EME 3flS NON-EUCLTDEAN GEOMETRY BY HENRY PARKER MANNING, Pii.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PURE MATHEMATICS IN HUoWN UNIVERSITY BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS i>r<-Tlox ( 1IA1TKR I PANGEOMETKY I. PROPOSITION- M 1-1 SIMM. M.I II. I'uoro-i i ION- \\iin ii MM. TIM i. i'i: 1{ i .. i i; i< 1 1 c I-"HMIM- . III. THE Tiiuti: ll\ r ..... BKf ... . . 11 CHAPTEB II rilK IIVI'KKI'.OLK (.Ko.MKTKV I. l'\i: vi I I i 1-iM - ......... ^1 II. BoUKDART-CuRVEi UTD SUBVACM, \M K-.'i 1 1 -i- i v M -( 'i i; \ i - \\1. Si 1M V I-.S ......... J ; i 111. TRIOOKOMEI IM. \i K..KMI i i . . . . . 5:> CHAPTEK 111 TIII-: ELLIPTIC ii-:oMi-;THy . . . <;-> CHA1TKII IV ANALYTIC NON-EUCLIDKAN ( .KnM KTH V I. HYPERBOLIC ANALYTIC GEOMETRY ..... 09 II. ELLIPTIC ANALYTIC GEOMETRY ...... *<> III. ELLIPTIC SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY ..... s <> Hl-H'IMi VI. NoTK .......... ( .>1 PREFACE NON-EUCLIDEAN Geometry is now recognized as an impor- tant branch of Mathematics. Those who teach Geometry should have some knowledge of this subject, and all who are interested in Mathematics will find much to stimulate them and much for them to enjoy in the novel results and views that it presents. This book is an attempt to give a simple and direct account of the Non-Euclidean Geometry, and one which presupposes but little knowledge of Mathematics. The first three chapters assume a knowledge of only Plane and Solid Geometry and Trigonometry, and the entire book can be read by one who has taken the mathematical courses commonly given in our colleges. No special claim to originality can be made for what is published here. The propositions have long been estab- lished, and in various ways. Some of the proofs may be new, but others, as already given by writers on this subject, could not be improved. These have come to me chiefly through the translations of Professor George Bruce Halsted of the University of Texas. I am particularly indebted to my friend, Arnold B. Chace, Sc.D., of Valley Falls, K. I., with whom I have studied and discussed the subject. HENRY P. MANNING. PROVIDED i . .January, 1901. iii 888489 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY INTRODUCTION THE axioms of Geometry were formerly regarded as laws of thought which an intelligent mind could neither deny nor investigate. Not only were the axioms to which we have been accustomed found to agree with our experience, but it was believed that we could not reason on the supposition that any of them are not true. It has been shown, however, that it is possible to take a set of axioms, wholly or in part contradicting those of Euclid, and build up a Geometry as consistent as his. We shall give the two most important Non-Euclidean Geometries.* In these the axioms and definitions are taken as in Euclid, with the exception of those relating to parallel lines. Omitting the axiom on parallels,! we are led to three hypotheses ; one of these establishes the Geometry of Euclid, while each of the other two gives us a series of propositions both interesting and useful. Indeed, as long as we can exam- ine but a limited portion of the universe, it is not possible to prove that the system of Euclid is true, rather than one of the two Non-Euclidean Geometries which we are about to describe. We shall adopt an arrangement which enables us to prove first the propositions common to the three Geometries, then to produce a series of propositions and the trigonometrical formulae for each of the two Geometries which differ from * See Historical Note, p. '.:]. f See p. 91. 1 2 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY ,'thkfc of Euclid,; and by analytical methods to derive some of their most striking properties. )/IWfc{cfo.:u<>t propose; to investigate directly the foundations of Geometry, nor even to point out all of the assumptions which have been made, consciously or unconsciously, in this study. Leaving undisturbed that which these Geometries have in common, we are free to fix our attention upon their differences. By a concrete exposition it may be possible to learn more of the nature of Geometry than from abstract theory alone. Thus we shall employ most of the terms of Geometry with- out repeating the definitions given in our text-books, and assumt that the figures defined by these terms exist. In particular we assume : I. The existence of straight lines determined by any two points, and that the shortest path between two points is a straight line. II. The existence of planes determined by any three points not in a straight line, and that a straight line joining any two points of a plane lies wholly in the plane. III. That geometrical figures can he. mored /' tiro */,/, .v / /// a point if tir<> / them meet, oint is the centre of a circle f/xtf <-,m i-nHijh tin- (///- /-, rfi'-.'s of the. triangle. c Proof. Suppose Eu and FO meet at O. The triangles A TO and /;/'/> are equal by (3). Also, A En and <'EO are equal. 3 4 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Hence, CO and BO are equal, being each equal to AO. Th. triangle B CO is, therefore, isosceles, and OD if drawn bisect- ing the angle BOC will be perpendicular to BC at its middle point. 6, Theorem. In a circle the radius bisecting an angle at the centre is perpendicular to the chord which subtends the angle and bisects this chord. 7, Theorem. Angles at the centre of a circle are propor- tional to the intercepted arcs and may be measured by them. 8, Theorem. From any point without a line a perpendicu- lar to the line can be drawn. P Proof. Let P' be the position which P would take if the plane were revolved about AB into A coincidence with itself. The straight line PP 1 is then perpendicular to AB. p , 9, Theorem. If oblique lines drawn from a point in a per- pendicular to a line cut off equal distances from the foot of the perpendicular, they are equal and make equal angles with the line and with the perpendicular. 10, Theorem. If two lines cut a third at the same angle, 'F L /( 'E that is, so that corresponding angles are equal, a line can be drawn that is perpendicular to both. PROPOSITIONS PROVED BY SUPERPOSITION Proof. Let the angles FMB and MND be equal, and through H, the middle point of MN, draw LK perpendicular to CD ; then LK will also be perpendicular to AB. For the two triangles LMH and KNH are equal by (3). 11. Theorem. If two equal lines in a plane are erected per- pendicular to a given line, the line joining their extremities makes equal angles with them and is bisected at right angles by a third perpendicular erected midway between them. I) ^UC (Let II B Let AC and BD be perpendicular to AB, and suppose AC and BD equal. The angles at C and D made with a line join- ing these two points are equal, and the perpendicular HK erected at the middle point of AB is perpendicular to CD at its middle point. Proved by superposition. 12. Theorem. Criven as in the last proposition tivo perpen- diculars and a third perpendicular erected midway between them; any line cutting this third perpendicular at right angles, if it cuts the first two at all, will cut off equal lengths on them and make equal angles with them. Proved by superposition. Corollary. The last two propositions hold true if the angles at A and B are equal acute or equal obtuse angles, HK being 6 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY perpendicular to AB at its middle point. If AC = BD, the angles at C and D are equal, and HK is perpendicular to CD at its middle point or, if CD is perpendicular to HK C K D A II B at any point, K, and intersects A C and BD, it will cut off equal distances on these two lines and make equal angles ivith them. II. PROPOSITIONS WHICH ARE TRUE FOR RESTRICTED FIGURES The following propositions are true at least for figures whose lines do not exceed a certain length. That is, if there is any exception, it is in a case where we cannot apply the theorem or some step of the proof on account of the length of some of the lines. For convenience we shall use the word restricted in this sense and say that a theorem is true for restricted figures or in any restricted portion of the plane. 1. Theorem. The exterior anglv of a triangle is greater than either opposite interior angle (Euclid, I, 16). PROPOSITIONS TRUE FOR RESTRICTED FIGURES 7 Proof. Draw AD from .4 to the middle point of the oppo- site side and produce it to E, making DE = AD. The two triangles A DC and EBD are equal, and the angle 7*727), being greater than the angle EBD. is greater than f '. Corollary. At li'uxt ttro out/It's <>f ' n re 2. Theorem. //' /// '//>///''* "/ - an "{ii'il ' trian tti//<'8 in greater than the Me opposite the smaller; and conversely, if the sides of a triangle are unequal the opposite angles art unequal, ' BD. Produce ED, making BE AC. Then EEC = ACE. But BDC > EEC, by (1), and ACD is a, part of A CE. Therefore, all the more BDC > A CD. 10 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY 12. Theorem. If the two angles at C and D are equal, the perpendiculars are equal, and if the angles are unequal, the perpendiculars are unequal, and the longer perpendicular makes the smaller angle. 13. Theorem. If two lines are perpendicular to a third, points on either equidistant from the third are equidistant from the other. C \ ,K D H . Proof. Let AB and CD be perpendicular to HK, and on CD take any two points, C and D, equidistant from K', then C and D will be equidistant from AB. For by superposition we can make D fall on C, and then DB will coincide with CA by (6). The following propositions of Solid Geometry depend di- rectly on the preceding and hold true at least for any restricted portion of space. 14. Theorem. If a line is perpendicular to two intersecting lines at their intersection, it is perpendicular to all lines of their plane passing through this point. 15. Theorem. "If two planes are perpendicular, a line drawn in one perpendicular to their intersection is perpendicular to the other, and a line drawn through any point of one perpen- dicular to the other lies entirely in the first, THE THREE HYPOTHESES 11 16. Theorem. If a line is perpendicular to a plane, any plane through that line is perpendicular to the plane. 17. Theorem. If a plane is perpendicular to each of two meeting planes, it is perpendicular to their intersection. in. THE THREE HYPOTHESES The angles at the extremities of two equal perpendiculars tlier right angles, (icntr anul.'s, or obtus<> angles, at least for restricted figures. We shall distinguish the three cases .king of them as the hypothesis of the right angle, the liesis of the acute angle, and the hypothesis of the obtuse . respectively. Theorem. Tin 1 line joining the extremities of two equal ,'ti OA OA l PC, OAi and Since OA r _ l = (r 1) OA^ and also = (? 1) A r _ 1 A r) (~\C* f)f^ C* A C* A , . , . . l/Vx.1 H^ l/V/ r i , OjYlii O-. lJ"lj 1 the inequalities - ^ and - OA^OA r _^ OA l ' OA r _i applied to the angle at A r _ l become A A~ lD A~ 1 % r OA ^ and ~A L A$~OA = *' A r _ l A. r U^i r _ l Yl r _j/l r USi r _ l The first of these two inequalities may be written A D 4/4 A r 1-ky 1 > " d r l^ 1 )- THE SINE AND COSINE Add 1 to both members, -OAT*^*^ But OA r < 0^ r _! Again, C r _ l C r ^ D r _ l A r . Hence, from the second inequality above, we have or Add 1 to both members, <>r r ^ <>A ' 1 OC The ratios ^ and being less than 1, and always increas- ing or always decreasing when the hypothenuse decreases, approach definite limits. These limits are continuous func- tions of .1 ; if we vary the angle of any right triangle contin- uously, keeping the hypothenuse some fixed length, the other two sides will vary continuously, and the limits of their ratios to the hypothenuse must, therefore, vary continuously. < 'ailing the limits for the moment sA and cA, we may extend their definition, as in Trigonometry, to any angles, and prove that all the formulae of the sine and cosine hold for these functions. Then for certain angles, 30, 45, 60, we can prove 24 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY that they have the same values as the sine and cosine, and their values for all other angles as determined from their values for these angles will be the same as the corresponding values of the sine and cosine. C Draw a perpendicular, CF, from the right angle C to the hypothenuse AB. The angle FOB is not equal to A, but the difference, being proportional to the difference of areas of the two triangles ABC and FBC, diminishes indefinitely when the sides of the triangles diminish. From the relation ^_ AC_ FB -BC _ ~AC ~AB + ~BC ~AB ~ ' we have, by passing to the limit, (cA) 2 + (sA)' 2 = 1. Let x and y be any two acute angles, and draw the figures used to prove the formulae for the sine and cosine of the sum of two angles. The angles x and y remaining fixed, we can imagine all of the lines to decrease indefinitely, and the functions sx, ex, sy, etc., are the limits of certain ratios of these lines. CA_ _ CE_ OB EA_ BA_ OA OB OA BA OA' PC _OD OB CD BA ~OA~~OE'O~A~'BA~OA oc \ in the second figure ) . (JA J THE SINE AND COSINE 25 The angles at M are equal in the two triangles EMB and CMO, and we may write CM ME 4- 8 ME CM 4 8 where 8 has the limit zero. v M The angle EAB, or x', is not the same as x, but differs from ./ only by an amount which is proportional to the difference of the areas of the triangles OMC and MAB, and which, there- fore, diminishes indefinitely. Thus, the limits of sx' and ex' a iv .sv and ex. Finally, as the two triangles A('\ and Ji/>\ have the angle \ in ((iiinion. we may write />.V CW 4-8' CJV - DN + 8' AN BN /;.v ~ .i.v where the limit of 8' is zero. Now at the limits our identities become s (x + y) = sx - cy + ex sy, c(x H- y) = ex cy sx sij. 26 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY By induction, these formulae are proved true for any angles. Other formulae sufficient for calculating the values of these functions from their values for 30, 45, and 60 are obtained from these two by algebraic processes. If the sides of an isosceles right triangle diminish indefi- nitely, the angle does not remain fixed but approaches 45, and the ratios of the two sides to the hypothenuse approach as limits s45 and c45. Therefore, these latter are equal, and since the sum of their squares is '1, the value of each is =9 the same as the value of the sine and cosine of 45. V2 Again, bisect an equilateral triangle and form a triangle in which the hypothenuse is twice one of the sides. When the sides diminish, preserving this relation, the angles approach 30 and 60. Therefore, the functions, s and c, of these angles have values which are the same as the corresponding values of the sine and cosine of the same angles. Corollary. When any plane triangle diminishes indefinitely, the relations of the sides and angles approach those of the sides and angles of plane triangles in the ordinary geometry and trigonometry with which we are familia r. 11. Theorem. Spherical geometry is the same in the three hypotheses, and the formulae of spherical trigonometry are exactly those of the ordinary spherical trigonometry. Proof. On a sphere, arcs of great circles are proportional to the angles which they subtend at the centre, and angles on a sphere are the same as the diedral angles formed by the planes of the great circles which are the sides of the angles. Their relations are established by drawing certain plane triangles which may be made as small as we please, and therefore may be assumed to be like the plane triangles in the hypothesis of a right angle. These relations are, therefore, those of the ordinary Spherical Trigonometry. THE THREE GEOMETRIES 27 The three hypotheses give rise to three systems of Geometry, which are called the Parabolic, the Hyperbolic, and the Elliptic Geometries. They are also called the Geometries of Euclid, of Lobachevsky, and of Kiemann. The following considerations exhibit some of their chief characteristics. C D D' D' Given PC perpendicular to a line, CF; on the latter we take CD = PC, DD' = Pit. . D'D" = PD', etc. Now if PC is sufficiently short (restricted), it is shorter than any other line from /' to the line C'F; for any line as short as PC or shorter would be included in a restricted por- tion of the plane about the point P, for which the perpendicu- lar is the shortest distance from the point to the line. Therefore, PD > PC, .'. CD' > 2 < 'It. PD' > PC, etc. ; ( 'It" > 3 ( 'D, etc. Again, in the three hypotheses, respectively, , and DPD' < \ CPD, CD'P < $ CDP, D'PD" < $DPD', etc., CD"P < \ CD'P, etc. At P we have a series of angles. In the first hypothesis there is an infinite number of these angles, and the series forms a geometrical progression of ratio -J, whose value is 28 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY exactly In the second hypothesis there is also an infinite number of these angles, and the terms of the series are less than the terms of the geometrical progression. The value of the series is. therefore, less than In the third hypothesis we have a series whose terms are greater than those of the geometrical progression, and, therefore, whether the series is convergent or divergent, we can get more than by taking a sufficient number of terms. In other words, we can get a right angle or more than a right angle at P by repeating this process a certain finite number of times. The angles at D, D', D", are exactly equal to the terms of the series of angles at P. In the first two hypotheses they approach zero as a limit. The distances CD, CD', CD", - increase each time by more than a definite quantity, CD-, therefore, if we repeat the process an unlimited number of times, these distances will increase beyond all limit. Thus, in the first and second hypotheses we prove that a straight line must be of infinite length. In the hypothesis of the obtuse angle the line perpendicular to PC at the point P will intersect CF in a point at a certain finite distance from C, one of the D's, or some point between. On the other side of PC this same perpendicular will intersect FC produced at the same distance. But we have assumed that two different straight lines cannot intersect in two points ; therefore, for us the third hypothesis cannot be true unless the straight line is of finite length returning into itself, and these two points are one and the same point, its distance from C in either direction being one-half the entire length of the line. In this way, however, we can build up a consistent Geometry on the third hypothesis, and this Geometry it is which is called the Elliptic Geometry. THE THREE GEOMETRIES 29 The constructions would have been the same, and very nearly all the statements would have been the same, if we had taken CD any arbitrary length on CF. The restriction which we have placed upon some of the propositions of this chapter is necessary in the third hypothesis. Thus, in the proof that the exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the opposite interior angle, the line AD drawn through the vertex A to the middle point 7) of the opposite side was produced so as to make AE = 2AD. If AD were greater than half the entire length of the straight line deter- mined by A and D, this would bring the point E past the point A } and the angle CBE, which is equal to the angle C, instead of being a part of the exterior angle CBF, becomes greater than this exterior angle. Again, if two angles of a triangle are equal and the side between them is just an entire straight line, it does not follow necessarily that the opposite sides are equal. It may be said, 30 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY however, that the opposite sides form one continuous line, and, therefore, this figure is not strictly a triangle, but a figure C somewhat like a lune. The points A and B are the same point, and the angles A and B are vertical angles. Finally, though we assume that the shortest path between two points is a straight line, it is not always true that a straight line drawn between two points is the shortest path between them. We can pass from one point to another in two ways on a straight line ; namely, over each of the two parts into which the two points divide the line determined by them. One of these parts will usually be shorter than the other, and the longer part will be longer than some paths along broken lines or curved lines. When, however, the straight line is of infinite length, that is, in the hypothesis of the right angle and in the hypothesis of the acute angle, all the propositions of this chapter hold without restriction. The Euclidean Geometry is familiar to all. We will now make a detailed study of the Geometry of Lobachevsky, and then take up in the same way the Elliptic Geometry.. CHAPTER II THE HYPERBOLIC GEOMETRY \V K have now the hypothesis of the acute angle. Two lines in a plane perpendicular to a third diverge on either side of their common perpendicular. The sum of the angles of a triangle is less than two right angles, and the propositions of the last chapter hold without restriction. I. PARALLEL LINES From any point, P, draw a perpendicular, PC, to a given lint'. I/;, and let PD be any other line from P meeting CB in /A If D move off indefinitely on CB, the line PD will approarh a limiting position /'/'. P PE is said to be parallel to CB at P. PE makes with PC an angle, CPE, which is called the angle of parallelism for tho perpendicular distance PC, It is less than a right angle by an amount which is the limit of the deficiency of the tri- angle PCD. On the other side of PC we can find another line parallel to CA and making with PC the same angle of parallelism. We say that PE is parallel to AB towards that part which is on the same side of PC with PE. Thus, at any 31 32 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY point there are two parallels to a line, but only one towards one part of the line. Lines through P which make with PC an angle greater than the angle of parallelism and less than its supplement do not meet AB at all. We write II (p) to denote the angle of parallelism for a perpendicular distance, p. 1. Theorem. A straight line maintains its parallelism at all points. A -^ v B H D Let AB be parallel to CD at E and let F be any other point of AB on either side of E, to prove that AB is parallel to CD at F. Proof. To H, on CD, draw EH and FH. If H move off indefinitely on CD, these two lines will approach positions of parallelism with CD. But the limiting position of EH is the line AB passing through F, and if the limiting position of FH were some other line, FK, F would be the limiting position of If) the intersection of EH and FH. 2. Theorem. If one line is parallel to another, the second is parallel to the first. Given AB parallel to CD, to prove that CD is parallel to AB. Proof. Draw AC perpendicular to CD. The angle CAB will be acute; therefore, the perpendicular CE from C to AB must fall on that side of A towards which the line AB is parallel to CD (Chap. I, II, 1). The angle ECD is then acute and less than CEB, which is a right angle. That is, we have CAB < A CD, and CEB > ECD. PARALLEL LINES 33 If the line CE revolve about the point C to the position of ' 'A. the angle at E will decrease to the angle A, and the angle at C will increase to a right angle. There will be some posi- tion, say CF, where these two angles become equal ; that is, CFB = FCD. FE Draw MN perpendicular to CF at its middle point and revolve the figure about MX as an axis. CD will fall upon the original position of AB, and AB will fall upon the original position of CD. Therefore, CD is parallel to A B. Corollary. FB and CD are both parallel to MN. F Proof. FB and CD are symmetrically situated with respect to MN, and cannot intersect MN since they do not intersect each other. Draw FH to H, on CD, intersecting MN in K. If H move off indefinitely on CD, FH will approach the posi- tion of FB as a limit. Now K cannot move off indefinitely before H does, for FK < FH. But again, when H moves off indefinitely, K cannot approach some limiting position at a 34 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY finite distance on MN; for FB, and therefore CD, would then intersect MN and each other at this point. Therefore, H and K must move off together, and the limiting position of FH must be at the same time parallel to CD and MN. In the same way we can prove that any line lying in a plane between two parallels must intersect one of them or be parallel to both. 3. Theorem. Two lines parallel to a third towards the same part of the third are parallel to each other. First, when they are all in the same plane. Let AB and EF be parallel to CD, to prove that they are parallel to each other. Proof. Suppose AB lies between the other two. To H, any point on CD, draw AH and EH, and let K be the point where EH intersects AB. As H moves off indefinitely on CD, AH and EH approach as limiting positions AB and EF. Now A' cannot move off indefinitely before H does, for EK < EH. But again, when H moves off indefinitely, K cannot approach some limiting position at a finite distance on AB ; for this point would be the intersection of AB and EF, and the limiting position of H, whereas H moves off indefinitely on CD. There- fore, H and K must move off together, and the limiting posi- tion of EH must be at the same time parallel to CD and AB. PARALLEL LINES 35 If AB, lying between the other two, is given parallel to CD and EF, EF must be parallel to CD', for a line through E parallel to CD would be parallel to AB, and only one line can be drawn through E parallel to A B towards the same part. i> Second, when the lines are not all in the same plane. Let AB and CD be two parallel lines and let E be any point not in their plane. Proof. ToHonCDdTSiw AHandEH. As H moves off indefi- nitely, AH approaches the position of AB, and the plane E I // the position of the plane EAB. Therefore, the limiting posi- tion of EH is the intersection of the planes ECD and E. 1 /;. The intersection of these planes is, then, parallel to CD, and in the same way we prove that it is parallel to AB. Now, if EF is given as parallel to one of these two lines towards the part towards which they are parallel, it must be the intersection of the two planes determined by them and the point E, and therefore parallel to the other line also. 4. Theorem. Parallel lines continually approach each other. Let AB and CD be parallel, and from A and B, any points on AB, drop perpendiculars AC and BD to CD. Supposing that B lies beyond A in the direction of parallelism, we are to prove that BD < AC. Proof. At H, the middle point of CD, erect a perpendicular meeting AB in K. The angle BKH is an acute angle, and the 36 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY angle AKH is an obtuse angle. Therefore, a perpendicular to HK at K must meet CA in some point, E, between C and A D C H and DB produced in some point, F, beyond B. (Chap. I, I, 12) ; therefore, DB < CA. But DF = CE Corollary. If AB and CD are parallel and AC makes equal angles with them (like FC in 2 above), then EF, cutting off equal distances on these two lines, AE = CF, on the side towards which they are parallel, will be shorter than A C. M H Proof. MN, perpendicular to AC at its middle point, is parallel to AB and bisects EF, the figure being symmetrical with respect to MN. EH, the half of EF, is less than AM, and therefore EF is less than A C. 5. Theorem. As the perpendicular distance varies, starting from zero and increasing indefinitely, the angle of parallelism decreases from a right angle to zero. Proof. In the first place the angle of parallelism, which is acute as long as the perpendicular distance is positive, will be THE ANGLE OF PARALLELISM 37 made to differ from a right angle by less than any assigned value if we take a perpendicular distance sufficiently small. For, ADE being any given angle as near a right angle as we please, we can take a point, Z, on DE and draw LR perpen- dicular to DA at R. The angle RDL must increase to become the angle of parallelism for the perpendicular distance RD. Now let p be the length of a given perpendicular PM, and let a be the amount by which its angle of parallelism differs 7T from ; that is, say I'M, being perpendicular i<> M.\, and // any point on MN, the angle MPH approaches as a limit the angle of parallelism, II ( p), when H moves off indefinitely on MN. The line PH meets the line MX as long as MPH < n (y>), and by taking MTH sufficiently near II (p), but less, we can make the angle MIIP as small as we please (see p. 27). In figure on page 38, let A C be perpendicular to AB, D being any point on A C and DE parallel to AB. Draw DK beyond DE, making .with DE an angle, EDK = U (p), and make DK = p. TF, perpendicular to DK at K, will be parallel to DE and AB. 38 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY By placing PMN of the last figure upon DKT, we see that DC will meet KT in a point, G if KDC < H O), that is, if ADE>2a. Then in the right triangle DKG, Starting from the point G, we can repeat this construction, and each time we subtract from the angle of parallelism an amount greater than a. We can continue this process until the angle of parallelism becomes equal to or less than 2 a. If the point D move along AC, DE remaining constantly parallel to AB, the angle at D will constantly diminish, and by letting D move sufficiently far on A C we can reach a point where this angle becomes equal to or less than 2 a. Suppose D is at the point where the angle of parallelism is just 2 a. Then, if we draw DK and TF as before, KT will be PERPENDICULARS IX A TRIANGLE 39 parallel to DC. All the parallels to AB lying between AB and this position of TF meet A C, and as the parallel moves towards this position of TF, the angle of parallelism at D approaches zero, and the point D moves off indefinitely. For an obtuse angle we may take^> negative, and we have 6. Theorem. The perpendiculars erected at the middle points of the sides of a triangle are all parallel if two of tin in are parallel. Let .1, B, and C be the vertices of the triangle, and D, E, and F, respectively, the middle points of the opposite sides. Suppose the perpendiculars at D and E are given parallel, to prove that the perpendicular at F is parallel to them. 40 ! NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Proof. Draw CM through C parallel to the two given par- allel perpendiculars. CM forms with the two sides at C angles of parallelism II '.( - J and II f - J , of which the angle at C is the sum or difference according as C lies between the given perpendiculars or on the same side of both. By properly diminishing these angles at C, keeping the lengths of CA and CB unchanged, we can make the perpendiculars at their middle points D and E intersect CM, and therefore each other, at any distance from C greater than and greater than - 2i 2i Let A'fi'C" be the triangle so formed, the point where the two given perpendiculars meet, and C'M' the line through 0. In the triangle A'B'C', the three perpendiculars meet at the point (Chap. I, I, 5). Now we can let move off on C'M', the construction remaining the same. That is, we let the lines C'A' and C'B' rotate about C" without changing their lengths, in such a manner that the three perpendiculars D'O, E'O, and F'O shall always pass through 0. As moves off indefinitely, the angles at C' approach n ( - J and II f - J as limits, and the three perpendiculars approach positions of parallelism with C'M 1 and with each other. But the triangle A'B'C' approaches as a limit a triangle which is equal to ABC, having two sides and the included angle equal, respectively, to the corresponding parts of the latter. Therefore, in ABC the three perpendiculars are all parallel. 7. Theorem. Lines which do not intersect and are not parallel have one and only one common perpendicular. Proof. Let AB and CD be the two lines, and from A, any point of AB, drop AC perpendicular to CD. If AC is not itself the common perpendicular, one of the angles which it makes with A B will be acute. Let this angle be on the side PERPENDICULARS IN A TRIANGLE 1 towards AB, so that BAC < ~ Draw AE parallel to CD 6 on this same side of A C. The angle EA C is less than BA C, since AB is not parallel to CD and does not intersect it. Let A H be any line drawn in the angle EA C, intersecting CD at //. If H, starting from the position of C, move off indefinitely OMB 7) on the line CZ>, the angle BA H will decrease from the magni- tude of the angle BAC to the angle BA E. The angle AHC will decrease indefinitely from the magnitude of the angle at (\ which is a right angle and greater than BAC. There will be some position for which BAH = AHC. In this position the line NM through the middle point of AH perpendicular to one of the two given lines will be perpendicular to the other, as proved in Chap. I, I, 10. If there were two common perpendiculars we should have a rectangle, which is impossible in the Hyperbolic Geometry. 8. Theorem. If the perpendiculars erected at the middle points of the sides of a triangle do not meet and are not llel, they are all perpendicular to a certain line. NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Proof. We can draw a line, AB, that will be perpendicular to two of these lines, and the perpendiculars from the three vertices of the triangle upon this line will be equal, by Chap. I, II, 13. A perpendicular to AB erected midway between any two of these three is perpendicular to the corresponding side of the triangle at its middle point (Chap. 1, 1, 11). Thus, all three of the perpendiculars erected at the middle points of the sides of the triangle are perpendicular to AB. A line is parallel to a plane if it is parallel to its projection on the plane. 9. Theorem. A line may be drawn perpendicular to a plane and parallel to any line not in the plane. ^B R, D A M X x- N Proof. Let AB be the given line and MN the plane. If AB meets the plane MN at a point, A, we take on its projection a length, AC, such that the angle at A equals II (A C). Then CD, perpendicular to the plane at C, will be parallel to AB. In the same way, on the other side of the plane a perpendic- ular can be drawn parallel to BA produced. If AB does not meet MN, then at least in one direction it diverges from MN. Through H, any point of the projection of AB on the plane, we can draw a line, HK, parallel to AB towards that part of AB which diverges from MN, and then draw CD parallel to this line and perpendicular to the plane. Unless AB is parallel to MN it will meet the plane at some point, or the plane and line will have a common perpendicular, and the line will diverge from the plane in both directions. H( >UNDARY-CURVES 43 In the latter case there are two perpendiculars that are parallel to the line, one parallel towards each part of the line. Two perpendiculars cannot be parallel towards the same part of a line ; for then they would be parallel to each other, and two lines cannot be perpendicular to a plain 1 and parallel to each other. II. liolNDAKY-CURVES AND SURFACES, AND EQUI- DISTANT-CURVES AND SURFACES Having given the line AB y at its extremity, A, we take any arbitrary angle and produce the side AC so that the perpen- dicular erected at its middle point shall be parallel to A/:. The locus of the point C is a curve which is called oricycle, or boundary-curve. Mi is its axis. From their definition it follows that all boundary-curves are equal, and the boundary -curve is symmetrical with respect to its axis ; if revolved through two right angles about its axis, it will coincide with itself. 1. Theorem. Any line parallel to the axis of a boundary- curve may be taken for axis. Let AB be the axis and rn any liin- parallel to Ml, to prove that CD may ! taken as axis. 44 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Proof. Draw A C ; also to E, any other point on the curve, draw AE and CE. The perpendiculars erected at the middle points of A C and of AE are parallel to AB and CD and to each D other. Therefore, the perpendicular erected at the middle point of CE, the third side of the triangle A CE, is parallel to them and to CD. CD then may be taken as axis. Corollary. The boundary-curve may be slid along on itself without altering its shape ; that is, it has a constant curvature. 2. Theorem. Two boundary -curves having a common set of axes cut off the same distance on each of the axes, and the ratio of corresponding arcs depends only on this distance. Proof. Take any two axes and a third axis bisecting the arc which the first two intercept on one of the two boundary- BOUNDARY-CURVES 45 curves. By revolving the figure about this axis we show that the curves cut off equal distances on the two axes. Let A A ', BB', and CC' be any three axes of the two boundary- curves AB and A'B'; let their common length be x and let them intercept arcs s and t on AB, s' and t' on .4'^'. When s = t, s' = t\ and, in general, s .' falls on the boundary -curve AB'. Calling the radius of a circle axis, we find that circles, boundary-curves, and equidistant-curves have many properties in common : The perpendicular erected at the middle point of any chord is an axis. In particular, a tangent is perpendicular to the axis drawn from its point of contact. These are curves cutting at right angles a system of lines through a point, a system of parallel lines, and the perpendiculars to a given line, respectively. Two of these curves having the same set of axes cut off equal lengths on all these axes, and the ratio of corresponding arcs on two such curves is a constant depending only on the way in which they divide the axes. Three points determine one of these curves ; that is, through any three points not in a straight line we can. draw a curve which shall be either a circle, a boundary-curve, or an equi- distant-curve, and through any three points only one such curve can be drawn. Any triangle may be inscribed in one and only one of these curves. Each of these curves can be moved on itself or revolved about any axis through 180 into coincidence with itself. 50 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY A boundary-surface or orisphere is a surface generated by the revolution of a boundary-curve about one of its axes. 5, Theorem. Any line parallel to the axis of a boundary- surface may be regarded as axis. A K D' Let A A 1 be the axis, meeting the surface at .4, and BB' a line parallel to the axis through any other point, B, of the surface; to prove that BB' may be regarded as axis. Proof. Let C be a third point on the surface. Draw CC" through C, and through D, E, and F, the middle points of the sides of the plane triangle ABC, draw DD', EE', and FF' all parallel to A A'. Finally, let OO' be parallel to these lines and perpendicular to the plane ABC. The projecting planes of the other parallels all pass through 00' (see I, 9). Since A A' is axis to the surface, EE' and FF' are perpen- dicular to AC and AB } respectively. Draw FK perpendicular to the plane ABC at F. It will lie in the projecting plane OFF'. AB, being perpendicular to FF' and to FK, is perpen- BOUNDARY-SURFACES 51 dicular to this plane, OFF', and therefore to OF. In the same way we prove that AC is perpendicular to OE. Therefore, EC is perpendicular to OD (Chap. I, I, 5). But OD is the intersection of the plane ABC with the plane ODD'. Hence, IK' is perpendicular to this plane and to DD' (Chap. I, II, 15). DD' being parallel to BB' lies in the plane determined by BB' and BC, and in this plane only one perpendicular can be drawn to BC at its middle point. Therefore, if we pass any plane through BB' and from B draw a chord to any other point, C, o its intersection with the surface, the perpendicular in this plane to BC, erected at the middle point of BC, will be parallel to BB'. This proves that the section is a boundary- curve, having BB' for axis, and that -the surface can be gener- ated by the revolution of such a boundary-curve around BB'. Therefore, BB' may be regarded as axis of the surface. A plane passed through an axis of a boundary-surface is called a principal plane. Every principal plane cuts the sur- face in a boundary -curve. Any other plane cuts the surface in a circle ; for the surface may be regarded as a surface of revo- lution having for axis of revolution that axis which is perpen- dicular to the plane. This perpendicular may be called the axis of the circle, and the point where it meets the surface, the pole of the circle. The pole of a circle on a boundary -surf ace is at the same distance from all the points of the circle, distance being measured along boundary -lines on the surface. Any two boundary -surfaces can be made to coincide, and a boundary-surface can be moved upon itself, any point to the position of any other point, and any boundary -curve through the first point to the position of any boundary -curve through the second point. We may say that a boundary-surface has a constant curvature, the same for all these surfaces. Figures on a boundary-surface can be moved about or put upon any other boundary-surface without altering their shape or size. 52 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY We can develop a Geometry on the boundary-surface. By line we mean the boundary-curve in which the surface is cut by a principal plane. The angle between two lines is the same as the diedral angle between the two principal planes which cut out the lines on the surface. 6. Theorem. Geometry on the boundary -surf ace is the same as the ordinary Euclidean Plane G-eometry. Proof. On two boundary-surfaces with the same system of parallel lines for axes corresponding triangles are similar ; that is, corresponding angles are equal, having the same measures as the diedral angles which cut them out, and corresponding lines are proportional by (2). But we can place these figures on the same surface ; therefore, on one boundary-surface we can have similar triangles. Thus, we can diminish the sides of a triangle without altering their ratios or the angles. We can do this indefinitely ; for the ratio of corresponding lines on the two surfaces, being expressed by the function e ax of the distance between them, can be made as large as we please by taking x sufficiently large. If we assume that figures on the boundary-surface become more and more like plane figures when we diminish indefinitely their size, it follows that a triangle on this surface approaches more and more the form of an infinitesimal plane triangle, for which the sum of the angles is two right angles, and the angles and sides have the same relations as in the Euclidean Plane Geometry. All the formulae of Plane Trigonometry with which we are familiar hold, then, for triangles on the boundary-surface. On the boundary -surface we have the "hypothesis of the right angle." Eectangles can be formed, and the area of a rectangle is proportional to the product of its base and alti- tude, while the area of a triangle is half of the area of a rectangle having the same base and altitude. TRIGONOMETRICAL FORMULAE 53 An equidistant-surface is a surface generated by the revo- lution of an equidistant-curve about one of its axes. It is the locus of points at a given perpendicular distance from a plane. Any perpendicular to the plane may be regarded as an axis, and the surface is a surface cutting at right angles a system of lines perpendicular to the plane. The surface has a constant curvature, fitting upon itself in any position. III. TRIGONOMETRICAL FORMULAE 1. Let ABC be a plane right triangle. Erect A A' perpen- dicular to its plane and draw BB' and CC' parallel to A A'. Draw a boundary-surface through A, having these lines for axes and forming the boundary-surface triangle AB"C". Also construct the spherical triangle about the point B. c6-n(a) The angle A is the same in the plane triangle and in the boundary -surf ace triangle. The planes through A A' are per- pendicular to ABC. Hence, the spherical triangle has a right angle at the vertex which lies on c, and EC being perpendic- ular to CA is perpendicular to the plane of CC' and A A 1 . Therefore, the plane BCC' is perpendicular to the plane ACC'j 54 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY and the diedral whose edge is EC has for plane angle the angle ACC' = H(b). Since the boundary-surface triangle is right-angled at C", the angle B", or what is the same thing, the diedral whose edge is BB', is the complement of the angle A. In the spherical triangle the side opposite the right angle is II (a), the two sides about the right angle are II (c) and B, and the opposite angles are II () and 90 A. Applying to these quantities the trigonometrical formulae for spherical right triangles, we get at once the relations that connect the sides and angles of plane right triangles. Produce to quadrants the two sides about the angle whose value is the complement of A. We form in this way a spher- ical right triangle in which the side opposite the right angle is the complement of II (c), the two sides about the right angle are the complements of II (a) and n (&), and their opposite angles are the complements of B and A. From this triangle we deduce the following rule for passing from the formulae of spherical right triangles to those of plane triangles : Interchange the two angles (or the two sides) and everywhere use the complementary function, taking the corresponding angle of parallelism for the sides. The formulae for spherical right triangles are sin a sin b sin A = . sin B = - sin c sin c tan b tan a cos A = cos B tan c tan c tan a tan b tan A = - tan B = sin b sm a cos B cos A sm A = sin B = cos b , . cos a cos c = cos a cos b. cos c = cot A cot B. TRIGONOMETRICAL FORMULAE 55 From these, by the rule given on the previous page, we derive the following formulae for plane right triangles : cosB = cos n (a) sin B = cot n ( cot II (a) cot B = - cos II (b) sin A cosB = cos A = sin A = cot A = cos A = cos n (b) cos n (c) cot II (a) sin n (b) sin n (a) sin II (c) = sin II (a) sin II (b). sin II (c) = tan A tan B.* We can obtain the formulae for oblique plane triangles by dropping a perpendicular from one vertex upon the opposite side, thus forming two right triangles. 2. Take the relation sin II (a) = sin B cos A Let p, q, and r be the sides of the triangle AB"C" of our last demonstration and p', y', and r the corresponding sides * We can arrange the parts of a right triangle so as to apply Napier's rules ; namely, the arrangement would be co-b 56 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY of the triangle formed in the same way on a boundary-surface tangent to the plane ABC at B. g COS A = * Now <7 and q' are corresponding arcs on two boundary -curves which have the same set of parallel lines as axes, and their distance apart, x, is the distance from a boundary-curve of the extremity of a tangent of arbitrary length, a. Thus, we have for corresponding arcs s' - = sin n (a). 3, To MN, a given straight line, erect a perpendicular at a point, O, and on this perpendicular lay off OA = y below MN, and OB and BP each equal to x above MN 9 x and y being any arbitrary lengths. At P draw PR perpendicular to OP and THE ANGLE OF PARALLELISM 57 extending towards the left, and through B draw EF making with OP an angle II (z), and therefore parallel on one side to ON and on the other side to PR. Finally, draw AK and AH, the two parallels to EF through A. At the point .4 we have four angles of parallelism : CAK=CAH = U(AC), Therefore, U(y) = U (A C) + BA C, and HO + 2z) = n(.4C)- BAG. Now in the right triangle A !',< cos n (y + a-) = _ cos n (A C) cosBAC or 1 cos II (y 4- x) _ cos BA C cos II (A C) 1 4- cos n (y 4- x) ~~ cos^^C 4- cos II (4 C) cos [n (^ C) + 5-4 C] cos 58 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY whence, x) = tan $U (y) tan Jn(y + tan -J- II (aj) is then a function of #, say f(x) 9 satisfying the condition and putting successively in this equation y + x, y -\-2x, etc., for y, we may add no;) II (0) = and tan -J- II (0) = 1 ; therefore, putting y = in L the first and last of all these fractions, we have or This equation is characteristic of the exponential function.* II (x) being an acute angle, tan II (a;) < 1 ; therefore, we may write /(I) = e~ a> , so that /(a;) = e~ a>x . a' depends on the unit of measure ; we will take the unit so that a' = 1. Finally, since II ( x) = TT II (x), tan H (- x) = cot n (a:) = [tan ^ II (x)]- ^ That is, for all real values of x tan -i- II (ic) = e"*, * See footnote, p. 45. THE ANGLE OF PARALLELISM 59 1 COS II (x) or : . ^ / = cos ix + i sm ix* sm II (x) * i stands for V 1. The best way to get the relations between the exponential and trigonometrical functions is by their developments in series : X 2 ~ n cos* = l-| + |-. .. + (-!> sinx = x-2L + ^-, + ( These series are convergent for all values of x. Putting ix for x, we have i.e. , e* cos x -j- i sin x. Also e~ IX = cos x i sin x. .-. cosx = $(e f * Again, putting ix for x, we have e x = cos ix i sin ix, c~ x = cos ix + i sin ix ; and cos ix = (e* + e--'), sin ix = (e 1 e- x ). 2i l cos ix = 1 + ^-, + ?-, -f For real values of x, cos ix and are real and positive, and vary from 1 to co as x varies from to co. In the equation cos 2 ix + sin 2 ix = 1, the fii'st term is real and positive for real values of x, the second term is real and negative ; therefore, sinix is in absolute value less than cos ix, and tan ix is in absolute value less than 1. tan ix varies in absolute value from to 1 as x varies from to w. 60 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Changing the sign of x, we have 1 + cos H (35) : . v = cos ix i sin ix, sin II (x) and, adding and subtracting, 1 _, . = cos ix, sin n (a) cot II (x) = i sin zee. The nature of the angle of parallelism is, therefore, expressed by the equations sin H(x) = > v ' cos tx tan n (x) = . > sin ix taxiix cosllfo) = : i 4, Substituting in the formulae of plane right triangles, we find that they reduce to those of spherical right triangles with ia, ib, and ic for a, b, and c, respectively. The formulae 'of oblique triangles are obtained from those of right triangles in the same way as on the sphere, and thus all the formulae of Plane Trigonometry are obtained from those of Spherical Trigonometry simply by making this change. As fundamental formulae for oblique triangles we write sin A _ sinJS _ sin C sin ia sin ib sin ic cos ia = cos ib cos ic + sin ib sin ic cos A, cos A = cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos ia. In the notation of the Il-f unction, these are sin A tan n (a) = sin B tan n (b) = sin C tan n (c), INFINITESIMAL TRIANGLES 61 sinn (ft) sin n( C ) = _ cos cog cog ^ sm n (a) , sin B sin C COS yl = COS B COS C H : . . sin II (a) 5. Since for very small values of x we have approximately sin ix = ixj x* cos ix = 1 4- > tan ix = to-, our formulae for infinitesimal triangles reduce to sin A _ sin _ sin C a b t c a 2 = b* + c* 2bc cos A, cos .4 = cos (B + C). 6. Triangles on an equidistant-surface are similar to their projections on the base plane ; that is, they have the same angles and their sides are . proportional. Thus the formulae of Plane Trigonometry hold for any equidistant-surface if with the letters representing the sides we put, besides i, a constant factor depending on the distance of the surface from the plane. CHAPTER III THE ELLIPTIC GEOMETRY IN the hypothesis of the obtuse angle a straight line is of finite length and returns into itself. This length is the same for all lines, since any two lines can be made to coin- cide. Two straight lines always intersect, and two lines perpendicular to a third intersect at a point whose distance from the third on either line is half the entire length of a straight line. 1. A straight line does not divide the plane. Starting from the point of intersection of two lines and passing along one of them a certain finite distance, we come to the intersection point again without having crossed the other line. Thus, we can pass from one side of the line to the other without having crossed it. There is one point through which pass all the perpendiculars to a given line. It is called the pole of that line, and the line is its polar. Its distance from the line is half the entire length of a straight line, and the line is the locus of points at this distance from its pole. Therefore, if the pole of one 62 POLES AND POLARS 63 line lies on another, the pole of the second lies on the first, and the intersection of two lines is the pole of the line joining their poles. The locus of points at a given distance from a given line is a circle having its centre at the pole of the line. The straight line is a limiting form of a circle when the radius becomes equal to half the entire length of a line. We can draw three lines, each perpendicular to the other two, forming a trirectangular triangle. Tt is also a self -polar triangle ; each vertex is the pole of the opposite side. 2, All the perpendiculars to a plane in space meet at a point which is the pole of the plane. It is the centre of a system of spheres of which the plane is a limiting form when the radius becomes equal to half the entire length of a straight line. Figures on a plane can be projected from similar figures on any sphere which has the pole of the plane for centre. That is, they have equal angles and corresponding sides in a con- stant ratio that depends only on the radius of the sphere. Two corresponding angles are equal, because they are the same as the diedral angles formed by the two planes through the centre of the sphere which cut the sphere and the plane in the sides of the angles. Corresponding lines are proportional ; for if two arcs on the sphere are equal, their projections on the plane are equal ; and that, in general, two arcs have the same ratio as their projections on the plane is proved, first when they are commensurable, and by the method of limits when they are incommensurable. Geometry on a plane is, therefore, like Spherical Geometry, but the plane corresponds to only half a sphere, just as the diameters of a sphere correspond to the points of half the surface. Indeed, the points and straight lines of a plane correspond exactly to the lines and planes through a point, 64 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY but we can realize the correspondence better that compares the plane with the surface of a sphere. If we can imagine that the points on the boundary of a hemisphere at opposite extremities of diameters are coincident, the hemisphere will correspond to the elliptic plane. There is no particular line of the plane that plays the part of boundary. All lines of the plane are alike ; the plane is unbounded, but not infinite in extent. The entire straight line corresponds to a semicircle. We will take such a unit for measuring length that the entire length of a line shall be TT ; the formulae of Spherical Trigo- nometry will then apply without change to our plane. Dis- tances on a line will then have the same measure as the angles which they subtend at the pole of the line, and the angle between two lines will be equal to the distance between their poles. The distance from any point to its polar, half the entire length of a straight line, may then be called a quadrant. We can form a self -polar tetraedron by taking three mutually perpendicular planes and the plane which has their intersec- tion for pole. The vertices of this tetraedron are the poles of the opposite faces. At each vertex is a trirectangular triedral, and each face is a trirectangular triangle. 3. Theorem. All the planes perpendicular to a fixed line intersect in another fixed line, catted its polar or conjugate. The relation is reciprocal, and all the points of either line are at a quadrant's distance from all the points of the other. Proof. Let the two planes perpendicular to the line A B at H and K intersect in CD. Pass a plane through AB and R, any point of CD. This plane will intersect the two given planes in HR and KR. HR and KR are perpendicular to AB ; therefore, R is at a quadrant's distance from H and K. R is then the pole of AB in the plane determined by AB and R, POLAR LINES 65 and is at a quadrant's distance from every point of AB. But R is any point of CD ; therefore, any point of either line is at a quadrant's distance from each point of the other line, and a point which is at a quadrant's distance from one line lies in the other line. Again, any point, //, of AB, being at a quad- rant's distance from all the points of CD, is the pole of CD in the plane determined by it and CD. Thus, HR and KR are both perpendicular to CD, and the plane determined by AB and R is perpendicular to CD. The opposite edges of a self-polar tetraedron are polar lines. All the lines which intersect a given line at right angles intersect its polar at right angles. Therefore, the distances of any point from two polar lines are measured on the same straight line and are together equal to a quadrant. Two points which are equidistant from one line are equidistant from its polar. The locus of points which are at a given distance from a fixed line is a surface of revolution having both this line and its polar as axes. We may call it a surface of double revolu- tion. The parallel circles about one axis are meridian curves for the other axis. If a solid body, or, we may say, all space, move along a straight line without rotating about it, it will rotate about the conjugate line as an axis without sliding 66 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY along it. A motion along a straight line combined with a rotation about it is called a screw motion. A screw motion may then be described as a rotation about each of two con- jugate lines or as a sliding along each of two conjugate lines. 4. Theorem. In the elliptic geometry there are lines not in the same plane which have an infinite number of common perpendiculars and are everywhere equidistant. Given any two lines in the same plane and their common per- pendicular. If we go out on these lines in either direction from the perpendicular, they approach each other. Now revolve one of them about this perpendicular so that they are no longer in the same plane. After a certain amount of rotation the lines will have an infinite number of common perpendiculars and be equidistant throughout their entire length. Proof. Let p be the length of the common perpendicular AC, and take points B and D on the two lines on the same side of this perpendicular at a distance, a. BDBC and BO AC. PARALLEL LINES 67 Suppose, when CD has revolved through an angle, 6, BD becomes equal to^? and takes the position BD'. The triangles ABC and D'BC are equal, having corresponding sides equal. Therefore, BD' is perpendicular to CD'. BD' is also perpen- dicular to BA ; for if we take the diedral A-BC-D' and place it upon itself so that the positions of B and C shall be inter- changed, A will fall on the position of D', and D' on the position of .4, and the angle D'BA must equal the angle ACD'. Therefore, Hl>' as well as CA is a common perpendicular to the lines AB and CD'. Now at the point C we have a triedral whose three edges are CB, CD, and CD'. Moreover, the diedral along the edge CD is a right diedral ; therefore, the three face angles of the triedral satisfy the same relations as do the three sides of a spherical right triangle ; namely, cos BCD' = cos BCD cos DC It'. But /;r /) = - ACR and BCD' = ABC. Hence, this relation may be written c-oaABC = sin A < 'B cos B. Again, in the right triangle ABC cos ABC . ' . COS B = COS y>, 7T or, since B and p are less than ? 9= p. The angle 0, therefore, does not depend upon a. If we take any two lines in a plane and turn one about their common perpendicular through an angle equal in measure to the length 68 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY of that perpendicular, the two lines will then be everywhere equidistant. As we have no parallel lines in the ordinary sense in this Geometry, the name parallel has been applied to lines of this kind. They have many properties of the parallel lines of Euclidean Geometry. Through any point two lines can be drawn parallel to a given line. These are of two kinds, sometimes distinguished as right-wound and left-wound. They lie entirely on a surface of double revolution, having the given line as axis. The sur- face is, therefore, a ruled surface and has on it two sets of rectilinear generators like the hyperboloid of one sheet. CHAPTER IV ANALYTIC NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY WE shall use the ordinary polar coordinates, p and 0, and for the rectangular coordinates, x and y, of a point, we shall use the intercepts on the axes made by perpendiculars through the point to the axes. The formulae depend upon the trigonomet- rical relations, and in our two Geometries differ only in the use of the imaginary factor i with lengths of lines. I. HYPERBOLIC ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 1. The relations between polar and rectangular coordinates : The angles at the origin which the radius vector makes with the axes are complementary. From the two right triangles we have tan ix = cos tan ip, tan iy = sin 6 tan ip. Therefore, tan 2 ip = tan 2 ix + tan 2 iy, tan iy tan ix 69 tan 6 = 70 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY xy 2. The distance, 8, between two points : cos i& = cos ip cos ip' + sin ip sin ip' cos (0' 6). 8 and one of the points being fixed, this may be regarded as the polar equation of a circle. \ 3, The equation of a line : Let p be the length of the perpendicular from the origin upon the line, and a the angle which the perpendicular makes HYPERBOLIC ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 71 with the axis of x. From the right triangle formed with this perpendicular and p we have tan ip cos (0 a) = tan ip. This is the polar equation of the line. We get the equation in x and y by expanding and substituting ; namely, cos a tan ix + sin a tan iy = tan ip. The equation a tan ix + I tan iy = i represents a line for which tan a i> Now, for real values of p, tan 2 ip < 1 (see footnote, p. 59). The line is therefore real if a and b are real, and if \ \ 4. The distance, 8, of a point from a line : Let the radius vector to the point intersect the line at A, and let p l be the radius vector to A. We have two right 72 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY triangles with equal angles at A, and from the expressions for the sines of these angles we get the equation sn sin i(p pi) This equation holds for all points, xy, of the plane, 8 being negative when the point is on the same side of the line as the origin, and zero when the point is on the line. Now, . sintp . . . . sin i& = r- sin ip sin ip cos ip. tanip = //I ' cos (0 a) sin ip = sin ip cos ip cos (0 a), tan ip 1 and sin i& = cos ip cos ip [tan ip cos (0 a) tan ip~\. $ being fixed, this may be regarded as the polar equation of an equidistant-curve. \ \ 5. The angle between two lines : being the angle which a line makes with the radius vector at any point, we have THE ANGLE BETWEEN TWO LINES 73 cos < = cos ip sin (0 a), . _ sin ip sint'p For two lines intersecting at this point, sin ii sin ip sm sin <>, = Bin* ip sin /?! sin = sm *P! sm ip 2 -t Now, from the equation of the line sin ip l * = cos ii cos (0 i), tantp sin ip a = cos ip z cos (0 or 2 ) ; tan ip so that sin fa sin < 2 = sin ip l sin ///., + cos ipi cos tp 2 cos (0 a i) cos (0 or 2 ). Again, cos ^ cos fa = cos i^ cos ip 9 sin (0 <*i) sin (0 or 2 ). Adding these equations, we have cos (< 2 (See p. 56.) s v ' cosia therefore, - = e~ b . (See p. 45.) 8. The equation of an equidistant-curve : The polar equation of (4) reduced to an equation in x and y takes the form (1 + tan 2 ix + tan 2 iy) sin 2 iS = cos 2 ip (cos a tan ix -\- sin a tan iy tan ip) 2 . 9. Comparison of the three equations : The equation (1 + tan 2 ix + tan 2 iy) c 2 = (i a tan ix b tan iyf represents a circle, a boundary-curve, or an equidistant-curve, according as a 2 + b 2 < 1, =1, > 1, respectively. c la C 10. Differential formulae : Suppose we have an isosceles triangle in which the angle A at the vertex diminishes indefinitely. In the formula sin A __ sinC sin ia sin ic we may put for sin A, sin ia, sin C ; A, ia, 1, respectively. Therefore, (I.) DIFFERENTIAL FORMULA 77 Corollary. In a circle of radius r, the ratio of any arc to the angle subtended at the centre is sin ir. Again, in the right triangle ABC, let the hypothenuse c revolve about the vertex A. Differentiating the equation cos B sm.4 = -> cos tl> where b is constant, we have siuBdB cos Ad A = - COS ll> cos^l But sm B = > cosia . ' . dB = cos ia cos ib dA , or (II.) dB = cos ic dA. Now, using polar coordinates, we have an infinitesimal right triangle whose hypothenuse, ds, makes an angle, say <, with the radius vector (see figure on page 78). The two sides about the right angle are dp and r-^ dO ; therefore, ds* = dp* sin' 2 ip dO*, sin ip dO tan = T-^-T-' t dp 78 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY For two arcs cutting at right angles, let d' denote differ- entiation along the second arc : sin ip dO _ I d^p_ i dp sinip d'O or dp d'p == sin 2 ip. 11. Area: It equals We will consider only the case where the origin is within the area to be computed and where each radius vector meets the bounding curve once, and only once. Integrating with respect to p, from p = 0, we have or X2JT (cos ip 1) d&, . /27T I cos ip dO - 2 TT. * The unit of area being so chosen that the area of an infinitesimal rectangle may be expressed as the product of its base and altitude. AREA 79 Suppose P and P' are two " consecutive " points on the curve, PM and P'M' the tangents at these points, and < the angle which the tangent makes with the radius vector. The angle MP'M' indicates the amount of turning or rotation at these points as we go around the curve. Now, by (IT.), M/>'M' = 1, respectively. II. ELLIPTIC ANALYTIC GEOMETRY The Elliptic Analytic Geometry may be developed just as we have developed the Hyperbolic Analytic Geometry, and the formulae are the same with the omission of the factor i. But these formulae are also very easily obtained from the relation of line and pole, and we shall produce them in this way. The formulae of Elliptic Plane Analytic Geometry may be applied to a sphere in any of our three Geometries. 1. The relations between polar and rectangular coordinates : tan x = cos tan p, tan y = sin 6 tan p j * If we draw a quadrilateral with three right angles and the diagonal to the acute angle, and use a, 6, and c in the same way that w, v, and r are used above, the five parts lettered in the figure have the relations of a right triangle in the Euclidean Geometry ; e.g., = , etc. ELLIPTIC ANALYTIC GEOMETRY therefore, tan 2 p = tan 2 x 4 tan' 2 y, 81 xy 2. The distance, 8, between two points : cos 8 = cos p cos p' 4 sin p sin p 1 cos (0' 0). This may be regarded as the polar equation of a circle of radius 8, p' and 6' being the polar coordinates of the centre. Now, sin p cos = cos p tan #, sin p sin = cos p tan y ; 1 1 also, COSp = 1 + tan 2 p VT+ tan 2 x 4 tan 2 y The equation of a circle in rectangular coordinates may, there- fore, be written (1 + tan 2 x 4 tan 2 y) (1 + tan 2 x' + tan 2 y') cos 2 8 = (14- tan x tan sc' 4- tan y tan y') 2 . * The line which has the origin for pole forms with the coordinate axes a trirectangular triangle, and z, y, and 6 may be regarded as representing the directions of the given point from its three vertices. On a sphere, if we take as origin the pole of the equator, p and are colatitude and longitude, x and y, one with its sign changed, are the " bearings " of the point from two points 90 apart on the equator. 82 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY 3, The equation of a line : When 8 = > the circle becomes a straight line. For this we have, therefore, the equation tan x tan x' + tan y tan ij + 1 = 0. x'y' is the pole of the line. From the equation tan p cos (6 a) = tan_/?, or cos a tan x + sin a tan y = we find cos a tan x' = 9 tan y = sn as can be shown geometrically, the polar coordinates of this point being TT P T TT oc. The equation a tan x + b tan y + 1 = represents a real line for any real values of a and b. 4. The distance, 8, of a point from a straight line : This is the complement of the distance between the point and the pole of the* 1 line ; it is expressed by the equation DIFFERENTIAL FOBMULJE 83 sin 8 = cos p sinp + sin p eosp cos (0 a) = cos p cos jt? [tan p cos (0 a) tan 7;]. 5. The angle, <}>, between two lines : This is equal to the distance between their poles ; therefore, cos = sin j9 sinp' 4- cos p cos p 1 cos (a 1 ). The two lines a tan x + I tan y -f 1 = 0, a' tan a; + ft'tany + 1 = are perpendicular if aa' -f bb 1 4- 1 = 0. 6, Differential formulae : The formula sn sn sin a sin c becomes, when A diminishes indefinitely, (I.) a = sine- A. Corollary. In a circle of radius r, the ratio of any arc to the *> (bt ended at the centre is sin r. From the right triangle ABC, if If remain fixed, we get, by differentiating the equation cos B sin ^4 = cosb 84 NON-EUCLIDEAX GEOMETRY (II.) dB = - cose dA. Thus, we have for differential formulae in polar coordinates tan < = sin p > * dp * If is constant, as in the logarithmic spiral of Euclidean Geometry, we can integrate this equation ; namely, tan = dd. sinp .-. tan log tan - = + c, Writing . 2 On the sphere this is the curve called the loxodrome. A MODIFIED SYSTEM OF COORDINATES 85 and for two arcs cutting at right angles dp d'p 9*i m -*** The formula for area is * J J sin p dp <16. We integrate first with respect to p, and if the area contains the origin and each radius vector meets the curve once, and only once, our expression becomes /27T 2-7T- I cospde. */0 The entire rotation in going around the curve is found as on page 79, and is X2ff cos p dO. _ Thus the area is equal to the amount by which this rotation is less than four right angles. For example, the area of a circle of radius p is 2?r (1 cosp), and the amount of turning in going around it is 2?r cos p. The area of the entire plane is 2 TT. 7. A modified system of coordinates : Writing u for tan x, v for tan //, r for tan p, etc., we have u* + v 2 = r 2 .f The equation of a line then becomes au + b + l= 0, and the equation of a circle (1 + w 2 + ?; 2 ) c 2 = (1 + au + bv) 2 . * The unit of area being properly chosen. t The footnote on page 80 applies here also. 86 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY III. ELLIPTIC SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY We will develop far enough to get the equation of the surface of double revolution. / T A A O x / 1, Coordinates, lines, and planes : Draw three planes through the point perpendicular to the axes. For coordinates x, y, z, we take the intercepts which these planes make on the axes. The lines of intersection of these three planes are perpen- dicular to the coordinate planes (Chap. I, II, 16 and 17) ; in fact, all the face angles in the figure are right angles except those at P and the three angles BA'C, CB'A, and AC'B, which are obtuse angles. Let p be the radius vector to the point P, and a, ft, and y the three angles which it makes with the three axes. Then cos 2 a -h cos 2 ft + cos 2 y = 1, cos a = tana? tan/o tan- x -f tan 2 y -f tan 2 z = tan 2 p. etc. ; ELLIPTIC SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 87 For the angle between two lines intersecting at the origin cos 6 = cos a cos a' -f cos ft cos ft' 4- cos y cos y'. The angle subtended at the origin by the two points xyz and x'y'z' is given by the equation tan x tan x 1 -f- tan ?/ tan ?/' -f- tan z tan ' cos0 = - -* - tanp tan/a For the distance between two points cos 8 = cos p cos p' 4- sin p sin p' cos 0. 7T This gives us the equation of a sphere, and for 8 = the A equation of a plane. The latter in rectangular coordinates is tan x tan x' + tan y tan // 4- tan z tan 2' -f 1 = 0. Let ^> be the length of the perpendicular from the origin upon the plane, and a, ft, y the angles which this perpendicular makes with the axes. Then we have for its pole COS a tana-' = tan p' cos a = > etc. : tan jo hence, the equation of the plane may be written cos a tan x 4- cos ft tan // 4- cos y tan z tan p. 2. The surface of double revolution : Take one of its axes for the axis of 2, suppose k the distance of the surface from this axis, and let 6 denote the angle which the plane through the point P and the axis of z makes with the plane of xz. We may call z and latitude and longitude. Produce OA and CB. They will meet at a distance, > from Ju the axis of z in a point, 0', on the other axis of the surface, and there form an angle that is equal in measure to z. 88 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY From the right triangle O'AB But and Therefore, or Similarly, tan O'A cos z = tan O'B tan O'A = cot x, tan O'B = cot CB = cotk cosz = tana? tan y cos 6 tan k cos 6 tana? tan k cos 6 COS tan k sin cosz Squaring and adding, we have for the equation of the surface tan 2 x + tan 2 y = tan 2 k sec 2 . J3 For the length of the chord joining two points on the sur- face, we have cos 8 = cos p cos p' (1 -f- tan x tan x' + tan y tan y 1 -f- tan 2 tan '). Now, tan 2 p = tan 2 & sec 2 + tan 2 z ; therefore, sec 2 p sec 2 & sec 2 *, or cos p = cos k cos *. THE SURFACE OF DOUBLE REVOLUTION 89 That is, in terms of 2, z', 6, and 0', we have cos 8 = cos 2 k cos (' )+ sin 2 k cos (0' 0). From this we can get an expression for ds, the differential element of length on the surface : cos ds = cos 2 k cos dz + sin 2 k cos dO, ds 2 or, since cos ds 1 > etc., a ds* = cos 2 k dz* + sin 2 k dO*. z and 6 are proportional to the distances measured along the two systems of circles. These circles cut at right angles, and may be used to give us a system of rectangular coordinates on the surface. The actual lengths along these two systems of circles are Osink and 2 cos A: (see Cor. p. 83). If, therefore, we write a = sin k, ft = z cos k, we shall have a rectangular system on the surface where the coordinates are the distances measured along these two systems of circles which cut at right angles. The formula now becomes ds 2 = da 2 + dp. An equation of the first degree in a and ft represents a curve which enjoys on this surface all the properties of the straight line in the plane of the Euclidean Geometry. Through any two points one, and only one, such line can be drawn, because two sets of coordinates are just sufficient to determine the coefficients of an equation of the first degree. The shortest distance between two points on the surface is measured on such a line. For, the distance between two points on a path represented by an equation in a and ft is the same as the dis- tance between the corresponding points and on the correspond- ing path in a Euclidean plane in which we take a and ft for rectangular coordinates. It must, therefore, be the shortest 90 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY when the path is represented by an equation of the first degree in a and ft. Such a line on a surface is called a geodesic line, or, so far as the surface is concerned, a straight line. The distance between any two points measured on one of these lines is expressed by the formula Triangles formed of these lines have all the properties of plane triangles in the Euclidean Geometry : the sum of the angles is TT, etc. In fact this surface has the same relation to elliptic space that the boundary-surface has to hyperbolic space. The normal form of the equation of a line is a. cos to -f- ft sin to = p. The rectilinear generators of the surface make a constant angle, k, with all the circles drawn around the axis which is polar to the axis of z. These generators are then "straight, lines " on the surface, and their equation takes the form a cos k ft sin k = p. HISTORICAL NOTE THE history of Non-Euclidean Geometry has been so well and so often written that we will give only a brief outline. There is one axiom of Euclid that is somewhat complicated in its expression and does not seem to be, like the rest, a simple elementary fact. It is this : * If two lines are cut by a third, and the sum of the interior angles on the same side of the cutting line is less than two right angles, the lines will meet on that side when sufficiently produced. Attempts were made by many mathematicians, notably by Legendre, to give a proof of this proposition ; that is, to show that it is a necessary consequence of the simpler axioms pre- ceding it. Legendre proved that the sum of the angles of a triangle can never exceed two right angles, and that if there is a single triangle in which this sum is equal to two right angles, the same is true of all triangles. This was, of course, on the supposition that a line is of infinite length. He could not, however, prove that there exists a triangle the sum of whose angles is two right angles, t At last some mathematicians began to believe that this state- ment was not capable of proof, that an equally consistent * See article on the axioms of F.uclid by Paul Tannery, Bulletin des Sciences MatMmatiques, 1884. t See, for example, the twelfth edition of his Elements de Geometrie, Livre I, Proposition XIX, and Note II. See also a statement by Klein in an article on the Non-Euclidean Geometry in the second volume of the first series of the Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques. 91 92 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Geometry could be built up if we suppose it not always true, and, finally, that all of the postulates of Euclid were only hypotheses which our experience had led us to accept as true, but which could be replaced by contrary statements in the development of a logical Geometry. The beginnings of this theory have sometimes been ascribed to Gauss, biit it is known now that a paper was written by Lambert,* in 1766, in which he maintains that the parallel axiom needs proof, and gives some of the characteristics of Geometries in which this axiom does not hold. Even as long ago as 1733 a book was published by an Italian, Saccheri, in which he gives a complete system of Non-Euclidean Geometry, and then saves himself and his book by asserting dogmatically that these other hypotheses are false. It is his method of treatment that has been taken as the basis of the first chapter of this book.t Gauss was seeking to prove the axiom of parallels for many years, and he may have discovered some of the theorems which are consequences of the denial of this axiom, but he never published anything on the subject. Lobachevsky, in Russia, and Johann Bolyai, in Hungary, first asserted and proved that the axiom of parallels is not necessarily true. They were entirely independent of each other in their work, and each is entitled to the full credit of this discovery. Their results were published about 1830. It was a long time before these discoveries attracted much notice. Meanwhile, other lines of investigation were carried on which were afterwards to throw much light on our subject, not, indeed, as explanations, but by their striking analogies. Thus, within a year or two of each other, in the same journal (Crelle) appeared an article by Lobachevsky giving * See American Mathematical Monthly, July-August, 1895. t The translation of Saccheri by Halsted has been appearing in the American Mathematical Monthly. HISTORICAL NOTE 98 the results of his investigations, and a memoir by Minding on surfaces on which he found that the formulae of Spherical Trigonometry hold if we put ia for a, etc. Yet these two papers had been published thirty years before their connection was noticed (by Beltrami). Again, Cayley, in 1859, in the Philosophical Transactions, published his Sixth Memoir on Quantics, in which he developed a projective theory of measurement and showed how metrical properties can be treated as projective by considering the anharmonic relations of any figures with a certain special figure that he called the absolute. In 1872 Klein took up this theory and showed that it gave a perfect image of the Non-Euclidean Geometry. It has also been shown that we can get our Non-Euclidean Geometries if we think of a unit of measure varying according to a certain law as it moves about in a plane or in space. The older workers in these fields discovered only the Geometry in which the hypothesis of the acute angle is assumed. It did not occur to them to investigate the assump- tion that a line is of finite length. The Elliptic Geometry was left to be discovered by Eiemann, who, in 1854, took up a study of the foundations of Geometry. He studied it from a very different point of view, an abstract algebraic point of view, considering not our space and geometrical figures, except by way of illustration, but a system of variables. He investi- gated the question, What is the nature of a function of these variables which can be called element of length or distance ? and found that in the simplest cases it must be the square root of a quadratic function of the differentials of the varia- bles whose coefficients may themselves be functions of the variables. By taking different forms of the quadratic expres- sions we get an infinite number of these different kinds of Geometry, but in most of them we lose the axiom that bodies may be moved about without changing their size or shape. 94 NON-EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY Two more names should be included in this sketch, Helm- holtz and Clifford. These did much to make the subject popular by articles in scientific journals. To Clifford we owe the theory of parallels in elliptic space, as explained on page 68. He showed that we can have in this Geometry a finite surface on which the Euclidean Geometry holds true.* The chief lesson of Non-Euclidean Geometry is that the axioms of Geometry are only deductions from our experience, like the theories of physical science. For the mathematician, they are hypotheses whose truth or falsity does not concern him, but only the philosopher. He may take them in any form he pleases and on them build his Geometry, and the Geome- tries so obtained have their applications in other branches of mathematics. The "axiom," so far as this word is applied to these geo- metrical propositions, is not " self-evident, 7 ' and is not neces- sarily true. If a certain statement can be proved, that is. if it is a necessary consequence of axioms already adopted, then it should not be called an axiom. When two or more mutually contradictory statements are equally consistent with all the axioms that have already been accepted, then we are at liberty to take either of them, and the statement which we choose * Some of the more interesting accounts of Non-Euclidean Geometry are: Encyclopedia Britannica, article "Measurement/* by Sir Robert Ball. Recue Generate des Sciences, 1891, " Les Geometries Non-Euclidean.*' by Poincare\ Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, May and June, 1900, " Lobachevsky's Geometry," by Frederick S. Woods. Mathema- tiscfie Annalen, Bd. xlix, p. 149, 1897, and Bulletin des Sciences Mathe- matiques, 1897, "Letters of Gauss and Bolyai'*; particularly interesting is one letter in which Gauss gives a formula for the area of a triangle on the hypothesis that we can draw three mutually parallel lines enclosing a finite area always the same. The last two articles refer to the publica- tions of Professors Engel and Stackel, which give in German a full history of the theory of parallels and the writings and lives of Lobachevsky and Bolyai See also the translations by Prof. George Bruce Halsted of Lobachevsky and Bolyai and of an address by Professor Vasiliev. HISTORICAL *OTE 95 becomes for our Geometry an axiom. Our Geometry is a study of the consequences of this axiom. The assumptions which distinguish the three kinds of Geom- etry that we have been studying may be expressed in different forms. We may say that one or two or no parallels can be drawn through a point ; or, that the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to, less than, or greater than two right angles ; or, that a straight line has two real points, one real point, or no real point at infinity ; or, that in a plane we can have similar figures or we cannot have similar figures, and a straight line is of finite or infinite length, etc. But any of these forms determines the nature of the Geometry, and the others are deducible from it. ADVERTISEMENTS PLANE AND SOLID Analytic Geometry By FREDERICK H. BAILEY, A.M. (Harvard), and FREDERICK S. WOODS, Ph.D. (Gottingen), Assistant Professors of Mathematics in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 8vo. Cloth. 371 pages. For introduction, $2.00. book is intended for students beginning the study of analytic geometry, primarily for students in colleges and technical schools. 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