IT is the intention of the publishers to make
this series of little volumes, of which Making
a Poultry House is one, a complete library of
authoritative and well illustrated handbooks
dealing with the activities of the home-maker
and amateur gardener. Text, pictures and
diagrams will, in each respective book, aim to
make perfectly clear the possibility of having,
and the means of having, some of the more
important features of a modern country or
suburban home. Among the titles already
issued or planned for early publication are the
following: Making a Rose Garden; Making a
Lawn; Making a Tennis Court; Making a Fire-
place; Making Paths and Driveways; Making
a Rock Garden; Making a Garden with Hotbed
and Goldframe; Making Built-in Bookcases,
Shelves and Seats; Making a Garden to Bloom
TJiis Year; Making a Water Garden; Making
a Garden of Perennials; Making the Grounds
Attractive with Shrubbery; Making a Natural-
ized Bulb Garden; with others to be announced
Published May, 1912
THE RUN ...... 50
TO MODERN METHODS . Frontispiece
Making a Poultry House
rTl O close one's eyes and dream of a home
in the country with its lawns, its gar-
dens, its flowers, its songs of birds and
drone of bees, proves the sentimental in
man, but he is not practical who cannot
call into fancy's realm the cackle of the
Having conceded her a legitimate place
in the scheme of the country home, good
housing is of the utmost importance, and
it is in regard to this that one easily blun-
ders. Few would idealize a rickety hovel
as a home for the flock, but many of us,
while we would not put our highly prized
birds into an airtight box, so over-house
2 v _ Making ^a Poultry House
them tha tHey* weaken instead of profiting
by our care.
That the poultry house is yet in an
evolutionary stage, all must admit, but no
one can deny that great strides have been
made since the once neglected barnyard
fowl has come to be known as a very un-
derstandable and responsive creature, to
be dealt with on common-sense grounds.
Only that poultry house is a good shel-
ter which in winter conserves as much
warmth as possible, and yet permits an
abundance of fresh air ; that admits sun-
light, and yet in summer is cool. Such a
building must offer no hospitality to other
than poultry life, and it must be con-
structed in line with the economic value of
its residents. In short, the structure
must be so contrived as to guard against
drafts, dampness, disease, and vermin, to
insure a profitable result. A maximum of
Introduction 3
comfort with a minimum of risk insures
healthy poultry.
The location of the poultry house has
an important bearing upon the style of
the building. It is better to put the
building where the land will slope away
from, rather than toward, it. A large
and durable poultry house was recently
built and afterwards condemned by its
owners as damp. The land sloped slightly
towards the building, but sufficiently to
convey all surface water towards it, mak-
ing its earth floor always damp in wet
weather. If no other site can be secured,
then it is better to mount the building on
posts rather than on the ordinary founda-
tion. If one has room enough to consider
the kind of soil, sand is best, as it dries
quick 1 /, and the runs one can scarcely
consider the building without runs can
be kept much cleaner.
4 Making a Poultry House
A windbreak of some kind on the cold
side of the building is a decided advantage
a wall, an evergreen hedge, a grove, or
other buildings, will protect the poultry
house, and, perhaps, also a portion of the
runs, with benefit to the poultry.
In that the family flock may range in
size from half a dozen to fifty or seventy-
five fowls, the size of the building, and
even its style, must vary to suit one's
needs. A small coop, almost square, may
house your flock of eight or ten, but the
larger flock requires a house longer and
higher, with more ample ventilation.
Ventilation by means of the canvas or
burlap curtain has so simplified the fresh-
air problem that less building room is
needed where sleeping-quarters alone are
considered. Hence the necessary house
room for hens depends upon the mode of
Introduction 5
That a large building with no direct
ventilation is not so healthful for fowls as
a small house that admits the fresh air di-
rect, was proved in the case of a flock of
fowls, during the last two winters. The
previous winter seventy-five fowls were
kept in a large building adjoining a barn.
Its walls were thick, the place was very
high and roomy. Ventilation was given
through a loft. The quarters were kept
clean, and all known rules of health ob-
served. A glass door was fitted into the
doorway, thus admitting sunlight to a
small part of the floor. Not a hen was
allowed to place her fair foot upon the
cold snowy ground. The birds were taken
sick with catarrhal troubles early in the
winter, and were in an unpromising condi-
tion until spring. This last winter the
birds, now forty in number, were housed in
a seven by twelve building, seven feet high,
6 Making a Poultry House
with two windows in the front, each thirty-
four inches wide and twenty-one inches
high, placed one foot below the eaves, and
one foot from the sides. Fresh air came
through a canvas curtain in one window;
the other had a glass sash. The birds
came through the winter in fine condition.
This building would have held the original
number, but in that case the burlap cur-
tain would have been used in the other win-
dow also.
The cooping of the young chicks must
be considered as a problem somewhat dis-
tinct until they are old enough to contend
with the other fowls for their rights.
Water-tight roofs, walls, and floors are
essential to the life and health of the
T \ 7HILE no one style of hen house can
meet all the conditions for all local-
ities, almost any good model may be
adapted to almost any locality, or at least
suggest adaptable features.
The descriptions of houses that have
been adapted as here given may easily sug-
gest other modifications.
A house eight by seventeen feet should
give ample roosting and nesting room for
a flock of thirty or forty hens. One used
by the author is seven feet wide, fifteen
feet long, and ten feet high from peak to
floor, and is satisfactory during spring,
summer, and fall. In winter, however, a
scratching-shed of equal area is desirable.
8 Making a Poultry House
It need not be higher than three feet. It
should adjoin the hennery, and a section
of its roof should be movable to allow a
The front of a house that will shelter satisfactorily a
dozen fowls
change of litter. The sunlight should be
freely admitted to this through glass.
A small coop that will house a dozen
fowls, and may be used where one has little
space, or is just getting into poultry
keeping, is eight feet long and six feet
Specific Suggestions for Houses 9
deep. It has a double-pitched roof, is
five and one-half feet high from the lower
edges of the roof to the foundation, and
seven from the peak to the foundation.
The eaves project four inches, but in front
a board eight inches wide is hinged to the
lower edge of the eaves. This is swung
back and hooked against the side of the
building on sunny days, but in rainy
weather it is swung outward, thus extend-
ing the roof eight inches to prevent the
rain from beating into the muslin-covered
windows below. It is held in this posi-
tion by brackets at either end, which are
hinged to the building, and may be turned
back against it when not in use.
Two windows, two feet high and three
feet wide, ar placed in the front, six inches
from either side, thirty-four inches from
the ground, and eight inches below the
eaves. Burlap-covered frames are fitted
io Making a Poultry House
to the windows, and these swing inward
when necessary, and may be fastened by
The door may be at either end of the building and it
must be made draft -proof
hooks suspended from the roof of the
The building has a brick foundation
and a concrete floor six inches higher than
the surrounding surface of the ground,
and on a level with the top of the founda-
tion. At the rear are nests beneath the
Specific Suggestions for Houses 1 1
roosts. These are 14 in. long., lg in. high,
and 11 in. wide. There are seven on the
bottom row placed alternately in a length-
wise and crosswise manner, and six above.
The lower nests are improvised from boxes
bought from a grocer's at five cents each,
and are set upon a skeleton shelf raised 4
in. above the floor. The upper nests are
likewise set upon a skeleton shelf 3 in.
above the first tier. The sides of boxes
are cut away to 5-in. height to allow the
hens room to enter the nests. These nests
are accessible to the hens from the front
and are reached for egg collection by lift-
ing a hinged door at the back ; this door is
7 ft. long, 18 in. wide, and is 12 in. above
the foundation in the rear.
The roosts are thirty-four inches above
the floor, and run lengthwise of the house.
Two will accommodate the small flock of
twelve or fifteen fowls. Three inches be-
12 Making a Poultry House
low is the drop-board supported upon
horizontal braces. It is in two sections,
and slides out when desired. It is twenty
inches wide, its outer edge being even with
the first roost.
The walls are covered with sheathing pa-
per laid inside over the studs, and tongue-
and-groove boards are nailed over this.
The outside is weather-boarded, and the
roof covered with tarred paper over
boards laid closely together. A door at
one end, 26 in. wide and 5 ft. 6 in. high,
gives access to the building, and a small
door, 12 x 12 in., sliding in grooves, is
placed in the front near the floor, for the
use of the fowls.
This coop may be modified to suit in-
dividual preference; for instance, by giv-
ing it a single-pitched roof.
For the framework and inclosure these
v materials will be required :
A portable colony house of simple design rec-
ommended by J. Dryden and A. G. Lunn in
a bulletin of the Oregon Experiment Station
The rear of the same house, showing the ex-
tension nest boxes with individual covers
Specific Suggestions for Houses 13
Hemlock or spruce for sills
(5x6 in.) 38 lineal feet
Hemlock or spruce for cor-
ner supports and plate
to support rafters (3 x
4 in.) 60 lineal feet
For intermediate supports,
or studs, corner braces,
and rafters (2 x 4) 120 lineal feet
For the roof beneath the tarred paper,
128 lineal feet of six-inch boards will be
required, or 160 feet of five-inch boards;
400 lineal feet of five-inch weather boards
will be required to inclose the building.
For the window and door casings 50
lineal feet of suitable lumber will be re-
quired, and 60 Uneal feet of five-inch
tongue-and-groove boards for the door.
The hinged door in the rear is made of
the weather boards and covered with tarred
paper on the inside.
14 Making a Poultry House
About 75 square feet of tarred paper
will be required.
About 120 sq. ft. of boarding will be re-
quired for the inside.
Where circumstances compel one to use
a damp location, the building must be con-
structed so as to meet these conditions.
Foundations of concrete, brick, or stone
do not meet the conditions for a dry floor
where one must use a badly-drained site.
In such a case, the building must be set
on posts. Short posts, only a foot high,
hardly answer, for debris may collect
thereunder, and harbor wild animals.
Three feet of space, at least, should be
given underneath. Cedar posts six feet
apart, sunk into the ground to a depth of
three and one-half or four feet, a foot of
concrete being first poured into the
hole, will insure a firm support.
The back and sides of this open space
Specific Suggestions for Houses 15
may be inclosed with boards, the open
front being protected with heavy, close-
meshed galvanized poultry wire, to pre-
vent wild animals or poultry from taking
refuge underneath. In a very wet place,
however, I would not inclose with boards
at all.
The floor of such a building should be:
First, wide, rough boards, then rubber
roofing laid over them, and secured at all
joints to make it moisture-proof, and then
narrow boards, tightly fitted together.
This upper flooring should be well seasoned
and well nailed down.
A house of this character, that will hold
from twenty-five to thirty-five fowls, with
nesting, scratching, roosting, and sand-
bath accommodations, is eight and one-
half feet deep, twelve feet long, six feet
high in back, and nine feet in front. It
has the single-pitched roof, shingled. Its
1 6 Making a Poultry House
walls are double-boarded, with an inter-
lining of sheathing paper. In the front
are two windows, six feet high by three
and one-half feet wide. They are fitted
with double sash, which can be removed
in summer. At night these sash are let
down from the top, and a burlap-covered
frame placed over the entire window, ad-
mitting fresh air and preventing radiation
of warmer air within through the exposed
For a house in a damp location the large
windows provide an excellent means of in-
suring dryness in winter if used to trans-
mit sunlight during the day, and covered
at night as explained above.
A building that is practically fireproof
may be made of cement blocks for founda-
tion and walls, with a concrete floor six
inches higher than the outside ground.
Wood may be used for the rafters and
One of the Oregon Station types in which the
whole end is of netting, covered with fabric
in cold weather
A colony house on skids, 7 x 12 feet, as rec-
ommended by the Oregon Experiment Station
to accommodate 30 to 40 fowls
Specific Suggestions for Houses 17
ceiling, the roof being covered with metal,
tile, or asbestos roofing, and the inside ceil-
ing plastered.
Another building which will provide sev-
enty-five or one hundred fowls with roost-
ing, scratching, and nesting-room in the
winter, when foul weather makes confine-
ment necessary, is twenty feet long, twelve
feet deep, six feet high in the rear, and
ten feet high in front. It has a brick
foundation and a concrete floor that is
ten inches above the level of the ground
at the front of the building, in order to
bring it well above the surface of the
ground in the rear the site is a sloping
In the front are three windows, one foot
from the sides of the building, one foot
below the top, and one foot apart. They
are five feet four inches wide, three and
one-half feet high, and fitted with burlap-
1 8 Making a Poultry House
covered frames, which may be lifted and
fastened against the ceiling when so de-
sired. Weather boards, sheathing paper,
- ZO -
Him i.l i in:
Plan of a house to give roosting, scratching and
nesting accommodations to seventy -five or a hun-
dred fowls
and narrow boards on the inside form the
Directly in front, and extending the
length of the building, is a glass-inclosed
sun room four feet high and five feet wide.
Specific Suggestions for Houses 19
One end of this has a door to allow for
the cleaning of the floor. The concrete
floor of the main room extends into the
sun room. Three openings, ten inches
wide and one foot high, connect this sun
room with the main room, and are pro-
vided with slides to be closed at night
when the sun room is no longer a warm
The roosts are in the rear and extend
the entire length of the building. There
are three, placed four feet above the
ground floor. These roosts are remov-
able, being set in grooves cut into the
wooden brackets which hoM them. A
hinged drop-board in sections is hung be-
low the roosts.
The nests are forty in number in two
tiers, and are fixed to the front wall of
the building, below the windows. They
are covered at the top, open at the side,
2O Making a Poultry House
and have a running-board before them one
foot wide. Nests and boards are sup-
ported by stout wooden brackets about
three feet apart. Nests and perches are
reached by climbing-boards at one end of
Cross-section of the house for seventy -five or a hun-
dred fowls, showing the glazed scratching shed on
the south front
the room. The door is placed at the op-
posite end of the building, and is twenty-
six inches wide and six feet high. It can
be made wider if desired, as there is room.
The care of the young birds is greatly
lightened by houses built for them espe-
cially. These need not be large nor
Specific Suggestions for Houses 21
elaborate, and, since they are for use in
the milder seasons of the year, do not re-
quire great precautions against the cold.
While the slant-roofed colony coops,
which can be moved about, are best for the
care of large flocks of growing poultry,
the progeny of the small family flock may
be conveniently housed in one long coop
divided into compartments, with separate
little pens before each division. A coop
of this kind, six feet long, thirty inches
wide, and twenty-seven inches high, will
shelter seventy-five young chicks very com-
fortably from babyhood to large broiler
age. The floor should be made light and
warm, and the coop mounted upon skids
or runners, so that it may be moved if
desired. The top of this coop slants gen-
tly and lifts up like a lid for inspection and
cleaning, and this top is hinged to the
rear side, and covered with tarred paper.
22 Making a Poultry House
Since young chicks will crowd and
smother if the air supply is limited, the
entire front of the coop, to seven inches
above the bottom, is covered with coarse
muslin or sacking during spring, and with
galvanized wire netting in the summer.
The size of the lumber necessary for any
of these buildings is about the same : Tim-
ber for sills, 5 x 6 in. ; cross-beams and
main supports, 4 x 3 in. ; intermediate
joists, supports, and rafters, 2 x 4 in. ;
and for weather boards and floor boards,
any convenient width.
Well-seasoned lumber should be used,
and should be first-class of its kind. Sec-
ond-grade material may be used for the
wood-house, but faulty building of the
poultry house may mean more in losses
from drafty floors or walls than the sav-
ing in the first outlay will warrant.
PTHHE floor of the poultry house sus-
tains as important a relation to the
health of the fowls as any other part of
the building. A cold, drafty floor is a
constant menace, inducing catarrhal af-
fections, and a damp floor, with its con-
stant evaporation of unwholesome moist-
ure, is equally unfavorable.
The floor of the building bears a close
relation to the foundation; indeed, its
character is actually determined by the
kind of foundation used. From this rela-
tion have developed three distinct styles of
flooring: the earth or cement floor with
brick or stone foundations ; the board floor
with a foundation; and the board floor
without a foundation, the structure being
supported on posts.
24 Making a Poultry House
Any one of these can be made a success
if its peculiar requirements are complied
The board floor with a foundation
makes a warm floor, but it is not durable
over a perfectly tight foundation, which
tends to induce rotting from the damp-
ness of the soil beneath. To insure
against this, openings should be left in
either end of the foundation openings
about the size of a brick's end. In a long
building, such openings should occur at
intervals of ten feet.
Such places are an invitation to rats,
however, and should be securely protected
by heavy, close-meshed galvanized wire, or
by iron grating.
The flooring must be so tight as to pre-
vent drafts coming up through it. In the
case of the board floor without a founda-
tion, the building rests upon posts, and
Floors and Foundations 25
some poultrymen leave the space beneath
open so that the air sweeps through be-
neath it. Others board up the windside.
Such buildings should never be boarded
all the way around, however, as rats will
burrow beneath or gnaw through, giving a
great deal of trouble.
Laying tin around the edges over the in-
terlining to a width of about six inches,
letting it project under the inner wall, and
meeting the outer wall, will prevent rats
from gnawing into the building.
A warm floor is secured by laying it
double with an airtight interlining tf roof-
ing paper or similar substance. (For the
lower layer of boards, hemlock answers
well.) Cementing the surface of the floor
gives a clean smooth surface.
An earth floor or one of cement is cold
and damp, if lower or even level with the
outside surface of the ground. It should
26 Making a Poultry House
be at least six inches higher, and, to ren-
der it dry, a layer of stone several inches
deep should be placed in beneath the six
inches of earth.
All floors must be cleaned frequently,
fresh litter being placed in all scratching
rooms, and sunlight be allowed to stream
in upon them.
Where an earth floor is used, fresh earth
or ashes must take the place of that
cleared away each day.
Though not of secondary importance,
the foundation of the poultry house is a
secondary consideration, for after one has
decided upon his location, manner of build-
ing, and the best kind of floor for his hens
under those conditions, he may come to a
conclusion about the foundation.
The brick, concrete, or stone continu-
ous foundations have such a stable appear-
ance that, looks alone considered, they are
preferable to posts. Where brick or con-
An earth floor lower than the outside surface
is cold and damp
The flooring must be perfectly tight to prevent
drafts coming through it
Floors and Foundations 27
crete posts are used, however, the effect is
not unstable.
On a good building site, I like the brick
or concrete foundation, and would have no
other. Under such conditions, it meets
the requirements of a durable building for
The foundation of the poultry house
need not be deeper than two or two and
one-half feet below the surface of the
ground, according to the climate of the lo-
cality. The object is to lay it below the
freezing point. It must be high enough
to actually raise the building above the
earth and its dampness. Where tlie soil
washes in around the foundation, gradu-
ally covering it and partly burying the
wood above, it is likely to cause the
weather boards to decay around the base.
Get a man who understands his job to
do the work of foundation-laying, else your
superstructure will suffer.
fin HE roof of the poultry house is, for
the average poultryman, a problem
solved by the state of his pocketbook, cli-
mate, and the location of his buildings, as
well as personal preference.
The shape of the roof may be governed
by taste, the prevailing type of architec-
ture, etc., but where the welfare of the
fowls themselves is jeopardized by a cer-
tain style, personal preference must yield
and the health of the birds themselves
determine the choice.
Roofs that can be made watertight with
the least difficulty, which do not overhang
so far as to prevent sunlight from enter-
ing the windows, and which are sightly,
are the aim of the average builder.
The Roof 29
Considered from the point of utility
alone, the single-pitched roof seems to be
the most popular. It gives the necessary
watershed and interior room for the least
amount of material.
While the height of the roof from the
floor should be influenced by the other di-
mensions of the building, the fowls will do
as well with a low-roofed building properly
cleaned and ventilated, as with one of lofty
roof, but the inconvenience of caring for
the low-roofed building must be consid-
ered, and hence few of us want a roof lower
than six feet.
After one has decided the form of the
roof, the next point is the material.
In counting the cost, one must consider
the possible expense in keeping in repair a
roof cheap at the outset. Some roofs ab-
sorb the sun's rays to such a degree as to
make the building too warm. In certain
30 Making a Poultry House
locations a fireproof roof is imperative, by
law or expediency.
Wood, metal, and the tarred paper or
felt roofing have peculiar qualifications
which adapt them to individual re-
quirements. The paper or felt roofings
appeal to a great many people, as the
work of applying the material can be done
by an amateur. These roofings are laid
on over boards and secured in position by
nails, the joinings being made watertight
with cement. Pliant roofings should be
turned well over the edges of the roof and
fastened securely. Allowance for lapping
of the strips is made on the material, and
this lap should be observed. The cost of
the cement and nails necessary to the
work is included in the price of the roofing
per roll. There are several good tarred
roofings on the market at one dollar and
eighty cents or one dollar and ninety cents
The Roof 31
per roll of about one hundred square feet.
When buying, it is best to select those
having a fireproof surface. Two-ply felt
roofing is more economical than the one-
ply, as it makes a much more lasting roof.
After three or four years it will require
repainting, and this must be done
promptly to preserve the roof. The price
of the felt roofings varies, costing from
two to two and one-half dollars per square.
All flexible roofings must be laid over
boards that are fitted closely, else they
will tend to break over the crevices.
The galvanized steel and iron roofing?
are the most durable of all. The best
grade of galvanized iron costs from four
dollars and twenty-five cents to five dol-
lars per square (100 square feet), cover-
ing the cost of laying, but as it is abso-
lutely fireproof, lower insurance rates are
obtainable on buildings where it is used.
32 Making a Poultry House
The galvanized roof is very warm in
summer, which in some sections proves an
objection. Tarred paper also is hot.
Roofs of cedar or white pine shingles
outlast the pliant roofings, and really cost
less in the end. One poultryman who has
had experience with metal, felt, paper, and
shingle roofing, prefers the last, claiming
that it serves him best for least cost.
Where other buildings have just been
constructed, there may be left-over roofing
material of a higher grade, which will
serve to cover the poultry house. Roofing
tile and asbestos shingles make excellent
roofs, and are very sightly, but their use
demands a different treatment of the roof
framing, and an experienced workman to
make a satisfactory job.
an influx of fresh air with-
out drafts and without too great
cooling of the air, and you have solved the
problem of ventilation. To prevent an
undue fall of temperature, there must be,
in addition to a fresh-air supply, a con-
tinuous heat supply, and this exists in the
fowls themselves. This we must plan to
conserve. Admitting the fabric-covered
window now so universally used : to be
the best solution of how to admit fresh air
with the least loss of heat, the accompani-
ment of this is perfect tightness of the
windowless sides.
As far as materials are concerned, wood,
brick, cement blocks, or stone, are equally
34 Making a Poultry House
satisfactory if their requirements are un-
derstood, and they are used to suit condi-
tions. Some poultrymen object to brick
or stone, claiming that they are damp, yet
we know that stone does not create moist-
ure. Of course, masonry being a better
conductor of heat than wood, moisture al-
ready in the air will condense upon stone,
concrete, etc., when it will not be evident
on wood. The moisture-laden air, which
is cold and unhealthy for the fowls, must
be due to a damp floor, poor ventilation,
or some such reason. The fact that a cer-
tain concrete or stone wall is dry would
prove that conditions were right, while the
wooden wall would show warning signs only
in extreme dampness.
In localities where stone abounds, the
entire building may be constructed of
stone, giving ample window room.
All buildings which are plastered or ce-
Walls, Windows and Ventilation 35
mented in any part of their construction
should be allowed to dry thoroughly be-
fore the flock moves in.
As an important aid to uniformity of
temperature in winter, the wall space filled
with confined air is important. The ce-
ment blocks and hollow building tile pro-
vide for this to a certain extent. A
double board wall may give this result if
carefully constructed. By placing sheath-
ing paper under the weather boards, and
also under the ceiling boards, a very satis-
factory wall is possible.
A warm wall is made by combining brick
and boards using weather boards out-
side, brick within, and plaster, or ceiling
boards, on the inner side.
A single board wall can be made com-
fortable as winter quarters by covering
the outside with roofing paper and hav-
ing it painted black. These black-painted
36 Making a Poultry House
hen houses and coops are too warm in
summer, however.
The inside walls of the hen house should
be smooth enough to be kept clean. A
good wood-filler in the crevices prevents
lice and mites from lodging there, but if,
when whitewashing the walls, care is taken
to work the lime into the crevices with the
brush, and this work is done often enough,
say four times a year, such pests would
be kept down.
Make it a rule to have the windows on
the light, sunny side of the building, fac-
ing south or southeast, but have none on
the other three sides.
Windows really ought to be of such a
size and position that the sunlight can
reach every part of the floor space during
some part of the day. Though we all be-
lieve in the benefit of sunlight, we do not
always realize how important a part it
Walls, Windows and Ventilation 37
plays in the care of poultry. When we
consider that vermin and disease thrive in
its absence, and that remedial measures are
more or less troublesome and expensive,
we will work into our building schemes
every possible inlet for sunlight.
The windows should occupy a large part
of the front wall area one-third of it, at
least, and be evenly distributed over the
upper part of the surface. Movable win-
dow sash or curtain frames are imperative.
The position of the ventilating arrange-
ment depends upon the position of the
fowls at night. It is a strange fact that
human beings, animals, and poultry can
better stand a current of air coming di-
rectly toward the front of the head than
from the rear or sides ; hence I would place
the roosts so that the fowls face the win-
dow and get the fresh air on a level with
the nostrils rather than from above or
38 Making a Poultry House
below. Thus they are fortified against a
drop in temperature. For example, where
the roosts are to be two feet above the
floor, I would have the windows about
twenty inches from the floor, provided the
roof is correspondingly low. With the
roosts three or four feet above the floor,
the window should be from thirty-two to
forty-four inches above the floor, etc. I
think it is safe to have the windows not
higher than eight or twelve inches below
the eaves, and six inches from the sides
of the building.
Despite the fact that some poultrymen
have discarded glass, I cannot rule it out
altogether. It certainly has its uses on
cold wintry days when the heat of the
sun's rays is wanted without the chill
wintry air. I believe these glass windows
should be covered at night, and that the
fabric curtain is therefore the most sensi-
Walls, Windows and Ventilation 39
ble mode of night ventilation. Burlap,
sacking, or coarse muslin may be used to
cover the window frames. Burlap is the
most substantial. In tacking it to the
frame, tacks with tin discs beneath the
head (like those with roofing nails) may be
used, or a thin light strip of wood may
bind the burlap to the frame, and through
it the tacks are driven.
Wherever glass is used, some protection
of poultry wire is necessary to prevent its
being broken.
T T aids in ridding the house of dust if,
when the fowls are out, a searching
breeze can blow through occasionally. For
this reason, end doors are a great ad-
vantage, but they must be draft-proof.
The good points of an otherwise well-
built poultry house may be set at naught
by carelessly made doors, which fit loosely
in their casings.
Doors which open on the cold or exposed
side of a building require more precautions
against drafts than those on the sunny
side. The door should be of tightly fitted
boards, and covered on the inner side with
tarred roofing paper, or thin, narrow
The Door 41
The following hints are for a door that
is practically draft-proof: For the door
itself use tongue-and-groove boards, an
inch thick, reinforced six inches from the
top and bottom by cross-pieces six inches
wide, and beneath the latch by a rectangle
of the same wood. Over this is tacked
sheathing paper, fitting it about the cross-
pieces. The inner side is finished with
narrow tongue-and-groove ceiling boards.
(These may be placed over the battens or
between them.) In case they are to be
placed over the battens, the open space be-
tween the two board surfaces is closed
with a narrow wooden strip.
The door casing is five inches thick, the
sill board six inches wide, and slanting to
one inch lower on the outside than on the
inside. On the sides and across the upper
part of the door casing are nailed inch-
thick strips which, with the edge of the
42 Making a Poultry House
casing against which the door shuts, gives
a two-inch edge which effectually excludes
air currents. Against the lower edge of
the door is a heavy strip of felt, reinforced
with leather where it is tacked to the door.
T 71 THEN we have come to the interior
fittings of the poultry house, we
are about ready for the flock to move in,
and may consult the peculiarities of our
chosen breed to some extent.
In the matter of nests, heavier breeds of
fowls need them of easier access than do
the lighter breeds. The latter class seem
to enjoy an ascent to their nests, and it is
as well to favor them.
The nests may be around the sides of
the building, beneath the roosts and drop-
board, or in any convenient place, and
there should be as many as there is room
for. Nests that are scattered about and
possess some distinctive characteristics
seem to make a greater appeal to some
44 Making a Poultry House
fowls. Nests in tiers of three or in blocks
of three seem to be readily identified by
the hens if the different sets of nests are
differently placed, but a row of half a
dozen nests exactly alike is confusing to
the average hen.
When space is at a premium, the nests
should stand beneath the roosts, protected
by a wooden drop-board smooth to be
vermin-proof and removable to be sani-
tary. A hinged board serves to darken
the nest and at the same time can be held
up by a hook when so desired. For clean-
liness the nest should be made of wood
and treated with some vermin preventive
which should be washed well into all crev-
ices. If the nest is raised four or five
inches from the floor and built with a por-
ous bottom, it is more easily kept dry. The
compartments should be separated to pre-
vent interference between layers. Each
Nests and Roosts 45
of these should be, as a rule, 16 x IS x 14
inches, although I am now using nests
13% in. long by 10% i n wide and 12 in.
high. In order to be lifted for cleaning
some light material must be used. A con-
venient arrangement is a long, narrow box,
fitting the available space, divided by par-
titions into individual nests. Wire net-
ting makes a very good bottom for this
type of nest. I like either this or the slat
bottom, through which the dust and worn
nest material sift and the air circulates.
Of course, such a nest should be supported
on brackets or suspended so that the air
can penetrate its parts. Grocer's boxes
may be converted into good nests by re-
moving the bottom and tacking smooth
slats across, with one and one-half inches
of space between each. Inch-meshed
poultry wire may be used if one is going
to use the wire netting. A coat of paint
46 Making a Poultry House
gives a more sanitary surface, but if this
is not practicable, the wood should be
planed as smooth as possible and white-
Concealment is usually favorable to the
use of the nests, and if the apartment is
light and sunny, a board screen may be
used to secure this, or the nest entrance
may be turned away from the light. I am
using curtains of sacking with marked in-
crease of popularity among my fowls.
Nests which were persistently shunned are
now constantly used since thus darkened.
The sacking may be hung from a wooden
strip placed in front of the nests. It gets
dusty, but if one is provided with two or
three such curtains, the soiled ones may
be hung outdoors in the wind and rain for
The trap nest is as useful to the small
poultryman as to the man who runs a
Alfalfa in the run under netting, through which
the hens may pick
Even with the small flock the trap nest should
be used there is no use feeding non-producers
Nests and Roosts 47
large poultry plant. It is so arranged
that each laying hen and her product may
be identified. A trap nest may be im-
provised from a box of suitable size. Cut
out entrance and exit in opposite sides,
and in each suspend a door so that it will
swing at a pressure of the fowl's head.
The entrance door swings inward only
the exit door swings outward. After the
egg is laid, the hen passes through the exit
into a small in closure, from which she is
liberated after her achievement has been
Where rational methods are used in
nest construction, it is hardly necessary
to use nest-eggs to secure the fowl's pat-
ronage of the nests. Where they are used,
however, those of dull finish are prefer-
able to the smooth glass ones.
Hens want a roost that they can clasp
with their toes. It should be broad
48 Making a Poultry House
enough to support the bird's weight upon
the ball of the foot and thin enough to al-
low the toes to curl under. This act is a
reflex one and as much a part of their
slumber as scratching is a part of their
waking activities. This power of clasping
the perch seems to belong to birds in vig-
orous conditions. Ailing birds that can-
not roost seldom have enough vitality to
Roosts two and one-quarter inches wide
and not more than an inch thick, with
slightly rounded edges favoring the curl
of the toes, are satisfactory. They may
be arranged horizontally, or slightly in-
clined, ladder fashion. Light poles cut
from young saplings make suitable roosts,
if scraped clean of bark and shaved to
flatten them slightly on the upper side.
Horizontal roosts may be placed about
one foot apart, and not more than three
Nests and Roosts 49
lying parallel, or the fowls roosting on the
rear perch do not get enough air. I
prefer them slightly inclined, ladder
fashion, at an angle of nearly thirty de-
grees, the lowest perch not lower than
three feet from the floor, and not more
than three perches parallel. Where the
fabric curtain is used, all get the benefit
of the fresh air coming through the can-
vas curtain.
fin HE runs are essentially a part of the
problem of housing. Fowls need
plenty of exercise, yet they are entirely
too meddlesome to be given full liberty
where one has a garden, a good lawn, and
flowers. While hens may be kept in build-
ings and, with proper care, still retain
their health, the average owner of a small
flock can keep the birds more economically
if he gives them the natural advantages
of outdoor exercise.
The most useful run is the divided pen,
each section to be used alternately.
For the active-laying breeds, three runs,
about ten by forty feet, to be used al-
ternately by the flock of forty hens, are
advisable. Where two are used the di-
The Run 51
mensions should be greater say ten by
A yard inclosure for large birds requires
two-inch meshed poultry wire, five and one-
half or six feet in width, supported by
posts set nine or ten feet apart. The wire
is attached to the posts by staples about
four inches apart. A wooden strip or any
other finish along the top of the fence is
an objection. The lower edge of the wire
requires a board or strip to which it is
tacked. Boards six inches wide may be
used for this.
rilHE poultry house, no matter how
A carefully built, is not a fit place for
poultry, if it is neglected. Cobwebs
draped across the corners hold dust and
disease germs. Neglected perches become
mite-infested and are thereafter a menace
to the health of the poultry. Grooves and
crevices in walls harbor mites, lice, and
disease. Burlap curtains that become
dusty do not readily admit pure air, or else
convey a cloud of dust directly back to the
fowls. Floors that are covered with an
accumulation of dirt become damp and
cold, aside from the danger of contamina-
Window panes that are cloudy with dirt
do not admit sunlight properly.
The proper care of the poultry house
means work, and the place seems hope-
lessly unlovely when the task has been ig-
nored from day to day, and one's sins of
omission are seen in the aggregate. The
proper way to perform such work is daily,
when but a few minutes will serve to keep
the building sanitary.
The litter of straw should be changed
frequently, say, every third day the floor
swept and fresh litter spread upon it.
The droppings should be removed daily.
A little fine dry sand acts as an absorbent
if sprinkled over the cleaned surface.
Walls should be swept down once a week,
giving attention to corners, under and be-
hind nests, perches, etc. For this purpose
a splint broom, such as is used around
stables, is most useful.
For thorough cleansing after all loose
dirt has been swept away nothing is su-
54 Making a Poultry House
perior to whitewashing. It makes the
room lighter, sweetens the air, and is a
" cold shoulder " to all vermin. A sprin-
kling of dilute carbolic acid is a safeguard
against disease. Perches are best cleaned
by washing with some liquid insecticide,
and then allowing them to dry in the sun.
A good wash is made by dissolving half a
cake of any laundry soap in ten quarts of
water and adding five tablespoonfuls of
kerosene oil.
MAR 28 1935
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