D^ ■ ■ ; ^-. 1 ^^i 5 t--£.T6 UNIVERSITY OFCALi;-- . AT LOS ANGELES A E E R TO TH BRIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF LONDON: •ff CONTAINING QUERIES, DOUBTS AND DIFFICULTIES, RELATIVE TO A VERNACULAR VERSION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. BEING AN N D X TO A PROSPECTUS OF A NEW TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE, FROM A CORRECTED TEXT OF THE ORIGINALS, &C. BY THE REVEREND ALEXANDER G E D D E S, L.LD. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. DAVIS, FOR ROBERT TAULDER, NEW BON D-S T R E E T, M,ECC,LXXXVII. DC o o O /55 LETTER, &c. MY LORD, - W HEN I firft fat down to tranflate the Hebrew Scriptures, I knew I was undertaking a moft arduous tafk ; but, I confefs, I was not fufficiently aware of all the dilticulties that have fince occurred. If I had, I ihould then, perhaps, have prudently declined an enterprize, which I cannot, without pufiUanimity, now reUnquifli. However, as new obflacles are daily prefenting themfelves, and doubts and perplexities feem to multiply in proportion as I proceed, o jj I have reduced a part of thefe into a fet of Queries, which I beg leave to lay before your Lordfliip, as the perfon in the kingdom the moft likely to give me a fatisfadory folution of them. B The 31825 [ 2 ] The firft queftion that naturally offers is, how far the ftlle and phrafeology of our laft Englifh Verfion ought to be adopted or re- jefted, in a new tranflatlon ? But to form a juft idea of this general queftion, it will be proper to divide it into different heads. In the firft place, then, I think it will be by all agreed, that fuch fili"-le words or whole phrafes, in the old verfion, as are become en- tirely obfolete, or are of an ambiguous meaning, or border on plebeian tritenefs, ought, by a new tranflator, to be rejeded ; and others fubftituted in their place, more agreeable to the prefent ufage, lefs liable to mifconftrudion, and further removed from vulgarity. But is the fame liberty to be taken with other words and phrafes, which, though obfolete in common ufe, are ftill intelligible to one acquainted with the Scripture ftile, and have in reality nothing in them to debafe its dignity ? For example, would you, with fome faftldious moderns, reject fuch words as ambuJJmmit, heritage, 7neet, ivroth, banquet, banner^ bereave, bewail, potirtray, difcornfit, marvel, obeifance, progenitors, and a number of fimilar terms throughout the Bible ? Or would you oc- cafionally ufe them for the fake of variety, energy, or euphony ? For my part I am inclined to think, and have elfewhere hinted, that we Ihould not only retain fuch old words as are ftill, though rarely ufed ; but even revive many that have gradually gone into dilufe j if they be equally analogical, and at the fame time more fignificant and hai-monious than thofe that cuftom has introduced In their room. 4 With [ 3 ] With regard to whole phrafes, it Is much harder to form a decided opinion. They are generally Hebraifms, which have been gradually incorporated into our language by the different txanflators of the Bible, from a laudable defign of reprefenting, as exadtly as poflible, the air of the originals ; and, though many of them are extremely abhorrent from the Englifh idiom, yet long cuftom and the fanAion of religion have made them familiar to our ear ; however indi{lin£tly they may be feized by our underftanding — Are fuch to be retained by a new tranflator ? or mollified and modernized into equivalent terms ? It will pofTibly be faid : " A diftindlion fhould be made. Some *' Hebraifms are fp contrary to our modes of phrafing, that they *' cannot be retained without great obfcurity ; whilfl others, though *' fomewhat uncouth, are yet intelligible, or may be eafily made fo " by a note. The latter fhould, the former fliould not be adopted *' in a vernacular tranflation." But this feems, by far, too vague an anfwer. What may appear fufficiently clear to one, may feem obfcure to another ; and in a book, that is read by all, it is not enough that the phrafe be intelli- gible to a few perfons only ; it fliould be as generally fo as poffible. It is granted by the greatefl flicklers for verbal tranflation, that the phrafeology of the original ought to be abandoned for abfolutc perfpicuity : why not, then, for a greater degree of it ? efpecially where there is no danger of miflaking the meaning by fuch a licence This deferv'^es a more attentive confideration. B 2 T had [ 4 ] I had faid in my Prospectus, that there is, in our laft national Verfion, a blameable want of uniformity in the mode of tranflating. It has been hinted to me, that I ought to have produced inftances, which I now do the more willingly, becaufe it gives me an opportu- nity of difcufling the queftion under confideration, and others conneded with it. When I rank, among the faults of a tranflation, a want of uni- formity in the mode of rendering, I do not mean that a tranflator is never to diverfify his ftile, or vary his expreflions. The contrary I have laid down as one of the qualities of a good tranflation. But ftill, that diverfity fhould be regulated by fome uniform and confiftent principle, from which he fliould never deviate, without the moft cogent reafons. There are many words, as well as fentences, in the Bible, which admit, and often require a different renHprJng, bctdufe they have a different meaning in the original. But there are, likewife, many words and fentences, that either always, or at leaft in fimilar cir- cumflances, have the fame precife meaning; and, confequently, fhould always be rendered in the fame, or nearly the fame terms ; and this only is the uniformity which I contend for. I will now give examples, both of words and fentences, in which this uniformity has not been obferved by our laft tranflators. Firft, of words And, here, I make not much account of fuch variations as may poflfibly be deemed fynonimous. He would be a fuperci- [ 5 ] fuperclllous crltlck, I think, who fliould blame our tranflators for ufing indifcriminately branch or bough ; fountain or fprlng ; bird or fowl ; faint or weary ; d%velling-place or habitation ; wrathful or furi- ous ; pot^ pan or cauldron ; /£■«/, tabernacle or pavilion ; aWi?, ^'^//l?y or <5?^/^ ; target, fhield or buckler j ;«//r^, Zioo^ or diadem ; w^«/, maiden^ damfel or young-woman ; to beat-down, break-down, throw-down, de- fray or overthrow; to pluck-up, pluck-out, root-up or root-out', to •zer^//, to ;;ji5«r« or /o lament, &c. Although, perhaps, ftridly fpeak- Ing, it would be better to make fome appropriate diftindion in the ufe of almoft every one of thefe and fuch terms.* But when we find 7^j^ rendered in one place a lintel, in another a po/l ; nHIN now a locuf, and now a grafs-hopper ; Jl^Jf 7 wormwood and hemlock j li'lllSp nettles * The copioufnefs of a language is fomewhat like a fuperabundance of wealth ; there are few who know how to make a good ufe of either ; and he only who is bleft with fuperlative tafte and judgment will be kept, iu botk cafec, from manifold abufes^ To fuch a degree has the Lexicon of our language been gradually enriched, that it is often more difficult to feleiSl terms, than to find them ; and a proper choice is one of the principal charafters of good writing, For this the Greek authors are peciiliarlyt remarkable. Although the ftorehoufe from which they drew was inexhauftible, yet they feldom drew from it at random. Almoft every term, in their beft compofitions, has a difcriminating charafter, which is very rarely confounded with any other, how- ever approximating. But, in Greece, no one wrote, who had not made a long and laborious ftudy of the Greek tongue ; whereas, in England, almoft every one is a writer ; and almoft every one gives a currency to fome new impropriety. Since your Lordfliip's little book appeared,, and fince Johnfon wrote his DiiStionary, grammatical precifion has been more generally aimed at, than before ; but not much attention^ I fear, has been given to the fort of propriety, of which I am fpeaking; although that, with a little more variety and harmony in the arrangement of fentencef, and a more ra- tional application of our indeclinable particles, is all that our language feems to want of the perfedion, of which it is fufceptible. [ 6.] nettles and thorns; ll*K") hemlock and gall'^ HJ^'' an cw/ and an ofirich; l£t{£f //«^« and T?/^ ; JiNp the cormorant and the felican ; 7Kti^ /-»''// and the grave, &c. we cannot poffibly but difapprove of fuch incon- gruity in rendering ; and point it out as a fault to be fludioufly guarded againft by every tranflator. All this appears to be indifputable. But there are words, in the rendering of which, our tranflators took a latitude, which, though it is by no means fo exceptionable as the former, feems yet to have a certain want of uniformity in it, that in fome meafure mifrepre- fents the text ; and may a<5lually miflead the reader. For what reader would imagine that Azw, Jlatute^ decree^ ordinance were all terms fo perfectly fynonimous, as to be exprefled by one Hebrew word ? Yet pn is found rendered by all thofe terms. A coat of mall ^ a habergeon^ a breajl-plate and a brigandhie all imply a piece of defenfive armour of much the fame nature i yet I hardly think that any one would expert to fee them all reprefented in the Original by the fmgle word ]'^nti^. Will it appear any more likely that 12iD or miiD is tranf- lated with equal propriety, a fort^ a hold^ a Jlrong hold^ a cajlle^ a bulwark, a munition ? The three firft are more general terms, and may denote any Jlrong place, whether fo by nature or art ; but the three laft give us the idea of manual fortification. In all fuch cafes it would, in my apprehenfion, be more proper to ftick to one term, which term fliould be the mofl diftindive and expreffive that could be found. We -[ 7 ] We fhould not, perhaps, even approve of tranflating the fame Hebrew vp^ords by different Englifh ones, though of nearly the fame import ; when thefe, in common acceptation, have at leaft a fenfible difference of meaning in magnitude, intenfity, degree or relation. Can dijloody a river, and a brook be equally proper renderings of HK'' ? or a town and a village of n!2 ? vejfels, furniture^ Ji^ff^i injlruments, nveaponSf armour, artillery of w^ ?* a caftle and a palace of T'tO ? coal and hot coal of ^PI^ ? concubine and paramour of l£^J}7£3 ? nephew and grand/on of ^DJ ? inchanter^ obfervers of times and footh-fayers of p")^ ? Thofe who wifh to fee more of this diverfity, may con- fult Taylor's Concordance under the words VP)^. D?^. HD. nJ9. ^ip- Dip- Nnp. niti^. D1''- *]D^ li'SJ. |n^ Nay further, I am not fure but we fhould uniformly tranflate the fame Hebrew worr^ by the fame Englifh word ; unlefs the former have a multifarious meaning; or perfpicuity or embellifhment re- quire to vary the latter. If tabret be a good rendering of *in why tranflate it alfo timbrel? What need is there for tranflating HJ^'^D in one place the Pleiades, and in another the Jeven Jlars ? Why is D'^Dti^ fometimes rendered heaven, fometimes the heaven, fome- * To {hew how little attentive our tranflators were to uniformity in rendering the fame word even in the very fame conftruftion and fenfe, I fhall here give a remarkable inftance. Exod. xxx. ver. 27, 28. We have the word yi,^ three times tranflated •* his veffels:" yet in the very next chapter, ver. 8, 9. we find the fame word, not only in the fame conftruftion, but relatively to the fame things, rendered three times " his furniture." One can hardly fuppofc that thcfc tv\'o chapters were tranflated by the fame perfon. times [ 8 ] times ihe heavens^ and fometimes the air? Why C^IJ) — nations^ gentiles and heathen? Why Hr^K a vtaiJ, a bond-ijuonian, a botKH-viaid.^ a hand-maid^ ■Si maid-Jcrvanl? ^^hy SVy2r\ s. pattern, Si figure, a. like- 9iefs^ a form, a fiinilitude ? Why >/1J /i? , /o perijh, to give and j'/V/c/ wj> /y^e? ^/'2/^ .? Why T\'\l^r\ to befiknt, to keepjiknce, to /6o/J owf'i peac£, to Zi^A/ &«t''j tongue? Any of thefe refpedlive terms, well- chofen at firft, would furely be more uniform, and for the moft part more proper. What has been faid with regard to the inconfiftency ajul incon- gruity of rendering the fame Hebrew word, in the fame circum- flances, by different vernacular terms ; is equally applicable to the ren- dering of different Hebrew words by the fame term. If I have once, ufed the word tabernacle to exprefs pli^D and tent to exprefs /HK; I will uniformly do fo throughout — nor will I confound either with m. It is hardly poffible that ^DN*- Ttn. t^nn- *^-)0- T^^h- and 77ti^ can all be equally well tranflated by one word " prey." In fad, mod of the Hebrew terms have peculiar ideas annexed to them, that require a diverfity in rendering them.* It often happens, indeed, that this diverfity cannot be attained, becaufe the language into which we tranflate has not fuch a number * The waiit of this diftinftion has made our tranflators put in the mouth of Cain, •vshat he could not fay, nor mean — " Behold thou driveft me this day from the face of the earth !" Q^ Whither then was he driven ? Was not the land of Nod on the face of the earth ? The word is HDHK not yiK and means the fpot he was then on j " ranii TJi yt^iv.im, as S. Chryfoftomc well expreflesit. of T 9 1 of difcrlminating terms as would be neceflary to exprefs it (not to mention that the etymon of the original word is often dubious, and the diftindion fometimes, perhaps, imaginary) ; but then as far as its terms go, they are to be employed, and appropriated, as nearly as poffible, to the ideas meant to be conveyed by them. See fome very fenfible obfervations on this fubjed in Pilkington's Remarks, Sed. XXV, Diverfity in rendering whole fentences, or parts of fentences, is not lefs common with our tranflators, than in rendering fmgle words; and is frequently lefs excufable. This is, no doubt, that " want of " identity of phrafmg" which the prefacers, in fome fort, apologize for ; and which is chiefly obfervable in their tranflation of Hebraifms; which are the principal objed of our prefent difcuflion. Now in rendering thefe, they feem to have been guided by no uniform principle, nor even by any rules of grammatical analogy : for they have not only obferved no uniformity in rendering fimilar fentences, but have often admitted a ftrange variety in rendering the lame fentences. 'To lift up one's feet for " to remove'' is certainly not a more harlh idiotifm than to lift up one's eyes for " to look up" Nay the word ///?, in ftrid propriety, is more literally applicable to the feet than to the eyes : yet our tranflators every where retain the laft Hebraifm ; never the firft. I am aware it will be fald, that the firfl feems more uncouth to our ears than the laft; but I am perfuaded it was not more uncouth, when the laft was firft adopted ; and that if C they [ lo ] they had alfo adopted the tiiH, it would now be as familiar to us as the other. "■•■ But the Latin vcrfion feems to have determined them ; which has eievavli ocu/cs, but not elcvavit pedes. Yet the Greek has re- tained the laft Hebraifm : GenellS xxix. I. Yuxt i^atxg lu-;<^ mg Trolug. In like manner, " to deliver one's felf from the eyes of another" for " to efcape from one," is not more abhorrent from our idiom than " to hide one's eyes from another" for " to connive at himv"^ yet in the former cafe, our tranflators rejected the Hebraifm. 1 Sam. XX. 6. but retained it in the latter. Levit. xx. 4. To do what is good in one's eyes, is a Hebraifm which our tranf- lators have generally rendered by, doing what pleafeth or Uketh one. Thus Gen. xvi. 6. " Behold thy maid is in thy hand ; do to her " as it pleafeth thee." And Eflher viii. 8. " Write ye alfo to the ** Jews, as it liketh you." But in n pHrafo e.-sa-aiy fimilar, Jud. xvii. 6. they tranflate, " Every one did that which was right in *< his own eyes." Again, Gen. xll. 37. " And the thing was good " in the eyes of Pharoah." But Num. xi. 10. they have not tranf- lated " It was alfo evil in the eyes of Mofes," but " Mofes was alfo '-*■ difpleafed." * It is obfervable that the moft of our former tranflators retained the Hebraifm : " Jacob lyfte up hys fete and wente, &c." Tyndal — And fo Matthews, Cranmer— Bifh. Gen. and even Purver. Luther too has " her hub Jacob feine fuefie aufP'— And the Dutch " hief Jacob fijnc voeten op." Diodati, with his ufual elegance, gave the phrafe another term, but ftill renders the word ^y) by feet " Se mejfe in (amino a " piedi." The Genevans tranflated as we do. " Se mil en chemin," a. But [ II ] But there are no phrafes, ia the rendering of which they have Ihewn more variety than in thofe of which the words p and ti^i^ make a part. The firft of thefe, which primarily fignifies a7o«, and fecondarily a defcendant of any kind ; has, in the oriental dialedts, a much wider acceptation ; and is applied not only to the offspring of the brute creation, but alfo to produdlions of every fort ; and what is ftill more catachreftlcal, even to confequential or concomitant relations : So that an arrow is called the fan of the bow ; the morning Jiar^ the/on of the morning ; threfoed-out corn^ the fon of the floor \ and anointed perfonSy the fons of oil. Now our tranflators have, in rendering fuch phrafes, for the moft part foftened the Hebraifnij but after no uniform manner. So7is of Belial 7^^72 *^'S2. is furely not more intelligible to an Englifli reader than Som of oil\ and much lefs fo than Sons of valour^ fons of righteoufnefy fotn nf iniquity ; yet, while they retain the firfl: Hebraifra with all its original harfhnefs, and partly in its orlghial form • * they mollify the three laft into ralicmi men, righteous men, wicked men, * Even here they are not confiftent. For if once they admitted the word Bilial^ they ihould have retained it throughout ; and faid a thing of Bdial^ a heart ofBcliaL, a witnefs of Belial^ the foods of Belial: which, however, they render an evil difcafe, a wicked hearty an ungodly witnefs, the floods of ungodlinefs. Nay they have, once or twice, tranf- lated bvh"^ li^''^ ^'^^ byVa D"W o %uicked man. At any rate, if fuch phrafes were not good Enghfli in the Old Teftament ; how came they to adopt them in the New ? For there wc meet with " The child of hell, tlie children of light, the children of wrath, the *' ion of perdition, &c." C 2 TJk [ I^ I The hme inconfulency holds with regard toti^'^K in a umllaroon-- flrudlion. If they could, without hurting the Englifh idiom, trani> late a man of war ^ a man of underjland'mg^ a man of forrows^ a man cf frfe^ a tnan of wicked devices^ the man of thy right hand', why not alfo a man of peace, a man of truth, a man of violence^ a man of ini- quity ? Not only in fimilar phrafes, did our tranflators break the rules of imiformity ; they often violated them in rendering the fame phrafe, and that, fometimes, in the fame chapter. " How old art thou ?" fays Pharoah to Jacob, Gen. xlvii. 8. inftead of " How many arc " the days of thy years ?" But in Jacob's anfwer, verfe 9. " The " days of the years of my pilgrimage are &c." In ver. 28; they again drop the Hebraifm, and tranflate " fo the whole age of ** Jacob ;" for " all the' days of the years of Jacob." To he in one's hand^ is a Hebraifm that otten fignifies to be in ones power, and fo our tranflators rendered it, Job i. 12. " All that he " hath is in thy power :" but Gen. xvi. 6. they retain the Hebraifm, *' Behold thy maid is in thy hand," To lift up ones hand is tofwear ; and fo we find it rendered, ExoA vi. 8. " Which I did fwear to give." Num. xiv. 30. " Which I " fware to make you dwell therein." Nehem. ix. 15. " Which " thou hadft fworn to give them." But Gen. xiv. 22. " I have ^' lift up my hand to the Lord" — and Deuter. xxxii. 40. " I lift « up [ 13 ] " up my hand to Heaven." And Ezek. xx. 5. " In the day when *' I chofe Ifrael, and Ufted up mine hand unto the feed of the houfe *' of Jacob." Many more fuch inftaaces may be found under the word '^\ * The fame variety appears in the rendering ofTlf^rOD ti'''K a man of ijcar. Thus Exod. xv. 3. " The Lord is a man of war:" but Pfalm xxiv. 8. " The Lord mighty in battle." Again, Num. xxxl. 49. " Thy fen^ants have taken the fum of the men of war:" but in the fame chapter, ver. 27. " Them that took the war upon *' them." The LXX. generally rendered the words by ttoAs/x/jt;}? j and our tranflators have ufed warrior and warriors In the fame fenfe, on fimilar occafions. i Kings xii. 21. " Fourfcore thoufand men " which were warriors" T\f^rni^XW^ ', which 2 Chron. xxvi. 11. they render " fighting men." *' To be wife or right in one's own eyes," is a Hebraifm perfedly " intelligible in any other language, and is in ours not unfrequently ufed in common fpeech. Yet, even in rendering this phrafe, our tranflators varied. Thus Prov. xiii. 7. " Be not wife in thine own " eyes." Prov. xii. 15. " The way of a fool is right in his own " eyes." But Prov. xxvi. 5. " Anfwer not a fool according to his folly, " left he be wife in his own conceit." And xxvlii. 11. " The rich " man is wife in his own conceit." * What makes a deviation from the Hebraifm here more neceflary is, becaufe " to lift « up one's hand" fignifies alfo to rebels and fometimcs to chajiife, la [ H 1 InExod. Iv. 15. they tranflate ^^B2 D'^min nt^nDt^l, " Thou " llialt put Avords In his mouth." But Ezra viii. 17. they render "IDT*? D**")!"! DTT'Sl rT^Dli^KI, " I told them what they flioukl " fay." Should not the Hebraifm have been retamed in both places j or in neither ? In Numb. viii. 7. nnt:^! bj h)^ n;rjl n^D;^n arc rendered, equivalently " Let them ihave all their flefh ;" but Ezek. v. i. the Hebraifm is retained ; " Let a razor pafs on thy head." In fine, our tranflators appear to have, not feldom, changed the Hebraifm, without neceffity, and when it is equally plain, and as good Englifh as the fubftituted phrafe. *' Come ye after me" is as intelligible as " follow me" — " To cut off the ends or extremities of a " country" is as intelligible, and it fhould feem lefs vulgar than " to " cut a country fhort." Sec -z Kings vi. 19, and x. 23. So Prov. iv. 26. " Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be «* eftablifhed." The Hebraifm of the laft part of this fentence, " and " all thy ways fhall be ordered aright," which is the marginal ren- dering, is no lefs clear and exprellive than what has been adopted in its ftead. Again, Prov. vi. 16. " Six /hifigs doth the Lord hate; yea, " feven are an abomination to him." I miftake if it would not have been better to retain the Hebraifm ; " Yea, feven are the *' abomination of his foul." Prov. xxvi. 20. the Hebrew has, " Without wood the fire goeth out," which our tranflators, with the help [ ^5 ] help of Italics, paraphrafe thus : " Where no wood ?V, there the fire " goeth out," which, compared with the other, appears languid and drawling. Pfalm xci, 16. " With long life will I fatisfy him." The Hebraifm, " with length of days, &c," feems not only as clear, but more energetic and poetical. Enough has been {liid to fhew, that our tranflators were not guided by any uniform rule in rendering the Hebraifms of the Bible. — But are there then no rules to be guided by ? No fixt and certain boun- daries to be prefcribed to a tranflator ? Or may he, at random and in an arbitrary manner, either follow the Hebraifm, or abandon it ? I fcarcely think, that this will be allowed by any rational Philologift. I will, therefore, venture to lay down fome general Canons, by which I myfelf have been direded ; and of which I wifli to obtain your Lordihip's and the public's approbation. I CANON. All Hebraifms that are fufficiently clear to exclude ambiguity ; and either were from the beginning, or are become by long ufage, in- telligible to every clafs of readers ; and, at the fame time, have nothing in them that offends againft the laws of grammar and good writing, fhould univerfally be retained : but thofe that are obfcure, equivocal, uncouth and ungrammatical fhould as univerfally be rejected. II CANON, y [ I^ ] II CANON. In rendering the poetical and fentential parts of Scripture, bolder Hebraifms are allowable, than in the hiftorical and legiflative parts. III CANON. Whatever Hebraifm has been once adopted, or Angllcifm fubfli- tuted, fhould, in the fame fort of ftile, and in circumftances exadly fimilar, be uniformly and univerfally retained. As to the particular application of thefe canons. It muft, I fear, be left to the judgment and tafle of the tranflator. For whatever lights he may borrow from the obfervations of others, ftill it muft ultimately reft with himfelf, how far he is to be directed by them j or on what occafions he is to prefer them to his own. Another queftion, ftarting out of the former, Is; Should the Hebraifms, that are not admitted intn the text, be retained, at leaft, in the margin ? Bifliop Newcome is decidedly of opinion that they fhould ; and has, accordingly, crowded the margin of his Verfion of the minor Prophets with more Hebraifms than are even in our common tranflation. His reafon is : " That the genius of the original " language will, by that means, be fhewn ; and the reader unfkilled " in them will be beft enabled to interpret for himfelf." Yoiu: Lordihip feems to be of a different opinion, if we may judge from [ 17 ] from your Ifalah ; and I find that many learned perfons, whom I have occafionally confulted on the point, agree with you. Indeed, I can fee little advantage, that either the learned or un- learned can derive from fuch marginal renderings. Thofe who are Ikilled In the languages have no need of them ; and thofe who are unfkilled can only view them as fo many ftrange modes of ex- preflion ; which muft give them no favourable idea of the oriental ftile. This, I know it from experience, is the idea which the common people entertain of them. They look upon them as fo many obftacles on the way fide, that retard their journey; and they generally prefer Bibles that have them not. To what purpofe then perplex them with fo unneceffary an adjuatn: ; which, at every other verfe, draws their attention from a clear Text to an obfcure Comment ? For in that light every thing in the margin is by them confidered. The fole clafs of readers, to whom they can be of any fervice, is that of Biblical Students, who wifh to make the Englifh tranflation a fort of guide to the grammatical knowledge of the originals, v/ith- out the trouble of learning Hebrew Grammar. But thefe, I pre- fume, are few in number, and have, befides, if they underftand Latin, a much better dire£lor in Arias Montanus. There are only two cafes, in which I would admit marginal ren- derings. The firft is, when the tranflator doubts v*-hether he have given the true meaning of the original in the text. Then he is not D only [ i8 ] only lufficiently authorized, but obliged, I think, in juftice, to give either a different Englifh rendering of equal probability, or a literal verfion of the Hebraifm. The fecond is, when the meaning or force of the text cannot well be perceived without the interpretation of fome proper name or emblematical term ; in which cafe, if the Englifh interpretation be admitted into the text, the Hebrew word Ihould be referred to in the margin ; and fo vice verfa. Though perhaps it would be ftill better to include the rejeded term in a parenthefis, immediately after the admitted one. I come now to another queftion. Befide fuch idiotifms as I have already mentioned, there is in every language a number of expletive and redundant words, which originating in colloquial dialed, no where grammatical, too often retain their place in the moft refined and cultivated languages ; the firfl writers not daring to lay them afide, and their example giving tkem a fanaion among thofe who write after them. How many fuch are there not in Englifh, which we have not yet had the courage to explode ? In tranflating a Greek or Latin work into any modern language, or a work of one modern language into another, we never think it neceffary to exprefs thofe idiomatical redundancies; nay, for the honour of our author, we avoid exprefling them as much as poffible. But a different procedure has generally been obferved with regard to the Hebrew Scriptures. Not only to deviate from their meaning ; but, likewife, from their form, conftrudion, anomalies, tautologies, ellip- fifes, [ »9 ] fifes, pleonafms, enallages, hypallages — nay, from the very blunders of their various tranfcribers, was long accounted a kind of auda- cious facrilege. Hence, no doubt, it is that fo many of them have been retained in moft modern tranllations ; in dlredl oppofition to grammar and logic ; and often to the great detriment of the text, and obfcurity of the verfion. This unjuft and ill-grounded prejudice is, among the learned, no more a predominant one : and the tranflator of the Bible, if he be but a faithful intei-preter, may now, without the im- putation of impiety, follow that mode of tranflation which he moft approves of; and which is the moft likely to convey to the reader the genuine fpirit, not the bare and barren letter, of his originals. Under the fhelter of this privilege, may I here prefume to point out fuch Hebrew expletives and pleonafms, as I think may be, with advantage, fupprefled in an Engllfh tranflation. In the firft place, the copulative 1 which admits, and has in every tranflation received, a great number of various acceptations *, might frequently with great propriety be omitted altogether ; and has often been omitted by the beft interpreters, both ancient and modern. D 2 I would * It is indeed the general linlc of fentences ; and ferves not only for all thofe parti- cles which we call conjunilicns ; but alfo for many adverbs and prepofitions, and even pronouns. Noldius gives it above feventy different meanings : but his diftinc- tions are often nice ; and I think they are all reducible to the following thirty : y/na', (!>■, «»r, «(j_y, with, fo, alfo, thus, if, although, btcaufc, that, for, but, yet, fiiice, indeed, ivh). [ ^o ] 1 would, alfo, extend tliis licence to the fame letter in combination with i,-)^ ; though here again I have the misfortune to have the whole weight of Bifhop Newcome's authority in the oppofite fcale. who, ivhai, thin, now, afterwards, again, whilji, meanwhile, therefore, wherefore, namely, neverthelefs, moreover. Of thefe the moft generally ufcd, and perhaps the only necef- fary, are and, again, when, for, hut, that, if, although, with. This lafl: is, in realit)-, no lefs a copulative than and; and a more general ufe of it would give perfpicuity, energy and precifion to many paffages of Holy Writ, which from the conftant ufe of and and and, are amphibologou?, languid, indifcriminate and ungrammatical. We have a remarkable inftance in the three firft verfes of Genefis. In thefe, three diftin£t ideas are prefcnted The original creation of our material world — its chaotic pri- mordial ftate — and the important change that took place at the period of the fix days creation. It is, moreover, evident from the form and arrangement of the Hebrew words, that fuch a diflinftion was meant by the writer. For "JC^H being without a verb, and mi being joined to a participle, are naturally and ftriftly connefled with what immediately goes before ; but with what follows only by contraft. It is there- fore impoflible that the 1 can be equally well rendered by " and," through the whole of the three verfes. Let us fee : " In the beginning God created the Heavens and the " earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darknefs was upon the face " of the deep, and the fpirit of God moved upon the face nf the vratcis: and God faid, " Let there be light, and there was light." How heavy, how monotonous, how like to the tale of a peafent is this narrative ! But to do juftice to the author of the Penta- teuch, who, as Longinus fays, was certainly no mean writer, let us combine the above pafTage as fenfe and conftruftion point out ; and the three forementioned diftind ideas will immediately appear confpicuous. In the beginning God created (or had created) the Heavens and the earth. The earth was yet a difmal wafte, with darknefs on the face of the deep ; and a mighty wind (fee p. 49,) moving upon the furface of the waters: when God faid, " Let there be light ;" and light there was. Here there are only two common variations in rendering, and no need of an italic fupple- mcnt to conneft the fcnfe ; and yet — But I fliall leave the intelligent reader to make the comparifon of thefe two modes of tranflating ; and only obferve that the firft varia- tion of the copulative is juftified by the Greek tranflation, and by the Vulgate i oi yv —Terra autem : and that the connedlion of DTlvK HIT with what precedes is implied by their employing the imperfed time iTnfifiro—firchtia; Ma [ 21 ] He thinks your Lordflilp's tranflation of Ifaiah xxxvili. i. defeftive; becaufe you have omitted " Now it came to pafs." But if one were to afk his Lordihip, whether he think that the Prophet, if he had written in Englifh, would have expreffed himfelf in that manner ? I am perfuaded he would anfwer in the negative. If fo, it is then evidently a Hebrew pleonafm, that fliould not be rendered in Englifli. At any rate, it fliould not be rendered, " Now it came to pafs," which never could have entered into the head of an Enelilh tranfla- tor, but for the Greek (yersTo and the 'Ls.lm faSliim cji. If it were at all to be tranflated, in the paflage above mentioned and other fimilar pafTages, why not " It was (or it happened) in the four- " teenth year of King Hezekiah, that &c"." With regard to the word noxS for the omiflion of which your Lordfhip is alfo blamed, in the fame paflage (Pref. to the Minor Pro- phets, p. xix.) I think it may be fomctimcc tranflated with pro- priety ; and fometimes left untranflated. When the word "i^*] pre- cedes, I would for the mofl: part tranflate it ; but when it is pre- ceded by "1t2K I would not tranflate it ; unlefs that 1,t:K could be conveniently rendered ^o^a-, and not /aid* There is only one cafe that, to me, prefents a difiiculty. It is, when IDN'b follows a mef- fage. * The fecond 13N7 was fometimes negledled even by the Oriental tranflators, though, in their dialects, it was idiomatical. Thus Syriac, Jofliua i. i. renders the Hcbr. ItSN*? rnn"' ICN"'! by only tn feem redundant in fuch phrafes as thefe : " The woman, whom thou gaveft to be with me, *^Jbe gave me of the tree And Debora, a Prophetefs, the wife " of Lapidoth, J/:e judged Ifrael at that time — ^Now Hannah, J/je " fpoke in her heart But your little ones, which ye faid fhould " be a prey, t/jem will I bring in Your carcafles, ihey (hall fall *' in this wildernefs." I am well aware that this has been called an emphatical mode of expreffion ; and, in fome inftances, accounted a particular beauty ; as when the people exclaim, i Kings xviii. 39. " The Lord, he is the God ; The Lord, he is the God." Be it fo ; yet, even here it has all the air of vulgar tautology ; and brings to one's mind the old fong : " Bell, JJ.'e is my darling, &c." Were it at all deemed neceflary to tranflaic the redundant word for the fake of emphafis, I fliould prefer giving it another turn, and fay, " That " woman, &c. The Prophetefs Debora, &c. — Thofe little ones, &c. " — Jehovah himfelf, &c." — Although, in general, it would, per- * We fliould laugh at a tranflator who fhould thus literally render : ^/id tibi vis F Scire ubi nunc fit tua tibi Daphnis ? or the French Je m'en vais — battez — moi cet homme-la va-t-en, il s'en eft alle. Yet the perfonal pronouns are not lefs redundant in the above Hebrew phrafes, than in any of thefe. 4 haps. [ 24 ] haps, be more agreeable to the fimplicity of the Scrlpture-ftilc to leave the pronoun untranflated. * Hoc quoque, Tirefia, prater narrate/, petentl Refponde A fimilar redundancy is frequent in the pronominal fuffixes 1 and n ; Dn and |n ; efpecially in combination with the infeparable pre- pofitions a and D — " I know him that he will command his children " — the land which I will give you to inherit it — But of the tree of " the knowledge of good and evil, thou flialt not eat of //. " Thefe are the nations, which the Lord left to prove Ifrael by /Z»^;«."f In many inftances our tranflators difregarded fuch expletives ; thus Numb, XXXV. 34. inflead of " Defile not therefore the land which " ye fhall inhabit, which I dwell in it ;" they judicioufly render *' wherein I dwell :" and I can fee no good reafon why they did not extend the fame licence to all fimilar cafes. It likewife appears to me, that it would often be proper to omit tranflating the relative "\li?N, efpecially when it cannot be rendered * Our tranflators did not always render it. Thus Exod. W. 14. we haA'e, " I *' know that he can fpeak well ;" which in the original is, " I know that he can fpeak " well, he," correfponding exaftly with the French vulgarifm, " Je vous le dis, moi— " il fe tait, lui." t The French have a fimilar pleonafm. La viiloire qu'il tient deja, un coup de fabre eft fur le point de la lui ravir. The vidory, which he already grafps, the ftroke of a fabre is on the point of fnatching it from him. And fome of our modern re- finers have fliewn a ftrange inclination to ape this ungrammatical mode of exprefllon. " without [ 25 ] without an italic fupplement. A ftriking example occurs In the very firft chapter of Genefis, v. 7. " God made the firmament, and " divided the waters which were under the firmament, from the " waters which were above the firmament." This is in reality a contradldion ; for , if the waters were already above the firmament, what need to divide them from thofe that were below ? Other trans- lators^ have, with nearly equal impropriety, fupplied the word are^ for how could the waters above, which God at the creation Separated by the atmofphere from thofe below, be the waters that are now feparated by that fame atmofphere ? But if we tranflate fimply and indefinitely, " the waters above the firmament from the waters be- " low the firmament ;" all will be clear and confiftent. The word tt?''N, man^ Is often a mere expletive, not only In Hebrew, but alfo in Greek ; * and as fuch our tranflators fometlmes confidered it. Exod. ii. 11. " Jrie fpicd (a man) an Egyptian " fmiting (a man) a Hebrew:" and v. 14. "Who made thee " (a man) a prince and a judge over us ?" Judges vl. 8. -*' The " Lord fent (a man) a prophet :" xx. 4. And (the man) " the " Levite." f Why did they not ufe the fame freedom, Gen. xlil. 30. where they render ^-IN '>:nK ir\S' " The man who Is the * Mxxiou! a.tr,(. Demoft. ami in the New Teftament asofs? aJtJ.foi, aaJ-; Erai^ei, &c. t In Jeremiah xxxviii. 7. they give it another term, and tranflate D'^ID w'''X one s£ the Eunuchs. E " Lord C *6 I « Lord of the land," at the espence of introducing two words that are not in the text* : and again v. 33. " The man, the Lord of " the country." I need not remark that nirJ<, a woman, is often in the fame predicament. See 2 Sam. xv. 1 6. i Kings iii. 1 6. Jerem. iii. 3. What I have faid of t^^-iN is apphcable to \1 : " The fons of the " prophets," and " the prophets" are the fame thing; as in Greek vm A;^aiw;' and -n-aiHi laTpuv fignify only " the Greeks" and " the ** Phyficians :" and here a queftion might be made, whether it would not conduce to perfpicuity, and prevent mifapprehenfion, every where to render ""iD, except when it denotes the immediate progeny, by the gentile, or patronymic, of the proper name that follows ? So that, inftead of faying " the children of Reuben, the ** children of Gad, the children of Moab, Amalek, Ammon, &c." we fhould fay, " the Reubenites, Gadites, Moabites, Amalekites, " Ammonites, &c." Here, too, our tranflators have fet the ex- ample ; though, as I have already faid, without any fort of uni- formity. Joel iii. 6. " The children of Judah, and the children of " Jerufalem, have ye fold unto the Grecians." The Hebrew has " to the children of the Greeks." So Judges xix. 16. " Benjamites (it fhould be Benjaminites) for fons of Jemini." i Chron. xxiii. 27. " Levites" for " fons of Levi." 2 Chron. xxvii. 5. " Ammo- " nitea" for " children of Ammon." Ezek. xxiii. 15. " Babylo- * According to their fcrupulous fyftcm, " who is " fliould have been in Italics. 4 " nians" [ 27 ] ** mans" for " children of Babylon ; " and even " men" for " fons " of man or Adam." Pfalm Ixxxix. 47.* This licence fhould, I think, be extended to proper names, when thefe fignify a whole tribe or people. This has been foinc times done by our tranflators, but not nearly fo often as it fhould feem expedient. A man of ordinary comprehenfion, on reading thefe words, " Judah *' went with Simeon his brother — Judah took Gaza — The Lord was " with Judah ; and he drove out the Canaanites — The Lord deliver- *' ed them into the hand of Midian — Thus faith the Lord of Hofts ; *' I remember what Amalek did to Ifrael ; how he laid wait for him " in the way" — might naturally enough imagine that fo many dif- ferent individuals were hei^e defigned. Would it not be better, therefore, to tranflate Amalekites, Midianites, Simeonites, Judaites ?" or, if in the two laft inftances the terms may feem uncouth, fupply in Italics the word tribe ? Nor would I make the fame exception here in favour of '!?N"IU^'' itfelf, that I juft now made in favour ofbii'\U'> "iJD ; but I would render it " Ifraelites" when I faw occafion j or fupply the word children. f E 2 The * I fhould, however, 1 know not well for what reafon, be inclined to make one ex- •ceptisn : I would ftill fay, the children of Abraham, of Ifaac, of Jacob, and above all, " the children of Ifrael." It is a kind of national diftincSlion of the pofterityof thofe three patriarchs, and is fo often repeated and fo univerfally underftopd, that no ambijuity ■can eafily arife from it. •f- What has been faid in this and the preceding fedion is to be underftood chiefly ■•f the profe parts of the Bible. In poetry, a different mode of rendering fliould gene- rally [ ^8 ] The word D"'i3 or ">J3 is, likeways, fometimes pleonafllc, though not fo frequently, I fufpe£t, as fome Grammarians would have it to be. Ifeenoreafonforfuppreflingit in fuch phrafes as thefe : " Darknefs was " upon the face of the ,deep — There went up a mift from the earth " and watered the whole face of the ground — and behold the face of " the ground was dry." We daily ufe the word face in much bolder and far lefs analogical metaphors, and iu reality, D'OiD fignifies the external appearance of any thing. It is true, however, that the word cannot, in many places, be rendered literally ; or fhould not, perhaps, be rendered at all : and in this the tranflator muft be guided by gram- matical analogy and idiomatical propriety ; and follow, according to the particular exigency, that method of rendering, which is the moft likely to give the full force of the original, without its obfcurity.* The rally prevail ; even although an explanatory note fliould be requlfite to prevent mif. takes. * Befide the pleonafms which our tranflators introduced into the Englifh Bible from the originals, they feem to have admitted others that have little or no foundation in the originals. For example, in rendering the fecond perfons of the imperative mood, they have often expreired the perfonal pronoun thou and ye when they are not in the Hebrew. Thus Num. xvi. 19. " Only rebel not ye againft the Lord ; neither fear ye the people of the land." It may indeed be faid that ye is implied in the verbs : but furely it is not neceflary to exprefs it ; and if DflN had been in the Text, they could have done no more. At any rate, if it was implied there, it was equally implied in the laft part of the fame verfc ; which is neverthelefs rendered " fear them not." Of is plainly fuperfluous and, moreover, a folecifm, in fuch phrafes as thefe : " Take an heifer of three years old. A lamb of one year old," &c. Are not, likeways, all the perfonal pro- ■ [ 29 1 The fame rules mufl: dired him in rendering or not rendering: nS. '•fl. n\ "I"in. inp. UV. -lai. Vip. DI'' &c. and how far, if he depart from the Hebraifm, he may lawfully vary its equivalents Let us now proceed to queries of a different nature. It is well known that the fmgular number is, in Hebrew, very of- ten ufed to exprefs the whole genus or fpecies of the thing fignified. Such Colledlives are more or lefs frequent in every language, but are of much greater extent in the Afiatic, than in the European dialeds. " The earth brought forth — the herb yielding feed — and " the tree yielding fruit — And God made the beaft of the earth after " his kind — Have dominion over the fifli of the fea and over the fowl " of the air — Of every clean beaft thou fhalt take to thee by fevens." Our tranflators did not always think themfelves obliged to follow fo literal a mode of rendering. Gen.'xxxii. 5. " I have oxen and afles." Hebrew, " I have ox and afs." Lcvlt. xi. 2, " Thefe are the beafts which ye fhall eat." Hebrew, " This is the beaft." Num. xxi. 7, pronouns too frequently repeated, when there is no real change in the perfon. I fliould, alfo, think that the word that is fuperfluous in fuch phrafes as this, Jud. ii. 20. " And he faid becaufc that this people &:c." "l*i'{^ 'A^i and fimilar combinations beins; per- feftly rendered by becaufe. In like manner ll^'^ and D 71^'? feem fully rendered by " for ever," without the addition of" more." Nay a ufelefs pleonafm may fometimes arife from the very arrangement of a fentence : and I think there are no lefs than five fuperfluous words in the following verfe, Levit. xx. 2. " Whofoever he be of the « children of Ifrael, or of the ftrangers that fojourn in Ifrael, that giveth any of " his feed UNto Moloch, he {hall furely be put to death." Read it without the words in Capitals, and fee if it be not as complete, more fimple, and hfs embarra/Ted. Nor is there a fingle word of the Hebrew unexprefled : for the "ltJ?{< before ?f)l is included in the word " whofoever ;" neither is there any need of Italics to conned the fentence. " Pray [ 30 i " Pray unto the Lord that he take away the ferpents from us." Hebrew, " the ferpent." Surely they might have ufed the fame freedom in many other places, which would have prevented a con- fiderable number of ungrammatical combinations, which, by follow- ing the other mode, they could not eafily avoid. I fhould therefore hope that no future tranflator will be blamed for rendering all fuch fingulars in the plural number, unlefs when the word ^3 precedes them ; in which cafe it will much depend on circumftances, whether he fhall or fhall not prefer the fmgular. I need hardly add, that the fame liberty fhould be taken with plurals, when they convey only a fmgular meaning. Befide this enallage of numbers, which is extremely frequent, there is another of perfons, the want of attention to which has intro- duced great confufion into modern tranllations, and given rife to many rafh conjedtviral emendations of the text. It is, when in ad- dreffes to God, or even to man, the third perfon is elegantly ufed for the fecond ; and fhould always be rendered in the fecond. A pro- per inftance occurs in Pfalm civ. The Pfalmifl, in our common verfion, is made to addrefs the Almighty in this manner : " O Lord " my God, thou art very great ; thou art clothed with honour *' and majefty. Who coverest thyfelf with light as with a gar- " ment ; who stretcheth out the heavens like a curtain ; who *' LAVETH the beams of his chambers in the waters ; who maketh ■" the clouds his chariot ; who walketii upon the wings of the " wind J C 3» ] ** wind ; who MAKETH His angels fpirlts, and His minifters a " flaming fire ; who laid the foundations of the earth that it fhould " not be removed for ever : Thou coveredst it &c." Here^ befides that a look of incoherency is given to the whole paflage, the rules of our Grammar require stretchest, layest, makest, WALKEST, as well as art, coverest, coveredst ; and the pro- noun THY throughout, inilead of his. But the affix i after ini'^'wr 3Dn> ''Di Sec. determined our tranflators to admit a folecifm rather, than depart from the letter of their original. It is to be remarked that the Hebrew words, which are here tranflated in the fecond and third perfons, are, in reality, a£live participles, and that, in fuch cafes, it is a frequent idiotifm of the Oriental languages to exprefs the agent in the third perfon, though underftood of the fecond. The Syrians go a ftep further and extend this licence to the third perfon of the preterite. " O thou that ** SAID." — " O thou fon of man who judgeth his neighbour.'* — ^" Jerufalem, Jerufalem, that killeth the prophets and stoneth- " thofe who are fent to it."* And fo in the plural, " Tell me, ye, who " are willing that they (not ye) be under the law." Nothing, then, can be more juft than St. Jerom's remark, that thefe and fuch enallages create (to thofe who attend not fufficiently to the genius of * The Greek has here partly the fame enallage — J xzon^mnaa, tsj Tfiipr>lx(; xcn XiBoSoAao-a T«? aB-tr«Af»em? ^fo5 ««!'!» (not, s-fi>{ c-e) Sce alfo Luc i. 42.— Act. xvii. 3. — Rom. vii. 4. [ 32 3 the Hebrew language) innumerable difficulties ; but if they be reftored, as they fhould be, to their proper cafes, perfons and tenfes, what appeared obfcure will become plain and ob- vious*. A difficulty here prefents itfelf which has often puzzled me. In the injundions which God gives to his people, the alternate change of numbers is extremely frequent, and often appears awk- ward in an Englifh drefs. " \Vhen_>'^ reap the harveft oi your land, " thou fhalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field. 7'e fhall not " round the corners oiyour heads, neither fhalt thou mar the corners " of thy beard. — If a ftranger fojourn with thee in thy land, ye fhall " not vex him — When a man or a woman fhall commit any fin that " men commit, and that perfon be guilty, then they fhall confefs the " fin which they have done, and he fhall recompenfe hh trefpafs."i" * The enallage that gave rife to this difcuffionls not peculiar to the Oriental diale52 [ 38 ] fecms to be inverted, and when there is reafon to fufpeft that tliey have been fhifted from their firft place in the original ? That tranfpofitions may have been made in the original texts of the Bible, as well as in other waitings, will hardly be denied : nay, that they have adually been fometimes made is unqueftionable : but I fear, fome modern interpreters have been too ready to find them where they are not, or, at leaft, where there are not fufficient proofs or probability of their exifting. I would therefore be ex- tremely cautious in admitting them, and confider them nearly in the fame light with a various ledion. If there were found a diver- fity of order in the Hebrew manufcript's, or in the ancient verfions, I fhould think myfelf at liberty to follow that order which Ihould ap- pear to me the moil confiftent with the context : but if all the ma- nufcripts and verfions agreed, I fhould be apt to look upon it as an original fynchyfis j and content myfelf with pointing out, In a note, a feemingly more natural order. At the fame time I confefs, that I would not blame a tranflator for purfuing a different plan. For, provided there be nothing effen- tial retrenched from the text, or added to it, I fee no harm that can enfue from putting one fentence before or after another, on rational grounds*. Yet, as this licence, once affumed, would probably pro- * 9iiO ord'ine quid referatur-^ modo conjlat Veritas, aut nihili aut parum inter eft. SCALIGER. duce [ 39 ] duce too great a diverfity of arrangement (for almoft every one would arrange in a different manner), I would rather be for retaining the prefent order in all fuch cafes as admit only a doubt of its being the right one. Before I difmifs this fubjedl of arrangement, I will juft remark, that tranflators in general have paid too little attention to it. An improper difpofition of words in a fentence, is little lefs ofFenfive to the eye and ear than confufion in the ornaments of a building, or difliarmony In a piece of mufic ; befide its being produdlive of obfcurity, ambiguity, and even of a falfe meaning. — To the example I have given in my Prospectus, from Ezek. permit me to add a few more from our laft tranflation. Judg. ii. 21. " I aUb will not " henceforth drive out any from before them, of the nations which *' Jofhua left." Here the fentence is embarrafled by afiy being out of its place. Exod. xxxv. 29. " All manner of work which the Lord " had commanded to be made by the hand of Mofes." Here the meaning is ambiguous; and a fmall change in the arrangement would have prevented that ambiguity. Gen. xiii. 10. " Lot lifted •' up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan, that it was well ** watered every where, before the Lord deftroyed Sodom and Go- " morra, as the garden "of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, as " thou goeft to Zoar." Here we are prefented with a wrong mean- ing ; and the fynchyfis of the Hebrew fhould not have been fol- 4 lowed [ 40 ] lowed in a vernacular veriion*. The lame ambiguity is often found in the New Teilament, from the fame caufe. For example, i Cor. xvi. II." With the brethren," is fo placed that it may fignify either that St. Paul looked for Timothy and the brethren ; or that St. Paul and the brethren looked for Timothy:" By arranging thus, " For " I, with the brethren, look for him," the ambiguity is removed. Ads xxi. 5. " They all brought us on our way, with wives and children." Qu. whofe wives and children? See alfo Ads xxii. 29. Romans iv. 16, 17, 18. Befide the general care with which a tranflator fliould arrange his words and fentences throughout; ought he not moreover to aim at that diverfity of ftrudure which may be remarked in the different forts of compofitions in all languages, and is ftrongly diftinguifhable in the Hebrew writings ? A poetical period will admit, and fome- times require, an arrangement, that in profe would be highly incon- gruous. Even in profe there is, I conceive, a real, though not fo ftriking a difference, in the difpofition of the component parts of an hiftorical fentence, a precept, a parable, and an apophthegm. The laft, in particular, feems to demand a certain degree of artificial neatnefs peculiar to itfelf ; and which makes it the boundary, as it » The laft revifers of the Geneva French verfion have well rendered this fentence. Lot ayant eleve les yieux, vid toute la plaine du Jourdain, qui etoit, avant que •" I'Eternel eut detruit Sodome et Gomorra, arrofee partout jufq' a ce que tu viennes " en Tfoar, comme un jardin de TEternel, ct comme le pais d'Egypte." were. . [ 41 ] were, between profe and poetry; if It do not, Indeed, belong to the latter. At any rate, as Hebrew poetry Is confefTedly arranged In a very different manner from Hebrew profe, it Is furely the duty of a tranflator to endeavour to Imitate that difference in his verfion. And here it is, I think, that modern tranflatlons, our public one not ex- cepted, are the moft fufceptible of further improvement. Your Lordfhip fet the example ; which has been fuccefsfully followed by Mr. Blayney and Bifliop Newcome ; and after which I alfo have at- tempted to form my Imperfedt copy. But fhould a verfion of the poetical parts of fcripture be divided into lines or hemiftichs, correfponding with what is called Hebrew metre? This method, firfl pradifed by the Germans*, has been adopted by the writers of moft other nations ; and more efpecially by thofe of our own. Bifhop Newcome has even made it one of his fifteen rules for a good tranflation. Notwithftanding all this, I cannot help ferioully doubting of its propriety. I can fee no force or beauty it adds to the text, nor pro- fit nor pleafm'e it can bring to the reader. On the contrary, I * True it is, that we meet with a fort of ftichical divifion, not only of the poetical, but likeways of the fentential books of fcripture, in the Alexandrian and other Greek manufcripts ; and we learn from Hefychius that this was an early invention : but I queftion if any of our modern metrical tranflators would take it for their model. G think. C 42 ] think It confiderably disjoints and disfigures the one, and often per- plexes and puzzles the other. Permit me to lay before your Lord- fhip a fpecimen from your own Ifaiahj the firft that prefent* itfelf. And it fhall be, when Moab fhall fee, That he hath v^earied himfelf out on the high place. That he fhall enter into his fanCtuary To intercede : but he fliall not prevail. Ifaiah xvi. 12. Or the following from Bifhop Newcome's Zechariah : In that day Jehovah will defend The inhabitants of Jerufalem j And he that is feeble among them fhall be In that day, as David. Does It really appear to your Lordfhip, that in either of thefe In- ftances the text looks to advantage ; or that the reader will be better pleafed to fee it arrayed in this whimfical manner, than in the fober garb of meafured profe ? I greatly fear he will not. Indeed this mode of dividing a tranflation of the Hebrew poetry, feems very fimilar to that which was followed in the old literal Latin verfions of Homer; which not only give us no adequate idea of the beauties of the great original j but create an eternal dif- guft to the reader, by difplaying before his eyes all the external 4 appearance [ 43 ] appearance of verfe, without any of its properties. Yet thofe Latin lines have one advantage over your Englifh ones : we are fure they correfpond exacSlly with fo many Greek verfes ; whereas no one will, I prefume, aflert the fame of any ftichical verfion made from the Hebrew. You, my Lord, of all men know beft, how little we are ac- quainted with the meafure and raechanifm of Hebrew verfe ; and how capricious, for the moft part, are the divifions that' have been made of them, even by the moft learned Hebraifts. What one would divide into long lines, another would divide into fhort ; and what by this one would be combined into ftanzas, would by that one be arranged in feparate hemiftichs. So that in reality, to give a verfion divided into lines of any fort, would be to give us no more than the arbitrary notions of the divider ; and could only ferve to imprefs a falfe, or at leaft an uncenaiu idea on the mind of the reader; without contributing either to his inftrudtion or edification*. For * Such divifions are not only often arbitrary, but fometlmes lead to delufion. I (hall give an inftance from Mr. Bbyney's Jeremiah, Lam. ii. 17. " Jehovah hath accompllflied that which he had decreed, he hath fulfilled his word; *• "What he conftituted in the days of old, he hatli de- ftroyed and not fpared." To this conftruAion he was *' determined," he fays, « by the metre." I fliould be glad to know by what rules of metre. Surely not by the parallelifm, which is mani- feftly deftroyed by this divifion But let any one read the pafiage, without imagi- G 2 nary [ 44 ] For what inftrudion or edification can the mere Englifh reader receive from fuch irregular and ill-conne£ted lines as thefe, prefented to him as an exemplification of Hebrew verfe ? In the houfe of Ifrael I have feen a horrible thing : There Ephraim committeth fornication ; Ifrael is polluted. Moreover, O Judah, an harveft is appointed of thee Among thofe who lead away the captivity of my people. Zech. viii. 21. Or thefe: And the inhabitants of one city fhall go Into another, faying : Let us furely go to entreat the face of Jehovah, And to feek Jehovah God of Holls ■ I will go alfo. nary laws of metre in his head ; and I am confident, he will naturally divide the words with all the ancient tranflators, in the following manner : Jehovah hath done— what he had devifed ; Hath accompliflied the purpofe — v/hich he decreed of old j Hath deftroyeJ — and hath not fpared— — Not to mention that Mr. Blayney's laft line prefents an ambiguity, which a common reader might eafily conceive to be a flat contradidion, " He hath deftroyed and not " fpared, what he had conftituted in the days of old." What ? had he deftroyed his own decrees ? It is certain that is not Mr. Blayney's meaning ; but his meaning is not fo obvious as it fliould be ; and even if his conftrudion were allowed to be right, per- fyicuity required that " What he conftituted in the days of old," fhould be included in a paienthefis ; or the word what changed into as. Were [ 45 ] Were the text for public fervuce to be thus divided, the befl readers would, I believe, make but an awkward appearance in de- livering the moft fublime oracles of religion. The eye and the ear would be at continual variance ; the tones and cadences would be perpetually confounded, and grating difharmony attend the pronun- ciation of almoft every period. On the whole, then, may I not appeal to your Lordfhip's judg- ment, even from your own pradice ; that in giving a verfion for general reading, fuch a divifion of thofe parts which are fuppofed to be poetry, would be attended with manifeft inconvenience ; and with no vifible advantage ; and that, therefore, a plain profe-like verfion, which flaould preferve as much as poiTible of what your Lordfhip has fo ably proved to conftitute the effence of Hebrew poetry, would be greatly preferable. The Public will, perhaps, here, tax me with prefumption for ofTering to differ from lb many learned men. But I trull I have done it with all due deference and modefty. I have candidly pro- pofed my own doubts ; I wifli to have them canvafled ; am ready to hear what may be faid on the other fide of the queftion, and dif- pofed to give up my opinion to the general voice. Although a proper arrangement of words and fentences will, cer- tainly, go a great way towards removing a number of ambiguities, it will not always be found fufficient to give to a tranflation of the Bible, [ 46 1 Bible, that degree of perfpicuky, which a book Intended for gene- ral inftrudlion feems to require : and, therefore, every other mean fhould be employed, that can ferve for that purpofe, without hurt- ing the integrity of the text, or altering its genuine meaning. Among thefe means I would propofe the following licences, all which have already been taken by fome one or other tranflator j and the greateft part of them by thofe even who profefs to give the moll literal verfions. Among the caufes of ambiguity in the Hebrew text, one is, the too frequent ufe of the verb, without its proper nominative ex- prefled. Thus Num. xxiii. 4. " And God met Balaam ; and he *' faid to him, I have prepared feven altars, &c." The meaning, which the context only leads us to, would be more obvious, if the ^ before "10N"» were rendered " who," as was often done by the author of the Vulgate, and not unfrequently by fome of the mofl fcrupu- lous modern tranflators. Our own, fometimes, though rarely, ufed this licence. Thus Judges ill, 19. " But he himfelf (Ehud) turned *' again from the quarries that were by Gilgal, and faid, I have a fecret errand to thee, O King; who faid (lOK''')) keep filence." And Jerem. xxxvl. 32. " Then Jeremiah took another roll and gave it to Baruch the Scribe, the fon of Neriab, WHO wrote (l3r\D^"l) therein, &c." See alfo Judg. lii. 31. Prov. xi. 22.— Why not extend it to all fimilar cafes ? It is indeed hardly conceiv- xible how many obfcurities and ambiguities are made to difappear by this fmgle licence. Another «c [ 47 ] Another mean has been employed to remove this fpecies of ambiguity ; efpecially when the verb repeated is lOK- When the fecond or third naN''1 has a different (though not expreffed) nomi- native from the preceding one, St. Jerom very often, our firfl: tranf- lators frequently, and our laft not feldom render it " he anfvrered ;'* which not only excludes all doubtfulnefs of meaning, but breaks that colloquial monotony, which arifes from the conftant return of «. he faid," and " he faid" again*. Yet neither of thefe expedients will always take away the ambi- guity. Thus Num. xxiii. 7. " And he took up his parable." Who took up his parable ? Not the perfon laft mentioned in the text, for that was the King of Moab j but Balaam, mentioned in the pre- ceding verfe. Would it not be better then to infert Balaam in Ita- talics before " took up his parable ;" fo much the rather, as almoft all tranflators, from the Seventy downwards, have, in other places not more ambiguous than this, taken the like freedom. There is yet another method, which, If difcriminately ufed, might ferve to give a greater degree of clearnefs to the text, and at the fame time prevent a tedious repetition of the copulative. It is to change the firft of two or more confecutive preterites into the participle of the fame verb. So, often, the Greek tranf- * Sometimes the Vulgate, for the fake of variety, joins this expedient widi the former. Et ecu Angelus Damini de uek clamavit .Ikens : Abraham ! Jbreham / ^i refpondit {"1J2N"'1) adfttni. Gen. xxiii. 11, lators. [ 48 ] latorSi ^Kct^o'Jdot. Tou xapTov avl'dj e(pay€> — Tfoa-jcaXifTOLfJiivoi S'e Itraax Tov IccxuSf iirsv. i^ctpaa- lccy.uS ths TroSccij £7ro/)£uG«. And flill more frequently the Vulgate : Egrejfufque Cain a facie Domini^ habitavit, ^c. — Bibenfque vinum, imbriaius eji. — Ificedentes retrorfum^ opeiucrunt 'verenda patris Jui. — Reverfus invenit Jicintem Balac^ &c. Although our laft tranflators feldom adopted this method, they very often took another equivalent to it. Of two copulatives they fupprefled the one, and rendered the other by when ; putting the fubfequent verb in the pretei-pluperfeft tenfe. Inftances may be feen in almoft every chapter. The Arabic and other ancient verCons had given them a precedent. As the omiflion of the nominative before its verb often beget* ambiguity, fo the too frequent repetition of it produces a difagree- able tautology. In fuch cafes the refpedive pronoun, it fhould feem, might be ufed inftead of it, when there is no danger of miftake. For this too we have the fandion of the ancient verfions, particu- larly the Vulgate ; and even our firft Engliih tranflators : but the maforetic fuperftition of pofterior times made our laft revifors afraid to follow their example. The Hebrews have a peculiar mode of expreffing themfelves in a negative manner, which is equivalent to a very ftrong affirmation, but of an oppofite nature. Thus, " not to heal one" is " to inflid " fores on one." — And " not to find a thing" is " to lofe it." — In aU [ 49 1 all fuch phrafes, I am of opinion that the meaning, not the words, fliould be attended to ; and the phrafe rendered equivalently. Take an example from Hofea xii. 8. " All his labour fhall not be found " to him" (which is Bifhop Newcome's tranflation of a correcSled text) is, doubtlefs, equivalent to " All his labours fhall be loft." Would it not therefore be better fo to tranflate, than be under the neceflity of making out the fenfe by the aid of a word in Italics ; which, after all, prefents an ambiguous meaning ? " All his labours " fhall not be found profitable to him." Some of them, then, may be found profitable. There is yet another negative mode of exprefTmg an affirmation, more common ftill than the former, introduced by the interrogative particle nSh or NiSt * " Are not they beyond the Jordan ?'* ** Have not I commanded thee V " Is not the arrow beyond thee ?" " Are not thefe things written in the books of the Chronicles of *' the Kings of Judah ?" In fuch phrafes, I prefume, the affirmative may be ufed at the difcretion of the tranflator ; and will often be preferable to the negative. The remaining part of my queries regards, either certain Hebrew words, which, though their meaning be fufficiently known, feem to have been improperly rendered in Engliflaj or Englifli words, which, though they were, perhaps, originally, as proper terms as * Negativa adilita Interrogatloni adfirmandi vim habet ; idem eji quod emnittv. Tympius, Notae in NolJiiim. H the [ so 3 the language afforded, are not quite fo confonaat with our prefent ideas, or agreeable to the rules of our prefent improved Grammar— Or, in fine, fuch expreffions as may feem profane or indelicate, if literally underftood. At the head of the firft clafs I fhall place StbK, which our tranflators render " a Duke." As this word is, among the people, under- ftood to denote only a certain order of nobility; would not the meaning of the Hebrew be better conveyed by the generical term Chief or Prifice f The word tJ^53, which in its primary fignification denotes the vital principle, whatever it be, that makes matter capable of vege- tation, increafe, fenfation, &c. is, in the Bible, chiefly appropri- ated to animal life ; and more particularly to that of the human fpecies. Our tranflators commonly rendered it foul ', and, in many places, that may be deemed no improper rendering, efpecially in poetry ; but, in general, I think, it fhould be tranflated perfon ; and with the pronominal fuffixes, often left untranflated. This, I am perfuaded, would prevent many mifconceptions of the true meaning of the text, as well as a number of falfe confequences deducible from fuch mifconceptions. We cannot eafily change the popular ideas that ufage hath affixed to the terms of our own language; but we may frequently accommodate the terms of another language to thofe ideas. A philofophical diale<^ never exifl;ed, and probably never will exift. 4 As i 51 ] As Vii2 is the vital principle itfelf, which in animals, according to the Hebrew phyfiology, refides in the blood ; fo mi, the natu- ral meaning of which is air or w/W, is tralatitioufly ufed for animal refpiration, or that portion of air which is neceflary to keep the vital principle in motion, and which the Scripture calls emphatically " the breath of life," and thence it denotes what we call the whole fpiritual part of man, or the human foul. By a ftill ftronger figure it is made to fignify that fupernatural influence by which the Deity Is fuppofed to operate on his creatures, not improperly called divine infpiration, or divine impulfe. In this fenfe it is often perfonified, and called a Spirit either good or bad. Thus i Sam. xvi. 13, 14. " The Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that " day forward, but the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and "an evil Spirit from the Lord troubled him." This is, perhaps, the boldeft metaphoi ir, th^ Oriental languages ; and has given oc- cafion to many abfurd and ridiculous naa^.,c both among Jews and Chriftians. It is, I confefs, a very hard matter for a tranflator to find terms adequate to all the various literal and figurative meanings of the word : but it fhould be his ftudy to feek them, and to make the beft difcrimination poflible : fo as not to prefent his reader with an idea that is not contained in the original. If he cannot always accom- plifli this in the text, a fhort explanatory note fhould be added for that purpofe. Our tranflators have often made a proper diftindion in the render- ing of this word ; but fometimes alfo they feem to have been led by H 2 theological [ 52 J theological fyftem to tranflate it Spirit, when fonie other term would have been more fuitable. Your Lordfhip has moft properly cor- reded Ifalah xiv. 7. But are there not many other fimilar paflages that ftand equally in need of corredion ? One in particular prefents itfelf at the very threfhold of the fanduar}% that has been long a ftumbling- block to thofe that entered. Gen. i. 2. D^on ^3S 'tJ? nfiHlD D\1'7k r\r\\ •' The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Although this tranflation greatly diminifties the force and beauty of the narra- tive, is incompatible with the arrangement of the original context, and was rightly underftood and rendered by thofe of the ancient in- terpreters, who were the moft likely to perceive the general meaning of the Hebraifm ; yet as the Seventy had literally tranflated it, and as it feemed favourable to one of the capital tenets of the Chriftian Church,, it was eagerly adopted by almoft all Chriftian Expofit^rs, and generally applied to the Holy GT-oA To make the text tally better with this appUo^t^ou, the true fenfe of the word /l5mD was alfo perverted. It was remarked, it feems, by fome Syrian*, that Sni in that dialed might fignify to brood. This acceptation, which was itfelf but a figurative meaning at moft, was ftill farther im- proved into another figurative meaning; and thus, what was at firft only " a great wind agitating the waters," became in time the third perfon of the Trinity, hatching chaotic matter into life, as a bird does * We learn this from St. Bafil ; and fome have fuppofed that Syrian to be St. Ephrem. Ephrem, however, teaches quite the contrary. her-' [ 53 ] her eggs. Milton accordingly places him in that attitude, and makes him with mighty wings outjpread, Jit brooding on the vajl abyfs. This may be Poetry, but it is neither Scripture nor Philofophy. Another inftance I ihall give from die Pflilms. Pf. civ. 4. is thus rendered by our laft tranflators : " Who maketh his angels fpirits, " and his minifters a flaming fire." That a fervile tranflator from the Vulgate fhould be guilty of fb egregious a miftake, is not, per- haps, to be wondered at. He had before him an ambiguous text ; and might think it incumbent on him to be as obfcure and unin- telligible as his original ; but that one who tranflates immediately from the Hebrew, and is but moderately acquainted with its genius, fliould fo miferably degrade this fublime pafTage, is furprifmg indeed. *' Who maketh the winds his m.eflengers ; and his minifters, the flafliy lightning." A bold and fublune idea, and worthy an Oriental bard* Although 1332^D is, in many places, properly rendered judgment, there are other places where, on account of the various acceptations of the Englifh term, that rendering feems inadmlffible. For exam.- pie. Job xxvii. 2. ''taatyD n>Dn ha is tranflated " God hath taken " away my judgment ;" a meaning very different from that of the original, which evidently fignifies " God hath put oif my caufe ; " hath declined bringing me to trial." Our tranflators might have, * Bifhop Hare has well rendered this verfe in Latin, faciens Angelas fuos^ ventos; Mimjlros fuos^ ignem flammantem : but Green, \vho took Bifliop Hare for Iiis model, has ill-tranllated into Englifh the firft line. " Who maketh his angels winds." in [ 54 ] in fome fort, removed the ambiguity, by rendering "'Dfiil'rj " my " right," as they did in the fixth verfe of the lafl-quoied chapter j where " I he againft my judgment" would not prefent a more incongruous meaning, than, in the former paffage, " God haih *' taken away my judgment." It cannot be too often repeated, that perfpicuity is the chief quaUty of a good tranflation ; to attain which, it wHl always be lawful for a tranflator to paraphrafe what cannot be literally ren- dered without obfcurity. From this principle your Lordfhip has clearly and elegantly tranflated Ifaiah xl. 27. " And my caufe *' paffeth unregarded by my God," which in our vulgar verfion is perplexed and ambiguous : " My judgment is pafled over from " my God." I alfo doubt if the words \Dti and nit:K be always properly ren- dered y^//-^«/, true; falthfulnefs, truth \ and I fhould be apt to think that veracious and veracity might fometimes be fitly employed to ex- prefs their meaning. Is there any word in our language, or could any word be ana- logically introduced into it, that would, in any degree, exprefs the relation between nnStt^D and TW — or between 03{y a tribe and K3U? a fceptre? I fear not. The God of the Ifraelites is particularly diftinguifhed by the name nin"' j of wluch neither the precife meaning nor the genuine pronun- [ 55 ] pronunciation is well known. "Jehovah Is a barbarous term, that was never heard of before the fixteenth century* ; neither Pag- ninus, nor Munfter, nor even Montanus, ufed it in their verfions: but Junius and Caftalio having once given it a fandtion, it came gradually into general ufage among Latin tranflators and commen- tators ; and has of late made its way into vernacular verfions "f. Bate, your Lordfhip, Green, Blayney, and Bifhop Newcome, have all adopted it ; and the laft-mentioned writer thinks it fliould always be ufed. I have, notwithftanding, fome doubt about it; which I beg leave to propofe. As the word Lord has been fo long employed among Chriftians, to denote the Supreme Being, and is the only one in the New Teftament by which he is known, I fhould be ftrongly inclined to retain it in the Old ; fo much the more, be- caufe the ancient Greek, Syriac, Latin and Arabic interpreters re- fpedively rendered mrT* by a fimilar term Kupjos, N^"<0, Dominus, i^. Befides, we fometimes meet with niH"' in conflrudlion with ^^^t^^: which we could hardly render " Jehovah of Hofts ;" and Bilhop Newcome himfelf allows that, in fuch cafes, we muft fupply D\~l'7N and fay " Jehovah God of Hofts." * Drufms could find no higher authority for it than that of Galatinus. t I know not, however, if it have yet been admitted into any vernacular verfions except that of Michaelis in German. Luther's, the Dutch, Dani(h, Old Swedifh, Italian, and Spanifh have Lord. The French Genevan has the Eurnal-, which has been adopted by the Paris Capuchins in their late tranilations. There [ 5<5 1 There Is only one obje£tlon that now occurs. The word piK is alfo tranflated Lord, and with the fufEx my Lord, although it is only a term of refpe£l applied to human beings ; and moft probably never applied to the Deity without the repetition of D''n{\ *' and married fourteen wives." See alfoGen. xix. 14. Num. xii. i. and I Chron. ii. 21. If we at all retain the word befeech^ fhould not the preterite be- fought be at leaft exploded ; and bejeeched ufed inflead of it ? Our tranflators, for the moft part, carefully diftinguifhed the no- minative plural j'f from the accufative _)'n N"**?! N?m Nlfl^ NIH IDT; and when the morning came, and he faw that it was Lia, &c. This licence, I think, may be occafionally ufed, particularly when the interjeftion is repeated in the fentence j and thereby embar- rafies it. Sometimes a tranfpofition will have the fame good effed ; and fometimes it may be accounted a pleonafm, and omitted. t According to Johnfon tljis word is obfolete. But why is it obfolete? I: was ufed by Shalcefpeare, Milton, Waller, andDryden; is a Teutonic, nay a Hebrew radical word ; and even in its found more expreffive of the meaning than any of its fubllitutes. Let us not always be biafled by ufage or authority. impiety [ 64 ] impiety to the paffage: " For as many as have fmned without law, " fhall alfo perifh without law." This omiflion is the more re- markable, as in the counterpart of the fame verfe the article is pro- perly reftored : " And as many as have fmned in the law, fhall be " judged by the law:" that is, the law of Mofes. Your Lordfhip's authority has greatly contributed towards leftor- ing the conjundlive mood to its original place, after the hypothe- tical particles if, though, tinlefs, except, &c. and, confidering how little variety of termination our verbs have, I would by no means difpoflefs it of its juft claim. But thofe particles are not always hypothetical ; and, therefore, to join them always with the fub- jundive (as many writers, who wifh to be thought more than com- monly corred, affed to do) feems to be an impropriety. I would, with your Lordfhip, make this diftindlon. When the phrafe is evidently conditional, expreffing a doubt or depending on a con- tingency, the fubjundive fhould ever be ufed : but when a con- cefTion, which is equivalent to an affirmation, is included in the fen- tence, I would uniformly ufe the indicative. If this obfervation be allowed to be juft, it is plain that its application will be of great latitude. There is nothing, I believe, in our language more undetermined than the ufe of the infeparable prepofitions in and tin. The former is evidently borrowed from the Latin j and, in many inftances, re- tains [ 65 ] tains with us its Latin intenfive fignification : whereas the latter is of Saxon origin, and is always a privative. Since then we are pof- fefled of a privative prefix of our own ftock, and fince it is perfeftly fufficient for the purpofe, it may be pertinently afked, why we (hould not exclufively employ it to denote privation ; and confine the other to fuch words only, as being derived from the Ro- man tongue, ftill retain their intenfive meaning in ours* ? It will be faid, perhaps, that although this rule be eftabllfhed on principles of general analogy, it muft ncceflarily be liable to many excep- tions. When the prefix coalefces with a word of which the initial is an /, an ;?/, a ^, or an r, euphony has introduced the ufage of changing the n of the prepofition into one of thofe letters : now it would be extremely harfh and uncouth to read and write ullegible, umineafurable, urrejijlible^ &c. That fuch a pronunciation and orthography would, at firft, appear harlh to the unaccuftomed ear, and ftrange to the unaccuftomed eye, I readily grant ; yet there is, in reality, no more harfhnefs nor oddity in tdleglble than in ntilllty, in ummcafurahk than in mummery^ in urremed'uible than in currency. But there is no need for introducing this novel form; feeing we have already fuch a multitude of words in which the n retains its own fhape and found, in words beginning with the forementioned let- ters ; without our perceiving any degree of cacophony or incongruity. * Examples : 'infrigilcl!, infufcatiy ingemii:ati^ imincrge, he. But this difference is better illuftrated by contraft : incarcerate and uncarcerate j inchain and unchain ; infold and unfold, &C. K For [ 66 ] For furely we may fay and write unkgibk as well as unlearned, un- lettered, unWidinous \ tmmeafureable ^^vidliLi unmerciful ; and unreme- d'tahle as well as unrebuked. And was not Shakefpeare's unreconcile- able (Anth. and Cleop. Ad v. Sc. i.) more proper and as harmonious as our irreconcileable f I wifh our profefled grammarians would take this matter into confideration, and give us fome confiftent princi- ples to be guided by. I have obferved a mode of phrafing, that now feems to prevail ; which, neverthelefs, I am apt to confider as a real folecifm. It is to fupprefs the little word it in fuch fentences as the following : " Now that this of the two is the better glofs, // is proved by your '* own interrogation." So Chillingworth, and the writers of his time ; but our moderns would, in imitation of the Latins, make the firft part of the fentence the nominative to the verb ; and write, ** That this of the two is the better glofs, is proved, &c.'* Change only the order thus : " Now it is proved that, &c." and the neceC- fity of retaining the it will be manifeft. Another ftill greater impropriety feems to be creeping in upon us, from our French neighbours ; and is already found in writers of repute. It confifts in beginning a fentence with an infulated no- minative, which has no correfponding verb; as, " Born a poet, verfes 4 " coft [ 67 ] " coft him nothing. — Irafcible beyond credibility, the fmalleft con- " tradition put him in a paflion." I know not if there be any thing more oppofite to the genius of our language than fuch a con- ftrudtion*. Notwithftanding all that has been written by our moft recent grammarians about Jlmll and w/7/, would and JJjould^ it does not ap- pear to me that there are yet any criteria eftablifhed to dired us in the ufe of them. Your Lordfhip has jiiftly obferved that our an- ceftors, even as late as the reigns of James and the Charlefes, re- fpedlively employed them in a different manner from that of the prefent time ; and I cannot help thinking that the ufage of our an- ceftors was, in fome regard, preferable to ours. In disjuniflive fentences, fhould we ufe or or fior after not and nei- ther ? The nature of negatives feems to require nor-, yet I have fre- quently obferved, even in thofe writers who affume to themfelves the peculiar province of corredtors general of ftile and grammar fuch expreffions as thefe : " Neither he or any one elfe. — Neither the " one or the other of thefe aflertions, &c." To me this appears un- grammatical. * This cannot be called the cafe abfolute ; becaufe the fubjell is the fame in both parts of the fentence ; and the predicate and the fubjed muft necefTarily be in the fame cafe. K 2 One [ ^^ 1 One query ftill remains about the orthography of proper names. Our firft tranflators of the Bible, Tindal and Coverdale, retained the old pronunciation of the proper names, fuch as they found it in the Greek and Latin verfions, with Uttle variation and few ex- .ceptions. Thus they wrote Heva, Noe^ Jared, Mathujala^ Nemrod, Ni»eve, Cades, Cades-Barne, Berfabe, Boo%, Ifa'i, Elizeus, Salomon, j^ggeus, Ofeas. In fome inftances, they followed the French form ; Efaye, Jeremie, Zachary, Ahdy, Sophony, &c. Sometimes they adopted the Maforetic mode of pronunciation ; as Zoar, Serug, Terah, Peleg, &c. A farther approximation to this laft form was made in Cran- mer's and Parker's Bibles ; particularly in thofe names that were lefs knov/n, and confequently lefs apt to ftrike or furprife the people by a new found, while the more celebrated were retained in their old orthography. But the Engliih refugees at Geneva, taking the French Calvinifls for their model, fcrupuloufly adhered to the Mafo- retic punctuation, in their expreffion of the proper names, and as much as pofBble to the literal founds of the Hebrew alphabet, fuch as modern grammarians exhibit them. James's tranflators generally adopted their plan, but with many modifications, either to avoid cacophony, or not to deviate too widely from the founds to which the people had been fo long accuflomed. They did not, therefore, write Meihufael, Sheth, EnoJ}}, Shem, I%hak, Jaakob, Rebekah, Rahel^ "Nappon, &c. Yet, in general, they followed the Geneva plan, both in this and moft other particulars ; as may be feen by any one who fhall take the trouble to compare them. Since L 69 1 Since that period little innovation has been attempted In the Hebrew names, except by Bate, with whom Henoch is Heme, Jared Oirad, Adah Odeh, Zillah yilleh. Ems Aiwjli, Chenaan Canon, Lot Luthy Zoar or Segor Juar, Kphron Oprun, yudah Jeudeh, Aaron Aorun, Zadok Jaduk, Bethel Bith-al, &c. &c. Uncouth as this orthography may feem to be, it was, not without fome fpecious rea- fons, adopted by Bate. He wifhed to exprefs, as nearly as pofTible, what he took to be the genuine original powers of each Hebrew letter, defpifing not only the Maforetic pronunciation, but alfo that of the moft ancient interpreters, who lived at a time when the Hebrew was yet a fpoken language. Now he fhould have, In this refpeft, defpifed neither the one nor the other ; but either have re- tained the proper names as he found them in the common verfion, or at leaft corre• ]}■ and their feveral combinations. Of all thefe, as it is impoflible to know precifely their various powers in the mouth of an ancient Jew, the bell we can do is to found them as they have been handed down to us, whether by the ancient interpreters or Jewifh grammarians ; no great matter which. Thus though avh? would feem, if I pronounce each letter feparate, to be expreffed by Aiub (and fo Bate would probaby have written it) yet I will continue to call it Job, or at leaft lob ; becaufe I find all the ancients fo exprefs it ; and becaufe in reality there is nothing uncommon in thofe letters taking that found. In fad, if we pro- nounce / in Job as we do in lamhlcks^ we fhall give it the very found which the Italians give to ai; and if we pronounce the o as our fhort, it will not differ from u fhort. Were our proper name George to be treated by an Oriental as we treat the Oriental names, and expreffed in thefe letters HilJ^nj, it would be fo altered as not to retain a fingle found of the original, excepting that of r. I am therefore of opinion, that we fhould retain the old names with as little variation as poffible. The only innovations I would propofe are the following : The H I would always exprefs by h\ the D by ch \ the p by ^ or ^ ; the tl^ byyZ' ; the \ by z; and the tj by /j, or • [ 71 ] or z with a point above it. This would be fufficient to dillinguilh the funilar confonant founds. And as the b at the end of proper names ending with H is ufelefs, I would only retain it to diflinguifh mafculines from feminines, as Judah from Debora^ &c. Before I leave the fubje£l of proper names, I muft obferve, that we are now fo accuftomed to place the definite article before thofe of rivers and mountains, that they look, fomehow, naked without it. Yet this mode has not yet, I believe, been introduced into any Englifti verfion ; and it would, perhaps, be by fome accounted a blameable innovation to write " The Euphrates, The Nile, The " Jordan, The Chobar, The Lebanon, The Carmel, The Thabor, &c." Perhaps we fhould make a diftindlion. When the name mentioned is not attended with its appellative rivety and is the nominative or objedive of a verb, the article fhould be prefixed ; but when river is immediately joined to it, or when it is in concord or regimen with another noun, the article fhould not be prefixed. The orthogi-aphy of a proper name being once fixt upon, it ihould be retained throughout the whole Bible, both in the Old and New Teftament ; although there may be a variety of lettering it in the originals. Sec Bifliop Newcome's Preface to the Minor Prophets, p. XXXV i. With [ T- ] With regard to fuch expreflions in the original Scriptures as, if tranflated literally, would offer to the mind of the delicate and pious reader offenfive images ; I make no doubt but your Lord- fhip will agree with me, that they ought to be accommodated to our times and manners, and rendered with more freedom than any other paffages. Exemplification here is unneceffary. But I (hould be glad to know, whether in this clafs your Lordfliip would include fuch phrafes as the following, int^N Vy^^ XKh\< N2, nom nx nnD- csmntfioS^, &c. Thefe, my Lord, ai-e a part of the principal doubts and dif- ficulties that have occafionally prefented themfelves during the courfe of my prefent labours. I lay them before your Lordfhip with all that confidence which your former encouraging coun- tenance fo naturally infpires. If health and leifure fhall allow you but to glance them over, I am perfuaded that a great por- tion of the mill will he diflipated by fo clear and keen a ray. I wifli not to give your Lordfhip the trouble of writing long re- marks. The fhorteft hint of approbation or the contrary; a fingle yes or no on the oppofite page, relative to any query I have put, or opinion I have ventured to give, will be a fufficient indication of your fentiment, and go a great way to make me cherllh or abandon my own. Before next Michaelmas I hope to have the I 73 1 the honour of fubmkting to your perufal a whole volume of ray tranflation. How happy (hall I efteem myfelf, if it fhould have the good fortune to merit the fame flattering approbation you were fo kind as to exprefs of my Profpeilus. Whether that be in my fate, or not, I eagerly feixe this opportunity of teftifying to the Public, with what retpeO. and veneration I have the honour to be, MY LORD, Your Lordship's Much obliged. And moft obedient, Humble Servant, A. G E D D E S. London, January 15, 1787. POSTSCRIPT. [ 7S ] POSTSCRIPT. JcL V E R ready to own and redify my miftakes, to fupply omif- fions, or to anfwer rational queries, I take this occafion to make the following additions to my Prospectus which was lately publifhed ; and in which I am forry to find more typographical and other errors, than, on too flight a reading over of the fheets as they came from the prefs, I had occafionally obferved. Page 2, line 5, after agreed upon, add what follows : A late ingenious EfTayift* has, indeed, given it as his opinion, that a new tranflation of the Bible is not only unnecefTary, but even dangerous, nay extremely dangerous ; and that, inftead of ferving the caufe of religion, it would tend to hurt it : and a more recent writer, of no common abili- ties, in the Monthly Review, has adopted and enforced the fame fenti- ment. It may not therefore be improper to hear, and fairly appretiate, their argviments. * Knox's Effays, Vol. I. No. 49. L 2 In [ 7^ 1 In the filft place, the " venerable antiquity" of our prefent public verfion is urged as a reafon fufficient for retaining it, with all its faults. — This, in the mouth of a Proteftant, feems to be an odd fort of argument. If a Romanifl had ufed it in favour of his Vulgate, he would be inftantly told, " That no age nor prefcription can authorize error ; and that it is obftinac}' " to defend in any verfion, however ancient or venerable, what cannot be " rationally defended." In fa6t, the lapfe of thirteen centuries has given no more real value to the Vulgate, than it had when it firft appeared ; nor is our prefent public verfion more eftimable now dian it was an hundred and feventy-fix years ago. If time could enhance the value of a tranflation, Tyndal's would be preferable to James's ; for it can boaft at leaft two hundred and fifty years, and a part of it two hundred and fixty. And old Wicliff might fliake his hoary locks, and fay, " I have a much " better claim than either." But it is further urged, " That independently of age, and the air of " veneration which it has thence acquired, our prefent verfion ought to ** be retained for its intrinfic beauty and excellence. The language, " though it is fimple and natural, is rich and exprefllve. The poetical *' paffages of Scripture are peculiarly pleafing. The tranflation of the " Pfalms abounds with paffages exquifitely beautiful. Even where the " fenfe is not very clear, nor the connexion of ideas at firft fight obvious, " the mind is foothed, and the ear ravifhed, with the powerful yet unaffefted " charms of the ftyle, &c." Although this panegyric be fomewhat cutre, I am willing to fubfcribe to it. But all thofc beauties, in an equal degree, and fome of them even in a greater degree, are found in our firft verfions, and muft be more or lefs found in every verfion of the Hebrew fcriptures that is not a mere para- phiafe. The great merit of James's tranflators did not certainly confift in beautifying or meliorating the ftyle of the former verfions, but in corredl- ing their errors, and making a verfion more ftriftly conformable to the letter, not always the fpirit, of their fuppofed indefedible originals. Their fidehty [ 11 ] fidelity and accuracy dcferve giFcat commendation ; and that is almoil; all they have a jufl claim to. The ftyle they found in their prototype ; and the ditflion and phrafeology they borrowed from their predeceflbrs in tranf- lation : and it was well that they had fuch models ; for their own preface evinces that their tafte was none of the beft. We have indeed fome diffi- culty to believe that it could be written by the fame perfons. What is btautiful, what i% excellent, what is melodious and ravijhing in the prefent verfion, Ihould be undoubtedly retained by all future tranflators ; but is there any reafon for retaining its corruptions, its mif-tranflations, its obfcurities, and its other acknowledged impcrfeftions ? I fcarcely think, that its mofl partial admirer will contend for this. The judgment made by Mr. Knox, from a comparifon of a late verfion of Ifaiah with that of the public tranflation, is not altogether jufl. He fhould have confidered, that the intention of the learned Prelate, in giving that verfion, was to exhibit a fpecimen of Hebrew metre, clothed in a correfponding Englilh drefs, and reprefenting as nearly as poffible the meafure, the conftrudtion, the air, and complexion of the original. From this, and from the novel and awkward appearance of fo many unequal and unmeafured Englifli lines, and the many unnatural breaks and unexpaflcd paufes that thence enfue, it frequently happens, 1 confefs, that the old tranflation is more pleafant to read ; the order and arrangement, too, appear often to be more harmonious ; and fometimes, though rarely, the terms feeni more properly chofen. But how fully is all this compenfated by the clearnefs, precifion, and energy of the Bifhop's verfion, and the many correftions of a faulty or mif-tranflated text ? Lei this \ erfion be taken out of its prefent form, and divided and arranged like plain poetical profe ; and the leaft intelligent reader will, I think, be ftaick with the diffe- rence. But the moft fpecious objcAion is derived from the danger of fcanda- Uzing the Chriftian people, and weakening their faith, by prefenting thenv with [ 78 ] •with a new or improved verfionof the Scriptures. " We have received the *' Bible" (fays the fame amiable writer) " in the very words in which it now *' ftands, from our fathers ; we have learned many paflages of it by heart *' in our infancy; we find it quoted in fermons from the earheft to the *' lateft times, fo that its phrafe is become familiar to our ear, and we <« ceafe to be ftartled at apparent difficulties. Let all this be called pre- " judice, but it is a prejudice which univerfally prevails in the middle <' and lower ranks; and we (hould hardly recognize the Bible, were it to *' be read in our churches in any other words than thofe which our fathers «' have heard before us." — Again, " If the leflbns of the Church were *' to be read in different' words from thofe which they have heard from " their infancy, their faith might be more endangered than by all the argu- *' ments of the Deifts." This is an old objedion * ; it was made by St. Auguftine to St. Jerom. The people of that day, who had received from their fathers the Bible in the words of the old Italic tranflation, were aftonilhed, and fome of them fcandalized, on hearing the new verfion read in the churches ; and a cer- tain African Bilhop raifed a tumult in his congregation, by fubftituting he- dera for cucurbita in the fourth chapter of Jonah. Whether any of our good people would be as zealous for the word gourd, experience only can decide ; but if fuch ill-founded prejudices really exifl among them, it is the fault of their teachers; and their teachers fliould ferioufly labour to remove them. The people fliould be taught (for they are not indocil) that it is to the meaning, and not the words, of Scripture — to the fenfe, not the found, that they ought to attend — That a It is worth remarking, that objeftions of the fame nature have been made againft tranfla- ting the Scriptures at all. " A number of pious but weak Chriftians will be fcandalized, " will have their faith fliaken, will be perverted to herefy ; therefore let the Scriptures rc- '■'■ main locked up from them, to prevent thefe evils." 4 tranffa- C 79 ] translation of the Bible, like all other tranflations, is fufceptible of further and further improvement — That the languages in which the Scriptures were originally written, are now better underftood than when the laft tranflation was made — That the originals themfelves have, by the diligence and la- bours of the learned, been reftored more nearly to their firft integrity — and that, by thefe means, a number of difficult paflages may be illuftrated, obfcurities removed, objedions obviated ; and the Divine oracles made more intelligible to every capacity. All this the people have a right to know ; and, knowing all this, they will not only be not averfe to a new tranflation, but expert it with eagernefs, and receive it with pleafure ; with a pleafure proportioned to their zeal and devotion. For as to that clafs of devotees, if fuch there be, who believe that our prefent verfion was written with the finger of the Almighty ; and that to alter a tittle of it, is to be guilty of blafphemy, it would be worfe than weak to encourage their prejudices ; it would be to abet a real blafphemy, for fear of incurring, in their extrava- gant ideas, the imputation of an imaginary one. The truth is, as far as I have been able to learn, that the people in general are fufficiently fenfible o( the expediency of a new verfion, or a thorough revifal of the old one. There are few, even of the loweft clafs, who have not heard of the imperfedlions of the public verfion; our preach- ers are conftantly correfting particular paflages in it. Bible-hiftories and Family-expofitors, without number, are difperfed all over the kingdom, in which many mif-tranflations are corrected, or pretended to be fo ; and yet the people read them with avidity, and even with enthufiafin. In fliort, the prejudices of the people againft an improved verfion either do not exift at all, or are fuch as may be eafily removed, or deferve not to be regarded *. Indeed if the above objeftions had come from, writers lefs refpeftable, I fhould have paid no attention to them. Taking * That the prejudices of the people are not fo ftrong as Mr. Knox feems to think, and that they are not fo eafily fcandiilized on hearing the Scriptures read in words different from the [ 8o ] Taking it for granted, then, that a new, or at leaft an improved verfion of the Scriptures is wanting, and wanted ; it is my intention, in tlus Pro- fpeftus, to explore, &c. Page 5. 1. laft, inculcate to; I ara not fure but it fliould be incul- cate on. Page 8. 1. 15. The word unclinch has been objcifled to as inelegant,' I fear it is alfo improper ; perhaps undo might be fubftituted.— In the note of the fame page, for averjion, read an averfion. Page 10. 1. 16. for lafi, read latter. Page 13. 1. 26. for exculpating them of, read exculpating them from. Page 16. 1. 20. for is, read be. Page 18. 1. 20. for that they could, read // they could. Page 20. reform the note thus — Three volumes of this work are now (1786) publiflied. The firft, befide a fenfiblc preface. Canons, and Clavis or catalogue of the MSS. ufed by the author, contains various readings on Genefis, Exodus, and Leviticus^ — the fecond carries them to the end of Kings — the third contains the Prophets and Megilloth — and the fourth, which is now in the prefs, will contain the reft. It were to be wifhed that De Roffi had been lefs fparing of his various ledtions ; for he has only given thofe which he deemed of importance : whereas we want to know the real ftate of his MSS. and thence to judge for ourfelves what readings are important, what not, ' the prefent tranflation, we have a daily and flagrant proof before our eyes ; and that too with refpeft to a part of Scripture that is more frequently read and repeated than any other. The words, and even the ftyle of the Pfalms, in the book of Common Prayer, are more different from thofe in the Bible, than they can well be in any improved tranflation ; nay, the very Decalogue itfelf is exprefled in different terms ; and yet I never heard that any one was fcandalized at this difference, or in either did not recognize the Bible. The Bible mull "be fadly traveftied indeed, in a tranflation, before it ceafe to be recognizable. Page [ 8i 1 Page 29. for Hexapla, read Pclypla. Page 32. 1. 22. read Jeptuaginta. Page 34. laft line, for ?«/«5r /lo^/j, read minor prophets^ Page 35. 1 have too rafhly adopted the general prejudice, that the editors of the Complutenfian Polyglott did not, in their edition of the Septuagint, adhere to their MSS. I am at prefent of a different opiiiion; which, I truft, I fhall be able to eflablini on the ftrongeft intrinfic evidence. Page 37. 1. 13. after fmall o5lavo, add, and laftly at Leipfick, by Reineccius, in 1757, on a fmall but elegant type, in 8vo. ; with fele(fl various readings from the Alexandrian copy. Page 40. 1. 10. after completed^ add. It is hoped the learned editor wUl be requefted and encouraged to give the reft of this ancient MS. in the fame form. — Ibid, in the next note, Borgia is called by miftake pre- fe£l of the propaganda ; it fhould be Jecretary. Page 44. 1. 2 1 . for Dominican friars, read Augtiftinian friars. Page 48. 1. 10. for paraphrafe, read theloojeji paraphra/e ; and add, in a note — As an example of this, take Gen. xlvii. 26. Ex eo tempore ujque in prefentem diem, in univerfa terra Egypti, regibus quinta pars Jolvitur ; et fac- tum eft quafi in legem ; abfque terra facerdotali, qua libera ab hac conditions fuit. Compare this with the original. Page 57. 1. 19. add, Indeed fuch emendations are, ftridly fpeaking, more than conjecture. They arife from a fort of intrinfic evidence, of the ne- gative kind at leaft, which often is fufficient to exclude all fort of doubt, and almoft always to force a rational aflent. M Page [ 82 ] Page 6 1 . I had ventured to ufe the word vocable. Some have approved of it, as a term we wanted ; others have objefted to it, as an innova- tion. Page 75. 1. I. for was, read is ; and page 79. line lafl, read — ^was repub- liflied at Leipfick, with the Hebrew text, in two volumes in quarto, in 1740. Page 82. 1. 15. for we are, read / am. Page 94. 1. 4. after text, add, A ftriking example occurs, Exod. xxxii. 18, where there are no lefs than eleven words in Italics, which not only give no force to the paflage, but prefent a falfe idea ; for who would not think, on reading it, that the words Jhout, cry, fmg, correfponded to Ip many- plural participles, and were equivalent to fljouters, criers, fingers ? See the place, and compare it with the original. Page 98. 1. 5. I have ufed the word forces in a meaning hardly admiffible in EngliQi ; read therefore Jlrength or abilities. Page 99. 1. 2. Add, Mr. Dawfon has Cnce publiflaed the fixth and eleven following chapters of Genefis, on the fame plan. Page 1 00. 1. 9. after merit, add, Particularly an anonymous one, printed for Millar in 1751 ; and that of Dr. Hodgfon, jull now publiflied. Ibid, in the note, add, and the lafl number (No; IV.) contains more good remarks on particular paffages, from Genefis to the Proverbs inclufively, than any work of the fame fize in our language. Page 102. 1. 3. " The fynod of Thouloufe is called a diocefan fynod:" this is an overfight ; it was certainly a provincial fynod : and the following is the odious conftitution alluded to : Prohibemus etiam, 7ie libros Veteris Teflamenti aut Novi Laid permittantur habere: nifi forte Pfalterium vel Breviarium pro divinis ojiciis, aut Horas B. Maria ali^uis ex devotione habere [ 83 ] habere velit ; fed ne pramijfos libros habeant in vulgari tranjlatos, arEliJfxmi vihibemus. Concil. Tholofan. cap. xiv. — It is worth remarking, that this fame Council feem to have been the fiifl authors of a rehgious Inquifuion. See Capitula, i, z, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. apud Labbe, tom. xi. p. 427. Page 109. 1. laft, add, WichfF's tranflation of the New Teftament was piibHihed by Lewis, in folio, in 1731. His prefs- copy was collated with ten MSS. the principal various readings of which are marked Iq the mar- gin. Befide the manufcripts of Wicliff's verfion, at Cambridge, Oxford, and in the Britifh Mufeum, there is a beautiful copy of the New Teftament in the Advocates Library at Edinburgh ; and one of the feven Catholic Epiftles in the Univerfity Library of Glafgow. Page 1 13. 1. 13. Reform the whole paflage thus : The Abbe du Contant de la Molette has, fince the year 1777, publilhed the following works on the Holy Scripture: La Geneje Expliqiie, 3 vol. 12 mo. UExcde Expliquc, 3 vol. Le Levitique Explique, 2 vol. Les Pfeaimes Expliquh, 3 vol. In all which works, though he has retained Calmet's verfion made from the Vul- gate, he is continually correcting it either by the Hebrew text, or by the other ancient verfions ; and Co far his work may be accounted a tranflation from the originals. The Journal dcs S^avans of lall year announces two new French verfions of the Pfalms; one in eight vol. i2mo. by Bertliier, the other in two vol. by Bauduer, both faid to be eflimable works j and of which the latter is immediately made from the Hebrew. Page 125. 1. 24. in the note, efface Durell; he Ihould not have been placed in fuch company. Page 128.1. 2S.r&a.d energetic. Thefe are the moft important corredlions and alterations that now it ocau's to make. There are many other little inaccuracies of lefs note ; particularly in the orthography of proper names, which tie printer has ftrangely meta- M 2 morphofed. C 84 3 morpliofed, but wliich the learned reader is requefted to correft thus : Amama, Doederlein, Oujeel, Maldenhauer, Villoijon, Men'wjki, Semkr^ Bjornjihal, &c. I have now only to return my hearty thanks to thofe gentlemen, who, fmce the publication of my Profpeftus, have favoured me with their friendly advice and affiftance in the profecution of my arduous undertaking; and to anfwer fuch queries as have been made to me by anonymous correfpon- dents, to whom I knew not how, otherwife, to dired an anfwer. To Sir William Jones, of Ramfbury, Bart. I am indebted for the early communication of a manufcript commentary on the whole Bible ; in which, although there be not much criticifm, there is a great deal of good fenfe, and many pertinent reflections. Mr. Bradley, of Oxford, befide fcveral excellent remarks on particular paflages of Scripture, has favoured me with a complete verfion of Jeremiah; of which he will fee, in due time, that I have profited. Mr. Winftanley, and Mr. Croft, of the fame place, will permit me to acknowledge my rcfpcaivc obligations to them. Mr. Dimock, of Gloucefter, has fent me his very judicious obferva- tions on a great part of the Bible ; accompanied with fuch expreflions of friendftiip as I can never forget. To the politenefs of Colonel Vallancey I owe fome curious obferva- tions, and the difcovery of a valuable fragment of the Greek verfion of Ifaiah, kept in the library of the Univer£ty of Dublin. From fome other gentlemen, who have not chofen to let themfelves be known, I have jeceived fonoe ufeful hints which fhall be duly attend- ■ed «o, The {^5 1 The plan of a Commentary, fuggefted by Erafmus, from Dublin, would be an excellent one for a profeffed commentator ; as far as a mere tranf- lator is concerned, he will find tliat I have followed it. T. B. and a Protejtant Divine (whom I have fince found to be a re- fpeclable clergyman of the church of Scotland) feem furprifed at the libe- rality of fentiment that pervades my Profpe5ius ; but ftill have their fufpi- cions, that a profeffed Catholic cannot be an impartial translator of the Scriptures. At this I am not aftonilhed. I know many Catholics, who entertain fufpicions equally unfavourable with regard to Proteftants : and perhaps there are few, on either fide, who are entiixly diverted of fuch prejudices. I have profeffed no more, in that refpeft, than what, 1 truft. 1 fhall be able to perform ; only let not my caufe be prejudged. Another gentleman, who affumes the name of Origen, is afraid that I am about to facrifice the interefts of Mother Church, by expofing the faults of a verfion which fhe holds in fuch high eftimation, and which the Council of Trent has declared to be authentic Scripture. To this I anfwer, that as I will by no means affedl to conceal the faukb uf the Vulgate, fo nei- ther will I affect to expofe them. I will give the beft tranflation I can of what I take to "be the moft genuine copy of the originals, without mind- ing how much it may differ from any verfion whatfoever. If this, and what I have faid in my ProJpeSlus, p. 104, be not fufEcient to allay Origen'% fears, I muft leave them to be difpelled by time and re-con- fideration. To the writer of a card, recommending the perufal of Wakefield's En- quiry , I have to fay, that I have carefully perufed it; and that the plea- fure I received from that perufal would have been much greater, if the author had enforced his favourite fyftem with lefs violence. 4 From [ So ] - From feveral perfons I have received advices about the occonomy of my work. One counfels me to make my verfion as fbidly literal as poffi- ble ; another, to make it perfedlly free. The former fays I fliould retain all the Hebraifms, however uncouth and obfcure they may feem ; the latter is for retaining not one of them. It would be impoflible for me to follow both thefe counfels, and therefore I fliall follow neither. A Northumberland correfpondent hopes I will not omit to infert Canne's marginal references. This I can by no means comply with : a great num- ber of Canne's references are chimerical, and ferve only to ci-owd the page, and bewilder the reader. But I will infert fuch references, as I think real and ufeful ones ; and confequently retain the greater part of thofe that are in the margins of the bell editions of our prefent public verlion. I am afked by Philohiblos, if I mean not to give a fmall edition without the critical notes, for the ufe of thofe who may not be able to purchafe tire large one ? Alas ! I know not yet what encouragement I may have to give ON E edition. When I fliall have publifned my Propjals (which will be next winter) and feen how they arc icliflicd, it will then be time enough to think of extending my plan. ' The Critical Reviewers (Jan. 1787) may indeed "reft fecure," that as little deviation as poffible will be made from the langxiage of the prefent Terfion ; to which, in fafl, my tranflation, at every new touch, more and more approximates. In fetting about to tranfcribe my MS. for the prefs, I find fome diffi- culty in fixing upon the moft proper difti-ibution of the page j and fliould be glad to have the opinion of the learned on that head. For example, fhould the various readings and renderings be feparated from the explana- tory [ 87 1 tory notes, or mixed wicli them in the order in which they occur? Should either, or both, be printed in columns ? Should every note begin a new line for the fake of diftindion ; or be feparated only by a dafh for the fake of fparing paper ? Some of my learned fnends are for having the explanatory notes only at the bottom of the page ; and for throwing all the reft among the critical re- marks; leaving only in the text the refpedive fymbols of addition, fubtrac- tion, corredtion, or variation. This would certainly fave me a great deal of labour; but would not, I fear, be fo fatisfaflory to the reader. When we fee a referential mark in the text of a work, we are glad to find the reference as readily as poffible ; and naturally look for it on the fame page. I am therefore apt to think, that moft readers will be pleafed with a diftribu- tion that fpares them the trouble of conftantly turning to the end of a vo- lume, to feek in a large field of critical difculTion, what they wifh to {ee at one glance. Few are capable of weighing tlie motives and examining the foundations on which a correftion of the prefent text has been made ; or why fuch a reading has been preferred by the translator to fuch another reading : but almoft all are capable of underftanding, and have a right to know, that fuch a corredion, and fuch a reading, are made on fuch and fuch autho- rities. Such, at leaft, is the light I view things in ; by putting myfelf in the fituation of thofe who are not acquainted with the learned languages; but who yet make a ferious ftudy of the Scriptures, and are defirous of knowing the real flate m which they have been handed down to us. Let me, once more, intreat thofe gentlemen who have by them any remarks on panicular palTages (which they mean not, diemfelves, to pub- li(h) to be fo kind as to communicate them. They Ihall be thankfully received, and fairly acknowledged. FINIS. 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