134-5 US UC-NRLF ^ B 4 EEb M7D v^irginia State Library A RECORD OF AJA c^- Virginia Copyright Entries (1790-1844) WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY J. H. WHITTY RICHMOND, VA. RICHMOND: DAVIS BOTTOM, WEnlNTENDENT OP PUBLIC PHINTING. 1911. Virginia State Library A RECORD OF Virginia Copyright Entries (1790-1844) WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY J . H . W H I T T Y RICHMOND, VA. RICHMOND : DAVIS BOTTOM, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING. 1911. THE KE'^ ycr> PUBLIC LiBr^O ox AND ' H rOoNDA7lfc>4S R 1915 L u^f solo N. Y. ^ L> 7 /3^-' 1LS-' Letter of Transmittal Virginia State Library, January 10, 1911. 7 he Library Board of the Virginia State Library. Gentlemeis : Some years ago Mr. J. H. Whitty, of Richmond, made a copy of the copyright entries registered in the office of the clerlt of the United States District Court at Richmond, 1790-1844. These original entries were then in the possession of Judge Robert W. Hughes. Mr. Whitty has generously pre- sented his copy to the Virginia State Library. I herewith transmit the list of titles as submitted by him. With the exception of a few corrections of evident mistakes in copying, the titles have been allowed to stand exactly as he copied them, in spelling, punctuation and capitalization. Undoubt- edly, some errors have crept in in the copy made by Mr. Whitty, and the absence of the original records has made it impossible to correct them. The publication of the entries will prove of very great interest to all stu- dents of Virginia bibliography. Very respectfully, H. R. McILWAlNE, State Librarian. ivil80945 rp:.. I Introduction The following titles entered for copyright in the State of Virginia cover the period from the year 1790 to 1844. The Continental Congress framed a resolution May 2, 1783, recommending to the several States a copyright law. This was favorably acted upon by Virginia in October, 1785. No records have been discovered of State copyright entries in Virginia. Copyright en- tries were first registered in the United States District Court of Virginia by William Marshall, clerk, a brother of Chief Justice John Marshall. They continued to be registered in that office until the year 1870, when Congress transferred the matter to the Librarian of Congress. It has always been supposed that the early record books of copyright reg- istration for Virginia, prior to 1837, were destroyed by fire at the evacua- tion of Richmond. My belief is that there were no record books, but that the loose title pages of which I speak later, some of which were endorsed with the names of proprietors, constituted the only record of the period. The record books of a later period in the Library of Congress are rather meager and comprise, according to a recent statement of the register of copyrights, the following: "A large blank record book containing a few registrations upon the first pages, the earliest of which is dated 1837, fol- lowed by a registration of 1851 and some scattering registrations up to April, 1870. A second record book containing some registrations begin- ning on the 9th day of May, 1867, and running to the 22d of June, 1870. A third small volume containing a few registrations on the first' thirty-two pages running from the 9th day of May, 1867, to the 22d day of June, 1870, seeming to be a duplicate of the second book." The late Judge Robert W. Hughes had in his possession a record of copy- right entries, consisting of loose title pages, dating from 1790 to the year 1844. He allowed me to make an exact copy many years ago, which I now place for publication with the State Library of Virginia. This record gives the exact title page descriptions, with most of the dates of entry and names of authors and proprietors. Prior to a disastrous fire which destroyed a portion of my library some years ago, I had one of the largest collections of Virginia books extant. The study of Virginia titles has always been a pleasant pastime with me. Many of the titles in this record have never been met with by me elsewhere. The record is invaluable to Virginia bib- liography, especially the "Henkel" German entries, one of which is, I be- lieve, the title of the first catechism printed in Virginia in both the German and English languages. The 1816 entry indicates that this was the fourth edition, enlarged and improved. The record reveals a writing of Samuel Kercheval, the title of which has not been definitely known before, I believe, and to which reference is made REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN by Jefferson in a letter to Kercheval of July 12, 1816; also a title page of a Richmond directory earlier than that of Maddox in 1819. Some early Vir- ginia books were not entered for registration and others may have escaped registry through the early methods employed by the clerks of the courts. This record may be regarded as a useful presentation of some of the im- portant publishing activities of Virginia for the years 1790 to 1844. J. H. WHITTY. Richmond, Virginia. December 8, 1910. k Virginia Copyright Entries (1790-1844) In the following list, the date at the beginning of each title is the year of the copyright entry. The parenthetical matter appearing after some of the titles was copied by Mr. J. H. Whitty from the backs of the loose pages on which the original entries were made, and gives usually the exact date of the entry and occasionally the name of the owner of the copyright. 1790 The Life and adventures of Simon Crea McMahon, With Miscellaneous pieces, In prose and verse. Part the first. Encourage genius to humanize the glowing Heart. Richmond: Printed For the author. 1790. 1791 The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination, in North America, To the First of November 1790. Containing An account of the churches and their constitutions, Ministers, Members, Associations, their plan and Sentiments, Rule and Order, Proceedings and Correspondence. Also remarks upon practical religion. Humbly offered To the Public. By John Asplund. 1791 The new Ahiman Rezon, containing the laws and constitution of the grand Lodge of Virginia. To which is added the History of Ma- sonry, from the creation, to the death of Queen Elizabeth. Also illustra- tions of the royal art; and a variety of other matter relative to that in- stitution. Carefully collated, from the most approved authors, ancient as well as modern. By John K. Read, present deputy grand master of Virginia, and member of the sublime lodge of perfection, of Charles- ton, South Carolina. "Causa Latet: vis est Notissima. Ovid Met" 4 ver 287. Richmond: Printed by John Dixon. 1791. 1791 (?) A Topographical Analysis of The Commonwealth of Virginia. Compiled for 1790-1 showing the extent and relative situa- tion of the several counties, their distances from the seat of govern- ment, population. Force, County Lieutenants, Representatives &c — also the District and County Courts; the civil list of the Commonwealth &c. carefully collected from Public Records, and other authorities. To be cont.nued annually. 1792 A Tour through the Southern and Western territories, of the United States of North America; The Spanish Dominions on the River Mississippi, and the Floridas; The countries of the Creek Nations; and many uninhabited Parts. By John Pope. "Malum Paucorum plurimum omnium interest." Published for the author and his three children, Alexander D. Pope, Lucinda C. Pope and Anne Pope. (March, 1792.) i 8 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN 1795 Decisions of cases in Virginia. By Ttie High Court of Chan- cery, with remarks upon Decrees By the Court of Appeals, Reversing some of those decisions. Richmond: Printed By Thomas Nicholson. 1795. (George Wythe. 1795, 6th Jany.) 1796 The Prodigal Reformed, By a Virginia Farmer. Contents. The Author's Birth, and Origin, his Education, and Pro- fession, his Travels through England, Ireland, France, Algiers, and America. Robert F. Palmer. (Sept. 23, 1796.) 1796 A Treatise on the Distillation of ardent Spirits from materials of the growth of the United States, By John Strother. (Sept. 23, 1796.) 1797 The Truth of the Bible Fairly put To the Test, By con- fronting The evidences of its own facts. By John Fowler. (15 May, 1797.) 1797 The Utility of the Scriptures of the old Testament: a Dis- course delivered at the opening of a session of the Presbytery of Bal- timore, held in Alexandria September 27th 1797. By James Wilson, A. M., one of the members of said Presbytery. [1797.] 1798 Debates In the House of Delegates of Virginia; upon certain resolutions Before the House, Upon the important subject of the Acts of Congress Passed at their last session, commonly called, The Alien and Sedition Laws. Richmond: Printed By Thos. Nicholson. 1798. (T. Hansford. Jan. 2, 1799.) 179 8 Poems, and compositions In prose on several occasions. By William Munford, of the County of Mecklenburg, and State of Virginia. Not free from faults, nor yet too vain to mend. Pope's Essay on Crit- icism. Richmond: Printed By Samuel Pleasants, Jun. 1798. (Oct. 9, 1798.) 1798 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of ap- peals of Virginia. By Bushrod Wasiiington. Vol. 1. Richmond: Printed By Thomas Nicholson. 17 9 8. (June 29, 1798.) 1799 "A Plain and Concise Table (particularly calculated for the use of Importing Merchants) of the duties payable by law on all goods, Wares, and Merchandize, imported into the United States after the last day of June 1797". Petersburg: Printed By Ross & Douglass. Copy Right Secured By John Potts. (Oct. 1. 1799.) 1801 Debates and other Proceedings of the Convention of Vir- ginia. Covened at Richmond, on Monday the 2nd day of June 1788, for the purpose, of deliberating oh the constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention. To which is prefixed. The Federal Con- stitution. (Davis <£. Prentis. Oct. 15, 1801.) VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 9 1801 The gentleman's new pocket companion, comprising a gen- eral description, of the noble and useful animal, The Horse; together with the quickest ?nd simplest mode of Fattening; Necessary Treatment while undergoing excessive fatigue or on a Journey; The Construction and management of stables; Different Marks for ascertaining the age of a horse, from 3 to 9 years old. With a concise account of the dis- ease to which the Horse is most subject; with such remedies as long experience has proven to be effectual. By Richard Mason, of Surry County, Virginia (July 20, 1801.) 1801 Reports of cases argued and adjudged In the Court of ap- peals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Richmond: Printed by Thomas Nicholson. 1801. (July 7, 1801.) 1802 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the oourt of ap- peals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Volume second. Richmond. Print- ed by Thomas Nicholson. 1802. (May 24. 1802.) 1803 The Sunday School Juvenile Bible; or, History of the old and new Testament; Being a concise relation of events contained in the Holy Scriptures. Adorned with numerous embellishments. "And God said let there be light". (Peter Cottom, Prop. Oct. 8, 1803.) 1803 The Letters of the British Spy; originally printed in the Virginia Argus in August and September 1803. [Copyright secured.] 1803 The Magistrate's Monitor and Judge's Remembrancer, being a treatise on the nature of Justice in a series of letters addressed to a Justice of the Peace — ■ By Humphrey Smith of Montgomery County, Vir- ginia. (Oct. 19, 1803.) 1803 A Treatise on Practical Farming. Embracing particularly the following subjects, viz: The use of Plaster of Paris with directions for using it; and general observations on the use of other manures. On deep Ploughing; thick sowing of Grain; method of preventing Fruit Trees from decaying; and on Farming in General. By John A. Binns; of Lrcudoun County, State of Virginia, Farmer. (Mar. 21.. 1803.) 1804 A Map of the State of Ohio, From actual Survey. (James Madison, Wm. Prentis and William Davis — 6th day of Nov., 1804 ) 1804 A Map of Virginia, Formed from actual surveys, and the latest as well as most accurate observations — . . . By James Madison, D. D. President of William & Mary College. (James Madison, William Prentis & William Davis. William Pren- tis, Petersburg Dec. 3, 1804.) 10 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN 1804 The Married Lady's Companion or Poor Man's Friend in four parts — I. An address to the Married Lady, who is the mother of daughters. II. An address to the newly Married Lady. III. Some im- portant hints to the midwife. IV. An essay on the management and common diseases of children. By Samuel K. Jennings. (Jan. 20. 1804.) 1804 The Second Part of Lorenzo's Thoughts, in an address To the People of Virginia. "If they hear not Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead." Abra- ham. Richmond. Printed by S. Pleasants, Junior, May 1804. (May 18, 1804.) 1804 A Supplement; or, Part the Second of the Treatise, con- taining additional observations on Farming: on the use of Paris Lime- stone, Salt &c. To which are annexed, sundry certificates Proving the Truth of his former statements therein. By John A. Binns, of Lou- doun County, Virginia. Richmond — Printed by S. Pleasants, Jun. 1804. (July 2, 1804.) 1805 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the court of ay- peals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Volume third. Richmond. Print- ed By Thomas Nicholson. 1805. 1805 Truth and Reason: or, A fair investigation of many of those things which keep them in Shade; Delivered in a course of The- ological Lectures, Wherein Truth is clearly unfolded and defended by reasonable arguments, drawn from the surest Testimonies of past and present Experience, Historical Evidence, and many plain, undeniable facts, By Joshua Peel. By Nature's fix'd impartial Laws, Reason ascends to her First cause: From thence instructions doth receive, In lessons worthy to believe. Peel Brook, Bedford County, Virginia: the 29th year of American In- dependence. (May 13, 1805.) 1807 A General Selection of the newest and most admired Hymns and spiritual songs, now in use. By Stith Mead, Preacher of the Gos- pel, M. E. C. Let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Isa. 42: 11. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teach- ing and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Ephes. 5: 19. Note — The profits of this edition to be applied in diminishing the debt of the Lynchburg Meeting House. Richmond. Printed by Seaton Grantland, opposite the Bell Tav- ern, 1807. VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 11 1807 The Visible Churcli of Jesus Christ Defined. A Sermon preached at the Mouth of Little Whiteley, To a very numerous con- course of people on Lord's day August 30, 1807 at the Baptism of sev- eral professed believers in Christ. By J. Hersey. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Matthew. The church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. Paul. Her priests have violated my law and have profaned my holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane; neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean. Ezekiel. Morgantown, Va. Printed by J. Campbell for the author. 1807. (Jan. 29, 1808 ) 1808 An address To the People of Virginia. In two parts. Show- ing the danger arising from the unbounded influence of Lawyers, and the impolicy of confiding To them the Legislation of our state. By Thomas Jones, a citizen of Frederick County. "Here every peasant boasts his righi to scan, And learns to venerate himself as man." De Mably. Winchester, Va. Printed by Isaac Collett. (Sept. 13, 1808 — acknowledged by Samuel Kercheval in letter dated Stephensburg, Frederick County, 3 Aug., 1808.) 1808 The American Shepherd, or a treatise on the Improvement, Breeding and management of sheep, in a state of Health or Disease: together with Directions' how to know and select proper sheep for the lirsl: stock. Compiled from the latest and most approved publications in America and England, as well as from communications and expe- rience. By Thomas Moss. (June 21, 1808.) 1808 Arithmetic improved, or a Summary System, of common and decimal arithmetic, collaterally & concisely combined in every rule. By William Ligon, Senr. Prince Edward, Virginia, 1808 — also with the operation pf every question, full and expressive. Intended for the American tutor's guide: also as an assistant to persons, of every occu- pation. (Aug. 8, 1808.) 1808 A collection of all such acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of a public and permanent nature as have passed since the session of 1801; to which are added appendices, containing a compila- tion of the several laws for the establishment of the James River, Po- tomac, Appomattox and Dismal Swamp Canal Companies. Laws con- cerning the Northern Neck. Titles of acts authorizing the establish- ment of Turnpike roads and the erection of Toll Bridges. A compila- tion of the several acts concerning the mutual assurance society again'-^ Fire on buildings. Acts and resolutions of a general nature, which were 12 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN omitted in tlie revisals of 1794 and 1803. Laws concerning waste and unappropriated lands on the eastern & western waters. Laws estab- lishing Ferries. Laws concerning the public guard, Titles of Private and Local acts, and a table of fines, forfeitures, penalties and amerce- ments designating such as are to the use of the commonwealth, such as go toward lessening the County Levy, such as belong to individuals and such as are approp-'iated to any particular object with a complete index to the whole. Vol II published pursuant to an act of the general a^'sembly of Virginia passed the seventh day of January, 1807. Rich- mond: Printed by Samuel Pleasants, Junior, Printer to the common- wealth. 1808. (D. W. Pleasants.) 1808 A concise History of the Ketocton Bpptist Association in Virginia; wherein a description is given of her constitution — progress and increase, the intention in associating the doctrines holden by her — - reasons of the names of regular and separate Baptists — an account of the death of sundries, the constitution and order of Churches — the man- ner of administering Baptism — of the ordination of ministers — bounds of the association — the doctrines preached — providing for the ministry — annual meetings — the number of ministers — of per- secutions — the mode of obtaining redress — of circular letters — ob- jections to the Baptists replied to — of good work — of her civil pol- icy. By William Fristoe. (Sept. 8, 1808.) 1808 The History of Virginia from its First settlement To the Present Time. By John D. Burk. (June 25, 1808 ) 180 8 Military Tactics or the Soldier's Companion. Teaching how tc form companies, with directions for the formation and exercise of a Battalion and Regiment: and the various forms of reports kc. Likewise evolutions for the Cavalry and Artillery, with explanations & improve- ments upon Baron Steuben. By Samuel J. Winston, Brigade Inspector, for the Second Brigade. Richmond: Printed by S. Grantland. 1808. (April 8, 1808.) 1808 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme court of appeals of Virginia: With select cases, Relating chiefly to points of practice. Decided by the Superior Court of Chancery for the Richmond District. Vol. 1. By William W. Hening and William Munford. (June 8, 1808) 1808 Reports of the trial of Col. Aaron Burr, (Late Vice Pres- ident of the United States) for Treason, and for a Misdemeanor, in preparing the means of a military expedition against Mexico, a territory of the King of Spain, with whom the United States were at Peace. In the circuit court of the United States, Held at the city of Richmond, in the District of Virginia, in the summer term of the year 1807. To which is added an appendix, containing the arguments and evidence VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 13 in support and defence of the motion afterwards made by the counsel tor the United States, to commit A. Burr, H. Blannerhasset and I. Smith, to be sent for trial to the State of Kentucky, for treason cr mis- demeanor, alleged to be committed there. In two volumes. Volume 1st taken in short hand by David Robertson, counsellor at law. (June 9, 1808.) 1808 The Virginian Orator, Being a variety of Original and Se- lected Poems, Orations, and Dramatic Scenes; to improve the American youth in the ornamental and useful arts of Eloquence and Gesture. By Thomas E. Birch. [Richmond, 1808.] 1809 The American Universal Spelling Book; containing a new and complete system of orthography founded on the true principles of the English language. For the use of schools in the United States of America. '3y George Alfred, School Master. Staunton: Printed by J. D. Deitrick, at the Eagle office. (July 10, 1809.) 1809 A collection of the most useful and approved forms of pro- cess, Judgments and orders, used in the county courts and late district courts of law, in Virginia: also Bonds usually taken in the said courts, and executions en Judgments thereof; Records on appeal, and Writs of Supersedeas; of proceedings on the arraignment of criminals, and of The entries used on the Trials thereof — To which are added, various forms of indictments, &c. in Criminal Cases; Declarations; and some of the most useful sorts of conveyances; and an index to the whole By John Robinson, Clerk of the Superior Court of Law for Henrico County, and late clerk of the District Court of Law, formerly held in the city of Richmond. Richmond: Printed by Seaton Grantland. 1809. (Oct. 3, 1809.) 1809 A Collection of the most useful and approved forms of process. Judgments and orders, used in the County Courts, and Late District Courts of law in Virginia; also of Bonds usually taken in the said county and executions of Judgments thereof; Records on appeals, and Writs of Supersedeas, of proceedings on the Arraignment of crim- inals, and of the entries used on the Trials thereof. To which are added various forms of indictments &c. in criminal cases, Declarations and some most useful sorts of conveyances, and an index to the whole. By John Robinson, Clerk of the Superior Court of Law for Henrico Couflt> and late clerk of the District Court of Law formerly held in the city of Richmond. Richmond: Printed By Seaton Grantland. 1809. 1809 Litera Annis et Litera Singulis Mensibus. A Perpetual Al- nac. By Leslie Mitchell. (Sept. 13. 1809.) 1809 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of appeals of Virginia. With select cases relating chiefly to points of practice. Decided by the Superior Court of Chancery for the 14 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Richmond District. Vol. I. By William W. Hening and William Mun- ford. (March 21, 1809.) 1809. Report of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of appeals of Virginia with such cases relating chiefly to points of practice decided by The superior court of chancery for The Richmond district. Printed and published By I. Riley. 1809. 1809 The Statutes at Large, From the First Session of the Legis- lature, in the year 1619. Published pursuant to an act of^the general X assembly of Virginia; passed on the fifth day of February one thou- sand eight hundred and eight. Volume I. By W^illiam Waller Hen- ning. "The laws of a country are necessarily connected.' with every- thing belonging to the people of it, so that a thorough knowledge of them and of their progress would inform us of everything that was most useful to be known about them, and one of the greatest imperfections of historians in general is owing to their ignorance of law". Priestley's Lecture on History pa. 149. Richmond: Printed by and for Samuel Pleasants Junior, Printer to the Commonwealth. 1809. (D. W. Pleasants. Dec. 16/ 1814.) 1810 The Ancient and Modern Music of Ireland with original songs. By John McCreery. (Feby. 13, 1810.) 1810 Das Neuer gerichtete Gesaiig-Buch, bestehend aus einer Sammlung der besten Liedern, zum Gebrauch des offenlichen Deutschen Gottesdiensts, und anderen Uebungen zur Gotfseligkeit, in den Vereinigten Staaten, von Nord-America. Erste Auflage. Neu Market, Gedruckt bey Ambrosius Henkel und Comp. 1810. (Ambrose Henkel & Co. 1810.) 1810 Das neue allgemeine Hoch-Deutsche ABC und Namen-Buch fiir Kinder, welche anfangen zu lernen. Mit vielen Kupfer stichen, schon ausgeziert. New Market. Schenandoah County, (Virginia). Gedruckt und zu haben, von Ambrosius Henkel und Comp. 1810. 1810 Etymological hints for the assistance of young students in the English Language; with an abridgement of Mr. Lindley Murray's notes on the rules of syntax as they are drawn up and arranged in his English Grammar. Designed to be used with his exercises. Com- piled by Jacob Grigg Richmond: Printed by Mason and Minor. (April 5, 1810.) 1810 A History of the Rise and Progress of the Baptists In Vir- ginia. By Robert B. Semple, Minister of the Gospel in King and Queen County, Virginia. Richmond: Published By the author. John O'Lynch Printer. 1910. (Sept. 5. 1810.) 1810 A New and Plain System of Arithmetic, containing The sev- eral rules of that useful science, concisely defined, and greatly simpli- VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 15 fied. The whole particularly adapted to the easy and regular instruc- tion of Youth and to the Trade and Commerce of the United States. By Elijah H. Hendrick. Richmond: Printed by Lynch & Davis. 1810. (May 1, 1810.) 1811 Christ's Millennium of one thousand years commenced and the downfall of kings &c. Before the Throne of Justice. By the word particularly sent to them as noted herein, also the restoration of the ■Jews to New Zion, as foretold by the Prophets. By Christopher McPherson, alias Pherson, Son of Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Praise our God all ye his servants and ye that fear him both small and great saying alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife has made herself ready. Rev. 19th chap. Richmond: Printed for the author. 1811. 1811 A Discourse on Duelling; preached on Sunday, March 4, 1810, at the Capitol in the city of Richmond. By the (?) Minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia. "Deliver me from the blood guiltiness, O God!" Psalm li: xiv. Richmond: Printed by John O'Lynch. 1811. (Jan. 11, 1811.) ]S11 A General Selection of the newest and most admired Hymns and spiritual songs now in use. By the Rev. Stith Mead. Preacher of the Gospel. M. E. C. Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing; Let them shout from the top of the mountains. Isa. 42: 11. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colos. 3: 16. 5: 19. The second edition revised, corrected and enlarged and published by permission of the Virginia conference held at Raleigh (N. C.) A. D. 1811. 1812 The Defining Orthographer, and youths' plain guide to pro- nunciation and reading: containing a selection of the most common and useful words of 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 syllables made use of in our language with the definitions — To which is added some lessons in easy reading for children and some handsome dialogues and original matter, also many useful receipts, tables in arithmetic, musical notes. Instructive Lessons, Hymns &c. Designed for the use of Schools. By Peter Bailey. 1812. 1812 Historical Letters; originally written for and published in the Virginia Argus: including a brief but general view of the History of the World, Civil, Military and Religious from the earliest times to the year of our Lord 1811. "History is philosophy, teaching by ex- ample." Bol. Richmond: Printed and published by Samuel Pleas- ants. 1812. ~ 16 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN 1812 A Plain and Easy Treatise on Practical Arithmetic wherein the different branches are so plainly treated, as to make it practical for those who have hitherto neglected this science to become complete mas- ters of the arithmetic by the studious application to this treatise, being an arithmetic dictionary — To which is added a proper mode of Book Keeping and other matters proper for youth to be acquainted with, the art of surveying land treated of in a plain easy manner, the whole de- signed for the instruction of the Ignorant. By Peter Bailey. 1812. C1812.) 1812 Poems and Translations by Richard Dabney. Tunc utile multis pallere. Juv. Richmond: Printed by John O'Lynch. 1812. 1812 Supplement, containing the acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of a public and generally interesting nature, passed since the session of assembly which commenced in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven published pursuant to an act of the general assembly, passed the tenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twelve Richmond: Printed and Published by Samuel Pleasants, Printer to the commonwealth. 1812. (D. W. Pleasants. Dec. 15. 1814.) 1813 A chart of the Bar and Roads of Occracock, from an actual survey, in July 1812. By Edw. L. Young, Sailing master U. S. Navy. An actual survey of the Norfolk channel & narrows, including Sew- ells Point, taken in September 1812. By Edw. L. Young, Sailing mas- ter U, S. Navy. Soundings partly taken by Jas. Davis, U. S. Navy. (June. 1813.) 1813 An inquiry into the principles and policy of the government of the United States comprising nine sections under the following heads. I. Aristocracy. II. The principles of the policy of the United States and of the English policy. III. The evil moral principles of the govern- ment of the United States. IV. Funding. V. Banking. VI. The good moral principles of the government of the United States. VII. Author- ity. VIII. The mode of infusing Aristocracy into the policy of the United States. IX. The legal policy of the United States. By John Taylor of Caroline County, Virginia: Fredericksburg. Published by Green and Cady. 1813. 1813 Marriage Indissoluble; and Divorce Unscriptural. "They are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined to- gether, let no man put asunder". By George Bourne. (Sept., 1813.) 1813 The Mountain Muse; Comprising the adventures of Daniel Boone; and the Power of Virtuous and Refined beauty. By Daniel Bryan; of Rockingham County, Virginia — [18ia.] 1813 The Notes of an American Lyre. By Judith Lomax. A na- tive of the State of Virginia. "Vive La Bagatelle". Richmond: Print- ed by Famuel Pleasants near the Market Bridge. 1813. VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 17 1814 A Collection of all such acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force. Com- prising the First volume of the revised code. The Second Elition. With copious notes of references to subsequent acts and a new and much enlarged index. To which are prefixed the declaration of rights and constitution or form of government. Published pursuant to an act of the general assembly passed on the tenth of February one thousand eight hundred and twenty. Richmond: Printed by Samuel Pleasants, Printer to the commonwealth. 1814. (Deborah Pleasants ) 1814 A geographical view of the British possessions in North America — Comprehending — Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Lower and Upper Canada, with all the country to the frozen sea on the North and Pacific Ocean on the West with an appendix, containing a concise history of the war in Canada to the date of this volume By M. Smith, author of the view of Upper Canada. (1814. J 1814 The Old Bachelor. (Thcs. Ritchie. Jan. 5, 1814.) 1814 The Three Trials of William Hone for publishing Three Parodies viz. The late John Wilkes' Catechism, the political Litany, and the Sinecurist's creed, on the ex-oflficio Information at Guildhall, London, during Three successsive days December 18, 19 and 2 0, 1817; Before Three Special Juries, and Mr. Justice Abbott on the First Day, and Lord Chief Justice Ellenborough, on the last two days. With the proceed- ings of the public meeting held on the 29th day of December following at the London tavern; together with the list of subscriptions received by Mr. Hone. "Thrice the brindled cat hath mew'd". (Shakespeare). Richmond Printed By J. & G. Cochran, opposite the capitol. 1814. 1816 The Christian Catechism, composed for the Instruction of youth in the knowledge of the Christian Religion. Together with An Addition of Morning and Evening Prayers, &c. Also An Explanation of Feasts, Festivals and Sundays, &c. By Paul Henkel, Minister of the Gospel. Fourth Edition, Enlarged and improved. New Market, Shen- andoah County, Virginia: Printed in S. Henkel's Priming Office. 181 G. 1816 Church Hymn Book, containing newly composed Hymns, with an addition of Hymns and Psalms, from other authors; carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions. By Paul Henkel, Minister of the Gospel. Let all things be done decently, and in order. Cor. chapter xiv, verse 40. First edition. New ]\Iarket: Shenandoah County (Virginia), Printed in Solomon Henkel's Printing office. 1816. 1816 Das kleine A B C-Buch, Oder erste Anfangs-Biichlein, mit schonen Bildern und deren Namen, nach dem ABC, um den Kindern, das Buchstabiren leichter zu machen. Von Ambrosius Henkel. New 18 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Market. Scheuandoah County, Virg. Gedriickt in S. Henkel's Driick- erey. 1816. 1816 Der Christliche Katechismus, verfaszt zum Unterricht der Jugend in der Erkenntnisz der Christlichen Religion; Samt Morgen und Abend-Gebote, Auch eine kurze Erklarung der Fest, Fast-und Feyer-Tagen und besondere Sonntagen. . Von Paulus Henkel, Evan- gelischer Lehrer. Zweite Auflage verbessert und vermebret. New Market. Schenandoah County, Virg. Gedriickt Von S. Henkel. 1816. 1816 Letters addressed to the people of Virginia showing the necessity of Immediately calling a convention for the revision and amend- ment of our state constitution. By Henry Tompkinson, a citizen of Vir- ginia. J. Foster, Printer. Winchester. 1816. (Aug. 2, 1816. Stephensburg, Frederick County, Virginia. May 13th, 1816. Saml. Kercheval.) 1816 The Poetical Works of Doct. Benjamin Dolbeare, consisting of his Art of courtship, and other pieces, amatory and sentimental. Rich- mond: Printed for the author. By John & David Burke, 1816. (Jan. 22, 1817.) 1816 Report of the Trial of Capt. Thomas Wells, Before the Coun- ty Court of Nottoway, sitting as an examining court, at the August Term, 1816 — charged with feloniously and maliciously shooting with intent to kill Pe':er Randolph, esq., Judge of the 5th circuit, and Col. Wm. C. Greenhill. By a member of the Bar. Petersburg, Printed and published by Marvel W. Dunnavant, 1816. 1817 The complete musk-rat, house- rat and mouse catcher. By John M. Jones. (Sept. 6, 1817.) 1817 The Irish Emigrant. An historical tale founded on fact. By an Hibernian. "Never, oh! never while she has her memory left her, can Ireland forget the home of her emigrant and the asylum of her exile" Philips. Winchester, Va. Published by John T. Sharrock, J. Foster Printer 1817. (J. T. Sharrock & Adam Douglass.) 1817 Kentucky Harmony, or a choice collection of psalms, tunes, Hymns, and anthems; in three parts taken from the most eminent au- thors and well adapted to Christian churches, singing schools or private societies. Selected By Ananias Davisson. Printed For and sold by the author at Harrisonburg, Virginia. (1817.) 1817 A Letter to a Methodist Preacher on his entrance into the work of the ministry, containing addresses on the following subjects: 1. The spirit in which he should perform his work. 2. Choice of texts. 3. Behavior in the pulpit. 4. Behavior in his circuit. 5. Behavior in the house where he lodges. 6. The cultivation of his mind. 7. Mar- riage anG the management of children. 8. The preservation of his health. With a postscript in which the general character of the Preacher, and VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 19 the nature and importance of the work in which They are engaged are briefly considered with an appendix containing a few directions to the people How they may profit most by hearing the word of God preached. By Adam Clarke. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth net to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Tim. 2:15. Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Tim. iv: 12. From the second English edition. To which is subjoined extracts from the Rev. Richard Baxter's Reformed Pastor and also extracts from the Journals of the Rev. John Wesley on the execution of church discipline. Richmond: Printed by John Warrock. 1817. (Claimed by H. Hardy. Author, Jan. 3, 1818.) 1818 The Constitution and Regulations of the society of Ancient Masons in Virginia containing First: The constitution and laws of The Grand Lodge of Virginia published in the "New Ahiman Rezon" in 1791. Second: such regulations of a general and permanent nature as have been passed by the Grand Lodge since the publication of the "New Ahim.an Rezon" up to the 11th December 1817. Third: a methodical digest of the constitution and regulations now in force drawn from the foregoing sources with notes of references and a copious index. By James Henderson, Master of Manchester Lodge No. 14. Richmond: Printed By John Warrock, 1818. 1818 A Directory for the city of Richmond, containing an alpha- betical list of the names of the citizens, their occupations, places of residence, together with a register and almanac. Besides many other useful articles. By Robert Titus and William W. Gray. 1818. (August 19, 1818.) 1818 The Domestic Animal's Friend, or The complete Virginia and Maryland Farrier, Being a copious selection from the best Treatise on Farriery now extant in the United States. In Five Parts to which is added a number of Receipts known to be efficacious in the cure of many complaints incident to the domestic quadrupeds of America, that have never yet appeared in print. Winchester, Va. Printed and pub- lished by J. Foster, 1818. 1818 A Drop of Mercy from the Bright Clouds of Righteousness containing I. A view of the state of religion in the congregations at Waller's, County Line, and Bethany, prior to the late revival. II. A narrative of the commencement and progress of the revivals in those churches for five months. III. Four Letters on the subject of experi- mental and practical religion. IV. Some remarks on the regular sun- Dort of gospel ministers By A. Waller of Spottsylvania County, Vir- ginia. "They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom and talk of thy power". Psalms. Richmond: William W. Gray, Printer. 1818. 1818 The Lives of Sir Walter Raleigh and Capt. John Smith 20 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN with an account of the Governors of Virginia. To the year 1781. By a Virginian. (James T. Pollock, Prop. Jan. 12, 1818.) 1819 Arator. Being a series of agricultural Essays, Practical and Political, in sixty four numbers. By John Taylor, President of the Agricultural Society of Virginia. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. (John W. Carter, Prop. Mch. 14, 1819.) 1819 A general Index to the Virginian law authorities reported by Washington, Call, Hening and Munford jointly, and Munford separately with notes in one volume. By William Munford. Richmond: Printed By John Warrock For the author. 1819. 1819 "Life" a poem in three books descriptive of the various characters in life, the different passions with their moral influence; the good and evil resulting from their sway, and of the perfect man. Ded- icated to the social and political welfare of the people of the United States. By William Branch, Jr. of Prince Edward, Virginia. Rich- mond. 1819. 1819 The Life, Misfortunes and Death of Yellowface. By Andrew Antonius. Petersburg: Printed By Whitmore and Yancey. 1819. 1819 A Plain elementary explanation of the nature and cure of disease, [founded] upon facts and experience; presenting a view of that train of thinking which led to the invention of the patent portable, warm and hot Bath. By Samuel K. Jennings. (Jan. 1819.) 1819 Plain Instructions For using The 'Patent Portable Warm and Hot Bath. By Samuel K. Jennings. Richmond: Printed from the Argus Book Press. 1819 The Richmond Directory containing an alphabetical list of the names of the citizens, their places of residence, together with a register. By R. Titus. 1819. (Dec. 22, 1818.) 1820 Analogy; or The Elements of language; Designed for the instruction of youth. By a citizen of Richmond. Richmond: Pub- lished by Robert MacMurdo, George Fisher, and Edward C. Marshall. Edm. Davis. Print. 1820. (July -25, 1820.) 1820 Beaux without Belles, or. Ladies we can do without you. A musical Farce. By David Darling, Musician. As performed at the Theatre, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Printed for the author. By C. P. & J. H. McKennie, Charlottesville. Va. 1820. (Sept. 20, 1820.) 1820 Construction construed, and constitutions vindicated. By John Taylor, author of the Enquiry, and Arator. Richmond: Shepherd & Pollard, Printers, 1820. (Nov. 13. 1820.) 1820 The Duel, or a week after wedlock. A petit comedy. VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 21 Drawn from the French of Le Panneau, and adapted to the English stage. By Joseph Hutton, author of the School for prodigals, Fash- ionable Follies, Field of Orleans, Wounded Hussar, Orphan of Prague &c. As cast at the theatre, Petersburg. Petersburg, 1820. (Thos. P. Camm. Nov. 9, 182 0.) 1820 The Gentleman's new pocket Farrier comprising a general description of the noble and useful animal the Horse together with The quickest and simplest mode of fattening, necessary treatment while un- dergoing excessive fatigue; or on a Journey; the construction and man- agement of stables; different marks for ascertaining age of a horse from three to nine years, also a concise account of the Diseases to which the horse is subject, with such remedies as long experience has proved to be effectual. Second edition enlarged and improved. By Richard Ma- son, formerly of Surry County, Virginia. Richmond: Published By Peter Cottom and for sale at his law and miscellaneous Book Store near Eagle Hotel and By Richard Cottom, Petersburg. 1820. 1820 Lectures on National Subjects. First, on the rearing and education of American youth. Second, on the necessity and advantage of the practice and cultivation of Forbearance and Union among all or- der's and communities of men, but more especially among the citizens of America. By J. Foster. "Tis education forms the common mind; Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined." Ours are the plans of fair delightful peace, Unwarp'd by party rage, to live like brothers. Richmond: Printed at the Franklin office. (Jonathan Foster. Aug. 31, 1820.) 1820 The New Virginia Justice, comprising the office and author- ity of a Justice of the Peace, in the commonwealth of Virginia. To- gether with a variety of useful precedents adapted to the laws now in force. To which is added An Appendix, containing all the most ap- proved forms in conveyancing such as deeds of bargain and sale, of lease and release, of trust, mortgages, Bills of Sale, &c. Also, the du- ties of a Justice of the peace, arising under the laws of the United States. By W^illiam Waller Hening, attorney at Law. The Third edi- tion. Revised, conected, greatly enlarged, and adapted to the revised code of 1819. By the author. (Sept. 15, 1820.) 182 The Parnassian, addressed to the Ladies of the United States in behalf of a new and Liberal system of Female Education. From the wife of illustrious IMonroe, who may lend us the weight of that name, with other such ladies, we know, whose virtues encourage our aim; To the fair ones, whose merit and tastes Illumine domestic retreat, We trust that the cause we've embraced. May Patrons and Ad- vocates meet. To be published half-monthly In numbers No. 1. 22 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Richmond: Published By the author, March 182 0. Price Twenty Five cents. (L. H. & H. S. Anderson, Pubs.) 1820 The Richmond and Alexandria Builders' Prize Book; con- taining The House Carpenters' and Joiners' Book of Prices, and Rules for measuring and valuing all the different kinds of work, &c. To which is added, the Ship Joiners', Stone Masons' and Plasterers' Prices, and customary ways of measuring their work &c. Richmond: Published by Peter Cottom and for sale at his bookstore; also by Richard Cottom, Petersburg: Ward & Digges, Lynchburg: Caleb Bonsai, Norfolk: E. Davis — Print. 1820. (May 27. 1820.) i820 Songs of Zion, Being a small collection of tunes, Principal^ original, with appropriate lines, adapted to Divine Worship By James P. Carroll. Is any merry? (Let him sing Psalms. James v: 13. 1820 A Vindication of the laws limiting the rate of interest on Loans. From the objections of Jeremy Bentham, and the Edinburg Reviewers. Neminem oportet Esse Sapientiorem legibus. Richmond: Published by N. Pollard, at the Franklin Press. 1820. 1821 An account of the Apprehension, Trial, Conviction, and Condemnation, of Manuel Philip Garcia, and Jose Demas Garcia Castil- lano, who were executed on Friday the 1st of June, 1821, in the rear of the town of Portsmouth, in Virginia, for a most horrid murder and butchery committed on Peter Lagoardette, in the Borough of Norfolk, on the 20th of March preceding — Together with an appendix, containing their confessions, &c. By W. G Lyford. (June 1, 1821.) 1821 The Evangelical Catechism, or a plain and easy system of the Principal Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion; adapted to the use of Sabbath Schools and families; with a new method of In- structing those who cannot read. By the Rev. John Mines, Leesburg, Va. Richmond: Printed by N. Pollard at the Franklin Press. 1821. 1821 The Life and adventures of Robert Bailey, From his infancy up to December 1821. Interspersed with anecdotes and Religious and moral admonitions. Written by Himself. Richmond: Printed for the author. (Dec. 12, 1821.) 1821 Reports of cases argued and determined in the supreme court of appeals of Va. By Wm. Munford. Vol. VI. Richmond: Printed by N. Pollard at the Franklin office. 1821. 1821 Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of Vir- ginia, From April 10th 1820 to June 28th 1821. By Francis W. Gil- mer, Counsellor at law. Law in general is human reason, inasmuch as it governs all the in- habitants of the earth; the political and civil laws of each nation ought VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 23 to be only the particular cases in which this human reason is applied. Montesauieu. (N. Pollard. Aug. 3, 1821.) 1821 Sermons Selected from the Manuscripts of the late Moses Hoge, D. D. By which "He being dead, yet speaket^i". Hebrews xi: 4. Richmond. N. Pollard publisher, Franklin office. 1821. 1821 Trial of Lieut. Col. John Kemper of the Eighty Fifth Reg- iment, fifth Brigade, and second Division, V. M , Before a Division Court- Martial of which General Wm. Madison was President; on charges pre- ferred against him By William Smith, c'alling himself colonel of the same regiment. Richmond: Printed by J. & G. Cochran, opposite the Governor's Residence. 1821. (John Kemper.) 1822 An Abridged Treatise, on cavalry discipline: adapted ■'o the evo- lutions of the infantry, lately established by an act of congress. Pro- fesses (?) as a guide to instruct in the regimental, battalion, and com- pany musters of The Militia Cavalry. By a Cavalry officer. Leesburg. Va. Published by S. B. T. Caldwell. B W. Sower, Printer. 1822. (June 7, 1822.) 1822 The Farmers' and Mechanics Practical Arithmetic; being a complete collection of the practical rules of Arithmetic and Mensura- tion carefully divested of all unnecessary matter. Completed with great care, for the use of schools and men of business throughout the United States. By Uriah Parke, Teacher of Arithmetic &c. (July U, 1822.) 1822 An introduction to the mathematical principles of natural philosophy, adapted to the use of beginners and arranged more parti- cularly for the convenience to the Junior students of William & IMary College, Virginia. By Patrick Kerr Rogers, M. D., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in William & Mary. Richmond: Shepherd •6: Pollard, Printers. 1822. (Sept. 16, 1822.) 1822 Journal of the Law School, and of the Moot-Court attached to it; at Needham, in Virginia; with an appendix, comprising a variety of precedents adapted to the proceedings of the courts, agreeable to the revised code, of 1819; and of the pleadings in law and equity, with complete records thereof. Volume 1 : By Creed Taylor, Judge of the Superior courts of chancery, for the Richmond and Lynchburg Dis- tricts. Richmond: Printed by J. & G. Cochran. 182 2. (April 17, 1822.) 1822 Marshall's Practical Marine gunnery: containing a view of the Magnitude, Weight, Description and Use, of every article used in the Sea Gunners' Department, in the navy of the United States. By George Marshall. Norfolk: Printed by Thomas G. Broughton. at the office of the Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald. 1822. (Oct. 20, 1822.) 24 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN 1823 Abridgment of Armistead's Lectures on American Grammar, explaining tlie Elementary Princinles of the English Language; and Clavis Grammatica, or a compenaium of illustrations, embracing the demonstration and application of their elementary principles. Designed for the first and second classes of learners. By Robert A. Armistead. (April 1, 1823.) 1823 A Digest of the LaWs of Virginia; which are of a permanent character and general operation; illustrated by Judicial Decisions: To which is added, an index of the names of the cases in the Virginia Re- ports. By Joseph Tat'^ Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Shepherd and Pollard, Printers. 1823. (Thos. Ritchie & Co., Prop. Oct. 20, 1823.) 1823 The Grammatical Spelling Book. (Daniel Exceen Aug. 4, 1823.) 1823 Maxims of Equity, collected Prom and Proved by Cases, out of the Books of the Best authority In the High Court of Chancery. To which is added, The case of the Earl of Coventry, concerning the de- fective execution of Powers; Lately adjudged in the High Court of Chancery. By Richard Francis, of the Middle Temple, Eng. First American edition, with References to modern authorities, Both British and American; By William Waller Hening, Counsellor at Law, author of the Virginia Justice, the Lawyers Guide &c., and editor of the Stat- utes at Large of Virginia. Richmond. Shepherd and Pollard, Print- ers. 1823. W. W. Hening, Prop. Nov. 15, 1823.) 1823 A New Key To the exact sciences; or, a new and Practical Theory By which Mathematical Problems or Algebraic Equations of al- most every description can be solved with accuracy, and with greater Facility or Simplicity than they can by any of the methods that have yet been given by the several authors who have written on these sub- jects: In which will be introduced, a variety of useful and interest- ing Problems, that have never yet been and which it is believed cannot le solved by any methods or rules except those which will be here laid down. By Francis Tillett. Winchester, Va., June 16, 1823. (Francis Tillett. Dec. 13, 1823.) 1823 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of appeals of Virginia. Vol. I. By Peyton Randolph, Counsellor at Law. (Peter Cottom. June 16, 1823.) 1823 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. By Bushrod Washington. Second edition, very ma- terially corrected, with the addition of references to subsequent deter- minations of the same court, new marginal abstracts of the cases re- ported, a new index, and a complete table of cases cited. Vol I. Phil- adelphia: Printed and published By Abraham Small. 1823. (B. Washington. May 2, 1823.) 1824 The Fountain of i.ife opened; or, A Display of Christ, In VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 25 his Essential and .Mediatorial Glory. Containing Forty-Five Sermons, on Various Texts of scripture. By the Revd. John Flavel, late Minister of the Gospel at Dartmouth in Devon, England. First American edition, with translations of the Latin and Greek words and phrases, which fre- quently occur in the work. Richmond: Published by Joseph Martin, Printed by T. W. White, Market-Bridge, 1824. (Joseph Martin, Prop. Sept. 10, 1824 ) 1824 Gospel Melodies. By the author of several fugitive pieces. Petersburg, Va. Printed and Published By Stith E. Burton, Intelli- gencer Press, 1824. (Nov. 20, 1821.) 1824 A History of the Colonies Planted By the English on the continent of North America, From their settlement to the commence- ment of that war which terminated in their Independence. By John Marshall. Philadelphia: Published By Abraham Small, 1824. (John Marshall. July 7. 1824.) 182 4 The Principal Grounds and Maxims, with an analysis of the Laws of England. By William Noy, Esq. Formerly of Lincoln's Inn, Attorney General, and of the Privy Council of King Charles the First. Lex plus laudatur quando ratione probatur. Second American edition, from the ninth London edition, with references to modern authorities, both British and American. By William Waller Hening, Counsellor at Law, Author of the Virginia Justice, the Lawyer's Guide; and Editor of the Statutes at Large of Virginia. (W. W. Hening, Prop. Mch. 1, 1824.) 182 4 Principia Legis et Aequitatis, Being an Alphabetical collec- tion of Maxims, Principles or Rules, Definitions, and Memorable say- ings, in Law and Equity; interspersed with such Law terms, and Latin words and Phrases as most frequently occur, in the Study and Practice of the law. By Thomas Branch, Esq. This work contains more Law, and useful matter than any other work of the same size which can be put into the hands of the student. Preston's Abstracts Vol. I, page 214. First American, from the fourth London edition, with additions and corrections. By William Waller Hening, Counsellor at Law, Author of the Virginia Justice, the Lawyer's Guide, etc.; and Editor of the Statutes at Large of Virginia. Richmond: Printed by T. W. White. 1824. (Wm. W. Hening, Prop. Aug. 23, 1824.) 1824 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Ap- peals of Virginia. By Daniel Call Vol. I. Second edition. To which are added notes referring to subsequent adjudications of the same court, and other authorities, and a complete table of cases cited. By Joseph Tate, Counsellor at Law, Richmond: Published by Peter Cot- torn, at his law and miscellaneous Book-store. Printed by Shepherd and Pollard, 1824. (Peter Cottom, Prop. July 8, 1824.) 26 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN 1824 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged In the Court of Ap- peals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Vol. II. Second edition. To which are added notes referring to subsequent adjudications of the same court, and other authorities, and a complete table of cases cited. By Joseph Tate, Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Published by Peter Cottom, at his Law and Miscellaneous Book-store. Printed by Shepherd and Pol- lard. 1S24. (Peter Cottom (Prop.) Aug. 24, 1824.) 1824 Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Court of Ap- peals of Virginia. By Daniel Call. Vol. III. Second edition. To which are added, notes referring to subsequent adjudications of the same court, and other authorities, and a complete table of cases cited. By Joseph Tate, Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Published by Peter Cottom, at his law and miscellaneous Book-store. Printed by Shepherd and Pol- lard: 1824. (Peter Cottom, Prop. Oct. 9, 1824.) 1824 Reports of Cases argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Vol. II. By Peyton Randolph, Counsellor at Law. (Peter Cottom, Prop. July 8, 1824.) 1824 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Vol. III. By Peyton Randolph, Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Published by Peter Cottom and for sale at his law and miscellaneous Book-store. Shepherd & Pollard, Printers. 1824. (Peter Cottom, Prop. Jan. 15", 182 5.) 1824 Sacramental Meditations, upon Divers Passages of Scripture: wherein, Believers are assisted in preparing their hearts, and exciting their affections and graces, when they draw nigh to God, in that awful and solemn ordinance of the Lord's Supper. By the Rev. John Flavel, Late minister of the gospel at Dartmouth in Devon, England. First American from the sixth London edition with corrections and transla- tions. (Joseph Martin, Prop. April 29, 1824.) 1824 A Selection from the Ancient Music of Ireland, arranged for the Flute or Violin, some of the most admired melodies, adapted to American Poetry, chiefly composed by John McCreery. To which is pre- fixed Historical and critical observations on Ancient Irish Music. Peters- burg: Printed By Yancey & Burton. Intelligencer Press, Bank Street. 1824. (John McCreery (Auth.) April 29, 1824.) 1824 Seven Lectures on Female Education, presented to Mrs. Gar- nett's pupils, at Elm-Wood, Essex County, Virginia; By their very sin- cere Friend, James M. Garnett. Richmond: Printed by T. W. White, Market-Bridge. 1824. (T. W. White (Prop.) July 27, 1824.) 1824 Seven Lectures on Female Education, presented to Mrs. Gar- nett's Pupils, At Elm-Wood, Essex County: By their very sincere Friend VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 27 James M. Garnett. Second edition, witti corrections and additions by tlie author. Richmond. Printed and Published by T. W. White. Market- Bridge 1824. (T. W. White (Prop.) Oct. 4, 1824.) 1824 The Whole Art of Book-Binding. Containing valuable Re- ceipts for Sprinkling, Marbling, Colouring, &:c. The First American, from the Third London Edition, with considerable additions. Richmond: Published by Peter Cottom, and for sale at his Law and Miscellaneous Book-Store. 182 4. (Peter Cottom, Prop. Nov. 14, 1823.) 1825 Analytical Outlinre of the English Language or a cursory Ex- amination of its materials and structure. "Speaking existed before Grammarians, and Reasoners before Logi- cians". Campbell S'il n'a pas I'instrument qu'il faudrait employer, il se sert de celui qu'il a tout pret". De Brosses. In the form of Familiar Dialogues, intended To accompany Grammat- ical studies. By John Lewis. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Pol- lard. 1825. (John Lewis. Sept. 21, 1825.) 182 5 A Digested Index To the Virginia Reports, containing all the Points argued and determined In the Court of Appeals of Virginia. From Washington to Second Randolph inclusive: with a Table of the names of the cases Reported. By Everard Hall, Counsellor at Law. To which are added, Rules of the court of appeals, general court, and courts of chancery for the Richmond and Lynchburg Districts, with instructions for commissioners in chancery. Richmond: Published By Peter Cottom, and for sale at his Law and Miscellaneous Book Store. 1825. (Peter Cottom (Prpo.) Jany. 27th, 1825.) 1825 English Grammar, methodically arranged and Familiarly ex- plained; containing exercises adapted, with violations, to the Rules of Syntax; and a key to the exercises. Designed for Ihe use of Private Learners as well as for the use of schools. By John Boardman. Rich- mond: Printed by N. Pollard, at the Franklin Office, 1825. (John Boardman, author. Nov. 2. 1825.) 182 5 The Gentleman's New Pocket Farrier, comprising a General description of the Noble and Useful Animal the Horse; together with the quickest and simplest mode of fattening; necessary treatment while un- dergoing excessive fatigue, or on a Journey; the construction and man- agement of stables; different marks for ascertaining the age of a Horse from three to nine years. Also a concise account of the diseases to which the Horse is subject: with such remedies as long experience has proved to be effectual. Third edition, enlarged and Improved. By Richard Ma- son, M D. Formerly of Surry County, Va. To which is added. An ap- pendix, ccntaining Observations, and Receipts, for the cure of most of the common distempers incident to Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, 28 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Swine, &c. &c. Selected from different authors. Riclimond: Publislied by Peter Cottom For Daniel D Smith, Bookseller. 1825. (Peter Cottom (Prop.) Dec. 18, 1824.) 1825 Lectures on Female Education. Comprising the first and second series of A Course Delivered to Mrs. Garnett's Pupils, at Elm- Wood, Essex County, Virginia. By James M. Garnett. To which is an- nexed. The Gossip's Manual, Third Edition, with corrections and additions by the author. Richmond: Printed and published By Thomas W. White, Sole Proprietor of the Copy Right. 1825. (T. W. White (Prop.) May 24, 1825.) 182 5 Pest office Calendar, containing A List of all the Post Offices In the State of Virginia, with the Distances From Richmond, and Rate of Postage, &c. &c. Compiled by John B. Taylor, Assistant Postmaster, Richmond, Virginia. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Pollard. 1825. (John B. Taylor (Prop.) July 27, 1825 ) 1825 The Potomac Muse, By a Lady, A native of Virginia. "Know, the great genius of this land Has many a light aerial band, Who, all beneath his high command. Harmoniously As arts or arms they understand, Their labours ply." Burns. Richmond: Printed By T. W. White, Market Bridge, 1825. (Alfred W. Elwes (Prop.) April 7, 1825.) 1825 Randolph's Culinary Gardener, enlarged and adapted to the Present state of our Climate, By an experienced Gardener, A Native of Virginia. Richmond: Published by Collins & Co. 1825. (Collins & Co., Prop. Jany. 6, 1826.) 1825 Sermons Collected from the Manuscripts of the Late Rev. John D. Blair. "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience, inherit the promises." Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Pollard. 1825. (Mary Blair (Prop.) May 30, 1825J 1825 The Virginia Justice, comprising the office and authority of a Justice of the Peace, in the commonwealth of Virginia. Together with a variety of useful precedents, adapted to the Laws now in force. To which is added, An appendix, containing All the most approved Forms in conveyancing such as Deeds of Bargain and sale, of Lease and release, of Trust, Mortgages, Bills of sale, &c. also, the Duties of a Justice of the Peace, arising under the laws of the United States. By William Waller Hening, Counsellor at Law. The Fourth edition, Revised, corrected, greatly enlarged, and adapted To the Revised code of 1819, and the laws subsequently Passed. By the author. (Wm. W. Hening, author. April 12, 1825.) VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 29 182 6 The American Pleader and Lawyer's Guide in Commencing, Prosecuting and Defending, Actions at Common Law, and Suits in Equity. With full and correct precedents of pleadings in the several cases which most frequently occur. Adapted to the practice of the United States. Volume IL Containing Debt, Deceit, Detinue, Dower, Ejectment, False Imprisonment, Libels, Malicious Prosecutions, Replevin, Slander, Trespass, Trover, Use & occupation, Wagers, Waste, and Pleadings subsequent to the declaration. By William Waller ,Hening, Counsellor at Law, author of the Virginia Justice, &c. and editor of the Statutes at Large of Vir- ginia. (Peter Cottom, Prop. May 8, 1826.) 1826 A Collection of Forms used by the clerks of the Courts of Law and Equity in Virginia to which are added many precedents of decla- rations, indictments and informations, and some useful forms of convey- ances. By John Robinson, clerk of the Superior Court of Law for Hen- rico County The Second edition. In which the various forms have been adapted to the laws now in force, many new forms inserted; and refer- ences given to numerous decisions of the general court and court of ap- peals of Virginia, relating chiefly to questions of practice. By Conway Robinson, Deputy clerk of the same court. Richmond: Shepherd & Pol- lard, Printers. 1826. (Conway Robinson, author. Oct. 21. 1826.) 1826 A Map of the State of Virginia. Constructed in conformity to Law, from the late Surveys authorized by the Legislature and other original and authentic Documents, by Henry Boye. Title written and engraved by Jas Perkins. Engraved by H. S. Tanner. (John Tyler, Gov. Prop. April 14, 1826.) 182 6 Notes on Blackstone's Commentaries for the use of students Haud Nomine Dignus Winchester. Printed By Samuel H. Davis. 1826. (Henry St. George Tucker (author). Jany. 3, 1826.) 1826 "The Pocket Farrier, or Gentleman's Guide to the manage- ment of Horses under various Diseases, with an Explanation of the Symp- toms attending the different Disorders, and the shortest, plainest, and most humane methods, of cunnsfcthem. "Directions for judging of the horse's age, and useful observations on the breeding, raising, and training of colts. "Hints to purchasers, and general directions for using a horse on a Journey, with useful rules for riding with safety, gracefulness, &c.. and directions to perform the necessary surgical operations. "Receipts for gelding on a new and improved plan, and for se- curing horses from dangers arising from Bots, &c. to which is added the Horse's Skeleton, taken from that of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. "By James Ware, Amherst County. Virginia "A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast". Prov. xii: 10. (Oct' 9, 1826.) 30 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN 1826 Poems From the Shades, consisting principally of satires on the electioneering spirit, and the rage for Innovation, which have for some time past agitated the Government: By an Anchorite. (J. C. Price (Prop.) Oct. 16. 1826.) 1826 A Saint indeed, or the Great work of a Christian in keeping the Heart in the several conditions of life. With a sketch of the Life of the author. To which is added, A Double Table, containing in the first, the sins most incident to the Members of particular Churches, plainly forbidden in the Word. In- the second, the duties enjoined on them in the Scripture Also, six benefits in walking by these rules. By the Rev. John Flavel. With translations, corrections and additions. Rich- mond: Published By .Joseph Martin. T. W. White, Printer, 1826. (Joseph Martin, Prop. Feby. 9, 1825.) 1826 A Survey of James River From the City of Richmond to the Capes of Virginia including the Norfolk Channel and Narrows. By Edward L. Young, Surveyor and Draftsman. Condensed in 182 2, from actual observations at different periods. (Edw. L. Young (auth.) March 2, 1826.) 1826. Virginia Cases, or Decisions of the general court of Virginia, chiefly on the Criminal Law of the commonwealth, commencing June term, 1815, and ending June term, 1826. With an Index on the prin- cipal matters in this and the preceding volume. Vol. II. By William Brockenbrough, one of the Judges of that court. Richmond: Published By Peter Cottom, and For sale at his Law and Miscellaneous Book-Store. 1826 (Peter Cottom (Prop.) Aug. 9, 1826.) 1827. A Brief Sketch of the occurrences on Board the Brig Craw- ford, on her voyage from Matanzas to New York; together with an ac- count of the Trial of the three Spaniards, Jose Hilario Casares, Felix Barberto, and Jose Morando, in the Circuit Court of Richmond, Before Chief Justice Marshall, For piracy and murder, committed on board said Brig; with other circumstances, calculated to illustrate these transac- tions. (By a member of the Bar.) Richmond: Printed by Samuel Shepherd & Co. 1827. (Saml. Shepherd & Co., Prop. July 20, 1827.) 1827 The Ignis Fatuus; or, A Voice From the Clouds. Vitam im- pendere Vero. A transient spark entomb'd in night, I shed a faint and feeble light, My form shall soon elude the eye; But Truth, oh! Truth, can never die. Comprising the climax of iniquity, an Opera; the Quinciad, and other Poems. Richmond: Printed for the author by Thomas W. White. 1827. (James Cave Price. May 31, 1827.) 1827 Lectures on Various Topicks of Morals, Manners, Conduct, and Intellectual Improvement. Addressed to Mrs. Garnett's Pupils, at VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 31 Elm-Wood, Essex County, Virginia, 1825-6: By James !M. Garnett. Richmond: Printed and publislied by Thomas \V. White, Proprietor of the Copy-Right. 1827. (Thos. W. White (Prop.) Dec. 20, 1826.) 182 7 Letters By a South-Carolinian. Norfolk: Published by C. Bonsai. Shields & Ashburn, Printers. 1827. (Caleb Bonsai (Prop.) Jan. 30, 1828.) 18 27 A Map. of the State of Virginia Reduced from the nine sheet map of the state, in conformity to law: by Herman Boye. Engraved by H. S. Tanner and E. B. Dawson (William B. Giles, Gov. Prop. Oct. 31, 1827.) 1827 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia. Vol. IV. By Peyton Randolph, Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Published By Peter Cottom, and for sale at his Law and Mis- cellaneous Book Store. 1827. (Peter Cottom (Prop.) April 3, 1827.) 1827 The Spirit of the Old Dominion. By Stephen T. Mitchell.. Soft-shell — Listen, gentlemen — Take heed to our Representative's toast. Julip — "Virginia — Right or wrong." Let the health go round. Omnes — Huzza! Huzza! Electioneering — A Farce. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Pollard, For the author. 1827. (Steph. T Mitchell, author. April 20, 1827.) 182 7 A Treatise of Pathology and Therapeutics. By John Esten Cooke, M. D. In two volumes. Vol. I. Winchester: Printed For the author, By Samuel H. Davis. 1827. (John Esten Cooke (auth.) June 18, 1827.) 1827 A Treatise on the French Verbs, Regular, Irregular. Defec- tive, &c., with notes and illustrations, selected from the most approved grammarians. By Stephen Bernard, Teacher of Modern Languages and Mathematics Tous les sujets sont dans la nature: Hs appartiennent a celui qui les habille le mieux. De La Harpe. Richmond: Printed by Samuel Shepherd & Co. 1827. Prire $1, Bound. (Stephen Bernard (auth.) Sept. 17. 1827.) 182 8 The Balm of the Covenant, applied to the Bleeding Wounds of Aifldcted Saints; to which are added, a view of the Soul of man in the state of Separation from the Body. Also; a faithful and succinct nar- rative of some wonderful sea deliverances. Remarkable providences (?). &c. &c., selected from the works of the Rev. John Flavel. First Ameri- can from the sixth London edition. Richmond, Va Published By Joseph Martin. Thomas W. White Printer. 182 8. (Joseph Martin (Prop.) Sept. 12. 1828.) 182 8 Doct. Martin Luther's Smaller Catechism, translated from the German; with preliminary observations by the translator. Revised 32 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN and published by order of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod, lo which are added sundry Hymns and Prayers. New-Market: Published in Solomon Henkel's office. 1828. (Solomon & Ambrose Henkel, Props June 12, 1828.) 1828 Donald Adair: A Novel. By a Young Lady of Virginia. 'Tis better to be lowly born, And range with humble livers in content, Than to be perk'd up in a glittering grief, And wear a golden sorrow. Shakespeare. In two volumes. Vol. I. Richmond. Published By Peter Cottom, at his Law and Miscellaneous Book Store. 1828. (Peter Cottom (Prop.) Oct. 15, 1828.) 1828 The Dover Selection of Spiritual Songs; with an appendix of choice Hymns, on various subjects: Compiled by the recommendation of the Dover Association. By Andrew Broaddus. For it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely. David. Singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord Paul. (Collins & Co. (Prop.) Sept. 19, 1828.) 182 8 Edge-Hill; or, The Family of the Fitzroyals. A novel. By a Virginian. "Fierce war, and faithful Love, And Truth severe, by fairy fiction drest." Gray. In two volumes. Vol. I. Richmond: Printed and published by T. W. White. 1828. (Thos. W. White, Prop. Novr. 8, 1828.) 182 8 Elements of the Geometry of Planes and Solids, with Four Plates. By F. R. Hassler, F. A. P. S. Richmond. Published By the Author Shepherd & Co., Printers. 1828. (Ferdinand R. Hassler. July 12, 1828.) 182 8 Farmer's Accountant; To which are added, the mode of cal- culating interest on Bonds, making executors, administrators and guar- dians' accounts, according to rules. Founded on the decisions of the supreme court of appeals, the late high court of chancery, and the pres- ent superior court of chancery for the Richmond and Lynchburg Dis- tricts: illustrated by arithmetical examples; also, instructions for over- seers. By Pleasant Suit (?), Petersburg, Va. (Pleasant Suit (?), auth. Aug. 23, 1828.) 1828 Letters on Female Character. Addressed to a Young Lady on the Death of Her Mother. By Mrs. Virginia Gary. "Let others fly to pleasure's distant dome; Be mine the dearer task to please at home." Haley's Triumphs of Temper. "Thy husband shall have rule over thee." Gen. iii:16. "The price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies." Prov. xxxi: 10. VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 33 "Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. xxxi: 3 0. (Ariel Works, Prop. Sept. 3, 1828. 182 8 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Ap- peals of Virginia. To which are added, Reports of Cases decided in the several courts of Virginia. Vol V. By Peyton Randolph, Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Published by Peter Cottom, and for sale at his Law and Miscellaneous Book Store. 1828. (Peter Cottom (Prop.) June 5, 1828.) 182 8 Sacred Zoology, or The Scriptures illustrated by the Natural History of Animated Nature. Intended to establish the authenticity of the sacred writings in connection with zoology. Selected principally from the most esteemed, authentic, and celebrated voyages and travels into the East, By Bochart, Shaw, Irwin, Chardin, Thevenot, Pitts, and others. Vol. II. First American edition. Embellished with plates. Richmond: Published By Joseph Martin. Printed by T. W. White. 1828. (Joseph Martin (Prop.) July 7, 1828.) 1828 The Tailor's Assistant; or, Rudiments of Cutting Garments of all Sizes, To fit the human form, on an entirely new principle. By Lawrence Kirk. Printed for and sold by the author. Richmond. 1828. (Lawrence Kirk (Auth.) Sept. 27, 1828.) 1829 A Birth-Day's Gift. I. A view of the Millennial World, in sections. II. A General Constitution, illustrated by Scripture Refer- ences. III. Explanatory remarks, objerJL'ons answered, and examples of scriptural reference in which the Christian World may be agreed. Grand Signs of the Millennial Day: "Holiness unto the Lord " Zechariah xiv: 20. Universal Peace under the emblem of the American eagle at rest. Unity of Faith and Practice, under the title, "The Bible the best exposi- tor of itself." By M. Dutton. "I was not taught it but by the Holy Spirit." Paul. Open ye, and read for yourself, and when you have read, and meditated upon it in view of eternity, decide the question: "What will I do to effect this work?" Then communicate it to your nf^xt neighbor, with the charge and direction herein given, and the whole shall be accomplished in its season. Winchester, Va. Printed For the author. 1829. (Matthew Dutton, auth. Oct 31. 1829.) 1829 Christian Parents' Assistant, or Tales, For the Moral and Religious Instruction of Youth. By the author of. "Letters on Female CharactPr." "What man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread will he give him a stone, or if he ask a fish will he give him a serpent." Matt, vii: 9. 10. Richmond, Va. Published By Ariel Works, Main Street. J. Mf^Farlane, Printer. 1829. (Ariel Works (Prop ) June 8, 1829 ) 1829 Constitutional Charts, or Comparative Views of The Legis- lative. Executive and Judiciary Departments, in the Constitutions of all the states In the Union, Including that of the United States. With an 34 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN appendix. Richmond: Printed and published by Thomas W. White. 1829. (T. W. White, Prop. June 26, 1829.) 1829 Discourses on Immei'sion and Infant Baptism; By the Rev. A. Empie, A M. President of William and Mary College, and Rector of Bruton Parish, Williamsburg, Virginia. (Adam Empie (Auth.) July 15, 1829.) 1829 Essays on Banking, originally published in the Richmond Enquirer, corrected, improved and enlarged. By a Citizen of Virginia. Richmond: Published By Collins & Co. 1829. [Geo. Tucker] (Collins & Co. (Prop.) Nov. 9, 1829 ) 182 9 An introduction to the Study of Grecian and Roman Geography. By George Long, Esq. Late of the University of Virginia, now of the University of London; and Robley Dunglison, M. D. of the University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia. Published by F. Carr & Co. 1829. (Frank Carr & Co., Prop. Jan 15, 1829.) 1829 Lectures on the Restrictive System, Delivered to the Senior Political Class of William and Mary College. By Thomas R. Dew, Pro- fessor of History, Metaphysics and Political Law. Richmond: Printed By Samuel Shepherd & Co. 1829. (Collins & Co. (Prop.) Sept. 14, 1829.) 1829 Memoir, Correspondence and Miscellanies, from the papers of Thomas Jefferson Edited by Thomas Jefferson Randolph. (Th. J. Randolph (Prop.) Jany. 17, 1829.) 1829 Original and Miscellaneous Essays By a Virginian. Dul- cique animos varietate tenebo. Ovid. Richmond: Printed and pub- lished by T. W. White. 1829. (Thos. W. White, Prop. July 11, 1829.) 1829 Political Miscellanies, compiled By William B. Giles. (Wm. B. Giles (Auth ) Oct. 7, 1829.) 1829 Perpetual Counting-Room Calendar. By Allen W. Hawkins. (Allen W. Hawkins (Auth.) May 11, 1829.) 1829 Reports of cages argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia: To which are added, Reports of cases Decided in the General Court of Virginia. Vol. VI. By the late Peyton Randolph, Esq., Counsellor at Law. Richmond: Printed By Samuel Shepherd & Co For the author. 1829. (Hodijah Meade, Admr. of Peyton Randolph (Prop.) July 16, 1829.) 1829 Reports of oases determined in the General Court of Vir- ginia from 1730, to 1740: and from 1768 to 1772. By Thomas Jeffer- son. Charlottesville: Published By F. Carr & Co. 182 9. (Thos. J. Randolph (Prop.) March 7, 1829.) 1829 Sermon. Delivered in the Rotunda of the University of Vir- ginia, on Sunday, May 24, 1829. On the occasion of the deaths of nine VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 35 young men, who fell victims to the diseases which visited that place dar- ing the summer of 1828, and the following winter. By Rev. William Meade, D. D. Assistant Bishop elect for the Diocese Virginia, ('harloites- ville: Published By F. Carr & Co. 1829. (Thos. Nelson, Treas. of P. E. Missionary Society of Diocese of Vir- ginia (Prop.) Aug. 1, 1829.) 1830 Brown's Interest Calculator, not heretofore equalled in Amer- ica, divided into two parts, computed at six per cent per annum or three hundred and sixty five days. Firstly, from one day to seven hundred and seventy days, and from one cent to seven hundred and seventy dol- lars. Secondly, from one day to seven thousand seven hundred days, and from one cent to seven thousand seven hundred dollars for the benefit of Counting House Clerks, Barristers, Sheriffs, Schools and House- keepers. Reid Brown. Lynchburg, Va. Jan. 16th, 1830. (Reid Brown (Auth.) June 23, 1830.) 1830 David Henkel Against the Unitarians. A Treatise on The Person and Incarnation of Jesus Christ, in which some of the principal arguments of the Unitarians are examined. Published By order of the Evangelical Lutheran Tennessee Synod. New Market : Printed in S. Henkel's office. 1830. (Solomon Henkel, Prop. Jany. 4, 1830.) 1830 The Gentleman's New Pocket Farrier, comprising a general description of the noble and useful animal the Horse; together with the quickest and simplest mode of fattening; necessary treatment while un- dergoing excessive fatigue, on a Journey; the construction and manage- ment of stables; different marks for ascertaining the age of a horse. Also a concise account of the diseases to which the horse is subject; with such remedies as long experience, has proved to be effectual. By Richard Mason, M. D. Formerly of Surry County, Virginia. Fifth edition, with additions. To which is added a prize essay on Mules; and an appendix, containing observations and Receipts for the cure of the most common distempers, incident to Horses, Oxen, Cows, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Swine, Dogs, &c. Selected from different authors. Also, an addenda, contain- ing annals of the turf, American Stud Book, Rules for training. Racing &c. Richmond: Printed By Peter Cottom, and for sale at his Book- Store near the Eagle Hotel. 183 0. (Peter Cottom, Prop. Sept. 8, 1830.) 183 Letters on Female Character, addressed to a Young Lady, on the Death of Her Mother. By Mrs. Virginia Cary. Let others fly to pleasure's distant dome; Be mine the dearer task to please at home. Haley's Triumphs of Temper. "Thy husband shall have rule over thee." Gen. iii: 16. "The price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies " Pro v. xxxi: 10. 36 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN "Favor is deceitful, and beauty vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised." Prov. xxxi: 3 0. Second edition enlarged. Richmond, Va. Published By Ariel Works. 1830. (Ariel Works, Prop. Jany. 4, 1830.) 1830 Narra-Mattah; or, The Wept of the Wish-Ton-Wish. A Trag- edy in five acts, By a Virginian. Written from Cooper's celebrated novel of the Wept of the Wish-ton Wish. Richmond: R. H. Elton (?) Pilb- lisher, 1830. (E. H. Elton (?), Prop. Oct. 22, 1830.) 1830 A Practical Treatise on Various Diseases of the Abdominal Viscera. By Christopher Robert Pemberton, M.D. F.R.S. Fellow of the College of Physicians extraordinary to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Physician to his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and of the physicians to Saint George's Hospital. - With notes. By John Hayes, M. D. Honorable member of the Medical Society of Philadel- phia. Richmond: Printed by Peter Cottom and for sale at his Law and Miscellaneous Book Store. 183 0. (Peter Cottom, Prop. Oct. 15, 1830.) 183 Proceedings and Debates of the Virginia State Convention of 1829-30. To which are subjoined, the new constitution of Virginia, and the votes of the people. No free government, or the blessing of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental prin- ciples. . . Virginia Bill of Rights. Richmond: Printed by Samuel Shepherd & Co. For Ritchie & Cook. 1830. (Ritchie & Cook. Aug. 13, 1830.) 183 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals, and in the General Court of Virginia. By Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Volume I. Richmond: Printed by Samuel Shepherd & Co. 1830. (B. W. Leigh, Author. For the Commonwealth of Virginia. July 1, 1830.) 183 The Sybilline Leaves. — voces, Responsa Sibyllae. Virg. Charlottesville, Va. Printed by Carr and Elliott. 1830. (Carr & Elliott, Props. April 20, 1830.) 183 Token of Regard, Presented to the Pupils of the Elm-Wood School, By their Friend James M. Garnett Richmond: Printed and pub- lished by T. W. White. 1830. (T. W. White, Prop. Sept. 16, 1830.) 1830 The Works of Gabriel Nourse, containing the Life of Philan, and Various dissertations, Literary, Political and Religious. (Gabriel Nourse (Author). Feby. 22, 1830.) VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 37 1831 The Insurrection in Southampton, Va ; or, The Confession of an Itinerant Preacher. Found on the person of one of those black fanatical Preachers most distinguished for his atrocities in the bloody massacre. Ey Simon Y, Wilson, Jr. September, 1831. (Simon Y. Wilson, Jr., Author. Sept. 19, 1831.) 1831 The Law: or, The Truth of Scripture. Being a calculation of the second coming of Chr'st, By which it is clearly shewn, that the end of time is near at hand. By Esaias Bowman, author of the 'Bow of Truth*. (Esaias Bowman.- June 27, 1831.) 1831 A Selection of Hymns from various authors; adapted to pub- lic worship and social prayer metings. By John Courtney, with an ap- pendix, containing a number of Hymns, selected for the present edition. Richmond: Printed and published by T. W. White. 1831. (Thos. W. White, Prop. July 18, 1831.) 1831 A Selection of Hymns from various authors; adapted to pub- lic worship and .social prayer meetings By John Courtney, with an ap- appendix, containing a number of Hymns selected for the present edition. Richmond: Published by R D. Sanxay, bookseller, T. W. White, Printer. 1S31. (Richard D. Sanxay. Sept. 14, 1831.) 1831 A Treatise, presenting the methods most expedient to be pursued for arresting and preventing the ravages and increase of the Weevil; and also pointing out the most- applicable and the most eligible means and ways that can be devised for defeating and extirpating the Fly, chinchbug and other obnoxious insects, so hostile and destructive to crops. To which is annexed a c&ntroversial dissertation, in a relig- ious strain, in answer to any scrupulous or contentious persons who may dispute the propriety and authority of this publication, as oppos- ing in their idea the executing of Divine judgment, in sending as they conceive, these insects as plagues. To which is subjoined a copy of a letter from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and annexed are some Divine songs, by the author. The whole concluded by a Solemn Prayer to Almighty God, by Tho. D. Larkin. (Thomas D. Larkin, Author. Aug 11, 1831.) 183 2 My Native Land, and other Poems. "Just skill'd to sigh upon the lute. And bid it mourn." By Frederick Speece. Philadelphia: Printed By Lydia R. Bailey, No. 26 North Fifth Street: For Augustine Leftwich, Lynchburg, Virginia. 183 2. (Frederick Speece, Author. Nov. 24, 1832.) 183 2 A New French Grammar, divided into two parts, with an in- troduction: the whole followed By a Complete Treatise on the Regular, irregular and defective verbs. Designed for the use of schools and pri- vate learners. By Stephen Bernard, teacher of IModern Languages, and m.athematics. "La critique est aisee; Mais I'art est difficile." Richmond: 38 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Printed for the author and sold by the principal Booksellers in the United States. 1832. (Stephen Bernard (Auth.; Sept. 2 7, 1831.) 183 8 Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. Second edition, re- Tieed and enlarged. By James B. Taylor, Paster of the Second Baptist Church, Richmond. Richmond: Yale and Wyatt. Armstrong & Berry, Baltimore. Baptist General Tract Depository, Philadelphia. Gould Kendall & Lincoln, Boston. 183 8. (T. W. White copyright. May 14, 183 8.) 1S3S Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Ap- peals, and in the General Court of Virginia. By Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Volume VII. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Colin. 1838. (B. W. Leigh. June lo, 1838.) 183 8 Slavery in America, Being A Brief Review of Miss Martineau on that subject. By a South Carolinian. Richmond: Printed and pub- lished by Thomas W. White. 183 8. (T. W. White. 14 May, 183 8.) . - 1839 The Bland Papers: Being a selection from the^ manuscripts of Col. Theodorick Bland, Jr. of Prince George County, Virginia. ■ (John E. Meade: Charles Campbell. M. & C. Oct. 17, 1839.) 183 9 Christology of the Old Testament, and a commentary on the Predictions of the Messiah by Prophets, By E. W. Hengstenberg, Doctor of Phil, and theol. and professor of the latter in the University of Ber- lin. Translated from the German, By Reuel Keith, D. D. Professor in the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary of Virginia. Vol. 2 and 3. (Reuel Keith. May 11, ±839.) 183 9 Digest of the Laws "respecting Real Property severally adopted and in use in the United States; embracing, more especially the Law of Real Property in Virginia. By John Tayloe Lomax, one of the judges of the general court and formerly professor of law in the University of Virginia. In three volumes. Volume III. Containing Title 28 — of Devises. Philadelphia: John S. Littell, Bookseller & Pub- lisher, No. 23 Minor Street. 1839; (J. T. Lomax.) 1839 Digest of the Laws respecting Real Property generally adopted and in use in the United States; embracing, more especially, the Law of real property in' Virginia. By John Tayloe Lomax, one of the Judges of the general court and formerly professor of Law in the University of Virginia. In three volumes. Volume I. Containing Title, Estate in Fee Simple. 2. Estate Tail. 3. Estate for Life. 4. Curtesy. 5. Dower. 6. Jointure 7. Estate for years. 8. Estate at Will and at Sufferance. 9. Uses. 10. Trust. 11. Estate on condition. 12. Estate by Elegit and Recognisance. 13. Mortgage Title. 13. Remainder. 14. Reversion. 15. Joint Tenancy. IC. Coparcenary. 17. Incorporated Hereditaments — common. By Ways and Franchise. 20. Rents. 21. Title to Real Property. 22. Descents. 23. Escheat and occupancy. 24. t I VIRGINIA COrVRIGHT ENTRIES 39 I'rescription. • 25. Forfeiture. Philadelphia: John S. Littell, Law and Bookseller and Publisher, No. 23, Minor Street. 1839. (J. T. Lomax, 29 Nov., 1838.) 183 9 Digest of the Laws Respecting Real Property generally adopted and in use in the United States; embracing, more especially, the Law of Real property in Virginia. By John Tayloe Lomax, one of the Judges of the general court and formerly professor of the law in the University of Virginia. In three volumes. Volume II. Containing Title 26. — Deeds — Title 27. Private acts of assembly and grants of patents. Philadelphia: John S. Littell, Law Bookseller and Publisher, No. 23 Minor Street. 1839. (J. T. Lomax. May 11, 183 9.) 1839 The Practice in the Courts of Law and Equity in Virginia. By Conway Robinson. Volume III. Containing Practice in Criminal Courts; in cases before courts of probate; and in other cases wherein ap- peals are demandable of right, such as Mills, Roads, and the like. Rich- mond: Printed By Shepherd & Colin and sold by Smith & Palmer. 183 9. (Conway Robinson. Oct. 29, 1839.) 183 9 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Ap- peals, and in the General Court of Virginia. By Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Volume VIII. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Colin. 1839. (B. W. Leigh copyright. Vol. VIII Jan. 1, 1838.) 183 9 Whigs and Democrats; or. Love of no Politics. A comedy in three acts. To show the very age and body of the time, his form and pressure. Shakespeare. Richmond: Printed and published by T. W. White. 183 9. [By James E. Heath.] (T. J. White. June 8, 1839.) 1840 A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of our Federal Government: Being a Review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States: By a Virginian. Petersburg: Printed by Edmujad and Julian C. Ruffin. 1840. (Ed. Rufhn copyright. July 18, 1840.) 184 Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and in the General Court of Virginia. By Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Volume IX. Richmond: .Printed by Shepherd and Colin. 1840. (May 16, 1840. Leigh.) 1841 Digest of the Laws of Virginia, which are of a permanent character and general operation; illustrated By Judicial Decisions: To which is added, an index of the names of the cases in the Virginia Re- porter. By Joseph Tate, Counsellor at Lav/. Second edition. Rich- mond: Shepherd and Colin, Printers. 1841. (Smith & Palmer. July 7, 1841.) 1841 Forms adapted to the Practice in Virginia. By Conway Rob- inson. Volume I. Containing Forms in the Courts of Law in Civil Cases. Richmond. Printed By Shepherd and Colin, and sold by Smith & Palmer. 1841. 40 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN (Conway Robinson. 27 May, 1841.) 1841 Popular Lectures on Ethics or Moral Obligations: For the use cf schools. By Margaret Mercer. Fear God, and keep his com- mandments: For this is the whole duty of man. — Ecclesiastes xii: 13. Petersburg: Printed by Edmund & Julian C. Ruffin. 1841. (Margaret Mercer. March 29, 1841.) 1841 Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals, and in the General Court, of Virginia. By Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Volume X. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Colin. 1841. (B W. Leigh. Oct. 1, 1841.) 1841 A Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators, gen- erally in use in the United States, and adapted more particularly to the practice of Virginia: In two volumes. Vol. I. By John Tayloe Lo- max, Author of the digest of law of real property; one of the Judges of the General Court; and formerly professor of law in the UniTersity of Virginia. Philadelphia: John S. Littell, Law Bookseller and publisher and sold by the principal booksellers throughout the United States. ISll. (John Tayloe Lomax. 29 June, 1841.) 1841 The Woman in the Wilderness. By Josiah C. Robinette. Richmond: Printed by P. D. Bernard Museum Building. 1841. (Josiah C. Robinson. Dec. 9, 1841.) 1842 An Essay on Calcareous Manures. Third edition. By Ed- mund RufiBn. Petersburg: Printed for the author. 1842. E. Ruffin. Jan. 6, 184 2 ) 184 2 Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals, and in the General Court, of Virginia. By Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Volume XI. Richmond: Printed by Shepherd & Colin. 1842. (B. W. Leieh.) 1843 Reports of Cases Decided in the Supreme Court of Appeals, and in the General Court, of Virginia. By Conway Robinson. Volume I. From April 1, 1842, to April 1, 1843. Richmond: Printed By Shep- herd fz Colin. 1843. (Oct. 4, 1843. Commonwealth.) 1844 The New Virginia Justice comprising the office and authority of a Justice of the Peace in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Togetheh with a variety of useful precedents adapt'^'d to the Laws now in force. To which will be added. An appendix containing all the most approved forms of conveyancing, commonly used in this country, such as Deeds of Bargain & Sale, of Lease & Release, of Trust. ;Mortgages &c. Also the duties of a Justice of the Peace arising under the laws of the United States. By William Waller Hening, Attorney at Law. (Filed 3rd May. 1844.) 184 4 Nugae. By Nugator. Or Pieces in Prose and verse. By St. Leger L Carter. \1K(.1MA LUl'\Kl(.lir JiMRIES 41 (Edward St. L. Carter Apl. 2;i, 1844, Proprietor. I am not the author but proprietor. Port Conway, Va.j (April 25, 1844.) ENTRIES WITHOUT DATES. Die allgeniein niitzliche Choral-Music entlialtend auserlesene Melo- dien, welche bey alien Religions verfassungen gebrauchlich sind. Auf sieben Stimmen gesezt. Begleiter, mit einer Vorrede, liber die Music. Oder Tcnkunst; und mit einer, zum Grunde der, Vocal-Music vollstandi- gen Elnleitung. Eingerichtet zum Gebrauch des offentlichen Gottedien- stes, Sing-Schulen und Privat-Uebungen. Verfasset von Joseph Funk. "Meine Lippen, and meine Seele, die du erloset hast, sind frohllch und lobsingen dir." Psm. 71: 23. Harrisonburg, gedriickt bey Lawrence Bartmann, Rockingham County, Virginia. The Grammatical Spelling Book, consisting of Grammatical Instruc- tions, with Spelling Tables Annexed, For the Use of Schools In the Com- mon Circle. By Daniel Exceen. A Late Discovery Extremely interesting To Farmers and Planters relative to Fertilizing poor and exhausted Lands upon a cheap and easy plan, with some remarks and observations on Orcharding and Gardening, By George Redd of Frederick County Virginia. A Map, or Plan of the City of Richmond. By John Seabrook. A new system of Orthography adapted to the English Language by means of a new alphabet. By Samuel Boyle. The Nev/ Virginian Justice, comprising the office and authority of a .Tustice of the Peace, in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Together witii a variety of useful precedents, adapted to the Laws now in force. To which is added an appendix, containing all the most approved forms in conveyancing — such as deeds of Bargain and Sale, of Lease and Release, of trust, mortgages. Bills of sale, &c. — Also the duties of a Justice of the Peace, arising under the laws of the United States. By William Waller Hening, Attorney at Law. The second edition revised, corrected, greatly enlarged, and brought down to the present time. By the author. Orthography corrected and made an accurate guide to pronuncia- tion by means of a new alphabet, adapted to the English Language. By Samuel Boyle. A Perpetual Almanac with Wheels, containing the Rising and Set- ting of the Sun, Signs of the Zodiac, Length of the Days and Nights, tho Moon's age, and the Days of the Week and Month — Also Tables show- ing tte Days of the Week and Month, Leap years, and Remarkable Davs. with full explanations adapted to Virginia and North Carolina, and with n little alteration may answer for any other place. Published by .\rchi. l",i'.^ Currie, Bookbinder and stationer, Richmond. Virginia. The Peace Party dissected or, an impartial Sketch of par'.y views 42 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN and conduct in the production and prevention of the present War. By A Farmer. A Reply To the age of Reason, In which the nature and Necessity of a Divine Revelation is considered; By Ebenezer Brooks. Report of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia vi^ith such cases relating chiefly to points of practice dtcidbd by The Superior Court of Chancery for The Richmond district, vol. III. By William Hening and William Munford. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, vol. V. By William Munford. Standard of Discount In a series of Tables adapted to the use of Banks and Merchants in their Mutual intercourse From 1 day to 124 (iays calculated on the Established principle of halt per cent. For thirty days and constructed on an entirely new' plan, whereby the net proceeds, of present worth of any sum, however great or small, falling due within the above number of days can be readily ascertained with the most per- fect accuracy also Under each table of discount, an additional one, as a proof thereto, by which can be correctly obtained any amount, which be- ing discounted for the number of days indicated at top, will produce the sum known as net proceeds or present worth and lastly a perpetual cal- endar, with which a variety of useful computations of time is performed with uncommon facility The Whole Illustrated by numerous examples By Alexander Feret, Accountant Bank of the United States. Views of Tripoli. A perspective view of the loss of the United Stales frigate Philadelphia: in which is represented her relative position to the Tripolitan gun boats, when, during their furious attacks upon her, she was unable to get a gun to bear upon them. A view of Commodore Preble's Squadron whilst engaging the gun boats and forts of Tripoli; on the 3 August 1804: when they captured three of the Tripolitan boats, and greatly damaged the Bashaw's fortifi- cation. A Treatise on the Discipline of the Cavalry: Giving the Necessary evolutions on a parade, on a march, and in the face of an enemy. To which is added, The New Sword Exercise for cavalry. Illustrated with copperplate engravings. Richmond, Printed By S. Grantland. INDEX Authors, Titles, Copyright Proprietors, Printers, Pul)lisliers. Abridged treatise on cav. discipline 23 Abridgment of Armistead's lectures --t Account of trial, etc. of Garcia 22 Actual survey of Norfolk channel 16 Address to people of Va 1 1 Alfred, G. Amer. univ. spell, book 13 Allgemein niitzllche choral-music 41 American pleader and lawyer's guide 2 9 American shepherd 11 Arnerican univ. spell, book 13 Analogy 20 Analytical outlines of Eng. lang 27 Anchorite, pseud 30 Ancient & modern music of Ireland 14 Anderson, L. H., & H. S. Parnassian 20 Annual register of Baptist denom 7 Antonius, A. Life, etc. of Yellowface 2 Arator • 20 Argus book press ~^ Arithmetic improved 1 1 Armistead, R. A. Abridgment of lectures 2 4 Asplund, J. Annual reg. of Baptist denom 7 Bailey, L. R ^ '^ Bailey, P., Defining orthographer lij Plain treat, on prac. arith 16 Bailey, R. Life and adventures 2 2 Balm of the covenant "^1 Bartmann, L ^^ Beaux without belles -^ Bernard, P. D 40 Bernard, S. New Frfench gram 3 7 Treatise on French verbs Einns, J. A. Suppl. to Treatise on farming. Treatise on farming Birch, T. E. Virginian orator Birth-day's gift Blair, J. D. Sermons col. from mss. of 28 Blair, M. Sermons of J. D. Blair • 28 Bland, T., jr. Bland papers 38 44 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Boardman, J. English grammar 27 Boye, H. Map of Virginia 2 9, 31 Bonsai, C. Builders' price book. 22 Letters by South Carolinian 31 Bourne, G. Marriage indissoluble 16 Bowman, E. The law 3 7 Boyle, S! New .System of orthography 41 Orthography corrected 41 Branch, T. Principia legis et aequitatis 25 Branch, W. jr. Life 20 Brief enquiry into gov 3 9 Brief sketch of occurrences on brig Crawford 30 Broaddus, A. Dover sel. of spiritual songs 3 2 Brockenbrough, W. Virginia cases 3 Brooks, E. Reply to the Age of reason 42 Broughton, T. G 23 Brown R. Brown's int. calculator 3 5 Bryan, D. Mountain muse lt> Burk, J. D. History of Va 12 Burke, J., & D 1^ Burr, A. Reports of the trial of ■• 12 Burton, S. E 25 Caldwell, S. B. T 23 Call, D. Reports of cases 9, 10, 25, 26 Camm, T. P. The duel , •" 21 Campbell, C. Bland papers 3S Campbell, J 1 1 Carr, F. & Co. Introduc. to Grecian geog 34 Reports of cases 34 Carr and Elliott. Sybilline leaves 3 6 Carroll, J. P. Songs of Zion 22 Carter, J W:. Arator 20 Carter, St. L. L. Nugae 40 Gary, V. T.<^tter on female character 32, 35 Chart of bar and roads of Occracock 16 Christian catechism 1'^ Chiistian parents' assistant ' • 33 Christliche katechismus 1^ Christology of the Old Testament 3 8 Christ's milleEnium ^^ Church hymn book 1"^ Citizen of Virginia, pseud 34 Clarke, A. Letter to a Methodist preacher 18 Cochran, J., & G .17, 23, 23 Collection of acts of Assembly H' 1'^ VIRGINIA C0PYKK;111 KMKIL.-, 45 Collection of forms of process, etc 13, 29 Collett, I 11 Collins & Co. Dover selection of spir. songs 3 2 Essays on banking 3 4 Lectures on restrict, syst 3 4 Randolph's culinary gardener 28 Complete muskrat catcher 18 Concise history of Ketocton Bap. Asso 12 Constitut. of Masons in Va 19 Constitutional charts 33 Construction construed 20 Cooke, J. E. Treatise of pathology 31 Cottom, P. American pleader and lawyer's guide 29 Digested index to Va. reports 27 Donald Adair 32 Gentleman's new pocket farrier 2 8, 3 5 Prac. treat, on diseases 36 Richmond and Alexandria builders' price bk 22 Reports of cases 2 .t , 2 6 , 3 1 , 33 Sunday school juv. Bible 9 Virginia cases 3 Whole art of bookbinding 27 Courtney, J. Selection of hymns 37 Currie, A 41 Dabney R. Poems and translations 16 Darling, D. Beaux without belles 20 David Henkel against the Unitarians 35 Davis, E 20, 22 Davis, J 15 Davis, S. H 29, 31 Davis, W. Map of Ohio 9 Map of Virginia 9 Davis & Prentis. Debates and pro. of Va convention, 1788 8 Davisson, A. Kentucky harmony 18 Dawson, E. B. Map of Virginia ol Debates and proceedings of Va. convention, 1788 8 Debates in the House of del. of Va 8 Decisions of cases in Va 8 Defining orthographer 1 5 Deitrick, J. D 13 Dew, T. R. Lectures on restrict, syst 3 4 Digest of laws of Va 24, 3 9 Digest of laws res. real prop 3 8, 3 9 Digested index to Va. reports 27 Directory of Richmond 19 46 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Discourse on duelling 15 Discourses on immersion 3 4 Dixon, John 7 Doct. Martin Luther's smaller catechism 31 Dolbeare, B. Poetical works 18 Domestic animals' friend 19 Donald Adair 3 2 Douglas, A. Irish emigrant 18 Dover selection of spiritual songs 32 Drop of mercy 19 Duel, or a week after wedlock 2 Dunglison, R. Introduc. to Grecian geog 34 Dunnavant, M. W 18 Dutton, M. Birth-day's gift 33 Edge Hill 32 Elements of geom 3 2 Elton, R. H. Narra-Mattah 3 6 Elwes, A. W. Potomac muse 2 8 Empie, A. Discourses on immersion 3 4 English grammar, method, arranged 27 Essay on calcareous manures 40 Essays on banking 3 4 Etymological hints 14 Evangelical Catechism ^ 22 Exceen, D. Grammatical spelling book '. 24, 41 Farmer, pseud 4 2 Farmer's accountant 32 Farmers' and mech. prac. arith 23 Feret, A. Standard of discount «. 42 Fisher, G 20 Flavel, J. A. Saint indeed 3 Balm of the covenant 31 Fountain of life opened 25 Sacramental meditations 26 Forms adapt, to prac. in Va 3 9 Foster, J 18. 19 Lectures on national subjects 21 Fountain of life opened 24 Fowler, J. Truth of the Bible 8 Francis, R. Maxims of equity 24 Franklin Press 21, 22 Fristoe, W. Concise hist, of Ketocton Bap. Asso 12 Funk, J. Allgemein niitzliche choral-music 41 Garcia, M. P. Account of trial of 22 VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 47 Garnett, J. M., Lectures on various topicks 31 Seven lectures on female education 2 6, 2 7. 2 8 Token of regard ^6 General index to Va. law authorities 20 General selection of hymns 10, 15 Gentleman's new pocket farrier 21, 27, 35 Gentleman's pocket companion com. des. of the horss 9 Geographical view of British poss. in N. A 17 Giles, W. B. Map of Virginia 31 Political miscellanies 34 Gilmer, F. W. Reports of cases 22 Gospel melodies 25 Grammatical spelling book 24,41 Grantland, S 10. 13, 42 Gray, W. W. Directory of Richmond 19 Green and Cady 16 Grigg, J. Etymological hints 14 Hall, E. Digested index to Va. reports 27 Hansford, T. Debates in the House of del • • . 8 Hardy, H. Letter to a Methodist preacher 19 Hassler, F. R. Ele. of geom 32 Hawkins, A. W. Perpetual counting room cal 3 4 Hayes, J. Practical treatise on diseases 3 6 Heath, J. E 39 Henderson, J. Constitut. of Masons in Va 19 Hendrick, E. H. New and plain system of arithmetic 14 Hengstenberg, E. W. Christ of the Old Test 3 8 Hening, W. W. American pleader and lawyer's guide 2 9 Maxims of equity 24 New Virginia Justice 20, 40, 41 Principal grounds and maxims of the laws 25 Principia legis et aequitatis 25 Reports of cases 12, 14, 42 Virginia justice ^^8 Henkel, A. Doct. Martin Luther's catechism 31 Kleine A. B. C. buch 17 Henkel, A., and Co : a 4 Henkel, P. Christian catechism 17 Christliche katechismus 1** Church hymn book 17 Henkel, S 17, 18 David Henkel against Unitarians 34 Doct. Martin Luther's catechism 32 Hersey, J. Visible Church of Jesus Christ 11 Hibernian, pseud 18 Historical letters 15 48 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN History of the colonies planted by tlie English 2 5 History of the rise of Bap. in Va 14 Hoge, M. Sermons sel. from mss. of 23 Hone, W. Three trials of 17 Hutton, J. The duel 20 Ignis fatuus '^0 Inquiry into prin. and pol. of gov 16 Insurrection in Southampton, Va 3 7 Introduc. to Grecian and Roman geog 3 4 Introduction to natural philosophy 23 Irish emigrant 18 James river, survey of 3 Jefferson, T. Memoir 3 4 Reports of cases in Gen. court 3 4 Jennings, S. K. Married lady's comp 10 Plain elementary exp. of disease 2o Plain ins. for using portable bath 20 Jones, J. M. Complete musk rat catcher 18 Jones, T. Address to people of Va 11 Journal of the law school 23 Keith, R. Christ, of the Old Test 3 8 Kemper, J. Trial of 23 Kentucky harmony 1* Kercheval, S. Address to people of Virginia 11 Letters addressed to people of Va 18 Kirk, L. Tailor's assistant 3 3 Kleine ABC buch 17 Larkin, T. D. Treatise on the weevil 3 7 Late disc, extrem. int. to farmers 41 The law 3 7 Lectures on female education 26, 26, 28 Lectures on national subjects 21 Lectures on the restrict, syst 3 4 Lectures on various topicks 30 Leftwich, A 37 Leigh, B. W. Reports of cases in Court of Appeals. . . .36, 38, 39 39, 40 Letter to a Methodist preacher 18 Letters addressed to people of Va 18 Letters by a South Carolinian 31 Letters on female character 3 2, 3 5 Letters of the British spy 9 Lewis, J. Analytical outlines of Eng. lang 27 Life, a poem 20 Life and adventures of McMahon 7 Life and adventures of R. Bailey 20 VIRGINIA COPYRIGHT ENTRIES 49 Life, misfortune and death of Yellowface 20 Ligon, W. Arithmetic improved 11 Litera annis et litera singulis mensibus 13 Littell, J. S 3 8. 40, 40 Lives of Va. Bap. ministers 3 8 Lives of W. Raleigh and J. Smith 19 Lomax, J. Notes of an Amer. lyre 16 Lomax, J. T. Digest of laws res. real prop 38, 39 Treat, on law of exec 4 Long, G. Introduc. to Grecian geog 34 Lyford, W. G. Account of trial of Garcia and Castillano 22 Lynch and Davis 15 McCreery, J. Ancient and modern music of Ireland 14 Selection from the ancient music of Ireland 26 McFarlane, J 33 McKennie, C. P., and J. H 20 McMahon, Simon Crea. Life and adventures 7 McMurdo, R -. . 20 McPherson, C. Christ's millennium 15 Madison, J. Map of Ohio 9 Map of Virginia 9 Magistrate's mon. and judge's remem 9 Map of Ohio 9 Map of Virginia 9. 29, 31 Map, or plan of Richmond 41 Marriage indissoluble ■ 16 Married lady's companion 10 ?,larshall, E. C 20 Marshall, G. Marshall's prac. marine gunnery 23 Marshall, J. Hist, of colonies planted by English 25 Martin, J. Balm of covenant 31 Fountain of life opened 2 5 Sacred zoology 33 Sacramental meditations 26 A saint indeed 3 Mason, J. Gentleman's podket companion 9 Mason, R. Gentleman's new pocket farrier 27, 3 5 Mason and Minor 14 Maxims of equity 24 Mead, S. General sel. of hymns 10, 15 Meade, H. Reports of cases 3 4 Meade, J. E. Bland papers 38 Meade, W. Sermon in Univ. of Va 3 4 Memoir from papers of T. .Tefferson 34 50 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Mercer, M. Pop. lect. on ethics 40 Military tactics 12 Mines, J. Evangelical catechism 22 Mitchell, L. Perpetual Almanac 13 Mitchell, S. T. Spirit of the Old Dominion 31 Moss, T. American shepherd 11 Mountain muse 16 Munford, W. Gen. index to Va. law author 20 Poems and compositions i> Reports of cases 12, 13, 21, 42 My native land 3 7 Narra-Mattah 3 6 Native of Virginia, pseud 'aS Nelson, T. Sermon in Univ. of Va 3 4 Neue Allgemeine Hoch-Deutsche ABC buch 14 Neuer gerichte gesang-buch '. . . . . 14 New Ahiman Rezon 7 New and plain system of arithmetic 14 New French grammar 37 New key to the exact sciences 24 New system of othography 41 New Virginia justice 21, 40, 41 Nicholson, T 8, 9, 10 Notes of an American lyre 16 Notes on Blackstone's commentaries ." 29 Nourse, G. Works of 3 6 Noy, W. Principal grounds and maxims ■••••. 2 5 Nugae 4 Nugator, pseud 4 Ohio, map of 9 Old Bachelor 17 O'Lynch, J 16 Original and miscellaneous essays 34 Orthography corrected 41 Palmer, R. F. Prodigal reformed 8 Parke, U. Farmers' and mech. prac. arith 23 Parnassian • '^1 Peace party dissected 41 Peel, J. Truth and reason 10 Pembertcn, C. R. Prac. treat, on diseases 36 Perpetual almanac with wheels 41 Perpetual counting room calendar 3 4 Plain and easy treat, on prac. arith 16 Plain elementary explan. of disease 20 VIRGINIA C0PYRI(;HT ENTRIES 51 Plain instructions for portable bath 20 Plain table of duties on goods 8 Pleasants, D. W. Collection of acts 11, 17 Statutes at large 14 Sup. con. acts of assembly 16 Pleasants, S 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17 Pocket farrier 29 Poems and compositions by W. Munford 8 Poems and transactions by R. Dabney 16 Poems from the shades 30 Poetical works of B. Dolbeare 18 Political miscellanies by W. B. Giles 3 4 Pollard, N 23, 27 Repo'-ts of cases 2 2 Pollock, J. T. Lives of Raleigh and Smith 20 Pope, John. Tour through Southern and Western Terr 7 Popular lect. on ethics 40 Post office calendar 28 Potomac muse 28 Potts, J. Plain table of duties on goods 8 Practical treatise on diseases 3 6 Prac. in Court of law and equity 39 Prentis, W. Map of Ohio 9 Map of Virginia 9 Price, J. C. Ignis fatuus 30 Poems from the shades 3 Principal grounds and maxims of laws of Eng 25 Principia legis et aequitatis 25 Proceed, and deb. of Va. conv 36 Prodigal reformed 8 Raleigh, W. Life of 18 Randolph, P. Reports of cases 24. 26, 31, 33, 34 Randolph, T. J. Memoir from papers df T. Jefferson 34 Reports of cases in Gen. court 3 4 Randolph's culinary gardener 28 Read, John K. Ahiman Rezon 7 Redd, G. Late disc, extremely int. to farm 41 Reply to the Age of reason 4 2 Report of the trial of T. Wells 18 Reports of cases in Court of Appeals, 8, 9. 10, 13, 14, 22, 25, 26, 31, 3^ 34, 36, 38, 39, 39. 40, 42. Reports of cases in General Court 34 Reports of the trial of A. Burr 12 Richm.ond, plan of 41 Richmond and Alexandria builders' prize book 2 2 52 RRPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN Richmond directory 19, 20 Riley, T 14 Ritchie, T. Old bachelor 17 Ritchie, T and Co. Digest of laws of Va 24 Ritchie and Cook. Proceed, and deb. of Va. conv lU; Robertson, D 13 Robinette, J. C. Woman in the wilderness 4 Robinson, C. Collection of forms 2y Forms adapt, to prac. in Va 4 Prac. in Courts of law and equity 39 Reports of cases 40 Robinson, J. Collection of forms 13,29 Rogers, P. K. Introduction to natural philosophy 23 Ross and Douglas 8 Ruffin, E. Brief enq. into govt o9 Essay on cal. manures 4 Popular lectures on ethics 4 RufRn. J. C 39, 40 Sacramental meditations ^ti Sacred zoology 3 3 Saint indeed oO Sanxay, R. D. Selection of hymns 3 7 Seabrook, J. Map of Richmond 41 Second part ot Lorenzo's thoughts 10 Selection from ancient music of Ireland 26 Selection of hymns 37 Semple, R. B. Hist, of rise of Bap. in Va 14 Sermon in Univ. of Va 34 Sermons col. from mss. of J. D. Blair ^8 Sermons sel. from mss. of M. Hoge 23 Seven lectures on female education 2 6 Sharrock, J. T. Irish emigrant 18 Shepherd and Co ' 3 2 Shepherd and Colin 38, 39, 39, 40 Shepherd and Pollard 19, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31 Shepherd, S, and Co 30, 31. 34. 36 Brief sketch of occurrences on brig Crawford 30 Shields and Ashburn 3l Slavery in America 3 8 Small, A 24 Smith, D. D 28 Smith, H. Magistrates monitor ^ Smith, J. Life of 19 Smith, M. Geog. views of British poss 17 Smith and Palmer 39. 39 Vir<{;iNIA COI'VRKJIIT ENTRIES 53 Songs of Zion Z'l South Carolinian, pseud 3 8 Sower, B. W 23 Speece, F. My native land 37 Spirit of the Old Dominion 31 Standard of discount 4 2 Statutes at large 14 Strother, J. Treatise on distillation of spirits 8 Suit (?) P. Farmer's accountant 32 Sunday school juv Bible 9 Supplement containing acts of assembly 16 Supplement; or pt. 2 of Treatise on farming; 10 Survey of James River 3 Sybilline leaves 36 Tailor's assistant 33 Tanner, H. S Map of Virginia 29, 31 Tate, J. Digest of laws of Virginia 24, 39 Reports of cases 25, 26 Taylor, C. Journal of the law school 23 Taylor, J. Arator 20 Construction construed 20 Inquiry into prin. of gov 16 Taylor, J. B. Lives of Va Bap. min 3 8 Taylor J. B. Pest office calendar 28 Three trials of W. Hone • 17 Tillett, F. New key to the exact sciences 24 Titus, R. Directory of Richmond 19, 20 Token of regard 36 Tompkinson, H. Letters to people of Va vj§ Topographical analysis cf Va 7 Tour through Southern and Western ter 7 Treatise on pathology and therapeutics 31 Treatise on discipline of cav 42 Treatise on French verbs 31 Treatise on law of exec 40 Treatise on prao. farming 9 Treatise on distillation of ardent spirits ■■ 8 Treatise on weevil 37 Trial cf J. Kemner 23 Truth and reason 10 Truth of the Bible fairly put to the test 8 Tucker, G. Essays on banking 3 4 Tucker, H. St. G. Notes on Blackstone's commentaries 29 Tyler. J. Map of Virginia 29 Utility of the scriptures of the Old Testament 8 54 REPORT OF THE STATE LIBRARIAN View of Com. Preble's squadron 42 Views of Tripoli 42 Vindication of laws lim. rate of int.,. 22 Virginia, convention, 1830 36 Virginia, map of 9, 29, 31 Virginia cases ^'^ Virginia farmer, pseud. Prodigal reformed ^ Virginia justice 2 8 Virginian, pseud 20, 32, 34, 36, 39 Virginian orator 1"^ Visible Church of Jesus Christ 1*^ Waller, A. Drop of mercy, etc 19 Ward and Digges 22 Ware, J. Pocket farrier 29 Warrock, J 1^' 20 Washington, B. Reports of cases 8, 24 Wells, T. Report of trial of 1^ Whigs and democrats 29 White, T. J. Whigs and democrats 39 White, T. W 25, 26, 27, 30, 30, 33, 38 Constitut. charts 34 Edge Hill 32 Lectures on female education 28 Lectures on various topicks 30 Lives of Va. Bap. min 3 8 Orig. and misc. essays 3 4 Selection of hymns 37 Seven lectures on female education 26, 27 Slavery in America 3 8 Token of regard 3 6 Whitmore and Yancey "\ Whole art of bookbinding 27 Wilson, J. Utility of scriptures of Old Testament 8 Wilson, S. Y. Insurec. in Southampton, Va 37 Winston, S. J. Military tactics 12 Woman in the wilderness ^0 Works, A. Christian parents' assistant •'•' Letters on female charac 33,36 Wythe, George. Decisions of cases in Va 8 Yale and Wyatt ^^ Yancey and Burton 2 6 Young, E. L. Actual survey of Norfolk channel 16 Chart of Occracock • • • • ^ ^ Survey of James river 3 Young lady of Virginia 3 2 LOAN DEpf '" .J!!!^^«^^^oimn,ediate recall. \U6 18196979 LOa\%/ p- ^^2lA-60wi.6 -69 (J9096sl0)476-A.32 "■"""Kg"'"-..- ,l^.nf;;..^^-^'^E'-EY LIBRARIES CDS^7^S73S