UC-NRLF AST LESSONS IN •;;>-;;• I LIBRARY OF THK University of California. gift OF Received C^£siT* . l &97- Accession No. /?*£? frd • Class No. tf$fy> "^L^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/easylessonsinvegOOwythrich EASY LESSONS IN Vegetable Biology; OR, Outlines of Plant Life. REV. J. H. WYTHE, M.D., Author of "The Science of Life," "The Microscopist," "Agreement of Science and Revelation," etc. CINCINNATI: WALDEN & STOWE. 1883. Cfttt Copyright 1883, by PHILLIPS & HUNT, New York. PREFACE. This work has been prepared for the students of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. It is also adapted to use in schools. It begins with the simplest and most elementary facts of Biology, and progresses gradually to things more intricate. It uses no unnecessary- technicalities, is condensed into the smallest possible compass, and but few words are spent upon theories. The Chris- tian philosophy of life, which the author believes to be the only true philosophy, is clearly stated ; but he aims to present only facts, and the plain inferences from facts, to the attention of the inquirer. ^^ Of XBDB^^S [BHIVBRSITY] CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGK I. What Biology Teaches 7 II. Living Matter 12 III. Differences between Living and Non-living Matter 17 IV. Different Kinds of Living Matter 23 V. Individual Vegetable Cells 27 VI. The Vegetable Cell as a Member of a Group 33 VII. Protophytes, or the Simplest Forms of Plants 40 VIII. Thallogens, or Division of Labor in Plants 46 IX. Acrogens, or Plants which Grow at the Summit.. . . ; 50 X. Endogens, or Inside-growers 58 XL Exogens, or Outside-growers u XII. The Vegetable Clothing of the Glossary and Index World 80 85 [UITIVBBSITY] ^£2 EASY LESSONS IN VEGETABLE BIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. WHAT BIOLOGY TEACHES. 1. The word Biology is made up of two Greek words — bios, life, and logos, a discourse. It means the study of living things. A few years ago all the living and non-living ob- jects in the earth — minerals, plants, and animals — were embraced in one department of knowledge, called Natural History, but it is now usual to study living and non-living objects in different departments. A knowledge of Biology involves much more than the ability to distinguish the different kinds of living beings so as to be able to label dead specimens in a cabinet. This science uses the terms of Botany and Zoology only as the builder uses a scaffolding for the erection of an edifice, or as a postmaster the boxes of his office for a more convenient classification. 2. Biology includes in its survey both animals and vegetables, and considers their forms and peculiarities, 8 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. the parts of which, they are composed, their relations to each other, and the uses which they serve. It takes in the entire life-history of every living thing, with the changes which occur in health and disease. If fully recorded, the world would hardly hold the books which might be written about these things, since there are many thousands of species, or different kinds, both animal and vegetable; and the influences to which they are subject are quite innumerable. Yet many observations and comparisons have shown that one kind agrees with another in certain particulars, so that the general principles which underlie their forms, changes, structure, and uses may be under- stood. The consideration of these general principles and correspondences makes up the chief part of the study of Biology. 3. Biology studies only living beings. The general forces of nature and the changes in non-living matter are the subjects of Physics and Chemistry. Biology only refers to these changes as they affect living things, or are modified by the presence of life. 4. Those astronomers who still hold to the Nebular hypothesis — the theory that the sun and planets de- veloped themselves out of a sort of fiery vapor or nebulous matter — teach us that only a few of the planets of our solar system are capable of sustaining life, and chemical analysis shows that only four out of nearly seventy elementary or simple substances, of What Biology Teaches. 9 which the world is composed, are found essentially connected with living beings. Geology also shows us that there were vast periods in the past history of the earth when no life existed. These periods are hence called azoic, or without life. At the present time, the ice-fields of the poles, and the great deserts, are to a large extent lifeless. It is plain, therefore, that life is not an essential part of creation. Suns and planets would shine ; gravity, light, heat, and electricity would operate ; and chemical changes take place, if there were no living beings. From this consideration we see clearly that Biology embraces something more than the study of the laws and phenomena of non- living matter. It is the science of life. It concerns itself with every thing pertaining to life. 5. The question, What is life ? has given rise to vari- ous speculations in every age of history to the present day. Some of the Greek philosophers taught that it was the result of the harmony or agreement of the different parts of the body ; and this view is repeated in modern times by those who claim that life is the result of organization. It requires but little thought to see that this is no explanation at all. Since all organization depends on living matter, as we shall more fully perceive hereafter, one might as wisely say that an architect or carpenter was the result of a house, as to say that life results from organization. Some have claimed that life is a sort of refined 10 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. matter ; a gas, or ethereal vapor. Heat, oxygen, and galvanism have all had their advocates, and at the present day, when teachers of physical science show that one kind of force (as motion, light, heat, or elec- tricity) can be converted, or changed, into another, some are found to say that physical force can be changed into life, or vital force. But this theory is insufficient to explain what life is, since it does not show what is meant by " physical force," nor what changes its form. Life must either be the power of matter or spirit, for we can only conceive of these two forms of existence. This theory is also insufficient, since it does not account for the living germ through which (according to the theory) heat or other form of force passes in order to be converted into vitality. 6. Writers who have endeavored to define life in accordance with the teaching of materialism — which makes matter explain every thing — have involved themselves in unsatisfactory and often absurd con- clusions. The teaching of the Bible and of all the re- ligions of mankind, the belief of the most eminent philosophers, the doctrine held by the early Christian fathers, and maintained by the majority of scientific and unscientific men, is that the difference between a living body and the same body after death arises from the union of matter and spirit. In other words, a living thing is a spiritual essence which clothes itself with material particles after a form and according to What Biology Teaches. 11 an order (or law) of its own kind. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Yale College, in his work on the " Hu- man Intellect," devotes an entire chapter to prove that life and soul are synonymous words, and apply to all living things. The writer of the present work, in the volume entitled " The Science of Life," regards life, not as identical with soul, but as the sum of the activities resulting from the union of mind and mat- ter. Those who desire to study the subject more thoroughly are referred to those works. 12 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. CHAPTER II. LIVING MATTER. 1. A careful study of any living thing, either vegetable or animal, will show that it is not all alive. Some parts are dead, although they may retain the form impressed on them by vitality, as in the case of a dry branch of a tree, and may serve various pur- poses in relation to the rest of the body, like resin in some plants and milk in animals. When we clip the hair, or pare the nails, we cut merely the dead, in- sensitive part ; but at the root of the hair or nail we find the " quick " — the living part. By the use of the microscope it has been found that every part of every living body, or organism, has scattered through it little particles of living matter. In the skin, flesh, bones, and nerves of animals, and in all the different parts of vegetables, these small particles of living matter may be seen by a good instrument. It is the presence of this living matter which entitles any thing to be called a living being. Without this a man, a horse, a tree, or a flower, would be as dead as a piece of iron or chalk. 2. This living matter, seen through the microscope, looks like a bit of jelly or albumen. It is generally Living Matter. 13 transparent, and is neither quite solid nor fluid. When it was first discovered it was thought to be in- closed in a sort of membrane like a bladder, and it was called a cell. It is now known that it has not al- ways an outside membrane. It is often called proto- plasm, or first formation. It is also called by the better term hioplasm, or living formation. Some re- cent discoveries with the microscope render it likely that the real living matter in each cell, or piece of bioplasm, is arranged like a net-work, and communi- cates with neighboring cells so as to make a continu- ous living structure throughout the body, either of plant or animal. Those who have access to a good microscope may find an example of this living matter, or bioplasm, in the white blood-cell. Prick your finger, and put a small drop of blood, about the size of a full " stop " — printer's type — upon the thin glass cover of a mi- croscopic slide, then quickly put the cover in its place, so that the drop may spread by capillary attrac- tion, and observe the globules in the field of view of the instrument. In about every three hundred of the ordinary red blood-disks you will see one of the white disks. If you keep it warm by a heated stage, or if you examine the blood of a cold-blooded animal, as a frog, instead of your own, you will be able to see its peculiar motions and other phenomena. 3. From such simple, jelly-like particles all animals . 14 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. and vegetables originate, and by such particles are all organic structures built up. Bone, muscle, nerve, and skin, in animals, and fiber, wood, and vessels, in vege- tables, are all constructed from such elements. It is the province of biology to find out how this is done. 4. The particles of bioplasm, or living matter, al- ways look alike, no matter where they belong. There is no difference under the microscope between the bi- oplasm of a blade of grass or a whale, of an oak, a rose, a dog, or a man. The bioplasm of skin cannot be distinguished from that of flesh, or of the blood, yet there is a wonderful difference in the power and products of these different kinds, although the differ- ence is not visible even with a microscope. Chemical examination also shows that all living matter is composed of the same elementary materials. Oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen enter into the construction of every piece of bioplasm. Some- times lime, or iron, or sulphur are also found, but these are accidental, and not essential or necessary. 5. The jelly-like living matter which has been de- scribed, like any other jelly, is permeated or satu- rated with fluid, which may be considered apart from the rest of the structure. All organic substances con- tain considerable water. A human body weighing a hundred and fifty pounds can be dried in an oven until it weighs only seven and a half pounds. The water in a piece of bioplasm may also contain other Living Matter. 15 substances in solution which may serve the living mat- ter as food. In the spaces between the minutest parti- cles or net-work of bioplasm we may also find mate- rial which has been formed by it. So that in every bioplast, or living particle, we recognize matter in three different states : (1) Matter not yet alive, but about to become so, called Pabulum, or nutriment. (2) Living matter in the strictest sense, or Bioplasm. (3) Formed material, or matter which was alive, but is so no longer. Owing to the constant action of the air and other influences, the formed material is constantly decay- ing, or becoming effete, and thus returns to the inor- ganic world from which it originated, so that we may say of the body of any living thing — though not of the life — u Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." 6. Physical forces, like gravity, heat, light, and electricity, and chemical agencies, affect all living matter as well as the non-living, but not always in the same manner. Some forces, as gravity, for ex- ample, act in the same way on the living and the non- living. The passage of liquid out of or into a porous or membranous vessel is similar in a living or non- living thing. In other instances the presence of life greatly modifies the influence of inorganic force. Thus, water generally freezes at 32 deg. F., and boils at 212 deg.; but bioplasm, or living matter, resists the 16 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. extremes of lieat and cold as long as the life remains. There are differences in this respect in different or- ganisms. The motions of some simple forms of ani- mals are arrested by ice-water, and recommence on increasing the temperature, but the development of trout's eggs proceeds well in ice-water, while in a warm room they soon die. Many kinds adapt them- selves to a considerable change of temperature if it be gradual. Men will endure the cold of an Arctic win- ter, and, on the other hand, the workers in plaster will bear for a considerable time the heat of an oven raised to 500 deg. F. The influence of light, heat, and electricity upon bioplasm varies according to the spe- cies, some requiring a greater amount than others for natural growth. As to chemical changes, the life power has greater modifying power than any thing else in nature. A vast variety of products in both animals and vegetables are due to the controlling influence of life. In a few instances the skill of a chemist has imitated the product in his laboratory, but the majority can only be found as the result of life. Among them may be named albumen, starch, sugar, and gum. Many others will occur to us as we proceed in our studies.* * See " Science of Life," Chap. IY. Living and Non-living Matter. 17 CHAPTER III. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LIVING AND NOtf-HVING MATTER. 1. The jelly-like bioplasm described as existing in all kinds of vegetables and animals, and forming all sorts of organic materials, is so different in power from non-living matter as to compel us to believe that it contains something more than mere matter. Each kind, or species, of living being can do some- thing which is peculiar to itself, yet there are certain particulars in which all kinds agree, or things which all sorts of bioplasm can do, but which no matter can do which is not alive. 2. All bioplasm has spontaneous motion. Most vegetables are fixed to one spot, but the living matter in their tissues is just as much in motion as the bio- plasm of the most active animals, so that the same things may be said of either animal or vegetable bio- plasm. Non-living matter is passive. It has inertia* It can neither originate, suspend, nor destroy motion. It can only transmit motion, or be moved. But bio- plasm, or living matter, has primary energy, and can overcome inertia. Its motions are spontaneous, or * A property of matter which causes it to remain in a state of rest or of motion. 2 18 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. spring from its own internal energy. So far from being caused by external influence, its movements are often in direct opposition to gravity, or any other force which we may imagine to act upon it. The motions of bioplasm are of three kinds : (1) Inherent motions of the individual particles among themselves. Each particle is as much alive as the whole mass, and the movements of each are spon- taneous. If a thread or filament of bioplasm be ex- amined in a powerful microscope, the motions of the particles may be observed by the granules of formed material (Sec. 5, Chap. II) which may be scattered through the mass. " As the passengers in a crowded street may go the full length of the street, or turn back, or stop and double, as many times as they wish, so do the particles move in the mass of bioplasm. Up, down, across, backward, and in all directions. — even through each other — do these molecules move, each impelled by its own inherent energy." * Observe another motion of bioplasm : (2) Constant change of shape. A piece of bio- plasm never remains at rest. If unconfined, its exter- nal appearance or shape is continually changing. This has been called amoeboid motion, from the name given to one of the simplest forms of living beings known, the Amoeba. Fig. 1. This appears to be simply a piece of bio- * •• Science of Life." Living and Non-living Matter. 10 plasm, or living jelly, yet it is a complete organism. Its organs, however, are all extemporaneous. It never retains the same outline or form, and it can project any part of its substance in the shape of an Fig. l. arm or branch, and if it touches any thing which may serve it as food, the rest of the body will flow around it and digest it. Indigestible parts it discards by flowing away from them. It literally swallows without a mouth, digests without a stomach, and moves without muscles, while a small fragment of its substance is capable of repeating the same things as an independent organism. Such living Amoebae are found in stagnant pools of water and many other places. Since every piece of bioplasm has similar changes of shape, it is agreed to call such changes amoeboid. (3) Wandering movements. As unconfined bio- plasm can flow along an arm or branch of its own body around its food, it can in the same manner change its position from place to place. In this way 20 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. the white blood-cells, described in Sec. 2, Chap. II, wander out of the blood-vessels in order to construct the various parts of the body as they may be needed. (Fig. 2.) 3. Another peculiarity of living matter is the power of nutrition and growth. The non-living in- creases in size by external additions, but bioplasm selects appropriate material from its food, (or pabu- lum,) changes the chemical relations of this material, Fig. 2. and appropriates it to its own structure in such a way that it grows from within. It is altogether different from the enlargement of a crystal, or of the increase of any thing without life. 4. Bioplasm can generate or reproduce its own kind of living matter. No living being exists which did not originate from living matter of a similar kind. Some persons have thought that they have seen the beginning of life in some forms of simple beings, originating by what has been called sponta- Living and Non-living Matter. 21 neons generation, bnt a careful examination proves them to have been mistaken. Microscopic living beings appear after a time in water where vegetable or animal matter has been left to decay, but we now know that their eggs or seeds, in the shape of very minute particles of bioplasm, are to be found in great numbers floating about in the air and in every collec- tion of water, and that these seeds or eggs retain their life-powers after having been subjected to boil- ing heat. Of course there was a first animal or vege- table of each kind, and some learned men think it w T as the offspring of another kind, not quite like it, by some sort of change of form or of activity, so that the more complicate forms sprang from more simple ones. This doctrine of " evolution," as it is called, has never been proved by facts, although the varieties existing in the same species, as the different kinds of dogs or pigeons, give it a sort of probability to some persons. All kinds of living beings, how- ever, spring from similar parents, and none have ever been known to change into other forms. The forms pictured upon the monuments of early Egyptian his- tory are similar to those of the present day. New varieties, not new kinds, may be produced by culture, as in the case of roses and other flowers, but such will return to their original form if allowed to grow wild. 5. The power of a living thing to preserve its own identity amid all the material changes which take 22 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. place, is entirely different from the power of mere matter. In Chap. II we learned that oxygen, hydro- gen, carbon, and nitrogen are found in every par- ticle of bioplasm, and that sometimes a few other chemical elements occur accidentally. Now these things do not remain quiet in living matter. Atom by atom they quickly pass through it. They are seized by the bioplasm as food, transformed into its own structure, and then are changed into formed material, as starch, wood, gum, oil, etc., in vegetables, and blood, muscle, bone, and nerve in animals. The formed material decays atom by atom and is cast off, to mingle again with the inorganic elements of the world. During all these changes the living being preserves its identity and power. Thus it is possible that an atom of oxygen or hydrogen may be cast off from some of the bioplasts of our own bodies, be wafted by the air to the sides of the Andes, be ap- propriated to the use of the bioplasm in one of the cinchona-trees, and return to us in the form of qui- nine, perhaps to cure us of ague. The possibilities of science exceed the most romantic imagination. The preservation of its identity shows that the life of bio- plasm differs from the atoms which come to and go from it. It does not depend upon the new ones, for it existed without them, nor upon the old ones, for it remains without them. Life is not matter, but matter's master. Different Kinds of Living Hattek. 23 *&* Of THU^^S pIJVMSITy] OHAPTEE IV.^ DIFFERENT kinds of living matter. 1. We have learned in former lessons that the ele- mentary particles of living matter look alike and have the same essential composition, although they may belong to different kinds of living beings, and may serve very different purposes. 2. Different bioplasts produce different forms of living things by the special instincts (or tendencies) belonging to each kind. These different forms are arranged, or classified, in Botany and Zoology, not only for convenience of study, but as far as possible in accordance with the plan of Creative Wisdom, which has assigned to each its place in the order of nature. 3. The thousands of different kinds of vegetables and animals could not be remembered ; but by group- ing certain kinds together, which are in some respects similar, and by combining these groups with others, naturalists are able to form something like an orderly system. Such a system will be a natural system if the grouping be according to existing resemblances or true affinities, otherwise it will be an artificial system. An illustration of a natural system of classification may be 24 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. found in a house, considered as a building. Let us suppose that all kinds of houses may be referred to one or other of three types, or general plans — the Oriental type with a dome roof, the Grecian type with a flat roof, or the Gothic type with a pointed roof. We select a house of the Grecian type. But there are several classes of the same type, as made of wood, iron, or stone. Our supposed house is a wooden one. But there are several orders in each class. Thus we may have Pine, Oak, Mahogany, etc. The house we are considering is built of oak. In each order there are other groups, or genera. The doors may be at the front or at the side. Of the kind, or genus, having the door at the front, there are more specific kinds, according to the resident. In our supposed case, the specific house is John Smith's. Thus, if we have rightly classified we have learned that John Smith's kind, or species, of house, is of the genus, or group, which has front doors belonging to the larger group, or order, of houses built of oak. This again is grouped in the class of wooden houses under the Grecian type. In a similar manner naturalists try to group to- gether living things according to their real relation- ships. All systems, however, are imperfect, on ac- count of our imperfect knowledge, and we need not be surprised to find one naturalist referring a form to a group very different from that to which it is Different Kinds of Living Matter. 25 referred in the scheme of another, since men differ greatly, not only in knowledge, but in opinion. Types represent general plans of structure. Classes are formed by the special modification of a type. Orders are groups of the same class related by a com- mon structure. A Family or Genus is a still smaller group having generally the same essential structure. A Species is the smallest group whose structure is constant. Species are so much alike that they may have descended from the same parents. Individuals are the units of organic life, forming a complete ani- mate existence. Peculiarities of races or breeds are called varieties. Vegetables and animals are distin- guished from each other by the term Kingdom, and the types in each kingdom are called Sub-kingdoms. 4. The names which naturalists use to designate kinds or groups of living things are formed from the Latin or the Greek language. There -are good rea- sons for this. In the modern languages common things have many different names. But the majority of plants and animals are new or rare, and have no name in any modern language. If there must be a new name it may as well be Latin or Greek as any other. Then the latter languages have the advantage of ex- pressing by their combinations some peculiarity which is distinctive, and which is readily recognized by the learned. As to the difficulty of learning these terms, it is only apparent. They can easily be mastered by 26 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. application. The terms of natuiftl science are no more difficult than those of geography or of history. 5. The types, or general plans of structure, found in vegetable Biology may be described briefly as follows : 1.) Protophytes, (Greek protos, first, and phuton, a plant.) The first or simplest forms of plants — vege- tables composed of a single cell, or mass of bioplasm. 2.) Thallogens, (Gr. ihallus, a frond, or vegetable expansion, and ginomai, to produce or grow.) Plants composed of a tissue of cells, or bioplasts, but with no clear distinction of stem, root, and leaves. 3.) Acrogens, (Gr. akra, summit, and ginomai, to grow.) Plants which grow at the summit only, and not in diameter. 4.) Endogens, (Gr. endon, within, and ginomai, to grow.) Plants whose vessels and woody libers first grow within the stem. The seed has but a single lobe, or cotyledon. 5.) Exogens, (Gr. exo, outward, and ginomai, to grow.) Plants whose woody fibers grow in outer lay- ers. The seed has two lobes, or cotyledons. Under these five types or plans of structure all the multitudes of plants which clothe the earth or dwell in the sea can be arranged. Individual Vegetable Cells. 27 CHAPTEE V. individual vegetable cells. 1. The elementary masses of bioplasm (Sec. 2, Chap. II) are usually called cells, even if they are merely pieces of animated jelly, uninclosed by an outside shell or membrane. Some of these cells remain un- connected with others during their entire life, and multiply by self-division. Others have a living or vital connection with neighboring cells, so as to form tissues and organs. In this chapter we shall consider the vegetable cell as an individual — its various ap- pearances and its activities. 2. It is not easy to distinguish between the cell, or living matter, of an animal and a vegetable. Some cells appear like animals at one part of their lives and like vegetables at another part. After long study learned naturalists have agreed that the principal dif- ference between animals and plants is that the latter can be nourished by simple mineral or chemical (that is, unorganized) matter, while animal nutrition re- quires material which has been organized, or made part of a living being. 3. Most vegetable cells produce a membrane, or cell- wall, on the outside, within which the living matter 28 Easy Lessons m Vegetable Biology. is, as it were, imprisoned, although certain openings, or pores, may be left in the cell-wall for the pur- pose of communication. There is also a concentra- tion of living matter within the cell, called a nucleus, and sometimes a still further concentration within the nucleus, called a nucleolus, (or little nucleus.) The bioplasm, also, within the cell, differs in density, that next to the wall of the cell being thicker, or more mucilaginous, than the rest. This latter part, or lay- er, has been called the primordial utricle, or original bag. Fig. 3 will give a general idea of the element- ary vegetable cell. 4. The cell-wall referred to in the last paragraph is composed of a substance somewhat like starch, called Cellulose. This is often thickened by de- posits inside, layer after Fig. 3. layer. When it becomes solid it is known as woody tissue. Common wood is made up of a number of these cells arranged side by side. 5. In cells with thin membranes, the inherent mo- tion of the bioplasm (Chap. Ill, Sec. 2) can often be seen with the microscope. This motion has been called circulation, but it is an irregular motion of the particles, sometimes slower, sometimes advancing, now Individual Vegetable Cells. 29 retreating, now stopping, or beginning again, in a way differing from all non-living matter. (Fig, 4.) Fiff. 4. 6. Sometimes the cell-wall has a deposit of material, (silica}) or of other mineral matter, is often beautifully marked with lines and dots. Different species of plants produce different pat- terns of these deposits, as represented in the figures of Diatoms in Chap. VII. 7. The cell-wall is often ir- regularly thickened by a de- posit inside, so as to present different appearances in (lif- erent cells. In the Pine and Fir tribe the pores in the wall of the wood-cells are sur- rounded by concave spaces or depressions. (Fig. 5.) Fig. 5. flinty which 30 Easy Lessons m Vegetable Biology. In other cases the more solid matter is deposited so as to form dots, or rings, or spiral fibers, on the cell- wall. (Figs. 6 and 7.) 8. Fig. 6. Vegetable cells are of according Fig. 7. various shapes, to the purposes which they serve or the pressure to which they have been subjected. They may be glob- ular, oval, conical, prismatic, cylindrical, branched, Fig. 8.— Various forms of cells : a. Conical, b. Oval. c. Prismatic, d Cylindric. €. Sinuous. /. Branched, g. Entangled, h, Stellate, i. Fibro-cellular tissue. Individual Vegetable Cells. 31 star-shaped, hour-glass shaped, disk-shaped, tubular, many-sided, or of any other form. (Fig. 8.) 9. The bioplasm within the cell-wall may be trans- formed into a great variety of formed material, mak- ing special cell-contents. These may be solid, as col- oring matter, starch, crystals, and resin ; or fluid, as oil and gum, or solutions of sugar or tannin. The most important of these substances is called Chloro- phyll, (Gr. chloros, green; phyllon, a leaf,) or the source of the green color of plants. It is com- posed of a peculiar coloring matter intimately united with separate particles of bioplasm, which, under the influence of sunlight, causes the absorption of car- bonic acid gas from the air, which is necessary to nourish the plant. Starch is also an important prod- uct of vegetable cells, even more widely distributed than chlorophyll. It seems to be stored up in the cells as a reserve food-material for the use of the new cells which are subsequently formed, hence it oc- curs in large quantities in seeds, bulbs, and tubers. (Fig. 9.) Crystals of oxalate of lime often occur in cells, as well as acid substances and alkaloids, like strychnine, quinine, etc., dissolved in the cell-sap. It is remarkable that such different materials as cellulose, rig. 9. 32 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. chlorophyll, starch, gum, resin, oil, etc., may be pro- duced from similar cells under the influence of the same environment, and equally exposed to heat, moisture, and electricity. (Fig. 10.) 10. Cells generate by self -multiplication. One will divide into two or more pieces of bioplasm, which w T ill assume the form and function of the orig- inal cell in the sim- pler forms of plants, or may take a dif- ferent shape and use Fig. 10.-*, b Cells of a potato, containing fa the p l an t 8 which etai-ch. c. Starch -grains apart d, e,f. Wheat- r starch in different positions. are CO mpOSed of mi- merous cells. If the mother-cell, as it is called, pos- sesses a nucleus, the self -division is preceded by the formation of new nuclei, one for each of the daugh- ter-cells. Sometimes the self -division of the bioplasm is produced by the projection of a sort of bud, which is separated from the parent mass. If the newly- formed cells retain a vital connection with each other, cellular structures, or tissues, of various sorts are produced. The most complete development of this kind occurs in the higher types of plants. The Cell as a Member of a Group. 33 CHAPTER VI. THE VEGETABLE CELL AS A MEMBER OP A GROUP. 1. Only a comparatively small number of plants consist of a single cell. These are the simplest forms of plant life. In the greater number of vegetables the cells are united into groups. Cell-families may originate from a single mother-cell, and remain for a time closely connected, or contiguous, yet each daughter-cell preserves its own individuality, and may originate a new colony. Such cell-families only occur in the lowest classes of plants. In the higher classes the union of cells which forms tissues and or- gans is permanent, and the separate cells are often so closely united as to form a single cavity or vessel; the cell-walls of young contiguous cells fusing into a common mass, or cells originally distinct uniting in those parts of the walls which are in contact. This union is so strong as only to be destroyed by chemical agents which dissolve the cell-wall. Yet sometimes cells which have partially united separate from eacli other, forming a cavity. These spaces also may be grouped together so as to form passages, or air-canals. 2. The woody fibers of plants, and the cellular tissue which makes the softer, fleshy, and pithy parts, 34 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. are made by the union of cells into groups. Obser- vation has shown that in the higher plants new- cells are not produced every-where uniformly, but in particular spots. To places of this kind the terms growing-point and growing, or formative, layer have been applied. Growing-points may be seen in the tips of buds, and formative layers between the wood and bark of trees. The names formative or generat- ing tissue have been given to the tissue which is here formed by the division and union of cells. A tissue in which the cells are not capable of self -division is called a permanent tissue. 3. In direct contrast to the generating tissues are the healing tissues, or cork tissues. In these the cells lose their cell-sap, and the cellulose of the walls be- comes converted into cork, which is of great im- portance as the true healing tissue of plants. This is formed like a cushion, or callus, over the surface of a wound in a tree. The cuttings of the cochineal cactus would decay at once if set in the ground with the surface of the wounds fresh. They are therefore laid for some time in the sun, in order that a cork tissue may be formed, which closes the wound and prevents decay. Such facts not only prove that the living vegetable is governed by other than invariable mechanical forces, but are also mute prophecies of higher truths revealed to the human intelligence in God's word relative to the healing of the soul. The Cell as a Member of a Group. 35 4. Vessels are made by the union of several cells, the partition-walls disappearing while the union continues at the margin. Such vessels may be dotted, reticula- ted, annular, or spiral, from the deposit on the cell- wall. Chap. V, Sec. 7. (See Fig. 11.) ^Bast-tubes, or bast- fibers, are long, point- ed, thick- walled tubes, commonly united into bundles. In hemp, flax, etc., they form textile fibers, and they are sometimes united in the inner layer of bark so as to form a kind of lace, as in the lace-bark of the West Fig. it, Indies. Sieve-tubes, or bast-vessels, result from the joining of cells standing one above the other, the partition-walls of which have become perforated. Some have sieve-like perforations through their side walls. Other vessels are simple or branched tubes, often making a net-work, and containing a sort of milky fluid called latex. This latter contains different sub- stances in different plants, as gum, resin, opium, in- dia-rubber, etc. 5. In addition to the groups of cells which form 36 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. tissues and vessels, other smaller groups are found, with receptacles formed by passages between the cells. According to - the nature of the substance secreted these spaces are called oilpassages, resin- passages, camphor-glands, resin-glands, etc. The term nectaries, or honey-glands, is given to any part of a flower which secretes honey or sugary fluid. 6. The first independent tissue formed in flowering plants by the union of cells is the epidermis or skin. The outer layer of epidermal cells is transformed into a thin, structureless membrane called the cuticle. The form of the cells varies in different plants, but they are usually flat or tubular, but sometimes pro- jecting like little knobs or bladders, which gives a velvety or glistening appearance to the leaf or flower. Among the epider- mic cells are found pores, each of which is called a stoma, or mouth. (Plural, sto- mata.) These are in- closed by two or four cells, which are cres- cent-shaped, and dis- tinguished from other epidermal cells by their smaller size and by containing chlorophyll. Fig. 12. The Cell as a Member of a Group. 37 These cells are thought to regulate evaporation by their expansion. (Fig. 12,) Hairs are epidermal structures, composed of one or more cells. Under this general term may be in- cluded prickles, scales, stinging-hairs, and glands. Some secrete volatile oil, and others, as the nettle, an acrid fluid. Fig. 13 exhibits some of their forms. Fig. 13. 7. Next to the epidermis we find the cortex, or bark, often composed of cells containing starch or chlorophyll. Yessels containing latex (Sec. 4) and glands, as well as sap-passages between cells, may also occur in it. In some plants, masses of cork may be found in the bark or beneath it. In such the outer parts die and the bark peels off. 8. Beneath the bark is the formative layer or 38 East Lessons in Vegetable Biology. cambium, (Sec. 2,) in which thin-walled cells become transformed into vascular or bast-cells, (Sec. 4,) and these are changed into permanent cells. Groups of cells are thus formed which, united into bundles, penetrate the rest of the tissue, forming the fibro- vascular bundles. The development of these bundles is characteristic of different types of plants. The simpler types have no fibro-vascular bundles, and are called Cellular Plants / the rest are termed Vascular Plants. 9. The fundamental tissue generally consists of thin-walled cells containing starch, although other forms of cells may be present. In plants which have no fibro-vascu- lar bundles the whole interior may be regard- ed as funda- mental tissue. In other plants it fills up the spaces between the bundles and within the bark. In the type of Endogens (Ch. IY, Sec. 5) this tissue is most devexoped, while in Ex- ogens it occupies a smaller portion of the structure. Fig. 14. The Cell as a Member of a Group. 39 In the latter it generally forms a central pith, con- nected with the bark by more or less developed Fig. 14*. portions of cellular tissue, called the medullary rays. (Figs. 14 and 14£.) 10. These various ele- ments of plants, consisting of different forms of cells, tissues, and fibro-vascular bundles, are arranged in each species in a characteristic manner, so that it is often possible to recognize the species from a small fragment of the plant. For this purpose small trans- parent sections of a stem are prepared, cut in three different ways — transversely, longitudinally through the center, and a section parallel to the last. These are mounted on glass slips, three inches long by one wide, saturated with Canada balsam or other preserv- ative fluid, and covered with very thin glass for microscopic examination. 40 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. CHAPTEE VII. PROTOPHYTES, OR THE SIMPLEST FORMS OF PLANTS. 1. The simplest form of individual plant life is a particle of living matter inclosed in a membrane or cell-wall. Chap. V, Sec. 4. Such plants are called one-celled. Some of these remain entirely distinct from other cells, others form cell-families (Chap. VI, Sec. 1) in a sort of gelatinous investment, while other kinds form a sort of fiber or rod by the adhesion of cells end to end. As each cell in these different kinds is capable of independent life and growth they are all classed as unicellular. 2. The green slime which grows on stones or boards in damp places contains many of these one- celled plants. One of the simplest forms is shown in Fig. 15. It is often found in rain-water casks, and is called the Pro- Fig. is. tococcus — from Protophytes. 41 two Greek words : jprotos, first, and coccus, a berry. Each cell is round, and varies in color from bright green to bright red, according to the nature of the coloring matter diffused in the form of granules through the bioplasm. It requires a microscope to see the form and structure of these cells. Each cell is a perfect plant, and like all vegetables which con- tain chlorophyll, (Chap. Y, Sec. 9,) under the influence of sunlight, breaks up the carbonic acid gas which it absorbs from the air, retaining the carbon and giving off the oxygen. In the dark, however, all plants ab- sorb ox}^gen and give off carbonic acid, rendering it unsafe to have many plants in a sleeping-room, since carbonic acid gas is unfit for respiration by men and animals. The cell-wall of the protococcus is quite transpar- ent, and if burst will allow the bioplasm and the granules of red or green chlorophyll to escape. The cells multiply by self -division, each one producing two, four, eight, or sixteen cells. These new cells differ from the parent cell in not remaining quiet or still, but having the power of active movement. They swim about like animals by means of two fila^ ments or cilia, (Lat. cilium, an eyelash.) These moving cells may also subdivide into smaller ones which have been called by botanists zoospores, (Gr. zoos, life, and sporon, seed,) or living seeds. Many of the moving cells, however, lose their cilia and 42 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. become stationary. In this state the cell-wall may thicken, and the pond where it dwells dry up, but the mass of bioplasm in the cell may retain dormant life for years, and be ready to resume its work as soon as moisture and warmth shall set it free. Many of these resting cells, with red chorophyll, are found occasionally in the snow of northern re- gions, or near the tops of high mountains, perhaps Fig. 16. carried there by winds, and, finding moisture and sun- light, multiply themselves so rapidly as to color the snow by their multitudes. This forms what is known as "Ked Snow." Similar cells may grow rapidly in damp places and form masses which look like coagu- lated blood. In this way we may account for the so- called showers of blood which have sometimes alarmed the superstitious. 3. Another kind of primitive plants may be found Photophytes. 43 as green fibers or threads in almost every running stream. The microscope will show the cells of these fibers applied end to end— the cells at each end mul- tiplying by self-division. In another kind, adjacent cells grow together, and the green chlorophyll and bioplasm mix in one of the cells, forming a sort of spore, or seed, which produces a new filament by cell- division. (Fig. 16.) 4. The unicellular plants most interesting to those who study with the microscope are called Diatoms, (from two Greek words signifying to cut through,) because of the ease with which a chain of them may be broken up into individual cells. These cells con- tain chlorophyll, generally of a brownish color, and the external membrane, or cell- wall, is hardened by a deposit of flinty matter. There are many kinds of Diatoms, with flinty shells, beautifully marked with lines and dots, often surpassing the most complicate patterns of art. Some are globular in shape, some flat with sides like a pill-box, others square, triangu- lar, boat-shaped, etc. They move about in the water, so that some have thought them to be animals. Many are so minute as to require the very finest micro- scope to make out their details. Each cell consists of two valves, or plates, applied together like the valves in a muscle-shell. Fig. 17 shows a valve of one of the most ornamental diatoms— the Arachnoidiscns EJirenhergii. The first of these words signifies a disk 44 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. built like a spider's web, and is applied to the genus. The second word refers to the name of a distinguished Fig. 17. naturalist, and names the species — the Arachnoidiscus of Ehrenberg. This example illustrates how the vari- ous kinds of organisms are named. In Fig. 18 there are examples of three other kinds of diatoms. In the living state diatoms are found abundantly in every pond, rivulet, ocean, and rock-pool. They often make immense deposits by their rapid multi- plication, and in a fossil state they form large strata of rock material. Under the cities of Richmond and Protophytes. 45 Petersburg, in Virginia, is such a stratum 20-40 feet thick. 5. Each kind, or species, of unicellular plants, like every other organic form, has endowments or in- stincts of its own. One sort remains a rounded cell, Fig. 18. or changes to a motile one. Another becomes elon- gated, and distributes its coloring matter inside in spiral form. Others appropriate glassy flint from their food, and deposit it in beautiful patterns upon their outer cell-wall. Each cell, however, in this type of Protophytes is capable of independent life apart from the rest, and may be considered as a complete individual. 46 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. CHAPTER VIII. THALLOGENS, OR DIVISION OF LABOR IN PLANTS. 1. In the plants which we have been considering each cell is an individual, but in all other kinds the plant, or individual, is made up of many cells, each one of which has a special work to do. Some belong to the root, some to the axis, or stem, and others to the leaves, flowers, or seeds. In the type of Thal- logens there is no very accurate division of root, stem, leaves, and flowers, and the whole plant is called a thallus, a frond, or green expansion. Under this type we find the classes of Algce, or Sea-weeds; Lichens, or the dry, leafy, or mossy patches on trees, stones, etc. ; and Fungi, or mushrooms, molds, and their allies. 2. The Algce, or Sea-weeds, have been divided into three orders, the Red, the Olive, and the Green sea-weeds. In the more complicate forms we find a > sort of distinction of root, stem, and leaf, which re- minds us of still higher plants, but the distinction is more apparent than real, since the root and stem serve little other use than the mere mechanical at- tachment of the plant. The whole plant is made up of cells, and there are no proper vessels. Chap. VI, Thallogens. 47 Sec. 4. These external resemblances seem uncon- scious prophecies of forms which prove that all living things have been formed upon an intelligent plan. The cells of algce multiply by self-division, and are of various forms. Some absorb nourishment, or secrete various materials, or serve merely for growth, while others are appropriated to the reproduction of the species, which in some instances has a very com- plicated method. 3. The class of Fungi contains a large number of different kinds, some quite simple and others complex in structure. These organisms have so many pecul- iarities that some scientists regard them as neither animal nor vegetable, but as forming a sort of third kingdom. They have a similar cellular form to vege- tables, but they have no chlorophyll, as green vegeta- bles have ; light is not necessary to their growth as it is to vegetables ; and, like animals, they need organic sub- stances for food. It has been found that they are the agents of fermentation and putrefaction, and their prin- cipal business seems to be the removal of the waste ma- terial of both animal and vegetable life. They are universal scavengers. The simplest forms of Fungi, or the Molds, resemble Protophytes, except in the ab- sence of chlorophyll. The yeast-plant is one of these forms. It is simply a round or oval cell which mul- tiplies rapidly by putting forth buds and by self -di- vision. It is the cause of fermentation in all sugary 48 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. solutions. Bacteria of different kinds are minute fungi, similar to the yeast-plant, but living in solu- tions of animal matter, in which their growth causes putrefaction. Recent studies render it likely that the more simple forms are but imperfectly developed stages in the life-history of other kinds. Fig. 19 shows the appearance of bacteria when greatly mag- nified. All fungi are made up of elongated cells, sometimes branching and sometimes membranous or riii 11 — \ — r At ^ Fig. 19. pulpy, forming a mycelium, or spawn, and rounded cells forming spores, or seeds, which may be supported on filaments or contained in sacs. The common mushroom is one of the larger fungi, and the white or green mold on preserves, cheese, etc., an example of the minuter kinds. Many diseases of plants and animals are associated with the presence of fungi. Mildew and rust in wheat, the potato-blight, the false membrane in diph- theria, and many other evidences of diseased action, Thallogens. 49 seem to depend upon the growth of these parasites. In many cases, however, it is not fully ascertained whether the hacteria, or other fungus, is the cause of the diseased condition, or is present, because of the disease, to remove the decaying material. 4 50 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. CHAPTEE IX. ACROGENS, OR PLANTS WHICH G&OW AT THE SUMMIT. 1. In fresh-water ponds and rivers, growing in tangled masses of a dull green color, we may often Fig. 20. find plants with stems about as thick as a stout needle, but perhaps three or four feet long, with branchlets (improperly called leaves) arranged in whorls at regu- lar intervals upon the axis. These are the stone-worts, AcROGENS. 51 consisting of two genera, Cham and Nitella. In the latter the stem is a simple tube, but in Chara the central or axial cell is surrounded in a spiral manner by others. In Chara, also, the stem is incrusted by carbonate of lime. Fig. 20 will sufficiently illustrate their forms. The points on the axis, or stem, from which the branchlets spring, are called nodes, and the intervening parts are the internodes. These stone-worts illustrate the manner of growth in the type of Acrogens. Each internode is formed by the growth and elongation of single cells. The terminal bud is also formed by a single cell, which subdivides into two. One of the latter forms the in- ternode, while the other subdivides into lateral cells, which by continual division produce the branchlets. After a time the terminal cell in the latter is incapa- ble of further division, but in the stem the process continues indefinitely. (Fig. 21.) These stone-worts are also reproduced by cer- ' tain organs which grow at certain parts of the axis. These organs are of two kinds, oval spor- angia, or spore-fruits, and antheridia, or or- gans which contain fila- ments corresponding to __ Fig. 21. 52 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. the anthers, or male organs, of flowering plants. The cells of each antheridium contain little swimming bodies called antherozoids, (living anthers.) (Fig. 22.) These coiled up anther- ozoids twist and turn about until they escape from the cell and swim in the fluid by means of their two cilia. They find their way to the spore-cases, and by coales- cence form the oospore, (the egg-spore, or embryo,) from which the future plant is Fig. 22. derived. When we consider the power of motion in these organs and others simi- lar to them, we are obliged to admit that sharp lines of distinction between plants and animals are impos- sible in these apparently simple forms. The growing spore of the stoneworts gives off two filaments, one of which serves as a temporary root, while a cell in the other produces a group of lateral projections from which the young plant springs. This temporary structure is termed the pro-embryo, and something similar to this is common to all the Acrogens. 2. Ferns form another family of Acrogens, or sum- mit-growers. Their various species are admired for their beautiful fronds, often improperly called leaves, and books of collectors often grace the parlor table. ACROGENS. 53 They vary in size, from the Tree-ferns of the tropics, which may be fifty or sixty feet high, to the delicate Maiden-hair fern of the shady dell. In temperate climes ferns have usually a simple or branched un- der-ground stem, called a rhizome ^ a root-stalk, from which grow root-hairs and fronds. The epidermis of the stem is of brownish hue, and when young and above ground is provided with stomata. Chap. VI, Sec. 6. As in higher plants, the general cellular structure consists of many-sided cells, containing Fig. 23. chlorophyll and starch granules. There are also ves- sels, (annular, spiral, and scalariform, or ladder-like,) and fibrous or woody tissue, together forming the harder tissues. Fig. 23 illustrates the growth of a fern at the summit, together with the metamorphosis of the ter- minal cell into the various tissues. In flowering plants the terminal cell of the leaf -bud becomes barren, and the enlargement of the leaf de- pends on the multiplication and growth of cells 54 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. nearer the base, but in the fern the frond grows as the stem does, so that the peduncle, or stalk, is first formed, then the embryo frond, then the pinnules, or wings, etc. Underneath the frond of a fern we may sometimes see little brown patches. Each patch is called a sorus, (plural, sori.) It is sometimes covered by a mem- brane called an indusium, and the little brown bodies constituting it are spore-cases which have been de- veloped from epidermal cells. An elastic ring sur- rounds each spore-case and assists in opening it. The growth of the minute spores in the spore-cases may be watched from time to time under the microscope. The little spore swells and bursts, and sends out a rootlet into the soil. Then a number of delicate cells are formed from the mother-cell in the spore, making a little green scale, which throws out rootlets on its under side. This jprothallium (as it is called) pro- duces two kinds of cells, one set which contains spiral filaments which escape and, by apparently spontane- ous movements enter the others, or germ-cells, from which the future fern is produced. Fig. 24 gives a good representation of the various parts in the structure and life-history of a fern. 3. Mosses are also examples of plants which grow at the tip, or summit. They are minute and lowly plants, but are by no means insignificant. They have distinct axes of growth, and their delicate leaves are AcEOGENS. 55 arranged with great regularity. The stem shows some indication of the separation of a bark-like portion from the pith-like, by the intervention of a circle of bundles of elongated cells, from which branches pass into the leaves, so as to afford them a sort of midrib. Fie. 24. The root-fibers are long, tubular cells, quite trans- parent, within which the circulation of bioplasm may be seen. 56 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. The stems of mosses usually terminate in filaments, each supporting an urn-shaped vessel closed by a lid. The urn is covered by a cap, or hood. Under the lid the edge of the urn has a toothed fringe, and within the urn, or spore-capsule, are double-coated spores. (Fig. 25.) Fig. 25. In producing new plants, the outer coat of the spore bursts and the inner wall protrudes. New cells grow from the extremity, forming a filament, whose cells at certain points multiply by subdivision, so as to form rounded clusters, from each of which an in- dependent plant may arise. The minuteness of the spores of mosses and similar plants accounts for their general distribution, even in ACROGENS. 57 the most distant and barren places. Bare rocks raised from the bottom of the sea, and lava-flows from the tops of volcanoes, marshes and dry mountain-tops, are soon covered by mosses and their allies. 58 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. CHAPTER X. ENDOGENS, OR INSIDE-GROWERS. 1. Grasses, rushes, lilies, and palms, with similar families of plants, are found in the type of Endogens, Chap. IV, Sec. 5. This term was given to them because it was thought that their woody and vascular fibers grew from the inside, and pushed the earlier- formed bundles of fibers toward the circumference of the stem. More exact examinations have shown that the fibro-vascular bundles grow within the cellu- lar or fundamental tissue, turn first inward toward the center or pith, and then bend outward and pass into the leaves. In grasses the cells of the center dis- appear except at the nodes, (Chap. IX, Sec. 1,) leav- ing the stem hollow. 2. Endogens are often called Monocotyledons, (Greek monos, one, and Tcotyledon, a seed-lobe,) be- cause the young plant has but a single seed-lobe. Exogens have two seed-lobes, as we may see in a sprouting bean or pea, and are called Dicotyledons, (Gr. dis, two.) Acrogens and Thallogens have no seed-lobe at all, but are propagated by cellular spores, and are called Acotyledons, (Gr. a, without.) 3. In Endogens and Exogens we find a more com- Endogkns. 5f> plete development of the root, stem, and leaves than in the other types, giving a character to the external form of plants which enables us to recognize them and place them in a natural system of classification. It is therefore appropriate here to consider these structures in as brief and comprehensive manner as possible. 4. If a pea or bean be soaked in water, and the leathery skin be stripped off, two large fleshy masses will be seen (the cotyledons) inclosing a small cylin- drical body, (the axis,) which bears two minute leaves at its extremity. The cotyledons and axis together constitute the embryo. In the growing plant the stem grows from the axis upward and the root downward, and the leaves develop only on the ascending part of the axis and not on the root. In the growing stem the terminal cells (#, Fig. 26, A) multiply and enlarge. They fur- nish new cells to the cambium layer, or that between the bark and FJg.2C. 60 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. wood of Exogens. Chap. VI. Sec. 8. In the root, the multiplying cells are not quite at the extremity. A sort of cap is formed, which receives additions to its interior and pushes out the layers external to them. Thus the new-formed tissue is protected from the rough soil. (Fig. 26, B, C.) Sometimes the ab- sorbing activity of the points of the root-hairs is so great that particles of soil actually unite with them, to be afterward dissolved by the cell-sap. 5. The primary root is that which is formed by the downward elongation of the axis. It is in a line with the stem. It is called a tap-root when it is thicker than the branches which spring from it, and may be fusiform or spindle-shaped like the carrot, napiform or turnip-shaped as the radish or turnip, filiform or threadlike, or cylindrical. Secondary or lateral roots are those which spring laterally from the stem or primary root, as the clasping roots of ivy. Sometimes the primary root is undeveloped, or dies, and is replaced by secondary roots. In grasses these are filiform, and are called fibrous roots. Sometimes secondary roots become tuberous or fasciculated, (swollen in the middle, or at intervals,) as in the dahlia, etc. All roots are more or less branched, and are covered with delicate root-hairs. If the branches of the root run near the surface of the ground, they are called creeping roots. 6. The stem is that part of the plant which bears Endogens. 01 the leaves, flowers, and fruit. Some plants are ap- parently stemless, from this part remaining very short and undeveloped in proportion to the roots and leaves, as in the primrose. The woody stem or trunk characterizes trees and shrubs. A simple unbranched trunk, as the palm, is called a candex. The scape is a leafless stem bearing only flowers, and belonging to a so-called stemless plant. It may bear only a single flower, as the tulip, or several, as the hyacinth and lily of the valley. Sometimes stems send out run- ners or branches which run above the ground, and send out adventitious roots from their nodes or ex- tremities which develop perfect plants, as the straw- berry. The rhizome is an under-ground stem, send- ing up branches into the air. The tuber is a thick- ened, fleshy under-ground stem, as the potato, in which we may find buds or eyes concealed in depressions. The lull is also fleshy, but has scales surrounding the solid base or •dish of the stem, or attached to its apex. "When the disk is large and surrounded by only a few leaves, as in the crocus, it is called a corm. Bulbs may be squamose or scaly, tunicated as in the onion, fibrous, etc. The length of life of the stem and roots may be only a single year, or annual; two years, or liennial; or a number of years, or perennial. The trunk or woody stem of Exogens, or outside- growers, shows on a transverse section a number of 62 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. circles of fibro- vascular bundles, with cellular rays passing from the pith to the bark. Chap. VI, Sees. 9, 10. These circles are supposed to indicate the layers of annual growth, but this is quite uncertain. Some- times two or more circles are formed in a year. The diameter and height attained by some E^xogens may be very great. The Big-Tree Grove, in Calaveras County, California, contains trees from 350 to 400 feet high, and 33 feet in diameter. The stems of Endogens, or inside-growers, exhibit in their sections no distinct pith, no concentric circles, no medullary rays, and no separable bark. 7. Stems produce buds, which may be regarded as shortened axes, capable of elongation. According to the organs which result from their development, they are termed stem-buds, leaf -buds, and Jtoicer-buds. They are terminal if produced at the extremity of the primary axis, and lateral if at the sides of the axis. In palms and tree-ferns the bufls are termi- nal, and if the top of the stem is cut off the plants perish. Buds are often protected by coarse leaves or scales, which may be covered with hairs, or with gummy or resinous matter for additional pro- tection. Buds often lie dormant, and do not appear as branches unless stimulated by some local injury to the plant ; others are altered into thorns. Thorns are undeveloped branches, and many plants which are Endogens. 63 thorny when wild are not so nnder cultivation. Thorns differ from prickles, which are hardened hairs. 8. Lewes are constituted of cells, with cavities, fibro-vascular bundles, and epidermis. (Fig. 27.) Fig. 27. The veins in a leaf are the vascular parts, and their distribution differs in the types of Endogens and Exogens, so as to afford a ready means of discrimina- tion. The veins in the leaves of Endogens are gen- erally parallel or straight, and do not form a network as in Exogens. (Fig. 28.) When two leaves are at the same level, one on each side of the stem, they are called opposite; when a circle of leaves is thus produced it is called a whorl. When there is only one leaf on the same level the G4 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. leaves are alternate or scattered. Irregular as the latter mode may appear in different plants, observa- tion shows that it is tolerably uniform in each species. If a spiral line (or thread) is drawn round the stem connecting the points of attach- ment of the leaves, and these are marked on the spiral, it is found that in any par- ticular species there is a definite number of leaves on any given number of turns made by the spiral round the stem. In the peach and plum the cycle made by the leaves directly above each other em- braces five leaves, and the spiral goes twice round the branch. This is expressed by the formula £, In the alder three leaves form the cycle, and the spiral has but a single turn on the stem. This is represented by the fraction £. Covering-leaves are so called because they cover or protect other parts, as the scales of buds, and bracts, or leaves in axils of which flowers are placed. The leaf-stalk is called a petiole. When it is absent the leaf is said to be sessile. At the base of the petiole flat leaf-like ap- pendages are often found, called stipules. Leaves are said to be sinvple when the blade is composed of one piece, however irregular may be its Fig. 28. Endogens. 65 shape, and compound when divided into distinctly separate parts, or leaflets, connected with the petiole by secondary petioles. Leaves may be lanceolate, or narrow and tapering; oblong, or narrow and not tapering ; cordate, or heart- shaped; sagittate, or arrow-shaped; ovate, or egg- shaped, etc. A compound leaf having leaflets placed laterally is called pinnate. If the leaflets are them- selves divided, it is bipinnate, and a further division of the leaflets is tripinnate. Sometimes a compound leaf is triple, or ternate, etc. When a ternate leaf divides twice it is biternate ; when thrice, triter- nate. It is not uncommon to find on the same plant leaves of different forms. The radical leaves, or those which grow from the lower part of the stem, are often different from the upper ones. The function, or use, of leaves is to expose the juices of the plant to light and air, and thus aid in forming the woody matter of the stem and the vari- ous secretions. If the leaves are excluded from air and light, as is the case in crowded plantations, the wood is not properly formed. The same may be said of all the substances formed by the plant. Thus, potatoes grown in the shade, which impedes the ac- tion of the leaves, become watery, and produce little starch in their tubers. Leaves also exhale watery fluid, and by decompos- 5 66 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. ing carbonic acid gas are able to appropriate the car- bon as food, and return the oxygen to the air. Chap. V, Sec. 9. The length of life of leaves varies greatly. In temperate climates the majority of leaves fall off in the autumn, or are deciduous. In the so-called ever- green trees and shrubs they persist through the win- ter, and may even remain several years. 9. The root, stem, and leaves of a plant constitute its organs of nutrition. Fluid matters are taken up from the soil by the cells of the roots, these are con- veyed to the leaves, and under the influence of air and light are fitted for the purposes of plant life, and for the production of various materials, as starch, gum, sugar, woody matter, gluten, oils, and resins. Chap. V, Sec. 9. 10. The flower is the organ, or assemblage of or- gans, for the production of the seed. In Endogens and Exogens this structure is conspicuous, and they are hence called flowering plants, to distinguish them from other types. Fig. 29 illustrates the general structure and ar- rangement of parts in a flower. The poet Goethe taught that all the various parts of a plant are modi- fications of leaves. Not that they w r ere originally leaves and were transformed, but that they are formed of the same elements, arranged upon the same plan, and follow the same general laws as leaves. The Endogens. 67 parts of a flower are lience called floral leaves. These are usually arranged in four whorls. The outer whorl Fig. 29. is the calyx, the next the coroUa, the third the sta- mens, and the innermost the pistil. G8 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. The flowers of Exogens exhibit two Or five parts, or multiples of these numbers, in their whorls, while Endogens have three, or a multiple of three, in their whorls. In Exogens, also, the calyx is usually green and the corolla colored, but in Endogens both are often colored. The term perianth is generally applied to the floral envelopes of Endogens. The parts of the calyx, when separate, are called sepals, and the leaves of the corolla petals. Stamens have two parts, the filament, or stalk, and the anther, or broader portion, corresponding to a folded leaf, and containing fertilizing grains called pollen. The pistil is also made up of two parts, the ovary, containing ovules, or young seeds, and the stigma for the recep- tion of the pollen-grains. This latter is sometimes sessile, or resting on the ovary, and sometimes ele- vated on a stalk, or style. Some flowers have no stamens, and are called fe- male flowers; others have no pistils, and are male flowers. But these organs are always present, either on the same plant or on different plants. If the co- rolla is absent the flower is called incomplete, and if corolla and calyx are both absent it is naked. The position of the stamens in relation to the ovary is of botanical importance. Sometimes they are attached to the receptacle, or upper part of the flower-stalk. They are then below the ovary and free from it, as well as from the calyx, and are said to be hypogynous. Endogens. 69 or under the ovary. Sometimes they are attached to the calyx, but free from the ovary, and are called perigynous, or around the ovary. In other cases the stamens appear above the ovary, and are epigynous, or upon the ovary. In such instances the calyx is also epigynous. The grains of pollen when discharged from the anther are applied to the stigma, and in a short time send forth tube-like prolongations to the ovule in the ovary, by which means the embryo plant is formed. Many curious and beautiful arrangements are made to ensure the proper application of pollen to the upper part of the pistil. In some flowers the stamens have elastic filaments which are at first bent down and held by the calyx, but when the pollen is ripe the filaments jerk out and scatter the powder on the pistil. The agency of winds and of insects is made use of in some cases. In the hazel, where the pollen is in one set of flowers, the leaves might inter- fere with the application of pollen, hence they are not produced until it has been scattered. 11. The term fruit is applied, in botanical lan- guage, to the mature perfect pistil, whether dry or succulent. Fruits are formed in different ways. Some, as the pea and bean, consist solely of the slightly altered pistil ; others, as the grape, peach, and plum, have the pistil so changed as to be succulent. The gooseberry, currant, apple, and pear are formed by both pistil and calyx, a portion of the latter 70 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. remaining at the top of these fruits in the form of brownish scales. The hazel-fruit consists of the pis- til developed into the nut, with a covering of bracts called the husk. The cup of the acorn is also formed by bracts. In the strawberry, the succulent part is the enlarged receptacle, containing numerous small carpels, or fruits, often called seeds. The mulberry, pine-apple, bread-fruit, pine-cone, and fig are made up of numerous pistils formed by separate flowers and combined into a common mass. 12. The seed is usually contained in the seed-vessel or fruit. If there is no seed-vessel, as in the fir, the seed is said to be naked. In order that the seed may be complete, it must contain the rudiment of the young plant, or em~bryo. "When the seed is placed in favorable circumstances the little plant begins to germinate. Sec. 4. The phenomena of sprouting seed are well seen in the malting of barley. The grain is exposed to moisture, heat, air, and is kept in comparative darkness. These are favorable circumstances analogous to prepared soil. A change takes place in the contents of the grain. The starch, which is insoluble in water, and unfit for the nourishment of the plant, is converted into sugar, which is soluble, and easily absorbed by the bioplasm of the cells as food. The young roots are first protruded, and then the stem, surrounded by a leaf called a cotyledon, or seed-leaf. If the barley Endogens. 71 were allowed to grow, the wliole of the sugar would be used by the plant. But man wishes to get the sugar, and lie therefore stops the growth of the plant by drying it, and thus makes malt. 13. Grasses and Sedges are families of Endogens whose flowers have imbricated bracts, or scales, called glumes, instead of a colored perianth. (Fig. 30.) Among the grasses are classed the nutritious grains, as Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Rice, and Indian Corn. 14. The families of Palms and Bananas are also noted members of the type of En- dogens. (Fig. 31.) Linnaeus, the father of botan- ical science, called Grasses the Fig. 30. plebeians, and Palms the princes, of the vegetable world. The latter are certainly beautiful, and often gigantic, plants. As to utility it would be difficult to make a comparison. Various species of Palms are used for supplying food and for forming habitations. The fruit of some is edible. Many supply oil, wax, starchy matter, and sugar. Their fibers make ropes, and various utensils are formed from their wood or fruit. 15. The Orchid family has numerous species, re- markable for the variety of forms and brilliant colors Fig. 31 Fig. 32. Endogens. 73 in their flowers, which often resemble insects, birds, and lizards. The visits of insects are often needed for their fertilization. 16. The Lily family, including many garden flow- ers, as Tulips, and Lilies, (Fig. 32,) as well as such plants as the Onion, Squill, Aloes, and Asparagus, is a beautiful representative of the type of Endogens. Other families, as that of the Bulrushes, have in- complete flowers. 74 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. CHAPTER XL EXOGENS, OR OUTSIDE GROWERS. 1. Plants which produce woody and vascular layers near the circumference of the stem are very numer- ous, including about 70,000 different species. Between the woody layers, or rings, and the bark of such plants is a semi-fluid mucilaginous matter containing the new or growing cells. This layer is called the cambium layer. At the apex of the stem, and at that of the root, this layer is continuous with the cells of bioplasm which multiply by self-di- vision in these localities so as to supply the elements of the new tissues. (Fig. 33.) 2. Incomplete Exog ens 2ccq those whose flowers have no corolla. Sometimes, but not always, they have a calyx, or simple perianth. They are of two kinds : 1) Those whose seeds are naked, as Fig. 33. in the Cone-hearing family, consisting of the Fir and Spruce tribe, the Cypress EXOGENS. tribe, and similar plants. These conifers are gener- ally large trees or evergreen shrubs, and furnish much valuable timber, pitch, turpentine, and resin. (Fig. 34.) 2. Those whose seeds are contained in an ova- ry, as the Amaranth, Buckwheat, Laurel, Net- tle, Fig, and the Catkin- hearing family. This latter family is the most important of this order, since it contains the most important timber - trees, as the Alder, Birch, Wil- low, Poplar, Oak, Chest- nut, etc. Their flowers, either male or female, are arranged on a com- mon axis, without sepa- rate stalks, and are with- out either calyx or corol- la, but furnished only with scaly bracts. Such clusters, or catkins, at- tract attention in early spring to the willow, alder, or poplar trees. This family, with the Conifers, gives Fig. 34. 76 Easy Lessons m Vegetable Biology. character to the woodland scenery of temperate climes. (Fig. 35.) 3. In the next subdivision of the type of Exogens we find plants whose flowers have both calyx and corolla. The petals of the corolla are also united, and Fig. 35. bear the stamens, as the Honeysuckle, Teazel, Lobelia, Convolvulus, Primrose, Labiate and Composite fam- ilies, etc. The Labiate family contains many fragrant and aromatic plants, as Mint, Lavender, Sage, Balm, etc. It is characterized by two long and two short stamens, Exogens. 77 four little nuts, or naked seeds, and irregular corollas. The Composite family is very extensive. It includes all such plants as the Thistle, Sunflower, Daisy, Aster, and Chrysanthemum. There are about twelve thou- sand species in this family, distributed all over the globe. They are generally herbaceous plants, and often contain a milky fluid, or latex. The flowers are placed on a common expanded receptacle, crowded to- gether into a capitulum, or head, and surrounded by a general involucre of densely crowded bracts. The florets of the central part of the capitulum are often of a different structure and color from those of the margin, and the two kinds are distinguished as florets of the disk and florets of the ray. 4. Another class of Exogens also have calyx and corolla, but the corolla has distinct petals, and the stamens are attached to the calyx. The Umbelliferous family is found in this division, and contains culinary plants, such as Carrot, Celery, Parsley, and Parsnip ; medicinal herbs, as Caraway, Fennel, Coriander, and Assaf cetida ; and some poison- ous plants, as Hemlock and Fool's Parsley. This family is named from the mode of its inflorescence. An umlel, like the capitulum, has the stem terminat- ing in a number of flowers, but each separate flower is stalked. The umbel is simple when the main stem or peduncle ends in a number of separate stalked flowers, as in the Cherry, compound when it branches 78 Easy Lessors in Vegetable Biology. into a number of secondary umbels, as in the major- ity of genera in the family of Umbelliferce. The Zeguminose family, characterized by the ovary developing into a pod, (or legume,) is also very ex- tensive. It includes many forms of herbs, shrubs, and trees. Some have flowers resembling a butterfly, and hence called papilionaceous, as Clover, Lupins, Peas, and Beans. Others have irregular flowers which are not papilionaceous, as the Tamarind-tree and various species of Senna, or Cassia. In other cases the flowers are regular, the scales of the calyx in the bud are vallate, or touch only at the edges, and the stamens are sometimes very numerous, as in different species of Acacia, and the Mimosa, or Sen- sitive-plant. The Hose family is also a very large one, and includes not only the roses of our gardens? but Raspberries, Strawberries, Plums, Apples, Pears, Cherries, Peaches, Apricots, and Almonds. The Cactus family is also found in this division. It contains many succulent plants, generally destitute of leaves whose place is supplied by fleshy stems of grotesque figures. Some are angular, others are roundish and covered with stiff spines. They vary in height from a few inches to twenty or thirty feet. The flowers are often very showy, varying from pure white to rich scarlet or purple. In Mexico and Southern California there are numerous species, some of gigantic size. (Fig. 36.) ExOGENS. Jm 5. In the highest class, or most perfect Exogens, the calyx and corolla are present, the petals are disl Fig. 36. tinct and inserted into the receptacle, and the stamens grow from beneath the ovary. The Crowfoot family, having distinct carpels above numerous stamens, and embracing the Hanunculus, or Buttercup, the Larkspur, Aconite, and Peony ; the Poppy family, having the carpels united into an un- divided ovary ; the Cruciferous family, readily known by their four cruciate petals, and including many flowers and vegetables, as "Wallflower, Cabbage, Tur- nip, Eadish, and Mustard; the Flax family; the Tea family, containing the Camellias and the Tea-plants ; the Orange family; the Maple family; and many others, are found in this group. >^?*^vvy 80 Easy Lessons ts Vegetable Biology. CHAPTER XII. THE VEGETABLE CLOTHING OF THE WORLD. 1. The beautiful forms of vegetable life, and the peculiarities of different species, give character to the landscape scenery of the world, and the comparison of the different floras (or groups of plants) on the earth's surface will aid us greatly in our biological generalizations. 2. The study of the distribution of plants over the earth is sometimes termed Botanical Geography. It has been greatly promoted by the travels of Hum- boldt. Standing a few hundred feet below the sum- mit of Chimborazo, he saw an epitome of the vegeta- tion of the globe — a picture of all climates from the tropics to the poles, with their zones or belts of vege- tation. Just above him rose the inaccessible summit of snow — a beautiful image of purity set in the cloud- less blue of a tropical sky. The only vegetation present was the Red Snow, or a few Thallogens. The vol- canic rocks around him were draped with Lichens, a few Mosses, and Alpine flowers. Beneath, the grass- green slopes, with varied flowers and willowy shrubs, were succeeded by forest belts, and these latter by the tropical luxuriance at the base of the mountain. The Vegetable Clothing of the World. 81 3. Each species of plant has its center of distribu- tion at the spot from which it originally sprang. It is not easy, however, to determine these centers, be- cause of plant migration. All plants are not equally capable of migration, or the strongest would have replaced the rest and occupied all the ground. Migration is also hindered by seas, deserts, mountain- chains, and climate, as well as by the existence of other plants and animals. 4. The transitions from one species to another met with in gradually ascending mountain regions are not such as Darwin's theory of natural selection might lead us to expect, nor do they favor any theory of transmutation of one kind into another. Such a mountain-side is the most appropriate place in the world for practically testing such theories. If any transitional forms ever existed between species we may reasonably expect to find them here. But the Alpine species make their appearance, and those of the plains disappear suddenly at particular elevations, and we find no transitional varieties. 5. Climate has much to do with the similarity in the floras of different regions. This holds good in widely separated regions, as seen in the resemblances of the beeches of Japan and the Straits of Magellan, and of the heaths of the Cape of Good Hope and of Western Europe. 6. Griesbach divides the surface of the earth into 6 82 Easy Lessons in Vege table Biology. twenty-four regions of vegetation or natural floras. Each of these is subdivided into zones, and the char- acter of each zone is determined by its elevation above sea-level. A succession of zones is thus ob- tained until the line of perpetual snow sets a limit to vegetable life. We do not find in nature such defi- niteness as our classifications and theories imply, yet there is a general similarity between the flora of any part of the earth and that of a mountain-zone of cor- responding temperature. Thus, similar and often identical plants occur in the lower zones of the mount- ain and in the districts (north or south) having an increase of latitude, and this principle continues until the floras of the snow-line and of the arctic regions generally correspond. Yet, notwithstanding simi- larities, the floras of mountain and of arctic regions show considerable differences. 7. The base of the mountains near the equator, from the sea-level to about 2,000 feet high, forms the zone of palms and bananas. Erom this to the height of 4,500 feet is the zone of tree-ferns and figs. In India these are covered by many kinds of peppers, and orchids. In the islands of the Southern Ocean the figs are replaced by tree-like Urticacece, and the valuable cinchona-trees characterize the South American region. The zone of myrtles and laurels comes next, extending to 6,000 feet. The predomi- nant trees are those with thick, shining leaves, as The Vegetable Clothing of the Woeld. 83 myrtles, camellias, and magnolias. Acacias and heaths attain here their highest development, and evergreen oaks abound. The laurels occur mainly near the upper limit of this zone, and are found also in the next, the zone of evergreen trees, which reaches the height of 9,000 feet. Next is the zone of trees with deciduous foliage, which extends to the height of 10,000 feet. In the tropics this is only seen on elevated plains. From this to 12,500 feet is the zone of conifers, and thence to 15,000 feet is the zone of rhododendrons. Here lofty trees dis- appear, and are replaced by luxuriant meadows and herbs with thick, shining leaves and magnificent flow- ers, as the rhododendrons and azaleas. The last zone is that of Alpine herbs, extending to the snow-line. The plants are chiefly perennial, with woody roots, a small amount of foliage, and brightly colored flowers. Nearly all contain resinous and bitter substances. The Alps and other mountains of temperate climes have but five or six zones. The zone of fruit trees rises to about 2,000 feet. The apple and grape ascend thus high, but the walnut may be found up to 3,000 feet. The woods here consist chiefly of beeches, alders, pines, and oak. The zone of beeches may reach to 5,000 feet. The birch, sycamore, hazel, wild cherry, and many herbs, as the plantain, dandelion, and chrysanthemum, attain their upper limit here, and disappear with the beech. At the same time, we 84 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. reach the lower limit of the rhododendron, gentian, primrose, etc. The zone of pines comes next, to 6,000 feet. The zone of Alpine herbs extends to the limit of perpetual snow, 9,000 or 10,000 feet. The dwarf willow, a few rhododendrons, the mountain- heath, and a single azalea are all the woody plants of this zone in the Alps. The zone of cryptogams, or the snow region, has only mosses and lichens, and occasionally the " red-snow plant." GLOSSARY AND INDEX. A'cid products of plants, 31. Acotyle'dons, 58 : plants without seed-lobes. Ac'rogens, 26, 50 : plants which grow at the summit. Albu'men, 12: in animals, white of egg and similar material; in vegetables, the nourishing matter in seeds, etc. Adventitious, 61: accidental or additional. Al'gse, 46 : water-plants belonging to the type of Thallogens. Alkaloids, 31: active principles (not acids) of certain plants; as morphia, quinia, etc. Alternate, 64 : by turns. An'iher, 52: the part of the stamen in a flower which contains pollen. Antherid'ia, 51: the organ in mosses, etc., corresponding to the anther in flowering plants. Antherozo'id, 52 : the moving male element in plants without flowers. An'nuals, 61 : yearly plants. An'nular, 35: ring-like. Amce'boid, 18: resembling the Amoeba, one of the most primitive animals. Arachnoidis'cus, 43 : a genus of Diatoms, named for its net-like markings on the disk. Ax/is, 46 : the central column of a plant, round which the other parts are arranged. Bacteria, 48 : a minute organism, of globular or rod-like form, gener- ally regarded as one of the Fungi. Bast-fibers, 35: the vessels or fibers of inner bark. Bi/oplasm, 13, 15 : living germinal or formative matter. Bienmial, 61, pertaining to two years. Biol'ogy, 1 : the science of living beings. 86 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. Bipin'nate, 65 : twice pinnate, or having two series of leaflets. Bot'any, 8: the science of plants. Bracts, 64 : a small leaf, or scale, from the axil of which a flower or its pedicle proceeds. Bnlbs, 61 : a fleshy roundish body consisting of scales or imperfectly developed leaves, producing a stem and roots. Buds, 62: a small protuberance containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stem. Bulrushes, 73: a large kind of rush, growing in water. Cac'tus, 78: a family of succulent, prickly plants. Cap'sule, 9 : a sort of cup, or seed-pod. Cam'bium, 38, 59: the glutinous layer between the bark and wood, from which new tissue is made. Cam'phor-glands, 36: groups of cells secreting camphor. Carbon'ic acid gas, 31: a gas imbibed by plants for nutrition, the carbon being retained and oxygen given out. Carpels, 70: the leaves forming the pistil, sometimes separate and sometimes united into a single ovary. Cat'kins, 75 : a mode of inflorescence so called from its resemblance to a cat's tail. Capit'ulum, 77 : a thick head or cluster of flowers, as a clover-top or dandelion. Ca/lyx, 68 : the outer leaves of a flower, generally green. Can'dex, 61 : the stem of a palm. Cell, 13 : a mass of living matter. Cell- wall, 27: the outer layer, or membrane, of vegetable cells. Cel'lulose, 28: the starchy material of which the cell- wall is com- posed. Cell-contents, 31 : materials within cells. Cel/lular-plants, 38 : a term given to those plants which are destitute of vessels. Cell-families, 33 : clusters proceeding from a single cell. Centers of plant distribution, 80 : the original place of plant growth. Cha'ra, 51 : a genus of Stoneworts. Chemical elements of bioplasm, 14. Chemical products of bioplasm, 16. Chlo'rophyll, 31: the green coloring matter in plants, which some- times becomes red, brown, etc. Glossary and Index. 87 Classification, 23 : arrangement. Class'es, 25 : primary modifications of types. Cil'ia, 41 : hair-like projections from cells. Circulation in cells, 28: movements of the living matter within Climate, 80 : its effects. Coales'cence, 52 : union of parts. Cork, 34 : the healing tissue of plants. " Cor'tex, 37 : bark. Corolla, 6*7 : the inner covering of a flower, generally colored, sur- rounding the stamens and pistil. Corm, 61 : a solid bulb. Cor'date, 65 : heart-shaped. Co'nifers, 75 : trees bearing cones, like the Pines and Firs. Composite plants, 77: having flowers gathered in a capitulum or head. Cotyle'dons, 58: seed-lobes. Cruciate, 79: like a cross. Cru'cifers, 79: plants having cruciform flowers. Crow-foot family, 79 : a family of plants, containing buttercups, etc. Cu'ticle, 36 : external skin. Crystals, 31 : small chemical accumulations found in cells. Cy'cle, 64: a round, or set. Daugh'ter-cells, 32: the progeny of a single cell. Decid'uous, 66 : falling off. Deposits on cell-walls, 29 : hard material left on the external mem- brane, in shape of dots or signs. Diatoms, 29, 43 : a kind of unicellular plants with flinty deposit on the surlace. Dicotyledons, 58: having two seed-lobes. Differences in bioplasm, 17, 23. Diphthe'ria, 48 : a diseased condition connected with the presence of Fungi. Distribution of plants, 81. Em'bryo, 54, 59: the rudimental or undeveloped condition of the organism. En'dogens, 26, 58, 62: plants whose vessels and fibers grow inside the cellular tissue of the stem. 88 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. En'dosmose, 15 : passage of liquid inward through a membrane or porous partition. Environment, 29 : surrounding circumstances. Epidermis, 36: outer skin. Epig'ynous, 69 : upon the ovary, or pistil. Ex'ogens, 26: plants whose vessels and fibers grow outside, or between the bark and wood. Ex'osmose, 15 : passage of fluid outward through a membrane. Evolu'tion, 21 : a theory of development of things from simple to complex, by a power within themselves. External forms of plants, 59. Family, 25 : a group within an order in classification. Fascic'ulated, 60 : growing in bunches or bundles. Fermentation, 47 : a chemical change produced by the growth of a fungus, the yeast- plant. Ferns, 52 : a class of Acrogens, generally having spores on the back of the fronds or leaves. Fi'bro-vas'cular, 38, 58: pertaining to vessels and fibers. Fil'iform, 60: threadlike. Filament, 43, 50, 54: the part of a stamen supporting the anther. A thread. Flo'rets, 77 : small flowers. Flo'ra, 80 : a group of flowers belonging to a district or country. Flow'er- structure, 66, 67. Forms of cells, 30, 31. Formed material. 15 : material or shapes produced by bioplasm, or living matter. Form'ative layer, 34 : the cambium, or layer where new cells grow. Frond, 57, 46: the leaves of Ferns. Fun'gi, 46: a class of Thallogens, embracing the mushrooms and molds. Fundamental tissue, 38 : the cellular parts of plants. Functions of leaves, 65 : the uses served by them. Fu'siform, 60: spindle-shaped. Geolog'ic history, 9. Ge'nus, 25 : a group within an order in classification. Germ-cell, 54 : a cell answering to the ovary in flowering plants. Glossary and Index. 80 Gen'erating-tissue, 34: the cells which form new tissues. Germination of seeds, 70. Glumes, 71: husks, or scales, as in the flowers of grasses and grain. Grass'es, 58, 11 : a large family of plants with simple leaves and jointed stems, as wheat, rye, oats, etc. Grow'ing-point, 34 : the place of growth in Acrogens. Growth at summit, 52. Growth of Ferns, 52. Growth of Ex'ogens, 74. Groups of cells, 33. Hairs, 31 : epidermic appendages. Heal'ing-tis'sues, 34. Heat, effects of, 16. Hypog'ynous, 68 : uuder the ovary. Identity of bioplasm, 22. Iner'tia, 11 : the tendency of matter to remain in a state of rest or motion. Individuals, 25 : persons or things which cannot be divided without loss of identity. Incomplete Ex'ogens, 68, 74: those whose flowers have no co- rolla. Indu'sium, 54: a membranous covering to the fruit-spot of some Ferns. Inherent mo'tion, 18: movement originating from within. In'stinct, 45 : an inward impulse, or tendency. In'ternodes, 51: the space between the nodes, or places whence the leaves arise. Inflorescence, 11: mode of flowering. Involu'cre, 11 : a whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head. La'biate, 76: plants whose flowers have leaf-like projections Landscape scen'ery, 81. La'tex, 35: fluid,' generally milky, contained in special vessels and holding peculiar substances in solution. Lan'ceolate, 65 : oblong and tapering. 90 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. Legu'minose, 18 : plants having legumes, or pods. Leaves, 63. Lich'ens, 46: a class of Thallogens, often improperly called rock- moss, or tree-moss. Life, 9 : the power by which organized beings live, or the state of animate existence. Life his'tories, 8. Living matter, 1 2 : bioplasm. LiHes, 73: a large family of flowering plants, including lilies, tu- lips, etc. Materialism, 10: the dogma that all things consist of matter alone. Med'ullary rays, 39 : rays of cellular tissue or pith, passing from the center to the bark. Metamor'phosis, 53 : transformation, or change of form or shape. Microscopic sections, 39. Mo'tions of bioplasm, 18. Mo'tile, 45 : having power of self-motion. Monocotyle'dons, 58: plants with single seed-lobe. Moth'er-cells, 32 : the cell from which others originate. Moss'es, 54: a class of Acrogens, with plants of small size, and stems with narrow, simple leaves. Mountain- vegetation, 83. Molds, 47 : minute fungous plants. Multiplication of cells, 32. Myce'lium, 48 : the filaments, or spawn, from which a fungus grows. Names of species, 25. Na'ked, 68 : without calyx or corolla. Na'piform, 60 : turnip shaped. Neb'ulous, 8 : cloudy or misty. Neb'ular hypothesis, 8 : theory of development of worlds from primi- tive fire-mist. Nec'taries, 36 : groups of cells which secrete honey. Nu'cleus. 28: a concentration of vital power in a cell. Nucleolus, 28: a secondary nucleus. Nodes, 51 : points on the stem from which the leaves proceed. Nutrition, 20 : the process of nourishment; Glossary and Index. 91 O'ospore, 52: the embryo of Acrogens, etc. Or'chids, 11: a group of plants with very peculiar flowers. Or'ders, 25 : subdivisions of classes. Organ/ic forms, 45 : forms of animals or vegetables. Organiza'tion, 9, 27 : the arrangement of organs or parts. Or'gans of nutrition, 66. Oil-pas'sages, 36 : cavities conveying oil. O'vary, 68 : the lower part of the pistil. O'vate, 65 : egg-shaped. O'vule, 68 : a young seed. Pab'ulum, 15 : food. Palms, 71 : a group of conspicuous tropical plants. Pedun'cle, 77 : the stalk of the flower or fruit. Perianth, 68 : the envelope of the flower when caylx and corolla are indistinguishable. Perig'ynous, 69 : around the ovary. Permanent tis'sue, 34 : bells in a plant incapable of further growth. Peren'nial, 61: plants which live more than two years. Petiole, 64 : the foot-stalk of a leaf. Pet'al, 68 : the leaf of the corolla. Pin'nate, 65 : a compound leaf, with leaflets along a common pe- tiole. Pis'til, 67 : the central organ of a flower. Papiliona'ceous, 78: butterfly -like. Pin'nule, 54 : a branchlet of a pinnate frond or leaf. Pol'len, 69 : the fecundating dust in the anther of a flower. Pop'pies, 79 : a genus of flowering plants. Physical forces in bioplasm, 15. Pith, 39 : the central cells in the stem of plants. Primordial u'tricle, 28 : the mucilaginous layer within the cell-wall of a cell. Pro'tococcus, 40 : a genus of primitive plants. Pro'tophytes, 26 : the simplest type of plants. Plant migration, 81. Pro-em'bryo, 52 : a temporary structure in the early life-history of Acrogens. etc. Pro'toplasm, 13: the physical basis of life, or rather, of living matter. 92 Easy Lessons in Vegetable Biology. Prothallium, 54: a structure in Ferns similar to the pro-embryo in Stone-worts. Putrefaction, 47 : decay of albuminoid matter, produced by the action of Fungi. Radical, 65 : belonging to the root. Receptacle, 68 : the tip of the flower-stalk, sometimes dilated, which supports the organs or florets. Retic'ulated, 35 : like a net- work. Red snow, 42 : one of the type of Protophytes. Re'gions of vegeta'tion, 82. Reproduction, 20 : the multiplication of cells or individuals. Resem'blances of bi/oplasm, 14. Rhizome', 53 : an under-ground stem. Roots, 59. Ros'es, 78 : a family of flowering plants. Run'ners, 61 : branches of stems which give off roots from their nodes. Rust in wheat, 48: a species of fungus. Sea-weeds, 46. Scales, 62 : undeveloped leaves protecting buds, etc. Scape, 61 : a flower-stem without leaves. Sagittate, 65 : arrow-shaped. Seeds, 70: the part containing the embryo in flowering plauts. Sedg / es, 71 : a family of plants similar to rushes. Se'pals, 68 : the leaves of the calyx. Sieve-tubes, 35 : cells forming tubes by sieve-like perforations through adjacent ends. Ses'sile, 64, 68 : without footstalk. Scalarfform, 53: ladder-like. Show'ers of blood, 42. Shapes of leaves, 65. Soul and life, 10. Sorus, 54 : the fruit-spot on a fern. Spores, 52: parts analogous to the seeds of flowering plants. Spore'-cases, 52 : the vessels containing the spores in Ferns, etc. Sporan'gia, 51 : spore-cases. Spe'cies, 25 : a group of individuals which may have descended from a single pair. Glossary and Index. 93 Spontaneous genera/tiou, 21. Spi'ral arrangement of leaves, 64. Sta'mens, 67 : the male organs in flowers. Stems, 60 : the stalk, or part which bears the leaves, flowers, and fruit. Starch, 31. Stig'ma, 68 : the upper part of the pistil. Stip'ule, 64 : leaf-like appeudages to the petiole. Sto'ma, 36: the opening between the cells of epidermis for evapora- tion, etc. Stone' worts, 50 : an order of Acrogens. Squamose, 61 : scaly as the cone of a pine. Style, 68 : the pillar or filament, supporting the stigma of the pistiL Suc'culent, 69 : juicy, fleshy. Tei/nate, 65 : an arrangement of three leaflets on a petiole. Thallogens, 26: a type of plants. The'oriesoflife, 10. Transitional forms unknown, 80. Tu'ber, 61 : a fleshy rounded stem or root, as the potato. Tu'berous, 60 : containing tubers. Tu'nicated, 61 : covered with layers, as the onion. Tripin'nate, 65 : bipinnate leaves on each side of a petiole. Types, 25, 26: general plans of structure. Unicellular, 40 : having a single cell. Un'ion of cells, 33. Unorganized, 27 : matter which has not lived. Um'bel, 77 : a flower cluster in which the stalks spread from a com- mon point. Umbelliferous, 77: bearing umbels. Varieties, 25 : races or breeds among species. Yas'cular, 38 : belonging to vessels. Yalv'ate, 78 : meeting at the edges without overlapping. Vessels, 35 : tubes or canals among the cells. Wa'ter in bioplasm, 14. White blood-cells, 13, 20. 94 Easy Lessons m Vegetable Biology. Whorls, 50 : an arrangement of leaves, or organs, around the stem in the same plane. Yeast-plant, 47 : a fungus which is the cause of fermentation. Zool/ogy, 7 : science of animal life. Zoospores, 41 : spores having spontaneous movements. Zones of vegetation, 83. r^ Of TEM^ [uiivmsiti THE END. i sv;- *\\^^^«^