U E UC-NRLF $B 3Dfi b^^ GIFT or ^9, A, G. O, Ed. Sept. 23—14—3,000 DEPARTMENT : OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL CAVALRY fNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL Jane 20, 1913 ReviwcLQctober 28. 1914 ^'^' ..^ ' WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 . 4S9, A. G. O. Ed. Sept. 23—14—3,000 .R DEPARTMENT : OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL i 'IUjl- CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL June 20. 1913 Revised October 28, 1914 '^,4SC>^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 u A ^.3 r e^^' ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPKHINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHIiNGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY >■■■ • < ► ti < War Department, Office of the Chief of Staff, Wcshingion, Ortobrr 2S, J 9 14. This revised manual gives the list of articles of enirineer, ordnance, and siiifnal property required to equip the organizations, lieadcjuarters, and individuals enumerated lierein for field service and vhic h mrsl be a( counied for by organization commanders and by regimental adjutants as })res( ribed by War Department orders. Upon receipt of this manual organization commanders will adjrst their unit accountability equipments by turning in to the ])r()per supply officer all surplus articles on hand and supplying defi( ien( ics by requisi- tion, so that the articles on hand for the unit accountabi'itv equipment of their respective organizations will conform to the num})er herein au- thorized. Commanders of the old organizations, "Regimental headquarters,'* "Machine-gun platoon (headquarters detaxhmentattac hcd) " lUid "Non- commissioned staff and band, " will at om e make proper trarislersof the accountability for the property of the old to the new organizations as enumerated herein, and invoic e to the proper supply ofh* ors all si;rplu3 arth les. As early as practicable after these adjit^tmeris have been made the commanding officers of these old organizatioi.s vill render to the ( hiels of the staff departments concerned final reti n s, made on Form No. 451, A. G. 0., accompanied by a copy of each voucher per- taining thereto, to balance and close their accountability f c r tlie property pertaining to the old organizations. The 5 per cent provided for emergency under par. 2, G. O. 43, W. D« 1913, is no longer authorized. By order of the Secretary of War: W. W. WOTH EI SPOON, Major General, Chief of Staff. 3 311822 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cavalryunitaccouOOunitrich TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Headquarters troop: Page. Engineer property 7 Ordnance property 8-14 Blacksmith 's tools 14 Equipments, personal or horse 8-13 New model equipment (1912) ] 1-13 Old model equipment 8-10 Saddler's tools 13-14 Staff officers ' horse equipment 8 Signal property 7 II. Machine-gun troop 15-25 Ordnance property 15-25 Machine-gun equipment 20-25 Automatic machine rifle, cal. .30 20 Blacksmith 's tools 25 Packs 20 Ranee finding instruments 24 Saddler's tools 24 Spare parts for packs 22-23 Spare pai:ts for rifles 22 Tools and accessories for packs 21 Tools and accessories for rifles 20-21 Personal and horse equipments 15-19 New model equipment (1912) 18-19 Old model equipment 15-17 Signal property 15 III. Squadron: Engineer property 25-26 IV, Troop: Engineer property 26 Ordnance property 27-33 Blacksmith 's tools 33 Equipments, personal and horse 27-31 New model equipment (1912) 30-31 Old model equipment 27-29 Saddler 's tools 32-33 Troop officers ' horse equipments 27 Signal property 26 V. Individual arms and equipments for field service 34-38 VI. Ordnance stores for use of officers under par. 1522, A. R. 1913. 38-39 VII. Officers ' horse equipment 39-40 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. I. Headquarters Troop. ENGINEER PROPERTY. (1) Old-model equipment. [Note.— In case this equipment is provided, the notation •* Old-model equipment" will bo made on the engineer return.] Articles. Unit price Box, reconnaissance equipment, with brass padlock Case, sketching Compass, ])rismatic, "v\4th case Level, hand, or clinometer, with case Pace tally - Protractors, rectan^^ular (2) New-model equipment. [Note.— In case this equipment is provided, the notation "New-model equipment" will be made on the engineer return.] Articles. Unit price. Alidnde Board, sketching Chest, sketch ins: outfit Clinometer, service, with case Holder, timing pad Pnce tally Pencil pocket Tripod, wood, folding SIGNAL PROPERTY. Articles. Unit price. IQts, flag, semaphored $1.41 1 A somiphorp {\\% kit consists of the following items: 1 case, flag, 75 cents; 2 flags, semaphore, 20 coats each; and 2 stalls, samaphore flag, 13 cents each. 7 8 CAVALRY UNIT ACCGTJNTABILITY EQTJIPMENT MANUAL. T. ilKAPjQr^TiTERS Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY. Ten sets of horse equipments for staff officers, including veterinarians; nine sets only if chaplain has field rank. (See pages 39 and 40.) Should a detachment of a troop be serving at a post separated from the remainder of the troop, the necessary articles of ordnance unit account- ability equipment for the detachment will be issued to the officer in charge of the detachment by the commanding officer of the troop, who will continue to account for the property. (1) Old-model equipment. [Note. — In case the headquarters troop is provided with this equipment, the notation *' Old-model equipment" will be made on the ordnance return.] Articles. Number for strength of— '48 en- listed men. 135 en- listed men. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. Bridles, Cavalry ► Bridles, watering ^ Brushes and thongs ^ Canteens, Cavalry ^ Canteen straps, Cavalry ^ Cartridges, ball, caliber .30. . . . Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45 Cartridge belts. Cavalry Cartridge-belt suspenders Cleaning rods Cleaning-rod cases Company repair kits ^ Cups /^'Currycombs Drift slides 1^'orks Front-sight covers Gun slings *' Halter headstalls , Halter tie ropes -' Horse brushes Knives 48 48 2,0 48 48 1,800 1,008 20 20 3 3 3 48 48 8 48 20 20 48 48 48 48 9 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 Issued only with the curb bridle model of 1902. 2 If any rifles are provided with spare-part container, this number will be reduced accord- ingly. 3 In lieu of this canteen and strap the canteen, model of 1910, at $0.72, with canteen cover dismounted, at $0.44, may be issued. < Per 1 ,000. 6 One for the use of each squadron for field operations. In permanent camp or garrison two of them will be used by other organizations of the regiment. Organizations not other- wise supplied in permanent camp or garrison will be furnished ''Company repair kits" by the post ordnance officer or supply officer on memorandum receipt. 135 135 107 135 135 9,630 2,835 107 107 13 13 3 135 135 42 135 107 107 135 135 135 135 $7.85 1.60 .09 .50 .40 4 25. 00 * 14. 16 3.15 .56 .37 .09 4.16 .18 .18 .08 .05 .02 .88 1.92 .36 .97 .12 IX 5 VII 1 IX 2 VIII 1 VIII IX IX ^VII X IX IX VII IX VII IX IX IX CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 9 I. Headquarters Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (1) Old-model equipment — Continued. Articles. Number for strength of— 48 en- listed men. 135 en- listed men. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section, Lariats ^- Lariat straps t Links 1. Magazines, pistol, extra Magazine pockets, web, double ^^Jklarking outfit: ^^or stamping leather ^ . . . . ^^ For stamping metal ^ Meat cans - Nose bags ^ Oiler and thong cases ^ f^ Picket pins Pistols, caliber .45 Pistol belts without saber ring . . Pistol cleaning kit Pistol holsters, caliber .45. . . Pouches for first-aid packet. . Rifles, U. S., caliber .30 Rifle scabbards Sabers Saber knots Saber scabbards Saber straps, pairs <■■ Saddles, Cavalry * ^' Saddlebags, pairs ^ Saddle blankets Screw drivers (for rifle) Spoons ^ Spurs, pairs i^Spur straps, sets Stencil, canteen Stencil outfit^ Surcingles 48 48 48 96 20 1 1 48 48 20 48. 48 28 1 48 48 20 20 21 21 21 21 48 48 48 3 48 48 48 1 1 48 135 135 135 270 107 1 1 135 135 107 135 135 28 1 135 135 107 107 108 108 108 108 135 135 135 13 135 135 135 1 1 135 $0.76 .16 .28 .52 .82 4.07 5.00 .42 LOO .12 .28 14.25 L95 5.14 • L54 .12 12.50 4.26 2.80 .46 2.00 .42 24.85 6.75 4.00 .10 .04 1.28 .34 .30 2.94 .30 ►IX IX ylX 1 In permanent camp or garrison all other cavalry organizations will be supplied with ** marking outfits" on memorandum receipt by the post ordnance officer or supply officer. « A new model feed bao;, at $1.09, combined with a grain bag, at 13 cents, is being issued. » If any rifies are provided with spare part container, this number will be reduced accord- ingly. * Two saddles are to be provided with a guidon stirrup, at $2.09. 6 The stencil outfit consists of the following articles: One chest, at 37 cents; 1 stencil brush, at 19 cents: 1 box of stencil paste, at 10 cents; two sets of stencils, letters A to Z, period and character " &," one set of ^-inch size at 2 cents each, 56 cents, and 1 set of 1-inch size, at 4 cents each, $1.12; total, $1.68; two sets of number stencils, Nos. to 9, one set of i-inch size, at 2 cents each, 20 cents, and one set of 1-inoh size, at 4 cents each, 40 cents; total 60 cents. In permanent camp or garrison all other Cavalry organizations will be supplied with stencil outfits on memorandum receipt by the post ordnance oflQcer or sup- ply oflBlcer. 21698—14 2 10 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. I. Headquarters Troop — Continued. . ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (1) Old model equipment — Continued. NOTE. If the headquarters troop is provided with caliber .45 revolvers instead of automatic pistols, the fact will be stated on the ordnance return an the above unit accountability equipment will be modified as follows: Omit. Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. Magazines, pistol, extra. Magazine pockets, web, double. Pistols, caliber .45. Pistol belts without saber ring. Pistol cleaning kit. Pistol holsters, caliber .45. Add. Number for strength of— Unit price. Property classification. Articles. 48 en- listed men. 135 en- listed men. Class. Section. Cartridges, ball, caliber .45 Cartridge belts, revolver, with- out saber ring 960 28 48 48 2,700 28 135 135 i$14.79 1.70 13.00 1.34 VIII IX VII IX 2 3 Revolvers caliber 45 .... 2 Revolver holsters, caliber .45. . 2 1 Per 1,000. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 11 I. Headquarters Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New model equipment {1912). pToTE.— In case the headquarters troop is provided with this equipment the notatian * 'New model equipment" will be made on the ordnance return.] Articles. Number for strength of— 48 en- listed men. 135 en- listed men. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. Arm repair chests ^ Bandoleers, Cavalry Breast straps : Bridles, Cavalry Brushes and thongs ^ Canteens, model of 1910 Canteen covers, dismounted, model of 1910 Carrier straps Cartridges, ball, caliber .30 Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45.. Cartridge belts, Cavalry Cleaning rods Cleaning-rod cases Cooling straps Cups, model of 1910 Currycombs, model of 1913 Drift slides. ^Feed bags. Field picket line Field picket-line pins i^rks, model of 1910 Front-sight covers y Grain bags Guidon and standard carriers Gun slings Hatchet Hatchet cover Horse brushes Intrenching-tool carriers Knives, model of 1910 3 20 3 48 20 48 48 21 1,800 1,008 20 3 3 48 48 48 8 48 1 5 48 20 48 2 20 48 20 48 3 107 3 135 107 135 135 108 9,630 2, 835 107 13 13 135 135 135 42 135 1 5 135 107 135 2 107 1 1 135 107 135 $37. 52 2.65 2.56 8.98 .09 .72 .44 .77 3-25. 00 3 14. 16 6.32 .37 .09 .18 .34 .18 .08 1.09 7.1)0 1.78 .08 .02 .13 .42 .88 .27 .19 .97 1.74 .10 X IX ► IX VII IX IX VIII VIII IX [vii IX IX IX VII |.x IX VII IX 5 IX 1 X 3 IX 5 IX 1 1 One for the use of each squadron for field operations. In permanent camp or garrison two of them will be used by other organizations of the regiment. Organizations not other- wise supplied, in permanent camp or garrison, will be furnished "Arm repair chests" by the post ordnance officer or supply officer, on memorandum receipt. « If any rifles are provided with spare-part container, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. » Per 1,000. 12 CAVALRY TTNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. I. Headquarters Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New model equipment {1912) — Continued. Articles. Number for Prop classifi erty strength of-- Unit nation. 48 en- 135 en- price. listed listed Class. Section. men. men. 48 135 $0.59 IX 5 96 270 .52 VII 2 1 1 1 1 4.07 5.00 }- 5 48 135 .42 IX 1 20 107 .12 VII 1 5 5 26 26 1.10 .16 }- 3 48 135 1.78 1 20 107 .68 IX 5 28 28 3.03 1 1 9.60 X 1 48 135 14.25 VII 2 28 28 1.95 IX 3 48 135 1.54 IX 2 48 135 8.07 IX 5 48 135 .10 IX 1 48 135 3.66 IX 2 8 8 12. 22 20 107 7.97 IX 5 20 107 .27 IX 2 20 107 12.50 VII 1 21 108 3.25 VII 5 21 108 3.95 IX 5 21 108 .46 IX 2 21 108 2.73 VII 5 48 135 24.02 ).x e; 48 135 4.00 3 13 .10 VII 1 15 80 1.63 }- q 1 1 3.49 48 135 .06 IX 1 48 135 1.28 }IX 9 48 135 .34 Lariats MagaziQes, pistol, extra Marking outfit for stamping leather^ Marking outfit for stamping metal V Meat cans, model of 1910 Oiler and thong cases ^ Picks, Cavalry Pick covers Picket pins Picke't-pin cases Picket-pin carriers, special Pin and hammer chest Pistols, caliber .45 Pistol belts, without saber ring. . . . Pistol holsters Pommel pockets Pouches for first-aid packet Ration bags Record case, noncommissioned offi- cer's Rifle carrier boots Rifle covers Rifles, U. S., caliber .30 Sabers, model of 1913 Saber carriers Saber knots Saber scabbards Saddles Saddle blankets. Screw drivers, rifle - Shovels, Cavalry Sledge hammer Spoons, model of 1910 Spurs, pairs Spur straps, sets 1 In permanent camp or garrison all other cavalry organizations will be supplied with "Marking outfits" on memorandum receipt by the post ordnance officer or supply officer. 2 If any rifles are provided with spare-part container, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 13 I. Headquarters Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New model equipment {1912) — Continued. Articles. Number for strength of— 48 en- listed men. 135 en- listed men. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. Stencil outfit ^ Stencil, personal equipment. Stock covers Troop pack ^ Troop pannier Water buckets, canvas, large Water tank Wire cutters 1 1 20 1 1 8 1 20 1 1 107 1 1 8 1 107 $2.94 .29 .58 63.03 20.04 1.35 23.60 1.13 X IX IX X IX X 1 The stencil outfit consists of the following articles: One chest, at 37 cents; 1 stencil brush, at 19 cents; 1 box of stencil paste, at 10 cents; 2 sets of stencils, letters A to Z, period and character "&," 1 set of |-inch size, at 2 cents each, 56 cents; and 1 set of 1-inch size, at 4 cents each, $1.12; total, $1.68; 2 sets of number stencils, Nos. to 9; 1 set of ^inch size, at 2 cents each, 20 cents; and 1 set of 1-inch size, at 4 cents each, 40 cents; total, 60 cents. In permanent camp or garrison all other Cavalry organizations will be supplied with stencil outfits on memorandum receipt by the post ordnance officer or supply officer. 2 A troop pack consists of 1 aparejo, 1 aparejo cincha, 1 saddle blanket, 1 sobrejalma, 1 corona, 2 pack covers, 1 crupper, 1 blinder, 1 lash rope, 1 sling rope, 2 lair ropes, 1 lash cincha. Tools. Articles. Num- ber. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. Saddler's tools: Awl blades, harness, assorted, Nos. 43, 45, and 48 Awl, seat, handled Compass, 6-inch Edge tool, No. 2 Extra blades, with followers, for draw gage Gage, draw, brass (without guard) . . . Hammer, No. 3, riveting Handles, awl, flat, imitation ebony, assorted, 3 sizes $0.02 .15 .58 .15 .08 1.65 .39 .05 14 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOTINTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. I. Headquarters Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY— Continued. Tools — Continued. Articles. Saddler's tools — Continued. Knife, round , Needle case, leather , Needles, harness: No. 4, paper , No. 5, paper No. 6, paper Nippers, cutting, 10-inch Oilstone, 1.125 inches by 2 inches by 8 inches, Washita, unmounted .... Punches, hand, Nos. 5 and 7 Punch, revolving, 4 tubes, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7 Rivet set . - Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold Shoe knife, square point Stitching clamp Stitching horse Thimble, best aluminum-lined steel. . Tool, claw Tool kit, cotton duck Blacksmith's tools: Anvil, 17.5 pounds Chisel, handled, for cold iron, 1 pound 6 ounces Clinch cutter Clinching iron Forge and bellows Hammer: Hand, 2-pound Shoeing, 10-ounce Hardie, 0.5-inch, square shank, 1.5- inch bit Pritchel, 0.75-inch flats, 9 inches Punch, nail Shoeing knife Shoeing rasp, 16-inch Toe knife Tongs, horseshoer's, 1.5 lbs., 12 inches. Tool kit, small Chest for tools Num- ber. Unit price. $0.85 .17 .06 .06 .06 3.00 .32 .24 1.03 .50 ' .26 .16 1.62 8.05 .03 .32 2.05 10.16 .25 1.58 .63 14.39 .41 .33 .21 .39 .11 .27 .33 ,45 .30 1.63 15.64 Property classification. Class. Section. X IV CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 16 II. Machine-Gun Troop. SIGNAL PROPERTY. Articles. Unit price. Glasses, field, type A Glass, field, type C. . Kits, flag, 2-foot Kits, flag, semaphore $14. 65 39.90 2.37 1.41 Note. — The item of field glasses includes cases and straps. The cost of cases and straps, if supplied separately, for a type A glass, is $2.60; for type C glass, $3.50. A 2-foot flag kit consists of the following items: One case, 75 cents; one staff, jointed, 2-foot flag, $1.45 (consisting of three joints, lower, 58 cents; middle, 55 cents; upper, 47 cents, if supplied separately); and two 2-foot flags (one white with red center and one red with white center) at 24 cents each. A semaphore flag kit consists of the following items: One case, flag, 75 cents; 2 flags semaphore, 20 cents each; and 2 staffs, semaphore flag, 13 cents each. ordnance property. [Equipped with automatic machine rifle, caliber .30, model of 1909.] Should a detachment of a troop be serving at a post separated from the remainder of the troop, the necessary articles of ordnance unit ac- countability equipment for the detachment will be issued to the officer in charge of the detachment by the commanding oflicer of the troop, who will continue to account for the property. Personal and horse equipments. Two sets of horse equipments for staff officers. (See pages 39 and 40.) (1) Old-model equipment. [Note.— In case the machine-gun troop is provided with this equipment, the notation "Old model equipment" will be made on the ordnance return.] Articles. Number for strength of— 48 enlisted 69 enlisted men. men. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. Bolos Bolo scabbards Bridles, Cavalry Bridles, watering ^ Canteens, Cavalry ^ Canteen straps. Cavalry ^. 48 48 48 48 48 48 69 69 69 69 69 69 $1.95 1.72 7.85 1.60 .50 .40 1 Issued only with the curb bridle, model of 1902. « In lieu of this canteen and strap the canteen, model of 1910, at $0.72, with canteen cover, dismounted, at $0.44, may be issued. 16 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOTTNTABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. II. Machine-Gun Troop — Continued, ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Personal and horse equipments — Continued. (1) Old-model equipment — Continued. Articles. Number for strength of — Unit price. 48 enlisted 69 enlisted men. men. 1 19,200 ' 19,200 2 $25. 00 1,008 1,449 2 14. 16 48 69 3.15 48 69 .561 .]8/ 48 69 60 81 .18 48 69 .05 48 69 1.92 48 69 .36 CO 81 .97 48 69 .12 48 69 .76 48 69 .16 48 69 .28 96 138 .52 48 69 .82 48 69 .42 60 81 1.00 48 69 14.25 1 1 5.14 48 69 1.54 48 69 .28 48 69 .12 48 69 24. 85 48 69 6.75 48 69 4.00 48 69 .04 48 69 1.28 48 69 .34 1 1 .30 48 69 .30 Property classification. Class. Section. Cartridges, ball, caliber .30 Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45 Cartridge belts. Cavalry Cartridge-belt suspenders Cups Currycombs Forks Halter headstalls Halter tie ropes Horse brushes Knives Lariats Lariat straps Links Magazines, pistol, ^xtra Magazine pockets, web, double Meat cans Nose bags ^ Pistols, caliber .45 Pistol-cleaning kit Pistol holsters, caliber .45 Picket pins.. Pouches for first-aid packet . Saddles, Cavalry Saddlebags, pairs Saddle blankets Spoons Spurs, pairs Spur straps, sets Stencil, canteen ^ Surcingles VIII VIII IX IX IX IX IX IX ► IX VII IX IX IX VII X IX IX IX IX IX >IX X IX 1 For the machine guns. 2 Per 1,000. » A new model feed bag, at $1.09, combined with a grain bag, at 13 cents, is being issued. < See note 1, page 9. See note 5, page 9. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 17 II. Machinb-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Personal and horse equipments — Continued. (1) Old-model equipment — Continued. If the machine-gun troop is provided with caliber .45 revolvers instead of automatic pistols, the fact will be stated on the ordnance return and the above unit-accountability equipment will be modified as follows: Omit. Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. Magazines, pistol, extra. Magazine pockets, web, double. Pistols, caliber .45. Pistol-cleaning kit. Pistol holsters, caliber .45. Add. Articles. Number for strength of— Unit price. Propertv classincation. 48 enlisted men. 69 enlisted men. Class. Sectlcm. Cartridges, ball, caliber .45 Revolvers, caliber .45 Revolver holsters, caliber .45. . 960 48 48 1,380 69 69 1 $14. 79 13.00 1.34 VIII VII IX 2 2 2 1 Per 1,000. 21698—14 3 18 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. II. Machine-Gun TROOP—Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Personal and horse equipments — Continued. (2) New-model equipment {1912). Note.— In case the machine-gun troop Is provided with this equipment, the notation "New model equipment" will be made on the ordnance return. Articles. Number for strength of— 48 enlisted men. 9 enlisted men. Property classification. Unit price, Bolos, model of 1910 48 Bolo scabbards, model of 1910. . 48 Bridles, Cavalry 48 Canteens, model of 1910 48 Canteen covers, model of 1910, dismounted 48 Cartridges, ball, caKber .30 ^ 19, 200 Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45 1,008 Cooling straps .^ 48 Cups, model of 1910 48 Currycombs, model of 1913 60 Feed bags 60 Field picket line 1 Field picket line pins 5 Forks, model of 1910 48 Grain bags 60 Horse brushes 60 Knives, model of 1910 48 Lariats 48 Magazines, pistol, extra 96 Meat cans, model of 1910 *48 Picket pins 48 Picket-pin carriers, special. ... 48 Pin and hammer chest 1 Pistols, caliber .45 48 Pistol belts, without saber ring . 48 Pistol-cleaning kit 1 Pistol holsters 48 Pommel pockets 48 Poaches for first-aid packet 48 1 For the machine guns. « Per 1,000 69 69 69 69 19, 200 1,449 69 69 81 81 1 5 69 81 81 69 69 138 69 69 69 1 69 69 1 69 69 69 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 19 II. Machine-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Personal and horse equipments— Gontinned. (2) New-model equipment {1912) — Continued. Articles. 48 enlisted men. Number for strength of— 69 enlisted men. Unit price. Property classincation. Class Section. Ration bags Saddles Saddle blankets Sledge hammer Spoons, model of 1910 Spurs, pairs Spur straps, sets Stencil, personal equipment ^.. Troop pack 2 Troop pannier Water buckets, canvas, large... Water tank Wire cutters 48 48 48 1 48 48 48 1 1 1 8 1 48 69 69 69 1 69 69 69 1 1 1 8 1 69 $3.66 24.02 4.00 3.49 .06 1.28 .34 .29 81.55 20.04 1.35 23.60 1.13 IX IX X IX IX X IX X 'IX X 1 See note 1, papje 12. See note 1, papje 13. « A troop pack consists of the following articles: 1 aparejo. 1 aparejo oincha. 1 saddle blanket. 1 sobrejalma. 1 corona. 2 pack covers. 1 crupper, 1 blinder. 1 lash rope. 1 sling rope. 2 lair ropes. 1 lash cincha. 80 CAVAIRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. II. Machinb-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Machine-gun equipment. Articles. Num- ber.! Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. .30. Automatic machine rifles, caliber Feed stripe Telescopic sights with screw-driver wrench. Packs, including — Pack harness — Aparejos Aparejo cinchas Blinders Coronas Cruppers Halter bridles with leather reins. Halter bridles with rope reins Saddle blankets Sobrejalmas Special pack equipment — Ammunition hangers Broad hatchet-head cases Pack frames Rifle cases Rifle hangers Tools and accessories for rifles: Ammunition boxes Barrel cases Cleaning brushes Cleaning-brush holders Cleaning-rod handles (with sleeves) . Cleaning-rod stems (with sleeves) . . . Cooling sponges and handles Cut patches (cotton flannel) Cut patches (tampa flannel) Defective cartridge extractors Dismounting wrenches Dismounting tools Drifts (bronze) Ejector keys Gas-cylinder cleaners (complete) .... 4 640 4 12 12 12 12 12 8 4 12 12 20 2 12 4 4 64 4 24 4 4 4 4 200 200 4 4 4 2 4 4 $412. 84 .20 46.66 27.66 4.48 1.44 2.84 8.99 5.40 4.40 4.00 4.95 5.46 1.00 7.26 24.87 10.53 7.00 9.18 .05 .18 .09 .18 1.15 2.05 2.05 .15 .75 .12 .15 .20 1.25 IV 1 If the number of sets of equipments of ammunition mules on hand is less than that ^own in the tables it will be reported as "short, ... sets/' see {g) pages 35 and 36 and (j) page 38. « Per 100. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 21 II. Machine-Gxjn Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Machine-gun equipment — Continued. Articles. Tools and accessories for rifles— Contd. Grease brushes Grease pots Gunners' pouches Hammers (copper) Hand extractors Latigo straps Loading tools Loading tool cases Mittens, pairs Oil cans Pliers Pouches for telescopic sights Rammers Resizing tools Screw drivers Small parts cases ^ , Spare parts cases , Tools and accessories for packs: Broad hatchets ^ Chest for supplies Chest for tools Cooling sponge covers Manila rope, J-inch ft Pick mattocks ^ Picket pin bodies Picket pin eyes Picket rope sections Rigging covers Rule, boxwood, folding, 2 feet ^ Shovels, short handled * Supply sack for leather and spare parts. Supply sack for leather Wire cutters ^ Property classification. $0.10 35 3.75 .75 .20 .22 11.55 4.42 2.20 .50 .26 L93 .05 5.15 .16 .61 14.60 • 2 L18 1 16.64 1 15.64 4 .28 200 3.06 2 .46 4 L32 4 .46 3 L15 2 4.57 1 .26 6 .91 1 L36 1 1.76 4 L13 IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 1 Part of gunners' pouch . « These tools were formerly issued by the Engineer Department. They should not b« confu'jed with the intrenching tools with similar names carried by individuals. » Per foot. 22 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. II. Machine-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Machine-gun equipment — Continued. Articles. Spare parts for rifles: Actuator springs Barrels Breechblocks, with extractor and spring Cartridge stops. Cartridge stop holders Cartridge stop springs Ejectors Ejector caps Ejector springs Extractors Extractor springs Feed pieces Feed-piece springs (complete) Fermeture nuts Firing pins Front sight, including cover and screws Locking nuts Locking screws Rear sights, complete, without windage screw ^ Rear sight windage screws, complete ^. Sear springs Stocks Spare parts for packs: Spare parts for ammunition hangers — Rear top braces Side braces, 1 right, 1 left Quick-release device, assembled 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches strap loop, with rollers 2 inches by 1.25 inches strap loop, with roller and 2-inch strap fastener Five-sided strap loop, with 2-inch strap fastener Holding-down clips 1-inch by 0.5-inch strap loops Num- ber. 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 12 4 4 4 6 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 Unit price. $0. 12. 15. 10 .07 .14 .57 .05 .08 Property classification. Class. Section, IV I A rear-si'ijbt, complete, does not include the rear sight fixed « The windage screw is part of rear sight, complete. .05 .05 .02 base and screw, CAVALRY UNIT ACCOTJNTABIIITY EaiTIPMENT MANUAL. 23 II. Machine-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Machine-gun equipment — Continued. Articles. Spare parts for packs — Continued. Spare rivets — 0.187 {-^) - inch by 0.5 - inch round-head 0.187 (A)-inch by 0.875-inch round-head 0.187 (A)-inch by 1.25-inch round-head 0.25-inch by 0.75-inch round- head 0.25-inch by 1.75-inch round- head Spare parts for rifle hangers — Upper frame brace Hanger bar Diagonal brace Frame limb, front, with buckle. . Rifle-hanger hasp Rifle-hanger hasp lock Rifle-hanger link, clasp, and clasp plate, assembled Rifle-hanger clevises with pins . . Ammunition-box rest Spare parts for pack frames — Side braces Pack-frame pins Strap-loop clevises Superframes Hook hinge Arch Side bar Brace bar Brace-bar board Side-bar board Split pins, -^ inch by 0.625 inch. Spare parts for pack harness and tools : Top sticks, 1 right, 1 left Boot sticks, 1 right, 1 left Ribs, set of 10 1 Per 100. Property Num- ber. Unit classification. Class. Section. 30 ^10. 05 40 ^06 10 ^07 25 \08 6 M7 1 .20 1 1.10 1 .10 1 .43 1 .23 1 .30 1 2 .51 .10 IV 1 1 .40 4 .09 2 .04 2 .04 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 .30 .19 .52 .09 .08 .30 .11 10 .01 2 .94 2 .81 2 .43 24 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. II. Machine-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Machine-gun equipment — Continued. Articles. Num- ber. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section Range-finding instruments: Weldon range finders Pouches for Weldon range finders. . . Steel tapes, 100-foot Saddler's tools: Awl blades, harness, assorted, Nos. 43, 45, and 48 Awl, seat, handled Compass, 6-inch Edge tool. No. 2 Extra blades, with followers, for draw gage Gage, draw, brass (without guard). . . Hammer, No. 3, riveting Handles, awl, flat, imitation ebony, assorted, 3 sizes Knife, round Needle case, leather Needles, harness — No, 4, paper No. 5, paper No. 6, paper Nippers, cutting, 10-inch Oilstone, 1.125 inches by 2 inches by 8 inches, Washita, unmounted Punches, hand, Nos, 5 and 7 Punch, revolving, 4 tubes, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7 Rivet set Rule, folding, 2-foot Shoe knife, square point Stitching horse Stitching clamp Thimble, best aluminum-lined, steel Tool, claw Tool kit, cotton duck $15. 17 .54 4.33 .02 .15 .58 .15 .08 1.65 .39 .05 .85 .17 .06 .06 .06 3.00 .32 .24 1.03 .50 .26 .16 8.05 1.62 .03 .32 2.05 IV X CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 25 II. Machine-Gun Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Machine-gun equipment — Continued. Articles. Num- ber. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Section. Blacksmith 's tools : Anvil, 17.5 pounds Chisel, handled, for cold iron, 1 pound 6 ounces Clinch cutter Clinching iron Forge and bellows Hammer — Hand, 2-ppund Shoeing, 10-ounce Hardie, 0.5-inch square shank, 1.5- inch bit Pritchel, 0.75-inch flats, 9 inches. . . Punch, nail Shoeing knife Shoeing rasp, 16-inch Toe knife Tongs, horspslioer's, 1.5 lbs. , 12 inches Tool kit, small $10. 16 1 .25 1.58 .63 14.39 .41 .33 .21 .39 .11 .27 .33 .45 .30 1.63 Note.— For complete list of material, see Ordnance Pamphlet No. 1926. III. Squadron. ENGINEER PROPERTY. , (1) Old-model equipment. [Note.— In case this equipment is provided, the notation "Old-model equipment" will be made on the engineer return.] Articles. Num- ber. Unit price. Box, reconnaissance equipment, with brass padlock Case, sketching Compass, prismatic, with case Level, hand, or cHnometer, with case Pace tally Protractors, rectangular $3.00 8.90 9.55 8.90 3.25 1.32 26 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. III. Squadron — Continued. ENGINEER PROPERTY — Continued^ (2) New-model equipment. [Note. — In case this equipment is provided, the notation *'New-model equipment" will be made on the engineer return.] Articles. Num- Unit ber. price. $1.25 7.55 6.60 8.90 1.50 3.25 2.20 4.25 Alidade Board, sketching Chest, sketching outfit Clinometer, service, with case Holder, timing pad Pace tally Pencil pocket Tripod, wood, folding , IV. Troop. ENGINEER PROPERTY. Articles. Num- ber. Unit price. Comnasses. watch 6 $1.55 SIGNAL PROPERTY. [See note following Signal property, p. 15.] Articles. Num- ber. Unit price. Glasses, field, type A Kits, flag, 2-foot Kits, flag, semaphore $14. 65 2.37 1.41 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 27 IV. Troop— Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY. Three sets of horse equipment for officers of troop. (See pages 39 and 40.) Should a detachment of a troop be serving at a post separated from the remainder of the troop, the necessary articles of ordnance unit account- ability equipment for the detachment will be issued to the officer in charge of the detachment by the commanding officer of the troop, who will continue to account for the property. (1) Old-model equipment. Note . — In case the troop is provided with this equipment the notation " Old-model equip - ment" will be made on the ordnance return.] Articles. Number for Prop erty strength of— Unit price. classin cation. 70 en- 86 en- listed listed Class. Section. men. men. 70 70 86 86 $7. 85 1.60 },x 5 68 84 .09 VII 1 70 70 86 86 .50 .40 ) 2 6,120 7,560 4 25. 00 VIII 1 1,470 1,806 '- 14. 16 VIII 2 68 84 3.15 IX 2 68 84 .56 IX 1 8 8 10 10 .37 .09 jvii 1 1 1 4.16 X 9 70 86 .18 IX 1 70 86 .18 IX 5 26 34 .08 VII 1 70 86 .05 IX 1 68 84 .02 VII 1 68 84 .88 IX 1 70 86 1.92 70 86 .36 IX 5 70 86 .97 70 86 .12 IX 1 70 86 .76 70 86 .16 IX 5 70 86 .•28 Bridles, Cavalry Bridles, watering ^ Brushes and thongs ^ Canteens. Cavalry ^ Canteen straps. Cavalry ^ Cartridges, ball, caliber .30 Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. . . Cartridge belts, caliber .30, Cavalry. Cartridge-belt suspenders Cleaning rods Cleaning-rod cases Company repair kit Cups Currycombs Drift slides Forks Front-sight covers Gim slings Halter headstalls Halter tie ropes (straps) Horse brushes Knives Lariats Lariat straps Links 1 Issued only with the curb bridle, model of 1902. * If any rides are provided with spare-part container, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. 3 In liei of this canteen and strap, the canteen, model of 1910, at $0.72, with canteen cover, dismounted, at $0.44, may be issued. * Per 1,000. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. IV. Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (1) Old-model equipment — Continued. Articles. Number for strength of— 70 en- listed 86 en- listed men. Unit price. Property classification. Class. Magazines, pistol, extra Magazine pockets, web, double Meat cans Nose bags ^ Oiler and thong cases ^ Picket pins Pistol belts, without saber ring Pistols, caliber .45 Pistol cleaning kit Pistol holsters, caliber .45 Pouches for first-aid packet Pouches, telescopic sight Pouch, Weldon range finder Rifles, U.S., caliber .30 Rifles for telescopic sight Rifle scabbards Sabers Saber knots Saber scabbards Saber straps, pairs Saddles, Cavalry ^ Saddlebags, pairs Saddle blankets , Screw drivers, rifle Spoons Spurs, pairs , Spur straps, sets Steel tape, 60 feet Stencil, canteen* Surcingles Telescopic sights with screw driver wrench Weldon range finder 140 68 70 70 68 70 2 70 1 70 70 2 1 66 2 68 68 68 68 68 70 70 70 8 70 70 70 1 1 70 2 1 172 84 86 86 84 86 2 86 1 86 86 2 1 82 2 84 84 84 84 84 86 86 86 10 86 86 86 1 1 86 2 1 10.52 .82 .42 1.00 .12 .28 1.95 14.25 5.14 1.54 .12 1.93 .54 12.50 16.68 4.26 2.80 .46 2.00 .42 24. 85 6.75 4.00 .10 .04 1.28 .34 2.29 .20 .30 46.66 15.17 VII IX IX IX VII IX IX VII X IX IX VII X ►VII IX VII IX VII ax VII IX X X IX VII X 1 A new-model feed bag, at $1.09, combined with a grain bag, at 13 cents, is being issued. 2 If any rifles are provided with spare-part container, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. 8 One saddle is to be provided with a guidon stirrup, at $2.09. 4 See note 1, page 9. See note 5, page 9. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. 29 IV. Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — continued . (1) Old model equipment — Continued. NOTE. If the troop is provided with caliber .45 revolvers instead of automatic pistols, the fact will be stated on the ordnance return and the above unit accountability equipment will be modified as follows: Omit. Cartridges, ball, pistol, caHber .45. Magazines, pistol, extra. Magazine pockets, web, double. Pistol belty, without saber ring. Pistols, caliber .45. Pistol cleaning kit. Pistol holsters, caliber .45. Add. Number for strength of— Unit price. Property classincation. Articles. 70 en- listed men. 86 en- listed men. Class. Section. Cartridges, ball, caliber .45 Revolver cartridge belts, with- out saber ring 1,400 2 70 70 1,720 2 86 86 1 $14. 79 1.70 13.00 1.34 VIII IX VII IX 2 3 Revolvers, caliber .45 2 Revolver holsters, caliber .45 . . 2 » Per 1,000. 30 CAVALRY UNIT AC COITNT ABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. [NOTE.- IV. Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New-model equipment {1912). -In case the troop is provided with this equipment the notation ' equipment" will be made on the ordnance return.] ■New-model Articles. Bandoleers, Cavalry Breast straps , Bridles, Cavalry , Brushes and thongs ^ , Canteens, model of 1910 , Canteen covers, dismounted, model of 1910 Carrier straps Cartridges, ball, caliber .30. . . . Cartridges, ball, pistol, cali- ber .45 Cartridge belts. Cavalry Cleaning rods Cleaning-rod cases Cooling straps Cups, model of 1910 Currycombs, model of 1913 Drift slides Feed bags Field picket line Field picket-line pins Forks, model of 1910 PYont-sight covers Grain bags Guidon and standard carrier Gun slings Hatchets Hatchet covers Horse brushes Intrenching- tool carriers Knives, model of 1910 Lariats Magazines, pistol, extra Meat cans, model of 1910 Oiler and thong cases ^ Picks, Cavalry Pick covers Picket pins Picket-pin cases Number for strength of— 70 en- listed men. 68 3 70 68 70 70 68 6,120 1,470 68 8 8 70 70 70 26 70 1 5 70 68 70 1 68 7 7 70 68 70 70 140 70 68 15 15 70 68 86 en- listed men. 84 3 86 84 86 86 84 7,560 1,806 84 10 10 86 86 86 34 86 1 5 86 84 86 1 84 7 7 86 84 86 86 172 86 84 20 20 86 84 Unit price. $2.65 2.56 8.98 .09 .72 .44 .77 2 25. 00 2 14. 16 6.32 .37 .09 .18 .34 .18 .08 1.09 7.00 1.78 .08 .02 .13 .42 .88 .27 .19 .97 1.74 .10 .59 .52 .42 .12 1.10 .16 1.78 .68 Property classification. Class. Section. IX }ix IX IX VIII VIII IX ^VII IX IX IX VII ax IX VII ax IX ► X >IX IX IX VII IX VII ► X ► IX » If any rifles are provided with spare-part container, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. « Per 1.000. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 31 IV. Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New-model equipment {1912) — Continued. Articles. Number for strength of— 70 en- listed men. 86 en- listed men. Unit price. Property classincation. Class. Section. Picket-pin carriers, special Pin and hammer chest Pistols, caliber .45 Pistol belts, without saber ring. . Pistol holsters Pommel pockets Pouches for first-aid packet. . . . Pouches, telescopic sight Pouch, Weldon range finder. .. Ration bags Record case, noncommissioned officer's Rifle carrier boots Rifle covers Rifles, U. S., caliber .30 Rifles for telescopic sights Sabers, model of 1913 Saber carriers Saber knots Saber scabbards Saddles Saddle blankets Screw drivers, rifle Shovels, Cavalry Sledge hammer Spoons, model of 1910 Spurs, pairs Spiir straps, sets Steel tape, 5-foot Steel tape, 60-foot Stencil, personal equipment ^.. Stock covers Telescopic sights with screw- driver wrench Troop pack^ Troop pannier "Water buckets, canvas, large... Water tank "Weldon range finder :. Wire cutters 2 1 70 2 70 70 70 2 1 70 1 68 68 66 2 68 68 68 68 70 70 8 46 1 70 70 70 1 1 1 68 2 1 1 8 1 1 70 2 1 86 2 86 86 86 2 1 86 1 84 84 82 2 84 84 84 84 86 86 10 57' 1 86 86 86 1 1 1 84 2 1 1 8 1 1 86 $3.03 9.60 14.25 1.95 1.54 8.07 .10 1.93 .54 3.66 12.22 7.97 .27 12.50 16.68 3.25 3.95 .46 2.73 24.02 4.00 .10 46.66 63.03 20.04 1.35 23.60 15.17 1.13 IX X VII IX IX IX IX VII X |,x IX. IX [vii VII IX IX VII VII \^ IX ^IX X X X IX VII IX X ^IX X X » See note 1, page 13. See note 1, page 12. * A troop pack consists of 1 apareio, 1 aparejo cincha, 1 saddle blanket, 1 sobrejalma, 1 corona, 2 pack covers, 1 crupper, 1 blinder, 1 lash rope, 1 sling rope, 2 lair ropes, 1 lash cincha. CAVALKY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. IV. Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Tools. Articles. Property- classification. Num- ber. Unit Class. Section. 12 $0.02 6 .05 1 .01 1 .15 1 1.25 1 .32 1 .58 1 3.00 1 .22 ^1 .15 1 .15 2 .08 1 1.65 1 .85 1 3.30 1 .17 1 .09 2 2 .06 .06 X 9 2 .06 1 .32 1 .04 1 .50 1 1.03 1 .39 1 .50 4 .19 1 .26 1 .11 1 .61 1 .85 1 .24 1 .16 1 .46 Saddler's tools: Awl blades, harness, assorted Awl handles, flat, assorted, 6 sizes Awl, pegging Awl, seat, handled Carriage, pricking, 3 wheels, Nos. 7, 8, and 10 Claw tool Compass, 6-inch Cutting nippers, 10-inch Creaser, double, lignum- vitse Edge tool, No. 1 Edge tool. No. 2 Extra blades, with followers for draw gage Gage, draw, brass (without guard) . . . Knife, roimd Knife, splitting Needle case, leather Needles, glover's, No. 3, paper Needles, harness. No. 4, papers Needles, harness. No. 5, papers Needles, harness. No. 6, papers Oilstone, 1.25 by 2 by 8, Washita, un- mounted Peg-awl handle, with wrench Pliers, 6-inch , Kevolving punch, 4 tubes, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and / Riveting hammer, No. 3 Rivet set Round hand punches, Nos. 5, 7, 8, audio Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold Screw driver, 3-inch blade Sewing palm, leather Shears, 10-inch, bent trimmers Shoe knife, broad point Shoe knife, square point Slicker, steel CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. 33 IV. Troop — Continued. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. Tools — Continued. Articles. Num- ber. Saddler's tools — Continued. Stitching horse Stitching clamp Thimbles, aluminum lined, steel Tool bag, saddler's Blacksmith's tools: ^ Anvil, 34-pound Apron, blacksmith's Box, shoeing, leather Chisel, handled, for cold iron, lib. 6 oz. Clinch, cutter Clinching iron Creaser, steel-handled Drills, flat File, 12-inch, flat, second cut File, 8-inch, 3-square, taper Fire rake Fire shovel Hammers — Rounding. 2-pound, 14-inch handle Shoeing, 10-ounce Handles, cold chisel, spare Hardie,y%-inch shank, 1-inch bit Hoof parer, 12-inch Pritchel, y%-inch flats, 9-inch Ratchet drill for square shank Schaller forge Schaller forge tool chest Shoeing knife Shoeing pincers, 12-inch Shoeing rasp, 16-inch Tongs, horseshoer's, 18.5 ounces Tool kit for Schaller forge Vise, 2.5-inch jaws Whetstone, 10-inch Wrench, screw, 8-inch Unit price. $8.05 1.62 .03 15.25 3 147, 67, .15 .81 .74 .25 .58 .63 .88 .62 .15 .14 .31 .14 .55 .33 .06 .88 .00 .32 45 00 40 27 37 33 26 45 40 12 36 Property classification. Class. Section. 1 To be issued when old model forge becomes unserviceable and when Schaller forges are available. 34 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. V. Individual Arms and Equipments for Field Service. ORDNANCE PROPERTY. (1) Old-model equipment. (a) Arms and equipments of all enlisted men (except trumpeters and members of bands and machine-gun troops): 1 brush and thong. ^ 1 canteen, Civalry.^ 1 canteea strap, Cavalry .^ 90 cartri.la:es, ball, caliber .30. 21 cartridi^es, ball, pistol, caliber .45, or 20 cartridges, ball, revolver, caliber .45. 1 cartrid^j:e belt, caliber .30, Cavalry. 1 cartridge belt suspenders, pair. 1 cup. 1 fork. 1 front si<;!:ht cover. 1 gun sling. 1 knife. 2 magazines, pistol, extra (if pistol is issued). 1 magazine pocket, web, double (if pistol is issued). 1 meat can. 1 oiler and thong case.^ 1 pistol or revolver. 1 pistol or revolver holster. 1 pouch for first-aid packet. 1 rifle scabbard. 1 rifle, U. S., caliber .30. 1 s b3r and scabbard, Cavalry. 1 saber knot. 1 saber straps, pair. 1 spoon. 1 spurs, pair. 1 spur straps, set. (6) Members of bands and trumpeters: 1 canteen, Cavalry. 1 canteen strap. Cavalry. 21 cartridges, ball, pi>'tol, caliber .45, or 20 cartridges, ball, revolver, caliber .45. 1 cup. > 1 fork. 1 knife. 2 magazines, pistol, extra (if pistol is issued). 1 meat can. 1 pistol belt or revolver cartridge belt without saber ring. 1 pistol or revolver. 1 pistol or re^'olver holster. 1 pouch for fir^t-aid packet. I , ' To b2 omitted if rifle is pro w-ii'id with spare-part container. «Tn lieu of these the canteen, moi<3l of 1910, with canteen cover, dismounted, may be issued. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 35 V. Individual Arms and Equipments for Field Service — Contd. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (1) Old-model equipment — Continued. (6) Members of bands and trumpeters — Continued. 1 spoon. 1 spurs, pair. ] spur straps, set. (c) In addition to (6), drum major will have: 1 saber and scabbard, Cavalry. 1 saber knot. » 2 saber straps. (d) Members of machine-gun troops in addition to articles shown in {a), ex( ept rifles and sabers, gun slings, saber S( abbard, saber knot, rifle scabbard, saber strnps, brushes and thongs, oiler and thong case, front si^ht cover; ball cartridges, caliber .30. 1 bolo. 1 bolo scabbard. (c) Horse equipments for each enlisted man individually mounted: 1 bridle, Cavalry, model of 1909 or 1912 or curb bridle model of 1902. 1 bridle, watering, if curb bridle model of 1902 is issued. 1 ci rrycomb. 1 halter headstall. ^-«H. halter tie rope. 1 horse brush. 1 lariat. 1 lariat strap. 1 link. 1 nose bag, or feed bag (with grain bag). 1 picket pin. 1 saddle. Cavalry, complete.^ 1 saddlebags, pair. 1 saddle blanket. 1 SI rcingle. (J) For men armed with rifle: 1 drift slide No. 4\,. ^^^^^^^ ..^^ 1 drift slide No. er'^^^^^y 5 ^^^^«- 1 cleaning rod 1 cleaning-rod case for every 8 rifles. 1 S( rew c river J {g) Equipment of ammunition mule: 1 aparejo. 1 aparejo cincha. 1 blinder. 1 corona. 1 crupper. 1 halter-bridle with leather or rope reins. 1 saddle blanket. ' One saddle for each troop and the saddles for the two color sergeants are to be provided with a guidon stirrup. 36 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. V. Individual Arms and Equipments for Field Service — Contd. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (1) Old-model equipment — Continued. (jg) Equipment of ammunition mule — Continued. 1 sobrejalma. 1 pack frame. 2 ammunition hangers. 1 currycomb. 1 feed bag. 1 grain bag. 1 horse brush. 6 ammunition boxes, 60 feed e trips. (2) New-model equipment {1912). (a) Arms and equipments of all enlisted men (except trumpeters and members of bands and machine-gun troops): 1 bandoleer, Cavalry. 1 brush and thong. ^ 1 canteen, model of 1910. }. canteen cover, dismounted, model of 1^10. 90 cartridges, ball, caliber .30. 21 cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. 1 cartridge belt, C avalry. 1 cup, model of 1910. 1 fork, model of 1910. 1 front sight cover. 1 gun sling. 1 knife, model of 1910. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. 1 meat can, model of 1910. 1 oiler and thong case.^ 1 pistol, caliber .45. 1 pistol holster. 1 poucti for first-aid packet. 1 ration bag. 1 rifle cover. lrifle,U. S., caliber .30. 1 saber. 1 saber knot. 1 saber scabbard. 1 spoon, model of 1910. 1 spurs, pair. 1 spur straps, set. 1 stock cover. 1 wire cutter. 1 To be omitted if rifle.is provided with spare-part container. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. 87 V. Individual Arms and Equipments for Field Service — Contd. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New-model equipment (1912) — Continued. (6) For members of band: 1 canteen, model of 1910. 1 canteen cover, dismounted, model of 1910. 21 cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. 1 cup, model of 1910. 1 fork, model of 1910. 1 knife, model of 1910. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. 1 meat can, model of 1910. 1 pistol, caliber .45. 1 pistol belt, without saber ring. 1 pistol holster. 1 pouch for first-aid packet. 1 ration bag. 1 spoon, model of 1910. 1 spurs, pair. 1 spur straps, set. (c) For drum major, in addition to (6): 1 saber. 1 saber knot. 1 saber scabbard. (d) For members of machine-gun troop, in addition to (6): 1 bolo. 1 bolo scabbard. 1 wire cutter. (e) For noncommissioned staff oflacers and first sergeants, in addition to (a): 1 record case, noncommissioned officer^s. (/) For trumpeters in addition to (6): 1 wire cutter. *) (g) Horse equipment for each enlisted man individually mounted: 1 bridle, Cavalry. 1 carrier strap (only for men armed with saber or rifle). 1 cooling strap. 1 currycomb. 1 feed bag. 1 grain bag. * 1 horse brush. 1 intrenching tool carrier (only for men armed with rifle). 1 lariat. 1 picket pin. ^1 picket-pin case (only for men armed with rifle). HL picket-pin carrier, special (only for men without rifle). 1 pommel pockets. 88 CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. V. Individual Arms and Equipments for Field Service — Contd. ORDNANCE PROPERTY — Continued. (2) New-model equipment {1912) — Continued. {g) Horse equipment for each enlisted man individually mounted — Con. 1 rirte carrier boot (only for men armed with rifle). 1 saber carrier (only for men armed with saber). 1 saddle. 1 saddle blanket. Qi) Intrenching; tools for members of the troop and headquarters troop (except band). hatchet cover}^P«^<^'g«^'^t- pick, Cavabyll for every 4 men, except sergeants and trumpet- pick cover J ers. shovel (3 for every 4 men, except sCi-geants and trumpeters), (f) For men armed with rifle: 1 drift slide No. A\r^^^ ^,.««„ k ^.-fl^e, 1 drift slide No. er^'^^^^'^y^"^^"- 1 cleaning rod ] 1 cleaninlj-rod case [For every 8 rifles. 1 srrew driver J (J) Equipment of ammunition mule: ] aparejo. 1 aparejo cincha. 1 blinder. 1 corona. 1 crupper. 1 hal tor-bridle with leather or rope reins. 1 saddle blanket. 1 Fobrejalma. 1 pack frame. 2 ammunition hangers. 1 currycomb/ 1 feed bag. 1 grain bag. 1 hort-e bru?h. 6 ammunition boxes. 60 feed strips. VI. Ordnance Stores for use of Officers under par. 1522, A. R., 1913. ordnance property. Organization commanders may keep on hand a sufficient number of the following-named stores to meet the provisions of par. 1522, A. R., 1913: Automatic pistols, cal. .45, model of 1911. Pistol belt'^, model of 1912. Pistol holsters. Pistol magazines, extra, two for each pistol. CAVALRY UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY :i;Qotri;P^ENT MA'lJiJAL. 39 VI. Ordnance Stores for use op 0ffi^ei*8 UN^iE/i' j^ar: i$2Z A. R., 1913— Contifiu^cl.:* . • ' -. ' V. : •' ^'•* ordnance property — continued. In case the orf3:anization is equipped with .45-caliber revolvers instead of automatic pistol", such revolvers with correi:pondiiig articles of revolver equipment, may be retained on hand for this purpo.se. No additional ordnance stores of kinds other than those named above will be provided as a part of the unit accountability equipment to meet the requirements of par. 1522. A. R., 1913. If at any time the number of rifles, gun slings, cartridge belts, and car- tridge belt suspenders on hand pertaining to the regular unit account- ability equipment of the organization is not suflicieit to meet the pro- visions of par. 1522, A. R., 1913, then such stx^res will be drawn by the individual officers requiring the use of them fr>m tlie p )st ordnance oflicer, or from the designated ordnance 8up]>ly ollicer, under memoran- dum receipt. See par. 2, G. O. 24, W. D., 1913. The rifle and i:)istol ammunition required to meet the provisions of par. 1522, A. R., 1913, will be taken from the ammuJiition which is held bv the organization commander on memorandum receipt from the supply ofiicer, under par. 7, G. 0. 43, W. D., 1913. VII. Officers' Horse Equipment. ordnance property. The following articles constitute a set of horse equipments for issue to officers entitled to them: (1) Set of model of 1912 equipment. 1 bridle. 1 carrier strap. 1 cooling strap. 1 currycomb. 1 feed bag. 1 grain bag. 1 halter, stable. 1 horse brush. 1 L riat. 1 picket pin. 1 picket-pin carrier, special. 1 pommel pockets, officers'. 1 pair ration bags. 1 saddle, officers'. 1 saddle blmket. 2 saddle cloths, officers' (with insignia).^ 1 p:iir spurs. 1 set spur strips, russet. 1 set spur strjps, bl ck. 1 saber carrier, officers'. ^ Until the 1912 equipment has been manufacture 1 in sufficient quanti ties to equip all the cxvalry troops the above h )r