GIFT OF Your Sister in the King's Glad Service This Is That Personal Experiences Sermons and Writings OF AIMEE SEMPLE MCPHERSON EVANGELIST The Bridal Call Publishing House 125-125 MJ South Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. PJC# THIS IS THAT Acts 2:16-18. THIS IS THAT which was spoken by the Prophet Joel: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy . . . and upon my servants and my handmaidens I will pour out, in those days, of My Spirit; and they shall prophesy." ,-1 A f> /i COPIES OF THIS BOOK MAY BE OBTAINED FROM AIMEE SEMPLE McPHBESON 125^ So. Spring St.,. Los ANGELES, CAL. COPYRIGHTED JUNE, 1919. AIMEE SEMPLE McPHERSON. Illustrations Facing Page AIMEE SEMPLE MCPHERSON Frontispiece MY BIRTHPLACE, AND "CHILDHOOD'S HAPPY HOME" 26 AN AFTERNOON MEETING IN SISTER MC-PHERSON'S GOSPEL TENT 131 THE NEW TABERNACLE 145 COAST TO COAST IN GOSPEL CAR 209 (a) THE GREAT TEMPLE AUDITORIUM (b) TEMPLE AUDI- TORIUM ROSTRUM, Los ANGELES, CAL 220 VICTORIA HALL, Los ANGELES (WHERE THE POWER FELL)... 231 THE HOUSE THAT GOD BUILT. 239 MY CHILDREN (Roberta and Rolf with Their Mamma) 250 GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY AUDITORIUM, SAN FRANCISCO 275 WHICH ROAD WHICH WILL You CHOOSE ? 293 A CERTAIN MAN WENT DOWN HAVE You TAKEN THIS JOURNEY ? 324 THE Two HOUSES WHERE ARE You BUILDING? 368 DISPENSATION OF THE HOLY GHOST (As I SAW IT IN MY VISION) 380 THE Two PASTURES 450 THE PLAN OF REDEMPTION.. ..525 Contents PREFACE 7 PART I. PERSONAL TESTIMONY Chapter Page I. MY MOTHER 11 The word of the Lord came unto me saying . . . I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jer. 1:4-9. H. THE BABY 16 "For this child I prayed" I Sam. 1:27-28. III. CHILDHOOD DAYS 20 Train up a child in the way it should go. Prov. 22:6. IV. GIRLHOOD 27 Foolishness is found in the heart of a child. Prov. 22:15. V. SALVATION AND BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 36 "And it came to pass, that before they call . . . I will hear." Isa. 65:24. VI. CALLING INTO THE VINEYARD AND MARRIAGE 59 Come my beloved, and let us go forth into the field, let us lodge in the villages. S. of S. 7:11. VII. EARLY MINISTRY MY BROKEN ANKLE HEALED 67 Let us get up early to the vineyard and let us see if the vines flourish. S. of S. 7:12. VIII. CALL TO FOREIGN FIELDS 77 "And He said unto me, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mk. 16:15. IX. DEATH OF MY HUSBAND 83 "When thou passeth through the waters . . . they shall not overflow thee." Isa. 13:2. X. NINEVEH TO TARSHISH AND RETURN 93 And the Word of the Lord came unto Jonah . . . Arise, go to Nineveh and preach. Jonah 2:1-10. XI. GETTING BACK 107 "For ye were the sheep going astray." I. Pet. XII. REVIVAL FIRES FALL ....117 . . . The fires of the Lord fell and consumed sacrifice. I Kings. 18:30-39. XIII. CALLED TO DWELL IN TENTS FLORIDA CAMPAIGN 131 "For I have not dwelt in an house but have gone from one tent to another." I Chron. 17:5. CONTENTS Continued Chapter Page XIV. THE BRIDAL CALL 141 "Write the vision and make it plain that he may run that readeth it." Hab. 2:2. XV. EASTERN SUMMER TENT CAMPAIGN 1917 145 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of the Lord; to comfort all who mourn." Isa. 61:1-2-3. XVI. SECOND SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN AND GOSPEL AUTO WORK 155 XVII. MEETINGS IN VIRGINIA AND GOSPEL AUTO NEWS VGV "So she gleaned in the field until even and beat out that she had gleaned." Ruth 2:15, 17. XVIII. NATION WIDE CAMP. PHILADELPHIA 183 "And then the House was filled with a cloud even the House of the Lord 1 ." II Chron. 5:14. XIX. CHAIN OF MEETINGS FROM MONTWAIT. MASS.. T> NEW YORK CITY 199 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand. Ecc. 11:6; Matt. 10:23. XX. TRANSCONTINENTAL GOSPEL AUTO TRIP AND RE- VIVAL AT TULSA, OKLA 209 And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that My house may be filled. Lv. 14:23. XXI. CALIFORNIA REVIVAL MEETINGS 231 "S'hout, for the Lord hath given you the city." Jas. 6:16. XXII. "THE HOUSE THAT GOD BUILT" 239 "Yea the sparrow hath found an house." Ps. 84:2. XXIII. OTHER CALIFORNIA MEETINGS... 243 "And the plowman shall overtake the reaper." Amos. 9:13. PART II. TESTIMONY OF THOSE TOUCHED BY GOD IN OUR MEETINGS Page THE MIGHTY POWER OF GOD MANIFESTED MRS. E, SHARP.. .253 TESTIMONY OF WILLIAM K. BOUTON 261 MEMORIES OF THE PHILADELPHIA CAMP MEETING, BY ELDER GEORGE LLOYD 267 A MONDAY NIGHT MEETING, PHOEBE C. BENT. 269 SOME THINGS WHICH I SAW ELIZABETH SISSON 273 WONDERFUL DOWNPOUR AT VICTORIA HALL PASTOR W. W. FISHER , 274 SAN FRANCISCO REVIVAL PASTOR ROBERT CRAIG.. .......275 CONTENTS Continued PART III. SOME SERMONS AND 'WRITINGS OF AIM'EE . SEMPLE McPHERSON Page COME IF BUT 281 WHAT SHALL I Do WITH JKSUS? - 286 WHICH ROAD? .293 BEHOLD THE MAN 304 "... and Pilate said Behold the Man." John 15:5. BARABBAS 310 And they all cried . . . and release us Barabbas. Luke 23:8-9; John 18:40. A CERTAIN MAN WENT DOWN (Luke 10:30-35) 322 HAVE I BEEN so LONG TIME WITH You. AND YET HAST THOU NOT KNOWN ME? ..339 LIBERTY BON.DS "OVER THERE" .344 (Inspired by Our Country's Call for the Third Liberty .. . Loan, April, 1918) MODERN WARFARE "OvER THE TOP" 353 THE RED CROSS 359 THE Two HOUSES 368 The House on the sand and the House on the Rock. CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT Page LOST AND RESTORED 380 THE THREE DISPENSATIONS. 383 You NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT .407 TARRY UNTIL .412 THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 418 WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 425 A PLAIN TALK TO SEEKERS 431 "... I will feed my flock and I will cause them to lie down saith the Lord. Ezekiel 34:14-15. THE LATTER RAIN 444 SHEPHERDS "FALSE AND TRUE". 448 SAUL OF TARSUS AND PRESENT DAY SAULS 457 WHAT ABOUT THOSE MANIFESTATIONS? 465 RECEIVE YE THE HOLY GHOST 478 ACCORDING TO THE WORD .481 "... Be it unto me according to Thy Word." Luke 1:38. TWENTY-FOUR QUESTIONS A YOUNG WORKER is APT- TO MEET AND ANSWERS FROM THE WORD HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO GIVE 485 THE COMING OF THE CHRIST .499 THE INQUIRER AND THE WORD TALK TOGETHER OF His COMING 503 SIGNS OF THE TIMES 509 What shall be the sign of My coming. Matt 24:3. THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB (A Vision) ....... . . .513 THAT WONDERFUL DAY 518 TOWARD MORNING . ..520 CONTENTS Concluded TEACHING OF DEEPER TRUTHS Page PLAN OF REDEMPTION . . 525 THE BRIDE IN THE VEIL OF TYPES AND SHADOWS 532 (Come hither, I will shew you the Bride, the Lamb's wife. Rev. 21:9.) ISAAC AND REBECCA 547 (From a sermon, Bethel Temple, Chicago.) THE LIFE AND GROWTH OF PETER 556 THE TEMPLE . . ^65 "Ye also are lively stones, are built upon a spirit- ual House." I Pet. 2:5. GETTING DOWN 574 COVET EARNESTLY SPIRITUAL GIFTS 578 THE VALLEY OF DRY BONES 585 DEATH IN THE POT 596 REJOICE IN THE LORD 615 "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, Re- joice." Phil. 4:4. PRAISING THE LORD 621 THE FOUR FOLD MESSAGE OF THE HOUR (For Fishers of Men) .629 PART IV. VISIONS, PROPHECIES, MESSAGES IN TONGUES AND INTERPRETATION Page RHAPSODY OF PRAISE 638 MEETING IN THE AIR 639 SONG OF PRAISE AND WORSHIP .639 AWAKE O EARTH ! JESUS is COMING SOON 640 THE VOICE OF THE LORD TO THE NATIONS AND TO THE SAINTS. .644 PRESS ON TO PERFECTION (Prophecy and Vision) 648 PERFECT FRUIT 650 JESUS is COMING SOON GET READY (Vision and Prophecy) . .653 THE SIEVE OF THE LORD (Prophecy) 657 WILT THOU WATCH WITH ME ONE LITTLE HOUR (Prophetic Song) 661 THIS is THE WAY; WALK YE IN IT (Prophecy) 663 THE VINEYARD OF THE LORD (Tongues and Interpretations) .669 THE STORM AND THE WHITE LAMBS (Tongues and In- terpretation) 671 MESSAGE GIVEN IN THE SPIRIT 673 REIGN, SILENCE, REIGN ( Prophecy) 675 LOVE'S PINIONS AND THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT PRO- PHETIC SONG PLAYED AND SUNG AT THE PIANO IN TONGUES AND INTERPRETATIONS 678 THE BRIDEGROOM AND THE BRIDE ( Prophecy) 679 Preface The realization that Jesus is coming soon and that whatever is done must be done quickly, has put a "hurry-up" in my soul to get the message to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time by every available means. Sometimes when laboring in certain portions of the Master's vineyard, we have felt that we were reaching many, but when, under the burden of prayer, the Lord catches us up in the Spirit, and with clarified vision and broadened horizon we see earth's millions who are yet unconscious of the signs of the times and know not that the coming of the Lord is nigh at hand, we are overwhelmed with the desire to speed through the lands, and ring the message forth "Jesus is coming soon prepare to meet him I" Oh, that we might write it in flaming letters upon the sky! It is to this end, therefore, that this book is sent forth. Part I Personal Testimony simply written and solely for the encouragement of others, know- ing that Avhat the Lord has so graciously done for one so unworthy, He is abundantly able and will- ing to do for all. Part II "In the mouth of two or three wit- nesses shall every word be established." Part III Sermons and Writings contains a message to the sinner ; to the born-again soul who has not yet received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, and to the baptized believer who is pressing on to perfection. Part IV Visions, Prophecies, and interpreta- tions of messages which the Lord has given me in the Spirit and which have been of such value and blessing to ourselves and others; we realize them too precious to be lost. He bade me go forth taking no thought what I should eat or drink or wherewith I should be clothed, assured that He who had commissioned me to go into all the world and preach the Gospel knew, and would supply every need according to His riches. We have never known what it was to have any earthly board behind us or any one person to whom we could look for support, yet God has inarvel- ously supplied our every need. Will the reader pardon mistakes and look more at the spirit in which the book is written than at errors in composition? It is doubtful whether any other book has been written under similar circum- stances. I have had no quiet study into which to retire and close the door to the world and countless interruptions. Each page has been written in spare moments, amidst the stress of meetings, playing, singing, preaching, and working at the altar, be- sides traveling far and wide with the Gospel car. The opening chapters were written in Florida, and the work has been continued en route from there to New York, the New England states, and thence across the continent to California. Though the reader and the writer may never meet in this present life," this book goes from my hand and heart with the earnest prayer and hope that we shall rise together to meet the Lord in the clouds of glory, when Jesus shall appear. Parti Personal Testimony CHAPTER I. MY MOTHER. "The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee ... I knew thee; and before thou earnest forth ... I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Then said I, Ah! Lord God! behold, I cannot speak; for I am a child. But the Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child; for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces; for I am with thee to deliver thee. Then the Lord put forth His hand, and touched my mouth, and said unto me, Behold, I have put My Words in thy mouth." Jer. l:(4-9). WHEN I was a little girl seventeen years of age, the Lord spoke these words plainly into my startled ears, as I was alone in my bedroom praying one day. It was a solemn time when He ordained me there to preach the Gospel. At first it seemed too astounding and impossible to be true that the Lord would ever call such a simple, unworthy little country girl as I to go out and preach the Gospel but the call and ordination were so real that, although later set apart and ordained by the saints of God, the memory of my little bedroom, flooded with the glory of God as He spoke those words, has always been to me my real ordination. It is because the words, "Before I formed thee I knew thee, and before thou earnest forth I sanc- tified thee/' are so true in my life that I must begin my testimony by taking you. back some twenty years before I was born. Our lives are like a great loom, weaving many threads together, and the first threads of my life are inseparably woven about my dear Mother; it is with her, therefore, that the story of my life really begins. 11 THIS IS THAT Keturning from school at the age of twelve, she read excitedly of a strange "Army" who were an- nounced to bombard the to\vn and take prisoners for the King. Prevailing upon her mother to risk the danger, they stood in a downpour of rain, await- ing the advent of the army. Presently the word was passed "Here they come!" But where were they? Could this be all? Three strangers, cloaked in quiet blue, stepped forth into the square, and knelt in silent prayer. The humility, seriousness and sweetness of it swept over her heart. She realized the tender draw- ing of the Holy Spirit, and before a word had been spoken she knew that these were God's people and her people. As they sang "We are bound for the land of the pure and the holy, The home of the happy, the kingdom of love. Ye wanderers from God, in the broad road of folly, O ! say will you go to the Eden above?" Her heart, melting in love and adoration, answered -"I will go." Her mother had talked much of the mighty power of God manifested in the early Methodist church, and here in the Army she found it again, and it was nothing uncommon to see men and women slain as in the church of John Wesley's day. Her heart was filled with a desire to win other souls for Jesus; the love of Christ constrained her to His glad serv- ice, and the all-absorbing purpose of her soul was to prepare in obedience to the divine call. # * * Soon came the illness and death of her mother, who had talked to her solemnly of the time soon coming Avhen the little girl should be left alone in the world, telling her that she would commend her to the tender care of God and the Captain's wife, who had been her spiritual mother. She did not waver for an instant in answering the call to th 12 MY MOTHER ranks of the Army and after quickly packing her simple belongings, my mother left all, friends and home, and native land, to follow Jesus. The period of service which followed her arrival at the Army quarters in the distant town, brought blessed help and inspiration. The godly life of her leaders, and the prayers of the Captain, who fre- quently spent whole nights on his face before God in intercession for precious souls, the hours spent in visiting the sick and sinful the trudging five miles to assist in "Outpost" duties, the "War Cry" selling, and meetings, all helped comprise the rou- tine of life. But again fell the shadows this time an illness which necessitated an extended change of scene and f work ; this meant a painful goodby to her comrades, and a visit to a country farm. Then it was, while weak in body, depressed in spirit, and mourning over the loss of a mother's sympathetic hand, that she married, hoping to be able to continue her work for God, but amidst the strenuous and unaccustomed duties of heavy farm work, she was compelled to acknowledge that she was caught in the devil's net, and helpless as far as. active service was concerned, and must largely de- vote herself to the manifold cares of life and home. Even so environed, she stood true to her Lord, setting up a family altar, and helping with meetj- ings in the homes of the neighborhood, often driving or walking the six miles to the nearest corps, and counted it the one bright hour of her day, even when weary and worn with heavy toil and care. Yet, realizing ever that she had failed the Lord, who had redeemed and set her apart for His glorious pur- pose, life grew more and more dreary; her spirit grieved sore, with no ray of hope to rectify herself toward God, and the souls she had been called to win. Ah ! Many who read this experience will know 13 THIS IS THAT how to enter into her feelings, for alas, many grow faint and falter by the wayside, or seek to find an easier pathway, only to discover themselves outside the paths of obedience and blessing. My Mother's pathway, in these days, was hedged about with difficulties. Shorn of her usefulness, fettered by circumstances, she truly did grind in the prison house; but, strange as it may seem, dur- ing all the time that her body was fettered, her soul was turning Heavenward. Each hour the long- ing became more intense to go on with the work for which God had ordained her, and for which pur- pose she had left home and friends and separated herself unto the Lord. Finally it absorbed her every thought in waking, and became her one dream in repose she must make good her belated pledge. She must "come back" to the glorious calling of the Cross. HOPE'S ONE RAY. One day, after reading over and over the story of Hannah, she went to her room, and closing the door, kneeled by her bed, and prayed unto the Lord, and vowed a vow, saying "Oh Lord, You called me to preach the Gospel, but somehow I have failed You and cannot go, but if You will only hear my prayer, as You heard Hannah's prayer of old, and give me a little baby girl, I will give her unreservedly into your service, that she may preach the word I should have preached, fill the place I should have filled, and live the life I should have lived in Thy service. O Lord, hear and answer me ; give me the witness that Thou hast heard me, O Lord, for Thine own Name's saEe. Amen." Turning to the window, she swept back the cur- tains and gazed wistfully up at the dark clouds shrouding the face of the sky and shutting out the sunshine beyond. Suddenly there came a rift in the clouds, and a 14 MY MOTHER ray of sunlight illumined yonder hilltop, moved quickly down the slope of the hill, reached the val- ley, the orchard, the house itself, and fell full upon the white, anxious face with its tear-reddened eyes, framed in the window, lighting it with divine radi- ance, hope and courage, and swept on into the room, flooding it with golden glory. To the longing little heart of my Mother, as she kneeled at the window, it seemed that surely here was the divine witness from above the sealing of her vow unto God. Again she read and reread the story of Hannah, and the child she had dedicated unto the Lord. She sat on, gazing far away dreaming of the future years. Over the distant hills the sun was fast sink' ing, transforming the sombre sky into a glorious mirage of hope, flaming with crimson, purple and gold. O Hope ! dazzling, radiant Hope ! What a change thou bringest to the hopeless, brightening the dark- ened paths, and cheering the lonely way. 15 THIS IS THAT CHAPTEE II. THE BABY. "For this child I prayed; and the Lord gave me my petition, which I asked of Him. Therefore also I have lent him unto the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent unto the Lord." I Sam. 1:27, 28. "Hush, my babe, Lie still and slumber, Holy angels guard thy bed. Heavenly blessings without number, Gently falling on thy head." THERE was a B-A-B-Y in the house! a tiny, insignificant little thing; not good for much of anything but sleeping, and crying, and sucking a soft little pink thumb, and it seems that I was that baby. Mother was rocking the warm little bundle, so carefully wrapped in the big embroidered shawl, and singing softly the childtime lullaby "Hush, my babe " The little head was nodding, nodding, n-o-d-d-i-n-g , "Lie still and si " Tired eyes were drooping, d-r-o-o-p-i-n-g . "Holy angels guard thy b " the tiny fingers were slowly relaxing their clasp, "Heavenly blessings, without num " another final little pat and the baby was asleep. Outside the dining-room windows the autumn leaves were again drifting lightly to the earth. The late October sunshine was again slanting through the gorgeous foliage of the big maple and locusts that stood as sentries by our door. Fall breezes, 16 THE BABY rustling through the leaves, shook the branches and sent a veritable shower of gay colored leaves cascad- ing through the air and tapping lightly at the win- dow-pane, as though inviting memory to soar as lightly as they back to the fall, when last these same trees had shaken oif their coat of many colors back to the day in her rooom, when she had prayed for the little daughter that should take her place and preach the good tidings of great joy. Never, for a moment, in the days that followed, had she doubted God was He not faithful who had promised? Piece by piece the wardrobe had been finished and hidden away cautiously under lock and key. Sitting there, folding the baby in her arms, in memory she again tip-toed lightly up the stairs, and after locking her door, with greatest delight unfolded and lovingly fingered, garment by garment, the wardrobe that was to be for the little girl. Had she not asked God for a "daughter" that would fill her place in His service? Even the morn- ing the little pink-faced, brown-eyed stranger had announced its arrival with no uncertain tones, mak- ing the quiet old farmhouse ring and echo, my little Mother had not doubted, but asked confidently "Where is she? Bring her here." Then her thoughts swept beyond the past and the present, and soared far away into the future dreaming of the years that were to come, when this wee creature with the turned-up nose, and the "ten tiny fingers and toes," would be preaching the Gos- pel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Caressing the little fingers, she dreamed of the day when these same little hands, grown stronger, would hold a Bible, and wield the sword of the Word, when these little feet would follow the Lamb "whithersoever He leadeth" when these little lips would preach the Word. Ah "Faith, mighty faith, the promise sees, And looks to that alone. 17 THIS IS THAT Laughs at impossibilities, And cries 'It shall be done'." The great torrent of love and desire for personal service, which had hitherto flooded my Mother's soul, was now turned into a new channel the one absorbing, all-important business of her life became the bringing up of the baby in the way she should go. This training, Mother felt, could not begin too early in life, and therefore, when I arrived at the age of three weeks, she announced to the horrified nurse, and the astonished household-in-general, her firm determination to take the baby to a "Jubilee" at the five-mile distant corps. Much well-meant advice to "Keep that child at home by the fire," followed my Mother to the door. Some declared that the baby would surely have pneumonia. Aunt Maria, who "knew all about babies," shook her head, and told how they managed their baby at her house, protesting to the last "You'll kill that Baby ! You don't know anything about a baby. Anyone who does not know how to take better care of a baby than that shouldn't have one." (But alas! Aunt Maria's baby, whose natural body they nurtured so carefully, and kept cuddled by the fire, soon took the much-feared cold and died.) Mother tells me that from the very first meeting I was warmly welcomed occupied the front seat and contributed, without request, my full share to the music and interest of the evening. At six weeks of age I was promoted to the plat- form. It was my solemn dedication service in the Salvation Army the hour for which my Mother had longed and prayed the hour of her dreams and hopes the hour wherein she publicly consecrated this visible answer to prayer her little daughter to the service of the Lord. Thus in my infancy, my precious Mother fulfilled 18 THE BABY her vow unto the Lord, who had looked upon the affliction of His handmaid, remembered her, and given unto her the child for which she prayed.' "On Him who watches over all, I cast my weight of care, Assured He hears me when I pray, And always answers prayer. Sometimes I wait full many a year Sometimes 'tis then and there, His answering message I can hear; God always answers prayer. Sometimes afar He bids me 'go' But He'll go with me there; If He says 'stay', I'm glad 'tis so; Love always answers prayer. Tomorrow, perhaps it may be today, But whether 'tis 'Yea', Or whether 'tis 'Nay', God always answers prayer." 19 THIS IS THAT CHAPTER III. CHILDHOOD DAYS. (A chapter written for the children big folks and wise folks should not read, but pass on to Chapter IV.) * # # "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov. 22:6. * * * "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, Look upon this little child ; Pity my simplicity, Suffer me to come to Thee. Fain I would to Thee be brought, Gracious Lord, forbid it not. Find a little child a place.'' GOD bless Papa, God bless Mamma, God bless everybody, all over the world, and make little 4