I • THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE NEW POLITICUS kJV^ THE NEW POLITICUS A DIALOGUE CONCER, OF A NAT 10 THE DEVELOPMEk;T IN A PLAT DELIVERED BEFORE THE CONSTITUTIONAL UNION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 8, l88l FRANK R. Y.-iRADCLIFFE Of the Inner Temple, Rarrister-at-Law Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford LONDON C. KEGAN PAUL cV CO., i PATERNOSTER SQUARE i88i ( 77/r rights of translation nnd of reproductivn are reserved ) THE NEW POLITIC US. U3 ^ ' Intellectus humanus luminis sicci non est, seel recipit ^ infiisionem a voluntate et affectibus.' — Bacon, Nov. Org. i. 49. cc We have probably all of us heard or read at different times many defences of an Es- tablished Church and of Religious Education. 3 Such defences are common, but they are, ccfor the most part, of one character. They o are addressed to a sympathetic audience. ^ They speak to those who believe in the verities of the Christian Religion and in the necessity of the Establishment, and endeavour ^ to strengthen them in their belief by re- ^ minding them of the many blessings and benefits which flow to them from these sources. .'58804:7 THE NEW POLITICO'S. They postulate the truth which they ought to demonstrate, and argue that, as Christianity is the one thing needful, neither State nor Education can be complete without It. Such arguments no doubt have their advantage in the confirming of those who believe. But what of those who disbelieve — who either regard Christianity generally as the relic of a decay- ing superstition, or do not believe in the efficacy of the particular form of it established in this country ? Can such arguments carry conviction to their minds ? May not the un- believer say: 'All these blessings and ad- vantages that you speak of depend for their certainty upon promises contained in a book, of which we disbelieve the authenticity ; written by an author whom we believe to be an im- postor. If you are going to argue from state- ments contained in that book, you must first establish its authority.' Having thus de- molished the 'petitio principii ' of the faithful. INTRODUCTORY. they then proceed by the usual argument from expediency, toleration, and equality, to demolish their conclusions and the Establish- ment. Perhaps we are all of us too timid about the grounds of our political and religious be- lief We assume that in such matters ' the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.' We fancy that those truths which we most reverence and upon which we acknowledge that our everlasting happiness must depend, inhabit the world of thought, and depend for their reality solely upon the authorit}' of Almighty God Himself Or, again, we are sometimes apt to resent any attempt to support an in- stitution which we believe to have a divine origin, by arguments drawn from expediency or necessity. We think it beneath the dignity of the cause to seek for such allies. But if we really believe that our religion and Church THE NEIV POLITIC US. are of divine origin and sanction, how can we doubt that by this time so goodly a tree should be known by its fruits ? If we really wish to persuade others of the necessity of that which we belie\'e— to convert the un- believing — must we not be content to use argu- ments which may carry with them a conviction of the expediency of our faith, even to those who cannot believe in its reality ? j\Iy endeavour, then, in these pages, will be to suggest a line of argument to be addressed to those who do not believe in the divine origin of Christianity. I believe that it can be demonstrated, so far as anything political is capable of demonstration, from the results of the past political experience of mankind as recorded in history; — from the present political experience of each one of us, gathered from our observation of what is every day going on around us ; — from the acknowledged psycho logical influences by which men, and especially INTRODUCTORY. masses of men, are excited or controlled ;- -that, whether Christianity itself be true or false, an endowed Christian Church, by law established in any country, is based upon an expediency amounting to necessity. That if such an in- stitution did not already exist, it should be created. I have said that I shall endeavour to sug- gest a line of argument, because to develop fully such a position would be impossible within reasonable limits ; and a few salient examples are sufficient for my purpose ; — to indicate the direction of the attack, leaving the details to be followed out by the indi- vidual commanders. As regards the form of my argument, I have ventured upon a great experiment, b}' adopting that of a Platonic Dialogue. I have done so for this reason. Any argument in support of an Established Church must of necessity rest to some extent upon a THE NEW PO uncus. review of the efifects of religion upon men's lives and conduct — a subject which is now-a- days regarded as the peculiar province of the preacher. In the time of Plato it was thought to be within the sphere of the philosopher and the politician. I have some hope that the familiar Platonic form may avoid what is one of the chief difficulties in the treatment of this subject — namely, that flavour of the pulpit which is uncongenial to political dis- cussion. It was about two hours after sunset, on a fine summer evening last year, when our friend the Politician entered our house and sat down amongst us. You know, I believe, the man I mean, though I dare not mention his name, lest some informer should make mischief Pie is, as you know, a true Politician. Not one so called, holding some office in the State, who out of a shallow empiricism provides hurried DIALOGUE. remedies for temporary grievances. Our Politician is a philosopher. He is not wholly- absorbed in the petty facts of his everyday experience, but has ascended the mountain of knowledge, and seen the whole world spread out before him in the light of the sun. He stands and views, as it were, the country from afar off, and surveys the entire political horizon both of the past and present. He is not frightened by old-world tales about religion and the gods, nor does he believe in any particular form of religion, for he is a philo- sopher. He is swayed by no sectarian or factional bias, but only by an absolute desire to rule the State for the common weal. Being, however, experienced in the events of history, and the causes of the growth and decay of nations ; knowing that the onl}'- way to make citizens happy and prosperous is to attract them towards that which is good and true, and to repel them from that which is evil and false ; THE NEW PO uncus. he is cui'iousl}' absorbed sometimes in the study of the baits and impulses by which men may be led or driven, and every condition or circumstance of life which may tend to their general happiness or misery. These he endea- vours to group, and arrange, and to reduce to general principles. And thus he acquires a power of political foresight which enables him to suggest laws for the government of the citizens in the way that is best for themselves and the whole State. He is generally merry and talka- tive ; but on this night he was so reserved and silent that we all cried out upon him, and asked him if he had seen a ghost. ' I have,' said he, ' and have been taught many things that I never before realised.' Whereupon we all asked what manner of apparition this might be, thinking at first that he was laughing at us. l^ut when we saw that he was serious, we begged him to tell us all that he had seen and heard. 'Well,' said he, ' I will tell you ; for of all things DIALOGUE. that have ever happened to me this was the most strange. But be sure you do not whisper it in the city, or men will say that I am mad.' So we all sat still, and promised that, like the Homeric chieftains, we would ' hold great silence.' I was walking, said he, upon the edge of the cliff which overhangs the city on its southern side, when I was accosted by a stranger, dressed after the fashion of the reign of Elizabeth. He was of noble mien. His lofty brow was furrowed with care and study, and he looked like one who contemplates things present and to come. In his hand he bore some old-fashioned scientific instruments, with which he appeared to have been con- ducting an experiment. And while I won- dered to see such a man walking upon the surface of the earth, he approached me, as though he had expected to see me there, and THE NEW POLITICUS. he said: 'What is your meditation?' 'I am a politician,' said I, ' and I am meditating upon the art of governing men. I have long been trj-nng to discover what influences can be brought to bear upon their hearts, to make them choose the good and refuse the evil — how you can persuade men to sacrifice their own wishes and control their passions, in order to be virtuous themselves, and to help to make their fellow-citizens virtuous and happy. Such I see is the great end of life, and yet I know of no political power which can be brought to bear upon men's lives, continuously, day by day, so that they may form such habits of virtue and self-sacrifice that the fascinations of the world of sense cannot entice them to evil. What power can order the un- ruly wills and affections of sinful men } ' ' I, too,' said he, ' have been a politician ; and I guided my country througli perilous times. I have read many laws both good and DIALOGUE. bad ; and have heard many precepts of philo- sophers. I will open you the book and loose the seals thereof. ' Know you, then,' said he, * O Politician, a great truth, one which was for a long time overlaid by the fantastic arguments of the schoolmen, but which I unearthed after much patient toil. This truth I taught to men while I lived, and though I am no longer upon the earth, the scientific study of nature is still conducted according to my method. And yet, strange to say, although in the investigation of things inanimate men proceed in this man- ner ; when dealing with the souls of men, a far nobler material, they neglect the true method, and argue either from general prin- ciples which they have not established, or from dogmas of their own faction, which they have learned by rote, and have not examined. Nevertheless, this truth is far more important in the science of politics than in any other THE NFAV PO uncus. field of knowledge, in proportion as man is a more noble subject than the beasts or the elements. Learn then this truth, O Politician, and have it written in every school in letters of gold, that the youth of your country may early imbibe the spirit of true philosophy, first hear this : ' " Man is but the servant and interpreter of nature. He can do and understand so much only as he may have discovered by experiment or observation in the order of nature ; nor can he know or do anything further." ' ' And again : - ' " There is no other means of entering the kingdom of men, which is founded in philo- sophy, than there is of entering the kingdom of Heaven, into which, save as a little child, it is not permitted to enter." '^ * If you, O Politician, are willing humbly to enquire of nature, I will be her interpreter.' ' Bacon, Nin.'. Org. i. I. - Il'iJ. i. 68. DIALOGUE. 13 ' Most willingly,' I replied, ' for the true philosopher is ever willing to learn.' Then he took me up into an exceeding high mountain, from the edge of which we could see across a deep valley to a dark cliff which towered above us upon the farther side. And as I gazed stedfastly across the valley, wondering what might come to pass, a mist hid the face of the cliff, and when it rolled away I saw the forms of men moving on the surface thereof, as it had been colossal pictures upon the living rock. They seemed to be grouped in scenes, which changed continually, like dissolving views upon a canvas screen. And as I wondered at this strange appear- ance, and stood like one who dreams waking, the stranger said to me : ' This, O Politician, is the panorama of the history of the world, and I will be the showman of it. It is in this way that Nature records her experiments upon man, just as your printed books and 14 THE NEW PO uncus. diagrams record the experiments of men upon the physical phenomena of the earth.' ' Truly,' I replied, ' it is a wonderful show, and one that all our citizens should be brought to see when children.' 'We will let the scenes change,' said the stranger, ' until one appears which is of great interest. For I have always taught that the minds of men are more easily convinced by a few conspicuous instances than by many of less moment.' Then I looked, and lo ! the images passed in continual procession before me, and the stranger expounded their meaning in order. First I saw a small Arab tribe crossing the river Jordan, and penetrating into Pales- tine. They were beset by dangers on ever}' side ; surrounded and attacked by man)- tribes more numerous and more powerful than themselves. Yet they drove all before them, and established themselves as con- DIALOGUE. 15 querors where their forefathers had been but sojourners. I saw them through many cen- turies still maintain their country and inde- pendence, though with varying limits of success, until, under the mighty Solomon, they became the most powerful of all Eastern races. I saw them from that time dwindle and decay, until at length they were carried away captive by another people, and were scattered amongst the nations. And again, many, many years afterwards, I saw them reappear in all their pristine vigour and ferocity, to found anew their ancient capital, and to maintain their independence for a time even against the might of Rome. I saw them fall finally only after a struggle which taxed all the energies of their conquerors. This same tribe I further saw, in after years, scattered throughout all nations, and j-et united ; persecuted, and yet prosperous ; per- vading all countries, and reaping all fruits ; 1 6 THE NEW POLIIICUS. supplying the world with energy in every de- partment of art and commerce — great painters, great musicians, great merchants. In every- thing showing a vigour, a self-denial, a patience under adversity, surpassing that of all other nations. ' And yet,' said I to myself in my musing, ' they were few when they began this conflict ; they were few when they were scattered abroad again in after years ; they have been Ishmaelites throughout their history, hated of all — whence, then, their extraordinary success .'' ' ' Their religion was their strength,' re- plied the stranger (for he seemed to hear what I said). ' From the earh- days when Abraham was called of God, and conmiandcd to leave his home and go, he knew not whither, but went nevertheless, iiotliing doubting, to the I'Zxodus from Egypt ; throughout their life as a nation in Palestine, from the days of Joshua DIALOGUE. 17 the son of Nun to the Maccabees, they were ever convinced that " tlie eternal God was with them, and underneath were the everlast- ing arms." In the midst of the fray they ever saw in fancy the pillar of cloud leading them on to certain victory. They saw His mighty hand and stretched-out arm in the van of the battle, and, confident of success, they conquered. The staying up of the arms of Moses by Aaron and Hur was typical of their entire history. So long as they were fired with the belief that the God of Israel was with them, they were successful ; but as their arms grew tired, and their religion faint, the enemy prevailed against them. And what was it in modern days that inspired the despised nation — the dogs of Hebrews — the accursed inhabitants of the Ghetto — to fight their way on through life in spite of every form of per- secution, but their religion, their belief in their destiny ; that, although a cloud was c THE NEW PO uncus. now hanging over them, the day would come when the Son of God, the Messiah, should rise upon their darkness, and they should rule the world ; that it had been promised, and would surely come to pass ? ' ' A strange infatuation,' said I ; ' but yet it commanded success.' Then again I looked, and saw a solitary chieftain of another Arab tribe, armed with a new religion, overthrow the prevailing creeds and superstitions of his own nation, and draw after him from the deserts thousands of fierce warriors, bold in the belief of Islam and its promises of Paradise. I saw him spread a religious and dynastic revolution over nearly the whole of the Eastern world. The scene changed to Europe, and I saw a single monk, with no reward in his hand but the promises of glory after death, summon round the simple standard of the Red Cross the rapacious, selfish, and turbulent knights of DIALOGUE. 19 the middle ages. As soldiers of that Cross, they ventured over unknown lands and seas, braving countless dangers, to rescue a Holy- Land from an infidel invader. I saw the simple Swiss peasants kneeling in a body to ask help from God before en- countering the overwhelming Burgundian array at the battle of Granson. I saw the scanty band of Dutch republi- cans, by endurance and courage such as men had never before witnessed, defeat the great Spanish power, and rescue their freedom, their religion, and their country from the waters in which their heroism had drowned them. I saw the few but faithful Huguenots fol- lowing the white plume of Henry of Navarre on the field of Ivry. I saw Cromwell's 'godly men' praying to God, whilst keeping their powder dry, to smite hip and thigh the riotous crew of Cavaliers. I saw the Covenanting preachers leading their c 2 THE NEW POLITIC US. congregations to battle against overwhelming odds. I saw the Pilgrim Fathers forsaking all in their native country for their religion, and going forth, confident in their future, to found a mighty nation. But I need not weary you by telling of all the scenes that the stranger showed me. These are only a few amongst many. After a time I turned to the stranger, and I said to him : ' O Stranger, I have learned a lesson of enthusiasm. I see its power to stir men's souls to valiant deeds. But whence is it .'' How can so few brave the appearance of so great odds .'' ' ' It is on account of their belief in God,' said he. ' Their might is inspired by a con- fidence that a power superior to all earthly strength will give them the victory, and de- liver them from the peril of the sword.' ' It is a strange power, this belief in God,' said I ; ' but yet I know not if it be really a DIALOGUE. good thing. It seems to lead men to self- assertion, bloodshed, and slaughter. But my citizens, O Stranger, must be gentle, obedient, and self-sacrificing.' ' Wait a little,' said he, ' until you hav^e seen further. The vision is not ended. There is yet another lesson. You have learned as yet only one thing ; that there is no power under Heaven that can so impel multitudes of men to brave danger, pain, and death, as this same religious enthusiasm. Is it so, O Politician, or do you yet require instruction .'' ' ' Not so, O Stranger,' said I, ' for I am con- vinced already of this first lesson.' 'An apt pupil,' said he ; ' you must surely be a philosopher. Now let us learn our second lesson ; and before we look any more at my show, let us sit down awhile, for your eyes must be weary with watching, and I will dis- course to you a preface.' Then he sat down, and leaned his brow THE NEW PO uncus. upon his hand, and looking blankly into the distance, as one that sees a vision afar off, he continued : * From among the ranks of that same Arab tribe which we saw in our first picture, which fought so good a fight in the might of the Jeho- vah in whom they trusted, came forth a new reli- gion — a religion which appealed to no selfish wish or passion of man ; to no love of riches, power, or grandeur ; which from its infancy was the butt of persecution ; which had no comeliness that could be desired of men : no learning in which to clothe itself ; a religion of peasants, artisans and slaves ; whose Author had suffered the death of a common felon. And yet the followers of this religion, in the face of bitter persecution, contempt, stripes, imprisonment, and death, achieved a moral and religious victory over the whole world, and revolutionised society. I will show you some scenes from the history of this religion shortly, O Politician, DIALOGUE. 23 and do you mark them well. You, being a philosopher, I cannot expect to believe the truth of the facts upon which it is said to be founded ; but being a student of the minds of men, it may interest you to observe its effects thereupon, unreasonable and curious as they may appear. The history past and present of the Hebrews, and the rise of this new religion of which I am now speaking, are perhaps the two most remarkable events in the annals of the world, even apart from their religious as- pect, and are well worthy of your consideration. ' Have you not observed,' he continued, 'that the great difficulty of the ruler in dealing with men is to try and induce them to give up what their natural impulses prompt them to seize, for the sake of other people ? ' ' No doubt,' said I, ' that is the great problem — in cases, that is to say, when you cannot offer any reward in the future, such as riches or honour, in return for the present 24 THE NEW POLITIC US. sacrifice. And it is in the even'day life of the citizen and in small matters that such habits of self-sacrifice are formed ; and these no political reward or punishment can reach.' 'Most true,' said he; 'you have well ob- served. Now, here is the extraordinary power of this religion of which I am now speaking. From the first it has inspired men, contrary to all the strongest appetites and passions of their nature, to deny themselves that which the natural man most desires, and to sacrifice their own dearest wishes for the benefit of others ; to dare that at which their nature trembles, for the benefit of others ; to bear cold, hunger, pain, even death, for the benefit of others ; to live upon earth a life which seems to be bereft of all that could make it pleasant— and all for what ? For the sake of something which their religion promises them in what you would call a vague and doubtful DIALOGUE. 25 existence after death. And this not in soli- tary instances, but by hundreds at a time.' ' Ah, I have seen something of this seh"- sacrifice,' said I, ' for I have some friends, old-fashioned folk, who still believe in what is called the Christian religion, one form of which is established in this country ; and they have often explained to me the peculiar views of their faith. And now I think of it, that must be the new religion of which you speak, although I could not at first guess your riddle. ' I must confess it,' said he, ' since I see it is no good dissembling wath you.' ' Well,' said I, ' I have been shown by these friends of mine curious instances of self-sacri- fice, which they constantly affirm were pro- duced by the working of this religion ; only I thought it was their fancy.' ' Well,' said he, ' we \\\\\ look at some more pictures, and you will see that, whether 2G THE NEW PO uncus. a fancy or whether a fact, this religion has in times past produced, and still does produce, the strangest effects upon the lives and con- duct of men.' ' I am ready to be convinced,' said I. And hereupon we returned to our study of the pictures. And first I saw the great armies of Friars who went forth in the early middle ages at the call of their religion, to fight with sin and death. Their triple vow alone seemed to be a renunciation for themselves of all that is generally considered to be pleasant in this life. I saw them planting their homes amidst the filthy, fever-stricken quarters of mediaeval towns, clothing the naked, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, instructing the ignorant ; refusing for themselves all reward or comfort in this life. I then saw thousands of their followers in after years — men and women, without name or number, with no ostentation DIALOGUE. 27 or pomp of charity — some of them professed, some secular, but all animated with a common purpose — quietly and steadfastly to sacrifice their own lives and comfort for the moral and physical improvement of their fellow-creatures. I saw them working in convents, hospitals, lazar-houses, penitentiaries, prisons, univer- sities, churches and chapels. Wherever were the ignorant, wicked, sick, and poor, there I saw the charitable forms of these Christians. Indeed, the stranger told me that the founder of this sect had often pointed out this very self-sacrifice as the badge of his true disciples. And when I said to him, ' Surely the origin of philanthropy, as we call it now, is earlier than the introduction of this religion.' ' Not so,' said he. ' Doubtless in the history of the Jews and Moslems up to the present day, and even amongst the heathen of old time, there are to be found many isolated in- stances of self-devotion for the sake of others 28 TFIE NEW PO uncus. of the same family, tribe, or commonwealth. But Christian philanthropy is not content with this. In the first place, it has so far en- larged the sphere of human sympathies as to hold up as objects of the compassion and help of the faithful all suffering humanity of whatever nation or creed under heaven. The good Samaritan knows of no such dis- tinctions. The mere presence of need, whether bodily or mental, suffices : he will not pass it by on the other side. And besides this, Christianity alone can impel to action whole classes of people without discrimination as to age, sex, or station. Bearing in mind these two characteristics of Christian self-sacrifice, it is true to say, (3 Politician, that philanthropy is of purely Christian origin. The self-sacri- fice of heathens, Jews, and Moslems does not amount to philanthropy, as it is limited both in its area of operations and in its instruments. Or, again, if we pass from the origin of philan- DIALOGUE. 29 thropy to its development, we can doubtless find solitary instances of marvellous self-de- votion amongst other non-Christian men of our own day which are apparently the result of purely humanitarian motives. But of these it may be truly said that, in the first place, such a motive can evidently onl)^ appeal to a particular class of mind, from the limited number of such instances. It has no effect whatever upon the mass of mankind. And, secondly, the whole of the humanitarian creed is itself in its origin purely Christian. ' If you wish, O Politician, for examples of what I am saying, you have only to look at our modern philanthropical institutions — our hospitals, dispensaries, asylums, almshouses, universities, and schools. All of these owe their origin entirely to Christianity, and are for the most part conducted even to this day by Christians. Shall we not say, then, O Politician, that true philanthropy without limit 30 THE NEW POLITICUS. either as to its objects, or as to the class of persons whom it impels to action, is purely Christian, at all events in its origin ? ' 'I must confess it,' said I. After this we looked on at the scenes for a while in silence, and then he said : 'We have seen now many examples of this form of self-sacrifice ; let us turn and see the devotion of those who, being convinced of the necessity and truth of this religion, have devoted their whole energies and even their lives to teach others what they themselves believe, or to stand forth as living witnesses of its truth.' Then I looked and saw hundreds of men, women, and even children, pass across the scene, who had devoted their whole lives to preaching, teaching, and bearing witness to the Gospel of their Christianity, in their own lands, or in foreign countries. And this in spite of every form of torture and death, foul DIALOGUE. 31 climates, savage enemies, hunger, thirst, and nakedness. Many of them I had heard of before, but the significance of their hves had escaped my notice : Paul, Peter, Augustine, the nameless monks who converted the heathen in Europe, Savonarola, Wickliffe, Huss, Jerome of Prague, Thomas More, Las Casas, the two St. Francis, Dominic, Ignatius, and their many devoted followers in Europe and among the heathen in the East and West ; and even in quite recent times, Wesley, Whitfield, Gardiner, and Patteson. And many hundreds of men and women I saw engaged in works of love and charity, whose names I could not dis- cover, for the stranger told me that with their vow of self-sacrifice they had put off all con- nection with the pleasant world of sense, and even their names, and were known only as Brother or Sister. Here we interrupted the Politician, for up THE NEW POLITIC US. to this time we had been entranced by his stor}', and had sat drinking in his words with eyes and ears ; and one of us said, being urged on by the others : ' O Pohtician, we think that there is no need of further instances, for we all know many of these Christians, and have seen with our own eyes many marvellous examples of this self-sacrifice.' 'Very well,' said the Politician, 'I am not loth to be interrupted, and, like a pedlar, to be able to pack up my wares, now that you have taken your samples. But one thing fur- ther struck me as most remarkable in these men when first I observed them ; and that was that the reason for which they underwent this self-sacrifice seemed to be so inadequate. For all that they hoped for ^^'as that after their death they would be happ)'. And when they were asked upon what ground they based their belief, they smiled, and said that it had been promised by the founder of their faith, DIALOGUE. 33 and that they were convinced of it, though they gave no reason for their conviction. 'And yet another thing I noticed through- out the whole series of scenes that I saw, which was that the citizens of the States where this Christian religion prevailed were also more vigorous and enterprising in every way than other nations ; and that the periods in the world's history which have been most con- spicuous for religious enthusiasm have also been most remarkable for enterprise and dis- covery in literature, art, science, and commerce. 'And, moreover, I noticed that those who were most deeply imbued with this faith were also contented and happy, obedient to com- mand, and loving to others, notwithstanding persecution, adversity, and death. And why again 1 Why for this same promise. Because they say that in another world, hereafter, the inequalities that exist here, and which are in- curable now, will be redressed ; and therefore D 34 THE NEW POLITIC US. it matters not what they suffer here, ' for that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in them.' After I had seen all these pictures, and had heard the interpretation thereof, a great light appeared to fall upon me from heaven, and I seemed to have found the very political power that I was seeking when the stranger first accosted me. And I said to him, ' O Stranger, it has happened with me, as it often happens with us in this life, that I have been seeking afar off for a remedy which was l}'ing close under my eyes the whole time. I wanted to dis- cover a power which could either excite men to action or control them ; which could reach their daily lives, and provide a continual mo- tive for virtue and self-sacrifice, without earthly reward or punishment. And here have T found what I wanted. I sec that almost all the ercat DIALOGUE. national commotions which have sprung from small beginnings, and have revolutionised so- ciety, have been inspired by this religious enthusiasm in some form. Men under its in- fluence will triumph over the most alarming odds, and court the most fearful perils. One might almost say that the result of our show has been to prove that a nation which is fired by this enthusiasm will invariably outstrip one which is not, in every sphere of life. Is it not so, O Stranger .'* ' ' Certainly,' said he, ' when the enthusiasm is disciplined and orderly.' ' And moreover,' I said, ' and this is the magician's rod that I was seeking, this Chris- tian religion is the only power which has ever urged men and women, in any consider- able number, to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others in works of love, peace, and goodwill. 'Yes,' said he, 'there will always be many impostors, who think to get praise for 36 THE NEW POLITICUS. themselves by pretending to be followers of this sect, when their heart is far from it. But, speaking of the real Christians, I think you may say that wc can prove from history that they alone have, in any considerable number, realised this peaceful habit of self- sacrifice.' 'What manner of power is this,' said I, ' that even those passions of man obey it which no earthly reward or punishment can affect.'" When I said this, the Stranger smiled and said, ' O Politician, you have not yet truly analysed the causes which impel men to action or restrain them. Does it even now seem strange to you that men who thoroughly be- lieve that an Omnipotent Being, who holds all the destinies of the world in His hand, vouchsafes them His protection, should be more courageous than those who think that they have no defence but in their own arm ? Is it strange that men who prostrate them- DIALOGUE. selves before that Being who they beheve will some day judge them for their deeds com- mitted upon this earth, and mete out fearful punishments or ineffable rewards, should hesi- tate before asking His sanction and help for a cause which they feel to be unjust or ignoble ? Is it strange that men who thus by prayer are continually referring their actions and thoughts to the highest of all imaginable standards, should act more nobly, uprightly, and kindly than those who apply no test to them but that of their own wishes ? Or, when men believe that they and the whole world were in danger of everlasting punishment, and that that same Being, of no necessity, but out of sheer kindness, gave up the position of God in Heaven to come down upon earth and undergo ignominious persecution and death simply to save them from that fate ; that He has said that the only return which men can make to Him for all this kindness a8H047 38 THE NEIV POLiriCUS. is to try and imitate Him — is it strange that, penetrated with a behef in this debt, and this only price that can be oftered in repayment, they should be willing to sacrifice what, to them, must appear of little worth in compa- rison ? Is it strange that one writhing in mortal pain should be comforted by the thought of endless rest and peace after death ? Or can the undoubted ills of this world be alleviated by any other antidote ? Is it strange that men who read in a book (which they believe to be immediately dictated by God Himself) that they must submit them- selves to the rulers that be, and love their neighbours as themselves, should be better citizens than those who have no guide but the natural appetite of man ? Is it strange that a religion which promises to those who obey it everlasting happiness, such as the imagination of man cannot picture, should offer to us in this chequered existence a mo- DIALOGUE. 39 live for good stronger than any mundane or utilitarian ideal ? Is it not manifest that it must be so from the constitution of the human mind ? Is it not manifest that it is so from the facts of experience ? And yet would some banish this same religion from the State, O Politician, saying that it is an effete institu- tion, and one which no longer has power over men.' 'And yet I do not understand,' said I, ' the origin or nature of this power, though I cannot fail to appreciate its results. Perhaps it is a mere phantasy, that will wear out as the world rolls on, and as pure reason gains greater sway. Perhaps it has done its work in the world, and it is no longer necessary either to keep it established as a general ex- ample to the nation, or to teach it to the young in our schools. It is so unreasonable and seemingly so capricious.' ' Not so, O Politician,' said the stranger. 40 THE NEW POLITICUS. 'As long as the nature of man remains the same as it now is, so long will enthusiasm, and not the logical faculty, be the chief mo- tive to action, and the power by which great bodies of men arc swayed. So long will any idea which can engage the enthusiasm of men on its side be triumphant over the cold unsympathetic dictates of pure reason. This, as we have seen, is the lesson of history, but it has been also the conclusion of philosophy, ' Let me repeat to you an old-world stor}-, drawn from some oracle of ancient Greece, I know not whence, but one which is still fresh, though it was long buried beneath the earth. ' It is said that when man was first brought into the world, the Creator was at a loss to know how to compound his soul, and even- tually He compounded it of triple materials, in equal proportions.' He made it one- third of the soul of God, one-third of the soul of > Plato, Kep. ix. 5SS, 5S9. ; DIALOGUE. 4r a lion, and one-third of the soul of a serpent. Now, it has been said by a great philosopher of old time that all this is an allegory which aptly describes the existing nature of man's soul. That it is made up of three parts : the intelligence, which is the God -like element ; the enthusiasm, which is the lion-like element ; and the passions, which are the snake-like element. Of these, two, the God-like and the snake-like, are deadly enemies, and are always trying the one to vanquish the other, so as to make the man whose soul they inhabit their servant. But without the assistance of the lion-like element all their efforts are of no avail, because, being equally matched, the one influence exactly counterbalances the other, and consequently produces no action. Hence the constant struggle of each is to en- list the third or lion-like element on its side. This element is originally neutral, but can be persuaded, by much importunity, to ally itself 42 THE NEW POLITIC US. with one or the other, and the side which receives its support invariably prevails, and impels the man whom they inhabit either to noble and self-sacrificing or to base and selfish actions accordingly. ' Consequently, that philosopher affirmed that the one great end of both legislation and education is to try and work upon the enthusiastic side of man's nature, so as to en- list it on the side of the good instincts rather than the bad. That by this means alone could the generality of men be brought to seek that which is good, and avoid that which is evil, even at the expense of their own pleasure and comfort. Now, O Politician, though we may laugh nowadays at the idea of man's soul being tripartite in origin ; though we may imagine it to be composed originally of precisely the same material throughout ; still this ancient fable is no bad description of the modes under which the minds of men DIALOGUE. 43 present themselves for our observation. Whe- ther orighially homogeneous or no, it is certain that now (whether from long trans- mitted habits or not, we know not) the minds of men do present for our observation three distinct characters : the intelligence, the en- thusiasm, and the passions. Whether these are mere bundles of motives, differing only in order or arrangement, or actual distinctions in kind in man's mind, again it m.atters not, for the duty of the politician is not to inquire into the origin of his material, but to deal with it as he finds it. Now, the intelligence of man points out to him that such or such an action is for the good of his fellow- creatures, and that their general good is ulti- mately his good ; but the passions say, " Never mind the ultimate good, never mind the good of others : it is disagreeable ; choose rather present enjoyment, and let the future and the good of others take care of themselves. Let 44 THE NEW POLITIC US. US eat and drink, for to-morrow we die." Now, here is the task of the morahst and pohtician : to endeavour to find some power which can work upon the enthusiasm of men, so as to enhst it on the side of the intelHgence and against the passions. And have we not found, O Poh'tician, that very power, whether we consider it to be merely " a noble lie " ' or a stupendous truth 1 ' ' Certainly we have found it,' said I, ' and I agree with you that the Politician must be content to use his material as he finds it. He has to deal with the results, and not with the causes.' ' There is a wonderful agreement between us,' said the stranger, * in all this inquiry. Now hear this saying of another great philo- sopher of old time : — " Pure intelligence by itself can move nothing." ' - ' reuva7oi' ^pevSus : Plato, A't'/>. i. 414. ^ Ar. Ef/i. Nic. vi. 2, 5 : Zi.6.voia. aiiri] ov9ev kivu. DIALOGUE. Shall we destroy irre- 84 THE NEW POLITIC US. parably the living witness of the greatest moral and political influence that exists amongst us, without overwhelming reasons ? For remember, O Politician, that when once destroyed it can never be replaced. And after all, my friend,' he continued, ' what are the reasons which are offered for this act of Vandalism by its promoters ? ' 'So far as I have heard,' said I, 'their chief arguments are these : that the existing Church cannot propedy be called a National Church, because it is not the Church of the entire nation, or even of a substantial majority of the nation ; and that it is unfair to the ministers of other denominations that those belonging to the State Church should mono- polise all social and political pre-emin- ence.' ' We can reply to such arguments, or rather assertions,' said the stranger, ' first by an argument, and secondly by a rebuke. And DIALOGUE. 85 first let us ask such antagonists what proof they offer of their assertions. * Can there be a surer sign, we may ask, that the Church does represent the nation than the fact that it exists ? Coukl not the nation at any time destroy it if it were so willed ? Would it not die of inanition ? Surely, it is for our opponents, in the face of the fact of its establishment, to show that nevertheless it is not national and representa- tive.' ' Certainly,' said I. * But yet we need not insist upon our strict rights in such a cause,' said he, ' and we will undertake, if they will explain what they mean by representative or national, to show that our existing Church is both.' ' It is best to be scrupulous in an affair of such dignity,' said I. 'Well then,' said he, 'what do they mean by a Church being national or representative } 86 THE NEW POLITIC US. Surely they cannot mean that it must be an institution which everyone in the country approves of. There never has been or will be such a thing in this world. No one would dream of saying that the Government from time to time in office in this country was not both national and representative, although it is only approved of by a majority, and that perhaps a small majority of the people. Must they not mean by national — that which is ap- proved of by the majority of the nation .^ ' 'Certainly they must,' said I. 'But how are you to discover what proportion of the nation are adherents of any particular form of religious belief.'' For the opponents of the State Church have always stoutly refused to permit a religious census to be taken, and that would be the only reliable test.' ' I know,' said the stranger, ' that they show a little nervousness in this matter ; and the absence of such a census does make the DIALOGUE. 87 inquiry difficult. But so far as tliere are any statistics to be obtained upon this question at all, they all go to support what we should have imagined a priori from the mere fact of the existence of the Church — namely, that the majority of the nation, and a large majorit)^ are the adherents of this form of Christianity. If we look at the returns ^ from the schools, the cemeteries, the registers of marriages, the army and navy, and the workhouses in this country, where alone we have at the present time an opportunity of obtaining statistics upon this point, it is found that more than 72 per cent, of the total number of individuals are members of the Established Church. And when we consider that these statistics are compiled for the most part from the lowest stratum of society only, and the one in which ' See Report of Education Dcpt. 1871, c. 406; Burials, Session i860, Pari. Paper, 560; Reg.-GcneraPs Report, 1873; Army, Pari. Paper, No. 170, Session 1871 ; Nazy, do. No. 132, 1876; Union Workhouses, Paper No. 157, Session 1876. THE NEW PO uncus. the National Church has undeniably the fewest adherents, we must be convinced, from this calculation alone, that a large majority of the nation approve of the Established Church. ' Thus, so far as we have any facts to guide us, they disprove the assertions of our antagonists. But may we not further say to them this } If it is once admitted that it is a good thing that some Christian Church should be established in the country, it is obvious that we must select one of the forms of Christianity already existing for the pur- pose. In these days of multiplicity of sects, it is impossible to find a Church which shall represent all shades of religious belief. A really Catholic religion is impossible, and so we must be content with that which most nearly approaches to it. Now, it could not be pretended for a moment that any other sect or form of Christianity now existing in this country could by itself command a tithe of DIALOGUE. 89 the adherents which are numbered by our ex- isting Church.' ' Certainly not,' said I. 'And, moreover,' said he, 'there is no other form of Christian worship which is so representative in the sense of containing within its walls so great a variety of religious opinion. The extreme members of our Church differ very little in their opinions from Presbyterians at the one end, and from Roman Catholics at the other.' ' There is no other existing Church or sect which is nearly so Catholic,' said I, ' in this sense.' * Then our existing Church is both national and representative,' said he, ' in that it is ap- proved by the nation at large, and that it represents the greatest variety of Christian belief' ' It is,' said I. 'And, indeed,' said he, 'we might even carry the argument further and say that our 90 THE NEW POLHICUS. existing Church is national in another sense, as being the direct lineal representative— the self-successor, as the Latins would call it — of the original Church first established in this country.' ' Certainly,' said I. ' And, as such, is the natural heir and repre- sentative of the Christianity of the nation.' ' Most assuredly,' I replied. ' There has been no breach in the continuity of its succes- sion from the Saxon days.' ' So much, then, for our argument, O Poli- tician,' said he. ' Now for our rebuke. May we not say to those who complain that it is unfair upon ministers of other denominations that any particular form of Christianity should be established as the State Church, " What is your grievance .'' Do the ministers of the State religion command a monopoly of doing good .'' Do they prevent you from preaching and teaching, or making others virtuous and happy.'' DIALOGUE. 91 And if not, what do you complain of? Must they not answer that their real grievance is a jealousy of the social advantages of their brethren of the English Church ? ' 'They must,' said I. ' Then should we not reason sharply with such men,' said he, * and say to them : Is not your aim professedly one with that of the National Church — to promote the general good of the citizens ? And have we not shown that that good is best promoted by the mainten- ance of the existing Church ? Put aw^ay from you, then^ a contemptible jealousy of the worldly advantages of others. Are you not all casting out devils in the same name ? Be assured that, if you succeed in destroying this Church, you will never be able to establish another. And so the nation will be losers and you no gainers. Will not this be a fitting reprimand to men who profess to be anxious for the welfare of the State, and yet postpone 92 THE NEW POLITIC US. its interests to their own love of dignity and reward ? ' ' Certainly, O Stranger,' I said. ' Shall we say, then,' said he, ' that we have established this : that it is essential for the per- manent development of religion in the State that some representative Church should be recognised and established by law as the em- bodiment of national religious feeling, and as the means by which that feeling obtains utter- ance ? ' ' That we have proved,' said I. ' And this would be a good thing even if it had to be created ? ' ' Yes, O Stranger,' said I. 'And that still more is it true in a case where an ancient, national and representative Church already exists, carrying with it, by force of long association, the reverence and affection of many thousands of the citizens ? ' ' It would be madness to destroy it,' said I. DIALOGUE. 93 When I had said this the stranger paused awhile, as if to recover his breath, like an athlete after a course — for, indeed, he had become quite excited as his argument pro- ceeded. So I chimed in, to give him a little breathing time, and said : ' O Stranger, I find it very difficult myself to suggest any answer to this part of your argument, and so I must call in some enthu- siastic allies to help me. You know that we have some near neighbours and fellow-subjects called the Irish, very warm-hearted people. I believe that they gave the Government of this country no little trouble in your day — if I might guess at your date by your appearance.' ' I know them only too well,' said he. 'Well,' said I, ' I will summon them to my aid, and they will come in a compact body, I promise you, and will assert, as with one voice, that there was once a State Church established in Ireland, a fairly old institution, which never- 94 THE NEW POT.ITTCUS. theless did not command the reverence and affection of the Irish people ; but was hated by- all but a small minority of them with a deadly hatred ; and that eventually this Church was disestablished, and deprived of its pre-eminence. And they will say, further, that since this has taken place, not only the mass of the people are more contented, owing to the removal of a grievance, but that the adherents of the Church that was formerly established are far more active and enthusiastic in the cause of religion than they were before. What answer can you find to give to this formidable crew, Stranger } ' 'I am glad,' said he, smiling, 'that you allowed me a little rest before encountering these fresh enemies. For, from what I hear, 1 shall require all my powers of " staying," as I believe you now say on the race-course, if I am to avert defeat at their hands. How- ever, I am not unprepared for them, for I DIALOGUE. have — though, as you might say, " at a dis- tance " — followed this controversy as to the Irish Church with great interest. So far, O Politician, from the history of the Irish Protes- tant Church being an argument against the position that I have maintained, it is in reality a strong illustration of the truth of it. Have we not, above all things, laid stress upon the necessity of such an institution as a Church being the natural outgrowth of national feel- ing, because it is impossible to create national sentiment artificially 1 ' ' We have,' said I. 'And we adduced it as a strong argument in favour of our existing English Church that it was a truly national Church in this sense : that the reverence which attached to it was the result of the spontaneous sentiment of gene- rations of the citizens.' 'We did,' said I. 'Well,' said he, 'in the case of the Irish 96 1HE NEW POLITICO'S. Church, matters were quite different. It was never a National Church in any sense of the term, but was an exotic introduced with a complete hierarcliical organisation against the will of the people, w^ho were almost entirely- devoted to another and hostile form of Chris- tianity, and it was regarded by them as a badge of conquest, a yoke of servitude. Or we might go back to an illustration that we have used before, and say that the English Church is the natural heir of the Church originally established in the country when it first became Christian ; that, although it dif- fers now to a considerable extent in doctrine and practice from its original form, neverthe- less the change has been a natural one, prepared for, long before it actually took place, by a quiet revolution in the religious opinions of the people. But the Irish Church, on the other hand, was an intruder and usurper, artificially thrust into a scat of honour from which the DIALOGUE. 97 rightful owner had been dispossessed. The natural result of this is much the same as when a man, instead of leaving his property to his son, leaves it all to a stranger. When the latter comes to take possession he finds that his neighbours look very coldly upon him.' ' I quite understand your meaning,' I re- plied, 'Well, then,' said he, 'is it not true that the Irish Church, so far from being an instance against our position, is a strong illustration of its truth } Does it not exhibit unmistakeably the fact that national sentiment cannot be artificially created ; and that, therefore, when you find an institution which is regarded by many with sentimental reverence, it is much too precious to be destroyed } ' ' It does,' said I, ' most clearly.' 'And as for their second point,' said he, ' that the adherents of the Irish Protestant Church have been much more active and en- il 98 THE NEW POLniCUS. thusiastic since it was disestablished, may we not say that that also does not in any way affect our argument ? In the old days the ministers of the State Church in Ireland were scattered throughout the country, without any regard to the religious opinions of the popu- lation to which they were sent ; and, conse- quently, in the majority of instances, they were like small garrisons in a hostile country, surrounded by deadly enemies, without either means of attack or prospect of relief. No wonder that when they were so scattered and outnumbered they were disheartened. But now that the Protestants have called in all their outlying garrisons and have limited the sphere of their operations to a district which it is possible for them to defend pro- perly with their existing resources, they natu- rally have taken heart from mere sympathy and companionship, and are prepared to begin a new campaign with fresh vigour.' DIALOGUE. 99 ' That is so,' I replied. ' In fact/ said he, ' in Ireland Protestants are only a sect, who were at one time arti- ficially thrust into the position of a State Church, contrary to the will of the people, and have now returned to their natural position.' ' Undoubtedly,' said I. * But their failure does not affect our Protestant Church in England,' said he, ' which is natural and not artificial, supported by the nation and not detested, and is by far the most numerous and powerful of all the Chris- tian communions in the country.' ' Now let us turn to our other opponents, O Politician,' said the stranger, ' those, I mean, who think that religion is a good thing, and that in some way an Established Church is a good thing, but who object to having, as they say, to submit their consciences and faith to secular control. And first let us say to them : Are 3'ou not mistaken, most worthy THE NEW rOLITICUS. gentlemen, in saying this ? Surely the State does not either prescribe or control the doctrines and practices of individuals. It de- fines and explains the doctrines and practices of the national Church, and it controls the persons who administer them. Let me il- lustrate my meaning familiarly, and do not laugh at me if I show a surprising ignorance . of business wa3^s, for in my day philosophers did not venture much into the city. But I fancy I was once told by some plump and substantial shades, who had lately left that great centre of commerce to join us in the other world, that in these days there are numerous associations for the sake of trade called Joint-stock Companies. That they are compelled by law to draw up and publish statutes which they call Articles of Association, by which the rights and liabilities of their members and officers are defined and con- trolled ; so that, for instance, anyone by study- DIALOGUE. ing the articles of a company can inform him- self at once of the exact limits of the directors' authority. ' Is that so, or were those business-like shades making fun of me ? ' ' You are correct,' said I. ' And further,' said he, ' that if any director exceeds the limits of his authority, he is liable for it to the uttermost farthing, and may be ejected from his office, and even impri- soned.' ' Certainly,' said I. * And yet it is no hardship upon him,' continued the stranger, ' because he knew when he took upon himself the office of director exactly what his rights and liabilities would be, and he need not have accepted the post if he did not like the terms upon which it was held. But on the other hand it is essential to the security of the public that they should know the precise power and THE NEW POLITIC US. authority of ain-onc holding himself out as a director of a company.' 'You are quite an authority upon company law,' said I. 'Well then,' said he, smiling, 'if it is not impious to argue from the affairs of Mammon to those of God, may we not say that it is just the same with reference to the control that the State exercises over our national Church ? It has certain formulae drawn up b)' the Church and sanctioned by the State, which prescribe the doctrines and the practices which are to be obsei"ved and performed by those who hold themselves out to the public as the ministers of the State religion. They need not enter the orders of that Church unless they please, but if they do, and by so doing make themselves directors, so to speak, of the national Church, they must not exceed their power, or they will have to be ejected from the Church or other- DIALOGUE. 103 M'ise punished. And there is no hardship in this, for they knew at the time when they took orders, both what doctrines and practices they would have to conform to, and what would be the consequence of nonconformity.' 'They did it with their eyes open,' said I. ' And, moreover,' said the stranger, ' it is very important that the public should be able to rely upon the ostensible ministers of the national Church remaining within the bounds to which they have agreed to conform.' * They have a right to expect it/ said I. 'The State then only steps in,' 'said he, ' in the interests of the public, to prevent the agents of the Church from exceeding their authority ; but it compels no person either to profess the doctrines of the Church or to remain within its walls against his will.' ' You have explained this very clearly,' said I ; 'it is almost a pity that you are not a lawyer.' I04 THE NEW POLITICUS. ' Oh,' said the stranger, laughing, ' I have had some little practice in that direction. But for these men who object to the State control of the Church: having hinted to them that their legal and lr)gical ideas are not exact, let us apologise to them if we have wounded their feelings by such commonplace illustrations as we have used, and make a very humble petition to them and say, as we said to our other opponents : The interests of the State demand such a control. Will you not, then, either sacrifice your scruples to that interest or else leave our national Church altogether .'' ' We must refer them back again to our show, and they will see there many scenes in which the absence of a State control over the Church has endangered the existence of the State. We will show them a time when the ministers of the Church professed obedience only to an authority resident in a foreign land. When that authority, having DIALOGUE. 105 absolute dominion over the convictions and consciences of men, tauf:^ht the citizens of this land that their first duty was, not to the country in which they lived, or to its Govern- ment and laws, but to the irresponsible com- mands of a foreign ecclesiastic. Nay, that authority even ventured, on more than one occasion, to proclaim to the citizens of this country that their sovereign was a usurper ; that it was lawful for subjects to depose and even kill their rulers for religious reasons — and that even in the case of one of our most wise and virtuous sovereigns. Can we permit an irresponsible power independent of the State Government, to wield so tremendous an influence over our citizens, and that osten- sibly in the guise of ministers or bishops of our national Church } ' ' Certainly not,' said I. ' If this Church is to be a national Church we cannot allow her to turn traitor.' io6 THE NEW POLITIC US. 'And we might also sa}', might we not?' said he, ' that this is a reason, why, if possible, a national Church should be a Protestant Church. Because a Roman Catholic Church can never be independent of foreign control, and consequently its interests must often con- flict with those of our country. In short, it can never be truly national.' 'It cannot,' said I. 'We have only to look at the history of Europe to see that.' ' And as for those,' said he, ' v/ho because of this State control or for other conscientious reasons cannot bring themselves to believe the doctrines of our Church as declared by the State authority : we would not have them voluntarily to act a lie, b}^ pretending to con- form to that which they do not believe, but we will only implore them, even if they can- not believe themselves, at all events not to prevent others from believing. I think the)' cannot fail to be convinced that both Chris- DIALOGUE. . 107 tianity and the establishment of a national Christian Church is a good thing for the nation at large. And as they are for the most part philanthropical people, we will beg them not to destroy an institution which, whatever may be the theoretical premises upon which it de- pends, is of obvious practical benefit to man- kind. For, indeed, even our bitterest opponents cannot say that its doctrines may not possibly be true, or that it is impossible their own theories may be false.' ' Certainly not,' said I. ' Then,' he continued, ' with such men the certainty of practical result should outweigh the doubtful issue of theoretical problems.' I assented. * And, indeed,' said the stranger, ' we might further remind those who cannot bring their consciences to believe in the doctrines of our national Church, that at least the establishment of such a Church is a great bulwark against io8 IHE NEW POLITIC US. intolerance and bigotry, both within and with- out its walls. ' For, O Politician, if a man can regard a great number of others, whose religious views differ very much from his own, as, nevertheless, members of the same Church as himself, and brethren with him in faith, must not that fact alone tend to make him more tolerant and larger hearted than if he were merely a member of a small isolated sect ? Besides, the fact that men differing widely in their interpretation of ceremonies and articles of faith can yet administer the same sacraments and use the same services, is in itself a Catholic element in our existing Church, which must produce greater tolerance amongst its members than can be found in an\' re- ligious body whose doctrines and practices are rigid and uniform. ' Do you not think that if our existing national Church were disestablished and, thus DIALOGUE. 109 losing its bond of cohesion, were broken up, as it infallibly would be, into a number of petty sects, religious strife, bigotry and intolerance would be far more general and bitter than they now are ? And that to the incalculable harm and loss of the nation ; for while the sheep-dogs are quarrelling the flock perish.' ' I am afraid that such would be the case,' said I. ' Most men,' continued the stranger, ' are naturally intolerant, and that very often in pro- portion to the strength of their convictions. But yet words have a great power over them, and they will tolerate the views of others who professedly belong to their own communion, although they would reprobate them in strangers. 'And, again, there are some kind and loving souls who long for peace, and who de- light in the idea that in our Church men of ve'-y different opinions can with one voice give THE NEW POLITIC US. glory to God. Are we, then, to give a spur to intolerance while we check the curb of love ? ' ' Not if we are skilful drivers,' said I. ' And, remember,' he continued, * that the same bigotry which will be exhibited between the rival sects of Christianity will also be rife between those who are Christians and those who are not. * The garment of our Church may be made of various threads, but it is without seam — let us not rend it.' ' It will be useless in pieces,' said I ; ' and we have no similar material wherewith to patch the rent.' 'Well, then,' added the stranger, 'what more remains .? What further objections can anyone offer to our national Church } Have we not disposed of all our adversaries } ' 'Not ciuite,' said I, 'for there yet remain some persons, very precise gentlemen, who will DIALOGUE. say that you are, upon your own confession, instructing the whole nation in a he ; and that you must not do evil that good may come.' ' Oh,' said he, laughingly, ' I will put these puritanical gentlemen in a dilemma. Either Christianity is true, and therefore manifestly good : or it is false, and yet it is good. ' But let us first admit candidly,' said he, * that if the rulers of the State were to under- take themselves to teach the citizens, as a vital and essential truth, a religious creed which they did not believe, they would in all proba- bility fail. Because it is notorious that a man to be a successful teacher must himself believe in the principles which he teaches ; for other- wise he is half-hearted, and his disciples readily perceive it. But we do not suggest that the rulers should themselves inculcate these truths, but that they should merely give free scope to the exertions of those who believe them. THE NEW I'OLITICUS. There are plenty of willing labourers for the harvest, and all that they ask is that they may not be impeded in their work. Leave us only our existing appliances, say they, and we w^ll ask no more. Surely these are earnest men who believe in what the}' teach, and will con- vert the ignorant. Do not they deserve en- couragement .'' ' ' I think they do,' said I. ' In fact, they merely put in a plea for toleration.' 'Just so,' said he. 'And then, again, we must remind these opponents that, although we have been treating of this Christianity as though it were a " noble lie," still neither they nor anyone else has ever proved that it is so. Those philosophers who have most kcenl}- criticised this religion can say no more than this : " It is not proved ; therefore, we believe it to be false ; but it may possibly be true." 'And, indeed, were it necessary for us to do DIALOGUE. "3 so, I would remind those who say that the Divine origin of Christianity is not proved of a very old story : ' Once, in the first beginnings of this faith, there was a solemn council held by its enemies to deliberate as to how they might put an end to it. And one of the council, a doctor learned in the law, rose up, and advised the council not to interfere with it. " For," said he, " all such devices, if they do not come from God, will come to nought of themselves ; and if this one does not come to nought of itself, mayhap you may fight against God in trying to suppress it." ' Nay, even one of their own modern philo- sophers ' has said, not once, but many times (for he is fond of repetition), that the only way of knowing what is the will of God is by considering what conduces to the greatest happiness of the greatest number of mankind. ' Austin, yiirisprndcnce, I 114 THE NEW POLITIC US. ' Now, if we accept either of these tests, should we not have to admit that the strong probability seems to be that this religion comes of God ? ' ' It would seem so,' said I. ' But even if it is not true,' he continued, ' it is nevertheless good, in that it makes our citizens good. ' Do you ever remember to have heard the account of the death of a celebrated philoso- pher amongst the Greeks, who was condemned to death by his countrymen for teaching blasphemy about the gods ? ' ' I think I know the man you mean,' said I. ' It was .Socrates the son of Sophroniscus.' 'Just so,' said he. 'Perhaps you may remember that when he addressed his fellow- citizens for the last time after they had con- demned him to death,' he said that he forgave them their share in his death ; for, indeed, it ' Plato, ^/. Soc. 40, 41. DIALOGUE. 115 would be more grievous to them than to him ; that he had endeavoured all his life to be a good man, and that it mattered not to a good man what kind of existence he happened upon after death. For that, in any case, his journey to the next world would be no ill-faring. Whether he should go to join the ghosts of the departed in Hades, as their religion taught, or whether death was but " a sleep and a forgetting," a man who had lived a life of self-denial and virtue upon earth would fare well all the same. For if the account given by their religion were true, the spirit of the good man would fly off to join the ranks of the heroes of old time, there to share in their ineffable converse. Whereas, if death was but a sleep, should we " dream perchance," the dreams of the good man would be sweet and his rest sound. So that, in any case, whatever might be true of the life after death, it must be all the better with a man hereafter for his Ii6 THE NEW POLITICUS. having been good and self-sacrificing in this life. That no real evil can happen to a good man in this life or in the next. ' Now let us apply this tale to our own case, O Politician ; and say to our opponents that our citizens will not know whether our Christianity is true or false, until after their death. So that, at all events, they will not be acting a conscious lie while they live. If Christianity turns out to be true after all, then their everlasting happiness will be secured if they have obeyed its precepts in this life ; but even if it turns out to be false, and life after death is something else from that which Christianity teaches, still, having been true followers of it during this life, and having been good and self-sacrificing, they will be a blessing to the State while they live, and when they die, whatever may be the condition in which they may find themselves, they may be confident that in no case can it be otherwise than well DIALOGUE. 117 with them. And, after all, the great object of the politician is to find some power which will make the citizens virtuous and self-sacri- ficing in this life.' ' Certainly,' said I. ' May we, then, conclude,' said he, ' that the object of our vision is accomplished } That you have found the power for which you have sought so long } And that the arguments of its adversaries have not prevailed against it 1 ' ' We have,' said I ; ' and I am entirel)- satisfied with our conclusions.' When I said this, the stranger smiled cheer- full}', and stretched out his hand as if to bid me farewell. But when his hand touched mine, a sudden darkness and heaviness over- came me, and I sank upon the ground in a deep sleep. And when I awoke I found ni}'- self in the place where I was when the stranger first accosted me ; and he and all his show had vanished away. Ii8 rilE NEW POLITIC US. At first I could scarcely remember what had happened to me ; but as my faculties returned all that I had seen and heard rushed vividly upon my recollection. Though, even now, I seem to doubt whether I saw and heard in truth, or did but dream. But whether it was a waking or a sleeping vision, its les- sons remain the same. 'And now,' said the politician to us all, ' I have detained you too long already ; and I, for one, shall be scolded if I remain away from home any longer.' So saying, he bade us good-night, and de- parted ; and we shortly dispersed to our several homes, pondering deeply upon all these things. Thus ends my talc. Let me briefly re- capitulate the argument that I have outlined : — (A.) That it is manifest from historical ex- perience — RESUME. 119 1. That disciplined religious enthusiasm is the great motive power which makes a nation successful ; 2. That the Christian religion is the great motive power that causes men to sacrifice themselves for the good of others, and thus makes a nation virtuous and happy. (B.) That if this was not manifest from history, we should have expected it to be the case, ct priori, from the known constitution of the human mind. (C.) That, therefore, religion and, more especially, Christianity, is an important factor in politics, and at any rate cannot be ignored. (D.) That the influence of Christianity is uniformly good, and that in the most impor- tant national and individual interests. (E.) That it produces an effect for good which no legislation can produce, and that nothing but itself has ever been known to produce. THE NEW PO uncus. (F.) That, whether true or false, Christianity must do good and cannot do harm to anyone either in this world or the next. (G.) That, therefore, the politician's duty, ivlictJier Jic believes it to be true or false, is to develop and utilise it. (H.) That, assuming Christianity to be good for a nation, it is essential that it should be embodied in some definite national Church — 1. As a visible rallying-point and example for the national faith ; 2. As a means of national devotion ; 3. As a means of national control over a very formidable political power ; 4. As a bulwark against intolerance and bigotry. (I.) That, this being so, if we did not find a Church established, it would be wise and statesmanlike, if possible, to create one. (J.) That, a fortiori, it would be madness to destroy a Church already created, and which RESUME. 121 has been invested by the veneration of ages with a sentimental power over men's minds, which can never be replaced if once destroyed. I have also endeavoured to suggest an answer to the various objections that are urged against the existing endowment and establishment of the Church. They most of them stand or fall with the original position — namely, that the object at which the Church aims is one which is all- im- portant for the welfare of the citizens. If this is established, the argument drawn from the jealousies of other denominations is hardly deserving of a serious answer. I have purposely avoided suggesting (ex- cept in one place, which does not affect the general argument) the truth of the doctrines upon which Christianity is based. But I hope I have, at all events, sufficiently indicated the effects of Christianity upon men's lives and conduct, as historical and psychological, and THE NEW POLITIC US. not as theological, phenomena, to convince any- reasonable person that, whether it be true or whether it be false, our national Church can be shown to be based, as I said at the out- set, upon a political expediency amounting to a necessity. The showman of my dialogue has pro- bably been recognised by his well-known aphorisms as Francis Bacon. I chose him for the character because I belie v^e that the bitterness of the controversy between religion and secularism is chiefly owing to two causes : — 1. Want of definition of the object of the inquiry ; 2. The neglect of historical investigation. To call men's attention to these two preliminaries of philosophical discussion was Bacon's greatest achievement. To anyone who looks back over the field of time, and sees that almost all the most RESUME 123 vivid and dramatic incidents in the world's history, even in classical times, from the days of Polycrates of Samos, or Decius Mus and Curtius, down to our own, have been in some way connected with religious emo- tions, it may seem strange that in these days it should be the habit of a large class of controversialists to ignore religion as a political power altogether. Francis Bacon would have taught them better. He would have led them to look at the world's history, and from that record learn for themselves the lesson which he deduced, and which I have taken for my motto. * The human intellect is not all of pure intelligence, but receives an infusion from the will and the emotions.' LONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISVVOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET A LIST OF C. 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