University of California • Berkeley THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA /^^ GIFT OF Reverend Harold H. Kelly Jk'-X'" -^ • i^fi & 5««. r«r l^' ^ . - ' t ^ a j^ i m iMiw m N* 1. is Dieiricfj, vl)ar-'{opd ofSr^- Bant CBai on Bis deaiB^Bed Bes; ^aiere iBe ^)oice ofpovDerxVassii/led Jind closed iBe eagle eyes^ O friedpicB, Coanf ofVeBamavd, Ml) Rinswan irue 7 saiiB Be, VBpee iBivgs of price I Bad from Qod; NovU deaCiBou "^iiB iBesc iBvec J\.s iBoa sBaB Bopc in iBe T)&y ofDays ZBy god sBaB'deaf^BB iBee'\ e spa^e, and died, and Cefra^ mund W<55 harden ofi6e /and, Audi fie oifiepje^ers hVainJfiai Deaifi Had^i'Oen into fiis Band. nd one vl>as S/sa, iBe vl/6ife maid, Cffe dead Da he's daagfiier sf}e^ And QcHfried one, ifie CiUfk BroiBep CBai pfhyed Beside Sep Rnec, W8om Vefhamand fbp Bis Bege-^fopd Masi ser\lc in days io Be. ai Orirad ifie \iliicfir--vi/ife, cRiCd of iSe Sea --flings, VRe fiaug6ty, ifie crafty, Tefha^ mund^s spouse, Ne\ler again io Be vUife of a \JassaC Re\Jer to BvooH a nexU Queen in the cast(e, SomBrely Vo\x/5. Cbansed oftfefTsBe takes. Many a BfacR spefTsBe makes— DieiricB,0 DieiricB,\l/oe to tBine Hoasel I f ii llU l f lii HH i W 'l !W >i W^ |(i M l C>. I WJl| i . i « l UiCd s\Uans (bng fop t/ie peedy CaRes In me faip Cand ofS^dfant And saidng, s^aiffng fhym ifie jSoatB Vhey secR iBeir sammcp fiaani. And ihc aip is Coad vi/iifi yilinno\iling \ilings And cries pe^cpBepani. 9 ° nio ifie vl/oods one mopn of May Co Hear ifie smafT Birds sing die Princess S^fsa iaRes Ber vi^ay; JKnd io fier govl/n doiR cttng "Cfie (iiiCe BroiBer, BRiBe and gay, VQBo dances do\^n iBe v(/ood(and vUay JKnd sBoais for joy of Spring, ^^^^S3S383I^^^^S383 r^feq?«3casB=;ssg» %-gss:=55rg si R 3ggsa?^^ ai Orirad from Bev pafhcc iovUep Slic mapR'd i/ie flippy pair -■- )SRe fias fUing ficrgoCcL comB io ihc groand j\nd (bos'd Ber rmJen Bam SBc Bas fTang Bev^ofd roBe io iBe groand J\nd siripped Bar Body Bare, HB fern-- seed juice from Bead io fooi jShe Bas siain*d Ber fair Body, VBen foriB upon iBeir ivacH sBe goes, 0j\nd ne\/ep a souCmigBi see VOBai turned iBe sunny air so cofd WBen sBc passed inyJisiBfy, 6&^,-'2g^sa8»gzs^5a2z^'''5gao''gBa^^gssjKag;'^feag3^^ ^ :?t,.' '< 1 * :«©««j2Z^?=fS^^3a^»(aHBS.*iS3S£rtiD@?i^a'feO[-- ^^O^^^S^gssesss::^ Been tfiaiyoa Basic as if in fear?'' '*Ofi, I y5aVc Been in iBe ofd oaR^-^i/ood "tfiai Borders iBe reedy mere". Bfsa, Bfsa, vl/Bai Ba\Ie yoa seen VBai iarns yoar cBeek so paCe?^' 'NougBi Ba\le I seen, nougBi Ba\/e I seen, ^ui Barken io my iaCe! y ntid £roifier QoHfried \Ucni "Copfhy in ific \(/oods \i/iiH rve; He Hid Him By a flo^i/cving Worn *A.nd cafled in cfiiCdisfigCcc o fiai I sBoaCcCfincf Bim neVer j\ncfso, \(/i{B pCayfaCpain, j^l^} I soagfii fiim fiere, I soqgfii film Were, A^a JKncC meant io seeR in Vain-- JiCasI ancfvi/fyen 1 haCy soagfit I soag/it him shfTin \/ainV' Hey fiaVe searcfiecfifie w/oocf from encfto encf ^ai noikwg coaRfiBey see Sa\/e fiere ancC again a lUtCe 6ircC Zhai fCitiecffrom iree to iree. 6ey BaVe cafTed 6is name from side to side ^ai noi fling coaCd^iBei) Bear SaVe ifie Wifd^svi^ans rustfing in i6e reeds VBai fringed^iBe sifter mere. ECsa, Efsar Ortracfspa^e, '*So fhir tfioa art to see^ V/ye foafer is ifiy ffidcfen fie art "^ith stiame ancfireac fiery! Cain, sfain Hast ifjoa ifiy [iiife 6roifier VBai iBoa sBoaCcTsi reign a Cone, Or sei i6y secret paramour Upon DaReDieiricti's t/jrone!* ■ n J Hen CeftamuncT Bade seize i6e waicQ Ufjat sfie in Bonds sBoaRfde UniiCifie Boar \sJfien sBe sBoufd siand^ ^efore iBe princes ofiBe (and J\nd^ cCear Bev name, or die. / ^-I? iJ^I^ ¥:a ^ i 1 i _^^ g| A ^^y->'„, ., . 3 m 1 '^^^H ^^^H ^^^H ^IH ^^^^^^^^1 ^^^1 ^^^^^^^^— l^^l ■ ml. 1 " r ^|h| j^^B^^^^I ^H^H HHI^B^^I ■■'^ y" ' / \ 1 j J L m n ^t]f Ojc Oatuti of £)a;y . :>! ^ ..^..^1^: green hifTmoanis from tf)e river's edge V^fiere iBe SctieCdi fCov(/s idroagfi ifie signing sedge. On iBeBiCT-^iop siands one oCdOak-tree J\nd spreads lis toxiering canopy; J\. sacred^ pCace from ancient dags, ^Ben aCTmen deemed tBai in iBe maze Ofmarmaring feaVes and^viritBen BougBs j\n o(dl eariB^mighig Cjoddid Boase. Mor migBi, BeneaiB iBai sacredsBade, Or virong Be done or fafieBood^said! n ifiai fair meacTBeneai/i the Vree ZTiere siands fyingHenr^ ofGermany, JKuif rournf fli m many aSaxonLorcT Leans on Bis Cong ivJo-BandecfsworcC Grim vs/ar^-dbys, idey, ifiai frow/ning sioocf JKncCiBoagfit on many a fieCcC of Bfbocf, ^Bere Wose Brow/n many^dintecC s\>Jorcfs HacfBeCcf ai Bay iBe ffunnisB BorcCes^ ^Bife in^raBani these noBfes gay VJBo fBrongecCifie fCo\s/€ry mead today aniecC ^ncf ha^£ed^ ancfiooR smafT Bcecf Of Cfirisiencfom^ s most Giiier neecf. V/}us, arwecT and angry in itie [and' Stands no\s/ Kjng Ifenvy, to demand^ ^fjtf^ ofafTCfirisiian lands aCone, Ho Banner ofJt)ra6ani had^ffos^/n J\.gainsi tBai surge o/ lust and'fiaie ^fiere, at tfte empire's eastern gate, 5ii(T master of t fie Gfoody sod^ VHe German fieCd^the fand' for CXocf n itiai fair meacTGeneaifi ihe Vree UHere siands tying Henry ofGermany, JKnif rouncT fiim many aSaxonLord^ Leans on fiis Cong iw/o- fiandecC sw/orcf. Grim War-dogs, i/iey, i6ai frow/ning sioocf JKncCiBoagfit on many a fieCcf of 6Coo(C, ^6ere iBose Sross/n mang-^cfintecf sw/ords HadBeCd ai Bay ihe ffunnish hordes ^ ^fiife in!Qra6ant these noBfes gag VJBo fBrongecf the ffow/ery mead today aniecC ancC Ra^Redy ancCiook smafT fieecT OfCBrisiencfonfs most BHiev neecf. V/jus, arwecf and angry in ifie Cand" Stands no\J Kjng ffenry, io demand' ^By^ ofaCrCfirisiian Lands alhne. No Banner of^jrafant /ladffovJn Against tfiai surge of last andfiaie ^fiere, ai the empire's eastern gate, fSiitT master of t fie GCoody sod V fie German fiefdihe fandforCXcd aRc ansv^er. Count of Cef= ramancf/' Vfianders King Henry ifyen "Wfiy Basi tfioa sfiam'cQ iBoa ancC iBy foPR, VBe name of CBrisiian men ? Spa^e FriedricB Coani of CefrdwancC "Wi^^/ tree sBaffyiefcfWee fruit, ^Ben a secret t/}ing, an eViCifiing, Is gnawing at tHe root? <^^^ n Boncfs cfoifi Princess ECsa fie For marcfer foafTy cfone Upon fier BroiBer, Ber (iitfe BvoiBer, Da/ce DieiricB'S onCy son. ^ai no confession Vs/ilT she make, JKncf^itness ifiere w/as none. ncCsome WoalcT /idle Ber to tfie siaRe, ^ncfsojne WoalcfspeaR fier free -- AjjcCI fear me ai eacfi oifier's iBvoais Ere Cong oar sys/ords sBalT Be-- CBe sWords \\/fiicB iBoa w/oalcPsi Bd\/e as cfraw/ For Bonoar ancC CBrisieniier lie Kjng, He siis GeneaiH ifie Dad JKncf BigB aBo\'efiis fieacC VHe ShiefcCofJasiice He H^iH naiCcf- ''Sritig forth ilie MdicCrfie Micf CHen forth ide vJhite maicf^Csa came, ^iih the spears on either hand] jKncC stern ty to her spaRe the Ki^g^ i vf princess of i/ie Cancf, By penitence sfiad GCacRest gaifl ^e iarned'asw/fiite as snoxK/- VSen standing in ifiis 0o(y p(dce^ S^peaR as tfioa stood^si Before God^s face. If iftoa fiave sinned or no!' <^ ft si fence felTon iBe armecf iBrong, JKncfsiCeni siood'iBe Maicf, Nor (boRecTsBe in King Henry's eyes, ^ut gaz'cfapon ihe sarmner sRies, Smiffng ancC unafraid] S ^^ t-api ancfiencCer grew^ fier Cooji , ncCifien afbad spaRe sBe-^ D /\7/?9^ a champion Waits We Boar Zo taRe my part WiiB gocfn£e poyx/er, .AncTmy Deffv/erer Be, In dreams I saw/ Birn; si(\/er-Brig6i His jew/etrd armour sBone, His sxvord^Was as a Beam of (igBt, His crest a siB/er sv/an, 'He is myL ordl Be is my King, JKnd^Bi^ iilTdeatB am /. Come/^icior, Lord", iBe Boar isnear- OB Bear tBy poor maicBs crgf' fien spake tfieUorcTofCefi ramancC Ifer BroiBer sfie fiatfi sfain, Jigdinst iBe vi/orCcf maintain. I fffng my gage upon iBe ground)^ ^(b\i(/, hampj ancC Cei as s^ee If sBame sfiafTpricR her paramour Co dare We (ist^ M/iiB meV K?sa«»vaa«ai.V(!i, o once iRe ^ifOer hampei AncfafTiBe ifirong x^dS siifT, S^i ihtxyagfi iRe sedge iRe river ^igRecf VRai ffovc^'cf ReneaiR iRe RifT. Jincfiys/ice iRe siR/er irampei Riev^-- AndeacR man seew'cfio Rear CRe mCcf noies of a fairy Rom Make ansvl/er faini ancfcCear. ncCifirieeyoB ifirice ihe irampei JKncCiBen ihe si fence BroRe^ JKncC a sBoai v^eni up from itie (is- iening crov^cf J\roQncC tfie ancieni OaR, Tor a fair ancfvc^onUroas iBing ifiey sa\U Come db\i/n me scinffi stream ^ Ancf first fa r^ off ancC indisiinct H sBone, a siCVer gleam. ^^ ^^m *<^ ^^ ^^s ncCifien ifiey sa\S/a snovC^^iie svi/an Come cfrav^ing cfovi/n iBe Hde *A /7///e foat of pear Cy sReen, J\ncfa state Cy Kjiigfii tfiat sat tBerein, Jincfseem'cfits coarse to gaicfe, ffe stepson s Bore --fie mounts tBe BifF- JKncfto ihe Oak Bas v(/on -^ VBe sandgBt on Bis silVer waif Flames BacR, anotBer san. ?ZZ&Sae2S^SBZi^ro^g^sssS^^^SSSSSS2^^^S ^=^3^^otai,g^i^»ar'«309'g=£s^'»Sa:^a5^SB3e3sa :^ ^ Siranger! spaRe {Be yilondering lAncf ari ifioa come io flgfii For Princess EQ^a av(f Ber cause? CBenGocC defence i fie rigBtf '!A.n(f if ifioa conquer, ifiine sfie i>, j\n(f ifioa Da^eDieiricB'iS fieir-^ J)ui firisfi ifig name ancfnofile race ^Cis meei ifiai ifioa decCareV Kinglmacfe ans\l/er ide sirange I^nigfit Of noBCe BfoocT am L My father raCe;sf in a gofden fancC v^ eueaifi a fairer sHy . '*^ai if ifii^ pare ancTgaififessMaicC WifT choose me io Be tiers. Here sfiaffl reign aniifl die, AncfiBee in Bonoar ancffeady MsrifTfoCTa^io iBe\(/ars. ei kno\l/ ihai in iBai CancT of mine \^fiere fier cry piercecC io me J\re fayji/sifjoa may';si noi comprehencf, JKncf ihing^ of mystery, Co one afone may I cfecfare My name ancTvi/fience I corner Vfii^ secret if my Bricfe shafC s^ek \sftien I Jfja\/e Borne her fiome 1 / must Be hCcffYei in iBai Boar We pari for eVermorC'-' A. \/ast, resisifes^, mysiic paWer SBafTBaCe me from my BricTaC Bo\(/er JKncfio my [ancT restore. Csa, \(/ifi iBoa Be faiiBfaCiBenJ /r ii enoagB for Wee Co Rno\(/ iBai in iBine eVifcfay I BearcC iBy cry from far aWay, JKricCcame io sei iBee free?" y^i^Vioar ancff^orcT^'criecfLCi^a iBen \sfBai recRIofiBy race? ffide as iBoa Wifi hlTas iBoa \l/i[i, CBe mysievy of (By grace/'' 6e irampeis soancC, ifie d^i^ are sci, A.ncf'neaiBfCwg Henry's iBrotie Coani FriecTricfi ancCihe ^iranger Knigtii meet face io face, a Cone. CBe BrigBi BCacfesv^aVe, the BrigBi sparR^ ffy, CBe cBampions tramp ancf reef, JKncf sBriCr ancC cfeadCy ring^ iSe cry Of sieeCon smiiien sieeC :^^^^qfr»3yjg?ags^S3g^ a^g?r;lH.'^^"'J_;ZJ..-.J^sSa^y&:l:.■..■g^ja3K^^a ^«y'^:■T^'^;^■::A.;;: .^i.;^*^^ mi, v.- ^^^C'^g«g^-'>a^^^'2^»£8sg^g!aa^itnt3tg«^^ g Jv^> t=va^u M ; j^;3j;a^7; pag5^y?^ 5?gafg?^^^?s^ ai soon io eariB is FriedricB UnBeCm'cf an(C paCe fie ffes^ King Henry siaris up in His pface: '*NoW siay {By hantf^ Be cries, ''Viciorioas t^igRH thy cause is^on. Now/ mercy do ifiou grant Who shad iomorroW share a throne ^iih msa of ^rahani ! '' n€r now BrcaRs in iBejoyoaS cro\JcC JKncfi/ie Co\/er$, pacing sfoW, Miif fesiaC music ancfgCaiCcrie^ Varn fiancC in handl io go Vo W/jere dBoVe ifie {oWeredTgnie CRe ioWnsfoiR afTarow/ Leanecf cfoWn ioWaicfi ifie pomp go By, •A i Boas ancC year s^ ago. , ■*iW*WS'»tW»*W^i tift *»'ftMaw^ ■, V ifei-:^*'^ &•> ^ '"v? i ic y V-. \\ii ■■^■■^"i ■':M :i:C' f*^V .-'i-'C X,^;^>*, :^. ^n. "Wo T" -yp, \<^^^\ i\ tfe ',< ■^J¥\ i^iP^|Q3^r<& ■^*^. V' ^>s;r_,_-^7A Wq //^f ^IMV^ •vc ^^1W r»jit ■♦'/S/*\ ^ nr,?* r ~ ■«*» i.»"jiO«^ »J/*isi«»«-. -.v*v*''5i?*^-:ij^fc>^*i*-'«;?^ -i^t^^-^^Sg^f^^S^^^^ "■■"-7 ■^. ^.i-.^'js^y^^i^^^f^s^JtJf*. *^i II ■* afTiBy wisdom, \Joman? Bere w/e ffe! md^ i> iBe BridaCfeasi^ oars iBe midnigBi sBy, arderess I mainiain'cC fier, on i6y w/orcT^ Now my Coi ;> 6Ca$iing sBame, a Broken s^orxf.^' <)rim(ffiisse(frVfie fiencCfiaif} BeCp'tf lier.^iii We encC I^ noi yei: tia\/e faiiR a tiiife, my friencf! Trom ifih ihing of faery if We Wring fii^ name m^ ^BafTBe {Be faff. iBe fCigBi, iBe Biiier ^Bame. *^ «« rom ihis ihinq of faery ify^ cffance to /ieW 1]ai a shveef of sRin, no more sHafT ye View •A Rnigftl in flasfiing arms, so proacC so gay, ^ai a Wiitier^ff carCe, rfieamy-eyecC ancCgrey. Many a Rnigfii is Here ihai scarce ai Gocfs commanif Wba/cf £roo£ a nameless stranger, rafing in ihe fancf. o! SHr ifiy friends againsi ihe Boar ihai nares^ ifie s^orcC Mine to Vi/or^in E^fsa's fosom v^iifi a poison '-'Won/?" -- In ihe gCoom, iBeve ifiey ptoi, croacBing Idw, /Sammer stars across iBe nigBisBy saifing sCovJ. Summer s^eeiness, micfnigBi fresB- ness. rcancfiBem Breaifier^ fSiifT iBeJea (buSf ioriar 'cCBearis ^HB rancour seeiBe, rampeh ancf (frams-- O"^ ma^ _ sic pea Cs', VBe ioWn /> afC astir ^ V/ie ioWnsfofR throng ihe marl^ei-^ place Vo gaze on E^G^ay fiappy face. J^cCiBeKing ihat WafRs ^Hh her rampeis ancC draws-- ancC ifie noonday sun Gteaming on sifR and^goCcC. And" many a famous Rnigfii i> ifiere VfBoisfe pennon io iBe summer air h g(orious(y unrofledl fie merry mimireCsy goes on ^ CbWa r-ygryggs«iiasg^gi'»*.,;..,i .^'^:V;''^-<-- ■ -r^.t^^^'^sV; .|^£U»^^„.,. A'^^^X'^ mwm- aA//i ^^ mm v#»»-. M£'./ ^r i Z 'fei ito B LiiB ii iii i 01 n il v T» t A t m mi*%i»i ' i^^i^^^S^ixK^}i£i,-,*.i -^ai'tj^* '■'Ba.Ww.- Q)e Wraitl^0 cfS^euttk ■^fllfl m /^- ^¥>^ <''^i^ \\ W'*- Wee/ summer din; . . .oB, ,.5Wee//p ctbse/' Vhas $am iBe maids, sang ihe j;oaws of (Be Bow/er^ •AdiBinqs ifiai fiVe . . . noW seek repose, ^irds droop iBe vJiCd^^s/ing, in steep foCds iBe fCower. [TiRings ifie Brigfii daw/n ^evi roaming afar Ifome iarn ys/hen eVe Rgfiis fiev firsi SiR/er siar^ Sfieep io ifiefoCcC come, iRe See quits ifie clbVer, ChifcCCeans io motBer, an(fCo\/er io (bVer 'Home made for (bVe . . . fvagrani and^meei ere ioyoar Bvide^cBamBev guide We jjour feei. ^rigfii ming^s ofda^ . . . proa(C fiearh ancfgag, TriaQf ancC iriampfis ancf ioiCs^ Be ai re^. Here, l^ordofWar . . . Bere, Beaaiy's jtfigBi maRe^ t^oa orje^oB. jmayluyVe ma£e i)oa Blesi ! ' * (one, atone in ihe \/ act (iecf room Wficre one (amp Barncdin {Be fragravi a/bom ^rea$i io Bred si sioocCiBe v«L^2i^gss:8€acft^2^^«DW6Si?2Scss8»e^s^sa22e^^ ^^i3^^^^B3B3g3l T^oVe," Be saidl ''ifie dream Vi/as svi/eei CBai drew/ me io ifiese sifi/erfeei-^ JKndsiifT a dream ii seems io me, Vfie caff, ihe sirife, ihe ^/iciory, j\nd^ihejoy i£ai is andifiai is io Be!' Iffai vision ifiriffcCas in one day ? ^^efbVecC fy wfiai Hidiien lore IQiew/'^t ifioa my neecT, my dngaisfi sere — ZTioa, on ifiy far, encfianied shore? ** yn , JioagR iBai I Rne\v'\ We iS^Wan- Rniqht saicC 'Snoag/i, thai io gaarcTiBis precious fieacC TRe arm w/as sirong, ihe fieari \\/as aw-- ^uif^Csa criecf/'O Biiiev pain! Whai ifiFtey ca[fifiee hepce again? ' « I-.' <■*» --r»»***-l.>*W.': I: .-j^* «^.. ■^■"^^ '^' ""V^ « I i ..^'* jS^" # >lf not w/Bere. G£e a morning cfoucCin ifie fiedfs of air Vijoa cam^si in spfendbun ancfeVen so fS/iafri/ie cCai) yei come ys/fien I see ihee go, jAncffade from my sigdi RRe {6e sunsei gCow/? " \ V <:-^'*' /^' '■■«^.«?' \^ ^^% I i^-m r?k ^■--^Sii£;2^^^^^ia»&Skd^Si^Ki;s^^ii!4ls^ iv " tuuafit^^x/sf^^ spaRe fSBaCTvJe Se sandevedl aviiCiRoa BreaR c/je Ban iRai (ies on ifiee ancTme'''^ ^ai£^{sa crieif/'o/j, Biiierfy IfaVe I raecfifie promise I gave io ifiee^ ever io Rnov^ wx) BasBancTsname, cA^ iBoagB iBe w/orcfw/ere a Badge of^Bawe; NeVer io /cnoW of w/Bai Rin iBoa art^ In iBe year^ gone By io Bave no pari, Nor in one cCosecC cBamBer WiiBin ifijp Beari !'* a[e, pd(e fie sioocCfor amomeni ifiere. In fjis epes ifie cCawIn of a deacfCy fear: '£f}a'J fie criecC'*! cfiarge ihec stay 9 Or eVev ifie w/ovcf of doom ifioa saj;, Tjfje faiaCx^ovif ihai I mast o£ej;/ '* aima Caagh'if, an(f fiatf cRstraugdi Tfer (oxer io Her Breast sRe caagHi: Tlfih shape offCesRl can make mine ov^. Yea, mine fore\/er ancfmine a Cone, ^d/ ijfie spirit roams in a Worfcfanknow/n. /yaiPow/crs soever ifiai dave decree I sfja Cr^noWnoi mj; Cb\/e as tie ^noWs me, I 6ra\/e and'defy itiemlDecCare ihy race, ZlRy noBfe name andifiy dyslefCmg-pCacey JKncCiRe issue £e iiin God^sgoodgrace!'* iarR ancf agfiasi for a moment tHere tfe gaz'cC upon fier in damG despair, W^Ren I Hey fieanfifie ivamp of a Carrying iBrong Vfiai siorme(fi6ose echoing haffs aCong VBai fiacCecBoecC Cast io ihe 6ridkC;song. sf7oata eras/}, ancC (Be carVen cfoor Lay sBiVerecCarong iHe cBamBer ffbor, J\.ncf ifiere sioocTVefvamancC, svJotxC in fiancC JS.n(f6e6in(fBiin wanj^ a GaUd-GrancT j\n(fiBe iossing pCames of an armecC £ancC ^TW^f^aiV t^ i JUW * > ; f»K{9iiiS^i»*m >L i imm» ', » ai sw/ifi as a Baw/H fiaifiECsa fCoWn Co i6e coacfi WBereon ifie sWorcfw/as SJRe Baifi idrasi iBe did io ifte fian(C of fier Rnighiy JKncTihe BfacCe satig ctear as ii teapetf io Ggfii, JKncfihe cHamSev rang Wii/il ifie roar offigfii. ncCgaarcCs ancT RnigRh came irampdng in ViiriReKing^s Voice ihanderecC a6o\/e ide din, •A^ncf ifie Weapons sank ai ifie WorcC fie said} J a/ ^£e Brigfiiesi BCade Was Baified in red, jK^ndon ifie rasfies ifieCoani Cat; dead hen .si fence fefTfov a Ciiile ;space, A J ihey flung a c[bako'eritie iraiior'^ face. JKntC as iRey carriecf {Be deacf aw/av/^ One cfrewa curtain, and cofcfancfgrei) Siole in ihe figtii of ifie GreaRing daj;. .^*-^ Jfiis Words id^y fefT £ike i fie far-off soancCo fa minster GcfC: fQng, Vfiej) ca IT me -^Gy sei of sun Tarfience, far fience, mast I Begone-^ 'Ufie iroifi is BroRen, ifie dream is done. / ihe river's edge. By ifie andetii Vree Once more I BicT i^oa meei w/iih me, Z^Bere sBafCye Cearn w/Bere my CancT cfoiB Be, ^ncCiBe name iBai 'neaiB iBis eariBCy s^y No cBifcfof eariB wasi Rno\^me in;." s a ffoWer By ifie scyihe-^BCacCe sanderecC SoEfsa s\s/ay*(C Rev goQfen Bea.cC So droopecC so feff ai fier fbVer's feei, A.n(Ca Tide ofoBfiVion, cfeep ancCsw/ect SiiCPtfifie w/ordless cry ancfiBe w/idf Beari'-^Beai. --i.*i-c'j-r.»,r;'i •> ' 7«c;-i- •j.,->. -,^w '-rf ^■pr.-ip>r^;:r'V''>'r"r-;?-;'~fis-s^"T5^T~r5;y^^ ■ff \^ -K:m yr~- '-t< ///m, \ J i ^^.. r \v -o^: f^v ^^T'^^A^-^'^ T W g i ^• I «iA*#^'«vM-^V.rr ^ry^*<.:*; *■*:>» ■s-\*twAK^M»<-<'y « tr«» ^ -iiBi*iiw^^ x^' £J ..<3it:^-' *A J^ ,4'' X . I; i.»^„ • i, *,;■' O^eDoom i***^w« iTt ^T>- ;W:. 4 # ^'-tej."' ^;^-; V n 6 e King siis By ide ancieni free, Vfie sCo\>J jsiream f fowls BeneaiB^ A figBi \s/in(fwa/les lis rippCes ran JKfriw/wkdng in iRe noonday san j\lbnci iBe sHiningpaiti. ncTifiere are iBe fords affair ^radani, nA.ndmany aS^xon ford] j\nd^f^(ka 6i) King Henry's side'-- ^ai pafb and'sifeni siis ifie Bride JK.nd^aiis fier IbVer's xi^ord Be Svd, /^j; BroiRer is noi deacC^ CBanged By foaCCriracPs spelV ySBetier Be foancCin Monisa(\/di. VBere, BffiBe and hndedys/efC^ He \^aiis» Bai iBe appoinied hrm Once more vJiiB men io dWefT,"' He spake, and^^neaiB Bis sBado\sl'd Broy)J$ Vfie riVer-^face Be scanned; JKnda sBoai w/eni ap from iBe listening crovJd VBai iBronged aBoai iBe strand. or a fair ancCv/ondroa^ ifiing Come gffcfing dbvJn ifie siream-- JS^nd firsts far off and indishrrci li sfione, a sif\/er gCeam. JKndifien ifieysavJa snowJ^vJfiiie s^an Come dravJing dbWn iHe iide JK, tiiiCe Boat ofpearCj^ sheen, $ai none ihere Was ihai saie Merein, Or seem'd'iis coarse io guide. \ifi raffling p tames ii took {Be fancC, Reside ii RneePcC ifie t(nigfH:; A^ncC ienderfy Bis fiantf cdvessecf VHe siaie(i^ fieacfifiai soagfii Bis Breast •\n(C iBe srtovJy p Carnage BrigBL WiiB marmar^cf \^or(fs iBai none migfii Bear Trom iBe span's neck Coos' cf Be JK i\s/isiecCring of iBe Beaien goCcf'-^ JKncCas Be Ceap'cCio Bis feei, BeBoCcC! No sWan w/as ihere io see. is^as^s^ss^K "i ?5 ai in lis pface, a BCooming 6oy Sprang up, ancfs\\ifify specf TKr^Csa's arms w/ere roancffiiw casi, yKncTon his sisier's iender Breasi He hicT fiis ;sfiining fieacC ai paCe, of?, pdfe is^Tsd's cfiee^ JS^ncT w/icCe Ber siraining gaze JS.S ap We gdiieving fCooif afav ^6e mdvRs one woVing sifVer siar Med in iBe dancing BCaze. Hen atriarn fiomeVi/ardlvJiiR ifieirjoj) VEeir vJonder ancCiBeir {ears; .-v^^^V ntCaCbne once move ifie ancient Oafc lis giani sfiape aprears, ZBai sa\^ ifie Ceil, ifiai sav^ iEe franii, Vfiai saW iBe I{pman spears. cT b=-- nee more ii fooRs on a grassi) hifT THai 6are ancCsiCent (les, JKncf fiears iBe vJiCcf s\s/an cdCPiis maie JKcross ide em pip sRies, JKncCiBe riVer sighing ifivoagfi ifie sedge J\s siifT iodag ii sigBs. !^'l % I Jit,. I: I ' ', V X ■ft, r " >-■-. r fi^ w ^■•"rrSJJiv "' V'^J i., ■ tilCS'iii, •.— ^.l.^.k;^i^^i^\iA^ .-. ,■ •A^^.-^W.a-r'ft;^ .^:;i>:X™t;^:. .(S^^x^ 'r-r-.. "-^^iii "^>m^. v»t /PW'^^ c H- ■^ % ■I ?!•■. "^Kfv^^AE k if.' k f,: . Ei^^ I f /--.Si. '■..■' '■"f^ .•;^ ■f fl ^ ,-;':yvjf/ it*^ .f rit. ,-"::::'! 'j .i;.'^';tott*^'^' * S^iiii!!!™..swfl«!^. i n •I 1' vi. ^% VK «'.V^^ ^:. ^ f/ ■I .'•^i *-.. :;<^ ^l'-' V <-.'K^ c.; o^- % \>^ ^ ■.A ■r-^-'i^-'/f %«^ ''^:fC J±rJ£Jf^,siafJS.'2«^:x?^iSi;7;Sl^ .:^ ographs, is priniecCFi; off-Xei (lif}- ogvdpBy 6yVwceni^rook$,T>ay ancf Son$Gcf,ConcCon, ifiefoav^cofbur repvodactions are i he WorR ofVBe Dux^ngraVing Co. GcCGtksgoW. / n>4 -A