Zbc Uubor jpacsimile ^ejrts ir ^xU$ €mtt^ Date of Earliest Known Edition . . 1606 [B.M. 17,773. bbb. 5] Reproduced in Facsimile igi2 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER 1606 Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXII ,^o 1606 Besides the Museum copy of this play, from which this facsim^ile is reproduced, there is another example in the Dyce collection at South Kensington. Another edition, ^^ printed for Hugh Perry, ''^ was issued in 1636. Of this impression some copies are found without the date, that being the only variation. Mr. J. A. Herbert, of the Manuscripts Department of the British Museum, after comparing this facsimile with the original copy, reports that " it is a practically faultless reproduction.^^ JOHN S. FARMER. 247746 SIR GYLES GOOSEG APPE ..Ju. ■ ;■.«>. I - A Comeaicprcfcntecibv chc'C^^ ofthcCliappell. AT LONDON: Printed by lohnWtndetM J*. -» ^^ ^tics^oo/eCdpX 4 fooltlh knight. Sir C'^^hbertRudfite^^idiiitkltight^ Sir C^mtmk»tgc*lfi nk^ht, tordTAies* ,.v .' 'J ,-. •«» v' V - < I. i „ • " •• **• ..'^•••' » • < •**, SIR GYLES GOOSE-- CAPPE. KNIGHT. ACTVS PRIMVS, SCiENA PiJiMA Enter BH^4iksr mhaTorchf, BklUkjr, r^ A^^ jHisis thtCohViKc^c eugettUs houfc Ithinke,! can neucr hit of thcis fame Englifh Ciccie '\owks, tho Iwcrc borne here: if I wercia '■ ny Cirty in Fraunce, I couldc find any boufa there at midnight. Enter Iacke,AtuifViU> \acki Thcis two ihange hungrie knights (W/) mike the Icancft trenchers thatcyer 1 waited on. yp'iU, A plague o n them I^r-^, they leauc vs no fees at all, for our attendance, I thinkc they vfe to fett their bones in filucr tlicy pick them fo cleane,fec,rec, fee lack^ whats thate ImI^ a my urordc ( Will) ris the great Baboone, that was to be feene in Southit'^irke. VVtil is this he i gods my life what bcaftes were we,' that we wood not feI«««^ff ye. a^ - - - - - > - >, . r ";- ., - . ^. •-, , )^jP7i!? Gods, ipe'herpeakes l4fi^, b pray pafdo^ 'S«/. Out yc ww^«pli|iii eng- Hill, pardon vs,ifyou had p^rled,3c not fpoken,but laid fardor^tsmoytlvLQiX^htui^J^AXifik^X^^'^ butikjccyou fpeakejand not parley, I will cudgellyebewwyet.^ Amlfo OpardoHMemdjmomftekr*.: *BmI, Bm a vous renkrcicytherspardomt paur i/ousSlt l\9^» jri/l Why Ithanke ye forit Sir, you feen\e to bee.a Squire of our or(iej:5if».. ./4i WhofepagcmightyftubicSM'i ^ V ^ £ul,lim now the great French Traualersip^e^. ^ iri/ Or rather th ^ ^tech Traualcr J great pagCiSir,o}i,oi| j .ff^/.Higbt CaptaineFOule weather, alias Comenda- tions} whofe valours within here at fuperwith theCoiif tes £«^m,whofe prOpper eaters! take you two to be» ?r/// YoumiftakevsnotSir. ] •Ui This captain Fonleweather^ alias C6menda;ions (;«K'i/)isifae gallat that wil needs be afutor to our Coutes }rtll Faith and if Foulewcathcr^e a welcome (pi^r tQ a faice Zadie, has.gopd. lucke* ^ /rf. O Sic 5 bewatcof one that f an ftxoweinto thci Japp5 of Ladies, Captainc Fowicwcathw ?. why hees ^ , sir CjIesGofecuffe* Captina4o % or Captainc of Captaines, and will lie in their ioynres that giuc him caufe to workc yppon them \o hcauylie, that hee will make their hartesakel warrant himj Captainc Fcwlewcather.' why hee will make the coldflones fwcatefortearcof him, a day or two before he. cpnie at them* Captaine ^pwleweathcr ? whyhe doesfodominerc, andraignc oner women. Will AplagueofCapiaine Fowlcwcather iremeber hxm tiowpck^ and know him to be a dull aiolll braind A(re. Ja. A Southernc man I thinke. Will As fe^refuU as a Hare, & a will lye like % £ap- wing,& 1 know how he came to be a Captain^& to hauc hisSurname of Commendations, ' U Howlpreethee Willf Will Why Sir he fcrued the great /^adie Kingcob,and uas yeoman of her wardroppe, & becaufe a cood bru(h vp her filkcs luftely, flic thought hee would curry the c- nemies coates as foundly , and fo by her commendati- ons, he was made Captaine in the lo we Countries. I«* Then being made Captaine onely by his Zadies Commendations, without any worth alfo of hisownc, he was euer after futnamdc Captaine Commendations? J?V/ Right. Bui, I Sir right, but if he had not faid right, my Cap- taine (houlde hauc taken no wrong at bis ha"- des> nor yours neither I can tell ye. . I4. W hat are thofe two Knights names, thatarethy captaines^<7^./*/>iirft my L^idie the widon^e, and Countes Bugenia, I sir ^yksGoofetdffe^ tk^midy it in etmefi, a moQ worthy JAdie^ and indcedt can doe more then a thoufand other Ladies can doe I can teU ye. Tv/ Wfeats that I pray thee f lack^ Mary Sir, he mcanes fiic can do more then flcep, andeateanddrinke; and pUy at noddy ^ andhelpeto make hirfclfe- readme. 'Bftl Canfhcfo? Will Sheisthcbeftrchollerofanywomlnbutonein England, (he is sfxlt and vertuous, la, NayHiec has one ftrange qu:ilitiefora\roman be(ides> tho thcie be ftrange enough that hee ha^ reko- &ed« ThI. For Godv fake whars that? I4. She can loue reafopab'e conlUntly/or (he loued her hufband only,a!mofl a whole yecre togeather^ Ttil. Thacs Grange indeed) bucwhatisyoure faire LadicSir/ I*r» My^Zadie J'ir, the Ladic Hippolita. Vy$ll 1 hat is as chad as euer was Hippolitus, l4.(True my prctcie Paremhefts) is hilte a maid,halfe a wifc,And halfc a widdowe. !^/ that (hc« vhomc hcc teniir^dastbe b^ft oC^JrtfeiflgM,) (lioulde pronounce the worft , and for hU^kc too, hee funcke dow^ne right, and died fodenly ; And thus being baJfe married, & her halfe hufband wholy dead, I hope I may with diTcrenpnafiFirme her, halfcrit maidc, halfe a wife, and halfe a nriddaweidoye conceiu^^ iDcSirf . But. O Lord Sir J dcuoure ydu qulcke *, and now Sir I befeech you open vnto meyout tother Ladle, what i^ flicc? JVtU He anfwere for her^becaufe Iknow her LadKhip' to be a perfed maidc indeed, ' , .t !?»/ How canft thou know that ? If ///Palling pcrfcdly I warrant ye. I4. By meafuring her ncckc twice,and trying if it will come about hirforehead,and(lyp oner her nofe ? f7i^ No Sir no, by a rule that wil not flip fo J warrant you, which for hit honours iake 1 wiljerfjipkvfito you, gods fo l4ci^, I thinke they haue fupt. }m, Bir Zadie we haue waited wel the while* ff/// Well though theyhauc loft their attendance,- I^t hot vs lofe our Suppers /«c/(> iackl doenotmeaneit, come Siryou (hall goe in ami drinke^ich ys yfaith* ^0/A No pardoning in trueth Sir* did, U , "^^tr^fJ^-hmC^nr, Bxtmi*. £»aer go§fec^ Rtidejhj T«kUptfaihir Sugems i?iyi. A plague on you fweeteladies, ttsnociblate^ what needed you to hauemade fo ihoitaitipper. Goof^ In truth Sir Cmu we might haue tickled die yI^ mxit anc>an ho wre longer if my watch be truftiblcl , Toul, I but how fliould theis bewtie^knowfi tbdt jSk O^f/fyourwatcliiiinortalliftjBdaiiyeciN^) i./. c^ ^ u "'^. S/r Gyles Gcofeapfe, ^<>.Thats footh Captain,but do you hear honcfi fried* priy take a light, and fee if the mocnc /hine,! hauca Siinnc diall will rcfoluc prefcntly. Fe. Howrfceuer belieucit Ladies.tis vnwholcfomc, vn, courthCjVBpleafant to eate haftcIicA rirefodaiDly,a ma can Hicwr no dircourfc,no witt, no ftirring, no varictic, noprcttie conceits, to make themcatcgoe down Eh. mnmful ( emphaticaly> Ww. Midam, • ^ Eh. IprethiegoctomyvnkIethcLord^<7«,/^,-^,and intreat him to ccmc quicken our eares with fomccfhis pieafant Spirits This (^mzYovlewcathcrhkS vntdc mcfo mclanchollfc, piethic make hafle. f^/«. I will msdam, ^^^^ /f^.VVe will bid our guefts good night madam, this fa ne r owletveather makes me fo flccpie. l>en. Fie vppon it, for Gods fake (hut the Cafcments, hercsfuch a fulfome aire comes into this chamber, in good faith madame you muft kcepe your houfc in bet- ter r€parations,this fame Vowlyveather beats in fo filthily. eug. lie take order with the Porter for it Ladie, good night gentlemen. K»,VVhy goodnight & be hagd,&youl nccdsbe gon. Goof. God giue you good night madams^thanke yoa tormygoodchcere, weelc tickle the vanitie ant, no longenifith"ouattbistime,butileindjteyour La: to fupper at my lodging one of thefemorninp •, and that ere long too, bccmfe we are all mortail j ^u know. Sh, Zight the Zadie Peneiope^zvid the Ladie Htvpotita to their chambers,good night faire Zadies. Hip, Good night madam, 1 wiflj you may flcepe well afteryourlight fupper. £«^.r warrantyou £adie I {hail neucr bctroubled with oreamingof my Freeh 5uter. excnnt ^*.VVhy how now my i^rechified captain /'<»W>v^4/)[;ry? bygodsludd thy Surname is ncuer thought vpoherc,! percciuc heercs no bodie giues thee any comendations, E»A'\hy this is the vntrauaild rudncs of our grofc £ng« \ icihiadiesnow^wQuUdaayFrenchladicvieamanthfls ji^inUcAfc/bc they ai>y way fq vnciuil, and fulfomcPthey [ 'fay theyweare fovle Qnockes^aodcoucrcimockes, I ^ faythcylic,andIwiHdicint, Rud, I, doc fo, pray thee , thou flialt die in a very ho- norable caufc, thy countries gcncrall quarrell right* f «f/. Tlicir fmockes q uoth y ou ? a my wordc y u (ha! uke them vp fo white, and fo purc^lb frect, (o Erapha- ticall.fbmoouing* . '■ Rud, I marry Sir,I think they be continually mouing. FouL ButiftheirfmockcswrcreCourreorfoule. Rud, Nay I vrarranttbce thou ca reft not,fo thou wtxt atthem. n i • • • u • Toyl S'death they put not all their virtues in their fmockes, or intheir mockes. or in their ftewdc cockes asour Ladies doe. „ . • .-r RhI But in their ftewde pox, theres all their gcntiu- tie Goof. Nay good Sir Cutt. doe not agrauMe him ao ' ""w. Thenaretheyfo kinde,fo»rife,tofamiliarc fo noble fofweetin entetcainmem, that .-hen you (hal. hanecaufeto defcoutfe orfometimestpcome neererl ^^' ." your breath bee ill, your teeth ill.orany thing ab^ yon ill, why they will prefently breaks wuhye f„ Wndfort,gO(>dtermes,prettyexperini,ents, andtell toa Xn*'Ws-,thnsitiswithyourbreatbS.r, thu$it.s Iwiyourtcu ir,thisisyourdifeafe,andth.««youc '"GL?AsTamtrnemortallKnight.itismoftruperIa- '^"tJ'wfe is Courtly W. this is feeete. this ^,»/ V^hytnis but bv the Court of France, our ptXid'me'a'efo^ro^W^precire/ocoy/odif^^^^^ ^11 td St,ll. us the P.»«...» Serpent, ^ M.. the Punck ol Babilon was neuer fo fubtill. /JW.NaydoenotchafefoCap«»nc. ^^^^^ sir Gyles Coo^ecdpfi^ Toui Your Frenchman wood euer chafe 5irC^/^ be- ing thus nioudc. Rud. VVhar^and play with his beard fo. TottL I and bry (lle,ic dot h expreffe that paiHon of an . gervcry^ull andemphaticall. Gosft Nay good knight ifyour French woodbryftic, letbim alor.c,introth our Ladies arc a little too coy and lubtill Captainc indeed. Foul, Subtle Sivgtlcs Geoff cappf} laflfurcyour Soule, they areas fubtill with their futers, or Iouc^,as the La- tine Dialefk where the nominariuc Cafe, and the vcibc, the vJubftaiitiuCjandthc Adicdiue,the verbe,and the yerbe, ftand as far a fundcr, as iftliey were perfcd Gran- gers one to anoclienand you (liall hardly find them out, but then learnc toConflrue^ndperfc them, and you (hall hndthem prcpard^and acquainted, & agree toge- thcr,in Ca(e5^cndcr,and number. Goof, I deleft Sir ^»t( , I did not ihinkc hcc had bin halfethequintiflenccofafchoilcrheis. Fo/J* Slydd theres not one of them trucly cmphatical. Goof, Yes Iicenfure you Captaine, there are many of them trucly Hmphaticall but all your French Ladies arc not fatt? are they Sir ? post/. FattSir, why doeyec thinkc Emphaticall is fate Sir GiUi? Rud, Gods my life brother knight, did(> 'hou thinkc fo ? hart I kno>v not what it is my felf Jucyctlneucc thought it was fatt, lie be fworne co thcc» Foui, Why if any true Courtly dame had had but this newfalhioncd fute, toeivtcrtaincany thingindifferent- ly ftiiflFcdjWhy you Ihoold haue had her more refpediue by farrc. Rud, Nay theres fomcreafon for that Captaine, mc thinks a true woman (houU perpetually doate vppon a new faHiion, FohL Why y are i'thright5'irC«?r. Jnnetta fert^iAtd* wmmtuat49di(crefermMU tis the mind ol n.an, and wo- Ba man .4-. sir OylesGp^^ffi^ man to affca ncv faiTiionsj but to our Mynfacfueji for rooth,if he come like toyour!Sr>^«„,or your borc,fo he bee rich, or cmphaticall, they care not; would I might neuercxcdladutchSkipperinCourtihippc^fldidaot put diftafle into my cariage of purpofcj I knev I (hould not plcafc them. LactfHojiAUimele torches- ^nd, Slydd,hercs neither Torch, norZacquayiac I^9td, Omottdew, thinks, , IU<^. O doe not iweare Captaihe, 1 .^""'"rT?"*" ^""chman euer fweares Sir Ow/,Tpon the. lackcofhis/^acqaay I allure you. 5*»/- Sec hecre he comes,and my £adics tvo pages,. they hauc bin ticlcling the vanitic ontyfatth^- SC^NA TERTIA. ' Enter to them lack :BHthker^}rilL /^♦-CaptaineFoirlcweache';-, my Zadiethe Countes- Enqenui Commends hit moft kindly to you ftd h deter- mmed to morrowc morning earcly if it be a froft to take her Coach to Garnet to bee nipt whcrcif itpleafcycu tomeethcr^ and accompany her homcwsarde Jo vniri your u^it with thefroft,and hdpe tanippe hcr^hcdoel not doubt but the you hid afadfuppcr, you will hauc aioyfuUbreakcfaft, ' FfHL lihallindeedmydeearcyouth. Ru^i.Why Captaine I abiifd dice. I fee : I faid the La-^ dies refpcacd th^e nor And new Xpcrcexue the widowc ISmlOUCWJCij^hre^ RW. Sbloodknightlkncwlhadftruckeherto the qpickc^ I wondredlhec departed in that extrauagant faOiion :I am fure Ipaft onei'^/^of Courc(hip vppon hcr,that has hertofore made a lane anongft the French ladies hke a Culuering j'hot. He be fwornciandl think wC^yctyou law how (he fell vnder it. Goof. O as clearc as candlelight,by this day-light. ^•/y^f '"''u "'^^'^^^.' P''"*^^^^^ fweareany thing-: Wj/;?..Jhcoihertwo^adics commend thcm^noIeCe k>dly tpypu two knights tooj & defircyour «^(hip^- rpod meetfe them at Ban>e|;,th morning with the Cap! . iM SirGyks Gfiofeciffe» Coef. Our wordiips (haJ attend their Z4di(l]ips thcther. JaMo Sir gUes by no meancs,they will goe priuacely thethcr, but if you will meet them there, Kud, Meet thcm,weele die rort,but weele meet them, YohL Lets goe thether to night knights,and you bee true gallants. Kud. Content, Ja. HovgrcedelytheytakcitinSirra. Goof, No it is too farre to goe to night, weelc bee vp betimes ith morntng,Jind not goe to bedd at all. Vou/, Why its but ten miles,& a fine deere nightS.gy^j goof. But ten miles f what doe ye talke Captaine ? V^ud, Why dooftthinke Its any more? gttof I,lle laie ten ppunds its more then ten mile, or tweluc cither, Kftd, VVh^^ttO'Barnet'? qouf. I.to'Btirnet? : R».*Vlidd,nelaie a hudredpoud with thce.ifthou wilt. Goof, lklaiefiuchur.dr€d,toahundied,SlightIwill. not be outborne with a w3ger,in that 1 know, 1 am furtf it was-foure yeares agon ten miles thcther, and 1 hope tis more now,Slidd doe net miles growe thinke you, us well as other Amntds^ //i.OwifcKnigh:/ Go/, IneuerlnndintheTownc but once, and then they lodged me in^ Chamber fo full of rheife Ridicu- lus Fleas, that I was faine to lie ftanding a'' night, and' yet I made my man rife^and put out th^ vandle too, be- caufe they fliould not fee to bireme. FohL a prettic proiect,' BhI. Intruth Captain if I might aduifeyou.you fliould tarric,and take the morning afore you, Ftf»/. How? OmonDicw^ howthevillaine/>r tTibi,iar.t?ery Commehdacions frfelfc,anrfcapfainc CoairueBdations. FoHi. Why, what tho I bc'Captaine Commendati* ons;». Rttd, V Vhy and Captain comme ndations, i$ hartley commendations, for Captaines arc hartie I am fu; c, or clfc hang them. Foul* VVhy , what if I beeharty Commendations, come, come, iweete knights leade the way. Rud, O Lorde^ir 4 alwaies after m^ hartie Commen- dations. ^ FomL Nay then you conquer mee with prefident, by Ihe AutentiCalUorme of all luftice letters^ AUoun^ Exetmt* U, Heres a moft fweet Gudgeon fwal!owed,is there not? WtU Ibut how will they difgeft it thinkeft thou# when thej; (hall iiq ^e our Ladies not there ? U I'haue. v^tunt-Curriiog deuife (hall make them digcftitmofthca'thrully. Sxehnt, SCiENA QVARTA, ' " &iter CUrenct OHuficians. .pd^ Vyorkconrwcetlouejamnotyetrcrohd T!exhaiift this troub led fpring of canities And nurfc of pcrturbatio*is,my ppore life, iVnd therefore (iqce in euery man that holds This being dearc, there mu(t be fome deiirc — ^ The Tudging part thitia her ra^ytnt eye$ His cftimaiion of the woM may fecmc \pnght.and worthy. Ibiuciholcn louc To blind my Rcafon with his imlUe hti^dct And nuke my cftimatiuc power bclciuc 1 hauc a proic^ wowhy to unploy VVhuvrorthfoeucrmv whole lu ui .Alordcs; Then fie at reft iny,fouie,thouno* halUouod ThccudeotthyinftifioOjinthccycs Of thy dioint a;{iMMk>oke for hcaueiu CU Thank? gentle fneadi ^^flmf^mVM: is your good LoVd and u»ioc,gon vp to btdSiyet ' EttttrMmfvrJ* tM^ I do AflTurc ye notSir,not yet, nor yct.my deep, md fbidioiis tricnd,uot yet malicall CtMrmtct, ^ My Lord? ^ ^ ,. . . OM«. Nor yet, thou folcdeuidcrof my Lordthippc. - ^A«, Thacwcrca molt vnHt diiiifion And fdrrcaboiJC the piichc ohuy lowc plumes 1 am your bold and conftaiu guell my Lord. Mnm- Far,far from bold, for rhou haft known me long Almoft tlieis twcnticyeares,and halfc thofcycarcs Haft bin my bcdtellowvlong time before This vnfecnething, this tlung of uoughtinde'd Or yfrcwwcaid. my /.ordlhippc thindc ii) me And yet thou makll thy fcltc as little bo'u .To take fuch klndncs , as becomes the Age And truth of our indiilblablc louc As our acquaintance fprong butycftcrday Such is thy gentle and too tender Spirit, CU Mv Z.ord,!ny want of Courtihip makes mefcarc I n\ouldberade,andthis myme.mecftatc Mccces with inch cnuie, and dctrai-iion Such mirconrtrudions,and rcl jlud miidoomes Of my poLHC worth, thac ihould I b; adjawnc'd ^ Utyondc str GytisGfioficappe, Beyond my vnrecne lowcnss, but one haiic I fiiould be tome in pccccs with the Spirits That flye in ill-lunga tcmpefts through the world. Tearing the head of vcrtuc from her ftiouldcrs If flie but looke out of the ground of glorie. T wixt, whomc, and mc,and euery worldlie fortune There fiighrs (uch rowre,and Curft AntipAthj So wafpifiic, and fo petulant a Scarre, That all things tcnding-to my grace or good Are rauidit from their obicft, as I were A thing created for a wildernes And muft not thinke of any place with men. ^o;». O harke you Sir,this wai wardc moodc of y ottrs muft fyf ted be,or rather rooted out, youle no more mufick Sir r yCla, Not now my Zordj Ol'Iom^ Begon my matters then to bedd,to bcdd, C/4. / thanke you hone ft frit nds Exeum Mufic'...4t , tJ^o. Hence with this book,&now Mwunfienr Clarence, methinks plaine & prole frienddiip would do excellent well betwixt vs comethus Sir, or rather t!.us,comeiSir tis time I trowe that we bot h liu'd like one bodie,thus, and that both our fides were {lit, and CoRCorporat with Orgam^t to cffe(^ an indiuiduall pafl'age euen for our very thoughts*, fuppofe wee were one bodie now, and I charge you beleeue it^ whereof lam the hart^and you the liu r. O^* Youi iC'>rd(hip might well make that diuifton if you knew the piaine long* iMom* O 5ir, and why fo I pray ? C/a, Firft becaufe the heart, is the more worthy en, traile, being the fir ft that is b6rne,andmoues, and the laft that moues, and dies; and then being the founraine of heate too,for wherefoeuer our heate does not Howe diredly from the hart to the other Organs,there,their adion muft of neceffitie ceafe, and fo without you I ne- ther would nor could liue* LMom, V Vcl Sir for tjicfe rcafons I may be the heart, why may you be the liucr nowf, f/a^ lammorcthenaQiamde, totcllyou that my Lord, LMom, Nay nay be not too fufpitious ofmy iudgemet, ill you I bcleech youtailraui'd friendPif your /cue ouer- come not that (liame,a fliamc take that louc I faic. Come fir why may you be the liuer/ CU, T he plaitie and (hort truth is(my i:ord)becaufc I am all liuer,and tournd louer. Mom, Lo\ict? eta Zoueryfaithmy£orJ. Mom, Now I prethec let me leape out of my skin for ioy wh>'chouwiU not nowr reviuc the fociablc mirth of thy {Weecc difpofition? wilt thou fliine in the world a ncw?and make thofc that haue flcighted thy loue^ with the Aufteritie of thy knowledge, doate on the againc with thy commaunding iliaft of their humors^ pa^ A las my Lord they arc all farre out of my aime*, andonclytofitmyfelte a little better to your friend- Hiippe^hape I giuen thefe wilfullraygnes tomy af^ec* tions.' , Mom' And yfaith is my fower friend to aU worldlie defires ouertaken with the hart of the worlds Loue I fliall be monftrous proud now, to heareihees euerie way a moft rare woman that 1 know thy (^ rit,& iudge# ment hath choien, is flic wifc?is(hcnobl' ) islhecapa- blc of th) vertuejfwill (he kiflc this forehead with iudi* ciall iippsfwherefomuch iudgement&vcrtucdcferucs it? Come brother Twinn>bcfliort I charge you,& name me the woman « (Ta. Since your Lordlhipwillftiortca thclcngthof my follies relation, the woman that I fo paifionatcUc loue,is no worfc Ladic thcnJyoiirowncNcece, the too worthieCountcffe Sugenia. iMom^ Why fO;,(o,fo, you are a worthie friend are yonnottoconceale this loue-minem your head, and C would yroM not open it ^o your hart,nov be{hrow my !i4!t,if ray hart dance no£ for ioy tho my heeles do not}& chey doe not; becaufe Inrlll not fee t har sx, my hceles tliae my frendsfecs achishart^whatiTriend and Nephews both^ nephew ib'a far Inferior title to friend I confelTe^but I iril (x-cferre thee backvirards (a$ many friends doe)&ieaue •their friends woorfe then they found them^ Ci4, Butmy noble £o. i; is almoftaprodegie, that I being onely a poore Gentleman and farre (hort of (hat ft ate and wealth that a Zadic of iier greatneffe in both vril! cxprd in her hiilbando Mom, Hold thy doubt friendj neuer feare- any woman, vnlciT'c thy ftlfc be raidc of lirawc, or fome furhdriemattcr, and Hie of lightning, Audacifie pro(^' persaboueprobabilitieinall worldlie matters, doft- sot thou knowe that Fortune goucrnes them without order ,acd therefore reafon the mother of order is none of her counfaile, why fhoiild a man defiring to afpire an vnreafonable creature which is a womanf (eeke her fruition by reafonable meane;,becaufe thy felfe buildes vpponrcafon, wilt thou loohe for co'igruitiein a wo- man? why/fherc is not one woman amongft onethou- fand,but will fpeake falfe Ratine, and breake Prifctant headrattemptnothmg that you may n^ich great reafon doubt of, sndout ofdoubt you ilisUobtaine nothing, 1 tell thee fr. ui the eminent confidence of Hrong (piri;sisrheoiie,'y wich-craft of this world, Spirits wraftling with fpirits, as bodies? with bodies this were enough to make thee hope well ,if ihe were one of thefc painted communities, that arc rauifbt with Coaches, . and ypper hands, and braue menof durt: but thou, knoweil friend (bees a good fchoiIer>and like enough tobiteat the nghted reafon, and reafon euermor&; Ad opt ma hmet$tr: tohke that which is beft, not; that which is braueft, or richeil, or greateft,, and fo confequenrly worft, But prouc what (be can> we will turtle hec, aaU, windc. her^ and. niak sir Qjks Cf^ccr»rt. Now weihall haue afi&'on I bfelciuc. ,/!/«»► Had three Suiters at once. ACTVS SECVNDI SiENA PRIMA Ckrenee SoUtt, C^. I That tiaue ftuiicd rjth vorld-skorning thoughts the u . '\A\'imn-t^i\^v,\a oij Mom, O rare Necce, you may fee, what tis to bee a afchoUcr now,Xcarftingina;\iPomart i^Ukewaight .in, gold, or Luftcr in DiamantSj>\hich in no ptfcer Stone '\% ■lo rich or refulgent £«^. But fay dcere Vacklc hovtr could you findc in your'hearttoftay foloagfrommc? Mom, .Why alasNeece, y'are fo fmeard with this willfuli-'vviddowes-three.ycercs blackc weede, thai; 1 neucr cGmetoyou,but I dreamcofCour(es,and J'epul- chres,and Epitaphs, all the nigh tafter, .- r.d ihtrciorc dew deere Neecc ♦ jEftff. Seflirewmy hearte my Loj--dc,jfyourg0e thcis threeliaurcs. Mam, Tfiree houres f nayNeeoe,if 1 daunceatten^ .dancethreehours(aionein her chamber) with any Za*- dy fo neere alideto me, I am verieidle iaftthj marie with fuch an otherj I wouldpdaunce,onc, two,three, foure, and fiuc,tho itcoft me tenne fhillings; aed now I am in, hauc at ir,my head muft deuile fomethingwhilemy feet airepidling thus, that may bring hertQfpmeficopBg. deration of my friend, who indeed \% only % great fchot-* l^,and all hishonouis,and riches lie in, his mind* i»g. Come, Comc,pray tell mc yucWc^ boardocs 0^ «of«a Sir Gyles Gfiojecdppe* cofen Momford ? Mom^ VVhy> well, veric well Ncecc, & To is my friend QAr$nce well coo, lU then n there a worthie gentleman ^^ dttmceih ell as any is in England I can tell ye. I^^h^g Hng, But when did, you fee my Cofcn ? Mem, And tis pittie but he (hould do wcll,and he (hall do welltoojfall my wealth will make him well. Efig* VVhat .' tficanes hec by this tro i your Lo ; is veric dancitiae me thinkcs. UUovt, I,and I could tel you a thing would make your Ladidiip veiie jccllcncct© the mind. i Eng. But I pray tell me my Lord could you tell mc of 1 a thing would make me dance fay you/ 1 Mom. VVelj farewell fweetNcccc Imuft needs take , my leaue in earned. Sf{f^. Lord bicfie vs,h€rcs fuch a ftir with your farewcls, /Jl'fcm. I wil fee you againc within thefc two or three daycs a my word Ncece. Ejf£;, Gods pretioas, two or three dayes-? why this £ord isia amaruiilous (Irangc humor.'Sit downc fweet Vncklc, yfaith Jt.haue to taikc with you about <:reate matters. Mom, Say then deereNeecc, bee fliortcvr ryour mind quickly now. £ftg. But 1 pray tell me firft, whats that wx)uld make medauuceyfaith? Mem. DauncCjWhatdaunce ? hethertoyourdaun- . > ccrslegges bow for-footh, andCaper,and Jerkc, and Firl{c,and dandle the bodie aboue them,as it were their great childe5 though the fpecialllerker bee aboue this place I hope, here lies that (hudd fe^ch a perfea: woman ouerthe Coles yfaiih. £*^. Nay good Vncklc fay whats th« tbinnyou Cs}uld could tel me of, LMam. No matter, no matter : £ut let mee feet paf- (ing profperous forehead of anexceediog happie di^ ftace betwixt the eye broves} a dccrc lightning eyeja temperate and frefhe bloud in both the cheekes; excel- lencmarkes, moft excellent markes of good fortune. Eug, V Vhy^homr now Vnckle did you neucr fee mee before/ Mom, Yes Neecejbut theftateof thefe thiogcsat thisinftant muft beefpecially obferued, and thefeout- warde (ignes being now in this cleere eleuation, (hove your vntroubled min d is in an excellent power, to pre- ferre them to ad forth then a litle dee^re Neece » Sng, Thisisexcellcnt, xMom, TheCrcfes here arc excellent good j The proportion of the chin goods thelittle aptnesofitto flicke outjgood. And the wart aboue itmoftexcee- , ding good. Neucr truft me, if all things bee not anfwc- rable to the prcdiftio oFa moll diuine fortune towards hen uowif fheehauc the grace to apprehend it in the nicke5thersal)# Eug, Well my Zorde, fince you- will not tell me your fecret, ile kecpe another from you J with whofe difcoue- rie, you may much pleafureroee,and whole conceale- mentmayhurtmyeftate. And if you bee no kinder then tc ^ee mee fo indangeredj ile bee very patient of it laflureyop. ^fi/4M i/^«//r' compUxu tenet. £/<^. VVhyfeekeshcmethcn? ^J^fom^ To make you ioynt partners with him In all thingcs, and there is but a little partiall difference be- twixtyou, that hinders that vniucrlall ioyniure: The" bigncffeofthis circle held too necr our eye kcepes it fro the whole^-»heareoftheSunnej but could we lultaine it indiffer( ly betwixt vs and it,ir woi'ld then without checke ofc. e ^^eame appcare in hisfuine^* Eug^ Good Vnckle be content iornovs/HiaU I nc' uerdr^ame ofconrcntmcnt, CMom. 1 haue more then done Ladie^nd had rather haucfufFcr'danal erationofnjy being then of your ludgemenf, but (deere neccc) for your owne honour fake repaire it inliantly. Enter Hifpolita, *J>enehpe, fack* f^'ftt. See heere com'^9 the Zr^ies, make aoA- prill day oac 4carc louc and ]>e ibdniQcly cheere- full Sir gitet godfeeOppi, full God Ame you morfc then faire Zadieg, lam lad your come, for ray bufines wiUhauemcgonc pre- fcntly. & B ////>. VVhy my Zordc;j/«»K/er^iray?iFil you goc be- fore dinner? Mom, No remcdie fw'cctc ^ewtics/or urhich rude- ncfle I lay my hands thus lowc for your pardons: T^en, OCounQoils LotdMc>ff»ford' Mom. Neccc.' Afenr efic^tufoU ^met$t. SoUfacitciarosmememciuehonoribHsomat, txii Em£ V€rHt honot lnHAt tit mendax tnfamU terret^ Mm, Mine ovv^nc deai c ncpKcof ? rC^* What fticceflfe my Loid ? iJMm, Hxcclienti excellent} come lie tell thee all. exe$mt Hip, Doeyouhearcmadam,ho«r ouryouthes here haue guld our three iuiters? Eh^ notIZ,adie,lhopcourfaitcrsarcno fie meat foi» our Pages. Pr. No madam, but they are fit fawcc for anic mans meat lie warrant them, Em^, yVh^*sihc miner Htppoiita} Np, They haue fcnt the knightes to Bamet madaiti I this iroftic morning to mccte v$ their. I £(ug rft true yo-aths,are knights fit fobicAs jryour I knaueriesi I ffU Pray pardon vsmadam,we would be glad to { pleafc anie body. Ja^l indeed madam and wc were fure we plea^d the * highly to tell the you were def^ious of their companice Hip. O twas good 8ngenia, their liucrs ^^crc too hoc, you know,and for temper fake they mult needeshaac a-cooJing cardepJaid rpon them. »7/» And bcfides madam wt wood haue tbem know« thatyoartwolittls pages, which arc Icffe by halfe Da sheui tKen two^c^KJW, haee more klpoirtg inrh^wtfecnlsitt- *ll ^iieirtfame voliwnhcJ. >'5 i ;n- ^'-*^ / ' i fa, 1 faith ^///,and putt their great pagicail index to- thcmtoo^ Hfp* JJut hov vill yc cxcufc your abufcs wags ? tFiU We doubt nor madam, but if it plcalc yoor/^a- diihip to put vp their abufcs, /*♦ Trufting they arc riotfo dcerc to yoU, but you may, fFi/l Wee (hall m akc them gladly fiirninic their poc- kets \riththetn. Art. Well, children, and foulcs, agree as you villi and let the world kno^KC now, women hauc Rothingto dee with you* Pc^ Come madam I thinke your dinner bee almbft readie^. SnterTMetKingcobt Htp, And fee,hcre are two honorable gueftes foryou, the Lord r^/^/.and Six Cutberd KMgc<>b». Ta. Z»ackeyou any gucfts madam ? £<^. I my /^ord fucb guefts as you. Htf Theres as common ananfwerejasyourswasa- queilion niy Lord* i and giue t hem the right Spanifh XitUUcioQ. , ^ P#(»r*TitilUtiott TitilUtion whats that my Xord, ? TV?/. Why Zadic tis a pretty kindc oftctmc fictre come vp in pcrfuming,vhich they call aT itiHation. Hip, Very well expounded my Zrord} forth with your kinfmans parts I pray . To/. Hec is the bedScmpfter ofany woman in Eng- land, and wiii workc you needle worttc edgings, and French purles from aa Aogell to foure -Angcllt« ycardc. £i»j^. Thats prctious ware indeed. Tm/, He will worke you any flower to the life, as like it as if it grewc in the teric place, and being a delicate perfuni: r, hec will giucit yoa bis pcrfecnchmcn,I,fothey did too, but yet and hce iuid not bin kild, twood nerca greeud aie« Fw/. O excellent vBitie of fpcach. »Stf^ faiic ye knights- Z/i. Saue you Captaine» FrfwA -Pages, welcome my fine pages. RW, Welcome boycj. goof. Welcome fvrcetwr//, good /rffi^tf, FohL But how chaunce you arc fo farre from Xondon now pages, is it not almoft dinner time. . friU Yes indeed Sir, but wc left oi^rfellowes to vait for once,and cood notchufe in pure louc to your vrorHiips, but we mijUnceds come and meet you, before you mett our Ladies, to tell you a fecret. -- Ormes A fecrett, what fecret I pray thee/ Jiil^^.If cuer your worlhips fay any thjng»weare vHdoiic foreueri OiivMtfi Not for a rorld*beleQeit« JVtU VVftytbe^thisitisjweeouerhcardourXadies as they were talking in priuste fay they refufde to meet yoaatj:arnet this morning ot purpofc, becaufe they wood try which of you wes-e moil patient* Jai And Tome faid you',Sir C?^/^i, anotheryou Sir aad^the third youCaptaice'^ ■ -i ! e7w* This was excet]ei9t..ii WtU Then did they fwcare one another not toexcufe (Biemfelues to you by any meancs , that they mi^ht trie 4?ijttthe:bcttCf,iKw if they Oiaifceyoiifaynot^^^^^^ * woild worldc to them, what may come of it ,trhd!tLi&« be- gin td tri^^hdr futcrs oncc,r-hopc ybttt^ifeddme'^n iudgcalittlc. . ':•' '' ;^^V'^: Fw/, O ho my little Icnauclct ▼» afonc ^idir)r£iith^ wood I might be Caftieird, if I fay afly thin^« ; - ' \ ^ I? W. ■ Faith and I cati f orbcarc my Tonghleyi^ wijHw another ^Ib^e; '-'i--. ' ;^". •' -^ ^r:;;' -.o-) 'CF foHi. Nay I wood hauc a man foolc^or hi&Lord;paae. WfU Docs his Xprd: Ivjuc a fooie, fo wel 1 pr;^. :^ W%AfJw« t%-ielfepa^e,my /^a Jlouea aiooki^^ ^^loueshimfelfe^ U. Of what d«grrt wood you haue yoorEoole ^ir, for you tnay hauc of ail mancr of degrees. FohU F^ich I woodhaaehjma good EmphaticaU f oole^ one that wood nidke my Lorde laugh well, and. I cardenoc, WtU iCaugbwdlCvni) then wee muft know this Sir, i»yoar Lordie Cofliuf of iaaghter, or laxatiae of laugh- ter/ Foul* Nay he is good merrie little Zorde, and indeed fomething Laxatiue ofXaughter. fVtU^ Why thenSir the Icflewitc will feme his/^ord- (hips turne, marrie if he had bin Coiliue of laughter, hee mnfl haue had two or three drams of witt the more in his foole,for we mull minider according to the qua- tity of his £urd: humor you know, and if he fliood haue as much Witt in hts foole being Laxatiue of laughter^ asif hee were Coftiue of Laughter, why he might laugh himfele into an Epilcpftczndi fall down dead fodainly^as many hauc done with theeNtrcmitieofthacpaffionjand I know your £^rd cares for nothing, but the health of a foolc. Fottl* Thartith right my notable good page. U, VVhy, and for that health Jir we will wirranthis Zordfhip, that if he (hould haue all ^acm defe>*titate tnen • da readc to him, it (hood not plcafe his Lordi lip fo well as our fooIe fhall. Fw/. Rcmercy my more then Englilh psges. gtof, A my word I haue not fcene pages haue fo much witCy that haue neuer hhi in Frounce Captain. louL Tis true indeed Sir gjles, well then my almoft French Elixers. will you hcipe my Lord to a foole, fo fiit for him as you (ay. ^«// Asfittjile warrar you Captain,as ifhe were made for him, and hee (hall come this night to fupper, and foole where his /^ord.fits at table, f <>*/♦ Excellent fitc, faiicnotnow my fwcet pages. /-«. Not m- SirCiksGoofcap^', /4. Not for a world % wcwillgoeboth,«nd/cek€ hhn prcfcndy. Fom/^ Doc fo my good uragges 1 fyU. Sauc you knights. /i«. Saucy ouCapuine. Tout. Fare veil my prcttic knaucs,comc knights Jhall I wercfbluetogoe totliisSuppcr? Rnd. VVhacelfc. \ Goof, And let's prouidc torchc s for our men to fit at dore withall captaine. touL That vewrilllwafrant you firi7/ii'x» Rud. Torches^why the Mooncw^ill [Line man. C7 y V\\^ £n Cm: caufc the daies be mortall and Ihorc nov youknovre, andlloue dale light well-,! thought it urent a vaic fafttr then it weeded, and run after it into Fjn/yHrie-fizldQS ith calmc euc«ing to fee the vindcfmils goc^-^euenas I was going ouer a ditch the moonc by this light of putpofe runnes me be- hind acloud,aad lets me fall into the ditch by hca- uen, Ritd. That was iWdont in her fn deed fir Gilet . C^T,-^ ]Jldonefir^i«r;Slyddaman maybeare, and beare,bttt and (lie hauc noc more good manners but t«> make cunty black flouenly cloudc a pcarlc in her eye Iflull nere loueEnghOi moonc again?, whilel hue ileb?r«rorne toyc, Jffil, comcknightsroZondonhorrchorfc, horfe. Rud, In what a cafe be is with the poorc En^lifti roaoQtf.bccaaic the f»cnch moonesf their torches ) vU- be sir Gyles Geofeedfpe^ bethclcffcinfa{hion,and I warrant you theCaptaine will remember ittoo^tho hec fay nothing, hcefeconds his rcfolute chafcfo and followcs him,IJc Jay try Jifc you {hall fee them the next cold night, (hut the raconefhinc cutoftheirchatnbers, and makeic lie without doores all flight* I difcreditmy witc with their companies now I think,* on t, plague a gpd on themjlle faliabeacing on them prcfentiy. Snter LordeMomford MtdCUrenct* Clarence Horatw. CU. Sing good HoratWy while I (igh and write* According to my mailer f/*i]j:er htm to hue thatfuffen not hisin^^ my bue it Wtthout pafsion and therefore free from alter atm. VVk^ too har(h,and verfei? poctrie V Vhy fnood I write thcn^mcrntclad in Inke i s bu t a mourner.and as good as naked J vrill not uTitc my friend (hall fpcakc for mc oingoneftauc move my %o^6 H or AtU. ■ f n Canto, 1 muft remember I knowe whom I louc, Adameoflcarningjand ofiifeexemt From all the Idle fancies of her fcx. And tliis that to an other d^me wood feeme Perplextandrouldcdin s ruddt (Tc vailc Wilbe more cleerc then ballads to her eye IIcwrite,ifbuf to fatif/ic ray friend . Your third ftaucc fwcec Boraaoztid no more, u . C^nto. How ?ainely doe I offer my ftraoge loue? I marrie, and bidftates,and entertainc Zadjes with tales and iefts.andXords with ncw«s Andkeepc a houretofeaftt^ring nohclpeoffouletomen? 'VVhy friend they cither are ment foules themfelues ' Or the moft wittie Imitatrixes of them Or prettieft Cwect apesof hufnaine Soules, T hit euer Nature franVdj asIwiWprouc, Yot^tH they be Sul^flaftttd/ftcuU And purer then mens bodies like their foules, VVhich mens harih haires both of their breil & chitmc Occafiond by their grofe and ruder heate Plainely demonftrates : Then like foules they doe, UHoittrecarpmrdt for no power on earth ■' Moues amans bodie, as a woman does/ Then doe they T)4trif9rmat eorpori Or adde fair e formes to mcR, as their foules doe.* For but for womeOyWho wood cire for formes } I Toweloeuerwood wafheface^nor hands Norcare'howragg*d,or floucnlicl went VVer*t not for women,who of all mcnsprmpcs Art the true finall caufes : Then they make Men in their Seedes imorcall like their joules That els wood perilh ina fpanne of time* 'Oh they be ^oulelike-Creatures,and my Neecc TheSouleof twentierare5oules (Uldin one. .'^ Thatjthat it is my Lord,that makes me loue. MwiuOh are ye come Sir,weIcome to my Neecc As 1 may fay at midnight gentle friend What haue you wrott I pray ? vi j ^ Ci^ Strange ftufemyZ.ord. HereAdf^^ tMom, Indeed theway to belieueistoloue cmmnt:c And the right way to loue is tobelicue, ^ 15 This % This I will ar!7 hov.wkh^n add lacker^ For her Co vie in aofwcre, fee, fweet f riend '. Jfhe ihall not ftay to call, but whiic the ftccic Of her affedion is made fofce and hott. He (Irike and take occaHon by the brotre* Bleil is the wooing thats not long adooing* Sxitn. CU, Had euer man fo true» and noble frisod I Or wood men thmkc thiifiiarpc worlds freexingAire. To all true-honourandiuiicialUoue; Wood Jisffcr fucb a fioriihing pyoeit^ both To ouerlookc the boxe-trces ot this time? VVhcn the learnd mind hath by itnpuliioa wrosighc : Her eyes desrc fire into a knowing flajne . No elemencall ftnoke can darken it Nor Morthen coldnes nyppe her Daphnesn Bower, O Tacrcd fficDdfnlppc thanks to thy kind power That being rctir'd from all thefaithles worldc . Appearfi to me in my ? nworldly frjend. And for thine owne fake let hts^ooble mind By mouing prefedent to all his kiad (Z^ike iuft Dcttc^^mjoleznhs ilonicbQoes Repaire the world with humane Uoud and Be(h And dying yertue with new life refreHi . Sxk^, cACTVS QVARTVS. Kmg^ Th time toleaueyoar Chcfts Zadies tis too ftudious an exercife after dmner. 74/. Why is it cal'dChefts? Bip, Bccaufetheylcanc rppon^eir Chefis tha; playatit* Tal I wood hiueitoaldthearifc of wittes, fortisa . g^mc fo wittic, that vttMiPiiVfos maiftcrie, w€€ hunt iJ ^ 5^^ Specially whctc the vit of the(?e?«/?f^arc m (h^fe my£ord» JW/*' 1 am a Geefieappe by the mothers Hde mtdam^ ae Icaft my mother was i 5'wy^r4«;»p^ f tf«» And you ^crc her white fonoe, I varratH: my Lord. 7W/. I was the yongcft Zadie, and therefore muft be kcrwiiftc fonheye know, theyoungcrt of tcnne I was* '^'Hfp^ AadthewifcftofFiftceBCo f Tui, And fwcct jLadie will ye caft a kindcyenov y^X^ toy Cxi^in fSitgyUigoofecappc. Ptn^ Pardon my Z.ord I hauefieuer a fpare eye to call awaylaKRireyc. TaL I wonder you ftiood Coumit caftawayliadie vppdfthim, doe you remember thofe fcwe of hisgood partes I rehearft to you, Verie perfcdly my Lord, amongft which one of ren. them wa$, that he is the bcfl5empfter of any woman in England, pray lets fecTomc of hi« worke/ Utp, S-^j-ectZ^ord lets fee him fowe a little, ^rfi/» You ihall a mine honoutLadie. Etig. Hees a goodly grc ate knight indcedjand a little needle in his hand will become him prettclie, Kwg, From the Sp^niih pike to rheSpaniHi necdle,ht (hailpiay with any knightm England Ladie, ' Etig. 5tit tiovtconmrfoy from the SpariuTi needle td the Spaniih pike, -r Kiw^. Ithinkc fac be too wife for thaDindeed maJam,' forbc has-a^Oimiles length in land lies togeather, and ' hee wood bee loach to bring it all to the length of a pike, V . - Hip* But no man com mends my bldunt Seruant Sir CtitiiRudefhytncx.hivi\i% Kmg, Hee is a kind gentleman £adie though bee bee blunt, and is of this humor, thempreyou pre> fume yppon him wichouc Cereinonk« tlie more J^ . 'Ea he Sfr Gyles Geofecafp^^ fielouesyouy ifheknove you thinke him kinde once and Will fay nothing but dill vfe him, you may melt him into any kindeneifeyou wilhhe is right like a wo» man, and had rather, yoa (hood bluntUe take the greateft fauour you can of him,thcn fhame£iQly intttac ^ it. £«r^ He faies nrel to you f%0i^A Htp J madam.but they laic, he vrill beat one in left, and byte in kindcncfTe, and teare ones ruffes in CourtOiippe, Kif>£, Some that he makes (port vritball perhappes, but none that hererpedsla(rureye* . Hip, And wha'ts his Vimn^fir (luthitnU . Kiffg:. SometvothoufandayeareZadie. mp, I pray doe not tell him that 1 ask't/or I {kind notrponJiuing. JCm»{ O Good Zadiewho can Ime. without living^ ' Mvm Still , heere Wordings/ good companions ^ yfaith, I fee you come not for vittles. 7W, Vittle$,my Lord,! hope ve haue f ittlei at kome. Mom, IbutTwcetZiprd, thereisapriirdpieinthe Polititians ^phificke, iiat not your meat vpon other mens trenchers.&bevareoffurHcs of your own e cofte manie good coir panions cannot abidexo eate meate at home ye know. And how^iaires my noble Nceoe npw,and her faireXadie Feercs? £i^. What windc bio wcs youhcther troc? Mor»% Harire you madam, therweetcgaleofone Ci^fwv/ breath, with this his paper fayiebloweime bether* £«r«. Ay^tiie fill, in that humor/ b«(hn>we mjr hart ifl take anie Papers from him, Mom^ , Kii)4< bok>aii: doc thou Ukcit then, ^<«Sg*. Nay £«(• Niy then neuer cruft me, Mwi* Zlet it fall then,or caft it awaHeyou were beft, that euerie bodie may difcouer yonr loue futts, d«e; tlUrcs fombodie neare if you note it,and how haue you^ (pent the time (ince dinner nobles? ]i^g. At chefts my £ords« i)/«w. Readitneece,^ £^^ Heerebeareit backelpray, itibw. I beare you on my backe to heare youjand how play the Zadies Hr C/»/^^^/«what men doe chey play beft withall, with knights or rookes? Td. With knights ray Lord. Mm, T'is pitty their boord is no broadcr,and that fomemcncaled gulsare not added to their game King. Why ray £o.it needs not,they make the knights guU. , M(^ Thats pretty RtCuihlvm you haue begon I know Neece,fortb I commaund yoQ. Ettg, Oyareafweetevnckle. Mom* I haue brought her a little Gretke^to helpe me out withal^and ihees fo coy of her learnmg for iboth Ihe makes it ftrange: Zords, and Ladies.Iinuiteyoual to flipper to night,and yon ihal not denie me, ^.. V Ve will attend your J[iordfliippe. Tui^ Come Ladies let's into the gallene a little. i.Mtm, And now what faies mine owne deare necc* yiaith? Eug, What (hood(hefaietothebackfi8e ofapa* per. Mom, Come^comesl knowe you haue byn a'cbe beh Jjefidc, J^ug, Now was there ener Lord fo prodigally oThis ownebonor'd blood^and dignity? Mom. A way with thcfc famchorfe-faire alligations^ will you anfweycthc letter/ ; , f^^.Gods my life you^oc like 4 cuotng/pokcs man, man StrGyksG§ofe£4ffet, madianfverfc vncklc?«rhac doeyc ihlnke mt dt^titt AlC* ■ - . £«^.. I will not Write that's ccrraine. 0?f mC^^' p^'aric in rmi^htic danger noc donbt '"1Mom. vrfyod-haae 6urblot)dtfbcwrarco(ur^faofte3^^I can tell ye .comc-will ye write ? £^g* I H'slf not vritc yfaitfi, ul^Mw* yfaithdame, thcnlmiiftbeyourrccrctaricl fee, licrcsf he letter, come, docyou didatc and lie #rite,- -^ • J?*^. If you write no orherwife then 1 offtate, iiwiii fcarcc proue a kindc anfwere I be- Iecoe» tMom^ But you wri! be aduiCde / traft. Secretaries «re ofcoonfailewith their countcffcs, thus it begins. '.Tisfferhim toloue,thatfufFers not louing,what anfwere •yofttothatif Eug, Hi Iducs extreamely that fuffers not in loue. Mtbere is no pafnon,faie datne what an fwcre you, ,E*^,> Nay ifl anfwere anie thing. Mmt, VVhy?veriewcIIJIeanf!rei« for you. •' J?«r/i You anfwercflhail I fee nny hand to your an# fwerer I '' ^^«w. I.bymyfaithflialive* Bug, By my faitKboc you (b«I anifVercft; I wood-haue jrottMeo. '-■■'■■■- Mom, Alwaiesputio withaduiceof yonr fecrctaric, n^ccei'ConetVhat anfwere ycai< £(^« Si&ce t.*,'* Sk Gyles Ooofiesfft^ : '£ui. Since tqu ncedcs will hfmc. my ^nfttrcre, l^ Anfttrercbricrcly to thcfirft. and lail patjtof his letter; (Jlfcm^ Doc fb Neccc^ arrdlcauethcmidft for hiai- fclfea gods name,what isyoucaofvirearc f. Bug, IcannotbutfuffcryoutolotiCjiryoudoIoue* , f\^tf». Why very good, there it is, and vrillrequit your louc} fay you fo ? > He-wntctgyii Eug, ^cfhrovc my lipps then my Zord. w ^^ diilata. Mom, Befhrowe my fingers but you Oiall} what, you may promife to requite his loue , and yet not prbmife him marriage I hope) wel, and ftriil require your loue. j^^^. .Nay good my Lord^old yourhand^for tie bee rvcrne^ilcnotfetniyhandtoa't. : j, : :! t^om . Well hold of your hand good nndam till it ibood come on^ lie be readiefor itaaon, I warrant;) e.- now/orthv my Zone is without paffion, andtheretorc free from alteration^ what anfwei e you to that madamf E*tg* Euen this my Zorde, your Zoue being mental!, needes no bodely Requital!. Mom. 1 am Content with that, and here it is} but in hart, eug. What. but inhart?- I LPlfcm. Holdof your hand yet J(ay, Idoeembrace ^ andrepaieit>. - Hfig, You may write vncldei but if you get m^^ hand- I toit, U^fomi, Alas Nipepe this isnothing, ift any thing to a bodely marriage^ to fay you loue amain* Souh iB your/harts agree and your bodies meetnot? fimplc marriarge rites, now letvsfoorth; heeisintheway to felicitie, and deHresyour hand. £tfg* My harid(hallalwaiesngnetheraytofelicitie, ^«i0. Very good, may not any woman fay this now. GpncludnowfwcctNeece. a^**. ^ £ug. A nd fo God profper your lourney* ■f\-,f 7/» ^(?w. Charitably concluded, though farrcAprt of- thatloue X wood hauf n ikman VQ^ny iri^^dlpf yours '^ ■ ~ Neecc . 'di J Ncecc I fwearc to you , y onr hand now, andlct this lit- tle ftay hisappctjtc* Sng* Head vhat you haue writ my ilorJ, ^J^om^ What needs that madam, you|rcmembcr it I am fure. Ettg, Weil if it want (ence in the Compoiicioo, let my fecretarie be blam'd for't, theirs mv hand. Mm. Thanks gentle Neece, no v lie rcade it. Eug* Why now,more then before I pray? Mom. T hat you fliall fee ftrat te ,1 can not but fuffer you to loue if you doc loue^ind tril requite your loue. Eug, Remember that requicaii was ofyour own put* ning it^ but it dial be after my falhion IrWarraiat ye. <^om. Interrupt me no more,yonr loue being men- toll needs no bodely requital}, biit In hart X embrace & repay it) my.hand (hall al waies figne the way to felicitie, and myffelfe knit with you in the bandes ofmarn^ge e- ner walke with you^in it, and fo God|>rofper oui^iour- vflcy : Stigma* Mug, Gods mehfe,tis not thus rIhope» , Mom, By my life but it is Neece. .Ettg. By my life but tis none ofmy deed then* xMom. Doeyou vfe to fetyour hand tachat which it not your deed J your hand is at it Neece, and if there .'be any law in £ngland,you (hall performe it too .* £t^. .Wb,y t£is is plaine diihoAQcred deceit* :3>oesall your troeil kindoes end in lawe / ^ Mom. Haue patience Neece, for what fo ere I (tj rOnely the lawes of faitb« and thy free loue Shall ioj^ne my f riendaad thee^or naugh t at al. By my friends loue,and by this kide it (hall. Et^. y Vhy,thus did falfe lActontiusifk^xe Cjl^^* ■ LMom. A las poore gentleman I muft tell you now Hees extrearoe ficke,and was fo when he writt Tho he did charge me not to tell you foj And for the world he cantiot come abroade» Ettg. Is this the man that without paffioti loues Mom, I doe not tell you he is ficke with loue'> Orifhebetis wilfuUpaflion. V Vhich he doth choofe to fuflfer for your fake And cood reRraine his fuflfcrance with a thought, Vppon my life he will not trouble youj And therefore worthic ncece faile not to come, Eug. I willon that condition. Mom* Tis perform'd;for were my friend well and cood comtort me^ I wood not now introaf; your com- panie, but one of you I muft haue, or/die,ohfucha friend is worth a monarchie. Sxeunt^ Enter Lord TtmtifaRSudsincGoofe*' CAppe, FowIVceathtr.Bu/kkfr, Fur, Nay my gallants I will tell you more. tyf//. Forth good my Zord . pMr. The euening came and then our waxen ftarv Sparkled about the heaucnly court pfEraunce, VYhjen I then young and rcadiant as the funne C Gaue < GiDc 1 iiflertfttlic fe 'iainpes; and corii^tinBr r? v *i ^^^% JMeif«lddafac«i9»j3pc:iftept into the pMencc^ /. Where fct«rithdtliir prtoedy dame* If ouiid Tbft CoonttKc of ^rfwrf^^ran d her ncece. V Vho as I told you caft (b fix*d an eye n my behautDur^ ^^king With the king; o^ Trttfooy gQa)i£oF4* r ! F«r. Tney rd(e when |rcamqin> and allthe lights Bura4,dHcib ffm {hani^ wiien I ftood tp and (hind. Foji^ O moft ^a^fiodate defcripdon ^ir Cutn i?j^. 7itiet>facai^dlesend. ^tfeA T£c paffing^ jaefcriptiooof a caadle,that cuct liiiJdSMrjGwf/;^: '.'i.-j.Jili .■..■.'.•..a Fim uY^aynfilufclriotiiat them^nor fectnd to note What gnace thejp did nit,bu? found courtly caufc To talke vich ai^Jccoiripliiht gentleman Heir comeiraittltialie^in quc(bof newes . 1 (pakeskaitan-^ltK bim^v : B^^K 'What{byoang!>.. F*r» Or4nfftmcvoiteca(Un9nelpnrUrHoJirdf^iii4re^ Fo*/.SIidd,a cood fpfeake it k«ight,at three ycare old/ Yhk: Nay gentkCaptaine doc not fet me forth 1 loue it not, in ctnth I ioue it not. FaW*. 'Slight mvlxsrd but truth is truth youknowv Gocf Jdarccnfureyouri:ord(hip,Truthistrurhj & llieuie iiboaWria Ftaunce, they fpeake Frcrich as well, as tfednrnothfctaaifuc my lord^f '■. ■. <. v r P*>^. V Vby t8« their inckher tODgfc my^ioUe knigl^^ Biir^jitJteUyou}ireem'dnctto:notc '-r. The ^dics notes of nae, but held my talke, with that Italiqa'dcefTenchi^aayj^ndtooke lime f Still tsourconfci«hcc^^icrifd)foftcw|iw Courtfliip In the three qDarterlegge,aDd fetledlooke. The quick Jci(]^o£thetop|3e of the forefinger And other fuch exploy tes 6 fgoo4 Accofi^* ' AH wlneiitkeiLadiet tobke into their eyes^ ^ sir CjksGopfecAffe, About my bdfomc, in my hatt,minc caret. In skartftfs about my thighesjvpoti mine armes Thicke on my wryftes, and thicker on my handSp And ftillthc Icfle I fought, the more liound. All this I tell to this notorious end, That you may vfe your Gourtlhip with jeflc care To your coy miftrcfless As when we ftrike A goodly Sammon,with a little line • We doe not tugge to hale her vp b/ force For then our line wood brcakCjand our hooke k)ftj But let her carelelTc play alongll the ftreamc Asyouhadlefther,andfhceledrownehcrfcIfe. FohI a rhy life a moft rich comparifon. Goof Neuerftirre,ifit bee not a richer Caparifon^ then my Z^orde my Cofine wore at tilt, for that was bro- dred with nothing but mooncQiine it h the water, and this has Samons m'tj by heauen a moft edible Capariio. Rh. Odious thou woodft faVjforCoparifos are odious. Foal, So they areindcede fir Ct4U all but my' Lords. goof. Bee Caparifons odious Sir ^»fr.' what like flow- ers ? 'Riid, O affe they be odorous. goof, A botts athat ftincking worde odorous, 1 canneuerhitt on't« Fur. And ho-w like yon my Court-counfaile gallats hfl- FohL Out of all proportion excellent my Zord:& be* Iceucitfor £mpharicail Coutt[hip,you'rLard(hip puts downc all the Z^ords ot the Court. f /yr. No good Captaine no. ' (Courtihip. FohI^ By Frauncc you docmy Zordfor Emphaticall Fur, For Emphaticall Courtlhip indeed I can doe fomcwhat» Fofii. Then docs your merrie entertainment become yoVL fo feftifally, that you haue all the brauetie of a Saint Georges day about ye when you v fe it. Fttr, Nay thats too much in fadnes Captaine, Qocf O good my Ziorsd^let him prayfc you,vhatfo ere • (a Z it It cofts your >^Qr^ippc.- . r h ,; n: :. \ - rr,fi)uc ym ir^od A /*rd?h€c will nere be long from vs, becaufe we arc all mortall you know, Fnr. Verietrue, Gocf,. And as foone as cucr wee goc to dinner, and fappertog^ather,. Ricd. pinneraiidfuppertogcather,whcnj that tree ? Goof A will come you in amongftvs, with bis Cloakc buttond.Ioofcvnder his chinne, : ^«J, Buttond loofe niy JLord? Coof, I me iCord biittoBidloofe ftill^aod both the flaps cal^ ouer before, both his ihouldcrs afore hiaj.. RtU, Both ftiQuidicrs afore Uml . , Fur, Froxzif before bit» bee mc^eji) forth good Sir gjlef, : ; Goff* ZJkc a potentate My Zor& ? /bw^w Muchlikea i^ot^DSiiteindecd, {>«?/; For all the world hke a Potentates^/**: ye know. R*^,So ,i ..RaW, So Sir. ^ goof. AH his beard nothing but hairc. Cud. Orfomcrhingelfc. (Joof, Or fomething clfe as you fay. TohI. Excellent good, (joof, HisMeIlons,orhis Apricocks, JOrrengcs al- vraies in an vnclcanc hand kcrchifFc very cleanelyl warrant you my £ord. Fur. A good ncatcfoolc Sir 0'/ pray p'ardonevs. F«r# Heauiencwes ? not polfible your little bodies cood bring am then, vnload thofc your heau'ie newes I befcech yc .' friUMVhy my Lord ihc foole we tooke for your Lord : ii though? too wife fpr you,and wc dare not prefer him, " goof Slidd Sir gilet goofeca^pe', ^^/.Slydd pag«,yonlc not chcatcs of our foolc ^Wyti la, VVhy fir 5"«/i?/,hecs tdo dozged and bitter for you in truth, we (hal 1 bring you a foole to make you laugh,and he (hall make all the world laugh at vs. WilL I i ndeed fir Giles ^iif^A he kno wcs you fo wel too C'tlef Knowc ms /flight he knowcs mc no more then the beggcr knowes hU di(h* f ^.Faith he begs you to be content fir (?«/«, for he wjI not come. G^^y: Bcgg me/flight I wood I had knowne tliat, to- ther daicj thought 1 had met him in Paules,& he had byn anic body cKe but a pillcr, 1 wood hauc run ae him, through by heauen, beg me? JPotU, He beggcs you to be content fir G^iir(hipan4 thefe knights and captaine to accompany the countefie Eugema.znd the other two Ladies at his houfe at fupper tonight. /F//. All defiring your Loitopardon them,for not eating your meat to night. Fur^ V Vithall my hart wagges, and theirs amendsj my harts,nowfecyourcourt(hippea'thelaft, a'thctain- tf rs^andpricke rpyour felues for the Zlookes moucs mofit Or of an anfwereable nice aflfcd To other of her modeft qualities*, becaufe (he wood not with the outward blaze Of tempting bewtie tangle wanton eies*, And fo be ttQubled with their tromperici: \rv^hich Which confl rue as thpuwilcj make it knownc That thy free comment may examine it. As willingcr to tell truth otmy ncecc, 1 hen in the leaft degree to wrong my friend. Ci!a, A lelous part of friendihippe you vnfolds For was it euer fcenc that any dame Woodchainge ofchoiceawcll mixt white and redd For bloodies palenes, if (he (Iriu'd to moue ? He painting then is to (hunp motion, " J^utifilic mended fomcdcfe<^ with it Breedes it more hate then other ornaments $ C Which to fupplie bare nature) Ladies weare ^ What an abfurd thing is ic to fuppofc} (If Nature made vs either lame or flck,) VVc wood not fccke for found lymmes,©rfor health By Art theRcdor of confufcd Natures So in a faceif Nature be made lame Then Art can nuke it^ is it more ofience • To hclpclhcr want there thett in other limmes ? Who can giue inftance where dames faces loft The priuikdige their other parts may boaft. M«m» But our moft Court receiued Poets faies That painting is pure chaflities abator. pa. T hat was to make vp a poorc rime to Nature, And farrefrom any ludgmentit confered For lightnes comes from harts, and not from lookes And ifinchaftitie polfeflethe hart*} Not paiQting doth not race it, nor being cicare Both painting fpot it, jFor outwrard AnreBesbeares the diuine forme. And moues beholders to the Act of; lope^ And that which moues to loue is to be wifht And eche thing fimplie to be wifht is good. So I conclude mere painting of the face A lawfuUand a commendable grace, iMm, What paradox doft thoa defend in this • «^- . H Aii4 And j^t'tfitough thy clearc argumcucs I f^je I T hy 1 peach is farr exempt from f lattcric. And how illiterate cuftome groflie crrcj? Alnicft in all traditions flic prefcrres* Since ihcn the doubt I put thee of my nccce. Check s not thy doubtlcffc Jouc, forth my deare fricud, j And^oallforcetothofeimpreffionsj * That now hauecaru'd her phantafie with louCy - ' I haue invited her toTupperhcere* And told her thou art moft extrcamelic fick* V Vhich thou flialt counterfeit with sjl thy {kill, ^^i Which is exceeding fmale to counterfcifi jiiom* Pra^fealitclCjloue will teach it thee * And then fhall dodor f^r/fj' the phifirian. Come to thee while her felfcis in my houfe, V Vitli whomc as thou confcr'ft of thy diJeafe, lie bring my neecc withali the Lords and Zadie^, Within your hearing vnder fain'd pretext, - i 5 Toihewthepiduresthathanjjttccrcthychamber;, :i * ! Where when thoubcarft my voycCjkriow (he is thet^. Andthercfbrcfpeakcthatwhichmayftirhcrthoughts,-' -l And make her llicinto thy opened armcs* Ladies whome true worth cannot moue to ruth Trew louers mutt deceue to (hew their truth Sxem, ACIVS^QyiNTI SCiENfA WlM^^ ' ! lEmer Mmford^ Furmfally Taks, KtHgccb^ Rttdejhk^:: Moml V\ h^t^ IS Sit Gyifs-QoofeMpp^hsteiiv ^oof. HeremyZ,ord» ^JUom . Conr. e forward knighs t'is yoii shat theXa- disiad^ircatfQckiugamiRcbQmt .\ \ .■■/.. G«»/^ A-«. •■■.•;j \ p JO sir CyhsGoifeeiffe. ,• €*cfi, A little at once my Xordc ibrldlcnct &kc.' '" ." ■ ■ '""." ' fitn SirC«r,Ifay,tohcrcaptame.. 'Penei: Come good feruaot Jet's Jee what you Goof: VVhy looke you miftris /ana malccing a fine drJc fea,fullpf fi{bc,pUyingin thcbottome,& ncteile let in the water fo liuely,that you (hall heareitiote^ Eugi NothearcitSirC7<^^ (7do/, Yes in footh madam with your eyes. Ta/: lZadie;for when a thing is done fo exceede- ingly to the lifc,as my koightlie cofcn docs it, the c/c oftentimes ukes fo flrong a heede of it, that it cannot containe it alone^and chetefore the care feemCs to take part with it* Hip: T hat's aTcricgoodrcafon my Lord. UHom^ \^hat a letl it i$,to heare hov feriouiJielie ftriuestii make his foolifii kinfmans anfweres wife ones* P^l VVhat fhall this be fcruant? .Goof: This fliall be a great whale miftris,atallhi$ bigneflefpoutinghugehilsof falt-warer afore him, .likea littlcwatcr fquirt, but you (hall not necdcto fearehim miftris,for he (halbe dike andgould, he (hall doe you noe harme, and he be nere fo liuely, Tffn» Thankc you good feruanr* /* Tal: Doe not thinke Xadie»but he had need tcUyou this a forehand for a mine honor, he wrcvJght me the monAcr CmctifHs fo liuely, that at the fird (ight I darted atit. Mom, ThemonfterC<«*.- A las fir C»r,you are not worth the hearing, cuery bodie faics you cannot loue, how foeuec you talkeon'r. Rudx Not louc dame?flydd what argument woodft faaue of my loue tro^ lettmt fodkeas redde as fear- let a fore I fee thce,and when thou comft in fight if the lunneof thy' bewtie, doe not white rac like a fbippards holland X and a l€wc to tny Creator.. TTip, Oexccllent, Rttd, Xer mec burft like a To Je , ifa frovne oFtFiy browc hai not turnd the vcric heart in my bcll;c, and made mec readietobec hangdbj' the hcclesfdr a fort- night to bring it to the right againe. Hip* You ihood haue hangd longer Sir ^«/: tis not right yet, i?W.Zonnes,bid me cut oflFthebcftlymmc of my bo- die for thy loue j' and ile lai't in thy hand to prone it, .dooflthinkelam no Chriflian, haue I notaSouleto fajc ? Hip* Yes tis to fauc yet I warrant it, and wilbc while tis a joule if you vfe this. Fur* Excellent Courtftiip ofall hands, only myCap- taines Courtlhippe, is not heard yet, good madatn giuc him fauour to court you with his voycc. £f^g. What {hood he Court me with allelfcmyZiord? Mom.Whyy I hope madam there be other things to Court Ladies withall befides voyces* Fur, Imeanewithan audible fweetc fong mad^m. E»g. With all my heart my £orde, if I iliall bee fo much indebted to him. Fou/» Naylwill be indebted to your cares Zadicfoc hearing me found muiicke. Fur^ Well done Captaine,proue as it wil now. Enter UMejfeHgcr, iMe, My Zord Dodor Verfey the P hyfitian is come to fee mafier^'^r flip, Refpcd my /.ordjl w^ood hold fuch a man In more rcfped^then any Emperor For he cood make me Emprcfte of my fclfc And in mine ownc rule comprehend the world. Mom, How now young dame? wharfodainlyinfpird This ipeech hath iiiuet haires,and reueren^e asks And foncr (hall hauedutie done of me Then any pomp? in tcmperallfmperic. ; • Hip. Good madam get my itord to Ictvs greet hitn, eng* Alas we ftiali but wrong and trouble him. His Contemplations greet him with moft welcome, F»r. I ncucr knew a man of fo fwcct a temper Sofoftand humble, offohigha5pirir. Mom. Alas my noble Z,ord he is nor ric(i. Nor titles hath^ nor in his tender cheekes The {landing lake of /»5fpW^»rfoftcnwefcethc ypungermherite, wherein he is eldeft. Eh^, Your£ogicallwitmy Lordeis abletomakea- ny thiDggood, » m/o. I thinke your difcafe Sir, be rather of the mind rfien thebodie. Cla^ Be there difcafes of the mind Dodor? *Do. No queftion Sir, eu en as there be of the bodie, /y^. A^nd cures for them too .' 2)0, And cures for them too, but not by Phifickj Cia^ You will haue their d€feafes,greife$ ? wil ye not? Z)*. YeSjOfcentimes, pa* And doe not greifes eucr rife out of paffions f *Do» Euermore, CUd And doe not paffions proceed from corporall /diftempcrs? Do, Not thepaflions of the mind, fort he miuv^. ma- jiiy times is ficke, v^hen the bodie 1% healthfull. CU. J^utisnortheminde^'iicknesofpowertomake the bodie ficke .^ lio, JLQtimc^certaine. ' OJr. And ^\ J!] GSf. Andthe bodks ill affcdions abletoinfedrhe 2)Joqueftion^ . Cmind/ CU, Then if there bcc fuch a ntturall commerce of Powers betwixt them, that the ill cftatc of the one of- fends che other, why (hood not the medicines foroi^c cure the other? Do^ Yet it will not you Cte. Httfrn^/tjitodfiMMuf amor eJimediCAbiiis herhu^ C7t I kno^y My friend is as refpediuc in his chamber And by himfelfe, of any thing he does As in a Criticke Sjmds curious eyes Foiloving therein Pythagoras golden rule. iMaxmeommttmtetpfkmreHercrc, Qa, Know'cyoutheCountcfrcJJi^ruwSir? /(f/ ifyou will. ^Qof\ Tis a moftfinc candleftickc in truth, it wants nothing but the languages. ?<■»« T he languages fcruant, why the languages ? G#tf/. Why miftrisjtherc was alattin candicfticlt here afore,and that had the languages I am fure* Ta. I though t h e had a reafon for it /^die« 7^. I and a reafon of the Sunne too my^ord^for his father wood haue bin aihamed on't. Exema» 1)0. Well maftcr Oartnce I perceiuc your mind Hath fo incor^yarateit i«!fe with fle(h And therein rarificd that fle& to fpirtt, ThatyouhauenecdofnoPhiHtianshelpe* But good Sir euen for holy vermes health And graceof petf«d knowledge, . VVhats that gpod madam? Sttg, I that hauc bene fo more thenmaiden-hicc To my dcare Ziord and vnkle not to yecid By his imporrunatc fuitc to his friends louc In looke, oralmoft thoughtj willofmy felfc Farre paft his cxpcdation or his hope In adion, and in perfon grccte his friend. And comfort the poorc gen tleroans fick ftace, 'Pen, Is this a part offo much Impudence? eug. No but I feare me it will ftretch to more Btp. Mary madam the more the merrier* • Eug. Marrie Madam f what />iood I marrie him f Hip. You tikethc word me chinkes as thoyou would, And if there be a thought cffuch kind hcate In your ccAd bofomc, wood to God my breath Might blowe « to the fiamc of your kind hart, Eug, Godspretious^adie, knowcye whatyoufay RefpcdyouwhatIam,and what he is, ' What the whole world wood fay,& what great £ordf J haue refufed and might as yet embrace, And fpeake you like a friend, to wi(h me him ? • -Bip, Madam I caft all this,and know yourchoyfc Can caft it quite out of the chriflall dores Ofyour ludiciall eyes.- 1 am butyoung And be it faid without all pride 1 cake. To To bei mild, I arn'onreiinid^ ilced • ^ • ^ ; ■ - ' • '■ -i ; Ye t i n my mot h€ r» urbttVb* to Wi-Att lyiles -oh' Wcendinthfc lo^fcsofgreirtntsjaiidof ftatc: ■• And ycccijert by that iKdc rhafue fcarn'ti OutoFcontinuall conference vith you, . I hauc cridcharucft home of thus much lodgment In my grccnc fowing time, that I cood place TheconftantfvcctaesofgoodC/i«r<'wfmind, - • Fild with his inward wraith and rtoblches^ . . ( Lookc madam here,) when others outward tt-afhe Shood be contented to come vndcr here. Pen, And fo fay I vppon my maidenhead. ^«f. Tis well faid Ladicsithuf we diflPer then, i I to the truth->Nife,y6u to worldly mcfl : And now fwect dames obferue an tKCeUcnticft A CAtlcaftinmy poorciefting.)Th-£rlcmyynclcle ^^ Will mKfe me Araite, and I know his iclofe drift j Is to make nif, and his friend ^4r«»rtfbecte \ By fomcdeuicc or other he hath plotted. \ Now when he feekes ts round about his hoxSt | And cannot find vs, for we may be fure - * Hewillnotfeckemeiflhisfickcftiendschambcr, ■ / (I haue at al times made his lOBc (b ttrangcj) HeftraightwinthinkeJwcntawa'ydifpleBrd, j Orhartcliecarclesofliishartieltftite. s 'oT i And then ] Icnow there iis no greife on earth '• ^--;"» -'<^- Will touch his hart io much, which I willfofftr- ' '■ *'- f To quite his larcgood pleafurc wrought on a)«> ■'■■■ •'• ' '' For ile be fwornc in rtidtion and progreflc Ofhis friends fuite, I ncncr in tnyKfc: ' ' VVraftlcdfo much with paffionot was mou'd To take his iirme louc in Inch Icloufe part. ■ • Vip: this is nnoft exiceflleni madafrty ibirf^rin prone AnecCeIikc,3ndaoobJefrendsReucfige. - - ' 'j Eug, ^ould in a good cau\c,thcn lets greet his frieiid/' ' Where is this (icklygenrfeman at hlKbook-c? i Now ip good troth 1 wood thei* bookcs wcrcfcurod ^ * \ jc . '■ ■• That JU That Mpp men frofp their friends before their liaJc, Hov dozi my v.nckleSjfri€nd,no other, name I need giue him* co wliome 1 giue my (elfe, ^. 6 madam let me rife that I may kncele. And pay fomc dutic to your foueraigne grace. Hip: Good ^Urence doe not wof kc your felfc difca/c My Zadiccomcs to eafc and comfort you. Fen: And we are.h^ndmaides te her to that end» CiM iUd ies my hart will t>reake, if it be held VVithdnthc verge of this prefumtuous chaire* Bug, Why^CUrenc* is your iudgeracnt iicnt to (hov A common louerspaiHoa^let the world. That liuef without a hart^and is but (how^, /land on her emtie,and impoifoned forme, 1 knove fhy l;indeiie(re,and haue feene thy hart. Cleft In my vncklesfree^and friendly lippes And 1 am onely row to fpeake and ad, Thcrit'esduetothy louc:oh Icood rccpe. A bitter (howe of tearcs for thy fick ftatc, J cood giue pa^ion ail her blacked rites. And makea thoufandyowcs to thy deferts, ^uc thefe arecommon,knowledgeis thebond^ T he feaie and crowne of our vnited mindes* And thatisrare,andcon(lant;and for that. To my la'-c written hand I giue thee this, See heauen ^the foj^le thou gau'fi is in this hand.. This is the kAOt of oureternities Which fortune,deatb,nor heU,(lialeuerl6orc/ Enter 'BulUker, UchjVtl, U\ What an vnmannerly trick is this ofthycoun- teffe, to giue the ooble count her vnjckle the ilippe thus? fi^U ynmannetlit) you villayne^ O that I were vorthie to wearc a cagger to anie purpofe for thy fake? Bull Why young gcntJcmcn, vtter your anger vithyourl6fts« wil, Tha^ Sir GjieS G»ofec4pfel iVtlt That cannot ht man /or all fift* are (hutyoii knov^and vtter noihingi and beiidcs I doc not ihinkc my quarrcll iuft for my Ladies piotei^ion inthiy caule, for I protcft (he docs moil abhominablic nairc^rrie her fclfc* U; Protcft you fawlie lack you, I (hood doe my countric and court ibippe gcodfcraicctobcatt thy coalcs teeth out of thy head, forfuffering fucharcuc*- rend wordc to- paflc their guardtr> why, the oldcft courtier in the world man, can doe noe more then proteft, Bult Indcede page if you were inFrauncc, you wood bee broken vponawhceic for ic, there is not the bcft'7)»i^«ronnein Frauncc dares faic I prtsteft, till hec bee one and thif tie yeerc old at leaft, for ih% inheritance of that \^orde is not to bee poifeft before. ff^U» Well, i anv forie for my prcfumtion then^ but more focic for my indies, macic moft foric for thee good £,orde LMomfurdt^ that will make v5 moft ofa!l forie for our feluts, if wee doc not fyndc her out. la : Why alas what (hood wee docftill the ftarres ofour hcaucn fee, wee fecke her asfaftas wee can, ifdiec bee crepe into a rulhwee will leeke her out orburnehcc. EtttefLMmfcrdi- » Mom, Villaincs where arc yourXadics,feckc them Om hence, home ye monfters,nad ttil keep you there „ , Where leuitickecpes, inherin conftantSpheare, .. •c.v^^wn. ^waicyouprctiousviliaines^what a plague, Faier* Of varricd tortures is a womans hartf How like a pcacockes taile with different lightes,. They differ from them feluesi the very ayre ^tcrs tlie arpen humors of their bIoo(£s« Nov V Now' excellent 2ood,now fuperexccllenr badd. i ^^^"^^^^clkntgood^mefbtttGneofall: t -. VVpo4:aj>ic Ignorant babief€tue hcrfricnd, I , Such anvnciuill part; i-blood what is learning? An arciHciall cobwebbe ro catch/Zw, 1 . And nounHrSpidfrf^coxid ihc cut my throatc, 1 VVHh hfrde4WDmrei.h3dbynl»€rcal^c, I -^"^P^ad^adilb.atiiipperforb^y guefts Ofher kfttdccKarge,! ambehoiaing to her, A^uft«,!s there not a feather in this ayrc A man may challenge for herfwhar? a feather? So eaftc Co be feene^fo apt to trace J ^n ^heweab fMgihcofhctynconaant w^in-g?? A more rriaaac the moft,tb»t with the funne, Is oHeJyreene,yetvruh his radiant eye we cannot fingUt fofrom otKer motes, , , - To fay this mote is fliecpaflfion of death, • Shew:rongsmepaftadeath,comc come my friend, Ismme,nieoother ovrjie^andtberesanend'. . I £ffg. Come vnckle ftiall ve goe to fupper no\i'? t *^^^^* Zouitcs; to fupper^whac a dorr is chis/ [ -^^^ Alas \rhatailesmyvnckle,/:adiesfee. f ^9' isnotyourZordiliippewcli/ Pe»: Good fpeake ray Xord. I ^/.p». AfveetepLagueonyouall, ye wittic rogues I I i^aueyounopitticinyourvillanous iefts, b.ig runnea ' ' ! nian quite from his fifteenewicts? 'i \ Hfp, VVi'l not your /-ord-fliippefec your friend, I andneece? ^^ j » ,, ^ c;T/^,».Vyood Imighrfinkcif I fliame not to fee her i Ttiibtwis a paiTiooof pure lelofie. ilcnowmakehet now amende with Adoration* <3oddesofleapnfDgandofconftancie, Of friendfhippe artdeuerie other vertue. Eug, Comc,come,youhaueaburdemenowlknowr Andnowryouplaiftermewithflatterie?. ^ Te.% MyXord the contradis k-nit fafi betwixt them "\. OWfc»; Now all hcaucnj qmreof Angels fing Amen^ And blcdethcis true borne nuptials vith their b)i^^ And Ncece thp y ou haue Cofind me iuxhisy - • < ilc vncklc you yet in an other thing, ; ; i^p.n' And quite decciuc your expedation. For where you thinkyou haue contradcd baits VVith a poorc gentleman, he is (olcheirc To all my Harlcdome, which to you and yours I freely, and for euer here bequeath', Cal I forth the Ziords, fweet ^dies lee them fee This fodaine and moft welcome Nouelticj ^utcrie you mercy Necccperhapsyour modcftie V Vill not haue them pertake this fodaine matche* Sfif* O vnckle thinkcyou fo, I hope I made My cnoycc with too much ludgment to take (hamc Of any forme Khali performe it with. Mom, Said like my Necce,and worthy of my friend* Entir Ftirnifai, Tal'. Kiftg\ Goof: Rttd: Foul: la: Mom\ My Z,ords,take witnes of an abfolute wotider, A marriage made for vertuc, onely vertue. My friend , and my deere ncece are man and ^^ix^^^ Fur, A wonderofminehonour, andwithall A worthie^refisdent for al the woridj Heauen blelTcyoufor it ^adiCjand yourcboycc. tyimbo ThankesmvgoodXord. Ta, An Accident that will make polliciebluflic. And all the Complements of wealth and flate, InthefucceffuUand ynnumbredRacc That (hall Howe from it, Hid with ume and grace. Km^^o may it fpeed deere Counteffe, worthy (^Urem<* jimbo Thankes good Sir ^«/^ SirC77/ir/this/^adie*> Pen, Nay ftay there my Lord, I haue not yet prou'd all his knightly parts I heare he in an excelien t Poet too, 7^. T hat 1 forgot fweetZadiej good Sir ^y^f/ Haueyonnofonnetofyourpenneaboutye ? Goof, Yd, that 1 haucl hope my Lord my Cofen. Fur, Why,thi$ispaffingfit. , I Gao/, Idc be loihtogoe without paper about me againO; my miHrisjIiold my workeagaine^aman knows not what ncede he (hall haue perhaps. Oliom, Well rcmembrcdaminc honour Sir CT)*^/: Goof, Pray read my Zorde, I made this fonnet of my miftris, Rud, Na^ rcade thy felfc man. G'ooyC No intruth Sir Cftt.l cannot reademineownc han ie, d/ow, VVelllwillreadcir. Three thmgs thefe be which thoHJhoHidH onlj crane y Thou PcmrojifOrtkcff apple ofmitte eye\ Three things there beyvphich thou (houldfi hnge to hattCf And for "^htch three, each modeH dame wooa cmr^ Three thwgs there be^ that /hood thine afiger/wage. Aft Eftgti/hnMfhfe, and afiitefrench page, Rfid. Sblood Ane,thcrcsbuct^o things^ thou (hamft thy felfe. Goof, Why VVhvSirC«/^•thats7(»^^if4//c(r»/w,theverfcVooah^ \ binnc too loAg, and I had put m the third. S light you i arcnoPoecIpcrceiuc. ■ ^ Pen, Tis excellent feruant. j VUom. KcepcitZ^adiethcn, ^ -Andtakctheonclyknightofmortallmcn* \ (7*tf/: Thanke you good my Lord as much as tho you had giuen me tweniic Ihillings in truth, nov 1 may take the married mens parts at footcball. ^,^,.. ' i cJWi^w. All comforts crownc you alh& you Captainc , For merric forme fake let the villowc cro wncj I A wreath of willov bring v$ hither ftraitc Pur, Not for a world (hood that haue bin forgot Captainc it is the faftiion, take this crownc, Foui, With all my hart my Zord, and thanke ye too 1 will thanke any man that giues me crowncs. Mom. Now will wc conlecratc our rcadiefuppcc To honourd Hjmen as his nuptiall rite. In forme whereof firft daunce faire Zordsand Ladies And after fing, fo we will fing and daunce. And to the skies our vertuous loycs aduance. TheMeafure, Now to the fong, and doc this garland grace. Canto, fVtBowe fWiUavfe fWillffPDe, onr captatne goes dovfm : fVtU(me,rvtllowe^ivdlofwe^ huvallordothcrovoM* , The refi vnth R§femarie we grace ^ Hj»te» let thy Ughtt fVtth rtchefi rajesgmld euertefact^ andfeaft h ms nvtth deltghts, fVilloweiWdlowe^wtliow^ we chaunt -ethe ikies I ^ndwith hlricke md jellaive, g$He courtjhiphe fr'i^* 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROVX'liD LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recalL 40ec'648K S^xioLffW JAN 4 1965 REC'D LD MH ¥65 -6 PM \ I5Apr'65JD REeO \ UD m 9«5- 1AM LD 21A-40m-ll,'63 (E1602slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley • Wi» 1 \w/ <^>' I T