GIFT OF w> Ofottflirt tUram Augustus ^itttjam j- . Conflict A PROPHETIC VISION iam J\.u$ustu Penjam PUBLISHED BY , Cal. Barbara, CaL WITH GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MANY HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS COPYRIGHT - 1915 W. A. BENJAMIN Canto 1. 3% -ferg* of 0ifr Charon 'Twas at the twilight hour. I had retired Unto my chamber, there to rest, to sleep Mayhap, but not to dream, or was 't a dream f Nay, hardly such, for in my mortal state I surely passed that rough and rugged way Unguided, still by spirit seeming driven, Until, with bleeding feet and aching limbs, I came upon a high and rocky ledge That overhung a high, still-moving stream, With shadow-mist o'erspread. There to the north where seemed the end of some Dark valley, two great mountains formed a wall That marked the bound 'ry of that awesome place. Long flaming rays of purple-crimson shone In fan-like streams of deeply shaded light From up behind those gloomy mountain peaks, And flung their penciled lines of sombre fire Far o'er the sluggish tide. The quiet waters laved a shadowy shore, Low murmuring in mournful monotone ; And in the murkiness of that dense shade, Electric tension gripped my inmost soul As in a vise of steel. Close riveted It held me fast upon that eminence Of barren rock a prisoner in chains. A sense of silent but appalling grief Closed 'round my heart, like some great sinne prayer, That sends its strong appeal into the void Unto an unknown God. How had I found my way unto that strange, Lone vale of brooding silences, and why? And w r hither flowed that 3yier volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. MAR 131918 K>S. 801920 50m-7,'16 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I