.? < T&N38 p L. p- p BANCROFT LIBRARY < THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA REPORTS OP THE TERRITORIAL TREASURER, AUDITOR, AND BOARD OP PRISON COMMISSIONERS, TO THE CARSON CITY: JOHN CHURCH, STATE PRINTER. 1865. i -2 q R E P O R T OF THE STATE TEEASUEER. REPORT STATE OF NEVADA, TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, ) CARSON CITY, November 30th, 1864. j To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives : Gentlemen I have the honor to submit herewith a full and detailed account of all transactions in this Department from the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three to the thirty- first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, inclusive, at which last date the Territorial Government gave place to that of the " State of Nevada." Since the close of the Territorial Government, and up to my retirement from the office, the transactions have been very light, the total amount received into the treasury being one hundred and sixty (160) dollars one hundred (100) dollars to the credit of the School Fund, and sixty (60) dollars to the credit of the Library Fund no payments having been made during that time. Respectfully submitted. J. H. KINKEAD, Treasurer. [A.] KECEIPTS Into the Territorial Treasury from December 31, 1863, to October 31, 1864, inclusive. From Whom Received. Amount. County Treasurer of Douglas County $2,153 62 County Treasurer of Esmeralda County 3,410 96 County Treasurer of Humboldt County 1,365 25 County Treasurer of Lander County 4,685 06 County Treasurer of Lyon and Churchill Counties 6,223 78 County Treasurer of Orrasby County , 5,134 81 County Treasurer of Storey County 53 187 04 County Treasurer of Washoe County 8 461 04 Toll roads and bridges 4 557 14 Secretary (fees on commissions) 360 00 Sale of Territorial bonds 150 000 00 Sale of prison material 537 80 Orion Clemens, acting Governor e . 75 44 Attorneys' license (Library Fund) 240 00 Commissions to officers of Nevada militia 54 00 Total receipts $240,445 94 [B-] PAYMENTS From December 31, 1863, to October 31, 1864, inclusive. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salary of Governor $1,750 00 Salary Private Secretary 1862 and 1863 2,400 00 Special contingents 1862, 1863 and 1864 4,397 50 Printing, 1862, 1863 and 1864 970 50 Total $9,518 00 AUDITOR'S OFFICE. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salary of Auditor, 1863 and 1864 Salary of Clerk, 1863 and 1864 Kent of office and contingent expenses, Total.. $2,750 00 1,600 00 1,383 75 $5,733 75 TREASURER'S OFFICE. To Whom Paid. Amount. Treasurer's fees, 1863 and 1864 89,448 77 Salary of Clerk, 1863 and 1864 1,350 00 Bent of office and contingent expenses 1,485 00 Total ] $12,283 77 SECRETARY'S OFFICE. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salary of Secretary of the Territory, 1863 and 1864 $2,266 67 Pay for copying records of the several counties 11,421 85 Total $13,688 52 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salary of Adjutant General, 1863 and 1864 $1,733 50 Contingent expenses 45 00 Total $1,788 50 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salary of Superintendent, 1863 and 1864 $1,800 00 Traveling expenses of Superintendent, 1863 and 1864 703 05 Total , $2,503 05 SUPREME COURT. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salary of Judges, 1862, 1863 and 1864 $29,092 23 Sheriff's attendance 289 00 Total . . $29,381 23 TERRITORIAL PRISON. To Whom Paid. Amount. Support of Prison 1862 $3,500 00 Support of Prison 14 months, ending Feb. 28, 1864 10,000 00 Support of Prison since Feb. 28, 1864 6,976 12 Amount paid for building 3,658 36 Legal services settling titles to Prison lands 500 00 Total $24,634 48 * LEGISLATURE. To Whom Paid. Amount. Pay of attaches of Legislature of 1861 $480 00 Per diem of members of Legislature, 1862 8,960 00 Pay of officers and clerks, 1862 ; 7,192 00 Per diem of members of Legislature, 1864 9,180 00 Pay of officers and clerks, 1864 10,110 10 Total $35,922 10 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, ETC. To Whom Paid. Amount. Salaries of District Attorneys, 1862 and 1863 $7,304 20 Salary of U. S. District Attorney 404 12 Salary of U. S. Marshal 1,000 00 Total $8,708 32 INTEREST ON BONDS, 1862. To Whom Paid. Amount. Payment of Coupons $1,750 00 INTEREST ON BONDS, 1864. Payment of coupons $13,500 00 Interest on Auditor's warrants 2,513 82 [NOTE. No interest has been paid upon Auditor's warrants, except as directed bylaw..] SCHOOLS. To Whom Paid. Amount. For support of schools $9,876 88 MISCELLANEOUS. To Whom Paid. Amount. Eedemption of bonds of 1862 Accounts paid under laws of Legislature of 18G1, for ex- pense in criminal prosecutions prior to the complete organization of the Territory, and for the expenses of the first election . Total $5,000 00 3,548 33 1,548 33 APPROPRIATIONS BY LEGISLATURE OF 1861. To Whom Paid. BY LEGISLATURE OF 1862. Amount. Adolphus Waitz $295 40 George Downey , 192 00 "W. R. Mann 184 00 Cyrus Adams 364 20 S. Wasserman 260 50 Sarah A. Blackburn 7,754 16 George L. Gibson 351 00 Kosenstock & Price 300 00 Commissioner to World's Fair 500 00 Total $10,201 26 To Whom Paid. Amount. Thomas Mormon $300 00 250 00 753 50 693 50 936 50 E. H. Marsh 240 00 John W Grier 500 00 640 00 Constitutional Convention 1,084 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 Total $8,397 50 8 APPROPRIATIONS BY LEGISLATURE, 1864. To Whom Paid. Amount. Constitutional Convention $5,472 37 D. J. Gasherie 1,902 25 John Church & Co 1,000 00 John K. Lovejoy 500 00 H. L. Joachimsen 1,000 00 W. Y. Kingsbury 172 00 Butler Ives 3,000 00 W. Hill Naleigh 1,500 00 John E. Ward 1,200 00 W. M. Gillespie 1,635 00 Mason, Hull & Co 720 00 M. Kelly 250 00 P. G. Childs 2,375 00 Engraving and negotiating bonds 1,000 00 Express charges on coin 565 06 Territorial Prison Bond No. 1, redeemed 20,000 00 Furniture for Auditor's and Treasurer's offices, 1862 286 50 Total $42,578 18 Total payments $241,517 69 [C.] STATEMENT Of the Condition of the Several Funds, October 31, 1864. Dr. GENERAL FUND. To cash paid for redemption of warrants and bonds from December 31, 1863, to October 31, 1864 $231,595 81 To five per cent of property tax transferred to School Fund 3,986 21 To balance . , 362 49 $235,944 51 Or. By balance December 31, 1863, By receipts from taxes , By sale of Territorial bonds . . , By sale of Prison material. $821 23 84,585 33 150,000 00 537 80 $235,944 51 9 Dr. SCHOOL FUND. To cash distributed to the several counties $9,876 88 To balance 250 82 810,127 70 Cr. By balance December 31, 1863 $1,224 35 By amount received from tax on toll roads and bridges. . . 4,917 14 By amount from General Fund , 3,986 21 $10,127 70 SOLDIERS' FUND. Dr. To balance $120 45 Cr. By amount from Special tax of 1864 $120 45 LIBRARY FUND. Dr. Tobalance $368 00 Cr. By balance December 31, 1863 ... $128 00 By amount from attorneys' licenses 240 00 __. $368 00 RECAPITULATION. Cash in General Fund $362 49 Cash in School Fund 250 82 Cash in Soldier's Fund Cash in Library Fund 368 00 Total. $1,101 76 [NOTE. Of the above amount, eight hundred and twenty-one dollars ($821 00) is in United States Legal Tender Notes, remaining over from last year.] 10 STATEMENT Of Warrants Registered and Unpaid. Amount registered prior to May 1, 1864 .... $ 7,318 44 Amount registered subsequently 31,915 01 Total $39,233 45 Of this amount there is due : For salaries of Territorial officers For accounts due for support of Territorial Prison For copying County .Records .. For expenses of first Constitutional Convention. . . For appropriations to Agricultural Society For printing laws For appropriations and expenses of Legislature. . . For warrants against Soldiers' Fund . . Total $39,223 45 $15,342 25 3,200 08 8,802 80 1,724 00 2,000 00 805 00 3,579 32 3,870 00 [NOTE. A special tax is levied for the benefit of the " Soldiers' Fund," ample to meet all demands against it.] REPORT OF AUDITOR REPORT OFFICE OF TERRITORIAL AUDITOR,) STATE OF NEVADA, > CARSON CITY, November 30th, 1864. ) To the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Nevada : Gentlemen I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my department from December 31st, 1863, to October 31st, 1864. Tabular statements will be found as follows : [A.] Statement of receipts from December 31st, 1863, to October 31st, 1864. [B-] Statement of warrants issued from December 31st, 1863, to October 31st, 1864. Statement of balances in the several Funds October 30th, 1864. [D.] Estimate of the amount of taxable property for the year 1864. [B.] Estimate of the receipts for the year 1865. [F.] Statement of the amount of warrants issued since the commencement of the Territorial Government, together with the amount paid. [GK] Statement of the indebtedness of the Territory October 31st, 1864. 14 [A.] STATEMENT Of Receipts from all Sources from December 31, 1863, to October 31, 1864 From Whom Received. Amount. Storey County $53,187 04 Ormsby County , 5,134 81 Washoe County , 8,461 04 Douglass County 2,153 62 Humboldt County , 1,365 25 Esmeralda County 3,410 96 Lander County 4,685 06 Lyon and Churchill Counties 6,223 78 Toll roads and bridges 4,557 14 Sale of stone at Prison 537 80 Sale of Territorial Bonds 150,000 00 Orion Clemens, fees on foreign commissions.. 360 00 From Orion Clemens, acting Governor 75 44 From commissions to military officers 54 00 Total receipts $240,205 94 The above amount is apportioned as follows : General Fund $235,168 35 School Fund 4,917 14 Soldiers' Fund 120 45 Total $240,205 94 15 [B] STATEMENT Of Warrants Issued from December 31, 1863, to October 31, 1864. GENERAL FUND. To Whom Paid. Amount. Appropriation account $23,009 80 Support of Territorial Prison 15,762 80 Salaries of Territorial Officers 26,266 86 Contingent expenses of Executive 4,442 50 Contingent expenses of Auditor 1,383 75 Contingent expenses of Treasurer 1,485 00 Contingent expenses of Superintendent Public Instruction 513 00 Contingent expenses of Adjutant General 45 00 Members of Legislature, 1864 10,080 00 Attaches of Legislature, 1864 10,230 10 Territorial Secretary, for copying County Eecords 13,294 35 Interest on bonds 15,250 00 Interest on warrants 2,513 82 Printing for Territory 969 00 Sheriff's attendance on Supreme Court 168 00 Territorial Treasurer's commissions 9,448 77 Territorial Treasurer, transportation of coin 565 06 Warrant to pay Eeese bond, February 1, 1864 5,000 00 Total $140,427 81 School Fund $9,876 88 Soldiers' Fund ... 3,780 00 [0.] BALANCE In the Several Funds October 30th, 1864. General Fund. School Fund.. Soldiers' Fund Grand total in the several Funds $362 71 250 82 120 45 $733 98 P>J ESTIMATE Of the Taxable Property for the Year 1864. No official reports have been received, as the Board of Equalization are now in session, and the exact amount cannot be ascertained until they have completed their labors. The personal and real property will probably amount to $25,000,000. The mines may reach $10,000,000 more ; making a total of taxable property of $35,000,000. [B-] 16 ESTIMATE Of the Receipts for 1865. GENERAL FUND. From property tax (thirty cents on the one hundred dollars) SOLDIERS' FUND. From property tax (tweny cents on the one hundred dollars) SCHOOL FUND. From tax on toll roads $105,000 00 70,000 00 5,000 00 Total Amount . . $180,000 00 [NOTE. No allowance has been made for delinquencies and expenses of collection.] [P.] STATEMENT Of the amount of Warrants issued since the organization of the Territory, to- gether with the amount paid : Total amount issued $303,363 38 Total amount paid ... 264,252 91 Balance unpaid $39,110 47 Bonds paid to M. Reese 5,000 00 20,000 00 Total amount 25,000 00 17 [G.] STATEMENT Of the Indebtedness of the Territory, Oct. Wth, 1864. Territorial warrants unpaid.. Bonds to M. Reese Bonds to Parrott & Co Bonds to A. Curry, for Prison Total amount of indebtednesss $264,110 47 $39,110 47 15,000 00 150,000 00 60,000 00 [NOTE. The bonds bear interest as follows: Keese bonds, ten per cent, per annum; Par- rott & Co. bonds, eighteen per cent, per annum, and the Curry bonds ten percent, per annum all payable semi-annually. They are due as follows: Reese bonds, Feb. 1,1865 $ 5,000 00 Reese bonds, Feb. 1, 1866 10,000 00 Parrott & Co. bonds, Feb. 1, 1866 25,000 00 Parrott & Co. bonds, Feb. 1, 1867 35,000 00 Parrott & Co. bonds, Feb. 1, 1858 40,000 00 Parrott & Co. bonds, Feb. 1, 1869 50,000 00 Curry bonds, March 1, 1865 20,000 00 Curry bonds, March 1, 1866 20,000 00 Curry bonds, March 1, 1867 20,000 00 Yery respectfully, W. W. ROSS. Territorial Auditor. REPORT OF THE B O^RD OF PRISON COMMISSIONERS. REPORT CARSON CITY, December 9, 1864. To the Hon. the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Nevada : In compliance with a law passed by the last legislative assembly of the Territory of Nevada, constituting the undersigned a Board of Prison Commissioners, and defining their duties, we respectfully beg leave to submit the following report : The purchase of the building in use for the Territorial Prison, with twenty acres of land, was completed in accordance with the terms of the Act, the Commissioners deeming it proper to employ legal counsel in settling the title to the property. The land was subsequently included in an entry made in the Land Office in this city by Mr. Alvah Mitchell, without, however, in our opinion, any intention on his part adverse to the interests of the Terri- tory. Mr. Mitchell proffered a bond obligating himself to deed the pro- perty to the Territory on the receipt of his patent, but, fearing the valid- ity of such bond, the Commissioners reported the case to the General Land Office at Washington, requesting a suspension of the same until the matter could be investigated. We hand you herewith a copy of a letter in reply, from the Department of the Interior. The Commissioners took possession of the prison on the first day of March, 1864, and appointed Warden, Guards, and such employes as they thought necessary for the safe keeping and management of the convicts. Everything was in a crude and irregular condition, requiring labor and time to reduce to order and system; however, under the immediate superintendence of the very efficient Warden, the prison was soon in a satisfactory working condition, comparing not unfavorably with much older institutions of the kind. At the time the Commissioners took charge of the prison the building contained but six cells, in which were confined eight prisoners; the number of convicts rapidly increased, involving the necessity of enlarg- ing the building for their accommodation. Accordingly, a substantial stone addition was erected, forty-one (41) feet in length by twenty-eight and one-half (28 ) feet in width, affording room for thirty-two (32) cells, only eight of which we found it necessary to complete. The cost of this building, independent of the convict labor, was in the vicinity of $4,000. The present monthly expenses of maintaining the prison average about one thousand one hundred ($1,100) dollars. 22 The employes consist of a Warden, with a salary of $150 per month; four Guards and a Cook, whose pay is $60 per month each. We submit herewith a report of the Warden, containing a description of the prison enlargement, with an inventory of all property at the prison. The total cost of maintaining the prison, including the building ac- count from the 28th day of February, 1864, to the 31st day of Novem- ber, 1864, has amounted to $13,834 56. The amount received from salo of stone, $537 80. The demand for stone during the yast year has been very limited; we anticipate, however, a considerable revenue from that source hereafter, and believe it to be the most profitable branch of industry to which the convict labor can at present be applied. The quarry is apparently inex- haustible, containing stone of a very superior quality for building pur- poses. The funds in the Territorial treasury becoming exhausted, the Com- missioners have had much difficulty in procuring the necessary supplies for the maintenance of the prison, becoming personally responsible for the same until the collection of the revenue for the present year. The unpaid bills against the prison to the 1st of November last, amount to three thousand two hundred dollars and eight cents ($3,200 08). The health of the prisoners has been remarkably good during the year, and the general condition of the prison, we think, highly satisfactory. The number of prisoners now in the prison is nineteen (19). The new Board of Prison Commissioners, created by the Constitution of the State of Nevada, assumed the control of the prison on the 5th in- stant; to them we have handed over all property belonging to the prison, together with all papers and vouchers appertaining to the management of the prison. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN H. KINKEAD, Treasurer. W. W. BOSS, Auditor. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, ") October 26, 1864. j Orion Clemens, John H. Kinkead and W. W. Boss, Territorial Board of Prison Commissioners, Carson City, Nevada Territory: GE>TS: In reply to your favor of the 9th ult., I have to state that he entry of Alvah Mitchell, referred to, No. 45, SEJ of SBJ, section 16, nd SWJ of SWi section 15, T 15 N of R 20 E, at the Land Office at Carson City, will be suspended until the matter can be full} 7 investigated Yery respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. EDMUNDS, Commissioner.