Directory for- the city of Hart-ford for the year 1799. by Prank De Wette Andrews. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES HARTFORD CITY DIRECTORY 1799 BUSINESS DIRECTORY NAMES OF RESIDENTS ETC. OF HARTFORD CONN. DIRECTORY FOR THE CITY OF HARTFORD FOR THE YEAR 1799 CONTAINING THE NAMES OF THE BUSINESS MEN AND OTHER RESIDENTS, THEIR O'C-UPATION AND LOCATION, WHEN KNOWN, TO THE NUMBER OF NEARLY EIGHT HUNDRED. COMPILED BY FRANK D ANDREWS SECRETARY VINELAND HISTORICAL & ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY MEMBER CONNECTICUT HISTORICAL SOCIETY PRIVATELY PRINTED VINELAND NEW JERSEY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND TEN P/of A/3 AS PREFACE. Hartford, an incorporated city since 1784, did not adopt the system of numbering its buildings until well into the nineteenth century, it is, therefore, difficult to locate the residents of 1799 on the few streets then within the limits of the city. Through advertisements in the "Courant" and "Mer- cury" we sometimes learn the advertisers place of busi- ness, as they frequently refer to some point from which to direct their customers, as the "Meeting House;" the "State House;" the "Bridge;" over Little River, the "Ferry;"the "Printing Office of Hudson & Goodwin" and other well know landmarks. These directions have been used in the following pages, as well as a brief list of the principal articles offered for sale by the advertiser. The first directory for Hartford was published in 1828, it contained about 2,000 names, many of them printed twice. The second directory and the first of the series now published, was issued in 1838, and has 1,625 names. This compilation for the year 1799, has nearly one- half the number. Hartford then had a population of about 5,000. This directory has been compiled from manuscripts in the writers possession, dated 1799, from the newspapers of that date and from other sources. There are a few persons in ever large community who have an interest in the past, particularly of the locality with which they are familiar. To them, and a few others who have some curiosity regarding the population of Hartford over century ago, it is hoped this little work may prove of some service. FRANK D. ANDREWS. VINELAND, N. J. APRIL 15, 1910. 516164 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR 1799. A Ackley John, butcher, Water street. Addams Lemuel, cabinet maker, south side Ferry street. Genteel boarding and lodging. Allen Mr. dancing master. Anderson James, joyner. Andrus Daniel, School street. Averill Eliphalet, trader. B Babcock Amos, dealer in dry goods. Babcock Elisha, printer, Main st. south of Court House. Publisher "American Mercury." Babcock James. Babcock John, printer and bookseller, Main st. 2 doors south of Hudson & Goodwin Babcock John, printer. Babcock John W., printer. Babcock Wells. Bacon Richard & Co. , traders. Rum in exchange for likely shipping horses, cash for corn and oats, anchors for sale. Balch John B., joyner. Baldwin John, trader. Barnard Ebenezer. Genesee N. Y. lands for sale. Barnard John, blacksmith. Barnard Mary, tavern-keeper. Barrett Jeremiah, School street. 6 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Barton William Jun., trader. Dealer in teas of the first quality. Bartholomew Eli, trader, Ferry street. Horses for shipping wanted, rum for sale. Beach Miles, silversmith and jeweller Clocks and watches, swords and hangers, cop- per tea-kettles. Beckwith Elisha, blacksmith. Sea coal by the hundred or bushel. Beckwith Josiah, cooper, south side Ferry street. Beckwith Josiah, Beckwith & Fowler, butchers, slaugh- ter-house on the river bank north of city line. Beckwith Samuel, cooper. Belden Thomas, Belden & Lyman, traders, Ferry street. Rum, brandy, gin, molasses, tobacco, salt &c. Cheese and corn wanted. Bell foundry, rear of Main street, north of the bridge, Church, parish, academy or shop bells. Benjamin Guy, blacksmith. Benton Asa, Ferry street. Bigelow Benjamin director Hartford Bank, Main street. Bigelow James, Water street. Bigelow Jonathan, tavern-keeper. Blaise Francis, watch repairer. Blake Nathaniel, Blake & Ely, traders, next south of the ferry. Blanot James, hairdresser, nearly opposite M. & T. Bulls store, State street. Bliss Isaac, tanner. Bliss Lewis, Lots on Morgan streets for sale. Blydenburg Samuel, ornamental and sign painter, forty rods north of John Trumbulls, Esq. Boardman Elijah, tavern-keeper. Boardman Oliver. Boardman William, mason. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 / Bolles Augustus, shoemaker, Main street, next door north of Lamb's tavern. Bolles John, tavern-keeper, sign of the ''Lamb," north end of the city. Bolles John, 2nd, baker. Boyd Asa, barber, Main street, south of State House. Brace Jonathan, attorney, east side Main street, north of the bridge. Bradley Aaron, tavern-keeper. Bradley Joseph, blacksmith, north of the ferry. 700 bushels James River coal free from sulphur and slate, for sale Bradley William, trader, white store, head of Ferry st. West India goods, teas, spices, tobacco &c. Brevoort Elias, merchant, west side Main street, a few doors north of the bridge. Store formerly occu- by William Wetmore. Dealer in dry goods, wholesale and retail. Brewer Daniel C. & Co., druggists, at the dwelling house of John Bolles. .,.., Drugs medicines, groceries, rum, brandy &o. Bright Jonathan, upholsterer. Brown Francis & Co, traders, Water street. Dealers in hollow ware, crockery and glassware, rum, sugars, teas &c. Brown & Kimberly, traders, Ferry street. West India goods and other groceries Brown William, attorney, Water street, near the ferry. Brown William, Hartford Library. Brown William, 2 nd, trader in company. Budington Walter. Buel Abel, Whitesmith, Main street, opposite North Meeting House. Silver plated, gilt, steel, brass and iron hilled swords and dirks pikes and military flags. Bulkley Daniel, dealer in horses for shipping. 8 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Bull Amos, merchant, Main st. near the South Church. Hardware &c. Bull David, tavern-keeper. Bull George. Bull Hezekiah, State street. Bull Isaac, trader, druggist Liquors, patent medicines, teas, spices, paints and varnishes. Bull Dr. Isaac D., trader and druggist. Hardware, optical glasses, musical instruments, cutlery, japan ware, plaited ware, stationery fancy goods, liquors, tobacco &c. Bull James, trader, south side State street. Earthenware. Bull John Coleman, painter. Main street, a few rods south of the South Meeting House. Bull & King, traders, near the river. Liquors, hardware, logwood, Liverpool ware, white and red lead &c. Bull Lydia, widow of Caleb, with widow Lydia Royce, boarding house keeper. Main street, north of John Chenevard. Bull Michael & Thomas, traders, State street. Cloths, Dutch navy blue, brown and mixed, rose blankets, rum. brandy, sugar, flour &c Bull William, D. Bunce Russell, trader, Ferry street. Bunce Timothy, School street. Burbridge John, hatter. Burnham George, School street. Burnham Joshua, trader. Burr George, Jun., with Fred. Seymour, at the red store at the bridge. Burr Joseph, trader. Burr Timothy & Co., traders. Burr Timothy Jun., captain artillery company. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 9 Burr William, trader. Cloths, chintz, hollands, ribbons &c. Burt Bela, School street. Burt Consider, mill owner. Butler Abel, wheelwright. Butler Coonrod, shopkeeper, next to Dr. Morgan's, Pris- on street. Ladies and men wigs, scull caps, hair braids, toys for children. Butler Daniel, mill owner. Butler David, wheelwright. Butler Henry, trader, at the river. Rum, flour, teas, nail rods &c. Butler Jonathan, tanner. Butler Moses, tavern-keeper. C Caldwell George, hatter. Caldwell James, Main street, north of the bridge! Caldwell John. [J. C. & Co.] president Hartford Bank. Caldwell John & Co., merchants, south of State House. Cambourg Charles, shopkeeper, near the State House. Razors, combs, soap, tobacco &c. Camp Samuel C., State street. Caswell Lemuel, Caswell & Corning, traders. Catlin George, musical instrument maker. Center Robert. New York and Vermont lands for sale, farms to exchange. Chadwick William, shoemaker, Main street, one door north of Mr. Doolittle's. Chapin Aaron, shopkeeper and cabinet maker, sixty or eighty rods north of the Court House. Watches, cabinet furniture &c. Chapin Josiah, Front street. Chapin Laertes, clerk. 10 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Chapman Alpheus, shoemaker. Chapman Bars, Water street. Chapman Jonathan, carpenter. Chapman Robert, fruiterer. Ferry street. Chapman Silas, shoemaker. Chenevard John, residence east side of Main street, south of the State House. Chenevard John Jun., State street. Chenevard John & Co., merchants, near the river. Chenevard Michael, Main street, south of State House. Chester James, ropemaker. Chester Thomas, collector of revenue of the Fourth Di- vision in the District of Connecticut. Chester Thomas L, , clerk. Church Asher, taylor. Church Joseph, State street. Clapp Roger, jo.yner. Clark Chester, tavern-keeper. Clark Ebenezer, house builder, Clark street. Real estate for sale. Clark Simeon, sheriff. Cogswell Mason F., physician, Main street, east side, south of the State House, office in the house north of John Chenevard. Cogswell Roger, tavern keeper, Main street, north of the State House. Mould candles and soap for sale. Cogswell Roger & Co., at the green store, Ferry street. Rum, brandy and molasses, teas and coffee, gin- ger, spices &c. Groceries wholesale and retail. Collins Stephen, shoemaker. Colt Harris, trader. New York State land for sale. Colton Aaron, cabinet maker. Coukling Benjamin, master of vessel, west of Front St., north east of John Trumbull's house. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 II Conkling Nathaniel, captain of the sloop Polly. Cooke Increase, [O. D. & I. Cooke] bookseller. Cooke James, ropemaker. Cooke John Jun., ropemaker. Cooke Oliver D. [O. D. & I Cooke, booksellers.] Main street, north of the State House. Books, stationery, bookbinding, umbrellas &c. Cooley Ithamar. Cooley J., captain Light Infantry Company. Corning Asa. shoemaker. Corning Daniel, tavern-keeper. Ferry street. Corning Ezra, shopkeeper. Corning Ezra Juu , hatter Corning George, taylor. Cowles Elias, [Gleasou & Cowles, traders.] Main street. Farm in L,itchfield for sale, negro boy for sale. Crosby Jonathan, wheelwright, School street. Crowell Daniel, trader. Dry goods, meus hats, sythes &c. D Danforth Daniel, [ J & D. Danforth, traders.] Danforth Edward, tarder. Danforth Jonathan, [J. & D. Danforth, traders ] Danforth Samuel, pewterer. Davey William, brewer, ten rods north of Court House. Wheat and rye flour, New Haven ale for sale. Hops wanted. Day Noble, trader. Day Samuel C., barber, Front street. Day Thomas, attorney. Deane Jessie, Front street. Deming John, master sloop Unity. Dexter William. To let, a family store. Douglas Burnham & Company, traders, ten rods north of the ferry. 12 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Diggins Luke, blacksmith. Dwier Henry, Publisher and bookseller, ten rods north of the Court House. Just published, a new edition of the New Eng- land Primer. Dodd John Jun., trader. European and India goods, Dodd Josiah, clerk, J. & E. Lyman. Dodd William, clerk, with Soloman Porter. Doolittle Enos. brass founder, west side Main street. Doolittle James. Dwight Nathaniel. Dwight Theodore, attorney. E Edgerton Giles, Water street. Edwards Jonathan W., attorney. Eggleston James, post rider. . Ellery William, mill owner, School street. Elmore Eliakim, Hartford Common. Inoculation at the Hospital 2 miles west of the Court House. Ely Alfred, with Blake & Ely. Ely Eli, [Blake & Ely, traders.] Ely & White, grocers, store on the river bank. Linseed oil, Turks Island and rock salt, codfish, West Indies and New England rum, iron &c. Ely William & Company, traders. r Fabre Mrs. millinery, at the corner south from the Episcopal Church. Fancy hats and bonnets, satin beavers, artifi- cial flowers, laces and bandboxes. Faxon Ebenezer, porter. Fink Elias, shoemaker. Fish Eliakim, physician. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 799 j 5 Fish Miller, shoemaker, ten rods south east of the State House. Flagg Abijah, shoemaker. Flagg Joseph, opposite North Meeting House. Flint Abel, pastor South Meeting House. Foster Timothy, mason. Fowler Benjamin, [Beckwith & Fowler butchers ] north of the city line. Fowler John, hatter, warehouse Main street, nearly opposite Hudson & Goodwin's printing office, Francis Asa, blacksmith Frethy Edward, barber, next door east of Mr. John Lee's tavern. G Gaylord Aaron, trader, store adjoining Wm. Whitman's State street. Rum, salt, paper, Staffordshire ware, leather, bottles, electrical machines &c. Gilbert Josiah. joyner. Gint Joseph, School street Gleason Chauncey, Main street, north of the bridge. Glover John J., trader, store of Jesse Root's, on Main street. From New York, expect to return when sickness abates. Goal, Prison street and Workhouse lane, about fifty rods west of Main street. Goodman Richard, merchant. Rum, salt, dry goods &c, Goodrich Chauncey, attorney, State street. Goodwin Daniel, trader, store opposite William Burr's north part of the city. Goodwin David, taylor, boarding house keeper. Goodwin George, [Hudson & Goodwin,] printers and booksellers, publishers "Connecticut Courant." Goodwin James, hatter. 14 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Goodwin Jonathan, tavern-keeper. Gorton Hannah, [M. & H. Garton.] Main street. Gorton Margaret, [M. & H. Gorton.] Main street, south side the bridge. Confectionery, pound and brides cake, funeral biscuit, millinery and blackwork done. Graham John, painter and glazier. Painting in all its branches, London white lead, glass, putty &c. Spouts and conductors of dif- ferent size and length. Greenleaf David, watchmaker and jeweller, north east of the State House. Watch manufactory, a few rods south of Dr. Isaac Bull's. Greenwood Parson, School street. Griswold Nathaniel. Gurnsey J. K., Main street, north of the bridge. H Hale Jonathan, card manufacturer, State street Hall Henry, merchant. Hall John, trader, Ferry street. Cane poles, Irish glue, iron hoops, pitch, tar, lamp oil &c. Hallam Lewis, actor, with John Hodginson, manager of the Hartford theatre. Theatre street. Theatre under their joint management, opens August 14. Admission ^ of a dollar; pit, half a dollar; gallery, one quarter of a dollar. Hamilton John, tavern-keeper. Hancock Daniel, School street. Hanmer James, Cooper. Hanson Joseph, taylor, Water street. Harris Joseph, pump maker. Hart Joseph, merchant, store at the river. Dry goods at wholesale, New York fine and superfine flour. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 15 Hartford Bank, Prison street, south side, a few doors west of Main street. Subscriptions received for the Government Loan. Haskell William, Front street. Hayden Lewis, joyner. Hayden Loomis, joyuer. Water street. Haynes Thomas. Heath Peleg, tavern-keeper. Henry James, School street. Henry Robert M., saidler, over Keys & Center's store. Saddles, harnesses, trunks, caps holsters &c. Hequembourgh Charles, barber. Hildrup William, trader, office in the Post Office. East Hartford powder, groceries and liquors, lottery tickets. Hills William, taylor. Chaises, with harnesses for sale. Hinsdale Daniel, commission merchant, Main street, east side, four doors north of the bridge. Wheat and rye flour on hand. Hiusdale Zadoc. Hodgkinson John, actor, with Lewis Hallam, in the joint management of the Hartford Theatre. Holland Benjamin, opposite the Episcopal Church. Holland Ruth, stocking weaver, opposite the Episcopal Church. Holt Philemon, stone blasting. Hooker Nathaniel, doctor. Hopkins Asa, [Asa & Daniel Hopkins, druggists.] Main street, east side, north of the bridge. Drugs, medicines, wine, sugar, all kind of teas, groceries, dye stuff, painters colors, gold leaf &c. Hopkins Daniel, [A. & D. Hopkins, druggists.] Hopkins Lemuel, physician. Hopkins Theodore, Main street, near Hudson & Good win's printing office. 1 6 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Hopkins Thomas, Main street, south of the State House, at the original warehouse formerly occupied by his father. Rum, brandy, molasses, sugar, teas, sweet oil, crockery, window glass, Swedes iron &c. Hosford Aaron, trader. Hosford William, trader. Hosmer James, taylor, Main st. north of State House. Howe William D. trader, Main st. south of State House. Hudson Barzillai, [Hudson & Goodwin,] printers, book- sellers and publishers of ' 'Connecticut Courant." Main street, opposite the North Meeting House. The "Courant" now has 4,950 subscribers. Hulett John H., dancing master. Mr. Hulett proposes to open a school at Hart- ford and Wethersfield. Humason Jacob, No. 4 Morgan street. House and lot for sale. Hurlbut Lemuel, shoemaker. Hyde Harvey, grocer, at the old store ten rods north of the Court House, one door north of the corner, opposite Mr. Joseph Pratt's tavern. Rum, brandy, teas, spices, tobacco, crockery &c. I Imlay William, Justice of the Peace, loan office over Keyes and Center's store until June. Bills of exchange for sale. Imlay William H. Indicott John, Main street, dwelling house opposite the south east corner of the new church, and next south of Wm. Mosley's Esq. Ives Mr. music teacher, at Mr. Joseph Lancon's dancing academy. J Jeffery John, Water street. Jepson Joseph, Main street, north of the State House. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 17 Johnson Shadrack, ship carpenter. Jones Daniel, captain commandant Governor's Inde pendent Troop of Horse Guards. Jones Daniel, merchant. Rum, wine, white lead, linseed oil, hardware, gun powder, school books, paper hangings &c. Jones Nathaniel, State street. Jones R. L. Judd Reuben, cooper. In charge of the wharf and landing. K Keeney Joseph, trader, Keeney Timothy, carpenter. Kennedy Leonard, joyner, 60 rods north of State House. Keyes Amasa, [Keyes & Center, merchants ] European goods, broadcloth, kersey, metis fur- nishings &c. Keyes Chester, clerk. Kilborn Freeman, trader, and dealer in horses. Kilborn Samuel, corner of Ferry street. King Henry, [Bull, King & King,] near the river. King Paul, at the wharf. Kingsbury Andrew, treasurer of State of Connecticut. Kingsley Appollos. Knox George, cooper. Kuox James, trader. Knox John, [Richard Bacon & Knox.] Knox Norman, cashier Hartford Bank from July. Knox William & Company, Saddle and harness business. Business to be discontinued about June ist. L Laucon Joseph dancing master. Lathrop James, mason and brick manufacturer. Lawrence Samuel, trader. Rum, molasses, rock salt &c. 18 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Lawrence William, trader. Dry goods, English and India goods. Ledlie Samuel, auctioneer. Working and shipping cattle for sale. Lee John, tavern-keeper and trader. State street. Lee Rowland, State street. Leffingwell John, joyner. Leffingwell Joshua, joyner. Lewis Elisha, trader, north of the State House. St. Croix rum, teas &c. Lewis Solomon. Lloyd Thomas Jun., commission business. Main street, south of the State House. Purchases and sells goods, stock, produce &c. Listers :-Timothy Burr, Jun., Henry Seymour. James Wells, Daniel Wadsworth, Levi Page. Polls and estates received from the 2oth of Au- gust to the roth of September. Loomis Solomon, millwright. Lyman Elias, [J. & E. Lyman,] Lyman Justin, [J. & E. Lyman, traders.] Rum, brandy, sugar, glass, salt, shoes, shingles, beef, pork &c. Boating and carting business. Lyman Samuel, [Belden & Lyman, traders.] Ferry st, Lynde Joseph, druggist, Main st. south of State House. Patent medicines, groceries, dying material, painters colors, rum, wines gun powder &c. M Marsh John L. Marsh Samuel Jun., merchant, Main street. Hardware and groceries, rum, brandy, salt &c. Mason Isaac, Front street. Mather Charles, physician, State street. Mather Oliver, clerk, Hartford and New Haven Turn pike Company, May Roderick, clerk, at William Lawrence's store. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 19 McHenry Robert, saidler, opposite Dr. Isaac Bull's on the corner of Church street. Saddles, harnesses, men and horse furniture. M'Cracken John, merchant. Sec'y Chamber of Com- merce. Main street, south of State House. West India rum 7 shillings by the hogshead. M'Cracken, William & John, merchants, Main street, north end of new brick house of Mr. Hosmer's. Wholesale dry goods, flannels, broadcloths &c. M'Neight John, chandler, Main street, north of the State House. M'Neight, Phelps & Sanford. Partnership dissolved October 8th. Merrill Charles, tavern-keeper. Merrill Hezekiah, merchant, Main street, store, 20 rods south of the State House. Groceries in general, particularly rum, brandy, wines, raisins &c. Formerly cashier of the Hartford Bank, re- signed at the annual meeting in June. Miller Joshua, Water street. Mills Jedediah, shoemaker, Mills, Zachariah & Company, paper stainers. manufactory near Major Hart's store at the river. Paper hangings and borders, wide and narrow, hair trunks. Mitchell Walter, attorney. Monteredy Mr., teacher of French. Moore Benjamin, trader. Moore Daniel, trader. Moore Ebenezer, saidler. Moore Eldad, trader. Morgan Charles, shipper. Wants shipping horses and mules alo, corn meal in hogsheads. Morgan Elias, Front st. Secretary of St. John's Lodge. 20 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Morgan Dwell, physician and surgeon. School street. Morgan John, merchant. Importer of East India goods, rum and salt for sale. Sundry houses and stores for sale. Moseley William, attorney. Murray Cotton, tavern-keeper, Main street, just north of the Episcopal Church. N Norton Romanta, sheriff. Nivins John, blue dyeing, a little west of State House. Nichols Cyprain, School street. O Oaks David. Dwelling house and land for sale. Olcott Daniel, trader. Olcott Samuel, Main street, south of the State House. Olmsted Aaron, director Hartford Bank. Olmsted Francis F., saidler. P Palmer Isaac, shop keeper, store at the waterside lately occupied by Samuel P. Jones. Has constantly for sale good fresh limes. Pattern George Jaffrey, trader, store lately occupied by J. M. Scott &Co., north end of the city, 50 rods north of the Episcopal Church. Groceries and liquors. Pattern Nathaniel, bookseller, Main street, south of the State House. Peck Abel, shoemaker, Ferry street. Shoes and leather for sale. Peck Abijah, blacksmith. Bayonets for sale. Perkins Caleb, physician. Perkins Enoch, attorney. Perkins Jabez, Front street. Perkins James, cooper. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1799 2 1 Perkins Nathan, minister, West Division. Perkins Timothy P., trader. Pettibone Abijah, trader, City Hall Inn. Pettibone John. Phillips Joseph. . Pierce Benjamin, at "Blakes " Pierce George, trader. Front street. Beef, pork, oats and corn wanted in exchange for rum. Pierce John, trader. Pitkin Daniel Jim., trader in company. Pitkin George, clerk of the Superior Court. Pomeroy George, merchant. Pomeroy Ralph, justice of the peace. Pond Caleb, trader, West India goods. Wanted, flax, oats, grass and clover seed. Porter David. Porter J., librarian, Hartford Library Company. Porter John, cabinet maker. Porter Luther. Porter Solomon, trader. State street. Dry goods, hardware and musical instruments. Porter Solomon Jun., clerk. Porter Timothy, School street. Pratt Benjamin. Pratt Francis, trader, tallow chandler. Pratt George. Pratt James. Pratt Joseph, tavern-keeper, ten rods north of the Court House. Pratt William. Pratt Zephaniah. Priest Henry, music teacher, at Mr, Church's on Church street. Arithmetic, writing & English grammar taught. 22 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Public Buildings: Episcopal Church, north west corner of Main and Church streets. Hartford Theatre, Theatre street, east of Main street. North Meeting House, west side Main street, north of the bridge. Prison, Prison street and Workhouse Lane. South Meeting House, west side Main street, south of the bridge. State House, State House Square, Main and State streets. Putnam John, trader, Morgan street. Cows to let. R Ramsdell Robert W. trader. Ramsey Jonathan, dealer in horses for shipping. Ramsom Amos, tavern-keeper. House to let on Prison street, lately occupied by Mr. Inilay as an office. Rice Simeon. Riley, Savage & Co. traders, store near the ferry. Grenada rum, brandy, wine, molasses, tobacco. iron, window glass, salt, soap, candles &c. Ripley Jeremiah. Ripley John, tavern-keeper. Horses and sleighs to let with driver, for long or short journeys. Robbins Ephraim, goaler and tavern-keeper. Prison street and Workhouse Lane. Rogers John, Main street. Rogers Nathan, trader. Root Ephraim, attorney, Main si. north of State House. Root Jesse, merchant, captain commandant, Governor's Independent Troop of Infantry Guards. Root John, attorney. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 23 Root Jonathan, taylor, west of the State House. Royce Lydia, Young Ladies School. Front street. Reading, writing, drawing, plain work, tambour work, embroidery, Canton and Dresden work. Young ladies from the country boarded in the same house. Russ John, [Russ & Sherman.] Russ & Sherman, merchants. Dry goods, broadcloths, cassimeres, calicos, muslin, camel hair shawls &c. S Sage Nathan. Laud for sale at Florence, New York. Sage Thomas Jun., trader. Salsbury, at "Wings." Sanford Isaac, School street. Sanford Thomas, tavern-keeper. Sanford Zackary. Sargeant Jacob, jeweller, watch and clock maker, sign of the golden watch, Main street, ten rods south of the State House. Swords, trumpets, knee buckles &c. Saunders Abel, tavern-keeper. Savage Luther. Sedgwick Timothy, blacksmith. Sedgwick William, blacksmith. Selden John, potter Seymour Allyn, blacksmith. Seymour Allyn Jun., West Divison. Seymour Calvin, Joyner. Seymour Charles, hatter, store near the State House Seymour Charles Jun., &Co., new store next south of Keys & Center's. Wines, tobacco, brandy, teas, spices, sugars. crockery, glassware, nails &c. 24 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Seymour Edward, dealer in lumber. Seymour Elisha, master, sloop Polly. Seymour Frederick, trader, commission merchant. Store and auction room next adjoining Captain Chenevard at the river. West India goods, groceries, salt &c. Horses for shipping. Seymour Friend, brazier, brass foundry. Main street, opposite Hudson & Goodwin' sprinting office. Seymour George, tavern-keeper, near the bridge. Seymour Henry, trader. Seymour John Jun., potter. Seymour Joseph W., joyner. Seymour Ledyard, trader. Seymour Nathaniel, potter. Seymour Robert, taylor. Seymour Theron, blacksmith. Seymour Thomas, attorney, mayor of the city of Hart- ford. Seymour Thomas & Sons, traders, School street. Seymour Thomas Y., attorney. Seymour Zebulon, joyner. Sheldon Charles Jun., clerk. Sheldon Joseph. Dwelling house and land for sale. Sheldon Roderic, trader. Shephard Ashabel, School street. Shephard Charles, Main street, near the bridge. Shephard Elisha. trader, store near the bridge. Holland gin, brandy, rum, wine, teas, sugar, tobacco, spice, codfish, glassware &c. Shephard Israel, clerk, with E. Shephard. Shepherd Freeman, School street. Shepherd James, School street. Shepherd John, cooper. Shepherd Phineas, mason. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 25 Shepherd Richard. A convenient dwelling house near the theatre for sale. Shepherd Timothy, School street. Shepherd Uriah, School street. Sherman Thaddeus, House and one half acre for sale in Windsor. Skinner EHsha, tavern-keeper, Front street. Skinner Dr. surgeon dentist, at Mrs. Olcott's near the Episcopal Church. Skinner Ichabod Lord, north of the State House. Skinner Jonathan, tanner. Skinner Nathaniel, collector. Skinner Richard, trader. House and barn in West street, cattle, cows and horses for sale. Skinner William, Front street. Sloan Thomas Jun., blacksmith, ten rods west of the Episcopal Church, Church street. Smith Alba, shoemaker. Smith Francis, Smith Normand, saidler. Saddles, harnesses, collars, horsemans caps &c. Spencer John 2d, barber. Spokeman Conrod. Stanley Roswell, trader, Main street. Starr William. Jun,, blockmaker. Stayley George, trader, 2d door north of the new church. Muslins, handkerchiefs, prints &c, Stribling Thomas, baker. Stedman Griffin, tavern-keeper. Steel Eliphalet, tavern keeper. Steel George, shop near the bridge. Steel Horace, bookbinder. Steel Lemuel. Steel Thomas, tanner. 26 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Steel Timothy, trader. Stillwell Charles D., taylor. Strong Nathan, minister, North Meeting House. Suitor Jonathan, Water street. Sweetland Isaac, stone cutter, Water street. Sweney John, card maker. T Talcott Nathaniel Jun., trader, office Mount Pleasant, Federal street. Talcott Samuel, clothier. Taylor James, Half clothier works. Taylor Solomon, Joyner, School street. Terry Elijah. Terry Eliphalet Jun.., trader, north part of Main street. a few rods south of Capt Samuel Marsh. Rum and other groceries. Terry Lewis. Terry Nathaniel, attorney. Terry Oliver. Thatcher Peter, joyner, School street. Thomas James, Main street. Thomas John. Thompson Abiel, shoemaker, four rods south of bridge. Thompson Samuel, baker, School street. Tiffany Timothy, post rider. Tisdale & Nicholls, chandlers, manufactory on Little River bank, west of Main street. Tisdale Thomas. For sale, 8^ acres, south end of the city ^.500. Trumbull John, attorney. Tuttle Caleb, trader, Water street. u Utley Joseph, tavern-keeper, trader. For sale: Rum, pork, bief. corn meal, salt, flour. codfish, salmon &c. Utley Joseph 2d, tanner. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 27 w Wads worth Daniel, merchant, Prospect street. Wads worth David. Wadsworth Elisha Jun., tavern-keeper, Albany and Prospect Hill Road. Wadsworth George. Wadsworth Gurdon, Wadsworth Henry, cooper , Wadsworth Jeremiah, Main street, east side, south of the State House. Wadsworth John, [John and Horace Wadsworth ] Wind- sor chair business. Wadsworth Joseph, chair maker. Wadsworth Nathan. Wadsworth Reuben, Half clothier works. Wadsworth Timothy. Wadsworth William, miniature painter, at the house of Mr. Isaac Sanford, ten rods west of the north end of the bridge. Mourning pieces and mourning rings. Ward James, jeweller and coppersmith, sign of the gilt tea kettle, near the bridge. Watches, spoons, swords, penknives, razors &e. Warner Henry A , skin dresser. Leather breeches made to order. Washburn Noah. Waterman Charles, School street. Waters Samuel. Waters William, School street. \Vatkinson David, trader. Watrous Samuel. Watson John, trader. Watson William, trader, store formerly occupied by Jacob Ogden. European and India goods, broadcloths, In- dia cotton, cassimere, huniliums &c. 28 HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1799 Weare William, sail maker, Water street. Webster Noah, justice of the peace, West Division. Webster Samuel. Weeks James, cooper. Wells Ashbel, West Division. Wells Ashabel Jun., tavern-keeper, Main street, north of the State House. Wells Ebenezer, West Division. Wells EHsha, young fruit trees for sale. Wells James A., tavern-keeper. Wells James H., merchant, Main street, store lately occupied by Mr. Elias Morgan, not far from the Hartford Bank. Hardware, plated goods &c. Wells Jared, blacksmith, Water street. Wells John, Water street. Wells John Jun., cooper, Water street. Wells John J., cabinet maker. Cabinet and chair shop near the bridge. Wells Jonathan, wood dealer. Wells Thomas, hatter. Wetmore Oliver, trader, store lately occupied by James Buer. Hollow ware, crockery, rum, brandy, molasses, sugar and groceries in general. Wetmore William, School street. Wheeler Samuel, joyner. Whipple Joseph. Whiting Nathan H., justice of the peace. Whiting Spencer & Co., traders. Rum, sugars, teas, codfish, salt, snuff tobacco, gunpowder &c. Whitman William, druggist, State street, opposite the Post Office. Wickham William, trader. Wild honey and tobacco, 25 demijohns for sale. HARTFORD BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1^99 29 Willcox Elias. Horses and carriages to let. A convenient and elegant carriage, one or two span of horses, stand at Mr. George Seymour's at the bridge. Williams Elisha, tavern-keeper, Ferry street. Williams Ezekiel Jun., post master, trader. Insurance effected on risks at sea. Williams John, shoemaker. Five doors south of the South Meeting House. Williams Samuel trader. Williams Thomas. Wing William, chaise and coach maker. Winship Daniel, baker. Winship Joseph, mason. Winship Nathaniel, mason. Wolf John, School street. Wood Benjamin, joyner, School street. Woodbridge G. Woodbridge Joseph, clerk, to proprietors of the Connec- ticut Gore. Woodbridge James R , with Ward Woodbridge & Co. Woodbridge Ward & Co., merchants and traders, Main street, north of the State House. Dry goods, hardware, cutlery, martin muffs and tippets. Woodbury John, teacher, school room in chambers above Mr. George Steel's shop near the bridge. School opens December 9th in chambers. Woodworth Jonathan, post rider, between Hartford and Litchfield. Wyllys Hezekiah. Wyllys St. John. Wyllys Samuel, secretary of the State of Connecticut. RESIDENTS OF HARTFORD TOWN AND CITY INCLUDING FARMERS Alford, Aaron. Allen, Isaac. Ames, David. Ames, Smith. Anderson, William. Andrus, William. Anquist, John M. Arnold, Levi. Avery, Jonathan. Badger, Enoch. Balcom, Jacob. Barnard, Joseph. Barnard, Timothy. Barrett, Joseph. Barton, Robert. Bean, Joseph M. Bigelow, Daniel. Bigelow, Joseph. Bins, George. Bolles, Benjamin. Bolles, Job T. Bolles, Samuel. Braithwait, Robert. Brewer, Captain. Brewster, Polasha. Brewster, Prince. Bright, Jonathan. Brown, Pardon. Brownson, Mathew. Browiison. Oliver. Bullard, Aaron. Bunce, Asa. Bunce, Freeman. Bunce, Truman. Burnham, Porter. Burr, Hezekiah. Burr, Horace. Burr, Moses. Burr, Samuel. Butler, Josiah. Butler, William. Cable, John. Cadwell, Amos. Cadwell, Charles. Cadwell, Henry Cadwell, Nehimiah. Cadwell, Nehimiah Jr. Cadwell, William. Cassaign. Anthony. Castle, Isaac. Caswell, Isaac. Center. John. Chapman, Selden. Chatfield, William. Chester, Leonard. Chester, Stephen. Church, Caleb. Church, Doras. Church, George. Church, Horace. HAKTFORD DIRECTORY 1799 Church, Timothy. Church, William. Clapp, Elijah. Clapp, Oliver. Cole, Ira. Collins, Robert J. Jun. Cook, Aaron. Cook, George, Cook, John. Cook, John Jun. Cook, William. Cooley, Thomas. Coomes, Samuel. Crocker, Jeremiah. Crocker, Timothy. Davis, David. Day, Joseph. Dickerson, Moses. Dickey, James. Dickey, Thomas. Egleston, Elisha. Ellsworth, John. El well, Isaac. Enos, Oliver. Ensign, Moses. Farrer, James. Forbes, Joseph. Francis, Elias. Fry, John. Gear, Elihu. Gear, Mathew. Gillet, George. Goodwin, Allyn. Goodwin^ Caleb. Goodwin, James 3d. Goodwin, John. Goodwin, John Jun. Goodwin, Moses. Goodwin, Ozeas. Goodwin, Timothy. Goodwin, William. Greenfield, Archibald. Greenver, John C. Grigs, Samuel. Grint, Joseph. Hall, Asaph. Hamilton, Robert. Harrington, Abijah. Hibbard, Benjamin. Hide, Ezra. Higgins, John. -* Hinsdale, James, Hitchcock, Benjamin. Hitchcock, Samuel. Hooker, William. Hubbell, Joseph. Indicott, James. Jeffery, Charles. Jones, Amasa. Jones, Julius. Judd, Dryden. Keeney, Eli. Kellogg, Charles. Kelsey, Charles. Kelsey, Levi. Kilborn, Daniel. King, Reuben. Kueeland, Samuel. Lawrence, John Jun. Lawrence, John 2d. Lloyd, Thomas. Lord, Frederick. HARTFORD DIRECTORY 1799 33 Lord, John Haynes. Lord William. Lothrop, James. Marsh, H. Marsh, John. May, Ralph. McKay, Allan. Montfridy, Lewis B. Moore, Caleb. Morley, Gideon. Mygatt, Elisha. Oaks, Thomas. Olcott, Charles Olcott, Hugh. Olcott, Jonathan. Olcott, Joseph. Olcott, Michael. Olcott, Roderic. Olcott, Theodore. Olcott, William. Otis, Nathaniel Parish, William B. Park wood, John. Parsons. Chester. Parsons, Oliver. Pemberton, Ebenezer. Peterson, Harvey. Porter, Luther. Pratt, Henry. Pratt, James Jun. Ray, James. Ripley, John Jun. Robbins, Levi. Roberts, John. Rogers, Nathaniel. Sanford, Charles. Sheldon, Samuel. Sheldon, William. Shephard, Levi. Sill, Enoch. Simons, George. Sisson, James. Skinner, Whiting. Sloan, Jonas. Sloan, Thomas. Smith, George. Smith, John. Smith, Phillip. Spear, Ebenezer. Spencer, Ashbel. Spencer, Caleb. Spencer, Michael. Spencer, Roderic. Spencer, Theodore. Square, Gardner. Starr. William. Steel, Allyn. Steel, Ebenezer. Steel, Jonathan. Steel, William. Stewart, Joseph. Suitor, John Talcott, William Taylor, Job. Tooker John. Trumbull, Samuel. Turner. Caleb. Wadsworth, Ambrose. Wadsworth. Elisha. Wadsworth, Elisha 3d. Wadsworth, Ira. Wadsworth, Joseph Jr. 34 HARTFORD DIRECTORY 1799 Wadsworth, Roger. Waterhouse, Samuel. Wadsworth, Thomas. Watson, Isaac. Wadsworth, Theodori. Wyllys, Hezekiah. ADDENDA. Beach, Daniel. Sanford, Thomas Jun. Bebee, Adonijah. Scott, William. Benjamin, Jonathan. Scott, John M. Burbridge, James. Senter, John. Burkett, Thomas. Seymour, James. Burkett, Uriah. Sheldon, James. Burr, Salmon. Sheldon. John. Cadwell, Hezekiah, Spencer, Ashbel Jun. Caldwell, Hezekiah Jun. Stevens, Calvin. Calder, John. Sweetzer, Seth. Center, Robert. Taylor, Castle. Hopkins, Charles. Upson, Gus. Jepson, James. Warren, William. Lozell, John. Way, Sanford, Anthony. Wyllys, William. Number of houses in Hartford, August, 1799. From $100 to $500 in value, 277; value, $83,003. From $500 to $1,000 in value, 140; value, $106,640. From $1,000 to $3,000 in value, 153; value, $274,150. From $3,000 to $6,000 in value, 25; value, $100,000. From $6,000 to $10,000 in value, i; value, $8,000. Land: Number of acres exempt from taxation, 267. Number of acres subject to taxation, 17,582. Value, $75i.53 2 .9i- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ro Form L9-25m-9,'47(A5618)444 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA T.OS ANftFLES ithomount 'amphlet Binder lord Bros., Inc. Makers ckton, Calif. f. JAN. 21. 1908 University of California. Los Angeles L 005 459 166 4 F104 H3A5 1799