Division of Agricultural Sciences rf 9 Pol UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN ASSEMBLY AND PROCESSING LIMA BEANS FOR FREEZING Robert H. Reed r, 1 I JUL 2 9 (359 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Mimeographed Report No. 219 June, 1959 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREWORD iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS lv INTRODUCTION 1 Sources of Data 1 Production Standards 2 Estimation of Costs 3 Variable Costs ............... 3 Investment Replacement Costs Total Annual Costs h OPERATING STAGES AND COST COMPONENTS 5 ANALYSIS OF STAGE TECHNIQUES AND SYNTHESIS OF COST RELATIONSHIPS . . 8 Vining 8 Viner to Plant Transportation 17 Receiving, Initial Cleaning, and Initial Quality Grading .... 19 Blanching and Second Quality Grade Separation 25 Visual Inspection and Manual Quality Separation 27 Sorting Costs 3^ Packaging or Filling 37 Estimation of Packaging Costs hi Variable Costs hi Annual Fixed Cost ..... hh Total Annual Packaging Costs h6 Casing hj Annual Fixed Costs 53 Annual Variable Casing Costs 53 Total Annual Casing Costs 56 Variable Water Inputs and Costs 58 Freezing and First Month's Storage 58 In-Plant Transportation of Cased Goods and Packaging Materials .... 61 5D f 4C HJ' "•'<.. Qj%)\tSZOr> . . . . . . . , V- « • » * 8TK3?tagi40t> T300 CMA fcSKUfcTa fiKTEAOT . . , , f t--n~ / 'J yftlaui! iauwH baft, aoi+os^eal leys IV ...-..*.»*.».«.. 3^3q0 oSJatrtST .'. • ■,# . . . . * • •■» ,««-, ,« «' sjaoO Jtoxift iBt'nnA . . » . • « « * • ? * eJaoO yrie^jS ©*J'«£ijbV iaij:mk • ♦• • • »v*-i • V*» . f «*so3 %; u?-r.: iJEtffu-A. XgjoT .• •• k't^ .* . » , .• a#aoO £oa aftngoX "tstjsv? altf© ^taV ii Page Investment Cost of Plant Buildings, Water Piping, and Electrical Wiring . 64 Plant Buildings 64 Electrical Power Distribution . . 68 Water Supply System . 70 Summary of Building, Electrical Wiring, and Water Supply Costs 71 Supervision and Miscellaneous Labor 73 Administrative and Office Costs 73 Miscellaneous Equipment 75 TOTAL FIELD ASSEMBLY AND PLANT COSTS 77 Separate Planning Costs for Field and Plant Activities 78 Combined Planning Costs for Field and Plant Activities 8l Integration of Field and Plant Operations «... 81 Problems of Flexibility 84 The Planning Equation for Combined Field and Plant Processing Activities 85 Economies Related to Size of Plant and Length of Season . . 86 The Effect of Distance of Haul ■ 89 Effect of Percentage Manual Grade -Out 91 Effect of Style of Pack 91 SUMMARY 93 APPENDIX A, TABLE 1: Summary of Installed Equipment Replacement Costs, Lima Bean Freezing Plants, California, 1958 97 APPENDIX A, TABLE 2: Summary of Labor Production Standards for Jobs Performed in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing, California, 1958 99 APPENDIX B: The Minimum Cost Combination of Hours of Operation and Rates of Output of Field and Plant Operations in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing ° 101 APPENDIX B, TABLE Xi Minimum Cost Combinations of Hours Operated and Rates of Output for Field and Plant Operations in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing— Three Lengths of Season, California, 1958 < • 106 y tie *••£<*> i Leon* "JV . « . • . 99XCfXV&}9A •STtjJ^^i. . B£,£ »Xai" - ^oT" Ktao' iii FOREWORD This is the fourth in a series of research reports "by the University of California on the competitive position of the western frozen fruit and vegetable industry "being conducted under a regional research project by the Agricultural Experiment Stations of the states of California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii in cooperation with the Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Previous reports in this series by the California Experiment Station have dealt with a survey of the industry on the Pacific Coast, costs and efficiency in processing California strawberries, and regional production trends and costs in the major strawberry producing areas. The present report concerns economic efficiency in the processing and assembling of Lima beans for freezing. It is based on studies of operations in California frozen fruit and vegetable plants made in 1957 and 1958. Future reports will include additional studies of processing plant costs and effi- ciency, freezing costs, demand and price relationships of frozen fruits and vegetables, and interregional competition in the industry. , . • J . - Hf.t .. ... r - . a ■ ■ , ■ ■ • .:• ! : ' ' . : • . • ■ ■ I XoawXIts has e*eo? t Ja»cO oXttotfi t;.f-» a -?tteijf>*} art* lo evicts a rWJhr ilcafe - - • . ■! . , . - iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is indebted to C. C. Dennis of the Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture and Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economic for substantial aid in the collection of basic data for this study. Special credit is due L. L, Sammet of the Giannini Foundation for his encouragement and help in all phases of the study and to J. N. Boles for his aid in formulating the programming procedure used in study of the integration of field and plant processing activities. Thanks are also due R. G. Bressler of the Giannini Foundation; L. C, Martin, Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture} and to members of the Regional Technical Committee for helpful comments during the review of the manuscript. The study would not have been possible without wholehearted cooperation from the industry. While it is difficult to single out individuals in this connection, the author wishes to extend his particular thanks to the follow- ing men and organizations: R. Beverly, Food Machinery Corporation; E. Boone, John Inglis Frozen Foods Company j C. Calleros, Sacramento Freezers, Inc.; K. M. Eberts, Stokely-Van Camp, Inc.; R. G. Free, California Consumers Corp.; V. Gross, Spiegl Farms, Inc.; G. Harris, Walnut Creek Sheet Metal Co.; N. Jozovich and Company ; J. Q. Leavitt and Company; J. C. Martin, Knudsen Frozen Foods Co.; R. Shaw, Watsonville Canning Company; L. States, Ocean Shore Iron Works; and F. B. Voit, Patterson Frozen Foods Company. ■ 9 r«tc ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN ASSEMBLY AND PROCESSING LIMA BEANS FOR FREEZING by Robert H. Reedi^ INTRODUCTION Of the many factors affecting costs of preparing Lima beans for freezing, the most significant are the methods used at particular stages of harvesting and assembling raw product and in processing plant operation, the quality of raw product, style of pack, rate of plant output, and length of operating season. This report is designed to show how variations in these factors affect the 2/ cost of processing Lima beans,- to provide a basis for comparing alternative methods of operation, and to present data useful in planning new construction or changes in existing facilities. It is also intended to furnish data for incorporation in a later study of multiple-product plant operations and to contribute to future studies of interregional competition among fruits and vegetables processed by freezing. Sources of Data Data on labor and equipment utilization were obtained through processor interviews; time and production studies of actual plant operation; and analyses of operating and accounting record data, equipment inventories, and plant layouts in 10 California Lima bean freezing plants in 1957 and 1958. Eight of these plants processed both Fordhook and Baby varieties, while two specialized in the latter variety. Capacity output capabilities in these plants ranged from approximately 5,000 to 30,000 pounds per hour of operation. 1/ Agricultural Economist, Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of Igriculture, and Associate in the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of California. 2/ The term "processing 11 as used in this report includes all the activities involved in handling, preparing, and freezing Lima beans. i-arwi .mow S3 •• * .' ■ ■ • • ■ • ■ ■ ■.■ . ■ •cc-eesooiq ' j'*%istrxAt bsniaJtio ttt$v no.ciRsiltiu Jo^nqiups bq,« tocteX. etfpO. • ■ : . : 2 Supplementary data for certain job and equipment categories were obtained from seven plants processing strawberries. Data concerning equipment replacement costs and operation were developed from information obtained from major equip- ment companies, custom manufacturers, and contractors. Production Standards The development of production standards for labor and equipment was com- plicated because most of the plants studied processed both Fordhook and Baby- Lima bean varieties. Each Fordhook bean averages from 2 to 2-1/2 times larger than the Baby Lima variety; and, consequently, most of the processing equipment will handle slightly higher capacities of the latter type. All in-plant produc- tion standards used in this study are for the Fordhook variety, except for the hand-sort operation where the standards are in terms of the Baby Lima variety.^' The differences in standards are slight, however, and have negligible effect on the labor and equipment requirements used in this report. The work standards in this study do not represent peak performances of the most efficient workers. Instead, they represent a level of job performance that could be maintained by typical workers in plants organized so as to result in minimum unavoidable delay. Since excess delay on individual jobs was ob- served in most plants, these standards exceed the average level of performance observed in actual plant operation. They tend to fall about halfway between the observed average of rates actually attained and the highest individual 2/ performance rate*-' Production standards for labor were derived from production and time stud- ies wherever this technique was applicable to measure unit time required to perform a given operation. This involved estimating net time expended in actual performance of the operation as well as the minimum additional allowances for 1/ On an equal weight basis, 100 Fordhook beans are on the average roughly equivalent to 285 Baby Lima beans. 2/ For a detailed discussion of work measurement methodology, refer to French, B. C, L. L. Sammet, and R. G. Bressler, "Economic Efficiency in Plant Opera- tions with Special Reference to the Marketing of California Pears, " Hilgardia , vol. 2k, no. 19, July, 1956. See Also Sammet, "Economic and Engineering Factors in Agricultural Proc- essing Plant Design" (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Ifaiversity of California, Berkeley, 1958). 3 unproductive time, such as rest periods, unavoidable delays, and personal time. For example, production studies of the job of setting off and palletizing cased Lima beans indicated net working time—including necessary miscellaneous operations — averaged 0.1093 man-minutes per case. 3/ With additional allowances amounting to 15 per cent of the total work time, estimated gross unit time per case was 0.1286 man-minutes per case. This is equivalent to a "standard" pro- duction rate of 1*67 cases per man-hour. For jobs are not adapted to measurement by time and production studies, operating and accounting record data were used to establish work standards. Jobs in this category include machineH?aced jobs, supply men, utility workers, housekeeping, and hand-sort workers Equipment standards, reflecting capacity output rates, were developed from studies of plant record data, production studies of actual operations, specifications of equipment manufacturers, and processor interviews. Supple- mentary equipment data, such as motor horsepower and operating and service requirements, were obtained as a basis for calculating operating inputs. Estimation of Costs Variable Costs Variable costs include expenses for labor, materials, electric power , variable repair costs, and other expense directly related to volume of out- put. Labor costs with each method and output rate considered were calculated 3/ by applying typical wage rates to estimated crew requirements, - The method of estimating other variable costs, such as electric power, fuel, water, steam, packaging materials, and variable maintenancey-related to methods used and equipment requirements at capacity rates of output — are set forth in appropriate sections of the analysis that follows. 1/ Based on 2U-10 ounce cartons per case. 2/ See page 27 where accounting and operating data are used in the development of hand- sort standards. 3/ Current wage rates of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Frozen Food Operators and the California State Council of tannery Unions were used in calculating labor costs. The wage rates used were increased 6 per cent to allow for employer payroll contributions such as social sectmlty, paid vacations, and fringe benefits. ■ 3 • . - '•■ • ■ ■ ' (eeonevoXLe lenoii'Jbts rkfiw \-tSafc:> isq a^UKXitwiBm £^OI»0 be^trsvs— anox-Jsi^qc ■rxsq acit? j-ruu esci^ baTawtxa? .«s3o*rq fcnr l £'/p-iioslonurj Jn9fliqsc srii o.+ rfoWaUaeo fcfl* a*to*tfWs%dK*n 'tf-Ganr gnjlh, hoc ar^qxq l£xi iBcbnx fens saibXiwd lo ateeo taoftOOfcXq'JJ? VnainqiifP* 3&£XX«fMj.t 10 g..i.jww6noo lo ateoo oifr r o aetfamMsa * fcfiisswijna ao ftraad oi* ct noiisT-ST. ax nBltl&tifvp lasxe^n'q. snT .asolvxae 9$od3 lo asxJlofetep boilifpe'i 11 •3Pci«i,tr» ax ioqcXov^b r*ow boeacf 9Z& aoJ*w.ttaa -Aslthr no ^txoaq^o JhsXq «c«c(T ..ainfilq bsixne^to .s£$no£dJt!lt» nx tfd^sj $B$9q**fi be* ^ama-Hapm ofoqs hna 8c~f V'trat'ft je-iit oris grtxrcub baJisrifcteo (MP&w a&oo .Mifj *tfs j'aiXxBV'd^q -XoVoi 3to-;.ose.i.ier*tsq £ ss .teaanqjeo t .^MrtO boxix Xswafe'iiA turifta rts o* taoa a : r Mate j vd .bs>; rioiia 10|t ei^nc Uuana ifiSoi to n^xcfsmiiaS to'i hor aol *ai*qo to *i> *», -iiiizBzocvi to ofsJa j LcfaX'tav 08 anuionx eJSoo laT?fis>3 16 .136 5. Aggregation of costs representing efficient stage organization, along tiith general cost components not associated with specific operating stages, gives total annual cost for the entire plant and field processing activities. These costs, related to size of plant and length of operating season, comprise the total annual cost of processing Lima beans with efficient plant and field organization. They are not the costs of a particular plant or plants. Rather, they express costs with attainable levels of efficiency for any volume of out- put. Total annual costs developed in this manner are referred to as long-run or planning costs. They are particularly useful in economic analysis of plant costs and to management as an aid in planning new plant construction or changes in existing facilities. OPERATING STAGES AND COST COMPONENTS The principal steps in the preparation of Lima beans for freezing — including both field and plant operations — are illustrated in the product flow diagram (Figure 1) and the plant layout drawing (Figure 2). The field operations consist of vining *r shelling the beans and trans- porting them to the receiving station of the freezing plant. Some of the initial cleaning operations may also be accomplished at the vining site. At the freezing plant, the product is pumped, flumed, or otherwise conveyed from the receiving station through a series of in-plant operations. These include initial or additional cleaning, quality separation, blanching, visual inspection and manual quality grading, filling or packaging cartons or containers of various sizes, wrapping or labeling, freezing, casing, and warehousing. The operations performed in most processing activities can be accomplished by one or more alternative methods. Since estimation of the relative costs of alternative methods of operation is facilitated by combining closely related operations into several plant operating stages or components, field and plant operations have been classified into 10 operating stages and h general cost components, the operating stages include: (1) vining; (2) transportation to plant; (3) receiving, initial cleaning, and quality grading: (U) blanching and second quality grading; (5) visual inspection and manual quality grading; (6) filling and packaging; (7) variable water costs; (8) casing; (9) freezing and initial storage; and (10) in-plant transportation of cased goods and packaging materials, ©eneral cost components include: (1) investment cost of plant buildings, water piping, and electrical wiring; (2) supervision and miscel- laneous labor; (3) plant administration; and (h) miscellaneous equipment. C9S9 JO IQ Figure 1. Process Flow Diagram for Frozen Lima Bean Processing. California, 1958. 01 7. 0 ® ('5) © (V)i — I I * I 12) OFFICE REST ROOMS REPAIR SHOP STORAGE CASING LEGEND d> Cradle Type Bin Dumper ® Receiving Tank ® Food Pump - 3 " ® Return Water Screen and Supply Tank ® Flotation Washer ® Pneumatic Cleaner <2> Conveyor ® Pre-Blanch Quality Grader @ Temporary Storage Hoppers © Hot Water Blancher O Dewater Reel G2> Cooling Flumes Q> Dewater Reel (L3> Dewater Shaker C5 Post-Blanch Quality Grade O Temporary Storage Hoppers Flume 03) Dewater Shaker © Cross Distribution Conveyor or Flume Pick Eelts - w/Cascade (D> Cross Distribution Flume (I! Mesh Conveyor to Bulk Fill Station © Bulk Fill Station (O Retail and Bulk Style Accumulating Hopper (O Vibrator Feeders £2> Fill Hopper Carton Feed/Form 1 4) Retail Filler Institutional Filler (£5 Carton Closer nxv "io troll rxhbB exd+ d*JW •■jmIkw Mao"! art* 1o JiBq ©At ho. iioll* j sno n»rf* isrtJsi owi o- + Btfltt? vXqqt'a nso taxtow ©if* ©is Btfn©m9-xxupsi Jneeqxirpa bf» tods! isd+0 .ionxv —ancUeieqo ^inxv vianomdo ©rf* lo bssxnRdosm Jean tea bixri* ©d* ril _, o -i3vxl9'. ~9bx8 b iWiw bstiisaotw* ax B bodi*** to Jnemqlups aria-— 0 boAtstt h n 9i& fusdi ana©d ©dT .©Judo Yi©vxl9b i©nxv does labrru b9llB.t^nx wit'** - .too'gX sr.ilbftsrf^jjl gflx+anlmxJs 4T©d vXdmoaBs nxaa 9d4 o* YXjoeixb bae i9v fib rf*tw alitor bsXJoqoxq-tloe t noxieiaqo ^nxniv *Xxdom erirf ni labntXys TOJaotf A .dnercqitfp© bn/icdcX aottaJe vnxniT ©d? ©aalqa-i inabnaJia p FpaAds- b rto ba^'f-fooi 91* T*nJN[ brsbrraiB a to snuiil brtc t rroiq. - . t J99rt nesioe -\ ^.t-rta »rt+^nt+ ft vri bsiisaotla fans *ftxi*9-*8-brtft-©vxib isaxb*-*; dJlw ©rfT .noJWsiaqo yiMwb rtoiixeoq lav©! anx noiqe bna i99T WW -nainB m t if>bnJ-l^9-4l bisbne.t-3 s yd b^*6i9qo ©is .dnaaqtop* Tisilixas bns lobnxXyD i9niv o, ©r; b9lX©^a nx 5©Ll9te a oi fc^iisvueo siow noiiada ^ninxv oi Moil &di fflrotl aeniv 51 Bboi/o» , i 1 38 30 23 15 13 126 110 1 X 1 43 33 25 18 15 152 126 1 1 1 47 36 27 20 17 168 142 1 1 1 55 lt2 32 23 19 190 158 1 l 1 59 "*5 34 25 21 206 174 1 1 1 72 54 ItO 32 27 261+ 222 1 : % :,i 1 82 60 itit 38 32 312 264 1 1 2 96 71 52 Itlt 37 360 302 1 1 2 110 82 60 50 "*3 1+08 350 1 1 2 127 94 70 57 lt8 462 392 2 2 2 va 105 78 63 53 510 430 2 2 2 152 112 83 69 58 558 472 2 2 2 165 122 90 75 6U 606 520 2 2 3 191 140 103 88 7 field *leanup~ $1 . 25 per hour; and field sup.r- SS£l» Gasoline calculated at 3 gallons per hour per viner and truck at $0.21 per gallon Oil aF1^02 per hour per viner and truck. Variable maintenance and t*^ .* EstiSLf as o! 5 Sr cenf or equipment replacement costs per 100 hours operation. Includes mechanics' vages and suppliesf 27 ^ck^| 2 ^ e V±ner ^ SerViC£ Weldlng Unlt " Re P^ment ^sts : Viner~$12,000; and d/ Includes depreciation-10 per cent; insurance-1 per cent; interest on investment-^ per cent- fixed repairs and maintenance-^ per cent; and taxes-1 P er cent. The total is 1 7 per cent *S repLement i 15 of season for each of the four methods considered. The results—for three selected length of season—are shown in Figure 3 for hourly output rates up to 30,000 pounds per hour. Figure 3 then provides a basis for selection of the most economical method of vining for the three selected lengths of season illustrated. Similar comparisons could be made for lengths of season different than those shown. Study of Figure 3 shows that in a 500-hour season, mobile vining is the low-cost method for rates of vining output below 6,000 pounds per hour, while Method C becomes the low-cost method for all hourly output rates above that level. For season of 1,000 and 1,500 hours, mobile vining becomes the low-cost method for all rates of output considered. A useful generalization can be developed from total season costs like those given in Figure 3. This involves selection of the least-cost method with any given rate of output and length of season. The least-cost points so selected provide "planning costs" of the type previously defined and form the basis of a "planning equation." Such an equation for the vining operation^/ is given below and is represented graphically by the heavy dashed lines in Figure 3. (1) TSC y - $3,929 ♦ $2,633 (R) ♦ $0.3691 (H) ♦ $7.99 (R)(H) where TSC v is the total season cost of vining in dollars. R is the rate of vining output in 1,000 pounds per hour. H is the number of hours of vining operations during the season. For any given rate of output and length of season, equation (1) can be used to estimate total season vining cost with efficient organization. As an illustration, consider a vining operation operating at the rate of 10,000 pounds per hour for a season of 1,000 hours. Total season cost for a' vining The e ?uation shows the average relationship of annual costs to rate of vining output and length of season. It is computed to minimize the sum of the squared residuals between costs represented bythe equationlnl toe s™tn^zed costs derived from Tables 2 and 3. The corrected multiple correlationco- 5 J£ ent If °-"V' ThiS indicates the equation gives a very close description of the synthesized costs representing an efficient vining operation. It is not however, a statistical measure of the validity of these Estimates! Similar ' SSSJyrS sSdy? CalCUlati ° nS 0f 0ther cot relationships Figure 3. Total Annual Costs of Vining Li.a Beans in Relation to Methods Used, Rate of Output, and S Length of Season. California, 1958. 17. operation under these conditions is estimated by substituting for R and H in the above equation and solving, that is: TSC y - $3,929 ♦ $ 2,633 (10) t $0.3691 (1,000) ♦ $7.99 (1 0 )(1000) - $3,929 ♦ $26,330 + $369 + $79,900 - $110, #8 . Viner to Plant Transportation Costs of transporting Lima beans from the vining station to the plant receiving dock vary widely with respect to distance of haul, equipment capacities, and contractual arrangements. In California, Lima beans are hauled in bulk— by trailer or truck, or in tote bins.i^ In most of the plants observed, the hauling was performed under contract with commercial trucking companies. Although the rates varied slightly among plants, most of the variation in transportation costs was due to the differences in tonnage per load and length of haul. To eliminate the effect of hauling charge differentials among areas, the 1957 schedule of rates listed in Minimum Rate Tariff No. 2 of the California Public Utilities Commission was used for establishing the costs used in this report. The rates in this schedule ap- plicable to hauls of 20,000 pounds minimum weight—as shown graphically by the light, broken line in Figure fc— tend to level off as distance from the plant increases. A general expression relating truck-hauling cost per 1,000 pounds to distance hauled is shown by the solid line "smoothed" through the steps of Figure 1*. This line, representing a generalized rate-distance relationship, is defined by the following expression: (2) THC « $1.1*0 (log 10 D) where THC is truck-hauling cost per 1,000 pounds of shelled Lima beans. T S th f distance f rom vining station to plant, expressed in logarithms (base 10). 1/ Tote bins are wood containers approximately V x k* x k'. 19- Total annual costs can be estimated by multiplying equation (2) above by the annual volume of Lima beans vined (1,000 pounds of vining output per hour times the number of hours operated per season) . This relation is given by the planning equation below and is graphically depicted in Figure $• (3) TSC H - $1.1*0 (log D) (R)(H) where TSC„ is annual truck-hauling costs, B D is distance from vining station to plant, expressed in logarithms to the base 10. R is 1,000 pounds of vining output per hour. H is hours of vining operation per season. This equation can be used to estimate the annual truck-hauling cost for any given rate of vining output, distance to plant, and hours operated per season. For example, the total annual cost of hauling for a vining operation of 10,000 pounds per hour, 20 miles from the plant, and operating over a season of 500 hours, is estimated by substituting these values for D, R, and H in equation (3) above and solving, that is: TSC - $1.U0 (log 20) (10) (500) W - $1.1*0 (1.3010) (5,000) - 19,107 Estimated total annual hauling costs for a plant operating under the conditions assumed is $9,107. This result can be read directly from Figure 5, by entering the figure at 10,000 pounds, the appropriate season length, and distance hauled (point A) and reading off approximate total season hauling costs on the vertical scale (point B). Receiving, Initial Cleaning, and Initial Quality Grading Two methods involved in the receiving, cleaning, and initial quality grading of Lima beans — bin handling and bulk handling — are considered. With bin handling, the beans are normally subjected to an initial cleaning at a stationary vining site. After vining, the beans proceed on the main assembly conveyor through a pneumatic separator and are flumed to a series of straight-line washers equipped with destoning attachments. They are then TCtfC 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of vininq output, thousand pounds Figure 5. Total Annual Costs of Viners to Plant Transportation in Relation to Selected Distances and Vining Output Rates— Lima Beans Processed by Freezing, California, 1958* 21. conveyed into h f x k* x h 1 tote bins. When filled, these bins are set aside by lift truck for icing down and transfer to a truck for delivery to the plant receiving station. Whether or not ice is added depends upon distance to the plant and on the possibility of temporary storage at the vining station or plant. At the plant receiving station, and bins are set off by lift truck and either set aside to temporary storage or are placed directly on a cradle-type mechanical dump where they are emptied into receiving tanks mounted on a shaker frame assembly. The beans feed continuously from the receiving tank to a pump intake conveyor or flume where they are pumped through a dewatering shaker to quality graders situated on a raised platform. The quality grader separates the beans into maturity grades using the specific gravity principle. The higher grades float to the surface of a brine solution while the overmature or firms beans sink to the bottom. Each grade is discharged through separate discharge pipes. Normally, the higher quality beans continue to the blanching operation while the more mature beans are either conveyed to temporary storage for disposal as waste or to await their turn for further processing in a lower quality pack. With bulk handling, the beans are loaded into the truck directly and do not require an intermediate container. In mobile vining operations, the beans are mechanically dumped from the collection hoppers of the individual viners and are hauled directly to the plant. In stationary vining operations, the beans may be cleaned at the vining site, as in bin handling, or sent directly to the plant. Icing down may occur with either mobile or stationary vining, depending upon the distance to the plant receiving station. On arrival at the plant, the truckload is dumped in a receiving tank mounted on a shaker frame assembly and conveyed through the various cleaning and grading operations in the same manner as with bin handling. Labor requirements with bin handling include a lift-truck operator at both field and plant locations and for operating and attending the cleaning, brining, and icing equipment. In bulk handling, the lift-truck operator at the plant receiving dock is replaced by a bulk-receiving attendant. With this exception, labor requirements of the two methods are identical. The equipment requirements and unit equipment costs given in Table k are used to estimate the total investment cost with selected rates of output that are shown in Table $. Annual fixed charges — and the percentages used in their computation — are also shown in Table $. In addition, production standards for labor and wage information given in Table 5 are used to estimate the labor requirements and cost that are summarized therein. •insfq bra »rf.l mcn't h ? 9dJ oi v v»£i?5Xfc sri.} rti can bQC saw sta $ al&'aT ax r . aisiarf.t fcesxu: TABLE k Equipment Requirements by Rate of Output and Method of. Handling, Receiving Initial Cleaning and Quality Grading in Lima Bean Processing, California, 1958 Bulk handling Rate of output Rec i tan eiv- ng / kf/ Con- . veyor-' Shaker separa- tors' Con- . veyor-' Pneumatic separa- tor!^ Flume assem, blyl/ WashersS/ Con- veyor or . flumeiy Pumping. . assembly*' Tub- , ingJ' Dewater , shakeriS' Briner plat, formi' Quality. gradersS' Pumping , assembly!/ Flume assem, bly™ Tem- porary storage tanksS' Walk, way&2 Icing equip, ment2' pounds per nour num- ber _tvp_e_ feet number feet num- ber type feet num- ber type feet num- ber type feet number square feet num- ber type num- ber type feet num- ber type feet num- ber type 5,000 1 B 10 1 8 1 A 3 1 A 10 „r/ - 1 A 1 A 50 1 1 B C 35 1 A 10,000 1 C 10 1 3 1 B 14 2 A 20 1 A 78 2 1*50 2 A «/ 10k 2 1 A C 76 1 B 15,000 V 1 B 20^ 2 1 D 27 2 C 28 1 B 78 2 450 2 c 120 3 1 A C 98 1 B 20,000 1 1 A B 20 2 16 1 E 27 2 1 B C 35 1 A 131* 3 574 2 1 B C 120 k 1 A B 133 ■ 1 B 25,000 1 1 B C 20 2 16 2 C 28 1 2 1 A B C *5 £ 1 A B 156 720 1 2 1 A B C 136 1* 2 1 A B C 155 1 B 30,000 1 1 B C 30^ 3 2k Z/ 2 D 28 4 c *5 1 1 A B 156 k 720 k C 136 k 2 1 A B C 155 1 B Bin handling Infield cleaning Inplant operations Rate of output Conveyor—^ Pneumatic separa- tor.^ Flume . assembly!' Washers^ Conveyor-^ Tote , ^ binsH/ Icing equip, ment3' Lift , truck!' Dumping . station^' Receiving tankS' Conveyor^/ Pumping . assembly!' Tubingj/ Devater , shaker-' Briner , platformi' Quality . graders^' pounds per hour feet num- ber type feet num- ber type feet number type number type feet num- ber type feet number square feet num- ber type 5,000 8 1 A 3 1 A 15 2k 1 A 1 1 1 B 10 1 A 10,000 8 1 B lU 2 A 23 U8 1 C 1 1 1 c 10 1 A 78 2 *50 2 A 15,000 I6i/ 1 D . 27 2 C 23 72 1 C 1 1 1 1 A B 20ll 1 B 78 2 1*50 2 C 20,000 16 1 E 27 2 1 B C 31 96 1 C 2 2 1 1 A B 20 2 A Ilk 3 57^ 2 1 B C 25,000 16 2 C 28 1 2 1 A B C UO 112 1 c 2 2 1 1 B C 20 30 2 -/ 1 1 A B 156 720 1 1 1 A B C 30,000 2 D 28 i c U0 136 1 c 2 2 1 1 B C 1 1 A B 156 k 720 k C (Continued on next page) f£ TO Table 4 continued. a/ Mounted on shaker frame for continuous feed. Custom manufacture of three types i Type A : 105 oubio feet, 1 -horsepower motor, ecoentric shaft, direct drive — $705, installed. Type B t 240 cubic feat, 3-horsepower motor, eooentric shaft, direct drlve-$909. Installed. Type C t 480 cubic feet, 4-horse- power motor, eccentrio shaft, direct drive — $1,259, installed. b/ Single conveyor with 3/4-horsapower motor and drive — $383, installed, l/ Twin conveyor off single drive, 1-horsepower motor— $553, installed, l/ Twin conveyor off single drive, 1-horsepower motor— $383, installed. Single conveyor with 3/4-horsepower motor sheared to third shaker separator— $383, in- stalled. o/ Custom-built trash separator, 12' x 3' with 3/4-horsepower motor and drive, capacity, 12,500 pounds per hour— $1,460, installed. &/ Single conveyor with 3/4-horsepower motor and drive— $362, installed, l/ Twin conveyor off single drive, 1-horsepower motor— $512, installed, zf Twin conveyor off single drive, 1 -horsepower motor— $362, installed; and cross conveyor, 8' x 12", 3/4-horsepower and drive to deliver to pneumatic separator— $362, installed. e/ Five Types t Type A i 18-inoh intake, 3-horsepower, capacity 7,600 pounds per hour— $1,488, installed. Type B i 24-inoh intake, 7-l/2-horsepower, capa- city 10,000 pounds per hour— $2,698, installed. Type C i 30-inch intake, 7-l/2-horsepower, capacity 12,500 pounds per hour— $2,788, installed. Type D: 36-inch intake, 10-horsepower , capacity 15,000 pounds per hour— $3,050, installed. Type E i 42-inoh intake, 10-horsepower, capacity 20,000 pounds per hour — $3,136, installed. tj Includes filming, dewater reels, fittings, and waste water piping. For details on installed costs, refer to Appendix A, Table 1. g/ Flotation washers with destoner attachment. Three types i Type A i 5,000-pounds per hour capacity— $2,789, installed. Type B » 6,500-pounds per hour capacity— $3,089, installed. Type C i 7,500-pounds per hour capacity— $3,389, installed. h/ Conveyor for 5,000 rate 10' x 12" — $383, flumes thereafter. Flumes, fittings, waste or return water piping inoluded. For unit costs refer to Appendix A, ~ Table 1. i/ Product pump assembly and intake tanks. Two types: Type A i 3-inch intake, oapaoity 12,000 pounds per hour— $695, installed. Type B : 4- inch intake, eapaoity 18,000 pounds per hour— $900, installed. j/ Tube conveyors for product pump8--3-inch tubing of polyethylene and 4-inch tubing of aluminum. Elbows, tees, adaptors, valves, recirculating equipment included. For detailed costs refer to Appendix A, Table 1. k/ Capacity is 8,000 pounds per hour, includes return water tank— $670, installed. l/ Custom built, 5/l6-inch safety plate, angle iron and black pipe construction, includes guard rails on stairway and platform. Platform is 10-feet above plant floor. Labor and materials cost— $3.40 per square foot. m/ Types and capacities same as for washers (see |/). Installed oost is $200 less than washers since it does not include destoner equipment. Brine mix equipment, including tanks, brine density controller, and distribution system— $1,P15, installed. One brine station supplies four quality graders. n /includes flumes, dewater reels, waste water tubing, elbows, tees, adaptors, and other fittings. See Appendix A, Table 1 for cost details. p/ Capacity of storage is 8-hours at the rates indicated. Tanks are galvanized iron, sloped bottoms and sides. Three Types i Type A : 700 oubio feet, approximate capacity, 26,000 pounds— $785. Type B : 525 cubic feet, approximate capacity, 19,500 pounds — $665. Type C i 350 cubic feet, approximate capacity, 13,000 pounds— $550. p/ Installed over temporary storage tanks, 5/16-inch safety plate, 2 feet wide with black pipe guard rails for stairs and walkways. Installation cost— $1.50 per lineal foot. q/ Three types: Type A : Crusher with 3-horsepower motor, without blower, 40 cubio feet, galvaniied iron tank mounted on warehouse truck, 4 scoop shovels — $1,048, installed. Type B ; Same as Type A but includes 10-horsepower blower and ice delivery tubing— $2,052, installed. Type C « Same as Type A but includes additional tank assembly— $1,257, installed. r/ Dashes indicate that with low output capacity this job does not apply. s/ Blanks indicate that this Job is performed by the pumping assembly crew. Designed as described in b/. u/ Allows 8-hours of reserve storage at rates indioated. Capacity of tote bin is approximately 1,800 pounds, excluding ice. Bins cost $14, each, v/ Standard type lift truck, 4000-pound oapacity — $5,775, delivered. w/ Cradle-type bin dumper, electrically driven 1/2-3/4 horsepower motor, capacity, 19,500 pounds per hour— $690, installed. 24 TARTE 5 Crew Requirements, Variable Coots, Equipment Replacement Co3ts, and Annual Charges by Rate of Output ana Method of Hand! ins — Receiving, Initial Cleaning, and Quality Grudinc in Plant3 Processing Lima Beans for Freezing, California, 1958 Bulk handling Crew requirements^/ Variable cost^/ c/ Replacement cost-' Annual fixed charge^ Attend clean- Attend Icing Power Rate ing- grading and and of Re- equip- equip- distri- Total re- Equip- Belt- Equip- Belt- out-put ceive ment ment bution crew Labor pairs Total ment ing Total ment ing Total pounds per hour number of workers dollars 5,000 1 1 1 1 4 7.68 1.36 9-04 16,462 137 16,599 2,716 34 2,750 10,000 1 1 1 2 5 9-54 2.50 12.04 29,789 88 29,877 4,915 22 4,937 15,000 1 2 2 2 7 13.50 2.93 16.43 37,276 176 37,452 6,151 44 6,198 20,000 1 2 2 3 8 15.36 3. 42 18.78 46,269 176 46,445 7,634 44 7,678 25,000 2 2 3 11 21.18 4.67 25.85 57,932 176 58,108 9,559 44 9,603 30,000 2 3 3 If 12 23.01* 4.81 27.85 60,856 176 61,032 10,041 44 10,085 Bin handling e/ tJ 5,000 1 2 1 1 5 8.55 1.59 10.14 17,582 221 17,803 2,901 55 2,956 10,000 1 2 1 2 6 9.80 2.46 12.26 29,089 204 29,293 4,800 51 4,851 15,000 1 1* 2 2 9 15.00 2.62 17.62 33,778 191 33,969 5,573 48 5,621 20,000 1 If 2 3 10 16.25 3.51 19.76 47,702 231 47,933 7,871 58 7,929 25,000 2 4 3 1* 13 21.70 4.54 26.24 58,240 275 58,515 9,610 69 9,679 30,000 2 6 3 H 15 24.50 4.68 29.18 61,500 275 61,775 10,148 69 10,217 a/ Work standards and wage rates : Wage rate Job Field Plant Bulk handling Bin handling dollars pounds per hour Receive bulk Receive bins Attend cleaning equipment Attend grading equipment Distribution and ice • 1.25 1.25 1.86 2.10 1.86 2.10 1.86 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 * Lashes indicate not applicable. b/ Power costs estimated on basis of $0,025 per horsepower hour. Variable repair costs including wages and supplies for maintenance men estimated as 0.5 per cent of equipment replacement costs per 100 hours operation. c/ Refer to Table 4 for delivered and installed prices of major equipment items. d/ Equipment : 16.5 per cent of equipment replacement costs includes depreciation — 10 per centj taxes — 1 per cent; insurance — 1 per cent; interest on Investment — 3 per cent (approximately 5-5 per cent of undepreciated balance); and fixed repairs and maintenance — 1.5 per cent. Belting: 25 per cent of belting replacement cost includes depreciation — 20 per cent; taxes — 1 per cent; insurance — 1 per cent; and interest — 3 per cent. e/ Operates lift truck and bin dumper. fj Includes both field and plant location. 25 Total annual costs for four lengths of season are shown in Figure 6. The figure shows there is little difference in the total annual costs of the two methods. Selection of the method to use, therefore, will depend upon the pref- erences of the plant management concerned. Costs in this study are based on hulk handling. As in the analyses of preceding operating stages, planning costs for the receiving, initial cleaning, and quality-grading stage are given in equation (1+) helow. The costs represented by this expression are graphically depicted by the heavy dashed line in Figure 6. (4) TSC = $1,892 + $320(R) + $4. 5882(H) + |O.WE)(l) where TSC is total season cost in dollars for receiving, initial cleaning, and quality grading. R is 1,000 pounds of output per hour. H is hours of plant operation per season. Blanching and Second Quality Grading The blanching operation consists of subjecting the product to heat through the medium of hot water or steam, or a combination of both. A hot-water bath is the medium normally used in blanching Lima beans. The primary purpose of blanching is the partial prevention of enzyme activity associated with the production of "strong" flavors and discoloration. The duration of the blanching treatment depends primarily on the tempera- ture of the water bath and the size and firmness of the beans. At the tempera- ture usually maintained- -just below boiling— an exposure time of approximately 3 minutes for Baby Lima and 5-1/4 to 4 minutes for the Fordhook variety is required. Blanching equipment and service inputs (steam and water) require- ments in this analysis were developed on the basis of a U -minute exposure time. The beans are flumed from the initial quality grade operation over a drain or dewater belt and into the blancher. The blancher consists of an outer tank that holds the blanch water through which the beans are con- veyed in a perforated revolving drum or blanching reel by means of an inner spiral. Water is supplied at the discharge end of the unit and two steam inlet pipes are also provided. In this study it is assumed each blancher is equipped with a variable -speed transmission or drive and an automatic Mtrwra ant*' ! 26. 60 50 40 30 10 T 250 Hour Season — — Planning costs Bin handling Bulk handling 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds 15 20 25 30 Figure 6. Total Annual Costs of Receiving, Cleaning, ana 1 Initial Grading in Relation to Methods Used, Rate of Output, and Length of Season. Lima Bean Freezing Plants. California, 1958. 27. temperature-control system to assist the operator in maintaining proper blanch temperatures and exposure times. Steam at 125 pounds per square inch pressure is furnished by boilers fired with forced draft natural gas burners. In most of the operations studied, provision is made for a second or postblanch-quality grade operation. The postblanch-quality grading step is required when the quality of the product is such that the initial grading station cannot separate overmature and shriveled beans with enough selectivity to avoid grade losses. If the beans received are of generally high quality, however, initial grading may suffice, and the postblanch grading equipment may be used as a skimmer or bypassed entirely. Provision for postblanch grading is included in the equipment layout of plants synthesized in this report. Labor requirements for this operating stage include attendants for the blanch, brine, and boiler equipment. Labor standards for these machine-paced jobs were developed from an analysis of plant record data and from direct observation of the job requirements in plants of different capacities. Crew and equipment requirements and costs are summarized in Table 6. Production standards and the variable cost rates and equipment unit costs on which they are based — as well as the percentages used to compute annual fixed charges — are also given in Table 6. Variable costs and annual fixed charges given in Table 6— in relation to selected rates of plant output and hours operated per season — have been used in calculating total annual costs illus- trated in Figure 7. Planning costs for blanching and second-quality grading are shown by the heavy dashed lines in Figure 7 and are given by equation (5) below. (5) TSC - $1,293 + 1187(B) + 15.6773(H) + $0.2238(R)(H) where TSC is total season cost in dollars for blanching and second quality grading. R is 1,000 pounds of output per hour. H is hours operated per season. Visual Inspection and Manual Quality Separation While most overmature beans and defects are removed by mechanical brine separation and cleaning, maturity grading to a strict tolerance by this means is difficult because of insignificant differences — in some lots — in specific iris buf (H)( TABLE 6 Crew and Equipment Requirements, Variable and Replacement Costs, and Annual Fixed Charges for Blanching and Second Quality Grade Operation in Lima Bean Freezing PlantB California, 1958 Variable costs Equipment -eauirements Replacement costs Annual 9 1 VpH choi-iree Rate Power Blanch Steam dataf/ Cool- Second- By-pass of output WorkersS^ Labor and repairs^/ Total Flume=/ Con- veyorj/ equip- ment®' Boiler Steam Heating surface ing flume Con- veyors' quality gradejy con- veyor^/ Equip- ment^/ Belt- inglJ/ Total Equip- ment!/ Belt- ings/ Total pounds per hour number dollars feet num- ber type h.p. pounds square feet feet num ber type feet dollars 5,000 3 6.30 O.74 7.04 17 a/ 1 A y& 690 108 50 1 A 12" x 25' 13,703 221 13,924 2,261 55 2,316 10,000 3 6.30 1.02 7-32 20 10 1 C 2# 932 146 75 2 A 15" x 25* 17,903 301 18,204 2,95^ 75 3,029 15,000 5 10.50 1.38 11.88 26 20^ 2 B 1,725 270 100 20 2 C 15" x 25' 24, 7^7 350 25,097 4,083 88 M71 20,000 5 10.50 1.60 12.10 28 20 2 C *y 1,863 292 125 v$ 2 1 B C 15" x 25' 28,503 400 28,903 4,703 100 *,eo3 25,000 7 14.70 2.18 16.88 28 3<^ 1 2 A C 10? 2,453 4oo 125 i ■ 2 1 A B C 18" x 25' 37,031 530 37,561 6,110 133 6,243 30,000 7 14.70 2.30 17.00 36 30 3 C 8# 2,79^ 437 150 4 C 18" x 25' 40,876 530 4l,4o6 6,71*5 133 6,878 &/ Labor standards for each of the blanch, grader, and boiler room attendants are estimated as 10,000 pounds per hour* Wage rates for each of these Jobs are |2.10 per hour* b/ Power estimated as 2*5 oents per horsepower hour* Variable repairs estimated as 0*5 per cent of equipment replacement cost per 100 hours operation* 0/ Flume, galvanised iron* 20-guage, leading from temporary storage— $7 per foot, installed* if Mesh oonveyor, dewater, and distribution to blanohers. 1/ 10' x 12", 1 oonveyor, S/4-horsepower motor and drive— $432, installed. if 10' x 12", twin conveyors, S/i-horsepower motor off one drive— $659, installed, if 10' x 12", 3 eonveyors, 1-horsepower motor off one drive— $929, installed. *f Requirements based on 4-miuute blanch, includes varispeed motor and drive and blanch temperature control assembly. Type A i 12-foot cylinder, eapaoity 6,400 pounds per hour— price estimated at $4,463, oomplete. Type B i 15-foot cylinder, eapaoity 8,000 pounds per hour— price estimated at $4,620, complete Type C i 18-foot cylinder, capacity 10,000 pounds per hour— price estimated at $5,182, oomplete* £/ Includes 12 5-pound 3 -per- square- inch Scotch marine dryback boiler, trim and fittings, lagging, stack, forced draft natural gas burner, less steam piping and fitting. 1/ Boiler— $3,063, oomplete, installed. 2/ Boiler— $3,344, complete, installed. 3/ Boiler— $4,313, complete, installed. 4/ Boiler— $4,313, complete, installed, hf Boiler-$5,594 ( complete, installed. 6f Boiler— $7,219, complete, installed. 6/ Mesh conveyors, each 12 inches wide, inclined 15 degrees, if One oonveyor, 3/4 horsepower motor and drive— $383, installed, zf Twin conveyors, s/4 horsepower motor off one drive— $553, installed. if Three ooavsyors, 1-horsepower motor off one drive— $655, installed. 4/ Two twin oonveyors, two 3/4 horsepower motors and drives— $850, installed. h/ Straight-line flotation type, oomplete with brine mix equipment, including tanks, brine density controller, and brine distribution piping* Type A i Capaolty 5,000 pounds per hour — $4,404, installed. Type B . Capacity 6,600 pounds per hour — $4,704, installed. Type C i Capacity 7,500 pounds per hour— $6,004, installed. l/ Mesh oonveyor to by-pass seoond-quality grade, 1-horsepower motor and drive, drip pans. Motor and drive assembly and oonveyor frame — $605 each, in- stalled. Sum of replacement costs of individual equipment items* k/ Belting cost estimated by expression) $0*41 (W)(L) where W is width of belt in inches and L is length of conveyor in feet. if Estimated as 16.5 per oent of equipment replacement cost, includes depreciation— 10 per oent; taxes— 1 per centj insuranoe— 1 peroentj interest on investment- 3 per cent (approximately 5.5 per cent of undepreciated balance); and fixed repairs and maintenance— 1.5 oer cent. mf Estimated as 25 per cent of belting replacement cost, inoludes depreciation— 20 per cent; taxes— 1 per oent; insurance— 1 per oent; and interest on in- vestment — 3 per cent. TO 00 29. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds Figure 7. Total Annual Costs of Blanching and Second Quality Grading Operations in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing in Relation to Rate of Output and Length of Season, California, 1958. 50 gravity of green and overmature beans.- Consequently, quality separation by manual means is necessary for final inspection and removal of any over- mature beans or defects that remain. Beans are flumed directly from the second mechanical quality grading station to the sorting belts. These belts, with a few exceptions, are 2U inches wide and from 25 to 30 feet in length. A wire mesh belt (for de- watering) comprises the first section of the sorting belt from? which the beans are deposited on a rubber cannery (or neophrene) belt moving in the same direction.-^ This arrangement results in a "cascade" effect which turns the beans over so both sides can be inspected with minimum effort by sorters stationed along the entire length of the belt, including the wire mesh section. The amount of sorting labor required depends upon the volume of beans run per belt hour and the proportion of defects and overmature beans which must be removed. As visual inspection requires effort which cannot easily be measured in quantitative terms, direct work measurement techniques such as time and production studies are inappropriate for measuring the input of sorter labor. Accounting record data showing the number of sorters in relation to volume run per belt hour and pounds of grade-out were not available in the detail required. Furthermore, the number of beans, rather than their weight relative to volume per belt hour and proportion of grade-out^is a more relevant factor to consider in the measurement of sorting-labor inputs. Because of the limitations of direct work measurement and the difficulty of obtaining adequate plant record data, an intermediate approach was used. Direct studies were made of the sorting operation in seven plants. The procedure used in the development of data for the analysis involved five major steps : l/ Defects include extraneous vegetable material, pieces, shrivels, sprouts, discoloration, and blemishes. For a more detailed discussion of grade determi- nants, refer to U.S. Standards for Grades of Frozen Lima Beans, 8th issue, April 16, 1957. 2/ Sorting tables or belts vary among plants in construction characteristics, width and length, but no significant differences in costs were detected. The inspection belts used in this study were 2U" x 25', each with an estimated capacity of 7»000 per hour. snciroq dab iron jUkj w 3U 1. Samples of two pounds each were removed immediately prior to sorting. - At the same time, the number of the sorters employed on each inspection belt was recorded. 2. The volume of beans of each inspection belt at the time the sample was removed was estimated from the plant production tally* 3. A count was made of the total number of units in each sample. This included the total number of "green" beans in the sample as well as the number of grade-outs— overmature beans and defects. U. "Manual grade-out percentage" — defined as the ratio of the number of beans including defects and overmature beans not meeting grade re- quirements to the total number of units in the sample — was computed and recorded. 5. A check was made with the U. S. Department of Agriculture or plant grade inspector to ascertain the grade and score of the finished product in each lot sampled. The data obtained were made comparable and summarized according to volume 2/ run per belt hour, grade-out percentage, and number of sorters.-' These data were then separated into subgroups reflecting small intervals in grade-out percentages. For each subgroup, the number of sorters were plotted against output rates per belt hour. Figure 8 shows these points for the k to 6 per cent grade-out category. The wide scatter of points in Figure 8 suggests underutilization of sorting labor during certain periods in most of the plants studied. This was expected as workers idled during temporary stoppages in other parts of the 1/ Approximately 300 samples were taken in each of the plants studied. 2/ On an equal weight basis, 100 Fordhook beans are on the average roughly equivalent to 283 Baby Lima beans. As observations were taken in plants processing both Baby and Fordhook varieties, the data obtained in the sampling procedure were placed on a comparable weight basis by converting one pound of Fordhook beans to an equivalent "count" basis by multiplying by 2.83. The conversion factor used was developed from count data in the samples described above and by numerous additional samples made available through the courtesy of the U. S. Department of Agriculture grade inspectors. 'to ^namti icq o o* 41 ©u- noi vjnxcof ©c^rfj* s'^oxJo o c^ii/sxl »"XiJOff sti.':*d *x9 f T bs^a"* ^uod rf o t*feX9^V Xsi/P9 CIS 32. plant, and surplus labor provided for contingencies usually are assigned temporarily to the sorting operation even though not required by the work load there. In terms of the definition of work standards previously presented, an "efficiency standard" represents better than average — but not maximum — per- formance levels. The basis for selecting a sorting-labor standard is given in Figure 8. The solid line in the upper portion of the figure shows the average performance level of sorters at various rates of output per belt hour, while the dashed line indicates the maximum performance level observed. These two reference lines define the range of points considered in establishing the sort- ing standards in this analysis. 2/ The line connecting the crosses in Figure 8 represents the sorting-labor standard finally derived for this particular manual grade-out percentage subgroup. This procedure was followed for each of the manual percentage grade-out 2/ categories or subgroups considered.- A generalized expression derived from analysis of these data and relating the number of sorters to the rate of plant output per hour and manual grade-out percentage is summarized in the following equation: (6) N - 5.101 + 0.892 (R) + 0.06£6(R)(P) where N is the number of sorters required. R is 1,000 pounds of plant output per hour. P is manual grade-out percentage. For any given rate of plant output and manual grade-out percentage, this equation can be used to estimate the number of sorters required with efficient organization. For example, the number of sorters required for a plant operat- ing at the rate of 10,000 pounds per hour with a manual grade-out percentage of 5 per cent is estimated by substituting these values for (R) and (P) in the above equation and computing the value of N. 1/ The points within the reference lines were fitted by the method of least squares. 2/ Subgroups of manual grade-out percentages considered were> 0.5? to 1 per~cent, 1 to 2 per cent, 2 to h per cent, h to 6 per cent, 6 to 8 per cent, and 8 to 10 per cent» l--9<3 B15VB owit 9B9riT •b9vi<*ad6 Xs»v?I eorffiitno^ieq aoaixxt/p srii estfsriibnx anfl: bMssb loa eriJ 3nxdpi.fr/ejB? at tfci "ibjartoo einioq lo 930 ei zdi snxlab Mflil 9orti>i3l*»*r 9ltfgl$ ni 8?5&oio Mi ^nl*t>?nnoo snil edT -♦^xa^Ifinp. sidi nx Bb-iabiwte ^nx isli/rrMnsq axrfJ"iol bovxiab "^ieail b~-.hn6ie totteJUjttijftifti odd atftuies-tqsrx •quoTgdua ^sin'' ;neq itrc-s'-fce.'sj. XBi/nsai rfi/fv-^bBtvi ag^hs'sneq' X«frtfiM 3ffi lo does 10I bewollot asw ciijbpoo'iq. BiifF nttTi'i hovxisb nox8B0" , :;Xd t>9ti : J «visn.'>3 A -.bf-'iPbienao etp/ai§|dije. *xq 99ttogs^e.o tsXq lo 9*bt srii ctf aiataba 'io nsdaii/n sdd- ^ni tBLst bne iftfcb eeo»i^ 'io axa^isnB xiwcIXol »Hi ax b«ii.xi£jcsr.ye 8l 3%Bin9o*x9q Jtfo-sbena Jsunem bru- twoo ieq ttrqftno Io Tadmun 9di al H 5 ebftuoq C0O*X 8i H >-5bBlS iBLTJfta *X «l 8xflV jO'iB^niiyiriq ix/'.^^beTg Xfitrma bus •tuqj'uo tfrnXa" It eisi navis vne *xo r ^ Jfrsioills iiirr r.oixi/ps'r a-39^Tto« lo Tecfmr/n edi piBmiJasi oJ b&ao sxf abo noi^swpa -^sisqo ^rreXq s io! t>e*£xi/p9i siocr-xoa lo todam $ti$ tftfcptox* io 1 ? .noi^BSinBgio ^BJn^gTsq tiro-sbsng iRvneur & ri&i* Tuod isq abnuoq O0O t OX lo ©iai -:>dJ tB snt nl M) boa (R) lol seuXsv sesrtj ijff f jlj^ BwIot \d beJamxie? bx Jne-o isq 5 lo •H lo ewXcv 5d* Hil&uqmoo bnr -roxisypa avodB ©dJ' T8q OX ( 33. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Output rate per belt/hour, thousand pounds Figure 8. Sorting Labor Input Related to Output Per Belt Hour and I4 to 6 Per Cent Grade-Out Percentage in Lima Bean Freezing Plants, California, 1958. 3*. That is: N - 5.101 + 0.892(10) + 0.656(10) (5) » 5.101 + 8.92 + 3.28 - 17.3 sorters. Eighteen sorters are required under the conditions assumed as fractional inputs are adjusted to the next whole number. These relationships are set forth in graphic form in Figure 9. For the above example, the graph is entered at the point representing 10,000 pounds hourly output and 5 per cent grade-out count — point A in the figure — and the number of the sorters is read on the vertical scale at point B. As in the solution given by the equation, 18 sorters are required. In order to use these relationships in forecasting sorter crew require- ments, field estimates must be made of grade-out percentages. Grower "pay weight" samples may be used for this purpose. Reliable estimates of the efficiency of mechanical brine separation and cleaning equipment are also essential as a means of estimating the percentage grade-out count which must be manually graded, remembering that "percentage grade-out" refers to the per- centage of overmature beans and defects on a count basis as distinguished from a weight basis. The sorting standards developed apply specifically to Grade A packs. Sorting Costs Hourly sorting-labor costs are obtained by multiplying the number of sorters required by the appropriate wage rate.i^ Table 7 lists equipment requirements and costs and hourly variable costs for selected rates of plant output. The data given in Table 7 can be used to compute estimated annual costs for the sorting operation for any given rate of plant output, length of season, and manual grade-out percentage. A generalized expression for the manual sort and quality separation stage based on such estimates is given in equation (7) below. This equation was derived by relating total season costs of the manual sort stage to rates of plant output and hours operated per season. 1/ The number of sorters is stated in whole numbers, however. Figure 9. Labor Standards for Visual Inspection and Manual Quality Separation of Lima Beans Processed by- Freezing, California, 1958. TABLE 7 Visual Inspection and Manual Quality Separation Equipment Requirements Replacement Cost, Annual Fixed Charge, and Variable Costs for Selected Hourly Rates of Output, Lima Beans, California, 1958 Rate Equi requii pment •ements R< splacemen cost t Annual fixed charge Variable ijoo pcx IJUL . of output Distri- bution / flurae^ Sorting / tables—' Equip- ment Belting Total Equips ment—' Total Power and , repairs— ' Labor^/ Total**/ pounds per hour feet number dnn?>T

^ ^^ss* £/ Labor costs plus variable power and repairs. CD 37. (7) TSC - $11*9 + $32(R) + $8.65(H) + $1.$1(R)(H) ♦ $0.1110(R)(H)(P) where TSC is total annual cost of visual inspection and manual quality- separation in dollars* R is 1,000 pounds of plant output per hour. P is manual grade-out percentage. H is hours operated per season. The above equation can be used to estimate total annual sorting costs for any given size of plant (rate of output), length of operating season, and manual grade-out percentage. Total annual costs, represented by the above equation, are graphically depicted in Figure 10. The figure shows total annual costs in relation to hourly output rates and hours operated per season for manual grade- out percentages ranging from 5> to 10 per cent. Packaging or Filling Lima beans are packed in three styles of packages — retail, institutional, and bulk. The size of packages considered in this study are 10-ounce retail cartons, 2-1/2-pound institutional cartons, and $0 or 60-pound bulk bags or cases as these are the sizes most commonly packed. The retail style is normally packed to higher grade specifications than are the institutional and bulk styles. Although there is a selling price differential in favor of high grade retail packs, it is economical to pack lower grade institutional and bulk styles if the net returns are greater than the direct costs and expenses which could have been saved by their disposal as waste. If the lower grades are to be utilized, plants must be equipped with packaging facilities for handling these grades. This type of flexibility was accomplished in the plants observed by providing separate facilities for packaging retail, institutional, and bulk containers. The plants synthesized in this analysis are also equipped with separate packag- ing lines such that the capacity output rate of any given plant can be packed in any given style. Variations among filling and packaging methods are primarily related to the type of freezing operation used. In California all plants observed used either tray-tunnel or plate-freeze methods that require packaging beans before freezing. Prefilling or prepackaging of beans before freezing—commonly called the "wet pack" method — involves a series of continuous operations. The beans are delivered to the fill stations by a fluming system serviced by product pumps. They pass through a dewater shaker to a pneumatic separator and into an ttt. x/py f»/odA actt be.tnae^tqsvi t aJaoo J surra* iaJoT .$ •xo aasd rfl^d bnuqq-Od oJixf-f bar- £maliu1t it LlsS&t ,abe*t 38. Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds Figure 10. Total Annual Costa of Visual Inspection and Manual Quality Separation Lima Beans Processed by Freezing in Relation to Rate of Output, Length of Season, and Selected Manual Grade-Out Percentages, California, 19^8. 39. accumulating hopper at each fill station. From the accumulating hopper, the beans are shaker fed to a mechanical filler for transfer to the appropriate container — retail, institutional, or bulk. In the carton-fill operation, bundles of flat cartons are placed in the magazine that feeds the mechanical carton former. The cartons are filled as they move beneath cups mounted in a revolving filling cylinder, The filled cartons are segregated onto two conveyors by means of an interchanger. Workers stationed on each side of the conveyors inspect the filled cartons and remove cartons which are improperly formed or filled. After emerging from the auto- matic closing machines, the cartons are checkweighed and inspected for proper closure. The cartons continue through high-speed wrapping machines and are manually set off in trays and placed in skids or carts for transfer to the freezing tunnel or cabinet. Two types of carton-filling equipment are in general use for filling retail and institutional styles. The essential differences between these fillers involve the method of forming and closing the cartons. In the bulk-fill operation, the beans feed from an accumulating hopper to trays passing beneath the filler on a powered roller conveyor. As the trays are filled, they move to a skate wheel take-off conveyor where they are loaded into skids for transfer to the freezing tunnel. Workers are required for supplying empty trays, attending the fill, setting off filled trays, and trans- ferring the filled skids to the freezing tunnel. The trays are removed from the freezing tunnel and manually dumped into cluster-breaking equipment from which they are moved by a spiral conveyor to a bulk-fill station for packaging into 50-or 60-pound bags or cases. The bulk containers are filled, manually weighed, closed, stenciled, and set off to pallets for removal to the cold- storage warehouse. Equipment arrangement, layout, and organization of the packaging stage will vary among plants according to local conditions and preferences of processors. The design reflected in the above description is a synthesis based on studies of actual plant layouts and on recommendations of processors and equipment manufacturers. Equipment standards for the packaging stage were developed from studies of plant record data, production studies of packaging operation, and specifi- cations of equipment manufacturers. These standards are summarized in Table 8. They were used in estimating the separate equipment requirements for e ach of the various styles of pack that are given in panels A, B, and C of the table. Requirements as to in-stage transportation equipment such as pumps, tubing and lo dbie rio**? no fabric >BS(H r ),(H i ) and (H^) are as defined in equation (1) above. For any given length of season, proportions packed in the various styles, and rate of plant output, equation (10) can be used to estimate total annual packaging costs. For example, suppose that a plant with a capacity output rate of 5,000 pounds per hour is operating over a 500-hour season. During the season assume that 300 hours are spent packaging retail style and that 100 hours each are spent packaging institutional and bulk styles, respectively. With the conditions assumed, the symbols in equation (3) are: (R) " 5,000 pounds of plant output capacity per hour. (H j ■ 300 hours operated, retail packaging. (H^) » 100 hours operated, institutional packaging. (H^) « 100 hours operated, bulk packaging. Total annual packaging costs can be computed by substituting these values in equation (10), that is: TSC - $h,3h5 + $856(5) + $2U.730(300)(5) + $ia.U60(100)(5) + $li.590(100)(5) - $U,3U5 ♦ $M80 ♦ 137,09$ + $7,2Uo + $2,29$ - $55,255 Therefore, total season packaging cost for a plant operating under the above conditions is $55,255* The planning equation can be used in a similar manner to compute total annual packaging or filling costs with any given rate of plant output and hours of packaging each of the three styles. Total annual packaging costs vary substantially with variations in the proportions packed in each of the three styles. The effect of variations in ,9V 3dB (I tatl&b r£. sis ( ,H) ka& Mi v>rixJi<-tkSi TO 5fii"l£ at proportions packed in each of the various styles on total annual packaging cost is illustrated in Figure 12 for plants with a 500 -hour operating season. The figure shows the lower and upper range in total season costs as the proportions packed vary from 100 per cent bulk to 100 per cent retail. Casing The principal variations among casing methods involve the degree of mecha- nization associated with the case -fill and case -seal operations and the type of freezing operation. In California all plants observed used either the tray- tunnel or plate -freeze methods for freezing Lima beans. » Four methods of carton casing — classified according to their degree of mechanization — were analyzed in relation to estimated quantities and costs of labor and equipment required at various capacity output rates and length of season. Crew requirements for each of these methods described below are sum- marized in Table 11. With Methods A and B the equipment requirements and lay- outs are equally adaptable for retail or institution carton casing. The machine case filling equipment used with Methods C and D is adapted for retail casing only, and additional facilities are required for manually filling cases of in- stitutional cartons. Method A — manual fill and seal — was the least mechanized method consid- ered. With this method all job components are manually performed. These components include: (l) get full tray from freezer skid and set off to case-in table; (2) stencil, form, and stitch case; (3) fill case; {k) seal case; and (5) set off to pallet. The stenciling job involves obtaining bundles of flat cases from temporary storage, placing them on the stencil table for removal of twine bindings, 6tenciling each flat, and setting it aside for forming and stitching. The stenciled flats are formed and the bottoms stitched by a worker operating a wire case stitcher. The case -in job involves getting and placing the formed and stitched case on a skate -wheel conveyor, grasping six 1/ For a description of the various methods used in the freezing operation, see Reed, Robert H., Survey of the Pacific Coast Frozen Fruit and Vegetable Industry (Berkeley: University of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1957), 36p. (Giannini Foundation Mimeographed Report No. 198* ) Processed. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds Figure 12. Total Annual Packaging Costs in Relation to Capacity Output Rates for Lima Bean Freezing Plants Pack- ing Different Proportions of Retail, Institutional, and Bulk Styles for a ^00-Hour Operating Season, California, 1958. 49. TABLE 11 Crew Requirements for Casing-In Tray Frozen Lima Beans, by Methods Used, Rate of Output, and Style of Kick California, 1958 Retail style-' Institutional style^ Rate of , output-" Form case Stitch case Stencil case Dump trays Fill case Guide cartons Manual seal and/ or setoff Total Form case Stitch case Stencil case Dump trays Fill case Manual seal and/or setoff Total pounds per hour number of workers Method A 5,000 xu , uuu 15 ,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 3 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 5 6 2 1* 5 7 8 10 1 3 It 5 6 7 7 14 19 25 30 36 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 .-2/ 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 It 1 2 3 It 5 6 1 2 2 3 3 it 5 9 11 lit 17 22 Method B 5,000 10 , 000 15 , 000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 5 6 2 1* 5 7 8 10 1 2 3 3 it 5 6 11 15 19 23 29 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 it 1 2 3 it 5 6 1 l 2 2 3 3 It 6 9 12 15 18 Method C 5,000 10 y 000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1 2 2 3 3 It 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 It 5 6 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 2 3 3 it 1 2 3 3 it 5 6 11 lit 18 21 26 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 It 6 9 12 15 18 Method D 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1 2 2 3 3 1+ 1 2 3 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 2 3 3 1* 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2 3 3 it 5 7 lit 18 2lt 28 34 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 3 It 1 2 3 it 5 6 1 2 2 3 3 it 5 9 11 lit 17 22 a/ To convert pounds to 2lt/l0-ounce cases, divide by 15. To convert pounds to 12/2-g-pound cases, divide by 30. b/ Retail carton casing (10-ounce cartons, 24 per case): Production standards (cases per hour): Form case (Methods A, B, C, and D)--5lt9; stitch case (Methods A and D)~ 33 1 *; stencil case (Methods A, B, C, and D)--790; dump trays (Methods A, B, C, and D)— -334; manual fill (Methods A and B)~213j machine fill (Methods C and d)— 576; manual seal and setoff (Methods A and D)— 300; machine seal and setoff (Methods B and C)--467; and guide cartons (Methods C and D)— 576. Wage rates : Dump trays, manual seal and setoff, and machine seal and setoff — $1.86 per hour; and all other jobs — $1.69 per hour. c/ Institutional carton casing (2^- pound cartons, 12 per case): Production standards (cases per hour): Form case (Methods A, B, C, and D) — 494; stitch case (Methods A and D) — 334; stencil ease (Methods A, B, C, and D)— 700; dump trays (Methods A, B, C, and D)~285; manual fill (Methods A, B, C, and D) — 200; manual seal and setoff (Methods A and D) — 290; and machine seal and setoff (Methods B and C) — 450. Wage rates : Dump trays, manual seal and setoff, and machine seal and setoff — $1.86 per hour; and all other jobs — $1.69 per hour. d/ Blanks indicate that this job is not required vith this method. e/ Dashes indicate that with low output rate this job is performed by the case-forming or stitching crew. 50 retail or four institutional cartons at a time and placing them in the case. As the case is filled, it is pushed along the case-in conveyor to the case sealing operation, where a worker applies glue to the flaps, usually with a 3-inch or U-inch brush. The sealed case is then set off to a pallet for removal to cold storage. In Method B—manual fill, machine seal— -the labor involved in stitching the bottom and gluing the flaps is reduced by the addition of a top and bottom mechanical sealer and compressor unit. Other labor and equipment requirements are the same as in Method A. With Method C the labor required to fill the case with retail cartons is reduced by the installation of a mechanical caser. In the retail casing opera- tion, a worker gets a full tray of retail cartons from the freezer skid and dumps them to a 8' x 30" portable dump conveyor. As the cartons move over the ends of the dump conveyor, a worker arranges them in single file on the carton- intake conveyor leading to the mechanical caser. The caser operator forms the case and places it over a sleeve-type feeder where the cartons are filled in tier fashion by a pneumatically driven ram lever. When filled, the case is automatically released to a conveyor leading through a mechanical sealer and compressor and manually palletized for removal to storage. The portable tray- dump conveyor can be used as a case-in table for manually filling cases of institutional cartons. To use this equipment for filling cases of institutional cartons, rather than retail, the portable dump conveyor is moved so as to tie in with the lead-in conveyor of the mechanical sealer. Workers stationed at the end of the dump conveyor manually fill the case with institutional cartons. As the .case is filled, it is conveyed through the mechanical sealer and compressor, then palletized manually. Method D combines the techniques of Methods A and C. Case-in operations for both retail and institutional styles are identical to Method C, but the sealing is done manually as in Method A. The crew requirements for the retail casing operation are slightly less than with Method A but are greater than with Methods B and C. The crew requirements for the institutional casing operations are identical to those of Method A. Crew requirements and estimated equipment requirements are shown in Tables 11 and 12, respectively. These data are the basis for estimated costs of labor and other variable inputs as well as the investment cost and annual fixed charge for equipment that are given in Table 13 for selected capacity rates of casing. TABLE 12 Equipment Requirements for Casing Tray Frozen Lima Beans by Methods Used and Rata of Output,^ 7 California, 1958 Rate of/ outpuW Case-In tabled Case- in , machine— 1 1 Full case / conveyors' Sealer- , , compressor-^ Case stitcher^ ' St ° ncil f hy equipment/— '1 ? 1U °vi/ stand-' Set-off. conveyor*^ esl2/ pounds per hour feet number feet num- ber 1 type number feet number Method A—Manual fill and seal ?,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 8 16 20 28 32 ho y 18 1 26 30 1*8 52 60 1 2 3 h 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Method 3— Manual fill, mac hine seal 5,ooo 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 8 16 20 28 32 1*0 16* 21* 28 1*6 ua 56 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 C B A B A B A 1 1 2 2 3 3 10 10 10 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 Method C —Machine fill and seal 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1 2 2 3 3 U 7 3 21. 2ii 31 31 1*8 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 C B A B A B A 1 1 2 2 3 3 10 10 10 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 v. athod D — Machine fill, manual 3eal 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1 2 2 3 3 h 10* 20 20 30 30 1*0 1 2 3 fa 5 6 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/ Equipment requirements for both retail and institutional casing. b/ To convert pounds to 2l*/l°-ounce cases, divide by 15} to convert pounds to 12/2j-pound cases, divide by 30. c/ Wood construction 30 inches set-on surface for trays} 30 inches case-in surface inclined 25 degrees, 1» feet allowed for work place, plant or custom made~*75 per Ij-foot section, installed. d/ Pneumatic ram-lever type, l/li-horsepower motor for retail cartons only. Capacity, 576 2lj/lO-ounce cases per hour with 15 per cent allowance for wait and unavoidable delay. Includes tray dump conveyor assembly, 8' x 30" with l/lj- horsepower motor and drive; modified for use as case-in conveyor for institutional carton casing. Machine caser«$2,lj95> installed} tray dump conveyor— $719, installed. e/ To convey full cases to sealer-compressor unit or to manual seal and set-off station. 1. Skate-wheel conveyor, 12 inches wide by specified lengths. 2. Includes! (l) skate-wheel conveyor, 12 inches by length of case-in table— $5 per foot, installed} and (2) an 8' x 12" belt conveyor with ^-horsepower motor for distributing cases to sealer, $21(7 ♦ $10.30 per foot of conveyor, installed. 3. Belt conveyor, 12 inches by specified lengths. Includes: motor and drives with box turn and/or converger units. Installed costs are estimated as $2lf7 + $10.30 per foot of conveyor plus $1*80 foi each box turn or converger. Conveyors modified for use when casing institutional cartons. 1*. Skate wheel type— $5 per foot, installed. tj Top and bottom sealer and compressor unit, adjustable for different case dimensions. Type A : 28-foot compressor, capacity, approximately 1,170 2Vl°-ounce cases or 17,500 pounds per hour— $6,1*60, installed. Type B : 20-focrt compressor, capacity, approximately 810 2lj/l0-ounce cases or 12,150 pounds per hour— $5,832, installed. Type C : 12-foot compressor, capacity, approximately 1*76 2l*/lO-ounce cases or 7,11*0 pounds per hour — $1*,998 installed. ^/ Standard type, 12-inch throat, capacity, 260 stitches per minute— $675. h/ Includes stoncil table, wheel, and pad. One set required for each 790 cases per hour — $60. 1/ Trough type, situated over set-off conveyor. j/ Skate wheel, 10' x 12"— $5 per foot. k/ Desk surface, 22" x 60" x 1", single drawer— $30. 1/ Blanks indicate equipment is not used with methods indicated. 52. TABLE 13 Equipment Replacement Costs, Annuel Fixed Charges, and Variable Costs for Casing Tray Frozen Lima Beans by Methods Used and Hate of Output California, I958 Fixed costi , retail and in! titutionaLfj/ Variable costs, retail Variable costs, institutional Rate of output Replacement costsS' Annual fixed charge s£/ Miscel- Miscel- Equip- ment Belt- ing Total Equip- mentc/ Belt- ingd/ Total Laborf/ laneous, power and repairs^/ Casess/ Total Lahore/ laneous , power and repairs^/ sesh/ Total pounds per hour dollars Method A 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 1,030 1,895 2,750 3,665 4, 1*95 5,36o t/ 1,030 1,895 2,750 3,665 i*,i*95 5,360 170 313 1*51* 605 71*2 881* 170 313 1*54 605 71*2 881* 12.11* 21*. 1*5 33-21 1*3.56 52- ^3 62.88 1.09 2.13 3.18 1*.27 5-31 6.36 30.15 6O.3O 90.1*5 120.60 150.75 180.90 1*3.38 86.88 126.81* 168.1*3 208.1*9 250.IU 8.79 15.89 19.27 21*. 51 29.58 38.51* 0.59 l.ll* 1.69 2.28 2.82 3.38 17.98 35.85 53.82 71.69 89.67 IO7.5I* 27.36 52.88 71*. 78 98.1*8 122.07 11*9.1*6 Method B 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 95,000 jVJ y UUU 5,507 6,381 7,089 12,712 13,1*20 ll*,088 39 39 39 79 79 79 5,5"*6 6,1*20 7,128 12,791 13, **99 11*, 167 908 1,053 1,170 2,097 2,211* 2,338 10 10 10 20 20 20 918 1,063 1,180 2,117 2,231* 2,358 10.1*5 19.22 26.30 33.21 1*0.29 1*9.06 1.07 1.86 2.65 3.73 i*.5l 5.30 30.15 60.30 90.1*5 120.60 150.75 180.90 1*1.67 81.38 119.1*0 157. 5 1 * 195-55 235.26 7.10 10.65 15.89 21.13 26.37 31.61 0.1*7 0.88 1.31 1.78 2.20 2.62 17.98 35.85 53-82 71.69 89.67 107. 5I+ 25.55 1*7.38 71.02 91*. 60 118.21* lUl.77 Method C 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 8,1*71 13,207 13,895 22,U82 23,170 27,700 120 290 290 1*11 1*11 580 8,591 13,497 14,185 22,893 23,581 28,280 1,398 2,179 2,293 3,710 3,823 4,571 30 73 73 103 103 H*5 1,1*28 2,252 2,366 3,813 3,926 4,716 10.U5 19.22 2'*.6l 31.53 36.92 1*5.69 1.19 2.20 3.00 1*.19 i*.99 5-99 30.15 60.30 90.U5 120.60 15C75 180.90 1*1.79 81.72 118.06 156.32 192 .66 232.58 7.10 IO.65 15.89 21.13 26.37 31.61 0.U7 0.88 1.31 1.78 2.20 2.62 17.98 35.85 53-82 71-69 89.67 107. 5 1 * 25.55 U7.38 71.02 91*. 60 118. 21* 11*1.77 Method D 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 3,851* 7,593 8,353 12,092 12,827 16, 566 86 172 172 258 258 3M* 3,91*0 7,765 8,525 12,350 13,085 16,910 636 1,253 1,378 1,995 2,116 2,733 22 43 >*3 65 65 86 658 1,296 1,1*21 2,060 2,181 2,819 12.11* 21*. 1*5 31.53 1*1. 98 1*9.06 59.51 1.26 2.50 3-57 i*.8o 5.88 7.10 30.15 60.30 90.1*5 120.60 150.75 180.90 43.55 87.25 125.55 167.38 205.69 21*7.51 8.79 15.89 19.27 24.51 29.58 38.5I* 0.59 l.ll* 1.69 2.28 2.82 3.38 17.98 35.85 53-82 71.69 89.67 107.51* 27.36 52.88 71*. 78 98.1*8 122.07 11*9.1*6 a/ Identical equipment is used for casing both retail and institutional styles. b/ Replacement costs derived from applying unit equipment costs to equipment requirements. c/ Estimated as 16.5 per cent of equipment replacement costs. Includes depreciation — 10 per cent; taxes--l per cent; insurance — 1 per cent; interest on investraent--3 per cent (approximately 5-5 per cent of undepreciated balance); and fixed repairs maintenance — 1.5 per cent. d/ Estimated as 25 per cent of belting replacement cost. Includes depreciation — 20 per cent; taxes — 1 per cent; insurance— 1 per cent; and interest on investment — 3 per cent. e/ Calculated from crew requirements and wage rates given in Table il. tl Power : Estimated as 2.5 cents per horsepower hour. Variable repairs : Estimated as 0.5 per cent of replacement cost per 100 hours operation. Miscellaneous : Includes glue estimated as $75 per 100 gallons and wire at $28 per 100 pounds. %J Costs based on 2l*/l0-ounce cases, 1* panels, 2 colors, estimated at $?0 per 1,000 cases. h/ Costs based on 12/2-1/2 pound cases, 4 panels, 2 colors, estimated at $107 per 1,000 cases. i/ Blanks indicate that annual fixed charges of belting does not apply in Method A. 53. Total annual casing costs, related to casing method, style of pack, hourly- rates of output, and length of operating season were calculated from the data given in Table 13. Figure 13 shows these cost relationships for Methods A, B, C, and D for three different lengths of season. Method B is shown to be the least-cost method for both retail and institutional styles over all ranges of output rates considered. Consequently, the equipment, labor, and cost estimates for Method B were used in developing a planning equation for estimating casing costs in plants packing various proportions of their total pack in retail and institutional styles. Annual Fixed Costs The annual fixed charges shown in Table 13 for Method B operations were used to develop the generalized expression showing how these costs vary with the size of plant — measured in capacity output-rates — as given in equation (11) below: (11) TFC - $U80 + $67(R) where TFC is the total annual fixed cost of casing Lima beans, and (r) is 1,000 pounds of plant capacity output per hour. Annual Variable Casing Costs As with packaging or filling operations, estimation of annual variable costs for the casing stage is complicated because they are not related to the output of a uniquely defined "product" or style of container. Estimation of annual variable casing costs may be simplified, however, by determining the relationship between hourly variable costs of casing each of the two styles and hourly volumes of output. The procedure involves plotting the variable cost points given in Table 13 against hourly rates of output for each of the two styles and measuring the "fit" of a line smoothed through the points as illustrated in Figure lij. The figure shows the relation of hourly variable cost to hourly volume is approximately linear and through the origin for both container styles. This means that unit cost per pound — for casing each style of pack — is constant at all capacity rates of casing and is independent of the scale of operations. Average unit costs based on the points in Figure lii are $7,952 and $U.712 per 1,000 pounds cased in retail and institutional styles, iXiuoti «49*9 *o 9l\ siux) ed^ moil bs» J-EC.0 *3SdJ C .fctTB t vt/q^IXO lo £9>}i i'? .£! sidfiT ni nav; 5i «) sldBl^v iairnne lo rroX fj&rai.»2» t t lo sto^ Jsn'irf's-i »4tkjttt^ct09 lo oyEi -t>5ic»qc vjfilXXil 10 gitjs ?ri4 lo cijce v-s'.lsao lo a.taoo eCdcitBV •v -vfJ" jiniJ^oXq eavlc-vwi ©mfcoooiq sd' do£a *tol Jircriuo lo 89*bi vl'iycd dani; fSAJC'tdCf bf\£ urjil dT .MX .Jxo&njiO XI .-1 di ,a*l\i-s Xaiolli/di-tGfli box S.lc f *i ai teas? r*>rr f f I 1"8 '£3/ 54. RETAIL STYLE INSTITUTIONAL STYLE 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds Figure 13. Total Annual Coals of Casing Tray Frozen Lima Beans by Methods Used, Rate of Output, Length of Season, and Style of Pack, California, 1958. 1 I I 55. Figure lU. Relation of Hourly Variable Casing Costs to Hourly Rates of Output in Lima Bean Freezing Plants Equipped to Case Retail and Institutional Cartons, California, 1958. 56. respectively. Total variable casing costs per season can "be estimated by- applying the unit costs given above to the total season volume packed in each style. Annual variable casing costs, calculated on this basis, are given in equation (12) below for plants equipped with the least-cost casing method (Method B). (12) TVC = $7.952(H r )(R) + $4.712(H i )(R) where TVC is total variable costs of casing per season. H is number of hours operated, retail style. BC is number of hours operated, institutional style. R is 1,000 pounds cased per hour. This equation can be used to estimate annual variable casing costs for any proportion of total season volume that is packed in retail or institutional style s . Total Annual Casing Costs Total annual casing costs for any given plant capacity and length of operating season are the sum of the corresponding annual fixed and variable cost components. The generalized total season or planning cost equation for plants casing any combination of retail and institutional cartons is obtained by combining equations (11 ) and (12) above and is given in the expression below. (13) TSC * $480 + $67(R) + $7.952(H r )(R) + $4.7l2(H i )(R) where TSC is the total annual cost of casing Lima beans and (R), (Hj, and (B.) are as defined in equation (12) above. For any given length of season, proportions packed in the various styles, and capacity rate of output, equation (13) can be used to estimate total annual casing costs. Total annual casing costs for plants casing different proportions of retail and institutional styles are shown in Figure 15 for a 500-hour operating season. [nil .h 57. Figure 15. Total Annual Casing Costs in Relation to Capacity Output Rates for Lima Bean Freezing Plants Packing Different Proportions of Retail and Institu- tional Styles for a 500-Hour Operating Season, California, 1958. 58. Variable Water Inputs and Costs Variable water inputs and costs are, for the most part, associated with particular stages of plant operation. For convenience, however, the require- ments and variable costs of water for the plant as a whole are summarized in this section. Estimated rates of water usage with the types and amounts of equipment previously developed for each stage are given for selected plant out- put capacity rates in Table liu These estimates are based on data obtained from equipment manufacturers, processors, contractors, and on studies of equip- ment operating characteristics. Estimated water costs—also given in Table Hi — are obtained by applying average public utility for industrial water usage ^ Typical rates involve a fixed annual stand-by charge and a unit price of 13 cents per 100 cubic feet of water used. The cost data in Table lU are the basis for estimated total water costs shown graphically for selected -lengths of season in Figure 16 as well as for the planning equation belowt (ill) TVC - $166 + $15.01 (R) + $0. 1872(H) + $0.5580(R)(H) w where TVC is total variable water costs per season. R w is 1,000 pounds of hourly plant capacity. H is hours of plant operation per season. Freezing and First Month's Storage As Lima beans are processed during a relatively short season, cold-storage requirements beyond the first month depend primarily upon the initial volume entering storage and the rate of sales. As costs associated with storage beyond the first month can be logically classified as selling expenses, they are not considered in this report. Freezing and first month's storage costs, however, enter directly as an operating expense. These costs are related to the type of product packed, 1/ The development of pumping costs for privately owned wells was not attempted as the depth to static ground water levels varies widely within and among processing areas. m atfeoQ bne advqnX *»J fi^y, iv^r-/l«v : w ieq- ; d-Riiv- -i? nJ% t «i£ aieco-brs* a:.v:6v ba» a. toss. Io-. aXcaioott; a«>qy$ arf.-t- tffci* pr^cax t^.tsw lo v9&bi badsrrtXXaS .jioXXsea sXdi •ivo.i/xsXq bain-visa left JxavX$ ais age^a rfoaa *joI b9qaX&v*fi yX^catvaicr ^n^irrlups banxn.JdQ ajfib no b?sad ats esimbit?? *aariT .ili aXa.iT nX 35Jsn gtXaeqaa taq •} 931^100 «e.teaJM&9tq f e?aawjoa}»as» tfcostqiep* soil •eoXdtoXsa.taa'farfg 0it0&qp fam gy/XXaqs yd fModtaftfO 9is-mh}X ; aXda? nt ntvj^ oeXs-~a-itoc lajai? badY.Miiea avXwni earfa* Xaaiqyt ^.p^fiatr laio* XfiX^ctrbi-tX Till yiitWxr aXXdaq *3*riayj& teel oXdy > OOX laq.tfrpa CO© •*N| JXny * tea ?si2rio yd-baatfa XaaoM b*xXl £ £H0tf bfJafffiste* i»l aSa«d add a«ys iX aXtteT at adsft t&oo 90 • beau sajtew lo- $a dX arsygti^ flJ nosBas ?o erii>?naX XadaoXcc! io\ xtl^oisiqaTi nwoila t^soo Wtfi?f , > :*.«oIsd ftft&tffpa anXtfnalo <»dd ioX es XXew %?.o£ + (H)SY8i>0$ + (5I)X0.3X* ♦ &X# - ^V? « n<;c os* 703 s^aoo rtadavr eXdc. ttssf j..cXoi 8- 07T .ytXosqsa drteXq yiwed-io abrooq O^kt&T* : S3" amrfiv.XfiXtXni ad* noq» yXXTamX-xq bnoqzb ddncw da-xXt ed-X bnayad sdnaereri £x;p©'x ageio^e isiiw haJaXaoar-.a adeoo aA .aaXaa lo aX.n erii bna a^io^a ^nX^eina 'v" J d* ( e»at!dqxd %RtXXaa Bfl .baXliacnlo xfXeaXs^X *d tf&o riXnom . ie-xX't erW- ..eyed •ctfcf.tfa eirf.7 ru. ^STca'sXinoa Joa ai« na »« TtXiaaiXb taXna ^tapaworf t ac|aoo aja-sto^a e'd^nonr Xaiil bfta ^nXsae*!? ^.V-;i»aq ^subotq %o aqtf ««»<»• otf bs^f>Xa«x 01a 8daoo aasrfT # acn*qxa snf*F-rsq^ •ton a/jw. aXXow biqiB3i^ TABLE ±h Hourly Water Inputs and Variable and Stand-By Costs in Relation to Selected Capacity Output Rates in Lima Bean Freezing Plants, California, 1958 Rate of output Hourly water input s^-/ Hourly variable costsiy Annual stand-by charge£/ Receiving and initial cleaning Blanching and second quality grade Pick-belt and filler distri- bution Total pounds per hour thousand gallons doll ars 5,000 5.3 5.5 5.0 15.8 2.7it 180 10,000 15.5 7.9 8.3 31.7 5.50 300 15,000 18.8 15.2 13.9 U7.9 8.31 Uoo 20,000 28.1 19. h 17.2 6U.7 11.22 1)00 25,000 35.0 25.1 21.7 81.8 ]lul8 600 30,000 39.6 29.0 25.1 93.7 16. 2U 600 a/ For equipment items, see specific stage analyses. b/ Based on average PUC rates— approximately 13 cents per 100 cubic feet (750 gallons). c/ Stand-by charge for meter service, etc. so'oco so ^ =— TO' C,t 1 ■» V <5l ZOO Sc;'CGO TTt* f *> 50 GCO ; iris i P r -"3 TP'S T"t? * IS ■ . ,., *J ri;i • .ij i »x po ! ..\. \ E9J r''-3"~""'' "~ " ■ 1 " ""I -y— - -» ~* ; fto/Jij^ ji^ex. v.tbapa sij^j Aaxj-gpyc sr»<| 2#w<^ri. cos^a goy«fToo 4.0 g«T«c. 60, Figure 16. Total Variable Water Costs in Relation to Length of Season and Rate of Plant Output in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing, California, 1958. 61. style of container, storage or handling methods used, and length of freezing season and storage. Development of precise relationships among these variables requires a detailed engineering-economic analysis of freezing and storage operations. Such results are not available, and the costs used in this analysis are based on data obtained from plant records. Accordingly, total freezing and first month's storage costs are estimated on the basis of annual volume and a unit freezing and storage cost, representative of rates paid for custom service by plants studied. Costs estimated on this basis are summarized in the expression below and are graphically depicted in Figure 1?. (15) TSC - $8.30(R)(H) where TSC is the total annual cost of freezing and first month's storage . R is 1,000 pounds of plant output per hour. H is hours operated per season. As about 75 per cent of the plants observed rely on commercial cold stor- age companies for freezing and storage operation, the costs summarized in equation (15) are considered representative of the costs experienced by the majority of California plants. In-Plant Transportation of Cased Goods and Packaging Materials Fork-lift trucks are used in Lima bean processing for transferring cased goods to cold storage and for supplying packaging and miscellaneous materials. As all these activities are often performed by the same equipment and crew, they are combined in this report to form one operating stage. Net time requirements for the various components of the lift-truck jobs observed were measured by time and production studies in a number of freezing plants and fresh fruit packing houses.i^ Total net time per round trip is 1/ For a more detailed analysis refer to Sammet, In-Plant Trans- portation Costs as Related to Materials Handling Methods — Apple and Pear Packing . (Berkeley: University of California, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, January, 1953), 57p. (Giannini Foundation Mimeographed Report No. Ih2.) Processed. (The sixth report in a series on Efficiency in Fruit Marketing.) Sen sie z&lun&t dtesQ *t inx£$3o Biah no be&Bd §3f •au ft*- & 'K'Oq'S'j: lift' 62„ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of plant output, thousand pounds Figure 17. Total Annual Costs of Freezing and First Months Storage of Lima Beans in Relation to Rate of Plant Output and Length of Operating Season, Califor- nia, 1958. 63. comprised of two components -."turn around" and transit time, "Turn around" activities involve operations that are common for each trip such as engaging the load and set off. Transit time is the time required to move loaded pallets to delivery point and return, unloaded, to the pick-up point. Net time require- ments on this basis are summarized in the following relation: Net time per round trip » 1.308 + 0.005(D), where "D" represents round-trip distance in feet. This expression states that 1.308 minutes are required per trip for "turn around" activities plus 0,00$ minutes per foot traveled between the pick- up and delivery point and return. The average round-trip distance from the casing area to the warehouse was 300 feet in the plants studied. As pallets were normally loaded with 90 retail or 1*5 institutional cases each, the weight per pallet load is approximately 1>350 pounds. m Time requirements for supplying packaging and miscellaneous materials were estimated as amounting to 10 per cent of the total trucking time. With these specifications regarding distance traveled and weight per pallet load, lift-truck requirements per 1,000 pounds of plant pack-out are as 2/ follows ♦- Job Minutes required Transport full cases to cold storage 2.080 Transport packaging and miscellaneous materials 0.231 Unavoidable delay 3 -' 0.578 Total time per 1,000 pounds pack-out 2.889 The total time requirement per 1,000 pounds pack-out given above can be used to estimate the number of fork trucks and operators required for any 1/ Retail cases considered in this report contain 2k 10-ounce cartons. Institutional cases considered contain 12 2«i/2-pound cartons. 2/ Net time requirements per 1,000 pounds are obtained as follows: l,00o/l,350 (1.308 + 0.005D). With D specified as 300 feet, net time require- ments for transport of full cases is 1,000/1,350 (2.2808) - 2.080 minutes per 1,000 pounds as given in the above table. 3/ Includes scheduled rest periods and nonproductive time due to contingencies, personal time, etc. Various studies indicate that this varies in particular plants from 15 to UO per cent of the total time input. Twenty per cent is used here as a practical minimum. 10.0 018 . Jen* 31 •3 . q ; .-..-rip., 31 OX It: 0 05C»A« 61*. given plant output rate. On this basis, one fork-lift truck and driver will "be required for every 20,700 pounds of plant pack-out. Although a large part of the work performed in transporting packaging and miscellaneous materials may be accomplished between shifts or during other periods of plant inactivity, this portion of the transportation load represents only a small percentage of the time required in the over-all transportation operation. General observations of plant equipment inventories suggest that the procedure used gives good estimates of fork-truck requirements during peak- load periods. The hourly variable costs of operating a fork-lift truck comprise a charge of 29 cents for variable repairs and maintenance, 21 cents for fuel, and $2.10 for the operator. The cost rates and standards presented above are used to estimate the crew and equipment requirements and costs given in Table 15. Total annual costs based on the entries in the table are illustrated in Figure 18. "Planning" costs, represented by the heavy dashed lines in Figure 18, are given by the fol- lowing expression; (16) TSC = $425 + $^8(R) + $1.0800(H) + $0.1500(R)(H) where TSC is total season cost in dollars of the in-plant transportation of cased goods and packaging materials. R is 1,000 pounds of plant output per hour. H is hours operated per season. Investment Cost of Plant Building, Water Piping, and Electrical Wiring Plant Buildings^ / The costs of plant buildings used in this study are based on engineering estimates of replacement costs for plants of concrete sidewall construction 1/ Material on the section of building costs is drawn from Sammet, "Economic and Engineering Factors . . .," and from Sammet and I. F. Davis, Building and Equipment Costs, Apple and Pear Packing (Berkeley: University of California, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, December, 1952.) 38p. (Giannini Foundation Mimeographed Report No. ihl.) Processed. (The fifth report in a series on Efficiency in Fruit Marketing.) y.i2i. f *R aid* ci ftjNUJ egnii TABLE 15 Equipment Replacement Costs, Annual Fixed Charges, and Hourly- Variable Costs of Fork Lift Truck Transportation in Relation to Capacity Pack-Out Rates, Lima Bean Freezing Plants, California, 1953 V arlable costs Equipment Rate of plant output Lift truck driver Repairs and fuel!/ Total Replace- ment costV Annual fixed charge^/ pounds per hour dollars 5,000 2.10 .12 2.22 5,775 953 10,000 2.10 .all 2.3h 5,775 953 15,000 2.10 .36 2.1*6 5,775 953 20,000 2.10 .Ii8 2.58 5,775 953 25,000 U.20 .60 U.80 n,55o 1,906 30,000 li.20 .75 a. 95 n,55o 1,906 a/ Variable repairs estimated as 0.5 per oent of repiaotmient cost per 100 hours operation. b/ Lift truck, standard type, 4,000 pounds oapacity, gae driven-- $5,775, delivered. o/ Estimated as percentage of replacement cost. Includes depreol- ation--10 per oent; taxes— 1 per cent) insurance— 1 per cent j interest— 8 per centj fixed repairs and overhaul— 1.5 per oentj for a total of 16.5 per oent 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds Figure 18. Total Annual Costs of In-Plant Transportation of Cased Goods and Packaging Materials in Lima Bean Freez- ing Plants in Relation to Rate of Plant Output and Length of Operating Season, California, 1958. 6$. with a clear height to the roof trusses of 18 feet. In general, the estimating procedure involves two major steps: (1) determination of floor space require- ments for a series of efficiently organized plants of different capacity out- put rates and (2) estimation of construction costs for each building in the series by applying current prices to the quantities of labor and materials required for each structure* Floor space requirements for well-organized plants of various capacities were developed from an analysis of floor plans of plants cooperating in the study. Space for processing, temporary raw product storage, packing materials storage, boiler room, repair shop, rest rooms, and offices is included, while space for freezing and cold-storage facilities is not. Space requirements in terms of total roofed area for plants of three different capacities are given in Table 16. These estimates are the basis for a general expression of space required in relation to plant capacity as follows: A - 5,000 + 1,005(R)« In this expression the symbol A represents the total roofed area of the building, excluding freezing and cold storage facilities, while R represents 1,000 pounds of plant-output capacity per hour* Estimated construction costs for the type of building construction con- sidered in this report are given in Table 16 plants of three different sizes. These costs are the basis for a generalized expression showing total building investment replacement costs in relation to plant size as measured by capacity output rates. This expression is given in equation (17) below, (17) C fi - $2k,930 * $3,1U0(R) where C_ is building replacement cost in dollars and R is 4,000 pounds of plant output per hour. An annual charge of 8.9 per cent of replacement costs is applied to equation (17) above to give the annual fixed charge for depreciation, taxes, insurance, interest, and repairs.^ 1/ These charges include depreciation 2,5 per centj taxes 1 per centj insurance 0.6 per cent; interest on investment 3 per cent (approximately 5.5 per cent of the undepreciated balance); and repairs 1.8 per cent— for a total of 8.9 per cent. tot 8.+n^ ■ tflelfsuhw ^nlviSaq- ..srjs'loic f'jiffco-rq wsi v*usnoqnsi , gnibXxi/d siW 'io c^rrs batfooi X*$«* sd.f apneas Tqot A ierfa^e erf* noietss-tqna a&tf ♦.ti/n-j toq tiiosqa:) ^-qtoo-Aneiq io -n*3 nnijwxianoo gni-eX ta-J' lo aq-^-t i«1 staos adit :>i;iianoo bt.-imtizd (H)CiiX< abfiLcq 000K)(Kj} * 3\ jyqe-c 30*000 J 3t»'330 nfc'J>? ■ f 2>3I. liOiTi - i,.jp — p ^ 70. In equation (19) the symbol Cg refers to investment replacement cost of power distribution vdiile the symbol R refers to 1,000 pounds of plant capacity out- put per hour. An annual charge of 8.9 per cent of replacement cost was used to cover depreciation, taxes, insurance, repairs, and interest.^ Annual fixed charges of electric power distribution are obtained by applying this percentage to the expression given in equation (19) above. The result is given below: (20) AFCg - $307 + $15 (R) In equation (20) AFCg is the annual fixed charge of electric power distribution and R is as defined previously. Water Supply System The quantity of water delivered through the piping system of a given plant depends upon the gauge pressure at the source of the plant water intake? diameter, length, and age of piping j and number, size, and types of orifices and valves, etc. Estimation of replacement costs of plant water supply systems parallels the procedure used in the estimation of electric power wiring. This involves the preparation of a number of piping layouts showing the number and distri- bution of equipment items, flumes, pumps, and personal service facilities together with estimated water use rates. -/ The size and quantities of industrial piping needed to supply plant water requirements with a given intake pressure 3/ were estimated from these layouts.- Costs of installation and materials were 1/ These charges are allocated in the same manner as for buildings. 2/ With the plant layouts considered, standard equipment items are arranged in straight line fashion. Plant water mains are 18 to 20 feet above floor level, with tap-ins or drops averaging 15 feet each in length. Additional footage is provided for branch runs and drops to account for dispersement of boiler room, laboratory, and personal service facilities such as reeli rooms and drinking fountains. Estimated water use rates and variable costs are presented in Table 12, page 51, of this report. 3/ Selection of pipe size was made so as to provide 25 pounds per square inch* minimum pressure at equipment discharge points, with 60 pounds per square inch pressure in city distribution main. .07 -too ytfiosqao jivXq io abweq 0O0 t X .H Xocfrrca art* aXXrfc 9ftt O-t 3QJ j;f>oflIqFHi' lc v+jv>'o 9,8 3o a^iado Xairqfu- flA. ceil XftwioA" ,H9t&tnl-'"btt& % ?.fJt&qet v a3EUi.i*ai.+*9X** , t aoU*io: tmazioq cJttit 'jffjh'cXqqjB yd bsttfaJdc n >X,.todx-T>taX£ .aowoq ox*r*o?J svoXed nevXg af ,fij/3S»i sdr • ,*>vodfl (-21) jyoX&srpa nX rtavX^ nolss* (#51* f, ?pC£< w, *0"*A (OS) aoiftrdtiizib i&noq aX*ioaI*t1§&" §8* ta o^.tiX ^OfA ( ) np.i.y--*p9 oi .^X3c."-jia rc ''iq bsrulab e« eX 3 baa Jo aefz'ie aaiqXq dstfotti* be-xj-vXXat* vtfaw lo vjXtfuai/p sdT loiisw '&ffiXq 0rtt to eatyo'S f 9rii Aa aiuaaavj s^ubxj sritf- ftoqa abneqsb. e=qY,b*efl •■■( *.-;xq i uiot'2 bsvroiJaa otsw twpi? b'iiibfjiB.ta- jba* 6^ 8X ■ ota"- saiafir t bfl* anoi f J onagri iol babivo*? eX -ega^ool 81 '£ciioti«q bra {\;;pJaTcdftX t «oo'j 4&&fifNf .ia^£w ibojcraXiaoL •eoxWnool- $p iT&ii'ib* . Woq'xi -« .iriii So , t jig "ageq .SX alds r ni .pi-am- noi# R If!. T> 1" T bis , J?.?n»ijni t 3orif;tt!?vii: . ssrE.t t noitfec:>s , 5q3b iol **, ':?woq XeoxitfovX* bfws aafllbllx/cf o* bg>ilqq3 e*acrU (it* •jfla-raacX^en b**suX-i30 erf* has ygsdw^yic-q ai.ii tto bsi /t£/o}!TS a on i afi!" r icaynsbj: sis Jjoric s.d ae^-xfrlo : X6*ffu:A ttctAt!tj±i$».sb •x&osw *™iq lo s»s)tBfio bexil Xsim/Tfi erf* o.t Btslst ,-3' •b--viil«b •\Xau'- ivfr'iq eX Jl •^nioXitM lo a ***>:> i&urms bas Jaoo Uitift Item YT : 9fcf»T ni fl o jFTita «(& . j*a» XaSq!; dt 0* es .elato* sriT- •esiiXlXps'i &fotytm£* bos , Of? ICO !RX! jdi a j 72. Figure 19. Annual Fixed Costs of Building and Electrical Power and Water Distribution Systems in Lima Bean Freez- ing Plants in Relation to Capacity Rate of Plant Output (Size of Plant), California, 1958. 73. Supervision and Miscellaneous Labor Labor associated directly with a particular operating stage has been included in each stage analysis. There are several additional categories of general supervision and labor categories, however, that are not directly related to a specifi c operating stage. These include the plant superintendents} foremen) subforemenj foreladiesj and quality control, utility, and cleanup workers. Some plants are also under continous U. S. Department of Agriculture inspection which requires the presence of a federal inspector during each operational shift. Total annual costs of these general categories vary widely among plants, primarily in relation to the size of the operation and length of season. Data relating to these cost categories were obtained from accounting records of the firms studied. Analysis of these data resulted in the following generalized expression which relates the costs of supervision and miscellaneous labor Jso capacity output rate and hours operated per season* (23) TSC - $2,800 + $7.110(H) + $1.2Uo(R)(H) where TSC is total season cost of supervision and miscellaneous labor in dollars. R is 1,000 pounds of plant output capacity per hour. H is hours of plant operation per season. Costs based on the above expression are shown graphically in Figure 20. Administrative and Office Costs The administrative and office cost component includes salaries of administrative office employees, plant managers, and field men. It also includes expenditures for professional services, office supplies, telephone, licenses, dues, subscriptions, and donations. It does not include selling costs. Administrative and office costs are related to both size of plant and length of season. However, it was not possible to develop a precise relation- ship among these variables from plant record data. This was due to the difficulty of separating administrative costs attributable to Lima bean proc- essing in multiple- product plants and because of the multiple nature of the loctaj. nTTLO?-rrv; b •>'.'..; 4j eiriJ ai iniJasaqooo no bdsad c^go .tiitc exef>d «o;Iov noaeaa iq i$ d Jnaaqiifp ; !'flI.r90U.jLV. ttnoxto&'s istltBa at l&toagarq aisoo e-vgaJa lo 89ja«l,jao arlj 3niqK« ^aifoff brie iXrataldcteX ^-uJecHdsl t nif,qe3 «e rirnre ess. bns tswftagoj fcaqptrcg »tcs oaariT ibaarhKwo dnaXq Xeiansro lo tfisq ♦txfoq lo m too .trisiq .uSo.t nl WtfBifXSci to! % X alcfsT t A xibooqqA ai .■frieaq tops ea^o'i lo aJaoi Seim XfijoT •gnisacrt lot araad ifniieapa 3tiJ ni b^iftaaetqai 9*ifi--maAoa lo to^ai bns foqjtto .tn&L: *i"*q *?»o.t *o o.t» ^ti^xf ^> ff jxi^ Xattnn. ; ° no hos/sd si •> i -t;.p a 3^^ifi ic no'lAtri rlJ gn.teao i3 .waCori •»v<3d? benxi&D e.i stc H bare O'i. ffcv 'iXXaoidqai 76. 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds Figure 22. Total Annual Costs of Miscellaneous Equipment in Plants Processing Lima Beans by Freezing Related to Rate of Plant Output and Length of Season, California, 1953. 77 TOTAL FIELD ASSEMBLY AND PLANT COST In the preceding sections total costs in relation to volume of output and other conditions of plant operation were developed for each of several operating stages. In this section the cost relationships for individual stages as well as general costs not associated with specific stages are combined into total costs for the entire operation. Total plant cost is affected by the rate of output, length of operating season, style of pack, the manner in which field and plant operations are in- tegrated, the wage rates paid, and other factors. The effects of variations in the more important of these factors have been considered specifically in the stage-cost analyses. Fixed values were taken for certain other factors con- sidered unlikely to vary enough under ordinary circumstances to have a significant effect on total costs. Specifications relating to such factors- most of which have been previously discussed-— are summarized below. 1. Plant size is defined in terms of capacity output rate. Specific consideration is given to six different plant capacities varying in 5,000 pound increments over the range 5,000-30,000 pounds of raw product "through- put" per hour.i^ 2. A maximum of eight hours temporary storage (with ice) is allowed be- tween vining and processing and is assumed to have no measurable affect on quality. 3. In each plant considered, packaging and casing equipment are provided for each style of pack — retail, institutional, and bulk — with capacity for handling the entire plant throughput in any single sjjyle of pack. h* Repackaging operations were not considered. 5. Straight-time wage rates as specified in the 1958 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Frozen Food Processors and the California State Council of Cannery Unions were used in the development of in-plant labor costs. These 1/ "Throughput" is the rate of flow of raw product that is handled by the labor and equipment of each operating stage. In-process losses in product weight due to maturity grade separation are partially or wholly offset by weight gains attributable to water absorption and are assumed to have negligible effect on the selection of processing equipment based on capacity. The major effect of quality, as measured by overmature and defective beans, is on labor require- ments of the visual inspection and manual quality separation stage. • 1 -VI (Ml L0V Otf .J J doss 1 in taw noij^iaao ?ru; .Off f.o 78. rates were increased 6 per cent to allow for employer payroll contributions. Field labor costs used in estimating costs of vining and field assembly opera* tions were based on typical wage rates observed among plants cooperating in the study. 6. Selling costs and storage costs beyond the first month were omitted. 7. The costs of raw product are not included. Separate Planning Costs for Field and Plant Activities Planning cost equations that were developed in preceding sections of this analysis are summarized in Table 18. The operating stages are listed in the first column of the table, while each of the remaining columns relates to a variable used in deriving the planning equations relating to the separate operating stages and cost components. Individual planning cost equations taken from the stage analyses presented earlier— can be read directly from the table toy applying appropriate coefficients given in the body of the table to the variables listed in the column headings. For example, the cost equation for vining r^adfrom the first line of Table 18 isi TSC y - 13.929 + 12, 633(H) + $0.3691(H) + $7.99(R)(H)j in which TSC y represents total season vining cost, and the variable (R) and (H) are as described previously. Planning cost equations for plant and field operations are obtained by aggregating the equations representing costs of the individual stages and cost components. 2/ Thus, the planning cost equation for total field and assembly operations is obtained by summing the entries on lines 1 and 2 of Table 18. This gives: (26) TSC - $3,929 + $2,633(R) + $0.3691(H) + $7.99(R)(H) + $l.Uo(log 1() D) (R) (H) The planning cost equation for the total in-plant operation is similarly obtained by summing the entries in lines 1 to 12 of Part B of Table 18. This expression, read from the last line of Table 18, is given in equation (27) below: 1/ The individual operating stages were so defined as to be independent with" respect to stage costs. Total plant cost relationships then are given by simple summation of stage-cost relationships. 79, TABLE 18 Summary of Planning Cost Equations for Operating Stages and Cost Components in Field Assembly and Processing Operations for Plants Processing Lima Beans for Freezing, California, 1958 Operating stages and cost components Variable s-^ Constant term-' (R) (H) jam Lor D (R)(II) (R)(H)(P) (H r )(R) (! t " coeffic Jftrits or multipliers expressed in dollars A. Field or assembly costs 1. Vlning 3,929 2,633 0.3691 7.99 2. Transportation to plant Total field or assembly costs 3,92? 2,633 0.3691 7.99 1.1(0 l.ljO B. In- ■Til airf f*rtc+c 1. Receiving, initial cleaning, and quality grading * 1,892 320 U.5882 0.8IM 2. Blanching and second- nun 1 1 1 v o T* a H "I n er '-JUlA-L J. CtU J_i L£ 1,293 187 5.6773 0,2238 3. Visual inspection and manual quality grading Up 32 8.6500 1.5100 0.1110 h. Packaging h,3hS 856 2ll.730 11 .I480 1.590 5. Variable water costs 166 15 0.1872 0.5380 6. Caging 189 67 7.952 t .712 7, In-plant transportation of cased goods and packaging materials hQ 1.0800 0.1300 8. Freezing 8.3000 9. Plant investment costs a. Blildings b. Electrical wiring c. Water piping 2,219 307 205 280 15 ia 10. Supervision and miscel- laneous labor 2,800 7.1100 1.2lj00 11. Plant administration 5.5100 12. Miscellaneous equipment 1,072 9 0.3250 0.0130 Total in-plant costs 15,353 1,870 27.6177 18.31142 0.1110 32.682 19 .192 lj.590 a/ The variables of the planning cost equation are defined as follovs; (R) = 1,000 pounds of plant output capacity per heir. (H) = number of hours of plant operation. per season. (R)(H) = total season volume obtained by multiplying 1,00/3 pounds of plant hourly output times the number of hours operated per season. log D (R)(H) = logarithm of the distance from viners to plant, multiplied by total season volume (r)(h). (R)(H)(P) = total season volume multiplied by the percentage of grade-out remaining after mechanical quality separation and must be manually graded on an in"jpeet1.«n belt. (H )(R) = number of hours operated per season packaging retail style times the plant output rate (R) as defined in thie footnote. (1,)( R ) " number of hour3 operated per season packaging Institutional style times the plant output rate (R) as defined in this footnote. (R.)(R) = number of hours operated per season packaging bulk style times the plant output rate (R) as defined in this footnote. b/ Represents the fixed annual charge. 80. (27) TSC p - $15,353 ♦ $1,870(R) + $27.6177 (H) ♦ *18.31U2(R)(H) ♦ 0.1110(R)(H)(P) + $32.682(H r )(R) ♦ $19.192 (H^)(R) + $U.59(H b )(R) Equation (26) can be used to estimate total field costs — vining and assembly — for any given rate of vining output, number of hours of vining opera* tamper season, and distance of haul from viners to plant. Equation (27) can be used to estimate total in-plant processing costs for any given rate of plant output, number of hours of plant operation per season, percentage of manual grade-out, and hours spent in packaging each style of pack. To illustrate the procedure, consider a plant that has a capacity output of 10,000 pounds per hour; operates 250 hours packaging retail style and $50 hours packaging institu- tional style for a total season of 500 hours; and maintains a brine concentration in mechanical quality graders such that manual grade-out percentage averages 5 per cent. Assume further that the vining capacity output rate is also 10,000 pounds per hour and that the average distance from viners to plant is 10 miles. Based on these assumptions, the variables appearing in equations (26) and (27) have the following values* Substituting these values in the total cost equations given above gives total annual costs of $77,39U for field and assembly operations and $271,893 for in-plant processing. Average cost is found by dividing total annual cost by the number of pounds packed. In the above example, the total number of pounds packed during the season is the product of the rate of hourly output and the number of hours operated, or 5 million pounds. Dividing this amount into estimated total costs gives a unit cost of field and assembly operations of 1.5U8 cents per pound and an average cost of in-plant processing of 5.U38 cents per pound. D - 10 R - 10 H - 500 P - 5 Mil ♦ (H)?V£3»YS& + (f^ovc ru»c (tS) noi.-* ^Hb£ct lo ^ tfl'i Clf 8'ti/Oif lo won is boA blstl lot |l^£»Tf4 lo Piioa :r..s'*>-q s&m'oq lo locfau/n Isrf^t t oXcjmf.xa ^voda orfj nX •f>ml;>&q efcra'oq ► b9fmt$z& odoi Jtu/cts e.jUtt ^nibl?io,fcn'tsqo eJ-:T9o lo enoi\tB"Xsqo ^IddWBCJI biiiv alsxl 'to jno^ .n il' £ aovia ,fcn>;cq isq eJnao lo grJi5.,e6o-q *n*?;q-ni lo Jtoo ilgaraa ae bat 81. Combined Planning Costs for Field and Plant Activities The development of combined processing costs reflecting efficient organi- zation requires finding the least-cost combination of hours operated per season and hourly output rates of field and plant operations. The integra- tion or programming of vining and plant facilities and operating hours so as to achieve lowest total annual cost for handling any given season volume of Lima "beans is discussed in this section. Integration of Field and Plant Operations Institutional and operating restrictions— such as collective "bargaining agreements, custom, the length of harvest season, and the number of hours it is possihle to operate per day—place limits on the number of combinations of capa- city output rates and hours of operation hut allow much variation. An additional consideration is uncertainty in some aspects of scheduling field and plant activities. This requires flexibility in the design of plant and vining facilities that will give relatively low costs over a range of output rates and operating hours near the least -cost level. While all possihle combinations of plant and field output rates and opera- ting hours are not considered, four important alternatives are presented in Figure 23. Two sets of curves are shown— one based on 30 and the other on ho days of operation per season. Each of the cost curves shown in Figure 23 represent unit costs of processing Lima beans for freezing with least-cost techniques for selected combinations of field and plant capacity output rates and daily operating hours. In the cases presented, a maximum of eight hours temporary storage (with ice) is allowed between vining and in-plant processing; and this is assumed to have no measurable effect on quality. It is also assumed that daily operating hours and rates of output of vining and plant operations are such that the total volume vined per day is equal to the total volume processed. In recognition of time lost daily in lunch periods, changing shifts, cleanup, equipment servicing, rest periods, and other delays, a maximum of 16 hours operation per day was applied in these examples. This conforms closely to the maximum daily operating hours observed in plants cooperating in the study. The four cases presented are (l) a single 8-hour shift per day in both plant and vining operations; (2) two 8-hour shifts of plant and vining opera- tions per day; (3) one 8-hour shift of plant operations per day with two 8-hour shifts of vining; and (h) two 8-hour shifts of plant operations per day with one 8-hour shift of vining. The least-cost combination of season volume, hours /Si '.31 rw: .0 sJiwCSKvr r psax:foto9 1ft taaogolw : £aa aajyilioal faa Bfftftt* lo gfiifltdglfl lo auwlov aoeasa osvxa ^ ^lj£a.T< "sab J-ao» Xai/afti ,aox.*c-9i ©irid" ol liasaifoo LS ax aaasd' tt Sni.iiet/iBi' avxioaxloo as o^ua-»aA^x:3."uxi , ea*x gaxi U e'xr/od to 'Woi/a 6n«. *«psa33 Jeavxad to dt tf£g$ to s-ioltmXdisrto tc i^fassn etf* ; «o B#2ftU soslq- iaoxcrxf>&e aA - : *nol3»£«av :foua ve& Sahxxv ban fnsic lc asxadJ •.• i4$84 Tuq^iro xo a'lftflfo Jiti? a^!f>*i Jij: 0-!^ CIO 'X>[3'0 S."!"* fii c dwf aotd^rajo to «?"?x/oa Acta 1 0 oioajcs: aace rri ^Jiilschisoaij al Y-ixiicfxxel* e3iJ"ifp9'i' > 3*300 VOX YlGVX^n.. 93 9Y.T3 ill". tatsrrxl *ol £: tfoftta 6a* fx J I/O 1 Gd - n» l T.S£>l3i< : saoi+aaxc'uioo slctfcesbij Xls Sliatf t rtuo'i t £.LVXhf)i6tno£> ioa stta so^ao" 8ttM re ofo 83.ii;o to "si 98 ovT '.£S ai^iS > rfoaSC .noaasa uaj ncxisaeqb 1c s*£3£ Li saiarwo-q Ho ai-aos JJraa taatftftgaf^' $nox£a«xcf?u.r.rov ^'ij'xfe owpd-u ovi (' s5 1?^ a'aoxi- Figure 23. Relation of Average Planning Costs to Season Volume With Four Levels of Restrictions on Daily Plant and Vining Operations in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing. California, 1958. 83. of operation per season, and output capacity rates were worked out for each case.i^ The cost curves presented for these four cases are based on: season packout consisting of 70 per cent in retail cartons, 20 per cent in institutional cartons, and 10 per cent in bulk bags or cases; length of haul (viners to plant) — 10 miles; and manual grade-out — 5 per cent. Specification of other values for these variables would not materially affect the general relationships developed. Several general characteristics of average cost behavior as illustrated in Figure 23 are noted. First, with any given pattern of daily operating hours and length of season, total season hours are fixed and so differences in total season volume necessarily involve changes in scale of plant as measured by planned capacity output rates. Consequently, each point on a particular curve 2/ represents average cost with a different plant.- With a given length of season and over a wide range of plant capacities, unit costs decrease as plant capacity increases. This reduction in unit costs associated with increased scale of output results from more effective utilization of supervision and other partially fixed labor inputs and the substitution of various cost reducing techniques in the larger plants. Second, plant capacity rates necessary to achieve any given season volume decrease as hours of operation per season increase. As planned capacity rate with a fixed season volume decreases, investment cost and the corresponding annual fixed charge are smaller which tends to give lower unit fixed costs. As planned capacity is decreased, however, some of the cost advantages of increased scale are lost and this tends to give increased costs per unit. Thus, the behavior of unit planning costs varies with both length of season and capacity output rates, and efficient organization of plant and field operations calls for balancing the net cost effects of scale of plant and operating hours. The average cost curves illustrated in Figure 23 reflect the effects described above. Except with relatively small season volumes, average planning costs with any given season volume and combination of vining and proc- essing plant hours are lower with a UO-day than a 30-day season. Unit costs 1/ The least-cost combination of hours and rates for any given season volume is obtained by minimizing the planning equations representing total annual costs of vining and plant operations — equations (26) and (27) — subject to appropriate constraints on maximum daily operating times and temporary storage allowances for a given length of season. For technical details of the solution, see Appendix B, page 101. 2/ "Plant" refers to both vining and in-*)lant processing facilities. noIoiliR fc.is ,e?&yr i*;q4yo Y^i^^o; bft£* Aobjbm 1 e dii* 19'toX &ts* woti Sanlec srtiaad f-ee^X'oriT \X 1 bcnift^Jo sy&f«lt! baft *C!l!»I? ri.'oo .vt tv*V.-. '■'■ifnsi 8U. are lowest over a wide range of season volumes when both vining and plant facilities are planned for a two-shift operation per day, the maximum daily- operating time considered. As total season volume becomes smaller, however, the effects of decreasing scale become more important. With a UO-day season, for example, and for total season volumes below three million poundSj Figure 23 shows that lowest costs are achieved by operating two vining shifts and one plant shift per day, so that vining capacity rate of output is one-half that of the plant. The effect of scale is much more pronounced in regard to plant than vining operations, and this explains the shift in the low-cost combinations of daily vining and plant hours illustrated in the figure. For the range of operating conditions specified, the above demonstrates that efficient handling of any season volume would call for plant and vining facilities of capacities such that operations were for the maximum number of hours available during the season except in cases where the season is relatively long and the total season volume relatively small. In the cases excepted, costs are lower with planned plant capacity greater than that of the vining facilities, and minimum cost operation v o u 1 d require that hours of vining per day exceed hours of plant operation. Problems of Flexibiltiy One of the more important problems in processing Lima beans for freezing is how to adjust economically to considerable fluctuations in daily volume of product during the operating season. In addition to variations in daily vol- ume, there are also variations in the proportions of Lima beans packed in various size containers and grades. Two types of adjustment to variations in daily volume are used. In one, hours of daily operation may be varied and the plant and vining facilities operated at their most efficient rate of output with little change in cost rates, except where overtime pay is required. A second type of adjustment is applicable where there is a large reduction in daily volume relative to total capacity. The total labor force then might be reduced and the plant operated at less than capacity output rates. This is particularly true if collective bargaining agreements and the maintenance of satisfactory labor relations require that workers be paid for a minimum number of hours per day. Large fluctuations in the volume of product received as well as daily variations in the proportions of Lima beans which must be packed in various size containers and grades are best handled in plants designed to operate with some degree of flexibility. A considerable amount of flexibility has been provided in the design of plants synthesized in this study. For example, «fixr. r 3 o-iirc I »«v . if ,4; id I'scuto 7.0 a^'jrJx.Xibs"* d rial's 'i; 89q^J ow"! ■ io.c ! 85. inclusion of facilities for temporary storage prior to the blanching operation provides some insurance against hour-to-hour fluctuations in plant receipts. Also, large variations in the proportions packed in the various size containers and grades are allowed for by providing filling and casing equipment capable of handling any given plant output in either retail, institutional, or bulk con- tainers. Moreover, the values and standards on which the planning cost equations for specific operating stages are based are themaelves "averages" which permit small ranges of variation around any given rate of output. Comparison of costs as developed above with those in plants lacking pro- vision for flexibility in output rate will indicate the extent to which costs are affected by incorporation of this feature in the plant designs used in this study. Calculations for the constant-rate plants may be made easily by adjust- ing the results already given for deletion of special equipment required to provide flexibility. This involves minor adjustments in annual fixed charges for filling and casing facilities, for temporary storage of incoming raw prod- uct, and for building space. These adjustments reduce costs below the levels given above by less than 1 per cent and would not materially affect the cost relationships indicated in this report. The Planning Equation for Combined Field and Plant Processing Activities From the preceding demonstration, it appears that over a wide range in season volumes, least-cost operation occurs with full-time daily operation — that is, 16 hours per day — in both field and plant. In the range of small sea- son volume where this is not true, total costs with alternative combinations of field and plant hours differ by only a small amount from the level with full- time daily operation. This means that a close approximation to results based on least-cost combination of field and plant hours may be obtained if full-time daily operation in both these areas is assumed through the entire volume range considered. Since this assumption greatly simplifies the estimation of com- bined field and plant costs, it is applied in the analysis which follows. It permits the formation of planning cost equation for the combined operations by simple summation of the planning cost equation for field (equation 26) and plant operations (equation 27). The result is given below in equation (28): (28) TSC, A »j\ - $19,282 + $h,503(R) + $27. 9868(H) + $26,301*2 (R)(H) ( A+p > ♦ $l.U0(log 10 D)(R)(H) + $0.1110(R)(H)(P) + $32.682(H r )(R) + $19.192 (H ± )(R) + $U.590(H^)(R). The variables (R), (H), (D), (P), etc., are defined in Table 18, page 79« syJatflx lif.n-o.i-'iirori isnxx-as ^offs-xuani «nr ?IX t"''!OSU St" - % XOtTf Od> > 'T'7 £'•"{ + it' P'SOX J'* ""I r'"» fans -sj-ixllxl ynclixvo'rq xd **ol beiWilfi ase k& f>eqo.C?v. h e Oft i^so fans sisr-x*,* 903 ICi rsoxexv ..yfur/3 sgns~ - iff ifoa o» xq erfi i«o i"! ■ram- .ton at ztitt AOS i.t(lf 0*1.1 ix'xi'sfra ad* nr fc^xj ui ex j jxd:-too~ .feoo-J3s:?I no xjqiaifess sini aon.c3 »bsi3Diaffor> *i ( ctooo inslq bii'a b.[gx'i benid nxannlc; *>o kplimrtoBl stit Bjjbr'sq f nnslq arf.t lo ncJJircrws ^i'qracs .(V? nox.sf eups) ei cx£si?cc fruUtq ii) ssldsiisv 86. Average cost per 1,000 pounds pack-out is obtained by dividing the costs estimated in equation (28) above by the total season volume. Equation (28) can be used to estimate total and average costs with effi- cient field and plant organization for any given size of plant, length of operating season, style of pack, percentage manual grade-out, and distance of haul from viners to plant. In the discussions to follow, use will be made of this equation to demonstrate how variations in the above variables affect total and average costs of processing Lima beans for freezing. Eeonomies Related to Size of Plant and Length of Season The effect of size of plant (rate of output) and hours operated per season on total and average planning costs will be illustrated for plants operating under the following conditions: average distance of haul (viners to plant) is 10 miles j manual grade-out averages $ per cent; 70 per cent of the total season volume is packed in retail cartons; 20 per cent in institutional cartons j and 10 per cent in bulk bags or cases. Estimates of total and average costs are obtained by substituting these values in equation (28) for each length of season and rate of output considered. The planning costs so computed are shown in Figures 2k and 25 for plants operating under the conditions specified. The general relationships presented would be approximately the same, however, if the variables were specified at different values. The rate of reduction in average planning cost as the rate of output (size of plant) increases is shown in Figure 2k» The curves in the figure show that average cost drops rapidly — for any given length of season — as the size of plant increases. The decrease in average cost as plant size increases is primarily due to more effective use of supervision and other partially fixed general labor costs and the substitution of various cost reducing techniques in the larger plants. The figure also shows that major cost-reduction possibilities through increased scale of operations are in plants of relatively low capacity and that advantages of increased scale are relatively small in plants above 20,000 pounds per hour capacity. Under the conditions assumed and with an operating season of $00 hours, for example, average cost for a plant operating at a capacity rate of 5,000 pounds per hour falls approximately $2«66 with each increase of 1,000 pounds in planned capacity. At a plant capacity of 10,000 pounds per hour, average cost falls approximately 66.5 cents with each 1,000 pounds increased capacity, and at 20,000 pounds per hour this figure is only 16 0 6 pents per 1,000 pounds added capacity. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 Hourly rate of plant output, thousand pounds Figure 2I4. The Effect of Size of Plant (Capacity Rate of Output) on Total and Avorage Planning Costs for Three 7° Lengths of Season, California, 1953 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Hundred hours operated per season Figure 2$. The Effect of Length of Operating Season on Total and Average Planning Costs for Three Sizes of Lima Bean Freezing Plants , California, 19$8 89. Figure 25 demonstrates that average planning costs decrease as length of season— with a given capacity output rate—is increased and the annual fixed charge spread over a larger total volume of output. For any given capacity output rate, substantial reductions in average cost are indicated as the length of season is increased from 200 through 1,000 hours. However, economies associated with increased length of season become relatively less important for seasons in excess of 750 hours. To illustrate the magnitude of the effect of increased hours on average unit cost, let the capacity output rate be fixed at 10,000 pounds per hour — other specifications remaining as set forth in the beginning of this section. With a season of 250 hours, each increase of one hour reduces average cost by 10.3 cents per 1,000 pounds. With a 500-hour season, the rate of reduction is 2.6 cents with each added hour, while at 750 hours the rate of decrease in average cost is only .75 cent per 1,000 pounds with each additional hour of operation. Figure 25 and the preceding discussion indicate that economies associated with increased hours of operation per season can be relatively large. A substantial portion of such savings, however, cannot be realized in some bean-producing areas because of the short harvest season. This situation may be relieved by processing other products maturing in other periods and using the same types of equipment. Under favorable circum- stances with respect to raw product procurement and sales, for example, frozen peas will serve this purpose in many California plants. The Effect of Distance of Haul Truck hauling charges in relation to distance were presented in an earlier section of this report wherein it was shown that the cost rate per 1,000 pounds hauled tends to level off as distance from the plant increases. The effect of distance of haul on average planning costs will be illustrated for plants operating under the following conditions: length of season is 500 hours; percentage manual grade-out averages 5 per cent; and 70 per cent of the total season volume is packed in retail cartons, 20 per cent in institutional cartons, and 10 per cent in bulk bags or cases. Estimates of average unit costs are obtained by substituting these values for the variables in equation (28) and calculating the average planning cost for each length of season and distance of haul considered. Average planning costs so computed in relation to selected lengths of haul are illustrated in Figure 26 for plants operating under the conditions assumed. The figure shows that hauling charges have a relatively small effect on average planning costs for distances up to 100 miles. 90. o> o > < 5 10 15 20 25 Hourly rate of plant output, thousand pounds Figure 26. The Effect of Distance of Haul on Average Planning Costs in -Relation to Selected Lengths of Haul and Capacity Rates of Output in Lima Bean Freezing Plants Operating 500 Hours Per Season, California, 1958. to TJ C I 80 C a CO O cr a k. a> > < 70 Manual gradeout percentage 0 5 10 15 20 25 Hourly rate of plant output, thousand pounds 30 Figure 27. The Effect on Average Planning Costs for 1, 5, and 10 Per Cent Levels of Manual Grade-Out in Lima Bean Freez- ing Plants Operating 500 Hours Per Season, California, 1958. 91 However, some additional costs associated with increases in the length of haul were not specifically evaluated and are not shown in Figure 26. These include increased costs related to the more elaborate in—field cleaning and icing operations that must be performed as length of haul increases in order to avoid losses in grade yield and recovery. Effect of Percentage Manual Grade-Out The effect of the level of manual grade-out percentage on average planning costs can be determined with calculations based on equation (28) similar to the above. This is illustrated in Figure 27, which gives average unit costs with 1, 5, and 10 per; cent manual grade-out.- Increased cost resulting from increased numbers of defective and overmature beans that must be manually removed to make a particular grade specification is largely controlled by the effectiveness of mechanical quality-grading equipment. Losses in grade yield brought about by improper balancing of mechanical and manual quality grading could be substantial, however, and are not reflected in Figure 27. Effect of Style of Pack The proportion of total season volume packed in various size containers has an important effect on total and average planning costs. Figure 28 illustrates this effect for plants packing various percentages of their total season volume in retail, institutional, and bulk styles. The curves in Figure 28 are based on costs computed from equation (28) with the variables specified as follows: distance of haul averages 10 miles ; an operating season of 500 hours j and percentage of manual grade-out average 5 per cent. The figure shows that total and unit costs — for a given capacity rate of output — increase substantially as the proportion of total season volume packed in retail cartons increases. This is primarily due to higher costs of retail packaging materials. The heavy lines in Figure 28 define upper and lower cost ranges as proportions of season volume packed vary from 100 per cent bulk style to 100 per cent retail style. 1/ Other specified values of the variables in equation (28) are as in the preceding examples: $00 hours operated per season — distance of haul 10 miles \ and 70, 20, and 10 per cent of the total season is packed in retail, institutional and bulk styles, respectively. A. TOTAL COSTS Legend : R= Retail Style I = Institutional Style B= Bulk Style Per cent total pack size of container 80 to T3 C o a. TJ C o in zs o CL 70 0) I 60 o T3 to O o m a> | 50 B. AVERAGE COSTS pack etc. R, 100% .0%. B,....0% 0 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 Hourly rate of output, thousand pounds 15 R, 70% , 20%. 8, 10% R, 50% 20%. B, 30% R, 20% 10% 8, 70% R,....0% I, ...0%, 8,100% 20 25 30 Figure 28. Total and Average Planning Costs Lima Bean Freezing Plants Packing Different Percentages of Retail, Institutional, and Bulk Styles for a 500 Hour Operating Season. California, 1958. 93. The cost relationships discussed above and illustrated in Figures 2k through 28 have been based on selected values of the variables comprising the expression of total annual planning costs given in equation (28). Total annual and average planning costs with conditions more closely approximating circum- stances of individual interest may he calculated by specifying values for the variables other than those specified in this discussion. As the allocation of unit costs among the various styles and grades may be accomplished by several different procedures, meaningful estimates depend primarily upon the individual plant and local conditions. Therefore, no attempt has been made to allocate total and unit costs synthesized in this study to the various styles and grades. SUMMARY The major objectives in this report are to: (1) develop estimates of the total cost of processing frozen Lima beans with efficient crew and equipment organization} (2) determine a basis for integrating field and plant operations that will minimize total field and plant costs j (3) show how costs are affected by variations in such factors as scale of operation, length of operating season, distance of field-to-plant haul, per cent of manual grade-out, and proportions packed in different styles of packj and (k) present this information in such a way as to indicate which of alternative methods in certain operating stages are most economical in the production of given annual volumes of output. For convenience in analysis, field and plant operations are classified into ten operating stages and four general cost components (page 5 ). Engineering and economic data pertaining to individual operations are used to estimate for each plant operating stage the quantities and costs of labor, equipment, and other services required in relation to selected rates of plant output. The stage-cost estimates are made terms of variable! costs per hour of plant operation and annual fixed costs for equipment and other services. These costs are used to estimate within each stage the total season cost with different lengths of operating season. Comparison of such stage-cost estimates for different methods indicates the least-cost method, and the aggregation of stage costs thus selected provides a basis for estimating season plant cost for the entire field and plant operation. Results of this procedure that indicate the effects of a wide range of operating conditions are presented both graphically and in terms of "planning cost equations." Studies of alternative methods in particular plant stages gave the follow- ing indications as to least-cost method* 9h In field vining four methods — classified according to their degree of mechanization — are analyzed in relation to capacity rates of vining output and length of operating season. These include three methods of stationary vining and one method of mobile vining. Among the stationary vining methods, the most mechanized method — Method C — has lower annual costs than the others over all ranges of capacity and length of season considered. Mobile vining becomes the most economical method as the length of operating season increases beyond 500 hours and the annual fixed charge is spread over a larger total annual volume of output. Bulk handling and bin handling are the two methods analyzed in connection with the receiving, initial cleaning, and quality-grading stage. Studies of these methods failed to show any significant cost difference between them. Four methods of casing are studied in relation to estimated quantities and costs of labor and equipment required at various capacity output rates and length of season. The principal variations among the methods studied involve the degree of mechanization associated with the case-fill and case-seal operation. Method B — manual fill, mechanical seal — has the lowest cost for casing combi- nations of retail and institutional cartons. Total annual cost for the separate field and plant processing activities are obtained by aggregating costs representing efficient stage organization, along with general cost components not associated with specific operating stages. The planning cost equation for field operations is obtained by combining the equation representing costs of vining with that representing the cost of viners-to-plant transportation. The expression so derived is repeated below. TSC A - $3,929 + $2,633(R) ♦ 10.3691(H) + $7.99(B)(H) + $l.U0(log 10 D) (R)(H) 1/ The variables in these equations are? (R) is 1,000 pounds of capacity output per hour. (H) is total number of hours operated during the season. (D) is distance of haul from viners to plant, expressed in logarithms to base 10. (P) is percentage manual grade-out. (H ) is hours operated per season, retail style. (H^) is hours operated per season, institutional style. (H^) is hours operated per season, bulk style. TSC. is total season cost of field and assembly operations. TSCp is total season cost of in-plant processing operations. «5!Ui"JX7 &BQot$tsi$ 'to a) t&tttrp bo Julifcv Iscurviiiq MJ 10'; mm •.ftC^ft Let 95. The planning cost equation for in-plant processing is obtained by combining the planning equations representing costs of the individual operating stages and general cost components of in-plant processing operations. This expression TSCp « £15,353 + *1,870(R) + $27.6l77(H) + $l8.31b2(R) (H) + $0.1110(P) (R) (H) Before the above equations are combined into a planning cost equation representing total annual costs for over-all processing operations — of both field and plant — the least-cost combination of hours operated per season and hourly output rates of field and plant operations was determined. For the range of operating conditions specified, analysis demonstrated that efficient handling of any season volume of Lima beans for freezing calls for plant and vining facilities of capacities such that operations are for the maximum numb^rr of hours available during the season except in cases where the season is relatively long and the total season volume relatively small. In the volume range excepted, costs are lower with planned plant capacity exceeding that of the vining facilities. The separate planning equations for field and plant operations are then combined to give a planning cost equation for the over-all processing operation which closely approximates least-cost integration of field and plant facilities. The planning equation so derived is used to demonstrate how variations in the variables — size of plant, length of operating season, percentage manual grade- out, style of pack, and distance of haul — affect average and total costs of processing Lima beans for freezing. The ■ study indicates that average costs per unit of output decrease with increases in the scale of operations and length of season. In terms of plant capacity, advantages of increased size are substantial in lower capacity plants but become relatively small in plants above 20,000 pounds per hour capacity. For any given capacity output rate, relatively large reductions in average cost are indicated as the length of season is increased. However, economies associated with increased length of season become relatively less important for seasons in excess of 750 hours. 1/ Ibid. at an 96. A considerable amount of flexibility is provided in the design of plants synthesized. Inclusion of facilities for temporary storage prior to the blanch- ing operation provides some insurance against hour-to-hour variations in plant receipts. Large variations in the proportions packed in the various size containers and grades are possible through provision of filling and casing equipment capable of handling any given plant "through-put" in either retail, institutional, or bulk containers. Although the costs developed in this report are based on constant rates of output, the plants are designed with enough flexibility to operate efficiently over a range of output rates near the optimum. Although many Lima bean freezing plants in California have achieved a relatively high degree of efficiency, the selection of more economical techniques and movement toward increased hours of operation per season and larger plants could lead to further cost reductions. While many of the savings could be achieved in the short run, some of the cost-reduction possibilities involve changes in plant facilities and design which may be economical only as existing facilities are worn out and replaced. The material that has been presented should provide useful guides of Lima bean freezing plant operators interested in planning new or modernized facilities and for firms contemplating reorganization and consolidation of plants. DM 97. APPENDIX A T»bl« 1 Summary of Equipment and Installed Replacement Coate, Lima Bean Pressing Planta, California, 1968 I ten Blanching equipment Blanch era Type A, 12-foot aylinder Type B, 15-foot cylinder Type p a 18-foot cylinder Temperature controller, dual control Varispead drive assembly Boilers Boiler h.p. Heating Capacity, Stean 3iirf ace beans pounda square pounds per hour feet per hour 690 ioe 5,000 m ite 10,000 1,725 270 lS.ooo 1,863 292 20,000 2,153 llOO 25,000 2,79b. U7 30,000 20 27 50 5U 7li 81 Casing equipment Case-in table, per li-foot section Casing machine, 10-ounce, with dump conveyor attachment Sealer and compressor unit Type A, 28-foot compressor Type P, 20-foot compressor Type C, 12-foot compressor Case Btitching machine, 12-inch throat Stenoil table, wheel, and pad Tally desk, single drawer Olue stand, trough type Case materials, shook, glue, wire Cases, 2b. 10-ounce, li panels, 2 colors Cases, 12 2^-pound, U panels, 2 colors Olue Wire Cleaning equipment Flotation washers with destoner attachment Type A, capacity $,000 pounds per hour Type B, capacity 6,500 pounds per hour Type C, capacity 7, $00 pounds per hour Cleaner, shaker type, double sieves Cleaner, pneumatic Type A, 18-inch intake, 3 h.p., capacity 7,500 pounds per hour Type 9, 2li-inch intake, 7j h.p., capacity 10,000 pounds per hour Type C, 30-inch intake, 7i h.p., capacity 12,500 pounds per hour Type D, 36-inch intake, 7^-10 h.p., capacity 15,000 pounds per hour Type E, lj2-inch intake, 7|-10 h.p., capacity 20,000 pounds per hour Container filling equipment Carton filling machines Type A, 10-ounce, capacity 7,500 pounds per hour Carton form and close equipment (annual rental) Type B, 10-ounce. capacity 10,000 pounds per hour (annual rental) Type C, 2^-pound, capacity 12,750 pounds per hour Carton form and close equipment (annual rental) Bulk tray filler (for tray freeze, IQF), capacity 10,000 pounds per hour Bag filler (IQF bag or case fill, manually operated) Cluster breaker, capacity 10,000 pounds per hour Hoppers, accumulating Type A, Ij$ cubic feet Type B, 108 cubic feet Wrappers Retail, capacity 7,500 pounds per hour Institutional, capacity 12,7$0 pounds per hour Packaging materials CartonB, 10-ounce, 5-lA x 1-3/8 x U inches; 0.015 solid bleach, sulphate Cartons, 2^-pound, 9? x 5« x 2£ inches; 0.020 special solid, manlla Bags, 55-pound, plain; multiwall, l/UO wax, 6-inch tuck-in sleeve Overwraps, 10-ounce, 5 -col or print Overwraps, 2^-pound, 2-color print estimated replacement cost 3,071 3,U28 3,790 686 706 3,063 3,3Ui U,313 l»,313 5,591. 7,219 75 3,2lJ. 6,1.60 5,832 U,998 675 60 30 25 90 107 75 26 2,789.00 3,089.00 3,389.00 l,li60.00 1,1.88.00 2,698.00 2,788.00 3,050.00 3,136.00 li,o65.oo 1,328.00 2,115.00 O ,o65.oo 1,328. (XI I180.00 1, 200.00 175-00 350.00 12,U25.00 10,$00. 00 9.77 23.71 129.00 li.02 7.5b each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each 1,000 cases 1,000 cases 100 gallons 100 pounds each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each 1,000 cartons 1,000 cartons 1,000 bags 1,000 wraps 1,000 wraps Item tC.Ll (W)(L) $0.1,3 fw)(L) SO. hi (W)(L) Conveyor equipment Oonveyor frame, complete Belt or mesh type Spiral type Motor and drive assembly 1/U h-P. 1/2 h.p. 3A h.p. 1 h.p. 3 h.p. 5 h.p. Box turn and/or converger unit Magnetic switch, forward -reverse -stop, Skate wheel conveyor, 12 inches wide Steel roller conveyor, 12 inches wide Flume, g.i., 20 gauge, unseamed Belting b-ply rubber cannery 3-ply neoprene Wire me6h drain belt Drip pan Product pump assembly 3-inch product pump, including intake tank li-lnch product pump, including intake tank Dewater shaker and return water tank Dewatcr reel and return tank (pick-belt type) Tubing and fittings f!/ Quality grading equipment Flotation graders Type A, capacity 5,000 pounds per hour Type B, capacity 6,500 pounds per hour Type C, capacity 7,500 pounds per hour Brine mixing and holding tank (salt capacity 1,200 pounds) Brine density controller Platform for brining station no. 1 Pick belts Temporary product storage equipment Icing equipment Type A, 3 h.p. crusher, without blower Type B, 3-h.p. crusher, with 10-h.p. blower and attachments Type C, 3-h.p. crusher, without blower but with additional tank Scoop shovels Temporary storage tanks Type A, 700 cubic feet Type B, 525 cubic feet Type C, 550 cubic feet Vining equipment Viner, stationary, complete Power fork attachment Side delivery conveyor Vine feed regulator Viner, mobile, complete Tractor, 2-plow, with 6-foot detachable loader frame assembly Truck, 2^-ton Bins, tote, W x W x W Estimated replacement cost 10.30 Ui.50 2li7.O0 21.7.00 280.00 317.00 Ub.OO 59k. oo 1.80.00 87-00 5.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 695.00 900.00 670.00 375.00 2,589.00 2,889.00 3,189.00 915.00 900.00 3.l<0 1,01,8.00 1,863.00 1,257.00 5.00 785.00 665.no 55o.oo 5,215.00 807.00 280.00 365.00 12,000.00 2,100.00 2,200.00 111 .00 a/ Computed from above equations in which . Is width of belt 111 lr length of oonveyor In feet. b/ Dashes indicate nothing to enter, f/ See on«t data for oonveyor equipment, d/ Tubing and Fitting Installed cost Item Tubing 90-dcgree elbow Adapter or coupling Tee Valves Hangers Clanps Install ContingencieB 3-lnch li-lnch polyethylene aluminum Unit t 0.70 t 1.00 foot 1.90 16.00 each l.u7 12.00 each 2.75 3.00 each 30.00 30.00 each o.59 each O.liO each 2.00 2.00 foot 10 per cent 10 per cent total cost (Continued on next page.) 98. SI SnJ rt rt "Is -C 43 -t* , tx R ll ■rl 3 O I to p. 88 88 888888 »8 8? CO \A pS_ UNO O O O 3 "6 W CD r- H _cf c\j D\ r-l (— t cvj m eg H xa H H cm ■ § 'd _ +1 £Z V) O O P -P H co ■ a) o «j Chi CO 3 88 8 8 CVJ CO On r«-\ £ r-i o f CM 8888888 SO O ( -3 W ( HOCM 1 8o o I -H t»0 CO i WJ.C i -i rt o ! 8 II ■3 5 ■ '1 §•$ 83. Si ' O 3 to 1*1 8 <§ 8 +> -p +> -p ■ ■ ■ ■ v « a> v Ch t> > t> » i t H H CM jilt PPI3 -cj Q ( co O ( O H > 1 P 1 •8S c » i i -O o\ cvj cvj r— ia J f— VT\ Ov^j nn O o o o $5 VWAHH (M 1 P • 0) 4) V CD If f'f ^ a o o o p H 9 mm mm u w Ed &> 5jj & § S S rt tt: ffi ffi p p CD V ss co co co co 888 38 8 OJ V\ CVJ 888 1 3 3 H a a 3 & 5 ■t +> o b o. J ^ B | s 5 3 1 8l . . rt «h l i ., to W (1, APPENDIX A TAB IE 2 Summary of Labor Production Standard for Jobs Performed in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing California, 1958 Operating 3tage, Job classification and description Production standard V'^ge rate units per hour dollars VINING Fork vines: Method A — Engage vines vdth hand forkj place fork load on vine feed conveyor. hoo pounds^/ 1.25 Methods B and C --Engage vines vith electric fork; place fork load on vine feed conveyor. 950 pounds 1.25 Handle lugs: Method A — Place empty lugs under, viner delivery chute, get full lugs and dump to main assembly con- veyor. 800 pounds 1.25 Method B — Place empty lugs under viner delivery chute, get full lugs and dump to main assembly con- veyor . 950 pounds 1.25 Attend fill: Methods A, B, and C — Position empty bin under main assembly conveyor chute, regulate fill, and perform minor housekeeping duties. 5,600 pounds 1.25 Operate lift truck: Methods A, B, and C — Unload empty bins from truck; get full bins from fill station; and load truck or set aBide for temporary storage . 20,000 pounds 1.60 Operate tractor: Methods A, B, and C-- Group vines for forkers, distribute strav in ensilage trench, and spot loads of incoming vines. 20,000 pounds I.60 Haul vines: Methods A, B, and C — Operate truck between fields and vining station and supervise loading from draper loader in field. 880 pounds Cleanup station: Methods A, B, and C — Cleanup or housekeeping at stationary vining site/s. h,000 pound3 1.25 Operating stage, Job classification and description Production standard Wage rate units per hour dollars VINING (continued) Cleanup field : Methods A, B, C, and mobile vining — Pickup vines left over from draper loaders and mobiles and perform miscellaneous tasks in fields. Operate mobile viner : Drive mobile unit and regulate speed for optimum pickup and thresh and assist in servicing machine. Attend mobile viner : Watch mechanical function tloning, assist in loading truck, inspect disposal for inadequate threshing assist in servicing machine and may alternate with driver . Supervision of stationary vining: !*,00O pounds 525 pounds 1.25 1.50 Crew supervisor — Place and supervise vining crew and spot trucks. General supervisor — Over- all supervi slon of field and station; coordinate viner to plant deliveries; collect grower samples; and work closely with field man with respect to matu- rity, time of harvest, etc. and with plant manager. Supervision of mobile vl n1 n«j : 1,050 pounds 30,000 pounds 1.50 1.60 30,000 pounds 2.25 Supervise vining crew, coordinate viner-plant deliveries, and work closely with fleldman and plant management. RECKIVING, CLEANING, AND INITIAL GRADING Bin handling ■notbod : Operate lift truck — unload full bins fr^m truck at receiving sta- tion, set aside to tem- porary storage, load empty bins on truck for return to viners, place full bins on cradle dump, operate dump, and return empty bins to storage. 30,000 pounds 2.50 20,000 pounds (Continued on next page.) 100a. Appendix A, Table 2 continued. Operating stage, Job classification and description Production standard Wage rate Operating stage, Job classification and description Production standard Wage rate units per hour dollars units per hour dollars RECEIVING, CLEANING, AMD INITIAL GRADING (continued) BLANCHING AND SECOND- QUALITY GRADE (continued) Attend cleaning equipment (field)— Operate flotation cleaners, regulate flow of product, clean equipment, and perform minor house- keeping duties. 10,000 pounds 1.25 Attend grading equipment: Operate flotation graders, mix brine solution, main- tain proper brine concentra- tion, service equipment, and regulate product flov. 10,000 pounds 2.10 Icing bins for Intransit storage — Operate ice crush- ing machine, add ice to bins with scoop, and minor housekeeping. Attend quality grading equipment, plant --Operate flotation graders, mix brine solution, maintain proper brine concentra- tion, service equipment, and regulate product flov. 7,500 pounds 10,000 pounds 1.25 2.10 VISUAL INSPECTION AND MANUAL QUAIITY GRAIE Inspect beanE on Inspection tion belt for defects and overmature s, skins, and pieces and remove defectives and "whites. N = 5.101 + 0.892(R) + 0.0656(R)(P) N = number of sorters required varies I.69 Bulk handling method: Attend bulk dump — Regu- late flow from dump truck to receiving tank; regulate product flow from shaker feed through trash separa- tor, pneumatic cleaner, and flume assembly; and minor housekeeping. Attend cleaning equip- ment—Same as with bin handling method. 20,000 pounds jjj,uu*j pouncis 1.86 1.86 R = rate of plant output per hour P = percentage grade-out by count PACKAGING RETAIL AND INSTITUTIONAL CARTONS Feed cartons: Get flat cartons from ca3e and place in chute leading to carton forming machine . Attend quality grading equipment — Same as with bin handling method. Diversion to temporary storage and in-plant icing operations — Distri- bute separate grades to temporary storage tanks, operate ice crusher and add ice to tanks with blower attachment, and distribute grades to blanch as required. BLANCHING AND SECOND- QUALITY GRADE 10,000 pounds 7,500 pounds 2.10 1.86 10-ounce cartons 22-pound cartons Attend carton filler: Operate filler, remove Jams, and regulate flov. 10-ounce cartons 22-pound cartons Check veigh cartons: Inspect for proper fill, veigh cartons, and remove over-under cartons from packaging line. 10-ounce cartons 25-pound cartons 19,500 cartons 5,100 cartons 19,500 cartons 5,100 cartons 9,750 cartons 2,500 cartons I.69 1.69 1.69 1.69 I.69 1.69 Attend blanch equipment: Tray-off cartons: Operate blancher, main- tain proper blanch tem- perature, regulate product flow through blanch, attend cooling flumes, and assist in servicing equip- ment. toiler room attendant: Fire and regulate boiler, maintain proper steam prescure, service equip- ment, assist in equipment repair, and housekeeping. 10,000 pound3 30,000 pounds 2.10 2.10 Get empty tray from freezer skid and place on tray-off stand, grasp cartons and slide into tray, and place full tray in freezer skid. 10-ounce cartons 2a-pound cartons 5,130 cartons 2,550 cartonB 1.86 1.86 (Continued on next page.) 100b. Appendix A, Table 2, continued. ■ Operating stage, Job classification and description Production standard Wage rate Operating stage, Job classification and description Production standard Wage units per hour dollars units per hour PACKAGING RETAIL AND INSTITUTIONAL CARTONS (continued) Wrapper man : Get rolls of overwraps from temporary storage, place in wrapper, operate wrapper, make adjustments, and service. 10-ounce cartons 22-pound cartons 3upply skid for cartons : Get skid from tempor- ary storage and transfer to tray-off station, get full skid from tray-off station, tally out, and transfer to freezing tunnel. 10-ounce cartons 2^-pound cartons Supply packaging materials : Get cases of flat cartons from temporary storage, cut open case for carton feeder remove empty cases and trash, get rolls of over- wraps and arrange for wrap- per man, and minor house- keeping duties. 10-ounce cartons 2 2 --pound cartons PACKAGING, BULK Feed trays : Get empty tray from freezer skid and set on power conveyor leading to try filler. Attend tray filler : Operate tray fill hopper, close and open hand- operate gate lever, and regulate product flow. Tray off : Get trays of loose beans from filler conveyor and set off to freezer skid. Supply skid : Get empty skid of trays from temporary storage, truck to tray fill station, get full skid of trays and truck to freezing tunnel, and get skid of loose frozen beans from freezing tunnel and truck to clus- ter breaker. 19,500 cartons 5,100 cartons 2.10 2.10 19,500 cartons 5,100 cartons 1.86 1.86 19,500 cartons 5,100 cartons 200 trays 200 trays 200 trays 1.86 1.86 1.86 1.86 hOO trays 1.86 PACKAGING, BULK (continued) r>unp trays to cluster breaker: Get fuLl tray of loose frozen beans from freezer skid, dump tray to cluster breaking machine, and re- turn empty trays to skid. IQF fill : Get end form bag or case, place beneath bulk filler, and fill bag and set aside for check weighing. Check weigh bulk containers: Get full bag or case, weigh on floor scale, add or remove product to make proper weight, set aside to closing and palletizing area. Set off to pallet : Get and close bag or case and set off to pallet. CASING OPERATION, CARTONS Stencil or stamp case : Methods A and r — Obtain bundles of flat cases from temporary stj.rge, remove twine binding, stencil, and aside to case form station. Sh/lO-oi:nae cases 12/25-pound cases Form case : Methods A and P — Get stenciled case from table, form, stitch bottom, and set aside to case-in sta- tion. 2U/l0-ounce cases 12/23-pcund cases Methods B and C — Get flat case from table and form, aside to case-in station . 2lt/l0-ounce cases 12/2^-pound cases Pump tray frozen cartons : Methods A, B, C, and P— Get full trays from freezer skid and dump to case-in table or conveyor, return empty trays to freezer skid 10-ounce cartons 25-pound cartons 50 trays 50 bags or cases 50 bags or cases 50 bags or cases 790 cases 700 cases 3^5 cases 315 cases 5U9 cases k^jk cases 33U cases 33U cases 1.86 1.86 1.86 1 .69 I.69 3 .69 1.69 1.69 1.69 1.86 1.86 (Continued on next page.) 100c. Appendix A, Table 2, continued. Operating stage, job classification and description Production standard Wage rate Operating stage, Job classification and description Production standard Wage rate unitr. per hour dollarB units per hour dollars CASING OPERATION, CARTONS (continued) CASING OPERATION, CARTONS (continued) Fill case: Methods A and B — Get case, fill vith cartons, and push aside on case-in conveyor Seal and palletize case: Methods A and D~Apply flaps, and set aside to pallet. 2l4-/lO-ounce cartons 12/22-pound cartons 213 cases 200 cases 1.86 1.86 2U/lO-ounce cartons 12/25-pound cartonB 300 cases 290 cases 1.86 1.86 FTC ijiiuno \j axiu U— — case and place over sleeve feed of machine caser, hold in place, and operate easing machine. 2lj/l0-ounce cartons Methods C and D— 1.2. No further adjustment of and is possible as Q expands and increasing daily volume beyond Q = 151.2 can only be achieved with proportional increases in the hourly output rates (size of vining and plant facilities). The number of days operated per season has an important effect on the least-cost combination of daily operating hours and hourly rates of output. However, the effect on rates and hours is directly proportional to the length of season. With a 30-day operating season, for example, the total daily volume (Q) corresponding to point C of Figure A is 113 .U, exactly three-fourths of the value for Q with a UO-day operating season. Similarly, the daily volume corres- ponding to point B is 21.2 (three-fourths times 28.3)' for a 30-day season. Appendix B, Table 1 gives selected values for combinations of hours and rates of field and plant operations for a 30-, UO— , and 50-day operating season on both a daily and season basis. The development presented in the text, pages 78 to 86 inclusive, assumed that daily operation of vining and plant facilities for the full amount of time available per day gave results closely approximating optimum combination of hours and rates for vining and plant operations. The preceding development demonstrates that, under the operating conditions specified, such an approxima-- ticn is the optimum except in cases of relatively low daily volumes and relatively long operating seasons. ■j^q*..o*.iwjUsB9 ai 31 t ?&m&i, *%Ln&Uqpa it gnxvloa narfd -wytfafl u? r-dt ;bail .oi noiJai/pa avods .arid- eax/Jbo* ( 8 » ^JB j,K) enil c-d* xdd : d dB iBS p,H bns oii^od dX ii? d^a ax H li ^sXqaiBxs *ic % j ....... . * P Jarf* a^xTq ctaxoq »irfi *k .«1*wd lo tfjartf edv I oacfa sdi eadoeX era bsxil P H V , XCF#X «» .^H t avoda : b9vxiab a* to t Yldnefcnyqahrc£ c 0 ^aisfctinim" ■ ■ ' £ If t aXq.ii£xa ac-Ttoa do. fc d>r ,(." a^i*? t w 0" tffixoq) ftETxa 0 ae QXdlaBCKj ax C H bas -R la ■ i hascxs nso „H .aerfdial aaaBatoni P aA •alls d/flfltTtaq^x na aad ooaeaa i.wq v.^ab lc» ntodfiwn Stfl -jad£i x,X"iycri b»t£ axi/od saidBiaqo.TtXZab 1© noxdsn-cfcroo tJ-goa-i-aaaX i Xsnoid-rnooiq- xXda© -ib ei BTSJOri baa aa^B'i no d/oal'to ®rid ,*rsv9roH ■r-.ro J add - ,aXqaaxa ?ol t noaeaa ■yii&ct'y. i o ^sb-Of b ddXW .noeaee lo r-ea^tid; ■ysUoBxa % j.i«£XI ai A aiagx'* lo Cj jrxoq od ^tibfloqaaxwo (P) vlixb ©d.t tV^isXlmcS .no36se ^nlJa-iaqo ^b-C-J a ddiw P icl aoXfiv :sf>-OC a zr>\ (t*^ aaaii aridix/cl-aa-trid-) S.XS 8.i Q inxoq od ^atbuoo ooti anoxdr*udn:c > 'io*i 8*x/X.sv baJ-oaXea aavJrs X eddsT t Q xibasqq.-: 8 •goid'fi'xaqo ij»3b-» 0^ bnxi. tpO« t"^- B a/toxjetaqo Jxt^-Iq tc.s bl?x'i ai>Xoni ci8 od 8T as^oq . ;t Jxa t odd .i^ ba^flaa^-sq dnsjftqofsvab &dT XX<1 9d*J" -xal 8ai.tlXX-.ael drrsXq baa ^niqiv lo aoi vrraqo yXli^b d-ari^ tkao f;s»raiJqo ^niJ ant ixoiqqs vlae-vfo B^Xuact ava-^ *W| aidaXisv* 5 'jnxbaos'iq odT .anc-.ds xaqo dn^iq brtfi ^niiixv lol eadt'i bns e^iuod doua t b9xli3aq3 anoi;!-i;?noo «nid-ii'r:?io ^di lat^' t d.<>rid aoiB-r+enonieb eaaXov woX ^Xavid^XaT lo iieaar- nl iqasx? wvmxdqo artj ^1 mrd" .anoeaee ^Ida^aqo DncI 106. APPENDIX B TABLE 1 Minimum Cost Combinations of Hours Operated and Rates of Output for Field and Plant Operations in Processing Lima Beans for Freezing for Three Lengths of Operating Season, California, 1958 Hours operated Hourly rate per day- Daily Season of output Field Plant volume volume Field J Plant H l \ Q <1 R l R 2 thousand million pounds pounds pounds 30-dav season xo a O 21.254 0.637 1,328 2,657 i£ lo 1U 44.304 1.329 2,769 4,430 16 12 63.890 1.917 3,993 5,324 io 86.848 2.605 5,428 6,203 lo lb 113. 4l8 3.403 7,089 7,089 16 16 150.000 4,500 9,375 9,375 16 lb 200.000 6.000 12,500 12,500 lb lb 300.000 9.000 18,750 18,750 lb lb 4oo.ooo 12.000 25,000 25,000 40-day season lb o 28.338 1.134 1,771 3,542 16 10 59-072 2.363 3,692 5,907 16 85.186 3.407 5,324 7,099 16 14 115-797 4.632 7,237 8,271 16 16 151.224 6.049 9,452 9,452 16 16 200.000 8.000 12,500 12,500 16 16 300.000 12.000 18,750 18,750 16 16 400.000 16.000 25,000 25,000 50-day season 16 8 35.423 1.771 2,214 4,428 16 10 73.840 3.692 4,615 7,384 16 12 106.483 5.324 6,655 8,874 16 lh 144.746 7.237 9,046 10,339 16 16 189.030 9.452 ll,8i4 11,184 16 16 200.000 10.000 12,500 12,500 16 16 300.000 15.000 18,750 18,750 16 16 400.000 20.000 25,000 25,000 1o mk^bB Jbi/f- £2tsis?0 ... s a [ ■■■ - Sosfi^j . gasgga TCQ&'O^ , COO . ( )0c 000.0041 ] or