1 The children ran here and there, flinging the hay about, and making themselves very hot, but very happy." Page 71. ONLY FIVE OR TUSSIE'S FROLICS IN FARM AND FIELD. ISMAY THORN, AUTHOR OF "PINAFORE DAYS." p t .< WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY T. PYM. LONDON: JOHN F. SHAW AND CO. 48 PATERNOSTER ROW. [All rights reserved. ] Uniform ivith " Only Five" By the same Author, PINAFORE DAYS : gfctaturea of fret aito BoIIg fcg anti BY ISMAY THORN. New Edition. With Illustrations by T. PYM. Price Half-a-Crown. A book for every child's heart ; should be sold by thousands." Christian World. LONDON: JOHN F. SHAW & CO., 48 PATERNOSTER Row, E.G. CONTENTS. CHAP. I. PUSSIE AND HER DOLL ROSIE II. OFF TO RYLANDS III. LITTLE COUSINS IV. HENS AND CHICKENS . V. HIDE AND SEEK . VI. HATCHING! VII. BIRD CATCHING . VIII. BUTTERCUP IX. GRANDPAPA AND PENNIES . X. RAIN AND SMOKE XI. LITTLE MRS. FOX XII. HAY DAY .... XIII. BLUEBEARD'S CHAMBER XIV. POOR ROSIE XV. A GRAVE CHAPTER XVI. A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE PAGE 7 '3 20 27 34 39 44 50 56 62 70 7 6 83 90 99 107 463 DEDICATED TO Cecil, jauriel, anti (Ella. ONLY FIVE, CHAPTER I. PU88IE AND HER DOLL ROSIE. " Hey, my kitten, my kitten, And hey, my kitten, my deary ! Such a sweet pet as this Was neither far nor neary." OR many weeks Pussie Western had been looking forward to a great treat, and now the time had come. Pussie had lived for five years in London her whole life, in fact, for she was but five years old, and had only been away from home once or twice, when she went ONL Y PIVE. to the seaside with her papa and mamma ; but she had never been into the country the real country. Now, some weeks ago, her mamma had told her that they had received an invitation to spend two months with her uncle and aunt in Leicestershire, and it was to this that Pussie had been looking forward for what seemed to the little girl almost a year the time was so long ! Mr. and Mrs. Sydney, Pussie's uncle and aunt, lived in a beautiful house, far away from any town. There was a large garden, and a dairy, also a number of cows and horses, cocks and hens, and things that Pussie had never seen, except in picture books. No wonder she was wild with joy at the idea of such a visit. But above all the delights to which she was look- ing forward, one of them was far more enchanting than all the rest put together. Pussie was an only child ; she had no little brothers or sisters to play with her, and she often felt very lonely in her nursery, if nurse was busy, and she did not know what to play at. She would have PUSS IE AND HER DOLL ROSIE. been so glad of a little sister, and once asked her mamma to buy one for her ; but her mamma had either forgotten, or did not want another little girl, for Pussie was still alone in her nursery. Now at Rylands, Mr. Sydney's house, there were two children, and this was what Pussie thought so delightful. o Two real, live children ! Oh ! how much nicer they would be than dolls ! Dolls cannot talk, one can only pretend about them, and it is so stupid to do all the talking one's self. Sometimes nurse would talk for one of the dolls, but she did it so badly, and never said the right things ; but two cousins, little children like herself, would be sure to know what dolls ought to say. Besides, she would not want her dolls so much then, when she could have children to play with. The idea was so delightful that her nursery seemed all the duller after thinking how happy they would be at Rylands ; so one day she came to her mamma, and asked in a very sad voice, " Mamma, can you tell me a nice game for one ? " io ONLY FIVE. She did not know how it was that her mamma did not answer her, except by a kiss ; but next day her papa gave her a talking doll, a doll that cried, and said "Papa" and "Mamma." Oh! how Pussie loved that doll, and what a lot she always had to say to it. She used to ask it questions, to which " Mamma " was the answer, such as "Who do you love best?" "Mamma!" " Who takes care of you?" "Mamma!" " Who took you out for a walk this morning ? " "Mamma!'' "And who loves you?" " Mamma!" After which the doll, whose name was Rosie, was kissed and told she was a very good child, and a chocolate drop given to her, which was usually eaten later by the housemaid. Rosie was beautifully dressed, and when Pussie heard they were to go to Rylands, she asked if she might have a little box for her clothes, and Mrs. Western gave her a small trunk for them. It held, also, all that a doll was likely to require on a visit, even a tooth brush, which Pussie thought was not much wanted, as Rosie had no teeth to keep clean. Then there was a brush and comb, a sponge and a PUSSIE AND HER DOLL ROSIE. ii cake of soap, and it was hoped that Rosie would be a very clean and tidy doll for the future. There was only one drawback to Pussie's pleasure in going to Rylands, which was that nurse had not been invited to go with them. Mrs. Sydney had only asked 12 ONLY FIVE. Pussie with her papa and mamma, and had said that " Jane" would do all that she wanted. Pussie felt sure "Jane" would not be nearly as nice as nurse, however Mrs. Western said nurse was to have a holiday, and go to the seaside where her daughter lived. So Pussie was a little consoled, though she cried the last night before starting, as nurse put her to bed, because, she said, it would be two whole months before dear nursey would do it again. But nurse said that was the very reason why she should not cry, that they might both have a pleasant recollection of the last time ; so as Pussie soon dried her eyes, they became very merry, and the little girl went to bed quite happily. CHAPTER II. OFF TO RYLANDS. " Little maid, pretty maid, whither goest thou?" EXT morning Pussie was in a state of wild excitement, and did more work than ten housemaids. She cleaned the dolls' houses, and made them all tidy, telling the dolls that while she was away they must keep the houses nice for themselves. Then she packed all Rosie's things for the twentieth time, and just as she was going to lock the little trunk with the key which hung round her neck on a red ribbon, she found that the hat Rosie was to wear had been put in. So she had to unpack it all ONLY FIVE. again, for the hat was at the bottom of the box, after which everything went in for the twenty-first time. When at last the carriage came to the door Pussie was fairly tired out, so that she and Rosie were unusually quiet in their corner. Pussie very kindly explained to Rosie all that she saw, and the doll seemed really grateful, for she stared into her little mamma's face with wide - open eyes, as if she were listening to every word Pussie said. They both grew very tired of the train, for it was a long journey to Rylands, but Rosie was very good, and did not follow Pussie's example of fidget- ing and saying how tired she was every five minutes. Then the train shook about so that she wondered it did not tumble right over, and at last she laid herself full length on one of the seats and watched the sky. When she next spoke it was to exclaim how dark it was, and then Pussie found she had been to sleep, and that they were actually stopping at the very station where they were to get out. In a few minutes she was seated on her papa's lap, in her uncle's carriage, OFF TO RYLANDS. 15 and they were rolling along the dark roads towards Rylands. " Were you and Uncle Charlie very happy when you were little children, Mamma ? " asked Pussie, peering out into the darkness in the hope of seeing the house, though they were at least six miles away from it at that moment. " Yes, indeed we were, Pussie! Uncle Charlie is older than I am, and he used to lead me into all sorts of mischief. I remember one day we cut all the great black dog's hair off, because we thought he would be cooler and more comfortable. Unfortunately, the poor animal did not like it, and was miserable for weeks afterwards. Suppose some one cut off all your hair, Pussie ! " "But you wouldn't let them," said Pussie, laughing, and shaking back her long curls ; " and then they couldn't, you know." Mrs. Western had to tell many more stories of "when she was a little girl," until at length they drove through the gates and past the lodge of Rylands. 1 6 ONLY FIVE. Pussie suddenly began to feel very shy at the idea of meeting her little cousins. i Chrys (whose real name was -Chrystopher) was eight years old, and Pussie knew nothing about boys. She hoped he would like her, and that the present she had brought for him was what he would care about. Beatrix, or Trix, as she was always called, was six years old, only a year older than Pussie herself, so they were sure to be very happy together, and have many delightful games. While Pussie was wondering what they would be like, the carriage stopped before an open door, and the next moment she was lifted out by a tall gentle- man she felt sure was Uncle Charlie he was so like mamma when he smiled. He carried her up the steps, and saying, " Here is another baby for you, Emma," put her down in the hall. Then a lady kissed her, and that was Aunt Emma, but there were no cousins! Oh, what a OFF TO R Y LANDS. face of blank disappointment Pussie turned towards her mamma, and her lips quivered. Mrs. Western quickly drew the child towards her, and then asked where Chrys and Trix were. " I sent them to bed some time ago," said Aunt Emma ; " it is nine o'clock, and I thought this little one would be much too tired to care about anything. It will be nicer to meet when you are fresh and rested in the morning," she said, bending down to i8 ONLY FIVE. kiss Pussie, who, however, could not say "Yes," and so was silent. Then they all went into the dining-room and had supper, after which her mamma carried Pussie up to her room, and put her to bed. It was a strange room, and a strange bed, but a side door opened into her mamma s room ; and so, feeling quite safe, Pussie fell asleep at once, being thoroughly tired out by her long journey, and sitting up so late. And now, if you wish to know what little Pussie is like, you may take a peep at her (which mamma and Aunt Emma did) as she lies in her bed fast asleep. She is a small, slight child, with a very sweet, pale face, but it is hoped that a few weeks in the country will bring a bright colour into her cheeks. Her long fair hair is tumbled over the pillow, and her head rests on her small thin hand. Close to her lies Rosie, the doll, staring up at the ceiling ' in a most wide-awake manner. " I hope," said Aunt Emma, as they left the room, OFF TO RYLANDS. 19 " that Pussie will grow quite strong and fat while she is here. She looks a thorough London child at present ; we must try to make a country girl of her, Katie/' And Mrs. Western hoped they would. CHAPTKK III. LITTLE COUSINS. " Cry, baby, cry ! " HEN Pussie opened her eyes next morning, she was startled to see a- little girl, with black eyes, and dark, curly, short hair, standing by her bedside. But the next moment she remembered that she was at Rylands now, and this must be her cousin Trix. " Oh ! I am so glad you woke up ! " said Trix, springing on to the bed ; " I was so afraid that you would not wake, you came so very late last night. Chrys and I knew when you had come, and he knew it first, so he jumped out of bed and told me, and then LITTLE COUS'NS. 21 we both listened and heard you and Aunt Katie and Uncle Frank arrive; and when you came up to bed we peeped, and saw you through the crack of the door. Chrys thought you were very small, and called you ' Dackie ! ' " " But my -name is not ' Dackie/ and I don't like 22 ONLY FIVE. it ! I am Catharine Emma, and mamma calls me Pussie/' " But you are like a Dackie all the same," said Trix, nodding her head ; " because you are so small." "I'm not!" said Pussie, "and I don't know what it means ! " " It means well ! it means something small very small smaller than usual, don't you see ? " " No, I don't ! " said Pussie indignantly ; " and I am not smaller than usual ! I am just the same size I always am, and I am a big girl; papa says so, so there!" "Well! / didn't call you 'Dackie/ it was Chrys," said Trix soothingly ; " and if he finds out you don't like it, he'll do it all the more." "Will he? oh! why?" asked Pussie, opening her eyes very wide, and staring at Trix. " Because he is a boy they always do," answered Trix with an air of superior knowledge. " Oh ! how I wish I was a boy ! " " Do you ? I don't ! Is it nicer to be a boy ? " LITTLE COUSINS. 23 " Oh yes," said Trix, " I should think so ! You see boys may climb trees and run and get hot, and no one scolds them for it. Then they never wear white frocks or sashes, and they have whips and fishing-rods, and play at cricket and football, and may say 'awfully jolly/ and girls mayn't do any- thing r " Mayn't they ? " said Pussie aghast ; " I thought they might : " and she sat up in bed looking very grave and thoughtful. "Well, nothing nice, I mean. Do you know, one day I put on an old suit belonging to Chrys that he had outgrown, and I went out in the field and played cricket with him, and papa did not know me at first, but shouted, ' Hullo ! you, sir! Who are you ?' because he thought I was some strange boy come in to play. Wasn't that fun ! " Pussie murmured "yes," though she thought she would have liked a quiet game of dolls better. The next moment Jane came in to help her to dress, and Trix, hearing Chrys's voice in the garden, ran oft" to join him. 24 ONLY FIVE. When Pussie was dressed, she ran into her mamma's room, and they went down together to breakfast. Chrys and Trix came rushing in from the garden, where they had been having some fun, and they sat eating their bread and milk, and whis- pering to each other about some plans they had been making for that day. When breakfast was over they both seized hold of Pussie, and after the presents had been given and admired carried her off with them into the play- room. There Chrys and Trix stowed away the cup and ball and doll, which had been Pussie's gifts, and I am afraid they neither of them looked at the toys again ; Pussie thought once or twice they seemed very dusty when she was playing in the room a week or two later. " Now, sit down there, Dackie," said Chrys, "and I will tell you what we are going to do to-day. First, Patty that's the dairy-maid, Dackie told me this morning that she had got some young chickens, and that we may see them. Now, what else shall we LITTLE COUSINS. 25 do ? Oh ! well, we can settle that later. Put on a hat, Dackie, and come out with us." " Please don't call me ' Dackie,' Chrys ; it's not my name, and I don't like it," remonstrated Pussie. " Oh ! don't you ? Go and put on your hat, and do as you are told. Dackies are always very obedient. Run!" Pussie fled instantly, and was found by Jane, in floods of tears, lying on her bed. She soon learnt what was the cause of the child's grief, but could not understand why it was so dreadful. "/ should not mind being called 'Dackie,' or any- thing else, Miss Pussie, and if you mind everything Master Chrys says you will be crying all day long. I hope you are not a cry-baby." But Pussie only sobbed more bitterly at this speech. Nurse had never called her a cry-baby, except in play ; she was not a baby, she was a big girl of five years old, and no one should call her Dackie : she would tell papa. Just as she slipped off the bed to carry out this intention, Trix came in, and a few kind words 26 ONLY FIVE. from her made Pussie all right again. She put on her hat, and said she would not mind being called " Dackie," only she could not be expected to like it, because it was so ugly,, and was not her name. CHAPTER IV. HENS AND CHICKENS. " The clocking hen sat on her nest, She made it in the hay ; And warm and snug beneath her breast A dozen white eggs lay." RE you two coming ? " shouted Chrys at the door. "All right, Dackie; don't be cross ! " and he stooped to look into Pussie's face, where there were still signs of tears. When Pussie heard that, she felt she had been cross, so she threw her arms round Chrys's neck and gave him a hug, to which he submitted with an unusually good grace, rather to Trix's surprise ; for she was accustomed to a rough " get away!" when she tried to caress her brother. 28 ONLY FIVE. " Come, we'll go to the farm first," said Chrys ; and taking Pussie's hand he ran off, while she had much difficulty in keeping up with him. They all arrived very much out of breath at the farmyard, and found Patty just going to feed the chickens. She first called up all the fowls with a funny clucking noise that made Pussie laugh very much when she heard it ; then she scattered the barley for them, and they picked it up as fast as they could. Some of the hens were naughty and greedy, fighting for their food and pecking any one who came near them ; and once two of them stood up, ruffling all their feathers and flying over each other's heads in a most absurd way : " having a jolly pitched battle," Chrys said. Pussie hoped they did not hurt each other very much, for she could not help laughing at them, they looked so funny. 11 But where are the chicks, Patty ? " asked Chrys, when all the grain was eaten, and the fowls began to wander off in search of worms and any stray food that might come in their way. HENS AND CHICKENS. " All right, Master Chrys, you shall see 'em ; but you must be very quiet and not frighten the old hens. They are in this barn." Patty threw open the door, and the children went in on tiptoe. 30 ONLY FIVE. There were three or four coops on the floor with hens under them, and running about were a number of little chicks of different sizes and colours, yellow, brown, black, and grey. In a corner of the barn stood several boxes, with hens sitting inside them, their feathers ruffled out on each side, and a very business- like look on their faces, as if the whole aim of life were to sit in a box as they were then doing. Pussie's delight at the chickens knew no bounds, and when she found they were not afraid of her, she was speech- less with happiness. Patty gave her some food to scatter for them, and the chicks all came running up, while some of them were so bold as to eat from her hand when she held it out to them. Pussie thought she could have stayed there all day long, but Patty said she must lock the door now, and called the children out. " But what are these hens doing ? " asked Pussie, going towards the boxes with much curiosity. " They're sitting, miss." ''Sitting ! what for?" "Sitting on eggs, miss. They sits on the eggs to HENS AND CHICKENS, 31 keep 'em warm, and then they hatches into chicks, like these." " Oh ! how delightful ! " cried Pussie ; " I wish I could be a hen and sit on eggs," and she gently held out her hand to a grey inmate of one of the boxes, saying, " Pretty hen ! " But the hen did not seem to understand, for it suddenly turned, and lifting its feathers in great indig- nation gave Pussie a peck with its hard beak, which made the little girl withdraw her hand in a great hurry. Then she followed Patty out, looking very grave. They went into another yard, full of pretty-coloured bantam fowls, who, though they were very small, were very proud and conceited, strutting about as if they were the most important creatures in the world as doubtless they were in their own eyes. " What makes the hens sit on the eggs ? " asked Pussie, after a silent contemplation of the ban- tams. " They sits because I puts 'em there, miss, and because it's their nature to do it," said Patty. 32 ONLY FIVE. " Wouldn't the eggs hatch all by themselves, then ? " Pussie inquired rather eagerly, " Bless you ! no, miss. They wants keeping warm- very warm, and so the hen sits on 'em." While Chrys and Trix went in search of a parti- cular spotted hen which was a great favourite of theirs, and consequently hid herself whenever they appeared, Pussie stood looking at the bantams, and thinking of what Patty had told her about the eggs. She started on hearing a voice behind her say " I have just found this egg in the woodshed, Patty ; " and the cowman gave a lovely little white one into the woman's hand. Patty saw the child's eyes fixed very wistfully on the egg, so she held it out to her. " I dare say you'd like it for tea, miss. Will you take it in, or shall I send it with t'others ? " "Oh! is it for me?" cried Pussie, with a bound of delight ; "thank you ! thank you ! Let me take it, please." So the egg was given to her, and she held it with an expression of rapture on her face, turning it gently HENS AND CHICKENS. 33 round and round as she thought how beautifully white it was, and how smooth it felt. When Chrys and Trix came back, hot and tired, not having found the speckled hen (who was all the time watching them from behind several logs of wood, where she was busily scratching in some cinders), they found Pussie was gone. Patty did not know what had become of her, so they ran off in search of the truant. But after a hunt of nearly half an hour, they came back to the house, saying that Pussie had disappeared, and could not be found anywhere. CHAPTER V. HIDE AND SEEK. k " Under the haycock, fast asleep ! " UT where was Pussie ? As soon as she found herself alone, away she ran, clasping the precious egg. She paused and looked round, then seeing an open door ran in, and found a quantity of hay in an outhouse, in some places piled up almost to the roof. On to this she scrambled, still clutching the egg in her hot, trembling, eager little fingers. Then she chose a nice, well-hidden place, and there she made a nest for herself in the hay. But here a difficulty arose. She was not quite sure that she might not be heavier than HIDE AND SEEK. 35 the hen, and if she broke the egg what would Patty and every one say ? She wondered if the hens leant hard on the eggs, or if they only covered them lightly and softly. Anyhow she thought she would try, so she sat down in the hay, and putting the egg down covered it with a little bit of her short frock. She heard the other children calling her, but she was very anxious to surprise them, so she kept as still as a mouse, until their voices died away in the distance. Then she lifted her frock and looked at the egg again. There it was, white and beautiful as ever, but perfectly cold. How could the hens manage it ? Pussie sat and pondered the subject well, then she thought if she held it in her hands it might get warmer, so she took the egg very carefully and cuddled it up, while she thought that perhaps the chick would soon come out, and then it would be much nicer to have it in her hand, as if it were on the ground it might run away, and she would lose it. "I wonder what hens think about while they are 36 ONL Y FIVE. sitting in those boxes," murmured Pussie to herself. " It must be something very nice, because they looked so contented. I should not like to have to sit here very long, because I am rather tired of it already. I liked one of those liens so much, the brown one, she had such a nice face ; but the one that pecked me I did not like at all, she was a nasty, cross old thing ! Oh, dear ! what can they do to make the time go pleasantly ? Of course ! They think and plan about all that they mean to do when their eggs are hatched. Eggs ! Oh ! I wonder if one egg will hatch all by itself ? Perhaps they want to be several together. I'll go to Patty no, I won't. I think this egg is sure to hatch, it is so lovely ! Well I when the chicken comes out, I will go to mamma and show it to her, and ask if I may keep it, and if we may take it back to London. And then how surprised nursey will be! 'Miss Pussie, what on earth is that ? ' ' O nursey, that is my chicken. It was an egg and I hatched it.' Oh, how delightful it will be! And I'll call it Spot or or Brownie if it's brown, or Blackie if it's black, or or " HIDE AND SEEK. 37 A few minutes later, any one who had looked behind that mound of hay might have seen a little girl curled up fast asleep, and in her hands, now loosely clasped a small white egg. But no one looked, and so Pussie slept on quite unconscious that her papa and uncle were hunting everywhere in the garden for her, and that her mamma, who had just come home from a drive with Aunt Emma, was running about, calling in a voice of agony, "Pussie! Pussie! My darling, where are you ? " 38 ONLY FIVE. And all this time little Pussie was dreaming that she was the brown hen with the nice face, who, having hatched a lovely brood of chickens, was calling them to eat a worm she had just found. Chrys and Trix, with very grave faces, were sitting on the grass, quite tired out with calling and running, and Chrys whispered, with a solemn shake of the head, that he was very much afraid she had tumbled into the duck pond. CHAPTER VI. HATCHING! Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall ; All the king's horses and all the king's men Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again. AVING looked and shouted for Pussie in every place where she could pos- sibly have hidden or tumbled in the garden, Mr. Western and Mr. Sydney went back to the farmyard, and hunted for the child there. The hay piled round Pussie deadened their voices, so that she did not hear, even when the door was opened, and the two gentlemen came into the very place where she was lying. 40 ONLY FIVE. "She cant be here!" said Mr. Western in despair; " what on earth could she be doing among this hay ? " " Anything! wait a moment, I mean to explore;" and Mr. Sydney bounded lightly on to a great mound, and gave a sudden half-suppressed exclamation. " Come here, Frank, and look for yourself," he said, and then Mr. Western scrambled up beside him and they both looked at Pussie, who was still sleeping soundly. The egg had fallen from her hands and was hidden in a fold of her dress, and had grown quite cold. Mr. Western quickly remembered that Pussie's mamma would be in a dreadful state of mind if she did not see her little girl soon, so he went forward and touched her. " Don't ! I'm hatching ! " murmured Pussie, then, rousing, she quickly exclaimed, " Oh ! have I lost it ? No ! here it is," and seeing her papa and uncle, and having no pocket, she slipped the egg down the low neck of her white frock without being noticed. Then she jumped up and followed the gentlemen to the house. HA TCHING ! 41 She did not give any reason for having hidden in the hay till she fell asleep, because she was so anxious to keep her egg a secret, and as every one thought she could have had no real object in going there, she was not questioned. The egg inside her dress was in the meantime getting quite warm, and though it was very uncomfortable, and Pussie was rather afraid it might break, she was in hopes that it would soon hatch now that it had got so hot. She was very hungry at dinner, and glad to get a nice helping of roast mutton with rice-milk pudding after it, and then Mrs. Sydney gave each of the children a piece of cake, telling them they might run away and eat it in the garden. Now Chrys had a black retriever puppy that had been given to him on his last birthday, and he liked to let it loose every day after dinner, for it was usually chained up outside the stables ; so directly his mother gave him his slice of cake, he ran off to release his pet. Trix and Pussie were walking soberly along, dis- 42 ONLY FIVE. cussing the rival merits of seed and plum cake, when a black body rushed between them, nearly knocking them both over. Then smelling the cake in Pussie's hand the dog ran after her as she fled away in terror, and thinking it was a game, caught hold of her dress. Down went Pussie on the grass, away went the piece of cake from her hand, and was rapidly devoured by Bounce, for that was the puppy's name. But oh ! what a shriek Pussie gave as she picked herself up, for the egg the precious, lovely, white egg was smashed and trickling down her, making everything she had on feel cold and sticky. Trix ran up and tried to console her, but Pussie was past all consolation, and could only sob, "It was hatching ! hatching beautifully ! " So Trix led her into the house, and there the poor, silly little girl poured out all her griefs into her mamma's ear. It was a long time before she was comforted, and still longer before her mamma could make her under^ stand that the egg would never have become a chick HA TCHING I 43 unless a hen sat on it for twenty-one days, three whole weeks ! Pussie stopped crying when she heard that, and ;/y wondered how the hens could, and yet look so contented, but they were used to it, she supposed. When Uncle Charlie heard the whole story he said Pussie should have a pretty little white hen for her very own, and that all the eggs it laid should be for her breakfast or tea. So this made the child quite happy again. CHAPTER VII. BIRD CATCHING. " Once I saw a little bird, Come hop, hop, hop, So I cried, ' Little bird, Will you stop, stop, stop?'" NE morning Pussie came down with a very important air, and a little screw of paper in her hand. When asked what it was, she ran away or hid her face, and after break- fast, while Chrys and Trix were busy over a knife which had something wrong with its blade, little Pussie slipped out into the garden all by herself. She ran on some way, until she thought she was safe from pursuit, and then solemnly opened the packet she was still clutching. BIRD CATCHING. 45 Now, what do you think was inside ? I am sure you will never guess, so I must tell you. The paper held nothing but a lump of salt ! Now, while Pussie had been dressing that morning, she had said to Jane " O Jane! I do wish I had a bird !" And Jane replied, " Why don't you catch one, miss ? " " Catch one ! " echoed Pussie. " Oh ! could I ? How?" II You must put some salt on its tail," said Jane, laughing, and not thinking Pussie would believe her. u But how can I catch it then ?" demanded Pussie. "Oh! easily, miss. You sprinkle a little salt on its tail, and then it can't move, so you can easily take hold of it." " Really ?" asked Pussie, in great delight. " Well, miss, you try it, and see." " But the salt ? "faltered Pussie. " Oh ! I'll get you that," said Jane with unusual goodnature, and running down to the kitchen she told the joke amid roars of laughter. 46 ONLY FIVE. When she came back with the neat little screw of paper she told Pussie to be very careful of it, not to show it, and above all not to tell any one what she was going to do, as then the whole charm would be gone. " But, Jane" - said Pussie, stopping suddenly. "Well, miss?" " You are sure the salt can't hurt the birds ? " " Oh ! of course not, miss," said Jane. And Pussie was satisfied. So this was why the little girl had run out alone, and was now sitting on the stump of a tree waiting for the birds to come near enough. Poor, silly little Pussie ! You must not think her very stupid, for she was only five years old, and knew nothing about birds or their ways, having always lived in London. There she sat very gravely, thinking what a beauti- ful big cage she would ask her papa to give her, and how delightful it would be to wake up every morning in London to the singing of the birds just as she did here. But the birds did not come near Pussie as she sat BIRD CATCHING. 47 on the stump waiting for them, and at last she thought that perhaps it was not a good place just there, so she went on a little farther. A lark was singing poised up in the air high above her head. His wings quivered and his song was loud and clear : he seemed a very spirit of joy and sunshine ! 48 ONLY FIVE. Oh, if Pussie could only get some grains of salt to reach him ! She took a pinch out of the paper and threw it up in the air, but none touched him, and it was only blown back into Pussie's eyes, making them smart and water very much. When she had wiped them on her handkerchief, she looked up again and saw the lark still above her head, singing as if there were no such things as little girls or lovely cages, but that he had all the world to himself. Suddenly the bird closed its wings and seemed to drop from the sky to the earth, about a dozen yards from where she was standing. Could some of the salt have touched his tail after all ? Pussie trembled all over with eagerness and anxiety as she rushed forward. Between where she stood and where the bird had dropped was an iron fence which separated the lawn from the meadow. In a moment Pussie scrambled over it, tearing her frock on some unseen spike ; but she did not stop for that, and the next moment stood in the field breathless, happy, and triumphant. BIRD CATCHING. 49 But now she had forgotten the exact spot where the lark had dropped down, and so a search began. Every tuft of grass had to be examined, and it seemed at last as if the lark must have really died, and that Jane had been mistaken about the salt not hurting birds. Pussie was growing quite disheartened, and dreadfully afraid she had hurt the poor little thing, when, from the middle of the field, up rose the lark once more, and began its sweet thrilling song again. Pussie ran and jumped and threw salt frantically, but with no result, and she was beginning to feel quite tired out, when she heard a noise close to her, and looked round in a great fright. CHAPTER VIII. BUTTERCUP. " I had a little cow, to save her, I turned her into -the meadow to graze her." HEN Pussie turned round to see what had made the noise that had so much startled her, she gave a cry of terror, for standing quite close was a great red cow, with long horns, looking gravely at the little girl. If Pussie had only known how quiet and gentle Buttercup was, she would not have been so frightened ; but she had never been so close to a cow before, and knew nothing about their ways. She had heard dreadful stories too of mad bulls, and how they tossed people and sometimes killed them, so BUTTERCUP, 51 poor Pussie thought at once that she was going to be treated in the same way, and threw up her arms, giving the most piteous shrieks. Buttercup did not understand this at all, for Trix often came into the field and fed her with carrots or apples, and she had come up expecting a treat. But on hearing the screams and seeing Pussie wildly tossing her arms, she drew back and shook her head in surprise. Finding the cow did not immediately run at her, Pussie rushed away, and Buttercup thinking there must be some carrots in store for her, began to trot soberly after the child. This was quite enough for Pussie to think she was being pursued by a mad bull, so, without looking where she was going, she fled on, Buttercup jogging after her, when CRASH ! Pussie fell head foremost . into a deep ditch. Happily the weather had been very dry lately, and there was no water, so, though she was scratched and bruised, Pussie could lie still and feel herself safe from the dreadful cow. 52 ONLY FIVE. Buttercup came up and peeped over the edge of the ditch, looking at Pussie's prostrate figure with calm wonderment, then she began to eat some tall grass close by so near that Pussie dared not stir from her hiding-place, for fear of being attacked once more by the " mad bull ] " It was very dull and miserable sitting in the ditch, for she could see nothing but the steep sides, and her scratches began to hurt her now that she had time to think about them ; besides there was a great bruise on her elbow, and a bump on her head. Happily her face was not scratched, but her frock was sadly torn and dirty, her paper of salt was gone, and there was no bird to show for it ! Now it happened that Trix had thought of feeding Buttercup that morning; so after calling Pussie once or twice, and at last thinking she must be with her mamma, the little girl came out armed with a fine bundle of carrots she had begged from the gardener. She began calling Buttercup to come and be fed when she fancied she heard cries of distress, and thought she recognised Pussie's voice. BUTTERCUP. 53 Calling to Chrys who was standing near, Trix climbed the fence, and after throwing the carrots to the cow, went to the rescue, followed by her brother. V- - r There they discovered poor Pussie, and at once helped her out, showing much sympathy for her wounds, and not laughing at her terror. 54 ONLY FIVE. But when she told them of her adventure with the bird, and how she had tried to put salt on its tail, Chrys fairly laid down in the field and roared, while Trix could hardly stand for laughing. Pussie was very much aghast, and when they told her she would never have caught the bird, she felt both angry and grieved. She thought it was a very unkind thing for any one to make fun of a little child who believed all that she was told as indeed it was. Chrys and Trix were very kind after they had recovered from their laughter, and they at once took Pussie into the house that her scratches might be bathed, and the thorns taken out, for there were several sticking deep in her soft baby flesh. She was very brave about having them drawn out with a needle, and her mamma was so gentle and careful not to hurt her more than she could possibly help. " Pussie," said Mr. Sydney, later in the day, when she could better bear to be laughed at, and the pain had gone away ; " Pussie, this morning you should BUTTERCUP. 55 have remembered the story in the ' Nonsense Book' about the young lady of Hull." " Who was the young lady of Hull ?" asked Pussie, " and what did she do ? " " Why, don't you know it ? Then I must tell you. ' There was a young lady of Hull, Who was chased by a virulent bull ; But she seized on a spade, And called out, " Who's afraid?", Which distracted that virulent bull.' That is what you should have done." " What is a villent bull ? " asked Pussie gravely. " A ' virulent ' bull is a savage one, I suppose," answered Mr. Sydney ; " something very unlike poor Buttercup. Why did you not treat her as this brave young lady did the bull ? " " But how could I, Uncle Charlie, for there was no spade. Besides "-she added thoughtfully, "I am not a young lady of Hull, but only a little girl ! " CHAPTER IX. GRANDPAPA AND PENNIES. "I love sixpence, pretty little sixpence." OOK here, Pussie !" said Trix, running in one morning, " look at these lovely new sixpenny pieces ! Three of them ! Some one gave them to papa this morning, and he said, ' I suppose I must give these to the three little Kittens ! Was that not funny of him ? " " Yes, but who did he mean ? " asked Pussie. " Why, us, of course !"' said Trix, laughing; "and'as you are called 'Pussie' the name suits us very well. But there is your sixpence, and now what shall we do with them ? I will just run and give Chrys his, and then we will settle how to spend it." GRANDPAPA AND PENNIES. 57 Pussie turned the little coin over and over in her hand, and thought it was much too pretty to spend, but that she would give it to her mamma to take care of. 5 8 ONLY FIVE. When Trix came back they sat down and thought of every possible way of spending sixpence. Trix declared she would like a top, or a whip, or a good strong knife, or "something useful, you know." It seemed to Pussie that she wanted nothing just then, so she carried her sixpence to Mrs. Western and asked her to keep it for the present. Then the children ran races on the lawn till dinner-time. Now their grandpapa, old Mr. Sydney, was coming to dinner, so best frocks were put on for the occasion, and Trix and Pussie had to stand very still while their hair was combed and curled. Then they came down very demurely hand-in-hand, but in a few minutes all shyness had disappeared, the best frocks were tumbled just as if they were only common ones, and the tidy hair was shaken about their eyes, as they both sat on grandpapa's knee with his arm round them, crumpling their sashes, for they were much too happy to think of such tiresome things as clothes. At dinner Trix and Pussie sat on each side of Mrs. Western, and very merry they were. GRANDPAPA AND PENNIES. 59 Now there was a dish of stewed cherries on the table, and Mrs. Western gave six of them to each of the children. As they were the first cherries they had eaten that year, Trix and Pussie were very eager to count the stones. " Aunt Kate ! " exclaimed Trix suddenly, " look at this ! Here's an extra cherry and it has got no stone!" " And, mamma," said Pussie in a low voice, " my stone has got no cherry ! " " No cherry!" said Mr. Sydney the elder, who had overheard. " How is that ? " Pussie held up the bare stone on her spoon and said, laughing, "It has got no cherry, you see, grand- papa." " Then I suppose I must give you another," he said. So Pussie was quite satisfied, and counted her seven stones with great delight. After dinner Pussie and Trix went out into the garden again, while Chrys went to do some carpentering some- where with one of the gardeners. 60 ONLY FIVE. " Don't you love roses ? " said Pussie, standing on tiptoe to smell a beautiful red bud that hung from a tall standard tree. " I love them ! They look so happy always smiling ! " " Roses can't smile," said Trix, who sometimes did not understand Pussie's fancies, and thought them rather silly. " They are only flowers, you know." " Yes, but all flowers smile, I think," said Pussie gravely, " because the fairy that lives inside is happy. I like the rose fairies, best, they have such soft beds all among the leaves, I should think, and then they smell so sweet ! " " That's the flower, not the fairies, silly child!" said Trix in a patronising tone ; " but I daresay you did not know, being so small and living always in London as you do." Pussie did not answer, only nodded her head to the rosebud, for she was certain that the flowers smiled at her in spite of what Trix said, for she could see them smiling. " How kind grandpapa is!" she said presently; "I should like to give him something, he is so kind ! " "So should I," said Trix, "but I have got nothing." GRANDPAPA AND PENNIES. 61 " And I have only my sixpence," said Pussie gravely. " I know ! " said Trix ; " of course ! We will change our sixpenny pieces into six pennies, and then we can each give one to grandpapa. What a good idea I " So they ran into the house ; Mrs. Western gave them the two pennies they asked for, and then they went off to find grandpapa. However when they saw him Trix turned shy and would not speak, so Pussie walked up, holding out the copper in her hand, and said in a low voice " Grandpapa, you are so kind that we want each of us to give you a penny." Grandpapa kissed and thanked them for their pre- sents, and before he went away in the afternoon, he told Pussie that he meant to have a hole made through the pennies, and to hang them up in his room, at which she was very much delighted. CHAPTER X. RAIN AND SMOKE. " Rain, rain, go away ! " UCH a horrid wet day ! " grumbled Trix ; " what shall we do to amuse ourselves ? I wanted so badly to run races with Chrys, and then of course it rains directly. Oh dear!" " Oh dear ! " echoed Pussie, who was rocking Rosie in a corner. She did not sigh for the same reason as Trix, but because she was wanting to have a nice game with the dolls, and Trix did not care to play. " Oh dear ! " u Can't you play with your cousin, Miss Trix?" said Jane, looking up from her work; "she is sitting there nursing her doll so pretty, do go and play with her." RAIN AND SMOKE. 63 " I hate dolls !" exclaimed Trix. " Oh ! " said Pussie, hugging Rosie as if to make up for the insult she had received ; " it is very unkind of you to say that, Trix." Now Trix had some respect for Pussie's feelings though she had none for Rosie's, so turning round from the. window where she had been watching the rain for the last half hour, she said " What do you want to play at ? " " Oh ! I don't mind anything," said Pussie, brighten- ing directly. " Then I'll tell you what we'll do," said Trix decidedly ; " we'll have a grand turn out of my Noah's ark." " Oh yes, what fun ! " cried Pussie, springing up and setting Rosie very suddenly down on a chair. " Where is it ? " " In the playroom," answered Trix ; and away they both ran. The Noah's ark was found among a heap of rubbish, and soon the children were busily sorting the animals. The elephants came first with their long trunks curled round, and then the others followed, until the procession ended with a grasshopper and a beetle. The birds 6 4 ONLY FIVE. were not varied in their plumage, and there were but four, each being painted one colour, black, white, brown, and yellow, the dove being painted outside the ark. A great many of the animals had lost legs or tails, some had no horns and no ears, and one unfortunate creature was headless, so it was promptly returned to the ark. The creatures that had legs were made to support those that had none, and as half the animals were in a terribly battered condition, they were nearly all leaning, in a very tottering way, against each other. This made the procession a curious one, and it looked as if a battle royal had been raging in the ark before the children came in. " Now," said Trix, reviewing them, "what shall we do ? Chrys and I used to make them fight, and that is how they got so much broken. We had a splendid battle one day between an elephant and a grasshopper, and the grasshopper broke the elephant's tusk.. I had the elephant, and Chrys the grasshopper." " But a grasshopper and an elephant could not fight, could they? "said Pussie doubtfully. " I have seen an elephant in the Zoological Gardens, in London, RAIN AND SMOKE. 65 and it was very big, but I never saw any grasshoppers here. I thought they were quite small." "Oh dear no!" said Trix decidedly. "Why look at them together ; " and she placed the two side by side ; "you see they are not so very different in size. Besides, grasshoppers, I daresay, have grown smaller, you know. Perhaps a long time ago, when there were giants, there were great big giant grasshoppers too." " But if there were giant elephants as well ? " sug- gested Pussie. " Oh ! I don't know. I suppose there weren't. But anyhow we had a lovely fight that day. Just look how the elephant's tusk is knocked off, and the grasshopper has only one leg, poor thing!" The animals, having been all examined, were put back into the ark, and crammed in after such a fashion as to destroy the few remaining unbroken ones, and the door having been shut with great violence, the children went to the window to look once more at the rain. There it was, falling as fast and as steadily as ever, and not heeding the disconsolate little faces that looked out at it. 66 ONLY FIVE. The drops trickled down the glass, and the tears of disappointment and vexation had begun to collect in the four eyes that were watching, and would soon have trickled down the cheeks like the raindrops, when the door flew open and Chrys rushed in quite breathless. "Aha! I have got something now!" he said in an eager whisper. " I found it, and I know he didn't want it, besides- he lias gone away." " Who ? what ? " asked the little girls. " Why, you know that tall gentleman who came here the other day Captain Captain something or other, I forget his name well, he went out with papa to smoke in the summer-house, and while I was looking about in there just now for something to do I found this ! " and Chrys held up half a cigar. Trix and Pussie looked with great disgust at the little brown stick, and said with some disappointment, "Is that all ? H ow stupid ! " " But I'm going to smoke it," said Chrys. " Oh ! are you ? Can you ? " cried Trix, getting excited in a moment; "that really is fun! Do let RAIN AND SMOKE. 67 me light it for you, Chrys ; but where are there any matches ? " " Here, I've got some/' and Chrys produced a box from his pocket. " They belong to Jane, but she won't want them till this evening. Now! strike the match and let us begin." Trix did as she was bid, when, with some difficulty, 68 ONL Y FIVE. and not without scorching the tip of his nose in the flame, Chrys succeeded in lighting the cigar. At first he did nothing but cough violently, but after a short time he found out the way to prevent himself from swallowing the smoke, and then taking a little cane from the wall, he began to walk up and down the playroom, imitating different gentlemen he knew, and puffing away at the cigar. " Doesn't he do it well ? " said Trix, in great delight ; "that was just like Mr. Mumpy, the cross old gentleman who lives near the river. Do it again, Chrys. It is the most delightful game ! " " No wait a minute not just yet," said Chrys, suddenly sitting down on a chair. " This cigar is rather strong, and I I think I have smoked enough for the present." "Why, you have not nearly smoked it all," said Trix, "and gentlemen smoke a whole one. It is a pity not to finish that little piece." So Chrys puffed away until it was almost finished, when he turned so white that Trix was frightened and flew to his side. RAIN AND SMOKE. 69 " It's only my head," said Chrys, getting up, and staggering giddily ; " help me to my room, Trix, and I will lie down." But outside the door stood his father ! " What is this extraordinary smell of tobacco, Chrys ?" he asked, looking steadily at the boy. " It's it's it's me!" said Chrys, growing still paler. " I am very sorry, papa. I found a bit of a cigar in the summer-house, and I I smoked it." " And it has made you very sick," said Mr. Sydney, half laughing ; " well, it serves you right, Chrys, and is about as good a punishment as you could have. Go off to your bed, my boy, and I advise you to stay there until I come and see you." But Chrys was too giddy to walk, so his father took hold of his arm and helped him along. He was dreadfully sick, and did not appear again until the "next morning. This misfortune made Trix and Pussie very grave and disinclined to play at any of their games now that Chrys was gone, so they went downstairs in search of some fresh amusement, and found Mrs. Western working in the drawing-room. CHAPTER XI. LITTLE MRS. FOX. " I'll tell you .a story.'' A MM A ! it is raining, and it won I stop ! " said Pussie disconsolately, as she watched her mother's needle fly- ing rapidly in and out of her work. ''That is very sad, Pussie; but do you know that Farmer Grey is watch- ing the rain with the greatest delight, and thinking what good it will do to his turnips ? " "How horrid of Farmer Grey!" said Trix indignantly ; 4i why should the turnips matter ? Besides they are such nasty things I don't like turnips." " Perhaps not, but there are many little children who have often been thankful to eat turnips, Trix, and not cooked either, but raw, just as they come out of the LITTLE MRS. FOX. 71 ground. A poor woman," continued Mrs. Western, "once said to me, ' Many a time I've been thankful to see a good boiled swede on the table, when I had six children round me to feed, and all hungry/ A swede and a loaf of bread was quite a feast to those poor things." " What is a swede ? " asked Pussie. "Oh, I know!" said Trix ; " let me tell. They are like great big turnips, only they are yellow, and we feed cows on them." Pussie looked very grave on hearing this, and wondered how cows' food would taste, but before she had made up her mind on the subject, Trix said " Can you think of anything for us to do, Aunt Katie ? We are so tired of the rain, and we can't play indoors for so very long, and Chrys has made himself sick with smoking, and gone to bed. What can we do ? " " Why, mamma ! " said Pussie in a tone of delight, 'you can tell us a story. Oh! do, that one about the fox ; Trix has never heard it." Trix at once began to beg for the story, so Mrs. Western consented to tell it, and when they had 72 ONLY FIVE. fetched their little chairs, and established themselves in front of her, with their eyes eagerly fixed on her face, she began as follows : " Once upon a time there was a little fox, who lived in a house all by herself. She had a beautiful, brown fur all over her, and a long handsome tail, called a brush ; and her house was made in a hole in the ground. There she lived very happily, feasting, I am sorry to say, on what did not belong to her, stealing out at night and robbing the neighbouring hen-roosts, or more often lying in wait for the little rabbits that lived close by, as they went to or from their burrows. "A neat little person was Mrs. Fox, and every morning, after she had washed herself and eaten her breakfast, she used to sweep the house, using her tail by way of a brush. Then she sat down and cleaned herself again, after which she usually went out to find her dinner. One day, in the winter, when she had been enjoying a very comfortable breakfast off a pheasant she had caught the night before, just as she was finishing the last bone, she heard a noise far away, and stopped to listen. " She pricked her ears so as to catch the slightest LITTLE MRS. FOX. 73 sound, and then thought she heard dogs barking, and a horn blowing in the distance. She sat still and listened till the sounds seemed to die away; and after a time Mrs. Fox ventured out for a walk. 44 She had not gone very far when, oh! how her heart beat, for she heard the same sounds much nearer, the trampling of horses, yelping of dogs, and sometimes the blowing of a horn ; and the most dreadful thing of all was, that they were coming from the direction of her house, so that she dared not run home for fear of meeting them. u Suddenly the whole hunt came in sight ; then away went Mrs. Fox as fast as she could run, away went the dogs and the horses after her, on and on, until she felt as if she must drop, she was so tired. She was, however, very much ahead of the dogs, and coming to a low wall, she leaped over it, ran a little way, then turning round again she came back, carefully choosing the path she had taken before, and lay down under some bushes, keeping quite still. " Up came the hunt, and over went the dogs, and the huntsmen followed. No sooner were they gone than she sprang once more on to the wall, just where she had jumped before, and away she ran on her old 74 ONLY FIVE. track all the time, and so got safe home again, while the huntsmen were riding about in the field, and the dogs were still searching for her. " Oh ! how glad she was to find herself once more in her comfortable house ; and being very hungry after her long run, she ate a young rabbit she had caught that morning before breakfast." " And did the huntsman ever catch her, Aunt Katie ? " asked Trix. " No, mamma, no ! " implored Pussie ; " say they did not ever catch her." " Well, no, they did not, and she lived to a good or I am afraid, a bad old age, and then died. I think the little rabbits were not very sorry when they heard of it." " Are there foxes still, mamma ? " 44 Yes, Pussie, in many parts of England. In the hunting counties it is thought a dreadful thing if a fox is killed in any way but in a hunt." " But it is very wicked to kill foxes, isn't it, mamma ? " " It is cruel to hunt them, I am afraid, Pussie, but people often do cruel things from not remembering that they inflict pain. But I think when the farmers get rid of the foxes it cannot be called wicked." LITTLE MRS. FOX. 75 " But, mamma, it is horrid to kill anything." " But if by killing the fox you saved a great many chickens that might be stolen away and eaten, what would you clo then ? " \ Pussie sighed deeply and replied " I don't quite know, but I suppose I should have to kill it then." CHAPTER XII. HAY DAY. I'm going to the meadow to see them a mowing, I'm going to help them make hay. " ) j|HE next morning was lovely, the sun IA shone brightly, the birds sang and everything seemed better and brighter for yesterday's rain. Even the children were more de- lighted than ever with the sun- shine and flowers, and more ready to run about than usual, having been obliged to keep so quiet the day before. "We are going to cut the hay to-day, children," said Mr. Sydney as they sat at breakfast. HA Y DA Y. 77 In a moment there was a shout of delight, and of course, directly they left the dining-room, Chrys, Trix, and Pussie rushed away to get their hats. In the meadow the men were all hard at work, and the grass fell quickly under the steady strokes of the scythes. Every now and then one of the men would stop for a few minutes to rest, and to sharpen his scythe, which made a pleasant noise in the. dis- tance. The children ran here and there, pelting each other with the hay, flinging it about and making themselves very hot but very happy, two things which Pussie considered went together ; for one day she had told her mamma that she never felt cold when she was enjoying herself, though some- times she felt rather too warm. After a little while Mr. Sydney and Mr. Western came out and had a splendid game with the children, ending in burying Pussie with the hay, so that nothing could be seen of her. How they all laughed when she scrambled out again ! 7 8 ONLY FIVE. Then Mr. Sydney went to speak to the mowers, and Pussie sat down on her papa's knee, while they rested after all their fatigues. Presently they saw Mr. Sydney returning, hold- ing something in his hand, so the children all ran off to meet him, and he showed them a young bird whose wing was broken. It had been found in the long grass by one of the men, and Mr. Sydney thought the children might like to add it to their pets. " But I don't care for it with a broken wing," said Chrys; " besides it is only a sparrow, and they are so very common, and don't sing." "Might/ have it?" asked Pussie eagerly, as Trix declared she did not want it any more than her brother; " I would try to take care of it." " Oh yes ! do give it to Pussie, papa, and she shall have the old cage to put it in," said Trix; "that will -be really very nice." So the sparrow was left in Pussie's hands, and she held it very gently, but as she could not carry it about Trix offered to go with her to the house, HA Y DA Y. 79 that it might be put into the old cage, and left in Jane's care. The bird was fed with bread soaked in water, and then put in the nursery with Jane, while Pussie and Trix returned once more to play in the hay-field. The morning passed very happily, and the children were quite surprised to find it was dinner time they had not done half what they had intended doing. The sparrow was again fed, and it was thought to look much happier in its cage, Pussie hoping its wing did not pain it very much. But when they went up again after dinner, the poor little bird lay stretched out at the bottom of the cage. With a very grave, anxious face, Pussie took it out, and carrying it to her mamma, said, while her eyes filled with tears U O mamma! do look! look at my bird. I think it's a little dead" " I am afraid it is quite dead, Pussie," said Mrs. Western, as she took the sparrow into her hand and examined it ; " don't cry, darling, you could not help it, for it was probably very ill when the man caught it" 8o ONLY FIVE. 11 Poor little bird ! oh ! poor little bird ! " sobbed Pussie, and she was not comforted, even when her mamma promised her a beautiful canary for her very own, when they went back to London. But at last Pussie dried her tears, after which they all went into the hay-field again, and the child soon forgot her grief in the delight of seeing Mr. Western buried in the hay, just as she had been in the morning. Now a very great treat was in store for the children, for at five o'clock, James, the footman, came into the field with a cloth which he spread under one of the trees ; then he took out of a big basket, which he had also brought with him, some plates, cups and saucers, and all that would be wanted for tea. " The old cat wants the three little kittens to have tea with him," said Mr. Sydney, laughing, and the children immediately jumped upon him, nearly smoth- ering him with kisses, exclaiming that he was not an "old cat" not at all old, or a cat either, for a cat was not nearly as nice as kittens, and he was the very nicest person in the world ! " except papa and mamma," added Pussie rather gravely. HA Y DA V. The tea was made in the house and brought out all hot, then came the bread and butter, and after it a cake, and last of all a lovely dish of strawberries, with a jug of cream to eat with them. Then Mrs. Western and Mrs. Sydney came out, and shawls were spread for them to sit on, in fact, it was quite like a real picnic, and as Chrys said, they F 82 ONL V FIVE. might have thought themselves miles away if they had not seen the house so plainly in the distance. Of course a great many flies got into the cream, but they were fished out again, so no one minded that. After tea, they made a castle of the hay, Pussie and Mr. Western went inside it, and the others besieged them. There was a great deal of noise and laughter which they all enjoyed, while even the two ladies, who were sitting under a tree doing their work, could not help watching the fun. The children were very tired when they went to bed that night, but they all agreed in saying they had had a delightful day, and never remembered being so happy before in their lives. CHAPTER XIII. BLUEBEARD'S CHAMBER. " What are little boys made of, made of, What are little boys made of? What are little girls made of, made of, What are little girls made of?" HE children were quite tired of playing and running one afternoon, so they had seated themselves under a tree on the lawn, Chrys with his arms round the retriever puppy's neck, Pussie hugging Rosie, and Trix with a story book, Bounce was struggling hard for his liberty, but Chrys, not feeling sure that the clog would ever submit to the same process again, seemed determined to make the most of the joy while it lasted. 84 ONLY FIVE. Pussie whispered many loving words into Rosie's ear, while in answer, the doll squeaked out " papa " or " mamma," as the case might be, and Trix was buried deep in her book. She had just landed Jack safely at the top of the beanstalk for the second time, when Bounce, by some ingenious twist best known to himself, got free. Chrys did not pursue him, however, probably knowing it would be hopeless to do so ; and after sitting with a very grave face for a few minutes, ex- claimed, " I know. Won't. it be fun, too ! " He then proceeded to tell the little girls his plan. Now in Mr. Sydney's house there was a room called, for fun, Bluebeard's Chamber. The door was always locked, and the children were very curious to know what was in it. There was a little window looking on to a back staircase, but it was filled with ground glass, so they could see nothing inside, and though they often stood with their eyes at the keyhole for several minutes at a time, they did not in the least know what the room was like. BLUEBEARD'S CHAMBER. 85 But that morning Chrys had seen his mother take a bunch of keys and go to the door of Bluebeard's Chamber; then, just as she was putting the key in the door, she was called away, and had laid the bunch down on a table. Now it occurred to Chrys that this would be a most excellent opportunity of exploring the unknown room, and discovering the mystery or the treasures it con- tained. On hearing this, up sprang Pussie and Trix in a moment, and away they went to the house, Pussie, cruel little mother, leaving Rosie lying on the grass. Presently Bounce came back, and finding the coast clear, was coming to lie down under the tree and snap at the flies (an amusement he dearly loved), when he suddenly caught sight of poor Rosie. At first Bounce was half afraid, and as fast as he came a few steps nearer jumped back with a sharp, shrill bark, but at last finding that Rosie did not move, he went cautiously up and sniffed at her. A few minutes later the gardener saw Bounce returning to his kennel, dragging along something white, but as 86 ONLY FIVE. he was planting some geraniums at the time, he did not think it his business to interfere. In the meantime Chrys had found the bunch of keys, and the three children had gone in fear and trembling to the door of Bluebeard's Chamber. Chrys went first with the keys, then Trix, and clinging tightly to her was Pussie. With some difficulty the right key was found, the lock turned and a chink of the door opened. Chrys peeped in and hastily retreated. " Oh ! what is it ? " asked Trix in an awe-struck whis- per, while Pussie did not feel at all sure that this was a nice game, because she felt so frightened. " I saw something something white hanging up in there ! " gasped Chrys. "Where?" asked Trix in a voice of mingled terror and excitement. " Oh ! let me look in ! " More curious or more venturesome than her brother, Trix opened the door wider and put her head right in ; having done that, her body followed, and she disappeared into the room. "Oh, come in, it's lovely in here!" she called; "and BLUEBEARD'S CHAMBER. as for your ' white thing hanging up,' Chrys, it is nothing but an old rag bag ! " How they all laughed at that ! It was a small room with a skylight, and they found several tempting-looking cupboards, the contents of which they at once ransacked. One. was full of linen, rags and pieces of all kinds, another contained Chrys and Trix's outgrown frocks and clothes, put away until the 88 ONL Y FIVE. winter, when they would be given to the poor people for their little children. But on opening one of the large drawers in a tall chest, Trix gave a cry of delight. It was full of the most de- lightful things, such as they had never seen before ! There were several bright-coloured brocaded dresses, caps of all sorts of quaint shapes and sizes, artificial flowers, queer-looking shoes with heels and faded rosettes, and last of all, several wigs ! In a moment everything was on the floor, and each child seized what pleased his or her fancy most, and they proceeded to dress themselves in the discovered treasures. Chrys put on a huge wig (hind part before), wrapped a long, many-coloured Indian scarf round him, put a pair of white satin sandal shoes over his own thick boots, and declared himself "quite ready !" Trix had found a white silk petticoat and a rose-col- oured bodice covered with pearls ; this she shuffled into with some difficulty and a little help from Chrys. On her head she put a wonderful pale blue hat with a long flame-coloured feather, and then she felt perfectly satis- fied with herself. BLUEBEARD'S CHAMBER. 89 Little Pussie had, in the meantime, with great trouble and extreme gravity, arrayed herself in an amber satin dress with puffed sleeves and a very very long train, which rather got in her way. By wrinkling up the sleeves, she at last managed to get her hands free and could crown her long fair hair with a large mob cap, out of which her little face shone with placid content and solemnity. By lifting up the skirts very high, Trix and Pussie just managed to struggle along, and, of course, their first thought was to view themselves in Mrs. Sydney's tall looking-glass, and so to her room they went. CHAPTER XIV. POOR ROSIE. " Some in rags, Some in jngs, And some in velvet gowns." F any one could have seen the three small figures, almost swallowed up in their quaint dresses, turning and twist- ing about in front of the looking-glass, I am sure they would have thought it a most amusing sight. But there was no one to look on and only themselves to admire, so the children soon began to tire of their own raptures. " Let us go down and show ourselves," said Chrys 92 ONLY FIVE. suddenly, quite forgetting how he had come by his borrowed plumes. " Oh yes ! " cried Trix eagerly, " what a delightful idea! How surprised they will be!" So being all agreed, the party sailed down stairs very majestically, as the length of the skirts pre- vented their moving fast, Chrys kindly waited on the ladies and acted as train-bearer to them both. There were visitors in the drawing-room, and Mrs. Sydney and Mrs. Western were both in earnest con- versation, when the door opened and three little figures shuffled into the room, Chrys, of course, com- ing last, as a fine gentleman should. " Dear me ! who can these be ? " exclaimed one of the visitors in astonishment, as well she might, for the children, horrified at finding themselves in the presence of strangers, stood quite still in a row, not knowing whether to go forward or back. "Pussie!" exclaimed Mrs. Western; "what have you got on ! My dear child, come and let me look at you," and she began to laugh as her little girl staggered forward, trailing the long satin train after her. POOR ROSIE. 93 But Mrs. Sydney looked gravely at Chrys and Trix, and asked in surprise " Where did those things come from, children ? " "O mamma! from the Bluebeard's Chamber." " Bluebeard's Chamber ! " said one of the visitors, "'oh, what a dreadful name! Were you not afraid to go into such a room ? " Trix looked at her mamma and then at the lady, and a smile began to creep over her face as she answered " We were frightened at first, and Chrys thought he saw something white hanging up but it was only an old rag bag " The visitors laughed very much at this, but Mrs. Sydney only said " Now go and sit in that corner, children, I will attend to you presently." Pussie joined her cousins in their banishment, and they sat very soberly waiting for the strangers to go, and wondering if they were to be punished for their curiosity and meddling. At last the ladies went away, and the three little culprits came out and showed themselves again. 94 ONLY FIVE. Just as they were beginning to explain how it had all happened, Mr. Sydney and Mr. Western came in, and Mr. Sydney said he was quite frightened at seeing such strange figures in his drawing-room. The gentlemen laughed a great deal when they heard the whole story, but the children were told that though it was very amusing, they ought not to have touched anything without leave, least of all have taken , bunch of keys and unlocked a door they were not intended to open. They all promised never to do such a thing again, after which the dresses were taken off and restored to their places by Mrs. Sydney, who was not much pleased to find all her neat cupboards turned topsy- turvy, and the contents tumbling out on to the floor. As Trix was having her hair brushed after remov- ing the blue hat with the long feather, Pussie came running into the nursery, asking anxiously if she had seen Rosie she could not find her anywhere. No, Trix had seen nothing of her, but she fancied she had been left in the garden. Pussie was dashing away to search for her beloved POOR ROSIE. 95 doll, when Jane pounced upon her, saying she must wait and have her hair brushed as it was so rough. o " Oh ! but, Jane, I must find Rosie first," cried Pussie in great distress. " I can't wait, Miss Pussie, so you had better be good at once and stand still, or I shall pull your hair, I am afraid. You know your doll won't run away, miss." Pussie sighed deeply, and she thought Jane was a very very long time over each curl, until at last she began to get cross and think she did it on purpose. This made her fidget about, and Jane grew impatient, until in the end the tears were streaming down Pussies cheeks. Trix had long ago left the room in search of Rosie, and now steps were heard coming back, and Chrys came in followed by his sister, both looking very sorry. The moment Pussie saw them she jerked her head away from the comb, and darting forward asked eagerly, " Oh, have you found her ? " "O Pussie! we are so sorry!" said Trix, ''and Chrys is quite miserable because he says you may think it was his fault ; but indeed it is not ! " 96 ONLY FIVE. " WHAT ?" shrieked Pussie. " This ! " and a heap of rags was handed to poor Pussie, being all Bounce had left of her much-loved Rosie. Chrys explained that he had suddenly remembered never having chained up the dog, and on going to the kennel found him still worrying the unfortunate remains of the doll. Pussie on hearing this, and seeing the mangled body (for the wax head, arms, and legs had been devoured by the voracious Bounce), gave a cry, flung herself down on the floor, hiding her face, and refusing to be comforted. Poor Chrys, very miserable, stood watching her with his eyes full of tears, and as Trix began to cry for sym- pathy, Jane thought she had better fetch Mrs. Western. It was a dreadful grief to Pussie, and she cried most bitterly. She had always loved her doll, because it had taken the place of the much-wished-for sister ; and now, it was not only spoilt and broken, but it had been half eaten by a horrible dog, and Pussie shuddered to think how dreadful it must have been, and how much poor Rosie must have suffered. POOR ROSIE. 97 , Mrs. Western took the child away to her own room and talked to her very tenderly, saying how sorry she was for the misfortune, but that it was not right to grieve so much about it, and another doll could be found very like the unlucky Rosie. " But it won't be Rosie!" sobbed Pussie, "and it was Rosie I loved, and I am sure I shall never, never, NEVER love any other doll half as much ! " " I am very sorry indeed for you, Pussie, and so is every one, and poor Chrys is quite wretched because Bounce is his dog and he ought to have chained him up." " Oh, I know it was not Chrys," Pussie murmured, "he could not help it, of course." " And you should not have left her lying on the grass, my darling/' added Mrs. Western ; " if you had not forgotten her, she would never have been touched by Bounce." " Yes, I know ! " said Pussie, with a fresh burst of tears, and clinging still closer to her mother ; " and that's why I'm crying because because because she must have thought me so unkind ! " G 98 ONLY FIVE. While Mrs. Western was trying to comfort Pussie, Chrys had found his father and told him of the disaster, saying he wished Bounce to be beaten for touching what he ought not, and destroying what was not his. "Hullo!" said Mr. Sydney, laughing; "suppose we had carried out that idea earlier in the afternoon, when certain children, who ought to have known better, were found to have been pulling about and meddling with what did not belong to them ? No, my dear boy," continued his father more gravely, " I cannot allow Bounce to be beaten. How can you expect a puppy of nine months old to have more sense than you have at eight years. While you were in mischief in one place he was in mischief in another. I am, however, very sorry that poor Pussie has been the sufferer, as she only followed your lead. We must console her as best we can." CHAPTER XV. A GRAVE CHAPTER. *' Girls and boys come out to play. Come with a whoop, come with a call, Come with good will or come not at all." Pussie reappeared she looked very sad, her eyes were red, and the least thing made them fill with tears. Every one was most kind, and poor Rosie's remains were hidden away that the sight of them might not renew her grief. The children retired to the playroom to discuss what was to be done, where Chrys had a happy inspiration, and suggested burying her. " You see, everything that dies is either eaten ioo ONL Y FIVE. or buried," he argued, "and so as Rosie can't be eaten"- " She was!" interrupted Pussie, with a fresh burst of tears ; "she was eaten by that horrid Bounce." "Yes, but oh! don't cry so, Dackie, dear! I mean eaten to be of use and as that can't be done, she ouorht to be buried." o "Ought she? really?" asked Pussie with widely opened eyes, for Chrys spoke with authority on the subject. " Of course she ought ! She must be buried, and we will liave a grand funeral this afternoon. Trix will give us an old box to put her in, and the grave shall be in my garden." " No, in mine," said Trix, " because, you know, you never cared for Rosie and I did." " You didn't care much, and as I thought of the plan first, she must be buried in my garden. Shan't she, Dackie ? " " No, Pussie, make him bury her in mine ! " " Very well, then, I won't bury her at all," said Chrys, walking off. A GRA VE CHAPTER. 101 On hearing this Pussie began to sob almost as bitterly as before, and was only consoled by Chrys returning with the promise that he would not be cross, but bury Rosie wherever she liked, and Pussie, afraid of his being- again offended, answered that she o o wished it to be in his garden. On hearing this Chrys looked radiant, but Trix was very indignant, and said she should not come, 102 ONL Y FIVE. so Chrys replied that they would not want her, and Pussie looked very distressed for them both. A box was found for the purpose by a kind house- maid, and the doll placed inside ; a grave was dug by one of the men in Chrys's little garden ; after which a procession formed of Chrys and Pussie, who solemnly carried out the box, and it was buried in the hole prepared. Pussie shed a great many tears during this cere- mony, more especially as she saw Trix walking sulkily in the distance. When it was all over Chrys was obliged to go indoors to do some lessons with his father, and as Trix fled whenever Pussie came near her, the sorrowful little girl was forced to seek her mother for companionship, and told her all her woes. Mrs. Western comforted her, and told her some pretty stories, while Mrs. Sydney (who having been at work in the room had heard Pussie's fresh griefs) went out to find Trix. She discovered her at last crying bitterly in the summer-house, all among the earwigs and the cobwebs ; a most forlorn little girl indeed ! A GRA VE CHAPTER. 103 Very soon Mrs. Sydney made her feel how silly she had been, and at last said, " You see, Trix, that you and Chrys have both, through mistaken kind- ness, perhaps, and with the desire of showing that you loved Pussie and will do all you can to please and console her, made the poor child quite miserable by quarrelling about which of you should please her most. Now, though it is very pleasant to do a kind- ness for others, still we must not always expect to be first, as that is selfish and shows that the kindness is not really from the heart, but done to gratify our own vanity." " Will Pussie think me very unkind ? " murmured Trix ; " I do so badly want to do something that will please her, because / am really her friend, not Chrys, and they ought to have let me bury the doll in my garden, mamma. It really was unkind of them if you only knew." " I am afraid, Trix, that your wish kind though it sounds^-is a selfish one. You were feeling vexed be- cause Chrys had thought of a plan to please Pussie first ; and then, to show your wish to be kind, you quarrel with them. Was there nothing else you could think of, that ro4 ONLY FIVE. would.have done as well? If you had come to me, in the -first instance, I might have helped you before you had lost your temper and made yourself and Pussie so unhappy," " O mamma ! will you help me now ?'" ".Yes, I will do what I can." " Then do try to think of something I can do to show Pussie I am really sorry about Rosie, and sorry I so often laughed at dolls and at Pussie for liking to play so much with them, I can think of nothing !" - ''Take me to see this grave," said Mrs. Sydney, and Trix led her to the spot. There it was, a little brown lump of earth, sticking up in the middle of Chrys's garden. When Mrs. Sydney saw it,^she -smiled -and nodded, and Trix felt sure she had thought of some -very, nice plan. An hour later, Trix came dancing into the drawing- room, then she went up to Pussie and said "O Pussie dear I I am so sorry I was cross and dis- agreeable. I wanted to be kind, and it was so difficult to do- anything for you. Will you kiss me? " : Pussie instantly lifted a beaming face, and they hugged A GRA VE CHAPTER. 105 each other for several minutes, while Pussie began to feel happier than she had done since Rosie's accident. " And now oh ! please come out with me," said Trix, all quivering with eagerness, and when Pussie went she found that Trix was leading her to Rosie's grave. But it was no longer a little brown lump. A small basket-work fence, made of white willows, went round it instead of a railing, and the earth was neatly turfed over, while a few flowers blossomed on a tiny round bed 1 06 ONLY FIVE. in the centre, and on a piece of wood at the head, the words were neatly painted, "HERE LIES PUSSIE'S DOLL, ROSIE." " O Trix ! how pretty ! How very good of you ! " cried Pussie, clapping her hands ; " what a lovely little fence, and it all looks so nice. Oh ! thank you ever so much ! " " Did Trix do that ? " asked Chrys, coming up at that moment ; " oh, I wish I had thought of it." " No, Chrys," said his mother, who was behind him, but whose presence none of the children had noticed ; "you must not grudge your sister her share in the arrangements." " I am sure you are both very very kind ! " said Pussie, smiling first on one and then on the other impartially; "and I love you a very great deal." So with this Chrys and Trix were satisfied. CHAPTER XVI. A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE. " Home again, home again, jiggity jig." USSIE thought it very hard that when she was enjoying herself the time seemed to go so much faster, so that those two happy months at Rylands slipped away quicker than any in her life. When she was unhappy the time was very long, and the minutes seemed to creep so slowly, but since she had been in the country they had flown, and it was with a very sad face that she prepared to pack up all her toys once more. She had Trix to help her now, but how lonely it would be in London, with no one to enjoy the unpacking, and io8 ONLY FIVE. no one to play with, or help to arrange the toys in their places. Rosie, her old companion, was gone, and it was very- sad folding up her dresses and wondering what her suc- cessor would be like for Mr. Western had promised to take Pussie to a large doll shop in London, and that she should choose the prettiest one that could be found. " I shall write to you," said Trix, sitting on the floor by the doll's trunk, three days before Pussie's departure. " Will you write too ? " "Oh! I wish I could!" lamented Pussie, "but I can't. You see, I can only print a little, and do pot-hooks and hangers in my copy-book/' "What a pity! But you will learn, won't you ?" "Oh yes, as fast as I can. How nice it will be, writing and getting letters from each other ! What a lot we shall say ! " But a great surprise was in store for the children, for the next day Mrs. Western said she had invited Trix to spend a month with Pussie in London. At the end of the month Mr. and Mrs. Sydney w$re coming to live in a, house close by, so that Trix and A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE. 109 Pussie should have a governess and do their lessons together, while Chrys was getting such a big boy that he was very soon to go to school. Chrys gave himself great airs on hearing what was to become of him, as his ambition had always been to \ be a schoolboy, and play games with other boys. He had some time ago given up playing cricket with his sister because it was " so slow." . Trix and Pussie's raptures can only be imagined, not described. They .nearly drove Jane wild, and Mrs. i io ONLY FIVE. Western looked quite pleased when she saw Pussie no longer pale and thin dancing and screaming with delight, and making quite as much noise as Trix in her joy. How the little girls chattered about everything they meant to do and see, and to a country child like Trix, a long visit to London seemed as great a treat as coming to Rylands had been to Pussie. There were no more tears or lamentations heard now, the children laughed from morning till night, and Pussie was even heard laughing in her sleep, which was very funny. The day before they left Rylands Pussie's white hen had been particularly confided to Patty's care, with many hopes that it would not be killed or hurt, and the kind woman promised she would look after it, hoping that Pussie would come and see it next summer a hope most sincerely echoed by Pussie. Trix was rather grave on the morning of her journey, when she remembered that it would be a whole month before she would see her dear papa and mamma again. But Mrs. Sydney assured her that the time would pass A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE. in only too quickly when once she was in London, and a month was not such a very long time after all. Pussie looked so dismayed when she saw the tears in Trix's eyes that her cousin could only laugh and wipe them away as quickly as possible, after which Trix very soon recovered her usual spirits and the breakfast was a very merry, noisy meal. Two very happy faces looked out of the carriage window, waving- their handkerchiefs as long 1 as the o o house was in sight ; and two very tired little people were put to bed by kind old nurse that night in London. " Are you glad to be at home again, my pet?" asked nurse, as she tucked Pussie up, and kissed her. " Oh yes, nursey, I really am ! Only it was a lovely visit, and the country is so nice that I think if I had papa and mamma and you and Trix and "- " Hush ! " said nurse, " you must go to sleep now." ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FOR THE LITTLE ONES. BY BRENDA. Little CoUSinS ', or, Georgia's Visit to Lotty. With Illustrations by T. PYM. Square, 3/6 Victoria BeSS ; or, The Ups and Downs of a Doll's Life. With Illustrations by T. PYM. 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