CHRISTIAIxxi.i jxi.\D K BR 115 H5 F5 «-y fEVILLE FiuuiS, MA., A A = A = ^-— GO = i~ n = ^= JD n = JD '^ - 6 = '~ 1 — n = 1^^^ r— - CD i) o = :^^ j> y — ■A = H = - Ci —1 ^^^ -on. Agrippa, quoted, 63. Allen, Graat, 67;?. Anne, Queen, policy of, 32. Architecture, Church, sublimity of, 35-38. Arnold, reference to, 59. Art and poetry, religious sub- jects in, 38-40. Associations' Law, reference to, 8. Aurelius, Marcus, reference to, 41. Barclay, 70. Becket, St. Thomas a, reference to, 2^n. Bismarck, reference to, 57. Bonaparte, Napoleon, Concor- dat signed by, 9 ; reference to, 56. Buckle, Mr., 54. Buddha, reference to, ^6n. Burke, quoted, 25. Carlyle, Mrs., 50. Carlyle, Thomas, reference to, 56, 59-. . Caroline Divines, the, 5. Catholic Church, civilizing in- fluence of, in Middle Ages, 8, 25-27. Catholic Emancipation Bill, reference to, 31. Cavour, 57. Charles II, policy of, 32. Chaucer, reference to, 16. Christianity A living influence, 1-2, 11- 13, 18, 21, 34, 39,63. Development of, from Hebrew and Greek ele- ments, 52-54. Forms of, 59 60. Historical character of, 49- 50. Liberty, the principle of, 68-71. Moral progress of mankind, influence on, 64, 65. Refining influence of, on education and art, 24-27, 38-40. Reflections from the study of, 72. Roman Empire, under sway of, 23. Civitas Dei^ 2472, 25^, 29/;. Comte, reference to, 59. Conciliar movement, the, 32. Concordat of Bologna, the, 10. Concordat, the, of 1801, 9-10. " Consideration on the Balance of Power in Europe " refer- ence to, 64?/. Colon, Father, 9. Creighton, Dr. Mandel, Bishop of London, 58, 66/?. 7S INDEX Dante, reference to, 29/;. Darwinism, 57. De RTaistre, reference to, 31. De Monarchia Dante's, refer- ence to, 29//. "Divina Commedia," reference to, 39-40. Divine right, 32. Emmanuel, Victor, King of Italy, President Loubet's visit to, 9. Epictetus, reference to, 4in. Esmond, reference to, 15. France, Anatole, reference to, 8;/. Francis I, Concordat of 15 17 signed by, 10. Freeman, reference to, 52. French Government, Religious Orders and, struggle be- tween, 8-9. Froude, reference to, 56. Gallican Liberties, reference to, 10. Gould, Mr. Jay, 56. Gray's Elegy, reference to, 37- 38. Green, Mr. J. R., 19, 20. Handel's " Isaiah," reference to, 40. Hapsburg, House of, 29. Harnack, Dr. Adolf, 49, 58, 59, ton, 62«. Henry II, reference to, 24^';. " Historic Doubts " reference to, 46//. Historical study, purpose of 13, Historical tradition, method of treating, 44-45- " History of Civilisation in Eng- land," reference to, 54. History, pre-Christian, 32-33. History, Church and Secular relation between, 74-76. Hort, Dr., ciuoted, 43. Hutton, Mr. R. H. 56^. Huxley, reference to, 59. Incarnation, doctrine of the, 53. "Independent Review" refer- ence to, 30;?. Irish Disestablishment, refer- ence to, 31. James II, reference to policy of, 31, 32. James, Mr. Henry, 15. James, Mr. William, Gyn. Jesus Christ — — Interpretation of His doc- trine, 59-62. Relation of, to history, 46- 50, 55- John of Salisbury, reference to, 26;/. Johnson, Mr., 22n. Langlois, M., 48/7. Lecky, reference to, 32/z, 65;?. Leo X, Pope, Concordat signed with Francis I. 10. Loisy, Abbe, 48-49, 55, 60. Loubet, President, Italy, visit to, 9. Louis IX, 10. Louis XIV, 31. Luther, reference to, 7, 41, 46//., 57- Macaulay, reference to, 15. Machiavelli, reference to, 57;?. Martineau, reference to, 59. Mediaeval world, state of, 26-29. Medici, Marie de, 9. Metternlch, reference to, 57. Mill, John Stuart, reference to, 59- Miracles, veracity of, 48. Mithras, worship of, 46;/. INDEX 79 Monna Lisa, the, reference to, 42 «. Morris, Mr., quoted, 14. Morrison, Mr. Cotter, 64. Music, " the Christian Art," 40. Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, reference to, 31, 59; quoted, 50-52. Nietzsche, P^riedrich, ^m. Novahs, reference to, 31. " Pagan Christs," reference to, 43- Papacy, the, influence on history, 21 ; secular power of, 6-7, 23-24, 28-29. " Paradise Lost,'' reference to, .39-40. Parliament, Religious cjuestions and bills in, 31. Pascal, the Pensees of, 41. Pasquier, 9. " Passive Resistance," 3-5. Pater, Walter, 42'?. Peter the Hermit, reference to, 46;?. Pius Vn, Pope, Concordat signed by, 9. Pius X, Pope, 9. Plato, reference to, 53. "Political Institutions," reference to, 55. "Politics at the Council of Constance" reference to, 32;?. Pollock, Mr. John, 30/;. Pope, temporal power of the, 6-7, 23-24, 28-29. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, reference to, 10. Punch, 31. Reformation, the, 6-8. Religion Established and Non-estab- lished, 5-6 Politics and, connection be- tween, 5, 6, 7, 12, 18, 29, 31- Revolution of 1689, effects of, 32- Richelieu, Cardinal, reference to, 57. Robertson, Mr. J. M., reference to, 22«, 43, 46;?- Roman Empire, Christian Church and, relation be- tween, 8, 23. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, refer- ence to, 30. Ruskin, quoted, 34-35. Russell, Lord John, 31. " Sandford and Merton," refer- ence to, 16. St. Augustine, reference to, 25 ; Confessions of, 40-41. St. Francis of Assisi, reference to, 57. St. Ignatius Loyola, reference to, 57. St. Paul, reference to, 57 ; Liberty, preached by, 70-71. St. Thomas a Kempis, De Iviitatione of, 41. Salisbury Cathedral, 35. Scott, reference to, 14. Secularism, dogma of, 4672. Seeley, reference to, 32/z, 64«. Seignobos, M., 48;?. " Service of Man" the, reference to, 62. Sistine Madonna, the, 52. Society of Jesus, reference to, 9. Spencer, Mr., 54. Thackeray, reference to, 14. Tieck, reference to, 31. 8o INDEX Virgil, reference to, i6. " Visits of Elizabeth," reference to, 16-17. Vogler, Abt, 52. Voltaire, reference to, 30. "War of the Worlds," reference to, I. Watts, Mr. Theodore, 36^. Wells, Mr. H. G., 1. Wesley, John, reference to, 57. Whately, Archbishop, reference to, 46«. Wyclif, reference to, 46;/., tem- poral power of the Pope, attitude towards, 24. York Minster, 34. <\. and sons, ALIIANY ^RESS, ABKKDEEN. 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