UC-NRLF SB 5h2 77T George Davidson 1825-1911 A SYNOPSIS C J> practical ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, CONTAINING A GREAT VARIETY OF THEOREMS, FORMULAE, AND TABLES, FROM THE MOST ACCURATE AND RECENT AUTHORITIES, IN VARIOUS BRANCHES OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; TO WHICH ARE SUBJOINED SMALL TABLES OF LOGARITHMS. DESIGNED AS A MANUAL FOR ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS, STUDENTS, NAVAL OFFICERS, AND OTHER SCIENTIFIC MEN. BY THE REV. JOHN CARR, M. A., LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, SECOND EDITION: 390 PAGES. LONDON : JOHN WEALE, 59, HIGH HOLBORN. 1843. JOHN MACNEILL, ESQ., CIVIL ENGINEER, F. R. S.,&c. THE RE-PUBLICATION OF THIS VERY USEFUL LITTLE WORK IS INSCRIBED BY HIS VERY HUMBLE SERVANT, JOHN WEALE. DEC. 31, 1842. INTRODUCTION. THIS small volume is intended, as its title page imports, partly as a Manual for the scientific man, to aid him in his researches, when, from his distance from home, or other circumstances, he is precluded from having access to more extended and elaborate works ; and partly as a convenient appendage to the table of the general reader, for purposes of occasional reference ; while to the Student it will supply the place of a syllabus, and fur- nish him with formulae for the solution of problems in many useful branches of mixed Mathematics. With respect to its plan, the reader, on turning to any article, will usually find entered first the Propositions or Formulae applicable to it, illustrated, if necessary, by ex- amples ; to which are appended, such practical results and tables as the subject appeared to require, or the limits of the book to admit of. The Propositions are very rarely accompanied by proofs ; nor is any explanation given of the various terms employed, further than what is necessary to a due understanding of the several symbols introduced. The book professing merely to supply a combination of facts, calculated to aid the memory, or exercise the ingenuity, of the reader, any attempt at elementary instruc- tion would have been altogether inconsistent with its scope and principle. Most of the articles have been compiled and abridged from original sources, as will appear from referring to their several VI INTRODUCTION. heads, where the names of the respective writers, from whom the extracts have been made, are usually inserted ; and par- ticular care has been taken throughout to admit nothing of a practical nature w r hich has not been sanctioned by unexcep- tionable authorities : at all events, since, in every case which admits not of rigid demonstration, the authority has been most scrupulously quoted, the intelligent reader will at once be able to judge what degree of confidence it is entitled to. The small Tables of Logarithms will probably be considered a valuable addition : by the help of these, any one, having the proper data, may exhibit arithmetically such formulae as require a logarithmic computation with sufficient accuracy for all tem- porary purposes. Some subjects, which, from their practical utility, might seem to claim a place in this Synopsis, have, in cases where long verbal descriptions or an expensive apparatus of plates were necessary for their illustration, been purposely omitted; it having been a leading object in the compilation to confine the volume within such limits as might render it conveniently portable. Other omissions doubtless there are, which may have proceeded from inadvertence, or a want of judgment in the selection ; but these last will not, it is hoped, be found very considerable, either in point of number or importance. To typographical accuracy every possible attention has been paid ; without that, a book of this kind would be worse than useless. A SYNOPSIS PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY. ABERRATION of LigJit.(Woodhousc t Vince.) 1. If two lines be drawn from the earth, one in the direction of its rao tion, which will be a tangent to its orbit, and the other through the star,, the angle they form is called the / of the earth's ivay ; and the aberra- tion will wholly take place in the plane passing through these two lines ; which is .". called the plane of aberration. 2. The greatest effect of aberration = 20". 232, or in round numbers 20" ; and generally the aberration in its own plane 20" x sin. of the / of the earth's way. The velocity of the earth C the velocity of light ', '. sin. 20" I rad. : : 1 : 10324. 3. This aberration will affect the apparent position of the stars both in latitude, and longitude j declination, and right ascension. Hence the following Formulae : Aberration in Latitude, Aberrat. in lat. o, when the earth is in syzygy with the star. In any other position of the earth, aberration in lat. is 20" X sin. of earth's distance from syzygy X sin. star's lut Hence the aberration in lat. is a max. when the earth is in quadrat v.rc with the star, and then = 20" x sin. star's lat. Aberration in Longitude, Aberrat. in long. o, when the earth is in quadratures with the star, 1 A rj A ABE In any other position of the earth, aberration in longitude is 20" x cos. earth's distance from syzygy cos. star's lat. Hence aberrat. in long, is a max. when the eartli is in syzygy with the star, and l_ _-.. cos. star s lat. Aberration in Decimation. Aberration in declination o, when tang, earth's disk from syzygy tan, position sin. star's lat. ' In any other position of the earth, let d= dist. of the earth, at the time of observation, from the position it had when aberrat. in declin. o, D = earth's dist. from syzygy at the same time, found by the last Ar- ticle, then aberrat. in declination is 20" x sin, d X sin, position sin. D Hence aberration in declination is a max" 1 , when d = 90. and then 2Q// X sin, position. shiTD Aberration in Right Ascension. Aberration in right ascension o, when the tang, earth's distance from - rotan - position sin. star's lat. ' In any other position of the earth, let d= dist. of the earth, at the time of observation, from the position it had when aberration in right ascen- sion = o, D =. earth's distance from syzygy at the same time, found by last Art. ; then aberrat. in right ascension is 2Q 7/ sin. d x cos. position cos. decl. X sin. D Hence aberrat. in right ascension is a max. when d = 90, and 20" cos, posit cos. dec. X sin. D* 4. The following are the Formulae given by M. Cagnoli, in his Trigo- nometry, as being the most convenient for practice, and from which M. de Lambre has computed his Tables on Aberration. ( See Vince $ Play, fair.) If L be the longitude of the sun at any time, and L' the longitude of a star, the aberration of the star in lat. is 20". 232 x sin. (L' L) X sin. lat. And the aberration in longitude -20". 282 x <'" co.s lat, If A be the right ascension, and D the declination of a star, L being 1 the sun's longitude as before, the aberration in declination is in. D ( 19". 17 sin. (A L) o". 83 sin. (A -f- L)) 8" cos. L X cos. D. And the aberration in right ascension is _ 19" 17 X cos. (A L) o". 83 X cos. (A 4. LI cos. D From these four last Formulae all the effects of aberration may be .computed. 5. In consequence of the aberration of light, the apparent place of a star Avill trace out upon a plane parallel to the ecliptic a circle, in which the true place of the star is similar to that of the sun in the circle des- cribed on the axis major of the earth's orbit as a diameter. This circle, projected upon the plane of vision, is an ellipse, the | ax. maj. 20" 232, and ax. min. = 20" 2 3 2 X sin. star's lat. Hence a star in the pole of the ecliptic describes a circle, and a star in the ecliptic a straight line. 6. To make allowance for the aberration of a planet, let T be the in, ?tant for which the geocentric place is to be computed, t =. time light takes to move from the planet to the earth. Compute its geocentric place by the common rules for the time T #, and it will be its geocen- tric place at the time T, corrected for aberration. The aberration of the sun in longitude always = 20", that being the space moved through by the sun or earth in 8'. 7f ", which is the time in which light passes from the sun to the earth. 7. Aber ratio Curve. (Wright's sol. Camb. Prob.) Let y and p denote the rad. vect. and perpendicular upon the tangent of the given orbit; y and p' the corresponding ones to the aberratic curve. Also let c twice area described dat. tern. ; then These two equations will give the equation to the aborratir curve. EJC. 1. Let the given orbit be a parabola ; then p 2 ~- (L lat. c 2 r I , T rect) .'. y' = j = ~J^, = 2 / 3 ABE is an equation to the circle \vhen the centre of the polar coordinates i* in the circumference (see Circle Equation to}, .-. the aberratic curve is a circle, whose rad. is -= . LI b z 11 2. Let the orbit be an ellipse, whose equation is p% - - - ; Then , P that the aberratic curve (-see Circle Equation to) is a circle, whose ra- dius is -^J-, and the distance of whose centre from the centre of coor- dinates is ~ V a 2 2. 3. Let the orbit be the log. spiral, whose equation is p = m y, then y' = -^-^ = -^ = ?', .". p' \ .'. the aberratic curve is also P y c_ m' P' a log. spiral. ABERRATION in Optics. (Coddington.) I. Aberration in reflection at spherical surfaces. Let E Q = 7, E 7 = ?', E F = /, A N = v and the point v> in the figure being the actual intersection of the re- flected ray and axis, let E v j\ Q (9 -I-/) 3 &c. This in geometrical terms is equivalent to OE 2 AN QE3 A Ng HF2"' T" " h Q F3 ' 4 E F "*" & .'. 9 X . ? ', or aberration in longitude, is - &c. or, because v is small, is 1 E F QE8 AN A B E Cor. When Q E and Q F are given, aberration vnvi<>.> ;\% A N varies as R N 8 nearly. The following series for aberration is a little different from the pre- ceding; but amounts nearly to the same thing; putting / II E A. Aberrat. - ^- / (sec. 6 - 1) - - /, (sec. G - 1) + &c. Cor. Wlien the incident rays are parallel, aberration A T . II. Aberration in refraction at spherical surfaces. Let A & A' be the perpendicular distances of Q and 9 from the refract- ing surface, m the ratio of the sine of incidence : sine of refraction, v = ver. sin. A N (see preceding figure j) then Aberrat. = ( A' r)* ~ --- ~) o is .*. positive, if A be less than (m -f 1) r, & negative when A is above that value. When A (m -f- 1) r, there is no aberration. When the incident rays are parallel, or = o, this reduces to (A' -r)z i v j or if F be the principal focal distance, it is F III. Aberration in a lens. We may consider this as consisting of two parts : (1.) The variation in the second focal distance arising from the aberra- tion in the nrst (a.) (2.) The additional aberration in the refraction at the second surface 08). Let A" be the distance of the focus after the 2d refraction, the reA' A" / A D H The whole aberration is therefore The aberration for a particular value of A varies as r, or as the square of the radius of the aperture nearly. Let us examine what kinds of value the aberration in a lens assumes in different cases. (1.) For the meniscus or concavo-convex lens, (r & ?' being both posi- tive.) The aberration (2.) For the double concave lens r' is negative, (3.) For the double convex lens r is negative, A=H To find the least circle of aberration into which all the homogeneal rays of the same pencil, refracted by a lens, are collected. Let a = | aperture of the lens, 6 == distance of the point where the extreme ray cuts the axis from the focus of refracted rays, c = distance of the same point from the lens, x = rad. of the least circle of aberra- tion, then _ x o "TT Cor. If the focal length of the refractor, and the focus of incidence be given, c is given and x varies as a b varies as 3 ; and on the same sup- position the area of the least circle of aberration varies as a 6 . ACCELERATION of Falling Bodies, See Motion. ACCELERATION of Stars on Mean Solar Time. See Time. ACCELERATION of the Moon. See Moon. ADHESION, a term chiefly used to denote the force, with which the surface of a solid remains attached to the surface of a liquid, after they have been brought into contact. In the year 1773, Guyton-Morveau ascertained experimentally the force of adhesion of eleven different metals to mercury. The surface of oach metal was an inch (French) in diameter and polished. The follow. t> JE R O ing Table exhibits the weight in French grains necessary to separate each metal from the mercury. Gold , 416 Zinc ,.. 204 Silver 429 Copper 142 Tin 418 Antimony 126 Lead 397 Iron 115 Bismuth 372 Cobalt 8 Platinum 282 JER AS, list of the most remarkable : Julian Period. B.C. Creation of the world 706 4007 Deluge 2362 2351 Olympiads of the Greeks 3937 776 Rome built, or Roman sera 3961 752 JEra of Nabonassar of Chaldaens and Egyptians 3967 746 Death of Alexander 4390 323 ^EraoftheSeleucidae 4401 312 First of Julius Caesar 4669 44 Vulgar sera of Christ's birth 4713 A. C, Hegira, Mahometan aera 5335 622 Yesdegird, Persian sera 5344 631 JERONAUTICS. To calculate the height to which a balloon will ascend, under given circumstances. ( WrigliVs solut. Camb. Prol.) Let W weight of the balloon, and all its appendages in ounces, D density of mercury at the time, 5 the spec. grav. of the atmosphere at the surface of the earth, when the barometer stands at 5 feet, and that n of the gas ; c the capacity of the balloon in cubic feet, x = height to which it will ascend in feet j then b D n $ c3 X Jog. - a Cor. If the gas be hydrogen or n = I 3, b 30 inches = -^ feet, D = 14019 (density of water being 1000), and S = -, then * = 12057 x log. Tg^gjr lr. Given W = 20 stone, and the other elements as in the Cor. to de- termine the magnitude of the balloon necessary just to lift that weight from the ground. /, c 3 4011 cubic feet, 7 A N I Short historical notice : October 15, 1783. M. Pilatre de Rozier was the first person who ever ascended in a balloon ; it was inflated with heated air. He perished in a subsequent ascent, being the first who did so. December 1st, 1783. M. M. Roberts and Charles first ascended with an hydrogen gas balloon. September 15th, 1784?. The first aerial voyage in England performed by Lunardi. Jan. 7, 1785. M. Blanchard and Dr Jeffries passed from Dover to Calais. August, 1785. Blanchard in one of his excursions from Lisle, traver- sed a distance of more than 300 miles without halting. Sept. 21, 1802. Garnerin first descended in a parachute from London. September 15, 1804. Gay Lussac ascended from Paris for scientific purposes, and rose to the enormous height of 22,912 feet ; or 23,040, i. e. more than 4J miles above the level of the sea ; being 1600 feet above the summit of the Andes ; the barometer sunk to 12,95 inches. From this last ascent two results were obtained; (1) that the intensity of the mag- netic power continues the same at all accessible distances from the earth's surface : and (2) that the proportions of oxygen and nitrogen, which constitute the atmosphere, do not vary sensibly in the most extended limits. AIR Atmospheric. See Atmosphere. AIR Pump. See Pump. ANGULAR Velocity. See Central Forces. ANIMAL Strength. (Playfair.) 1. The strength of men, and of all animals, is most powerful when di- rected against a resistance that is at rest : when the resistance is over- come, and when the animal is in motion, its force is diminished ; lastly, with a certain velocity the animal can do no work, and can only keep up the motion of its own body. 2. A formula, having the three properties just mentioned, will afford an approximation to the law of animal force. Let P be the weight which the animal exerting itself to the utmost, or at a dead pull, is just able to overcome, W any other weight with which it is actually loaded, and v the velocity with which it moves when so loaded ; c the velocity at which the power of drawing or carrying a load entirely ceases ; then, till ex- perience has led to a more accurate result, we may suppose the strength of animals to follow the law expressed by the formula Tliis is Euler's Formula. Cor. Hence the effect of animal forco, or the quantity of work done iin a given time, will be proportional to W r, or to P v (\ j , and c 4 P will be a maximum when y -^, and W = -^ , i. er of years, not exceeding fifty, and at different rates of interest, from 3 to 6 per cent. ( l^nryc,. Metrop. ) ~ 6 S fc>H. 3 perCent. 3K> perCent. 4 perCent. *H perCent. 5 perCent. (i perCent. ! 97887 96618 96153 95693 95238 94339 2 1-01346 1 '899(59 1-88609 1 -8726(1 1 85911 1 -83339 a 2-82861 2-801(53 2-77509 2-71896 2-72324 2-67301 4 3-71709 3-67307 3-62989 3-58752 3-54595 3-46510 5 4-57970 4-51505 4-45182 4-38997 4-32947 4-21236 6 5-41719 5-32855 5-24213 5-15787 5-07569 4-91732 7 6-23028 6-11454 6-00205 5-89270 5-78637 5-58238 8 7-019(59 (i -87395 6-73274 6-59588 6'4632i >-2097J 9 7-78610 7-6076M 7-43533 7-26879 7-10782 6-80169 10 8-53020 8-31660 8-11089 7-91271 7-72173 7-3600H 11 9-25262 9-00155 8-7(5017 8-52891 8-30641 7-88687 12 9-95400 9-66333 9-38507 9-11858 8-86325 8-38384 13 10-63495 10-30273 9-98564- 9-68285 9-39357 8-85268 14 11-29607 10-92052 10-56312 10-22282 9-89864 9-29-198 15 11-93793 1 1 -5174 1 11-11838 10-73954 10-37965 9-71224 16 12-56110 12-09416 11-65229 11-23401 10-83776 10-10589 17 13-16611 12-65132 12-16566 11-70719 11-27406 10-47725 18 13-75351 13-18968 12-65929 12-15999 11-68958 10-82760 19 14-32379 13-70983 13-13393 13-59329 12-08532 11-15811 20 14-87747 14-21240 13-59032 13-00793 12-46221 11-46992 21 15-41502 14-69794 14-02915 13-40472 12-82115 11-7(5-107 22 15-93691 15-16712 14-45111 13-78442 13-1 6300 12-04158 23 16-44360 15-62041 14-85684 14-14777 13-48857 12-30337 24 16-93551- 16-05836 15-24696 14-49547 13-79864 12-550:35 25 17-41314 1648151 15-62207 14-82820 14-09394 12-78335 26 17-87684 1(5-89035 15-98276 15-14661 14-37518 13-00316 27 18-32703 17-28536 16-32958 15-45130 14-64303 13-21053 28 18-76410 17-66701 16-66306 15-71287 14-89812 13-40616 29 19-18845 18-03576 16-98371 16-02188 15-14107 13-59072 30 19-60044 18-39204 17-29203 16-28888 45-37245 13-76483 31 20-00042 18-73627 17-58849 16-54439 15-59281 13-S908 32 20-38876 19-06886 17-87355 16-78889 15-80267 14-08101 33 20-76579 19-39020 18-14764 17-02286 16-00254 14-23022 34 21-13183 19-70068 18-41119 17-24675 16-19290 14-3(5814 35 21-48722 20-00066 18-66461 17-46101 16-37419 14-49824 36 21-83225 20-29019 18-90828 17-6(5604 16-54685 14-62098 37 22-16723 20-57052 19-14257 17-8(5223 16-71128 14-73678 38 22-49246 20-84108 19-36786 18-04999 16-86789 14-84601 39 22-80821 21-10249 19-58448 18-22965 17-01704 14-91907 40 23-11477 21-35507 19-79277 18-40158 17-15908 15-04629 41 23-41239 21-59910 19-99305 18-56610 17-29436 15-13801 42 23-70135 21-83488 20-18562 18-72354 17-42320 15-22451. 43 23-98190 22-06268 2'0-37079 18-87421 17-5-1591 15-30617 44 24-25437 22-28279 20-54884 19-01838 17-66277 15-38318 45 24-51871 22-49515 20-72003 19-15631- 17-77406 15-45583 46 24-77544 22-70091 20-88465 19-28837 17-88006 15-52436 47 25-02470 22-89943 21-0429.'} 19-41470 17-98101 15-58902 48 25-26670 23-09124 21-19513 19-53560 18-07715 15-65002 49 25-50165 23-27656 21-31147 19-65129 18-10872 15-70757 50 25-7297(5 23-15561 21-18218 1 9-76201 18-25592 1 5-7(51 8'^ A N N TABLE III. Showing the Annuity that \. will purchase for any number of years, nnf exceeding fifty ; at different rates of interest fromX to 6 per cenif, (En- eye. Metrop.) ;* II 3 per Cent. 3K )erCent. 4 )erCent. 456 icrCcnt. 5 perCent. 6 per Cent. 1 1 -OJ3000 1-03500 1-01000 1 -04500 1-05000 1-06000 2 52261 52640 53019 53399 53780 54543 3 35353 3:;693 36034 36377 36720 37410 4 2(5902 27225 27549 27874 28201 28859 5 21835 22148 22462 22779 23097 23739 6 18459 187(515 19076 19387 19701 20336 7 -16050 16351 16660 16970 17281 17913 8 14245 11517 14852 15160 15172 16103 9 12843 13144 13449 13757 14069 14702 10 11723 13084 12329 12(537 12950 l:S5S<5 11 10807 11109 11414 11724 12038 12(579 1-2 10046 10318 10655 10966 11282 11927 13 09402 097(K> 10014 10327 10645 11296 14 08852 09157 09466 09782 .10102 10758 15 08,776 08682 08994 0931 1 09634 10296 16 O7961 08268 08582 .08901 09226 09895 17 07595 07904 08219 085-11 08869 09544 18 , '07270 07581 07899 08223 08554 09235 19 0(5981 07291. 07613 07940 08274 089(52 20 0(5721 07036 07258 07687 08024 08718 21 06487 06803 07128 07460 07799 08500 22 06274 .06593 06919 07251 07597 08304 23 06081 06401 06730 07068 .07413 08127 24 05904 0(5227 06558 06898 07247 07967 25 05742 06067 06401 06743 07095 07822 26 05593 05920 06256 06602 06956 07690 27 05456 05785 06123 06471 06829 07569 28 05329 05660 06001 06352 06712 07459 29 05-21 1 05544 05887 06242 06604 07357 30 05101 05137 05783 06139 06505 07264 31 01999 05337 05685 06044 06413 07179 32 0-1901 05244 05594 05956 06328 07100 33 01815 05157 05510 05874 06249 07027 3* 04732 05075 05431 05798 06175 06959 35 04653 04999 05357 05727 06107 06897 36 04580 04928 05288 05660 06043 06839 37 04511 04861 05223 05598 05983. 06785 38 04445 04798 05i as 05540 05928 06735 39 04384 01738 05106 05485 05876 06689 40 04326 04682 05052 05134 05827 06616 41 01271 04689 05001 05386 05782 06605 42 04219 04579 04954 05340 05739 0656S 43 04169 04532 04908 05298 05699 06533 44 04122 04487 01866 05258 05661 06500 45 04078 05445 04826 05220 05626 06470 46 01036 04405 04788 051 8 1 05592 08441 47 0399C 04366 04752 05150 05561 06411 48 03957 01330 04718 051 IS 05531 06389 49 03921 0429C 04685 05088 05503 06366 50 03886 04263 04655 05060 05477 06341. A N X 2. Of Life Annuities. (Wood.) \. To find the probability that an individual of a given age will live nny number of years. Let A be the number in the tables of the given age, B, C, D ......... X the number left at 1, 2, 3 ......... t years ; then is the probability that p the individual will live one year ; -j- the probability that he will live two years, ~ that he will live t years. Also ~~-, T~ ~~T~ A A A A are the probabilities that he will die in 1, 2, t years. 2. To find the probability that two individuals P and Q, whose ages are known, will live a year. Let the probability that P will live a year, determined by the last Art. be , and the probability that Q will live a year ; then the probabi- lity that they will both be alive at the end of that time is - . mn 3. To find the probability that one of them at least will be alive at the end of any number of years. Let be the probability that P will live t years, and the probabi- lity that Q will live the same time ; then the prob. that one of them at least will be alive at the end of the time is 1 P "" L 9 ~ 1 , or jP + g '~ I - pq pq 4. To find the present value of an annuity of 1. to be continued dur- ing the life of an individual of a given age, allowing compound interest for the money. Let r be the amount of 1. for one year ; A, B, C, &c. as in Art. 1, then the value required is X I 4- ~^~ 4- -p- + &c. I to the end of the tables. De Moivre supposes that out of 86 persons born, one dies every year, till they are extinct. On this supposition, the sum of the above series may be found thus. Let n be the number of years which any individual wants of 86 ; then will n be the number of persons living of that age, out of which one dies every year ; then the sum of the above series or the - . r n 1 present value of the annuity is -- r - r^ -- = (if P be n, (r I) 2 14 ANN the present value of an annuity of 1. to continue certain for n years) 5. The present value of the annuity to continue for ever from the death of the proposed individual is . n. r 1 C. To find the present value of an annuity of 1. to be paid as long as two specified individuals are both living-. Find by Art. 2. the probability that they will both be alive at the end 1 , 2, 3, &c. years to the end of the Tables, call these probabilities a, J, c, &c. and r the amount of 1. in one year, then -^ -f. -f. -^ -f- &c. is the present value of the annuity required. 7. To find the present value of an annuity of 1. to be paid as long as either of two specified individuals is living 1 . Find by Art. 3. the probability that they will not both be extinct in I, 2, 3, &c. years to the end of the tables, and call these probabilities A, B, ABC , &c, then the present value of the annuity is -f -g -f -^ -f &c, 15 A N N TABLE T. Mean Standard Table of Hie Decrements of Life in Great Britain, 1821. ~(Dr Young's Phil Trans. 1826.,) 1 1 2 3 4 t ? gs ?P be 751 759 768 776 1.2931 12189 41138 40679 39911 65 66 67 68 69 942 939 933 926 915 17100 16158 15219 14286 13360 95 96 97 98 99 31 19 14 9 6 104 73 54 44) 31 10 11 12 13 14 423 377 349 337 337 56683 56260 55883 55534 55197 -40 41 42 43 44 785 795 804 813 821 39135 38350 37555 36751 35938 70 72 73 74 903 888 871 850 826 12445 11542 10654 9783 8933 100 101 102 103 104 fi 5 5 4 2 25 19 14 9 5 15 16 17 18 19 347 381 393 422 458 54860 54513 54132 53739 53317 45 46 47 48 49 831 839 848 857 866 35117 34286 :mr, 32599 31742 75 76 77 78 79 801 768 733 697 654 8107 730( (5538 5805 5108 105 106 107 108 109 1 .25 .25 .25 .25 3 2 1.75 1.50 1.25 20 21 22 23 24 497 540 581 621 656 52859 52362 51822 51241 50620 50 51 52 53 54 874 882 890 898 906 3087( rj-ioiK 29120 28230 27332 80 81 82 83 84 610 559 513 460 408 4454 381-1 3'i85 2772 2312 110 111 112 113 114 .25 .25 .25 .25 1.0 .75 .50 . .25 25 26 27 28 29 678 682 687 692 698 49964 492S6 18601. 47917 47225 55 56 57 58 59 913 917 923 929 934 2642( 25513 84501 2367: 22744 85 86 87 88 89 357 307 258 215 178 1904 1547 1240 982 76- Dr Young's formula expressing the decrement of human life is y = 368 + 10 x 11 (156 + 2 o x #*)* -\ 5. ?/ being the number of deaths among 100000 persons, in the year that completes the age x, ; y 368 + 10 x may be employed as sufficiently correct for the middle portion of life, being certainly much nearer to the truth than De- moivre's hypothesis, who makes y = ' 1163 throughout life. TABLE II. ing the value of an Annuity <>. a, single life at even/ age, deduced front, tlte observations )iM.(le at Northampton. ( Emy<*, Metrop.) a 4 5 6 4 5 6 be < per Cent. per Cent. por Cent < per Cent. per Cent. per Cent. 1 13-465 11-563 10-107 49 11-475 10-443 9-563 2 15-633 13-420 11-724 50 11-234 10-269 9-417 3 16-4(52 14-135 12-348 51 11-057 10-097 9-273 4 7-010 14-613 12-769 52 10-849 9-925 0-129 5 17-248 14-826 12-962 53 10-637 9-748 8-980 6 7-482 15-041 13-156 54. 10421 9-567 8-827 7 7-611 15-166 13-275 55 10-201 4-382 8-670 8 17-662 15-226 13-337 56 9-977 9-193 8-509 9 17-625 15-210 13-335 57 9-719 8-999 8-343 10 7-523 15-139 13-285 58 9-516 8-801 8-173 11 7-393 15-043 13-212 59 9-280 8-599 7-999 12 17-251 14-937 13-130 60 9-039 8-392 7-820 13 7-103 14-826 13-044 61 8-795 8-181 7-637 It 16-950 14-710 12-953 62 8-547 7-966 7-449 15 16-791 14-588 12-857 63 8-291 7-742 7-253 16 16-625 14-460 12-755 (54 8-030 7-514 6-052 17 16-462 14-331 12-655 65 7-761 7.276 6-841 18 16-309 14-217 12-562 66 7-488 7-034 6-625 19 16-167 14-108 12-477 67 7-211 6-787 6-405 20 16-033 14-007 12-398 68 6-930 6-536 6-179 21 15-912 13-917 12-329 69 6-647 6-281 5-949 22 15-797 13-833 12-265 70 6-361 6-023 5-716 23 15-680 13-746 12-200 71 6-075 5-764 5-479 24 15-560 13-658 12-132 72 5-790 5-504 5-241 25 15-438 13-567 12-063 73 5-507 5-245 5-004 26 15-312 13-473 11-992 74 5-230 4-990 4-796 27 15-181 13-377 11-917 75 4-962 4-744 4-542 28 15-053 13-278 1 1 -841 76 4-710 4-511 4-326 29 14-918 13-177 11-763 77 4-457 4-277 4-109 30 14-781 13-072 1 1 -f)82 78 4-197 4-035 3-884 31 14-639 12-965 1 1 -598 79 3-921 3-776 3-641 32 14-495 12-854 11-512 80 3-643 3-515 3-394 33 14-347 12-740 11-423 81 3.377 3-263 3-156 34 14-195 12-623 1 1 -331 82 3-122 3-026 2-926 35 14-039 12-502 11-236 83 2-887 2-797 2-713 36 13-889 12-377 11-137 84 2-708 2-627 2-551 37 13-716 12-249 11-035 85 2-543 2-471 2-402 38 13-548 12-116 10-929 86 2-393 2-328 2-266 39 13-375 11-979 10-819 87 , 2-251 2-193 2-138 40 13-197 11-837 10-705 88 c 2-131 2-080 2-031 41 13-018 11-695 10-589 89 1.967 1-924 1-883 42 12-838 11-551 10-473 90 1-758 1-723 1-689 43 12-657 11-407 10-356 91 1 -474 1-447 1-422 44 12-472 11-258 10-235 92 1-171 1-153 1-136 45 12-283 11-105 10.110 93 827 816 806 46 12-089 10-917 9-980 94 530 524 518 47 1 1 -890 10-784 9-846 95 240 238 236 48 11-685 10-616 9-707 96 000 000 000 A 4 A X N TABLE I1T. Showing the value of fin Annuity on tiro joint lira, deduced from obscrra- tions made at NortJutinpton, the difference of ages being 5 years. ( En- cyc. Metrop.) Ages. 4 per Cent. 5 per Cent. Ages. 4 per Cent. 5 per Cent. 1- 6 10-741 9-479 47-52 8-147 7-582 2- 7 12-581 11-100 48-53 7-965 7-424 3- 8 13-319 11-755 49-54 7-780 7-262 4- 9 13-775 12-105 50-55 7-593 7-098 5-10 13-933 12-315 51-56 7-409 6*936 6-11 14-068 12-447 52-57 7-225 6-771 1-12 14-111 12-498 53-58 7-039 6-609 8-13 14-089 12-192 54-59 6-850 6-442 9-14 13-992 12-421 55-60 6-6T>9 6-272 10-15 13-841 12-302 56-61 6-465 6-100 11-16 13-664 12-158 57-62 6-270 5-925 1-2-17 13-480 12-009 58-63 6-070 5-744 13-18 13-303 11-864 59-64 5-867 5-561 14-19 13-130 11-723 60-65 5-658 5-372 15-20 12-961 11-585 61-66 5-447 5-180 16-21 12-799 11-452 62-67 5-285 , 4-986 17-22 12-646 11-327 63-68 5-017 4-786 18-23 12-500 11-209 64-69 4-798 4-585 19-24 12-361 11-096 65-70 4-573 4-378 20-25 12-229 10-989 66-71 4-349 4-169 21-26 12-105 10-890 67-72 4-124 3-960 22-27 11-987 10-796 68-73 3-901 3-752 23-28 11-866 10-699 69-74 3-683 .T547 24-29 11-743 10-600 70-75 3-471 3-347 25-30 11-618 10-499 71-76 3-270 3-159 26-31 11-489 10-396 72-77 3-070 2D71 27-32 11-359 10-289 73-78 2-869 2-780 28-33 11-225 10-181 74-79 2-659 2-580 29-31 11-088 10-069 75-80 2-448 2'381 30-35 10-948 9-954 76-81 2-258 2-195 31-36 10-805 9-837 77-82 2-077 2-013 32-37 10-659 9-716 78-83 1-899 1-838 33-38 10-508 9-591 79-81 1-751 1-750 34-39 10-354 9-463 80-85 1-608 T573 35-40 10-196 9-331 81-86 1-478 1-447 36-41 10-037 9-198 82-87 1-356 1-329 37-42 9-877 9-062 83-88 1-259 1-235 38-43 9-716 8-927 81-89 1-164 1-145 39-44 9-550 8-787 85-90 1-054 T038 40-45 9-381 8-643 86-91 902 892 11-16 9-210 8-497 87-92 738 731 42-47 9-037 8-350 88-93 .554 517 43-48 8-862 8-200 89-91 373 369 44-19 8-683 8046 90-95 177 '17.') 45-50 8-503 7-891 91-96 '000 ooo 46-51 8-326 7-737 TABLE IV. Showing tftp 1'itln.e fifaii Annuity on f-n; joint. In finns made at Xorthampton t tln j diffwence <>f fi/r. Met r op.} .';, deduced from observe (:. fifing }()' years. (En- Ages. 4 per Cent. 5 IHM' Cent. Ages. 4 per Cent. 5 per Cent. 1-11 10-782 9-544 44-54 8-130 7 '509 2-18 12-438 11-010 45-55 7-948 7-411 S.13 13-019 11-528 46-56 7-763 7-249 4-14 13-374 11-850 47-57 7-574 7-084 5-15 13-479 11-954 48-58 7-382 6-915 6-16 13-578 12-052 49-59 7-186 6-742 7-17 13-599 12-083 50-60 6-989 6-568 8-18 13-569 121)70 51-61 (5-795 6-395 9.) 9 13-482 12-00(5 5-2-62 6-600 6-222 10-20 13-355 1 1 -OCX) 53-63 6-399 6-042 11-21 13-217 111797 54-61 6-196 5-860 12-22 13-078 11-686 55-65 5-986 5-671 13-23 12-934 11-570 56-66 5-774 5-479 14-24 12-784 11-150 57-6T 5-559 5-283 15-25 12-630 11-324 58-68 5-341 5-081 16-26 12-470 11-193 59-69 5-121 4-883 17-27 1-2-311 11-063 60-70 4-900 4-680 18-28 12-158 10-939 61-71 4'679 4-476 19-29 12-013 10'820 62-72 4-458 4-272 20-30 11-873 10-707 63-73 4-236 4-066 21-31 11-742 10-600 64-74 4-019 3-864 22-32 11-615 10-498 65-75 3-806 3-665 23-33 1T485 10-393 66-76 3-606 3-477 24-34 11-352 10-285 67-77 3-405 3-289 25-35 11-217 10-175 68-78 3-199 3-095 26-36 11-078 10-062 69-79 2-979 2-887 27-37 1 0-936 9-946 70-80 2-757 2-675 28-38 10-791 9'8'26 71-81 2-542 2-470 29-39 10-642 9-703 72-82 2-334 2-271 30-40 10-490 9-576 73-83 2-141 2-085 31-41 10-336 9-448 71-84 1 -991 ] -941 32-42 10-182 9-3-20 75.85 1 -856 1 811 33-43 10-027 9-190 76-86 1 "739 I 699 34*44 9-869 9'058 77-87 1-633 1 '597 35-45 9'70(> 8-921 78-88 i -r>4(5 1-514 36-46 9 '540 8-781 79-89 ) -.1^7 1 -400 37-47 9-370 8-636 80-90 ' } -278 1 "255 38-48 9-195 8 '487 81-91 1'078 1061 :)<).] 9 9-015 8-333 8-2.92 86-1. 853 40-50 8-834 8-177 ' 83-93 614 606 41-51 8*658 8-025 84-9! 403 398 42-52 8-483 7'875 85-95 187 185 43-53 8'308 7-724 86-96 ooo ooo 3. OfAtrurance* on Lives. This article has been already extended beyond its due limits ; the fol- lowing Table is therefore all that can be inserted on this subject. Terms of Assurance proposed by the Amicable Society, for euturing the sum of 100. upon the life of any healthy person from the age of 8 to 72. Age. For one year. For 7 years. For the whole life. Age. For one year. For 7 years. For the whole life. . s. d. . s. d. . s. d. . s. d. . s. d. . s. d. 8 to U 14 6 18 1 14 6 M 1 17 2 i o 3 13 15 15 19 1 15 6 45 1 18 2 2 3 15 16 15 6 i u; <; 46 1 19 230 3 17 6 17 17 1 1 17 (I 47 200 246 400 18 18 6 2 1 18 6 48 2 1 6 260 426 19 3 6 1 19 6 49 230 2 8 4 5 20 1 6 4 6 2 6 50 > 1 6 2 10 480 21 2 6 5 2 1 6 51 2 6 2 12 4110 22 3 6 5 6 2 2 ; 52 276 2 H 4 14 23 4 6 2 3 6 53 2 9 6 2 16 1 17 24 4 6 6 6 246 54 2 11 6 2 18 5 25 5 7 2 5 6 55 2 13 6 300 5 3 6 26 5 6 7 6 2 6 6 56 2 15 6 3 2 576 27 8 2 7 6 57 2 17 6 3 1 511 6 28 6 6 8 6 286 58 2 19 6 3 6 6 5 15 6 29 7 9 296 59 3 1 6 3 1) fi 600 30 7 6 9 6 2 10 6 60 340 3 12 6 6 5 31 8 10 2 11 6 61 366 3 15 6 6 10 32 a G 10 6 2 12 6 62 390 3 19 <> 15 6 a3 9 11 2 H 63 3 H 6 426 7 1 31 9 6 11 G 2 15 6 64 3 146 470 776 35 10 12 2 17 65 3 18 4 12 7 14 6 3(5 10 6 13 2 18 6 66 420 4 17 6 820 37 11 IV 3 <;~ 460 540 8 10 38 11 6 15 3 1 6 68 4 13 6 5 13 6 8 19 6 39 1-2 16 3 3 69 5 1 6 640 990 40 13 17 3 5 70 5 10 6 6 17 6 9 19 6 41 14 18 3 7 71 6 1 7 1 1 6 10 10 4-2 1 15 1 19 390 72 6 13 8 160 11 2 43 1 16 2 3110 Ex. Let it be proposed to determine the annual payment to be made by & person aged 42, to insure 1000. payable at his decease. . -v. By Table, annual payment per cent. 3 9 Multiply by 10 34 10 A N O ANOMALISTIC Year. See Earth. Elements of, ANOMALY, in Astronomy. (Maddy, Play fair.) Given the mean anomaly (), to find the true (), (usually called Kep- ler's Problem.) 1st Method. .If the eccentricity ( tin height of the arch or the semi-conjugate axis ; then if from any point in 23 B 2 A R C the curve a perpendicular . he lot f;ill on the longer axis, and AV be the \vright of the key-stone, the weight V of any voussoir is ut in the horizontal direction. A K ( fill tbp arrh had room ;> la I] ; it is 1h'rriore ;iirnins1 the ma.-onry imm*. diately In-hind the ]art A M, and rhieily in a horizontal direction, that th. force J> exerted. ARCHIMEDES' -S>//Y//. See 5/>m/. ARCS Circular to fin J JengtJi of, in terms of the radius. ( Vince.) TABLE, For finding fhf IcngtJt of Circular Arcs to Radius Unity. Dog. Length. Deg-. Lengtl^. Min. Length. Sec. Length. 1 0,0174533 60 1,0471976 1 0,0002909 1 0,0000048 2 0,0317fVi 4 0,0011636 4 ft,0000194 5 0,087-2665 100 1,7453293 5 0,0014544 5 0,0000242 6 0,1047198 1-20 2,(nW951 6 0,0017453 6 0,0000291 7 0,1^1730 150 2,6179939 7 0,0020362 7 0,0000339 8 0,139()'2()3 180 M,UJ5927 8 0,0023271 8 0,0000388 0,15707^X5 210 3,6(551914 9 0,0026180 <) 6,0000136 10 0,17453-29 240 4,1887902 10 0,0029089 10 0,0000485 20 0,34-90()59 270 4,7123890 20 0,0058178 20 0,0000970 30 0,5-235988 300 5,2369878 30 0,0087266 30 0,0001454 40 0,6981317 330 5,7595865 40 0,0116355 40 0,0001939 50 0,87-26646 360 6,2831853 50 0,0145444 50 0,0002424 i Circular arc r^ radius 57. 2957795 57<>. 17'. 44", 8. E^. What is the length of a circular arc of 37". 42'. 58" ? 300 0-5235988 70 0-1221730 40 0-0116355 2' 0-0005818 50" 0-0002424 8" 0-0000388 Lecgth required 0-6582703 ARC ARCS Semi-diurnal f I'ince.) TABLES of Semi-diurnal Arcs. Latitude and Declination of the same kind. 2 LATITUDE. CJ +- o 50 51 52 53 54 550 56<> H. M. D. H. M. 11. M. H. M. H. M. 6. 9 6. 14 6. 19 6. 25 H. M. H. M. 2 3 4 6. 8 6. 13 6. 18 6. 22 6. 8 6. 13 6. 18 6. 22 6. 9 6. 14 6. 19 6. 24 6. 9 6. 15 6. 20 6. 26 6. 9 6. 15 6. 21 6. 27 6. 10 6. 16 6. 22 6. 28 5 6 8 6. 27 6. 32 6. 37 6. 42 6. 27 6. 33 6. 38 6. 43 6. 29 6. 34 6. 40 6. 45 6. 30 6. 36 6. 41 6. 47 6. 31 6. 37 6. 43 6. 48 6. 32 6. 38 6. 44 6. 50 6. 34 6. 40 6. 46 6. 52 9 10 11 12 6. 47 6. 52 6. 57 7. 2 6. 48 6. 54 6. 59 7. 4 6. 50 6. 56 7. 1 7. 7 6. 52 6. 58 7. 3 7. 9 6. 54 7. 7. 6 7. 12 6. 56 7. 2 7. 8 7. 15 6. 58 7. 5 7. 11 7. 18 13 14 15 16 7. 7 7. 13 7. 18 7. 24 7. 10 7. 15 7. 21 7. 27 7. 12 7. 18 7. 24 7. 30 7. 15 7. 21 7. 27 7. 33 7. 18 7. 24 7. 31 7. 37 7. -21 7. 28 7. 34 7. 41 7. 24 7. 31 7. 39 7. 15 17 18 19 20 7. 29 7. 35 7. 41 7. 47 7. 33 7. 38 7. 45 7. 51 7. 36 7. 42 7. 49 7. 55 7. 40 7. 46 7. 53 8. 7. 41 7. 51 7. 58 8. 5 7. 48 7. 55 8. 2 8. 10 7. 52 8. 8. 7 8. 15 21 22 23 24 7. 53 7. 59 8. 6 8. 12 7. 57 8. 4 8. 11 8. 18 8. 2 8. 9 8. 16 8. 24 8. 7 8. 14 8. 22 8. 30 8. 12 8. 20 8. 28 8. 36 8. 18 8. 26 8. 34 8. 43 8. 24 8. 32 8. 41 8. 51 25 26 27 28 8. 19 8. 27 8. 34 8. 42 8. 25 8. 33 8. 41 8. 49 8. 31 8. 39 8. 48 8. 57 8. 38 8. 47 8. 56 9. 5 8. 45 8.54 9. 4 9. 14 8. 53 9. 2 9. 13 9. 24 9. 1 9. 11 9. 23 9. 35 29 30 31 32 8. 50 8. 59 9. 9 9. 19 8. 58 9. 8 9. 18 9. 28 9. 6 9. 17 9. 28 9. 39 9. 14 2. 26 9. 38 9. 52 9. 25 9. 38 9. 51 10. 6 9. 36 9. 50 10. 5 10. 23 9. 49 10. 4 10. 22 10. 44 ARC Latitude and Declination of different kinds. -i d -r o q| LATITUDE. 50 5lo 52 53 51 55 560 D. 11. M. II M n. M. H >1 H M H M H M 1 2 '3 4 5. 59 5. 54 5. 49 5. 44 5. 58 5. 53 5. 49 5. U 5. 58 5. 53 5. 48 5. 43 5. 58 5. 53 5. 48 5. 42 5. 58 5. 53 5. 47 5. 42 5. 58 5. 52 5. 47 5. 41 5. 58 5, 52 5. 46 5. 40 5 6 7 8 5. 39 5. 35 5. 30 5. 25 5. 39 5. 34 5. 29 5. 23 5. 38 5. 33 5. 27 5. 22 5. 37 5. 31 5. 26 5. 21 5. 36 5. 30 5. 25 5. 19 5. 35 5. 29 5. 23 5. 17 5. 34 5. 28 5. 22 5. 16 9 10 11 12 5. 20 5. 15 5. 10 5. 5 5. 18 5. 13 5. 8 5. 3 5. 17 5. 11 5. 6 5. 5. 16 5. 10 5. 4 4. 58 5. 13 5. 8 5. 2 4. 56 5. 12 5. 5 4. 59 4. 53 5. 10 5. 3 4. 57 4. 51 13 11 15 16 5. 4. 54 4. 49 4. 45 4. 57 4. 52 4. 46 4. 41 4. 55 4. 49 4. 44 4. 38 4. 52 4. 47 4. 41 4. 34 4. 28 4. 22 4. 15 4. 9 4. 50 4. 44 4. 37 4. 31 4. 47 4. 41 4. 34 4. 27 4. 44 4. 37 4, 31 4. 24 4. 17 4. 9 4. 2 3. 54 17 18 19 20 4. 38 4. 33 4. 27 4. 21 4. 35 4. 29 4. 23 4. 17 4. 32 4. 26 1. J!) 4. 13 4. 23 4. 18 4. 11 4. 4 4. 21 4. 14 4. 7 3. 59 21 22 23 24 4. 15 4. 9 4. 3 4. 11 4. 4 3. 58 3. 51 4. 6 4. 3. 53 3. 46 4. 2 3. 55 3. 47 3. 40 3. 57 3. 50 3. 42 3. 34 3. 52 3. 44 3. 36 3. 27 3. 46 3. 38 3. 29 3. 20 25 26 27 28 3. 49 3. 4:2 3. 35 3. 28 3. 44 3. 37 3. 29 3. 21 3. 38 3. 30 3. 22 3. 14 3 32 3! 24 3. 15 3. 6 3. 25 3. 17 3. 8 2. 58 3. 18 3. 9 2. 59 2. 49 2. 37 2. 25 2. 12 1. 57 3. 11 3. 1 2. 50 2. 38 29 30 31 32 3. 20 3. 11 3. 3 2. 53 3. 12 3. 4 2. 54 2. 24 3. 5 2. 55 2. 45 2. 44 2. 56 2. 46 2. 35 2. 23 2. 47 2. 36 2. 24 2. 11 2. 26 2. 13 1. 57 1. 40 ExiilanaiioH of the Tables, The first is a Table of serai-diurnal arcs, when the latitude of the place and the declination of the body are of the same kind ; the 2d. when the latitude and declination are of different kinds. The first column of each 21 TaMe contains the declination of the body from 1 to 3'2, and at the top of each succeeding column is set down the latitude of the place from 50 to 60 both inclusive. For the sun, the arc gives the time of its setting-, and if it be subtract- ed from twelve o'clock, you get the time of its rising. For a star, add and subtract the equation to and from the time at which the star passes the meridian, and you have the time of its setting and rising. The time so given is the hour when the centre of the sun appears in the horizon, the eye being at the surface of the earth ; thereby taking into consideration the effect of refraction. Example. In latitude 5-2. 12'., and declination of the stm 23. 28'., what is the time of its rising and setting ? h. m. Latitude 520. declination 230 arc 8. 1(> 53. arc 8. 22 i (j Hence lo : 12' :: 6m : Im, to be added to 87/. 16m. h. m. Latitude 52, declination 23..... arc 8. 16 24 arc 8. 24 1 8 Hence 1 : 28' :: 8m : 4m, to be added also to 8A. l&m. Therefore the semi-diurnal arc 8h. l&m. -f- \m. 4. \m. 8/i. 21 w. the time of setting; and 3h. 39/. time of rising. AREAS of Currcs, whoso Equations are given. Let r and y be the ^abscissa and ordiiiate of the curve, then Area fl. ydx, Ex. \. Area of a triangle rr base X i perpendicular. 2. Area of the common parabola = % xy =. of the circumscribing it-i n rectangle. Or if the general equation is a x y , area rr X .r y. 8. Area of circle whose radius 1 is 3. 14159 &c. or if rad. r, and ^ ~ ,'i. 14159 &c. area = x r~ ; or in terms of circumference C = C. . 1. Area of ellipse, if a and b = -* ax. maj. and min., = T. u //. 5. Area of cycloid 3 times area of the. i^eucratiu^ <-irclc. 28 A S Y H. In the hyperbola the area- between the asymptotes fl. -?"'*.' '' ' .'assuming yx w), tho hyperbola being oqui-lateral ; .'. area nit log. x -f- C ; and assuming it o when x w, wo shall have in- log. as the general expression for the area. Ifm rz 1, the areas are the hyperbolic logarithms of the corresponding abscissae ; and hence the origin of the term hyperbolic as applied to lo garithms. For Areas of Spirals. See Spiral. ARITHMETICAL Progression. See Progression. ASSURANCE on Lives. See Annuities. ASYMPTOTES, to draw. Find the value of ~ = subtan- dy gent M T ; .'. A T = -^- x is known. Now suppose x to become infinite, and T to move on to C ; then _ if A C be finite the curve admits an ^ T A M L asymptote. Next find the ratio of T M : M P, which, if we again sup- pose x infinite, gives us the ratio of C L : L x ; then by similar As C L : L.r :: C A : A R, of which proportion the three first terms are known, and .". A R can be determined. Join C R, and produce it indefinitely, and C R is the asymptote required. Ex. 1 .To drfcw an asymptote to the common hyperbola. + A>2 * (when x is infinite) = a = A C. Again T M C M P :: 2g " r + ;g * : 1 V-2 a x + x* ;: ( when x is infinite) r : a + x a ~ I : C L : L x : : C A (a) : A R, .'. A R b ; Hence from A draw A R = b ; take C the centre, and join C R, and produce it indefinitely, and C R x is the asymptote. EA-. 2. Let the equation be y 3 a x* -f A- 3 . Proceed just as before, and we get C L ~ r, L -r < x i A C , ,% A T M ATMOSPHERE. Atmospheric air, properties of. 1. Fluidity, elasticity, expansibility, and gravity. Atmospheric air, composition of. 2. Nitrogen 79 parts, oxygen 21, and about 1 part in 1000 of i-ari>onir acid gas. It also contains about 1 per cent, of water in the state of ela<- tic vapour. If the calculation be made by weight, there will be, in every 100 measures of atmospheric lair, 23 of oxygen, and 76- of nitrogen. Atmosplieric air, specific gravity of. 3. Specific gravity of air I that of water '.'. 1 : 832 or 833, wlu?n redu- ced to the pressure of 30 inches of the barometer, and the mean temper- ature of 55. of the thermometer. 100 cubic inches of air at the surface of the sea, when ihe thermometer is at 60, weigh 30 gram-;. Atmosplieric air, rarefaction and condensation of. 4. The ratio of the spaces occupied by a given quantity of air in it? greatest state of rarefaction, is to the same under the highest degree of condensation, as 550.000 to 1. Atmosphere, weight or pressure of. 5. The pressure of the atmosphere in its mean state is equal to a co- lumn of quicksilver of an equal base and 30 inches high, or to a column of water of 34 feet in height. Hence its weight on every square inch i* nearly equal to lolbs. Mr Cotes computed that the pressure of this am- bient fluid on the whole surface of the earth is equivalent to th;tt of a globe of lead of 60 miles in diameter ; and admitting the surface of a man's body to be about 15 square feet, he must sustain 32,100 Ibs, or near- ly 14| tons weight. But since the variation in the height of the mercurial column may occupy a range of 3 inches, every square inch base on any body may at one time be pressed more than it is at others by a weight equal to three cubic inches of mercury. Hence it may be easily shewn that the difference in the weight of air, sustained by our bodies, in dif- ferent states of the asmosphere, is often near a ton and a half. Atmosphere homogeneous, height of. G. Let H height of homogeneous atmosphere, % its uniform density, b the height of the barometer in feet, and D the density of tht> mercury, then At a medium 5 : D :: 1* ; 13600; and 6. it a mean SOinrlie? --4f; mite?, i 20 91 y 13600 ,% H = ? ~^^ A T M AlwofpJiere, density of. 7. The density of the air is in proportion to the force which compres- ses it, or to its elasticity, or inversely as the spaces within which the same quantity of it is contained. 8. If altitudes be taken from the earth's surface in arithmetical pro- gression, the density of the air decreases in geometrical progression. 9. Given the altitude above the earth's surface, to find the density of the air ; and conversely. Let y density at the distance .T from the earth's surface, & the den- sity at the surface, and // the height of the homogeneous atmosphere, then y d x e * , or by Art. 6, y I X * * D Or conversely, having given the density to find the altitude, we have x It, x hyp. log. ; or in common logs, nearly x 1000 x log. 7T. In the above formulae I and y denote the atmospherical pressures at the surface and altitude #, for which we may substitute M and m, the al- titudes of the mercury in the barometer at those distances ; we shall then have x = 1000 x log. . tn This gives only the approximate height; for the correct formula- see Barometer. 10. If, instead of supposing gravity constant, we assume it to vary in- versely as the 71 power of the distance, we shall have, putting the earth's radius r, y a *. which is a general Equation, expressing the relation between the alti- tude and density. Cor. If F varies as -Y^J V %. j j ^T- \~r "" r+Tr/ hence if r -f x increase in harmonical progression, is in arithm?- 4. x tic, and ,*, the densities themselves \vi]l decrease in geometric. ATM 11. TABLE exhibiting the comparative density of the air at the serr- ral corresponding heights. Height in miles. Raritv. r Height. 35 .. .. Rarity. 1 024 ~ 31 2 42 . 40% 7 4 41) 16384 14 ........ 16 56 65536 21 64, 63 262144 28 ... .... 25G 30 .. ... 10-18576 And by pursuing the calculation, it might easily be shown that a cubic inch of the air we breathe would be so much rarified at the height of 500 miles, that it would fill a sphere equal in diameter to the orbit of Sa- turn. Atmosphere, refractive and reflective powers of. 12. The altitude above the earth's surface at which the atmosphere be- gins to have any sensible effect on the rays of light to refract them 77.25 miles ; and the altitude at which reflection begins 39.64 miles, = about half the altitude at which refraction begins. ( I'ince.J How much farther than this the atmosphere may extend, it is impos- sible to ascertain ; it must, however, at all events, be limited in its ex- tent by the centrifugal force of the earth, and the attraction of the moon. For terrestrial refraction, and the refraction of the heavenly bodies- see Refraction, Atmosphere^ motion of. 13. To determine the velocity with which atmospheric air will rush into a vacuum, let h height of homogeneous atmosphere, and v the re- quired velocity, g = 32% feet, then v = V 2 ff h 8 J~h nearly, = at a medium 1339 feet. 14. To find the velocity with which air rushes into a medium rarer than itself, put V = velocity with which it rushes into a vacuum, D the natural density of the air, and % the density of the air contained in the vessel into which it is supposed to run ; then 15. To find the time in which air will fill a vacuum of given dimensions, put C = capacity of the vessel in cubic feet, A the area of the section of the orifice, h = height of homogeneous atmosphere ; then j = 4 32 Atmosphere, law of repulsion in the particle* of. 1(5. In general if the particles of a fluid repel each other with forces varying- inversely as the *r* power of their distances or as -^ & on d represent the density of any part, and c the compressive force upon it ; then c varies as d -> or varies as It appears by experiment, that the compressive force of atmospheric air varies as the density, ,*. ~ = 1 or n . = 1 ; consequently the par- ticles of air repel each other with forces which vary inversely as their distances. Cor. This fluid will be elastic, if n 4. 2 be positive. Atmosphere, temperature of. 17. Various formulae for the mean temperature of any place at the level of the sea. Playfarr^s formula. t = 58 _j_ 970 x cos 2 latitude. Fahrenheit. When 2 latitude is greater than 90o, cos 2 latitude is negative. Leslie's formula. t cos 2 lat x 29. Centigrade. Daubisson's formula. t 27 X cos* lat. Centigrade. Brewster^s formula. For the old world, t 81 |o x <*os lat. Fahrenheit. For the new, t = 81 x cos 2 lat. x 1-13. Atkinson'* formula. Deduced from Humboldt's observations in the new world. f See Mem. Astron. Soc.) t = 97, 08 x cos I lat. 100, 53. Fahrenheit. TABLE of mean temperature at tJte lecel of the sea in different latitude?, calculated from Leslie's formula. Lat. .... Cent. Fa S! ir. 2. Lat. 54, Cent. . 10.02 Fahr. 50.0 5 28.78 . S3 8 55 .... 9.51 49.2 10 15 20 28.13 27.06 25.61 . 82 . 80 . 78 6 7 1 56 57 58 .... 9.07 .... 8.60 .... 8.14 48.3 47.5 46.6 25 30 23.82 21.75 . 71 9 1 59 60 .... 7.69 .... 75 45.8 450 35 19.46 . 67 65 .... 5.18 41.3 40 17.01 . (52 6 70 .... 339 38 I 45 14.50 . 58 1 75 .... 1.94 35.5 50 11.98 . 53 6 80 .... 0.86 33.6 51 52 11.49 10.99 . 52 . 51 7 g 85 90 .... 0.22 .... 0.0 32.4. 32.0 53 10.50 . 50 9 Mean temperature of London, as observed at the apartments of the Royal Society for 20 years, from 1790 to 1809, = 50" 94. The greatest an- nual temperature during that time was 53o. 2, the least 48o. 5. 18. In ascending from the level of the sea, this mean temperature de- creases nearly uniformly, though accurately the decrease seems some- what slower as we ascend. Playfair calculates the diminution of heat at the rate of 1 for 270 feet nearly, when not far from the surface of the earth. Leslie allows 300 feet at the earth's surface ; and at I, 2, 3, 4, and 5 miles altitude, 295, 277, 252, 223, and 192 feet respectively, for every de- gree of Fahrenheit. Hence to find the mean temperature at any height 7i above the level of the sea, we must subtract from the formulae in the last Art. -p^r- accord- ing to Playfair, - according to Leslie, and A accord- ing to Atkinson. r 200 19. The temperature of profuse fountains gives very accurately the mean temperature of any place ; and by this method the altitude of any place above the level of the sea may be nearly ascertained. Thus sup- pose t temperature of the spring (Fahrenheit), T = mean temperature due to that parallel, found by the above Table or formulae, then (T t} x 300 = height above the level of the sea in feet. If the altitude be very considerable, 300 is too large a multiplier, and a correc. 34 ATM tion must be applied thus: Let h = height found by the above rule, then - correction to he subtracted from //. 48600 According to Atkinson (see Mem. Astrox. Hoc.) the height in feet due to any given depression of the thermometer w, i.s and n nearly. which two formulae apply to both hemispheres. 20. To find the mean temperature of any day, under any parallel, and with any elevation. Let A. be the mean longitude of the sun, computed from the 1st of arica for any day of the year, the mean temperature of which is y ; then in these latitudes. y = 58<> + 370 cos 2 lat. - -^L + 150 x sin (A - 30") 21. On ascending into the atmosphere, there is a certain height in every latitude, where the mean temperature is below 32 ; the curve joining all these points, is called the line of perpetual congelation j to find its height in any latitude. H 7642 -f 7933. cos. 2 L. (Play fair.) TABLE of the height of the curve of congelation in different latitudes^ as computed by Leslie. Lat. 00 5 . 10, 15 . 25 30 35 40 45 50 51 52 Ht. of curve in feet. _, ,_ 15207 ~~~^~~ 15095 _ 14761 11220 13478 12557 11484 10287 9001 76* J 6334 6070 5808 5548 A T M In our latitude?, the j'ltitiide of the point of nmgel.it ion may be found with sufficient prrri-ioii I>\ multiplying the mean temperature 3~2 by 300, and correcting as in Art. Jl'. "We will conclude this Article \\itli the following short Tables and ob- servations : TABLE exhibiting the different tzi'atfutwn-s uf the mean annual temper- ature in Western Europe and North America, continuing tJte vatle to the Equator. ( ' Huniboldt. ) Nc\v World. Difference. 81 o. 5 ^^ 77. 9 51. 5 38. 3 1-2.6 -2;\ , 16 0. ~~~~~~~, 33 The difference of mean temperature between summer and winter (reckoning each to consist of three months), is nothing- at the equator, and constantly increases as we approach the pole, ;;,> bhown in the fol- lowing" Table : Mean temperat. Mean temperat. I-at. of winter. of summer. Differ. Algiers 7 (Uo. 5 80<>. 2 ~* 180,7 Buda 47| 31. 6 '/O. 5 26. 5 Upsal (>0 25. CO. 2 , .'55/2 The following Table of mean annual temperature, drawn up princi- pally by M. de. Humboldt, is worth the attention of meteorologists. Those cities, to which an asterisk is attached, are, singularly situalrd with respect to climate, either by their elevation above the level of the ocean, or l>y circumstances independent of the latitude : Lat. Temp Melville Island 7R 47' I. 330 Umeo ~~~ C3. 50 33. 25 Petersburg +.~~~,~, f .~~.~r^~ f 59. 5(5 ,r,~~v~~v~~ 38. 81- Upsala 59. 51 11. 90 Stockholm ^^^^^^ 59. 20 ^^^ 4-2. vtf Copenhagen ^,^^ r ^^ r ^ f ^,^ rf ^ ff ^ f ^ 55. 41 +**,*,*+** 15. 68 Berlin r**^*^*^, ^^ ^.^ 52. 31 ,*~~*~* 46. 5S Ixmdon .. :>1. 31 50. 36 I'aris ~ , ^~~ 48. 50 ~~~~~ 51. '20 Vienna ** ,~ -18. 13 ,^~, 50. 51 36 A X 1 Lat. Temp. Geneva * ~+~ f ~~~~~~~*, f ~~~* 46. 12 ~~~~~ 50. 18 Milan ~~~~~ 45. 28 55. 76 Marseilles.**, 43. 17 57. 74 Toulon* 43. 3 ~~^~ ~ 63. 50 Rome ~~~ ~~^,,~**~~~~~~~~ 41. 53 ~~~~;,~~ GO. SG Naples '. 40. 50 ^,~~ 64. 40 Madrid* 40. 25 59. 00 Havannah ~ 23. 10 ~~~ 78. 08 Mexico* 19. 25 62. 60 VeraCruz* 19. 11 ~~ 77.72 La Plata* ~~^v~~~~.~v, 2. 24 *~~~~~~~ 74. 66 Equator at the level of the sea 0. ~~~~~ 80. 60 Quito* ~* 0. 14 59. 00 From a general and extensive review of the various experimental data respecting the temperatures observed at different places on the earth's surface, the Editor of the Annales de Chimie deduces the fol- lowing consequences. (Ann. de Chimie, xxvii. 432 ) In noplace on the earth's surface, nor at any season, will a thermome- ter raised 2 or 3 metres above the soil, and sheltered from all reverbera- tion, attain the 37 of Reaumur, or 46 centigrade, or 114. 8 Fahrenheit. On the open sea, it will never attain 25 Reaumur, or. 31 centigrade, or 87. 8 Fahrenheit. The greatest degree of cold ever observed on our globe in the ail*, is 40 Reaumur, or 50 centigrade below Zero, (580 Fahrenheit.) The temperature of the water of the ocean in any latitude, or at any sea- son, never rises abbve 24 Reaumur, or 30<> centigrade, (86 ft Fahrenheit.) AXIS, to find tlie angle at which a curve cuts. (Higman.) Find the value of ~ in the given curve, take y =. o t and we shall get the tangent of the angle required. Ex. Let the Equation be y ~ ~ . v tf '~ ~~ **. rr du V "' x^ Here -_r:r- ; now y ~ o t when a; ~ o, and when x ~ a, and the values of -r are 1 and infinite respectively ; ,", the curve cuts the axis at an angle of 45 at the origin, and at right angles when r a. AXIS, rotation of bodies dbeitt See Rotation. 37 C B B A L A NCK (Playfair. ) The balance, when well constructed, must have the following proper- ties. (1.) It should rest in a horizontal position, when loaded with equal weights. (2.) It should have great sensibility, i. e. the addition of a small weight in either scale should disturb the equilibrium, and make the beam incline sensibly from the horizontal position. (3.) It should have great stability, i. e. when disturbed, it should quickly return to a state of rest. That the first requisite may be obtained, the beam mu^t have equal arms ; and the centre of suspension must be higher than the centre of gravity. Were these centres to coincide, the sensibility would be the greatest possible, but the other two requisites of level and stability would be entirely lost. The 2d requisite is the sensibility of the balance. If a be the length of the arm of the balance, and b the distance between the centre of suspen- sion and the centre of gravity, P the load in either scale, and W the weight of the beam, the sensibility of the balance is as j-rr^ ^TT it is .". ( f -f- W) greater, the greater the length of the arm, the less the distance between the two centres, and the less the weight with which the balance is load- ed. Lastly, the stability is proportional to (2 P -f- W) b. The diminution of b ^., while it increases the sensibility, lessens the stability of the ba- lance. The lengthening of a will, however, increase the former of these quantities, without diminishing the latter. Hence the merit of balances depends upon the quantities a t b, and W. BALLOON. See JEronautics. BALLS iron and leaden, weight of. See Shot BAROMETER. 1. Barometer, scale of. The usual scale of the Barometer is 31 very dry, or hard frost j 30. 5. 1 fair or frost; 30 fair or frost ; 29. 5. changeable ; 29 rain or snow ; '. : '-. 5. much rain or snow ; 28 stormy. ( Young's Nat. Phil) , Barometer^ measurement of heights by. - rofessor Robison's formula in feet, without logarithms. let / = mean temperature of air at the two stations ; d =. difference 33 BAR of Barometric heights in tenths of an inch ; tn rr mean Barometric heights ; & difference of mercurial temperatures ; then ; Height = 30xOn+ft*K/-3;)xrf - s x 2 . 33, when the attached thermometer is highest at the lower station, and r, r. Sir G. ShucJfburgh's formula in fathoms. Let / difference of logarithms of the heights of Barometer in inches ; d = difference of mercurial temperatures ; /as before ; then Height (1000W + 440rf) x + / 32 X .00244), when the attached thermometer is highest at the lower station, and v, v. Playfair^s formula in fathoms, which does not differ much from La Place's. Let b and (3 be the height of the Barometer at the lowest and highest stations, t and t' the temperatures of the air (Fahr.) at those stations, q and q' the temperatures of the mercury in the two stations j then Height = 10000 5l -f .00244. -^r~ 3 20 ) ? lo #- - - 1 ' + Formula Encyc. Met r op. The height in feet is < 1+ -^) where t and t' denote the number of degrees above the freezing point of Fahrenheit. This formula differs very little from the last. 3. Barometer, correction of observed heights in. When the mercury in the tube of a Barometer sinks, and the surface of that in the basin rises ; to determine the correction. Let a = the section of the tube, and b that of the basin, supposed cylindrical ; then apparent diminution of height I the real diminution Z ; b a I b. In the best Barometers there is a contrivance for bring- ing the mercury in the basin always to the same level, which obviates the necessity of this correction. Jtarometer, correction ofobserced heights in, as far as regards a change of temperature, 39 BAR Givcii the temperature oi tin 1 mercury iu. u Barometer, measured by the attached thermometer ; to reduce the observed height to what it would have been at any other temperature, as for instance 32. Let b observed height of Barometer, J temperature ; then true height at temperature 32o =5 ,^oe Art. -', & x ( 1 TZ^L J \ i WOO / 4. Barometer, range of. Annual range of Barometer does not exceed from t to an inch in the torrid zone ; about two inches at Liverpool, the same at St Petersburg ; at Melville Island, as observed by Capt. Parry, 1 j^ The extreme va- riation scarcely any where exceeds 3 inches, viz. froiu 28 to 31 inches. In the apartments of the Royal Society (the barometer being 81 feet a- bove low water), during a period of 22 years, viz. from 1800 to 1821, both inclusive, the mean height was 29.86 ; the greatest height 30.77 ; the least height 28.18; and consequently the greatest range 2.59; the mean annual range during the same period was 1.92. The barometer was once observed at Middlewick, as high as 31.00. Greatest height ever observ- ed by Sir G. Shuckburgh, in London, was 30.957. In these climates, the barometer is generally lowest at noon and at midnight The mean height is greatest at the Equinoxes, but greater in summer than in winter. 5. Barometer, mean height of. Mean height of the Barometer in various places, from Erxleben^ and others. ( Young's Nat Phil) S Carolina ^~* f -^^w^^wx^^ 30. 15 30. 09 30. 095 SO. 09 30. 04 30. 04 30. 00 30. 00 29. 98 29. 90 29. 89 29. 84 29. 80 29. 80 Mean level of the sea. Fleuriau *~-~~~ Atlantic Burckhardt - ***,*,********** Mediterranean Do j f r*rjf*wsjrfrwfr*frjv-* Mean in England and Italy. Shuckburgh Mean level of the sea as usually estimated Fort St George vv^r^^^^^^^^^rw.,. ColumbO ssj^sjwjwjjss*;, sswswvwmrrfs* Dover <^jw^f*jw^^fw^*frsffK*sfffwfw*MMj LOndOn R S ^ J ^ WJJ .r W jvr W x WJ x^.f* W *v 81 feet above the level of low water. The mean of any year scarcely differ- ing 0.5. T/pydeti vrfwfrwtvwffffrrrwrffArffwfrrupfrn* Kpntfal JrxrJ ^ JV ,, -, ,,- -,-,-- --^'-,-sss^srs PadUa rr^wfrfwKWsswWKsWfWWWsr 40 BAR Porto Bello - f - ff ..._. ffwj ^ 29. 80 Liverpool fr , fffffffrf ^ ft ^ tfffMtfffJJfJM ^^ 29. 74 Turin" - r ^ fr - JfWJWJ> ,, JWJI 29. 52 Petersburg ^^^-^ ff ^ ff ^ 29. 57 Gottingen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 29. 37 Paris ~~~^~ 29. 31 Basle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 28. 82 Nuremberg ^^^^^^^^v^vv^^v^^^^ 28. 69 Zurich 28. 29 Clausthal 27. 89 Chur 27. 71 M. St Gothard ^ 23. 05 QuitO f r rf r fTr *r JJ - ffrJJ - fJ - W fssw- JJ .-ss J .-s Ja - J 21. 37 We shall close this article with the following Proposition : If a Barometer tube be in part only filled with mercury, and then its open end be immersed in a basin of the same fluid, the mercury will sink below the point called the standard altitude, or the point at which it would have stood if no air had been left in j and the standard altitude will be to the depression below that altitude, as the space occupied by the air after the immersion, to the space occupied before. This Proposition may be applied to the solution of two problems ; for we may either give the quantity of air left in before immersion, to find the altitude of the mercury after immersion ; or we may give the alti- tude of the mercury after immersion, to find the quantity of air left in before. Ex. Let 5 inches of air be left in a tube of 35 inches before inversion, to find the altitude of the mercury after. Let x depression below the standard altitude then 30 ; x ; : x .+ 5 C 5, .'. x - 10. BARS /row, to find the weight of .( Gregory. ) The following is an approximate rule for finding the weight of cast iron bars : Take -rrr of the product of the breadth and thickness, each in eighths of an inch ; the result is the weight of one foot injength, in avoirdupois pounds. Hence an inch square cast iron bar would require 9 feet, or 108 inches in length lor cwt. For wrought iron square bars, allow 100 inches in length of an inch square bar to $ cwt. 41 C g B I N BELLOWS Hydrostatical.See Fluids pressure of. BINOMIAL THEOREM. This series, in its most simple form, is as follows : (a 4- b) n = a n 4- na " ' b + . !Ln2 a w - 8 o 2 -f . a -* o 3 -f , M - 1 . n 2 . n .. 3 a-*64 4. & c . where n is a ^ 3 4 whole number or fraction, positive or negative. If b be negative, the odd powers of b will be also negative. f j. n 1 n 2 n n 2 Cor. 1. The "* term of the series is n. - . ^ .... -- - . Cor. 2. If n be a positive whole munber, the series will consist of n -J- 1 terms, but in every other case, the number of terms will be unlimited. Cor. 3. If n be $ whole positive number, the whole sum of the indices = .ww-f 1. Cor. 4. If n be a whole positive inuuber, and b also positive, the sum of the coefficients of (a + b) n = 2 n j but if b be negative, the sum of the coefficients ~ o j this appears by expanding the series, and maiding a b. Cor. 5. If we call the index , and put = O,, and let A, B, C, D, &c. represent the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c. terms of the series, with their proper m signs, we shall have (a -f- o) This is the most convenient practical form in the case of fractional or negative indices. = 4- -- + llk- &c - B R I ;-. = -i- - 2i+ * -i + fcc. as as T a-* a 5 n __ _ ,__ __ ' 2 a* 4- ;r* r a a* 4a" ~*~ 8 3 In expanding a trinomial, quadrinonrial, mutiuomial, collider every term, except the 1st., as the 2d term of a binomial, and then proceed ac- cording to the rule. E.x. 1. (a 4- b 4- c) (a 4. 6 -j- c) = az 4. 2 a. 5 4. e 4. (b 4. c)t a -{- 6 4. -f 2 a b + 2 a c -j- 2 & c. 2. (a 4- i -f c)s .(a 4. b 4- c}3 a -f 3 . & 4- c -f 3 . (6 -}- c)s 4- (6 4- c)3. 3. ( a 4. i 4. c 4- d 4. &c.' w = a w 4- a . (6 -J- c 4. d 4. &c.) 4. n. - a (6 + c (6 4. c 4. the refracted ray ~ u /of incidence / of refraction = p Radius of curvature of the surface at the point of incidence r then u r cos c'. tan ' 2 . fan When 7< is infinite, or the incident rays are parallel, __ r cos &'. tan. y* Cor, The space through which a body P must fall, the force at P con- p y tinuing uniform, to acquire the velocity in the curve = . If the curve be a circle, space . 3. Of the linear velocity of bodies revolving in trajectories round a cen- tre offeree. Here V - ^/F~xJPV, or = . And velocity (V) in any point of a curve : velocity (c) of a body re- volving in a circle at the same distance :: ^P V : ^p v \\ tj ^ y ' js. Ex. 1. In an ellipse (the centre of force being in the centre), V = et A whole area, a area dut. temp., then ~ a JSjt'. 1. In ellipses (force in the centre}, the periodic times ~ , and are therefore equal in all ellipses. 2 C tll celltre of 8- vity of the thriven bodies, as is evident from the last Art. 5. If a body be placed upon a horizontal plane, and a line drawn from its centre of gravity perpendicular to that plane, the body will be sus- tained or not, according as the perpendicular falls within or without the base. 6. If a body be suspended by a point, it will not remain at rest till the centre of gravity is in the line which is drawn through that point per- pendicular to the horizon. Cor. Hence to find the centre of gravity of any plane mechanically, s uspcud it by a given point in or near its perimeter, and when it is at rest, lra\v across it a vertical line passing through that point. Suspend it in like manner by another point, and draw a vertical line as before. The intersection of these lines is the centre of gravity of the plane. 7. If any momenta be communicated to the parts of a system, its cen- tre of gravity will move in the same manner that a body equal to the sum of the bodies in the system would move, were it placed in that cen- tre, and the same momenta communicated to it in the same directions. 8. In any machine kept in equilibrium by the action of two weights, if an indefinitely small motion be given to it, the centre of gravity of the weights will neither ascend nor descend. 9. Formulae for finding the centre of gravity of a body considered as an area, solid, surface, or curve. Let x, y, and z t represent the abscissa, ordinate, and curve, D = dis- tance of vertex from the centre of gravity ; then ft. ijxdx For an area, D---^ . For a solid, D = '* * fl. -yxdz For a surface, D = -~ -3 . fl. y d z fl. xdz For a curve line, D -- Ex. 1. In a triangle and conical surface, let a be the liue from the ver- 2 a lex bisecting the base, then D -^ . 53 C* C E N 2. In parabola, D = -~ altitude. 3. In a J4 circle distance from centre = - J !f 4. In a cycloid, D ~T5~- 5. In a sector of a circle, distance from centre = % - ' -- . arc rad. x chord 6. In a circular arc, custance from cent. re - - - . arc 7. In cones and all regular pyramids, D % altitude. 8. In a paraboloid, D = % altitude. 9. In % sphere and % spheroid D = ~a~* 10. In the surface of a V 2 sphere, D = . CENTRE of Gyration. Let A, B, C, &c. be the bodies, or the particles of which the body is composed, S the point round which the particles revolve, D = distance of the centre of gyration from the axis, then _ - + cxscs-i&c N A + B + c x &e. Or if d s be the differential of the body at the distance x from the axis, Ex. 1. In a straight line, D = Len th .. Vs 2. In a circle revolving in its own plane, round its centre, or in a cy- Under, D=-T=. J r J,V 3. In the periphery of a circle revolving about its diameter, D = rr Va r 4. In the plane^of a circle revolving round its diameter, D = ~%. i- 5. In a sphere revolving round its diameter D r */&, ~ 6. In the surface of a sphere, D r s /jL *- v C E N 7. In a cone about its axis, D r v -rrp- CENTRE of Oscillation. 1. Let D = distance of the point of suspension from the centre of os- cillation, distance from the centre of gravity, then _ A 4- S A2 + B -f S B + C -f S C 2 -f &c. (A + B + C + &c.) X S Or if ds be the differential of the body at the distance ,r from the axis r " s X $ ' 2. If S be the point of suspension, G the centre of gravity, O the cen- tre of oscillation, G O varies as -^ ;. Cor. If O be made the point of suspension, S will be the centre of os- cillation ; or the centre of oscillation and the point of suspension are con- vertible. 3. If R be the centre of gyration, SG : SR :: SR : so. 2L Ex. 1. In a straight line, D = . 2. In an isosceles triangle vibrating flat ways, D ' % alt, 3. In a circle flat ways, D = r. 4. In a parabola flat ways, D = alt. 5. In a sphere, D = a -f- (a = distance of the point of suspension from the centre of the sphere.) 6. In a cone, D - axis 4- -- - ' - . 5 5 axis 7. In a circle vibrating edgeways, D = -- r. . ... M-arc X rad, . In a sector of a circle edgeways. D = 4 chord 9, In a rectangle edgeways, suspended by one angle, D --' % diagoim \ 55 D 10. In a parabola edge-Avars suspended iy the vertex, D ~ axis -f- parameter. To find the centre of oscillation practically, suspend the body freely by the point of suspension, and make it vibrate in small arcs, counting the vibrations it makes in any given time, as one minute. Call the num- ber in a minute ??, then will the distance of the centre of oscillation be ^- inches. For a still more accurate method see Captain Kater'a Paper in the Phil. Trans, for 1818. CENTRE of Percussion. When the percutient body revolves about a fixed point, the centre of percussion is the same as the centre of oscillation. But when the body moves with a parallel motion, the centre of percussion is the same as the i ontre of gravity. CENTRE of Pressure. Centre of pressure of a fluid against a plane, is that point against which a force being applied equal and contrary to the whole pressure, it will sustain it, so as that the body pressed on will not incline to either side. This, according to some writers, is the same as the centre of percussion, supposing the axis of suspension to be at the intersection of this plane with the surface of the fluid j while others assert, that though the dis- tance of this intersection from the centre of pressure is the same as that of the centre of percussion, yet that they do not in general lie in the same line, and consequently are not the same point. The centre of pressure upon any plane parallel to the horizon, or upon any plane where the pressure is uniform, is the same as the centre of gravity of that plane. CENTRIFUGAL Force. See Central Forces. CENTRIPETAL Force. See Central Forces. CERES. This planet was discovered by M. Piazzi, of Palermo, Jan. 1, 1801. For its elements, &c see Planets, elements of. CHANCES, doctrine of.( Wood.) 1. If an event may take place in n different ways, and each of these be equally likely to happen, the probability that it will take place in a speci- fied way is , certainty being represented by unity. C H A >. II' an event may happen in -. 1. The probability that both do not happen is mn ~ l t Cor. 2. The probability that they will both fail is ~ . ? mn Cor. 3. The probability that one will happen, and the other fail, is m 4. n 2 m n x Cor. 4. If there be any number of independent events, and the proba- bilities of their happening be , , c. respectively, the probabi- lity that they will all happen is - &c. When m n r &c. the yn n r probability is - , ? being the number of events. m v F,J\ \. The probability of throwing an ace and then a deuce with one Ex. 2. If 6 white and 5 black balls be thrown promiscuously into a bag, the probability that a person will draw out first a white, and then a black 57 C H A ball, is . And the probability of drawing a white ball, and then two black balls is 1. Ex. 3. The probability of throwing an ace with a single die in two trials . II 15 38- 4. If the probability of an event's happening in one trial be -r, the probability of its happening 1 1 times exactly in n trials is _ # _i_ i t n-i (a + b) n Cor. 1. The probability of the event's failing exactly^ times in n trials n-1 jt-2 n-* + l -< n . - . - r- 2 * (a + b} n Cor. 2. The probability of the event's happening at least t times in n trials, is n n- 1 (a + V n b. In astronomical or other observations, let a, b, c, d, &c. be the dif- ferences between the mean of the observations, and the observations themselves ; n the number of observations ; a- = 3. 14159 &c. ; then the mean error, or the greatest probable error is La Pla 6. Let n be the number of times an event has happened, where n is very large, then the chance that the same event will occur again is ? . Thus supposing 5000 years the greatest antiquity to which his- n + * tory goes back ; then the probability that the sun will rise to-morrow is 1826211 to 1. (La Place.) 58 C II R CHRONOLOGY. A short Chronological TABLE of remarkable discoveries and inventions, and of the most eminent Mathematicians and -Philosophers. B. C. First eclipse of the moon on record, observed at Babylon 720 Thales predicts an eclipse ~~~ ***** < ***** 600 Anaximander, trlobes and maps ,^^ ^^ 600,. Anaxagoras, eclipse Pythagoras, astron. 530 Plato, geom. Meton, Metonic cycle ***^. ^^, 450 Aristotle, Eudoxus ***** ***** ***** 360 Obliquity of ecliptic first observed ***** 359 A transit of the Moon over Mars observed ***** ***** 357 Euclid, g-eom ***** , . 300 Papirius Cursor, first sun dial at Rome ***** ***** 2i)3 Dionysiu*, Astron. JEra ***** ***** ** ***** 285 Apolloriiufi, Archimedes, Aristarchus, Eratosthenes, about ,~~ - ~ *~~ *~~ ^v ~~~ 270 Hipparchus, the father of Astronomy ^ ^~~ 162 A. D. Ptolemy, Almagest, born -r, **^ *~~ *~~ 69 Diophantus, analysis ,~*~ ^, *~~ ~~ ^^ 280 Pappus and Theon ^^ ~~, 380 Proclus, Diocles, about ~~~ *~~ ~~* 500 Figures employed by the Arabs ~~~ *~~ ~~~ 813 A conjunction of all the planets observed, Sept. 16 ,^~ 118(5 Alphonso, Astron. tables Bacon R. ~~v,* **~* 1250 Figures employed in England ^^^, *^* ^^v, 1253 Mariner's compass said to be used at Venice ~~~ 1260 A clock at Westminster Hall *~~ 1288 Spina invented spectacles at Pisa ~~+ *~~ ^~^ 1299 Windmills invented 1299 Gunpowder invented ~~~ , ^~^ *~~ -v, 1330 Decimal arithmetic introduced *^~ 1402 Printing invented by Faust *~~ ***** ~~ ^- 1441 Made public by Gutenberg ,~v~ ~v, M . v 1458 Regiomontanus or Muller, astron. ~~, -~^ *~~ 1460 Watches made at Nuremberg *~~ *~~ ~~ 1477 First voyage round the world by Magellan *~~ ***** 1522 Variation of the compass by Cabot ***** ** ***** 1540 Copernicus, Cardan, Vieta, about ***** ***** ***** 1550 Dip of the magnetic needle observed ***** 1576 Telescope:; discovered by Jansen /**/* ***** ***** 1590 30 D 2 Tycho Brake, Bacon, f4alilco, Kapler, DCS Cartes ~ w 1600 Thermometers invented by Drcbel ~~, ,^~ - 1610 Napier, logarithms ,~~ ~~~ ^^, 1611 Vernier's index made known +~~ +** *~~ 1631 Cassini observes :i transit of Mercury *~~ *~~ 1636 A transit of Venus first observed by Horrox ~ ,~~ 1639 Barometers by Torricelli ~~ 1613 Pendulum applied to clocks by Huygens 1619 Cavalerius, Fermat, Pascal, Wallis, Hevelius 1650 Air pump by Otto Guericke ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ *~~ 1653 Royal Society established in London ~ ~~~ 1662 Foundation of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich 1675 Micrometer of Kircher ~ 1677 Newtonian Philosophy published ~~, 1686 Saver y had invented steam engines ~~ , 1696 Bernoulli J., Barrow, Hooke, Leibnitz, Reaumur, Flasnstead, Picard, Cotes, Taylor, Halley, 1650 to 1700 Aberration of light by Bradley ~~~ 1727 Achromatic glasses invented , ~~~ ~~~ 1729 Franklin, identity of lightning and electricity , 1747 Harrison, time pieces ~ ^~^ ~~~ ~~~ 1750 Clairaut, Maclaurin, De Moivre, Simpson, Bouguer, Bernouillis, Dollond, Maupertuis ~~ ~~~ ~~~ 1750 New stile introduced into Britain ~~ *~~ 1752 Galvanism . 1791 Telegraph invented by the French ~~, ,,~~ 17U1 D'Alembert, Euler, Landen, Lalande, Maskelyne, Waring, &c. ~-~ from 1750 to 1800 Fora. List of the most remarkable JEras see JEra. CIRCLE Equations to. 1. Let x and y be rectangular coordinates ; then if the origin be at the centre, ?/ =r V 7-3 #2- If atithe extremity of the diameter, y \/2 r jc r 2 - And in general if #', y be the coordinates to the centre, the equation is, when the axes are rectangular, (.r ,r') 2 ^- (?/ ;/') 2 7-2. Jlejicp every equation of l".\. (iiniejisions of the form AJ' 2 + A.?/ 2 -\> COL JS ,r -f- C y -f- D ~ n, where the coefficients of .vs and y>. are the same, and the term involving x y is wanting 1 , is an equation to the circle ; as for example 2 y a -|- 2.rg 1 y 4* x -f- 1 o. 2. When the circle is considered as a spiral, Jet a distance of the centre of the polar coordinates from the centre of the circle, y = rad. vect. p perpendicular on the tangent j then When the pole is in the circumference, CISSOID of Diodes, Equations, Or, when considered as a spiral, _ 2 a sin.a 5 3 -r 2 Area = - 3 area of the generating semicircle. Content of solid jt f^-^-a ,f2 + 4 a8 x 8 as log. ^ - J which is infinite when x 2 a. CLEFS YD RA.See F/wufe, discharge of. CLIMATE. See Atmosphere. CLOCK, #o correct going of. See Pendulum. CLUSTERS of Stars. See Nebula. COHESION, or Attraction of Cohesion. See Elastic Sadies, equilibri- um of. COINAGE. See Money. COLD Artificial. See Frigorific Mixtures. COLLISION of Bodies. ( Wood, WhewellJ I. Oftfie impact of perfectly hnrd bodies. i. Let A and B be the quantities of matter contained in t\vo perfect I j- COL hard bodies, a and b their velocities before impact, r the common velo- city after impact, then A a + B b 4. or , according as they move in the .same or opposite directions be- fore impact. And the whole time of the body's motion is COMBINATIONS. See- Permutations. COMPASS, points of. To reduce points of the c> .. r< r.v reckoned from the meridian , N. E. Quadrant. 8. E. Quadrant. Points. D. M. S. W. Quadrant. N. W. Quadrant. N. S. 0. 0. S. N. N. by E. S. by E. 1 11. 15. S. by W. N. by W. N. N. E. S. S. E. 2 22. 30. S. S. W. N. N. W. N. E. by N. S.E.byS. 3 33. 45. S. W. by S. N. W. by N. N. E. S.E. i 45. 0. S.W. N.W. N. E. by E. S. E. by E. 5 56. 15. S. W. by W. N. W. by W. E. N. E. E. S. E. 67. 30. W. S. W. W. N. W. E. by N. E. by S. 7 78. 15. W. by S. W. by N. E. E. 8 90. 0. W. W. COMPASS, variation and dip of. Sec Variation. CONCHOID ofNwmrtes, Equations to, %c. (a+g]*X(W-f~]= X *y*. Or, referred to the centre of revolution of its generating Hue , the vipiution is ^ ~ -j- b. Area = 1 7> X (are of quadrant arc rad, ft <^ sin. ?/ -4- : - t ~ 4. V it* ;. C O N Content of the \vhofe solid, formed by a revolution round the asymp- tote, = JT ft* X ( | * a X .= \ V , or the plane cut the opposite cones, the section is an hyperbola. Cor. 4. The | major and | minor axes of the ellipse and hyperbola are c sin. (3 c sin. /3 2 sin. (+/3)' and " ' ' Vsin - * sin ( + 0. 2 cos. sin. (a -}- /S) Cor. 5. The lat. rect. of the parabola = 4 c sin.2 ^-. Cor. 6. The parallel and subcontrary sections of an oblique cone are circles. CONGELATION. See Heat. CONGELATION, point of perpetual. See Atmosphere. CONIC SECTIONS, properties of. PARABOLA. \ Latus rectum or L = 4 S A. T N = 2 A N. S Y2 S P. S A ; i. e. p V~o~7, 65 COT? S P or = - , where / traced out by 1 4. cos. o 2 cos.* 4 rad. vect. S P. Ch. curv. = 4 S P. Diain. curv. = Equation to the curve # 2 a x (a L). JVofe. The general equation to a parabolic curve is a 1 ~ y x n ' If n = 3, it is called the cubical parabola. If n = , it is called the semi-cubical parabola. ELLIPSE! SP-fPHr=2AC. A S. S M = B C 2 . S P. P H = C D 2 . A C 2 + C B 2 C P* + C D 8 . A C. C B = C D. PF, or if the perpendicular P F be called P.. 52 _ fi s Pv. vG X CD 2 B C a V i e , where e eccentricity =r , - ___ ^ (I e 2 COS .S g) V 1 C 2 COS.* p _ Af __ !_ __ _ a (1 e) a ' 1 + e cos. 1 4- e cos. ^ ' Ch. curv. through centre = - _, c * 66 CIi. curv. through focus CON 2 C D' ? A C ' C' D'- S P 3 Diameter curv. " p ^ , or L X ^y- { . Equation to the curve, when referred to its principal diameters, IT- + -JF = L And when the coordinates originate at the vertex, Or yi = - (a 8 .r 8 ) when the origin is at the centre, HYPERBOLA. HP SP 2 AC. AS. S M - B C 2 . 2 BO* L- AC ' S P. P H = C D 2 . A C 2 C B2 - C P2 C D*. ab A C. C B - C D. P F, or P= , C*.=; ^fT^' B C = a ^(ea _i.) C p= - 7 ^^-^z,ay > -^i T , SP = ^ 1 ^ (g-l) ' 1 _|_ e cos. fi 1 + e cos. fl * 2 C I3 2 Ch. curv. through centre = . Ch. curv. through focus = 2 CD 2 C D* r S P Diam. curv. = --- or = L. -~, coo Equation to the curve, when referred to its principal diumei<-.v>, A 8 7/2 55 - T" And when the coordinates originate at the vertex, y* -^ (2 a # -f- Or #2 -- (^ 2 as), when the origin is at the centre. Equation to the hyperbola, when referred to its asymptotes, is xy ~jj , where y is parallel to the other asymptote. 2 If the hyperbola is equilateral, xy . The general equation to an hyperbolic curve \&yx n =. a n + l Note. The general Equation to the Conic Sections, referred to their axes is y* m x -f- w .r 2 , where in is the latus rectum, and the conic section is a parabola, ellipse, or hyperbola, according as n = o t or is nega- tive, or positive. CONTACT of Curves. (Higman.) Let there be two curves, whose equations are y / (x] t and y'

, and -^ +* : (3) that besides the preceding conditions -r | ^ 2 and so on ; then will the dis- tance between the curves be infinitely greater in the first case, than it is in the second ; infinitely greater in the second than it is in the third j and so on continually. CONTINUED Fractions. See Fractions. COORDINATES Polar, tnfind the relation between. (Higman.) If the relation between the rectangular coordinates A- and y in any curve be given, that between the polar o?ies and ti may be determined j and conversely. For x = cos. 8, and y sin. Oj substitute these values la the given equation, and the polar one will be found. C U B Let.yz CORDS, strength of. (Gregory.) The best mode of estimating the strength of a cord of hemp is to mul- tiply by 200 the square of its number of inches in girth, and the product will express in pounds the practical strain it may be safely loaded with. For cables, multiply by 120, instead of 200. The ultimate strain is pro- bably double this. For the utmost strength that a cord will bear before it breaks, a good estimate will be found by taking- -J. of the square of the girth of the cord, to express the tons it will carry. This is about double the rule for prac- tice just given ; and is, even for an ulterior measure, too great for tarred cordage, which is always weaker than white. In cables, the strength when twisted, is to the strength when tho fibres are parallel, as about 3 to 4. The following fa the breaking strain, l>y experiment, in the best bower ca- bles at present employed in the British navy. (Encyc. Metrop.) fci/,i-s, circum. in inches. No. oi thread? in each. Breaking strain. 23 2736 TONS. lU 21 22(>8 89 is 1(556 ftf Ml 1080 40 From the experiments of Mr. LaMHardiere, it appears, that if we call the strength of flux HHIO; that of the American aloe will be 50fi j of hemp 1390 ; of Now Zealand flax lift*. ; and of silk 289 i. f Young's Nat. Phil) COSINES,/#re of. See Fin CUBATURES of Solids. See Solids. CUBE Roots of Numbers. -Sec Involution. 00 C Y C CURVATURE radius. of t in any curre, irJtose equation is g/'ren. Let x, y, and z represent the abscissa, ordinate, and curve, then Rad. = , * (rfa-beinsr constant - f '] ( 1 -\ ~-^) ' d^vd-y (hy \ d d* J Or Rad - = ^ bein& coustaut} = For the Curvature of Spirals see Spiral. CYCLE. A circulation of time between the returns of the same event. Cycle of the sun, a space of 28 years, in which time the days of the month return again to the same days of the week, and the sun's place to the same degrees of the Ecliptic on the same days, so as not to differ 1 in 100 years ; and the leap years return again in respect to the days of the week on which the days of the months fall. To find it, add 9 to the given year of Christ, and divide the sum by 28, and the quotient is the number of cycles elapsed since his birth, and the remainder is the cycle for the given year ; if nothing remain the cycle is 28. Cycle of the moon, or golden number, a revolution of 19 years, in which time the conjunctions, oppositions, and all other aspects of the moon, return on the same days of the months as they did 19 years before, but about 1| hours sooner. To find it, add I to the given year of Christ, and divide the sum by 19, and the quotient is the number of cycles elapsed from the birth of Christ, and the remainder is the cycle for the given year, or the golden number ; and if nothing remain, 19 is the cycle. Cycle of Indiction, a revolution of 15 years, but has no depeudance on the motions of the heavenly bodies. It was used by the Romans for in- dicating the times of certain payments made by the subjects to the re- public, established by Constantino,, A. D. 312. To find it, subtract 312 from the given year, and divide by 15. Julian period. From the multiplication of the Solar cycle of 28 years, into the Lunar of 19, and Indiction of 15, arises the Julian period of 7980 years, in which time they all return again in the same order. The Julian'period, commencing before all the known epochs, is, as it were, a common receptacle of them all, and to which they may all be reduced (see JEra.) To find it, add to any year of Christ, 4713, and it gives the year of the Julian period ; or subtract for any time before Christ 70 DAY CYCLOID, principal properties of. 1. Circ. arc E G G C. 2. Tangent at C is parallel to the chord EG. 3. Cyduidal ar<- E C - 2 chord 4. Area of cycloid 3 times area of the generating circle. .1. Solid generated by the revolution of the cycloid about its base A U : it-' circumscribing cylinder :: 5 : 8. (\ Centre of gravity of the whole cycloid = - of the axis from the vertex. 7. Had. curv. at E = 2 D E. 8. Equations to the cycloid ; put a diameter E D ; jc and y the co- ordinates E K, K C ; x = arc E C ; z> - arc E G j then d x a* x~ " dx. and ij #'-}- Va x x*. For the oscillation of a body in a cycloid, see Pendulum, D DAMS. See Fluids. DATES. See Chronology. DAY of the week to find. See Dominical Letter* DAYS, length and increase of, c. TABLE, Shewing^ ti-ith sufficient accuracy for common purposes, thf length and increase of the days in this country, at different seasons of the year, to- get her with the beginning and end of twilight. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. Days. Loncrth of Day. Day inc. 0~(5 12 2-2 32 Ifi 1. Day breaks 6. 0~ 5. 5H 54 49 11 38 T\vi. ends. Days. ~y ii ifi 2\ 26 Length of Day. 9. 4 :^0 10 58 io K; 38 Day inc. ElJO 3H 66 2. U 98 5-> Day breaks Twi. end>. 1 g 11 16 -21 2g 7. 50 56 S. fi l(^ :!0 44 fi. 6 11 If? 5. 3! 21 1H 4. 58 49 . J?9 J7 45 54 7 3 ]2 DAY MARCH. APRIL. Days. i~ 6 11 16 21 26 Length of Day. 10. 48 11. 8 28 48 1-3. 8 20 Day inc. 571 24 41 4. 4 24 42 Day breaks 4. 44 1 '! 3. 50 Twi. ends. Days. Length of Day. Day inc. 5. 6 20 46 6. 6 24 \9. Day breaks Twi. ends. 7. 11 29 40 50 8. 1 13 6 11 16 21 m 12. 50 13. 10 30 50 11. 8 20 3. 33 21 8 2. 51 10 26 8. 28 40 53 9. 7 21 35 MAY. JUNE. Days. Length of Day. Day inc. Day breaks Twi. ends. Days. Length of Day. Day inc. Day breaks Twi. ends. 1 6 11 16 21 26 14. 44 15. 2 18 34 48 16. 1. 18 31 50 8. 4 16 2. 1 1. 52 30 1! 0. 32 No rat 9. 55 10. 10 33 56 11. 48 I night. 1 6 11 16 tl 26 hi. 12 m 28 32 34 34 8.28 38 41 48 50 50 No real night but constant day or twi- light. JULY. AUGUST. Days. Length of Day. Day dec. Day breaks Twi. ends. Days. Length of Day. Day dec. Day breaks Twi. end;;. 1 6 11 16 21 26 16, 30 24 16 6 15. 56 42 0. 4 10 18 28 38 52 No real night 0. 44 jll. 14 6 11 16 21 26 15. 24 8 14. 50 34 16 13. 56 I. 10 26 44 2. 18 38 1. 22 42 2. 18 33 48 10. 35 15 9. 57 40 25 10 SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. Days. Length of Day. Day dec. 1 Day I Twi. breaks) ends. Days. Length of Day. Day dec. Day breaks Twi. ends. 1 6 11 16 21 26 13. 34 16 U. 56 36 16 11. 58 3. 18 38 58 1. 18 36 3. 5 19 32 43 51 4. 5 8. 54 40 27 16 5 7. 5t 1 6 11 10 21 26 11. 38 4. 56 18 5. 16 10. 58 36 38 56 20 6. 14 1 34 4. 17 23 38 48 57 5. 6 7. 41 31 z\ 11 2 6. 53 NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. Days. Length of Day. <). 38 20 | 8. IS 3ty Day dec. 6.56 1. 14 30 46 **. 2 11 (Day breaks "sTis 22 2. 44. 37 30 24 1H 12 1 6 11 16 -21 16 8. 8 7. 58 52 46 M 46 6. 6 ;; 1 DEC DEGREE, decimal parts of. See Time. DEGREES, $c. converted into Time. See Tims. DEGREES of Latitude and Longitude. TABLE of the lengths of different degrees in fathoms t computed by Cot, Lambtontfor every three degrees from the Equator to tJie Pole. ( Phil, Trans. 1818 J Lat. Degrees on the Meridian. Degrees on the Perpendicular. Degrees of Longitude. 604-59,2 60848,0 608-18,0 3 60460,8 60818,4 60765,0 6 60465,6- 60850,1 60516,8 9 60173,5 60852,8 60103,6 12 60484,5 60350,5 595^6,7 15 60498,4 60861,1 58"; 87,3 18 60515,1 6086(>,7 57887,7 21 60534,3 608^3,2 56830,0 24 60556,0 60880,5 55628,1 27 60579,8 60888,5 54?52,0 SO 60605,5 60397,1 52738,4 S3 60632,7 60606,2 51080,^ 26 6066L3 60915,8 49i81,9 39 BOHH),8 60925,7 473-18,2 42 60721,3 60935,7 45: ; S1,0 45 60751,8 60940,1 43095,4 48 6078s?,3 609.06,4 40^87,8 51 60812,5 60866,5 38S67,5 54 60842,1 60976,5 35841,1 57 60870,7 60086,1 83215,4 60 0898,0 60995,2 30497,6 63 60923,7 61003,8 27695/2 66 60947,5 61011,8 24815,7 69 60969,1 61018,9 21867,2 72 60938,3 610^5,6 18857,9 75 61005,1 61031,0 157i^6,0 78 61018,9 61035,8 12680,1 81 610-9,9 61029,5 9548,7 84 61037,8 6104-2,1 6330,6 87 61042,6 61043,7 3194,8 eo 6104t,3 61044,3 DEGREE French. The French usually divide the circumference of the circle into 401005, each degree into 100', and each minute into 100". Hence if n number of French degrees, &c. the corresponding number of English = n i i. e. from the number we must subtract the same, after the decimal point has been removed one place to the left 73 E D I A Exs. What number of degrees, minutes, &c, in the English seal* cor espond to 71. 15'., and to 2C 3 . 0735, in the French scale. 26.0735 2.G07S5 3.48615 60 27.96900 58.14000 Answer 23. 27'. DEW. See Rain. DIALLING. In all Dials universally, the style or gnomon is parallel to the earth's axis, and, on account of the great distance of the sun, may be imagined actually to coincide with it. In like manner the dial plate is parallel to, and supposed actually to coincide with, some great circle of the earth j and the hours may be conceived to be traced out by the shadow of the axis of the earth (here supposed hollow) upon one of these great circles. Hence there may be an infinite number of different kinds of dials, as they depend upon the position of the plane (on which the shadow of the earth's axis falls) with respect to the meridian and horizon. Thus if the shadow be receivni upon the Equator E Q, the dial is cal- led an Equatorial Dial ; if upon H R (a great circle of the earth in the plane of the horizon), a __ / Horizontal one ; if upon Z N, J which is in the plane of the prime vertical, a North or South Dial, &c. &c. And in these three last cases, it is obvious that the shadow of the earth's axis, when the sun is on the meridian, or at 12 o'clock, will cut these several circles in Q, R, and N. At 1 o'clock, or when the / Q P 1 is 15, it will cut them at 1, 1', 1"; at 2 o'clock, or when the / at P is 30, in 2, 2', 2", &c. ; which are .*, the 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, &c, marks. 74 E D 1 A Equatorial Dial. In this Dial, since the sun moves uniformly 15<> per hour, the ,/s. at P, and consequently the arcs of the circle Q E, which measure them, will increase uniformly. Hence we have only to take from Q the area 15, 30, 45, &c., and they will be 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, &c., marks. This Dial, unless graduated on both sides, will only shew the hours for the six summer months, viz. from the vernal to the autumnal equinoxes. Horizontal Dial. Here the arcs R 1', 1' 2' &c. are not equal, but must be calculated by the resolution of the right /d. As. P R 1', PR 2', &c., where RP 1' = 15, R P 2' 300, & c>> then we shall have tan. R 1' = sin. lat. X tan. 150. tan. R 2' = sin. lat X tan. 2 X 15. &c. &c. This Dial shews the hour throughout the year, whenever the sun is above the horizon. In order to fix a horizontal dial, find the time by the sun's alt. when it is at or near the solstices, and set a well regulated watch to that time ; then when the watch shews 12 o'clock, at that iu- stant set the dial to 12 o'clock, and it stands right. Vertical North and South Dial's. Here to find the arcs N 1", N2", &c., we have in the right ^d, A P' N 1", tan. N 1" = cosin. lat. X tan. 15o. tan. N 2" zr cos. lat. X tan. 2 X 15<>. &c. &e. If P be the North Pole, this represents a South Dial. The construc- tion for the Vertical North Dial is nearly the same. In this Dial the number of hours shewn in a day can never exceed twelve, which is the case at both the equinoxes ; at any other season of the year, the num. ber of hours shewn is less. To find whether a wall be full south for a vertical south Dial, erect a gnomon perpendicular to it, and hang a plumb line from it ; then when the watch shews 12, if the shadow of the gnomon coincide with tha plumb line, the wall is full south. D I A Vertical East Dial Here the plane of the Dial is in the meri- dian, and the gnomon a parallelogram per- pendicular to it (as represented in the Fig.) and the shadows upon the plane will evi- dently be all parallel to the gnomon, and to one another. Moreover, at 6 o'clock, the sun, being due east, will be in the plane of the gnomon, and .*. cast the shadow per- pendicularly upon the Dial or on Pp. To find the 7 o'clock mark, let S be the sun at that hour, and S F a ray proceeding from it cutting the Dial in 7j then in the plane right /d. A C F7, C 7, = C F X tan. ^ C F7 height of style X tan. 15 . C 8 = height of style X tan. 2 X 15. &c. Similarly may be constructed a vertical West Dial. The East Dial will not shew the hour after 12 o'clock at noon, nor the West Dial before. General Problem*. 1. Given the latitude of the place, and the position of the plane of the Dial, both with respect to the meridian and horizon ; it is required to find the ele- vation of the style, the distance of the j_jf sub-style from the meridian, and the arc intercepted between the meridian and any other given hour line. Let B O A be the plane of the dial, given in position both with respect to the horizon H R, and the meridian P E A C ; then in the right angled A B N R, the /s. B N R, N B R are given, .'. B R may be found ; but P R == latitude, .". P B is known. Now let a plane pass through O P, and let it be turned about till it becomes perpendicular to BOA, and let it cut the circumference of B A in M, then P M is that meridian which is perpendicular to B O A, .'. in the right angled A PMB, PB and / PBM are known, .'. PM = elevation of the style, and MB, the dis- tance of the substyle from the meridian, may be found. Draw P T, making an ^ of 15<> with P B ; then will T be the 1 o'clock mark, and to find it we have PB, and BPT 15, and / PBT supplement of N B R, .*. B T may be found, and so on for the other hours. 2. To determine the curve, traced out by the extremity of the shadow #f a vertical gnomon on a horizontal plane. (Noddy.) 76 D I F Conceive a line A B to be the gnomon, A P the shadow, A N the di- rection of the meridian shadow. Draw P N perpendicular to A N, and let A N = .r, P N y> A B = a, I latitude of the place, S = sun's de- clination ; then _ (cos. 2 / sin.* 3). A* -f- 2a sin. I cos. I x -f- (sin, a I sin.g S). at. siiPl Cor. If cos. = sin. , or I = 90o , the curve is a parabola, if cos. I is greater than sin. , or I less than 90 S, an hyperbola, if cos I is less than sin. 5, or J greater than 90 S, an ellipse. DIFFERENTIALS. TABLE I. Differentiation of Algebraic and Transcendental Functions ; and of th* higher orders of Differentials. QUANTITY. DIFFERENTIAL. ax ... adx. ax+by ~+ e ... adx + bdy A dx. ( m i to \ n 1 / m i ~" a + x J n (a -f * xy xdg+ydx. m n * y y Hyp. log. x ... . Hyp. log. 1 *f * . 77 E2 D I T S5d. 5A. 48m. 51 fit ; being less than in th time of Hipparchus by 11,?." Mean velocity of earth in its orbit 59'. 10,7" each day. Velocity in its perihelion lo. 1'. 9,9." Do. in aphelion 57.' 10,7" Revolution about the line of the apsides, or anomalistic year, 3654. 6ft. 14m. 2*. Tropical revolution of apsides performed in 20,931 years. Inclination of axis to Ecliptic 23. 7'. 57"., which decreases at the rate of 52,1". in a century, but this decrease can never exceed 2. 42'. Nutation of axis = 19,3". Precession of the equinoxes 50,1" annually, or 1. 23'. 30". in a century, A complete revolution performed in 25868 years. Length of sidereal day 237z. 5fiw. 4,1*. j and has not varied the hundredth part of a second since the time of Hipparchus. The interval between the vernal and autumnal equinoxes is (on ac- count of the excentridty of ths earth's orbit and ifcs unequal velocity therein) nearly eight days longer than the interval between the autum- nal and vernal equinoxes. These intervals are at present nearly aa fol- lows : d. h. .in. d, h. m. 185. 35. 20, From spring equinox to snmm*>rl 09 o] 45 ^ solstice J "" ' / From summer solstice to autuni-7 TO bk A f SO. lo, <>Q, t nal equinox -> j From autumn aquinox to winter! gg j^ 47 "\ solstice > ' / From winter solstice to spring") go 3 42 V equinox ,., ,....,-^ equinox . Difference 7. 16. 51. E3 EAR EARTH, figure of. ( Play fair > Maddy.) 1. To find the radius of curvature at any point of the terrestrial meri- dian, supposing the earth to be an oblate spheriod. Let a and b be the Equatorial and Polar % axes, r the rad. of curv. to the latitude X, c = a b compression, m =. 57o. 2957795 the number of degrees in an arc radius ; then r a 2 c + 3 c sin. 2 X. c 3 c or = a cos. 2 x. and if D = length of a degree in lat. X, r = m D as. c 3 c \ ..D = (I cos. 2 X. ) m \ 2a 2a J Cor. 1. At the Equator m D = a 2 c ; at the Pole m D = a -f c; and in lat. 45o. = a c. Hence if E, P, and M = the degree at the Equa- tor, Pole, and lat. 45. ; M = | (P + E). Cor. 2. The excess of a degree in any lat. above that at the Equator, or D E, varies as sin. 2 X. 2. The lengths of two degrees of latitude, of which the middle points are in given latitudes, being known by admeasurement, the Equatorial and Polar diameters of the earth may be calculated from the following 1 formulae. Let D and D' be the given degrees (the least, or that nearest the Equa- tor being D) X and X' the latitudes of their middle points, then m. CD' - D.) 3 sin. (X' + X) X sin. (X' X)' and the compression, or ellipticity of the earth _ e D' D ~~ ~a ~~ 3 D. sin. (X' + X) X sin. (X' X)' from which two equations a and r, and consequently a and (, mny be found. EAR The following are the five arcs, which have been measured with th greatest care : Latitude. Degrees in Fathoms. Country. By whom. Oo. 0'. 0". 60480.2 ... Peru Condamine, &c. 11. 0. 0. 60486.6 ... India Major Lambton. 45. 0. 0. 60759.4 ... France ... Cassini, &c. 52. 2. 2. 60826.6 ... England... Colonel Mudge. 66. 20. 10. 60952.4 ... Lapland... Swanberg, &c. By combining these in pairs, and taking the mean, we get the follow- ing results. a : b :: 312 : 311. D 69.044 .3299 X cos. 2 A in miles, or D = 60759.472 290.576 X cos. 2 A in fathoms, which ex- presses the degrees of the meridian in any latitude. - = .0032 = 1 312.5 * c 12.<580 miles. a 3962.349 miles. b 3949.669 miles. Hence circumference of elliptic meridian = 24855.84 miles ; do. of equa- tor 24896.16 miles ; .'. difference 40 miles nearly. 3. The figure of the earth may also be determined, by comparing a de- gree of the meridian with the degree of a great circle perpendicular to the meridian in the same latitude, by the following formulae. Let A be the degree of the curve perpendicular to the meridian, the rest as before, then e = (A D) X V-. 2 * cos.* A and = A D i nearly. 2 A cos. A 4k To find the compression by means of a second's pendulum, consider- ing the earth as a spheroid of equilibrium. 67 EAR Let p and p' be the lengths of two pendulums oscillating seconds in la- titudes A and A', c tlie compression, the equatorial radium being unity j. then c _ pp' jtsin. A p'sin.2 A' 5. Comparison of the figure of the earth, deduced from actual admea- surement of a degree in different latitudes, with that deduced from the theory of gravity. If a homogeneous fluid revolve on an axis, it will form itself into an oblate spheroid, of which the Polar | axis : radius of Equator : : attrac- tion at Equator centrifugal force at Equator : attraction at tlie Pole. In the case of the earth, this ratio will be :: 229 : 230. If the earth be not homogeneous, but composed of strata that increase in density towards the centre, the spheroid will have less oblateness than if it were homogeneous, and it is demonstrable that if the density in- crease so that it be infinite at the centre, the ellipticity -r=o which is oTo the case of the least ellipticity ; -^ is the case with the greatest. Hence as the ellipticity of the earth has been shewn to be less than 230" ^ viz ' "312") ' Jt is eviaent tnat if tne eartn is a spheroid of equili- brium, it is denser towards the interior. This has been indisputably proved to be the case by actual experiment. See Mountain, attraction of. But after all, whether the eatth be a spheroid of equilibrium, whether the N. and S. f spheres be equal and similar to each other, and whn.t is the ratio of an arc of the meridian, measured ia a given latitude, to tna whole meridian, are questions to which complete solutions have not yet been given. EAR . TABLE of the eilipticities of the earth. Authors. Eilipticities. Principles. 1 Theory of Gravity 230 1 Lambton Sabine ... 312 1 310 1 to ! Do. Treisnecker 312.6 314.3 "" 1 329 1 Occupation of Stars. Precession and Nutation. La Place 334 1 Theory of the Moon [SOS 1 Upon the whole, the ellipticity probably lies between -^ and -^. But Captain Sabine, from some very recent experiments on the length of the Pendulum (see Pendulum), states the ellipticity at . For Tables of Degrees of Latitude and Longitude, see Degree. EARTH'S Surface, extent of.(Encyc. Britt. Supplt.) The extent of the four great divisions of the world is as follows : Europe, Witll itS IsleS *r*^fr**v+r*t*rr*r*s.r*f*tfr*r*> Sq. Eng. Miles. rxx w OTWWJ , 3 43-^^000 Africa with Madagascar ^WJX^WWXXWXJW/^.T ^^^^ 1 1 ,4^0,000 Continental Asia -M* f M ; at 110 yards depth, 53. 6 j at 336 yards, 60. 8 ; at 472 yards, 74. G. In Saxony, in four of the deepest mines, annual temperature at sur- face is 460. 4 ; at 170 to 200 yards depth, 54. 5 ; at 280 yards, 58 ; at 360 yards, 6->. 0. In the coal mine of Killing-worth, the deepest in Britain, annual tern- perature at surface is 48 ; at 300 yards, 70 ; at 400 yards, 77. In seven others of the deepest coal mines in Britain, a corresponding gradation was observed. In these British mines, the increment of temperature is about 1 for 15 yards of descent. In the Vosges it is about 1 for 20 yards, and in Saxoay 1 for 22 yards. Taking 20 yards as a mean, if the increase fol- lows the same arithmetical ratio to a considerable depth, we should find the temperature of the Bath waters (116) at 1320 yards below the surface ; and that of boiling water at 3300 yards, or nearly two miles. EARTH, pressure of against walls. 'Gregory.) Let D A E F be the vertical section of a wall, behind which is placed a bank or tor- race of earth, of which a prism, whose sec- tion is represented by D A G, would detach itself and fall down, were it not prevented by th* wall. Then A G is called the line ofrup. twre, or the natural slope, or natural decli- vity, In sandy or loose earth, the 10 B F A E t A ft seldom exceeds 30 ; in stronger earth it becomes 37 ; and in some fa * rourable cases more than 45. 1. If h r= A D, x = A E, 6 = D A G, and S and s represent the speci- fic gravities of the wall and earth, the state of equilibrium is expressed by this equation, | A-2. S - l / 6 7*2. g. tan, 8 I 8, PX. Suppose the wall to be 30.37 feet high, of brick, specific gravity 8000, and the bank of earth specific gravity 1428, and the natural slope 63; then #*. 2000 % X 39.S7 2 X 1428 X tan.s 2GJV .". x 9.6 feet thickness of wall.. The following practical results may be found useful. Values ofD G for different materials.- Bank of vegetable earth ~~~*~~***~~*~.~~~ D G =z .618 h, Do. of sand ~~~~~~ ~,*~~^~~~^~ D G = .677 h. Do. of vegetable earth mixed wHh small gravel *~~ D G =. .646 h. Do. of rubbles ~~~~ r ~~~^**~~~*~~~ ^ r ^^^ rff ^. DG = '4J4 h. Do. of vegetable earth mixed with large gravel ~~~ D G .613 h,. Thickness of walls, both faces vertical 1. "Wall brick, 109 Ibs. per cubic foot, bank vegetable 1 earth carefully laid course by course ^- , D F = .16 : ^. 2. Wall unhewn stones, 135 Ibs. per cubic foot, earth as before ^-^ ,~~*^+~~*~~ ^^ DF .15-&. 3. Wall brick, earth clay well rammed ~~~~ , DF .17 h. 4. Wall unhewn stones, earth as before ^^r^^.^^^ 13 F .16 h, 5. Wall of hewn freestone, 170 Ibs. per cubic foot, bank vegetable earth ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ D F .13 K. 6. Do. bank clay ^^^ fff ^, w ~ ww ~ ww ,. w ~. D F -= .14 h. 7. Bank of earth mixed with large gravel, wall of bricks ~~^ . D F .19' 7>. Do. of unhewn stone ,v~*~^,^.~^v~~^,~~~~~ D F = .17 h. Do. of hewn freestone *,,..*,..***** D F = .16 h. 8. Bank of sand. Wall of bricks . ~~**~~*~*~. D F - .33 h. Do. of unhewn stones .., Mn ,. flf ^ f ~~~ f ~**~~*+ D F .30 A. Do. of hewn freestone *,....,., w ,.,.. D F .26 h. When the earth of the bank is liable to be much saturated with water* %B proportional thicknesses of the walls must at least be doubled, 9i F E C C 2. For walls with an interior slope, or a slope towards the bank, let the base of the slope be - of the height, then where m .0424 for vegetable or clayey earth, mixed with large gravel ; m = .0464 if the earth be mixed with small gravel j m = .1528 for sand ; and m = .166 for semifluid earths. Ex. Let the height of a wall be 20 feet, and _L of the height for the 20 base of the slope, suppose also the specific gravity of the wall and bank to be 2600 and 1400, and the earth semifluid j then =i 5 feet, while the thickness of the wall at the bottom will be 6 feet. RASTER, to find it on any year. '(Delambre.) 1. Divide the year proposed by 19 Call remainder a. 2. Divide the same number by 4 Call remainder b. 3. Divide it also by 7 Call remainder c. 4. Divide (19 a -f- M) by 30 Call remainder d. 5. Divide (2& + 4c + 6d-fN)by7 Call remainder e. 6. Then Easter day will fall either on (22 -f- d -f- e) of March j or on (d _|_ _ 9) of April. Values of M and N in the above calculation. M. N. From 1700 to 1799 23 3 1800 to 1899 23 4 ^900 to 1999 24 5 Exceptions to this rule : 1. If the computation give April 26, substitute the 19th. 2. If it give April 25, substitute the 18th. ECCENTRICITY of a Planet's orbit (Woodhouse, Playfair.) Let e be the eccentricity of the orbit, g the greatest equation of the centre, found by observation, and put 5?0 ^9573 = A * then E C L In the earth's orbit h is very small, .*. e | h nearly. The secular diminution 18". 79, and .". if this diminution continued uniform (which, however, we have not a right to suppose) the earth's orbit would become a circle in about 36300 years, ECHO. That an echo may return one syllable as ?oon as it is pronounced, the reflecting surface should be 80 or feet distant ; for a dissyllablic echo 170 feet, &c. This is upon the supposition that sound proceeds at the rate of 1142 feet per second, and that the ear can distinguish the succes- sion of two sounds or syllables, when the interval between them is th of a second.. (Play fair.) An echo in Woodstock Park repeats 17 syllables by day, and 20 by night. An echo on the north side of Shipley church in Sussex, repeats 21 syllables. (Young's Nat. Phil.) ECLIPSES. ( Woodliouse, Play fair.) \. Eclipses of the Moon. 1. The length of the earth's shadow varies, according to the distance of the sun and earth, between the limits of 212,896, and 220,238 semidiame- ters of the earth j its mean length being 216,531. And in general if r be the earth's radius, - the apparent semidiameter, and p the horizontal par- allax of the sun, the length of the shadow, reckoned from the earth's centre, ~ sin. (R'-* sin. JJ \ 2 P ' 220 2. Hence half the angle subtended at the earth's centre by the section -of the shadow, at the distance of the moon, (if P be the horizontal paral- lax of the moon) is From this formula the apparent diameters of the earth's shadow may be computed for various distances of the sun and moon, as in the follow- ing Table. Apparent diam. of earth's shadow. r Moon in apogee ... .............. 1. 15'. 24".3036 Sun in perigee ......... < at mean distance ................. 1. 23. 2'31 tin perigee ....... ................ tf 1. 30. 40.3164 EC L Nin a; mean distance San in apogee .,,.,..,. 4 parent diam. of firth's shadow. 15. 56.8656 . 23. 34.872 31. 12.8784 16. 28.2936 . 24. 6.3 31. 44.3064 < at mean distance 3. The distance of the centres of the moon and of the earth's shadow, when the moon's disk just touches the shadow (if d = moon's diameter) Cor. If P = 57'. 1", p 8", 8, and =: 16'. 1".3, we have the mean apparent | diameter of the earth's shadow =. 41'. 8".5, which is nearly three apparent diameters of the moon. Hence since the moon in the space of an hour moves over a space nearly equal to its diameter, the moon may be entirely within the shadow, or a total eclipse may endure, about two hours. 4. The apparent | diameter of a section of the penumbra at the moon's orbit And the distance of the moon's centre and of the centre of the shadow, v/heu the moon first enters the penumbra, is 5. To find the time, duration, and magnitude of a lunar eclipse. Let m moon's motion in longitude, n moon's motion in latitude, s sun's (or the shadow's centre's) motion in longitude, X moon's latitude when in opposition, t time from opposition, c ~ distance of moon and earth's shadow, jind-let m ^ 8 = tan. 6. then t = 1 5 A sin. B -j- sin. 9 V (c I* cos. ^) 5* E C L from which expression may be deduced values of the time, correspond- ing to any assigned values of c, as in the following instances. (j) To determine the time at which the moon first enters the penum- bra, for c put P -f- P + IT + "5" > ^ nas * wo va l ues > an d the second value will denote the time at which the moon quits the penumbra. (jj) To determine the time at which the moon enters the umbra, put (jjj) To determine the time when the whole disk has just entered tha shadow, we must deduct d from the preceding value, and make c = P-f. p - -- j and similarly for other phases. (Jijj) To find the middle of the eclipse, we have t X Sin ' 8 g , and in that case the distance of the centres (c) is = Pi cos. 6. (v) The nearest approach of the centres being known, the magnitude of the eclipse is easily ascertained. Thus on the supposition that A cos. 9 is less than the distance (P -f- p 4- -~- j at which the moon's limb just touches the shadow, some part of the moon's disk is eclipsed -, and the portion of the diameter of the eclipsed part is The portion of the diameter of the non-eclipsed part is the moon's ap- parent diameter d t minus the preceding expression, and therefore is A cos. 8+ ^ 4.5_p~p. If this expression should be equal nothing, the eclipse would be just a total one. If the expression should be negative, the eclipse may be eaid to be more than a total one, since the upper boundary of the moon's disk would be below the upper boundary of the section of the shadow. (vj) If in the expression sin. 6 V (c* A* cos.* 0). n we substitute for <*, P 4- p 4- -5- -5- we have the time from the moon's A A first entering to her finally quitting the shadow or umbra. And if in th 95 F2 E C L *aine expression we substitute for c, P 4. p -f. -^ -f- , we have thi whole time of an eclipse, from the moon's first entering, till her finally quitting the penumbra. 6. Ecliptic limits. When the mean opposition is 12o. 3& distant from the node, there can be no eclipse ; and when it is less than 9. distant from it, there must be aa eclipse. Between these limits 120. SG' and 9. the matter is uncertain, and must be decided by the calculation of the true place of the moon. II. Eclipses of the Sun. 1. -Let r, R be the radii of the moon and earth, the rest as before ; then Jhe length of the moon's shadow __ N P^ -By means of this formula, we have Length of Moon'* shadow, distance. Sun in apogee, moon in perigee ... 59.730 | 55.902 San in perigee, moon in apogee 57.760 I 63.862 Hence in the latter case, the moon's shadow never reaches the earth, and the eclipse cannot any Avhcre be total. The moon's mean motion about the centre of the earth is 33' in an hour ; and the shadow of the moon .'. traverses the surface of the earth, when it falls on the surface perpendicularly, with a velocity of about 380 miles in a minute. W T hen the shadow falls obliquely, its velocity appears greater in the inverse ratio of the sine of the obliquity. The duration of a total eclipse ia any given place cannot exceed 1m. An annular eclipse may last 12?. 24*. .2. The apparent f diameter of the moon's shadow = f ^ 1- __ . Hence when d D apparent J diameter =r o, or the vertex of the coni- cal shadow just reaches the earth. When tf is less than D, the expres- si-m is negative, ia ether words the shadow never reaches the earth. In a similar manner may the formulas for the penumbra of the earth be transformed and adapted to the case of the moon. (jjj) The solar ecliptic.limits =' 17. 21'. 27". If the conjunction hap- pens nearer to the node than this, t&ere may be an eclipse. If it be more distant, there can be none. .96 E C L Solar eclipses arc more difficult of computation than lunar ones ; nor is it possible to enter here upon the methods that have been employed, We shall .'. conclude this article with an account of the number of eclipses that may take place in a year. III. Eclipses, number of. In the space of 18 years, there are usually about 70 eclipses, 29 of the moon, and 41 of the sun. Seven is the greatest number of eclipses that can happen in a year, and two the least. If there are seven, five must be of the sun, and two of the moon. If there are only two, they must be both of the sun j for in every year there are at least two eclipses of the sun. There can never be more than three eclipses of the moon in a year ; and in some years there are none at all. Though tlie number of solar eclipses is greater than of lunar in the ra- tio of 3 to 2, yet more lunar than solar eclipses are visibla in any parti- cular place, because a lunar eclipse is visible to an entire hemisphere, and a solar is only Visible to a part. ECLIPTIC, obliquity of.f Woodhouse, Vines.) The mean obliquity of the Ecliptic in January 1, 1827 = 23. 27'. 43".7. For the variations in the obliquity, see Precession. But besides these va- riations in the obliquity, arising- from solar inequality and nutation, the former of which passes through all its changes in the period of half a year, and the latter in 9 years and 3 months, the obliquity of the Eclip- tic has, as far back as observation goes, been diminishing from the action of the planets, particularly Venus and Jupiter. This diminution, called the secular diminution, is at present 52" in a century. There is, how- ever, a mean to the obliquity which it cannot pass, and round which it oscillates backwards and forwards. According to La Grange, the incli- nation will never vary more than 5. 23' from the year 1700. Hence if we have given the mean obliquity for any time, and wish to find the true obliquity, we must correct the given mean obliquity by the secular diminution, the solar inequality, and the nutation. The ana- lytical expression for the obliquity, including these corrections, is E ~~L 4. 0".4345 X cos. 2 sun's longitude 4. 9".63 X cos. N E being the mean obliquity at the beginning of the year, N the supple- ment of the node, and n the number of days from the beginning of the year. E L A ELASTIC bodies, equilibrium of.(Whewell.) This subject may be comprised under three heads. (1.) Elasticity of Extension and Compression, as in the case of a string stretched by a force. (2.) Elasticity of Flexure, as when wires and laminae of different metals and other substances exert a force to unbend themselves when forcibly bent. (3.) The Elasticity of Torsion, as when twisted threads of metal exert a force to untwist themselves. Our view of these several subjects must necessarily be very limited and imperfect. 1. Elasticity of Extension. 1. When an elastic string of given length is stretched by a given force, to find its length. The increase of length is proportional to the tension. Let i be the measure of the extensibility of the string, whose length at first is a j t the force or weight with which the string is stretched, which of course measures the tension ; then the increase of length = a it, and the length I when stretched will .'. be a -}- a it, or a (1 + i f) We may determine i, if we know the original length of the string, and its length for any given value of t. It may be convenient to know it in terms of the force which will draw out the string to double its length. Let E be this force j hence a (1 -f- i E) = 2 a, and t = -g. Hence the length of the string under a tension t becomes =(>+*) E may be expressed by a length of the given string, whose weight would draw the string a to double its length. E is then called the mo- dulus of elasticity. 2. A uniform elastic string hangs vertically, stretched by its own weight .* to find its length. The same notation being retained, Cor. 1. I Cor. 2. Since I a f 1 + ~-\ , it appears that the weight of the string stretches it half as much, as if it were ail collected at the lowe*t point 98 E L A 2. Elasticity and resistance of solid materials. Here we suppose that all solid bodies may be considered as made up of elastic fibres capable of extension and compression ; and that the resia- tance to extension is proportional to the extension in each fibre. When a solid body is acted on by any force, it may be partly extended and partly compressed. Thus let a mass A B Q P be acted upon by a force F .compressing it in the direction EF. The surface P N Q may be brought in. to the direction p N q j in this case all the fibres R R' which are on one side of N are shortened ; all those on the other side of N are lengthened. N N' remains the same as in the natural State. N is called the neutral point ; and the line which separates the parts fT ^ of the body which are compressed from those which are elongated is call- ed the neutral line. 1. When a rectangular prismatic mass is compressed by a force paral. lei to the direction of the axis : to find the neutral line. Let P M = M Q = cr, M F = h, M N n, then Cor. 1. If h | a, n a, or the neutral point is in the surface, and the whole beam is compressed. 2. When a rectangular prism is acted upon by any force in any direc- tion ; to find the neutral point at any part. Let a force/ act in the line y F on a prism A B P Q, then the same no, tation being retained, we have as before Cor. If the force act perpendicularly to the axis, A is infinite, n = o, and the neutral point is in the axis. 3. When a rectangular prismatic beam is made to deviate a little from a straight line by the action of a f*iven force perpendicular to it, to find the deflexion, E L A Since the force is perpendicular to the . ^_ ^^ 13 beam, and the beam is nearly a straight ' line, we may (by Cor. last Art.) suppose the neutral point coincident with the axis. Let A M E represent the axis bent by a force acting- perpendicularly to A D its original position ; and let F be a length of the beam equivalent to the force/, I length b breadth, and a = thickness of the beam, E the modulus of elasticity, then the whole deflexion S - or if for F we put its value o^-i a Cor. 1. Hence for a given breadth and thickness, the deflexion is as the force and cube of the length ; and for a given weight and length, the de- flexion is inversely as the breadth and cube of the thickness. Cor. 2. Let the direction of the tangent at E make an ^ 6 with the tan- gent at A ; then 6 may be called the angular deflexion, and we have The angular deflexion is as the force and square of the length. 4. When a rectangular prismatic beam in a horizontal position is bent by its own weight j (its thickness being vertical) to find the deflexion. The same notation being retained, the whole deflexion 3ft 8Ea*' Cor. In this and the last Art. 3 being objerved, E may be found. 5. A rectangular prismatic beam is compressed by a given force acting in a direction parallel to the axis j to find the deflexion. Let a be | the thickness of the beam, I - f the length, h distance of the force from the axis j then if E be very large compared with F, we have the deflexion 7 = h (eec. - - 1). aVE Cor. If the force act at the extremities of the axis, h o, and there will be no deviation except 100 L A Hence we may find the weights which columns of given materials will support. Thus, if in fir-wood the modulus E be 10,000,000 feet, a bar, an inch square, and 10 feet long-, may begin to bend, when F = .8225 X -~f- X 10,000,000 = 571 feet. 3. Elasticity of Torsion. 1. Let/and/' be the forces necessary to twist a metallic thread, from the position in which it would naturally hang, through the ,/s. 8 and fr ; then if 6 and 6' be very small, / _ * J> ~ p- On this principle depends the Torsion Balance of Coulomb, which has been employed for the purpose of measuring very small repulsive and attractive forces. In some cases the instrument was constructed with so much delicacy, that each degree of torsion required a force of only Height of the Modulus of Elasticity in thousands of feet ( Encyclop. Brit. Supplem.) Iron and steel ~~~~~ ~~~~* 10,000 Fir wood ,~~~~~ 10,000 Copper *, 5,700 Elm 8,000 Brass 5,000 Beech 8,000 Silver ww ~ w ~ w , ,, w 3,240 Oak *~~~ ~~ , * 5,060 Tin^^ w ~~ ^^^^^ ,850 The following Table is the result of experiments by Mr. Rennie, pub- lished in the first part of the Phil. Trans, for 1818. Mr. Rennie found a cubical inch of the following bodies crushed by the following weights : Ibs. av. ^ WWJ ^r WW ^ JJWWWWJ ^r W r WJ -x J u- JJJ - JW x Ww r J ^nn 1284 American Pine _ 1606 White Deal ,_ , 1928 English Oak ^ 5860 Cube* of 1% inch. Sp. gr, 1127 Derby Grit- Portland *. 101 E Q U frai"leith White freestone rrr^nr^..-*^ Sp. gr. ~~~~~ 2452 12346 12856 13632 13632 14302 14918 17354 20610 20742 21254 Yorkshire Pavin" j^j^ffsj^jir^fju^^f^^t^fsv-t nrfr,s TJ ^ rjj ^ rj ^ f ^ t ?507 White Statuary Marble ^j^^^^^ru^^.,,,^ ww*, 2760 Bromley Fell Sandstone, near Leeds ~~~*~~ Cornish. Granite *^^r*jxj-^ JJJ _n,jx l *n.j^xxx^jxrjj^ J - sjswu 2506 2662 Dundee Sandstone j-s**^** -jj^sjj^j-jjj-sffjsvfjjfff^f. rnssMM^ 2530 Compact Limestone f,********!********-***^^^***^ 1JVU ^ WVMJ 2584 KSWSSWS+ ?599 Cluck Brabant Marble *jwjs**~*rrwrf****j-rr*jrj-Tj-s n* ?697 Verv Hard Freestone ~~~~~~~+~~~~~~~*~^ 2528 Cubes of different metals of ^ inch were crushed by the following weights : Cast Iron Cast Copper *~~~ Fine Yellow Brass Ibs. av. 9773 7318 10304 Wrought Copper * Cast Tin -- Cast Lead , Ibs. av. 6440 483 Bars of different metals six inches long 1 , and ^ inch square, were sus- pended by nippers, and broken by the following weights : Ibs. av. 1166 1218 Ibs. av, 2273 2112 1192 1123 296 Cast Iron, horizontal ~~ 1166 Gun Metal Ditto, vertical <..~..~.~ 1218 Copper hammered Cast Steel ~~~,~~ -~~ 8391 Cast Copper Blistered Steel hammered 8322 Fine Yellow Brass Shear Steel do 7977 Cast Tin Swedish Iron do. ~~ 4504 Cast Lead r*~~~~~> \\k English Iron do. ~~* 3492 ELASTIC bodies, theory of.^-See Collision. ELLIPSE, principal properties of. See Conic Sections. ELLIPTICITY of the Earth. See Earth, figure of. EMBANKMENT. See Dyke, and Earth pressure of. EPOCH. See JEra. EQUATIONS of condition. (flay fair, Maddy.) Any equation expressing the relation that obtains among the coem. cients of another equation, is called an Equation of condition. These equations are used in determining by observation the constant coefficient* in an assumed or given function of a variable quantity. Thus let us sup- pose that the form of the function is known from theory, but that the onstant quantities that enter into it, are to be determined by observe 102 tion ; required, considering that every observation is liable to error, in what way these quantities may be most accurately determined. RULE. Substitute the quantities known by observation fory and x t in the given formula (each observation being supposed to afford a value both of # aud#), and thus, as many equations of condition will be obtained, as there are observations. If these exceed the number of quantities to be found, or of the equations wanted, let there be composed from the ad- dition of them into separate sums, as many equations as are necessary, each consisting of as many of the given equations as the question admits of. From the equations thus obtained, the quantities sought may be de- termined with the least probability of error. Suppose the general formula to be y = A sin. x 4. B sin. 2 x, and that from observation we have eight values of x and y t viz. Values of 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 Values of y. 73'.5 80.2 87.0 94.1 99.5 104.5 107.5 110.2 Hence, .6428 A .9848 B = 73.5 .7071 A 1.0000 B - 80.2 .7660 A .9848 B = 87.0 .8191 A .9337 B 94.1 .8660 A .8660 B = 99.5 .9063 A .7660 B 104.5 .9397 A .6428 B =r 107.5 .9660 A .5000 B = 110.2 By adding the first four into one, and also the second four, we get 2.9350 A 3.9033 B = 334.8, and 3.6780 A 2.7748 B = 421.7 j and therefore, - 1.7 ~ 2.7748 X 334.8 3.678 X 3.9033 2.935 X 2.7748"' or A = i.55*00. 103 F3 E Q U In like manner, B = K2; so that the equation becomes, y = (lo. 54'.2) sin. x -f (1'.2) sin. 2 jr. This is nearly the equation of the centre in the earth's orbit. In this \vay all the elements of any of the planetary orbits may be de termined simultaneously, or corrected if they are already nearly known. In the construction of Astronomical Tables, the number of equations combined has amounted to many hundreds. In the example above, no method was to be followed, but that of di- viding the original equations into two parcels or groups, from the sums of which the new equations were to be deduced. But when it happens in the given equations, that the terms involving the same unknown quan- tity have different signs, the best way is to order all the equations so that one of the unknown quantities, as A, shall have the same sign through- out j and then to add them together, for the first of the derivative equa- tions. Let the same be done with B, C, &c. whatever be the number of the quantities sought. Thus, each of the unknown quantities will occur in one of the equations, with the greatest possible coefficient; and the coefficients of the same unknown quantity, in the different equations, will become by that means as unequal as they can be rendered, which con- tributes to make the divisor by which that quantity is to be found, as large, and itself of course, as accurate as the case will admit of. Ex. Let the equations be 3 x+y 2z = o 5 3 .r 2 y + 5 * o 21 4.r # 4# o 14-h.r 3 # 3z = o changing the signs of the last equation, and adding, 15 9x + y + 2z = o similarly for #,37 5 or 1 y = o forz, 33 # y Uz = o From these equations x = 2.486 y = 3.517 z = 1.928 Second Method. Let m + ax + by -f- cz + &c. = o, m' + a' x -f b' y -f- c' z -f &c. = o, m" -f- a"x -f b"y + c" z + &c. o, &c. ,..,, , ,., ~ o r 104 E Q U be the equations ; multiply the first by a, the second by a', and so on ; then by addition, ma 4- m> a' 4- &c. -f- (as 4- a'2 4- &c.) JP + (a 6 -f ' &' 4- &c.) y 4- (a c 4- a' c' 4- &c.) z = o, Similarly (w 6 4- ' 6' 4- &c.) -I- (ab + a' b' + &c.) x -f (ft, + i'a + &c.) y -f- (b c 4- b' c' 4- &c.) x 4- &c. = o, (w c + ;' c x -f- &c.) + (ac + a' c' + &c.) ^ + (6 c + b' c' -f- &c.) ^ + (c 8 + c'* H- &c.) 5r + &c. o, &c. 4- &c .................................................................................. o. By this means as many equations are formed as there are unknown quantities, and from them #, y } z, &c. may be determined. The method applied to the example in the preceding" article gives the reduced equations 884-27^4-6^ = 0, 70 4- 6 x 4- 15 z o, 107 4- y 4- 51 x = o. From whence x 2.470, y 3,551, z = 1.916. The above mode of reducing the linear equations, which is called the Me f hod of Least Squares, Avas invented by Gauss. EQUATION of Payments. Common rule. Let p and p' be the sums due at the end of the times n and n' * = equated time p n -\- p> n' then x = - -, - . p-rp' i.e. equated time is found by multiplying each sum by the time at which it is due, and dividing by the sum of the payments. This rule is erroneous in principle, being founded upon the supposi- tion that the receiver gains interest upon the latter sum by receiving it before it is due ; Avhereas in fact he ought only to gain the discount. In most questions, however, that occur in business, the error is so trifling, that the above rule Avill always be made use of as the most eligible me- thod. Correct rule. Let r interest of 1. for one year, the rest as before, put = ^ prnn> + p>n> + pn = p r p a V 4 b 105 E Q U EQUATION of Time. The equation of time, relatively to its causes, depends on two circum- stances; (1) the obliquity of the ecliptic j and (2) the unequal angular motion of the s^n in its orbit. The equation of time, as arising- from the first cause, wouldbe " (Tie^'difference of the sun's longitude and its right ascension converted into time. In the first and third quadrants, apparent time would precede true ; in the second and fourth quadrants, true time would precede apparent j and at the Tropics and Equinoxes, true and apparent time would coincide. Also upon this supposition, the equation would be a maximum at 4 points, viz. when the cosine of the sun's declination is a mean proportional between radius, and the cosine of the obliquity of the ecliptic. The equation of time, as arising from the second cause, would be the difference between the true and mean anomaly. Hence true and appa- rent time would coincide at the higher and lower apsides. From the higher to the lower apside, apparent time would precede true ; from the lower to the higher apside, true time would precede apparent. The equation, in this case, would be greater at two points than at any other, viz. when the earth's distance from the sun is a mean proportional be- tween the | axes of its orbit. To find it, when both causes are consider- ed together, let A be the sun's time right ascension, M his mean longi- tude, v the equation of the Equinoxes in longitude j then v X cos. obliquity = the equation of the Equinoxes in right ascension, and Equation of time = A - M -, X cos, obliquity 15 which is to be added to apparent time if positive, and subtracted if negative. As the sun's true right ascension is deduced from the true longitude and the apparent obliquity of the ecliptic, both of which vary from one age to another ; hence tables of the equation of time, constructed for any one time, are not true for another. The following Table, there- fore, taken from the Nautical Almanack for 1828, or leap year, though inapplicable when any very nice determinations of the time are requir, d, may yet be xiseful for regulating common clocks or watches, as the error for the next half century will only amount to a few seconds. 106 E Q U TABLE. Equation of Time for every Day in the Year JS28. ^jJan. j Feb. Mar.i Apr. May.j June July. Aug.! Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec." Q Add Add Add Add jSub. Sub. |Add Add Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. m s \ m s m s m s m s m s m s m s m s m s m s m s 1 3 35 13 52 12 35 351 3 5 2 33 3 25 5 57 15 10 25 16 17 1038 24 414 12 23 3 So 3 13 2 24 3 37 5 53 31 1043 16 17 10 14 3 4 34 14 7 12 10 3 IS 3 19 2 14 3 48 5 49 53 11 2 16 17 9 50 4 4 59,14 13 11 5G' 3 3 26 2 4 3 58 5 44 1 12 11 20 16 16 926 5 5 27il4 18 11 42 2 4-.' 3 31 1 54 4 9 5 38 1 32 11 38 16 14 9 1 6 5 54 14 23 11 28 2 25 3 37 1 43 4 19 5 32 1 51 11 55 16 11 8 35 7 6 SO 14 21 11 17 2 7 3 41 1 33 4 29 525 2 11 12 12 16 8 8 9 8 6 46 14 30 10 59 1 50 3 45 1 21 4 39 5 18 2 32 12 29 16 3 7 43 9 7 11 10 7 36 14 32)10 43 1 33 14 34 10 28 1 17 3 48 3 51 1 10 4 48 58 4 57 5 10 5 1 2 52 3 12 12 45:i5 58 13 0'15 52 7 15 648 11 8 114 3510 12 12 8 25 14 35 9 55 1 1 45 3 53 3 55 046 034 554 52 5 13 4 43 3 33 3 54 13 15J15 45 13 30il5 37 6 20 5 52 13 8 48 1434 9 39 29 3 55 1 5 20 4 32 4 15 13 44 15 29 5 23 14 9 10 14 33 9 22 11 S 56 9 5 27 422 4 36 13 58 15 19 4 55 Sub. Add 15 935 14 SO 9501 3 56 4 5 34 4 10 4 57 14 11 15 9 4 25 16 9 51 14 S?8 8 471 16 3 55 17 5 40 3 58 5 18 14 24 14 58 3 56 1710 15 14 24 8 30 30 3 54 30 5 45 3 46 5 39 14 36 14 46 3 27 1810 35 14 19 8 12 44 3 52 43 5 50 3 33 6 14 47 14 34 2 57 19 10 54 14 14 7 54 58 3 49 56 5 54 3 20 6 21 14 58 14 20 2 27 2011 12 14 9 7 36 111 3 46 1 9 5 58 3 6 6 42 15 8 14 6 1 58 21 11 30 14 2 7 18] 1 24 3 43 1 22 6 1 2 51 7 3 15 18 1351 1 28 22 11 47 13 55 7 o 1 sr> 3 39 1 35 6 4 2 37 7 24 15 27 1335 58 2312 3 13 47 6 41 1 48 3 34 1 47 6 6 2 21 745 1535 13 18 28 Add 24 12 18 1339 6 23 1 59 3 29 2 6 7 2 5 8 5 15 43 13 1 2 2512 33 13 29 6 4 2 10 3 24 2 13 6 8 1 49 8 26 15 50 12 42 32 26 12 47 13 20 5 46 2 '20 3 18 2 25 6 8 1 33 8 46 15 56 12 23 1 2 2713 13 9 527 230 3 12 2 38 6 8 1 16 9 7J16 1 12 4 1 32 28 13 12 12 59 5 8 2 40 3 5 2 50 6 7 58 9 26 16 6 11 43 2 29 13 23 12 47 4 50 2 40 2 57 3 2 6 5 41 9 46 16 10 11 22 2 30 30 13 33 431 2 57 2 50 3 14 6 3 23 10 6 16 13 11 3 31 13 43 4 13 2 41 6004 16 15 329 The above Table contains the equation of time for leap year; but the equation ma.y be found for other years as follows. For the first year after leap year take one-fourth of the difference between the equations for the given and preceding days, w hich is to be added to the equation for the given day, if at that time the equation is decreasing ; but sub- tracted if it is increasing. In the second after leap year, take half the difference between the equations ; and in the third, take three-fourths of the difference, and apply this correction in the same manner as be- fore. 107 F4 E Q U Note. The word add in the Table denotes that the equation of time, as there expressed, must be added to the apparent time, shewn by a Dial or other instrument, in order to give the mean or equated time. In those columns to which the word sub is prefixed, it implies that the equation of time must be subtracted from the apparent time, in order to give the true or correct time. If it be proposed to convert mean time into apparent, this is done by a contrary process, by applying the equation of time to the mean time given, with its title or sign changed, viz. subtracting instead of adding, and adding instead of subtracting. EQUILIBRIUM of Floating Bodies. (Play fair, Eland.) 1. "When the centre of gravity of a floating body is in the same verti- cal line with the centre of gravity of the fluid displaced, the body re- mains in equilibrium. 2. If in a floating body, of which the transverse section is the same from one end of the body to the other, a be the length of the water line, c* the area of the section of the immersed part, d the distance between the centre of gravity of the whole and the centre of gravity of the im- mersed part, and i an indefinitely small inclination from the position of equilibrium, the momentum of the force tending to restore the equili- brium is If 3 z is greater than d, the force tends to restore the body to ita state of equilibrium, or the equilibrium is that of stability. If -rpY d, there is no force tending either to restore or destroy the equilibrium ; or the equilibrium is that of indifference. If ^ 3 g be less than d, the force becomes negative, and tends to over- set the body ; or the equilibrium is that of instability. When W remains the same, the stability is proportional to When the centre of gravity of the body is lower than the centre of gravity of the immersed part, d is negative, and the quantity -^^ d is affirmative, whatever be the magnitude of . t -* ~ 108 EVA. If in the axis of the solid, or in the line passing through the two cen- tres, there be taken a point distant from the centre of the immersed part by f g , this point is called the metacentre ; and $ie stability will be positive or negative or nothing, according as the metacentre is above, below, or coincident with the centre of gravity of the floating body. 3. If a rectangular parallelepiped float in a fluid, with its altitude a perpendicular to the surface ; if its breadth be 5, and its specific gravity n, that of the fluid being 1, its stability will be as w (1 w) a 8 . When it has no stability, w (1 w) a* zr 0, and a = -=> V6 n (1 w) /I W and n = | + V 3 . 4 6 a* Cor. 1. When - ? is less than -7-, or when the height of the solid has 6 a 4 4 a greater proportion to the base of the section than V!T : Vlf, two va- lues may assigned to the specific gravity of the body, which will cause it to float in the equilibrium of indifference. Cor. 2. If n = , as is nearly the case with fir, a = J v --r- nearly. The truth of this conclusion may be shewn by experiment. EQUILIBRIUM of an Elastic Body See Elastic Bodies equilibrium of. EQUILIBRIUM of a Point. See Forces composition of* EQUINOXES, precession of. See Precession. ERRORS in Time, in Astronomy. See Time* EVAPORATION. Mean monthly evaporation from the surface of water, from the ex- periments of Dr Dobson, of Liverpool, in the years n72, 1773, 1774 A and 1775. (Phil. Trans.) and Manchester Memoirs.) Inches. Inches January ..... ............. 1,50 July .......*....*.............. 5.11 February 1.77 August 5.01 March- 2.64 September 3.18 April 3.30 October 2.51 May 4.34 November 1.51 June , mmmmfim ., mw , 4.41 December .,., 1.4& 109 G From some very acnmito experiment^ made by Mr Dalton, the mean annual evaporation, over the whole surface of the globe, has been esti- mated at 35 inches ; this gives 94,450 cubic miles for the water annually evaporated over the whole globe. tee Bain. EVECTION.S'^ Moon. EVOLUTES of Curves. (Higman.) To find the equation to the evolute. Let A N = , and N O /3, then may the relation between a and /3 be found by eliminating x and y from the equations / \ ,N JEx. Required the evolute of the parabola. Here y* m y Find values of ^ and .r from the two last equations, substitute them in the first, and we shall have .". the evolute is the semicubical parabola. DEVOLUTION. See Involution. EXPANSION of liquids and solids by Heat. See Heat. EXPANSION of Water See Heat. EYE, dimensions of, t$c,(Coddington.) The proportions of the spaces occupied by the three humours of the eye vary in different animals, as may be seen frm the following Table, 110 EYE taken from M. Cuvier's Anatomie Comparee, which shews the parts of the axis lying in the several humours. Aqueous Humour. Chrystal- line. Vitreous Humour. ]V[ an , 3 4 15 T)(\ar 22 5 22 8 22 8 Ox 21 5 il 14 21 18 Sheep ... , .>...>. $f 4 37 Jl 37 12 Ilor^e < in 17 9 17 16 17 18 Owl , 43 8 43 11 43 8 Herring .'.,.. 27 1 7~ 27 5 7 27 1 7 The radii of the surfaces of the chrystalline are in Man as 12 to 16 Dog 12 to 14 Ox 6 to 21 Rabbit 14 to 14 Owl 16 to 14 The specific gravities of the different parts are as folloxvs, that of distilled water being 1. In the In the 0-jf. Cod Fish. Aqueous humour 1 1 Vitreous humour 1.016 1.013 Chrystalline lens (mean) 1.114 1.165 Outer part of ditto , 1.070 1.140 Inner 1.160 I 1.200 As to their refractive powers, they must be more considerable than their density indicates, on account of the inflammable particles which enter into their composition. Dr. Wollaston makes the refracting power of the vitreous humour equal to that of water, and that of the chry.stalliue lens of the ox jrroater 111 EYE in the ratio of from 1.38 to 1.447 to 1. Dr. Brewoter gives the following- Table, deduced from experiments made on a recent human eye : 'Water 1.3358 The Aqueous humour 1.3366 Vitreous humour 1.3394 .f "4 outer coat of chrystalline 1.3767 power of _ middle 13786 central parts 1.3990 whole chrystalline 1.3839 Dr. Brewster also gives the following dimensions : Inch. Diameter of the chrystalline , 0.378 cornea 0.400 Thickness of the chrystalline 0.172 coinea 0.012 If the humours of the eye be too convex or too flat, an imperfection in vision is in either case the consequence : a conrave lens will remedy the former defect, and a convex one the latter. The following problems embrace nearly every thing connected with the theory of spectacles. 1. Given tlfb distance at which a short-sighted person can see distinct- ly, to find the focal length of a concave glass which will enable him to see distinctly at any other given distance. Let A" = distance at which he can see distinctly, A a greater distance at which he wishes to view objects, F focal length of the required lens, then (see Refraction jjj, Art. 2.) _--- A" ~ F A ' ~ A A"' Cor. If A be indefinitely great, F = A". 2. Given the distance at which a long-sighted person can see distinct- ly, to find the focal length of a convex glass which will enable him to see distinctly at any other given distance. Let A" distance at which he can see distinctly, A a shorter dis- tance at which he wishes to view objects, F focal length of the lens, then 1 1 1 . r A A" 2F = A* F ;andF== -A^A' Cor. If A" be indefinitely great, or the eye require parallel rays, F=A. 113 F I G TABLE, Of ihe focal length of the convex or magnifying glasses, commonly requir- ed at various ages. ( Kitchiner.) Years of age. Inches. Focus. Remarks. 40 ... 36 45 ... 50 ... 55 ... 30 24 20 Convex Spectacles are seldom want- ed except to read by candle light, till 45 or 50. 58 . 18 GO ... 16 Concave glasses called No. 1, are 65 ... 14 equivalent to a convex of 24 70 ... 12 inches focus ; No. 2 to a 21 inch 75 ... 10 convex ; No. 3 to an 18 inch. 80 ... 9 The following is an easy method of finding 1 which of two concave or convex glasses magnifies most. Hold one in .each hand about one foot from your eye, and about five feet from a window frame, and the lens, through which the panes of glass appear least> magnifies most. This is the readiest way of ascertaining their comparative power. F FIGURE of the sines, $c. Figure of the sines, cosines, tangents, secants ; to find the area of, 4. Figure of the sines. Let 6 arc or abscissa, then area =- r X ver. siu. 0, When 6 is a quadrant, area - r*. 2. Figure ih in feet, and it be required to find the pres- bure on agate, which, standing across the car. a!, would darn the water up, we have area of trapez. | B -f- -b. d ; and depth of centre of gra- 26+~B . d . 6 -4- B ,. vity = ^ ~ j . the whole pressure in ounces 500. ~ . d*. 3. B-f 6 M. The strongest angle of position for a pair -of gates for the lock of a -rsuialor riv sin.s 9 g ' And in a direction perpendicular to that of its motion, is Sfsin.0Xcos. e 2g Ex. At what / must the rudder of a vessel be inclined to the stream, that the effect produced may be a maximum ? The effect varies (by the 3d Formula) as sin. 8 8 X cos. = max., .% sin. 6 = J |. 3. If a plane figure, or a solid generated by the revolution^ a plane figure round its axis, move in a fluid in the direction of its axis ; to deter- mine the ratio of the resistances on the curve or surface, and on the base. 119 FLU In a plane figure, Res. on base I that on the curve ". y ' fl. ~- And in a solid, Res. on base : that on the surface :: # 2 : fi. ---35 l +7&* Ex. 1. Let the curve be a semicircle. Res. on base I res. on curve \\ y I y ^-^- t which, when y r> be- comes as 3 : 2. Ex. 2. Let the solid be a sphere, Res. on base : res. on surface : : | y* '. | y* i 1 " ' * 2 I 1 wheny = r. Hence resistance to a cylinder is double that of the inscribed sphere. Cor. Hence if n density of a globe, whose radius is r, and the speci- fic gravity of the fluid be 1, R *r*v* lienv* 3v* and R' =. = ; -- = -- - - = ^r - ; or if ar space fallen w 4>g 3 IGgnr ' through to acquire the velocity 4. Let a sphere of given diameter be projected in a resisting medium, whose specific gravity is to that of the sphere as 1 : n. Having given the velocity of projection, to find the velocity of the sphere at any dis- tance x y and the time of description. Let e = No. whose hyp. log. = 1, and suppose when x o, # = a, then V 2ga 5. Let a spherical body descend in a fluid from rest by the action of 120 FOR gravity (the rest as before), to find the velocity at any point of the do scent, and the time of description. Here V = J 8 r - n ~ l x J \\ J -"^ 71 r/ 2 r 1 + 1 P fi i- r^rrr X hyp. log. -JL-.-L^-glJLL- 3*-l / --3.v 1 "" 1 e 8 u r Cor. 1. If or be increased sine limite, vanishes, and V fJIQgr. n 1 _ t j ie g rea test velocity that can be acquired by a spheri- 3 cal body descending in a fluid. FLUID elastic. '-See Atmosphere. FLUXIONS. See Differentials. FORCES, the composition and resolution of. ( Wheu'ell,) \. If any two forces act at the same point, the force, which is equiva- lent to the two, is represented in direction and magnitude by the diago- nal of the parallelogram, of which the sides represent the magnitude and direction of the component forces. Cor. If p and q be the component forces, which contain an angle 6, the resultant will be V/> 2 -f- 2 p q cos. 8 -j- #2. 2. Forces may be represented by lines parallel to their direction, and proportional to them in magnitude. Cor. 1. If two sides of a A taken in order represent the magnitude and direction of two forces, the third side will represent a force equivalent to them both. Cor. 2. If three forces, represented in magnitude and direction by the three sides of a A taken in order, act on a point, they will keep it at rest ; and conversely. Cor. 3. If three forces keep a. body in equilibrium, and three lines be drawn making with the directions of the forces three equal angles to- wards the same parts, these three lines will form a A, whose sides will represent the three forces respectively. Cor. 4. If three forces keep a point at rest, they are each inversely as the sine of the ^ contained by the. other two. 121 G 3 FOR Cor. 5. If the ^ between two given forces be diminished, the resultant is increased. Cor. 6. If any number of forces be represented by sides of a polygon taken in order, their resultant will be represented by the line which com- pletes the polygon. Cor. 7. A number of forces which are represented by all the sides of a polygon taken in order, acting upon a point, will keep it at rest. 3. If the edges of a parallelepiped drawn from the same point, repre- sent three component forces, the diagonal will represent the resultant. Cor. 1. If any number of forces be represented by sides, taken in order, of a polygon, which is not in the same plane, their resultant will be re- presented by the line which completes the polygon. Cor. 2. If any number of forces be represented by all the sides, taken in order, of a polygon, they will keep a point at rest. 4. To find, by means of equations among the symbols, which the forces and their positions introduce, the resultant of two forces acting at a point. If we suppose a line, as A x, to pass through A, we may determine the posi- tions, both of the components and resul- tant, by the /s. which they make with this line. Let p and q be the forces in A P, AQ -, a,, (B the /s. which they make with A x. Resolve p into two forces in the direc- tions A x t and A y perpendicular to A x t then the resolved parts will be p -A. 3VI X. cos. , p sin. <*. In like manner q is equivalent to q cos. /3 in the direc- tion A or, and q sin. /3 in the direction Ay. Hence the forces are equi- valent to p cos. , q cos. /3 in A x. p sin. , q sin. (Sin Ay. And the resultant of p and q will be the resultant of these four forces. If we put p cos. a, + q cos. /3 = X. p sin. -f- q sin. /3 = Y. and take in A x, Ay, A M = X, A N = Y, and complete the rectangle A M R N, A R will be the resultant ofp and q t and if r be this resultant, and 8 the / which it makes with A x> we have 122 a FOR whence the magnitude and position of the resultant are known. Cor. 1. By putting- the values of X and Y in the expression for r, we shall get r- ij $p* + 2pq cos. (* /3) -f q* which agrees with the result obtained in Cor. Art. 1. Cor. 2. If we call $ and ^ the /s. P A R and Q A R, we shall have - - -- ^ y [^ a 4- 2^ ? COS. (-/3) + e? 2 j & sin . 4 = _^ -- Ptinj.*^ __ y [^ 2 4- 2^? cos. (-/3) -f j*j 5. To find the resultant of any number of forces, p> p, p, ......... p, ia 123 n the same plane ; their directions making with the line A x angles , , at, ......... ce, respectively. 123 n J5y proceeding precisely as before, we shall have, by putting p cos. -f p cos. os. -f p cos. a. ...... + p cos. a, = X '2233 n n p sin. a + j sin. + j sin. ...... +p sin. * = Y / / a 2 3 s n n r=v(X8 + Y)j tan.fl=~. 6. To find the resultant of forces, whose directions are not all in the same plane. In the preceding case, the forces were resolved in the directions of two lines at right /s. to each other. In this case we must resolve them in the directions of three lines each at right /s. to the other two, and meet- ing together in a point. Let us suppose these three lines to be A A*, Ay A z, and let p be a force, and , /3, y the ^s. which it makes with A x t Ay, A x ; the force will then be equivalent to three forces p cos. a. in A JT, p cos. ft in Ay t p cos. -y in Az. Hence if we have forces p t p, p ...... p making with A x angles , , ...... 183 n 123 F R A with A y angles ft, /3, (3 3 * 3 with A wangles 7, ^, y y i s w and make p COS. -}- jtf COS. +/> COS. a, -f- p COS. a =: X 112 233 n n p cos. ,3 -f p cos. /3 -f ;> cos. /3 + j cos. = Y. 1 1 2 2 3 3 ?J 7i p COS. y -f-P COS. y -i- p COS. 7 -\- p COS. ^ Z 112833 n n the forces will be equivalent to X in A .r, Y in A j/, and Z in A^. If R be the resultant, and 9, v, the /s. which it makes with A r, Ay, A # respectively, we shall have R = v ' (X* + Y* + Z) . X Y Z cos. & , cos. j = -^, cos. ? -^ One of the three last Equations is superfluous. 7. When a point is acted upon by any forces, to find the conditions of equilibrium. In order that there may be an equilibrium, the resultant of all the forces must be o. And in order that this may be the case, it is evident we must have in Art. 5, X = o, Y = o; and in Art. 6, X = o, Y = o t Z o. Hence we have for the conditions of equilibrium in the former *ase P COS. K, +p COS. a, -I. p COS. a. 4- ~ O 1 12 2 ^3 3 p sin a. 4- P sin. et. -4- p sin. ex, -4- =: o 1 12 23 3 And in the latter case p cos. u. -\-p cos. u, -4- p cos. a, 4. = o 1 1 1 2 83 3 p cos. /3 + p cos. /9 4- p cos. 8 + ...... = o 1 12 23 3 p cos. y -{- /> cos. y 4- P cos - y + FORCE. Sec iVo^iw//. FORCE mating, or motive. .SVt 3 Momentum. FORCES, centripetal and txntrifirgalrSee C&ifrat'Itorvet. FR ACTIONS continued Continued fractiww ar- very useful when we have a fraction or ratio F R A in very large numbers which are prime to one another, as by their means we may find an approximate value in less terms. To represent y in a continued fraction. Divide as in the rule for finding the greatest common measure, thus ft) a (p a I __ d)c(r 9+ r e)d(s T+-J&C. &c. &c. The first approximation is p, which is too small, the next p 4. - , 1 9 which is too large, the next p + - p which is too small ; and thus t + 7 \ve may form a series of fractions, each succeeding one being nearer the true value of the proposed fraction than the one which preceded it. This series of fractions requires some trouble in their formation after the first two or three ; but the 3d, 4th, &c. may be expeditiously found thus. Arrange the figures of the quotients in a line, as P) q, r, s, t, &c. let the successive fractions be -~, y, , , , &c. then to find any of them after the 2d, as -^, we have - = ^ ! 1^ J j = *g+._ ; ~ = - !t-, &c. where the law of formation is evident. s h ~\-f n tl -f- n Ex. To approximate to J,'^ , proceeding as if finding the greatest common measure we have for the quotients 3, C, 1, 1, 2, 1, &c. 1 1 19 Now first approximation p 3 ; 2d. = p -f = 3 -f ~ = , ,*. vve have by the rule the following series of fractions 3, W f , I ^L, * where 3 is too small, too large, &c. FRACTIONS vanishing. If u , where P and Q are functions of x, which are both = o, Q when x a, then the value of u, in this case, is the same as the values . d P ds P d* P . in this case of ^-, ^, ^, &c. 125 G4 F R I tience the value of a vanishing- fraction may bo found by differentia- tion, as in the following examples : r 2 _ yt Ex. 1. Required the value of - when x . rfP Zxtl-x Ex. -2. Required the value of ' ' __ ' . when x 1. f But if it so happen that on substituting a instead of x in -r^y this fraction also becomes , we must treat it in the same manner as the o first, and so on, till we arrive at a value of which one term at least is finite. p a a' 2 4- a c 2 2acx o Ex. Let TT = ~T -TV -- r~r- 5 > which = when x c. O bxZ ^_ 2bcx -|- ic 2 o But ^ = -7- which is the value of -^ in this case. d*Q b Q FREEZING. See Congelation. FRICTIO N. (Play fair. ) The following must only be considered as a short abstract of the most interesting general results on the subject of Friction, as deduced from experiments made by Coulomb and others. 1. The retardation which friction opposes to motion is nearly uyform, or the same for all velocities. 2. The force of friction is the greater, the greater the force with which the surfaces, moving on one another, are pressed together, and is com- monly equal to between | and of that force j but it is very little affect- ed by the extent of the surfaces. M. Friction may be distinguished into two kinds, that of sliding, and that of rolling bodies. The force of the latter is very small compared with that of the former. I, Hie distance to which a given body will be moved by percussion in F R t opposition to friction, is as the square of the velocity communicated to it. Thus a nail is driven by a blow of no great force, into a piece of wood where the mere friction is sufficient to retain it against a great force applied to draw it out. 5. When motion begins, the intensity of friction diminishes j it does not, however, change afterwards as the velocity changes, but continues, as already said, to retard with a uniform force. Coulomb found the friction of wood sliding on wood to become less when the body began to move, than it had been the instant before in the ratio nearly of 2 to 9. 6. Friction may be measured by placing the body on a plane of vari- able inclination, and increasing that inclination till the body begin to slide. If the weight of the body W, and the inclination of the plane when the body begins to slide = 0, the friction W X tan. 0. 7. Time is often required for friction to attain its maximum, and in this respect different substances differ much from one another. 8. Friction is diminished by unctuous substances ; those that are thin- nest and least tenacious are the best ; plumbago reduced to powder, and rubbed on the surface of wood, metal, stone, &c. serves greatly to di- minish friction. 9. The effect of friction may be diminished by drawing a body in a line inclined at a certain angle to the plane on which it rests. Thus if the weight of a body be to its friction on a horizontal plane as n to 1, it will be drawn with the greatest ease in the direction which makes with that plane an angle, having for its tangent . 10. The friction of cylinders rolling upon an horizontal plane is in a direct ratio of their weights, and in the inverse ratio of their diameters, 11. The momentum of friction is diminished by friction wheels in the ratio of the radius of the axis of any one of the wheels (they are suppos- ed equal) to the perpendicular height of the axis that rests upon them, above the line joining their centres, 12. In wheel carriages, the plane on which they move, and the line of draught, being both horizontal, the advantage for surmounting an im- movoable obstacle, of a given height, is as the square root of the radius of the wheel. Let the whole weight to be moved be W, the radius of the wheel r, f the force which drawing horizontally will raise the carriage over an immoveable obstacle of the height h s then/= W X V - . 127 H 1 R I 13. The stiffness of rop Diluted nitric acid .. 7 parts. Fj . om + 320 tQ _ 3()0 From + 32 to 40. Muriate of lime Potash ..3 parts. From + 3 2to _ 51 o. Greatest artificial cold yet measured 9 G G AUG1NG. ( Hutton. ) Rule for finding the dimensions of a cask, in wine, ale, or imperial gal- Jonfi. Let B bung- diameter, H head diameter, L = length of cak, all in inches ; then (39 B 3 + 25 H* + 26 B H) X 114 Is the content in inches, which being divided by 231 for wine gallons ; or by 282 for ale gallons ; or by 277.274 for imperial gallons, will be the con- tent required. GEOMETRICAL Prugrexfion.Stf Progression. GEORGIUM Sidus. This planet was discovered by Dr Herscnel, March 13, 1781. For its elements, &c. w Planet*, detuentx of; and for it* satellites', we Satel- lite*. GOLDEN Kumlvr. See Cycle. GBAVJTY, CeufrrtfSce Centre of Gravity. G R A GRAVITY specific. ' J'inct, Bland.) 1. Of the specific gravities of a body and fluid, having 1 given the one, to find the other. Case 1. When the body is heavier than the fluid. Let w weight lost by the body when immersed in the fluid, W its whole weight in vacuo, * spec. grav. of the fluid, S .= that of the body j then w : w : : : s. whence * or S may be found. \V Cor. I. If different bodies be weighed in the same fluid, S is as .from w whence we may compare the spec. grav. of two bodies. Cor. 2. If the same body is weighed in different fluids, s is as tc ; from whence \ve can compare the spec. grav. of t\vo fluids. Case 2. When the body Q is lighter than the fluid in which it is weigh- ed. Connect it with a heavier body P, so that together they may sink. Find the weight lost by P -f Q, and the weight lost by P, when im- mersed ; then the difference = the weight lost by Q ; and .*. its specific gravity may be found by the last case. 2. If the specific gravity of air be called m, that of water being 1, and W the weight of any body in air, and W' its weight in water ; then its weight in vacuo is nearly W + m (W -, W). 3. If ff be the specific gravity of a body ascertained by weighing it in air and water, and m the specific gravity of the air at the time when the experiment was made j the correct specific gravity, or that which would have been found, if the body had been weighed in vacuo, instead of air, is ff 4. m (1 . 1-500 '00176 Nitrous iras . . 1'lUt 134 G R A Kirwan. Lavoisier. Barometer, 30. Thermometer 52o. Hepatic gas . . 1-106 Oxygen gas . . M03 '00137 Atmospheric air . I -000 -00128 Nitrogen gas . . -985 -00120 Ammoniacal gas . '600 Hydrogen gas . . '084 -OOOOU6 VEGETABLE PRODUCTIONS. Sugar, white .,..., 1606 Gum Arabic ,..,.. 1452 Honey ....... 1450 Catechu .,,,,,. 1398 Pitch ,,.,.,. 1150 Copal, opaque . , , . . . 11-10 Yellow amber ...... 1078 Malmsey,. Madeira ..... 1038 Cider 1018 Vinegar, distilled . , . . . 1009 Water at 60 . . . f . 1000 Bourdeaux wine , 994 Burgundy wine .. 991 Turpentine liquid ..... 991 Camphor .. . . . 988 Linseed oil ...... 940 Elastic gum f ^ 933 ANIMAL SUBSTANCES. Pearl ....... 2750 Coral ....... 2680 Sheep's bone, recent ..... 2222 Oyster shell . . . . . 2092 Ivory ....... 1917 Stag's horn ...... 1875 Ox's horn ...... 1840 Isinglass . . . . . . 1111 Egg of a hen ...... J090 Human blood ....... 1053 Milk cow's ...... 1032 Wax, white ....... 968 yellow ...... 965 135 G R A Spermaceti Butter . Tallow . Fat of hogs veal mutton beef Ambergrease Lamp oil 343 943 9-12 937 934 923 923 926 923 Pomegranate tree Lignum vitse Box, Dutch Ebony . Heart of oak, 60 years felled Oak, English, just felled "I the same, seasoned J usually stated at Bog oak, of Ireland . Teak, of the East Indies Mahogany Pear tree trunk Medlar tree Olive wood Logwood Beech ... Ash Yew, Spanish . Dutch Alder . Elm Apple tree Plum tree Maple . Cherry tree Quince tree Orange tree Walnut . Pitch pine Red pine ^Yellow pine 1354 1333 1328 1177 1170 C1113 i 743 925 1046 from 745 to 657 from 1063 to 637 646 944 927 931 852 , from 845 to 600 807 800 from 800 to 600 793 755 755 715 705 '705 671 660 657 529 GUN White pine ... . . . 420 Fir, of New England ..... 553 of Riga ...... 753 of Mar Forest, Scotland .... 696 Cypress ....... 644 Lime tree ...... 604 Filbert wood ...... 600 Willow ...... 585 Cedar ....... 560 Juniper ....... 556 Poplar, white Spanish .... 529 common ..... 383 Sassafras wood ..... 482 Larch, of Scotland ..... 530 Cork ....... 240 GREGORIAN Calendar. See Calendar. GULDINUS' Property. See Solids and Surface*. GUNNERY, leading principles of.(Hutton.) 1. To find the initial velocity of a shot. Let JP = weight of powder, B of the ball, v the initial velocity, then - 2000 >. Cor. 1. The initial velocity of a shot varies from 1600 to 2000 feet per second. Cor. 2. B e* = (2000)*. P, i.e. the effect of a shot is nearly as the quan- tity of gunpowder. 2. If w = weight of any ball, d its diameter. w .5236 d 3 in pounds. 3. To find the resistance of the air to any ball or projectile. Let d = diameter of ball, v its velocity, r = resistance in avoirdupois pound?, then (ft x 2 e* N -1660(3600-*-) Ex. Resistance to a ball, whose diameter = 2.78 inches (or weight 31bs.), when thrown with a velocity of 1800 feet per second, 176 Iba., more than 58 times ite own weight. 4. Supposing the air to resist according to the law just assigned, re- quired the height to which a ball will ascend perpendicularly, 137 H A R Let d diameter of ball, c tho velocity of projection, It height as- cended, then Ex. A ball of 1.05 Ibs., discharged with a velocity of 2000 feet, will ascend to the height of 2920 feet j in vacua it would have ascended to the height of 1 If miles. 5. If a body descending in the atmosphere has acquired such a velocity that the resistance is equal to its weight, the accelerating and retarding forces being equal, its motion will become uniform; to find this termi. nal velocity, o 7 ,s .556 a quadratic equation, from whence v may be found. Ex. For an iron ball of 1 Ib, the terminal velocity 244 feet ; for one of 42 Ibs. it is 456. 6. The best charge of powder is about or of the weight of the 1 ball j for battering : a 24-pounder with 16 pounds of gunpowder at o an elevation of 45 ranges 20,250 feet, about ~ of the range that would take place in a vacuum. The resistance is at first 400 poands or more, and reduces the velocity in a second from 2000 to 1500 feet in the first 1500 feet. (Young's Nat. Phil.) GUNPOWDER. &?e Gunnery and Steam. GYRATION, Centre of. See Centre of Gyration. H HARMONICAL Progression. Sec Progression, HARVEST Moon.(MaddyJ To find the retardation of the Moon's rising on successive nights. Let the moon's daily motion = m, the inclination of the moon's orbit to the horizon , latitude of the place = /, moon's declination = o t then the difference of the times of rising on succeeding days (D) is _^ __ m. sin, n Vcos.*3 sin.*; 133 H E A Hence may be explained the phenomenon of the Harvest Moon, pre- mising that when the 1st point of Aries rises, the ecliptic makes the least angle with the horizon. For if the moon's orbit be supposed to coincide with the ecliptic (which it does nearly) sin. n is least when the moon rises in Aries ; therefore the numerator of the above expression is then least ; and because cos.* 51, the denominator is then greatest; .*. on both accounts D is least, and if the sun be at the same time in Libra, the moon is then at the full ; therefore the full moon, which takes place near the autumnal equinox rises nearly at the same time for several nights, and as this is near the time of harvest in north latitudes, it is called the Harvest Moon. HEAT, various Talks relating to. TABLE I. Table oftJie effects of heat on different substances according to Fahrenheit'* thermometer and Wedgwood's. ( Wedgwood.) Fahr. Weds: Extremity of the scale of Wedgwood ^^ 32277 240o Greatest heat of his small air furnace ~~~ 21877 160 Chinese porcelain softened ^^ ^. - 156 Cast iron melts ~~ - - 17977 130 Greatest heat of a common smith's forge *~~ 17327 125 Derby porcelain vitrifies ~~+ *** - 1 12 Welding heat of iron greatest ~~~ v~- 13427 95 least - - 12777 90 Fine gold melts _ __ _ 5237 32 Fine silver melts - ^ _ 4717 28 Swedish copper melts ,~~~ *~~ 4587 27 Brass melts ~~> - - .~~, 3807 21 Enamel colours burnt on ~~~ *~~ 1857 6 Hed heat fully viable in day light ~~ 1077 in the dark -- 917 1 fiT*? Mercury boils - - 600 ---- 3^ Water boils -- - *~~ Vital heat - -- - Water fropzps ^^ - ^^ Proof spirit freezes **, ^^ * , 139 H 2 H A R Let d = diameter of ball, c the velocity of projection, 7i r= height as- cended, then Ex. A ball of 1.05 Ibs., discharged with a velocity of 2000 feet, will ascend to the height of 2920 feet j in vacua it would have ascended to the height of llf miles. 5. If a body descending in the atmosphere has acquired such a velocity that the resistance is equal to its weight, the accelerating and retarding forces being equal, its motion will become uniform ; to find this termi- nal velocity, a quadratic equation, from whence v may be found. Ex. For an iron ball of 1 Ib, the terminal velocity 244 feet ; for one of 42 Ibs. it is 456. 6. The best charge of powder is about - or of the weight of the ! ball ; for battering : a 24-pounder with 16 pounds of gunpowder at 6 1 an elevation of 45" ranges 20,250 feet, about of the range that would take place in a vacuum. The resistance is at first 400 pounds or more, and reduces the velocity in a second from 2000 to 1200 feet in the first 1500 feet. ( Young's Nat. Phil.) GUNPOWDER. See Gunnery and Steam. GYRATION, Centre of. See Centre of Gyration. H HARMONICAL Progremon.See Progression. HARVEST Moon,(MaddyJ To find the retardation of the Moon's rising on successive nights, Let the moon's daily motion = m, the inclination of the moon's orbit to the horizon w, latitude of the place = I, moon's declination = J, thru the difference of the times of rising on succeeding days (D) is t) _ m > sin, n "" Vco8.sin.*/ H E A Hence may be explained the phenomenon of the Harvest Moon, pre- mising that when the 1st point of Aries rises, the ecliptic makes the least angle with the horizon. For if the moon's orbit be supposed to coincide with the ecliptic (which it does nearly) sin. n is least when the moon rises in Aries ; therefore the numerator of the above expression is then least; and because cos.* S 1, the denominator is then greatest; .". on both accounts D is least, and if the sun be at the same time in Libra, the moon is then at the full ; therefore the full moon, which takes place near the autumnal equinox rises nearly at the same time for several nights, and as this is near the time of harvest in north latitudes, it is called the Harvest Moon. HEAT, various Tables relating to. TABLE I. Table oftJie effects of heat on different substances according to Fahrenheit'* thermometer and Wedgwood's. ( Wedgwood.} Fahr. Wcdg. Extremity of the scale of Wedgwood ~~+ 32277 240o Greatest heat of his small air furnace 21877 160 Chinese porcelain softened . ^^, 156 Cast iron melts .^ 17977 130 Greatest heat of a common smith's forge *~~ 17327 125 Derby porcelain vitrifies ~~> *~~ 1 12 Welding heat of iron greatest ,~~ 13427 95 least 12777 90 Fine gold melts ,~~ 5237 32 Fine silver melts +~~ ~~~ 4717 28 Swedish copper melts ~~~ ^~, 4587 27 Brass melts ~~* 3807 21 Enamel colours burnt. on ~~ ~~~ 1857 6 lied heat fully visible in day light *~* 1077 in the dark ,~~ 917 1 Mercury boils 600 3^ Water boils Vital heat Water froo/ps ^^ *~~ *^* Proof spirit fre2CS ,*** ~*~ mw M m H a H E A Fahr. IVedg. Mercury freezes ***** ***** ***** 40 ... - %\^QQ TABLE II. Table of the congealing or concreting temperatures of various liquids by Fahrenheit's scale. ( Ure.} Sulphuric ether ***** ***** ***** 46o Liquid ammonia ***** ***** ***** 46 Nitric acid sp. gr. 1.424 ***** ***** ***** 45.5 Sulphuric acid sp. gr. 1.6415 ***** ***** 45 Mercury ***** *~~ ***** 39 Nitric acid sp. gr. 1.3290 ***** ***** 2.4 Brandy ~*~ 7.0 Alochol 1, water 1. . 7 Alcohol 1, water 3 -f- 7 Oil of turpentine ***** ***** ***** 14 Strong wines ***** ,~ ***** ^- 20 Blood 25 Vinegar *~++ **** ^*w. ***** 23 Sea water ***** ***** ***** 28 Milk ***** ***** ***** ***** 30 Water ***** *. , . ***** 32 Olive oil ***** * ***** ***** 36 Sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.7il ***** ***** 42 Tallow 92 Spermaceti ***** ***** ***** 112 Yellow wax ***** ***** ***** 142 White do. 155 Tin 442 Lead . 612 Zinc ***** ***** ***** ***** 680 The concreting temperature of the bodies above tallow in this Table, is usually called their freezing or congealing point, and of tallow and the bodies below it the fusing or melting point. TABLE III. Table of the boiling points by Fahrenheit's scale of a few of the most im- portant liquids, under a mean barometrical pressure of 30 inches. (Ure.) Ether sp. gr. 0.7365 at 48 9 Gay Lussac ***** 100 9 Alcohol sp. gr. 0.813 ^^ ^^ Ure *,, ,^~ 173.5 140 H E A 210 212 , 232 ~, 222 r~~ 220 316 ~~ 240 ~~ COO 640 *~* 656 TABLE IV. Boiling temperature of water. Heiglit of the boiling point in Fahrenheit? s Thermometer at different heights of the Barometer. Nitric acid sp. gr. 1.500 * Dalton Water v~ ,w Muriatic acid sp. gr. 1.094 ^ Dalton Do. 1.047 _ Do. Nitric acid ^^. 1.16 ^ Do. Oil of turpentine ~v~ w* - Ure ~ Sulphuric acid, sp , gr. 1.30 Daltori Do. 1.848 . Ure Linseed oil ~^, Mercury ^^ * *VV Barom. Ht. of boiling point. 10.0 2J30.571 30. 5 212- 79 30- 212. 00 29. 5 211. 20 29. 210. 38 28. 5 209. 55 28. 208. 69 27. 5 207. 84 27. 206. 96. And in general Dr Horsley's rule dedu- ced from De Luc is, height = -^ ~ 8990000 log. #. 92.804, where z height of Baro- meter in lOths of an inch. In an exhausted receiver water boils at 98. or looo. in Papin's digester at 412<>. From tliis variation in the height of the boiling point, arising from the variation of the pressure of the atmosphere, an ingenious instrument called the Therm ometrical Barometer has been invented by Mr Wol- laston, for ascertaining the heights of mountains ; it appearing from General Roy's experiments, that a difference of 1. in the boiling point corresponds to 535 feet in height. Let .*. n difference of boiling points at the bottom and top of a mountain, then 1 \ no I*. 535 feet I n X 535 = approximate height. To correct it for the temperature of the air, let m mean temperature of the top and bottom, ascertained by a common thermometer, then (see Barometer) n, 535 X (1 + m ~ 38 X .00244) correct height.- (Phil. Trans.) TABLE V. Linear expansion of solids by heat. Dimensions which, a bar takes at 212 whose length at 32 if 1.000000.-^. (Urej Glass tube ^ Smeaton 1.00083333 Do. ~~ .^^ ^^^ Roy ~~ *~** 1.00077615 Deal *** .^, r^, Roy, as glass H E A Tlatina ***** Troughton 1.00099190 Cast iron prism ***** Roy ***** ***** 1.00110940 Steel rod ' ***** Rov , **^. 1.00114470 Iron ~~* - , , Smeaton ***** 1.00125800 Iron wire ***** ^ Troughton ^^ J.00144010 Gold ***** Ellicot 1.00150000 'Copper ***** ~~* Trough ton *~~ 1.00191880 Brass ***** ~ . Laplace *~~ 1.00186G7I Brass wire ~ . *** Smeaton *~~* 1.00193000 Silver ***** *~~ Troughton ^^~ 1.0020826 Tin ** M ~~+ Laplace -*v^ 1.00217298 Lead ~~~ Smeaton ,, 1.00-^86700 TABLE VI. Expansion of liquids. Dtlatattoti of the volume of liquids by being heated from 32 to 212. ( Ure.) .Mercury ***** Lord C. Cavendish ***** 0.018870 1 53 Do. ***** Roy *****. ***** ***** 0.017000 1 59 Do. ***** Shuckburgh ***** ***** 0.018510 1 54 Do. ***** Du Long and Petit ***** 0.0180180 1 5575 Do. , Do. from 212 to 392 0.1301843 1 54i; Do. ***** Do. from 392o to 5720 0.0188700 1 53 Water Kirvvan from 39o. its max. dens. 0.04332 Muriatic acid sp, gr. 1.137 Dalton ***** 0.0600 1 17 Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.40 ***** Do. ***** 0.1100 ~ Sulphuric acid sp. gr. 1.85 Do. ***** O.OtJOO 1 17 Alcohol **+ *,***. Do. ***** 0.1100 1 Water saturated \vith salt Do, *~*. 0.0500 i 142 H R Sulphuric ether ~~ Do. v ^ e.0700 14 Fixed oils ,** ~*~ Do: * ~* 0.0800 1 1-2.5 TABLE VII. Expantiorfpf water. ( UreJ The maximum density of water is at 39., and it is a singular fact that the expansion of water is the same for any number of degrees above or below the maximum of density ; thus the density of water at 32 and at 4fio is precisely the same. The following Table, the result of experi- ments by Sir Charles Blagden and Mr Gilpin, shews this in a clear light. Sp. Gr. Bulk of water. Temperat. Bulk of water. Sp. Gr. 1.00000 390 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 38 40 1.00000 1.00000 0.99999 1.00001 37 41 1.00001 0.99999 0.99998 1.00002 36 42 1.00002 0.99998 0.99990 1.00004 35 43 1.00004 0.99996 0.99994 1.00006 34 41 1.00006 0.99994 099991 1.00008 33 45 1.00008 0.99991 0.99988 1.00012 32 46 1.00012 0.99988 This law of maximum density does not prevail in the case of sea water ; on the contrary, Dr Marcet found that sea water gradually increases in weight down to the freezing point. HORIZON, Dip or depression of. In observing an altitude at sea with the sextant or reflecting circle, the image of the object is made to coincide with the visible horizon, but as the eye is elevated above the surface of the sea by the height of the ship's deck, the visible horizon will be below the true horizontal plane. The following Table gives the dip or apparent depression of the hori- zon for different elevations of the eye, allowing y-r for terrestrial refrac- tion. The dip must be always subtracted from the observed altitude when taken, by the fore obscrvatioDj but added to it in the back observa- tion. 145 H O R TABLE I. Of the dip of the horizon. H. of Eye. Dip of i Horiz. H. ot I Eye. Dip. of Horiz. H. of Eye. Dip of Horiz. H. of Eye. Dip of Horiz. Feet. 1 U 1* If 2 7 13 19 24 Feet, 6 6* 2 26 2 32 2 38 2 43 2 48 Feet. 16 1? B* 3 58 4 2 4 5 4 9 4 12 Feet. 32 33 34 35 36 5 37 542 5 47 5 53 5 58 Ol GM 2-43254 2-898278 4-103933 5-791816 8-147252. 37 2-49335 2-985227 4-268090 6-081407 8-636087 38 2-55568 3-074783 4-438813 6-385457 9'15k'52 39 2-61957 3-167027 4-616366 6-704751 9-703507 40 2-68506 3-262038 4-801031 7-039989 10-285718 41 2-75219 3-359899 4-993061 7-391988 10-902861 42 2-82100 3-460696 5-192784 7-761588 11-557033 43 2-89152 3564517 5-400495 8-149667 12-250455 44 2-96381 3-671452 5616515 8-557150 12-985482 45 3-03JJ90 3-781596 5-841176 8-985008 13-764611 46 3-1 1385 3-895044 6-074823 9-434258 14-590487 47 3 : 19170 4-011895 6-317816 9-905971 15-465917 48 3"i7l49 4-132252 6-5705S8 10-401270 16-393872 49 3-35328 4-256219 6-833349 10-921333 17-377504 50 3-43711 4-383906 7-106683 11-467400 18-420154 TABLE II. iig the present rain? of one pound to be received at the end of any number of years not exceeding 50. Years. 2% per Cent 3 per Cent, j 4 per Cent. 5. per Cent. 6 per Cent. 1 975610 970874 961538 952381 943396 2 951814 942596 924556 907029 889996 3 928599 915142 888996 883838 839619 i 905951 888487 854804 822702 792094 5 888864 862609 821927 783526 747258 6 862297 R37-484 790315 -746215 704961 7 841265 813092 759918 710681 665057 8 820747 789409 730690 676839 627412 9 8C0728 766417 702587 6-1461B - 591898 10 781193 744094 675564 613913 558395 11 762145 722421 619581 584679 526788 12 743556 ^01380 624597 556837 496969 13 725420 680951 600574 530321 468839 14 707727 661118 577475 505068 442301 15 690466 641862 555265 481017 417265 16 673625 623167 533908 458112 393646 17 657195 605016 513373 436297 371364 18 641166 587395 493628 415521 350344 19 6255->8 570286 474642 395734 330513 20 610271 553676 456387 376889 311805 21 595386 537549 438834 358942 294155 22 580865 521893 421955 341850 277505 23 566697 506692 405726 325571 261797 24 552875 491934 390121 310068 246979 25 539391 477606 375117 295303 232999 26 526235 463695 360689 281241 219810 27 513400 ' '450189 346817 267848 207368 28 500878 437077 333477 255094 195630 29 488661 424346 320651 242946 184557 30 476743 411987 308319 231377 174110 31 465115 399987 296460 220359 164255 32 453771 388337 285058 209866 154957 33 44>703 377026 274094 199873 146186 34 431905 366045 263552 190355 137912 35 421371 355383 253415 181290 130105 36 411094 345032 243669 172657 122741 37 401067 334983 234297 164436 115793 38 391285 325226 225285 156605 109239 39 381741 315754 216621 149148 103056 40 372431 306557 208289 142046 097222. 41 363347 297628 200278 135282 091719 42 354485 288959 192575 128840 086527 43 345839 280543 185168 122704 081630 44 337404 272372 178046 . U6861 077009 -15 329174 204139 171198 111297 072650 46 321146 256737 164614 105997 068538 47 313313 240259 158283 100949 061658 48 305671 2-11999 152195 096142 050998- 49 298216 23-1950 146341 091561 057546 .50 29094-2 228107 140713 087204 054288 INT INTERPOLATIONS.!' Woodhouse, Vines.) If a, a', a", &c. are successive values of a quantity a, differing by a ooa- stant interval 1, and if the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c. differences be d' t d", d"' t &c. i then any intermediate value (#), distant from a by the interval x, is equal . .. A r ofe In taking- the differences, the preceding quantity must always be subtracted from the succeeding} they will .". be positive or negative according as the series of quantities is increasing or decreasing. If the law of the quantities be such that their last differences always become o, we shall get at any intermediate time the accurate value of that quantity ; but if the differences do not at last become accurately ~ o t we shall then get only an approximate value. In general the quantities d', d", &c. diminish very fast, and it will not often be necessary to proceed farther than d'". Ex, 1. Given the squares of 2, 3, 4, and 5, to find the square of 2|. 4, 9, 16, 25 ...... quantities 5, 7, 9 ......... 1st order of differences. 2, 2 ......... *. 2ddo. .............. 3d do. Here a = 4, d 1 5, d" =. 2, d'" = 0, x the required interval ; .". y - 4 + i X 5 1 X 2 = 6, 25. Ex. 2. Given the log. of 110 2.04139, of 111 = 2.04532, of 112 ~ 2.04922, and of 113 = 2.05308] required the log. of 110.5. 2.01139, 2.04532, 2,01922, 2,05308 .00393, .00390, .00386 . 00003, . 00004. Here a - 2.04139. d' = .00393, d" - .00003, and x = $, /. ?/ - 2.01139 + .1 X .00393 J- X -00003 = 2.043359. Ex. 3. Given five places of a comet as follows ; on Nov. 5th at 8h. llm. in Cancer 2. 30' = 150' ; on the Gth at 87*. \~*m. in 4. 1' = 247' ; on the 7th at Q/t. Urn. in 60. 20' = 380' ; on the 8th at 87*. 17w. in 9. 10' 550' ; on the 9th at 87*. 170*. in 12. 40' = 760'. To find its place on the 7th at 14ft. 17z. First subtract 5d. 87*. Mm. from Id. 14ft. I7w., and there remains 5d. 6ft, ^ 2,25 for the interval of time between the first observation and the given time at which the place is required ; this .'. is the value of A; t^ which we want to find the corresponding value of y ; hence 150, 247, 380,. 550, 760 97, 133, 170, 210 3G,' 37, 40 1, 3 153 1 N V Here a = 150, d' = 97, d" = 36, d"> = 1, d"" 2 ; hence y 150 -f 1 2 97 X 2,25 + ~ X 2,25 X 1,25 -{- X 2,25 X 1,25 X ,25 -f * -f- 2,25 X 1,25 X ,25 X ,75 = 418', 96 = 6. 53'. 57", the place required. But besides the use of the above equation, to find the value of any term of a series from its position being- given, the converse is often re- quired, i. e. having given any term, to find its position or distance from the first term. Ex. On March, 1783, the sun's declination at noon at Greenwich was as follows : On the 19th, N. 28'. 41" =. 1721" ; on the 20th, N. 5' = 300" ; on the 21st, S. 18'. 41" = 1121" ; to find the tune of the equinox. 1721, 300, 1121 1421, 1421 Here a - 1721, d' 1421, hence y 1721 1421 X x ; now when the sun comes to the Equator, y the declination becomes o ; .'. 1721 1721 1421 x = o, and x = j^ = Id. 5. 3m. 53*., the time from the 19th j hence 20d. bh. 3m. 53*. is the time required. We have here supposed that the quantities to be interpolated were taken at equal intervals of time ; for a formula when the intervals are unequal, see fence's Astronomy, vol. 2. INVOLUTION and Evolution. TABLE of the first nine powers of numbers. 1st 1 2 3 2d _ 4 9 3d 1 ~8~ 27 4th 1 16 81 5th | 6th 7th 1 8th 9th 1 1 1 1 1 32 G4 128 256 512 213 729 2187 6561 196S3 4 5 6 16 64. ~i25" 216 256 625 1024 4096 16384 65536 262144 25 36 3125 7776 15625 46656 78125 390625 1953125 1296 279i)36 1679616 j 10077696 7 ~8~ ~Q~ 49 64, 81 343 2401 16807 117649 823543 5764801 40353607 512 729 4096 6561 32768 262144 | 2097152 167-.7216 13421772S 59049 531441 4782969 43046721 387420489 I N V TABLE of squares, cubes, squarr. roots, r>tbe ro-jts, rind reciprocals^ of of all numbers from 1 to 100. (Barlow.) Num. Squares. Cubes. ! Sq. Roots. Cu. Roots. Reciprocals. I 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 1-4142136 1-2599210 500000000 3 9 27 1 "7320508 1 -4422496 333333333 4 16 64 2'OOOOOGO 1-5874011 250000000 5 25 1:25 2-2360680 1-7099759 200000000 6 36 216 2-4494897 1-8171206 166666667 7 49 343 2-6457513 1-9129312 142857143 8 6t 512 2-8284271 2-0000000 125000000 9 81 729 30000000 2-0800837 111111111 10 100 1000 3-1622777 2-1544347 100000000 11 121 1331 3-3166248 2-2239801 090909091 12 144 1728 3-1641016 2-2894286 083333333 13 169 2197 3-6055513 2-3513347 076923077 14 196 2744 3-7416574 2-4101422 071428571 15 225 3375 3-8729833 24662121 066666667 16 256 4096 4-0000000 2-5198421 062500000 17 289 4913 4-1231056 2-5712816 058823529 18 324 5832 4-2426407 2'6>07414 055555556 19 361 6859 4-3588989 2-6684016 052631579 20 400 8000 4-4721360 2-7144177 050000000 21 441 9261 4-5825757 2-7589243 047619048 22 484 10648 4-6904158 2-8020393 045454545 23 5>9 12167 4-7958315 2-8438670 043478261 24 576 13824 4-8989795 2-8844991 041666667 25 625 15625 5-0000000 29240177 040000000 26 676 17576 5-0990195 2-9624960 038461538 27 729 19683 5-1961524 3-0000000 037037037 38 784 21952 5-2915026 3-0365889 035714286 29 841 24389 5-3851648 3-0723168 034482759 30 900 27000 5-4772256 3-1072325 033333333 31 961 29791 5-5677644 3-1413806 032258-65 32 1024 32768 5-6568542 3-1748021 031250000 33. 1089 35937 5-7445626 3-2075343 030303030 34 1156 39304 5-8309519 3-2396118 029411765 35 1225 42875 5-9160798 3-2710663 028571429 36 1296 46656 60000000 3-3019272 027777778 37 1369 50653 6-0827625 3-3322218 027027027 38 1444 51872 6-1644140 33619754 026315789 39 1521 59319 6-2449980 3-3912114 025641026 40 1600 64000 6-3245553 3-4199519 025000000 41 1681 68921 6-4031242 3-4482172 024390244 42 1764 74088 6-4807407 3-4760266 023809524. 43 1849 79507 6-5574385 3-5033981 023255814 44 1936 85184 6-6332496 3-5303483 022727273 45 2025 91125 6-7082039 3-5568933 022222222 46 2116 97336 6-7823300 3-5830479 021739130 47 2209 103823 68556546 3-6088261 021276600 48 2304 110592 6-9282032 3-6342411 020833333 49 2401 117649 7-0000000 3-6593057 020408163 50 2500 125000 7-0710678 3-6840314 020000000 I N V Num. Squares. Cubes. Sq. Roots. Co.. Roots, i Reciprocals. 51 2601 132651 7-1414284 37084298 019607843 52 2704 140603 7-2111026 3-7385111 0192S0769 53 2809 148377 7-2801099 3-7368858 018867925 54 2916 157461 7-3484692 3-7797631 018518519 55 3025 166375 7-4161985 38029525 018181818 56 3136 175616 7-4833148 3-8?5S624 017857143 57 3249 185193 7-54PS344 3-8485011 0173=13860 58 3364 195112 7-6157731 38708766 '017241379 59 3481 205379 7-6811457 3-8929965 '0169-19153 60 3600 216000 7-7459667 3-9148676 016666667 61 3721 226981 7-8102497 3-9364972 018393413 62 3844 238328 7-8740079 3-9578915 016129032 63 3969 250047 7-9372539 3-9790571 SI 5873016 64 4096 262144 8-0000000 4-1 OOOCC3 015625000 65 4225 274625 8-0622577 4-0207256 015384615 66 4356 287496 81240384 4-0412401 015151515 67 4489 300763 8-1853528 4-0615480 014925373 68 4624 314432 8-2162113 4-0316551 014705882 69 4761 32S509 8-3066239 4-1015661 014462754 70 4900 343000 8-3666003 41212853 0142S5714 71 5041 357911 8-4-261498 4-1408178 0141384507 72 5184 373248 8-4852814 4-1601676 013888839 73 5329 389017 8-5440037 4'179a390 013098830 74 5476 405224 8-6023253 4-1983364 013513514 75 5625 421875 8.6602540 4-2171633 OiaSS3383 76 5776 438976 8-71 77979 4-2358236 0131 57895 77 5929 456533 8-7719644 4-2543210 012987013 78 6034 474552 88317609 4-2726586 0128.0513 79 6241 4S3039 88881944 4-2908404 % '012658228 80 6400 512000 8 9442719 4-3088695 012500003 81 6561 531441 9-0000000 4-3267487 012345679 82 6724 551368 9-0553851 4-3444815 012195122 83 6889 571787 9-1104336 4-3820707 012048193 84 7056 592704 91651514 4-3795191 011904762 85 7225 614125 9-21954-15 4-3968296 01176470G 86 7396 63(3056 9-2736185 4-4140049 0116-17907 87 7569 658503 9-3273791 4-4310476 011494253 88 7744 6S1472 9-SS08315 4-4479602 011363636 89 7921 704969 9-4339811 4-4647451 011235955 90 8100 729000 '9-4868330 4-4814047 011111111 91 8281 753571 9-5393920 4-4979414 010GS9011 92 8464 778688 9-5916630 4-5143574 010889565 93 8T49 804357 9-6436508 4-5306549 010752688 94 8S36 8305S4 9-6953597 45468359 010638298 95 90?5 857375 9-7467943 4-5629026 010526316 96 9216 884736 97979590 4-5788570 010416667 97 9409 912673 98488578 4-5947009 01030927S 93 9604 941192 9-8994949 4-6101363 010204082 Q;> 9801 970299 99498744. 4-6260650 010101010 156 L A T The use of the first five columns is obvious : the column of reciprocal* is useful for converting- a vulgar into a decimal fraction, as in the fol- lowing example. Express ~ as a decimal. By Table -^ is .035714286 JULIAN Period. See Cyrle. JUNO. This planet was discovered by Mr Harding', at Lilienthal, September 1st, 180-1. For its elements, &c. see Planets, elements of. JUPITER. See Planets, element* of. JUPITER'S Satellites.!^'*? Satellites. L LAND Surveying. See Surveying 1 . LATITUDE Geographical. (Woodhouse. ) 1st Method, by the Altitudes of circumpolar stars. Co-latitude half the sum of the greatest and least zenith distance* corrected for refraction. Or the latitude may be found by Captain Kater's method, from an ob- served altitude of the pole star when out of the meridian thus (Gal* Iraith.) To the constant log. 5.3144-25, add the log-, tangent of the star's polar distance p, and the log. cos. of the meridian distance t in degrees, the sum of these will be log. of an arc u in seconds. Now to the log. secant p add the log. cosine u t and cosine of the zenith distance z ; the sum will be the cosine of ($ i w) an arc which being increased or diminished by the arc w, will be the co-latitude $/. To find t, calculate the time of the star's meridian passage (see Time}, f hf difference between which and the time of observation gives t. In the application of u attention must be paid to the sign of the arc t, according to its situation in the circle which the star describes round tH 157 13 LEA This method is commonly used at sea, but as the sun must be on the meridian, clouds may prevent its being used. A subsidiary method there- fore is provided, in which the latitude may be computed from two ob- served altitudes of the sun, and the interval of time between the obser- vations. Let Z be the zenith, P the pole, S, j? two positions of the sun ; then the following are the steps in this process. (1.) Find Ssj let t interval of time, p - P S then S s f 2 sin. 8 -y ^in.2p. 2. sin.2 ; /. log. sin. ^- log. sin. p + log. sin. . 10. tan. SsP- cos. p ' ,*. log. tan. S s P 10 -f. log. cot. ^- log. cos. p. (3.) Find / Z s S ; Let a and a' be the observed altitudes, then sin.s | Z * S - cos, f (S * + a' -f- *) sin. * (S s -|- a' - a)_ . 2 lo* sin 4 Z S = sin. S s X tos. a 20 + log. cos. | (S s + a' -f a] 4. log. sin. | (S s + a> a] log. sin. S * log. cos. a. Hence Z*P S*P ZsSis known. (4.) Find Z P ; Assume 9 such that . cos. a', ein. p. ver. sin. Z s P tan " *= ver. sin. (900- a'- J9) ; ZP , 90 a' p then sin. ^- = sm. ^ x sec. & ; :. log. sin. ^j~ 10 + log. sin. % (90 a' p} log. cos. 0. },KAP Vear.See Calendar. LEMNISCATA, equation to. 160 L E V a y x v 2 _. #x a of James Bernouilli. or considered as a spiral = a Vcos~2~0. LENGTHS ofctt.rve9.-See Rectification. LENS. See Refraction. LEVELLING. T\vo or more places are on a true level, when they are equally distant from the centre of the earth ; and a line equally distant from that centre in all its points, is called the line of true level. This line is nearly an arc of a circle, and will evidently pass below the line of apparent level, which, as determined by the instrument, will be a tangent or a parallel to a tangent at the earth's surface at the point of observation. Hence the depression of the true below the apparent level is always equal to the excess of the secant of the arc of distance above the radius of the earth. To find this depression, let L be the arc of distance in English miles, D the depression in feet ; then TABLE shewing the height of the apparent above the true level for every 100 yards of distance on the one hand, and for every mile on the other. Distance of base. Viff. of lend. Distance of base. Difference of level. Yards. Inches. Miles. Feet. In. - 100 0.026 i 0. 0| 200 0.103 I 0. 2 300 0.231 0. 4 -100 0.411 r 0. 8 500 0.013 g 2. 8 600 0.025 9 6. 700 1.260 4 10. 7 800 1.645 5 16. 7 900 2.08! 23. 11 . 2.570 7 32. 6 lion 3.110 R 42. 6 1200 3.701 < 53. f> 1300 4.344 10 66. 4 1400 5.038 11 80. .'! 1600 A. 781 12 95. 7 1600 a580 l:j 112. 2 1700 7.125 14 130. J LEV Example. Suppose a spring to be on one side of a hill, and a house on ;,n opposite hill, with a valley between them ; and that the spring seen from the house appears by a levelling instrument to be on a level with the foundation of the house, which suppose is at a mile distance from it ; then (by Table) the spring is eight inches above the true level of the house ; and this difference would be barely sufficient for the water to be brought in pipes from the spring to the house, the pipes being laid all the way in the ground. In the above Table, the effects of refraction have not been considered, which, however, should not be neglected, if the distances are consider- able. In that case, the correct formula is which expression includes the effects both of curvature and refraction. See Refraction terrestrial. LEVER. Levers may be divided into three kinds. In levers of the first kind, the fulcrum is between the power and the Aveight, as in the balance, steelyard, scissors, poker, &c. In levers of the second kind, the weight is between the fulcrum and the power, as in oars, doors, cutting knives fixed at one end, &c. In levers of the third kind, the power acts be- tween the fulcrum and the weight, as in tongs, sheers for sheep, mus- cles of animals, &c. 1. Two weights or forces, acting perpendicularly upon a straight lever, will balance each other, when they are reciprocally proportional to their distances from the fulcrum. Cor. 1. When the power and weight act on the same side of the ful- crum, and keep each other in equilibrio, the weight sustained by the fulcrum is equal to the difference between the power and the weight. Cor. 2. If the same body be weighed at the two ends of a false balance (one arm of which is longer than the other), its true weight is a mean proportional between the apparent weights, Cor. 3. If a weight be placed upon a lever supported upon two props, the pressures upon the props are Inversely proportional to their distances from the weight. 2. If two forces, acting upon the arms of ant/ lever, keep it at rest, they are to each other inversely as the perpendiculars drawn from the centre of motion to the directions in which the forces act} or inversely as th* arms, multiplied into the bines of the angle*, which, the direction of the forces make with them. J, I ir if ;i man, balanced in a common pair of *c;ii*'s, pi :.-.> upw.'K n>e;ms of a rod, against any point of tlio beam, except that from which the scale is suspended, he will preponderate. ;{. In a compound lever, where one is made to turn another, there is an equilibrium, when W I P II the product of all the arms taken alter- nately, beginning with that to which the power is applied : the product of all the other arms, 4. Any weights will keep each other in equilibrio on the arms of a straight lever, when the products, which arise from multiplying each xveight by its distance from the fulcrum, are equal on each side of the fulcrum. Cor. 1. If in the above Propositions we would allow for the weight of the lever itself, we must suppose its weight to be united iu the centre of gravity, and to act there as a third force added to the power or the weight, according to the side of the fulcrum on which it is placed. Cor. 2. If the weights do not act perpendicularly to the arms of Ihc lever, we must for the distances substitute the perpendiculars, (see Art. 2.) Cor. 3. Let A D be the common "F C "P O D steelyard, whose fulcrum is C, and i *~~T\ *~ ~~* j let the moveable weight P, when placed at E, keep the lever at rest ; O W OP then when W and P are suspended upon the lever, a^id the whole r<. mains at rest, WXAC PXDC-|- PXEC^PXDE; .*. W varies as E D ; the graduation must .'. begin from E, and if P when placed at F support a weight of one pound at A, take FG, GD, &c, equal to one another and to E F ; and when P is placed at G it will sup- port two pounds ; and when at D it will 'support three pounds, &c, LIFE Annuities. See Annuities Life. LIFE Assurances. See Annuities. LIGHT, Phenomena of. Light, propagation of. 1. In a free medium the force and intensity of light, which propagates itself in rays emanating from the same point, are inversely as the squares of the distances from that point. Prob. Having given the position of two lights of known intensities, to determine the nature and equation of the surface, of which every point shall be equally illuminated by the two lights. Let A and B be the two point" at which the lights are placed, m and n 1G3 . K L I G their intensities at, any assumed unit of distance, and let n = A B ; them it may bo shewn that the required surface, is a sphere of which the ra- dius ~ / M , and whose centre has for an abscissa - . n m v m ' m Cor. If m n the radius is infinite, as also the abscissa from the cen- tre ; in this case the surface is a plane perpendicular to the middle of the line A B. LigJity velocity of. 2. Light takes up about 16 minutes in passing- over a space the dia- meter of the earth's orbit, which is nearly 190 millions of miles; .'. it travels at the rate of almost -200,000 miles per secnod. iminution of y under various circumstances. 3. If the spaces through which light passes through a uniformly dense diaphonous medium increase in arithmetical progression, the quantity will decrease in geometrical progression. Let the space be divided into equal portions or laminae, and suppose th part of the whole light to be lost or absorbed in its passage thro' the 1st lamina ; then = quantity of light entering the 2d lamina ; 5 rr do. entering the 3d ; ^ rr do. entering the 4th, &c. TABLE from Buttguer, shewing the intensity of the sun's light at differ. ent altitudes y and the thickness of air it has to penetrate at each angle. Sun's altitude. Thickness of air in toises. Intensity oj light the whole being 10,000. 90 3911 8123 80 3971 8098 70 4162 8016 60 4516 7866 50 5104 7624, 40 6086 7237 30 7784 6613 20 11341 5474 15 14880 4535 10 21745 3140 5 39893 1 1201 3 58182 454 1 100930 47 138823 6 1G4 L I G 4. According to Leslie, in passing through sea water, light is diminish- ed four times for every five fathoms of vertical descent; and Bouguer asserts, that the whole effect of the sun's light would be lost by passing through b'79 feet of sea water, and that the same effect would take place by its passing through 3,110,310 feet of air. 5. Bouguer computes that of 300,000 rays which the moon receives ; 172,000, or perhaps 204,100 are absorbed ; and that the light of the sun : ditto of the full moon :: 300,000 : 1. 6. Euler makes the light of the sun equal to that of 6560 candles at one foot distance ; that of the moon to a candle at 7| feet ; of Venus to a can- dle at 421 feet ; and of Jupiter to a candle at 1620 feet, partly from Bou- guer's experiments. Hence the sun would appear like Jupiter, if re- moved to 131,000 times his present distance (Young's Nat. Phil.} Light, refrangibility of. 7. The sun's light consists of rays which differ in refrangibility and colour. The 1 primary colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, of which the red rays are the least refrangible, and the violet ones the most ; while green and blue are the colours which have a mean de- gree of refrangibility. Sir Isaac Newton found their degrees of re- frangibility in passing out of glass into air to be as the numbers 77, 77JL > 77J_ } 77-L, 77__ 9 77 77 ' and 78, those being the values of the 8 o 3 2 3 " sines of refraction to the common sine of incidence 50. Some substances, however, separate the different coloured rays more widely than others, and the dispersive power of media does not appear to depend at all upon their mean refracting power. To find a measure of the dispersing power, take a constant small / 6 for the / of refraction, the / of incidence will then be m and will dif- fer according to the value of m. The difference between these two or (m- 1) 6 is the refraction; and if m and m be values of m for led and r v violet rays, the difference of refraction will be (m 1 ) 8 -~ (7/1 1} 5 or v r m m (m . m . 0. Its ratio to the refraction will consequently be v r m ' taking the mean value of m '. this is the usual measure of the dispers* iug power. In flint glass its value is about 0.05; in crown glass 0,033. t Having- giveu th refracting- power* of two mediums, to find the ratio rif the focal lpiijrth-> of two louses formed of these substances, which, when united, will produce images nearly free from colour. Let | and $' be the focal lengths of the lenses, 1 + r and 1 -f v the ra- tio of refraction belonging to the red and violet rays respectively in the 1st lens, and 1 4. /' and 1 -f v = ditto of the other ; then Hence it appears that p' and must be of dilfererit signs, or one lens concave and the other convex ; and that they are as the respective dis- persive powers of the substances of which the lenses are made. The common practice of opticians, is to use flint glass and crown glass, the dispersive powers of which are in the ratio of 50 to 33 ; and .". a compound lens, in which the separate focal lengths for the same kind of homogeneous light, are as 50 I 33 will make the red and violet rays, con- verge accurately to one point. 9. Having given the aperture of any lens, and the foci to which rays of different colours, belonging to the same pencil, converge ; to find the least circle of aberration through which these rays pass. Let D diameter of the least circle of aberration, , aperture of the lens, the rest as before ; then D = r + r Suppose, for instance, the lens be of crown glass, v = .56, r = .54 ; .'. r^r ; D .". is of the aperture. 0*4. r 5a ' 5 ) Light, aberration ofsec Aberration. For a concise account of other physical properties of light, such as the phaenomena of coloured rings, double refraction, polarization of light, &c. see Coddington's Optics ; these subjects, as requiring diffuse expla* nations, cannot here be entered upon. LINE right. Equations and Problems relating to, the co-ordinates being supposed rectangular. (Hamilton. ) 1. The equation to a straight line is y ax + b, where a is the tangent of the angle which the line makes with the axis X A x t and b is the distance from A at which it intersects the axis Ay, L 1 N 2. Required the equation to a straight line passing through a given point, whose co-ordinates are a", y'. Any point of which the co-ordinates are x, y being assumed in the line, we have y a x + b ; also y 1 - a x' -f b ; /. equation required is y y - a (# #') For the sake of brevity it is usual to designate the point, whose co- ordinates are #', y' y as the point (#', y') ; and the straight line, whose equation is y ax -4- b, as the straight line y = a x -f- b. 2. Required the equation to the line which passes through two given points (,f, y'} and (-1"', #"). 3. Required the angle formed by the intersection of two given lines. Let y a x -\- b and y = a'x 4. b' be the given lines, and the given angle ; then a' tan. 6 = 1 +aa' a a 1 1 +' the positive sign being used when the / is acute, the negative when it is obtuse. 4. Required the equation to a straight line drawn through a given - i point (#', y'}, and making an angle tan. m with the line y = a x + b. TT am, Here y y' = - (* ^')- l _|_ am Hence (1 ) when the lines are perpendicular, (2) When they are parallel, yy> = a(x A"). 5. Required the distance (r) between two points (x> y] and (.r', /'). " v} + (./' - ?/}* 1 When a," arid //' o, r ^ (.r* -|- yi] ; which therefore expre*se the distance of a point from the origin. 167 K 2 LOG 6. "If <,p} be the perpendicular dropped from a given point (A", v%) o the straight line y a x 4- b ; then - . -- va-f 8 ; * LITUUS. See Spiral. LOGARITHMS. 1. Properties of Logarithms. Log. aXb Log. a -f. Log. fc. Log. y = Log. a Log. 6. Log. a l =. m Log. a. | > 1 x Log. a = - Log. . Log. a = Log. -. 2 20 X 3^ X 2 031 Ex. I. Log. - 17 x 935Q J - = 20 lo 8T- 2 + 7 log. 3 + log. 2.013 (log. 17 + log. 9350). 8 x 2. Log. 5V 1<2 X ^ 51 3 ~ - = -jr (2 log. 317 -f * log. 3 + * log. 5 log. 251). 2. Given a number, to find its Logarithm. Let 1 + x be the number, -m the modulus, then log. 1 + x = m ( x - ~ + |* - ? + & c .) and log. 1 -JT = m X ( - A- - ^ - ^ - f. 4 - & c .) ^^ = 2 W x( * + f + + & c .) Or since N = ^^y we may for x substitute ^[ p and we hall have L O G both of which last series converge very fast. Ex. If N = 2, Lll - I ; .'. log. 2 - .3010300. In hyp. logarithms m = 1, in the common system z 9 - - ^ ~- ,43424948. And since different systems of logs, are as their moduli, if any common log. be divided by this modulus, it gives the corresponding hyp. log. ; or if any hyp. log. be multiplied by it, it gives the corresponding" common logarithm. 3. Given a logarithm, to find its number. Let 1 + x =. No., y its log. m the modulus. then 1 -f x = 1 + -S- + J. + ^L. + & c . r m T 2 m T 2. 3. m* T If m = 1 ( l+o;-l+3/ + ^- + ^T 4- &c - = No - whose hyp. log. 4. Modular ratio is the ratio of which the modulus is the measure, or the number of which the modulus is the logarithm, and = 1 + 1 + + - + &c. : 1 ; or 2.7182818 : 1 ; which is therefore the same for every system, being independent of m and y. Hence in Napier's or hyp. logs., where the modulus is 1, the log. of 2.7182818 is 1 i in Brigg's or the common system, log. 2.7182818 ia ,43424948. Hence also since in every system the log. of the base is 1 ; 2.7182818 is the base of Napier's logs. ; in Brigg's the base is 10. In general if a = base of any system, whose modulus is m, m = h ^ ^. The following Table of Logarithmic series will be found useful on various occasions. 1. Log. a = ~ x (-l) -i (-!)* + 1 (a- 1) 3 - &c. 2 Log. a = X T a ^ b\ 3 r fa -*~ b\ 5 > 5T*) + -f I^M) + &c ' 5 7. Log. . =tog. (._!) + ^ X i+^ + jL 4-4^ 8. Log. a =,o ff . (_,) + x -L.__ ___ 10. Log. a = ^X J(a a" 1 ) S(o ! " S ) + J(a3 ""') &c.f 11. .3. Log. , .) =,og.l x ^ + 1 a -^V f < (wv/a 1} J (w^/a I) 2 -f i( Wx /a ])'-&c. > LOGARITHMIC Cwrpe, Equation to, 8>c,~( Uigman. ) x y a . The curve con-sists of one branch infinite on each side of the origin, to which the axis of abscissas is an asymptote. J70 L O N If x o, y 1 ; and if x 1, ^ a. If the abscissas increase in arithmetic progression, the ordinates in- crease in geometric. The subtangent is a constant quantity, and = modulus of the system of logarithms, whoso base a. Area between any two ordinates y and b in (y b), where m is the modulus or subtangent. Content -^ (yt 62). Arc = ^/( m* -f #2) ^( m 2 4. 52) b (^( + m log. - y(^/(m* + &) w Surface ~- T ( ?/ ^(w/2 4- ?/ 8 ) 6 ^ (wa 4. &g) LOGARITHMIC Spiral See Spiral LONGITUDE Geographical (Woodhouse, Fince.J \sl Method, by a chronometer. Suppose a chronometer to be adjusted to mean solar time at Green- wich, then if its motion were equable, and of the proper rate, we should always know, whatever the place, the time at Greenwich. Compute .*. the apparent, and by means of the equation of time, the mean time, at the place of observation. The difference between this latter time, and that shewn by the chronometer, would be the longitude, east or west of Greenwich. 2d Method, by an eclipse of the moon or of Jupiter's satellites. Having the times calculated when the eclipse begins and ends at Greenwich, observe the times when it begins and ends at any other place ; the difference of these times, converted into degrees, gives the difference of longitudes. 3d. Method, by the moon's distance from the sun or a fixed star. The steps by which we find the longitude by this method are these : From the observed altitudes of the moon and the sun or a fixed star, and their observed distance, compute the moon's true distance from the sun or star. 171 L O N From the Nautical Almanack find the lime at Greenwich when the moon AVHS at that distance. From the altitude of the sun or star, find the time at the place of ob- servation. The difference of the times thus found, gives the difference of the longitudes. Formula for deducing the true from the observed distance. Conceive S, M to be the true places of the star and moon in two ver- tical circles S Z, M Z forming at the zenith Z the /_ M Z S ; then since both parallax and refraction take place entirely in the direction of ver- tical circles, some point s above S, in the circle Z S, will be the apparent place of the star, and m below M (since in the case of the moon the de- pression by parallax is greater than the elevation by refraction) Avill be the apparent place of the moon : let D (S M) be the true, d (s m} the apparent distance, A, a (900 Z M, 90 Z S) the true altitudes, H, A (90 Z m) 990 _ z s) the apparent altitudes, cos. A. cos. a then if F = cos. H. cos. k * or if we make the fraction, on the right hand side of the equation = sin. 8 0, we shall have sin.* = cos.2 i ( A + a) , cos.- 6. and sin. = cos. (A -f- ) . cos. 8. The true distance of the moon from the sun or star being thus found, we are next to find the time at Greenwich corresponding to this true distance. To do this, we must observe that the true distance is com- puted in the Naut. Almanack for every three hours for the meridian of Greenwich. Hence considering that distance as varying uniformly, the time corresponding to any other distance may be thus computed. Look into the Naut. Almanack, and take out two distances, one next greater, and the other next less, than the true distance deduced from observa- tion, and the difference D of these distances gives the access of the moou to, or recess from, the sun or star in three hours ; then take the differ- ence d between the moon's distance at the beginning of that interval, and the true distance deduced from observation, and then say, D '. d '. ' 3 hours : the time the moon is acceding 1 to or receding- from the sun or *hu* by flip quantify d, which added to the time at the beginning* of thff interval, gives the apparent time at Greenwich corresponding to the Driven true distanrfe of the moon from the sun or star. Having- thus found the time at Greenwich, compute the time at the place of observation from the corrected altitude of the sun or star, the sun's or star's north polar distance (furnished by Tables) and the lati- tude. The difference between this latter time and the time at Greenwich, is the longitude. The other methods of finding- the longitude are, by an occupation of a fixed star by the moon ; by a Solar eclipse j and by the passage of the *noon over the meridian. LOOKING Glass, method of judging of. (" Coddington. ) To mid the thickness of a looking glass, bring a pin or other slender object into contact with the fore surface of the glass, and observe its image, as shown by reflection ; then the thickness of the glass will be q equal to -ths of the apparent distance between the objects and its image. In a looking glass it is not only necessary that each plane should b perfect, but they must be also parallel to each other. If the images of a candle seen very obliquely, and under different degrees of obliquity, and from all parts of the glass, do not always keep pretty nearly at equal dis- tances from one another, it is a proof that the sides of the glass are neither plane nor parallel. Another method of trying the goodness of a glass is as- follows : Stick a pin or slender wire in the bar of a window sash, so that the pin may be nearly horizontal, and in the plane of the window. Then hold the looking-glass, and turn it about so as to see the image of the pin very ob- liquely and from all parts of the glass. In this case two images will be visible ; and if these images keep always straight, parallel, and at regu- lar distances one from another, the glass may be considered as being well figured. These phenomena will be more conspicuous if two pins be stuck parallel to one another, and at a small distance asunder. With respect to the polish of a glass ; we may observe, caeteris pari- bus, that the darker the colour of the glass of the speculum is, the better generally is the polish. For the theory of plane mirrorswe Reflection. LUNAR inequalities.' See Moon, ITS M MACLAURIN'S Theorem. See Taylor's 7V MAGNETIC Needle, variation and dip of.Sf-r Va> MARS. See Planets, elements of. MARS phases of. See Venus. MAXIMA and Minima of quantities. 1. To determine in what cases any quantity y, depending- upon .r, may become a maximum or minimum, we must find the differential of the equation which expresses the relation that they bear to each other, and make the quantity -~ = o. The resulting equation, combined with the original one, will give the values of x and y in which y is a maximum or minimum. 2. To determine when y is a maximum and when a minimum ; find rf 2 ?/ the value of -y- ^, and if it be negative, y is a maximum ; if it bf posi- tive, a minimum. 3. If -jt- and -j-^ both vanish, but -~ remain, then y will be neither a maximum or minimum at that place, but will pass through a point of contrary flexure parallel to the abscissa. In like manner, if dy, d*y, d s y vanish, but d* y remain, the ordinate y will be a maximum or mini- num ; and if dy, d?y, canic matter resting on in . Krt Antisana (highest volcano, Andes) f primitive rockS) such M > Cotopaxi (voJLgano, Andes) . . J gneiss, mica slate, &c. 18,875 C Mount St Elie 18,090 Popocatepetl (voj^ano of Puebla Mexico) .... 17,720 Cotocatche (Andes) . 16,450 Tonguragua (volcano, Quito) 16,270 Mouna Roa (Owhyhee), volcanic from top to bottom ; all the rocks of the island are igneous 15,871 Mont Blanc (Alps, highest in Europe) granite, syenite, horn- blende slate, in vertical layers 15,W5 188 M O U Mont Rosa (Alps), talc slate and serpentine .... 15,527 Ortler Spiltze (Tyrol) alpine or Jura limestone, with organic remains 15,430 Mount Cervin (Switzerland) primitive slaty rocks . . 14,780 Mount Ophir (Sumatra) 13,842 Peak of Jungfraa (Switzerland) alpine limestone . . . 13,735 Pambamarca (Andes) 13,500 Brat-horn (Switzerland) granite and gneiss .... 12,815 Sochonda (China) primitive, probably granite . . . 12,800 Finisteraaharn (Alps) granite and gneiss .... 12,210 Lake of Toluca (Mexico) 12,195 Peak of Teneriffe, volcanic from top to bottom . . . 12,176 Town of Micupampa (Peru) 11,670 Mulahacen (Spain) . 11,670 Peak of Venlatta (Spain) 11,390 Mont Perdu (Pyrenees) calcareous, with organic remains . 11,265 Le Viguemal (do.) summit granite, flanks calcareous . . 11,010 Mount JEtna (Sicily) volcanic ashes, scoria, lava, &c. . . 10,955 Italitzkoi (Altaic chain, Asia) 10,735 Pic Blanc (Alps) 10,205 Ouito 9,630 Awatsha (volcano, Kamtchatka) 9,600 Mount Libanus (Turkey) . 9,535 Real del Monte (mine, N. Spain) poryhyry slate . . . 9,125 Imbabura (Quito) a great volcanic dome resting on primitive rocks 8,960 Mont St Gothard (Alps) granite and gneiss . . . 8,930 Peak of Lomnitz (Carpathian Mountains) primitive rocks, details unknown 8,640 Mount Valina (highest of the Apennines) .... 8,300 Sneebutten (Norway) gneiss, mica slate, and other primitive slates . .......... 8,295 Blue Mountains (Jamaica) ....... 8,180 Volcano, Isle of Bourbon , " t ?,6SO 789 M O U Mexico . 7,525 Mount Cenis (Alps) transition slate, &c 6,780 Mount Olympus (Turkey) primitive limestone, with serpen- tine, syenite, porphyry . . , . . . . . 6,500 : Stony Mountains (N. America) 6,250 ' Mont d'Or (France) . 6,130 Roettruck (Sweden) gneiss and mica slate .... 6,000 Mount Reculet (Switzerland) . 5,590 Puy de Dome (France) ancient volcanic rocks (trachyte) . 5,225 La Souffriere (Guadaloupe) volcanic 5,110 Hecla (Iceland) volcanic from top to bottom, scoria, lava, tuff, porphyry, slate, &c 5,010 Mount Ida (Turkey) 4,960 Ben Nevis (highest in Britain) feldspathic slate, greenstone slate, &c 4,370 Jorulla (volcano, Mexico) volcanic scoria .... 4,265 Ben Lawers (Scotland) 4,015 Mount Vesuvius (Italy) volcanic ashes, scoria, lava . . 3,935 Ben Wyvis (Scotland) 3,720 Snowden (highest in Wales) transition slate, with organic re- mains, greenstone slate, &c. 3,571 Town of Caracas 3,490 Ben Lomond (Scotland) feldspathic slate, greenstone slate, &c 3,250 Sea Fell (Cumberland) chloritic slate, greenstone slate, com- pact felspar, &c 3,166 Helvellyn do. . .,...* 3,055 Skiddaw, clay slate, with crystals of chiastolite . . . 3,022 Cadir Idris, compact felspar, greenstone slate, &c. . . 2,914 Cross Fell, mountain limestone, and millstone grit . . 2,901 Cheviot, porphyry 2,653 Plyulimmon 2,463 Whernside (Ingleton Fells) mountain limestone, gritstone, &e. . 2,38i 190 M O U Ingleborough, mountain limestone, gritstone, c. . . 2,361 Madrid 2,276 Pennigent do. .... 2,270 Whernside (Kettlewell) do. .... 2,263 Fountains Fell do. .... 2,180 Snea Fell (Isle of Man) clay slate 2,004 Pendle Hill, mountain limestone, millstone, grit. . . . 1,803 Rye Loaf Hill do If.SS Malvern Hills, Syenitic granite 1,441 ^Cataract of Tequendama (S. America) 600 St Peter's, summit of the Cross 535 Pyramids (Egypt) 4"j 500 Natural Bridge of Iconozo (S. America) .... 300 Caspian sea below the ocean T***^ 306 Gay Lussac highest altitude ever attained by a balloon, Sept. 16, 1804 22,900 Highest flight of the Condor 21,000 Height attained by Humboldt up the Andes, June 23, 1802 19,400 Highest limit of lichen plants . 18,225 Lower limit of perpetual snow on the Equator . . . '15,720 Farm House of Antisana 13,435 Highest limit of trees 11,125 Superior limit of oaks in the torrid zone .... 10,500 Convent on Mont St Bernard (Switzerland) . . . 8,040 Do. of St Gothard (Alps) . 6,810 MOUNTAINS, visibility of. See Refraction. MOUNTAINS, attraction of. Dr Maskelyne was the first who satisfactorily proved the attraction of mountains by their effect in drawing the plumb line from its vertical direction. The mountain selected was Schehallien in Scotland, the mean height of which above the surrounding valley is 2000 feet, and above the level of the sea 3550. The attraction of this mountain was found = 5",8 : from which Dr Hutton calculated the mean density of the earth to be near 5 times that of water, or as 99 to 20, and almost double the density of rocks near the earth's surface, Mr Cavendish, upon totally different 191 N E 15 principles, found the density of the earth to be to that of water as 5.48 : 1. The internal parts of the earth are .*. much denser than those at the surface ; though in what manner the dense parts are disposed of must he uncertain. MOUNTAIN, correction for height of. See Refraction. MOUNTAINS, visibility of See Refraction. N NEBULA, and Clusters of Stars. (Herschel.) On Herschel's Catalogue of new Nebuke, and clusters of stars. The telescope used was a Newtonian reflector of 20 feet focal length, and 18 inches aperture. The sweeping power was 157. The field of view 15'. 4". The Nebulae are divided into classes like the double stars. (See Stars double. ) Thus in the 1st class, the degree of brightness of the Nebula has been the leading feature, as most likely to point out those which or- dinary instruments may be expected to reach. The 1 st class .'. contains the brightest of them j the 2d those which shine but with a feeble light ; and in the 3d are placed all the very faint ones. It should be observed, that what Herschel calls bright, or very bright among those of the first class, are commonly less distinguishable than what Messier, in his Cata- logue des Nebules (given in Wollaston) calls faint ; on account of the su- periority in the instruments of the former observer. Besides this general division, there are added a 4th and 5th class, which contain Nebulae deserving a more particular description. The 4th class contains Planetary Nebulae, i.e. stars with burs, with milky chevelure, with short rays, remarkable shapes, &c. The 5th class very large Ne- bulae. The 6th, 7th, and 8th classes contain clusters of stars sorted according to their apparent compression, like the Catalogue of double stars, so that the closest and richest clusters take up the first or 6th class ; the bright- est, largest, and pretty much compressed ones, the second or 7th class ; and those which consist only of scattered and less collected large stars, are put into the last. Note. When a superior power and telescope increase the brightness of a nebula, but at the same time only make the tinge of it more nU 192 NEB formly united, and of a milky appearance, it may be concluded to be purely nebulous ; but when by using a superior instrument, its appear- ance is a mixture of nebulosity and extremely fine points, so that we can almost see stars, the nebula is said to be easily resolvable, and may be concluded to be a cluster of stars. Conjecture on the nature of nebula, not resolvable. In the Philosophical Transactions for 1811, Herschel has started a new conjecture respecting the nature of nebulae. He no longer considers them as clusters of stars, which assume a nebulous appearance by reason of their immense distance, but that they consist of a luminous and ex- tremely rare substance. That this substance, at its first formation, is pretty equally diffused through the nebula; but that in the course of ages, this matter, by the preponderance of some part of it, formstme or more centres, to which all the other matter gravitates ; that in conse- quence of this, the nebula gradually decreases in size, and increases in density, till at last a nucleus is formed ; and the nebula becomes plane- tary surrounded by nebulous matter ; which last again is finally absorb- ed by the central body ; and the whole then is, or has all the appearance of, a fixed star. This connexion between nebulous matter and a fixed star, and the conversion of the one into the other, he endeavours to establish, by arranging the nebulae into classes, according to their sup- posed age and degree of condensation, beginning with extensive and uni- formly diffused nebulosity, and establishing the connexion between this and a fixed star by such nearly allied intermediate steps, as makes it not improbable that every succeeding state of the nebulous matter is the re- sult of the action of gravitation upon it while in aforegoing one, and by such steps the successive condensation of it has been brought up to the planetary condition. From this the transit to the stellar form requires but a very small additional compression of the nebulous matter; and in Horschel's observations of many of these it became doubtful whether they were not stars already. The steps by which he arrives at this conclusion are nearly as fol- lows : 1. Extensively diffused nebulosity. 2. Nebulosities joined to nebulae. 3. Nebulae of various shapes, but nearly uniform brightness, 4. Nebulae that are gradually a little brighter in the middle. 5. Nebulae which are gradually brighter in the middle. G. Nebulae which are gradually much brighter in the middle. 193 L3 NEB 7. Nebulae that have a cometic appearance. 8. Nebulae that are suddenly much brighter in the middle. 9. Round nebulae increasing gradually in brightness up to a nucleus in the middle. 10. Nebulae that have a nucleus. 11. Round nebulae that are of an almost uniform light. 12. Nebulae that draw progressively towards a period of final conden- sation. 13. Planetary nebulae. 14. Stellar nebulae. 15. Stellar nebulae nearly approaching to the appearance of stars. Clusters rf stars. We have seen according to Herschel's doctrine, that extensive ne- bulosities are in process of time broken up into separate and distinct nebulae ; and that these last again, after becoming gradually more and more condensed, form stars. Upon the same principle he accounts for the formation of clusters of stars. He conceives that in rich portions of the heavens, as for instance the milky way, various centres of attraction are formed, to which the neighbouring stars gravitate ; that thus the whole is broken up into separate systems or clusters of stars. That these clusters at first are of various irregular figures, and consist of stars coarse- ly and unequally scattered over the mass ; that by the progress of con- densation they become more insulated and detached from the neighbour- ing stars, their figures are more regular and spherical, and the stars more rich and closely connected ; till they at length form those minute and beautiful phaenomena which are undoubtedly the most interesting ob- jects for our finest telescopes. He arranges them as follows, according to their degree of condensation. 1. Aggregation of stars, or patches of stars, which seem beginning to form clusters. 2. Irregular clusters of various unascertained sizes. 3. Clusters variously extended and compressed. 4. Considerably compressed clusters of stars. 5. Gradual concentration and insulation of clusters of stars, 6. Globular clusters of stars requiring a very fine telescope 7. More distant globular clusters of stars. 8. Still more distant globular clusters. 194 O B S NEUTRAL Point. See Elastic bodies., equilibrium of. NIGHT-GLASS, or Siveeper. These are Telescopes of t\vo, or two and a half feet in length, with large apertures, the object glass either a single lens of 3 or 3| inches dia- meter, or an achromatic of 2% ; their magnifying power, 6, 8, or 10 times ; field of view 5 or 6 degrees : they are occasionally furnished with a system of cross wires, and a diagonal eye piece. Their use is for a ra- pid survey of any part of the heavens, and for fixing upon such objects as may be proper for examination with finer telescopes. They are also useful, provided the observations are recorded, in detecting minute changes in the heavens upon a subsequent review ; or in searching for any object supposed to be movdable, as an asteroid. For this purpose delineations of the telescopic constellations, near the place where it is suspected to be, should be drawn upon paper ; and after some days in- terval, the moving star will be discovered. This can only be done with a night glass of very low magnifying power. Herschel's small sweeper was a Newtonian reflector of 2 feet focal length, aperture 4,2 inches, magnifying power 24, and field of view 2 12'. (Phil. Trans, ) NONIUS. See Vernier. NORMAL. See Subnormal. NORMAL, equation to See Tangent. NUTATION of the Earth's axis. See Precession. O OBSERVATORY. TABLE, Of the Latitudes and Longitudes of the principal Observatories of Europe, from the most recent and accurate determinations. (Lax.) Amsterdam ^^ ^^, LATITUDE N. 5^o 22' 11" LONGITUDE. Qh 19m 33* E Armagh *,~~ *w* **** 54 21 15 26 SOW Berlin *~~ *~~ ^^ 52 31 45 53 29 E Berne ~*~ *~>~ +~~ 46 56 55 29 45 Bologna *~~ ~~~ 44 30 12 45; |26 Bremen *** w* w>~v 53 4 38 35 12 195 O B S Brunswick ***** , . LATITUDE N. 52o 16' 29" Lo.\(JlTl. ; E. 07i42m&? Buda 47 29 44 1 16 10 Cadiz 36 32 25 9W Cambridge ***** 52 12 36 17 E Cassel 51 19 20 38 21 Coimbra ***** ***** ***** 40 12 30 33 39 W Copenhagen ***** ***** 55 41 4 31 38 E Cracow ***** ***** ~~ * 50 3 38 1 19 49 Dantzic ***** ***** ***** 54 20 48 1 14 32 Dorpat ***** ***** ***** 58 22 47 1 46 48 Dresden ***** ***** ***** 51 2 50 54 52 Dublin ***** 53 23 13 25 22 W Edinburgh ***** 55 57 21 12 41 Florence ***** ***** ***** 43 46 41 45 3 E Geneva ***** ***** ***** 46 12 24 38 Genoa 44 25 35 52 Glasgow ***** ***** ***** 55 51 32 17 4 W Gotha 50 56 8 42 56 E Gottingen ***** 51 31 50 39 46 Greenwich ***** ***** 51 28 39 000 Koenigsburg ***** *,*** 54 42 12 1 21 57 Leipsic ***** ** ***** 51 20 16 ...... 49 27 Lilienthal 53 8 30 35 37 Lisbon ***** ***** ***** 38 42 24 36 3! W London . 1 Madrid 51 30 49 40 24 57 23 14 49 Marseilles ***** ***** 43 17 49 21 29 E Milan ***** ***** ***** 15 28 2 36 46 Moscow ***** * 55 45 45 2 30 12 Munich ***** ***** ***** 18 8 20 46 18 Naples ***** ***** to 50 15 57 3 Nuremberg ,**** ***** 49 26 55 41 17 !9tf P T Oxford ~~* LvrrruoK N. J,o,N(iiTi;nii. 51 45 39 ; ()/i 5/ l,v W Padua ~~* . f ~~. J5 21 2 47 20 E Palermo ~*~ ~~~ 38 (5 4.4 53 28 Paris ,~~ ~~~ ,v~~ 48 50 It 9 21 Pavia ~~~ -~wi ff *~ 45 10 17 36 39 Petersburg- ,, ^ 59 56 23 2 1 15 Pisa ,~~ T~~ *+**, 43 43 11 ...... 41 36 Portsmouth ~*~ , 50 48 3 4 24 W Rome ~~* ,. 41 53 54 49 59 E SlOUgh ^r^, ^r^. 51 30 20 2 24 W Stockholm ^^, ^, 59 20 31 1 12 14 E Strasburgh , , 48 34 56 30 59 Toulouse +~~ ~~, *~~ 43 35 46 5 46 Turin ,r,~.~ .w~ -*-~* 45 4 30 41 Upsal *~~ ,~~v, ~~, 59 51 50 1 10 36 Utrecht ~~~ 52 5 31 20 29 Venice ~~v ^^, ^^, 45 25 32 49 24 Verona *~~ *~~ ^^, 45 26 7 44 5 Vienna , *~~ *~~ 48 12 40 1 5 31 Wilna 54 41 2 1 41 12 OPERA-GLASS. KitcJiiner. An Opera-g-lass should not magnify more than three, or at the most four times ; this also makes a pleasant prospect glass. If it have besides a power magnifying twice, it will be an excellent assistant in giving- a general view of the constellations, and will be a good finder for sweep- ing the sky for a comet. The best Opera-glasses at present made by op- ticians, have an achromatic object glass of one and a half inch in diame- ter, magnifying four times ; the price in a plain mounting, about two guineas and a half. OPTICS, laws of. The theory of Optics reposes on three laws, which depend for their proof upon observation and induction, 1, The rays of light are straight lines. J97 L4 P A R 2. The angles oi' incidence and reflexion are in the same plane ano >qual. The angles of inrideuee and refraction are in the same plane, and their sines bear an invariable ratio to one another for the .same medium. For the various subjects connected with this branch of science, see the respective heads. OSCILLATION, Centre of See Centre. PALLAS. This planet was discovered by Dr Olbers, of Bremen, March 28, ISCtt. For its elements see Planets, elements of. PARABOLA, principal properties of. See Conic Section*. PARACENTRIC velocity. See Central Forces. PARALLAX ( Woodkoitse, Play fair.) 1. If P be the horizontal parallax of a heavenly body, p the parallax at a zenith distance z. p P X sin. z. Cor. If R be the radius of the earth j r the tubular radius, d the dis- tance of the body, then d = X R. To adapt this to computation, r must be expressed in degrees, minutes, &c. then 2. If two observers under the same meridian, but at a great distance from one another, observe the zenith distances of the same planet, when it passes the meridian on the same day, they can from thence determine the horizontal parallax. Let L and L' be the two latitudes, z and z' the observed zenith dis- tances, then sin. # 4- sin, ' 198 PAR This formula was employed by Laeaille, at the Cape of Good Hope, and Wargentin, at Stockholm, for finding the parallax of Mars. It can- not be successfully applied to the Sun, or to Jupiter, Saturn, or tlu> Georgian ; for where the parallax does not exceed 10 or 12 seconds, tl.e probable errors of observation will bear so large a proportion to it, as materially to affect the certainty of the result. The moon, however, whose parallaxes are considerable, is a proper instance for the method, though in that case it will require some modi fication ; as we must take into consideration the spheroidical figure of the earth ; thus Let R be the radius of the equator, r and r' the radii of the earth at the two places of observation, z and x 1 the zenith distances found as be- fore, but corrected for the /'s between the vertical and the radius, then the horizontal parallax at the equator is x + *' "" ( L L/ ) r sin. z -J- r sin. K' 3. The parallax of a planet in R. A. being found by observation, to find its horizontal parallax. Let s be the R. A. in time, taken out of the meridian, then .p _^ 15 s x cos - ttec. cos. lat. x sin. hour angle If the R. A. be taken both before and after the meridian, and h and 7t' be the two hour angles, and ,v the sum of the parallaxes in R. A. on the east and west of the meridian, 15 * X cos. dec. . P = cos. lat. x (sin. h -f- sin. /*') 15 .v x cos, dec. . h + h' h h r 2 cos. lat. x sin. -~ x cos. - - 4-. The greatest horizontal parallax of the sun and planets. Sun 8",75 Venus 29",1G Jupiter 2",08 Mercury 14",58 Mars 17",50 Saturn. 1",027 Georgian ... 0,"415, For Sun's parallax in altitude nee Sun, 5. Parallax of the fixed stars. If t\\e anmial parallax does not exceed 1", the distances of the fixed stars cannot be less than 206365 times the radius of the earth's erbit 16 1! M f> K N w probable, however, that the parallax of a star of the second magnitude is not more than of a second ; and of a star of the sixth magnitude, iiot more than or of that quantity. PENDULUMS, oscillation of, %c.(Woof], Whev-cU, &>: 1. Let T ~ time of vibration of a simple pendulum iu a cycloidal arc, L length, F = accelerating force, g = force of gravity 3aV 6 feet, x =. 3.14159, &c., n number of vibrations in a given time T', then 71 '= ij " , or in case of gravity T = \- --^~- I jp 'JVg / o- 1'/2 and n V , T , or in case of gravity n V ft r . * L IT* Li Cor. Hence if x = space fallen through by gravity in 1" in any lati- tude, and L ~ length of a seconds pendulum, then if .v be given, L ; and if L b given, x = -^- . 5T2 By help of this last formula x is found more exactly than can be done by direct experiment. In the latitude of London L 39.126 inches, hence x = 16.09 feet. 2. To find the vibration of a pendulum in a circular arc, let a ver. sin. of % arc of vibration, r radius of the circle ; then t- x , + _/ 2 -f- ifi -f- n* ............ -f n 1 ; and .'. nn _ ] * nt^T X * Thus the whole number of permutations and combinations that can be made of the 1 letters a, b, c, d, when they are taken by two's, three's, and four's 4. Supposing there are m sets of things, one set containing n things, another p t another 7, &c., then the total number of combinations that can be formed by taking one from each 6et n X P X q ......... to m factors. Thus suppose there are 4 companies, in one of which there are tS men, in another 8, in each of the other two .0, then the number of changes that can be made by taking one out of each company = 68. n. t> = L>8SS. 204 P L A PIPES, leaden and iron,, weight of. (Gregory.) Let I be the length in feet, d the interior diameter, and t the thickness both in inches and parts of an inch, W the weight in hundred weights j then, In a leaden pipe, W = ,1382 It (d + f.) In a cast iron pipe, W = ,0876 lt(d+t.) PIPES for conveying Water. See Fluids t pressure of. PLANE inclined. See Inclined Plane. PLANETS, Elements, 8fc. of. What are usually called the elements of a planet's orbit are in number seven. 1. The longitude of the ascending node of the orbit. 2. The inclination of the orbit to the plane of the Ecliptic. 3. The mean motion of the planet round the sun. 4. The mean distance of the planet from the sun. 5. The eccentricity of the orbit. 6. The longitude of the aphelion. 7. The epoch at which the planet is in the aphelion. Elements and general view of the Planetary System. ( Laplace t Maskelyne, Fince, Play fair.} Names of the Planets. Sidereal Pe- riods of the Planets. Mean dis- tances or % axes of the orbits. Ratio of the eccentrici- ties to the y% axes at the beginning 0/1801. Mean longitudes reckoned from the mean Equi- nox at the epoch of the mean noon of Jan. 1, 1801, Greenwich. d. o. ' " Mercury 87.969258 0.387098 0.205514 166. 0. 48.2 Venus ... 224.700824 0.723332 0.006853 11. 33. 16.1 Earth .... 365.256381 1.000000 0.016853 100. 39. 10 Mars 686.979619 1.523694 0.093134 64. 22. 57.5 Vesta.... 1335.205 ... 2,373000 0.093220 267. 31. 49 Juno 1590.998 ... 2-667163 0.254944 290. 37. 16 Ceres .... 1681.539 ... 2.767406 0.078319 261. 51. 34 Pallas .... 1681.709 ... 2.767592 0.245384 252. -43. 32 Jupiter.. 4332.596308 5.202791 0.048178 112. 15. 7 Saturn... 10758.969810 9.538770 0.056168 135. 21. 32 Georgian 30688.7 i-i'6S7 19.183305 0.016670 177. 47. 38 205 Name* of the Planch: Mean longi- tudes of the Pe- rihelion for the same epoch as before. Inclinations of orbits to the Ecliptic, for Jan. 1, 1801. Longitudes of the ascending nodes on the Ecliptic, Jan. 1, 1801. Mercury 74. 21. 46 o / n 7. 0. 1 / // 45. 57. 31 Venus ... 1-28. 37. 0.8 3. 23. 3-2 74. 5-2. 38.6 Earth .... 99. 30. 5 0. 0. 0. .0 Mars 332. 24. 24 1. 51. 3.6 48. 14. 38 Vesta 249. 43. 7. 8. 46 171. 6. 37 Juno 53. 18. 41 13. 3. 28 103. 0. 6 Ceres 14fx 39. 39 10. 37. 34 80. 55. 2 Pallas .... 1 121. 14. 1 34. 37. 7.6 17-2. 3-2. 35 Jupiter .. | 11. 8. 35 1. 18. 51 98. 25. 31 Saturn ... 89. 8. 58 2. 29. 31.8 111. 55. 46 Georgian 167. 21. 1-2 0. 46. 26 72. 51. 14 Names of the Planet*. Mean diame- ter in English miles. Mean dist from the sun in mil. of miles. Mean appar. diam. as seen fromthe earth. Mean diam- eter as seen from the sun. Appa- rent diam. of sun as- seen from each. Diurnal ro- tation on their own axes. Inclina- tion of axes to orbits. The Sua 883246 32' 1".5 25m8wO,. 8241'0" Mercury 3224 37 10 16" 80' 1 5 28 .t. ....,, Venus . 7687 68 58 30 45,7 23 20 54 Earth ... 7912 95 17.2 32 1000 66 32 Mars .... 4189 144 27 10 21,33 24 39 22 59 22 P 163 263 1 Pallas 80 265 0.5 1425 252 3 Vesta 238 225 0.5 Jupiter... 89170 490 30 37 6,15 9 55 37 M3 near. Saturn ... 79042 900 18 16 3,37 10 16 -2 (50 prob. Georgian 3511-2 1800 3.5 4 ],W '206 P L A Names of the Planets. Place of ApheHit in Jan. 1800. Secular motions ofih* a p he! in, : jrogres- sive. Secular motions of nodes. Greatest Equation of the Centre. Elon. gation when sta- tion- ary. Arc of retro- gra- da~ tion. Time of re- tro- gra- da- tion. Sun Mercury Venus ... Earth .... Mars Ceres .... Pallas .... Juno Vesta-'.... Jupiter .. Saturn ... Georgian 8,yl420'50" 10 7 59 1 9 8 40 12 5 2 24 4 4 25 57 15 10 1 7 7 29 49 33 2 9 42 53 6 11 8 20 8 29 4 11 11 16 30 31 lo 33' 15" 1 21 19 35 1 51 40 10 12' 10" 51 40 23 40' 0" 17 20 1 5530.9 18 00' 28 48 13o 30' 16 12 23 d. 42 40 10 10 40 40 9 20 8 28 25 136 48 16 12 73 121 139 151 1 34 33 1 50 7 1 29 2 59 30 55 30 1 44 35 5 30 38 6 26 42 5 27 16 115 12 108 51 103 30 9 54 6 18 3 36 Names of the Planets. Synodic revolu- tion. Densities. Quantities of matter. Gravity on surface. Intensities of light and heat. 0,25226 333928 27,7 Mercury MSd. 2,5833 0,16536 1,0333 6,25 Venus ... 584 1,024 0,88993 0,9771 2,04 Earth.... 1 1 1 1 Mars ^80 0,6563 0,08752 0,3355 0,44375 Jupiter .. 399 0,20093 312,101 2,3287 0,036875 Saturn ... 378 0,10349 97,762 1,0154 0,01106 Georgian 370 0,21805 16,837 0,9285 0,00276 For the telescopic appearance of the Planets see Telescope. PLANETS, disturbances occasioned by their mutual action upon each other. -( Pla if fair. ) The orbit of every planet, by the action of the other planets, is chan- ged in all its elements bat t\vo ; the mean motion, and the mean distance from the sun. Thus in Mercury and Venus the line of the nodes, thy 20? POL inclination to the Ecliptic, the line of the apsides, the eccentricity, and consequently the greatest equation of the centre all vary. In Mars the eccentricity, the lines of the apsides and nodes, vary by the action of Venus, the Earth, and Jupiter; as also his place in his orbit, which is not the case with Mercury and Venus, in consequence of their nearness to the Sun. In Jupiter and Saturn, the place in their orbit, the -motion of the apsides, and the change of eccentricity, are chiefly produced by their action on each other ; but in the disturbance of the inclination the other planets have a sensible effect. Uranus, from his great distance, Buffers no disturbance in his motion but from Jupiter and Saturn. Two interesting results are obtained from the investigation of the planetary disturbances. 1. That both in the system of primary and se- condary planets, two elements of every orbit remain secure against all disturbances, the mean distance, and the mean motion, i. e. the trans- verse axis of the orbit, and the periodic time. 2. That all the inequali- ties in the planetary motions are periodical, and after a certain time run through the same series of changes. This accurate compensation of the planetary inequalities arises from three conditions ; 1st. that the eccen- tricities of the orbits are small j 2d. that the planets all move in the same direction, ?'. e. from west to east ', 3d. that the planes of their orbits are but little inclined to one another. PLANET, time of its passing over the meridian. See Time. POLAR Sean.Sce S^aa, Polar. POLYGONS regular, to find tlie area of. Let ^ represent the length of one of the equal sides, n the number of them j then 'n . / 90 H 1900 N Area = s 2 x -r * an - f ) 4V n J .Hence the following Tablo : Trigon - .v2 X 0.4330127 Tetragon = ** X 1.0000000 Pentagon sv X 1.7204774 Hexagon r= ** X 2.5980762 Heptagon = ** X 3.6339124 Octagon = **, X 4.8284271 Nonagon = g X 6.1818242 Decagon = ** X 7.6942088 Undecagon = s* X 9.3656399 Dodecagon * 2 X/ 2GB POPULATION, increase of. ( Bridge. ) Of the method of finding the increase of population in any country,, under given circumstances of births and mortality. Let P represent the population of a country at any given period j the fractional part of the population which die in a year (or ratio of mortality j) -j- the proportion of births in a year ; then, if A repre- sent the state of the population at the end of n years, Or Log. A = Log. P -f n X log. 1 + Of the quantities A, P, m, b, n, any four being given, the fifth may be found. Ex. I. Suppose the population of Great Britain, in the year 1800, to have been ten millions ; that th part die annually ; and the number of births are ^ , and that no emigration takes place during the present century j What will be the state of its population in the year 1900 ? Here A = 22930000. Ex. 2. Suppose the population of France in the year 1792 to have been 27000000 ; the ratio of mortality, during the 18th century, to have been th, and the number of births th j What was the state of its popula- tion in the year 1700 ? Here P = 16864396. Ex. 3. Suppose the population of North America to have, been five millions in the year 1800 j in how many years will it amount to 16 mil- lions, taking the ratio of mortality at -Uh, and the annual proportion of births at ^th ? Here n = 60.3 years. Ex. 4. The population of a province, in the year 1760, was estimated at 500000 persons j in the year 1800 it amounted to 720000 persons ; from the bills of mortality it appeared, that, upon an average, p^th part of 209 P R K the population had died annually ; no rector \va> kopt of the birth? ; What was the annual proportion of them during that period *i Here I = '.',\.\. The annual proportion of births was about th. Supposed Population of the World. (Enc. Brit. Suppl.) ElirODe ^r^ff t^^r^r^f^rf^ff^f^f^^r^rr^f 185 000 000 Asia (with Australia and Polynesia) ~~, 270,000,000 Africa ~~ 55,000,000 America v~~~~~~~,~~~~~~ ,~~ ,.~~ : ~ 40,000,000 350,000,000 POWERS of numbers. See Involution. POWERS Mechanical See Mechanical Powers. PRECESSION of the Equinoxes. (Woodliouse* Vince, Play fair.) I. The mean annual precession = 50",34, which gives nearly 1 for the precession in 71| years, or about 25745 years for the entire revolu- tion of the pole of the Equator round that of the Ecliptic. The part of the precession arising from the action of the sun 15",3, that from the moon = 35". If the effect of the sun bo reduced to 12",5 ; that of the moon will be triple of it, whicli is agreeable to the latest results deduced from the theory of the tides. The precession affects the situation of stars in Declinatiou or North Polar distance, and in right ascension ; hence the following Formulae. Annual Precession in Declination. This = 50",34 X sin. obliquity X cos. star's R. A. Cor. When the right ascension (R. A.) is between 90* and 270, the declination is diminished by the effect of precession. And when the R. A. is between and 90, or between 270 and 360, the declination is increased. Annual Precession in R. A. This = 50",34 X (cos. I + sin. I X sin. star's R. A. X tan. star's decli- nation) where I obliquity of ecliptic. In this expression the first part, 50" ,34 cos. I is common to all stars. Cor. The precession in R. A. is nothing when the angle of position is aright^; it is also positive when that / is acute, ai^d negative when obtuse. II. Precession Solar t inequality of. The mean annual precession has been stated at 50",34 ; but it cannot have been equably produced, For the sun is sometimes in the Equator, 210 when its force causing precession is nothing- ; at other times more than 230 distant, when its force is greatest. Hence the sun's action in produ- cing precession must continually vary from the Equinox in March to the solstice in June. The correction due to this solar inequality is called the semi-annual Solar Equation. In consequence of this solar inequali- ty, the pole of the earth describes, half yearly according to the order of the signs, round the place of the mean pole a circle whose radius = 0".434o. The solar inequality affects the precession of the stars in longitude, declination, and right ascension, also the obliquity of the ecliptic ; hence the following formulae. Equation of precession in longitude. This = 1", 1 X sin. 2 sun's longitude. Substitute this expression for 50",31 in the above formulae for preces- sion, and we shall have the equations of precession in declination and R. A. Correction of the obliquity. This = 0",4345 X cos. 2 sun's longitude. The variation in the obliquity of the ecliptic arising from the sun, is called the correction of the obliquity ; that from the moon is called the equation of the obliquity. III. Precession, lunar inequality of. The lunar inequality of precession is called Nutation, to distinguish it from the solar inequality. In consequence of the lunar action, the true pole of the earth describes about the place of the mean pole, in 18 years 7 months, contrary to the order of the signs, an ellipse of which the ma- jor axis 19",2, and minor axis 15". The nutation affects the precession of the stars in longitude, declina- nation, and R. A. and also the obliquity of the ecliptic ; hence the follow- ing formulae. Equation oftJie Equinoxes in R. A. The variation in the precession, or in the equinoctial points, usually called the Equation of the Equinoxes in R. A. is 17",2 sin. longitude moon's node. This affects the longitude of all the stars equally. Nutation in declination. Let A be the R. A. of a star, D its declination, N the longitude of the moon's node j then nutation in declination , 1",1 sin. (A + N) + 8",5 sin. (A N). 211 M3 PRO Nutation in Right Ascension. This 8",5 tan. dec, cos. (N A) + 1",1 tan. dec. cos. (N -f A) and if to this be added the equation of the equinoxes, the whole effect of nutation will 4. 8,"5 tan. dec. cos. (N A) + 1",1 tan. dec. cos. (N -f. A) 4. 17", 2 sin. N. Equation of the obliquity. This = 9",63 cos. N. PRESSURE of Earth against walls. 'See Earth, pressure of. PRESSURE of Fluids. See Fluids. PRESSURE, centre of See Centre. PRISM. See Refraction. PROGRESSION, Arithmetical ', Geometrical, and Harmonica!. I. Arithmetical Progression. All the cases of Arithmetical progression may be solved by the follow- ing formulae : 1. Let a first term, I last, b common difference, n number of terms, s = sum of the series ; then Of the quantities , /, b t , any three being given, the other may be found by the equation I a + n l. b. 2. Of the quantities a, 6, , .v, any three being given, the other may be found by the equation 3. Of the quantities , I, n, s t any three being given, the other may be found by the equation II. Geometrical Progression. 1. All the cases of Geometrical Progression may be solved by the fo? lowing formulae : Let a = first term, I last, r = common ratio, n = number of terrn^, s = sum of the series ; then Of the quantities a, l t r t n t any three being given, the other may be found by the equation PRO 2. Of the quantities , r, w, s, any three being given, the other may be .found by the equation a r n a S =-T= 3. Of the quantities a, /, r, s t any three being given, the other may be found by the equation Ir a TTCT- 4. When n, or the number of terms is infinite, then of the quantities a, /, s, any t\vo being given, the other may be found by the equation III. Harmonical Progression. 1. Let a, b t c be in Harmonical Progression; then a I c I", a 6 I *. c. 2. Let a, b, c, &c. be as before, then , y, , &c. are in arithmetical progression. 3. Let a and b be the two first terms of an Harmonical Progression, to ^continue the series. ab ab 4. To find an harmonic mea n (x) between two quantities a and b. x= 2 ab a+b 5. If between two quantities a and b t an harmonic mean .r, and aa .arithmetical mean y, be inserted, a : x ;: y : b. G. If between two quantities a and b an arithmetic mean x t a geome- tric mean y> and an harmonical % } be inserted x \ y \\ y \ z. 7. If a fourth proportional be found to three quantities in Arithmetical progression, the three last terms are in Harmonical progression. PROJECTILES in a vacuum. ( Whewell.) Formulae for finding the range, altitude, and time of flight, of bodies projected along planes inclined to the horizon. J. Let r range, A = greatest altitude, t time of flight, v yelc* 213 PRO city of projection, h height due to this velocity, a, = /.of projectioa above the horizontal plane, i = elevation of the plane above the hori- zon, g ~ 32 % feet ; then \ve have the following equations. A v * sin.8( <) _ , sin.* ( ) ~ 2g ' cos. 3 ; cos. 2 > _ 2p sin. (-<) _ /2 A 2 sin. ( <) 5- ' cosTT " g- ' cos. < Greatest range = 2. When t = o; r will be the horizontal range, and the above equa- tions will become r = . sin. 2 2 h sin. 2 . A = -- . sin.2 = h sin. . t = . sin. = V ^- . 2 sin. . # Greatest range = 2 A. 3. The curve described by a projectile is a parabola, the principal pa- rameter of which = 4 h cos. 2 , and the velocity at any point is that ac- quired by falling from the directrix. 4. To find an .equation to the curve, re- ferred to horizontal and vertical co-ordi- s -n- nates. Let AB = jr, B C = #, t = any time ; then x v t cos. a. y = v t sin. <* and eliminating t. y x tan. --- 2 r* cos.* . ' the equation to the curve. Cor. 1. If, as before, h = -~, PRO xz ?/ = A- tan. r 5. 4 h cos. 2 Cor. 2. To find where the curve meets the horizontal piano, we must put y = o, .*. x tan. , T-T j = o, .'. # = 4 . x . 2 h cos. 8 oe, Ex. 1. Let a body be projected from the top of a tower horizontally with a velocity acquired in falling down its height j at what distance from the base will it strike the horizon ? Here if a ==. altitude of tower, y a, z= o, and vz =. 2 g a, .'. . a -^ , and # = 2 a. J?A\ 2. A body is projected at an / of 45, with a velocity of 50 feet per second ; find its horizontal range. Here 45, v 50, .". when y o 250 _ _. Ex. 3. A projectile is thrown across a plain 120 ject wide, to strike ;t mark .'30 feet high, the velocity of projection being that acquired down SO feet ; required the / of projection. 215 PRO Here y ;30, x = 1-20, v? = 1GO g, .'. a 1 = 4 tan. 2 (cos.) 2 .*. (tan.) 2 - tan. , -77-, o o and tan. a = 1 or ~r, and . = 45. Ex. 4. A body projected from the top of a tower at an / of 45o above the horizontal direction, fell in 5" at a distance from the bottom equal to its altitude ; required the altitude. Let a = height, then a = 45, t = 5, and y = a t .;a = a tan. 45 -J. 25, /. a = 200. PROJECTILES, resistance of air to. See Gunnery. PROJECTION, principles of.( Vince.) I. Orthographic Projection. 1. The figure of a straight line is a straight line in the projection. 2. The figure of 'the projection of a circle is an ellipse, of which the minor axis is the cosine of inclination of the circle to the plane of pro- jection. Hence if the circle be parallel to the plane of projection, the projection will be a circle equal to it. If the circle be perpendicular to the plane of projection, the circle is projected into its diameter ; any arc, reckoned from its intersection with the plane, into its versed sine ; and the remainder of the quadrant into the sine of that remainder, or into the cosine of the first mentioned arc. 3. In this projection the area of the circle I the area of the ellipse into which it is projected II radius : cosine of inclination of the plane of the body to the plane of projection ; hence the area of the circle will be di- minished in the ratio of radius I the cos. of this inclination. And this is true whatever be the form of the projected body. Also the projection is not similar to the body. Hence equal parts upon the surface of a sphere will not be projected into parts cither equal or similar. This projection is not convenient for maps, but is used in the con- struction of solar eclipse*. PRO II. StereograpJiic Projection. J. The projection of an arc, measured from the pole, is equal to the tangent of half that arc. 2. The projection of every circle is a circle. 3. The projection of all circles parallel to the plane of projection will be concentric circles, the radii of which are the tangents of % the dis- tances of the circles from the pole. 4. The projection of every great circle passing through the pole is a straight line. 5. The radius of projection of any other great circle is the secant of the angle between the plane of the circle and the plane of projection. From these Arts, it appears, that the projection of the parts of the sphere will not properly represent, in magnitude and situation, the parts themselves. 6. If the place of the eye be the pole of the earth, the meridians will be projected into straight lines (Art. 4) ; and the parallels to the equator will be projected into circles (Art. 3). This is called the Polar Projec- tion. 7. If the eye be placed in the equator 90 distant from the point from which the longitude is reckoned, the projection of the radius of any me- ridian will be the secant of its longitude (Art. 5). And the radius of projection of the parallels of latitude is the cotangent of their latitude. This is called an Equatorial Projection. The stereographic projection is chiefly used in delineating maps of the world. III. Mercator's Projection. 1. In this projection the meridians are parallel linos, the degrees of longitude are all equal j the parallels of latitude are also parallel lines, but unequal, a degree of latitude being to a degree of longitude '.'. rad. I cos. latitude, and .*. the length of a degree of longitude being constant, the length of a degree of latitude will be inversely as the cosine of lati- tude, and will .", increase in going towards the pole. 2. To find the length of the meridian on this projection for any num- ber of degrees of latitude. Let x "= required length, r earth's radius then cot. comp. latitude % = r x n. 1. . r If .'. we take the latitude = 1, 20, ,3 , 90 we can construct a 217 N P U L Table shewing 1 the length of the meridian on the projection for every de- gree of latitude ; in like manner it may be constructed for every minute, Such a table is called a table of Meridional Parts. This projection is of great use in navigation, on account of its being constructed by right lines only j the rhumb lines or lines of azimuth be- ing also straight lines. Suppose for example a ship wants to go from any place A to B laid down upon Mercator's map, and it is required to find the rhumb or point of the compass it must sail upon j we have only to join A B, and that is the rhumb. Now to determine what rhumb this is, there is always in these maps one or more points, from which are drawn 32 straight lines, representing the 32 points of the compass. Apply .*. one edge of a par- allel ruler to the line A B, and bring the other edge over the point from which the lines of the compass are drawn, and it immediately gives the direction in which the ship must sail. PULLEY. 1. In the single fixed pulley, there is an equilibrium when the power and weight are equal. 2. In the single moveable pulley whose strings are parallel, P '. W :: 1 :2. 3. In a system where the same string passes round any number of pul- lies, 1 and the parts of it between the pullies are parallel, P .* W : : \ '. n y n being the number of strings at the lower block. * Cor. If we consider the weight of the pullies, it is only requisite to add the weight of the lower block ; hence if a be this block, W n P a. 4. In general in the single moveable pulley, P : W :.' rad. '. 2 cosine of the angle which either string makes with the direction in which the weight acts ; or : : sin. angle which the two strings make with each other : sin. of the whole angle. 5. In a system where each pulley hangs by a separate string, and the strings are parallel, P : W ; : 1 : 2 n where n is the number of moveable pullies. Cor. 1. Hence W =2 n P. If the weight of the pullies be taken into the account, and a = weight of each, W =2 n P a (2 n 1) j hence the weight W is less as a is greater. Cor. 2. When the strings are not parallel, P : W ;; (rad.) w : 2 X 218 cos. * X cos. /3 X cos. y &c. where , /3, y, &c. are the angles which the string's make with the direction in which the weight acts in each case. 6. In a system of n pullies each hanging by a separate string, where the strings are attached to the weight, P : W : : 1 .' 2 n 1. Cor. Supposing the weight of each pulley a, then the part of the weight sustained by the pullies a X (2 n n 1) ; and .*. W (2 n 1) P + (2 n n 1) a. PULLEY, on the ascent or descent of bodies over. 1. If two bodies P and Q are connected by a string and hung over a fixed pulley, the accelerating force, supposing P the heaviest, is g X P-Q -. Substitute this for F in the formulae for the rectilinear descent Xg*. of bodies ( see Motion) and we get 2. If two bodies P and Q are connected to- gether by a cord going over a fixed pulley, and one of them Q descends down an inclined plane, we have the moving force of Q = Q X TT =r- ; hence the moving force of Q when con- nected with P = -^ P = QH PL O H P T ~~ j and accelerating force irx- LX If P draws up Q, accelerating force = g X , which may L X " " be substituted for F as in the last Art. Let both bodies P and Q move upon inclined planes, whose lengths are L and I respectively, and having a common altitude H, and let Q be .the descending body ; then moving force of > 219 P U M the moving force of the system = L Q T ""/ l P X H, and accelerating force of Q = g X L Q ~ /PX JL L * LJX P + Q which may be substituted as before. PUMP. Air Pump. 1. If b represent the capacity of one of the barrels, and r that of the receiver together with the pipes and gages connected with it j then the quantity of air extracted after every turn : the quantity before that turn C : b I 2 b + r. And the quantity left in : the quantity before : : b + r Cor. Hence if P represent the quantity of air in the machine before the first turn, the quantity left in after n turns is And the quantity exhausted is P P. ( ^^) - P. 2. The density of the air in the receiver at first : the density after t turns :: (2i + r)* : (&+*)* 3. When the density of the air is diminished in the ratio of n : I, the number of turns t = WLJ2. . log. 2b -f- r log. b -f. r 4. As the air is exhausted, the mercury will rise in the gage, and the defects of the mercury in the gage from the standard altitude, after each successive turn, form a geometric series, the ratio of whose terms is 2 b + r I b + r. And the ascents of the mercury at each successive turn form a geometric series, the ratio of whose terms is 2 b + r I b 4. r. PUMP condensing, or condenser. If b represent the capacity of the barrel of the syringe, and r that of the receiver, then after t descents of the sucker, the density of the air in the receiver, will be to the density at first in the ratio ofr+tblr. PUMP, common or sucking. 1. In the common pump the force necessary to overcome the resistance experienced by the piston, in ascending, is equal to the weight of a co- P Y R \itmn of water, having the same base as the piston, and an altitude equal to that of the surface of the water in the body of the pump above that in the reservoir. 2. In a sucking pump, if the height of the lower or fixed valve above the surface of the water #, the length of the stroke of the piston b, and the height of a column of water in equilibrium with the pressure of the atmosphere = h, the height to which the water is raised by the first stroke is a 4. b + h V( + b -f. h}* kbh 2 3. The same notation being retained, and c being put for a -f b or tire greatest height to which the piston ascends, b must be greater than j-r- otherwise the water will not rise above the piston. 4. Height to which water will rise in a vacuum in different states of the barometer. Barom. in inches. Height of water in feet. 28 ,,,~.,~wyv w ^ w ~,~ w 31.66 28| w 32.23 29 32.79 29| 33.36 30 33.92 30| 34.49 31 ,~~~~ ~~ 35.05 Hence the valve of the piston in the common pump must be nearer to the surface of the water in the reservoir than 33 feet, otherwise the wa- ter can never rise above it. PYROMETER, Wedgwood's, for measuring very high temperatures. The scale of this Pyrometer, or the point marked commences at red heat fully visible in day light, and is equivalent to 1077|o of Fahrenheit's scale, and one degree of the former is = 130 of the latter. The extre- mity of Wedgwood's scale is 240, but the highest heat he measured with it is 160. It appears .'. that this pyrometer includes an extent of about 32000 of Fahrenheit's degrees, or about 54 times as much as that between the boiling and freezing points of mercury, by which mercurial ones are naturally limited ; that if the scale be produced downward in the same manner as Fahrenheit's has been supposed to be produced upward for an ideal standard, the freezing point of water would fall nearly 8 below 221 N2 R A I of Wedgwood's and the freezing point of mercury a little below 8|, and that there are 80 from the freezing of water to full ignition. Q QU ADRATRIX of Dinostrates, Equation to. y V 7-2 $2 s ( r _ A ^ } where r = radius, and s the sine of the circ. arc, by the help of which the curve is generated. The radius of the generating circle is a mean proportional between the quadrantal arc and the base of the quadratrix. If with the base of the quadratrix as radius, there be described a qua- drantal arc, this will be equal in length to the radius of the generating circle. QUADRATURE of Curves. See Area. R RADIUS vector of a planet's orbit. See Anomaly. RAIN, quantity of at different places. Mean annual quantity of rain for 30 years, as observed at the apartment* of the Royal Society. The gage is placed 75 feet 6 incJies above the ground. YEARS. 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 179S f '99 vw^rw^yvy^^ INCHES. 16.052 15.310 19.489 17.128 18.466 16.864 14.779 - 22.697 . 19.411 . 19.662 YEARS. 1801 INCHES. 18.925 . 19.197 1802 1803 ~~~~~ 13.946 1804 20.973 1805 20.396 1806 ~~ 1807 ~~~~~v .^~~~ 20.427 14.206 1808 ~~~~v> 18.475 ff ^ fffff ^ 20.711 YEARS. 1810 and 1811*^ 1813 R INCHES. 18.348 15953 A I YEARS. 1817 **+**,***, INCHES. MATMW 15299 1819 11.636 13 727 1815 ******. ^ 16.367 r*~ 12.968 1820 18381 1821 ****** 23567 1816 ****************, 15.174 17.548 23.567 11.636 me period of '30 INCHES, 1.979 1.489 1.564 1.712 **, 1.985 1.520 Average of Greatest me Least do, . Mean quantity of r< January ********* February ******* March ************ April wwjfjfjffw :he 30 years an quantity d uring this period tin for each in yet INCHES. 1.253 1.004 ***** 0.884 1 269 onth during the ab irs. July ************* August ********** September ***** October ******** November ***** December ***** May **************. 1.476 June **************, 1.411 It appears from observation, that the quantity of rain, as shewn by two gages, is not materially influenced by the height of the places above the level of the sea, provided the heights of the gages above the ground are equal ; but it is a singular fact, which has not been satisfactorily ac- counted for, that it is very considerably affected by the height of the gages above the surface of the earth, though all other circumstances are the same. This will appear by a comparison of the following results, given in the Philosophical Transactions. Quantity of rain observed by Mr Daines Barrington, for upwards of four months in 1770, as shewn by two gages, the one placed upon Mount Rennig, in Wales, the other on the plain below at about half a mile dis- tant ; the perpendicular height of the mountain being 1350 feet, and each gage being at the same height above the surface of the ground. INCHES. Bottom of mountain ********************** 8.766 Top of mountain *************************** 8.165 Quantity Of rain observed by Dr Heberden, from July 7, 1766, to July 7, 1767, as shewn by three gages, one placed below the top of a house, a second upon, the top of a house, and the third upofl Westminster Abbey, 223 H A I INCHES. Lowest gage f ^^ f ^^^^ fJ ^ ff ^ ff ^ f 22.608 Middle gage 18.139 Highest ~~~^ 12.099 The same result was obtained from the two gages belonging to the Koyal Society, the one placed 75 feet 6 inches above the ground, the other a few feet distant from the other and 11 feet 6 inches lower. Mean annual quantity of rain, as shewn by the two gages. YEAR. LOWER GAGE ix INCHES. HIGHER. 1812 ^^^^^ 22.03 18.348 1813 ,~~ 18.296 15.953 1814 ^^ 20.723 ~~~~ 16.367 These facts should be attended to, in order to prevent any inaccurate conclusions from a comparison of different gages. Estimate by Homboldt of the quantity of rain in different latitudes. Latitude. Eng. inches. Latitude. Eng. inches. GO swvswww 96 45 *~~~w~~~ 29 19 ro^vwwr** 80 60 ~~~v~w~~ 17 Professor Leslie has given the following empirical rule for the annual deposit of rain and dew in any latitude. Quantity = 75 (1 sin. lat.) -f 8 =r depth in inches. Annual fall of rain at different places y according to Dalton and others. ( Young's Nat. Phil) INCHES. Granada, Antilles 126 Cape Frangois, St Domingo ....... 120 Calcutta 81 Bombay 64 Charlestown 50.9 Pisa 43.2 Rome 39.0 Venice 36.1 Tadua 34-5 Zurich 33.1 Madeira 31.0 Loyrten 30.2 R A I INCHES. Hague 28.4 Algiers 27.0 Utrecht 24.7 Lisle 24.0 Dublin 22.2 Edinburgh 22 Berlin 20.6 Petersburgh . . . 17.3 Upsal 16.7 Keswick, Cumberland, 7 years 67.0 Kendal, Westmorland, 25 years 63.9 Garsdale, Westmorland, 3 years .... 52.3 [Lancaster, 20 years 39.7 Townley, Lancashire, 15 years . . . . . 41.5 Dover, 5 years . . , . . . . . 37.5 Liverpool, 18 years ...,.,. 34.4 Manchester, 33 years 36.1 Bristol, 3 years ........ 29.2 Chatsworth, Derbyshire, 15 years .... 27.8 Barrowby, near Leeds, 6 years ..... 27.5 Fyfield, Hampshire, 7 years 25.9 Norwich, 13 years . . 25.5 Lyndon, Rutlandshire, 21 years 24.3 Near Oundle, Northamptonshire, 14 years . . 23.0 South Lambeth, 9 years 22.7 Dalton's mean for all England ..... 31.3 Dalton's mean, for rain and dew together, for all England 36.0 M. Cotte's mean annual quantity of rain falling at 147 places from N. lat. IK to 60 34.7 The superficies of the globe consists of 170,981,012 square miles; sup- posing therefore that the mean annual quantity of rain for the wholo globe to be 34 inches, the quantity of rain falling annually will amount 225 R A I to somewhat more than 91,751 cubic miles of water, which must lie sup- plied by evaporation from the surface of the earth and sea. See Eva- poration. The dry land amounting to 52,745,253 square miles, the quan- tity of rain falling on it will amount to 30,960 cubic miles. The quantity of water running annually into the sea is estimated at 13,140 cubic miles, a quantity of water equal to which must be supplied by evaporation from the sea, otherwise the land would be soon completely drained of its moisture. The area of England and Wales = 46,450 square miles, taking there- fore Dalton's mean at 36 inches, we shall have the annual quantity of rain and dew falling in England and Wales = 28 cubic miles of water. RAINBOW. (Wood.) 1. If a ray of light refracted into a sphere, emerge from it after any given number of reflections, to find the angle contained between the di- rections in which it is incident and emergent. Let $ and $ =. angles of incidence and refraction, p = number of re- flections, then the deviation, or inclination of the emergent to the inci- dent ray is 20 2(p + l)?' or 2 (p + l)0' 2$. Cor. In the primary rainbow p = 1, /_. deviation = 4 $' 2 . 10'. 4. Construction of the primary and secondary Rainbow. The red rays we have seen are efficacious when the / between the incident and emergent rays = 42. 2', and the violet rays when the same /_ 40. 16' ; hence if H Q be the horizon, S, S', S" rays proceeding from the sun, O the eye of the spec- tator, and the / P O R ( =i / S" R O) be taken = 42. 2' the drop R will transmit the red rays to the eye ; and if P O V (= S' V O) be taken = 40o. 16' the drop V will transmit the violet rays. The drops betwixt R and V will transmit to the eye the other eolours in their proper order. If O R and O V revolve about the axis O P, every drop of water in the surface of the cones thus described \vill respectively transmit to the eye a small parallel pencil of red and violet rays ; and thus a red and violet arc, whose radii (measured by the angles which they subtend at the eye) are 42. 2', and 40. 16' respectively, will appear in the falling- rain opposite to the sun ; and the same may be said of the other colours. The parallel pencils of red &c. rays which emerge from other drops fall above or below the eye. The secondary rainbow is formed by two refractions and two reflections. In this case, as we have seen, the vio- let rays are efficacious when the ^ contained by the incident and emer- gent rays 54. 10', and the red rays when the same / = 50. 58'. Hence as in the primary bow, if ^ ** "" \ x P O V = 54o. 10', the drop V will trans- mit the violet rays to the eye ; and if PO R = 50<>. 68' the drop R will transmit the red rays. 227 EEC Hence the colours in the two bows lie in a contrary order, the reti forming- the exterior ring of the primary, and the interior ring of tlte secondary bow. 5. To find the altitude and breadth of the rainbow. In the primary, the altitude of the highest point cf the red arc = 42. 2' sun's altitude j and of the violet 40. 16' sun's altitude. Hence the breadth of the bow, supposing the sun a point = 1. 46' ; this breadth must, however, be increased by 30' the sun's apparent diameter, and .*. the true breadth = 2<>. 1&. In the same manner it may be shewn that the altitude of the highest point of the secondary = 54. 10' sun's altitude; and breadth = 3. 42'. Cor. When the sun is in the horizon, the altitude of the bow is equal to its radius j if the sun's altitude equal or exceed 42. 2', there can be no primary bow j and if it equal or exceed MO. 10', there can be no secon- dary. 6. Given the radius of an arc of any colour in the primary rainbow, to find the ratio of the sine of incidence to the sine of refraction, when rays of that colour pass out of air into water. The ra dius of the arc" 4 0' 2 q> ; let the tangent of 2 $' <*, half tlu's angle, be a, the tangent of $' ; then 2 z 3 3 a z* a o. The value of z being thus obtained, the angles $' and and conse- quently their sines may be found from the tables. RECIPROCALS of numbers. See Involution. RECIPROCAL Spiral See Spiral RECTIFICATION of Curves. Let z = curve, x and y the abscissa and ordinate ; then Ex. 1. In the semicubical parabola, where a x* = y* t - ( 9 ff-M)4- Sa 27 | " 27 ' 2. In the common parabola, = =- x (y* + b* y*) 9 + I * 824 R E F 3. In a circular arc, whose tangent is t, For rectification of Spirals see Spiral. REFLEXION in Optics. ( Coddington. ) 1. Reflexion at plane surfaces. 1. To find the direction in which a ray of light, emanating from a given point, takes after reflexion at a plane mirror. Let the ray proceed from a point Q, and a perpendicular Q C be drawn to the surface of the reflector, and let the ray after reflexion cut Q C produced in q ; then will Q and q be on opposite sides of C, and Q C will -Cq. 2. To find the same when the ray is reflected alternately by two plane mirrors inclined to each other at any given angle. Let if be the / of incidence at the first reflexion I. second i the inclination of the two mirrors j then we shall have this series of equations, (n 1) t * n or

Again < " O O'" ~2c + 2a( JOO=2e 2. Suppose now that the mirrors, instead of being parallel, are inclined to each other, in this case the number of images will be limited, and will evidently lie in the circumference of a circle, whose centre is the inter- section of the two planes, and radius the distance of the object from that intersection. Now let H I and K I be the mirrors, O the object, then as before there will be two series of images O', O", O'" &c. and O, O, O &c. to determine the distances O O', O O" &c. mea- sured along the circumference of the circle, put e I O or II O - 6, O I K or O K = fi', H I K t or H K = ;, then 231 REF 00' -20 X /-OO-20' O O" = 2 < f J O O = 2 * . Again ^ O O" = 2 and the number of images in the first series is the least whole number greater than *""" ; and the number of images in the other series is the least whole number greater than **'"" . If i be a measure of ar, the whole number of images is ; and in this case two images of the different series coincide. 3. If the object placed before a spherical reflector be a circular arc con- centric with it, the image will also be a circular arc concentric with and similar to the object, and its position and magnitude may be determined by the proportion F 9 : FE :: FE : FQ. 4. If the object placedbefore a spherical reflector be a straight line, the image is a conic section ; and is a parabola, ellipse, or hyperbola, ac- cording as the distance of the object from the centre of the mirror is equal to, greater, or less than, half its radius. REFRACTION in Optics. (Coddington.) I. Refraction at plane surfaces. 1. Given the direction in which a ray falls on a plane surface bounding a refracting medium ; to find the direction of the refracted ray. Let the ray proceed from the point Q, and a perpendicular Q C be drawn to the surface of the refracting medium, and let the ray after re- fraction cut Q C or Q C produced in q ; put A and A' = C Q and Cq ; 6 and 6' ^'s. of incidence and refraction ; in the ratio of the sine of inci- dence : sine of refraction, usually called the ratio of refraction , then t>r when 6 is small, as it is usually supposed to be, A' m A nearly. 2. Let a ray pass through a refracting substance bounded by two parallel plane surfaces ; to determine its direction after emergence. R E F Let D = distance of the foci of incident and emergent rays, T th thickness of the medium, then 3. To determine the refraction which a ray experiences in passing 1 through a medium bounded by planes not parallel ; for example a tri- angular prism_of glass, Let i =. vertical angle of the prism. $ / of incidence. ^ {_ of emergence. of deviation of the incident and emergent rays j then S =

~ r *" "A N4 R E F In order to find the principal focal distance, which we call / (see Itc- fexion II) we have of course only to make A infinite in the equations just given ; we have then 1 _ m 1 _ w/__ I -rn i -. m Case 2. , or/ zz - / ni r m 1 Case 3. -f ^ , or/ r ? It is important to observe that in all cases the distance of the principal focus from the surface, is to its distance from the centre, as the sine of incidence to the sine of refraction. If we introduce the distance /into the formulae, we shall have in Cases 1 & 2,1=}+^, 3& ^ = 7 + Z- The following are corresponding values of A and A', in different posi- tions of the conjugate foci Q and q. 00 Co*e 2. ( A = X , ^-r, 0, r. 00 i **f-*r^ | A m r m r A> = - srrr 00 - - -"==! Ta^e 3. - 234 R E F Case 4. 2. To find the direction of a ray after refraction through a lens. The method here is to consider a ray refracted at the first surface, as incident on the second, and there again refracted. Let A" be the distance of the focus after the second refraction, r' the radius of the second surface, t the thickness of the lens, the other sym- bols as above ; then To find the principal focal distance F, put A infinite in the above ex- pression, i.e. suppose the rays parallel, and we have a,nd then = ^- + ~. Ill -*- If we put for ~ in the above equation, Hence arise different values of rr according" as is positive or negative. In the concavo-convex lens, either r is less than f and F positive j or when the lens is turned the contrary way and r greater than r> they are both negative, we have then In the moniecut, either r ia greater than f, both beicg positive, and. then or : 4 if leso than r' and both are negative, 88 00014 * Hydro- ea 1.00014 o oooi 1 00029 00012 1 00045 00018 239 O2 n E F REFRACTION, terrestrial ( Vince, Playfair, $cj 1. To determine it, let E apparent elevation of a mountain from a point in the plain below ; D = apparent depression of that point from the top of the mountain observed at the same moment; A = ^ subtend- ed at the earth's centre by the distance between them ; then A 4. E D Refraction = ^ . The terrestrial refraction found by this theorem, when the elevation is not very great, varies from - to pj of the ^ A, but in the mean state of the atmosphere - _L of A, which, in taking the elevation of any object, must be subtracted from the observed E to give the cor- rect elevation. Also the radius of curvature of the ray varies from twice to 12 times the earth's radius, but in the mean state of the atmos- phere 7 times earth's radius. When the ray is not horizontal it = 7 times earth's radius Bin. appar. zen. disk 2. But in determining the height of a mountain, a correction may be made at once both for the curvature of the earth and for refraction thug. Let L = horizontal distance of the object in English miles, then the cor- 2 La rection for curvature in feet is , (see Levelling} and for refrac- 21 2 1 2 9 L* 4 LS -- -^^ = - = feet which must be added to 3 21 7 computed height, and it will give correct height both for curvature and refraction. 3. To determine the most distant point on the earth's surface that can be seen from the top of a given height with and without refraction. Let A = given height in miles, r = earth's radius, thpn in the mean state of the atmosphere, the distance of the farthest visible point = tj j and distance, if there was no refraction, = \'2r h ; .'. dis- tance which the eye can reach with refraction : do. without : : ^ ; Ve :: 14 : 13 nearly. Cor. A/-^- = 96.1 miles, .'. the distance of the farthest visible point in miles, allowing for refraction, = 90. 1 ^ 7T. Or by the last Art, 4. I 9 \/7 fat if 7i> -height in feet, -- : = h', .'. L = -^. J . fa * , / R E B , n ** , />iv ^^, ^ ^ ^ By the last formula the following Table was computed TABLE, Shewing the distance of the farthest risible point in miles from the top of a given height, taking into account the tion. Height in feet. 500 700 1COO 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4COQ 5000 6030 7000 8000 9000 10000 15000 that can le teen effect of refrac. Dist. in miles, , 29.5 . S5.0 . 41.8 ,51 .79 . 83 .94 , 102 . 110 . 118 . 125 . 132 . 162 , 187 Ex. 1. The topmast of a ship 50 feet high was just visible to a specta- tor situated 20 feet above the level of the sea ; required the distance of the ship, Feet. Miles. By table 50 ..., give 9.35 20 do 5.91 Required distance 15.26 Ex. 2. The summit of Mouna Roa (whose height is supposed 15,000 feet) was observed at 180 miles distance ; required the height of the ob. server. Miles. Observed distance 180 Distance due to 15000 feet 162 Difference 13 which answers to a little lees than 200 feet altitude. 241 ft E F TABLE of distances at which mountains are said to "hav?. been observed. AUTHORITIES. MILES. Himalaya mountains ^^^^^^^v^^v,^^ Sir W. Jones 244 Mount Ararat *v~^**~.^~^^~^,^^^^,^,-^. Bruce 240 Mouna Roa, Sandwich Isles (53 leagues) 180 Chimborazo (47 leagues) ~ ^, 1GO Peak of Teneriffe from Cape of Lauzerota 135 Do. from ship's deck ^^ . 115 Peak of Azores ~ r~~~~ Humboldt 1G Temaheud ~^~r^~^~^~^r~^r*^r~~~~* Blorier 100 Mount A thus ~-~ ~, Dr Clarke 1GO Adam's Peak +~~,~~ ~~~ C5 Ghaut at the back of Tellii-hery ~ 4 Golden Mount from ship's deck ~~~~~~ *,, 93 Pulo Pera from the top of Penang >~~^~~ 75 Ghaut-at Cape Comorin ~~~~~, ~~ * 73 Pulo Penang from ship's deck ~~*~~~~ 53 Ths l:-.st six observations, and that of the Peak of Teneriffe, were made by a writer in the Calcutta Monthly Journal. REFRACTION of the heavenly bodies*- ( Vince, Maddy.) 1. The refraction of a star in the zenith is nothing, is greatest, in the horizon, and at considerable altitudes is nearly as the tangent of the zenith distance. Or more nearly as tan. (z Sr}, \lz zenith distance, and r the refraction found by the common rule. Cor. Refraction ~ 57" X tan. (g 3 r.) 2. To determine the refraction of a star by observation. Observe the altitude and azimuth of a star of a known declination at the same moment : from the azimuth, the polar distance, and the com- plement of latitude, compute the altitude; the difference between this and the observed altitude is the refraction. 3. To determine how much the apparent time of rising 1 nnd setting 1 of a star is affected by refraction, T . _ I*** refract. *^ j***v , ia3 ~~ 15" X cos. lat. X sin. star's azim." Hence the time is lejst, when the star is in the equator. Or if / = la- titude, I star's declination, r few refraction. a>b A0yv* *^ 242 J R E F Time =r _ 15o v(cos. (I + 3). cos. (I $)) 4. Twilight is occasioned by the refraction and reflexion of the sun'a rays passing through the atmosphere, and continues till the sun descends about 18 degrees below the horizon. To find the duration of twilight. Let h and h' be the hour angles corresponding to the beginning and end of twilight, I the latitude, and the sun's declination j then cos. li tan. 1. tan. cos. h> sin. 18. sec. 1. sec. 8 tan. I. tan. 3 hence li' h may be deduced. Cor. Twilightwillcontinue all night, if I + S be greatarthan 72^_ To find the time of year when twilight is shortest. sin. =. tan. 9. sin. I and sin. h = sin. 9. sec. I The first equation gives the sun's declination, or the time when the twi- light is shortest; and the second gives the duration of it. Ex. In latitude 52, the time of shortest twilight will fall about March 2, and October 11 j and the duration will be about 1A. 58m. 5. The refraction varies with the state of the barometer and thermo- meter. Dr Maskelyne's Formula. Let a =- height of barometer in inches, h height of Fahrenheit's thermometer, x = zenith distance, r = 57" tan. z j then Refraction = ^-^ X tan. (* 3 r) X 57" X Dr Young's Formula. .0002825 .= v. y + (2.47 + .5 v 2 ) -}- 3600 v -~ 4- 3600 (1.235 -J- .25 c s ) g- r being the refraction, v the sine of altitude, and s the From this last formula, the following Table, taken from the Nautical Almanack for 1827, is computed, 243 R E F TABLE OF REFRACTIONS. j, & %f D f i- Aliuu. -ju^il A it}+\B, JL^. Eefr. \ Dip 2?iO ! fyr r/i.50o 1' Alt z>iff. for 4-15. %?\ -loFa D.M. 0.0 5 10 15 20 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 i M.S. , S. i S. 74 71 69 67 65 C3 61 59 58 56 55 53 s. 8,1 7,6 7,3 7,0 6,7 6,4 D.M. M.S. 11.54 11.30 11.10 10.50 10.82 10.15 9.58 9.42 9.^7 911 8.5S 8.45 1 S _ 2,2 2,1 2,0 1,9 1,8 1,7 1,6 1,5 1,5 1,4 1,3 '1,3 S. S. S3. 51 32.53 31.53 31. 5 013 9.24 1 78.37 27.51 7. 6 6.24 25.43 5. 3 11,7 11,3 10,9 10,5 10,1 ! 9,7 4.0 10 30 40 50 24,1 23,4 2?,7 22,0 21,3 0,7 "g 50 49 48 4(5 45 4,7 4,6 4,5 4,4 4,2 4,0 6.0 10 SO 40 50 8.32 8.20 8. 9 7.38 7.-V7 7.37 1 y M \\\ 1,0 1,0 J7,2 1,15 16,8 : 1,11 10,4 i 1,09 16,0 1,06 15,7 i 1,03 15,3 1,00 21. 7 SA98 0.10 19.43 19.17 18.52 ~Ia29 18. 5 17.43 17.21 17. 10.40 44 43 42 40 39 39 ~33~ 37 36 3?5 35 34 33 33 Si 32 31 30 3,9 3,8 3,6 3,5 3,4 3,3 3,2 3,1 3,0 2,9 2,8 2,8 2,7 2,7 2,6 2,5 2,4 2,3 7.0 10 20 30 40 50 8 10 20 SO 40 50 7.27 7.-I7 7. 8 0.59 6.51 6.43 0.35" 6.28 0.21 6.14 6. 7 6. 1,0 ,9 ,9 ;! ,8 ',7 ,7 ,7 ,7 G 15,0 14,6 14,3 14,1 13,8 13,5 l3,3~ 13,1 12,S 1:,6 12,3 12,1 ,93 ,95 ,93 ,91 ;!? ,85 ,83 ,82 ,80 ,79 ,77 16.21 1(5. 2 15.43 15.25 15. 8 14.5! 14 35 14.19 14. 4 13.50 13.S5 1321 9.0 10 ^0 30 40 50 554 5.47 5.41 5.36 5.30 5.25 5,20 5.15 5.10 5. 5 5. 4.56 ,(J jG ,6 ,6 s ,5 i & ,5 ,5 ,4 11,9 11,7 11,5 11,3 11,1 11,0 10,8 10,6 10,4 10,2 10,1 9,9 ,76 ,74 'Z 3 ^1 ,70 3. 5 10 15 50 25 30 29 29 8 28 27 2,3 2,2 2,2- 2,1 ?i 2,0 10.0 10 30 40 50 ,6L> ,67 ,65 ,64 ,(53 ,62 30 35 40 45 50 55 13. 7 12.53 12.41 12.28 12.1(5 12. 3 2,7 2,0 s$ 2,4 2,4 2,3 27 26 26 25 25 25 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,8 11.0 10 30 40 50 4.51 4.47 443 4,39 435 4.31 ,4 i ,4 4 ,4 9,8 9,6 9,5 9,4 9,2 9,1 ,60 ,59 * '% REF TABLE OF REFRACTIONS. n#>~ ij [Amu. n t ttefr. | Difi for i Diff. for 3f - i" Fa App. 1 Refr. B ao for 1' Alt. S Wff~ t*r -\"F iD.M M.S. j S. ~s7"~ ~S. , "~D~ M.S. S. S, . f"~12 4.28,1" ~S8~ f 9 J ,550 42 T17 ~OS8~ *,\ i i ~7i0^ 10 4.24,4' 1&7 ] $,SQ ,548 43 1. 2,4 ,0^9 ' ,< 9 ,l*-5 80 4. -0.8 ,':0 8,74 ,511 44 1. 0,3 ,034 2,02 ,120 SO 40 4.17,3 4.13,9 |S3 i 8,03 8,51 ,524 45 46 53,1 50,1 ,034 ,033 1,94 1,83 ,117 ,112 50 4.10,7 ,32 8,41 1 ,517 47 54,2 ,032 1,81 ,108 13.6" 47" 7,5" ,31 8~30 ~509 48 5 ; ,3 ,031 75 ,104 10 4. 4,4; ,503 49_ 50,5 ,030 ,69 ,101 20 30 40 50 4. 1,4 353,4' 3.55,5 3. 5. ,6 'so : ,30 ; 8,' 10 8,00 7,89 7,19 ,4S6 ',410 50 51 52 53 48,8 47,1 45,4 43,3 lo. ; 8 ,0.-7 ,0i6 '53 >5 7 ,097 ,09 1 loss 14. " 3 49 9 ^8 "" i "7,70 ,469~ 5r4 42,2 ,(.i6 *41 ,^83 10 3'.4-,t ,28 7,01 ,404 55 40,8 ,0';5 ,36 ,03> 20 3.43,4.1 ,27 7,52 ,458 56 9,3 ,31 ,019 30 3.41,8 ,;0 7,43 ,453 57 37,8 ,'6:5 ,-,6 ,07fT 40 5.0; 3.39,2 3.28,7 ,',6 7,34 7,-, 6 ,418 ,444 53 59 25lo lok ,22 ,073 ,cr?o L5.1), 3.34,3 "","24~ 7,78 ~4S9~~ ~00~ 33,0 ,6.3 ~,12 ,(K)7 30 01 3:^,3 ,08 ,005 10. so; 17.0 3 20,6 3.14,4 3. 8,5| ,21 ,20 ,19 0',73 0,51 6,31 ,41 1 62 63 64 31,0 29,7 28,4 ^022 ,0>1 ,0^1 ,04- ,99 ,95 ,002 ,000 ,057 so 18.0 19.0 3. 2,9 2.57,6 2.41 ,7 ,18 ,17 ,10 0,12 136-2 ,340 60 67 27,2 25,9 24,7 ,0>0 ,0-0 ,0-0 ,91 *83 ,0f)5 ,052 ,050 20 21 22 23 24 2.38,7 2.30,5' 2.- 3,2, 2.10,5 2.10,1 ,15 ,13 |ll ,10 5,31 5,04 4,79 4,57 4,35 ,322 ,305 l'<16 ,264 (58 C9 71 72 23,5 22,4 27,2 19,9 18,8 ,0.0 ,0-0 ',019 ',75 ",71" ,07 ,047 ,045 ,04.'} ,0-10 ,038 f5 2. 4,2 ,09 4,16 ,252 73 17,7 ,018 'ftO ,036 26 27 28 29 1.5% 8 1 53,8 1.49,1 1.44,7 ,C<) ,03 ,03 ,07 3,97 3,81 3,< : 5 3,50 ,241 ,2SO 1209 74 75 16 17 10,6 15,5 14,4 13,4 ,018 : ,018 ,018 ,017 156 ,52 ,48 ,45 ,033 ,031 ,0.-9 ,027 ~30~ 1 .40,5 ,07 ~3.S6 ,'<0l 18 12,3 ,017 ,41 ,0>5 31 l.0 } ,06 3,"- 3 ! 93 19 u3 : ,017 ,3 ,023 32 S3 34 1.23,0 1.29,5 1.26,1 ,06 ,06 ,05 3,11 ,99 2,83 ,186 Ins 80 81 8> 10,2 9,2 8,-> ,017" ,017 ,017 ",34" ,02f ,018 ,016 35 1.23,0 ,05 2,18 ,167 3 7,1 ,017 1?4 ,014 36 1.20,0 ,05 2,fi8 ,101 84 6,1 ,017 ,20 ,012 37 S3 39 1.17,1 1.14,4 1.11,8 ,05 ,05 2,58 2,49 2,40 ,155 ,149 ,144 85 86 87 5,1 4,1 3 \ ,017 ,017 j017 ,17 ,14 10 ,010 ,C03 ,CC6 40 1. 9,3 1. 6,9 ,04 ,04 2^24 ,1S9 ,134 ; 83 * 89 2,( 1,C ) ,017 >ljm7 ,07 ,03 ',004 ,002 R I V Explanation of the Table of Refractiont. The apparent altitude being found in the first column, the second shor/s the refraction when the barometer stands at 30 inches, which is its mean height oil the level of the sea, and the thermometer at 50 of Fahrenheit. The third column contains the difference to be subtracted or added for every minute of altitude, reckoned from the nearest number in the first column. The fourth shows the number of seconds to be added for every inch that the height of the barometer exceeds 30, or to be subtracted for each inch that it wants of SO ; and the last contains the number of se- conds to be subtracted for each degree that the thermometer stands above 50, or to be added for each degree that its height wants of 50. JEjr. At 7. 18'. 13". Bar. 29.87. Ther. 6Go. required refraction. Alt. 7. 20'. R. 7'. 8" Diff. Alt. ",9 B. 14", 3 Th. ",63 4- 1.62 K 47" =: 1'. 8 .13 1C 4. 1,62 1,86 14,88 1,86 Ref. = 6. 52,83 REFRANGIBIL1TY of lightSee Light. RESISTANCE of air to Projectiles. See Gunnery. RESISTANCE of Fluids. See Fluid*. RIVER. ( Du Buat, Rolison.) 1. Let V = velocity of the stream por second in inches, R the quotient arising from the division of the section of the stream, expressed in square inches, by its perimeter minu the superficial breadth of the stream in linear inches, S the slope the numerator being- unity, i.e. the quotient arising from dividing the length of the stream, supposing it ex- tended in a straight line, by the difference of level of its two extremities, or l^t it be the cotangent of the inclination or slope ; then the section and velocity being both supposed uniform, v = V, S I h. 1. /S -{ -__ -- 5, _ 10 V, Si I h. 1. /S -{- i|\ 10 When R and S are very great V=S E*(_2 -- *) nearly. V si - \ h. L 9 ^ The elope remaining the mine, the velocities are a* v' R~ TT; or M R", when R u ver 216 R I V The velocity will become nothing by making the declivity so small that -[^ur lo = Oi but if is lesa " wBno or than l^th of an inch to an English mile, the water will have sensible motion. In the above formula R is called the radius of tJie section. 2. In a river the greatest velocity is at the surface and in the middle of the stream, from which it diminishes towards the bottom and sides, where it is least ; and it has been found by experiment, that if v = velo- city of the stream in the middle in inches, then the velocity at the bot- tom is _2 W+l. 3. The mean velocity, or that with which (were the whole stream to move) the discharge would be the same with the real discharge, is equal to half the sum of the greatest and least velocities, as computed in the last Prop. Hence the mean velocity v V v _j_ . 4. Suppose that a liver having a rectangular bed is increased by the junction of another river equal to itself, the declivity remaining the same ; required the increase of depth. Let the breadth of the river = b t the depth before the junction .= d t and after it .r ; then - ^- - .. ~ t) - , a cubic, equation which can always be resolved by Cardan's rule. 5. To find the fall of water under bridges, let the breadth of the river, in feet b j the breadth between the piers c ; the velocity iu a se- cond v ; ' ^.S^ig feet; then the fail of the liver will be Tims at London bridge b - 920, c = 2S6, reduced by the piks.to IDC^^ v =. 3*4, hence, the fall is 4.739; by observation A75, ( Toa.^V Nat. Phil) 6. When the sections of a river vary, tha quantity of water remaining- lh same, the mcaa velocities are inversely as the ai'eas of the sections,, 7. The following Table abridged from Dr Robison serves at once to compare the surface, bottom, and mean velocities in rivers according; to the principles of Arts, 2, 3, (Gregory.) \ 247 O 3 R I V Velocity in Inches. Velocity in Inches. Sur- face. Bot'.om. Mean. Stir- face. Bottom. Mean. 4 1 2.5 56 42.016 49.003 8 3.342 5(57 60 45.509 5i>.754 12 6.071 9036 64 49.0 56.5 16 9.0 12.5 68 52.505 60.252 go 12.055 16.027 72 56.0*5 6L012 24 15.194 19.597 76 59.568 67.784 18 18.4vl i3.->10 80 63.107 71.553 32 v 1.6-78 6.859 81 66.651 ' 75.325 36 25.0 30.5 88 70.224 79.J12 40 5:8.245 31.172 92 73.788 8 -.894 44 SI. 742 37.871 C6 77.370 8S.6S5 48 35.151 41.570, 100 81.0 90.5 b2 38.564- 45.^82 8. Eytelwein, a German mathematician, gives the following- formula for the mean velocity of the stream of a canal. Let v be the mean velo- city of the current in English feet, a the area of the vertical section of the stream, p the perimeter of the section, or sum of the bottom and two sides, I the length of the bed of the canal corresponding to the fall h t all in feet ; then i - 0.109 + J 9582 .- 4. 0.0111 9. To find experimentally the velocity of the water in a river, and the quantity which flows down in a given time, observe a place where the banks of the river are steep and nearly parallel, and by taking the depth at various places in crossing make a true section of the river. Stretch a string at right /'s. over it, and at a small distance another parallel to the first. Then take an apple, orange, or a pint or quart bottle partly filled with water so as just to swim in it, and throw it into the water above the strings. Observe when it comes under the first string by means of a quarter second pendulum or a stop watch, and observe also when it arrives at the second string. By this means the velocity of the tipper surface, which in practice may frequently be taken for that of the whole, will be obtained. The section of the river at the second string 1 must then be ascertained by taking various depths as before, and the mean of the two will be obtained by adding both together and taking half the sum for the mean section. Then the area of the mean section in square feet being multiplied by the distance between the stringif in feet will give the contents of the water in solid feet which passed from R I V one string to the other during- the time of observation ; and this by the rule of three may be adapted to any other portion of .time. This opera- tion may often be greatly abridged by noticing the arrival of the float- ing- body opposite to two stations on the shore, especially when it is not convenient to stretch a string across. Where a time piece is not at hand the observer may easily construct a quarter second or other pendulum. RIVERS, proportional lengths of, and supposed quantity of ivater dis- charged per annum. ( Ency. Brit. Suppl.) EUROPE RIVERS. LENGTH. QV. OF WATEB. fThames 1 1 Rhine 4i 13 Loire 4 . 10 Po . 2* . 6 Elbe . 4* . 8 Vistula 4$ - 12 Danube . 0} . 65 Dntiper . . . . . 7f . 36 Don . 7| . 38 Wolga . 14 . 80 Euphrates 9| . 60 Indus . H| . 133 10 143 Kang-tse or Great river of China 21| . 258 Amour, Chinese Tartary 16 . 166 Lena, Asiatic Russia , . 13* . 125 LOby do. 15 . 179 Nile ...... 18$ . 250 "St Lawrence including Lakes Mississippi Plata . . . . . Amazon, not including Araguay 22-} . 19 13| . 22f . . 113 338 . 490 . 1280 ASIA AFRICA To deduce the approximate lengths of the rivers in miles from the pro. portiorial lengths we may multiply the latter by 180. To convert the proportional discharge into known measures we may multiply by 1800 to pbtain the number of cubic feet per second, or by .4 or j^to find the an. nual discharge in cubic miles. 249 ROD Proportional lengths according to Major Remiell. r Thames ....... 1 1 Rhine 51 EUROPE J ^ J Danube ....... 7 I Volga ....... 9 'Indus ....... C| Euphrates ....... 8} Ganges ....... 9| Burrampooter ...... 8| t f .Ava River ...... 9 ASIA... < Jiicei ....... 10 Obi ........ 10| Amour ........ 11 Lena . . ...... . 11| Hoang-Ho ...... . . 13J ^ [KianKu ....... 15 AFRICA Nile ....... 12J ' 581 ' 38 ^ 1 ....... 8 C Amazon ....... 15| S, equilibrium of.-(WhewelL) 1. A roof A C A', consisting of beams forming an isosceles triangle with its base horizontal, supports a given weight at its vertex C : the weights of the beams being also given; it is required to find the hoii- zouttffKrce at A and A'. ,JLet B be the weight of the beam A C, C the weight at C, a. the angle which A C makes with the horizon, H the horizontal pressure at A j then H = 2 tan. a. If there is no beam joining A A', this horizontal pressure H must be counteracted by the supports on which the ends A, A' are placed. If te roof A C A' support a covering of uniform thickness, the formu- la will still be true including in the weight B, the weight of that portioa of the covering 1 which rests upon the beam. The weight C at the point C may arise from a longitudinal team per. pendicular to the plane A A' C. 250 ROT 2. Any number of given beams, arranged as sides of a polygon, in a vertical plane, support each other, and support also given weights at the ^/.s ; it is required to find the horizontal pressure at the points of support. Let B and B be the weights of two contiguous beams, a and the an- gles they make with the horizon, and C the given weight at the ^, or point of junction j then % (B + B) + C H rr tan. ot tan. This horizontal pressure is the same at all the angles. Cor. If we suppose the weights of the beams o, H -= - If we suppose no weights, except the beams, H _ % (B 4. B) tan a. tau ' 3. To find the position of the beams, having given their weights B, B, B &c. the weights C, C, C &c. and the position of two of them. 1* 2 3 123 By the last Prop, we have the following equations, , a, <* being the ^.s which the beams make with the horizon. H (tan. tan. ) = ^(84. B) 4. C H (tan. * tan. ) = }i (B 4. B) 4. C &c. &c. If there be n beams there will be n 1 weights C, C &c, and^t- I 1 9 equations. The'number of unknown quantities is n 4- 1 viz. the n tan. gents, tan. , tan. &c. and the pressure H. Hence if we know two of the /.s , . we can find the rest, i a RO OTS of numbers. See Involution. ROPES, rigidity of. See Friction, ROTATION of bodies about a fixed or moveable axis. The following Proposition is of the greatest use in Mechanics, and is general under the circumstances there mentioned, whether bodies move in right lines or have a rotatory motion. It applies with peculiar facili- ty to the investigation of the motion of revolving bodies, and by the help of it the most difficult problems admit of a simple and easy eolation. 51 O i ROT Prttp. If a system of bodies be connected together and supported at tiny point which is not the centre of gravity, r.nd then left to descend by that part of their weight which is not supported ; 2 g multiplied into the sum of all the products of each body into the space it has perpendicular, ly descended will be equal to the sum of all the products of each body into the square of its velocity, g being = &2% feet. (Mr J)au-son t Serf, lergh.) A demonstration of this Prop, may be seen in Leybourn's Mathemati- cal Repository. Ex. 1. Let a cylinder whose weight = W, moveable about a horizon- tal axis passing through the centre, be put in motion by a weight P at- tached to a string wound round it ; required the force accelerating the body P, and the space descended in t seconds. Let s space perpendicularly descended by P, = velocity acquired in the time t t r radius of the cylinder, a- = distance of the centre of gyration from t'.ie centre of the cylinder ; then by the Prop. 2gXPs = Pi*+ WXt = Pa*-f W X^ v |p T^ accelerating force. 4.v2 To find s, put c* =. r^- in the leading equation, and we shall have Er. 2. A given cylinder with a thread wound round it is suffered to unwrap itself and descend j required the time of its descent through a given space. The same notation being retained 2g X W* - Wt; 8 +Wc* X = WX KJC. 3. P and \V are hung over a fixed pviley, to find how /ar F will descend in t", ROT Let r radius of pulley, w its weight, x distance of the centra of gyration from its centre ; then 2g X (P W) * - (P 4. W) v* 4. w v* X ^ ~ (P 4. W) uz -{- iv. j, but * = -il, 2P4-2W4- w' 2?.r. 4. Let A andB represent a single fixed and moveable pulley as represented in the an- nexed figure ; required the space which the de- scending- weight P describes in a given time. Let w = weight of each pulley, v = velocity of P, then ~ velocity of W ; also : velocity of the centre of gyration of A, and - g velocity of the same centre in C ; then. fo PO ,-W.^-) =P V + W X^ + wX^ Ex. 5. A sphere D, whose radius is <> and weight W, is put in motion by a weight P acting by means of a string going over awheel whose ra- dius is r: required the velo. city acquired in the time t. Let ?> = velocity of P, s the space descended by P in t", A' distance of the centre of gyration of the sphere from ita centre then * X ~* ; but x - ? X P 253 ROT ,*. 2g X Ps Pra 4. Wrs X 1 t v - - -~ " ~ 2* Or by substituting ~ for v ; s or may be found. Ex. 6. Let a weight P, fastened to a string going over a wheel, by its descent cause two weights W, W' to be wound up on two axles. Re-' quired the velocity of P after it has descended t" ; the radii of the wheel and of the two axles being r, , $'. Here ( Ps W X H W X -} = P r* + W* x i-frW* c 8 X ?!? \ v/X T IX -- - (Pra -f W f 4- W ^ P V 600 miles to the eastward. T Mackenzie's River, and from 113 to 149. 38. W. Long. 1 81. 5|. and on the ice to '<* 82. 45*. 20. E. Long. , 71. 10. Long. 101 to 110 W. . 74. 15. Long. 34. 16. 45. W. No human beings are found in the Southern Ocean below the 55th parallel of latitude, and none beyond the 50th, except on Patagonia and Terra del Fuego. It is impossible to enter here into any of those points of scientific re- search which these expeditions have been the means of communicating-. It may not, however, be uninteresting to subjoin the result of Captain Parry's observations on the temperature of Melville Island, iu 1819 and ,i820, as indicating a very extraordinary degree of cold. SHI 1819 September. October .... * November Greatest Temperat. .. 4- 37 .. 4- 17.5 Least. . 1 . 28 47 Mean, 3.46 20.60 21.79 30.09 32.19 18.10 8.37 4. 16.66 4. 36.24 + 42.41 + 32.68 December . 1820 January .-4-6 , 13 47 February ., ,. 17 .. _u 6 , 50 40 April f May + 32 .. -4- 47 .. . 32 4 , 4, 23 July August ..... .-. 4. 60 ,. 4- 45 4. 32 4- 22 Annual temperature 4- 1.33 According to Leslie's Table (see Atmosphere ) the temperature of Mel- ville Island should have been nearly 36, whereas it is only 1<>- o Inches. Greatest height of barometer was ......... 30.86 Least do. 29.W SEA, extent of. See Earth. SEASONS, length of. See Earth, elements of. SECANTS, figure of. See Figure. SEMIDIURNAL arcs.See^rcs Semidiurnal SHIPS, tonnage of. To find the tonnage of Ships. RULE 1 Multiply the length of the keel, taken within the vessel, or as much as the ship treads upon the ground, by the length of the midship beam, taken also within, from plank to plank, and that product by half the breadth, taken as the depth; then divide the last product by 94, and the quotient will give the tonnage. If the length of a ship's keel be 80 feet, and the midship-beam SO; required the tonnage. Ans. 382.9787 4. tons. RULE 2. Shipwrights take the dimensions on the outside of the light mark, as the ship swims, being unladen, to find the content of the empty- ship. But if the measure of the ship be taken from the light mark to her 263 $ H I full draught of water, when laden, it will give the burden of the ship ; and then the length, breadth, and depth multiplied together, and the pro- duct divided by 100 for men of war (which gives an allowance for guns, anchors, &c. that are all burden but no tonnage) and by 95 for merchant ships, will give the tonnage. N.B. A hundred solid feet make a ton. Required the tonnage of a ship, whose length is 300 feet, breadth 50, and depth 30. 16 Ans. 4736j^tons. ' RULE 3. At London, shipwrights multiply the length of the keel by the extreme breadth of the ship, taken from outside to outside, and that product by half the breadth ; and this they divide by 9-1 for merchant ships, and by 100 for men of war j the quotients are the tonnage of the vessels of their respective classes. Required the tonnage of an eighty gun ship, the length of whose keel is 149 feet 4 inches, and her extreme breadth 49 feet 8 inches. Ans. 184 186 + tons. The following ir ethod is used in the Royal Navy : RULE 4. Let fall a perpendicular from the foreside of the stern at the height of the hawse holes, and another from the back of the main port at the height of the wing transom j from the distance between these per- o pendiculars deduct of the extreme breadth, and as many times 2% inches as there are feet in the height of the wing transom above the up- per edge of the keel, the remainder is the length of the keel for tonnage. Then multiply the length of the keel by the extreme breadth, and that product by half the breadth; divide this product by 94 for the tonnage. Given the length of the keel 68 feet, and the extreme breadth 22; required the tonnage. 6 Ans. I^\TT tons. Ship-building. A man-of-war of 74; guns requires about 3000 loads of timber, of 50 cubic feet each ; worth, at f>. a load, 15,000. A tree contains about two loads, and 3000 loads would cover fourteen acres. The value of ship- ping in general is estimated at 8. or 10. a ton. It is said that 180,000 pounds of hemp are required for the rigging of first-rate man-of-war./' Young's Nat. Phil.) Note." -The above calculation of fourteen acres to a 74 gun ship is pro- bably much too low- It will be nearer the truth to suppose each tree to 264 S I P contain only a load and a half of timber, and that every acre contains 35 trees fit for naval purposes j this gives 57 acres of land for a 7-1 gun ship. See Report of the Board of Commissioners of Woods and Forests, 1812. SHOT, pile of. Shot or shells are usually piled up in a pyramidal form, the base being an equilateral triangle, square, or rectangle. The following formulae give the total number of balls in any of these piles : Triangular pile = J- ( + 'J ( +JJ. Rectangular pile = aJ^LLg-+ D Where n in the two first formulae denotes the number of balls in the side of the base ; and in the last n is the number of balls in the length of the base, and m the number of those in the breadth. SHOT, weight of.(Hutton.) Let W be the weight in pounds, 5 diameter in inches, then In iron balls, W = ^ X &. Dfc In leaden, W = ~ X S 3 . In iron shells, if D and & be the external and internal diameters, W = ~ X (1)3 - S3.) SHOT. See Gunnery. SIDEREAL time. See Time. SINES, figure of. See Figure. SINES, arithmetic of. See Trigonometry. SIPHON, oscillatory motion of water in. (Play fair.) 1. Let an inverted siphon, partly filled with water, be composed of three rectilinear tubes of equal diameters, of which the intermediate one IB horizontal, and the two others inclined to the horizon at any angles , 0> ; and let an oscillatory motion be communicated to the water; re* 265 P3 sot quired the time of the water's oscillating in either of the legs from tire lowest to the highest points. Let L = length of the whole canal, g = 32% feet ; thea W- gX (sin. 0+ sin. 6')' "When the two ascending tubes are vertical, Cor. Hence if the legs are vertical, the time of one oscillation = th time in which a pendulum would vibrate, whose length is L. 2. The vibratory motion of water in the form of waves may be com- pared to the above reciprocation in a siphon or bent tube. And hence if a be the altitude of a wave, and b half the breadth, the time of one undu- lation, i.e. the time, from the wave being highest at any point, to its being highest at that point again, is and the space which the wave appears to pass over in a second is b Cor. 1. If a be neglected, the velocity of the wave becomes * g , which is the velocity as determined by Newton, Princip. lib. 2. Prop. 46. Cor. 2. Hence a pendulum whose length = its distance between any two consecutive highest and lowest points will make two vibration* during the time of one complete undulation ; or if the pendulum is four times the preceding, i.e. equal to the distance of any two consecutive waves, the time of one undulation equals the time in which this latter pendulum would perform one vibration. SLUICES. See fluids. SOLAR inequality. See Precestion. SOLAR mean time. See Time. 206 SOL SOLIDS the five regular, surface and solidity of. Names. Surface. Solidity. Tetraedron * X 1.7320508 s X 0.1 178513 Hexaedron 2 X 6.0000000 *a X 1.0000000 Octaedron ** X 3.4641016 4-3 X 0.4714045 Dodecaedron * X 20.6457288 ^3X7.6631189 Icosaedron * X 8.6602540 4- 3 X 2.1816950 SOLIDS, contents of. Let x and y be the abscissa and ordinate of any curve j then if * =s 3.14159 &c. Solid content Ex. 1; Content of cylinder = yy*x. 2. Content of cone = l / 3 x y* x y s of circumscribing cylinder. 3. Content of paraboloid = % r */ 2 .r ^ circumscribing cylinder. 4. Content of sphere % of circumscribing cylinder. 5. Content of spheroid round ax. maj. 4 ar 5* a . 4 a 8 6 ' __ . Do. round ax. mm. . o > 6. Content of pyramid = % content of prism of the same base and alti- tude. Guldinus* property. I^et M D E K be any plane figure revolving about an axis xy in its own plane, then the solid generated is equal to the circumference described by the centre of gravity multiplied into the area of the figure. Ex. Let D M E K be a circle, then the solid will represent the ring of an anchor j in this case if r radius of circle, and a A O, the *olid = 2 * a X 9 r* = 2 ^ ar*. sou SOUND, velocity of. (Phil Trans. 1823. ; The velocity with which vibrations are propagated through the air, is the same that a heavy body would acquire by falling through half the height of the homogeneous atmosphere, or that which the atmosphere would be reduced to, if it were everywhere of the same density, and the same temperature with the air at the surface of the earth. The height of this homogeneous atmosphere has been computed at 4343 fathoms, when the temperature is that of freezing. If this height f be called H, then r, the velocity of the aerial vibrations, = ^ 2 g H. Hence v 1057, which is too small, see infra. The velocity of sound has been variously given by different philoso- phers, as appears from the following Table : Feet. Newton -- . 963 per second. Roberts ~ 1300 Boyle 1200 Walker 1338 Flamstead, Halley, and Derham 1142 Florentine Academy ~~~ ^^^v^^* 1143 French Academy ~~~ f ~~, w ~~.~^~ 1172 More modern determinations. Millington -~~ ,~~~ ~^~ 1130 Chili. Bengenberg ~~* , 1005 Busseldorf. LaCaille , 110G Moutaiartre. Lacaille 1130 Flamstead's and Halley's measure, or 1142, is the one generally as- turned by English writers. m S P H JResult of Mr Goldingham's elaborate series of experiments at Madrat. Velocity Months, Barometer in Inches. Thermome- ter, Fah. Hygrome- ter , dry. of Sound in a Se- cond in Feet. January, 30.124 79o.05 6.2 1101 February. 3ai26 78 .84 14 .70 1117 March, 30.073 82.30 15 .22 1134 April, 30,031 85 .79 17.23 1145 May, 29,892 88.11 19.92 1151 June, 29.907 87.10 24.77 1157 July, 29,914 86.65 27.85 11(54 August, 29,931 85.02 21 .54 11 03 September, 29,963 84 .49 18 97 1153 October, 30.058 81. .33 18 .23 11*8 November, 30.1^5 81 .35 8J8 1101 December, 30.087 79 .37 1 .43 1099 Mr Goldingham concludes, that for each degree of the thermometer 1.2 feet may be allowed in the velocity of sound for a second ; for each degree of the hygrometer 1.4 feet j and for th of an inch of the barome- ter 9.2 feet. He concludes that 10 feet per second is the difference of the velocity of sound between a calm and in a moderate breeze, and 21 feet in a second, or 1275 in a minute, is the difference, when the wind is in the direction of the motion of sound, or opposed to it. See Phil. Trans. 1823. SPECIFIC Gravity. See Gravity specific. SPECTACLES.?e Eye. SPHERE, doctrine of. In what is usually called the doctrine of the sphere is merely included the solution of the following problem : In a spherical triangle, whose sides are the co-declination D, the co- latitude of the place L, the zenith distance Z, and two of whose angles are the hour angle from noon H, and azimuth , ; if any three of these quantities be given, the other two may be found by the rules and formu- lae of Trigonometry. For the solution of the several cases see Trigonometry spherical. SPHERE, Equations to, when the axes are rectangular. (Hamilton.) Let r radius, and suppose x', y', ' to be the coordinates of the cen- 2C9 P4, S P I tre, and .r, y, % those of any point on the surface j then the general equa- tion is (.r-.r') a + (y-y')* + (*-*') =r. If the origin be at the centre, x', y' t and % each o, and the equation becomes SPHERICAL excess. Spherical excess in Trigonometry is the excessfof the sum of the three angles of any spherical A above two right angles. Now in surveying a country where the sides of the A's are usually 14 or 15 miles each, the spherical excess, with a fine instrument, is plainly discernable ; and in strict accuracy the sides of the A's ought to be calculated by the rules of spherical Trigonometry, which would be a most tedious process, where many hundreds of such operations are to be performed. Legendre has therefore furnished us with the following rule, which combines sufficient exactness, with all the conciseness that can be expected, viz. : A spherical A being proposed, of which the sides are very small with regard to the radius of the sphere, if from each of its angles one-third of the excess of the sum of its three /'s above two right /'s be subtracted, the angles so diminished may be taken for the /'s of a rectilineal A, the sides of which are equal in length to those of the proposed spherical tri. angle. SPIRALS. (Higman, VinceJ 1. Spirals y Equations to. In the spiral of Archimedes, let r =r rad. vect. 9 = /. traced out by r ; then r = - . 6, or r a 8 : if a = - . 2 * ' 2* In the reciprocal or hyperbolic spiral, _ a In the logarithmic spiral, 9 r a. In the lituus, The spiral of Archimedes, the reciprocal spiral, and the lituus are par. ticular cases of the equation r a ffl 1 . 270 s p i If ft be -f-, the spirals begin at the pole, and rreue to r.r. tance j but if n be , the spirals begin at an infinite distance, and r the pole after an infinite number of revolutions. 2. Spirals to draw tangents to, Subtangent ~ ~~! . Ex. I. In the spiral of Archimedes r-~aS t :. Subtangent = , and hence p ~ , V a 4-r* Ex. 2. In the reciprocal spiral, Snb tangent tt, and p ~ - a x. 3, In the logarithmic spiral, Subtangent = ~ and p ~ a r, 3, Spirals to find the areas of, Area = fL - . Ex. 1. lu the spiral of Archimedes, * A _ *" ** SA: 2, In the reciprocal spiral. Suppose the area to vanish when r b % then will the area, intercepted ietweea two radii 6 and r, (6 r). Ex. a In the logarithmic spiral, Area between two radii b and r =. ~ (r* *- &*), m being tht modulai. 271 Ex. 4. Inthelitutw, Area = c 8 log. . 4 Spirals to find the lengths of. d z* - d r* 4- r 2 d 6*. or dz - T T . (p perpendicular on the tangent) Vr*j* Ex. I. In the spiral of Archimedes, Are:=z fl. dr ^ a* + -t* t and .'. a parabolic arc, whose latus rectum is 2 a, and whose ordinate is r (see Rectification.) Ex. 2. In the reciprocal spiral, Arc arc of a logarithmic curve contained between the ordi- nates b and ;; the subtangent of the curve being equal to the subtau- gent of the spiral. Ex. a In the logarithmic spiral, Arc = VC 1 4- m *) ( *) Ex. 4. In the involute of a circle, Arc = (a radius of the circle). 5. Spirals t curvature of. Had. of curv. = ^ . Zpdr Ch. Cttrv . = _-. Ex. 1. In the logarithmic spiral, Rad. curv. = , and ch. curv. =2r. in Ex. 2. In the spiral of Archimedes, Ha,eu r ,=^^ Ex. 3. In the recif rocal spiral, 2r (a +r*} Ch. curv. J ~ - ; . a S72 S T A rdr 6. Spirahy point of contrary flexure in. Here the rad. of curvature is either infinite or nothing ; .'. --'-=. or infinity, and dp is infinite or nothing-. Ex. Let r a n , then when dp o, r a ( n. n -f. l) i. Hence in the case of the lituus, where n |, r a ^/ 3". SPRINGS 7io#, temperature of a few of the principal ( Ure.) Matlock . Bristol , Buxton B;ith , Berege 66 ~~ 74 82 . 114 Borset , Aix Carlsbad , 132 , 143 , 165 The Geyzers (Iceland) 212 SPRINGS, temperature of. See Atmosphere. SQUARES minimum, method of.- See Equations of Condition. SQUARE roots of numbers. See Involution. STANDARD measures. See Weights and Measures. STARS, Catalogue of ( Naut. Aim.) A Catalogue of 61) principal FLved Stars for Jan. 1, 1823. No. Names of Stars. A.R. An.Var. N.P.D. An.Var. 1 2 3 y Pegasi a. Cassiopeiae II. M. ,S. 0. 4. 8,1 0.30.3] ,3 57 46 5 s. + 3,08 3,31 1501 75.48. 2 34.SJ6. 6 1 38 8 19,9 19,7 19 4 4 5 Arh'th a Ceti 1.57. 13,1 y 53. i>,3 sue 3^2 67.2s?.44 86 3(\S7 17,2 14,4 6 7 g Persei Aldeharan Cii'iell'i 3.11.44,3 4.i J 5.4(i,6 5 S 3*7 8 4,iO 3,43 4 4-1 40.46.39 73.51.18 44 11 37 13,3 7,7 4 3 9 M n 12 13 14 Rigel |8 Tauri y Orionis ..................!..... 5. 6. 2,2 5.15. (>,8 5.15.38,7 5.->^.58,3 531 50,1 2,88 3,^8 3.^0 3J06 3,03 3,01 98 24.48 61.33. 7 83.49. 8 90.56.18 91.19.23 9^ 238 - 4,5 -3,7 4,0 3,1 2 5 6 2' 4 Id 5.45.35,6 3,1 ; 5 8238 4 ] 1 16 5 46 32,9 4 39 45 4 56 1 2 17 6 37 20,9 2,64 106 28 49 4-48 18 3 85 57 43 59 170 373 S T A No. Names of Stars. A.R. An.Var. N.P.D. An. Var. B 21 22 Procyon Pollux a. Hydrse Regal us H. M. S. 7.30. 2,2 7.34.23,5 9.18.53,5 9,58.53,3 8. 3,17 3,69 2,95 3^21 / it i 84.19.43 61.33.17 SJ7.53.44 77.1016 t'i:? ti$ 3 4 a Ursse Majoris ... /3 Leonis 10.52.43,5 11.40. 1,7 3,83 3,07 27.17.44 74.26.18 19,2 -j- 0,1 25 6 y Ursae Majoris ... 11.44.28,6 12. 6.37,2 3,^0 3,00 35.19.15 31,59. 4-19,9 4-202 iff 28 29 Spica Virffinis ... 1 Ursae Majoris ... 13.15.52,9 13.16.46,8 13.40.a3,5 3,14 2,41 2,SS 100.14. 34. 8.51 39.48. + 18,9 + 18,9 + vK SO s 32 u, Draconis Arcturus Bootis 13.59.35,9 14. 7.a%6 14.37.15,6 1,62 2,73 2,61 24.46.31 69.53.29 62.10.k8 + 17,3 + 19 3 + 15,5 S3 14.41. 6,4 4-3,30 105 17.56 + 154 34 33 36 /8 Ursse Minoris ... ct, Cor. Bur 1451.19,6 15.27.12,0 15.35.33,5 0,32 + 2,54 2,95 15. 7.16 62.41. 1 83 0.37 + 14,7 + 12,5 + 11,7 37 g Ophiuchi 16. 5. 5,0 3,13 U3.13.49 -4- 99 3S 39 40 Antares a, Hercuiis 16.18.34,2 17. 635,0 17 6 25,9 3,66 2,73 1,34 116. 1.43 75.24. 37 33 49 + 8|7 + 4,6 + 29 41 42 43 44 Ophiuchi y Draconis 5 Ursee Minoris .... 17.i6.43,5 17.52.30,1 18.29.22,3 1830.57,0 2,78 + 1,38 - 19,12 4-2,03 77.18.11 39.^9.11 3.25.11 51.22.31 + 3,2 + 0,7 2,4 30 45 18.4:133,0 2,^0 565012 3,8 46 47 43 Aquilae 1 Draconis 5 Aquilae 18.57.16,8 19.1229,7 19.16.34,6 2,75 0,(>2 3,00 76.23.31 22.38.59 87.13.47 - 4,8 - 6,2 6,6 40 50 51 ^ !!"""!"!"! 1937.50,8 19.42. 8,9 19 46 37,3 2,85 2,93 2,95 79.48 39 81.35.30 gi 1 40 8,5 - 8,9 86 5-2 53 2 K, Capricorni 20. 8.13,7 20.35.24,2 3,34 2,05 103.' 5^ 7 45 20 52 10,3 I- 5 54, 1st 61 Cygni 20.58.58,6 2 77 ff> 655 17 6 65 Cephei 21 1421,0 1,42 8 9 43 is'o 56 21.22.14,2 3,15 962038 153 57 ;3 Cephei ^1 ?6 ^0 4 081 20 jr> 54 15 7 58 21 5641,5 3 09 91 1031 170 59 22 55.57 2 2 98 754442 IP 60 a, Andromedae 23.59.15,6 3,08 61.53.12 19,8 STARS double. On KerscheVs Catalogue of double Stars, The first Catalogue of double stars was made with a Newtonian telf- f eope of not quite seven feet focus, and with only 4J4 inches aperture, r! with a power of 222, The second Catalogue with an .aperture 274 S T A . of six inches and a quarter, with a power of 227, and 460 ; when the stars were detected, he used a gradual variety of powers from 460 to 6000. These double stars are divided into several different classes. In the first are placed all those which require a very superior telescope, the ut- most clearness of air, and every other favourable circumstance to be seen at all, or well enough to judge of them. Their distance is so extremely small (seldom exceeding two diameters oi the largest) that it cannot be accurately measured by the 'micrometer, but may be more correctly es- timated by the eye in measures of their own apparent diameters. It should be observed, that since it will require no common stretch of power and distinctness to see these double stars, it will .*. not be amiss to go gradually through a few preparatory steps of vision, such as the follow- ing : for instance, when y Coron. Borealis (one of the most minute double stars) is proposed to be viewed, let the telescope be some time be- fore directed to Geminorum, or if not in view to either of the follow- ing stars, Aquarii, p Draconis, g Herculis, a, Piscium, or the curious double-double star t Lyrae. These should be kept in view for a consider- able time, that the eye may acquire the habit of seeing such objects well and distinctly. The observer may next proceed to the | Ursae Majoris, and the beautiful treble star in Monoceros' right foot ; after these to t Bootis, which is a fine miniature of a, Geminorum, to the star preceding" K Orionis, and to n Orionis. By this time both the eye and the telescope will be prepared for a still finer picture, which is >j- Coronae Boreaiis. It will be in vain to attempt this latter, if all the former, at least * Bootis, cannot be distinctly perceived to be fairly separated ; because it is almost as fine a miniature of * Bootis as that is of , Geminorum. To try stars of unequal magnitude, it Avill be expedient to take them in some such order as the following : . Herculis, o> Aurigse, Geminorum, k Cygni, t Persei, and b Draconis j from these the observer may proceed to a most beautiful object t Bootis. As the foregoing remarks have suggested the method of seeing how far the power and distinctness of our instruments will reach, we may next add the way of finding how much light we have The observer may begin with the pole star, and Lyrae, then go to the star south of s Ajquilse, the treble star near k Aquilse, and last of all to the star following o Aquilae. Now if his telescope has not a great deal of good light, he will not he able to see some of the small stars that ac- company them, In the second class of double stars ere put all those that are proper for estimations by the eye, or very delicate measures of the micrometer. To compare the distances with the apparent diameters, the power of the telescope should not be much less than 200, as they will otherwise be too 275 Q2 S T A "ic2 for the purpose. It \\-ill be necessary here to notice that the esti- mation made with one telescope cannot be applied to those made with another, nor can the estimations made with different powers, though with the same telescope, be applied to each other ; therefore if we would wish to compare any such observations together with a view to see whether a change in the distance has taken place, it should be done with the very same telescope and power, even with the very same eye-glass or glasses, In the third class are placed all those double stars that are more than 5 but less than 15" asunder. In the same manner that the stars in the 1st and 2d classes will serve to try the goodness of the most capital in- struments, these will afford objects for telescopes of inferior power, such as magnify from 40 to 100 times. The observer may take them in this or the like order j Ursae Maj., y Delphini, y Arietis, a- Bootis, y Virgi- nia, / Cassiopeae, p. Cygni. And if he can see all these he may pass over into the second class, and direct his instrument to some of those that are pointed out as objects for the very best teleseopes, where he will soon and the want of superior power. The 4th, 5th, and 6th classes contain double stars that are from 15 to SO" ; from 30" to 1', and from 1' to 2' or more asunder. PhiL Tram, vol, 72, ':-5. For a list of a few of the most remarkable double stars Leonis, ~v~~~~~ X/eo 4"0 Mayer j-.**.* 6 55 933 ~ 9 37 16 c Virgo, vuw *.w w >.wx*rj -^wx^^ 12 10 10 Vir^o ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^r^u Y>- ?fl Virgo MM IMMWM ~~ ~ 13 04 u Hydra ,~~,,~,,~~~ 97 Vlrro, f ~~~~*~. 13 19 14 02 JBootea, ' +*~~~ *~~~~. ^ 1404 STE Right Ascension. Declinattoa in 1800. 26 19 S. 2 53 N 28 47 N. S3 57 N. 14S8N, 554S. 33 CSN. 26 32 S. S3 16N. 52 57 N, OSON. 53 C8 S. 37 25 N. 5753 1623 Of this catalogue of Variable Stars, Nos. 2, 3, 7, 11, 18, IP, 0, 22, 4, and 26, belong to the list of fifteen as given by Mr Pigott. Some of the others belong to the list of those which he suspected to be variable. STARS, clusters of. See Nebulas. STEAM, elasticity and dentntif of.^.(Encyc. Brit. SttpJ Let E be the No. of atmospheres expressing the elasticity, / the tem- perature reckoned from 21 % 2 j then E - (1 4. .00 i/) 5 From hence is obtained the following Table of the elasticities and den. cities : Names of stars 1 Libra A w.wvww in 1800. ..~~~, 14 05 15 Virgo ^WSSWMMSWJJSS-^ ^* 14 37 50 Northern Crown, *~~. 31 Hercules, ^..^v^wwjwjv. ~~~*~ 15 40 16 24 u Hercules, ~-,~~~~~. 17 06 59 Sobiesld's Shield ^ 20 Lyra, , is 3 1 : v-v. 18 43 34 er Sagittarius, ^ 18 43 V SWan *r*~~*~r~~^+~* V.M , 19 S9 ,~~. 19 41 Swan No. 295. P. ~~~~~* n Antinous, ~~~~~ f ~~~* 25 Southern Fish, ^~^~-~ 34 Swan, near y +~~ 8 Cepheus, ~~~.~ Aquarius, ~~* ^ 19 42' 19 43 10 22 22 23 24 Atmos- pheres. Tempe- rature. Compar. Density. Atmos- } Tcmpe- \ Coinpar. pheres. ''ra'ure. j /.' 1 2120 1.000 30 456 I SI. 834 2 ?49 1.896 IP 210 3 73 8.742 50 509 81.383 4 fe92 S.5H5 ' fiO ,^-:9 I 40.40t 5 307 4 3S6 70 ^17 4/:.i?S5 6 300 5150 60 M:i f' J .OS3 7 SSI 5.917 90 5/7 j WG6 a S41 6.678 ICO 500 i 6 -.571 9 859 7.433 1000 W < ' 10 S.I 70 000 1105 j 15 389 11.820 8000 M02 ; 11! SO 7 13J82 SUN 77o&>, Bernonilli makes the expansive force of gunpowder equal to 10,000 atmospheres ; Rumford, from the bursting of a barrel of iron, 50,000, from some more direct experiments from 20,000 to 40,000. The utmost that can be justly inferred from the bursting of the barrel is in reality about 30,000, since the tension could by no means be equal througlQ every part of its substance. ( Young's Nat. Philj STEELYARD. See Lever. STILE new. See Calendar. STRENGTH animal See Animal strength. SUBNORMAL, formula for. Let x and y abscissa and ordinate of any curve j then Subnormal = ~~. dx Vd-iS-f 43 11 h ra s 2 34 27 h m s f 4 S? 12 2 18 48 SO 21 41 22 53 24 48 40 2 S3 16 4 41 18 3 IS 52 55 21 4 45 22 57 7 50 i7 2 42 6 4 45 ?4 4 18 57 19 21 8 47 23 51 54 6 2 45 56 4 49 31 5 19 1 43 21 12 50 3 4 33 57 45 2 49 47 4 53 S3 G 19 6 7 21 16 51 23 8 16 1 24 2 53 S8 4 57 45 7 19 ]0 30 21 20 51 23 11 57 5 3 2 57 30 5 1 52 6 19 14 52 21 24 51 23 15 39 8 42 3 1 W 560 9 19 19 14 21 28 50 23 19 20 12 ?2 3 5 16 5 10 8 10 19 23 38 21 32 48 23 23 1 16 2 3 9 10 5 14 17 11 19 27 57 21 36 45 23 26 41 19 42 3 13 4 5 IS 55 12 19 32 17 21 40 42 23 30 22 23 23 3 16 53 5 2 34 13 19 36 37 21 44 38 23 34 1 27 3 3 20 55 5 26 43 14 19 40 57 21 48 33 23 87 41 30 45 3 24 51 5 30 52 15 19 45 15 21 52 27 23 41 21 34 26 3 28 48 5 35 2 18 19 49 33 21 56 21 23 45 38 8 3 32 45 5 39 11 17 19 53 50 22 14 23 48 39 41 50 3 S6 ^13 5 43 20 IS 19 58 7 22 4 6 23 52 1$ 45 33 3 40 42 5 47 30 19 20 2 23 22 7 57 23 55 56 49 16 3 44 40 5 51 39 20 6 S8 22 11 48 2S 59 35 52 59 3 48 40 5 55 49 21 20 JO 52 22 15 38 3 13 56 43 3 52 40 5 59 59 S3 20 15 6 22 19 27 6 51 2 27 3 5f> 41 648 23 20 19 19 22 23 16 10 9 S 4 12 4 44 6 8 18 24 20 23 31 22 27 4 14 7 2 7 57 4 4 43 C 52 27 25 20 7 42 22 30 52 17 45 2 11 43 4 8 45 6 16 36 26 20 31 52 22 3* 88 SI 23 2 15 i9 4 12 48 6 20 45 27 20 36 1 22 33 25 25 1 2 19 15 4 16 51 6 24 54 28 ?0 40 10 22 42 10 28 39 2 1<3 2 4 20 54 6 9 3 29 20 44 18 22 45 55 32 17 2 26 50 4 U 53 6 33 11 SO 20 48 25 35 55 2 30 33 4 29 i? 6 S7 31 52 31 3933 4 S3 7 - SUN Days. Jttfe August, September. October. November. December. 1 h in s 6 41 S8 h in s 8 46 14 h in s 10 42 14 h m s 12 30 19 h m s 14 26 39 h m s 16 30 36 2 fi 45 36 8 50 6 10 45 52 12 33 57 14 30 35 16 34- 56 3 6 49 44 8 53 5S 10 49 29 12 37 35 14 34 32 16 39 16 4 6 53 51 8 57 50 10 53 6 12 41 13 14 38 30 16 43 37 5 6 57 58 9 1 11 10 56 43 12 44 52 14 42 28 16 47 59 6 7 2 5 9 531 11 20 12 48 31 H 4T 27 16 2 21 7 7611 9 9 21 11 3 56 12 52 1 1 14 50 27 16 56 44 8 7 10 18 9 13 10 11 7 33 12 55 51 14 54 28 17 I 7 9 7 14 23 9 16 59 11 11 9 12 59 31 14 58 30 17 5 31 10 7 18 29 9 20 47 11 14 45 13 3 12 15 2 33 17 9 55 11 7 22 34 9 24 34 11 18 21 13 6 53 15 6 36 17 14 20 12 7 6 33 9 28 21 11 21 56 13 10 35 15 10 4! 17 18 44 13 7 30 4-2 9 32 7 1 1 25 32 13 14 17 15 14 46 17 23 10 14 7 34 46 9 35 53 11 29 8 13 18 15 18 52 17 27 35 15 7 38 49 9 Si) 38 11 32 43 13 21 44 15 22 59 17 32 1 10 7 42 51 9 43 23 11 36 19 13 25 i8 15 27 6 17 36 27 17 7 46 53 9 47 7 1 1 39 54 13 29 12 15 31 15 17 40 53 13 7 50 55 9 50 51 1 1 43 29 13 32 57 15 35 24 17 45 19 19 7 54 55 9 54 34 11 47 5 13 36 43 15 39 34 17 49 45 7 5S 56 9 5S 16 11 50 40 13 40 29 15 43 45 17 51 12 21 8 2 56 10 1 58 11 54 16 13 44 16 15 47 57 17 53 33 22 8 6 55 IK 5 40 11 57 51 13 48 3 15 52 9 18 3 5 23 8 10 53 i' 10 9 21 12 1 27 13 51 52 15 56 22 18 7 31 .54 8 14 51 10 13 2 12 5 3 13 55 41 16 36 18 11 53 55 8 18 49 10 16 42 12 8 29 13 59 30 16 4 51 13 16 25 56 8 22 45 1 10 20 22 12 12 15 14 3 21 16 9 7 18 20 51 S7 8 s?6 42 10 24 2 12 15 51 14 7 12 16 13 ?3 13 25 17 58 8 30 37 10 27 11 12 19 *8 14 11 4 16 17 40 18 29 44 59 8 34 3-2 10 31 20 12 23 4 ! H 14 56 16 21 58 I 18 34 10 30 8 38 26 10 34 58 12 26 42 14 18 50 16 26 17 13 33 35 31 8 42 20 10 38 36 14 22 44 18 43 1 This Table is alaptai ta L?ap Year, particularly the year 1328, and 13 only intended to answer the purposes of information when no great de- gree of accuracy is required, and the Nautical Almanack not at hand. la order to ad-ipt it to common years, one-fourth of the difference be- tween the given and preceding days is to be subtracted from the right ascension in the table for the first after Leap Year, one-half for the se- cond after Leap Year, and three-fourths for the third ; and in the months of January and February, the right ascension is to be taken for the day following that given. This Table may be employed in finding the apparent time by the altl. tads of a star, for finding tho tims of a star's transit when that is requir- ed, for obtaining the latitude by a meridian altitude, c. 880 SUN TABLE II. Sun's Declination for every Day in the Year 1823. January. February. March. April. May. June. South. South. South. North. North. North. 1 o / // S3 4 22 / '/ 17 17 44 / // 7 28 10 / n 438 49 i n 15 9 11 22 5 43 2 22 59 29 17 43 7 5 18 5 1 52 ! 15 27 8 22 13 37 3 22 54 8 16 43 23 6 42 21 5 24 50 ! 15 44 50 22 21 7 4 22 48 20 16 i5 46 i 6 19 18 5 47 43 16 2 17 22 i8 14 5 22 42 5 16 7 53 ' 5 56 9 6 10 29 16 19 27 22 34 57 6 22 S5 5:3 15 49 42 i 5 32 56 6 33 9 16 36 22 22 41 17 7 22 28 14 15 31 15 5 9 38 6 55 43 16 53 22 47 12 8 22 iO :,8 15 12 32 4 46 15 7 18 10 17 9 22 22 bi 44 9 22 12 36 14 53 34 4 22 50 7 40 30 17 25 26 22 57 52 10 22 4 8 14 34 VI 3 59 z\ 8 2 42 17 41 13 23 2 36 11 21 55 14 14 14 53 3 35 48 8 24 46 17 ?6 43 23 6 55 12 21 45 54 13 55 10 3 12 13 8 46 42 18 11 54 23 10 50 13 21 36 9 13 35 14 2 48 '36 9 8 29 18 26 48 23 14 20 14 21 25 59 13 15 5 2 24 57 9 30 6 18 41 22 23 17 26 15 21 15 24 12 54 13 2 1 16 9 51 35 18 55 33 23 20 7 16 21 4 24 12 34 8 1 37 35 10 12 51 19 9 35 23 22 24 17 20 53 12 13 21 1 13 52 10 34 2 19 23 12 23 24 16 18 20 41 13 11 52 22 50 10 10 55 1 19 36 29 23 25 43 19 20 :9 2 11 31 13 t) 26 27 11 15 48 19 4!) 27 23 26 45 SO 20 16 27 11 952 2 45 S 11 36 24 20 2 4 23 27 22 21 20 3 30 10 48 22 20 56N 11 56 49 20 14 20 23 27 35 22 19 50 11 10 26 41 44 36 12 J7 I 20 26 16 23 27 22 23 19 36 29 10 4 52 1 8 14 12 37 2 20 37 51 23 26 45 24 19 22 26 9 42 52 1 31 50 12 56 50 20 49 5 23 25 44 25 19 8 1 9 ift 41 1 55 24 13 16 25 20 59 57 23 24 17 26 18 53 16 8 58 28 2 18 56 13 35 48 21 10 28 23 21 26 5t7 18 S8 10 8 36 5 ! 2 42 24 13 54 56 21 20 36 23 20 10 28 18 22 43 8 13 33 3 5 49 14 13 51 21 SO 23 23 17 SO 29 18 6 57 7 50 55 3 29 10 14 32 32 21 39 47 23 14 25 30 17 50 52 3 5> 27 14 50 59 21 48 49 23 10 56 31 17 34 27 4 15, 40 21 57 28 s u N- Days. July. j August. {September October. ^November ,.,. December, North. North. North. South. South. South. j 23 7 2 17 59 23 8 13 9 3 1633 14 31 39 21 52 8 2 23 2 44 17 44 9 7 51 16 3 39 51 14 50 44 22 1 9 3 22 58 2 17 28 33 7 29 15 437 15 9 35 22 9 44 4 22 52 56 17 12 39 776 4 26 20 1528 11 22 17 53 5 22 47 26 16 56 29 6 4451 4 49 15 46 32 22 25 37 6 22 41 32 16 40 2 fi 22 28 5 12 36 16 437 22 32 54 7 22 35 14 16 23 19 5 5959 5 35 39 16 22 26 22 39 45 8 22 28 33 16 6 21 5 37 25 5 53 37 16 39 59 22 46 9 9 22 21 29 15 49 6 5 14 44 6 21 31 16 57 14 22 52 6 10 22 14 1 15 31 36 4 51 59 6 44. 19 17 14 12 22 57 8 11 22 6 11 15 13 2 4 29 8 772 17 30 52 23 2S8 12 21 57 58 14 55 53 4 6 12 72940 17 47 14 23 7 13 13 21 49 22 14 37 39 3 43 13 7 5"2 1 1 18 3 18 23 11 21 14 21 40 23 14 19 11 3 20 9 8 14 35 18 19 2 23 15 15 21 31 3 14 OSO 2 57 2 8 ?G 52 18 34 27 23 18 12 16 21 21 20 13 41 5 2 23 51 8 59 2 18 49 32 23 20 56 17 21 11 16 13 22 tf 2 10 38 9 x 1 ! 4 19 4 17 23 23 12 13 21 50 13 3 7 1 47 22 9 42 58 19 18 41 23 2459 id 2051 3 12 43 35 1 24 4 10 4 43 19 32 44 23 26 19 20 33 55 12 23 50 1 43 10 26 19 19 46 27 23 27 10 21 20 27 26 12 3 54 37 22 10 47 46 19 59 47 23 27 33 22 20 15 36 1 1 43 45 13 59N 11 9 3 20 1-2 46 S3 27 27 23 20 3 27 11 23 28 9 25 S 11 SO 10 25 22 23 26 53 24 19 50 57 11 2 58 32 50 11 51 7 20 37 35 23 25 51 25 19 38 7 JO 42 18 53 15 12 11 53 20 49 26 23 24 21 6 19 24 8 10 21 23 1 19 39 12 3:2 28 21 053 23 22 22 27 19 11 30 10 28 1 43 4 12 52 51 21 11 57 23 1955 8 18 57 42 9 39 IS 2 628 13 13 2 21 22 36 23 17 29 18 43 36 9 17 59 2 29pl 1333 1 21 32 52 23 13 37 SO 1829 11 8 56 31 2 53 13 13 52 47 21 43 43 23 946 SI 18 14 28 834 54 14 12 20 23 527 This Table, tike the last, is for the year 1828, or Leap Year. The cor* reetion for any other year must be made as before. 8 U NF SUN'S Semitliameter, #c. (Naztt. Aim.) TABLE, Of Sun's Semidiameter, and of the time of his semidiame tcr passing the meridian. Time of Sttn's 'w passing Meridian. ; Semi, diameter. T/we o/ 9w'* | rf/a? passing Meridian. Semi- diameter. Jan. M. 3. ~ M. S. July. i\r. s. M. 8. 1 7 13 19 S5 1. 10,8 1. 10,5 1. 10.1 1. P,5 1. 8,9 16. 17,8 19. 17,7 16. 17,4 16. 169 16. 16,3 1 7 13 J9 S6 1. 8,5 1. 8,3 1. 8,0 1. 7,5 1. 7,0 15. 45,5 15. 45,5 15. 45,8 15. 46,1 15. 46,(> Feb. Aug. \ 7 13 19 25 J. 8,1 1. 7,4 1. 6,7 1. 6,1 1. 5,5 16. 15,3 16. 14,4 16. 13,2 16. 13,0 15. 10,7 I 7 13 19 8& 1. 6,5 " 1. 6,0 1. 5,5 I. 5,0 1. 4,6 15. 47,4 15. 48,3 15. 49,3 15. 50,4 15. 51,6 Mai-. Sept. 1 7 13 19 25 1. 5,2 1. 4,8 1. 4,5 1. 4,3 1. 4k 16. 0,7 J6 8,2 16. 6,6 16. 4,9 16. 3,3 1 7 13 19 5 I. 4/2 1. 3,9 1. 3,8 1. 3,8 1. 3,9 15. 58,1 15. 51,6 15. 56,1 15. 57.7 15. 59J3 April. Oct. 1 7 13 19 25 1. 4,2 1. 4,1 1. 4,6 1. 4 3 9 1. 5,4 16. 1,3 15. 59,7 15. 59,1 15. 56,5 15. 54,9 1 7 13 19 5 1. 4,1 1. 4,4 1. 4,8 1, 5,3 1. 5,9 16. 1,0 16. 2,6 16. 4,3 16. 5,9 16. 7,5 May. Nov. \ 7 13 19 5 1. 5,8 1. 6,3 1. 6,8 1. 7,2 1. 7,7 15. 53,5 15. 52,1 15. 50,9 15. 49,7 15. 48,7 1 7 13 19 S5 1. 6,7 I. 74 1. #1 I. 8,7 1. 9,4 13. 9,3 16. 10,8 if., is?, i 16. 13,3 16. 14,5 **une. Dfc. " 1 ' 7 13 19 25 1. 8,1 1. 8,3 1. 8,5 1. S,6 1. 8,6 *" 15. 47,6 15. 46,9 15. 4,3 15. 45,9 15. 45,6 1 7 13 19 25 "" 1. 10,0 1. 10,5 1. 10,3 1. 10,9 1. 11,0 16; 15,4 16. 16,2 16. 16,9 16. 17,4, 16. 17,7 S U R SUN'S parallax m altitude. Altitude. Parallax. Altitude. Paraliax. 9" COo 4" 10 9 (5 4 to 8 70 3 SO 8 75 2 40 7 80 2 50 6 85 1 55 5 90 SURFACES of Solids. Let# ordinate of any curve, z length ; then Surface fl. 2 v ydz. Ex. 1. Surface of cone = 2 s- 6 X , where b = base, and * = slant side, circumference of base X | slant side. 2. Surface of sphere 4 a- r* = four times the area of one of its great circles. S. Sorface of paraboloid = 6 ' 4. Surface of cycloid = 5 (a diameter of generating circle.) Guldinus' property. Let M D E K (see Fig. Art. Solid} be any plane figure, revolving about an axis xy in its own plane j then the area of the suriace generated by the perimeter of this figure, is equal to the circumference described by the centre of gravity of the perimeter multiplied into the perimeter. Ex. Let D M E K be a circle, then the solid will represent the ring of an anchor, arid if r radius of circle, and a = A O, the surface = 2 * a X2rr = 4- 8 ar. SURVEYING. I. Surveying Land. 1. The area of a triangle =: base X | perppndirular altitude : or -=; th* product of any two sides X natnr.il sine of their included / ; or when three aides A B, AC, B C arc given, tlieir half sum being S are* = J s X (S A B) X (S A C) X (S BC)] 84 SUE 13 2. The area of a trapezium rr base X | sum of the perpendiculars. And the area of a trapezoid j= | sum of the parallel sides X perpendicular distance between them. 3. To find the area of any irregular polygon, divide it into trapeziums, or trapczoids, or triangles, and find their areas separately ; and their sum is the area of the polygon. 4. To find the area of a long irregular figure E q D p bounded on one side by a curve. Divide ED into any number of equal parts, and measure the perpen- diculars, no,pg, rs, tv c. then the area is found nearly by adding to- gether all the perpendiculars, dividing the sum by the number of per- pendiculars increased by unity, and multiplying by the chord of the curve. 5. Tofinrl, by the forego- ing rules, i he, content of theirregular field ABCDE, which will include most of the cases likely to occur in practice. Find the area of the tra- pezium A B D E by Art. 3, the A B D C by Art. 1 ; and the curvilinear areas E q D, -A. B E b A by Art. 4 ; add the three first areas together and subtract the last, for the content of the field. , Land is measured by a chain 22 yards long, and divided into 100 equal parts or links, each link being 7.92 inches : 10 square chains, or 100,000 square links, is one acre, viz. : 625 square links is 1 perch. 25,000 square links or 40 perches, 1 rood. 100,000 square links or 4 roods, 1 acre. The perch (which in statute measure is 16| feet) varies by custom ia different parts of England ; and with it, consequently, varies the acre ia proportion. In Devonshire and part of Somersetshire, 15; in Cornwall, 18 ; in Lan- cashire atid Yorkshire, 21 j and in Cheshire and Staffordshire, 24, feet are accounted a perch. 285 S U R Hence the follow ing Table \\ ill give the number of square feet in a tquaie perch, iu the above-mentioned counties. Statute perch 13,5 X 1(5.5 272,25 square feet. Devonshire perch 15 X 15 225 do. Cornwall perch 18 X 13 = ?24 , do. Lane, and Yorks, perch 21 X 21 4-11 do. Cheshire and Staff, perch 24 X 24 = 576 do. Il'Mesfor reducing Statute Measure to Customary ', and the contra ty. }. To reduce statute measure to customary, multiply the number of perches statute measure, by the square feet in a square perch statute measure ; divide the product by the square feet in a square perch cus- tomary measure, and the quotient will be the answer in square perches ; which reduce to roods and acres, by dividing by 40 and 4. 2. To reduce customary measure to statute, multiply the number of perches, customary measure, by the square feet in a square perch custo- mary measure ; divide the product by the square feet in a square perch statute measure, and the quotient will be ths answer in square perches; which red ace as before. By these rules tables may be calculated to save the trouble of com- puting for particular cases ; thus, TABLE I. To reduce Statute Measure to Customary of 21 feel to a perch. Stat. Acre. Customary. A. B. P. Stat. Rood. Customary. R. P. 1 2 3 2 1S,7 1 37,5 1 3 16,3 1 2 3 4,7 1 9,4 1 34,1 1 5 g '2 1 35,0 3 18,8 3 '^ 3' 6 Stat. Perch Customary, p. 8 9 10 30 40 50 4 i n,4 4 3 30,1 5 H 8,9 fi ?7,7 12 1 15,4 18 2 3,1 24 2 30 3 JL-.: \ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0,6 3,0 6,1 9,2 12,3 15,4 18,5 *M sec SUE TABLE IT. To reduce Customary Measure of 21 feet to a perch, to Statute. Cmt. Acre. Statute. A. R. P. Cunt. Rood Statute. A. R. p. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 1 2 19,17 3 33,-M, 4 3 17,44 6 1 33,61 8 15,81- 9 2 34,83 11 1 14,8 13 3 33,28 14 2 Ij?,48 16 31,68 32 1 23,36 48 2 15, t 04 3 3(5,83 80 3 38,5(5 1 2 3 'Oust. Perch 1 24,70 3 <),58 1 34,39 Statute. R. P. 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 1,019 8,099 16,193 24/>97 3i,396 1 0,495 1 8,591 1 16,693 Er. 1. In 3fiA. lR. 10p. statute how many acres, &c. customary measure of 21 feet to a per eh? Reduce to perches, which will be found 5810, .'. 5310 X 272,25 = 18ol772,50; this divided by 441 gives 3535,7 perches ; divide by 40 and 4 and the result is 22A.-1R. 26,7p. The same answer may be had from Table I. E.r, 2. Reduce 22A. IR. 27p. customary, to statute measure. Here the number of perches is 3537, which, multiplied by 141, and di- vided by 272.25, gives 3(>A. IR. 10p. The same result may be obtained from Table II. II. Surveying TrigonometricaUy. 1. These large surveys have been undertaken principally for the ac. complishment of one or other of tbese three objects, viz. (1) For finding- the difference of longitude between two moderately distant and noted meridians, as the meridians of the observatories at Greenwich and Paris. (2) For the exact determination of the principal place: in a country, with a view to give greater accuracy to maps. (3) For the measurement of a degree in various situations, in order to determine from thence the figure and magnitude of the earth. These important objects can only be attained, by the greatest possible degree of accuracy in the instruments employed, the operations perform- ed, and the compatfttionjs required. 287 Q4 S U R The following must only be considered a mere outline of the method pursued in surveying a country : the niceties necessary to be attended to, in crder to render such survey available for scientific purposes, can- not be here described, 2. To carry on a measurement by a 5erii?s of triangles. I^eta base line ABbe measured,* and having fixed upon two objects C and D, observe the /'s B A C, B A D, ABC, A B D ; then in the A A B C, the 's B A C, ABC, being known, their supplement A C B is known, .'. A C and C B may be found by Case 1. Plane Trigonometry. The relative A B bearings and distances therefore of A, B, C arc thus deterirmied. Again in the A A B D, the ^'s D A B, D B A being known, A D B is known, and /. D B may be found. Lastly, in the A D B C, the sides B C, B D and the included ^ C B D are known, .'. the remaining /'s B C D, B D C may be found, and consequently also the side CD (see Case 2. Plane Trigonometry). The bearings .'.and distances of B, C, D are also known. In the same way, by considering either A C, C D or D B as a new base, and fixing upon two other points ; the measurement may be continued at pleasure. In conducting geodetical operations, the following rules by Hutton should be observed, to diminish the probability of error. (1) When one side only of a triangle is to be determined, the measured base should be nearly equal to the required side. (2) W T hen two sides of a triangle are to be determined, the triangle should, if possible, be equilateral. (3) When the base cannot be equal to one or both the required sides, it should be as long as possible, and the two angles attbe base equal, and not less than 20 or 30 degrees. In the late survey of England the base first measured was upon Houn- slow Heath. By continuing the measurement to Salisbury Plains, the * To reduce a base on an plevatpd level to that at the surface of the sea, let r =. rad. of earth at the surface of the sea, r -f k the rad. referred to the level of the base measured, the altitude h being determined by the barometer, B the length of the measured base at the altitude h, then the correction is nearly, \vbu-h must bp subtracted from the mea- *urpd base, to give the true bafe at tho level of the eea. i?88 S U R distance of two objects was there found by calculation to be 6574,4 feet, find, by actual admeasurement, the distance was found to be 30574,3 feet, differing very little more than an inch from the computed distance. We shall close this necessarily imperfect article with the methods of finding the difference of longitudes and difference of latitudes of places upon the earth's surface, as practiced in the late government survey of this country. Difference of Longitude. Let P be the pole, L G the circle described by the G pole star, A and B the two places. Take by the in- strument the /_ GAB / contained by B and the pole star when at its greatest azimuth ; then knowing P A, P G, we may find PAG the greatest azimuth, which added to GAB gives P A B ; hence in the spherical A P A B, we have PA, P B and / P A B to find /_ A P B the difference of longitude. Hence if A be Greenwich, the longitude of B is known. N.B. For four minutes either before or after the pole star's greatest elongation, it moves only about a second in azimuth; h.nce a good pocket watch gives the time of greatest a/iniuth with sufficient accuracy Difference of Latitude. In finding the difference of longitude above, the latitude was i known j this was found by geometrical admeasurement thus, Let A, B, and C be three places, A F the meridian of A. Find the / B A D zz supple- ment of / P A B in the former figure (and which may be found, if A 'a latitude ia known, as was shewn ia the last Article) ; and find by observation A B. B C, and / A B C; then ia the A A B D we can find A D in feet, and ' (knowing the dimensions of the earth) in second,, which gives the dif- ference of latitudes of A and * Again,!, the A C B E, w! hT.e C B Q the supplement of ABC and GBE (.BAD) and .'. CBE; hence BE may be found, and /. A F, = difference of latitude of A and C s , h r r!^ ! h r u any ** * ** A be G^: tan^alpt^^ ff The tetitude. thus determined are more accurate than thoso dtfuoe* S Y N' from astronomical observation ; since the best instruments could not have given the zenith distances nearer than about one second, answer- ing in these parts to lul feet on the, surface of the earth. TABLE Qftho fli-f.n-jit I -> norths of a degree, as measured in various parts of the earth, (,\ fane of its measurement, the latitude of Us middle point, fyc. (Bar Date. Latitude. Extent in En?, miles and dec. Measurers. Countries. 1523 1620 49" iOi' N. 52 4~ X. 68-7(tt Go- 91 M. Fernel France. Holland. 1635' 53 15 A*. 09545 England. 1641 75-06(J Rici-ioli Italy. 1669 7 C63945 Pioard 7 1713 j 1535 1740 6f> 20 N. 49 22 N. 45 00 N 169-119 69-403 69-121 7 69-092 \ Cassini j Maupertuis, &c. Cassini and La Caille France. Lapland. France. 1744 1752 33 18} S. r 68 -751 363-732 668713 69-076 Juan and Ulloa T Bouguer > Condamine J La Caille Peru. C. of GoodHope 1755 1764 43 N. 41 44 N. 68-998 69 -061 Boscovich 7 Italy. 1766 1768 1802 1803 47 40 N. 39 12 N. 51 2954-iN. 66 204 N. 12 32 N. 69-142 68 893 69.146 69-292 as -743 Leisganig Mason & Dixon Lt.-Col. Mudge S\vanberg, &c. .. Lambton Germany. America. England. Lapland. Misore. 1803 44 5?f N. 68-769 Biot, Arago, &c. France. SYNODIC A L revolution of the planets. 1. If two planets revolve in circular orbits, to find the time from con- junction to conjunction. Let P = periodic time of the earth, p that of the planet, suppose an inferior, t tlie time required j then - V-p For a superior planef, t = - 290 T A N This will also give the time between two oppositions, or between any two similar situations. = -It Cor. Since = -, p = Therefore, from the earth's period (P) known, and the synodic (*) ob- served, we can determine the periodic time (/>) of the planet. For the synodical periods of the planets see Planets elements of. 2. To find the same for three bodies. Let T = time between the conjunctions of the 1st and 2d found as above j t = do. between the 2d and 3d. Then \fm = least common multiple of T and t, m time between two .conjunctions of the three bodies. TANGENTS, method of drawing. 1. Method of drawing a tangent to any curve, whose equation is gir Let x and y abscissa and ordinate ; then Sub tangent . Ex. 1. In parabola, subtangent 2 or. y a x .r a - 2 a .v -f A- 3. In hyperbola, subtaji. . 2. To find the equations to the tangent and normal. Lett/' a x' -f- & be the equation to the tung-cnt; then a -/T, also since the curve and line have a point in common, // a ,r -\- I, and y' " y = -,-' (?' *') whifh is the requherl o<|uatiwu. Again let y" and x" be the coordinates to the normal, tiicu since it passes through a point whose coordinates are ..r and //, and is perpoudL- T A Y cular to a line whose equation is y f y -? *- (x f x), the equation to the normal will be y" y = -- -, (JF" JT). fS / ^ u \ / fh u \ 1T2 + U^a) u7i + &c * whcre (w) ' ("ST> C^)' &c - denot9 the values of u, -^-^, ^-jg &c. when .r = 0. This theorem is only a particular case of Taylor's, for take jc = ia Taylor's series, and we have which is the same as the theorem above, if for h we write jr. T A Y Ex. 1. To expand (.r 4. h) m . Let u = a? m and u' = (x 4- h] . By differentiation we have -3 m-i rf w v m- 2 efe M , w-* w .1- j *-- = TO.. (?-!)* ; -T- w . (OT - 1) . (m - 2 x &e. ' d j-* ^'3 Hence, by Taylor's theorem, v,' a- + mir ^4- w ~^~~ * v " ^ z + &c. i\r. 2. To expand ( ^- *}"* by Ma^-laurin's theorem. Let u - ( + *) W ; .'. -^ = m. (a + jf^ 1 ; ^ ^ m. (m - l.J (a 4- .r) w - 2 c. &c. Now let * = 0; then (a) = a m ^ ( ^i) = m a m " 1 j ( ^) =c w, (m - 1.) a m ' 9 &c. ft = (a + z) m - a + W " ! * + ~ ! m " 2 4- &e. jr. 3. To expand a' in a series. Let u = a T , then - = ft M (ft ' 0, then u 1 ; .*., by Madaurin's theorem, Let u = a T , then - = ft M (ft = h. 1. a), j-~ ft* w, &c, Now let Ex. 4. To expand log. (x + ft). Lot u I x, and W = / (* + A) ; .*. du _ m dzu _ w <^3 M _ 2w _ ~dx = d^2 P'JI^"" 1^~ .*. by Taylor's theorem, x 7i A2 , ^3 A* '= w + in ( 7 - ^ + ^ - 4^7 + A Cor. If x = 1 , we have 7?or. 5. Expand sin. x in a series. I>et w = sin. .T. Take the successive differentials of sin. r, and find 293 R2 TEL their value tvherx * ~ 0, and we shall have by Maclaurin'a theorem In like manner, TELESCOPE, theory of.(Coddington t Wood.) 1. Astronomical Telescope. Let F, F' represent the focal lengths of the object and eyo glass j then F the magnifying power is ,. Cor. The linear magnitude of the greatest visible area is measured by the /, which the diameter of the eye glass subtends at the centre of the object glass, increased by the difference between the /'s which the dia- meter of the object glass subtends at the image, and at the eye glass. 2. Galileo's telescope. The magnifying power as before .= . Cor. The linear magnitude of the field of view, when the eye is placed close to the concave lens, is measured by the angle which the diameter of the pupil subtends at the centre of the eye glass, increased by the dif- ference between the /'s which the diameter of the object glass subtends at the pupil, and at the image. 3. HersclteVs and Newton's telescope. L3t/and F' be the focal lengths of the speculum and eye glass ; then the magnifying power = ^ Cor. The field of view is nearly equal to the apparent magnitude of the eye glass seen from the speculum. 4. The Gregorian and Catsfgr&in't telescope. Let/,/', F, be the focal lengths of the great and small mirror, and the lens respectively, I the distance of the mirrors; then the magnifying power of the Gregorian is nearly (*-/') fV ' and of Cassegrain's la 294 TEL 5. In refracting telescopes, if A be the linear aperture of the object glass, the density of rays in the picture upon the retina varies as A2 F'g pa And in the Newtonian telescope, as A 2 F'a ~7*~" 6. To place a telescope in the meridian by tlie pole star.-( Wollaston. ) Calculate the time of the meridian passage of the star correctly, and apply that to your chronometer. Then having the str.r in 1 ho field of your telescope (the instrument being first truly adjusted, and the adjust- ing screw for azimuth between your finger and thumb) and keeping it bisected, or covered by your meridian wire till the exact instant calcu- lated, clamp the instrument there in azimuth, and you will find it very neaily in the meridian indeed. Having thus placed the telescope very nearly in the meridian ; we may adjust it accurately so, by either of the following formulae : Formula for correcting the error of a Meridian Telescope by the observa- tion of any circuinpolar star above and beloiv the po!c. If the western interval be greater than the eastern one, Ihe telescoro points to the east of that end of the true meridian which lies under the the elevated pole (be that N. or S.) and v. v. The angle of this deviation may be investigated thus : To the log-, of half the difference between the intervals in seconds (or the difference between either interval and lh. sid. time.) Add the log. tangent of the star's PD. And the log. secant of the lat. of the station. The sum (abating from the Index) will give the log. of a number of seconds of sid. time; which converted into degrees, c. will express tho angular deviation of tho instrument from the true meridian, to be ap- plied as above. This method depends not at alt upon knowing truly the R A of tho star; nor its PD with any very great accuracy: the ZD or alt. read oS' with the instrument, as it passes the meridian, will give the latter with fully sufficient precision. Formula, from which the above rule is deduced. (Maddy.) Deviation. - l^JT-^^ 1 ? > where t and t' are the two intervals, cos.J. tan. $ the star's declination, and I the latitude of the place. 295 \ T E L Formula for the correction of a Meridian Telescope by Hie observation of two stars differing considerably in polar distance. If the southern of two stars passes a meridian telescope too soon for the calculated difference of apparent R A between them (whether its passage be before or after the northern one, is immaterial) the telescope when. turned down towards the south horizon will point to the east of the true meridian, and v. v. This holds universally, whether the latitude of the station be N. or S. The angle of this deviation from the meridian may be found thus: The quantity of sidereal time, by which the observed difference of R A varies from the calculated difference between the stars, being- reduced to seconds of time ; To the log. of that number of seconds ; add the log. cosines of the declination of each star ; the log. cosecant of the difference between them in declination ; and the log. secant of the lat. of the station : The sum (abating 40 from the Index) will give the log. of a number of seconds of sidereal time ; which reduced to degrees, &c. will express the angle made by the instrument and the true meridian. Formula from which the above rule is deduced. (Maddy.) Let T T' be the difference of right ascensions of the two stars from the Tables. t t' the difference of right ascension as observed by the tele- scope, 5 and & the declinations, I the latitude, then Deviation = $T - T' -(-*<)?. 3 -- cos. Asm. ($3 7. To find the field of view of a telescope. Direct the telescope to a star in the equator, or very near it, which will answer quite well enough for all usual purposes, and observe the number of seconds occupied in its passage across the field of view, and multiply this number by 4, to obtain in degrees a measure of the field. It would evidently be inconsistent with the limits of this small work to enter into any explanation of the nature, use, and adjustment, of mathematical instruments j nevertheless as a telescope is in the hands of almost every one at all conversant in scientific pursuits, the follow- ing practical observations on this instrument, selected from the works of eminent practical astronomers, may not be unacceptable to the inex. perienced observer. 296 TEL Proper size of telescopes. The smallest achromatic that can be used with success for astronomi- cal purposes is the 3J feet, aperture 2% inches. (Kitchiner.) Magnifying powers of telescopes. For day purposes, a power of CO or 100 is the maximum that can bo generally used in this country, except on very fine days, and on objects uncommonly well lighted up. In telescopes of different apertures, the maximum power for day purposes is had by multiplying 1 the diameter of the object speculum or glass in inches by 30. For astronomical pur- poses thb rotatory motion of the earth prevents the application of a much higher power than 300 being used with any advantage : when a higher power than 300 is used, it requires uncommon dexterity both to find the object and manage the instrument. The following powers are proper for a fine achromatic. (1) A comet eye piece, made with t\vo piano con- vexes not magnifying more than 12 or 15 times, which is also a delight- ful eye piece for viewing nebula? and the milky way. (2) For a series of powers for planetary observations, multiply the diameter of the object glass in inches by SO, 30, 40, 50 and CO ; this last is the maximum that can be used for the planets, and requires a very perfect telescope, and every circumstance to be favourable, to admit of its application with good ef- fect. (3) A positive eye piece magnifying SOO times for close double stars; yet unless the telescope be an uncommonly fine one, a higher power than 200 only renders the object less distinct. (1) A circle of six- single double convex lenses magnifying 50, 100, 150, 00, 300, "and 4^0 times, but when the highest power is used, the distinct field of view ia reduced to a very small diameter. (Kitchiner.) Eye glasses for telescopes. In very delicate observations Herschel observes, no double eye glass should be used, as that occasions a too great waste of light. With the double eyeglass he could not see the belts of Saturn, which he very plain- ly saw with the single one. Of single glasses he decidedly prefers con- cave to convex glasses, as they give a much more distinct ircnge. Their very small field of view is a considerable imperfection, but in objects sucli as double stars, or the satellites of Saturn, and the Georgian, this inconvenience is not so material. (Phil. Trans.) Best criterion of a good telescope. The most difficult object to define in the day time, and the best test of the distinctness and correctness of our instruments, is the dial plate of a watch, when the sun shines upon it, placed about 100 feet from the glass. la the night time a fixed star of the first magnitude is the best test, aa 801 TEL the least defect in the figure or adjustment of the object g'lass is imme- diately seen by the star not appearing round, but surrounded by false lights and luminous accompaniments. For a test of the perfection of a telescope as to its light and distinctness, the pole star is as proper as any, as the small accompanying star is not visible except in a very perfect instrument. The examination of a bright object on a dark ground, as a card by daylight or Jupiter by night, with high magnifying powers, af- fords the severest test of the perfect achromaticity of a telescope, by the production of green and purple borders about their edges in the con- trary case. ( Kitchiner. Mem. Astr. Soc.J On the evenings and situations favourable or otherwise to astronomical observations. The rule upon which almost all the rest are founded is that an uniform temperature is necessary for the proper performance of a telescope. Upon this principle the following facts, the results of long experience, may be satisfactorily explained. (1) A frost after mild weather, and a thaw after frost, will derange the telescope, till either the frost or mild weather are sufficiently settled. (2) No telescope just brought out of a warm room can act properly. (3) No delicate observation with high powers can be made when looking through a door, window, or slit, in the roof of on observatory ; even a confined place in the open air is detrimental. (4) Windy weather is un- favourable. (5) Stars seen over the roof of a house, when very near, are not distinct, being disturbed probably by warm exhalations from the roof. (6) Dry air is unfavourable; but those evenings wherein the air is saturated with moisture, so as to drop down the tube of the telescope, are particularly favourable to distinct vision. Upon the whole Dr Herschel observes that to use the highest magni- fying powers to the greatest advantage, the air must be very clear, the moon absent, no tAvilight, no haziness, no violent wind, no sudden change of temperature ; under all these circumstances a year that will afford 100 hours must be called a very productive one. (Herschel t Phil. Trans.) Rules necessary to be observed for examining delicate objects with suc- cess. (1) If the telescope has been kept in a warm room, the cap of the ob- ject end should be taken off, the eye piece taken out, and the air suffer- ed to pass through the tube for ten minutes, that it may acquire the tem- perature of the open air. (Kitchiner.) (2) The observer should in like manner be exposed in the open air for 15 oi % 20 minutes, and the eye carefully kept from all stvnulatin^ aud TEL bright objects, so that the pupil may be in its most expanded state ; it requii'ing at least 20 minutes before the eye can admit a view of very de- licate objects (such as faint nebulae) ; and the observation of a star, though only of the 2d or 3d magnitude, disorders the eye again, so as to require nearly the same time for the re-establishment of its tranquillity. (Herschel, Phil. Tran.) (3) We should never use a greater magnifying power than we abso- lutely want ; the lower the power, the more beautiful and brilliant the object appears. In objects however that require great nicety to discern, such as the spheroidical shape of the planets, &c. it is proper in the first instance to use a considerable power, till the eye is accustomed to the phenomenon, after which the power may be gradually lowered. (Hers- chely Phil. Trans.) (I) It may be proper to observe, in order to prevent disappointment, that in the prints usually given of Jupiter, Saturn, &c., the outlines and all the other features of the engraving are far more distinct than we can ever see them in the telescope in one view , it being the very inten- tion of a copper-plate to collect together in one view all that has been successfully discovered by repeated and occasional perfect glimpses, and to represent it united to our conceptions. And this is the case with all drawings in books of Astronomy. (Hersch. Phil. Trans.} (5) In attempting to determine the apparent shape or magnitude of any planetary body or satellite, it is useful to compare it with some other known object of a similar kind. Thus to form an idea of the pe Culiar shape of Saturn, compare it with Jupiter several times in succes- sion. To form some notion of the apparent magnitudes of Juno, Pallas, Ceres, and Vesta, compare them with each other, or with Jupiter's sa- tellites. (Hersch. Phil. Trans.) (6) When we wish to discover very delicate and minute objects, which, with the finest instruments, are only to be seen under the most favour- able circumstances, it is indispensable that we should be in a position of the greatest ease ; no cramped or painful posture must distort the body or irritate the mind, the whole powers of which must be concentrated in the eye. (Kitchiner.) (7) In adjusting the telescope to close double stars, Dr. Herschel ad- vises the observer previously to adjust the focus of his glass with the utmost delicacy on a star known to be single, of as nearly as possible the same altitude, magnitude, and colour, as the star which is to be ex- amined, carefully observing whether it be round and well defined, or surrounded by little Hitting appendages, as is the case when the object glass is not quite perfect. (Phil Trans.) 299 TEL expected that we see em a er graes sance. ave nown take up two or three months before the eye was sufficiently acquainted with the object to judge with the requisita precision. ( Hersch. Phil. Trans.) (9) It is a singular fact, that a double star, where one of them is of Iho last degree of faintness, may be best seen by directing the eye to another part of th-j field. In this way a faint star ia the neighbourhood of a large one will offr'n become very conspicuous, though it will totally dis- .appear, as if suddenly blotted out, when the eye is turned full upon it. The small companion of 23 (h] Urss Maj., is a remarkable instance of this; also P Aurigse. 11 Monocerotis. & Geminorum. x. Bootis. k Cygni. /$ Scorpii. t Persei. Polaris. Lyra. y Herciilis. 301 R3 THE c 40 SerpentU. 44 Bootis. 3/ Leonis. S Serpentis. Librae Prae. t Eootis. 70 Opliiuchi. 05 Herculis. Herculis. ft Serpentis. Corona?. /* Herculis. | Bootis. 2> Herculis. Performance of different telescopes. Dr Kitchiner has seen the small star accompanying Polaris Avith a feet achromatic, aperture If inches; and the small star accompanying- Rigel; but the telescope was exquisitely perfect. t Bootis, Herculis, y Andromeda, Cygni, Aquarii, Pole Star, Castor, Rigd, maybe seen with a fine 44 inch achromatic, ofvf aper- ture ; but not one instrument in a hundred will shew them without a falsa light round the larger star. With an exquisite achromatic of 46 inches focus and a treble object glass of SB inches aperture, Dr Kite-Inner has seen the Pole star with the fallowing powers, 40, 80, 150, 250, S50, 4s 0, TOO, and even with 1 1>3 times the small star was still visible. This shews only how far magnifying power could be carried with this instrument, as it was with evident de- triment to vision when higher than 80. With a most perfect achromatic of 44 inches focus, aperture f indies made by Dolload, Mr Walker made the following observations. With a negative power of ISO, he-saw t Bootis double j t Bootis ; ?j Coronse Bo- realis. Three satellites of Saturn ; the shadow of his ring on the planet ; and a beltj d Serpentis j Herculis; the Pole star; / Bootis, and/i Dra- conis ; powers 453 single eye glass, and ISO, and 133 negative powers, Rigd with 133, and the star in Monoceros' right foot treble with powers 0,180, and 4*3. Tfce ordinary powers used by Messrs South and Herschel, (tee Phil. Trans.) in forming their catalogue of double stars, was 179; though oc- casionally a lower power of 105, and a higher one of 273 were also used. TEMPERATURE of Atmosphere. See Atmosphere. THERMOMETER. Freezing point. Soiling point. Fahrenheit's Thermometer 32 212 Reaumur's do. 80 Ccntrigrsde do ..,. . 100 503 T I D To convert the degrees of Reaumur into those of Fahrenheit, and the ontrary. r = * + 320-and R t= (Zl^OJl* To convert the centrigrade to Fahrenheit and the contrary. F = ^V 32 o _ and C ^ (F-^?X5 convert the Centrigrado to Reaumur and the contrarj'-. K = S->L* .ndc=*. 5 4 To THERMOMETRICAL barometer. See Heat. TIDE3. ( Fhice and Racism from Bernouilli.) 1. If a fluid sphere at rest be attracted by a distant body S also at rest, it will put on the form of a spheroid ; and if P and Q represent respec- tively the attraction of the spheroid at the extremities of the minor and major axes,z be the addititious force of S upon P, and n that upon the point E Major axis : Minor I : P 4. m : F, 2 n. Cor. If the sphere were the earth, and S the sun or moon ; then, upon the above supposition, the difference of the diameters or height of the tide, as caused by the sun, would = 2,033 feet ; and the height, as caused by the moon, r= 5,412 feet; .'. in syzygy the height would be 7,445 feet. 2. Tha altitude of the high tidj above the level of the water, if thero had been no tidi?, is double of the. depression of the low tida below. 3. Find (1) The elevation of the water at any point above the natural level of the undisturbed ocean. (>) The depression below the natural level at any point. (3) The falling 1 of the water from the highest point, and (4) The rising of the water from the lowest point. Put angular distance of the point from the place of high water, or the hour / from the time of high tide ; m perpendicular height of high, above low water ; then the equations will stand thus : (1) Elevation = 2!^1=J x . o (>) Depression = ^^ -^- X m. J (3) Fall ......... m X sin. 3 0. (I) Rise ......... = m X cos.s 0. 203 T I D Cor. To find the distance of high tide from the point where the water is at the same height at which it would have been if there had been no tide, put 3 cos.2 8 1 = ; .*. cos. 6 = = cos. 54. 44'. V3 4. To find the elevation and depression as before, produced by the joint action of the sun and moon. Let m perpendicular height of high above low water, as caused by the sun, n ditto arising from the moon, 6 = hour angle from the time of high tide for the sun, 6' = ditto for the moon; then the elevation above' the natural level is 3 cos.2 _ 1 3 CCS. 2 & 1 3 X H X n ; . 3 sin.2 2 3 shi.2 p 2 ,_ aud depression is X m -] X . Cor. 1. If the sun and moon be in syzygy, 9 = 6' ; .*. elevation = (m -f ?/) cos.* 8 ~T H ; ' O and depression =: (m -f- n) sin.2 6 % (m + w). Hence at high water, elevation = % (jn -;- w), and at low water, de- pression = y 3 (m 4- n}. Cor. 2. If the moon is in quadrature, elevation at S = % m % , and depression at M y s m % n ; also the elevation at S above the inscribed sphere m n, and the elevation at M above the same n m. Hence since n is greater than m in the ratio (according to Ber- nouilli) of 2^ : 1, it is plain that when the moon is in quadrature, it is high water under the moon, and low water under the sun. Cor. 3. Supposing the sun and moon to he in any other position, and it were required to find an intermediate point between them where there is high tide ; in this case we must take the expression *"" X m 3 cos 2 6' 1 H -,- X n, arid make the differential = 0, and we shall get m : n :: sin. 2 8 : &in. 2 0'. Hence we have only to divide an arc 2 (0 + &) into two part?, so that the ratio of the sines may be given; and the half of each part will give 6 and 6', and thus we get the point where the tide is highest. Cor. 4. By computing by the last Cor. the ^'s 9 and 0' for every day /rom the new or full moon, we might get the time of the high tide when 301 T I B rompared with the passage of the sun and moon over the meridian ; and thus from these we might construct a table, shewing the theoretical times of high tide during the month. Hitherto \ve hare supposed the luminary to be in the equator : we come in the next place to consider the effect arising from the declination of the moon. 5. Let D moon's declination, L = latitude of the place, 8 = hour / from high water j then the height of tha water from the lowest point is (cos. D X cos. L X cos. -f sin. D X sin. L)s X m. Hence we may consider the following cases : I. To find the interval from high to low tide, put cos. D X cos. L X sin D X sin. L cos. 4. sin. D X sin. L ; .'. cos. 6 = i=i - x ^-. cos. D X cos. L II. When the latitude of the place comp. of moon's declination, cos. 1 ; .*. 180, i.e. the interval between high and low tide -=i 12 hours, i.e there is only one high and one low tide in 24 hours. III. When the distance of the place from the pole is less than the moon's declination, the expression in Art. 5 never can become with- in the limits of cos. I); .*. there is only om; high jind one low tide in 24 lunar hours. And if \ve make cos. & I , and cos. = 1 , we have the difference of the altitudes of the two tides 4 cos. D X cos. L X sin. D X sin. L X m. IV. When D = L, make cos. 6=1, r.nd we have the greatest altitude =. m ; also cos. - : = interval from high to low water. V. When the moon is in the equator, the altitude of the tide = cos.* LX m. VI. The height of the tide, when the moon passes the meridian, = (cos. D X cos. L 4- sin. D X sin. L) 2 X m ; and when the moon is at the opposite meridian, the height is ( cos. D X cos. L 4. sin. D X sin. L) X m. Hence when the moon is in the equator, sin. D o, and the height of both tides is equal. To a place on the north of the equator, when the moon has south declination, sin. D becomes negative, and the latter tides are the greatest ; but when the moon has north declination, sin. D is positive, and the former is the greatest. Hence, to us in this case, the high tide is greater when the moon is above the horizon than. when below. The difference of the two tides is always what is given in Case III. 305 R i T I D VII. The height of the two tides, when the moon passes the meridian, being (cos. D X cos. L -}- sin. D X sin. L) 2 X m> and ( cos. D X cos. L -f sin. D X sin. L) 2 X m, the mean height is (cos.* D X cos. 2 L 4. sin. 2 D X sin. 2 L) X m. Hence the same north and south declination of the moon give the same mean altitude. VIII. Under the equator the mean height = cos. 2 D X m. The general phenomena of the tides agree very well with the conclu- sions deduced from the theory of gravity, indeed much more accurately than could have been expected, when we consider that the theory sup- poses the whole surface of the earth to he covered with deep waters j that there is no inertia of the waters ; that the major axis of the sphe- roid is constantly directed to the moon ; and that there is an equilibrium of aH the parts j none of which suppositions are strictly founded in fact. As a sequel to this Article we will subjoin a few of the principal phse. nomena of the tides, as deduced from actual observation. ( Play fair. ) The time from one high water to the next, is, at a mean, 12 k. 2dm. 2k. The instant of low w r ater is not exactly in the middle of this interval ; the tide in general taking 9 or 10 minutes more in ebbing than inflowing. At new and full moon, or at the spring tides, the interval between the consecutive tides is the least, viz. I2h. Win. 28*. At the quadratures, or neap tides, the interval is greatest, viz. \2h. 30?/z. 7*. The gradual subsidence of the waters is such, that the diminution of heights are nearly as the squares of the times from high water. The time of high water in the open sea is from 2 to 3 hours after the moon has been on the meridian, either above or under the horizon ; but on the shores of large continents, and where there are shallows and ob- structions, there are great irregularities in this respect j but for any given place the hour of high water is always nearly at the same distance from that of the moon's passage over the meridian. The highest of the spring tides is not the tide that immediately follows the syzygy, but is in general the third, and in some cases the fourth. At Brest, the spring tides rise to 19,317 feet ; and those of .the neap to 9,151. In the Pacific Ocean, the rise, in the first case, is 5 feet ; in the second, 2 or 2,5. Indeed it may happen, that although the greatest ele- vation produced by the joint action of the sun and moon, in the open sea, does not exceed 8 or 9 feet, the tide in some singular situations may amount considerably higher. For instance, in the harbour of Annapo- lis-Royal, it sometimes rises 120 feet; the water accumulating to this astonishing height in consequence of its being stopped in the Bay of Fundy as in a hook. 306 T 1 D The greater the rise of high water above the level of a fixed point, the greater is the depression of the corresponding low water relatively to the same point. The height of the tide is affected by the vicinity of the moon to the earth, and increases, caeteria paribus, when the parallax and apparent diameter of the moon increase, but in a higher ratio. The rise of the tide is affected by the declination of the luminaries j it is greatest, caeteris paribus, at the equinoxes, and least at the solstices. When the moon is in the northern signs, the tide of the day, in all northern latitudes, is somewhat greater than the tide of the night : and the contrary when the moon is in the southern signs. If the tides he considered relatively to the whole earth, and to the open eea, there is a meridian about SO*' eastward of the moon, where it is always high water; on the west side of this circle, the tide is flow- ing; on the east, it is ebbing ; and on the meridian, at right /'a to the game, it is every where low water. In high latitudes, whether south or north, the rise and fall of the tid ire inconsiderable. It is probable that at the poles there are no tidea. The tides, in narrow seas, and on shores far from the main body of the ocean, are not produced in those seas by the direct action of the lu- minaries, but are waves propagated from the great diurnal undulation, and moving with much less velocity. For instance, the high water transmitted from the tide in the Atlantic, reaches Uahant between three nnd four hours after the moon has parsed the meridian. This wave then divides itself into three; one passing up the British Channel, another ranging along the west side of Ireland and Scotland, and the third en- tering the Irish Channel. The first of these flows thrmigh the channel at about 50 miles as hour, and reaches the Nore about 12 at night The second moves more rapidly, so as to reach the North of Ireland by six, and the Orkneys by nine, and the Naze of Norway by 12 ; and in 12 hours more it reaches the Nore, where it meets the morning tide, that left the mouth of the channel only eight hours before. Thus these two tides travel round Britain in about 18 hours, in which time the primi- tive tide has gone round the whoio circumference of the earth and nearly 45 degree* more. 909 T I D TABLE (Jfthe time of High Water at rite full and change i-f the Moon, at theprin* ripalportt chid phics on the coasts of Great Lfit^in and Ireland. Flare?. Situation. Tiaie PIaces. , Situation. Time II. M. U 15 11 45 2 15 G 10 11 15 12 45 3 80 11 16 11 15 9 30 6 2 15 10 45 2 15 11 15 5 15 6 25 5 30 4 30 11 11 15 Jl 6 530 12 45 4 30 11 15 1 30 1 30 12 6 11 30 1036 11 45 10 6 5 15 4 30 330 11 30 5 Scotland Wales Wales Ireland Scilly Isles Isle of Man England England - Scotland England Shetland Ireland d.-otl-.iud Ireland WaTei England Wales England England England England England Shetland North Sea England England England England England Scotland Wales Orkney St Geo. Cha Scotland Wales Ireland -Wales England England England Ireland England Ireland a. M. 1-2 45 7 3(1 7 30 I; q 4 40 10 30 10 45 >. 45 10 30 11 15 9 *'t] 3 3 45 11 30 3 45 s b 5 30 U 45 11 10 15 2 15 6 2 45 5 55 7 15 10 3 30 6 45 430 6 45 10 7 2 30 9 9 1030 9 7 9 !S 1030 11 30 4 30 4 25 4 r^- CO\VPS T of WMit \berdovy Cromartie . ... Scotluid Ri. Thames England England 'k-otland Ireland England England Ireland North Sea Scotland Ireland Scotland Ireland England Enff. Chan. England England England 'England England England Ri, Thames Ireland Scotland Downs England Ri. Thames England England England Wales England England England Ireland Ri. Thames Ireland Aberistwith Achill Head Agnes (St) Cuckold's Point Dartmouth Deal jAldborongh A hie River Amhyick Point Dee (River) Dingle Bay Dover Pier .....". ;)<}\V!'S ... Arundcl BaHa Dublin u Lights Duiibar Baltimore".. Bam if ... Dundalk Bay ... Dundee Dungarvon Dungenoj-'s Eddystone Exinouth Bar ... Fal mouth i'uutry Bay Barmouth Barnstaple Bar Beach y, on Shore Beach y Offing ... Beaumaris Flamboro' Head Flats (Kentish) Foreland (N) ... Foreland (S) Blyth Bolt Head . . Boston Brassa Sound ... Bree Bank Bridgewater Bridliugton Galloper Gal way Bay Galloway (Mull) Goodwyn Britrhton ...... Bristol Gravesend ...... Gunfleet Burnt Island ... Caernarvon Bar Cairston Harwich Hastings Calf of Man Cantire (Mull) ~ Cardigan Bar .. Carlingford Carmarthen Chatham Chester-Bar Chichester Harb 3lear Cape Cornwall Cape ... Cork Harb. Ent. Helen's (St) Holyhead Bay ... H U H ... H umber R. Ent. Ives (St) Kenmare River Kentish Knock Kinsale T 1 D Places. Situation. Time Places. Situation. Time Land's End Leith Pier England Scotland H. M. 4 30 2 20 Selsea Harbour Shannon R Ent' England Ireland H. M. 11 15 3 45 Lewis Islands . Scotland G Sheerness England ]v> Liverpool England 11 8 Shields England 3 England 2 45 Skerries . Ireland 4 45 1 Lyine Regis ...... England 6 45 Sligo Ireland 6 45 England 10 W Margate Roads Milford Haven England England 11 45 6 Southampton .... Spithead ..... England England 11 45 9 30 Moutrose Mount's Bay Scotland England 1 30 4 55 Sunderland England Wales 3 O 1 6 : Ri. Thames 12 Needles England England 9 45 4 Scotland 2 ()' N T ore Light Ri. Thames 12 30 Tees River ........ England Eng'land 3 30; 3 Orfordness Orkney Isles ^entland Frith England Scotland Scotland England 11 10 30 10 30 4 30 Torbay TralleeBay Waterford Harb. Wexford Harb England Ireland Ireland Ireland 6 10 3 45 5 30 7 30 ^lymouth Sound } oi tliuid Race J ortland Road ... Portsmouth Har England England England England 5 15 9 15 6 15 11 30 Weymouth .....* Whitbv Wicklow Wisbeach England England Ireland England 6 30' 3 15" 9 7 30' lamsgato Rye Harbour ... England England Ireland 11 20 10 36 5 40 Yarmouth Roads Yarmouth Sands Yorkshire Coast England England England Ireland 8 45 10 30 6 5 Seaford England 10 1(1 To find the time of high water on a given day at any place where the time of 7Kgh water at full and change is known. Let the time of the moon's passing the meridian of the given place be found in the Nautical Almanack, and to this time apply the correction, from the following Table, corresponding to her meridian passage and semidiameter, and to the result add the time of high water at full and change at the given place, as given in the preceding Table, and the sum will be the time of high water on the given day. If this sum exceed \2h 24w, or 24 49/, subtract those times from it, and the remainder will b finding the tints of high. v:ater. m | Moon's Seraidiameter. 21*1 Moon's Semidiameter. OD * s 5m Sfijgfi e u , ,, , , i it \ i n C h S g 14 NO 15 30 16 30 S g j^S I 14 30 15 SO 1 16 SO s f h m h m h m h m h m> h ml h m h m' h m; h ra 4 C4-0 5 !2 O: 6 00 55 1 21 12 S8 30 10 _ ft ) 5 \i 30, 6 30 46 51 58 18 SO 1 17 16 15 13 0; 7 32 03103719 1 30 24 _ 25 25 13 SO 7 30 17 16 1419 30 2 0031 SI 3(5 14 o! 8 00 1 4-0 34-0 9 iO 2 30 38 41 46 14 30 : 8 SO 4-0 8 4-0 154-0 2420 30 3 0044 49 55 15 0. 9 04-0 14 4-0 21(4-0 32 21 3 30 50 400 55 58 1 4 15 30 9 30 4- 16 4- 24 + 36 2l 1216 010 04-0154-0234-034 21 30 22 4300 58 616 !6 3010 304-0 12 4. 19 4- 29 22 SO 5 1 18 19 17 11 04-0 7 4-0 144-0 23 23 5 30 59 7 18 17 SO 1 1 30 4- 2 4-0 7|4-0 1ft >330 f (5 56 2 12 IS 12 4 04-0 524 Ex. Required the time of high water at London, Sept. 2, 1823, the time of the moon's transit being 22A. 39w., and her | diameter 16'. 26", by the Naut. Aim. h. m. Moon's transit ~ ~*~~~~~~~~.^* H *~*~~ 2 39 Correction from the above Table ,~~~,~~..,~, 4- 29 High water at full and change by 1st Table ~ Subtract ~~~~~ Time required,* 23 8 2 45 25 53 24 49 TIMBER measuring. The customary rule for the measurement of timber is erroneous ; for, according to the common rule, a tree frequently contains one-fourth more timber than it is estimated at. The following formulae give both the customary and true content. Let L = the length of the tree in feet and decimals, and 6 the mean girth taken in inches ; then - - 4OIHI = cubic feet customary. - = cubic feet tree eontent 310 T I M If G as well as L be in feet, .03 L G 2 cubic feet true content. Sometimes a certain allowance is made in girting- a tree for the thick- ness of the bark, which is generally one inch to every foot in girt, or j of the whole girt ; in that case, L G 2 -r^Tj- = cubic feet customary. L G 2 = cubic feot true content. If the tree tapers regularly from one end to the other, take half ths sum of the girts at the two ends for the mean girt. If the tree do not taper regularly, but is unequal, being thick in some places and small in others, it is usual to take several different dimensions, the sum of which divided by the number of them is accounted the mean girt. But when the tree is very irregular, it is best to divide it into several lengths, and to find the content of each separately. That part of a tree, or of the branches, whose % girt is less than J a foot, is not accounted timber. TIMBER, on the strength and stress of. See Elastic bodies, equilibrium, of. TIME, equation of. See Equation ofTimo. TIME, various tables relating to.( Vince.) TABLE L For ccnverting degrees, minutes, and seconds into sidereal time. Deg. Min. Hou. Min. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Hou. Min. Min. Sec. Sec. Dsc. of Sec. 1 0. 4 30 2. I ,067 8 0. 8 40 2.40 2 ,133 3 0. 12 50 S. 3 ,2 i 0. 16 60 4. 4 ,S ,01066 1" ,000-28 2 ,03333 2 ,00056 3 ,05 3 ,00083 4 ,06666 4 ,00111 5 ,08333 5 ,00139 6 ,t 6 ,00167 7 ,11666 7 ,00194 8 ,13333 8 ,00222 9 ,15 9 ,00-250 10 ,16666 10 ,00277 20 . ,33333 20 ,00556 30 ,5 30 ,00833 40 ,66666 40 ,01111 50 ,83333 50 ,01383 T 1 M TABLE IV. Decimal parts of a Degree. Min. Dec. Min. Dec. Sec. Dec. Sec. Dec. ! ,01667 31 ,51667 1 ,00028 31 ,00861 2 ,03333 32 ,53333 2 ,00056 32 ,00889 3 ,05000 33 ,55000 3 ,00083 33 ,00917 4 ,06667 34 ,56667 4 ,00111 34 ,00944 5 ,08333 35 ,58333 5 ,00138 35 ,00972 6 ,10000 36 ,60000 6 ,00167 36 ,01000 7 ,11667 37 ,61667 7 ,00194 37 ,010*8 8 ,13333 38 ,63333 8 ,00222 38 ,01056 9 ,15000 39 ,65000 9 ,00250 39 ,01083 10 ,16667 40 ,66667 10 ,00278 40 ,01111 11 ,18333 41 ,68333 11 ,00306 41 ,01139 12 ,20000 42 ,70000 12 ,00333 42 ,01167 13 ,21667 43 ,71667 13 ,00361 43 ,01194 14 ,23333 44 ,73333 14 ,00389 44 jOI22f 15 ,25000 45 ,75000 15 ,00417 45 ,01250 16 17 ,26667 ,28333 46 47 ,76667 ,78333 1(5 ,00444 ,00472 46 47 ,01278 ,01306 18 ,30000 48 ,80000 18 ,00500 48 ,01333 W ,31667 49 ,81667 19 ,005*8 4!> ,01861 20 ,33333 50 ,83333 20 ,00556 50 ,01389 21 ,35000 51 ,85000 21 ,00583 51 ,01417 22 ,36667 52 ,86(167 22 ,00611 52 ,01444 23 ,38333 53 ,88333 23 ,00639 53 ,01172 24 ,40000 54 ,90000 24 ,00667 54 ,01500 25 ,41667 55 ,91667 25 ,00694 55 ,01528 26 ,43333 56 ,93333 26 ,00722 56 ,01556 27 ,45000 57 ,95000 27 ,00750 57 ,01583 28 ,46667 58 ,96667 28 ,00778 58 ,01611 29 ,48333 59 ,98333 29 ,00806 59 ,01639 30 ,50000 60 1,00000 30 ,00833 60 ,01667 313 T I M TABLE V. Decimal Numbers for each Day in the Year* D Jan. Feb. jMar.l Apr. May June July Au Sept. jhct. INc ~1 0000 '.0.2C4 0.4-19 0.531 0.016 0.701 0.782 0.867 950 |15 0.039 O.U3 O^OO.CUSS O.S67 0452,0.534 0.019 0.703 0.785 ft870 ( '0.93i 116 0.041 O.lv? O.i03 O.i88, 0.370 0455 0.537 0.6^2 0.706 O/TSS ' .873,0,855 JI7 0.044 0. 1 v9 O.iOC O.i91 0.373 0.458 O..HO 0.6v5 0.709 0.791 876 0.9r,8 !l8 0.046 0. 131 O'i'08 0.^93 0.375 0.400 54j? 0.6>7 0.71 1 0.793 0.878 O.J61 j 19 0.019-0. 134 O.vJ | 2!)6 0.378 0.463 0.545 0.630 0.714 0.7t 6 0.882 0.161 0_052 OJ37 0I4 O.vQtf O.S81 0466 0.548 0.633 0.717 0.799 0.884 OCC6 21 0.056 0. f40 0.2 17 0.302 0.: S3 0.468 0.551 OCK6 7iO 0.802 0.887 O.L(59 ,25? 0.057 142 0.210 0.304 386 471 0.553 0.638 722 0.804 0.890 0.971 : ?3 0.060 0. 145 0.22'2 (U07 0.389 0.473 0.556 0.64 1 0.7*5 0.807 0.8P3 0.974 24 O.Oftt 0. 148 0.225 0.509 0.392 476 0.559 0.644 0-7*8 0.810 8l'5 ' !>77 25 0.066 OJ5 02^7 0_312 ( 0.395 0.479 0.562 0.647 0_73I 0.813 O.WJ8 0.98Q: i(5 O.OflS 153 0.2SO 0.315 0.397 (X482 564 0.649 OTSS 0.815 0.900 0.983 27 071 0.156 0.>33 0.318 0.400 0.485 .67 0.652 0.736 0818 0.903 0.1-85 :8 0.074 0. 159 0.226 0.3-rO 0.403 0.487 0.570 0.655 739 0.821 0.906 88 29 0.077 0.162 0.iS9 0.3-3 0.406 0.4<:0 0.573 657 0.742 0.821 0.909 0.991 .30 0.079 0.241 0.326 M. 408 0.493 575 0.660 0.744 0.826 0.912 0.994 '31 ,0.032, _ 0.244J _ 0.41 ^ _ 10.578 0.663 _ 829, _ 0.997! : v T I M TABLE VI. For reducing Sidereal to Mean Solar Tims. Hou. Mln. Sec. Mia. Sec. ! Sec. Sec. 1 2 3 0. 9, S3 0. 19, 06 0. 29, 49 I 2 3 0,16 0,33 0,49 2 3 0,00 0,01 0,1 4 5 6 0. 39, 32 0. 49, 15 0. 58, 98 4 5 6 0,66 0,82 0,98 4 5 6 "0,01 0,01 0,02 7 8 9 . 8, 81 . 18, 64 . 28, 47 7 8 9 1,15 1,31 1,47 7 8 9 0,02 6,02 0,02 10 11 12 )3~ 14 15 . 38, 30 . 48, 13 1. 57, 96 2. 7, 78 2. 17, 61 2. i7, 44 10 11 12 Is" 14 15 1,64 1,80 1,97 2,13 2,?9 2,46 10 11 12 "13 14 15 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,04 0,04 0,04 16 17 18 2. 37, .27 2. 47, 10 2. 56, 93 16 17 18 2,62 2,78 2,95 16 17 18 0,04 0,05 0,05 19 20 21 3. 0, 76 3. 16, 59 3. 26, 42 19 20 30 3,11 3,28 4,91 19 20 30 0,05 0,05 0,08 22 23 24 3. 36, 5 3. 40, 08 3. 55, 91 40 50 CO 6,55 8,19 9,83 40 50 60 0,11 0,14 0,16 RULE. Subtract the numbers found in the table corresponding to the given sidereal time from that time, and it reduces it to mean solar time. Ex. Reduce 17A. ]Qm. 23*. sidereal time into mean solar tima. Ylh 2m 4 ',10* ?9>ff J - JVWJ . JJJ ^- J - JirJ .-.- JJ . J .. J . JJ - J , JJJ1Jt , JJ . rifJ . 3,11 20* ,~~~ 0,05 3* ^^^^ M. 0,01 Mean solar time . 2 50',27 17A 19 23 17 18 32,78 S15 T I M TABLE VII. For converting Mean Solar into Sidereal Time. Hou. Min. Sec. Min. Sec. Sec. Sec. 2 3 0. 9, 86 0. 19, 71 0, 29, 57 1 2 3 0,16 0,33 0,49 g 3 0,00 0,01 0,01 4 5 6 0. 39, 43 0. 49, 28 0. 59, 14 4 5 6 0,66 0,82 0,99 4 5 6 0,01 0,01 0,02 7 8 9 1. 8, 99 1. 18, 85 1. 28, 71 8 9 1,15 1,31 1,48 7 8 9 0,02 0,02 0,02 10 11 12 1. 38, 56 1. 48, 42 1. 58, 28 10 11 12 1,64 1,82 1,97 10 11 12 0,03 0,03 0,03 13 14 15 2. 8, 13 2. 17, 99 2. 27, 85 13 14 15 2,14 2,30 2,46 13 14 15 0,04 0,04 0,04 16 17 18 2. 37, 70 2. 47, 56 2. 57, 42 16 17 18 2,63 2,79 2,96 16 17 18 0,04, 0,03 0,05- 19 20 21 3. 7, 27 3. 17, 13 3. 26, 98 19 20 30 3,12 3,28 4,93 ~19 20 30 0,05 0,05 0,08 22 23 24 3. 36, 84 3. 46, 70 3. 56, 55 40 50 60 6,57 8,21 9,86 40 50 60 0,11 0,14 0,16 RULE. Add the acceleration or the numbers found in the table cor. responding to the given mean solar time, to that time, and it reduces it to sidereal time. The application of this rule is evident, from the last example. Time, sidereal and mean solar. Given the hour in mean solar time, to find the sidereal time. RULE. To the given mean solar time apply the equation of time at the preceding noon from the Naut. Aim., but with a contrary sign, which gives the time since the sun's centre was on the meridian ; reduce this time so corrected to sidereal time, by adding the acceleration from Tab. VII. ; to which add the sun's R. A. at preceding noon from the Naut. Aim. Or thus at short Sid. time mean solar time 4- equation of time at prec. noon 4. ac- celeration for that hour 4. sun's R. A. at prec. noon. Hence conversely, Mean sol. time sid. time sun'i R. A. at prec. noon accalera- 316 T I M lion for the hour so deduced by Tab. VI. -~ equation of time at prec. noon. This last rule also gives the time of a star's passage over the meridian in mean solar time, the star's R. A. being substituted for sid. time. Ex. Given mean solar time 57*. Wm. 17,4s., Nov. 8, 1827 j to find the corresponding sidereal time, d. m. x. 5 19 17,4 Equation of time -f. 16 6,9 5 35 24,3 55,1 By Tab. VII. 5 36 19,4 5 36 19,4 R. A. Sun. N. Aim. 14 51 25,8 55,09 Sid. Time ~~~~~~.~ 20 27 45,2 When the longitude is different from that of Greenwich, a propor- tional correction must be made for the difference. If the Naut Aim. is not at hand, sidereal time may be found very nearly by the following Table, merely adding the sun's mean R. A. in the table to the time of day where you are. ( Woodhouse.) Sun's mean R. A. Hours. Days.; M. S. Jan. 6 19 1 3 56 21 20 2 7 53 Feb. 5 21 3 11 49 20 22 4 15 46 Mar. 7 23 5 ]9 43 22 6 23 39 Apr. 7 1 ' 7 27 '36- 22 2 8 31 32 May 7 3 9 35 29 22 4 10 39 28 June 7 5 11 !;J -22 22 6 1> 47 18 July 7 7 13 51 15 22 8 14 55 12 Aug. 7 15 59 8 22 10 Sept. 6 11 21 12 Oct. 6 13 21 14 Nov. 6 15 * 21 16 D c. 6 17 21 18 Ex. Given as before j to find the sidereal time. h. m. .r. Nov. 6th 15 2d 7 53 Given time . Sid. time 20 2-7 10,4 Or more accurately by adding the acceleration 55,1 s, as found in the last example, to the given time, we should have sid. time 20. 28. 5,5. 317 T I M From this same Table and the Table of R. A. of the principal star* (tee Start, catalogue of), may also be found the time of a star's transit over the meridian in mean solar time nearly without the aid of the Naut. Aim. ; the rule being-, Star's R. A. sun's mean R. A. acceleration = mean solar time at the time of the star's transit. To find the time of the moon or a planet's pasting the meridian,. (Woodhouse.) Let the increment of sun's R. A. in 24&. be a. ; do. of a planet or the moon be A : let also the difference between the R. A. of the heavenly body and that of the sun at the preceding noon, expressed in sidereal time, be t; then time of a planet's transit = a- A , /a-A y 'TST^tLlJCv Or when the planet is retrograde, time = In the caie of the moon, the time A-a xA 24 i + V, * And in the case of a star, the time == Time error in, corretponding to any small giren error or variation in the declination, latitude, or altitude. ( Woodhouse,) (1) Declination* Let t be the exact time from noon, 3 = change of declination, i = variation in the time, then = & (tan. declination X cot. t tan. lat X cosec. This formula is used in finding the time from equal altitudes of the un, when there is a change of declination, in the interval between the two observations, which there is always, except at the solstice* (2) Given the error in latitude to find the error in time. Let A = error in latitude, i = do. in time, then * .= \ (tan. dec. X cosec. t tan. lat. X cot. t.) Thia formula is useful at sea; for between the observation which de- termines the latitude from the sun's meridian altitude, and the observa- tion of the altitude, the observer, if on board ti ship, may hare changed Us place, UB if rosy have probably changed kit latitude, T R A (3) Given the error in altitude to find the error in time, Lat a, be the error in altitude, then sin. azini. X cos. lat. . Hence for a given error in altitude & is the least when the body is o the prime vertical, the altitude .*. should be taken near the east or west points. ' Time of sun's passing the meridian, or the horizontal or vertical wire of a telescope. ( Vince.) (1) Let d" = diameter of the sun estimated in seconds of a great cir- cle 3 then the time of passing the meridian ia d v ' X sec. declin. 15" , ' The same will do for the moon if d" its diameter. (2). The time of passing an horizontal wire is d" , rad. The same expression must also give the time which the sun takes ia rising. If d" 1980" the horizontal refraction, we have the time that refrac- tion accelerates the rising of the sun jo.,,, y rad.a cos. lat. X i-iu. azim. (3) The time in which the sun would pass the vertical wire of a tele- scope is - X . 2490, 2498, 2733, 2741, and 298k In 1639 a transit happened at the ascend, ing node in November, and the next transits at the same node will be in, 1874, 1882, 2117, 2125, 2360, 2368, 2603, 2611, 2846, and 2851 These tran- sits are found to happen, by continually adding the periods, and finding the years when they may be expected, and then computing, for each time, the shortest geocentric distance of Venus from the sun's centre at the time of conjunction ; and if it be less than the semidiameter of the an, there will be a transit. TRANSIT of a star and planet over the Meridian. Sec Time. TRANSIT instrument, to bring it into the Meridian. See Tdetoop* TRAPEZIUM, area of.See Surveying. TRIANGLE, plant and tpherioal area of.See Surveying and Trifo* nometry. T R I NGMETay. C Woodhouse, Barlow.) I. PLANE TRIGONOMETRY. Solution of the cases of right angled triangles. "Lst a be the base, b the perpendicular, c the hypothenusa, and A, B, C the angles opposite. Given. Sought Solution. Given. Sought. Solution. c, B a a e. cos. B a, c b = ,/.- b A b c. sin. B A ~ ~ B B cos. B .= c a, B b c b a. tan. B c a. sec. B a,b c B tan.B=i b t B a a - b. cot. B c c = 6. cosec. B Solution of the cases of oblique angled triangles. Let a, b t c be the sides of the A ; A, B, C the '* opposite to them. Cote I. Given two sides and an / opposite to oue of them j or two /'a and a side ; to find the rest. Solution. The sides are proportional to the sines of the opposite /'s. Note. When two sides and an / opposite to one of them art given, the case is sometimes ambiguous, viz. when the side adjacent is greater than, the side opposite to the given ^, and that ^ is acute. But in practical cases there will be found some circumstance or other to remove tlie .ambiguity. Case 2. Given two sides a and b, and included ^ C. Solution 1st. Tan. -~ - ^LrA Tan. A ^"--' Hence A + B and A B are known, and consequently A and B. 321 T R I Solution 2d. Let a be greater than b. Find in the tables an /_ 9 such The latter method is the most concise in those cases in which the logs. of a and b are given. Case 3d. Given a, b, c to find A, B, C. Soli Soli ution 1st. Let 8 = t+J-., the,, (.to. )' = ,< X S^L^L ution2d. (Cos. ^y = < X R '^7"' ) . Scions, (Tan.f)' =HX^^.' If the ^ sought be less than SO use 1st method. If __ ____ __ . greater than 90 use 2d method. The third method may be used in all cases, except when the /_ sought is nearly 18O>. When the ^ sought i# very small, and great accuracy is required, a peculiar computation is necessary. T R I II. SPHERICAL TaiaoNOMSTXY. Solution of the six czses of right angled spherical triangfag. Given. Soug. axes where the lg^ terms required are le^s than} COo. If c and b nrr> of ^ same affection .A. If b ;utd A sire of same affection B Cos. B ~ cos. b X sin. A If b be less !)(R ft ''fan. a - sin. b X tan. A If A be less Oflo. c, A A,B |Taii. b - tan. c X cos. A If c and A I>H of I same affectio Sin. a sin. c X sin. A If A be acute P Ci ^iJ^ jlfcand A be of co^s.'c same affection Cos. c cos. X cos. b If tf and b are of Tan. A tan. a same, aff'ection If a be loss than 90". Cos. c cot. A X cot. B If A and B are cos. A .of same affection *' a ~ sin~B" If A be acute ( If the A, instead of being right angled, is a quadrantal A, the suresfc, and perhaps the most expeditious method is to take the supplemental or polar A, and solve it by the above table, taking the supplement? of tha 323 S4 T R I given sides for the /'s of the polar A, and the supplements of the giren /'s for the sides. Solution of the six cases of oblique d spherical A*. Case 1. Given the three sides a, b t c to find A. Section 3d. (Ta, * )' = , X -5^-M^d . Sometimes one of these methods may be more convenient than ano- ther, see corresponding case in Plane Trigonometry. Case 2. Given A, B, C to find a, &c. Solution 1st. Let S' = A "*" "*" C , then So,uon 3^,=, X-T. S' is greater than 90 and less than 270o, .*. cos. S' is positive, and whole quantity is positive. Case 3. Given a, ft and included / C. Required A and B. a b cos. - Solution 1st. Tan. ^--5 = - - Cot. ~ ^ _^_. Cot sm ^ from whence A -f- B and A B, and consequently A and B may be found, as also c. 324 T R 1 Solution 2d. But if c be required alone, then it may be thus determined independently of A and B. T. sin, (a b.} (sec. fl)_ Case 4. Given A, B, and included side c. Required a, b and C, A B cos. - Solution 1st. Tan. ^-~ = T+.~K X tan ' T 2 cos. A "T" " and Tan. *= From whence a 4. 5 and a 6 and .'. a and b may be found, Solution 2d. Or C may be determined independently of a and b thus- Assume (tan. > = "er. sin. e. sin^A^ B , C > , = / 2 2 (cos. (cos. |^) S (sec. Given ar 6 and A opposite to a j to find the rest. To find B, sin. B = -^ A sin - b sin. a To find c, sin. c = sin. a. ^-X.. sin. A Case 6. Given A, B and a opposite to A, Sin, b is. iin. a. -r-fr ; then C and c as in the last case. T R I To find the area of a spherical A. Let A, B, C be the three angles, then Area - A + B + C 180. or, if r = radius of the sphere, area = r X (A-f B 4-C 180). III. TRIGONOMETRICAL FORMULAE. 1. If s sin. and c cos. of an arc A j the arcs, of which t is the sine* are comprehended within the two formulae. 2 n T + A, and (2 n + 1) x ~ A, where x =: ISO. Do., of which s is the sine, are (2 n -f- 1) a- + A, and (2 n + 2) - A. Do., of which c is the cosine, are 2 n tr + A and (2 n -f 2) 3- A. Do., of which c is cosine, are (2 n + 1) jr A and (2 n -f 1) * + A in all which cases n may be 0, 1, 2, 3, &c. 2. Sin. (| + A) ^ sin. (| -A). 3. Cos. A. = sin. ^ |- A ) = sin. f ~ 4. A ) . 4. Sin. A. = cos. _ /I cos. 2 A 2 tan. | A ^ " "~ 2i ' cot. ^ A+ tan.| A cot. A-j- tan. 4 A' T R I -' cos.2 Yz A sin.2 ^ Vl 4 cot A =12 sin. 2 y z A = 2 cos. 8 l / 2 A 1 __ /I 4 cos. 2 A ' : 1 tan.g|A 2 "14- tan.s I A _ cot. I A tan. | A 1 _ _ ^ __ cot. $ A + tan. A ~ 1 4. tan. Alan A" sin. A 1 - rp 0. fan. A = - - - - cos. A cot. A Vl s in.A _ 2 tan. | A " 1 tan 2 1 A' 2 cot. | A cot* A 1 " cot. J A tan | A 1 cos. 2 A XT cot. A 2 cot. 2 A ^ - sin. 2 A sin, g A __ / 1 cos. 2 A ~~ 1~+ cos. 2 A ~ 1 +~cos. 2 A' Formulae relating to two arcs. 1. Sin. (A 4. B) sin. A . cos. B + cos. A . sin. B. 2. Sin. (A B) =. sin. A . cos. B cos. A . sin. B. 3. Cos. (A -f B) = cos. A . cos. B sin. A . sin. B. 4. Cos. (A B) cos. A . cos. B -f sin. A . sin. B. - B '=.r^.A ^B- - S* 111 - ( A + s ) _ tan. A 4. tan. B _ cot. B -f cot. A Sin. (A B) tan. A fcm. B ~ "cot. B cot. A* 327 T R I Cos. (A 4- B ) _ cot. B tan. A ' Cos. (A B) ~ cot. B 4- tau. A ~ Sin. A 4- sin. B _ tan. |_(A 4-B) * ' Sin. A sin. B ~ tan. | ( A B)' Cos. B + cos. A __ cot. $ (A -f- B) ~* * cot. A tan. B cot. A -f tan. B* Cos. B cos. A 11. Sin. A . cos. B 12. Cos. A . sin. B 13. Sin. A . sin. B 14. Cos. A . cos. B 15. Sin. A + sin. B 16. Cos. A 4- cos. B ~* tan. (A B)* - siu. (A + B) + sin. (A ~- B). = | sin. (A + B) sin, (A B). = | cos. (A -* B) *- 1 cos. (A -f B). - % cos. (A + B) + cos. (A * B). 2 sin. & (A -f B) cos. % (A ** B). = 2 cos. J4 (A -f B) cos. J$ (A ~ B). 19. Sin. A sin. B = 2 sin. ^ (A B) . cos. & (A + B). 20. Cos. B cos. A = 2 sin. & (A B) . sin. K (A 4. B) 82. . cos. A. cos.B - = . sin. A . sin. B Sin.t A sin.* 6 7 Cos. 2 B - cos. Aa- J sin " ( A ~ B) ' "^ ( A + B) ' 24. Cos. 8 A sin.a B cos. (A & B) . cos. (A + B). 27. Sin. B = sin. (A + B) . cos. A . sin. A . cos. ( A 4. B). 28. Cos. B = sin. (A 4. B) sin. A 4- cos. A . sin. (A 4- B). Note. To express the formulae to rad. r, multiply each term by that power of r that will make each term of the same dimensions as that term >vhich has the highest dimensions. Expressions for the sines and cosines of multiple area. 1. Cos. (n + 1) A rr 2 cos. n A. cos. A cos/(w 1) A. 2. 2 Cos. mA = (2 cos. A) w ?w (2 cos. A) w " 2 -f- .*" ~ (3 cos. A) _Tll> (sin . A) a + "' ( ""- 3 '-| ( f -"-' (sin. A) 5 &c. (?n, odd.) 5. Sin. m A cos. A frn. sin. A " ^*^~ ^ (si- A)* -f m. (wa 4) (ma 16) . . \ . 2. 3 4. 5 (sm ' A) &c - J ( w even -) fl. Let 2 cos. A x -\ then 2 cos. n A x n + ^ (n any No.) 7. (Cos. A + v'"^l sin. A) m = cos. m A + V"^T sin. m A. and (cos. A V 1 sin. A) m = cos. A V 1 sin. m A. whence we have in another form 8. Cos. m A = (cos. A) m S^fesU ( CO s. A) m " 2 * (sin. A) + g . (sin> 4 and sin. in A m (cos. A) OT " x sin. A -- -(cos. A) m ~ (sin. A)3 &c. 9. Also if e No. whose hyp. log. = 1 we have in terms of the impos- feible quantity V"H1 c nA V^^-.A vCT e nA>J-\ e -n Cos. n A -,&sin. n A 2 94/17 E.rpres* ions for the powers of the sinv and cosine of an arc. \. '/*- 1 (cos. A " co, n A 4. . cos. ( ) A 4-n. / 4) A -f &5. 329 T 2 T R I 1 3 5 7 ... n 1 2 * JVote. If n be sren the last term must alway be ' '-- '-- - 1.2.3... 2 Ext. 2 (cos. A)g = cos. 2 A 4. 1. 2 (cos. A)s cos. 3 A 4- 3 cos. A. 23 (cos. A)4 = cos. 4 A 4- 4 cos. 2 A -J- 3. 24 (cos. A)* = cos. 5 A 4- 5 cos. 3 A 4. 10 cos. A. 25 (cos. A) 6 = cos. 6 A -f 6 cos. 4 A 4. 15 cos. 2 A 4. 10. &c. &c. 2. 2 n ~ l (sin. A) n 4- cos. n A qp cos. ( 2) . A -f n. n ~ l cos. (n 4) A &c. where the upper sign must be used when n is 4, 8, 12, &c. and the lower when n is 2, 6, 10, &c., and in both cases the last term is as before. 3. 2 71 " (sin. A) n = 4. sin. n A ip sin. ( 2) A + n. (n 4) A, &c., where the upper sign must be used when n is 1, 5, 9, &c., and the lower when n is 3, 7, 11, &c. Exa. 2 (sin. A) cos. 2 A + 1. 2g (sin. A) 3 = sin. 3 A 4- 3 sin. A. 2s (sin. A)4 = cos. 4 A 4 cos. 2 A 4. 3. 24 (sin. A)5 - sin. 5 A 5 sin. 3 A 4- 10 sin. A, 25 (sin. A)6 - cos. C A 4. 6 cos. 4 A 15 cos. 2 A 4. 10. Series for the sine and cosine in terms of the arc, 2. Value of the sine in some of the most simple catet. Sin. - 0. Sin - 9 = sin. iso = Sin. 180-1. (V"5 l S;n. 27o - 1 Sin. 300 - 1 . SSO V A R Sin. 36orr Sin. 450^: Sin. 54o= Sin. 60 = Sin. 720 - 1 ^10 -f 2 V~5- Sin. Sio = I Sin. 900 - i. TWILIGHT. See Refraction. U, V. VARIATION and dip of the Magnetic Needle. TABLE I. Shewing the variation of the Needle in various parts of the earth, from Professor Hansteen, of Christiania. Authority. Date. Variation. Latitude. Longitude Place. Luchtemacher Bartholin Lous, sen Lous, jun Do 1649 1672 1730 1765 177U 10 30' E 3 35 W 10 37 15 5 17 5 55 41' 12 35 E Copenhagen. Bu^sre ... 17S4 18 Wleugel 1817 1718 18 5 5 7 W 59 ''O 18 4 E Wilcke .. 1703 11 48 toe no ra. Do 1771 13 4 Do 1786 15 34 Cronstrand .... Holm 1817 1761 15 36 13 50 W 63 26 10 9 2 E Dronthtiro. Berlin 1779 18 Vibe 1786 ' 19 331 V A R Authority. Date. Variation Latitude. Longitude Place. Holm Hansteen Billings Schubert Mayer Krafit 1761 1817 1735 1805 17-26 1774 1805 15 15 W 20 3 1 5W 032E 3 15 W 4 50 11 59 55 52 17 5956 10 42 E 104 11 E SO 19 E Christiania. Irkutsk. Petersburg!!. Do. .. Cook 1812 1779 7 16 6 19 E 53 1 158 48 Kamtschatka Krusenstern ... Kirch 1805 1717 5 20 10 42 W 52 32 13 21 E Berlin Do 1751 14 16 Bernoulli! Schulzft 1770 1785 16 9 18 3 Bode 1805 18 2 V. Swindea ... Bellarmatus ... Pieard 1797 1804 1541 1666 19 40 W 21 13 7 OE 46 12 48 50 6 9E 2 20 E Genera. Paris. Cassini La Hire 1687 1707 5 12 W 10 10 Maraldi 1720 13 Do Do Le Monnier ... Cotte 1740 1760 1780 1800 1814 15 30 18 30 20 35 22 12 22 34 Kendrick Harding' 1745 1791 18 OW 27 23 5321 353 41 E DubUn. Burrows Guntcr Gellibrand Bond 1580 1622 1634 1 657 11 15 E 5 56| 4 6 W 51 31 0000 London. Gellibrand Halley 1H65 1672 1 22^ 2 30 Do. 1692 6 17-^3 14 17 Do 1745 17 Do Do Do Do Do 1745 1746 Ma. 21 Ap.22 May 4 17 17 10 17 10 17 15 17 18 i Do 14 17 20 Do 16 17 15 DO. :.::::::::::: De 1R 17 25 Do 1747 17 30 Do 1747 17 40 Do 1748 17 JO Heberden Cavendish ...... 1773 177* 21 9 21 16 r V A R Authority. Date. Variation. Latitude. Longitude Place. Cavendish Ciilpin 1775 1786 ' 21 43 23 17 ' 51 31 00 00 London. Do 1787 23 19 Do 1788 23 32 Do 1789 23 19 Do 1790 23 39 Do 1791 23 36 Do 1792 23 36 Do 1793 23 49 Do 1794 23 56 Do 1795 23 57 24 Do 1797 24 1 Do 1798 24 Q'6 Do 1799 24 1-8 Do 1800 24 3-6 Do 1801 24 4-2 Do 1802 24 67 Do 1803 24 8-g Do 1804 24 8-4 Do 1805 24 8-8 Do 1809 24 11-0 Do 1814 24 167 Do Jul. 24 17-9 Do Au. 24 21-2 Do Sep. 24 20-5 Martinius Do 1638 1668 7 39 E 50 W 38 42 350 51 Lisbon. Ross 1762 17 32 Lowenorn Ail/out Mathews 1782 1670 1788 1721 18)7 19 51 2 15W 17 12 5 12 W 41 54 19 1228 71 45 Rome. Bombay. Fontenay Yeates 1690 1817 2 25 W 22 13 113 35 Canton. Mathews , Yeates WalLis 1722 1817 1766 2 52 W 1 OE 14 10 W 13 15 32 36 79 57 342 57 Madras. Madeira. Mudge Fleurieu Bli-h 1820 1769 1788 19 59 15 43 W 20 1 28 27 343 45 Teneriffe. Krusenstern ... Keeling Yeates 1803 1609 1817 16 1 21 OW 15 20 10 57 28 Isle of France. Daunton ..... 1614 1 45 W 33 55 18 24 Table Bay. Caille 1752 19 1804 25 4 Davis 1610 7 13 E 15 55 354 12 St Helena. Hallev 1677 40 Wallis 1768 12 47 W Krusenstern... 1806 17 18 V A R Authority. Date. Variation. Latitude. Longitude Place. Mathews Yeates Mathews ........ Yeates .. 1723 1817 17-26 1917 12 20 W 6 431 E 6 12 47 17 6 56 283 UA Socotra Isl. P. R., Jamaica Vancouver Basil Hall 1795 1821 14 49 E 14 43 4 30 E 33 27 6 287 46 250 14 Valparaiso. La Per o use .... Cook 1786 1779 3 10 8 6 E 19 28 204 Broughton Taxman ......... 1796 1643 8 15 7 15 E 21 9 184 55 Xon^atab oo Cook Oxley 1777 1817 944 7 47 E 3340 148 21 New Holland. TABLE II. Shewing the dip of the Needle in various parts of the earth. (Hansteen.) Authority. Date. Dip. Latitude. Longitude Place. Lous .. 1773 ' 71 45 N Copenhagen. Wleugal 1813 71 26 Schubert 1805 67 ON J.J.STSJWM Jfjfjffrrf Irkutsk. Euler Kraft 1755 1802 73 SON 76 42 Petersburg]!. 1755 71 45 N *~~**~ *~~,*.~~ Berlin. Euler 1769 72 45 Humboldt 1S05 69 53 Richer .. 1071 75 N Paris. La Caille 1754 72 15 ~~~ ~" Cassini 1791 70 52 Humboldt 1806 69 12 Conn, de terns. 1814 68 36 Norman 1576 71 50 N Gilbert 1600 72 ON Ridley 1013 72 30 N Bond 1676 73 30 N Whiston 1720 C73 45 {.75 10 Graham Nairne 1723 1772 C74 42 i74 42 72 19 JJJWJW , u-j-JJ-JJ-Jirxu. London. Cavendish 1775 72 31 Gilpin . 1786 72 8'1 Do 1787 72 2-5 Do 1788 72 40 Do 1789 71 54-8 Do 1790 71 53 7 Do 1791 71 23-7 V A R Authority. Date. Dip. Latitude. Longitude Place. Gilpin Do. 1795 1797 o / 71 11-4 70 59-4 70 55 '4 ^ Do 1799 70 52-2 Do 1801 70 35 '6 vwww *,******+* London. Do 1803 70 3-->'0 Do 1805 1821 7021-0 70 3'2 1640 65 40 N Rome Humboldt Abercrombie .. 1806 1775 18 ; 63 48 5 15 N 63 47 N ~~~ Madras. Madeira La Caille 1751 1775 43 OS 45 19 Good Hope. La Caille d.ok 1754 1775 9 OS 11 25 St. Helena. Panton Vancouver Basil Hall Cook 1776 1795 1821 H77 4 37 N 44 15 S 38 46 40 51 S --~-~~ IZZ Socotra. Valparaiso. O \vhyee Vancouver Cook 1793 1777 41 24 39 1 S Tongataboo Cook 1776 61 52 N Teneritt'e 1820 58 22 Basil Hall Humboldt Do 1821 1805 1799 12 11|N 61 35 N 13 *2 N 2 13 S 40 50 N 13 S 280 15 14 16 281 15 Guayaquil. Naples. Quito Do 1805 64 45 N 44 25 N 8 58 Genoa. Do 1805 67 ION Lucern. The following recent observations on the dip and variation were se- lected by Mr. Barlow, as being 1 entitled to the greatest credit : Place. 1 Q Lat. Long. Dip. Variation Authority. Tristan da Acunha Trinidad 1821 18>1 18, Do. Do. 17J* 1811 1816 (80f 18U \8'1( Do. Do. Do. Do. 37 20 30 14 51 28 28 32 38 10 25 18 50 51 31 ;V2 Si ;5 4) ;t ( 72 45 73 ( 73 31 74 4*. 12 10 29 23 32 16 16 17 51 3 29 2 20 13 21 12 35 61 50 89 41 61 SO 77 2* 110 48 37 53 S 10 27 S 48 N 58 22 N 03 47 N 67 41 N C8 36 N 70 34- N 69 53 N 71 20 N 83 43 N 88 26 N 81 30 N 86 4N 38 43 N 12 W SOW 15 55 W 20 47 W 23 7 W 19 59 W 22 31 W 24 30 W 18 2 W 18 22 W 60 W 113 16 W 82 '2 W 103 46 W W 46 E Marry at. Do. j Mean of Do. and Mudge's 3 observations Humboldt. Bouvard. Kater, the dip. Humboldt Wleugel. Parry. Do. Do. Do. Do. Tenerifte Madrid Paris London Berlin Copenhagen ..., Davis' Strait.. Regent's Inlet Baffin's Bay Possession Bay .... MelviiU' Island 335 V E L VARIATION diurnal. The horizontal needle, besides its annual change in direction, is also subject to a daily change, amounting at certain seasons of the year to about 14' or 15'. According to the most recent observations, it appears that the needle attains its maximum direction eastward about 7 o'clock, or y 2 past ? in the morning, that it continues moving westward till two o'clock in the afternoon ; it then returns to the eastward till the even- ing; it has then again a slight westerly motion, and in the course of the night, or early in the morning 1 , attains the bearing it had 24 hours before, or very nearly. It has also been admitted by all observers, that the daily motion during the summer months is the greatest, and during the win- ter months the least ; but the particular month in the summer when the daily change is the greatest, is a little uncertain. Canton and Wargen- tin make it about July j but Col. Beaufoy found it greater in June and August than in July. Table of the mean monthly diurnal variation of the compass from April 1817 to March 1819. By Colonel Beaufoy, at Stanmore Heath. From Apri 181 ' to March Difference morning, noon, Mean differ. From April 1817 to March Difference morning, noon, Mean differ. 1819. evening. euce. 1819. evening. ence. n. m. r 11 48 n. m. r 846 April n. e. ^ 8 30 October n. - e. ] e. m. C 3 18 e. m. C n. m. r 953 n. m. r 7 10 May n. - e. i 7 32 Kovem. e. m. c 2 21 June n. m. r n. - e. 3 e. in. c. 11 15 7 50 3 25 December n. m. r 4 7 n. m. r 1043 n. m. r 5 3 July n. - e. 5 e. m.6 634 4 9 January I August n. m. r n. e. ) e. m. C 11 26 834 2 52 February n. m. r 6 3 n. m. r 9 44 n. m.r 8 22 Septem. n. e. 4 e. ra. C 7 26 2 18 March n. e. ^ e. m. C 7 7 1 15 j VELOCITY angular. See Central Forcet. VELOCITY paracentric, See Central Force*. 33ft V E S VENUS. See Planets, elements of. VENUS, transit of. See Transit. VENUS, phases of.( Vince. ) In the case of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, if = exterior / of elonga* tion, i. e. supplement of the /, which the earth and sun subtend at the planet, the visible enlightened part '. the whole disc I '. ver. sin. 6 : di- ^ameter. Hence Mercury and Venus will have the same phases, from their in- ferior to their superior conjunction, as the moon has from the new to the full ; and the same from the superior to the inferior conjunction, as the moon has from the full to the new. Mars will appear gibbous in quadratures, as the / 9 will then differ considerably from two right B j and consequently the versed sine from the diameter. For Jupiter, Sa- turn, and the Georgian, the / never differs enough from two right /s to make them appear gibbous, so that they always appear to shine with a full face. In the case of the moon, the / 9 very nearly equals the / of elongation ; .". the visible enlightened part of the moon varies very nearly as the ver. sin. of its elongation. Venus is brightest between its inferior conjunction and its greatest elongation; and its elongation at that time from the sun = 39. 44'. Also at that time the visible enlightened part '. whole disc :: 0,53 : 2. Venus therefore appears a little more than one-fourth illuminated, and answers to the appearance of the moon when five days old. This situ- ation happens about 36 days before and after its inferior conjunction. Mercury is brightest between its greatest elongation and superior conjunction ; the elongation of Mercury at this time = 22. 18%'. VEJINIER. As instruments are now usually constructed, the following is a gene- ral rule for finding the value of each division on any vernier. Find the value of each of the divisions or sub-divisions of the limb to which the vernier is applied. Divide the number of minutes or seconds thus found by the number of divisions on the vernier, and the quotient will give the value of the vernier division. Thus suppose each sub-di. vision of the limb to be 5' or 300", and that the vernier has 20 divisions, 300 then -- - =. 15" = value of the vernier. VESTA. This planet was discovered by Dr. Olbers, of Bremen, March 29, 1807. For its elements, &c., see Planets, element* of, ST7 T 3 WED VOLCANOES. Thfltotiilniirober- of Volcanoes knowa is about 205, of which Europe contains 13 or 14. Of the whole number, it is computed that 107 are in islands, and 98 on the great continents. The most remarkable are JEtna, Vesuvius, the Lipari islands, Iceland, Kamschatka, Japan, and so along 1 the eastern coast of Asia and the Indian islands ; Cape Verd, Canary, and other African islands ; an immense range of them, at least 60 ia number, running from north to south on the Continent of America, and Occupying the summits of many of the Andes, as well as the ^Jexican and Cjilifornjan_ridges ; for a few of the principal of which, see Moun- tains, height of. URANUS, or Georgium Sidus.See Planets, elements of. W. WATER boiling, temperature of. See Heat, WATER, expansion of. See Heat. WATER MILL. Ser~ 1 FOOt. 109 36 ~~. 3 ~~. 1 Yard. 594 193 16& , 5} 4 1 Pole. 23760 ~~ 7920 660 220 40 ~~* 1 Furlong. 190080 63360 5230 1760 320 ^^ 8 ^. ~ I Mile. Als o, 4 Inches , ^ 1 Hand. 1 1 4 Feet ~~ ~~~-,~~~~-.v~~,~. 1 Cubit. 6 Feet ~ ^^^^^.^^ , 1 Fathom. 3 Miles . ^^^^^^, < w W ^-~ , w 1 League. 60 Geographical Miles ~~~. ^^< 1 Degree. 9934 Sir G. Shuckburgh's scale 35.99998 General Roy's scale 36.00088 Royal Society's standard S6.001H5 Ramsden's bar 36.00240 SQUARE OR LAND MEASURE. 1 Yard. 30i 1 Pole. 1210 40 1 Rood. 43560 4S40 16!) 4 1 Acre. For further observations on this measure see Surveying, WINE MEASURE. 1 Quart. 1 Gallon. 42 1 Tierce. 63 1| 1 Hogshead. ^2 li 1 Punch. ~3 ~~ 2 ~~~ l~w. 1 Pipe. ~ 6 *~~ 4 ~~* 3 *~~ 2 ~~~ I Tun. This measure is used for wines, brandies, rum, honey, oil, vinegar, Sec. A cask of rum, which contains from 95 to 1 10 gallons, is usuilly called a puncheon ; a foreign pipe of wine varies from 110 to 140 gallons. ALE AND SEER MEASURE. Quarts. 4 1 Gallon. 1 Firkin. 2 1 Kilderkin. 4 ~~ 2 1 Barrel. 6 3 1| 1 Hogshead. . 12 ~~ 6 3 2 1 Butt. By the late Act the old Wine and Ale Gallons are abolished, and the Imperial standard gallon substituted in their place. This is declared to contain ten pounds avoirdupoise weight of distilled water weighed in air at the temperature of 62o of Fahrenheit, the barometer being at SO inches. From this standard gallon all other measures of capacity, a well for wine, ale, ber, spirits, &c., as for dry goods not measured by 343 WEI heap measure, shall be derived and computed. Two of these gallons make a peck, and 8 such gallons make a bushel, and 8 such bushels a quarter of corn, or other dry goods not measured by heaped measure. The above bushel of 8 Imperial gallons is also to be used forcoals, culm, fish, potatoes, fruit, and all other goods commonly sold by heaped" measure, which goods are to be heaped up in the form of a cone of at least six inches in height, the base of tlie"cone being lS l / 2 inches diam- eter. J- he Iin P er l al g a jfo" contains 277.274 cubic inches. The olcf wfneljallon 231 do. The old corn 268.8 do. The old ale 282 do. TABLE OF FACTORS, For converting old measures into new, and the contrary. By decimals. By vulgar fractions nearly. Cora Mea- Wine Mea- Ale Mea- Corn. Mea- Wine Mea- Ale Mea- sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. sure. To convert old measures to new. .96943 .83311 1.01704 31 32 5 6 CO 59 To convert new measures to old. 1.03153 1.20032 .98324 32 31 6 5 59 CO N.B. For reducing- the prices, these numbers must all be reversed. Ex. Reduce 63 gallons wine meaaure to the equivalent number in Im- perial measure. 63 X .83311 or 63 X ~ = 52*4 Imperial gallons nearly, o DRY OR CORN MEASURE, Pints. 8 1 Gallon. 16 2 1 Peck. 64 8 4 1 Bushel. S66 32 16 4 1 Coomb. 512 ~ ~. 64~ ~ 32^, ^ 8. 2^, ^ 1 Quarter, t560~ ~320~ ^160^, ^40 10^, ~ 5^ - 1 Wey. S120~ W 640~, ~320~ ^80. 20 ^ ^ 10 w ^2^ 1 Lsir, 343 U Also, 2 bushels make 1 boll. 3 bushels - 1 sack. - ~ 1 chaldron of conls at Lor, don. 68 bushels ~~~.~~ i u >. Xewcnstle. The . .I-.lron u el.hs 28J cwt. ; and the Nowca>;l c! 53 cwt. * A bushel, water measure, is 5 pecks. 8 chaldrons a keel. MEASURE ITINERARY. Mile of .Russia . . tffe. ! 1100 1 1467 1760 2200 2200 2933 3667 4103 Mile of Poland Yds. '. 4400 . 5028 of Italy of England of Scotland Ireland Old .league of France . 567 . 7333 . 7333 of Hungary . . 8800 Great league do. TABLE OF MISCELLANEOUS ?4 Shppf of Paper make ^^r/j.^ JWJ ^^^^r^ ARTICLES. 1 quire. 1 ream. 1 printer's ream. 1 bundle. 1 bale. 1 roll of parchment, 1 gross. 1 great gross. 1 great hundred. 1 load. 1 cubic yard. 1 load. 1 load. 1 hide of land 1 sack. 1 firkin. 1 firkin. 20 Quires ff xxx^xxxxxx,rx,.,.,.r^nv-x * 211 Oiiiroa - . rrrrsj ^ ^ WJ ^ 2 Reams ^^^^^^^^^ 10 ReEmS M-J-jsrfs^jwnrwrr^jwrJfjfMrwwjw* 60 Skins 0^.^-^.,,^,,, j^-j^^j-juj^^jw^, 13 Dozen of any thing w-ww j^rw^x^^ ) 9 Gro<=9 r^y^^*^.^ - ^^M.^. - ~ M - i. 6 SCre w/vr-^/irwr^^rxxw^xr^M^j-nrjj-jx-ju-j-J-JVi 500 Bricks ~~ 8R4 Pr^Va ^^^^-^^^^^-r-v^^^. 40 Solid feet of hewn timber *~~ 50 Solid feet of unhewn timber ^^v^^^ ion Acres xx ^ r ^ trrnfJ - fJa - Jf ^^ fJ - ff ** 20 Stone of flour , fff ^ f 56 Pounds of butter ~,~,^~-,^,~,^,-~v~-~ Gt Pounds of soap rfJ . r ^ J .^ J . fU , J . J . J ^. JJ . J . fJX>jr) . rJJ . J . 314 19| Cwt. of lead ~~,_ ~~, 1 fother. 8-i Pounds of tea ,~~,~, ff ^. 1 chest. 168 Pounds of rice ~^~v,~. \ bag. 112 Pounds of raisins r ~~~ f ~. *~~**~* 1 barrel. FRENCH WEIGHTS % MEASURES. A. few of the principal old French Measures. A point ,, ,01-18025 English inches. A line ~~~ , . ,083315 An inch ^^^^^-.r^,,^ ,~,,-,*,.^ 1,06578 A foot 12,78936 A toise ^ ~ , 6,394665 English feet. According to Gen. Roy, an English fathom .' a French toise '.' 1000 : 1065,75. New, or Metre, System. In the now system the iii^tre is the ten millionth part of the quadrant of the meridian S.'cSl En^ij^h feet. The Arc, is the square decametre, tmd the litre the cxibic dedmetre. Lineal Measure. Millimetre ^^ ~~ 0.03937 English Juchea. Centimetre ~*~~ f ^ 0.39371 Decimetre ~r~~.,*~ f ,~. r~. S. 937 10 Uletre ^.^^^^^ , 39.37100 Decametre , *~~* St3.71000 Hecatometre < ^-^,,^.,, ~~ Sii'37. 10000 Chiliometre , ^-,,. w SM97K Myrioinetre w ^,,, ~ JiOOUOfl Superficial A/t-,'/ r :ti >v. Are ~, ^ ^.^ .,,~~ lil'.('0!G PJujr. square yard*. Decare . Hecutare , ^-^. ..^,, ! , Measu re of cnpacit.;-. Millilitre ~ ~ *~..+~ f . .fClOS Eng. cubic inches Centilitre - , .610-J8 Decilitre , ^ 6.10280 Litre w ,,. ^,<^, , Cl.Oi-Sivj W I X some limitations. Mr Smeaton was led from experiment to conclude that overshot wheels do most work, when their circumferences move at the rate of 3 feet in a second, but this determination is also to be under- stood with some latitude. 3. In an overshot wheel, the machine will be in its greatest perfection ; when the diameter of the wheel is % of the height of the water above the lowest point of the wheel. 4. The power of the overshot wheel is greater, caeteris paribus, than that of the undershot, nearly in the ratio of 13 to 5. WIND. Winds may be divided into constant, or those which always blow in the same direction ; periodical, or those which blow half a year in one direc- tion, and half a year in the contrary direction, which last are called mon- soons ; and variable, which are subject to no rules; I. Constant or Trade Winds. The trade wind at the Equator blows constantly from the east : from the Equator to the northern tropic, or cren as far as the parallel 25 or 30, it declines towards the N.E., and ^ c further you recede from the Equator: and from the Equ; , -ithern tropic, or to the parallel 25 or 30, it has a S.E. direction. The line however that se- parates the opposite trade winds is not precisely the Equator, but the second or third parallel north. To a certain extent also they follow the course of the sun, reaching a little further into the southern | sphere, and contracting their limits in the north, when the sun is on the south side of the Equator ; and making a reverse change when he declines to the north. In a zone of variable breadth iu the middle of this tract, ralms and rains prevail, caused probably by the mingling and ascending of the opposite aerial currents. The phenomenon of the trade winds may be thus explained. The air towards the poles being denser than that at the Equator, will continually rus'i towards the Equator ; but as the ve- locity of the different parts of the earth's surface, from its rotation, in- creases as you approach the Equator; the air which is rushing from the north will loot continue upon the same meridian, but it will be left be- hind ; that is, in respect to the earth's surface, it will have a motion from the east; and these two motions combined produce a N.E. wind on the north side of the Equator. And in like manner there must be a S.E. wind on the south side. The mr which is thus continually moving from the Poles to the Equator, being rarified when it comes there, ascends to the top f Hit? atmo-puc-re, tuid thf:i returns bark to the Poles, W I N II. Periodical Windt, or Monsoons. Such would probably be the regular course of the trade wiuda suppos- ing- the parts between and near the tropics were open sea. But high lands change or interrupt their regular course. For instance, in the Indian Ocean the trade wind is curiously modified by the lands which surround it on the north, east, and west. There, the southern trade wind blows regularly as it ought to do from the E. and S.E., from 100 S. lati- tude to the tropic ; but in the space from 10 S. latitude to the Equator, N.W. winds blow during our winter (from October to April) ; and S.E. in the other six months, while in the whole space north of the Equator S.W. winds blow during summer, and N.E, during winter. These winds are called monsoons. It was observed above, that the regular trade wind blows in the Indian Ocean from 10 S. latitude to the tropic, but there is an exception to this in all that part of the Indian Ocean which lies between Madagascar and Cape Comorin ; for there, between the months of April and October, the wind blows from the S. W., and in the contrary direction from October to April. But of both the constant and periodical winds it may be observed, that they blow only at sea ; at land the wind is always variable. Particulars of the Trade Winds, from Robertson. ( Young's Xaitiral Philosophy.) 1. For 303 on each side of the Equator, there is almost constantly an easterly wind in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans : it is called the trade wind : near the Equator it is due east, further off it WOAVS towards the Equator, and is N.E. or S.E. 2. Beyond 30<> latitude, the wind is more .uncertain. 3. The monsoons are, perhaps erroneously, deduced from a superior current in a contrary direction. 4. In the Atlantic, between I0o and 28 N. latitude, about 300 miles from the coast of Africa, there is a constant N.E. wind. 5. On the American side of the Caribbae Islands the N.E. wind be comes nearly E. 6. The trade winds extend 3 or 4 further M. and S. on the W. than on the E. side of the Atlantic. 7. Within -t of the Equator, the wind is always S.E. : it is more E. towards America, and more S. towards Africa On the coast of BraziJ, when the sun is far north \vards, the S.E. becomes more S., and the N.E, snore E., and the reverse when the sun is far southwards. t>. On the coast cf Guinea, for 1500 miles, from Sierra Lcono to '*'-. 340 \V I N Thomas, the wind is always S. or S. W. probably from an inclination of the trade wind towards the land. 9. Between lat. 4 and 10, and between the longitudes of Cape Yerd and the Cape Verd Islands, there is a track of sea very liable to storms of thunder and lightning-. It is called the rains. Probably there are op- posite winds that meet here. 10. In the Indian Ocean, between 10 and 20 S. hititude, the wind is regularly S.E. From Jane to November, these winds reach to within 2 of the Equator : but from December to May the wind is N. W. between lat. 3 and 10 near Madagascar, and from 2 to 12 near Sumatra. 11. Between Sumatra and Africa, from 3 S. latitude to the coa=t* on the N. the monsoons blow N.E. from September to April, and S. W. from March to October: the wind is steadier, aud the weather fairer, in the former half year. 12. Between Madagascar and Africa, and thence northwards to the Equator, from April to October there is a S.S.W. wind, which further N. becomes W.S.W. 13. East of Sumatra, and as far as Japan, the monsoons are N. aud S. but not quite so certain as in the Arabian gulf. 14. From New Guinea to Sumatra and Java, the monsoons are more N.W. and S.E. being on the south of the Equator ; they begin a month or six weeks later than in the Chinese seas. 15. The changes of tliese winds are attended by calms and storms. III. Winds variable. In the temperate zones the direction of the winds is by no means so regular as between the tropics. In the north temperate zone, however, they blow most frequently from the S.W., in the south temperate zone, from the N.W. ; but changing* frequently to all points of the compass, and in the north temperate zones blowing, particularly during the spring, from the north-east. From an average of 10 years of the register kept by order of the Royal Society, it appears that at London the winds blow in the following order : Winds, Days. Winds. Days. South-west ~~*~~, 112 South-east 32 North-east ,~~~, 58 East ~~+~~* ~ , 26 North-west ~~ 50 South ~~^,,,~ 18 West ; , 53 North , 16 It appears from the same register, that the S.W. wind blows at an average more frequently than any other wind during every mouth of th 2 a* sin. 2 140 2. The sails of windmills are so constructed as to have different incli- nations to the plane of their motions at different distances from the axis ; greatest nearer the centre, and least at their extremities. This is done in order to make the momentum of the wind nearly the same as all dif- ferent distances from the centre of motion. 3. Supposing the sail of a windmill to be a plane, inclined to the axis at an angle 8, the effect of the wind to turn the sail in a plane, at right angles to its axis, will be the greatest when cos. 6 X sin. 2 is a maxi- mum, or when cos. 6 = %. This gives = 54 a 44', and therefore the inclination of the sail to the plane of its motion, or what is called the angle of u-eaiher, is 35 10'. This is true only when the sail is at rest or just beginning to niom 352 YEA When the sail is in motion, and of course near the extremities of the sail, when it moves faster, tha angle of weather must be less. Maclaurin makes the weather to vary from 260 34', at the point of the sail nearest the centre, to 9 at its extremity. Mr Smeaton, however, by experiment has found the following angles to answer as well as any- The radius is supposed to be divided into six parts, and ^th reckoning from the centre is called 1, the extremity being denoted 6. Angle with Angle with the No. the axis. plane of motion. 1 72 18 2 71 19 3 72 18 middle. 4 74 16 5 77| 12| 6 83 7 extremity. 4. From Smeaton 's experiments it appears, that a windmill works to the greatest advantage, when it is so constructed that the velocity of the sails is to their velocity when they go round without any load, as a number between 6 and 7 is to 10 ; and also that the load, when the mill works in this manner, is to the load that would just keep it from mov- ing, nearly as 8,5 to 10. 5. With different velocities of wind the load that gives the maximum effect varies nearly as the square of the velocity, and the effect itself as the cube. WIRE, time of sun's passing. See Time. Y YEAR, length of. 'See Earth element! of, and Calendar, 353 .0.0 ill IS Sa I Is I o'eo'oo O O O O - igssss us tc QD c-. 35 cc -? ?? -N t TV o '.; >o ?! - c; ~ r. p-3p^;si$~23 2Q JO '3 1 O 'O I" X ' O O) 35 OT ^> C: ^ -.I '-C ( - __-_. , loSgtt^- 38 8 S roc? o "^*S o 8 o S S i o ro c- -* 8 I vsr I . ."" 0> fe""'JL- ' ' t.i"t" W - 1 i TV 00 CV SC X O I" O CS I'' "T! lslII5siSfcE*2Si 8 !5 O CO O? O $1 u : -- ,-r; ~ >'** ^ C * S ST. O M CC O O t- 5l .->] C5 > r? t- - O -= I- O - CC O O 5*5 OD fM I- "M O i i O -" CO to t H c CO Ol -* CM * O t- GO O i ^> * O I- X 5i D . ji ?-; -rf o to i- oc cv o i <>} ?c * o o l- x c?) I o ?i r; -* >r: o t- x ?s 211 ^O^Q 00 M O O C~ CO TO O O ">> J * S?S & s la w ^ -^ CO C- tC "7Q >-O ifl 7"! l " t" ~'L ^ - '- S o > *) c eaS^aa^ # O t- 00 C5 O F-I Illllllip o TjSOtr-.-^g-oca;* g||o||||x| o o !M CO * O ?C C- X 05 W C5 Tj '> O * G 33$toio53>5$ i3 3 i* >P - 25 P- S ^ cv S H S3SBSS5SSSS S 3 p 55 if? o fl^j 90 c 5'-?JCO'XC5 O>iO35 (SS^OCS Oi i- O TO 00 'O ^) 00 * *ioct~coco:oo Tv>CO-<*OCOL--XO^iCM leo^aSSt^o CM CO -3* O C- CO O < 361 * - >n QO ej^t-wt-oLoao^-j-.M'Moe' COO}C^ it-<^iO'*^t>-<(M003V}C:i.'' L. - - x - t-xo:ocSo O r-< 3Q CC -^COCO-(008 fiOJ-^O sii BSSi-^SSSS -HC'5'^ | C5OCOOC' 11111111 3 f 50 Ci K O ^i ^C4W*iffll>000 539 ^X^r?^T*^O ft I OO-s;-;?-^'^ >*;>} O |0~, g * * J * ^ g8gg3S|8SS&SSSHgS r 3 i 3>45}?3^'OO?Cl'-X IpO Ci O O i i >} fj II Tf 1 O t' I? t- - o o i O5 CO 3 2 ' TT ^ GO l^- -r- ' ~ O -i 3v{ i 5O itf50035O>OD51 N IO t^ rf' C: *t t- O 'M W M >) * CO >* O 'f GO C* ** ;3S888co32itg8 o'g33g2S3 S2i^l22gI ;t-t-a)3JOO!M gJW<***0;CC?85fc OS S O ^ S S CO b 2? 5 _-^^S S^KO - * tS ?2 S ffi S TfiOnOCt tC " < 00 T*- O C- 5* -^ - "- * ^^co^-ldoo^coo "* !Ct"l.--COCJO5OF-!-iCM 3 CO ; cowco - 5 -4 w &fa i o c- QO o 365 i- L- 06 =; ~ H I i!*J ^ ;c 7-" 'Jl T CT. O ~< 5 r 5* J33 C-SPS S) ca 05 lii s- 5 ic O> < - OT QC I fe ^* O >O 1C ^ ("~ '-~ li o o ^ ^ &i S ss 5 o o to t- 1- ao ' -oi^ Ci i M -*** co < ct ?c I3> S 5 ^ "^ ** t? 00 O s R S SSa H o o i-^ S ocioo-H-H ; >:i ^ CO 50 r? O x5 CO C OD 09 1 o 55 j - r 367 ^rt o>iCTe5'* j iir fc 5 iilSilPESS ill $>: ?:55L' t- f>t i~~ P I CO I < I! O ^ rH (N (M ^5 C o I-H OQ co <* i o c- co a o^ t-'NOOM K5COC < O GO J.- O CO ; C 5 i-J CO * O O C- CO O O f* 31 Pi * tf3 ^ - $ 55 ?2 liiilil "' < so so -? o < t- co c: iglisilii 1- X 00 OS CV O O -H ^H . p if-e^QDMO - <- 1 tc o '.^ o *??< c: io co j> x a C5 o o - ^ 5 -M (M W * O SC r- 00 C^ 370 TABLE II. LOGARITHMIC SINES, COSINES, TANGENTS, AND COTANGENTS, TO EVERY EVEN MINUTE OF THE QUADRANT. Note. From this Table may also be found the Logarithmic Secants and Cosecants; the logarithm of the socunt of any arc being 20 ' log", cosine ; and the logarithmic cosecant ~ VO log-, tine. 1 E: E: 33 jSsxfjjB at sassi S 1 3J7350Cf3C^CQCOWCOCO 73 1C CO W CO i la ?CQ * C5 t~ O 00 -* < '"" iiii *j - ^ O ? P isl ^" " ><5SBCDt-C;O 00 I- < W O O TT- O O IliaSs 372 (MtMCOCOfMOCMOOC'C r- (CO^JOOc- tOOOi-HQ w M or ^a** a Oa c> 35O;OOOOOOOO f5 S 2 ^ 5 W P o co co co GO ao a _. pi oS ^1 CO CO CO p CO O> -* CO Li JC* C C B ^ 1 - 1 3'ifS O O CS "* CO CQ O |SSSgS o> o> wwww^-^ooo * c -35 S ^ w ? S t- -.-v t- i -t t- c o o -f -5? rj jo -M c < TO O I- O i CC O C' t iigi glililllll O O o" o" d do* d 2|3^"" i '3 w "* 1 "'5 w "*S JC ^ 1. . r-". . ici SS *^S O)C5 O5 ;p _ci rJ_ s o o o ?)**< co c 2" | ' _____ ill* os la" ;^ o > -* S j.-i oo C 5 3 CM ** o co t- as c o c> jo o :O *O <3I C8 1 SO 8 SO **> T3? f Oi Cfi /J9 >-^ X x -?i ;~ . ,^ -^ ^ - ", , to ?-- r^ ' s-SpsS'-Jf^witwIdowqjOTOowci B18i2gigS22 ^ 10 "-< -H o 'P r o - -^ ~ -.- ~~^~ SslsSSs { CO -^ if5 O t~ !* 2 IH O O j o o 3 i" 9 380 o **- < *'d0^l j- 1- 'O o o i* * co CM CN Oifjcbto^o?dt"i^i- ir 3 2 05 0> s 3 t- ^J J> C>! J7- -^ CC r-^ O jj a ' " " 381 ao^o-^wcxffl^TQO 6t8SM999$99 8 sis !SS8 B S333388S *i S23S? i^i^5 lii ill Ill 1 s 3 t- r- CD OS 03 O -H r-i g s oi ci igisisiif i S '' ^|S o c5 illi f I* 05 ci >CGjOOOflOO5O>-H;<3O.QOp lOCSS'S > O5 GO C~ L'- O ^O O O 5 ICO !O(M IO5 O5 CJ t/j 381 00 9* 04 O 00 >J >O t* O 5 a gsssgs&sgggssSSSS'&Jtfj j o ft J o ' r- ?> "^ ' vr '^ -" "^ -r< ^^ 2OCOSOO5 < C l$3g&ig$ij | o al^ ii i JOS Ol gs2^i!5^ ?:S:r'2J? I O ~ W < -H O AsSfijfiS^l^S^s ci ci X tO * 3Q e 00 ?0 ) 7^ -^ i "5 *~ '"; it O *; -^ |~ 7? "M O 2- ?r- 't 7^ ~. : t - he C5 oi o x * t-- o I o c o so tc. ~ ISlSlilSiSlll ggooloicigs^^ c os' 3TSTiDsP>i"' i H"J>'2r' " e5:=as ss U!3> 57i^?>?: j 5 I- O W !_i Ci C- O ISISSiSSl? ^ ?5ij?.555o5o3^ ls ) I os' os oi - c o o STs? 28 ^ ; C& "' ' < '~ i - XJ "-'- ~ "/" ,,__,_ - - . . - gffll i II 2 ~ . .o o o o ss co t- to "& co i ,bo 5ffiS3l2!?Ki2s3Sf5S%S2 CO |CC CO 00 OS OicJ C5 lilliggigggslil I B U o ^"sSlisiiPSil , i en 5*5 oc co 6(5 1 j - , _ >c >, 01 o 3-1 r: k tc o cp tr go o TH TO * o OSOiSSli-tCNCvjCOCOr* ?o 7^ cv crocr |C% ci os OS O5 OS OJ OS* tfi|S| a |god6a a '-I c ' V) t- ~ -^ CO ~H C- t- CC O O r ' os os i s s i 8 5 lir * - ;. ^ 3. ^ X ?! t ~ '^ ^ ^ ~ l-ii~ix^g3 C5 05 0505 05 SSlg! j^. 5 ?2 ga I !2 o S ^ s5 01 cc -5 5 O tffs92 7.343617? 9.3426139 French metre = in English yards ~+~~ French foot in English feet *~~~~* French are =* in English acres +~~*~ French gramme imperial Ibs. Troy , French gramme in imperial Ibs. a- VOirdUpOiS .wwrj-jwjwwjju-JLrj-rfrj-jjjmjjjxr-rj French litre in imperial gallons ,^ ww , 387 Conttantt. Log. AT. cmnp Log. Centes. degree =. in sex. degrees ~~~, .9 9.9542425 0.0457575 minute^ minutes ~~~~ .54 9.7323938 0.2676062 second - seconds ~~ ~ .324 9.5105450 0.4894550 Mean circumference of the earth in milpa _ r ,.,, , rr rr r . r r . r _. 24856 4 .39343 1 " 5 604."-688 Diameter ^j^jxj^jj^^xjxr^r^^^^j^^jxxx^jj^j 7912 3 8S8''86S R iniTllTf RBdiUS Of EqUatOr ^J-J^-J^rfJ-J^^rf^^j-rrs^^jjju-rt 3962.349 3 5979528 O. IU1 t IJi 6.4020472 Semipolar axis ~ ~~,~~~.~ ~ 3949.669 3.5965608 6.4034392 Difference 12.680 1.1031193 8.S968807 Dircuraference of the Equator ~ ~~~ 24896 4.3961 2C6 5 6038704 Geographical mile, in feet ~ *~~ f ~~~~~ 6075.6 3.7835892 0.2164108 24 hours expressed in seconds ~*~~~~+ 86400 1.936513", 5.0634863 Biurnal acceleration of stars in mean solar seconds J w./ 1 K J ^/-/^r^r..u-*' 235.9093 2.3727451 7.6272549 Sidereal day (2'3h. 56>. 4.09*.) in mean BOlar dayS Wf**t+sr*f*rff*wj,fsf*swrrfffrj .99726967 9.9C8312C 0.0011874 Solar mean day (-24A. 3m. 56.5551*) in si- dereal days ^^j-j^fj-j^^j ^^^ ji ff j ^ir, Jff i* 1.00273791 0.0011874 9.9988126 Sidereal revolution of earth in mean so- lar dayS J-rfrJsr*-r*fr*r*fffr*sfM*JffJftff*j, 365.25636 2.5625978 7.4374022 Tropical revolution of earth in mean solar days MM* ^, **su * **& ^r 365.24224 2,5625810 7.4374190 Cuhic inch of distilled water in grains (Bar. 30 in. Fah. Therm 620) 252.458 2.4021891 7 5978109 An ounce of water in cubic inches ~~. 1.73298 0.2387924 9.7612076 Cubic inches in the Imperial gallon ^^, 277.276 J2.4429I24 7.5570876 Length of seconds pendulum at London 39.1393 1.592613C 3.4073870 Force of gravity at London in fret ~~ 32.19081 |1.5077225 3.4922778 EXPLANATION AND USE OF THE TABLES, TABLE I. 1. To find the log. of any given number. If the given number be under 100, its log. is found in tlip first page of the Table, immediately opposite to it. Thus log. 66 is 1.819544. If the No. consist of three figures, find the given number in the column under N, and opposite to it in the next column, marked at the top, is the decimal part of the logarithm required, before which put an index, which is always less by unity than the number of integral figures in the natural number. Thus log. 448 is 2.651 2"8. If the number should con- tsist wholly of decimals, the index of the log. is then negative, and it is indicated by the place occupied by the first figure in the decimal. Thus the index of the Jog. of .04 is 2 ; of .006 is - 3. But to avoid the con. fusion that might arise by the addition and subtraction of negative in- dices, it is customary to take the arithmetical complement or the nega- tive indices, and to consider these complements as positive; thus 8 is put as the index of .04 ; 7 as the index of .006. If the No. consist of four figures, the three first are to be found as be- fore in the side column under N ; and under the 4th at the top will be found the logarithm required, to which prefix the index as befoie. Thus log. 7-218 is 3.858417. If the No. be odd, and /. not contained in the Table, take the difference of the logs, of the Nos. next greater and less than the given one; and add % this difference to the less log. Ihus if log. 7217 were required, we have by Table Log. 7-218 3.858417 Log. 7216 3.858297 120 the y 2 of which, or CO, added to 3.8582-7 gives 3.858357, the log required. If the No. consist of 5 figures or more, find the difference between the logs, answering to the first four figures of the given No., and the next immediately following ; multiply this difference by the remaining figures in the given number, strike oft' as many figures from the right band as there are in the multiplier ; and the remainder added to the log., answer- ing to, the first 4 figures, will be the log. required nearly. Thus if log. 100176 were required, we have by last case, Log. 1001 000434 1002 OOOSfiS 434 .". 434 X 7"6 is 32984. From this cut off two figures, and it becomes 329.84 or 3SO nearly. Whence to 000434 add 330 and supply the index, and we have the required leg. = 5.000764. 2. To find the natural No. corresponding to any given logarithm. Look in the different columns for the decimal part of the given log. ; but if you cannot find it exactly, take the next less tabular log., and in a line with the log. found in the col. on the left marked N, you have three figures of the number sought, and at the top of the column in which the log. is, you have one figure more, Avhich annex to the other three. As, however, the Table contains only the logs, of the even Nos., it should be observed that if the given log. falls between any two of the tabular logs, and differs considerably from both j in that case we must find the log. of the intermediate odd No. as directed above, and compare it with the given one ; by which means the 4th figure of the No. sought (whether it be even or odd) may be correctly ascertained. The number of integers is always one more than the number expressed by the index. Thus the ZXPLANATIOiT AND USE OTF THE TABLES. No. answering to 2.993789 is 985.8. If the number be required to a great- er No. of places than four, find the difference between the given and the next less log. To this annex on the right hand as many ciphers as there are figures required above four. Divide the whole by the difference be- tween the next less and next greater log., and the quotient annexed to the four figures formerly found will be the natural number required. Thus required the No. to 6 places answering to the log. 4.C87956. The nearest less log. than this is 687886 corresponding to which is the No. 4874. The difference between 687956 and 68788(5 is 70, to this annex 2 ciphers and it becomes 7000, which being divided by 89, the difference between the next less and next greater log. gives 79, .'. the number required ia 48747.9. TABLE II. 1. To find the logarithmic sine, cosine, $c. answering to any given de- gree or minute. Find the given degrees at the top of the page, if less than 45, and the minutes in the left hand column ; opposite to which, and under the word sine, cosine, &c. is the number required. But if the given degrees be greater than 45 and less than 90, find them at tli(* bottom, and the re- quired sine, cosine, &c. will be found above the word sine, cosine, &c. opposite to the given number of minutes in the right hand column. If the given arc exceed 90, find the sine, cosine, &c. of its supplement. Thus the log. sine of 23. 28' is 9.600118; and the cotangent of 55". 57' is 9.829805. If the No. of minutes be odd, and .'. not contained in the Table, proceed as directed for the odd numbers, Table I. To find the logarithmic sine, tangent, $c. of an arc expressed in de- grees, minutes, and seconds. Find the sine, tangent, &c. corresponding to the given degree and minute, and also that answering to .the next greater minute; multiply the difference between them by the given number of seconds, and divide the product by 60 ; then the quotient added to the sine, tangent, &c. of the given degree and minute, or subtracted from the cosine, cotangent, &c. will give the quantity required nearly. Ex. Required the log. sine of 23. 27' 40". Log. sin. 23<> 27' 9.599827 23 28 9.600118 Difference 291 which multiplied by 40, and divided by 60, gives 194, and this added to 9.599827 gives the required logarithm 9.600021. 2. To find the degrees and minutes answering to any given logarithmic tine, tangent, Sfc. Find the nearest log. to that given in the proper column : if the title be at the top of the column, you have the number of degrees at the top of the page, and the minutes in the column on the left hand; but should the title be at the bottom of the column, you have the degrees at the bot- tom of the page, and the minutes in the column on the right hand. If the given log. seems to belong to the odd minutes, proceed as directed Art. 2. Table I. Thus log. sin. 9.457584 answers to 16. 40'. Log. tan. 10.535401 answers t 73. 45'. But if the seconds in the arc are also re- quired, we seek in the proper column for the logarithm which is next less than the given one, when the logs, in the column are increasing; but next greater, when they are decreasing, and take the degrees and minutes corresponding to that logarithm for the degrees and minutes in the required arc. Then to the difference between the logarithm so found EXPLANATION AND USE OF THE TABLES. and the given log. we annex two ciphers, and divide the result by o of the difference between the next less and next greater log. ; and the quotient is the seconds to be added to the degrees and minutes before taken out. Ex. Required the degrees, minutes, and seconds corresponding to the log. sin. 9.6 41 357. The sin. 25". 58'. is 9.641324 which is the log. next less than the given one. The difference of these two logs, is 33, which by adding two ciphers becomes 3300, and this divided by of 260, or by 433, gives 8 nearly for the number of seconds ; .*. required arc is 25. 58'. 8". When the arc is small, a particular process is necessary as follows : To find the log. sine of a small arc less than 3. Add 4.685575 to the common log. of the arc reduced to seconds ; from the sum subtract one-third of the log. secant less radius of the arc, and the remainder will be the required log. sine. To find the log. tangent of a small arc. Add together the common log. of the arc, reduced to seconds, % of the log. secant less radius of the arc, and 4. 68.") 575 ; and the sum will be the required tangent. We have hence the following rules for performing the reverse operations : To find a small arc whose log. sine is given. To % of the log. secant of the arc in the Table, whose log. sine most nearly corresponds with the given log. sine, add the given log. sine, and 5.314125, and the sum will be the common log. of the seconds in the re- quired arc. To find a small arc when its log. tangent is given. To the log. tangent add 5.314425, and from the sum subtract % of the log. secant of the arc in the Table, whose tangent most nearly agrees with the given tangent ; arid the remainder will be the log. of the se- conds in the required arc. Ex. 1. Required the log. sine of 1. 28'. 13". or the log. cosine of 880, lo. 28'. 13" = 5293" log. 3.723702 Constant No 4.685575 8.409277 % log. secant lo. 28' sub. .000047 lo. 28'. 13". log. sine 8.409230 Ex. 2. Required the arc to the log. sine 7.963214. ^ log. sec. 00. 32' 000006 7.963214 Constant No 5.314425 1895" log. 3.277645 Whence the required arc is 31'. 35" Hence the arc to log. cosine 7.963214 is 89. 28'. 25". FINIS. ERRATA. Page 16. line 3. for Young's read Young. P. 21. 1. 26. This series is the same as the last, the higher powers of a beinsr neglected. P. 22. 1. 7. for ?/ read ?/ ( equation of the centre.) P. 55. I. 5. for A 4- S As -4- B -f S B* H- C 4- S C -}- c. read A X S A* 4- B X S Ba + C X S Ca -j- c. P. S'l. 1. 3. for spheriod read spheroid. P. 88. 1. 1(>. for with read of. P. 107. March 7, re-id J 1. 1 1 ; April 1 1, read 0. 14 j June 13, read 0. 2L P. 147. In some copies the Ficrure has been inverted by mistake. P. 163. 1. 20. for .43424948 read .434^9443. P. 175. I. 21. for mix. read rnin. P. 25:?. 1. 26. for 2 g x W * W r ; read 2 g X W s = W c. P. 273. 1. 11. for Berege read Barege. P. 302. Art. Thermometer, for Centrigrade read Centigrade. Durham ; Printed by Francis HwnMe. JV.27506O THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY