iii iiwii I I 5 5 ^1 15 ^OAavaaii^^ ^OAavaaiv^'^ V;? ^ '^/ia]MN!13WV ^^ vr >'/9iHV!ian;v ^^UIBRARYftc. ^.^illBRARYQA ^\\^EU[JIVER% .vlOSANCElfj>. ^^^tllBRARYO^ i'jOF'CAllFOfi"^ ,^;OFCAllfOfi'^ ■5> '-^ ^ \WEl)NIV[RJ/A ■55. — ' .S" ^lOSANCElfj>. %a]AlN(l3^\'v^ ^^lllBRARYi?/;^ ^.OFCAIIFO^, ■J "x.^.^y w •^■' ,^;OF•CAllF0% ^OAHvaaiH^^ ^OAavaaiH^ .^yE•UNIVERS■// ^ttEUfJIVERS/ ^■TilJDNVSOl'^ ;'fJIVER% o J' ^lOSANCElfr^ v/ia3AiNnmv^ ^sM-llBRARYO^^ ^^^tllBRARYQ^ ^iOJIlVDJO"^ ^.1/OJIlVDJO'^ AMEUNIVERJ/a ^TJijauvSOl^ ^lOSWCElfX;^ o v/^aaAiNiiJiV^^ ^vSUIBRARYO- \Qi\miK> •M\m/h. o ^V^OSA.'JCElfj-^ o ■ %a3AiNrt]WV ^OFCALIFOfti^ ,«;;OfCAllF0/?^ ^' ,5,WEUNIVERy/; O i?Aavaaiii^^ ''^OAavaaiH^^ - bllONVSOl^ .VlOSA>)Cflfjv ^;^UIBRARYQ^ ^;^IIIBRARY<> AVEUNIVERSy/v '^J'iHDNVSOl^^ ^vWSANCf[% %aaAiNii]\Vi ^IIIBRARYQ ^.!/OJIlVDJ^ Wfl vvlOSANCElfj> ^/ya3AINI1-3\<^^ ^OFCAllFOff^ ^OFCAIIFOP^ ^ ^OAavaaii^'^'^ ^^Aavaain^"^ ,^WEUNIVERS/A .VlOSANCElfx^ o J. "^/^ajAlNH-lW'' M;OfCAllF0,': 6'Aava8ll•l^ "^•lIBRARYQr^ ^^ILIBRARYO/^ CAilFOff^ ^OFCAEIFOfti^ ^WEUN'IVERy/A. o ^lOSANCEtfj-;> O _ _ _ '_ ^/sajAiNnmv^ ^^WED(JIVER% vjclOSANCElfj-;jj. ;iva3ii"\N'^ '^'&A!iVHan-^\^ ■^/•JiJONVSOl^'^ ^AaiAINIl 3W^^ ^IIIBRARYO^ ^tLIBRARYQc^ ^JO^ >&Aavaaii-A^ ^OAavaaii-^^ AWEUNIVERJ/ ^tllBRARYQc ■■i. ^sM-llBRARYQc^ ^-v-1 ii irr 5 ii ir: 5 .^'rtEUNIVERX/A ^tllBRARY< /Or-1 S 1 ir: ^lOVAS'CElfx>. o Anno Regni G E O R G I I II REGIS Magn^ Britannia, Francis, & Hilernia, N O N O. At the Parliament begun and holden at Weftm'mftery the Fourteenth Day of January, Anno Dom. 1734- in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereio-n Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defend- er of the Faithj &c. And from thence continued by feveral Prorogations to the Fiffeenth Day of Janugry^ 1735. being the Second Seffion of this prefenc Parliament. LONDON, Printed by John Basket t, Printer to the King's mofi Excellent Majefty. I73<5. U Stack Annex ( 531 ) Anno nond Geomi II. Rceis* An Ad: for the better enli^htnin^ of the Srreets of the City of LoJtdorh rpercns ft ljn0 ficcii foniit bp Ct' pr^mb; pci-icnce, toat mnnp nntj fcccjucnt e^ui:tifi-0,Eablictif!3,O3tn:glnt:ic0j Jfelonies, anB otljct Crimes of a Ociiioug i^aturf, IjaUc been nitn nic frequently cammittcU fii tljc ©trcctg, lnne0, ano l^anarccs of tljc Citp of London, nnu tijc ILfbcrtics tijcrcof, in tOc BigOt ^cafon ; tljc Commimou of mijiclj been olum- to ttjc inrufficient09anncr inUKjfcD tljcetrecte lnne0, 13a(ra0e0, nnn €outt0 cf tljc faiu Citv, ijabc fo?oniefeai0 part, been, ann at tbi0 p?cfent €imc nre JtjDtca bp tljc li)?op?icto?0 of tlje Coutjei; LiiTOt0 i ann tobcrea0 tljc €iti5en0 of London are tjcfiuoiis to Ijabc tjcopenpiacc0, etrect0, lane0, i^nfTagcg, ana Courts r ?''.«' f,!l.H^\^'H^"' l*^"^'' ''^"^ '""^'^ ctfcaual^an. tljcm to par0 nno repafg tljioiuTlj tlie Came, anti In mzt to cffea fo ,ooD a ([(Ho^it/tljc fa(i CitJfeng "jai" © 2 confentcD §32 Anno Regni nono Georgii 11. Regis. coitfentetj anU atXi^cetJ to tnife tlje S^oiicp ncceffarp fo? tljat l^ticpofe, bp a venfonnblc Cap auu iilireirnieut on tljc 3!it« Ijabitnuto of tijc faio Citp, fit fuel) Q9annci: a0 Ijcrciit af' tcu fs erp^elTctJ : TRiit fo?afmucb a<3 tlje fame camiat be tffcauaUp none, but bp tljc Sliu auu 9ffirtancc of auaa of patliameut ; map it plcafc four ^^ajeftp (at tbe fjumblc petitfon autJ Dellce of tlyz spapo?, aiDcrmeit, ann Com* monaltp of tlje Citp of London, fit Common Council ' airemblcB) tljat it map be cnaacn, ann be it enaaen bp tljc l^ing'js mcft €tct\Ui\t ^a|cftp, bp ann Uiitfj tlje an* ^izz ann Confent of tlje to^ns S)pititual ann Ccmpojal, ann Commons, iw tljis p?efent }p)acliament alfcmblen, ann bp tbe autl30?itp of tlje fame, COat fucb a conuenient Ghfs Lamps to aun fufflcieut BumbcL* of (55laf0 lamp?, of fuclj S)0?t ann w"«"a«ord- Jf afljion, ann put up in fuclj pattg ann places of tlje fain iealwche ^itP Of London, ann tbe Liberties tbcteof, as to tlje ^ap* Lord Mayor, Q^^ ^inermen, ann Commonaltp of tlje fafn Citp, iit StedS' Common Council affcmbien, ajall feem meet ann erpeni* sun'rlfi? '° ^"f, ibnll be toitlj all contjenient Spcen crcaen ann fiten to 0? near anp Jpoufe o? 'Buiininn:, place o? Paces UJljat« foeber, toitljin tlje fain Citp, o? Liberties tijcreof, ann tlje fame fijall be Uept ligljten ann burnino; from S^un^fcttintj to €)un'rifing tlj?ougljout tlje ^car* aun fo? nefraping tlje fird Crpence of bupino; ann ere5« ins of fucb Lanips 02 Litjljts, annnlfo tljepearlp COargejs of fupplving, maintaininn;, ann repairing; tlje fame, tlje folloiDinc; Kates ann aiTcffmcnts fljall be lain ann raifen on tlje fcberal 3!nbabitants of tlje fain Citp ann tljc L{» bertics tljercof, annuallp ann eacl) fear, from ann aftec tlje CbJcntp fiftij Dap of March, ®ne ti)oufann feuen Ijuit* njen ann tijirtp fir ; tijat is to fap. Yearly Rates, f oj cacb aun ctictp lt)oufe, tlje Eent toljereof is un« ner Cen pounns per Annum, ann tbe Jnbabitant tuljereof is cljargcn to tlje Cburclj ann poo?, anp ^um notctceen* intj ^eHen fljillingS per Annum. J f 0? eaclj ann eberp Ipoufc of tljc pearlp Eent of Ceii pounns, 0? upiuarns, ann unner Ctucntp pounns, anp ©urn not erceenino; Cluclbe fljillings per Annum. ifo? eacb ann eberp i^oufe of tbe pearlp Ecnt of Ctocn^ tp pounns, oj upioarns, ann unner Cljirtp pounns, anp %m\ not erceening jfourteen tbiUings per Annum. jFoj cacb ann eBerp Ipoufeof tbe pearlp Ecnt of Cbirtp pounns, oi uptnarns, ann unner jfo?tp pounns, anp S)um not erceenino; S^irtccn fljillinn;s per Annum. ann fo? eacb ann eberp C>oufc, of tbe pearlp Eent of jfo?tp pounns, 0? uptuarns, anp S)um not erccening Clueu« - tp fljilUngS P^i" Annum. 3 ant? Anno Regni nonoGeorgii il. Regis. 333 Clnts fojafniucO ad it is rcafonablc tljat aii piiWicfe 'BuiltJings (t:)oCpitals r.itfptcn) fijouin bz rarcti aniJ c,M' fen, in a nue 5:-)japa>tio!i totuafais tijc ucttcu liijIjtiiL:- tijc faiu Citp auD tije iLil3£vtite tijercof ; he it furtlic; eiiaacD bp tl)e !ai!tOo?itp afcjefaic, Cljac it fijnll auD ma\> bz ^tp-^^i-'Ctixhi' iaU)fuI to ant) fo? tf)s: aina-man of t!jc CClaru of c:aftlc o[h''r"piack Bjynard, luttl) tljc Cltiticc ar.ii Coufciit of ijis Dcputp aiiD v«rJ'Sfe^d'' Common Councilmcnj 0? t()c a^ajoutp of tOcm, nt ijis ' anu tljcii; Difccctioae, ann t{}cp arc ijci'cbp I'ciiuircu pcac^ Ip, auB eucrp feat, to tac anu aircfstfjt'CiUijcoial Cijuucfj of €)aint Paul ; nnU alfo fo? tijc ClIDetnirm of iMCf) rcfpe* ai^c CtiatB, unjcrc fuel) ot{}eL- pubiicU 'Baifcinjjs icfpcsiiic* Id no (tdun, ann arc iituatf, bv ano mitlj ti}c SiBUice anD Confcnt of ijig Dcputp auD Common Coiuiciinicn, 0? tljc niaiajitp of tljcui, at liis ant) tijcfr Difcreticin0, auD tljeu arc Ijctcbp rciiuiccn pcavlp anD cbcrp *f car, to tac nnBaiTcfs all l^arifl) Cijiircljcs, CijUtcOpartssJ, €iiapel0, a5eetiug-!}Oiifc0, ©cijools , {pall^s , c^aihets, dOarc-- ijoufc0, ant) all otljer pnblicit TSuillsinss iQljatfocber, fituatc, Rantiing, anB beinn; mitljin tJjcir rcfpcSitic CilacDS, toU)art.s tfje ereaing, fupplving, matntaininij, cam r? pair- fun; tyc Liijljtfi afo^cfaiD, Ecgaru bcino: by tljeui alioapiS l3aD to tije Bumbcr of lampss luljici) fljall be fouuD uccef^ fari) fo? tlje KgOtinij tljc fame* anti it is bcrcbp cnaacn bp tljC autljo^itp nfCKfait!, Cljat tije Dean ai'itj Cljaptcr of tljc Cntijcu^ai Cljnrclj Bywhomthofe of eaint Paul fo? tije time being, ann all ann cuccp ih!^ubcp"id. tije rcfpegibe C!jtu*c!)=U3arncn0 ann CbapcMuarnenc! of tije fcbf ral ?13)avin) Cijuicljco, ann Coape I0, ann tljc rc« ^ fpcaibe Ijean ©fficcce, C^affcts, CEarbenc, ann C'Obcr^ jio?0 of ail ej9cctint\'l)OufE0, publicU flails, €cbccl0, ann tjje 0tcupifr0 oj l^'jopjicto^s of all otijer pubiicU n3uiin' inn:0 ann places luitljiu tljc fain Citpann Liberties tf3cre= cf,rcipe3iDeip, fronting 0? anioininn; to anp of tbe fain pub-- iicli S^treets, lanes, pisblick place0, ann ipaiTaijcs of tlje fain Citp ann liberties tljereof, ann tljc iiTirmcrs 0? ©ccnpiers of all ann ebcrp tlje S^arkcts, VaitlM tlje Citp ann Liberties tljereof, fljall, ann tijep rcfpesibclp are Ijerebp cljargen mtlj ann retjuiren to pap tJje tcfpcfiibe Eatc0 ann atreffments, li)|)iclj fijaU from time to time be fo raten ann afTeffcn upon tbe fain rcfpegiuc OUuiicfngs ann paces, purfuant to tijis as. 59?oDincn alUJap0 ann it is berebp neclarcn, Cljat if onwhatcon. tbe fain "Dtan ann Cljapter of %aint Paulfljali, at tbeir ^idc'^^.p',^^^^^^^ oiun Coll ann Cbarge, caufc tbe ifence ronnn tlje fain st^.J/.tobe CatbcD?al Cljiirclj to be nuipiigljten luitb Lamps of tlje '^'"""^ fame ©o?t, ann at ann fo? tlje fame Cimc, ann in n p?opoUionable Btuiiber, ann from time to time Ueep t|}e i^ p p p - fain 334 Anno Regni nono Georgii 11. Regis. fflin Icnce fa Itgljtcti fit tljc fame (fanner as bjJ tlji'jS as oiU3l)t to be isonc in tljc otljcc lS)att0 of %{iU\t Paul's Cijiicclj ^iKD (tuliicl) tl)e €oiitt of lojtJ c^apo? aim ai« teiinen fiom time to time are Ijetebp Impoiuercti to Be- tcuniinc) timt tljen, auB fo ioun; as tljep continue to ligljt tlje fai'D fence, as is becebp ciueaeu, no Eate o? atretr- mcnt fljall be laio on tijc laio CatljeB^al Cljutclj bp eiic* tue of tlje 13atuecs Oeteb}) gtanten, anp Cljinij in tljis $IS contalncti to tlje contrarp in anp tuifc nottoittiitanriinQ:* ThcDednon P^oUioeD aiiuaus, anB it is Ijerebp BcclaccB, Cljat in Sor^and^Ai ^^^'^ '^"1' ipccfon 0? l^ctfOHS Ujall tfjink Ijim, !jer, oi tljcm» dcrmcn,onAp- fciiscs aiTocicbeB bp fucb Car anB iJifeiTmcnt, as afo?cfaiB, ^caMobe ij. (ij^^jj -jjjj, j^^j^p ^^ j^^fjjj j-gj jjj^j^^ refpcaibcip, vuitljiii tljc Space of Cn)entp Daps after fucb Car oj affclfment fljall be laiB, to appeal to tbe Court of jlLo^B $)3apoi anB aiDcrmen, luljofe Decifion fljall be final anB conclufibe* QnB luljeteas tljeve ate febecal pieces of DOiB (^louuB auB fpacioiis places belonging to tljc faiB Citp, Iping to(tl3ii\ tlje fame, o? Liberties tljereof, toljece no 3!u0abf» tants ace o? can be pioperlp cbacgeable, as afojcfaiB, ann tuljiclj nebertljelefg ougljt to be tuell anB fufficientlp liijincB ; be it furtber enaaeB bp tbe autbo?itp afo?efaiB, iTcdamTT' ^^^'^^ ^^^^ COambeilain of tbe faiB Citp of London, foj for void°^'^ tlje time being, fljall, at tbe Coil auB Cbatges of tfje S"auothc f«i^ Citp, pap fucb Cares anB ^{fcfrments, as fball be Lord Ma) or, iafB auB tatcB fo? tIjc cue liffbting of fucb boiB ©^onnBss anB Places, lubete no Jnbabitants are oi can be p?operlp cljaiiycB, acco^Bing to tbe Difctetion of tbe aiBetman, •Dcpntp, auB £^ajo?itp of tlje Common Councilmeu of racb £BatB, tuitljiu tobicb fucbboiB »J5?ounBs anB Placeis nte fituatc auB comp?ifeB, as afo^cfaiB, regatB being bp tbcm aliuaps baB to tlje Bumber of Lamps nccelfatp foj tlje Bue iigbting of tbe fame -, anB in cafe tbe faio Cljambetlain fljall tbink tbe faiB Citp aggriebeB bp fucb Car 0? ^ffeirment, be fljall anB map, in bebalf of tlje faiB Citp, U3itbin t^e ©pace of Ctoentp Dap0 af* tec fuel) Car o? ^fl'efl'ment fljall be laiB, appeal to tbe Couit of lo?B a9apoj anB SllBermcn, as afo?efaiB, .toljofc Determination (Ijall be final. auB to tlje Cub tljat tlje fcberal EatesanB aftefrmcnts Ijerciii before mentioncB map be fullp anB compleatlp raif- cB auB paio fo? tbe purpofes afojefaiB, iuitbout Crpence, IFce, 0? KetuarB, be it furtljer enaaeB bp tbe autbo?itp The Aidcrrnan fifo^cfaiB, Cljat It fljall auB map be latuful fo? eacb ^l* fcy'.'to^ppo'mt Berman in W ©llatB, bp anB toitb tlje 9Bbice anD coikftor,. (jcoafeut of biS Deputp, anB Common Councilmeu, 0| tbe ^a)o?itp of tljem, immcBiatelp to nominate, clea, auB impoluet Cbjo o? mojc fubftantial auB refponflble SnljabitnntiS Anno Regni nono Gcorgii II. Regis. 335 3inTjalJitants of nnU bclanrjinn: to cacO dOarD, to nsl^, coUcR, ano rcceitjc tljc fcucrnl Rates 0? ^ITcffmentfl Ijcve. ill licfo?c gcautcn, nnti niaoc papablc bv cacfj 3nt)abi« tant of fuc!) CUacD, as nfa?cfa{D luljfcO Collcao^si fljaU continue {11 tljat ©fflcc until neiu ones fljall be cUofcn in tijc CBattJmote, uiijicO fljall be bclti fo? tbe COoice of o« ^^^'^'^^''J^^"' tljet eilarTJ ©fficcus, on 0? neac ©aint Thomas's Dap count?'' '°^"'' iiert cnfuing fuel) jl!Jom(nation anu appointment ; at luljicl) Cime tlje faiD CoHean?d, firll cljofcn, fljalfj anti tljcp are beccbp tequireo to b?ing in tljcic ^ccountf) to tbe aioctman of tlje fain CLOain at tbe ([(Llatomote, i\\ mijiclj tljcu fljall fpecifv anr> ccp'cfs tljc fcijccal ©urns of Siponcy by tljcm recciiictJ, anu g{\3e in a lift of fucfj J3)ecfon!3 afl fljall babe ncoleaeti 0? cefufen to paptbeEatejs nnu aifcfl'mcnts fo lain on tljeni, as afo^cfain, tbat tbe fame may be tccobccen auD lebieo in fucO mannct as is Ijereiu after mentioneb. anb to tbe 3!ntent tbat tbcrc map nebet be luantintj a fufiicicnt Bumbcc of l^ecfons bulp qualifieb to coHea tbe Eatcs anu afl:cfliiients betcbp gcautcb anb mabe payable, be it futtbec enaaeu bp tbe 3utbo?itp afojcfaib, Cbat TheDepmy tbe Deputy nub Common Councilmen of eacb dSIatb, couiS,Tn"o fljall, at eacb ^arbmote, to be belD upon 0? neae @)aint return six jn- Thomas's Day fo? tbe (}L\)okz of marb ©fficets, tctuni TSiT tlje l^ames anb Places of abobe of ^ir 0? mojc fub^ S'bfchofcn* ftantial 31nbabitants of eacb ^aib, out of tubicb Cuio 0? mo?e (accoibino; to tbe ^rtcnt of tbe aHarb) fljall be cbofcu anb appointeb at tbe faio iiaSatiJmote to be Col* Ieao?s fo? tbe feat enfuinty, anb be tbere fteojn to t\)Z tcue anb faitbful Ccecution of tbeit ©fficc, before tbe pjefibing ©fficcc at tbe eilatbmotc, luljo is bcceby im-- pouictcb to abminiitee tbe faib ©atb ; anb in cafe any lo/.pcnajtyon Ipccfon 0? pccfons fo cbofen fljall neglea 0? tcfufe to f^^t^oVi: take upon bim o? tbem tbe faib €)f!ilce, o? buly to erccute tbe fame, acco^bing to tbe true 3intent anb si^eanino: of tbis ?s, be 01 tbcy fljall tefpeaibely forfeit anb pay tbe ®um of Cen JSJounbs, anb ftill continue liable to be cbofen into tbe faib ©flice again tbe feat follotuinrc:. anb fn cafe of bis 0? tbcic Eefufal, fljall be again lia^ ble to tbe lifee lS)enalty, anb fo tocies quoties. anb to tbe l-ntcnt tbat lefponfiblc perfons may ht cbofen anb appointeb CoUeaois in eacb Ciaiacb, be it fur- tljec enaaeb b^ tbe autbo?ity afo?cfaib, Cljat in cafe any ARMircflmenf Colleao? 01 Colleao?s, Eeceibec 0? EecciberS, of tbe c"feofvS faib Kates anb afl"efl^ments, fljall embe??le, make aloay ^''™'^"f- toitb, uetain, o? mifapply any Sum 0? ®ums of cpo^ ney, fo colleacb b^ Ijfm 0? tbem fo? tbe dlfes afo?cfaib, tbe fame fljall be again ratcb anb laib on tbe Inbabi- c tauts 336 Diftrefs on Nonpayment. ^X'■ho to grant the Warrant for Diltrels. AneflTment to bcccllcc-ted HaLfycarly. The Form of the Chambirr- iain's Receipt: Anno Re2;ni nono Geori^ii II. Re^is. tiintg of eacl) atintt?, am coilegen auB u^im iw a Rcaf= fctrmcnt on n!t tfjc Snljalntante, in l^zopa^ticu'to luljnt tfjej) {jat!, 01 ougijt to ftaue pain. i^nt} it 13 l)crcbp furtljc!: cnascu bp tl)e SutfioHtv nfo^e* fiiiti, Cijat iu cafe anp jnljabitant of tijc faiB Citp of London, 0? m\v otijcf 13ci;fou o> pcffons (jetEbp iutcr.B' en to be cfjargeti »!nt». ratcD toiaacBg tsefL-apiuQ; tijc CS.c* pence of fiijljtfng tlje faiB €itp, as afojcfnio, fljall iieg^ left 0? rcfiiCc to pay antJ nilcbanje fuel) Eates auti af' fclfaicnts, ts 5}c, fSje, o? tijep fijall be cijargcu Uiitlj, ac= coirifiiff to tbe tune Jntciit aun St5caninn; of ttjis aa, af= tec fuel) Eatcj; anu atrcfrmcnt!:^ njall nfpcai'uclp be t5e« mniiDct!, tiiat tljcn, anti To often, it fljall aim map be laiDfiil to ann fo? tlje faiD CoUcSo? o?" CoHcga?0, Ee- ccinei- o? Eeccipere, auB cBctp o? anp of tljrm, bp CCilar-- taut obtainen untJcc tlje fpaiiB aiiB Seal of tlje loiB i;aapo2 of tljc faiB City fo? tlje time beiiiff, o? of tbc au Bftmaii of tljc CtLIatB, 'U3ljci'E fuclj 13ecfou o? iacrfon0 fa ncijirsiiin; o? refiifino; to pap fijall inhabit, oi be cl)afgea= lie (luljictj ^tilarrant tljc faiB lo?B Q5apo? o? fuclj aiBec* tnnn is Ijccebp autl50?l>eB anB tcquiccB to grant) to take aiiB Biataiu tljc ©oanjs anB Cljattels of fuclj J^crfou o? peufons fo ncaiciii'nn; o? rcfiifing, anB tlje fame to fell, i-euBcnuij tJjc ©brvpUt^, if anp fuclj fijall be, after IjaB^ ing BcBiIaeB tbe fcafanable Cljargcd of fuel) Diftrcfg, to tlje Oiuner of fucij ^ooBjs auB Cljattels, BemauBinnf tlje fame. aiiB be it furtijtr enaacB bp tljc autljon'ty afo?efaiB, Ciiat cbecp Collcao? o? Collcaojs of tlje Eates anB aifclTmcntfj afo?cfaiB fljall collca tbe fame ll)alf pcavlp, nuB pap tljc c^onep into tlje Cljambcr of tlje City of London, as l)c 0} tljcp fljal! rcccibc tljc fame, in fuclj 9^a\\'- iier, tljat fuclj Colleso? o? CoUeaojd fljaU ncber Ijabe a @)um ercccBtng Jf iftp pounBxJ, fo ccllcaeB, at one Cimc ill 1)13 0? tbcir ^3anBs lip tlje ©pace of %zi\ Dapsi: anB if fuel) Colleao? 0? Collcao?^ fljall Ueep anB retain in Us auB tljeit li)anB^ mo?c tljan tlje faiB Sum of fiftp 13oi'.nn£S ionnter tijan Ccn Daps, Ije anB tljep fyall rc'« f rscsibclp forfeit tljc ©um of liuc pounBS fo? cbccp fuel) Offence ( iDljic!) faiB l^enaltp fljall be recobercB auB Icbi* en, as anp otljer penaltp is Ijcrcbp BiccaeB to be recoucr-- cB anB lebicB) anB on i9apment of cberp fuel) ©urn of 09aney into tbe Cbambec of tlje Citp of London, fuclj CoUeao? 0? Colleaois fl)aU taUc a Eeccipt fo? tlj^: fame from tbefaiBCbamberlain, o? one of lu's Clerks, in ioljicl) Eeccipt fljall be fpccjficB auB ctp^effcB tbe 5I5ame of fuel) Colieso? anB CoUeaojo, tljc @!iim paiB, anB tbe Bame of tijc CClacB tyijcccin tljc $33oncp Ijatlj been coUracB j auB c tbe Anno Regni nono Georgii II. Regis, 337 tijc Cfjiimbcdain of tijc fnfn €it\> of London fa? tljc tfme bchin:, 0? fiicfj of tM Clerks as fljall Oe Ijj) (jim fo? tOnt 13uL*pofc appaiijtcn, fimil be oblitycn, nnti 0^ iinn tljcp f£{ niiD ncc ijcccbi) rcquireD to ijiue fuel) Erccipt Uiitbout Jfcc 02 Eeiuacb ; ano fuel) Ecccipi-js foall, bp tlje Collca^ 0? nuD €ollcao2sj, be pjoDucen to tijc ClUcrman of tbe UUdtn nt tijc €11110 Ijc fettled anu aujufts bi^ pcarlp ac- count- aiiu njall bp tljc fain^iuecman be tahen aiiD nllotn-- eti as a full aiiu fufflcfcnt DifcDatffC fo? all anti cueip fuel) €>um auD Bums of CJ^onep fucO Colleaois 0? jReeeiuccs ftall Ijabc receiueo aiiB pain iuto tljc C&ambec of tljc €itv of Londen, ag afOICfaiD, auD to tlje cnij tijat tlje l^avmciit of tljc faitJ Eated ann aircffmeut^ fo? t(jc pucpofce afo?efaitJ map tl)c uio?c cffeauallp be cufo?ceD, be it fui-t!)cu enaacD bp tlje ^u^ tl)o?itp afoicfaiD, Cfjat eucup jfreemau of London, lia= Freemennot ble to pap tlje fain Eatcsi aiiti atreirmcntd, luljo fl)all Ijatic A.SSln. ncgleacD b? refufcD to paptlje fain Eates ann afTcirmentsJ ".^mvoangat to tljc lp)erfoii 0? peufons autljo?i>en ann impoujcren to tic^iow. toUes aim tcccibe tljc fame, 0? fljall balic nrfircn to be ercufcD fccm paping fucb Eate0 ann aiTcirmcnts, fljall be iiiincc tlje fame Jneapacitp of noting; at OJUSions luit()iii tlje fain Citp of London, as anp pcrfon 0? pcrfons noui 10 0? ate, toljo no not pap tfjcii* ©cot 0? lot to tlje fcbc* tal pcatlp Eateg aim Cares, to UiljicO tlje Citizens of London acc at tbisCirtic, 0? fljall Ijctcaftcc become liable, Clnn to tlje Jntcnt tJjat no q^onopolp in Ifijbtino; tljc fain €itp ann Liberties tOcrcof be fo? tbe time to come attemptcn, tuijcrcbp tljc (£cprncc tljcrcof Unll be gvcatlp cnljanccn, ann tbedlojfe not fufficientlp per[o?mcn, bc(t ciiaftcn bp tlje Slutl)o?itv afo?cfain, Cljat encb ^Iticcman, TheAMerman Ijp fiun luitlj tljc anbicc ann Confcnt of Ijis Dcputp, ann ^"oVSi tlje ^ajo?itp of bis Common Councilmen, fljail ann map, '^^/^nmsn,, nun ije 10 Ijccebp requifcn, autlja?i?cn, ann impolaercn to the 1.1^0. tJl- contcaa ann agcee fo? tijc j^umbce of Lamps nccctTarp ta°"'''^"'* be crcscn ann fet up in aim fo? ijisdlain, ann tjjccijavije tDercof, on pcfts 0? 31i'ons, as ()c fliall tljtnk bcfl to 0?^ tcc^ ann fljall be moft cffcaunl fo? t!je purpofrs ijei-ebp in« tcnnen; ann alfo tljat cacb fuel) aincrnmn, tuitlj fuclj an* Micz ann Confent, as afa?erain5 fl)all aun map eontraS iLMtl) anp 13eufan 0? J.5ci-fon6 fo? tlje liijijting, trimmimj, fiuiffincfjCleanflniT, fupplvin:T, maintaimiuT, ann rcpaicintj fuel) Biimbcf of lamps, as fl)ail be ncccffaip fo? Ijis COarn -, p^ovjincn ne^ettijclcfs, tljat fuclj Contrag be mane fo?b,,tfuchcor,. tlje S)paee of ©nc luljole peat, ann no longec at onc^^^Jrh'^'sUm"* Cimc, ann fljall not ctccen fuclj ©urn fo? caclj Lamp, aSappointedby (Ijall be nivertco aun o?ncrcn bp ti c •a3apo?, Slinccmcn,'''-'^^'^''-''*'-' 338 Anno Regm nono Georgii I!. Regis. nuts Couiiiiong, in Common Council afTembJetJ, in CAfc tljcp fijiiil tijiuk fit to fettle auB Diuea t!je fame. Sr^obeT' P^otJiCtD nttonvd, auD it 13 fiiitljci- cnnSctJ bv tlje ati-- rerc'ftediniuch tljojiti.) iifojcfain, CfjAt HO CtiBetniau, Deputp, 0? Com* comraas. j^^^,^ Counciiniai!, liucing lji0 Continuance in fiiclj ©fflice, 0? anp pevCon o? Ipcifon^ (nCniRfa? Ijim, tijem, 0? anp of tljcm, fljall hz concernen 0? intcteltcB in anp Contvas', o> otljccluife, fo? Ugljtino; tljc fain Citp, 0? anp pact tDcfcof, 0? fo? p?ot)it>ing ann fii:inQ; anp of tlje faiD lamps, Ipoftsj, 0? 3i,ton0, 0? otljcu sr^atecials ncccffatp tljeccto* Ji;he Chamber- ^j^^i bc it fuutljcc cnasetJ bp tl3C aut!jo?itp afo?cfairr, Draug'!Ks''inade COat ti)z Cliambctlaln of tlje fain Citp of London fo? tlje Sd'™of' tini^ being fljail ann map, nnU be is Ijecebp autboji^eD the ward,©'., auti icciiiiuen to pap all ann fingiilat tbc ©^ncts 0? Djaugbts on bini to be mane bp tbc ^inetman of cacb MiarD, uiltb tbc Snuicc of bis Deputp, ann tbea9ajo?itp of tbc Common Councilmcn of eacb fucb fillaun tcfpegine^ Ip, in nifcbai'Ge of fucb Conttaa 0? Contrass tbcp fijall 01 map lefpcsibclp cntet- into, as ioell fo? pjobining ann tfeaino:, as fo? ligbting, ttimminof, fnnfiing, cleanHnp:, fupplpinij, uiaintainlnSi ann tcpairino; tbe lamps luitliin and enter them c^iCb auD ftnuUlat tbc CtLIams of tbe fain Citv. ^nn alfo, dMyma jjj^^j. j^^^ ^j^j. j-^^jj, Cbambcclain fo? tbc time being, fl)all, ann be is bcccbp rcquitcn to Heep tcgulat ann cleat €n* tuics, in a 'Book to be fo? tbatl^uipofc bp bitn p?oiiinen, of all ann fiinjuiat tbc Receipts ann l^apments ht fijau make on tijc account of ligbting tbe fain Citp, as afo?e^ fain, nfftinanifijing eacb Ollacn unnec niHina ipcans ; to lubicb Olroak ci3rfp Citizen of London fljall ann map baiJC SoSS"^ fi'cc Accel's in ©fficc i^ours, ann (ball be peniiittcn to in« fpca tijc fame tuitbout ifee 0? Eeluai-n •, ann alfo, tbat tbe Cbambetlain fo? tbc time being fljall babe tbe fain Account auDitsn ann paffen in tbc fame manner, ann bp tbc fame pccfons, tobo ntc nolo appointcn, 0? fljall be ap- pointen to annite tbc Slccounts of tbc Cbambcclain of tljc fain Citp of London. ann lu'bcceas febecal ebll nifpcfcn pccfons IjnMt broken, ?,nn map luilfullp ann malicioufli) b?eak ann neflrop tbe lamps bung out in tbc ©tccets of tbis Citp ; nolo to picbent tbc like malicious l;)?aaiccs fo? tbc futute, be it pcnnityon ftsitOcc cuarccn bv tl)z autbojitu afoicCain, Cbat if anp ITrcSc'^rcx- l^cvfon 0? pccfons fljnli, fcom ann aftec tbc ^tocntp nintb liampf'"'^*' Dav of S ptember, £)nc tboufaun febcn bunn?cn ann tbit* tp fir, UJilfullp 0? mnliciouflp b?cak, tb?oU) ncUm, 0? tK' tinguiil) anp lamp tbat is d? fl)all be Ijung our, 0? fet up to liijbt tbc streets, 0? luilfulip namagc tbc pofls, 3rons, 0? otber jfuunituce tbercof, ebrrp l?ccfon to offcnning tljctcin, ann being t'gci-cof conbiacn, bv tbc ©ntb of one 0? Anno Regni nono Georgii II. Regis. 3 39 01 majc (Kiirncfs 0? aiitiiclTfei, Mojz an}? one 0? mo?c 3iu{tlCC 0? 3u«[CC£i of tljC I3cnce fO? tijC Cltp of London, fljad m tljE ifitlt ©ffcnce forfeit tljc Sum of jfoJtp ©Otl- Iftuje fo? cac!) lamp fa bjokcn, tf3?atyii tiotuii, ci*t(i!n;iiiflj= ED, oi otljcvtoffe Bnnianjcn, auti foj tfjc eccoiitJ ©ffcncc, t?)C emu of jFiftp S>l)llliii!i'0, aiiu fa? t(je Cljicn ©ffcnce, tlje ©nniof dj^Ecl^cimfs, to be vccoDtrcD nun IcUicu (11 fdcl) Q^anncc asi in tljis as fs ment(anci!. ann tobei-cas (t is frnpodlbie to nfccrtafn tljc e,raa (S;.t« ptutc, tuijlc!) map accrue to tfjc fain Citp of London, in pJOliitJinn:, fupplPUUT, anu maiiitnininu fiiclj Linibts ns a» fa?cfati),'ad uscll fccm tbs aitcuntiou fu tbc 19?icc of ©il, ann otiicc $53atcuialei, as from otbcr unfo^efecu Qccineuts nnn Cafunltics, lubtcb map bappcn ; be (t tbcrcfo^e fiiutljcc rnaacD, Cbat if at tbc <£cpiratiou of @)cUen f cars it ll[^"''^l°^!^' fljall be foiiiiD, tbat anp €»ucp!iis fljall babe arifcu from howtobe'dif- tbe 99anc)j coiieaeb bp iiirtuc of tbts Sa, oUet ann abobc p°''^''*- tubat fl)nu babe bttn ilfiicb ann nppltcn in purfuance berc= cf, fo2 tbcfinbiniy, fupplpinij, anUmaintninlnijfucbligbts, ns afojefaiD, fucb fuvpltis 95onep fijall remain in tbc Cbambcr of tbc fait» €itv of London, ta be appKcb eitbcc in aib of tbe Djpbans f unt, 0? in abatement 0? Dimi« luition of future affcnmcnts, fo? tbe li)utpofcs of tbis as, 0? to be otbcrlDife bifpofeb of to 0? foi tbc Qfc anti 15e« iicftt of tbe Citizens of London, as tijep bp anp aa of Commuu Council fljnll Direc! anb appoint* anb it is betcbp futtber enaacn, Cbat tbe S^apo?, ai* Howandwh^n termcn, ann Commons, in Common Council aiTcmblen, ^rcfobi^S fija!!, ann tbep ate bcrebp impoiucccn nnb requircb, at a Court of Common Council to be bcin as foon as conbe* nientTj) map be after tbe ^tocntp fourtb Dap of June, One tbouuCnn feben bunn?en ann tbirtp fir, to o?ner ann ap« point a Eate ann aifcirmcnt to be mabe, purfuant to tbe poiof rs bcrebp tjrantcn ann gibcn, to commence on tlje Ciucntp fifcbDap of March pKcebinn;, ann to continue till tbe Ctoentp fiftb Dap of December follobJinij 5 ann tbat tbe fain ^apo?, ainermcn, ann Commons, in Common Council affcmblcn, iball pearli?, ann ebcrp^cnr, bctujccti tbe fi'jft Dap of January, anb tbc laft Dap of February, Op net ann nirea bJbat Eatcs ann aiTcltmcnts fljull be mane on tbc 3',nbabitants fo? tbe purpofcs afc?efain, U5bicb af* fcffmcnt fljall be fo? ©ne bJbole fear, commencing tbc Ciucntp (iftb Dap of December p?eccninn; tbe fain Oiner* ann be it furtber cnaaen bv tbc autbojltp afojcfain, ^'^p^iiif/orj Cbat if anp Colleao? 0? CoUeao?s iball ncglea 0? rcfufe r,nfto°™ to biino: in W ann tbcir accounts to tbc aincrman of ^'^["^^^o;;!;^- tbc 9;0arn, at tbe QUarnmotc bein on 0? near Sinint The sc homa,-i mas's Dap, Ije 0? tljcp tljall tcfpcaibcb forfeit tbe Sum of '''^■• ifibc 34© Anno Regni iiono Georgii 0. Regis. ^iU pounti0, aun in like niamieu, tljc fame Bam Bf IFitie 13oimti0 fo? cDeu)) Ctoeiit)) Dnps Ije o? t!jep tsctaut tlje faiB Sccaunt, to be rccQ\)eucti'nntJ icijicn bp fuel} llUvQ mic ^ean05 ns Ijcrcui afrcr in tljis Set ig menttoneti> ^nn to p?et5cnt, ad miic!) as niap be, aup Dcficicnci? Ijappeniim lu tlje coUeatng tlje Eatcs anti affenaieiitsi SShmv flro?efaiu, be (t fiictljcc enaaen, Cljat tlje Collcso? o> and by wh"om Co!leao?s of all auU cberp tlje tllai-tus of tlje fafD Citp Ecfiifnl 0? Boit'paymeut of tbe fcbcral Eates nnn 3f. fetTmcttts afo,)cfaili, laitljiu Cljictp Dajjjs aftec tbe i*e» fpeaiue Eatcs nnb ^frelTmcntg (ball become Hue, to ap. pip to tbe ILo^ti CJ9apo? fo? tbe time bcfitn;, o? to tbe aiticcman of tlje tefpcaibe ^acb^ tobete fucb Ecfufal 0% ^ Bonpainnent fljnll bappeit, fo? a QBatraut to Hiftcaiit fo? tbe faiD Eate anti SirefTmcut, anti fljall taUe care to erecnte o? canfc tbe fame to be Uulp erccutetJ* aiib be it fiittbec cuaacD bp tbe autbojitj) nfo^efaiD, fheMinirerofCbat it fljall auD map be lawful to anb fo? tbe 3loin dcterminmg ^jipg, fgj tbc timc bcfhtT, 0? flup €:U)0 02 mo?e Suffices pramhr/Pc of tbc I9cace fa? tbe C(tp of London, to beat antJ Be* nak.cs. tevmine anj? of tbe ©ifcnccd tobicb are mnBe fubjca tCj anti piiulfijable bp, anp pecuniai*]) prnalticsi tiicacu to be lebicB bp tbis aa ^ ant> fucb 3ufticc0 of tlje Ipcace are IjerrbD autbo?i?eb aim rcquiucn, upon any 3info?maiiansi crbtbitcti, 02 Complaint mane \\\ tbat bcljalf, luitoitt Cen Daps after fucb ©ffnicc committcti, to fumaion V(s^ i^^arti) 0? pacticfj accufcb, anb tbe C'llttncffcs on cttber Sine, anb, after ©atb of tbe Commifiiou of anp of tbe j?asc abobc mentloncu bp ©ne o? mo?e crcbi'blc £:aitncfsi 0? i:?LIitnefrc£i, to iffue a 2:, ano gibe tbis 3a anu tbe fpecial Si^attet in Cbi« Hence at anp Crial to be batJ tbeteupon ; anb if tbe l£>laintiff oj Js»lainti{fi3 fljall become nonfuiteb, o? bifcon* tinue biJJ, b^c, o? tbeit aaion o? aaion0, Suit o? g)uitj3 ; 0? if, upon SDemurrev, 3utin:ment ajall be giben airainft tbe ISlaintiff 0? I9lainti{fs, tbe Defcnbant anb Defen« Treble cofts. Dautj) (ball anb map rccobec Cteble Coffd, anu ftabe fucb Eemebp fo? tbe fame, ag anp Dcfenbant oi De« fenbantjs batb o? babe in anp otbct Cafc0 bp ILato* anb be ft fuitbcc enaaeb bp tbe autbo^itp afo?cfaii», Cbnt tbis 3a fl)all be beemeb, abjubgeb, anb taUeii to be a l^ublicU 3a, anb be lubiciallp tafeen Botfce of ad fucb bp all 31uboe0, 3iuftice0, anb otljec petfonsi tDOatfoebcr, toltftout fpeciallp pleabing tOe fame* b PublickAA FINIS. "^AajAiNn-iwv^ •# •A. •y s E ;5 o %iiJ,\i;i.i J'AV* ^tllBRARYG<^ I i ''^'i'UJIlVJ-iO''-' ^N^HIBRARYQ^ ^.WEUNIVFRy//, '>'.!/0JlTV3J0^ ^TiH'jNVSOl^ ^10. \ AWt yMIVERS/A ^lOSAUCElfj> ^OFCA1IFO% ^OFCAllFOftj^ ^WEUNIVERiyA >&Aavaaiii^ ^(JAwaaii-^ %a3MNn-39iV ^^^HIBRARY(9/ i^^UIBRARYQ/r ^iOdllYJJO'^ '^OdlWD'JO^ ,5,V\EU(JIVERy/A ^lOSANCEtfx>, ^TilJQNVSOl^^ "^AaJAINrt ]\V^ ^^ILlBRARYOx; ^OJIWDJO'^ CO >• v/sa3AIN(l-3WV ^^:OFCAIIFO%, ^0F-CAIIF0E||^ ^CAiivaaivi^ j^OAUvaaiv^'^ l\^EU(JIVERy/A. o c vVlOSA'^CFlfj-^ ^OfCAllFO/i'-j ^sSHlBRARYQ^ ^JIIVJ-JO"^ .^MEUNIVERVa ^vvlOSANCElfj> o ^^IIIBRARYOa^ ^IIIBRARYO^ AWFUNIVERi'/^ ^iOjnv:jo'>^ ^.i/OdllVDJO'^ M;OFCA1IFO% ^ V£> ^^ ,^V\EUfJIVERy/A ^lOSAJJCElfXA , O J" %a3AINn3WV^ ^OFCA1IFO% OFCAllFOff^ ^OAHvaaii-i'^^ >&Aavaan-# ^WEUNIVERS/A '^■TildDNVSOl^^ o^lOS«Elfn> o v^^t■llBRARYO/r 5,vM-llBRARY<> ^iOdlWDJO^ ^.i/OdllVD-jO'^ AyEUNIVERJ/A %a3AlN(l-3\Vv^ ^tllBRARYQ^ ^d/OdlWDdO^ "^AadAiNndiW^ ^OFCAMTOff;^ .^^OFCAllFOff^ ,5j\EUNIVERy/A ^Aavaaiii^ ^nMIIBRARYQc. ^OAavaaii# ^\WEUNIVER% >;lOSANCFlfj> ^i\EUNIVER% o %a3AIN(13WV ^lOSANCElfj-^ o CO J» %a3AINn-3WV^ ^^^IIIBRARYOa, ^^IIIBRARYQ^ ^(iOdllVDdO'i^ ^0FCAIIF0% '^- ^WE■UKI AWEUmVERJ/ - ^\^E UNIVERJ/A !^ ^ ^-lOSAHCElfj-^ ^lllBRARYC) 000 006 421 ■r* ■'^^^^ "^