THE ELEMENTS OF. EMBRYOLOGY. BY M. FOSTER, M.A., M.D., F.R.S., FELLOW OF AND PRJELECTOR IN PHYSIOLOGY IN TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND FRANCIS M. BALFOUR, B.A., FEUOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. UonUon : MACMILLAN AND CO. 1874. [All Eights reserved.] F4 OGY LlfcBART a Camfcrftge : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. TO THOMAS HENEY HUXLEY AS A LITTLE TOKEN OF OUR APPRECIATION OF HIS WORTH AND OF HIS MUCH KINDNESS TO OURSELVES THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY ' E ATJTHOKS. PKEFACE. IN this volume we offer to the public the first part of what we hope may serve as a systematic introduction to the study of Embryology. Some apology is perhaps necessary for the separate publication of a part only of the whole subject; but we trust that the following reasons will justify the course we have adopted. Those who have paid attention to recent embryological researches must be aware of what we may venture to call the tumultuous condition of many parts of the subject, and of the extreme difficulty in many cases of forming a clear and decided judgment without the aid of independent observations. It is this necessity of having repeatedly to work over contested points with a view to reconcile diametrically opposed .statements, or to verify startling announcements, which has rendered so laborious the task we have undertaken, and which so much delays its com- pletion. On the other hand, whoever wishes to have a sound foundation of embryological knowledge cannot do better than gain a thorough insight into the development of the bird. The practical advantages offered by the hen's egg 62 viii PREFACE. altogether outweigh the theoretical objections to beginning with the avian type. In many respects, it might be thought desirable to commence with a holoblastic ovum ; but the large food-yolk of the bird's egg is in many ways a great assistance to the study of changes going on in the blasto- derm. The chick is of all embryos the best to begin with ; when its history has once been mastered, the subsequent study of other forms becomes an easy matter. We venture to hope therefore that we shall meet with general approval, in having described at considerable length the history of the chick, and in hastening the publication of our account, by bringing it forward in a separate form. In the earlier chapters, especially, we have gone into very considerable detail; and in order to make the account intelligible to the beginner, have not been deterred by the fear of wearying our readers with elementary and recapitu- latory statements. Debated matters and details of minor importance have been put in small print ; these may be omitted by the student in reading the book for the first time. Though we have sometimes introduced names in connection with important observations, we have not thought it necessary to do this systematically. For recent or debated statements however, the authorities .are always cited. The worth of such a book as this will be very small if the student simply contents himself with reading what is written; and to facilitate the only really useful mode of study, that of actual observation, a few practical instructions have been added in an appendix. The readiness with which the development of the skull can be studied in the chick renders it, in spite of obvious PREFACE. ix objections, a suitable introduction to the important subject of cranial morphology. It is with this view that we have given a separate chapter on the skull, which we hope may serve as an introduction to the study of Mr Parker's elaborate memoirs. In the remaining parts, which we shall do our best to complete as soon as possible, the several histories will be treated with much greater brevity, and much more space will be given to theoretical considerations. The figures, whose source is not acknowledged in the text, were drawn by Miss A. B. Balfour, except a few by ourselves. The drawing on wood was executed partly by Mr Allchin, but chiefly by Mr Collings ; and all the drawings were cut by Mr Cooper. We have to thank those gentlemen for the trouble they have taken in a matter in which, for many reasons, the result never seems commensurate with the labour. We are much indebted to Professor Huxley for having kindly looked over the proofs of the Chapter on the Skull. The work took its origin in a course of lectures delivered by myself, but many causes prevented my taking the task seriously in hand, until I was joined by my friend and former pupil Mr F. M. Balfour, whose share in the matter has, to say the least, been no less than my own. M. FOSTEK. TABLE OF CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION ... , pp. i 10. PART I. THE HISTORY OF THE CHICK. CHAPTER I. THE STRUCTURE OP THE HEN'S EGG, AND THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE UP TO THE BEGINNING OP INCUBATION . . pp. II 26. i. The shell, i. The shell-membrane. 3. The albumen. 4. The vitelline membrane. 5. The yolk. 6. The yellow yolk. 7. The white yolk. 8. The white yolk-spheres. 9. The structure of the blastoderm. 10. Recapitulation, n. The ovarian ovum. 12. The descent of the ovum along the oviduct. 13. The impregnation of the ovum. 14. Segmentation. 15. The formation of the upper and lower layers. CHAPTER II. A BRIEF SUMMARY OP THE WHOLE HISTORY OP INCUBATION, pp. 2742. i. The embryo is formed in the area pellucida. -2. The epiblast, mesoblast, and hypoblast. 3. The extension of the blastoderm over the yolk. 4. The vascular area. 5. The head-fold and the other folds by means of which the embryonic sac is formed. 6. The outward shape of the embryo. 7. The formation of the neural tube and alimentary canal: somatopleure and splanch- iiopleure. 8. The amnion. 9. The allantois. Xll CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FIRST DAY OF INCUBATION, PP- 4357- I. Variations in the progress of development. 2. The embryonic shield. 3. The formation of the epiblast, mesoblast and hypoblast. 4. The primitive streak, the primitive groove. 5. The head-fold, the medullary groove, me- dullary folds, and notochord. 6. The amnion ; the changes taking place in the three layers. 7. The increase of the head-fold. 8. The closure of the me- dullary canal. 9, 10. The cleavage of the mesoblast : formation of splanchno- pleure and somatopleure. ir. The protovertebrse. 12. The formation of the vascular area. 13. Recapitulation. CHAPTER IV. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE SECOND DAY, pp. 58 83. I. Increasing distinctness and prominence of the embryo. 2. The first cere- bral vesicle. 3. The increase in the number of proto vertebrae. 4. The first rudiments of the alimentary canal. 5. The formation of the heart. 6. The formation of blood-vessels ; the omphalo-mesaraic veins and arteries, the sinus terminalis. 7. Changes taking place in the cells of the several layers. 8. The rudiment of the Wolffian duct. 9. Recapitulation of the changes during the first half of the second day. 10. Increasing prominence of the embryo ; the tail-fold and the lateral folds. 1 1. Continued closure of the medullary canal. 12. The optic vesicles. 13. The second and third cerebral vesicles. 14. Change of position of the optic vesicles. 15. The vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres. 16. The cranial flexure. 17. The rudiment of the ear, or auditory sac. 18. Changes in the heart. 19. The primitive aortse and first pair of aortic arches, the omphalo-mesaraic vessels, the sinus terminalis. 20. The second and third pair of aortic arches. 11. The Wolffian duct. 22. The amnion. 23. Recapitulation. CHAPTER V. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE THIRD DAY, pp. 84 140. I. The diminution of the albumen. 2. The spreading of the opaque and vascular areas. 3. The vascular area. 4. The continued folding in of the embryo. 5. The increase of the amnion. 6. The change in the position of the embryo. 7. The curvature of the body. 8. The cranial flexure. 9* Growth of the vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres; the third ventricle, pineal gland, infundibulum and pituitary body, the cerebellum and medulla oblongata. 10. Changes in the spinal cord. n. The formation of the eye. Histological changes in the retina, optic nerve, and lens. 12. The formation of the ear. 13. The nasal pits* 14. The visceral clefts and folds. 15. The aortic arches. 16. Changes in the heart; the Ductus Cuvieri and cardinal veins. 17. The folding in of the alimentary canal; the formation of the tail. 1 8. The lungs. 19. The liver. 20. The pancreas and spleen. 21. The thyroid body. 22. Changes in the trunk of the embryo. 23. Separation of the muscle-plates from the protovertebrse. 24. Growth of the intermediate cell-mass. 25. The cranial nerves. 26. The Wolffian duct. 27. Recapi- tulation. CONTENTS. xiil CHAPTER VI. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FOURTH DAY, pp. 141 173. j. Appearances on opening the egg. 2. Growth of the amnion. 3. Narrowing of the splanchnic stalk. 4. Increase in the cranial flexure. 5. The first appearance of the limbs. 6. Growth of the head. 7. Changes in the nasal pits. 8. Formation of the mouth. Q. The cranial nerves. 10. .The allantois. n. Changes in the protovertebras ; the spinal ganglia. 12. The secondary segmentation of the vertebral column. 13. Changes in the notochord. 14. Ossification of the vertebrae. 15. The ribs. if>. Changes in the muscle-plates. 17. The Wolffian body and duct. 18. The duct of Mu'ller. 19. The kidneys. 20. The ovaries and testes. i\. Changes in the arterial system. 22. Changes in the venous system; the veins of the liver. 23. Changes in the heart; the ventricular septum. 24. Recapitulation. CHAPTER VII. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE ON THE FIFTH DAY, pp. 174 199. i. Appearances on opening the egg. i. The growth of the limbs. 3. The cranium; the investing mass and trabeculae. 4. Changes in the face ; formation of the nose and nasal passages. 5. Appearance of the anus. 6. Changes in the spinal cord ; the formation of the grey and white columns, and of the posterior and anterior fissures. 7. Changes in the heart; the rudiment of the auricular septum, the division of the bulbus arteriosus into aorta and pulmonary artery, the formation of the semilunar valves. 8. Changes in the heart during the sixth day. 9. Subsequent changes in the heart; the completion of the auricular septum, the arrangement of the openings of the venae cavte. 10. Histological differentiation; the fate of the three primary layers, u. Recapitulation. CHAPTER VIII. FKOM THE SIXTH DAY TO THE END OF INCUBATION, pp. 200 224. r. The commencement of distinct avian differentiation. 2. The foetal appendages during the sixth and seventh days. 3. During the eighth, ninth and tenth days. 4. From the eleventh to the sixteenth day. 5. From the sixteenth day onwards. 6. The changes in the general form of the embryo during the sixth and seventh days. 7. During the eighth, ninth and tenth days. 8. From the eleventh day onwards ; feathers, ossifications. 9. Changes in the venous system before and after the commencement of pulmonary respi- ration. 10. Changes in the arterial system, the modifications of the aortic arches, u. Summary of the chief phases of the circulation. 12. Ex- clusion from the egg. xiv CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKULL, pp. 225 238. i, 2. The primordial cranium. 3, 4. The investing mass of Rathke. 5. The trabeculse cranii. 6. The cartilages of the first visceral arch. 7. The maxillary process. 8. The mandibular arch. 9. The hyoid arch. 10. The cartilages of the third visceral arch. 1 1. Changes in the cranium during the fifth and sixth days. 12. During and after the seventh day. 13. The condition of the cranium at about the middle of the second week. 14. Ecto- steal and endosteal ossifications of the cartilaginous cranium. 15. Formation of the membrane bones. 16. Progress of ossification during the second and third weeks. 17. Fenestration of the ethmo-presphenoid cartilage. 18. Ossifi- cations in the prootics and alisphenoid. 19. Changes in the basitemporals. Formation of the vomer. 20. The changes which take place immediately after exclusion from the egg. 21. Further changes in the splint bones. Coalescence of the bones after birth. Table of bones classified according to their mode of ossification. APPENDIX. PEACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOE STUDYING THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE CHICK, pp. 239267. I. Incubators. II. Examination of a 36 to 48 hours embryo. III. Examination of an embryo of about 48 50 hours. IV. Of an embryo at the end of the third day. V. Of an embryo of the fourth day. VI. Of a blastoderm of 20 hours. VII. Of an unincubated blastoderm. VIII. Of the process of segmentation. IX. Of the later changes of the embryo. X. Study of the development of the blood-vessels. ERRATUM. p. 124, in the description of Fig. 39 B, for 'Superior vertebral' substitute 'Jugular.' LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS. FIG. PAGE 1. DIAGRAMMATIC Section of an Un incubated Fowl's Egg . . .12 2. A. Yellow yolk-sphere filled with fine granules. J5. White yolk- spheres and ^spherules of various sizes and presenting different ap- pearances '... " ' , * V , . . . . . 15 3. Section of a Blastoderm of a Fowl's Egg at the commencement of Incubation * * . . . . . . 18 4. Section througli the Germinal Disc of the ripe Ovarian Ovum of a Fowl while yet enclosed in its Capsule . . . . . 19 5. Surface Views of the early Stages of the Segmentation in a Fowl's Egg . . , . . .22 6. Surface View of the Germinal Disc of a Hen's Egg during the later Stages of Segmentation . . . ; . . . 23 7. Section of the Germinal Disc of a Fowl during the later Stages of Segmentation . . . . . , '. : . . . 24 8. A to N. A series of purely diagrammatic representations introduced to facilitate the comprehension of the manner in which the body of the embryo is formed, and of the various relations of the yolk-sac, amnion and allantois ........ 29 32 9. Diagrammatic Longitudinal Section through the Axis of an Embryo. 33 10. Section of a Blastoderm at right angles to the long axis of the Embryo after eight hours' Incubation ...... 46 XV i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. 11. Surface View of the Pellucid Area of a Blastoderm of 18 hours . 49 12. Transverse Section of a Blastoderm incubated for 1 8 hours . . 51 13. Transverse Section through the Dorsal Region of an Embryo of the Second Day , . : , . V . * ... V, . 55 14. An Embryo Chick of the First Day (about thirty-six hours) viewed from below as a transparent object . '. '. ' A , . ... 59 15. Embryo of the Chick at 36 hours viewed from above as an opaque object . . ..''.. 6 1 1 6. Diagrammatic Longitudinal Section through the Axis of an Embryo. 62 17. A, B. Two consecutive Sections of a 36 hours Embryo illustrating the formation of the heart . . . . . . . .67 1 8. Transverse Section of an Embryo at the end of the Second Day passing through the region of bulbus arteriosus .... 68 19. Surface View from below of a small portion of the posterior end of the pellucid area of a 36 hours Chick * . . . . 70 20. Transverse Section through the Dorsal Region of an Embryo of 45 hours ............ 74 21. Embryo of the Chick at 36 hours viewed from above as an Opaque Object , . ' ' 75 22. Head of a Chick at the End of the Second Day viewed from below as a Transparent Object . . . . . . . .76 23. Diagram of the Circulation of the Yolk-Sac at the end^of the Third Day of Incubation . . . . . ... .85 24. Chick of the Third Day (54 hours) viewed from underneath as a Transparent Object i . . . 88 25. Head of a Chick of the Third Day viewed sideways as a Transparent Object . ' s . . . . .... . 90 26. Section through the Hind-Brain of a Chick at the end of the Third Day of Incubation . . . . . . * : 'i .-... . * jr 95 27. Diagrammatic Sections illustrating the Formation of the Eye . . 97 28. Diagrammatic Section of the Eye and the Optic Nerve at an early .stage .... ' ....,', *';*''.;. ,' .'. ' ,f V ,t . 4* 98 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XV11 FIG. PAGE 29. Diagrammatic representation of the Eye of the Chick of about the Third Day as ; /., nS 38. The same Head as shewn in Fig. 37, seen from the Front . 121 39 A. Diagram of the Arterial Circulation on the Third Day . . 122 39 B. Diagram of the Venous Circulation on the Third Day '', ; . 124 40. Section of the Tail-end of an Embryo (Chick) of the Third Day . 125 41. Section through the Dorsal Ilegion of an Embryo at the commence- ment of the Third Day ' ..*'* * "V, "*- * 126 42. Diagram of a portion of the Digestive Tract of a Chick upon the Fourth Day. . ' . ..".".* ., , . . i^S 43. Four diagrams illustrating the Formation of the Lungs . . . 129 44. Section through the Dorsal Region of an Embryo at the end of the Third Day . v . . ' , ~, >, . ."-\ . . 135 45. Head of an Embryo Chick of the Third Day (seventy-five hours) viewed sideways as a transparent object : ' . . 137 46. Embryo at the end of the Fourth Day seen as a transparent .object. . . . . . . . . . . .142 XV111 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 47. Section through the Lumbar Region of an Embryo at the End of the Fourth Day 144 48. A. Head of an Embryo Chick of the Fourth Day viewed from below as an opaque object. B. The same seen sideways . .146 49. Longitudinal Section of the Tail-end of an Embryo Chick at the commencement of the Third Day . . . . . .148 50. Longitudinal Section of the Tail-end of an Embryo Chick at the middle of the Third Day .* - . . . . . . . 149 51. Section of the intermediate Cell-mass on the Fourth Day . .165 52. State of Arterial Circulation on the Fifth or Sixth Day .">'' 169 53. Diagram of the Venous Circulation at the Commencement of the Fifth Day .''.,, . * , > . . ' * . 170 54. Heart of a Chick on the Fourth Day of Incubation viewed from the Ventral Surface . * > ( * . . N * . 172 55. View from above of the Investing Mass and of the Trabeculae on the Fourth Day of Incubation > *-. * . , . 177 e,6. A. Head of an Embryo Chick of the Fourth Day viewed from below as an opaque object. B. The same seen sideways. . 180 57. Head of a Chick at the Sixth Day from below '* . . . . 181 58. Head of a Chick of the Seventh Day from below ... ... . 182 59. Section through the Spinal Cord of a Seven Days Chick . . 188 60. Two views of the Heart of a Chick upon the Fifth Day of Incuba- tion . . .4 . V ( > " . ' .192 61. Heart of a Chick upon the Sixth Day of Incubation, from the Ventral Surface . ,*'*-' . i \ . . 193 62. Diagram of the Venous Circulation at the Commencement of the Fifth Day . . . < . '.. . * . . 206 63. Diagram of the Venous Circulation during the later days of Incu- bation . . m * *" V % . . aoS 64. Diagram of the Venous Circulation of the Chick after the com- mencement of Respiration by means of the Lungs . . .n 65. State of Arterial Circulation on the Fifth or Sixth Day . . . ii2 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xix FIG. PAGE 66. Diagram of the Condition of the Arches of the Aorta towards the Close of Incubation . 216 67. Diagram of the Arterial System of the Adult Fowl . . .219 68. View from above of the Investing Mass and of the Trabeculse on the Fourth Day of Incubation . . . . . . .226 69. View from below of the Paired Appendages of the Skull of a Fowl on the Fourth Day of Incubation .,*.',.. . . 229 70. Side view of the Cartilaginous Cranium of a Fowl on the Seventh Day of Incubation * . * ,. . . . . . 231 71. Embryonic Skull of a Fowl during the Second Week of Incubation (third stage) from below . . . . . . . .234 INTRODUCTION. EVERY living being passes in the course of its life through a series of changes of shape and structure. These changes may, in their completest form, be considered as constituting a morphological cycle, beginning with the ovum and ending with the ovum again. Among many living beings and especially among verte- brate animals by far by the greater part of the life of the individual is spent in one particular phase, which is not only of longer duration than the rest, but also of much more importance, inasmuch as during it the greater part of the ' work ' of the living being is done. This is generally spoken of as the adult stage, and in most cases immediately precedes, or is peculiarly associated with, the completion of the morpho- logical cycle in the appearance of a new ovum. The word embryology may be generally taken to mean the study of the successive morphological phases through which a living being passes from the ovum to the adult stage, or the study of the gradual 'development' of the ovum to the adult form ; though, especially among some of the so- called lower forms of life, its meaning must be so extended as to embrace all the morphological phases of an individual life. Embryology is thus a part of and a necessary intro- duction to the wider study of ' Generation.' As a matter of / E. 1 2 f V t Ctf EM^YOLOGY. history w^ad'f-Kat {tTie.^udy ,of it Sprang out of the various attempts to solve the problems of why and how living beings come into existence. It would be beyond the scope of this work to enter at all fully into any account of the earlier of these inquiries from those of Aristotle downwards ; but it may be of some use to point out the chief steps by which in modern times embryology has been established as a distinct branch of knowledge. From the very first, incubated bird's eggs, and especially hen's eggs, owing to their abundance at all seasons, and the ease with which they could be examined, became special objects of study. Aristotle examined the growing chick within, the egg, and gave the name of punctum saliens to the ' bloody palpitating point/ which marks the growing heart in the early days of incubation. Since his time all observers have had recourse to the hen's egg; and though it may be urged that the highly specialised characters of the avian type unfit it for so general a purpose as that of serving as the foundation of embryology, the practical advantages of the bird's egg over either the mammalian or any other ovum, are so many, that it must always continue to be, as it has been, a chief object of study. From the time of Aristotle down to that of Fabricius of Aquapendente so little progress in real observation of facts had been made, that we find the latter anatomist (De Forma- tione Ovi et Pulli, 1 621) describing the chick as being formed out of the chalazae of the white of the egg; a view which lived long afterwards, and whose influence may still be recognized in the names 'tread' or 'treadle' which the housewife sometimes gives to those portions of thickened albumen. Harvey was the first to clearly establish that the essential part of the hen's egg, that out of which the embryo pro- INTRODUCTION. 3 ceeded, was the cicatricula. This Fabricius had looked upon as a blemish, a scar left by a broken peduncle. In his Anatomical Exercises on the Generation of Animals (1651), Harvey describes the little cicatricula as expanding under the influence of incubation into a wider structure, which he calls the eye of the egg ; and at the same time sepa- rating into a colliquamentum. In this colliquamentum, according to him, there appears, as the first rudiment of the embryo, the heart or punctum saliens, together with the blood-vessels. These gradually gather round them the solid parts of the body of the chick. Harvey clearly was of opinion that the embryo arose, by the successive formation of parts, out of the homogeneous nearly liquid colliquamentum. He was an early advocate of the doctrine of epigenesis. Notwithstanding the weight of Harvey's authority, the doctrine of epigenesis subsequently gave way to that of evolution, according to which the embryo pre-existed, even though invisible, in the ovum, and the changes which took place during incubation consisted not in a formation of parts, but in a growth, i. e. in an expansion with concomitant changes, of the already existing germ. Of this theory Malpighi is frequently said to have been the founder. In a limited sense this is true. In his letter to the Royal Society of London, De Formatione Pulli in Ovo (1672), he :onfesses himself compelled to admit that even in unincu- bated eggs an embryo was present (Quare pulli stamina in ovo pre-existere, altioremque originem nacta esse fateri convenit). Yet he evidently struggled against such a con- clusion, and instead of developing a consistent theory of evolution, left the earliest stages of the embryo as too mysterious to be profitable objects of study, and contented himself with tracing out the events of later days. From his descriptions it is clear that his so-called unincubated eggs 12 4 ON EMBRYOLOGY. had under the warmth of summer already made considerable progress in development. The man who first logically worked out a theory of evolution and became its most distinguished and zealous advocate was Haller (Sur la Formation du Cceur dans le Poulet, 1758, arid Elementa Physiologic, Liber xxix. 1766). This great anatomist insisted that the embryo existed even in the unincubated egg though in a rudimentary form, and indeed invisible. He supposed that it was a vermiform structure composed of all the essential parts of a full-grown animal in an undeveloped state, and that the effect of incu- bation was to educe or evolve these undeveloped organs into an adult condition. The same views were urged with cha- racteristic extravagance by Bonnet (Considerations sur les corps organises, 1762). This doctrine of evolution or prsedilineation, as it was called at the time, was doomed to be overthrown even in Haller 's own day. In an inaugural dissertation entitled Theoria Generationis, published 1759, Casper Frederick Wolff laid the foundations of not only modern Embryology, but modern Histology. He shewed that the cicatricula of the unincubated hen's egg con- sisted of a congeries of particles (such as we now call cells) all alike, or divisible into groups only, and that anything like distinct rudiments of an embryo were wholly absent. Out of] these particles the embryo was built up by means of a series of j successive changes (several of which he described in detail, especially in his work on the Formation of the Alimentary Canal, 1768), part being added to part, and parts once formed being modified into fresh parts. Thus the old imperfect theory of evolution was supplanted by a view, which, under the term of epigenesis, was in reality a more complete and truer theory of evolution. Wolff also shewed that all the, parts as well of plants as of animals could be conceived of INTRODUCTION. 5 as being arrangements of these particles or cells variously modified, and that all the phenomena of the form and structure of living beings were to be regarded as the results of a variable nutritive energy, to which he gave the name vis essentialis. Haller complained of Wolff, that he had attempted to make a great leap instead of being contented with small on- ward steps. Wolff's leap proved too great for his time. While his insight into the fundamental doctrines of histology re- mained for the most part without fruit till the next century, so also the way he opened up in embryology was successfully followed by no one for many years after. In 1816 that admirable teacher Dollinger, of Wiirzburg, induced Pander to take up the study of the incubated hen's egg. We owe to Pander (Dissertatio Inauguralis sistens Historiam Metamorphoseos quam Ovum Incubatum prioribus quinque diebus subit, and Beitrdge zur Entwickelungsge- schichte des Huhnchens im Eie) a clear and excellent descrip- tion of many of the changes which take place during the early days of incubation. It was he who introduced the term blastoderm. He too first drew attention to the distinction of the three layers, serous, mucous, and vascular. But his greatest merit perhaps consisted in the fact of his studies having been the exciting cause of those of Von Baer. Coming to Wiirzburg to study under Dollinger, and finding Pander busily engaged in his embryological work, Von Baer enthusiastically took up the same subject, and thenceforward devoted the greater part of his life to it. Of the results of his labours, which are embodied in his Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere, 1828, 1837, this simply may be said. Von Baer found the true line of inquiry already marked out by Wolff. He followed up that line so sedulously and with such success, that nearly all the work which has been done since his day up to the present time, in Vertebrate 6 ON EMBRYOLOGY* Embryology, may be regarded as little more than an ex- tension, with corrections, of his observations. Were it de- sirable to re-publish Von Baer's work, the corrections and expansions of matters of fact necessary to bring it up to the present time, as the phrase goes, would, with some few exceptions, be of minor importance, though they might be many. The theoretical considerations embodied in his Scholia through which he interprets the morphological sig- nificance of embryological facts are of great and lasting importance, though they need some modifications in order to bring them into harmony with the theory of natural selection. Since Von Baer's time, the advances made in Vertebrate Em- bryology, through the elaborate work of Remak, the labours of Eathke, Allen Thomson and others, the admirable lectures of Kolliker, and the researches of more recent inquirers, though many and varied, cannot be said to constitute any epochs in the history of the subject, such as that which was marked by Von Baer, and before him by Wolff. We may perhaps make an exception in favour of the discovery by Purkinje, of the germinal vesicle in the fowl's ovarian ovum (1825). This led to Von Baer's discovery of the mammalian ovum (1827), which first rendered possible a consistent view of mammalian gene- ration. The study of invertebrate embryology has, 'on the other hand, during the last few years produced the most striking results. In the following pages we propose to follow in the path thus marked out by the history of the subject. We begin with the chick as being the animal which has been most studied, and the study of which is easiest, and most fruitful for the beginner. The first part accordingly will be devoted to a description of the changes undergone by an incubated hen's egg, especially during the early days of incubation. We shall endeavour to explain, with such details as are necessary, INTRODUCTION. 7 the manner in which the embryo is formed, and the way in which the rudiments of the most important organs of the chick arise. We shall follow a chronological order, tracing out the changes day by day (or with even shorter periods), during the first few days. We are convinced that this method (adopted by Von Baer) is on the whole the one which most commends itself to the learner. It has of course its disad- vantages ; and in several instances we have found it desirable when describing, at its appropriate date, the most striking phase in the development of an organ, at once to follow up the subsequent history, instead of giving it piecemeal after- wards. But the general advantages of the chronological method, especially when the reading of such a book as this is rendered really useful by an Accompanying actual exami- nation of incubated eggs, are so great that they far outweigh the evil of any such slight irregularities. After tracing out the history of the several organs, no farther than is necessary to give a clear idea of the general course of events in each case, we propose to treat the changes and incidents of the latter days of incubation with great brevity, not attempting any special account of avian development, except in the case of the skull. And even this will be treated summarily. The First Part will therefore really be an introduction to the general facts of vertebrate embryology, the chick being taken as an example. In the Second Part we purpose to consider the embryonic histories of other vertebrates, in so far as these differ from that of the bird ; and then to treat of the development of special organs in a more complete manner. The Third Part will be devoted to an exposition of the main facts of invertebrate embryology, and to the discussion of general morphological considerations. 8 ON EMBRYOLOGY. The reader will scarcely fail to notice that the First Part especially is entirely confined to a simple description of observed facts, no attempt whatever being made to interpret their meanings. We have purposely pursued this course, because any interpretation of the facts of the bird's develop- ment is impossible, or at least illusory, till the history of other animals, vertebrate and invertebrate, has been studied. When all the facts are before him the reader will be in a position to judge of the interpretations offered. PART I. THE HISTORY OF THE CHICK. CHAPTER I. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEN'S EGG, AND THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE UP TO THE BEGINNING OF INCUBATION. 1. IN a hen's egg quite newly laid we meet with the following structures. Most external is the shell (Fig. 1, .), composed of an organic basis, impregnated with calcic salts. It is sufficiently porous to allow of the interchange of gases between its interior and the external air, and thus the chemical processes of respiration, feeble at first, but gradually increasing in intensity, are carried on during the whole period of incubation. According to Nathusius, Zeitsch. f. Wiss. Zool. Vol. xvm. p. 225 270, XIX. 322348, XX. 106 120, xxi. 330 355, the egg-shell of birds consists of an outer thinner and an inner thicker layer. The outer layer varies con- siderably in its consistency in different species. It is soft and pliant in the hen, but in many other birds, as for instance the ostrich, is hard and friable. It is frequently striated both vertically and transversely. Pigment when present is confined to this layer. The inner layer is thicker ; and its internal surface is marked with rounded processes more or less separated from one another, whose blunt extremities are sunk into the shell-membrane. The presence of these pro- cesses must be considered as universal amongst birds. Vertical sections shew that this layer is composed of alternating horizontal laminae of transparent and opaque material, the opaque laminae being composed of exceedingly minute par- ticles of an organic nature imbedded in a matrix impregnated with calcic salts. Both layers of the shell are pierced by vertical canals, which are simple in Carinate but ramified in Katite birds. These canals open freely on the exterior surface and also on the interior surface in the pits between the blunt processes of the inner layer. It is probable that the outer openings of these canals become closed by the presence of moisture, so that when the shell is wet neither air nor water can pass through it. If the shell is dry, air will penetrate easily ; and if the upper layer with the free ends of the tubes be rubbed off, both water and air will pass through it without difficulty. In eggs with coloured shells the colouring matter frequently passes into the canals. 12 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. 2. Lining the shell, is the shell-membrane, which is double, being made up of two layers; an outer thicker (Fig. 1, s. m.), and an inner thinner one (i. s. m.). Both of these layers consist of several laminae of felted fibres of l various sizes, intermediate in nature between connective and elastic fibres. FIG. i. ch.l. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF AN UNTNCUBATED FOWL'S EGG (modified from Allen Thomson). bl. blastoderm, w. y. white yolk. This consists of a central flask-shaped mass and a number of layers concentrically arranged around this. y. y. yellow yolk. v. t. vitelline membrane, x. layer of more fluid albumen immediately surrounding the yolk. w. albumen consisting of alternate denser and more fluid layers, ch. I. chalaza. a. ch. air-chamber at the broad end of the egg. This chamber is merely a space left between the two layers of the shell-membrane, i. s. m. internal layer of shell- membrane, s. m. external layer of shell-membrane, s. shell. Over the greater part of the egg the two layers of the shell-membrane remain permanently in close apposition to each other; but at the broad end they tend to separate, and thus to develope between them a space into which air finds its way. This air-chamber, as it is called, is not to be found in perfectly fresh eggs, but makes its appearance in I.] THE WHITE OF THE EGG. 13 eggs which have been kept for some time, whether incubated or not, and gradually increases in size, as the white of the egg shrinks in bulk by evaporation. 3. Immediately beneath the shell-membrane is the white of the egg or albumen (Fig. 1, w.\ which is, chemically speaking, a mixture of various forms of proteid material, with fatty, extractive, and saline bodies. Its average composition may be taken as 1 2*0 p. c. proteid matter, I "5 p. c. fat and extractives, 5 p. c. saline matter, chiefly sodic and potassic chlorides, with phos- phates and sulphates, 86'o p. c. water. The white of the egg when boiled shews in section alternate concentric layers of a transparent and of a finely ^granular opaque material. In the natural condition, the layers corresponding to these opaque layers are composed of more fluid albumen, while those corresponding to the transparent layers are less fluid, and consist of networks of fibres, con- taining fluid in their meshes. The outer part of the white, especially in eggs which are not perfectly fresh, is more fluid than that nearer the yolk. The innermost layer, however, immediately surrounding the yolk (Fig. 1, a?.), is of the more fluid finely granular kind. In eggs which have been hardened a spiral arrangement of the white may be observed, and it is possible to tear off laminae in a spiral direction from left to right, from the broad to the narrow end of the egg. Two twisted cords called the Chalazce (Fig. 1, ch. L), com- posed of coiled membranous layers of the less fluid albumen, run from the two extremities of the egg to the opposite portions of the yolk. Their inner extremities expand and merge into the layer of denser albumen surrounding the fluid layer next the yolk. Their outer extremities are free, and do not quite reach the outer layer of the white. Thus they cannot serve to suspend the yolk, although they may help to keep it in position, by acting as elastic pads. The interior of each chalaza presents the appearance of a suc- cession of opaque white knots ; hence the name chalazse, grandines (hailstones). 4. The yolk is enclosed in the vitelline membrane (Fig. 1, v. .), a transparent somewhat elastic membrane easily 14 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. thrown into creases and wrinkles. It might almost be called structureless, but under a high power a fine fibrillation is visible, and a transverse section has a dotted or punctated appearance ; it is probably therefore composed of fibres. Its affinities are with elastic rather than connective tissue. The vitelline membrane of most vertebrates is perforated by fine pores. These are largest in osseous fishes and much finer in mammals; they have not been found in the vitelline membrane of birds. 5. The whole space within the vitelline membrane is occupied by the yolk. To the naked eye this appears toler- ably uniform throughout, except at one particular point of its surface, at which may be seen, lying immediately under the vitelline membrane, a small white disc, about 4 mm. in diameter. This is the blastoderm, or cicatricula. A tolerably typical cicatricula in a fecundated egg will shew an outer white rim of some little breadth, and within that a circular transparent area, in the centre of which, again, there is an opacity, varying in appearance, sometimes uniform, and sometimes dotted. The disc is always found to be uppermost whatever be the position of the egg, provided there is no restraint to the rotation of the yolk. The explanation of this is to be sought for in the lighter specific gravity of that portion of the yolk which is in the neighbourhood of the disc, and the phenomenon is not in any way due to the action of the chalazae. A section of the yolk of a hard-boiled egg will shew that it is not perfectly uniform throughout, but that there is a portion of it having the form of a flask, with a funnel- shaped neck, which, when the egg is boiled, does not become so solid as the rest of the yolk, but remains more or less fluid. The expanded neck of this flask-shaped space is situated immediately underneath the disc, while its bulbous enlarge- ment is about the middle of the yolk. We shall return to it directly. 6. The great mass of the yolk is composed of what is known as the yellow yolk (Fig. 1, y. y.). This consists of spheres (Fig. 2, A.} of from 25/4 to 100/x 1 in diameter, never containing a nucleus, but filled with numerous minute highly refractive granules ; these spheres are very delicate and easily = 'ooi mm. I.] THE WHITE YOLK. 15 destroyed by crushing. When boiled or otherwise hardened in situ, they assume a polyhedral form, from mutual pressure. The granules they contain seem to be of an albuminous nature, as they are insoluble in ether or alcohol. Chemically speaking the yolk is characterized by the presence in large quantities of a proteid matter, having many affinities with globulin, and called vitellin. This exists in peculiar association with the remarkable body Lecithin. (Compare Hoppe-Seyler, Hdb. Phys. Chem. Anal.) Other fatty bodies, colouring matters, extractives (and, according to Dareste, starch in small quan- tities), &c. are also present. Miescher (Hoppe-Seyler, Chem. Untersuch. p. 502) states that a considerable quantity of nuclein may be obtained from the yolk, probably from the spherules of the white yolk. FIG. 2. A. Yellow yolk-sphere filled with fine granules. The outline of the sphere has been rendered too bold. B. White yolk-spheres and spherules of various sizes and presenting different appearances. (It is very difficult in a woodcut to give a satisfactory repre- sentation of these peculiar structures.) 7. The yellow yolk thus forming the great mass of the entire yolk is clothed externally by a thin layer of a different material, known as the white yolk, which at the edge of the blastoderm passes underneath the disc, and becoming thicker at this spot forms, as it were, a bed on which the blastoderm rests. Immediately under the middle of the blastoderm this bed of white yolk is connected, by a narrow neck, with a central mass of similar material, lying in the middle of the yolk (Fig. 1, w. y.}. When boiled, or otherwise hardened, the white yolk does not become so solid as the yellow yolk; hence the appearances to be seen in sections of the hardened yolk. The upper expanded extremity of this neck of white yolk is generally known as the "nucleus of Pander." Concentric to the outer enveloping layer of white yolk there are within the yolk other inner layers of the same substance, which cause sections of the hardened yolk to 16 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. appear to be composed of alternate concentric thicker laminae of darker (yellow) yolk, and thinner laminae of lighter (white) yolk (Fig. 1, w, y.). 8. The microscopical characters of the white yolk are very different from those of the yellow yolk. It is composed of spheres (Fig. 2, S.) for the most part smaller than those of the yellow yolk (4/x 75/z,), with a highly refractive nucleus- like body often as small as l/^ in the interior of each; and also of larger spheres, each of which contains a number of spherules, similar to the smaller spheres ; these latter appear- ing to have passed into the larger spheres, by a process of inclusion. There has been a considerable amount of controversy as to whether these elements possess a membrane ; there is little doubt however that there is no membrane present. It has also been disputed as to whether they should be considered as true cells or not. If by definition a cell must contain a nucleus, they can hardly be considered as such, since the characters of the highly refractive bodies con- tained in them have nothing in common with nuclei. We shall give later on reasons for thinking that they may however, as a result of incubation, become veritable cells. Another feature of the white yolk, according to His, is that in the region of the blastoderm it contains numerous large vacuoles rilled with fluid ; they are sufficiently large to be seen with the naked eye, but do not seem to be present in the ripe ovarian ovum. 9. It is now necessary to return to the blastoderm. In this, as we have already said, the naked eye can distinguish an opaque white rim surrounding a more transparent central area, in the middle of which again is a white spot of variable appearance. In an unfecundated cicatricula the white disc is simply marked with a number of irregular clear spaces, there being no proper division into a transparent centre and an opaque rim. The opaque rim is the commencement of what we shall henceforward speak of as the area opaca ; the central trans- parent portion is in the same way the beginning of the area pellucida. At this stage the distinction between these two areas depends entirely on the disposition of the white yolk beneath them, for the blastoderm when lifted up from the white yolk on which it rests appears uniform throughout. In the part corresponding to the area opaca the blastoderm rests immediately on the white yolk, which here forms a I.] THE BLASTODERM. 17 somewhat raised ring, often spoken of as the germinal wall ; underneath the area pellucida is a shallow space containing a nearly clear fluid, to the presence of which the central transparency seems to be due. The white spot in the middle of the area pellucida appears to be the nucleus of Pander shining through. Vertical sections of the blastoderm shew that it is formed of two layers. The upper of these two layers is com- posed, see Fig. 3, ep, of a single layer of cells, with their long axes arranged vertically, adhering together so as to form a distinct membrane, the edge of which rests upon the white yolk. After staining with silver nitrate, this membrane viewed from above shews a mosaic of uniform polygonal cells. Each cell is composed of granular protoplasm filled with highly refractive globules; in most of the cells an oval nucleus may be distinguished, and is most probably present in all. They are of a uniform size (about 9 /JL) over the opaque and the pellucid areas. The under layer (Fig. 8, Z), is composed of cells which vary considerably in diameter ; but even the smaller cells of this layer are larger than the cells of the upper layer. They are spherical, and so filled with granules and highly refractive globules, that a nucleus can rarely be seen in them: in the larger cells these globules contain a highly refractive body very similar to that present in the white yolk spheres, from the smaller kinds of which indeed they are scarcely distinguishable. The cells of this layer do not form a distinct membrane like the cells of the upper layer, but lie as a somewhat irregular network of cells between the upper layer and the bed of white yolk on which the blastoderm rests. The lowest are generally the largest; in addition we find a few still larger cells generally separated by a small interval from the remainder of the cells of the lower layer, and resting directly upon the white yolk (Fig. 3, 6). These are frequently spoken of as formative cells; they are however similar in character and indeed connected by gradations with the larger cells of the lower layer. Their mode of formation during segmentation will be subsequently de- scribed. ' E. 2 18 THE HEN'6 EGG. [CHAP. FIG. 3. SECTION OF A BLASTODEBM OF A FOWL'S EGG AT THE