"
(RTi'.w.y ,age, v.68 ;942-44;Mar .19 ,1920)
y'ssociati-r^ of railway executives.
Resolutions bearing on the :iuestion of determining value for immediito
rate-making purposes under the Transportation act, 1920
2 mime p. 4°.
Retjoiutions penaing March 20, 1920, by Mr. Euckland, Mr. H:.,
and Mr. Wood.
Hyde, D,ina.
Effect of rjil legislatio/-; misapprehended. Strong roa:-5 li.-el; zj
t-Gcapa recapture of exce.is earnings over six per cent by giving
i.^er distribution to income through purchase of weaker extern i or p,.
(liagazne of V'all street, v. 2b: 695-96 inarch 20, 1920)
Gisco. , Francis H.
["Our natior-.al b,alance sheet". /Address bafore the B,altimore cb -jpt i .
the /mericin institute of b-mking, March 20, 1920] 9 mir.nc- r' . 4'^
The railroad problem; p. 1-4.
/bbtr.ict m Bal^imore Sun, i'l.irch 'A^ , ^.920, t,.16.
nil una, N. C,
y^naljsis of labor ci-aussc; i.. the R li.way act.
(Riij-way review, v.66 ;49'l-9b ;Iviar. 20, 1920)
Bi-_, ./. , '-'ilj-iain Jennings.
R.iil gu-u' uitee snu.:^ bi£;_ .. st nio c Ooi.gress.
C" ^ . , U.^rcn 2- , 9 20, . . .)
•Cummins bill. . .
Pt. II. -41-
Bryan, William Jennirgs.
Rail guarantee shews big systems control Congress.
(Washington Times, March 21, 1926, p. 1,2)
New Federal railroad law will be curb on looting.
Government experts to pass on mergers and additional securities issues
with severe penalties for insiders who make profits at expense of
(Springfield republican, March 21, 1920, p. 10, col. 4-5)
Taft, 'Villi am Howard.
Railroad bill commended by former president Taft...
(/tlanta Constitution, March 21, 1920, p. 16 B)
Geddes, Sir Eric,
The Institute of transport. Sir Eric Geddes' presidential address at
the inaugural meeting of the Institute of transport, held on March
(Railway gazette, v,32: 481-84 ;IJlarch 26,1920)
U. S« Interstate commerce commission,
...In re: Section 422 of-the federal Transportation act. ^''ashington,
D, C, March 22-24,1920. 3 v. 4°
/t head of title; Before the Interstate corranerce ccmmission.
Ex parte. Docket no. 71,
Stenographers minutes.
/Abstract in Traffic world, v. 25; 557-64;March 27,1920; Commercial
& financial chronicle, v. 110; 1252-54 ".Mar. 27, 1320.
U. S. Interstate commerce commission.
...In re: Section 422 of the federal Transportation act. Ex parte no.
71. Hearings, '.Washington, D. C. , March 22d to 24th, x920. Philadelphia,
Printed by the secretary, Presidents' conference committee, 1920,
cover-title, 1, 136 p. 4°
Biair, J. P.
Provisions of the Transport at ion act, 1920, in respect to computing
railway operating income for the guaranty period. Uarc'r. 24, 19.20.
4 mime p. 4°
Roads that did not accept six months guaranty.
(Railway age, v.68;1030; Mar, £6, 1920)
Commercial & financial cnror.icle [Eaitorialj
. The new railroad law and thevduition of railroad property.
(Commercial & financi.?l chroricle, v.llO: 1236-37 ;Mar. 27 ,1920. )
■Vail street journal [^Editorialj
The new railroad regulation.
(Wall street jourr.al. Mar. 27, 1920, p.l;2-3)
Urges early advarice in freij^ht rates.
Cummins bill. . .
Pt. II. -42-.
Frelinghuysen, Joseph Sherman,
Partners in prosper ity, .. .[New York? 1920] 10 p. 8° /> 20-697
"Address before the Railway business association, March 31,1920,"
Abstract m ; Railway revie-v, v.66 :560-62 ;.«pril 3, 1920'"
Reserve board has raiiroid financing power.
Provision of Tr ari sp ort at i o n act on government loads,
(Journal of commerce, Mar. 31, 1920, p. 1, col. 6.)
Farmers' national council.
Protest of the Farr/iers' national council against the Cummins-Esch
railroad bill-
(Loconotive engineers journal, v. 54:300 ;/tpril , 1920)
Harnach, J^ v/.
Digest of the Trrjisportat ion act.' of ;192Q-»
(Trade and transportation bulletin, April, 1920, p. 1-8)
Henry, Charles L«
The transportation act of 1920. How, ..the new railroad law affects
the interurban electric railway.
(Aera, v.8;993-98;/pr. 1920)
How railroad law affects workers told in brief. Synopsis of Esch-Cummine l«lw
as it applies to labor...
(Railway maintenance of way em.ployes journal, v,29 ;8 ;jftpr,-May ,1920)
Johnston, Forney.
The Transportation act, 1920,
(Virginia law review, v,6 : 482-5l4;Apr il , 1920)
Journal of the Sv/itchmen's union [Editorial]
Railroads under private management act provides labor board for grievai ce
adjustment .
(Jour, of tne Switchnen's unicr, v. 22:305-07 j/yr. 1920)
Kelley, Charles M,
Railroad legislation a make shift.
(Railway caiductor, v,36 :185-7;/pr. 1920)
Morris, Ray.
The new railroad law, /*n explanation of the outstanding features of
the new railroid law,
('Vorld's work, v.39;547-52;/pr. 1920)
New duties for Interstate commerce commission.
(/merican industries, v.20;/'pr. 1920; 9-10)
Railroad investments and the nev; railroad law.
(World's work, v.39 ;54l-42 j/'pr .1920)
The railroad labor org inizat i .rs protest against the riilro>d bill.
(Locanotive engineers journal, v.54 ;293-98 ;/pril , 1920)
CuiTJiiinf; bill, . .
Pt,. 11-43-
Republicm publicity association.
Need of anti-strike law. Washirp.ton, /pril 1920. 1 mime p.
V/atkins, Edgar.
Transportation act of 1920. Author. . .gives opinion that there is
no precedent in the authorities of the act,
(RaUroad herald, v. 24: 13-15 j/^pr .1920.)
What some congressmen think nf the Cummins-Esch bill.
(Railway clerk, v. 19: 229-32; -"pr. 1, 1920)
Railway age, [Eaitorial]
Possibilities of raising new capital..
(Railway age, v, 66 ;lD83'lQe4i April 2, 1920)
American short line railroaj associat ion.
Proceedings of the special meeting. . -Washi :.gt on, D. C, /"prSl 15 and
16, 1920. [Washington, 1920] cover-title, 128 p. port. 8"
Abstract jnjRailway age, v.68 ;l237-46 ;Apr. 23,1920
Esch, John J,
Address. . .
(In Americm short line r-iilroad association, Proceedirgs of the
special meeting, Wash ii.gton, D. C. , April 15 and 16, j920. p. 44-52) .
Abotract in; Railway age, v.68: 1246; Apr. 23, 1920,.
Dunn, Samuel 0.
The return of therailroiis to corporate management and their problems,
(Western society of engineers, journal, v. 25:253-78 ;Apr .20,1920)
Calkins, R. M.
The partnership of business ii terests and the railroads. t'Ti address
delivered before the meeting of the Montana stock grcwers in Billings,
Montana, April 21,1920.
(Milwaukee employes' magazine, v. 8; July, 1920, p. 6-11)
Esch, John J,
About the Transportation act,
(Savings bank monthly, v,l;ll;May, 1920.)
Abstract of address before Natioml conference of Mutual
savings banks, Boston, Apr. 23d.
National conference of mutual savings banks, Boston, 1920.
Resolutions unanimously adopted at the organization meeting of the
National conference of mutual savings hanks held at Boston, Mass.,
April 23, 1920. [Boston! 1920] 2 1 4**
Re Section 422 of the Transportation act,
Warfield, S. Davies.
Address on occasion of organization of the National conference of ^
mutual savings benks at Boston, April, 23, 1920. ..Bait imore. National
association of owners of railroad securities [1920] cover-title,
14 p. 8"
Cummins bill . . ,
Pt, 11-44-
Chamber of commerce of the United States.
...Board of airectors annual report. QVashirigtonj Chamber of oomfrercG
of the United States [1920] 74 p, 8"^
Pt head of title: Fighth annual meeting, /"tlantic City,
/pril 27., 28 and 29.1920.
RaO roads: p. 14-16.
Chamber of commerce of the United Statec.
... Report of Conroittee on railroads. CAtlnrtic City, N.J., Olobf:
printing co., 1920] 14. [l] p. 3°
Pt he.aa of title: Eighth annual meeting, /tlantictCity .April
27 to 29, l'-20.
Post, George ^dams,
The Tr ah ap ort at i on act of 1920; an address by George / Post. Messages
from railroaa executives. Eighth annual meeting, Chamber of commerce
of the United States. [Washi rgton? D. C, 1920]2 p.1.,28 p.8 =
/ddresa delivered /pril 27, 1920.
Sims., Thetus W.
Extension of remarks., .i^pril 28, 1920.
(Congressional record, v.59 :6769-6772 ; Apr il 28, 1920}
Acworth, v/illiam Mitchell.
The recent railway legislation in the United States. The Transporta-
tion act, 1920.
(Railway gazette, v. 32; 688-91 ;May 7, 1920)
Railway gazette [Editorial]
Goverriinent regulation of railways ([in the United States]
(Railway gazette, v. 32; 682-83 ;May ?,1920)
Hines, Walker D*.
The critical period under the new Transportation act. The need for
patience and cooperation. Address. . .before the National press club.
Wash, D.C. May 11, 1920. 10 mime p. 4*^
Abstract in Railway age, v.68 :1413-16 ;Mayl4,1920; in Railway
review, v.66 :820-22i846-47 ;May 15,22,1920.
Proposed amendment to Transportation act affecting revolving fund,
(Commercial and financial chronicle, v.llO;2041;May lo,1920)
Journal of corrmerce [Editorial]
Federal control of railroads. [Application for unification under
Transportation act to relieve ccrgestion.
(Journal of canmerce. May 18, 1920:6;1)
Willard, Daniel,
Address of Daniel Willarci.. .delivered before the National association
of manufacturers. New York city, May 19, 1920. [Baltimore?1920]
lb p. 8*^ Caption title; The future of the r?
?v-ikolski, / . M.
Railroad ^ntuaticn in the light of the new legislation; an address
delivered before the Savings banks association of the state cf Nt?w
York May 27, 1920,. .[Mew Yoric' 1920] [4] p. 4"
Reprinted in part in Commercial & financial chroniclej v«ill;
262-63; July 17,1920.
Hines, Walker D,
The cnticr'i period for the railroads,
(Nation, v. 110. '7ie-20;May 29, .1920)
Olmstead, f-. S.
Labor and opposition to the Transportation act.
(Nation, v. 110. 720-21 ;May 29,1920.
Collins, Ralph f,
/"dequate railroad service in sight under new /Set.
(New York herald. May 30, 1920, Sec. 7, p.l)
/•cworth, W. M.
The /mericai railway situation.
(Economic journal, v.30i 177-95 ; June ,1920)
Index to Transportation act of 1920.
(Shipper and carrier, v.l;200-01; June, 1920)
Southern Pacific bulletin [Editorial]
The Transportation act of 1920.
(Southern Pacific bulletin, v.9 ;16-17 ; June 1920)
Strother, French,
/. new day for the railroads. How the transportation act opens up the
way for the upbuilding of the physical properties...
(World's work, v.40:194-201 jjune,1920)
Vanderblue, Horr.er B,
Valuation provisions of the Transportation act, 1920.
(/•mericaji economic review, v, 10:391-395 ; June ,1920)
Sims, Thetus W.
Dctension of remarks[Ve Transportation act, of 1920]
(Congressional record, daily ed., v.59 ;8769-86 ; June 1, 1920)
Recognized fair return. Public utility case followed precedent set dawn in
railrohi act. Newport Mews & Hampton railway decision. (Boston [Mass]
evening transcript, June 2, 1920, p. 8, col. 1)
Gartner, Karl K,
Changes in i'ct to regulate commwrce.
(Traffic world, v.25;1027-28 ;i08B-84 jll37-38 ; June 5,12,19, 1920)
Cu:7imins bill ...
I^t. II. -46-
Lodge, Henry Cabot.
Lodge calls railroad act remarkable,
(loll street journal, June 9, j920, r..9.cnl./V)
T.ilJ-^rtQn, W. J.
/'daress£as chairman of /American railroad associatior, section III,
fnechanical . at annual convent ion J.
(Railway a,r,e, v.68 ;lf.29-3l ;June 10, 19^,0)
U. S. Interstate caranerce caiimission.
...Order... on the ICth day of Juno, ," . D. 1920.
[Washington, Govt, print, off., 1920] 3 p. 8«>
Accounting procedure to be observed by all carriers accepting
the provi&ioiJG of secti'on 209 of the Transportation act.
. Reprinted in Railway age, 68:192''; June 18,1920,
Railway review [Editorial]
The Keynote on the railroads,
(Railway review, v,66 ;995-9b ; June 12,1920)
Senator Louge's speech at the Republican national convention.
/American federation of labor.
"Government ovnership and democratic operation" of railroads favored...
(Commercial ix. financial chronicle, v.lll:460-461; July 31,1920)
Resolutions adopted June 17th at 40th annual convention".
New republic [Editorial]
The railway dilemma,
(Hew republic, v.23il4l-42;June 30, 1920)
Magnusson, LeifuR and Gadsby, Marguerete A,
Federal intervention in railroad disputes,.
(Monthly labor review, v.ll :25-43 ; July, 1920)
Seventy-five /'meric^n railroaas join in plan to aid transportation.
President V/illard named Chairman of Advisory committee on nine,.
(Baltimore and Ohio magazine, July, 1920, p. 4)
Lovett, Robert S.
Discussing the new. railroad law..
(spur, v.26i. 58;July lb, 1920)
Portrait of Judge Lovett.
Thorn, nfred P.
...In the matter of the interpret at j on and application of paragraph (3)
of section 209(f) of the Tr'ansportati on act, 1920, relating to t.'-.e allow-
ance for maintenance during the guaranty period. Brief of the /Associa-
tion of railway executives, Alfred P. Thorn, S.T.Bledsce, J,P.B3a-ir,
committee of ccunsel.[n.p,,19203 co/er-titJ e,iil p. 8"
Before th Interstate commerce ccnmisoion. Submitted July 24,1920,
Abstract m Rnoxway age, v. 69;397-401 ;Sept .3,1920,
Cummins bill,..
Pt, II. -47-
Bruce, William Cabell.
Jurisdiction of the ccrrsnission in the matter of railroad security
in connection with the Transportation act of l'i>20. July 26 ,1': '"■■''
4 type. p.. 4'^
Willard, Daniel.
Extracts from remarks made... at picnic held by Baltimcre and Ghia
vsterans' association at Scmersex, Pa., July 39, 1920,
(Baltimore and Ohio magazina, v .8 ./"ugust ,1920, p .31,33-35)
Plumb, Olenn E.
/-ddress. . .before the City club of Cleveland at its open forum in the
public square at noon. July 31,1920. 9 mirr.e. p. f°
The Kansas court of industrial relations and the Federal transportation act,
(La*' and labor, v.2:203-204 i/ugust , 1020)
Case of Wendele v.The Union Pacific railroad co.et.al.
National city bank, New York.
General business conditions.
(its Letter, August, 1920, 14 p.)
Prices, Money and banking, Railroads, etc.
Strother, French.
Un gr.w experimento ferroviario, Como la ley de transportes abre el
camino par su progreso, la rehabilitaci6n de sus finanzas y un servicio
adecuado. . .
(Revista del mundo, v. 7; 48-51 j/ugust ,1920)
Transport ion act, 1920.
Journal of commerce, [Editorial] '
A new railway era,
(Jou.nal of cominerce, />ugust 7, 1920, p. 4, col. 1-2)
Statist. [Editor iad] *
/*meric;in railroaJs.
(statist, v.96;246;/'ugust 7, 1920)
Commercial oc financial chr cnicle. [Editor ial]
Better days for the railroads,
(Commercial & financial chronicle.VVlll;536r§37 ;;ug,14,1920)
Comment on Congressman Esch's statements,
Harding, Warren G,
Senator Harding's address to Erie nien,
(Erie railroad magazine, v*16 ;October ,1920, p. 12-15)
At Gallon, Ohio, /ug. 27, 1920.
R^ixroads need nev^r money to meet expansion's demands. Transportation act
it IS hoped wiij so far restore confidence to the inventing public as
to assure :.o the carriers the capital necessary to keep the service at
least abreast of the country's growth.,
(/innalist, v.l6 ;261-262;/\ug,30,i920)
CurrcniriS bill ...
Pt. II. -49- '
Sangster, R. D.
Centnl weotern ma-iuf actur ing iriustry in relation to trriispor ■ 3t . vr
(St. Louis railway club. Proceedings, v.25:72-82 ;0ct,8,1920}
Discussion, p. 83-84.
Thom, y\lfred Pembroke,
...In the matter of t,ie int . rpret ati jn 2nd application of perarr^pn ■'
• of section 209(f) of the Transportaci on a^t - iSl.'.O, relating t: :.
allowance for mnintenpnce during the gurr -jr-.ty perio'i. Brief
/Association of railway exccu'iives. In reply to brief of the d.rocior-
general of railroa jS. /Ifred P. Tl;om, S»7.I;ledsoc , J. P. Blair,
committee of counsel, ["^ash mrton T D.C.,1920] cover-t itle ,28 p. P*^
At head of title; Interstate commerce cornmisGion. Submitted
Oct. 12,1920. A 20-1421
Abstract in Railway a*^e, v.69 :711-14 ;Oct .22,1920; in Traffic
world, V. 24 ;770-72;0ct. 23, 1920.
Railway review. [[Edit'orial]
/ pettifogging opinion.
(Railway review, v.67 ;:;94;0ctober 16, 1920)
Comptroller WarJvick's on railway guaranty payments. Under
provisions of Section 209 of Transportation act.
Traffic world, [Eaitorial]
Attitude of state commissions.
(Traffic world, v.26 :. G93-694;0ctob er 16 , 1920)
Mc/doo, William Gibbs.
M'/^doo denounces Esch-Cummins bill. Te] Is Indianapolis audience it is
not progressive but regressive measure...
(Baltimore sun, October 17, 1920)
U. S. Interstate canmerce cafmission.
...In the matter of settlements with cari'iers under the provisions
6f section 209 of the Trajisport at ion act, 1920. [Washington, Govt-
print, off., 1920] 24 p. Q° Dated October 18, 1920.
Outline of form for use by carriers in presenting claims.
Pulleyn, John J.
"The Transportation act, its effect on credit", ...[New York-? 1920]
[I5]p. 8° . yJ20-l352
/Address before the annual convention, /American bankers associa-
tion, Washington, D. C, October 19, 1920.
Reprinted in: Commercials financial chronicle, v. Ill;
Americ-*! bankers' ccr.ventii:n section p,107-110;Nov.20,1920;
Savings banks monthly jourml, v.l,p.5-7 ,21-29 ;Nov,1920;
Abstract in; Railway age, v.69 ;703-704;0ct cber 22,1920;Traf f ic
world, v.24;759-760;0ct.23,1920.
CuirifflinBt bill. .«
H. II. -50-
Borland, V/. P,
The government viewppintv
(Railway age, v.69 ;708-709 -.October 22,1920)
on /Automatic train control.
/Abstract of address before joint meeting of Western society of
engineer and Signal div../^, R.A.Oct. 21 ,1920.
The Transportation act. p. 709.
Also m Railway reveiw, v.67 ;6l8-620;0ct .23,1920;Railway signal
engineer, v,13 ;443-446 ;Nov.i920,
Hawes, Richard S, «
Finance and the railroads.
(Traffic world, v. 24:759 ;October 23,1920)
Extract concerning railroads from his aunnual lepo rt to American
bankers' association > October, 1920.
Willard, Daniel, .T,-
Address by Ur, Daniel V/illard. . .before Transportation conference, the
Associated irJustries of Llassachusetts, in Boston, Massachusetts,
Afternoon session, October 28,1920. [Baltimore?1920] 11 p. 8<> A20-1485
Caption title; Distribution of freight cars under the terms of
the Esch-Cummins Transportation act.
Willard, Daniel,
Address, . .before the Associated inaustries of Massachusetts in Boston,
Massachusetts. Evening of October 28, 1920. [Baltimore?! 9 20]
13 p. 8°. Caption title; The tr -^nsportat ion question. A20-1484
Metropolitan magazine. [Editorial]
...Transportation and production,
(Metropolitan magaz ii:e , November, 1920, p. 7-8)
Chamber of commerce of the United States of America.
Critical situation of the railroa:is created by interpretation by
comptroller o f the Treasury of guaranty provisions of the Transporta-
tion act of 1920. November 6, 1920. 3 type. p. 4'>
Clark, Edgar E,
[Address before National association of railway and public utility
commissioners, November 9, 1920] 13 typewritten pages 4°
Sr,aw, Walter A,
National association of railway and utilities commissioners president's
. annual address, Washirgtcn, D*. C. , November 9, 1920... 21 mime.p.4°
Cray, Carl R.
...New Railroad era.
(Traffic world,, v.26 ;932-933;November 13, 1920)
Aadrecs at Chicago traffic club luncheon, Nov. 9.
Cn'i,:ber of commerce of the United States.
Sa;'3 way should be found to pay promptly furiis due the railways froir.
the government .
(Chicago commerce, v,16 :November 14,1920,p..48 )
Similar article in Railway age, v,69 :842 -,1'' .'V.l2 ,1920.
Cummins bill*.,
i't, II. -61- ■
Our transport at ion probierr. stiia. presents rriany snarls. RTilroad labor and
employer are slow ni gettii;g together under the new laiv..,
(/Annalist, v.l6 iGlcS jNovember 15, 1920)
Traffic world. [Editorial]
Consolidation ^f railroads,
(Traffic .vorld, v. 24: 1013;1015; November 27, 1920)
Gray. C. R. .
/ new era in railroad operation.
(Railway journal, v. 26 , Dec. ,1920, p. 7-9)
New York /American [Editorial]
Repeal of Esch-Cummins law one of duties of the future.
(New York Merican, Dec. 7, 1920)
Cook, vVilliam W,
Will the railroad act of 1920 s dve the railroad problem? [New York?
1920] 17 p. 8° / 20-1518
Dated Dec« 9, 1920,
■■'illard, Dgniel,
/ddress. , .before the National association of life insurance presidents
at its ^nual meeting. New York city, December 9, 1920, [Baltimore?
1920] 12 p. 8° ;S20-1509
Esch, John J.
/>ddress. ..on the occasion of the dinner at the Waldor f-/storia
hotel, New York, . .December 13,1920, given in honor of S. Davies
Warfield. . .Baltimore, Md. , National association of owners of railroad
securities [1920] 17 p. 8°
'^'arfeield, S. Davies.
Must earn to live. S. Davies V/arfisld tells needs of railroads.
Regards Esch-Cummins act as constructive, Esch« tells what is con-
templated by measure. Plumb plan he calls in line with soviet.
(Boston Transcript, Dec. 14,1920, p.l5)
y'ddresses djlivered Dec. 13, 1920, in New York.
■Var field, S. Davies.
/ddress... on tne occasion of the dinner given in hi.^ honor on !Ior;day
evening, December 13, 1920, at the '7 ^if orf-/storia hotel. New Yorlt...
Baltimore, Md., National association of owners of railroad securities
[1920] 34 p. 8°
UMD/'TFD C0!^"-"?'TS
American exchange national bank, Nev.' York.
Digest of railroad bills and plans.. .[New York, 1919] covor-title,
23 p. 8" in. ..■
/ssociated industries of Ilasnachusetts.
The Cummins and Esch bills compared as to ai.''portar!t provi ^i cr.s.
Boston, /ssociatsd ir.austries of Tassac l'usetts[l919] 15 p,8°l . .i
Cummins bill. . .
^. . Ii. -52- Uraated. . .
Hankers trust coaTp.5ny, Ne-v York.
The railroaa act .[Ke>''Ycrkj 3 uticlts trust co!npany[1920J cover-titl<^ , . -' .j.'-''
Ch amb Hi- f corriTiier c e of the Un 1 1 e d St at e o .
...The statutory rule of rate, making. Itir..,- -iinta a:tion ro:iuir-'!d.
0"'ashin£ton,D.C. 1919] 4 p , 4° • ' .
Boniiriick & Donninick, New York city.
Pulro-jd bonus. Investment opportuni'.ics* . ..=J-.d the clatuc of the r - -* •
under the new Tr d;si, ortation act. Mew VoricLjCvjiOJ 4 p. f" : :-
Hoey , Vi.S . & co.,New York.
The new railroad legislation and milroad securities, [Nev; York, 1920]
[4] p. 4° .- :.
Hoey, I'l.J., * CO.
The new railroad legislation and railroad securities, 2d ed.f^New York,
1920] [4] p. 4°
National association of railway ana utilities commissioners. Committee on
state ana federal legislation. Report .. .1919. [n. p. ,1919.] 8 p. 8° .•..;'.
Rea, Samuel
New railroad legislation.
('Vest Jorscy and seashore railroad co!"pany. /nnual report for 1919. p. 4-5)
Southern Pacific company.
...To the editor. i_MernorTnduffi for th p press on finai?cial provisions of the
Tr in sport at ion actj 2 mime. p. f°
Sif^ned: R.K.Kelly, representative, Executive department. ■-'..■., '
S cut h'jve stern inaus rial traffic league.
Railroad legislation. The action iia representation of the people of
the Sooithvest, speaking thrcugh the joint conference of the South-
western industrial traffic io.igue anl the Toxas industrial traffic league,
[n. p., 1919] 11 p. 8°
S.H.Cowar, heaa of speci il joii:t ccmmittee. -j.
T'-.-i Tr u'. sport at ion act, x9 2.0.
(;iini:eapoli5 & St.Luuis r niro -. i co. /^nnual report, 1919, p. 5-6)
o. S. Railroad Aaministration.
...In th 3 matter of the interpretation and application of paragraph (3)
of section 209(f) of the Transportation act, 1920, relating to the
allow or. ce for maintenance jiuring the pjuar inty period. Views of the
United States Railroad a imu istr at ion. [yfashi}.p,ton? D. C, 1920]
cover-title 1 p. 1., 25 p. 8° . /20-1423.
PX neia of title: Before t::a Interstate commerce ccminiss)on.
f'notner issue nas impr i nt ;,V;'ashii. q;ton, Govtj.pr i r:t .of 1 . ,i920
/Abstract in Railway >Re v.G9 :401-0'^ jSept .L< ,1'520.
^'miard, Daniel.
Termination of federal control, and the Tranuportati jn act of 1920,
(.In Baltimore ana Ohio railroad co-pany. 94th annual report .. .1919,
p. 10-11).
— ooOoo —
. ^n^lDO
AUG ?• 7 19S1
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