784 Us BANCROFT LIBRARY > THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA THE UN1VER5ITY CLUB 1892 THE UNIVERSITY CLUB 1422 CURTIS STREET DENVER CARSON, HURST & HARPER ART PRINTERS DENVER Director?, 1 89 1 *CHARLES W. BADGLEY WILLIAM R. BARBOUR ALLAN M. CULVER GEORGE Z. DIMMITT CHARLES R. DUDLEY EDWIN N. HAWKINS JOHN L. JEROME HERMAN C. JOY HENRY F. MAY OSCAR J. PFEIFFER HENRY T. ROGERS R. HEBER SMITH CHARLES H. TOLL *Elected March igth, 1891, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Lambert Sternbergh. Officer?, 1891 HENRY T. ROGERS JOHN L. JEROME EDWIN N. HAWKINS ALLAN M. CULVER *HERMAN C. JOY *Elected September ist, 1891, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Allan M. Culver Directory, 1 891-1892 To serv* until October, 1892 CHARLES W. BADGLEY MOSES HALLETT CHARLES J. HUGHES, JR. JOHN L. JEROME CHARLES H. TOLL To serv* until October, 1893 CHARLES R. DUDLEY JEREMIAH T. ESKRIDGE EDWIN N. HAWKINS HENRY T. ROGERS SAMUEL F. RATHVON To serv? until October, 1894 WILLIAM R. BARBOUR HERMAN C. JOY R. HEBER SMITH JOEL F. VAILE HENRY E. WOOD Officer?, 1 89 1 -1892 HENRY T. ROGERS JOHN L. JEROME Secretary EDWIN N. HAWKINS HERMAN C. JOY 1891-92 Executive CHARLES W. BADGLEY WILLIAM R. BARBOUR SAMUEL F. RATHVON HENRY T. ROGERS CHARLES H. TOLL Corprpittee or) Literature ai) Know all men by these presents -, That we, John L. Jerome, William R. Barbour, George Z. Dimmitt, Henry F. May, Henry T. Rogers, R. Heber Smith, Lam- bert Sternbergh, Allan M. Culver, Charles H. Toll, Charles R. Dudley, and Edwin N. Hawkins, all residents of the City of Denver and State of Colorado, and citizens of the United States, being desirous of associating ourselves for social purposes and not for pecuniary profit, and by virtue and in pursuance of the provisions of Chapter 19 of the General Statutes of Colorado, and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemen- tary thereto, do hereby associate ourselves together as a body corporate, and we do hereby make, execute and acknowledge this our certificate in writing of our intention to so become a body corporate, not for pecuniary profit, and therefore state and set forth : First The corporate name of our said association and corporation shall be THE UNIVERSITY CLUB. Second The objects for which our said association is formed, shall be to promote social intercourse among our- selves and associates in said Club, the encouragement of literature and art, and the establishment and maintenance of a library, reading-room and club house for the use of ourselves and associates, with all the appurtenances, belongings, matters and things usual or desirable in connection therewith. Third The number of directors to manage the said Club or association shall 18 be thirteen ; but the members of said Club shall have power to increase the number of the directors, if at any time they desire so to do, in the manner prescribed by the Constitution or By-laws of the Club. Fourth The following are the names of the directors of such Club or Associa- tion for the first year of its existence, to-wit : Charles H. Toll, John L. Jerome, Charles R. Dudley, Herman C. Joy, R. Heber Smith, William R. Barbour, Oscar J. Pfeiffer, Lambert Sternbergh, Edwin N. Hawkins, Henry T. Rogers, Allan M. Culver, Henry F. May, and George Z. Dimmitt. Fifth The principal operations of said Club shall be carried on in the City of Denver, County of Arapahoe, and State of Colorado, and the Club House shall be maintained in said City. Sixth The directors of said Club or association shall have power, from time to time, to made such prudential by-laws 19 as they shall deem proper for the manage- ment of the affairs of said Club, and for the government and management of its business, and for the qualifications and conduct of its members. In witness whereof > We have to this certificate respectively signed our names on this, the twenty-ninth day of January, A. D. 1891. JOHN L. JEROME WIU,IAM R. BARBOUR GEORGE Z. DIMMITT HENRY F. MAY HENRY T. ROGERS R. HEBER SMITH LAMBERT STERNBERGH Aiyi^AN M. CULVER CHARGES H. Tou, CHARGES R. DUDLEY EDWIN N. HAWKINS The foregoing certificate was acknowl- edged January 29, 1891, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State January 31, 1891. Constitution ARTICLE I The name of this association is THE UNIVERSITY CLUB. ARTICLE II Officers The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer. ARTICLE III Duties of Officers Section i President. The President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, shall preside at the meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors. In the event of their absence, the Club or Board of Directors may elect its presiding officer. The President shall sign all written con- tracts and obligations of the Club, and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors or the Club may assign him. Sec. 2 Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect all admission fees and all dues, and shall keep the accounts of the Club and report thereon at each regular meeting of the Board of Directors. He shall pay all bills on the certificate of their correctness by the Executive Com- mittee. Sec. 3 Secretary. The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors, and shall keep minutes of such meetings. He shall conduct the correspondence and keep the records of the Club. He shall notify persons elected to membership of their election, and shall be the keeper of the corporate seal of the Club. Sec. 4 Vice-President. In the case of the absence, resignation, death or removal from office of the President, the Vice-President shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of President during the continuance of such absence or vacancy. ARTICLE IV A\cctirjgs of tfte Club Section i. There shall be an annual meeting of the Club at the Club house, on the last Wednesday of October in each year, at 8 o'clock P. M. Sec. 2. Forty resident members shall constitute a quorum at all Club meet- ings. If there be no quorum before the hour of nine o'clock, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be had, and notice of every such adjournment shall be given as hereinafter provided for service of notice. 23 Sec. 3 Order of Business. 1. Roll Call 2. Reading of the minutes of last meeting 3. Reports of Officers 4. Reports of Committees 5. General Business 6. Election of Officers Sec. 4. Election of Officers. At the annual meeting of the Club to be held on the last Wednesday of October, 1891, the Club shall ballot for fifteen directors, and the directors so elected shall divide themselves by lot into three classes of five members each ; one of such classes shall hold office for three years, one for two years, and the third for one year ; and at each annual meeting thererafter the Club shall ballot for five directors to take the place of the outgoing class. Vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors shall be temporarily filled by a vote of the Board; but at the next annual meeting after the occurrence of such vacancy, a director shall be elected to serve the unexpired portion of such term. See. 5 Special Meetings. Upon the written request of twenty-five members of the Club, the Directors shall call a special meeting of the Club; such request, as well as the notice of the meeting, shall state the objects for which the meeting is called, and at a special meeting, no sub- ject not so stated shall be considered. Notices of any meeting, whether annual or special, shall be posted in the rooms of the Club for at least one week preceding the meeting, and a notice in writing shall also be sent to each resident member of the Club at least ten days preceding the meeting. Special meetings may also be called at any time by order of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V Boar4 of Directors Section i. The Board of Directors shall have general charge of the affairs, 25 funds, and property of the Club ; the/ shall have full power, and it shall be their duty, to carry out the purposes of the Club according to its charter, consti- tution and by-laws. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall, as soon as may be after each annual meeting, elect from its own body a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office until the next annual election, and until their suc- cessors are elected. Sec. j. The Board of Directors shall submit, at each annual meeting, a general report of the affairs of the Club, with an estimate for the ensuing year, which shall be printed and distributed to the members five days before the annual meeting, and the Board of Directors shall report at other times if required. Sec. 4.. The Board of Directors shall meet once a month, and special meetings may be called by order of the President or of any three Directors. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 5. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the rules for the admission of strangers to the privileges of the Club. Sec. 6. The Board of Directors may fill any vacancy in its body by election of a member to hold office until the next annual election. Sec. 7. The Board of Directors shall have power to remit penalties for offenses against the rules, and for unintentional violations of the constitution. ARTICLE VI Qualification of AVcnjbcr5 Section i. Any man shall be eligible to membership in this Club, who has received from a University or College a degree, to obtain which, in regular course, at least two years' residence and study are required, or who shall have received an honorary degree from such University or College, or who shall have graduated 27 at the United States Military Academy, or at the United States Naval Academy ; provided that a candidate who holds an honorary degree only shall be distin- guished in art, literature, science, or the public service ; and provided that profes- sional degrees shall entitle to membership only when given by such University or College as shall be designated by the Board of Directors, and the list of such Universities and Colleges shall be posted in the rooms of the Club. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall determine what degrees from what for- eign Universities shall qualify holders thereof for membership. ARTICLE VII Con?n?iitee 017 A4n?i$?ioi?s Section i. Prior to the annual meet- ing of the Club, to be held on the last Wednesday in October, 1891, the Board of Directors shall act as the Committee on Admissions, and be governed by the rules 28 hereinafter prescribed for the government of the Committee on Admissions. Sec. 2. At the meeting of the Club held on the last Wednesday in October, 1891, there shall be elected a committee of fifteen, who shall be known as the Committee on Admissions. Such com- mittee, immediately after its election, shall divide itself by lot into three classes of five each, one of which classes shall serve for-three years, one for two years, and the third for one year. At each annual election thereafter, five members of the Club shall be elected to take the place of the outgoing class, and to serve for three years on the Committee on Admissions. Vacancies arising during the year may be filled by the Committee, but at each annual election members shall be elected by ballot of the Club to fill such vacancies. Sec. j. Eight members of the Com- mittee shall constitute a quorum, and all candidates for admission shall be voted 29 for by ballot, and two negative votes shall be a rejection of the candidate. The names of the Committee shall remain posted in a conspicuous place in the Club rooms. The name, residence and college, or place of instruction, and the date of the degree of every person proposed for admission, with the names of the mem- bers proposing and seconding, shall be exposed in a conspicuous place in the Club house for at least two weeks. The matter shall then be referred to the Com- mittee on Admissions. The proceedings of the Committee shall be secret and confidential. It shall be the duty of the Committee, after careful consideration and examination, to vote upon each name separately. ARTICLE VIII Section i. The resident membership of the Club shall be limited to two hundred. 30 Sec. 2. Not to exceed five life mem- bers may be admitted, or qualified from the present membership, upon payment of a membership fee of five hundred dollars. Such members shall have all the privileges of resident members and be exempt from the payment of annual dues. ARTICLE IX Resignations Section i. Resignations of member- ships shall be made to the Secretary in writing, and no resignation shall be accepted unless the member presenting it has paid all current indebtedness to the Club, including the dues for the quarter during which said resignation takes effect. ARTICLE X Dues Section i. The admission fee shall be fifty dollars for resident members, and twenty-five dollars for non-resident mem- si bers; but every non-resident member who shall become a resident member shall pay to the Treasurer an amount equal to the difference between his origi- nal admission fee, and the admission fee for resident members at the time of his admission as a non-resident member ; and a failure to pay said sum shall be considered a failure to pay dues, and shall subject the member to the penalties prescribed for the failure to pay dues. Sec. 2. The annual dues of resident members shall be fifty dollars, and of non-resident members twenty-five dol- lars, payable quarterly in advance. Sec. j. A person not residing or having a place of business within ten miles of the Club house, may be elected a non-resident member, and any member who removes his residence or place of business a distance of not less than ten miles from the Club house, on written notice to the Treasurer shall become a non-resident member. 32 Sec. 4. Non-resident members shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Club or to hold any office. Sec. 5. Candidates elected, on pay- ment of the admission fee and of the dues of the current quarter, shall become members of the Club, and the election of any candidate shall be void if he fail to make such payment within thirty days after notice of his election is mailed, addressed to him at the place given as his residence on the posted list of candidates. Sec. 6. Should the dues of any mem- ber remain unpaid for the space of one month, the Treasurer shall notify him in writing that unless his dues are paid within one month from the date of such notice, his membership shall cease ; and unless such dues are paid pursuant to such notice, or such default is accounted for to the satisfaction of the Board of Directors, he shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Club. Sec. 7. In case of absence of any 33 resident member of the Club for a period of six consecutive months or more, the Board of Directors may make such remission of dues in his favor as they may think proper. ARTICLE XI Discipline Section i. Any member may be sus- pended, expelled or reprimanded for cause, by a vote of two-thirds of all the mem- bers of the Board of Directors; provided, that before any member of the Club is disciplined by the Board of Directors he shall be entitled to at least one week's notice, in writing, of the charges pre- ferred against him, the time and place when the meeting of the Board will be held to consider the same, and shall be given an opportunity to present any defense which he may have at such meeting of the Board. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall have full authority to discipline any member in the manner above provided, 34 for conduct deemed by the Board det- rimental to the welfare, interests or character of the Club. Sec. 3. At any time within thirty days after a sentence of expulsion, a meeting of the Club to consider the same shall be called, if a written request be made by twelve members thereof to the President. At such meeting an appeal may be taken from the decision of the Board of Directors, and the member expelled may be restored by a vote of a majority of the members present. ARTICLE XII Rules Section i. The Board of Directors shall prepare and enforce rules regulating the use of the Club rooms. Sec. 2. The Board of Directors and Committee on Admissions shall each have power to make rules for its govern- ment, and to prescribe and enforce penal- ties for the violation of such rules. 35 ARTICLE XIII of Conjnjittees The Board of Directors shall appoint from its own members an Executive Committee and a Committee on Liter- ature and Art, to be standing committees for the current year. The first Board of Directors shall also appoint a Member- ship Committee of five persons, who shall consider all applications for mem- bership and report the same to the Board. ARTICLE XIV Executive Conjnjittee The Executive Committee shall make all purchases authorized by the Board; regulate the price to be charged upon all articles to be served in the Club; report the names of such members as are in arrears, and the sums they respectively owe; appoint such sub-committees as they may deem proper; employ and discharge servants, and have a general supervision of the internal economy and regulation of the Club. 36 ARTICLE XV Corrjnjittee or) Literature a.n