if:-'" .;ri . M-riA ,y ',X ' '■ 1 '. t' .60 ^as I UNIVf ;aOSANCEl5j> BRARW/C ^ %0JI1VJJ0>^ %lj'j, d-of' ^ ^^OfCAllF0% -^ \MEllNIVfR o ^ttlBRARY(9/ ^OARYq^ V? ■•JJ M'l.l Jl\^ J» :=3 .1 -- '^ <^-llBR,': ^ i i Mrrs r^ '/(J f% ^lOSANCfia i §Q ■^^^"^ %aaAi;iiiJv>^ ■ 'o'UJIiVJjO' '■mum-i'^' ■^.AiJ V iJQ!l 3^ %a3AiNn]WV^ %ojiiVj vVlOS \tlFOS'^, iAINIl-3i\V^ ^ ■l-']IIV.,'J>) 'JiiJJNVi;. /iJi3, ,-, .— O U- ^^ ■< JjL: id^AINil-Ji^. f-IIBRARYc ."s- "^ .^ % \ ■^ rtP//. ..nFTAItCflD,. ris: ^ME■ll^ ii-ur iHii\yrnpj. LE SAGE NOTES UPON A UNIQUE COLLECTION OF HIS EDITIONS ORIGINALES ^ LE SAGE THE FINEST AND MOST COMPLETE SET EXTANT OF HIS EDITIONS ORIGINALES TO WHICH IS ADDED THE SOLE PERFECT COPY OF THE EARLIEST KNOWN ENGLISH EDITION OF HIS IMMORTAL "GIL BLAS" 1695-1893 G. MICHELMORE &> CO. 5 ROYAL OPERA ARCADE, PALL MALL LONDON, S.W.I Cable and Telegraphic Address : " Facundia, London" Sf9d( Amiex 5 FOREWORD The present unrivalled Set of the Editions Originales of the Immortal Author of "Gil Bias" comprises in all thirty books in sixty volumes. Of these, twenty-four are the veritable editions originales. The remaining six books comprise : 1. The extremely rare counterfeit of the edition originale of " Le Theatre Espagnol." 2. The unique perfeft copy of the earliest known complete English edition of " Gil Bias." 3. The unrecorded Italian edition of 1789, of the same Work. 4. Horace Walpole's copy of the First English translation of " Crispin rival de son Maitre." 5. The First English translation of " Le Diable Boiteux." 6. The First Dublin Edition of the First English translation of " Le Bachelier de Salamanque." The nucleus of this, the Finest and most Complete Set IN the World, is the Daguin Le Sage collection, but, where it has been possible to secure finer examples than were comprised in that Set, these have been substituted. The result is the most desirable cabinet of Le Sage editions 3 originales extant^ far finer and more complete than that in the y. Pierpont Morgan Library. This precious Colledlion comprises the First Issue of Le Sage's magnum opus " Gil Bias," with the title to Volume I dated iji^. Only two other copies are recorded, the Huntington and the Laugel. The Comte de Lignerolles' books were sold in 1894, but the first issue of " Gil Bias " is not to be found in the Sale Catalogue, although Le Petit states that the Comte possessed a copy. Four other Colle6lions of Le Sage's editions originales are known : 1. The Bibliotheque Nationale. 2. The British Museum. 3. The J. Pierpont Morgan. 4. The Baron James de Rothschild. Of these the Bibliotheque Nationale does not possess three of the editions originales in the present Colled:ion, the British Museum lacks no less than eighteen, the J. Pierpont Morgan does not possess ten, and the Baron James de Rothschild thirteen. Of the six books comprising the First Editions in English and the counterfeit issue of "Le Theatre Espagnol," etc., none is in the above-mentioned Libraries (except the British Museum, which possesses but one). The Colled:ion is ready for the Library shelves — forty-three volumes are in their original bindings of calf and one in original wrappers. Of the remaining sixteen volumes, fifteen are bound in levant morocco extra and one in calf extra. LETTRES/GALANTES / D'ARISTENETE. / Traduites du Grec. / Premiere Partie. / (Ornament) A Rotterdam, /Chez Daniel De Graffe,/Marchand Libraire. 1695. / A to O in eights and fours alternately, including the title, the last two leaves blank. The Seconde Partie has a separate title- page at page 103. 1 2mo. Original calf. The Author's First Book. Le Sage was twenty-seven years of age at the time of its publication. Although the title bears the Rotterdam imprint the book was printed at Chartres by the Author's friend Danchet. Not in Baron James de Rothschild's Library. Height: 151 millimetres. B LE / THEATRE / ESPAGNOL, / Ou / Les Meilleures / Comedies/Des Plus Fameux/Auteurs Espagnols. /Traduites en Fran9ois. / (Fleuron) A Paris, / Chez Jean Moreau, rue Galande, /pres la Fontaine S. Severin, a I'lmage / S. Jean I'Evangeliste./ M.DCC. / Avec Privilege du Roy,/ (1700) Title and preliminaries, 8 leaves; A to Q* in twelves. 1 2 mo. Red inorocco extra, the edges of the leaves marbled under the gold, by Smeers [signed and dated 1871). "Tres rare," — Guy Pellion Catalogue, 1882. The present is a superb example, 161 millimetres in height. Not in Baron James de Rothschild's Library. LE / THEATRE / ESPAGNOL,/ Ou les meilleures / Comedies/ Des plus fameux Auteurs / Espagnols. / Traduites en Fran- cois. / (Fleuron) A La Haye, / Chez Meindert Uytwerf, / Marchand Libraire, dans le Hof- / straat, pres la Cour. / m.dcc. / (1700) Title (in red and black) and preliminaries, 8 leaves ; A to L* in twelves. 1 2 mo. Original calf. "Jolie contrefa^on de I'edition de Moreau " published in the same year as the Edition Originale. Unknown to Brunet. The Soleinne example is the sole other copy recorded. Not in the Bibliotheque Nationale, the J. Pierpont Morgan, or Baron James de Rothschild Libraries. D NOUVELLES / AVANTURES / DE L'ADMIRABLE / DON QUICHOTTE / De La Manche, / Composees / Par le Licencie Alonso Fernandez / De Avellaneda: / Et traduites de I'Espagnol en Fran9ois, / pour la premiere fois./Tome I./ (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez la Veuve de Claude Barbin,/au Palais, sur le second Perron / de la Sainte Chapelle. / M.DCciv. / Avec Privilege Du Roy. / (1704) Frontispiece and 8 plates by Clouzier. Title and prelimin- aries, 8 leaves; A to 00 in eights and fours, alternately. Tome II. Frontispiece and 7 plates by Clouzier. Title and preliminaries, four leaves; A to UU'' in eights and fours, altern- ately. 2 vols. I 2mo. Red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Lortic. Le Sage's translation of Cervantes' magnum opus. The magnificent Daguin example, 161^ millimetres in height. Baron James de Rothschild's copy w^as imperfeft, want- ing a plate in the first volume. CRISPIN RIVAL DE SON MAITRE CO M E D I E^ Par Monfieur Le S**. ie frix eft de dix-huit fols. A PARIS, Chez Pierre R i b o u , fur H" Qu.iy Ai^s Augiiftir*:, a !a (icfcentc du Po-it Npiif". n ''Imnge S. Loiiis. ^i D C C V I I. 'uivei, uifprol'nim & Privilege du I^oy, E CRISPIN / RIVAL / DE SON MAItRE. / Comedie. / Par Monsieur Le S**. / Le prix est de dix-huit sols. / (Fleuron) A Paris, /Chez Pierre Ribou, sur le / Quay des Augustins, a la descente du / Pont-Neuf, a I'lmage S. Loiiis. / MDCcvii. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / [ijoy) Title, I leaf; A to G^' in sixes. I 2 mo. Red morocco, gilt leaves, by Lortic. " Fort rare" — Brunet in 1878. The superb Daguin example — probably the finest extant. Its height is 158 millimetres. Baron James de Rothschild's copy measured 153 millimetres. The Rochebiliere example was imperfe6l and measured only 150 millimetres. See Illustration 9 E2 NECK OR NOTHING, /A Farce. / In Two Ads. /As it is performed at the / Theatre Royal / in Drury-Lane. / (Orna- ment) London: / Printed for T. Beckett and Co. near Surry-Street, / in the Strand, mdcclxvi. / [Price One Shilling.]/ (1766) Title and preliminary, 2 leaves; B-F in fours (the last leaf blank). 8vo. Calf extra, gilt leaves. The First Edition in English of " Crispin Rival de Son Maitre." The advertisement to the book states: "The Author of the following Piece will claim no Merit that does not belong to him. — He therefore takes this opportunity of acknowledging his obligation to the celebrated Author of Gil Bias. — Trifling as it is, the following Farce is an imitation of the Crispin Rival de Son Maitre of Le Sage." The " authorship " of this Farce is assigned to the celebrated A(5tor, David Garrick. Horace Walpole's Copy, with the following interesting inscription on the title-page in his autograph : " a6ted for the first time Nov. 18." Unknown to Lowndes. There is a copy in the British Museum. 10 LE DIABLE B O I T E U X. A PARIS," CRez la Veuve B a r b i n , au Palais , iu» le Perron de la fainte Chapelle. . ^ M. D C C V I I. 'AVEC PRiriLEGE DV ROT, LE / DIABLE/ BOITEUX./ (Fleuron, signed vc. ls) A Paris, / Chez la Veuve Barbin, au Palais, sur/ le Perron de la sainte Chapelle. / m.dccvii. / Avec Privilege du Roy./ (i/o?) Frontispiece by Magdaleine Horthemels. Title and prelim- inaries, 4 leaves; A to Dd'' in eights and fours, alternately. 1 2 mo. Original calf, enclosed in a red morocco case. " L'un des classiques fran9ais les plus rares en premiere edition." — Monsieur Claudin. There are two issues. Whilst passing through the press, pages I J and i8 were altered in some copies. These Corrected Examples are Far Rarer than the uncorrected (see the Roche- biliere Catalogue). The present has the correSled pages. The finest known copy, 164 millimetres in height. The Rochebiliere copy measured 1 62 millimetres, and was described as: " Reliure fatiguee, et I'exemplaire a quelques petites taches facile a faire disparaitre, mais les marges sont de toute beaute." There is no copy with the corrected pages 17 and 18 in the J. Pierpont Morgan Library. See Illustration 1 1 G LE / DI ABLE / BOITEUX. / Seconde Edition. / (Fleuron signed VC. LS.) A Paris, / Chez la Veuve Barbin, au Palais, sur / le Perron de la sainte Chapelle. / m.dccvii. / Avec Privilege du Roy. / {'^J'^l) Frontispiece by Magdaleine Horthemels. Title and pre- liminaries, 6 leaves; A to Dd'' in eights and fours, alternately. 1 2 mo. Original calf. The Seconde Edition Originale, published in the same year as the first. It contains an additional chapter. The present superb example is probably the tallest extant. Its height is 165I- millimetres. The Rochebiliere copy was im- perfe(51:, it lacked the engraved frontispiece, was wormed in the margins, and was \\ millimetres shorter. The Third Edition has also " Seconde Edition " on the title-page, but the veritable second edition, of which the present is an example, can be distinguished by the following points : (i) The fleuron on the title-page is signed in the garland at bottom (as in the First Edition), with the initials v.c. and l.s. (2) The fleuron at the head of the Dedication is the same as in the First Edition and signed l.s. 12 (3) The word " Fin," page 318,15 printed in Roman capitals, whereas in the false Second Edition it is printed in italic capitals. This satyrical novel was inspired by a Spanish work of the same period under the title : "El Diablo cojuelo," an amusing satire on the manners of Madrid, by Louis Velez de las Duenas y Guevara. It is to the memory of this Writer (Louis de Guevara, died in 1646) that Le Sage addressed his Dedicatory Epistle. " Two courtiers fought a duel in Barbin's [the publisher] shop to decide who should have the last copy of the second edition of Le Diable Boiteux." — journal de Verdun^ ^T^7- There is no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, neither is it in the J. Pierpont Morgan nor the Baron James de Rothschild's Libraries. 13 H LE/DIABLE/BOITEUX./Pai- Monsieur Le Sage. / Enrichi de Figures. /Tome I. / Nouvelle Edition corrigee, refondue, Ornee / de Figures, & augmentee d'un Volume. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez la Veuve Pierre Ribou, seul Libraire / de I'Academie Roiale de Musique, Quai / des Augustins, a la descente du Pont-/Neuf, al'Image Saint Loiiis. / m.dcc.xxvi. / Avec Privilege du Roy. / (1726) Frontispiece and brilliant impressions of the 6 plates by F. Dubercelle. A to O in twelves, including the title and the last leaf (blank). Tome II. 6 plates by Dubercelle. A to M in tw^elves, O, 8 leaves, P, 2 leaves, including the title. 2 vols. I 2mo. Origmal calf. An entirely new text. Le Sage revised and considerably modified the original text and added a second volume. The present is in all probability the finest copy extant. Its height is 163I millimetres. Not in the J. Pierpont Morgan or Baron James de Rothschild Libraries. See Illustration H L E DIABLE B O I T E U X. Par Monjieur £ E S A G E- Enrichi de Figures, TOME r. NoHVelle E dnion corri^^c'e ^refonduc , Ornec tie Figures , &* augmentee d un Volume, A -. P A R. I S , Chez 1.1 Veuve PrERRE Ribou , Tcul Librairt de I'Acadcmic Roialc dc Mufique, Q_jai dcs Aui^uftins, a la dcfcentc dii Pont- Ncuf, a I'Imagc Saint Loiiis. M. Dec. XXVI. AVLC PRIVILEGE DV ROT. s H I LE / DIABLE / BOITEUX. / Par Monsieur Le Sage. / Nouvelle Edition, / Corrigee, refondue, augmentee d'un volume par / L'Auteur, & ornee de Figures, / Avec / Les Entretiens Serieux, / & CoMiQUES DES Cheminees DE Madrid, / et / Les Bequilles Dudit Diable. / Par Monsieur *** / Tome Premier. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Prault pere, Quai de Gevres, / au Paradis. / M.Dcc.xxxvii./Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. (1737) Brilliant impressions of the frontispiece and 6 plates by F. Dubercelle. Half title ; A to Ee* in eights and fours, alternately, including the title-leaf; a, 8 leaves, b, 2 leaves for the Table. Tome Second. Brilliant impressions of the 5 plates by Duber- celle. Title, I leaf; A to Ff in eights and fours, alternately. 2 vols. i2mo. Original calf. The Definitive Edition Origin ale. It contains the edition originale of the "Entretiens des cheminees de Madrid." The " Bequilles du Diable boiteux," which Le Sage placed at the end of this edition is by the Abbe Bordelon. A very fine and tall copy — 163!^ millimetres. There is no copy of this important edition in the J. Pierpont Morgan or Baron James de Rothschild Libraries. ^5 I2 LE / DIABLE BOITEUX: / or, THE / DEVIL / UPON / TWO STICKS. / Translated from the Last Edition at Paris, / with several Additions. / London: / Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays- / Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane. 1708./ Brilliant impression of the engraved frontispiece. Title and preliminary, 2 leaves; B to L in eights; M, 4 leaves; N to T in eights. 8vo. Orig'mal calf. The First Edition of the First English Translation which appeared the year following the Edition Originale. Not in the British Museum. 16 K TURCARET. / Comedie. / Par Monsieur Le Sage, / Le prix est de vingt sols. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Pierre Ribou, sur le Quay / des Augustins, a la Descente du Pont / Neuf, a I'lmage S. Loiiis. / M.Dcc.ix. / Avec Approbation, & Privilege du Roy. / ('7'^9) Title and preliminaries, 8 leaves ; A to O in sixes. I 2mo. Red tmrocco, gilt leaves, by Cuzin. The beautiful Guy-Pellion copy of this chef-d'ceuvre. Probably the tallest extant. It measures 151 millimetres, 2 milli- metres taller than Baron James de Rothschild's copy. The Roche- biliere example was imperfect, wanting the Privilege, and the Hoe lacked the first part of the " Critique " (3 leaves). This very clever Comedy is a virulent satire upon the financiers of the period. The preliminary leaves contain the " Critique de Turcaret par le Diable Boiteux." HISTOIRE / DE / GIL BLAS / de SantiUane./ Tome Premier./ (Fleuron) A Paris,/Chez Pierre Ribou, Quay des/Augustins, a la Descente du Pont Neuf, /a I'lmage saint Loiiis. / M.DCC.xiv / Avec Approbation, & Privilege du Roy. / (1714) 8 plates. Title and preliminaries, 1; leaves; A to li in eights and fours, alternately; Kk, 6 leaves. Histoire / de / Gil Bias / de SantiUane. / Par Monsieur Le Sage. / Enrichie de Figures. / Tome Second. / (Fleuron) A Paris,/Chez Pierre Ribou, Quay des/Augustins, a la Descente du Pont Neuf, / a I'lmage saint Loiiis. / M.DCC.xv. / Avec Approbation, & Privilege du Roy. / {'7^5) 9 plates. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to Ee in eights and fours, alternately. Histoire / de / Gil Bias / de SantiUane. / Par M. Le Sage. / Tome Troisieme. / Edition Nouvelle. / (Fleuron) A Paris, / Chez la veuve Pierre Ribou, Quay des / Augustins, a I'lmage S. Loiiis. / m.dcc.xxiv. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy./ (1724) 8 plates. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to Gg in eights and fours, alternately; Hh, 2 leaves. 18 HISTOIRE D E GIL BLAS DE SANTILLANE- TOME'P REMIEEi A P A R I S, Chea Pierre Ribou, Q^ay dcs Auguftiiis.aia Defcentedii Pont Neuf i i'lniage (aim Loiiis. M. DCC. XIV. Ji'yet ji^probatioM, & Prizilege dtt Ro} Histoire / de / Gil Bias / de Santillanc. / Par M. Le Sage. / Tome IV. / (Fleuron) A Paris, / Chez Pierre-Jacques Ribou, vis-a-vis / la Comedie Fran^oise, a I'lmage S. Loiiis. /m.dcc.xxxv./ Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy./ {^73S) 8 plates. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to Ee in eights and fours, alternately ; Ff, 7 leaves. 4 vols. 1 2mo. Original calf. Enclosed in a red morocco box. The First Issue of the Edition Originale of this Immortal Work — Le Sage's magnum opus — v^^ith the 17 14 title to Tome I. Only Two other Examples are known, the Huntington and the Laugel. The title to the first volume, besides being dated 17 14, a year earlier than the ordinary issue, is quite different in setting to that issue. Monsieur Jules Le Petit in his " Bibliographie des princi- pals Editions Originales " states: " II existe de tres rares exemplaires de ce premier volume avec la date de m.dcc.xiv. (Deux grands bibliophiles de Paris, M. le Comte de Lignerolles et M. Laugel, en possedent chacun un exemplaire.") Nevertheless, although M. Le Petit printed that statement in 1888, the catalogue of the sale of the Comte de Lignerolles' Library (March 1894) does not mention the First Issue but the Edition Originale with the 171 5 title. The collation of the first volume of the First Issue differs from that of the ordinary issue. 19 The title-page has not the words: " Par Monsieur Le Sage Enrichie de Figures." (This faft is unrecorded by Le Petit.) There are 5 preliminary leaves instead of 6, as in the edition originale. These, however, contain exadlly the same material, viz. : the title (verso blank) i leaf; Declaration de I'auteur, i leaf; Table des Chapitres, 2 leaves; Gil Bias au lefteur, i leaf. Text, 394 pages numbered. Fautes d'Impression, i leaf (verso blank). Le Petit could never have seen a copy of this First Issue for he says nothing whatever of the above differences. The collation of the other three volumes agrees with the ordinary issue. The Edition Originale of 1715-34 is described in the catalogue of the Guy-Pellion Library as "d'une extreme rarete." That copy sold for 2,400 francs in 1882, and Monsieur Claudin states: " II est extremement difficile de reunir ces quatre volumes, qui donnent ainsi le texte entier, paru a des intervalles assez eloignes I'un et de I'autre. Les deux premiers, a la date 171 5, sont fort rares, surtout lorsqu'ils sont grands de marges et bien conserves." The present example of the First Issue has the plates in volumes i, 2, and 3 en premier etat, i.e., avant la lettre et le nom de Dubercelle ; the plates in volume 4 are with the name of Dubercelle. See Illustration 20 M HISTOIRE / DE / GIL BLAS / De SantiUane. / Par M. Le Sage. / Derniere Edition revue, & corrigee. /Tome Premier. / (Ornament) A Paris, /Par les Libraires Associes. /m.dcc.xlvii. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy./ (1747) 8 plates. Half-title, title (in red and black), and prelim- inaries, 4 leaves; A to LI in eights and fours, alternately. Tome Second. 9 plates. Half-title and title (in red and black), 2 leaves; A to Ee in eights and fours, alternately; Ff, 6 leaves (the last blank). Tome Troisieme. 8 plates. Half-title and title (in red and black), 2 leaves; A to Hh in eights and fours, alternately; li, 6 leaves. Tome Quatrieme. 7 plates. Half-title, title (in red and black), and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to Hh in eights and fours, alternately. Approbation & Privilege du Roy, 2 leaves, (1747) 4 vols. I 2mo. Original calf . 'Enclosed in a red morocco box. The Definitive Edition Originale. A superb copy of the Original Issue in its original binding. 21 It is the last edition revised and published by Le Sage and fixes the text for all the posterior editions of this World-famous Classic. A very large copy, i66y millimetres in height. The Rochebiliere example described as " tres grande de marges " was 1 1 millimetres shorter. The Lignerolles copy, in a modern binding by Trautz- Bauzonnet, passed into Baron James de Rothschild's Library (see his Catalogue, No. 1549, no size given). The " points " by which this, the Original Issue, can be recognized from the counterfeit of the same date are : (i) The capital J is long and extends beyond the bottom of the line; in the counterfeit the J finishes level with the bottom of the line. (2) The fleuron on page i represents a ruined temple or palace. (3) P^gs 369 (vol. iv) has the imprint at the bottom of the page : " De I'imprimerie de Quillau, 1747." In the counter- feit this does not appear. 22 \ THE 1 HIST O R Y / N D ADVENTU RES '■ O F 1 1 GIL BLAS O F 1 SANTILLANE- In Three Volumes, V O L I. The Third Edition. ^ L N D N: V Printed for J a c o b T o n s o n, at Shaicf^ear'^ 'Head in the Strand. 1732- - J M2 M2 THE / HISTORY / AND / ADVENTURES / OF / GIL BLAS/of/Santillane. /In Three Volumes. / Vol i./The Third Edition. / London : / Printed for Jacob Tonson, at Shake- spear's/ Head in the Strand. 1732./ Frontispiece. Title and preliminaries, 7 leaves; B to P^ in twelves. Vol. II. "In Three Volumes" is omitted from the title- page. Frontispiece. Title and preliminaries, 3 leaves; B to O* in twelves. Vol. III. Frontispiece. Title (as in vol. ii) and preliminaries, 5 leaves ; B to P in twelves. Vol. IV. The / History / and / Adventures / of/ Gil Bias / of/Santillane./Vol. IV./ Lojidon: j Printed for y. Nourse, at the Lamb with- out I Temple-Bar ; and F. Cogan, at the Middle- / Temple- Gate in Fleet street. 1735./ Frontispiece. Title and preliminaries, 6 leaves; B to Q" in twelves (the last leaf comprising a Catalogue of Books published by F. Cogan and J. Nourse). 4 vols. 1 2mo. Original calf. 23 The Earliest Complete Edition Known of the First English Translation. No less than 29 years earlier than THE First Translation mentioned by Lowndes (the 1761 edition). No Perfect Copies of the First and Second Editions ARE known, and the present is the Sole Perfect Copy of the Third Edition that can be traced, but one other (imperfeft) is known, lacking the fourth volume. Henri van Laun, who published an admirable English translation of this famous book in 1886, searched indefatigably for early translations but could find no edition of the present translation earlier than 1737 (4th volume dated 1742), that is 5 and 7 years respectively, later than the present edition. We quote from Van Laun's " Introduftory Notice ": " Gil Bias has already several times been translated into English. . . . The oldest of these translations is anonymous, and is called 'The History and adventures of Gil Bias de Santillane.' The first three volumes were published by J. & R. Tonson, London, 1737; the fourth in 1742, by J. Nourse at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, and T. Cogan at the Middle Temple Gate in Fleet Street. It was reprinted by Messrs. Willison & Darling, Edinburgh, 1771." Martin Smart published a translation in 1807 and in his Preface alludes to the then two previous translations — " the earliest (which is anonymous, and has its fourth edition dated 1737), and tliat which passes under the name of Smollett." See Illustration 24 M3 GIL BLAS / Di Santillano. / Storia Piacevole / Del Sig. Le Sage. / Tradotta dal Francese/ Dal Dottore/ Pietro Crocchi,/ Sanese. / Tomo Primo. / [Quotation from Horace] / Londra: / Stampato da G. Cooper, a spese di P. Molini e / T. Hookham. / m,dcc,lxxxix, / (1789) Title-page, i leaf; A to O" in twelves. Tomo Secondo. A to M'^ (the last leaf blank) in twelves, including title. Tomo Terzo. A to N* in twelves, including title. ToMO QuATRO. A to N® in twelves, including title. 4 vols. 8vo. Original calf. Unrecorded. The Editio Princeps in Italian is stated to have been issued at Venice in 1755 in 7 volumes, but no perfeSi copy is known. The only example (imperfeft) recorded, is that in the Bibliotheque Nationale, which wants Vols. I, IV, V, VI, and VII, so that only Vols. II and III are known. The earliest edition, of which a perfeft copy exists, is that of 1774. 25 N NOUVELLE / TRADUCTION / de / Roland L'Amoureux. / De Matheo Maria Boyardo Conte / Di Scandiano. / Deux volumes in- 12. ornez de Figures. / Tome Premier. / Le Prix est de 5 livres. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Pierre Ribou, sur le Quay des / Augustins, a la descente du Pont-Neuf, a/l'Image Saint Louis. / M.DCc.xvii. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy./ (1717) 9 plates, unsigned. Title and preliminaries, 8 leaves; A to Qq in eights and fours, alternately. Tome Second. 9 plates unsigned. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A to Qq in eights and fours, alternately. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Red morocco extra, gilt leaves. This is a translation of Mathieu Marie Bojardo's Orlando Innamorato, the most celebrated work of this eminent Italian Poet. It was first printed in 1495 by order of the Comte Camille, Bojardo's son, and its first appearance into French was the translation made by Jacques Vincent in 1544. There is no example of this work in the J. Pierpont Morgan and Baron James de Rothschild Libraries. See Illustration 26 r- ■ NOUVELLE TRADUCTION D E ROLANb L'AMOUREUX. De Matheo Maria Boyardo Contb DI SCANDIANO. Vcftx volumes i»-ii. ornez, de Tigures* TOME PREMIER; Le prix tft dc 5 Uvrts. A PARIS, Chez PIERRE R I B O U , tur le Q^iay des Augnftins, a la defcente du Pont-Neuf , i I'Image Sainr Louis. " M. DCC. XVII. jivtc j4pprobamn & Privikge du Ro)U N '"fm^rrt-i^^^^lt^ffftk THEATRE LA FOIRE, o L'OPERA COMIQUE. CONTENANT LES MEILEEURES P1ECE8 qui ont ere icprefenrccs aux Foires dc S. Germain £>c de S. Laurent. Eftnchies d'E[fampes en Taille douce , avec unt TahU de tons Its Kaudeiilles & autns Airt grave'^notel^ a in fin de chaque Volume, Rccucillies, revues, &corrigees. Par Mrs. L e Sage & D'O r m e v A l. T O M E I, A PARIS. Chtt Etienne Ganeau, rue S. Jacques vis-a-vis la Fontaine S. Severin , aux Arracs de Dombcs. M. D C C X X I. Jlvel Approbation O* P ri-jilf^e dii Jfcy. o o LE / THEATRE / DE / LA FOIRE, / ou / L'Opera Comique. / Contenant les meilleures Pieces / qui ont ete representees aux Foires / de S. Germain & de S. Laurent. / Enrichies d'Estampes en Taille douce, avec une / Table de tous les Vaudevilles & autres Airs / gravez-notez a la fin de chaque Volume. / Recueillies, revues, & corrigees. / Par Mrs. Le Sage & D'Orneval. / Tome L / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Etienne Ganeau, rue S. Jacques / vis-a-vis la Fontaine S. Severin, aux Armes / de Dombes. / m.dccxxi. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (1721) Frontispiece and 10 plates after Bonnart and Bonnart fils, by F. Poilly. Half-title, title, preface, and list of contents, 8 leaves ; A to R^ in twelves; Approbation and Privilege, 2 leaves; Music (engraved by Sornique), 64 pages. Tome H. Ibid. (1721) 10 plates after Bonnart fils by F. Poilly. Half-title and title, with list of contents on reverse, 2 leaves ; A to T^ in twelves ; Music, 64 pages. Tome HL Ibid. (1721) 9 plates after Bonnart by F. Poilly. Half-title and title 27 with list of contents on reverse, 2 leaves ; A to T in twelves ; Music, 88 pages. Tomes IV and V. Amsterdam, Zacharie Chatelain, 1726 •z frontispieces and 17 plates^ unsigned. LE / THEATRE / DE / LA FOIRE, / ov / L'Opera Comique. / Contenant les meilleures Pieces qui ont / ete representees aux Foires de Saint / Germain & de Saint Laurent. / Enrichies d'Estampes en Taille-douce, avec une / Table des Vaudevilles, & autres Airs gra- / ves-notes a la fin de chaque Volume. / Recueillies, revues & corrigees / Par Mrs. Le Sage & d'Orneval. / Tome VL / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez la Veuve Pissot, Quai de Conty, a la / descente du Pont-Neuf, au coin de la rue / de Nevers, a la Croix d'Or. /m.dcc.xxviii. / Avec Appro- bation & Privilege du Roy. / (1728) 8 plates, the first after Bonnart by J. B. Scotin, the others unsigned. Half-title, title, and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A to X^ in twelves. Music (engraved by Denise Vincent), 65 pages. Tome VIL Ibid. A Paris. / Chez Pierre Gandouin, Quai des Augustins, / a la Belle-Image. / m.dcc.xxxi. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (^730 9 plates after Bonnart by J. B. Scotin and Demarne. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A to T^ in twelves ; Music, 88 pa (j'es 28 Tome VIII. Ibid. 173 i 8 plates by Bonnart engraved by J. B. Scotin and Demarne. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to R^ in twelves; Music, 60 pages. LE / THEATRE / DE / LA POIRE, / ov / L'Opera- Comique. / Contenant les meilleures Pieces qui ont ete / representees aux Foires de S. Germain / & de Saint Laurent. / Avec une Table des Vaudevilles & autres Airs graves-/ notes a la fin de chaque Volume. / Recueillies, revues & corrigees / Par Mrs Le Sage & d'Orneval. / Tome IX. / A Paris, / Chez Pierre Gandouin, Quay des Augustins, / la deuxieme Boutique a la descente du Pont-Neuf, /a la Belle-Image. / m.dcc.xxxvii. /Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. / (^737) A to Aa^ in twelves, including title. 10 vols. i2mo (including the volume containing the plays by Carolet). Original calf {jiot uniform), 1721-1737. The majority of the plays comprised in this Work are either entirely by Le Sage, or by him in collaboration with d'Orneval and others. There are no less than 64 in which the immortal Author participated. Of these 64 plays, 46 are the veritable editions originales. Excessively Rare. Tomes IV and V are the Amsterdam reprint. Tome III was le grand Dauphin's copy and has his device on the back. 29 Only one copy is known in which all ten volumes are of the First Edition, that in the Bibliotheque Nationale. There is no copy of this Work, in the J. Pierpont Morgan and the Baron James de Rothschild Libraries, The Present is in all probability the most Perfect Copy OF the First Edition known outside the Bibliotheque Nationale. See Illustration 3° LES PELERINS DE L A MECQUE- -Pfeee en trois Adics. Eeprefcnte'e par I'Opera Comiquc du Sieur .1 lancjfque , a la Foiie S. Laurent 1726^. LefnxejldexofoU. A PARIS, Che/ F 1 A K A u L T, ri.c du Kuicpcis , au t'u Ousy des Ai!er.ftins,:,u Koi o'c Porti;. u tcut al. M. D. CC. XXVI. LES / PELERINS / DE / LA MECQUE. / Piece en trois Aftes. / Par Mrs. Le S**. & D'Or***. / Representee par rOpera Comique / du Sieur Francisque, a la Poire / S. Laurent 1726. / Le prix est de 20 sols. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Flahault, rue de Hurepois, au bout / du Quay des Augustins, au Roi de Portugal. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / m.d.cc.xxvi. / (1726) Title ; A to K in sixes ; Approbation and Privilege, 2 leaves. I 2 mo. Red morocco extra, the edges of the leaves marbled under the gold, by Thibaron-'Joly. The superb Daguin example, 161 millimetres tall. Only two other copies are recorded — that in the Bibliotheque Nationale and the Guy-Pellion. There is no copy of this exceedingly rare Work in Baron James de Rothschild or the J. Pierpont Morgan Libraries. This piece was written by Le Sage in collaboration with d'Orneval. See Illustration HISTOIRE / DE / GUZMAN / D'ALFARACHE, / Nouvelle- ment Traduite, / & purgee des moralitez superflues. / Par Monsieur Le Sage. /Tome Premier. / (Fleuron) A Paris, /Chez Etienne Ganeau, rue S.Jacques, pres / la rue du Platre, aux Armes de Dombes. / M.DCc. XXXII. / Avec Privilege Du Roy. / (1732) Frontispiece and 10 plates by Scotin. Title and prelimin- aries, 12 leaves; A to R in twelves, the last leaf blank. Tome Second. 6 plates by Scotin. Title and preliminaries, 3 leaves; A to S^ in twelves. 2 vols. i2mo. Red morocco extra, the edges of the leaves marbled under the gold, by Lortic. The superb Daguin example, 161^ millimetres in height. This Work is an imitation of the novel " La Vida del picaro Guzman de Alfarache " by Mateo Aleman, of which the first part was published in 1599, and to which a continuation by Lujan de Sayavedra was published in 1602. Baron James de Rothschild's copy is imperfeft, wanting a plate. 32 R LES / AVANTURES / DE MONSIEUR / ROBERT CHEVALIER, / Dit / De Beauchene, / Capitaine De Flibustiers / dans la nouvelle France. / Redigees par M. Le Sage. / Tome Premier. / (Ornament) A Paris, /Chez Etienne Ganeau, rue/saint Jacques, pres la rue du Platre, / aux Armes de Dombes. / M.DCC. XXXII. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (1732) 3 plates by Scotin after Bonnard. Half-title, title, and preliminaries, 9 leaves; A to R^ in twelves. Tome Second. 3 plates by Scotin after Bonnard. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to Q^ in twelves. 2 vols. i2mo. Red tnorocco extra, the edges of the leaves marbled under the gold, by Lortic. The superb Daguin example, 161 J- millimetres in height. 33 HISTOIRE/D'ESTEVANILLE/GONZALEZ,/Surnomme/ Le Garfon / de Bonne Humeur, / Tiree de I'Espagnol. / Par Monsieur Le Sage./ Premier Partie. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Prault, Pere, Quay de Gevres, / au Paradis, & a la Croix blanche. / m.dcc.xxxiv. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (^734) Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to O in eights and fours, alternately; P, 6 leaves; *Q, 8 leaves; "*R, 4 leaves. (Seconde Partie): Half-title, title and Table, 4 leaves; P*, 2 leaves ; Qjo Mm in fours and eights, alternately ; Nn, 2 leaves. The pagination of the two parts is continuous, but after the First Part, which finishes at page 181, a Catalogue des Livres qui se vendent chez Prault Pere, follows. This Catalogue is paged 181 to 205. Then comes the half-title, title, and preliminaries of the Second Part, unnumbered, the first page of the text recommencing with 181 again. Tome II. A Paris, / Chez Prault Pere, Qu^ay de Gevres, /au Paradis. / m.dcc.xli. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (1741) Half-title, title, and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to T in 34 eights and fours, alternately; V, 2 leaves. (Seconde Partie : Half-title, title, and preliminaries, 4 leaves; X, 2 leaves ; Y to Vv in eights and fours, alternately. 2 vols. i2mo. Original calf {not uniform). The Edition Originale of the Four Parts. Of the utmost rarity. The First Volume is the Exceedingly Rare First Issue. Seven years elapsed between the publication of the two volumes. When Le Sage issued the continuation comprised in Tome II, the publisher Prault replaced the original titles (dated 1734) of all the copies of the first volume which he still had on hand, by fresh title-leaves dated 1741, and suppressed the catalogue (thus leaving the verso of page 181 in the First Part blank) which separates the two parts of the first volume. The present example being the First Issue has both the 1734 title and the Catalogue des Livres. A superb copy in its original binding, l62|^ millimetres in height. Baron James de Rothschild's copy (No. 1 552) is in a modern morocco binding. 35 UNE JOURNEE / DES / PARQUES, / Divisee / En Deux Seances. /Par M. Le Sage./ (Ornament) A La Haye, / Chez Jean Neaulme. / M. Dec. XXXV. / (1735) Brilliant impressions of the 2 curious plates by Crepy. Half-title, title, and preliminaries, 4 leaves; A to E in eights. Small 8vo. Cream morocco extra, gilt leaves. A superb copy, 158^ millimetres in height. Only two other copies with the" Neaulme" Imprint can be traced, that in the J. Pierpont Morgan Library and the Daguin. Except for the imprint the present copy agrees with the issue with the " Ribou " title-page. See Illustration 36 UNE JOURNEE D E S PARQUES, D I J^ I S E E EN DEUX SEANCES. Tar M. L E SAGE. . ^ LA HATE, Chez JEAN NEAULME. M D C C X X X V. 'k u LE BACHELIER / DE / SALAMANQUE, / ou / Les Memoires / de D. Cherubin / De La Ronda, / Tires d'uii Manuscrit Espagnol, / Par Monsieur Le Sage. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Rue de la Vieille Bouclerie, pres le Pont S. Michel. / Chez / Valleyre Fils, a rAnnoncia- tion, / et / Gissey, a I'Arbre de Jesse. / wi dcc xxxvi. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roi. / {^73^) 3 plates. Title (in red and black) and preliminaries, 3 leaves; A to li* in eights and fours, alternately. (Tome II). Le Bachelier / de / Salamanque, / • • • (Ornament, differing from Tome I) A La Haye, / Chez Pierre Gosse. / m.dcc.xxxviii. / (1738) 3 plates. Half-title and title (in red and black), 2 leaves ; A to li* in eights and fours, alternately. 2 vols. i2mo. Original calf . A superb copy, 167^ millimetres in height — probably the finest extant. The second volume, although bearing the imprint La Haye, was printed at Paris. The J. Pierpont Morgan Library possesses the First Part n only. Baron James de Rothschild does not possess the edition originale of the first volume. Le Sage first published this Novel in 1736, in three books in one volume, as a complete w^ork and placed at the end " Fin du troisieme & Dernier Livre." In 1738 he reprinted the Work line for line and added a second volume (see infra). This reprint also bears the date 1736. The true Edition Originale^ of which the present is an example, is distinguished from the reprint by the following " points " : (i) It has not the words "Tome Premier" upon the title- page. (2) The words " Tome I " are missing from the first page of each sheet by the side of the signature. (3) At the end of the text on one line are the words: "Fin du troisieme & dernier Livre." (4) Page 236 is incorreftly numbered 136. Of these four " Points" Le Petit mentions only the second. The Spanish Manuscript from which Le Sage says he took this Novel is purely imaginative. 38 LE BACHELIER SALAMANQUE, ou LES MEMOIRES DE D. CHERUBIN DE LA RONDA; TIRES DUN MANUSCRIT ESPAGNOL; Par M. LE SAGE. TOME SECOND. A LA HAVE, Chez PIERRE GOSSE. M. D C C. X X X V U I. LE BACHELIER / DE / SALAMANQUE, / ou / Les Memoires / de D. Cherubin / de la Ronda, / tires d'un Manuscrit Espagnol, / Par M. Le Sage. / Tome Premier. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Rue de la Vieille Bouclerie, pres le Pont S. Michel. / Chez / Valleyre Fils, a I'Annoncia- tion, / Et / Gissey, a I'Arbre de Jesse. / m.dcc.xxxvi. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (1736) 3 plates. Title (in red and black) and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A to li in eights and fours, alternately. Tome II. (Ornament, differing from Tome I.) A La Haye, / Chez Pierre Gosse. / m.dcc.xxxviii. / ('738) 3 plates. Half-title and title (in red and black), 2 leaves ; A to li in eights and fours, alternately. 2 vols. 1 2mo. Original calf. The Second Edition Originale of Tome I and the True First Edition Originale of Tome II. This is the edition referred to in the note to the preceding. Both volumes were issued in 1738 although the title-page to Tome I bears the date 1736. Baron James de Rothschild's Colle6tion, No. 1554. Not in the J, Pierpont Morgan Library. See Illustration 39 V2 THE / BACHELOR / OF / SALAMANCA. / Or, / Memoirs/ of / Don Cherubim de la Ronda / In three Parts. / Written originally in French by / Mr. Le Sage ; Author of the Devil upon / Two Sticks, and Gil Bias. / Translated by Mr. Lockman. / Dublin : / Printed by George Faulkner Bookseller in Essex- / street, opposite to the Bridge, 1737. / 2 plates, unsigned. Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; B to L in twelves ; M, 8 leaves ; N, 2 leaves. 1 2 mo. Original calf . The excessively rare First Dublin Edition of The First English Translation published at the same time as the London edition and in the year following the Edition Originale in French. The sole copy known. It was unknown to Lowndes, and the earliest in the British Museum is that of 1784. The present is the translation of the first three books of Le Sage's Work. The second volume of the original Work in French did not appear until 1738, a year after this English version was printed (see supra). 40 w RECUEIL / DES PIECES / Mises Au Theatre Fran9ois / Par M. Le Sage. / Tome Premier. / (Fleuron) A Paris, / Chez Jacques Barois Fils, Quay / des Augustins, a la Ville de Nevers. / m.dcc.xxxix. / Avec Approbation & Privilege du Roy. / (i739) Title and preliminary, 2 leaves; A to LI in eights and fours, alternately ; Mm, 6 leaves. Tome II. Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; A to Kk in eights and fours alternately. 2 vols. I 2mo. Original calf. A superb example, 168 millimetres tall, bound by Nicolas Derome, with his characteristic " spider web " tool in the panels of the back. Probably the finest copy extant. The present example is 5 millimetres taller than Baron James de Rothschild's copy, which is not in its original binding. From the Library of Costard de Bursard with his ex-libris (dated 1774) in each volume. Contains the Rditions Originales of Le Sage's translations of: I, Le Traite puni. Comedie en cinq aftes. From the Spanish of Don Francisco de Rojas. 41 F 2. Don Feliz de Mendoce. Comedie. From the Spanish of Lope de Vega Carpio. 3. Le Point d'Honneur. Comedie. En trois Adles. From the Spanish of Don Francisco de Rojas. 4. La Tontine. Comedie. En un a6le. This is an origmal work by Le Sage. 5. D. Cesar Ursin. Comedie. En cinq Aftes. From the Spanish of Don Pedro Calderon de La Barca. The volume closes with " Crispin Rival de son Maistre " and " Turcaret," both of which had already appeared (see supra). 42 X LA / VALISE / TROUVEE. / Premiere Partie. / (Ornament) M.DCC.XL. (Paris, Prault, 1740) Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A to Gg'' in eights and fours, alternately. The Premiere Partie ends on page 184. The Seconde Partie commences on page 185, preceded by a title which is not included in the pagination or signatures. 1 2 mo. Red morocco extra, the edges of the leaves marbled under the gold, by Lortic. The superb Daguin example, 161 1 millimetres in height. This Work was secretly printed without the Privilege. There is no place of printing mentioned. Not in Baron James de Rothschild's CoUedlion. 43 MESLANGE AMUSANT / de Saillies D'Esprit / Et / De Traits Historiques / Des Plus Frappans. / Par M. Le Sage. / (Ornament) A Paris, / Chez Pierre Prault, Quay de / Gevres au Paradis. / m.dcc.xliii. / Avec Approbation 6c Privilege du Roy. / (i743) Title and preliminaries, 4 leaves ; A to S in eights and fours, alternately. 1 2mo. Red morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Cuztn. The superb Daguin example, 161 J millimetres in height. Not in the Bibliotheque Nationale or Baron James de Rothschild Library. 44 LE SAGE / ARLEQUIN COLONEL / Opera-Comique en deux a6tes / public par / H. de Rothschild / Preface de Leo Claretie. / Paris / Calmann Levy, Editeur / 3, Rue Auber, 3/ 1893-/ Half-title and title, 2 leaves ; a, 4 leaves ; i to 3 in eights. 4to, Original yellow wrappers. Uncut and Unopened. Monsieur H. de Rothschild issued this hitherto unpublished play from the original manuscript in his possession. It had never before been printed, as it appears to have been confused with Le Sage's " La Tontine," but as Monsieur Claretie points out in his Preface to the present Edition Originale the two plays are entirely different. Not in the J. Pierpont Morgan Library. 45 LONDON : CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND GRIGGS (PRINTERS), LTD. CHISWICK PRESS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. ^< ^ w'^'mrs -:orrAiiroP(.'. I? c? ■^Aa3AINiT3\\V^ '^^( i'^c I lire I r ^ 'aujiivjj'.j ■ 'JU3;i;i>ll Jl i^ 1 A r 1 1 ( rn ^ i •'i/'Aijvaaii-jv •i^AUv uuiri*' -'jajALMriiT- % M ■'Jijjfiv iur \ME UUIVER5'//, oxlOSWCflfj-, g} o J;> ^ tfX;>. ^xMLIBRARYOc, A\^E UNIVERJ/A '5- — ■§' ^^VlOS•ANCElfJ•;^ c — "^/SaJAINdJWV ^ "?:,, lAINn-3Wv ,-i.OFCALIF0% \\V ' •'^UNIVEkv^ J ^OfCAllF0% X2 K / X '— 'UNIVERJ//, c;f- ^ri^2 i AWFUNIVfRJ/^, ^•lOSANCflfj^ ~ o ^ ^^;OFCAIIF0% ^4..0FCAtlFOP|'.^ ,-^MFL'N': iSANCElfX,. H-OffAllfO'?'*'' 'riijowsoi^ X^ ^ ■^A«3AINn 3\