Sf Irffci. ATVT -RTF?.' a GREAT MUSICAL DEPOT OVEF COT PIA: HAI Willl once : Piano payal all pa cash TS TTTT7. TN TCH ved for. 5TEM NEW, from 10s. per Month. SECOND-HAND, from 8: FATHER PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION TO 4 & 5 WESTMORELAND-STREE' DUBLIN. THE BURLINGTON RESTAURANT AND DININGROOMS, ST. ANDREW-8T. AND CHURCH LANE, 3D TJ IB L X IT , (irEXT HIBERNIAN BANK.) LUNCHEONS, DINNERS & SUPPERS, HOT OR COLD, A LA CARTE, Consist of SOUPS, FISH, ENTREES, JOINTS, GRILL G-AME, VEGETABLES AND SWEETS, CHEESE, &c., &c. ALL AT FIXED PRICES, per "Meal" or "Portion." TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS, 2s. 6d. & 3s., daily, from I till 8 p.m. DINNERS OP FISH every Friday, 3s. TEIPE AND COWHEEL on Wednesdays and Saturdays. WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, STOUTS, &c., OF FIRST-CLASS QUALITY. The Burlington Restaurant & Diningrooms, ST. ANDREW-ST. & CHURCH-LANE, DUBLIN. (NEXT HIBERNIAN BANK.) THE DOLPHIN, ESSEX-STREET, DUBLIN. + This Old-established House is now the Property of JOSEPH CORLESS, Who is also the Proprietor of THE BURLINGTON RESTAURANT AND DININGROOMS, ST. ANDREW-STREET, DUBLIN. The "Dolphin's" well-known Sandwich Bar and quiet Dining- room will be preserved, and none of the old features for which the house has been long famous will be interfered with. Improvements have been made in the cuisine, and, aided by modern administration, the present Proprietor hopes to make the entire service of the Estab- lishment in every way agreeable to the Patrons of the " Dolphin." THE DOLPHIN, ESSEX-STREET, DUBLIN. JAMES DOBSON & CO., Decorators to TJieatre Royal, Gaiety Theatre, Theatre Royal, Belfast, Antient Concert Rooms, Royal Sank, Metropolitan Buildings, Abbey -street, and all the Leading Public Institutions. GENERAL HOUSE PAINTERS & ART DECORATORS, f vitizk and then a residential c and cultured class y Lionel lich gave i' g, derived ngier, Mastt uirter for a of citizen. were Longford Sti e1 and the bouring Stephen S Widows Bought Out. Sir Thomas L. Pearce died before the erection ;' ihr I'l.-tyln completed. Some time latei Anne Pearce, as )vpresenta!ive late husband, handed over everything conned- d with th'j to Viscount Mo unt joy of himself and the other subs In 1-741 Frances Elrington, Frnncis Elrington. one of the kyhouse shionable Theatre a lease for 21 years at the rent of per annum. Notwithstanding that in addition to his own valuable services IK- secured those of the most talented actors of the clay, he failed to make the enterprise pay, and by the year 1754 Sheridan, who " had spent con- siderable sums of money in the pur- ^ > t, S Q . , chase of a wardrobe, or wardrobes, scenes, machinery, ul:ri.-iis, and decora- tions/' found himsi-lf and ihe theatre ^MENT responsible to mortgagees to the ex- tent -of 2,000. Shortly afterward- he retired from the management, and relinquishing IN UBLIX acting as a profession, later be- came manager o! Drury Lane Theativ. On resigning this, Sheridan became S> an itinerant lecturer on elocution and literature, the financial proceeds of which, combined with a pension of tit Celt CtJ, 200 a year allowed by George III. (-aid by some to ba compensation for damage to hi.s theatre during the riots. ; rars of Struggle. Ihe. noriod covered bv the INTRODUCTION. IN the following pages I purpose to give, not a history of the Theatre Royal, but a chronicle of the most important theatrical events which have oc- curred therein, from the time it was first opened to the public to the date of its most sad and unfor- tunate destruction. The data which I have col- lected will be found useful to the historian of the future and such I cannot doubt will be found at no distant period who will weave the salient facts into a consecutive and complete narrative. This has not been my object. I have sought merely to put together, as far as possible, in chronological order, the notable events which have taken place iv INTRODUCTION. since the Theatre was opened, of the vast majority of which I myself have been an eye-witness. My original intention was of narrower scope, as I purposed dealing merely with the annals of Italian Opera, which of themselves could not fail to be highly interesting to music lovers and play-goers, not only in Dublin, but throughout Ireland, and to many friends within and without the operatic pro- fession beyond the "silver streak." The advice of friends, whose opinions are in the highest degree worthy of respect with regard to all matters con- nected with the Dublin stage, induced me to enlarge the plan of the work, so as to include the entire period of the theatrical existence of the Royal, and to embrace its dramatic history as well as that which relates to the lyric stage. I have therefore noticed, in chronological order, the principal events which took place in the Royal during the whole period of its existence as a Theatre, the appearances of renowned actors, actresses and INTRODUCTION. V vocalists, the productions of famous plays and operas, together with other incidents and events which I thought likely to interest my readers. The casts of the Italian Operas will, I confidently -expect, be found exact and complete in every essential, and the record of the successive' appear- ances in Dublin of the most brilliant stars of the operatic firmament, will, no doubt, have a special interest for Irish amateurs. In the compilation of the Annals of the " Old House" in Hawkins-street, I have availed myself of all sources of information at my disposal news- paper files, collections of play-bills, books and pro- grammes, private memoranda and diaries, and my own notes, which go over a period of fifty-four years, during which I have had the honour of being associated with the National Theatre. The work has been to me a labour of love ; and no one will be more pleased if the chronicle that I have set down in the following pages should form vi INTRODUCTION. the basis of a more extended and elaborate history of the Theatre Royal. It is a gratification to me that I have been enabled to collect in proper sequence, to give form and shape to the record of events, especially some which are preserved only by tradition, or are hid away in places not easily accessible. I am fully aware of many defects in my work ; but I trust to the good-nature of my readers to overlook what is defective for the sake of whatever of interest they may discover. ANNALS OF THE THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN, From Opening, 1821, to Destruction by Fife, 1880. PART I . 1821. THE new Theatre Royal, Hawkins-street, opened on Thursday, January 1 8th, i82i,withShakspeare's "Comedy of Errors," with the following cast : Antipholis of Ephesus, Mr. Humby ; Antipholis of Syracuse, Mr. Farren ; Dromio of Ephesus, Mr. Williams ; Dromio of Syracuse, Mr. Johnson ; Adriana, Miss Byrne ; Luciana, Mrs. Humby. The bill also bore the following announce- ment : " Previous to the Play, an Address, written for the occasion by George Coleman the Younger, will be recited by Mr. Farren. To conclude with the Farce of the ' Sleep Walker ;' Somno, Mr. J. Russell. Entrances to the Theatre : To the Boxes, through Townsend-street portico of the new Arcade; Pit, ditto; Galleries, Poolbeg- street. Carriages and Chairs (Sedan) to enter from 8 ANNALS OK THE Townsend-street and drive out at Hawkins-street ; extra door for egress from the Pit in Poolbeg-street. Box Office at Willis's Music Saloon, Westmoreland-street. Mr. Lowther, Box-keeper. Prices : Boxes, 55. 5d. ; Pit, 33. 3d.; Middle Gallery, 25. 2d.; Upper Gallery, is. id. The dimensions of the Theatre exceed that of Crow-street by six feet in depth, and an aggregate of seven in breadth ; its form that of a deep oval." This will determine the question so often disputed ot the relative dimensions of Crow-street and Hawkins- street. It is curious that the Box Office, after so many years, should have returned to No. 7 Westmoreland- street (now No. 4, 1880). With reference to the above interesting cast of the " Comedy of Errors," it may be remarked that the two Dromios continued for many years to be represented by Johnson and Williams. The likeness between the two was most striking, in consequence of the care with which Johnson "made up" to resemble Williams, adding a little to the nose by artificial means, as nature had been more bountiful to the other in that important feature. Williams did not exactly see the fun of Johnson's exact imitation, following closely every look and peculiar turn of his, and all the more remarkable because of his being so full of mannerisms. He therefore tried all means of baffling Johnson by change of dress, or "touching" efface, &rc.; but Dromio of Syracuse watched too closely, and ever appeared the exact prototype of the other, no matter how altered. At last Williams good-humouredly gave in. On January igth was performed " Romeo and Juliet/' THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 9 Juliet, by Miss Kelly (her first appearance in this kingdom). On the 231x1, "Guy Mannering." Henry Bertram, Mr. Pearman ; Julia Mannering, Miss Byrne. (Miss Byrne, an excellent .actress and vocalist, was familiarly known as " Miss Byrne of Cabinteely," having belonged to a most respectable family resident in that locality). On the zyth was given the Opera of " The Marriage of Figaro." Count Almaviva, Mr. Farren ; Figaro, Mr. Russell ; Fiorello, Mr. M'Keon ; Cherubino, Mrs. Humby; Susanna, Miss Byrne. This was Bishop's meagre English version of Mozart's work. Mrs. Humby was a most fascinating actress, and an immense favourite. Her husband also belonged to the Company, and soon afterwards established himself in Dame-street as a dentist, to which profession he had served his time. At this period flourished Pat M'Keon, who had been a painter, and, like a great many of that calling, possessed a very sweet tenor voice, and "came on" the stage with success. He was a nice ballad-singer, and a great favourite with the gallery boys, who familiarly called him by his Christian name. A very favourite song of M'Keon was an old ballad called " Your melting Sighs reach my Heart." On one occasion, when he arrived at the words, " Your melting Sighs," one of his friends in the upper gallery called out, " Ah ! now, Pat, sure you had enough of mcltirf size when you were a painter." Mrs. Haydn Corri made her first appearance on the 3ist January as Rosina. Mrs. Corri continued for many years a Dublin favourite. Her husband became organist of the 10 ANNALS OF THE Roman Catholic Cathedral, which post he filled with credit for upwards of a quarter of a century. Mr. Henry Corri, the eminent English Opera vocalist, is their son. February 8th. Mr. Chippendale played Vortex in " A Cure for the Heart-ache." This was the father of the present well-known and favourite actor. February i2th was the date of the first appearance of the great Charles Young in "Hamlet" On March isth, first appearance in Dublin of William Farren, as Sir Peter Teazle. On July gth, Miss Stephens made her first appearance in Polly, " Beggar's Opera." Bochsa, the great harpist, played on the 3rd August. August islh. Charles Kemble's first appearance. " Hamlet." August 22nd. George the Fourth was present. Sheri- dan's "Duenna," and the Farce of "St. Patrick's Day," were performed. An Installation of the Knights of St. Patrick took place on Thursday, 3oth, the King being present. 1822. Charles Horn and Alexander Lee appeared in English Operas. Charles Horn was one of the sweetest of English com- posers, and one of the first of English musicians, author of " Cherry Ripe," " I've been Roaming," &c., &c. Alex- ander Lee was also a much-admired ballad-writer, and was afterwards musical director to the Theatre Royal. April 8th. First night of " Tom and Jerry ; or, Life in THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. II London," " New Classic-Comic-Didactic-Moralistic-Aris- tophanic-Localic-Analytic-Terpsichoric-Panoramic-Cama- rac-Obscuric Extravaganza, or Melange, in Twenty New Scenes." This piece bad an enormous " run," and was made doubly attractive by the nightly " set-to " of many celebrated professional and amateur members of the then popular art of " self-defence." July 1 5th. Edmund Kean made his first appearance in Richard III. On his benefit night, August i2th, he played "The Roman Actor; or, the Drama's Vindication," Octavian in "The Mountaineers," and Tom Tug in " The Waterman " (with all the original songs). On a former occasion, in England, he played Harlequin after Richard III. November 2 5th. Listen's first appearance Tony Lumpkin. Listen was not duly appreciated in Dublin. On Saturday, December 1 4th, the celebrated " Bottle Row " took place. The following is extracted from the Theatrical Observer of Monday, December i6th, 1822: " His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant (the Marquis of Wellesley) honoured the Theatre with his presence on Saturday evening. All the rank and fashion of the metropolis crowded to receive him. On his arrival he was cheered with the most ardent and enthusiastic plaudits, which continued without interruption for several minutes ; but soon a serpent's hiss, poisoning the atmosphere of the house, became a signal to some sanguinary confederation of satanic monsters and rebellious cowards to mar .the harmony of the evening, and kindle within the Theatre the torch of political discord and religious, fanaticism, &c., &c. The play proceeded amidst the most tumul- tuous uproar. The close of every act redoubled their vociferations, and the interposition of the noble Marquis was totally insufficient to 12 ANNALS OF THE abate them. But soon we were confirmed in our belief that a con- federation of rebels and cut-throats was organized in the galleries. The play ended, the curtain fell, the stage-lights were withdrawn. At that moment, in the midst of the darkness, some sanguinary and diabolical wretch threw a large bottle at his Excellency. It passed over Mr. Barton's head in the orchestra and providentially missed inflicting a deadly wound. The stage-lights were instantly raised, and Mr. Barton held up the bottle for public inspection." After some further remarks, the account proceeds : ' ' A large watchman's rattle was also thrown from the gallery. It struck the front of the box in which were Lady Anne Gregory, Mrs. -Goulbourn, Lady Rossmore, &c. , &c., and passing violently to the ad- jacent box, in which his Excellency sat, rebounded from the cushion on which his hands were resting and fell upon the stage. The noble Marquis immediately arose, and, with the most undaunted heroism, pre- sented himself in full front to the ruffianly monsters in the galleries." The Marquis of Wellesley had given much offence by causing the annual dressing of the statue of King William to be discontinued. In Nolan's Theatrical Observer of Tuesday, December 27th, 1822, it is announced : ' ' We are happy to state that the rioters have been discovered. The following are the names of the persons apprehended for creating the disturbances on Saturday evening : James Petford, servant to an officer of the 5th Dragoon Guards. Bernard Tuite, a journeyman baker. Matthew Handwich, a carpenter. Henry Handwich, brother to the above. George Graham, a shoemaker. James Forbes : who was bailed on the same night by Mr. Charles Slater, of Brunswick-street. Mr. Lodge, of Kennedy's-lane. James Birmingham liberated. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 13, 1823. January 5th. Mr. Horn and Miss Stephens twelve nights, English Operas. February 26th. Mr. John Philip Kemble died at Lausanne. April 1 5th. Clara Fisher's first appearance in the " Spoiled Child." June 4th. The name of Mr. O'Rorke first appears in the bills in the play of " Kenilworth." Mr. O'Rorke r who formerly played the violoncello in Crow-street, re- mained for many years with the Company ; a good and most useful character-actor, who could " make much of little." One part in particular (very little in itself) he was particularly identified with, viz., the Cook in " Love in a Village." His admirable " make-up " as the fat female cook caused great fun, and his singing " The Roast Beef of Old England" always called forth an encore. He was the father of Mr. John O'Rorke, who has given such valuable aid in this compilation. June 1 6th. Mr. Braham's first appearance "The Devil's Bridge." This work is Braham's own composi- tion, except the pretty duet, " Rest, Weary Traveller," which is by Horn. The " Devil's Bridge " is replete with pure melody, such as " Behold in her soft expressive Face," " Tho' love is warm awhile," &c., &c. ; then the Picture Song, "Behold a poor desolate Maid." With modernized dialogue, grand scenery, dresses, decorations, &c., &c., and with first-rate vocalists, this work might be profitably revived. 14 ANNALS OF THE July 7th. Miss M. Tree's first appearance in " The Haunted Tower," with Braham. This lady was sister of Ellen Tree (afterwards Mrs. Charles Kean). She some- what later made quite a sensation by her performance of Clari, in a very interesting domestic drama of the same name (music by Bishop). The ever-popular sons;, " Home, Sweet Home," was sung by Miss M. Tree in this piece. August 7th. Madame Catalani's first appearance. The performance commenced with " A Day after the Wedding," after which " A Grand Musical Festival." Catalan! sang " Regno piu grati," " Rode's Air with variations," "Non piu Andrai," and "God save the King." On her fifth appearance she sang the airs, " Comfort ye my people " and '' Every Valley," also " Rule, Britannia." Catalan! certainly gave a varied programme, infringing on the domains of tenor, bass, and soprano. September 3rd. The new Olympic Circus, Great Brunswick-street, near the College, was opened by per- mission of the Lord Mayor. October 2nd. Mr. Mathews (at home) made his first appearance in the youthful days of Mathews (father of the lamented Charles). Nov. 1 2th. "Blue Beard" was introduced, with the addition of Mr. Cooke's magnificent stud of Arabian and Hanoverian horses; also "The Cataract of the Ganges," Avith, for the first time, a cataract of real water. Master Smith, the American Roscius, made his appearance during the same month in Richard III. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1824. January i3th. Macready's first appearance "Vir- ginius." August. Edmund Kean fulfilled another engagement. October 5th. Mr. Abbot, the new lessee, was now in office. October. First appearance of Mdme. Vestris as Lilla in " The Siege of Belgrade." The most versatile and accomplished actress and vocalist of her day, afterwards Mrs. Charles Mathews. November 22nd. Mr. Listen's appearance as Tony Lumpkin. December 27th. Mr. Calcraft's name appears for the first time in Varney, " Kenilworth." December 29th. Mons. Ducrow and his Equestrian Company in the interesting spectacle, " The Battle of Waterloo." Ducrow was indeed the Napoleon of Equestrians. 1825. Mr. T. Philips and Miss Dillon Harvey appeared in " The Barber of Seville." Tom Philips, called " Gentle- man Tom," from his aristocratic person and bearing, was a very finished actor and vocalist, retaining for years a hold on public favour. He unfortunately met with an accident on the Liverpool Railway, about the year 1838 or 1839, from the effects of which he died. Miss Harvey was charming in person and a most " insinuating" actress and vocalist. As Mrs. Browne, she remained on the 1 6 ANNALS OF THE stage for some time after her marriage, having contracted a happy union with Captain Browne, member of a Galway family. January 3rd. Ducrow opened the Olympic Amphi- theatre, Bachelor's Walk (now a large furniture ware- room). Thursday, February 7th. " Der Freischutz" performed for the first time. Miss Forde, Agnes ; Miss Harvey, Anne ; T. Philips, Rodolph ; Mr. Calcraft, Casper. The performance was a great success. Mr. (afterwards Doctor) Smith's Oratorio of "The Revelation " was given for the first time this year at the Rotundo. April nth. Mr. Vandenhoff's first appearance in Rollo (" Pizzaro "). April 22nd. A new Opera, written by a lady of this city. Overture and music by Sir John Stevenson (first time), entitled " The Cavern ; or, the Outlaws." It is surmised that Lady Morgan was the authoress. May 28th. Edmund Kean's engagement previous to his departure from Europe. July 7th. Miss Foote (afterwards Lady Harrington) made her first appearance in "The Belle's Stratagem." August 23rd. Mr. Sapio (tenor) re-opened the Theatre as Orlando in " The Cabinet." October 27th. Braham played Rodolph in "Der Freischutz." November 7th. Miss Stephens joined the Company. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIX. 17 1826, November. Mrs. Waylett's first appearance. She was an actress and vocalist of the style of Vestris. Mr. Levey entered the Theatre Royal Orchestra. 1827. Mr. Booth appeared as " Richard the Third." Miss Paton made her first appearance in " Der Freischutz." " Oberon" was performed for the first time. The soprano music of " Oberon " was composed expressly for Miss Paton by Weber, and his estimation of her powers may be judged by his giving her such a scena as " Ocean, thou Mighty Monster," her singing of which has been equalled only by Titiens. In October, Mr. Alfred Bunn became Lessee, and the Theatre having been newly decorated, was announced to open on Nov. 3rd, with the following Company : Signor Begrez, Messrs. Bennett, Melrose, Guibiler, Balls, Charles Ross, Roe, F. Cooke, Daly; Madame Cornega, Miss Graddon, Mrs. S. Booth, Miss Kenneth, Miss Hamilton, and Miss Aston. Stage Manager, Mr. Calcraft. Prompter, Mr. Collier. Ballet Master, Signor Nenafra. Leader of the Band, Mr. James Barton. (The opening was delayed until December nth, when O'Keefe's "Castle of Anda* lusia " was played.) In this month " The Brothers Hermann " appeared in the Rotundo, introducing, it may be said for the first time, the classical instrumental quartets of Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, c., &c. ; also the vocal quartets of the p. 1 8 ANNALS OF THE Orpheus Collection, c., &c. The brothers had but very limited voices, but managed, by extreme united practice and severe attention to the marks of expression, to pro- duce an effect in part-singing until then unheard in Dublin. Mr. W. S. Conran (father of Elena Conrani) presided at the pianoforte. 1828. February. J. B. Cramer appeared at the Rotundo. March ist. The Marquis of Anglesea entered Dublin in state. March 22nd. The Ladies Paget attended the Theatre. " The Duenna " was performed by desire. April 2nd. A Concert was given by command of his Excellency for the benefit of the Irish Musical Fund Society, at which Mr. Alday, Mr. J. Barton, Mr. Pigot, Mr. Weidner (flute), Mr. Duncan (pianoforte), and Mr. Haydn Corri (Conductor) assisted. April loth. Weber's " Abon Hassan " was produced. April 2ist. First appearance of Mr. Charles Kean as Young Norval. Mr. Kean acted during the engagement in "Romeo and Juliet," "Venice Preserved," " Bar- barossa," "Lovers' Vows" (Frederick), Lothair in " Tragedy of Adalgetha," &c., &'c. . April 26th. Mr. Logier gave a Grand Concert in the Rotundo in commemoration of the arrival of the_Marquis of Anglesea. June i yth. Mr. Luke Plunkett made his first appear- ance as " Richard III." Mr. Plunkett was a most re- spectable and intelligent gentleman, only eccentric on one THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 19 point he thought himself the greatest Richard III. in existence; he was in consequence called "Mad Plunkett." He acted Richard once every year for a considerable time in the cause of charity, and filled the house, the performance creating the reverse of a tragic effect, shouts of laughter occasionally concluding each scene. He usually rode into Bos worth Field on a donkey, in which position he fought the combat with Richmond, dismounting only when he received the fatal stab. On the last occasion, when Richard died, a universal encore was the result, when Mr. Plunkett raised himself from the ground, came forward to receive the plaudits of the audience, and then cooly returned and died a second time. June i pth. Bradbury, the great clown, appeared in " Harlequin Poor Robin." July 1 5th. Madame Vestris appeared as Phcebe in "Paul Pry," singing Balfe's song, "The Lover's Mistake," (one of his earliest compositions). July 29th. Mr. Sinclair (a very popular tenor) appeared in English Opera. August 25th. Ducrow commenced an engagement with a melodramatic spectacle, called, " The Massacre of the Greeks; or, the Siege of Missolonghi." On this occa- sion Ducrow was obliged to retain some of the Stock Company, amongst whom was the favourite Brough, who was cast for a part, but did not attend punctually at re- hearsals. On the late arrival of Brough one morning, Ducrow exclaimed "Prompter, fine that gentleman!" Brough, annoyed at the sarcastic tone, said, "Sir, I have a name." " Well,'' replied the great equestrian, 20 ANNALS OF THE " I said, ' that gentleman? I beg pardon if I made a mistake." September 27th. The Theatre Royal was advertised to be sold by public auction on November 6th, by Mr. George Robins, in a most elaborate announcement, quite up to his style. No sale took place. On the i3th No- vember following an advertisement appeared from George Robins : " In consequence of a very eligible offer having been made for the purchase of the property, which will probably terminate by a sale by private contract, the auction will be postponed to the loth December." November 26th. The Theatre re-opened with the play of " The Hypocrite." Mawworm, Mr. Dowton. Stage Manager, Mr. Calcraft ; Acting Manager, Mr. Elrington (father of S. N. Elrington, Esq.). Mr. Elrington was highly respected a manager of much experience, an ex- cellent actor, with fine stage presence, and a courteous- gentleman in office. December ist. Mrs. Humby's first appearance on her return from London. December 2nd. Miss Coveney's (only 1 1 years of age) first appearance as Mandane in " Artaxerxes." December i3th. Mrs. Way lett joined the Company. December 271)1. Engagement of Miss Paton. "Love in a Village," &c. 1829. Jan. 4th. Miss Paton played Desdemona to Bennett's Othello, and sang the original Shaksperian song, " My THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 21 Mother had a Maid called Barbara." Miss Paton's Desdemona was pronounced a great success. January 26th. Engagement of Miss Foote. March i4th. Catalan! commenced a farewell engage- ment, after which she proceeded to the provinces, taking Mr. Levey as Violinist. March 2oth. Edmund Kean being prevented by illness from fulfilling his engagement, Charles Kean came in his stead. Miss Huddart also played. March 28th. Madame Caradori Allen appeared, sing- ing between the pieces. May 1 8th. Appearance of Edmund and Charles Kean together. Edmund Kean having recovered, appeared in " A -New Way to Pay Old Debts," as Sir Giles. Charles Kean played Welborn. May 2 1 st. "Othello." Othello. Edmund Kean ; lago, Charles Kean. May 23rd. " Brutus.'"' Both appearing. June 6th. Catalani re-engaged for five nights. June 1 8th. First appearance of Mr. Tyrone Power, as Sir Lucius OTrigger in the " Rivals.'"' Madame Vestris also appearing. Concluding with the Farce of " The Irish Tutor." Doctor O'Toole by Power. Some nights after Power appeared in " The Irishman in London," the fol- lowing criticism appeared in the Freeman s Journal: " The new piece, 'Home, Sweet Home,' on its second performance last evening, went off so so. It is a trifle, in which the principal redeeming feature is Madame Germaiice (Madame Vestris) and her songs. The principal feature in the evening's entertainment was the importation of an Irishman, as some of our contemporaries desig- 22 ANNALS OF THE nated him, ' second only to Jack Johnstone.' We feel every respect for the efforts of Mr. Power, but he would require a power of brogue, in addition to what he possesses, to make us for a moment institute a comparison. We have seen Mr. Barry play Corporal O'Slash ; and the remark is not dictated by invidiousness, but the rich and racy pronunciation of his Minister tongue we missed. Mr. Barry has his defects, and Mr. Power has his own perfections ; yet when- ever he performs before a Dublin, nay, an Irish audience, he should lay aside the ' Irishman in London,' and feel himself breathing that air which, as St. Patrick says in the song, ' banished all the vermin.' It is more than ridiculous to see a Cockney twang mixed up with an Irish brogue ; it is like Heathen Greek with Christian English. These remarks may seem severe, but they should not be used did we not know Mr. Power to possess qualifications of a high order. The house was tolerably well attended." W. Dillon, well known as "Billy Dillon," a most talented and popular writer for SatindeYs, died this month. He was married to a sister of Gaudry, com- poser of many celebrated glees, amongst which, " De- scend Celestial Queen of Song," stills holds ground. Gaudry was also composer of the charming song, " Art Thou, too, gone?" Gaudry was Mr. John O'Rorke's uncle. July nth. Mr. Charles Young appeared in "Rienzi," Power acting in the afterpiece. Charles Kemble was also engaged, playing Charles- Surface ; Joseph Surface, Mr. Young; Sir Benjamin Backbite, Mr. Power (what a trio !) Power was a very good light comedian, and had he never taken to the Irish characters, must have made his mark in almost any walk of the drama. Leaving first impressions aside, and all cant about the good old times, really no idea can be THEATRE ROYAL, DUNLIN. 23 formed of the Kembles, the Youngs, Edmund Kean, &c. they were indeed giants. Young's voice was like musical thunder, but capable of the most varied and exquisite modulation. Zanga, in the '' Revenge," he made his own, none even of his great contemporaries attempting the character. If any very elderly playgoer can (with the writer of these lines) remember the climax of the speech where Zanga incites Alonzo to the murder of Carlos and Leonora, concluding with the words, " Thus tread upon the Greek and Roman glory," the sound must still ring in his ears. Young talked, even in private, in measured terms, slowly and ponderously, and with a very slight lisp. He lodged at Burnside's, in Hawkins-street, in the house now occupied by Mr. Farrelly, saddler ; he slept in the front drawingroom, and was disturbed one morning at four o'clock by a tremendously loud knocking at the hall-door. Young arose from bed, opened the window, and appeared in a long white night-cap, and beheld a " rale ould " Irish donkey and cart, the ragged proprietor of which still continued the dreadful knocking. Young called out in his thundering and blank verse style " In the name of G cl, sirrah, what is the meaning of this unseemly clamour, disturbing sleepers from their natural rest? Desist, man, desist!" The culprit looked up, and beholding the tragic face and white night-cap, replied in a rather guilty tone, but with a lovely brogue, " We're come to empty out the dust-pit." Young related this in his dressing-room with great unction. Perhaps the elderly gentleman above alluded to may remember Charles Kemble's Charles Surface, or his Mercutio ; also 24 ANNALS OF THE Edmund Kean's Sir Giles Overreach, or Sir Ed-.vard Mortimer : if so, he has some compensation for his old age. November nth. Mr. Braham and Miss Byfield appeared in " The Devil's Bridge." December 2nd. " Massaniello " produced for the first time in Dublin. Fenella, by Miss Huddart; the Prince, by Mr. Newcombe, who sang his music most sweetly and effectually. Mr. Newcombe married Miss Garbois, the principal danscuse of the Theatre Royal, and still the first mistress of her art in Dublin. 1830. January 23rd. The new Adelphi Theatre was opened, now " The Queen's." February -z 2nd. Macready appeared as Virginias; Miss Smithson, Virginia' ; ending with " Black-eyed Susan," in which T. P. Cooke played William (his first appearance). May joth. The Theatre opened with the " Colossal Elephant." Mdlle. Djeck, in the " Elephant of Siam." May i Qth. First appearance of Mr. Yates (father of Edmund Yates). Mr. Yates in Sylvester Daggerwood. Mrs. Yates also appeared. The imitations of the great actors by Yates have never been equalled. June 1 9th. Miss Paton and Mr. Wood appeared in " Love in a Village." Mr. Joseph Wood, a former pupil of Tom Philips, had appeared in London with success as tenor. He afterwards married Lady Lennox (nee Paton) on her divorce from Lord William Lennox. They con- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 25 tinned for years to visit Dublin, always drawing great houses. June 23rd. Power appeared in " The Irish Tutor," after Bishop's Opera of " The Slave." June 25th. Theatre closed for night rehearsal of " The Maid of Judah," a work by Rophino Lacy. The story taken from Sir Walter Scott's "Ivanhoe;" the music culled from Rossini's Operas. June 27th. Theatre closed in consequence of the death of George IV. June 30th. " Maid of Judah." First time. July 1 2th. Miss Fanny Kemble performed Juliet ; Mr. Charles Kemble (her father) Mercutio (and such a Mer- cutio !) ; Mr. Abbott, Romeo. July 1 6th. Sanspareil Theatre, Fishamble-street, ad- vertised. October 5th. Mr. Bunn issued an address announcing the opening of Fishamble-street Theatre, under His Majesty's patent. Mademoiselles Celeste and Constance, danseuses, were the stars. " The French Revolution " was produced, in which Dick Barry acted an Irish part (Terry Regan) with immense effect. November 2oth. The Theatre opened under the management of Mr. John William Calcraft. " Speed the Plough " was performed. Sir Abel Handy by David Rees (his first appearance). 1831. February igth. Farewell engagement of Mr. Charles Young, previous to his retiring from the stage. 26 ANNALS OF THE April i3th. Production of the English version of Mozart's " Cosi fan tutti " " Tit for Tat." August. Miss Inverarity, a soprano of Scottish birth, played a short and successful engagement. August 291)1. The Dublin Musical Festival com- menced with a Full Dress Ball at the Rotundo. August 3oth. The first musical performance at the Royal Theatre. A Miscellaneous Concert. August 3 1 st. Afternoon performance. "The triumph of Faith," by Ferdinand Ries. September ist. " The Messiah." Paganini, then the wonder of the world, appeared during this Festival. The concerts at which he played were well attended; but the sacred performances were comparative failures. The name of the great violinist appeared in the bills on the last day, and a strange novelty presented, viz. : Paganini, mounted on a plat- form, performing his wonderful solos between the parts of " The Messiah." This event considerably increased the receipts. Messrs. Litolf and Adams' French Band performed at the Balls. November. Theatre opened for the Dramatic Season with " The School for Scandal." Sir Peter Teazle, Mr. David Rees; Lady Teazle, Miss Huddart (afterwards Mrs. Warner). November 2 6th. " The Warden of Gal way," produced. A successful Tragedy by the Rev. Edward Groves. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 27 1832. The principal event of this year was the production of " Robert the Devil," an English version of Meyerbeer's " Robert le Diable /' with Mr. and Mrs. Wood. 1833. First appearance of Madame Taglioni (the greatest dansciise then in existence). She received 100 per night. Mons. Silvain accompanied her, a great Maitre de danse. Silvain, changed from Sullivan, was a Cork t: boy," who, displaying an early predilection for the Terpsichorean art, was sent to France to study, where he attained great eminence in his profession. It has been stated (without proof) that he was a brother of Barry Sullivan. 1834. October. Henri Herz, the great Pianist, played in the Theatre Royal. Mr. and Mrs. Wood appeared after their return from America. * December 3rd. The drama of " Eily O'Connor," from Griffin's " Collegians," performed. 1835. May. Barnett's Opera of " The Mountain Sylph " produced. A masterly work, founded on Scottish melodies, and scored with the pen of a sound and sensitive musician. This Opera is destined to meet with a welcome when revived. 28 ANNALS OF THE 1836. January 2nd. Tyrone Power. January nth. Mrs. Waylett. April 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Yates. Production of " The Jewess." May 4th. Production of "The Siege of Rochelle." Miss Belts, Mr. H. Bedford, Mr. Ranesford, Miss Adams. May 23rd. Mr. C. Mathews and Madame Vestris. July 4th. Mr. Keau. October 8th. Mrs. Honey and Mr. Collins. October nth. Mr. Butler, Tragedian. November 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Honey. The chief event of this season was the disappoint- ment of Malibran. (See Second Part.) 1837. February. Sergeant Talford's play of " Ion" produced. (Macready.) February. The Theatre in Abbey-street opened, under the title of " Theatre Royal, Irish Opera House, Lower Abbey-street, under the King's Patent, granted to Messrs. Jones, of the original Theatre Royal, Crow-street." Mr. A. Lee, part proprietor. March 2 7th. Templeton and Miss Sheriff, a pri ma- donna of much fame, commenced an engagement. May 4th. A grand fancy and full-dress Ball took place in the Theatre Royal. Pit boarded over. An amusing incident occurred relative to this entertainment. Mr. Mitchell, the well-known and much respected confec- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 29 tioner, of Grafton-street,had given an estimate for the provi- sion of refreshments. Mr. Calcraft, in the hurry of business, having mislaid it, sent for Peter (the stage door-keeper and messenger), and told him to go, with his compliments,, to Mr. Mitchell for a copy of the estimate. Peter, after a rather lengthened absence, returned with a large book under his arm. "What the is that?" said the manager. " The Testament, sir," replied Peter. " Mr. Mitchell says this is the only one he has in Grafton- street ; the small one is at his private house." Mr, Calcraft's rage knew no bounds. He seized the poker, but Peter escaped down the stairs, the governor following,, and calling out, " Go back for the Es-ti-mate, you scoundrel." Peter Connell was a Kerry boy, a real ori- ginal, and possibly may have provided Sam Lover with the model for " Handy Andy." His mistakes were ludicrou?, but he had a strong national touch of sarcastic humour. " Fiddlers," he did not admire as a class, and the Saxon " play-actors" were not favourites. It gave him great pleasure to hear that Edmund Kean and Macready were of Irish", " distraction," as he called it. An actor called Sparrow, who during the winter months took advantage of the stage-door fire, was in the habit of abusing Ireland, and when leaving at the end of the season, he gave expres- sion to his ideas. " How glad I am to get out of this dirty, filthy kentree," &c., &c. " Faith, an' Mr. Sparra," said Peter, " you're a very different bird from what you war when you kern to this dirty, filthy counthry. You war lean and moultherin', without a feather on you, and it's fat and fledged you're going away." After the Dublin 30 . ANNALS OF THE Musical Festival (1830), Paganini arranged with Mr. Calcraft for a series of concerts. The great violinist called at the stage-door and inquired for the manager. Peter ascended to Mr. Calcraft's room, and asked, " Are you within, sir, for the foreign fiddler ; he's below at the doore ?" Mr. C. : " It is Signer Paganini, you rascal. Let the gentleman up to me instantly." Peter retired muttering, " A fiddler a gentleman ! O Lord, since when ?" Poor Peter was an athlete, and had many fights .at the upper gallery door, where he received the passes. He was on one occasion thrown over from the top banisters to the stone flooring, a fall of forty feet, from the effects of which he died. Oct. 1 2th. Miss Julia Nicol (afterwards Mrs. J. Harris) first appeared, playing Bella Shandy in "My Uncle Toby." 1838. January. Thalberg appeared at the Theatre this month. He received ^50 a-night. After the third night the manager proposed a renewal of the engagement, offering half the gross receipts. Thalberg refused, keeping to his first arrangement. The houses for some time averaged about ;i8o, by which he would have received 90 per night. He was, however, quite con- tent, and rejoiced at the result. February 6th. Power played an engagement ending on this date. March 6th. Mrs. Fitzwilliam played Cherubino in "LeNozze." May i gth. Engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Mr THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 31 E. Horncastle, Miss M. Hamilton, and Mr. A. Giubilei were of the Company. July loth. Power commenced an engagement ending July i8th. He was advertised to sail in the " President" on the 2ist (delayed). November loth. Mr. and Mrs. Wood commenced an English Opera engagement. Principal Baritone, M. W. Balfe. Rooke's Opera of " Amelie, or the Love Test," produced for the first time in Dublin. Balfe did not possess a powerful voice, but his vocalism was simply perfection. Bourdogni was his singing-master, and it was indeed a treat to hear the pupil sing the elaborate and difficult solfeggios composed by the master for him. The two lovely baritone songs in " Amelie," " What is the Spell?" and " My Boyhood's Home," received a fine in- terpretation. A revival of " Amelie," with some revisal, would be profitable. During the engagement, " Der Freischutz " . was per- formed. At one of the rehearsals of the Incantation Scene, during the casting of the magic bullets, Mr. Calcraft, who was Casper (also the caster of the balls), was much annoyed by the irregularity with which the echoes were given. The performers of the echoes were " supers." chosen from the Dublin Militia, then called the " dirty Dubs." The echoes should follow each other; as, when Caspar calls " one," the echo should be " one ! one ! one !'' y Mons. Silvain and Mdme. Proche Giubilei. The Theatre was then closed till October 28th, when it opened with Mr. Mackay in " Rob Roy." November 4th. Engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Wood for eight nights. Their farewell engagement, previous to their final retirement from the stage, opened with " Son- nambula ;" they also played " Norma," " Fra Diavolo," and " Maid of Judah." THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 35 On the 8th inst., during the above engagement, Pro- fessor Risley and his son (the wonder of the age) made their appearance, and continued in addition to the Opera engagement. November 25th (Saturday). Engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean. Bulwer's [play of "Money" was played for the first time. 1844. May i4th. Madame E. Garcia (sister to the celebrated Malibran) appeared in "Sonnambula." May 27th. The first of three Concerts, with Madame Dorus Gras, Signer Salvi, and Miss Poole. June 24th. Miss Rainsforth, Mr. Stretton, and Mr. Harrison commenced an engagement. " The Bohemian Girl " was played for the first time. November 25th. Braham's last appearance in Dublin, .at Concerts, under the direction of Mr. John Mackintosh, in the Music Hall, Abbey-street; also Charles Braham .and H. Braham. Revival of " The Tempest." 1845. Monsieur Duprez and Madame Eugenie Garcia ap- peared in a Grand Concert. Duprez sang Balfe's song, " While I gaze on those dear Eyes," in English. Duprez appeared in the last act of " Guillaume Tell " as Arnold (his original character). July 7th. Miss Romer, Mr. Borrani and Mr. Harrison commenced an engagement. " The Bohemian Girl " was i^iven, and with increased effect. 36 ANNALS OF THE August 1 6th. Taglioni commenced an engagement of four nights. October iSth. The following artistes commenced an English Operatic engagement : Mr. and Mrs. Alban Croft,. Mr. J. S. Reeves (his first appearance in Operas). The following works were given : " Lucia," " Sonnambula,"' " Love in a Village," " Fra Diavolo," " Bohemian Girl," "Beggar's Opera," "Der Freischutz," "Guy Mannering."" Mrs. Alban Croft came to Dublin, fortified by a London reputation. Her charming appearance, beautiful soprano- voice, and high artistic attainments won all hearts at Covent Garden, and the Dublin public fully endorsed the London verdict. Mrs. Croft fully reciprocated Irish feeling towards her by soon giving up theatrical life and becoming a permanent resident of Dublin, where her talented husband still enjoys high patronage and favour, as amongst the first professors of his art. Mr. Reeves made his first appearance during this engagement, and all hearers immediately predicted a great future for him, To his wonderful voice he added a style refined and elevated to a degree that was marvellous for so young a vocalist ; but he had evidently received a sound early musical education, which all through his great career has done him good service. He repaired to Italy, and soon made his appearance at the Covent Garden Concerts, under the direction of Jullien, who possessed an extra- ordinary aptitude for discovering great talent. The re- sult is now patent. Sims Reeves is still in the enjoy- ment of his powers, and long may he continue to delight his countrymen, who are so justly proud of the greatest THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 37 tenor they have as yet produced. (This engagement was a great success.) 1 846. July 1 8th. Carlotta Grisi appeared, also Mdlle. Louise, ]\Idlle. Adele, Mons. Adrien, Mons. Berthier, and Mons. Silvain. Carlotta obtained favour as a premiere danseuse only second to Taglioni. She commanded high terms, and drew large audiences. The appreciation of la danse has evidently declined in Dublin. October 8th. Taglioni again engaged. This was the last appearance of the greatest of all danseuses. She was accompanied by her father, the beau-ideal of an old gentleman, remarkably handsome in appearance,, and of the greatest refinement of manner. His daughter was his pupil and such a pupil ! On the night of her benefit, Mons. Taglioni danced a hornpipe with all the agility of youth. On being congratulated on the wondrous artistic powers of his daughter, he replied, " Ah ! Elle ne danse pas avec les pieds, die danse avec la tete /" The following is a "cutting" from a London journal of a recent date: " The famous dansatsc (Marie Taglioni) for whom the impresarii of Europe once contended, and who still possesses many memorials of her triumphs, has preserved, even unto her seventieth year, her bright, hopeful glance, and a certain harmonious elegance not gene- ral in ladies who have nearly achieved their fourteenth lustre. Marie Taglioni is not only an artist to the tips of her toes, but a fcmmc dn inondc, whose talk is full of charming simplicity and candour, and a fresh enthusiasm which exercises a curiously rejuve- nating effect upon the listener. Neither passionless nor cold, the tenori, Signor Benzi, Signor Grimaldi ; 2 d - tenori, Mr. Thompson, Mr. C. Taylor ; bassi, Signor Brigg, Herr Hengler ; principal instrumental performers leaders, Mons. Nadaud (from Her Majesty's Theatre), and Mr. Levey ; first violin and solo, Monsieur Herrmann ; second violin, Mons. Oury; viola, Mr. Hughes; violoncello, Signor Piatti ; contra-basso, Mons. Anglois ; grand flute, Mons. Remusat ; piccolo, Mr. King; oboe, Mons. Lavigne ; clarionet, Signor E. Belletti ; bassoon, Signor Tamplini ; horn, Herr Sleglick; trumpet and cornet, Herr Zeiss; trombone, Mons. Marin ; drums, Mr. R. Hughes ; music librarian, Mr. Mapleson ; prompter, Mons. Crippa all from Her Majesty's Theatre. Conductor, Mr. Balfe. The above names, joined ^Yitll the local force, formed 132 ANNALS OF THE indeed an attractive and most effective combination. A glance at some of the names cannot fail to prove interest- ing. Mons. Roger had only just started as an Italian vocalist, having been for years the first and favourite tenor at the Grand Opera (French) in Paris. After a suc- cessful career he returned to the French Opera, where he continued to a recent date, delighting his audiences by his pure style of vocalism and excellent acting. Belletti was a highly-finished artiste, and has long since left the stage. Frederick Lablache (son of The Lablache), is now a professor of the London Academy of Music by-the- way, an Irish pupil of his, Miss Landore, has made several most successful appearances in Dublin. Mdlle. Payne, first soprano in the chorus, became the wife of Mr. Aynsley Cook, the favourite vocalist, a most careful student and painstaking artist. Mr. Cook has succeeded in making several parts " his own " Devilshoof amongst the rest. Mrs. Aynsley Cook was soon emancipated from chorus-sing- ing, and became a valuable second soprano, and was the original in Wallace's Opera of " Lurline." In addition to her musical and dramatic capabilities, Mrs. Cook is an accomplished danseusc, and so thoroughly versed in the Terpsichorean art, as to materially assist in the produc- tion of the incidental ballets. That Mrs. Cook and " Old Aynsley," as he is affectionately entitled, may have along and prosperous career, is the wish of all their professional brethren and " sistern ! " Mons. Nadaud was the favourite leader of the ballet, in which department he was without a rival. The ballet at this period formed as great an attraction as the Opera. Indeed, with some, it was THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ^133 the feature. Mons. Nadaud was an especial favourite with Taglioni, Fanny Ellsler, and all the great artistes of " La Danse." He possessed the peculiar qualities necessary for his post, unvarying attention to the feet of the performer, having the music always by heart. He never had occasion to look at the book, so that the eye was ever fixed upon the stage, and a perfect sympathy appeared to exist between the artiste and the leader. Young conductors would do well to follow the example of Mons. Nadaud, by so closely studying the music they have in hand as to obviate the necessity of constantly bending the head over the book. Mons. Nadaud was also " Chef d'Attaque " in the Italian Opera. Mons. Herrmann (first violin), was one of the four brothers Herrmann, who so successfully appeared in Dublin as quartet performers. Giving the works of Beethoven, and other classics, with great precision, it might indeed with safety be asserted that those wonderful creations of genius were by them first interpreted in Dublin accord- ing to the intentions of the author. In addition to the instrumental attraction, the Brothers Herrmann also per- formed vocal quartets, and introduced many of the pieces now forming portions of the Orphean collection ; and although not one of the four possessed a solo voice, the effect produced, from constant practice together, and extreme care in amalgamation (so to speak), viz., in the observance of pianos, extreme pianissimos, crescendos, fortes, &c., the effect was indeed wonderful; clearly proving what might be done if those possessing great voices were to bestow as much care and conscientiousness 134 ANNALS OF THE in the preparation of their concerted music. One of the four brothers settled afterwards in Dublin, Mr. Lidel Herrmann, better known by the single title " Lidel," and remained for several years fulfilling the post of principal violoncello at all the concerts, and, on special occasions, at the Theatre. He was an admirable soloist, and an especial favourite in private circles. He is still well, and holds a high professional position in London. His place is now worthily rilled in Dublin by Herr Eisner, who fol- lowed closely on Lidel's departure. Mons. Oury (principal second) was an eminent violinist, and husband to Madame Oury, a very popular and accomplished pianist. Signer Piatti is so well known as the Prince of Violoncellists that it is only necessary to give his name. More than thirty years have passed, and he still holds the very first rank against all comers. Lavigne, the great oboe per- former, also still retains his lip, his fingers, and his facul- ties, to the delight of all who hear him. All the other instrumentalists in this list have passed away, except the present writer, who still struggles to " beat time." The music librarian, Mr. Mapleson, was father to Mr. J. H. Mapleson, whose reputation as manager of Italian Opera is world-wide, and to whom the Dublin public are so much indebted for the production of the works, in par- ticulars and in detail, only to be equalled in London. Michael William Balfe was conductor. He filled the same post at Her Majesty's Theatre, and came to Dublin ex officio. " No man is a prophet in his own country." His presence evoked nothing like the enthusiasm he merited. His reception was certainly good, but no more. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 135 Several eminent composers have failed in wielding the conductor's baton ; but Balfe possessed all the qualities great decision, " an eye to threaten and command," a faultless ear, ready to discover the slightest inaccuracy, and, above all, an intelligible and decisive beat, without which all the other attributes are as nothing ; indeed none but the initiated can have an idea of the importance of the movements of the " small white wand " to those whom it is intended to guide. Much mischief may be done by a mo- ment's distraction on the part of the holder. He may be compared to a skilled " whip." He has not only four, but perhaps forty, yea, one hundred "in hand" (now-a-days the number is illimitable), and even a temporary indecision may do much harm. Perhaps no other occupation demands greater " strain" of brain or steadiness of hand for the time being than that of an operatic conductor. And, as remarked above, many of the greatest composers, from lack of the peculiar talent, have been obliged to " pass the torch " (baton) to another for the conduct of their own works. Balfe was " all there." Every man under his jurisdiction knew what he meant, and at what part of the bar he might be, so that, as far as the numbers would admit, all went well. Before giving the list and cast of Operas in connection with this most remarkable engage- ment, it may not be out of place to record that Jenny Lind stayed at Morrison's Hotel. Mr. Lumley, the then great impresario, the vocalists, and Mr. Balfe also remained at the same hotel. Two " off nights" occurred during the engagement, and on each of those vacant evenings the great " stars " had a reunion amongst 136 ANNALS OF THE themselves, the writer receiving a special invitation, as " one of the family." It would be difficult, in- deed, to imagine any unstudied or unrehearsed enter- tainments more delightful and unconventional than those two, of which music formed but a limited portion, danc- ing, forfeits, and cards (for very small stakes) filling nearly all the time. Jenny Lind could dance nearly as well as she could sing. Balfe inherited the art, and was capital on the " light fantastic." A mock ballet was organized, the great soprano fulfilling the role of the Maiden, and the composer and conductor that of the Lover. The " corps de ballet " consisted of the com- pany (Mick, the waiter, being once pressed into the ser- vice when he entered in his professional capacity). Mr. Lumley, a model manager in appearance, was placed on a throne to decide on the merits of the aspirants, and was supposed to offer an engagement to the most accom- plished. The ballet proceeded most seriously, Mons. Nadaud and the writer contributing the music alternately, each, as he passed the " fiddle" to the other, joining the dancing group. At the end a discussion occurred, carried on most gravely, as to the respective merits of the two principal characters. The great manager was unde- cided. His means would only allow the engagement of one. The question was put to the vote (a plebiscite). The votes were equal. What was to be done ? The manager decided that one great trial of skill should take place, each to perform an elaborate solo. Balfe led off, and danced " like an angel." Then " enter Jenny Lind " with all the air and grace of a Taglioni. She proceeds THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 137 an " adagio" and fascinating allegro, tripping " solo" to follow, astonish all the lookers-on. Rounds of applause, bouquets, &c., &c., and, to conclude, great Jenny " wins the day." The evening concluded with a set of quadrilles, Mdlle. Lind singing the quadrilles, seated in a corner on the music stool. These evenings might well be placed amongst the " Noctes Ambrosiani." On Tuesday, the loth of October, 1848, was performed " La Sonnambula." Amina, Jenny Lind ; Lisa, Mdlle. Payne; Teresa, Signora Grimaldi; Elvino, Mons. Roger; Count Rodolpho, Signer Belletti ; Allessio, Signer Guidi ; and Notario, Signer Bottura. The receipts on this night reached ^1,600, a sum never equalled before or since in the Theatre Royal, Dublin. The question has often been asked, " Was Jenny Lind so great ?" The simple answer is " Yes." A sort of feeling of disappointment prevailed with some at first. The voice was not what might be termed " great," the personal appearance not startling, still the impression made way that a wonderful artiste was present. The " Come per me" was listened to with breathless silence, and all doubt vanished at the end of the caba- letta, " Sovra il sen." Indeed the success of the whole performance was complete ; but description fails to give an idea of the effect produced in the last Act. In the sleeping scene it is no exaggeration to state that the " Ah non credea" displayed as great an effort of genius as was ever witnessed on any stage. The audience seemed absolutely entranced. It was indeed a singing somnambulist. The whole movement was sotto voce, 138 ANNALS OF THE the eyes unconsciously fixed (it was particularly remarked without blinking) on one imaginary object ; the cadenza at the climax, long, most original and wailing, was simply electrifying. A burst of applause about to com- mence was immediately hushed down, lest the " sleeper" should be awakened." The other parts were well and efficiently filled, Mons. Roger displaying all the care and finish of the French school, and Belletti creating a deep impression as a most finished artist in every particular. On Thursday, October i2th "ITuritani." Elvira, Jenny Lind; Enrichetta, Signora Grimaldi; Arturo, Mons. Roger; Sir Richard Forth, F. Lablache ; Sir George Walton, Signer Belletti ; Lord George Walton, Signer Bottura ; Bruno, Signor Guidi. Although not the most attractive of her impersonations, some preferred the Elvira of Jenny Lind to her other characters ; but Grisi had " created " the part, and her singing of the music was fresh in the recollection of all. However, on this occa- sion, the performance of the celebrated polacca, " Son Vergin verzozza," was particularly fine, the chromatic ascending and descending scales coming out with extra- ordinary precision. The lovely duet, " Vieni " (in the third Act), for soprano and tenor, was also an encore; but nothing could possibly efface the impression produced by Grisi and Mario in the same duet. On Saturday, i4th October, was given " La Figlia del Reggimento." Maria, Jenny Lind ; La Marchesa, Signora Grimaldi ; Tonio, Mons. Roger ; Ortenzio, Signor Bot- tura ; II Corporale, Signor Guidi ; II Sergente Salpizio, THEATRE ROYAL, DUJJLIN. 139 Signer F. Lablache. It was in this Opera that the famous songstress made her great "hit" in London. Indeed, the work was, in consequence, magnified to an impor- tance it did not before possess. Wondrous versatility, com- bined with consummate art, rendered Jenny Lind's Maria most fascinating. The " Ciasctm lo dice " and " Egli'e la " were full of life and vivacity. In the " Rataplan " the artiste accompanied herself on her own small " side drum," playing like an experienced " tambouriere," and creating the greatest possible amount of merriment, amounting to enthusiasm, at the marching off with her companions. Then the " Convien partir " (in finale, first Act), when obliged to part from her "Fathers," was given with such exquisite tenderness that white pocket- handkerchiefs came extensively into use. But the climax arrived at the performance of the singing-lesson, opening the second Act, "Sorgera." The instructions in the scene attached to this morceau are thus : " Questo ritor- nello deve eseguirsi con caricatura." And well were the instructions carried out, commencing with the antiquated " motive " for a certain time, then gradually (to the great horror of the ancient relative who accompanies), introduc- ing snatches of " The Song of the Regiment," presently breaking into elaborate variations, and concluding with the most extraordinary vocal feats ever ventured on, and for the performance of which the only term appropriate is " wonderful." All the solfeggi of all the masters seemed heaped into one. In fact, every possible display of which the " human voice divine" is capable, was developed in this effort, never equalled before or since. 140 ANNALS OF THE On Monday, i6th October, "Lucia di Lammermoor !> was the opening. Lucia, Jenny Lind ; Alice, Signora Grimaldi ; Edgardo, Mons. Roger ; Enrico, Signer Bel- letti ; Bidebenr, Signer F. Lablache ; Arturo, Signer Guidi ; Normanno, Signor Bottura. The special feature of Mdlle. Lind's " Lucia " was her great interpretation of the mad scene, at the end of the third Act, the cadenza with the flute, concluding the " Alfin son tua," amounting to perfection ; while the exit, at the end of " Spargi d'amor," was worthy of a Siddons. A re-engagement for two nights took place, the Opera being " Sonnambula," on the igth, and " La Figlia," on the 24th October, 1848. The prices for those two nights were: Dress Boxes, i ; Second Circle, 153.; Pit, i os. 6d. ; First Gallery, "js. 6d. Second Gallery, 55. A Concert took place at the Rotundo on Saturday, the 2ist. The receipts of this speculation were something enormous, all the more so taking into consideration that a famine prevailed in the land. The excitement produced at the first announcements was extraordinary, and commu- nications from all quarters of Ireland arrived rapidly to secure places, some only containing the amount necessary, which, as a matter of course, were the only ones attended to ; and many were the disappointments which arose in con- sequence, as some who had not enclosed the money arrived expecting unreasonably that the places were secured; but much inconvenience would have followed such ar- rangement, as many who wrote letters never came. The music-sellers were overwhelmed with commissions ; some anxiously demanding places to be secured for four or THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 14! five for every night, the letter containing no remittance. When it is considered that the amount for one family of four would be ^40, it would have required a good capital to have carried out those requests to a large ex- tent. !Many cases of " outrunning the constable " oc- curred ; indeed, a regular " Jenny Lind mania " prevailed for the time. The success of this great artist was not obtained with- out the most severe study. Not the music alone, but each character, in its most minute particulars, must have been sedulously and deeply contemplated no one but a close observer of nature could combine the qualities ne- cessary to pourtray the opposite feelings of mirth and grief in the same role. As before observed, the " Convien partir" was sung with such wondrous pathos that the audience were affected even to tears ; then the singing- lesson, when Maria branches suddenly off to " The Song of the Regiment," recalled to mind by the presence of the sergeant one of her " Fathers " evoked roars of laughter. It would be unjust to conclude this hasty sketch of an artist of whom a volume might be written, without record- ing an act of charity performed by her after her departure from the stage. About the year 1854 or '55 an application was made that she would come to Dublin and sing at a Concert to be given for the joint benefit of " Mercer's Hospital " and the fi Irish Musical Fund Society." Consent was most kindly and promptly given. The " Messiah " was per- formed at the Antient Concert Rooms. The resident local artists gave their gratuitous services on the occasion ; 142 ANNALS OF THE Mdlle. Lind singing the principal soprano music with marvellous effect indeed, it is only necessary to state that in sacred music she excelled quite as much as in the dramatic school. " I know that my Redeemer liveth " was indeed a splendid effort, and held the listeners spell- bound; and in the performance of the difficult "Rejoice greatly," the wondrous versatility of the artist shone forth peculiarly, the brilliant passages being given with mar- vellous precision and ease. The London critics held but one opinion of the extraordinary merits of Jenny Lind's singing in Handel's great work. The result of the con- cert was indeed most satisfactory for the two charitable institutions : a sum of about ^"940 remained (after all expenses) to be divided, to the great gratification of all concerned, and to none more than the great artiste herself. The next Italian engagement commenced on Thursday, August 1 3th, 1849, witn Mdlle. Alboni, Mdlle. Corbari, Mdlle. A. Corbari, Madame Valle, Mr. Sims Reeves, Signor Bartolini, Signor Galli, Signer Polonini, Signor Tagliafico. Conductor, Mons. Benedict. Leader, Mr. Levey. Prompter, Signor Salabert. On Thursday, i3th, was given "La Cenerentola." Cenerentola, Alboni. On Friday, i4th, " La Figlia " (ending with the singing- lesson), and the second Act of " Cenerentola." On Saturday, i5th, " Don Pasquale," with selections from the first Act of " Linda di Chamouni." On Monday, 1 7th, " La Sonnambula." Amina, Alboni. On Tuesday, i8th, the first Act of " Linda " and two Acts of " Cenerentola." THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 143. On Wednesday, igth, a Concert Avas given, and Selec- tions, in consequence of the illness of Mr. Sims Reeves. On Thursday, 2oth, " La Sonnambula " was given, with Alboni as the heroine ; Elvino, Bartolini. On Friday, 2ist, "II Barbiere " (compressed into one Act), and two Acts of " Lucia." On Saturday, 22nd, the first Act of " La Figlia," after which Alboni sang the brindisi from " Lucrezia Borgia " the second Act of " Cenerentola ;" and the third Act of " Sonnambula," for the benefit of Alboni, and last night of engagement. The illness of Mr. Sims Reeves caused considerable changes in the casts during this engagement, However, the singing of Alboni created of course a furore. Enor- mous in size as well as talent, she possessed the most wonderful contralto voice perhaps ever heard up to her advent; it was cultivated to the very highest degree. " Cenerentola" in particular was indeed something to re- member. The andante introducing the finale was en- trancing; and in the "Non piu mesta," the simple melody was sung with wondrous effect, and in the varia- tions no instrument could equal the perfection of the scales, extending, as sung by Alboni, from the C below to C above the equality of timbre being most remarkable. The huge dimensions of this great artiste sometimes called forth some amusing remarks from the "gods," especially when she appeared in her regimental suit in " La Figlia." Her gigantic figure was also scarcely ap- propriate to the part of " La Sonnambula." On one occasion, when getting into the bed in the sleeping scene,, 144 ANNALS OF THE an excited beholder called out, " Begorra, that bed '11 break down !" The engagement was but moderately successful. We now arrive at a rather remarkable epoch in Dublin lyric art, viz., the first appearance of a native artiste in Italian Opera. Miss Catherine Hayes, a native of Limerick, who had a few years before left Dublin for Italy, with all her worldly wealth sewn up in her corset, commenced an engagement in company with the following artistes : Herr Damcke, Signer Paglieri (tenor) ; Signer Bardini (basso) ; Signor Galli (baritone) ; Miss Norman (con- tralto). Prompter, Signor Salabert. Leader, Mr. Levey. Catherine Hayes came heralded with a great Continental reputation, having created the greatest sensation in all the principal cities of Italy and France. The most flattering and exciting criticisms from the leading journals had been translated and inserted in the " locals," and London hav- ing fiatcd her success, it is no wonder that she fulfilled all the anticipations of her "compatriots," although the voice had been a little " thinned " from extreme study and hard work. She had evidently placed herself with a great vocal master Garcia, it was said, with whom Jenny Lind had also studied ; indeed, the similarity of style in both artistes was evident, clearly proving the importance of finding an experienced and careful teacher ; for many voices have been ruined, even in Italy, by would-be teachers, who knew nothing of the correct placing of the vocal organ. Unfortunately Catherine Hayes on this occasion was not well supported. On the first night of THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 145 performance (" Lucia ") the tenor broke down in the duet at the end of the first Act, and this event gave rise to a very remarkable occurrence. Mr. Sims Reeves (whose engagement concluded the night previous) was sitting in one of the upper private boxes ; he was, of course, recognised by the audience. The curtain had descended in consequence of the weakness of Edgardo, from cold or nervousness, or perhaps both combined. The audience called out lustily for " Reeves ! Reeves ! ! " and a long delay ensued, the calls still increasing. At last Mr. Calcraft made his appearance, and, after apolo- gizing for Signer Paglieri, and learning the anxiety of the house that Reeves should finish the part of Edgardo, he proceeded to the box in order, if possible, to persuade the great tenor to " come to the breach." However, contrary to the manager's customary diplomatic reserve,he made the request to appear rather as a demand, and Reeves refused point-blank. Still the cry increased. Mr. Calcraft re- appeared, and told the audience that Mr. Reeves had de- clined to comply with their wishes. Almost immediately Mr. Reeves appeared side by side with the manager, and an extraordinary scene was the result. Reeves stated that he had been asked in a most autocratic manner to appear. Mr. Calcraft denied this. Then the tenor replied. The manager of course defended his position, and a dialogue of some minutes' duration continued one asserting, the other denying. Reeves concluding by the observation, " that he would not be browbeaten by Mr. Calcraft, or anyone else." At last, at the instigation of the audience, a reconciliation took place. The two disputants shook K 146 ANNALS OF THE hands, amid the universal plaudits of the house, and Sims Reeves proceeded to the dressing-room, made up for Edgardo, and finished the Opera, of course to the great delight of all. It should here be mentioned that a report existed about this time that the distinguished tenor and Catherine Hayes were engaged to be married. The success of the native songstress was complete. " Lucia " never received, perhaps, a more poetic impersonation than in the hands of Catherine Hayes. Her acting, particu- larly in the mad scene, reached the highest standard, and her singing equalled any of the Italian artistes in style and finish. On Wednesday, November 7th, " Norma " was given. Norma, Miss C. Hayes ; Adalgisa, Miss Poole ; Pollio, Herr Damcke ; Oroveso, Burdini ; Flavio, Galli ; Clotilda, Miss Fitzgerald. Poor Herr Damcke was no great improvement on Paglieri, and did not distinguish himself very greatly in the role. The gallery " lads " made sad havoc of the name, parodizing it in all sorts of ways. When singing somewhat out of tune, a voice called out "What damn key are you singing in now ?" Another said "Bravo Coal-quay" (the tenor was of very dark com- plexion). On Thursday, November 8th, " Norma " was repeated ; and On Friday, " Norma," and the mad scene from "Lucia." Catherine Hayes singing "The Harp that once," in the interval. The poverty of the Company did not admit of an extended repertoire, so Norma had to be THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 147 repeated on Saturday, the loth, for the benefit of Catherine Hayes. A short Concert concluding, in which she sang " Kathleen Mavourneen " and a ballad entitled "The Return to Erin," composed expressly for her by Mons. Benedict. As may be supposed, the weight of the attraction lay entirely with the soprano during this en- gagement ; but she carried it nobly through, the pecuniary success encouraging the management to form another engagement, which could not arrive for a few months ; accordingly On Thursday, February 2ist, 1850, the following Italian Company commenced an engagement : Miss Catherine Hayes, Miss Poole, Mr. Travers (tenor), Signer Polonini (basso), Herr Mengis (baritone). Conductor, Signer Vera. Prompter, Signer Salabert. Leader, Mr. Levey. This was a great improvement on the former Company. Mr. Travers, a young English artiste, who had for years studied in Italy, and appeared there with much success, possessed a pure and well-cultivated tenor voice, and made at once a favourable impression in Dublin. With a good presence and gentlemanly demeanour, he did not depend entirely on his vocal efforts, for he was a capital actor. The contrast from \hzfiasco of the former engagement was much in his favour. Signor Polonini was a thorough artist, and continued for years a reigning favourite in Dublin. Herr Mengis was also a competent and experienced vocalist. So the soprano was fairly supported now by a well-balanced troupe, and relieved of the responsibility of having the weight entirely on her devoted shoulders. 148 ANNALS OF THE On Thursday, February 21 st, 1850, "Linda di Cha- mouni" was given. Linda, Miss Hayes ; Pierotto, Miss Poole; Madelina, Miss Norman; Carlo, Mr. Travers; II Marchese, Signer Polonini ; Antonio, Herr Mengis ; II Prefetto, Signor Salabert ; LTntendente, Mr. Hough- ton. Miss Hayes had created a great sensation in the part of Linda during her Continental tour. Indeed the character was peculiarly suited to her capabilities, at once lively and pathetic qualities which her Celtic nature portrayed with admirable effect. All the other parts were efficiently filled, and the performance was a marked success. On Saturday, 23rd, " Linda " was repeated. On Monday, February 25th, " Norma"was the Opera. Norma, Miss C. Hayes ; Adalgisa, Miss Poole ; Pollio, Mr. Travers; Oroveso, Polonini ; Flavio, Mr. Houghton. Mr. Travers, whose voice was a tenore robusto, made a hit in the roleot Pollio, the music of which requires much power from beginning to end. On Tuesday, February 26th, "La Sonnambula" was given. Amina, Miss C. Hayes ; Lisa, Miss Norman Teresa, Miss Fitzgerald ; Elvino, Mr. Travers ; Rodolpho, Polonini ; Alessio, Mr. Coleman. This was Miss Hayes' first appearance as Amina. " La Sonnambula " was then in the zenith of its popularity. The simplicity of the story, and the complete and happy adaptation of the melodies to the plot, certainly charmed the world for years. Perhaps no other Opera, except " Trovatore," has been so many times given. All the great soprani ambitioned to excel in Amina, and nearly all had been heard in Dublin THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 149 in the Opera. The climax of perfection seemed to have been reached in Jenny Lind's version. It was, therefore, a trying ordeal for the native soprano, coming so soon after the "Swedish nightingale." Doubts were enter- tained as to the result, but all uncertainty vanished after the first scene. " Care Compagni " was faultless, and the " Sovra il sen " enchanted the audience. The sleeping scene was considered by some equal to that of the fair Swede it certainly did not suffer by comparison and the finale, " Ah, non giunge," was a triumph. There cannot be a doubt but that the performance of Amina alone would have sufficed to establish Catherine Hayes as a great lyric artiste. All the other characters were well filled ; but, unfortunately, at that period the travelling Italian companies were not so complete as at the present day, and we were obliged, as will be perceived by the cast, to " fill up " the small parts. Poor Coleman, who played Alessio on this occasion, has been before alluded to. He was a most useful member of the chorus indeed leader of the basses a good reader, and frequently per- formed small parts in English Opera. Alessio is a comic part, and John was not funny. When he entered, one pit-goer asked another: "Who the d 1 is that?" The other answered : " I know him well he is a fishmonger." And so he was ; at six o'clock in the morning he might be seen in Pill-lane, "knocking down" an immense "lot" of cod or haddock, as the case might be. At twelve he would be at the Theatre, assiduously rehearsing his part, and punctually again at his post in the evening. He was for several years primo basso in the Catholic Cathedral, 150 ANNALS OF THE Marlborough-street. To return to his Alessio. He danced merrily on with Lisa, and all was smooth until, at Amina's entrance, all turned to greet her. Alessio turned round .with the rest, and at the momenta "lad "called out: " Hallo, Fish, there's a hole in your stockin' ! " Of course, a universal shout of laughter followed, in which Miss Hayes heartily joined. On Thursday, February 28th, "in compliance with re- peated applications, and in consequence of the overflow- ing house which witnessed its repetition on Saturday," Linda was repeated. On Saturday, March 2nd, "Lucia" was given. Lucia, Miss Hayes ; Edgardo, Travers ; Ashton, Mengis ; Raymond, Polonini ; Norman, Salabert ; Arturo, Houghton. Monday, March 4th, there was a repetition of " Son- nambula;" on Tuesday, March 5th, "Norma;" Thurs- day, March 7th, " Linda," after which " Terence's Fare- well to Kathleen," written by Lady DufFerin, was sung by the frima- donna. Friday, " Lucia ; " Saturday, " Son- nambula" last night; but on Thursday, the 2ist, Mr. Calcraft announced that " he had been enabled to effect a re-engagement with Miss Catherine Hayes for two nights only, on her return from the South of Ireland, pre- vious to her appearance at Her Majesty's Theatre in London." On Thursday, 2ist March, "La Sonnambula" (as before), and on Saturday, "Linda "were performed to crammed houses. Catherine Hayes visited Cork and Limerick during the interval, where she, as might be expected, received great THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 151 ovations. In Cork the Theatre was not sufficiently large to accommodate the numbers. But in Limerick the ex- citement was indeed great. It was her native city. At a very early age she displayed rare musical promise, and had been endowed by nature with a wonderful soprano voice. The good Bishop of Limerick (with whom the mother of the artiste resided in the capacity of house- keeper) discovering those qualities, contributed a suffi- cient sum to allow of their cultivation ; and accordingly Catherine proceeded to Dublin, and became a pupil of A. Sapio, under whose auspices she appeared at the Ana- creontic and other musical societies with great success ; and after some time proceeded to Italy. She quickly advanced, and gained a Continental reputation, which, of course, rapidly spread to England, and the most lucrative engagements ensued, managers vying actively to secure her services. Naturally the public of Limerick were proud of sending forth the first great Irish prima-donna, and expectation was at the highest pitch when the announcements ap- peared. Places were all secured in advance, and, like that at Cork, the Theatre was not sufficiently large for the demand. "La Sonnambula" was the first Opera. A rather strange scene occurred on the occasion. When the orchestra commenced the introduction to the Opera, the occupants of the pit and gallery called out for '" Garryowen " (their national tune). Of course, no no- tice was taken ; the music proceeded, but the uproar in- creased until it became hopeless to continue, and " Garry- owen ! Garryowen ! " was the cry. The leader turned 152 ANNALS OF THE round and remonstrated with some respectable-looking young men in the pit, asked them what they wished. They replied, u We all want ' Garryowen.' " The leader argued and said : " Surely you won't force us to play ' Garry- owen ' as an overture to an Italian Opera ! What will the musical world say of your taste should such an occurrence take place ? " The spokesman seemed to see the force of the argument, and conversed with those around him ; then said : " It's no use, Mr. Levey ; they must have ' Garryowen.' " A long parley ensued between the leader of the band and the leader of the malcontents ; the latter turning first to the orchestra and then towards his friends with the pros and cons, and evidently trying to make peace. At last, after a long diplomatic discussion, a compromise was effected, by which it was conceded, on the part of the management, that " Garryowen " should be played after the first Act. This arrangement was car- ried out amidst the most vehement applause, the tune proceeding while Catherine Hayes was on the stage, having, of course, received a universal " call " after the first Act. One of the most agreeable occurrences of the Limerick engagement was a grand pic-nic given to the star by the Messrs. Beale, to which several distinguished citizens of Limerick were invited. Both the Beales were present Fred, as the celebrated and popular impresario was fami- liarly called, and his no less talented son, Willert, every- body's favourite. There were also Dr. Joy, acting mana- ger, who made hosts of friends wherever he went; James Price (then editor of the Evening Packef}, who came THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 153, expressly from Dublin to collect materials for a biography of Miss Hayes ; Michael Joseph Barry, then editor of the Cork Southern Reporter; Mr. Calcraft; the present writer, &c., &c. It was, indeed, a day to remember. The " spread " took place al fresco on the banks of the glorious Shannon, at Castleconnell. Mrs. Hayes, the worthy mother of Catherine, was, of course, present. Toasts, songs, glees, orations, &c., &c., were the order of the day. M. J. Barry gave the health of the " star " in his own felicitous style, infusing therein some of the burn- ing thoughts of his writings in the " Spirit of the Nation." Wild hurras followed. Catherine was "a jolly gay fellow ;" she was familiarly associated with " all good lasses/' &c., &c. She responded herself, and gave " The Last Rose of Summer." The " feast of reason and flow of soul " prevailed. J. Price, who had been sitting be- side Mrs. Hayes, said to her: "You should be proud of this scene ; few mothers possess such a daughter. Do you not feel happy ? " Mrs. Hayes replied, with ecstasy : " Oh ! my dear Mr. Price, I'm at the summit of my climax" Miss Hayes had a short and successful re-engagement, commencing Monday, October 2ist, 1850. There was a repetition of the usual repertoire. " Italian Opera for seven nights only, commencing on Monday, February zoth, 1851,'' was thus announced: " The unrivalled prima-donna, Mdme. Grisi, supported by the two eminent tenors, Mr. Sims Reeves and Signer Ricciardi ; Mdlle. Bassano, Herr Mengis, Signer Pattoni, &c., &c. The first four nights will be Monday, loth, 154 ANNALS OF THE Tuesday, nth, Thursday, i3th, and Saturday, i5th. In consequence of the unprecedented expense attending this engagement, the prices will be as follows : Dress Circle, 3s. ; Second Circle, 53. ; Pit, 33. ; Middle Gallery, 2s. ; Upper Gallery, is. Conductor, Mr. Lavenu ; Leader, Mr. Levey." The following notice appeared on Friday, yth : " Mr. Calcraft regrets exceedingly to state that he has most un- expectedly received a medical certificate from Dr. Tyler Smith, Bolton-street, Piccadilly, London, stating that Madame Grisi has been taken suddenly ill, and is totally unable to fulfil any professional engagement. The Italian Opera will commence with Mr. and Mrs. Sims Reeves, Mdlle. Bassano, Herr Mengis, Signor Pattoni, &c., c., on Monday next, as announced, with the favourite Opera of ' Lucia di Lammermoor.' In consequence of the dis- appointment, the following scale of prices will be adopted : Dress Circle, 55. ; Second Circle, 33. ; Pit, 2s. ; First Circle, is. ; Upper Gallery, 6d." On Monday, the same announcement, but stating the engagement would commence on Wednesday, and Signor Ricciardi's name withdrawn. On Friday, the i3th, the following appeared : "Theatre Royal, Dublin. "The following telegraphic message has been forwarded from Harrowgate, dated Monday evening : ' Mrs. Sims Reeves is ill in bed. The doctor says she cannot leave this until Wednesday morn- ing. Send the libretto.' Mr. Calcraft, in announcing, as he does with much regret, the above additional disappointment, thinks it right to state in the most explicit terms that not the slightest blame THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 155 can be attached to any person whatever for a casualty which could not possibly be foreseen or provided against. The first Italian Opera is, therefore, unavoidably postponed until Saturday next, the Jth inst., when will be performed 'Lucia di Lammermoor.' The appearance of Mr. and Mrs. Sims Reeves at the Philharmonic Con- cert on Friday will, it is hoped, sufficiently satisfy the public that no further delay will take place. " On Friday, i4th, the following appeared : " Mr. Calcraft again regrets to be under the necessity of stating that another communication has been received, to the effect that Mrs. Sims Reeves will not be sufficiently recovered to leave Harrow- gate until this day (Friday). The Opera of ' Lucia di Lammer- moor,' announced for to-morrow (Saturday), is therefore unavoidably postponed until Monday next, the iyth inst." The next announcement as follows : "Theatre Royal, Dublin. "Mr. Calcraft has much pleasure in announcing that Mr. and Mrs. Sims Reeves (late Miss Lucombe) have arrived in Dublin. The series of Italian Operas will, therefore, commence this evening (Monday, I7th). The Company includes" (&c., &c., as before). "'Lucia di Lammermoor.' Edgardo, Mr. Sims Reeves; Lucia, Mrs. Sims Reeves ; Colonel Ashton, Herr Mengis ; Raimondo, Signer Pattoni, &c. Tuesday, i8th, La Sonnambula. ' Amina, Mrs. Sims Reeves ; Elvino, Mr. Sims Reeves ; Count Rodolpho, Herr Mengis. Thursday, 2Olh, 'Lucia,' as before. Saturday, 22nd, 'I PuritamV Lord Arthur Talbot, Mr. Sims Reeves; Elvira, Mrs. Sims Reeves ; Sir George Walton, Signer Pattoni ; Sir Richard Forth, Herr Mengis. Monday, 24th, 'Ernani.' Ernani, Mr. Sims Reeves ; Elvira, Mrs. Sims Reeves ; Don Carlos, Herr Mengis ; Don Ruy Gomez, Signer Pattoni. Wednesday, 26th, 'I Puritani,' as before. Friday, 28th, 'La Son- nambula.' Cast as before, with the addition of Lisa, Miss Nor- man ; Teresa, Miss Fitzgerald. Saturday, March 1st. Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Sims Reeves. Commencing with Third Act of 156 ANNALS OF THE ' Lucia ; ' after which the Second Act of ' I Puritani.' To conclude with (in two Acts) ' The Beggar's Opera.' Captain Macheath, Mr. Sims Reeves ; Mat of the Mint, Herr Mengis." On Friday Evening, September lyth, 1852, the follow- ing Company commenced an engagement, announced for six nights only : Madame Grisi, Mdlle. Bertrandi, Signor Mario, Signer Galvani, Signor F. Lablache, Signer Lusini, Signor Galli, Signor Salabert. Conductor, Mr. F. Mori. Leader, Mr. Levey. The following were the casts : Friday, September 1 7th. " Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia Borgia, Madame Grisi ; Maffio Orsini, Mdlle. Bertrandi ; Alfonso, F. Lablache ; Gennaro, Mario ; Astolfo, Benelli ; Petrucci, Galli; Gazella, Lavini; Rustighello, Salabert; Liverotto, Casaboni ; Vittellozzo, Fiorini ; Gubetta, Susini. Saturday, September 1 8th. " Norma." Norma, Grisi; Adalgisa, Bertrandi ; Pollio, Mario ; Oroveso, Susini ; Clotilda, Miss J. Braun ; Flavio, Galli. Monday Evening, September 2oth, " I Puritani." El- vira, Grisi ; Henrietta, Miss J. Braun ; Walton, Galli ; Sir George, Susini ; Talbot, Mario ; Forth, F. Lablache ;. Bueno, Casaboni. Tuesday, September 2 1 st. " Don Pasquale." Norina, Grisi ; Ernesto, Mario ; Malatesta, F. Lablache ; Don Pasquale, Susini ; Notary, Galli. Concluding with the last Act of " Lucia." Lucia, Mdlle, Bertrandi ; Edgardo, Signor Galvani ; Bidebent, Susini. Friday Evening, September 24th. " Don Giovanni." Don Giovanni, F. Lablache ; Don Ottavio, Mario ; Don THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 157 Pedro, Galli ; Leporello, Susini ; Masetto, Salabert ; Donna Anna, Grisi ; Zerlina, Bertrandi ; Donna Elvira, Miss Clarke. Saturday Evening, September 25th. " Norma " (cast as before) ; concluding with the last Act of " L'Elisire d'Amore." Nina, Mdlle. Bertrandi ; Gianetta, Miss J. Braun ; Nemorino, Galvani ; Doctor Dulcamara, Susini ; Sergeant Belcore, F. Lablache. The following announcement appeared the following Monday : " Farewell Engagement of Madame Grisi. Mr. Harris has the honour to announce the re-engage- ment of the Italian Company for three performances only, and begs to state that this is the last opportunity Madame Grisi can possibly have of appearing in Dublin." Accordingly, on Monday evening, October 4th, 1852, was given " Don Giovanni," with cast as before ; after which Signer Mario sang " Com 'e gentil," from " Don Pas- quale." On Tuesday, " I Puritani " was given, as before. On Wednesday, October 6th, the first and second Acts of " Lucrezia Borgia," with cast as before, and the last Act of "Lucia;" the last Act of "La Sonnambula " (Amina, Bertrandi; Lisa, Miss Clarke; Teresa, Miss J. Braun ; Rodolpho, F. Lablache ; Elvino, Mario) ; con- cluding with the last Act of " L'Elisire d'Amore," as before. This was the first engagement of Italian Opera under the management of Mr. Harris, and proved a great suc- cess. It was under the special patronage of the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Eglinton, and was re- markable for the earliest announcement of the last ap- 158 ANNALS OF THE pearance of Grisi. Several others to the same effect sub- sequently took place ; at last repeated too often for the fame of the then acknowledged Queen of Song. Miss Clarke, who performed Donna Elvira in " Don Giovanni," and Lisa in " Sonnambula," was a pupil of Gustavus Geary, the popular tenor vocalist of Dublin, and then a vicar of the Cathedral churches. Miss Clarke's voice was a pure soprano, and well cultivated. She acquitted her- self most creditably, and to the entire satisfaction of the public, although having undertaken the part at a short notice, in consequence of the disappointment of one of the Italian artistes. Miss J. Braun was also a resident of Dublin, daughter of a bandmaster. No Italian Opera engagement took place during 1853 ; but on Monday, September nth, 1854, a most attractive Company commenced a series of Operas. The artistes were: Mdlle. Sophie Cruvelli, Mdlle. Marai, Mdlle, Albini, Mdme. Albini, Signer Tamberlik, Signer Taglia- fico, Signor Fortini, Signer Polonini, Signer Luchesi, Signer Santi, Signor Monterosi. Regisseur, Mr. A. Harris; Conductor, Mr. Alfred Mellon (Mr. Benedict's name had been announced, but was withdrawn) ; Leader, Mr. Levey. The chorus on this occasion was much strengthened by the addition of several members of the Covent Garden choral department. The dresses were also from the same establishment, and the Operas were consequently pro- duced on a scale of great completeness. They were an- nounced " under the patronage of their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of St. Germains." The following were the casts : THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I ^9 Monday, September nth, 1854. " Norma." Norma, Cruvelli ; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Marai ; Clotilda, Mdme. Albini ;" Pollio, Signor Tamberlik; Oroveso, Signer Tag- liafico ; Flavio, Signor Santi. Tuesday, September i2th. " Sonnambula." Amina, Mdlle. Marai ; Teresa, Mdme. Albini ; Lisa, Mdlle. Al- bini ; Rodolpho, Polonini ; Elvino, Signor Luchesi. Wednesday, September i3th. " Otello." Otello, Tam- berlik; Desdemona, Mdlle. Cruvelli; Elmiro, Signor Fortini ; Rodrigo, Signor Luchesi ; lago, Signor Tagliafico ; Emilia, Mdlle. Albini ; Doge, Signor Polonini. Thursday, September i4th. "Fidelio." Leonora, Mdlle. Cruvelli; Margarita, Mdlle. Marai ; Rocco, Signor Fortini ; Pizarro, Signor Tagliafico ; II Ministro, Signor Polonini ; Jacquino, Signor Santi ; Ferdinando, Signor Tamberlik. Friday, September T$th. In consequence of nume- rous inquiries, " II Barbiere di Siviglia." Rosina, Mdlle. Marai ; Bertha, Mdlle, Albini ; Count Almaviva, Signor Luchesi ; Bartolo, Signor Polonini ; Basilio, Signor For- tini ; Fiorello, Signor Santi ; Figaro, Signor Tagliafico. Concluding with one Act of " Massaniello." Massaniello, Signor Tamberlik ; Borella, Polonini ; Pietro, Signor Tagliafico ; Fenella, Mdlle. Ernestine St. Louin. Saturday, September 1 6th. " Ernani." Ernani, Signor Tamberlik ; Ruy Gomez, Signor Tagliafico ; Charles V., Signor Fortini ; Riccardo, Signor Santi ; lago, Signor Polonini; Elvira, Mdlle. Cruvelli; Giovanna, Mdlle. Albini. l6o ANNALS OF THE Monday, September i8th. "Norma"was repeated, for the benefit of Mdlle. Cruvelli. On Tuesday, ipth, there was a repetition of "Otello," for the benefit of Signor Tamberlik last night of the en- gagement. The Operas on this occasion were performed in a style worthy of London. The chorus was more numerous and complete than on former occasions ; and the dresses, from the Covent Garden wardrobe, perfect. Sophie Cruvelli appeared like a brilliant meteor, and during her short and extraordinary career, astonished and delighted the musical world. The impression left on those who had the good fortune to hear and see her could never be obliterated. Her voice a mezzo soprano of great compass seemed to contain all the perfections of every register of the female voice concentrated. It bore no comparison to that of any other artiste. It was rich beyond compare, and the equality " all round " was wonderful, the highest notes never losing in quality. In fact, words must fail in describing the qualities of this great artiste, who too soon disappeared from the lyric stage. Coming after Grisi, Cruvelli had a severe ordeal to undergo, commencing with " Norma ; " but her rendering was so totally diiferent and original, that universal delight took the place of comparison. The career of this great artiste was of short duration, but her many friends had satis- faction in knowing that she had made an exalted marriage. On Tuesday, May i5th, appeared an Italian Opera Company, including Mdme. Alboni, Mdlle. Jenny Bauer, THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. l6l Herr Reichart, Signer Susini, Signer Lorenzo. Violinist, Herr Ernst ; Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. On Tuesday, i5th, was given " II Barbiere." Rosina, Alboni ; Almaviva, Herr Reichart ; Figaro, Signor Lo- renzo ; Bartolo, Signor Susini. On Wednesday, i6th, "La Cenerentola " was per- formed. Cenerentola, Alboni ; Dandini, Lorenzo ; Don Magnifico, Susini ; Ramiro, Reichart ; Clorinda, Miss J. Cruise ; Thisbe, Miss F. Cruise. The Misses Cruise proved themselves equally capable in Italian as in English music. They were highly com- plimented by Alboni on their finished style ; she re- marked that she had never sung with such good "ill- natured " sisters. The Misses Cruise studied with Mr. Thomas Blanchard, perhaps one of the most careful and efficient vocal masters in existence. Happily he still re- sides in Dublin, to impart the secrets of his art to those who are fortunate enough to place themselves tinder his tuition. Then followed, on Thursday, May i;th, "Lucia." Lucia, Mdlle. Bauer ; Aston, Signor Lorenzo ; Edgardo, Herr Reichart ; Raimondo, Signor Susini. On Friday, a repetition of "Cenerentola." On Saturday, "La Son- nambula." Amina, Alboni; Lisa, Miss F. Cruise Teresa, Miss J. Cruise ; Elvino, Herr Reichart ; Conte, Signor Lorenzo ; Alessio, Mr. Stinton. This was Signor Li Calsi's first visit to Dublin, when he gave ample proof of the efficiency and experience which have since caused his name to be welcomed in Ireland whenever it appears on a list of Italian artistes. L 1 62 ANNALS OF THE Herr Reichart also appeared for the first time an excel- lent vocalist ; he was, besides, composer of some popular songs "Thou art so near and yet so far," amongst others. It was likewise the debut here of Susini, a first- rate basso frofondo, who won golden opinions during his stay. Mr. Stinton was one of the stock : " Good-natured Jack " was his kindly title amongst his fellows. He had a nice tenor voice, was a fair musician, and could assist with his brush in the scene-painter's room; indeed, a most useful member, as he proved by acquitting himself tolerably in small Italian Opera parts. He married the daughter of the celebrated Pierce Egan (author of " Life in London "), who was the stock " chambermaid " and " soubrette " of the Company, and a favourite with the Dublin public. The Opera was each night agreeably and delightfully varied by the performance of Herr Ernst, then the most finished of living violinists, whose wonderful playing was fully appreciated. This great artiste combined with his remarkable musical abilities the most accomplished mind and fascinating manner. He had just returned from a long visit to Sir E. Lytton Bulwer, who was his ardent and enthusiastic friend and admirer. The next Italian Company commenced an en- gagement on Monday, August 6th, 1855. The bills were headed " Last performance of Madame Grisi in Dublin." The troupe consisted of Madame Grisi, Madame Gassier, Madame Dediee, Mdlle. Sedlatzek, Madame Heinrich, Signor Mario, Signer Lorini, Signer Gassier, Signor Susini, Signor Galli, Signor Sante. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 163 Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. The following Operas were given : Monday, August 6th. " Norma." Norma, Grisi ; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Sedlatzek ; Clotilda, Madame Heinrich ; Pollio, Signor Lorini ; Flavio, Signor Sante ; Oroveso, Signor Susini. Tuesday, August 7th. " La Sonnambula." Amina, Madame Gassier ; Lisa, Mdlle. Sedlatzek ; Teresa, Madame Heinrich ; Elvino, Signor Mario ; Count Rodolpho, Signor Gassier. Wednesday, August 8th. " Lucrezia Borgia." Lu- crezia, Grisi ; Orsini, Mdlle. Dedice ; Gennaro, Mario ; Don Alfonso, Susini. Thursday, August gth. "Don Pasquale." Norina, Madame Gassier; Ernesto, Signor Mario; Malatesta, Signor Gassier ; Pasquale, Susini. On Friday, August loth, "La Sonnambula" was re- peated ; and On Saturday, August nth, "Semiramide" was pro- duced. Semiramide, Grisi; Azema, Mdlle. Sedlatzek; Arsace, Mdlle. Dediee ; Idreno, Signor Lorini ; Assur, Signor Gassier ; Oroe, Signor Susini. On Monday, August i3th, "Lucrezia Borgia" was re- peated, for the benefit of Signor Mario ; and On Saturday, "Norma" (as before), for the benefit of Madame Grisi. Grisi and Mario left, and a re-engagement for three nights took place with the remainder of the Company, August aoth, 2ist, and 22nd; but the absence of the great luminaries caused apathy with the public, although 164 ANNALS OF THE the prices were lowered, the houses were not up to " concert pitch." Madame Gassier was, however, a most accomplished soprano, with an extraordinary compass of voice, more particularly in the upper register. She fre- quently touched A in alt in her scale-singing, which was very perfect. Her husband was also one of the best of baritones. He had formed himself on the great Tam- burini, and his wonderful flexibility displayed itself re- markably in the difficult music of Assur (Semiramide). He astonished the instrumentalists of the orchestra by the perfection of -a descending scale, which he introduced in the first movement of " Vieni la mia Vendetta " (Lucia). Gassier was most amusing in private circles ; he imitated closely with his voice all instruments, fre- quently causing merry interruptions at the rehearsals by coming over to the orchestra and playing the bassoon on his walking stick, the laughter of the performers causing much delay. He was, of course, " pulled-up " by the stage-manager, but the applause of his auditors fully re- compensed him. One day, after dinner, at the hospitable house of a well-known and much-respected medical gen- tleman, Gassier went to the door of the dining-room ( which opened inwards), stood on a chair, held the door above with his left hand, grasped an imaginary bow with his right hand and scraped away at the door, imitating at the same time the double-bass to perfection. Gassier died a. few years ago in Italy, and was much regretted by the profession, of which he was an ornament, as well as by many personal friends.- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 165 First performance of " II Trovatore." The next Italian Opera engagement was, indeed, in many ways, one to be remembered. The bills were headed: "Royal Italian- Opera, Covent Garden, under the patronage of his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant. Arrangements having been effected by Mr. Harris and Messrs. Cramer, Beale & Co. with the above great lyric establishment, for the performance of Operas by the same artistes as at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, it is respectfully announced that a series of Italian Operas will be given, commencing on Monday, September 3rd, and terminating on Tuesday, September nth, assisted by the following eminent artistes : Madame Viardot Garcia, Mdlle. Marai, Mdlle. Heinrich, Signor Tamberlik, Signor Gardoni, Signor Graziani, Signor Polonine, Signor Taglia- fico, Signor Santi. Conductor, Mr. Alfred Mellon; Prompter, Signor Monterasi ; Regisseur, Mr. A. Harris. There will be an important addition to the orchestra and chorus from the Royal Italian Opera, and the Operas will be produced on a scale of greater magnificence than hitherto attempted." On Monday, September 3rd, 1855. "The last new Opera, as produced in London with such brilliant success, ' II Trovatore,' with new scenery, dresses, &c., &c., and the Operas produced with the same completeness as at the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. Leonora, Mdlle. Marai ; Azucena, Madame Viardot Garcia ; Manrico, Signor Tamberlik ; II Conte di Luna, Signor Graziani ; Ferrando, SignorPolonini ; Riuz, Signor Santi." This was, of course, the first performance of " Trovatore " 1 66 ANNALS OF THE in Dublin and such a performance ! Although a great number of years have elapsed, many survive who were present, and still bear witness to the extraordinary impres- sion created on this occasion. The music of "Young Italy" had scarcely yet been heard, at least interpreted, as it was in this instance. "Ernani" had been done in English; but Verdi's great work, which, however captious critics may condemn it, still holds its ground, was indeed a novel and startling event in Dublin. Glorious represen- tatives of all the characters have since appeared, but first impressions go a great way. Certainly the Azucena, as an " all round " performance, has never been equalled ; but all the lyric world with one consent submit to the matchless genius of Viardot. The effect produced by Graziani was also extraordinary ; a new era in baritone singing seemed to have commenced the wonderful beauty, extent, and equality of his voice astonished and delighted all. In the " II Balen," which was sung in the original key (B flat), the G above was taken and sustained with extreme accuracy, and in exquisite tune, a note usually heard only from tenors. The remembrance of this first appearance of Graziani is still fresh in the minds of those who were present on the occasion. Marai was an excellent Leonora, and one can imagine Tamberlik, then in his zenith, singing and acting Manrico. Although the " Ut de portrine " had not appeared in the ' Di quella pira," still the performance all through was marked with wonderful force and vigour. Polonini and Santi contri- buted in no small degree to the almost perfect performance. On Tuesday, September 4th, " II Barbiere " was per- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 167 formed. Rosina, Viardot ; Berta, Heinrich ; Bartolo, Polonini ; Basilic, Tagliafico ; Fiorello, Santi ; Almaviva, Gardoni ; Figaro, Graziani. This Opera was remarkable for the excellence of the ensemble. On Wednesday, September 5th. " Lucia de Lammer- .moor." Lucia, Mdlle. Marai ; Edgardo, Gardoni ; Raimondo, Polonini ; Arturo, Santi ; Normanno, Mattoni. Concluding with second Act of " Massaniello." Massani- - ello, Tamberlik ; Pietro, Tagliafico ; Borello, Polonini. On Thursday, September 6th, was produced, for the first time in Dublin, Meyerbeer's grand Opera of " Le Prophete," with the dresses, decorations, suits of armour, and appointments from the Royal Italian Opera. Fides (her original part, being expressly composed for her), Madame Viardot Garcia; Bertha, Mdlle. Marai ; Jean of Leyden, Tamberlik ; Zacharia, Tagliafico ; Jonas, Santi ; Mathisen, Polonini Count D'Oberthal, Graziani. This was, perhaps, the most complete representation which ever took place in the Theatre Royal, not only with re- ference to the artistes engaged, but to the accessories, the wise en scene, &c., &c. It required a vocal and dramatic genius, such as Viardot, to grasp the character of Fides. It cannot give offence to say that all succeeding attempts have been imitations, and the nearer they approached the original " creation " the more successful. The same remarks will apply to Tamberlik's performance of "The Prophet," a rare combination of marvellous power and art. The music was rather " advanced " to please the general public of the day, but all gave willing testimony to the rare merits of the work. 1 68 ANNALS OF THE , On Friday, September 7th, " I Puritani." Elvira, Marai ; Henrietta, Madame Heinrich ; Lord Walton, Polonini; Sir George, Tagliafico; Sir Richard Forth, Graziani ; Bruno, Santi ; Lord Talbot, Gardoni. On Saturday, September 8th, " Otello." Desdemona, Viardot Garcia ; Emilia, Madame Heinrich ; Elmiro, Tagliafico ; lago, Graziani ; Rodrigo, Gardoni ; II Doge, Polonini ; Otello, Tamberlik. It was in this Opera that Tamberlik startled the musical world by his C sharp from the chest. Duprez had already become celebrated by his wonderful " Ut de portrine " in " William Tell," but Tam- berlik's effort eclipsed that of the great French tenor. The C sharp had a pure metallic ring about it, and the pitites stood up from their seats in wondering amazement. Viardot's Desdemona was a study in every particular. On Monday, September roth, "II Trovatore" was re- peated (cast as before) ; and On Tuesday, September nth, there was a repetition of ." Le Prophete." This brilliant engagement concluded with an extra night, Saturday, September i5th. "Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Viardot ; Donna Elvira, Madame Marai ; Zerlina, Madame Sedlatzek; Don Giovanni, Graziani; Leporello, Tagliafico ; II Commendatore, Polonini; Ottavio, Tamberlik. A glorious performance of " The Don." On Monday, September i5th, 1856, Mr. Harris arranged with the firm of Cramer & Beale for a series of Italian Operas. The following artistes formed the Com- pany : Mdme. Grisi, Mdme. Lorini, Mdme. Zedlatzek, THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. l6(> Mdme. Amadei, Mdme. Gassier, Signer Mario, Mr. Ten- nant, Signer Lorini, Signer Albicini, Signer Luigi Mei, Signer Gregorio, Signer Graziani, Signer Revere, Mons. Gassier, Herr Formes. Conductor, Signer Li Calsi; Leader, Mr. Levey ; Prompter, Signor Galli. The Operas were : Monday, Sept. isth, " Ernani." Elvira, Mdme. Lorini (first appearance) ; Ernani, Signor Lorini ; Carlo, Graziani ; Silva, Mons. Gassier. Tuesday, September i6th. " Lucrezia Borgia." Lu- crezia, Grizi ; Orsini, Amadei ; Gennaro, Mario ; Duca, Gassier ; Gubetta, Signor Rovere (his first appearance) ; Rustighello, Signor Albicini (his first appearance). Wednesday, i;th. "II Barbiere." Rosina, Mdme. Gassier; Almaviva, Mario ; Bartolo, Rovere; Figaro, Mons. Gassier ; Basilic, Herr Formes. Thursday, 1 8th. " Norma." Norma, Grisi ; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Lorini; Pollio, Signor Lorini; Oroveso, Herr Formes. Friday, igth. "Don Pasquale." Norina, Mdme. Gassier ; Ernesto, Mr. Tennant (his first appearance) ; Don Pasquale, Rovere ; Malatesta, Gassier. Saturday, 2oth. "La Favorita." Grisi, Mario, Gra- ziani, and Formes. Monday, 22nd. " II Trovatore." Leonora, Grisi; Azucena, Mdme. Amadei ; Manrico, Mario ; Conte di Luna, Graziani ; Ferrando, Gassier. Tuesday, 23rd. One Act of "Ernani" (as before) ; the second Act of " II Barbiere," and last Act of " Don Pasquale " (as before).. Wednesday, 24th. " Norma " (cast as before). 170 ANNALS OF THE Thursday, 25th. " II Trovatore " (repeat). Friday, 2 6th. One Act of " Puritani " Elvira, Mdme. Lorini ; Arturo, Mario ; Ricardo, Graziani ; Georgio, Formes ; concluding with " La Sonnambula " Amina, Mdme. Gassier ; Teresa, Mdlle. Belosio ; Elvino, Albi- cinij Rodolpho, Gassier. Saturday, 27th. For the benefit of Mdme. Grisi and Signer Mario. " Lucrezia Borgia." Cast as before. Concluding with the second Act of " II Barbiere." Nothing worthy of remark occurred during this engage- ment, except the appearance of Mr. Tennant, who had been known as a "distinguished amateur " in Dublin. He possessed a nicely cultivated tenor voice, but not suffi- ciently powerful for the lyric stage. He was, however, making some way, when his career was cut short by an early death. An Italian Opera engagement for four nights, com- mencing on October i4th, 1856, with Mdlle. Piccolo- mini, Mdlle. Borgaro, Signer Rossi, Signer Belletti, Mdlle. Berti, Signer Pierini, Signor Kinni, and Charles Braham. Conductor, Signor Bonetti. On Tuesday, October i4th, 1856, was produced Verdi's Opera, "La Traviata." Violetta, Mdlle. Piccolomini; Floria Bervois, Mdlle. Borgaro ; Amiria, Mdlle. Berti ; Alfredo, Mr. Charles Braham ; Dottori Grenvil, Rossi ; Baron Dauphol, Signor Pierini; Marchese D'Obigny, Kinni ; Germont, Signor Belletti. The Opera of " La Traviata " had created a great sen- sation in London, in many ways. The subject, taken from the celebrated French novel, " La Dame aux Came- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 171 lias," gave much offence to the fastidious portion of the music-loving public. The Opera at first rather "flagged," notwithstanding Piccolomini's extraordinary representation of Violetta. Some strong letters appeared in the Times and other journals, condemning the subject as entirely unfit for the stage, being calculated to excite sympathy with immorality, &c., c. Replies to those epistles ap- peared from Mr. Lumley, then Manager of Her Majesty's. A long correspondence, very animated on both sides, was the result. This had the effect of exciting public curio- sity to such an extreme degree, that the houses " pulled up " considerably ; and at last crowds rushed nightly to see " La Traviata." It was rumoured by some of the manager's kind friends that he was the author of all the letters, pro and con an assertion never proved. How- ever, the success must not be altogether attributed to this newspaper controversy, for Piccolomini was a genius in her way. She was not a great vocalist ; her scale sing- ing was defective, but her beautiful sympathetic voice carried her through the music ; and her acting, particu- larly in the tragic scenes, was fine beyond precedent, compared with lyric artistes. Her assumption of the consumptive cough was most distressingly natural ; and the death-scene produced quite as much sympathy, and caused as death-like a silence, as the best of our trage- dians in the last scene of " The Gamester." A rumour, circulated in Dublin, that the young artiste was related to the Cardinal of the same name, added much to the suc- cess of the engagement. Charles Braham was a son of the veteran tenor ; his 172 ANNALS OF THE voice in many particulars resembled that of his father ; and although possessing some of the imperfections of his great parent, he was in marked favour with the public. Signer Belletti was one of the most accomplished artistes of the day a highly-finished vocalist and a sound musician. The character of Violetta has been essayed with much success by many great artistes, but there was a specialty attached to Piccolomini's version which left a lasting im- pression. It would be unjust not to record the great capacity of Signer Bonetti as Conductor. This was his first and only visit to Dublin ; he enjoyed an extended Continental reputation. On Wednesday, October i5th, "La Figlia del Reggi- mento " was given. Maria, Mdlle. Piccolomini ; La Mar- chesa, Mdlle. Borgaro ; Tonio, Mr. C. Braham ; Corpo- rale, Signor Kinni ; Sulpizio, Signor Belletti. Piccolomini's Maria was highly characteristic and ani- mated, but, as might be supposed, the vocalism fell far short of that of Jenny Lind. On Thursday, October i6th, "Don Pasquale," was performed. Norina, Piccolomini ; Ernesta, Charles Braham ; Malatesta, Belletti ; Don Pasquale, Rossi ; Notaro, Mariani. On Saturday, October i8th, the engagement con- cluded with a repetition of " La Traviata." Cast as be- fore. Piccolomini's fascinating manner attracted many friends, and during her short career her engagements were most profitable to her managers and to herself. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 173 In March, 1857, the following announcement .ap- peared : " Mr. Harris has the honour to announce that, in compliance with the earnest solicitations of her mime, rous admirers, and the express wish of the public in gene- ral, he has made arrangements with the celebrated artiste, Miss Catherine Hayes, to appear for a limited number of nights in Italian Operas, supported by an efficient Com- pany, selected from the principal Opera-houses of Eu- rope. Prima-donna, Miss Catherine Hayes ; Contralto, Mdlle. L. Corelli ; Tenors, Signori Volpini (his first ap- pearance), Mr. W. J. Tennant ; Baritones, Signor Badiali (from La Scala, Milan; his first appearance), Signor Pierini ; Buffo, Signor Maggiorotti (his first appearance) ; Signor Mariani. Conductor, Herr Anschuez ; Prompter, Signor Galli; Stage Director, Mons. Martini. The or- chestra and chorus will be considerably augmented, under the direction of Mr. Levey." On Monday, March i6th, 1857, "Lucia di Lammer- moor." Lucia, Miss Hayes ; Aston, Signor Badiali ; Edgardo, Signor Volpini; Raimondo, Signor Pierini; Arturo, Signor Mariani. On Thursday, March igth, "Don Pasquale." Norina, Catherine Hayes; Ernesto, Mr. Tennant; Malatesta, Signor Badiali ; Don Pasquale, Signor Maggiorotti. On Saturday, March 2ist, " Norma." Norma, Catherine Hayes ; Adalgisa, Miss Julia Cruise ; Pollio, Signor Volpini ; Flavio, Mariani ; Oroveso, Signor Badiali. On Monday, March 23td,' " Linda di Chamouni." Linda, Miss C. Hayes ; Pierotto, Mdlle. Corelli ; Carlo, 174 ANNALS OF THE Mr. Tennant ; Intendente, Signer Mariani ; Antonio, Signer Badiali ; Marquis, Maggiorotti. Thursday, March 26th. " Norma." Cast as before. Saturday, z8th. " Linda." As before. Monday, March 3oth, 1857. "Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, C. Hayes ; Orsini, Mdlle. Corelli ; Gennaro, Volpini ; Alfonso, Badiali ; Gubetta, Signer Magiorrotti ; Petrucci, Pierini ; Rustighello, Mariani ; Gazella, Dun- elli ; Vitellozzo, Hortinelli ; Liverotto, Benelle ; Astolfo, Casaboni. Although the Lucrezia of Catherine Hayes lacked the power of other great artistes who had and have since ap- peared in the part, still, in dramatic conception, it was in every respect a study of high artistic merit. The change of hair, naturally light, to a very dark colour, made a striking alteration in Miss Hayes' appearance ; her classic features and commanding figure lending additional effect. The tragic scenes were given with much force ; and, in- deed, the performance, as a whole, proved that the Irish prima-donna was equally at home in the heavier as in the lighter roles of the lyric drama. The name Dunelli (at- tached to the part of Gazella) was an excusable change from Dunn, the possessor of which was a member of the company pressed into the service, and who had a capital bass voice. Hortonelli was also a member of the "stock " (Horton). Such changes are not more startling than Foli (Foley), Bentami (Bentham), Campobello (Campbell), &c., &c. Some of the Italian impresarii found it difficult to Italianize the name of Hayes ; so it appears to have been THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 175 compromised, as in some foreign programmes the name appears as " Katarina Hayes." The name of Balfe was, during his sojourn in Italy, Signer Balfi. Thursday, April 2nd, " La Sonnambula." Amina, Catherine Hayes ; Lisa, Miss F. Cruise ; Elvino, Volpini ; Rodolpho, Badiali. A more effective performance of this work has seldom been witnessed in " the Royal." Amina caused enthu- siasm from beginning to end. The finale, " Ah, non giunge," fully equalling any other effort either before or since. Miss Fanny Cruise (then at her best), a highly- finished vocalist a pupil of T. Blanchard, as before stated was, perhaps, as efficient a representative of Lisa as ever " trod the boards." Volpini's Elvino was blameless ; and the Rodolpho of the veteran Badiali was something to remember a study in every particular for all aspiring young artistes. Saturday, April 4th, 1857. Two Acts of " Don Pas- quale," and two Acts of " Lucia." Casts as before. Miss Hayes singing between the Operas " The Harp that Once," and " Home, sweet Home," with extraordinary success. The Company proceeded to Cork and Limerick, where in the latter city especially a great ovation again naturally awaited the appearance of the native prima-donna. A re-engagement of the Catherine Hayes' Company took place for three nights only, commencing on Tues- day, April 2ist, 1857, with "Trovatore." Leonora, C. Hayes \ Azucena, Mdlle, Corelli ; Manrico, Volpini ; 176 ANNALS OF THE Conte di Luna, Badiali ; Ferrando, Pierini. An excellent performance " all round," but especially remarkable by the wonderful singing and acting of the immortal Badiali. Comparisons are at all times odious, more particularly in matters of art ; but the great old man suffered nothing whatever even in comparison with the most eminent of baritones who had preceded him Graziani. All the freshness of voice and beauty of style of the younger artist seemed concentrated, even improved, in the " old man eloquent." All living witnesses who were present on the occasion will vouch for the truth of this not ex- aggerated criticism of Signer Badiali. Thursday, 23rd. " Trovatore " repeated. Saturday, 24th. " Lucrezia Borgia," as before. The next Italian Opera Company was, indeed, a strong one, and consisted of Mr. Gye's Covent Garden troupe, being the first and only speculation in Dublin of that dis- tinguished impresario. The list included Madame Bosio (her first appearance), Madame Didier, Madame Taglia- fico, Mdlle. Parepa, Mdlle. Victoire Balfe (her first ap- pearance), Signer Gardoni, Signer Neri Baraldi (his first appearance), Signer Graziani, Signer Tagliafico, Herr Zegler (his first appearance), Signer Polonini, and Signer Ronconi (his first appearance). Conductor, Mr. Alfred Mellon ; Prompter, Signer Monterasi ; Acting and Stage Manager, Mr. A. Harris ; Leader, Mr. Levey. The orchestra and chorus were strengthened by " considerable additions from the Royal Italian Opera." The magnifi- cent costumes and appointments of the Covent Garden establishment were also made available on this occasion. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 177 Monday, August 3rd. "Lucia di Lammermoor." Lucia, Mdlle. Victoire Balfe (her first appearance) ; Alice, Mdme. Tagliafico ; Enrico, Graziani ; Raimondo, Zegler ; Normanno, Polonini ; Arturo, Cherricci ; Edgardo, Neri Baraldi. Tuesday, August 4th. " Rigoletto." Gilda, Bosio ; Madelena, M. Didie ; Giovanna, Mdme. Tagliafico ; Duca, Neri Baraldi ; Sparafolle, Signer Tagliafico ; Mon- terone, Signer Polonini ; Rigoletto, Ronconi. Wednesday, August 5th. " Sonnambula." Amina, Victoire Balfe ; Lisa, Mdme. Tagliafico ; Teresa, Mdme. Cherricci ; Rodolfo, Ronconi ; Alessio, Polonini ; Elvino, Signer Gardoni. Thursday, 6th. "FraDiavolo." Zerlina, Mdme. Bosio ; Lady Allcash, Mdme. Parepa; Fra Diavolo, Gardoni; Lorenzo, Neri Baraldi ; Matteo, Polonini ; Beppo, Tag- liafico j Giacomo, Herr Zegler; Lord Allcash, Signer Ronconi. Friday, yth. " La Favorita." Leonora, Mdme. Didie ; Inez, Mdme. Tagliafico ; Alfonso, Signer Graziani ; Bal- dassare, Zegler; Gaspardo, Polonini; Fernando, Neri Baraldi. Saturday. " Trovatore." Leonora, Mdme. Bosio ; Azucena, Mdme. Didie ; Inez, Mdme. Tagliafico ; II Conte di Luna, Graziani ; Ferrando, Signer Tagliafico ; Ruiz, Signer Cherricci ; Manrico, Neri Baraldi. Monday. "La Traviata." Violetta, Mdme. Bosio; Florio Bervois, Mdme. Tagliafico ; Amiria, Mdme. Cher- ricci ; Alfredo, Gardoni ; Grenvill, Zelger ; Dauphol, Polo- nini ; D'Obigny, Signor Tagliafico ; Germont, Graziani. 178 ANNALS OF THE Tuesday. " Puritani." Elvira, Mdlle. Victoire Balfe ; Henrietta, Mdme. Tagliafico ; Sir R. Forth, Graziani ; Sir George, Tagliafico ; Lord Walton, Polonini ; Arthur Talbot, Gardoni. After which a Scene from " Lucrezia Borgia " " II Segreto," by Mdme. Didie concluding with the last Act of " La Favorita." Wednesday. " Trovatore," as before. Thursday, August i3th, 1857, for the benefit of Mdlle. Victoire Balfe. The First and Third Acts of " La Son- nambula ; " cast as before. Followed by a Concert, as follows : " Kathleen Mavourneen," Mdlle. Parepa ; " The Flowers of the Forest," Signer Neri Baraldi ; "Ah, mon Fils," Mdme. Didie; Ballad, "You'll remember me," Gardoni; Ballad, " I dreamt that I dwelt in Marble halls," Mdlle. Victoire Balfe. On this occasion, Mr. M. W. Balfe presided at the piano, it being announced as "his first appearance these ten years." The performance concluded with " L'Elisir d'Amore," compressed into one Act. Adina, Mdlle. Parepa ; Gianetta, Mdme. Taglia- fico ; Nemorino, Neri Baraldi ; Belcore, Tagliafico ; Dul- camara, Ronconi. Friday, i4th. " Fra Diavolo," " in consequence of the unprecedented success of the Opera." Saturday, August i5th, 1857, for the benefit of Mdme. Bosio, " Lucrezia Borgia," with (as announced) " the following unprecedented cast, viz. : Lucrezia Borgia, Mdme. Bosio ; Maffio Orsini, Mdme. Didie ; Gennaro, Neri Baraldi ; Don Alfonso, Ronconi ; Rustighello (for this occasion only), Graziani ; Petrucci, Polonini ; Gu- betta, Signor Tagliafico ; Vitellozo, Herr Zegler. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 179 This was the last night of the most complete Italian Company which ever had been heard up to that date in the Royal. The chorus and band had formerly been supplied from local resources ; now some of the " pick " of both departments, from the most perfect choral and orchestral organization in Europe nay, we might say, in the world joined with their powerful aid. The cos- tumes and appointments in every department were per- fect ; the dresses of the chorus, and all the minor parts, being supplied from the wonderful wardrobe of Covent Garden. It was, indeed, a novelty here to behold so perfect an ensemble. In addition, the combination of principal artistes was unprecedented. Of course much curiosity existed with reference to the first appearance of Victoire Balfe, who, as may be perceived, was accom- panied by her celebrated father. He was not attached to the Company, but was naturally intensely interested in her success, and travelled with her all through the tour, playing the piano accompaniments when required. She was, as may be supposed, an accomplished artiste, and had studied with Garcia, Jenny Lind's professor. Added to a most prepossessing appearance, her figure was grace- ful and elegant ; and in her acting she displayed a pre- mature ease and knowledge of the stage remarkable, con- sidering her youth, as she was then only about eighteen or nineteen years of age. After a short and successful career, she retired, and, as is well known, married Sir John Crampton, then English ambassador at Madrid. The first appearance of Bosio was also an event to be remembered. This wonderful creature seemed to com- l8o ANNALS OF THE bine all the qualities, " all the talents " of all the great ones who had appeared before, and, it might be said, of any who have since been heard. Like Cruvelli, she only paid one visit to Dublin, and the impression created by each of those great artistes was very much alike, both possessing many similar artistic qualities. Notwithstand- ing the great success of Piccolomini in " Traviata," the Violetta of Bosio was considered by critics a performance of a much higher class ; and from a musical point of view, no doubt could exist of the justice of this decision. The harrowing death-scene was not so melodramatic, but not the less telling. The name of Parepa added great strength to this list of distinguished vocalists. With all the qualifications of a great lyric artiste a magnificent voice, of wonderful com- pass and the highest cultivation, dramatic capability equal to any "walk," tragic or comic, a commanding figure, and highly classic features Mdlle. Parepa was a " host in herself." It is hardly necessary to say that she became Mdme. Parepa-Rosa by marriage with the re- nowned impresario, Carl Rosa, and, to the great grief of her husband, and to the extreme regret of the whole musical world, she was prematurely taken away at a com- paratively early age, and at the very meridian of 'a bril- liant and splendid career. Mdme. Didie was a contralto of first-rate capacity. Gardoni, elegant in appearance, and then at his best, was, amongst a large portion of the ttitc of London and Paris, the favourite tenor. Neri Baraldi created quite a sensation in Dublin. Graziani had already made his THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. l8l mark. Ronconi (first appearance), the greatest artiste of the day, not alone as a vocalist, but as an actor, com- pleted the list of this remarkable combination. The Operas, as already remarked, were mounted in a style of unprecedented perfection ; and the result heavy loss ! So bad, that the late Mr. Gye never could be induced to try again his luck in Dublin. It would be fruitless to enter into the cause of this; but after a long experience, it is unfortunately too true that a great musical ensemble is not sufficiently appreciated in Dublin; that is to say, a "star" one name placed in large letters at the head of the bills will "draw," when a number of names, if not well known, will fail ; and the pecuniary result will show a large balance in favour of the starring system. In proof of this fact, the Piccolomini engage- ment, shortly before and after, with a comparatively weak troupe to support her, produced nearly double the sum. Matters may have since improved somewhat, but not sufficiently so that we may congratulate ourselves. Several recent instances might be quoted in support of this view. Monday, September 2ist, 1857, the following Italian Opera engagement commenced : Mdme. Grisi, Mdme. Alboni, Mdme. Gassier, Mdme. Gramaglia, Mdlle. Bail- Ion, Signer Dragone, Mr. George Perrin, Signer Annoni, Signer Benedetti, Mr. Tennant, Signor Mario, Signor Baillon, Signor Kinni, Signor Gabussi, Signor Deriviz. Prompter, Signor Galli ; Conductor, Signor Stanzieri. Monday, September 2 ist, 1857. " La Traviata." Vio- letta, Mdme. Gassier ; Alfredo, Signor Mario ; Germont, Signor Dragone. 1 82 ANNALS OF THE Tuesday, 22nd. "IlTrovatore." Leonora, Mdme. Grisi; Azucena, Mdme. Alboni ; Inez, Mdlle. Baillon ; Conte di Luna, Signer Dragone ; Ferrando, Signer Kinni ; Man- rico, Signer Mario. This was announced as an unprecedented cast, but the only remarkable feature was the Azucena of Alboni, whose singing was, of course, magnificent ; but as a dra- matic representation, it was far inferior to many others witnessed on previous occasions. Wednesday, 23rd. " Norma." Norma, Mdme. Grisi ; Adalgisa, Mdme. Gassier ; Clotilda, Mdme. Baillon ; Oroveso, Signer Deriviz ; Flavio, Gabussi ; Pollio, Benedetti. Thursday, 24th. "Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Grisi ; Maffeo Orsini, Alboni ; Alfonso, Signor Deriviz ; Astolfo, Mattoni ; Gubetta, Kinni ; Gazella, Signor Baillon ; Rus- tighello, Signor Annoni; Liverotto, Signor Gabussi; Petrucci, Signor Chiesi ; Gennaro, Mario. Friday, 25th. " Sonnambula." Amina, Mdme. Gas- sier ; Lisa, Mdme. Gramaglia ; Teresa, Mdme. Baillon ; Rodolfo, Signor Baillon ; Allessio, Signor Mattoni ; El- vino, Signor Benedetti. This performance of " Sonnambula " was only remark- able for the wonderful vocal efforts of Mdme. Gassier, who, in the faiak, reached the extraordinary vocal height of A in alt, the highest note ever attempted on the Dublin stage. Saturday, 26th. " Trovatore " repeated. Monday, 28th. " Semiramide." Semiramide, Grisi; Arsace, Alboni ; Idreno, Mr. Tennant ; Assur, Signor THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 8$ Deriviz ; Oroe, Signer Baillon ; L'Ombra di Nino, Signor Kinni. Old Opera-goers will remember the grand performance of the duet by Grisi and Alboni, more particularly " Giorno d' orrore." Tuesday, 2Qth. "Traviata" repeated; after which " Ah, non giunge " by Madame Gassier. Wednesday. " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Grisi ; Zerlina, Alboni; Donna Elvira, Mdme. Gassier; Don Giovanni, Signor Dragone ; Leporello, Signor Deriviz ; Commendatore, Signor Kinni ; Masetto, Signor Baillon ; Don Ottavio, Signor Benedetti. The enormous size of Alboni rendered the appearance of Zerlina peculiar. The transposition of the song, " Batti, batti," a full tone below the original, considerably marred the effect, as the violoncello obligato is thereby spoiled. However, the change becomes necessary with contralto vocalists. The appeal to Masetto during the song was, on this occasion, rather forcible ; he was in person the reverse of muscular or powerful ; and the sudden concussion with such an immense body of ani- mated matter as Zerlina presented was well-nigh causing a curious scene, for if one " gave way" the other would have followed. However, by a little artistic management on Zerlina's part, matters righted themselves, and a little sensation in the pit was the only result. Thursday, " Les Huguenots." Valentine, Grisi ; Mar- guerite, Mdme. Gassier ; Urbano, Mdme. Gramaglia ; Raoul, Signor Benedetti ; Marcello, Signor Deriviz ; San Bris, Signor Baillon ; Nevers, Signor Kinni ; Tavannes, 1 84 ANNALS OF THE Signer Annoni ; Cosse, Signer Gabussi; Meru, Signer Mattoni ; Retz, Signer Talamo. With the exception of Grisi's great impersonation of Valentine, there was nothing worthy of much notice in this performance. Friday, October znd. Repetition of " Don Giovanni." Saturday, 3rd. " Les Huguenots." Last night. First appearance of Giuglini. On Monday, October izth, 1857, the following Italian Opera engagement commenced: Mdlle. Spezia (first appearance), Mdlle. Porna, Mdlle. Ortolani, Signor Giug- lini (his first "appearance), Signor Aldighieri, Signor Via- letti, Signor Rossi, Signor Belletti. Conductor, Signor Arditi ; Leader, Mr. Levey. Monday. " II Trovatore." Leonora, Mdlle. Spezia ; Azucena, Mdlle. Poma ; II Conte di Luna, Aldighieri ; Ferrando, Vialetti ; Ruiz,j Signor Mercuriali ; Manrico, Signor Giuglini. Tuesday. " La Figlia del Reggimento." Marie, Mdlle, Piccolomini ; La Marchesa, Mdlle. Poma ; Tonio, Signor Luchesi ; Pesano, Signor Mercuriali ; Sergeant Sulpizio, Signor Belletti. Wednesday. " La Traviata." Violetta, Piccolomini ; Florio Bervois, Mdlle. Poma ; Alfredo, Signor Giuglini ; Gastone, Signor Mercuriale ; Dottore, Signor Rossi ; Ger- mont, Signor Belletti. Thursday, October 1 5th. " La Sonnambula." Amina, Mdlle. Ortolani (her first appearance) ; Lisa, Mdlle. Poma ; Elvino, Signor Giuglini ; Rodolpho, Belletti. Saturday. " Lucia di Lammermoor." Lucia, Picco- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 185 lomini ; Enrico, Belletti ; Bidebent, Signer Vialetti ; Ar- turo, Signer Mercuriale ; Edgardo, Giuglini. Monday, October igih. " La Traviata," as before. Tuesday. "Don Pasquale." Norina, Piccolomini; Ernesto, Signer Luchesi ; Malatesta, Belletti ; Don Pas- quale, Rossi. Also, the Third Act of " La Favorita." Leonora, Mdlle. Spezia; Baldassare, Signer Vialetti, Fernando, Signor Giuglini; Walter, Signer Mercuriale; Riccardo, Signor Belletti. Wednesday, October 2ist. "I Puritani." Elvira, Mdlle. Ortolani; Enrichetta, Mdlle. Poma ; Arturo, Giuglini ; Georgio, Signor Vialetti. Thursday. "La Figlia," as before; and last Act of " Lucia." Friday. Benefit of Giuglini, " I Puritani," as before. Saturday. Last night, " Don Giovanni." This formed the fourth Italian Opera engagement during the year 1857, an unprecedented occurrence in the annals of " the Royal," and which has never since been re- peated ; the prima-donnas being Grisi, Catherine Hayes, Mdme. Bosio, and Piccolomini. The last of the four engagements was, indeed, remarkable for the first ap- pearance of Giuglini. Report had combined all the qualities of Mario and Rubini in this wonderful tenor, and facts fully verified the report. The style was not so florid as that of Rubini ; Mario had, perhaps, some supe- rior qualities, and was a better actor ; but " take him for all in all," so satisfying a tenor as Giuglini never appeared. The most enchanting " timbre" of voice, the highest pos- sible finish in style every single note producing the im- i86 ANNALS OF THE pression of severe study the effect on the audience was, indeed, electrifying. London was naturally raised to the highest pitch of enthusiasm by the appearance of this new and unexpected star in the lyric firmament, and in each successive part his reputation seemed, if possible, to increase. The Dublin audience did not fail to appreciate Giuglini, and fiat to the fullest extent the opinion of London on this occasion which is not always the case ; as some tenors have since appeared with the London stamp, whose efforts have not been so highly appreciated in Dublin perhaps from the fact that the London criti- cisms were much overwrought a great mistake, most un- fair and injurious to the artist criticized. It is sad to re- late the end of poor Giuglini. He died in an asylum in London, in a state bordering on idiocy. Although given to simple, boyish ways in private life, such as kite-flying, &c., there was nothing to indicate so fearful a breakdown in intellect. His extreme care at rehearsals was most re- markable ; and his suggestions with reference to the or- chestral accompaniment were most artistic, when he wished for a pianissimo or crescendo at any particular point. As before remarked, every individual note seemed to him of the greatest importance ; and the most minute error, orchestral or choral, would not escape him. He was always much pleased by the applause of the members of the orchestra, which, at rehearsals, was, with Giuglini, more constant and hearty than with any other artist. He always sang in the morning as if before the audience at night (an example which might well be followed by many dramatic artists in their particular line). On one occa THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 187 sion, at a rehearsal of " La Favorita," Giuglini seemed actually inspired, singing so divinely as to enchant every member of the company present. The repeated bursts of applause pleased him so much, that he exerted his voice almost to exhaustion, against the advice of the leader ; and consequently in the evening the wondrous voice manifested signs of fatigue. All who remember this rehearsal still look back, with a "longing, lingering" wish that the day might "come again." Giuglini en- joyed a game of pool, in which he joined at the billiard table attached to the Theatre, and at which only a few chosen friends of the outside world were privileged to partake. The great tenor seemed to appreciate the small coin of sixpence, earned for a " life " taken by him, much more than the large premium of ^50, or perhaps ^60, paid for each night's professional services. A revenue ex- ceeding that of an English Lord Chancellor, nay, that of a Prime Minister, awaits a legitimate and real successor to Giuglini. During this last engagement, Signer Arditi made his first appearance in Dublin as conductor of the Italian Opera. He at once established himself a favourite with the audience, who fully appreciated his masterly capa- bilities for his high position. He has up to the present (1878) continued, with few interruptions, to visit us, and still meets with the strongest possible demonstrations of almost affectionate favour, which will doubtless continue as long as he fulfils the same office in Dublin. In July, 1858, Mdme. Gassier appeared in a series of concerts given by Mr. Harris (in connection with the 1 88 ANNALS OF THE firm of Cramer, Beale & Co.) at the Rotundo Gardens ; the " venue " being changed, after a few nights, to the Portobello Gardens, as it was found that the music and fireworks could be enjoyed at the Rotundo quite as well, if not better, outside the railings of the gardens as in- side " distance lending enchantment " to sound as well as view. The public did not fail to take advantage of this poetic fact, and the enormous crowds of non-paying outsiders presented a strong contrast to the simple- minded few who paid to become insiders the former in- creasing, the latter decreasing nightly. Some amusing episodes resulted. On the third evening a rather long delay occurred, and the band (the Garde Nationale of Paris) were half-an-hour late in attendance. During this " wait," the outside public manifested strong signs of im- patience, while the paying few inside enjoyed their pro- menade without the slightest signs of disapproval. Mr. Levey, not being musically engaged, was assisting in the business department (giving tickets, checks, &c.) at the gate attached to the railings in Rutland-square. His duties in " money-taking " were not heavy, but he had to bear several severe rebukes from those who were anxiously awaiting their gratuitous musical and pyro- technic treat. " What's the delay, Lavey ? " " Are you goin' to keep us standin' out here all night?" and such searching inquiries were directed on the poor temporary official. At last, his patience being exhausted, one indig- nant " member " raised himself on the curb-stone, looked over the palisading, and called out : " Look here, Lavey, tell Harris if you don't begin soon, we'll all go home ! " THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 189 We adjourned the next evening to the Portobello Gardens, where to enjoy the sound and sight the money should be forthcoming. The name of Mdme. Gassier, as connected with the Italian Opera, will be our excuse for this digression. Wednesday, August nth, 1858, the following Italian Opera Company commenced : Mdlle. Piccolomini (her farewell engagement previous to her departure for America), Mdme. Viardot Garcia, Mdme. Ghioni, Signer Giuglini, Signer Vialetti, Signer Aldighieri, Signer Cas- telli, Signer Mercuriale, Signer Rossi, Signer Belart. Conductor, Signor Arditi ; Leader, Mr. Levey. Wednesday, August nth, 1858. "La Figlia." Maria, Piccolomini ; Marchese, Mdme. Ghioni ; Sulpizio, Signor Vialetti; Hortensio, Signor Castelli; Notaro, Signor Mercuriale ; Tonio, Signor Belart (his first appearance in Dublin). Thursday. " II Trovatore." Leonora, Piccolomini ; Azucena, Viardot Garcia; Inez, Mdme. Ghioni; Conte di Luna, Signor Aldighieri ; Ferrando, Signor Vialetti ; Ruiz, Signor Mercuriale ; Zingaro, Signor Castelli ; Man- rico, Giuglini. Saturday, August i4th. "La Traviata." Violetta, Piccolomini; Flora, Mdme. Ghioni; Germont, Aldi- ghieri ; Dottore, Castelli ; Marchese, Mercuriale ; Barone, Rossi; Alfredo, Giuglini. Monday, August i6th. First time of "La Zingara," the Italian version of Balfe's " Bohemian Girl," as per- formed at Her Majesty's Theatre with unprecedented success. Zerlina, Mdlle. Piccolomini ; Yelva (Queen of IQO ANNALS OF THE the Gipsies), Mdme. Viardot Garcia ; II Conte Abano, Signer Aldighieri ; Frederico, Signer Mercuriali ; Un Officiate, Signer Castelli; Falco, Signer Vialetti ; Gual- tiero, Signer Giuglini. Tuesday, lyth. " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Viar- dot Garcia ; Zerlina, Mdlle. Piccolomini ; Elvira, Mdme. Ghioni ; Don Giovanni, Signer Aldighieri Leporello, Rossi ; Commendatore, Vialetti ; Masetto, Signer Cas- telli ; Don Ottavio, Giuglini. Wednesday, i8th. " II Trovatore," repeated. Thursday, igth. "II Barbiere." Ronna, Viardot Garcia ; Berta, Mdme. Ghioni ; Figaro, Signer Aldi- ghieri ; Bartolo, Signer Rossi ; Basilio, Signer Vialetti ; Officiate, Castelli; Notario, Mercuriale; Conte Alma- viva, Signer Belart. Saturday, 2ist. "Lucia di Lammermoor." Lucia, Mdlle. Piccolomini : Ashton, Aldighieri ; Arturo, Signer Mercuriale ; Bidebent, Vialetti ; Edgardo, Giuglini. Monday, 23rd. " La Traviata," repeated. Tuesday, 24th. " La Figlia," as before. Wednesday, 25th. "La Sonnambula." Amina (her first appearance in that character in Dublin), Mdlle. Pic- colomini ; Lisa, Mdme. Ghioni ; Notario, Signer Mercu- riale ; Allessio, Signer Castelli ; Count Rodolfo, Signer Vialetti ; Elvino, Giuglini. Thursday, 26th. " Lucia," as before ; with a Scena and Duo from " I Martiri " (first time in Dublin), by Mdlle. Piccolomini and Signor Giuglini. Saturday, August 28th. Farewell benefit of Mdlle. Piccolomini, and last night of the engagement. Last Act THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 19* of " La Zingara," as before ; followed by the first and last Acts of " La Traviata ; " after which the Scena and Duo from " I Martiri," concluding with a Farewell Cantata, composed expressly for the occasion, and sung by the entire Company, aided by the chorus and military band. Music by Signer Giuglini ; Poetry by Signer Al- dighieri ; Instrumentation by Signer Arditi. GLI ITALIANI AGLI IRLANDESI ADDIO. Coro. Viva 1'Irlanda, libera e grande ! Viva il tuo ciels, viva il tuo suol ! Dovunque il raggio del sol se spaaide, Dovunque il vento agita il vol, Assisa in grembo della tempesta, Come guerriera, pionta a pugnar ; Chini gentila, la bella testa, Come fanciulla ch'esce dal mar. Terzetto Signori Giuglini, Aldi%hieri $ Vialdti. Addio redente, piaggia Irlandese, Addio fratelli, figlia del mar. Sea benedetto, 1'uom che n'appresse La vostra sponda a salutar. Ultima giaci Ionian lontano ; Come un perduto solingo nor, Ma benche figlia dell' oceano, Nutri potenit vita ad amor. Solo Mdlle. Piccolomini . Triste, si triste, e 1'abbandono ; Come un accento nol puo ridir. 192 ANNALS OF THE Partir ci e forza v'offriamo in dono, Un mesto vale, ed un sospir. Ma allor che lunge sa questa care Terra il piensiero ritornera, Una segreta lagrima amara, Sul mesto ciglio ci spuntera. II mesto labbro dira' un addio ; L'eco per 1'aere, lo ridera ; Come una prece rivolta a Dio, L'onda dei pelaghi vel portera. (Translation.) THE FAREWELL OF THE ITALIANS TO IRELAND. Hail to thee, Erin, ever great and free ! Hail to thy changeful skies, thy fertile land ! Far as the sun extends his generous heat, Far as the winds their rapid wings expand. Set 'mid the stormy seas that gird thee round, A warrior maid thou seem'st, secure and free ; Or liftest up thy fair head, ocean-crowned, Rising in beauty from thy parent sea. TrioSignori Giuglini, Aldighieri and Vialetti. Kind friends, farewell ; adieu, each friendly spot ; Farewell your beauteous mountains, shores and bays. Happy the hour, and ne'er may be forgot, When these first broke upon our wond'ring gaze. Thee from our Italy far realms remove ; Thou seem'st to us some lovely flow'r on earth, Radiant with life, and warmth, and love, Albeit the cold waves may have given thee birth. SoloMdllc. Piccolomini. Glad, oh, how glad, is still the hour we meet ; Sad, oh, how sad, the hour we needs must part. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 193 The fond farewell I fain would oft repeat, The word is lost 'mid sighs that rend my heart. And oft when distant seas between us roll, Back to thy loved land will my thoughts return, Regretful memory fill my longing soul, And on my eyelids the mute teardrops burn. My lips, when far, will falter forth, " Farewell ! " Back by the breeze its echo will be given ; The waves that part us back my thoughts will tell, As angels waft the unspoke prayer to Heaven. The production of " La Zingara," a very good Italian version of Balfe's " Bohemian Girl," formed the chief event on this occasion. It had been well received in London and on the Continent. The singing of Giuglini was surpassingly beautiful. It may with justice be said that " When other lips " never had such a rendering, either before or since. Indeed, he bestowed especial pains on the study of the part in detail, as well from his high artistic feeling as with the intent of pleasing the fellow-citizens of the composer. The profound silence which prevailed during his singing of the ballad, and the repeated bursts of applause at the end, gave evident signs of his great success. In " When the fair land of Poland," he betrayed most extraordinary power of voice and dramatic force, which seemed to be treasured up for the occasion. Indeed, the Italian Company seemed all " on their mettle ;" for, leaving aside their professional anxiety, Balfe was an especial and personal favourite with all Continental artistes, and each member of the present Company bestowed all possible pains and attention to their several parts. Piccolomini not a great vocalist in the 194 ANNALS OF THE true sense seemed to "come out" better as a vocalist in this than in any other Opera. The soprano music, although showy, is not difficult. The first song, " I dreamt that I dwelt," suited her peculiar style, and created at once a good impression ; and the duet with Giuglini, which follows, " The secret of my birth," was a wonderful success the great tenor adding to the effect by, now and then, a judicious " new reading/' without marring the intention of the composer, but, as was ever the case, prompted by careful and conscientious study. Signer Aldighieri, an accomplished artiste, made the most of the Count ; and certainly the Gipsy Queen never had such a represen- tative as Viardot Garcia. It will be inferred that Balfe's work had on this occasion a " good chance," and, in- deed, it was a performance which never can be forgotten by those who were present. A large pecuniary success was the result of this en- gagement ; the Morning Concert, on August 2oth, pro- ducing nearly ;6oo. It would be unjust to pass over the appearance in this troupe of a charming little tenor of the florid school, Mons. Belart a Frenchman whose singing, more espe- cially as the Count Almaviva in " II Barbiere,'' gave great satisfaction, and caused a universal wish that he might be again heard in Dublin. The school was, of course, quite French, and highly elaborated. The difficult pas- sages in the second movement of " Ecco ridenti " were, perhaps, never given with more precision, and no instru- ment could have given the scales with greater perfection. The next Italian engagement commenced on Monday, THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 195 March 2 8th, 1859 : Mdme. Grisi, Mdme. Viardot Garcia, Mdlle. Zedlatzek, Mdme. Bellosio, Mdlle. Col- berti. Signer Mario, Signer Corsi, Signer Armoni, Signer Lanzoni, Signer Graziani, Signer Kinni, Signer Vairot. Conductor, Signer Stanzieri ; Leader, Mr. Levey. On Monday, March 28th, 1859, " II Trovatore." Leo- nora, Grisi ; Azucena, Viardot Garcia ; Inez, Mdlle. Bellosio ; Manrico, Mario ; Conte di Luna, Graziani ; Fernando, Lanzoni ; Ruiz, Annoni. Tuesday, 29th. " Norma." Norma, Grisi; Pollio, Mario. Wednesday, 30th. Verdi's Opera, " Macbeth " (first (time). Lady Macbeth, Viardot Garcia ; Dama, Mdlle. Sedlatzek ; Macbeth, Signer Graziani ; Banco, Signer Lanzoni ; Macduff, Signer Corsi ; Malcolm, Signer An- noni ; Medico, Signer Vairot ; Silvario, Signer Kinni. Thursday, 3 1 st. " Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Grisi; Maffeo, Sedlatzek ; Gennaro, Mario ; Alphonso, Lanzoni ; Rustighello, Annoni ; Guibetta, Vairot ; Gazella, Kinni. Saturday, April 2nd. " Trovatore," as before. Monday, April 4th. " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Grisi ; Zerlina, Viardot Garcia ; Elvira, Mdlle. Zedlatzek Ottavio, Mario ; Don Giovanni, Graziani ; Leporello, Lanzoni ; Masetto, Kinni ; Commendatore, Kinni. Tuesday, 5th. " Lucrezia," repeated. Maffeo, on this occasion, Viardot Garcia. Wednesday, 6th. "Macbeth," repeated. Thursday, yth. " Norma," repeated. Saturday, 9th. First performance in Dublin of " Marta." Tristram, Lanzoni; Lionello, Mario; Phmketto, Gra- 196 ANNALS OF THE ziani ; Sheriffo, Kinni ; Lady Henrietta, Grisi ; Nancy, Viardot Garcia. Monday, nth. " Marta," repeated. Tuesday, i2th. "Trovatore." Wednesday, 1 3th. "Macbeth." Thursday, i4th. " Marta." Saturday, i6th. " Marta," repeated. Grisi's benefit, and last night of the engagement. The first performance of " Macbeth " formed a special feature during this engagement. This work contains some of Verdi's best writing and scoring, but the absence of a soprano part has prevented the Opera from be- coming as popular as others by the same eminent com- poser. Lady Macbeth is a mezzo-soprano indeed, almost a contralto part and the interpretation was such as might be expected from the musical and dramatic powers of a Viardot. Her " make-up " was evidently formed on that of Mrs. Siddons ; and in the bedroom scene the likeness to the received portraits of the latter great actress was very striking ; and some very old playgoers, who had seen the sister of the great Kemble act the part in Crow-street Theatre, gave evidence to this effect, and were much struck with Viardot's magnificent perform- ance, which was, indeed, a high Shakesperean study, well worthy of witnessing, even if deprived of the beautiful music. Graziani, also, added much to his already great reputation as a vocalist by his excellent reading, and, in some parts, powerful efforts to do justice, in a histrionic point of view, to the grand part of the great English poet, as far as the crippled medium of a rather weak translation THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 197 set to music would permit. The witches' choruses in this Opera, although of rather light character for the pon- derous subject, are dramatic and effective, and, as before remarked, the instrumentation excellent, and not over brassed. Another important event in our operatic annals was the first performance in Dublin of " Marta," destined to become a most popular and established favourite up to the present, and perhaps for years to come. The cast on this occasion was well calculated to lead to this result, for never since has there been one more com- plete and effective. It is unnecessary to remind Dublin opera-goers of Guila Grisi's Enrichetta, Mario's Lionello, or Graziani's Plunketto ; but we may refer to this the only occasion on which Viardot held forth as Nancy. Those who had seen her "heavy tragedy" the night before, and now beheld her on the "light fantastic," dancing like a sylph (for in everything she was perfect), could hardly believe it was the same person. The effect of " The Last Rose," as given by Grisi now for the first time, may well be conceived ; and the enthusiasm which followed on the repetition (at the encore), with the English words, made so interesting by the slightly broken Italian-English, which is much softer than from the lips of a native of France or Germany. From some indescribable cause, the "Spinning Wheel" quartet has never " gone" with such enthusiasm as with Grisi, Viardot, Mario, and Graziani. First appearance of Titiens. August, 6th, 1859, the following Company was an- 198 ANNALS OF THE nounced : Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Guarducci, Mdlle. Vaneri, Mdlle. Dell'Anese, Signer Badiali, Signer Via- letti, Signer Corsi, Signer Castelli, Signer Mercuriali, Signer Rossi, Signer Borchardt, and Signer Giuglini. Conductor, Signer Arditi ; Leader, Mr. Levey. On Saturday, August 6th, 1859, " Les Huguenots." San Bris, Badiali ; Conte de Nevers, Signer Borchardt ; Ta- vannes, Signor Mercuriali ; De Retz, Signer Rossi ; Raoul, Signor Giuglini ; Marcello, Signor Vialetti ; Marguarita, Mdlle. Vaneri, ; Urbano, Mdlle. Guarducci ; Dame d'Onore, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Valentina, Mdlle. Titiens. On Monday, August 8th, " Norma." Pollio, Giuglini ; Flavio, Mercuriale ; Oroveso, Signor Vialetti ; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Vanere; Clotilda, Mdlle. Dell'Anese; Norma, Titiens. On Tuesday, gth, " La Favorita," Leonora, Guarducci ; Alfonso, Signor Borchardt ; Baldassore, Signor Vialetti ; Gasparo, Signor Corsi ; Inez, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Fer- nando, Giuglini. On Wednesday, ioth,'"Trovatore." Manrico, Giuglini; II Conte di Luna, Badiali ; Azucena, Mdlle. Guarducci ; Leonora, Mdlle. Titiens. On Friday, izth, " II Barbiere." Figaro, Badiali ; Don Bartolo, Signor Castelli ; Basilio, Vialetti ; Fiorello, Signor Mercuriali ; Conte Almaviva, Corsi ; Berta, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Rosina, Mdlle. Guarducci. Saturday. " Les Huguenots," repeated. On Monday, "Trovatore," repeated. On Tuesday, August i6th, " Lucrezia Borgia," Gennaro, THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 1 99 Giuglini ; Alfonso, Badiale ; Rustighello, Mercuriale ; Astolfo, Borchardt ; Gubetta, Vialetti ; Gazella, Signer Castelli ; Liverotto, Signer Corsi ; Maffio Orsini, Guar- ducci ; Lucrezia Borgia, Titiens. On Wednesday, lyth, "Norma," and selections from " II Barbiere." On Thursday, i8th, "II Trovatore." Giuglini's benefit. On] Saturday, August 2oth, 1859, "Don Giovanni." Benefit of Titiens, and last night of engagement. Donna Anna, Titiens; Elvira, Mdlle. Vaneri ; Zerlina, Mdlle. Guarducci ; Ottavio, Giuglini ; Leporello, Vialetti ; Commendatore, Borchardt ; Maretto, Castelli ; Don Giovanni, Badiali. A worthy successor to the great Grisi (now on the " wane ") seemed a distant probability, whenjalmost sud- denly the immortal Titiens made her appearance, and startled the musical world by fulfilling worthily the now almost vacant place. For the lighter works, such as " Don Pasquale," " L'Elisire," &c., in which Grisi was so great, younger artistes were springing up, but the question arose, where is the coming " Norma," " Lucrezia Borgia," " Se- miramide," " Medea," &c. ? Jenny Lind and others had essayed without success ; when now comes one whom the Dublin Press named most aptly the " Queen of Song " and now commences an historic, and indeed an affec- tionate relationship between the Dublin audience and the wonderful Titiens, which continued for 14 or 15 years, and was only terminated by her most lamented death. Titiens was indeed great in every particular. Queenly in person and stature, gigantic in talent, and 200 ANNALS OF THE possessing a heart (well described by a Dublin " Boy ") as big as herself. By her voice and purse she con- stantly contributed to increase the funds of many charitable institutions, and the extreme kindness with which she tendered her great services, doubly enhanced the favours bestowed. Long years will indeed elapse before the public of Dublin can forget Titiens ! Mdlle. Guarducci was married during this engagement at the Cathedral in Marlborough-street, by the Rev. Canon Murphy (now P.P. of St. Kevin's), on which occasion, at the conclusion of the ceremony, he gave a beautiful address in " very choice Italian." On Saturday, October ist, 1859, a short engagement. Mdlle. Piccolomini,Mdlle Dell'Anese, Signer Belart, Sign or Corsi, Signer Aldighieri, Signer Mercuriali, Signer Rossi, Signer Castelli, Signer Badi ; Conductor, Signer Biletta ; Leader, Mr. Levey. On Saturday, ist, " La Figlia." Tonio, Belart; Sal- pizio, Aldighieri ; Ortensio, Castelli ; Caporale, Rossi ; Palrano, Mercuriali ; Maria, Piccolomini. On Monday, October 3rd, " La Traviata." Germont, Signor Aldighieri ; Duphol, Signer Rossi ; Gastone, Signor Mercuriale; Medico, Signor Castelli; Commis- sionaro, Signor Badi ; Alfredo, Signor Belart ; Flora, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Violetta, Mdlle. Piccolomini. On Tuesday, 4th, " Lucia." Ashton, Aldighieri ; Be- debent, Castelli ; Arturo, Corsi ; Raimondo, Mercuriali ; Edgardo, Belart ; Alice, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Lucia, Piccolomini. On Wednesday, " La Figlia" repeated ; and on Satur- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. day, repeat of " La Traviata," for the benefit of Mdlle. Piccolomini, and last night. On the Saturday following, viz. : October 8th, 1859, Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Dell'Anese, Mdlle. Borchardt, Signer Giuglini, Signer Badiali, Signer Vialetti, Signer Mercuriali. Commenced with " II Trovatore." Manrico, Giuglini ; II Conte di Luna, Badiali ; Fernando, Vialetti ; Ruiz, Mercuriali Azucena, Mdlle. Borchardt ; Inez, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Leonora, Titiens. On Monday, " Don Giovanni ;" with (as announced), " the following powerful cast " Don Ottavio, Giuglini ; Don Giovanni, Badiali j Leporello, Vialetti ; Commen- datore, Castelli ; Mazetto, Aldighieri ; Donna Anna, Titiens ; Elvira, Mdlle. Vaneri ; Zerlina, Mdlle. Picco- lomini (expressly engaged). On Tuesday, October nth, 1859, " II Trovatore." Leonora, Titiens ; Inez, Mdlle. Dell'Anese ; Azucena, Borchardt ; Ruiz, Signer Mercuriali ; Fernando, Signor Vialetti ; Conte di Luna, Badiali ; Manrico, Giuglini. On Thursday, i3th, " Marta." Tristano, Signor Cas- telli j Lionelli, Giuglini ; Plunkett, Signor Vialetti ; Sheriffo, Rossi ; Nancy, Mdlle. Borchardt ; Marta, Titiens ; And on Saturday, for the joint benefit of Mdlle. Titiens and Signor Giuglini, a repeat of " Marta." Conductor, Signor Arditi. NOTE: On the 27th of this month Madame Jenny Liiid Goldsmid visited Dublin, for the purpose of singing at a Concert given for the joint benefit of " Mercer's Hospital" and the "Irish Musical Fund Society," the 202 ANNALS OF THE profits of which exceeded ^900, equally divided between the two institutions. Madame Lind not only gave her gratuitous services, but refused her railway fare. Mr. Harris, in conjunction with Mr. Willert Beale, announced a short series of Italian Operas, to commence on Monday, February 27th, 1860, supported by Mdlle. Piccolomini, Mdme. Borchardt, Mdme. Gramaglia,Mdme. Rudersdorff, Signor Belart, Signer Mercuriali, Signor Attavilla, Signor Aldighieri, Signor Castelli, Signor Allara, Mr. Patey (Primo Basso del Tetro Reggio Torino). Conductor, Signor Arditi. On Monday, February 27th, " La Traviata." Violetta, Piccolomini Alfredo, Belart ; Germont, Aldighieri ; Flora, Mdme. Gramaglia; Barone, Signor Allara ; Gaston, Signor Mercuriali. On Tuesday, 28th, "Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Mdme. Rudersdorff; Gennaro, Signor Attavilla; Duca, Mr. Patey ; Orsini, Madame Borchardt ; Vitellozo, Signor Allara ; Gubetta, Signor Castelli ; Rustighello, Signor Mercuriali. On Wednesday, 29th, " La Figlia." Maria, Piccolomini ; Marchesa, Madame Gramaglia ; Salpizio, Signor Castelli ; Ortensio, Signor Allara ; Caporale, Signor Mercuriale ; Tonio, Signor Belart. " II Bacio ;" concluding with a " Valtz Brilliant," sung by Mdlle. Piccolomini, composed expressly for her by Signor Arditi. NOTE : This was the first appearance of this Valtz, which has attained great popularity, and still continues by an enormous sale a profit to composer and publisher. On Thursday, March ist, "Lucrezia" (repeat). THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 203 On Friday, and March, " La Traviata " (repeat). On Saturday, March 3rd, " I Puritani." Elvira, Mdlle. Piccolomini ; Arturo, Signer Belart ; Giorgio, Mr. Patey ; Riccardo, Signer Aldighieri ; Regina, Mdme. Gramaglia. On Monday, March 5th, " Trovatore." Leonora, Madame Rudersdorff; Azucena, Madame Borchardt; Manrico, Signer Attavilla ; Di Luna, Aldighieri ; Fer- rando, Castelli. On Tuesday, repeat of " Puritani." On Wednesday, " La Figlia," " II Bacio " and the fourth Act of "La Favorita ;" with Piccolomini, Belart, and Patey. On Thursday (first time in Dublin), Mozart's " Nozze de Figaro" (in Italian.) Susanna, Mdlle. Piccolomini; Contessa, Mdme. Rudersdorff; Cherubino, Mdme. Bor- chardt ; Barbara, Mdme. Gramaglia ; Conte Almaviva, Signer Aldighieri ; Basilio, Attavilla ; Bartolo, Signer Castelli ; Figaro, Mr. Patey ; Giardiniere, Signer Allara. The following note appeared in the bills of this evening " Mozart is said to have chosen this subject when ordered to compose an Opera for the stage of Vienna, about four years after the appearance of his " Ent fuhring aus den Serail." Its success was not decided, even at rehearsal, when, according to the account left us by Michael Kelly, the enthusiasm both of singers and of the orchestra rose to a pitch that must seem quite incredible to those accus- tomed to a colder mode of expressing satisfaction. Nor did the result disappoint the expectations of the Viennese artistes ; so great was the delight of the audience on its first representation, that scarcely a single piece of music 204 ANNALS OF THE was allowed to pass without an encore, in consequence of which the Opera was so extravagantly prolonged, that the Emperor thought himself obliged to interfere, and com- manded that nothing for the future should be called for a second time in the course of the same evening." Oh ! for such an Emperor at the present time ! On Saturday, March loth, repeat of "Lucrezia; and first time in Dublin, a " Farsa Musicale " by Fioravante, entitled, " La Serva Padrona." Serpina, Mdlle. Piccolo- mini; Oberto, Signor Castelli: Tempesta,Signor Casalioni. Monday, March i2th, repeat of "Le Nozze." On Tuesday, i3th, "La Figlia." Wednesday, "Trovatore" and " Serva Padrona." On Thursday, i5th, "Marta." Enrichetta, Piccolo- mini ; Nancy, Mdme. Rudersdorff (in consequence of Mdme. Borchardt's accident) ; Lionello, Signor Belart ; Plunkett, Signor Aldighieri ; Tristani, Signor Castelli ; Podesta, Signor Mercuriali. On Friday, March i6th, a Concert in Rotundo. On Saturday, March lyth," Marta." Benefit of Mdlle. Piccolomini, and last night. The first performance in Italian of " Le Nozze " marked this engagement, and was decidely the best performed work during the short season. Mdme. RudersdorfFs version of the Countess was marked by the thorough musicianlike qualities which attended every classical role attempted by the same artiste. As before stated, she was daughter of Monsieur Rudersdorff, an excellent violinist ; (a resident in Dublin some years since), who, in'connectioa with Mr. Pigott, the eminent violoncellist, and Mr. John THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 205 Wilkinson, gave a most successful series of Promenade Concerts at the Rotundo. Mr. Patey, a young English- man, who had pursued his studies in Italy, was an excellent Figaro ; Aldighieri, a capital Count ; and with the minor parts well filled, Mozart's (by some considered) best work was rendered every justice. It has ever since justly increased in public estimation. The accident alluded to, and which caused Mdme. Rudersdorff to undertake the Nancy in " Marta," occurred to Mdme. Borchardt while singing at the window as " Le Nozze " she fell, and hurt severely the cap of her knee ; this, unfortunately, laid her up for the remainder of the engagement, and she was delayed six weeks after at the Gresham Hotel under surgical care. The Company performed for two additional nights, viz.: On Thursday, March 2 2nd, "Lucia" (benefit of Mdme. Rudersdorff). Lucia, Mdme. Rudersdorff; Ed- gardo, Signer Belart ; And on Saturday, March 24th, 1860, it was announced, " Mdlle. Piccolomini will most positively make her last appearance, and take a formal farewell of the Dublin public in the Opera of ' La Traviata ;' " which was performed with the same cast; concluding with "La Serva Padrona " and " II Bacio." The next troupe consisted of Mdme. Grisi, Mdme. Viardot Garcia, Mdme. Orvil, Mdlle. Sedlatzek, Mdme. Rita, Madame Gassier, Signor Mario, Signer Angelo Luise, Signor Graziana, Signor Fallar, Signor Kinni, Signor Cherricci, Signor Forsi, and Signor Ciampi. Con- ductor, Signor Viannese. 206 ANNALS OF THE On Monday, September zoth, 1860, "II Trovatore." Leonora, Madame Grisi ; Azucena, Viardot Garcia j Inez, Madame Cherricci ; Manrico, Mario ; Conte di Luna, Signor Graziani; Ferrando, Signor Ciampi ; Ruiz, Signor Kinni ; Zingaro, Signor Cherricci. On Tuesday, "Macbeth." Lady Macbeth, Viardot Garcia ; Dame, Mdme. Cherricci ; Macbeth, Signor Gra- ziani ; Banquo, Signor Ciampi ; Macduff, Signor Luise ; Medico, Signor Kinni. On Wednesday, i2th, "Norma." Norma, Grisi; Adal- gisa, Madame Orvil ; Clotilde, Madame Cherricci ; Pollio, Signor Luise ; Oroveso, Signor Ciampi ; Flavio, Kinni. On Thursday, i3th, "Rigoletto." Gilda, Madame Gassier ; Madalena, Madame Viardot ; Giovanni, Mdme. Cherricci ; Duca, Signor Mario ; Rigoletto, Signor Gra- ziani ; Sparafucili, Signor Ciampi. On Friday, i4th, " Marta." Lionelli, Mario ;Plunkett, Graziani ; Tristano, Signor Ciampi ; Sheriffo, Kinni ; Enrichetta, Grisi ; Nancy, Viardot. On Saturday, isth, "Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Grisi; Orsini, Viardot ; Gennaro, Mario ; Alfonso, Graziani ; Gubetta, Signor Fallar ; Rustighello, Signor Cherricci ; Vitellozo, Kinni. On Monday, September iyth, "Don Giovanni." Gio- vanni, Graziani ; Donna Anna, Grisi ; Ottavio, Mario ; Commendatore, Fallar ; Donna Elvira, Madame Gassier ; Leporello, Signor Ciampi ; Masetto, Signor Kinni ; Zer- lina, Madame Viardot Garcia. On Tuesday, i8th, " Norma," as before. On Wednesday, igth, " Rigoletta," as before. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 207 On Thursday, 2oth, "Marta." On Friday, September 2ist (first time in Dublin), Gluck's Opera, " Orfeo and Euridice." (The version performed at the Theatre Lyrique, Paris.) Orfeo, Mdme. Viardot Garcia ; L'Arnore, Madame Gassier ; Euridice, Madame Orvil ; after which " Don Bucefalo." Buce- falo (a composer at his first rehearsal), Signer Ciampi \ concluding with last Scene of " Somnambula." Amina, Madame Gassier. On Saturday, 22nd, "Trovatore" (repeat). On Monday, 24th, " II Barbiere." Rosina, Madame Gassier; Berta, Mdlle. Cherricci ; Count Almaviva, Signer Mario ; Figaro, Signer Graziani ; Bartolo, Signor Ciampi ; Basilio, Signor Fallar ; Officiale, Signor Cherricci. On Tuesday, 25th, " Norma." Wednesday, 26th, " La Favorita." Leonora, Madame Grisi ; Luis, Madame Cherricci ; Fernando, Signor Mario ; Alfonso, Graziani ; Gaspare, Signor Cherricci. On Thursday, 27th, "Orfeo and Euridice" (repeat). On Friday, 28th, " Don Giovanni." On Saturday, " Lucrezia Borgia," as before last night. The Opera of " Macbeth " proved more attractive during this engagement than when first presented, the Lady Macbeth of Viardot having produced a deep im- pression ; however, it may here be remarked that, as a rule, new works are not generally attractive in Dublin ; it is when the music becomes familiar that the audience increases in numbers. Several instances of this truth might be quoted, but that the fact is universally acknow- ledged there may be a few exceptions, but the rule still 208 ANNALS OF THE holds. The production of Gluck's " Orfeo and Euridice" was the feature of the season, Viardot adding another laurel wreath to her already overcrowded brow by her extraordinary performance of " Orfeo," which, indeed, realized all the classical ideas that could possibly be formed of the heart-broken god of the lyric art. It was, indeed, a highly, deeply-wrought study, most delightful to witness from the first scene to the last ; in fact it would require a volume to enter into a just criticism of this effort of genius, either with reference to the rendering of the music of the great composer, who first formed the classic French school, or as a histrionic embodiment of the part which it is said Gluck set his heart on. The impression produced by the " Che faro senza Eurydice " can never be forgotten ; its exquisite tenderness caused tears to flow, and the contrast between the death-like silence during the song, and the " thunders of applause " at the end, was indeed striking. If any proof were wanted of the extraordinary versatility of this great artiste-musi- cienne, it only required to see her Lady Macbeth one evening, then Orfeo, and then Zerlina in " Don Giovanni/' all equally excellent, and fully proving that she had "gone through each mode of the lyre, and was mistress of all." September, 1861. Italian Opera Company. Mdlle. Titiens, Madame Lemaire, Madame Bellini, Mdlle. Anna Whitty, Signor Giuglini, Signor Delia Sedie, Signer Fallar, Signor Ciampi, Signor Bossi, Signor Bellini, Signor Casa- boni, and Mr. Swift. Conductor, Signor Arditi. Monday, September i6th, 1861, " II Trovatore." Leo- nora, Titiens ; Azucena, Mdme. Lemaire ; Inez, Madame THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 20Q Bellini ; Conte di Luna, Signer Delia Sedie ; Fernando, Signer Bossi ; Ruiz, Casaboni ; Manrico, Giuglini. Tuesday, i;th, " I Puritani." Elvira, Miss Anna Whitty ; Georgio, Signor^Ciampi ; Ricardo, Signer Delia Sedie ; Arturo, Signer Giuglini. On Wednesday, i8th, " Norma." Norraa, Titiens; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Anna Whitty ; Oroveso, Signer Ciampi ; Clotilde, Madame Bellini ; Pollio, Mr. Swift. Thursday, ipth, " Marta." Lady Enrichetta, Titiens; Nancy, Madame Lemaire ; Lionello, Giuglini ; Plunketto, Signer Delia Sedie ; Tristano, Signer Ciampi ; Sheriffo, Signer Casaboni. Friday, 2oth, " II Barbiere." Rosini, Anna Whitty ; Figaro, Signer Delia Sedie ; Bartolo, Ciampi ; Basilio, Signer Fallar ; Conte Almaviva, Mr. Swift. On Saturday, 2ist, " Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Titiens; Orsini, Madame Lemaire; Alfonso, Signer Ciampi ; Gubetta, Signer Bossi ; Gazella, Signer Fallar j Vitellozo, Signer Casaboni ; Liverotto, Signor Bellini ; Gennaro, Giuglini. On Monday, 22nd, " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Titiens ; Zerlina, Madame Lemaire ; Elvira, Mdlle. Anna Whitty ; Don Giovanni, Signor Delia Sedie ; Leporello, Signor Ciampi ; Mazetto, Signor Casaboni ; Commenda- tore, Signor Bossi ; Don Ottavio, Signor Giuglini. On Wednesday, September 25th, 1861, for the first time in Dublin, Verdi's Grand Opera, " II Ballo in Maschera." Amelia, Mdlle. Titiens ; Renato, Signor Delia Sedie ; Oscar, Mdlle. A. Whitty; Ulrica, Madame Lemaire; Samuele, Signor Bossi ; Tomaso, Signor Ciampi ; Silvano, o 2IO ANNALS OF THE Signer Fallar ; Un Guidice, Signer Casaboni ; Servo, Signer Lavini ; Ricardo, Signer Giuglini. The Band of the nth Hussars performed in the Masquerade Scene, conducted by Signer Operti. On Thursday, 26th, " Norma," as before. On Friday, zyth, "Marta." Saturday, 28th, " Ballo in Maschera." Monday, soth, " Trovatore." Tuesday, October ist, " Don Giovanni." Wednesday, 2nd, " Un Ballo." Thursday, 3rd, " Marta." Benefit of Titiens and Giuglini. Friday, 4th, " II Barbiere," as before. Saturday, 5th, " Un Ballo." Last night. Miss Anna Whitty, who created a favourable impres- sion as a soprano during this engagement, was a daughter of Mr. Whitty, proprietor of one of the principal daily journals of Liverpool. She had a good and well- cultivated voice, having studied under the best masters in Italy. After a short and successful career on the stage, she accepted a good matrimonial offer of engagement, and retired from public, to delight her friends in social life by her musical abilities. The first production of Verdi's charming Opera, " Un Ballo in Maschera," formed the chief feature, and was a great event in our operatic annals. The work created an immediate impression, as well from the attractive nature of the music, as from the very efficient tC cast." Titiens was of course, as usual, at home ; Mdlle. Whitty, an excellent " Seconda Donna ;" but the palm seemed to lie with Giuglini and Delia Sedie ; the singing THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 211 of " Eri tu " by the latter great artiste created quite a startling sensation, and most deservedly, for a more finished piece of vocalism has seldom, if ever, been heard. Although nearly 30 years have elapsed, there are many who preserve a lively recollection of this " Eri tu " of Delia Sedie. The same remarks will apply to Giuglini, whose singing in this work almost excelled any former effort. The first eight bars of " E Scherzo " was given with such marvellous point and beauty, that a double encore was the result every night, thus delaying the *' ensemble," which follows, for a considerable time. Madame Lemaire, Signor Ciampi, Signer Bossi (a capital basso profondo), and Casaboni, the most useful of " utility men," contributed much to the general effect of the very beautiful concerted pieces. The Band of the nth Hussars bore an important " hand " in the Masquerade Scene, led by Signor Operti, the efficient master, who first visited Dublin in the capacity of " Suggeritore " with former companies. A great financial success attended this en- gagement, much enhanced by the production of "Un Ballo." Later in October, i86r, the following announcement appeared : " Mr. Harris has very great pleasure in an- nouncing that, in compliance with the generally-expressed wish to hear Mdlle. Adelina Patti, he has, at an enormous expense, succeeded in making arrangements for that cele- brated artiste to sing once in each of those Operas in which she achieved such unparalleled success at the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden, during the past season." Accordingly, on Tuesday, October zgth, 1 86 1, was given, 212 ANNALS OF THE " La Sonnambula." Amina, Mdlle. Patti ; Ina, Mdlle. Sedlatzek ; Elvino, Signer Galvani ; Rodolfo, Signer Manfredi ; Alessio, Signer Kinni; Notaro, Signer Annoni. On Thursday, October 3 ist, " La Traviata." Violetta, Mdlle. Patti ; Flora, Mdlle. Sedlatzek ; Georgio Germont, Signor Cima; Gaston, Signer Annoni; Baron Duphol, Signer Galli; Dottore, Signor Kinni; Alfred Germont, Signor Galvani. On Saturday, November 2nd, " Lucia." Lucia, Mdlle. Patti ; Aston, Signor Cima ; Raimondo, Signor Man- fredi ; Arturo, Signor Annoni ; Normanno, Signor Kinni ; Edgardo, Signor Galvani. On Monday, 4th, "II Barbiere." Rosina, Mdlle. Patti; Berta, Mdlle. Sedlatzek; Figaro, Signor Cima; Bartolo, Signor Manfredi ; Basilio, Signor Kinni ; Fiorello, Signor Annoni ; Almaviva, Signor Galvani. On Wednesday, repeat of " Sonnambula." On Saturday, gth, " Marta." Lady Enrichetta, Mdlle. Patti; Nancy, Mdlle. Sedlatzek ; Plunketto, Signor Cima ; Lionello, Signor Galvani ; Sheriffo, Signor Kinni ; Tristano, Signor Manfredi. In the course of the evening Patti sang "Home, Sweet Home," and " 'Twas within a Mile of Edinbro' Town." Last night, for Patti's benefit. The prices on this occasion were Dress Circle, IDS. ; Second Circle, 6s. ; Pit, 33. 6d ; Lower Gallery, 23. 6d. ; Upper Gallery, is. 6d. Since the engagement of Jenny Lind the prices had not been so high, and many signs of disapproval were manifested, as, with the exception of the great prima- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 213 donna, the Company was not " of the strongest." It was on the first night, during the progress of the song, "Vi Raviso," by Rodolfo, when, from nervousness or otherwise, the singer " broke down " on an important note, a "member" of the upper gallery exclaimed, in a rather subdued tone, but with a melancholy whine, " Oh ! Blood-an-'ouns, my eighteenpence !" An enor- mous success of course attended the engagement, proving fully the profitable results to managers of the starring system. Patti, if not the greatest, certainly as great a genius as ever appeared in the musical world, deserved all the " kudos " that could possibly be bestowed. It is quite unnecessary to descant on her transcendant merits, as she still reigns supreme, and, if possible, increases year after year in public favour, commanding the largest terms ever bestowed on any other vocalist, except Jenny Lind terms, it is to be feared, which may prevent the possibility of Patti's re-appearance in the Dublin Theatre. Happily, however, the facility of travelling now offers the opportunity of hearing her in London ; and ail are hereby advised to witness her Catarina in " L'Etoile du Nord," and her Americaine, &c., &c., and, if occasion should offer, she should also be heard in " Oratorio," in which she " shines resplendent." At the last Triennial Handel Festival, she positively eclipsed all her compeers. Farewell Engagement of Mdme. Grisi. On Tuesday, December 3rd, 1861, the above-announced appeared. The Company thus : Madame Grisi, Madame Le- maire, Mdlle. Bossi, Mdlle. Dario, Miss Ellen Conran (her first appearance) ; Signer Galvani, Mr. Swift, Signer 214 ANNALS OF THE Aspa, Signer Cresci, Signer Fallar, Signer Bellini, Signer Ciampi. Conductor, Signer Vianesi ; Leader, Mr. Levey. On Tuesday, December 3rd, " Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Mdme. Grisi ; Maffeo Orsini, Mdme. Lemaire ; Don Alfonso, Signer Cresci ; Vitellozo, Signer Fallar ; Liverotto, Signer Aspa; Gubetta, Signer Bellini ; Gen- naro, Signer Galvani. On Wednesday, 4th, "Rigoletto." Gilda, Mdlle. Dario ; Madelina, Mdme. Lemaire ; Contessa, Mdlle. Bossi; Rigoletto, Signer Cresci; Sparafucele, Signer Ciampi ; Marcello, Signer Fallar ; Monteroni, Signer Ceni ; II Duca, Signer Galvani. On Thursday, "Norma." Norma, Madame Grisi; Adalgaisa, Miss Ellen Conran (her first appearance) ; Pollio, Mr. Swift; Flavio, Signer Aspa; Oroveso, Signer Ciampi. On Saturday, " Trovatore." Leonora, Mdme. Grisi ; Azucena, Mdme. Lemaire ; Inez, Mdlle. Bossi ; Conte di Luna, Cresci ; Ferrando, Signor Ciampi ; Un Zingara, Signer Bellini ; Manrico, Signor Galvani. On Monday, December gth, " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Grisi ; Donna Elvira, Mdlle. Dario ; Zerlina, Miss Ellen Conran ; Ottavio, Signor Galvani ; Leporello, Ciampi ; Masetto, Bossi ; Commendatore, Fallar ; Don Giovanni, Signor Cresci. On Tuesday, December loth, " Un Ballo in Maschera." Amelia, Miss Ellen Conran; Ulrica, Mdme. Lemaire; Oscar, Mdlle. Dario ; Renato, Signor Cresci ; Tomaso, Signor Fallar ; Samuele, Signor Ciampi ; Silvano, Signor Bellini ; Riccardo, Signor Galvani. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 215 On Wednesday, repeat of " Lucrezia." On Thursday, " Trovatore." On Friday, " La Traviata." Violetta, Mdlle. Dario ; Flora, Mdme. Bossi ; Germont, Signer Cresci j II Barone, Signer Fallar ; Alfredo, Signer Galvani. Second Act of " Un Ballo " and First Act of " II Barbiere." Rosina, Miss E. Conranj Figaro, Signor Cresci j Almaviva, Signer Galvani. On Saturday last night (benefit of Miss Conran) " Marta." Enrichetta, Grisi ; Nancy, Miss E. Conran ; Plunketto, Signor Ciampi ; Tristano, Signor Fallar ; Sheriffo, Signor Bellini ; Lionelli, Signor Galvani. The Company proceeded to Cork and Limerick, and, on the return, " Norma" was given for the benefit of Mdme. Grisi, announced as " positively her last appear- ance on any stage in the United Kingdom." Miss Ellen Conran was the daughter of William Sarsfield Conran, an eminent pianist of Dublin, and great public favourite. She made a most successful debut; Mdme. Grisi taking the greatest interest in her welfare, and bestowing much pains in imparting to Miss Conran at rehearsals the most careful lessons in stage business ; teaching her also, with the greatest care, the different passages and cadenzas which occur in the duets which occur between Adalgisa and Norma, " De Conte," &c. It is hardly necessary to say that Grisi did not require rehearsal for music which she had so repeatedly sung. She, however, went over every note with this young artiste, so that no hitch might possibly occur ; of course it was of the last importance to Norma that all should be smooth ; and the uninitiated 2l6 ANNALS OF THE are not aware of the extreme pains exercised, and the perfect understanding which must exist between two even of the most finished artistes, to ensure the precision which is indispensable for public performance. Grisi, was, however, on this occasion prompted more by kind- ness for the young Dublin Adalgisa than from any selfish motives, and displayed a nervous anxiety which gave strong evidence of a kindness of heart worthy of a great artiste. This Engagement'was not a marked success. On Tuesday, October yth, 1862, the following Com- pany: Mdlle. Titiens, Mdme. Louise Michal, Mdlle. Florio, Mdme. Lemaire, Mdme. Pauline Castro, Sign or Badiali, Herr Formes, Signor Casaboni, Signer Soldi, Signor Bossi, SignorJGiuglini. Conductor, Signor Arditi. On Tuesday, " II Trovatore ;" with Titiens, Louisa Michal, Badiali, Formes and Giuglina. On Wednesday, " Lucia ;" with Mdlle. Pauline Castro, Signor Badiale, Herr Formes, Giuglini. On Friday, "Puritani." Titiens, Giuglini, Badiali,. Formes. On Saturday, i ith, Marta." Titiens, Pauline Castro,. Giuglini, Badiali, Formes. Monday, i3th, " Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Titiens ; Orsino, Mdme. Lemaire ; Gennaro, Giuglini ; II Duca, Badiali. Tuesday, i4th, " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Titiens; Elvira, Louise Michal ; Zerlina, Pauline Castro ; Lepo- rello, Herr Formes ; Giovanni, Badiali ; Masetto, Bossi ;. Commendatore, Casaboni ; Ottavio, Giuglini. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 2 1/ On Wednesday, i5th, "Norma." Norma, Titiens ; Adalgisa, Louise Michal ; Oroveso, Bossi ; Pollio, Signer Palmiera (his first appearance). On Friday, lyth, " Lucrezia Borgia." Cast as before. Saturday, i8th, benefit of Titiens, and last night. "Puritan!" and Third Act of "Robert le Diable." Bertram, Formes ; Rambaldo, Signer Ubalde ; Robert, Signer Palmieri ; Alice, Mdlle. Titiens. (No remarkable event.) Mdlle. Titiens, Mdme. Volpini (her first appearance), Mdlle. Giraldoni, Mdlle. Trebelli (her first appearance), Signer Volpini (his first appearance) ; Signor Bettini (his first appearance), Signor Soldi, Mr. Sims Reeves (his first appearance these nine years), Mr. Santley (his first appearance), Signor Bossi, Signor Casaboni. Sug- geritore, Signor Fontana ; Regisseur, Signor Grua ; Conductor, Signor Arditi ; Leader, Mr. Levey. Saturday, September 26th, 1863, "Lucia." Edgardo, Mr. Sims Reeves ; Arturo, Signor Soldi ; Normanno, Signor Casaboni ; Ashton, Mr. Santley ; Raimondo, Signor Bossi; Alice, Mdlle. Giraldoni; Lucia, Mdlle. Volpini (in consequence of Mdlle. Titiens having missed the train). On Monday, September 28th, " Marta." Lionello, Signor Bettini ; Tristano, Signor Casaboni ; Plunketto, Signor Bossi ; Sheriffo, Signor Pretti ; Nancy, Mdlle. Trebelli ; Marta, Mdlle. Volpini. Tuesday, September 29th. The following announcement appeared " Postponement of the production of ' Faust ' until Thursday next, when it will positively be performed. 2l8 ANNALS OF THE In consequence of the amount of preparation necessary for the representation of a work of such importance and magnitude, and which has created such a remarkable sensation throughout the whole of the principal Theatres of Europe, it has been deemed necessary, in order to attain that ensemble so indispensable to this celebrated work, to postpone the first performance until Thursday next, October ist, when will be presented for the first time Gounod's celebrated Opera of ' Faust.' " On Tuesday evening, September 29111, "II Trova- tore." Manrico, Signor Volpini ; Conte di Luna, Mr. Santley ; Ferrando, Signor Bossi ; Ruiz, Signor Vercel- lini ; Un Zingara, Signor Casaboni ; Azucena, Mdlle. Trebelli ; Inez, Mdlle. Giraldoni ; Leonora, Mdlle. Titiens. On Wednesday, 3oth, " Un Ballo in Maschera." Ricardo, Volpini ; Renato, Mr. Santley ; Samuele, Ver- cellini ; Tomaso, Signor Bossi ; Ulrica, Mdlle. Trebelli ; Oscar, Mdlle. Volpini ; Amelia, Mdlle. Titiens. On Thursday evening, October ist, 1863, Gounod's Opera, " Faust." Faust, Mr. Sims Reeves ; Valentino, Mr. Santley ; Wagner, Signor Casaboni ; Mephistophele, Signor Bossi ; Siebel, Mdlle. Trebelli ; Marta, Mdlle. Giraldoni ; Margherita, Mdlle. Titiens. (The Band of the 86th Regiment.) Friday, October 2nd, " La Traviata." Alfredo, Signor Bettini ; Germont, Mr. Santley ; Gastone, Mdlle. Trebelli {" who has kindly undertaken the part, in which she will introduce ' No, no, no,' from ' Les Huguenots.' ") Obigny, Signor Vercellini ; Medico, Signor Bossi ; Anina, Mdlle. Giraldoni \ Violetta, Mdlle. Volpini. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 219 On Saturday, October 3rd (in consequence of the immense success), " Faust," as before. On Monday, "Norma." Norma, Mdlle. Titiens; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Volpini; Clotilda, Mdlle. Giraldoni Oroveso, Signer Bossi ; Flavio, Signer Casaboni ; Pollio, Signer Volpini. On Tuesday, 6th October, " Faust," as before. On Wednesday, " Marta " (repeat). On Thursday, 8th, Oberon " (first time in Italian). Sir Huon, Sims Reeves: Sherasmin, Mr. Santley; Oberon, Signor Bettini ; Babakin, Signer Bossi ; Califo, Signer Casaboni; Puck, Mdlle. Volpini; Fatima, Mdlle. Trebelli ; Reiza, Mdlle. Titiens. On Friday, " Traviata " (repeat). On Saturday (last night), " in consequence of the immense success," repeat of " Oberon." This engagement is, indeed, memorable for the first production of " Faust " and of " Oberon ;" also for the numerous " first appearances " of so many artistes des- tined to become immense favourites Trebelli, Santley, Signor Bettini, &c. Signor Volpini made his mark as a genuine, substantial, manly tenor, most satisfactory in every part he undertook. The Dublin audience may be considered very fastidious with reference to tenors, still, coming after all the great ones, Volpini held his ground well, and became a great favourite. Mdlle. Volpini was fortunate in meeting an opportunity the very first night of the engagement. In consequence of the accidental absence of Titiens, by missing a train, the young soprana, at a short notice, sustained the part of " Lucia." 220 ANNALS OF THE Audiences in general are, on all such occasions, in- dulgent to a rising artiste who can on an emergency undertake an important role when successful, the applause will be greater than if announced as " Prima- Donna" beforehand. Mdlle. Volpini took the public quite by surprise by her admirable singing and acting, and established herself so firmly, that the announcement appeared the next day that, " In consequence of Mdlle. Volpini's great success, she will appear on Friday in ' La Traviata.'" Several similar instances have occurred,, which have made the fortune of " Remplagantes." Miss Rainsforth (in English Opera) is one instance. She undertook the part of "Norma" at a moment's notice, when Miss Adelaide Kemble was taken ill, and thus elevated herself to the position of prima-donna, which she enjoyed for several years on the English Stage. It is unnecessary to allude to the almost unprece- dented success of Trebelli, who up to the present moment enjoys a world- wide reputation, which in every city in Europe seems to increase, and which must still in- crease, as long as purity of style and finished taste indeed, art, in its highest lyric form continue to be appreciated. Then Santley, the greatest baritone England has yet pro- duced indeed, unsurpassed by any foreign artist in voice or high-toned musical education. An instrumentalist in his younger days (having played the violin at the Liver- pool Philharmonic), he enjoyed the advantage of a most perfectly formed " ear," which those may lack who have not studied a stringed instrument. As Mr. Santley is still in the enjoyment of all his great powers, and con- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 221 tinues periodically to visit Dublin, more welcome each time, it is unnecessary to enlarge more on his merits. Signer Bettini, though last, not least, must not be for- gotten. This tenor only required a little more power of voice to have placed him amongst those who have arrived at the top of the ladder. The wonderfully artistic manner in which he managed the rather limited organ which nature placed at his disposal, was most remarkable. Al- though wanting force, the voice was exquisitely sweet, and in music requiring flexibility, such as Rossini's Count Almaviva, &c., he was perfection, varying his passages on the repetition of a phrase with great judgment a proceeding very often admissible in florid composers, but sometimes abused. It is related that Rossini, after hear- ing a song of his own performed by a great Parisian soprano, was asked : "Well, Maestro, what do you think of that ? " " Magnificent," replied Rossini ; " but who is the composer ? " Bettini did not go so far, but " used all gently." His singing in " Oberon " was something charming. The first performance of the now familiar "Faust" was a success, but a succes d'estime. It must be ad- mitted that the audience were a little puzzled, and varied were the critical remarks. The journals were for the most part favourable, but the pit-goers, in particular, were doubtful. All admitted the " grandeur " of the work, the fulness of the orchestra, c. \ but it was asked, " Where is the melody ? Why, the only tune is ' The Soldiers' Chorus,'" &c., &c. (Valentine's first song, " Dio pos- sente," was not then introduced.) The cavillers were an- 222 ANNALS OF THE swered by " What do you say to Trebelli's song, ' Le par- lati d'amor ?' " the reply to which was, " Ah, it's very short." " Well, but c The Jewel Song ? ' " one enthusiast asked seriously. " Now, who could whistle any of that song? " Altogether, " Faust "at first left the impression of a great work of high art some thought rather too high and this is not to be wondered atafter so many years of the "Lucias," " Sonnambulas," " Puritanis," &c., &c., where the attention of the listener must be concentrated on the star on the stage singing, doubtless, a very pretty tune, with the orchestra, " vilely subservient," giving a tickling arpeggio accompaniment. Happily this state of things is passing away ; and although the old melodious works will, doubtless, still hold ground for some time, the public taste is fast improving, and the constant hearing of " Faust," with the works of Meyerbeer, Thomas, Wagner, &c., must surely educate us up to the more classical school, where luxuriant orchestration and more unity of " form " exist. Weber's " Oberon," in Italian guise, came on us now also for the first time. This work (written by Weber for Miss Paton, afterwards Mrs. Wood) had lain dormant for some years, partly, it was stated, because it was hope- less to find a vocalist who could declaim the great scena, " Ocean, thou mighty Monster," equal to the eminent English soprano, whose "reading" of this wonderfully de- scriptive composition was, indeed, an extraordinary effort of genius. However, Mr. Mapleson, with his accustomed foresight, knew he had an artiste equal to the occasion ; and, indeed, Titiens even excelled the great original in THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 223. this piece. By the addition of a recitative by Sir Julius Benedict, and some additions from other Operas of his old master, Weber, Sir Julius elevated a rather patchy musical drama, with certainly some exquisite songs, duets, quartets, &c., to an Italian Opera, or as near as possible thereto. When shall we again hear " Over the dark blue Waters," as given by Titiens, Trebelli, Sims Reeves, and Santley? What could equal the duet, "Let us be Merry," with Trebelli and Santley ; the songs, "A lonely Arab Maid" and "Oh! Araby" of Trebelli ? The " Mermaid's Song " by Mdlle. Volpini must not be forgotten ; and then, as already noticed, the " Ocean, thou mighty Monster " of Titiens. By-the-way, a slight inconsistency occurred on the last occasion but one of the performance of " Oberon." It was for the benefit of Titiens. At the forcible request indeed, the continued and boisterous command of the members of the upper gallery, immediately following " Ocean, thou mighty Monster," a pianoforte had to be carried on the stage (the waters of said ocean supposed to be running thereon), that poor Titiens should sing " The Last Rose of Summer ! " This she did with her (on this occasion) too yielding kindness and good-nature, notwithstanding her dishevelled hair and sea-like appearance. The piano- forte, on being rolled off the stage, unfortunately rolled over, creating shouts of laughter. " Oberon " has well held its ground, but its repetition, it is to be feared, is a distant event. NOTE. Thalberg's farewell Concerts took place this season, commencing on the i6th November. 224 ANNALS OF THE Sothern made his first appearance at the Royal, No- vember gth, 1863, as Lord Dundreary. Opera Company Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Grossi, Mdlle. Giraldini, and Mdlle. Sinico (her first appearance) ; Signer Gardoni, Mr. Santley, Signor Bossi, Signor Marini, Signer Vercellini, Signor Casaboni, and Mr. Swift. Conductor, Signor Arditi. On Saturday, September 24th, 1864, " Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Signor Gardoni ; Alfonso, Santley ; Rustighdlo, Marini ; Liverotto, Vercellini ; Astolfo, Casaboni ; Gu- betta, Bossi ; Orsini, Mdlle. Grossi ; Lucrezia, Titiens. On Monday, "Faust." Faust, Gardoni; Valentino, Santley ; Mephistophele, Bossi ; Wagner, Casaboni ; Siebel, Mdlle. Grossi ; Marta, Mdlle. Giraldini ; Marghe- rita, Titiens. On Tuesday, 2 ;th, " La Traviata." Alfredo, Gardoni ; Germont, Santley ; Gaston, Marini ; Barone, Vercellini ; Marchese, Casaboni ; Medico, Bossi ; Flora, Mdlle. Giral- dini ; Violetta, Mdlle. Sinico. On Wednesday, 28th, "Norma." Pollio, Swift; Oroveso, Bossi ; Flavio, Marini ; Clotilda, Mdlle. Giral- dini ; Adalgisa, Mdlle. Sinico ; Norma, Titiens. OnThursday, September 29th, 1864, firsttime in Dublin, Gounod's Grand Opera, "Mirella." Vincenzo, Signor Gardoni ; Orvias, Mr. Santley ; Ramon, Signor Bossi ; Ambrozio, Signor Casaboni; Vincenzina, Mdlle. Sinico ; Tavena, Mdlle. Grossi ; Mirella, Mdlle. Titiens. On Friday, 3oth, "Trovatore." Conte di Luna, Santley ; Ferrando, Bossi ; Manrico, Mr. Swift ; Azu- cena ; Mdlle. Grossi ; Leonora, Mdlle. Sinico. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 225 On Saturday, October ist, " Oberon." Huon, Gar- doni ; Oberon, Mr. Swift ; Sultano, Signor Bossi ; Scher- asmin, Santley ; Fatima, Mdlle. Gross! ; Puck, Mdlle. Sinico ; Reiza, Mdlle. Titiens. On Monday, 3rd, " Faust." Faust, Gardoni ; Valen- tini, Santley ; Mephistophele, Bossi ; Wagner, Casaboni ; Siebel, Mdlle. Grossi ; Martha, Mdlle. Giraldini ; Mar- gherita, Mdlle. Titiens. On Tuesday, 4th, " Fidelio." Ferdinando, Gardoni ; Pizzaro, Mr. Santley ; Rocco, Signor Bossi ; Jacquino? Mr. Swift ; Ministro, Signor Casaboni ; Marcellina, Mdlle. Sinico; Leonora, Mdlle. Titiens. On Wednesday, 5th, "Trovatore." On Thursday, 6th, " Norma." On Friday, 7th, "Marta." Lionello, Gardoni; Plun- ketto, Santley ; Sheriffo, Marini ; Enrichetta, Mdlle. Sinico ; Nancy, Mdlle. Grossi. On Saturday, 8th, " Fidelio." Last night ; benefit of Titiens. Gounod's charming pastoral "Tone Poem," " Mirella," was not a great success, and has never since been re- peated. This result is unaccountable ; the work is quite worthy of its great author, full of charming melody and rich scoring. Poor Titiens was much disappointed, having set her heart on its success in Dublin. Indeed, she was under the impression that her grand scena in " Mirella " would have produced even greater effect than her " Jewel Song" in "Faust." She was, however, mistaken, and was, in consequence, much depressed. She expressed her opinion, in which she is joined by many eminent 226 ANNALS OF THE musicians, that " Mirella " is still destined to force its way in the lyric world. Italian Opera Company. Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Veralli, Mdlle. Taccani, Mdlle. Zandrina (her first ap- pearance), Mdlle. Sinico, Signer Giuglini, Mr. Santley, Signer Garcia, Signer Celli, Signer Bossi, Signer Marini, Signer Vercellini, Signer Casaboni, Mr. Swift and Mons. Joulain (his first appearance). Conductor, Signor Arditi. Leader, Mr. Levey. On Monday, March 6th, 1865, "Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Mr. Swift : Alfonso, Signor Garcia ; Rustighello, Signor Marini ; Liverotto, Signor Casaboni ; Astolfo, Signor Celli ; Gubetta, Signor Bossi ; Orsini, Mdlle. Veralli ; Lucrezia, Mdlle. Titiens. On Tuesday, 7th, " II Trovatore." Manrico, Mons. Joulain ; Conte di Luna, Santley ; Ferrando, Bossi : Ruiz, Marini ; Zingaro, Casaboni ; Azucena, Mdlle. Veralli ; Leonora, Titiens. On Thursday, Qth, " Faust." Faust, Mons. Joulain ; Valentino, Santley ; Mephistophele, Bossi ; Siebel, Mdlle. Veralli ; Margherita, Titiens. On Saturday, nth, " Lucia." Edgardo, Mons. Joulain ; Ashton, Santley ; Raimondo, Bossi ; Lucia, Titiens. On Monday, i3th, "Faust," cast as before, except Siebel, Mdlle. Zandrina (first appearance). Tuesday, " Norma." Pollio, Signor Sinico (in consequence of Mr. Swift's illness). Oroveso, Signor Bossi ; Adalgisa, Mdme. Sinico ; Norma, Titiens. On Wednesday, isth, " Rigoletto." II Duca, Mons. Joulain ; Rigoletto, Santley ; Sparafucile, Bossi ; Monte- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 22 7 roni, Garcia ; Paggio, Mdlle. Zandrina ; Contessa, Mdlle. Taccani; Madalena, Mdlle. Veralli; Gilda, Madame Sinico. Thursday, 1 6th, "Trovatore" (repeat). Saturday, i8th, " Ernani." Ernani, Mons. Joulain ; Don Carlo, Santley ; Riva, Bossi ; Elvira, Titiens. Monday, 20th, "Lucia, as before. Tuesday, "Faust." Thursday, "Ernani/' Saturday, March 25th, first Act of "Fidelio," the Garden Scene from '"Faust," and the fourth Act of " Trovatore " last night. It will be perceived that Giuglini was announced to appear in this Company, but the following appeared on the first night's announcements : " Signor Giuglini having been delayed by indisposition on his return from St. Petersburg!!, the part of Gennaro will be under- taken by Mr. Swift, to prevent disappointment by change of Opera." Poor Giuglini never appeared again in Dublin ; he died soon after, under the melancholy cir- cumstances before recorded. When shall we hear such a tenor ? The remarks of Charles Lamb with reference to John Kemble may well (with a little alteration) be applied to Giuglini " He made his defects a grace ; his exact declamatory manner, as he managed it (in vocalism), only served to convey his points with more precision. It seemed to head the shafts, to carry them deeper ; not one of his sparkling effects was lost. We remember how minutely he delivered each in succession, and cannot by any effort imagine how any of them could be altered for 228 ANNALS OF THE the better." It required the united efforts of Mr. Swift (a thorough good musician-like English tenor), Mons. Joulain, a very charming French artiste, and (on an extra- ordinary occasion), Signer Sinico, to fill up the place of the "great departed." Signer Sinico only appeared the one night, on which occasion, relieving the management from a great emergency, he proved himself a thorough good and experienced musician, and one who, in his younger days, and in freshness of voice,must have enjoyed a well-earned reputation. Joulain made a marked im- pression, more particularly in the last scene of " Lucia," by his singing of the " Fra poco," the last movement being encored doubly, and the audience remaining long after the falling of the curtain to call "Joulain out!" Mdlle. Zandrina was a niece of Titiens, with fair promise ; she soon retired from the stage. It was reported that a matrimonial engagement existed between herself and and Signor Vizzani, which report has not as yet been verified. Italian Company, commencing September i8th, 1865. Mdlle. Titiens, Mdme. Sinico, Mdlle. Sarolta (her first appearance), Mdlle. Redi (first appearance), . Mdme. De MericLablache (her first appearance in Dublin), Signor Mario, Signor Filippi, Signor Stagno (his first appear- ance), Signor Foil (his first appearance), Signor Bossi, Signor Casaboni, Siguor Vercellini, and Mr. Santley. Conductor, Signor Arditi. On Monday, September i8th, " Faust." Faust, Mario ; Valentino, Santley ; Mephistophele, Bossi ; Siebel, Mdlle. Sarolta ; Monta, Mdlle. Redi ; Margherita, Titiens. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 229 On Tuesday, ' Norma." Norma, Titiens ; Adalglsa, Sinico ; Oroveso, Foil ; Pollio, Stagno. On Wednesday, " Rigoletto." II Duca, Mario ; Rigo- letto, Santley ; Sparafucile, Bossi ; Madelina, Madame De Meric Lablache ; Gilda, Madame Snrolta. On Thursday, 21 st, "Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Titiens ; Elvira, Mdme. Sinico ; Zerlina, Mdlle. Sarolta ; Giovanni, Santley ; Leporello, Bossi ; Ottavio, Mario. On Friday, 22nd, " La Traviata." Alfredo, Signer Stagno; Germont, Santley ;, Barone, Casaboni; Mar- chese, Filippi ; Medico, Bossi ; Violetta, Mdme. Sarolta. On Saturday, 23rd, " Trovatore." Manrico, Mario; Conte di Luna, Santley; Ferrando, Bossi; Azucena, Mdme. De Meric Lablache ; Leonora, Titiens. On Monday, "Faust" (repeat). Tuesday, 26th, " Fidelio." Pizarro, Santley ; Rocco, Bossi; II Ministri, Foli ; Fernando, Swift; Marcellina. Mdme. Sinico ; Leonora, Titiens. On Wednesday, 2 7th, "Marta." Lionello, Mario; Plunketto, Bossi ; Nancy, Mdme. De Meric Lablache ; Lady Enrichetta, Mdme. Sinico. Thursday, " Lucrezia Borgia." Alfonso, Santley ; Gennaro, Stagno ; Gubetta, Bossi ; Rustighello, Filippi ; Orsini, De Meric Lablache ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Friday, 29th, " Un Ballo in Maschera," Ricardo, Mario : Renato, Santley ; Tomaso, Bossi ; Samuel e, Foli ; Falvio, Casaboni ; Ulrica, Mdme. De Meric La- blache; Oscar, Mdlle. Sarolta; Amelia, Mdme. Sinico. On Saturday, soth, " Don Giovanni " (repeat.) Monday, October 2nd, " Trovatore." 230 ANNALS OF THE Tuesday, October 3rd, ' Marta." Wednesday, 4th October, " Der Freischutz." Casparo, Santley ; Rodolfo, Stagno ; Kuno, Bossi ; Hermit, Foli ; Killiano, Casaboni ; Ottakar, Filippi ; Annetta, Madame Sinico; Agata, Mdlle. Titiens. On Thursday, 5th, " Faust," as before. On Friday, 6th, " Der Freischutz " last night. The first appearance of Foli rendered this engagement special. Fourteen years (who would suppose it ?) have passed, still his grand voice seems better on each suc- cessive visit. His fine manly person, and easy bearing on the stage, will ever be welcome to the Dublin audience, who live in hope to welcome their favourite and eminent basso for years to come. Madame De Meric Lablache also " came out " during this engagement, and a more substantial, universally- accomplished lady could hardly be found, with a voice (mezzo-soprano) almost contralto in quality and in general fulfilling parts of this class. Mdme. De Meric Lablache is " under studied " in almost every part in the Operatic Calendar, and therefore, in cases of illness or disappointment, from whatever cause, this most useful of " members " is ready at a moment's notice to become the prima or seconda donna, and has often, by so doing, relieved the management of much embarrassment. Mdme. Sarolta was also a successful debutante. 1866 The following Italian Company : Mdme. Grisi, Mdlle. Enequist, Mdme. De Meric Lablache, Mdlle. Edi, and Mdme. Sinico ; Signor Amodio, Signer Cara- voglio, Signor Bossi, Signor Capello, Signor Casaboni, THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 23! Signor Foli, Signor Stagno, Signer Mario. Conductor, Signor Arditi. On Monday, March izth, 1866, " Faust." Faust, Mario ; Mephistophele, Bossi; Valentino, Signor Amodio (first appearance) ; Siebel, Mdme. De Meric Lablache ; Mar- gherita, Mdme. Sinico. Tuesday, i3th, " Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Stagno; Alfonso, Foli ; Gubetta, Bossi ; Maffio Orsini, De Meric Lablache; Luerezia, Grisi. Wednesday, i4th, " Marta." Lionello, Mario ; Plun- ketto, Bossi; Nancy, De Meric Lablache; Henrietta, Mdme. Sinico. Thursday, i5th, " Norma." Pollio, Stagno; Oroveso, Foli ; Adalgisa, Enequist ; Norma, Grisi. On Friday, i6th, "Trovatore." Manrico, Mario; II Conte, Amodio ; Ferrando, Bossi ; Azucena, De Meric Lablache ; Leonora, Mdme. Sinico. On Saturday, iyth, " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Grisi ; Elvira, Enequist ; Zerlina, De Meric Lablache ; Leporello, Bossi ; Masetto, Casaboni ; Commendatore, Foli ; Don Giovanni, Signor Caravoglio ; Ottavio, Mario. On Monday, igth, "Faust," repeated. On Tuesday, 20th, " Norma." On Wednesday, 2ist, " La Traviata." Alfredo, Signor Stagno ; Germont, Amodio ; Dottore, Bossi ; Violetta, Sinico. Thursday, 22nd, "Trovatore," repeated, except Man- rico, played by Stagno. Friday, 23rd, " Don Giovanni" repeated. Saturday, 24th, " Don Giovanni " repeated. Last night. 232 ANNALS OF THE This was really the third and last " last appearance " of Grisi. Even after the enormous sums of money received during a long professional career, circumstances obliged her to remain too long before the public. Like other great artistes, she would not believe in the decline of her powers. The public were naturally surprised at each announcement of her appearance after her last farewell ; the manifest change was too apparent, and, of course, the houses "fell off;" and on this occasion, more particu- larly, the result was not profitable. It was also the season of Lent, which did not improve matters. When some musical Agnes Strickland shall chronicle " The Lives of the Queens of Song," Grisi and Titiens will hold first places. On Monday, September lyth, 1866, Italian Opera com- menced, as follows : Mdme. Titiens, Mdlle. Bau- meister (first appearance), Mdlle. Zandrina, Mdme. De Meric Lablache, Mdme. Sinico ; Signer Mario, Signer Morini (first appearance), Signor Gassier, Signor Capello, Signor Foli, Signor Bossi, Signor Casaboni, Mr. Santley. Conductor, Signor Arditi. Monday, lyth, "Faust." Faust, Mario; Valentino, Santley ; Mephistophele, Gassier ; Wagner, Bossi ; Siebel, Mdlle. Zandrina ; Marta, Mdme. Baumeister ; Marghe- rita, Titiens. Tuesday, iSth, "Lucia." Lucia, Sinico; Alisa, Bau- meister; Ashton, Gassier; Raimondo, Bossi ; Normanno, Casaboni ; Arturo, Capello ; Edgardo, Morini. Wednesday, igth, " Marta." Lionello, Mario ; Plun- ketto, Santley ; Tristano, Bossi ; Nancy, De Meric Lab- lache ; Henrietta, Titiens. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 235. Thursday, 2oth, "Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Morini;. Alfonso, Gassier ; Gubetta, Bossi ; Maffeo, De Meric Lablache ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Friday, 2ist, "Traviata." Alfredo, Morini; Germont, Santley ; Marchese, Capello ; Medico, Bossi , Annina, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Violetta, Sinico. On Saturday, 22nd, " Trovatore." Manrico, Mario; Conte di Luna, Santley ; Ferrando, Bossi ; Ruiz,. Capello ; Azucena, De Meric Lablache ; Leonora, Titiens. On Monday, 24th, " Semiramide." Assur, Gassier ;. Oroe, Bossi ; Idreno, Morini ; L'Ombra, Casaboni ; Ar- sace, De Meric Lablache ; Semiramide, Titiens. On Tuesday, 25th, " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Mario; St. Bris, Gassier ; Nevers, Santley ; Marcello, Foli ; Meru, Bossi ; Tavannes, Capello ; Maurevert, Casaboni ; De Retz, Balesca ; De Cosse, Bolli ; Marguerite, Sinico ; Dame d'Onore, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Urbano, Mdlle. Zan- drina ; Valentina, Titiens. On Wednesday, 26th, " Der Freischutz." Rodolfo, Morini ; Caspar, Santley ; Killiano, Gassier ; Kuno, Bossi ; Eremita, Foli ; Ottaker, Capello ; Annetta, Mdme. Sinico ; Agata, Titiens. On Thursday. Rigoletto." II Duca, Mario ; Rigo- letto, Santley ; Sparafucile, Bossi ; Monteferone, Foli ; II Paggio, Mdlle. Zandrina ; Giovanna, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Madelina, Mdlle. De Meric Lablache ; Gilda, Mdlle. Sinico. On Friday 28th. "Don Giovanni." Ottavio, Mario; Don Giovanni, Gassier ; Commendatore, Foli ; Leporello, 234 ANNALS OF THE Bossi ; Masetto, Casaboni ; Elvira, Mdlle. Sinico ; Zerlina, Mdlle. Zandrina ; Donna, Titiens. On Saturday. " Faust " (repeat). Monday, October ist. " Huguenots " (repeat). Tuesday, 2nd. " Le Nozze di Figaro." Figaro, Gassier ; II Conte, Santley ; Don Bartolo, Bossi ; Basilio, Morini ; Antonio, Casaboni ; Susanna, Sinico ; Cherubino, Zand- rina ; La Contessa, Titiens. On Wednesday, October 3rd. " II Puritani." Arturo, Mr. Tom Hohler (first appearance in Dublin) ; Ricardo, Gassier ; Georgio, Foli ; Bruno, Bossi ; Enrichetta, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Elvira, Mdlle. Sinico. Thursday. " Trovatore " (repeat). On Friday, October 5th. Benefit of Titiens and last night. First and second Acts of " Norma." Pollio, Morini ; Oroveso, Foli ; Adalgisa, Sinico ; Norma, Titiens. Second and third Acts of " Faust," and third Act of *' Puritani," as before. It would be unjust to pass over the first appearance of Mdlle. Baumeister, one of the most useful and universal of Operatic artistes, who is ever ready to " rush into the breach " on any emergency ; having studied almost every part in the lyric catalogue, acquitting herself on all occasions as an excellent and finished vocalist, as well as a ready and accomplished " musicienne." Gassier's high finish has been already noticed, his scale-singing during this engagement, more particularly in the first scene of " Semiramide," was delightful. " Tom Hohler " made a good impression. The Company thus : Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Clara Doria THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 235 (her first appearance), Mdlle. De Meric Lablache, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Sinico, Signer Tombesi (first appear- ance), Mr. Hohler, Signer Bolli, Signer Agretti, Signer Balesca, Signer Casaboni, Mr. Lyall, Signer Gassier, Signer Foli, Signer Zoboli (her first appearance), Mr. Santley. Conductor, Signer Bevignani. On Monday, September i6th, 1867. " Le Nozze di Figaro." II Conte, Santley ; Figaro, Gassier ; Bartolo, Foli ; Basilic, Mr. Lyall ; Antonio, Casaboni ; Cherubino, De Meric Lablache ; Marcellini, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Susanna, Madame Sinico ; La Contessa, Titiens. On Tuesday, " Norma." Pollio, Tombesi; Oroveso, Foli; Clotilda, Baumeister; Adalgisa, Sinico; Normn, Titiens, On Wednesday, " Marta." Lionello, Mr. T. Hohler ; Plunketto, Santley; Sheriffo, Mr. Lyall; Nancy, De Meric Lablache ; Marta, Sinico. Thursday. "Trovatore." Manrico, Tombesi; Conte di Luna, Santley ; Ferrando, Foli ; Azucena, De Meric Lablache ; Leonora, Titiens. On Friday, zoth, " Sonnambula." Elvino, T. Hohler; Conte Rodolfo, Gassier ; Lisa, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Amina, Mdlle. Clara Doria (first appearance). N.B. The names of Mdlle. Trebelli Bettini and Signer Bettini (first appearance for four years) were now added to the list. On Saturday, Sept. 2ist, " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Signer Bettini ; Conte di San Bris, Gassier ; Conte di Nevers, Santley ; De Cosse, Mr. Lyall ; Tavannes, Agretti; Bois' Rose, Bolli; De Retz, Casabom'-; Marcello, Foli; 236 ANNALS OF THE Margherita, Madame Sinico ; Urbano, Madame Trebelli Bettini ; Dame d'Onore, Baumeister ; Valentino, Titiens. On Monday, 2yd, " Faust." Faust, Signer Bettini ; Valentino, Santley; Mephistophele, Gassier; Siebel, Madame Trebelli Bettini ; Marta, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Margherita, Titiens. First production of Nicolai's " Falstaff." On Tuesday, September 24th, was given, for the first time in Dublin, Nicolai's favourite Opera of " Falstaff." Mrs. Ford, Titiens ; Mrs. Page, Mdlle. De Meric Lablache; Anne Page, Madame Sinico ; Mr, Ford, Mr. Santley ; Mr. Page, Signer Gassier ; Fenton, Mr. Hohler ; Dr. Caius, Signer Zoboli ; Slender, Mr. Lyall ; Sir John Falstaff, Signer Foli. On Wednesday, "II Barbiere." II Conte Almaviva, Bettini ; Figaro, Gassier ; Dr. Bartolo, Zoboli ; Basilio, Foli ; Berta, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Rosina, Mdme. Trebelli Bettini. On Thursday, " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Titiens ; Zerlina, Trebelli Bettini ; Elvina, Sinico ; Ottavio, Hohler; Leporello, Boboli ; Commendatore, Foli ; Masetto, Casa- boni ; Don Giovanni, Gassier. On Friday, 2 yth, " Lucia." Edgardo, Tombesi ; Ashton, Santley ; Arturo, Agretti ; Raimondo, Foli ; Alice, Bau- meister ; Lucia, Mdlle. Clara Doria. On Saturday, 28th, " Oberon." Reiza, Titiens ; Fatima, Madame Trebelli Bettini ; Puck, De Meric Lablache ; Mermaid, Baumeister ; Scherasman, Santley ; Babekan, Gassier ; L'Emiro, Boboli ; Astrakan, Agretti ; Sir Huon, Tombesi ; Oberon, Signor Bettini. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 237 Monday, 3oth. " Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Signor Bettini; Alfonso, Gassier; Gubetta, Foli; Rustighello, Agretti; Liverotto; Zoboli; Petrucci, Lyall; MarTeo Orsini ; Madame Trebelli Bettini ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Tuesday, Oct. ist " La Traviata." Alfredo, Hohler ; Germont, Santley ; Medico, Foli ; Gaston, Agretti ; II Barone, Zoboli ; Marchese, Casaboni ; Guiseppe, Lyall ; Amina, Baumeister ; Violetto, Madame Sinico. On Wednesday, 2nd, " Semiramide." Idreno, Signor Bettini ; Assur, Gassier ; Oroe, Foli ; L'Ombra, Casaboni ; Arsace, Madame Trebelli Bettini ; Semiramide, Titiens. On Thursday, 3rd, " Faust " (as before). On Friday, 4th, " Trovatore " (as before). Saturday, 5th. " Oberon." Titiens' benefit, and last night. The additions of Signor Bettini and his wife tended to " pull up " this engagement, which was " flagging." The event was the first performance of Nicolai's " Falstaff," a charming work, replete with sparkling ideas, well worked out ; but it failed to make a great impression in fact, as is very often the case in Dublin with new works, the public did not come to judge ; the house being about half filled, if so much; the risk of repetition was not attempted, Trovatore, Lucia, or any of the oft-repeated Operas proving much more profitable. We must not pass over an amateur performance of " II Trovatore," which took place on Tuesday, March 3ist, 1868, with the following cast: Leonora, Miss Annie Doyle; Azucena, Mrs. E. L. Shaw ; Inez, Miss Levey ; Conte di Luna, Mr. J. J. Marlow; Fernando, Mr. P. Hayes; 238 ANNALS OF THE Ruiz, Mr. Montgomery ; Manrico, Mr. C. Cummins. Conductor, Mr. George G. Lee. A capital performance of the Opera, alike creditable to the Conductor and all the amateurs concerned in it. 1868. (First appearance of Mongini). September. Italian Opera Company. Mdlle. Titiens, Mdme. Sinico, Mdme. De Meric Lablache, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Hersee, Mdlle, Zandrina, Mdme. Trebelli Bettini, Signor Mongini (first appearance), Signor Bettini, Signor Bul- terini (first appearance), Signor Bolli, Signor Campi (first time), Signor Crosti (first time), Signor Foli, Signor Zoboli, Mr. Santley, Herr Formes and Mr. Lyall. Conductor, Signor Bevignani ; Leader, Mr. Levey. Monday, i4th September, 1868, " Trovatore." Man- rico, Mongini ; Conte di Luna, Santley ; Ferrando, Foli ; Azucena,'De Meric Lablache ; Inez, Baumeister; Leonora, Titiens. Tuesday, " Der Freischutz." Rudolph, Mongini ; Caspar, Santley ; Eremita, Foli ; Killano, Casaboni ; Kuno, Zoboli ; Annetta, Madame Sinico ; Agata, Titiens. Wednesday, i6th, "Lucia." Edgardo, Signor Bul- terini ; Ashton, Crosti; Raimondo, Foli; Arturo, Agretti; Alice, Baumeister ; Lucia, Mdme. Sinico. Thursday, "Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Mongini; Alfonsi, Crosti; Gubetta, Foli; Rustighello, Agretti; Astolfo, Campi; Petrucci, Mr. Lyall; Orsini, Mdlle. Zandrina ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Friday, i8th, " Rigoletto." II Duca, Bulterini, Rigo- letto, Santley ; Sparafucile, Foli ; Paggio, Mdlle. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 239 Baumeister ; Madelina, Zandrina, Giovanni, Hersee; Gilda, Mdme. Sinico. Saturday, i Qth, "Faust." Faust, Bulterini j Valentino, Santley ; Mephistophele, Crosti ; Siebel, Sandrina ; Marta, Baumeister ; Margharita, Titiens. Monday, 2ist, " Norma." Pollio, Mongini ; Oro- veso, Foli ; Adalgisa, Sinico ; Coltilda, Baumeister ; Norma, Titiens. Tuesday, 22nd, " Le Nozze." II Conte, Santley j Figaro, Herr Formes j Don Basilio, Lyall ; Don Curzio, Agretti ; Susanna, Sinico ; Marcellina, Baumeister; Cherubino, Sandrina ; La Contessa, Titiens. Wednesday, 23rd, " Marta." Lionello, Mongini; Plunketto, Santley ; Tristram, Zoboli ; Guiseppa, Lyall ; Nancy, Trebelli ; Marta, Sinico. Thursday, 24th, " Don Giovanni." Ottavio, Bettini ; Don Giovanni, Santley ; Leporello, Formes ; Commen- datore, Foli ; Mazetto, Zoboli ; Zerlina, Trebelli Bettini ; Elvira, Sinico ; Donna Anna, Titiens. Friday, 25th, " II Barbiere." II Conte, Bettini ; Figaro, Tagliafico ; Don Bartolo, Zoboli ; Fiorello, Casa- boni ; Basilio, Foli ; Marcellina, Baumeister ; Rosina, Trebelli Bettini. Saturday, 26th, " Fidelio." Florestan, Bulterini ; Pizzaro, Santley ; Rocco, Foli ; Ministro, Tagliafico ; Jaqueno, Lyall ; Marcellina, Sinico ; Leonora, Titiens. Monday, 28th, " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Mongini ; San Bris, Santley ; Nevers, Tagliafico ; De Corsi, Lyall ; Tavannes, Agretto ; Bois Rose, Bollio ; De Retz, Casa- boni ; Mera, Belasco ; Marcello, Foli ; Margharita, Sinico 240 AXXALS OF THE Urbano, Trebelli Bettini ; Dama D'Onore, Baumeister.; Valentina, Titiens. Tuesday, September 29th, 1868. First production in Dublin of "II Flauto Magico." Tamino, Bettini ; Papageno, Santley ; Sarastro, Foli ; Monastos, Lyall ; Due Uomini, Agretti and Campi ; Due Sacerdoti, Bolli .and Tagliafico ; Tre Geni, Hersee, Zandrina and Mdlle. Giacomina ; Tre Damigelli, Miss Cruise, Miss Baily and Miss Eiffe ; Regina della Notte, Baumeister ; Papagena, Sinico ; Pamina, Titiens. Wednesday, 3oth, " La Sonnambula." Elvino, Mon- gini ; Rodolfo, Tagliafico ; Alessio, Zoboli ; Lisa, Baumeister ; Teresa, Miss Cruise ; Amina, Sinico. Thursday, October ist, " Semiramide." Idreno, Bet- tini; Assur, Foli; Oroe, Tagliafico; Arsace, Trebelli Bettini ; Semiramide, Titiens. Friday, " II Flauto Magico " (repeat). Saturday, 3rd, " Oberon." (Benefit of Titiens.) Huon, Mongini ; Oberon, Bettini ; Scherasmin, Santley ; Fatima, Trebelli Bettini ; Mermaid, Baumeister ; Reiza, Titiens. Three first appearances this engagement, viz. : Bulte- rini (tenor), Campi (baritone), Mongini (tenor). Signor Mongini had made a great " stir " in London a most powerful tenors robusto he produced some great effects, but wanted the finish of many who preceded him ; he was the first who gave the ut depoitrine in the " Di quella pira" (Trovatore), and the night he introduced this change in Drury Lane, the pit audience rose en masse and cheered heartily ; it was also duly applauded in Dublin. In the " Huguenots," during a melee, Mongini was stabbed THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 241 with a wooden dagger, from which he was laid up for some days. The immortal " Flauto Magico " also now made its first appearance, and with as complete a cast as could well be obtained to interpret this charming work. The tenor music might have been written for Bettini, whose singing was perfection. Santley (Papageno) " goes with- out saying." " Charley " Lyall (artist in everything,) the best'of Monastos. Nothing could exceed the amusement created in the " frightened " duet between Papageno and Monastos. Everybody will remember Foil's " Qui S'degno;" also the "Pa, Pa," duet with Santley and Sinico, never equalled by others. The concerted trios of the Geni and Damigelli were remarkably well sung. The Opera was therefore naturally a great success, and has continued to be a great " draw " when well performed. First appearance of lima di Murska. Italian Company. Mdlle. Titiens, Madame Sinico, Mdlle. Scalchi (first appearance), Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Corsi, Mdlle. lima di Murska (first appearance), Signor Gardoni, Signer Delia Rocca (first appearance), Signer Marino (first appearance), Mr. Lyall, Signor Mongini, Signor Gassier, Signor Baggagiolo (first appear- ance, Signor Zoboli, Signor Campi, Herr Formes and Mr. Santley. Conductors, Signor Arditi and Signor Bevignani ; Principal Danseuse, Mdlle. Rosalia ; Maitre de Ballet, Mons. De Places. Monday, i3th September, 1869, "Les Huguenots" (with the whole strength). Tuesday, " Dinorah" (with the whole strength). Wednesday, 1 5th, "Trovatore." Manrico, Mongini; Q 242 . ANNALS OF THE II Conte, Santley: Ferrando, Baggagiolo; Azucena, Scalchi ; Leonora, Titiens. Thursday, i6th, "Lucia." Edgardo, Mongini ; Ar- turo, Marino ; Raimondo, Baggagiolo ; Lucia, lima di Murska. Friday, 1 7th, " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Titiens ; Zerlina, Sinico ; Elvira, Bauineister ; Don Giovanni, Santley ; Leporello, Zoboli ; De Ottavio, Gardoni. Saturday i8th, " II Flauto Magico." Tamino, Gordini ; Papageno, Santley; Sarastro, Baggagiolo ; Orator e, Campi ; Monastatos, Lyall ; Astrifiammanti, lima di Murska ; Papagena, Sinico ; Tre Geni, Mdlles. Baumeister, Scho- field, Clinton ; Tre Damigelli, Mdlles. Cruise, Corsi, and Scalchi ; Pamina, Titiens. Monday, 2oth, "Faust." Siebel, Scalchi; Marta, Mdme. Corsi ; Mephistophele, Gassier; Valentino, Santley ; Faust, Gardoni. Tuesday, zist, " Sonnambula." Elvino, Mongini ;, Conte Rodolfo, Gassier ; Terese, Corsi ; Lisa, Baumeister ;. Amina, lima di Murska. Wednesday, 22nd, " Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Mon- gini (in which he introduced "Desertoin Terra"); Alfonso, Gassier ; Gazella, Lyall ; Maffio Orsini, Scalchi ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Thursday, 23rd, " II Flauto," as before. Friday, 24th, "La Traviata." Germont, Santley; Gaston, Marino ; Baron, Zoboli; Dottore, Campi ; Alfredo, Delia Rocca (first appearance) ; Violetta, Sinico. Saturday, 25th, "Robert le Diable." Roberto, Gardoni ; Bertram, Baggagiolo ; Rambalda, Delia Rocca ; Alberto, THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 243 Campi ; First Cavaliere, Marino; Second Cavaliere, Lyall j Third Cavalier, Casaboni ; Eraldo, Marino ; Isabella, lima di Murska ; Helena, Mdlle. Ricois ; Alice, Titiens. Monday, 27th, " Linda di Chamouni." Carlo, Gar- doni ; Antonio, Santley ; Prefetto, Baggagiolo ; Pierotto, Scalchi ; Linda, lima di Murska. Tuesday, 28th, " Norma." Pollio, Mongini ; Oroveso, Baggagiolo ; Adalgisa, Sinico ; Norma, Titiens. Wednesday, 29th, "Lucia" (repeat). Thursday, 3oth, "Faust" (repeat). Friday, October ist, " Marta." Lionello, Mongini ; Plunketto, Gassier; Nancy, Scalchi; Marta, lima di Murska. Saturday, 2nd, " II Flauto." Monday, 4th, " Robert le Diable." Tuesday, 5th, " Der Freischutz." Rodolfo, Mongini ; Caspar, Santley ; Killiano, Gassier ; Annetta, Sinico ; Agata, Titiens. Wednesday, 6th, " Sonnambula " (repeat). Thursday, yth, " Fidelio." Florestano, Gardoni ; Pizzaro, Santley ; Rocco, Herr Formes ; Jacqueno, Lyall ; Marcellina, Sinico ; Leonora, Titiens. - Friday, 8th, " Marta " (second Act), as before ; first Act of " Traviata ;" concluding with the fourth Act of " Hamlet," containing the celebrated mad scene. Ophelia, lima di Murska. Saturday, gth, " II Trovatore " last night. " The cry was still they come !" More first appear- ances, viz : lima di Murska, Mdlle. Scalchi, Signer Marino, Signer Baggagiolo, the Danseuse Rosalia, and 244 ANNALS OF THE the celebrated Maitre de Ballet, Mons. Des Places. This Company was remarkably strong in quantity and quality. Di Murska sang the " Queen of Night's " song (II Flauto) in Mozart's original key (F), taking the audience quite by surprise from her extraordinary and distinct execution of the different staccato passages inci- dental to the work. Two encores every night. Mdlle. Di Murska also proved herself an accomplished artiste by her performance of Ophelia in the last act of Ambrose Thomas's " Hamlet," which she sang for the first time, and at a short notice, very beautifully. Mdlle. Scalchi at once established herself; and rapidly advancing in her pro- fession, has elevated herself to the position of first contralto in Covent Garden. Signer Baggagiolo was a good basso ; indeed all the " first appearances " found favour. First appearances of Fancelli, Vizzani, Ciampi, Cara- voglia. Italian Company Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Scalchi, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Madigan (first appearance), Mdlle. Leon Duval (first appearance), Mdlle. Sinico, Madame Trebelli Bettini, Mdlle. lima di Murska, Signer Vizzani (first appearance), Signer Bettini, Signer Rinaldini (first appearance), Signer Fancelli (first appearance), Signer Ciampi (first appearance), Signer Caravoglia (first appearance), Signer Taglian'co, Signer Casaboni, Mr. Morgan, Signer Antonucci (first appearance), Signer Cotogni (first appearance). Conductor, Signer Be- vignani. On Monday, September i2th, 1870, "Lucrezia Borgia." Oennaro, Signer Fancelli ; Alfonso, Antonucci ; Rustig- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 245 hello, Signer Rinaldini ; Liverotto, Mr. Morgan ; Gubetta, Tagliafico ; Maffeo Orsini, Mdlle. Scalchi ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Tuesday, 1 3th. "Puritani." Arturo, Vizzani ; Ricardo, Cotogni ; Georgio, Antonucci ; Bruno, Rinaldini ; Walton, Tagliafico ; Enrichetta, Baumeister ; Elvira, Sinico. Wednesday, i4th. " Trovatore." Manrico, Fancelli ; Conte, Cotogni ; Inez, Baumeister ; Leonora, Titiens. Thursday, i5th. "II Barbiere." Almaviva, Bettini; Figaro, Cotogni ; Bartolo, Ciampi ; Basilic, Tagliafico ; Rosina, Mdlle. Leon Duval. And second and third Acts of " Massaniello." Massaniello, Mr. Morgan (in conse- quence of Signor Fancelli's illness). Friday, 1 6th. "Norma." Oroveso, Antonucci; Flavio, Mr. Morgan ; Adalgisa, Sinico ; Norma, Titiens. Saturday, lyth. "Don Giovanni." Don Giovanni, Cotogni ; Leporello, Ciampi ; Zerlina, Trebelli Bettini ; Elvira, Sinico ; Donna Anna, Titiens. Monday, igth. " Le Nozze." Figaro, Cotogni ; Conte, Caravoglia ; Bartolo, Ciampi ; Chembino, Trebelli Bettini; Contessa, Titiens. Tuesday, 2oth. "Faust." Faust, Bettini; Mephis- tophele, Antonucci ; Valentino, Cotogni ; Siebel, Trebelli Bettini ; Margherita, Mdlle. Leon Duval. Wednesday, 2ist. " Trovatore " (repeat). Thursday, 22nd. " Sonnambula." Elvino, Fancelli; Rodolpho, Tagliafico ; Amina, lima di Murska. Friday, 23rd. " Semiramide." Idreno, Bettini ; Assur, Antonucci ; Arsace, Trebelli Bettini ; Semiramide, Titiens. 246- ANNALS OF THE Saturday, 24th. " II Flauto." Tamino, Bettini ; Papa- geno, Totogni ; Sarastro, Antonucci ; Queen ; of Night, Di Murska ; Papagena, Sinico ; Pamina, Titiens. Monday, 26th. " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Bettini; San Bris, Caravoglia ; Nevers, Cotogni ; Marcello, Anto- nucci;- Margherita, Sinico; Valentino, Titiens. Tuesday, 27th. "Lucia." Edgardo, Fancelli ; Enrico, Caravoglia ; Lucia, lima di Murska. Wednesday, 28th. " Don Giovanni " (as before). : Thursday, 2 gth. "II Flauto '' (repeat): : Friday, 30th. " Marta." Lionello, Vizzani ; Plunketto, Giampi; Tristano, Tagliafico; Nancy, Scalchi; Marta, lima di Murska. Saturday, 3 1 st. "Oberon." Huon, Fancelli ; Oberon, Bettini; Scherasmin, Cotogni; Fatima, Trebelli; Reiza, Titiens. Last night. Fancelli came amongst us now for the first time. His fame had of course preceded him through the Press, and, unlike others, he did not disappoint ; if not quite up to the standard of the great ones heard before, he may cer- tainly be placed as a first-class tenor, perhaps the best, or certainly the equal of any present aspirant. His voice is a pure and powerful tenor, and he improves in style each season. Signor Vizzani was also a success, and displayed most promising powers as a tenor, possessing an organ not very robust but of exquisite quality. He gave the " A te o Cara " with much effect, and all through the very trying music of " Puritani " he displayed much taste, using his voice skilfully and artistically. Signor Rinaldini, a most useful, indeed indispensable member of THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 247 the Company, also made good way. Caravoglia and Ciampi, both most efficient baritones, received full appre- ciation ; and Mr. Wilton Morgan proved his well-known efficiency by " rushing " into " Massaniello " in place of Fancelli, and coming off with honours. First appearances of Mdlle. Marimon, Agnesi, Men- NOTE. Thursday, 2 9 th. "II Flauto " (repeat). Madame Trebelli and Mdlle. Scalchi took parts in the Uamigelli," an almost unprecedented musical event. (tirst appearance), Signer Mendiorez (first time), Signer Caravoglia, Signor Zoboli, Signor Casaboni, Signer Stefano, Signor Foli, Mr. Morgan. Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. Monday, September nth, 1871. " Trovatore." Man- rico, Prudenza; Conte di Luna, Mendiorez; Ferrando, Foli; Ruiz, Rinaldini; Azucena, Trebelli; Leonora, Titiens, Tuesday, i2th. "La Figlia." Tonio, Vizzani; Sul- pizio, Agnesi ; Marchesa, Baumeister ; Maria, Marimon. Wednesday, 13*. "Anna Bolena." Henry VIII., Agnesi ; Percy, Prudenza ; Rochford, Caravoglia ; Smea- ton, Fernandez ; Jane Seymour, Columbo ; Anne Boleyn, Titiens. Thursday, i4th. " Sonnambula." Elvino, Vizzani; Rodolfo, Foli; Lisa, Baumeister; Teresa, Miss Cruise; Amina, Marimon. Friday, i5th. " Semiramide." Assur, Agnesi; Idreno, 246' ANNALS OF THE Saturday, 24th. " II Flauto." Tamino, Bettini ; Papa- geno, 'Cotogni ; Sarastro, Antonucci ; Queen ; of Night, Di Murska ; Papagena, Sinico ; Pamina, Titiens. Monday, 26th. " Les Huguenots.' 5 Raoul, Bettini; San Bris, Caravoglia ; Nevers, Cotogni ; Marcello, Anto- nucci;- Margherita, Sinico; Valentino, Titiens. lima di Murska. Saturday, 3 1 st. "Oberon." Huon, Fancelli ; Oberon, Bettini; Scherasmin, Cotogni; Fatima, Trebelli; Reiza, Titiens. Last night. Fancelli came amongst us now for the first time. His fame had of course preceded him through the Press, and, unlike others, he did not disappoint ; if not quite up to the standard of the great ones heard before, he may cer- tainly be placed as a first-class tenor, perhaps the best, or certainly the equal of any present aspirant. His voice is a pure and powerful tenor, and he improves in style each season. Signor Vizzani was also a success, and displayed most promising powers as a tenor, possessing an organ not very robust but of exquisite quality. He gave the " A te o Cara " with much effect, and all through the very trying music of " Puritani " he displayed much taste, using his voice skilfully and artistically. Signor Rinaldini, a most useful, indeed indispensable member of THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 247 the Company, also made good way. Caravoglia and Ciampi, both most efficient baritones, received full appre- ciation ; and Mr. Wilton Morgan proved his well-known efficiency by " rushing " into " Massaniello " in place of Fancelli, and coming off with honours. First appearances of Mdlle. Marimon, Agnesi, Men- diorez. Troupe: Mdlle. Titiens, Mdlle. Columbo, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Maria Marimon,' Madame Trebelli Bettini, Mdlle. Fernandez (first appearance), Mdlle. di Murska, Signor Vizzani, Signer Tesseman, Signer Rinal- dini, Signor Prudenza (first appearance), Signor Agnesi (first appearance), Signor Mendiorez (first time), Signor Caravoglia, Signor Zoboli, Signor Casaboni, Signor Stefano, Signor Foli, Mr. Morgan. Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. Monday, September nth, 1871. " Trovatore." Man- rico, Prudenza; Conte di Luna, Mendiorez; Ferrando, Foli ; Ruiz, Rinaldini ; Azucena, Trebelli ; Leonora, Titiens, Tuesday, i2th. "La Figlia." Tonio, Vizzani; Sul- pizio, Agnesi ; Marchesa, Baumeister ; Maria, Marimon. Wednesday, 13*. "Anna Bolena." Henry VIII., Agnesi ; Percy, Prudenza ; Rochford, Caravoglia ; Smea- ton, Fernandez ; Jane Seymour, Columbo ; Anne Boleyn, Titiens. Thursday, I4th. " Sonnambula." Elvino, Vizzani; Rodolfo, Foli; Lisa, Baumeister; Teresa, Miss Cruise; Amina, Marimon. Friday, 151)1. " Semiramide." Assur, Agnesi; Idreno, 248 ANNALS OF THE Rinaldini; Oroe, Foli; Arsace, Trebelli; Semiramide, Titiens. Saturday, i6th. "La Figlia" (repeat). Monday, i8th. "Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Titiens; Elvira, Columbo ; Zerlina, Trebelli; Don Giovanni, Mendiorez; Leporello, Agnesi; Mazetto, Zoboli ; Commendatore, Foli ; Ottavio, Vizzani. Tuesday, igth. "Sonnambula" (as before). Wednesday, 20th. " Anna Bolena." Thursday, 2 1 st. "II Barbiere." Almaviva, Vizzani; Bartolo, Zoboli; Figaro, Mendiorez; Basilio, Foli; Rosina, Marimon. Friday, 22nd. "Lucrezia." Gennaro, Prudenza; Alfonso, Agnesi; Gubetta, Stefano; Orsini, Trebelli; Lucrezia, Titiens. Saturday, 23rd. " Lucia." Edgardo, Prudenza ; Ashton, Mendiorez ; Raimondo, Foli ; Lucia, Di Murska. Monday, 25th. "II Flauto." Tamino, Vizzani; Papageno, Mendiorez; Sarastro, Foli; Astrinammenti, Di Murska; Papagena, Columba; Tre Damegelli, Miss Cruise, Miss Grosvenor, Mdme. Trebelli Bettini ; Pamina, Titiens. Tuesday, 26th. "II Barbiere" (repeat). Wednesday, 2yth. "Roberto il Diavolo." Roberto, Prudenza ; Bertramo, Foli ; Un Prete, Agnesi ; Isabella, Di Murska ; Alisa, Titiens. Thursday, 28th. Morning performance of " Marta." lionello, Vizzani ; Plunketto, Agnesi ; Nancy, Trebelli ; Lady Enrichetta, Di Murska. Thursday, 28th (evening). "Sonnambula" (repeat). THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 249 Friday, agth. " Trovatore " (repeat). Saturday, 3oth. " Oberon." Sir Huon, Vizzani ; Oberon, Tesseman ; Scherasmin, Caravoglia ; Fatiraa, Trebelli ; Reiza, Titiens. Last night. The first hearing of two great artistes occurred during this series Mdlle. Marimon and Signor Agnesi. The recollection of the former is so fresh that comment is al- almost unnecessary, the same impression produced here as in London and all the Continental cities, viz. an extra- ordinary soprano of the very highest education and finish. The very same remarks (in a baritone sense) may be applied to Agnesi, who to a grand voice combined a style the most masterly, bringing strongly to mind the great Tamburini, whose wonderful flexibility and high education Agnesi seemed almost to improve on. The Lyric Drama lost too soon this much-esteemed vocalist, who died about 1874 or 1875. He fulfilled during the latter period of his life the position of " Maitre de Chant " in the Paris Conser- vatoire. Signor Mendiorez also worthily filled the position of a first baritone, passing through the trying ordeal of "The Conte di Luna" with the exacting "II Balen" (after so many), with marked success. First appearance of Campanini. Titiens, Baumeister, Marimon, Trebelli, Filomena, Di Murska, Signor Bettini, W. Morgan, Rinaldini, Signor Campanini (first appear- ance), Agnesi, Mendiorez, Borella, Arnoldi, Casaboni, Campobello, Foli. Conductor, Li Calsi. Monday, September 3oth, 1872. "Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Signor Campanini ; Alfonso, Agnesi ; Astolfo, Campobello ; Maffeo Orsini, Trebelli ; Lucrezia, Titiens. 250. ANNALS OF THE Tuesday, October ist. "Sonnambula." Elvino, Bettini ; Roldolfo, Agnesi ; Lisa, Baumeister ; Amina, Marimon. ^Wednesday, 2nd. "II Flauto Magico." Tamino,' Bettini Papageno, Mendiorez ; Sarastro, Foli; Sacradoti, Campbello ; Astrifiammenti, Di Murska ; Tre Damigelli, Mdlles. Mara, Grosvenor, and Trebelli. Thursday, 3rd. " II Trovatore." Manrico, Campanini ; Conte di Luna, Mendiorez; Fernando, Foli; Azucena, Trebelli ; Leonora, Titiens. . Friday. "La Figlia." Tonio, Bettini; Sulpizio, Agnesi ; Marchesa, Baumeister ; Maria, Marimon. Saturday, 5th. " Lucia." Edgardo, Campanini ; Aston, Mendiorez ; Raimondo, Foli ; Lucia, Di Murska. Monday, October, yth. "Don Pasquale" (first time for 17 years). Ernesta, Signer Bettini; Malatesta, Mendiorez; Pasquale, Borella; Norina, Marimon. Tuesday, 8th. "Don Giovanni." Ottavio, Bettini ; Giovanni, Mendiorez; Leporello, Borella; Commendatore, Foli; Masetto, Zoboli; Zerlina, Trebelli; Elvira, Di Murska ; Donna Anna, Titiens. Wednesday, gth. "Marta." Lionello, Campanini; Plunketto, Agnesi ; Tristano, Borella ; Nancy, Trebelli ; Marta, Marimon. Thursday, loth. "Faust." Faust, Campanini (first appearance) ; Valentino, Mendiorez ; MephistopheJe, Foli; Siebel, Trebelli; Margherita, Titiens. Friday. " II Barbiere." Almaviva, .Bettini ; Bartolo, Borella; Figaro, Mendiorez; Basilio, Agnesi ;] Rosiha, Marimon. Saturday, 1 2th. " II Flauto " (repeat). THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 2$ I Monday, 1 4th, " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Campanini ; San Bris, Agnesi; Nevers, Mendiorez; Marcello, Foli; Maurevert, Campobello ; Urbano, Trebelli ; Margherita, Di Murska ; Valentina, Titiens. Tuesday, i5th. " Sonnambula" (repeat). Wednesday, i6th. " Semiramide." Assur, Agnesi ; Oroe, Foli ; Arsace, Trebelli; Semiramide, Titiens. Thursday, i7th. "Rigoletto." Duca, Campanini; Rigoletto, Mendiorez; Sparafucile, Foli ; Monterone, Campobello; Maddalena, Trebelli; Gilda, Di Murska. ; Friday, 1 8th. "Faust" (as before). Saturday. Repeat of " Don Giovanni." Last night. ' The injury occurring to an artist from extreme over criticisms beforehand was evident in the case of Campanini. With his glorious voice and dramatic qualities it was quite unnecessary, his merits were and are quite sufficient ; but the public were led to believe they were about to hear "the greatest tenor that ever appeared, none excepted." Campanini is a great artist : himself and Fancelli now hold the first places. Comparisons in art are particularly odious, both fully deserve the positions they have attained, and can " well hold their own :> on their merits. It will be observed that Trebelli on this, as on a former occasion, with that self-sacrifice always attached to a true artiste, joined the "Tre Damigelli," adding thereby wonderful effect to the beautiful concerted music. The next Italian Opera took place at the Gaiety Theatre, viz. : Mdlle. Marimon, Mdlle. Ida Corani, Mdlle. Baronetti, Madame Elena Corani, Miss Sinclair, Mdlle. Arnoldi, Madame De Meric Lablache, Signer Mottino, 25 2 ANNALS OF THE Signor Toppai, Signer Bettini, Signer Celli, Signer Tag- liafico, Signor Arnoldi, Signor Riccobuono, Signor Foli, Signor Enrico Serazzi. Conductor, Mons. Maton. Monday, August 25th, 1873. "La Sonnambula." Amina, Marimon ; Lisa, Mdlle. Arnoldi ; Conte, Celli ; Elvino, Bettini. Tuesday, 26th. "Lucrezia." Elena Corani; Orsini, De Meric Lablache; Gennaro, Serazzi. Wednesday, 27th. " II Barbiere." Rosina, Marimon; Figaro, Mottino ; Almaviva, Bettini. Thursday, 28th. "Trovatore." Leonora, Corani; Azucena, Lablache ; Di Luna, Mattino ; Manrico, Bettini. Friday, 29th. " Lucrezia Borgia." Lucrezia, Corani ; Orsini, De Meric Lablache ; Duca, Celli ; Gennaro, Serazzi. Saturday, 3oth. "Faust." Margherita, Marimon; Siebel, Lablache ; Mephistophele, Foli ; Valentino, Mat- tino ; Faust, Serazzi. Monday, Sept. ist. "Norma." Norma, E. Corani; Adalgisa, Sinclair; Oroveso, Foli; Pollio, Serazzi. Tuesday, 2nd. "Marta." Marta, Marimon; Nancy, Lablache ; Plunketto, Mattino ; Lionello, Bettini. Wednesday, 3rd. " Un Ballo in Maschera." Amelia, E. Corani ; Ulrica, Lablache ; Oscar, Ida Corani ; Renato, Mattino; Samuele, Foli; Ricardo, Serazzi. Thursday, 4th. Repeat of " Faust." Friday, 5th. " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Corani ; Elvira, Arnoldi ; Zerlina, Sinclair ; Giovanni, Celli; Com- mendatore, Foli ; Leporello, Toppai ; Masetto, Tagliafico ; Ottavio, Bettini. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 253 Saturday, 6th. "II Flauto." Astrifiamraenti, Mdlle. Marimon; Papagena, Sinclair; Pamina, E. Corani; Sarastro, Foli ; Papageno, Celli ; Tamino, Bettini. Last night. Elena Corani is the identical Miss Ellen Conran who came out some time before at the Royal under the kind auspices of Grisi, and who made sufficient progress in her profession to become prima-donna, and fulfil many of the characters of her great friend (to whom she bore some resemblance), with every success. Miss Ida Corani was a younger sister, and fully sustained the musical reputation of their father, the great Dublin pianist, William Sarsfield Conran. We return to the " Royal" First appearance of Marie Roze and Alwina Valleria. Company : Titiensi, Sinico, Mdlle. Marie Roze (first time), Trebelli, Mdlle. Justia MacVitz (first time), Baumeister, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria (first time), Signer Camero (first time), Signer Urio (first time), Signer Cantoni (first time), Fabbrini( first time), Rinaldiiii, Marchetti, Aramburro (first time), Agnesi, Catalani (first time), Mendiorez, Campo- bello, Signer Pro, Zoboli, Casaboni, Guilio Perkins (first appearance), Castlemary (first time). Conductor, Signer Li Calsi. Monday, September i5th, 1873. " La Favorita. Fernando, Aramburro; Alfonso, Sterbini; Baldassore Perkins ; Leonora, Titiens. Tuesday, 1 6th. " Marta." Lionello, Urio ; Tristani, Borella; Plunketto, Agnesi; Nancy, Trebelli; Marta, Sinico. Wednesday, 1 7th. " II Trovatore." Manrico, Aram- '254 ANNALS OF THE burro ; Conte di Luna, Sterbini ; Ferrando, Campobello ; Azucena, Trebelli ; Leonora, Sinico. Thursday, iSth. " Norma." Pollio, Aramburro; Oroveso, Agnesi ; Adalgisa, Sinico ; Norma, Titiens. Friday, igth. "Faust." Faust, Camero; Mephis- tophele, Perkins; Valentino, Campobello; Siebel, MacVitz; Marta, Baumeister ; Margherita, Marie Roze. Saturday, 2oth. " Oberon." Sir Huon, Urio ; Oberon, Cantoni ; Scherasmina, Agnesi ; Puck, MacVitz ; Fatima, Trebelli ; Reiza, Titiens, Monday, 22nd. " Semiramide." Assur, Agnesi ; Oroe, Campobello ; Arsace, Trebelli ; Idreno, Rinaldini ; Semi- ramide, Titiens. Tuesday. " Rigoletto." Duca, Aramburro ; Rigoletto, Catalani ; Sparafucile, Pro ; Monterone, Campobello ; Maddalena, MacVitz ; Gilda, Alwina Valleria. Wednesday, 24th. " Don Giovanni." Ottavio, Cantoni; Giovanni, Sterbini ; Leporello, Borella ; Commendatore, Perkins ; Zerlina, Trebelli ; Donna Anna, Titiens. Thursday, 25th. Repeat of " La Favorita." Friday, 26th, "II Barbiere." Almaviva, Camero; Bartolo, Borella; Figaro, Sterbini; Basilio, Agnesi; Rosina, Trebelli. Saturday, 27th. . " II Flauto Magico." Tamino, Can- toni ; Papageno, Catalani ; Sarastro, Perkins ; Sacradoti, Campobello ; Astrifiammenti, Valleria ; Papagena, Sinico ; Pamina, Titiens. Trebelli again joined the " Tre Dami- gelli," with Marie Roze and Baumeister. Monday, 29th. " Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Aram- THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 2$$ burro' ; Alfonso, Agnesi ; Maffeo Orsini, Trebelli ; Lu- crezia, Titiens. Tuesday, 3oth. " Le Nozze di Figaro." Cherubim, Trebelli ; Sigaro, Agnesi ; II Conte, Campobello ; Bartolo, Borella; Basilio, Rinaldini ; Susanna, Sinico ; La Contessa, Titiens. Wednesday, October ist. Repeat of " Faust." Thursday, and. Repeat of " Don Giovanni." Friday, 3rd. " Lucia." Edgardo, Aramburro ; Ashton, Catalani; Raimondo, Campobello; Lucia, Alwina Valleria. Saturday, 4th. " II Trovatore," as before, except Leonora, Titiens, being her benefit and last night. Marie Roze, who was Madame Perkins, and has since married Mr. H. Mapleson (son of the great impresario], made a " decided hit " in Margherita. Admirably suited to the part in personal appearance, and imparting to her music a well-studied and classic " reading," she won " golden opinions." She also displayed her respect for Mozart by becoming one of the Tre Damigelli " in " II Flauto." The name of Alwina Valleria added much strength to this troupe, her per- formance of "Lucia" and "Gilda" placing her high in the soprano list. The early death of Giulo Perkins left a blank in the list of useful bassi. Noble appearance, fine features, grand voice of great extent, he walked the stage " like a man " (to use a pit expression regarding him), and gave out the low E in "Qui S'degno " with grand effect. : This was indeed a strong troupe. First appearance of Brignoli and Mdlle. Singelli, and first performance of " II Talismano." 256 ANNALS OF THE Theatre Royal. Italian Company : Titiens, Alwina Valleria, Mdlle. Risarelli (first time), Marie Roze, Trebelli, De Meric Lablache, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Louise Singelli (first time), Signor Campanini, Mr. Bentham, Rinaldini, Grazzi, Paladini (first time), Signor Brignoli (first appearance), Signor Agnesi, Signor Di Reschi (first time), Gallassi (first time), Campobello, Casta, Casaboni, Guilio Perkins, and Herr Conrad Behrens. Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. Monday, September 2ist, 1874. "Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Campanini; Alfonso, Agnesi; Maffeo Orsini, Trebelli ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Tuesday, 22nd. "Marta." Lionello, Brignoli; Tris- tani, Zoboli; Plunketto, Behrens; Nancy, Trebelli; Marta, Louise Singelli. Wednesday, 23rd. "II Talismano" (first time in Dublin). Sir Kenneth, Campanini; Richard Cceur de Lion, De Reschi; Nectabanas, Catalani; L'Emiro, Campobello ; II Re de France, Costa ; Duca, Casaboni ; Berengana, Marie Roze ; Edith Plantagenet, Titiens. Thursday, 24th. " II Flauto." Astrifiammenti, Singelli ; Tamino, Mr. Bentham ; Papageno, Catalani ; Sarastro, Perkins; Sacradoti, Campobello; Papagena, Alwina Valleria ; Pamina, Titiens. Friday, 25th. " Lucia." Edgardo, Campanini ; Ashton, Galassi ; Raimondo, Campobello ; Lucia, Alwina Valleria. Saturday, 26th. " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Campa- nini; St. Bris, Agnesi; Nevers, Galassi; Marcello, Behrens ; Urbano, Trebelli ; Margherita, Singelli ; Valen- tina, Titiens. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 257 Monday, 28th. Repeat of " II Talismano." Tuesday, 29th. " Le Nozze." Chembini, Trebelli; Figaro ; Agnesi ; II Conte, Campobello ; Bartolo, Zoboli ; Susanna, Marie Roze ; La Contessa, Titiens. Wednesday, 3oth. "Faust." Faust, Campanini ; Mephistophele, Perkins ; Valentino, De Reschi ; Siebel, Trebelli ; Margherita, Marie Roze. Thursday, October ist. "II Trovatore." Manrico, Brignoli ; Conte di Luna, Galassi ; Ferrando, Campobello ; Azucena, Trebelli ; Leonora, Titiens. Friday, 2nd. " Catarina le Donna Novi." Don Enrico, Bentham ; II Conte, Campobello ; Mayer, Agnesi ; Rebolledo, Costa ; La Catarina, Louise Singelli. Saturday, 3rd. Repeat of " II Talismano." Monday, 5th. '" Semiramide." Assur, Agnesi; Oroe, Campobello ; Arsace, Trebelli ; Semiramide, Titiens. Tuesday, 4th. Rep eat of " Faust. ' ' Wednesday, 5th. " Don Giovanni." Ottavio, Brignoli ; Giovanni, De Reschi : Leporello, Behrens ; Zerlina, Trebelli ; Elvira, Risarelli ; Donna Anna, Titiens. Thursday, 8th. Repeat of " Trovatore." Friday, gth. " Sonnambula." Elvino, Campanini ; Rodolfo, Agnesi ; Amina, Mdlle. Singelli. Saturday, loth. " Norma." Pollio, Campanini ; Oro- veso, Costa; Adalgisa, Baumeister; Norma, Titiens. Last night. Colonel Mapleson's capacity for discovering talent was strongly developed in the case of Brignoli, who made his first appearance now, a tenor of vast experience ; he must in youth have been well worth hearing, indeed at present R 258 ANNALS OF THE many of the " younger branch " might study him with advantage : Brignoli and Badiali bear close comparison. The tenor, not quite so advanced in life as the grand old baritone, still shows somewhat more lack of freshness of voice, which quality Badiali retained to the last ; ihe sing- ing for itself of each was perfect, both equally inspired with dramatic feeling, which found its way into every movement on the stage, or every note given forth. The parallel might be extended if space permitted ; some young baritones such as Badiali had been, and a few juvenile tenors with the qualities of Brignoli, would be very desirable. Mdlle. Louise Singelli is a young and talented Belgian student, daughter of the late well-known and highly-respected Concert conductor of' Brussels, Mons. Singelli, whose violin arrangements are much valued, and have a large sale all over Europe. 'Mdlle. Singelli has doubtless a bright future before her,Jiaving in "Amina" and in "Marta" made a most favourable impression. First appearance of Mdlle. Albani and Mdlle. Zara Thalberg. 1875. The Italian Opera this season was from Covent Garden, and under the direction of Sir Julius Benedict ; thus Soprani : Mdlle. Albani, Mdlle. Bianchi, Mdlle. Estelle, Mdlle. Cruise, Mdlle. Stewart, Mdlle. Paoli, and Mdlle. Zara Thalberg; Contralti : Mdlle. Phillipini D'Edels- burgh, and Mdlle. Ghiotto ; Tenori : Mons. Naudin, Signer Pavani, and Mons. De Vellier; Baritoni: Mons. Maurel and Signer Medica; Bassi: Signer Scolari, Signor Tagliafico, Signer Bolli, and Signor Pronti; Leader, Mr. Levey; Organist, Mr. Pitman ; Conductor, Signor Vianesi. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 259 Monday, October 4th, 1875. " Don Giovanni." Donna Anna, Mdlle. Paoli ; Zerlina, Zara Thalberg ; Elvira, Mdlle. Ghiotti; Ottavio, Mr. Richard Sydney (MacNevin);* * From the Freeman's Journal, Tuesday, October 5th, 1875 : "The extraordinary interest in Italian Opera which prevails in Dublin at this time of year was manifested last night with all its wonted intensity. The stir and bustle about the exterior of the Theatre were quite as troublesome as usual ; and although notices had been duly published that programmes and books of the opera would be sold inside the house, the yelling and importunity outside were not a whit abated. Up to the very last moment the arrivals were fast, and in many cases furious. We say furious, for as a rule a late- comer is in an ill-temper, and disturbs everybody by special privilege. Last night there were many late-comers, and the overture was frequently marred in effect by persons whose exterior would have suggested better manners. This observation is made not indeed with a view of wounding anybody in Dublin, experience has dissolved all such views, and converted suffering into a sort of expectation. So far as the orchestra was heard in the overture it appeared to be adequate, finished, and thoroughly under the com- mand of Signor Vianesi. The stringed instruments, without which Mozart is impossible, were tolerably full ; and if the effect was not startling, it was satisfactory. A notice to the effect that Signor Pavani being ill Mr. Richard Sydney (MacNevin) would assume the character of Don Ottavio was posted about the house in quite a wonderful manner; and there was a nervous anxiety lest some- thing should happen to spoil the evening's entertainment. Nothing really did happen, for, notwithstanding Mr. Sydney's disquiet, he succeeded very well, and, under the circumstances, he must have surpassed expectation. The sort of dilemma caused by the sudden illness of an artiste is just of that order in which rapidity of judg- ment is most essential. Mr. Gunn decided on having a Dublin amateur, and the result proved that Mr. Gunn was right, and that Dublin was rich in talent of a high and educated order. In how many cities in the empire could there be found a private gentleman competent and willing to sing at a few hours' notice the music of Mario and Guiglini in Don Giovanni? The answer must suggest something in favour of Dublin, in which the feat has been accom- plished, and well accomplished." 260 ANNALS OF THE Leporello, Signer Scolari; Masetto, Signer Tagliafico; Commendatore, Signer Pronti; Don Giovanni, Signer Maurel. Tuesday, 5th. "Trovatore." Leonora, Mdlle. Paoli ; Azucena, Mdlle. D'Edelsburgh; Maurice, Mons. De Vellier ; Conte di Luna, Signer Medica. Wednesday, 6th. "Fra Diavolo." Zerlina, Zara Thalberg ; Lady Coburg, Mdlle. Ghiotti ; Lord Coburg, Signer Scolari ; Lorenzo, Signer Filli ; Beppo, Tagliafico ; Giacomo, Signer Pronti ; Matteo, Belli ; Fra Diavolo, Signer Naudin. Thursday, yth. "La Sonnambula." Amina, Albani (first appearance in Dublin) ; Rodolfo, Medica ; Elvino, Naudin. Friday, 8th. "La Figlia." Maria, Mdlle. Bianchi ; Marchesa, Mdlle. Ghiotti ; Sulpizio, Scolari ; Tonio, Pavani. Saturday, 9th. " Lucia." Lucia, Albani ; Enrico, Medico ; Raimondo, Pronti ; Edgardo, Pavani. Monday, nth. "Lohengrinn" (first time). Eliza, Mdlle. Albani ; Artuso, Mdlle. D'Edelsburgh ; Frederic, Maurel ; L'Araldo del Re, Pronti ; Enrio, Scolari ; Lo- hengrinn, Naudin. Tuesday, October i2th. " Dinorah." Dinorah, Zara Thalberg ; Un Caprara, Estelle ; Un Capraro, Ghiotti ; Un Cassiatore, Tagliafico; Corentini, Pavani; Hoel, Maurel. AVednesday, i3th. " Rigoletto." Gilda, Albani ; Ma- dalena, Ghiotti; Giovanna, Mdlle. Estelle; II Duca, Mons. De Vellier; Sparafucile, Tagliafico; Rigoletto, Signer Medica. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 261 Thursday, i4th. "Don Giovanni" (as before, except Ottavio, Naudin). Friday, isth. " Un Ballo." Amelia, Mdlle. Paoli; Oscar, Bianchi ; Ricardo, Pavani ; Renato, Signor Medica. Saturday, i6th. " Faust." Margherita, Albani ; Siebel, Mdlle. Ghiotti ; Marta, Mdlle. Estelle ; Mephistophele, Scolari ; Wagner, Tagliafico ; Faust, Pavani ; Valentino, Maurel. Monday, i8th. "Dinorah" (cast as before). Tuesday, igth. " La Figlia," repeat. Wednesday, 2oth. " Puritani." Elvira, Albani ; En- richetta, Ghiotti ; Georgio, Maurel; Ricardo, Pronti; Arturo, Naudin. Thursday, 2ist. "La Favorita." Leonora, Mdlle. D'Edelsburgh ; Alfonso, Signor Medica; Baldassare, Pronti; Ferrando, Naudin. Friday, 2 and. First and second Acts of " Fra Diavolo." The shadow-scene from " Dinorah " (benefit of Zara Thalberg). Saturday, 23rd. " La Sonnambula" (as before). Last night. The recollection of Albani is still fresh in our memory a more perfect representation of Margherita cannot well be imagined ; indeed, the same applies to every part this great artiste undertakes. Beautiful in appearance, and highly accomplished in art, she, as a matter of course, found her due appreciation in Dublin. She has since accepted an engagement for life with Mr. Ernest Gye, proprietor of Covent Garden, and the public are (now, 1879) anxiously waiting for her re-appearance, after the interesting event. 262 ANNALS OF THE Mdlle. Zara Thalberg, daughter of the late great pianist, had made a sensation in London, and (youth and inexperience considered) showed remarkable promise, since realized, of a coming "star :" her "Zerlina" was specially successful. Wagner's " Lohengrinn " had not a fair chance, Signor Vianesi did everything possible with the means at his disposal ; but it is hardly necessary to say that a work which would require about 300 choristers of the very best, 100 picked instrumentalists, and nearly three months' rehearsals, could not possibly with, say two rehearsals and limited numbers, receive a worthy interpretation. Albani's "Elsa di Brabante" will not, however, soon be forgotten. Italian Company : Mdlle, Titiens (first appearance for two years), Mdme. Trebelli, Mdme. Marie Roze, Mdme. Alwina Valleria, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Elena Varesi, Mdlle. Selina Bignarini, Miss Emma Abbott (first appear- ance), Signor Gillandi, Signor Dorini, Signor Rinaldini, Signor Grazzi, Signor Faustu Beliotti, Signor Galassi, Signor Del Puente, Signor Rocca, Signor Costa, Signor Broccolini, Herr Behrens. Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. Monday, Sept. 25th, 1876. "Semiramide." Arsace, Trebelli ; Assur, Del Puente ; Oroe, Broccolini ; Idreno, Rinaldini ; Semiramide, Titiens. Tuesday, 26th. "Lucia." Edgardo, Gillandi ; Enrico, Galassi : Arturo, Rinaldini ; Raimondo, Behrens ; Alice, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Lucia, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria. Wednesday, 27th. " Trovatore." Manrico, Gillandi ; Conte di Luna, Galassi ; Azucena, Trebelli ; Leonora, Titiens. 2 he following important en%agemait was omitted in first issue : Italian Opera Company, commencing, for six nights only, November i5th, 1875. Principal artistes Madame Christine Nilsson (her first appearance on the stage in Dublin), Madame Trebelli-Bettini, Madame Marie Roze, Madame Demeric-Lablache, Madame Bauermeister, and Mdlle. Elena Varesi (her first appearance in Dublin), Signer Gillandi (his first appearance in Dublin), Signer Campanini, Signer Palladini, Signer Rinaldini, Signer Grazzi, Signer Brignoli, Signer Galassi, Signer Del Puente, Signer Costa, Signer Zoboli, Signer Casaboni, Signor Castelmary (his first appearance in Dublin), and Herr Behrens. Musical Director and Conductor, Signor Li Calsi. Monday, November i5th. Gounod's Opera of " Faust." Faust, Signor Gillandi (his first appearance in Dublin) ; Mephistopheles, Signor Castelmary (first ap- pearance in Dublin) ; Valentino, Signor Galassi ; Wagner, Signor Costa ; Siebel, Madame Trebelli ; Marta, Madame Demeric-Lablache ; and Margherita, Madame Nilsson (first appearance). Tuesday i6th. Donizetti's Opera, " Lucia di Lammer- moor." Eclgardo, Signor Gillandi ; Ashton, Signor Galassi ; Raimondo, Herr Behrens ; Artiiro, Signor Rinaldini ; Normano, Signor Zoboli ; Alice, Madame Bauermeister ; Lucia, Mdlle. Elena Varesi (first appear- ance in Dublin). Wednesday, 17 th. Flotow's Opera, " Marta." Lionello, Signer Brignoli ; Plunketto, Herr Behrens ; Lord Tris- tano, Signer Zoboli ; Sheriffo, Signer Casaboni ; Nancy, Madame Trebelli ; Lady Henrietta (Marta), Madame Christine Nilsson. Thursday, i8th. Verdi's Opena, "Rigoletto." II Duca, Signer Gillandi; Rigoletto, Signer Del Puente? Sparafucile, Signer Castelmary ; Monterone, Signer Costa ; Borsa, Signer Rinaldini ; Marcello, Signer Zoboli ; Mada- lena, Madame Trebelli; Giovanni, Madame Bauermeister ; Gilda, Mdlle. Elena Varesi. Friday, igth. Benefit of Madame Christine Nilsson. Verdi's Opera, " II Trovatore." Manrico, Signer Brignoli ; II Conte di Luna, Signer Galassi ; Ferrando, Signer Costa ; Ruiz, Signer Rinaldini ; Azucena, Madame Trebelli ; Inez, Madame Bauermeister ; Leonora, Madame Christine Nilsson. Last night of the Italian Opera Company. Benefit of Mdlle. Elena Varesi. Saturday, 2oth. "La Sonnambula." Elvino, Signer Brignoli ; II Count Rodolfo, Signer Del Puente ; Alessio, Signer Casaboni ; II Notario, Signer Rinaldini ; Liza, Madame Bauermeister; Teresa, Madame Lablache; Amina, Mdlle. Elena Varesi (her third appearance in Dublin). THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 263 Thursday, 2 8th. " Le Nozze di Figaro." Cherubim", Trebelli; Conte, I) J Puente; Figaro, Galassi; Bartolo, Galazzi ; Basilio, Rinaldini ; Susanna, Marie Roze ; Con- tessa, Titiens. Friday, 29th. " II Barbiere." Conte Almaviva, Signer Dorini (first appearance) ; Bartolo, Zoboli ; Basilio, Rocca ; Rosina, Trebelli. Saturday, 3oth. " Norma." Pollio, Bellotti ; Oro- veso, Broccolini ; Adalgisa, Alwina Valleria ; Norma, Titiens. Monday, October 2nd. *' Les Huguenots." Raoul, Gillandi ; Count di Nevers, Del Puente ; St. Bris, Galassi ; Marcello, Behrens; Margherita de Valois, Alwina Valleria ; Urbano, Trebelli ; Valentino, Titiens. Tuesday, 3rd, " Faust." Faust, Dorini ; Mephis- tophele, Del Puente ; Valentino, Galassi ; Siebel, Mdlle. Bignarini (first appearance) ; Marta, Baumeister ; Mar- gherita, Miss Emma Abbott (first appearance). Wednesday, 4th. " Don Giovanni." Ottavio, Gillandi ; Giovanni, Del Puente ; Leporello, Behrens ; Zerlina, Trebelli ; Elvira, Marie Roze ; Donna Annn, Titiens. Thursday, 5th. " Lucrezia Borgia." Gennaro, Gillandi ; Alfonso, Behrens ; Orsini, Trebelli ; Lucrezia, Titiens. Friday, 6th. " Rigoletto." II Duca, Dorini ; Rigo- letto, Del Puerte; Madalena, Trebelli; Gilda, Alwina Valleria. Saturday, October yth. " Trovatore " (repeat). Last night. This was the last appearance of the ever-to-be-lamented Titiens she is gone from amongst us ! Let us "passionate 264 ANNALS OF THE our tenfold grief with folded arras," and be consoled with the fact that she was " worthy to inlay Heaven with stars." Engagement for three weeks only of Mr. Mapleson's Italian Opera Company. Director of Music and Con- ductor, Signor Li Calsi. Monday, October, ist, 1877. " Un Ballo in Maschera." Ricardo, Signor Runcia (his first appearance these eight years) ; Renato, Signor Galassi ; Samuelo, M. Gounet ; Tomasso, Signor Franceschi ; II Giudice, Signor Rinaldini ; Silvano, Signor Fallar ; Oscar, Mdlle. Mila Rodani (her first appearance in Ireland) ; Ulrica, Madame Lablache ; Amelia, Mdlle. Caroline Sala (her first appearance in Ireland). Tuesday, October 2nd. " II Barbiere di Siviglia." II Conte Almaviva, Signor Bettini ; Figaro, Signor Del Puente ; Fiorello, Signor Rinaldini ; II Dottore Bartolo, Signor Zoboli ; Don Basilio, Signor Broccolini ; Official]', Signor Grazzi ; Berta, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Rosina, Mdlle. Anna de Belocca (her first appearance in Ireland). Wednesday, October 3rd. " II Trovatore." Manrico, Signor Fancelli (his first appearance for eight years) ; II Conte di Luna, Signor Galassi ; Ferrando, Signor Brocco- lini ; Ruiz, Signor Rinaldini ; Un Zingaro, Signor Fallar ; Azucena, Madame Lablache ; Inez, Mdlle. Filomena ; Leonora, Mdlle. Marie Roze. Thursday, October 4th. " Le Nozze di Figaro." Cherubino, Mdlle. Anna de Belocca ; II Conte, Signor Del Puente ; Figaro, Signor Galassi ; Bartolo, Signor Zoboli; Basilio, Signor Rinaldini; lJuii Curzio, Signor THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 265 Grazzi; Antonio, Signer Franceschi ; Susanna, Mdlle. Marie Roze ; La Contessa, Mdlle. Caroline Sala. Friday, Oct. 5th. " La Figlia del Reggimento." Tonio, Signor Bettini ; Sergente Sulpizio, Signor Del Puente; Un Paesano, Signor Rinaldini ; Ortenzio, Signor Fallar ; Caporale, M. Gounet ; La Marchesa, Madame Lablache ; Maria, Mdlle. Mila Rodani. Saturday, October 6th. " Faust." Under the Patronage and presence of Her Grace the Duchess of Marlborough. Faust, Signor Fancelli ; Mephistophele, Signor Del Puente, Valentino, Signor Galassi; Wagner, Franceschi ; Siebel, Mdlle. Anna de Belocca ; Martha, Madame Lablache ; Margherita, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria. Monday, October 8th. " Robert le Diable." Roberto, Signor Fancelli ; Bertramo, Signor Foli ; Rambaldo, Signor Rinaldini ; Alberti, M. Gounet ; Araldo, Signor Grazzi ; Un Preto, Signor Broccolini ; Elena, Madame Katti Lanner (her first appearance in Dublin) ; Isabella, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria : Alice, Mdlle. Marie Roze. Tuesday, October gth. "Martha." Lionello, Mr. Talbo* Brennan (his first appearance on the stage in this his native city) ; Lord Tristano, Signor Zoboli ; Plunketto, Signor Del Puente; Un Sheriffo, Signor Fallar; Un Servitore, Signor Grazzi ; Nancy, Mdlle. Anna de Belocca; Martha, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria. Wednesday, October loth. " Les Huguenots." Raoul, Signor Fancelli ; II Conte de Nevers, Signor Del Puente ; 11 Conte di San Bris, Signor Galassi ; Tavannes, Signor * It required but little change to render Talbot Talbo (Lionello). 266 ANNALS OF THE Rinaldini; De Retz, M. Gounet; De Cosse, Signer Grazzi ; Meru, Signer Fallar ; Maurevert, Signer Zoboli ; Marcello, Signer Foli ; Margherita di Valois, Mdlle. Mila Rodani ; Urbane, Mdlle. Anna de Belocca ; Dama d'Onore, Mdlle. Robiati ; Valentina, Mdlle. Caroline Sala. Thursday, October nth, " II Flauto Magico." Tamino, Signor Bettini ; Papageno, Signer Del Puente ; Sarastro, Signor Foli ; Monastatos, Signor Rinaldini ; Un Oratore, Signor Broccolini; Due Uomini Armati, Signor Grazzi, and Signor Franceschi ; I Tre Geni, Mdlle. Robiati, Mdlle. Clinton and Mdme. Lablache ; La Tre Damigelli della Regina, Mdlle. Bauraeister, Mdlle. Parodi, and Mdlle. Risiani ; Astrifiammanti, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Papagena, Mdlle. Mila Rodina ; Pamina, Mdme. Marie Roze. Friday, Oct. i2th, " Rigoletto." II Duca, Signor Talbo (his second appearance in Opera in this, his native city) ; Rigoletto, Signor Galassi ; Sparafucile, Signor Broccolini ; Monterone, M. Gounet ; Marallo, Signor Zoboli ; Borsa, Signor Rinaldini ; Caprano, Signor Fallar ; Usciere, Signor Grazzi ; La Contessa, Mdlle. Robiate ; Mada- lena, Mdlle. Lisa Perdi (her first appearance) ; Giovanni, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Gilda, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria. Saturday, October i3th, "II Don Giovanni." Don Ottavio, Signor Bettini ; Don Giovanni, Signor Del Puente ; Leporello, Signor Zoboli; Masetto, Signor Fallar ; II Commendatore, Signor Broccolini ; Zerlina, Mdlle. Anna de Belocca ; Donna Elvira, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Donna Anna, Mdme. Marie Roze. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 267 Monday, October isth, " Der Freischutz." Rodolfo, Signor Fancelli ; Caspar, Signer Foli ; Killiano, Signer Franceschi ; Kuno, M. Gounet ; Ottocar, Signor Rinal- dini ; Hermit, Signor Broccolini ; Annetta, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Agata, Mdme. Marie Roze. Tuesday, October i6th, " Faust." Faust, Signor Runcia ; Mephistophele, Signor Del Puente ; Valentino, Signor Galassi; Wagner, Signor Franceschi; Siebel, Mdlle. Anna De Belocca ; Martha, Madame Lablache ; Margherita, Mdlle. Caroline Sala. Wednesday, October lyth, "Robert Le Diable." Roberto, Signor Fancelli ; Bertramo, Signor Foli ; Ram- baldo, Signor Rinaldini ; Alberti, M. Gounet ; Araldo, Signor Grazzi ; Un Preto, Signor Broccolini ; Elena, Mdme. Katti Lanner ; Isabella, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Alice, Mdlle. Marie Roze. Thursday, October i8th, "Lucia di Lammermoor." Edgardo, Signor Fancelli ; Enrico Ashton, Signor Galassi ; Arturo, Signor Rinaldini ; Raimondo, Signor Broccolini ; Normanno, Signor Fallar ; Alice, Mdlle. Baumeister ; Lucia, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria. Friday, October iQth, " II Flauto Magico." Tamino, Signor Bettini ; Papageno, Signor Del Puente ; Sarastro, Signor Foli ; Monastatos, Signor Rinaldini ; Un Oratore, Signor Broccolini ; Due Uomini Amati, Signor Grazzi and Signor Franceschi; I Tre Geni, Mdlle. Robiati, Mdlle. Clinton and Mdme. Lablache; Le Tre Damigelli dclla Regina, Mdlle. Baumeister, Mdlle. Parodi, and Mdlle. Risiani ; Papagena , Mdlle. Mila Rodani ; Astrifiammanti, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Pamina, Mdme. Marie Roze. 268 ANNALS OF THE Saturday, October 2oth, " II Trovatore." Manrico, Signer Fancelli ; II Conte di Luna ; Signer Galassi ; Ferrando, Signer Broccolini ; Ruiz, Signer Rinaldini ; Un Zingaro, Signer Fallar ; Azucena, Mdme. Lablache ; Inez, Mdlle. Filomena ; Leonora, Mdlle. Caroline Sala. On Monday, April 2nd, 1877, the Imperial Italian Company commenced an engagement of 1 2 nights, with the following artistes : Mdme. Ernestina Robiati, Mdlle. Emma Howson, Mdme. De Meric Lablache, Mdlle* Hughes, Signer Vizzani, Signer, Belli, Signer Campo- bello, Signer Rollo, Signer Garda, Signer Campi, Signer Montini. The troupe was under the management of Signer Frank Rialp, who also acted as Director of Music and Conductor. The Operas performed were " Le Nozze di Figaro," " Maritana,"* " Guiglielmo Tell," " La Traviata," " II Trovatore," " " Rigoletto," and "Faust," in which Mr. Snazelle (who has since joined Carl Rosa) per- formed Mephistophele. This engagement concluded on Saturday, April i4th. Engagement for 12 nights only of Mr. Mapleson's Italian Opera Company. Director of Music and Con- ductor, Signor Arditi. Monday, September 2nd, 1878, "La Sonnambula." Elvino, Signor Frapolli ; II Conte Rodolfo, Signor Del Puente ; Alessio, Signor Grazzi ; Un Notaro, Signor Belli ; Liza, Mdlle. Robiati ; Teresa, Mdme. Lablache ; Amina, Mdme. Etelka Gerster (her first appearance in Ireland). The perfect vocalism of Mdme. Gerster was fully appreciated in Dublin. * First time in Italian. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 269- Tuesday, September 3rd, "Le Nozze di Figaro.'* Cherubino, Mdme. Trebelli ; II Conte Almaviva, Signer Del Puente ; Figaro, Signor Galassi ; II Dottore Bartolo, Signor Zoboli ; Basilic, Signor Rinaldini ; Don Curzio, Signor Grazzi ; Antonio, Signor Franceschi ; La Con- tessa, Mdlle. Parodi ; Marcellina, Mdme. Lablache ; Susanna, Mdme. Helene Crosmond. Wednesday, September 4th, " Lucia di Lammermoor." Edgardo, Signor Gillandi ; Enrico Ashton, Signor Galassi ; Raimondo, Signor Franceschi ; Arturo, Signor Bolli ; Normanno, Signor Grazzi ; Alisa, Mdlle. Robiati ; Lucia, Madame Etelka Gerster (her second appearance in Ireland). Thursday, September 5th, " La Traviata." Alfredo, Signor Frapolli; Germont, Signor Galassi; Gastone, Madame Trebelli, who, on this occasion, will intro- duce the Brindisi, " II Segreto ;" Medico, Signor Franceschi ; II Marchese, Signor Grazzi ; II Barone, Signor Zoboli ; Amina, Mdlle. Robiati ; Flora, Mdlle. Filomena; Violetta Valery, Mdlle. Minnie Hawk (her first appearance in Ireland). The incidental divertisse- ment will be supported by Mdlle. Malvina Cavalazzi and the Corps de Ballet. Friday, September 6th, " Faust." Faust, Signor Gil- landi ; Mephistophele, Signor Franceschi ; Valentino, Signor Del Puente ; Siebel, Mdme. Trebelli ; Martha, Mdme. Lablache ; Margherita, Mdlle. Alwina Valeria. Saturday, September 7th, " II Flauto Magico." Tamino, Signor Frapoli ; Papageno, Signor Del Puente ; Sarastro, Herr Behrens ; Sacerdote, Signor Pyatt ; Due 270 ANNALS OF THE Uomini Amati, Signer Franceschi and Signer Bolli ; Monostatos, Signer Rinaldini ; II Due Oratori, Signer Grazzi and Signer Zoboli ; I Tre Geni, Mdlle. Martini, Mdlle. Lido and Mdme. Lablache ; I Tre Damigelli della Regina, Mdlle. Robiati, Mdlle. Parodi, Mdme. Trebelli ; Papagena, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Pamina, Mdlle. Parodi ; Astrifiammanti, Madame Etelka Gerster. Monday, September gih, " Carmen " (first time in Ireland). Don Jose, Signer Runcio ; Escamillo (Toreado), Signer Del Puente; II Dancairo, Signer Rinaldini ; II Remendado, Signer Grazzi ; Zuniga, Signer Franceschi ; Morales, Signor Bolli ; Michaela, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Paquita, Mdlle. Robiati ; Mercedes, Mdme. Lablache ; Carmen (a gipsy), Mdlle. Minnie Hawk. " Carmen " has become an established favourite in Dublin in English as well as Italian. Tuesday, September loth, "Rigoletto." II Duca, Signor Gillandi ; Rigoletto, Signor Galassi ; Sparafucile, Signor Franceschi ; Monterone, Signor Gandini ; Mar- cello, Signor Zoboli ; Borsa, Signor Grass! ; Perano, Signor Bolli ; La Contessa, Mdlle. Filomena ; Madalena, Mdme. Trebelli ; Giovanni, Mdlle. Robiati; Gilda, Mdme. Etelka Gerster. Wednesday, nth, "Don Giovanni." Don Ottavio, Signor Gillandi ; Don Giovanni, Signor Del Puente ; Leporello, Herr Behrens; Masetto, Signor Zoboli; II Commendatore, Signor Pyatt ; Donna Anna, Mdlle. Crosmond ; Don Elvira, Mdlle. Alwina Valleria ; Zerlina, Mdme. Trebelli. Thursday, September i2th, "Carmen" cast as before. THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. 271 Friday, September i3th, " II Trovatore." Manrico, Signer Gillandi ; II Conte di Luna, Signer Galassi ; Ferrando, Signor Franceschi ; Ruiz, Signer Rinaldini ; Inez, Mdlle. Robiati ; Leonora, Mdme. Sinico (her first appearance this season) ; Azucena, Mdme. Trebelli. Saturday, September i4th, " Faust." Faust, Signor Gillandi ; Mephistophele, Signor Del Puente ; Valen- tino, Signor Galassi ; Wagner, Signor Franceschi ; Siebel, Mdme. Trebelli ; Martha, Mdme. Lablache ; Margherita, Mdme. Etelka Gerster. The last Italian engagement in the " Old Royal." ISTOT ICE OIF M. (SOVER, PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTINENTAL PORTAITIST, BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HIS NEW STUDIOS AT 124 STEPHEN'S-GREEN, WEST, (Next Royal College of Surgeons, ) WILL SHORTLY BE OPENED. In consequence of the unprecedented success of M. GLOVER as a Portraitist, he has specially constructed this Atelier on the most advanced scientific principles, and engages that the work therein executed will not be excelled by that of any living Photographer. REMOVING FROM 70 GRAFTON-STREET TO 124 STEPHEN'S-GREEN, WEST. Dublin, 1st January, 1880. SMYTH'S UMBRELLAS .A.T _A_LI, IBICES. FRANCIS SMYTH AND SON, Manufacturers of Umbrellas of every description, for all Classes, SILKS, ALPACAS, DAGMARS, RUSSELLS, DURABLES & GINGHAMS, AND OF ROYAL TWILL SILK UMBRELLAS. TWELVE MONTHS WEAR GUARANTEED. LADIES, 16s. GENTS, 21s. The Ynried STOCK comprises the latest Novelties in Carved Ivory Handles, Horn, Ebonies, Natural Woods, Gold and Silver Mounts. WALKING STICKS AT ALL PRICES. REPAIRS AND RECOVERINGS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. 75 GRAFTON-STREET, 24 ESSEX-QUAY, AND 4 LOWER SACKVILLE-STREET. PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS, Fo UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles istrument REC'D LD-URC AUG 2 2 1984 FEB t-D fJCpTi I JUN251QRR ITEi LDfURL AUG 4 1MB LP. ICATION. D-URL LIN. R 30^* on of the MAR 1 6 1990 ss quality inted and 3N, iirers, tin GKN-, 108 & 109 GRAFTON-ST., 108 & 109, (Opposite the Provost's House.} HANChLLOR UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACIL A 000 029 504 8 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. REC'D LD-URL MAY 3 0.993