UC-NRLF 00CUMEN1S DEPT 8061 M 'NVr IVd •soag pioi^BQ eiFT IAN 23 1914 Uniform Classification of Accounts V FOR Ot fKB \ ELECTRIC UTILITIES PHK8CR1BKD BY THE Railroad Commission of Wisconsin December, 1908 THIRD EDITION Madison, January, 1912 Uniform Classification of Accounts FOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES PRESCRIBED BY THE Railroad Commission of Wisconsin December, 1908 THIRD EDITION ».♦ : > ? .J » Madison, January, 1912 Uniform Classification of Electric Accounts PRESCRIBED BY THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN. Introductory Statement from First Edition. Madison, December 15, 1908. To Wisconsin Electric Utilities : This circular embraces the uniform classification of accounts for electric utilities prepared under the following provisions of chapter 499 of the Laws of 1907 known as the Public Utilities Law: Uniform accountinsf by utilities, other business sepa- rate. Section 1797m— 8. 1. Every public utility shall keep and render to the commission in the manner and form pre- scribed by the commission, uniform accounts of all business transacted. Forms of bookkeeping; prescription. Section 1797m — 9. The commission shall prescribe the forms of all books, ac- counts, papers and records required to be kept, and every public utility is required to keep and render its books, accounts, papers and records accurately and faithfully in the manner and form prescribed by the commission and to comply with all di- rections of the commission relating to such books, accounts, papers and records. Report by utilities; items. Section 1797m — 18. Each public utility shall funiisli to the commission in such form and at such times at tlie commission shall require, such accounts, reports and information as shall show in itemized detail: (1) the depreciation per unit, (2) the salaries and wages separately per unit, (3) legal expenses per ,unit, (4) taxes and rentals separately per unit, (5) the quantity and value of material used per unit, (6) the receipts from residuals, by-products, 274656 4 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. services or other sales separately per unit, (7) the total and net cost per unit, (8) the gross and net profit per unit, (9) the dividends and interest per unit, (10) surplus or reserve per unit., (11) the prices per unit paid by consumers; and in ad- dition such other items, whether of a nature similar to those hereinbefore enumerated or otherwise, as the commission may prescribe in order to show completely and in detail, the entire Operation of the public utility in furnishing the unit of its product or service to the public. -Prom time to time circulars have been issued explaining the general principles upon which the accounts to be kept were to be based, and what subdivisions were to be made, with the result that a coiisiderable number of utilities have for some time had in operation a system which conforms substantially to that here- with submitted. It will be noticed by those utilities that the principal difference between this classification and that which they are now using, is in the title of certain accounts rather than in the subdivisions. The work in its present form is the result of an- examination of accounting systems of practically all electric properties in this state, supplemented by numerous conferences with electric company officials and their committee on accounting. It is desired that those electric utilities which have not already conformed their accounts to this system will do so at their earliest convenience. It is possible that after an adequate trial, some alterations will be found expedient both from the standpoint of general experience and practice or be- cause of local and individual conditions. For the present, how- ever, this classification is adhered to and prescribed and upon it ^\'ill be based the annual repo.rt to be made to the Railroad Commission. In the near future a detailed text of instructions to accompany this classification will be mailed to each utility. Owing to the great difference in size of the properties it was found necessary to prepare two separate schedules which w^ould recognize these conditions, and by each following the same gen- eral principles would permit comparison of operating results between the smallest and largest plants. Cla^s B schedule is the basis upon which class A schedule has been founded, the latter being an unfolding and refinement of the former. In general, electric utilities operating in cities of substanti- ally 10,000 population or over will keep at least the list of ac- counts prescribed in class A classification, and all electric utili- ties operating in cities under 10,000 population will keep at least Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 5 the accounts prescribed in class B classification. Upon this basis of division the opportunity for development will deter- mine the accounts to be kept rather than the development which has actually been made. Here again, local and individual con- ditions must be recognized to do full justice and in a number of instances it is possible that this arrangement must be arbitrarily varied upon sufficient cause shown to the Commission., Any utility in class B desiring a more detailed classification than that prescribed for such class should open the accounts prescribed for class A, and any utility in class A desiring a more detailed system may go into as. much subdivision and re- finement of each of the submitted' accounts as its interest re- quires, but must not re-arrange or combine any two or more of the accounts in such a manner as to interfere with the in- tegrity of the general scheme and thus destroy the possibility for comparisons. A copy of all additional accounts and the desired subdivisions of the prescribed accounts must be filed with the Railroad Commission before such accounts are opened. All records and accounts, including those which are an enlarge- ment, subdivision or refinement of the prescribed accounts, are to be open at all times to the examination of this Commission. In order that this system may meet in a most satisfactory manner with the needs of the electric interests, consistent with the requirements of the Public Utilities Law, it is urged that all companies which are unable for any reason to conform to the ac- counts for the class in which they naturally come under the above arrangements, Avill communicate with this Commission, stating in full their reasons or conditions why special consideration should be given and an explanation of how complete a com- pliance with this system can be made. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN. . By B. H. Meyer, Halford Erickson, John H. Roemer, Commissioners. SECOND EDITION. Madison, April 8, 1909. To Wisconsin Electric Utilities: This circular is a reprint of the Uniform Classification of Ac- counts for Electric Utilities prescribed by the Railroad Commis- sion and issued under date of December 15, 1908, together with the Text of Instructions to accompany such classification, which was issued at a subsequent date. This edition differs from the first only in a slight rearrangement of some of the subject mat- ter to correct ambiguities found to exist and a closer definition of terms used in the instructions, RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN, By B. H. Meyer, Halford Ericksox, John H. Roemer. Commissioners. THIRD EDITION. Madison, January 15, 1912. To Wisconsin Electric Utilities: This pamphlet is a reprint of the second edition of the Text of Instructions relating to the Uniform Classification of Accounts for Electric Utilities as prescribed by the Railroad Commission and issued April 8, 1909. The only change to be noted is the inclusion of the class C group, designed to meet the needs of utilities operated in towns of under 3,000 population. No changes have been made in the text of the classification itself. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN. By J. H. Roemer, Halford Erickson, David Harlowe, Commissioners. INCOME ACCOUNTS. Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. INCOME ACCOUNT FORM FOR REPORT. ^'1^; Classes OPERATING REVENUES. Commercial Lighting Earniiifrs Municipal Contract Lighting Earnings Commercial Power Earnings Municipal Power Earnings Sales of Electric Current to Other Public Utilities Miscellaneous Earnings from Operation Total Operating Revenues [Details [Details [Details [Details [Details].. [Details].. OPERATING EXPENSES. Power Transmission and Transformation Storage Distribution Consumption Commercial General Undistributed Total of Above Items Depreciation Contingencies (Extraordinary) Taxes Total Operating Expenses [Details [Details [Details [Details" [Details [Details [Details [Details [Details]. [Details]. [Details]. Net Operating Revenue or Deficit Non-Operating Revenues [Details], Gross Income or Deficit DEDUCTIONS FROM GR^SS INCOME. Interest on Funded Debt Interest on Real Estate Mortgages Interest on Floating Debt Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements Amortization Reserve Requirements Miscellaneous Deductions Total Details Details Details Details Details Details Net Income or Deficit DISPOSITION OP -NET INCOME. Preferred Stock Dividends . [Details] Common Stock Dividends [Details] Appropriaitons to Municipal Funds (Municipal Plants Only) [Details] .'. Other Payments from Net Income [Details] Total ' Surplus or Deficit for Year. Surplus or Deficit at Beginning of Year Adjustments During Year [Profit and Loss Account] Surplus or Deficit at Close of Year [as per Balance Sheet] DETAILED ACCOUNTS WITH TEXT. OPERATING REVENUES. "Commercial Lighting Earnings. Credit this account with all revenues from consumers except mu- nicipalities for electric current supplied for commercial lighting pur- poses, including commercial arcs and incandescents, both where the revenue is dependent upon the quantity of energy taken as recorded by a meter and where such energy is sold at flat rates and inde- pendent of quantity taken per unit of time, demand or installation. Commercial consumers as used in this account embrace residences, offices, retail mercantile establishments, etc., where electric energy is not used primarily for power or industrial purposes. Where some manufacturing or industrial processes are performed in any office, store, or residence, or appliances are operated as fans, sewing ma- <;hine motors^ motors for grinding in grocery stores, etc., such pro- cesses being merely incidental to the broader use of the premises as commercial lighting consumers and the current so used for indus- trial or power purposes is not separately metered, the total con- sumption at such premises shall be treated as commercial lighting. Where, however, the current used for such appliances, motors, etc., is metered separately the earnings from each class of service will bd credited to the appropriate Revenue accounts. When electric energy is sold both by meter and flat rates, the earn- ings from each such division shall be credited to subdivisions of this account and reported separately to the Railroad Commission as fol- lows: a. CoTTimercial Lighting Earnings — Flat Rate. &. Commercial Lighting Earnings — Metered. Current sold to municipalities for lighting public buildings, not fipecifically included in the contract for public lighting, will be con- sidefed as commercial earnings and credited to this account or to its appropriate subdivision. Where it is the custom of the utility to charge a minimum amount when the consumption during the month is less than a prescribed 10 '/,RAiLRO^*Co;^jiissiON OF Wisconsin. amount, tlie;€atal*^rir6u*tt;of;;si!l.ch.ixiiiiimum charge" shall be credited to this a'cVouht'or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utility to grant a discount from the gross bill or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or before a prescribed date', such discounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account. Utilities desiring to do so may open sub- accounts to show separately the Minimum Bill and the Discount or renalty items. Municipal Contract Lighting Earnings. Credit this account with the earnings from the sale of electric cur- rent to the municipality for public lighting service, embracing the lighting of streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, parks, commons, etc., but not the lighting of public buildings, unless such are particularly included in the contract covering such public lighting. Where mu- nicipal buildings are not so included in the' contract for public light- ing, they are' to be regarded as commercial consumers. If such lighting contract covers both arc lighting and incandescent lighting, sub-accounts shall be opened showing the revenue derived from each such service. Commercial Power Earnings. Credit this account with all revenue from the' sale of electric cur- rent for power purposes to all consumers except municipalities, elec- Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 11 trie railways, and other electric utilities, for the' purpose of re-sale, both where the service is dependent upon the quantity of energy taken as recorded by meter, and where such energy is sold at flat rates and independent of the quantity taken for any unit of time", demand or installation. Where electric current is sold both by meter and flat rate's, the earnings from each such division shall be credited to subdivisions of this account and reported separately to the Railroad Commission as follows: a. Commercial Power Earnings — Flat Rate. ^ 6. Commercial Power Earnings — Metered. Where it is the custom of the utility to charge a minimum amount in cases where the consumption during the month is less than a pre- scribed amount, the total amount of such mimimum charge shall be credited to this account or to its appropriate sub-account. Where it is the custom of the utility to grant a discount from the gross bill, or to add a penalty to the bill where payment is not made on or be- fore a prescribed date, such discounts or penalties shall be charged or credited to this account. Utilities desiring to do so may open sub-accounts to show separately the Minimum Bill and the Discount or Penalty items. Municipal Power Earnings. Credit this account with all revenue from the sale of electric cur- rent for power purposes to municipalities. 12 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. bales of Electric Current to Other Public Utilities. Credit to this account all earnings derived from the sale of electric energy to other public utilities for the purpose of redistribution and sale, and to all electric and interurban railway corporations. Sub-ac- counts are to be opened for each such purchasing utility, the ac- count showing the name' of the purchasing utility, the amount of energy purchased and the total earnings from such sales, which de- tails will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Commis- sion. Miscellaneous Earnings from Operation, Credit to this account all earnings received from the" sale of elec- tric energy and service and from operating transactions not properly includible in any of the preceding accounts. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. IS NON-OPERATING REVENUES. Profit on Merchandise Sales. Credit to this account the receipts derived from the sale o£ electric appliances or electric merchandise as lamps, fans, flat-irons, heat- ing appliances, motors, and other electric appliances for the utiliza- tion of electric energy. Profit, as used in this account, is defined as being the excess of the sales price over the cost, including the invoice cost, cost of handling, storage, etc. To this account shall be charged all expenses for labor and material in connection with the sale of such appliances or merchandise. The net amount only, or the profit on merchandise sales, is to be carried to the Income Account in the annual report. The credits and charges to this account will be made in such a -manner as to admit of a detailed analysis when called for by the Railroad Commission. Note : — Receipts from the sale of superseded apparatus, junk, or salvage, will not be credited to this account but to the Deprecialiofi Reserve. Note: — This account is Included in the account Miscellaneous y on-Operatingi Revenues in class C. Wiring and Installation Work. Credit this account with all earnings derived from wiring* and in- stallation work performed by the" utility for a stipulated profit or commission upon its actual outlay for labor, materials and expenses. This includes earnings from services performed on the consumers* premises, such ^s wiring buildings and structures for lighting or power purposes and rearranging such wiring and connected fixtures. If prospective consumers are charged for services performed by the utility in connecting the wired premises with the service' connection or for placing the service wiring, such earnings shall be credited to this account. Where the cost of placing the' service wire is charged to the prope'rty owner, such work shall not be included in tangible- capital. 14 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. There will be charged to this account all expenses for labor and materials in connection with such operations, the net only or the profit from such wiring and installation work being carried to the Income Account in the annual report. The credits and charges to this account will be made' in such a manner as to admit of a detailed analysis when called for the Railroad Commission. Note :-^This account is iucluded in the account Miscellaneous yon-Operating Revenues In class C, Rents From Lands and Buildings, Conduits, Pole Lines and Ap^ paratus. Credit to this account, as it accrues, all revenue from the rental of land and buildings and rentals received for the use of conduits, poles and other line supports and apparatus. Where the contract for the rental of any apparatus or appliances covers also the cost of connecting such apparatus and its maintenance, the entire revenue from such contract shall be credited to this account. To this account shall be charged all expenses incurred in connec- tion with the collection of rents, commissions and fees therefor; the cost of procuring tenants for buildings, drawing contracts and leases, advertising for tenants of such buildings; expenses of ouster proceed- ings, and taxes, unless the taxes are to be paid by the tenant. Any expenses accruing while land and buildings are idle, alsorepairsupon euch property, will be charged to this account. Only the net revenue or profit from the above transactions will be carried to the Income Account in the annual report. Credits and charges to this account are to be made? in such a man- ner as to admit of a detailed analysis being made when called for by the Railroad Commission. Note : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous yon-Operating Jtevenues in class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 15 Interest on Deposits. Credit to this account all interest as it accrues on deposits of the utility funds with banks, trust companies or individuals. Interest on security investments, will not be credited to this account but to the account Interest and Dividends from Investments. Interest on moneys belonging to any of the reserves of the utility will be credited to such reserves. Note : — This account is included in tlie account Miscellaneous 2f on-Operating Revenues in class C. Interest and Dividends From Investments. Credit to this account all interest as it accrues upon interest-bear- ing securities which are liabilities, either actual or contingent, of solvent companies, cities or individuals, held as investments by the utility. Credit to this account the cash value, as on the date when they become collectible, of dividends upon the' stocks, preferred and com- mon, of corporations held as investments by the utility. A description of the securities whose yield is credited to this ac- •count will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Com- mission. Note: — This account is included in the accoimt Miscellaneous Non-Operatinfj Revenues in class C. Appropriations From Municipal Funds (for Municipal Plants Only). Credit to this account all appropriations made by the municipality to the funds of the accounting utility for operating purposes. This account applies only to municipally owned utilities. Note : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Non-Operating Revenues in class C. 16 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. Miscellaneous Xon-Operating Revenues. Credit to this account all revenues from non-operating sources not includible in any of the preceding accounts. Utilities are at liberty to open sub-accounts for the purpose of showing the revenues from any particular sources. Note : — This account Is inclucled in the account Miscellaneous Son-Operaiing Revenues in class C. OPERATING EXPENSE ACCOUNTS. I. POWEK. II. Tkansmission and Teaxsformation. III. Storage. IV. Distribution. V. Consumption. VI. Commercial. VII. General. VIII. , Undistributed. Note: — In case any electric utility finds it impossible or impracticable to- keep its accounts with the detail herein prescribed, it should petition the Railroad Commission for authority to consolidate any two or more accounts, accompanj-ing its petition with such facts which in its judgment make the keeping of the detailed accounts impracticable. Operating Expenses are intended to include all items of expense necessarily incurred in being prepared to serve or in serving the pub- lic as an electric utility. This includes the expense of maintaining intact the organization of the utility, the generation, distribution and sale of electric energy and all processes necessarily incident theteto, together with the collection of the revenues from such operations. Jn order that the Operating Expenses shall clearly reflect only the cost of rendering such public service, all expenses incident to the opera- tion of any other utility service performed or of any transactions of a commercial nature shall be excluded therefrom. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 17 Operating Expenses in the broadest significance of the term are- divisible into two classes, viz., Operation and Maintenance. Operation should be understood to mean the "use" of the property and includes labor, materials and supplies, and expenses, but excludes all Maintenance items. Maintenance should be understood to mean "upkeep," and should cover all expenditures for current or ordinary repairs, renewals or replacements of property resulting through wear and tear, or through those casualties which are' incidental to the nature of the operation and which expenditures are necessary in order to keep up the pro- ductive capacity of the plant to its original or equivalent state of effi- ciency. When, however, a complete replacement of any building or structure, facility or unit of equipment is made necessary regardless of such current expenditures, the uncurrent or extraordinary repairs, rene'wals or replacements made necessary will be charged to the Depreciation Reserve accumulated for that purpose. The items includible in the above subdivisions except where some other meaning is clearly apparent from the language" used in explain- ing the account shall be understood to have the following meaning: The Cost of Labor shall be understood to cover not only wages paid for manual labor, but salaries and fees paid to persons engaged in clerical, engineering or supervisory occupations. Materials and Supplies shall be understood to cover the substances- or matter consumed in furnishing the electric service as required or authorized by law and embraces not only finished and unfinished products, but all expenses incurred in connection with their prepara- tion for use and specifically chargeable against such products and also includes a portion of the stores expenses, if such materials and supplies pass through the stores de'partment. Hand Tools because of their liability to loss and theft and their rapid consumption in use are to be considered as operating supplies in the year in which they were purchased and charged to the' account for the benefit of which they were purchased. Expenses should be understood to mean all expenditures made or incurred which are chargeable to the' accounts referred to and which are not Lator or Materials and Supplies. 18 Railroad • Commission of Wisconsin. I. POWER. (A.) Steam Power Generation. JSnperintendence. Charge to this account the total cost of superintendence of the steam power generation plant. This account includes the salaries of the superintendent of power plant, chemists at plant, draftsmen, foremen and all clerical help upon records and accounts pertaining to steam power generation, whether at the general oflftce or at the plant. Charge also with the proportion of the' salaries of the en- gineering staff assignable to the steam power plant. Note : — If energy is also generated by hydraulic power or gas power, the total cost of superintendence at the station will be apportioned over the corre- sponding Superintendence accounts. Note : — This account is included in the account Operating Labor in class B and class C. . ICngine Labor. Charge to this account the cost of all labor engaged in operating steam prime mover equipment. This includes such labor as that of chief engineers and assistants, engineers, oilers, wipers, machinists and all other employes whose duties concern the operation of such steam prime movers. Exclude all maintenance labor. Note : — This accouijt is included in the account Operating Labor in class B and class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 19 li^lectrical Labor. Charge to this account all labor in connection with operating the ■electric apparatus and devices driven by steam power, beginning with the generators, direct connected or belted to the prime movers, and including the power plant switchboards, feeders, terminal board, and to where the electric current leaves the power plant switchboard for the transmission or distribution system. This account includes the salaries of system operators or load dispatchers, foremen over regu- , lators, regulators and assistants, generator attendants, switchboard 3,ttendants, brushmen, electric wipers, power plant wiremen and all other employes whose duties are the operation of the steam power plant electrical equipment. Exclude maintenance labor. Note : — If energj' is also geneiiated by hydraulic power or by gas power or l)oth and such electric apparatus is attended jointly by the station electrical labor, such labor will be properly apportioned over the respective classes of Power accounts. Note: — This account is included in the account Operating Labor in class B and class C. JHiscellaneous JLabor. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all employes iq and about the' steam power generating plant, engaged in operating the plant, including watchmen, labor cleaning buildings and yards, janitors, messengers, and general labor not chargeable to any of the foregoing steam power plant operating labor accounts. Exclude maintenance labor. Note : — If energy is also generated at the station by other than steam power, labor charges jointly incurred will be apportioned accordingly over the appro- priate classes of Power accounts. Note : — This account is included in the account Operating Labor in class B and class C. 20 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Steam Generated. The total expense of generating steam is to be determined through- a group of accounts referred to as the Steam Generation Apportionment' Account. Wliere a utility is furnishing but one public service from its boiler plant, the details of the steam expense will appear in the Steam Generation Apportionment Account, and the total expense as. shown therein will be carried to this account in the Power group ot accounts and so shown in the annual report to the Railroad Commis- sion. Where, however, two or more utilities or service's are making a demand upon the same boiler equipment, the total steam expense- will be apportioned over the departments so using the steam equip- ment, and the apportioned share" of the steam expense incurred for the benefit of the steam power generated energy will be carried to this account. If steam is used in the' electric power plant for other purposes than the generation of current, the expense for steam will be further apportioned, charging the appropriate expense accounts.. Steam Purchased. Charge to this account the cost of all steam purchases for prime mover power in the electric power plant. It is desired that the ac- count shall be so kept as to indicate the name of the company or in- dividual from whom the steam was purchased, the amount of steam, purchased and the terms under which it was so purchased. Uniform Accouxts — Electric Utilities. 21 vLubficants. Charge to this account the cost of all lubricants for steam prime movers and machinery connected therewith in the steam power plant of the electric utility and also all lubricants used on electric apparatus driven by steam power. This includes cylinder oil, ma- chine oil, dynamo oil, graphite and other lubricants, but does not in- clude transformer oil, wagon grease or oil for lanterns. Note : — This account is Included in the account Miount Miscclhtncoiis loircr I'hiiit Supplies and Expenses in class B and class C. Miscelhiiieous Power Plant Supplies and Expenses. Charge to this account all operating supplies and expenses in- curred in the generation of electric energy by hydraulic power an4 3 34 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. not chargeable to any of the preceding operating accounts. This includes such items as waste, packing, wipers, hand tools, gas and electricity for lighting, heating and cleaning power plant, labora- tory apparatus and supplies, ice, water for general use and fire pro- tection, and all items of a similar nature. Charge also with stationery, telephones, etc., if it is desired to distribute such expenses. Note : — Whoro current is also meliorated at the station by other than hydraulic power, the total cost of such miscellaneous supplies and expenses as herein enumerated will be apportioned over the appropriate accounts in the respective classes of Power accounts. Note : — This account is included in the accovmt MisciUa neons Poicer Plant Supplies and Expenses in class B and class C. Maintenance of Dams, Canals and Flumes. Charge to this account the expense' of all labor and supplies in- curred in repairing hydraulic structures. Such structures include dams, embankments, etc., for impounding water and all appurtenant gates, valves, weirs, waste ways, canals, conduits and other channels (including riprap, lining walls, etc.), pipe lines, flumes, aqueducts and supporting trestles, forebays and appurtenant sieves and grids, waste'ways, etc., all viaducts, bridges, foot bridges, etc., over and accessory to or necessitated by such canals, aqueducts and flumes, and also the wasteways conducting water from the outlet of the draft-tube to the point of final discharge. Note: — This account is included in the account Mainienance of UjkUuuVic Power Worlds in class K. Note : — This account is included in the account Maintenance oj Hi/draiilic Power Works, Power Plant Equipment, Bnihlings, Fixtures and Grounds in class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 35 Maintenance of Turbines and Water AVIieels. Charge to this account the expense of all labor and supplies in- curred in repairing the hydraulic motive power, including head gates, penstocks, wheel gates, wheel governors, valves, turbines, water wheels, draft-tubes and connections. The maintenance of power transmission apparatus as shafts, belts, etc., will not be charged to this account. XoTK : — This account is inchulcd in tUo account MaiiiU ikhu c itf /I i/draulU: I'oirer Works in class I?. NoTK : — This account is included in tlic accoiuit Maiiiteninicc of Hi/draulic J'oi.cer iro/fcs, I'oircr f'hiiit J-Jqidiniiciil. /{iiifilhiiix. I'i.vtiirrx a ml (5 rounds \n class C, Maintenance of Power Plant Auxiliai'y Equipment. Charge this account with the' expense of all labor and supplies in- curred in repairs to the hydraulic power plant auxiliary equipment, including power transmission equipment such as shafting, belting, rope and cable drives, clutches, pulleys and idler wheels, motors, hoists, cranes, blacksmiths' and machinists' tools, and all other accessory equipment other than hand tools, the cost of which is to be included in operating expenses. NoTK : — If electrical enerj^y is also generated at the station by other tlmn hydraulic power, the cost of maintaining power plant atixiliary e(iuij)ment us(»d for the joint benefit of the different methods of ^'enerafion. will be apportioned over the appropriate Alaintciiaiur accounts in the respective classes of I'oiiir accounts. NoTK :- — This account is included in the account Maiiiter.durc of J'oirer I'hint JUfuipment in class B. Note: — This account is included in the account Maiiitciianre of Ifj/draulic Power Workfi, I'oirrr VUiut Uqiiipiiintt. liuUdinnH, Fixtiirea imt Main Iciiam-c of Power J'hiiit Equipment in class B. Note: — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Jli/draulie Power Works^ Power Plant Equipmentj Buildinys, Fixtures and Grounds in class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 3? Maintenance of Power Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with the e"xpeiise of all labor and material incurred in repairing buildings and structures, including permanent foundations for apparatus, used exclusively for the generation of electrical energy by hydraulic power, and out-buildings, tool houses, etc.- N(tTK : — If cui-nnit is also jjonoratod l\v othor tlian hydraulic power. rtioned over tlie ap])ri)i»i'iate Mniii- triKiiicc accounts in llie respective classics of J'owcr accounts. I. POWER. (D.) Electric Current Purchased. Commercial Electric Curi*ent Purchased. Charge this account with the cost of all electric current purchased for the purpose of re-distribution and sale. Sub-accounts are to be opened with each company or individual from whom such current is purchased, the account showing the name of the selling company or individual, the amount of current in kilowatt hours purchased, the rate per kilowatt hour and the total cost of such current, which details will be called for in the' annual report to the Railroad Com- mission. 38 IIailroad Commission of Wisconsin. I. POWER. (K.) Steam (ieneration (Apportioiinieiit Account). Operating Labor. Charge this account with all operating labor employed in con- nection with the generation of steam. This account will be charged with the salaries of superintendent of boiler house, boiler house foremen, firemen, helpers, shovelers, weighers, feed-pump men, stokers, water purification labor, blowing flues, cleaning boilers, labor employed at the boiler plant in handling coal and ashes, boiler plant janitors, watchmen, etc. If the general superintendent of the power plant has charge of the boiler plant, a proportion of his salary will be charged to this account. Exclude maintenance labor. J^'iiel for Steam. Charge to this account all fuel used for steam, whether coal, oil, gas or other fuel, at the cost f. o. b. point of delivery at plant for Uniform Accoitnts — Electric Utilities. 39 storage. This includes the invoice cost of the fuel, freight, switch- ing, demurrage, cost of unloading from cars or boats to wagons and cartage to point of delivery at the plant for storage. Credit the Fuel Stock account with fuel as used. Water for Steam. Charge this account with the actual amount of water used for boiler feed and condensing purposes. If the water is purchased, charge at the contract price' or the meter rate. If water is pumped by the accounting utility, charge here the cost of pumpage. Water for fire protection and general purposes should not be charged to this account. Miscellaneous Steam Supplies and Expenses. Charge to this account all operation supplies and expenses at the boiler plant not chargeable to the preceding accounts, as boiler room records, boiler compounds, boiler inspection, water purification sup- plies and expenses, water for fire protection and general use, light and heat at the boiler plant, telephone service, hose packing, gaskets boiler hand tools, lubricants, gauge glasses, etc. 40 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Maintenance of Boilers and Boiler Auxiliary Equipment, Charge this account with all expense of labor and material used in repairing furnaces and boilers, special boiler foundations and set- tings, iron and steel smoke-stacks, feed pumps, water feed pipe, in- jectors, economizers, water heaters, superheaters, valves, grates, flues, mechanical stoker equipment, boiler room piping from the boiler to the engine throttle valve, steam exhaust system, boiler water supply mains, pumping equipment and similar auxiliary equip- ment. NOTK : — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Boiler riant Equipment in class B. * Note: — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Boiler Plant Equipment, Buihlinfjfi, Fixtarea and Grounds in class C. Maintenance of Coal and Ash Handling Equipment. Charge this account with all expense of labor and material incurred in repairing coal and ash conveyors in the' boiler plant, embracing trolley and cable towers, crushers, belt links, wheels, chutes and gates, conveyor cars, winches, motors, buckets, shafts, chains, etc. Note: — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Boiler Plant Equipment in class B. Note: — This account is included in the account Maintenance of Boiler Plant Equipment, Bnildings, Fixtures and Orounds in class C. Maintenance of Boiler Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account all expetise of labor and material incurred in repairs to buildings, fixtures and grounds, including permanent Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 41 foundations for apparatus, used exclusively for the generation of steam. If the boiler plant equipment is housed in one of the general works buildings, the repairs to such buildings will be apportioned so as to charge to this account the proper proportion of the total cost of repairs to such jointly occupied buildings. I. POWER. (F.) Power Gas Production (Apportionment Account). Gas Proflucer Operating Labor. Charge this account with all operating labor engaged in the pro- duction of power gas, including the handling of fuel from the storage pile to the gas generators building and handling of residuals from said building to the point where residuals are placed when removed from the building. Exclude maintenance labor. Gas Producer Fuel. Charge this account with the cost of all fuel used for producing gas for power purposes at the cost f. o. b. point of delivery at the plant for storage and crediting the appropriate Stock Account with the fuel as used. 42 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. (ias Pioducei* Water. Charge this account with the cost of all water used in the produc- tion of gas for power purposes. If water is purchased, charge at the contract or meter rate. If water is pumped by the accounting utility, charge here the cost of pumpage. Miscellaneous Gas Producer Supplies and E.\i>enses. Charge this account with the cost of all operating supplies and ex- penses incurred in the production of gas for power purposes not chargeable to any of the preceding gas power production operating accounts. Exclude maintenance supplies. Maintenance of Gas Producers and Gas Producer Equipment. Charge this account with the expense of all labor and material in- curred in repairing apparatus used for the production of gas to be used for power purposes in the generation of electric energy. Also charge with the cost of repairing gas conductor and exhaust pipe and other auxiliary gas producer apparatus. This includes producers, economizers, regenerators, vaporizers, steam injectors, scrubbers, exhauster outfits, cells, specially provided boilers and pumps, flues and pipe, blower engines, holders, and all similar auxiliary equip- ment. Note: — This account is inclndod in tlio account Mninicnance of Gaft Proiliirrr Equipment in class B. Note: — Tliis account is included in the account Mainiouincc of (las Producer Equipnirnt, Buihlinyx. Vurtiircs avd (tiouniU in class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 43 Maintenance of Coal and Ash Handling Equipment. Charge this account with the expense of all labor and material in- curred in repairing coal and ash conveyors in the power gas produc- tion plant, embracing trolley and cable towers, crushers, belt links, wheels, chutes and gates, conveyor cars, winches, motors, buckets, shafts, chains, etc. Note: — This account is included in the account Mitintenanve of Gas Producer Equipment in class B. Note: — This account is included in the account Mnintcnance o/ (Sufi Producer Equipment, Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds in class C. Maintenance of Gas Producer Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the expense of all labor and material in- curred in repairs to buildings, fixtures and grounds, including perma- nent foundations for apparatus, used exclusively for the production of power gas to be used in the generation of electric energy. If the gas producer apparatus is housed in one of the general power plant buildings, the repairs to such buildings, fixtures and grounds will be apportioned so as to charge to this account the proper proportion of the total cost of repairs to such jointly occupied buildings. I. POWER. ((f.)Ele<'li*ic IN)\ver (Apportionment ^^ccount). Electric I'tilhy Proportion of Total Pow^r. Charge this account with the proper proportion of the total cost of electric power generated. This account will be raised by those plants 44 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. operating two or more utilities using electric energy. In such cases the' power accounts as prescribed will be opened, the entire group of such accounts being regarded as an apportionment account and the total cost of power will be apportioned over the' several utilities mak- ing a demand for power, charging to this account the proportion of the total cost of power generated properly chargeable to the electric utility. II. TRANSMISSION AND TRANSFORMATION. Inspecting and Patrolling Transmission System. Charge this account with all labor engaged in inspecting and patrolling the transmission system between the' high tension switch- board at the point of generation to the sub-stations or transformer stations, including the testing of the line. Exclude maintenance labor. Note: — This account is included in the account Opcvation of Transmission and Transformation System in class C. Sub-Station and Transformer Station Operating Labor. Charge to this account the cost of all operating labor employed in the superintendence and operation of sub-stations and transformet* stations, including salaries and wages of regulators, brushmen and other employes engaged in operating the electric equipment, also the wages of clerks, janitors, watchmen, etc., at such sub-stations and transformer stations. Note: — This account is included in the account Operation oj Transmission and Transformation System in class C, Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 45 Sub-station and Transformer Station Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all operating supplies con- sumed and expenses incurred in connection with the operation of sub-stations and transformer stations, such as rent, light, heat, hand tools, waste, wipers and similar items. Charge also with the cost of telephones, stationery, etc., if it is desired to distribute such ex- penses, j i • il^!*i NoTK : — This account is iuclndod in the account Operation of Transmission and Transformation System in class C. Maintenance of Transmission System. Charge to this account the expense of all labor and material in- curred in making repairs to the transmission system. This includes repairs and renewals of underground transmission conduits, man- holes, sewer connections, sewer traps, and paving; replacement and renewal of poles, painting poles, removing and resetting poles, re- pairing poles and pole fixtures, cross-arms, insulator pins, insulatops. braces, brackets and other pole fixtures and appliances; guys and other supports for holding poles, towers and other structures in position; also replacement and renewal of towers, painting towers, repairs to towers and other appliances for supporting the overhead transmission system and the replacement and renewal of transmission conductors between the generating plant and the sub-station. The cost of maintaining poles, towers and other supporting fixtures which carry both transmission and distribution conductors should be ap- portioned between this account and the account Maintenance of Over- head Distridution System or Maintenance of Underground Distribution System as determined by the nature of the conductor. Note: — This account is included in the account MdUitmouir nf Trnti.€Cting and Testing Meters. Charge this account with all labor employed in testing and inspect- ing meters both on the premises of consumers and in the meter shop of the utility. Exclude maintenance labor. Note: — This account is inchidccl in tlic a<-c«nint liiHlrihiiiUtii Siiftlmi Ojterat- infj Labor in class B and class C. Miscellaneous Distribution System Operating Labor. Charge this account with all operating labor employed in the dis- tribution system not chargeable to any of the preceding operating labor accounts. Exclude* maintenance labor. Note: — This account is included in the account Disti ihution System Operat- ing Labor in class B and class C. Meter Department Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with all supplies consumed and expenses in- curred in connection with the operation of the meter department. Tools used in this department, together with the repairs upon the" same, will be charged to this account unless such tools are included in the tangible capital of the utility. Expenses such as light, fuel, supplies, retit, and electricity used for operating machinery and for 4 50 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. testing in this department, and other similar items, will be charged to this account. This account will embrace all meter expense's not included in the meter labor accounts and the account Maintenance of Meters. Exclude maintenance supplies. Note : — This account is incliirtod in the account Distiihiilion Sifftleni Supplirn and Ej-pc)}fieft in class D and class C Miscellaiieoiis Distribution System Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all supplies consumed and expenses incurred in connection with the operation of the distribu- tion system and not chargeable to any of the preceding distribution operating accounts. There will be charged to this account the cost of maps and records, distribution office supplies and expenses and distribution office rent, where such expense is directly chargeable. Exclude maintenance supplies. NOTK : — This account is included in the account Distribiilion Sj/steiii i^iippliex and Eirpcnses in class B and class C. Maintenance of Overhead Distribution System. Charge to this account all expenditures for repairs and renewals of overhead distribution system, including labor, materials, tools and expenses. This embraces replacement and renewal of poles, paint- Uniform Accounts — Electric Ttiuties. 51 ing poles, removing and -resetting poles, repairing poles, pole fixtures and appliances, including cross-arms, insulators, insulator pins braces, brackets an other pole fixtures and appliances; guys and other supports for holding poles, towers or other structures in posi- tion; also replacements and renewals of towers and painting towers. Repairs to towers or other structures or appliances for supporting fixtures which carry both transmission and distribution conductors should be apportioned between this account and the account Main- tenance of Transmission System. Note: — This account is included in the account Mnintenanre of Disfrihiilion F^listem in class B and class C. Maintenance of Underground Distribution System. Charge to this account all expenditures for repairs and renewals of underground distribution system, including labor, materials, tools and expenses. This includes repairs and renewals of underground distribu- tion system conduits, manholes, sewer connections, sewer traps and paving; repairs and renewals of underground distribution system con- ductors; repairs and renewals of underground tube system, including coupling boxes, tubing, junction boxes, manholes and paving in con- nection therewith; also repairs or renewals of underground distribu- tion system sefvice connections. The cost of maintaining conduits which carry both transmission system conductors and distribution system conductors should be apportioned between this account and the account Maintenance of Transmission System. Note: — This account is Included in the account JfotH/e/i am re of Dislrihulion Sifslrin in class R and class C. 52 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Maintenance of Transformers. • Charge this account with the expense of all labor and materials in- curred in maintaining transformers, including renewing oil, re'paint- ing, rewinding and repairs to switches and transformer devices which are the property of the utility on the consumers' premises. Note: — This account is inoludod in the account Maintenance of Disirihiition Fti/sfcm in class C. Maintenance of Meters. Charge this account with the expense of all labor and materials in- curred in repairing meters in the distribution system, including read- justing and painting old meters, new meter parts, new jewels, clean- ing meters, and changing meters for routine tests. V. CONSUMPTION. Trimming and Inspecting Lamps. Charge this account with the labor of trimming and inspecting all arc lamps operated, patrolling arc lamp circuits, inspecting incan- descent lamps operated, locating opeli circuits, crosses on circuits, and other lamp operating labor. Exclude maintenance labor. Note : — Where the contracts under which lamps arc being operated require the utility to inspect and trim such lamps, entries to this account shall be made in such a, manner as to permit of their classification in order to show the Uniforat Accounts — Electric Utilities. 53 following two items which will bo called for in the annual report to tiic Railroad Commission : a. Trimming and Inspectinrj Commercial Lamps. h. Trimmino and Inspecting Municipal Contract Lamps. Where the expenses chargeable to this account are not directly assignable lo either of the two subdivisions, such total unassignable amount shall be appor- tioned over the two subdivisions upon the lamp-hour basis. Lamp Supplies. Charge this account with all operating supplies and materials used in connection with the operation of arc lamps. This includes the cost of carbons, globes, waste, reflectors, ropes and cables for sup- porting lamps, pulleys, etc., crediting Lamps and Lamp Supplies stock account with material used. Note: — Where the conlracts under which lamps are operated require the utility to furnish such lamp supplies, entries to this account shall be made in such a manner as to pi^rmit of their classification in order to show the following two items which will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Commission : a. Commercial Lamp Supplies. 1). Municipal Contract Lamp Supplies. Where the expenses chargeable to this account arc not directly assignable »>vmit of their dassilication in order to show the followinj: two items wliich will ho called for in tlu* animal report to the Railroad commission : a. Maintcuavce of Cotnmcrcial Laiuim. h. Mainicnauce of Municipal Contract Ijanips. Unassignable items will be apportioned upon the lamp-hour basis. 56 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. A I. COMMERCIAL. Collection Salaries and Commissions. Charge this account with all salaries of the collection department employes from the taking of applications for electric service to the depositing of proceeds from collection in the bank. This includes not only the salaries of employes whose entire time is engaged in the collection department, but the proper proportion of the salaries of employes who are partly engaged in other departments. Charge also with fees and commissions paid for collecting bills. Note : — This account is included in tbe account Collection Expenses in class B. Note : — This account is included in the account Commercial Expenses in class C. Keading Meters and Delivering Bills. Charge this account with all salaries and wages of meter readers and employes engaged in delivering bills for electric current. Note : — This account is included in the account Collection Expenses in class Ti. Note : — This account is included in the account Commercial Expenses in class C. Collection Supplies and Exi>enses. Charge this account with all supplies and expenses of the electric utility collection office, not otherwise provided for, including supplies and expenses of outside collectors and meter readers. Stationery, Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 57 stamps, etc., and surety bonds of collection department employes will also be charged to this account if it is desired to distribute such ex- penses. NOTK : — Thisaccount is included in the account CoUeciiun J^-hxiihcs in class P.. Note : — This account is included in the account Commercial JJ.ipenxfs in cljiss C. Uncollectible Accounts (Reserve Charge). Charge to this account each month, making a corresponding credit to the Uncollectible Accounts Reserve, an amount which is estimated by its uniform application throughout the year will yield to such re- serve fund an amount sufficient to cover all accounts for electrical energy which become uncollectible and are charged to the reserve ac- count because of the retnoval of the debtor beyond the jurisdiction of the state, the operation of the Statute of Limitations, discharge in bankruptcy, or for any other sufficient reason after diligent effort to collect. Note :— ^This account is included in the account Collection Expenses In class D. Note : — This account is included in the account Commercial Ejpenses m class C. I*roin()ti()n of Business Salaries and Commissions. Charge this account with the salaries and wages of all employes whose services are devoted to the promotion and extension of the" electric utility business, including canvassers, solicitors, demon- strators, distributors of circulars, and advertising material; also commission paid to canvassers, solicitors and dealers for the intro- duction and sale' of electrical appliances, etc. Note : — This account is included in the account Commercial Ejpenses in class C. 58 Railroad Com mission of Wisconsin. Promotion of Business Supplies and Expenses. Charge to this account the cost of all supplies used and expenses incurred by the promotion of business department. This includes office stationery and supplies, if distributed, and expenses of adver- tising in newspapers and periodicals, the cost of advertising by means of posters, dodgers, handbills, circulars, car signs, booklets and all related expenses, also the cost of materials and expenses of demon- stration and exhibitions. Note :— This account does not include any expenses incurred for increasinj; the sale of residuals, which expenses will be charged to the appropriate rfesidiinls Expense Account. . Note : — This account is included in the account rroniotion of BKsiness Ex- penses in class B. Note : — This account is included in the account Couniierdal ILrpciifies in class C. VII. GENERAL. Salaries of General Officers. Charge this account with the salaries of general officers including the president, vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, comptroller, auditor, general manager, and all other officers whose jurisdiction extends over the entire business and whose services are not charge- able to any particular department. Note : — This account is included in the account (Icnrrtil Office Sntaries in class B and class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 59 Salaries of Cieiieral Office Clerks. Charge this account with the salaries of all clerks and assistants connected with the general offices, except such as may be directly en- gaged in other departments, in which case their compensation should be charged to such department directly. Where general office clerks also perform services for other departments, their compensation will be apportioned accordingly and charged to the respective depart- mental accounts. Note: — Tliis acoounl is iiHliidt'd in the account (lencnil Offtcr Snlar'Hff in class B and class C. (Jeneral Office Rent. Charge this account with all rent paid for general offices. Note : — This account is included in the account General Office i^iipi)lies and Erpevses in class B and class C. Miscellaneous General Office Supplies and Expenses. Charge this account with the cost of all office supplies and ex- penses, newspapers and periodicals, messenger and janitor service, directories, telegrams, exchange on remittances, etc. Charge also with the cost of books, stationery, telephone, etc., if it is desired to distribute such expenses. Note : — This account is included in tho account (Jeueral Office Siipi)lie. sinking funds in accordance with the provisions of trust deeds, mortgages or other contracts requiring the establishment of sinking funds. Such charges will be credited to the Sinking Fund Reserve. All accruals to reserves or other funds, created voluntarily by the utility and not in pursuance of the provisions of any mortgage or other contrac:t or of the requirements of law, shall be excluded there- from. BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS. 72 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. BALANCE SHEET FORM FOR REPORT. Assets. All Classes. PHOI'I'KTY AXU T'IAXT: Cost Beginning of Year. Construction and Equipment Current Fiscal Year. Cost Close of Year. TREASURY SECI'RITTES : Treasury Stock. Treasury Bonds. INVESTMENTS: Stocks and Bonds of Other Companies. Other Investments. RESERVE, SINKING AND SPECIAL FUND ASSETS: Depreciation Reserve Fund. Sinking Fund. Amortization Reserve Fund. Special Funds. CURRENT assets: Cash. Notes and Bills Receivable. Accounts Receivable. . Interest and Dividends Receivable. Material and Supplies. Sundry Current Assets. PREPAID accounts: Prepaid Insurance. Prepaid Taxes. Prepaid Interest. Sundry Prepaid Accounts. Open Accounts. Deficit. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 7)i BALANCE SHEET FORM FOR REPORT — (Continued.) Liabilities. All Classes. (APiTAL liabilities: Capital Stock Preferred. Capital Stock Common. Funded Debt. MORTGAGE LIAIULITIES: Real Estate Mortgages. Other Mortgages. CIJHRENT liabilities: Notes and Bills Payable. Accounts Payable, Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Unpaid. Dividends Unpaid. Deposits. Sundry Current Liabilities. ACCRUED liabilities: Insurance Accrued. Taxes Accrued. Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued. Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued. Dividends Accrued. Sundry Liabilities Accrued. Open Accounts. RESERVE, SINKING AM> SPECIAL Fr.Nl) LIAnillTIES; Depreciation Reserve. Sinking Fund. Amortization Reserve. Special Funds. Surplus. 74 lvAiLK(MD Commission of Wisconsin. DETAILED ACCOUNTS WITH TEXT. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTS. INTANGIBLE CAPITAL. Organization. Charge to his account all fees paid to governments for the privi- lege of incorporation and all fees and other expenditures incident to organizing the electric utility business. This includes the cost of preparing and distributing prospectuses, cost of soliciting subscrip- tions for stock (but not for loans nor for the purchase of bonds or other evidences of indebtedness), cash fees paid to promoters, and the actual cash value at the time of organization of securities paid to promoters for their services in organizing the enterprise', attorney's fees, cost of preparing and issuing certificates of stock, and cost of procuring certificates of convenience and necessity from the Railroad Commission, and other similar expenses. This account shall not be charged with any discounts on securities issued, nor shall it include any costs incident to negotiating loans or selling bonds or any other evidence of indebtedness. Expenses incident to an increase of the capital stock, and the negotiation and sale of stock thereunder, and expenses of preparing and filing certificates cf amendment to the articles of incorporation, shall be' charged to this account. Franchises. Charge to this account the actual amount paid to the state or to a political subdivision thereof in consideration for any franchise deemed necessary to the' conduct of the electric utility service. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 75 If any such franchise is acquired by purchase, the charge to this account, in respect thereof, shall not exceed the amount so actually paid therefor by the electric utility to its assignor. If any franchise has a life of not more than one year after the day when it is placed in service or in effect, it shall not be charged to this account but to the appropriate operating expense account. Expense's in procur- ing franchises covering additional territory to be operated as a part of the existing system may be charged to this account. Pay- ments made to state authorities or to any subdivision thereof, in consideration for granting e"xtension of any franchise having a life in service of more than one year from the date of the grant, shall be considered as a renewal. If the franchises cover separate and distinct new enterprises, payments therefor shall be classed as original and charged to this account. Kights, Licenses, Etc. Charge to this account the cost of all rights, licenses and other intangible assets having a life of more than one year from the date when placed in service, acquired by the utility in or under valid patent grants by the United States to inventors for inventions and discoveries which are necessary or valuable to the economical con- duct of the electric business, etc. If such right is extended to cover a further period of time" than that covered by the original grant, the cost of such extension shall be classed as a renewal. A patent right acquired for use in an existing system and necessary to the economical operation therof, shall be classed as an addition. Note : — Utilities are at liberty to open sub-accounts showinj,' the total cost of any class of rights or single patent. 76 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. TANGIBLE CAPITAL. Lands Used in Operation of Property. Accounts shall be opened as indicated below, to which shall be charged the cost of all land used and useful in the operation of the electric utility whose term of enjoyment is over one year from the grant thereof. The cost of land shall include the purchase price, the cost of registration of title, cost of examination of title, surveyors' and notaries' fees, purchasing agent's commission, the fees and taxes accrued to date from transfer of title, and all liens upon title acquired; also the cost of obtaining consents and payments for abutting property damages. The cost of any buildings, fixture's' and improvements made to the land purchased, must not be charged to these accounts. If at the time of acquisition of any interest in land it extends to buildings or other improvements thereon, which im- provements are devoted by the electric utility to its electric service and the contract of acquisition does not determine the price of such buildings or improvements, they shall be appraised at their fair cash value' for use in such operations, and such appraised value shall be charged to the proper Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds account, and excluded from the Land account. If such improvements are not devoted to electric operations, but are devoted to other operations or are held as investment, the cost (or appraised value if the cost is not determined by the contract) shall be charged to tin appro- priate investment account. Power Plant Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as above defined, oc- cupied by the power plant together with all land used and useful in connection with the hydraulic power Avorks, steam plant, power gas plant and all appurtenances thereto. Note : — -rtilities are at lilK>rt.v to open sul)-a'*counts showing; the cost of land devoted to any particular use as steam power plant land, gas power plant land, hydraulic power plant land, etc. Xo'i-K : This jicc.mnl is included in tlie account fjiiKl lnvd in Oprnifinn of l-n>i><;-l!i in cln-^s \\ niid class ('. UNrpORM Accounts — Electric UTiuTiEt^. 77 Sub-Station and Transformer Station Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as hereinbefore de- fined, occupied by sub-stations and transformer stations. Note : — Utilities are at liberty to open sub-accounts showinj? the cost of land devoted to the several sub-stations and transformer stations which it may ov/n and- operate. NoTR :— This ac^'ount is iiicluded in the account Lontl L'fted in Openillnv o/ J'roprrfif in class P. and class (' Storage Batteiy Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as hereinbefore de- fined, occupied by the electric storage batteries. Note: — This account is included In the account Land Used in Operation of Property in class B and class C. General Office Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as hereinbefore de- fined, occupied by the general office buildings of the electric utility. Note : — Tliis account is included in the account TAind T^sed in Opnation of Property in class B and class C. 78 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. stores Department Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as hereinbefore de- fined, occupied by storage buildings and structures or used as storage yards. Note : — Tliis account is included in the account Land Used in Operation of Property in class !» and class C. Utility Equipment Land. Charge this account with the cost of all land as hereinbefore' de- fined occupied by barns, stables, automobile and vehicle and other utility equipment storage structures and land appurtenant thereto. Note : — This account is included in the account Land Used in Operation of Property in class B and class C. Buildings, Fixtpires and Grounds Used in Operation of Property. Account shall be opened as indicated below to which shall be charged the cost of all buildings, structures and improvements in the land used and useful in the generation of electric energy and all steps incidental to such generation, distribution and sale. Such buildings, structures and fixtures include hydraulic structures, producer gas buildings and structures, steam structures, power plant buildings, general office buildings, coal and other fuel sheds and other storage buildings and structures, barns, stables and all fixtures attached to such buildings and a permanent part thereof together with fences, valks, trestle's, drives, grading and improvement of grounds. Machinery foundations and settings if designed as a part of the Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 79 permanent construction of the building and independent of their use in connection with any particular unit of equipment, shall be charged to the" appropriate Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds account. If, how- ever, such foundations and settings are prepared especially for cer- tain units of equipment and designed to last no longer than such unit, their cost will be charged to the" proper Equipment account. The following accounts will be raised: Steam Power Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to the generation of electric energy by steam power. Such structures include steam power plant buildings and structures and all buildings incidental thereto, and permanent ma- chinery and apparatus foundations, appurtenant walks, fences, drives, tramways, trestles and all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof. Note : — Buildings devoted to the generation of stoam and for storafjje pur- poses will not 1)0 char;;ed to this account. Note : — This account is included in tlic account BuiUlimjs, Fixtures and Grounds in class B and class C. Gas Power Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to the generation of electric energy by gas power, including buildings and structures incidental thereto, the perma- nent foundations for machinery and apparatus, appurtenant walks, drives, fences, tramways, trestles and all fixtures permanently at- tached thereto and a part thereof. Note: — The cost of fuel storage buildings and gas producer buildings and structures will not be charged to this account. Note: — This account is included in the account JiidUliiifhs. Fi.rliirrs aud (hounds in clasps B and class C. 80 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Hydraulic Power l*laiit Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to the generation of electric energy by hydraulic power, including hydraulic buildings and structures, generating station buildings and structures and all buildings and structures incidental thereto, together with permanent foundations for ma- chinery and apparatus, appurtenant walks, fences, drives, tramways, trestles and all fixtures permanently attached thereto and part thereof. NOTK : — This ac-fount is included in the account Uiiildinfjs, Fi.rtiirri< aii<] Groinids in class li and class C. Boiler Plant Buildings, Fixtui-es and Grounds. Charge this account with the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to the generation of steam, all permanent founda- tions and settings for machinery and apparatus and appurtenant walks, fences, drives and tramways and all fixtures permanently attached to such structures and made a part thereof. NoTK : — This account Is included .In the account Bnihlinys, Fixtures and (ifoinulfi in class P. and class C. Gas Pi*oducer Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds, Charge this account with the cost of all buildings and structures devoted to the production of gas for power purposes, including per- manent foundations and settings for producer machinery and appa- ratus, and appurtenant walks, fences, drives, etc., and fixtures per- manently attached to such structures and made a part thereof. NoTK : — This account is included in the account Jiuildinfjs, Fixtures and Grounds in class B- and class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 81 Sub-Station and Transfoi*m«r Stiition Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds.^ Charge' to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to sub-station and transformer station uses, includ- ing permanent foundations and settings for machinery and apparatus, together with appurtenant walks, fences, drives, etc., and fixture? permanently attached to such structures and made a part thereof. NoTK :- — This account is included in the account Ihiildinf/s, Firturrs aud Grounds in class R and class C. Storage Battery Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. - Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to storage battery purposes, including permanent foundations and settings, together with appurtenant walks, fences, drives, etc., and all fixtures permanently attached to such structures aud made a part thereof. NOT!) : — This account is included in the account IttindiuijH. Fijtiircs and rounds in class B and class C. General Office Buildings, Fixtui-es and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to general office purposes of the electric utility and not includible in any of the preceding departmental buildings accounts, also all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, such as heating and plumbing systems, electric wiring, per- manent building vaults, together with appurtenant walks, fences, drives, etc. Note: — Tliis account is included in the account Jiuildinijs, Fixtures and Grounds in class B and class C. 6 82 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. stores Department Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge to this account the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds used for storage purposes, embracing such structures as coal and other fuel storage sheds, distribution and transmission line material storage structures, etc., together with all fixtures per- manently attached thereto and a part thereof, as fences, drives, walks, etc. NOTK : — This account is included in tlio account Buildings, Fixtures and CrounUs in class IJ and class C. Utility Equipment Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds. Charge this account with the cost of all buildings, fixtures and grounds devoted to stable, barn, garage or other utility equipment storage purposes, and all fixtures permanently attached thereto and a part thereof, and appurtenant fences, drives, walks, etc. Note : — This account is included in the account Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds in class B and class C. Power Plant Equipment. Accounts shall be opened as indicated below, to which shall be charged the cost of all equipment and apparatus used in the gen- eration of electric energy, up to -and including the station switch board. It is designed that the cost of all apparatus and equipment shall be so charged and classified that the cost of all apparatus used in connection with the generation of electric energy by any particular motive power will be shown in the account covering such power plant equipment. The following accounts will be raised: Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 83 steam Power Plant Equipment. Charge this account with the cost of all steam engines and tur- bines devoted to the production of electric energy, which shall be considered to include steam prime mover accessories as the' throttle valve and the governor, also condensers, air and circulating pumps and lubricating systems. Charge also with the cost of all electric generating apparatus driven by steam prime movers together with rotaries and motor-generator sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connection with the transmission system. This includes the specially provided foundations and settings of such apparatus. Charge also with all accessory and auxiliary equipment in the steam power generating station, including belts and other transmission equipment, line and counter shafting, pulleys, bus-bars, regulators, station switchboards and equipment such as circuit breakers, switches, meters and their settings, together with special high tension transmission equipment at the steam power station as high tension bus-bars, high tension switchboards, high tension switches, high tension current transformers, high tension lightning arresters, high tension potential transformers, high tension reactive coils, high tension choke, coils, high tension grounding devices an resist- ances, high tension step-up and step-down transformers. NoTi: : — ^Utilitios desiriug to do so may siilKlivide this account into tlie fol- lowing : a. Steam Engines and Turbines. 6. Generators. c. Auxiliary Steam Power' Plant Equipment. Gas Power Plant Equipment. Charge this account with the cost of all gas etigines and tur- bines devoted to the generation of electric energy, including their foundations and settings, together with such gas prime' mover ac- cessories as the inlet valve, governor and igniting and starting apparatus. Charge also to this account the cost of all electric gen- erating apparatus driven by gas power and rotaries and motor- generator sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connection with 84 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. transmission systems. This includes specially provided foundations and settings. Charge' also with the cost of all electric equipment of the gas power generating station embracing bus-bars, regulators, station switchboards and equipment as circuit breakers, switches, meters and settings and special high tension transmission equip- ment at such power station, as high tension bus-bars, high tension switchboards, high tension switches, high tension transformers, high tension lightning arresters, high tension potential transform- ers, high tension reactive coils, high tension choke coils, high ten- sion grounding devices and resistances and high tension step-up and step-down transformers. Belts, shafting, pulleys and other power transmission equipment in the gas power plant will be charged to this account. NoTK : — Utilities desiring to do so may subdivide this account as follows : a. Oas Etifjines and Turbines. 6. Ocncrators. c. Oas Poicer Plant Auxiliary Equipment. Hydraulic Power Works. Charge to this account the cost of all dams, canals and flumes devoted to the production of hydraulic power and the delivery of water to the head-gate of the' water wheels or turbines. Also charge with the cost of wasteways from the outlet of the draft tube to the point of final discharge, including the cost of all gates, valves and other accessories, wasteways, sluices, forebays, etc., in the de- velopment of hydraulic power and all accessory canals and aque- ducts. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 85 Hydraiilic Power Plant Equipment. Charge this account with the cost of all water wheels and tur- bines devoted to the generation of electric energy, including founda- tions and settings of such hydraulic equipment, their governors and all apparatus appurtenant thereto from the head gates and governors to the wasteways. Charge also with the cost of all electric generating apparatus driven by hydraulic power and rotaries and motor-generator sets, exciters, etc., when not installed in connec- tion with transmission systems, together with their specially pro- vided foundations and settings. Also charge this account with the cost of all electric equipment of the power plant embracing bus- bars, regulators, station switchboards and equipment as circuit breakers, switches, meters and their settings, head gates, motors and other electric apparatus and special high tension transmission equipment at the power plant, such as high tension bus-bars, high tension switchboards, high tension switches, high tension trans- formers, high tension lightning arresters, high tension potential transformers, high tension reactive coils, high tension choke coils, high tension grounding devices and resistances and high tension step-up and step-down transformers. Belts, pulleys, shafting and other power transmission apparatus in the hydraulic power plant will be charged to this account. Note : — Utilitios desirinjr to do so may sub-divide this account as follows : a. Water Wheels and Turbines. h. Generators. c. Auxiliary Hydraulic Poicer Plant Equipment. Boiler Plant Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment devoted to the generation of steam. Charge with the cost of furnaces, boilers, their foundations and settings, boiler fittings, iron and steel smoke- stacks, feed pump, water feed pipe, injectors, economizers, water heaters, superheaters, valves, flues, steam pipes from the boilers to the engine throttle valves, steam exhaust system, boiler water purification equipment, mechanical stokers, cranes, coal and ash conveyors, steam traps, crushers, belt links, wheels, chutes and gates, conveyor cars, winches, motors, buckets, shafts, chains and similar auxiliary equipment in the boiler plant. 86 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Gas Producer Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment devoted to the! production of power gas for the purpose of generating electric energy, including the foundations and settings of such producers and their accessories, embracing gas producers, economizers, re- generators, vaporizers, steam injectors, scrubbers, exhauster out- fits, seals, appurtenant boilers and pumps, flues and piping, blower engines, gas piping from producers to gas prime movers and to holders, producer gas holders, exhaust piping, etc. Traiisiuissioii System. Charge this account with the cost of the transmission system, embracing all towers, poles, cross-arms, insulator pins, braces, brackets and other pole fixtures and appliances, guys and other tower and pole supports, and all cables, wires, insulators and in- sulator material, etc., constituting the transmission system between the point of electric generation or purchase to the point where it is lowered in voltage or changed as to kind of frequency for the purpose of commercial distribution. Sub-Station and Transformer Station Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all sub-station and trans- former station equipment and apparatus, including the electrical equipment as transformers, motor-generator sets, rotaries, boosters, switchboards, furniture, etc. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 87 storage Battery Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all storage batteries and storage battery equipment. Where separate buildings and struct- ures have been provided for storage batteries, there will be' charged to this account not only the cost of the electrical equipment, but also such other equipment as is a necessary and incidental part of the operation of such battery and included in tangible' capital. Distribution System. Charge to this account the cost of the distribution system, em- bracing all towers, poles, cross-arms, insulator pins, braces, brack- ets, and other pole fixtures and appliances, guys, and other tower and pole supports, and all cables, wires, insulators, and insulating material constituting the distribution system between the central station switchboard or the sub-station or transforme'r station to the' consumers' premises, including the service wiring. Transformers. Charge this account with the cost of all distribution line trans- formers, both those placed on the premises of the consumer and upon the poles or other supports adjacent thereto. The cost of the original setting of each transformer will be charged to this ac- 88 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. count. Transformers and transformer devices operated in connec- tion with the transmission system will not be charged to this ac- count but to the' account Sub-Station and Transformer Station Equipment. Meters. Charge to this account the cost of all meters installed for deter- mining the amount of energy delivered to consumers. The cost of the original setting of each meter will be charged to this account if it is the policy of the accounting utility to capitalize the original setting of meters. Subsequent removing and resetting of meters will not be charged to this account, but to operating expenses. i'oiniiiercial Lamps and Lamp Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all arc lamps, Nernst lamps, incandescent lamps and all lamp fixttlres and equipment devoted to commercial lighting and included in the tangible capital of the' util- ity. Lamps and lamp equipment having an expectancy of life in service of less than one year will not be charged to this account, but will be considered an operating charge. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 89 Miiiiiciiml Contract Lighting System. Charge to this account the cost of all lighting equipment operated and maintained under the contracts for public lighting entered into with the municipality, embracing public arc lights, Nernst lamps and incandescent lamps provided for in the contract and all circuits and poles, cross-arms, pins, braces, insulators, arc supports and ac- cessory equipment required under the terms of such contract. There will not be charged to this account the cost of any equipment prop- erly chargeable to Distribution System, this account being designed to cover only the cost of the lighting system devoted to the munici- pal contract service. Where the terms of the contract or an ordi- nance of the municipality require extension of mains and services for lighting under the terms of the contract, the cost of such extension as long as used solely for public lighting under such contract will be charged to this account. Entries to this account in respect to such extensions shall be so made as to admit of a detailed state- ment when called for by the Railroad Commission. General Office Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of the general office of the electric utility, embracing such items as office' furni- ture and furnishings, movable safes, filing cases and devices, type- writers, adding machines, addressographs and sundry office equip- ment having an expectancy of life in service exceeding one year. 90 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. Stores Department Equipment. Charge to this account the cost of all equipment of the stores department. This includes loading and unloading machinery, der- ricks, cranes, hoists, conveying apparatus and equipment, etc. Utility Equipment. Charge this account with the cost of all utility equipment. This includes wagons, drays, trucks, harnesses, horses, automobiles, bicycles, motorcycles, industrial tramways, etc. Miscellaneous Equipment. Charge to this account all equipment not includible in any of the preceding classified capital accounts, embracing such items as shop appliances, shop and laboratory tools, work tools and instruments, street department work tools and instruments, and other miscel- laneous equipment. Note : — Utilities are at liberty to subdivide tliis account to show the cost of any class of such miscellaneous equipment. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 91 Miscellaneous Constiniction and Equipment Expenditures. Accounts shall be opened as indicated below to which shall be charged all expenditures incurred during construction and before" the operation of the electric utility, of the character indicated by the title of the accounts. If expenditures are incurred for the ser- vice of engineers, superintendents and other technical skill of an advisory character during the process of construction and such i*'ems are not chargeable to any of the following accounts, there may be opened the account Engineering and Superintendence. The following detailed accounts should be kept of the expendi- tures during construction: Salaries During Construction. Charge' this account with the salaries of all general officers and general office assistants during the period of construction of the electric utility plant and up to the generation and sale of electric energy. Note : — This account is includecl in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment ETpencUtures in chtgs B and class C. Office Supplies and Expenses During Construction. Charge' this account with the cost of all office supplies and ex- penses incurred during the process of construction of the plant up 92 Railroad Commission of AVisconsin. to the time of generation and sale of electric energy, such as mes- senger and janitor service, rent of premises occupied during con- struction, water, light, heat, telegrams, exchange on remittances, etc. XoTK : — Tl»is account is included in the account M'tHcellaneous Coii-stnictiDn and EquipDicnt ExpetuHtiirrs in class W and class ('. Stationery and Printing During Construction. Charg^e this account with the cost of all stationery, printing, postage, blanks, record hooks, etc., used during the' construction of the plant and up to the time of generation and sale of electric energy. XoTK :— This account is Included in the account Miscclloucoiis Coiisfnietion and Equipment Ennenditvres in clas.c B and class C. Law Expenses During Construction. Charge to this account all law expenses incurred during thts period of construction of the electric plant. Charge with the sal- aries and expenses of counsel, solicitors and general attorneys, their clerks and attendants, etc. Charge also with the cost of law books, printing briefs, legal forms, testimony, reports, fees and retainers of the general counsel and attorneys, court costs and payments of specific notarial and witness fees, expense of taking depositions, and general law and court expenses during construction. Expenses of ar- bitrators of disputed points will also be charged to this account. When any of the expenditures above enumerated can be charged directly to the account for whose benefit they were incurred, they shall be so charged and not to this account. Thus, expenditures in connection T^xiFORM AcrorNTs — Electric I'tilitiks. 9:\ with the acquisition of land to be occupied by the stations shall be charged to the appropriate construction account. Law expenses in connection with the organization of the utility, whenever such can be definitely ascertained, shall be charged to the account Or- ganization. Noi'K : — This account is inclndod in tho account M isceUnixdHH Cot;-s1iii( tioii and Equipment Expenditures in class IJ and class C. Injuries and Damages During Construction. Charge to this account all damages to or destruction of property other than that owned by the utility, caused directly in connection v/ith the construction of the electric plant, and all expenses inc\- dt-nt to the injuries or death of employes and other persons for which injuries or death the utility is held liable or in the settle- ment of which claims allowances are made. This includes such items of expense as judgments for damages and plaintiff's court costs; proportion of salaries and expenses or fees of physicians and surgeons, expenses of undertakers, nurses and hospital expenses, n-iedical and surgical supplies, contributions to hospitals during the period of construction of the plant, transportation of injured persons and wages and salaries paid to employes while disabled. The salaries and expenses of the utility's claim agents, adjusters and their assistants while engaged upon settling such claims arising during construction will be charged to this account. The com- pensations of the general solicitors or counsel of the' utility while engaged in the defense and settlement of damage suits will also be charged to this account. NoTK : — This account is included iu the account MisrcJhineou^ Coiistj itrtioii and Equipment Expenditures in chiss B and class C. 94 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Insurance During Construction. Charge to this account all premiums paid to insurance companies for fire, casualty, boiler, fidelity and other insurance covering risks during construction of the electric power'^plant and its equipment. NoTK : — This account is IncludcMi in the ficcoiint Miscellaneous Coiistruetion and Equipment Expenditures in class B and claps C, , Taxes During Construction. Charge to this account all taxes and assessments levied and paid on property belonging to the electric utility while under con- struction and before the plant has begun operations, except special assessments for street and other improvements such as grading, curbing, paving, sidewalks, sewer, etc., which shall be charged to the account to which the property benefited has been charged. Note: — This acconnf is inclurlod in the account Miscellaneous Construe! ion and Equipment Expenditures in class B and class C. Interest During Construction. Charge to this account the interest accrued upon all money and claims payable upon demand acquired for use' in connection with the construction and equipment of the electric property from the time of such acquisition until the works are ready for commercial use. Interest receivable accrued upon such moneys and claims sh^U be credited to this account. Note : — This account is included in the account Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures in cjasf? B and class C. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. Ho Discount on Bonds During Construction. To this account may be charged the discount on bonds sold for construction purposes. The entries to such account shall be made with sufficient detail to permit of their identification and shall show the date when the bonds to which the' discount applies were author- ized, when issued and when sold, to whom sold, the amount realized t'rom the sale, purpose for which the bonds were sold, and the ap- plication of the proceeds; all of which details will be called for by the Railroad Commission. NOTR : — This account is includod in the account MisccU(\ueoii8 Consfruction and Equipment Expenditures in class 11 and class C. Miscellaneous Expenditures During Construction. Charge to this account all expenditures incurred during construc- tion not includible in any of the preceding accounts. NoTK : — This account is incliulcd in the account Miscrlhiunnrx ((instrurlioa and Equipment Exper.dituref. in class 15 and claK.s C. Cost of Plant Purchased (In Lieu of Plant Constructed). Charge to this account the cost of the electric plant purchased in case the' plant of the utility is obtained by purchase instead of be- ing constructed by it. The entry to this account should show with sufficient detail the name of the parties from whom purchased, the purchase price and all other facts pertinent to such sale, which detail? will be called for by the Railroad Commissiop, 96 J\A1LK().\D CoMxMlS^ION OF WISCONSIN. TREASURY SECURITIES. Treasury Securities. Charge to ,th;s account the par value of all stocks and bonds which have been authorized and issued by the utility or assumed by it or held by the treasurer or other fiscal agent of the utility for its benefit but which have not been sold. When such securities are sold their par value will be credited to this account. Note: — This account may be sulKlividcd into the two following accuunts : (I. Treasury Stock. h. Treasuri/ Bonds. INVESTMENTS. Investments. By investments, as here used, is meant the cost of the electric utility's title to or interest in all properties acquired, not for use in present operations but for the income to be derived from them, for a rise in value, for the control of some private business or other utility service, or for devotion to future operations at a time when the acquisition of such properties will not be possible under such favorable circumstances. In the annual report to be made to the Railroad Commission these investments will be required to be clas- sified as to their character and with suflftcient detail as to permit of their clear identification, showing the par value of all such stocks or bonds or other investments with the rate of return there- on, the amount of income received therefrom and the book value. Stocks, bonds or other property in which the funds of Reserves of the utility have been invested will not be shown in this account but as investments of the respective reserves and so shown in the balance sheet to be contained in the report to the Railroad Commission, Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 97 RESERVE ACCOUNTS. REQUIRED RESERVES. Depi'eciation Reserve. To this account shall be credited monthly, or as they are made, all charges to the Depreciation Account (hereinbefore described), the income from the investment of any money or from any security belonging to the Depreciation Reserve, and any other appropriations which may have been made to it. When through wear and tear in service, casualty, inadequacy, supersession or obsolesence, any building, structure, facility or unit of equipment originally charged to capital is no longer economically reparable, and in order to keep the productive capacity of the plant up to its original or equivalent state of efficiency it is neces- sary to make a complete replacement of such building, structure or unit of equipment, the money cost of the original unit replaced and charged to capital (estimated if not known, and if estimated the basis thereof shall be shown in the record entry) shall be charged to the Depreciation Reserve, and the excess cost of the sub- stituted unit over such original unit shall be charged to the appro- priate capital account. When any building, structure, facility or unit of equipment orig- inally charged to capital is retired from service and not replaced by any other unit of similar nature or equivalent thereto, the" original money cost thereof (estimated if not known, and if estimated the basis thereof shall be shown in the record entry) shall be charged to this account and such amount originally entered or contained in the charges to capital in respect to such unit so being retired shall be credited to the capital account to which it was originally charged, and any adjustments necessary made through the Sui'plus Account. The salvage or scrap value of any unit of equipment retired from service or replaced by any other unit will be credited to this account. An analysis of the charges and credits to this reserve will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. 98 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Sinking Fund Reserves. Sinking fund reserves shall be maintained whenever they are re- quired in pursuance of the provisions of mortgage deeds, deeds of trust, contracts or provisions of the law. A separate Sinking Fund Reserve shall be maintained for each contractual requirement, to which reserve shall be credited any appropriation made in pursu- ance of the tierms of the respective mortgage' and trust deeds, con- tracts, etc., and charged to the account Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements and also accumulations resulting from any security belonging to such particular reserve. The title of each reserve shall clearly indicate the purpose for which it is being maintained. An analysis of the charges and credits to this reserve will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. Amortization Reserve. This account shall be raised to provide for the amortization of in- tangible capital in service. To it shall be credited monthly, or as they are made, all the amounts charged from time to time through operating expenses to the account Amortization Reserve Require- ments, which account is to be set up where the nature of the capital occasions the' setting up of this reserve. Such reserve shall also be credited with all accumulations resulting from the investment of any moneys or the interest or dividends from any securities belonging to it. For example, a corporation pays $100,000 for a twenty year fran- chise to operate a public utility. In order that this amount shall be set aside out of revenue and the actual capital of the corporation not impaired by dividends paid, there' shall be charged monthly to the account Amortization Reserve Requirements, crediting the Amor- tization Reserve, an amount which, invested at current rates of interest, will at the end of the franchise' term have created an amount equivalent to the cost of the franchise. An analysis of the charges and credits to this reserve will bel palled for in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 90 OPTIONAL RESERVES. Maintenance Reserve. This reserve may be raised by those electric utilities which operate equipment, the repairs to which are occasioned only at. remote intervals and are then so considerable in amount as to cause wide fluctuations in the operating expenses for the division of operation or group of expenses of which the maintenance' ac- count in question is a part. Uncollectible Account* Reserve. Credit this account every month with the charge made to the ac- count Uncollectible Accounts {Reserve Charge) as explained in con- nection thereivith. When any account for electric service, upon which any debtor is liable to the utility, becomes impossible of collection because of the removal of the debtor beyond the juris- diction of the state, the operation of the' Statute of Limitations, discharge in bankruptcy, or for any other good and sufficient rea- son after diligent effort to collect the same has been made, such account may be charged to this account and credited to Accounts Receivable, to which it was originally charged. All accounts which have been charged off as uncollectible, but which are afterwards collected, shall be credited to this reserve. An analysis of the charges and credits to this reserve will be called for in the annual report to the Railroad Commission. 100 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Promotion of Business Reserve. Those utilities which, over and above the regular monthly charges for advertising, office assistance, etc., in their promotion of business department undertake a temporary campaign for the development of business, either for the' securing of additional consumers or to increase the sales of electricity to existing consumers, the bene- fits from which large expenses will be experienced over a consid- erable period of time, may set up this reserve, crediting it monthly with the amount set aside for that purpose, and charged to the! account Promotion of Business Supplies and Expenses. Amounts^ paid to any corporation, society or individuals not connected with the electric utility for services performed under contract for the development of the business of the electric utility may be' charged to this reserve. The salaries, commissions and expenses of the' permanent employes of the promotion of business department and the' current expenses of such department will be charged to the accounts Promotion of Business Salaries and Commissions and Pro- motion of Business Supplies and Expenses, as their nature deter- mines. Injuries and Damages Reserve. Utilities may open an Injuries and Damages Reserve, to which sliall be credited monthly any amounts which may be charged to the proper operating expenses or other expense' accounts. The amounts so charged and credited shall be such as are estimated to meet the admitted liability against it for injuries to persons and damages to property other than that of the utility, insofar as such claims can be anticipated by the exercise of reasonable' judgment. All such claims, when paid to satisfy admitted liability and judg- pients obtained in th^ courts of law, shall be charged to this account. Uniform Accounts — ElectIrjc, WiLt^iEc. Ipl.^ Insurance Reserve. Utilities may set up this reserve, to which shall be credited monthly the charges made in operating expenses to the Insurance account to cover self-carrying risks. When any irreparable dam- age to the" property of the utility occurs, and the nature of such damage is such as to be covered by the provisions of self-insurance, the cost of repairing the property damaged, or the cost of its replacement, shall be charged to this reserve. CURRENT ASSETS. Cash. Charge to this account all money coming into the possession of the electric utility and in which the utility has the beneficial inter- est. Also charge it with all bank credits, checks and drafts receiv- able subject to satisfaction or transfer upon demand, whether pay- able to bearer or to order. All cash disbursements should be cred ited to this account. \otes and Bills Receivable. Charge to this account the cost of all notes and bills receivable v;hich are the property of the electric utility and upon which sol- vent concerns or individuals are liable or which are' sufficiently 40SI :.'-;►-'- .Bi^tLROAp- Commission of Wisconsin. secured as to be considered good. This account includes demand notes, drafts, etc., issued by others than banks, and time notes, drafts, etc., by whomever issued. This account does not include investments nor the interest or dividends receivable from invest- ments. Accounts Receivable. Charge to this account all amounts owing to the electric utility upon accounts with solvent concerns other than banks; also all ac- counts and claims upon which responsibility is acknowledged by solvent concerns or individuals or which are sufficiently secured to bo considered good and of all judgments against solvent concerns where the judgments are not appealable or suspended through ap- peal. Negotiable instruments will not be charged to this account. Interest and Dividends Receivable. When the electric utility becomes entitled to demand any interest or dividend from solvent concerns the amount to which it thus becomes entitled shall be charged to this account and shall be credited to the appropriate account in the Income Account. This account includes interest on matured accounts with solvent concerns and upon judgments against solvent debtors where such judgment has been suspended as well as interest upon the commercial paper of solvent concerns. It does not include unmatured interest nor dividends not yet declared. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 103 Material and Supplies. Fuel.* Charge this account with the cost of all fuel purchased by the utility at is cost delivered alongside the utility's place of storage; unless purchased delivered to the place of storage. The account Fuel Stock Expense will be closed into this account monthly. Credit this account with all fuel used. Note : — This account may be subdivided into accounts A, B and C, s chartjed hereto. 106 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Sundry Current Assets. To this account shall be charged the cost of all current assets of the utility not includible under any of the preceding current asset accounts. Property readily convertible into money and which is being held with the intent of being so converted into money will be considered as a current asset and charged to this or the appro- priate preceding account. PREPAID ACCOUNTS. Prepaid Insurance. When preniiums on insurance policies are paid in advance of their accrual, the amounts prepaid whether paid in cash or by an issue of notes or other negotiable paper shall be charged to this account. As the premiums accrue they shall be credited at m^onthly intervals to this account and charged to the operating expense account Insur- ance. ' Prepaid Taxes. When taxes are paid in advance of their accrual, the amount shall be charged to this account. As the taxes thus prepaid accrue they shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the operating expense account Taxes. Taxes for special benefits or special assessments for improvements will not be charged to this account. IFniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 107 Prepaid Interest. When interest is paid in advance of its accrual on any obliga- tions of the utility it shall be charged to this account. As the inter- est thus prepaid accrues it shall be credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the appropriate interest account. Sundry Prepaid Accounts. Charge this account with all prepaid items not includible In the preceding prepaid accounts. As the amounts thus prepaid accrue they shall be' credited at monthly intervals to this account and charged to the appropriate expense account. CAPITAL LIABILITIES. Capital Stock. In the accounts of stocks outstanding a separate account shall be opened for each class of stock issued and no two stocks shall be considered of the same class unless they are equal in their interest or dividend rates, voting rights and conditions under which they may be retired, if the right to retire them is contained in the con- tract of issue. The characteristics of any class of stock in these regards shall be designated in the title of the accounts opened to 108 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. cover such stocks and shall be clearly expressed in the first entries to such account. To the account for any class of stocks shall he credited when issued the par value of the amount of such stock is- sued. If such issue is for money that fact shall be stated, and if for any other consideration than money the persons to whom issued shall be designated and the consideration for which issued shall be described with sufficient particularity to admit of identification; if such issue is to the treasurer or other fiscal agent of the corporation or if by him disposed of for the benefit of the corporation that fact and the name of such agent shall be shown and such agent shall in his account of the disposition thereof show like details concerning the consideration realized thereon, which account, when accepted by the corporation, shall be preserved as a corporate record. Funded Debt. The funded obligations of the utility shall be divided into classes according to their characteristics, as to the security for the same, the rate of interest, interest dates, and date' of their maturity. A separate sub-account shall be opened for each such class of funded indebtedness and no accounts or debts not agreeing in the charac- teristics mentioned shall be included in the same sub-account. The titles of each sub-account shall express the characteristics above stated. To the proper sub-account shall be credited, when issued, the par value of the' amount of the evidences of funded indebtedness issued. The entry shall show not only the amount issued but the purpose for which issued and shall make clear and intelligent refer- ence to the corporate records showing all details connected with such transactions. If the considerations received for the issue is anything other than money, the entries shall show further to whom issued and shall describe' with sufficient particularity to identify it the actual consideration received for it. If the issue is to the agent of an undisclosed principal, the name and business address of such agent and the fact of his agency shall be shown in the entry. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 109 MORTGAGE LIABILITIES. Real Estate Mortgages. The mortgage obligations of the utility shall bo divided into classes according to their characteristics, as to the security for the' issue, the rate of interest, interest dates, and the' date of maturity. A separate sub-account shall be opened for each mortgage. The title of each such sub-account shall express the characteristics above stated. To the proper sub-account shall be credited, when issued, the total receipts from the sale of evidences of indebtedness secured by the mortgage. The entries shall show the amount of the mort- gage debts, the purpose for which such debt was incurred and shall show by intelligent reference all the details connected with such transactions. If the consideration received for the' indebtedness is anything other than money the entry shall show the person to whom issued and shall describe with sufficient particularity to identify it the actual consideration received. ' If the indebtedness is to an agent of an undisclosed principal, the name and business address of such agent and the fact of his agency, shall be stated in the entry. Other Mortgages. This account shall be raised to show all mortgage indebtedness and transactions pertaining thereto in regard to mortgages other than real estate mortgages as defined in the preceding account Real Estate Mortgages. 110 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. CURRENT LIABILITIES. Notes and Bills Payable. When any note, draft or other bill payable, which matures not later than one year after date of issuance or of demand or assump- tion by the utility of primary liability thereon, is issued or assumed, the par value thereof shall be credited to this account and when it is paid it shall be charged to this account and credited to Cash or other appropriate account. Accounts Payable. Credit this account, when incurred, with all liabilities of the util- ity upon open accounts not includible in any of the other current liabilities accounts. Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When interest owing by the electric utility upon any of its funded indebtedness matures and is unpaid, whether the cause of failure is on the part of the coupon holder to present coupons for payment or for other reasons, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued to which it had heretofore beeti credited. Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. Ill Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable, Unpaid. When interest owing by the utility upon any of its notes and bills payable matures and is unpaid, whether the cause of failure is on the part of the holder of the paper to present it for payment or for other reasons, it shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued to which it had heretofore been credited. Dividends Unpaid. When dividends declared by the corporation become payable they shall be credited to this account and charged to the account Divi- dends. Deposits. Credit to this account, as such deposits are made, all cash de- posited with the utility by consumers as security for the" payment of electric bills. Deposits refunded shall be charged to this account and credited to Cash. Deposits applicable to uncollectible electric bills shall, at the close of the fiscal year or earlier, at the option of the accounting utility, be credited to the account of the consumer involved and debited to this account. Deposits made by employes cr others shall also be credited to this account. Detailed records cf deposits as between customers and employes will be required by the Railroad Commission. 112 Railroad Commission op Wisconsin. Sundry Current Liabilities. Credit to this account at their face value all unfunded obliga- tions upon which the utility is liable and which are not elsewhere provided for. ACCRUED LIABILITIES. Insurance Accrued. Credit to this account at the close of each month the insurance accrued during the period in question, as determined by the policies of all insurance covering the property of the utility. When such premiums are paid they shall be charged to this account and cred- ited to Cash or other appropriate" accounts. The amount set aside as an insurance reserve by the' utility carry- ing its own insurance either in whole or in part shall be charged to this account. Taxes Accrued. To this account shall be credited at the close of each month all taxes accrued during the month and corresponding charges shall be made to the Taxes account. Credits to the account Taxes Accrued will be based upon estimates until the amount of the taxes levied Uniform Accounts — Electric Utilities. 113 for the period is definitely ascertained. Such estimates shall be made upon the best data available, and as soon as the amount of taxes for the period is known, the account involved shall be adjusted to conform. When any taxes become due they shall be charged to this account. UniiiatiH'ed Intei*est on Fiindcnl Debt Accrued. To this account shall be' credited at the close of each month all unmatured interest accrued during the month upon the funded indebtedness of the utility. When such interest matures it shall be charged to this account and credited to the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid. When paid, the interest shall be charged to the account Matured Interest on Funded Debt Unpaid and credited to Cash or to the coupon deposit account. Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable, Accrued. To this account shall be' credited at the close of each month all unmatured interest accrued during the' month upon all notes and bills payable by the utility. When such interest matures it shall be charged to this account and credited to the account Matured 8 114 Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. Interest on Notes and Bills Payahle, Unpaid. When the interest is paid, it shall be charged to the account Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payahle, Unpaid, and credited to Cash or other appropriate account. Dividends Accrued. To this account may he credited at the close of each month the amount of dividends accrued on preferred and common stock during such period at the rates of dividend payments established by the corporation. When such dividends become payable they shall be* charged to this account and credited to the account Dividends Un- paid, in which account they shall remain until paid, when such amount shall be charged to Dividends Unpaid, making a correspond- ing credit to Cash or other appropriate account. Sundry Liabilities Accrued. To this account shall be credited at the end of each month as it accrues, any other unfunded obligation of the utility not provided for in any of the preceding accrued liability accounts, making a corresponding charge to operating expenses or other expense account. LIST OF ACCOUNTS AND INDEX 116 List of Accounts and Index. bo ^ iO lO »o o g si" a -u. ;3 § '■ ^. '-S . bo • ^ • fl C £ :w o . s; * ^ • p ct . O) .i7 o w c o 5 S g ® II © o o o 3 -i^i^; • s C3 03 si; ^ O 03 be O ^.gl^ H fl ChP^P^ .t^^ 5^ G t, 72 .2 o 2 c o c ® 2 2 ^ =3 S 2 02 s H H H IZ) IZi iz; :^ t> 5 H O o t> O o K O o P5 S.2 S^ ® 6gl;§" G p ,:S 73 72-r3CQ ?^ 'O 4S ci3 "S G ^'D Gi^-2 s3o 2-2 G bo G 9 G O "A List of Accounts and Index. 117 © GO 00 OJ 05 o o t— 1 bo ,-H r-( 1— 1 1— 1 (M 'M w ec d. • 1 [ 0) iS ';2 ^3 o © © S ^-2 =« '^ ^ ® O s^ 3 x: 2 !Z 5.J15 ci s s c Superini Engine Electric Miscella o 6 03 © 1 JO 3 o ^ '"^ J ^X>^'0 ^ 1—5 »— ^ 1— J ;< ce c <^^ c as = - © © ^ ■ © t«< : © 03 s =*-! fc- bo a 03 di^ ce +J © 4) Ch a . C d CGG^Qj-C03 'S 'bi) rt S £ "et 'cS S 'S ■^5 d, 'S Ch 2 o 'j3 .— V c6 03 Xi O O lO H O O o CO M X ^ O © o a s 03 ee © © 00 OQ CO o . o ® © Q4 '© '3 ■u s ir s fi. w ■ ;-l Jh © © © l^ ^ ^ 3 o P^ P^ C^ X •—1 *© ofo « © fl ® ryT (•-1 50 c bo w 5 "3 ©^ 3 *j •'- o c c fl 3 tH •s« .-CQO ;^ S ^_^ -^ -5- .o ^ — ■ kO »d .2 •^1 1 3 CO ~ u s == c 03 ce ■" -J © © ;J -6 ■d O £| 1 © 03 © © o2 c6 i: 3 s;^ . © u o © bo © 3 erf -O o c © o £ OJ © B © '© i Mainten ment, Groun « g 0^ ^ oi :-■ -rf -«j »o o S^ 118 List of Accounts and Index. ^ »0 IT cc «C t- t-t- oo QC OS C5 o W 5 2" Ph 1^ O Pm o o J> GO cs o d c« ^ 1— 1 .2 a, en "Hi •s-g ■ ft r^=^ ? H o CO 4.3 ' • d d O o3 *-, 03 CS :^ 3 XT. 1? Ph :2 ^ o o t- Ph yj =*-! i^ 1 to Ph 03 P^ Si II o a o s 0) a 3) t/3 G ;<; f^ C^ o o •;-; ct w 03 in -< O Ph p. ^ H 3 Ph ^ a ;0 t- -CO 05 ^ g o 1—1 List of Accounts and Index. 119 . ^ ^ ^ ^j CO CO CO ©corococococo co ^ -^JO C3 o^iS ^ rr r-i -^ "^ J o o^ ^ :>} W K S ,^ h^J ^ aj S^^j;3j^j^co p^ rH 1-1 r-l o XI • S : 3 0) "^ fa o| ^ OJ ';3 ® s- ® ^ o ^ o © o t^ ^ ^ C *^ C 3 rt OS OS a3 — . © ti 73 1^ 1^ I- ^ © O o o O <1 Q C< O s < ^ H H o CU o o :^ t-^ M 00 Q i1 ^ C5 K o g d o O o 3 o . CO 2 3 C © U4 W S » ^ (M CO © cu a fl ^ i c8 S Q 3 S CS Ph -«J +j W c g ^ Oi 3 Q H -E ^ o ® .. « O yj p C fct t/3 O s eo Crs c 'j:^ c u ,__ ®2 c"5 3 O i .5 5 rS "Sec O ® S a s « H s-g o o Q o 3 X Pu, ^ 1 S. ?:^ k5 O H bo Q o '3 03 ■-^ 'El &9 !^ •< 'A K ^ w CO ;z; O ""• <. «-' "S »- ? i =^ «*-, © C -^ bo 73 o c.? :^ H © a> S 03 o ITS 120 List of Accounts and Index. feu 03 OO 00 C5 Ci CO cr. cr. CO (^ ^ O o o < CLi Q. o D, O ^ 3 O o w 2 o S S o H O P. ,-H <^ CC be CfJ t-i o 3 3. O fa o T— 1 t- QO 1— ( 73 C3 3 and uip- lant and « 3 t-, cr Coal Eq I'erP ures rS fal 'o >J PQ ^ to '.'o y, • <4-l o c • c3 .2 • o ^ _;=3 •^fa ! 03 O G 3 < o 2 tenance I Hand It nance oj Idings, unds... .S-^So-- o < '3 ffl s ;^ ^ X> ^ a 3- ^ ^ H >?; o o o -< (M (M (M S c = 1 as <^ S 3 'o O 3 «3 m «^ a ^ c^^ ce o O ® *j c» " G 3 O u §1^ Q G -73 a> CO O) G a •S 3 2 o IZ3 l« j|ffiO fa ''A >-v. , — , 3 hi v5- rO C5 j^; O O !5 -w ^^ tU, ® 3 ?q ^^^ c« 5^^ !5 .^ ^—^ ^^ ee 03 nJ •" • X ^S 'a o i- - O^Sc c CO "73 !/? .s^rz: -d o i: "S H . 2 C oi o 3 a> H 122 List of Accounts and Index. ■^ -^ ifi lO o o ZZ c- t^ f be -rf Tt* -^ -^ -Tf -p •rt '^ rt^ ^ (1h )lling rmer r rmer nses. CO CO n and Bldgs., s to a T3 G ce © and Patrc ssion System . and Transfo perating Labo: and Transfo upp. and Hxpe d o S c5 . ce 1 i CO ■ C l-c Substatio er Station id Ground rv CO ^- 1 o • © . • © 3 . '« H • S_ S rt ce x^ G r/- • o bx;-;: cO 3C0 s S o c O 3 r ? -XS o -IS S o tem aint. of Transfor: aint. of Transfor Fixtures 51 ^o pme of ling! nds. ) Inspec Trar ) Substa Stati ) Substa Static o ce Oh- orag( Expe ce: aint. :^ ceMo g ^ ^ i^ CO 53 ;^ H a jD o 3 'o H ^ g w "^ s -< - - — ^ v_^ ^-^ ^^ t-^ r-^ god od 00 p: Ph d ci 2d d O ^ C^ fM ff>t c, .2 f^ B S ►S O ce CO He/} 11 ce =« S >. H'^ G ^ O o "IS ce © G G o ce«^ N ^ - 3 £ •1^ s ^' H ;?; GO < (M S o .(.J «*-! CO o .. © o a a G ce .2 w G 'I' ^ ce 1h .s o §, ■^ H o S! J^ -< H P5 Ph O g^' ^ !< s d CO List of Accounts and Index. 123 « 130 00 C5 c; C5 O tc Tf ■^ T ~f T TJ ^ i;g o ^ r/) .2 f|:S sa H 'i^ . 3 "O s> 03 • J3 -CJ "u. 'Xl 5 ^ :5 s c to * > : o c u CO B si T. S igl < t/3 3 a, ■ K ^ ^ ^ r-i ^ 1-i M w O CO CO CO CO CO CO ^ -V- t3 a c e8 s ^ 99 OJ .® a. O CO 2 :'2(i} ^ « --3 --^ 3 C Ol c p c ^ -r ? c ® J, O) ~ «! 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X ^ List of Accounts and Index. 125 to as s ; c S it: ^ -o .5 ® 03 t-, — O) Oi Q ^ :c^ 8 . 23 a, bf.-*- — 5 ^ ^Q.2 c o C £ S 5^ «^ o P Oh to a 5^ § x K .2 3 C to 22 ® £ H I o'S y: O a ca 2go go E _ X- Oi o c^ O o H W ? CO -3 © y; C .;£ 3 = 52 3 § •C O s= 3 o /? CO 3 03 o C O o © CO y -a « s © y; c © © u O C CJ •- 3 3^--, 55 £ ^ 3 "S H "Je JV« coco rf< -rt" '^ »o H o o o . < ►J H CO ® CO yj © J 3 CO CO CO E E ce C C 3 . O © © CO _^ Q4 a c « X X -.^5 '3 Is © 3 , ^ CO ■a 3 CO enera eral © 3 © 55 'co 3 Pi © 'u, CO .2 111 '0 3 m SS£ © 3 © £ 3 © © Expei ellane( . Com 3 C --5 £ p ;:: E E 5e 3 © a 3 Itena uildi roun 03 "5 > "2i •S K •i=» s a 3 S^d ' — - © ^~^ , ^ ^ ,-— V Xi '^ cS X> <^ ^ .a X © ' .^3 t» 3 * 3 a © ■A ^■^ X © G) W © « S: 'O a X E2 § 0.2 CO © 03 03 .1 a a 3 15 © 3 © 1^ © .. 3 ^'^ © tc C5.5 'X c/:' "— ' "^ © © CO r:: 3 © 3 E E 2 "C3 c/J 3 ^ '3 li '3 ^ © c =* ;-■ ^ '© ■^ « © © 3 © g 3 2 ^ '-^ i S3 cvi c6 -^ kO Tj« ■^ .■^ nl 126 List op Accounts and Index. CO Eh g. ... O ^ CO S ^• . H ^ ^ &^- I !^ r h" PS •- -r; ^ . c c 73 13 ::: ^ o. ® o • o ^ ,^ *- M "i^ 'S O fee S ce Q : T3 • a • Ci 03 •SQ'„'.^ H o) « '^ .^^W K "r oj /^ r^ c .-H c5 '^■x 2 2 1^5:5 S OJ.OOOpLi.OOO •- ce tf t^ bx) O 03 ti d JD o TS am-, Syo-C 0" CD CO r}i Tt* rf Tf •^ Tt< ^ Tf -^ i/T r:j b£i .'b4 din 73 quip, pment uip. B Groun Injuries and Damage. Insurance. Stationery and Printii Operation of Stores Di Maint. of Stores Dep't Maint. of Stores Dep't 3h"5 ctt^ t-a^ 2 2 peration of Utili aint. of Utility ] aint. of Utility ings, Fixtures O^S ^^ , — ,^ , ^ — ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ci :£,33. ® =*^ brj2 rz^ 000000 ^- r}^ Tfl -<*< "^ '^ ->* Tf -^ o « 03 Q bfc '3 ^ X u, <1 X H w VI QJ U C 03 fco - o GO. c: c: ^ st on Funded Debt (> st on Real EstateMortgages. . 6 st on Floating Debt 7 ictual Sinking Fund Reriuirem. 7 (/■ 03 03 03 :" « iH t- j!; ^ S-' 03 © 03 c d ^ H c c •— '^ ;^ i c 03 ^ $ i 1— 1 fcD .i en CC 3 oi -^ ^^-^ c ^ a|a| ^ CO fc/) to p^ 03^ e c 1^ 'c ^ '.n "r: 'J} c ce ce 7: 3 03 0.5 ^ fc. 0:5 fo c/i =: c c ce 1— < 3 H .t^ ♦J *s "^ VI m XA ^ 03 P 2 2 2h X Inte Inte Inte Com ft X 03 ^ 2 © be h ^^ ce 3 o >-» op rr 03 ce ce Debt, ate Mort Debt. Fund Re > tH ^ 03 X (D C/3 und eal loat: inki c 2 feCr5feco _o ■5 c c s'S 'ce 03 3 fctl *j +j *j f. 1 !» CO c« M 2 £22| t- '+3 03 0) X ce ® ® ® c fi d fl List of Accounts and Index. 127 BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTS. All Classes. Intangible. Page Organizat ion 74 Franchise.s 74 Rights. Licenses, etc 75 Tangible. Lands Used in Operation of Property 76 Power Plant Land ^ 76 Substation and Transformer Station Land 77 Storage Battery Land 77 • 1 General Office Land 77 Stores Department Land 78 j Utility Equipment Land 78 Buildings, Fixtures and C rounds (used in operation of property) 78 Steam Power Plant Fiuildings, Fi.Ktures and Grounds 79 Gas Power Plant Buildings, Fi.vtures and Grounds 79 Hydraulic Power Plant Buildings, Fi.xtures and Grounds 80 Boiler Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 80 Gas Producer Plant Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 80 Substation and Transformer Station Bidgs., Fix. and Grounds 81 Storage Battery Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 81 General Office Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 81 Stores Department Buildings, Fixtures and (Jrounds 82 t Utility Equipment Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds 82 Power Plant Equipment 82 Steam Power Plant Equipment 83 Gas Power Plant Equipment 83 Hydraulic Power Works • 84 Hydraulic Power Plant Equipment 85 Boiler Plant Equipment 85 Gas Producer Equipment 86 Transmission System 86 Substation and Transformer Station Equipment 86 Storage Battery Equipment 87 Distribution System 87 Transformers 87 • These accounts are included in account Land Uged in Operation of Property in class B and class C. ** These accounts are included in the account Buildings, Fixtures and GroundH iq class B and ?lass C. 128 List of Accounts and Index. Meters 88 Commercial lyamps and Lamp Equipment 88 Municipal Contract Lighting- System 80 General Office E(iuipment 89 Stores Department Equipment 90 Utility Equipment 90 Miscellaneous Equipment 90 Miscellaneous Construction and Equipment Expenditures 91 f Salaries During Construction 91 I Office Supplies and Expenses During Construction 91 Stationery and Printing During Construction 92 Law Expenses During Construction 92 * ! Injuries and Damages During Construction 93 Insurance During Construction — 94 Taxes During Construction 94 Interest During Construction 94 Discount on Bonds During Const ruct ion 95 Miscellaneous Expenditures During Construction 95 Cost of Plant Purchased (in lieu of plant constructed) 95 TREASURY SECURITIES. All Glasses. Treasury Securities 96 INVESTMENTS. All Classes . Investments • ^^ RESERVE ACCOUNTS. Requiued Permanent Reseuves. All Classes. Depreciation Reserve ^"7 Sinking Fund Reserve ^8 Amortization Reserve ^^ Optional Reserves. All Classes. Maintenance Reserve 99 Uncollectible Accounts Reserve 99 Promotion of Business Reserve 100 Injuries and Damages Reserve 100 Insurance Reserve 101 * These accouDts are included in the account MisccUancuus Construction and EQuipment Expenditures in class B and class C. List op Accounts and Index. 129 CURRENT ASSETS. All Classes. Page Cash 101 Notes and Bills Receivable 101 Accounts Receivable. 102 Interest and Dividends Receivable 102 Materials and Supplies 103 Fuel 103 Power Plant Supplies 103 Electric Line Material 104 Transformers 104 Meters 104 Lamps and Lamp Supplies 105 Electric Appliances 105 Sundry Materials and Supplies 105 Sundry Current Assets 106 PREPAID ACCOUNTS. All Classes. Prepaid Insurance 106 Prepaid Taxes 106 Prepaid Interest 107 Sundry Prepaid Accounts 107 CAPITAL LIABILITIES. All Classes. Capital Stock 107 Funded Debt 108 MORTGAGE LIABILITIES. All Classes. Real Estate Mortgages 109 Other Mortgages 109 CURRENT LIABILITIES. All Classen. Notes and Bills Payable 110 Accounts Payable 110 Matured Intere on Funded Debt Unpaid 110 Matured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable, Unpaid Ill Dividends Unpaid HI Deposits Ill Sundry Current Liabilities 112 9 130 List of Accounts and Index. ACCRUED LIABILITIES. All Classes. Page Insurance Accrued 112 Taxes Accrued 112 Unmatured Interest on Funded Debt Accrued 113 Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued 113 Dividends Accrued 114 Sundry Accrued Liabilities 114