THE Slncimt anfr ffitteiwl, WITH NUMERALS, INCLUDING (iotjnc; Clrarcjj fet, farge an& Small; rman Arabesque; Initials for MONOGRAMS, CROSSES, &c., FOB THE USE OF ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DRAUGHTSMEN, MASONS, DECORATIVE PAINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS, CARVERS, &c. COLLECTED AND ENGRAVED BT F. SIXTEENTH DELAMOTTE 3 EDITION LONDON: CROSBY LOCKWOOD AND SON, 7, STATIONERS' HALL COURT. 1914. PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION. paid to the so liberally S there are no works of Ancient Alphabets of any excellence published in a cheap form, I have been induced, after many years' study and research in my profession as a Draughtsman and Engraver, to offer this collection to the favourable notice of the public; trusting that its very moderate price and general usefulness will be a sufficient apology for the undertaking. The demand for a Fourth Edition within so short a period of the publication of the Third, has convinced me in the most agreeable manner that it has been a work required by the public. To render it still more worthy of their attention, I have here introduced some additions, likely to enhance the interest and increase the value of the pages, as an indication of the esteem in which I have held the encouragement, and the respect I have suggestions of the purchasers of this book, and the critics by whom it has been reviewed. 582184 INDEX. -><* PiOB STH CENTURY. VATICAN 1 STH CENTURY. BBITISH MUSEUM 2 STH AND 9iH CENTURIES. ANGLO-SAXON .... 3 9TH CENTURY. FROM AN ANGLO-SAXON MS. BAT- TEL ABBEY 4 FROM MS. LIBRARY OP MINERVA, ROME 6 IOTH CENTURY. BRITISH MUSEUM 6 HTH CENTURY AND NUMERALS . . 7 12iH CENTURY. FROM THE MAZARIN BIBLE ... 8 12iH CENTURY. Two SMALL. BRITISH MUSEUM . . 9 12iH CENTURY. BRITISH MUSEUM 10 12TH CENTURY. BODLEIAN LIBRARY 11 13TH CENTURY. HENRY III. WESTMINSTER ABBEY. 12 13iH CENTURY. THOM LATIN M8 13 13iH CENTURY. MS 14 14TH CENTURY. DATE ABOUT 1340 15 14TH CENTURY. BRITISH MUSEUM 16 14iH CENTURY. ILLUMINATED MS 17 14iH CENTURY. RICHARD II. 1400. WESTMINSTER ABBEY 18 14iH CENTURY. HICHAHD II. 1400. SMALL. WEST- MINSTER ABBEY 19 14TH CENTURY. BRITISH MUSEUM 20 14TH CENTURY. FROM MS. MUNICH 21 14TH AND 15TH CENTURIES. Two SMALL. BRITISH MUSEUM 22 1475. BRITISH MUSEUM 23 1480. BRITISH MUSEUM 24 1490. BRITISH MUSEUM 25 HKNHY VII. WESTMINSTER ABBEY 26 15TH AND 16TH CENTURIES. GERMAN ... 27 LOTH AND 16iH CENTURIES. GERMAN. SMALL . . 28 IOTH AND 16iH CENTURIES. ORNAMENTAL RIBBON . 29 16TH CENTURY. HENRY VIII. MS 30 16TH CENTURY. FROM ITALIAN MS. . . ... 31 16TH CENTURY. FROM ALBERT DUBER'B PRAYER BOOK. LARGE 32 16TH CENTURY. ALBERT DURER'S PRAYER BOOK . 33 16TH CENTURY. VATICAN 34 16iH CENTURY. GOTHIC. MS 35 16TH CENTURY. GOTHIC 86 16TH CENTURY. GOTHIC. MS. . 37 16m CENTURY. LARGE, SMALL, AND NUMERALS. FRENCH. MS 38 !"TH CENTURY. MS 39 17iH CENTURY CHURCH TEXT. MS 40 GERMAN ARABESQUE 41 GERMAN ARABESQUE. SMALL 42 METAL ORNAMENTAL .43 INITIALS . . ... 44 INITIALS 45 IOTH CENTURY 46 INITIALS 47 NUMERALS 48 NUMERALS 49 16TH CENTURY 50 16TH CENTURY 51 16iH CENTURY. FROM WOOD ENGRAVINGS .... 52 MONOGRAMS, CROSSES, &c 53 ( 1 ) 8t| farnimv. faita. sfjr fatarjr, riiisjr stir an& otjr totnrks. ( 4 ) otjr fating. Jrout an attel JiflBCCDIF&bb 0f ( 8 ) lotl; tatimr. riti^ KLMNHOPQRST (^oS^G) WX'YZ. CD ntl; ( 7 ) , aitfr fetnrg. (38) leijr fatarg, garge, ^mall, an*r ftaerafa. JC JM J) ( 39 ) taturg, 1711; Cnttmg. Cjmrrlr fet. denmm jtomtll ( 44 ) Initials. < ( 45 ) Initials, ( 46 ) lotjr tetarjr. is* oo O - cc UJ O OQ DC ID Z UJ O CC Z UJ O *< 00 O5 O I I- o GC D I- Z UJ O e h LJ O z 10 oo & *rs oc D Z LJ O CO IO lO IO K) *fi N ( 50 ) toterg. ( 51 ) I6tl; ( 53 ) , tosses, 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. JAW 30/967 60 RECEIVED FEB I'l OAN DEPT, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY