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SIMMS AUTHOR'S NOTE THESE four small volumes including "The Republic of Cuba," "Industrial Cuba," "Agri- cultural Cuba," and "Cuban Investments," form an attempt to put in findable shape many of those facts so often sought for, unsuccessfully, regarding one of the most interesting lands adjacent to the United States. Much time, research and considerable money have been expended in the compilation of facts herein contained and we would be derelict in duty failing to publicly recognize the many who have assisted, directly and by reference, in supplying the information presented. Mr. George Reno, Chief of Bureau of Informa- tion, Department of Agriculture, Commerce and Labor of Cuba; Mr. George Bradt, of The Havana Post; Mr. Edward F. O'Brien of the Times of Cuba and members of the Advertising Club of Cuba have materially assisted in this respect. The works of Grab Dr. Manuel F. Alfonso and T. Valero Martinez, and H. A. Himely, also the writings of Robert Wiles, Mulhall, and Willett & Gray have supplied much valuable information in the preparation of this work. If it but serves to increase the interest of those who heretofore have known little of the Cuban Republic we will feel that our efforts have been well expended. The Republic of Cuba CUBA YOUNGEST of the republics and occupying an area a little larger than that of Indiana, Pennsylvania or Ohio, and not as large as New York, Illinois or Wisconsin, Cuba has shown a greater ratio of development in its limited history than any other country on the globe. Its population is about the same as that of California, Indiana, Iowa, or Wisconsin. Laid down on the map of the United States Cuba would extend from New York City almost to Cincinnati and it varies in width from 11 to 1 60 miles. The history of Cuba is replete with romance and interest. Since its discovery in 1492 it has been fought for by the nations of the world as the prize of the Caribbean. For more than 300 years its industries were built up only to be periodically demolished by internal and external strife. In 1895 tne fi' ia ' rebellion against Spain broke out and after much devastation ended in the Spanish-American War which resulted in the establishment of the Cuban Republic. This period of strife was the worst in the entire history of Cuba. Property was burned and destroyed, cattle were killed and reprisals of every sort put into effect for the purpose of cutting off the opponent's livelihood. The naval battle at Santiago, on the 3rd of July, 1898, forever settled the question of Spanish dominion over Cuba. The conditions of peace presented by the United States were accepted by Spain on August 12th, and the Paris Protocol, prepared on October 1st of the same year, was signed on December 10th. The Republic of Cuba With the withdrawal of the Spanish troops those of the United States and of Cuba herself, were distributed to preserve order and quiet and to organize departments which guaranteed a good and safe government. In July 1900, the United States military gov- ernor of Cuba decreed an election of delegates to a constitutional convention to be held the follow- ing September and to arrange for an election by the people under the constitution so framed. The election was held on September 15, 1900, and in less than three months the constitution was completed on lines very similar to those of the Constitution of the United States. On December 31st, 1901, an election of officers for the new republic was held with the result that Estrada Palma was chosen as the first President of the Cuban Republic. On the 24th of March following, the United States began the withdrawal of troops and thus began the real establishment of the Cuban Republic. The Palma administration continued from May 20, 1902, until October 13, 1906. The policy of the Government did not satisfy the Liberal Party, and soon after the second election, an uprising occurred which resulted in the United States being solicited to intervene, which it did under the direction of President Roosevelt, who ap- pointed a Governor General of the Island. In this second intervention, however, the United States Government took only the position of preserving order. On the 29th of January, 1909, General Jose Miguel Gomez took the chair as the Second President of Cuba — the inauguration be- ing held on the birthday of Jose Marti, called the "Apostle of Cuban Liberty." The Republic of Cuba At the expiration of the term of Genera] Jose Miguel Gomez, elections were again held, wherein the Liberal Party nominated Dr. Alfredo Zayas, and the Conservative Party, General Mario G. Menocal — the latter being elected President on November i, 1912, his term of office continuing until May 20, 1917. THE SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT Insofar as local conditions of Cuba permit, the system of government is modelled on that of the United States. There are a President and Vice- President, who serve terms of four years. The President appoints a cabinet of nine members, as follows: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Executive Depart- ment, Secretary of Justice, Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Public Works, Secretary of Public Instruction, Secretary of Agriculture, Com- merce and Labor, and Secretary of Sanitation. At the general election, preceding the expiration of the presidential term of office, each of the six provinces elects a number of presidential and vice- presidential electors, equal to the combined num- ber of senators and representatives to which each province is entitled, and a third as many alter- nates. This body proceeds to- the election of the President and Vice-President. The Senate consists of 24 members, 4 from each of the provinces, elected for terms of eight years— one-half of the number being elected every four years. The Vice-President is the presiding officer, but to provide for contingencies, the Senate also elects one of its members to that office and he is considered to be the leader of the body, especially in the absence of the Vice-President. The Republic of Cuba The members of the Senate are elected by the members of the provincial councils and the Senatorial Electors named at the election next prior to the expiration of the Senatorial terms. These electors, in each province are 16 in number —one half of whom must be elected from a list of the largest tax payers, and the other half being men of prominence and position. Thus the body is made up of twenty-four. The House of Representatives has a member- ship of 99; the basis being: 1 Representative for each 25,000 inhabitants. The members of the House are elected, by the direct vote of the people, for terms of 4 years — one half of the body being elected each two years. Each of the six provinces has a Governor who resides in the capital of the province and is elected for a term of four years. The Governors are assisted by a Council ot eight members who serve terms of four years — four being elected each two years. There are 103 municipal districts in the Republic. TABLOID HISTORY OF EXECUTIVES The following short histories are calculated to illustrate the high character of those men in charge of Cuban governmental affairs. Cuba has profitted materially by the experience of the United States in the selection of men at the head of its government and a perusal of the short historical or biographical sketches will demon- strate that only men of high executive ability have been chosen to perform the tasks and to solve the problems which are now making the Island Re- public a power in world diplomacy and commerce. PRESIDENT MARIO G. MENOCAL 11 The Republic of Cuba MARIO G. MENOCAL President Mario G. Menocal graduated from Cornell University as a Civil Engineer in the class of 1888. Shortly afterwards he was called to assist his uncle Aniceto Menocal, the celebrated engineer who was then engaged in the survey of the Nicaragua Canal route between the Atlantic and Pacific. He continued in the practice of his profession until the beginning of the war of Independence in the Spring of 1895, when he at once joined the Insurgents, rising rapidly to the rank of Colonel. In the Spring of 1896 General Calixto Garcia, operating in Oriente and Cama- guey Provinces, made him his Chief of Staff. In the capture of Victoria de las Tunas, and of Guaimaro by General Calixto Garcia, Menocal so distinguished himself that he was promoted to a General of Brigade and sent with his command into the Western end of the Island, where the struggle for supremacy was day by day growing more serious. The close of the war found him in command of the Cuban forces of Havana Province, and when, after the withdrawal of Spain's army, the Ameri- cans took charge of the capital, Gen. Menocal was chosen to assist in the difficult task of bringing order out of chaos. With that end in view he visited Washington as one of the Cuban Delegates to the Intervention Conference. On his return Gen. Leonard A. Wood made him Chief of Police. The almost abandoned industrial interests of the Island at this time were clamoring for men of practical ability, hence it is not strange that a man of Gen. Menocal's technical skill, experi- ence and acquaintance with the world was offered The Republic of Cuba 12 substantial inducement to ally himself with the sugar industry which for over half a century has been the chief source of Cuba's wealth. The Republic was apparently doing well under the guidance of "Don Tomas," as President Pal ma was called in Cuba; peace, order and prosperity seemeci assured for a long time to come, so Gen. Menocal went to Puerto Padre in Oriente and there, as General Manager for the Cuban American Sugar Co., helped build "Chaparra," one of the greatest Centrals in the world. These were followed by "Tinguaro," "Nueva Luisa," "Constancia," "San Manuel," "Las Delicias," "Merceditas" and "Unidad." These include the greatest sugar estates and mills in existence, in whose direction President Menocal still retains a large interest, which is said to bring him an income of $100,000 a year. When the life, or permanency of the Republic, was threatened by the uprising of 1906, Gen. Menocal went at once to Havana and endeavored to bring about peace through mediation between the party in power and the Liberals in the field. Before anything was accomplished, however, Theodore Roosevelt sent his Secretary of War to Cuba who arranged matters according to his own ideas, and General Menocal returned to Chaparra. General Menocal was elected in the campaign of 1912 and was inaugurated President of the Re- public of Cuba, on May 20, 1913. Owing to the number of Liberal members of the Congress hold- ing over, the President found himself on several occasions absolutely powerless to carry out many important measures which he believed essential to the Republic's best interests. The opposition seemed determined to block all plans of the ad- ministration by arbitrarily refusing to permit a 13 The Republic of Cuba quorum in either branch of Congress. This first became manifest when the President asked for a loan of $15,000,000.00 with which to continue work suspended in the streets of Havana for lack of funds in the treasury. Days passed into weeks with Congress still refusing to meet. In this emergency, Menocal called Dr. Alfredo Zayas, ex-Vice-President of Cuba and leader of a large group of the Liberal party. After listening to the President's state- ment of the facts, and realizing the actual neces- sity for action, he sent word to his followers in Congress that a quorum must be formed, and the loan authorized at once, since the welfare of the country demanded it. Congress met, and in spite of the opposition, offered by what is known as the "Miguelista" branch of the Liberals, the bill was passed by a good majority. In the matter of national budget, also, the Conservative Administration was sorely perplexed and embarrassed by the attitude of Congress whose members simply ignored the urgent demand for action. Again Dr. Zayas rose to the occasion and compelled the opposition to act favorably which they immediately proceeded to do by passing the first budget bill that had been enacted in four years. The Liberal leader has been severely criticized by members of his own party and was accused of selling out to the Conservatives. In the estima- tion of thinking people, however, he is given credit for a sensible and truly patriotic attitude from which the country at large has benefitted and which undoubtedly places him in the category of statesmen who have both foresight and ability. In the selection of his Cabinet, all of which, with one exception, were men of his own choice, The Republic <>f Cuba 11 President Menocal displayed excellent judgment. Taken as a whole, it would he difficult to find in Cuba men more earnest, energetic, capable and conscientious than those who, as Chiefs of the different Departments, co-operate with him in the direction of public affairs. DR. ENRIQUE JOSE VARONA Vice-President r. Enrique Jose Varona, one of Cuba's most distinguished scholars and philosophers, who represents, perhaps better than any one else in the Island, those sound, sane ami safe views of conservative govern- ment, was Gen. Menocal's running mate and was elected Vice-President of the Republic with him. To one who dislikes the turmoil, stress and frequent bitterness of political' life, the position which he occupies has less annoyance than most offices within the gift of the people. Any country might well be proud of Dr. Varona, who, although not what we would call a fighter, has nevertheless the courage of his convictions and the moral Stamina to not only preach good precepts, but to live up to them. 15 The Republic of Cuba DR. RAFAEL MONTORO Secretary of the Executive Department S dean of the Executive Coun- cil stands out prominently "that Grand Old Man of Cuba," Dr. Rafael Montoro, tor many years Cuba's Min- ister at the Court of St. James, where, in spite of our minor political position, in comparison with the great "world powers," he was invariably accorded that preferment which true worth and genuine culture alone can command. Dr. Montoro is today Secretary of the Execu- tive branch of the Cuban Government, and on his shoulders falls the weight of many of the young Republic's knotty problems. PABLO DESVERNINE Secretary of State 'HE President chose the dis- tinguished lawyer, Cosme de la Torriente, for his Secretary of State, but ill health within a few months compelled him to resign in favor of Dr. Pablo Desvernine, former Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington and probably the best known Cuban in the United States, not alone because he practiced law for seven years in New York City, but because his fundamental knowledge of all civilized codes has compelled recognition throughout the judicial world. Dr. Desvernine is a master of some five or six lan- guages, which tact is most serviceable to him in receiving representatives of foreign nations. DR. The Republic of Cuba n; DR. LEOPOUX) CANCIO Secretary of the Treasury r. Lkopoldo Can'cio, lawyer and statistician, was made Secretary of the Treasury, a position that he had filled with credit under the Government of the First Intervention. Probably no one in Cuba is better versed than he in the intricacies of those financial and industrial prob- lems which unavoidably beset a young Republic. COL. AURELIO HEVIA Secretary of the Interior on Government ol. Aurelio Hevia had been a close personal friend of the President during the War of I ndependence, and, with Cosme de la Torriente, took upon his shoulders the management of his presidential campaign. Col. Hevia was not unknown in political life, having been Assistant Secretary of State under President Palma, but his forte seemed to be organization, and the management of men, either individually or in parties, hence it is that the nepartment of Government, which controls the administration of provinces and municipalities throughout the Island, seems to be, for him, a congenial berth, nifficulties to Hevia only relieve life of monotony. 17 The Republic of Cuba DR. CRISTOBAL DE LA GUARDIA Secretary of Justice Dr. Cristobel de la Guardia did not come from strictly conservative ranks, but his never failing urbanity, his de- lightfully broad-minded de- mocracy, combined with rare judicial qualities, have made him a very popular Secretary of Justice. COL. JOSE R. VILLALON Secretary of Public Works INCE Spain departed from the Island, fate has twice decreed that Col. Jose R. Villalon should be Secretary of Public Works. Gen. Wood first found him, and remarked: "That man is a wonder of mar- velously directed and persistent energy; if there is another like him in Cuba, I have not met him." Villalon graduated from Lehigh University in the same class with Senator Root of New York. He loves his profession as an engineer and did not aspire to a Cabinet position. When the psychological moment arrived, his life-long friend, President Menocal, smiled at his refusal and said: "Find me another competent and fit for the position, and I may let you go." The other was not found, and so Villalon is the head of a Department that is doing things. If the money could be found, the country's public works would go ahead at aeroplane speed. The Republic of Cuba 18 GEN. EMILIO NUNEZ Secretary of Agriculture, Commerce and Labor ^^\l* all the Cabinet positions, A (1 however, that which carries ^q* with it the most detail, ami the greatest responsibilities, is held by Gen. Emilio Nunez, Secretary of Agriculture, Com- merce and Labor. Gen. Nunez is a big man, mentally as well as physically, and when difficulties or complex- ities arise in any one of the score or more of branches into which his department is divided, he either solves them on the spot, or orders one of his bureau chiefs to whip them into shape so they can be properly handled. Not alone agriculture, with its many depend- encies, such as forestry, mines, etc., whence, owing to the nature of the Island, come most of Cuba's wealth, but commerce, labor, immigration, patents, trade marks, agricultural schools, experi- mental stations, local fairs and foreign expositions, come under the direction of Gen. Nunez. In the great mass of detail pertaining to this work, the services of Assistant Secretary, Or. Lorenzo Arias, of Pinar del Rio, are invaluable. Nothing secures the stamp of his approval until he is convinced of its worth. 19 The Republic of Cuba DR. EZEQUIEL GARCIA-ENSENAT Secretary of Public Instruction R. EZEQUIEL GARCIA-ENSENAT as Secretary of Public In- struction, has an immense task in the development of Cuba's most crying need. This Department is divided into two sections; one has charge of preliminary educa- tion and has under its control all the elementary schools, while the other has control over the Nor- mal and High Schools, the University of Cuba, the School of Arts and Crafts, the School of Painting and Sculpture, the National Conservatory of Music and Declamation, the National and other Public Libraries and the National Astronomical Observatory. Compared with the high illiteracy which maintained under Spanish rule, much has been accomplished along the lines of education and while much is to be desired there is every prospect of Cuba taking its place in the ranks of the well- educated nations of the world. The Republic of Cuba 20 DR. ENRIQUE NUNEZ Secretary of Sanitation and Public Charities k ERHAPS the most important Portfolio of the entire Cabi- net is that of Sanitation and Public Charities, and also the one which has accomplished most since the Independence of the Republic. The Department had a unique reputation to live up to, having carried on the work begun under Gen. Wood (when Cuba was one of the unhealthiest pest-ridden countries of the globe), to the admiration of all, including its tutors, and it was therefore with complete confidence that President Menocal selected one of Cuba's foremost physicians and surgeons, Dr. Enrique Nunez, to uphold this reputation and continue the great work. That Secretary Enrique Nunez and his Depart- ment have not disappointed this expectation is proven first by the fact that Cuba is today the healthiest country in the world, with a death rate of only 12.70 per thousand (see statistics on page 30), and also one of the cleanest; and secondly, by the very important practical results obtained by the active campaigns initiated by Dr. Nunez and his assistant, Dr. Lopez del Valle, against infantile mortality, the adulteration of milk and foodstuffs, the sale and use of heroic drugs, opium, morphine, cocaine, etc., and vice in general; the establishment of new hospitals and sanitariums for the poor, for children, for tuber- culosis patients and subjects; of summer colonies for. poor children, clinics, creches, a special department of visiting nurses to the homes of 21 The Republic of Cuba poor mothers and prospective mothers, etc.; all free to those who are unable to pay; the sanitary regulations for cafes, bakeries, coffee-houses, etc., and by many other accomplishments of primary importance to the public health. Dr. Nunez was born in Madruga in 1872, graduated as Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Havana (the oldest in the New World) in 1892, obtaining at the early age of twenty the highest awards in open com- petition, given at the University, viz.: that of Extraordinary Degree of Honour. At the outbreak of the War of Independence in 1895, Dr. Nunez at once gave up his large and lucrative practice and joined the Army of Liberation, of which he became the most brilliant surgeon, serving alike friend and foe, and was soon appointed Chief Surgeon of the Armies of Generals Calixto Garcia and Mario G. Menocal. After the War he became lecturing professor at the University of Havana and again took up his practice, without at any time having taken an active part in politics, until his entrance into President Menocal's Cabinet in 19 13. The Republic of Cuba 92 DIPLOMATIC CORPS CUBAN LEGATION IN WASHINGTON Dr. Carlos M. de Cespedes, Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Manuel de la Vega, First Secretary of the Lega- tion. Jose A. Acosta, Vice Consul. UNITED STATES DIPLOMATIC CORPS IN CUBA LEGATION AT HAVANA Hon. William E. Gonzales, Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. Gustave Scholle, First Secretary of Legation. Glenn Stewart, Second Secretary of Legation. Major Edmund Wittenmyer, Military Attache. CUBAN CONSULAR CORPS IN THE UNITED STATES Ernesto H. Lienau Aguadilla, P. R. Fernando Aleman Vallee Arecibo, P. R. C. H. Whitington '. . . Atlanta, Ga. Eduardo L. Desvernine Baltimore, Md. Rafael Cervino Boston, Mass. Rosendo Torras Brunswick, Ga. Francisco Pena y Hernandez Cincinnati, Ohio George Bancroft Murray Chattanooga, Tenn. Calixto Garcia Becerra Chicago, 111. C. W. Harrah Detroit, Mich. J. N. O. Partridge '. . Fernandina, Fla. Ernesto Casaus y Almoina Galveston, Tex. Jos. W. Corry Gulfport, Miss. Crescendo Sacerio y Arencibia Jacksonville, Fla. Henry Clay McDougal Kansas City, Mo. Antonio Diaz Carrasco Key West, Fla. Richard P. Cane Louisville, Ky. James Pennie Los Angeles, Cal. Ramon L. Bonachea y Sarduy Mobile, Ala. Gustavo Marin Herrera Mayaguez, P. R. Leopoldo Dolz, Consul-General New York, N. Y. Felipe Taboada, Consul New York, N. Y. 23 The Republic of Cuba Romarico Seva, Vice-Consul New York, N. Y. Jose R. Cabrera New Orleans, La. Tomas Estrada Palma Newport News, Va. Gaspar de la Vega Norfolk, Va. Manuel Leon Ross Pascagoula, Miss. Vincent J. Vidal Pensacola, Fla. J. J. Luis y Alcazar Philadelphia, Pa. Francisco Porto Ponce, P. R. Buenaventura E. Puyans San Francisco, Cal. Augusto Aguilera St. Louis, Mo. Jose Caminero San Juan, P. R. Arthur J. Howard Savannah, Ga. Rafael Martinez Ibor Tampa, Fla. UNITED STATES CONSULAR CORPS IN CUBA George Bayliss, Consular Agent Antilla. Augusto Soler, Consular Agent Baracoa. P. B. Anderson, Consular Agent Caibarien. George A. Brenneis, Consular Agent Cardenas. Richard M. Bartleman, Consul Cienfuegos. Buenaventura Carbo, Vice and Dep. Con. . .Cienfuegos. Clinton B. Goodrich, Consular Agent Guantanamo. James Linn Rodgers, Consul General Havana. Joseph A. Springer, Vice and Dep. Con. Gen. .Havana. Raoul F.Washington, Dep. Consul General. .Havana. Francis B. Bertot, Consular Agent Manzanillo. Alfred Heydrich, Consular Agent Matanzas. V. P. Sutherland, Consular Agent Nueva Gerona(I. of P.) Dean R. Wood, Consular Agent Nuevitas. John F. Jova, Consular Agent Sagua la Grande. P. Merril Griffith, Consul Santiago de Cuba. Harry C. Morgan, Vice and Dep. Con Santiago de Cuba. James H. Dod, Consular Agent Santa Clara. The Republic of Cuba 24 THE ARMY OF CUBA The Army of Cuba consists of about 12,000 men, of which about 1 1,400 are enlisted men and 600 officers. The subdivisions are: General Staff, 6 Cavalry Regiments, one Infantry Regiment, one Artillery Regiment, Medical and Veterinary Department and Auditor's Department. In times of peace, six squadrons of 150 men each, of each of the six cavalry regiments are utilized for the preservation of public order and protec- tion of persons and properties outside of the townships, while the balance of the army is employed exclusively in military services. The Republic is divided into eight military districts, six of which are made up by the six provinces, with one regiment of cavalry each, one by the camp of Columbia, with the infantry regiment, and one by the military posts of la Cabana, la Fuerza, Batteries 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Velasco and Santa Clara, Habana, with the artillery regiment. The command of each mili- tary district corresponds to the command of the military unit there garrisoned. The army is well equipped and highly efficient. The regulations are practically those of the United States Army and for several years after the American occupation, American officer- instructors were used in its upbuilding and organization. This small but efficient force may co-ordinate with the army of the United States in case of necessity. The ordnance standard is the same as that of the United States Army and the uniforms are very similar to those employed in our regular army. The artillery is equipped with the famous Schneider-Creuzot, 75mm, French Army model rapid fire guns. The Republic of Cuba POLICE FORCE The City of Havana typifies the high efficiency of local policing. When one considers that a city of some 400,000 people has an average of some 2,000 policemen, it must be evident that the work is effective. Quite a number of this force is employed in handling the traffic of Havana and in main- taining order in the crowded streets. This force is commanded by General Armando Sanchez Agramonte, Chief of the National Police, with a staff of Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, etc. The men of this organization were selected from those who displayed cool-headedness and bravery during the War of Independence. THE CUBAN NAVY The Cuban Navy is not large, but ample to its needs. A total of twenty vessels with a tonnage of 5,921 and a total crew, including the staff, amounting to 915. The principal object of this force is to patrol the coast in the interest of the Revenue Depart- ment and keep a watchful eye on the fishing and sponge fleets in certain restricted seasons. The revenue-cutter service was organized in May, 1902, under the direction of Capt. George Reno, present Chief of the Bureau of Information. On August 20, 1910, Senor Julio Morales Coello, Aide-de-camp to President Gomez, was appointed Chief of the National Marine, which position he still occupies. The armament of the larger ves- sels is modeled on that of the United States. The "Cuba," with a tonnage of 2,055, nas served in many diplomatic naval missions. The Republic of Cuba 26 DEPARTMENT OF PRISONS Many of our own States could well pattern after the efficient system employed for the care of indigents in Cuba. A system of instruction, sanitation, workman- ship, recreation and discipline has been built up in the prisons, which raises them to the level of the best establishments of the kind in the world. The Department of Prisons is under the direc- tion of Commissioner General Demetrio Castillo Duany, and the penitentiary, situated in the old Principe Castle, located on the crest of a hill overlooking the City of Havana is a model institution of its kind. DEPARTMENT OF IMMIGRATION The station for immigrants, located at "Tris- cornia," adjacent to the City of Havana, was built for the exclusive convenience of the many immigrants arriving at that port, and its main- tenance is provided for by the Government without profits, at the insignificant charge of 20c per day from each immigrant. Very many good rules govern Cuban immigra- tion, among which may be mentioned, that no immigrant may land who comes as a contracted laborer. All immigrants are examined individu- ally by the inspector on board the incoming ship and admittance may be refused on the grounds of contagious diseases, beggary, lunacy, or lack of sufficient funds for proper maintenance, or mental capacity. During the five years, 1910-1915, there were 35-8,189 passengers who passed the inspection of this department. The Republic of Cuba LANDS, TITLES AND TAXES Cuba offers a great opportunity for the purchase of large bodies of lands at prices comparatively small with those in force in the United States. Good land may be obtained in small tracts at from $40.00 to $100.00 per acre, and there are many prosperous communities (made up almost entirely of Americans) who have sought the Island as their place of permanent residence. A great deal of care should be exercised in the examination of titles before purchasing lands on the Island, and the prospective purchaser would do well to have titles examined by a reliable local attorney. There is a local registrar of property in each of the districts and all liens against property must be recorded with this registrar before they become effective under the law. Land titles in Cuba are exceptionally good, and if proper care is taken in the acquiring of property no person need every worry about the title. A transfer costs more in Cuba than in the United States, but the additional cost is more than justified in the absolute security of title when transfer is properly made. The execution of a deed is a much more formal matter in Cuba than it is in the United States. The buyer and seller must appear before the notary and be well vouched for. Property is described by the boundaries with other proper- ties, and sometimes the bounds stated in meters, and the tracts are said to contain so many "caballerias" (33.16 acres each). The notary must see the money paid; and if he does not, and the vendor acknowledges its receipt, it will be so stipulated in the deed. Both contracting The Republic of Cuba 28 parties sign the deed with necessary witnesses. The purchaser does not receive this deed, but a copy of it, which is furnished by the notary and another copy is sent to the National Treasury, as one per cent of the purchase price of all trans- fers of property in Cuba must be paid to the State. The fees for registration are moderate in every case. PERTINENT FACTS ABOUT CUBA (The following facts are detailed at length in the various booklets accompanying. They are only given here for quick reference) : The Island is approximately 760 miles long. Cuba's sea coast is approximately 2,000 miles long, with more fine deep water harbors than any other country in the Western Hemisphere. Total Foreign Commerce (1915) over $409,000,000.00 Exports for year ending in December, 1915 254,292,000.00 Imports for fiscal year ending December, 191 5 155,448,000.00 Balance of trade in favor of Cuba , 98,844,000.00 Balance of trade per capita 39-54 Foreign exports of Cuba per capita 101 .72 Foreign imports of Cuba per capita 62.18 Foreign exports of United States per capita 22 .00 Foreign imports of United States per capita 17.00 Foreign debt of Cuba per capita 27 . 50 Foreign debt of Great Britain per capita 80.00 Foreign debt of France per capita 158 .00 Foreign debt of the United States per capita 10.00 (Although Cuba has a larger per capita debt than the United States, her per capita foreign commerce is 500 per cent higher than that of the United States.) Her tobacco yield is valued at $25,000,000.00 in 1 91 6. Although the groves are young, citrus fruits and vegetables produce $5, 000,000.00 annually. 29 The Republic of Cuba Pineapples, cacao, honey, asphalt, iron, hene- quen, mahogany, cedar, etc., yield $10,000,000.00. Its exports have increased in ten years 150 per cent. Its imports have increased in ten years 82 per cent. All but 19 per cent of Cuba's exports ($254,292,000.00) go to the United States. 67^ per cent of Cuba's imports ($155,448,000.00) come from the United States. Since the beginning of the Republic (1902) Cuba's Foreign Commerce has increased 250 per cent. Cuba has 1,246 miles of magnificent shaded auto roads or driveways. Range of temperature (mean) 12 degrees Fahrenheit. January average, 70.3. July, 82.4 degrees. Extremes, 60 to 92. Average rainfall, 54 inches. Dry in winter; showers in summer. Population, 2,500,000. Yearly increase, about 75,000. Excess of births over deaths, 40,000. i\verage yearly immigration, 37,000. 70 per cent of population white, 30 per cent colored. Permanent schools, 4,01 1 . Teachers, 4,1 1 1. There are 2,360 miles of railroads in Cuba, with 200 miles of electric railways. 22 steamers a week to the United States. Sugar cane on virgin land may be cut for thirty years without replanting. Tobacco is planted, grown and gathered in ninety days. In no part of the world are cattle, horses and stock of all kinds raised with greater success. The Republic of Cuba 30 Cuba is the healthiest country in the world, as the figures in the following table, giving the number of deaths per thousand, will show: Cuba 12.70 Australia 13 • 10 Uruguay 13.40 United States 1 5 .00 England 17.70 Germany 17.80 France 20 . 60 Spain 29 . 70 Cuba has but $3 persons to the square mile, while the Bermuda Islands have 1,000; Belgium, 600; Java, 595; Rhode Island, 500; Holland, 454; England, 425; Porto Rico, 330; Japan, 317; German Empire, 315; and Italy, 310. With all her natural richness this island can easily sustain more inhabitants per square mile than any of the above mentioned countries. 31 The Republic of Cuba RELIABLE INFORMATION (Published for the benefit of those who may personally visit Cuba) SPANISH— THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE Spanish is generally spoken throughout Cuba, although English and French are used to some extent. Visitors from the LInited States will find little difficulty since English is spoken in prac- tically all the hotels, cafes and shops. LIST OF HOTELS Havana: Matanzas: Camaguey: America, Gran Louvre Camaguey Americas, Las Paris Gran Biscuit Sevilla Inglaterra Brooklyn Carabanchel Cardenas: Europa Isla de Cuba Norman Plaza Flor de Cuba Santiago de Cuba. Florida Louvre America Inglaterra Casa Granda Isla de Cuba Santa Clara: Imperial Jerezano, El Santa Clara Luz Louvre Telegrafo Suiza Luz Cienfuegos: Venus Maison Royale Continental Guantanamo: Martinez Suiza Europa Miramar Union Washington Bayamo: Cuba Ohio House Oriental Cruces: Palacio Colon Reina Victoria Paris Palacio Vanderbilt Ruiz Pasaje Sagua La Grande: Manzanillo: Perla de Cuba Ezcurra Eden Plaza Paradero, El Inglaterra Saratoga Plaza V. de las Tunas: Sevilla Telegrafo Venus Telegrafo Caibarien: Holguin: Trotcha Comercio Holguin Union, La. Union Isla de Cuba Pinar Del Rio: Sancti-Spiritus: Ciego de Avila: Gustavo Plaza Delicias Ricardo Isla de Cuba Sevilla The Republic of Cuba 32 Coballos: Neuva Gerona, I. of P. Bibijagua, I. of P. Coballos. Burnside Mountain Inn Nueviias: Jfsas San Pedro, I. of P. New York Unl °" . . _ San Pedro Santa be, I. of P. Antilla: Homestead L° s Indios, I. of P. Antilla Santa Fe Los Indios Madruga: Santa Barbara, I. of P. La Siguanea, I. of P. Delicias de Copey Santa Barbara Inn Andora Inn Baggage will be attended to by the official interpreters from hotels. This will save the visitor much annoyance in conforming to cus- toms regulations. HAVANA PARKS AND DRIVES Colon Park. Amistad and Reina Streets. Central Park. Prado Avenue. San Juan de Dios Park. Aguiar and Empedrado Streets. Trillo Park. Hospital and San Rafael Streets. Juan Bruno Zayas Park. Fronting the Post Office. Cristo Park. Villegas and Teniente Rey Streets. Luz Caballero Park. Carcel Street. India Park. Prado and Dragones Streets. Almeda de Paula. San Pedro Streets. Prado Avenue Drive. On the Prado. Plaza de Monserrate Park. Obispo and Monserrate Streets. Carlos III Drive. Belascoain Avenue. Maceo Park. San Lazaro Avenue. Malecon. End of the Prado. Plaza de Armas Park. Obispo and O'Reilly Streets. Medina Park. At Vedado. Tulipan Park. At Cerro. BAND CONCERTS— HAVANA PARKS Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p. m. at Malecon. Thursdays from 8 to 10 p. m. at Malecon. Fridays from 8 to 10 p. m. at Central Park. Sundays from 5 to 7 p. m. at Malecon. Sundays from 8 to 10.30 p. m. at Malecon. Sundays from 8 to 10 p. m. at Central Park. 33 The Republic of Cuba BANKS OF HAVANA Banco Espanol de la Isla de Cuba (head office and 9 branches). Aguiar 81. Phone A-7231. The National Bank, of Cuba. Obispo y Cuba. Phone A-2126. Royal Bank of Canada. Obrapia 33. Phone A-1141. The National City Bank of New York (Antillas Branch). Cuba 76. Phone A-2563. Trust Co. of Cuba. Obispo 53. Phone 2822. H. Hupmann & Co. Amargura 1. Phone A-5518. Gelats & Co. Aguiar 108. Phone A-4683. Alvarez Valdes & Co. Ricla 7-A. Phone 3188. G. Lawton Childs Co. O'Reilly 4. Phone A-6578. RAILROAD STATIONS IN HAVANA Cuba Railroad. United Railways of Havana. Havana Central Railways. Western Railways of Havana. All trains depart from the new CENTRAL STATION Marianac Railway, trains for Country Club, Racetrack, Marianao and Beach, every 10 min- utes from Terminus, at corner of Galiano and Zanja Streets. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Peninsular & Occidental, for Key West and Port Tampa. Bernaze 3. O'Reilly 4. Phone A-6578, A-9191. Ward Line, for New York, Nassau, Progreso and Vera Cruz. Prado 118. Phone A-6154. United Fruit Co.,"The Great White Fleet," for New York, Boston, New Orleans, Jamaica, Panama, Colombia and Costa Rica. Lonja del Comercio. Phone A-5228. Southern Pacific, "Morgan Line," for New Orleans. Obispo 49. Phone A-3032. Hamburg-American Line, for Europe, Vera Cruz and Progreso. San Ignacio 54. Phone A-4878. Spanish Line, for Europe, Mexico and Vera Cruz. San Ignacio 72. Phone A-6588. The Republic of Cuba 34 North German Lloyd, for Europe. San Tgnacio 76. Phone A-2700. French Line for Europe, Progreso and Vera Cruz. Oficios 90. Phone A- 1 476. The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., for New York, Antilla, Jamaica and Panama. Oficios 18. Phone A-6540. Herrera Line, for North Coast of Cuba. San Pedro 6. Phone A-53!5- COASTWISE STEAMERS Cuban Steamship Line "Luis Odriozola" (South and East Bound) (Now all merged into Navigation Corporation of Cuba — "Em- presa Naviera de Cuba"). Havana los Indios, Isle of Pines, Cienfuegos, Casilda, Tunas de Zaza, Jucaro, Santa Cruz del Sur, Guayabal, Manzanillo, Ensenada de Mora and Santiago de Cuba; also Porto Rico. Isle of Pines. Trains leave Central Station at 6.15 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Batabano,in connection with the steamers for Isle of Pines. Prado 118. Phone A-4034. CUBAN TELEGRAPH RATES Cuban Telegraph Service Operated by the Government Entire address counted as part of telegram. Limits of 3 provinces, 10 words for 20c, and 2c each added word. Limits of 4 provinces, 10 words for 30c and 4c each added word. Limits of 5 provinces, 10 words for 40c and 4c each added word. Limits of 6 provinces, 10 words for 50c and 5c each added word. Telegrams for Newspapers (subjects of general interest) are ic per word to all parts of the Island. Minimum 20 words. Telegrams for the City of Havana and suburbs, ioc each 10 words. Night telegrams, 50 words, 50c. Nightly received between 8 to 10 p. m. 35 The Republic of Cuba WESTERN UNION THE UNIT Per Word Alabama 15 Arizona 20 Arkansas 20 California 20 Colorado 20 Connecticut 15 Delaware 15 District of Columbia 15 Florida, Key West 10 The other stations 15 Georgia 15 Idaho 20 Illinois 15 Indiana 15 Indian Territory 20 Iowa 20 Kansas 20 Kentucky 15 New Orleans and Baton Rouge 15 The other stations 20 Maine 15 Manitoba 20 Maryland 15 Massachusetts 15 Michigan 15 Minnesota, Minneapolis and St. Paul K The other stations 20 CABLE TARIFF TO ED STATES Per Word Mississippi 15 Missouri, St. Louis 15 The other stations 20 Montana 20 Nebraska 20 Nevada 20 New Hampshire 15 New Jersey 15 New Mexico 20 New York 15 North Carolina 15 North Dakota 20 Ohio 15 Oklahoma 20 Oregon 20 Pennsylvania 15 Rhode Island 15 South Carolina 15 South Dakota 20 Tennessee 15 Texas 20 Utah 20 Vermont 15 Virginia 15 Washington 20 West Virginia 15 Wisconsin 15 Wyoming 20 TARIFF OF AUTOMOBILE CAB SERVICE, HAVANA Fron one point to another in the city, not passing the Calzada de Belascoain first zone, from east to west, same passing the city from north to south, for one or two persons $0.20 For three persons 25 For four persons 30 If first zone (Belascoain Ave.) is passed and not the second, limited by Infanta St., one or two persons 20 For three persons 30 For four persons 35 The Republic of Cuba 36 Passing the second zone to the Quinta de los Molinos and bridge of the Agua Dulce on Principe Street, one or two persons 4° Three persons 45 Four persons 5° For business purpose, per hour: For two persons i ■ 2 5 For three persons l ■ 3 5 For four persons l -45 For pleasure — per hour, in any direction: For two persons 2 .oo For three persons 2 • 2 5 For four persons - ■ 5° To the Colon Cemetery and return i • 6o To Vedado — from one to three persons 90 To Carmelo — from one to three persons 1 00 To Vedado or Carmelo and return — from one to three persons 1 .50 To Cerro up to Palatino — for two persons 1 .00 Ten cents for each additional person. To Cerro up to Palatino and return — for two persons 1 . 50 Ten cents for each additional person. Jesus del Monte up to corner of Toyo — for two persons 60 Ten cents for each additional person. To Jesus del Monte and return — for two persons 1 At any of the five points the automobile is obliged to wait ten minutes without any extra charge to its occupants. 00 HACK FARES, HAVANA 1 From one point to another in City, not passing the Calzada de Belascoain, first zone, from east to west, same passing the city from north to south, for one or two persons. . .$0.10 1 For three persons 2 5 3 For four persons ■ .1° 4 If first zone (Belascoain Ave.) is passed and not the second, limited by Infanta St., one or two persons 25 5 For three persons 3° 6 For four persons 35 Carriages taken for going and return journeys in any of the six points mentioned above will wait 30 minutes at the end of the going journey. Coachmen cannot be compelled to go beyond the second zone after 9 p. m. The Republic of Cuba After 1 1 p. m. and until 6 a. m., all fares double. All journeys not specified in this tariff will be paid by previous arrangement. Tourists who wish to avoid all difficulties with cabmen should never engage a public car- riage for a long drive without previously, through a hotel interpreter, or clerk, having come to an agreement with the coachmen as to the route to be taken, the stops to be made, and the amount to be paid at the end of the trip. Coachmen are human, and there is no fixed tariff for special long drives. Also, the law sets the price of a carriage hired by the hour, for business purposes, at $1.25, for one or two persons, but the cabman is accustomed to receive $1.50, and his services are well worth it. When engaging a carriage for driving by the hour the tourist will do well to specify, through the hotel clerk, or interpreter, how long he wants the conveyance, and to see the time on starting, as the coachmen do not understand English, and by doing this will avoid all the difficulties with cabmen. POINTS OF INTEREST IN AND AROUND HAVANA President's Palace, Visiting Red and Blue Rooms. Colon Cathedral at the Tomb of Columbus. Palace of State and Justice. United States Legation. Colon Cemetery, inaugurated 1868. Almendares Base Ball Park — Former Bull Ring. Vedado (meaning forbidden), Havana's Fashionable Suburb. Cigar Factory. Central Park. Monserrate Street. Empedrado Street. San Juan de Dios Park. Plaza de Armas — Army Park. The Re public of Cuba 38 Templete — Memorial Chapel to Columbus, 1828. La Fuerza Fortress, built 1538, oldest in New World. Senate Building. Merced Church, built 1782. Neptune Park. La Punta Park and Fortress. Carcel — The City Jail. Malecon — Havana's Fashionable Driveway. Beneficencia — Orphan Asylum. Federal Prison — Santa Clara Battery. Botanical Gardens of the University of Havana. Tacon Market — built 1836 — one of the largest in the world. Colon Park — India Park — Prado. Clerk's Club — Produce Exchange Building. Centro Gallego's Club — has 40,000 membership. San Francisco Convent — Albear Statue, erected 1887. Vento Springs — Havana's water supply. Mazorra — Insane Asylum. Tobacco Fields. Orange Groves. El Cano — an old town. Toledo Sugar Mill — Marianoa. Castle of Madame Abreu. Carlos III Avenue. Palatino Park, Palatino Reservoir. Almendares River. Albear's Canal. , Block Houses. La Lisa Bridge. Morro Castle, built in 1587. Cabanas Fortress, built in 1763. Atares Castle, built in 1763. Principe Fortress, built in 1774. Torreon de la Chorrera, built in 1646. Tower de San Lazaro, built in 1536. Student's Memorial, built in 1871. Charity Asylum, founded in 1794. Belen Observatory, founded in 1704. The Aldama Palace, built in i860. Paseo de Tacon, built in 1835. Obispo and O'Reilly Streets, founded in 1763. Guanabacoa Town, founded in the 1 6th century. Terminal Station, with all R. R. lines, iqi2 Congress Building. The old San Francisco Convent and Church, in which the General Post Office is now installed. 39 The Republic of Cuba Cock Pit — Havana. Country Club. The Agricultural Station at Santiago de las Vegas. Marianao — town 18,000. Arroyo Arenas. Quemados — sub. of Marianao. La Playa Bathing Beach. Camp Columbia — original camp of the United States Army, now permanent barracks of the Cuban Army. Monuments to American Soldiers who died during Spanish War. Race Course. Power House — Havana Electric Railway. Morro Castle and Cabanas Fortress Visiting the cells and dungeons in which Cuban political prisoners were kept and afterward shot, at the memorial "Laurel Ditch" and the place where the commander Velazquez fell fighting against England in 1762. Seeing Havana and Its Suburbs, a Typical One Day Trip Visiting Obispo St., Columbus Cathedral, Senate, Presidential Palace, Memorial Chapel, La Fuerza, Merced Church, Tacon Market, Botanical Garden, General Weyler's Summer Palace, Colon Cemetery, Cigar Factory, Vedado, Havana's Aristocratic Suburb, Orphan Asylum, Malecon Drive, the Prado, and other places of interest. Country Trip in Automobile, 40 Miles Round Trip A delightful trip affording a fine view of Cuban landscape, with its abundance of sugar, tobacco, banana and pineapple plantations, orange and cocoanut groves, Marianao, Camp Columbia and Vento Springs. The Republic of Cuba 40 To Providencia Sugar Mill and Plantation A delightful and popular excursion of 70 miles ride by modern electric railroad, through some of Cuba's most charming rural scenery; visitors are enabled to see in operation the very latest methods for extracting raw sugar from the cane. To Mantanzas Sixty miles eastward from Havana, through extensive sugar cane fields and many other beau- tiful scenes. A daily excursion organized by the United Railways of Havana, includes first class passage on train, round trip. Luncheon in Mantanzas, carriage drive to Hermitage of Monserrato, overlooking Yumuri Valley and a visit to the Bellamar Caves — a fine specimen of cave which has caused the admiration of tourists from all parts of the world. WHAT THE TOURIST CAN TAKE HOME In response to an inquiry of the United States Custom Officials of just what can be bought in Cuba up to the value of $100.00 and taken to the United States without paying duty, the Treasury Department of the United States has declared: "Said exemption ($100.00) should be confined to such articles in the nature of personal and household effects, curios, souvenirs, wearing apparel, made up or unmade, table linen, china- ware, etc." This exemption includes the following things which are in such demand among all tourists visiting Cuba: 41 The Republic of Cuba Hand-made laces, table linen and embroideries, bed linen, dresses, made and unmade, fans, antique furniture, bric-a-brac, chinaware, sou- venirs of all kinds and panama hats. Fifty cigars or 300 cigarettes, or 3 pounds of manufactured smoking tobacco may be taken into the United States by each passenger free of duty. Quantities in excess of this allowance will be required to pay duty. The above allow- ance is in addition to the $100.00 exemption. SPECIAL NOTICE Every tourist is warned that although an aigrette or feather from any wild bird is brought from the United States, it cannot be taken back there. This prohibition does not include ostrich plumes nor those of any domestic fowl. FOREIGN LEGATIONS, ETC. Germany Virtudes 2 Argentina Calle 15 No. 302 Austria-Hungary Cuba 64 Belgium San Lazaro 243 Bolivia Jesus Maria 49 Brazil Calle 13 Chile Aguiar 116 China Amistad 128 Colombia Paseo 16 Costa Rica San Miguel 120 Denmark Habana and Obrapia El Salvador O'Reilly 11 Equador Calle 16 Spain Prado 68 United States of America Banco Nacional 505 France Calle F y 15, Vedado Great Britain San Juan de Dios I Greece Banco National Guatemala Loaltad 1 1 6 Haiti Calle 17 No. 3 4 7,Vedado Honduras San Ignacio 106 Italy Cuba 48 The Republic of Cuba 42 Mexico Compostela 145 Monaco Oficios 1 8 Nicaragua San Ignacio 30 Norway Lonja del Comercio 443 Panama Calzada 90, Vedado Netherlands Amargura 6 Paraguay Oficios 36 Peru. . .' H. No. 138 Portugal Virtudes 74 Russia Banco Nacional Santo Domingo Calle 2 y 25, Vedado Sweden Amargura 6 Uruguay Consulado 32 Venezuela San Ignacio ~j(i]/2 ISLE OF PINES Population, 4,515 Inhabitants Nothing could be more beautiful than a moon- light sail across the Caribbean from Cuba, or a beautiful sunset on the way to Batabano from Havana, via the United Railways of Havana, or at Nueva Gerona with the quaintness of the spot and the balmy climate so invigorating. Almost surrounded by the green and inviting mountains of Sierra de las Casas, and the Sierra de Caballas lies Nueva Gerona, the Capital City of the Isle of Pines. These ranges of Las Casas and De Caballas have profitable marble quarries, which have been worked from earliest times. The automobile roads all over this tropical island are very good, and the sea (never far away) invites one to its shores. On the south coast beautiful concha shells are found in abundance. Fishing in portions of the Island is a pleasant pastime to many visitors. At Nueva Gerona there is a first-class, up-to-date hotel, from the upper balcony of which the view of the sea, river and mountains is charming. 43 The Republic of Cuba There are springs of mineral waters, chiefly magnesia, in the Island, much of which is bottled and enjoys fame and a large sale throughout Cuba. In fact, mineral water today constitutes one of the principal items of the exports of the Island. Plying between Batabano and the Isle of Pines is the steamer Cristobal Colon which was espe- cially built for this service. One desiring to take this trip may leave Havana on the evening of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; by train to Batabano leaving the new Central Station at 6.10 p. m. and reaching Nueva Gerona early the next morning. Fare from Havana to the Isle of Pines is $6.00, exclusive of meals and berth on steamer, and $10.50 round trip. Ticket valid for 15 days. MADRUGA Population, 3,200 Inhabitants Another charming excursion may be made to the town of Madruga, which can be reached in a few hours' time from Havana. It is a typical Cuban Village, nestling among a pleasant group of hills, and has been famous for generations in Cuba for valuable sulphur and iron springs which abound there. There are bathing estab- lishments in this town so that the healing waters may be advantageously enjoyed by the visitors. The drinking water, also, known as "Copey," enjoys equal fame, and is highly recommended for disorders of the digestive organs. There is no doubt that on account of its excellent location and its close proximity to Havana, Madruga is a town with a great future before it. Already, very desirable hotel accommodations may be had there the year round. The Republic of Cuba 44 SANTA CLARA Population, 48,000 Inhabitants The city of Santa Clara is the second inland town of Cuba in point of size and importance. The air and soil here are remarkably dry, and the atmosphere the clearest of the Island, which may account tor the exceptional beauty for which its women are famous. It has always been a city of much wealth, and the visitor will discover in it some features entirely unique. Very interest- ing side trips to Sagua, Caibarien, Remodios, Cienfuegos and other points on the Cuban Central Railway may be made from Santa Clara. MATANZAS Population, 75,000 Inhabitants Of all the many excursions from Havana the most popular and interesting is that to the beautiful city of Matanzas, sixty miles eastward from the Capital, and possessing all the quaint and foreign aspects that are so' characteristic of Cuban cities and the same time is unusually rich in picturesque surroundings. The beautiful valley of the Yumuri, which elicited such unstinted praise from the great Humboldt; the wonderful and dense tropical vegetation on the upper reaches of the Canimar River and its tributary, the Moreto; the won- derful Caves of Bellamar, the subterranean wonderland, several miles in extent, lined with beautiful crystal formations of stalactites and stalagmites, in which electric lights strike a thousand sparks, and gleam in pools of profound depths. Its explored length is three miles; there arc bridges and paths, and the place is well kept and shown. The Republic of Cuba Yumuri Valley and the Caves of Bellamar are the "Show places" of Matanzas. To see either alone is well worth the journey to Cuba, and both together form an attraction doubly strong. So charming a city is Matanzas that every tourist should, if possible, make a stay there of several days; they will find suitable accommoda- tion at the hotels given in the list on page 31. For those who may not be able to spend more than one day in Matanzas, the United Railways of Havana have arranged to run during the tourist season, commencing early in January, a daily personally-conducted excursion, leaving the new' Central Station at 8.15 a. m., in charge of an English-speaking guide and lecturer, and reaching Havana at 5.54 p. m. on the return trip. This excursion, which has become the most popular in Cuba, includes first-class railway fare to and from Matanzas, luncheon at Matanzas, coach rides to Monserrate overlooking the Yu- muri Valley, about the city, along the beautiful promenade skirting the bay, and to the Caves of Bellamar, and back to the station, together with admission to the caves, for the price of $8.00. Children under twelve, $4.00. Tickets are on sale at the Inglaterra Hotel, at the Central Station, and the City Ticket Office of the United Railways of Havana, Prado 118 (Central Park), Havana. CAIBARIEN Population, 12,000 Inhabitants Caibarien is also a most important port, and is the outlet for several large sugar mills in its vicinity. Through it are also exported large quantities of tobacco from the important tobacco centers of Camajuani, Remedios and Placetas, The Republic of Cuba 46 all large, prosperous towns and offering something of interest each in its own way. The Cuban Central Railway have both broad and narrow gauge runs through some of the prettiest scenery imaginable and is a trip which should certainly not be missed. Sugar mills, cane fields and banana groves, can be seen at frequent intervals, and the view from the rear platform of the train when one has proceeded a little way on the journey, embracing as it does the wide blue ocean and Caribarien Bay, is one that will always be remembered. PINAR DEL RIO (Capital of Province of Same Name) Population, 53,000 Inhabitants Famed as Havana is, as the home of the most fragrant and delectable of all cigars, no less famous to the more initiated is "Vuelta Abajo," the name of the district in Western Pinar Del Rio Province where grows the best and most aromatic leaf, to which superior grade of tobacco this name is given. The Western Railways of Havana extend nearly the whole length of the Province of Pinar Del Rio, and offer exceptionally interesting excur- sions, notably among which are those to Rancho Boyeros and Santiago de las Vegas, where much American capital has been invested in the culti- vation of citrus fruits. Santiago de las Vegas is also interesting as the location of the National Agronomical Agricultural Experimental Station of Cuba. Pinar del Rio, the Capital of the Province, is an excellent place to make one's headquarters, from which to make delightful rides or automobile excursions through the great tobacco country 47 The Republic of Cuba west, and north to the charming Vinales Valley. There are good hotels, and several days may be spent with comfort. Tourists may avail them- selves of the reduced round trip rates in force during the winter season. CIENFUEGOS Population, 75,000 Inhabitants Cienfuegos was founded by Don Luis Clouet in 1 5 19. The city is modern in character, with streets forty-five feet wide, and is one of the busiest and most enterprising towns in Cuba. Near it are several well-equipped sugar mills. Cienfuegos Bay, eleven miles long and from four to five in width, forms one of the finest natural harbors in the world, with room for a thousand ships. The city possesses a very fine Cathedral, and the Terry Theatre, close to the Plaza, decorated with laurel and royal palms makes one of the prettiest plazas of Cuba. Punta Gorda is a charming residential suburb and equally delightful are the colonies at Cayo Carenas. Jagua Castle, a picturesque fortifica- tion bequeathed to Cuba by the artist-builders of the time of Philip V of Spain, was constructed to protect the harbor from pirates which infested these waters in the olden days. To meet the requirements of the increasing traffic between Havana and Cienfuegos, the United Railways of Havana recently inaugurated a new direct service of trains, for which entirely new equipment, including comfortable sleeping cars, were con- structed. These trains southbound, leave Havana at 10.30 p. m. daily and arrive in Cienfuegos at 7.17 a. m. next day. And northbound, they leave Cienfuegos daily at 10 p. m. and arrive in Havana at 6.20 a. m. The Republic of Cuba 48 A convenient service of day trains in both directions is maintained via Santa Domingo, at which point passengers change trains. The fares on the night direct train are $8.69 first class. Berth in sleeping car is $3.00. Section, $6.00 and Drawing Room, $10.00. On the day train Santo Domingo Route, the fares are $9.15 first class. Tourist round trip ticket via direct night train, $12.00, valid 15 days (in tourist season only). GUANTANAMO Population, 45,000 Inhabitants Guantanamo is reached by changing trains at San Luis, a station about twenty miles north of Santiago. It is fast becoming a point of con- siderable attraction to tourists on account of the United States Naval Station located near there. Tourists bound for Guantanamo are recommended to proceed to Santiago, where' there are modern hotels, and whence they can leave on the morning train for San Luis, where it connects for Guan- tanamo. First class fare from Havana, $25.58; round trip, $42.02 (in tourist season only). SAGUA LA GRANDE Population, 29,000 Inhabitants Sagua la Grande is on the river of the same name, which is one of the most important of the north coast, being navigable for twenty miles. It has always been a city of some wealth, and the visitor will discover in it some features entirely unique. 49 The Republic of Cuba CAM AGUE Y Population, 68,000 Inhabitants Founded in 151 5 by order of Don Diego Velazquez. The city lies on a plain about mid- way between coasts, 550 feet above sea level. Its climate in winter is especially ideal. The city of Camaguey looks its antiquity. It is full of quaint and picturesque nooks and corners. The projecting window grills, the heavy cornices and overhanging, fluted tile roofs, the tinajones (earthenware jars) for rain water, some- times of immense size, make a succession of attractive pictures. Camaguey Province is famous as a grazing country. The cattle industry is the principal source of wealth. There are also valuable timber lands; and honey and wax are exported. Among the attractions of Camaguey are its time-worn churches; the most interesting is La Merced, built in 1628, by missionaries of Our Lady of Mercy. Its high altar is of silver; it was fashioned from 40,000 Spanish dollars. The Cuba Railroad Company operates the Hotel "Camaguey." It occupies with its gardens nearly five acres. The great corridors are striking features, and the inner gardens (patios) bright with foliage plants and tropical flowers, are very beauti- ful. Almost all the bedrooms have private bath- rooms attached, and all are equipped with tele- phones, while the drainage, plumbing and sanitary arrangements throughout are perfect. Pure water is provided from an artesian well. The hotel is run on the American plan. Havana-Camaguey-Santiago train. Leaves Central Station (daily) at 10.00 p. m., arriving next day at Camaguey 12.30 p. m., and at Santiago, 9.45 p. m. The Republic of Cuba 50 Havana-Camaguey day train leaves Central Station (daily) at 8.15 a. m., arriving Camaguey, 10.30 p. m.j same day. First class fare, $15.49. Round trip, $23.24 (in tourist season only). SANTIAGO DE CUBA Population, 60,000 Inhabitants Founded by Velazquez in 15 14. Santiago is the second most interesting city in Cuba, not only because of the natural beauty of its situation, but also on account of the charm of its history. It was from Santiago that Gryjalva set out upon the voyage in the course of which he dis- covered Yucatan, and from here sailed Cortez on the 1 8th day of November, 1 5 1 8, to accomplish the conquest of Mexico. And it was from Santiago that Cervera, 380 years later, went forth with his fleet to destruction on that fateful 3rd of July, 1898, which marked the end of Spanish Domination in the New World. From Santiago a macadam road leads to the vil- lages of Cuavitas and San Vicente, thence it winds up the face of a mountain and crosses the Sierra Maestra range to Dos Caminos and San Luis. From the crown of the first mountain at an elevation of 1,526 feet a magnificent view of the city and bay of Santiago is obtained — a matchless panorama, with the deep blue Caribbean Sea in the far back-ground. Santiago contains many historic points, such as the Morro Castle, built in 1664, the Peace Tree, the San Juan Hill; El Caney, the Cathedral, the Cemetery with the graves of the distinguished Cuban patriots, Estrada Palma, Cespedes, and Marti, and the tomb of the members of the Virginius expedition who were shot by the 51 The Republic of Cuba Spaniards. Santiago Harbor is six miles in length and three wide, with the narrow entrance walled in by the surrounding mountains. Houses of ancient Spanish type abound, and there is far greater wealth of coloring of buildings than anywhere else. One looks down steep, fantastically colored streets and over red-tiled roofs to the bay. The traveler visiting Santiago has heretofore been inconvenienced by the lack of suitable hotels and of inadequate steamship communication between Santiago and Jamaica. The Cuba Railroad Company has made these inconveniences a thing of the past. A splendidly equipped hotel of five stories, has been built and is operated by the Railroad Company on the site occupied by the old "Casa Granda." The hotel is furnished with all modern conveniences, private baths, telephones, ticket and baggage offices, etc. The Havana-Santiago trains carry sleeping cars and an observation coach, which enable the traveler to obtain comprehensive views of the country traversed. All sleeping cars are con- structed to equal the highest standard of those on American lines, and are equipped with electric light and fans and every modern convenience. The Havana-Santiago Express train leaves Cent- ral Station every night at 10.00 o'clock and arrives at Santiago the next day at 9.45 p. m. Fare, first class, $24.00. Round trip, $36.17 (in tourist season only). We will be pleased to supply further informa- tion regarding Cuban conditions. BANKERS' LOAN & SECURITIES COMPANY New Orleans :: :: :: " ^Louisiana LII UNIVERSITY OF C ^ T TA H£ lb' Q ^ B3 THE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Santa Barbara Goleta, California ATAILJaanSTOOOK IS DUE on the last date RCULATIO : STAMPED BELOW. WWW™""' 1 •_>0m-8,'60(B2594s4)476 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 455 085 1