/ / / V THE NEW TESTAMENT QUOTATIONS, COLLATED WIT EI THE Imptmte nf flje dMit fotamtt, ORIGINAL HEBREW AND THE VERSION OF THE LXX. AND WITH THE OTHER WRITINGS, APOCRYPHAL, TALMUDIC, AND CLASSICAL, CITED OR ALLEGED SO TO BE. ^t . CAB(T jftBAtt* ^ mity Notes, AND A COMPLETE INDEX. BY HENRY GOUGII. LONDON: WALTON AND MABERLY, UPPER GOWER STREET, AND IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1855. LONDON: PRINTED BY TVERTHEIMER ASH CO., CIRCUS PLACE, FINSBTJRT CIRC'JS. ST'.'** PREFACE. Although the subject of the present volume has attracted the atten- tion of the church in a greater or less degree even from the time of the apostles, it seems in the earlier ages to have been treated but incidentally ; nor does it appear to have been systematically discussed nntil after the Reformation. Since that period many lists of the quotations have been compiled,' 5 ' and collections of the more obvious and direct citations have been, in several instances, printed at full length. Still it is believed that no arrangement of all, or nearly all, the passages of the New Testament which in a wide sense are entitled to be regarded as quotations, whether from Moses and the prophets or from writers not inspired, has hitherto appeared. A list of all known preceding works specifically devoted to the subject, and of some referring to it but in part, is appended to this Preface. Most of them have been used in the preparation of this volume. The value of an arrangement of the New Testament quotations must be proportionate to the facility afforded by it for the study of the important class of scripture parallels in question. To facilitate this study is the end which I propose : others must judge how far 1 have accomplished it. On the peculiar value and importance of the New Testament quotations, it is needless to enlarge. Some of their leading uses may however be briefly alluded to. 1. They afford conclusive evidence of the genuineness and inspira- tion of the ancient Scriptures. Far would I be from undervaluing any evidence which God has been pleased to grant us, that the Scrip- tures are indeed a revelation from Himself, and that their very letter has come down to us in all needful integrity. Such evidence is happily abundant and indisputable — it is in some respects increasing- day by day — but the crowning evidence of the Old Testament to us as Christians is the fact of its constant recognition as a whole by Him in whom its promises, types, and prophecies all centre. * The earliest seems to be that of Robert Stephens, prefixed to his Greek Testament, Paris, 1550. It has often been reprinted without acknowledgment. iv PREFACE. 2. The quotations illustrate the condition of the original text, and, through the medium of the Septuagint, form a most important link of connection between the Hebrew Scriptures and the Greek Testament. By them evidence is afforded as to the state of the Hebrew copies in the time of our Lord and His apostles, and as to the value of the masoretic points. The study of the citations may lead to the conclusion that the Hebrew text has not descended to us in perfect purity, and that the masoretic pointing, valuable as it doubtless is for many purposes, is a human commentary, not the word of God. * After all allowances for modes of quotation and the like, it is evident that the Hebrew copies followed, not only by the LXX., but by the inspired writers of the New Testament, sometimes varied from the modern Hebrew Bible. All this may be conceded, and more than this ; yet shall the Word of God in its integrity be the heritage of the church, even to the end. Copies may exhibit some slight marks of man's infirmity; but the archetype, existing in the mind of God, and by His special provideuce reflected, as to all essen- tial particulars, in our copies and even in our versions, shall stand unchanged and unchangeable. Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.^ 3. The quotations are of the utmost value in the explanation of ancient types, histories, and predictions. Thus, in the Epistle to the Hebrews — to a great extent by means of quotations — we learn the meaning of the legal types. From citations we perceive that the histories of Genesis imply far more than we might have supposed from the mere narratives ; and we are led to the conclusion that the principle of interpretation thus recognised is applicable, within certain limits, to other histories. Again, from the recorded literal fulfil- ment of the prophecies respecting Messiah's incarnation, passion, and resurrection, we are led to believe that a like fulfilment awaits the predictions of His glorious kingdom. 4. The comparison of a quotation with the original passage and its context, not unfrequently supplies a demonstration of the truth of some great article of faith, such as no reasoning can subvert. This is particularly apparent with respect to the fundamental doctrines of a Trinity of Persons in the Unity of the Godhead, and of the Divinity of the Son and of the Holy Ghost — themes not for speculation, but for adoration. * Its invention is assigned, by the best authorities, to about a.d. 500. t Matt. v. 18. PREFACE. v 5. Lastly, the quotations form a most important link between the Old Testament and the New, not in the letter only, but in the spirit. They aid us in the contemplation of the marvellous and perfect unity of design which pervades the Word of God. The present volume is intended to comprise all the quotations which occur in the New Testament; understanding by the term " quotations," not only the direct and formal extracts from pre-existing writings, but likewise those passages which are substantially quotations from such writings, though not so in form ; or which may be regarded as distinct verbal allusions to particular passages of pre-existing writings. The quotations are distributed under the following heads. I. Quotations from the Old Testament. These are given in the original Hebrew, without points ; the version of the LXX., from the Vatican text ; and the Greek of the New Testament, from the textus receptus; various readings being added, so far as they tend to the reconciliation or illustration of the several copies. The original Hebrew and the Greek of the New Testament, are accompanied by the Authorised English version ; and the LXX., by an original trans- lation, as nearly conformable to our English version as a close ren- dering would permit. The distinction between direct quotations and verbal allusions being (when the original passages and the citations are placed in juxta-position) self-apparent, the texts in this division are disposed in one unbroken series, in the order of the Old Testa- ment : an arrangement which has the advantage of displaying all the citations of any given passage at one view. This division of the work includes the sections numbered from 1 to 614, besides a few quotations from doubtful places, numbered from 615 to 627. II. Alleged Quotations from Apocryphal Books; in the original lan- guages and in English. Though it cannot be denied that this division comprises some striking coincidences of expression, I am satisfied that not one of them is really a quotation; and it is worthy of remark, that although Romanists frequently assert that some of the Apocryphal Books are cited in the New Testament, not one single example is adduced in the list of quotations commonly appended to the Vulgate Bible.* This division comprises the sections numbered from i. to xxiii. * Index Testimouiorum a Christo et Apostolis in Novo Testamcnto citatorum ex Veteri. vi PREFACE. III. Supposed Quotations from Ancient Jewish Writings ; together with some examples of the use of Jewish Proverbs and Forms of Speech. Here, again, there is not one undoubted iustance of a quotation from writings now existing : proverbial usage is nearly, if not quite, suf- ficient to account for all. The sections in this division are reckoned from A to LI. IV. Quotations from Greek Poets, etc. This division contains a greater number of passages regarded as quotations from classic sources, than any former volume; but the fact of quotation is, in many cases, very disputable. The sections are numbered from a' to id . The volume concludes with a few Notes, and an Index of texts in the order of the New Testament. Into the subject of modes of quotation, and the application of the cited passages, whether for proof or illustration, I do not conceive it necessary to enter further than I have done already in the Notes. As to the copies quoted, it is sufficiently apparent that the vast ma- jority of citations are taken from the Septuagint, often though it differs from the Hebrew, and that citations differing from the Sep- tuagint are comparatively few. Occasionally the Hebrew is followed where it differs from the Septuagint : in other cases, quotations give the sense rather than the words. Some difficulties that occur are referred to in the concluding Notes. Large as this collection is, it must not for a moment be supposed that it comprehends all the verbal similarities to the Old Testament, and especially to the Septuagint version of it, which the New Testa- ment contains. In truth, "the version of the LXX. is not to be regarded merely as the first and most important of all versions of the Old Testament, whether ancient or modern; but as constituting a great historical fact or epoch in the plan of the Christian dispensa- tion."* It was made in the wonderful providence of God in order to prepare the way for the calling of the Gentiles. The whole New Testament is founded on it : most, if not all, of the doctrinal terms of the Gospel are derived from it :f and, had not such a translation * Grinfield, Apology for the Septuagint, p. 80. t Kvpios, for example, which, as applied to our Saviour, is certainly in many cases the equivalent of nin\ 'E-yw elfii. and 6 o>i> are both incommunicable names of Deity. Xpiarbs is the Sept. rendering of rVCPD, and Uvevpa of nil. Ilicrroj means, in classic Greek, one who adheres to truth : in Hellenistic Greek, it PREFACE. vii been published and received a proper time before our Saviour's advent, the composition of the New Testament in Greek would, humanly speaking, have been impossible. An idea of the vast extent to which Septuagintal phraseology is employed in the New Testament may be gained from the immense mass of citations, allusions, and parallels of thought and expression— "thousands and tens of thousands of incidental resemblances" — collected in the learned and most valua- ble works of the Rev. E. W. Grinfield, M.A. j* to which, and still more to whose personal kindness and courtesy, it is my pleasing duty to record my obligations. I have also to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Thomas Ellis, Esq., F.R.A.S., in several important particulars, especially in the third division of the work, and with regard to the Ethiopic passage from the book of Enoch. In conclusion, I would express my earnest desire, that it may please God favourably to accept this attempt to promote the study of His holy Word, to pardon all that is or has been amiss in connection with it, and to use it as it shall seem good to Himself. H. G. London, Sept. 1855. ordinarily signifies, one who believes or trusts. AiKawvv, in its classic acceptation, is to adjudge, even to punish; scripturally, it is to justify. The list might be indefinitely extended. * H Kaivrj Aia6t)Krj ... Novum Testamentum Grrecum editio Hellenistica, 2 torni. Lond. 1843. 8vo. Scholia Hellenistica in Novum Testamentum, etc. 2 partes. Lond. 1848. 8vo, An Apology for the Septuagint. Lond. 1850. 8vo. Vlll List of Treatises on the New Testament Quotations. (Chiefly from Horne's Introd. 9th ed. vol. v. p. 200.) 1. Sacrorum Parallelorum Libri Tres (Latine). Per Fra. Junium. Heidelb. 1588, 4to. 2. Jo. Drusii Parallela Sacra : hoc est, Locormn Veteris Testamenti cum iis quae in Novo citantur conjuncta Conmieraoratio, Ebraice et Grsece, cum Notis. Franech. 1588. 4to. Republished 1616. 4to. Also in the Critici Sacri. 3. Bi/3Xos KaraXXayrjr, in quo secundum veterum Theologorum Hebneorum Formulas allegaudi, et Modos interpretandi, conciliantur Loca ex V. in N.T. allegata. Auctore Gid. Surenhusio. Amst. 1713. 4to. 4. Imm. Hoffmanni Demonstratio Evangelica per ipsum Scripturarum con- sensum, in oraculis ex Vet. Testamento in Novo allegatis declarata. Edidit ... T. G. Hegelmaier. 3 vol. Tub. 1773, 79, 81. 4to. 5. The Prophecies and other Texts cited in the New Testament compared with the Hebrew original, and with the Septuagint version. To which are added Notes. By Tho. Randolph, D.D. Oxford (1782). 4to. 6. The Modes of Quotation used by the Evangelical Writers explained and vindicated. By the Rev. Dr. Hen. Owen. Lond. 1789. 4to. 7. A Collation of the Quotations from the Old Testament in the New, with the Septuagint. (In the 9th and 10th volumes of the Christian Observer, 1810, 1811. By T. S., i.e. the Rev. Tho. Scott.) 8vo. 8. Passages cited from the Old Testament by the writers of the New Testa- ment, compared with the original Hebrew and the Septuagint version. Arranged by the Junior Class in the Theological Seminary, Andover [United States]; and published at their request, under the superin- tendence of M. Stuart. Andover, Mass. 1827. 4to. 9. Quotations from the Old Testament in the New. (In Sacred Hermeneutics, by Sam. Davidson, LL.D., pp. 334—515. Edinb. 1843.) 8vo. 10. Tables of the Quotations, etc. (In the Rev. T H. Horne's Introduction, 9th ed. vol. ii. pp. 282—323. Lond. 1846.) 8vo. 11. Citata et Parallela (Grace. In the Rev. E. W. Grinfield's Novum Testa- mentum Grsecum, editio Hellenistica ; torn. ii. pp.1447 — 93. Lond. 1843. And (prioribus addenda) in his Scholia Hellenistica; pars altera, pp. 859 —944. Lond. 1848). 8vo. ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. . . . These marks denote the omission of three or more words in the same verse. — This mark placed at the beginning or end of a verse, implies an abrupt commencement or conclusion. It does not signify that any words are omitted in the same verse, but that the verse is a portion of a sentence. || and § These marks denote parallel places in the gospels. The Harmony adopted is that of Dr. Robinson. Tf Notes with this mark prefixed are the marginal readings of our English Bible. The various readings of the LXX. are taken from the great work of Holmes and Parsons. The numbers annexed to many of them denote the MSS. in which they occur. Roman numerals denote uncial MSS. (as in. which is the Codex Alexandrinus): Arabic nu- merals refer to cursive copies. Readings not distinguished by numbers exist only in MSS. of the latter class. M. G. and S. appended to various readings of the New Testament, denote Mill, Griesbach, and Scholz. It is believed that all other abbreviations will be self-apparent. I. QUOTATIONS FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT. Gen. 1:1. (l) a Gen. 1:1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth. John 1:1,2 'En 'apxHi tjv b 6 Aoyos, Kal 6 Aoyos jjv 7rpo9 rov Geov, Kal Geo*} rjv 6 A6jtf wrbx i&xn -irw Kin d^piSk dSm man And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness . . . 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him . . . (Gen. 5:1.) rnzra dhx wrbx stq ova- ... In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him. 2) Gen. 1:26, 27. Kal elirev 6 @eo9, IIoirjcrcDfiev av- dpwivov kwt eiKova i)/jL€repav Kal Kaff 6/bLoicocnv ... - 1 Kal iTrolrjaev 6 Qeos tov avOpodirov Kar etKova Geov errroirjcrev avrov . . . And God said, Let Us make man after Our image and after Our likeness. .. " 7 And God made man; according to the image of God made He him . . . (Gen. 5:1.) ... r) rjfiepa liro^o-ev 6 0609 tov b 'A8afi, KaT eUova Geov eTrotrjcrev avTov. ... In the day that God made Adam, according to the image of God made He him. b QUOTATIONS FROM (Gen. 9:6.) . . . for in the image of God made He man. (Gen. 9:6.) . . . on iv elxovi ©eov iiroirjaa rbv avdpwirov. ... for in the image of God made He man. 1 Cor. Avrjp /aev yap ovk bcpeiXec KaTaKaXvTneaOat rrjv KecpaXrjv, eiKcov 11 :7- Kal S6i;a ©eov virdp-^cov . . . For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God . . . . . . rov Xptarov, 0? ianv eiKoov rov ©eov. ... of Christ, who is the image of God . . . — teal ivhvaaaOai rbv Katvbv av6pa>7rov, rbv Kara ©ebv Knadevra iv hiKcuoavvr) teal oaiorrjn c rr)s a\r)6ela<;. — and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and d true holiness. — Kal ivSvadpuevot rbv veov, rbv dvaKaiVOvp,evov eh iirlyvcoatv /car elfcova rov KTlaavTos avrov. — and have put on the new man, which is renewed in know- ledge after the image of Him that created him. . . . Kal iv avrfj Karapa>p,eda toi>9 av0pco7rov<; robs Ka& ofxolcoacv ©eov yeyovoras. ... and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. a Sam. "ommai, like the LXX. b &vBpooirov. c Kal a\T)dela. d % Or, holiness of truth. 2 Cor. 4:4. Era. 4:24. Col. 3:10. Jas. 3:9. (3) Gen. 1:27. . . . apaev Kal 6r)\v iiroLTjaev avTovs. . male and female made He them. (Gen. 5:2.) 'Apaev Kal drfkv iiroirjaev avrovs . . . Male and female made He them . . . Gen. 1:27. ... male and female created He them. (Gen. 5:2.) ... DK*Q PQpJI TO Male and female created He them . . . ... Ovk dveyvcore on 6 irotrjaa'i air ap%^9 apaev Kal drfkv iirolrjaev avrovs ; ... . . . Have ye not read, that He which made them at the begin- ning made them male and female ? . . . ||Mark Atto Se cipxfjs KTiaecos apaev Kal drfkv iirolrjaev avTOvs 6 ©eos. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. || Matt. 19:4. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 3 Gen. 2:2. ( t) Gen. 2:2. S^D/B HT3&/TI DV1 PD^I Kai Kariiravae a rfj rjfiepa rfj ♦ H^y "l£>N TON^ *$?°M drrb rrdvrwv rwv epycov ' avrov, oiv iirol^ae. . . . and He rested on the seventh . . . and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He day from all His works which He had made. made. Heb. Elprjice Gen. 2:9,10. ... pn m r\)pmh ™& k w h , Tod ™P a8 ^™ ••■; £; ™*fe a I i r etciropevcrerat e£ adept, Trort^etv rbv rrapdSetaov . . . . . . the tree of life also in the midst . . . and the tree of life in the midst of the garden... 10 And a river of the paradise... 10 And a river went out of Eden to water the proceedeth out of Edem to water garden . . . the paradise . . . Rev. d 2:7. .. Tea viKwvri Bcoaco avrco (payeiv £k rod %v\ov rrj<; £&>?)oWo/}9 . . . i/CTropevopevov etc rov 6povov rov Oeov Kal rod Apvlov. " iv peo~cp t?}? nrkareias avrrjs, Kal rov rrorapov, ivrevOev Kal ivrevdev, $jv\ov £&»/ tnb a vni wsn pn-n lax Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh. \) Gen. 2,': 24. b Eve/cev rovrov KaraXeLyjret av- upu)TTO<; rbv rrarepa avrov teal rrjv fj,r}repa, c koi irpoaKoWrjdrjaeraL d 7rpo9 rr/v yvvattca avrov' koi eaovrai ol hvo els capita pbiav. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and e shall be joined unto his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh. 19 Tj 5 T 6 ~ Ka \ e * 7r6V ' ," EveKe * tovtov KaraXetyei avdpwrro^ rbv irarepa • /cat rr]V fxrjrepa, /cal f irpoatcoWrjOrjaerai rfj yvvaiicl avrov' koi ecrovrai^ ol Mo ek aapica pulav. 6 ware ov/ciri elal 8vo, aXXa aap£ p,ia ... — and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife ; and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh ... THE OLD TESTAMENT. I Mark "EveKev rovrov KaraXetyei avOpwiros rbv irarepa avrov Kal rrjv 1 ' " firjripa, Kal 7rpocrKoWi]d/)aeraL R rrpbs ri]V vy> 'o &£« wd- rrjo-e fie . . . . . . And the woman said, The ser- . . . And the woman said, The ser- pent beguiled me . . . pent beguiled me . . . 2 Cor. ,,. co? o Septs Evav e^Tjirdryaev ... ... as the serpent beguiled Eve ... a Compare 1 Tim. 2 : 14, Kal 'A5a,u ovk y]irarT\Qt)- r) Se yvv^i airar^delo-a' also Rev. 12: 9, and 20:2, 6 o &ea>' 6 %&>pt9 $e Trlcrrecopdv9r) Kvptos 6 @eo? 6 Kvplcp eh 6o~fir)v evcoSlas . . . ... a whole burnt-offering to the Lord for a sweet savour . . . (Lev. 1:9.) . . . Kcipircofxa icrrt dvaia oafirj €v(oSia Kvpuo . . . ... a sweet savour unto the Lord . . . (Ieze. 20:41.) 'Ev ocrfjufi euwSt'a? TrpoaSe^o/xac v/xas . . . I will accept you with a sweet savour . . . QUOTATIONS FROM 5:2 Eph. , , . /cadcbs Kal 6 Xpicrrbs rjydir-qcrev rjp>a<;, Kal 7rape8cofcev eavrbv inrep rj/JLcov irpocrcpopav Kal dvalav too &ea> els 6ap,rjv evcoSlas. ... as Christ also hath, loved us, and hath given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour. Phil. , , . he^dfievos irapa ^Kiracppohlrov ra Trap" v/xojv, oa/jirjv evcoBlas, 4 ' dvalav BeKTTjV, evdpearov tu> Qew. . . . having received of Epaphroditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God. a ■fl Heb. a savour of rest. b Gr. a savour of sweetness. c Gr. make. d See also verses 7, 10, 13, 14. e Compare 2 Cor. 2:15, 16, "Or; Xpiarov evccSia icrfxtv t 0e<£ . . . oap.7] Qavdrov ...bajXT] fwJjs, k.t.\. Gen. 9 : 6. see Gen. 1 : 27 (No. 2) Gen. 12:1. (15) Gen. 12:1. nS *h disk bx niir -nbx^ Kal &** J&W ™ "Afyafi, *e%- yix ivs&i im^iaai *pnK& ^^ aoVi Ka \ & TO o oEr» t < *]^ te l^ 1&& Tl^ri 7& toO Trarpos aov' * Kal Bevpo et}9 7779. . . . and in thee shall all families . . . and in thee shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed. of the earth be blessed. (Gen. 22:18.) (Gen. 22:18.) -vmn ")y Sd ^pnn •Dinnni Kai d evev\oy V e/]crovTat f e v T $ (TTrepfiarL gov irdvra ra edvq e rrjs 7% ... And in thy seed shall all the na- And in thy seed shall all the na- tions of the earth be blessed . . . tions of the earth be blessed . . . Acts ... /ecu t?}x pan to nx *p r '°™ ™™ v jv* y>> ¥ <*>, °pfc> t * bSw IV IV^Sl *t5!inS{ iS a ° L ^ aoi a ^ T V v > Kai T< P o-7repfAaTi " * r \ aov e&)9 b alcbvo?. For all the land which thou seest, For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. seed for ever. c 10 QUOTATIONS FROM (Gen. 17:8.) c n« Tina tjti^ *|S *nmi ... y-fib p« And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land d wherein thou art a stranger . . . (Gen. 24: 7.) ipk ibuh h pfc?J 'IBM - - nam pxn nx |mn ... and that sware unto me, say- ing, Unto thy seed will I give this land ... (Gen. 17:8.) c Kal Scocrco aot Kal ra> airepp,aTL aov fiera ae rrjv yrjv t)v Trapoiiceis ... And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land which thou sojournest in ... (Gen. 24:7.) . . . Kal e 09 wptoae ptot, Xeycov, %ol Bcoaco rrjv ytjv ravTrjv real ra airep- fMiTL aov . . . . . . and that sware unto me, say- ing, Unto thee will I give this land, and to thy seed . . . Luke 1:55. Gal. 3:16,19. . . . tg3 'Aftpact/j, Kal tu> airepptaTt avrov f et? tov alwva. ... to Abraham and to his seed for ever. To3 g 8e ^Aftpaap, epprjdrjcrav al iirayyeXlat, Kal ra> a7repp,aTt avroi)' ov Xeyet, Kal rol? eirl iroXXwv, aXX co iir^yyeXTat ... Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many ; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. — 19 . . . till the seed should come to whom the promise was made . . . a See also Gen. 12:7. 17:7, and the texts in the last preceding section; likewise the promise to Isaac, Gen. 26:3. b Ad. tov. Alex. c See this text in No 26. d «j\ Heb. of thy sojournings. e Ss^oirtv pot. Alex. f ens alivos. G. and S. (see Gen. 13:15, supra; and ccmip. Psa. 18(17): 50). LXX. e Om. 5e. Gen. 14:17— 20. (19 nn« m*npb did *f?b noti aim pi nrb *rcnn zbw ^ - innm ,9 : ;vSy SxS jro And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chcdorlaomer, and of the kings that were with ) Gen. 14:17— 20. 'E%))X6e oe fiaatXevs Zohofiwv eh avvdvrrjatv avTw, ptera to vtto- aTpkrtyat avTOV curb tj}? KOirrjS tov Xo8oXXoyojJ,6p, Kal twv (3aatXea>v twv pteT avTov... 18 Kal MeX- ytaeheK fiaatXevs SaXijp, e^rjveyKe apTov? Kal olvov rjv 8e tepevs tov 0eov tov v-^rlaTov. li} Kal evXbyrjae tov "Afipapt . . . 20 . . . Kal eScoKev avTtp a 'A(3papb SeKUTTjv airb Trdvrrov. And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after he returned from the slaughter of Chodollogo- mor and of the kings that were THE OLD TESTAMENT. 11 him ... 18 And Melchizedek king Avith him ... 18 And Melchisedec of Salem brought forth bread and king of Salem brought forth bread wine: and he was the priest of the and AA'ine : and he was a priest of most high God. 19 And he blessed the most high God. 19 And he him ... co . . . And he gaA r e him blessed Abram . . . "° . . . And Abram tithes of all. gave him a tenth part of all. Heb. 05x09 c 6 MeX^io-eheK. For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him ; 2 to Avhom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all ; first being by interpretation king of righteousness, and after that also king of Salem, Avhich is, king of peace. — 4 . . . unto whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the tenth of the spoils. — 10 . . . when Melchisedec met him. a Om. "Afyan. Alex. b Ad. rod. M. G. and S. c Om. b. Gen. 15:1. (20) Gen. 15:1. ♦ 1N£ PQTl T£8? ° fute o T t 6 ixLcrObs vpiwv 7ro\v? ev too? ovpavol? ... . . . for great is your reward in heaven . . . [|Luke ... ISov els hiKatoavvTiv. And he believed in the Lord ; And Abram believed God, and it and He counted it to him for was counted unto him for right- righteousness, eousness. Rom. Tl ydp rj ypatyii \eyet ; 'Errlarevcre he Afipacifi tw @eq>, zeal 4:3, &c. g^oylg-Qj] avT ^ els htKatocrvvrjv. — 5 ... rrtarevovrt he...\oyt%erat, rj rrlarts avrov els htKatoavvrjv. — 9 . . . \eyop,ev yap on iXoylaOrj ra> Afipadpu 7) rrlarts els hiKaioavvqv. 10 7ra>' " 4 dXka /cal hi rjpbds, ols fieWei Xoyl^eaOat, rocs 7rio~revovcnv, k.t.X. For what saith the scripture ? Abraham believed God, and c it was counted unto him for righteousness. — 3 . . . but (to him that) believeth . . . his faith is counted for righteousness. — 9 ... for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. 10 How was it then reckoned ? . . . n . . . that righteousness might be imputed unto d them also. — 22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. 23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him ; 2i but for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe, etc. Gal. KaOws Aftpadp, errio-revae ra ®eo5, Kal ekoyiaOii avra> els ' ' htKaioavvrjv. Even as Abraham believed God, and it was e accounted to him for righteousness. James Kal eirXripaiOii 7) ypa v?? . M f^ I SlTJ BW3 1NX* p nPlK1 *3iX Se e'^09, a> edv hovXeixrcoat, KpivSi eyd) a . puerd he ravra, e^eXevaovrat a>he fjuera drroaKev?]s ttoXXtjs. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 13 And He said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hun-, dred years j u and also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge : and afterward they shall come out with great substance. Acts 7:6,7.' And it was said to Abram, h Thou shalt surely know that thy seed shall be a sojourner in a land that is not their own ; and they shall bring them into bondage, and en- treat them evil and humble them four hundred years; l * and the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge : and after these things they shall come forth hither, with great substance. 'EXaXrjcre he oi/to>? 6 @eo?, "On earat ro cnrepfia avrov rrapoiKov iv aireppiari avrov pier avrov, ovk ovros avroo t&kvov. . . . yet He promised that He would give it to him for a pos- session, and to his seed after him, d when as yet he had no child. a See this text also in No. 18. b ^f Heb. of thy sojournings. c Sovvcu abr^y ds tcardirxeaiv abrqi. d The promise is first recorded in Gen. 12: 7. Gen. 18:10, 14. (27) Gen. 18:10, 14. PITI HJD YSi* ilBW 21B> TDX*1 Elrre &» 'EiravaarpecpaiV f%G> Trpos ae Kara rbv Kaiphv rovrov eh copas, kol e£ei vlbv Zappa t) yvv7] aov . . . — 14 . . . eh rbv fcatpbv tovtov ava- arpe^oi rrpbs K nn^S p rum : p ni&h) And He said, I will certainly return again unto thee a according to the time of life ; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son ... — 14 ... At the time appomted I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son. , E7ra , y r ye\ia<; yap 6 X070? ovros, Kara rov tcaipbv rovrov eXev- aoptat, Kai earat rfj Zappa u/69. For b this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son. a Compare 2 Kings 4:16. b Or, this word is of promise. Rom 9:9. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 15 Gen.18:12. (28) Gen.18:12. t IpT *}*7N* ••• ... 6 Se Kvptos fiov Trpecrfivrepos. . . . my lord being old also ? ... and my lord is old. l Tet. — ft)^ %dppa vTn'jKovae rco Aftpadpu, Kvpiov avrbv tcaXovaa . . . — even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord . . . Gen. 18: 14. ( 29 ) a Gen. 18:11, — *)Tl niiTJB K^H M V b aSwaryjaei rrapd rco Oeco pfjfxa Is any tiling too hard for the Shall any thing be impossible with Lord ?... God? ... ||Matt. ... TIapa avOpmiroa rovro dSwarov iari, rrapd S\ &eco rrdvra 19 :26. ?> / r * *" owara eart. . . . With men this is impossible ; but with God all things arc possible. ||Mark . . . TIapa avOpcoirois dSwarov, akX ov rrapd d rco Qeco' e rrdvra 10:27. ydp Sward iari rrapd rep &eai. . . . With men it is impossible, but not with God : for with God all things are possible. Mark . . . '.4/3/3a 6 IJaT7]p, rravrd Sward aoi . . . . . . Abba Father, all things are possible unto Thee . . . Luke — on ovk dSwanjcrec Trapa tw Qeco rrdv prjixa. — for with God nothing shall be impossible. ||Luke t , . Td dSuuara Trapa dv6pcorroi, e(3pe%e rrvp real delov ' ' air ovpavov . .. — but the same clay that Lot w r ent out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven . . . a Compare Lev. 10:2, and 2 Ki. 1 : 10, infra. b a7ro>, one MS.; e'/< rov, Alex. c See Gen.l9:14, 'E£t)A0€ Oe Aojt, k.t.A. 16 QUOTATIONS FROM Gen. 19:25. (31) Gen. 19:25. ••• 7XH D^Vn nX ""iSrVI K^ Kar&xrpe^re ras 7ro\et9 rav- ra<; . . . And He overthrew those cities . . . And He overthrew those cities . . . (Deut. 29 : 23.) (Deut. 29 : 23.) HftlX mftyi DID rOSHftD ••• . .. (oairep Karecrrpdcpr} ~X oho pa Kal I Karearpe^e Kvpio Kal \ IftorQI op clypw 6\oww? pif eTriarpeyjrdra) et? ra, ottictco. ' ' ' 32 pvrjpovevere rrjf r. . . . and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. 32 Remember Lot's wife. b Gr. to the things behind; and so the N.T. Compare Phil. 3:13. Gen. 21:4. (33) Gen. 21: 4. p 131 pW nX OmSK h&) UepOre/ie & A/3pac\p rbv laaaK ■■• wty row r v vptpq t{) ojSot) . . . And Abraham circumcised his son And Abraham circumcised Isaac Isaac being eight days old . . . the eighth day . . . Acts . . . Kal ovro)<; a i}? iXevOepas. Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bond- woman and her son : for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. a Om. TavTrjv. b K\7ipovofiT)(Tri. c Om. Taurus Alex. d /jlov 'Icraa/c. Gen. 21: 12. (35) Gen. 21: 12. ♦ V\l K ^P** pH^Il *D ° TA e ' v 'lo-aa/c Kk^Oi'-jaeral aoi 1 ' cnrip/jLa. . . . for in Isaac shall thy seed be ... for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. called. Rom. — oyg 1 r Q Ti eld airepp-a Afipaap,, rravres reicva, aXk' 'Ev 'Iaaci/c ' ' KXrjOrjaerai o~ol aireptxa. — neither because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children : but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. Heb. — 77-/309 ov ikaXrjdr], "Ore iv 'lactate icXr)6iiaerai aoi arreppia. 1 : 18, — of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Gen. 22:2, 9. (36) Gen. 22: 2, 9. fii< *lpyi 9 """ ••• tD&? in/Uill KaL aviveytce avrov e'/cei ... — * 11I vlov avrov, €7reo7]Kev avrov ern to I ]y}£y? /]}J2l2 dvaiaarrjpiov a errdvw ra>v jfvXcov. . . . and offer him there ...--- 9 and offer him there ... — 9 ... and (he) bound Isaac his son, and and having bound together the laid him on the altar upon the feet of Isaac his son, he laid him wood. on the altar upon the wood. Jas. Aftpaap, 6 rrarr\p rjpicbv ovk eg epyoov ehiKaiu>6rj, dveveyicas 'Iaaa/c rov vlov avrov €7rl rb dvaiaam'ipiov ; Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar ? a Some MSS. om. tVaew rwv ^v\uv. b Comp. Heb. 11:17. U 18 QUOTATIONS FROM Gen. 22: 16, 17. (37) Gen. 22:16, 17. ^ " ••• PTlPP DJO TlJDfcJO ^ ••• K«t' € r lavT °v tofjbocra, Xeyet Kvptos m mi** nmm ttok yn '"ZLott^t^*™™' I I Kai 7rxrjovva)v irXrjovvoo to enrep/xa ... By Myself have I sworn, saith By Myself have I sworn, saith the the Lord . . . 17 that in blessing I Lord . . . 17 Surely blessing I will will bless thee, and in multiplying bless thee, and multiplying I will I will multiply thy seed . . . multiply thy seed ... Heb. To) yap 'Afipadp, eTrayyeiXdfievoq 6 @eo?, eVet kcut ovSevbs efye ' ' ' ji€%ovo<; ofiocrcu, wfjuoae /cad' eavrov, l4 Xeycov, b !ff pJrjv evXoy&v evXoyrjaeo ere, teal 7rXr)0vvcov TrXrjdvvoi ere. For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He sware by Himself, u saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. a One MS. inserts evo9 eyevvijOrjaav, Kal ravra veveKpeofxevov, c Kadcos ra darpa rov ovpavov rw TfXrjdet, Kal d oocrel ap,fxos rj irapa rb ^eZXo? t?79 daXdererr)*; e rj dvapldfiTjTO?. Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable. a U Heb. lip. b to, & ir\'i]8a, as the stars of heaven for multitude. d &s rj, G. and S. Comp. 1 Ki. (LXX.) 13:5. e See Gen. 32:12 : mo nSD v Kb -\wx, ivhich cannot be numbered for multitude : ft ovk apifyurj^frerai vnb rov ir\TJ0ovs, ivhich shall not be numbered for multitude. Comp. Gen. 15:5. Gen. 22: 18. see Gen. 12:3. Gen. 23:4. (39) a Gen. 23:4. ••• DDfty *DiX S&J'IfYl *13 IleipoLKO'i Kal 7rape7ri8r)/ji0<; eyeo elfxi fieO' vfiwv ... I am a stranger and a sojourner I am a sojourner and a b stranger with you ... with you . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 19 (IChron. 29:15.) (1 Chron. 29:15.) D^£J^ni "TJS/ "DPOK D^ O ••• On irdpoiKOi eo-fzev evavrlov aov, k«,,j».k-.vj L>*** Ka ^ TTCipoi/covvres, &)? irdvTes oi 7rarepe Ka i> 7rape7rl8r)/jLo<;, Kadco<; irdvre^ ol 7rarepe? fxov. . . . for I am a stranger with Thee, . . . for I am a sojourner in the and a sojourner, as all my fathers land, and a stranger, as all my were. fathers were. Heb. , , , Ka \ 6pLo\oyij(ravT€s on %kvoi koX TrapeirlBrifAoi, elcnv iirl TJ79 . . . and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims c on the earth. l Pet. AycmfrroX, irapaKakoo a>? TrapoUov; /cal 7rape7rt8r]p.ov<; . . . Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims . . . a Comp. Gen. 47:9. Lev. 25:23. Psa. 105:12. 119:19. b Or, foreigner. c Or, in the land. Gen. 24: 7. see Gen. 13:15. Gen. 25: 19. ( 40 ) a Gen. 25:19. X pH^ J1X 1 vin DmiX • ■ • ... Aftpacifi eyevvrjae tov laddie. . . . Abraham begat Isaac. . . . Abraham begat Isaac. Matt. AjBpaa/x eyevvrjae tov 'laad/c . . . Abraham begat Isaac . . . A.cts . , , Ka \ out&)9 eyevvrjae tov 'Icradfc . . . . . . and so Abraham begat Isaac . . . a See also 1 Chron. 1 : 34. Gen. 25: 23. (41) Gen. 25:23. ♦ *Vy^ "OJT ^*Vl Kai ° ft€%]6i) avrfj, on 'O p,ei%a)V SovXevaec no ekdaaovi. — it was said unto her, The h elder shall serve the c younger, a Gr. greater and lesser. b 1\ Or, greater. r ^ Or, tester. 20 QUOTATIONS FROM Gen. 25:33. (42) Gen. 25:33. j ^H^v im^ DK ^D/^ 1 ) aireBoro Se 'Haav to, irpuiTO- ' roKia a to5 Ta/ca)/3. . . . and he sold his birthright unto . . . and Esau sold his birthright Jacob. unto Jacob. Heb. , , , ■pj BeBriXos, &>? 'Haav, o? avrl Bpooaeco^ aid'; direhoTO tcl 12:16. i ' irpwTOTOKta avTOV. ... or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright. a Ad. avrov, and om. r$ 'landfi. Compl. Gen. 28: 12. (43) Gen. 28:12. nX 1 ")^ y$fo D7D njni nD/ir*! Kal ivvirVLaadrj' Kal ISov KkLp,a% rum nn dwh y jd ibw-ii ^ lKvdT0 et > ? T0V {, pavov . ^ ; J "Q DHT1 D^y DWN *3N?Jb ofyyeXo* tow @eou dveBatvov Kal KarkBawov eir a avrfj. And he dreamed ; and behold a And he dreamed ; and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and ladder fixed on the earth, whose the top of it reached to heaven : top reached to heaven : and the and behold the angels of God as- angels of God ascended and de- cending and descending on it. scended on it. John . . . jip,r]v dpirjv Xeyco vp:2v, b air aprc 6-^recrde c tov ovpavbv dv€(p 4 ^»-,^,_— t ? ' »)/wa9" d(pe\e tov 6veiSiap,bv r)p,a)V. . . . only ' let us be called by thy . . . only let thy name be called name, d to take away our reproach, upon us ; take away our reproach. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 2] Luke "Otl ovtco fioi TreTroirjfcev 6 Kvpios iv f)fj,epai > ElSo " 0e r 6 ^ ov w m /^ w .»-> w »-. - ^^ y eoVj nrpoawrrov 777)09 irpoa- cottov ... And Jacob called the name of the And Jacob called the name of that place a Peniel : for I have seen place, The face of God : for I have God face to face . . . seen God face to face . . . (Judges 6:22.) (Judges 6:22.) 7&N U JS PI in |X7o n 5\ i ••• . . . elSov tov dyyeXov Kvptov Trpoa- ♦ C0£) anrov Trpos 7rpocra)7rov. ... I have seen an angel of the ... I have seen the angel of the Lord face to face. Lord face to face. 1 Cor. , # , T ot€ oe Trpdawirov 7rpo9 Trpoacoirov . . . ... but then face to face . . . a If That is, The face of God. [In verse 31, bwto Penuel.~] b Compare 2 John 12 (and 3 John 13), arSfxa irpbs a-ri^-a. \u\rjcrcu, to speak face to face ; lit. mouth to mouth. Gen. 38: 8. (47) Gen. 38: 8. Plfitt D^l TPIK r\WH 7X JO EiaeXOe 777)09 Tr)V yvvcuica tov t *..,i- v L .4i_k ^-s<-,«, dSeXcpov aov, /ecu iiriyd^pevaat * I * I ' ai/T7]v, teal a dvdaTijaov airepfxa tw dBeXcpoi) aov. ... Go in unto thy brother's wife, ... Go in unto thy brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed and marry her (as a brother-in- to thy brother. law), and raise up seed unto thy brother. 22 QUOTATIONS FROM (Deut.25:5.) (Deut.25:5.) iriX r™l/b1 VlJT DTIX "D^ ^ '.Eav Se KarotKOiatv dheXcpol eVl to ( [ ^««»* a ^ T o, Kal drrodavj} eh i£ avrwv, Jlk/N n nil Cs7 17 j sn JJI unu o-jreppua Be fii] fi avrm, ovk ecrrac rj Kl* H/bl* ^T fc^W? n^inri n^n 7^? ToO c Te0v??A:oTO9 e&oavhpl M I > i » iyyl&vrc 6 dBeXcpds rov dvBpos ♦ nDl i nfe/X/ 17 nnp7i Plvy avrfjs elaeXevaerat 777309 avrrjv, /cat Xrjyjrerai avrrjv eavroj yvvaiKa, teal crvvotK?]aei avrfj. If brethren dwell together, and And if brethren should dwell to- one of them die, and have no child, gether, and one of them should the wife of the dead shall not marry die and should not have seed, the without unto a stranger : her b hus- wife of the dead shall not marry band's brother shall go in unto without unto a man not related: her, and take her to him to wife, her husband's brother shall go in and perform the duty of an hus- unto her, and take her to him to band's brother mito her. wife, and dwell with her. ||Matt. ... AiBdaKaXe, Mcoo-f]? elirev, y Edv -u? drrodavrj /mtj eyoiv reicva, 22:24. » o ' ' '?• -v j ^ » <* \ ~ »'« \ ■> / eiriyafippevcn o aoeX(po i i avrov rr\v yvvai/ca avrov, Kai avacrrrjcrei aireppba tw dBe\' « \ *? p>/ ' t\ f f/ \ / /) * > ^ \ j ^ € X WV yvvai/ca, Kat ovros areKVos arrovavr), iva Xapy o aoeXcpo^ avrov rr\v yvvaltca, Kal e^avaar^o-rj cnrepixa ru> dBeXcpw avrov. ... Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. a avao-Tfjcreis. b % Or, next kinsman. c TerthevTriKdros. Alex. '' Om. avrov. e txreKvos y 'Iva, k.t.A. Gen. 39:2, 3. ( 48 ) a Gen. 39:2, 3. 2-0*1 3 - &dv nx nin* *n*i KaL v v K-vpw ^rd 'i&kt?^... . N . t *,*,_» »„. kk% _ v «. ' 3 wBei Be 6 kvoios avrov, on b 6 Kvpios r]v puer avrov... And the Lord was with Joseph . . . And the Lord was with Joseph . . . 3 And his master saw that the 3 And his lord knew that the Lord was with him . . . Lord was with him . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 23 Acts ... nal r/v 6 @eo 6'a.t?? 7^9 Al^vrrrov. Thou shalt be over my house . . . Thou shalt be over my house . . . 41 . . . See, I have set thee over all 41 . . . Lo, I set thee this day over the land of Egypt. — 43 . . . and he all the land of Egypt. — 43 . . . and made him ruler over all the land he set him over the whole land of Egypt. o f Egypt. (Psa. 105:21.) (Psa. 104:21.) ••• *irV!}7 fHN )tffl? Karearrjaev avrov Kvpiov rov olkov avrov . . . He made him lord of his house ... He b made him lord of his house . . . Acts ... Kal Kareo-rrjaev avrov rjjov/xevov err Aiyv7rrov Kal c okov rbv ' ' ' olkov avrov. . . . and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house. a irda-r)s yrjs. Alex. b Gr. set, or appointed. c Ad. i ... . . . Behold, I have heard that there Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt ... is corn in Egypt . . . Acts AK0vcra<; he. 'Ia/cw/3 ovra a air a ev Al^virrw ... But when Jacob heard that there was corn in Egypt . . . a (Tirla eh A^yvirroy. Gen. 45:1. (51) Gen. 45:1. ** VHN 7N S|DV JHinPQ rjvUa dveyvcopi^ero a rot? a&e\- cpois avrov. . . . while Joseph made himself . . . when he made himself known known unto his brethren. to his brethren. Acts Xal ev ru> 8evrepu> aveyvcoplaOr) ^Iwarjip Tot? a8eA>0ot? avrov . . . And at the second time Joseph was made known to his bre- thren ... » Ad. 'laxrycp. Alex. One MS. adds rb Sevrepov, another tov Sevrepov. 24 QUOTATIONS FROM Gen. 45: 4. (52) Gen. 45: 4. I nJbnVlb TlK Dm:)D *l£J>N - ... &v a7re8oo-0e efc Atyvirrov. . . . whom ye sold into Egypt. . . . whom ye sold into Egypt. Acts Kal ol irarptap'^at, a tyfkojcravTes tov 'loycrrjcp aireZovTO et? AiyVTTTOV . .. And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph into Egypt . . . a See Gen. 37: 11, IJVyA.OMrew 5e abrov, k.t.X. Gen. 46:27. ( 53 ) a Gen. 46:27. n^n ipy J"^/ £^£DDPl TO iraaai yjrv^al olkov 'Ia/cwfi at ♦ ^. .,-*»». — *-, nv vs elae\6ovaai b fxera 'IaKcb/3 eh * yjL/ i u A /J ^4t'7i;7rTov, tyv)(al c eftSofirj/covra- irevre. ... all the souls of the house of ... all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, Jacob, which came with Jacob were threescore and ten. into Egypt, were seventy-five souls. (Exod. 1:5.) (Exod. 1:5.) Spy* *]T *K^ WZ) Si W1 'Lbot^ S£ ^i/ eV Abpnrrtp. %*av 8k I DHXI&l PIT! flDVI £>33 D*5DB> Traaai^v X al e'£7aKa>/3 e 7reVTe/«u 1 efiSofirj/covra. And all the souls that came out But Joseph was in Egypt. And of the d loins of Jacob were seventy all the souls born of Jacob were souls : for Joseph was in Egypt five and seventy. already. Acts AiroareiXa^ he 'Icocrjjcp fiereKaXeaaro rbv irarepa avrou 'Iatcco/B, Kal iracrav rt]v avyyeveiav f avrov, ev -^rv^ah eftSo/Arj/covTcnrevTe. Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls. * Comp. Deut. 10:22, Thy fathers went down into Egypt U>S3 D'j/nu'n with threescore and ten persons; 'Ev k^oixrjKoina \pvKa~s, k.t.K. b Om. juera 'lankfi. c One MS. reads oS, i.e. 74. d 1| Heb. thigh. e eySSo^Kwra irevre, one MS. f Om. avrov. G. and S. Gen. 47: 9. (54) Gen. 47: 9. ••• ^H S M ^fy Vn D^T) bVft fiiKpal Kal iropvqpal yeyovaaw a l rjfj,epai . . . . . . few and evil have the days few and evil have the days . . . been . . . been . . . E pH - . . . otl ai rjpbepaL iropvripal elcrc. ... because the davs are evil. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 25 Gen. 17:31. (55) Gen. 47:31. [£>X*1 /]} /inty )ftT\W) Kd irpoa-eKvvrja-ev lapaijX eirl ♦ 'nj^h'-T a T o cifcpov T))? pd/38ov avrov. . . . And Israel bowed himself upon . . . And Israel worshipped, loaning the bed's head. upon the top of his staff. Heb. UicTTSt 'Ja/cw/3 tnro6\>i'i(TK(ov eKaarov twv vloiv I)<£ euXoyrjae' /cat Trpocrexvyrjaev errl to a/cpov Tr}$ pd{38ov avrov. By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshipped, leaning upon the top of his staff. a The conventional reading is ntsQ bed. By pointing it differently \vc have ntso .v r)/j.epa,p. „ 31 :29 „ %v. c £ax'* T0V - G. al1 ^ S. d ecrxo-rwv. Gen. 50:21. (57) a Gen. 50:21, •••DlinX "IpS* "IpiD DTl/iO ••• ••• eiTLo~ KOirfi he err i a teener ai 6 @eo? vfxa<; . . . . and God will surely visit you ... ... and God will b surely visit you . . . (Exod.3:16.) iExod.3:16.) ••• DDHX ^mp3 np3--- ...'Emcncorrf] eTreo-fcefi/jLaL vfia<; ... . I have surely visited you ... ... I have surely visited you .. 26 QUOTATIONS FROM (Ruth 1:6.) (Ruth 1:6.) ••• 1/bV H& PlIlT IpU *D ° Tt iireaKeirrat Kvptos tov ' Xabv avrov . . . ... how that the Lord had visited ... that the Lord had visited His His people . . . people . . . Luke ... otl eireaKe^raTO zeal eironjcre XvTpwaiv too Xaa> avrov. 1:68, ... for He hath c visited and d redeemed His people. Luke . . . /cat ore iireaKe-^raro 6 ©eo? tov Xabv avrov. ' :1G " ... and that God hath visited His people. a See also Exod. 4:31. 13:19. b Gr. in visitation will visit ; a Hebraism. '• Comp. verse 78, ineaKeipaTo tjixus avaro\)j. d See Psa. 111:9, infra. Exoo. 1:5. see Gen. -46:27. Exod. 1:7, 8. (58) Exod. 1:7, 8. ... l^nfcJ^I 113 Sxi£5^ "OHI ® L ^ viollo-pariX 7jv^7]6r)aav, kcu ry*ftfo iyy gf^j-j -r^ft QH 6 €7rXvdvv07jaav ^. y 8 aveo-T7] he /3a- * I ? I aiXev<; erepos eV AIvvktov, o? ovk : spv n« yr *6 tk ^ ei T a v tw»#. And the children of Israel were And the children of Israel a grew, fruitful, and increased abundant- and multiplied ... 6 And there ly . . . 8 Now there arose up a new arose another king over Egypt, king over Egypt, which knew not which knew not Joseph. Joseph. Acts . . . i]v^i]crev 6 Xabs tcai €7rX7]8vv07] iv Alyv7TTa>, 18 a^pes ov ' ' ' ' ' dvearr] /3ao-iXev$ eVepo?, b o? ovk rjSei rbv Iooo-ijcp. . . . the people grew and multiplied in Egypt, 18 till another king arose, which knew not Joseph. a Or, increased. b Ad. iir' AtyvnTov. Exod. 1:10, 11. (59) Exod. 1:10, 11. Ivy Ift^l " ••• 1? ("iftDnrO !"QPl AevTe ovv KaTao-o(ptao)/xe6a avrovs ... cnSnDi irov mh d*d& h» - " K ? 1 k z i]0j) Mwcrr}->». «.k>_^ _,*><«,«, •-,.* w *,■»*-.». craaOat eirl rbv iroraubv ... teal I I 1 ibovaa ti]v Vipiv ev too eXei, airo- — : nnpni nnaX HN PPEm trreCkaaa rrjv df3pav, a dvelXaro nps raS inxnm n^n ^n 10 a *"f? — , " ^ V^,/j/ Dm D^n *m " ... p 1 ? rb \ti OuyaTepa <&apaoo, teal eyevrjtir) avTij VPIN 7X J^TI ntTJb 7in ««? ,v#v ■■; " 'Eyevero Be ev raw i'lp,epaL<$ Tats TroXXai? itceivais pi) dvydrrjp tfrapaoo, teal dveOpe^lraro avrbv 7:21,23. t r\ -i r f po c^-v y r. V eavrrj ei9 vtov. — *° Jz? be errXrjpovro avra> reacrapaKovraerrj^ ■Xpovos, dvefti] eVi rt]V icapblav avrov eTUcnce-tyao-Qai toi>? dbeXov<; avrov robs vtovs 'Io-parjX. . . . Pharaoh's daughter took him up, and nourished him for her own son. — c3 And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel. IIeis. JJiaret M(oo-r]s fieyaq yevbfievos rjpvifcraro XeyeaOat vlbs dvyarpbs <&apaa>. By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to he called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. a aeti'AeTO. b The child's mother, verse 8. c Gr. in those many days. d Gr. having become great : and so Heb. 11 :24. e aveiAaro. Exod. 2:12. (62) Exod. 2:12. t SlPQ irOfit^l nX/BPl JlN Tl ••• ;;• Kal Tara^as tov Alyvrrnov, expvyjrev avrbv ev ry ap,fiq). . . . he slew the Egyptian, and hid . . . and having smitten the Egyp- him in the sand. tian, he hid him in the sand. Acts ... rrard^as rbv Alyvirriov. . . . and (he) smote the Egyptian. Exod. 2 : 14. ( 63 ) Exod. 2 : 14. £3^1 *)&? W s $b *V2W *J& 1ftX*1 'O be el-ire, Tis ere Karearrfaev ap- too *m nm •mrbn why x ° v ™ * " al Suc ?7T i(f i c ^ v ; * fit) aveXeiv fie av oeXecs, ov rporrov ••• *H¥£n r.X niHil dveiXes d %^e g ?///,<£? ; 28 fir) dveXelv fie o~v deXeis, bv rpbrrov dvelXes %#e? rbv Alyvrrnov ; — 35 Tovrov rbv Mo)var)v bv rjpvijaavro elrrbvres, TY9 ere Karearrfaev dpyovra ical btKaarr]v h ; rovrov 6 @eo9 apyovra Kal Xvrpcorrjv direareuXev ... But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? 28 Wilt thou kill kill me, as thou diddest the Egyptian yesterday? — 35 This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge ? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer . . . a «1 Heb. a man, a prince. b if. <= j^iSs. Aid. and Compl. d rbv AI7. xfie'j. Alex. e S " , th . e ? yl ' - See velse 13 ' IIeb> the * econ(l day. ' xpniiv. S iinaiv. >' Ad. itp' v/xas, or i. . . . there appeared to him in b the wilderness of Mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush. — 35 ... by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. a iv (p\oyei irvphs. MS. vn. iv ; ev co eaT^/cas, yr] ayia eariv. Then said the Lord to him, Put off thy shoes from thy feet : for the place where thou standest is holy ground. a Kvaov. b Om. in. c Or, loose the sandals. 30 QUOTATIONS FROM Exod. 3:6. {Q7) Exod. 3:6. TPtf T2K TDK ^8 *\foW) K ai e *7rev, 'Eyco elfxi 6 @eo9 a rov ^^„4„ „_£.„.. ^-.^ »«-L^ h - hSU Trarpos crou, b <9eo9 'Aftpaafi, teal - npjr ww pw w« bthw 0e ^ T(JBi/f . ^ 0eo? ^^ . . . Moreover He said, I am tlie God And He said, I am tlic God of thy ofthy father, the God of Abraham, father, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ... Jacob ... ||Matt. , , , ovk aveyvwre rb prjOev vplv vrrb rod Geov, Xeyovros, 3 - 'Eyco 32 " ' el/J,i 6 @eo9 Afipaap,, kol 6 Oeo? 'IaaaK, /cal 6 @eo$ 'Iatccb/3 ; ... . . . have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, 32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ? . . . ||Makk. ... ova aveyvcore iv rfj ftiftXw Moocricos, eVt c t?}? fidrov, &m? elirev ' ' avraj 6 ©eo?, Xeycov, 'Eyob 6 @ec>9 Afipaap,, Kal 6 &eb<; 'Icraarc, Kal 6 @eo? 'Ia/ccoft ; ...have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ? ||Ldke "On 8e eyelpovrai ol ve/cpol, Kal Mcoarj 1 ; ipa'jvvaev irrl rrfi ftdrov, ' ' /3, 6 (9eo? rdv irarepcov rj/uL(bv, ehb^aae rbv Ualha avrov 'Ii]aovv . .. The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, e the God of our fathers, hath glorified His Son Jesus ... Acts ... iyevero epeovy) Kvplov ' 7rpbeo9 Appaap,, tcai o (7609 laaatc, tcai o C/eo9 latcoop . . . . . . the voice of the Lord came unto him, 32 saying, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob . . . a 7wv irarepoov aov, b Many MSS. and editions have 6 @ebs (in each place). c rov. G. and S. d ®ebs 'I. tcai Gtbs 'I. Others, 6 Qebs (in each place). ° Comp. Acts 5 : 30. 22 : 14. f Om. irpbs avTOv. Exod. 3 : 7, 8, 10. ( 68 ) Exod. 3 : 7, 8, 10. *ty n&* tiw pini mn* Tbx*i E ™ e ^ Kvpw 7^09 Mmv^v, WW* 1TR1 tmai WK W ISbveWov rj KaKcoacv rov Xaov *tyy» *«r»i u iiuj m vs uy p,ov rov ev AiyvTrrw, teal rr)S tcpav- nX T^l' ^ Vmi ^12 inyfc® y^ avrw dK^Koa M ra>v ip- ^«ijK l )7 , »Vjn7 H^X 1 ) 8 « l^fci^Jb yooico/croiv olSa yap rr\v bhvvrjv aircbv, 8 koX tcare/Brjv i^eXeadac avroix; Ik X €l P 0< > T wv Alyvirrcwv . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 31 ... nyis Sx And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of My people which cere in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I knoAV their sor- rows ; 8 and I am come clown to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians ... — 10 Come now therefore, and I will send thee un- to Pharaoh ... --- 10 Kal vvv Sevpo, a airoareiXw ere b 7rp6? $>apaa> /3acrtXea A iyvirrov . . . And the Lord said unto Moses, I have seen, I have seen the afflic- tion of My people which are in Egypt, and I have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters, for I know their sorrow ; 8 and I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians ... — - 10 And now come, I will send thee Acts 7:34. unto Pharaoh king of Egypt ... , IB(ov eiSov rt]v kclkwgiv tov Xaov fiov rov iv Alyvincp, Kal rov (TTevajfiov avrwv lycovcra' Kal Karefiriv i^eXeerQai avrovv Kal vvv Sevpo, cnrocneXo) ere et? Aiyvirrov. I have seen, I have seen the affliction of My people which is in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send thee into Egypt. ft airo(TTe\a>. b eh. Exod. 3:12. 69) Exod. 3:12. . . ^Ev ru> i^ayayelv ere rov Xaov Till h}} n^nSxn Hltf jrQyn fioy i% AZyvTrroy, Kal^Xarpevo-ere ' ^ tco Qeot) iv tw Spec tovtw. . . . When thou hast brought forth . . . When thou bringest forth My the people out of Egypt, ye shall people out of Egypt, then ye shall serve God upon this mountain. serve God in this mountain. Acts ... b Kal fxera ravra i^eXeverovrai, Kal Xarpevaovcri p,ot iv rto ' ' TOTTCp TOVTO). . . . and after that shall they come forth, and serve Me in this place. a Xarpcvcrovas one MS. b See No. 23, supra. Exod. 3:14. ( ^nS T&Kn ro tan mx *\m And God said unto Moses, I am that I am : and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I am hath sent me unto you. 70 ) a Exod. 3:11, Kal elirev 6 ©ebs 777309 Mwva?)v, Xeywv, Era eimi 'o .on- koX elirev, Ovtws ipels rots viols 'Icrpar'jX, 'O AN anrecrTaXKe /xe rrphs vfias. And God spake unto Moses, say- ing, I am b He who is : and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, ''He who is hath sent me unto vou. 32 QUOTATIONS FROM (Isa.45:19.) (Esa.45:19.) TJib pix in mir ^ Ern eimi ' Em eimi > Kvpio? 6 x«- , b_^»M^ Xwv 8ikcuo Ern EIMI > o Trapaicakwv ere ... I, even I, am He that comforteth I am, I am, He that comforteth you . . . thee . . . (Jer. U:13.) c (Jer. li:13.) c ... mir *nx nriK t^o Kai d™, -o hn *K6 P ie... Then said I, Ah, Lord God ! . . . And I said, O Lord e everlasting! . . . John ... 6 Tlos rov avOpoiirov " 'o nN ev roy ovpavd). . . . even the Son of man which is in heaven. John Aeyei avrfj 6 'I^crou?, Ern EIMI, 6 \a\wv aoi. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am He. John , , , F.rn EIMI- fir) (poBelade. 6:2a . . . h It is I; be not afraid. John . . . Afirjv ap,7)v Xiyco vplv, irplv Afipadfi yeveaBai, Ern eimi. ... Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. R°m. . . . Kctl ef Siv 6 XpLcrros to Kara adpfca, 'O nN eirl irdvruiv @eo? ' °' evXoyrjTos et9 rov? altbvas. dpui]v. . . . and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, ' who is over all, God k blessed for ever. Amen. 2 Cor. Q Qeos Kal IlaTrjp rov Kvplov rj/Awv 'Irjaov Xpicrrov olSev, 'O nN ev\oyr)TOv iv t<$? ovpaveji. h Or, / A.\r, fear not. 1 Or, the being over all. k See Psa. 89:52, infra. ' Or, the being who is blessed, etc. 1,1 See also verses 11, 17; and ch. 21:6. and 22:13; all under Isa. 41 : 4, intra. " Oin. rod. G. and S. ° Om. apxv ko.1 t4\os. G. and S. p Kvpios & ©ebs, 6 $>v, k.t.A. G. and S. f i Sec Isa. 6 : 3, infra. r Om. koI 6 epx^evos. G. and S. s Om. Kvpte. G. and S. ' ko.1 b '6 rrjv yjrv^v rod trcuhiov. ... for they are dead which sought the young child's life. Exod. 4:21. (72) a Exod. 4:21. ■•• *Q^ n& D?n^ "OfcO e '7^ ^ o-fc\r)pvvw rr)V KapSlav ' avrov . . . ... but I will harden his heart but I will harden his heart . . . RoM - . . . bv Se OeXei, crKXripvvet. 9 • 18 . . . and whom He will He hardeneth. a See also chap. 7:3, 13. 9:12. 10:1. 14:4,8 (Pharaoh); and Isa. 63:17 (our heart); and comp. Deut. 2:30 (Sihon); Jos. 11:20 (the enemies of Israel); and John 12:4U. Exod. 6: 6. ( 73 ) a Exod. 6:6. JTOD nnnfo D3HK *fltf¥VTl- ...KtAigdfav/utecm&TifcSwtur- imn mntf TlSfctfl - QnXD re/a9 r&vASyvrn-iwy. . . ml Xvrpco- , • • Xll lV*^^ VIV^ -^««tu\o? ©€ov iart tovto ... 19 Then the magicians said unto Therefore the enchanters said un- Pharaoh, This is the finger of to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God... God... Luke El Se iv SaKTiiXoi @eov ifcfidXkco ra Saifxovia ... :20 ' a But if I with the finger of God cast out devils ... a Comp. Matt. 12:28. El 8e iyw iv Tlvex'/fxaTt 0eoD eKjSaAAw ra Satfi6vta, But if I cast out devils [rather, demons'] by the Spirit of God. Also Ex. 31 : 18, infra; and 2 Cor. 3:3, there cited. Exod. 9: 10. (75) Exod. 9: 10. d*TXl mS ftJDJDK PW W Ka ^ eyevero eX/crj ^Xu«Ti'Se? 4 _.t~<-k.>-i. ava^eovcrai ev re tois avOpanroci, Kal iv rol? SiayyeXfj to ovofid fjbov iv irdar} rf) yj). For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same pur- pose have I raised thee up, that I might shew My power in thee, and that My name might be declared throughout all the earth. a % Heb. made thee stand. b Many copies read, Svva/xly. c Gr. on account of this. Exod. 9:24. (77) Exod. 9:24. lira nnp^na bwi -ni *rm ^ &v x^fa Kal ™ ™p ^°- ••• ims -Q3 -ran ll ^ ov v e ' v T? / x aX "&' v ^ x" Xa & 7T0Wi) T<»*n™v iv yp AiyniK& TptdKovTa. Now the sojourning of the children Now the dwelling of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was of Israel which they dwelt in the four hundred and thirty years. land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, was four hundred and thirty years. Gal. ... o /M€Ta b eTTj TCTpaKoaia Kal TpiaKOVTa yeyovebs vofxos ... ... the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after... a See also verse 41. '' rerp. k. Tpia/c. trt). G. and S. 36 QUOTATIONS FROM Exod. 12:46. (80) Exod. 12:46. t M 1'"£l£JTl $h W£V) * Kai ocrrovv ov h cyvvrpi^r€re c dir avrov. . . . and ye shall not break a bone thereof. (Num. 9: 12. . . . neither shall ye break a bone thereof. (Num. 9: 12.) D¥$fl ")pl H$ 1J]tt& HW $h Ov KaraXetyovo-Lv air avrov efc ki. hta.i.tMt, j^L rb irpoil', Kal oarovv ov d avvrptyov They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it... (Psa.34:21 (20.) nana nrw vni&xy hi *w 21 t rra^j xh 20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken. oiv air avrov . . . They shall not leave of it unto the morning, and they shall not break a bone of it . . . (Psa. 33:20.) <&v\de\el<; irav Siavoiyov p.rjrpav, ra dpaevifcd rat Kvplcp' irav 8ia- volyov firjrpav Ik j3ovko\lcov i) iv rols fcrrjveal o~ov, oaa eav yevrjrai aoi, ra cipaevtfca dyidaei? rep Kvplco. And thou shalt set apart c every- thing that openeth the womb, the males unto the Lord : every one that openeth the matrix out of the herds or among the cattle, as many as thou shalt have, thou shalt sanctify the males unto the Lord. (Exod. 34:19.) Udv Siavotyov fi^rpav, ifiol ra ap- aevi/cd . . . Everything that openeth the womb, the males are Mine . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 37 Like 2:23. — Kadoos yiypctTTTCu iv vo/up Kvplov, otl irav apaev Siavolyov fii]rpav aytov rco Kvpuo fc\.i]d)]creTai. — as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. a Sec also the verses following, and Exod. 22:29. Num. 3:12, 13. 8:16,17. 18:15. b % Heb. cause to pass over. c Comp. verse 2 ; both of man and of beast. Exod. 15:1. (82) Exod. 15:1. ^n« Sansr ^ni w& *w* ?&* tj™ $ ... Then sang Moses and the children Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord ... of Israel this song unto God . . . (Dettt. 31:30.) (Deut.32:1.) h^W hnp SD OTNl HTO "DTI Kal i\d\ V ae Mcovaijs ek ra gyra : Dftn ny nan rrwn nnn nx T?f ^ ^^w^k t& pv/mra t>?? coo??? ravTrjq eco? et? Te\o8r]v MWeco? SovXov rov @eov, Kal t))v coSyjv rod 'Apviov . . . And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb . . . a a See Deut. 32:4, infra. Rev. 15:3. Exod. 15:26. (83 i-owni n^yn v^yn -\wr\\ Exod. 15:26. Kal to, dpecrra a ivavTiov avrov ••• Vfil^O? TroLr)crr] b vo) vfuv aprovs Ik n^N DnSn Kin ... -— ... own ™ °iP a if ■••-"" V-.^ : n L,^ D ^ j-,^ » n3 a P T0? ov eBcoKe Kv P l0<; v ^ lv

ayov iv ry iptf/xa), Ka6u><; ecrrc • ' yeypafxp,ivov, 'Aprov e/c rod ovpavov eSco/cev avrol<; (fyayelv. 3 ~ ... Ov Mwtn]? 8iS(OK€V vplv rov aprov etc rov ovpavov' dXX 6 Ua- rr]p /mov SlScoaiv vplv rov aprov e'/c rov ovpavov rov akrjdivov. 33 6 yap apro Kal efjb(3aXe ei? avTov 7r\i]p6<; to p ^p yofiop tov b fiav . . . Take a pot, and put an omer . . . Take c a golden pot, and cast full of manna therein . . . into it a full omer of manna . . . Heb. 9:4. . . . crTa/xj'o? XP V(T} 1 c^ovcra to /xavva . . . . . . the golden pot that had manna . . . a xP Vff V v ' b n&vva. c Gr. one, as in Heb. Exod. 17:2. (87) Exod. 17:2. J PTirV HX pD3J") T\fo ••• ... Kal ti ireipd&Te Kvptov ; ...wherefore do ye tempt the ... and why do ye tempt the Lord? Lord ? Acts JV{)y ovv tl nreipd^eTe tov ©ebv Now therefore why tempt ye God . . . ? Exod. 19:5. (88) Exod. 19:5. ••• D^yn TOfi !"H3D V DrVPlI eaecrde fxoi Xao? irepiovcno^ «7ro TrdvTOiV to)V idvSiv . . . . . . then ye shall be a peculiar trca- ... ye shall be unto Me a peculiar sure unto Me above all people . . . people above all nations . . . 40 QUOTATIONS FROM (Deut. 7:6.) (Deut. 7:6.) yrhx mmS nn« wnp Dy *d f/ o™ xao? c^o? e? k^ tgo ©e^ nvnb yhSk mm nm *p ™ y / * al ** ^roK^o tyeo9 erou etvat avroi Xaov irepiov- aiov irapa rrdvra ra eOvrj . . . For thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God ; and the Lord thy God did choose thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself above all the nations . . . For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God : the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all people . . . (Deut. 14:2.) yrbtt mm 1 ? r\m mip cy *a ^yU *U riV*lS mm iri3l 1^ aov > Kal ae i^eXe^aro Kvpios 6 Geo JsJ*-, U^ n U 5h °" oi; , l^eaOai ae Xtwv ayroj ire / ^* ,u piovGiov airb irdvTcov rcov edvwv . . . For thou art a holy people unto (Deut. 14:2.) On \ab Xabv irepiovcnov . . . And the Lord hath avouched thee And the Lord hath chosen thee this day to be His peculiar peo- this day, that thou shouldest be pie . . . unto Him a peculiar people . . . . k. Exod. 19:6. ( 89 ) Exod. 19 : 6. ♦Ill D^ITJ mbtito h Vnn DriKl r 2W? 8e eaeaOe /ioi fiaalXeiov - Wlp And ye shall be unto Me a king- dom of priests, and an holy na- tion . . . lepdrevfia Kal eQvos dytov And ye shall be unto Me a royal priesthood and a holy nation . . . IPet. 2:5,9. Rev. 1:6. ... lepdrev^ia ayiov ... —9 v/jLet<> Be yevo? efcXe/crdv, ftacriXeLOv lepdrevfxa, eOvos ayiov, a Xao? et @ea> Kal liar pi avroi) . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. II — and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father . . . Rev — Kal €7roLi]cra ©ea) fjfMcov e /3acn\ei? o~d\7riyyo<;. . . . and (I) heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet. . . . Kal rj (pGJVt] 7] irpcorr), rjv iJKovcra to? o-dXmyyos \a\ovcrr}<; fxer ifiov ... — 5 Kal €K rov Opovov €K7ropevovrai darparcal Kal d ftpovral Kal cpoyvai. . . . . . . and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me . . . — 5 And out of the throne proceeded light- nings, and thunderings, and voices . . . . . . Kal iyevovro rpooval Kal ftpovrdl Kal darparral Kal j?n xh ibw nnnft pan : p*6 nnnro cm Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 20:4. (92 Ov noLTjcreis aeavrw a e'i8cokov, oiide irav- tos Sfxoicofia, oo~a iv tg> ovpava civco, Ka\ ocr a iv rfj yfj Karoo, Kai ocra iv tois v8a- criv vTroKciTcoTrjsyrjs. Thou shalt not make unto thyself an idol, nor the likeness of any- thing, whatever things are in the heaven above, and whatever are in the earth beneath, and whatever are in the waters un- der the earth. ) Deut. bos -\b nt^yn vb new nnn» pan :pj6nnn» D»»2 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters be- neath the earth. 5:8. Ov irotrjcrets aeciVT)9, ovBe vrroKaro} rijs 7^?, dvolfyu ro /3i0Xlov ... — 13 Kal rrdv tcTiafia 6 e ianv iv ru> ovpavoj, Kal f ev rfj a ecrri, /cat g to, iv avrols rrdvra, iJKOvaa Xeyovras . . . And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book ... — 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I, saying . . . a Referred to in Rom. 2:22, 6 @8<-\vao-6fj.evos to eUuha, lepoav\e7s; Thou that abhorrett idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? b eir2 ttjs yys. c Rather, ofheaccnly beings, etc. d Ad. &ua>. S. e Oui. iariv. f iirl ttjs yrjs. G. and S. & to eV avroTs, iravTas rJKovaa. (Compare Exod. 20: 11, No. 95 infra.) Exod.20:6. (93) Deut. 5:10. non new - — and shewing mercy unto thou- sands of them that love Me and keep My command- ments. — Kal ttoiuiv ekeos els \1Xifi8as rols ayaTTwcrt fie, Kal rols (fyvkaaaovcri ra tt poo-ray para p.ov. — and a shewing mercy to them that love Me, b un- to thousands of them, and to them that keep My pre- cepts. (Deut. 7:9.) vsnxh nonm nnnn *w- ... which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments . . . (Nbh.1:5.) . . . that keepeth covenant and mer- cy for them that love Him and observe His commandments. — and shewing mercy unto thou- sands of them that love Me and keep My command- ments. — Kai ttoi&v e\eos tis xi\id8as To?f ayarrcberi fxe, Kal rols <; iyco tu aafiPdrwu ayid^eiv aurrjv. 9 *E£ rj/jLtpas epyq, Ka\ TTOirjaeis ndvTa ra e'pya crov. Remember b the sabbath day to sanctify it. 9 Six days thou shalt labour, aud do all thy works. -pv -it5>N3 ibhp 1 ? nw>5-pn ! ?xn'in'» rvwyi nsyn d»o» : insK^o *?3 Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Loed thy God hath com- manded thee. "Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy work. <&v\a£ai ttju 17/ie- pav ra>v cra/3/3dTCOi' ayid£eiv avrr/v, ov TpoTrov ivereikaro o~oi Kvpios 6 Qeos crov. 13 *E£ rjfxepas e'pya, Ka\ irotrjo'ets ndvra ra. f'pya aov. Keep the b sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God commanded thee. 13 Six days thou shalt labour, and do all thy works. THE OLD TESTAMENT. i:> Luke ... a E^ >)/jtepat elcrlv, ev at? Set epyd^ecrdat' ev ravrats ovv £px°~ ■ ' fxevot 6epairevea6e, Kal fii) rjj rjfxepa rov craft fiiirov. . . . There are six days in which men ought to work : in them therefore come and he healed, and not on the sabbath day. Luke . . . Kal rb /xev crd/3(3aTov f)crv)(cto-av Kara, ri]v evroXi^v. ... and (they) rested the sabhath day according to the com- mandment. a See also Exod. 31:15. 35 : 2. Lev. 23 : 3. b Gr. the day of the sabbaths. ' Exod. 20:11. (95) a Exod.20:11. nx mrr n&yy tyiy n w o — — & v^p %% ^? a ^ e^Ve h Kv- nxi m\ m rwn n*o dw JJ? l\ o{jpavhv T l 7> v ™\ «*} I rijv UaXaaaav /cat iravra ra ev -Da ^«?3 avrols... — for in six days the Lord made — for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all heaven and earth, and the sea, that in them is ... and all things that are in them . . . (Psa. 146:6.) (Psa. 145:6.) HfcO DTl HX T**1X1 D^&J* Pl£*/J? — — to v irotyaavra rbv ovpavbv Kal ••• Q*3 1WV h^ T ^ V ^ V ' T ^ V Qtikaaaav Kal iravra Ta iv avTols . . . — which made heaven and earth, — which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is . . . the sea, and all things in them . . . Acts ... Aecrirora, o~v 6 @eo? 6 irotrjcra^ rov ovpavbv Kal rvv vvv Kal 4:24. \ a /^v s / \ > > r iii Ttjv oaXaaaav Kai iravra ra ev avrois. . . . Lord, Thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is. Acts ... g^l T0V @eov rov toivra, o > « ' III Kat rrjv uaXacro-av Kat iravra ra ev avrots. ... unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein. Acts 'O @eo? 6 7rotr;cra9 rbv Koa/j,ov Kal iravra ra ev avrw, ovro$ c ovpavov Kal 7/75 Kvptos birapywv . . . God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth . . . 17:24. Rev. 5:13. d Rev. 10:6. e Kat ra ev avrot<; iravra . . . and all that are in them . , ... 0? eKricre rov ovpavov Kat ra ev avrco, Kat ri]V yyv Kat ra ev avrfi, Kal ri]V OaXaaaav Kal ra ev avrfj . . . ... who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things that are therein . . . 46 QUOTATIONS FROM Kev. 14:7. . . . fcal irpoaKWr-jcraTe ra> iroirjcravTi tov ovpavov Kai rrjV yrjv Kai f ddXaacrav Kal g irrjjas vSdrcov. . . . and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. a There are no corresponding words in Deut. 5. b K. 6 ®ebs. One MS. 6 ®ebs. c Conip. Matt. 11 :25, UtxTep, Kvpie tov ovpavov kz) rrjs yrjs. d See this passage at length in No. 92, supra. e Comp. Nell. 9:6. f Ad. t?>. G. and S. e Comp. Psa. 113:8 (LXX.), els irriyas vdaTccv, into fountains of waters. Exod.20:12. (96) Deut. 5:16. n»"iKn Sy t°* yrha run* urn* Honour thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Tifia Tovrrarepa crov KalrfjU prjTepa a crov, b iW ev croi yevrjTai, KaYiva pciKpo-^povios yevr/ iifi rijy yrjs ttjs dyadrjs, r)S Kvpios 6 Qeos (tov 8i8(ocri o~oi. Honour thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest live long upon the good land which the Lord thy God giv- eth thee. P»:jk» \yzb yrbvt i? nD^ }yvh) -po> "ma ncisn by jna yrhs mn* Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God giv- eth thee. Tipa tov iraTepa crov Kal ttjv prjTepa crov, bi> Tponov eveTeika- to o~oi Kvpios oQeos crov, Iva ev aoi. ye- vrjrai, Kal Iva pa- Kpoxpovios yevr) eVt Ttjs yr)S, r/s Kvpios 6 Qeos crov 8i8a>cri croi. Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God commanded thee ; that it may be well with thee, and that thou may- est live long upon the land which the Lord thy God giv- eth thee. || Matt. 15:4-6. §Matt. 19:19. || Mark 7:10. §Mark 10:19. §LuKE 18:20. 'O yap Geo? c iverelXaro, Xeycov, Tifia tov iraTepa d crov, Kal t^v fi7]repa ... 5 vfiels Se XeyeTe, "O? av e'lirrj ... 6 /cal ov fit) e Tifi^cry tov iraTepa avrov rj ttjv firjTepa avTov . . . For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother . . . 5 But ye say, Whosoever shall say . . . 6 and honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free . . . Tifia tov iraTepa f crov Kal Tifv firjTepa . . . Honour thy father and thy mother . . . Mcocrr)^ fir/repa ■ (?yTi7?. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first command- ment with promise ; 3 that it may he well with thee, and thou may est live long on the earth. a Om. (tov. Alex, and several Fathers. b Om. Iva — 'Iva. Alex. The MSS. and Fathers vary much as to the remainder of the commandment both here and in Dent. c elire, Ti/xa. d Om. aov. Q. and S. e rifi-fitrei. f Om. cov. G. and S. B Om. auv. Exod.20:13(15). ( 97 ) a Deut.5:17. J nVin X? ,3 15 Ov (f)ovevcreis. J n^'in K 1 ? Ov (povfvtreis. 13 Thou shalt not 15 Thou shalt not Thou shalt not Thou shalt not kill. kiU. kiU. kill. Matt. 'H/covaaTe on eppeOi] rot? dp^aiot^, Ov (poveixreis . . . Ye have heard that it was said b by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill . . . || Matt ../O 8e 'iWoO? el-rre, To, Ov iy 20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbour. 20 Oi ^/evbopaprv- pfjcreis Kara to 77X77- crlov crov paprvpiav 20 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh- bour. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 19 ||Matt. 19:18. ||Mark 10:19. ||LCKE 18:20. Rom. 13:9. Ov ijrev$o/j,apTvpi](T€C<;. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Mr) ■^rev8o/j,aprup))ai]N 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neigh- bour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife ... 17 OvK (TTldvfJLTjaeiS rfjv yvvaiKa tov irkr]o~Lov crov' ovk iTTl6vp.f}caKo\oyMV irarepa* avrov ?} [mtj- ' repa c avrov, d reXevrr')crei Oavdrw. He that curscth his father or his mother shall die the death. And he that a curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. || Matt. 15:4. 'O yap 0eo9 e evereiXaro, X&ywv . . . Kal, O KaKoXoyoov rrarepa rj /xrjrepa Oavdrw reXevrdra). For God commanded, saying . . . and, He that curscth father or mother, let him die the death. 50 QUOTATIONS FROM ||Mark Mcocrris yap elite . . . zeal, 6 fcatcoXoyoov irarepa ?) fiyrepa 6avaT(p ' ' ' TeXevrdru). For Moses said . . . and, "Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death. a ^J Or, revileth. b Ora. abrov. c Om. aiirov. d 6av. TiXevrdrco. vn. x. and many other MSS. Comp. Lev. 20:9, Gavin? Bavarovadw, let him die the death (or, with death). e €?7re... (See No. 96, supra.) Exod. 21:24. (103) Exod. 21:24. . ••• w nnn w ry nnn ry — — 66aXp,bv avrl 6v Be Mcova>] ' ipbw aipcaTC . . , 11:25 , . This cup is the new testament in My blood Heb. ... XafioiV to alfxa tcov p,oayj£>v fcal Tpdyoav, /u,6tc\ vScctos /cat ' ' ' ipiov k~kkLvqv koI vaaaoirov, ai>TO re J to (3i(3\lov zeal irdvTa tov \abv eppdvTicre, w \eya>v, Tovto to alpha tPj<; 8iadi)/cr)$ 7/9 k ive- TelXaTO 7rpo? vptds 6 0eoj/cr]<; kolvov yy^adphevo^ iv & rjyuiadr] . . . . . . and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, ° an unholy thing . . . a Conip. Zcch. 9:11 irv-o Qis HN 33 As for Thee also, by the blood of Thy covenant . . . (*" Or, whose covenant is by blood); Kai ah, iv a't^ari oiaOriKvs gov ... And Thou, by the blood of Thy covenant. . . b Ad. tovto. c ivTeihaTo. d irpbs vixas 6 ®ebs k k .i. V 4k Kovra r)fxepapt? a'lfJLOTO^ ... — but unto the second {tabernacle) went the high-priest alone, once every year, not without blood . . . a See also Lev. 1 6 : 34. b The altar of incense. Exod. 31:18. (110) a Exod. 31:18. myn nn? ^g? •■• nro hs$ \r\*) k^ <®° Ke Mcovo-f) . . . t«? Bvo irxd- And He gave unto Moses ... two And He gave to Moses ... the two tables of testimony, tables of stone, tables of testimony, tables of stone written with the finger of God. written with the finger of God. 2 Cor. , . . iiriaToki] Xpunov . . . eyyey pa/x/JLevrj ov fieXavi, dXXa b Ilvevfiari ©eov £a>vro Aapcov, Iloirjcrov r)pJtv Oeovs ot rrporropevcrovrai r/fiwv 6 yap Mcoarj ov av oL/creipa). . . . and (I) will be gracious to ... and I will have mercy on whom whom I will be gracious, and will I will have mercy, and I will have shew mercy on whom I will shew compassion on whom I will have mercy. compassion. Rom- Tw bv av e'Xeco, Kal olKTeiprjo~a) ov av jg ' ' oltcTeipco. lQ ... tov iXeovvros Qeov. — 18 apa ovv, bv 6e\ei, eA-eet . . . For He saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have com- passion. 1(5 ... of God that sheweth mercy. -— 10 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy . . . Exod. 34: 19. see Exod. 13:12. Exod. 34:33. (115) Exod. 34:33. ♦ niDJb VJ3 7^ |JV1 a iirSr)Kev eVl to irpoo-wirov avTov icd\v/LL/j,a. ... he put a vail on his face. ... he put a vail on his face. 2 Cor. — Ka \ ov KaOdirep M(oai]<; eTiOeu KaKv^fia eirl to irpoawKov ' ' iavTov . . . — and not as Moses, which put a vail over his face . . . a iO-f)icev. b See the context, verses 13—18; particularly verse 18, which is printed in the next section. ExoD.40:34. a (116) ExoD.40:34. a : pesw m xbb mir tdsi «** s°£?? K vp iov evx^vfy ^ ar/crjvr]. . . . and the glory of the Lord . . . and the tabernacle was filled filled the tabernacle. with the glory of the Lord. (1Ki.8:11.) (3Ki.8:ll.) JVS fiK PttiT TQS nS& *3- >> : o"ri eirXrjae 86%a Kvpiov tov , —<<\^ oIkov. . . . for the glory of the Lord had . . . for the glory of the Lord filled filled the house of the Lord. the house. 56 QUOTATIONS FROM Luke , , , Ka \ &6ga Kvplov TrepieXafiyjrev avroix; . . . . . . and the glory of the Lord shone round about them . . . 2 Cor. f H/xet9 8e Trai'Tes avatceKaXv/Mfiivw irpocrooTrfp tt]V ho%av Kvplov ' KCUTOTTTplCpjlkvoi ... But we all, with b open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord . . . a The same words occur in verse 35: see also 2Chron. 7:2, and many other passages. b Gr. unveiled. See the last preceding section. Lev. 1 : 9. see Gen. 8:21. Lev. 2: 13. ( 117 ) a Lev. 2: 13. — rfe&n nSfii"TnniJb pip 751 -^ ™ y $&p° v QvaLw vf*&v aXi ' ' akiadijaeTcu . . . And every oblation of thy meat- And every gift of your sacrifice offering shalt thou season with shall be salted with salt . . . salt . . . Mark JJa^ /yap irvpl aXiadrjcreTai, Kal Tracra Over la aXl akiadnaerai. 9:49,50. so a * ^ *-\ k ' °° KaXov to aA.a$, k.t.K. For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt. * c Salt is good, etc. Col. r O \6yo$ vfitov irdvTore iv yapiri, aXart r/prvfievo? ... Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt . . . a See also the remainder of the verse, and comp. Eze. 43:24. b Om. a\\. One MS. c Comp. Matt. 5:13. Luke 14:34. Lev. 4:31 see Gen. 8:21. Lev. 5:11 see Lev. 12:6,8. Lev. 7:12. (118) Lev. 7:12 (or 2). ••• PnVlll PQT 7y ^l rrjs 6vala<; tt}<; atVecreco? . . . . with the sacrifice of praise . . . . . . with the sacrifice of thanks- giving ... (2Chron.29:31.) ■» nvr . . . and bring sacrifices and thank- offerings into the house of the Lord . . . (2Chron.29:31.) . . . /ecu p ^yi'n'V *i*isn — 2S Ovala alveaecos So^daei /xe ... Offer unto God thanksgivine Sacrifice unto God the sacrifice of 23 Whoso oflereth praise glorifieth praise ... — 23 The sacrifice of Me . . . praise will glorify Me . . . (Psa. 107:22.) (Psa. 106:22.) ••• nTin ^)"QT iron — — Kai Ovadrcoaav avrcp Ovaiav alveaeays . . . — and let them sacrifice the sa- — and let them sacrifice unto Hi m orifices of thanksgiving ... the sacrifice of praise . . . (Psa. 116:17.) (Psa. 115:17.) ••• rniH F13T rQTX *"|7 Sol Ovaco Ovaiav alveaecos ... I Avill offer to Thee the sacrifice I will sacrifice unto Thee the sa- of thanksgiving . . . crifice of praise . . . Heb.^ At avrov ovv dvcufrepwfiev Ovaiav alvecrews ZicnravTos rep &ew . . . By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually . . . Lev. 9:22. (119) Lev. 9: 22, Dp Stf IT nK pPltf XW) Kal *e%dpa<; b, Aapa>v Ta^ % eZpa9 • •• WH^i" C € ' 7 ™ T ° v ^• a ° v ' evkoyjjaev avrovs . . . And Aaron lifted up his hand to- And Aaron d lifted up his hands ward the people, and blessed upon the people, and blessed them . . . them . . . Luke _ t % Ka \ ifrdpas rds %elpa nwy sn**m •.•- 5 . . . and ye shall be holy ; for I am holy ... 45 ... ye shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. (Lev. 19:2.) *jx my »a vnn wttnp~. t nyrhx mn* ... Ye shall be holy ; for I the Lord your God am holy. (Lev. 20: 7, 26.) mn* *i\* *s twnp on**m - wwy *S Diwn 26 — : mt6k ... mn* *ix fcnnp »:d . . . and be ye holy ; for I am the Lord your God. — 26 And ye shall be holy unto Me ; for I the Lord am holv . . . . . . /cat aytoi eaecrue, on ay cos eifii eyco Kvpios 6 ©eo? iifiow ...^ ... Kal ecreade ayiot, on ayios elfiL eyco Kvpcos. . . . and ye shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy . . . 45 . . . and ye shall be holy, for I the Lord am holy. (Lev. 19:2.) ..."Ay to i ecreade, on ayios eyco Kv- pios 6 ©eo? vficov. ... Ye shall be holy ; for I the Lord your God am holy. (Lev. 20: 7, 26.) Kal eaeade ciyiot, otl ayio? eyco Kvpios 6 &eo Kvplov, c Zevv ^ Siio voo~o~o\js irepitTTtpcHiv. J voaaovs. Lev. 14:2. ( 123 ) a Lev. 14:2. ♦ jH^n /X XHini Kai "^pocra^Orjcrerai irpbs rov lepea. ... he shall be brought unto the ... he shall also be brought unto priest. the priest. .. creavrov Sei^ov ru> lepel, K.r.X. . . shew thyself to the priest, etc. .. creavrov Sel^ov rep lepel, K.r.X. . . shew thyself to the priest, etc. .. 8elf;ov creavrov rco lepel, K.r.X. . . shew thyself to the priest, etc. . . einhet^are eavrovs rots lepeven . . . . . shew yourselves unto the priests . . . a The phrase vised in the N.T. agrees with Lev. 13:49 (which, however, is not the place referred to); It is a plague of leprosy, and shall be shewed unto the priest: (pan nx nmm... ... Kal 5ei|€i t<£ iVpel). || Matt. 8:4. || Mark 1:44. ||Ltjke 5:14. Luke 17:14. Lev. 16: 4, 24. (124) a Lev. 16:4,24. *niy!2 HX C/b2 T*Pni Kal ^ovaerat vSart rrav rb crcb - D^n W2 nx p-n 24 ... therefore shall he wash his flesh in water ... — 24 And he shall wash his flesh with water . . . pa avrov ... — 24 Kal Xovaerai rb acofia avrov vSart . . . . . . and he shall wash all his body with water ... — 24 And he shall wash his body with water . . . Heb. 10:23 (22). * See also verse 26, etc. sprinkle clean water upon you Kal XeXovp,evoi rb aoopta vSart b KadapS . . . and (having) our bodies washed with b pure water. b Comp. Eze. 36:25, omnia D'n uyby s np-\n Then will I Kal pavca i(p" v/xas Ka.6a.pbv vSwp. Lev. 16: 18. ( 125 ) a Lev. 16:18. ^Vy^Tl Dlftl ISH tilti rtp?1 Ka ^ Xityerat inrb rov a'iparos . . . and (he) shall take of the blood of the bullock, and of the blood of the goat . . . rov pocr^ov, Kai airo rov aip,aro*W BHpl iSftb €^tkd79' 12 8cb /cal 'Irjaovs, Xva dyidcrr) 8id rov ISlov aXparos rov Xabv, e£a) 7-779 ttvXtjs tirade. 13 rolvvv i^ep^copeda rrpbs avrbv e£(o t/J9 7rapep/3o\i]^ . . . For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp. 12 Wherefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate. 13 Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp . . . a Comp. Exod. 29 : 14. Lev. 4 : 12, 2 1 . Num. ] 9 : 3 et seq. Lev. 17:4 see Gen. 8:21. Lev. 18:5. (127) Lev. 18:5. Til Dl^il DHK n^y- Ifc^tf a iroujara? avra dvOpamos, f/7- «.!-*. aerai, ev avrols ... . . . which if a man do, he shall live . . . which a if a man do, he shall in them . . . live in them . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 61 (Neh.9:29.) ... a TroLr)- 7T09 ^tjcrerac ev avTois. And the law is not of faith ; but, The man that doeth them shall live in them. a Gr. a man hiving done them. b See also verses 13 and 21 (fc iro»V«, k.t.K ). c SiKaiocrwyiv t\)V 4k tov vd/xov 6 Troifiaas &vdpainos, fftffercu iv avrrj. d Om. &v8panros. G. and S. Luke 10:28. Bom. 10:5. Gal. 3:12. Lev. 19:2 see Lev. 11:44,45. Lev. 19:15. (128) a Lev. 19:15. Til""!]"! NTI 7*1 03 Nf^H b is? °^ ^V^V Trpoa-wirov 7rrco^o0, ovSe fit] 8avp,dcrr)S Trpoawirov 8u- v>ov . . . . . . thou shalt not accept the c per- son of the poor, nor d respect the person of the mighty . . . (Psa.81:2.) - hm 03 . . . thou shalt not respect the per- son of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty . . . (Psa. 82:2.) D*J?G5H 031 7iy IftS^fi T!£ "ty "Em ™Te Kplvere dhuclav, /cat irpo- kyjMtft crcoTra dfiapT(o\S)V Xafifidvere ; ... How long will ye judge unjustly, How long will ye judge e unjustly, and accept the persons of the and accept the persons of sin- wicked ? ... ners ? . . . ||Matt. ... v 7TQ)v. . . . for Thou regardest not the person of men. ||Makk ... ov >ydp /SXeVet? els Trpoaayrrov dvdpcoTrwv . . . . . . for Thou regardest not the person of men . . . 62 QUOTATIONS FROM IILuke , , . /cal ov \afxj3aveis irpoGwirov . . . . . . neither acceptest Thou the person of any . . . James ... pui) ev rrpoawrroXri^iais e%ere rrjv Tricmv, K.rX. . . . have not the faith ... with respect of persons. J UDE . . . QavpuoCpvre^ rrpoGwrra axpeXela? yaptv. ... having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. a Compare Dcut. 1:17. 16:19. Job 34:19 (where the LXX. greatly differs from the Hebrew). Prov. 18:5. 24:23. 28:21. Mai. 2:9. Also Deut. 10:17, infra. b Sam. nttWl, arid so the Vulg. c Gr. face, or countenance. d Gr. admire, or wonder at. e Gi\ injustice. f See also verse 9. Lev. 19: 18. (129) Lev. 19: 18. ••• *Tl/M *nTV? n^n^l KCbl aya7rrjGei? * aeavrov . . . — and the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself . . . Luke . , . AyairriGea e Kvpiov rbv Qeov gov . . . teal rbv rfkrjGtov gov &>? 10:27. ' Geavrov. . . . Thou shalt love e the Lord thy God . . . and thy neighbour as thyself. Rom. . . . /cal el Tt? erepa ivroXrj, ev rovro) ru> \6ya> ava/cecpaXatovrat, 1 ' eV tco, AyamqGeis rbv rfkrjGiov gov &)? g eavrbv. . . . and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly com- prehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neigh- bour as thyself. Gal. 'O y a p iras vop,o<; h ev ivl Xoyw rrKrjpovrai, ' ev ra>, Ayairr\GeL 13 Ytil »■ . . . his e blood shall be upon him. (Eze. 33:4.) : irrv wxni itn . . . his blood shall be upon his own head. Matt. 23:35. Matt. 27:25. Acts 5:28. Acts 18:6. Lev. 20:9. a . . . eVo^09 eGrat. ... he shall be c guilty. (2Ki.l:16.) . . . Tb al[xd gov eVl rrjv /cecpaXr/v gov ... . . . Thy blood be upon thy head . . . (3Ki.2[3]:37.) d ... to alfxd gov eGrat eVt ri]V /ce- vjid »;/xa? rb al/xa rov dvdpooirov rovrov. . . . and (ye) intend to bring this man's blood upon us. ... To alfia vfidv eVl ri]v /cecpaXijv v/xwv" KaOapbs eyco... . . . Your blood be upon your own heads ; ( I am clean . . . a See also verses 11, 12, 13, 16, 27; and comp. Josh. 2:19, where the phrase Wfcni wi is rendered by the LXX. evoxos eavrcj) ( nam vrbsb My tabernacle also shall be with them : yea, I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And I will set My tabernacle among you, and My soul shall not abhor you, 12 and I will walk c among you ; and I will be your God, and ye shall be unto Me a people. (Ieze. 37:27.) Kal earai r) KaraaKi]va>al. And My tabernacle shall be c a- mong them ; and I will be to them a God, and they shall be My people. Kal 6 Aoyos aapi; iyivero, Kal iaK)]vcoaev iv rj/xlv . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us . . . ... d v/jteis v. One MS. c Or, in. d ti/jlus y. v. 0. ia^v. e \eyei yap 6 Oebs. f See also verse 7, Kal taonai avry ®tbs, Kal avrbs ecrrai fioi vl6s ((5 vibs- G. and S.J" and I will be his God, and he shall be My son : apparently referring to 2 Sam. 7:14. s Aabs. G. and S. h Om. Bibs avTwv. John 1:14. 2 Cor. 6:16. Rev. 7:15. Rev. 21:3. f THE OLD TESTAMENT. 65 Lev.2G:21. (132) Lev. 26:21. ... y^ty ("D/b DiDV^ '•DSD 1 '') 7TpO(70/](T(O V/MV 7T\^7] Y y,/? /> Thoiro, yevono. ...And the woman shall say, So let it be, so let it be. (IChron. 16:36.) . . . Kal epel 7ra? 6 \ao v/jllv . . . For verily I say unto you . . . . . et? Tou? alwvas. dyrjv. . . for ever. Amen. . . 'Afirjv d/xrjv \eyco vpXv . . . . . Verily, verily, I say unto you . . . .. 7rco? epel to dyrjv iirl rfi afj ev^apiarla ... ; . . how shall he . . . say Amen at thy giving of thanks . . . ? — (ocrat yap eirayyeXlai Qeov, iv avra> to vol, Kal iv avrw to dpLrpi) ... For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him amen . . . a See also Isa. 65: 16, infra. The passages above cited, both of the Old Testament and the New, are merely intended as specimens of the use of the word. b See also Psa. 72:19, etc. TheVulg. in the Psalter (which is more ancient than the time of Jerome), reads Fiat; but elsewhere, Amen. c Griesbach and Scholz omit the doxology and the a^rtv. Matt. • 6:13. c John 1:51. 1 Cor. 14:16. 2 Cor. 1:20. Num. 6:3. (131 ) a Num. 6:3. ■•• IT 11$) \ >k> f2 ^Atto ol'vov Kal aUepa dyvio-0>j- aerat . . . He shall separate himself from He shall purely abstain from wine wine and strong drink . . . and strong drink . . . 66 QUOTATIONS FROM (ISAM. 1:11.) (IKi. 1:11.) . . . Kal olvov Kal jxk9v(Tiia ov 7rte- rai . . . Not in the Hebrew. ^ ^ ^ ^.^ ^.^ ^ nor strong drink . . . Luke . . . Kal olvov teal aUepa ov fxi] irlr) . . . 1 : 15 ' ... and (he) shall drink neither wine nor strong drink . . . a Comp. Jud. 13:4,7, 14. also Matt. 11:18, and Luke 7:33. Num. 6:5. (135) Num. 6: 5. ••• "HU "1*1^ W 73 — 7racra? ra? rj/jbepas tov ayvicr- fiov ... All the days of the vow of his — all the days of purification . . . separation . . . Acts , , . BiayyeWcov Ti]V eKirX^pcocnv twv i)p,epwv tov dyvtap-ov . . . ' " ' ... to signify the accomplishment of the clays of purification . . . Num. 6: 14. (13G) Num. 6: 14. ••• D^/bH irOS^ ?3 &^33 a/u,vbv iviavaiov dpico/xov eva ... . . . one he-lamb of the first year . . . one he-lamb of a year old with- without blemish . . . out spot . . . IPet. — dXka ti/jlio) atfian ft>? a/xvov aficbpov Kal acririXov Xptarov. — but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 1:19. Num. 9:12 see Exod. 12:46. Num. 12: 7. (137) Num. 12:7. *]Y3 733 Fl&ti Hip p $h OvxovT(o avrov. — 5 Kal Mcocttj^ fxev Triarbs iv oXcp tco oikco avrov, &>? Ozpairtov ... 6 Xpio-Tos Se, &>9 vibs eVl rbv oIkov avrov, ov oIkos icr/Mev i]fielr. b avrov. One MS. c Om. Xptarbv. G. and S. d % Gr. made [i.e. made Him ruler]. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 07 Num. 14:3,4. (138) a Num. 14:3, 4. J nftH^ft y\& )j? ^ItD N17PI vvvovv fiekriov eaTiv cnroarpa- ... were it not better for us to re- ... now then it is better to return turn into Egypt? 4 ... and let us into Egypt. *...and let us return return into Egypt. into Egypt. Acts ... Ka \ icTTpdcpr^crav rat? fcap8iai<; avrwv et? Aijvtttov. ... and in their hearts (they) turned back again into Egypt. a Comp. Deut 17:16. Num. 14:16. ( 139 ) a Num. 14:16. ♦ "mfoi DtDPlS^I KaTiarpwa-ev avrov, Xeyei Kvptos, otl ... ... As I live, saith the Lord ... ... As 1 live, saith the Lord ... Rom 14 im. Teypairrai yap, Zw iyu>, \eyei Kvptos, otl . . . For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord . . . a See also verse 2 1 (No. 1 40, supra) ; likewise Jer. 22 : 24. Eze. 5:11, etc. ; and Zeph. 2 • 9 . b With the exception of this preface, the quotation is from Isa. 45:23. 68 QUOTATIONS FROM Num. 14:29, 32. ( 142 ) Num. 14:29,32. ... ... Q^i^S 1^ nTH ^QTftl 'Ev rrj ipyfjup ravry A iretrelraija *.*. m.>. t,Us , -iievi 32 KaiXa vficov ...--- 32 icai ra Koika nli) I J \D2 172 UJifs UJ wSl v^wv a Treaevrai iv rfj eprjfjiw ravry. Your carcases shall fall in this wil- Your carcases shall fall in this wil- derness ... — 32 But as for you, derness ... — 32 And your carcases your carcases they shall fall in this shall fall in this wilderness, wilderness. Heb. ... &v ra Kwka erreaev iv ry eprj/xw ; . . . whose carcases fell in the wilderness ? a inetrov (bis.). One MS. NuM.14:33. a (143) Num. 14:33.* D^D*lX ""Dl/!^ D^JH V!T D3^21 ® l ^ Vl0t/ vp<]fi(p reaaapaKovra err]... And your children shall b wander But your children shall be fed in in the wilderness forty years . . . the wilderness forty years. . . Acts . . . Kal iv ry ipypbco err] TeaaapaKovra. . . . and in the wilderness forty years. a See also 32:13. Amos 2:10. 5:25 (the last quoted in Acts 7:42). b «H Or, feed. Num. 15:3, etc. see Gen. 8:21. Num. 16:5. (144) Num. 16:5. *)BW fitf HIPP 5TT1 *lpl Ititib \eycov, 'ETreo-fceTTTai Kal eryva> ... saying, Even to-morrow the ... saying;, God hath visited and Lord will shew who are His, and known them that are His, and who who is holy . . . are holy . . . 2 Tim. f . . e^ayv ttjV atypayiSa ravryv, "Eyva) KvpL0<; tou? ovras avrov . . . . . . having this seal, The Lord b knoweth them that are His . . . a Kvpios. One MS. b Rather, hath known. Num. 17:8 (23). (145) Num. 17:8. - [TIN PltSfc PITS !W) - 23 ;-- Ka } ®°v ifadaryaev v pdj38o<; lAapoov, k.t.X. 8 ... and, behold, the rod of Aaron . . . and, behold, the rod of Aaron . . . was budded, etc. budded, etc. Heb. , , . /cat y pdftoos 'Aapcov y IB\acrrycraaa . . . . . . and Aaron's rod that budded . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. G9 Num. 19:9. ( 146 ) Num. 19:9. •••mSniSXntf ^ntDE^NtlDKl Ko » trwdgei clvdpwTroq tcaOapb? t)jv airohbv t?}<; Sa/xaXewi, k.t X. And a man that is clean sliall ga- And a man that is clean shall ga- ther up the ashes of the heifer, etc. ther up the ashes of the heifer, etc. Heb. El yap a to alfxa raupcov zeal Tpdyeov, zeal <77roSo9 SafMciXew? pavrCCpvaa tovcucop, 2e/3ea>p, 2eu-o~el aKrjval a? eir^^e Kv- pios . . . ... as the trees of lign aloes which . . . and as tabernacles which the the Lord hath planted . . . Lord pitched . . . Heb. >#> Ka \ T ^ ? aK7]vr]<; Trj? aXrjdwfjs, rjv 'iirrj^ev 6 K.vpios ... . . . and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched . . . Num. 24:17. (149) Num. 24:17. ■•• 2pjT£5 ^!2\2 TV7 dvareXel aarpov e'£ 'Ia/coo/3 ... ... there shall come a star out of ... a star sliall arise out of Jacob ... Jacob . . . Matt. t , , elSofxev 3 3~1S TPfcTI EuW tov 'iff icw ]xvs Dnnn fxevov ev tois opeaiv a>$ Troifiviov cp ou< ■ •■ i"ljn Dri/ 5 ] s Js ecrri Troipi'jv ... .. I saw all Israel ... I saw all Israel scattered upon the scattered upon the hills, as sheep that mountains, as a have not a shep- flock that hath no herd... shepherd... nt^a )SV3 Dnnn • ••njn jn 1 ? px ... I did see all Is- rael scattered up- on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd ... ev toij opeaiv u>s TTpoftaTa ois ovk e'er- TL TTOlplfV ... ...I did see Isra- el scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd ... (Eze.34:5.) (Ieze. 3-4:5.) ••• nV*l vHD ni^13m Ka\ hieairdpri ra 7rp6/3aTa jmov, Bia to 1X7] elvai 7rotfM€va<; . . . And they were scattered, b because And My sheep were scattered, be- there is no shepherd . . . cause there were no shepherds . . . Matt. ... otc riaav c e/c\e\vuevoi kol ippitiuevot axrel 7rp6{3aTa fxi] 9:36. vi e'xpvra iroifjueva. . . . because they d fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Mark , , , qtl rjaav ft)? 7rpo/3ara //.?/ eyovra TTOLfxeva . . . . . . because they were as sheep not having a shepherd . . . a ws. X., etc. b % Or, without a shepherd, and so verse 8. [Compare Zech. 10: 2.] c 4(TKv\p4voi. G. and S. d % Or, were tired and lay down. Deut.1:31. (151 ytm ns?K jvan ipk nmiaai gtk w ivm yrbx mrr ... us nx — and in the wilderness, where thou hast seen how that the Lord thy God bare thee, as a man doth bear his son . . . Deut. 1:31. ■ — /cal iv rf) eprj/jicp Taurrj rjv ecSere, a 6&bv opovs tov 'A/xoppalov • &)9 €in- 7T09 tov vibv avrov . . . — and in this wilderness which ye saw, the way of the mountain of the Amorite ; how the Lord thy God will bear thee, as if c a man should bear his son . . . Kal &)<> iv rrj ipij/xq). And about the space of forty years e suffered He their manners in the wilderness. a vri. x. and many other MSS. omit 63. op. tov 'A/*. b frpo K\t]povofiLav iv avrfj, ovSe /3?}/x«. 770809 . . . And He gave him none inheritance in it, no, b not so much as to set his foot on . . . a *[j Heb. even to the treading of the sole of the foot. b Or, not even a footstep. Deut. 4:11, 12. ( 153 ) a Deut. 4:11, 12. D^L^n ^7 1]} £yN3 "l$D ^lnni Kal to opos eKatero irvpl eW rov .-s-,, "i Vt'I 12 ♦ S?31V1 * W *\tV*l ovpavov- covj]v p7]/xdro)V, i)v vfiels rjKovaare . . . . . . and the mountain burned with . . . and the mountain burned with fire unto the b midst of heaven, fire unto heaven; th ere was dark - with darkness, clouds, and thick ness,blackness, and tempest. 1C And darkness. 12 And the Lord spake the Lord spake unto you out of unto you out of the midst of the the midst of the fire a voice of fire : ye heard the voice of the words, which ye heard . . . words . . . Heb. Ov yap irpocreX^XvOare d -v^^Xa^co/ieVco opei, Kal Ke/cavfAeva) irvpl, lg " - ' Kal yvocpw, Kal e ct/coto), Kal dveWr), 19 Kal * adXiriyyo? ?;%&), Kal cpcovf] prjixarcov . . . For ye are not come unto the mount d that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, 19 and the f sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words . . . a See also Deut. 5:22, 23. b U Heb. heart. c xa\ yv. Compl. etc. Ov. yv. iv. d See No. 90, supra. e f(fy>. f See No. 91, supra. Deut.4:24. (154) a Deut. 4:24. Kin rfatf £>N yTbto i"W ^ "On Kvpio* 6 0eo9 o-ov irvp Kara- ♦ {^V 1 ^ ^j^ va\io~Kov earl, @eo9 tyfkcoTi'is. For the Lord thy God is a con- For the Lord thy God is a con- suming fire, even a jealous God. suming fire, a jealous God. Heb - Kal yap 6 @eo9 rj/Jiwv irvp KaravaXlaKOV. For our God is a consuming fire. * See also Deut. 9 : 3. 72 QUOTATIONS FROM Deut. 4:35. a (155) Deut. 4:35. a ton nin* *a njnS n*on nnK — -oW e^o™ ae ot« Kupw?^ , i-n^ iiy ^ QTiS^n ® e ° 9 cr0l/ °^ ro< » ® e ° 9 ecrT< > /ca ' r °^ i/c eariv b ert 7rXr)j/ avrov. . . . that thou mightest know that the Lord He is God ; there is none else beside Him. my (Isa. 45:21.) . . . i7«ue not I the Lord ? and there is no God else beside Me . . . rXr)j — so that thou mightest know that the Lord thy God He is God, and there is none else beside Him. (Esa. 45:21.) . . . '.Eyco 6 ®eo9, Kill ovk eariv aX- X09 7r9u)v i/xov . . . ... I am God, and there is not another beside Me . . . Mark , . , ' T t eh eari c 0eo9, teal ovk eariv C1XX09 7rXr]V avrov. . . . for there is one God, and there is none other but He. * See also verse 39, chap. 32:39, many verses in Isa. 45, and Isa. 46:9. b &\\os. c Om. Behs. G. and S. Deut. 5 :8, etc. see Exod. 20:4, etc. Deut. 6 : 4, 5. (156 Deut. 6 : 4, 5. yap *»ni ^S3 Sail "pa 1 ? Sm Hear, O Israel ; the Lord our God is one Lord : 5 and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. ||M. 22 38 "Aicove, ^laparfK,' Kvpto? 6 @eo? yjficov Kvpios eh eari. 5 Kal dya- Tnjcreis Kvpiov rbv ©eov aov ei; 0X779 tj}? a oiavolas aov, Kal e£ 0X779 T>}? b -^rv ')(?)<; aov, c Kal e% 0X779 t% d ovvdp,eoo<; aov. e Hear, O Israel ; the Lord our God is one Lord : 5 and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength. att. 'O gg 'Ii]aov$ f elirev avrm, Ayairrjaei^ Kvpiov rbv ©eov aov, ev 6\rj g rf) Kap&lq aov, Kal ev o\t) rfj yfrv^rj aov, Kal ev oky rfj Stavoia aov. 38 avrrj earl h Trpoirrj Kal p,eyd\r) evrdXrj. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. ||Mark 'O Se 'Irjaovs aireKpidr) avrw, on ' IIpcoTrj iraawv twv evro\wv, 30 '30' "AKove, ^laparfk' Kvpios 6 ®eo9 r)p,oov Kvpioq eh ean. 30 Kal 33. dya7rrjaeis Kvpiov rbv ©eov aov e£ 0X779 t% Kapoia? aov, Kal ef; 0X779 T779 ^1^779 aov, Kal ei; 0X779 ttjs Sidvoias aov, Kal i£ 0X779 t% tcr^i/09 aov. avrr) 7rpo)Tr) evToXrj. — 32 Kal elirev avTo) 6 7pa/x/o.aTeu9, KaX/9 la^yo? . . . rrXeibv icrTi ircivrcov tmv oXoKavrw/xdrcov Kal rebv Ova mo v. And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord : 30 and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength : this is the first commandment. — 3 - And the scribe said unto Him, Well, Master, Thou hast said the truth : for there is one God k . . . 33 and to love Him with all the heart, and with all the un- derstanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength '" ... is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. Luke 'Q §£ dtroicpiOel^ elirev, 'Aycnrrjcrei'; Kvpiov rbv ©eov aov i£ oXrjS ' ' Trjo/3 v 9ja V , ••• *t3Vn Kai a ^ T £> c M'Ovcp Xarpevaeis ... Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve Him . . . and Him only shalt thou serve . . . ||Matt. , . , tyeypaTrrai 'yap, Kvpiov rbv ©eov crov irpoaKvvqaei^, Kal avra) fxovw Xarpevaei?. ... for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. ||Luke , , , d jeypaiTTaL yap, e IIpoaKwrjaeis Kvpiov rbv ©eov aov, Kal ' ' avTG> fAovw Xarpevaeis. . . . for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. a Comp. eh. 10 : 20 (exactly the same, except Heb. inx, and Gr. om. ix6uw). b irpoo-Kvwficreis. One MS. and several Fathers. c Om. tiSvy. n. x. and others. d r4ypairTai, UpotrK. k.t.A. G. and S. e Kvpiov t. 0. cr. izpoaK. Deut. 6:16. (158) Deut. 6:16. -l&ftO D^PlbK ("TOT HK 1DJH tb Ovk eWe^ra? Kvpiov rbv ©eov ♦ "-jhft^ QJVD5 aov ' ° v T P° 7r0V ^eireipdaaTe iv rw 7reipaafjia>. L 74 QUOTATIONS FROM Ye shall not tempt the Lord your Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God, as ye tempted Him in Massah. God, as ye tempted Him in the temptation. ||Matt. "Ecfir) avru) a 6 , Ir), U&Xiv yeypcnrrai, Ovk eKireipdaei^ Kvpiov ' " TOV &60V (70V. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. IILuke K a l diroKpiOels elrrev avrco 6 'J^croi}?, ore Eiprjrai, Ovk eKireipd- ' ' cret? Kvpiov rov Qeov crov. And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. a Or, 6 , lt]a , oxis ira\iv, TiypaTTTcu, k.t.A. Deut. 7 : 6. see Exod. 19 : 5, 6. Deut. 7:9. see Exod. 20:6. Deut. 8:3. (159) Deut. 8:3. DiTTl 7]} 8*7 *3 WTn Wlbb " va dvayyelXr) aoi, on ovk eV Km 73 by "2 D-rxn rrir raS fc? >^ v

Bid o-TOfiaros Qeov c &]- crerai 6 ctvOpayiros. . . . that He might make thee know . . . that He might proclaim unto that man doth not live by bread thee that man shall not live by only, but by every word that pro- bread alone, but by every word ceedeth out of the mouth of the that proceedeth out of the mouth Lord doth man live. of God shall man live. ||Matt. . . . Feypcnnai, Ovk eir ctprcp piovw ^aerai d dvOpcoiros, a)OC e eVt iravTi p/]p.ari eKiropevopievw hid crro/naTo? Qeov. ... It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ||Luke , , , riypa7rrai,"Ori ovk eV ciprw (movw 'Qqcreiai f 6 dvOpanros, o\V eirl iravTi p)]/xari Qeov. ... It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. a Om. 5. iv. and many other MSS. b Several MSS. om. t<£. c One MS. om. £V. 6 bv9p. d Ad. 6. G. e "iv. f Om. 6. Deut. 8:17. (160) Deut. 8:17. ... "l^i/i rH/SiO — ' — Mr) €('77-77? eV rfj KapSia crov ... — and thou say in thine heart . . . — a lest thou shouldest say in thine heart . . . Eom H Be €K 7rio~Teco<; hiKaioavvr) ovtco \eyei, Mr) elirrj^ iv rfj KapSta aov . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 75 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart b . . . a Or, Say not in thine heart. b The rest from Deut. 30: 12, 13. Deut. 9:19. see Heb. 12:21, amongst the Quotations from Doubtful Sources. Deut.10:17. (161 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords . . . (Ezra 7:12.) - amy 1 ? Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra . . . (Eze26:7.) . . . Nebuchadrezzar ... a king of kings . . . (Dan. 2:37, 47.) - K'lhti *]Sa xdSd r-irox wn pn^K h tD^p p- 47 --- ... pSa aniai pSa* hSk Thou, O king, ar£ a king of kings . . . — 47 . . . Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings . . . (Dan. 4: .) Not in the Chaldee. )■ Deut. 10: 17. 'O . . . . neither is there respect of persons with Him. . . . for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of per- sons . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 77 Col. 3:25. IPet. 1:17. . . . real ovk earl 7rpoao)7ro\r]yfrLa. . . . and there is no respect of persons. Kal el Tlarepa eTTLKakelade rbv dirpoacoTroX^'TTrw'; Kplvovra Kara to efcdcrTOv epyov . . . And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work ... Comp. No. 128, supra, and Job 34: 19, there referred to. b irapci 0ef, or it. tQ 0. Deut. 10:20. see Deut. 6:13. Deut. 11: 14. (163 — that I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain . . . Deut. 11:14. — Kal Scioaec rbv verbv rfj jfj crov Kad^ wpav, irpdoifiov Kal oyjrcpiov ... — then He will give rain to your land according to the season, the early and the latter rain . . . (Jer. 5: 24.) - EnpSfti rnn nm pjn - . . . that giveth rain, both the for- mer and the latter . . . (Joel 2:23.) piptai mi& d^j nsh Tin - . . . and He will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain and the latter rain in the first month. (Zech.10:1.) (Jer. 5:24.) . . . rbv StSovra rjpuv verbv irpcoi/xov Kal 0-yJri/u.ov . . . ... that giveth unto us rain, the former and the latter . . . (Joel 2: 23.) . . . Kal /3pe£ei vpZv verbv rrpwipuov Kal oyfn/xov, KaOcbf ep,7rpocrdev. . . . and He will rain upon you the early and the latter rain as be- fore . . . (Zech. 10:1.) - roSfc nyi ItDfc PlIiVJB lStfE> Aheiade rrapa Kvplou verbv icaff wpav, rrpoiljjbov Kal 6\Jnp:ov . . . Ask ye of the Lord rain in the Ask ye of the Lord rain according time of the latter rain ... to the season, the early and the latter rain . . . James , . , '4w<; av \d(3r) verbv irpoi'ijjiov Kal 6-tyipiov. ... until he receive the early and latter rain. a Latter and former rain: Hos. 6:3. Latter rain: Job 29: 23. Prov. 16:15. Jer. 3:3. 5:7 Deut. 13:13(14). (164) Deut. 13:13. ••• 7$T/^ \D!3 D^^tf ••• u ••■ &vhpe&v e. — Dn^X llplb Dn7 D*pK N*3J Z3 18 Upo^r]Tt)y avatrn\tT crrofiaTi ♦ u Iaks \L/Ss /J T\es Cn 7X avTOV' kcu \akr)(ret, avrols naff on 7K yfoW s tib l^X ^'•Xn n^) 19 ^^ evTeiXwuat avrS. *» /cat 6 av- 0p(jt)7ro9 e/xe* avTod aKovcreaOe kcitc\ irdvra ocra dv XaXrjcrr) 7rpo? u/xa?. 23 earcu Be, nracra ^v^r), ^tls dv fir) dfcovcrr) tov npocptfrov i/cetvov, ego- XodpevOrjo-erai eic tov \aov. For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever He shall say un- to you. 23 And it shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. Acts Ovtos ecrTtv 6 Mcoi)ar)S)Tr}v 7:37 * vftiv dvaaTrjo-ei h Kvpios 6 ®eo vopxp 8e ru> vp,erepu> yeypaTrrai, on hvo avOpooirwv rj ' fiaprvpia akrjOi]? iariv. It is also written in your c law, that the testimony of two men is true. 2 Cor. , , , eirl uropuaros hvo puaprvpwv Kal rpiwv &< B^NPI *J&1 Ka ' L Tt ? ° av6pco7ro<; oaris ecpvrev- <.LLi_ o~ev apbrreXoiva, Kal ov/c evpavdr) •'• 177n i^avrov;... And what man is he that hath And what man is he that hath planted a vineyard, and hath not planted a vineyard, and hath not yet a eaten of it ? . . . been rejoiced with it ? . . . l Cor. , , , 7-/9 (pvrevec ap.Tre\wva, Kal b eV rod Kapirov avrov ov/c ecrQiei; . . . . . . who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? . . . a H Heb. made it common. See Lev. 19:23, 24. Deut. 28:30. [Comp. Prov. 27:18; Whoso keepeth (LXX. (pvrevu, planteth) the fig-tree shall eat the fruit thereof.'} b -rov Kapirbv. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 81 Deut. 21:23. (169) a Deut. 21:23. ••• ^/H D*i"l7X Tw/D *.D ort ° fcefcaT7]pa/JLevo -x « > / airoaracnov, kcii arroKvaai avn)v ; They say unto Him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? ||Makk 01 he elirov, Mcoo - )}? d eVei-pc^fe fitfiXlov drcocraalov ypd^at, ical drroXvcrai. And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and put her away. a The same words are repeated in ver. 3 (LXX. 3 or 5). b 1 Heb. cutting off. [Comp. Isa. 50: 1. Jer. 3:8.] c Gr. book, as the Heb. d eVere/Aa™. Deut. 24:15. (173) Deut. 24:15 (or 17). Yhv KlSn ttSl T\2& Win 1&VS Av0i]fiepbv d-Trohwo-eis rbv /uaObv own avrov, ovk emhvaerat, 6 ij\to<; eV avrS . . . At his day thou shalt give him his Thou shalt give him his hire the hire, neither shall the sun go down same day, the sun shall not go upon it . . . down upon it . . . EpH - ... 6 rj\to<; fu,i) €7riSverco errl tw 7rapopjtcrpioj v/jlwv. ... let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Deut. 25: 3. (174) Deut. 25: 3. ... hifti fc$7l )^y> D^H^ltf ^ at dpiO^fp reaaapaKovra fxaari- ywcrovcrw avrov ov irpoaOr^aov- ift>(0crei nan mmn To{ , 8 Jr^ b T0 > T0V) votij r\ /O-v / r. ' r. n , / Tot? yey paf^fievo a ev ra pipXi(p rov vofxov, tov ironqaai aura. . . . for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. a &i0\iov. vii. b tov. vii. x. and many other MSS.; also Aid. and Compl. c alird. d Ad. '6ti. S. e Comp. Deut. 28:61, Kal iraoav ri)v (vKrjyijv) yeypa/x/jLevriv iv rw /SijSAiy rov v6(ilov tovtov. See also 29 : 20 (infra), and 30: 10. Deut. 29:3 (4). (177) a Deut.29:4. TtyT? 17 D37 PlIIV |r0 KTI 3 — — Ka ^ ovk e$a)Ke KvptoS E^?^ 1 ) ITl^nS QWl ^^ Ka P^ ave ^at,Kal6(pea\fMom ly yu\u / u jiiM ;iii> 1/ ujyi ^Xeiretv, Kal ona aKoveiv etw? 7779 ♦ (IIP! DVH r)ixepa<; ravr7]<;. — 4 yet the Lord hath not given — yet the Lord God hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes you a heart to know, and eyes to to see, and ears to hear, unto this see, and ears to hear, unto this day. day. Rom, — /cada><; yeypairrai, "ESco/cev avrols 6 @eo 4 «_ yj-)«i (pvovaa c iv X°^V Kai ^"^p^ 18 ... lest there should be among . . . lest there be among you any you a root that beareth a gall and root springing up with gall and wormwood. bitterness. Heb. ... fju-q Ti9 pi£a TTLK-pias civco (pvovaa ivo)(Xfj, /ecu Sia ravTn^ fitav- ' ' Qosai 7roWol. ...lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. a % Or, a poisonful herb. Heb. rosh. b Ad. iriKpias. VII. c ivox^rj. in. Deut. 29: 19 (20). (179) a Deut. 29: 20. niin^M nSxn hi n n^l^l ••• 19 ••• Ka \ KoXk^ejaovrat ev mn&ira- '" ' '*' ' •- J '-'- i al yeypafAfievai iv toj fii/3\((p TOVTO) . . . 20 . . . and all the curses that are . . . and all the curses of this cove- written in this book shall he upon nant, that are written in this book, him . . . shall b stick unto him . . . Rev. ... imOijaei 6 @eo? eV avrbv c Ta? TrXrjya^ ras «-;>|«-|'» , fv l 5'n , i h&Vtt T0 ^ °vpcLvoi> e&>? aKpov rod ovpavov, I I eiceWev b avvd^ec ae Kvpios 6 @eo t > •> » * > * « u » - r avefjiwv, air aKpwv ovpavtov ea>k nan nitt&n *a kVi "-pft xin nxSsa nS dvpi wn dwa kS 12 tain npm : rwjm nna uy&sri ub nnpn ^ t&kS Kin d^S nnyk &6i 13 uS nnp*i dti •nay Sk ub tiy* *pj?ni 73^ -rca wn ^Sn For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. 12 It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it ? 13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it ? u But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. (181) Deut. 30:11— 11. "On 7) evroXrj avrt], fjv e * ofo* m °" e 15TV* sh\ *l£H* e VttTaA,<,7r^ — 8 . . . ovk avrjaet ae, ] * I ovhe fiy) ae eyKaTaXiTrrj ... ... He will not fail thee, nor for- ... He will not leave thee, nor for- sake thee. — 8 . . . He will not fail sake thee. — 8 . . . He will not thee, neither forsake thee . . . leave thee, nor forsake thee . . . (Jos. 1:5.) (Jes. 1:5.) ♦ '"pTyK tfh) ^31^ N7 Ka ^ 0VK iycaTaketyo) ae, ovo' virepotyofial ae. ... I will not fail thee, nor forsake . . . and I will not forsake thee, nor thee. neglect thee. Heb - ... avTos yap elprjicev, Ov fir] ae avw, ov& ov fir] ae eyKaTaXinrw. . . . for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. a ouS' ob. iv. and many others. Deut. 31:30. see Exod. 15:1. Deut. 32 : 4. ( 183 ) Deut. 32 : 4. V3T7 hi *3 iS^S Q\tDM 1))£?\ ® e os, a\r)0iva Ta epya avTov, Kal I * I 7TtCTTO?, KCLl OVK eaTiv aoiKia' Ol- ♦ £On ta )^ l| 1 /caios Kal 6'o"i09 Kvpios. He is the Rock, His Avork is per- God, true are His works, and all feet : for all His ways are judg- His ways are judgment : a God is ment : a God of truth and without faithful, and there is no unright- iniquity, just and right is He. eousness with Him: just and holy is the Lord. Rev. Kal a&ovai Tr/v wSrfv Meeaecos BovXov tov Oeov, Kal Tr)v a>8r)i ' ' tov 'Apviov, \eyovT€ vv , .:„ » . . . 6Vt 7 evea ;g*rry»p- i lD f£tf ^7 D^S n^H /i-evT? eerrtv, viol oh ovk ecrrt ttlctt^ ev avTOis. a They have corrupted themselves, They have sinned : the d polluted b their spot is not the spot of His children are not His : they are a children : they are a perverse and crooked and perverse generation, crooked generation. — 20 ... for — 20 ...for it is afroward genera- they are a very fro ward genera- tion, children who have no faith tion, children in whom is no faith, in them. ||Matt. . . . 72 yevea airtcrro^ Kal StecrrpaptpievT] . . . 1 ' '' . . . O faithless and perverse generation . . . ||Mark ... 72 7evea am terror . . . 9:19 ' ... O faithless generation ... ||Luke ...72 /j.a. Deut. 32:17. ( 185 ) a Deut. 32:17. ••• ri7X «? D"Hfey? IPlir y 'E6vaav Satptovlot . . . ' But / say, that the things which the gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to c devils, and not to God . . . a Comp. Lev. 17:7. 2 Chron. 11:15. Psa. 106:37. Rev. 9:20. b 1 Or, which were not God. Verse 21. [See No. 186]. c Rather, demons. d h dvoucri, Baifioviois dvovat. Deut. 32 : 21. ( 186 ) a Deut. 32 : 21. \31D^3 /X ^72 *31&Op CDH Avrol TrapeQ'jXaiaav \xe en ov Qea>, »_,_,,(_,_,_,_ 7rapa)^vvdv /Me ev rot9 elSco\ot<; av- They have moved Me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked Me to anger with their vanities . . . They have provoked Me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked Me to anger with their idols . . . l Cor. *H Trapa^rfkov/xev rbv Kvptov; . . . Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? a See also verse 16. 1 Ki. 14:22. Psa. 78; 58. Deut. 32:21. (187) Deut. 32:21. 723 *1J2 Dy «?2 DXOpX ^X1 fedyo) irapa^rfKoycrco avTovs eV ♦ ^ta^t^vt ovk eOvei, €7rl eOvec davver(p ira- *~ popyiw avrovs. . . . and I will provoke them to jea- lousy hy them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger them. . . . JTpwro? M(oo-r)$ Xeyei, '^70) Trapatyfku>o-(o vp,a<; eV ovk eOvei, iirl kOvei dcrvvera) irapopyto) vfias. ... First Moses saith, I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people, and by a foolish nation I will anger you. . . . and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people ; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. Rom. 10:19. Deut. 32:25. The sword without, and terror a within, shall b destroy . . . (188) Deut. 32:25. V'lPl/b "E^coOev dreKvcoaei avrovs c Liayai- pa, Kal £k tcov raiuelwv (pofios . . , Without, the sword shall bereave them of children, and terror shall come out of the chambers . . . 2 Cor. 7:5. . . e^coOev p,dyai, eawOev (fiofioi. . . without were fightings, within ivere fears. a ^| Hcb. from (he chambers. b *J Hcb. bereave. One MS. has fxdxai. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 89 Deut. 32:35. (189) a Deut. 32:35. ... S/ty) Dpi v Ev Vf^epa iic$iKt'](r€a><; dvraTroSw- ' pav$7]Te ovpavol dixa avTco . . . Not in the Hebrew. rr ' r . ' Rejoice ye heavens with Him ... (Isa. 44:23.) (Esa.44:23.) ... D*D&? )yi Ei>(ppdv6r)T€ ovpavol... Sing, O ye heavens . . . Rejoice, ye heavens . . . (Isa. 49:13.) (Esa. 49:13.) ... Q*/!3ty )Y} Ev.Evpdv0t)Tee0vrifieTaTov\aov >«kta^ avrov, b teal evtayyadrdicrav avrat | irdvres c viol ©eov, ore rb al/jua twv vicov avrov eKhtKarai . . . "Rejoice, O ye nations, with His ...Rejoice, ye nations, with His people: for He will avenge the people, b and let all the sons of God blood of His servants ... be strong in Him, for He will avenge the blood of His sons . . . Rosr. Kal iri'Ckiv Xeyei, Ev(f)pdv07]re, e0vrj, fxerd rov Xaov avrov. And again He saith, Rejoice, ye gentiles, with His people. Rev. Evcppalvov eir e avrrjv, ovpave, Kal oi ay tot f drrbaroXoi, Kal oi 7rpocpr)rai, on eKptvev 6 &eb<; rb Kpi/xa v/xwv ii~ avrrjv. Rejoice over her, g thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and pro- phets ; for God hath avenged you on her. ^ EV - h ... Kal e^eSiKrjcre ro alfia Tcoy hovXoiV avrov e/c rfjs ^etpo? avrrjv. ... and (He) hath avenged the blood of His servants at her hand. a % Or, Praise His people, ye nations ; or, Sing ye. b This clause is not in the Heb. c &yye\oi. ii. vii. and many other MSS. * See Jer. 51 :48. e ai/Ty. G. and S. f _Ad. Kal oi. G. and S. e See No. 191, supra. h See 2 Ki. 9:7, at the ha7id of Jezebel. Jos. 1:5. see Deut. 31:6, 8. Jos. 7:6. (194) Jes. 7:6. ♦ Dfc^fcO 7^ 1SV 1 SjH Kai a eVe^aXovTO %o0v eirl ra<; Ke avrebv. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 91 . . . and (they) put dust upon their . . . and they cast dust on their heads. heads. ^ EV - Kal eftaXov %ouv eVt rcis KecfiaXds avrcov . . . And they cast dust on their heads . . . a eire@a\ov. in. and many other MSS. Jos. 18:16. (195) a Jes. 18:16. TV) ... D3I1 p \3 OS Sy Kara irpoawirov vdirrj^ Hovvdp. 031 ' ' * KaL KaTa @W eT)v yeevvav rod 7rupo?. . . . (he) shall be in danger of c hell fire. James ... Ka \ (pXoyi^o/xivr] virb t?}? yeevvr}?. . . . and it is set on fire of hell. a Comp. ch. 15:8. 2Ki.23:10. 2Chr.28:3. 33:6. Jer. 7:31. 19:2,6 32:35. b See likewise verses 29, 30; els ytewav, into hell. The word occurs also in Matt. 10:28. 23:15, 33. Luke 12:5. c Lit. the Gehenna of fire. So Matt. 18:9, and Mark 9:47. Jos. 24:32. (196) a Jes. 24:32. 03 b$T\ IBW t|DV niDXJ? HXI Kalra oard Icoorpcf) avtjyaryov ol 03E>3 VT3J3 OHXJ&fc ^KnC* viollai](p ra> via) avrov. Then cometh He to a city of Samaria, which is called Sychar, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 92 QUOTATIONS FROM Acts — Ka \ fxeTeredrjcrav eh "Xvyep,, Kal iridrjaav iv rco /j,vrjp,art e b (ovTjaaro 'AfipaafA ti/jltjs dpyvpiov, irapa rwv vloiv 'EfAfibp rov — and ( f they) were carried over into Sycheni, and laid in the sepulchre that Abraham bought for a sum of money of the sons of Emmor the father of Sychem. a This passage evidently refers back to Gen. 33 : 1 9. See also Gen. 48:22. b U Or, lambs. c Gen. 33:19, apvuv, lie-lambs. d 2ix®P- Elz. c ,**. L.4 vaav iv @avaa% kirl vSart Ma- '" ™ D D 7 > ye88a>... . . . then fought the kings of Ca- . . . then fought the kings of Ca- naan in Taanach by the waters of naan in Thanaach by the water of Megiddo . . . Mageddo . . . (2Chr.35:22.) (2 Chr. 35:22.) t nt2 JiypM DmTH #y) K f l fy& e TOV i TroXe/jbrjaat, iv ra> ' 7recV&) c Maye88co. ... and ( b he) came to fight in the ...and he came to fight in the valley of Megiddo. plain of Mageddo. ^ EV - Kal crvvi'jyayev avrovs eh rov rbrrov rov Ka\ovp,evov 'Efipa'icrrl d Ap/xayeSScov. And he gathered e them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon. a Comp. 1 Esdr. 1 :29, a\\a crvveorrtcraTo irphs abrov ir6\e/j.ov iv tZ ireS'tai MayeSBw' Ka\ KaTtPrjcrap oi apxovTts irpbs -rov Pacn\4a 'luaiav but [Josias] joined battle with him [the king °f Egypt] in the plain of Mageddo, and the princes came against king Josias. b Josiah. Comp. Zech. 12:11, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. c Ma- y>.*, t» h «7ro yvvatfco)v iv cricrjvah ei/Xo- ♦ V 2n yrjOefv. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 93 Blessed above women shall Jael Blessed among women let Jael . . . ... be ; blessed shall she be above be j let her be blessed above wo- woinen in the tent. men in tents. Luke , , , « evKoyniievv crv iv vvvaigh: — 42 . . . EvXoyrjuivr) aij iv . . . blessed art thou among women. — 42 . . . Blessed art thou among women . . . a EvXoyofitvri. b Many MSS. read 4k y. c Some MSS. omit the clause here. Jud. 6:12. (200) Jud. 6:12. nftfc^l (TliT I^S/S 1 vK ^"Vl ^ a '' <*>(f)0v avrcp 6 ayyeXos Kvplov, *.£*) t.^ ».,L^ Ka ^ " 7re 7r / o? a^Toi/, Kvpios fxera And the angel of the Lord ap- And the angel of the Lord ap- peared unto a him, and said unto peared unto him, and said unto him, The Lord is with thee . . . him, The Lord b is with thee . . . Luke J^ a \ elcrekdoov 6 ayyekos Trphs avri]v elire ... 6 Kvptos puera crov . . . And thee 1 • ^8 And the angel came in unto c her, and said, . . . the Lord is with a Gideon. b Or, be. c Mary. Jud. 6:22. see Gen. 32:30. Jud. 6:23. ( 201 ) a Jud. 6:23. ... "P DlSfcy Elpt]V7J (701 ... . . . Peace be unto thee ... ... Peace be unto thee . . . HLuke , , , ElprjVt) VpZv. . . . Peace be unto you. II John . . . Elprjvr) vp.lv. ... Peace be unto you. 1 Pet. # , t Elpr'jVT] vplv TTacn T0Z9 iv XptarS 'Irjcrov. afxi]v. ... Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. Amen. 3 John 15 Elp^vr} croc . . . 14 . . . Peace be to thee . . . a See also ch. 19:20. Dan. 10:19; and other passages. Compare 4 Ki. 4: 26 (LXX.), 'H (\pi\vi\ ffot; also 1 Chron. 12 : 18, peace, peace be unto thee. b See also verses 21, 26. Jud. 13:5. (202) Jud. 13:5. \ti ""YWn !TPV DTPK ^VU O OTi a NaQp ©eov earai to irai- tt3l1 &api°v otto rr)9fi to prjOev 8ca roiv TrpocprjTciov, on Na&pcuos /cXrjdijcreTaL. — and He came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth ; that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a d Nazarene. a Nafeipcuof Zorai t<£ 0«£. Ed. Alex. tia^npaiov ra> @e$. XI. and Compl. Other Greek copies read the word Nafrpcuov, and one MS. Nafypaiov. b Vulg.^os. Compare Isa, 60:21, the branch of My planting. (The word nn occurs elsewhere only in Isa. 14: 19; and Dan. 11:7.) c Nafape'0. d Nazarey, Wiclif; Nazarite, Tyndale, Crannaer, Geneva, and Rheims. Jud. 19:22. see Deut. 13:3. Ruth 1 : 6. see Gen. 50:24. Ruth 4 r-ix tVih pa-.. jmm ,9 : jmn mi d~i nx *rh\r\ n^in pe>rui p^ra Tjni ryn ns tVih :nniy n« vbin nx T^in -niyi 22 ... Pharez begat Hezron, 19 andHez- ronbegat Ram,and Ram begat Arn- minadab, 20 and Amminadab be- gat Nahshon, and Nahshon begat a Salmon, 2l and Salmon begat Bo- az, and Boaz begat Obed, 22 and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David. 18, 22. ( 203 ) ... $apes eyevvrjcre T~\H tov 'Ecrpcop" 19 'Ev (yevvr]o-€ tov SaApcoi' - 21 ko\ 2aX- poov eyevvrjo~e tov Boo£' Kai Bo6£ eyev- vr]o-e tov 'i2/3^S" Kai Slftrjb eyev- vrjae tov 'Ieo"crai - KaVleara-al eyevvijae tov Aaui'8. b ... Phares begat Esrom ; 19 Esrom begat Aram, and Aram begat Ami- nadab, 20 and Ami- nadab begat Naas- son, and Naasson begat Salmon, 21 and Salmon be- gat Booz, and Booz begat Obed, « and Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David. IChr. 2: n^in oil psyro 1— in Tfon tr-mif -on &wj ns? n^in ppmi » rym 12 : rya nx •my r-ix -p^in ns win nmyi T"?in »b»ki ,3 : iw ■ ■.TnnK- B - ... And c Ram begat Amminadab, and Amminadab begat Nahshon, prince of the children of Judah; "and Nah- shon begat d Sal- ma, and Salma be- gat Boaz, 12 and Boaz begat Obed, and Obed begat Jesse, 13 and Jesse begat ... — 15 ... David... 10-13, 15. Kal'Apap eyevvrjae tov 'Apivadafi, Kal 'ApLvadafi eyevvrjae tov Naaaaoav cip- ■yovTa o'ikov 'IouSa* 1 ' Ka 1 Naao~o~o)v e'y ev- vrjae tov SaXpcov, Kal 2aXpa>i> eyev- vrjae tov Boo£, 12 Kal Bob£ eyevvrjae tov 'Qfirjo, Ka\ 'fl/3i7§ eyevvrjae tov 'Iecr- o~a\, yi Ka\ 'leaaa\ eyevvrjae ... 15 ... Aai/iS ... And Aram begat Aminadab, and Aminadab begat Naasson, prince of the house of Juda ; 11 and Naasson be- gat Salmon, and Salmon begat Bo- oz, 12 and Booz be- gat Obed, and O- bed begat Jesse, 15 and Jesse begat ... — 15 ... David... THE OLD TESTAMENT. 95 Matt, ... ape$ Be eyevvrjae Tov'Eapcoji' 'Eapwp, Be eyevvrjae rbvApd/j.- 1 : 3-6. e 4 'Ap^ fe eyevvrjae rbv AjJuvaBdfi- Ap.i,vaBdi3 Be eyevvrjae rbv Naaaacov Naaaaoov Be eyevvrjae rbv Sakficov 5 XaXficov Be eyevvrjae rbv Bob£ ere t>}<> 'Pa%d/3' Bob£ Be eyevvrjae rbv 'fl&rjB eic ri) eirejSXe'^rev eirl rrjv raTreivcoabV t% BovXrjs avrov . . . — for He hath regarded the low estate of His handmaiden . . . a The Hebrew words tin and mnbx, which nevertheless are not in the Hebrew text. The Compl. reads merely Kvpte aafiakd. b Gr. regarding wilt regard. 1 Sam. 1:11 (LXX). see Num. 6:3. ISam. 1:17. (205) lKi. 1:17. ... 0*17^7 iy} JJopevov eh elprjvrjv ... . . . Go in peace ... ... Go in peace . . . (ISam. 20: 42.) (lKi. 20:42.) ... 0*17^7 *]7 JJopevov eh elprjvrjv ... . . . Go in peace ... ... Go in peace . . . Luke . , , Tropevov eh elprjvrjv. ... go in peace. Luke ( , , iropevov eh elprjvrjv. ... go in peace. a In Mark 5 : 34 (the parallel place), the phrase is, uiraye us elpiivqv, go in peace. ISam. 2:1. (206) a lKi. 2:1. *i7 vhy lawn run 77£nm K ^ 3™,^™^$^ v K apBia «,*. -,--, k .s«.4 k , li.^ *-*^, k-ni-kk. fJ- 0V ev Kvptcp, intrcodrj fcepas fiov ev ♦a am mm vy nan mrp ^ ^%-J^ & $ ^ J ^yi^^ TTOE> *S *3V« ty jjlov to arbjxa jiov, evdopdv6 V v ev aiOTrjpiq aov. 96 QUOTATIONS FROM And she said, My heart is es- tablished in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in my God ; my month is enlarged over mine enemies; I have rejoiced in Thy salvation. (Psa. 33:3.) MeyaXvvaTe rbvKvpcov avv ifxol . . . Magnify ye the Lord with me . . . (Esa. 61:10.) . . . jiyaWtdadco y ^v^i] /jlov eVl Ta> Kvpuo, iveSvae yap yu,e Ifidriov 0ea> tco acorrjpt p,ov. And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47 and my spirit hath rejoiced in b God my Saviour. a Compare Psa. 69 : 29, 30. b See Deut. 32 : 15. LXX. And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord ; my mouth is enlarged over mine ene- mies; because I rejoice in Thy salvation. (Psa. 34:3(4). -tik rmh hiy 3 O magnify the Lord with me . . . (Isa. 61 : 10.) ^J?n »3 'rhm ♦wj hm ... ... y&i ^JQ ...my soul shall be joyful in my God ; for He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation . . . 1 Sam. 2:10. tiiwa pp dti vhzb ty t n ^ - (207 1Ki.2:10. . ... teal Sl&gxtiv Icr'xyv Tot9 ftacri- Xevaiv rj[xu)v, fcal vyjriocrei Kepas Xpiarov avrov. . . . and He giveth strength unto our kings, and He will exalt the horn of His Christ. . . . and He shall give strength un- to His king, and exalt the horn of His Anointed. . . . Troy 6 Xpiar6 / lrjaovv ov v/xet^ eo-ravpeoaare. . . . that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have cru- cified, both Lord and Christ. Acts . . . a-v/jL/3i^d^o)V otl outo? eo~Tiv 6 Xptaros. . . . proving that this is 1 very Christ. a This appears to be the first place in which the promised Saviour is expressly styled mwa or Xpta-rbs. Compare verse 35. Psa. 2:2. 28:8. 84:9. 132:10, 17. Dan.9:25, 26. b The N. T. texts printed above are selected from the very numerous passages in which the word Xpurrbs occurs, as some of the most remarkable. c Rather, the Christ. d Answer- ing to the O. T. phrase, the Lord's anointed. See 1 Sam. 16:6. Lam. 4: 20, etc. etc. e Comp. 1 Jo. 2:22. 5:1. f Meow. s Om. 6. G. and S. h U Or, the Anointed. ' Meo-las. k Om. aAndZs. G. and S. ' Rather, the Christ : the word very is intro- duced improperly. 1Sam.2:10(LXX.). see Jer. 19:25. ISam. 2:26. (208) 1 Ki. 2:26. DJ SltDl Ttil l^n 7X)tiW l^ni ^°" ™ iraihapiov Xap,ovrj\ eVo- x dwk zy an nirv uy ST? a \ Kal A fi a6hv ^ e ™ • uwjnu^ m^imim u^ Kvpiov Kai pbera avupooircov. And the child Samuel grew on, And the child Samuel advanced, and was in favour both with the and was c in favour with the Lord, Lord, and also with men. and with men. Luke K.al T^crou? irpoeKoine cro(j)ia Kal rfkiKiq, Kal ycipiTL irapa @e&5 2:52. \ > a > ' ' Kat avupoo7roc airooaaro 6 0eo? rbv Xabv avrov; ... 2 ovk anrco- 11:1,2. ' * & \ \ i \ < ~ <\ t ' aaro o Cvecc? rov Kaov avrov, ov rrpoeyvo) . . . I say then, Hath God cast away His people? ... 2 God hath not cast away His people which He foreknew ... a Comp. 1 Ki. 6:13,... My people Israel. b airdoiraro. One MS. ISam. 13:14. (210) lKi. 13:14. ••• "Ql/D feS^tf 17 HIPP &p!2 Kai &T r V ~ ei ' K-vpco^ eavrS *av- ' dpcorrov Kara r^v Kaphlav avrov ... . . . the Lord hath sought Him a ... and the Lord will seek unto man after His own heart . . . Himself a man after His own heart . . . Acts ... b avSpa Kara rrjv Kaphlav fiov, 09 Troitjaei irdvra ra deXrjpiard ' ' fiov. ... a man after Mine own heart, which shall fulfil all My will. a &v8pa. Arm. 1 ., Arm. ed., Georg. b Om. avSpa. ISam. 14:45. (211) 1 Ki. 14:45. •••PTCTIN 1&^iO t°\iytyt2 7^ DK et ' treaeirai rpiybs rrj<; KeTO<; earai fiot. ■ ■ ■ ?17 V 645 VIOV . . . 100 QUOTATIONS FROM . . . Thus saith the Lord of hosts These things saith the Lord — 14 I will be his Father, and he Almighty ... — u I will be to him shall be My son ... a Father, and he shall be to Me a son . . . 2 Cor. — Ka l, "Eaofiai v/jblv ei? irarepa, /cat v/xeh eaecrdi fioi eh viovs Kal dvyciTepas, Xeyet Kvptos rrauroKpaTcop. — and (I) will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Heb. ...Kal 7rd\w, 'Eycb eao/xai avra> eh iraripa, Kal avrb? earat fiOL el? vlov ; ... And again, I will be to Him a Father, and He shall be to Me a Son? Rev - ... Kal eaofiai avroo @eo?, Kal avTos ecrrat fMOt, o t/to?. 21 :7 ° ... and I will be His God, and he shall be My son. * Compare 1 Chr. 22:10, and 28:6. Jer. 7:23. Eze. 11:20, and numerous parallels: amongst others, 2 Esdr. 1 :29. b Many MSS. prefix Kal. c Comp. No. 131, supra. 2 Sam. 7:28. (215) a 2Ki.7:28. T*D*"fl CnS^M NIP! nn^--- •••<™ elOeb$,Kal ol \6yoi aov >mfK\* m*.^ eaovrac d\r)6tvol . . . . . . Thou art that God, and Thy . . . Thou art God, and Thy words words be true . . . will be true . . . John 17:17. Rev. 19:9. Rev. 21:5. Rev. 22:6. . . o X6709 o 0-09 aXtfOecd cart. . . Thy word is truth. . . Ovtol ol \6joi, aXriOivoi elcri rod ©eov. . . These are the true sayings of God. . . otl ovtol ol \6jol b a\.T]6ivol Kal ttmttoI elai. . . for these words are true and faithful. . . Ovtol ol \6$ ayyeXos Geov, ovT<0pi69 Xpiarbv Trjcrovv. . . . but (yc) received me as an angel of God, even as Christ Jesus. a See also ver. 20; audcomp. the LXX.copy of Esth. 5:2 (or "the Rest of Esther," 15:13). 2 Sam. 16:10. a (217) 2 Ki. 16:10. ... rVY^ ^ DD71 v T\f2 Tlifiol Kal vfuv,vlol^apovia^;... ... What have I to do with you, ...What have I to do with you, ye ye sons of Zeruiah ? . . . sons of Saruia ? . . . (IKi. 17:18.) (3 Ki. 17:18.) •-• D^PHttP! fei^tf *]?) V Tift ^ ^P 01 Kai ao h avOpoiire tov ' &eov;... . . . What have I to do with thee, . . . What have I to do with thee, O thou man of God ? . . . O thou man of God ? . . . ||Matt. ... Tl i)/uv teal aoX, T^erot), Tie tov Qeov ; ... 8 : 29 ' ... What have we to do with Thee, Jesus, Thou Son of God ? . . . ||Makk ... Tl ep,oX KaX aoX, Trjcrov, Tie tov Qeov tov v^Iq-tov ; . . . . . . What have I to do with Thee, Jesus, Thou Son of the most high God?... ||Luke . . . Ti epbol KaX aol, Ttjo-ov, Tie tov Qeov tov v^p-laTOv ; ... . . . What have I to do with Thee, Jesus, Thou Son of God most high? ... John ... Tl e/xol teal col, yvvai; ... 2 : ' ... Woman, what have I to do with thee ? . . . a Repeated chap. 19:22. Comp. 1 Esdr. 1 :26, Tl t^ol ko.1 ao'i iari, &avos. b Gr. of the Sidonian land. c Or, 2:5u>i/fas, or 2i5oj/ia?. lKl. 17:18. 2 Sam. 16:10. IKi. 19:10, 14. (219) 3 Ki. 19:10,14. vib&t mrr^ *njop *op nib^i Kal &*& 'h\«w, zvx&v i&xcoKa hxw ♦» -jrva •nry o man* yum nxi ion ^rinnTD na nsS *jk miw mm win — : rinnp 1 ? *b>3j nx ippnn \^k mrvS ♦niop *op 'ifi&n M Wit^ »n yra "Dry o nfettx : nnrtpS *psj na ibwi And he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts: for the children of Israel have for- saken Thy covenant, thrown down Thine altars, and slain Thy pro- phets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left ; and they seek my life, to take it away. ra> Kvpiui rravroKparopi, on ey/ca- reXnrov ere ol viol ^IcrparfX' ra 6v- cnaarf]pid gov KareGKa^rav, Kal tov$ 7rpo(p7JTa<> crov drreKretvav ev pofzcpalq, Kal vTToXeXei,p,p,ai, eyoi /j,ovu>raTO Kvpiw rravroKpdropi, on eyKareXiirov rrjv BiaOijKrjv crov ol viol ^laparjX' Kal ra dvGiaGrrjptd crov a KadelXav, Kal tovs Trpotyrjras crov drreKretvav ev po/jiqbaia, Kal VTroXeXet/x/jtai eyoo fiovcoraros, Kal ^qrovGi rrjv 'yjrv^v /u,ov Xa(3etv avrrjv. And Eliu said, I have been very jealous for the Lord Almighty; for the children of Israel have for- saken Thee; they have digged down Thine altars, and slain Thy prophets with the sword ; and I b only am left, and they seek my he said, I have been very jealous for the Lord God of hosts : be- cause the children of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant, thrown down Thine altars, and slain Thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away. Roar. 11:2,3 14 And life to take it away. And Eliu said, I have been very jealous for the Lord Almighty ; for the children of Israel have forsaken Thy covenant; they have over- thrown Thine altars, and slain Thy prophets with the sword; and I b only am left, and they seek my life to take it away. ... H. ovk oiSare ev 'HXiq rl Xeyei r) ypacprj ; Kara rod 'Io-parjX c Xeycov, 3 Kvpte, rovs irpotyrjras crov aireKretvav, Kal ra 6vaiacrrt]pid crov KareaKa-^rav Kayo) v7reXei(f)0riv fiovos, Kal tyjrovcn, rr/v ^v^'iv p,ov. e ...Wot ye not what the scripture saith of f Elias? how he maketh intercession to God against Israel, saying, 3 Lord, they THE OLD TESTAMENT. 103 have killed thy prophets, and digged down Thine altars ; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. a Kart(rKa\pav. Compl. etc. b Gr. superlative; very lonely, or entire}// alone. c Om. \i-yuv. G. and S. d Om. kuI. e Ad. Aa£e?i/ auTTjy. Cod. Ephrem. f *1 Gr. in Elias? IKi. 19:15, 18. (220) 3 Ki. 19:15, 18. — - ... )">~>^ PlIiT "llbX*^ Kal elire Kvpuos 7rpo? avTov ... — 18 b Kal Kara\eiyjreL Bda\ ... nyiw Stoara *mKBWi 18 vara kVtpk M-an hi wsbx ... ^ And the Lord said unto him . . . — 18 Yet a I have left Me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal . . . And the Lord said mito him . . . — - 18 And thou shalt leave in Israel seven thousand men, all the knees which have not e bowed unto Baal ... Rom. 11:4. jiWd tL Xeyet ainco 6 ^py/xaTto-fio^ ; KareXiTrov ep,avT(p eV- raicLcr^Lkiovs dv&pas, oiTives ovk eKa/xyj/av Qeov 'Icr- parj\ Kadrjjievou effi b Oftovov avrov ... ... I saw the God of Israel sitting upon His throne. . . niir> n« win — ■ ■ • isDi by aw ... I saw the Lord sitting upon His throne ... ... eibov tov Kvpiop Kadrjixevov enl 6po- vov avTov ... ... I saw the Lord sitting upon His throne ... (Isa. 6:1.) ». KBW D1 KM . . . I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up . . . . Kal eVl d tov Qpovov KaOrj/xev'os. . and One sat on the throne. Rev. . . . 'H o-corrjpia tu> Qeu> i)/jl6)V tu> Kadrjfjbeva) eVt e rod Qpovov . . . . Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne ... (Esa. 6:1.) . . . elSov rov Kvptov KaOtj/xevov £irl dpovov vyfrrjXov Kal eTryp/jievov . . . . . . I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up . . . Rev. 4:2. c 7:10. 104 QUOTATIONS FROM Rev. 19:4. Rev. 21:5. ... Kal TrpocreKvVTjcrav tw 0ea> tu> Ka0r)p,ev(p eirl f rov dpovov . . . and (they) worshipped God that sat on the throne . . . Kal elirev 6 Ka6r]{ievo 6p6v(p. f to> 6p6v(p. £ tcS OpSvcp. G. and S. s rbx ...Go, god of Matt. 10:25. ||Matt. 12:24. d || Mark 3:22. ||LUKE ll:15. e 2Ki. 1:2. (222) a 4Ki. 1:2. y\y\ /VHH ")LV"n )j7 AevTe Kal eiri^riT^aaTe iv tc3 kki-i-tt b BdaX piviav Oebv ^Atacapoov . . . enquire of Baal-zebub the ... Go and enquire of Baal-fly, the Ekron . . . god of Accaron . . . ..El rbv oltcoBeo-TTOTrjv BeeX^efiovX eKaXeaav . . . .. If they have called the Master of the house c Beelzebub. . . . . eV t<3 BeeX^efiovX apyovTt twv Bat/xovtoyv. . . by c Beelzebub the prince of the devils. .. eXeyov, on BeeXQfiovX e^et, k.t.X. . . (they) said, He hath Beelzebub, etc. .. 'Ev BeeXQfiovX dp^pvTi twv BatfMovtcov ... . . through c Beelzebub the chief of the devils . . . a See also verses 6 and 16. b Baa\ fuavry (i.e. polluted). Slav. c ^ Gr. Beelzebul. d See also verse 27. e See also verses 18, 19. 2 Ki. 1:8. ( 223 ) 4 Ki. 1 : 8. TITK "lip 11TN1 1VW ^V^ WK .'Avrjp Soaps, Kal tfivyv Beppa rlvrjv irepte^,s koI 'H. iir. 2Ki.2:ll. (225) 4Ki.2:ll. : own mpM in^K hy) *«fc civex^^ 'Hxtov e v ow- dwh p to inn *jk D'nbx And Elijah answered and said ... If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and con- sume thee and thy fifty, etc. Luke 9:54. ... and Elijah went up by a whirl- wind into heaven. cretcrpep cos et oIkov. But Solomon built Him an house. IChr. 21:1. (228) a IChr. 21:1. • • « S fcTti? * S$? f W tb$H K^ e' " 7 " 7 ? ° hid/3o\o ItrparjX. . . And b Satan stood up against Is- And the devil stood up in Israel. . . rael . . . R EV - ... 6 Spdtccov 6 /levas, 6 od>t,<> 6 dpvaios, 6 tcakovuevos 8id/3o\o v " Kat o 2, aravas . . . . . . the great dragon . . . that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan . . . -R EV - . . . rbv SpdfcovTd, rbv 6(piv rbv dp^alov, 0? i i i— j/i>/w iw -w* teat eoos tov cuoivos. " o"ot Kvpie r) rnxsrin 1 ) mi!s3ni nTun nirv ^akwo-vvn, Kai % Bvvap,^, Kai to , I 6Vi cru TrdvTwv rebv ev rdp ovpavS T^jyfoftT] PTiri^ "17 V*^iOt koi eVl t?)5 7% Sea-Tro^e^* «7ro "lS^Vni 12 \ EWlS 7J? N^^ri/^ni TrpocrcoTrov gov rapdo-o-erat, iras wrbx nnyi ,8 .»t»30 toot ^^ ^ $ §^ a , „ ^ ^ Q^7 Dv/HDI *p 1T0K DH1JD Kv/ote egofAoXoyov/iedd aot^ kcu ♦ •.t.h.vcta.i. aivovfiev to ovo/jua t?}5 Kavxrfcred)? I ctol>. . . . Blessed 6e Thou, Lord God of ... Blessed art Thou, Lord God of Israel, our Father, for ever and Israel, our Father, a from ever- ever. n Thine, OLord,w the great- lasting to everlasting. u Thine, O ness, and the power, and the glory, Lord, is the greatness, and the and the victory, and the majesty: power, and the b glory, and the for all that is in the heaven and in victory, and the might ; for Thou THE OLD TESTAMENT. 107 the earth is Thine : Thine is the rulest over all that are in the hea- kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art ven, and upon the earth : before exalted as Head above all. IC Both Thy face every king and nation is riches and honour come of Thee . . . troubled. ie From Thee are riches 13 Now therefore, our God, we and glory ... 13 And now, Lord, thank Thee, and praise Thy glo- we thank Thee, and praise Thy rious name. c glorious name. ||Matt. . . . ndrep nacov . . . dyiao~6nTW to ovoud aov 10 . . . d &>9 ev ovpavco . ' ' ' real €7rt, rrj-i 7>/9* ---... otl gov eo-Tiv i) pacrikeLa kul r] bvva/jus /ecu r) 86 %a eh tovs altovas. dfjbr]v. . . . Our Father . . . hallowed be Thy name : 10 . . . in earth, as it is in heaven : — 13 . . . for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. RLtjke . . . U&Tep f fjfiwv . . . dyiacrdtjTO) to ovo/xd aov . . . &>? ev ovpavw, Kat eVl t?)? 7%. . . . Our Father . . . hallowed be Thy name ... as in heaven, so in earth. Rev. "Agios el, Kvpte, \a(3elv ttjv 86%av Kal ti)v Tifirjv Kal ttjv Bv- ' ' VCLfUV . . . Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power . . . Rev. ..."A^lov eaTt, to Apvlov to ecrcpajfievov \aj3elv ttjv Bvvaputv Kal '' ' ' tfKovTov Kal aocpiav Kal laj^yv Kal Ttfirjv Kal Bogav Kal evXoyiav. 13 ... Too KaOrjfievco eirl tov dpovov Kal ra Apvtco ?; evkoyia Kal r) ti/jLt) Kal rj Boga Kal to KpaTO<$ ei? tov$ alobvas twv aloovoov. . . . Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13 . . . Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. R EV - . . . Afirjv r) evkoyla Kal r) Boga Kal r) ao Qeqj rj/xcov et? tovs alwvas TOiv aloovoov. dfirjv. . . . Amen : Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. s * Gr. from the age and unto the age. b Gr. boasting. c Gr. the name of Thy boasting. d &s ora. in some MSS. e Griesbach, Scholz, and the Vulg. omit the doxology. Comp. Psa. 22:28, For the kingdom is the Lord's: ort rod Kvpiov fj fiaaiXeia. f Griesbach and the Vulg. omit a great part of the Lord's prayer in Luke, including all the words cited above, except Ha.T7\p, ayiaaOfiTu to ovofia aov. Scholz, in the portion above-cited, agrees with the Received Text. e Comp. also 1 Tim. 1:17- Rev. 1:6; and the doxologies in the apostolic epistles generally. IChr. 29:15. see Gen. 23:4. 2Chr. 18:16. see Num. 27:17. 108 QUOTATIONS FROM 2Chr. 18:18. see 1 Ki. 22:19. 2Chr.19:7. see Deut.10:17 (No. 162). 2Chr.20:7. (230) 2Chr.20:7. , t-.Lk.tL 'Afipaap, tc3 a rjya7rr)/jLev(p aov et? * ' tov aloiva ; . . . and gavest it to the seed of ... and gavest it to Thy beloved Abraham Thy friend for ever ? seed of Abraham for ever ? (Isa. 41:8.) (Esa. 41:8.) b J *U!"lK Drn^K $n? (TTrepfJia 'A/3paa/Jb bv rjyaTrrjaa. ... the seed of Abraham My friend. . . . the seed of Abraham whom I have loved. James . , , Ka \ . Compl. and two MSS. b Symmachus has here, #< elirev 6 /3aai\ev<; rw Kopacrup, Atrijcrov pe o iav dekys, koX ' ' Scoao) croi' " 3 ... eo)? rjpLLcrovs t»}& K r?' eZvre ' ^^^ ,t* J I /cat ep.7r€pi7rarr]cra<; njv vir ovpa- vbv irdpeipbi. ...Then Satan answered the Lord, ...And the devil answered the and said, From going to and fro Lord, and said, I am come from in the earth, and from walking up compassing the earth, and walk- and down in it. ing up and down a under heaven. 1 Pet. , , , otl 6 avTi8itco<; vpiwv Sta/SoXo?, c k

o<; Kepapbecos avvrplyfrei^ avrovs. Ask of Me, and I shall give Thee Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the heathen for Thine inheritance the nations for Thine inheritance ... 9 Thou shalt rule them with a ... 9 Thou shalt "'rule them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. in pieces as a potter's vessel. Kkv . n ... Sooaoo avra> e^ovaiav eVt twv eOvoiV " 7 /cal iroipiavel avrovs '''ev pd(38w aiSrjpa' &>9 rd a/cevi] rd fcepap,CKa c avvTpi/3erai' o>9 /cdyoo eiXrjcpa irapd rov Tlarpos p,ov. ... to him will I give power over the nations ; "" and he shall rule them with a rod of iron ; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers ; even as I received of My Father. Rev - Kal ere/cev vibv dp'peva, 09 p,e\\ei irot,p,alveiv irdvra rd eOvrj ev pd/38(p acBr)pd ... And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron . . 114 QUOTATIONS FROM Rky. ... Tva iv avrfi d Trardcrcrr) ra edvty /ecu civtos Troi/xavel avrovs iv ' pd(38a> aihrjpa . . . . . . that with e it He should smite the nations : and He shall rule them with a rod of iron . . . a (TKevrj. Many MSS. Compl. and Aid. b Primarily to tend, as a shepherd. c owTpifS-i]- cerai. d 7raTa|jj, G. and S. e Sc. a sharp sword Psa. 4:5(4). (247) Psa.4:4. ••• IXDnn /X1 1T3*) 5 'Opyl^eade /ecu fir/ dfiaprdvere ... 4 Stand in awe, and sin not ... Be ye angry, and sin not ... Eph. 'Opy/£iecr0e ical fir] dfiaprdvere ... Be ye angry, and sin not . . . Psa. 5:9. see Psa. 14(13). Psa. 6:3(2). ( 248 ) a Psa. 6:2. ••• niiT ^3)1 s 'EXerjcrov fie, Kvpie ... 2 Have mercy upon me, O Lord . . . Have mercy upon me, O Lord . . . Matt. . . .'EXer/crov fie, Kvpie, vie Aa/318 ... ... Have mercy on me, O Lord, Thou son of David . . . a The same Greek form occurs in Psa. 9:13. 31 : 9. 85 : 3. For other forms (K. e. /»., and 'E. ritxas K.), see Psa. 41 :4, and Psa. 123:3, infra. Psa. 6:9(8). (249) a Psa. 6 : 8. ... p&$ *7Vfi 73 *0D/b 1*110 9 ^Arrbarrfre air e/iov Travres ol ip- ># airoj^wpelre dir ifiov ol epya£6/ievoi rr)v dvofiiav. . . . depart from Me, ye that work iniquity. Matt. , t t TlopeveaOe air ifiov, ol /carr/pa/ievoi . . . ... Depart from Me, ye cursed . . . ^ UKE . . . arrourrfre air e/iov iravre^ ol epyarac rr]*. avrov; rj vlbs avBpamov, on irrt- vrhto t#a imonni 6 : inpan aKk ^ v i vrov . * ^L™™, dw inw&n 7 : imtoyn thi nnai /%axu ™ rrap 0776X01/9, &>& >«*<• p jfljl riH^ Sd T*T Wftl ™/^ io-recpdvcoaas avrov, j 5 /cal ica- 1 ' reanicras avrov eVl rd ep vrrord^avn avru> rd rrdvra, Iva j} 6 Geo? rd rrdvra iv rraenv. . . . till He hath put all e enemies under His feet. — 27 Eor He hath put all things under His feet. But when He saith, All things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is excepted, which did put all things under Him. 28 And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. Eph. — Ka l Tcdvra iirreraPev vrrb rovs rroSas avrov . . . 1 "22 — and (He) hath put all things under His feet ... Heb. Ou yap dyyeXois vrrera^e rrjv oltcov/xevrjv rrjv fxeWovaav, rrepl rjs '' ~ ' XaXovfiev 6 Stefiaprvparo oV rrov rls Xt'7&)v, TV eanv dvdpcorros, on tiLfivrjaKr) avrov' rj vlbs dvdpcorrov, on eTnaKerrrrj avrov ; 116 QUOTATIONS FROM 7 rfkarroicras avrov ftpayy ri Trap dyyeXovs- So^jj koX rtp.fi iaretpavaio-as avrov, [ f /cal Harkarrjcra^ avrov irrl ra epya rwv 'Xecpoiv crou*] 8 rrdvra vrrera^as vttokcvtw rwv ttoSwv avrov. '-Ev vrrord^at avra) ra rrdvra, ov&ev cuprj/cev avroo avvrrora/c- rov vvv 8e ovrrco opoy/xev avra> ra rrdvra vrroreraypueva. 9 rov 8e fipa^v re rrap' d» B»n nixn 1 ? jen^x ns Km irfounrvno^n 3 PN 3113 HEW pK ...OVK tCTTl TTOIWU XpTjCTTOTriTa, a OVK i'o-Tiv eom fvos- Kv- pios fK roil ovpauov 8uKv\j/fv eVi tovs vlovs tu>u dv6pTTa>v, TOV 18 flu fl fCTTL 0~V- UlmU fj fK^r/TMU TOV Qf6u. 3 nauTfs i§e- kXiuou, a/ia rjxpeioi- drjcrav, ovk fO~Ti 7TOLCOV XprjO-TOTTJTCl, OVK '£o~TlV fCHS fUOS- ... Tcicpos avfaype- uoi 6 \dpvy£ avTa>v, Tais y\d)u f8o\iovaau' 13113 nvy p«... onx *33 by tpp&n hwtm vn nixn 1 ? : ot6x ns vre\ 1p6s3HW 3D ib 4 p« 3iD nt^y ps tins Da ... OVK fCTTt TTOIWV ayaBou. " 6 Oeds fK tov ovpauov 8if- KV\f/fU €771 TOVS VIOVS Twu duOpuinav, tov i8e~Lu fl fan o~vutwv, T) fK^rjTCOU TQU QfOV. 3 ivdvTfs f'^fKXiuau, ap.a T]XpfiaiGr]o-au, oik tern ttoicou dya- 66u, ovk tariu eo>ff ivos. Psa. 5:10 (LXX. 5:9). □3~13 ninD "I3p rdepos dufwype- : pp^rv D31Sj6 vo i ° x «P v yf; av™u, rats yXwaaais ai- twv f'8o\iovo~au. 118 QUOTATIONS FROM Psa. 140:4 (LXX. 139:3). (Prov. l:16. b ) vf? an'bin -3- ~\*£h mci not* JD1 16? do-Trt'Stoi' V7TO ra X*iX.r) avTcbv a>v to crropa apas Kai TriKpias yifxi' o£eif ol nobes avrav (K)(eai aifia' awTpip-pa Kai ra- Xaiwcopia iv rais oSoty axiTuiv, Kai obbv (Iprjvrjs ovk '4yva>o~av' cvk ecrTi (pofiosQeov dnevavn tusv o(p- BciXpav avr£>v. Psa. 14:1-3 (LXX. 13:1-3). ... there is none that doeth good. 2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did under- stand, and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside ; they are all together become c filthy ; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. ... there is none that doeth d good, there is not even one 2 The Lord e looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there is any one that un- derstandeth, or that seeketh after God. 3 They are all gone out of the way; they are to- gether become Un- profitable ; there is none that doeth d good, there is not even one. b Their throat is an open sepulchre ; with theirtongues they have used de- ceit : the poison of asps is under their lips : nnnauyaynon.- Psa. 10: 7 (LXX j*6» lrvs nta • ••-|m minoi Isa. 59 )Yt> yrb axbr\ an "isc* 1 ? nno*i □rvmtrno »pa nc ;ik nutrnt: : nrobDoa ■nen k 1 ? obv ~pn 8 • ■ • ijrp ... io? danlScov ino TCI X el ^ T ) QVTOOV. 9^:7, or 9:28). Ov apas to o-Top.a avTov -ye^ifi teat iri- Kpias Kai BoXov... : 7, 8. h Ol 8e 7rdoV? avrav eVt TTOVTjpiav Tpi- %ovo~i, raxwoi eKr ^e'at ai/xa, jcol ol Hiakoyiarfioi ovtcov 8ia\oyio~po\ ' dno (povaV o~WTpip.pa Kai Takaiira>pia ev rais 68ols avTiov, 8 Ka\ 686v (Iprjvrjs oiv 6(p6a\jX(ov avTov. Psa. 53:1-3 (LXX. 52:1-3). ... there is none that doeth good. 2 God looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did seek God. 3 Every one of them is gone back; they are altoge- ther become fil- thy ; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. ... there is none that doeth good. 2 God e looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there is any one that un- derstandeth, or that seeketh after God. 3 They are all gone out of the way ; they are to- gether become 'un- profitable ; there is none that doeth good, there is not even one. Psa. 5 : 9. ... their throat is an open sepulchre ; they flatter with their tongue. . . . their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used de- ceit. Psa. 140:3 (LXX. 139:3). ... adders' poison ... the poison of t* under their lips. asps is under their lips. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 119 (Prov. l:16. b ) — for their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness : their feet are swift to shed blood : destruction and misery are in their ways : and the way of peace they have not known. Psa. 10 : 7 (LXX. 90: 7, or 9 : 28) . His mouth is full of cursing and' de- ceit and fraud . . . Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness, and de- ceit . . . Isa. 59:7, 8." Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood : their thoughts are thoughts of ini- quity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. 8 The way of peace they know not ... And their feet run to evil, being swift to shed blood ; their thoughts al- so are thoughts l of murder : destruc- tion and misery are in their ways : 8 and the way of peace they know not ... Rom. 3:10-18. Psa.36:1 (LXX. 35:1). There is no fear of ... there is no fear ... there is no fear God before their of God before his of God before his eyes. eyes. eyes. — KaOobs p6va>v. m. k T Heb. deceits. ' ^J Heb. breaking. m Gr. from yr.urders, or, according to the V. L., of foolish men. " Om, 6. 120 QUOTATIONS FROM Psa. 16:8-11. •a T&n nxb mrv ^nb nw pb 9 : toitos ^ wis t ntonb p&» nan p|x mna b:n aS Si«^S ^33 niyn aS ^ 10 : nw nixnS *p' Dn jnn rmw yiw trn irw ^jmn 11 ... -pjto n« I have set the Lord always before me : because life is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth : my flesh also shall a rest in hope. 10 For Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell ; neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption. " Thou wilt shew me the path of life : in Thy presence is fulness of joy . . . Acts (256) Psa. 15:8-11. W1£^ Upoa>pa>p/r)v tov Kvptov evcairtov puov BiairavTos' on e'« Be^itov pov karlv Xva firj aaXevdco. 9 Bid tovto b 7)V(f)pdv67) i] KapBia pov, icaX r)ydX- XidaaTo r) yXwo~o~d piov, ert Be kcli rj o~dp£ piov KaTao-Krjvcoaei eir eX- irLBc 10 ore ovk eyKaraXetyeis rrjv ~ K ! rv X , l v f J/0V etl? c <£& r ) v > ovBe Boocreis tov ocrtov crov IBeiv Biacpdopdv. 11 iyvcopiads puoi bBovs ^cor)s' ttXt}- pcoaeis pie eveppocrvvrjs pierd tov irpoadiirov aov . . . I foresaw the Lord always before my face ; for He is on my right hand, that I should not be moved : 9 therefore my heart rejoiced and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope : 10 because Thou Avilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suf- fer Thine holy one to see corrup- tion. u Thou hast made known to me the ways of life ; Thou shalt make me full of joy with Thy countenance . . . Aa/31B yap Ae'^/et els avrbv, TLpocopdyprjv tov Kvpiov ivd)7ri6v p,ov „' ~ 'Bid iravTOS' ort Ik Be^icbv puov icrrlv, iva p,i) aaXevOw' 26 Bid tovto d evcppdvdr) i) KapBia pov, icaX f)yaXXuicraTO r) yXcoo~o~d puov €ti Be Kal rj adpf; pov KaTacrKr/vcocrei eV iX7rtBt' " 7 oti ovk eyKa- TaXei^et9 rrjv ^v^v pov els e dBov, ovBe Bcocreis tov "Ocrtov crov IBelv Biacpdopdv. " 8 eyvoopiads puoi cBovs £&)%* 7rXrjpcocreis pie eveppoavvr/s peTa tov Trpoadnrov crov. — 31 irpoiBaiv eXdXrjae irepl tt)s dvaaTaaews tov XpiaTOv, oti f ov g KaTeXeicpOrj h ?) ■^rv^r) avTOV els aBov, ' ovBe r) crdp£ clvtov eiBe Biacpdopdv. For David speaketh concerning Him, I foresaw the Lord always before My face, for He is on My right hand, that I should not be moved : c6 therefore did My heart rejoice, and My tongue was glad ; moreover also My flesh shall rest in hope : c7 because Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption. C8 Thou hast made known to Me the ways of life; Thou shalt make Me full of joy with Thy countenance. — 31 He seeing this before, spake of the resurrection of Christ, that His soul was not left in hell, neither His flesh did see corruption. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 121 Acts 13:34 37. "On 8e dve(TT7)crev avrov e'/c veKpcov, pir/Kero fieXXovra vTroarpecpeiv eiV 8ia6ri. c aSov. '' Tjv(ppdvO-n. e aSriu. f otm. b iyKa,T£A(l»1 ...iu the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies ... — 2 ... and the horn of my salva- tion ... 3 ... so shall I be saved from mine enemies. — 17 He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me ... Luke ... ev rjpepq fj eppv- o~aro avrov Kvpios £K XflpUS TTUVTOiV Ta>v€^Bpa>v avrov... — "... Kai Kepas o~u>- TTjpias p.ou. . . 3 . . . Acat e/c Ta)i> e^dpiov pov accdt']aopai. — ' 7 pv- aerai pe e£ e\6pa>v p.ov 8vvara>v, Kai etc rcov p laovvTcov pe . . . ... in the day that the Lord deliver- ed him out of the hand of all his ene- mies... — 2 ...and the horn of my sal- vation ... 3 ... and I shall be saved from mine ene- mies. — 17 He will deliver me from my mighty ene- mies, and from them that hate me . . . rorv b^n ova--- ...»i?B» PP1...3 — ... ry "a^o >:^^ 18 ... in the day that the Lord had de- livered him out of the hand of all his enemies ... — 3 ... and the horn of my salvation ... 4 ... so shall I be saved from mine ene- mies. — 18 He de- livered me from my strong enemy, and from them that hated me... ... iv ?/ rjpepa e'^ei- Xero avrov Kvpios €K xeipos ndvru>v rcov (\6pcov avrov ... 3 ...Kai Ktpas aoorrjpias pov ... 4 ... Kai f'(c rcou ex~ 6pu>v p.ov 6i]o~o- p.ai. 18 eppvaaro p.e e£ ()(dpG>v pLov lax^os, €K TO)V pi- crovvTOiv p.e ... ... in the day that the Lord rescued him out of the hand of ah his ene- mies... — 3 ...and the horn of my salvation ... 4 ... and I shall be saved from mine ene- mies. — 18 He de- livered me from my strong ene- mies, from them that hated me ... • Kai b ?)yeipe /cepas crcoriipias r)fuv, ev ra c o'ikco Aa/318 rov 7rai,8b<; »; ~' ' avrov' 70 (ica0ibeo~i,Kvpie, ,. Therefore I will confess to Thee, O Lord, among the b Gentiles, and in Thy name will I sing. . .. Ka6a>, Mr) ovk i'jtcovcrav ; fievovvye, Eh 7racrav tt)v yrjv e<~r)\9ev 6 (f)06yyo<; avTwv, icaX ei, inD73^ iTIiT 7N 7; ! Wl W2 i K [ V7](Tav Ke(p aX^v 9 "HXirtaev eirl i *D T'Sn *0 l!"!/ 1 ^ Kvpiov pvo-dcrdco avrbv amadrw avrbv, e OTi 0e\et avrov. 7 All they that see me laugh me All they that saw me mocked me; to scorn : they b shoot out the lip, they spoke with their lips, they they shake the head, saying, 8 He shook the head, saying, 9 He hoped c trusted on the Lord that He in the Lord; let Him deliver him, would deliver him : let Him de- let Him save him, for He desireth liver him, d seeing He delighted him. in him. II Matt. Q[ gg rrapairopevoptevoi eftXao-aAas avrwv. b IT Heb. open. c ^1 Heb. He rolled himself on the Lord. d ^ Or, if He deliijltt in him. e Two or three MSS. read el. f Oni. avv abruis s Comp. several expressions in the respective contexts, particularly acojaro kavrbv, in Luke. 124 QUOTATIONS FROM Psa. 22:18(19). (262) Psa. 21:18. ^llS /V) Oil7 H^Q Ip/lT 19 AiefiepLo-avro ra IfiaTid fiov eav- LwJ» sLi.^<, Tot?, Kai eirl tov ifiaTia fiov fiov . 711J 17 3 maXov KX ^ pov , 18 They part my garments among They parted my garments among them, and cast lots upon my themselves, and upon my vesture vesture. they cast a lots. IIMatt. . . . BiefieptcravTO ra IfiaTia avrov, [SdXXovTes KXrjpov b Xva TvXrf- ' ' pcodfj to ptj6ev viro tov Trpo^Tov, AiefiepiaavTo to, IfiaTid fiov eavTols, Kai iirl tov IfiaTtcrfiov fiov e/3aXov KXrjpov. . . . and (they) parted His garments, casting lots : that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted My garments among them, and upon My vesture did they cast lots. ||Mark e>< c Btefiepttov tcl ifiaTia avTov, 8dXXovTe<; KXrjpov eV avTa, Tt? 15:24. t » r tl apy. . . . they parted His garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take. || Luke ... Biafiepityfievoi Be to, ifiaTia avTOv, e(3aXov d KXrjpov. 23 :34 - ... And they parted His raiment, and cast lots. || John ...Xva r) ypatyr) 7rXr)pco6jj r) Xeyovaa, AiefiepicravTO rd ifiaTia 19:24. ^ Qv g ayT0 £<^ Ka l crjfl tov [fxaTtafiov fiov efSaXov KXrjpov .. . . . . that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted My raiment among them, and for My vesture they did cast lots . . . 11 Gr. a lot, or, die. b Griesbach and Scholz omit 'Iva irX-npwOrj, and all that follows. c Siaixepi^ofTai. G and S. d /cATjpous. Psa. 22:22(23). (263) Psa. 21: 22. ynp -pro ^nx? ~p& msoK " 3 fwo /*«« ™ ovofid gov tok ' t *-LL*-vj d8eX£ > j. « ' ' ' ia Xeycov, ATrayyeAoy to ovofia gov tois aoeXcpois fiov, ev fieaw €KKXr)Gia<; vfivt]o~a> ere. ... for which cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren, 12 saying, I will declare Thy name unto My brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto Thee. a Or, congregation. b Comp. Matt. 12:50, the same is My brother. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 125 Psa. 22 : 28 (29) . ( 264 ) Psa. 21 : 28. ••• nnfen mrvS *D 29 "On tov Kvpiov v\ /3ao-i\eia . . . 28 For the kingdom is the Lord's . . . For the kingdom is the Lord's . . . Matt. «... q TI/ a- ov icrriv v BacriXeia ... 6*13 . . . for Thine is the kingdom . . . a Griesbach and Scholz reject the doxology and apfy from the Lord's prayer. See also No. 229, supra, and comp. Obad. 21, the kingdom shall be the Lord's. Psa. 24:1. (265) Psa. 23:1. - nXlSftl pNPl PMT7 Tov Kvpiov f) yfj koX to TfXrjpwfia avrf]) /cat to TrXtjpcopia avTrj?. — for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. — 28 . . . a for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. a Griesbach and Scholz omit this repetition of the passage. Psa. 24:10. (266) a Psa. 23:10. jTanrnSft son ro&ox rvrv- ...Kvpws r&v Swd^v, m* icrTiv ovtos 6 BacriXevs tyjs 86^r]<;. . . . The Lord of hosts, He is the . . . The Lord of hosts, He is this King of glory. King of glory. 1 Cor. , , , T0V Kvpiov Trjs So £779 . . . . . . the Lord of glory. James , , . TO v Kvpiov rjpoiV Trjaov XpicrTOv tt} dpapTOiXw. . . . God he merciful to me a sinner. a Many copies read ov fxrj XoyurrjTai ••• j ly Kvptos a/xapTiav . . . Blessed is he whose transgression Blessed are they whose iniquities is forgiven, whose sin is covered, are forgiven, and whose sins are 2 Blessed is the man unto whom covered. 2 Blessed is the man to the Lord imputeth not iniquity . . . whom the Lord will not impute sin Rom. 4:6—8 ddirep Kal Aa/318 Xiyei, t6v p,a/capia p,ov rov dvdpdirrov, a> 9 Xoyi^erai ScKaioavvrju %&)/?l9 epycov, 7 MarcdptoL ov p,r] \o aropbaTi avrov 86\os. . . . and in whose spirit there is no . • • and in whose mouth there is guile. n0 guile. j ™ • • "I& € d\r)6(b<; 7apar]\iT7}<}, iv & 86\o<; ovk gctl. . . . Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile. a Compare Isa. 53:9, infra. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 127 Psa.33:6. (272) Psa. 32 :G. 12^Vi WfoW HIIT n^mi ^co Aoycp a rov Kvplov oi ovpavol ecrrepecoOrjaav . . . By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made . . . John 1:1,3. Rev. 19:13. By the Word of the Lord the heavens were established . . . St rravra oi avrov eyevero . . . . — 3 All things were made 'Ev '' tipxf} ?]v 6 Aoyos ... - In the beginning was the Word by Him . . . . .. ical KaXelrat rb bvopa avrov, 'O Aoyo<; rod Qeov. . . . and His name is called, The Word of God. a Numerous MSS. om. rov Kvplov. b 'Ev apxrj is from Gen. 1:1 Psa. 31:3. see ISam. 2:1. Psa. 34: 8 (9). (273) Psa. 33:8. ••• nirV 31D ^ IJOI IftVD 9 Tevaaade Kal iSere on xprjarbs 6 Kvptos . . . 8 O taste and see that the Lord is Taste and see that the Lord is good ... a gracious . . . 1 Pet. — eiirep iyevaacrde on b xprjarrbs 6 Kvptos. — if so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. a Or, good. b Some MSS. erroneously read Xpio-rhs. Psa. 34:12-10(13-1 7). (274) Psa. 33:12-16. jnb *\wh -na u : nits ma*/? jna niD ls : nanD nnnfc yr\w\ : inaiTi nbw B>pa niD n»jn ... p 12 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? 13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. u Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. 15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry. l6 The face of the Lord is against them that do evil . . . ayarrwv rjpepas ISetv ayadds ; 13 iravo-ov rrjv yXwaadv crov arrb kclkov, Kal %ei\?7 gov rov prj \a- \rjcrat ho\ov. u 6Kk\lvov dirb /ca/cov, Kal 7roL7)o~ov ayaObv, tyrrjcrou elprj- vr\v, Kal Slco^ov avrrjv. 15 '0(p6a\pol KvpLov eVt Si/calovs, teal &ra avrov et9 Serjaiv avroiv l6 rrpoawirov 8e Kvplov €7rl iroiovvraAta ^ vrepl dfiaprla^ ovk nTM *n«n run \nn&x tk 8 c jfr V aas. 7 toVc ei?™, 'is d ,><»• 731¥7 Hl^yS 9 J '•Si? !lin]D 7£D * V ^4 >a ^ t fiiftXlov yeypaTrrat / 7rept e/ioir 8 d Tot) iroifjaai to deXrjfjbd j ^d -jinn ^nnini Trcsn wk o- ou 6 ©eo? e ^ou ^ovx^v, K ai TOV VOfJLOV GOV iv flio~(p T/}? KapBiaS pLOV. 6 Sacrifice and offering Thou didst Sacrifice and offering Thou dc- not desire ; Mine ears hast Thou siredst not, but a body hast Thou a opened : burnt-offering and sin- prepared Me : whole-burnt-offer- offermg hast Thou not required, ings and sacrifices for sin Thou 7 Then said I, Lo, I come : in the didst not require. 7 Then said I, volume of the book it is written of Lo, I come : in the volume of the Me, 8 I delight to do Thy will, O book it is written of Me, I desire My God: yea, Thy law w b within to do Thy will, O My God, and My heart. Thy law in the midst of My heart. Heb. Aib elaepj(op.evo^ ets rov Koaptov Xeyei, ©vaiav Kal irpoa^f\ HliT Kvpie eXerjcrov fie... . . . Lord, be merciful unto me Lord, have mercy upon me . . . (Isa. 33:2.) (Esa.33:2.) ... IJ^n ni!T Kvpie iXerjaov rjfias ... O Lord, be gracious unto us . . . Lord, have mercy upon us . . . IIMark . . JO Tlo 1$) oSty tD*!"]S& ""J^DS 7 O Opovo? o-ov 6 6eo? et? c almva iTK n^nX 8 J ini^Sfo D3&? 1W12 alwvo<;, pdfiBos evflvnjro? 17 pdfiSos I tj}? fiaaiXeias aov. 7 riydirnaas ' ero u, ekaiov dyaWidaecos irapd to u? 6 Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever : the sceptre of Thy kingdom is a right sceptre. 7 Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wicked- ness : therefore b God, Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows. Heb. r:8,9. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever : a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom. 7 Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore God, Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy d fellows. — 7rpo9 Se rov Tlbv, O dpovos aov, 6 @eo?, eh rov alwva e rov alwvos- pdfiSos €v0vti]tos 7) pd/38o<; 7779 (SaaiXeLas aov. 9 rjydiriiaas Si/caioavvrjv, kol i/ALar/acis uvofiiav hid tovto e^ptae ae o @eo?, 6 ©eo9 rod Geov fiou ... . . . and the name of the city of My God . . . a Comp. Isa. 60:14, The city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel. b See alto verse 8. c See Eze. 48 : 35, infra. Psa. 48: 2 (3). (285) Psa. 47:2. { i*l "l/ft rVlp ••• 3 ••• V TroXt? rov BaatXeco'i rov fie- Kpiveadal '" 1"-^ o-e. 4 . . . that Thou mightest be justified . . . that Thou mightest he justified when Thou speakest, and be clear in Thy sayings, and mightest over- when Thou judgest. come' when Thou art judged. Rom. ,, . nada)9 av BifcatcoOfis iv T049 A.0701? crov, icai ' ' viKr]crr} KplveaOai ae. ... as it is written,, That thou mightest be justified in Thy say- ings, and mightest overcome when Thou art judged. Psa. 53 (52). see Psa. 14 (13). Psa. 55:22(23). (287) Psa. 54:22. fcjv puepipivav vfxcov emppt-^ravre^ eV avrov, ort avrco " ' ' fxekec rrepl vptov. — casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. a ^I Or, gift [or, care']. b Or, nourish. . Psa. 62 : 12 (13). ( 288 ) a Psa. 61 : 12. : IH&yyftD Wtib dS&?H nnX 0---' s • • • °™ <™ diroScoaets eKaarcp Kara rd cpya avrov. 12 ... for Thou renderest to every . . . for Thou shalt render to every man according to his work. man according to his works. (Prov. 21:12.) (Prov. 24:12.) J V?y32 DIJO TDTll o? dirohihcoatv eKaarcp Kard rd epya avrov. . . . and shall not He render to ... who rendereth to every man every man according to his works ? according to his works. Matt. >#< Ka \ rore cnroScoaet eKaarcp Kara ri]v irpd^tv avrov. ... and then He shall reward every man according to his works. Rom. — 09 dirohcoaet, eKaarcp Kara ra ep i a " v r \ v t ~ r ' 13 ' eKpivr\aav eKaaros Kara ra epya avrcov. ...and the dead were judged ... according to their works. 13 . . . and they were judged every man according to their works. Rev. . . . dirohovvat eKciarco cb<; rd epyov avrov karat. 22*12 ■ • ... to give every man according as his work shall be. a See No. 268, supra, and comp.Jer. 17:10. 32:19; likewise 2 Cor. 11:15, whose end shall be according to their works. See also Jer. 50:29, infra, cited in Rev. 18:6. b Comp. Siracli 32 (Engl. 35): 19, eccs a.vTO.irob'qi avOpwirw Kara, -ras Trpd^is avrov. c Compare Wisdom 10:17, 'AiriSuKef oatois ixiaBbv K&nuv uvrCov' (wisdom) rendered to the righteous a reward of their labours. d airo^waei. S. Psa. 65:10(11). (289) Psa. 64:10. ••• nTnJ nni flTl ri*J!37n " Toix; avXaKas avri)^ puedvaov, irXi]- Ovvov rd yevvrjpara avrf)<> . . . 134 QUOTATIONS FROM 10 Thouwaterest the ridges thereof b Saturate the furrows thereof, abundantly : a Thou settlest the multiply the fruits thereof . . . furrows thereof... 2 Cor. c . . . K al d if\t]Qvvai rov aitopov vfi&v, teal e av^aai ra ryevvrjfiara Q- 10 ~ £ ' * " rrjs oacaioavvris v/xcov. . . . and (may He) multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness. a «ff Or, Thou causest rain to descend into the furrows thereof. b Lit. Inebriate, as the old Lat. c See Isa. 55:10, infra. d -ir\i\Bvvet. G. and S. e avtfoei. G. and S. Psa.68:18(19). (290) Psa. 67:18. »- m ..i, «.*.** al-YuaXcoaiav b e\a/3e50 TV)*)!!! 13JV1 " K at e&o> Ka v e « ™ fipwfjid fjiov . .«*«»« »«m*»*m yoXrjv, /ecu eh ri]V Styav p,ov eV6- I J Ttaav pie o£09. 21 They gave Me also gall for My They gave Me also gall for My meat ; and in My thirst they gave meat, and made Me drink vinegar Me vinegar to drink. for My thirst. || Matt. — eScoicav avrco melv a 0^09 puerd %oAi}9 pbepLiypbevov Kal yevcrd- 48 ' ' pbevos ovk ijdeXe irietv. — i& Kal evOeco? Spapicbv eh ei; avrtov, /cat Xaficov crrroyyov, irXi)aa<; re 6'£ou9, Kal ireptdeh KaXdpt,(p, eTrori^ev avrov. 34 — they gave Him vinegar to drink mingled with gall : and when He had tasted thereof, He would not drink. — * And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave Him to drink. ||Mark Xal ehlhovv avrw mew ecrpLvpviapbevov olvov, 6 Be ovk eXa/3e. qq" ' — 36 8papLoov Se eh, /ecu yepLiaas crrroyyov 6'£ou9, rreptdeh re KaXdpiO), eirori^ev avrov ... And they gave Him to drink wine mingled with myrrh, but He received it not. — 36 And one ran, and filled a sponge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave Him to drink . . . ||Luke 'EveTTCiitpv he avrca Kal 01 arparicorai, irpoaep'xppbevot Kal 0^09 irpocrcpepovre^ avru>. And the soldiers also mocked Him, coming to Him, and offering Him vinegar. II John ... Xeyei, Al^oi. " 9 crKevos ovv eKeiro o^ovs puearov 01 Se, rrXy']- aavTes crrroyyov ofcovs, Kal vcrcrcairw rrepidevres, rrpocri]veyKav avrov ray aropuari. 30 ore ovv eXaj3e to 0^09 6 T^crow, eiire, TereXecrrai ... . . . (Jesus) saith, I thirst. * 9 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar : and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to His mouth. 30 When Jesus there- fore had received the vinegar, He saith, It is finished ... a olvov. 23:36. 19:28 30. Psa. 69 : 22, 23 (23, 24). ( 294 ) Psa. 68 : 22, 23. fi£p EDrTOljb tDiH?^ VP " 3 TevrjO^ro) rj rpd-rre^a avrwv a eVco- 7riov avrcov eh iraytSa, Kal ea 136 QUOTATIONS FROM ran omn&i nifcna orr^y 22 Let their table become a snare before them : and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap. 23 Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not ; and make their loins continually to b avrciTroSocnv teal eh cncdv&aXov. 23 (7K0Tiad)]T(oaav oi 6(p0aXfiot av- toiv tov fir) fiXeireiv, teal tov voiro\ avroiv hLcnravTos avy/ca/jL-^rov. Let their table before them be- come a snare, and a recompense, and a stumbling-block. 28 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. shake. Rom. K a l AafSih \eyei, TevrfQiyroo rj Tpdire^a avTwv eh 7raTair6doixa. Psa. 69: 25 (26). (295) : iw w bx Psa. 68:25. 25 Let a their habitation be deso- late, and b let none dwell in their tents. TevrjOr'iTw rj eiravXis avTO>v rjp'r}- fiwfievq, teal ev Toh (rtcrjvcofiaatv auToyv fit) earco 6 tcaroitcwv. Let their habitation be made de- solate, and let there be no dweller in their tents. Matt. 23:38. c Luke 13:35. c 'JSou, apteral vfilv 6 oltcos vfiwv epiffioq. Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. 'ISot', dcf)L€Tac hfiiv 6 oi/co? vfiwv d eprj/jiO'i . . . Behold, your house is left unto you desolate . . . Acts "AvSpes aSeXhv e ravrriv, rjv Trpoetire 1-16.20. \ TT " v " £ V ' A /Q\? v T '?■ so .X ' to llvevfia to ay tov ota aTOfiaTOS Aapto, irept lovoa ... — ye- ypaTnat yap ev (3lp\(p WaXfiwv, TevifOr'fTOi t) eiravXt^ amov eprjfios, teal fir] ko~Tco 6 KaTOLKwv ev avTij ...' Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before con- cerning Judas ... — 20 For it is written in the book of Psalms, Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein . . . f a *H Heb. their palace. b * Heb. Let there not be a dweller. c Perhaps these two passages refer to Jcr. 22:5. See also 2 Esdr. 1 :33. d Om. tyruxos. G. and S. K Om. ravTt)v. f For the rest see Psa. 109 : 8, infra. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 137 Psa. 09 : 28 (29) . ( 29G ) Psa. G8 : 28. ■•« D M n 13DD IIIE* n 'EgaXeKpO/jTcoaav ifc filfiXov &v- TCOV . . . eB Let them be blotted out of the Let them be blotted out of the book of the living . . . book of the living . . . PuiL - ... &v ra ovofiara iv (SifiXw £iu?)*)?. . . . . . and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life . . . j^ EV - ... cov ov ye>ypa,7rTai b ra, bvbfiara iv rfj filfiXw rrjs £<«?}v ov yeypairrat d ra bvbpara eVl to fitftXiov rr)<; far}? arrb 'KaTafSoXrjs koct/jlov . . . . . . whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world . . . Rev - ... ical ficfiXiov dXXo r)veh ° iorn T V^ K 037 )^ - 15 Kai & T/< > 15. ' °^X ev pz@V & e T U /3i/3X(p T)}? £&>% yerypafAfAevos, ifc/3Xrjdr) etV ri)v XlflV>)V rov Trvpos. . . . and another book was f opened, which is the book of life . . . — 15 And whosoever was not c found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. '* E y- ... et fir) ol yeypafifievoi iv ra> fSifSXlcp rr)<; £ft>?79 rov Apviov. ... but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. ^ EV - ... a5 fiov, (p6ey£ofiat 7rpof3Xr)fiara air I will open My mouth in a para- I will open My mouth in parables; ble ; I will utter dark sayings of I will utter things which have been old. hidden from the beginning. Matt. . — 07Tto? TrXvpcoOn rb pnOev Sia rov irpo(bi]rov, Xeyovros, 'AvolPa 13:3. r .. i a ,. C, F , /<- ' r / » \ ev rrapapoXais ro arofia fiov epev^ofiac ice/cpvfifieva arro tcara- /3oX% Kocrfiov. — that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, T 138 QUOTATIONS FROM saying, I will open My mouth in parables ; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world. a Compare Psa. 49 : 4. Also, Eom. 16:25, 26. lCor.2:7. Eph.3:9. and CoL 1:26 {the mystery, etc.). Psa. 78:8. (298) a Psa. 77:8. ... ta ) , *) l )Q '■yn yevea cr/coXta . . . ... a stubborn . . generation ... ... a crooked . . generation . . . Acts . . . ^coOrjre airo Tr}) yap fcapSla crov ovk eariv evOela evoomov tov Qeov. . . . for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Psa. 78 : 60. ( 301 ) a Psa. 77 : 60. P$? /MX 1/C^ pt^ft WW) — K- ai uiroiaaro rrjv aKr/vrjv Hr/Xoo/Jb, ♦ Q«^s>^ cr/ci)va)fia avrov ov KarearKijvcocrev iv avOpcoTTOts. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 139 — so that He forsook the taber- And He forsook the tent of Se- nacle of Shiloh, the tent which He lorn, His tabernacle where He placed among men. dwelt among men. Rev. ..Slhov 7) atcr/vi] rov Qeov fiera rcov avOpdoTrotv, kcll crKr/vwaet fier avroov . . . . . . Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He a will dwell with them . . . a Comp. Psa. 68:18. Eze. 37:26. b Comp. No. 131, supra. Psa. 82:2. see Lev. 19:15. Psa. 79:6. (302) Psa. 78:6. fcO ^X tZS'Un 7X *in£n *]£&? "Eicxeov ttjv 6pyr]v aov eirl edvT] ra a Jitot fir) eireyvcoKora ere . . . Pour out Thy wrath upon the Pour out Thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known heathen that have not known Thee... Thee... (Jer. 10:25.) (Jer. 10:25.) tfS 1XPH WlJPl h)} ^n^n *]S^ "Ekx<£ov T0V ^fwv erov eirl edvt) ra <-^w-p fir) elhora ere ... Pour out Thy fury upon the hea- Pour out Thy fury upon the hea- then that know Thee not . . . then that know Thee not . . . 1 Thess. , , , /caddirep teal ra eOvrj ra fir) elSora rov Qeov. . . . even as the Gentiles which know not God. Psa. 82:6. (303) Psa. 81:6. - DHK Wnbti W&K *3K ' E V«> "7m, Geol eare... I have said, Ye are gods ... I said, Ye are gods . . . JoiIN . . . Ovk eerri yeypafifie'vov ev ra vbfiw vjxwv, Eyco elira, Qeoi 35 eare ; •" Hit e/ceivov<; eare ueovs, 7rpo? of? o A0709 rov tfeov eyevero, (/ecu ov Svvarat \vdrjvat r) ypacpy'y) — ... Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods ? 35 If He called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, (and the scripture cannot be broken ; ) — Psa. 82:6. (304) A Psa. 81:6. ♦ Q3~0 \v7Q *0^1 Kai Viot ' 'T-^rlarov irdvre<;. . . . and all of you are children of ... and ye are all children of the the Most High. Highest. 140 QUOTATIONS FROM Luke ... Ka \ eaeade viol b tov *TyjriaTOV . . . 6:35- ... and ye shall be the children of the Highest ... a Comp. Sirach 4:10, Kal tari ois vlbs "Ttyiorov so shalt thou be as the son of the Most Hiyh ; also Luke 1 :32, kol 'Tibs "ttyiarov K\T)Qrj p,rj (pofirjdf) ere, Kvpie, Kal d So^darj to ovofid aov ; on /xovo? e oaw on f irdvra tcl eOvrj rj^ovai, Kal irpoaKWiqaovaiv evdiTTtov aov on tcl otKaccofiaTd aov i(pavepco6r)aav. "Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name ? for Thou only art holy : for g all nations shall come and worship before Thee ; for Thy judgments are made manifest. " Many MSS. om. 6 neyas. b Gr. doing. c See Jer. 10:7, inf. d 8o£dTOv et? tov alwva b pbevei . . . 36 His seed shall endure for ever . . . His seed shall abide for ever . . . «*«"« i#t /i^, et 9 i)Kovaa/jitv ck tov vop,ov, otl o A-piaTos /xevei ei9 tov atoiva . . . . . . We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever . . . * Compare Isa. 9:7, D^y "un nnj/», from henceforth even for ever; attb tov vvv Kal els tov aiSiva. b Many MSS. fteVei. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 141 Psa. 89 : 37 (38) . ( 308 ) Psa. 88 : 37. ••• 1/^X3 prtDO iyi •■■ ss • • ■ teal 6 pdprv? iv ovpavw7nar6? ... T < . . . and as a faithful witness in ... and as the faithful witness in heaven . . . heaven . . . Rev. — ical dnrb 'Irjcrov Xptarov, 6 pdprv? 6 maro? ... — and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness . . . Kev - ... 6 lA/x'tjv, 6 p,dprv? 6 mcrrb? real dXr/diVo? ... 3:14. the Amen, the faithful and true witness Psa. 89 : 48 (49) . ( 309 ) a Psa. 88 : 48. ... fy|£ IIXT NT) !T IT *D3 1 Jb * 9 Tt}}v. b In verse 52, taste of death. Psa. 89:52(53). (310) a Psa. 88:52. *. (Dfitf pX D7iy 7 HIPP yill 53 EvXoyrjrb? Kvpio? els rov alwva. yevocro, yevoiro. 52 Blessed be the Lord for ever- Blessed be the Lord for ever. So more. Amen, and Amen. he it, so he it. Rom. , , , Trapa rbv Krlaavra, 09 ecrrtv evXoyijro? el? c r] r)fiepa rj e'x#e<> i')Ti<; BirjXde . . . For a thousand years in Thy sight For a thousand years in Thine eyes are but as yesterday b when it is are as the yesterday which has past . . . passed away . . . 2 Pet. . , . on fxia rjfiepa irapa Kvptco &>? %l\ia err), koX ^iXia ert] w? ' " ' t) fie pa \xia. . . . that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. a Compare Rev. 20:2, etc., x' A ' a « T7 ?- Comp. also Sirach 18:10. b U Or, when He hath passed them. c Om. 7). Psa. 91:11,12, (312) Psa. 90:11, 12. U^^ 1*1)^^7 T? nl¥* V3X//I3 MD "Oti rot? ayyekois avTov ivrekeiTai is ™w d'&3 by 12 :Yrn "^ w ^t" W "^ ^ e iv I -j |jik">i^ u w-i /> ♦ | w 7racrat9 rat? oboes crov. 1Z A eiri x el ~ I |?in t^JO fjl^n pwv' apoval ere, firjiroTe Trpoatcoyjrr]'; 7rpbvXa^ai, ere' 1L Kai ° on eiri ^eipoiv apovcri ere, /a?)7tot€ irpoaKO^rr]^ irpb^ Xidov tov woba gov. — for it is written, He shall give His angels charge over Thee, to keep Thee : u and in their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest at any time Thou dash Thy foot against a stone. a Ad. kol. One MS. b Om. on. Psa. 93:4. (313) Psa. 92:4. ••• Wyi D* 1 /^ JTPpJb — tt7 ™ (ovcbv vSaTcov iroXXwv ... . , . than the noise of many waters ... — a at the voices of many waters . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 143 (Ieze. 1:24.) ... ft)? (fxOV7]V vSaTOf 7T0\\0V . . . ... as the voice of much water . . . (Ieze. 43:2.) . . . Kal (fxovr) tt)s vi) avrov 009 (pcovr) vSdrcov iroWwv. . . . and His voice as the sound of many waters. Kal rjKouaa V7]v Ik rov ovpavov &>? (pcovrjv vhdrwv iroXkow . . . And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters . . • Kal i]Kovaa ft)? v/u,6ov, ft>9 ev rut rrapam- Kpao~p,c0, Kara rrjv rj/xepav rov c TTLKpacrfiov ev rfj epy]fiu>, 9 ov errei- . I8e Kau etc yn oy iste\ ma toipx rw pacrav p.e ol irarepes v/jlwv, eooKifxa- aav, d Kal elSov rd epya fiov. 10 reacrapaKOVra err) irpoadr^Oiaa rfj yeued eKelvrj, Kal e elrra, 'Ael irXavwvrat, rrj KapSlq, f Kal amol 144 QUOTATIONS FROM |!XT E3tf *Sfcd ^riVHk^ 1£ f bs u o^^ eyvwcrav Ta? ooou? /aou. u a>9 ♦ <,..>. «.<.». L^» oyptocra ev t?} 00717 /xou, ElelcreXev- cruvrai eh r^v KaTaTravcriv fiov. . . . To-day if ye will hear His voice, . . . To-day if ye will hear His voice, 8 harden not your heart, as in the 8 harden not your hearts, as in the a provocation, and as in the day g provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness: of h anger in the wilderness, 9 where 9 when your fathers tempted Me, your fathers tempted Me, proved proved Me, and saw My work. Me, and saw My works. 10 . Forty 10 Forty years long was I grieved years was I grieved with that ge- with this generation, and said, It neration, and I said, They do is a people that do err in their alway en* in their heart, and they heart, and they have not known have not known My ways. n So I My ways : u unto whom I sware sware in My wrath, ' They shall in My wrath, b that they should not enter into My rest. not enter into My rest. Heb. Aib (icaOcos Xeyec to Ilvevpui To"Ayiov, %7]p,epov iav t?5? (poovrfi ' c ' avrov dKOvar]Te, 8 pbrj atc\r)pvvr)Te Tas Kap8la 7rapairiiipaafi(p } Kara rrjv rj/xepav rov ireipacrpiov iv rfj ipy]p,co, 9 ov k iirelpacrdv p,e 01 irarepe^ vp.wv, ehoKip-aadv pie, teal elSov Ta l epya p,ov reaaapaKOvra enj' 10 Scb irpocrco^Oiaa rfj yevea m itcelvr], kcu n elirov, 'Ael likavoivrai rfj tcapSia,' avTOC Be ovk eyvcacrav ra? 6Bov<; pbov n co? wpiocra iv rfj opyfj p,ov, El etaeXev- crovTai eh rrjv KaTaTravcriv puov.) 12 ySXeVere . . . 13 ... a^pi? ov to cn'ipLepov KaXelTai, k.t.X. — 15 — eV tc3 XeyeaBat, 2ijp,epov idv t?)? (p(ovr]<; aiTOv aKovcn]Te, puii crKXrjpvvr^e tcl<; KapBlas vf.iwv, to? ev tc5 TrapaTTtfcpaafio). — 17 tIctl Be TTpocrdyyBicre Tecrcrapa- kovtcl eTt] ; ... 18 Tien he a>p,ocre pur] elcreXevcrecrOai eh tt)v KaTa- Travcriv aiiTov ... ; — 4:1. <&o{37]06)p.ev ovv pur) 7TOT6 KaTaXeiTrop^evr]^ e7rayye\ia<; elaeXvelv eh ttjv KaTaTravcriv avTov, k.t.X. — 3 elcrepyopueda yap ei? tyjv KaTaTravcriv 01 iricfT€vcravTe<;, Kadcbs eipijfcev, 'fls copiocra ev tjj opyfj puov, El elaeXevaovTai eh ttjv Kardiravaiv piov ... 4 Elprj/ce yap ttov Trepl tt}? e{3B6p,T]<; ovtw° ... 5 ko\ ev tovtw ttoXiv, Ei elaeXevaovTai eh ttjv KaTaTravcriv piov. — 7 irdXiv Tiva opi^ei rjpiepav, ^tfp-epov, ev Aafilh Xeycov, pueTa toctovtov yjpovov Ka9a>s p elprjTai, ^Vf^epov edv t?}? (pwvrjs avTov aKOVcrrjTe, put) crKkr)pv- vt]T€ Tas KapSlas vpewv. — - l0 6 yap elcreXdcbv eh ttjv KaraTravcnv avTov ... u Xirovhao-wpLev ovv elaeXOelv eh eKelvrpv ttjv KaTa- Travcriv . . . 3:7. Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To-day if ye will hear His voice, 8 harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness • 9 when your fathers tempted Me, proved Me, and saw My works forty years. 10 Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their heart ; and they have not known My ways. 11 So I sware in My wrath, f| They shall not enter into My rest.) THE OLD TESTAMENT. 145 12 take heed, etc. 13 ... while it is called To-day, etc. — 15 — while it is said, To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. r — 17 But with whom was He grieved forty years ? . . . 18 And to whom aware He that they should not enter into His rest ...?--- 4:i. Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of enter- ing into His rest, etc. — 3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as He said, As I have sworn in My wrath, If they shall enter into My rest ... 4 For He spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise °... 5 and in this place again, If they shall enter into My rest. — 7 Again, He limitcth a certain day, saying in David, To-day, after so long a time ; as it is said, To-day if ye will hear His voice, harden not your hearts. — 10 For he that is entered into His rest ... u Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest . . . a H Heb. contention. b H Heb. If they enter, etc. c Many MSS. read irupaanov. A Ad. fie. Aid. Corxipl. and many MSS. e elirov. Many MSS. f avrol U. Many MSS. s Or, embittering. h Or, bitterness. ' Gv. If they shall enter. k iireipaaav oi irartpes v/au>v ev fioKifiaaia, nal elSov. 1 spya fiov. Teaa. trt], ispoa. m ravTr}. n elira. ° Sec No. 4, supra. v irpoeipriTat. i ^f Gr. If they shall enter. T See sonic words in verses 16, 19, and cb. 4:6, 8. Psa. 96:9. (316) Psa. 95:9. ♦ V'ltfn aD V3S/52 YD! Ti]plav rrjv irapa tov Qeov rj/jL&v. . . . and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation which is from our God. — otl elBov oi 6(p0a\fiol fxov to crcoT?]pc6v gov. — for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation. . . . otl T0Z9 eOveaiv aireo~Ta\r) to acoTrjptov tov Qeov . . . . . . that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles . . . a Comp. Isa.40:3— 5, and 49:6, infra. b Comp. Psa. 98:2, (Isa. 52:10.) nyi^» rw pa* ^duk hi fern- - wh& . . . and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Luke 2:30. Acts 28:28. b Psa. 98:9. see Psa. 9:8. Psa. 101:5. (319) a Psa. 100:5. t 7^1N £n? Ifitf tovtw ov avV7]adiov. (him) will not I suffer. . . . with him I have not eaten. . . . tw tolovtw firjSe avveaOleiv. . . . with such an one no not to eat. * Comp. Acts. 11:3. Gal. 2 : 12. ICor. 5:11. Psa. 102:25-27 (26-28). (320) Psa. 101 : 25 -27. tt r\wy&) mo* v^r\ d^sS 26 Karl «px« ? T ^ v yvy <™ Kvpce eOe- npyn nn*o ra^ ntsn = 7 : d w *•***"* r) fa? ™K * ei r v '> I ) I crov eicnv 01 ovpavoi. ~ v avTOt airo- D3* 7T\T\ fcP'Q^ Y?y Dm D731 Xovvrat, av Se 8iafM6V€i<:' Kal -iravTes fcO Tftl^l &OH nn^l cs : IsSrT'l ® s i/^driov irakauoQiqaovTaL, Kal t doael 7repi/36\cuov b eXlfjeis clvtovs, * I"*! Kal aWayijcrovTcu. "" av he 6 avTos ei, Kal Tct €T7) aov ovk eKXeiyjrovaiv. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 147 25 Of old hast Thou laid the foim- In the c beginning, Thou, Lord, dation of the earth : and the hea- didst lay the foundation of the vens are the work of Thy hands, earth, and the heavens are the 2(3 They shall perish, but Thou shalt works of Thy hands. 2 ° They shall a endure: yea, all of them shall wax perish, but Thou remaincst; and old like a garment; as a vesture they all shall wax old as doth a shalt Thou change them, and they garment; and as a vesture shalt shall be changed : 2? but Thou art Thou fold them up, and they shall the same, and Thy years shall have be changed : 27 but Thou art the no end. same, and Thy years shall not fail. Heb. Kal, 2v tear apyas, Kvpie, riw ynv ideaeXtcoaa 1 ;, Kal epya rav 1-10-1°. « » v « ' ' ii » v > -\ " v f\»' / yetpwv crov eiaiv oi ovpavoc avroi airoKovvrai, crv oe OLap,evei<$' Kal 7rdvre6 >]ael rrepi(36\aiov cl i\ii;ei T0L , 9 ex^povq aov virorrohiov twv 7roSwv aov. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand, until I Thou at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool, make Thine enemies a Thy foot- stool. ||Matt. Aeyei avrois, 2Ico? ovv Aa/318 iv Ilvevfiart, Kvpiov avrov KaXel, A.eycoi', 44 Elrrev 6 K.vpio<; ra> Kvpiqi /jlov, Kd6ov i/c Se^icov pbov, 6(o<; dv 00) rot) 1 ? e%9pov<; crov b inrorrooiov rcov rrohoiv aov ; 45 el ovv Aaftlh KaXel avrov Kvpcov, 7rco? vib<; avrov iarc ; He saith unto them, How then doth Da^dd in Spirit call Him Lord, saying, ** The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit Thou on My right hand, till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool ? 45 If David then call Him Lord, how is He his son ? §Matt. . . , air dpri, o^jreade rbv Ttbv rov dvdpd>rrov KaQr\p,evov i/c Se^iwv 26 : 64. T ~^ Swafxeaxs . . . . . . hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power . . , 15 THE OLD TESTAMENT. 1 19 PLvrk — avrbs yap Aa/318 eWev iv c tw Tlvevfian rep 'Aylw, a Eltrev 6 12:36, fc{,p L0 $ T c3 Kvpi(p fxov, Kddov eK 8e^toiV fMov, eo)9 dv 86) tovs iyOpOVS GOV VTTOTTohlOV TWV iro86)V GOV. 3 ~ ai)TO<; ovv Aa(3l8 \eyet avrov Kvpiov Kal irbOev v/09 avTOV eGTt, ; ... — for David himself said by the Holy Ghost, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit Thou on My right hand, till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool. 37 David therefore himself calleth Him Lord; and Avhence is He then his son? ... §Mabk . . . K al oyjreGde tov Tlbv tov dvdpcoirov e Kadtj/xevov eK 8e^i6)v t?}9 14 :62, Sum/xeco? . . . . . . and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power . . . Make 'O fj,ev ovv Kvpios, fiera to \a\T]Gai clvtols, dve\i] fiov, Kddov i/c 8e%i6>v fxov, 43 e&>9 dv 06) tou? i^0pov 35 - Kvpcos tw Kvpiw pov, Kddov £k 8e%i6)v fiov, 35 eW dv 06) tovs i%0pOVv tov Oeov, 7:55,56. 5 6 ^ elirev, 'I8ol», 0eop6) tow ovpavovs dvewy/juevovs, Kal tov Tibv tov dvdpco7rov eK 8e%i6)V eGTOiTa tov Oeov. . . . (he) saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, x and said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God. Rom. ... 09 Kal eGTiv iv 8e%ia tov Oeov . . . . . . who is even at the right hand of God . . . 150 QUOTATIONS FROM 1 Cor.^ . , , ayjpis ov g Of) rrdvras rovs i^Opovs h vrrb rovs 7r6Sas avrov. . . . till He hath put all enemies under His feet. Epri - . . . fcal eicaOiaev iv 8e%ia avrov iv rols ivrovpavtots. . . . and set Him at His own right hand in the ' heavenly places. Col. ... ov 6 XptGros iartv iv hefyq, rov ©eov Kadr)p,evos. . . . where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Heb. , , . itcdOiGev iv he^ia rrjs fieyaXaiGvvrjs iv u-^^Xot?. -— 13 Ilpbs " ' * rlva 8e rs i^dpovs gov viroirohiov royv irohwv gov ; . . . (He) sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. — 13 But to which of the angels said He at any time, Sit on My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool ? Heb. ... 09 itcaOiGev iv 8e£ta rov Opovov rrjs fj,eya\a>Gvvr]s iv rots ' ' ovpavols. . . . who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. Heb. k Avrbs Be fxlav vrrep afxaprioiv irpoGeveyKas Ovg'iov els ro Sirjve/ces, ,„■ ' itcctdiGev iv Be^ia rov ©eov, to \onrbv iKSe^o/ubevos ecos reOwGiv ol ij(6pol avrov vTroirohtov rwv irohwv avrov. But ' this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God ; 13 from henceforth expecting till His enemies be made His footstool. Heb. ... iv BePid re rov Opovov rov ©eov m iKaOiGev. 12 " 9 . . . and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. I Pet. — 09 iGrcv iv Be^ia, rov ©eov, TropevOels els ovpavbv ... — who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God . . . a Gr. the footstool of Thy feet. b vitokcLtci} twv. c Tlfeu/xaTi 'Ayly. G. and S. II Ae^ei. G. and S. e e'/c Se^twv KaO^fievov. G. and S. f Partially from Psa. 8. See No. 251, supra. e Ad. av. M. G. and S. h Ad. avrov. ' See chap. 2:6. k Ovtos. S. 1 Rather, He (or, this priest). m KeKadutev. G. and S. Psa. 110:4. (326) Psa. 109:4. |PD ilHK Wny> NT) ("HIV JDBO "flfoa* Kvpios zeal ov /xerafj,e\rj- . *,*,., kJ-** «,«^-, Um t-L^L Oi]Gerat, %v lepevs eh rov alwva : pm *frb won ty D^jr? Kark rhv T ^/ Me x xt «^. The Lord hath sworn, and will not The Lord sware, and will not re- repent, Thou art a priest for ever pent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. after the order of Melchisedec. Heb. — tcadcos ical iv erepw \eyei, Hi) lepevs els rov aleova Kara, rrjv 5:6 ' l ' rd^iv MeX%io-eSe/c. — 10 — rrpoGayopevOeh vtto rov ©eov dp^- tepevs Kara rrjv rd^iv MeX^tGeSeK. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 151 — as He saith also in another a place, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchiscdec. — 10 — called of God an high priest after the order of Mclchisedec. IIer - ... , Ir]aov<;, Kara ttjv rd^cv Mek^taeSeK dp-^iepev^ yevofxevos et9 tov alSiva. . . . Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Mcl- chisedec. Heb. ... Tt? en %pela, Kara rr/v rd^iv MeX^taeSefc erepov dvlaraaOai ' ' lepea, KaX ou Kara ti]v tci^lv ^Aapoiv Xeyeadai ; — l5 ... el Kara rt)V 6p,oioT7]Ta MeX-^iaeSetc uviararai lepevs erepos. — l7 fxap- Tvpel yap, otl %u lepeu? et? tov alwva Kara tijv rdfyv Me\- ^icreSeK. — - 1 . . . 6 Se fierd opfccofioo-las, Bid tov Xeyovro? Trpos civtov, "'flfioae Kvpios teal ou p,€Tap,e\r]9))o-eTai, %v lepev? els tov alwva b KCtTa ttjv tu^iv Me\^icre8eK. — "* 6 Se, Sid to [ikveiv avTov eU tov alwva . . . — • 28 . . . 6 A.070? Se tt}? op/cco/jLocrias t% fieTa tov vo/xov, Tlov et9 tov alwva TeTeXetw/xevov. . . . what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron? — 15 ... for that after the similitude of Mel- chisedec there ariseth another priest. — 17 For He testifieth, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. — 21 . . . hut this {priest ivas made) with an oath by Him that said unto Him, The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. — 24 — but c this man, because He continueth ever - 28 . . . but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is d consecrated for evermore. a Or, psalm. b Some MSS. om. Kara r. t. M. here. c Or, He, or, this priest. d TI Gr. perfected. Psa. 110:5. see Job 21:30. Psa. 111:2. (327) Psa. 110:2. ••• ni(T WVfo Dv"tt MeydXa tcl epya Kvplov ... The works of the Lord are great . . . The works of the Lord are great . . . (Psa. 139:14.) (Psa. 138:14.) ... *"p£J>T^ O^Js^S} a davfidaia Ta ep \aa> avrov. . . . for He hath a visited and redeemed His people. a See No. 57, supra. Psa. 111:9. (329) Psa. 110:9. ♦ IDfcy J0131 ^*np ayiov Kal (poftepbv to ovo/xa avrov. . . . holy and reverend is His name. . . . holy and fearful is His name. Luke , , , K al ayiov to ovo/jlcl clvtov. . . . and holy is His name. Psa. 112:9. (330) Psa. 111:9. THUS}} IJlpTX O^VSw? |fi3 ITS Eo-Kopiriaev, eSco/ce toi9 irevrjaiv' <-.«*L V St-Kaioavvr) uvtov fjuevec eh tov ' aloiva tov alwvos . . . He hath dispersed, he hath given He dispersed, he gave to the poor; to the poor ; his righteousness en- his righteousness remaineth for dureth for ever . . . ever and ever . . . 2 Cor. — fcadoos yiypa/irrcu, Eo-Kopinaev, e'Stw/ce toi<; Trevrjcnv' rj Si/cato- '' ' crvvrj avrov /xevei ei? tov aloiva. — as it is written, He hath dispersed abroad, he hath given to the poor ; his righteousness remaineth for ever. Psa. 114:7. see Psa. 96: 9. Psa. 116:10. (331) Psa. 115:10 (or 1). ... "m^ ^ TOftNn 'EirlaTevaa, 8cb ekaXyara ... 1 believed, therefore have I spo- I believed, therefore did I speak... ken . . . 2 Cor. , . , kclto, to yeypap,\ikvov, ^Eirlo-Tevaa, Sib i\aXrjcra' Kal rjixelq Tuo-Tevofiev, hub Kal \a\ovfxev. . . . according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak. Psa.116:11. (332) Psa. 115:11 (or 2). : itd Dixn bs *Tsm wibN ^x ,Er Y™ p e *™ * v r y iKtrrfoei pov, Has avOptoTTOs ^evaTTj^. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 153 I said in my haste, All men are I said moreover in my amaze- liars, ment, Every man is a liar. Rom. ... yiveaOco Se 6 0eo? ci\r]6}] CU 73 m?T JIN Wn Alvelre tov Kvpiov irdvra ra edvrj, . *,»*»,..,_ L» erraiviaare avrov 7rdvre? cnro9vrio-KovTe Zcouev &>? b rraih'evouevoi, Kal an 6:9./)/ ~ ' oavarov/xevoi. ... as dying, and, behold, we live ; as chastened, and not killed. a Gr. chastening hath chastened me, as the Hebrew. b irtipa£6/xei/oi. X 154 QUOTATIONS FIIOM Psa. 118:22, 23. (330) Psa. 117:22, 23. ^^1^ nn\1 D^IDn IDfcsD ptf Aldov bv airehoKL^iaaav ol ol/coSo- v ^ nsJT ^ n>ta , -*,., n ^ ,3 4 <-** /ioOwe?, oSro? eyev?^ <& Ke^aXrjv k n nxi nn n mn n^D . n:s 7&mV 23 ^^ K ^ ot , ^„ 6T0 t )yy)}% n^ 7£>J ai/T??, /cal ecri dav/juacrrr] iv 6(j)da\- ftois rjfiwv. The stone ?t'Aic/i the builders re- The stone which the builders re- fused is become the head stone of jected, the same is become the the corner. 23 a This is the Lord's head of the corner. 23 b This was doing; it is marvellous in our eyes, the Lord's doing, and it is mar- vellous in our eyes. (| Matt. >#> Ovheirore dveyvcore iv rats ypaa\r)V ywvias' irapa Kvplov iyevero avrr], koX ecrrt davfjuao-rr] iv ocpdaXfiols rj/xwv ; . . . Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner : this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes ? || Mark OvBe rr\v ypcxprjv ravrrjv dveyvcore, AiOov bv airehoKifxacrav ol :r ' ol/coSo/jbovvres, ovros iyevrjdrj els KefaikrjV ycovias' n irapa Kvplov iyevero avrr/, nai ecrrt 6av/j,aarrj iv ocpdaX/xols fjfxcov ; And have ye not read this scripture, The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: u this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? IJLxtkb . . . TV ovv icrn to yeypa/x/xevov rovro, AlOov bv a,7re8oKtfiaaav ol 20:17 ' olKohofxOvvres, ovros iyev))07] els tce^aXrjv ycovias ; . . . What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner ? Acts Ovros iartv 6 \l0os 6 i^ovdevqdels v 6e{ie\,l(p rcov diroaroXcov kcu Trpocpn- 2 ' rwv, ovros d ciKpoycovoalov e avrov ^I'qcrov Xpiarov. — and (ye) are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone. 1 Pet. , , , \l$ov ^covra, vrrb avOpdoiroov /J,ev a7roSeSoKi/uiao-fievov ... — ' 7 ... aireiOovcn he, Aldov bv airehoKlfxaaav ol otKoBofxovvres, ovros iyevtfOr) els KediaXijv ycovias. ... a living stone, disallowed indeed of men ... — 7 ... but unto them which be disobedient, The stone which the builders dis- allowed, the same is made the head of the corner. » II Heb. This is from the Lord. b Gr. This was from the Lord. So Matt, and Mark. c oiKodSpwv. d aKpoyoovalos is the word used by Symmachus. e Ad. \idov. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 155 Psa. 118:25,26. (337) Psa. 117:25, 2G. mrr mk ao ny^in rorv sok *fl Kvpie <™w s?), & Kvpie eM- nwi ann ira 2C : nj nir^n Wo,/ ft f E ^w<^ ° e > % 6- I Lievos ev ovofian Kvpiov ... Savenow,IbeseechThee,OLoRD: O Lord, save now: O Lord send O Lord, I beseech Thee, send now now prosperity. 2f) Blessed is 1 1 e prosperity. ^ Blessed be He that that cometh in the name of the cometh in the name of the Lord ... Lord ... §Matt. , , , %v € l o ip<%6p,evos ... ; U:3 - ... Art Thou He that should come . . . ? ||Matt. 01 Se 6')(\.oi . . . enpa'Cpv, \eyovres, 'flaavva ra Tlco Aa[3l8' evXo- 9 av elirriTe, Ev\oyr)/jLevo) iv ovpavw, teal So^a iv vyjrlo-Tois. — saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord : peace in heaven, and d glory in the highest. || John t , m i/cpa^ov, 'flcravvd' ev\oyrjp.evo ovpav♦«, k.^x>vkU o~/a]voofj,a rut @e&3 'Ia/ccofi. ♦ Jpy i jc\7 — until I find out a place for — until I find a place for the Lord, the Lord, a an habitation for the a tabernacle for the God of Jacob, mighty God of Jacob. Acts . . . fcal rjrrjaaro evpelv aKrjvcofia rat ©eS 'Iafcdo/S. . . . and (he) desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob. a «ff Heb. habitations. Psa. 132:11. (344) Psa. 131:11. Hit?* fc*S fiftX TIT? ITIPP JMSW "flfioae Kvpios rut AavlS aXijdetav, km 1 ? ivew -ntto najb r-ntott " al ™ ^ "^y^" ^y^ ' E/c Ka P- ndj7 n t/K -JJD3 ijo njao ^ rf?? /cotX / a9 aov 0^ aOfiat ^i ♦ T? rov Opovov aov. The Lord hath sworn in truth un- The Lord sware in truth to David, to David ; He will not turn from and He will not annul it, Of the it; Of the fruit of a thy body will fruit of thy body will I set upon I set upon thy throne. thy throne. Acts . . . etScb? on opKW wfiocrev avrw 6 0eo?, etc Kapirov t?}? octavo? avrov b ro Kara adpica avacrrrjaeiv rov Xptarbv, KaQlaat eiri rov Opovov avrov — ... knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, He would raise up Christ to sit on his throne — a If Heb. thy belly. b Om. rb Kara crdpKa avdar. rbv Xptarbv. G. Psa. 135:14. see Deut. 32:36. Psa. 136:11,12. see Exod. 6 : 6. 158 QUOTATIONS FROM Psa. 137:8. (345) Psa. 136:8. T?11&3 JlX "17 D/^* 1 ^ ^"lt^X /J,aicdpio$ 09 avrairohcoaei croc t k-L j-Lutu. to avTa7roSoyL6a o-of, aVTa7re6*a)- . . . happy shall he be a that reward- • • • blessed shall he be who shall eth thee as thou hast served us. render unto thee the retribution Avhich thou didst render unto us. (Jer. 50:15. b) (Jer.27:15.) I nS W$ nnfc^y "lSJ'i'O ••• ••• Ka0 ^ iiroLTjae, TrotrjcraTe avrfj. ... as she hath done, do unto her. ... as she hath done, do unto her. Rev. ]4.7ro'SoTe avrfi o>? Kal avrrj c direhcoKev v[uv . . . Reward her even as she rewarded you . . . a ^| Heb. that recompenseth unto thee thy deed which thou didst to us. b See also ver. 29. c aire'SwKe, and om. iifuv. G. and S. Psa. 139:14. see Psa. 111:2. Psa. 140:3. see Psa. 14 (13). Psa. 141:2. ( 346 ) a Psa. 140:2. - TJfiS rHtOp ^nSSH t^n KaTevdvv6r)joi f) irpocrevxn fiov fc>9 ' I 6vjj,ia/jba evanrtov gov . . . Let my prayer be b set forth be- Let my prayer be set forth before fore Thee as incense . . . Thee as incense . . . Rev. , . . /col id\a<; %pvcras yepbovGas 6vp,odp,aTQ)V, ai elatv al irpocrev- yah twv dyloov. . . . and golden vials full of c odours, which are the prayers of saints. R EV - . . . Kal ihodrj avTcp Ovfjuuip-ara 7ro\\a, I'va Scogj) rats 7rpoaev)(al / -> aeTat evooTUov crov 7ra<> Qoov. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 159 — and enter not into judgment — and enter not into judgment with Thy servant : for in Thy sight with Thy servant ; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified. shall no man living be justified. Rom. Aiori e% epycov vofiov ov Si/ccucoOijcreTcu irdcra aapi; evooiriov avrov . . . Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be jus- tified in His sight . . . Gal. , , t t> g i0 'Tt c y SiKcticodijaerac e£ epycov vo/xov rrdcra aap%. ... for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. a Comp. Gal. 3:11, and Acts 13 : 39. b Se Sri. G. c e| ?. v. ov 5. S. Psa. 144:9. (348) a Psa. 143:9. — T? n*VBW £JHn T'EJ' DTI7K 'O @eo? (p&rjv KawrjV aao/xal aoi ... I will sing a new song unto Thee, O God, I will sing a new song OGod... unto Thee... Rev. K.a\ aSovaiv eoS?)v Kaivi]V . . . And they sung a new song . . . Rev. Xal aSovcrtv b co? mSrjv /caivrjv . . . And they sung as it were a new song . . . a See also the following passages of the Psalms, in all of which the Hebrew is win tit, and the Greek, aoyta kolw6v. Psa. 33:3. 40:3. 96:1. 98:1. 149:1. In Isaiah 42 : 10, the Hebrew is the same, but the Greek vfivov kcui>6v. See likewise Judith 16:2, \f/a\fj.bi> Kaii>6v. b Om. ws. G. and S. Psa. 145 : 18. ( 349 ) Psa. 144 : 18. a ••• VSOp /J? PTirV y\1p 'Eyyvs Kvpios Tram rots ernica- ' Xovfjbkvois avrov . . . The Lord is nigh unto all them The Lord is nigh unto all that that call upon Him . . . call upon Him . . . Puil. ...0 Kvpios iyyvs. ... The Lord is at hand. a Comp. Rom. 10: 12, 6 yap aiirbs Kvpios iravTuv, ttKovt&v els TrdvTas tous tTriKaAoufitvovs avrSy. Psa. 146:6. see Exod. 20:11. Psa. 146:10. see Psa. 10:16. Prov. 1 : 16. see Psa. 14 (13). Prov. 3:3. (350) a Prov. 3:3. b i "IT? IT)/ /V DifO ••• [••• ypa' r / 'ov auras iirl 7r\a/co9 t?]<; /capSlas crov . . . . . . write them upon the table of ... write them on the table of thine thine heart. heart . . .] 160 QUOTATIONS FROM 2 Cor. . , . iirtcrroXTj Xptarov . . . iyyeypafju/xevT] ... eV irXa^X /capSlas : ' 7rcov. Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. a Comp. No. 208, supra. b % Or, good success. c Or, good things. d twv, or om. irdvroiu. e izpovoovjxf.v. S. f Ad. yap. G. and S. Prov. 3:7. ( 352 ) a Prov. 3 : 7. ••• T^y^ D^n ^nn hH ^V "^ (ppovipos Trapa ... Be not wise in thine own eyes ... Be not wise b in thine own eyes . . . RoM - . . . Xva prj rjre c Trap eavrols (ppovtpot . . . 11 :25, . . . lest ye should be wise in your own conceits . . . Rom- ... p?] ytveade (ppovipoc Trap" eavrotq. 12 :16 ' ... Be not wise in your own conceits. a See also Prov. 28: 11. Isa. 5 :21. b Gr. in thyself, and so the N.T. c Om. itap', or read iv. Prov. 3:11, 12. ( 353 ) a Prov. 3: 11, 12. ^K1 Dtfftn Stf ^1 PTlIT IDI^ Ti6 b pr)6Xty(op€L7ratBeia<;Kvpiov, -\m n« »3" nrrairn m gfj^^^'^r^ ^ 05 ' II *ov ? viols BiaXeye- ' ' rat,' Tie fiov, fir) oXiycopeo irachelas Kvpiov, firjSe exXvov inr avrov eXey^ofxevo^' 6 ov yap dycnrci I(vpio$, 7rai8evet, /bLaariyol 8e iravra vlbv ov TrapaSe^erai. — and ye have forgotten the exhortation which speakcth unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of Him : 6 for whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. Rev. 'Eyob oaovs eav «- <..-•, rcnreivois 8e ScScoai yj'ipiv. Surely He scorneth the scorners ; The Lord resistcth the proud, but but He giveth grace unto the giveth grace unto the humble, lowly, James — WleiCpva <$e 8l8eoo~t ydpw 816 Xeyet,, 'O @eo9 v7repy](f)dvoLo- ♦ csaini ve i ral; Behold, the righteous shall be re- And if the righteous b scarcely be conipensed in the earth : much saved, where shall the ungodly more the wicked and the sinner. and the sinner appear? 1 Pet. — icai el 6 8ifcaio<; yu6\i? aco^erai, 6 acre/3r/? kcu dfjLaprco\b Eltrlv ol 7rXoL>Tt£ovTe? eavrovs /jltj- t ^ ..^ Sev e^ovre<;, teal elcrlv ol rajrei- * I vovvre? eavTovs ev 7ro\\a> ttXovtw. There is that maketh himself rich, There are who enrich themselves, yet hath nothing : there is that though having nothing ; and there maketh himself poor, yet hath are who debase themselves, though great riches. in great wealth. 2 Cob. ... &)? 7TT&)^ot, 7roX\ov? fj,r)$ev e%ovre<;, kcu Travra KaTe%ovT6<;. ... as poor, yet making many rich ; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. Prov. 22 : 8. ( 359 ) Prov. 22 : 8. a ... avhpa ikaphv icai Sorrjv b ev\ouL£e avrov eav Snjra, TTOTttJe avrov rovro ««»* r h v Ovpav, "Avoi^bv /xoi, rj ifh/qaiov ' fiov, aBeXcpr) fxov . . . ...it is the voice of my beloved ...the voice of my a kinsman knock- that knocketh, saying, Open to Me, eth at the door, saying, Open to My sister, My love . . . Me, My neighbour, My sister . . . Rev. ""IBov eo-Trjtca eTrl tijv Ovpav /cal Kpovco' edv tis ciKOvar) ri)<; (fxovrjs 3 ' jjbov, /cal avoi%r) ttjv Ovpav, elcreXevao/jiat 717509 avrbv ... Behold, I stand at the door, and knock : if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him . . . a Usually, nephew. Sol. Song 8:11. (367) a The Song 8:11. ... CJHtOD/ D""l3n n&$ tni eBco/ce rbv ajAireXcova avrov T0t9 TTjpovcnv . . . ... he let out the vineyard unto ... he b let out his vineyard unto keepers . . . keepers . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 165 || Matt. ...'Avdp(07r6<; c Tt? yv olKoheairorrj?, oarcs i<-. yeyparrrat iv /3t/3A,&) Xoycov 'Hcratov rod irpocprjrov . . . — as it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet . . . Luke Xal errehbOri avra> fiifiXiov 'Haatov rov 7rpo<; rrpoeipt]Kev 'Hcratas, El yu,?; Kvpio<; aaftacbO iy/care- Xiirev r\plv cnrepfia, co? 268op,a av eyevyOrj/xev, Kal ax? Tofioppa av (bfxoicodrjfiev. And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. 166 QUOTATIONS FROM Isa. 1:13, 14 (370) Esa. 1:13,14 tsytyin u ••• r^Q^i t^nn t< *? vov^via^ v^w, koI ra, hit>MtkM crafifiaTa ... u Kal ras vovfir/VLa<; ' v/xwv, Kal reus eoprcts v/jlwv ... . . . the new moons and sabbaths your new moons and sabbaths . . . 14 Your new moons and your ap- u and your new moons and your pointed feasts . . . feasts . . . Col. , , , ^ iy fxepei eoprrjs i) vovfMrjvlas r) o~a/3/3drcov. ... or in respect of an holy-day, or of the new-moon, or of the sabbath-^tzz/s. 2:16. Isa. 2:2. see Gen. 49:1. Isa. 2:10, 19. (371) a Esa. 2:10,19. 1&OV 9 — •••*IS1D ptDHI TlX2i fc^D Kni v ^ v eiai\0ere ek ras irerpas, ... isjr rfotm tm* nrm £-'&*^J&Z&£ Kal eh ras cr^tafxaq rcov irerpwv, Kal eh t«5 rpcoyXa? rr}s 7775 . . . Enter into the rock, and hide thee Now therefore enter into the rocks, in the dust ... —- a 9 And they shall and hide you in the earth ... — go into the holes of the rocks, and J 9 — having carried c them into the into the caves of b the earth . . . dens, and into the clefts of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth . . . Rev - ...eKpv-^rav eavrovs eh ra cnrrfkcua Kal eh tM -*p»pL p-j^ q^3 ... . . . 'Ajj,7re\a)v iyevrtfv rm rjya-in}- > I ' uivco... * ical (bpar/ubv TreptiOrfKa, rua \y) \n& njw w?pon Li Vp«r™ ?^ ^ <^ ••• n IXTI 5D* Dil IDIHl 7re\ov &<&[*}&, «at u)Ko86/j,7]cra jvp- vrevpar//j,bv avrat irepcedr]Ke, Kal copv^ev ev avrco \tjvov, Kal a>KoS6fjLT]ae Trvpyov . . . . . . There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a wine-press in it, and built a tower . . . IIMark . . . J AixTre\oiva idjvrevcrev avOpcoiros, Kal irepii0r]K6 (ppay/xbv, /cat ' ' oopv^ev inroXrjviov, Kal (pKohbfArjae irvp'yov . . . ... A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the wine-fat, and built a tower... IILuke . . .'AvOpooTros e Ti9 elae\rj\v9aatv. ... and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. a 1 Or, This is in Mine ears, saith the Lord, etc. 168 QUOTATIONS FROM Isa. 6:1-3. (375 ) a Esa. 6:1-3. KD3 7^ 1W 'flit HK PROfcfl 6 ^ ov roV Kvpiov KaQr/fievov iwl hsob nnw mib> 2 - my\ en ? poV ™ ^ o{) * al . *w^«« • • • /yuuu \u)/ u -) \w k>L/ji u i 2 Ka \ ae p a ^ L ^ eco-TiitceLO-av kvk\w ». ITwb D"S:3 W D*fil3 W 17 auroO, §| Trrepvyes rS ivl, Kal e| imp natf) m 7« m ntw 3 r^ 8 7* ^ v 3 " al ^f^ 6 * I I erepo? 7rpo9 Toy erepov, teal eXeyov, ... roaax nirv emp ^rip "AyLo^yio^ayu^Kvpio^aa^ame... ... I saw also the Lord sitting upon ... I saw the Lord sitting upon a a throne, high and lifted np . . . throne, high and exalted ... 2 And 2 Above it stood the seraphims : the seraphim stood round about each one had six wings . . . 3 And Him, c each one had six wings . . . b one cried unto another, and said, 3 And they cried one to another, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the hosts . . . Lord of Sabaoth . . . R EV - . . . Kal ISov Qpovos efceiro iv to) ovpavw, Kal iirl tov Qpovov ica- ' ' ' ' dr/fievos. — 6 . . . /ecu iv f^ecrcp tov Qpovov teal kvk\g> tov Qpovov reacrapa £iwa... — 8 Kal d recrcrapa ^coa, ev e naff eavrb, el^ov dvd rrrepvya^ e£ tcv/ckoQev, teal eawQev f ye/xovra 6(pQa\fioi)v, /cat avarrravenv ovk e^ovaiv i)fiepa' ei> tx "- f y^ovffiv. G. and S. s \eyovres. G. and S. h ^1 Gr. they have no rest. Isa. 6:4. ( 376 ) Esa. 6 : 4. J jfc^y H/fa* JV^m Ka ^ o oIkos iveifki)a6r} nairvov. . . . and the house was filled with . . . and the house was filled with smoke. smoke. R £V - . . . Kal iye/xlaQr) 6 vabs Kairvov . . . ... And the temple was filled with smoke ... Isa. 6:9,10. (377) a Esa. 6:9, 10. ty W HTM D$H JYtbfctt T> IftW) -K^ e * i7r6 > HopevOryri^ ical ehrov tu, 7N1 INI Um U'On 7^1 yiO^ ^ iavV rj T e,Kal^irovre^\^ere, run oyn y? pwr\ 10 : ij;nn koX ov m i'8 V T6. io i7ra X vvQv ya P rj tcapSla tov \aov tovtou, Kal toI<; THE OLD TESTAMENT. 169 ntfv |3 ye>n vryi man mtw j^ •asSi yw rouen r^jn And He said, Go, and tell this people, Hear ye b indeed, but un- derstand not ; and see ye c indeed, but perceive not. 10 Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and under- stand with their heart, and con- vert, and be healed. J] Matt. 13:13- 15. )]Mark 4:12. ||LUKE 8:10. John 12:39- 41. a>a\v avTcov ftapeay? tf/covaav, real tovs 6(j)da\{iov0a\fiol rjKovaav, Kal tov<; ocpOaX/jbovs avrwv itcdp:/jLv0a\p,oli]TOv 7rpo9 tou? 7rarepa<; rjp,o>v, ~k£yov, 26 IIopevOrjTi 7roo? rov Xabv nrovTOV Kal n etVe, lA/cof) aKOvaere, Kal ov fxrj avvr)re' /ecu /3\€TrovTe<> {3\ey$rere, Kal ov p,rj t'Sr/Te. ^ eira^vvdr} yap t) tcaphia rov \aoi> tovtov, Kal rols dial j3apea><; r/KOvcrav, Kai tov$ 6(pda\p,ovs avrcov eKd/u,p,vo~av p,i]iroTe IScoai T049 oai, Kal ° Idcrcop^at, avrovs. ... Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers, 26 saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand ; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive : c7 for the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are didl of hearing, and their eyes have they closed ; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. a See also Eze. 12:2, infra. b % Or, without ceasing, etc. Heb. Hear ye in hearing, etc. c If Heb. in seeing. d Ad. avrwv. vii. xn. and many others. e Gr. did not. * Gr. they heard heavily with their ears. % Gr. convert. h avviwcri. M. and S. ' Idaofiai. k Om. Tit afj.upTfitJ.aTa. 1 firwpaio-ev. m id.aofj.ai. n elirbv. G. arid S. ° la.aofj.ai. Isa. (5:11. (378) a Esa. 6:11. ••• *yi&* Tift *ty •"■£*>* 7ro ' Te Kvpie ; ... . . . Lord, how long ? ... ... How long, Lord ? . . . R EV - ...'Ecos wore, 6 Aecnrorrj^ 6 ciyios Kal 6 d\r]$iv6 ' I to ovopba avrov ^Epfxavovrfk. ... Behold, a virgin shall conceive, ... Behold, a virgin shall be with and bear a Son, and a shall call child, and shall bring forth a Son, His name Immanuel. and thou shalt call His name Em- manuel. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 171 Matt. — re^erat Se Tlov, Kal KaXeaets to ovo/jlci avrov 'Irjaovv ... :- - .no j' £; T0 g^ '6\ov 6(3ov *a V Tov ov fii, . . . neither fear ye their fear, nor . . . and fear ye not his fear, neither be afraid. 13 Sanctify the Lord of be b troubled. 13 Sanctify the Lord hosts Himself ; and let Him be Himself, and c He shall be thy your fear, and let Him be your fear. dread. 1 P ET - . . . Tov 8e -iren-oiOayi #9, earcu ' ' ' Lfcttjtefk o" 06 e *S ayiaap-a, Kal ov% &>? Xidov ?\WJU -rrpoo-KOpifiaTi crvvavTijaeade, ov8e ft)9 TTGTpa^ 7TT0Jp,aTC . . . 172 QUOTATIONS FROM And He shall be for a sanctuary ; And if a thou shalt put thy trust in but for a stone of stumbling and Him, He shall be unto thee for a for a rock of offence . . . sanctuary, and ye shall not come together against Him as against the obstruction of a stone, nor as against the b falling of a rock . . . Rom- . . . irpoaeno-tyav yap rw \idw rov 7rpoo-/c6fji,/j,aTO$, 33 /ca6io<; je- oo 3 c 2 ' ypcnrrai, 'ISov rldy/M iv Hioov \lOov TrpoaKo/xp.aro'i, Kal irirpav GKavhaXop ... . . . For they stumbled at that stumbling-stone ; 33 as it is written, Behold I lay in Sion a stumbling-stone, and rock of offence . . . 1 Pet. — ical A,<$09 TrpocrKOfA/jbaTOS koX irerpa cr/cavSaXov o'c nrpoa-Ko- '' TTTOVCTl T(p \6j(p . . . — and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word . . . a Gr. as in No. 384, infra. b See the next section. ° The quotation is partly from Isa.28:16. Isa. 8:15. (383) Esa. 8:15. •••TDtJOl 1/331 D^HI 02, 1/£01 AiarovTO ahwarrjcrovo iv iv avTofc TroXkol, teal ireaovwat Kal crvvrpi- /3i']aovrat . . . And many among them shall Therefore many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken .. . be weak, and shall fall and be broken . . . ||Matt. Kal 6 Treawv iirl rov \ldov rovrov avvOXaadnaerar id? bv S' 81 -44 * ,\ / « / ■> > ' av irecrr], XiKfiijarei avrov. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken : but on whomsoever it b shall fall, it will grind him to powder. IILuke 17 a? o Treaoov eV iicelvov rov \l6ov o-wdXao-d^o-erat' id? bv 8' : av Treat), \ucfirjaet, avrov. Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken ; but on whomsoever it a shall fall, it will grind him to powder. 8 Some MSS. omit the whole verse. b See the LXX. in the preceding section. Isa. 8:17, 18. (384) Esa. 8:17, 18. *D3X mn 18 J 17 Wlpl Kai TreiroiOio*; eao/jbat, eV avrS. ■ ■ ■ ■ JL k>- „ ,_ M4V4 ta-. t LL kta k 18 'I&ov iyai Kal rd iraihia a uot . . . and I will look for Him. 18 Be- ... and b I will c trust in Him. 18 Be- hold, I and the children whom the hold I and the children which God Lord hath given Me, a etc. hath given Me . . . THE OLD TESTAMENT. 173 Heb. — Ka \ jrdXtv, jEycb eaofxat ireTroiOcvs eir avrto. teal ttoXlv, 'JSou eyio Kal rd irathia a fioi eSoiKev 6 @eo• i n^n pnr-ksm ^ns: mnxi Kal ol Xoi7rol ol ^ v ^^^ KaX \ D*1Jn 7 vJ pTTl "D^ DTl "IT! irepav rod lophdvov FaXtXaia twv TlK ISO "T^TD D^Snn Oyn 2 ^v&v. ' ° Xao ? °/ -jropevofievos ev ''*W ilN JiiD/a p ls\ J jE/ / ) u Toi/covvres iv yd>pa f o"*^ Oavdrov, * J^n^V g 0(«9 Xdpuy\rei icp' vp,av KarcpKrjcrev eh Kairepvaovfx ti]V TrapadaXacrcriav, iv opioid Za/3ovX(bv Kal Necp6aXelpL, 14 iva TrXr/pcodfj to prjOev St a 'Haatov tov irpocprjTov, "XeyovTos, i5 Ti) Za/3ovXu>v Kal yrj Nepa Kal crKta davdrov, w? dveretXev avrol*;. . . . He departed into Galilee ; 13 and leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea-coast, in 174 QUOTATIONS FROM the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim : 14 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, 15 The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles ; l6 the people which sat in darkness saw great light ; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up. Luke — e7ri,d>avai rols ev 6d\acrar)s. d Ka.9rifj.evos. in. and others. e elSe. f Ad. Ka\. m. xn. etc. e (pws aveTeiAev. MS. 301. h Compare Isa. 42:7 nuri s 3i^ — ko.1 Kadrifxevovs iv o-k6th. Isa. 9:6(9:5). (387) Esa. 9 : 6. — 1^7 |P.J p )^7 ih* ih* 1 "O 5 ' Tt IlaL&lov eyevv^dt] rjfiiv, Tt09 real eSodrj r/p,2v . . . 6 For unto us a Child is born, unto For unto us a Child is born, and us a a Son is given . . . unto us a a Son is given . . . Luke — # T £ ere^drj vplv cn'ifjuepov ScoTijp . . . — For unto you is born this day ... a Saviour ... a See John 3:16, He gave His only begotten Son. Isa. 9:7 (9:6). (388) a Esa. 9 : 7. *tyi Tlftyfo ... *fn ND3 /V ••- 6 ... eirirbv Opbvov AavlZ ...airbrov h.Lk.4 vvv teal els rbv alwva . . . 7 ... upon the throne of David upon the throne of David . . . from henceforth even for ever . . . from henceforth and for ever . . . Luke ... Ka \ Scioaei avrw Kvptos 6 (9eo? rbv Opbvov Aa/318 tov irarpos 1 : 32, 33. > - „ \ o \ f r 5 v v «? 'r v q ' v "- ' avrov, •" /cat, pacnKevaet em tov ockov la/coop et? tows cuwvas .. . . . . and the Lord God shall give mito Him the throne of His b father David : 33 and He shall reign over the c house of Jacob for ever . . . a Compare 2 Sa. 7:16. lKi.2:4. 1 Ch. 17:11, 14. Psa. 89:4, 29, etc. and various other passages. See No. 344, supra. b See Jer. 33 :21, that he [David] should not have a Son to reign upon his throne. (This part of Jer. is wanting in the LXX.) c See Jer. 33: 17, upon the throne of the house of Israel. Isa. 10:3. (389) a Esa. 10:3. ••• TMp% D1 V ISJ^n T\ti) K al Tt ' TTon'jaovai ev rfj rjfiepa rrj<; eVt<7/C07r?}? ; . . . And what will ye do in the day And what will they do in the day of visitation ? . . . of visitation ? . . . 1 Pet. , , , r LVa , # , Bo^daraxTL rbv 0ebv ev r]p>epq liner KOTrrjs. . . . that . . . they may . . . glorify God in the day of visitation. a Compare Luke 19:44, the time of thy visitation. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 175 Isa. 10:22, 23. (390) ; Esa. 10:22,23. Siro Wifc^ ipy rrrv dk »a pin jvSd in aw* "iks? o*n nmmi nSn ^ 23 : njiro spw mpa n^y rrttcw mri* *jik : pxn S:j For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant b of them shall return : the con- sumption decreed shall overflow c with righteousness. 23 For the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the land. Kal idv yevyrai 6 Xabs 'Io-paijX ft)? 7) cifi/JLOs rT]? i) dpbfxoq vrjd/]e\e?. Isa. 11:10. ib>m w vn& Minn cvn n*m ~wrv d^ij vSm My d& my And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek . . . 393 ) a Esa. 11:10. Kal earai ev rfj r)p,epa eKclvrj rj piCfi rov Teercrat, Kal 6 avicrTcifievos ap^eLV eOvoiv, eV avra> edvrj eX- TTLOlXJi . . . And there shall be in that day a root of Jesse, and He that shall rise to rule over the Gentiles, in Him shall the Gentiles trust . . . Rom. 15:12. Kal iraXiv 'Haatas Xeyet, "Earai rj pl^a rov Tecreraf, Kai 6 dviardpievo'i dpyeiv i6voov, eV avroi e6vr) eKiuovcriv. And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and He that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles, in Him shall the Gentiles trust. a See also lea. 11:1, and compare Rev. 5:5,^ pt£a Act/318, and Rev. 22 : 16, tj pi£a Kai to yivos tov AafHo". Isa. 13:6, 9. nn 9 — - mrr dv y\y ^ •• ... mi mrr dv ... for the day of the Lord is at hand ... — 9 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh . . . (394) a Esa. 13:6, 9. . . . €771/9 ^ TCl(TOV « avTi]s. . . . the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light. a Compare Ezc. 32 : 7 . b Several MSS. (peyyos. c ov Sdcovai. xn. and others. d ret &o-Tpa. e ov Swcrovai. Isa. 13:22. (396) a Esa. 14:1. N7 HW nny KIT? H\lff\ - Taxvepxeranealovxpovtel... : w&* . . . and her time is near to come, He will come soon, and will not and her days shall not be pro- tarry . . . longed. Rev - . . . epxofial croc raxv ... — l6 • • • epxofial croi raxv . . . ...I Avill come unto thee quickly ... — 10 ... I will come unto thee quickly . . . Rev. b 'I$ov epx°P' ai ' ° ra X v • ' ' Behold, I come quickly... A A 178 QUOTATIONS FROM Rev. . . . ISov rj oval rj rplrrj ep^eTcu Tayy. . . . behold, the third woe cometh quickly. Rev. 'I&ov epxpficu ra)(y... — 12 Kal IBov epxpfiai rayy ... — 22 : 7, 12, 20 _ JVotl epxoficu Tayy • • • Behold, I come quickly ... — 12 And, behold, I come quickly... — 20 ... Surely I come quickly . . . a See Hab. 2:3, infra. b * Om. 'I5oi\ G. and S. c Om. Tax". Isa. 19:2. (397) a Esa. 19:2. . . . city (shall fight) against city, . . . city (shall fight) against city, and kingdom against kingdom. and province against province. ||Matt. 'EyepOijo-erai yap edvos eirl eOvos, Kal (3aaikeia eirl ffaatXeiav ... 24:7 ' For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom . . . || Mark Eyepdi^crerat yap edvos eirl eOvos, nai fSaacXeca eVi fiaaiXeiav... 13 :8 ' For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom . . . || Luke ..,'Eyep6i']cr€rai edvos iirl eOvos, Kal /3acn\eia eVl fiaaiXeiav. 21 :l0 ' ...Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. a Zee 2 Esdr. 13 :31. b Many MSS. prefix e-KtytpB^rai, or Kal iireyepe^fferat. Isa. 21: 9. (398) Esa. 21: 9. •■• Sill nSSD T\7^ IfoR'') lyi Kat airoKpideh elire^IIe'TrroiKe a 7re7rro)K€ Ba{3vXa>v . . . ...And he answered and said, ... And he answering said, Baby- Babylon is fallen, is fallen . . . Ion is fallen, is fallen . . . Rev. Kal aXXos ayyeXos rjKoXov9r)ae, Xeywv, "Eireo-ev h e7reae BafivXoov c f) 7ToXt? rj fxeydXr) . . . And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, d that great city . . . R EV - Kal €Kpa%ev iv lo-xyi, epeovj] /xeydXr), Xeycov, "Eireaev €7reae 18 : 2 ' BajSvXoov rj pueyaXri . . . And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen . . . a xii. and many other MSS. have the word but once. b Om. eireae. c Om. rj irdKis. G. and S. d See Dan. 4 : 30, infra. Isa. 22:13. (399) Esa. 22:13. : TWl Tt/2 ^ IWl SlDN Qtbyio/iev Kal 7ric0/M€v, avpiov yap airo6v}]o-Kop.ev. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 179 . . . Let us cat and drink, for to- ... Let us cat and drink, for to- morrow avc shall die. morrow we die. l Cor. , , t cfrayo/xev Kal irmfxev, avpiov yap uTTodvijaKopLev. ... Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow avc die. Isa. 22 : 22. ( 400 ) Esa. 22 : 22. xy2U hv *rn rvn nnsft Tirol ••• R-ai s^™ «^™ ryu K\ei8a x nns pw *m -od po nnsi mi M ^ Kal > K < ^ iAir0m fcXeicov Kal KkeLaei, Kal ovk carat 6 avoiycov. And the key of the house of Da- . . . And I will give a him the key Add will I lay upon a his shoulder; of the house of David upon his so he shall open, and none shall shoulder ; and he shall open, and shut; and he shall shut, and none c none shall shut; and he shall shall open. shut, and none shall open. Rev. ... TdSe Xiyei ... o eyoav ti)V d KXetoa rod A a/318, 6 avolywv Kal ov8el-|S»^ vp-as toi>? evoiKovvTas iirl tj}? 7^?. Fear, and the pit, and the snare, Fear, and a pit, and a snare are are upon thee, O inhabitant of the upon you, ye that dwell upon the earth. earth. 180 QUOTATIONS FROM Luke — &><; 770.719 yap eTrekevaerat B eirl iravras rovs fcaOrjfievovs eiri Trpoo-anrov Tracrr)<; ri]<; yi]s. — for as a snare sliall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. a Comp. Jer. 32:29 (LXX.), (idxaipav iy&> Ka\w iir\ iravras tovs ko.Qv)ix4vovs eVi Trjs yr\s. Isa.25:8. (403) Esa. 25: 8. ... H^S T\\J2T\ V /H Kevremev 6 Odvaroq laxyaas ... He will swallow up death in vie- Death hath prevailed and swal- tory . . . lowed up . . . 1 Cor. . , , ToVe yevrjaerat 6 \0709 6 yey pa/xfM6vo& fyei^ »Kv P ios 6 i.kt.H L«, 0eo9 Trav haicpvov airo ttclvtos " TTpOaaiTTOV ... . . . and the Lord God will wipe . . . and again the Lord God took away tears from off all faces . . . away every tear from every face . . . Rev. . . , K al if-aXehlrei 6 @eo? irdv Sd/cpvov b dirb roiv o<^9a\[xo)v avrwv. 7 : 17 ' ... and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Rev. Kal e^aXetyei c 6 @eo? rrav Sd/cpvov dirb tov 69 vTrevavTtov?. 10 ... and (of) b fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. a Comp. Isa.64:2. b Gr. jealousy of fire about to devour. Comp. Zeph. 1 : 18. and 3:8. Isa.26:20. (406) Esa. 26: 20. *pj-^*| "\y&\ 'yyWO. W2 S 12§ \7 BdBi£e \ao<; fiov, el'creXOe ek a ra «-,»*»!*, rafield crov, drrroKXetaov rrjv Bvpav '" ) '"- 1 aov ... THE OLD TESTAMENT. 181 Come, My people, enter thou into Go, My people, enter into thy thy chambers, and shut thy doors closets, shut thy door . . . about thee . . . Matt. , _ , e\'aeX0e et9 to rapueiov aov, teal /eXe/cra? rrjv Ovpav crov . . . ... enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door . . . a to rafiuSu. Isa. 26:20. (407 ) Esa. 26:20. ... VJH tOyftlD ^M awoKpvfi'qOi /M/cpbv ocrov oaov ... ...hide thyself as it were for a ... a hide thyself a little while ... little moment . . . TJmT. "771 V ■ \ <■' t> XIEB.^ j< jTL .4 to!.!.* 7X0)0-0-779 erepas ore XaXiiaovcrt t(a tin.- trm Dp "tm *qt xa&Tofr a J*... K v \l6ov c Trpoa/co/jb/jLaTos, Kal irerpav (TKavhakov' Kal d 7ra? 6 7narevcov iir avrat ov K.aTcuG'){yv6ri~ cerai. ... for they stumbled at that stumbling-stone; 33 as it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a c stumbling-stone and rock of offence : and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be e ashamed. Rom. Aiyet yap i) ypa9 \i6oi tfavres oiKoSofMeiaOe, oIkos irvevpLaTiKos ... 6 g hib Kal 7re- piej(ei ev ry ypa<; yiypairTat^'EScoKev avrot? 6 ©ebs irvevpui Karavv^ews ... — according as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of c slumber . . . a wed/to.. b Gr. watered, or drenched, you with. c Tf Or, remorse [or, stupefaction]. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 183 Isa. 29:13. ron oyn bmj ^ \y ^tk nftxn pm in^ ^mn vnstrni van dixjd tix QnaT rroSft "Wherefore the Lord said, Foras- much as this people draw near Me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour Me, but have re- moved their heart far from Me, and their fear towards Me is taught by the precept of men : — 412) Esa. 29:13. Kal elrre Kvptos, 'Eyyi^et fioc 6 Xao9 outo9 a eV tg3 aTO/iart b avrov, Kal c ev rots ^eiXecrcv avrow tc/iuxtI /tie, r) 8e fcapSia avrcov iropfxo direct, cltt e/iov' fidrrfv 8e aefiovrai fie, d SiSdo-fcovres evrdX/iaTa dvOpaiircov Kal 8i8acrKa\ias. And the Lord said, This people draw nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honour Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me : but in vain do they worship Me, teaching the commandments and doctrines of men. ||Matt. 'TiroKpnal, /caXco? irpoe^revcre irepl bfiwv 'Haatas, \eya>v, 8 e 'Eyy i^et fioi f 6 \ab 8c8aaKa\la^, ivraXfiara dvOponrwv. Ye hypocrites, Avell did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, 8 This people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips ; but their heart is far from Me : 9 but in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the command- ments of men. ..."Ore /caXftj? 7rpoe(p7)revcrev' Hcratas irepl vfioiV reov vvroKpircov, co? yeyparrrai, Ovtos 6 Aaouifas toCto curb aov icul avveraiv. >> adeTr) r /'ijo~eTat 6 ovpavbs &><> /3t/3\tov . . . . . . and the heavens shall be rolled . . . and the heaven shall be rolled together as a scroll . . . together as a scroll . . . Rev. — Ka \ a o - Qypavos aTre^wptaOrj oj /Ta T « darpa ireae'tTat . «_».»»_»» k.Lh>«iM «*•.** WS d>vX\a i£ auireXov, Kal to? irt- \ nam rbim pt ^^f^ avK ^ B B 186 QUOTATIONS FROM . . . and all tlieir host shall fall . . . and all the stars shall fall as down, as the leaf falleth off from leaves from a vine, and as leaves the vine, and as a falling fig from fall from a fig-tree. the fig-tree. Rev. — /cat ol acrTepe? rov oupavov eirecrav eh rrjv jrjv, a> / \ > i » / t / \ » atcovcov /cat ovk eyovcriv avarravcriv rjftepas icai vvktos . . . — and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever : and they have no rest day nor night . . . Kev. . . , Ka l o teenrvbs avrm avaBaivet eh toj)? aloovas tcov alcovcov. 19 - 3. e . . . and her smoke rose up for ever and ever. 3 Comp. Gen. 19:28, and Exod. 19:18. Rev. 9:2 agrees with the latter. b v teal v. 233. e And Iter land shall be as pitch burning l0 night and day, etc. d eis alwvas alaivuiv kva- f}aiva. G. and S. e Comp. Rev. 18:9, 18, the smoke of her burning. Isa. 35:3. (422) Esa. 35:3. r\bws w*yi2) T\)sm d*t idtpt 'i^™™ a %<%* ave^ivat, koX ♦ IV^SJ yovara irapdke\vpbeva. Strengthen ye the weak hands, Be strong ye b weak hands, and ye and confirm the feeble knees. c feeble knees. Heb. Aib r as 7rapei[xeva<; yelpa? Kal ra rrapaXeXv/xeva eoW; /Sowkto? iv Ty ip7]/j,a), 'ETOt/xdaaTe Ti]v 68bv Kvpiov, ev6ela<; 7roietT€ ra? Tplfiovs avTov. — as it is written in the prophets . . . 3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight. Luke ,. . Trpoiropevar) yap irpb TrpocrcoTrov Kvpiov, eToi/xdaai 68ovs avTov. . . . for thou shalt go ' before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways. || Luke — &$ yey paiTTai iv /3l/3\rp \6ycov 'Hcratov tov irpo^rjTOV, m Ae- yovTOs, <&vr) /3ocoj>to9 eV tij ip/j/xcp, 'ETOipbdcraTe Ti]V 68bv Kvpiov, evOelas irotetTe Taa>vri Qowvtos, 'Eu rr} ip-finq> eroiixdcraTe, k.t.a. d avrov. 209. Compl. e Om. irdvra. Compl. and others. f Several MSS. read, at rpax^ai. s dSovs \elas. in. and many others. TreSia Ae?a. Compl. h See No. 318. ' 5 TrpoT09, /ecu iraaa ♦a r* hx wi w 7 i rvwr\ ! 6 A &v fff^? v r &v6o < *TT J |- a /-iJ lan "-* • l l iwn C8 e ^pavU7] O VOOT09, KOLl TO dVUOS "V2CH pH 13 PQBtt rW TVn e^eireae- to Se prj/m d Tod Oeov : dS^S Dip* mm . . . All flesh is grass, and all the . . . All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower glory of man as the flower of grass. of the grass. 7 The grass wit hereth, 8 The grass withereth, and the the flower fadeth : because the flower falleth away; but the word Spirit of the Lord bloweth upon of our God endureth for ever. it : surely the people is grass. 8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth : but the word of our God shall stand for ever. James . . . oti o>? av6o9 ' ' ~" av6o<$ xopTOv. i%r)pdvdr) 6 ^ooto9, Kal to avBos f avTov e'f en-ecre* c5 to he pr/fia Kvplov puevei et9 tov aloiva . . . B For All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away ; 25 but the word of the Lord endureth for ever . . . a "On iraaa. 41. b Ad. ws. 36. 49. c Ver. 7 is not in the Vat. LXX., though found in many other copies. d Many copies have, firifia Kvpiov fueveu e avrrjs. G. and S. f Om. avTov. « If Or, For that. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 189 Isa. 40: 10. (425) a Esa. 40:10. ... kq» ptpia i-rot *:hk run f poi> Kv P w, Kvpm perk iV%vos. d t'wi. Isa. 41:4. (429) Esa. 41:4. ...'_E%>? teal Te'A.o?, 6 7rpa>TO? nal 6 eo")/aT0<;. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. •' a Gr. the things coming afterwards. b Ora. a. k. t. G. and S. c Kvpios 6 &ebs. G. and Si d Om.'E^w — €o-x«tos. G. and S. e Om. el/u. G. and S. ' <5 icpuTos k*n ^s 4 Nin *3N ... : pnnx ... I crm He ; I «?/z the First, I also am the Last. b Rev. 2:8. Rev. 21:6. Rev. 22:13. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 191 Isa. 41:8. see 2Chk. 20:7. Isa. 42: 1—4. (430) a Esa. 42:1 — 4. e Ta/ca>/3 6 7rai9 [xov, dvTi\ityop,aL civtov' r ^laparfk 6 i/cke/cros fiov, TTpocrehe^aTO avrbv i) ^v^i] p.ov eSootca to FLvevpid puov eV avrbv, tcpicnv tow eOveciv e^olcreu. " ov KeKpd^erab, ovhe dvrjcret, ovSe dtcov- ad/jaerac e£fa> rj ov, bv rjpericra' 6 d T0 Hvevp,d pbov eV avrbv, teal Kpicriv rol& vhy *nn *nn:i »e>sj nSi w *6) pyv vh 2 : kw pn nip 3 nSip pra yw rviy xS pro nwai tdgt xS tosm pan ww ny yrv *6i Behold My Servant, whom I up- hold; Mine Elect, in whom My soul delighteth : I have put My Spirit upon Him : He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. 2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. 3 A bruised reed shall He not break, and the b smoking flax shall He not c quench : He shall bring forth judgment unto truth. 4 He shall not fail nor be d discouraged, till He have set judgment in the earth : and the isles shall wait for His law. 192 QUOTATIONS FROM Luke J Avre\d/3ero 'IcrparjX 7rcu8bs aurov ... He hath holpen His servant Israel . . . a Compare the voice at our Lord's baptism, Matt. 3: 17. Mark 1:11. Also that at His transfiguration, Matt. 17:5. Mark9:7. Luke 9:35. 2 Pet. 1 : 17. Likewise Jo. 3:35. 10:17. Eph. 1 : 6. Col. 1:13. b % Or, dimly burning. c % Heb. quench it. d % Heb. broken. e Kol iSob'UKwP. 10'3. 'ISob 'IoKcbjB. 302. 305. f Om. 'Io-parjA. 302. 305. s Several copies, da\* fa.kb.kki fioi>6a\aov' afiaprtafs v/jLcov. — ... (Jrav yy-aw^Te tov 1 tov rov avup&Trov., Tore yvdiaeade on 'Era eimi . . . ... for if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins. — - 23 . . . When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am He . . . J° I1N ... iva yv(OT€ KaX c Triarevarjre, on iv i/xol 6 Uem/p, Kayo)) iv 10 : 38. a ' f\ aura). ... that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in Me, and I in Him. "°hn , , t 'Iva orav yivrjrat, Tnrneva^re on 'Era eimi. . . . that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am He. a Comp. 1 Jo.4:16. b Many copies add pot. c yivtHicn- * palvwv. c c 194 QUOTATIONS FROM ...that turueth wise men back- ... turning the prudent backward, ward, and maketh their knowledge and making their counsel foolish, foolish. 1 Cor. iti ov^i epLwpavev 6 @eo eyeb, Xeyei Kvpw on i/nol Kafi^ei, nrav yovv, Kal d iracra yXwacra e^o/xo\oy)]aerai ru> QeS. For it is written, c As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God. — Tva iv to) ovofiwri 'Irjcrov irav yovv Ka/x-^ry e eirovpavicov Kal eiriyeicov Kal Kara^Oovtcov a Kal iracra yXwcrcra { i^ofioXoyrjarjTai, on Kvpios T?;cro09 XptcrTos eh 86%av Qeov IIarp6 nntrn r\yiy nx? yw i)y *D3xi ^x rmSn maxn :Sw jnx uh) roa^x new nS Dvn yn nSa tie? -|b rmnm 9 i«a mm pSai Sw nna ... I shall be a lady for ever . . . 8 Therefore hear now this, thou that art given to pleasures, that dwell- est carelessly, that saj'est in thine heart, I am, and none else beside me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know the loss of children : 9 but these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries . . . . . . Els rbv alwva eaofiac apypvera . . . 8 Nvv 8e aKove ravra rpvcpepa, i) KaOrjfievr], t) Treirotdvla, r) Xeyovaa iv b KapBta avTrjs, 'Eyco elfii, Kal ovk eanv krepa, ov Kadiw yj)pa, ov&e ryvMcrofiai opcpavi'av. 9 vvv Se i/^et eVt ere ra 8vo ravra i£al(pvr)<; c iv i)/jbepa fxia, dreKvla teal yjipzla V% €i €^ai(pvrj<: iirl o~e, iv rfj 9 /jbd^at- pav o^elav . . . And He hath made My mouth And He hath a made My mouth like a sharp sword . . . like a sharp sword . . . R EV - . . . teal €K tov o-TOfiaros avrov pofi(paM Scaro/AO? 6%eia eiaropevo- 1:16> fl6V V ... . . . and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword . . . R EV - . . . TdSe Xeyet 6 e^wv rrjv popxpalav tijv oiaTOfiov Tr\v 6%elav. . . . These things saith He which hath the sharp sword with two edges. R EV - Kal i/c tov arofiaTos avrov eicnopeveTai popxpaia d 6%ela . . . And out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword . . . a Gr. set. b And see ver. 16. c And see ver. 21. d Slarouos o£f?a. S. Isa. 49:6. (443) Esa. 49: 6. TnVrh Q"D IM? TnrOI .l8ov*8i$a>icd ae b ek Stad^v ♦ M^j^pj |-|^p -jy T\U)W> 7ff°W) et9 (/xwj edvwv, tov elval ae I | > > et ' ? acoT7]ptav ew? eayarrov rrjw? 13:47. '/j - X % , , / w 5 / ~ ~ euvcov, tov eivat ae et? aooTrjpiav ea>9 eaycurov Trjs 7^9. — For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set Thee to be a light of the Gentiles, that Thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth. ■ Some MSS. read, redrjKd, and many more, reflei/ca, and so the Compl. and Alex. edit. b Om. ets 5. 7. Ed. Alex, and several MSS. c This clause is not in the Heb. here, hut see ver. 8, and comp. ch. 42:6, ... and (/ ivill) give Thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the Gentiles. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 197 Isa. 49:8. (444) Esa. 49:8. ny)W DV31 TJV3J? PS*1 H^D Kaipcp Scktm e7n']Kovad crov, ical ■■ -pmry iv rj/^epa o~a)Ti]pia<; e/3o/)0r)crd croi ... In an acceptable time have I ... In an acceptable time Lave I beard Thee, and in a day of sal- beard Thee, and in a day of sal- vation have I helped Thee .. . vation have I succoured Thee ... 2 Cor. — \eyei yap, Kaipqy SeKTw eiri'iicovcra crov, real iv rjfiepa awrq- pias k/3o/)drjad cror l8ou vvv /ccupbs eu7rp6a8eKTo. They shall not hunger nor thirst; They shall not hunger, neither neither shall the heat nor sun shall they thirst; neither shall the smite them : for He that hath heat nor the sun smite them ; but mercy on them shall lead them, He that hath mercy on them shall even by the springs of water shall comfort them, and by fountains of He guide them. waters shall He lead them. Rev. (Jv ireivdcrovaiv en, ovSe ht-^n'jaovcTLV en, ovSe /at) irearj eV ' ' ' avrovs 6 ?;Xto?, ovSe irdv icav/xa' 17 ore to 'Apvlov to dvd /xeerov tov Opovov a Troi^avei avTovs, kclI oSrjy/jcrei avTovs eVl b £&)cra9 7T?;7e7. b £tvrjs. G. and S. Isa. 49 : 13. see Deut. 32 : 43. Isa. 49:18. see Num. 14:28. Isa. 50 : 8, 9. ( 446 ) Esa. 50 : 8, 9. \n 9 - tin yy *& w^b ynp — 6 '™ T k ' iluptos' pontfrjerec uor Ttv fca/ccoaet 198 QUOTATIONS FROM He is near that justifieth Me; who — for He draweth nigh that hath will contend with Me?... 9 Be- justified Me; who is he that judg- hold, the Lord God will help Me ; eth Me ? . . . » Behold, the Lord, who is he' that shall condemn even the Lord, will help Me ; who Me?... shall hurt Me ?.. . Rom. Tl iroT^plw t?}? 6pyr]<; avTOV . . . — the same b shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His in- dignation . . . Rev. . . . Sovvat, avTjj to iroTijpiov tov olvov tov 6vfiov t% 007779 clvtov. 6 : l ' ... to give unto c her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. a Comp. Isa. 51 : 22. See also Jer. 51 : 7 — 9, infra. b Compare Job 21 : 20, he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty. (The LXX quite different.) Also, Fsa. 75:8, For in the hand of the Lord, there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of mixture, etc. "Otj irorr)piov ev x«ip\ Kvpiou, olvov anparov wArjpts Kfpo.afj.aTos, k.t.A. c Babylon. Isa. 52:3. (448) Esa. 52:3. 6|M1 £*S?1 Om^JM D^n Acopeav iirpddrjTe, teal ov /xera « «A\M!-i dpyvpiov XvTpcodijcreade. ... Ye have sold yourselves for ... Ye have been sold for nought ; nought ; and ye shall be redeemed and not with silver shall ye be without money. redeemed. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 199 l Pet. — elSores on ov 9 & pa m ™v nras DiScr wwb -wis hn ^ v ' e A ^ d e ^^^o V i-i/w ^ wi-r '— w^» ** aKoi)v eipijvrjs, &> h twv evayyeXc^ofxivcov elpr]VT]v, rcov evayye- Xi^o/Jbevcov ' rd dyadd. — And how shall they preach, except they be sent ? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things ! a Compare Joel 2:2, nnn by una tnuo, as the morning spread upon the mountains; &s updpos x v ^v^erai in\ to opv. b Many MSS. (disconnecting the word irapeifxi) read, 'Cls wpalot. c ol. 22. Others om. &y. d evayye\t{ofj.ei>oi. Com pi. and others. e Gr. of one evangelizing a report of peace. f Gr. evangelizing good things. e evidently taken from Isaiah, from whom Paul quotes. h Om. twv way. eip^vrjv. i Om. to. Isa. 52:10. see Psa. 98:3. 200 QUOTATIONS FROM Isa. 52:11. (451) a Esa. 52:11. hit XfcD DJ^D 1N¥ "HID HID , A7r6a-rr]T€, air6crTi)T€, igeXdare to wj ran roino imc ipn ^ e ^^ ere y^ov c avrP 1? , t 7l)T\* d d(f>opicrdr]T€ ol <$>epovre<; ra aKevr] Kvplov. Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from tlieuce, touch uo unclean from thence, and touch not the thing; go ye out of the midst of unclean thing; go ye out from her ; be ye clean, that bear the the midst of her ; be ye separate, vessels of the Lori>. that bear the vessels of the Lord. 2 Cor. — Aib e i^eXdere iic fieaov avrcov teal dcpopiadrjre, \eyei Kvpios, ' ' koX a/caddprov fx>] dirreade' Kayoo eloSe^op^ai v/xa^. f Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing ; and I will receive you/ a See Isa. 48:20, and a very similar passage in Lam. 4: 15. b anreade. xn. and many others. c Several MSS. o»tG>v. d Ad. /cat. xn. e e|«'\0aTe. f For the rest see No. 214. Isa. 52:15. (452) Esa. 52:15. 1X1 Or? ISO is? "Ifc^tf *D on oh ovk dvr]yye\.7) Trepl av- : iwnnn TO£> xS iewi Tov ^H ourai > ^ °$ °^ K ^Koao-i, . . . for that which had not been . . . for to whom a He was not spo- told them shall they see ; and that ken of, they shall see; and they which they had not heard shall that have not heard shall under- they consider. stand. Rom. — dWa, Kad(b<; yeypcnrrai, Ols ovk dvrjjyeXr} irepX avrov, oijrovTcir /cat ot ovk aKr/Koaai, o-vvr')o~ovo-i. — but as it is written, To whom He was not spoken of, they shall see ; and they that have not heard shall understand. a Gr. it was not announced concerning Him. Isa. 53:1. (453) Esa. 53:1. ?-"nrV ynfl \yP^t^n rfcXn ^ Kvpie,ri<; eV/crTeucre rfj aKofj rj/xwv; ♦ ta.]_Lk.. ^ L.j koX 6 ftpayjwv Kvpiov tivi direKa- ' \vcp9r] ; "Who hath believed our a report ? Lord, who hath believed our re- and to whom is the arm of the port ? and to whom hath the arm Lord revealed ? of the Lord been revealed ? John — \ va \0709 'Haaiov rov 7rpo(b/]Tov TrXrjpojdfj, bv elire, Kvpie, 12.3S. fit ry •) r\ r r* \ f r\ t fT f I » Tt? eTTMTTevae rf] aKorj r)p,a)v / Kai o ppa^icov Kvptov tivi aire- Ka\v evayyeXla)' 'Hcraias yap Xeyei, °' ' Kvpie, t/? i-rriarevae rfj ciKofj i)p,wv ; But they have not all obeyed the gospel : for Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our b report ? a U Or, doctrine. Heb. hearing. b \ Or, our preaching. Gr. the hearing of us. [Sec vcr. 17, 7) iricfTLS e'| cckotjs, k.t.A.] Isa. 53:4. (454) a Esa. 53:4. WSiOiW NBO K1H fthn pX b Ovro<;Ta^ldp.apTLa^^5iv4>epei, i^L ^„^ /cat irepl y/xcov oSvvdrai . . . Surely He hath borne our griefs, He beareth our sins, and is pained and carried our sorrows ... for us ... Matt. — 07T&>)v i^Srj, :vs nns* xSi rthvn wm f^ ^ vh \f vavr[ov , rod , Ke r vro i , " atpcovos, ovrw; ovk avoiyeu to Y\T\ fitf) Pip? tDSPH&l ?¥p 8 arbfia'. « iv rfj raireiv^aei d $ ... D^H V?XJb ?UJ O PlPD^ ^ K P} aL ? f^ 7 ™ ppfyj TV* e yevedv ' avroi Ti? Strjytfaerat ; on a't'perac dirb TJ}? yfjq ?) fay avrov . . . . . . He is brought as a lamb to the . . . He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and as a sheep before slaughter, and as a lamb before D D 202 QUOTATIONS FROM her shearers is dumb, so He open- the shearer is dumb, so He open- eth not His mouth. 8 a He was eth not His mouth. 8 In His hu- taken from prison and from judg- miliation His judgment was taken ment : and who shall declare His away : who shall declare His f ge- generation? for He was cut off neration? for His life is taken out of the land of the living . . . from the earth . . . Acts r JJ Se g Treptoyt] rfjs ypacpr/s ?]V aveyivwcrKev, rjv avrrj, '/2? rrpb(3arov 8:32,33. ^v ^ay^y r)%6r), koX &>9 ap,vb ovk avolyet rb arop,a avrov. 33 ev rfj rarrewwaei avrov rj Kpicns avrov -ijpdr), ry]V he yeveav avrov Tt o-ropuan avrcov ov-% evpedrj e ho\os . . . 14 : 5 - — and in their mouth was found no guile . . . a Comp. Zeph.3:13, neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth. b afiapriav. 41. c et>pe'07j Mhos. xn. and many others. d Perhaps from Psa. 32:2. See No. 271, supra. e if/evSos. G. and S. Isa.53:12. (458) Esa. 53:12. ••• n^Di D^&^S H^l Kai ^ v T0 ^ ^^h 101 ^ eXoyicrdr) ... . . . and lie was numbered with the . . . and He was numbered among transgressors . . . the transgressors . . . Mark Kal eifkinpaidri i] ypacprj rj \eyovcra, Kal puera avopbeov er\oyto-07j. 15:28. A ^ n( ^ t j ie scr ipt a re was fulfilled, which saith, And he was num- bered with the transgressors. Like Aeyca yap vpJiv, on en rovro rb yeypap,p,evov Set re\ecr0rjvat ev e/xol, to, Kal per a avop,cov eXoyiaOr) ... For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in Me, And hci was reckone:! among the trans- gressors . . . 22:37. 1 Pet. 2:24. d THE OLD TESTAMENT. 203 Isa. 53:12. (459) a Esa. 53:12. ... X2JO 0^1 XDH NIPll /catavTos a/jLctpTiasTroXkibv avi)- vey/ce . . . . . . and He bare the sin of many and Himself bare the sins of many . . . John ( _ /'JSe 6 lAfivos tov &eov, 6 alpwv ti]v a/.iapTiav tov koct/xov. . . . Behold the Lamb of God, which b taketh away the sin of the world. Hkr. — outo)9 c 6 Xpurrb? aira^ 7rpoaev€-^6eU eh to 7to\\o!)v dvevey- Kelv apaprias . . . — so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many . . . — o? t«9 aftapria<; ijfxcov avTO<; av>]veyKev . . . — who His own self bare our sins . . . Uohn >#< q TI £iceivos icfravepcoQr] Xva ras afiaprias e 7]/jlwv ciprj ... . . . that He was manifested to take away our sins . . . a Comparever.il. :bzv Kin Qn^in /or He shall bear their iniquities [i. e. of many'] : LXX. Kal Tas a^aprias avroou aurbs avolcrei. b *[ Or, beareth. [Compare Exod. 28:38 (LXX. 34), fcaJ efapei 'Aapwv ra. a^aptriixara tuv ayiwv.] c Ad. Kal. G. aild S. d Cornp. Esa. 53:4, supra. e Om. t]/xu>v. Isa. 53:12. (460) Esa. 53:12. J y^* 1 W'V^Sh) Ka1, ^^ T ^ ? a>vo[ilapdv0r)TL aTelpa r) ov rl/crovaa, „.. !—*.-■, *«. *-kim M U ^vi W°" *<" fioyjaov r) ovk dihlvovaa, JJ UJ1 JU ' 6Ti 7roXX ^ ™ riKVa T W cprjftov ••• ri/iy^ *J!l2D r\t2ti)& fiaWov i) Trj, ver. 12. c Om. toO. G. and S. Isa.55:3. (463) Esa. 55: 3. HDH D7iy rV*D Dj?firfD80 Ka ^ Bia0i]#t riypairrcu, O oIkos fiov oIkos irpocrev^rj^ K:\77 (9 >/ cr era t ... ... It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer . . . ||M.\rk ... Ql) ryeypaTTTCu, on 'O oIkos aov oIkos 7rpoa-eiryf/9 KXriOiicreTai 1 1 : 17. « •■> >'/i i /v ivacn rot9 euveaiv ; ... ... Is it not written, My house shall be called b of all nations the house of prayer ? . . . || Luke ; #g Teypairrai, c< oIkos fiov 0Z/C09 7rpoo~ev)(fi]6r}Te iv tg3 altfiart tov ^i 13 ' 14 'XpK7ToO. 14 auro9 yap icrnv t) elpijvq rjficov, k.t.X. — 17 — Kal iXOoov evTjyyekicraTO etpi']vr]v hfilv toi9 fiaKpav Kal b to?9 lyyvs. ... ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. 14 For He is our peace, etc. — 17 — and came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that that were nigh. a Governed by eSoiim alnif, I hare given him. in the preceding verse. b Ad. flprjvriu. Isa. 59 ; 7, 8. see Psa. 14:1- 3. 206 QUOTATIONS FROM Isa. 59:8. (468) a Esa. 59:8. ••• WT fc$7 Df?&^ TT7 — Kat °^° v e ^PV v Vi °v K b otSaai ... The way of peace they know not ... — and the way of peace they know not . . . Luke . , . r ov /carevdvyat rovs 7ro8a9 rjpiwv et? 6&bv elpi'jvr]^. 1 : 79 ' ... to guide our feet into the way of peace. a See Psa. 14:3, in No. 255, supra. The passage is repeated here for convenience, b eyi/waav. Isa. 59:17. (469) Esa. 59:17. nyiE^ V^Dl n^D np*l¥ KO /""l ^ al/ ^vehxxraro Si/caioavvrjv &>9 Oco- wmvi*,^ pa/ca, /ecu irepiWero irepLKe^aKaiav vu u atori]piov eirl tyjs /c€(pakf} (poorl avrifi ireptiraT>]o~ovo~c Kal ol /3aaiXei<; t% 777? (pepovac ri]V Bo^av Kal T))v rip,i)v avrojv eh avr/]v. " 5 Kal ol TrvXcoves avrrjs ov pur) K\eia0waiv rjfiepas" vi)% yap ovk earat eKet. e6 Kal olaovat ttjv ho^av Kal tijv tl/x^v tcov eOvwv eh avrrfv. And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it; and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day : for there shall be no night there. ~ 6 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it. a 1 Or, wealth ; ver. 5. (poorbi avT7Js. G. and S. edvr]. fiaaiAeTs. d nep iir aTr^aovcn t& ZQi>7) Sia tov Isa. 60: 19. ( 472 ) a Esa. 60: 19. *V)X7 £J>ft£JT! TlV \7 ("PIT «? -^ at °^ K ^°" Tai °" ot ert ° ^09 eh 'I i 1 (pcoriet aov rr)V WKra, a\X earat Ti"l7Xl D7iy T1K7 nirr* T? nTll aoi Kvptos <£a>9 aldovtov, Kal 6 0eo9 The sun shall be no more thy light And the sun shall no more be thy by day ; neither for brightness light by day, neither shall the 208 QUOTATIONS FROM shall the moon give light unto rising of the moon enlighten thy thee ; but the Lord shall be unto night, but the Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy thee an everlasting light, and God God thy glory. shall be thy glory. Rev. K.al n ttoXis ov ypeiav evet rov rfklov, ovZe tj}? riaev avrrjv, kcli o Xu^vo? avrrjv to ^Apvlov. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it : for the b glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Rev- Kal vv£ ovk earai c iicel' Kal %pelav ovk e%ovcrL Xv^you Kal o)To<; 22 :5 ' rjXiov, on Kvpios 6 @eo tik rm ^ ^ ^77^™^ ™- vi i /w i— j i->> « - ' L f_ % ot? a7r€0 ~ Ta ^ fC€ A 16 ' icio-ao-oai tow? D^l^ty? X7p7 37 "HlE^y? EOm? avuTerpifi/xevov; rrjv /capSiav, ktj- fcnrsb 2 J HID np3 D^IDxSi 7177 ^ at „ ai^mKoyrovi ^ d^eaiv, teal I i rvifiXois dvdj3XeyJnv, 2 KaXeaat ivi- DpJ Di * (1 in 7 J 1*7 JUL/ avrov Kvplov Setcrbv, Kal rj/xipav ... 13TON7 avTa7ro86<7e&)9 a • • • The Spirit of the Lord God is upon The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; because the Lord hath anoint- Me, because He hath anointed ed Me to preach good tidings unto Me ; He hath sent Me to preach the meek ; He hath sent Me to the gospel to the poor, to heal the bind up the broken-hearted, to broken-hearted, to proclaim de- proclaim liberty to the captives, liverance to the captives, and re- and the opening of the prison to covering of sight to the blind ; them that are bound; 2 to proclaim - to declare the acceptable year of the acceptable year of the Lord, the Lord, and b the day of recom- and the day of vengeance of our pense . . . God... || Matt. Tv(f>Xol dvafiXsTTovcn ... Kal irrco-^ol evayyeXl^ovrai. The blind receive their sight . . . and the poor have the gospel preached to them. Luke J£ai ETrehodrj avra> {3i/3\iov 'Hcraiov rov 7rpo(f)rjrov' Kal dva- ' ~~ ' 7TTv£a<; to ftifiXlov, evpe rov c toitov ov tjv yeypafifxevov, 18 Ilvev/xa Kvplov eV ifie, ov A eVe/eev e^ptcre /xe e evayyeXt^ecrdai 7TT&)^ot9, direaraXKe p,e { laaaadai rov? avvrerpt/jifievov^ rrjv Kaphlav Krjpv^av al%/jia\(0Toi<; dfacriv, Kal rv(f)Xoi<; dvdj3Xe-^nv g diro- THE OLD TESTAMENT. 209 crrelXaL red paver fxevov? iv acfreaeL' n ' Krjpv^ac iviavrov Kvpi'ov Se/crov. And there was delivered unto Him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written, 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor,; He hath sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19 to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. [[Luke , t , q TL TV (p\ol civaftXeirovrri . . . tttco^oI evayyeXl^ovTCU. ' '' "' ... how that the blind see . . . to the poor the gospel is preached. Acts — 'Irjcrovv rov ctiro Na&per, a)9 'i)(ptaev civtov 6 @eo? JJvevpiarc 10:38. 'a ' \ & . / -\ Ayiw Kai bvvafiei, k.t.a. — how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, etc. ■ Many copies add, rov Qeov fifiooi'. b See ch. 34:8. 63:4. c Called in vcr. 21, v ypa9, K.r.X. . . . into the great wine-press of the wrath of God. 20 And the wine-press was trodden without the city, etc. R EV - — fcai 7T€pt(3€{3\7]/jtevo<; l/xdrtov jBe^aptpevov a'ipiari ... — 15 /cat ../ ' avrbs irarel rrjv Xr/vov rov olvov rov Ov/jlov c koX t% op£ jjli] ^tovctiv, 2i" ' ifx.jv i)fxepav e^enreraaa ras %etpd<; \xov irpb^ \aov ameidovvra kcu avTikeyovra. But Esaias is very bold, and saith, I was found of them that sought Me not; I was made manifest unto them that asked not after Me. " A But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth My hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people. a Many MSS. agree, altogether or partially, with the order of the N.T. b ijivS^v. c Oal. arroTo\jj.S Kai. Isa. 65:11. (479) Esa. 65:11. ib D^yn ••• mrv ^?y dpxi 'ly^*? 8e oi tyKaTa\iTr6vT& fie... iroi/u.d^ovrey r V ' ' ! >y £ ' ovvaaoe rpcnreQri'i Kvpcov fxere^etv kcu TparreC,^ ocupiovioiv. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of f devils : ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of f devils. a ^ Or, Gad. b Tj Or, Meni. c tj? tu^J?. d t ovpavw, brt dpovos earl rov ' Qeov- 35 /ua'jre ev rfj ovpavco ouvvet ev too Opovw rod Qeov Kal ev 23:22. ~ /j / » / ' > ~' n r r t too /cauij/AevG) eiravw avrov. And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by h Him that sitteth thereon. Acts ^4aV ov% 6 "T^tcrro? eV ^ecpo7roct')Tol<; 6 50 ; 7rpo(p)]Ti]<; Xeyei, * J O ovpavos /iot 0p6vo$, rj 8e 777 viroirohiov roov ttoScov p,ov irolov oIkov olfcoSo/jLijcreTe fioi ; \e&o nw nn ^ 'is™ ya P Kvpw? ? ?' ' w « Kcov ovvafAecos avrov, ° ev rrvpi 9A.070?, oioovro<; eKOLKi^atv rotf pbr] elSoat Qeov, Kal rots p,r) viraKovovai to) evayyeXiq) . . . . . . w 1 - ^n the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with c His 214 QUOTATIONS FROM mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire d taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that e obey not the gospel . . . a See the context, both before and after. b (pAoyt irvpbs. S. Compare No. 321. c U Gr. the angels of His power. d % Or, yielding. e See the words immediately pre- ceding the verse cited from the LXX. ... teal aireiAijaei toTs airadovo-iv. Isa. 66:22. see Isa. 65:17. Isa. 66:24. (486) a Esa. 66:24. DBM ITlkn $b DnySlJl ^ ° W cr^Mf ayr&v ov b Te- *=*,»,*, kjkL \evTt)o~€i, /cat to irvp avTwv ov -TODD N7 rfrtrefaerai... ...for their worm shall not die, ... for their worm shall not die, and neither shall their fire be quench- their fire shall not be quenched . . . ed... Mark ...koXov ctol earl kvXKov eU ri]V ^corjv elaeXOelv, rj t« eiceL evonrtov vfiwv ; ... Is this house, which is called by Is not My house, whereon My My name, become a den of rob- name is called, a den of robbers in bers in your eyes ? ... your eyes ? ... . . v/xels Se avrbv enroLt'-jcraTe cnnl-jXaiov Xycrrcbv. . . but ye have made it a den of thieves. . . vfieis 8e eiroi^aare avrbv airifKaiov Xycrrtbv. . . but ye have made it a den of thieves. . . vfxeis Se avrbv €7roi?]crare a7n']\acov Xrjcrrcbv. . . but ye have made it a den of thieves. a Several MSS. add eyevero. || Matt. 21:13. || Mark 11:17. 1 1 Luke 19:46. Jer. 9:24(23). (490) Jer. 9:24. ... nirr \3n »a thk yri ^eti S4 — but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord ... (ISam. 2:10.) Kav^co/juevo^, avviecv tcai yivaxr/cetv ore eyco elfJLL Kvpios... — but let him that glorieth glory in this, to understand and to know that I am the Lord . . . Not in the Hebrew. ICOR. 1:31. (IKi. 2:10. a j . . . aXX! ev tovt(o tcav X do~dco 6 /cav- ^-co/ievo?, arvvtelv koX ytvaxr/ceiv rbv Kvpiov . . . . . . but let him that glorieth glory in this, to understand and to know the Lord . . . — Xva, Ka6ai<; yeypairrai, 'O Kavyoypievo^, ev Kvplai Kavydcruw. — that, according as it is Avritten, He that glorieth, let him a;lorv in the Lord. 216 QUOTATIONS FROM 2 Cor. 'O he Kav)(aifievo<^, iv Kvpla) Kav^dcrdu). Lut he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. a An interpolation in the song of Hannah. Jer. 10:7. (491) a Jer. 10:7. b ••• D^n ^ht2 "I^T N? "'ft \Tk ov c §o(3r)6qv. ' iQvasv. G. and S- alwvonv. M. s «^ Or, nations, or ages. Jer. 10:25. see Psa. 79:6. Jer. 11:16. (492) a Jer. 11:16. t VHV/1 IIHI ••• t^STl 1"VT 'EXaiav d>palav ... rj^peioodrjcrav ol tcXdSot avTrjS. ... A green olive tree . . . and the ... A fair olive tree ... its branches branches of it are broken. are become useless. Rom. El Se Tive? roiv tcXdhcov ei;€fcXdcrdr)crav, k.t.X. — ,9 'Epet<; ovv, iq : J' E^etcXdo-Orjcrav ol tcXaSot, k.t.X. — 24 . . . et'9 KaXXieXcuov . . . And if some of the branches be broken off, etc. — 19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, etc. — "* ... into a good olive tree . . . Jer. 11:20. (493) a Jer. 11:20. \W2 pl^ Dl3&^ niX^V Him Kvpie Kplvwv SiKaia, b Sotcifid&v ' Jl. h«i«i^ c veeppov? ical Kaphlas . . . But, O Lord of hosts, that judg- O Lord, that judgest d righteously, est righteously, that triest the that triest the reins and hearts . . . reins and the heart . . . 1 Thess. . . . ovx Co? dv0pd)7Toi<; dpiaicovTes, aXXd tw Qea> Tea 8o/cip.d£ovTi Tcis Kaphias r)p,6ov. ... not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts. a See also the next section ; and eomp. lChr. 28:9. 29:17. Psa. 7:9. 26:2. Pro. 17:3. Jer. 20:12. b nal ipevvas vew nrni I the Lord search the heart, / try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and accord- ing to the fruit of his doings. SoKipd^cov vecfipovs, rod Bovvat e/cd- arco Kara Ta rbv SovXov pov ^Avardkrjv. ...for, behold, I bring forth My servant the Dayspring. (Zach. 6:12.) ... 'Ihov dvrjp, '4.veiTo\rf ovopa av- T(p . . . P F 218 QUOTATIONS FROM . . . Behold the Man whose name . . . Behold the man, The Day- is The e Branch ... spring is His name ... 1*Jke ... eV oh eireaKe^raro f)p,as 'AvaroXj] ef vtyovi. . . . whereby the f Dayspring from on high hath visited us. a See also Jer. 33 : 1 5, which is not in the Vat. LXX. b Vulg. germen : Hilary, Orientem. c Gr. and. d Vulg. Orientem. e Vulg. Oriens. f ^f Or, Sun-rising, or, Branch. [Vulg. Oriens. Corap. Mai. 4:2.] Jer. 25:10. (497) a Jer. 25:10. 7*lp1 jnn Vlp- DH& TPtttfiTl Ka ^ airoXa am> avr&v ... ^mvr)v , .-» -^ j.™ L n J-* wjMplov, Kal vr i vvvfiTi(ov>i fxvkov ov fit] aKovaOfj ev aol ert, 23 Kal 0&>? Xvyvov 18:22. » - \ t « i \v \ i * > ± i \ t i i \ 2 „ ' ov fxrj cpavij ev croc en, Kai (pcovt) Wficpiov Kai vvficpi]^ ov fir) aKovaOfj ev aol en . . . . . . and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee ; 23 and the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee ; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee . . . a Compare chap. 7:34. 16:9. 33:11. b r Heb. I to ill cause to perish from them. c Nine MSS. read cpaiu^u /xvAov, and so the Arnien. version. Jer. 25:15. see Isa. 51:17. Jer. 31:15. (498) Jer. 38:15. rD3 TIJ JWJ TUTti SlD $7 .D3D 7m QITlDn

0r) to prjdev f vtto 'lepefilov rov Trpocprjrov, Xeyovros, 18 $covr) ev'Pa/jLci rjKOvadr), s Qprjvos Kal K\av6p,b<; Kal dBvpfib? 7ro\vk onxjb pxib dx wS dyi *nbyn ^ixi Tmn nx nan n^n man n«? o 33 : nvr t»u en hmw rvs rw\* max n&yx Tiro mrv dx3 ddh d^h nnx onS Sy*j tnnnpn Tnin nx otiW? snb Tp\-n rmnsx HJbS* xSi 34 t dj/? ^ vrv nam vnx nx a^xi injn nx trx my iyn ,> dS^ ^ nirr nx ijh i&xb dm d^-u nyi taatopab t»ix DnxtsnSi D^yS nSox *z mm : my idtx x 1 ? Behold, the days come, saith the Loud, that I will make a new co- venant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah : 32 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt ; which My covenant they brake, "although I A\as an hus- band unto them, saith the Lord : 33 but this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel ; After those days, saith the 199) Jer. 38:31—31. 'Ihov rjfir'pcu ep^ovrat, b ftjicrl Kv- pto?, /cal c SiaOijaofxaL d T(p ot/caj 'IcrparjX ical 7 go oIkco 'IovSa 8iad>)- ktjv fcacv^v, 3 - ov Kara r?;v 8ta0>]ia]v yv e 8ce0i./j,rjv To2]al Kvpios. 33 otl avTTj rj SiaOytcy g yuou, rjv oia- Oyao/j,at tco o'ckco 'Iapai]\, Lierd ras rjfiepas i/celvas, cpyal Kvpios' Al- Sovaco v6fiov<; /xov et9 rrjv hui- voiav avTcov, ical iirl /capSias aurcov l ypdtyoo avrovs, ical eaop,ai aurol^ et9 ©ebv, ical avrol eaovral llol eh Xaov. u ical ov liii SiSci^coo-ip eica- gtos tov k TroXiryv avrov, ical e/ca- gtos rov d8e\(pbv avrov, \eycov, Tl'todc TOV KvplOV OTI 7T«VT69 elSlj- aoval /jL6 a7ro fii/cpov avTOiV ew? fieydXov avTOiV 6Vt tXecos ecroLiac tois dSiKiaa avTcov, ical tow d/xap- tccov avTwv ' ov fiij fivrjada) ere. Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, m when 1 Avill make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Juda : 3 ~ not according to the covenant which I made with their lathers in the day " when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, for they continued not in My covenant, and I disregarded them, saith the Lord. 33 For this is My covenant that I Avill make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord, I will "surely 220 QUOTATIONS FROM Lord, I will put My law in their put My laws into their mind, and inward parts, and write it in their write them upon their hearts, and hearts; and will be their God, and I will be to them a God, and they they shall be My people. 34 And shall be to Me a people. 34 And they shall teach no more every they shall not teach every man his man his neighbour, and every man fellow citizen, and every man his his brother, saying, Know the brother, saying, Know the Lord, Lord : for they shall all know Me, for all shall know Me, from the from the least of them unto the least of them unto the greatest of greatest of them, saith the Lord : them ; for I will be merciful to for I will forgive their iniquity, their unrighteousnesses, and their and I will remember their sin no sins will I remember no more, more. Heb. Me/uL(f)6/jL6VO<; yap avrois Xeyei, 'I&ov, rjp,epai epyovrai, Xeyec ' ~ ' Kvpcos, Kal crvvreXeaco iirl rbv olkov 'Icrpai]\ Kal ivl rbv oIkov ^lovha hiad^Ktiv Kcuvrjv 9 ov Kara ri]V 8ia0>]K7]v tjv eirolriaa rols rrarpdcriv avrcov, iv vp,ipci i7riXa/3o{iivov fiov rrj. ' imypdipco. k ir\r)v avT&v. 8 *r Gr. give. ' X Or, upon. u elpr)Ktuat. v t^)v Stdfotav. w /xi>n}v' a,7ro toO olvov avrrjs emoaav nV>SJ DND5 8 :D*1J ITOTV p eOvrj, Biarovro ia-dKevdrjaav, 8 teal DVSK'I S^ V.33 *3 ••• 9 ••• Sn^ depveo errecre BafivXcbv ... g ...6rt rtyyticev et? ovpavbv rb Kplixa avrm, Babylon AatfA &ee?i a golden cup in Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's hand, that made all the hand of the Lord, making all the earth drunken : the nations the earth drunken : the nations have drunken of her wine ; there- have drunken of her wine; there- fore the nations are mad. 8 Baby- fore they were shaken, 8 and Ba- lon is suddenly fallen ... 9 ... for bylon is suddenly fallen ... 9 ... for her judgment rcacheth unto hea- her judgment reached unto hea- ven, and is lifted up even to the ven, it raised itself unto the stars, skies. Rev - . . . b "Erreaev errecre BaftvXcov c i) ttoXis rj fieyaKr)' ore e'/c rov olvov rov Ov/jlov rrjs Tropveias avr?}<=; rrerrortKe rrdvra edvr]. ... Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. R EV - . . . Kal i/jLe6va07]crav e'/c rov olvov rfjs rropveias avri)^ ol Karot- ' ' ' Kovvres rrjv yrjv. — 4 ...e^ovaa A yjpvcrovv irorr)piov iv rfj %etpt avrrjs, yifxov ^8e\vy/xdrcov Kal dKaBdprtjros iropveias avrfjs. . . . and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. — 4 . . . having a golden cup in her hand, full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Rev. — q TL l K T0V olvov rov dv/xov tt)v this is from Isa. 21:9. c Om. tj irSXi's. G. and S. See Dan. 4:30. d iroT^piov XP V(70 ^ V - S. e See ver. 2, ''Errecrtv eirecre BafiuAwv ?; /j.eyd\ri. (No. 398.) Also verse 6, ecr^ TroTripiaj 7v, Kal ov fir) ava- -Dipn \h\ 7nn <"#— . . . thou shalt bind a stone to a it, ... thou shalt bind a stone upon and cast it into the midst of Eu- a it, and cast it into the midst of phrates : 6i and thou shalt say, Euphrates, 6i and thou shalt say, Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall Thus shall Babylon sink, and not not rise . . . rise again . . . Rev - Kal rjpev eh ayyeXos io-%vpb<; fivXov fieyav, Kal efSaXev ei9 rr)v OdXaaaav, Xeycov, OvTtt>s opfitjfiaTi /3X7]8)]aerac BafivXwv b 7] fieyaXr) ttoXis, Kal ov pst) evpedfj ere. And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and THE OLD TESTAMENT. 223 cast it into the sea, saying, Tims with violence shall that great city Babylon he thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. a The book. b B. i, ,u. Sec Dan. 4:30, infra. Lam. 3:45. 504 Lam. 3:45. t D^PI mpn U2Wn DlXJbl *HD - * a \ a™ nvn) 10 — : anS nnxS d^w ib>j ^ jnsnnxb Swwnft nabb Dnm - 18 — : |ny:rW? Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their ap- pearance; they had the likeness of a man. 6 And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. — 10 As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side : and they four had the face of an ox on the left side ; they four also had the face of an eagle. -— 18 ... and their a rings were full of eyes round about them four. 5) Ieze. 1:5, 6, 10, 18. Kat iv T&> [xeau> &>? 6fAoia>p,a rea- adpcov %(ocov Kal avrrj 7} opaaa avroiv o/xoico/jia dvdpmirov eV av- TOi?" ° Kal reaaapa irpoawrra t«5 en, Kat reaaapes irrepvye? tS evl. 10 v ' / " */ -— 1KJ Kat opLOLu>Gi<; tcov irpoaooirwv avTwv, irpoawirov av6pco7rov, Kal rrpocroiTTOv rod Xeovros e/c Se^iow TOi9 reaaapat, Kal irpoaontov /jlo- <7 X 0V e '£ dptarepSiv T049 reaaapat, Kai TTpoacoirov derov rot<; reaaapat,. — 18 ... Kal 01 vcoroi avrow irXtfpeis o(p0aX/j,cbv KVK\66ev rofc reaaapcri. And in the midst as it were the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; the likeness of a man was upon them. 6 And every one had four faces, and everyone had four wings. -— 10 And the likeness of their faces tvas thus ; the four had the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side; and the four had the face of a calf on the left side ; and the four had the face of an eagle. — 18 . . . and their backs were full of eyes round about them four. 224 QUOTATIONS FROM (Eze. 10:12,14.) (Ieze. 10:12, 14.) DPPS3D1 DITT 1 ) D!~Q^ Dl^l aDI K- ai 0L vmtoi avTwv, Kal at %el- * I icai oi rpoyoi 7rKr)pei<; oov ofxoiov aeTu> ireTcopbevw. 8 Kal e Teaaapa ££>a, ev Ka& f eavTo, elx ov ° iV <* 7TTepvya<; e£ KVKkodev, Kal eaoidev g yep-ovTa 6(p0a\p(bv . . . ... and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four h beasts full of eyes before and behind. 7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. 8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him ; and they were full of eyes within . . . a «U Or, strokes. b ^ Heh.Jlesh. c Verse 14 is not in the Vat. LXX., but it is here supplied from the Compl. It is found in the same form in MSS. 5, 22, and 231 ; and, with variations, in xn. and other MSS. In many copies (including am. and 22) it is marked as superfluous. d avdpw-nov. G. and S. e Ad. to. G. and S. f %v avrwv, ex "- Gr. and S. Others, %v exop. e 'y4/j.ovirii>. G. and S. h Eather, living creatures. And their whole b body, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, were full of eyes round about, even the wheels they four had. — u And every one had four faces : the first face was the face of a cherub, and the se- cond face vjas the face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle. Rev. 4:6— Eze. 1:24. see Psa.93:4. Eze. 1:26-28. ( 506 ) a Ieze. 1:26-28. obwi Sy *)E>k yp*h bybti) — rov ° vro< > v7r *p ^fa^vs ovtwv, U*to w*^^ *s*-» ^<.k* Lv* mmm, W opaatsXldov o-a7T(p€ipov, ofiOLCo- ty\ aon ni&n tod p& ronaa ^ H e > ^ airr? l Li m tov D1X nX'lDlD rtitil KD3H T\V2l O/LtOtCO/tAOTO? TOV BpOVOV 6flOLO)p,a &)? THE OLD TESTAMENT. 225 |*5D X1K1 C7 t nS^/bS^ vSy eZ8o? avOpcoirov avoiOev. "i KaX iSov l i ocnpuo? K.ai eiravo), kcli airo opaaecos fc?X PHO/M Tl*K1 PltDOT V^nib ™po?,Jcal to (piyyos avTOvjcvK\ ( p, A *_»»k " 3 &>? opacris to^ov brav y iv rfj 17 Iuji p bean ova pjn jvit ^k - tsd m^n nx-ib And above the firmament that was over their heads ivas the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone : and upon the likeness of the throne was the like- ness as the appearance of a man above upon it. 27 And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of His loins even upward, and from the appearance of His loins even downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about. 23 As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about . . . vecpeXy iv rifiepats verov, ovtoos tj b aniens rov (peyyovs kvk\6$€V. [ c And above the firmament] that was over their head was as the appearance of a sapphire stone, the likeness of a throne upon it : and upon the likeness of the throne was a likeness as the appearance of a man above it. " 7 And I saw as the resemblance of amber, from the appearance of His loins and upwards, and from the appearance of His loins and downwards, I saw an appearance of fire, and the brightness thereof round about, 28 as the appearance of the bow when it is in the cloud in days of rain; so was the d form of the brightness round about. Rev. 4:2,3. . . . fcal ISov 6povo<; eiceiTO iv ra> ovpava>, KaX iirX rov Opovov Ka- 6/j/u.evos' s KaX 6 KadrjfJbevos e r\v o/jlolos opderet, \l6w Idairtht KaX * crdphtvcp' KaX ipa KVKKodev rov Opovov 6/jloios opderet crjia- pa K , al l/j i_i -i-i iijii 1 i/js\i iyivero iv tu> arofj.ari jxov &)? fxeXi \ p*\Y\u7 crTofiarl aov earac 9 /xeXt. 10 Kai ekafiov to &t{3\apl8iov eK 7779 %eipo? tov dyK ot exovaiv ocpdaXfiov? tov fi\e- ^Sl Vftvh Orta 0*3?K 1iO y etl/ ' Ka * ~°*i @** 7rov * l i Ka \& Ta 1>W cloven tov aKOvetv, Kai ovk aKov- ovcri . . . . . . which have eyes to see, and see . . . which have eyes to see, and see not ; they have ears to hear, and not ; and ears to hear, and hear hear not . . . not . . . Matt. 'Q eycov S)Ta tiKoveiv ciKOveTco. 1 1 ■ 15. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 227 ||Matt. 'O eycov cora a/covecv a/coverto. — ^ ... 6 eycov, k.tX. 1 3 • 9 43 ^ it ' Who hath cars to hear, let him hear. — 43 ... Who hath, etc. IIMaric ...'O evfwv wra aKoveiV d/covera). --- - 3 et tls eyet cora aKOveiv 4.9 03 b , , A. A, * ' ~ " atcoveTco. ... He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. — M If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. Mark ]£% Tl ^ gy €i <£ Ta aKOvetv ciKOveTco. 7 • 16 c If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. ||Loke ,./0 eycov cora atcoveiv d/covero). . . . He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 8:8. Luke 14:35. o ey^u>v cbra a/coveiv aKovero). He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Rev. 'Q eywv ovs ciKOvadrw tl to IJvevfia \eofx£> nVili^ T " ? ^ec-crapa? e'/cSi/o/Vet? p,ov raaiav, Kal \ip.bv, wi ny*) rrrri njni Kal Orjpla irovripd, Kal Odvarov . . . My four sore judgments . . . the . . . My four sore judgments, the sword, and the famine, and the sword, and famine, and evil beasts, noisome beast, and the pestilence... and c death ... 228 QUOTATIONS FROM ^ EV - ... aTTOKTelvcu . . . ev po/jupalq, teal iv \ifxo), koX iv 0avdrq>, koX vtto TWV 07]pt(OV T>}? 7%. ... to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. a Compare 2 Sam. 24:13. Jer.24:10. Eze. 5:12. 33:27. b \. kcu iv 6. 22, 23, etc. Compl. c That is, pestilence. Eze. 9:4 (512) Ieze.9:4. •••D*BOfcWl JlinX/b 7^ in n^inni Ka ^ $°? b o-7]p:elov e7Ti Ta fxeTwira tcov avBpcov, K.T.X. . . . and a set a mark upon the fore- . . . and put a sign upon the fore- heads of the men, etc. heads of the men, etc. Eev - ... aypi? ov a(ppaylao)/j,€v tol»9 SovXovs tov Qeov rj/xcov eVl twv fU,€Ta>7TCOV avTcov. .. . till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. ^ EV> ...el fJbrj tou9 av9pdo7rov<; /uovovs oiTtves ovk eypvai ttjv acfrpaylSa tov &eov iirl tcov fieT(o7ru>v avTcov. . . . but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. nEV - ... eyovcrai to ovo/xa a rov llarpo v arylcov f* ov ap£aa0e ... . . . and begin at My sanctuary begin at My sanctuary . . . 1 Pet. — q TL q Kaipos tov dp^aaOat to Kpi/xa airo tov oXkov tov Qeov ... — For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God . . . Eze. 10:12, etc. see Eze. 1:5, etc. Eze. 12:2. see Eze. 3:27. Eze. 14:8. (514) Ieze. 14:8. ••• ^/bV "Tlrtb V]Y"Drfi Ka ^ e$;apcb civtov etc fiecrov tov \aov /jlov . . . . . . and I will cut him off from the . . . and I will take him away from midst of My people . . . the midst of My people . . . 1 Cok. , . , r (va a e%ap6f) ire /neaov vftcov 6 to epyov tovto 7rou]aa<;. . . . that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you. a apQfj. G. and S. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 229 Eze. 14:21. see Eze. 6:11. Eze. 18:13. see Lev. 20:9. Eze. 20:11. see Lev. 18:5. Eze. 20:11. see Gen. 8:21. Eze. 26:7. see Deut. 10:17 (No. 159). Eze. 26: 13. ( 515 ) a Ieze. 26:13. "ptt3 h)p) "p^ P^ W&JTll Kal^araXvaei to ttA^o? rwv fiov- * TlV VQl^ 1 ' bb aiK ™ v Kc ^ V o)vr) rcov -tyakTr)- ' ' pccov gov ov [at] aKovadfi c en. And I will cause the noise of b thy And he shall d destroy the multi- songs to cease ; and the sound of tude of thy musicians ; and the thy harps shall be no more heard, sound of thy psalteries shall be heard no more at all. Rev - Kal (jxovr) KiOaproScov fcal fxovcriKow Kal avX^rwv Kal aaXino'rwv ov fir] aKovaOfj ev o~ol en . . . And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in e thee ... a Comp. Isa. 14:11. 24:8; and see No. 497, supra. b Tyrus. c Many copies add iv aoi. d Gr. dissolve. e Babylon. Eze. 31:6. (516) a Ieze. 31:6. ••• D^&^n ftiy /3 \11p VPSyDi 'E y Ta W Trapafyvacnv avrov ivoa- aevaav rravra ra rrerewa rod ov- pavov ... All the fowls of heaven made their In his boughs all the fowls of nests in his boughs . . . heaven made their nests . . . (Dan. 4:12(9). (Dan. 4:9.) ••• WtiW 1ta )5¥ PVP \TI33JD1 ••• 9 "• tcaliv avrw ra 7rereiva rov ov- pavov evoaaevov . . . 12 . . . and the fowls of the heaven . . . and in it the fowls of heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof . . . made their nests. IIMatt. . . . ware i\8ecv ra irereiva rod ovpavov, Kal tearao-fenvovv ev rots 13:32. ^ /* > - /cAaocu? aurov. ... so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. IIMaek . , , coo-re SvvaaOac biro rr)v cnciav aurov ra, ireretva rov ovpavov ' ' Karaa/crjvovv. ... so that the fowls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it. 230 QUOTATIONS FROM I'PKE . . . Kal TO, 7T€T€lVa TOV OVQCLVOV KaT€(TKVVQ)(7€V eV T069 «XtiSot9 13:19. » ~ r avrov. . . . and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. a See also Eze. 17 :23, , and Dan, 4; :10- -12, infr a. Eze. 33: 4, see Lev. 20: 9. Eze. 34 :5. see Num .27: .17. Eze. 37:10. (517) Ieze. 37:10. nibjn vm min Dm wani «** «v^\0ev *ek dw? b rb j-fc.^L hh. L.4 irvev^ia, Kal efycrav, Kal earrjaav " J* eirl twv irohoiv ai)T CTripiaov to irpoawirov aov ewl Lw, w *.„,J wuk , ww ,. Tar/, Kal Tt]V yrjv tov Mayvy, ... mVfl ip& BW K»W Hp X o V Ta'PmMeab X KalQo^e\... THE OLD TESTAMENT. 231 ...set thy face against Gog, the ...set thy face against Gog, and land of Magog, " the chief prince the land of Magog, c Rhos the of Meshech and Tubal ... prince o/Mesoch and Thobel... ^ Ev - — zeal e^eXevcrercu irXavrjcrat, ra eOvt] rd ev rat? Teacrapai ytov ictus t?}? y>)$> tov Tcoy Kal tov Maycoy, avvayayelv avTovs etc iroXe/xov . . . — and ( d he) shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle . . . a See also ch. 39, passim. b *% Or, prince of the chief. c Or, the prince of Rhos. As to the various readings, see the note to this section. d Satan. Eze. 38:19. (521) a Ieze. 38:19. &yi !T!T Xinn DV3 N7 Dtf Ei^vevTy-qfiepaeiceLvriearai * btvw n^iK by bn °" e6<7 ^^ 9 ^ a9 *"* ^ 'lo-pa^x. ... Surety in that day there shall ... Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of be a great earthquake in the land Israel. of Israel. R EV - Kal ev iiceivr) rfj b &pa eyevero aeiafjibs fieyas . . . And the same hour was there a great earthquake . . . a Compare J er. 10:22 (Gr.). Zech. 14:4,5. Rev.6:12. 11:19. 16:18. A similar ex- pression occurs Matt. 28: 2. and Acts 16:26. b ^/ie'pa. Eze. 39:17, 18,20. (522) Ieze. 39: 17, 18, 20. TV!! 7J71 WD 73 713*7 *)&N ElTTOV TTCLVTl 6pVeW 7T€T€LVM, Kal mdo iSDxn \ta\ mpn nwn Z pb« al ^Jpx™™ t* mtmi ii ^u- *•* /> i-* i^-*ic i ry^ it Leave ... — ™ KcuepnfkriGdii- ••• nfcn?ft WH ?D1 7123 crecr^e eVfc t?}c t paired piov, Ilttttov Kal dva/3aTrjV Kal ylyavra Kal irdv- ra avopa 7r6Xep,iarr)V . . . . . . Speak a unto every feathered . . . Say to every winged fowl, and fowl, and to every beast of the to all the wild-beasts of the field, field, Assemble yourselves, and Gather yourselves and come ; ga- come; gather yourselves on every ther yourselves from all places side to My b sacrifice ... 18 Ye shall round about unto My sacrifice . . . eat the flesh of the mighty, and Ks Ye shall eat the flesh of giants, drink the blood of the princes of and drink the blood of princes of the earth ... — 20 Thus ye shall be the earth. ... — 00 And ye shall be filled at My table with horses and filled at My table, devouring horse chariots, with mighty men, and and rider, and giant, and every with all men of war . . . man of war . . . 232 QUOTATIONS FROM Rev.^ . . . XeytoV iraai to?9 opveois rots 7rera>fievot iinrcw, Kal tcov KaBrjpevcov iir avTtav . . . . . . saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; 18 that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them ... a T| Heb. to the fowl of every wing. d rb fx.4ya tov 0. G. and S. b ^| Or, slaughter. c avvdxOyTe. G. and S. Eze. 40:1-3,5. (523) a Ieze. 40:1, 3-5. *na fco^i nirv t hy nrvn - •.•• eyjvero if i^x^p Kv pi°y, Kal wnn D^nSx nwnan a : nw &>x nam r\w tiik K-rm 3 Stisi ra>n:i n&niM in&n& Kim men ropi n*a dws am na tan - 5 — : 15m ity . . . the hand of the Lord was upon me, and brought me thither. " In the visions of God brought He me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, b by which, ivas as the frame of a city on the south. 3 And he brought me thither, and, behold, there was a 'man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a mea- suring reed ; and he stood d in the gate. — 5 ... so he measured the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed. tfycvye p,e " iv bpdaei Qeov eh Trjv ael otKo8op,r] 7roXeco9 direvavrt' 3 Kal elarjiyaye pue e/cet. ical ISov dvrjp, ical T) opaens avrov rjv oocrel 6paai<; %aA.- kov arl\/3ovro Ka\dpL(p, ical to ir<|ro9 ai/Tov laOV Tft) KaXdpLG). . . . the hand of the Lord was upon me, and led me " in a vision of God into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, and upon it teas as it were the building of a city before me. 3 And He led me in thither. And, be- hold, there was a man, and his ap- pearance was as the appearance of shining brass; and in his hand was a build ers' line, and a measuring reed; and he stood at the gate. — 5 . . . and he measured across the fore-wall; the breadth was equal to the reed, and the height of it Rev. 11:1. equal to the reed. Kal ihoOri p,ot fcd\ap,o<; o/j,oio, e \eya>v, "Eyetpat, ical peTpqcrov tov vabv tov Oeov, Kal to dvaiao-Trjpiov, Kal tov? Trpoo-KWovvTas iv avTcp- 2 Kal ty]v avXrjV rqv egcoOev tov vaov e/c/3aXe e|a>, Kal p,^ avTrjv pLeTpijcrrjs ... THE OLD TESTAMENT. 233 And there Avas given me a reed like unto a rod : and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. 2 But the court which is without the temple f leave out, and measure it not . . . Rev. Kal arn ( jve /caXdp,G) iirl o-raSlovi ScoSefca ^tXidScov to //-77K09 koX to 7T/VaT09 /cal to vtyos avTrjs icra ecru. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. — 15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the Avail thereof. l6 ... and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal. 1 See Zech. 2:1, inf. b «f Or, upon which. c See Eev. 21 : 17. of a man, that is, of the anyel. d See Rev. 21 : 12, at the yates twelve anyels. e Ad. Kal 6 &yye\os 6e'77o? dirb Trjs 86£r]$ a KvxXoOev. ...and the earth shined with His ...and the earth sinned as light glory. from the glory round about. R EV - . . . /cal i) Tiadri Ik t?}? 8o^r/ Bov eVt To0 nift *i&t2 yi |*y ^ron n3£^ x e ^ ov ^ ro ^^ oTa P :o ^^ v ^p a ' 7To ^^ L«4 *Uy* Lj*=.^«^ L*** 12 ... ♦ <-t*tvi er%, ttolovv Kaprrovs 8a>$e/ca, Kara fxrjva k era eKacrrov airohihovv tov Kapirbv avrov' Kal ra 779 av rjfiepas yevrjrai, l! earai to ovopa ai>Tr)<;. . . . and the name of the city from . . . and the name of the city from that day shall be, b The Lord is the day that it shall be made, shall there. be the name thereof. Rkv - . . . Kai to ovofia Trjs ir6\eo)<; tov 0eov fiou, Trj<{ fcaiv?i<; 'lepov- a-aXijfi . . . . . . and the name of the city of My God, which is New Jeru- salem . . . o Comp. Dent. 12:5. Dan. 9: 19. Joel 3:21. b If Heb. Jehovah-shammdh. See Exod. 17: 15. Judg. 6:24. c The Alex, and Aid. editions and various cursive MSS. add Kvpws Dan. 1:14. (528) a Dan. 1 : 14. J Pn&yy D^3* OWI Kai ivrelpao-ev clvtovs ijfxipat; 8e/ca. . . . and (he) proved them ten days. ... and (he) proved them ten days. Rev - . . . iva 7T6ipaa6rJTe' real e'fere 6\tyiv h i)p.epu)V Se/ca . . . . . . that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days . . . a See ver. 12. Comp. Gen. 24:55. 1 Sam. 25:38. b i)fi4pas. Dan. 2: 8. (529) Dan. 2:8. — P^T V\TtiH &OTJJ H OTl Ka, P°v vjAel ovpavm. . . neither was their place found any more in heaven. . . KaX tottos oi>% evpedi] auTot?. .. and there was found no place for them. wa! tSttos oi>x ti>p('6y avrols ... Theod. b ovSi. M. G. and S. c au7cji. Rev. 12:8. Rev. 20:11 23G QUOTATIONS FROM Dan. 2: 37, 47. see Deut. 10:17 (No. 159). Dan. 2:44. (531) a Dan. 2:44. ••• 13/23 fc^^^ ri7^ D*D^ v ovpavwv. . . Repent ye : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. || Matt. ... Meravoelre' rjyyiice yap 7) /3aai\e/a rwv ovpavwv. 4:1 " ... Repent : for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. §Matt. . . , rj fiaaikela twv ovpavdv. d * ' ... the kingdom of heaven. UMa.uk . . otl JJeir^pcorai 6 Katpos, ical iiyyucev 7) (3aaC\.e[a rov Qeov . . . 1 .. The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand ... §Luke , . . -q /3acn\ela rov Qeov. 6 : 20 ' ... the kingdom of God. John ... IBetv ri]v /3aai\elav rov Qeov. — 5 ... elaeXdetv et? ttjV /3a- 3:3 ' 5, o-ikelav rov Qeov. ... see the kingdom of God. — 5 . . . enter into the kingdom of God. Acts ...ra. rrepl t^5 f3aaikeLa p ab ^ \ ao \ Ka i ry\£)o-arai. Then an herald cried b aloud, To And an herald proclaimed unto you it is commanded, O d people, the multitudes, To you it is corn- nations, and languages. manded, O nations and provinces, people and tongues. TPIE OLD TESTAMENT. 237 Rev. ... e/c irdcrrjs (pvXijs Kal yXcoacnjs Kal Tuiov Kal edvovs. 5:9 ' ... out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. Rrv. ... e/c iraVTOs edvovs Kal (pvXwv teal Xaoov Kal vXi)V Kal yXwcrcrav Kal Xabv. 14:6 * ... and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Rev. . . . Ta vSara . . . Xaol Kal b')(Xoi elcrl, Kal eOvrj Kal yXcoo-crai. . . . The waters . . . are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 17:15. a See also Dan. 4:1.6:25. b «U Chald. with might. c f Chalcl. they command. d Kal 6 K7ipu£ e/SJa Iv \vxjii, "tyuv XeyeTai Aaoh, v b 6fxoL- , M^U^t (opua dyyeXov ©eov. . . . and the form of the fourth is ... and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. the similitude of an angel of God. Matt. ...El Tibs el rod ©eov . . . 4:3 - c ...If Thou be the Son of God... Mark ...'Irjaov Xptcrrov, Tlov tov ©eov. l:lm ... of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Luke . . . KXrjd^aerai Tibs ©eov. 1 : 35, ... shall be called the Son of God. John . . . on ovtos eartv 6 Tibs rod ©eov. 1 : 34 - ... that This is the Son of God. Acts . . . Ylicnevai tov Tlbv tov ©eov elvai tov 'Irjaovv Xpiarov. 8:37 ' ... I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Rom. — rov bptaOevTos Tlov ©eov ... 1 :4- — and declared to be the Son of God . . . Heb. ... d Tlai tov ©eov ... 7 : 3 " ... but made like unto the Son of God . . . l Jo. ... els tovto icpavepcoOy 6 Tibs tov ©eov ... 3:8, ... For this purpose the Son of God was manifested . . . 238 QUOTATIONS FROM R EV - . . . TaZe Xeyet 6 T/09 rov Qeov . . . 2A8 ' ... These tilings saith the Son of God . . . a Compare Psa. 2 : 7, Thou art My Son. This section contains but a small selection of N.T. passages. b 6jtoia vt$ 0eov. Theod. c Precisely similar is ||Luke 4:3. d This verse is not in G. nor in S. .b Dan. 4:1 (3:31). (534) a Dan. 3:99. ♦ tf^i V)^ft7^ ••• 31 Elprjvq vjxlv TrXr)6vv6eir) x 1 . . . Peace be multiplied unto you. Peace be multiplied unto you . . . 1 Pet. . , , 'XfipLS v/uv koX elpr)vr\ irX7]6vv0e[r). . . . grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied. 2 Pet. — %a/W vp^v zeal elprjvr) 7rX7]6vvdet7] . . . : ' — grace and peace be multiplied unto you . . . Jcde — eXeos vplv koX elpr\vr] kcl\ dydirrj 7rXr)6vvdei7). — mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. a And see Dan. 6:25, where the words occur in the Chaldce, but not in the LXX. b This version adds, iv iravrl Kcupai, which is neither in the original nor in Theod. Dan. 4:10 a (7). (535) DAN.4:2. b ••• P s tf 1/X1 ••• 7 ••• Kai l '^°^» SevSpov, k.t.X. 10 . . . and behold a tree, etc. . . . and behold a tree, etc. Matt. , , , Ka \ yiverai SevBpov, k.t.X. 13 • 32 c i . . . and (it) becometh a tree, etc. Luke . . . Kal iyevero els SevSpov d p>eya, k.t.X. ... and (it) waxed a great tree, etc. » See verses 12, 20, 21. Ver. 12 is in No. 516. b The verses are misplaced in the LXX. c In ||Mark 4:32, the words do not occur. d Om. ^'70. Dan. 4:12(9). see Eze. 31:6. Dan. 4:30(27). (536) 8 Dan. 4:27. ••• Km*) hl5 K*D K"7 xSn ••• 27 A » r V «"■* BafivXaiv rj ixeydXtj . . . 30 ... Is not this great Babylon . . .? This is Babylon the great . . . Rev - . . . Ba/3vXcov b 7) 7roXi<; r) fieydXrj . . . ... Babylon . . . that c great city . . . Rev - . . . BaftvXfov 7) [AeydXr] . . . . . . great Babylon . . . Rev - . . . Ba(3vXa>v 7) jieydXr) . . . ...Babylon the great... R EV - . .. BaftvXcov 7) fMeydXrj ... ... Babylon the great . . . a See No. 398. b Om. 7) ttJau. G. and S. c Comp. 11:8. 16:19, first clause. d See verses 10, 18, 21. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 239 Dan. 4: . ( 537 ) a Dan. 4:32. . . . o xpovos fiov rf]<{ a7ro\vTp(i)a£co<; Not in the Chaldee. rj\0€ . . . my time of redemption came .. . Luke . , . Store eyr . . . - ni-Q£> pjrr kSi pjw nSi . . . and (they) praised the gods of ... and they praised their idols gold, and of silver, of brass, of iron, made with hands. — 23 ...and of wood, and of stone. — 23 ... and thou hast praised all the idols, the thou hast praised the gods of sil- work of men's hands . . . ver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know . . . R EV> . . . ovre fxerevorjaav etc rwv epywv roiv xetpwv clvtwv, iva firj TTpoo-Kvvqowcn ra Saip,6via, real c elSa)\a ra ^pfcra /cat ra apyvpa teal ra x a ^ K ^ Ka1, T <* Xtdiva teal ra £v\iva, a ovre ^Xeiretv Svvarat, ovre a/covetv, ovre rreptirarelv. ... yet (they) repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood : which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk. a Compare Psa. 115:4— 7. 135:15—17. b Theod. follows the Chald. very nearly. c Ad.rct. G. and S. Dan. 6:22. (539) Dan. 6:22. a OS *13D1 P""D«?/& Pl7&2> TPK — Kai °"ecr&)/ce pue 6 0eo9 airo rcov My God hath sent His angel, and — and God hath saved me from hath shut the lions' mouths . . . the lions . . . IIeb. — o'l g t a Trlcrre(os ar6/J,a Xeovros ... — - 5 Kal i&66r] avrco crrofia \a\ovv fxeydXa . . . — 7 Kal ehoOr] avru> TroXeixov irovr^aai p,era twv dyicov, Kal viKrjaai avTovs ... . . . and (I) saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having m seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns ... 2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a n leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion ... — 5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking THE OLD TESTAMENT. 241 great things ... — 7 And it was ° given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them . . . Rev - . .. eVt dijplov kokklvov ... €%ov KtcpaXas eirrd Kal KeparaSeKa. ' ' — 12 Kal ra SeKa Kepara a el8e<>, Se/ca fiacriXels elaiv, omve? j3ao~CXeiav ovttco kXajBov . . . ... upon a scarlet coloured beast ... having seven heads and ten horns. — 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest arc ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet . . . » Sec also ver. 20. Comp. ver. 1 1 with Rev. 17:16, and ver. 25 with Rev. 13:5. b The first like a lion (Siael \4aiva), the second like to a bear (b/xoioiaiv %x ov apuov), the third like a leopard (Soati ndpSaXiv). c The little horn. d until the Ancient of days came. '' The fourth kingdom. f 4k. supplied from Syr. hex. § fier' abr&v trahenov. G. and S. h So Rev. 17:8. ' The two witnesses. k Kepara Se'rea Kal nvpaXas l-ma. G. and S. 1 Hicpov. G. and S. m The third beast of Daniel had four heads (7:6); the dragon of Rev. 12:3, seven heads and ten horns. n See note ( b ). ° See Dan. 7:6. and dominion ivas given to it (the third beast). LXX. (Syr. hexapla text) Kal y\waaa 'ESSdri avrcp. p See also verses 7—9. Dan. 7:9. (541) Dan. 7:9. Yftl flD^O *H 1)} nVIPl TllH 'EOewpovv e&)9 ore Qpovoi ireOrjaav, «.*_* »t,M,si *)^f\T^ Kai naXatbs r)/u,6pcbv eKadrjro... I beheld till the thrones were cast I beheld till the thrones were set, down, and the Ancient of days and the Ancient of days did sit ... did sit . . . Rev - Kal elSov dpovovs, teal eKaOurav eV avrovo~el yiwv. 28:3. . . • , i ■, * . . . his raiment white as snow. Mark £at Ta [fiana avrov iyevero o~riX/36vra, XevKa Xlav c ft>5 ^tcov... And His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow . . . Rev. f JJ g£ KecpaXrj avrou Kal al Tp/^e? Xev/cal ll wcret eptov XevKov, o>9 X t > < * )V ' KaL ot e o6aXfMol avrov &>? (pXb£ rrvpbs. His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow ; and His e eyes were as a flame of fire. a ... Ka\ to tvSvfia avrov Kevicbv wael x'^v. Theod. b avrov from Syr. hex. c Om. is Xiuv. Comp. || Matt. 17:2. (1 Sis. G. and S. e See No. 553, infra. 1 1 242 QUOTATIONS FROM Dan. 7:10. (543) a Dan. 7:10. "QTl T-fiMyfoW Q*SSX &PX %/?uai Y*7uaSe9 eOepatrevov av- s\%^\^% Mui.k ut.t. tov, tfat fivpiai pvpidSes TrapeiaW]- ■ • • poip rnaip f ui /ceio . ai/ ahT ^ _ _ _ . . . thousand thousands ministered . . . thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him . . . ten thousand stood before Him . . . EEVr - ... /J,vpid8e<; fivpidScov Kal %i\id8e<; ^CKidhoiv. . . . ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands. 1 Comp. Psa. 68:17. Matt. 26: 53. Dan. 7:10. (544) Dan. 7:10. J IPlTlS r*)SD1 HIV $0**1 Kal/cptT)]pioviKd0i,pow ev opd^aTi t^? wkto?, ... Kin nnx bux -im x w ^ Kal ®°* b fi l ™1 v ^ e \T T0 ° ™- * pavov Co? 1 to? avoponrov c i)p-)(eTO . . . I saw in the night visions, and be- I saw in a vision of the night, and hold One like the Son of man came behold One like d the Son of man with the clouds of heaven ... came upon the clouds of heaven ... Matt. , , . eeo? av tScoav tov Tlbv tov dvSpcoTrov ep^bfxevov ev rfj fiaaCkeia 16: * avrov. . . . till they see the Son of man coming in His kingdom. ||Matt. ... K al o^Jrovrai tov Tlbv tov dv0pd)7rov, ipyoaevov eirl rebv vecbe- 24:30. f -x- ~> - \ S / \ *'£• >■*« Xcov tov ovpavov peTa ovvap,ea>-nov tca0i]p,€vov etc he^mv '' ' tt}7rov epyopievov ev ve i \ ~ i^"«» ovvafieo)?, /cat epxofievop fiera tojv vecpeXcoy tov ovpavov. ... and ye shall see the Son of man ' sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. ||LUKE Xttt TOT€ O-tyoVTCLL TOV T'lOV TOV dvOpCOTTOV £p-)(Op,€VOV €V V€(pe\j) ' /xera Bvvdpiecos /cal Sotjrjs TroXKrj'i. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud, with g power and great glory. Rev. TSoy ep^eTat pberd row ve- ' ' TTOV ... Behold, He cometh with clouds... — 13 ... One like unto the Son of man . . . Rev - Kai elSov, /cal ISov ve&ekr/ \evic)), /cat eVt rrjv ve a . /Jbevos Ofjboios 1 tea avopooTrov . . . And I looked, and behold a white ! cloud, and upon the cloud One sat like unto the Son of man . . . * Comp. Isa. 19 : 1. For Son of man, see No. 251, supra. b fiera. Theod. c epx<*- fxevos. Theod. d Or, a son of man. Comp. Dan. 10: 16. Eze, 2:1. e See also ver. 27. In ||Mark 9:1, it is the kingdom of God come with power: in ||Luke 9:27, only the king- dom of God. { See ver. 37, 39, fi irapovaia rov Tlov rov avdpunrov. % See Dan. 7 : 14. Matt. 16:27. 25:31, etc. b In §Luke 22:69, 'Airb tov vvv earat 6 Tibs rov avOptiirov tca8r)/xevos e'/c Se^iwv rr,s Svvdfxeais rov Qeov. ' See No. 325. k /caS^/nepov ouoiov. G. and S. 1 Comp. chap. 20: 11, a great ivhite throne. Dan. 7:22. (546) Dan. 7:22. — rilvV ''With 2iT $yi) Kai a " r W Kplcriv eSco/ce Toh aylots TOV I YICTTOV . . . ... and judgment was given to the ... and He gave judgment to the saints of the Most High . . . saints of the Most High . . . Rev - ... teal Kpipua £866rj avTOis . . . ... and judgment was given unto them . . . a to Kplfxa. Theod. b Comp. 1 Cor. 6:2, the saints shall judge the world. Dan. 7:25. (547) Dan. 7:25. Pljfl Py IV <"1T3 fQHTH Kal Trapa&odijaercu irdvTa e/v a^P™ • • • . . . and it cast down some of the . . . and some of the stars were cast host and of the stars to the ground... down upon the ground ... Eev. Kal rj ovpa avrov crvpei rb rplrov rwv aarepcov rod ovpavov, Kal ~ '' ' eftaXev avroijs els rr}V *\ ^PV^ecov earai em avvreXelas, ♦ nmv ?y inn ™nn:i n?D ^ avvriXeia g ^ ff6Tat ^ T ^ eprjpbwcriV. ... c and for the overspreading of ... and upon the e temple shall be abominations He shall make it de- the abomination of desolations, solate, even until the consumma- until the consummation, and a tion, and that determined shall be consummation shall be put upon poured d upon the desolate. the desolation. (Dan. 11:31.) (Dan. 11:31.) t D££^fo T*1p^n lin^l Kal Scocrovai ftSeXvjfxa " ep>)/jLa>- (7€(OS. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 2 15 . . . and the} r shall place the abo- . . . and they shall h place the abo- mination that f maketh desolate. mination of desolation. (Dan. 12:11.) (Dan. 12:11.) ••• \2t2U T'lpt^ T\Tw T0 (3Se\vyp,a t% epi]ju.(oae(oq . . . . . . 'the abomination that k maketh . . . the abomination of desolation... desolate . . . ||Matt. "Orav ovv t8r)T€ to /38e\vyp,aTr)<; ipr/puooaeco^, to prjOev Sid Aavirfk '' ' TOV 7Tp0(p)}T0V, CCTTW9 6V TOTTO) dytw' (6 dvaytvoocr/ccov VOeLTO)') — When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth let him understand :) — II Mark "Oiav Se iBrjTe to /38e\vyp,a r?;? eprjpKaaeciy;, m to pyjdev vtto Aaviijk ' ' tov irpo(f)i]TOV, io-Tcb& p - : Dmn ytsm ... for we do not a present our sup- plications before Thee for our righteousnesses, but for Thy great mercies. Tit. 3:5. c eAcoj. Dan. 9:27. see Dan. 8:13. Dan. 10:5, 6. (553 Dan. 10:5, 6. tzris stqS tpik w$ mm - : ?sin orm omn nn&i vnjnn bw *Tsta v^yi pnn : pan Sips vim . . . and behold e a certain Man cloth- ed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz : 6 His body also was like the beryl, and His face as the appearance of lightning, and His eyes as lamps of fire, and His arms and His feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of His words like the voice of a multitude. . . . /ecu ISov, avdpcoTros et? evSeSv- /Lievo? fivcrenva, zeal Ti]v baepvv b av- tov 7repi€^co(Tfjiivocrel 9 ao-Tpairr) . . . His h countenance was like lightning . . . R EV - . . . evSeSvfievov 7ro8))prj, koX nrepietfua ftevov 7rpb<; toIs fxaaTols ' favrjv ^pva^v u ... Kal ol 6(p0a\fxol avTov a>? (/>\o£ Trvpo^ THE OLD TESTAMENT. 217 15 teal ol 7r6Se? cp\6ya Trvpos, /cal ol 7ToSe? avrov o/xoiot %a\Ko\i(3dv(p. ...the Son of God, who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass. R EV - — ol Be 6cp6a\/u,ol avrov ox? <£\o£ 7rvpbv apxovrwv rwv \ mib> hxyti ••• 21 — - 7r ^ TC0V • • • "" 21 ■ • • Mt x a v x ° <*y- . . . Michael, a one of the chief prin- . . . Michael, one of the chief prin- ces ... — 21 . . . Michael your prince, ces ... 21 ... Michael the angel. (Dan. 12:1.) (Dan. 12:1.) -SWl 1WT\ 7$yt2 Mixarfk 6 ayyeXos 6 fteyas ... . . . Michael . . . the great prince Michael the great angel . . . Jude 'O gg M^ar)A, o dpxdyyeXo? ... Yet Michael the archangel . . . R £V - ... o Mt^ar/A, teal ol ayyekot avrov ... ... Michael and his angels . . . a % Or, the first. b Comp. 2 Pet. 2:11, angels. Dan. 11:30. (555) Dan. 11:30. ••• DTD D**¥ *D IfcOl ^- a ^ a V^ovai'Pcofialot teal e^docrov- o~w avrov . . . For the ships of Chittim shall And the Romans shall come and come against him . . . expel him . . . John . . . /cal ekevaovrat ol 'Pwfxaloi . . . . . . and the Romans shall come . . . a tlaeAevo-nvrai eV avrqi ol tK-nopivSjAvoi KiTiot. Tlicod. Dan. 11:31. see Dan. 8:13. 248 QUOTATIONS FROM Dan. 11:36. (556) Dan. 11:36. ••• Sx 73 7^ /"OrVl DD^nrVI Ka ^ irapopyio-dtfcreTat, teal v-^rco- 6}]aerai eVl iravra Oeov . . . . .. and he shall exalt himself, and ... and he shall be provoked, and magnify himself above every god . . . shall be exalted above every god . . . 2 Thess o aVTi/celfxevos teal VTrepaipopbevos €7rl iravra \eyop,evov Oebv i) aej3aap,a . . . — who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped . . . 2:4. Dan. 12:1. see Dan. 10:13, 21. Dan. 12:1. ( 557 ) a Dan. 12:1. nrvnj $b *wx mx ny nrvni b eWvi? $ ^kpa exi^m, oU . . . and there shall be a time of ... that day shall be a day of trou- trouble, such as never was since ble, such as was not since men there was a nation even to that were, even unto that day . . . same time . . . ||Matt. v E(TTat yap Tore 6\i^i<; fieydXrj, ol'a ov yeyovev air apyrj$ Koafxov 24-21. tf ^ " » 5-' » ^ ' ea>? tov vvv, ovo ov fxi] yevrjTcu. For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. ||Mark "Ectovtcu yap al rj/uuepai eicelvai 0\n/rt<; rrjs /AeyaXrjs . . . 7:14 These are they which came out of great tribulation Rev. ... /cal creio-iios iyevero aeyas, olos ovk iyevero ad? ov ol avOpco- 16-18. > . / ' > \ « « -. \ r > / ' ■not eyevovTO eirt t;/9 7^9, rr)\tfcovTO<; cretcr/^o? ovrco /j,eya<;. . . . and there was a great earthquake such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake and so great. a Comp. Ex. 9:24. Joel 2:2. b Kal Zarai Kcupbs 6Ai\peais, d\i\f/is o'la ov yeyovev a(p' ou yeyevrjTai tQvos iv ttJ yfj, hoes rod Kaipov iics'ivov. Theod. Dan. 12:1. (558) a Dan. 12:1. t 7SD3 lirO X^^n 73 b 0$ av evpeOfj eyyey pa/j,/u,evos iv ... every one that shall be found ...whoever shall be found written written in the book. in the book. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 249 Rev. ...&v ov yeypcnnai d tcl ovofxara iv rfj {3ifi\ T7]<: £&»;? yeypa/jL/juevos . . . And whosoever was not found written in the book of life . . . Rev.^ ... el fii) ol yeypapfMevoi iv t&> /3t/3?u&) t% ^oj}? tov 'Apvtov. ... bnt they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. a See Nos. 113 and 296; also Luke 10:20. Heb. 12:23. Rev. 21:12. b iras 6 yeypafi- ixivos eV tt) /8i'£A.a>. Theod. c Gr. was. d to ovop.a eV tb $ifr\iu>. G. and S. e -rh 6vofia. S. f tov @if}\lov. e r fiifSXlq. Dan. 12:2. (559) Dan. 12:2. T\)smirb pp*o Dbiy "tv? rbn— -;- a , otf ^ v et ' ? M" Mvuw, oi8e » qLnm ^ytta.^L et? oveiSta/Aov, ol 8e ek Siacnropav * 'I kciI alayyvr\v alcoviov. . . . some to everlasting life, and . . . some to life eternal, and some some to shame and everlasting to reproach, and some to dispersion contempt. and everlasting shame. Matt. J£ a \ airreXevaovrai, ovtoi et? KoXacrcv alcoviov ol 8e Sifcaioi eis- 25:46. y \ » / yoirjv aicoviov. And these shall go away into everlasting pmiishment ; bnt the righteous into life eternal. a ovtoi els f. oi. /col ovtoi els bv. Kal els alax- a '- Theod. Dan. 12:3. ( 560 ) a Dan. 12:3. ••■ TOTI 1TO 1VIP Dv^^ftm ^ °' l o-vvievre? c '^avovatv a>? (pwo-Trjpes tov ovpavov . . . And they that be b wise shall shine And the wise shall shine as the as the brightness of the firma- lights of heaven . . . ment . . . Matt. Tore ol hUatot eKXApL-^ovatv &>s rj \a/xTrp6r-qs tov o-TepedfiaTos. Theod. Dan. 12:4. see Dan. 8:26. K K 250 QUOTATIONS FROM Dan. 12:7. ( 561 ) a Dan. 12:7. DH3P1 EOS 1 ? B^KPI fttf y^^Nl K «*_ rfcoi/o-a tou 7repiJ3e(3\r)pevov ra fivcrcriva, 09 ??v eirdvco rov v8a- TO? TOO TTOTa/JLOV, b 60)9 KClLpOV GVV- TeXe/a.?, /cat tn^-cocre rrjV Be^iav avTov Kal tyjv aptcrrepav avrov eh rov ovpavov KaX c wpocre rov ffivTa eh rov aloiva Qeov . . . And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was upon the water of the river unto the time of the con- summation, and he lifted up his right hand and his left to heaven, and sware hy God that liveth for ever . . . R EV - Kal 6 0776X09, ov elSov earcora eirl T779 6a\aaar)<; KaX iirl rf}<; ' ' 7'7?> VP e T V V X 6 W a avTOV d e h tov ovpavov, 6 Kal wpoarev e iv to> ^cbvTi eh tow aicbvas rcov aloovcov . . . And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6 and sware by Him that liveth for ever and ever . . . a Comp. Dent. 32:40. b ?«s k. 9 KaX iv rep 'flcrye \eyei, e . . . 26 Kal earai, ev rS tgttw ov ep- 9:25,26.^^ avroh, Ov Xao9 p>ov vpeh, e'/cet K\7]0t]o-ovrat viol Qeov £&)VT09. — As He saith also in Osee, ... 26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not My people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 251 1 J°- ... Xva T€KVa 06OV K\rjdo)fJ,6V ... . . . that we should he called the sous of God . . . a See also John 1:12. Rom. 8:14, 19. Phil. 2:15. b % Or, instead of that. c Many copies add ixei. d Om. xal ahrol. Compl. and many others. c See No. 563. f See vcr. 2. Hos. 2:23(25). (563) Ose.2:23. wdxi nftm xb nx Tismi ••• 25 • • •/ ««i ai^o-w t^v ovk rjy ? Ka l £ v TC p 'flcrrje \iyei, KaXiaco rbv ov Xaov /jlov, \aov fiov teal rtjv ovk 7]ya7rj]{ievT)v } 7)ya7D]/jL€VT]V. — As He saith also in Osee, I will call them My people, which were not My people ; and her beloved, which was not beloved. 1 Pet. — l ttotg. ov \ab0evre<;. — which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God : which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. a Kal iKer)cra> ttji/ ovk r)\eriiJ.4vr)i>. xn. and many others. b Om. fiov. 53. 153. Hos. 6:2. (564) a Ose. 6:2. ••• 13£p* ^vfcJTt DV3 b ev T V ypep? T V Tptry igava- ' crrrjaSfieOa . . . ... in the third day He will raise ... in the third day we shall be us up . . . raised up . . . ||Matt. . , . Ka \ T jj rpirr] r)p,ipq eyepdvjvcu. ... and be raised again the third day. §Matt. ... Ka \ T jj rpirr] i)fiepq eyepOijcrercu ... . . . and the third day He shall be raised again . . . +Matt. . . . ical ry rpirr] t)/xepq avaartjo-erai. . . . and the third day He shall rise again. §Mark ,.. d TJ7 rpirr} fj^epq avacrrrjaerat. ... He shall rise the third day. jMark , . . Kal d rfj rpirr] i)p>epq avaarrjaerat. ... and the third clay He shall rise again. ||Lukk ... Ka \ rfj rpirr) r']fiepq ' ' eyepdfjvai. ... and be raised the third dav. 252 QUOTATIONS FROM JLtjke >it Ka \ T yj rj^epa T) J rpirr] dvaart/trerai. ... and the third day He shall rise again. Luke . . . /ecu rfj rplrrj r)p,epa dvaari)vai. --- * 6 . . . icaX dvacmjvai e/c " ' ' vetcpcov rfj rpirr] rjfiepa. ... and the third day rise again. — 46 ... and to rise from the dead the third day. l Cor. >#i /cal Sri eyijyeprai rfj rpirr/ r)p,epa Kara Ta? ypacpds. . . . and that He rose again the third day, according to the scriptures. a Compare the texts mentioned in the Note to this section. b ip rrj rplT-p yfj-epq ava- srTt)a6^Qa. c ||Mark8;31, ... after three days ... d fiira rpih 7]/x4pas. e avaarrivai. Hos. 6:6. (565) Ose. 6: 6. ••• l"DT $h) Tl^3n 1DM O A ton a e'A,eo9 6e\(o b r) Ovalav ... For I desired mercy, and not For I desire mercy rather than sacrifice . . . sacrifice . . . Matt. JJopevdivra Be p,d0ere ri icrriv, c "E\eov 6e\co, ical ov 6valav ... But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice . . . Matt. El Be iyvootceire rl icrriv, "E\eov 6e\co /cal ov dvcrlav ... But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice . . . a Many copies eAeuv. b ku\ ov Qvaiav. xn. Compl. and many others. c "EAeos. Hos. 6:7. (566) Ose. 6:7. ••• JVD T"l!3y D*TfcO n^ni Avrol Be elcnv ft>9 avdpwrros rrapa- fialvcov 8ia6t]K7]v . . . But they a like men have trans- But they are as a man transgress- gressed the covenant . . . ing a covenant . . . Rom. , , , Ka \ g^l tovs b p/i) dp.apr/]cravraai. G. and S. Hos. 10:8. (568) a Ose. 10:8. * mjn^i liion DnrrS i-iaxi kox i P ov*i rou 8 pe(rh b K a x v - ♦ «jyUy e Tore ap^ovrat Xiyetv Tot? opecn, JJecreTe i(p' rjpbar Kal rot? fiov- vols, KaXvyfrare t)fxa^. Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us. ^ EV - — Kal Xeyovai Tot? tipcat Kal rah Trerpaa, JJiaere ifi ?/yu,a rjjd- <,«l«,L, ^f.^».ta. 7n] opaGis iinrcov rj opaGis avrcov «d - onnn *bwi hv mnnD '"IP Kal ra 6p,oicop:ara rcov dicpihcov ofioia ittttois i]roi[AaGp,evoi<; et? ' ' iroXepbov ... -— 9 ... Kal rj epeovrj rcov irrepvycov avrcov o>Ut-^ <,*+.* iiris nann own ron&pn 7$n own dt^o woi 3 ♦♦ wina* : ]&y rvnoni bwi tn p*en : ktwti hnyn mrr dv Kin *jbt* mrv D^n «ip* new Vd rrm 5 ... bSa* And it shall come to pass after- ward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh ; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions : 29 and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. 30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens 75) Joel 2:28-32. Kau karat p,erd ravra, a koX eicveo) diro rod IIveufiaTos pov eVt irdaav crap/ca, Kat 7rpo(prjrevaovaiv oi viol vpicov, real ai dvyarepes vp,wv, b ical oi 7rpeo-/3vTepoi vjxwv evvirvia ivv- 7rviao-0j]aovTcu, /cal oi veavicricoi v/jLtov opao-ei$ oyfrovrai. " 9 ical c hrl tovs SovXovs pbov /cat eVt ras 8ov\as d ev rah i}/xepai, ical h hri rfjs yr)crw repara iv rS ovpavat avco, Kal arjfiela e7rt T?;? 7J7? Kara), atp,a Kai rrvp /cat arpaoa Karrvov. M o iyAto? fxera- arpa(f>r]crerac et? gkotos, Kal r) o-eXrjvr) et? al/ia, rrplv q rj iXOeiv rrjv rjpiepav Kvplov rijv fieydXrjv Kal iirKfiavrj. 21 Kal karat, 7fa? o? av i7riKa\ear]rai rb ovofxa Kvplov, acoOrfaerat. — But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh : and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams : 18 and on My servants and on My handmaidens I will pour out in those days of My Spirit ; and they shall prophesy : 19 and I will shew r wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath ; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke : 20 the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and no- table day of the Lord come : 21 and it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Rom. — 27a? yap o? av irrtKa\earirai rb 6vop.a Kvplov acoOrjaerai. ' — For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. R EV - . . . Kal 6 rfKto<; s iyevero /ieXa? co? aaKKO$ Tpt'^tvo?, /cat -r) aeXrjvr} 1 iyevero &>? alfia. . . . and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood. a Om. Kal. Compl. and many other copies. b There are many slight variations, but there does not appear to be any copy in which the clauses are transposed as in Acts. c The Compl. and many other copies add ye. d Ad. ixov. xu. and many others. e Many copies add ko) irpotprireicroviri. ( Saxrovai. Aid. etc. & rw ovpavi?. Compl. and many others. Some add &va>. h Many copies read, vrifxela inl ttjs yrjs kutw. ' Ad. ^. k Gr. and. l Or, glorious. m See ver. 39, For the promise is unto you, and to your children, Kal to?s tzkvois vfiaiv. n Compare Isa. 2:2,"Ot» earai iv ra?s tf *niD (17^ tDX "O ^av fir) airoKaXv-ty-r) iratSetav ». s v » >^«i*-« irpbs tovs SovXovs avTOv Tov^irpo- . ., but He revealeth His secret un- . . . unless He reveal instruction to to His servants the prophets. His servants the prophets. R EV - ...teal TeXeaOr} to p,vo-Tr)ptov tov ©eov, a>i]iJTai<;. ... the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets. a See No. 226. b rovs eavrov SovAovs toxis wpocp^ras. G. and S. L L 258 QUOTATIONS FROM Amos 5:25-27. (579) Amos 5:25-27. nrnftn h Dwn nmfti Drain M v ^^a K ai evai™ * ir P oa V «s Xlu/ n J |JE7 L=J y J li aapdxovra err) iv rfj ipijfio) ; 2l vey/care jjloi, o2«o ffiwp^v tov Mokbx, 1B>N DJ H7N HJ1J QJa73t p J ^v,TOV?TV7row d awT«5vo^6VoM7- D3HX TOTTl * 7 J QJ? DJWy , olkos 'ItrpariX; 43 Kal aveXafiere Ti)V cr/cr/vrjv tov MoXb%, teal to aarpov tov 6eov g vp,oiV h 'PefMpciv, tov<; tvttovs o&? iiroLijaaTe irpoaKwelv clvtoIs' Kal fxeTOiKiw vp,ds iirzKeiva BafivXwvos. ... as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to Me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness ? 43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them : and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. a % Or, Siccuth your king. b There are many variations of order, but no copy ap- pears to agree with the N.T. c 'Pecpav. xn. etc. 'Fe^av. 95. 185. 239. 'Po/x% koX ra d /careaicafineva av- ' I avrhv KaOooq at riuepcu rod al&vos. W 8qM 1BW DW ^ DHK u faw'iK&TJowiv oi KardXoi- I HXT n^V HliT DtO DH vV 7rot ™ v dvOpdmwv ' /cat rrdvra rd €#1/77, e0' oi)? eTTLKeKkrjTai to ovofid fiov eV avroix;, \eyei Kvpio? 6 TToioiV rrdvra ravra. In that clay will I raise up the In that day "will I raise up the ta- tabcrnaole of David that is fallen, bernacle of David that is fallen, and a close up the breaches there- and I will build again the fallen of; and I will raise up his ruins, places thereof, and I will raise up and I will build it as in the days the ruins thereof, and I will build of old : ie that they may possess it again as in the days of old : the remnant of Edom, and of all 12 that the residue of men may the heathen, b which are called by seek after Me, and all the Gentiles My name, saith the Loud that upon whom My name is called, doeth this. saith the Lord who doeth all these things. Acts — Ka \ TO vt&) crvficfxtiVovcnv oi \6joc ru>v 7rpor)ra)V, Ka6oL><; 76- 15-17 'ypa7rrai g , l6 Merd ravra dvaarpe^ta koi dvoLKo8op,i]o-a> rrjv o-K7]vrjv AaBlh ri)v rrerrrooKvlav koX ra KareaKap.fiiva avri]^ dv i/ctyjrijo-wo-iv 01 KardXoiTTOC roiv dvOpdoircov rbv Kvpiov, ical rrdvra ra evvr), e

. . . ... I am an Hebrew ... ... I am a servant of the Lord . . . Rom. JTaOXo? 8ov\os 'Irjcrov Xpcarov . . . Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ . . . 260 QUOTATIONS FROM 2 Tim. Aovkov he Kvpiov ov Set /xd^eaOai md the servant of the Lord must a See also the beginnings of Phil., Tit., Jas., 2Pct., Jude, and Eev. 2 ■ 24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive Jonah 1:17(2:1). (583) Jonas 1:17. n^/^ yiT\ *5?232 P"I3V ^ITI — ' ••• Kal V v Iwvfc sv rfj KoCkia tov 17 ... And Jonah was in the a belly ... And Jonas was in the belly of of the fish three days and three the whale three days and three nights. nights. Matt. "flaTrep yap vv IWa? ev irj KOiXla tov ki'itov; rpefc rjiiepas Kal 12-40 ~ J tt >' '» nrt<\. * « > a i > " £' rpea vv/cras, ovtcos co-rat o I ios tov avupoiirov ev rrj tcapota T77? \ » \r~ \'j i « n « 36. vuyciTcpa Kara t?/9 p,r]rpo rrevvepas avrrj^ 36 koI i^dpol rov dvdpdoirov ol oIklukoI avrov. — For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law : 36 and a man's foes shall be they of his own household. Mark mmt Ka \ irravaarnaovrai retcva €7rl yovei? ... 13:12. b . . . ... and children shall rise up against their parents ... Luke Aiap.epicr6i]creTai irariip i(p' via>, koX vlbs ivrl rrarpl' fiyrr/p eVt c dvyarpl, real Ovydnjp eVt d p,7)rpr irevdepd iirl rr)v vvficp7]y avrrjs, Kal vvfxcp7) eVi rr)v irevdepdv avrrjs. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father ; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother ; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. a Comp. Eze.38:21. b Comp. ||Matt. 24:10, and ||Luke 21 : 16. c tV Ovyartpa. r^u /UTjre'pa. Mic. 7 : 20. ( 586 ) a Mich. 7 : 20. Om^S "IDPI Zpyh HftX jnn dcocreis b ahiideiavTtp Taica>f3, eXeov ••• 13TDX7 HV^^ IS^S T ^ Afipadii, Kadori c a>/iocra$ roh w ' irarpdatv iipioiv . . . Thou wilt perform the truth to Thou wilt perform truth to Jacob, Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham, and mercy to Abraham, as Thou which Thou hast sworn unto our hast sworn unto our fathers... fathers . . . "k DKE „ — Troirjcrai e\eo ov pJr] iriarevarjre, idv rts €K8ir]<; yeypairTai, 'O he hUciLos eic iriareaxi b ^jcreraL. ... as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Gai - . . . otl 'O SUaio? e/c 7r/ ' ' evho/cei i) "^rv^)'i /xov tV avrui. 3g HfAeis he ovk eajxev inroaToXfis et? dircoXeLav, aXXa irlcrreu)^ eh irepLTroi^atv "tyv)(f)$. Now the just shall live by faith : but if any man draw back, My soul shall have no pleasure in him. 39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. a Many MSS. omit /iov. b Ad. /xov. Cod. Ephr. Hab.2:11. (590) Amb. 2:11. ••• pytn Tp£ pfcs O A tore Xi$o<; e/c Tofyov fioijaeTcu ... For the stone shall cry out of the For the stone shall cry out of the wall . . . wall . . . Luke ... ol XlGoi fce/cpdPovTcu. 19 - 40. . . . . the stones would immediately cry out. Hab. 3:18. (591) a Amb. 3:18. f 1TJN nil/yX (T)iV3 "ON! — — e '7^ ^ tf" T( £ K-vpla) dyaXXcdao- ♦ yii/ i /« J acoTTJpl /xov. — yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I — yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation, will joy in God my Saviour. Luke — Ka l -rjyaXXlaae rb irvevyud jxov eVl ra> ©eu> tu> awrrjpi fiov. — and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. •-■ See No. 206. Zeph. 1 : 15, 18. see Job 21 : 30. Zeph. 3:8. (592) a Soph. 3 : 8. {Till 73 *Dyi OTSy '"[SB'S T °v e/ej£«« ^ a-VToix; itaaav ••• ^^ opyrjv Ovfiov jjlov ... 264 QUOTATIONS FROM ... to pour out upon them Mine ... to pour out upon them all the indignation, even all My fierce fury of My wrath . . . anger . . . R EV< ... eK^eare to.? b ere/c-&> tov ovpavov, zeal Trjv yrjv, c teal Trjv 6d- na srpk *jki k*pi ayft nn« nao D^n nw pan rwi dwh xao-aav, Ka i r^v ^pdv. : nnnn For thus saith the Lord of hosts; — for thus saith the Lord Al- Yet once, it is a little while, and I mighty ; Yet once more I will will shake the heavens, and the shake the heaven, and the earth, earth, and the sea, and the dry and the sea, and the dry land, land. Heb. — ov rj cfxovr) tijv yr\v eadXevae totc, vvv he eirrjyyeXTai, Xeyoiv, 12:26— "tti tr «- » \ a i >/ \ ^ >~ .. \ \\ > t 2g h,Ti enrat; eyco u creioi ov /jlovov ty)V yrjv, aXXa /ecu tov ovpavov. 27 To he, "Etc dira^, hrjXol twv aaXevo jxevutv Tr)v fieTadeaiv, &>? 7re7roL7)p,ev(ov, iva fielvrj to //,}] aaXevop,eva. C8 Bib fiaatXelav dadXevTov 7rapaXap./3dvovT€<; , k^a>p,ev 'x/ipiv . . . — Whose voice then shook the earth : but now He hath pro- mised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that e are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be f moved, g let us have grace . . . a 0ap. G. and S. d Om.rox". Zech. 3:2. ( 598 ) Zach. 3 : 2. „.»„,_ ,_,_ Xov, EinTLixrjcraL Kvpios iv crol '"I I 8idf3o\e... And the Lord said unto Satan, And the Lord said unto the devil, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan. .. The Lord rebuke thee, O devil . . . Jode — o Se M(,%ar)\ 6 dpydyyeXo^, ore ru> 8ia/36\u> Siaicpivopievos Biekeyero nrepl rov Ma/crico? aeofiaros . . . €t7rev, ^HjiriTiiirjacn, aoi Kvpto?. — yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses . . . said, The Lord rebuke thee. Zech. 3 : 8. see Jer. 23 : 5. Zech. 3: 9. (599) a Zach. 3:10. ... D*J*V ny^S^ fiPlX pX 7^ e' 7 ™ ToV ~^$ov rbv era eirra 6- 6aXp,Oi elaw . . . . . . upon one stone shall be seven . . . upon that one stone are seven eyes . . . eyes ... Rev - . . . eyov . . . 6(f>6a\fAovs iirra, o'C eicri ra eirra rov @eov Hvev- fxara . . . . . . c having ... seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God .... a See ch. 4 : 10, to which the rest of the verse in Rev. refers. b Comp. 1 : 4. 3 : 1. 4 : 5. c A Lamb. Zech. 4:2, 3,14. (600) Zach. 4:2,3, 14. rra sm rniJfi rom tiw 'EcopaKa, KaiiBovXi^yia xp v ~ » '* * ' " , '/-"^ ' rrjs ... 3 Kai bvo eXcucu eiravw av- *W H7X- 14 — ... JTTp DTM r^9... — u ...O{/rot h oi8vovlol ' 'rrdari^ ttis 7779. jpxn ...I have looked, and behold a ...I have looked ... and behold a candlestick all of gold . . . and his candlestick all of gold ... and seven THE OLD TESTAMENT. 267 lamps thereon... 'and two olive trees above it... — li ... These two (1 anointed ones stood b Lord of the whole eart MB seven lamps thereon . .. 3 and two olive trees by it ... — u ... These are the two a anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth. Rev - . . . elSov kirra Xirxyta? ^pucra?. ... I saw seven golden candlesticks. I* EV - Ovroi elaiv al hvo eXalai, koX f Svo Xvyvlai al ivuirnov rov ©eov II :4k « ■ -> * « ^ T/)? yrj? earoiaai. These are the tw T o olive-trees, and the two candlesticks stand- ing before the God of the earth. a 1j Heb. sons of oil. b Ad. tlaiv. Compl. etc. c Many MSS. add t<£. d Gr. sons of fitness. e See also ver. 20, aud Exod. 25:37. f al Svo A. al ivwirwv rov Kvpiov ttjs yrjs etTTUTts. G. and S. Zech. 6:1-8. see Zach. 1 : 8. Zech. 6:12. see Jer. 23 : 5. Zech. 8:16. (601) Zach. 8: 16. - inyi FIX WW ntiX lim - ... AaXelre aX^Oeuiv eWro? Trpb? rov 7tXt]ctiov avrov . . . Speak ye every man the truth ... Speak ye every one truth to his to his neighbour neighbour . . , Eph. A io airodipLevoi to yjrevSos, XaXelre aXrjdeiav e/cacrros p,era rov 7rXrja[ov avrov ... Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour . . . Zech. 8:23. j nmy d^hSk uyj&E> (602) Zach. 8:23. ^ Bioti aK7]Koa/j,ev on 6 @eo9 iv vplv iari. . . . (he will) report that God is in you of a truth. Zech. 9:9. ( 603 ) Zach. 9 : 9. f""Q *JPTT JVX fQ Itfti *TJ Xaipe acf)6Spa dvyarep Ztoov, icq- n >-, v *,U wm^ «-,^, h ^W pva-ae dvyarep lepovaaXvfx- ISov p TS pra -|D?D n:n D7BT1 6 ^ ao -d^ ? b l^era/ c o-ot 8//«mo? *Y)ftPl /J? HDT) ^y Xin y^lUI /cat aco^cov, avros 7rpav Ka6/]fxevoJ*)n7&^ ^rVfl tD"73 nX 03 ^cu av iv a (pari 8iadr\Ki)-»v* e^cnreareCkas hecpiow; aovi/cXd/c- . 13 □ O ] N 1UD ^ 1 ON KQV o{)K - X0Z , T0? ffi apm As for Thee also, b by the blood of And Thou, by the blood of Thy Thy covenant I have sent forth covenant, hast sent forth Thy Thy prisoners out of the pit where- prisoners out of the pit which hath in is no water. no water. Her. 'O Se ©eo? tt}? elpyjvrjs, 6 dvayaycov etc ve/epwv ... iv ai/xari 8ia- * ' OrjKi-j^ aioovlov, rov Kvpiov rj/xwv ^Irjaovv, — Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus ...through the blood of the everlasting d covenant, — a See No. 105. b *if Or, whose covenant, is by blood. c Om. aov. xn. Compl. and many other MSS. d *T Or, testament. Zech. 10:1. see Deut. 11:14. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 269 Zech. 11:12, 13. (605) Zach. 11:12, 13. tDDTyi lltD DX DPlvtf T3X1 Xc " *P& Tp°* avroife, El koXov bpm hm «S dm n^ -an ^T W i 86r6 f°l ^ 66v \/yi* i/ %•*, «"i >-'•-' '—' ^ 0Uj ? ^ cnreiiTaaoe. tcai earr^aav ItiW) u J t|D3 D"^7^ 'TDE? HN toj/ pnaOov /xov TpidicovTa dpyv- *wn Sn irD^B>n ♦*?&* rrov #?* 13 * al , eZ?r f K T 09 ^ ***• I Kaues avrovK Wl TIN ^ c^^ rf gc/c^ov eW, S„ ""Tvfc^&O t)D5n WW/W nnp^l rpbrrov iSoKifxdaOrjv virep clvtwv. ♦ ^pia. . . . And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver. Matt. , , TouSa? . . . direarpe^e Ta TpidicovTa dpyvpta tois dpy^iepevcn 7 9 io~ Kat T0 ^ 7r P ea ^ VT ^P 0C ^' — 5 Kai /3t' v / ra vaa>, dveycoprjcre ... 6 ol 8e dpyiepeis \a/36vT€<; rd dpyvpia ... 7 av/j,- fiovXiov 8e \a/36vrel ' ' ' '""Y ' ' / > ' '"■"■" Tttt 67T aVTOV K07T6T0V... — ~ «at ... *Q/ n*inSCft H'lnSt^tt KO^jrerat 7) yr) Kara - « V ' ~ llarpos avrov ptera rcov ayyeXcov avrou ... — For the Son of man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels ... Matt. "Orav he e\6ri 6 Tibs rov dvBpcorrov iv rr) BbPn avrov, Kal rrdvres 05.31 , ,r ,1 1 ) „' ' ' 01 e aytot ayyeXot pier avrov... When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him . . . || Mark , , , orav eXdrj iv rfj Bo^rj rov Uarpbs avrov ptera rcov dyyekcov ' ' rcov dytcov. . . . when f He cometh in the glory of His Father with the holy angels. IThess. ...ev rfj rrapovaia rov Kvpiov rjptcov 'Irjcrov g Xpicrrov ptera •ndvrcov rcov ayicov avrov. h ... at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints. 2 Thess orav e\6r) iv8oi;acTdrjvai iv rots ay lots avrov . . . — when He shall come to be glorified in His saints .. . a Compare Deut. 33 : 2. Jude 14. b Om. fiov. 40. c &yye\oi. 26. d Compare ||Luke9:26. e Om. 07101. f The Son of man. § Om. Xpiarov. h Ad. a^v. 1 See ver. 7, with His mighty angels (•[} Gr. the angels of His power). Zech. 14:11. (610) Zach. 14:11. ••• liy PlTV X/ D^ni Kai avddefia ov/c carat en ... ...and there shall be no more ... and the curse shall be no more... utter destruction . . . Rev. Kal rrdv a KaravdOepta ov/c ecrrat b en . . . 22 - 3 And there shall be no more curse . . . a Ka.Td.6ena. G. and S. b «Ke7. Mal. 1:2,3. (611) Mal. 1:2,3. lEty T\H) 3 : Spy HX SPlNl teal ^ydrrrjera rbv "laKCOpl, 3 rbv ♦fiXJE? ^ ' H<7a >v i^to-ycTa . . . 272 QUOTATIONS FROM . . . yet I loved Jacob, 3 and I hated . . . yet I loved Jacob, 3 and I hated Esau... Esau... Rom. — kclOios yey parrrai, Tbv ^laicaifi rjyd7T7)aa, rbv Se 'Haav e/u- 9:13, arjaa. — As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Mal. 1:7. (612) a Mal. 1 : 7. ("HIT ]rb& Tpdirefr Kvpiov . . . . . . The table of the Lord ... ... the table of the Lord ... 1 Cor. , , . Tpa,7rety)<; Kvpiov fieri^eiv . . . 10:21. ... be partakers of the Lord's table . . . a See ver. 12, and No. 479. Mal. 3:1. (613) Mal. 3:1. "fy\ niSI *5is?fi ri/t^ ^311 'JSou a igcnroareXko) rbv ayyekov rrpoadnrov fxov . . . Behold, I -will send My messenger, Behold, I will send My c messen- and he shall prepare the way be- ger, and he shall survey the way fore Me . . . before My face . . . Matt. — o5to9 ydp eari 7repi ov yeyparrrai, 'JSoy, iya> aTroareWco rbv dyyeXov p>ov irpb irpoadnrov aov, 09 tcaraa/cevdaei rrjv 6S6v aov e/jLTrpoadev aov. — For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way be- fore Thee. 11:10. Mark — d &)? yey pairrai iv e TOi9 7rpo<£>;Tat9, 'ISov, iyo) diroareWw rbv 1 : " ayyekov fxov irpb irpoadiTrov crov, 09 tcaraa/cevdaei rrjv bhov aov f eparpoaOev aov. — as it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send My mes- senger before Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way before Thee. Lukk ... rrpoiropevar] yap rrpb rrpoadorrov Kvpiov, eroifidaai oSovs ' ' ' avrov. . . . for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord, to prepare His ways. ||Luke 05to9 eari irepl ov yey parrrai, J I8ov, g eyco diroareXkoj rbv ay- * ' yekov fiov Trpb rrpoadtirov aov, 09 /caraa/cevdaei rrjv 6S6v aov e/j,7rpoa6iv aov. This is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way before Thee. a iyoo air ojt4 \\u>. xu. Compl. and many other copies. b Sans iroindcret oobv. CompL c Gr. angel, and so the N.T. d Ka6H>s. '-' 'Haata rcj> irpotpyTT) . G. and S. (See No. 423). f Oin. e^Tpoffdsv aov. G. and S. & Om. iyu. THE OLD TESTAMENT. 273 Mal. 3:17. see Isa. 43:21. Mal. 4:5, 6(3:23,24). (614) a Mal. 4:5, G. n*Stf nx d^S vb&* s mt non !3 ^^ "^ e V^ otw""^ fy*** 'h\(- bran mir dv «tt ^ a^n ^ a , Kl £/J y ^^v Ai ?y HliX a? MTA" ttfWll eV^cm}, 6 09a7ro/taTaaT*? ° ? Trposvlbv, koX icaphiav ' dvdpcoTrov 7rpo9 tov nfkr}o~iov avrov, .« U in j lNiI jlN n Jul ^ e\6ta /cal irard^o) rijv ]V ypav — Wherefore b He saith, Awake /cal dvdara e/c rav vercpcov, ical eVt- thou that sleepest, and arise from (pavcrec cot 6 Xpicrros. the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. * "Eyeipe. G. and S. b ^ Or, it [i.e. light]. 1 Tim. 5:18. ( 625 ) a 1 Tim. 5:18. Aeyei yap rj ypacpij b ... ical, "Agios For the scripture saith b ... and, 6 epyarrp rod /juadov avrov. The labourer is worthy of his re- ward. a See also Matt. 10:10. Luke 10:7. b No. 175. Heb. 12:21. (626) a Heb. 12:21. — /cal, ovrw (pofiepbv rjv rb fyavra- — And so terrible was the sight, ^6/xevov, Mwo-ri<; elrrev, , 'E/c(po^6<; that Moses said, I exceedingly fear elfjbi /cal evTpopLos. and quake. a Words somewhat similar are found in Deut. 9:19, but they have no reference to the occasion spoken of by the apostle : — ...nnnm *\t v/uv, b ij^ei ravra iravra eVl ri]v yeveav TavTrjv. 37 ' Ie- povcra\i]/jL, 'Iepovt)ra<; Kal Xido- {3o\ovo~a rous airecrraXfLevovi irpbs avTTjv, TroaaKis rjdeXyaa iiriavva- yayelv ra TeKva aou, ov rpoirov eTriavvdyei opvis ra vocrcria eavrrjs V7r6 ra<; Trrepirya?, Kal ovk rjdeXy- aare ; r>8 ISov, acpUiai vfiiv 6 oIkos vp,6)v €p7]fio<;. Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes : and some of them ye shall kill and crucify ... — 36 Yerily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. 37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have ga- thered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not ! ' i8 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. Luke 11:49,50. A ia tovto Kal r) aocpia tov Qeov ehrev, ^AirocrTeko) et? avTOV? irpo- (pi]Tas Kal aTToaToXov<;. Kal e£ av- TWV a.7T0KT€V0Vai Kal €K8lOJ^OVaLV 50 Tva €K^7]T7]8r] to ai/xa iravTWV toov 7rpocpr]Tcov to eK^vvofievov dirb KaTa/3o\r}s Kocrp.ov dirb Tr), 17 Kal al rrXare'lai 'Iepovaa- Xrjp, ev f3r)pv\\a), Kal dvOpaKi, Kal Xi6(p €K £ovcpelp ■^rr](poXoyr)$ijcrov- rat. For Jerusalem shall be built up with b sapphires, and c emeralds, and d precious stone : thy walls and towers and battlements with pure gold : 17 and the streets of Jerusa- lem shall be paved with e beryl, and f carbuncle, and stones of Ophir. a The imagery of this passage seems borrowed from Isa. 54: 11, 12, to which the Apo- calyptic vision doubtless has reference. b The second foundation of the New Jerusalem was sapphire. c The fourth, an emerald. d Her light was like unto a stone most precious, etc. e The eighth foundation was beryl. f Isa. 54:12. % See ver. 10 — 21. Judith 8 : 22. a ( iii ) James 2 : 23. b ... Dei amicus effectus est. ... Kal (plXos Geov eKXrjdrj. ... he was made the friend of God. . . . and he was called the friend of God. a The words are found only in the Latin Version, which is necessarily translated anew. b From the Old Testament. See No. 230. Judith 8 :25. a (iv) 1 Cor. 10:9, 10. Exterminati sunt ab extermina- . . . Kal inrb twv 6t ©ec3 By faith Enoch was translated . . . for before his translation he had this testimonv, that he pleased God. b From Wisdom 6 : 3, 4. ( viii ) Rom. 13:1, i. a "Oti, iSodrj irapa tov Kvplov ?/ tcpa- ...ov yap ecrrtv i^ovata el fit) h airb Trj prjp,art rr]<; dorrjros avrov. Svvd/xewi avrov . . . For a she is the brightness of the . . the brightness of His glory, and everlasting Light, the unspotted the express image of His person, mirror of the power of God, and and upholding all things by the the image of His goodness. word of His power . . . a lochia, Wisdom. Compare Prov. 8. Wisdom 9 : 1 , 9. a ( xi ) John 1 : 1-3. ©ee rrarepcov ... 6 TroM]cras rd irdv- 'Ev dpyfj rjv 6 A6yo<; ... 2 OUT09 i)V ra ev Xoy(p crov — 9 Kal puerd crov ev dpyjj 7rpo? tov Qeov. 3 Trdvra y] crocpla 7; elBvia rd epya crov, Kal Bi' avrov iyevero . . . rrapovcra ore eVo/et? rbv Koapbov . . . O God of my fathers . . . who hast In the beginning was the Word made all things with Thy word ... 2 The same was in the beginning — 9 And wisdom was with thee : Avith God. 3 All things were made which knoweth Thy works, and by Him . . . was present when Thou madest the world . . . a Borrowed from Prov. 8:22, etc. Wisdom 9:13. ( xii ) Rom. 11:3 l. a TV? yap dv9po)Tro<; yvdicrerai, j3ov- TV? yap eyvco vovv Kvplov ; i) t/? \yjv ©eov ; ?'} t/? ivdvp,7]6t]crerai ri crup,{3ov\o<; avrov iyevero ; 6e\et 6 Kvpios ; For what man is he that can know For who hath known the mind of the counsel of God ? or who can the Lord ? or who hath been His think what the will of the Lord is ? counseller ? a This citation is really from Isa. 40: 13. See No. 426. APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. 281 Wisdom 9:15. ( xiii ) ICor. 15:53. <&dapr6v yap cra)fia fiapvvei yjrv- Ael yap to (pdaprhv tovto ev&u- XW - - • aaadat dcpdapaiav . . . For the corruptible body presseth For this corruptible must put on down the soul . . . incorruption . . . Wisdom 9 :15. a ( xiv ) ...Kal fipidei to yewSes aKrji'os vovv 7T0\V(pp0VTt8a. . . . and the earthy tabernacle weigheth down the mind that museth upon many things. a See Job 4: 19, that dwell in houses of clay. 2 Cor. 5 : l. b . .. 7} €7TLjeiOs iaTt yeypa/x/xevov, 'ApTov Xaov o~ov, Kal eTotpuov apTov av- e/c tov ovpavov ehwicev ai>Tol$ ? . . . . . Thou feddest Thine own people with a angels' food, and didst send them from heaven bread prepared without their labour . . . ... as it is written, He gave them bread from heaven to eat. a Psa. 78:24, 25. b For the true source of this quotation, see No. 84. O O 282 QUOTATIONS FROM Eccl'us 7:14. compare Matt. 6 : 7. Eccl'us 7:17. see No. 486. Eccl'us 11:18,19. compare Luke 12:19. Eccl'us 14:17. ( xvii ) lPET.l:24. a JJaaa aapi; &>9 ip,drtov rraXaiov- Aiori iraaa Gap% a>9 %o/9T09 rat, . . . All flesh waxeth old as a garment . . . For all flesh is as grass ... a From Isa. 40 : 6. See No. 424. clesiasticus ! A Romish writer names it as a quotation from Ec- Eccl'us 28:2. a ( xviii Matt. 6:14. "Acpes cihUrjixa rw> 7r\r)crlov crov, teal rore heriOevTos gov ai dp,apriai gov \v0}]crovTai. Forgive thy neighbour the hurt that he hath done unto thee ; so shall thy sins also be forgiven when thou prayest. 'Edv yap acfrr/Te Tot? avOpoarois ra rrapa7Trd)p,ara avroiv, aeo9 6 rravroKparwp' aXrjOivd, /cal evOeiau ai 68oi gov, Si/catat /cal ci\7]9ival ai ohol gov, 6 Kal iraGai ai /cptGea gov akr/Oeia. /3aGt\ev<; rcov a dytcov. APOCRYPHAL BOOKS. 283 4 For Thou art righteous in all the . . . Great and marvellous are Thy things that Thou hast clone to works, Lord God Almighty; just us : yea, true are all Thy works, and true are Thy ways, Thou Thy ways are right, and all Thy King of b saints, judgments truth. Rev. 16:7. . . . Nal, Kvpte 6 @eoir<^: ftNY: H^UJ3: flAVh WV: HTfU,: ©tfiP: AM,1>: WV ©Wtt: ^\#e Kvpios iv " fjbvpiaaiv ayicus avrov, 15 7roirjaai Kpiatv Kara irav- Twv, /ecu e e^eAeyf at iravra^ tov$ acre/3e?? f avrwv irepl irdvrcov twv epy rjcre- ftrjcrav, Kal irepl •navTwv rcov a/c\r)p6)V &v iXaXrjaav kut avrov afjbaprcoXoL ao"e/3et<; d teal 6 UaTr/p v/jlwv olfCTip/xcov ecrrL Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. &is. b & ovpdvtos. c Om. oZv. d Om. k Upon our Father who is in heaven, [oma, eh. 8, Blessed are ye, O Israelites: who purifieth you/ Your Father who is in heaven. Tal. Jerus. Maaseroth, fol. 50:3, Ye have given to your Father which is in heaven, but to me the priest. Almost the whole remainder of the Lord's prayer may he illustrated hy Rabbinical citations; see Lightfoot's Horse Hebraicse, and Dr. Gill's Commentary. First, it is laid down as a rale that a man ought always to join himself (i.e. in spirit,) in prayer with the congregation (Tal. Bah, Shew), upon which the gloss says, Let him not pray the short prayer in the singular, but in the plural number, that so his prayer may be heard. Hallowed be Thy name.'] See the doxology, below. The formula might he cited from Seder Tephillot, hut that book is too recent to be regarded as important for this purpose. Thy kingdom come.'] Tal. Bab. Berac., fi >1. 40:2, That prayer in which there is not (remem- brance of) the kingdom of God, is not a prayer. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.] Comp. Tal. Bab. Berachoth, fol. 29 : 2, What is a short prayer? R. Eliezer saith, D'Oirn "pirn nu>j/ Do thy will in heaven, and give rest of spirit to those who fear Thee below, that is, in earth. Give us this day our daily bread.] Tal. Bab. Berac., ubi supra, Be it Thy good pleasure to give to every one iro:n3 s "0 what sufficeth for food. Deliver us from evil.] Tal. Berachoth, 16:2: R. Judah was accustomed to pray thus: Be it Thy good pleasure to deliver us from the shameless and from shamelessness ; from an evil man. and from an evil accident; from an evil affection, from an evil companion, from an evil neighbour, from Satan the destroyer, from hard judgment, and from a hard adversary. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.] In the Temple liturgy a response or doxology, making mention of the kingdom of God, was used instead of Amen. Tal. Jerus. Berac., fol. 13: 3, The tradition is that Amen was not responded in the house of the sanctuary. What then did they say? Blessed be the name of the glory of His king- dom for ever. The same response is mentioned in Tal. Bab. Berac., fol. 39: 1. 41 .2. 66: 1. A doxology still more like that in the Lord's prayer is found in Seder Tephillot: For Thine is the kingdom, and Thou shalt reign in glory for ever and ever. Comp. No. xx,, p. 283. Amen.] Much used as a response to prayers in the synagogue and in the family. In private prayers it occurs less frequently. Otho, Lex. Bab. Phil. 31. Lightfoot. b The phrase, your Father (and My Father) in heaven, is frequent in Matthew. It is found once in Mark (eh. 11:26), and once in Luke (v. supra), but not elsewhere in the New Testament. c Om. rifiwv. d Om. 6 iv rois obpavdis. Talm. Bab. Berachoth, fo.9:2. ( H ) Matt. 6:34 (TnV^S mV7 riH ••■ apicerov rfj rjfxepq ?; ica/ela avrrj^. Sufficient for destruction is its ... sufficient unto the day is the own hour. evil thereof. Targ. Jerus. Gen. 38:26. (I) ||Matt. 7:2. S^nD nn h^b wmi n^dj&i ••• Kal eV $ p&pq ^peiTe, b /u,lv. . . . For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be mea- sured to you again. a The same words are found in Sotah, 1:7,8, 9. Lightfoot and Otho speak of the say- ing as a very common proverb among the Jews. Gill gives many references. b Om. o,vti. G. and S. c jueTpelre. Tal.Bab. Bava Bathra, fo. 15 : 2. ( K ) Matt. 7:5. b yyy p£ DD*p SltD - yvy pa rnip SitD ... a Cast the mote out of thine Cast the beam out of thine eye. . €/c/3a\e irponov rrjv So/cbv i/c rov ocpdakfiov aov, Kal Tore 8ia/3\e'^r€i$ itcfiaXelv to fcdp 6 tov dBekcpov aov. . . . cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye. a In the generation which judged its judges, when a {judge) said to any one, Cast, etc., he answered, And thou, etc. The same expression occurs in Era chin, 16:2. b See verses 3-5. c See verses 41, 42. Talm. Bab. Shabbath, fo.31:l. a ( L ) Matt. 7:12. IT T^iyn is? T'-Qn? *0D "f^jM Hdvra ovv oaa av dekrirewaTroicb- "iji minn hi wr\ What is hateful to thyself, do not to thy neighbour. This is the whole law, etc. CTIV VpXv 01 avOpQYTTOl OVTCO KOL UfJb6l eavrrjv fie- picrOfi, ov hvvarai (nadrjvai r) /3a- atXela e/celvr)' 2i Kal lav olicia left iavrr)v p,€pta6fj, ov hvvarai a ara- Orjvat r) oiKia i/ceivr). And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom can- not stand. 25 And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. (|| Luke 11:17.) . . . Ildaa fiacnXela Ift eavrrjv Sia- fiepicrdeicra Iprj/movrat,- Kal ol/cos Irrl oikov, rcmrei. . . . Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house a arrival. falleth. Talmud. Nedarim, ch. l:5. a (N) ||Matt. 15:5. ... j^np ... — 'Tp,eh Be Xiyere, "O? av eliri] ... Korban ... ' r<5 war pi rj rfj /jujrpl, Awpov, o lav 1% e/jbov axpeX'TjOfjc;, — Talm. Bab. Zerachin, fo.7 :2. b _ But ye say,' Whosoever shall ••• 11111 ••• sa y to his father or his mother, . . . Doron ... It is & gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, — p p 131 *\h 290 QUOTATIONS FROM Mishna. Nedarim, passim. (||Mark 7:11.) nana *mw D31D I'vnnb -l/biari ~ T ^ & x^ere, 'e<^ «™ av- 6pco7ro/So.81:1.*(R) Matt.23:7. *Y\ *S*1 • • • ' Pa P@h b pa/3/3L Rabbi, Rabbi. • • • Rabbi, Rabbi - a Thus R. Akibah salutes R.Eleazar. In T. Bab. Maccoth, fo. 24: 1, we find, »a-| »a« : an Father, Father; Rabbi, Rabbi; Master, Master. See verses 7—10 in Matt. b Many copies omit the second paPfil. Tosaphta on Nedarim, ch. l. a ( S ) Matt. 23 : 16. b 4 ^">n2 • • • ^ ? *** oyu-oo"?? ev to3 vaa>, ovSev €(TTLV, K.T.X. By the temple. ...Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing, etc. a See the Note to Sect. D, supra. b See verses 16-23, and the same Note. Mark 3:24,25, in M. 4:24, in L 5 : 1 , etc., see V, note. 7:13, in N. 9 : 1, see P, note. 10 : 25, in Q. 11 : 26, see G, note. Targ. Onkelos. GEN.22:7. a (T) Mark 14:36." ■•• XUK ••• ...'Afifia o TLaTrjp ... .father... ... Abba, Father .. . (Rom. 8:15.) . . . L4/3/3a 6 IlaTijp. . . . Abba, Father. (Gal. 4 : 6.) . . . !4/3/3a 6 JJarrip. ...Abba, Father. And often in the Targams. See the Note. h Syriac, >ax K3M Father, My Father, 292 QUOTATIONS FROM Vaikra Rabba, sec. 5. a ( U ) Luke 4:23. J "in^n *Dtf WDH ■ ■ • ndvTws epelre puot rr)V Trapafto- \i]v TavTrjv, 'Iarpej Oepdirevaov creavrov . . . Physician, heal thyself. ... Ye will surely say unto Me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself... a See Tanchum on Gen., sect. 1. Luke 6:31, in L. 6:36, in F. 6:38, in I. 6:42, in K. Talm. Jer. Trumoth, fo.40:2. ( V ) ||Luke 8:27, 29. b Hsec a sunt signa rod ntilt^, exit . . . v7rr}vrr)aev avrw dvijp tix Blessed is she that bare him. Talm. Bab. KiDDUs.,fo. 72:2. (X) Luke 16:22. DmStf S&? IpTQ SB?V BVPl • • • e ^ ™ v koXttov tov 'Afipadpt, . . . He now remains in Abraham's . . . into Abraham's bosom . . . bosom. Luke 18:25, in Q. ANCIENT JEWISH WRITINGS. 293 Targ. Jehus. Gen. 1 :27. a ( Y ) John 1:1. ... q^k n > -.-.-j tf^fc HIS) 'Ev apxf) vv 6 Aoyos, k.t.X. And the Word of the Lord made In the beginning was the Word, man . . . etc. (Rev. 19:13.). b . . . zeal fcaXelrat to ovofia aurov, O Aoyos tov ©eov. . . . and His name is called The Word of God. "■ The name mrro the Word, is employed in innumerable places of the Chaldee para- phrases. Thus, the Tart; um of Onkelos, Gen. 31 :22, And the Word from before the Lord came to Laban ... The same, Gen. 28:20, 21, ...If the Word of the Lord, etc.; then the Word of the Lord shall be my God . . . The Targum of Jonathan Ben Uziel, Deut. 26:17, 18, Ye have appointed the Word of God a king over you this day, that He may be your God. The same, Deut. 32:39, When the Word of the Lord shall be manifested to redeem His people . . . The Targum of Jonathan, Isa. ±5:12, 1, by My Word, have made, etc. The same, Isa. 48:13, By My Word I have founded the earth... These examples will be sufficient to shew that amongst the ancient Jews, joco was used personally, that it was a synonym of God, and, we may venture to add, that it was the usual appellation of the second person of the ever Blessed Trinity. b Compare 1 John 1:1, and other texts in the writings of the same evangelist. Talm. Jer. Sanhedr., fo.26:3. ( Z ) John 1 : 9. D71V '•fcO AD • • • iravra avOpanrov epj(op,evov eh TOV KOCTflOV. All that come into the world. . . . every man that cometh into the world. a Doth not the sun arise aViy V K3 ba by upon all that come into the world? (Compare Matt. 5:45). The same, fo. 25:4, All that come into the world cannot create one fly. Rosh Hashana, eh. 1:1, In the beginning of the year all that come into the ivorld pass before the face of God. The phrase occurs in many other places. Otho (Lex. Rah. Phil. 214) asserts that it is not to be understood of birth, but of present existence in the world. (Aa) John 4:37. Ev yap tovto) 6 Xo'709 early 6 No similar passage has been discovered a\r)6ivb<;, on aXKo'? iarlv 6 o-irei- in any Jewish document. But see Lev. pcov, Kal aWo9 6 depi^wv. And herein is that saying true, One soweth and another reapeth. John 8:52, see P, note. Sacred Text, Num. 24:25. ( Bb ) Acts 1 :25. ••• VSOu? DK^I 1 /^ •■• ...TropevOrjvai eh rbv roirov tov ' iStov. ...and (Balaam) went and returned ...that a he might go to his own to his place . . . a place . a That is, as the Baal Haturim explains it, Q)n>?> TV he descended into Gehenna. b Judas. Rom. 8:15, in T. 294 QUOTATIONS FROM Talm.Bab. fo. 191:2. a ( Cc ) 1 Cor. 5 : 6. ••• nDVi^ 1X2^ Ovk olhare on pu/cpa tyfir} okov to (f)vpa/jLa ^vfiol ; . . . the leaven in the lump ... • • ■ Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump ? (Gal. 5 : 9). MtKpa ty/XT) okov to (pvpapa £iyxot. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. a This is from a prayer of R. Alexander. Lord of the world, Thou knowest that it is my will to do Thy will. What then hinders ? The leaven in the lump, which corrupts the whole man. The resemblance of this, in sentiment, to Rom. vii. is very striking. 1 Cor. 15 -.50, see 0, note. Talmud, passim. Shammatha. (Dd) 1 Cor. 16:22. fcSHDD' a • • • ? '? T&) avaOepLa, puapav add. ...let him be Anathema Maran- atha. a This is the name which was given to the most grievous kind of excommuuication. The word is supposed to be compounded of DW The Name (i.e. God), and xnx cometh; and if this supposition be true, it is the same with the Maran-atha (xnx pa the Lord cometh) of the apostle. Some, however (as Moed Eaton, fol. 17:1), regard Minir as equivalent to nn s D ow, death is there, or nranw, desolation. Gal. 1:16, see O, note. 4 : 6, in T. 5:9, in Cc. Eph. 6:12, see 0, note. Targ. of Jonathan ben Uziel, ( Ee ) Exod. l:15. a 2 Tim. 3 : 8. *Ov rpoirov Be 'Iavvf]? /ecu , Iap,/3pr]<; avrearTrjcrav Mcovaei, ovrcos /ecu ovTOt, avOicrravrai rfj akrjOeiq . . . Now as Jannes and b Jambres with- stood Moses, so do these also re- sist the truth ... tro.m w> ppifcia pnns T P Immediately Janes and Jambres, chiefs of the magicians, opened their mouths . . . (The same. Exod. 7:11.) pnwp ^rfa D^-ratm pe$nri : \nyn ...And Janes and Jambres, ma- gicians of Egypt, did the same with their incantations. a In Tal. Bab. they are called nid^i wnr Joanne and Mambre. b Vulgate, Mambres, ANCIENT JEWISH WRITINGS. 295 Heb. 2 . 9, see P, note. 2:14, see O, note. James 5 :12, in C. The former part of this saying is to be found in Prov. 26: 11 (No. 364, page 163); tire latter portion may have been a common adage, but no Verbally similar passage has been discovered in the Jewish documents. Perhaps it is not a citation at all, but merely the apostle's explication, by another simile, of the passage which he quotes from Solo- mon. (Ff) 2 Peter 2:22. £v[ji/3e/3r}K6 Se avTols to t% aXrj- 6ovs 7rapoc/Mia<;, Kveov e7ucrrpe\tai<> eirl to cSiov e^ipafia' /ecu, T T? Xovaa/uiivT}, ei9 tevXio-fia (3op/36pov. But it is happened unto them ac- cording to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was wash- ed to her wallowing in the mire. 1 John 1 . 1, see Y, note. Probably from oral tradition. Origen mentions a book called 'Avd\r)\pis tov Mco- irem, existing in his time, and containing an account of the conflict, but that work was doubtless a forgery. A contention be- tween Michael and " Sammael, that wicked one and prince of the satans," concerning the soul of Moses, is spoken of in Debarim Rabba, sec. ii. fol. 263:1, but there is no verbal resemblance. A similar contention is described in Jalkut Shimeoni, from which an extract is given by Surenhusius, Bi/SAos KcnaWayrjs, pp. 700, 701. ( Gg ) Jude 9. — 6 Be Mi%ci7]\ 6 ap%dyye\o<;, 6Ve T&3 8ta/36\(p dictfcpivofjievos SieXe- yero irepl tov Mojcraw? crt6/xaTo V I XIV Kai ei PV v V a7ro T0V 6 a)v teal 6 r)V teal 6 ip^6p,6vo<; . . . — 8 'Eyco elp,i to A teal to n, h apyrj teal Te\ook - ... Tith ... I am that I am and will be . . . (The same. Deut.32:39.) Kin *ok onx ira pibn- rnjn lan *oki mni "vnn ... *injbS . . . See that I am now what I am and have been, and I am He who shall be... 296 QUOTATIONS FROM JEWISH WRITINGS. Targ. of Jerus. Exod. 19:6. (Ii) a Rev. 1 : 6. b .•fttttl ]^bf2 'l2Uh [linn }TlK! —*<* ^otrjaev ?^a 9 c /3acn\ec^ koX le pels tc5 @eo3 /cal Uarpl aurov . . . And ye shall be to My name — and hath made us kings and kings and priests . . . priests unto God and His Father... (Rev. 5:10.) — fcal enroirfaa^ d ??/xa rjfiwv c /SacriXet9 /ecu tepet? .... — and (Thou) hast made us unto our God kings and priests . . . a See No. 89, page 40. b See also ch. 20:6. c 0curi\eiai> Upus. G. and S. J aurous. G.andS. e fiaaiXeiav. Talmud. Sanhedrim, passim. ( Kk ) Rev. 2 : l. b TD^n flW ^Y* ayyiXtp tt)<; '.E^eo-iV??? €kkXt)- crias ypd-^rov . . . The messenger of the congrega- Unto the angel of the church of tion. Ephesus write . . . a This is the name which was commonly given to that minister of the synagogue,whose duty it was publicly to pray, to provide for the reading of the law, and sometimes to preach. He was also called, DD33n ]?n the overseer (or bishop) of the congregation. b See 1 : 20, etc. Targ. Jerus. Deut. 33:6. (Ll) a Rev. 2:ll. b roa* nSi pm KftSyn plan *it ...'o vu&v ov ^ ah^ef, u too « Wi P™ rm «^n *onian ^ T0U T0 ° 8euT ^' ... 'mi Kthyh Let Reuben live in this world, and . . . He that overcometh shall not let him not die the second death, be hurt of the second death, wherewith the wicked shall die in the world to come . . . a The same phrase occurs also in Targ. Jon., Isa. 22: 14, and several subsequent places. b See also ch. 20:6, 14. 21:8. Rev. 4:8, see Hh, note. 5 : 10, in Ii. 11:17. 16 : 5, see Hh, note. 19:13, in Y. 20:6, et seqq., in Ii, note, and LI, note. 297 IV. QUOTATIONS FROM GREEK POETS, ETC. Anonymous. 11 ( OvpavoOev rj'fuv v\erov<; 8l8ovs Kal Katpovs I Kaprrocpopovs, i/jL7ri l Tr\(t)V rpo\ Ka\p8las. Giving us showers from heaven, and fruitful seasons; filling our hearts -with food and gladness. ) Acts 14:17. . . . b ayaOoiroioiv, ovpavoOev c rjpuv veroix; 8l8ou<> Kal Kaipovs Kapiro- (popovs, ipbTTLir\o)V Tpocpfjs Kal ev- (f)poavv7]<; ras KapSlas d rjfiwv. ... in that He did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness. a The rhythmical character of this passage has been pointed out by Mr. Humphry in his Commentary on the Acts, 1847. Sec the Note to this section. b ayaBovpywv. c vfjuv. G. and S. Others omit the word. d vjxwv . G. and S. Anonymous. a ( /3' ) Acts 17:28. Zo)pb€V 8'eV avro) dvqra, Kal kivov- 'Ev avrm yap ^(bpiev Kal klvov- Kal iapiev . . . \_p.e8a, pueda, Kal eapbev . . . In him we live these mortal lives, For in Him we live, and move, [and move, and have our being . . . And are . . . a Cited by Hammond in his note on this place. b Or, are moved, and so the N. T. Aratus. Phenomena, 5. ( y Tov yap Kal yevo? d iapuev . . . For we are also his offspring . . . (Cleanthes. Hymn to Jupiter.) 'jE/c aov yap yivos eapbev . . . For we are thy offspring . . . Acts 17:28,29. ... a>? Kal Ttvev Kvpcevovrcov- iretdov re koL yevecrdai. O kins of kings, of the blessed Most Wed, id of the perfect the blessed, and only Potentate The most perfect strength, happy the King of kings, and Lord of [Jupiter, lords ; — Be thou persuaded and let it be ! a Ed. Scholefield. 520, Porson. 533, Stanley and Butler. Sophocles. Antigone, 599.* (#') 1 Tim. 6:16. 'Mpw Bvvdara, - ° p6vo, e X cov ddavaalav, w »4wW/*ffo« ohc&v airpoatrov . . . aapuapoecraav atyXav. , . . * but thou, an ever-during po- - who only hath ^mortality, tentate, dost inhabit the refulgent dwelling in the light which no splendour of Olympus. man can approach unto . . . a Ed. Brnnck. 608, Dindorf, who reads ayfyus 51 b From Dr. A. Clarke. See Sect, f for 3 Tim. 4: 7. EPIMENIDES. OnOrACLES.* ( i ) TlTUS 1 : 12. Kpvre, delfevarac, Kaxd 6 V pla, BfcrJ tw e| oMr &«* a*rwv P/ [yaaripes dpyaL nrpof^, Kp^rej aet, fevarac, nana 0r]pia, yaaripes apycu. The Cretans are always liars, evil One of themselves, even a prophet [wild-beasts, slow bellies, of their own, said The Cretians L are always liars, evil beasts, slow bellies, a A lost poem. Epimenides ap. Fabricii B iblioth. Grec. lib, i., cap. 6, sec. 3. Anonymous. 8 ( *«' ) James l:l7 ' Ilaaa U*K dyad*) Kal ttuv tepv- Ilaaa B6ac,aya6^ ml ttuv tepn- [fia reXeiov. pa reXeiov avwVev eart . . . Every good gift and every perfect Every good gift and every perfect J 6 [gift, gift is from above . . . a These words form an hexameter verse, bnt most probably an accidental one. 301 NOTE S. The leading objects of the following brief remarks are, the reconciliation of seeming discrepances, the removal of real or apparent difficulties, and the indication of remarkable parallels and other illustrations. Mauy of the sections are without comment, seeming to require none. We may, however, call atten- tion, once for all, to the nearly universal conformity of the quotations, and, what is in some respects still more observable, of the incidental references and current phraseology of the New Testament, to the language of the Seventy ; a fact demonstrative of the estimation in which that version was held by inspired apostles and evangelists, and of the honour put upon it by our Lord Himself. This conformity, so far at least as regards the plain and direct quotations, has sometimes been ascribed to a wilful alteration of the ancient version since the Christian era : with respect to the numberless coincidences of expression, such, for example, as those scattered throughout Acts vii, Hebrews xi, and the book of Revelation, there is no place for the suspicion. Previously to the labours of Mr. Grinfield, the vast extent of verbal conformity between the LXX. and the New Testament was certainly unknown : had it been apparent even from the first, so extensive a corruption of the LXX. would have been impossible. That some copies of that version, and even some Hebrew MSS., exhibit a text altered here and there in conformity with the New Testament, is not to be denied; but there is reason to believe that if we had a purer text of the ancient Hellenistic version, the conformity between that version and the New Testament would be yet more apparent than it is. It is by no means intended dogmatically to assert, that all the scriptures from the New Testament contained in the present volume are undoubted quota- tions, or intentional references. Some (as No. 44) are unquestionably proverbs, idiomatic phrases, or Hebraisms; a few (as No. 12) may be merely what we term coincidences. (1) The sublime exordium of the ning (i.e. the Head or Chief) of the gospel of St. John is manifestly founded creation of God. Rev. 3 : 14. on the opening chapter of the sacred the Word] See No. 272; also sect. Y, record. p. 293. John. In the beginning'] 'Ei/ dpxfj, as was God] Geos-, as Gen. 1 :1. in Gen. Cornp. the texts referred to in 3 All things] irdvra, as Gen. 1:31. the foot note, and also 2 Pet. 3 : 4, dn " In Him was life] far;. See Gen. 1 : apxr/s KTto-eas. Christ is Himself called 30, tyvx*l v fay*- 2 : % Trvorjv foijy. 2 : 9, dpxr], on account of His eternal pre- to £v\ov rfjs farjs. The word ZTrov, is used in the LXX. The phrase, Trp6aa>Trov Kara npocrasnov, occurs in Deut. 5:4. 34:10. and Eze. 20 : 35. The same idea seems to be contained in the expression, eye to eye, Num. 14:14 (Heb.). Isa.52:8. Also in, mouth to mouth, Num. 12:8. 2 Jo. 12. 3 Jo. 13. Other Greek forms are found inExod.33:ll. Prov.27:19. (47) Matt. Mark. Luke.] The refer- ence is to Deut. 25, but the language is partly borrowed from Gen. 38. The law is cited in substance, not in its very words. (48) Acts.] In ch. 10 : 38, the same expression is used with reference to Jesus of Nazareth : ... on 6 Qi6s rjv per avrov, . . .for God was with Him. (53) Gen. Heb. threescore and ten] Sixty-six came into Egypt with Jacob, besides his sons' wives : they are reck- oned up in verse 26. The number 70 is completed by adding Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim, and Manasseh, who were in Egypt already. Gr. seventy-five] The descendants of Jacob, who came with him into Egypt, were 66 in number : the wives were 9, as may be gathered from various pas- sages. (Hales's Chronology, vol. ii. pt. i. pp. 159 —162.) The Hebrew and Greek are thus reconciled. (It is observable that the latter, in verse 20, mentions five descendants of Ephraim and Ma- nasseh not spoken of in the Hebrew. This might solve the difficulty, but the former explanation seems the true one.) Exod. Gr. born of Jacob] Or, of the house of Jacob. Acts.] Stephen's speech before the council is full of Septuagintal phrase- ology. In the present section it will be seen, that he follows that version in opposition to the Hebrew text. (55) The quotation is from the LXX., omitting the name Israel. This is one of the most striking instances in which the version of the LXX. warns us against trusting too implicitly to the ma- soretic punctuation of the Hebrew text. The Hebrew as now pointed reads i" 1 !?^? bed, and so it is rendered by our trans- lators; but the seventy elders read the word, ""IP*? staff, and their interpreta- tion seems to be attested by St. Paul. Jacob was aged and infirm, but it does not appear that he was confined to his bed at the time referred to. (56) The phrase, last days, in its wi- dest sense, denotes the time of Messiah, beginning with His first advent. In particular texts, its meaning is more definite. The same general idea is con- veyed by the phrases following. 1 Tim. 4:1. iv varepois xaipols, in the latter times. 1 Pet. 1 : 5. iv etrxdrce, in the last time. 20. eV eaxuTcov raiv xpovoov, in these last times. 1 Jo. 2:18. io-xarr) &pa icrri, it is the last time. Jude 18. iv ia-xara xpovco, in the last time. (67) Mark.] This should, I think, be rendered, Have ye not read in the book of Moses, in the Bush (i.e. in the section where the bush is spoken of), how, etc. The same phrase occurs in Luke. Acts 7. of thy fathers] So the Sama- ritan Pentateuch, and some copies of the LXX. Comp. the text from Acts 3. (68) Acts.] The Sept. is nearly fol- lowed, but somewhat abridged. The chief difference is in the word arevay- pov. (69) See Note 23, above. (70) It is evident that the LXX. re- garded the titles, ETSl EIMI, and 'O GN, as emphatically belonging to Jehovah, the self-existent God. It being just as evident that they are claimed with equal emphasis, and as titles, by our Lord Jesus Christ, and that they are so ascribed to Him by the apostles, the legitimate inference is that He is very and eternal God. It is not pre- tended that the words are in themselves exclusively applicable to the Godhead. Considered simply as parts of the verb NOTES. 305 to be, they are doubtless applicable in a sense to every being that exists ; but, as titles, they pertain to God alone; and, as such, they appear to bo fre- quently employed by the sacred writers. Compare sections 310, 429, 434. in addition to the examples of the phrase 'O I2N, collected in sections 70 and 310, we may adduce the following: Jo. 1:18. 'O ON els tov koKttov tov Ylarpos. — 6:46. 'O QN napa tov OeoO. In Jo. 3:31, the phrase is applied to man : — he that is of the earth, 6 &v eV tt)s yijs, is earthly. We also give some additional ex- amples of the expression Era EIMI. Many passages in which the words are followed by a nominative (as Lu. 24 :39. Jo. 6 : 35), are designedly omitted, not from a conviction that they do not refer to Christ's divinity, but because they are less emphatic and open to some doubt. 1 1 Matt. 14:27. Jesus, walking on the sea (comp. Job 9:8), said,*/ AM; be not afraid. So 1 1 Mark 6 : 50. 1 1 Jo. 6 : 20. Jo. 18:4-6. He asked the band which came with Judas, Whom seek ye ? they replied, Jesus of Nazareth. Jeszis saith unto them, I AM ... As soon then as He had said unto them, I AM, they went backward and fell to the ground. Mark 14 : 62. In answer to the solemn adjuration of the high priest, Art Thou the Christ.. \? Jesus said, I AM: and ye shall see, etc. And in Lu. 22 :70, we are told that the people asked Him, Art Thou then the Son of God? and He re- plied, Ye say that I AM. Here it may be said thei'e is a nominative implied. §Matt. 24 : 5. We are forewarned that false-Christs will assume the name, say- ing, 'Eyo> dpi. 6 Xpivros, or, as it is in §Mark 13:6, and §Lu. 21:8, "On iya> dpi. It is not to be imagined that such texts as these will convince the gain- sayer ; but it is somewhat strange that those who acknowledge Jesus to be Lord and God, should so generally fail to perceive in some, at least, of the scriptures we have cited, the truth which they maintain. With reference to the expression, * As to this expression, the Authorised Version is altered. ErQ EIMI, Mr. Grinfield remarks, that " In order to avoid using words convey- ing a sacred import, St. Paul, whan speaking of himself, sometimes reverses this order, dpi iyit. Horn. 11:1, 13. 1 Tim. 1:15." (Apology, p. 172, n). In 2 (Sam. or) Ki. 15:26, and Isa. 6:8, we find a man (David in the one case, and Isaiah in the other), exclaiming, l8oi> e'yw dpi. In numerous other texts of the same kind the expression is, l8ov e'yoi. Rev.] These texts are but an expli- cation of the name Jehovah. Compare Heb. 13:8. (71) A remarkable coincidence of words, and doubtless a typical parallel, albeit by way of contrast. (74) So the old hymn — Veni, Creator Spiritus Dextrae Dei Tu Digitus. (76) This text somewhat differs from existing copies of the LXX., yet that version is evidently used, at least in part. (79) Exod.] It is believed that the Hebrew has been mutilated, but the defect is supplied by the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Alexandrine copy of the LXX., and the statement of St. Paul in the text cited from Galatians. All the copies of the Sam. Pent, read as follows ; the difference of type shews the parts supplied. piKa ■ow nii'x DJTI2N1 bttmr *aa Sttnai mxo yaixi nw a*vbw aniro fitful |yjD :n3u> Now the sojourning of the children of Israel and of their fathers, who dwelt in THE LAND OF CaNAAN AND IN THE LAND of Egypt was four hundred and thirty years. This agrees with sacred history, and with Josephus, Antiq. lib. ii. cap. 15. The chronology stands thus: — From Abraham's entrance into Canaan to the birth of Isaac, 25 years; Isaac's age at the birth of Jacob, 60 years; Jacob's age when he came into Egypt, 130 years; he and his posterity continued there 215 years: total, 430 years. Paul is thus vindicated from the misrepre- sentation of an unsound, though popu- lar, modern commentator, who says, that "as his argument did not depend R R 306 NOTES. at all upon the exactness of the reckon- ing, he took the estimate which was in common use, without pausing or em- barrassing himself by an inquiry whe- ther it was strictly accurate or not " ! ! ' (Barnes on Gal. 3:17.) (80) Exod.] See also 12:10, LXX., not in the Heb. John.] This quotation appears to be rather ad sensum than ad literam. (81) Luke.] The purport of the pre- cepts is given, but the citation is not literal. (82) Rev.] Two songs of Moses are recorded ; the Apocalyptic reference seems to be that recorded in Deuter- onomy. (83) Comp. Dan. 4, in the version of the LXX, near the end. . . . koL to dpe- (ttov evanriov cwtov iroirjtrco eyd) ... (84) The quotation seems to be from Exodus and the Psalm unitedly. How forcibly do these scriptures shew, not our Lord's pre-existence only, but His divinity! There are angels that excel in strength, but Jesus, the bread which came down from heaven, sustains that strength, for He is the bread of the mighty, angels' food. Psa. 78:25. (85) 2 Cor.] This somewhat differs from the LXX., yet there is a verbal similarity. It may be regarded as a free quotation. (85) Heb.] This reference is remark- ably in conformity with the LXX., the word golden being absent from the He- brew. The hidden manna, Rev. 2:17, seems to allude to that which was laid up be- fore Jehovah in the ark. (88) Titus.] This closely agrees with the last text from Deuteronomy. Jo- seph Mede translates the clause, "a supernumerary, or abounding people; a people wherein God hath a super- lative propriety and interest." It accords in sense with the expression, My jewels (n?3D), or, as it is in the margin, special treasure. Mai. 3:17. See No. 436. Comp. Psa. 1 35 : 4. (89) The offices of king and priest are conjoined in Christ, who in this was foreshadowed by Melchizedek. It has already been remarked, that in Hebrew the offices are denoted by one word, namely, JHD (Note 42). The Is- raelites were a kingdom of priests, or, as the Chaldee paraphrast expounds it, kings and priests (see section Ii, p. 296). What they were typically, Christians are truly, by virtue of their union with Christ their head. (90) The quotation is not close. It will be observed, that the LXX. have the word /3oXi'8i, with a dart, which is wanting in our present Hebrew copies, but found in the Sam. Pent., the Syriac and Arabic versions, and the Targuru of Onkelos. It is also in the received text of the Epistle to the Hebrews, but not in the critical editions. (91) Rev. earthquake] Comp. No. 521. (93) Deut. Neh. Dan. covenant] It is evident that this word (T\'' m \2=bia&r]Kri) is often used in scripture for an abso- lute appointment, precept, or promise ; but the denial in the foot-note is too unqualified, for though 8ia6t]icr] etynio- logically means an arrangement or set- ting in order, and hence (in classic but not in sacred Greek) a testament, it cannot be denied that in the Hellenistic dialect it is ordinarily equivalent to the classic awdfjKrj. See No. 105. (94) "The law," says one, "was richly significant of vitally important truth, which an unbeliever cannot appreciate. The violation of the law practically obscured or despised the truth it figured. My sabbaths, says God, they greatly polluted. To rest from working, that they might take up His praise, was a sign, as well as type, of the be- liever entering into rest. The gather- ing even of a few sticks profaned the doctrine, in the dishonour of the day." Comp. sections 4 and 370. (95) Exod. Psa.] These refer back to Gen. 1 : 1. Rev. 14:7.] There is a remarkable parallel in Dan. 4 : 34, according to the copy ascribed to the LXX. . . . alv5> t<5 KTiaavri top ovpavbv /cat ttju yrjv /cat Tas 6a\do~o~as icai tovs TTOTcifj.ovs /cat iravTa ra ev ai)Tois ... (102—104) The N. T. citations per- haps exhibit the true reading of the LXX. (105) Matt.— 1 Cor.] These parallel NOTES. 307 passages clearly have reference to the act recorded in Exodus. Heb. 9.] A quotation, with some littlo variance. The so-called Apostolical Constitutions (which are not of earlier date than the fourth century), are of little weight against the reading eVe- TeiXaro, although that reading agrees not with the best copies of the LXX. (107) Exod.] See also verse 9, the Septuagintal reading of which is sup- ported by the Samaritan. Heb. all th ings] This word -navra is supported by a various reading ; or it may have been taken from Exod. 25 :39, TTavra to. (TKevT] ravra. (110) The passages alluded to in the foot-note are, Exod. 24: 1 2. 32 : 15. 34 : 28. Deut.4:13. 5:22. 9:9, in which mention is made of the two inscribed tables; Deut. 9:10, in which the writing is at- tributed to the finger of God; Prov.3 :3 (No.350), and Jer. 17 : 1, which speak of the table of the heart; Eze. 11 :19, and 36 : 26, where an heart of flesh is named. 2 Cor. not with ink] Comp. 2 Jo. 12. 3 Jo. 13. (111) Acts.] 6 avdpcoiros omitted. No difference in sense. (113) Exod. My book] Comp. Psa. 56:8, and 139:16, Thy book; Dan. 12:1, written in the book (No. 558); Mai. 3:16, a book of remembrance. See also No. 296. (116) The manifested glory of the Lord is also alluded to in Rom. 9 : 4, ...to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory; likewise in Rev. 15:8, And the temple was filled with smoke (No. 376) from the glory of God ...and no man was able to enter, etc. Comp. 2 Chron. 7:2. (120) A somewhat similar idea is ex- pressed in Num. 11:1. Psa. 11 : 6. 106: 18. Isa.29:6. Eze. 38:22. 39:6. (121) IPet.] The reading eaeade is found in several MSS., including three of the greatest antiquity. Griesbach deems it worthy of regard, though of less authority than the reading of the text. Luke.] The exact words of the quo- tation are found in a place which, from the subject, cannot be that referred to. There is a diversity of expression be- tween the citation and the text actually cited, but it involves no difference of sense. (123) References, not citations. (126) The passages referred to in the foot-note respectively allude to the consecration of priests, sin-offerings, and the water of separation. They all agree, to some extent, with Heb. 13, but Lev. 16:27, is believed to be the text which the apostle refers to, both on account of some minute verbal resem- blances in the Greek, and the fact that it belongs to the great day of atone- ment. (127) Luke.] Compare the words of Joseph to his brethren, as recorded in Gen. 42:18, Touro TroiTjcrare, ml fy'jcreade. (128) A proverbial or idiomatic ex- pression. Compare (besides the texts referred to in the foot-note) Gen. 19 : 21. 32:20. 2Ki. 5:1. ( 1 29) Our Lord's citation bears some resemblance to a passage in Hesiod (Works and Days, 353) :— tov (piXeovTa (pikeiv, not ra npocnovri Trpoaeivai. Some have gone so far as to imagine that the Saviour referred to this very passage, — an opinion which needs no serious refutation. The former part of the quotation is from the Law of Moses; the latter part has been regard- ed as a reference to the injunctions given to Israel to destroy the Can aanites ; but it is, I think, rather to be considered as an instance of the mode in which the word of God was neutralised by the traditions of the elders. The Israelites were, iudeed, commissioned to execute God's justice upon the Canaanites, and that without pity, but the Law of Moses never sanctioned personal revenge. (130) Matt. 27.] When, amongst the Jews, a man was condemned for blas- phemy, the witnesses and judges, one after another, placed their hands upon his head and said, 1^X13 *pT Thy blood be upon thine own head, an ex- pression often occurring in the writings of the rabbins. (Otho, Lex. Phil. Rab. 92. 621.) The formula may have been in the minds of the people whose words are here recorded. As to washing the hands from blood, see Deut. 21 : 6—9. Matt. 27 : 24. (131) 2 Cor.] The citation is mainly from Leviticus, but with some differ- ence of wording, and a change of per- son. The LXX. version was evidently before the apostle's mind. 308 NOTES. / will dwell in them... and I will be their God] These two clauses resemble Exod. 29 : 45 in the Hebrew : the latter of thern coincides also with the Greek. »33 "|iri3 T\:yy\ Kai eViKX^cro/xat DP! 1 ? *n w ni ?K*lB rt evTo~isvlols'l(rpar}\ , _^_LyL Kai eao/xai aiirav Qeos. And I icill dwell And I will be call- a mong the children ed upon among the of Israel, and will children of Israel, be their God. and will be their God. The other NT. passages are still less direct quotations, or rather references. Comp. No. 301. (136) Comp. Exod. 12 : 5. (141) See No. 438, below. (144) 2 Tim.] Clearly taken from Num. (not from Nah. 1 : 7), but with Kvpios (as the Heb.) instead of 6 Qeos. (148) This very remarkable parallel does not appear to have been previously noticed. (149) Comp. 2 Pet. 1:19. Rev. 2 : 28. 22:16. (150) Comp. No. 609. (151) Deut.] coy ems might be read coeret tls. (152) Acts.] Certainly not a refer- ence to the passage from Deuteronomy, though tbe same phrase is used. (155) Mark.] The assertion of the scribe has the appearance of an appeal to scripture. The clause, els eari, no doubt refers to the passage which Jesus had just cited, Deut. 6:4. The remain- der of the sentence bears a close re- semblance to Isa. 45 : 21, but it is more likely to be an allusion to Deut. 4 : 35, or 39, that being both a portion of the law of Moses and of the very book which our Lord had so lately quoted. one God] See above. Comp. Rom. 3:30. 1 Cor. 8:4. Gal. 3:20. (156) The evangelists, although agree- ing in substance with the LXX., ex- hibit some verbal additions, or rather duplications of rendering. We may be- lieve, with Thomas Scott, that under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, they gave the first and great commandment in the most emphatic language, without intending either implicitly to quote the Septuagint, or literally to translate the Hebrew. (157) Deut.] The Alexandrine MS. reads Trpocricvvrjo-eis. (159) Luke.] The text is here slightly abridged. (161) Dan. 4.] Perhaps this belongs properly to Dan. 2 : 47, where some copies nearly or exactly adopt the read- ing. Alex. Compl. Dan. 8.] Theodotion as the LXX., but noWcov instead of avdpav. 1 Tim.] Compare a passage from iEs- chylus, p. 299. In Joshua 22 : 22, and Psa. 50 : 1, the Almighty is called mrp Q*r6fc* Stf, which our translators render, in the former place, The Lord God of gods, and in the latter, the mighty God, even the Lord. The last rendering seems the more correct one, but the former agrees with that of the Septuagint Psalter, as well as with the modern ver- sions of Green and Mudge. Compare Dan. 11: 36. (164) Deut., etc. Belial] Literally, worthlessness, unprofitableness; thence, evil, wickedness. Comp. 1 Sam. 1:16, daughter of Belial ; Psa. 41:8, an evil disease; Heb. thing of Belial ; Horsley, cursed thing. 2 Cor.] The form BeX/ap, adopted by Griesbach, is Syriac; but in the ancient Syriac version the word is rendered Satan. (166) John, that Prophet] That is, as critics of great eminence, relying on the force of the article, maintain, the Prophet foretold by Moses. This seems to have been the view of our transla- tors. It is undoubtedly entitled to the greatest deference, but I confess a pre- ference for the opinion that, in such cases as the present, the article is to be regarded as a sign of emphasis. This view is ably supported by Mr. Taylor, in the Introduction to the Em- phatic New Testament, 1852. Other texts in which the term 6 npo(pf]TT]s occurs may be compared. See Lu. 7:16. 24:19. Joh.4:19. 9:17. (167) Deut. tioo witnesses] Such were Joshua and Caleb. (169) Deut.] It is very remarkable, that although this text refers originally to the Jewish practice of hanging up the dead bodies of malefactors (see Jos. 10:26), it is literally applicable NOTES. 309 to the Roman mode of execution by the cross. Here (as in all the circum- stances of the Saviour's passion) the counsel and foreknowledge of God are manifest. (171) Note.] Add 21: 21. (176) The LXX. differs somewhat from the Hebrew, and the apostle's citation varies a little from the LXX. (177) Rom.] Mainly, but not exclu- sively, from the passage indicated. God hath given them] Viewed in con- nection with most of the clauses fol- lowing, we must consider this as taken from Deuteronomy. the spirit of slumber] From Isa. 29 : 10. See No. 411. eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear] Substantially from Deut. Comp. Isa. 6 :9,10, No. 377. Isa. 29 : 10, and hath closed your eyes. Eze. 12:2, No. 509. unto this day.] This clause shews conclusively, that although the apostle gives the substance of several texts of scripture, his reference is mainly to Deuteronomy. It is not a little strange, that in most editions of the N.T., in Greek and English, the parenthesis, and consequently the quotation, is made to end with, ears to hear, the clause, unto this day, being erroneously regarded as connected with words that go before : — the rest were blinded (...) unto this day. (178) Holmes has the following note, "e schedis Jacksonii MSS." — "Vir doc- tus ait Codicem Alexandi'inum habere evox^fj, et quod, si vox Hebrrea r^ySl, sumatur a radice H3J?, quae significat in afflictione, vel impeditione, esse, potest cum ea Codicis et Vulgatas lectio ad Heb. 12:15 conciliari, quod merito ob- servandum est. Vult idem vir doctus vocem niKplas legi in casu accusativo, et addi vocem nal ante eVo^X^, et omitti Trucpiq." (181) Rom.] A beautiful accommo- dation of the words of Moses. Comp. No. 365. say not, etc.] See No. 160. Who shall ascend into heaven?] Dr. Randolph supposes that this was ori- ginally spoken of the ascent of Moses to mount Sinai for the reception of the law. It is more likely that it is a phi"ase expressive of great remoteness. The same remark applies to the other question, which Dr. Randolph considers as a reference to the crossing of the Red Sea. Who shall descend into the deep?] Whatever may be the original reference of the words of Moses, the apostle ap- plies them to Christ's descent into the abyss, which is hades, or /VC, as the Syriac version testifies. Comp. Lu. 8:31, where evil spirits deprecate the hasten- ing on of what they know to be their inevitable final doom. See also Rev. 9:1,2,11. 11:7. 17:8. 20:1,3. Between the words of Moses and those of Paul there is a striking con- trast : the one tells of law, the other of grace. The lawgiver speaks of a com- mandment to be done ; the apostle only of the word of faith, to be believed and confessed. Not that we have no work to do, but that we have none to do in the matter of our justification. The omissions of scripture are often no less instructive than their statements. (182) Heb.] The apostle's quotation nearly agrees with Deut., but he adopts the first person, as in Joshua. (183) See No. 340, p. 156. (184) Deut. their spot, etc.] Strangely misrendered by our translators. (185) 1 Cor. devils] It is to be re- gretted that in our version of the N.T. the word devil should be employed as the equivalent alike of Sal/iwu or 8ai- poviov, and 8id(3o\os. The latter word, though by usage it ordinarily denotes the evil one, etymologically means no more than an accuser or calumniator, in which sense it is applied to Judas (Jo. 6 : 70), and in the plural to slan- derers, male and female (1 Tim. 3:11. 2 Tim. 3 : 3. Tit. 2 : 3). It is never ap- plied to fallen spirits. The words 8ai- jia>v and haijioviov (from baia, I know), in their classical signification, ordinarily denote a class of inferior gods, or genii, for the most part the deified spirits of dead men, who were supposed to me- diate between the superior gods and mortals upon earth. Hence Paul was regarded by his Athenian auditors as a setter forth of strange gods, or foreign demons, ^tvoov bamoviav, because he preached unto them Jesus, and the resur- rection, which they evidently took to be a goddess, named Anastasis (Acts 1 7 : 18). But the sacred writers use the word only in an evil sense ; for, as Mede 310 NOTES. remarks, "those which the gentiles took for demons and deified souls of their worthies, were indeed no other than evil spirits, counterfeiting the souls of men deceased ... under that colour to seduce mankind; therefore the scrip- ture useth the name demons, for that they were indeed, and not for what they seemed to be." See Granville Sharpe's valuable tract, entitled, The Case of Saul, pp. 49, 50J At p. 55, he shews conclusively (although in op- position to the view of Mede), that the phrase, doctrines of devils (1 Tim. 4:1), denotes things taught by demons, not doctrines respecting them. It may be here remarked, that when James (2:19) says, the demons believe and tremble, he probably refers to their horror when ejected from those possessed. Deut.] Copied in Baruch 4 : 7. 1 Cor.] The apostle affirms that an idol is nothing in the ivorld (8:4), but he says not that a demon is nothing. Idolatry is, in fact, the worship, not of stocks and stones, but of evil spirits. Regarded in themselves, idols are va- nities ; viewed in another light, they are demons. See Psa. 96 : 5, in Hebrew and in Greek. The former name, fre- quent ha the O.T., is used in Acts 14:15. (189) Rom. Heb.] The LXX. read the first word Dlv, as the Sam. Their reading of the last word DX'NI, is fol- lowed in the N.T. (190) Deut.] In the Heb., the verse is 35. Heb.] "We may infer, from the cita- tions immediately preceding, that this also is from Deut. (190—193.) Deut.] In the LXX. the entire verse reads thus ; the parts in larger type having nothing correspond- ing in the Hebrew : — 'Evcppavdr/Te ovpavo\ apa avra, ko\ rrpo- (TKwrjijaTuxTav avrai iravres ayyeXoi Qeov. Ei/<|>pdi'07)Te e8inj p-e-ra tov AaoO avrov, Kai eviO~^V- crarccxrav civtco names viol Qeov, 6Vt to aljaa to>v vlCiv aviTOv iKSi.Ko.TaC KUl {KOlKJ]o~ei. koX clv- TCOTo6'u>o-ei SCkjiv tois exCpots, /cat TOLS fXLO~OVO~lV aVTaTTOOCOO'ei' Kal tKKO.9api.eZ Kiipios rrji' yrjv Toi) AaoO avrov. Rejoice ye heavens with Him, and let ALL THE ANGELS OF God WORSHIP HlM. Rejoice ye nations icith His people, and LET ALL THE SONS OF God BE STRONG InHim, for He avengeth the blood of His sons; and He ivill a venoe and recompense judg- ment to His enemies, and those that hate Him He will recompense .• and the Lord will purge the land of His people. (191) Comp. Psa. 96: 11, Let the hea- vens rejoice. (192) Heb.] The marginal reading seems to be disproved by the context, is a which shews that the word irakiv ver. 5, form of quotation. (193) Rev. 18. apostles and pi'ophets] See No. 336. (195) See also No. 486. The Jews very frequently designate the place of eternal punishment by the word Gehen- na; examples abound everywhere. See section Bb, p. 293. (196) Acts. Here is a difficulty, per- haps arising from the interpolation of the name Abraham. If that word be omitted, the passage may be read thus : So Jacob went down into Egypt, and died, he, and our fathers; and (hey (our fathers) were carried over into Sychem, and laid in the sepulchre that he (Jacob) bought, etc. Other solutions have been offered. (198) Jud. 2 Chr. Megiddo] See also 2Ki.9:27. Rev.] 'Ap/inyeSSo)!/ has commonly been regarded as MM "in the mountain of Megiddo ; it is perhaps more likely that the Hebrew is Mitt "IV the city of Megiddo, for Megiddo was not a moun- tain, but a plain or valley. (202) Matt.] This is commonly re- garded as a general reference to those passages of the prophets which speak of Messiah's humiliation, Nazarene being (it is assumed) a proverbial ex- pression of reproach. Thus Mr. West- cott (Elem. of the Gosp. Harm., p. 20) terms the evangelist's assertion, " a de- duction from prophetic language (Psa. 22:6. Isa. 53:3)." This explanation derives some colour from the plural ex- pression, by the prophets, but it is very far from satisfactory. Others refer the quotation to the book of Judges, the child shall be a Nazarite. The Lord Jesus was indeed the great antitypical Na- zarite ; but as a Nazarite is one thing, and a Nazarene another, this view is inadmissible. There is, indeed, a like- ness of sound, but none of sense. Another opinion regards the name, Nazarene, as a reference to the prophetic appellation, 1X3 netzer, which appears NOTES. 311 to have been applied as a proper name to the town in Galilee on account of its smallness ; it was a feeble twig. " A Nazarene," says David de Poncis, "is one who is born in the city Nezer in Galilee." And in the Talmud, Beresh Rabba, it is said of the little horn of Daniel, this is Ben Nezer, meaning the Lord Jesus Christ (see Journal of Sac. Lit. N.S. v. 365). Jerome, adopting this view, considers the reference to be, at least mainly, to Isa. 11 : 1 (DeOpt.Genere Interpretandi). The writer of the Opus Imperfectum in Matthoeum (pseudo- Chrysostom) expresses an opinion that several of the Hebrew prophets (and, he says, particularly Ezra), had used the very words, although they are not recorded in the holy scriptures. If this opinion be admissible, it relieves the passage from all difficulty. (203) It would, perhaps, be going too far to regard the jjortion of our Saviour's genealogy, recorded in Matt. 1 : 3 — 6, as a direct quotation from the book of Ruth. It would rather seem that the two accounts (as well as that in 1 Chron.) were derived, under the guid- ance of the Holy Spirit, from the public records of the nation, or some other source. However this may be, the passages agree so strikingly that they are clearly entitled to a place in this collection. We admit them the more willingly, because their presence affords an opportunity for the introduction of a note which may serve to throw much light upon the very difficult subject of the genealogies in St. Matthew and St. Luke. This note is inserted by the kind permission of a friend, the author of a privately circulated tract, from which it is mainly extracted.* The apparent discrepance between the two genealogies has been a difficulty for more than sixteen centuries. Julius Africanus, a.d. 230, wrote a letter to explain and reconcile them. (tHis solution proceeded upon the hypothesis that Joseph, our Lord's reputed father, * The genealogies in St. Matthew and St. Luke [c. 1834]. 8vo. The leading ideas in this tract (of which I have for the most part used the very words) are derived from an essay in an anonymous work, entitled, Analyse de dissertations sur differens sujets: Bruxelles, 1759, 12mo.; which appears to have been condemned, if not suppressed, by eccle- siastical authority. t This parenthesis is an addition to the tract re- ferred to. A portion of the epistle of Julius will be found in the second volume of Routh's Reliquire Sacras. was the legal son of Heli (Luke 3 : 23), but the real son of Jacob (Matt. 1 :16). This explanation was adopted by many of the fathers ; but it is open to the grave objection, that if it be true, neither of the recorded genealogies is that of our Lord at all, save by a legal fiction.) It is indisputable that several gene- rations have been omitted by St. Mat- thew.* What then does that evan- gelist mean by his 17th verse? Doubt- less no more than a bare summary of the descents enumerated. But in counting the generations mentioned by St. Matthew, we find, not three series of fourteen generations each, but two series of fourteen generations, and a third of only thirteen.f It is in vain to endeavour to remove the difficulty by alleging that there were in fact more generations than appear in the table ; * Ahaz-iah, Joash, and Amaziah, all kings, are omitted in verse 8, between Joram and Ozias, and king Jehoiakim is omitted in verse 1 1 , between Josias and Jechonias. This, however, is not unparalleled. Ezra (7: 1 — 5), in tracing back his own pedigree, omits at least six generations, and similar omissions occur in other places. It should here be observed, that the name of Jakim (i. e. Jehoiakim) occurring in some MSS. in verse 11, but advisedly rejected by our translators (see their marginal note), is clearly an interpolation. t We assume that the correct mode of counting the generations (according to the Greek text of St Matthew) is the following. 1. Abraham 1. Solomon 1. Salathiel 2. Isaac 2. Roboam 2. Zorobabel 3. Jacob 3. Abia 3. Abiud 4. Judas 4. Asa 4. Eliakim 5. Phares 5. Josaphat 5. Azor 6. Esrom 6. Joram 6. Sadoc 7. Aram 7. Ozias 7. Achim 8. Aminadah 8. Joatham 8. Eliud 9. Naasson 9. Achaz 9. Eleazar 10. Salmon 10. Ezekias 10. Matthan 11. Booz 11. Manasses 11. Jacob 12. Obed 12. Amon 12. Joseph, the hus- 13. Jesse 13. Josias band of Mary 14. David 14. Jeehonias 13. Jesus. So all the generations from Abraham to David (an-b 'Afipa.au ews Aa|3iS) are fourteen generations ; and from David (exclusively) until the carrying away into Babylon (an-b Aaj3iS «os rr/s fieroi/cecrias Ba(3u\wTO?) which took place in the reign of Jakim and Jechonias (i. e. Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin, 2 Ki. 24: 1, 15. 2Chron. 36: 6, 10) are fourteen generations ; and, the evangelist adds, from the carrying aicay into Babylon unto Christ (a-rrb rr/s juer. B. ecos tou Xptorov) are fourteen generations, but in the Greek text of his gospel there are only thirteen. Some repeat the name of David at the beginning of the second series, but surely the words, from David, do not require us to count again one who had been enumerated before, or, in other words, to reckon one generation as ttco. Consistency, more- over, would require us to repeat the name of Josias at the beginning of the third series (as some ex- positors actually have done) notwithstanding the fact that Josias was slain more than eleven years before the first act of the carrying away into Babylon took place. 312 NOTES. for we have already seen reason to con- clude that Matthew in making three series of fourteen generations eacb, in- tended no more than the summing up of the descents which he had himself enumerated; and our difficulty is limit- ed to one generation, which the actual deficiency in the table is not. This being the case, we are driven to one of three conclusions : — 1. That the evangelist, in compliance with the Jewish custom of reducing things or numbers to the same which were nearly alike, has reckoned four- teen generations in each series, although the last in fact contained one less. 2. That one generation of the third series has been omitted by transcribers; or, 3. That we miscount the generations enumerated. With regard to the frst of these con- clusions, we shall only say that although there doubtless was a custom such as we have alluded to (instances of which are cited from various rabbinical writers by Lightfoot), we are of opinion, con- sidering the scrupulous exactness of the sacred historians, and the import- ance of the document which Matthew was transcribing, that the conclusion is not admissible. Of the second supposition, namely, that one generation of the third series has been omitted by transcribers, we shall merely remark, that although some MSS. have, as we have seen, an interpolated generation in the second division, there is not, so far as we have been able to discover, the slightest variation amongst all the MSS. and versions, as to the number of genera- tions in the third division. We seem, therefore, reduced to take up the last suggestion, however un- promising it may at first appear, namely, that we do not correctly count the descents appearing in St. Matthew's table. We have seen that it is in the third division of that table that the deficient link is wanting. We turn, then, from all conjectural restoration of omitted descents to a supposition which, without necessitating the small- est change in the true original text, will clear the subject from all difficulty. It is generally admitted that Matthew wrote the first gospel; and it will not be controverted that much strong and early testimony exists that it was written in Hebrew or Syro-Chaldaic* It is well known, that in the Hebrew language there is frequently an ellipsis of such words as husband, son, and brother ; and, moreover, that numerous examples of the Hebrew idiom occur in the Greek text of the New Testament. Thus we read of — James the son of Zebedee (Matt. 4:21. 10:2. Mark 3:17). James the son of Alphceus (Matt. 10:3. Mark 3:18. Luke 7:15. Acts 1:13). Judas the brother of James (Luke 6:16. Acts 1:13). Mary the mother ofJoses (Mark 1 5 : 47). Mary the mother of James (Mark 16:1. Luke 24:10); and— Mary the wife of Cleophas (J oh. 19 : 25). There have been disputes whether this last-named Mary was not the daughter of Cleophas ; reasons have been urged in favour of that view, and the question must be deemed an open one. Now it may be supposed, that in the original Hebrew of St. Matthew, there was an ellipsis of the word father, which ellipsis, being also in the Greek, some early copyist supplied by the word husband (top av8pa), an error into which he might be led by the re- currence of the name Joseph a few verses after. We suppose, then, that Mary was the daughter of the Joseph mentioned in verse 16, and that she was espoused to another Joseph — that name being a very common one — who is first mentioned in verse 18, where the narrative really begins. We will now see the result of this supposition being adopted ; and — 1. It makes the genealogy really what the evangelist has declared it to be in the very opening, namely, The book of the generation of Jesus Christ; all other schemes representing it as the pedigree of Joseph. 2. Without any change in the original text, it makes exactly fourteen descents in St. Matthew's third series ; thus re- reconciling it with the evangelist's summary in vei'se 1 7. 3. While the common interpretation represents St. Matthew introducing Jesus as the son of David ; then enu- merating the descents from Abraham and David to Joseph, then narrating the miraculous conception, by which we learn that Joseph was not Christ's * On this subject, see a tract by Dr. Tre^clles, 1850. NOTES. 313 father in any common sense ; this in- terpretation makes the evangelist de- duce the virgin's descent from David, and then relate her miraculous con- ception of our Saviour. 4. This portion of scripture is hereby rendered consistent with the tradition concerning it derived to Irenreus, a.d. 178, and Tertullian, a.d. 200 ; the for- mer of whom tells us, that " Matthew designed hereby to give satisfaction to the Jews, who earnestly desired a Mes- siah of the seed of David; and therefore began with his genealogy"; and "this for no other reason," as Tertullian adds, " than that we might be informed of the origin of Christ according to the flesh." 5. We are now free to understand the words of the other evangelist, St. Luke, in their most natural and easy construction ; being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli; instead of the sense which Gro- tius and Wetstein judged inadmissible, namely, that Christ was the grandson of Heli, omitting Joseph. 6. Adopting this view, we see a ground supplied by St. Matthew for the confident appeal of the apostle — For it is evident that our Lord sprang out ofJuda, etc. (Heb. 7:14): whereas, if with Grotius and Wetstein, we reject the above-mentioned involved construc- tion of St. Luke, and, at the same time, understand St. Matthew's table to issue in Joseph (as commonly supposed), there will remain no genealogy of our Lord in the gospels ; and this although various passages (Acts 2:30. 13:23. Rom. 1 : 3, etc.) make it necessary, as Elsley observes, that Christ's real de- scent from David should be given by one of the evangelists. 7. We see the reason of the very remarkable fact, that the present dis- crepance of the genealogies was never objected by the Jews of the first cen- tury; and, lastly, 8. We perceive how it was that the difficulty first appeared at a later pe- riod, when the Christian preachers had turned to the Gentiles, and the Hebrew tongue was (by Christians) disused and forgotten. The only really forcible objection to the hypothesis before us seems to be this : that it supposes the general body of Christians, so far back as the middle of the second century, to have mis- takenly read (in Matthew 1:16) hus- band instead of father; and that at that i^eriod no trace of the true fact remained, either in disputes as to the particular word, or in various readings of the passage itself. To this it may be answered, that the parentage of Mary was a question must nearly interesting to the Jewish con- verts, who, according to the supposi- tion, did not share in the general mis- take ; at least, so long as they formed separate communities, using their own Hebrew copies of St. Matthew : the mis- take originating subsequently among the Gentile converts, in a failure to dis- tinguish the Joseph of verse 1 G from the Joseph of verse 18, and the mis- understanding being confirmed by the 20th verse, in which the latter is also termed, as he doubtless was, the son of David. If we turn to the succeding Christian writers, their silence as to any various readings in this part of the Greek of St. Matthew at the period when they first began to inquire into it, cannot, surely, be accepted as evidence that no variation had existed in earlier Greek MSS. We may observe, too, that the codices which are believed to contain the remains of the old Italic version offer a remarkable variation in the very passage in question, being, in fact, a kind of periphrastic change of the ex- pression greater than might have let in the whole difficulty. The Codex Vercellensis (Eusebii Magni manu ex • araturn), and the Codex San-Germanen- sis, both have, Joseph cui desponsata virgo Maria genuit Jesum. The Codex Veronensis has, cui desponsata erat virgo Maria, virgo autem Maria genuit Jesum* The French writer whose book is under notice, refers to the fact that certain ancient Jews, heretics, and pa- gans, applied the word Panthera or Pandera to the supposed father of our Lord, as a proper name. This he con- jectures to have arisen from some con- fusion between irarepa and avbpa in the passage of St. Matthew. The hypothesis before us may, it is conceived, be sustained in all its points, even without the verbal change pro- posed. It is believed that the word * For the codices furnishing the remains of the old Italic, see Bibliorum SS. Latiuje Versiones An- tique: opera Y Sabatier. S S 314 NOTES. dvrjp does not, in a Jewish genealogy, of necessity mean husband, but the man standing towards a woman in the rela- tion of head. In the case of a married woman this would be her husband, but in that of a virgin, her father would b8 regarded as her link of union to her tribe. If this be so, the result is pre- cisely equivalent to that of the verbal change before suggested. It will have been perceived that the other evangelist, St. Luke, is under- stood to give the genealogy of Joseph,* the supposed descent of our Lord, on which His claim to be the Messiah rested in the eyes of His hearers when He began His ministry ; for there is no - reason to believe that the miraculous conception of our blessed Saviour was made known at the first, even to His disciples. A legal and apparent descent from David was the preliminary seal required by the Jews, and it was af- forded them ; though afterwards to be superseded, to such as believed, when the real circumstances were declared after His ascension. And thus was Jesus doubly certified as the promised Son of David ; on His legal father's side, while His ministry was going on upon earth ; on His virgin mother's side, when His miraculous conception was made known after His ascension into heaven. We are unwilling to conclude the present note, long as it is, without a passing reference to the peculiar fitness of each of our Lord's genealogies to the specific character of the Gospel which contains it. See Note 505. (205) Comp. Jud. 18:6, UoptveaBe iv elpTjvrj. (206) Luke.] The virgin's song is plainly descriptive, in a secondary sense, of the calling and exaltation of the true church of God. Hence its use, for many centuries, in the church's daily sacrifice of praise. in God my Saviour] See No. 591. * In this table of St Luke, the names of Salathiel and Zorobabel (verse 27) are evidently interpolated from Matt. 1 : 12 (where they occur about the same period), and the names of Levi and Matthat (Luke 3:24, 29) seem to have been repeated by some transcriber. The Codex S. Eusebii (Mediol. 1748, 4to), omits the names of Salathiel and Zorobabel; and we have the express testimony of Irenajus that in his time the table of St. Luke contained but seventy-two descents (Adv. Hajr. lib. iii. c. 33). It now contains (from Christ to Adam, both inclusive) seventy-six. Comp. Psa. 27:9 (LXX. 26:9), o 6e6s 6 (207) 1 Sam.] This, the first express prediction of the Saviour as the Messiah or Anointed, must be regarded as the leading text, to which many subsequent passages have reference. Messiah, or Christ, is our Lord's official designation as the divinely appointed Mediator, and the great antitype of all the pro- phets, priests, and kings of old. See lKi. 19:16. Lev. 4: 3. 1 Sa. 10:1. Jo. 1:41. 4:25.] In these texts the evangelist parenthetically explains the Hebrew term by its equivalent in Greek. Such is his custom : compare 1 : 38, 42. 2 :6. 4:9. 5:1,2. 7:2. In the cross reference following sec- tion 207, for 19 : 25, read 9 : 24. (208) See No. 351. (210) See No. 306. Acts, which shall fulfil all My wiU] This is the implied purport of the scriptures referred to, but the words are nowhere found. (211) There is a verbal coincidence, perhaps not altogether unworthy of remark, in Matt. 10:29, 30. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing ? and one of them shall not fall on the ground (koX iv i£ avruiv ou irecrelTai esri ttjv yrjv) without your Father. But the very hairs of your head (ipaiv be nai al Tpi'^ey rfjs Ke v. p.., differs. The final words, Xo/3eii> avrrju, are found in Griesbach's MS. 30, which is Eegius 100. (220) This differs altogether from the LXX., which, however, seems cor- rupted. Like the last it is an abridged quotation. the image of] "QT dung, or dunghill; and, as they rightly considered the devil to be the lord of idols, they styled him ^2f ^3 Baal- zebul, dunghill-lord. (223) 2 Kl. an hairy man] A man attired in a hairy garment, i. e. as it would seem, one of coarse hair-cloth. A garment of this kind, in imitation perhaps of the example of Elijah, came to be regarded as the dis- tinguishing habit of a prophet. Such, in all probability, was the sackcloth of Isaiah (20 : 2). False prophets assumed a rough garment to deceive; Heb. a gar- ment of hair; BeppLv rpLxivrjv (Zech. 13 :4). Matt, and Mark.] John the Baptist, being mystically Elias, was clothed after the example of his prototype ; not in the soft raiment of a courtier, but as be- came one who was a prophet, yea, and more than a prophet (Matt. 11 :8, 9. Luke 7:25,26). and a leathern girdle, etc.] These words appear to be taken by both evangelists from the LXX., with a tri- fling variation. (224, 225) Compare the case of the two witnesses, Rev. 11 :5, 12. (229) See sect. xx. p. 283, and sect. G, p. 287. Comp. Dan. 7 : 14. Lu. 4 : 6. (233) See No. 228. (238) Psa. 76:7 (Heb. 76:8. LXX. 75 : 7), referred to in the foot-note, is as follows : — T3S? 1W ^01 kcu tis avTia-rr)- > ~]2N TXD (TiTUl (TOL U7TO Tjjff opyiji (tov ', ...and who may ...and who shall stand in Thy sight withstand Thee in when once Thou art 1'hine anger ? angry ? With this corresponds the rest of Rev. 6:17:— ... Ka\ tis dvuarai araffqvat ; ... and who shall be able to stand f Comp. Mai. 3 : 2, and ivho shall stand when He appeareth ? (240) Matt. Lu. the eagles'] Primarily, the standards of the Roman legions which besieged Jerusalem, a.d. 70 ; but the full accomplishment of the prophecy is yet future. The fact that Austria, Russia, Prussia, France, and several minor states, bear the eagle for their ensign, taken in connection with the prophet's statement that all nations shall be gathered against Jerusalem to battle immediately before the coming of the Lord, Zech. 14 : 2, may be more significant than is generally suspected. Job 41:11. See No. 427. (243) Psa. the heathen] The Gentiles. the people] Israel. See Acts. the kings, etc.] Comp. Psa. 48 : 4. against the Lord and against His Anointed] Comp. Rev. 11:15. 12:10. Acts. David] In some Greek copies, and in the old Latin, the Psalm has the name of David prefixed to it. tyaXpos ra> Aaui'S. Infinem. Psahnus ipsi David. (247) Psa. Stand in awe] In the Sy- riac, Ethiopic, and Arabic, this is ren- dered as in the LXX. Pool considers that )]}~\ denotes any vehement emo- tion of the mind, whether of grief or auger; others think the Hebrew and Greek irreconcileable, and suspect that the former is corrupted. (250) Matt.] This quotation follows the LXX., differing from the Hebrew. (251) Psa. so?i of man] A name ap- plicable to any descendant of Adam, but assumed in an especial sense by the incarnate Saviour. The Psalm refers back to Gen. 1 :26, 28. Thou hast crowned] Not as with a 316 NOTES. kingly diadem, but as with a victor's wreath. Christ is not spoken of as crowned in the former sense until the manifestation of His kingdom. Comp. Eev. 6:2. 14:14, crrifyavos. 19:12, 8ia- Sr]p.aTa. 1 Cor.] Partly from Psa. 110 : 1. No. 325. God] 6 Qebs, the Godhead. Heb. world to come] The habitable world to come. (252) Psa. 9, etc. He shall judge] The antecedent in each case is Jehovah. (253) Here again we perceive that the Son is Lord. Comp. Lu. 1 :33. (255) Psa. 14.] Though I have inserted this passage as it stands in our ordinary printed copies of the Septuagint, there is no doubt that the portion following the 3rd verse is an interpolation (an early one) from the ejiistle to the Ro- mans. The Alexandrine codex and many others omit it. In the Vatican manu- script the passage is in the margin, not in the text, and the following note is added : OvSapov Keivrai tcov ^aXfj.a>V ivoBev 8e 6 aTroo-roXos el\rj(p(v avrovs £r)- rrjTeov. (Home, Introd. 9th ed. ii. 301.) For further information the reader is referred to Dr. Adam Clarke on Psa. 14 and Rom. 3. Psa. 14:1.] The Septuagintal addition to this verse, ovk ecrnv ews ivos, is ad- mitted by Ainsworth and some others. Psa. 10. deceit] The LXX., for niEHD probably reading DIIID, render this, bitterness. So the Vulg. and Arab. Prov.] The verse is in the Alexan- drine and some other cojries. Ot yap nodes avTO>v els Kaniav rpe'^oucrt, nal ra- Xivol (fio-i)>o£J fK^e'ai alfia. Isa.] There is a v.l., eyvao-av. Rom.] Ver. 10 agrees with the O.T. in sense. In ver. 11, the LXX. is quoted in an abridged form; in the next verse exactly, though it is, in the word un- profitable, less forcible than the Hebrew. The 13th verse is verbally from Psa. 5, and Psa. 140. In verse 14, the apostle cites Psa. 10 freely ; the plural form is necessary to his context. Verse 15 re- sembles Isaiah, but agrees with Pro- verbs. The next two verses are from Isaiah, and the 18th from Psa. 36. (256) glory] Lit. weight, subordinate- ly, glory; used poetically for the tongue, Psa. 30: 12. 57:8. 108:1. hell] PIKC sometimes denotes the grave, considered as the general recep- tacle of dead bodies, Gen. 42 :'38, not a grave, but the grave. Psa. 141 :7, is but an apparent exception, the word being- used poetically. Sometimes it means the place, state, or condition of de- parted spirits, as in this Psalm, and Job 26:6. Sometimes it signifies, or rather includes, the place of torment, Deut. 32:22. Psa. 9:17. Prov. 23:14. The term aS^s is commonly employed by the LXX. in translating 71K&?. It properly denotes the hidden world, viz. the abode of souls departed; but being employed as the equivalent of the Hebrew term, its signification is sometimes modified by the context. The English word, hell, is derived from the Anglo-Saxon helan, which means, to heal, to hide, to cover; "Whence," as Cowell says, "a thatchei', or slater, or tiler, who covers the roof of a house, is in the Western parts called a HcllierV (Interpreter, voce Helowe-icall.) As hades, and not heaven, was the abode of the Redeemer's soul while absent from the body, so it is the place or state in which His saints repose in peace and blessedness — present with the Lord — until the resurrection morning. The commonly received opinion that the disembodied spirits of the righteous are glorified in heaven, is repugnant to the Word of God, and has contributed, more perhaps than anything, to obscure the doctrine of the resurrection. In the earlier times of Christianity, it was held by none (unless perhaps by Cyprian) but heretics who denied the resurrection of the body. The doctrine is received by Rome (having been first decreed in the Council of Florence, 1 439 — 42); but it was rejected by some of the reformers: we may refer espe- cially to the emphatic testimony of the martyr Tyndale. As for me, I ivill behold Thy face in righteousness : 1 shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness. Psa. 17:15. When He shall appear, toe shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is. Uo.3:2. Holy One] "pVDn holy ones, but very many of the best MSS. have the word in the singular, TDn, and this is es- NOTES. 317 lished by the marginal reading, and all the ancient versions. in 1'hy presence is fulness of joy] Dr. Randolph conjectures that instead of V3C the LXX. read JDB>K. (257) Psa. title.] "It must be remem- bered," says Dr. Davidson, "that the inscriptions of the Psalms are not of canonical authority; and we should be- ware of relying solely or implicitly upon them. They have been frequently dis- turbed by transcribers, and erroneously added in recent times." (Sacred Her- meneutics, p. 243, where a note refers to De Wette's Comm. on the Psalms, transl. in the American Bibl. Repos. for 1833, by Prof. Torrey.) In the present case the title is canonical, being taken from 2 Sam. (259) Psa. line] It has been sug- gested that instead of Dip line, the LXX. read D?1p sound; but probably the for- mer word may be taken to mean a string, and thence a musical sound. The Greek rendering is supported by the Chaldee paraphrase, by the Syriac and Arabic versions, by Jerome, and by the translation of Symmachus, who uses the word rjx os - Rom.] The material heavens declare their Maker's glory, and the stars His praise ; and, as Leighton beautifully remarks, " we miss the chief benefit of those bright lamps, if we use them not to light us up to heaven." But the apostle shews that the Psalm contains a deeper mystery, and that the stars denote the church of God (see No. 38). He bringeth out their host by number; He calleth them all by names; by the greatmss of His might, for that He is strong in power, not one faileth. Isa. 40 : 26. (260) Psa.] " The whole Psalm," as the martyr Justin says, " is spoken of Christ." For ver. 13, see No. 233. That wonderful expression in the 1 6th verse, They pierced My hands and My feet, not being quoted in the N.T., does not fall within our compass. It is, however, referred to in Note 293. Matt.] The lamentation uttered by the Saviour on the cross differs from the Psalm only in the last word. In- stead of •orary, He said, ^r\pzw, a Chaldee and Syriac verb of precisely the same import, and the word now found in the Chaldee paraphrase. Mark] neaidy cites the LXX. (263) Psa. of the congregation] i<- Kkrjcrias, of the church. The term is used ] >ro] >hetically : in the proper sense of the word, the church was not manifested until after the Saviour's passion. (264) See also the sections numbered 229, xx (p. 283), and G (p. 287). (265) Psa.] Comp. Psa. 50:12, h ^ ... I n«?E1 ?2T\ ...for the world is Mine, and the fulness thereof. ... ipi) yap eartv r) oi.KOvp.evr) nal to 7rAi)pcoua avrrjs. (266) Psa.] This Psalm is commonly supposed to refer to our Lord's ascen- sion ; but another interpretation, and, as I believe, a sounder one, applies it to the inauguration of His kingdom. 1 Cor.] Even when crucified He was the Lord of glory : He was indeed the King of glory, but His manifestation as such being yet future, that title is not used. (272) See also No. 1, and section Y, p. 293. Comp.Prov. 8, Wisdom; alsoHeb. 11:3, the worlds (alcbvas) were framed by the Word (pr) pari) of God. (274) 1 Pet.] Cited somewhat freely, and with a change of person. (275) John.] "We may, perhaps, safely regard the Saviour's words as referring to all the passages indicated. (277) A similar expression occurs in the apocryphal book of Enoch (6:9); The elect shall possess light, joy, and peace ; and they shall inherit the earth. (279) Psa. Mine ears hast Thou opened] This has been regarded as re- ferring to the law of servitude, Exod. 21:6. Deut. 15:17; but the words may denote the opening of the ears to hear (see Isa. 50:5). It is, however, pro- bable that the present Hebrew text is corrupted, and that instead of D^TN ears, it was originally !"I1J TN then a body. This is the opinion of Dr. Kennicott, who remarks that the letters are either identical or very much alike ; and that this would be the case with the con- cluding letter in particular, if in a ma- nuscript the line on wdiich it was written happened to be blacker than ordinary — a frequent cause of error. The root, D"D, means as well to prepare as to dig, pierce, or open. All known MSS. of any 318 NOTES. authority concur in the present read- ing, which is also supported by the Syriac, Chaldee, and Vulgate. The Ethiopic version nearly agrees with the LXX. The Arabic has both readings : a body hast Thou prepared Me, and Mine ears hast Thou opened. Some think that the corruption has taken place in the Septuagint, supposing that toTia has been changed into aco/ia. This opinion seems to be refuted by St. Paul's context, ver. 10, where he refers to the word crayxa. Heb.] Cited from the LXX., with some slight variations. (281) John] This differs from the LXX. (283) Psa. Thy throne, God] Ger- man expositors have laboured hard to overthrow the received explanation of this passage, but without success. No other interpretation can be sustained by a grammatical investigation of the Hebrew. Apart from this, Paul's quo- tation is enough to fix the meaning. Dr. Davidson (Sac. Herm. p. 20) rightly characterises the proposed rendering, God is Thy throne, as " harsh and inca- pable of vindication." 6 Qeos is a voca- tive, the usual Septuagintal form. God.. hath anointed Thee] As the oil of gladness is the Holy Spirit, we have here a distinct reference to the three persons of the Blessed Trinity. Comp. Note 473. Thy fellows] Thy fellow men. (286) Psa. be clear] To be clear in judgment is to overcome, as the word is rendered by the LXX. (290) Psa. Thou hast received] This differs from Paul's quotation, which, however, agrees with the Chaldee, Sy- riac, Arabic, and Ethiopic. It is sup- posed that the Hebrew was originally not nnp?, as at present, but np?n. Possibly, however, the LXX. understood the former word to mean brought. Such appears to be its meaning in some other places. Eph.] The N.T. reading is strength- ened by the context : He gave some, apostles, etc. The 9th verse may pro- perly be rendered thus: Now that ex- pression, He ascended, what is it ..A See No. 365. (291) Misnumbered. (293) It is a favourite statement with German teachers and their followers in this and other countries, that the evangelists were ever seeking, in their Master's acts and sufferings, the fulfil- ment of prophetic declarations ; and, some add, that they were not over scrupulous in finding what they sought. Our present section refutes the ca- lumny. The gall and the vinegar were foretold by David in terms the most distinct : yet the evangelists, while they record the event, are silent as to the prophecy. So with respect to that wonderful prediction in Psalm 22:16, they pierced My hands and My feet. In describing the crucifixion of our Lord, the evangelists are altogether silent as to the piercing of His hands and feet; the fact that they were pierced is only mentioned incidentally (Lu. 24:40. Jo. 20: 25). (294) Psa. and that which should have been for their tvelfare] Ren- dered by the LXX. koi tls avrairobo- (tlv. Horsley approves the rendering. This is one of the Psalms denomi- nated imprecatory. " Haec non optan- do sunt dicta," says Augustine, " sed optandi specie, prophetando, predicta" (De Civ. Dei. xvii. 19). Yet we object not to a stronger view, since the de- struction of all God's enemies is equally implied in the petition which we daily offer, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth. Rom.] The apostle quotes the LXX. freely ; his enlargement — perhaps we should say, double translation — only renders it more emphatic. (295) Matt. Lu.] From Paul's cita- tion of the preceding context (No. 294) we learn that the prophecy has a special reference to the majority of Israel : the language of the evangelists may shew that what David terms their habitation, is the temple. Acts] The passage is here quoted in the singular, with reference to Judas, " the great leader of the Jewish apos- tasy." (296) Rev. 13:8] This should cer- tainly be rendered, whose names were not written, from the foundation of the world, in the book of life of the Lamb slain. The most ancient MSS. read, [every one] whose name was not written. Irenteus has, cujus nomen. Comp. 17:8. NOTES. 319 Rev. 22:19.] The marginal reading is, on critical grouuds, undoubtedly the true one. (297) Matt.] It is remarkable that the former part of this quotation lite- rally accords with the LXX., and that the latter portion altogether differs; not indeed in sense, but verbally. (301) See Eze. 23:4, Aholibah; mar- gin, That is, My tabernacle in her. (302) Psa. pour out] Comp. Psa. 69 : 24. Jer. 6:11. Eze. 7:8, etc., and Eev. 16:1. that have not knoion Thee] A phrase used with reference to the heathen. Comp. Gal. 4 : 8. Believers are said to have knoivn God, or rather to have been known of God, Gal. 4 : 9. Nominal Christians are spoken of as professing that they know God, Tit. 1:16; as say- ing, / know Him, 1 Jo. 2 :4. The Lord Jesus shall be revealed... in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, viz. the heathen, and on them that obey not the gospel, — another class. 2 Thess. 1 : 7, 8. (303) John.] An argument d fortiori; yet not an express avowal of Divinity. (305) See also Nos.183 and 491. (307) See also No. 339, and the pas- sages there cited; likewise 2 Sam. 7:13, and numerous other places. (309) Psa.] Under the former dis- pensation the enquiry was a proper one ; but it has no legitimate place amongst Christians. There are few more decided indications of the fallen condition of the church than the general admission that death is certain. (311) It may be that these scriptures, taken in connexion with others, and particularly with the ordinance of the sabbath, countenance the ancient and widely spread opinion (traceable a- mongst Pagans, Jews, and Christians) of the seven ages of the world. (312) Matt. Luke.] Satan's omission has been often noticed: the prevalent opinion respecting his intention is per- haps questionable. (313) Compare No. 553 ; also Isa. 17: 12, 13. (314) 1 Cor. of the wise] What the O.T. states of men generally, the N.T. affirms of a particular class. But in some MSS., and in the Vulg. and Copt., the quotation agrees with the O.T. (315) The differences from the LXX. are but slight ; perhaps merely various readings. (316) Comp. Joel 2 : 10. Nah. 1 : 5. (320) Psa.] Compare Isa. 51: 6. The reading d\\d£eis, which is found in the Alex, ed., seems the true one. (321) Psa. spirits] Rather, winds. a flaming fire] Angels are here com- pared to the lightning. Heb.] The apostle's application of the text must be considered as fixing the meaning of the Hebrew, which is in itself ambiguous. The sense approved by the apostle agrees with the Chaldee paraphrase, and very remarkably with No. 485. (322) Psa. Praise ye the Lord] There is considerable difference between the Hebrew and the Greek copies of the Psalter as to the use of the word Hal- lelujah. In the latter (ed. Vat.) it is often regarded as the title of the Psalm ; never as final. The difference between the copies is for the most part one of division only. (325) Heb. 10. for ever, sat doivn] This passage was for many years mis- pointed in our English Bibles, but is now happily corrected. (326) Psa.] The » in TO1 is an in- terpolation. As to other corruptions in the Hebrew of this Psalm, see Dr. Randolph, pp. 41, 48. Heb. 5. called of God] Not in the way of vocation, but of address. (336) Eph. apostles and prophets] The prophets here spoken of are those of the Christian dispensation : this might be proved by many arguments, which space forbids us to adduce. Compare 1 Cor. 12:28. Eph. 3:5. 4:11. Rev. 18: 20. (337) Matt. 11. Luke 7. He that should come] 6 epxopevos, lie that is coming ; a name applied to the expected Messiah, and perhaps referring to the Psalm here indicated. Compare Heb. 10 : 37. Rev. 1 : 8. Also No. 603. 320 NOTES. Matt. 23. Ye shall not see Me hence- forth, till ye shall say, etc.] Jesus was about to leave the world, to be seen no more by Israel, till His return as their accepted King. (345) Comp. Obad. 15. (347) Eom. Gal. no flesli] iraara aapt- is a frequent Hebraism for all men. Comp.Gen.6:12,13. 9:11; also No. 423. (353) Prov. as a father] The LXX. considered 3N3 as one word. Bp. Jebb shews from the poetic parallelism that this is correct. (354) Prov.] The difference between the Hebrew and the Greek is not easily reconcileable. The Arabic agrees with the LXX. James. God] Some copies read Ki'pioc, and so the Armenian and Sclavonic versions. James. IPet.] Observe several words in the context of each passage. (356) James. 1 Pet.] Agreeable, in sense, with the Hebrew. The LXX. widely differs. (357) 1 Pet.] This text, unlike that last mentioned, follows the LXX., widely as they differ from the Hebrew. The copies cannot be reconciled by any change of pointing. (364) See sect. Ff, page 295. (368) See also the foot-note to Mark 1:2,3, in No. 423. (369) Pom. a seed] The passage closely follows the LXX., differing from the Hebrew. (370) Col.] Probably a reference to Isa. 1. " Sed putat esse de sabbato dictum % Numquid et nos non dicimus ista non esse observanda, sed ilia po- tius quas his signincantur V Augustin. contra Adiruam. Manich. cap. xvi. 3. He refers to Gal. 4:10. (373) Isa. My wellbeloved hath a vine- yard] Comp. the Heb. with Sol. Song 8:11. Solomon had a vineyard, and 2 Sam. 12:25, where Solomon is called Jedidiah, rVPT, that is, Beloved of the Lord. (375) Isa. Holy, holy, holy] Jews, as well as Christians, have regarded this as referring to the Sacred Trinity. E. Simeon Ben Jochai expounds it thus : " Holy, that is, the Father ; Holy, that i s, the Son ; Holy, that is, the Holy Spirit."* This view is by no means discordant with the fact that the pro- phet saw the glory of Messiah (see No. 377), for through Him alone have all manifestations of the Godhead been vouchsafed to man, even from the first. The trisagion is also found in Psa. 99. (376) Comp. No. 116; also, 2 Chr. 5: 13,14. Eze. 10:4. (377) Comp. No. 177. Isa. Heb. Hear ye, indeed, etc.] This might be pointed so as to read, Ye shall hear, but not understand ; and ye shall see, but not perceive.. This people hath made, etc.f It would thus agree in sense with the LXX., the Syriac, and the Arabic, as well as with Matt, and Acts. Matt.] This follows the LXX. almost exactly. Mark.] This agrees remarkably with the Targum of Jonathan on Isa. 6; especially if with some MSS. we omit to. d/xaprij/xara. nm i^DriDD t^i yoiro pyEtn... X\wyi iiTrv ntbi ... : ryT ^l wno : iir6 pnriB"! pmm... ... that hearing they may hear and not understand, and seeing they may see and not know ... that they may not see with their eyes ... and be converted, and their sins be forgiven them. Compare Sophocles, Prom. Vinct. 456. jSXeTTovres ej3\(7Tov fiarr/v, Kkvoi/Tes ovk tjkovov. Luke.] This is a reference. John.] If we suppose the nominative of T€TvKev to be \aos ovtos, and read avroiv with an aspirate, the citation will be a good translation of the original, only somewhat abridged. So Dr. Ran- dolph. when he saiv His glory] Christ is hereby proved to be the King, the Lord of hosts. See Note 375. Acts.] The version of the LXX. is very nearly followed. spake the Holy Ghost] Isaiah says, / heard the voice of the Lord. That name, therefore, belongs to the Holy Spirit. (379) Isa.] Compare Mic. 5:3, which has been regarded as a reference to this prophecy. * This, with many other ancient Jewish testi- monies, will be found in Ambrose Serle's Essay upon the doctrine of the Trinity, at the end of the first volume of his llora; Solitarise. t L. Capelli til. Arcan. Punct. p. 535. NOTES. 321 Matt, they shall call] KnXeVets-. Cod. Beza?, and several fathers. (381) Isa. the Lord of hosts Himself] That Christ is intended is plain from ver. 14. (382) Rom.] Quoted from two pas- sages of Isaiah. The words, a stumbling- stone, and rock of offence, agree with the Hebrew here, but not with the LXX. See Note 410. 1 Pet.] This also agrees with the Hebrew. (383) Luke.] For a read b . Isa. 28:13 may be compared; also Matt. 24:10. (384) Heb.] / will put My trust in Him] Comp. 2 Sam. 22:3, parallel with Psa. 18:2; also Psa. 91 :2. Isa. 12:2. Behold, I, etc.] Originally spoken by Isaiah. (386) Isa.] The reader is desired to prefix njD to the Hebrew, and 'when' to the English version of it. This, ac- cording to Dr. Randolph, is the begin- ning of the sentence, the preceding words properly belonging to the former chapter. This view has the sanction of the ancient versions, and it not only relieves the passage from much ob- scurity, but suggests a translation full of meaning. As the former time made vile (or, debased) the land of Zabidon and the land of Naphtali, so the latter time shall make it glorious. The way of the sea, etc. The Sept. is obscure, and perhaps corrupt. Galilee of the nations] Fiirst regards this as identical with the nations of Gilgal, bibi D^J, Jos. 12:23, but this may be questioned. walked in darkness] Comp. Jo. 8:12. Matt.] The evangelist cites some de- tached words from the former part of the sentence above-mentioned, — The land of Zabidon, and the land of JVeph- thalim, — and then proceeds according to the Heb. of the latter part of it, — The way of the sea, etc. The only dif- ference is, KaOrjfievos, sat, instead of D^^nn walked. See the foot-notes to the section ; also Psa. 107 : 10, 14. (388) Luke] The rest of the passage, ... and of His kingdom there shall be no end, seems to refer to the former part of the verse in Isaiah, — Of the increase o/His government and peace there shall be no end ... (390) Isa. the sand of the sea] See Note 38. Rom.] This nearly agrees with the LXX. (391) Probably a reference. (392) See No. 548. As there were many types of the Messiah, so there have been many figures of the Anti- christ. Holy scripture warns us, in many places, of one in whom the cha- racteristics of these evil types will be united. Isa. the rod of His mouth] Compare No. 442. (393) The LXX. slightly abridged. (394) Isa. the day of the Lord] Comp. Isa.2:12. Eze.l3:5. 30:3. Joel 1:1.5. 2: 1. 3 : 14. Zeph. 1 : 7, 14. Obad. 5. Zech. 14:1. Mai. 4:5. Also, the day of our Lord J. C, in 1 Cor. 1:8. of the Lord J., in 1 Cor. 5:5. 2 Cor. 1:14. the day of Christ, Phil. 2:16. the day of God, 2 Pet. 3:12. Likewise, day for judgment, in 1 Cor. 3: 13. 4:3. (395) Comp. Luke 21-25. Rev. 8:12. (396) Comp. No. 597. (398) See No. 536. (403) Isa.] Theodotion agrees with the N.T. in victory] A Hebraism, signifying for ever. The Syriac reads, death is swallowed up in victory for ever — a double rendering. Comp. 2 Sam. 2 : 26, Shall the sword devour for ever ? T\^y>, els vIkos ; also Matt. 12:20, in No. 430. (404) Comp. Pindar, Olymp. 2. Z8a- Kpvv vefxovTdi aicova. (409) Isa. stammering] Com]). Isa. 33:19. Aquila agrees with the N.T. 1 Cor. in the law] The name is here applied to the O. T. generally. The words are taken, in substance, from the Hebrew, but changed into the first person. (410) Isa. make haste] Some have thought that the LXX. read not VftTV but K>*2\ This supposition is hardly necessary, as their rendering conveys the secondary meaning of the Hebrew. So the Arab. Comp. Deut. 20:3, marg. The N.T. passages agree with the LXX. in this, but not in all respects. T T 322 NOTES. (411) See Note 177. (412) Is a.] It is probable that the Hebrew is here corrected by the Greek. The LXX. seem to have read inm in- stead of *nm, and DHBte for m»fo. The Arab, accords with the Sept. Matt.] The Sept. is nearly followed. Mark.] It is here abridged. (413) Isa.] Tire Arabic, like the LXX., reads in the first person. shall be hid] Or, shall disappear, or vanish. 1 Cor.] This agrees with the LXX., except as to the last word, which is more forcible. (414) Rom.] Not a formal quotation ; but the language is obviously borrowed from Isaiah. (417) Comp. the foot-note to section 549. (423) Isa. Gr. the salvation of God] This is also in the Arabic. Lowth ad- mits it as a part of the text. Luke 3.] Here a clause is omitted. (424) Isa.] There is a great similarity of idea in Psa. 102:11, 12. 103:15—17. Uo. 2:17. Comp. No. 339. (426) Isa. directed] LXX. and Arab. known. (427) This clause may be an inter- polation from the N.T. Rom.] Bp. Jebb (Sac. Lit. pp. 114, 117, 120) has some excellent remarks on the sublime passage of which these words form a part. He regards it as a complex quotation or imitation of se- veral texts in the O.T., and supposes that the apostle had in mind Psa. 3b" : 6. Job 11: 7, 8. 5:9. 36:22,23. Jer.23:18. Isa. 40:13, 15. Romanists often refer to the clause in the present section as a citation from the book of Wisdom. See sect, xii., page 280 — where the first clause in the foot-note should be ob- literated. (430) Isa.] In the Sept. the passage is obscured by the addition of the names Jacob and Israel. The version of Theodotion nearly agrees with the N.T. Matt.] This agrees mainly with the Hebrew, but there is a verbal discrep- ance as regards the clause, till lie send forth judgment unto victory. As to etc vIkov, see Note 403. The final clause of the citation is like the LXX. (431) See No. 5. (434) See Note 70. (438) Isa. The following verse be- gins, v HIITO "]X surely in the Lord I have, etc. The LXX., like the Arabic, join nin^ to the verse preceding, omit- ting *]X and v. Rom. As I live] This differs from Isa., but is an equivalent expression often used elsewhere. See No. 141. (439) See Prov. 18:1, marg. Eze. 14 : 7. Hos.4:14. 9:10. (440) ISA.] Comp. Zeph. 2 : 15. Rev.] Comp. 2Esdr. 15:49. (442) Comp. No. 392 ; also Eph. 6 :17, the sword of the Spirit; and Heb. 4:12, sharper than any two-edged sword. (443) Isa. TKee] Messiah is addressed. The use of the passage by Paul and Barnabas shews that it is also applica- ble to Christ's mystical body. (447) Rev.] See also ch. 18:6, in the cup which she hath filled, etc. 19:15, the winepress of the fierceness and wrath, etc. (450) Isa.] The Greek is probably corrupt ; the Chald., Syr., and Arabic, support the Hebrew. Comp. the text from Nahum. If wpa were admissible, it might, taking it in the twofold sense of season and beauty, denote the beau- teous hour of dawn, when the mountain tops are gilt by the earliest rays of the yet unrisen sun. The reading is followed by Origen, Cyril Alex., and Jerome. Perhaps it was borrowed from the text in Joel, where the figure occurs, but ex- pressed in other words. Rom.] Omits upon the mountains. There is a distinct reference to this text of Isaiah in Eph. 6:15, - uofxeaox- 239. Pws Mocrox- Compl. and many others. 0o/3eX is in the Compl. eovj3a\. (521) See No. 9 1. (522) Comp. Jer. 12:9. (527) Eze.] The obscure rendering of the LXX. arises from their having read irop rr.T instead of n»B> nin). (528-561) Daniel.] The passages in Greek are taken from the document alleged to be the book of Daniel ac- cording to the LXX. This at an early period was neglected, the more accurate version of Theodotion having been sub- stituted for it in the service of the church and in the ordinary MSS., and retaining its place to the present day in the printed editions of the LXX. The older copy was long considered to be lost, but having been discovered in a library at Rome, it was printed in a separate form in 1772. It is in- cluded in the magnificent work of Holmes and Parsons, as well as in the Septuagint lately published by the Messrs. Bagster [1851]. That this do- cument includes a part of what we de- nominate the Septuagint version is not improbable ; that it should ever have been published as wholly or mainly of that version is marvellous. Setting aside the apocryphal portions, it is evident that the book is compounded of at least two distinct translations, one exceedingly close and servile, ano- ther just as loose and paraphrastic. (531) The phrase, kingdom of heaven, occurs only in the gospel of St. Matthew (in which it is very frequent), and ge- nerally in discourses to which there are no parallels in the other gospels. In the few parallel places in Mark and Luke, the expression is invariably king- dom of God (Mark 1 : 14. 15. 4:30. Lu. 6:20. 7:28. 8:10). In John there are no parallels at all. The expression, kingdom of God, oc- curs in all the gospels — most frequently in Luke — in John in one passage only (3:3, 5). It is found also in several places of the Acts of the Apostles, and of the Ejiistles of St. Paul. (533) Dan. the Son of God] By this phrase was doubtless meant an angel of God, as the Greek expresses it : yet we believe the Eternal Son was there. In Job 1 : 6, and 38 : 7, the LXX. render sons of God by uyyeXot. (536) Rev. 14.] See Jer. 22:8, ...rf, iTokei ravr?] rrj fieyaXrj ; Compare Rev. 18:10. (539) Comp, 2 Tim. 4:17, a passage NOTES. 325 which seems rather to refer to 1 Sam. 17:37. (540) See also 2 Esdr. 11 : 39, 40. (541) Comp. Matt. 19:28. Lu. 22:30, twelve thrones. (545) Matt. 16.] Comp. the prayer of the dying thief. Matt. 24, etc.] Compare Acts 1 :9, a cloud received Him, with ver. 11, shall so come. (547) Dan. a time, etc.] This well known prophetic period, the half of seven literal years, is variously express- ed. The midst of the week (not a week of days, but simply a hebdomad), Dan. 9:27. Three years and six months {a, typical period), Luke 4:25. Jas. 5:17. Forty and two months, Eev. 11:2. 13:5. A thousand two hundred and threescore days, Eev. 11:3. 12:6. There seems much reason to believe that our Lord's ministry was of this duration. There is another period bearing a certain rela- tion to it, viz., three days and an half, Rev. 11:9, 11. (548) See No. 392. (550) Matt. Mark, understand] Corn- Dan. 9: 23, 25. (555) Dan.] Compare Num. 24:24. Chittim was a son of Javan, the father of the Greeks. The meaning which the LXX. attached to this text is worthy of attention. (558) Rev. 13.] See Note 296. (564) See the context of Hosea, After two days. Also, Matt. 27 : 63, 64. Mark 8:31. Lu. 24:21. Likewise the saying as to this temple, Matt. 26:61. 27:40. Mar. 14 : 58. 15 : 29. Jo. 2 : 19. And Lu. 13 : 32, the third day I shall be perfected. 1 Cor.] See the type of Isaac (Note 36). There are other types, as that of the first fruits offered on the morrow after the sabbath (Lev. 23 : 10), and that of Jonah. (569) Hos.] Israel is here spoken of not merely as a nation, but likewise as a type of the Messiah. It is, perhaps, not too much to say, that in all His names, offices, and actions, the Lord Christ is reflected by Israel on the one hand and the church on the other. We refer to a few texts shewing this fact, so far as Israel is concerned. Exod. 4 : 22, Israel is My son, even My firstborn. Jer. 33:16, she shall be called, The Loud our righteousness. Psa. 105:15, Touch not Mine anointed. Exod. 19:6, a king- dom of priests. Israel was born in the promised land, but went into Egypt, where (says the Lord in Israel's person) I heard a language that J understood not, Psa. 81 :5. Out of Egypt, says God, have I called My Son. After tins came, the day of temptation in the wilderness. Not to mention other points of resem- blance, we refer lastly to section Wtl. Matt.] The Hebrew is here followed. (571) Hos.] Probably the Hebrew is here corrected by the Greek. The LXX. seem to have read iTK instead of TIX, in two places, and their rendering nearly accords with the Syr. and Arab. Com- pare, however, Hos. 13:10, margin. 1 Cor.] Here is a transposition. (574) Joel.] Comp. 2 Cor. 2:16, Kal TTf,OS TCIVTCI TIS IKCIVOS ', Hev. day of His wrath"] Comp. Psa. 110:5. Eze. 7 : 19. Rom. 2 : 5. Rev. 11:18. (575) Joel, afterward] Kimchi says that p nns is the same as nnnxn CDTI, in the last days, the expression used by the apostle. Acts, this is that which was spoken] A partial and inchoate accomplish- ment of it, not the complete fulfilment. Lord Bacon well remarks that divine prophecies " have their completion not only at stated times, but in succession, as participating of the nature of their Author, with whom a thousand years are but as one day, and therefore are not fulfilled punctually at once, but have a growing accomplishment throughout many ages, though the height and ful- ness of them may refer to a single age or moment." De Augm. Scient. sec. 1 . These words express a great truth, still the principle must not be pushed too far. (576) Joel, in the remnant] The LXX. read D^TIt^ as one word. (579) Amos. Chiun] The Syrian name of the planet Saturn. Rcephan is be- lieved to be the Coptic equivalent. beyond Damascus] That is, into the East. Stephen substitutes, beyond Ba- bylon, which may be regarded as expla- natory of the prophet's phrase. One or two MSS. of Acts read, beyond Da- mascus. Dele the last five words of the Hebrew. 326 NOTES. (581) Amos, that they may possess the remnant of Edom] This is corrupted. Instead of W\" and DHK, the LXX. read 1CHT and D"IX. So the Arabic. Acts, after this] See Note 575. (582) Jonah] The LXX. evidently read '"' 12]! ; the "' being often used as an abbreviation of HIPP. So some MSS. (583) of the fish] Gr. ktjtovs, a word denoting any large fish. (584) Mic. Beth-lehem Ephratah] See lChr.4:4. 1 Sa. 17:12. though thou be little, etc.] This should doubtless be pointed as a question, art thou little among the thousands of Judah? implying a decided negative, which in Matt, is expressed by oufiu/xcor. The Heb. is translated interrogatively by the Syriac interpreter and Archbp. Newcome. The Arabic inserts a ne- gative. Matt.] The Codex Bezse reads, fxrj in- terrogatively, and so the old Italic and some of the Latin fathers. (587) Hab. among the heathen] The LXX. and the apostle appear to have read, not D'-m but W)1 or DH32. The Syr. and Arab, agree with the LXX. marvellously] The LXX. add, 23, is evident. These suggested changes are countenanced by a few MSS. The Arabic version agrees in sense with the apostle. the just shall live by his faith] LXX. £k iria-Tedis /iov. The Alex, places pod after biicaios. The Syr., Arab., and one Heb. MS. omit the pronoun. Heb.] The clauses are transposed. (590) Comp. 2Esdr. 5:5. (593) Hag. it is a little while] Omitted by the LXX., Syr., and Arab. Compare No. 407. (594) Matt.] It is impossible to de- termine certainly who is the Zacharias here referred to, but from his father's name it may be supposed that the pro- phet is intended. Though his martyr- dom is not elsewhere recorded, this opinion is the most probable one. Luke.] The likeness between this passage and the opening of the book of Zechariah is obvious. (595) Zech.] The Hebrew speaks of three sorts of horses behind that of the leader, the Greek mentions four; for we cannot suppose that kcu yjsapol ku\ ttoik'lXoi refer to the same class. Kev. red] Fiery; so 2 Ki. 2 : 11. 6:17. (598) See sect. Gg, page 295. (G03) Zech. He is just, and having salvation] Omitted in the N. T, perhaps because referring to that future time when He shall appear.. .unto salvation (Heb. 9:28). Comp. Isa. 45 : 21, a just God and a Saviour. lowly] Dr. Randolph suggests, per- haps needlessly, that the LXX. read, not "Oy afflicted, but 13J? meek. Matt.] Tell ye the daughter of Sion] These words are from Isaiah. Behold, thy King cometh] In this gospel narrative the early church per- ceived, what few see now, a shadow of Messiah's future kingdom. Hence it has been read for many centuries on the first Sunday of Advent. upon an ass, and a colt, etc.] The record of St. Matthew shews that this is not, as might have been supposed, a mere poetic parallelism, but that there were in fact two animals. See verse 2. The mystical significance of this fact is pointed out by Justin Martyr (Dial, cum Tryph.), and by Faber Stapulensis (Conini. in Matt.). John] mentions the colt only. Comp. Jo. 19 : 14,"l8e 6 BaaiXevs vpSiv. (604) Zech. the pit, etc.] The grave. The two texts connect the resurrection of our Lord with that of His people, who are already in a sense risen ivith Christ, Col. 3 : 1. The same truth is emphatically stated in Isa. 26 : 19, where the Italics should be omitted : Thy dead shall live; My dead body shall they arise. (605) Matt, by Jeremy the prophet] Some think that the name Jeremy is an interpolation, and that the passage NOTES. 327 originally stood, by the prophet (as Matt. 1:22. 2:5,15. 13:35. 21:4). So MSS. 33 and 157 of Griesbach's notation, some MSS. mentioned by Augustine, some Latin MSS., and the Syriac and Persian. Others suppose the name was originally Zacharias. So MS. 22, and one or two other copies. Another view is that the book of Zechariah being in that division of the sacred canon which had Jeremiah at its commence- ment, was included under that title. So Lightfoot. Perhaps after all, the words, though written by Zechariah, were spoken by Jeremy. The Jews say that " the spirit of Jeremiah rested on Zechariah :" if so, the latter may have written things spoken by the former. The singular theory of Dr. Hofman, who maintains that Matthew refers chiefly to Jer. 19:11 — 13, sub- ordinately to the text in Zechariah, may be seen in the Jo. of Sac. Lit. N. S. v. 1 45, etc. Few, probably, will be dis- posed to receive it. If we adopt the Conjecture that in Matthew's citation we should, for e'Sco- Kav read edcoica. (as in MSS. 24. 31. Gb., and the Syriac versions), the difficulty attending this citation is considerably lessened. Kal eXafiov ra rpiaKovra dpyv- pia, (ttjv riprjv rov reTip.rjp.ivov, ov eripr)- davTO inrb vlatv 'lapar/X,) Kal e'Sco/ca avra els rov dypbv rov Kepapecos, icada avvera^e poi Kvpios. The parenthesis seems to be an explanation by the evangelist; the latter clause, k. a. p. K., may also be explanatory, or there may possibly be an error in the present Hebrew text. In some MSS. mn* IV3 is omitted : the clause, K.o-.p. K., is in the Arabic. The reader may compare Jer. 13:5. 18:3. thirty pieces of silver] The price of a slave, Ex. 21: 32. Phil. 2:7. (607) Zech. upon Me] Nearly forty Heb. MSS. read, not vS upon Me, but IvN upon Him, and so John. The Sept. is scarcely capable of any sense. (608) Zech. smite] As the verse pro- ceeds in the first person, it is possible that it should be so here — not ~|n, but "IK. So the Arabic. (613) Mal. My messenger] The three evangelists concur in adding, before Thy face. before Me] They also read, before Thee. These differences are not found in any ancient version, nor are they easily to be accounted for. Matt.] Prefix the || (614) "Are we then," asks Krum- macher, " still to expect a return of Elias ? According to the scripture," he replies, "I must believe that, at the time of the restoration and conversion of Israel, he will again appear upon the earth." The observations of Lord Bacon, cited in Note 575, are strongly applica- ble to this prophecy. (615) See Note 202. (616) The latter part of this quota- tion seems to be a Rabbinical state- ment of the purport of the law. (617) This appears to be a similar statement. (619) This, like Jo. 17:12, seems to be a general reference to the prophe- cies concerning the traitor Judas. See Nos. 281, 295, 324. (620) It is, 1 doubt not, a mistake to regard this as a quotation : it is merely a reference to those passages of scrip- ture in which the Spirit is promised under the figure of water. See Isa. 44 : 3. 55:1. 58:11. Eze. 36:25. Zech. 14:8. Comp. Jo. 3 : 5. 4 : 10. It is well known, that on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, water from Siloam was poured upon the altar with much cere- mony, and the recitation of the words of Isaiah (12:3), with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. Our Lord hence took occasion to instruct the people. The ceremonies are de- scribed by Godwyn (Moses and Aaron, lib.iii. c. 6), Otho (Lex. Rab. Phil. 200), as well as by Lightfoot and many other writers. (622) It does not appear that any specific text is here alluded to. (623) A reference, perhaps, to the general tenor of the Old Testament with regard to women. (624) See sect, r, page 298. (625) I do not think that the gospels are here cited under the name 17 ypacpfj. That expression refers, I believe, only to the precept, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. The declaration that the labourer is worthy of his reward, is an exposition of the scripture. It was evidently proverbial. 328 NOTES. (626) Since the foot-note was written I have seen reason to believe that the passage mentioned in it is that which the apostle cites. He is speaking of mount Sinai, not with reference to an isolated event, but as the type of the legal dispensation. The Jews came to Sinai ; we are come to Sion. Sinai gendereth to bondage; Jerusalem which is above is free (Gal. 4). Moses said, 1 exceedingly fear and quake; we, indeed, have cause for reverence, but not for servile fear. (627) This is a passage of much dif- ficulty, for although it has the form and appearance of a quotation, there is no antecedent text to which it can be fairly regarded as a reference. If we allow the punctuation of Griesbach and Scholz — Think ye that the scripture speaks in vain? — the inquiry what scripture is spoken of, still demands an answer. The spirit that dwelleth in us] There are many passages which lead to the conclusion that this means the Holy Ghost. That Augustine thought so may probably be inferred from a pas- sage in which he speaks of concupis- cence — " concupiscentia carnis, adver- sus quam bonus concupiscit Spiritus." Contra Julian. Pelag. lib. v. cap. 8. It is difficult to regard the phrase as descriptive of a man's own spirit, which cannot properly be said to dwell in him, since it is his very self. lusteth to envy] Assuming the pre- ceding clause to be rightly interpreted, this may signify, striveth, in the way of earnest desire, against an envious in- clination. Another exposition, some- what favoured by the preceding context, regards the words as equivalent to an assertion that the indwelling Spirit is a jealous God, admitting of no rival. But it may well be doubted whether both these explanations do not involve a forced construction of the Greek. Some regard the passage as a question, — Doth the Spirit. ..lust to envy? — implying an emphatic negative. II.— APOCRYPHA. (i) 2Esdr.] Arab, and Ethiop. lEsdr. Vulg. 4 Esdr. Many parts of this book so very closely resemble passages in the N.T. that the likeness can only be ac- counted for by supposing — (1.) that the writers of the N.T. cited this book ; or, (2.) that the author of it and the writers of the N.T. derived whole passages from some common source, now lost sight of; or, (3.) that this book is, wholly or in part, the forgery of an age posterior to the Christian era. The last hypothesis is undoubtedly the true one. Dr. F. Lee* and Abp. Laurencef consider that the book was written or compiled before our Saviour's time, but interpolated after- wards. All the existing versions are be- lieved to be derived from the Greek, now lost, but the book is judged to have been originally written in Hebrew or Chaldee. Ch. 1 and 2 are absent from the Arabic and Ethiopic, as well as from some of the oldest Latin MSS. Ch. 15 * An Epistolary Discourse concerning the Books of Ezra, genuine and spurious. By Francis Lee, M.JJ. Lond. 1722. + Primi Liber Ezrs . . . Versio Ethiopica, etc. Oxon. 1820. 8vo. and 16 appear to form a separate trea- tise. It is to beregretted that Dr. F. Lee, and, in later times, Mr. J. H. Frere, should have conceded to the 2nd book of Esdras an authority which even the Tridentine Council did not venture to assert. (ii) Similar imagery occurs in Lucian, who speaks of a city in the islands of the blessed, all of gold, and the walls covered with emeralds. This, as well as other passages in his writings, would appear to have been copied from the N.T. He ched a.d. 180. (v) A most remarkable coincidence. (xii) Dele the first sentence in the foot-note. (xiii) Comp. 2 Esdr. 2:45. (xxiii) Jude.] It is not important to determine how Jude became acquainted with Enoch's prophecy : acknowledging him as an inspired apostle, we receive his statement as indubitably true. The corresponding passage in the so-called book of Enoch is printed side by side with the inspired record, not because it NOTES. 329 is supposed that the apostle quoted from that book, or necessarily from any book whatever, but to facilitate com- parison. The so-called book of Enoch is considered to have been composed in Hebrew. Its date is disputed, Abp; Laurence assigning it to a period shortly before the rise of Christianity,* others * The Book of Enoch the Prophet, etc. Oxford, 1821. 8vo. 3d ed. 1833. See also Home's In trod. 9th ed. v. 174. to about the middle of the second cen tury. It was natural that an impostoi (and such the author must have been,) should avail himself of so remarkable ;1 passage, whether it came to his know- ledge by oral tradition or otherwise. The language of Enoch's prophecy is in striking consonance with other passages. Comp. Isa. 66:15. Dan. 7:10. Rev. 1 :7. III.— ANCIENT JEWISH WRITINGS, Etc. All passages of the character indi- cated, which have been recognised as containing any decided verbal resem- blance to texts in the NT., are collected under this division. Numerous addi- tional examples, of an illustrative kind, will be found in Buxtorf, Lex. Chald. Talm. et Rabb. ; Otho, Lex. Rabb. Phil. ; Lightfoot's works, with the supple- mentary labours of Schoetgenius ; Meu- schen, NT. ex Talmude et Antiq. Heb. illustratum ; and the Commentary of Dr. Gill. (G) The hypothesis of Drusius and others that the Lord's prayer was col- lected out of the Jewish euchologies, is opposed by Tholuck in his Expos, of of the Sermon on the Mount. Home's Introd. 9th ed. iii. 343. (T) The following remarks are taken, in substance, from Otho (Lex. R. P. 2). N3K and »2«. It is needful to dis- tinguish the sense of these words, of which one pertains to the Hebrew idiom, the other to the Chaldee. '2N, indeed, denotes a natural father, but it also signifies an elder, master, or magistrate : JON denotes only a natural or adoptive father, and moreover signifies not only a father, but my father. This distinc- tion appears from the Talmudists, who, whenever mention is made of a natural father, use the word N3X (Gen. 22:7. 27:34. 48:18. Jud. 11:36. Isa. 8:4). When a father by seniority or dignity is spoken of, they use some other word, almost always rendering "OK by 2~\ or "ID, i. e. lord. (Bb) The explanation of the Baal Haturim, absurd as it is, fixes the mean- ing of the phrase in Acts, to which some have assigned another significa- tion, supposing the word he to mean Matthias. Mo.-ie.s BenMaimon declares that "whosoever betrays an Israelite into the hands of the Gentiles, ...hath no part in the world to come." (Cc) " Leaven, in the inspired writ- ings, is always taken as the type of naughtiness and sin." Cyril, Horn. Pasch. 19 (cited Jo. Sac. Lit. N.S. ii.479). (Ee) The tradition which ascribes the names of Jannes and Jambres to the magicians of Egypt is strongly at- tested, independently of the statement of St. Paul. The names. Jannes and Jammr, are found (as the Rev. D. I. Heath affirms*) in the Egyptian Papyri, published in 1844 by the trustees of the British Museum. The names are mentioned by Pliny (Nat. Hist. xxx. 7), and, as Eusebius informs us, by the Pythagorean philosopher, Numenius. R. Tanchum calls the magicians, Jonas aud Jombras; Ephraem Syrus speaks of them as Iannis and Iambaris ; and Abulfaragius, as Janees and Jimbrees. The rabbinical and other authorities will be found in Buxtorf, Lex. C.T. et R. 945 ; Otho, Lex. R. P. 77 ; Wetstein, N.T. ; and the commentaries of Drs. Gill and A. Clarke. (Gg) In Jalkut Rubeni (which has sometimes been referred to in connec- tion with this passage), Satan accuses Moses before God. Surenhusius, p. 699. * Athenajum, 1 lth Feb. ISM. The names occur separately, the former five times. The documents have been translated by Mr. Heath, and published under the title of The Exodus Papyri. U U 330 NOTES. IV.— GREEK POETS, Etc. (a) The Rev. W. G. Humphry, B.D., in his Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles (14:17), has the following re- marks. " Both the language and the rhythm of this passage lead to the con- jecture (which does not appear to have been proposed before) that it is a frag- ment from some lyric poem. Possibly the quotation is not exact, but even without alteration it may be broken into four lyric measures, thus : — Ovpav6\ 6iV fjl/MV {j\fTOVS 8L8ovs Ka\ Kaipovs \ KapTro(p6povs, ilxTTi\n\a>v rpo\(prjs kcu I eu'ppoavvrjs \ ras Ka\p8las. 1. Iambic; 2. Dochmaic and Choriamb.; 3. Trochaic; 4. Choriamb, and Iambic." (3') I have not succeeded in tracing this"vetus iambicum" beyond Ham- mond's Annotations. It is named by Dr. Hales. Chron. ii. 1234. (y) Aratus, who flourished about the year B.C. 270, was a native of Cilicia; most authorities say of the city of Sob, afterwards called Pompeiopolis ; but one writer says of Tarsus. The astro- nomical poem, entitled &aivopeva, is believed to be, in a great measure, a versification or close imitation of a prose work bearing the same appella- tion, written by Eudoxus, about a cen- tury before, but now lost. The poem opens thus : — * Ek Aior dp^cjpetrda, tov olbenor av8pes ea>pei> appr/Tov ! pearat 8e Aios Trdcrai pev dyvial, Tracrai 8 avdptjaTvcav apyopai pecrrr] 8e 6d- Xacrcra, icai ~kip.evts' nniTT] 8e Atoy K(xP^r le X*P a TrepifiaXelv TtKvov. There is, however, but little reason to suppose that Paul referred specifically to these or any other passages. He de- scribes the fight of the soldier of the cross as good in distinction from the * See Note y'. t Epimenides ; but he was certainly no obscure versifier. See Note i'. t Menander. See Note &'. warfare of the world. If there be any reference to an antecedent passage, it may be to Num. 8:24, where (in the 11 ebrew) the Levites are said to war the warfare of the tabernacle. See the marg. (tf) There is here, it must be owned, a striking similarity of sentiment, but, as Dr. A. Clarke observes, the apostle extends the thought infinitely higher, by language incomparably more exalted. iEschylus was born about 460 B.C., and died about 391. Many classical ex- amples of the phrase, king of kings, are adduced by Wetstein. For scriptural instances, see No. 161, p. 75. Compare Philo, De Decal. p. 749. 6 dyivvrjTos ko.1 dcpSapTOs, Kal aidtos ... Kal Baa-iXevs /3a- criXevovToov, Kill Geo? 6ewv. Grinfield, NT. Hellen. i. 1145. (ff) Grand as the passage is, how mean does it appear when contrasted with the glowing eloquence of the in- spired apostle ! Sophocles was born about 406 B.C. and died about 315. (t') Clement of Alexandria declares that Epimenides is the poet here re- ferred to, and Jerome found the passage in a poem, now lost, concerning oracles. Theodoret affirms that Callimachus (c. 230 B.C.) is the writer whom the apostle cites ; but this is a mistake, for he was not a Cretan, but a Cyrenian; nor has he the verse, but only a part of it — Kprjres del yj/evo-Tal. See a note in Dodd's translation of the Hymns of Callimachus, 1 755, p. 3. Epimenides is reckoned by some amongst the seven wise men of Greece. Clem. Alex. Strom. 1'b. Led. Par. 1641, p. 299. Titus, a prophet] It is hardly needful to remark that the poets of the Greeks and Romans were regarded as inspired. That this was very especially the case with Epimenides, is evident from the many testimonies given by Whitby. Cicei'o (De Divinat. lib. i.) speaks of him as " futura praesciens et vaticinans per furorem." The truth of this poet's testimony, appears from the notorious fact that Kprjri^tv was but another ex- pression for " to lie." 332 NOTES. Some other passages from classic- sources, which have been supposed, (for the most part, without the shadow of a probability,) to be alluded to in the NT., may be disposed of in a note ; in which I also mention a few remarkable coin- cidences of expression. To regard the passages here collected as quoted by the inspired writers, would generally involve absurdity — in some cases it would argue wickedness of heart. There are one or two instances in which the theory of quotation or reference is, perhaps, not absolutely inadmissible. MATT. 5:43, 'Ayam']a(is top nXrjo-lov o-ov, k.t.X. See Note 129. Hesiod. 13:13, & al. See Note 377. Sophocles. 19 :24. Celsus foohshly asserted our Lord's words to be borrowed from Plato (De Legibus, lib. v.) ; so we are told by Origen, Contra Celsum, lib. vi. (ed. Spencer, Cantab. 1677, p. 286). Jo. 3:3, iav fxf] tis yevvrjdrj avoo6tv. Comp. Plautus, Captivi. Di immortales, iterum gnat us videor, si vera autumas. Acts 17:24, 25, 'O Qs6s...ovk iv x ei P°~ tvoitjtois vaols /carotfcei, k.t.A. Comp. a fragment of Euripides : — Uolos d'av oikos t€kt6vu>v rrkaaOeis viro Ae/xay to 6d.ov 7Tfpt/3oXoi toix&v TTTV\als; Likewise Heraclitus : — *£2 dpaOels avdpomoi, StSd^arf rjpds rl (ctt\v 6 Beds ev toIs vao'is aTTOK€KXeio-p(vos ; ... airaio'evToi, ovk i'crre otl ovk coti Qebs \eipoTfxriTos ; These passages are cited by Dr. Hales, Chron. ii. 393, 394. St. Paul's address to the Athenians contains a greater number of probable references to Greek poets than any other part of the N.T. Addressing a Gentile audience, he ap- peals, not to the Scriptures, but to prophets of their own. At ver. 29, he employs the term, to deiov, found in the above passage from Euripides, but not elsewhere in the N.T. 1 Cor. 15. A late writer* calls atten- tion to the similarity existing between a portion of this sublime chapter and the Phsedo of Plato. Socrates is there represented as arguing from the analogy of animal and vegetable life, and as ar- riving at the conclusion, in ra>v Tt8veu>- tcov, Ta £a>vTa re kol ol £o>i>Tes yiyvovTai, from which he proceeds to demonstrate the probability that the soul will not only survive the body, but reach a higher and purer condition after its dissolution. Although the apostle's argument is not in support of the soul's immortality, but of the resurrection of the body, there is a striking resem- blance between some parts of his rea- soning, and that of Plato. Compare especially 1 Cor. 15 :36, that which thou soivest is not quickened except it die. 2 COR. 5 : ] , fj eniyeios rjpu>u oIkio. tov o-Krjvovs- Plato has the phrase, yrjUov o-ktjvos Compare Job 4:19, oIkIos nrjXivas. See sect. xiv. p. 281. Phil. 2 : 7, popeprjv 8ovXov Xaftcbv. And see Acts 14:11. Comp. Plautus, Amphit. prol. 1 24, where Mercury says, — Ego servi sumpsi Sosice mihi imaginem. 3:19, hv 6 6e6s tj koiXm. Comp. Euripides, Cyclops, 333—335, etc. a yea ovtivi 8vco ttXtjv epol, deoiai S'ov, Kal ttj ptyiaTfl yao~Tp\ Tij8e baip.6va>v. Rev. 7:17, irdv baxpvov, k.t.X. See Note 404. Pindar. 17:9, e7rra opt). The following references are sufficient to shew that Rome was well known as the city upon seven hills. Virgil, who died B.C. 19, says (Georg. ii. 535), Septemque una sibi muro circumdedit arces. Similar expressions are used by Pro- pertius (who died about 19 B.C.), Horace (b.c. 8.), Ovid (a.d. 17), Plutarch (a.d. 140). * Mr. J. G. Fitch, in Notes and Queries, v. 278. 333 INDEX. Matthew 1: 2 3— G 21—23 2: 2 4 5,6 15 17,18 20 23 3: 2 3 4 4: 2 3 4 6 7 10 12—16 17 5: 3 4 5 12 18 21 22 27 31 33 34 35 36 38 43 44 48 6: 6 7 9 10 13 14,19 34 7; 2 5,12 23 8: 4 17 20 28 29 9:13 14 27 36 10:15 25 132, 65 Page 19 95 171 69 96 260 253 218 93 94,273 236, 285 187 104 52 237 74 142 74 73 173 236 2o6 209 129 11 65 47, 274 91, 285 47 82 . 274 213,285 13, 285, 286 . 286 50 62, 274 8 . 286 . 181 . 282 107, 286 . 107 107, 125, 283 282, etc. 287 287 288 114 59 201 115 289 101 252 2 156 70 186 104 Matthew Page Matthew Page 10:35,36 . 11: 3 . 261 . 155 23:38 39 136, . 155 5 . 208 24: 7 . 178 10 . 272 15 . 245 15 . 226 21 . 248 29 . 215 28 . Ill 12: 4 99 29 177, 185 7 . 252 30 242, 270 17—21 . 191 31 85, 265 24 . 104 25:31 . 271 25 . 289 41 . 114 40 . 260 46 . 249 13: 9 . 227 26:15 . 269 13—15 . 169 24 . 274 32 . 229, 238 28 51 35 . 137 31 . 270 43 . 227, 249 64 148,242 15: 4 46, 49 27:3,5—7 9,11 ) . 269 5 • 46, 289 25 63 6 46 34 . 135 7—9 . . 183 35 . 124 22 . 114 39 123 16:16 96 43 123, 278 17 . 290 44,45 278 21 . 251 46 123, 278 27 133, 271 47 . 278 28 242, 290 48 135, 278 17:11 . 273 49—54 . 278 17 87 28: 3 241, 246 23 . 251 10 . 124 18:16 80 22 6 Mark 19: 4 2 1:1 . . .237 5,6 4 2 187, 272 82 3 . 187 18 . 47,48,49 G 104 19 46, 62 13 52 24 . 290 15 236 26 15 44 59 20:19 . 251 2:26 99 30,31 . 156 3:22 104 21: 4,5 . 268 24,25 '. 2 89, 291 9 . 155 4: 9 227 13 . 205, 215 12 169 16 . 115 23 227 33 . 165, 167 24 287 42 . 154 29 257 44 . 172 30 190 22:16 61 32 229 24 22 5: 7 . 101 31,32 30 6:22,23 . 109 37,38 72 34 70 39 62 7 : 6, 7 . 183 43—4 > • 148 10 . 46, 50 23: 7,16 . 291 11 . 290 22 . 213 16 . 227 34 . 276 8:18 . 214 35 63, 264 38 . 271 36,37 . 276 9: 3 . 241 334 INDEX. Mark Page Luke Page Luke Page 9:12 . 273 1:76 187, 272 17:14 59 19 87 78 . 218 29 15 31 . 251 79 174, 206 31,32 . 16 43—48 . 214 2: 9 56 37 . Ill 49,50 . 56 11 . 174 18:13 . 125 10: 4 82 22 58 20 . i 16, 47, 48, 49 6 2 23 11,37 25 . 291 7,8 . 5 24 58 27 15 19 . i 16, 47, 48, 49 26 96, 141 33 . 252 25 . 290 i 30 . 146 38,39 . . 130 27 15 32 . 196 19:38 . 155 30 13 52 97 40 . 263 34 . 251 3: 1,2 . . 265 46 205, 215 47, 48 . . 130 4 . 165, 187 20: 9 . 165, 167 11 : 9, 10 . . 155 5,6 . . 187 17 •. 154 17 205, 215 4: 2 52 18 . 172 25 . 282 4 74 21 62 12: 1 165, 167 8 73 28 22 10,11 . . 154 10,11 . ..- . 142 37 30 14 61 12 74 42 111, 149 19 22 17 . 165, 208 43, 44 . . 149 26 30 18, 19 . . 208 46 . 205 29,30 . 72 23 . 292 21:10 . 178 31 62,72 26 . 102 18 98 32,33 . 72 5:14 59 22 . 253 36,37 . . 149 6: 4 99 24 270, 283 13: 8 . 178 20 . 236 26 . 185 12 . 261 23 11 27 . 243 14 . 245 28 9 28 . 239 19 . 248 31 . 288, 292 35 . 180 24 . 177 35 11, 140 22 : 20 51 25 . 185 36 . 286 22 . 274 26 . 242 38 . 288 37 . 202 27 85, 265 42 . 388 69 . 149 14:21 . 274 7:16 26 23:30 . 253 24 51 19 . 155 34 . 124 27 . 270 22 . 209 35 . 123 36 15,291 27 . 272 36 . 135 61 96 50 95 46 . 126 62 149, 243 8: 8 . 227 47 . 279 15:23 . 135 10 . 169 56 45 24 . 124 27 . 292 24: 5 . 173 28 . 202 28 . 101 7 . 252 29, 34 . . 123 29 . 292 36 93 36 . 135 48 95 44 . Ill 39 . 279 9:22 . 251 46 . 252 16:19. 105, 149 27 41 . 292 87 50 57 Luke 54 . 105 John 1:15 66, 196 10:16 . 184 1:1 . 1, 1 27, 280, 293 16, 17 . . 273 27 62,73 2 . 280 25 21 28 61 3 127, 280 28 93 11: 2 107, 286 9 . 293 30 13 15 . 104 14 64, 282 31 13, 171 17 . 289 20 96 32,33 . . 174 20 34 21 79 35 . 237 27 . 292 23 . 188 37 15 49, 50 . . 276 25 79 42 93 12:19 . 282 29 . 203 46 96 53 . 261 34 . 237 47 96, 263 13:14 45 41 96 48 95 19 230, 238 47 . 126 49 . 152 27 . 114 51 20,65 53 . 148 34 . 277 2: 4 . . 101 54 146, 192 35 136, 1 55, 217, 277 17 . 134 55 10 14:10 . 163 3: 3,5 . . 236 68 26, 99, 152 35 . 227 13 32, 164 69, 71 . 121 16:22 . 292 36 . 138 72, 73 . 261 24 . 130 4: 5 . 91 74 121 17:13 130, 156 25 97 INDEX. 335 John Page Acts Page Romans Page 4:26 32 7:5 . . .14,71 2: 6 . 133 37 . . U 1,293 6 13 11 76,280 6:14 79 7 13,31 21, 22 . 48 20 32 8 16,19 24 . 199 31 . . k 18, 281 9 23,24 3: 4 . 132, 153 32, 33, 41 . 38 10, 12, 13 . 23 10 . 119 45 204 14 24 20 . 159 50,51,58 . 38 16 92 4: 3,5 . 12 7.24 175 17, 18 . 26 6—8 . . 126 26 97 19, 20 . 27 9—11 12 38 274 21,23, 24,27 ,28! 28 17 14 40 . . . 79 29, 30 . 29 18 11 42 260 31, 32 . 30 22—24 12 8: 5 81 33 29 25 . 203 17 . . 80 34 31 5:14 . 252 24,28 . . 193 35 28,29 7: 7 49 29 38 36 68 8:15 . 291 51 141 37 79 33 . 198 52 293 39 67 34 149, 198 58 32 40 54 36 . 131 10:16 230 42,43 258 9: 5 32, 141 92 ... 283 44 52 7 17 34,35 . 139 46 157 9 14 38 193 47 106 12 19 11:48 247 48—50 213 13 . 272 12:13 155 55, 56 149 15, 16 . 55 14, 15 . 268 8:21 138 18 . 33, 55 34 . . 1 40, 274 28 165 20 , . 185 38 200 32,33 202 21 . 281 39—41 169 37 237 25 . 250, 251 13:18 130 9:22 97 26 . 250 19 193 10:14 227 27, 28 . . 175 14:15,21 . 44 34 76 29 . 165 15:10 44 38 209 32, 33 . . 172, 182 25 128 39 81 10: 5 61 16:22 213 13:11 92 6 74, 85 17:17 100 17 34 7,8 . 85 19:24 124 18 70 11 . 182 28—30 135 22 98, 140 13 . 256 36 36 33 113 15 . 199 37 270 34 1 21, 204 16 . 201 20: 9 275 35—37 121 18 . 122 17 124 40,41 262 19 88 19 93 47 196 20,21 . 211 28 128 14:15 45 11: 1 98 31 97 17 297 2 98, 102 15:10 39 3 . 102 15—17 259 4 . 103 Acts 17:24 45 8 83, 182 1:3 236 25 192 9,10 . . 136 16 136 28,29 297 17, 19, 24 . 216 20 . Ill, 1 36, 148 31 . 116 25 . 160 25 293 18: 6 63 26 . 206 2 : 16—21 . 256 9,10 . 192 27 . 181, 206 25—28 . 120 21:26 66 34 . 189, 280 30 . 157 23: 5 50 35 . 189 31 . 120 24: 5 78 12:14 9 34,35 . . 149 26:18 192 16, 17 . . 160 36 97 27:34 98 19 89 39 . . S 05, 257 28 : 25—27 . 170 20 . 163 40 87, 138 28 . 146 13: 1,4 . . 279 3:13 30 9 17, 48, 49, 62 22,23 . 79 14:11 67, 194 25 9 Romans 17 . 236 4:11 . 154 1:1 . . .259 15: 3 . 135 24 45 4 . 237 9 . 122 25—27 . 112 17 . 263 10 90 5 : 28 63 21—23 . 281 11 . 153 30 81 25 . 141 12 . 176 7: 3 8 2: 5 . 110 21 . 200 336 INDEX. 1 Corinth IANS Page 2 Corinthians Page 1 Thessalonians 1:19 . , .184 10:17 . . . 216 2: 4 20 185, 194 11: 3 5 5 31 . 215 11:24 82 3:13 , , 2: 8 . 125 31 32, 141 4: 5 9 . 210 13: 1 80 8 It 16 . 189 5: 2 3: 8 . 133 Galatians 8 19 109 1:15 . . .196 20 143 16 . 294 2 Thessalonians 4:13 223 2: 6 76 1: 7,8 . 5: 2 228 16 . 159 9 6 294 3: 6 12 10 16 7 35 8 9 2: 4 . 11 146 10 83 8 17 13 81 11 . 263 6: 2 279 12 61 1 Timothy 16 5 13 81 5:18 t 9: 7 80 16 10 19 9 83 17 35 6 -. 12 10: 5 67 19 10 13 7 54 4: 6 291 15 \ 9,10 278 14 . 101 16 20 88 27 203 21 2 11, 272 30 17 2 Timothy 22 88 5: 9 294 2:19 26,28 . 125 14 62 24 11: 7 2 23 298 3: 1 25 51 6:16 157 8 13:12 21 4: 7 14:16 65 Ephesians 14 21 181 1:20 . . .150 25 267 22 115 Titus 34 275 2 : 13, 14, 17 205 1:12 15: 4 252 20 154 2 : 14 , 8 109 4: 8 134 3: 5 25 1 15, 150 9,10 . 164 27,28 . 115 24 2 Hebrews 32 179 25 267 1: 2 33 298 26 82, 114 3 15 45 3 5: 2 8 5 10 50 294 6 138 6 53 281 14 275, 298 7 54 180 16 24, 235 8,9 . 55,56 254 18 . 163 10—12 16:22 294 30 4 13 31 5 2: 5 11 6: 2,3 . 47 6—8 . 2 Corinthians 9 76 9 11 1:20 . . . 65 12 294 11,12 . 3: 3 53, 160 14, 17 . 206 13 13 55 3 : 1, 2, 5, 6 . 18 56 Philippians 7—13,15 . 4: 4 2 1:19 . . .110 17 6 13 152 2:10 43, 194 18 5: 1 281 11 . 194 4: 1,3 . 17 193 15 87 4 6: 2 197 16 212 5, 7, 10, 11 9 153 4; 3 137 5: 5 10 162 5 159 6,10 . 11 156 18 8 6: 8 15 78 13, 14 . 16 64 COLOSSIAN 3 20 17 200 2:16 . 166 7: 1,2 . 18 100 22 183 3 7: 5 88 3: 1 150 4,10 . 8:15 39 6 138 11,15,17,21, 24,28 21 160 10 2 8: 1 9: 7 162 25 77 2 9 152 4: 5 235 5 10 1 34, 204 6 56 8—13 INDEX. 337 Hebrews Page Jamks Page Revelation Page 9: 2,3 . . . 53 5:12 285, 295 1: 7 243, 270 4 3D, OS 20 . 161 8 32, 190, 995 7 53 10 42 12 60 1 Peter 11 . 190 13 60,69 1: 2 . 238 12 . 267 19,20 51 16 58 13 243, 216 28 203 17 77 14 211, 24ti 10: 4 60 18 . 199 15 14:;, 246 5—10 1-J 9 19 66 16 . 196 12, 13 . 150 23 . 156 17 . 190 15—17 220 24 188, 282 18 67 22 59 25 . 188 2: 1 . 296 27 180 2: 3 . 127 5 . 177 28 78 4 . 154, 182 7 . 3, 227 29 . 51 5 40, 182 8 . 190 30 89 6 . 182 10 . 235 37 1 81, 262 7 . . 154 11 . 296 38,39 . 263 8 . 172 12 . 190 11: 4 6 9 40, 193 16 . 177 5 6, 1 41, 279 10 . 251 17 . 209 6 6 11 19 18 238, 247 8 17 12 . 174 23 . 1 26, 133, 217 12 18 17 . 163 26, 27 . . 113 13 19 22 . 202 3: 5 55, 137 18 17 24 81, 201, 203 7,8 . . 179 21 25 25 . 201 11 177, 266 23 27 3:. 6 15 12 . 1 32, 209, 235 24 28 10—12 . 128 14 141, 211 33 239 14, 15 . 171 17 . 254 35 284 22 . 150 19 . 161 12: 2 150 4: 8 . 162 20 . 164 5,6 161 17 . 228 4: 1 42 12 186 18 . 162 2 . 1 03, 168,225 13 161 5: 5 . 161 3 . 225 14 128 7 . 133 5 42 15 84 8 . 109 6 168, 224 16 20 14 93 7 . 224 18 41,71 8 32,168, 224,258,296 19 42, 7 L 2 Peter 11 . 107 20 41 1: 2 . 238 5: 1 . 226 21 275 2: 6 16 3 43 22 132 15 69 6 . 266 26—23 264 22 . 164, 295 8 . 158 29 71 3: 3 25 9 159, 237 13: 5 86 8 . 142 10 41, 296 6 153 10 . 176 11 . 242 8 147 13 . 212 12 . 107 11—13 60 13 43, 45, 107 15 57, 205 1 John 6: 2,4,5 . 265 20 . 268 1: 1 . 295 8 228, 265 3: 1 . 251 10 . 170 James 5 . 203 12 . 256 1:10,11 . . . 188 8 . 237 13 . 186 12 . Ill 22 38 14 . 185 17 . 299 5: 2,3 44 15 . 166 26 . 129 16 . 253 2: 1 62, 125 3 John 17 110,255 8 63 14 93 7: 3 . 228 11 . 47, 48 9 . 237 21 17 JUDE 10 . 103 23 12, 108, 278 2 . 238 12 . 107 3: 5 . 117 9 247, 266, 295 14 . 248 6 91 14,15 . 284 15 64 9 2 16 62 16 . 197 4: 5 . 275 19 . 195 17 180, 197 6 . 161 8: 3,4 . . 158 5: 2 . 110 Revelati ON 5 42 3 25 1: 4 32, 295 7 35 4 . 167 5 76, 141 9: 4 . 228 7 77 6 40, 296 7—9 . . 254 X X 338 INDEX. Revelation Page Revelation Page Revelation Page 9:20 . 239 14:19 . 210 19: 9 . 100 10: 4 . 245 20 210, 257 11 . 117 5 . 250 15: 1 65 12 . 247 6 45, 250 3 3/ , 86, 151, 216, 282 13 . I 27, 210, 293 7 . 257 4 86, 140, 216 15 . 1 14, 196, 210 8—10 . 226 8 . 168 16 76 11 . 237 16: 1 . 264 17,18 . . 232 11: 1 . 232 2 34 20: 2 . 105 3 80 5 33, 156 4 241, 243 4 '. 267 7 87, 156, 283 6 41 7 . 240 14 . 112 8 . 231 9 . 237 16 92 9 57 11 . 230 18 42, 248 11 145, 235 13 . 231 19 198, 238 12 . 1 33, 137, 242 14 . 178 21 35 13 . . 133 15 117, 236 17: 1 . 222 15 137, 249 17 33 2 . 221 21: 1 . 212 18 . 105 3 . 241 3 64, 139 19 35,42 4 . 221 4 . 180 12: 4 . 244 5 . 238 5 . ] LOO, 104, 153 5 . 113 8 . 137, 249 6 . 190 7 . 247 12 . 241 7 . 100 8 . 235 14 76 10 . 233 9 . 106 15 . 237 12, 13 . . 234 10 . 236 18: 1 . 233 15, 16 . . 233 14 . 244 2 . 178, 238 18 . . 278 13: 1,2,5 . 240 3 . 221 23 . 208 7 237, 240 4 . 222 24—26 . 207 8 137, 249 5 . 221 27 137, 249 9 . 227 6 . 158 22: 1,2 . 3, 234 14: 1 112, 228 7,8 . 195 3 . 271 2 . 143 19 91 5 . 208 3 . 159 20 . 89, 90 6 . 100 5 . 202 21 . 222 7 178, 266 6 . 237 22 218, 229 10 . 245 7 46 23 179, 195, 218 12 133, ] 78, 189, 266 8 . ] 78, 221, 238 19: 1 . 147 13 . 190 10 . 198 2 87, 90, 105, 283 14 3 11 . 186 3 . 186 18 84 14 . 243 4 . 104 19 3, 137 15,18 . . 257 6 SFAHArT) $ . 143, 258 20 . 178 WEP.THtlMF.R AMD CO., PRINTERS, FiNSBLKT OIBCV: i"